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A. 1966 The numbers of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for 1966 were mailed at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., as follows : No. 1 — January January 17, 1966 No. 2 — February February 2, 1966 No. 3— March February 25, 1966 No. 4— April April 11, 1966 No. 5— May May 11, 1966 No. 6 — June June 14, 1966 No. 7— July July 1, 1966 No. 8— October October 12, 1966 No. 9 — November November 15, 1966 The date of mailing the December 1966 number will be announced on the last page of the issue for January 1967. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JANUARY Vol. LXXVII No. 1 CONTENTS Harmston — Eleven new Dolichopus from X. America (Dipt.) . . 1 Brown and Turner — Panoquina panoquinoides and P. errans ... 17 • Ball — The Chinese species Diplocheila minima (Col.) 19 Leonard — Brachymeria intermedia in North America (Hym.) . . 25 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: personal. $6.00; institutional. $9.00. Second-class postage paid at Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Edited, 1911-1944, by PHILIP P. CALVERT (1871-1961) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa., and the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: H. W. ALLEN, H. J. GRANT, JR., M. E. PHILLIPS, and S. S. ROBACK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Communications and remittances to be addressed to Entomological News, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Prices per yearly volume of 10 numbers. Private subscriptions, for personal use, domestic and foreign, $6.00 postpaid. Institutional subscriptions, for libraries, laboratories, etc., domestic and foreign, $9.00 postpaid. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rate schedules available from the editor. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be addressed to R. G. Schmieder, Joseph Leidy Laboratory of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. Articles longer than eight printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS: Authors will be charged as follows: For text- figures, the cost of engraving; for insert plates (on glossy stock), the cost of engraving plus printing. Size limit, when printed, 4X6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after printing. TABLES: The cost of setting tables will be charged to authors. SEPARATA: Separates (as reprints with extraneous matter removed) may be obtained only from the printer at the prices quoted below. Authors must place their orders for such separates with the editor at the time of submitting manuscripts, or when returning proof. Copies 1-4 pp. 5-8 pp. 9-12 pp. Covers 50 $5.87 $ 9.40 $14.69 $6.40 100 7.03 11.15 17.62 8.75 Add'l 100 2.35 3.51 5.85 4.70 Plates printed one side: First 50, $4.68; Additional 100's, $3.52. Transportation charges will be extra. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LXXVII JANUARY, 1966 No. 1 Eleven New Dolichopus from North America (Dolichopodidae: Diptera) F. C. HARMSTOX ^ This report includes descriptions of eleven apparently unde- scribed species of the genus Dolichopus and notes on several described species. Dolichopus nigropleurus n. sp. Mule. Length, 3.5 mm ; of wing, 3.5 mm. Face silvery pol- linose, its width slightly wider than the diameter of middle tibia. Front metallic, greenish-bronze. Antennae black ; third segment as broad as long, round at tip. Arista dorsal. Palpi black. Postocular cilia wholly black. Dorsum of thorax green, metallic, lightly dusted with brown- ish pollen which is most evident when viewed obliquely ; pleurae green with bronze reflections, dusted with grayish pollen. Ab- domen dark green, metallic, the incisures bronze ; lower lateral surfaces of third to fifth segments silvery pollinose. Hypo- pygium black ; lamellae large, including stem their length is equal to that of the hind basitarsus, whitish with wide black border, the apex broadly rounded with lower portion jagged with strong bristles, the upper edge fringed with black hairs; there is also a scattering of long delicate blackish hairs on the outer surface and along the lower edge. 1 Biologist, Disease Ecology Section, Technology Branch, Communica- ble Disease Center, Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Greeley, Colorado 80632. (1) 2 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS |Jan., 1966 Coxae black, the anterior surface of the fore and middle pairs with black hairs and bristles. Femora black, the apices of fore and middle pairs yellow. Middle and hind femora each with a single preapical bristle ; hind femora ciliated on lower inner edge with long black hairs which are nearly as long as the diameter of femora. Fore and middle tibiae yellow ; hind tibiae black (one specimen has the hind tibia yellowish-brown on extreme basal portion), tapering toward the base, the apical portion distinctly thickened and appearing somewhat laterally compressed. Fore and middle tarsi black from the tip of first segment ; middle basitarsus without a bristle on upper surface ; hind tarsi black, first and second segments of equal length, the former conspicuously enlarged and much thicker than the fol- lowing segments. Halteres and calypters yellow, the latter with black cilia. Wings grayish hyaline ; costa with an elongated enlargement at tip of first vein ; anal angle not prominent, tapering rather gradually toward root of wing. Described from 3 males collected by the author at Dillon. COLORADO, August 13, 1958. Holotype male to be deposited in the U. S. National Museum; paratype male in the California Academy of Sciences, and in the collection of the author. This species resembles D. packardi Van Duzee in general coloration but it differs in having the first two segments of hind tarsi of equal length, in the middle basitarsus lacking a promi- nent bristle on upper surface, and in having the hind femur densely ciliate along the lower edge. In packardi, the first segment of hind tarsi is not at all thickened and is nearly twice the length of second segment ; the middle basitarsus bears one (occasionally two) prominent bristles on upper edge; and the posterior femora have only a few scattered long cilia along lower edge. Dolichopus squamicilliatus n. sp. Male. Length 3.5 mm ; of wing, 3.3 mm. Face wide, lus- trous silvery pollinose. Front metallic, greenish-bronze in the Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 3 middle, the lateral portions bordering the eyes silvery pollinose. Palpi black, with grayish pollen when viewed obliquely. An- tennae black; third segment slightly longer than wide, the tip bluntly pointed. Arista inserted just above the tip. Lower postocular cilia white, extremely long and flattened, especially those near the oral opening ; about nine of the upper cilia black. Dorsum of thorax metallic, dark green with bronze reflec- tions ; pleurae with grayish pollen. Abdomen with first two segments bright metallic green, the following three segments shining bronze, hairs and bristles on the dorsuni black, the sides densely clothed with delicate pale cilia. Hypopygium black; lamellae large, about as long as the hind basitarsus ; the apical portion equally wide, whitish with wide black margin which is evenly rounded with jagged edge and fringed with long black hairs. Fore coxae black on basal half, the anterior surface densely silvery pollinose with delicate pale hairs and with black bristles at tip. Middle and hind coxae black. Femora yellow, the hind pair black at tip as far as the preapical bristle. Hind femora ciliated on lower inner edge with delicate white hairs that are longer than the diameter of femora and are slightly curled or crinkly at tip. Fore and middle tibiae yellow. Hind tibiae black on outer surface except upper edge which is yellow on basal three-fourths ; flattened, gradually tapering and enlarged toward the tip, the inner surface more brownish and glabrous throughout. Halteres and calypters yellow, the latter with deli- cate pale cilia. \Yings grayish hyaline ; costa with a knot-like enlargement at the tip of first vein; anal margin of wing not rounded or promi- nent, tapering rather gradually to root of wing. Described from 1 male collected by the author at Red Feather Lake, COLORADO, June 19, 1964. Holotype to be deposited in the U. S. National Museum. This species differs from all known members of the genus Dolicliupus by possessing the following combination of char- acters : lower postocular cilia and bristles behind the oral open- ing extremely numerous, long, and flattened ; cilia of squamae 4 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., 1966 pale ; outer surface of hind tibia wholly black. The only species which might IDC confused with squamicilliatus is D. fucatus Van Duzee, but it lacks cilia along the lower edge of hind femur and the lower post ocular cilia are yellowish and not at all flattened. Dolichopus footei n. sp. Male. Length, 4.2 mm ; of wing, 4 mm. Face moderately wide, grayish-white pollinose. Front violet, metallic. Palpi concolorous with face. Antennae black ; third segment tri- angular, about twice as long as wide, the tip pointed. Arista inserted just above the tip, appearing subapical. Postocular cilia wholly black. Dorsum of thorax black ; pleurae dark greenish, dusted with silvery pollen. Abdomen dark green, metallic, the portions bordering the incisures black, the sides with silvery pollinose areas. Hypopygium black, the apical portion narrowed, ap- pearing less bulbous than usual with this genus ; lamellae black, about one-half the length of hind basitarsus, rather round, with a large rounded notch in the lower apical margin, the remainder of margin jagged and fringed with black hairs and bristles. Coxae, femora, tibiae, and tarsi black, of plain structure, their hairs and bristles black. Hind femora without long cilia on lower inner margin, but with a row of delicate hairs that are only about one-fourth as long as the diameter of the femur. Halteres and calypters yellow, the latter with black cilia. Wings grayish, hyaline ; costa with an elongated enlargement at the tip of first vein, the elongation as long as the cross-vein ; tip of wing with a small, round, jet-black spot bisected by the tip of the fourth vein. Female. Similar to the male in coloration of body and legs. Face about twice as wide as in male. Third segment of an- tennae triangular, as broad as long, the arista apical. Wing with the apical dark spot present, but smaller, slightly less prominent than in male. Described from 3 male and 2 females collected by Dr. B. A. Foote, at Kalispell Bay, Priest Lake, IDAHO, July 7, 1959. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Holotype male and allotype female to be deposited in the U. S. Xational Museum ; paratype male in the California Academy of Sciences ; paratype male and paratype female in the collection of the author. The wholly black coloration of body and legs together with the black hypopygial lamellae and small jet-black spot at apex of wing will readily distinguish this species from all of the known members of the genus Dolichopus. Dolichopus shastaensis n. sp. Male. Length, 5 mm. Face rather wide, long, reaching to near the lower corner of the eye, of rather uniform width, the portion immediately below antennae slightly wider than the middle portion, silvery pollinose, the upper portion showing a yellowish tinge when viewed obliquely. Front metallic, bur- nished bronze. Palpi silvery pollinose. Antennae black; first and second segments yellow on lower half, of about equal length, the former considerably expanded and with dense, stiff, black hairs, especially conspicuous on outer surface. Arista thick, densely pubescent, subapical. About the upper twelve post- ocular cilia black ; six of the middle cilia white and slightly flattened ; the lower cilia and the bristles behind oral opening black and slightly flattened. Dorsum of thorax metallic green with bronze reflections; pleurae dull-greenish, densely whitish pollinose. Abdomen me- tallic green with bronze reflections, the lateral and lower por- tions silvery pollinose. Hypopygium black, silvery pollinose; outer lamellae slightly longer than wide, the apex rather evenly rounded, yellow with black margin fringed with stiff black bristles. Halteres and calypters yellow, the latter with dense tuft of white cilia. Fore coxae yellow, the posterior surface concolorous with pleurae, the anterior surface clothed with black hairs except on upper outer portion where the surface is glabrous ; middle and hind coxae black. Femora and tibiae yellow ; middle femora with a single anterior preapical bristle; hind femora with a row 6 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [ Jan., 1966 of live or six bristles of increasing length ending in the pre- apical bristle, without cilia along lower inner edge. Hind tibiae thickened and noticeably compressed, with a long, flat, glabrous area on inner surface. All tarsi infuscated from near the tip of first segments. Wings grayish hyaline ; costa with an elongated enlargement at tip of first vein ; hind margin of wing deeply indented at tip of fifth vein ; anal margin rather evenly rounded and prominent. Female. Face wider than in the male. Antennae smaller than in male. Costa not enlarged at tip of first vein. Hind tibiae normal. Coloration of body, legs, postocular cilia, and cilia of calypters as in the male. Described from 5 males and 10 females collected by Mr. W. H. Lange, at Cassel, Shasta County, CALIFORNIA, July 15, 1955. Holotype male and allotype female to be deposited in the U. S. National Museum; paratypes in the California Acad- emy of Sciences, the University of California at Davis, and collection of the author. This species is related to D. crenatns Osten Sacken, but is readily distinguished by having the lower postocular cilia and the bristles behind oral opening wholly black and in having the anterior surface of fore coxae clothed with coarse black hairs. In crenatns the lower postocular cilia from about the middle of the eye are yellowish and the anterior surface of fore coxae is clothed with extremely delicate pale hairs. Dolichopus abaftanus n. sp. Male. Length, 5 mm. Face rather narrow, its width about equal to the diameter of hind tibiae, whitish pollinose, very slightly tinged with yellow in some lights. Front metallic green, with violet reflections. Antennae black ; first segment expanded on inner portion, yellow on lower half ; second segment narrowly yellow at base below ; third segment about as long as wide, pointed, the arista rather thick on basal portion and inserted immediately above the tip of third segment. Postocular cilia yellow, about ten of the upper cilia black. IxXVli] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 7 Thorax green with metallic bronze reflections and dense patches of yellowish-brown pollen on dorsum ; pleurae dusted with silvery pollen. Abdomen green, usually with bronze re- flections on the sides and with grayish pollen on lower portions (in some specimens the sides show a beautiful bluish-violet reflection ) . Hypopygium black, lightly grayish pollinose ; lamel- lae slightly longer than wide, dusky yellow with dark brown apical margin, the apex rather evenly rounded and scarcely at all jagged; margins sparsely fringed with brownish hair-like bristles. Fore coxae yellow with a broad green stripe on outer posterior surface ; anterior surface with silvery pollen and minute white hairs except at extreme base on inner edge and on apical fourth where the hairs are larger and black. Middle and hind coxae black, narrowly yellowish at tip. Femora and tibiae yellow ; hind tibiae blackish at tip, especially on inner side. Middle femora with a single large preapical bristle preceded by a row of several smaller hair-like bristles ; hind femora with a row of about six bristles ending in the preapical bristle. Fore and middle tarsi black from the tip of first segment, the middle tarsi whitish on basal portion; hind tarsi black from about the basal third of first segment. Middle tarsi very slightly compressed from the tip of first segment, the comparative lengths of the segments as 10-6-5-4-4. Halteres and calypters yellow, the later with black cilia. \Yings grayish, hyaline ; costa not thickened at tip of first vein; last portion of fourth vein bent near its middle; hind margin of wing broadly concave at tip of sixth vein, the anal lobe rounded, very prominent, and with anal margin at a right angle to the costa. Female. Face wider than in male, yellowish-white. Fore *> coxae covered with black hairs on anterior surface. Middle tarsi not at all compressed. 1 find margin of wings evenly rounded. Described from 22 males and 8 females collected by Mr. L. S. Miller at Howard Prairie Lake Reservoir. 21 miles east of Ashland, OREGON, July 24, 1963. Holotype male and allotypr ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., 1966 female to be deposited in the U. S. National Museum; para- types in the California Academy of Sciences, the Oregon State Board of Health, and the collection of the author. Dolichopus abaftanus n. sp. closely resembles Dolichopus aldrichii (Wheeler) : it differs from the latter species in the costa having no enlargement at tip of first vein ; in lacking the conspicuously flattened middle tarsi ; much shorter and less dense cilia of calypters ; and broader anal lobe of wing. Dolichopus sinualaris n. sp. Male. Length, 4.8 mm ; of wing, 4.3 mm. Face rather nar- row, its width on lower portion equaling the diameter of fore tibiae, wider on upper portion ; silvery pollinose when viewed from the front, but showing a yellowish tinge when viewed obliquely. Front metallic, blue-violet. Palpi yellow. An- tennae black ; first segment narrowly yellow at tip below ; third segment slightly longer than wide, somewhat oval, bluntly pointed ; arista inserted slightly beyond the middle of segment. Postocular cilia wholly black. j Dorsum of thorax dark green with bronze reflections, dusted with brownish pollen ; pleurae dull green, densely silvery polli- nose. Abdomen green, the incisures broadly darkened and with bronze reflections, the lower lateral portions densely sil- very pollinose. Hypopygium black, dusted with silvery pollen ; lamellae yellow, the margins narrowly blackened, about the length of second segment of middle tarsi, rounded on basal por- tion, flattened at apex which is deeply jagged and bristly, fringed above with bristle-like hairs. Fore coxae yellow with large dark spot on outer side at base, the anterior surface clothed with black hairs ; middle and hind coxae black. Femora yellow, the hind pair narrowly but sharply blackened at tip above. Middle and hind femora each with two preapical bristles placed one in front of the other. Hind femora with a row of delicate brownish (in some lights yellowish) cilia on lower inner edge which are longer and more numerous to- ward the tip where their length is about one-fourth the diameter of femur. Tibiae yellow, the hind pair black at tip for about Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 9 one-sixth their length. Fore tarsi of plain structure, first four segments dark yellow, the fifth segment hlack. Middle tarsi blackened from the tip of first segment. Hind tarsi wholly Mack. Ilalteres and calypters yellow, the latter with hlack cilia. Wings grayish, hyaline; costa with a small knot-like enlarge- ment at tip of first vein ; hind margin broadly concave between the tips of fifth and sixth veins, which makes the anal portion of wing lobe-like and very prominent. Described from 1 male collected by the author at Bismarck, NORTH DAKOTA, August 25. 1961. Holotype male to be de- posited in the U. S. National Museum. The presence of two preapical bristles at the tip of middle and hind femora, together with the wholly black postocular cilia, and the broadly incised posterior margin of the wing with its large, broad anal lobe readily separate this species from other known Dolichopus. Dolichcpus zygomus n. sp. Male. Length, 4.2 mm ; of wing, 4 mm. Face rather wide, silvery white. Front metallic, green with bronze reflections. Antennae black ; third segment slightly longer than wide, some- what oval, bluntly rounded at tip. Lower postocular cilia white. upper cilia black. Thorax green with slight bronze reflections ; pleurae dusted with gray pollen. Abdomen green with coppery reflections, the incisures darkened, the sides with gray pollen. Hypopygium black, dusted with gray pollen; lamellae large, as long as the first segment of middle tarsi, the apex broadly rounded and nearly two-thrids as wide as the length of lamella, whitish- yellow with the apical and upper margins broadly blackened, jagged and bristly at apex and fringed with long black hairs that are continued along the upper margin to near the stem. Fore coxae dark on about the basal half; anterior surface sil- very pollinose and clothed with minute white hairs except nar- rowly on inner portion where the hairs are black. Middle and hind coxae black-. Femora yellow, the hind pair blackened at 10 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS |Jail., 1966 tip, except below, as far as the preapical bristle ; bind femora without black hairs on outer surface except narrowly along upper edge, which gives the outer surface a somewhat glabrous appearance, the lower inner edge with a row of delicate, evenly spaced, pale cilia the length of which is less than one-third the width of femur. Tibiae yellow ; fore tibiae with a long bristle at tip on outer side that is about one-half the length of first segment of fore tarsi and with a similar, but more slender and slightly shorter, bristle on the inner side. Hind tibiae about as long as the hind femora, somewhat laterally compressed, par- ticularly on basal half which is slightly wider than the apical half ; black on about apical third and narrowly infuscated on outer side to about the middle, the posterior surface bright yellow in color except for the black tip. Fore and middle tarsi black from the tip of the first segment; hind tarsi wholly black. Halteres and calypters yellow, the latter with whitish cilia. Wings gray ; costa with a slightly elongated knot-like enlarge- ment at the tip of first vein ; hind margin of wing evenly rounded and somewhat narrowed toward the base, the anal angle not prominent. Described from 1 male collected by Dr. C. P. Alexander along Taylor Highway, at Mile Post 49, West Fork Dennisan River, ALASKA, August 15, 1954. Holotype male to be de- posited in the U. S. National Museum. This species is related to sqiiainicilliatus n. sp., from which it is readily distinguished by having the lateral portions of abdomen clothed with short, stiff, black hairs. In squamicillia- ttis the lateral portions of abdomen are clothed with long, deli- cate, pale cilia. D. zyyoituts n. sp. also differs in having the cilia along lower edge of hind femora only about one-third as long as the diameter of femora. Dolichopus factivittatus n. sp. Male. Length, 5.6 mm. Face wide, its width equaling the diameter of hind tibiae, silvery pollinose. Front metallic, blue- green, lightly dusted with gray pollen. Antennae yellow ; third Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 11 segment about as long as wide, obtusely pointed, brown on about the apical half. Postocular cilia white, about six of the upper cilia on each side black. Thorax green with bronze reflections, dusted with gray pollen, the dorsum with a sharply defined, shining coppery, median stripe ; pleurae dulled with silvery pollen. Abdomen green with bronze reflections, the sides dusted with silver pollen. Hypo- pygium black, dusted with gray pollen ; lamellae equaling the length of second segment of middle tarsi, about one-half as broad as long and of nearly equal width throughout, the apex rather evenly rounded, narrowly blackened, jagged and bristly ; the outer surface and lower edge clothed with delicate pale cilia, the upper edge with evenly-spaced, stiff, black hairs that are curved at their tips. Fore coxae, femora, and tibiae yellow. Middle coxae brown- ish-black on outer surface. Fore coxae with delicate pale hairs on anterior surface and with a few small black hairs on inner edge. Middle and hind femora each with a single preapical bristle. Hind femora ciliated along entire lower inner edge with yellow hairs which are short and delicate on basal half; the hairs on apical half of about equal length and about one- third as long as the width of femora. Hind tibiae somewhat thickened and bowed inward at basal third, the inner surface glabrous except on apical third. Fore tarsi black from the mid- dle of third segment ; second segment slightly more than one- half the length of first segment and slightly less than twice the length of third segment; upper edge of third segment fringed with long black hairs on apical half; fourth segment fringed above with black hairs which are much shorter than those on third segment ; fourth and fifth segments of equal length, each slightly less than one-half the length of third segment. Middle and hind tarsi black from the tip of first segment ; middle basi- tarsi with a large bristle on upper edge at apical third. Calyp- ters and halterese yellow, the former with black cilia. \Yings gray ; costa with a prominent bulbous elongated en- largement at tip of first vein which is nearly as long as the third segment of middle tarsi ; last section of fourth vein bent at right 12 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jail., 1966 angles near its middle, the bend having a stump vein at its first angle; anal angle rounded, prominent. Described from 4 males collected by the author at Terre Haute, INDIANA, July 4, 1944. Holotype male to be deposited in the U. S. National Museum ; paratype males in the Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences and in the collection of the author. This interesting species resembles D. vlttatns Loew in pos- sessing a bulbous elongated enlargement at the tip of first vein, in the form of the hypopygial lamellae, and in the comparative lengths of the segments of fore tarsi. It differs from vittatus by having a fringe of long hairs on the upper edge of the third and fourth segments of fore tarsi and in having the lower inner edge of hind femora ciliated with pale hairs which on the apical half of femora are nearly one-third as long as the diameter of the femora. The fringe on third and fourth segments of fore tarsi in factivittatus n. sp. is similar to that of D. cuprinns. D. longipennis, D. sarotcs, and D. absotuis. Dolichopus smithae n. sp. Male. Length, 6 mm. Face moderately wide, dark ochre yellow, more brownish when viewed obliquely. Front metallic, dark bronze, dusted with brownish pollen. Antennae black ; first segment brownish-yellow on lower apical portion ; third segment slightly longer than wide, pointed at tip ; arista rather short, ending in a prominent fusiform lamella. Postocular cilia wholly black. Thorax dark green, the dorsal surface with metallic bronze reflections when viewed obliquely ; pleurae green, densely sil- very pollinose. Abdomen green with bronze reflections, the incisures narrowly blackened, the sides grayish pollinose. Hy- popygium black, grayish pollinose; lamellae about three times as long as wide, their length about equal to the length of first segment of fore tarsi, of rather uniform width, the basal three- fifths dusky yellow, the apical two-fifths black with the apex rounded, jagged, and bristly. Fore coxae yellow, the basal half of the outer surface dull green and densely silvery pollinose, the anterior surface densely Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 13 clothed with small black hairs. Middle and hind coxae black. Femora yellow, the middle and hind pairs each with one pre- apical bristle, the latter nearly bare below, showing only short, delicate, pale cilia at high magnification. Tibiae yellow, the hind pair narrowly black at tip on outer surface, the black color extending to apical third on inner surface. Fore tarsi with first three segments yellow, the tip of each very narrowly infus- cated; fourth and fifth segments black; fourth segment con- spicuously compressed, as wide at tip as it is long, the upper apical margin bearing several short, stiff, bristles; fifth segment much compressed, divided into two lobes, the upper of which is almost twice the length of lower lobe and only about one-half as wide. Middle tarsi black from the tip of first segment which has a large bristle above near apical third. Hind tarsi wholly black. Halteres and calypters yellow, the latter with black cilia. Wings grayish ; costa with an enlargement commencing before the tip of first vein and gradually tapering ; wing of rather equal width, the anal angle only moderately prominent. Female. Similar to the male in coloration of body and legs ; face about twice as wide as that of the male, grayish pollinose, arista without fusiform enlargement at tip. Described from 1 male and 3 females collected in ALASKA. Holotype male and allotype female taken at Mt. McKinley Na- tional Park, Mile Post 29, July 15, 1952, by Dr. Marion E. Smith ; University of Massachusetts, in whose honor the species is named; one paratype female taken at Teklanika River, Mt. McKinley National Park, Mile Post 29, July 15, 1952, and one paratype female taken at Mile Post 1146, Alaska Highway, Yukon Territory, July 7, 1952, both collected by Dr. C. P. Alexander. Holotype male and allotype female to be deposited in the U. S. National Museum; paratype females in the col- lection of the author. The structure of the fore tarsi in D. smithae n. sp. is very similar to that of D. rcichardti Stackelberg, described from Pamir. The two species may be readily separated by the color of the postocular cilia which are wholly black in /'. swithae, pale in D. reichardti. 14 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., 1966 Dolichopus fulgerus n. sp. Male. Length, 5 mm. Face moderately wide, its width about equal to the distance between the tips of third and fourth veins, silvery pollinose when viewed from the front, grayish or brownish-gray when viewed obliquely. Front dark green, lightly dusted with brownish-gray pollen in the middle, the sides densely brownish pollinose. Antennae black ; first segment yel- low below on apical portion ; third segment about one and one- third times as long as wide, bluntly pointed ; arista long, notice- ably widened on apical fourth. Postocular cilia white, about six or seven of the upper cilia on each side black. Thorax metallic green with bronze reflections, the dorsum grayish pollinose ; pleurae densely grayish pollinose. Abdomen green with bronze reflections, the sides densely grayish polli- nose. Hypopygium black ; lamellae about as long as the second segment of hind tarsi, the apex broadly rounded, scarcely jagged, fringed with black hairs, tapering rather gradually toward the base, of a sordid grayish color, the apical margin blackened. Fore coxae black and densely grayish pollinose on basal half, the apical half yellowish ; anterior surface with black hairs ex- cept the outer basal portion which is covered with minute white hairs. Middle and hind coxae black. Femora yellow ; middle and hind femora each with one preapical bristle, the latter densely ciliated on lower edge of basal half and sparsely ciliated on apical half with delicate pale cilia that are about one-fourth as long as the diameter of femora. Tibiae yellow, the hind pair black on about apical fourth. Fore tarsi almost twice the length of their tibiae, the segments extremely slender, the second and third segments somewhat laterally compressed ; first three segments yellow, the fourth and fifth black ; fourth seg- ment considerably compressed, elongate-triangular ; fifth seg- ment much compressed, triangular, about as wide at the tip as long, the apex somewhat concave. Middle tarsi about one and one-half times as long as their tibiae, black from the tip of first segment which has a long bristle on upper surface at apical third. Hind tarsi black, elongate, the first two segments equal- IxxviiJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 15 ing the length of their tihiae. Halteres and calypters yellow, the latter with hlack cilia. Wings gray ; costa with a prominent elongated enlargement at tip of first vein which tapers gradually toward tip of wing ; hind margin of wing tapering toward hase, the anal angle not prominent. Female. Face wider than male. Arista plain, tapering evenly to the tip. Fore tarsi hlack from the tip of first segment ; otherwise the coloration of the legs and the body as in the male. Described from 2 males and 1 female collected by Dr. C. P. Alexander at Muncho Lake, Mile Post 455, Alaska Highway, BRITISH COLUMBIA, June 28, 1952. Holotype male and allo- type female to be deposited in the U. S. National Museum ; paratype male in the collection of the author. This very distinct species is readily recognized by the greatly elongated and peculiarly modified fore tarsi. No other known species of Dollchopus has the fore tarsi about twice the length of fore tibiae, second and third segments extremely slender and laterally compressed, the fourth and fifth segments black, lat- erally compressed and forming a broad concave-triangular tip. Dolichopus kyphotus n. sp. Male. Length. 4 mm. Face rather narrow, silvery polli- nose. Front metallic green, lightly dusted with gray pollen. Palpi yellow. Antennae black ; first segment brown on lower apical portions third segment as wide as long, the tip broadly rounded. Postocular cilia white, about six of the upper cilia black. Thorax green, metallic, lightly grayish pollinose; pleurae densely grayish pollinose. Abdomen metallic, dark green with bronze reflections, the middle portion of the third segment shin- ing blue when viewed from the side. Hypopygium black; lamel- lae about as long as the second segment of hind tarsi, somewhat oval, white with narrow black apical margin which is deeply jagged and bristly, the inner surface with numerous long, curled, pale cilia. 16 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., 1966 Fore coxae yellowish-brown, the inner portions of a lighter color, the outer and basal portions infuscated and dusted with gray pollen ; anterior surface clothed with delicate pale hairs except on the inner basal portion where the hairs are larger and black. Middle and hind coxae black. Femora and tibiae yel- low. Middle and hind femora each with one preapical bristle, the latter ciliated on about the apical third of the lower inner edge with delicate pale hairs the longest of which are about as long as the width of femur at point of attachment. Hind tibiae slightly thickened and blackened on apical fifth. Fore and mid- dle tarsi infuscated from the tip of the first segment. First segment of fore tarsi about as long as the combined length of the second and third segments and with numerous short, stiff black bristles on its lower surface ; first and second segments somewhat laterally compressed and appearing considerably broader than the following three segments. First segment of middle tarsi without a bristle on upper edge. Hind tarsi wholly black. Halteres and calypters yellow, the latter with delicate pale cilia. AYings grayish ; costa with a knot like enlargement at the juncture of first vein from which point the costa tapers gradu- ally toward tip of wing ; hind margin of wing evenly rounded, the anal angle only moderately prominent. Described from 1 male collected by Mr. C. O. Berg, at Mata- nuska Valley, ALASKA, June 27, 1952. Holotype male to be deposited in the U. S. National Museum. Dolicliopns kyplwtus n. sp. is much like D. flavicilliatns Van Duzee but differs in the structure of the antennae and the cilia- tion of hind femora. In flavicilliatus the third segment of an- tenna is about twice as long as broad ; the cilia of hind femora are coarse, longer than the diameter of the femur, and are evenly spaced along the apical two-thirds of lower edge of femur. The first and second segments of the fore tarsi in flavicilliatus are slender, not conspicuously enlarged as in ky- photns n. sp. Paratypes of Dolichopns pingreensis James in the Colorado State University collection have been compared with specimens Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL XENVS 17 of D. flaz'icilliatits Van Duzee from various areas in Canada, Minnesota, and \Yyoming. They appear synonymous. Dolichopus plumipes (Scopoli ) Mnsca plninipes Scopoli. Ent. Carn., p. 334, 1763. Dolichopus nigroapicalis Van Duzee. Pan-Pac. Ent. 6: 125, 1930. The coloration of the face and antennae together \vith the narrow black line on the dorsal surface of middle tibia identify nigroapicalis to be the same as plituiipes. In the type male specimen of nigroapicalis from Colorado the middle tarsi and tips of middle tibiae were broken off which caused Van Duzee to misidentify his specimen. Panoquina panoquinoides (Skinner) and Panoquina errans (Skinner) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) F. MARTIN BROWN, Fountain Valley School, Colorado Springs, Colo, and THOMAS W. TURNER, Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. This winter Mr. Turner sent to me the results of several years of work upon the life histories of Jamaican butterflies. These were for incorporation in a forthcoming book about the butter- flies of Jamaica by Brown and Heineman. In reading Mr. Turner's notes about panoquinoides I was struck by the differ- ence between his descriptions and those of Dr. John A. Comstock (1930) relative to errans. Dos Passes (1964) followed Evans (1955) in placing errans as a subspecies of panoquinoides thus differing from the treatment of errans by McDunnough (1938), who followed Lindsey, Bell and Williams ( 1931 ) . Evans's place- ment was based upon the similarity of the male genitalia. These are similar, but by no means exactly alike. They are more alike than these structures are alike among the other species in the genus. 18 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Jan., 1966 If crrans is considered a subspecies of panoquinoides, then the species has a remarkably disjunct distribution. Panoqui- noides is found from Florida to Texas in the Gulf States and in the Greater Antilles, cugcon Godman & Salvin in the Lesser Antilles, and crrans in California and Lower California. Evans's subspecies calna from Callao, Peru, probably is another species. This bothered me when I reviewed the genus in preparation for writing the text of the book noted above. I believe it is much better to revert to the older treatment of these taxa and to con- sider crrans a species that is related to panoquinoides and prob- ably derived from it, but not a subspecies of it. Below is a com- parison of the immature stages of the two that point up the significance of the slight but constant genitalic differences. panoquinoides EGG : hemispherical, white LARVA : 1st Instar : vivid green, light brown head changing to blackish brown. Two fine dorsal cream colored lines. Mature : Green, four dorsal greenish-white stripes, a yel- lowish-white lateral stripe. PUPA : Translucent green, larval stripes persist on dor- sum of abdomen. errans MALE VALVE : subquadrate, about 0.5 deep as long; cauclad tooth coarsely spined ; as long as aedoeagus. hemispherical, pale yellow white with black head Reddish-brown with a dorsal dark line and a thin dark lateral line. Prothoracic shield white with a black transverse bar. Whitish green head and wing- cases, a pair of brownish eye- spots ; abdomen pale brownish yellow. Anterior portions hairy. Darkens materially just before imago emerges, subquadrate, about 0.4 deep as long ; cauclad tooth finely spined ; a little shorter than aedoeagus. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 1 ') REFEREXC i:s COMSTOCK, J. A. 1930. Studies of Pacific Coast Lcpidoptera. Dull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 29 : 135-142. DOS PASSOS, C. F. 1964. A Synonymic list of the Xcarctic Rhopaloccra. The Lepid. Soc., Memoir No. 1, p. 3. EVANS, W. H. 1955. A catalogue of the American Hesperiidac in the British Museum (Natural History). Part IV, p. 403. LINDSEY, A. W., E. L. BELL, R. C. WILLIAMS. 1931. The Hesperioidca of North America. Denison Univ. Bull. Jour. Sci. Lab. 26: 138. McDuNNoucH, J. 1938. Check list of the Lepidoptera of Canada and the United States. Part 1, Macrolepidoptera, Mem. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1 : 36. The Chinese Species Diplocheila minima Jedlicka: A Redescription and Observations on its Rela- tionships (Col.: Carabidae) GEORGE E. HALL, Department of Entomology, University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada INTRODUCTION This species was described in 1931, but in a revision of the genus Diplocheila (Hall, 1959: 47 J, the species was listed as incertac scdis, because I had not seen the type material, and could not decide on the basis of the original description if the insect was in fact a member of that genus. While visiting the Deutsches Entomologisch.es Institut in 1961, I discovered the two cotypes of this species, and obtained the female on loan. Later, at the Hritish Museum, I found a third specimen of the species, a male, which had not been men- tioned in the original description, and which Jedlicka evidently had not seen before he published the description. These speci- mens are described below, following which the classification of this species is discussed. 20 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., 1966 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to Dr. J. W. Machatschke, Deutsches Ento- mologisches Institut, and to Mr. J. Balfour-Browne, British Museum (Natural History), for the loan of the material on which this study is based. This work is a by-product of a study financed in part by Grant A- 1399, National Research Council of Canada. A preliminary draft of the manuscript was read and criti- cized by Brian Hocking, Donald R. Whitehead, and John R. Barren, Department of Entomology, University of Alberta, and the final draft was typed by Miss Joan Shore, Departmental secretary. DESCRIPTION Diplocheila minima Jedlicka, 1931 Diploclicila minima Jedlicka, 1931: 103. Ball, 1959: 47. Female, labelled as follows : Nitou, Tatsieniu, Szechuan, China, Em. Reitter ; COTYPUS [red paper] ; Diplocheila minima Jedl [handwritten]; det. Ing. Jedlicka; Rcmbus minima Jedl [handwritten]. Deutsch. Ent. Inst. Total length 11.3 mm, width 4.8 mm. Color generally black, but tips of terminal articles of palpi piceous. Integument gen- erally opaque, the following shining : head, median areas of thoracic sterna, and abdominal sterna. Microsculpture as de- scribed for the striatopunctata group (Ball, 1959: 58), except that meshes of propleura are about isodiametric, and lines on dorsal surface are coarser than in other species of the genus. Head. Two supraorbital setigerous punctures over each eye ; frontal impressions broad, shallow basins, posterior margins not extending to plane of anterior pair of supraorbital setigerous punctures. Clypeus as in subgenus Isorembits Jeannel ; cly- peus 0.24 times wider than long, 2.17 times wider than labrum, with a deep longitudinally directed groove on each side. Lab- rum 1.44 times wider than long; maximum length 1.76 times greater than minimum length, form typical of subgenus Iso- r embus. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NE\\ S 21 FIGS. 1-3. Diplochcila minima, ?. FIGS. 4-6. <$ genitalia. 1. Outline of pronotum, dorsal aspect. Length, 2.50 mm. 2. Left half of sternum 8, dorsal aspect. Length, 1.70 mm. 3. Left stylus of ovipositor, ventral aspect. Length 0.40 mm. 4. Median lobe. Length, 2.44 mm. A. Left lateral aspect. B. Apical portion, ventral aspect. 5. Left paramere, dorsal aspect. Length, 1.14 mm. 6. Right paramere, dorsal aspect. Length, 1.12 mm. 22 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., 1966 Mandibles trigonal, asymmetrical, left one without teeth, terebral tooth of right one molariform, generally as described for striatopunctata group. Thorax. Pronotum in outline as in Fig. 1 ; disc feebly con- vex, flattened posterior-laterally, posterior-lateral impressions very broad and shallow basins. Apex of prosternum between front coxae margined. Metepimeron with posterior margin broadly rounded, not sinuate. Legs. Tarsus witli articles 1 — \ with a single row of setae on each ventro-lateral margin ; article 5 without setae on ventro-lateral margins. Elytra. Internal plica absent. Stria 1 joined to sutural stria, basal portion of stria 1 absent; striae impunctate, 7 as deep and distinct as 1-6, 2-7 obsolescent toward apex; stria 7 broken posteriorly, anterior portion separated from deepened apical portion ; striae 8 and 9 close together. Intervals flat, interval 3 with a single setigerous puncture on disc. Hind wings fully developed. Abdomen. Sternum 6 with four setigerous punctures near apical margin ; sternum 8 as in Fig. 2. Ovipositor. Stylus as in Fig. 3, witli spines. Male. Labelled as follows : Tatsieniu, Prov. Setschuan China merid ; verglichen mit der Type and mit ilir identisch [green paper ; handwritten]; Diplocheila minima Jedlicka | handwrit- ten] ; British Museum Natural History. Total length 11.1 mm, width 4.8 mm. Except for inconse- quential details, external characteristics as in female. Sternum 6 with two setae toward apex. Male genitalia with median lobe and parameres as in Figs. 4, 5, and 6; internal sac without armature. CLASSIFICATION AND ZOOGEOGRAPHY This species is a member of the subgenus I sore in bits Jeannel, as shown by the form of its mandibles, labrum, clypeus, the female eighth sternum, and stylus of the ovipositor. The spe- cies of the subgenus Isoreinbits are arrayed in three species Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 23 groups. The diagnostic characteristics of these groups and the comparable characteristics of minima are presented in Table 1. Note that minima differs from the striatopunctata group in only one characteristic : it has setose styli. Minima differs from the aegyptiaca group in three characters, and from the seelandica group in four characteristics. On the basis of these considera- tions, I include minima in the striatopunctata group. Now, minima is interesting for two reasons. First, its com- bination of morphological characteristics links more closely the DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES GROUPS OF SUBGENUS ISOREMBUS ^.AEGYPTIACA group ZEELANDICA group STRIATOPUNCTATA group FIG. 7. Map showing the distribution pattern of the subgenus North Polar projection. 24 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., 1966 TABLE 1. Distribution of Diagnostic Characteristics in the Subgenus Isorembus Groups Characters Left mand. Head: setig. punct. Pro- sternum 5th tarsal segment Flytral punct. Elytral base stria 1 Female stylus Total Zeelandica score inner edge not thickened P1 2 P not margined P setose P absent P present P setose P 7-p Aegyptiaca score inner edge thickened d" 1 d margined d setose P present d absent d setose P 2-1' 3-p 2-p (Minima) score inner edge not thickened P 2 P margined d glabrous d present d absent d setose P Striatopunctata score inner edge not thickened P 2 P margined d glabrous d present d absent d setae absent d 1 P = primitive. 2 d = derivative. species of the aegyptiaca group with those of the North Ameri- can species of the striatopunctata group. The species minima, while most like the North American members of the striato- punctata group (six characters in common), is also more like the members of the aegyptiaca group than are the North Ameri- can species of the striatopunctata group (Table 1). Further, the aegyptiaca group and North American members of the striatopunctata group can be linked to the more primitive zee- landica group through minima. This is because minima has one more character judged to be primitive than have the other groups of species. (The basis for judging these characteristics is presented in Ball, 1959.) The second point of interest concerns the possibility of veri- fying predictions made on the basis of taxonomic data. Before I saw Diplochcila minima, I stated that the striatopunctata group was probably of Old World ancestry (Ball, 1959: 96), based on the morphological and distributional characteristics of the species of the subgenus Isorembus. This hypothesis con- Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 25 stituted a prediction in the sense that it could be tested by data discovered following proposal of the hypothesis. The presence of minima in the Old World, its relative primitiveness, and its clear affinities to the New World species of the subgenus lend support to the prediction, if they do not actually verify it. See Figure 7 for a map illustrating the distribution pattern of the subgenus Isorembus. SUMMARY 1. The species Diplochcila minima Jedlickn, 1931 is re- described. 2. On the basis of its morphological characteristics, minima is placed in the striatopunctata group of the subgenus Isorembus. 3. This species is important because first, its combination of characteristics links together more closely the known species groups of the subgenus Isorembus, and second, its presence in the Old World tends to confirm the previously made statement that the striatopunctata group is of Old World ancestry. REFERENCES BALL, G. E. 1959. A taxonomic study of the North American Licinini with notes on the Old World species of the genus Diplochcila Brulle (Coleoptera). Mem. Anier. Ent. Soc. No. 16. 258 pp. 15 plates, 75 tables. JEDLICKA, A. 1931. Neue Carabiden aus Siid-China. Acta Soc. ent. Cech. 28: 102-108. Brachymeria intermedia (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) Established in North America DAVID E. LEONARD, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven Brachymeria intermedia (Nees) is a parasite of Porthetria dispar and other lepidopteran pupae in southern Europe and northern Africa. Burgess and Grossman (1929) describe the introduction of this parasite into this country as early as 1908, and Dowden (1935) discusses its biology. 26 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., 1966 Dowden (1935) noted that although 20,000 specimens of B. intermedia had been released in New England, none had been recovered, possibly because the climate of New England was colder than that in the Mediterranean area of Europe. Burks (1960a) published the first record of recovery of this parasite. One adult was obtained from a pupa of Cocoecia col- lected in Marion, Massachusetts, in 1942. Burks (1960b) con- sidered this one record insufficient to demonstrate that this insect was established in North America. During the summer of 1965, many B. intermedia 1 have been collected in Connecticut from gypsy moth pupae. The num- bers of this parasite and its distribution indicate that it has become established in parts of this state. It is present in Ox- ford, Woodbury, Guilford, and Killingworth, where infestation of the gypsy moth has been high for several years, as well as in East Lyme, where a heavy infestation occurred for the first time in 1965. Indications of the percentage of parasitism can be found in Table 1. Pupae were collected from three Connecticut towns. TABLE 1. The percentage of parasitism of Brachymeria intermedia (Nees) in field collections of gypsy moth pupae from three Connecticut towns Percentage Town Date of Collection Number of Pupae Ichneumonid- Type Emergence Percentage F>. Intermedia Recovered Holes East Lyme July 19-20 1073 29.2 4.8 Guilford July 20-21 435 4.4 0* Woodbury July 23 149 10.7 1.3 * One adult collected in the field. On the trees selected, all pupal cases on the trunk from 0-6 feet from the ground were collected. The dates of collection were after adult emergence, and supposedly after parasites had emerged from the pupae. However, B. intermedia were found to be emerging from some, and emergence continued in the laboratory until the week of August 1. Undoubtedly, some of 1 Identification confirmed by Dr. B. D. Burks. Entomology Research Divison A. R. S. U.S.D.A. Washington, D. C. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 27 the intermedia had emerged in the field prior to the collection of pupae. The emergence holes of this parasite fit the ichneu- monid emergence holes in the key of Campbell (1963). The percentage of parasitism cannot exceed the percentage of ichnenmonid type emergence holes in the pnpae. Of considerable interest is the fact that this insect reached very high numbers in a short period of time. It does not appear likely that in the past this insect could have been at as high a population level as witnessed in 1965 and not have been noted. Moulton (pers. comm., 1965) reports that Brachymeria were rare in a collection of about 1,272,000 pupae from Connecticut in 1964. However, numbers of these parasites emerged from about 500,000 gypsy moth pupae in 1965. In addition to the releases listed by Dowden (1963), the Plant Pest Control Division, U.S.D.A., released B. intermedia from Spain in Stratford and Redding, Connecticut, in 1963. It would be difficult to explain the numbers and spread of inter media as a direct result of these releases. It is more likely that intermedia had been maintaining itself at low population levels, as indicated by the four specimens collected in Oxford, Connecticut, in 1960 and the one reported by Burks from Massa- chusetts. B. intermedia appears now to be adapted to this environment. This parasite has more than one generation per year. Al- though known primarily as a parasite of gypsy moth pupae, it also parasitizes other lepidopteran pupae (see Dowden 1935) and its high incidence may be correlated with an increase in numbers of other lepidopterans, perhaps of the leaf rollers that have recently been increasing in Connecticut. LITERATURE CITED BURGESS, A. F. and S. S. CROSSMAX. 1929. U. S. D. A. Tech. Bull. 86 : 147 pp. BURKS, B. D. 1960a. EXT. NEWS 71 : 62. — . 1960b. Trans. Anier. Ent. Soc. 86 : 225-274. CAMPBELL, R. W. 1963. Canad. Ent. 95 : 337-345. DOWDEN, P. B. 1935. Jour. Agr. Res. 50 : 495-523. -. 1962. Agric. Handbook 226: 70 pp. MOULTON, A. R. 1965. Pers. Comm. U.S.D.A. A.R.S., Plant Quar- antine Division, Naugatuck, Conn. NOTICE. The December, 1965, issue of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS was mailed at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., on December 10, 1965. Entomologist's Market Place ADVERTISEMENTS AND EXCHANGES Advertisements of goods or services for sale are accepted at $1.00 per line, payable in advance to the editor. Notices of wants and exchanges not exceeding three lines are free to subscribers. All insertions are continued from month to month, the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, when necessary, the older ones at the top are discontinued. Membracidae wanted. Purchase or exchange. T. L. Stringfellow, Military Reservation, Box 11-A, Hudson, Massachusetts. Buprestidae, Scarabaeidae, and butterflies wanted in exchanges for beetles and butterflies. Mr. W. van der Starre, 25 Crawley St., Warr- nambool, Victoria, Australia. Butterflies of the World wanted in exchange for those of my locality. Louis Clarke, 10435 Georgetown Drive, Rancho Cordova, California 95670. Scoliidae of the Neotropical Region, Africa, or Madagascar wanted for study, determination, exchange, or purchase. J. Chester Bradley, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 14850. Wanted. Services of a capable artist to make some drawings of Scoliidae. J. Chester Bradley, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca N. Y., 14850. Oestridae wanted. Botflies of Nearctic deer, elk, caribou, sheep; African and European mammals, larvae and adult. Purchase or exchange for Diptera, Coleoptera. Kenneth J. Capelle, Box 459, Brigham City Utah 84302. Planchets, radiation warning signs and labels, dosimeters and other isotope-lab accessories. New catalogue free on request. Nuclear Supplv and Service Co., 422 Wash. Bldg., Wash. 5, D. C. Formosan Insects. Large quantities of dried butterflies, moths, beetles, cicadas, dragpnflies, mantis, grasshoppers, bees, spiders, etc., Rare and common species, aberrations and sex mosaics for sale. Taiwan Novelty Co., P. O. Box 860, Taipei, Formosa. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society An irregular serial, containing monographic pa- pers by students of authority in their respective subjects. Seventeen numbers have been published to date and publication of number 18 will occur on May 31, 1963. Cost of individual numbers varies from $2.00 to $15.00. Complete sets are still avail- able for $85.00 (17 numbers in 18 volumes). For price lists and titles address : THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Number 19 BUTTERFLIES OF LIBERIA By Richard M. Fox, Arthur W. Lindsey, Jr., Harry K. Clench and Lee D. Miller 402 pages of text; colored frontispiece, 233 figures, 2 graphs, 2 tables, 3 maps, table of contents, full bibliography and a taxonomic index. With 195 new records, this study increases the known butter- fly fauna of Liberia from 280 to 475 species and another 254 species are noted as probably to be found. Two new tribes, 5 new genera, 13 new species and subspecies are described. Il- lustrations include photographs and, where pertinent, drawings of genitalia of all holotypes, along with photographs and draw- ings of closely related forms for comparison. The distribution of each species is given and those more difficult to identify or previously confused are treated at greater length. All known records from Liberia are noted. A 46 page introduction details climatic conditions and biotopes in Liberia and analyzes the zoogeographic and ecologic relationships of the butterflies of Liberia and of Occidental Africa. Price $12.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (19103), U.S.A. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS FEBRUARY HIGtt Vol. LXXVII No. 2 GONTEiNTS Dakin — Two new species of Melanoplus from Alabama (Orth.) 29 Xebeker and Gaufin — New stoneflies from Idaho (Plecop.) ... 36 Alexander — The status of Pczotctti.r bohcniani Stal (Orth.) . . 43 Weisman — Distribution of the genus Sphecomyia Latr. (Dipt.) 50 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: personal, $6.00; institutional, $9.00. Second-class postage paid at Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Edited, 1911-1944, by PHILIP P. CALVERT (1871-1961) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa., and the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: H. W. ALLEN, H. J. GRANT, JR., M. E. PHILLIPS, and S. S. ROBACK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Communications and remittances to be addressed to Entomological News, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Prices per yearly volume of 10 numbers. Private subscriptions, for personal use, domestic and foreign, $6.00 postpaid. 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TABLES: The cost of setting tables will be charged to authors. SEPARATA: Separates (as reprints with extraneous matter removed) may be obtained only from the printer at the prices quoted below. Authors must place their orders for such separates with the editor at the time of submitting manuscripts, or when returning proof. Copies 1-4 pp. 5-8 pp. 9-12 pp. Covers 50 $5.87 $ 9.40 $14.69 $6.40 100 7.03 11.15 17.62 8.75 Add'l 100 2.35 3.51 5.85 4.70 Plates printed one side: First 50, $4.68; Additional 100's, $3.52. Transportation charges will be extra. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LXXVII FEBRUARY, 1966 No. 2 Two New Species of Melanoplus from Alabama (Orthoptera : Acrididae) MATT E. DARIN/ Department of Zoology-Entomology, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama During the course of a survey of the Orthoptera of Alabama in 1959 I encountered two new species of the genus Melanoplus but did not describe them because of insufficient material. Since that time I have collected both species in sufficient numbers to warrant publication. Melanoplus cantralli new species In 1916 Rehn and Hebard established the dccorns group of the genus Melanoplus. In this group they placed five species— decorus Scudder (1897), austral is Morse (1904), attenuates Scudder (1897), hebardi (Rehn) (1906), and nubilis Rehn and Hebard (1916). Now, Melanoplus cantralli may be added to this assemblage. Although in many respects the most distinctive member of the decorns group, cantralli is most closely related to hebardi (Rehn). It may be differentiated from that species, and all other members of the group, by its larger size, more robust form, and very distinctive male terminalia. The antennal crescent in both sexes of cantralli is nearly as wide as the basal segment of the antenna ; this crescent in the other five forms of the decorus group is less than one-half the width of the basal segment. 1 Present address : Box 1435, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana. (29) 30 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 Females of cantralli can likewise be differentiated from their nearest relatives by their larger size, more robust form, and furthermore by the presence of a light, diagonal, irregular stripe lying obliquely across the black postocular band on the pro- notum. Other differences in minor features of the female sub- genital plates and cercus are evident. Holotype — Male. General appearance and coloration very similar to M. hcbardi. Antennal crescent broad and complete, at point of greatest width (0.41 mm) slightly less than width of first antennal segment (0.56 mm). Disk of pronotum with lateral carinae indistinct, outlined in color on prozona, sub- parallel, diverging slightly caudad ; median carina well-developed throughout, cut only by principal sulcus ; pencilled with black ; caudal margin subtruncate ; cephalic margin feebly rounded with slightest trace of median emargination ; prozona (3.31 mm) less than twice as long as metazona (1.83 mm) ; lateral lobes dis- tinctly longer than high; postocular black stripe terminating at cephalic margin of metazona, bearing two small yellowish-brown blotches separated by the coloration of the median sulcus. Teg- mina dark yellow-brown, obovate (length 4.27 mm, width 2.50 mm), tips truncate, dorsal margins well separated. Cephalic and median femora yellow-brown. Caudal femora yellow-brown, knees blackened on outer and inner faces except for yellow- brown genicular lobes. Caudal tibiae pale glaucous, weakly in- fused with black dorso-distally. Spines of all tibiae black ; calcars and spurs yellow-brown, tipped with black. Mesepi- meron and metepimeron black ; metepisternum peripherally black with disk yellow-brown. Abdomen yellow-brown ; each tergite with a black suffusion laterally that becomes progres- sively smaller from the second to the ninth tergum. Cercus (Fig. a) tapering slightly from base to middle, then expanding to the rounded obovate apex, ventral margin broadly concave ; entire cercus black except for a yellow-brown tinge on basal one-fourth and a light yellow-brown line around the dorsal and caudal rim of the apex. Furculae one-fourth length of supra- anal plate, strongly tapering in basal third, distal portions form- ing narrow, aciculate, parallel projections. Supra-anal plate Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 31 triangularly shield-shaped, longer than broad ; lateral margins briefly concave then convex to the broadly rounded right-angled apex, in basal one-half raised into a distinct ridge (not plicate at distal end as in other members of the decorns group) ; in basal third of plate, and between furculae, a narrow sulcus lying be- tween well-defined ridges which fuse, obliterate the sulcus, and form a single broad longitudinal ridge lying in the center of the plate ; distal one-third of plate feebly hollowed out, lateral to this area a swollen raised bump extending evenly on each side to the margins of the plate (not forming the short, blunt, evenly convergent ridges as found in other species of this group). Subgenital plate broad at base, strongly narrowing to a feebly tuberculate apex. Aedeagus (Figs, b & c) with apex of each dorsal valve expanded into a broadly rounded lamella which is bent caudally and caudo-ventrally until, from a lateral view, it appears as a broad "C"-shaped structure ; ventral valves a pair of rectangular plates extending from the broad base, the meso- apical angle of each plate elongated into a rounded lamella sit- uated at right angles to the apical margin of the valve. Length of body from vertex to tip of abdomen 24.52 mm, from vertex to tip of caudal femora 25.95 mm: length of pronotum 5.14 mm; length of caudal femora 13.08 mm; greatest width of caudal femora 3.28 mm. Allotypc — Female. Similar in build and coloration to holo- t\pe except cephalic margin of pronotum feebly rounded, caudal margin of pronotum rounded-truncate with broad emargination, dark post-ocular stripe strongly interrupted by a diagonal yellow-brown line beginning below the stripe at the cephalic margin of the pronotum and extending to the junction of the principal sulcus and the lateral margins of the pronotum, lateral margins more divergent ; caudal tibiae deep glaucous. An- tennal crescent complete ; greatest width 0.46 mm. Width of first antennal segment 0.68 mm. Length of tegmina 5.30 mm. greatest width of tegmina 2.89 mm. Cercus triangular with margins very slightly but distinctly concave, 0.75 mm in length, one-third longer than wide. Ovipositor with valves only mod- erately curved; dorsal angle of upper valve 153 degrees; upper 32 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 margin of dorsal valve with blunt irregular teeth. Lateral angle of eighth sternite 146 degrees. Notch of eighth sternite shal- low. Length of body from vertex to tip of ovipositor valves 28.85 mm ; from vertex to tip of caudal femora 29.16 mm ; length of prozona 3.96 mm ; length of metazona 2.09 mm ; length of pronotum 6.05 mm; length of caudal femora 15.21 mm; greatest width of caudal femora 3.66 mm. Variation: The most evident variation among the males is in the extent of the dark markings on the cercus. A few of the specimens show no black on the cercus ; in most of the speci- mens, the extent of darkening is slightly less than that of the holotype. In the females, the extent of development of the light diagonal mark dividing the postocular dark stripe is the most evident variation. In most of the specimens the stripe is more distinct than in the allotype, but in one is only faintly indi- cated. The coloration of the caudal tibiae in both sexes also shows some variation. The tibiae range from a yellow-green darker than in the holotype to distinctly fuscous in the males, but in none are the tibiae deeply glaucous as in the allotype. The caudal tibiae are glaucous in most of the females, but in two specimens they are dark yellow-brown. The coloration in one female is very similar to that of the holotype. Males vary in body length from 21.2 to 26.5 ; females, from 22.5 to 28.3 mm. Specimens examined: 27 males, 13 females, all collected by me. Holotype: Escambia County, ALABAMA, 5 miles east of East Brewton on U. S. 29, August 25, 1962. Deposited in the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. Allotype: Same data and depository as holotype. Paratypes: 6 males, 2 females, same data as holotypes ; 5 males, 1 female, same data as holotype except October 5, 1962 ; 1 male, Escambia County, 9.5 miles east of East Brewton, Oc- tober 5, 1962 ; 3 males, 2 females, Escambia County, 8.4 miles southwest of Brewton, October 5, 1962 ; 8 males, 5 females, Escambia County, 1.2 miles north of Brewton, August 26, 1963 ; 2 males, 1 female, Baldwin County, 5 miles east of the Mobile Causeway, September 24, 1959; 1 male, Baldwin County, Gulf Coast Substation (near Fairhope), July 11, 1961. One IxxviiJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 33 pair of paratypes deposited at each of the following : University of Michigan, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, U. S. National Museum, and my personal collection; all others in the Auburn University Insect Museum. Ecology: All specimens were taken from the litter and short vegetation of pine woods. At the type locality they were col- lected from open areas in a slash pine woods. They appeared to occur in small local colonies of several individuals and were taken by carefully trampling the dry pine needle litter. The specimens taken in other locations were from similar habitats. This species is named in honor of I. J. Cantrall, University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, whose advice and encourage- ment aided me during my survey of Alabama Orthoptera. Melanoplus primaestivus new species This species is a member of the tribulus group of the genus Mclanopliis as recognized by Hebard (1935). In the size and shape of the furculae and cerci, it is more closely related to M . dclau'circ than to any of the other eight species presently as- signed to the group. Primaestivus can be recognized readily by its distinctive aedeagus. Holotypc — Male. General coloration light yellow-brown ; dorsal surface of head, pronotum, legs, and abdomen heavily sprinkled with numerous dark brown spots. Postocular stripe percurrent on the pronotum, terminating on the mesepimeron. Basal one-half of second abdominal segment suffused with black. . \ntennal crescent complete, about one-half (greatest width 0.22 mm) width of basal antennal segment (0.40 mm). Disk of pronotum with lateral margins moderately diverging poste- riorly ; median carina distinct throughout, slightly higher on metazona (1.39 mm) ; lateral carinae indistinct. Tegmina oval, tips rounded ; dorsal margins not attingent. Caudal tibiae yellow-brown with a slight bluish tinge. Cercus (Fig. d) much broader at base than at apex ; feebly narrowed at middle ; tip subtruncate with lower angle moderately prolonged ; entire cercus curving slightly mesacl. Furculae as minute rounded lobes ; well separated. Supra-anal plate trigonal, slightly longer 34 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 than wide; basal one-fourth of lateral margin forming a blunt ridge feebly plicate at its caudal terminus ; lateral margins weakly convex throughout, terminating in a sharply rounded right- angled apex. Aedeagus (Fig. e) with dorsal valves wrapped around ventral valves, the apical portion of the dorsal valves flaring strongly away from the ventral valves. Ventral valves like a pair of long, thin, attingent laminae, apices rounded and slightly divergent. Length of body : vertex to end of abdomen 18.42 mm; vertex to end of caudal femur 19.20 mm; length of pronotum 4.07 mm ; length of caudal femur 9.88 mm ; greatest width of caudal femur 2.62 mm ; length of furcula 0.24 mm ; length of supra-anal plate 1.67 mm; length of tegmen 3.59 mm; greatest width of tegmen 1.98 mm. Allot\pe — Female. Coloration similar to that of holotype except for a slight reddish tinge throughout. Antennal crescent divided, much narrower (0.16 mm) than width of basal antennal segment (0.42 mm). Prozona (3.22 mm) slightly less than twice as long as metazona (1.90 mm). Cercus narrow, tri- angular, straight sided, tip acute, 0.77 mm in length. Upper valve of ovipositor with dorsal angle 136 degrees, armed with sharp evenly spaced teeth. Lateral angle of eighth sternite 150 degrees ; eighth sternite without notching. Length of body from vertex to tip of ovipositor 24.25 mm ; from vertex to end of caudal femur 21.94 mm; length of caudal femur 11.59 mm; greatest width of caudal femur 2.98 mm ; length of pronotum 5.12 mm; greatest length of tegmen 4.44 mm; greatest width of tegmen 2.86 mm. Variation: Very little variation occurs in the series except for the color of the caudal tibiae and the tips of the cerci of the males. Coloration of the caudal tibia varies from yellow-brown to glaucous in both sexes. The lower angle of the tip of the cercus in some specimens is not at all or only slightly pro- longed, while in others it is more prolonged than in the holo- type. Males in the series vary in body length from 16 to 19 mm ; females range from 22 to 25 mm. Specimens examined: 34 males, 22 females, all collected by me. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 35 Holotype: Lawrence County, ALABAMA, 2 miles south of Wren, June 28, 1963. Deposited in the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. Allotypc: Same data and depository as holotype. liis cantralli n. sp., holotype. a. Lateral view of left cercus. b. Caudal view of aedeagus. c. Lateral view of aedeagus. Melanoplus primaestivus n. sp., holotype. d. Lateral view of left cercus. e. Caudal view of aedeagus. Paratypcs: 18 males. 14 females, same data as holotype; 1 male, 1 female, same as holotype except July 24, 1959 ; 2 males, Winston County, Alabama, Natural Bridge Recreation Area, Ala. 33, 1 mile north of U. S. 278, August 17, 1962; 12 males, 6 females, same as preceding except June 26-27, 1963. One pair of paratypes deposited at each of the following: University of Michigan, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, U. S. National Museum, and my personal collection ; all others in the Auburn University Insect Museum. Ecology: All specimens were taken from leaf litter in oak- hickory woods. At the ivpe locality the species was more abundant than at the Natural Bridge Recreation Area, where 36 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 specimens of Mclanoplns tepldus Morse and M. similis Morse were taken at the same time. M. primaestivus is an early maturing form, reaching its peak abundance in late June or early July. The name primaestivus is from Latin (prinia and acstivus) meaning first of the summer, indicating that it is an early maturing form. LITERATURE CITED HEBARD, M. 1935. New genera and species of the Melanopli found within the United States and Canada (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Parts V and VI. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 60: 337-390. REHN, J. A. G. and MORGAN HEBARD. 1916. Studies in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont Region of the Southeastern United States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 68: 87-314. New Stoneflies from Idaho (Plecoptera) * ALAN V. NEBEKER and ARDEN R. GAUFIN - Several stoneflies new to Idaho are described and recorded here along with a list of stoneflies now known to occur in the state. Most of the data has been accumulated by the authors, but valuable material borrowed from Dr. W. F. Barr, Mr. S. D. (Skip) Smith, and Mr. Dick Logan, University of Idaho, Moscow, is gratefully acknowledged. Assistance from Mr. Stanley G. Jewett, Jr., is also gratefully acknowledged. Capnia nedia new species Male : Wings brachypterous, length of body 6 mm. First nine abdominal tergites without special modifications. No lobe on 1 This work was supported by N.I.H. and N.S.F. grants no. WP 54 & G-20703. - University of Utah (also U. of Montana Biological Station). Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 37 ninth sternite. Supra-anal process reflexed, extending forward to eighth tergite, narrow in dorsal view, somewhat triangular in side view (Figs. 1, 2, 3). Holotype male: IDAHO, Boise Co., Boise, Sand Cr. IV-8-61, Max Ollieu. Only a single male is known. It was dissected from a mature nymph which had just begun to exuviate. The male supra-anal process is distinct, showing no resemblance to other Idaho Capnia. Capnia cygna Jewett Two mature Capnia nymphs were dissected and identified as a male and female of C. cygna Jewett. The female is herein de- scribed. The males were described by Jewett (1954) from two males from Washington (probably Rock Cr. — no specific locality). This is the first record of this rare species from Idaho. Female : Wings fully formed, eighth sternite unmodified ex- cept for a minute median notch on posterior edge. Two inconspicuous patches of hairs on eighth sternite (Fig. 8). Figs. 6 and 7 show the male supra-anal process as it was when dissected from the nymphal skin. Fig. 5 illustrates the normal position (Jewett, 1954) in the naturally emerged adult. The process is directed back in the nymph with the nymphal cuticle forming a sheath around it (10th tergite). After exuviation the process is inverted and assumes the position in Fig. 5. This position is different from that in Plecoptera such as Alloperla in which the supra-anal process is preformed directed anteriorly. A very large tubercle is found on the hind margin of the 7th tergite of the specimens illustrated by Jewett. No such tubercle is found on the specimen illustrated here but a patch of spines is found in the same position. It may be assumed that after exuviation the tubercle is 'blown up' possibly as in wing expansion. A tubercle as large as that illustrated by Jewett would make exuviation rather difficult if it were preformed as such within the nymphal skin. 38 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb.,; 1966 Capnia distincta Prison This species is now known to occur in Idaho and is probably widespread in many parts of the state. Collections were made by the authors during the winter and spring of 1965. It has been found at the following localities : Salmon R., Hwy. 93, 3 mi. W. of Clayton, Custer Co., IH-7-65, A. V. Nebeker. 8 males, 5 females; Lake Fork Cr. Hwy. 15, 10 mi. So. of McCall, Valley Co., 111-24-65, A. V. Nebeker, 1 female ; Salmon R., South Challis, 111-14-65, A. R. Gaufin, 1 female; N. Fk. Teton R., Hwy. 32, Fremont-Teton Co., III-6-65. A. V. Nebeker, 5 males, 3 females. Capnia coloradensis Claassen This common Rocky Mt. species is now reported from several localities in Idaho. Most specimens were collected during the intensive investigations in 1965. It has been collected from the following localities: Salmon R.. So. Challis, 111-14-65, A. R. Gaufin, 1 female; Pine Cr.. 6.5 mi. N. Priest River, Bonner Co., 111-26-65, S. D. Smith, 4 females, 3 males; Kalispell Cr., 35 mi. N. Priest River, Bonner Co., 111-20-65, S. D. Smith, 4 males, 8 females; Granite Cr. and Priest Lake, Bonner Co., 111-12-65, S. D. Smith, W. F. Barr, L. Hawkins, 1 female, 1 male; Santa Cr., 3 mi. N. of Emida, Hwy. 95A, Benewah Co., 111-25-65, A. V. Nebeker, 5. males. 7 females; Basin Cr., at jet. with Salmon R., 10 mi. VV. of Stanley, Custer Co., III-7-65, A. V. Nebeker, 1 male ; N. FK. of Teton R., Hwy. 32, Fremont-Teton Co., III-6-65, A. V. Nebeker, 4 males, 5 females ; Salmon R., Hwy. 93, 3 mi. W. of Clayton, Custer Co., III-7-65, A. V. Nebeker, 2 males, 1 female. Capnia trava Nebeker & Gaufin Two additional species of Capnia belonging to the Capnia colnmbiana group have also been found in the state. One of those is Capnia trava which has been found only in the northern part of the state. The following are collection records for this species : Granite Creek and Priest Lake, 111-12-65, W. F. Barr, L. Hawkins, 11 Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 39 males, 5 females ; Pine Creek 6.5 miles N. Priest River, 111-12-65, W. F. Barr, S. D. Smith, L. Hawkins, 21 males, 5 females ; Deep Creek 7 miles north of Naples, Hwy. 95, Boun- dary Co., 111-26-65, A. V. Nebeker, 1 male, 1 female; Moyie River 1 mile south of Canada, Hwy. 95, Boundary Co., 1 1 1-26- 65, A. V. Nebeker, 2 males, 4 females. Capnia lemoniana Nebeker & Gaufin This species belongs to the Capnia coluinbiana complex and is not common in Idaho, being primarily a more southerly form. It has been found at the following localities : Lenore, Xcz Perce Co., 3-IV-55, W. F. Barr (UI), 2 males, one female; \Yorni creek, Franklin Co., 23-IY-55, Jewett, Gaufin, Wilson, 1 female. Peltoperla brevis Banks Nymphs of Peltoperla have been collected in most of the cold rapid streams throughout all of central and northern Idaho and have been identified as P. brevis. It has not been found in the Teton Drainage of S.E. Idaho but has been found commonly in N.W. Montana. Nemoura haysi Ricker This species is now reported in Idaho from the following locality : Cub River, Deer Cliff Inn, Franklin Co., A. R. Gaufin, IY-23-55, 5 females, 3 males. Nemoura californica Claassen This species is common and widespread throughout the Rocky Mt. states. Lack of records from Idaho surelv indicates a lack j of collecting rather than the scarcity of the insect within the state. It has now been found at the following localities : Reeder Cr., Priest Lake, Bonner Co., W. F. Barr, VII-23-62; Moon Cr., 3 mi. E. of Kellogg, Shoshone Co., S. D. Smith, IX-16-64; Garden Cr. 2 mi. \V. of Challis, Custer Co., S. D. Smith, NI- 11-65. 40 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 Arcynopteryx aurea Smith One adult male was collected by Skip Smith from Laird Park, Latah Co., V-ll-62. This is the only known collection from Idaho. This is a unique species known only from areas along the Pacific Coast (Fig. 9). Isoperla fusca Needham and Claassen One collection record for this species can be noted as follows : Lolo Pass Summit, S. D. Smith, VII-28-64. Isoperla mormona Banks This abundant species is probably in collections but is re- corded here from the following locality : Little Cr. Rock Cr. Canyon, Twin Falls Co., T. R. Gittins, VII-16-60. Isoperla pinta Prison This species has recently been found to be locally common in the Rocky Mts. (Gaufin, 1964), and is here recorded for Idaho: Teton R., 4 mi. W. of Tetonia, Teton Co., W. F. Barr, VI-23-64. Kathroperla perdita Banks One collection record for this interesting species is as follows : S. Fk. of Coeur d'Alene R., 3 mi. E. of Mullen, Shoshone Co., A. V. Nebeker, W. C. Petty, 1 nymph. In conjunction with this, Paraperla cast skins have been found very commonly in many parts of the state and it appears to be one of the most common stoneflies. Acroneuria californica Banks This species has now been found abundantly inland from the Pacific coast as far as the continental divide and is taken rarely in the Green River drainage as far south as N. Utah. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 41 FIGS. 1-3. Male terminalia of Caf>nia ncdia: 1, dorsal view; 2, lateral view ; 3, ventral view. FIGS. 4-7. Male terminalia of Capnia cygna: 4, ventral view; 5, lateral view (inverted) ; 6, dorsal view (not inverted) ; 7, lateral view (not inverted). FIG. 8. Ventral view of Capnia cygna female subgenital plate. FIG. 9. Lateral view of male terminalia of Arcynopteryx atirea. FIGS. 10-11. Alale terminalia of Capnia distincta: 10, dorsal view; 11, lateral view. FIG. 12. Ventral view of Capnia distincta female subgenital plate. 42 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 The following are the species known to occur in Idaho : Pdtoperla brevis Banks Newoitra cataractae Neave N. calif arnica Claassen N. flexura Claassen N. tina Ricker N. dcccpta Frison N. d die at ula Claassen .V. besametsa Ricker Ar. haysi Ricker N. cinctipes Banks N . coluinbiana Claassen N. frigida Claassen N. oregonensis Claassen Lcittra aiigiista Banks L. jorcipata Frison L. occidentalis Banks L. sara Claassen Megaleuctra kincaidi Frison Capnia cygna Jewett C. coloradensis Claassen C. conjnsa Claassen C. distincta Frison C. gracilaria Claassen C. lincata Hanson C. venosa Banks C. nedia Nebeker & Gaufin C. ziikeli Hanson C. trai'a Nebeker & Gaufin C. lenioniana Nebeker & Gaufin Encapnopsis brevicauda Claas- sen Brachyptera occidentalis Banks B. nigripcnnis Banks B. pacifica Banks Ptcronarcclla badia Hagen Pteronarcys calijornica New- port Arcynopteryx signata Hagen A. subtruncata Hanson A. aurea Smith A. bradlevi Smith A. curi'ata Hanson A. parallda Frison Isogenus tostonus Ricker 7. frontalis cohtbrinns Hagen /. clongatus Hagen /. inodcstus Banks /. expans-iis Banks Isoperla fitlva Claassen /. fnsca Needham & Claassen /. longiseta Banks /. nwrmona Banks /. patricia Frison /. petersoni Needham & Christ- tenson /. pint a Frison Diitra knowltoni Frison Kathroperla pcrdita Banks Parapcrla jrontalis Banks rtapcrla sopladora Ricker Allopcrla autiimna Hoppe A. nicdveda Ricker A. serrata Needham & Claas- sen A . sever a Hagen +-1. lineosa Banks A. pallid ula Banks A. albert ensis Needham & Claassen A. bor calis Banks A. coloradensis Banks A. fidclis Banks A. jratcrna Frison A. laniba Needham & Claassen A. divcrsa Frison A. signata Banks Acronenria calijornica Banks A. theodora Needham & Claas- sen A. pacifica Banks Claassenia sabnlosa Banks Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 4:3 LITERATURE CITED GAUFIN, A. R. 1964. Systematic list of Plecoptera of Intermountain Region. Utah Acad. Proc. Vol. 41 : 221-227. JEWETT, S. G., JR. 1954. New stoneflies (Plecoptera) from western North America. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 11 : 543-549. — . 1959. The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest. Oregon State Monogr. No. 3, O.S.U. Press. XEBEKER, A. V. and A. R. GAUFIX. The Capnia coluinbiana complex of North America (Plecoptera, Capniidae). Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 91 : 467-489. RICKER, W. E. 1964. Distribution of Canadian stoneflies. Gewasser und Abgewasser, Heft 34/35. 50-71/Verh. 3 Int. Symp. Plecop- teren ( 1964) Bagel, Dtisseldorf. — . 1965. New records and descriptions of Plecoptera (Class Insecta). J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 22(2), 1965. The Status of Pezotettix bohemani Stal (Orthop- tera: Acrididae), with Designation of a Lecto- type and Restriction of the Type Locality GORDON ALEXANDER, Department of Biology, University of Colorado In his paper on the Orthoptera of Colorado. Hehard (1929) suggested that a southern form of the Mclanoplus dodgci com- plex he recognized as a distinct suhspecies of M. dodgei. He used Stal's name bohemani (Pezotettix bohemani — though he erroneously referred to it as P[odisma] bohemani), stating that "Comparison of large series hefore us from the mountains of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico with the descrip- tion of bohemani and paratypes of altitiidinnm convinces us that bohemani is a southern race of dodgei, with altitndinum a syno- nym. Scudder had placed bohemani as a synonym of dodgei." (The reference to altitudinum is to Pezotettix altititdimtm Scud- der (1879), which was described from northern New Mexico and southern Colorado.) Later, Hehard (1935) stated that 44 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 lie had decided, on the basis of examination of concealed genitalia, that M. bohcmani was a species distinct from M. dodgci. When I examined Stal's description (1878) I found nothing to indicate that his specimens came from southern Colorado, nor, in fact, that they corresponded with specimens of the dodgci group from southern Colorado. The complete description fol- lows : "P. Bohcmani Stal. — P. jrigido simillimus et maxime af- finis, differt autem magnitudine minore, genis minus tumescenti- bus, elytris alisque nonnihil brevioribus, cercis marium angus- tioribus, segmenti ventrali ultimo marium apice macula parva rotundata nigra notato. <$$ Long. 14-21 mill. Patria : Colo- rado. (Mus. Holm.)" Specimens of M. dodgci do indeed have somewhat shorter tegmina and narrower cerci than does Pczotctti.r frigido Bohe- man, which is Bohcnianclla jrigida as used by Harz (1957) or Melanoplus frigidus as used by Bei-Bienko and Mishchenko (1963 and earlier) — the only species of Melanoplus in the Old World as recognized by Bei-Bienko and Mishchenko. The black spot on the last ventral segment is an individual variation, and it is not "apical" in Stal's specimen referred to later in this paper. The only significant feature of Stal's description is in the measurements, these suggesting extremely small specimens. Specimens from the populations to which Hebard applied the name bohcmani, even those from alpine areas, are typically larger. My examination of Stal's description suggested to me that Scudder's synonymy was probably correct. Whereas Hebard had apparently not seen any of Stal's types, Scudder had. In his synonymy of Podisma dodgci (Thomas), Scudder wrote (1897) : "By the kindness of Doctor Aurivillius, of Stockholm, I have received one of the type specimens of Stal's Pezotettix bohemani, and been able to compare it with the types of the other nominal species mentioned in the synonymy." Hebard's comments (1935) about differences in the genitalia were not accompanied or followed by descriptions. In 1950, Fehlmann reported on a comparison of the internal genitalia of Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 45 males from southern Colorado populations with those from the type locality of Mclanoplus dodgcl (Thomas), which is Pikes Peak, concluding that the variations within each population were as great as the differences between the Pikes Peak population and those from further south. Our assumption is that the differences Hehard found were individual variations. With the use of the name bohcniani in this apparent state of confusion, I asked Dr. Harold Grant if he would, on his recent trip to Stockholm, look for Stal's types of Pezotcttix bohemani. They were in the Riksmuseum, in excellent condition. Through the courtesy of Dr. Erik Kjellander, three syntypes, one male and two females, were sent me for examination. An examina- tion of them proved to be critical to a solution of the problem, for as soon as I saw them I realized that they were from an alpine area but were not typical of "southern" Colorado populations. Each specimen bears, in addition to the Riksmuseum label and number, a locality label with the one word "Colorado," and a label stating that the specimen is a syntype of Pczotettix bc- hcmani Stal. The male, however, has an additional label below that of the locality, bearing the one word "Morrison." This almost certainly refers to Herbert Knowles Morrison, who collected insects in Colorado in the 1870's and sent specimens to specialists in Europe as well as America. We have no definite information on Morrison's itinerary, but I am indebted to Mr. F. Martin Brown (several letters, 1965) for information on the year the specimens were obtained and their possible source. He wrote that Morrison's only visit to Colorado for which he had concrete evidence was in 1877. On the basis of 140-odd species of butterflies collected by Morrison, Mr. Brown wrote, "it is possible to say that he collected west from Pueblo into the Wet Mountains around Rosita and probably south to Greenhorn Mt. There is no evidence that he visited Pikes Peak, although he may have. There is no evidence that he collected in alpine areas." These last comments were in response to my statement that the specimens appeared to have come from the alpine areas on Pikes Peak. Mr. Brown suggested, however, that the speci- mens may have been given Morrison by II. W. Nash, an 46 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 entomological collector in Pueblo who wandered all over the mountains, had collected on Pikes Peak, and was quite generous in giving away his specimens. The problem of restricting a type locality is easier in this group than with many insects. Members of the dodyci complex are brachypterous, and there is little gene flow between popula- tions from different sections of the mountains. Populations from alpine areas that are isolated from each other by inter- vening lower elevations are phenotypically distinct. Thus, a comparison of Stal's syntypes with specimens from different populations in Colorado has given us a clue to the population represented by Stal's series. Fortunately, through collections made in 1949 by Dr. H. A. Fehlmann, I have had available for comparison large series of specimens from the alpine areas where Morrison might have collected and where Hebard may have thought the type series was collected — Greenhorn Mountain and the Sangre de Cristo Range, west of the West Mountain Valley. The syntypes of Pezotetti.r bohcinani differ from members of these populations in several respects. They are slightly smaller in overall size, the hind femora are definitely smaller in proportion to general body size, the tegmina are relatively shorter, and the hind femora in all populations from southern Colorado (south and southwest of Pikes Peak) are dark red in a broad ventral band while the syntypes are greenish yellow in the same region with only a trace of red along the ventral edge. The dark red in southern Colo- rado populations varies between Ridgway's (1912) coral red and jasper red ; it may be as dark as pompean red in specimens from southwestern Colorado. Femur color is similar in the syn- types, the Pikes Peak population, and in populations from further north, but only the Pikes Peak population agrees in both size and color with Stal's syntypes. These data, for males, are summarized in Table 1. Though not here given in detail for females, these differences are as marked in females as in males. And in those respects in which comparison can be made, the male used by Stal closely resembles the type of Caloptcnns Dodgci Thomas (1871), which is in the U. S. National Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 47 TABLE 1. Extremes of Measurements of Males from Various Colorado Populations of Melanoplus dodgei (Thomas) Compared with the Same Measurements from the Male Lectotype of Pezotettix bohemani Stal. All measurements are in millimeters, made to the nearest 0.1 mm. under 8X magnification. (Each set of measurements from a population is based on five specimens selected from the series available, to include the two largest and two smallest as determined by visual inspection, hence no averages are used.) The alpine populations came from the highest elevations of M. dodgei populations in each area; the differences in altitude are not significant. Total Length Pronotum Hind Femur Teg- men Length Color Lower Part Hind Femur Length Width Length Width Pezotettix bohemaui Stal, lectotvpe Pikes Peak, 12,500'-13.00<>' Greenhorn Mtn., 12,300' Sangre de Cristo, Horseshoe Lake, 12,400' Sangre de Cristo, Trinchera Peak, 12,300' Front Range, Goliath Peak, 12,100' Front Range Foothills, near Boulder, 6,700' 14.7 13.5-16 0 3.6 3 5-4 0 2.4 2 4-2 8 8.4 8 3-9 0 2.5 2 4-2 7 3.9 2 8-4 4 Greenish yellow Greenish yellow Deep red Deep red Deep red Greenish yellow Buffy yellow 15 8-18 1 3 7-4 4 2 6-2 8 9 1-9 9 2 6-2 9 3 5-5 0 15.6-17.9 16.1-17.8 3.9-4.6 4 0-4.5 2.6-2.7 2 6-2 8 9.0-10.2 9 3-10 6 2.6-3.1 > 8-2 9 3.5-4.9 4 0-5 5 15.2-17.9 3.8-4.1 2.5-2.7 8.9-9 8 2.6-2.8 4.3-4.8 16.6-24 4 4.2-5 1 2.8-3.1 9 6-10 3 2.6-3.3 4.6-6 8 Museum, and which, through the courtesy of Dr. Ashley B. Gurney, I examined and made scale drawings of some time ago. Thomas's type is fragmentary and in a Riker mount, hut the head and pronotum, part of the abdomen (including the termi- nal segments), and one hind leg have been preserved. On the basis of comparison of three of Stal's syntypes with populations of the Melanoplus dodyci complex from different parts of Colorado, and from what we can surmise of the activity of the probable collector, I wish to restrict the type locality of Pczotcttix boliciuani Stal to the alpine area above 12,000 feet in altitude on Pikes Peak, Colorado. (On the basis of Thomas's description of Caloptenus Dodgei we might conclude that the type Thomas used came from approximately 10,000 feet, as this is the elevation he mentioned, but this elevation is below 48 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 timber line and probably was an error.) Pesotettix bohemani Stal is a synonym of Melanoplus dodgei (Thomas), and the type specimens of both came from the same locality. I wish to designate the male syntype that has been the prin- cipal basis of this comparison as the lectotype of Pesotettix bohemani Stal. This specimen, which is in the Riksmuseum, Stockholm, bore the following labels when I received it : Colo- rado/Morrison/168 [over] 65/Riksmuseum Stockholm/ Syn- A 5mm. FIG. 1. Lectotype of Pesotettix bohemani Stal. A. Side view. (The terminal portion of the hind tarsus is missing.) B. Dorsal view of last abdominal segments. type Pesotettix bohemani Stal. It now bears the additional label : lectotype Pesotettix bohemani Stal designated Alexander 1965. It is illustrated in Fig. 1. The female syntypes I ex- amined bear the same sequence of labels, with the exception that neither bears the name "Morrison." Their numbers are 169 [over] 65 and 170 [over] 65. I am particularly grateful to Drs. Grant and Kjellander for their part in making possible my examination of these specimens. Since Pesotettix bohemani Stal is based on a series of speci- mens from the type locality of Melanoplus dodgei (Thomas), a synonym, its name is not available for the northern form of M. dodgei. If this southern form merits recognition by name, such a name may be available in Scudder's Pesotettix altitudi- num (1879). (Scudder's 1897 description emphasizes the deep red color of the lower portion of the hind femur, a feature I Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 49 have commented upon.) Before a final decision is reached on the forms of M. dodyci, however, a thorough investigation of populations from New Mexico to Canada should be carried out in as much detail as the recent studies by Van Horn (1965) on populations of M. dodf/ci in the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies. LITERATURE CITED BEI-BIENKO, G. YA. and L. L. MISHCHENKO. 1963. Locusts and grass- hoppers of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent countries. 2. vols. (English translation of 1951 Russian edition.) Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations. BROWN, F. M. Letters to G. A. dated 1 July, 27 July, and 5 August, 1965, concerning collections made by H. K. Morrison and H. W. Nash in Colorado. FEHLMANN, H. A. 1950. Alpine Orthoptera of the eastern Rockies of Colorado. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Colorado. 21 pp. HARZ, K. 1957. Die Geradfliigler Mitteleuropas. Jena: Gustav Fischer. 494 pp. HEBARD, MORGAN. 1929. The Orthoptera of Colorado. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 81 : 303-425. — . 1935. Orthoptera of the upper Rio Grande valley and the adjacent mountains in northern New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 87 : 45-82. RIUGWAY, R. 1912. Color standards and color nomenclature. Washing- ton, B.C. : published by the author. 43 pp. + 53 color plates. SCUDDER, S. H. 1879. A century of Orthoptera. Boston: published by the author. 84 pp. — . 1897. Revision of the orthopteran group Melanopli (Acridiidae) with special reference to North American forms. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 20: 1-421. STAL, C. 1878. Observations orthopterologiques. Sur le Pezotettix et quelques genres voisins. (Remainder of paper in Latin.) Bihang Till K. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handlingar 5 : 3-20. THOMAS, C. 1871. On a new grasshopper from Colorado. Canadian Ent. 3: 168. VAN* HORN, D. 1965. Variations in size and phallic morphology among populations of M clan op I us dodgci (Thomas) in the Colorado Front Range (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 91 : 95-119. 50 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 Distribution of the Genus Sphecomyia Latreille (Diptera: Syrphidae) KENNETH E. WEISMAN, Department of Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University, Maconib. Illinois This paper, the third part in a revisionary study of the syrphid genus Sphecomyia, brings together available informa- tion and presents new data on the distribution of the genus. I am indebted to the following institutions and individual for the generous loan of specimens used throughout this study. The abbreviations used in the "specimens examined" data are : United States National Museum, USNM ; Ohio State Uni- versity, OSU ; Oregon State University, ORSU ; University of California at Berkeley, UCB ; University of California at Davis, UCD ; University of Kansas, UK ; University of British Co- lumbia, UBC ; California Academy of Science, CAS ; Canadian National Collection, CNC ; University of Alberta, UA ; Zoologi- cal Museum, Leningrad, ZML ; and personal collection of Y. Sedman, YS. The genus is limited to the Holarctic Region. 6". vittata, S. brevicornis, S. cohtnibiana, S. pattonii, S. dyarl, S. occi- dental is, S. nasica, and S. jit sea are confined to the Nearctic Region while S. Tcspifonnis is Palearctic. Specimens have been recorded as collected on Primus yra- ciUis, Heracleinn maximum, Heraclcitni lanatum, and V actinium parviflorus and at elevations between 4,000 and 6,000 feet. The records are from April through September. Sphecomyia vittata (Wiedemann), 1830. Fig. 1. TYPE LOCALITY: "Vaterland?" (Wiedemann, 1830), or "Georgien" (Roder, 1879). Type deposited, "Im Wiener Musseum" (Wiedemann, 1830). RECORDS: Carolina (Latreille, 1825); Georgia (Wiedemann, 1830) ; Nebraska (Hunter, 1869) ; Colorado, New York, New Hampshire, Virginia (Osten-Sacken, 1877) ; Minnesota, Con- necticut (Williston, 1886). Lxxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 51 NEW RECORDS : CANADA ; Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec. UNITED STATES ; Delaware. Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: British Columbia: 1 $, Soda Creek, UBC. Quebec: 1 ?, Montreal Is., USNM. Alberta: 1 $, Sundance, UA. Virginia: 2 ££> 1 ?» Falls Church; 1 $, Glen- carlyn, USNM. New York: 2 $<$ 3$$, Paterson, OnSU ; 1 ?, Essex Co., USNM. Michigan: 1 J\ 1 ?, Midland Co., YS; 1 ?, Newaygo Co., YS. New Hampshire: 1 Jersey: 1 <£ Malaga, USNM. Oklahoma: 1 ^, 255, Dover, UK. Wisconsin: 1 <£, Land O' Lakes, personal collection. Indiana: 1 $, Brown Co., USNM. Pennsylvania: 1 ?, Collingdale, USNM; 1 $, Montag Co., UK. Connecticut: 1 ?, Stamford, USNM. Massachusetts: 1 J, Forest Hills; 1 $, Petersham, USNM. Texas: 1 ?, Necogd Co., UK. Ohio: 2$?, Hocking; 1$, Ira, OSU. Sphecomyia vespiformis (Gorski), 1852. Fig. 2. TYPE LOCALITY: "Lithuaniae . . ." (Gorski, 1852). Type deposited, "Musaeo berolinensi . . ." (Gorski, 1852). RECORDS: Lithuania (Gorski, 1852); Siberia, Norway (Schiner, 1857) ; Sweden (Osten-Sacken, 1876) ; Finland (Roder, 1879) ; Leningrad, Novgorod, Jaroslavl, Moscow, Kaluga, Mogilev Oblasts, Baltic Coastal Area, Middle belt of Western Europe ( Stackelberg, 1958). Roder (1879) incorrectly declared S. rcspiforniis synony- mous with S. vittata. Therefore, the distributional records of S. I'ittata in the Palearctic Region are actually those of S. vespi- f or mis. There is no doubt that the two species are very close phylogenetically in spite of their geographical separation. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: U.S.S.R., 1 J1, 1 $, Leningrad, CXC. 1 J1, 1 9, Berdestsino, ZML. Sphecomyia brevicornis Osten-Sacken, 1877. Fig. 3. TYPE LOCALITY : Webber Lake, Sierra County, California. Type deposited, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. 52 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., 1966 » RECORDS: California (Osten-Sacken, 1877) ; British Columbia (Osburn, 1908) ; Oregon (Shannon, 1925). NEW RECORDS : UNITED STATES : Washington, Idaho. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: British Columbia: I $, Robson, UBC; 2 ,&?, Langley, UBC; 2^, Saanich Dist., UBC. Oregon: 1 £, 1 $, Hood River, UBC. Washington: 1 <$, Pu- yalup, OnSU ; 1 $, Blue Mts., USNM. California: 1 J1, Crystal Lake, UBC ; 1 J1 , Stevens Creek, UCB ; 1 ^, Yuba Pass, UCB ; 1 J1, Walnut Creek, CteSU ; 1 $, Camp Angelus, USNM ; 1 J\ Dutch Flat, UCD ; 1 $, Mono Co., UCB ; 1 $ Sentinel Dome, UCB. Idaho: 15 JV?, 2 $$, Moscow Mt., USNM, UK, UCD. Sphecomyia columbiana Vockeroth, 1965. Fig. 4. TYPE LOCALITY : Thirty-two miles S.W. of Terrace, British Columbia. Type deposited, Canadian National Collection. Ottawa. RECORD: British Columbia (Vockeroth, 1965). NEW RECORDS: UNITED STATES: Washington, Idaho. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: British Columbia: Paratypes #8463, 2dV, 2$$, 32 miles S.W. of Terrace, CNC. Washington: 1 £, Walla Walla, USNM. Idaho: 1 $, Coolin, Priest Lake. CAS. Sphecomyia pattonii Williston, 1882. Fig. 5. TYPE LOCALITY : Washington Territory. Type deposited, U. S. National Museum. RECORDS: Washington Territory (Williston, 1882) ; Oregon, Idaho (Shannon, 1925) ; Central British Columbia south to Idaho and California (Vockeroth, 1965). NEW RECORD : UNITED STATES : Montana. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: British Columbia: 1 <$, 1 5, Na- naimo, UK, USNM ; 1 $, Cabriora, OSU. Idaho: 6 <$<$, 3 $?, Moscow Mt., USNM, UK, ORSU. Washington: 6 JJ, Mt. Rainier, USNM, ORSU ; 1 <£ Colokum Pass, UK ; 2 J^, North Puyallup, ORSU ; 1 J, Blue Mt., USNM ; 1 $, Signal Peak, ORSU. Oregon: 1 J1, Linn Co.; 1 J\ Three Sisters; 2 c?c?, 1 $, Klamath Co. ; 1 £, 1 $, Crater Lake ; 1 ^, Mt. Jef- Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 53 ferson ; 1 J\ Duffy Prairie ; 1 <$, Mary's Peak ; 1 J1, 1 $. Crater Lake ; 1 J>, Parkdale ; 1 $, Deschutes Co. ; 1 ?, Grant Co. ; 1 $, Crescent Lake; all ORSU. Montana: 1 J\ Missoula, UCD. California: 2 gg, Sonoma Co., UCD; 1 ^ , Humboldt Co., OSU; 1?, Eldorado Co., UK; 1$, Walnut Creek, USNM; 1 ?, Napa, UCD. Sphecomyia dyari Shannon, 1925. Fig. 6. TYPE LOCALITY: Gold Lake Camp, Plumas County, Cali- fornia. Type deposited, U. S. National Museum. RECORD: California (Shannon, 1925). NEW RECORDS: UNITED STATES: Washington, Oregon, Nevada. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Washington: 1 J, Mt. Rainier, USNM ; 1 ?, Walla Walla, USNM. Oregon: 1 J, 1 ?, Talent, ORSU ; 1 <$, 2 5$, Crater Lake, ORSU ; 1 $, Lake of the Woods, UCD. California: 2 £<$, 2 $?, Camp Baldy, UCD, UCB ; 8 <$<$, 5$?, San Bernardino, UCD; 2 , Mt. Hood, Sphecomyia fusca Weisman, 1964. Fig. 9. TYPE LOCALITY : Gold Lake, Sierra County, California. Type deposited, Department of Entomology, University of California at Davis. RECORD: California (Weisman, 1964). SPECIMENS EXAMINED: California: Holotype, Sierra Co., Gold Lake; Allotype, Nevada Co., near Hobart Mills; Para- types, 4 ^cT, 3 $5, Nevada Co., all UCD. LITERATURE CITED GORSKI, S. B. 1852. Analecta ad Entomographiam Provinciarum Occi- dentali-Meridonalium Imperii Rossici 1 : 1-214. HUNTER, W. D. 1869. Canad. Ent. 28: 87-101. LATREILLE, P. A. 1825. Families naturelles du regne animal, exposees succinctement et dans un ordre analytique, avec 1'indication de leurs genres. Paris, pp. 1-570. OSBURN, R. C. 1904. Canad. Ent. 36 : 257-262. -. 1908. Canad. Ent. 49: 1-15. OSTEN-SACKEN, C. R. 1876. Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Science 3 : 38-71. -. 1877. Western Diptera. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. 3 : 189-354. RODER, V. 1879. Entomol. Nachrichten. 7 : 96-98. SCHINER, J. R. 1857. Zoologisch-botanische gesellschaft, Verhand- lungen 7 : 279-506. SHANNON, R. C. 1925. Pan. Pac. Ent. 2 : 43-44. STACKELBERG, A. A. 1958. Zool. Inst. Acad. of Sciences USSR. 24: 192-246. VOCKEROTH, J. R. 1965. Canad. Ent. 97 : 86-88. WEISMAN, K. E. 1964. Ent. News 75 : 266-268. WIEDEMANN, C. R. 1830. Aussereuropaischc Zweifliigler Insekten 2: 1-684. WILLISTON, S. W. 1882. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 20 : 299-332. - . 1886. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 31 : 1-335. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society An irregular serial, containing monographic pa- pers by students of authority in their respective subjects. Seventeen numbers have been published to date and publication of number 18 will occur on May 31, 1963. Cost of individual numbers varies from $2.00 to $15.00. Complete sets are still avail- able for $85.00 (17 numbers in 18 volumes). For price lists and titles address : THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Number 19 BUTTERFLIES OF LIBERIA By Richard M. Fox, Arthur W. Lindsey, Jr., Harry K. Clench and Lee D. Miller 402 pages of text ; colored frontispiece, 233 figures, 2 graphs, 2 tables, 3 maps, table of contents, full bibliography and a taxonomic index. With 195 new records, this study increases the known butter- fly fauna of Liberia from 280 to 475 species and another 254 species are noted as probably to be found. Two new tribes, 5 new genera, 13 new species and subspecies are described. Il- lustrations include photographs and, where pertinent, drawings of genitalia of all holotypes, along with photographs and draw- ings of closely related forms for comparison. The distribution of each species is given and those more difficult to identify or previously confused are treated at greater length. All known records from Liberia are noted. A 46 page introduction details climatic conditions and biotopes in Liberia and analyzes the zoogeographic and ecologic relationships of the butterflies of Liberia and of Occidental Africa. Price $12.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (19103), U.S.A. .' ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS MARCH 196tt Vol. LXXVII No. 3 CONTENTS Emmel and Emmel — A new Papilio from California ( Lep. ) . . . 57 Abdullah and Abdullah — Byturidae and Biphyllidae (Col.) .... 63 Alexander — Xe\v exotic crane-flies. Part XII (Dipt.) 69 Roberts — Technique for rearing Tabanidae (Dipt.) 79 Nomenclature Xotice 82 Review 83 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: personal, $6.00; institutional, $9.00. Second-class postage paid at Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Edited, 1911-1944, by PHILIP P. CALVERT (1871-1961) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa., and the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: H. W. ALLEN, H. J. GRANT, JR., M. E. PHILLIPS, and S. S. ROBACK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Communications and remittances to be addressed to Entomological News, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Prices per yearly volume of 10 numbers. Private subscriptions, for personal use, domestic and foreign, $6.00 postpaid. Institutional subscriptions, for libraries, laboratories, etc., domestic and foreign, $9.00 postpaid. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rate schedules available from the editor. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be addressed to R. G. Schmieder, Joseph Leidy Laboratory of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. Articles longer than eight printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS: Authors will be charged as follows: For text- figures, the cost of engraving; for insert plates (on glossy stock), the cost of engraving plus printing. Size limit, when printed, 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after printing. TABLES: The cost of setting tables will be charged to authors. SEPARATA: Separates (as reprints with extraneous matter removed) may be obtained only from the printer at the prices quoted below. Authors must place their orders for such separates with the editor at the time of submitting manuscripts, or when returning proof. Copies 1-4 pp. 5-8 pp. 9-12 pp. Covers 50 $5.87 $ 9.40 $14.69 $6.40 100 7.03 11.15 17.62 8.75 Add'l 100 2.35 3.51 5.85 4.70 Plates printed one side: First 50, $4.68; Additional 100's, $3.52. Transportation charges will be extra. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LXXVII MARCH, 1966 Xo. 3 A New Papilio from the Mojave Desert of California (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) JOHN F. EM MEL and THOMAS C. EM MEL, Department of Bio- logical Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 In the vast arid reaches of the Mojave Desert of California, isolated mountain ranges support ecological islands of Upper Sonoran Zone plants and animals. Many of these organisms have been isolated for a sufficiently long time to have diverged from relatives in the main Sierra Nevada or Coast Ranges, some becoming endemic species. In the Providence Mountains of the eastern Mojave, a new Papilio butterfly was discovered several years ago and intensive field work in 1964 and 1965 has made possible the acquisition of a series of specimens, as well as a knowledge of the life history and foodplant. The new Papilio seems referable to the Papilio indra Reakirt unit within the Papilio inachaon complex, and is being named at this time as a subspecies of this species. It is evident from our studies, however, that evolutionary divergence has pro- gressed to a remarkable degree within the group of "subspecies" ascribed to Papilio indra, and it may be necessary to change this assesment in the future. Papilio indra martini new subspecies Hoiotypc, male. Expanse, 66 mm. Forewing length, 3(^ mm. Length of tail, 6 mm. SMITH: (57) MAR 58 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 Primaries, superior surface: Dull black, with a complete sub- marginal series and a complete post-median series of cream- colored spots. All of these spots are less developed than in typical indra, and are clouded by black scaling. The post-median spots are arrow-shaped, with the apices made indistinct by dense black- scaling ; the band formed by these spots bends outward near the inner margin. Secondaries, superior surface : Dull black, with a submarginal series of cream crescentic spots slightly less developed than in Indra. The row of blue spots is more prominent than in typical FIG. 1. Papilio indra martini Emmel and Emmel, new subspecies. Holotype (male) on left, and allotype (female) on right; upper surfaces above, lower surfaces below. !.\,\\ ii | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 59 FIG. 2. The six subspecies in the Papilio indra group. Left column: Top, P. i. indra male (Six Mile Canyon, Boulder Co., Colo., June 10, 1962). Second, P. i. fnrdi female (Calico Alts., San Ber- nardino Co., Calif., March 8, 1962). Third, P. i. pcrgmnus male (Tecate Peak, San Diego Co., Calif., April 10, 1964). Fourth, P. i. martini fe- male, Paratype No. 1. Right column: Top, P. i. kaibabcnsis female (Roaring Springs, North Rim, Grand Canyon Nat. Park, Ariz., July 4, 1965, ex larva). Second, P. i. minor i female (Black Ridge, Mesa "Co., Colo., May 24, 1964, ex "vuni). Third, P. i. martini female, Paratype No. 4. The two paratypes of P. i. martini represent the extremes of forewine pattern variation within the type series. 60 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 indra, approximately intermediate between indra and P. I. minor i. The orange-red anal spot is mostly filled by the central black spot; only the area lateral to and anterior to this black- spot is orange-red ; the area just posterior to it is cream. The post-median series of cream spots forms a band slightly less developed than in indra. Near the costal margin, the band is widest, narrowing posteriorly. Just posterior to the outer edge of the cell, the band bends inward, becoming an irregular line. Both the submarginal and post-median series of spots are slightly clouded by black scaling. Primaries, inferior surface : Very similar to superior surface, except that the spots are slightly larger, and their color is lighter, being a cream-white. Secondaries, inferior surface : Similar to superior surface, but with the submarginal spots and the posterior half of the post- median series slightly larger, and all spots lighter in color, being cream-white. The submarginal spot nearest the costal margin is largely light red-orange. The anal spot has a larger area of red-orange than it does on the superior surface. Head and thorax as in typical P. indra. Abdomen, entirely black ; in specimens of other subspecies of the P. indra group, there is nearly always a lateral yellow area of varying size just anterior to the claspers. Allotype, female. Expanse, 72 mm. Forewing length, 43 mm. Length of tail, 7 mm. Primaries, superior surface : Dull black, with same cream- colored markings as for male. Secondaries, superior surface : Dull black, markings same as for male. The submarginal spot nearest the costal margin is obliterated by black scaling. Primaries, inferior surface : Same as for male. Secondaries, inferior surface: Same as for male, except that the second submarginal spot is tinged with orange, and the black central spot of the anal spot is larger than on the superior surface. Head, thorax, and abdomen same as in male. Holotype male : From an egg taken on Lomatiwn parryi Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 61 (Wats.) Macbr., on May 9, 1964, in Gilroy Canyon, elevation 5,600 feet, Providence Mountains, San Bernardino County. CALIFORNIA ; reared on tbe same plant. Emerged July 8, 1964. Leg. John F. Emmel and Thomas C. Emmel. Gilroy Canyon is located approximately midway between Mitchell Caverns State Park and the Bonanza King Mine. Allotype female : Same locality, date, and collectors as for holotype; emerged October 10, 1964. Paratypes: 2 males and 7 females, Nos. 1-7 having been taken by the authors as ova on Lomatium parryi on May 9, 1964, at the type locality, and reared on the same plant. Paratype No. 1 : Emgd. Oct. 21, 1964. Deposited in Los Angeles Co. Museum. Paratype No. 2: Emgd. Oct. 21, 1964. Deposited in collection of John F. Emmel and Thomas C. Em- mel. Paratype No. 3: Emgd. Jan. 17, 1965. Deposited in Los Angeles Co. Museum. Paratype No. 4: Emgd. Jan. 21, 1965. Deposited in collection of J. F. Emmel and T. C. Emmel. Paratype No. 5 : Emgd. Mar. 17, 1965. Deposited in Los An- geles Co. Museum. Paratype No. 6: Emgd. Feb. 4, 1965. De- posited in Los Angeles Co. Museum. Paratype No. 7 : Emgd. Oct. 6, 1964. Deposited in collection of J. F. Emmel and T. C. Emmel. Paratype No. 8 : Coll. May 9, 1964, in canyon above Bonanza King Mine, elevation 5,650 fet, Providence Mts., Calif., leg. John F. Emmel. Deposited in collection of T. F. Emmel and T. C. Emmel. Paratype No. 9: Coll. April 5, 1934, Providence Mts., Calif., no collector. Deposited in Los Angeles Co. Museum. The holotype and allotype will be deposited in the collection of the Los Angeles County Museum. A pair of topotypes will be deposited in the American Museum of Natural History at a later date. We take great pleasure in naming this subspecies after our close friend Lloyd M. Martin, Associate Curator of Entomology at the Los Angeles County Museum, who has given unlimited aid and encouragement in our studies of the Papilio inachaon complex and other Rhopalocera. There are now six named subspecies of Papilio indra, includ- ing the typical form. The following summarizes their distin- guishing characteristics. 62 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 In typical indra (Reakirt, 1866) the outstanding features are the small size, stubby wings, very short tails, and medium-width yellow limbal band. Range : Northern half of the states of California, Nevada, and Utah, and north-central Colorado, north to the Canadian border, in mountain areas. P. i. pergamus (Edwards, 1874) is similar to indra in mark- ings, but is larger, and has long tails and more angular wings. Range : Mountain ranges of southwestern California, from the Santa Barbara Mountains south to the mountains of northern Baja California. P. i. minori (Cross, 1937) is generally larger than the previous two, and has a narrower limbal band, in some specimens obso- lescent ; there is greater development of the blue areas on the secondaries ; tails are long. Range : Extreme western Colorado, southeastern Utah, northwestern New Mexico (J. F. Emmel, unpublished). P. i. kaibabensis (Bauer, 1955) is similar to minori, but with the limbal band absent or reduced to a few spots ; blue areas on secondaries are very prominent ; tails are long. Range : Grand Canyon region of Arizona. P. i. fordi (Comstock and Martin, 1955) has the greatest devel- opment of the light yellow markings, exhibiting a wide limbal band ; smaller than typical indra, but with longer tails. Range : Mountain ranges of western Mojave Desert and northwestern Colorado Desert (J. F. Emmel, unpublished). P. i. martini is slightly larger than typical indra, and has longer tails ; the ground color is a duller black than in other subspecies ; the limbal band is narrower than in indra, and on the secondaries it tapers posteriorly, and as it passes the outer edge of the cell, it bends inward, becoming a thin, irregular line — this pattern is unique to this subspecies, and may be used as an immediate dis- tinguishing feature; the yellow markings are paler than in any other subspecies, and are often clouded by black scales ; the ab- domen is entirely black in nearly all specimens, the exceptions Ixxvii ENTOMOLO(;iCAL NEWS 63 showing only a trace of yellow scales laterally — in all other sub- species yellow markings are present on the abdomen. Impor- tant character differences are also found in the early stages, which will be described in a separate paper. Range : Providence Mountains, eastern Mojave Desert. LITERATURE CITED BAUER, D. L. 1955. A new race of Fapilio indra from the Grand Can- yon region. Jour. Lepid. Soc. 9 : 49-54. COMSTOCK, J. A., and L. M. MARTIN. 1955. A new Papilio from Cali- fornia. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 54: 142-148. CROSS, F. C. 1937. Butterflies of Colorado. Proc. Colo. Mus. Nat. Hist. 16. EDWARDS, H. 1874. Pacific coast Lepidoptera, No. 10, On a new spe- cies of Papilio from California. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 5 : 423. MUNZ, P. A. 1963. A California flora. University of California Press, Los Angeles. 1681 pp. REAKIRT, T. 1866. Coloradoan butterflies. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6: 122-151. Byturidae and Biphyllidae (Coleoptera), Two Primitive Families of the Heteromera not the Clavicornia — A New Interpretation of some Old Observations ' MOHAMMAD ABDULLAH - and ABIDA ABDULLAH, Department of Entomology, Macdonald College of McGill University, P. Q. There is no doubt that the Byturidae (fruitworms) and tin- Biphyllidae (false skin-beetles) are families of the Cucujoidea. The superfamily includes a primitive section called Clavicornia from which seems to have evolved a derivative section called 1 Senior author's paper number 47 on the Coleoptera. 2 The research was supported by a Postdoctorate Fellowship awarded to the senior author by the National Research Council of Canada. 64 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 Heteromera. The only suggestion we know of regarding the origin of the Heteromera is Crowson's view that the Heteromera o probably evolved from a fairly primitive clavicorn type near Byturidae and Biphyllidae (Crowson, 1955: 91, and vide Ab- dullah, 1964: 16). We have critically examined the observa- tions of Crowson (1955, 1960, and' 1964), Barber (1942), Boving and Craighead (1931), Emden (1942), Peterson (1951), and Roberts (1958) and come to the definite conclusion that the two families belong to the derivative cucujoid group called Heteromera and that they are primitive within the section. In other words, the Byturidae and Biphyllidae are primitive fami- lies of the Heteromera, not of the Clavicornia. However, we agree with Crowson (1955: 84) in dismissing the suggestion of some "older authors" of a direct connection between the Melyri- dae (Cleroidea) and the Biphyllidae-Byturidae. With the understanding that the Heteromera is a derivative group of the Cucujoidea and keeping in mind the principles of phyletic weighting (vide Cain and Harrison, 1960; Simpson, 1961 ; and Crowson, 1965) we examined the characters defining the Clavicornia and Heteromera in both the adult and larvae. The following report on the primitive and derivative alterna- tives of a character in the Heteromera seems reasonable : 1. ANTENNA: Primitive — clubbed as in the Biphyllidae, Byturidae, Hemipep- lidae, Tetratomidae, etc. (and many Clavicornia). Derivative — filiform as in the Anthicidae, Meloidae, etc. 2. FRONT COXA: Primitive — transverse or oval (i.e., non-projecting) as in the Biphyllidae, Byturidae, Hemipeplidae, Inopeplidae, etc. (and many Clavicornia). Derivative — projecting as in the Anthicidae, Meloidae, etc. 3. TROCHANTER: Primitive — non-heteromeroid as in the Hemipeplidae (and Clavicornia). Derivative — heteromeroid as in the Biphyllidae, Byturidae, Anthicidae, etc. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 65 4. TARSAL FORMULA: Primitive — 5-5-5 as in the Biphyllidae, Byturidae ( and Clavi- cornia). Derivative — 5-5-4 as in the Hemipeplidae, Inopeplidae, Tetra- tomidae, Anthicidae, etc. 5. AEDEAGUS : Primitive — heteromeran type as in the Biphyllidae, Byturidae and other Heteromera (with the ventral part of the tegmen alto- gether absent). We do not know the condition in Hemipeplus and Inopeplus but if the aedeagus is heteromeran in these gen- era, then we are fairly confident of our conclusion. Derivative— inverted heteromeran type as in the Cononotidae with the tegmen ventral and median lobe dorsal (however, quite variable in the Anthicidae). 6. ABDOMEN : Primitive — all visible sternites free as in the Biphyllidae, By- turidae, etc. (and Clavicornia). Derivative — first few visible sternites connate as in the Aderi- dae, Nilionidae, Lagriidae, Alleculidae, Tenebrionidae, etc. 7. LARVAL MANDIBLE: Primitive — prostheca present as in the Biphyllidae (Roberts, 1958: 275, fig. 47) (and most Clavicornia, e.g., the Endomychi- dae (Peterson, 1951: 91, fig. I). Derivative — without a true prostheca as in the Tetratomidae (Crowson, 1963 : 83 and fig. 3 ) and with a setiferous lobe below niola as in the Byturidae (Peterson, 1951 : 91, fig. O) and some Anthicidae (Emden, 1942: 259, fig. 26). 8. LARVAL HEAD: MEDIAN EPICRANIAL SUTURE: Primitive — present as in the Byturidae, Tetratomidae (Crow- son, 1964: fig. 1), etc. Derivative — absent or reduced as in the Scraptiidae (Bo'ving and Craighead, 1931: 175, fig. A). 9. LARVAL TENTH ABDOMINAL SEGMENT: Primitive — present, postero-ventral and pygopod-like as in the Byturidae (Peterson, 1951 : 175. fig. O) and typical Clavi- cornia (Crowson, 1960: 127). 66 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 Derivative — absent ; if present not pygopod-like, position ven- tral, transverse and with sclerotized dorsal and ventral lips as in Mccynotarsus, Anthicidae (Boving and Craighead, 1931 : 179, fig. W) ; Scraptiidae (ibid., 1931 : 175, fig. D) and other typical Heteromera (Crowson, 1960: 127). We believe that the facts do not support Crowson's opinion that the "5-5-4 tarsi in the male sex might well be an ancestral feature in Cucujoidea" because in those families of the Hetero- mera where this tarsal formula exists either the aedeagus is of the heteromeran type or the trochanters are heteromeroid and the larval mandible lacks prostheca (Crowson, 1960: 128). The presence of these essentially correlated characters defines a nat- ural group. The discovery of Protomcloc Abdullah has now fairly conclusively established that the Heteromera is a natural (monophyletic) group and that the old division (Tenebrionoidea, Meloidea, Cucujoidea) is artificial, for if the Meloidae evolved from the Anthicidae or the latter from the Pyrochroidae, these families could not be placed remote from each other in a phylo- genetic classification (Abdullah, 1965). There are two major possibilities with respect to the Biphyl- lidae-Byturidae : either we place them in the Clavicornia on the basis of primitive (negative) characters shared with other Clavicornia while attributing their similarities with the Hetero- mera to convergence or we place them in the Heteromera for having evolved a number of important Heteromeran characters in both the adult and larvae which could neither be attributed to convergence nor explained on the basis of adaptations to the same special mode of life while explaining their certain structural similarities with the Clavicornia as due to ancestry, an interpre- tation which is consistent with the view that the Heteromera have evolved from the Clavicornia. Crowson (1955 and 1960) has made a number of suggestions, even seemingly contradictory at times, sometimes favoring the first view and sometimes the second view yet at no time taking a clear stand on the issue. For example, here are the sugges- tions that the byturids are primitive Clavicornia : . . . "by the Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 67 totality of their structure they are most closely allied to the more decidedly 'Clavicorn' Biphylliclae" (Crowson, 1955: 106) ; "By- turids are the nearest 'Clavicorn' relatives of the Heteromera" (op. cit. :136) ; the Byturidae possibly have "direct affinity" with the Protocucujidae as suggested by "the structure of the front coxae, the pseudo-tetramerous tarsi, the relatively large bi setose empodium and the angular bend in the r-m cross-vein (suggesting an incipient spur)" (op. cit.: 106) ; the Byturidae may be related to the Endomychidae-Cerylonidae as suggested by the wing-venation (op. cit.: 106, 109). Further, "the fami- lies allied to Endomychidae" are the Cerylonidae, Corylophidae, Coccinellidae, Discolomidae, Merophysiidae and Lathridiidae (Crowson, 1960: 127). On the other hand, it could be argued that Crowson had earlier suggested that the Biphyllidae-Byturidae are more "Het- eromera-like" in the "wing-venation, aedeagus, trochanters and met-endosternite" than the Cucujidae (Crowson, 1955: 103), but it could be pointed out that he also used some of these characters to link them with the Endomychidae and certain other families of the Clavicornia and since the Cucujidae is not a family of the Heteromera, this does not prove anything. Per- haps, the best indication in his writings may be obtained in the following sentence "If the Clavicornia-Heteromera division is to be employed, I think the phylogenetically soundest procedure might be to base it essentially on the structure of the aedeagus and include Byturidae and Biphyllidae in Heteromera as well as Cisidae, Mycetophagidae, Colydiidae (excluding Ceryloni- dae), etc." (Crowson, 1960: 127). However, it should be pointed out that in the same paper, Crowson stated, ... it is natural to suspect the group [Cucujoidea] of being worthy of subdivision into two or more superfamilies" and "5-5—1- tarsi in the male sex might well be an ancestral feature in Cucujoi- dea" (op. cit.: 127-128). We can not imagine anything sensible or necessary in a division involving more than two superfamilies (or even two) as the old division (Tenebrionoidea, Meloidea and Cucujoidea) is undoubtedly artificial. Also, if the 5-5-4 tarsal formula is a primitive feature then the Biphylliclae-Byturi- 68 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 dae could be mistaken for derivative Heteromera, a view which is not supported by other features of their anatomy. Compared with the Byturidae, Biphyllidae appears to be more primitive for the larval mandible has a prostheca but lacks the post-molar setose lobe found in the Byturidae. How- ever, in other features it resembles the Byturidae closely : the heteromeroid trochanters, the first anal vein running into the subcubital fleck (Crowson, 1955: 92, fig. 113), the byturid type of the met-endosternite and the heteromeran aedeagus-characters which merit them to be called families of the Heteromera. The resemblances with the Endomychidae or the Cerylonidae in certain characters of the wing-venation are unimportant when the differences in the other above-mentioned characters are considered. We, therefore, transfer the Biphyllidae and Byturidae to the Heteromera from the Clavicornia and at the same time reject any suggestion of direct affinities with any other group of the Coleoptera. The two families are primitive Heteromera, and not clavicorn ancestors of the Heteromera. REFERENCES ABDULLAH, M. 1964. New heteromerous beetles (Coleoptera) from the Baltic amber of eastern Prussia and gum copal of Zanzibar. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London 116: 329-346. — . 1965. Protomeloc argentinensis, a new genus and species of Meloidae (Coleoptera), with remarks on the significance of cantha- ridin and the phylogeny of the families Pyrochroidae, Anthicidae, Meloidae and Cephaloidae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 13(7) :247-254 (1964). BARBER, H. S. 1942. Raspberry fruitworms and related species. Misc. Publ. United States Dept. Agric. 468: 1-32. MOVING, A. G. & CRAIGHEAD, F. C. 1931. An illustrated synopsis of the principal larval forms of the Coleoptera. Ent. Americana (n.s.) 11: 1-351. CAIN, A. J. £ HARRISON, G. A. 1960. Phyletic weighting. Proc. zool. Soc. London 135 : 1-31. CROWSON, R. A. 1955. The natural classification of the families of Coleoptera. viii + 187 pp., London. — . 1960. The phylogeny of Coleoptera. Ann. Rev. Ent. 5 : 111-134. Ixxvii | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 69 — . 1964. Observations on British Tetratomidae (Col.), with a key to the larvae. Ent. mon. Mag. 99: 82-86 (1963). — . 1965. Classification, Statistics and Phylogeny. Syst. Zool. 14: 144-148. EMDEN, F. I. VAN. 1942. Larvae of British beetles III. Key to the families. Ent. mon. Mag. 78 : 206-272. PETERSON", A. 1951. Larvae of insects. II. v + 416 pp. Ann Arbor, Mich. ROBERTS, The late A. W. R. 1958. On the taxonomy of Erotyliclae (Coleoptera), with special reference to the morphological characters of the larvae. II. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London 110: 245-258. SIMPSON, G. G. 1961. Principles of animal taxonomy. 247 pp. Ox- ford Univ. Press, London. New Exotic Crane-Flies (Tipulidae: Diptera). Part XII CHARLES P. ALEXANDER, Amherst, Massachusetts l The preceding part under this general title was published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, Vol. 76 (8) : 213-222. I am continu- ing the consideration of Oriental crane-flies belonging to the tribe Hexatomini collected by Dr. Fernand Schmid in various parts of India and have included one further species from British North Borneo. All species discussed at this time belong to the extensive genus Epiphragma Osten Sacken, abundantly represented in the Ori- ental and Neotropical Regions, with fewer species throughout the Holarctic. Attention is called to a neglected character to be found in the antennae where the proximal segments of the flagellum in many species are united to form a fusion-segment. The primitive number of antennal segments in the genus is 16 and the number involved in the fusion is readily determined by the number of free segments beyond. In the Indian species of 1 Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory, University of Massa- chusetts. 70 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 E[>iphraynia the conditions obtaining are as follows. Antennae with 16 segments, with none fused: Epiphragma (Epiphragma) dysaithria, new species; E. (E.) scoptcs Alexander. With 15 segments, there being two in the fusion: E. (E.} commoptcra, new species; E. (E.} dysonunata Alexander; E. (E.) kempi Brunetti ; E. (E.) ricina Brunetti. With 14 segments, there being three in the fusion: E. (E.) callgata Alexander; E. (E.) rhododcndri, new species. With 13 segments, there being four in the fusion: E. (£.) pcrocellata, new species. The condition of the antennae is unknown in E. (E.) ado.ra Alexander and E. (E.} ornatipennis (Brunetti). Epiphragma (Epiphragma) commoptera, new species Mesonotal praescutum with a pattern of light and dark brown, yellow pollinose ; antennae black, fusion-segment light yellow, of two articles ; legs yellow, in male femora virtually unpat- terned ; wings whitened, with a dark pattern, the areas solidly dark brown ; abdominal tergites dark brown, brownish black on sides, with a conspicuous silvery area on posterior half ; male hypopygium with tergal lobes very low ; dististyles slender. J1. Length about 9.5 mm ; wing 9.8 mm ; antenna about 2.7 mm. §. Length about 10 mm; wing 10 mm. Rostrum dark brown; palpi black. Antennae 15-segmented, the fusion-segment of two articles ; black, the fusion-segment light yellow, vaguely darkened at apex ; terminal segment about one-half the penultimate. Head above chiefly brownish black, narrowly cinnamon brown on orbits and sides of vertex. ./ Pronotum dark brown. Mesonotal praescutum with confluent stripes, the long intermediate pair light cinnamon brown in front, more yellowed behind, the posterior half with four paler brown areas before the suture to form a transverse band ; lat- eral, humeral and cephalic parts of praescutum broadly dark- brown ; posterior sclerites of notum chiefly dark brown, scutal lobes and mediotergite slightly gray pruinose. Pleura dark brown, more pruinose behind, variegated by slightly more brownish black areas on propleura, dorsal anepisternum, and Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 71 ventral sternopleurite and pteropleurite. Halteres dark brown, extreme base of stem and apex of knob vaguely brightened. Legs with fore coxae dark brown, yellowed apically ; trochanters yellow ; middle and hind coxae and trochanters chiefly dark brown ; remainder of legs light yellow, the femora in male vir- tually unpatterned, in female with a narrow very pale brown subterminal ring that is subequal to the yellow apex. Wings whitened, with a conspicuous dark pattern, all areas being solidly dark brown, without differentiated margins ; basal half of wing with three major ocelliform areas in cells R and M, all interconnected and broadly reaching the border in cell C; be- yond the cord the ocelli are scarcely evident, the dark pattern being very irregular, leaving large marginal ground areas in all cells excepting Rr> ; cell 2nd A with alternating brown and white areas ; veins light brown, more yellowed in the costal ground areas. Venation : ui-cit about its own length beyond the fork of M. Abdominal tergites dark brown, the sides broadly brownish black, with a conspicuous silvery gray marginal area on pos- terior half; sternites and hypopygium dark brown. Male hypo- pygium with the tergite broadly transverse, posterior border sinuously truncate, the lobes very low, separated by a small V-shaped emargination. Interbase with outer arm slender. Both dististyles unusually narrow, the inner style at midlength slightly less than twice the diameter of the outer style. HABITAT. INDIA (Sikkim, Kumaon). Holotyf>c: J\ Nanga, Sikkim, 5,000 feet, August 3, 1959 (Fernand Schmid). Allo- to polype: $, Gery, Pauri Garhwal, Kumaon, 6,890 feet, August 16, 1958 (Fernand Schmid). Epiphragma (Epiphragma) ornatipennis (Brunetti) has the wing pattern much as in the present fly except that the dark- ened areas are bordered conspicuously by darker brown, espe- cially in the costal and outer cells. Epiphragma (Epiphragma) dysaithria, new species Size relatively large (wing of male 12.5 mm) ; all antennal segments unfused ; femora uniformly brownish yellow, tibiae and 72 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March. 1966 tarsi clearer yellow ; wings whitened, with a slightly ocelliforni darkened pattern, the costal areas solidly darkened; abdomen uniformly brownish black, the hypopygium more brownish yel- low, the tergal lobes rounded, pale yellow. J1. Length about 15 mm; wing 12.5 mm; antenna about 2.6 mm. Rostrum brownish black, margined above by gray ; palpi black. Antennae black, the first flagellar segment small, yellow ; all flagellar segments distinct and unfused, the first about one-half longer than the second, the remaining segments progressively lengthened ; verticils of outer segments very long. Head dark brown, the anterior vertex adjoining the antennae yellowed. Pronotal scutum brown, its posterior margin and the scutel- lum yellowed, sides broadly blackened. Mesonotal praescutum with anterior and lateral borders broadly dark brown, more intense at the margins, humeri paler ; anterior half with two intermediate brown stripes divided by a capillary black central vitta ; posterior half of praescutum variegated, median area yellow, the remainder gray with narrow brown lines, the inter- mediate pair shorter, not reaching the suture ; posterior sclerites of notnm dark brown, mediotergite and anterior half of scutum gray pruinose, posterior borders of scutellum and mediotergite indistinctly blackened ; pleurotergite dark brown, the center gray pruinose. Pleura brownish black, variegated by silvery, espe- cially on the mesepisternum ; dorsopleural membrane dusky. Halteres dark brown, base of stem restrictedly paler, knob uni- formly darkened. Legs with coxae yellowed, banded with brown, heavier on posterior pair ; trochanters yellow, darkened beneath ; femora brownish yellowy, unpatterned, tibiae and tarsi clearer yellow. Wings with the ground whitened, subequal to or more extensive than the darkened pattern ; costal cell chiefly whitened, the dark areas between h and the supernumerary crossvein barely reaching costa ; the dark pattern includes weak ocelli, the most distinct in cells R and M, especially over origin of Rs, the other areas more uniformly darkened, not margined ; darkened areas in outer radial field, including the basal fourth of cell 7?4, more brownish yellow, the dark pattern in the costal Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 73 and stigmal regions darker brown ; cell 2nd A with three dark areas, including the base and apex; veins brown, darker in the more heavily patterned parts, yellowed in the costal interspaces, including vein C. Venation : Cell 1st Mz slightly narrower at either end than at central part ; in- en- about one-third its length beyond fork of M. Abdomen brownish black, the posterior borders of tergites very narrowly and inconspicuously yellowed, hypopygium more brownish yellow. Male hypopygium with lobes of tergite rounded, pale yellow, with abundant delicate setulae. Interbase and the terminal spine of the outer dististyle long and slender. HABITAT. INDIA (West Bengal). Holotype: g, Lingsoka, 4,270 feet, September 9, 1959 (Fernand Schmid). Epipliragina (Epipliragina) dysaithria is readily told from other regional members of the genus by the unfused basal seg- ments of the antennal flagellum, the uniformly colored legs and the wing pattern. The very different E. (£.) scoptes Alex- ander, of Nepal, similarly has 16 separate antennal segments, all being uniformly darkened. Epiphragma (Epiphragma) perocellata, new species Allied to rhododendri; antennae 13-segmented, the yellow fusion-segment being comprised of four articles ; femora yellow, with a vague brown subterminal ring, the tips distinctly yel- lowed ; wings with an abundant ocelliform brown pattern, the ocelli with darker borders, including the sections in the costal cell ; central ocellus of cell 2nd A short and arcuated. J1. Length about 11 mm; wing 10.5 mm; antenna about 2.1 mm. Rostrum light cinnamon brown, paler on margins; palpi dark- brown. Antennae shorter than in rJwdodcndri, scape brown, pedicel brownish black, fusion-segment yellow, remainder of flagellum brownish black ; fusion-segment elongate, comprised of four articles, the former sutures indicated beneath; all outer segments with long verticils. Head above yellow pollinose, pos- terior vertex and occiput with a central brown line ; bristles of head black, porrect. 74 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 Pronotal scutum yellow, infuscated above, scutellum yellow. Mesonotal praescutum with four yellow pollinose discal stripes, the anterior and lateral borders broadly cinnamon brown, the margin more blackened ; mid-region of praescutum with a nar- row cinnamon brown stripe that ends in an acute point some distance before suture, the stripe further divided by a capillary brownish black vitta ; anterior half of scutum yellow pollinose, weakly darkened near suture, posterior half dark brown ; scu- tellum gray pruinose, parascutellum darker, sunken ; postnotum gray pruinose, mediotergite behind broadly brown, pleurotergite similarly darkened, the katapleurotergite variegated with gray. Pleura patterned with gray and brownish black, the latter ap- pearing as an interrupted longitudinal stripe extending from cervical region to the pleurotergite, with less evident darkenings on the dorsal sternopleurite which is chestnut beneath ; small black areas on meron and beneath wing root. Halteres with stem yellow, knob brown, tip slightly paler. Legs with coxae and trochanters yellowed ; femora yellow with a vague brown subterminal ring that is more than twice the length of the yellow- apex ; tibiae and tarsi yellow. Wings with the ground whit- ened, with a very heavy ocelliform darker pattern, including large areas on disk at and before origin of Rs, over the cord, outer end of cell 1st M., and at fork of A/1 + 2 ; further more or less complete marginal ocelli at ends of longitudinal veins, in cell 2nd A the central area shorter and more arcuated than in rhododendri; darkened costal sections of ocelli writh paler cen- ters, not uniformly dark brown, as in rhododendri; veins brown, more yellowed in the costal interspaces. Venation : Cell Ml relatively narrow ; in-cn about its own length beyond fork of M. Abdominal tergites variegated yellow and brown, the posterior lateral areas light gray ; basal sternites brownish black, succeed- ing segments light yellow, dark brown laterally beneath the over- lapping tergites; hypopygium brownish yellow. Male hypo- pygium with tergal lobes very low, obtuse, their contour about the same as that of the median emargination. Outer dististyle slender, narrowed gradually to the curved apical spine; inner style a little shorter and broader than in rhododendri. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 75 HABITAT. INDIA (Sikkim). Holotypc: J\ Kechoiperi, 5,900 feet, April 9, 1959 (Fernand Schmid). The nearest ally of the present fly is Epiphragma (Epl- phragma} rhododendri, new species, which differs evidently in the pattern of the legs and wings and in antennal structure, such as the nature of the fusion-segment of the flagellum. Epiphragma (Epiphragma) rhododendri, new species Size large (wing of male over 11 mm) ; antennae with 14 segments, the fusion-segment comprised of three articles ; meso- notum gray, the praescutum patterned with light hrown, includ- ing a conspicuous blackened central vitta, pleura brown, varie- gated with darker brown ; femora yellow, tips broadly dark brown, with vague indications of a dark suffusion beyond mid- length, the two enclosing a more yellowed ring ; wings whitened, with a very extensive brown pattern that is unusually ocelliform, including a series of broken ocelli along the posterior border ; cell 1st M.2 longer than vein Jl/3 beyond it ; male hypopygium with the outer clististyle relatively narrow, the interbase a long spine. <$. Length about 9.5-11 mm; wing 10.5-13 mm; antenna about 3-3.1 mm. J. Length about 10 mm; wing 10 mm. Rostrum silken yellow, tufted with long yellow setae ; palpi black. Antennae with scape and pedicel dark brown, fusion- segment orange, remainder of flagellum black; antennae with 14 segments, the fusion-segment elongate, including three articles ; outer flagellar segments elongate, subequal to their longest ver- ticils. Front and anterior vertex silvery yellow ; posterior vertex extensively dark cinnamon brown, the genae more grayish. Pronotum obscure yellow with three coarse transverse corru- gations, the posterior one including the scutellum. Mesonotum chiefly gray, praescutum with sides and anterior third patterned with light brown, the lateral margins narrowly darkened, a very conspicuous black central stripe that ends in a point just before the suture; posterior border of mediotergite darker. Pleura brown, sparsely pruinose, variegated with darker brown areas, 76 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 chiefly including the propleura, anterior dorsopleural region, anepi sternum, dorsal sternopleurite and pteropleurite. Halteres with stem light brown, its base, and apex of the knob yellowed. Legs with coxae and trochanters brownish yellow ; femora yel- low, tips broadly dark brown, with vague indications of a broad paler brown suffusion beyond midlength, the two enclosing a clearer yellow subterminal ring ; tibiae obscure yellow, tips dark- ened ; tarsi brown. Wings with the ground whitened, very extensively patterned with darker, the markings chiefly ocelli- form, in cells R, M, and outer radial field paler and more fulvous than the areas behind ; the ocelliform pattern includes partial or broken areas in all cells along posterior border, including cell 2nd A ; cell C with solidly darkened brown areas, including two before the supernumerary crossvein ; most of the ocelli are nar- rowly and vaguely margined with slightly darker brown ; dark- ened areas of disk tending to form crossbands, the one at origin of Rs separated from the band at cord by a whitened ground line that is connected behind with a comparable whitened band be- yond cord, the latter extending from the outer radial field back- ward across cell 1st 7l/2 at midlength ; veins light brown, darker in the heavily patterned markings. Venation : Rs long, spurred at origin; R2 + s + t long, more than twice the arcuated 7?2 + 3; cell 1st M., elongate, exceeding vein M4 ; in-cn less than its length beyond the fork of M. Abdominal tergites yellowish gray, conspicuously variegated by dark brown, including lateral areas on the basal rings, the posterior lateral borders light gray, not silvery as in some species of the genus; basal sternites yellowed; hypopygium brownish black. Male hypopygium with posterior border of tergite vir- tually truncate, with two very low submedian lobes. Outer dis- tistyle relatively narrow, its length more than five times the greatest breadth, the tip curved into a slender spine ; inner style longer, the outer half a paddlelike blade. Apical spine of inter- base subequal to or slightly longer than the enlarged base, nar- rowed very gradually to the acute tip. HABITAT. INDIA (Sikkim). Holotypc: ^, Yedang, 10,600 feet, in Rhododendron association, June 9, 1959 (Fernand Ixxvii I I:\TOMOLCXIICAL \K\YS 77 Schmid). Allutopotypc: $, May 25, 1959. Paratopotype: \ ^, pinned with type ; paratypcs: 1 ^, Chachu, 9,950 feet, in Rhodo- dendron association; 2 rfrf, Chateng, 8,700 feet, May 22, 1959; 2 <&?, Zema, 9,100 feet, June 14, 1959 (Fernand Schmid). Epiphragina (Epiphragma) rhododendri is told most readily from other Indian species by the structure of the fusion-segment of the antennae, the hroad brown femoral tips, and the unusually heavy ocelliform pattern of the wings. Epiphragma (Epiphragma) subvicina, new species Epiphragma (Epiphragina} I'icina Edwards ; Jour. Federated Malay States Mus., 17: 283; 1933; nee Epipliragma vlcina Bru- netti ; Rec. Indian Mus. 15 : 331-332, pi. 8, fig. 15 (wing) ; 1918. J1. Length about 10 mm ; wing 10.5 mm ; antenna about 2 mm. Rostrum pale fulvous ; palpi black. Antennae short, dark- brown, the two-segmented fusion-segment light yellow ; first free flagellar segment shorter than the second, the outer two seg- ments subequal. Head light cinnamon brown, silvery behind the antennae, posterior vertex with a narrow darker brown central line that is expanded in front. Pronotum and pretergites yellow, posterior section of scutum more infuscated. Mesonotal praescutum with stripes cinnamon brown, the intermediate pair dark brown on posterior fourth; lateral stripes yellowed, brown on posterior half, these darkened areas forming an interrupted transverse band before the suture ; humeral and lateral parts more chestnut, restrictedly patterned with darker, more intensely so on lateral borders ; scutum brown, yellow pollinose adjoining the suture; scutellum brown basally, the posterior border broadly yellow; mediotergite chiefly ob- scure yellow, behind broadly dark brown, pleurotergite exten- sively yellowed, dark brown anteriorly. Pleura yellowed ven- trally, above patterned with dark brown, especially on the anepi- sternum and dorsal pteropleurite. Halteres yellowed, knob brown, tip paler. Legs with coxae yellowed, outer half pat- terned with pale brown ; trochanters yellow ; femora verv pale brown, base and apex narrowly yellowed; tibiae and tarsi yel- low. Wings with the ground pale yellow, with a pale brown 78 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 pattern as in the genus, including three major ocelliform areas in cells R and M, the last at the cord, the parts in cell C solidly darkened ; beyond the cord the darkened pattern very irregular, sending narrow branches to margin along veins R., and R4 ; before the cord cell 1st A extensively darkened, including a major cloud at and beyond midlength ; veins yellow, clearer in the ground areas. Venation : Sc2 long, terminating nearly oppo- site the fork of R2 + 3 + i; vein R± long and sinuous, cell R:, at margin about one-half more extensive than cell R.2 ; cell 1st M., long and narrow, nearly as long as Rs; in-cu more than its length beyond the fork of M ; cell 2nd A long. Abdominal tergites chestnut brown, the posterior and lateral margins narrowly gray, bordered internally by darker ; sternites more yellowed, the sides infuscated. Male hypopygium with the tergal lobes small, subtriangular, the tips obtuse with micro- scopically serrulated margins. Interbase with the free outer arm unusually short, subequal in length to the enlarged base. Both dististyles broader than in vicina, especially the inner style. Aedeagus much stouter, the apex fully three times the diameter of the interbasal arm ; in vicina the apical third of aedeagus very slender, subequal to the diameter of the interbasal arm. HABITAT. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. Holotypc: J\ Mount Kinabalu, 5,500 feet, April 10, 1929 (H. M. Pendlebury). The species is based on material received through an exchange with the late Dr. Fred W. Edwards who had identified it as being Eplphragma (Epiphragma) vicina Brunetti, of India (type, a female, from Sureil, Darjiling District, Eastern Himalayas, 5,000 feet, taken between October 11-31, 1917 by Annandale and Graveley). Besides the male in my possession it was indi- cated that further specimens were in the British Museum (Nat- ural History), these including one male, two females from the type locality and two males from Kamborangah, 7,200 feet, taken in March-April 1929. There is no question of the distinctness of the two species. The chief differences are in the wing pattern and venation and in the structure of the male hypopygium, particularly the inter- base and aedeagus. Ixxviij KXTOMOLOGICAI. .\K\VS 1() A Technique for Rearing the Immature Stages of Tabanidae (Diptera)1 R. H. ROBERTS, Entomology Research Division, Agr. Res. Serv., USDA, Stoneville, Mississippi Most species of Tabanidae for which information about the larval stage is available have been found in semi-aquatic environ- ments, and one of the principal problems in rearing the immature stages has been how to simulate such an environment. Two rearing methods have been employed. Hine (1906) used jelly glasses that contained sand covered with algae or leaves of water plants, while others have modified this method by using material from larval habitats. Marchand (1917) reared larvae in 7-in. test tubes fitted with 6-in. rolls of filter paper kept moist by a small amount of water in the bottoms of the tubes. This method was better since it allowed the larvae to be observed. However, the tubes needed daily attention to prevent dessication. Attempts to reduce evaporation by cork- ing the containers might have caused the larvae to be asphyxi- ated, especially in smaller vessels. Roberts and Dicke (1964) described the use of plastic con- tainers lined with filter paper. They noted a positive thigmo- tactic response of the larvae, i.e., larvae invariably were located between the container wall and the filter paper. In addition, they noted in large larvae, 10 to 15 mm or longer, a greater mortality because of incomplete ecdysis or a sealing of the anus by crusted fecal material. These difficulties indicated that, in nature, both ecdysis and evacuation of the gut are assisted by the mechanical resistance of the medium to the movement of the larvae. Thus, a medium had to be developed in which (1) the larvae could easily be observed, (2) a wet environment could be maintained without constant attention, and (3) there was enough mechanical resistance to aid molting and evacuation of the gut. 1 In cooperation with the Delta Branch of the Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station. 80 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 REARING TECHNIQUE. — Two materials were used successfully in rearing various species of Tabanidae. The first consisted of glass beads 4, 5, or 6 mm in diameter barely covered with water. These were satisfactory for larvae 10 mm long or longer but not for early instars, since these smaller larvae and their exuviae were extremely difficult to locate in the beads. The second material was agar. Nutrient bacterial agar, as a medium and food source, proved unsatisfactory because of the rapid growth of bacteria. However, agar, which by itself neither supports bacteria nor serves as a food source, was used successfully as a larval medium. The most suitable con- centrations ranged from 0.8 to \%. At less than 0.8% the medium was too soft to provide sufficient resistance, and above \% it was too hard. Newly hatched and other small larvae had difficulty in penetrating the harder medium, whereas large larvae broke it apart, which seriously interfered with visual observation. In the 0.8-1 % range, however, the small larvae were able to penetrate the medium and move easily about in it. With the larger larvae the medium closed around them and prevented visual distortion. Even in plain agar waste materials and excess food supported bacterial growth, and in order to use the medium for longer periods, an antibiotic, Panalba®,2 was added. This contains two parts tetracycline phosphate and one part novobiocin. The finished agar had 25 ju,g/ml of tetracycline phosphate and 12.5 /tg/ml of novobiocin, and could be used 7-10 days, whereas untreated agar could be used only 3-5 days before contamination necessitated transferring the larvae to fresh medium. Recently, a second antibiotic, Pimafucin®,2 used in conjunction with Panalba at a concentration of 30^1-0 /ig/ml has extended the life of the medium to 2-3 weeks. The present technique consists in rearing the larvae in the agar medium until they are 15-20 mm long. Then they are transferred to the glass bead substrate. The pupae are em- 2 Mention of proprietary products does not necessarily imply their endorsement by the USDA. Ixxvii] KX TO MO LOCK A I. .\K\YS 81 bedded in an agar medium in an upright position, with the thoracic spiracles protruding ahove the surface, a position that appears to facilitate eclosion. FIG. 1. REARING CONTAINERS. — Tahanid larvae are cannibalistic and must he reared in separate containers. Containers should be large enough to allow some freedom of movement. A rough rule of thumb used in the present studies was to select containers that gave a "crawl" distance equal to at least twice the length of the larva. The circular containers used were made of crystal-clear rigid plastic, 2 in. in diameter and 1J in. deep, with close-fitting snap- on lids.3 Since the larvae tended to remain near the outer circumference, a "crawl" distance of about 6 in. was available, which was more than adequate even for larvae that were 50-60 mm long. Although larger containers were also used, no out- standing advantage was noted (Fig. 1). These containers were filled to one-third to two-thirds of their volume with either agar or glass beads, the amount depend- ing on the size of the larvae. Several iVm- boles drilled in the lid allowed for interchange of air. Although not necessary for •^ Manufactured by Tri-State Plastic Molding Co., Henderson, Ky. 82 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [March, 1966 small larvae, air exchange was needed for larvae 25 mm or longer, especially when the containers wrere opened and ex- amined only at two- to three-day intervals. These lids were not used for larvae under 10 mm long because the larvae were able to escape. This technique has been used successfully for nearly 2 years in rearing larvae of Tab anus lineola Fabricius, T. schwardti schu'ardti Philip, T. abdominalis Fabricius, T. proximus Walker, and CJiIorotabanus crepuscularis (Bequaert). REFERENCES CITED HIKE, J. S. 1906. Habits and life histories of some flies of the family Tabanidae. Tech. Series No. 12, Bur. Ent. Bull. 12, pt. II, p. 19-38. MARCHAND, W. 1917. An improved method of rearing tabanid larvae. J. Econ. Ent. 10 : 469-72. ROBERTS, R. H., and R. J. DICKE. 1964. The biology and taxonomy of some immature nearctic Tabanidae (Diptera). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 57 : 31-40. Nomenclature Notice Possible use of plenary powers by the Commission is announced for: In ARANEAE — (1625) Suppression of Drassus atropos Walck. 1830. In SIPHONAPTERA — (1618) Neotype for Cerato- phyllns soricis Dale 1878; (1709) Type species for Monopsyllus Kolenati 1875 ; Suppression of Ceratophyllus sciuri Kol. 1856, Monops\llus sciuri Kol. 1857, and Ccratopsyllus monoctcnus Kol. 1856. In LEPIDOPTERA — (1708) Suppression of Papilio lintingensis Osbeck 1765. In COLEOPTERA — (1720) Suppres- sion of Xylcborus Bowdich 1865. In DIPTERA — (1706) Type- species for Phasia Latr. 1804; (1716) Type-species for Cham- aemyia Meigen 1803. In HYMENOPTERA — (1710) Type-spe- cies for Stisus Latr. 1802-1803; (1711) Id. for Diodontus Cur- tis 1834; (1712) Id. for Trichosis Foerster 1868; (1713) Id. for Prospaltella Ashmead 1904. Send comments with case number (given above in parenthe- sis) to International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, c/o British Museum (N. H.), Cromwell Road, London S.W.7, England. (See Bull. zool. Nomencl. 22, pt. 4.) Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Review Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1965. THE MOSQUITOES OF VIC- TORIA. 237 pp. Melbourne University Press ; Xe\v York : Cambridge University Press, $18.00. This is a clearly printed and well illustrated (albeit expen- sive) volume covering the mosquito fauna of this interesting and ecologically varied corner of Australia. In all, 76 species, subspecies, and varieties are treated and both adult and larval characters (where known) are illustrated for each species. The descriptive material under each taxon includes characters of the adult male and female, fourth stage larva, biology and distribu- tion. Keys are given to the adults and, where possible, to fourth stage larvae. The introductory sections include brief but clear discussions of the structure and biology of the adult and immature stages, the distribution and composition of the mosquito fauna and their role as disease vectors in Victoria. The endpapers are illustrated with a map of Victoria, showing topography, average annual rainfall and tree cover. — SELWYN S. ROBACK ADVANCES IN PEST CONTROL RESEARCH. Edited by R. L. Metcalf. Pp. vii + 289. Interscience Publishers, John Wiley & Sons, New York, London, Sydney, 1965. Price: $11.00. " Contents : P. C. Kearney et al. on chlorinated aliphatic acids in soils; P. de Pietri-Tonelli on rogor applied to plants; S. P». Soloway on biological activity and molecular structure of the cyclodienes ; A. E. Dimond on natural models for plant chemo- therapy ; G. P. Georghiou on the genetics of insecticide re- sistance ; and Tzuru Yamamoto on nictinoids as insecticides. Indexes and cumulative index for Vols. I— VI. Snodgrass, R. E. A TEXTBOOK OF ARTHROPOD ANATOMY. 363 pp. (Comstock Publ. Co., Ithaca, 1952.) Facsimile re- print by Hafner Publ. Co., New York and London, 1965. $9.00. Essig, E. O. A HISTORY OF ENTOMOLOGY. 1029 pp. (The Macmillan Co., 1931.) Facsimile reprint by Hafner Publ. Co., New York and London, 1965. $16.50. Entomologist's Market Place ADVERTISEMENTS AND EXCHANGES Advertisements of goods or services for sale are accepted at $1.00 per line, payable in advance to the editor. Notices of wants and exchanges not exceeding three lines are free to subscribers. All insertions are continued from month to month, the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, when necessary, the older ones at the top are discontinued. Membracidae wanted. Purchase or exchange. T. L. Stringfellow, Military Reservation, Box 11-A, Hudson, Massachusetts. Buprestidae, Scarabaeidae, and butterflies wanted in exchanges for beetles and butterflies. Mr. W. van der Starre, 25 Crawley St., Warr- nambool, Victoria, Australia. Butterflies of the World wanted in exchange for those of my locality. Louis Clarke, 10435 Georgetown Drive, Rancho Cordova, California 95670. Scoliidae of the Neotropical Region, Africa, or Madagascar wanted for study, determination, exchange, or purchase. J. Chester Bradley, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 14850. Wanted. Services of a capable artist to make some drawings of Scoliidae. J. Chester Bradley, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 14850. Oestridae wanted. Botflies of Nearctic deer, elk, caribou, sheep; African and European mammals, larvae and adult. Purchase or exchange for Diptera, Coleoptera. Kenneth J. Capelle, Box 459, Brigham City, Utah 84302. Planchets, radiation warning signs and labels, dosimeters and other isotope-lab accessories. New catalogue free on request. Nuclear Supply and Service Co., 422 Wash. Bldg., Wash. 5, D. C. Formosan Insects. Large quantities of dried butterflies, moths, beetles, cicadas, dragonflies, mantis, grasshoppers, bees, spiders, etc., Rare and common species, aberrations and sex mosaics for sale. Taiwan Novelty Co., P. O. Box 860, Taipei, Formosa. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society An irregular serial, containing monographic pa- pers by students of authority in their respective subjects. Seventeen numbers have been published to date and publication of number 18 will occur on May 31, 1963. Cost of individual numbers varies from $2.00 to $15.00. Complete sets are still avail- able for $85.00 (17 numbers in 18 volumes). For price lists and titles address : THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States ; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Number 19 BUTTERFLIES OF LIBERIA By Richard M. Fox, Arthur W. Lindsey, Jr., Harry K. Clench and Lee D. Miller 402 pages of text ; colored frontispiece, 233 figures, 2 graphs, 2 tables, 3 maps, table of contents, full bibliography and a taxonomic index. With 195 new records, this study increases the known butter- fly fauna of Liberia from 280 to 475 species and another 254 species are noted as probably to be found. Two new tribes, 5 new genera, 13 new species and subspecies are described. Il- lustrations include photographs and, where pertinent, drawings of genitalia of all holotypes, along with photographs and draw- ings of closely related forms for comparison. The distribution of each species is given and those more difficult to identify or previously confused are treated at greater length. All known records from Liberia are noted. A 46 page introduction details climatic conditions and biotopes in Liberia and analyzes the zoogeographic and ecologic relationships of the butterflies of Liberia and of Occidental Africa. Price $12.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (19103), U.S.A. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS APRIL 1966 Vol. LXXVII No. 4 CONTENTS Dodge — Sarcophaga ntilis and allies (Dipt.) Muchmore — A cavernicolous pseudoscorpion 97 Hubbard — Ctenophthalmus cophitnts schmicdcri n. sp. (Siph.) 101 Saetber — Copidosoina nacvia n. sp. (Hym.) 103 Nomenclature Notice 110 Obituary 110 Review 1 1 1 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: personal, $6.00; institutional, $9.00. Second-class postage paid at Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Edited, 1911-1944, by PHILIP P. CALVERT (1871-1961) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa., and the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: H. W. ALLEN, M. E. PHILLIPS, and S. S. ROBACK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Communications and remittances to be addressed to Entomological News, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Prices per yearly volume of 10 numbers. Private subscriptions, for personal use, domestic and foreign, $6.00 postpaid. Institutional subscriptions, for libraries, laboratories, etc., domestic and foreign, $9.00 postpaid. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rate schedules available from the editor. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be addressed to R. G. Schmieder, Joseph Leidy Laboratory of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. Articles longer than eight printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS: Authors will be charged as follows: For text- figures, the cost of engraving; for insert plates (on glossy stock), the cost of engraving plus printing. Size limit, when printed, 4X6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after printing. TABLES: The cost of setting tables will be charged to authors. SEPARATA: Separates (as reprints with extraneous matter removed) may be obtained only from the printer at the prices quoted below. Authors must place their orders for such separates with the editor at the time of submitting manuscripts, or when returning proof. Copies 1-4 pp. 5-8 pp. 9-12 pp. Covers 50 $5.87 $ 9.40 $14.69 $6.40 100 7.03 11.15 17.62 8.75 Add'l 100 2.35 3.51 5.85 4.70 Plates printed one side : First 50, $4.68 ; Additional 100's, $3.52. Transportation charges will be extra. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LXXVII APRIL, 1966 No. 4 Sarcophaga utilis Aldrich and Allies (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) H. RODNEY DODGE, Department of Entomology, Washington State University, Pullman l Previous identifications in this group have been liable to error, due to the presence of unrecognized new species and especially to the fact that Townsend himself sunk arisonica (Townsend) as a synonym of bishoppi Aldrich. Arisonica is a widespread western species which was unknown to Aldrich (1916). I am grateful to the curators of many collections for making their material available for study. Types and other important material are to be found in the following collections: The U. S. National Museum (USNM) ; California Academy of Sciences (CAS) ; American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) ; Chicago Museum of Natural History (CMNH) ; University of Arizona (UAriz) ; University of California, Berkeley (UCalB) ; University of Kansas (KU) ; Washington State University (WSU). Various paratypes have been retained in the author's collection at the latter. The species, which are merely a well marked group referrable to Sarcophaga (s.l.)> have been referred to the following generic names : 1 Scientific Paper No. 2700, College of Agriculture, Washington State University, Project No. 9043. (85) 86 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 Wohlfahrtiopsis, Townsend, 1917, p. 45 (type Sarcophaga johnsoni Aldrich). Townsend, 1934 (key); 1937, p. 225 (description). Sarcabaeophaga, Townsend, 1918, p. 160 (type Sarcophaga utilis Aldrich). Townsend, 1934 (key) ; 1938, p. 66. Petrosarcophaga, Townsend, 1919, p. 543 (type P. ari-onica Townsend). Townsend, 1934 (key) ; 1938, p. 53. Wohlfahrtiopsis (Scarabaeophaga), Roback, 1954, p. 64. Diagnosis: Large species with parafacials subequal to width of clypeus; cheeks broad, 0.30-0.30+ of head height; male front broad, with strong outer vertical present but no proclinate frontoorbitals ; vibrissae somewhat above oral margin; proster- num bare; 4 posterior DC bristles, the discal thoracic bristles reduced; genital segments red and male hind tibia non-villous except in johnsoni. Male genitalia with forceps nearly straight. rather thick, contiguous most of length, often with dense pre- apical setules on outer margin, tip acute ; accessory plate sub- triangular, flat, with hooked, blade-shaped, nude and shining- apical prolongation; claspers subequal in length, usually rather simple, the posterior without bristle and anterior often with an internal thorn ; penis 2-segmented, the club large and very com- plicated, often enclosed in a mucilagenous mass. Female geni- talia with tergum divided above, the ventral margins broadly separating to expose the genital sterna (ST 6-7) ; ST 6 with hind margin concave ; spermatheca unusually elongate, with 7-8 very strong constrictions (Fig. 7). BIOLOGY Sarcophaga johnsoni is saprophagous ; very little has been added to our knowledge of the biology of the other species since Aldrich (1916). They are evidently parasitic or perhaps scav- engers in weakened adult scarabaeid beetles. 5*. utilis has been recorded from 3 genera of Scarabaeidae and from "pinned in- sects in a box" ; 6". arlzonlca has been reared from a dung beetle ; S. gcorglana from pitcher plants, Sarracenla species. It is possible that the latter species still attacks Scarabaeidae, be- l.xxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 87 cause PhyllopJiaga species are commonly trapped by the larger Sarraccnia; beetles thus trapped might be especially susceptible to larviposition by the fly. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Genitalia black; male hind tibia villous (Coastal, Maine to Texas) johnsoni Aldrich Genitalia red ; male hind tibia not villous 2 2. a External characters, male and female 3 b Male genitalia (the male of bceri is unknown) 8 c Male forceps 12 3. Palpi black ; antennae black 4 Palpi red, at least apically 5 4. Costal spine vestigial; parafrontofacials (PFF) gray; male front 0.28-0.32 of head width (Eastern North America) utilis Aldrich Costal spine subequal in length to anterior crossvein ; PFF yellowish pollinose (Mexico) . .beeri, new species 5. Third antennal segment infuscated to nearly all black, 3x ANT 2; male front 0.26-0.275 of head width (Texas, Baja Calif, to central Washington) arizonica (Townsend) ANT 3 red or reddish, shorter ; male front 0.30-0.36 of head width 6 6. Cheek white haired on posterior half ; ANT 3 is 2— 2.25 X ANT 2 ; male front 0.30-0.32 of head width (Texas, Mexico) bishoppi Aldrich Cheek with few or no white hairs before metacephalon ... 7 7. Antenna 3 is 1.75X ANT 2; palpi thickened, especially in the female ; male front wider than an eye, 0.36-0.37 of head width (Arizona, Texas, Mexico) kesseli, new species ANT 3 about 2.25 X ANT 2 and infuscated ; palpi mod- erately clubbed ; male front 0.3-0.32 of head width (Georgia, Florida, Alabama) . . .georgiana, new species 8. Posteroapical lobe of penis with strongly ribbed wings (Figs. 3, 5) 9 Posteroapical lobe with simple, flattened wings (Figs. 1,2,4) 10 9. Posterior clasper with sides parallel on basal 0.75, then strongly excised to a sharp apex (Fig. 5) ... .arizonica Posterior clasper uniformly tapered and curved to a sharp tip (Fig. 3) utilis 88 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 10. Claspers both with a strong tooth, that on the anterior clasper spur-like (Fig. 4) bishoppi Posterior clasper, at least, not thus toothed 11 11. Posterior clasper excised on apical third of length (Fig. 2) kesseli Posterior clasper evenly tapered to apex (Fig. 1) georgiana 12. Forceps with a strong subapical constriction 13 Forceps not so, evenly tapered subapically 14 13. Constriction extends across the back, thus prominent in profile ; tip of forceps slightly hooked (Fig. 1) .georgiana Constriction best seen in posterior view ; tip of forceps straight (Fig. 4) bishoppi 14. Forceps nude subapically (Fig. 5) arizonica Forceps nearly uniformly haired to apex . .utilis and kesseli Sarcophaga (Wohlfahrtiopsis) johnsoni Aldrich Sarcophaga johnsoni, Aldrich, 1916, pp. 162-5, fig. 75 ; Hallock, 1942, p. 222, figs. Wohlfahrtiopsis johnsoni, Townsend, 1917, p. 45 ; 1934 (key) ; 1937, p. 225. Roback, 1954, p. 64, figs. 82-84. Easily recognized by its black genitalia, villous male hind tibia and restricted habitat. Ranges along the ocean beach from Maine to Texas; saprophagous in larval stages on dead animal matter. Sarcophaga (Scarabaeophaga) utilis Aldrich. Fig. 3 Sarcophaga utilis, Aldrich, 1915, pp. 151-2, fig. ; 1916, pp. 225-7, fig. 132. Davis, 1919, (host record); Hall, 1929, p. 89; Knowlton and Janes, 1931 (in error — see arizonica} ; Hallock, 1942, p. 228, figs. Scarabaeophaga utilia, Townsend, 1918, p. 160; 1934 (key); 1938, p. 66. Wohlfahrtiopsis utilis, Roback, 1954, p. 64, figs. 87-89. Distinguished by its wholly black antennae and palpi and gray- pollinose face, this species ranges widely in the East — Atlanta, Ga., Baton Rouge, La. and Piano, Texas, to New York (Long Island, Ithaca, Cotturaugus and Chatauqua Co.), Michigan (Ag. College, Owosso, Black River), Galesburg, 111., Iowa (Co. #52, Cl. Creek), Kansas (4 counties) and Atoka Co., Oklahoma. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 89 Also recorded from Ontario (Pelee Point), Quebec and Utah. The latter record cannot be confirmed and doubtless refers to arizonica, which see. S. n tilis has been reared from Allorhina nitida and Geotrupes splendent (Aldrich, 1915, 1916), Phyllophaga spp. (Davis, 1919), and P. fntilis lanccolata and crassissima (Hall, 1929). This species is not readily taken by fly trap ; most specimens so taken are males. Sarcophaga (Scarabaeophaga) beeri, new species Length 10.5 mm. Very similar to ntilis (antennae and palpi black) but front broader (0.37 vs. 0.33 of head width at vertex in female sex) ; face yellowish, palpi more strongly clubbed, costal spine stronger, vibrissae higher above oral margin and parafacial wider, nearly equal to the vibrissal span. Female: Front at narrowest (vertex) 0.37 of head width and strongly widening to lunule; frontal vitta black, sides parallel, slightly narrowing below, width 0.5 of front at level of lower PFRO ; frontal rows 8-10, diverging in last 2 pairs ; PFRO 2 ; RFRO 1 ; ocellar present ; outer vertical strong ; PFF broad, yellowish gray, with scattered setules to below lunule, a row of stronger parafacial hairs ; antennae black, vaguely reddish at base of ANT 3, which reaches 0.8 to vibrissa, is 2.5 X 1 and 2x ANT 2; arista long plumose 0.67 to tip, upper row single; arista whitish for 0.3 of length beyond the basal swelling ; vibrissa above oral margin, span l.lx width of parafrontal, index (height above oral margin/span) 0.4; oral margin slightly protuberant ; cheek black haired, 0.33 of head height ; meta- cephalon white haired ; ANT axis 0.75, vibrissal axis 0.75 of head height ; posterior orbits yellowish ; occiput gray, with 3 rows black POC; palpi black, clavate, 1.2x antenna, apical 0.33 strongly swollen and nearly bare. Thorax gray-pollinose, trivittate. Chaetotaxy: ACR 0:1; DC 4:4 (last 2 only strong) ; IA 1:2; SA 2:3; HUM 3; NPL 4 ; PAD setuled ; SCUT 2 marginal, no apical, one discal ; PPL and PST bare ; MTST setuled ; STPL 3, in line ; beret setuled ; 90 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 HYPL 7-8; INFSO present. Wing subhyaline, veins brown, veins 1, 3 and 5 darker; vein 3 setuled 0.33 to crossvein; posterior crossvein oblique, sinuons ; vein 4 right-angled ; costal spine subequal to anterior crossvein; costal sections (from base) 20/36/22/43/18/4; basicosta white; epaulet black; squama white. Legs black; mid femur with 3 A, 3 strong AV, 5 PV and no comb or streak; hind femur with 7 AD, 5 A, 8 AV, 3 PV ; mid tibia with 3 AD, 1 AV ; hind coxa setuled posteriorly ; tibial cicatrix small. Abdomen black, with T 4 partly red above ; a strong, tessel- lated, gray-pollinose pattern; MM on T 3 ; venter black haired; sterna 3-5 overlapped by terga and without marginal bristles ; ST 2 with only bristly hairs. Genital segments red, ordinary, about as in Fig. 8. Male: Unknown. Holotype: MEXICO: Puebla 2 mi S. of Cholula, cornfield, 5 July, 1956, R. E. Beer and party (KU). Sarcophaga (Scarabaeophaga) arizonica (Townsend). Figs. 5-7 Petrosarcophaga arizonica, Townsend, 1919, p. 543. Petrosarcophaga bishop pi (=ari2onica) in error, Townsend, 1938, p. 53. Sarcophaga u tills, Knowlton and Janes, 1931, p. 148. This species is distinct in both sexes by the elongate and infus- cated to rarely wholly black third antennal segment, fully 3X ANT 2. From iitilis, to which it is most closely allied through conformation of the penis, it differs by the red palpi. S. georgi- ana may resemble it by the infuscated antenna 3, but this segment is shorter in that species. Distribution: Ranges widely in the West, from Texas to Baja Calif, and central Washington. It appears to be restricted to or is most commonly taken, in desert environments. In support of this statement, and because it has previously been confused with other species, I list all localities known to me : ARIZONA : Bumble Bee, Cameron, Canyon Lake, Chiricahua Mts., Globe, Kingsman, Oak Creek Canyon, Organ Pipe Cactus Natnl Monu- Ixxvii I ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (M inent, Prescott, Santa Catalina Mts., Tucson, White Sands, Yarnell Hill; CALIFORNIA (by Counties): Calaveras (San Andreas) ; Imperial (Coachella Valley) ; Inyo (Cedar Flat, Death Valley, Lone Pine, Panamint Mts., Shoshone, Surprise Canyon, Westgard Pass) ; Kern (Kernville, Onyx) ; Los An- geles (Desert Springs) ; Riverside (Anza, Box Canyon, Desert Hot Springs, Hopkins Well, Inclio, Joshua Tree Natnl Monu- ment, Idyllwild, Magnesia Canyon, Palm Springs, Pinon Flat, Riverside, San Jacinto Mts., Shaver's Well, Whitewater) ; San Bernardino (Chubbock, Goffs, Needles, Quail Springs) ; San Diego (Borego, Borego Springs, Boulevard, Campo, Dulzura, Jacumba, Julian, La Quinta, Mt. Springs, Yaqui Well) ; COLO- RADO : Macedonia ; IDAHO : Owyhee Co. and Iron Springs ; NEW MEXICO : Hidalgo Co. ; NEVADA : Walker Lake, Pyramid Lake ; TEXAS: El Paso, Alpine; UTAH: Bellevue (USNM), Grand Co., Logan, St. George, Zion Natnl Park; WASHINGTON: O'Sullivan Dam (Grant Co.), Columbia Basin Wildlife Reserve (Othello) ; MEXICO: (all Baja California) : Islas Pardida & San Estaban (both in Gulf of California), San Felipe. A Bellevue, Utah record of utilis by Knowlton and Janes (1931) is certainly in error and must apply to this species, with host "dung beetle." The specimen on which this record is based cannot be found at Utah State University and therefore must be the one in USNM labeled "Bellevue, Utah," without host data label. It is a male arisonica. Sarcophaga (Scarabaeophaga) bishoppi Aldrich. Fig. 4 Sacophaga bishoppi, Aldrich, 1916, pp. 258-60, fig. 123. Petrosarcophaga bishoppi, Townsend, 1934 (key) ; 1938, p. 53. Wohljahrtiopsis bihoppi, Roback, 1954, p. 64, figs. 85-86. Distinguished by the short, red third antennal segment and cheeks partly white-haired, this species is not rare in Texas and ranges into adjacent Mexico. Aldrich's (1916) Florida record is in error (see georgiana) ; records and identifications from various Western states, like Townsend's treatment of arisonica as a synonym, are also in error. The spur on the anterior clasper is not restricted to this species, but is particularly well developed. Fig. 4 shows the genitalia tilted, to show the spur on the far side. 92 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 The Melander paratype male which Aldrich referred to has the front at narrowest 0.32 and at vertex 0.333 of head width (not 0.353 at narrowest, as stated) ; antenna 3 is 2x ANT 2. The holotype has front 0.30 and thorn of anterior clasper slightly longer, but I believe these differences are intraspecific. A sketch of the process of the penis of the holotype is included in Fig. 4 because it varies from the specimen illustrated. A female from Victoria, Texas (USNM) has palpi thicker than in the male sex; ANT 3 is 2.4 X ANT 2; front 0.37 of head width at vertex. Distribution: TEXAS: Crystal City (type), Austin, Browns- ville, Castroville, Hidalgo Co., San Antonio, Sonora, Uvalde, Victoria; MEXICO: Ciudad Victoria and Santa Teresa, both Tamaulipas. Sarcophaga (Scarabaeophaga) kesseli, new species. Fig. 2 Length 13-14 mm. A gray-pollinose species with antennae duel palpi red, male front wider than an eye at vertex and strongly widening ; parafacial wider than vibrissal span ; palpi greatly swollen. Readily distinguished by the very broad male front and short ANT 3. Male: Front at narrowest (vertex) 0.36-0.37 of head width, at lunule 0.50 ; frontal vitta velvety black, with sides parallel ; frontal rows 8-9, strongly diverging in lower two pair ; PFRO none (rarely one) ; RFRO 1 ; ocellar weak; outer vertical 0.8 of inner; PFF gray, with 3+ scattered rows of hairs, stronger below and towards the frontal row ; antennae red, ANT 3 reaches 0.84 to vibrissa, 2.5:1 and is 1.7x ANT 2; arista long plumose 0.7 to tip, the upper rays in a single row ; vibrissae above oral margin, index 0.45, span subequal to width of para- facial ; epistoma slightly warped forward, not protuberant ; cheek black-haired to metacephalon, 0.32 of head height ; ANT axis 0.80, vibrissal axis 0.70 of height ; occiput slightly convex, with 2 rows black POC ; palpi red, clavate, nearly 2x vibrissal span and apically subequal to width of apex of antenna. Thorax strongly gray-pollinose, trivittate. Chaetatoxy : ACR Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 93 0:1; DC 0:2; IA 1:2; SA 2:3; HUM 3; NPL 4; PAD setuled; SCUT 2 marginal, 1 apical, 1 discal; PPL 0; PST 0; STPL 3, in line; beret setuled; INFSO present. Wing sub- hyaline, veins yellow brown, veins 1, 3 and 5 darker; vein 3 (only) setuled 0.6+ to crossvein; posterior crossvein straight, oblique ; vein 4 acutely angled ; costal spine minute ; costal sec- tions 20/33/20/46/15/4; basicosta white; epaulet black; squama white. Legs black ; mid femur with 5 A, 4-6 AV, 4 strong PV and no comb ; hind femur with 7AD, 4 A, 7 AV, 5 PV ; hind tibia not villous, hind coxa setuled posteriorly ; tibial cicatrix small. Abdomen black with T 4 mostly or part red, with tessellated, gray-pollinose pattern ; MM on T 3 ; venter black-haired ; sterna 1-4 uniformly haired, slightly narrowing, ST 5 broadly Y-cleft. Genital segments red, shining, without bristles ; forceps red, finely haired, contiguous to apices ; accessory plate red, triangu- lar, with bare, curved apical blade; claspers subequal in length, the posterior without bristle, moderately excised apically on front margin ; penis 2-segmented, the stalk ridged on the back, distal segment as figured, the posteroapical process not ribbed on the sides. l:cinalc: Similar to male, with usual sexual differences; palpi unusually strongly thickened. Holotypc male, Bumble Bee, Yavapai Co., ARIZONA, Oct. 12, 1951. E. L. Kessel (CAS). Allotypc, Brewster Co., TEXAS (Rio Grande), June 13-17, 1908. Mitchell & Cushman (USNM). Various paratypes (some retained) as follows: 7 males, Menard, Tex., 1929 (Gushing) and 1 male, Uvalde, Texas, P.ish. 6097 (genitalia lost) in USNM ; 1 male, "Gr Can" (Grand Canyon, Ariz.), July 11. in my collection; 1 male, Marathon, I'.rcwster Co., Texas (AMNH) ; 2 CAS males: Sheffield, Pecos Co., Texas, July 24, 1921, C. D. Duncan and MEXICO: 27 mi SK of Chiuahuah (Arnaud et al.) ; from (KU) a male, Malaga, N. M. and 3 females from Starr Co., Texas, Sabino Canyon, Arizona and 15 mi SW of China, N.L., Mexico; from (AMNH) 2 males, Van Horn, Texas and Rodeo, New Mexico ; 1 male. 94 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 8 mi S of Canutillo, Dgo., Mexico, Aug. 9, 1951, on fhvs. of Guard iola tulocarpa, P. D. Hurd (UCB) ; from (UAriz) 1 female, Standfield, Ariz., on cotton and 2 males, Tombstone, Ariz., July 27, 1955, on Mortonia scaliclla and La Gloria, N.L.. Mexico, May 24, 1948, Nutting Coll. Sarcophaga (Scarabaeophaga) georgiana, new species. Figs. 1,8 Sarcophaga utilis (partim), Aldrich, 1916, p. 277, last para- graph. Sarcophaga bishoppi (partim) , Aldrich, 1916, p. 260 (allotype and a Georgia male). Aldrich recognized two males of this species from Theodore and Kushla, Alabama, as differing from utilis and perhaps worthy of a varietal name; his Georgia and Florida records of bishoppi also are georgiana. The male from Theodore, Alabama, reared from Sarraccnia by Dr. F. M. Jones, remains the only rearing record, to my knowledge. Length 9-14 mm. Differs from utilis by the antennae and palpi red, at least in part, the male forceps in profile with a subapical notch, the posteroapical process of penis with simple, unribbed wings. Differs from kesseli by ANT 3 longer and darker, male front narrower than an eye and posterior clasper not excised. The description of kesseli applies to this species, with the following exceptions : Male: Front 0.30-0.32 (average 0.31 of five) of head width ; frontal rows 11-12; ANT 3 reddish only at base, reaches 0.85 to vibrissae and is 2.25 X ANT 2 ; parafacial 0.8 of vibrissal span ; vibrissal index 0.33 ; cheek 0.3 of head height ; palpi red apically or wholly; numerals 3-4; costal sections 20/30/ IS/33/ 14/4; hind femur with 8 AD, 4 A, 9-11 AV, 4 PV ; T 4 usually narrowly red on hind margin ; forceps with nude, diagonal, subapical groove, strongest on sides but visible in profile ; posterior clasper evenly tapered ; penis as figured. Female: Similar to male, with the usual sexual differences; front 0.35 of head width ; 2 PFRO ; APS absent ; mid femur Ixxvii ] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 95 with 4 A, 4 AV, 5 PV ; hind femur with 7 AD, 5 A, 7 AV, 4 PV; femora without modified posterior streak; sternum 2 with marginal row of 4 bristles ; genitalia as figured. Holotype: Male, Stone Mountain, GEORGIA, May 17, 1952, Dodge & Seago, in author's collection. Allotype and 7 male, 4 female paratypes, Moultrie, Ga., Sept. 2 and 9, 1949, H. R. Dodge ; 14 males, 1 1 females, Tifton, Ga., June and October, FIGS. 1-5. Lateral view of male genitalia, with enlarged view of the posteroapical process of the penis (in Figs. 2 and 5 this process is shown in posterior view). 1, Sarcophaga ycorgiana; 2, S. kesscli; 3, 5". utilis; 4, S. bishoppi; 5, S. arisonica. FIGS. 6-8. Female genitalia. 6. S. arisonica, ventral view ; 7, same, spermatheca ; 8, 5". georgiana, posterior view. 96 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 1896 (from Hough colln. ; 5 at USNM, 6 at CMNH, others in various collections, including mine) ; 6 males, 2 females, Worth Co., Ga., May 16, 1951, O. K. Fletcher. Other paratypes, 4 Florida males at (KU) : Fruitville, LaBelle, Likely, Lacoochee ; in (USNM) : 3 males, Leesburg, Fla., C. H. Curran; 1 female, Ormond, Fla. (allotype bishoppi) ; male and female in copulo, Miami, Fla., 7. XI and a female, 26. X, Townsend ; 1 female, Or- lando, Fla. and a male without genitalia from Lake Placid, Fla. also the two Alabama males referred to in the first paragraph. This species may be expected to occur in the Sarracenia meadows from North Carolina to eastern Texas, but occurs far from Sarracenia at Miami and Stone Mountain, so is evidently not dependent upon that plant. The palpi may be red only at the tip or wholly red ; the wings are quite strongly yellowed in some specimens. VARIATIONS IN VENTRAL SETULES OF VEIN 3 This paper was completed and most of the specimens distrib- uted or not before me when the following observations were made : The presence of ventral setules on vein 3 beyond the basal node is exceptional and rarely mentioned in descriptions. In my quest for characters common to both sexes such setules, when they occur, have been assumed to be diagnostic. It is, therefore, disconcerting that one female of two mated pairs and one of 13 additional males of utilis (Fayetteville, Ark., May 15, 1965) have ventral setules half way to the anterior crossvein on both wings, whereas other specimens examined for this character have none beyond the node. Among 23 (UCalB) specimens of arisonica, only the basal node is setuled except for a single setule beyond the node on two (of 46) wings. The only kesseli examined, the (UCalB) male, has ventral setules on both wings half way to the crossvein. REFERENCES ALDRICH, J. M. 1915. A new Sarcophaga parasite of AUorhlna nitida. Jour. Econ. Entom. 8: 151, fig. Lxxvii | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 97 . 1916. Surcophaga and allies in North America. Mem. I, Thomas Say Foundation, Lafayette, Ind., 301 p. DAVIS, J J. 1919. Contribution to the knowledge of natural enemies of Phyllophaga. 111. Biol. Surver Bull. 13 : 53-153. HALL, D. G. 1929. An annotated list of the Sarcophaginae which have been collected in Kansas. Jour. Kansas Entom. Soc. 2 : 83-90. HALLOCK, H. C. 1942. The Sarcophaginae of New York, III. Jour. New York Entom. Soc. 50 : 201-241, figs. KNOWLTON, G. F. and M. J. JANES. 1931. Notes on some beneficial Utah Diptera. Proc. Utah Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters 8 : 148. ROBACK, S. S. 1954. The evolution and classification of the Sarco- phaginae. 111. Biol. Monograph 23 (3/4) : 1-181, illus. TOWNSEXD, C. H. T. 1917. Genera of the Dipterous tribe Sarcophagini. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 : 189-197. — . 1918 (1917). New genera of Amobiinae. Insector Inscit. Menstr. 5 ( 10-12) : 157-165. — . 1919. New genera and species of muscoid flies. Proc. U. S. Natnl Mus. 56 (2301) : 541-592. — . 1934. Manual of Myiology, Itaquaquecetuba, Brazil, II : 1-289. -. 1937. Ibid. V : 1-232. . 1938. Ibid. VI : 1-242. A Cavernicolous Pseudoscorpion of the Genus Microcreagris from Southern Tennessee "\YILLIAM B. MUCHMORE, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York The genus Microcreagris is widely represented in the epigeal fauna of the eastern United States. In addition, three troglobi- tic species have heen described by Chamberlin (1962) from caves in Virginia and Alabama. Of these three the most highly modified is M. valcntinci from Cudjo's Cave, in Lee County, Virginia [but erroneously located by Chamberlin (p. 350) at Cumberland Gap, Tennessee]. The present paper describes another highly modified form, from Nickajack Cave in Marion County, Tennessee. 98 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 Microcreagris nickajackensis, new species Material: Holotype male (WM 754.01001) collected in Nickajack Cave, 0.6 mile south of Shellmound Station, Marion County, Tennessee on 1 August 1964 by R. Horton. Description: Male: A highly modified troglobitic species of the genus — eyeless, pale in color and with greatly attenuated appendages. Carapace about one-third longer than wide, the greatest width being just behind the "ocular" region; epistome small and rounded ; no eyes present ; surface smooth dorsally and becoming finely reticulated on the sides. Carapacal setae 4-6-4- 4-2-6=26. Abdomen typical. Tergal chaetotaxy 6:6:6:7:8:7:8:7: 8: 6: 6: mm. Genital area typical. Sternal chaetotaxy 7:[(6) (4)] : (3)T9(T(3):(2)6(2):8:10:9:10:9:9:6:mm. Chelicera less than two-thirds the length of the carapace; 2.21 times as long as broad. Right palm with six and left palm with seven setae; fixed finger with a row of 17-19 teeth, of medium size and pointed at the proximal end but becoming small and rounded distally ; movable finger with 11-12 teeth, smallest at the proximal end and becoming larger distally ; galea short, slender and unbranched ; serrula exterior with about 35 blades ; serrula interior with about 20 blades; flagellum of eight setae, of which all but the most proximal one or two are unilaterally pinnate. Palps very long and slender ; proportions of the podomeres as shown in Fig 1 ; placement of the tactile setae of chela as shown in Fig. 2. Fixed finger with 118 low, rounded, contiguous teeth; movable finger with 119 similar teeth. Trochanter 2.9, femur 7.2, tibia (including pedicel) 5.2, chela (without pedicel) 6.0, and hand (without pedicel) 2.2 times as long as broad ; movable finger 1.95 times as long as hand. Legs long and slender ; leg I with basifemur 4.9, telofemur 4.0 and tibia 7.2 times as long as deep; leg IV with entire femur 6.0 and tibia 9.3 times as long as deep. Leg IV with a true tactile seta on telotarsus 0.47 the length of the segment from the proximal end. Subterminal tarsal setae unequally bifurcated at about the middle and each branch with several spinules. Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Measurements (in mm) : Body length 3.44. Carapace 1.02 long, greatest width 0.74. Chelicera 0.63 long by 0.29 broad ; movable finger 0.43 long. Palpal trochanter 0.75 by 0.26 : femur 1.69 by 0.24; tibia (with pedicel) 1.52 by 0.29; tibial pedicel 0.65 by 0.11 ; chela (without pedicel 2.37 by 0.40; chelal pedicel 0.25 by 0.19; hand 0.84 by 0.38; movable finger 1.63 by 0.14. Leg I : basifemur 0.79 by 0.16; telofemur 0.59 by 0.15 ; tibia 0.76 by 0.11 ; metatarsus 0.40 by 0.09; telotarsus 0.58 by 0.08. Leg IV : entire femur 1.37 long ; basifemur 0.63 by 0.23 : telofemur 0.74 by 0.22; tibia 1.27 by 0.14; metatarsus 6.50 by 0.11 ; telotarsus 6.76 by 0.09. Remarks: This highly modified species most closely resembles Microcreagris valentinei Chamberlin among other American forms in the genus. It can, however, be distinguished easily from M. valentinei by the following combination of characters: FIGS. 1-2. Microcreagris nickajackensis, n. sp., holotype male. 1. Dorsal view of left palp. 2. Lateral view of right chela. 100 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 1 ) 26 setae on the carapace, 2) only seven setae on anterior genital operculum of male, 3) six or seven setae on cheliceral palm, 4) less attenuated palpal podomeres, 5) base of chelal hand more clearly separated from pedicel. Geographically, the nearest known cavernicolous species of the genus are M. pcrscphonc Chamberlin and M. pinto Cham- herlin from caves in Marshall County, Alabama. M. nicka- jackcnsis has considerably more attenuated appendages than either of these species and also differs from them in details of the carapacal and tergal chaetotaxies. Since very little is known of the epigeal species of Microcreagris in Tennessee and Ala- bama, nothing can yet be determined about the relations of the carvernicolous forms to their epigeal ancestors. LITERATURE CITED CHAMBERLIN, J. C. 1962. New and little-known false scorpions, principally from caves, belonging to the families Chthoniidae and Neobisiidae (Arachnida, Chelonethida) Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 123(6) : 299-352. Ctenophthalmus cophurus schmiederi n. ssp. (Siphonaptera) C. ANDRESEN HUBBARD, Tigard 23, Oregon ; Malaria Institute, Amani, Tanzania High up in the Western Usambara Mountains of northeast Tanzania 16 miles northwest of Lushoto at the edge of the great Shume Forest Reserve there lies on the brink of an almost 4,000 ft escarpment a point known as "World View." Here one can meditate in jungle silence while looking out over the parched plains below through which the Mkomazi River flows to water the large masses of game in the Mkomazi Game Re- serve that lies on the Umba Steppe. Close at hand is the ghost Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 101 town of old German Shume, long since dead because, being a sawmill town, when the primeval forest was cut the town died and left behind as skeletons the abodes of workers, ranging from mud huts, and board and bat houses, to the big old German red brick home of the overseer which is now Shume Rest House. The elevation here is 6,000 feet, and the land is reforested with cypress which is not yet old enough to harvest. Here, if one sits on the veranda of the rest home, on a rock at "World View," or on a log at the forest edge, and waits quietly a moment or two, out will bob a medium sized "Chocolate Brown Mouse." Several of these mice, taken in live traps, were found to be carrying a new subspecies of Ctenophthalmus copJiurns T. & R. 1913. Ctenophthalmus cophurus schmiederi n. spp. The new subspecies differs from both C.c. cophurus and C.c. Iieniingivayi Hubbard 1963 in the shape and the proportions of the finger F in the male and the angle of the slant and the proportion of the parts of the apical outline of the VII sternite of the female. Type Data : The holotype male and the allotype female are mounted on slides bearing the writer's number T2450, dated May 23, 1965, host listed as Lophurom\s flavopunctatits mar- yarettae Heller, location as Shume, Loshoto District, TANZANIA, and deposited * in the Tring Branch of the British Museum. Bearing the same data are paratypes deposited in U. S. National Museum and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Description. Modified Segments. Male. Whereas the sides of the fingers of cophurus and hemingwayi may be close to parallel in schmiederi the apical portion is expanded until al- most ham shaped (apically very much broader) and at the * The types of the first 10 U. S. fleas described by the writer are in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia with paratypes in U. S. National Museum and British Museum, the next 40 U. S. fleas described have their types in the U. S. National Museum with paratypes in the British Museum, and the types of some 25 fleas described from outside the U. S. are in the British Museum, with paratypes in the U. S. National Museum. 102 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 Ct"enophthalTnus cophurus X and R. Allotype VI I St. CtenophtKo-lmaS Coplnxru-S Schrniederi H\xkba.re m i r> a v/ O-Y i 1963 FIG. 1. Ctcnophthalmus cophunts schmicdcri Hubbard 1966, Ct. c. cophurus J. and R. 1913, Ct. c. hemingwayi 1963. IxxviiJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 103 extreme apex where the anterior and posterior angle meet there is a small tip armed with a tiny bristle. Armature otherwise as in all cophnrus. Female: VII sternite with apical angle tipped anteriorly more, the upper hump less prominent, the hook more prominent, the bay shallower and higher on the margin, making the distance from the hook to the bottom of the outline greater than in other cophnrus. Length : A medium sized flea. Male 2.25 mm. female 3.00 mm. Remarks: This flea is the representative of the cophunts group east of Mt. Kilimanjaro, where hemingwayi ranges west and cophnrus is found in Kenya and Uganda. This flear bears the name of Dr. Rudolf G. Schmieder, of the University of Pennsylvania, Editor of Entomological News, and friend of the writer for 20 years who, through these years, has published many papers for him on world fleas. This is the fourteenth flea described by the writer as new from Tanzania under U. S. National Science Foundation grants G14023 and GB 1954. Copidosoma (Litomastix) naevia n. sp. A New Encyrtinae from Colorado (Chalcidoidea: Hymenoptera) OLE A. S.ETHER, University of Oslo, Department of Limnology, Blindern, Norway The Encyrtid flies help to control aphids, psyllids, coccids and many other insects injurious to plants. Members of the sub- genus Litoniasti.v Thomson are parasitic on hemipterous, lepi- clopterous, and dipterous larvae (Thompson 1875 p. 172, Mayr 1876 p. 682, Mercet 1921 p. 442, Nikol'skaya 1952 p. 432, Ferriere 1953 pp. 29-30, Peck 1963 pp. 360-369). During a survey by Dr. Kare Elgmork, Oslo, in upper parts of North Boulder Creek, Colorado, imagines of a new species. 104 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 according to Nikol'skaya (1952), Ferriere (1953) and Erdos & Nowicky (1955) of the subgenus Litomastix, were occasionally found. Two female specimens were caught on July 9, 1960, at a height of about 3,500 m. Six females and one male were collected on July 13 on the slope of Navajo Peak in the upper- most part of the creek, between snowbanks, at a height of about 3,800 m (Elgmork & Saether in preparation). Copidosoma (Litomastix) naevia n. sp. Female. — Head as wide as deep ; frontovertex at the anterior ocellus as wide as one half the width of the head ; ocelli in an obtuse-angled triangle, the posterior pair separated from the eye margins by their diameter, from occipital margin by about three quarters of their diameter; scrobes moderately deep; mandibles distinctly tridentate, the lower tooth larger (Fig. 1C). Antennae 0.80 mm in length; scape slender; pedicel 2.9 times as long as wide at apex ; club solid, obliquely truncate, acuminate (Fig. IB). Ratio of length of antennal joints to each other (radicula, scape, pedicel, 6 funicle segments, club) : 16 : 52 : 26 : 10 : 10.5 : 1 1 : 1 1 : 10 : 49. Ratio of greatest widths of antennal segments (same sequence) : = 7 : 10 : 9 : 7.5 : 9 : 10.5 : 11 : 12: 13:15. Forewings 1.54 mm long by 0.65 mm wide and uniformly ciliated except the basal third ; submarginal, marginal, stigmal and postmarginal veins approximately in the ratio of 133 : 9 : 18 : 11 ; submarginal vein with about 13 bristles; below the stigmal vein 4 spines of the same length as the usual bristles (Fig. IF) ; stigmal vein cuneiform, with a cluster of 4 round white spots near apex ; submarginal vein with a constriction at apex. Hind wings 1.14 mm long by 0.40 mm wide. Middle tibia with 9 spines at the apex, and with several spines on the tarsal joints (Fig. 1A). Ratio of lengths of leg segments (coxa outwards) front leg — 13 : 18 : 81 : 76 : 16 : 1 1 : 9 : 9 : 16 middle leg— 43 : 17: 124:130: 45 : 14: 11 : 11 : 16 hind leg— 42 : 20 : 110: 130:35: 18: 15:14:19 IxXVli] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 105 Spur of middle tibia in same ratio : 37. Head, axillae, and mesopleurae minutely reticulate (head more longitudinally reticulate anterior to eyes) ; coxae, tro- chanters, femora, tibiae except apical and basal, and scape longitudinally reticulate (coxae less longitudinally than the other) ; mesoscutum largely reticulate; scutellum coarsely reticu- late longitudinally ; tegulae minutely reticulate longitudinally. Abdomen flattened and cordate. Body black, in general, with a slight brownish tinge on abdo- men. Head and prescutum with greenish and bluish reflec- tions ; mesoscutum and tip of scutellum with a greenish reflec- tion ; scutellum and mesopleurae with a coppery reflection ; femora and tibiae with greenish and coppery reflections. An- tennae brownish black. Forewings hyaline with a pale fuscous clot just below the marginal vein and surrounding the stigmal vein (Fig. IF). The apex of fore and middle femora, base of all tibiae, basal two thirds of mesotibial spur and basal two thirds of first four tarsal joints whitish yellow; apical third of spur and first four tarsal joints subfuscous ; fifth tarsal joints fuscous. Length 1.4-1.8; length of holotype 1.8 mm; width of thorax of holotype 0.5 mm. Male. — Head very little wider than deep ; ratio of frontovertex at the anterior ocellus to width of head as 12.5:27; posterior pair of ocelli separated from the eye margins by their diameter and almost touching occipital margin; mandibles as in female, or perhaps a little more pointed. Antennae 0.85 mm in length ; shape about as in female. Ratio of lengths of antennal joints to each other (radicula, scape, 6 funicle segments, club) : = 16:62: 26 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 14 : 14 : 12 : 34. Ratio of greatest width of an- tennal segments (same sequence) = 6 : 8.5 : 9 : 5.5 : 6.5 : 8 : 8.5 : 9.5 : 11. Bristles of male antennae very little longer than the female. Forewings 1.39 mm by 0.57 mm wide; shape as in female; submarginal, marginal, stigmal, and postmarginal veins approxi- mately in the ratio of 131:10:18:9; submarginal vein with about 1 1 bristles. 106 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 Middle tibia with 7 spines on the tip. Ratio of lengths of leg joints : front leg— 43 : 19 : 62 : 76 : 16 : 1 1 : 9 : 9 : 19 middle leg— 40 : 23 : 100: 116: 32 : 16: 13 : 12 : 19 hind leg— 37:24:96:110:33: 17:15: 13:19 Spur of middle tibia in same ratio 29. Reticulation as in the female. Coloration as in the female except that the abdomen is a little more brownish and apex of fore and middle femora, all tibiae, spurs, and tarsal joints more yellowish. Coloration of wings as in the female. Genitalia (Fig. ID) rather stout. Length of body 1.49 mm ; width of thorax 0.43 mm. Holotype, allotypes, and 4 paratypes at the Entomology Re- search Institute, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Ontario ; 3 paratypes in the author's collection. This new species may be distinguished from all known European species by the fuscous dot on the forewings and by the male antenna of which the pedicel is larger than the first funicular segment. Its size is also greater than the most European species. Of the 12 nearctic species presently placed in Copidosonia Ritz., sensu lato, (Peck 1963 pp. 360-369), 8 species seem to belong to the subgenus Litomastlv Thomson. Only one of these species, Copidosonia (Litomasti.v} truncatellum Thomson, is circumpolar. C. truncatellum s. str. (Dalm.) (Dalman 1820 pp. 168-169, Thomson 1875 p. 174, Mayr 1876 pp. 734, 739-740, Mercet 1921 pp. 456-457, Nikol'skaya 1963 p. 424) has no fuscous spot on the forewings, the male pedicel is shorter than the first funicular segment, the first funicular segment in the female is as long as wide, and the female measures only 0.9-1.2 mm in length. This species, however, is the nearest related of the European species. C. truncatellum floridana Ashm. (Ashmead 1900 p. 365. Girault 1916 p. 49) does have the fuscous patch against stigmal ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 107 B D FIG. 1. Litomastix naci'ia n. sp. A. Tarsal joints, apex of tibia and spur of middle leg of female. B. Antenna of female. C. Mandible of female. D. Genitalia of male. E. Apex of front tibia of female. F. Veins of forewing of female. 108 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 and marginal veins. But the mandibular teeth in the female are small and subequal, while C. naevia has a long first mandibular tooth. Its flagellum is not longer than the scape, whereas it is distinctly longer in C. naevia. Of the 7 remaining nearctic species belonging to the subgenus Litomasti.v, namely C. bakeri (How.) (Howard 1898 pp. 237- 238; Girault 1916 pp. 49-50; Snodgrass 1941 pp. 36-37, pi. 8, figs. F-H), C. cclaena How. (Howard 1885 pp. 11-12), C. gelechiae How. (Howard 1885 pp. 10-11, 21), C. intermedium How. (Howard 1885 p. 12), C. koehleri Blanch. (Doutt 1948 pp. 145-148), C. lymani How. (Howard 1907 pp. 102-103), and C. turni (Pack.) (Howard 1889 pp. 1888-1889), only C. bakeri is mentioned as having a fuscous patch along the stigmal vein and the pedicel in male antenna shorter than first funicular segment (Girault loc. cit.}. C. bakeri and C. naevia n. sp. both have a long first mandicular tooth, about same ratio of lengths and widths of joints in female antennae to each other, and, in contrast to other nearctic species of Copidosonia, the male antennae are very similar to the female antennae, only with the funicle joints somewhat longer and the club shorter. C. bakeri, however, has a minute third man- dibular tooth in the female and the second tooth over 4 times the size of the third tooth, while they are subequal in C. naevia ; the forewings of C. bakeri are lightly infuscated from head of the submarginal vein distad to the apex, while hyaline in C. naevia; the abdomen is less pointed and less cordate in C. bakeri; there are shorter hairs on caulis, and the digiti volsellari are shorter and pointing backwards (Snodgrass 1941, pi. 8, figs. F-H). C. bakeri seems, however, to be the nearest related previously known nearctic species. C. lymani may also be closely related as the description is inadequate and the male unknown. It measures only 0.92 mm in length, however. The Japanese species L. inaculata Ishii (Ishii 1928 p. 115) also has a fuscous dot on the forewings. The male is unknown, the size is only 0.87 mm in the female, and there are only 4 spines on the tip of the middle tibiae. However, this species also seems closely related with C. naevia n. sp. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 109 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am much indebted to Dr. Oswald Peck, Entomology Re- search Institute, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, for his critical reading of the manuscript, and his helpful sugges- tions for improvement. REFERENCES ASHMEAD, W. H. 1900. On the genera of the Chalcid-flies belonging to the subfamily Encyrtinae. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 22: 323-412. DALMAN, J. V. 1820. Forsok til uppstallning af Insect-familjen Ptero- malini, i synnerhet med afseende pa de i Sverige funne arter. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. 41: 123-172, 340-385. DOUTT, R. L. 1948. Arrenoclavus, a new genus of polyembryonic Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera). Pan-Pacific Ent. 24: 145-148. ELGMORK, K., and O. A. S.ETHER (in preparation). Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. ERDOS, J., and S. NOVICKY. 1955. Genera Encyrtidarum regionis palearcticae. Beitr. Ent. 5 : 165-202. FERRIERE, C. 1953. Encyrtides palearctiques (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Nouvelle table des genres avec notes et synonymies. Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 26 : 1-45. GIRAULT, A. A. 1916. New Encyrtidae from North America. Psyche 23 : 41-50. HOWARD, L. O. 1885. Descriptions of North American Chalcididae from the collections of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and of Dr. C. V. Riley, with biological notes. (First paper). Together with a list of the described North American species of the family. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent. 5: 1-47. — . 1889. The hymenopterous parasites of North American butter- flies. In: SCUDDER, S. H. The butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada with special reference to New England. Private Press, Cambridge, Mass. 3: 1869-1911. HOWARD, L. O. 1898. On some parasitic insects of the subfamily Encyrtinae. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 21: 231-248. — . 1907. A new Canadian species of Copidosoma. Canad. Ent. 39 : 102-103. ISHII, T. 1928. The Encyrtinae of Japan. Bull. Imp. Agric. Exp. Sta. Japan 3 : 79-160. MAYR, G. 1876. Die europaischen Encyrtiden. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 25 : 675-778. MERCET, R. G. 1921. Hymenopteros. Fam. Encirtidos. Fauna Iberica. Madrid. 732 pp. 110 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, 1966 NIKOL'SKAYA, M. X. 1952. The chalcid fauna of the U.S.S.R. (Chal- cidoidea). Tabl. anal. Faune U.R.S.S., 44. (1963. Translated from Russian. Israel Program for scientific translations, Jerusalem, pp. 593). PECK, O. 1963. A catalogue of the nearctic Chalcidoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Canad. Ent, suppl. 30: 1-1092. SNODGRASS, R. E. 1941. The male genitalia of Hymenoptera. Smith- sonian Misc. Coll. 99(14) : 1-86. THOMPSOX, C. G. 1875. Skandinaviens Hymenoptera. 4'e delen inne- hullande slagtet Pteromahis Svedcrus. Lund. 259 pp. Nomenclature Notice Possible use of the plenary powers by the Commission is announced in connection with the following names, listed In- case number : 1 564, Neotype for Acarus telarius Linnaeus, 1758 (Acarina). 1722, Suppression of Anopheles africanus Theobald, 1901 (Diptera). 1725, Removal of homonymy of CHRYSOPINAE in Neuroptera and Diptera. 1613, Type-species for Erbula Stal, 1783 (Hemiptera). Send comments with case number to International Commis- sion on Zoological Nomenclature, c/o British Museum (N.H.), Cromwell Road, London S.W. 7, England. (See Bull. zool. Now cud. 22, pt. 5/6.) Obituary In deep sorrow, \ve record the accidental death by drowning of Dr. Harold J. Grant, Jr., in Trinidad, on February 27th. Dr. Grant was Curator and Head of the Department of Entomology of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Editor of the Transactions of the American Entomological Society, and Associate Edi- tor of Entomological News. A biographical memorial will appear in a later issue of this publication. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 1 1 1 Review A HISTORY OF GENETICS. Alfred H. Sturtevant. Harper and Row, X. Y., 1965, 165 pp. Price: $5.50. This is a remarkable account of the significant events in the history of genetics by one of the great figures in genetics. Sturtevant's first-hand knowledge of the scientific relevance of each discovery, and in many cases of the individuals responsible as well, extends to the early part of this century, and it is evi- dent that in many areas he has not lost touch with current developments. Where his personal acquaintance is lacking, for example in discussing Mendel's contributions and the intellec- tual environment in which they were made, the history is care- fully researched. The writing is lucid and very concise without being disjointed. I found only one unclear passage in the book, the last sentence on p. 125 concerning temperate bacterio- phages. The sense in which they form a transition to the "infec- tive agents" responsible for transformation and transduction seems mysterious. It must Ite borne in mind that the selection of material and especially of termination dates of his accounts of the various areas of genetics is arbitrary. The jacket claims that the his- tory covers the period up to "about 1950"-— in some cases it is well before this, and in others after. For instance no mention of the fundamental experiment of Luria and Delbriich (1943) is made anywhere in the book, presumably because accounts are readily available elsewhere. On the other hand, there is refer- ence to an article by Gibor and Granick in 1964, which is also accessible. I think this hazy termination of the accounts of work in various fields detracts from the book and could have been avoided easily. Since the book is unique in being Sturtevant's own survey of genetics, and is authoritative because of his complete mastery of most of the field, these criticisms are not too serious. — X. R. KALLENBACH Entomologist's Market Place ADVERTISEMENTS AND EXCHANGES Advertisements of goods or services for sale are accepted at $1.00 per line, payable in advance to the editor. Notices of wants and exchanges not exceeding three lines are free to subscribers. All insertions are continued from month to month, the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, when necessary, the older ones at the top are discontinued. Membracidae wanted. Purchase or exchange. T. L. Stringfellow, Military Reservation, Box 11-A, Hudson, Massachusetts. Butterflies of the World wanted in exchange for those of my locality. Louis Clarke, 10435 Georgetown Drive, Rancho Cordova, California 95670. Scoliidae of the Neotropical Region, Africa, or Madagascar wanted for study, determination, exchange, or purchase. J. Chester Bradley, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 14850. Wanted. Services of a capable artist to make some drawings of Scoliidae. J. Chester Bradley, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 14850. Oestridae wanted. Botflies of Nearctic deer, elk, caribou, sheep ; African and European mammals, larvae and adult. Purchase or exchange for Diptera, Coleoptera. Kenneth J. Capelle, Box 459, Brigham City, Utah 84302. Planchets, radiation warning signs and labels, dosimeters and other isotope-lab accessories. New catalogue free on request. Nuclear Supply and Service Co., 422 Wash. Bldg., Wash. 5, D. C. Formosan Insects. Large quantities of dried butterflies, moths, beetles, cicadas, dragonflies, mantis, grasshoppers, bees, spiders, etc., Rare and common species, aberrations and sex mosaics for sale. Taiwan Novelty Co., P. O. Box 860, Taipei, Formosa. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society An irregular serial, containing monographic pa- pers by students of authority in their respective subjects. Seventeen numbers have been published to date and publication of number 18 will occur on May 31, 1963. Cost of individual numbers varies from $2.00 to $15.00. Complete sets are still avail- able for $85.00 (17 numbers in 18 volumes). For price lists and titles address : THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States ; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. U. S. A. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Number 19 BUTTERFLIES OF LIBERIA By Richard M. Fox, Arthur W. Lindsey, Jr., Harry K. Clench and Lee D. Miller 402 pages of text ; colored frontispiece, 233 figures, 2 graphs, 2 tables, 3 maps, table of contents, full bibliography and a taxonomic index. With 195 new records, this study increases the known butter- fly fauna of Liberia from 280 to 475 species and another 254 species are noted as probably to be found. Two new tribes, 5 new genera, 13 new species and subspecies are described. Il- lustrations include photographs and, where pertinent, drawings of genitalia of all holotypes, along with photographs and draw- ings of closely related forms for comparison. The distribution of each species is given and those more difficult to identify or previously confused are treated at greater length. All known records from Liberia are noted. A 46 page introduction details climatic conditions and biotopes in Liberia and analyzes the zoogeographic and ecologic relationships of the butterflies of Liberia and of Occidental Africa. Price $12.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (19103), U.S.A. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS MAY 196ti Vol. LXXVII No. 5 CONTENTS Rol iack— Notes on Tanypodinae types ( Dipt. ) 113 McDermott — Apisoma yechae sp. nov. (Col.) 132 Knull — Two new North American Smodicus (Col.) 136 Neel and Gillespie — Leaf mining weevil on tulip tree 139 Abdullah — Anoploplus tuberculatus, with a new subfamily .... 143 Refresher courses at the CDC. 147 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: personal, $6.00; institutional, $9.00. Second-class postage paid at Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Edited, 1911-1944, by PHILIP P. CALVERT (1871-1961) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa., and the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : H. W. ALLEN, M. E. PHILLIPS, and S. S. ROBACK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Communications and remittances to be addressed to Entomological News, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Prices per yearly volume of 10 numbers. Private subscriptions, for personal use, domestic and foreign, $6.00 postpaid. Institutional subscriptions, for libraries, laboratories, etc., domestic and foreign, $9.00 postpaid. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rate schedules available from the editor. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be addressed to R. G. Schmieder, Joseph Leidy Laboratory of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. Articles longer than eight printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS: Authors will be charged as follows: For text- figures, the cost of engraving; for insert plates (on glossy stock), the cost of engraving plus printing. Size limit, when printed, 4X6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after printing. TABLES: The cost of setting tables will be charged to authors. SEPARATA: Separates (as reprints with extraneous matter removed) may be obtained only from the printer at the prices quoted below. Authors must place their orders for such separates with the editor at the time of submitting manuscripts, or when returning proof. Copies 1-4 pp. 5-8 pp. 9-12 pp. Covers 50 $5.87 $ 9.40 $14.69 $6.40 100 7.03 11.15 17.62 8.75 Add'l 100 2.35 3.51 5.85 4.70 Plates printed one side: First 50, $4.68; Additional 100's, $3.52. Transportation charges will be extra. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LXXVII MAY, 1966 Xo. 5 Notes on Tanypodinae Types in European Museums (Dipt.: Chironomidae) SELWYN S. ROBACK, Curator, Department of Limnology. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia As is the case in many groups of insects, many of the early descriptions of North American and Greenland species were by European workers and the types of these repose in the museums in Europe. Also, the names of many European species have been applied to North American specimens or used in the North American literature. In the course of a study of the North American Tanypodinae,* I found it desirable to go to Europe and study some of these types. In many cases, I found it necessary to label previously unrecognized or unlabeled holo- types or to designate lectotypes from syntypic series. Unfor- tunately, as is usually the case when old types are examined, some long used names proved to be synonyms. The synonymy and type designations are given under each species. I am deeply indebted to the following individuals for making the collections at their institutions available to me and for the help and kindness shown me during my stay at their institutions. Dr. Paul Freeman, British Museum (N.H.) ; Dr. M. Des- camps and Dr. T. Tsacas, Paris Natural History Museum ; Dr. S. L. Tuxen and Dr. L. Lyneborg. University Zoological Mu- seum, Copenhagen ; Dr. C. Lindroth, Entomological Institute, Lund University, Sweden. The ownership of a few specimens from American Institutions listed here is as follows : United 15 The support of the National Science Foundation (Grant GB2719) is gratefully acknowledged. (113) IWU7 114 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 States National Museum (USNM), Canadian National Collec- tions (CNC), Illinois Natural History Survey (INKS). The figures are by Mr. Robert Moore, Jr. In the following descriptions I have used the roman numerals I-III for the prothoracic — metathoracic legs, T^T-, for the tarsal segments, LR for leg ratio, AR for antennal ratio. The thoracic chaetotaxy is as in Curran (1934). Tanypus punctipennis Meigen Tanvpus punctipennis Meigen 1818:61, 62 Tan\pus punctipennis (part) Malloch 1915:383 Tan\piis pnncti 'Dennis Edwards 1929:299 Tonvpus punctipennis Sublette 1964:132 Sublette (1964) has noted that most of the New World speci- mens determined as T. punctipennis Meigen are not that species but rather T. carinatus or T. neo punctipennis Sublette. I have examined the Meigen specimen of T. punctipennis at Paris and it proved to be very close to, if not identical, with T. carinatus Sublette. Figs. 1-5 compare the genitalic dististyles of Ed- wards', two U. S., and the Meigen specimen with the holotype of T. carinatus and Table 1 compares some of their measure- TABLE 1. Comparison of d" T. punctipennis and T. carinatus specimens punctipennis carinatus Meigen Type Edwards speci- men Lake City Mich. Grand Junction Mich. Sask. Holo Ontario Dististvle length .152 .158 .154 .160 .154 .104 .108 Basistvle length .260 .270 .250 .290 .263 .196 .196 Carina present + small small + + + + \Vimi length 3.6 3.9 3.3 3.3 2.6 2.8 LRI .76 .81 .79 .80 .81 .86 LRIII .89 .90 .85 .91 .89 .90 Beard* I 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 2-5.0 5.0 Basistyle lobe + + + + + + All measurements in mm. * Beard ratio = length of longest hairs divided by tarsal diameter. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 115 nients and ratios. There are too few specimens from too few localities to establish whether T. carinatus is a small form of T. punctipennis. For the present, I feel they should be retained as separate species. The Edwards specimens determined as T. punctipennis agree in general maculation and measurements but have a smaller carina on the dististyle, Fig. 4 (also see Fig. 7e, Sublette 1964). In the specimen I personally examined this difference may be an artifact of mounting. The orientation of the dististyle in the mount and the extent of clearing with KOH before mounting can affect the apparent size of the carina and the orientation of the hairs. Of the 3 North American males which I feel belong to T. punctipennis, one shows a dististyle similar to Edwards specimens, Fig. 3, while the other two are as in Meigen's specimen, Fig. 2. I have included these North American specimens in Table 1. The detailed history of the Meigen material is not fully clear. Johannsen (1926) states that some of the Von Winthem mate- rial in Vienna was said to be determined by Meigen and in some cases were co-types. I cannot establish, to my satisfac- tion, whether the Paris specimen and those in Vienna are syn- typic. In the interest of stability and in the absence of any evidence clearly establishing a single specimen as holotype, I feel it is reasonable to assume that they are syntypes and I have therefore designated the Paris specimens as lectotype of T. punctipennis. Lectotype male. — Head brown, lighter around eyes ; pronotum brown, lighter above; moderately produced above; vittae brown, highly pollinose ; mesonotal tubercle low and dark ; acrosticals not discernible ; scutellum light brown ; postnotum black-brown ; femora with basal three-quarters and apex dark ; base and apex of tibiae, apex T1( apical half of T2 and T.t_- dark; claws spatu- late, toothed apically ; 2 long and 2 short spines on base ; em- podium present about as long as claws; LRI, .76; spur tibia I, .068 mm with 2 lateral teeth ; beard I about 8 times tarsal diam- eter; LRI I, .74; spurs tibia II, .079, .049 mm with 3 lateral teeth each; LRIII, .89; spurs tibia III. .089. .064 mm with 2 lateral teeth each; comb tibia III with 11 bristles; wing, 3.6 116 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 mm ; maculation similar to Fig. 7d, Sublette 1964 ; spots slightly darker ; m-cu, .43 arculus to wing tip ; Cuz about 4 times length of petiole of Cu; wing moderately haired ; abdomen brown ; ninth tergite with about 20 hairs on disc ; genitalia brown, Fig. 7 ; basistyle .260 mm long with a group of larger spines meso- ventrally, suggesting a lobe; dististyle, Fig. 1, .152 mm with a distinct internal carina. Specimens: <§ Allemagne (Paris) <$ Radwell Harts 15-VI-1917 (Edwards) (USNM) $ Lake City, Mich. 25 Aug. 1952 (USNM) $ Grand Junction, Mich. 15 July 1914 (INKS) 2477 c? Indian Head, Sask, 9-VIII-45 (Sandercock) (CNC) J1 Ottawa, Ontario 10-VI-56 (Vockeroth) (CNC) Procladius crassinervis (Zetterstedt) Tanypus crassinervis Zetterstedt 1838:817 (1) (Lyksele) T any pits crassinervis Staeger 1845:354 (11 J*, 2$$) Tanypus crassinervis Zetterstedt 1850 :3599 Trichotanypits chorens Andersen 1937:21, 22 (nee. choreits Meigen) Trichotanypits choreits Henriksen 1939:68 Trichotanypiis crassinervis Henriksen 1939:68 Procladius crassinervis Sublette and Sublette 1965:149 The type series at Lund consisted of 4 syntypes, one J1 (slightly teneral), 2$$ and one poor specimen with no ab- domen or wings. I have designated the male as lectotype and it is so labeled. The specimens determined as this species by Staeger consist of a J1 and 2 $$ at Copenhagen. Though a little larger and darker than the Zetterstedt type, they agree in all essentials, particularly the distinctive structure Fig. 12, of internal strut 2. The specimens determined as T. chorens by FIGS. 1-7. Tanypus pitnctipennis Meigen. 1. Dististyle, lectotype, Paris. 2. Dististyle, Grand Junction, Michigan. 3. Dististyle, Lake City, Michigan. 4. Dististyle, England, det. Edwards. 6. Genitalia, Grand Junction, Michigan. 7. Genitalia, lectotype, Paris. FIG. 5. Tanypus carinatus Sublette, Dististyle, holotype. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 117 118 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 Andersen (1937) are identical with the Staeger and Zetterstedt material. The shape of the heel of the dististyle Figs. 8-10, is subject to a great deal of variation. Though they superficially appear different, I have been able, by pressing down on the cover slip, to convert the shape of Fig. 10, into that of Fig. 8 (T. crassinervis Zett. ) . Lectotype male. — Head brown; antennal ratio 2.1 ; pronotum brown ; vittae black-brown ; humeri and part of supra-alar area lighter ; numerals 10 ± ; prescutellars 6-7 ; scutellum and post- notum black brown ; legs brown, base and apex of tibiae darker, apex of Tt and all T2_5 dark; LRI, .73; tibial spur, .054 mm; LRII, .64; LRIII, .74; preapical spurs on T^2 of leg III; comb leg III with 9 filaments ; tibial spurs, .068, .039 mm with 5 and 4 lateral teeth, respectively ; claws toothed apically ; 4 fine spines at base of each ; empodium as long as claws ; wing, 2.9 mm; r-m, lightly infuscated ; Cu2, 1.36 as long as petiole of Cu; abdomen dark ; ninth tergite simple with scattered hair ; genitalia dark, Fig. 11; basistyle, .280; dististyle, .118 mm; Fig. 8, heel of dististyle, .049 mm ; ratio, dististyle length to heel length 2.4; strut 2 as in Fig. 12; strut, 3 ovoid. Variation (Greenland specimens — 2 <$ <$ Andersen, 1 <$ Staeger). Antennal ratio, 2.5-2.9; LRI, .68-74; LR II, .62; LR III, .62-.6S; all legs with preapical spurs on T^2 ; pronotals, 15; supra-alars, 32 ± ; numerals, 13; prescutellars, 6-7; meso- pleurals, 5; mesosternals, 0; basistyle, Fig. 13, .295-.320 mm; dististyle, .133-. 152 mm; heel, .054-.064 mm; ratio dististyle length to heel length, 2.2-2.5, Figs. 9 and 10. Macropelopia decedens (Walker) Tanypus decedens Walker 1848:22 (St. Martins Falls, Al- bany River, Hudson Bay) Tanypus hirtipennis Loew 1865: 5, nee. Tanypus hirtipennis Malloch 1915:367 (New Synonym) FIGS. 8-13. Procladius crassinenis (Zetterstedt). 8. Dististyle, lecto- type, Lund. 9. Dististyle, det. Staeger, Greenland. 10. Dististyle, det. chorcits Andersen, Greenland. 11. Genitalia, lectotype. 12. Detail strut 2, Andersen specimen. 13. Genitalia, det. chorcits, Andersen. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 119 .. &j • 13 V 120 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 Anatopynia brunnea Roback 1958:2 (New Synonym) ? Macropelopia decedens Fittkau 1962:114 Anatopynia {Macropelopia} decedens Sublette and Sublette 1965:145 Anatopynia (Psectotanypus*) dcna Sublette and Sublette 1965:145 The description of this species indicates that it came from the above locality and was presented by G. Barnston, Esq. On the pin with the specimen is a label stating that it was in the collec- tion under decedens from Barnston but actually came from Chil- dren's collection. The British Museum accession records state that it entered the collection in 1840, labeled T. nebulosus and was bought at Mr. Children's sale. Walker in his description states that the species is like T. nebulosus and gives the body length as 2 lines and the wing length as 5 lines. This is an unusual ratio for a tanypodine male where the body is usually as long, if not longer, than the wings. The single male in the British Museum collection lacks the greater part of the abdomen and the ratio of the residual body to the wings is as in Walker's description. Inasmuch as Walker was often careless in his ob- servations and in view of the facts that the specimen was in the British Museum collections at the time Walker was working, and was labeled T. nebulosus it seems reasonable to assume that, in spite of the source discrepancy, this was the specimen Walker described and therefore the holotype. The assignment of the donation to Barnston was probably an error on Walker's part. In spite of the lack of genitalia, the type of T. decedens is clearly conspecific with T. hirtipennis Loew and A. dena Roback which are here placed into synonymy. The males assigned by Malloch (1915) to T. hirtipennis belong in Natarsia Fittkau. Holotype male. — Body length (abd. 3-8 missing), 2.0 mm; head brown ; postoculars multiseriate ; pronotum brown ; thorax light brown ; vittae slightly darker ; mesonotal spur not visible (specimen is pinned through thorax) ; scutellum light brown; postnotum dark brown with dorsal hairs ; LR I, .75 ; LR II, .60 ; spur of tibia I, .122 mm long with about 20 lateral teeth; apex of tibia I with comb of 12-13 light bristles, .033 mm long; Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 121 spurs II, .108 and .087 mm with 20 and 19 lateral teeth respec- tively ; wing, 4.8 mm ; moderately haired ; r-m, lightly infuscated ; m^cu, .52 arculus to wing tip; abdomen brown (tergites 1 and 2). Type in British Museum (N.H.). Psectrotanypus pictipennis (Zetterstedt) n. comb. Tanypus pictipennis Zetterstedt 1838:818 (5) (Lapponia? Groenlandia) Tanypus pictipennis Staeger 1845 :354 Tanypus pictipennis Zetterstedt 1850:3611 Tanypus pictipennis Henriksen 1939:69 Macropelopia pictipennis Fittkau 1962:114 Anatopvnia (Macropelopia) pictipennis Sublette & Sublette 1965 :145 In Zetterstedt's original description after the initial diagnosis there is the 5 sign. The description below, however, is of a Mas. (male). In 1850 he refers to his 1838 specimen as a J1 and also mentions Staeger 's 1845 $. The Zetterstedt collec- tion at Lund possesses a single male which bears the label "T. pictipennis <$ gronland." This male is slightly teneral but agrees with Zetterstedt's original description. Based on this evidence I feel that this male is the holotype of T. pictipennis and have so labeled it. The $ sign in the original description was undoubtedly a manuscript or printer's error. The female in the Staeger collection at Copenhagen is in good condition. It agrees in all respects with the Zetterstedt male. The distinctive wing pattern, only faintly indicated in the male, is clearly seen in the female, Fig. 24. Holotype male. — Head brown ; antennal ratio about 3.0 ; pro- notum brown with 16 pronotal hairs; vittae brown — slightly reddish ; mesonotum pale brown, lightly pollinose ; dorsocentrals multiseriate ; humerals, 18; supra-alars 30 + ; postalars, 7-8; pteropleurals, 1-3; sternopleurals, 12; postnotum dark brown, dorsally haired; legs pale brown; Leg I incomplete; LRII, .51 ; tibial spurs, .122, .084 mm with 16 and 15 lateral teeth, re- spectively; LRIII, .61 ; tibial spurs, .140, .092 mm with 13 and 122 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 12 lateral teeth, respectively ; tibia III with comb of 8 bristles ; claws sharp; pulvilli well developed, wing slightly curled, about 4.0 mm long; pattern faintly indicated; tn-cu, .47 arculus to wing tip ; halteres light ; abdomen brown ; ninth tergite bare ; basistyle, .39 mm; dististyle, .26 mm, Fig. 25; ratio, 1.5. Female. — Head brown ; antennal flagellum 14-segmented ; last 5 segments in ratio 12-12-13-14-31 ; postoculars multiseriate pronotum brown with 7-9 hairs dorsally and 11-13 latero-ven- trally ; vittae dark red brown ; pollinose ; mesonotal ground color orange-brown ; numerals numerous ; postalars 6 ; mesopleurals 4 ; mesosternals 7 ; scutellum, postnotum dark orange-brown ; postnotum haired dorsally ; legs brown ; LRI, .48 ; spur tibia I, .074 mm with 15 lateral teeth; comb III with 7-8 bristles; claws and pulvilli as male; wing, 3.8 mm; wing mostly brown infuscated with light spots, Fig. 24 ; halteres shaft brown ; globe light ; abdomen dark orange-brown. Holotype male — Ent. Institutional!, Zool. Inst. Lund. Female — Universitetets Zoology Museum. Copenhagen. Apsectrotanypus trifascipennis (Zetterstedt) Tanypus trifascipennis Zetterstedt 1838:819 (11) Tanypus trifascipennis Zetterstedt 1850:3618 (26) Apsectrotanypus trifascipennis Fittkau 1962:143-149 The series of specimens labeled T. trifascipennis Zett. at Lund consisted of 1 J* and 5 $$. The male bore a black label indicating that it was collected in 1832 and its data label bore the legend — T. trifascipennis Zett. <§ Tresunda, Lapp. The original description lists a male from Tresunda (Lapponica). In 1850, Zetterstedt refers to this single male, giving full col- lection data which is in agreement with the aforementioned label and also mentions 10 $5 collected in 1840. The 5 $5 in the Lund Entomological Collection bear green labels indicating that they were collected in 1840. From this data it would appear that the male at Lund was the only specimen before Zetterstedt when he wrote the original description and is therefore the holotype. I have so labeled it. Fittkau (1962) has given a Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 123 complete description and figures of this species. The data he presents are in agreement with the characters of the Holotype. Natarsia baltimoreus (Macquart) n. comb. Tanypus baltinwrcns Macquart 1855:15 (Baltimore) Ablabcsniyia fastuosa Johannsen 1905:153 (New Synonym) Tanypus hirtipennis Malloch 1915 :367, nee. hirtipennis Loew 1861 (New Synonym) Most of the specimens I have seen in North American collec- tions identified as this species were Procladius species. The type in the Bigot Collection at the British Museum (N.H.) proved to he a Natarsia. A. fastuosa Joh. and T. hirtipennis Mall. (nee. Loew) are identical and must fall as synonyms. Holotype jcmale. — 3.6 mm ; head brown ; postoculars uni- serial ; pronotum brown ; vittae brown on lighter brown meso- notum ; mesonotum highly pollinose ; vittae not too distinct ; pleurae and sternum brown ; 5 hairs on pteropleuron, about 12 laterally on sternum ; supra-alars about 50 ; legs light brown ; knees darkened; tarsi I, III absent; LR II, .53; spurs of tibia narrow; apex about one-half spur length; wing, 3.8 mm; r-in. darkened; costa past R4¥:, ; apex of M below and before wing tip ; ni-cit, .56 arculus to wing tip ; wing densely haired ; abdo- men brown ; apical half of tergites highly pollinose. Thienemannimyia carnea (Fabricius) Cliironoinus carncus Fabricius 1805 :16 Tanypus carnens Meigen 1818:67 Thienemannimyia carnea Fittkau 1962:187, 188 The type of this species still exists in the Fabrician collection at Copenhagen. It is, however, incomplete with only the thorax (pronotum missing), right wing, right legs II, III left leg III (femur, tibia) remaining. The following notes were made from this holotype. Vittae red-brown, not too distinct : scutellum red-brown, postnotum dark red-brown; legs pale; LRII, .59; LR III, .65; no brush on T, II; wing, 2.9 mm; wing densely haired; macu- 124 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 lation as in Fittkau (1962) pp. 165, Fig. 97; m-cu, .41 arculus to wing apex. The specimen of T. carneits in the Meigen material at the Paris Natural History Museum agrees with the type remnant and with the description of T. earned in Fittkau (1962). The aedeagus is as Fig. 108, pp. 171 in Fittkau. This name has been applied to North American specimens by Johannsen and others. Fittkau notes that Johannsen's specimens of T. cornea- belong to Zavrelimyia and has renamed them Z. carneosa. To date I have not seen any adult specimens from North American which could be properly assigned to T. carnea. Thienemannimyia or Rheopelopia unicolor (Walker) Chironomus unicolor Walker 1848:19 (Nova Scotia) Chironomus unicolor Johannsen 1926:274 (as synonym of T. melanops) Pentaneura unicolor Sublette & Sublette 1965:147 (P. mela- nops as synonym) The type of this species is, unfortunately, a female and it cannot, at present, be placed any closer than genus. It is im- possible to assign it to a known North American species. From its distribution it is possibly the female of T. prudcns (Walley). Female. — Length 3.0 mm; head, thorax, abdomen pale orange- brown; vittae indistinct, legs pale; fore and hind tarsi missing; LRII, .56; spurs of leg III, .100 and .067 mm with 9 and 7 lateral teeth, respectively, Fig. 14; comb of tibia III with 8 spurs ; wing, 3.9 mm, unmarked ; apex of 7?4 + r, above apex of M. Type in British Museum (N.H.). Label on specimen indi- cates it was identified as type by E. A. Waterhouse. Conchapelopia melanops (Wiedemann) Tanypus melanops Wiedemann in Meigen 1818:65 Tanypus melanops Staeger 1840:588 (14) Tanypus melanops Zetterstedt 1850:3621 (29) Conchapelopia melanops Fittkau 1862:242-245 This species name like T. carnea has been applied to North American specimens. To date, however, I have seen no New IxXVli] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 125 World material which is conspecific with the European speci- mens. As Fittkau (1962) notes, Johannsen's (1946) figure is from an English specimen determined by Edwards. Fittkau (1962) has offered an excellent description and figures of C. mclanops (p. 230, Figs. 166, 167). I have examined the geni- talia of the specimens determined as T. mclanops in the Staeger collection at Copenhagen and the Zetterstedt collection at Lund and they agree with Fittkau's concept. The specimens labeled T. mclanops in the Meigen Collection at Paris are a male and three females. The label with the specimens also bears the notation, = binotata (Wied). Ex- amination of the male proved that it is indeed Krenopelopia 1'inotata (Wied) rather than C, mclanops (Wied). Krenopelopia nigropunctata (Staeger) Tanypus nigropunctatus Staeger 1840:589 Krenopelopia nigropunctata Fittkau 1962:271-273 nee. Tanypus nigropunctatiis Authors (North America) Fittkau (1962) expressed some doubt as to whether this spe- cies belonged in Krenopelopia, where he placed it, or in Zav- relimyia. An examination of the type series at Copenhagen shows that Fittkau's placement was correct. The extension of C past Ri + s', the form of the claw, Fig. 20; the tibial spur I, Fig. 21 ; and the ratio of T"4+5 of leg II all agree with the gen- eric concept of Krenopelopia. All the specimens I have seen in North American collections determined as T. nigropunctatus proved to belong to Zavrelimyia or Thiencinannimyia. The type series at Copenhagen, consisted of 2 <$$ and 1 $• One of the males bearing the label "J1 St." has been designated as lectotype and is so marked. Lcctotype male. — 3.2 mm ; head orange-brown ; antennal ratio 1.68; pronotum pale; vittae orange-brown; not too distinct; scutdltim pale orange-brown ; postnotum brown ; legs pale ; LR I, .76; spur tibia I, .049 mm with 3 lateral teeth, P"ig. 21 : I.K II. .64; spurs II, .049, .030 mm with 3 lateral teeth 126 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 each; T4 + 0 II with ratio 26-20; LR III, .68 + ; spurs tibia III, .064 ; .025 mm with 3 and 2 lateral teeth respectively ; coml > tibia III with 5 bristles ; claw as in Fig. 20 ; pulvilli reduced ; empodium present ; wing, 2.35 mm ; haired and unmarked ; C exceeds J^4 + 5 by two-thirds length of m-cit ; m-cu, .46 arculus to wing apex; R± + 5 ends just behind apex of M; halteres light; abdomen as in Fig. 23 ; ninth tergite narrow with 3 apical hairs ; basistyle, .195 mm; dististyle, .148 mm; both light, Fig. 22. Nilotanypus fimbriatus (Walker) n. comb. Chironomus fimbriatus Walker 1828: 20 (St. Martins Falls. Albany River, Hudson Bay ) Pcntancura dub la Johannsen 1946: 286 (nee. dnbia Meigen) ? Nilotanypus spec. America Fittkau 1962: 415 (pupal exuviae ) Pentaneura fimbriata Sublette and Sublette 1965 : 147 This very small species falls in Nilotanypus Kieffer. It differs from N. diibia (Meigen) in a lower LRII and in possessing a distinct lobe on the inner mesal corner of the basistyle, Fig. 17. Male. — 1.4 mm; head brown, postoculars uniserial ; pronotum and thorax dark brown; vittae indistinct; LRI, .80; spur tibia I, .032 mm, Fig. 18 with apparently 2 fine lateral teeth; tarsal segments 1 and 2 each with 2 preapical spurs; LRII, 1.22; spur, .038 mm with 3 fine lateral teeth Fig. 19; tarsal segment 1 and leg II with 2 preapical spurs; wing, 1.2 mm long; R2^ absent; R±+r> ends half way between the apices of Cu, Cu2 ; costa not past 7?4+5 ; M-Cit; .26 arculus to wing apex ; wing densely haired ; abdomen wholly brown; basistyle, Fig. 17, .080 mm; dististyle, .060 mm. FIG. 14. Rhcopelopia or Thienemannimyia nnicolor (Walker), Spurs tibia III, holotype. FIGS. 15-16. Podonomus kicffcri Garrett. 15. Detail dististyle, lecto- type. 16. Genitalia, lectotype. FIGS. 17-19. Nilotanypus fimbriatus (Walker). 17. Genitalia, holo- type. 18. Spur tibia I, holotype. 19. Spur tibia II, holotype. FIGS. 20-23. Krenopelopia nigropunctata (Staeger). 20. Claw, lecto- type. 21. Spur tibia I, lectotype. 22. Genitalia, lectotype. 23. Abdomen, lectotype. Ixxvii | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 127 IB 128 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 Type in collection of British Museum (N.H.). Label on specimen indicates it was identified as type by Crosskey. Ablabesymia pulchripennis (Lundbeck) Tanypus pulchripennis Lundbeck 1898: 293 (Egedesminde) T any pus pulchripennis Henriksen 1939 : 69 Ablabesmyia pulchripennis Sublette & Sublette 1965 : 148 The type series in Copenhagen consists of 2<$<$, 7 $2 Syntypes. I have selected one of the males as Lectotype and it bears my label so indicating. Lectotype male. — Head black ; postoculars multiseriate, long dense and dark ; antennal ratio 3.6 ; pronotum black ; mesonotum dark; vittae not distinct; dorsocentrals biserial ; numerals 15+ ; supra-alars 31+ ; postalars 1 ; scutellum black, postnotum black, no dorsal hairs ; femora completely dark brown ; tibiae with 3 brown rings, Fig. 28 ; area between rings infuscated ; rings not as contrasting to ground color as in other Ablabesmyia; tarsi 1 and 2 as in Fig. 28 ; T3_5 dark ; claws sharp with 2 short and 2 long basal spines ; pulvilli reduced ; empodimn half claw length ; LRI, .66; tibial spur, .092 mm; Tx_3 with preapical spur pairs; beard of leg I about 4.5 times tarsal diameter; LRI I, .65; T^. with preapical spurs ; tibial spurs, .070, .064 mm with 8 and 7 lateral teeth, respectively; LRIII, .73; preapical spurs on Tj_s ; tibial spurs, .092, .064 mm ; larger with 8 lateral teeth ; tibial comb not distinguishable ; wing, 3.9 mm, with typical macula- tion ; m-cu, .43 from arculus to wing apex ; halteres dark, abdomen black ; dorsal hairs dense and dark ; genitalia dark ; basistyle, .330 mm long ; dististyle .245 mm ; spur of dististyle sharp, Fig. 26, .044 mm long ; aedeagus, Fig. 27 ; blade, .092 mm ; dorsal lobe, .023 mm ; lateral filaments, .053 mm ; ninth tergite with 2 hairs, one on each side of midline. FIGS. 24-25. Pscctrotanypus pictipcnnis (Zetterstedt). 24. Wing, Staeger $. 25. Genitalia, holotype. FIGS. 26-28. Ablabesmyia pulchripennis (Lundbeck). 26. Detail, apex of dististyle, lectotype. 27. Genitalia, lectotype. 28. Legs I-III, lectotype. Ixxvii ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 129 J.I _ r • • • ' * , S@B : •L;~~- -T-^'v.'^ ^"^i/ 130 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 Podonomus kiefferi Garrett T any pus tibialis Staeger 1845 : 354 (Preoccupied by T. tibialis Say 1823: 151) Tanypns tibialis Lundbeck 1898: 294 Tanypus tibialis Henriksen and Lundbeck 1918: 593 Paratanypus kiefferi Garrett 1925 : 8, 9 (New Synonym) Podonomus peregrinus Edwards 1929 : 296 Podonomus (Paratanypus} kiefferi Edwards 1937: 101 Tanypus tibialis Henriksen 1939: 69 Staeger's original description recorded 6 males. The Staeger collection at Copenhagen contains two males with Staeger type labels from "gronland." One of these males lacks the abdomen. The more nearly perfect specimen, from which a slide mount was made, has been selected as lectotype and is so marked. In addition to the Staeger specimens there are 2 $<$ and 1 $ collected in 1889. These are the specimens mentioned by Lundbeck (1898) and Henriksen and Lundbeck (1918). As can be seen above the type proved to be a Podonominae, genus Podonomus. From the published figures and descriptions I cannot separate P. kiefferi Garrett and P. peregrinus Edwards from P. stacgeri. Lectotype male. — Head brown; antennal flagellum 14-seg- mented; last six segments in ratio 10-10-10-10-42-27; pronotum brown, reduced ; thorax and abdomen subshining dark brown, lightly pollinose ; acrosticals present ; dorsocentrals uniserial ; numerals, 5-7, supra-alars 10; legs brown; LR I, .45; LRII, .40; LR III, .47; tibia III with two spurs .064, .044 mm; spurs with fine spines along length, preapical comb with 9 filaments ; claws spatulate apically with 2 basal filaments ; pulvilli reduced ; empodium almost to apex of claws ; wing, 2.9 mm, haired ; no markings; halteres dark; genitalia, Fig. 16; basistyle, .190 mm; dististyle, .122 mm, Fig. 15. BIBLIOGRAPHY ANDERSEN, F. S. 1937. Ueber die Metamorphose der Ceratopogoniden und Chironomiden Nordost-Gronlands. Medd. om Gronland 116 (1) ; 95 pp. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 131 CURRAN, C. H. 1934. The families and genera of North American Diptera. Ballou Press, New York, N. Y. 512 pp. EDWARDS, F. W. 1929. British non-biting midges. Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. London 77 (II) 279-430. EDWARDS, F. W. 1937. On the European Podonominae (Adult Stage). Int. Rev. Hydrob. U. Hydrogr. 35 : 99-109. FABRICIUS. 1805. Systema Antliatorum. Brunsvigae. 372 pp. FITTKAU, E. J. 1962. Die Tanypodinae. Abh. Z. Larvalssyst. der Insekten. Akad.-Verlag Berlin. 453 pp. GARRETT, C. B. D. 1925. Seventy new Diptera. Cranbrook Courier Print. 16 pp. HEXRIKSEN, K. L. 1939. A revised list of the insects of Grp'nland. Medd. om Grp'nland 119 (10) : 112 pp. — , and W. LUNDBECK. 1918. Conspectus Faunae Groenlandicae pt. 2 Landarthropoder (Insecta et Arachnida). Medd. om Grp'nland 22: 481-821. JnnANNSEN, O. A. 1905. Aquatic Nematocerous Diptera II. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 86 : 76-237. — . 1926. Notes on the synonymy of some New York State Chironomidae. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 34 : 273-277. — . 1946. Revision of the North American species of the genus Pcntancura. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 54 : 267-288. LOEW, H. 1865. Diptera American Septentrionalis indigena. Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr. 10: 1-54. LUNDBECK, W. 1898. Diptera groenlandica. Vid. Med. Nat. For Kj^benhavn: 236-311. MACQUART, M. J. 1855. Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Libr. Encycl. de Roret. Suppl. 5: 136 pp. MALLOCH, J. R. The Chironomidae or midges of Illinois, with particular reference to the species occurring in the Illinois River. Bull. 111. State Lab. Nat. Hist. 10: 275-543. MEIGEN, J. W. 1818. Syst. Beschr. der bekannten Europaischen Zweifliigeligen Insekten. Forstman, Aachen : XXXCI-324 pp. ROBACK, S. S. 1955. The tendipedid fauna of a Massachusetts Cold Spring. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 270: 8 pp. STAEGER, C. 1840. Systematisk bei Danmark fundne Diptera. Krojer Nat. Tidsskr. 549-600. — . 1845. Grplands Antliater. Krojer Nat. Tidsskr. 346-369. SAY, T. 1823. Description of dipterous insects of the United States. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Jour. 3 : 9-54. SUBLETTE, J. E. 1964. Chironomid midges of California II Tanypodinae, Podonominae, and Diamesinae, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 115 (3481) : 85-135. 132 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 — , and M. S. SUBLETTE. 1965. A catalogue of the Diptera of America north of Mexico, Family Chironomidae. Agricultural Handbook. 276: 142-181. WALKER, F. 1848. List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 1 : 229 pp. ZETTERSTEDT, J. W. 1838. Insecta Lapponica Sectio Tertia, Diptera,. Lipsiae. 477-868. . 1850. Diptera Scandinaviae, Lund Vol. 9 : 3367-3710. Aspisoma yechae sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) FRANK A. MCDERMOTT, Wilmington, Delaware The largest described species of the Lampyridae are in the genera Cratomorphus Motschulsky, Lamprocera Laporte, and Aspisoma Laporte. Lengths up to 30 mm have been given for species of Cratomorphus, and a female of C. splendid-its Drury measured by the writer was 35 mm long. Lamprocera latreillei Kirby 5 is reported as 13 lines long, about 27.5 mm. Several species in both of these genera attain 20 to 25 mm. Gorham (1881, p. 53) said that Aspisoma does not attain the size of the Cratomorphi, but several species have been described as being 20 to 23 mm long. Larviform females in other genera, e.g., Lamprigera, may greatly exceed the lengths for males given above. There is at present no comprehensive key to the species of Aspisoma. The largest species so far described is A. grosswn Erichson (1847) from Peru, 21-23 mm long, and A. lurid-urn E. Oliv. (1907) from Brazil, 21 mm long. I have not seen valid specimens of either of these species but the descriptions and reported sizes do not agree with the specimens described below. A collection of twelve Ecuadoran Aspisoma, one a female, has recently been presented to me by Miss Anne Marie Yech. The specimens are from 30 to 35 mm long. It appears to be a previously unrecorded species, which is rather surprising in view of its conspicuous size, and is described below. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 133 Aspisoma yechae sp. nov. Holotype Male : Type locality, Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Ecuador. Specimens collected in July to November, 1965. Altitude 200- 300 meters. Body outline typical for Aspisoma; elytra broad at base, widened in lateral margins in basal fourtb, and then narrowing to apices. Dimensions, 31.85 mm long (pronotum plus elytra), 14.5 mm broad at elytral half-length. FIGS. 1-4. Apisoma yechae sp. nov. 1. Holotype, dorsal view; 2, 3. Dorsal views of paratype cTc?; 4. Ventral view of allotype ?. All ap- proximately actual size. Pronotum 8.4 long, 12.4 mm broad at base. Angles much rounded. Outline semicircular, with slight emarginations on each side of apical edge. Base slightly sinuate. All margins re- flexed, the base only shallowly. Dorsal surface except disk densely punctate. Disk convex with a subrectangular darker spot ca. 5.6 X 3.6 mm median in basal half; this spot is irregu- larly granulate at the angles and finely strigillose in the median half. Sides dull brownish yellow or light tan color ; no vitreous spots in anterior portion but with slightly translucent areas forward of eyes. Villosity short and pale over darker spot, much less dense on the sides. 134 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 Scutellum mainly black, apex paler, hairy; mesonotal plates dull light brown, hairy. Elytra 23.45 mm long, each 7.25 mm wide at basal fourth, narrowing in the wide margins to about 4.3 mm near apex where rounding to suture begins. Densely rugose, with two or three indistinct costae on each. Ground color a uniform very dark brown, nearly black, with a slight purplish tinge. Suture slightly paler than disk, lateral margins not pale. Villosity short and scant except on sutural bead. Head: Frons flat, dark yellow; 8.4 mm across eyes, 1.0 mm between them above antennal sockets. Eyes very large but not contiguous ; interocular margins slightly divergent. Mandibles modified as described by Green (1959). Terminal article of maxillary palpi black, very large, ca. 1.4 mm long; the first three articles together ca. 1.0 mm long. Labial palpi securiform, black. Labrum long, incised medially at edge, not connate with frons. Mouth parts project forward as a short beak. Antennae of eleven articles, slightly compressed, 7.6 mm long, tapering, barely serrate owing to apices of articles being slightly wider than the bases of the succeeding articles ; villosity very fine, appressed. Pro- and mesosterna mainly pink or pinkish ; metasternum basally pinkish, remainder black, hairy. Ventral abdominal segment 2 short, pinkish tan color; 3, 4, and 5 progressively somewhat darker ; 3 the longest and 10.7 mm broad ; 6 and 7 practically black, with small, median, semi- circular luminous organs ; 8 narrowed at half length, the apex incised; residual larval luminous organs in basal half. Ab- dominal spiracles ventral, in the antero-lateral corners of the segments. Pygidium basally nearly as broad as the 7th ventral segment, semicircular and like pronotum emarginate on each side near apex. Fore and intermediate coxae pale, the posterior pair brown; femora pale at base, darkening to nearly black distally; tibiae and tarsi black. Claws relatively short, broad, apically acute. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 135 Allotype Female : Length, 30.1 mm; generally similar to male but with only one definite luminous organ, on the 6th ventral segment. Antennae somewhat shorter, 6.9 mm long ; eyes smaller, 5.1 mm across, and closer together, 0.5 mm between them above antennal sockets. 8th ventral segment short, sinuate, with projecting lateral lobes and a bilobed median genital projection. Frons dark brown, vertex slightly concave. Variations : The elytra of eleven of the specimens were very dark brown to nearly black with a slightly purplish tinge ; one was distinctly paler, the elytra being of nearly the same tan color as the pronotum. The degree of infuscation of the pronotal spot varies ; in one specimen this spot was dark yellow. The pink- color on the ventral thoracic segments is sometimes absent, and the general color of the venter varies from dark to light tan. The vertex may be black, this sometimes extending to the antennal sockets. Occasional specimens are 2 or 3 mm broader across the base of the pronotum, and noticeably paler sutural and lateral elytral margins may be present. The antennae vary from about 6.0 to more than 8.0 mm long. The total length of the 12 specimens varies from 30.1 to 35.3 mm. The trans- lucent areas in the forward border of the pronotum may be more marked than in the holotype. No data on the pattern of the light emission are available. The male holotype and female allotype have been deposited in the U. S. National Museum, with two male paratypes. Eight paratypes are in my collection, and others are in Miss Yech's collection. LITERATURE CITED ERICHSON, W. F. 1847; Arch. Naturgesch. 1, p. 81. GORHAM, H. S. 1881 ; Biol. cent.-amer. Ins. Ill, 2, p. 53. GREEN, J. W. 1959 ; Coleopt. Bull. XIII, p. 89. OLIVIER, E. 1907. Wytzman's Genera Insect. 53, p. 30. 136 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 Two New North American Species of Smodicum Lacordaire (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) JOSEF N. KNULL, Department of Zoology and Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus 43210 The two following species of Smodicum were attracted to hlacklight. Smodicum arizonarium n. sp. Female. — Elongate, shining light brown throughout. Head convex, glabrous, with exception of scattered punctures which are denser back of eyes, long hairs around eyes, eyes sep- arated by more than combined lengths of antennal segments two and three; antennae extending to middle of elytra, tapering to- ward apex, scape stout, rest of segments thinner, clothed with scattered short pubescence and longer hairs near apex of each segment. Pronotum wider than long, widest back of middle, wider at apex than at base ; anterior margin broadly emarginate ; basal margin truncate; sides rounded in front, sinuate on apical half, then broadly rounded and converging to base ; surface flat in middle, irregularly punctured, punctures more numerous at sides, a few long hairs on sides. Scutellum rounded in rear, glabrous. Elytra at base wider than pronotum, dehiscent at apices ; sides subparallel, expanded in apical third, apices broadly rounded ; surface densely, irregularly punctured, punctures larger and deeper toward base, a few scattered hairs at apices. Prosternum smooth in middle, densely punctured on sides ; prosternal process about twice as wide between coxae as length of second segment of antenna, apex truncate. Abdomen extending beyond apices of elytra, last sternite as long as fourth, truncate at apex ; surface smooth with a few scattered minute punctures, a long hair arising from each punc- ture. Femora clavate. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 137 Length 9 mm ; width 2.4 mm. Male. — With abdomen not extending beyond apices of elytra, last sternite shorter than fourth ; antennae slightly thicker ; fe- mora more strongly clavate; prosternum with a small coarsely punctate depressed area on each side of middle. Type female collected in the Chiricahua Mountains 1 mile south of Portal, Cochise Co., ARIZONA, July 2, 1965 and one paratype from same area July 5, 1965 by D. J. and J. N. Knull. Allotype and paratypes collected in same locality June 24, 29, July 2, 3, 4, all 1965, by J. H. and J. M. Davidson and M. A. Cazier. Holotype and paratypes in collection of the author, allotype and paratypes in collection of Arizona State University. Smodicum texanum n. sp. Female. — Elongate, shining light brown throughout. Head glabrous with irregularly placed coarse punctures, an obtuse tubercle on front at inside of insertion of antenna, scat- tered long hairs sparce; eyes separated by combined lengths of antennal segments two and three; antennae extending to slightly beyond middle of elytra, tapering toward apex, scape stout, rest of segments thinner, clothed with scattered short pubescence and longer hairs near apices of each segment. Pronotum wider than long, widest back of middle, wider at apex than at base; anterior margin broadly emarginate; basal margin truncate; sides divergent from apex to back of middle, then broadly rounded and converging to base ; surface glabrous, with coarse, irregular punctures, which are more numerous at sides, a long hair arising from each puncture. Scutellum rounded in rear, glabrous. Elytra at base wider than pronotum, dehiscent at apices ; sides subparallel, expanded in apical third, apices broadly rounded ; surface densely irregularly punctured, punctures more numerous and deeper toward base, with scattered long hairs at sides and at apices. Prosternum smooth in middle, coarsely punctured on sides ; 138 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 prosternal process as wide between coxae as length of second antennal segment, apex truncate. Abdomen extending beyond apices of elytra, last sternite as long as fourth, truncate at apex ; surface smooth with scattered minute punctures, each puncture bearing a long hair. Femora clavate. Length 9.3 mm ; width 2.3 mm. Male. — With abdomen not extending beyond apices of elytra, last sternite shorter than fourth, broadly emarginate ; antennae slightly longer and thicker ; femora more stoutly clavate ; pro- sternum with a punctate depressed area on each side of middle. Type female and allotype collected in Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Hidalgo Co., TEXAS, March 29, 1964. Para- types from the same locality and date, also March 24, 1950 ; April 4, 11, 1963; April 11, 1964; April 10, 1965. All speci- mens collected by D. J. and J. N. Knull. Holotype, allotype and paratypes in collection of the author, paratypes in Ohio State University Collection. Both of the above species can be separated from S. parou- droidcs Bates (1884) which has a trapezoid shaped pronotum wider in front. S. pacificuni Linsley (1934) has the prosternal process emarginate at apex. The three species known from north of Mexico can be sepa- rated as follows : 1. An obtuse tubercle on front on inside of base of antenna. . . .2 No tubercle present on front on inside of base of an- tenna, Arizona arizonarium n. sp. 2. Width of prosternal process between coxae less than length of second antennal segment ; prosternum of male with large coarsely punctured area on each side, surrounded by smooth surface. . . .ciicujijonnc (Say) Width of prosternal process between coxae slightly less than twice the length of second antennal segment ; prosternum of male with small finely punctured area, surface surrounding it punctured, southern Texas tc.vanum n. sp. I am indebted to John A. Chemsak for examination of Ari- zona material and also Mont A. Cazier for loan of specimens. Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 139 REFERENCES CITED BATES, H. W. 1884. Biologia Centralia-America, Insecta, Coleoptera, suppl. to Longicornia 5 : 249-436. LINSLEY, E. G. 1934. Notes and descriptions of some Cerambycidae from the Tres Marias Islands. Pan-Pac. Ent. 10(3) : 107-110. SAY, T. 1826. Descriptions of new species of coleopterous insects in- habiting the United States. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 5(2) : 237- 284. Leaf Mining Weevil Damage on the Tulip Tree in West Virginia 1 W. W. XEEL ~ and W. H. GILLESPIE 3 A leaf mining weevil, Odontopus (Prionomcrus} calccatus (Say) was noted to cause extensive leaf injury and defoliation of the tulip tree, also known as the yellow poplar (Liriodcndron tulipijera'} in West Virginia during June and early July, 1965. This insect previously considered to be of minor importance suddenly appeared in extremely large numbers in most counties bordering the Ohio River and in southwestern counties. The symptoms varied from complete defoliation of trees to defoliation of a few top branches. Some trees presented a complete "leaf- burn" appearance, whereas others had only a few leaves showing this injury. This insect, according C. J. Hay, (1965) has caused damage in eastern Kentucky as early as 1960. Since then it has increased alarmingly in many parts of Tennessee, Ohio and West Virginia. Miller has reported that a 1962 outbreak in Kentucky caused extensive damage to Magnolia grandiflora as well as Liriodendron, and Bray (1956) noted damage on Sassa- fras albidmn in the Marblehead, Massachusetts area, while Whitten (1965) reported heavy infestations on both tulip and 1 Published with the approval of the Director of the West Virginia University Agricultural Experiment Station as Scientific Paper No. 869. - Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, Morgantown. 3 Forest Biologist, West Virginia Department of Agriculture, Charleston. 140 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 sussafras trees in the counties of Scioto, Lawrence, and Adams, Ohio. FIG. 1. Leaf of Liriodcndron tulipifera affected by feeding of adult Odontopus (Prinomerus) calceatus (Say). Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 141 In another area, Smith and Weber (1951) reported from Louisiana that this insect had increased its severity of attack on both M. grandiflora and M. virginiana. A plantation of Liriodcndron, 10-15 feet in height, near Ravenswood, West Virginia, was heavily infested in June, 1965, with four to five adults per branch. Sassafras in the vicinity was also heavily infested. EH3HEAVY IMMODERATE HFEW TREES \LKMIW.' I S,,[mt[TMI> / __/ / V x /ffy^'j^'Tu~7 .K A MAP OF WEST VIRGINIA SHOWING 1965 OCCURRENCE OF ODONTOPUS CALCEATUS (SAY) FIG. 2. Occurrence of Odontopus in West Virginia, 1965. During June and July personnel of the West Virginia oak wilt aerial detection survey team reported seeing thousands of affected trees, with yellow or brown leaves, in the south- western part of the state (Fig. 1). Trees showing typical symptoms were seen in the vicinity of Charleston in Kanawha County, west along the Kanawha River to the Ohio River, 142 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 and south on a line through Logan to the Kentucky and Virginia border. Trees most severely affected were in Wayne and Lincoln Counties. Only scattered trees were noticed in the eastern part of the general area as contrasted with entire coves or hillsides showing evidence of this damage in the western part of this area near the Ohio River. Small isolated areas, of from one to several infested trees, were noted to the north and east of the general area in Raleigh, Fayette, Nicholas, Clay, Calhoun, Webster, Randolph and Tucker counties, and another infestation occurred along Route 119 between Clendenin, in Kanawha County, and Spencer, in Roane County, especially around Walton and Gandeeville. Adult weevils hibernate during the winter and begin appear- ing early in May. The females start inserting their eggs in the midrib of leaves of the host tree about the middle of May. The larvae mine the leaves in groups of 6 to 12 but the damage that they cause is not very noticeable. Pupation takes place in the midrib also, and the adults appear the latter part of May and are present in large numbers during most of June. They feed for about a week or more on young foliage before aestivat- ing, and it is their extensive mining and feeding that provides the chief evidence of tree injury (Fig. 2). (Although the leaf mining damage appeared conspicuous and serious during the first part of the season it was hardly discernible by the end of the growing season). No leaf injury occurs later in the season because this insect has only one generation per year. REFERENCE CITED BLATCHLEY, W. S. and C. W. LERG. 1916. Rhynchophora or weevils of North America. The Nature Publishing Company, Indianapolis, Indiana. 322-323. BRAY, D. F. 1956. A Weevil injurious to sassafras. Scientific Tree Topics, 2(3) : 15-16. HAY, C. J. Personal correspondence, July 9, 1965. MILLER, R. L. Personal correspondence, July 9, 1965. SMITH, C. E. and J. C. WEBER. 1951. Magnolia leaf miner. La. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rept. (1950-51) : 80-81. WRITTEN, R. R. 1965. Forest, ornamental and shade tree insects. Cooperative Economic Insect Report 15(26) : 680. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 143 The taxonomic position of the Australian Anaplo- pus tuberculatus, with a proposed new sub- family (Anaplopinae) of the Tenebrioni- dae, and including remarks on the family status of the Merycidae (Coleoptera) 1>2 MOHAMMAD ABDULLAH, 3 Department of Entomology, Macdonald College of McGill University, P. Q. Dr. G. F. Gross of the South Australian Museum has kindly sent me a very interesting beetle with the following data on the label : "Richmond R., N.S.W., Lea." The specimen turned out to be a female of Anaplopus tuberculatus Blackburn, 1890. The genus with its only included species has so far been placed in the Pedilidae of older authors. The family association did not seem right to me and consequently the problem was investigated in detail. The heteromeroid trochanters coupled with 5-5-4 tarsi in the beetle establish its affinities in the Heteromera. Ana pi opus could not be placed in the Anthicidae sensii inihi for a number of reasons such as the penultimate tarsal segments which are not lobed below and the shape of the pronotum which is not like any Anthicid known to me (Fig. 1). After critically examining the distinguishing features of the families of the Heteromera it appears to me that Ana pi opus should be placed in the Tene- brionidae and this action will necessitate modification in the definition of the family which, however, seems justified under the circumstances. Like most Tenebrionidae (and unlike Hy- dromedion and Parahelops) the front coxal cavities are visibly closed behind. As compared with the Lagriidae, the front coxae are not projecting and the prosternal intercoxal process is relatively wide. Unlike the Alleculidae, the tarsal claws are 1 Paper number 48 on the Coleoptera. - Research assisted by my wife, Mrs. Abida Abdullah, M.Sc. 3 Postdoctorate Fellow of the National Research Council of Canada. 144 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 simple. Perhaps the most anomalous character for a Tene- brionid is the lack of connation of the first three visible abdomi- nal sternites even though the suture between the first and second visible sternites is less prominent than elsewhere but is never- theless distinct. I think that Crowson (1955: 125) is right in making the following statement concerning the Tenebrionidae : "This is by far the largest Cucujoid family, and its members tend to be relatively large insects ; on both accounts and from their generally advanced drought-resistant physiology the Tenebrionids are entitled to be regarded as the most highly evolved family of Cucujoidea." It seems to me that the Tenebrionidae should have evolved from a primitive heteromeran type where all the visible abdominal sternites were freely articu- lated and that the character is preserved in Anaplopus and lost in most other Tenebrionids. When the definition of the family is modified to include forms like Anaplopus which lack the conna- tion of the first three visible abdominal sternites then we have no difficulty in placing in this family the New Zealand genera Chalcodrya, Philpottia and Onysius hitherto wrongly attributed to the Melandryidae (vide Crowson, 1955: 133). The met-endosternite (Fig. 3) of Anaplopus is very interest- ing indeed. Outside the Cucujoidea one could compare the structure with the Melyrid Danacaea pallipes (Cleroidea) but it is highly improbable that this similarity alone could suggest affinities between the two groups. It should be noted that as in Tribolium the stalk is rather short and the anterior tendons arise on the lateral arms — characters which seem to be primitive for the Tenebrionidae. The met-endosternite of the Australian Meryx is rather similar to Anaplopus and I doubt if Crowson (1955 : 121) was right in placing the former in a distinct family Merycidae. The 4-4-4 tarsal formula of Meryx could be derived from the 5-5-4 formula of most Tenebrionidae. The sub-Cubital fleck in its wings is not necessarily a Colydiid-Mycetophagid character as I recall noticing the structure in Cryphacus when working on the immature stages of a South Indian species (Abdullah, 1964). I have examined a larva of Meryx at Glasgow University and can add that the mandible of the larva Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 145 • FIG. 1. Anaplopus tuberculatus Blackburn, female. One division the scale = 1 mm. (University of Reading photograph.) on is unlike the Colydiidae-Mycetophagidae. The family Merycidae of Crowson does not seem justified to me. In the hind wing (Fie. 2) the absence of a radial or anal cell need not be a primitive feature of the Tenebrionidae and may be a reflection of the comparatively small size (about 6 mm) of the beetle. However, the possibility could not be ruled out that in 146 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, 1966 this feature Anaplopus is specialized. Similarly the presence of tubercles on the elytra and pronotum is undoubtedly a derivative feature. FIGS. 2-4. Anaplopus tiibcrculatus Blackburn, female: 2, hind wing; 3, met-endosternite ; 4, ovipositor. The ovipositor (Fig. 4) is essentially long and tubular but comparatively shorter than in other Tenebrionidae. The coxites are two-segmented as in some other Tenebrionids but most of them have a non-segmented coxite. In the Anthicidae, it could be said with confidence that the presence of two-segmented coxites is a primitive feature which could be traced back to some primitive Pyrochroidae as well. This may very well be the case here in the Tenebrionidae but I am not sure. The antennae are essentially filiform even though the apical three segments are slightly thickened (Fig. 1). The eyes are convex, lateral and entire, and the width of the head across IxxviiJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 147 them is slightly more than that of pronotum at its widest part. The pronotum is not bordered. In these characters also Anaplopus is rather different from most other Tenebrionidae. It is certain that Anaplopus should be transferred from the Anthicidae to the Tenebrionidae where it could not be placed in any of the existing subfamilies. A new subfamily ANA- PLOPINAE is proposed to receive Anaplopus Blackburn, 1890 and its type-species A. tuberculatus Blackburn, 1890. The distinguishing feature of the Anaplopinae is the absence of connation in the first three visible abdominal sternites. It may be possible to divide this subfamily into two or more tribes if some of the New Zealand genera mentioned earlier are found to l>e quite distinct from Anaplopus in the met-endosternite, wing-venation, ovipositor, etc. The larva of Anaplopus should also be very useful in understanding the relationships of the Tenebrionidae. REFERENCES ABDULLAH, M. 1964. The immature stages of a South Indian Cryphaeus (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae). Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (A) 39: 153-156. CROWSON, R. A. 1955. The natural classification of the families of Coleoptera. viii + 187 pp. London. Refresher Courses The Laboratory Branch of the Communicable Disease Center. U. S. Public Health Service, Atlanta, Georgia 30333, has an- nounced a series of courses in special subdivisions of microbiol- ogy for the period Aug. 1, 1966-June 30, 1967. There are 28 courses, each of from one to four weeks duration. Further in- formation and application forms may be obtained by writing to the Training Office of the Laboratory Branch. Entomologist's Market Place ADVERTISEMENTS AND EXCHANGES Advertisements of goods or services for sale are accepted at $1.00 per line, payable in advance to the editor. Notices of wants and exchanges not exceeding three lines are free to subscribers. All insertions are continued from month to month, the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, when necessary, the older ones at the top are discontinued. Wanted. Services of a capable artist to make some drawings of Scoliidae. J. Chester Bradley, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 14850. Oestridae wanted. Botflies of Nearctic deer, elk, caribou, sheep ; African and European mammals, larvae and adult. Purchase or exchange for Diptera, Coleoptera. Kenneth J. Capelle, Box 459, Brigham City, Utah 84302. Planchets, radiation warning signs and labels, dosimeters and other isotope-lab accessories. New catalogue free on request. Nuclear Supply and Service Co., 422 Wash. Bldg., Wash. 5, D. C. Formosan Insects. Large quantities of dried butterflies, moths, beetles, cicadas, dragonflies, mantis, grasshoppers, bees, spiders, etc., Rare and common species, aberrations and sex mosaics for sale. Taiwan Novelty Co., P. O. Box 860, Taipei, Formosa. Buprestidae. Neotrop. Antlia-via, Chrysobothris, and Tribe Agrilini pref. with host data for ecolog. studies, wanted for purchase or exchange for eastern U. S. species. H. A. Hespenheide, Leidy Lab'y, Univ. of Penna., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Ants of fnsca and neoformica groups wanted for revision (study or exchange) pref. nest series with £ & $. Andre Francoer, Biology Dept, Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. Ants of gen. Myrmica wanted (study or exchange) for revision, pref. nest series with c? & ?. Rene Beique, Biology Dept., Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society An irregular serial, containing monographic pa- pers by students of authority in their respective subjects. Seventeen numbers have been published to date and publication of number 18 will occur on May 31, 1963. Cost of individual numbers varies from $2.00 to $15.00. Complete sets are still avail- able for $85.00 (17 numbers in 18 volumes). For price lists and titles address: THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States ; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Number 19 BUTTERFLIES OF LIBERIA By Richard M. Fox, Arthur W. Lindsey, Jr., Harry K. Clench and Lee D. Miller 402 pages of text ; colored frontispiece, 233 figures, 2 graphs, 2 tables, 3 maps, table of contents, full bibliography and a taxonomic index. With 195 new records, this study increases the known butter- fly fauna of Liberia from 280 to 475 species and another 254 species are noted as probably to be found. Two new tribes, 5 new genera, 13 new species and subspecies are described. Il- lustrations include photographs and, where pertinent, drawings of genitalia of all holotypes, along with photographs and draw- ings of closely related forms for comparison. The distribution of each species is given and those more difficult to identify or previously confused are treated at greater length. All known records from Liberia are noted. A 46 page introduction details climatic conditions and biotopes in Liberia and analyzes the zoogeographic and ecologic relationships of the butterflies of Liberia and of Occidental Africa. Price $12.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (19103), U.S.A. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JIM; 1966 Vol. LXXVII No. 6 CONTENTS Slifer — A gynandromorph grasshopper that laid eggs 149 Neheker and Gaufin — Gynandromorphism in stoneflies (Plec.) 156 Books 158 Xickle — A new species of Montesuniina and M. bradleyi (Orth.) 159 Weber — -Subgenns Cvphoinannia of C\ Mail address : 308 Lismore Avenue, Glenside, Penna. 19038. (left side of figure). Female side (= subgenital plate) with lower egg guide. Male subgenital plate (sternum IX) with basal portions reduced but posterior end normal. Note dorsal and ventral ovipositor valves of female. X 4.4. FIG. 4. Left lateral view of posterior end of abdomen. All parts normal for male except basal part of subgenital plate which is defective. Ventral ovipositor valve on opposite side visible at lower right. C 4.4. FIG. 5. Right lateral view of posterior end of abdomen. All parts normal for female. Arrow points to base of cercus. Distal part of male subgenital plate on opposite side visible between the open ovipositor valves. 4.4. (149) JUKI? 150 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [ June, 1966 studied 12 are described as having the external features of a normal male with some female or female-like structures at the posterior end and, in a few cases, elsewhere as well ; two are listed as entirely male externally; one was a normal female except for the mesosternum and terminal abdominal segments : two were bilateral gynandromorphs and one was an intersex showing sexual bilaterality and mosaicism. Most of the individ- uals had been dried but seven had been fixed and the internal organs examined. Carothers (1939) found a normal ovary with fully-developed eggs and an oviduct on the right side of her gynandromorph but no trace of a gonad or other reproductive organs on the left. Dirsh (1957) reported a small deformed ovary on the left with male accessory glands and a seminal vesicle on the right but no testis. Joly (1960) described an ovary with young oocytes and a poorly-developed oviduct on the left side of his specimen, together with a normal testis and duct on the right. Kimura (1951) reports the presence of four young oocytes in a testis smear. Natori (1931) described an ovo-testis with follicles showing all stages of spermatogenesis along with ovarioles containing oocytes up to 250 ^ in length. Both gynandromorphs examined by Pener (1964) had ovaries but no testes. Potter's (1940) gynandromorph had a nor- mal testis and accessory glands together with a normal vas deferens on the left and an incomplete one on the right. There was no outlet for the sperm. The only internal female organ was the spermatheca. The gynandromorph to be discussed here was found in a colony of Melanoplus diffcrcntialis (Thomas) kept at the State University of Iowa while the author, together with Dr. Robert L. King, was studying the inheritance of diapause in the eggs of this species. This individual was first seen as a young adult and was transferred immediately to a separate cage. Several weeks later a small egg pod was found in the bottom of the cage. This was removed to an incubator. The grass- hopper, although still alive, seemed very weak and was killed by injection of Benin's solution into the abdomen. The later history of the eggs will be given below. IxxviiJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 151 EXTERNAL ANATOMY The specimen is a bilateral gynandromorph with the left side showing normal male structures, except for a few areas, and the right side those of a normal female (Fig. 1 ). The division down the mid-line is clear cut and there is relatively little distortion where the two halves meet. The abdomen is curved to the right since the female half is longer than the male half (Fig. 2). The more extensible intersegmental and pleural membranes of the female were stretched by the mass of eggs. Both antennae have 24 subsegments but the left antenna is slightly longer than the right. The left gena is shorter than that on the opposite side and the left lateral ocellus is closer to the antennal base than is the right. These features indicate that the left side of the head is male and the right female. Evidence for sexual bilaterality of the thorax is provided by the femora, arolia and claws of the prothoracic and meso- thoracic legs. Those on the left side are distinctly larger and sturdier than are those on the right. Normal males and females show such a difference. The pigmentation pattern of the abdomen is normally very different in the two sexes and that on the left side of the speci- men is typically male and that on the right female. The special- ized "heat-sensitive" spots or fenestrae differ markedly in the two sexes and provide a valuable means of distinguishing male and female parts of the abdominal terga (Slifer 1953a, 1953b). None are present on the first abdominal segment. However, they are present on terga II to VIII on the left side and terga II to VII on the right. Except for the lack of fenestrae on tergum I this is the distribution found earlier for the two sexes of this species. On segments II, III and IV the spots are of nearly the same size on the two sides but on terga V, VI and VII those on the left side are large, as are those of a normal male, while those on the right are small and typically female (Fig. 6). The fenestra on the left side of tergum VIII is two thirds the length of that on VII. The anterior tergal ridges of the abdomen are well-developed on each segment from III to VIII on the left or male side but 152 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, 1966 stop abruptly in the dorsal mid-line and are absent posterior to segment V on the right or female side. The ridges are sexually dimorphic in this species. The outline of the suranal plate or epiproct is typically male on the left side and female on the right. However, the median furrow, a male character, is present and the transverse furrow, a female character, extends across the entire plate from left to right (Fig. 2). The basal quarter of the plate on the left is more heavily sclerotized than it is elsewhere. Thus, the suranal plate combines features from both sexes but is not intermediate. The left cercus is boot- shaped and completely normal for a male while the right is short, conical and typically female ('Figs. 1, 2, 4, 5). On the left side the male subgenital plate (sternum IX) is about one third of its usual length and the basal part is missing (Figs. 3, 4). The pallium is well-developed and extends somewhat to the right of the mid-line. No trace of an aedeagus could be found. The right or female side of the terminal abdominal segments is en- tirely normal in appearance (Fig. 5). Both dorsal and ventral ovipositor valves are present. The female subgenital plate (sternum VIII) extends slightly beyond the mid-line and the lower egg guide is present at its apex (Fig. 3) . INTERNAL ANATOMY Removal of the dorsal abdominal wall revealed a large right ovary and oviduct both normal in appearance. The ovary con- tained eggs in all stages of development including some with a chorion and nearly ready to be laid. The right oviduct opened into the median oviduct and this into the floor of the genital chamber in the usual manner. A glandular pouch was at- tached to the anterior end of the genital chamber on its right side. The left third of the genital chamber was missing. The right ovipositor apodeme was large and covered with muscles but there was none on the left. A normal spermatheca lay above the genital chamber and its duct opened into the roof of the chamber. This was sectioned and stained. As was to be expected, it contained no sperm but was otherwise normal. The genital chamber opened to the exterior at its posterior end. Ixxvii j K X TO M 0 LOG I C A I, X E \Y S 153 None of the structures just described was present on tin- left side. There was no trace of a testis, vas deferens, ac- cessory glands, seminal vesicle, endophallus or aedeagus. An apodeme was present on the left side of the eighth sternum but there was none on the right. This is a usual sex difference. After treatment with a solution of potassium hydroxide two small sclerotized bars were found in the membrane extending inwards from the pallium. These may represent rudiments of an epiphallus. The anterior intervalvula between the dorsal and ventral ovipositor valves was normal. The right inter- valvular plates were present but those on the left were rudi- mentary. VI VII FIG. 6. Outline drawings of "heat-sensitive areas" or fenestrae on abdominal terga V, VI and VII as seen in dorsal view. Those on the left are typically male in size and shape and those on the right typically female. 154 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, 1966 EGGS LAID BY THE GYNANDROMORPH So far as we know, this is the first report of egg-laying by a gynandromorph grasshopper. Since the event was unexpected the individual was isolated shortly after becoming adult and so there was no chance for the eggs to be fertilized. Unfertilized eggs of this species often start to develop but embryonic ab- normalities are common and only a few of the eggs reach the hatching stage (King and Slifer, 1934). The 52 eggs in the pod, which was laid April 17th, were kept in an incubator at 25° C for several weeks and then placed in a refrigerator until Sep- tember. They were then returned to 25° C and on September 23rd one of the eggs hatched. Unfortunately this individual tore a hole in its side while hatching and had to be preserved. Since none of the remaining eggs appeared to contain embryos all were fixed. Later these were stained with borax carmine and examined with the following results. Two had a well-developed chitinous cuticle indicating that development had continued for at least a week. In one of these there was a serosa with large, normal nuclei in its cells. In the other no cells remained al- though a serosa must have been present earlier to secrete the cuticle. Presumably, the cells had disintegrated. The remain- ing eggs showed no signs of development. POSSIBLE ORIGIN OF THE GYNANDROMORPH When all of the evidence is considered the simplest explana- tion would be that this individual started development as a female and during a very early mitotic division an X chromosome was lost from a cell from which the greater part of the left side developed. This would not account for the absence of the male internal reproductive organs. Natori (1931) reported an ovo- testis with normal eggs and sperm existing side by side in a Podisma nymph so we may assume that the female organs present in our specimen did not suppress the male organs. Thus it would be necessary to postulate a second error at a later stage of development which resulted in the elimination of the cells from which the testis and associated organs would have Ixxvii] KXTOMOI.OCICAl. NKWS 155 developed. This is not as improbable as it may appear for the writer has frequently found embryos and nymphs of this species in which whole areas, external, internal or both, were missing. The absence of male gonadal tissue does not affect the viability of the individual or the development of male external sexual structures. LITERATURE CITED BACCETTI, B. 1954. Su un caso di ginandromorfismo in Podisina pcdcstris L. (Orth. Catant.) Redia 39: 401-411. CAROTHERS, E. E. 1939. A hybrid acridian gynandromorph. Genetics 24 : 97. DIRSH, V. M. 1957. Two cases of gynandromorphism in Acrididac (Orthoptera). Entom. Month. Mag. 93: 193-194. FRIAUF, J. J. 1947. Notes on two orthopteran gynandromorphs. Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan No. 501 : 8 pp. HEBARD, M. 1919. New genera and species of Melanopli found within the United States (Orthoptera; Acrididae). Trans. Amer. Entom. Soc. 45 : 257-298. HUBBELL, T. H. 1932. A revision of the puer group of the North American genus Alclanofltts, with remarks on the taxonomic value of the concealed male genitalia in the Cyrtacanthacrinae (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan. No. 23: 73 pp. JOLY, P. 1960. Un cas de gynandromorphisme chez Locnsta tniyratoria L. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 84: 407-410. KIMURA, Y. 1951. Spontaneous occurrence of testis ova in a grass- hopper, O.rja tr/o.r. Zool. Mag. Tokyo 60: 213-215. Japanese with English summary. KIXG, R. L. and E. H. SLIFER. 1934. Insect development. VIII. Maturation and early development of unfertilized grasshopper eggs. Jour. Morph. 56: 603-619. MORALES AGACINO, E. 1957. The abdominal morphology of a gynandro- morph of Schistocerca paranensis (Btirm.). (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Proc. Roy. Entom. Soc. London (A) 32: 169-170. X. \TORI, B. 1931. On an ovo-testis found in a larva of locust, Podisina sapporocnsc Shiraki. Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 12 : 1-5. PAUL, L. C. 1941. Intersexuality in Caiiuntla fcllucida Scudder (Orthop- tera). Can. Entnm. 73: 195-1"<>. PENER, M. P. 1964. Two gynandromorphs of Schistocerca yrcgaria Forskal (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) : Morphology and behaviour. Proc. Roy. Entom. Soc. London (A) 39: 87-100. POTTER, E. 1040. A gynandromorph specimen of Anacridiitm iiwesfitin (Serv.). Orthoptera, Acrididae. Proc. Roy. Entom. Soc. London (A) 15; 4i_46. 156 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, 1966 SEVERIN, H. C. 1943. A study of a gynandromorph of Melanoplus mexlcanus mc.vicanus (Sauss.) (Orthoptera). Jour. N. Y. Entom. Soc. 51 : 179-182. — . 1955. A gynandromorph of Mclanoplus mc.vicanus mexicamis (Saussure) extreme migratory phase (Orthoptera : Acrididae). Psyche 62: 104-107. SLIFER, E. H. 1953a. The pattern of specialized heat-sensitive areas on the surface of the body of Acrididae (Orthoptera). Part I. The Males. Trans. Amer. Entom. Soc. 79 : 37-68. — . 1953b. The pattern of specialized heat-sensitive areas on the surface of the body of Acrididae (Orthoptera). Part II. The females. Trans. Amer. Entom. Soc. 79 : 69-97. Gynandromorphism in Rocky Mountain Stone- flies (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) 1 ALAN V. NEBEKER and ARDEN R. GAUFIN, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah The occurrence of gynandromorphism (individuals exhihit- ing a spatial mosaic of male and female characteristics) is rare in the order Plecoptera. The specimens here descrihed are the first such forms found during stonefly research at the University of Utah. Five specimens exhibiting gynandromorphism were found in two different species : two Nciiioura cinctipcs and three Nemo-itra besaiuetsa. The genus Nemoura is one of the most common and widespread genera in the Rocky Mountain area. This gives us some indication as to the slight probability of encountering such forms in the much less common groups of stoneflies. 1 This study was aided by a grant from the National Science Founda- tion, G-20703 ; and a training grant from The Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control, WP-54. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 157 A total of 7400 specimens was examined from six genera of winter emerging stoneflies. Fifteen hundred Nemoura bcsa- metsa yielded three gynandromorphs, giving a ratio of one per five hundred normal specimens. In 1,000 specimens of Nemoura cinctipes two gynandromorphs were found giving again the ratio of one per five hundred. The terminalia of TV. cinctipes, shown in Figs. 1—3, illustrate the typical form of alteration consistent for the five specimens found. Fig. 1 is the gynandromorph ; Fig. 2 shows the normal female ; and Fig. 3 the normal male, all in ventral view. All appear to he basically female with rudiments of the male Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Xi/ Fig. 1. FIGS. 1-3. Nctnoitra cinctipes, gynandromorph and normal $ and J1. secondary sexual characteristics distorting the fundamental female symmetry. In the drawing of the N. cinctipes gynandro- morph (Fig. 1), the left half is primarily female; the right half showing nearly all of the male influence. The normally large lobe of the male ninth sternite (Fig. 3) appears as a small appendage in the center of the ninth sternite of Fig. 1. A partial suture is formed on the right side of the ninth sternite of Fig. 1. As can be seen in Fig. 3, these sutures delineate the male subgenital plate which terminates posteriorly in a sperm conveying duct. As seen in Fig. 2, the subannl lobes (para- procts) are normally triangular in the females and rectangular in the males (Fig. 3). In Fig. 1 the left subanal lobe is 158 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [ I U11C, 1966 triangular and the right lobe is rectangular. A beginning of the male supra-anal process (epiproct, llth segment) can be seen on the right side. The left side is comparatively un- modified. The female genital area (8th sternite) is distorted, with the right side having the more sclerotized form of the male and the left side retaining the more membranous female struc- ture. The 7th sternite of the normal female (Fig. 2) is greatly enlarged forming a conspicuous subgenital covering. In Fig. 1 this is distorted and partially broken down, being proportion- ately smaller. The larger size of Fig. 1 is of little significance as there is normally wide fluctuation in body size within this species. The specimen was dissected to determine the primary sexual characteristics. The male genital opening at the tip of the subgenital plate (9th sternite) is rudimentary and non-func- tional, as are the necessary supra-anal accessory structures. A fully developed female reproductive system consisting of a normal genital opening, genital cavity with associated seminal receptacles, oviduct, and ovarioles with normally developing eggs was found. No internal male sexual apparatus was dis- cernible, indicating that the sexual characteristics of the male are of a superficial nature and have not influenced the basic female reproductive structure to any great extent. Books RADIOISOTOPES AND IONIZING RADIATIONS IN ENTOMOLOGY (1961-63) (Bibliographical Series, No. 15). Pp. 1-565. In- ternational Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1965. Distributed by National Agency for International Publications, Inc., 317 E. 34th Street, New York 16, N. Y. Price: 16x24 cm, paper- bound, U. S. $11.00; Austria and elsewhere, S 231 ; (£ 3.6.0. ; F.Fr. 44; DM 38.50). This bibliography is a continuation from the earlier volume (IAEA, No. 9) for 1950-60. It was compiled by Mrs. M. Binggeli of the Agency's Division of Scientific and Technical (Continued on p. 175} Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 159 A New Species of Montezumina with the Description of the Male of M. bradleyi Heb. (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Phaneropterinae) DAVID A. NICKLE, Department of Entomology, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia The genus Montezumina was erected by Hebard who in- cluded in it Symmetro pleura niodcsta* Brunner, 1878, Turpilia oblongoculata Brunner, 1878, T. oridiops Saussure and Pictet, 1897, and T. ocular is Saussure and Pictet, 1897. Hebard also described the species M. sinoloae, 1925, and M. bradleyi, 1927, and the subspecies M. oblongoculata mescmbrina, 1927. M. bradleyi was described on the basis of two females. While looking over specimens of the genus Montezumina at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, I discovered a distinct species represented by a series of fifteen males and eight females, all in good condition and all but four on loan from the Los Angeles County Museum. Moreover, I found a series of six Montezumina bradleyi males, also in good condi- tion. This paper presents descriptions of the male of Montezumina bradleyi and the new species, which I have named granti. I have placed granti in the genus Montezumina because the eyes are elongate, oval ; the cephalic and median tibiae are subsulcate dorsad ; the dorsum of the head behind the eyes is high, and the vertex tapers sharply down to the fastigium to meet but not extend beyond the frons ; and the subgenital plate of the male lacks styles. A brief comparative study is included in the description. Montezumina bradleyi Hebard 1927 MALE. As a complement to Hebard's description of the female of Montesumina bradleyi, the following description presents additional characters unique to the species. It is * Hebard placed this species in Montezumina in 1934 (p. 205, See Literature Cited). 160 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, 1966 presented in a manner to allow a more meaningful comparison with M. grant i. Diagnosis. — This species differs from others in that its tenth tergite is truncate, slightly produced, and medially depressed. Also, the lateral lohe of the pronotum is deeper than long. The eyes are large for the genus. It is the most colorfully marked member of the genus, with characteristic E-shaped markings on the inner lateral surfaces of the cephalic femora. Description. — Head. Eyes large for genus, ovoid elliptical. Dorsum of head high, vertex tapering down sharply to fastigium which approximates tip of frons, hut does not touch it, as in other species. Pronotum. Median length/width of pronotal disc 1.45 (mean of males). Surface of disc and cephalic half of lateral lobes smooth, caudal half of lobes weakly punctate. Lateral lobes deeper than long ('Fig. 1 ) . H'ings. Anterior wing about 5.13 times longer than wide (mean of males). Surface marked with scattered brown dots; apical half of anal margin of both pairs of wings in folded posi- tion edged with a jagged brown line. Legs. Variable number of spines on all femora. Posterior femora about 7.04 times longer than wide (mean of males). External gcnitalia. Male. Tenth abdominal tergite pro- duced slightly with deep median depression ; as seen from above, edge of tergite forming a very wide V. Supra-anal plate ovoid, reflexed inward, produced from inner surface of tenth tergite. Cerci simple, cylindrical, the proximal half curved gradually upward, then downward to apical end, where it recurves sharply upward ; apical end laterally slightly flattened, ending in a con- spicuous tooth. Subgenital plate as long as cerci, broad at base and tapering slightly clistally ; a medial ridge running the length of the plate ; tip of plate wide, bearing two conspicuous pseudo- styles (Figs. 4, 6). Concealed genitalia. Not observed. Coloration. Eyes dark brown, uniform to mottled. General body color a pastel yellow-green. Pronotal disc with reddish to brown spots at each corner. Abdomen yellow with little IxxviiJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 161 evidence of green pigmentation. Each cephalic femur bearing a distinctive brown E-shaped marking on inner lateral surface and a simple horizontal brown bar on outer surface. Apices of other femora tipped with brown ; distal tips of tibiae similarly highlighted with brown as are the bases of many of the tibial and femoral spines. Dorsal surface of cerci of male medium to dark brown. Variation. Very little variation. One specimen lacks the conspicuous pseudostyles on the subgenital plate. Discussion. — This species agrees with other Montczuinina species in head and eye shape, but differs in that the tenth tergite is not elongate as in the type species oblongoculata. The cerci and subgenital plate most closely resemble those of oblongoculata nicscmbrina. Specimens examined. — 6J\ Pozo Azul de Ferris, Costa Rica, Taken at night in house, VIII-20-1927 (Lankester & Rehn) 2J1 [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia] ; Trinidad Rio, Panama, 1 1 1-19-20-1 91 2 (A. Busck) 3^ [United States National Museum] ; Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, Panama, VI-27-1930 (J. Zetek) 1J1 [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia] . Measurements. Values listed are means of $ (mm). Total length 30.5; length pronotal disc 3.6; width pronotal disc 2.5; length posterior femur 16.9; width posterior femur 2.4; length anterior wing 22.2; width anterior wing 4.3. Montezumina granti, n. sp. Diagnosis. — MALE. The tenth abdominal tergite is truncate and medially slightly concave. This species differs from all other Montczuuiina species in the shape of the subgenital plate, which is elongate, upcurved, with a deep apical emargination. FEMALE. — The subgenital plate is thick, bilobed. The basal lobe of the ovipositor lacks a ventro-posteriorly directed process. Types. — Holot\pc <$, nr. Rincon, Osa Peninsula, Puntarenas Prov., COSTA RICA, 11-23-1966 (H. R. Roberts) [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia]. Allotypc J, same data as type [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia]. 162 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS% [June, 1966 Description. — Pronotuin. Median length/width of disc ratio 1.64 (mean, both sexes). Outline of lateral lobe as in Fig. 2. General surface smooth, with posterior portion of disc around curvature weakly punctate. Lateral lobes as wide as deep; posterior border well rounded. Wings. Anterior wing unmarked, about 4.98 times longer than wide (mean, both sexes). Legs. Variable number of spines on all femora. Anterior femora with 1-4 spines along inner ventral border and none along outer ventral border, median femora with none along- inner and 1-4 along outer, and posterior femora with 0-6 along inner border and 4-8 along outer. Posterior femora about 7.23 times longer than wide (mean, both sexes). Cephalic and median tibiae subsulcate as typical of genus. External genitalia. MALE. Tenth abdominal tergite trun- cate, medially slightly concave. Supra-anal plate ovoid, di- rected slightly inward, produced from inner wall of the terminal tergite. Subgenital plate elongate, upcurved with a deep apical emargination, producing two bilobed processes (Fig. 7) ; lateral margins thickened, apex in section forming a right angle, the origin lying on the midline and the arms flaring out at 45° from the horizontal. Cerci simple, cylindrical, tapering and distally sharply curved mesad, apically bearing a single tooth (Fig. 5). FEMALE. — Ovipositor short, approximating median length of pronotal disc; curved sharply upward as in oblongoculata; surface of valves punctate; apical half of dorsal valve finely toothed, ventral valve toothed at apex only ; apex of dorsal valve produced beyond apex of ventral valve (Fig. 3'). Basal lobe of ovipositor simple, oval in shape, lacking ventral poste- riorly-directed lobate process found in other Montcsumina species (achieving its greatest development in sinaloae}. Sub- genital plate thick with median depression at apex, giving im- pression of a thick bilobed structure ; proximal portion rounded, convex (Fig. 8). Concealed genitalia. Not observed. IxxviiJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 163 Morphological aspects of Montesumina species. FIGS. 1-2. Male pronotum, left lateral aspect, outline; 1, M. bradlcyi; 2, M. granti. FIG. 3. Female abdomen, left lateral aspect, M. granti. FIGS. 4-5. Male abdomen, dorso-posterior aspect; 4, M. bradleyi; 5, M. granti. FIGS. 6-7. Male subgenital plate, ventral aspect; 6, M. bradlcyi; 7, M. granti. FIG. 8. Female subgenital plate, ventral aspect, M. granti. Locality of specimens : FTGS. 1 and 6, Trinidad Rio, Panama : FIGS. 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8, Golfito, Costa Rica; FIG. 4, Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, Panama. 164 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, 1966 Color. General body color katydid green. Abdomen yellow with little green pigment (although this may represent dis- coloration due to death or to preservation methods, since some specimens exhibit light green abdomens). Vertex in many specimens colored pink to red. Eyes with two reddish-brown stripes originating on the dorsum of the eye and flaring ven- trally, the anterior (and shorter) stripe running along midline of eye, and the posterior stripe running along the posterior to the ventral border of eye. Paralyses.— 14J. 7$. Golfito,Costa Rica, VII-10, 23, 27- 1957, VIII-12, 21-1957 (Truxal & Menke ; Arnold Menke) 14J1, 49 [Los Angeles County Museum] ; nr. Villa Neily, Punt. Prov. (S.), Costa Rica, VIII-5-11-1963 (C. L. Hogue) 1$ [Los Angeles County Museum] ; nr. Rincon, Osa Peninsula. Puntarenas Prov., Costa Rica, 11-23, 25-1966 (H. R. Roberts) 2J [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia] . Variation. The depth of the apical emargination on the subgenital plate varies, as does the length of the subgenital plate, many being higher than the dorsum of the tenth abdominal tergite. Color variation is minor. Variation between sexes is mainly one of size, the female being larger and more robust. The posterior femora of the female are 7.06 times longer than wide, whereas the posterior femora of the male are 7.41 times longer than wide. Similarly, the length/width index of the anterior wing of the female is 4.80, whereas in the male it is 5.15. Discussion. — In general appearance, this species superficially resembles Anaulacomera more than Montesumina. The body is smaller and more narrow and delicate than other Montesumina species, and the wings are translucid as in Anaulacomera. However, its ovoid, elliptical eyes, the high occiput, the more sharply rounded posterior border of the lateral lobe of the pronotum, the dorsally subsulcate cephalic and median tibiae armed with only a single disto-caudal spine, and the short, toothed ovipositor of the female clearly distinguish it from species of Anaulacomera. The subgenital plate of the male is atypical of the genus, bearing a closer resemblance in length, curvature, and apical emargination to species of Ccraia. The Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 165 species is distinct from the other Montesumina species on the basis of the external genitalic complex. The tenth tergite is truncate, whereas in other species it is elongate, with the median portion sharply declivent between the cerci, and the supra-anal plate forming the distal triangle of the tergite. The subgenital plate is elongate, upcurved, quite unlike other species, in which the subgenital plate is small, as in Anaulacomera species. Montesumina grant i has no close relatives, but on the basis of the tenth tergite and shape of the cerci it most closely re- sembles the species bradleyi, which is also from Costa Rica and Panama. The species is named in the fond memory of Dr. Harold J. Grant, Jr., in recognition of his outstanding work on the subfamily Phaneropterinae and whose assistance and kind advice have been an inspiration I will not forget. Distribution. — This species is known only from Costa Rica. Measurements. Values listed are means (mm). Total length <$ 27.8, $ 30.1 ; length pronotal disc 1966 Wilhm). Paratype $ emerged March 17, 1966. Type locality TENNESSEE 80° 19'W, 35° 54'N. All specimens in collection of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Larva. — Length, 7.2 mm; head (Fig. 13) 650-700 it. long, greatest width 600-650 /A, 480 p. high ; ratio length to width 1 .04- 1.13; labrum and sensory projections as in Fig. 10; antenna 168 /A long, slightly longer than mandible; ratio 63-10-1.5-1.0 to 63-8-1.5-1.5; basal segment (Fig. 18) 4.3-5.0 as long as apical segments ; sense pit .70 from base of basal segment ; de- tail of apical segments, Fig. 17; mandible (Fig. 12) 148 /A long; maxillary palpus 48 /A long by 15 ^ wide ; sense pit .6 from base ; labial plate as in Fig. 14 ; paralabials generally with 7 teeth ; hypopharynx as in Figs. 15, 16; glossa 5-toothed; paraglossae (Fig. 11) 49 /A long with 1-2 inner teeth and 4-5 outer teeth; suspensorium of hypopharynx with 10-12 teeth on each side ; body pale orange-brown with scattered opaque white flecks ; prothoracic segments bare ; mesothorax with some hairs antero- laterally and 2 hairs behind these ; metathorax with a lateral hair row in anterior half of segment ; abdominal segments 1-6 with lateral hair row; anal papillae 175 /JL long by 64 p. wide; 15 apical filaments and one lateral hair ; tenth tergite with a pair of long hairs; anal gills (4) conical, uppers 324 /A, lowers 178 /A; claws of prolegs all pale brown, 5 shorter, hook-shaped, and 10 longer, more linear ; each anal leg with an elongate simple hair. Pupa. — $ 5.4 mm, 5 5.6 mm; respiratory organ (Figs. 21, 22) 420-480 p. long by 150-200 /A wide; depth about 120 /A; Mth1 narrow, pointed, about 12 /A long; Mth3 elongate, flattened, about 116 /A; Mth., not discernible; Oth, and Oth2 elongate, flattened, about 84/A; scar of tergite 1 (Fig. 25) 220 tt long; abdominal integument covered with scale-like spines (Fig. 23) ; hairs of abdominal segments 5 as in Fig. 24 ; Lx and L2 about 48 /A; Dx 30 /A; D2 101 /A; D3 and D5 about 120 /A; D, about 60 /A; Vt 84/A; V, 42 /JL; abdominal segments 2-7 similar to FIGS. 9-18. Procladius wilhmi n. sp. FIG. 9. Apex adult female antenna. FIGS. 10-18. LARVA. 10. Labrum. 11. Paraglossae. 12. Mandible. 13. Head, dorsal. 14. Labium and paralabials. 15. Hypo- pharynx, lateral. 16. Hypopharynx, dorsal. 17. Detail of antennal apex. 18. Antenna. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 181 182 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS u, 1966 Fig. 24; mesal. two-thirds of abdominal segments brown; seg- ment 7 with 4 long lateral filaments (480 ^) in apical half; seg- ment 8 as in Figs. 19, 20; filaments about 520 ^; integument spinose above lateral filaments on segment 8 and anal fins ; male anal fins 580 ^ long (Fig. 20) ; female 650 /A (Fig. 19) ; about 42 spines on caudo-lateral margin of anal fins, longest at bend and apex. (Ecological Data. — Pool 15 meters long, 1.29-9.14 meters wide, .45 meters deep ; bottom Spirogyra covered ; discharge 0.0028 m3/sec ; current 0.15 cm/sec; temperature 16.1° C (rela- tively constant) ; D.O. 8.48 ppm ; alkalinity 110 ppm. Tar sal Sensory Hairs. — Fittkau (1962) illustrates an unusual sensory hair on the mesal side of the first tarsal segment of the female leg II of A. plumipes. On the females of P. u'ilhmi I found similar hairs (Fig. 2) near the base of the first tarsal segment on legs II, III of the female. There were none on leg I. Unlike Anatopyiila plnniipcs where they are in an irregular group , on P. wilhnii they are in a straight row of 5-7 hairs. On the males there were none on legs I or III but the first tarsal segment of leg II bore a single such hair. The structure of the hair with its apparent double lumen is very similar to the chemosensory hairs of the blowfly, figured by Dethier (1955, Figs. 1,2). The possible function of a chemosensory hair at the mesal base of the first tarsal segment is not at all clear nor why its presence is apparently associated with the female sex. Another interesting structure which may be sensory is shown in Fig. 1. It appears to be a basal tapering sinuate extension of the socket of the tactile hairs of the first tarsal segment of both sexes. It is found only associated with those tactile hairs along the entire length of the mesal side of the first tarsal segment. They are found on all legs of both sexes. On the male, they appear to be present on the second tarsal segment, though in more rudimentary form. Whether this extension serves as FIGS. 19-25. Procladius wilhmi n. sp. PUPA. 19. Apex abdomen, female. 20. Apex abdomen, male. 21. Respiratory organ. 22. Detail of apex of respiratory organ, lateral. 23. Spines of abdominal tergites, detail. 24. Diagrammatic chaetotaxy of fifth abdominal segment ; D, dorsal ; V, ventral. 25. Scar of first abdominal tergite. Ixxvii ] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 183 24 184 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, 1966 merely a physical backstop for the tactile hair or has a sensory function cannot be determined without histological study. In addition to the above, the tarsi bear, scattered over the sur- face, elongate tactile hairs ; recurved, blunt tipped chemosensory hairs, and microtrichiae. The lengths of all these hairs or structures are as follows: tactile (average), 58 /*; recurved chemosensory, 38 /A; hooked chemosensory (Fig. 2), 22 /x; sinuate socket extensions (Fig. 1), 14 /JL\ microtrichiae, 4.8 ^. Systematic Position of Procladlits. — Fittkau (1962) places Procladins in his tribe Macropelopiini primarily on the evidence of the immature stages. While the immatures do show a close relationship to Apsectrotanypus, Macropclopia, etc., a compari- son of the figures here with those given by Fittkau (1962) for A. plumipcs will show that the immature stages of Procladins are as close or closer to A. plnniipcs than they are to the other Macropelopiini. The shape of the anal fins (Figs. 19, 20) the scalelike spines of the abdomen (Fig. 23), the structure of the labrum (Fig. 10), antenna (Figs. 17, 18), and the labial plate and mandible (Figs. 12, 14) show a very close correspond- ence with the same structures in A. plinnipcs — more so than to those structures in the Macropelopiini. The adult, on the other hand, is quite specialized and has diverged more from the anatopyniine stem in the wing venation, genitalic structure and chaetotaxy than the macropelopiine adults. While both Procladins and the other macropelopiine genera are closely derived from the anatopyniine stem, the other macropelopiine genera appear to be more closely related to each other, as a group, than they are to Procladins. This suggests that if Procladins is to be retained in the Macropelopiini it should be given equal subtribal rank with the other genera as a group. LITERATURE DETHIER, V. G. 1955. The physiology and histology of the contact chemoreceptors of the blowfly. Quart. Rev. Biol. 30(4) : 348-371 SUBLETTE, J. E. 1964. Chironomid midges of California II. Tany- systematik der Insekten. Akad.-Verlag Berlin. 453 pp. FITTKAU, E. J. 1962. Die Tanypodinae. Abhandlungen zur Larval- podinae, Podonominae and Diamesinae, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 115 (3481) : 85-136. Ixxvii) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 185 A New Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera)1 R. L. BLICKLE, Durham, New Hampshire The species of O.vycthira descrihed below is closely related to O. abacatica Denning and 0. acola Ross under which names it was erroneously listed as occurring in New Hampshire (Morse and Blickle 1957). This species was included in a list of Hydroptilidae of Maine as O.vycthira sp. (Blickle 1964). A study of material from Florida, the type locality of 0. abacatica, and Maine has led to the conclusion that the north- eastern material constitutes a new species. The following species is similar to 0. abacatica and 0. acola in the shape of the claspers, the two rod-like extensions of the 9th segment, and in the shape of the subgenital plate. The holotype and paratypes will be deposited in the Illinois Natural History Survey Museum. Other paratypes will be placed in the National Museum, Washington, D. C, and in the University of New Hampshire Entomological collection. Oxyethira anabola, n. sp. Male: Length from front of head to tip of wings 3.0 mm. The seventh sternite has a short, pointed apico-mesal process. Genitalia as in Fig. 1. The subgenital plate in lateral view, Fig. 1A, is arcuate; in dorsal view, Fig. IB, the plate appears more or less circular, with the anterior portion indented. The claspers are short, heavily pigmented and the tip of the claspers in lateral aspect appears notched. Attached near to the base of the clasper is a finger like process, bearing a stout spine on its tip. Two long rod like extensions of the 9th segment extend dorsally and posteriorly to the subgenital plate ; these rods curve ventrally at their apex and end just beyond the subgenital plate. The aedeagus is 0.6 mm long; Fig. 1C shows the apical two- thirds of the aedeagus with the apex unexpanded. The tip of the aedeagus is composed of four lobes; Fig. ID, shows the 1 Published with the approval of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station as Scientific Contribution No. 383. 186 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, 1966 lobes expanded. A sclerotized rod extends along the ventral side of the aedeagus and curves dorsally at the apex. Holotype Male: Durham, NEW HAMPSHIRE, 5 October 1951. Paratype Males: Bow, New Hampshire, 25 June 1951, 2 specimens; Allagash, Maine, 30 July 1959, 1 specimen: Jim ID FIG. 1A-D. Oxyethira anabola, n. sp., Genitalia. 1A, lateral IB, dorsal ; 1C, aedeagus; ID, expanded lobes of aedeagus. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 187 Pond, Maine, 11 July 1959, 19 specimens; Oquossoc, Maine, 25 July 1959, 1 specimen; Oxbox, Maine, 20 July 1959, 102 specimens. LITERATURE CITED BLICKLE, R. L. 1964. Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) of Maine. Ent. News 75 : 159-162. MORSE, W. J. and R. L. BLICKLE. 1957. Additions and correction to the list of New Hampshire Trichoptera. Ent. News 68: 127-131. New Records for Anax longipes Hagen (Odonata) MARY DAVIS RIES, Normal, Illinois, and ROBERT WILLIAM CRUDEN, Department of Botany, University of California, Berkeley Since its original description from Georgia (Hagen 1861), Anax longipes has been reported from almost every state south of the Great Lakes and east of the Mississippi River. To the list of 13 states summarized by Needham and Westfall (1955) have been added Louisiana (sight record, Bick 1957), Okla- homa (sight record, Bick and Bick 1957), West Virginia (Cruden 1962), and Tennessee (Trogdon 1962). In the case of the last-named state additional unpublished data (Trogdon 1961) indicate the occurrence of Anax longipes in three coun- ties : Blount, Cocke, and Knox., Two earlier published reports have been generally overlooked : Alabama ( Smith and Hodges 1937) and Pelee Island, Ontario, Canada (sight record, Mont- gomery 1937). The first collections from Virginia and Okla- homa are reported below. VIRGINIA: Charles City County, 9| miles west of Barrett's Ferry crossing of the Chickahominy River. Two specimens collected by M. D. Ries on 23 May 1938 (J1) and 18 June 1938 (?) are deposited in the collection of the Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana. 188 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jub'> 1966 These adults were taken at a small, shallow pond on the south side of Route #5 near the entrances to historic estates known as "Lion's Den" and "Sherwood Forest." The pond occupied a small, somewhat shaded opening in the scrubby woods. It was sparsely filled with emergent reeds and grasses. It seems likely the pond lay in an old marl pit, an older and smaller version of the modern "borrow pit." OKLAHOMA: Comanche County, 24 July 1961. A single male was captured by the junior author and is in his collection. The site was a narrow, shallow stream in a large, marshy field at the base of Mt. Scott dotted with large shrubs and small trees. Four other individuals were observed. In addition, four individuals were observed at a pond near Enos, Marshall County, on 24 and 25 June 1961. The insects flew well away from shore. The water was muddy and the shore line thoroughly trampled by cattle. Clusters of sedges and a few willows were scattered around the edge of the pond. \Ye wish to thank Mrs. Leonora K. Gloyd for helpful sugges- tions in connection with this manuscript and Dr. B. E. Mont- gomery for supplying information from the Williamson- Montgomery bibliography and index. LITERATURE CITED BICK, G. H. 1957. Tulane Studies in Zoology 5(5) : 71-135. BICK, G. H. & J. C. BICK. 1957. Southwestern Naturalist 2(1) : 1-18. CKUUEX, R. W. 1962. Ent. News 73(6) : 156-160. HAGEN, H. A. 1861. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. Washington, D. C. 347 pp. MONTGOMERY, B. E. 1937. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 46 : 203-210. NEEDHAM, J. G. & M. J. WESTFALL, JR. 1955. Dragonflies of North America. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley. 615 pp. SMITH, S. £ R. S. HODGES. 1937. J. Ala. Acad. Sci. 9 : 21-22. TROGDON, R. P. 1961. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Univ. of Tenn. . 1962. Dissert. Abstr. 22 (12 Pt. I) : 4447. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 189 Sphecomyia (Diptera: Syrphidae) a Taxonomic and Descriptive Analysis * KENNETH E. WEISMAN, Department of Biological Sciences, ^'estern Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois This final part in a revision of Sphecomyia, presents synoptic descriptions of the genus and species, and their taxonomic history. I wish to thank the numerous individuals who have given their generous assistance during this study. Figures, unless otherwise indicated, were drawn free-hand and to scale ; ratios of antennal segments, measured from outside dorsal surfaces, begin with basal segment. Citation of the page number in the synonomy refers to that page in which the species is first mentioned within the article. Genus SPHECOMYIA Latreillc Sphccoinve Latreille, 1825. Fam. Natur. du regne Animal 1 :495. Sphecomyia Latreille, 1829, Diet. Class. d'Hist. Nat. 15: 545. Tysenhausia Gorski, 1852, Analec. ad. Ent. prov. occid. imperii Rossici 1 : 172. GENOTYPE: Chrysoto.nun -cittatitm- Wiedemann (1830), by action of Coquillett (1910, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc. 37: 607). GENERIC DIAGNOSIS: Head slightly longer than wide with bare dichoptic eyes, more widely separated in females ; antennal process and oral margin prominent ; ocellar triangle black pilose ; 1st and 2nd antennal segments with sparse pile, ventro-lateral surface of 1st segment bare, 3rd segment bare; postocular area pollinose and pilose ; face pollinose, some species and sexes with medial black stripe, cheeks bare ; below antennal process face is concave, medially convex to moderately tuberculate, then produced downward to oral margin ; oblique band of pile extends * This revisionary series, an abridgment of a thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Western Illinois University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science, was partially supported by the Research Council of Western Illinois University. 190 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July> 1966 from near lateral apices of antennal process to mid-anterior margin of eyes, continuous with margin to ventral apex. Thorax black, scutum pilose, humeri and usually area internal to humeri pollinose ; posterior ^ of mesopleuron and posterior dorsal area of sternopleuron pollinose, pilose ; scutellum black, pilose, some species with yellow pollinose area, border of undersurface with short sparse pile ; legs yellow to black, pilose, outer surface of hind coxae pollinose ; wings hyaline to brownish, more pro- nounced around veins, 3rd longitudinal vein sinuate, r-m vein oblique, internal area of anal cell next to 1st anal vein without microtrichia. Abdomen black, convex, pilose, about twice length of thorax; 2nd tergite with at least 1 pollinose fascia. Length 9.0-15.0 mm (excluding antennae). The morphology of the male genitalia has previously been described in detail (Weisman, 1965). DISCUSSION: Latreille (1825) in establishing the genus, from specimens collected in Carolina by D. Bosc, did not include a description nor assign the specimens a specific epithet ; four years later Latreille (1829) described the genus. Coquillett (1910) designated the Type-species. Gorski (1852) proposed the generic name TyzcnJiaitzia for a Palearctic species. Key to species of Sphecomyia 1 . Scutellum yellow pollinose, at least in part ( Species of S. vittata Group) 2 Scutellum black, nonpollinose (Species of S. occi- dentalis Group) 7 2. First tergite with single pollinose fascia 3 First tergite without pollinose fascia (Fig. 15) columbiana Vockeroth 3. Thoracic scutum with pollinose vittae, interrupted medially forming four areas (Figs. 10, 11, 12) 4 Thoracic scutum without vittae (Figs. 13, 14) 6 4. First two antennal segments elongate (Figs. 1,2, 10, 11) . . .5 First two antennal segments short, not as above ; third and fourth tergites with black diamond-shaped area medially (Figs. 9, 12) brevicornis Osten-Sacken 5. Pteropleuron yellow pollinose ; pollinose areas of thoracic scutum wide (Fig. 10) . . . .vittata (Wiedemann) Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 191 Pteropleuron nonpollinose ; pollinose areas of thoracic scutum narrow ; Palearctic (Fig. 11) vespiformis (Gorskij 6. Pteropleuron yellow pollinose ; scutellum yellow pilose (Fig. 14) dyari Shannon Pteropleuron nonpollinose ; scutellum hlack pilose (Fig. 13) pattonii Williston 7. Thoracic scutum with pollinose fascia along posterior border ; third antennal segment longer than first two segments combined (Figs. 8, 16) . . . .occidentals Osburn Thoracic scutum and antennae not as above (Figs. 17, 18) 8 8. All tergites with single pollinose fascia (Fig. 17) nasica Osburn Third and fourth tergites without pollinose fasciae (Fig. 18) fusca Weisman SPECIES DIAGNOSIS Sphecomyia vittata (Wiedemann), 1830. Figs. 1, 10. Chr\sotoxum vittahun Wiedemann, 1830, Auss. zwei. Ins. 2:87. Psarns ornatus Wiedemann, 1830, Auss. zwei. Ins. 2: 91. -Macquart, 1834, Hist. nat. dipt. 1 : 491. Sphecomyia vittata, Macquart, 1842, Dipt. Exot. 2:18. — Gor- ski, 1852, Annal. ad Ent. prov. Rossici. 1 : 170. — Zetterstedt, 1855, Dipt. Scand. 12: 4646. --Hunter, 1869, Canad. Ent. 28: 101. — Osten-Sacken, 1876, Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. Bui. 3: 62; 1877, U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey of Ter. 3: 342. -Roder, 1879, Entomol. Nachricht. 7 : 96. --Williston, 1886, U. S. Natl. Mus. Bui. 31: 257. - -Portschinsky, 1887, Russ. Ent. Obshch. Trudy. 21: 8. --Chagnon, 1901. Nat. Canad. 28: 71. --Aldrich, 1905, Smithsn. Misc. Collect. 46: 405. -Jones, 1907, N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 15 : 99. —Osburn, 1908, Canad. Ent. 40: 14. --Kertesz. 1910. Cat. dipt. hucu. descr. 7: 349. -Metcalf, 1913, Ohio Biol. Survey, Bui. 1: 98. —Shannon, 1925, Pan-Pacific Ent. 2: 43. --Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novitates 519: 8. —Stone (et a/.), 1965, U. S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Handb. 276: 613. --Weisman, 1965, Ent. News 76: 268. Distinguished from others of genus by elongate 1st and 2nd antennal segments and pollinose area on pteropleuron. MALE : Pollinose areas yellow ; face with medial black stripe ; antennae black, segments 1:1: £, 3rd segment subtriangular, 192 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, 1966 arista f length of 1st segment; thoracic scutum with 2 pollinose vittae broadly interrupted medially forming 4 areas, none con- fluent with thoracic margins, anterior pair "tear-drop" shaped ; anterior-dorsal area of pteropleuron and scutellum pollinose; 1st abdominal tergite with 1 pollinose fascia, tergites 2-4 with 2 fasciae, anterior fascia interrupted, posterior fascia entire; epandrium with apices of claspers rounded and directed caudo- ventrally, ventral surface with basal lobe ; penis sheath with dehiscent system ; axial system with sustentacular apodeme un- keeled, ejaculatory hood rounded apically. FEMALE : Similar to male except facial stripe is wider. DISCUSSION : Chrysoto.vum vittatum and Psarus ornatiis were both declared synonymous with Latreille's specimens by Mac- quart (1842) who also emended vittatum to vittata. Sphecomyia vespiformis (Gorski), 1852. Figs. 2, 11. Tyzenhauzia vespiformis Gorski, 1852, Annal. ad Ent. prov. "Rossici. 1: 170. SpJiecomvia vespiformis, Wahlberg, 1854, Ofvers. Kongl. Vet. Akad. "Forhandl. 11: 155. --Zetterstedt, 1855, Dipt. Scand. 12:4646; 1859, Dipt. Scand. 13: 5075. -Schiner, 1857, Zool.-Bot. Ver. Wien, Verhandl. 7: 445; 1862, Fauna Austr. 1: 367; 1864, Cat. system, dipt, europ. 112. -Bonsdorff, 1861, Finlands tvaving. Ins. 6: 213. -— Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novitates 519: 8. --Stone (et a/.), 1965, U. S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Handb. 276: 612. --Weisman, 1965, Ent. News 76 : 268. Spliccomyia vittata, Roder, 1879, Entomol. Nachricht. 7 : 96. -Portschinsky, 1887, Russ. Ent. Obshch. Trudy. 21: 8. -Aldrich, 1905, Smithsn. Misc. Collect. 46: 405. --Kertesz, 1910, Cat. dipt. hucu. descr. 7: 349. -Stackelberg, 1958, Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Zool. Inst, Trudy. 24: 244. --Seguy, 1961, Dipt. Syrph. Europe Decedent. Serie A(23) : 156. This species, likely to be confused only with 5". vittata, has a Palearctic distribution. The preceding description will apply here, except as follows : MALE: 1st antennal segment shorter, segments 1:1^:-|; pteropleuron nonpollinose ; pollinose areas of thoracic scutum Lxxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 193 narrow, posterior pair divergent posteriorly ; basal ^ of scutellum pollinose ; epandrium with claspers appearing more robust, in- vagination preceeding ventral lobe not as deep; ejaculatory hood with ridge on caudal face. FEMALE : Pollinose area of scutellum wider, facial stripe wider. DISCUSSION: Loew (1851, Stettin Ent. Ztg. 11: 307) initially mentioned this species but failed to name or describe it. Gorski (1852) assigned it the generic name Tysenhauzia and stated that evidently his specimens and Latreille's were very similar in appearance but an opportunity for inspecting them (\S\ I'ittata) had escaped him. Apparently Gorski's main reason for creation of Tyzenhauzia was due to Latreille's description of Spliccoui\ia being erroneous concerning the arista being in- serted in the second antennal segment. Sphecomyia brevicornis Osten-Sacken, 1877. Figs. 9, 12. Sphecoinyia brevicornis Osten-Sacken, 1877, U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey of Ter. 3: 341. -Roder, 1879, Entomol. Nachricht 7: 97. — Williston, 1882 Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 20: 328; 1886, U. S. Natl. Mus. Bui. 31: 258. • -Aldrich, 1905, Smithsn. Misc. Collect. 46: 404. — Osburn, 1908, Canad. Ent. 40: 11. — Kertesz, 1910, Cat. dipt. hucu. descr. 7: 348. -Shannon, 1925, Pan-Pacific Ent. 2 : 43. —Hull, 1949, Zool. Soc. London, Trans. 26: 264. —Stone (et a/.), 1965, U .S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Handb. 276: 612. - -Weisman, 1965, Ent. News 75 : 266. Sphecomyia vespiformis, Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Xovitates, 519:8. This species, although somewhat similar to both previously described species due to pollinose pattern of thoracic scutum, may be distinguished by the black diamond-shaped area medially on 3rd and 4th tergites and shorter antennae. MALE : Front with medial longitudinal groove ; antennal seg- ments 1:1: -J, 3rd segment suborbicular, arista yellow, apical \ black; thoracic scutum with anterior pollinose areas confluent with anterior thoracic margin, twice length of posterior pair: pteropleuron nonpollinose ; 1st abdominal tergite with 1 pollinose 194 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jluv> 1966 fascia, tergites 2-4 with 2 fasciae, 3rd and 4th tergites with black diamond-shaped area; epandrum with apices of claspers acute, ventral surface without deep imagination ; horn of chiti- nous box subtruncate at apex. FEMALE : Front with sparse black pile and lacks groove. Sphecomyia columbiana Vockeroth, 1965. Figs. 7, 15. Sphecomyia columbiana Vockeroth, 1965, Canad. Ent. 97: 86. -Weisman, 1965, Ent. News 76 : 268. The absence of a pollinose fascia on 1st tergite distinguishes this species. I shall only complement Vockeroth's description as follows : penis sheath with dehiscent system, ventral surface with minute pile medially ; axial system with sustentacular apodeme unkeeled, horn of chitinous box produced acutely on apical cephalad angle, produced and rounded on apical caudal angle. Sphecomyia pattonii Williston, 1882. Figs. 6, 13. Sphecomyia pattonii Williston, 1882, Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 20: 328. • -Kertesz, 1910, Cat. dipt. hucu. descr. 7: 349. —Vockeroth, 1965, Canad. Ent. 97: 86. —Stone (ct a/.), 1965, U. S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Handb. 276: 613. —Weisman, 1965, Ent. News 76: 268. Calliprobola calorhina Bigot, 1883, Soc. Ent. de France, Ann. 32:353. Sphecomyia pattoni, Williston, 1886, U. S. Natl. Mus. Bui. 31 : 258, 299. — Aldrich, 1905, Smithsn. Misc. Collect. 46: 404. -Osburn, 1908, Canad. Ent. 40: 14. —Shannon, 1925, Pan- Pacific Ent. 2: 43. --Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novitates 519:8. Differs most sharply from S. dyari, which it closely resembles, by absence of definite pollinose area on pteropleuron, black pile of scutellum, and shape of male's claspers. MALE : Pollinose areas yellow ; face with medial black stripe ; antennal segments 1:1:2, 3rd segment suborbicular, arista ^ longer than combined segments; scutellum black pilose, some specimens with short yellow pile underlying black pile, basal Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS FIGS. 1-9. Heads of male Sphecomyia: 1, S. vittata; 2, S. rcspi- formis; 3, S. dyari; 4, S. nasica; 5, S. fusca; 6, S. pattonii; 7, S. columbiana; 8, S. occidentalis; 9, S. brci'icornis. 196 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS u. 1966 border pollinose; 1st tergite with 1 pollinose fascia, tergites 2-4 with 2 fasciae, anterior fascia interrupted, posterior fascia entire ; epandrium with apices of claspers rounded, ventral surface with basal lobe ; penis sheath with dehiscent system ; axial system with sustentacular apodeme unkeeled, horn of chitinous box flanged on apical -i. FEMALE : Facial stripe wider, front with sparse black pile and groove. Sphecomyia dyari Shannon, 1925. Figs. 3, 14. Sphecomyia dyari Shannon, 1925, Pan-Pacific Ent. 2: 43. -Vockeroth, 1965, Canad. Ent. 97: 86. --Stone (et al.), 1965, U. S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Handb. 276: 612. — Weisman, 1965, Ent. News, 76: 266. This species, very similar to S. pattonii, may be differentiated as follows : arista generally shorter ; pollinose area on pteropleu- ron ; scutellum yellow pilose ; epandrium with claspers elongate and directed upward at apical ^., ventral surface without basal lobe ; penis sheath with open system ; horn of chitinous box flanged on cephalad surface only. Sphecomyia occidentalis Osburn, 1908. Figs. 8, 16. Sphecoinvia occidentalis Osburn, 1908, Canad. Ent. 40: 12. -Shannon, 1925, Pan-Pacific Ent. 2: 43. — Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novitates 519: 8. —Stone (ct al.}, 1965, U. S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Handb. 276: 612. --Weisman, 1965, Ent. News 76 : 265. Sphecomyia p attorn, Osburn, 1904, Canad. Ent. 36: 262. Sphecomyia pattonii, Kertesz, 1910, Cat. dipt. hucu. descr. 7 : 349. Separated from others of genus by pollinose pattern of thoracic scutum and elongate 3rd antennal segment. MALE : Pollinose areas yellow ; face lacks black stripe ; an- tennal segments 1 : 1 : 2i, arista about equal to combined antennal segments ; thoracic scutum with pollinose patterns as in Fig. 16, pollinose area on pteropleuron ; 1st abdominal tergite with 1 pollinose fascia, tergites 2-4- with 2 fasciae, anterior fascia Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 197 FIGS. 10-18. Semidiagramatic representation of dorsal surfaces of male Sphecomyia: 10, 6". riftata; 11, S. vcspijormis; 12, S. brcricornis; 13, S. pattonii; 14, S. dyari; 15, 5\ colitnibiana ; 16, S. occidentalis; 17, 5". nasica; 18, S. fttsca. 198 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jub'> 1966 interrupted, posterior fascia entire; posterior margin of 4th sternite undulated, 7th segment with ventrally projected tuber- cle ; epandrium with apices of claspers acute, basal ventral lobe produced into hook-like process ; penis sheath with open system ; axial system with sustentacular apodeme keeled, apex of ejacula- tory hood rounded and directed ventrally, horn appears attached to chitinous box. FEMALE : Face with medial stripe, front black pilose, 4th sternite and ventral surface of 7th segment unmodified. Sphecomyia nasica Osburn, 1908. Figs. 4, 17. Sphecomyia nasica Osburn, 1908, Canad. Ent. 40: 13. — Shan- non, 1925, Pan-Pacific Ent. 2: 43. --Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novitates 519: 8. — Weisman, 1964, Ent. News 75: 266; 1965, 76: 268. —Stone (et a/.), 1965, U. S. Dept. Agr., Agr.Handb. 276:612. Readily distinguished from others of genus by 1 pollinose fascia on tergites 1-4. MALE : Pollinose areas yellow ; face lacks black stripe ; front with longitudinal groove ; antennal segments 1:1:2, 3rd seg- ment suborbicular, arista about ^ longer than combined seg- ments ; scutellum yellow pilose ; abdominal tergites 1-4 with 1 pollinose fascia and with dense appressed yellow pile along- posterior border ; epandrium with apices of claspers rounded and directed caudally, base with lateral evagination ; penis sheath with open system ; axial system with sustentacular apodeme keeled, chitinous box without horn, apex of ejaculatory hood rounded. FEMALE : Face with medial black stripe, front black pilose. Sphecomyia fusca Weisman, 1964. Figs. 5,18. Sphccom\ia jusca Weisman, 1964, Ent. News 75: 266; Ent. News, "1965, 76 : 268. Distinguished from others of genus by absence of pollinose fasciae on 3rd and 4th tergites. It is similar and appears closely LxXVliJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 199 related to S. nasica. The preceeding description will apply here, except as follows : MALE : Pollinose areas grayish ; 3rd and 4th abdominal ter- gites lack fasciae, 3rd tergite of some specimens exhibit faint pair of pollinose spots; chitinous box with apex of dorso-candal tubercle truncate, apex of ejaculatory hood horn acute, directed cephalad. FEMALE : Face with medial black stripe, front black pilose. In listing the types of S. fitsca an error was made, the cor- rection is as follows : Holotype ; Sierra Co., Gold Lake, July 8, 1954 (Blaylock). Allotype; Nevada Co., near Hobart Mills, June 23, 1962 (Parker). Paratypes; 5 J*^, Sierra Co., Gold Lake, July 8, 1954 (Bohart) ; 2 $$, Nevada Co., Sagehen Creek near Hobart Mills, June 18, 1962 (Irwin)— 1 , Sierra Co., Yuba Pass, July 6, 1962 (Irwin). All types are from California. The Immature Stages of Axima zabriskiei Howard (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) B. D. BURKS, Entomology Research Divison, Agric. Res. Serv., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. In 1890, Howard published a brief description of the larva and pupa of Axima zabriskiei: "Larva of Axima has six or more strong dorsal tubercles and head of pupa is strongly tuber- culate." Nothing further was published on the distinctive im- mature stages of this eurytomid until Krombein (1960) reared it from Ceratina calcarata Robertson and mentioned that the pupa of zabriskiei has "a flange on each side of the abdomen with a narrow curved expansion . . . presumably to assist in holding the pupa in position." In the present paper I present illustrations and descriptions of the mature larva and the pupa of zabriskiei, drawn from Krombein's material. The mature larvae of most Eurytomidae have long been known to have small dorsal protuberances on the abdominal seg- ments, as illustrated by Parker (1924). These protuberances 200 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, 1966 are situated at the segmental boundaries, and an intersegmental suture can be seen to pass through the center of each. They are not, however, restricted to the eurytomid larvae, but occur also, although poorly developed, in many torymid and some pteromalid larvae. Consequently, only a chalcidoid larva hav- ing such protuberances strongly developed may be placed with confidence as an eurytomid. However, not all mature eurytomid larvae have these dorsal protuberances; phytophagous larvae, such as Harmolita and Bcphrata, or plant-feeding species of Enrytoma, such as E. amygdali Enderlein, have them only slightly developed or wanting entirely. Among eurytomid larvae Axima sabriskici has the largest intersegmental protuberances. In the mature larva, Fig. 1, there is a low mid-dorsal projection at the suture separating the metathorax and the first abdominal segment. There are 5 much larger, pointed projections at the sutures separating ab- dominal segments 1 to 6, and a low, rounded one midway between the anterior and posterior margins of abdominal segment 8. Segment 9 bears a more broadly rounded dorsal projection. The larva of zabriskiei is sparsely setose, unlike many euryto- mid larvae. There are 3 pairs of setae on the head, Fig. 4, a single pair of subdorsal ones on each thoracic segment, 2 pairs on the first abdominal segment, and one pair on each of the following abdominal segments. These setae are unique in being capitate, Fig. 2; such setae are not known elsewhere in the Eurytomidae. The distribution of spiracles (Fig. 1) in the mature larva of zabriskici, 2 thoracic pairs and 7 abdominal pairs, is the same as in other known eurytomid larvae. See Parker (1924) and Silvestri (1920) for illustrations of several eurytomid larvae. The head, shown in anterior aspect in Fig. 4, bears a pair of minute, peglike antennae. The pleurostoma bears 2 pairs of mid-dorsal sensoria, but the labrum apparently none. The man- dibles each have a single apical tooth, unlike the mandibles in some eurytomid larvae, such as E. amygdali, that have 2 teeth. The maxillary-labial lobe is a simple, rounded structure, without palpi and without visible openings for the salivary ducts. Ixxvii ] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 201 FIG. 1. Mature larva of Axima zabriskiei Howard, lateral aspect. FIG. 2. Capitate seta, greatly enlarged. FIG. 3. Abdomen of mature pupa, lateral aspect, pel, pupal pellicle ; pet, petiole of adult ; prop, propodeum of adult. FIG. 4. Head of mature larva, anterior aspect, ant, antenna; lab, labrum ; m, mandible ; ni-l, maxillary-labial lobe ; pi, pleurostoma. 202 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, 1966 The abdomen of the mature pupa of zabriskiei is shown in lateral aspect in Fig. 3. The pupal sheath, a tenuous pellicle, through which the propodeum, petiole, and gaster of the adult can be seen, bears 4 midventral protuberances and a narrow, longitudinal flange along the midlateral line. This flange is produced near the apex of the abdomen as a pair of narrow, curved and hooklike, lateral expansions which are joined at the apex of the abdomen by a narrow ventral flange. The head of the pupa bears a pair of prominent, rounded projections on the vertex. Within these may be seen the pair of sharp spines borne in this position by the adult. I have not seen the egg of zabriskiei, but it very likely bears an elongate pedicel at its proximal end, as is illustrated for sev- eral eurytomid eggs by Parker (1924). REFERENCES CITED HOWARD, L. O. 1890. A North American Axima and its habits. Ins. Life 2 : 365-367. KROMBEIN, K. V. 1960. Biological notes on some Hymenoptera that nest in sumach pith. Ent. News 71 : 32, 68. PARKER, H. L. 1924. Recherches stir les formes post-embryonnaires des chalcidiens. Ann. Ent. Soc. de France 93 : 261-392. SILVESTRI, F. 1920. Parassiti delle ova del grilletto cantarino. Bol. Lab. Zool. gen. e agr., Portici 14: 223-241. IxXVli] ENTOMOLOGICAL XE\VS 203 Books Aspects of Insect Biochemistry (Biochemical Society Sym- posium No. 25, held in London, 1 April, 1965). Organized and edited by T. W. GOODWIN. Pp. xii + 107. Academic Press, London and Xew York, 1965. Price : 37 s, 6 d. There are papers by J. E. TREHERNE on active transport in insects ; by TH. BUCHER on formation of the specific structural and enzymic pattern of insect fight muscle ; by WINTRINGHAM on metabolism ; by KILBY on intermediary metabolism in the fat body ; by BRUNET on aromatic compounds ; by WIGGLESWORTH on hormones ; and by RUDALL on skeletal structures in insects. There are twenty electronmicrographs and x-ray diffraction photographs. In his introduction, the Chairman, Sir Vincent Wigglesworth, says among other things : "The universality of the basic frame- work of living matter, whether this be thought of in terms of the fine structure of the cell, or of the chemical processes that go forward within it, is I suppose among the major discoveries of this century. To that I would add the discovery (by the biochemists) that cells do have a structure, and that this structure is really important for their operation — a discovery which has brought biochemistry back to where it belongs, into the center of physiology. My revered teacher, Gowland Hop- kins, once remarked that 'Life is a dynamic equilibrium in a polyphasic system'. I must confess that I never really liked that way of putting it. As an histologist I should prefer to say that 'Life is a structure which controls the chemical processes in its aqueous environment' — that is, in the milieu iutcricnr of the cell." Entomologist' s Market Place ADVERTISEMENTS AND EXCHANGES Advertisements of goods or services for sale are accepted at $1.00 per line, payable in advance to the editor. Notices of wants and exchanges not exceeding three lines are free to subscribers. All insertions are continued from month to month, the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, when necessary, the older ones at the top are discontinued. Wanted. Services of a capable artist to make some drawings of Scoliidae. J. Chester Bradley, Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 14850. Oestridae wanted. Botflies of Nearctic deer, elk, caribou, sheep ; African and European mammals, larvae and adult. Purchase or exchange for Diptera, Coleoptera. Kenneth J. Capelle, Box 459, Brigham City, Utah 84302. Planchets, radiation warning signs and labels, dosimeters and other isotope-lab accessories. New catalogue free on request. Nuclear Supply and Service Co., 422 Wash. Bldg., Wash. 5, D. C. Formosan Insects. Large quantities of dried butterflies, moths, beetles, cicadas, dragonflies, mantis, grasshoppers, bees, spiders, etc., Rare and common species, aberrations and sex mosaics for sale. Taiwan Novelty Co., P. O. Box 860, Taipei, Formosa. Buprestidae. Neotrop. Anthaxia, Chrysobothris, and Tribe Agrilini pref. with host data for ecolog. studies, wanted for purchase or exchange for eastern U. S. species. H. A. Hespenheide, Leidy Lab'y, Univ. of Penna., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Ants of jnsca and neoformica groups wanted for revision (study or exchange) pref. nest series with c? & ?. Andre Francoer, Biology Dept., Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. Ants of gen. Myrmica wanted (study or exchange) for revision, pref. nest series with c? & ?. Rene Beique, Biology Dept., Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. BUTTERFLIES OF THE DELAWARE VALLEY By Arthur M. Shapiro Special Publication of the American Entomological So- ciety. 63 pages of text, 11 plates, 10 habitat photographs and map. The introduction includes discussion of the en- vironment and habitat of local butterflies. Keys to the families and species are given, and for each species its field notes, distribution (geographical and seasonal), and food plants are noted. Price $1.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. U. S. A. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY , Number 19 BUTTERFLIES OF LIBERIA By Richard M. Fox, Arthur W. Lindsey, Jr., Harry K. Clench and Lee D. Miller 402 pages of text; colored frontispiece, 233 figures, 2 graphs, 2 tables, 3 maps, table of contents, full bibliography and a taxonomic index. With 195 new records, this study increases the known butter- fly fauna of Liberia from 280 to 475 species and another 254 species are noted as probably to be found. Two new tribes, 5 new genera, 13 new species and subspecies are described. Il- lustrations include photographs and, where pertinent, drawings of genitalia of all holotypes, along with photographs and draw- ings of closely related forms for comparison. The distribution of each species is given and those more difficult to identify or previously confused are treated at greater length. All known records from Liberia are noted. A 46 page introduction details climatic conditions and biotopes in Liberia and analyzes the zoogeographic and ecologic relationships of the butterflies of Liberia and of Occidental Africa. Price $12.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (19103), U.S.A. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS OCTOBER IflOO Vol. LXXVII No. « CONTENTS Allen — The genus Epomidiopteron Romano! (Ilym.) 205 Spangler — A new cryptic species of Cymbiodyta (Col.) 211 McDermott — Correction (Col. : Lampyridae) 216 Alexander — New exotic crane-flies. Part XIII (Dipt. ) 217 Hull — Notes on Neodiplocampta, etc. (Dipt. ) 225 Medler — Resin bee using trap nests (Hym.) 22S Reviews . 230 PUBLISHED MONTHLY. EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS.. LANCASTER, PA. AND 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: personal, Sfi.OO; institutional, 5' Second-class postage paid at Lancaster. Pa. V ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Edited, 1911-1944, by PHILIP P. CALVERT (1871-1961) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa., and the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : H. W. ALLEN, M. E. PHILLIPS, and S. S. ROBACK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Communications and remittances to be addressed to Entomological News, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Prices per yearly volume of 10 numbers. Private subscriptions, for personal use, domestic and foreign, $6.00 postpaid. Institutional subscriptions, for libraries, laboratories, etc., domestic and foreign, $9.00 postpaid. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rate schedules available from the editor. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be addressed to R. G. Schmieder, Joseph Leidy Laboratory of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. Articles longer than eight printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS: Authors will be charged as follows: For text- figures, the cost of engraving; for insert plates (on glossy stock), the cost of engraving plus printing. Size limit, when printed, 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after printing. TABLES: The cost of setting tables will be charged to authors. SEPARATA: Separates (as reprints with extraneous matter removed) may be obtained only from the printer at the prices quoted below. Authors must place their orders for such separates with the editor at the time of submitting manuscripts, or when returning proof. Copies 1-4 pp. 5-8 pp. 9-12 pp. Covers 50 $5.87 $ 9.40 $14.69 $6.40 100 7.03 11.15 17.62 8.75 Add'l 100 2.35 3.51 5.85 4.70 Plates printed one side: First 50, $4.68; Additional 100' s, $3.52. Transportation charges will be extra. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LXXVII OCTOBER, 1966 No. 8 The Genus Epomidiopteron Romand (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae) HARRY W. ALLEN x- 2 EPOMIDIOPTERON Romand Epomidiopteron Romand, 1836, Ann. Soc. Ent. France 4: 653. Type, Epomidiopteron julii Romand. Monobasic. — Sichel, in Saussure and Sichel, 1864, Cat. Especes Scolia, etc. p. 264.- Saussure, in Grandidier, 1892, Hist. Madagascar 20: 236.— Ashmead, 1903, Can. Ent. 35: 39.— Bridwell (Ephnodiop- teron!) 1919, Proc. Hawaii Ent. Soc. 4: 119.— Pate, 1949, Jour. New York Ent. Soc. 55 : 129. Scoliphia Banks, 1912, Can. Ent. 44, 201. Type, Scoliphia spilota Banks. Monobasic and by original designation.— Bridwell, Hawaii Ent. Soc. 4 : 119. This genus can be immediately separated from other Ameri- can genera of the subfamily Tiphiinae by its large size, black wings, and maculated thorax and abdomen. The characters in which it differs from one or more of the other genera are given below. Yestiture of head, thorax and abdomen is short, sparse, and relatively inconspicuous. Clypeus white in the male, smoothly arched with a convex margin. Mandible cusped in both sexes. Mouth opening elongate; polished, submandibular triangle lack- ing : palpi much reduced in size. Scutum lacks an anteromedian 1 Research Fellow in Entomology, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and Collaborator, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 2 This is the sixth paper in a study by the author of the Tiphiinae of the New World supported by Grant GB-1240 of the National Science Foundation. (205) 206 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [October, 1966 groove, but has in middle area, anterior to punctures, four obscure grooves. Mesopleuron in both sexes lacks prepectal carina. Tegula nearly twice as long as wide. Forewing densely and entirely blackish with bluish reflections ; radial cell of female open ; first transverse cubitus an elongate spur of uniform thick- ness nearly separating first and second cubital cells ; stigma small, indistinct. Sensorium on inner surface of tibia absent. Hind basitarsus of female without a longitudinal groove. Dorsum of propodeum without areola in female ; with only one transverse carina. Side of propodeum only obscurely rugulose. Tergum 1 with an obscure transverse carina in both sexes, without sunken setigerous sensorium on sides. Sternum without escutcheon or ventrally directed spine. Abdominal terga and sterna broad, with ribbon-like apical impunctate bands. Pygidium of female finely punctate basally, finely shagreened at apex, with tufts of fine erect bristles between the two areas. Sixth sternum not conspicuously sculptured in either sex. The genotype, a female from Cayenne, French Guiana, de- scribed with remarkable clarity by Romand over 130 years ago, has not been seen by the author. Dr. Karl Krombein of the Smithsonian Institute who recently studied Hymenoptera types in Paris and Munich, states (in litt.) "I think that the probable type of Epomidioptcron julii Romand is in Munich. It is a female bearing four labels as follows : "Cayenne/coll. Guerin" : "Cay."; "coll. Guerin"; and "Epomidiopteron/julii/Rom./ Cayenne." There is no specimen in the Paris Museum labeled as Romand's type." This wasp despite its rarity has been collected over a much wider range of environments than any other species of the subfamily. Small variations have been observed, but until larger series are available it seems advisable to consider all as belonging to one species. Epomidiopteron julii Romand Epomidioptcron julii Romand, 1836, Ann. Soc. Ent. France 4: 653. — Romand, 1938. Trans. Ent. Soc. London ser. 2, 2: 149.- — Sichel in Saussure and Sichel, 1864, Cat. Spec. Scolia IxxviiJ I:\TOMOLOGICAL .\K\VS 207 p. 265. — Saussure in Grandidier, 1892, Hist. Madagascar 20 : 236. — Holmberg, 1903, Ann. Mus. Buenos Aires ser. 3, 2: 504.— Allen, 1962, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 88 : 72. Parat\phia 12-maculata Cameron, 1904, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc 30: 94. Scoliphia spilota Banks, 1912, Can. Ent. 44, 201. Epomidiopteron duodecemmaculata Cameron, Allen, 1962, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 88 : 61. New Synonym. Female. — Front with an impunctate ridge bordering inner eye orbit ; least distance between eyes is at level of lowest ocellus where it is 0.88 times as great as at level of lower margin of antennal sockets. Clypeus with small white spot near base of mandible ; margin moderately sinuous and in front view not receding near base of mandible. Antennal flagellum with first joint longer than wide, the next three wider than long. Dorsal pronotum with a white spot at humeral angle ; impunc- tate apex more clearly defined than in male, about half the median length. Lateral pronotum without anterior process, or median groove. Mesopleuron with broad white spot near tegula; without prepectal ridge or suture; its large round shallow punctures largely grouped in middle area, with numer- ous secondary punctures. Scutellum and metathorax each with a small white spot. Legs black to dark reddish brown. Middle and hind tibia on outside with numerous stout spines, subobsolete except for dorsal rows ; hairs fine, short and sparse ; faintly carinate toward base. Tegula 1.5 times as long as wide with parallel sides, completely fine shagreened. Wings violaceous black ; spur from radial vein nearly bisects second cubital cell as in Paratiphia ; radial cell open and much elongated. Dorsal propodeum strongly arched, with coarse, round, con- tiguous punctures medially ; transverse apical carina sinuous and prominently elevated on either side of median line. Areola nearly obsolete and consists of an elongate depressed impunctate area tapered at both ends and about three times as long as wide. Tergum 1 with a white spot laterally and with a prominent transverse carina; punctures coarse and largely in small plaques or short rows ; almost devoid of vestiture except for short in- conspicuous hairs at sides. Sternum 1 without escutcheon or 208 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [October, 1966 well-defined sculpturing. Intermediate terga with a lateral white spot on 2 and 3, almost devoid of vestiture ; punctures increasing in size posteriorly in each segment to a terminal row of very coarse ones in middle of each tergum, with broad, ribbon-like impunctate apices. Sternum 2 with a broad, median tubercle. Sterna with apical bands as on terga. Pygidium with white spot at base, with fine, regular punctures on basal two-fifths, punctate part bordered apically by a row of clustered black bristles ; apical part smooth except for shagreening in which the elements increase greatly in size from base to tip. Sixth sternum uni- formly fine punctate except for polished crescent-shaped apex which is separated from punctate part by a dense row of bristly hairs. Length, 16 to 18 mm. Male. — Like the female except as noted below. Head length 1.1 times head width. Least distance between eyes is at level of lower edge of antennal fossae. Clypeus white with black apical fringe, and with smaller white spots on cheek ; margin smoothly arcuate and in front view visible to base of mandible. Dorsum of pronotum coarsely first-degree punctate anteriorly, punctures more scattered posteriorly without a well-defined impunctate apex ; completely fine shagreened. Forewing with radial cell closed, much elongated but not equal to second cubital cell in apical extension. Dorsal propodeum with an obscure apical transverse carina ; an inconspicuous areola broadest at apex, depressed ; area beside areola with coarse, round punctures and numerous micropunc- tures. Pygidium with its apical margin obtusely V-shaped. Sixth sternum smoothly convex with an impunctate apex terminating in a margin that is slightly emarginate on sides. Uncus usually concealed. Genitalia (Figs. 1 and 2) with paramere modified into a conspicuous laterally oriented, heavily sclerotized plate enclosing rear of sixth tergum and arranged like a hood over much thinner convolute lobes of parameral plate. Cuspis much smaller than paramere with its apex acuminate. Another small structure situated posteroventrad to cuspis possesses upright terminal hairs. Aedeagus short, stout and broadest at the lobate apex. Ixxvii ] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 209 IMC,. 1. Genitalia of male from "Palmerlee" Arizona, paratype of Banks. AE, acdcagus ; C, cupis ; P, paramere ; PP, parameral plate. FIG. 2. Same as Fig. 1 showing bilobate tip of parameral plate under the hooded paramere. .-/. C. U' ill in ins. del. 210 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [October, 1966 Length, 13 to 15 mm. Only 7 males and 6 females of this rare and showy wasp have been seen by the author in the many thousands of North and South American Tiphiinae examined. These have been taken over a very wide range of environment, from Arizona to Argentina. The type, a female from Cayenne, French Guiana, and pre- sumably the specimen in the Zoologische Commlung des Bayeris- chen Staates at Munich has not been seen by the author. Holm- berg (number and sex not listed) states that the species occurs at Formosa, Argentina and "Pard," Brazil. These also not seen by the author. The Brazilian locality might be any of several places in southeastern Brazil. Sichel mentions specimens from Brazil that I have not seen. Others examined by me are as follows : 1 (£, Santarem (presumably Brazil) at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Genitalia and other characters appear identical with Arizona specimens, except for small variations in the yellow spots. 1 J* labelled "probably from Colonia Hansa, Brazil," Baker Collection, Cornell University differs slightly from the Arizona specimens in having a thin, complete median carina on posterior aspect of propodeum ; transverse propodeal carina obsolete at sides and there is no row of punctures in that area. 1 <$ labelled "Ichilo, Buena Vista, Martinez, Bolivia" at the U. S. National Museum appears identical in all respects includ- ing the genitalia with the Arizona specimens. 1 5 at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y., from Tingo Maria, Huan., Peru has yellow spots on side of five abdominal segments ; posterior aspect of propodeum has a high, complete, transverse carina bordered by a regular row of round punctures, and there is no medium carina. 1 5 at the American Museum of Natural History from Palmar, Manabi, Equador, collected 10-V-41, has a broad white band on the clypeus ; trans- verse carina of propodeum obsolete medially with no row of punctures in that area; no thin medium carina on posterior aspect of propodeum. 1 <§ from Panama at Natural History Museum, London (type of \2-maculata} appears identical with Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 211 Arizona specimens. 1 $ labelled "Garcia" Arizona, type of spilota Banks, at Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., collected in August by Biederman. There are spots on the sides of three abdominal segments in this specimen ; trans- verse propodeal carina is complete but there is no bordering row of punctures, 3 ££, "Palmerlee" Ariz, and paratypes of spilota have body characters and genitalia that are apparently the same as specimens from Brazil and Peru. 2 $5, Ramsey Canyon, Huachuca Mts., Ariz, collected by Wm. Mann. 1 <$, Ramsey Canyon, Huachuca Mts. Ariz, collected by Werner and Butler, 5-IX-51 on Melilotus alba. A New Cryptic Species of Cymbiodyta from the Midwestern U. S. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) PAUL J. SPANGLER a This new species from Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska be- longs to the Cymbiodyta species group which has only the su- tural striae. It is very similar to Cymbiodyta fimbriata (Mel- sheimer) but it is somewhat larger and more robust. In \Yinter's (1927) key this new species runs to couplet 10 but may be distinguished readily by its distinctive male genitalia from the other species, C. fimbriata (Melsheimer ). C. vindi- cata Fall, and the recently described C. Jiatchi Miller (1964) that also run to that couplet. Cymbiodyta toddi, sp. nov. (Figs. 1-7) Length of holotype male 5.2 mm, greatest width 3.0 mm. Color of head piceous except indistinct margins before eyes and anterior edge of labrum reddish brown ; pronotum piceous ex- cept narrow anterior and broader lateral margins reddish brown ; elytra piceous except moderately broad reddish brown lateral 1 Department of Entomology, United States National Museum, Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 212 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (October, 1966 margins. Venter piceous except reddish brown epipleura of pronotum and elytra ; maxillary and labial palpi testaceous ; antenna with basal segments testaceous and club dark reddisb brown. Legs dark reddisb brown except slightly lighter col- ored knees. Head densely, moderately coarsely punctate ; punctures sep- arated by distance equal to half their width ; punctures more dense around eyes. Labrum feebly emarginate medially ; mod- erately densely punctate, punctures finer apically. Pronotum twice as wide as long, sides arcuate, finely mar- gined anteriorly and laterally, antero- and posterolateral angles obtuse. Elytra with punctures similar to those of pronotum, no striae present except sutural stria on apical half, three rows of coarser serial punctures on discal area and one row of coarser punctures laterally on each elytron, apical angles obtuse. Scutellum punc- tate similarly to elytra. Venter with short, fine, dense pubescence. Prosternum not carinate. Mesosternum with short transverse ridge ; ridge al- most straight and not angularly elevated or dentiform at middle. Last abdominal segment entire at apex. Legs with femora pubescent in basal three-fourths. Protarsus with five segments, first four segments subequal ; fifth segment about three-fourths as long as first four segments combined ; protarsal claws about one-third as long as last tarsal segment and not dentate. Aedeagus (Figs. 2, 3) with parameres strongly sinuate later- ally and tapering to slender apices, apices almost straight ; inner edges of parameres feebly sinuate ; median lobe broad at base, bluntly pointed apically and concave medially. In ventral view, gonopore near apex of median lobe. Female: Similar to male. Variations: Specimens of both sexes in the type series vary considerably in color from ochraceous to piceous. However, the lighter colored specimens appear to be teneral individuals and the mature forms are piceous. The specimens vary in length from 5.0 mm to 5.5 mm. IxxviiJ KXTOMOLOGK'AL NKWS 213 Holotype: Male, KANSAS, Douglas Co., Lone Star Lake-, Y 1-10-1952, P. J. Spangler. Type No. 68919, deposited in the U. S. National Museum. Allotypc: Same data as holotype. Cymbiodyta toddi n. sp., holotype. FIG. 1. Habitus view. Paratypcs: 18 J\^, 21 5$, same data as holotype. 3 J1^, same locality as holotype, IV-27-1953, P. ]. Spangler. KANSAS: 3JJ, Douglas Co.. Grant Twp., "Scorpion Hill," IV-19-1952, P. J. Spangler; 1 J\ same locality, IV-25-1952, P. J. Spangler. 9JJ, Douglas Co., NI 1-2-1951,' P. ]. Spangler. 1 £, Johnson Co., 4 mile E. Sunflower, 1X-1 2-1952, Spangler and Bell; 1 J\ Johnson Co., 2 mi. \Y. Sunflower, IV-4-1953, P. J. Spangler. NEBRASKA : 1 J1, no other data, C. V. Riley. MISSOURI : 3 <$<$, 10 miles E. Anderson, YII-1 2-1960, E. Todd. 1 J, 5 miles W. Linn, Big Maries River. 11-25-1956. P. J. Spangler. 1 ^, Cassville, IX-9-1953, P. J. S])angler. 1 ^, Kingdom City, VI-25-1954. P. I. Spangler. 1 ^, Columbia. MM Pond. Y-l- 214 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [October, 1966 1960, D. Kuester (U. Mo.). 1 <$, Columbia, Cans Creek, V- 7-1962, L. J. B. (U. Mo.). Because of the difficulty of identifying females, I have desig- nated the allotype and female paratypes only from the type col- lection made on VI-10-1952, when all males in the large series collected were the new species. All of the types listed above are the property of the U. S. National Museum except two followed by the abbreviation (U. Mo.) which were kindly lent to me by Dr. Wilbur R. Enns, Director of the Entomology Museum, University of Missouri. It gives me great pleasure to dedicate this new species to my friend and colleague. Dr. Edward L. Toclcl who collected some of the paratypes of this new species. Habitat: Specimens were collected at Lone Star Lake from the overflow area below the breast of the dam, along the lake shore, and from a drainage ditch alongside the lake. The speci- mens from "Scorpion Hill" were collected along the shore of a stock pond. In most cases, specimens were collected among dead leaves and other decaying vegetation. Discussion: The use of color is unsatisfactory for separating some of the species of Cymbiodyta belonging to the group of species that run to couplet 10 in Winter's (1927) key. Unfor- tunately, other characters such as the presence or absence of an emarginate margin of the last sternum, present on some speci- mens, also seem to vary. Apparently the only reliable char- acter for separating the species of this group is the male geni- talia. The following key will separate the males of the four species that run to couplet 10 in Winter's key. 1. Median lobe of male genitalia angulate at apex (Figs. 2,3,6,7) 2 Cymbiodyta toddi n. sp., holotype. FIG. 2. Male genitalia, dorsal view. FIG. 3. Male genitalia, ventral view. Cymbiodyta vindicate! Fall. FIG. 4. Male genitalia, dorsal view. FIG. 5. Male genitalia, ventral view. Cymbiodyta fimbriata ( Melsheimer). FIG. 6. Male genitalia, dorsal view. FIG. 7. Male genitalia, ventral view. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NE\\ S 215 216 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | October, 1(>(>(> Median lobe of male genitalia truncate at apex (Fig. 4,5) 3 2. Apices of parameres slender, sinuate and slightly curved outward (Figs. 2, 3 ) ; midwestern United States toddi sp. nov. Apices of parameres broad and curved inward (Figs. 6, 7) ; eastern and midwestern United States fimbriata Melsh. 3. Apices of parameres curved inward (Figs. 4, 5) ; North- ern United States vindicata Fall Apices of parameres straight ; northwestern United States . . . hatchi Mil. REFERENCES MILLER, D. C. 1964. Notes on Enochms and Cymbiodyta from the Pa- cific Northwest. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Coleop. Bui. 18 ( 3) : 69-78. WINTERS, F. C. 1927. Key to the subtribe Helocharae Orchym. (Cole- optera-Hydrophilidae) of Boreal America. Pan-Pacific Ent. 4 (1) : 19-29. A Correction In the description of Aspisoma yechae n. sp., ENTOMOLOG- ICAL NEWS, 1966, Vol. 77, pp. 132-135, the abdominal spiracles are noted on p. 134 as ventral. This is a mistake, as these spiracles are definitely on the dorsum. I wish I could explain how the mistake occurred and why I did not catch it in reading the proof. FRANK A. MCDERMOTT. l\.\\ii| EXTOMOLOCICAL .\F.\\s 217 New Exotic Crane-Flies (Tipulidae: Diptera). Part XIII CHARLES I*. ALEXANDER. Amherst. Massachusetts1 The preceding part under this title \\as published in ENTO- MOLOGICAL NEWS, Vol. 77 (3) : 69-78. At this time I am dis- cussing further crane-flies from India belonging to the tribe Hexatomini, all collected by Dr. Fernand Schmid. Limnophila (Dicranophragma) analosuffusa, new species General coloration of thorax brown, the praescutum with three more yellowish brown stripes ; legs yellow, the femora with a narrow pale brown subterminal ring; wings whitened, with a very heavy dark brown pattern that includes markings in base of cell 2nd A. 2- Length about 6 mm ; wing 6-6.2 mm. Rostrum and palpi brownish black. Antennae with scape dark brown, pedicel paler brown ; first flagellar segment clear light yellow, the remainder dark brown. Head brown, faintly dusted with yellow pollen. Pronotum brown. Mesonotal praescutum with the restricted ground dark brown, with three more yellowish brown stripes, pseudosutural foveae darkened ; scutal lobes darkened, patterned with brown ; posterior sclerites of notum darker brown, sparsely pruinose. Pleura brown, restrictedly patterned with darker spots. Halteres light brown, base of stem narrowly yellowed. Legs with coxae dark brown ; trochanters obscure yellow, lower surface with a blackened apical spot ; femora yellow with a nar- row pale brown subterminal ring, the yellow apex slightly nar- rower ; remainder of legs yellow. Wings with the restricted ground whitened, prearcular and costal fields more yellowed ; a very heavy and conspicuous dark brown pattern, paler in cells M, Cn and the Anals, the darkened pattern exceeding the 1 Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory, University of Massachusetts. 218 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [October, 1966 whitened ground except in cells C and Sc; compared with venustipennis, with a darkened spot at tip of Scl and a larger mark at near midlength of Rs in cells R and Rl ; cell 1st A suffused, cell 2nd A with three more or less confluent brown spots at base and near midlength, without a subterminal darken- ing as in venustipennis. Venation: No spur near outer end of vein 2nd A as in venustipennis. Abdomen brownish black. Habitat. INDIA (Assam). Holotype: J, Sirhoi Kashong, Manipur, 6,000 feet, June 8, 1960 (Fernand Schmid). Parato- potypc: 5» pinned with type. Limnophila (Dicranophragmct) analosuffusa is quite dis- tinct from other known species, especially in the wing pattern. The closest relative appears to be L. (D.) venustipennis Alex- ander (pulchripennis Brunetti, 1912, preoccupied) which dif- fers in the characters outlined above. Limnophila (Dicranophragma) karma, new species Generally similar to venustipennis; wings of male broadest opposite termination of vein 2nd A, of female opposite vein 1st A; no spur near tip of vein 2nd A nor a darkened cloud before outer end of this cell. cf. Length about 5-5.5 mm ; wing 5.5-6 mm ; antenna about 1 mm. 5- Length about 6.8-7 mm ; wing 6.2-6.5 mm. Rostrum black, pruinose, mouthparts and palpi black. An- tennae relatively short, the basal four segments yellow, outer ones brown ; in male the proximal and intermediate flagellar segments with long verticils, the longest exceeding three times the segment. Head light gray in front, darker gray behind. Pronotum with scutum brown, the scutellum much paler. Mesonotal praescutum with three pale brownish gray stripes, the intervening interspaces reduced to narrow brown lines, with further linear or triangular sublateral brown darkenings ; pseu- dosutural foveae black, conspicuous, tuberculate pits paler, con- tiguous ; scutal lobes brown, posterior sclerites brown, more or IxXV'ii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 219 less pruinose. Pleura brown, with a dark brown longitudinal stripe over tbe dorsal sclerites from the cervical region to the postnotum. Halteres with stem yellow, knob pale brown. Legs with coxae and trochanters brownish yellow ; femora yellow, tips narrowly whitened, preceded by a subequal pale brown ring; remainder of legs yellow, outer tarsal segments darker. Wings of male broadest opposite termination of vein 2nd A, in female much narrower, broadest opposite vein 1st A; general coloration pale yellow, prearcular and costal fields clearer yel- low ; a conspicuous brown pattern that includes five costal areas, behind attaining vein M or beyond, the third at Sc.,, the fourth at stigma, converging behind over the anterior cord ; a more or less complete brown subterminal band from outer end of cell R2, crossing the supernumerary crossvein and outer fork of M to the margin at vein Mz ; all longitudinal veins excepting R- with an oval brown marginal spot, on 2nd A in cases more submar- ginal in position ; no preapical darkening in cell 2nd A, as in venustipennis; cord and outer end of cell 1st M2 seamed with brown ; microscopic darkenings at h and across the veins that comprise the arculus ; a paler brown wash occupying much of cell M and basal half of cell Cu ; veins light yellow, light brown in the patterened areas, still darker in the heavier markings. Venation : Supernumerary crossevin in cell R3 about equal to or longer than vein R3 beyond it ; no spur on vein 2nd A as in venustipennis. Abdomen dark brown, hypopygium with proximal ends of basistyles obscure yellow. Habitat. INDIA (Kumaon). Holotypc: <$, Tarak Tal, Pauri Garhwal, 7,540 feet, August 14, 1958 (Fernand Schmid). Allo- topotype: $. Paratopotypcs: 6^$; paratypc: 1 £, Dhar, Pauri Garhwal, 7,220 feet, August 17, 1958. Limnophila (Dicranophragma) karma agrees with L. (D.~) venustipennis Alexander in the faintly indicated dark ring on the femur and in the general distribution of the dark pattern of the wings. In the present fly vein 2nd A is unbranched in both sexes and the subterminal darkened band in cell 2nd A is lacking. 220 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (October, 1966 Limnophila (Dicranophragma) kashongensis, new species General coloration of mesonotum brownish black, the prae- scutum with three light brown cliscal stripes ; pleura obscure brownish yellow with a conspicuous dark brown dorsolongi- tudinal stripe ; legs pale brown ; wings light brown with a diffuse darker brown pattern that includes six larger costal areas. J1. Length about 5-6 mm ; wing 5.5-7 mm ; antenna about 0.8-0.9 mm. J. Length about 7-7.5 mm ; wing 6.5-7 mm. Rostrum brown, palpi black. Antennae with proximal seg- ments obscure yellow, the outer ones brown, the segments with long verticils. Head brown, the anterior orbits paler. Pronotal scutum brown, scutellum and pretergites yellowed. Mesonotal praescutum with the ground brownish black, the disk with three light brown stripes, the central one more yellow polli- nose, pseudosutural foveae black ; posterior sclerits of notum dark brown. Pleura obscure brownish yellow, with a con- spicuous dark brown dorsolongitudinal stripe extending from cervical region, across the propleura and dorsal mesopleura to beneath the wing root on the pteropleurite ; ventral sternopleu- rite and meron paler brown. Halteres with stem obscure yel- low, clearer at base, knob pale brown. Legs with all coxae and trochanters obscure yellow ; remainder of legs yellowish brown to very pale brown, the femoral liases vaguely clearer yellow. Wings with the ground light brown with about six- larger and darker diffuse costal areas that are subequal in extent to the light yellow interspaces, the areas placed at /;, above the arctilus, origin of Rs, near end of 5V, stigma and the tip of Rs ; vague paler brown areas cover the cord, outer end of cell 1st M2 and the prearcular field ; vague transverse ground bands immediately before wing tip, at near midlength of cells beyond cord and more broadly at near midlength of wing before the cord ; veins light brown, slightly darker in the patterned areas, light yellow in the costal interspaces. Venation: Sci ending shortly beyond fork of Rs, 5V 2 slightly removed, 5V, alone nearly equal to ^2 + .-! + 4- supernumerary crossvein in cell L\xvii| K.\ TOMOLOCKAI. .\K\YS 221 Rz lying far distad ; petiole of cell M^ subequal to or slightly longer than the cell; HI-CH at or before midlength of M3 + 4. Ahdomen dark brown, the lateral borders and outer segments more brownish black. Male hypopygium with the outer disti- style very slender, the tip bifid ; inner style very broad at base. Phallosome large, darkened ; interbasal blades large. Habitat. INDIA (Assam). Holotype: <$, Sirhoi Kashong, Manipur, 7,500 feet, July 13, 1960 (Fernand Schmid). Allo- topotypc: 9, pinned with type. Paratopotypes: numerous <$ $, July 11-13, 1960. Liinnophila (Dicranopliragma) kashongensis is quite distinct from all other Oriental members of the subgenus in the wing pattern. No other species has the darkened ground with diffuse darkened clouds as described above. Limnophila (Eloeophila) perdilata, new species Size large (wing of male 9 mm) ; femora light yellow with a medium brown subterminal ring ; wings of male dilated opposite the termination of vein 2nd A, conspicuously spotted and dotted with brown, all such areas restricted to the vicinity of the veins ; male hypopygium with the outer dististyle expanded outwardly, terminating in a slender curved spine, the lateral flange con- spicuous, yellow, the apex subtruncate. c^. Length about 8.5 mm ; wing 9 mm. Rostrum dark brown ; palpi black. Antennae with scape and pedicel brownish black, proximal five or six flagellar segments light yellow, the succeeding ones darker ; proximal segments more enlarged and without setae on lower surface. Head yel- lowish gray, center of vertex brown. Thorax yellowish gray, the praescutum restrictedly patterned with dark brown streaks and spots, representing the remains of darkened stripes ; scutal lobes vaguely patterned ; posterior third of mediotergite slightly more darkened. Pleura gray, patterned with dark brown. Halteres with stem yellow, knob dark brown. Legs with coxae brownish gray ; trochanters light brown ; femora light yellow with a medium brown subterminal ring, the tip 222 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [October, 1966 brownish yellow ; tibiae and tarsi yellow, the outer segments slightly darker. Wings whitened, with a heavy brown spotted and dotted pattern, including a nearly complete crossband at the level of origin of Rs and a broader area over the region of the stigma and anterior cord ; a further extensive darkening at wing tip, including much of cells R. and M: ; a series of about eight additional transverse lines in cells C and Sc ; remaining darkened pattern extensive, consisting of transverse areas and circular dots in all cells, least so in R and 7?r and beyond the stigma, all such markings being restricted to the vicinity of the veins and commonly occurring on both sides ; veins brown, clear light yellow in the ground areas, most evidently so in the pre- arcular field and in outer radial field. Wings conspicuously dilated opposite termination of vein 2nd A. Venation: Super- numerary crossvein in cell M oblique. Abdomen brown, the hypopygium more brownish yellow. Male hypopygium with the outer dististyle narrowed at base, dilated outwardly, terminating in a long curved spine, the lateral flange conspicuous, light yellow, surface longitudinally striate, tip subtruncate. Habitat. INDIA (Sikkim). Holotypc: J\ Lachen, 8,900 feet, June 13, 1959 (Fernand Schmid). In its major size the present fly suggests Limnophila (Eloeo- f>Jiila) ornata (Brunetti) being readily separated by the very different wing pattern. Limnophila (Eloeophila) pluriguttula, new species Size medium (wing under 7 mm) ; mesonotum gray, the prae- scutum patterned with medium and dark brown ; pleura brownish black, variegated by yellowish gray areas; femora yellow, tips extensively brown ; wings with the ground pale yellow, very heavily patterned with brown spots and dots, the dark color exceeding the ground in area ; dots in all cells confluent to form an irregular pattern. Sex? Length about 6.5 mm; wing 6.8 mm; antenna about 1.3 mm. IxxviiJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 223 Rostrum and palpi brownish black. Antennae with the more proximal flagellar segments weakly bicolored, the bases of the segments brown, their apices paler, obscure yellow, outer seg- ments uniformly infuscated. Head brown. Pronotum brownish gray. Mesonotal praescutum with the ground gray, with a pair of brown intermediate stripes and brownish black sublateral areas, the posterior ends of the inter- spaces similarly brownish black, the lateral borders brown; scutum yellowish gray, the lobes extensively dark brown ; scu- tellum and postnotum brownish black. Pleura brownish black, variegated by yellowish gray areas. Halteres with stem obscure yellow, knob brownish black. Legs with coxae blackened ; tro- chanters obscure yellow, the lower face blackened ; femora yel- low, tips extensively brown ; tibiae and tarsi yellow, the last segment darker. Wings with the restricted ground pale yellow, very heavily patterned with brown spots and dots, the darkened areas exceeding the pale ground in amount ; prearcular field light yellow ; major brown spots over the stigma and cord and as a broken band at origin of Rs and the supernumerary cross- vein ; other cells with abundant smaller spots and confluent brown dots, with virtually none of the marks disconnected into separate units, as in blcolorata; veins brown, yellow in the costal interspaces. Abdomen partly destroyed by fungi ; basal segments obscure yellow, their lateral and posterior borders brownish black. Habitat. INDIA (Sikkim). Holotype: Sex? Yagtang, 1 1 ,650 feet, in Rhododendron association, June 17, 1959 (Fernand Schmid). The most similar regional species is Limnophila (Eloeophild) blcolorata Alexander, from lower altitudes in Nepal. The pres- ent fly is most readily told by the nature of the darkened wing pattern, including very abundant almost uniformly confluent brown dots which in bicolorata are chiefly isolated in the ground. Limnophila (Eloeophila) fumigata, new species Size medium (wing of male to 7 mm) ; antennae brownish black; thorax chiefly dark brown, the praescutum and pleura 224 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [October, 1966 patterned ; legs yellow, the femora with a broad black terminal ring ; wings yellow, very heavily patterned with brown, includ- ing diffuse spots in the cells ; male hypopygium with very long setae on mesal face of basistyle ; phallosome with gonapophyses narrow, tips pointed. J\ Length about 6.5-6.7 mm ; wing 6.5-7 mm ; antenna about 1.8-1.9 mm. Rostrum black, gray pruinose, with long black setae; palpi black. Antennae of holotype brownish black with extreme tips of the proximal flagellar segments vaguely yellowed ; terminal segment slightly more than one-half the penultimate. Head yellowish gray, the center of vertex, posterior orbits and genae slightly patterned with brown. Pronotum light gray, restrictedly patterned with brown, more extensive laterally. Mesonotal praescutum yellowish gray with a conspicuous dark brown pattern that includes a pair of long intermediate stripes, shorter sublateral areas, broader lateral borders, a median spot at cephalic margin and further darken- ings near the suture ; posterior sclerites of notum dark brown, sparsely yellow pollinose. Pleura dark brown, with two nar- rowly interrupted longitudinal gray stripes, the narrower lower line crossing the dorsal sternopleurite and meron. Halteres with stem dusky, narrowly yellowed at base, knob dark brown. Legs with coxae dark brown, sparsely yellow pollinose ; tro- chanters browrnish yellow ; femora yellow with a broad black terminal ring that is vaguely paler at outer end ; remainder of legs yellow, the outer tarsal segments slightly infuscated. Wings with the restricted ground yellow, heavily patterned with brown, the amount of dark color more than twice the yellow areas, prearcular field chiefly darkened ; broad dark bands at origin of Rs and the cord, with narrower areas more basally in the costal field ; beyond the cord the cells extensively darkened, including all of Mj. ; the interpolated yellow ground areas further inter- rupted by very extensive smaller marks that tend to be con- fluent, their borders ill-defined ; veins yellow in the ground, brown in the patterned areas. Venation: ui-cit before one-third the length of M:ill. ] ENTOMOLOGICAL NKUS 225 Abdomen dark brown to brownish black, the hypopygium slightly paler. Male hypopygium with outer half of mesal face of basistyle with several very long delicate setae. Outer disti- style expanded outwardly, the outer apical angle a slender curved hook ; lateral flange narrow, applied to margin of style, the outer end free ; border beyond the flange microscopically serrulate; inner style outwardly narrowed to an obtuse point. Phallosome with aedeagus small, slender; apophyses somewhat shorter, appearing as narrow pale blades, their tips acute. Habitat. INDIA (Assam). Holotype: J\ Sirhoi Kashong, Manipur, 7,500 feet, July 11, 1960 (Fernand Schmid). Para- topotypc: 1 J\ with the type. Lininophila (Eloeophila) jinnigata is generally similar to L. (E.) bicolorata Alexander, L. (£.} fascipcnnis (Brunetti), and L. (£.) pluriguttula, new species, differing from all in the unusually heavy wing pattern and in the antennal coloration. Of the above the male sex is known only in fascipennis where it is quite different from the present fly. Notes on the Genus Neodiplocampta Curran and Certain Other Bombyliidae. Part I F. M. HULL. University of Mississippi So far as I am aware only two species have been placed in the genus Neodiplocampta, Curran. These are the generotype species roedcri Curran from Porto Rico, the wing figured by Curran (1934), and the species parado.va Jaennicke. As I have before me six species none of which can be those named above I include notes and descriptions on some of these as a prelim- inary to the preparation of an illustrated key to species. Neodiplocampta (Agitonia) sepia n. sp. A large species with large, quite broad wings which are almost wholly sepia save for faint hyaline areas in the marginal and posterior cells. 226 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [October, 1966 Head : Brownish black, the pile of front, face and antennae black with appressed, scattered, brownish yellow scales in- termixed on face and front. First two antennal segments brownish yellow, third blackish, its base short conical, the style long and slender. Occipital pile appressed, scanty, scale-like yellowish. Face conical, with a bare, yellow brown strip from each antenna down the sides ; proboscis extends barely beyond apex of face. Thorax black, feebly shining, the pleuron more brownish. Pile scanty, yellowish appressed with additional scattered fine, erect black hairs ; anterior collar of pile, long, dense, brownish yellow. Notopleuron with black, and upper mesopleuron with longer, bristly, yellow pile ; metapleural pile black. Legs dark brown, the bristles black, the femora with some fine, appressed black pile. Wings exceptionally broad, almost wholly dark sepia, the middles of discal, posterior and more particularly the submarginal cells faintly subhyaline ; sec- ond vein and anterior branch of third more strongly contorted than in generotype ; alula reduced. Abdomen nearly twice as long as generotype species, black with pile like mesonotum. Type : a male, and one paratype female. Nova Teutonia. BRAZIL, Dec.-Feb. 1964-1965. (Fritz Plaumann). In collec- tion of author. Because of its aberrant and atypical form it may be assigned to a new subgenus : Agitonia, under Neodiplocampta. Eclimus (Arthroneura) tridentatus n. sp. Head black, grayish pollinose, pile of front and face, long, fine, loose, and black ; pile of occiput and gena abundant, long, fine, gray-white. Antennal pile black, third segment as long as first segment, tapered sharply on dorsal aspect near the apex. Sides of oral cup shining black. Palpus quite large, especially the leaf-shaped apical segment. Proboscis long and slender. Thorax dull black; mesonotum with fine, crinkled, curled, pale, ap- pressed pile and scattered, very fine, erect, black hairs. Pleural pile pale except for some black hairs on upper mesopleuron ; knob of halteres blackish. Legs black, with matted appressed gray white pile of perhaps slightly flattened hairs, some erect l\\vii] ENTOMOLOGICAL XK\\ S 227 white pile and with black bristles. Anterior tibia with well de- veloped black spicules. Wings hyaline, the anterior border nar- rowly black to apex of first submarginal cell. There are three conspicuous, sharply delimited, blackish spots extending down or backward from fore border, one of these extends to end of second basal cell and borders the cells beyond, another extends over and just below the anterior cross vein and widely on each side of it, the third extends over and just below the base of the submarginal cells. There is an additional small black spot at base of second and third posterior cells. There are three distinct submarginal cells in each wing of material on hand. Moreover there is a rectangular bend in the lower vein of discal cell with strong, backward spur in both wings. These characters to- gether with the large leaf like ovate palpus is made the basis of a special subgenus, of the genus Ecliiniis. Type: a female 10 mi. East of Auburn, CAL., Placer Co. 1958. In coll. of California at Berkeley. Paratype female. Black Mts, 6 mi. N.E. of Pose, Calif. May 1st 1962. In col- lection of author. I wish to thank Frank Cole for the oppor- tunity of studying this interesting fly. I propose the name Bryodema, new genus, for the giant, thick-bodied, very robust bee flies hitherto going under the name Ogcodocera i-alida Wied. ; from Ogcodocera sensu stricto, of which I have 3 species before me, it differs besides the very thick body and giant size, in the closed and stalked, or narrowly open first posterior cell, the position of the anterior cross vein, very strongly oblique and placed at the outer sixth of the discal cell. All of the 3 species of true Ogcodocera before me, includ- ing the generotype, and which range into southern Brazil, are of very nearly uniform size, flattened body, basally sw-ollen third antennal segment, and the first posterior cell is open maximally. The anterior cross vein lies very near the middle of the discal cell and is almost rectangular. All three species are very small indeed compared to ralida Wiedemann. 228 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | October, 1966 A Resin Bee Using Trap-Nests in Wisconsin, and a Note on Other Resin Bees. (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) J. T. MEDLER1 Megachile (Chelostomoidcs} campanulas Robertson utilizes resin as a building material for nest construction. Six nests of tbis species were found while conducting trap-nest research in Wisconsin. The traps consisted of eight-inch lengths of sumac stem with a hole 6.4 mm in diameter and 150 mm long drilled in the center pith to provide a nesting niche. Each nest was characterized by partitions and plugs made of a dark brown resin having a "piny" smell. Occasionally, the cells also were partly lined with resin. A reddish rather sticky pollen that was very susceptible to spoilage was used to provision cells. Nest 1 was collected in Fond du Lac County, 18 August, 1956. At the bottom of the 150 mm hole there were two cells 14 and 16 mm in length which contained 8 and 4 mm white larvae, respectively. The remainder of the hole was empty, but three additional partitions and an orifice plug had been constructed in it. When reared at 22° C, the small larva developed into a medium sized larva in seven days, whereas the medium sized larva matured and spun a very thin, transparent cocoon in seven days. Therefore, at least two weeks would be normally required for larval development. Nest 2 was an overwintering nest collected in Iowa County, 21 October, 1959. Two cells in the bottom of the hole were 1 1 and 13 mm long. The remainder of the hole was empty, but had 5 partitions at intervals of 4, 14, 38, 8, and 52 mm. Nests 3-6 were all overwintering nests collected in September, 1962. Each had an orifice plug of resin 2-5 mm thick and one 1 Professor of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. This work was supported in part by the Research Committee of the Graduate School of the University of Wisconsin from funds supplied by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. lxxvii| KXTO.MOLOGK'AI. .\K\VS 229 intercalary partition in a long empty vestibule. Nest 3 from Jefferson County contained three cells, 40, 22, and 42 mm in length. Nests 4—6 were collected in Grant County. Nest 4 had three cells, 24, 17, and 12 mm long. Nest 5 had two cells, 18 and 30 mm long, and nest 6 had two cells 12 and 24 mm long. A "typical" nest of this species, therefore, consisted of 2 or 3 cells in the bottom of the hole, a long vestibule with one or several partitions, and an orifice plug. The species apparently is univoltine, overwintering as a prepupa in a cocoon. Three female bees were reared from the 14 available cells. The provisions were spoiled in five cells and rearing mortality accounted for the other six cells. The reared bees had head width measurements of 2.5, 2.8, and 3.1 mm. It is well known that species in the McgacJiilidac utilize a great diversity of nesting niches in nature, and manipulate a wide variety of building materials with their mandibles to construct cells in which to rear progeny. Burrows in wood, and materials such as clay, pieces of leaf, plant fibers and masticated vegetable matter are used most commonly. Michener (1962, Jour. Netv York Ent. Soc. 70: 17-29) discussed morphological differences between those species which make nests with pieces of leaves or petals and those that use resin, mud, or other such material. One difference is that in the mandibles of female leafcutters there is a sharp cutting edge in the interspaces between the teeth. This appears to be the first record of M. cainpaniilac using resin. However, several other species of resin bees in the Megachilidae are well documented, especially in Europe, where they are known as Harzbienen or resiniers. For example, several species of Anthidiini using resin were studied by Fabre (Bramble-bees and Others, Transl. by A. T. de Mattos, 1915). Incidentally, both honey bees (Apini) and stingless bees (Meliponini) among the social bees utilize vegetable resins (e.g., propolis) in nest construction and repair. Man-made products are used also. I personally observed Trigona bees in northern Queensland collect ing balls of fresh house paint on 230 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | October, 1966 their bind legs in a manner similar to the pollen loads of honey bees. I was informed that these bees become an economic problem in some areas because they strip the paint as fast as it is applied. The species probably responsible for this activity is Trigona hocking si Cockerell, according to Michener (1961, Amer. Mus. Novit. 2026, 46 pp.). It is hypothesized that the resin bees have a glandular secre- tion with anti-sticking properties. This secretion provides a protective coating on the mandibles and hairs, thus allowing utilization of resinous material without damage to the insect. Reviews Rolston, L. H. and C. E. McCoy. INTRODUCTION TO AP- PLIED ENTOMOLOGY. Pp. v + 208. The Ronald Press Co., 15 E. 26th St., New York 10, N. Y. Price: $5.00. The first 90 pages are chiefly on insect ecology and ecological principles. Perception, mobility, reproduction, and adaptation are discussed as well as climate, moisture, food, parasites, popula- tions, seasonal and geographic distribution. Included here is also a chapter of 26 pages on the orders of insects, devoted again primarily to their ways of living and ecological relationships rather than classification or form. The remainder of the book is concerned with organizing and analyzing our relevant knowledge and developing concepts and general principles. The chapter "Environmental Management" is a kind of applied ecology, and here, as in the chapters on chemical control, the approach is from the broadest point of view. The intent is to provide the basic understanding needed for planning successful control. Although the preface suggests that applied entomology "is a science," on p. 162 we learn that "The practice of applied entomology is an art, and herein lies room for mistakes in judge- ment and execution." The book stresses the possible complex- ities and ramifications when a control program must fit into the existing economic, legal, sociological, and physical environment as well as adapted to a biological environment that may include several species of pests together with their parasites. — R.G.S. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 231 Klots, Elsie B. The new field book of FRESHWATER LIFE. Pp. 1-398. Over 700 illustrations, drawings by SuZan Noguchi Swain. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 200 Madison Are., New York 10016. Price: $4.95. In that it covers the freshwater plants and invertebrates this little book may be thought of as an abridged Ward and Whipple. However, it goes farther and includes the vertebrates as well, thus covering the entire range of aquatic life from algae to al- ligators. Actually, it takes one mostly to the family or some ecological group, while Mrs. Swain's excellent illustrations will often name a common genus or even species. In place of dichotomous keys a system of paragraphing is used that works well and that is not only practical but also instructive. Through- out, the emphasis is on adaptations, habits, habitats, and other ecological matters so that one comes to know and to understand the forms as living things in their natural surroundings. Chap- ters 11 and 12 (100 pages and over 170 illustrations) deal with arachnids and insects, and like the rest of the book show very careful planning and selection of material, and concise but clear presentation. The page size is 44 X7j and its slips easily into a coat pocket. Knudsen, Jens W. BIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES. Collecting, Preserving, and Illustrating Plants and Animals. Pp. xi -f 525. Harper and Row, 49 East 33rd St., New York 10016. Price: $12.00. An excellent book that includes algae, bacteria, and everything up to the birds and mammals. Chapter 13 (62 pages) is on insects and is amazingly comprehensive, with clear instructions on collecting, killing, preserving, dissecting, mounting, and housing of insects for study, illustrated by clean line drawings. Older methods as well as the newer (e.g., freeze drying) are included. There is also a chapter on Crustacea, and one on the remaining arthropods. Extremely useful to students as well as to their professors will be Chap. 24 (43 pages) on Scientific Illustration which describes and illustrates various techniques using pencil, ink, stippling, Ross board, scratch board, Ben Day, air-brush, and photography, especially as applicable to the preparation of theses and dissertations. Finally there is a short chapter on slide mak- ing with formulae for solutions and reagents. — R.G.S. Entomologist's Market Place ADVERTISEMENTS AND EXCHANGES Advertisements of goods or services for sale are accepted at $1.00 per line, payable in advance to the editor. Notices of wants and exchanges not exceeding three lines are free to subscribers. All insertions are continued from month to month, the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, when necessary, the older ones at the top are discontinued. Oestridae wanted. Botflies of Nearctic deer, elk, caribou, sheep ; African and European mammals, larvae and adult. Purchase or exchange for Diptera, Coleoptera. Kenneth J. Capelle, Box 459, Brigham City, Utah 84302. Planchets, radiation warning signs and labels, dosimeters and other isotope-lab accessories. New catalogue free on request. Nuclear Supply and Service Co., 422 Wash. Bldg., Wash. 5, D. C. Formosan Insects. Large quantities of dried butterflies, moths, beetles, cicadas, dragpnflies, mantis, grasshoppers, bees, spiders, etc., Rare and common species, aberrations and sex mosaics for sale. Taiwan Novelty Co., P. O. Box 860, Taipei, Formosa. Buprestidae. Neotrop. Anthaxia, Chrysobothris, and Tribe Agrilini pref. with host data for ecolog. studies, wanted for purchase or exchange for eastern U. S. species. H. A. Hespenheide, Leidy Lab'y, Univ. of Penna., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Ants of fnsca and ncoforniica groups wanted for revision (study or exchange) pref. nest series with <$ & $. Andre Francoer, Biology Dept., Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. Ants of gen. Myrmica wanted (study or exchange) for revision, pref. nest series with <$ & $. Rene Beique, Biology Dept., Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. Brazilian Insects for scientific purposes, for sale. V. N. Alin, Caixa Postal 8573, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Orthoptera, exotic and North American, wanted to buy, or exchange for eastern North American Orthoptera and other insects. David A. Nickle, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. BUTTERFLIES OF THE DELAWARE VALLEY By Arthur M. Shapiro Special Publication of the American Entomological So- ciety. 63 pages of text, 11 plates, 10 habitat photographs and map. The introduction includes discussion of the en- vironment and habitat of local butterflies. Keys to the families and species are given, and for each species its field notes, distribution (geographical and seasonal), and food plants are noted. Price $1.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States ; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Number 19 BUTTERFLIES OF LIBERIA By Richard M. Fox, Arthur W. Lindsey, Jr., Harry K. Clench and Lee D. Miller 402 pages of text; colored frontispiece, 233 figures, 2 graphs, 2 tables, 3 maps, table of contents, full bibliography and a taxonomic index. With 195 new records, this study increases the known butter- fly fauna of Liberia from 280 to 475 species and another 254 species are noted as probably to be found. Two new tribes, 5 new genera, 13 new species and subspecies are described. Il- lustrations include photographs and, where pertinent, drawings of genitalia of all holotypes, along with photographs and draw- ings of closely related forms for comparison. The distribution of each species is given and those more difficult to identify or previously confused are treated at greater length. All known records from Liberia are noted. A 46 page introduction details climatic conditions and biotopes in Liberia and analyzes the zoogeographic and ecologic relationships of the butterflies of Liberia and of Occidental Africa. Price $12.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (19103), U.S.A. Subscriptions for 1966 Are Now Due Subscription Blank Enclosed ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS NOVEMBER 1966 Vol. LXXVII No. 9 CONTENTS Phillips— Harold Johnson Grant, Jr., 1921-1966 233 Knull — Ayrilus boitscni and a new species (Col.) 238 Weber — Pigmentation in Trachymyrmex (Hym.) 241 Gittens — Three new species of Miincsa (Hym.) 247 Roback — A record of Symbiocladius cqultans (Dipt.) 254 Xebeker and Gaufin — New Paralcuctra (Pleocoptera) 255 Nomenclature Notice 259 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: personal, $6.00; institutional, $9.00. Second-class postage paid at Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Edited, 1911-1944, by PHILIP P. CALVERT (1871-1961) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa., and the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: H. W. ALLEN, M. E. PHILLIPS, and S. S. ROBACK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Communications and remittances to be addressed to Entomological News, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Prices per yearly volume of 10 numbers. Private subscriptions, for personal use, domestic and foreign, $6.00 postpaid. Institutional subscriptions, for libraries, laboratories, etc., domestic and foreign, $9.00 postpaid. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rate schedules available from the editor. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be addressed to R. G. Schmieder, Joseph Leidy Laboratory of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. Articles longer than eight printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS: Authors will be charged as follows: For text- figures, the cost of engraving; for insert plates (on glossy stock), the cost of engraving plus printing. Size limit, when printed, 4X6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after printing. TABLES: The cost of setting tables will be charged to authors. SEPARATA: Separates (as reprints with extraneous matter removed) may be obtained only from the printer at the prices quoted below. Authors must place their orders for such separates with the editor at the time of submitting manuscripts, or when returning proof. Copies 1-4 pp. 5-8 pp. 9-12 pp. Covers 50 $5.87 $ 9.40 $14.69 $6.40 100 7.03 11.15 17.62 8.75 Add'l 100 2.35 3.51 5.85 4.70 Plates printed one side : First 50, $4.68 ; Additional 100's, $3.52. Transportation charges will be extra. ^!25MAJ NOV 21 HAROLD J. GRANT, JR., 1921-1966. ENTOMOLOGICAL MEWS VOL. LXXVII NOVEMBER, 1966 No. 9 Harold Johnson Grant, Jr., 1921-1966 The death of Harold J. Grant on February 27, 1966, came as a particularly sudden and severe shock to his family and his many friends and associates at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. It resulted from an unhappy accident when he was caught by the undertow while swimming on the coast of Trinidad. Dr. Grant was born in the Bronx, New York, on November 4th, 1921. He attended grade school on Staten Island, New York, where his family lived, and was graduated from Port Richmond High School with honors. Inducted into the army in November of 1942, he served as a non-commissioned officer in the Malarial Control Unit of the Sanitary Corps in the Philippines and New Guinea through the remainder of World War II. Following this he was sent to Japan, being attached to the commission which studied the biological effects of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb explosion. After his release from the army in January, 1946, he attended Champlain College at Plattsburg, New York, for a period but in 1948 transferred to the University of Colorado where he received his B.A. degree in 1950. His interest in entomology was evident while he was still an undergraduate and he con- tinued with his advanced work in that field under Dr. Robert K. Gregg, a hymenopterist. As a result of this association his Master's thesis was titled: "The larval morphology of Myrmica hrct'inodis sulcinodoides Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)." After receiving his Master's degree in 1952, his graduate study was continued for another year, and he then accepted a position at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Here 1 it- work eel as an assistant to Mr. James A. G. Rehn, helping in (233) 234 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., 1966 the preparation of the first volume of A Monograph of the Orthoptcra of North America (North of Mexico). Quite ap- parently he found the study of Orthoptera much to his liking for from that time this group seemed to hecome his first love, scientifically. Returning to the University of Colorado in 1960 to complete his graduate study, he there received his Ph.D. in June of 1962. During this period of two years he also carried a part-time teaching assignment. An associate there, Dr. Gordon Alex- ander, says he was an excellent teacher, enjoyed the work and "toyed with the idea of looking for a teaching appointment.' He decided, however, to return to the Academy in Philadelphia. This he did and received an appointment as Junior Investigator with Mr. Rehn under the National Science Foundation grant for the Orthoptera monograph. Before the end of 1962 he was appointed Associate Curator at the Academy and made chairman of the Department of Entomology. Upon the death of Mr. Rehn he was made Principal Investigator on the monograph project. He was also Principal Investigator on A Monographic Revision of the Subfamily Phaneropterinae (Orthoptera; Tetti- (joniidac) of the New ITorld, under another grant from the National Science Foundation. He was a member of a number of scientific societies including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Entomological Society, the Society of Systematic Zoologists, American Society of Zoologists and a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Harold Grant possessed enormous enthusiasm and drive in his work as well as having unusual talents as an administrator. He had the happy gift of getting along with people and was exceedingly well liked by his associates. Such a person almost inevitably finds that he has wished upon him many extra jobs. Dr. Grant was no exception. He served on numerous com- mittees in the Academy and in the American Entomological Society. Of the latter he also served as president and, for a time, was editor of its Transactions. Both his many services and Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 235 his cheerful personality will be much missed in these institu- tions. It seems appropriate to append here a bibliography of the more than thirty scientific papers published by Dr. Grant. Their number and quality lend conviction to the belief that a fine future as a scientist was interrupted by his death. MAURICE E. PHILLIPS Bibliography of Harold J. Grant, Jr. 1955. Notes on the Neotropical tetrigid genus Paurotarsus Hancock, including the description of two new subspecies (Orthoptera; Acridoidea). Notulae Naturae Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 275 : 1-14, 1955. The North American tetrigid genus Nomotettix (Or- thoptera; Acridoidea; Tetrigidae). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 107: 1-34, 1955. (With James A. G. Rehn.) Systematics of the Neotropical batrachideine genera Plectronotus, Halmatettix and Cranotcttix gen. nov. (Orthoptera; Acridoidea; Tetrigidae). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 107: 57-74, 1955. Tetrlx sitbulata (Orthoptera; Acridoidea; Tetrigidae) as occurring in North America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 107: 145-165, 1955. (With James A. G. Rehn.) 1956. The taxonomy of Batrachldca, Puiggaria, Lophoscirtits, Eutettigidea, and Rchnidmm n. gen. (Orthoptera; Acri- doidea; Tetrigidae). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 82: 67- 108, 1956. The components of Tetrix ornata (Orthoptera; Acri- doidea; Tetrigidae). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 108: 117-153, 1956. (With James A. G. Rehn.) On Tetrlx brunncri and a new species of Tetrlx from California (Orthoptera ; Acridoidea; Tetrigidae). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 108: 97-115, 1956. (With James A. G. Rehn.) The African tetrigid genera Phloeonotus Bolivar and Ascetotettix n. gen. Orthoptera; Acridoidea). Notulae Naturae Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 293: 1-14, 1956. 236 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., 19(>(> An analysis of Tetri.v arenosa (Orthoptera; Acridoidea ; Tetrigidae). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 82: 117-145, 1956. (With James A. G. Rehn.) 1957. Designation of the lectotypes and lectoallotypes of the Neotropical tetrigid species in Carnegie Museum as de- scrihed by Lawrence Bruner (Orthoptera; Acridoidea). Ann. Cam. Mus. 35 : 37-40, 1957. A review of the genus Neotetti.v (Orthoptera; Acri- doidea; Tetrigidae). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 82: 217- 250, 1957. (With James A. G. Rehn.) The genus Paratetti.v as found in North America (Or- thoptera; Acridoidea; Tetrigidae). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 109: 247-319, 1957. (With James A. G. Rehn.) 1958. The Batrachideinae (Orthoptera; Acridoidea; Tetri- gidae) of North America. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 84 : 13-103, 1958. (With James A. G. Rehn.) Notes on the genus Acra Brunner (Orthoptera; Tetti- goniidae; Phaneropterinae). Biota Magdalena del Mar, Peru II (13-14): 51-54, 1958. A revision of the genus Aganacris (Orthoptera; Tetti- goniidae; Phaneropterinae). Notulae Naturae Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 306: 1-12, 1958. The Neotropical katydid genus Rossophylluw (Orthop- tera; Tettigoniidae ; Phaneropterinae). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 83: 209-219, 1958. The phallic complex in the subfamilies of New World Eumastacidae and the family Tanaoceridae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 110: 301-319, 1958. (With James A. G. Rehn.) A revision of the genus Morsea (Orthoptera; Acri- doidea; Eumastacidae). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 84: 217-259, 1958. (With James A. G. Rehn.) 1959. A review of the genera Psychomastax and Eumorsca (Orthoptera ; Acridoidea ; Eumastacidae). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 84: 273-302, 1959. (With lames A. G. Rehn.) On certain Old World genera of Teratodini recently placed in the subfamily Romaleinae (Orthoptera; Acri- Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 237 doidea; Acrididae). Xotulae Naturae Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 317: 1-9, 1959. (With James A. G. Rehn. i A review of the Romaleinae (Orthoptera; Acrididae) found in America north of Mexico. Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila. Ill: 109-271, 1959. (With Tames A. G. Rehn.) An analysis of the tribes of the Romaleinae with special reference to their internal genitalia (Orthoptera; Acri- didae). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 85: 233-271, 1959. (With James A. G. Rehn.) Critical remarks on a recent contribution to the taxonomy of the Acridoidae (Orthoptera) by V. M. Dirsh. Ent. News 70 : 245-249, 1959. (With James A. G. Rehn. ) The correct placement of the genus Prionacris (Orthop- tera; Acrididae: Cyrtacanthacridinae). Notulae Natu- rae Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 323: 1-3, 1959. (With James A. G. Rehn.) 1960. An additional tribe of the Romaleinae (Orthoptera ; Acri- didae). Notulae Naturae Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 327: 1-4, 1960. (With James A. G. Rehn.) Distributional records and notes on the family Tanao- ceridae (Orthoptera; Acridoidea). Notulae Naturae Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 334: 1-6, 1960. (With Tames A. G. Rehn.) A new concept involving the subfamily Acridinae (Or- thoptera; Acridoidea). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 86: 173-185, 1960. (With James A. G. Rehn.) The library of the American Entomological Society. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 85: 333-334, 1960. The Neotropical katydid genus Parascndderia Brunner (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae ; Phaneropterinae). Notulae Naturae Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 333: 1-11, 1960. Studies on fishes of the family Characidae. No. 17. Moralcsia Fowler, the proper generic name for Anacyr- tus tectifcr Cope. Copeia 1960 (3) : 255. (With James A. Bohlke.) Prorocorypha, Eremiacris, Paropomala — Members of the subfamily Acridinae (Scnsu Rehn and Grant). (Or- thoptera; Acrididae.) Notulae Naturae Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 336: 1-2, 1960. (With Tames A. G. Rehn.) 238 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., 1966 1961. A monograph of the Orthoptera of North America (North of Mexico). Volume I. Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, number 12, 1961. (With James A. G. Rehn.) Articles on various Orthoptera in Encyclopaedia Britan- nica, 1961 and following editions. 1964. A new Phaneropterine genus from South America (Or- thoptera: Tettigoniidae). Ent. News 75 (2): 29-32, 1964. A revision of the genera Ceraia and Enccrala, with notes on their relationship to Scudderia (Orthoptera; Tetti- goniidae; Phaneropterinae). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 116: 29-117, 1964. 1965. A measuring device for use in insect systematics. Ent. News 76 (9): 249-251, 1965. 1966. The katydid genus Plat \lyra (Orthoptera: Tettigonii- dae). Pan-Pacific Ent. 42(2) : 81-88. With David C. Rentz.) Description of Male Agrilus bentseni Knull and One New Species (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) JOSEF N. KNULL, Department of Zoology and Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Since Agrilus bentseni Knull (1954) was described, more material has been collected. The male is slightly smaller than the female. Front of head greenish becoming cupreous on vertex. Antennae serrate from the fourth segment. First two ventral abdominal segments not modified. Anterior and middle tibiae armed on inside at apex with a small tooth. The species should be placed next to A. lautuelhis Fisher (1928). On A. bentseni the elytral apical patch of white pub- escense is elongate and parallel to suture; whereas on A. lautuelhis the entire apical third is pubescent, with anterior margin of pubescent area extending obliquely backward from the suture to the lateral margin. In addition the male genitalia of the two species differ as shown by Figs. 1 and 2 and also by Fisher (1928), figure 48 a and b. Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 239 A. bentscni occurs on the foliage of myrtle croton (Bernard iu inyricaefolia (Scheele) S. Wats.) in Hidalgo and Starr Coun- ties, Texas, in March and April. A. lautiellits is on the foliage of capote (Diospyros tc.rana Scheele). Agrilus hazardi n. sp. Figs. 3 and 4 Male. — Form of A. otiosiis Say, shining; head and antenna greenish blue ; pronotum cupreous becoming bluish green toward sides ; elytra black ; pro-, meso-, and metasternum and legs greenish blue ; abdomen cupreous. Head granulose, sparsely lightly punctate, punctures more evident toward apex, lower part of front densely pubescent ; antennae extending to past middle of pronotum when laid along side, serrate from the fourth segment. Pronotum wider than long, widest about middle; sides sub- parallel from apical angles to about middle, then broadly rounded to basal angles ; when viewed from the side, marginal and submarginal carinae separated in the front, joined near base ; anterior margin strongly sinuate, median lobe broadly rounded ; basal margin strongly sinuate ; disk convex with two shallow median depressions, an oblique deep depression and a feeble prehumeral carina each side ; surface granulose, with feeble transverse rugae, shallow punctures between rugae. Scutellum transversely carinate. Elytra wider than pronotum ; sides subparallel behind base, constricted in front of middle, expanded behind middle, then obliquely narrowed to rounded serrulate apieces ; disk flattened, a basal depression each side; surface imbricate, recumbent pubescence short. Abdomen beneath finely punctate, first and second segments slightly concave at middle, sparsely clothed with short re- cumbent pubescence. Prosternal lobe broadly emarginate. Tibiae armed with a distinct tooth on inner margin at apex. Tarsal claws similar on all feet, cleft near middle, outer tooth acute at apex, inner tooth shorter, broader and turned inward, the points touching. 240 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., 1966 FIGS. 1 and 2. Agrilus bcntscni Knull, c? genitalia ; 3 and 4. Agrilus hazardi n. sp., /$ genitalia. Length 4.4 mm ; width 1.1 mm. Described from one male specimen collected in Gilmer Co.. Ga., May 25, 1961, by E. I. Hazard, to whom I am indebted for the specimen. Type in collection of author. This species comes near A. atricornis Fisher (1928) and ./. osbitnii Knull (1937). The male genitalia as shown in Figs. 3 and 4 and as illustrated by Fisher, and Knull (1944) will separate them. The fifth antennal segments of A. osbitnii and A. atricornis are about as long as wide, whereas in A. Inicardl the fifth segment is nearly twice as long as wide. LITERATURE CITED FISHER, W. S. 1928. A revision of the North American Species of buprestid beetles belonging to the genus Agrilus. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 145, 1-347. Ixxvii] K\ 10MOLOGICAI. NF.WS 241 KNTLL, J. N. 1937. Notes on Coleoptera with descriptions of new species (Buprestidae and Cerambycidae). Ent. News 48: 36-42. — . 1944. Notes on Agrilus with descriptions of two new species (Buprestidae: Colcoptera). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 37: 75-83. — . 1954. Five new North American species of Buprestidae ( Cole- optera). Ohio Jour. Sri. 54( 1 ) : 27-30. Development of Pigmentation in the Pupa and Callow of Trachymyrmex septentrionalis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) XKAL A. \YEBER, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania j The color of fungus-growing ants (Attini) is notoriously \ariable, as is often the case among ants in general. Various forms have been described, using color as one of the characters. The most northerly of all fungus-growers, Trachymyrmex sep- tentrionalis McCook, is an example. Wheeler (1907) created obscurior var. nov. as "necessary to distinguish the darker southern form" of septentrionalis. Later (1911) he created vcrtcbrata on the basis of color and used color in large part in naming senrinole. Creighton (1950) re- tained obscurior and sem'mole as geographical races but synony- mized vertcbrata with the typical form. It is the purpose of this article to demonstrate the develop- ment of pigmentation in several of the stages of this species in its three castes, as a contribution both to embryology and to systematics. During the development of pigmentation, inter- mediate stages may also be useful in indicating relationships lict ween species. In any case a particular color form that is known only from original or a few collections should always be suspect. New Jersey colonies of Trachymyrmex septentrionalis have been kept in my laboratory for years and results of some obser- 242 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Nov., 1966 vations and experiments published (Weber 1956). During the summer of 1963 fresh colonies from the same site, the inter- section of U. S. Highway 322 with the boundaries of Atlantic and Gloucester Counties, were used for the following studies. One colony (No. 4263) taken 4 June 1963 was the source for the specimens drawn.* It was normal in all respects and had two chambers at depths of 8 cm and 20 cm in sand ; tempera- tures were 24.5 and 19.9° C., respectively. The fungus garden was formed on typical vegetal substrate. Eggs were recognized 6 June. By 20 June in the laboratory there was a brood of large larvae, some 4 mm long. Temperatures were variable. 24-30° C., until on 15 July the colony was placed in a room of 23.4-24.0° C. Pupae appeared on 27 June and the first callows of all castes on 5 July. The callow stage may be defined as the stage following the pupa when the ant has been removed from the exuvia and can stand but lacks full pigmentation. At first it stands unsteadily on its legs, then it starts to walk about and feed on the fungus by itself. The descriptions and figures below were made from living- specimens (except Figs. 9-10) since the color changes after death. PIGMENTATION IN THE PUPA The compound eyes become pigmented before other parts of the body in all castes. Ocelli of the males and females become pigmented before the body. In all castes the masticatory border of the mandibles next darkens slightly, followed by a brownish outline of some of the thoracic sutures (male and female). By this time the pupa has become a grayish white. As the man- dibular margins darken, the frontal ridges of the head and * By Marilyn Warkentin under the National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Participation Program. FIGS. 1-7. Trachymyrmex septentrionalis callows drawn from life (appendages omitted). 1. Worker, 1st week. 2. Worker, 2nd week. 3. Worker, nearly adult pigmentation. 4. Female, 1st week. 5. Female, 2nd week. 6. Female, nearly adult pigmentation. 7. Male, 1st week. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 243 244 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., 1966 tubercles of the body become faintly indicated. The wing pads of the sexes darken distally before proximally. The entire in- tegument becomes a pale brown as the pupa reaches maturity, the male gaster remaining paler than the rest of the bod}- (Fig. 8). PIGMENTATION IN THE CALLOW The callow is unable to emerge from the pupal skin without the aid of the worker although it can start the process. The exuvia is removed by the intensive licking of it by one or more workers. During this period the general pale brown darkens slightly. When the callow has become freed of the exuvia pigmenta- tion proceeds as shown in the figures (Figs. 1-7). The worker develops a faint mid-dorsal streak from the clypeus to the posterior of the first gastric segment. This is widest ante- riorly and posteriorly. Lateral areas then darken and render the dorsal streak less conspicuous but it is generally retained throughout life to a variable extent. The female pattern is similar except that a dark area marks the ocellar region and there are three dark streaks on the thorax. The male differs markedly from the female and worker in having a uniformly pale brown gaster. PIGMENTATION IN THE ADULT Older ants in this species tend to be darker than younger ones during the summer in nature. By the fall of the year all are mostly dark ferruginous with faint indications of the callow pattern. Worker callows that emerge in the laboratory tend to be pale ferruginous and remain this color for a much longer time than in nature. Ants of the genus Acromyrmex, closely related and perhaps derived from Trachymyrmex, are also a ferruginous color of variable intensity. The female of Acromyrmex (Mocllerius) vcrsicolor Pergande has a characteristic gastric pattern (Fig. 9). The gaster of the female of Acromyrmex (A) coronatus (jloboculis Forel has a bold hastate pattern (Fig. 10). Ixxvii ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 245 8 FIGS. 8-10. Pattern of pigmentation. 8. Male pupa of Trachymyrmex septentrionalis showing early pigmenta- tion. 9. Adult female gaster of Acromyrmcx (Moellcrms) vcrsicolor Pergande, Imperial County, California. 10. Adult gynetype female gaster of Acromyrmcx coronatus globoculis Forel of British Guiana. The dark- brown spear-shaped area is on a yellowish brown background. DEVELOPMENT OF ISOLATED BROOD Brood was isolated from adult ants on 1 August 1963 in a container of sterile quartz sand kept moistened with distilled water. Each specimen was isolated in a shallow depression, in a numbered series, and its progress noted. All had a coating of the fungus garden mycelium as is normal in most Attini. The temperature was maintained at 23.4° C. ± 0.5°. The history of nine males is given in Table 1. 246 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS TABLE 1 [Nov., 1966 No. 1 August 4 August 6 August 9 August 1 white pupa, nearly black eyes brown, dark wing pads moves 2 white pupa, gray eyes dark eyes brown 3 white pupa, dark gray eyes dark wing pads moves 4 pale yellow pupa, dark gray brown, dark wing pads moving legs nearly black eyes 5 pale brown pupa, appendages dark brown moves dark yellow 6 white pupa, gray eyes dark eyes dark 7 white pupa, unpigmented eyes gray eyes pale brown 8 white pupa, pale gray eyes shrivelling pale brown 9 semi-pupa became pupa gray eyes pale gray In addition, No. 3 moved his mouthparts on the 7th and No. 1 moved more generally on this day. An isolated white worker pupa with unpigmented eyes on 1 August had gray eyes on 4 August and dark gray eyes on 8 August and 10 August. The integument became gray on 9 August. Of three workers in the semi-pupa stage on 5 August, one became a pupa on 7 August and the other two on 9 August, indi- cating a duration of this stage of 2-3 days at 24° C. Of a cluster of some 12-15 new eggs on 5 August the first larva developed on 16 August in the same container that held the above males and workers. All of the above specimens were later preserved when it became clear that development could not proceed further in the absence of the social environment. In the ant colony they would have been licked repeatedly by the workers and moved from place to place. These fragmentary data, however, afford specific developmental times that may be extrapolated to the normal colony. REFERENCES CREIGHTON, W. S. 1950. The ants of North America. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 104: 1-585. WEBER, N. A. 1956. Fungus-growing ants and their fungi: Trachy- m\nncx septentrionalis McCook. Ecology 37: 150-161; (subsp. scminole) 197-199. WHEELER, W. M. 1907. The fungus-growing ants of North America. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 23 : 669-807. — . 1911. Description of some new fungus-growing ants from Texas. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 19 : 245-255. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 247 Three New Species of Mimesa from the Western United States (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)1 ARTHUR R. GITTINS, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho These three new species of psenine wasps are descrihed at the present time in order to make the names availahle for a subse- quent series of papers on the psenine wasps of North America. Mimesa sabina new species Female. Length, 8 mm. Black ; tegulae, undersides of anten- nal flagella, much of fore tarsi, inner portion of fore tibiae, apex of first abdominal sternite, all of second, third and fourth abdominal sternites, and first, second and third abdominal tergites, red. Wings hyaline, stigma and veins dark brown. Pubescence silvery, dense on frons and clypeus. Head. Nearly quadrate, slightly wider (including compound eyes) than long; clypeus shiny, moderately punctate, with a prominent subapical tubercle, apex strongly emarginate medially with emargination flanked by a well-developed tooth, lateral of which there is a second less well-developed tooth ; lower frons moderately shiny, finely but densely punctate, appearing granu- late under low magnification, with a well-developed tubercle between the lower margins of antennal insertions ; upper frons closely but finely punctate medially, with a fine, incomplete, longitudinal facial carina below median ocellus ; vertex moder- ately punctate, shagreened, never striate, without a postocellar tumidity or furrow ; gena reflexed near lower eye, upper gena moderately punctate, lower gena densely shagreened ; occipital carina terminating shortly before juncture with hypostomal carina ; antenna with first flagellar segment approximately one and one-third times as long as second flagellar segment, width of last flagellar segment at base equal to width of scape. 1 Submitted with the approval of the Director, Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station as Research Paper No. 683. 248 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., 1966 Thorax. Pronotum normal but with dorsolateral angles slightly extended ; mesoscutum shiny, lightly and very sparsely punctate, shagreened at least anteriorly ; notaulices dis- tinct anteriorly ; parapsidal lines distinct ; mesoscutellum bright and shiny, nearly impunctate ; postscutellum normal ; meso- episternum with anepisternal area noticeably striate, katepi- sternal area densely shagreened, finely punctate particularly along posterior margin ; propodeum with lateral spheres ele- vated from dorsal area, separated by an irregular carina, dorsal area with longitudinal carinae laterally, becoming almost reticu- late medially, lateral spheres mostly rugose-reticulate, nearly smooth near enclosure, striate laterally and smooth and shiny along extreme lateral margins ; enclosure deep and narrow ; hind coxa approximately twice as long as hind trochanter and bearing only a fine incomplete longitudinal ventral carina. Abdomen. Ratio of length of petiole to first abdominal tergite to hind femur — 7:6:8. Petiole distinctly convex above, some- what flattened apically, dorsal surface shiny, dorsolateral carinae distinct. First abdominal tergite moderately elevated above petiole ; pygidium broad, delimited by a well-developed carina and with deep, closely set, elongated punctations, less pronounced along anterolateral margins, becoming more densely piliferous apically and with some indication of integumental reddening apically. Male. Length, 7 mm. Characters similar to female generally but differing in following respects : black, but with greater degree of red on legs, particularly on fore tibiae; silvery pubescence generally heavier on clypeus and lower frons ; apex of clypeus notched medially ; antenna with indistinct linear tyloides present on flagellar segments two through five ; propodeum more rugose on lateral spheres, extending medially to enclosure ; no delimited pygidial area. TYPES. Holotype: $, Davis, California, Oct. 8, 1959 (L. A. Stange) (University of California, Davis, California) ; allotype: c: $, Squaw Creek, 4 mi. east Emmett, Gem Co., Idaho, July 7, 1952 (on Grindelia sp. ) (W. F. Barr) ( Uni- versity of Idaho) ; allotype: J1, (same data as holotype) (Uni- versity of Idaho). Deposited at California Academy of Sciences on indefinite loan from University of Idaho. Paratypes: 4 5$, (same data as holotype) ; 1 J, 3 mi. SW Sweet, Gem Co., Idaho, July 3, 1956 (on Grindelia sp.) (W. F. Barr) ; 1 $, 2 ^, 12 mi. NW Regina, Ada Co., Idaho, July 11, 1952 (on Hdianthus sp. ) (W. F. Barr) ; 1 ?, 7 mi. N Bliss, Gooding Co., Idaho, June 10, 1956 (R. C. Newton) ; 1 $, Corvallis, Ore., Aug. 7, 1941 (on wild carrot) (R. E. Rider) ; 1 $, 1 J1, Rumsey, Yolo Co., Calif.. May 17, 1958 (A. E. Menke) ; 1 $, Pt. Reyes St., Marin Co.. Calif., July 11, 1958 (S. M. Fidel) ; 1 ?, Berkeley, Alameda Co., Calif., July 27, 1910 (J. C. Bridwell) ; 1 J1, Vacaville, Calif.. Sept. 27, 1930. Paratypes are deposited in collections at Uni- versity of California, Davis and Berkeley ; University of Idaho ; California Academy of Sciences ; U. S. Natural Museum. DIAGNOSIS. The females of this species are immediately distinguished by the very narrow pygidium, extremely short petiole and the uniformly striate condition of the mesoepi- sternum. The males are distinguished by the extremely short, broad petiole and the uniformly striate condition of the mesoepi- sternum. DISCUSSION. I take deep pleasure in naming this species after my colleague, Dr. Wm. F. Barr. This species bears some simi- larity to Al. yregaria. Members of this previously undescribed species vie with those of cressoni and dau'soni in their divergence anatomically from the basic North American stock of Mimesa. M. barri bears closest resemblance to agalcna and it is probably a northerly displacement of the latter. Unlike so many other western North American forms of Mhucsa. this species is quite distinctive. BIOLOGY. Unknown except the females are known to visit the flowers of Grindelia sp., Helianthus sp. and Daitcns sp. Mimesa agalena new species Female. Length. 7 mm. Black : undersides of antennae, tegulae, tarsi, femorotibial joints, posterior margin of first 252 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Xov., 1966 abdominal tergite, all of second tergite and sternite, variable por- tions of third sternite and tergite, and medial portion of pygidium, yellowish-red. Wings hyaline, stigma and veins dark brown. Pubescence silvery. Head. Nearly quadrate, slightly wider (including compound eyes) than long; clypeus finely punctate, apex truncate, slightly protuberant, with an elongated subapical transverse depression ; lower frons with a slight tubercle, much less pronounced than in other species of the genus, between the lower margins of the antennal insertions, upper frons punctate to slightly striatopunc- tate mesally above antennal insertions ; vertex shiny, tending toward striatopunctate, particularly laterally, without a post- ocellar tumidity or furrow ; gena shiny, reflexed near lower eye margin, upper gena generally striate, lower gena commonly sparsely punctate and lightly shagreened ; occipital carina evanescent immediately before its juncture with the hypo- stomal carina ; antenna with first flagellar segment little if any longer than second flagellar segment, width of last flagellar segment greater at base than width of scape. Thorax. Pronotum normal ; mesoscutum moderately to densely punctate, moderately shiny ; notaulices indistinct ; parap- sidal lines not prominent ; mesoscutellum shiny, more sparsely punctate than mesoscutum, postscutellum appearing nearly granular at least mesally ; mesoepisternum finely striate through- out ; propodeum with lateral spheres slightly elevated from dorsal area, sometimes separated from dorsal area by carinae, dorsal area traversed by distinct striations, frequently with striations continuing onto lateral spheres, lateral spheres finely rugose-reticulate or striate throughout, enclosure narrow, deep anteriorly, not flanked by carinae, extreme lateral areas striate, strongly shagreened ; hind coxa about twice as long as hind trochanter, with an indistinct, incomplete, longitudinal ventral carina. Abdomen. Ratio of length of petiole to first abdominal tergite to hind femur — 1.5 : 4.5 : 4. Petiole slightly convex above, square in outline, with dorsolateral carhuie, dorsal surface irregular ; pvgidium extremely narrow, width about one-third width of Ixxvii] K.vroMOLOtacAL M-;\\S sixth tergite at pygidial base, delimited by a \vell-developed carina, covered at least mesally with a dense orange-colored pile, basal portion coarsely granulate. Male. Length, 5 mm. Characters similar to female but diih-r- ing in following respects : coloration generally much darker, considerably less integumental red or yellow, particularly on abdomen ; clypeus with apex broadly truncate, generally lacking a transverse subapical depression ; antenna darker with large, well-developed, rounded tyloides present on flagellar segments two to six ; mesopleuron more coarsely striate ; propodeum more coarsely striate on dorsal area, more granulate on lateral spheres. TYPES. Holot\pe: %, Jamestown, Tuolumne Co., California, April 26, 1951 (P. D. Kurd) (University of California, Davis, California) ; allotype: $, Davis, California, June 5, 1949, E. I. Schlinger) (University of Calif., Davis, California). Para- tvfcs: All from California: 3 $$, 8 J^, April 17, May 20, June 5" and Aug. 3. 1949, and 1 corus (Iron) sp. collected in the Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina. These nymphs had mature or nearly mature larvae of S. cqititans under their wing- pads. The exact collection data are as follows : Big Creek, one- quarter mile above mouth at Walters powerhouse, Haywood County, North Carolina, 6-15-66 (Coll. Sinclair). This is a considerable southward extension of the range of this species in the east. REFERENCES CLAASSEN, P. W. 1922. The larva of a chironomid (Trissocladius equitans n. sp.) which is parasitic upon a may-fly nymph (Rithrogena sp.). Kansas University, Sci. Bull. 14, No. 16: 395-405. ROBACK, S. S. 1953. New records of Symbiocladius equitans (Claassen) with some notes on the genus. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 251 : 2 pp. l.XXvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NE\VS 255 New Paraleuctra from the Rocky Mountains (Plecoptera: Leuctridae)1 ALAN V. NEBEKER and ARDEN R. GAUFIN, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Two new species of Paraleuctra were discovered during the course of intensive investigations of Rocky Mountain stone- flies. Extensive collecting in all of the Rocky Mountain states has been carried out as a part of an overall program to obtain information concerning the taxonomy and ecology of the Rocky Mountain stonefly fauna. The new species herein described are found in Montana, Idaho, and Utah. They are closely related to Paraleuctra occidcntalis, which is found uncommonly in all of the Rocky Mountain states and all along the Pacific area from California to Alaska. All three species have been found in the same streams and no intermediate forms have been encountered. Ecological separation of the 3 species has been noted in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake Co., Utah. P. occidentalis oc- curred throughout the length of Big Cottonwood Creek while P. jetvctti was restricted to smaller tributary streams fed pre- dominantly by springs. P. rickcri was found almost exclusively in small seeps and springs. The three species are similar in general morphological fea- tures. The females are almost indistinguishable and cannot be separated with confidence at the present time. All of the fe- males of Paraleuctra except P. purccllana are difficult to sepa- rate. The specific diagnostic characters are found in the male genitalia and associated structures (Fig. 4). Paraleuctra jewetti new species (Fig. 2) Male : length of titillator 0.9 mm ; apex of titillator distinctly lobed and folded (Figs. 2A, 2B, 2D) ; upper lobe of apex of 1 This study supported by a grant from the National Science Founda- tion, G-20703 ; and a training grant from the Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control, W-54. 256 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., 1966 Fig. 1. Para euctra occidentalis B.I1 A. Fig. 2 . Paraleuctra jewetti Fig. 3. Paraleuctra ricken FIGS. 1-3. New species of Paraleuctra. titillator much larger than lower lohe (Fig. 2D) ; posterior margin of ninth tergite with two posteriorly projecting lobes (Fig. 2A), each one-sixth the width of the tergite at base. Stem of titillator (Fig. 4) heavy and massive, not undulated but Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 257 ninth tergite 3. c e re us female terminalia ( 1.) 1.= R occidentalis 2.= P jewetti 3.= R rickeri 2. t i t i 1 1 a t o r (lateral view) titillator (dorsal view) Fig. 4. Analysis of Characteristics FIG. 4. 258 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., 1966 smoothly arched. Cercus fairly consistent in having a terminal hook and a small blunt projection subterminal in position (Fig.2C). Type. — Holotype male, UTAH, Salt Lake Co., Big Cotton- wood Creek ^ mile below jet. Mineral Fork, A. V. Nebeker, June 9, 1965. Additional paratypes as follows : Big Cotton- wood Creek : at Power plant, May 26, 1 male ; at Mineral Fork, June 4, 1 male ; May 26, 3 males, 4 females ; at Water Treat- ment Plant, May 28, 1 male, 1 female ; Montana, Glacier Nat'l. Park, Swift Current Creek at Swift Current Campground, July 10, 1964, A. V. Nebeker, 1 male. This form is readily separated from P. occldcntalls by the massive titillator with the folded and lobed apex. The small projections of the ninth tergite also separate the two forms. The two species are about the same size overall. The cercus rarely has the sharply pointed second subapical projection. Paraleuctra rickeri new species (Fig. 3) Male: length of titillator 1.2 mm; apex of titillator smoothly rounded, not infolded or lobed (Figs. 3 A, 3D) ; upper and lower lobes of apex of titillator of nearly equal size. Posterior margin of ninth tergite with two posteriorly projecting lobes (Fig. 3C) each ^ to -| width of tergite at base, triangular in shape. Stem of titillator long, slender and smoothly arched but bent slightly medially. Cercus fairly consistent with a heavy blunt sub- terminal projection, angular in side view. Type. — Holotype male, Utah, Salt Lake Co., Big Cottonwood Cr. at The Spruces, A. R. Gaufin, June 18, 1954. Additional paratypes as follows : Montana, Lake Co., Yellow Bay Cr., at Yellow Bay, Hwy. 35, March 28, 1965, A. V. Nebeker, 1 male; Utah, Salt Lake Co., Cig Cottonwood Cr. at The Spruces, A. R. Gaufin, June 18, 1954, 2 males, 3 females; Idaho, Latah Co., 5 mi. N. E. Laird Park, April 19, 1963, W. E. Barr, 1 male; Montana, Missoula Co., Rattlesnake Cr., 12 mi. N. E. Missoula, April 25, 1965, D. M. Lehmkuhl, 1 male ; Montana, Glacier Nat'l. Park, seep 1 mile below Iceberg Lake, July 27, 1965, A. V. Nebeker and A. R. Gaufin, 1 male; Montana. Gallatin Co., Hell Roaring Cr., May 20, 1951, W. Alvord, 1 Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS male, 1 female; Montana, Gallatin Co., Hyalite Cr., May 4, 1951, R. Hays, 1 male. This species is about one-fourth larger than P. occidcntalis with a much longer titillator. The cercus is different with the massive square-looking lower process. Forty-five collections of P. occidcntalis from Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and California were carefully compared with the new species. No variations of P. occidcntalis except the cerci were observed. The cereal varia- tions are illustrated in Figs. 1D-1G. Fig. ID is from Montana ; IE is from Oregon and Washington; IF is from Washington; and 1G is also from Washington. California and some Oregon speciments show a distinction in that they have a third prong on the cercus but this is of little value. The egg is illustrated in Fig. II. The female is illustrated in Fig. 4. Nomenclature Notice Notice is given of the possible use of plenary powers by the Intern. Comm. Zool. Nomencl. in connection with the following, listed by case number (see Bull. zool. Nomencl. 23, pt. 2/3). 1642. Suppression of Bryaxis schneideri Kugelann, 1794; Type-species for Bryaxis Kugelann, 1794 (Coleoptera). 1732. Neotypes for Anthocoris nigrellus Zetterstedt, 1838; Anthocoris nigriconrnis Zetterstedt, 1838; Lygaeus pyg- maeus Fallen, 1807 (Hemiptera). 1741. Type-species for Phlaeothrips Haliday, 1836 (Thysanop- tera). Send comments, with case number, to the Secretary, Intern. Comm. Zool. Nomencl, c/o British Museum (N.H.), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. 7, England. Entomologist's Market Place ADVERTISEMENTS AND EXCHANGES Advertisements of goods or services for sale are accepted at $1.00 per line, payable in advance to the editor. Notices of wants and exchanges not exceeding three lines are free to subscribers. All insertions are continued from month to month, the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, when necessary, the older ones at the top are discontinued. Oestridae wanted. Botflies of Nearctic deer, elk, caribou, sheep ; African and European mammals, larvae and adult. Purchase or exchange for Diptera, Coleoptera. Kenneth J. Capelle, Box 459, Brigham City, Utah 84302. Planchets, radiation warning signs and labels, dosimeters and other isotope-lab accessories. New catalogue free on request. Nuclear Supply and Service Co., 422 Wash. Bldg., Wash. 5, D. C. Formosan Insects. Large quantities of dried butterflies, moths, beetles, cicadas, dragonflies, mantis, grasshoppers, bees, spiders, etc., Rare and common species, aberrations and sex mosaics for sale. Taiwan Novelty Co., P. O. Box 860, Taipei, Formosa. Buprestidae. Neotrop. Anthaxia, Chrysobothris, and Tribe Agrilini pref. with host data for ecolog. studies, wanted for purchase or exchange for eastern U. S. species. H. A. Hespenheide, Leidy Lab'y, Univ. of Penna., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Ants of fusca and neoformica groups wanted for revision (study or exchange) pref. nest series with c? & ?• Andre Francoer, Biology Dept., Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. Ants of gen. Myrinica wanted (study or exchange) for revision, pref. nest series with J1 & ?. Rene Beique, Biology Dept., Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. Brazilian Insects for scientific purposes, for sale. V. N. Alin, Caixa Postal 8573, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Orthoptera, exotic and North American, wanted to buy, or exchange for eastern North American Orthoptera and other insects. David A. Nickle. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. BUTTERFLIES OF THE DELAWARE VALLEY By Arthur M. Shapiro Special Publication of the American Entomological So- ciety. 63 pages of text, 11 plates, 10 habitat photographs and map. The introduction includes discussion of the en- vironment and habitat of local butterflies. Keys to the families and species are given, and for each species its field notes, distribution (geographical and seasonal), and food plants are noted. Price $1.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States ; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Number 19 BUTTERFLIES OF LIBERIA By Richard M. Fox, Arthur W. Lindsey, Jr., Harry K. Clench and Lee D. Miller 402 pages of text; colored frontispiece, 233 figures, 2 graphs, 2 tables, 3 maps, table of contents, full bibliography and a taxonomic index. With 195 new records, this study increases the known butter- fly fauna of Liberia from 280 to 475 species and another 254 species are noted as probably to be found. Two new tribes, 5 new genera, 13 new species and subspecies are described. Il- lustrations include photographs and, where pertinent, drawings of genitalia of all holotypes, along with photographs and draw- ings of closely related forms for comparison. The distribution of each species is given and those more difficult to identify or previously confused are treated at greater length. All known records from Liberia are noted. A 46 page introduction details climatic conditions and biotopes in Liberia and analyzes the zoogeographic and ecologic relationships of the butterflies of Liberia and of Occidental Africa. Price $12.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (19103), U.S.A. Have you paid your subscription? January and subsequent issues for 1967 positively not mailed unless subscription has been paid. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS DECEMBER I960 Vol. LXXVII No. 10 CONTENTS Miller — A new Stapliylits from Costa Rica (Lepid. ) 261 Nomenclature notice 264 Ross and Yamamoto — Xe\v sister species of winter stoneflies . . 265 Roy — A new species of Amorphoscelis from Iraq (Mantodea) 267 Davis — Observations on Ropalidia variagata (Hym. ) 271 Index and title page for Volume LXXVII . . 279 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: personal, $6.00; institutional, $9.00. Second-class postage paid at Lancaster. Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Edited, 1911-1944, by PHILIP P. CALVERT (1871-1961) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa., and the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : H. W. ALLEN, M. E. PHILLIPS, and S. S. ROBACK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Communications and remittances to be addressed to Entomological News, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Prices per yearly volume of 10 numbers. Private subscriptions, for personal use, domestic and foreign, $6.00 postpaid. Institutional subscriptions, for libraries, laboratories, etc., domestic and foreign, $9.00 postpaid. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rate schedules available from the editor. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be addressed to R. G. Schmieder, Joseph Leidy Laboratory of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. Articles longer than eight printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS: Authors will be charged as follows: For text- figures, the cost of engraving; for insert plates (on glossy stock), the cost of engraving plus printing. Size limit, when printed, 4X6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after printing. TABLES: The cost of setting tables will be charged to authors. SEPARATA: Separates (as reprints with extraneous matter removed) may be obtained only from the printer at the prices quoted below. Authors must place their orders for such separates with the editor at the time of submitting manuscripts, or when returning proof. Copies 1-4 pp. S-8 pp. 9-12 pp. Covers 50 $5.87 $ 9.40 $14.69 $6.40 100 7.03 11.15 17.62 8.75 Add'l 100 2.35 3.51 5.85 4.70 Plates printed one side : First 50, $4.68 ; Additional 100's, $3.52. Transportation charges will be extra. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LXXVII DECEMBER, 1966 No. 10 A New Staphylus from Costa Rica (Lepid. : Hesperiidae) 1 LEE D. MILLER, Department of Biology, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. 20017 \Yhile attending the Seminar in Tropical Biology at the Uni- versidad de Costa Rica during July and August, 1963, I had the opportunity to collect in various parts of the country. One of the most interesting areas visited was a patch of relatively undisturhed tropical wet forest located ahout ten miles west of Guapiles in the province of Limon. Many insects were taken there, but there were relatively few hesperiids, and most of these were common, widespread species. One specimen, however, represented an undescribed species and is very interesting from a distributional standpoint. Staphylus esmeraldus, new species. Figs. 1, 2 (J1), 3 (^ genital ia) Male: Head and most of the distal two segments of the palpus brilliant iridescent green above; frons. upper surface of the proximal segment of the palpus and the tip of the third segment black. Cheek and palpus below dark gray. Antenna dark brown above, below with shaft ringed with brown and yellow and yellow alone inside flexion of club; nudum dull brown. Thorax and abdomen above thickly covered with blackish-brown hairs intermingled with a few golden ones ; below, thorax and abdomen brown ; legs brown. 1 This research was supported in part by National Sou-nee Foundation Grant No. G-21977. (261) 262 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec. 1966 Upper surface of forewing dark brown sparsely overlaid with golden scales, shaded darker hasad and with prominent black spot at the end of the cell. Two transverse dark bands are present, one lying just outside the cell and the other along the margin. The costal fold is well developed. Hindwing above also dark brown thinly overscaled with gold, darker basad, with a thin, dark extradiscal line and poorly denned dark submarginal spots. Under surface of forewing unmarked, rich dark brown, and that of the hindwing dark brown with basal gold over- scaling and a few scales of the same color forming an ill-defined mesial spot-band. The fringes of both wings above and below dark brown. Length of forewing of holotype. 13 mm. FIG. 1. Stapliylits csmcraldus, new species. Holotype <$, upper side. FIG. 2. Same, under side. The male genitalia are characteristic of the green-headed Staphylus with a massive, straight tegumen ; a small, curved uncus ; no scaphium and ornamented valvae. The well-devel- oped dorsal median spine on the valva serves to separate the male genitalia of esineraldiis from those of .V. chlorocephala (Latreille). Ixxvii I K.NTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 263 The female is unknown. Described from a single specimen. Holotype <§ : COSTA RICA : 10 mi. W. of Guapiles, Prov. Limon, 520 in. ; 10.viii.1963 ; perched on foliage with wings outstretched along forest trail, tropical wet forest (Lee D. Miller) ; <$ genitalia slide no. M-1457 (Lee D. Miller). The Holotype is deposited .in the collection of Carnegie Museum (C. M. Ent. Type No. 512). This species can he keyed only with difficulty to cJiloro- cephala in Evans' (1953: 84) key to Stapliylits since he men- tions a tornal white area on the under surface of the hindwing which is totally absent in csmcraldns. The only other green- headed Staphylus, chlora Evans, is totally different, as may be seen in the diagnosis of the chlorocephala group which follows : IMG. 3. Stapliyltis csmcraldns, new species, c? genitalia of holotype. 1 . chlorocephala — Contrasting dark and pale bands above ; no hyaline forewing spots ; forewing costal fold well developed ; under surface of hindwing with a tornal white shade; southern Brazil. 2. csmeraldus — Dark bands above less prominent; no hyaline forewing spots ; forewing costal fold well developed ; under surface of hindwing dark tornally with a few golden scales ; Costa Rica. 3. chlora — Dark bands above less prominent; forewing with prominent hyaline apical and discal spots ; no costal fold on 264 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec. 1966 forewing ; under surface of hind wing dark tornally ; Bolivia and Brazil (Rio Tapajos, Para). The holotype of esmeraldus is the first record for its group in Central America ; in fact, this group has previously heen recorded from no closer than central Brazil. This apparent gap in the distribution of the dilorocephala group may be real or not since these insects are rare wherever they are found, closely resemble some of the commoner Staphyhts in flight and may have been overlooked by many collectors who were chiefly concerned with the gaudier, more conspicuous butterflies. In any event, members of this group of Stap/iyliis should be sought wherever there are suitable tropical wet or rain forests through- out South America and at least southern Central America. REFERENCE EVANS, W. H. 1953. A catalogue of the American Hesperiidae ... in the British Museum (Natural History). Part III (Groups E, F, G) Pyrginae. Sect. 2. London, Trustees British Museum : v + 246 pp. ; pis. 26-53. Nomenclature Notice Possible use of plenary powers by the Commission is an- nounced in connection with the following names, listed by case number: 1742: Type species for Cosmopteryx Htibner, 1825 (Dipt.). 1745: Suppression of Macrochoeta Macquart, 1851 (Dipt.). 1748: Suppression of Scoptes Hubner, 1819 (Lep.). 1747: Emendation of STENOPODINAE Stal, 1859, to STENOPO- DAINAE (Hemip.). 1758: Type species for Neolycaena de Niceville, 1890 (Lep.). 1760: Suppression of Cellia erra- bunda Swellengrebel, 1925 (Dipt.). 1762: Type species for Enithares Spinola, 1837 (Hemip.). Send comments with case number to International Commis- sion on Zoological Nomenclature, c/o British Museum (N.H.), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. 7, England. (See Bull. zool. Nomencl. 23, pt. 4.) Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 265 Two New Sister Species of the Winter Stonefly Genus Allocapnia (Plecoptera, Capniidae) ' HERBERT H. Ross and TOSHIO YAMAMOTO, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana Examination of winter stoneflies belonging to the genus Allo- capnia has disclosed two new7 sister species belonging to the gramdata group. One of these is abundant in the Cumberland Plateau area of eastern Tennessee, the other one is known only from a single specimen collected in the Ozark region of north- western Arkansas. The two new species must therefore have originated from a common ancestor that at one time dispersed between these areas and later broke up into an eastern and a western population that have since evolved into distinctive spe- cies. This distribution pattern is another example from the aquatic insects that the fauna of the Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma mountains is more extensive than formerly believed and is intertwined historically with the fauna of the area east of the Mississippi embay ment region. We take great pleasure in naming these species in honor of L. O. Warren and J. D. Unzicker who have contributed much to the study of the winter stoneflies. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES The two species described herein are typical of the genus Allocapnia in size, color, and general structure. They belong to the gramdata group, which is characterized by a large, somewhat V-shaped, rugose dorsal process on the eighth segment and, in most species, by a pair of small, haired projections below the large dorsal rugose process. Allocapnia warreni new species Male. — Wings reaching fifth abdominal segment. Seventh tergite with no dorsal process. Process of eighth tergite with 1 This project has been supported by a research grant from the Na- tional Science Foundation. 266 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec. 1966 rugose area markedly raised and sharply set off from contour of anterior part of segment; the pair of small haired projections below the rugose area appear slightly detached from it in dorsal view. Upper supra-anal process moderately narrow, the apical segment slightly longer than the basal segment. 2 UNZICKERI FIGS. 1, 2. Male genitalia of Allocapnia, lateral aspect. Holotvpc male. — Clear Creek, Washington Co., ARKANSAS; January 29, 1962; L. O. Warren. This species is most closely related to granulata (Claassen), differing in the unusually prominent differentiation of the rugose lobes of the eighth tergite, and in the longer, uniformly narrow apical segment of the upper supra-anal process. Ixxviij ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 267 Allocapnia unzickeri new species Male. — \Yings reaching the sixth tergite. Seventh tergite with no dorsal process. Process of eighth tergite high and prominent, the large rugose lobes somewhat V-shaped from dorsal view ; the pair of haired projections just below them small but prominent. Upper supra-anal process narrow, the apical segment about U times the length of the basal segment. Female. — Many female specimens collected on the same bridges as the male described above would appear to be the same species. They are exactly like those of granulata. Holot\pc male and Allotype female. — 3 miles North of Dun- lap, TENNESSEE; March 12, 1964; H. B. Cunningham. Para- types. — Many J1, 5 from the type locality and the following localities in Tennessee: Annadel, twenty-four miles south of Hillsboro, and Whitwell. This species possesses a mesal hump on the eighth tergite which is markedly higher than that of either zvarrcni or granu- lata, and has the apical part of the upper supra-anal process much longer than in either of these two species. From warrcni. to which it is most closely related, it differs also in having larger rugose lobes which are confluent with the profile of the eighth tergite. A New Species of Amorphoscelis from Iraq (Mantodea: Amorphoscelidae) R. ROY, Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Xoire, Universite de Dakar, Senegal Among specimens of Amorphoscelis from the U. S. National Museum, which kindly have been made available for study by Dr. A. B. Gurney, I have been surprised to find a specimen native to Iraq, that is, in the southern part of the Palearctic region, when up to now the genus is known only from the Ethiopian (Africa south of the Sahara ) and Oriental (from 268 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec. 1966 India to New Guinea) regions. After detailed examination, this specimen is seen to belong to a new species, described as follows : 1 mm FIGS. 1, 2. Amor phase elis panther ina, n. sp. Holotype 1. Last article of cercus. 2. Genitalia. Amorphoscelis pantherina n. sp. Male : General color grayish-beige, with numerous dark spots ; length of body 18 mm, elytra a little surpassing the apex of abdomen. Head strongly spotted with brownish-black, with the frontal shield almost entirely of this color; juxta-ocular tubercles scarcely distinct, the posterior ones the best defined ; lateral prolongations of vertex rather large and rounded. Antennae annulated in the usual way. Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 269 Pronotum spotted with dark equally strongly and the surface weakly uneven : the anterior tubercles are not distinct and the posterior tubercles form only low bosses ; the very distinct cari- nae are weakly elevated ; the lateral margins are straight. FIG. 3. Amor phase elis Pantherina, n. sp. Holotype c?. Anterior coxae with inner surface pale, with some dark spots ; trochanters also with some small dark spots, and a larger sub- apical spot ; femora considerably spotted with dark on inner surface, with the region of the brush in particular completely darkened; tibiae with 3 large dark transverse bands, subbasal, median, and apical ; the first article of the tarsi dark-banded at each end and in the middle, the following ones at the ends only. Middle and hind legs with tibiae and tarsi regularly dark- banded, the annulations less regularly on the femora. 270 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Dec. I960 Elytra 16.5 mm long, pale, with very numerous dark spots. Wings hyaline, with some dark spots only in the apical half of the costal field and at the apex of the discoidal field. Abdomen dark brown upon the two surfaces ; subgenital plate trapezoidal, with margins nearly straight and very convergent ; styles lacking on the sole specimen seen ; cerci wholly pale, their last article very elongate and with almost parallel margins (Fig. 1). Genitalia rather strongly pigmented ; hypophallus with the lobe well developed and with two rather separated pointed pro- longations, a long one at the left and a shorter one in the middle ; apophysis of the right epiphallus with a lateral boss ; titillator with simple rounded apex ; pseudophallus with denticulate apex (Fig- 2). HOLOTYPE male: IRAQ, Arbil Liwa, Aug. 1962; this speci- men, preserved in the U. S. National Museum, Washington, is the only one known to me. AFFINITIES : This new species is closely related to no other Asiatic species, but seems especially related to A. tigrina Giglio- Tos, 1913, known only from the Sudanian regions of West Africa, from Senegal to Cameroun ; it has the same type of color- ation, and these two species are the only ones to have similarly two rather separated points on the hypophallus, and the apex of the titillator simple and rounded. One may note further that both of them inhabit relatively dry regions, in contrast to the great majority of the other species of the same genus. Similarities stop there, and the two species both are distin- guished by various characters, among others, details of colora- tion of legs and elytra, form of pronotal tubercles, form and coloration of the cerci, relative importance of the two prolonga- tions of the hypophallus. IxxviiJ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 271 Observations on Ropalidia variegata (Smith) (Hymenootera: Vespidae) T. A. DAVIS, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India Sixteen colonies of Ropalidia variegata (Smith) were closely watched from November 1963 to July 1965 on the premises of the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. This wasp is active throughout the year and colonizes both on a dicot plant (Dio- spyros discolor) and on a monocot, the banana (Mitsa sapien- tuiii), although Yoshikawa (1964) observed two nests on elec- tric wires and one on a Baithima branch, and van der Vecht (1962) on a shoot of a shrub and on a completely exposed iron wire. Recently I observed an abandoned nest on a woody shoot of Jasmin it in sp. FIG. 1 shows portions of three nests on a banana leaf. The present observations on 100 nests revealed some very interesting behaviour patterns. Cannibalism or brood eating, recorded in other wasps, is also common in Ropalidia variegata. Some founding females as well as workers were periodically seen devouring eggs, sucking larvae, and even munching pupae after cutting open the cocoons. This brood eating is more prevalent where many adults have already emerged, and may suggest that the wasp has a tendency to check the population growth. Most larvae, and consequently the adults, which are seen towards the end of the activities of a colony are usually smaller in size. Cannibalism may possibly function to prevent the multiplica- tion of these smaller, and presumably weaker adults. Scarcity of food, regarded as an important factor, does not seem to apply in the present case. Of the two or even three colonies found developing simultaneously on the same tree, severe cannibalism was noticed in the oldest colony but not in the younger ones. As the foraging territory could reasonably be the same, scarcity of food need not affect one colony more acutely than the others. The most obvious factor that induces cannibalism seems to be the withering of the leaves on which the colonies are founded. When the foundation leaf sheds, the letfover eggs, larvae, and 272 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Dec. 1966 pupae are usually consumed by other predatory animals. Can- nibalism may enable workers and females to utilize the rich food available in the body of those members unable to reach maturity. At other times it may serve to maintain the sta- bility of nests partially damaged by wind. Unlike most Polistcs wasps in which the founding mother is helped in nursing the larvae as well as in nest-building solely by her progeny, in the present case, foreign workers from other nests of the same or different colonies help in these activities, and also in cleaning the cells, sometimes reducing the length of cells after their occupants emerge, and occasionally helping an emerging wasp by widening the mouth on the lid. Until about the hatching of the first few eggs, only the founding female is invariably seen on the nest, but when the number of larvae increases, the mother usually continues her cell-building and oviposition, and so she has hardly enough time for the feeding and nursing of the larvae which require frequent attention. At this stage foreign workers arrive and share her burden. Even before the emergence of the first adult from a nest, as many as 5 to 9 workers were seen arriving one by one from outside. As the number of adults increases with the eclosion of domestic pupae, some of the workers fly to other younger nests as maids-in-waiting of the founding mothers. Some fe- males may start their own nests (or colonies). The wasps at Calcutta were nesting on the lower surface of the leaves in the cases of both Diospyros and banana. The lower surface of the leaves of the former tree is very rough and hairy and affords greater stability for the nest. Out of the 53 nests of 5 colonies on the clicot leaves, only 2 nests were built on the upper glossy surface and they were blown oft prematurely. However, when stronger bases in the form of paper clips were provided on the smooth side, some wasps readily accepted this scaffolding for building nests. Evidently the paper clips stimu- lated the same reactions as the mid-rib of a leaf in other cases. On the banana leaf, invariably the lower midrib is selected as it is the strongest and most secure portion of the lamina. Even when both halves of the lamina bend backwards, the nests could Ixxvii ] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 273 FIG. 1. Ropalidia raricgata (Smith). Portions of three nests on a banana leaf. 274 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec. I960 still be quite safe, and also protected from wind, rain and direct sunlight, as well as hidden from predators. It may, how- ever, be mentioned that in Diospyros only a smaller number of nests was attached to the mid-ribs. Each nest has only a single stalk (pedicel), invariably behind the topmost cell, and balancing of the nests results from the subsequent cells, which are formed downwards, being so ar- ranged as to avoid unnecessary strain on the pedicel. Accord- ingly, the shape and size of the nests vary widely. A count of the vertical rows of cells per nest in the 100 nests revealed that the structure of the nests on the banana differs significantly from that on the dicotyledonous plant. This is due mostly to the wide dissimilarity in the morphology of the two types of leaves (Davis, 1966). In 59.57% of the nests in the 11 colonies on the banana plants there were only two rows of cells each, and this figure differs significantly from the corresponding one for the nests on Diospyros, the x2 value with one degree of freedom being 7.01 (P = 0.0085) which implies that the animal is capable of changing even the structure of the nest to suit different sites. The smaller Diospyros leaf, its weaker petiole and the flexibility of the shoots on which the leaves are borne tend to produce frequent changes in the position of the lamina. When the position of a leaf is slightly altered, the stability of the tilted nests is restored by adding new cells or rows of cells along the side nearer to the line of gravity. With time, the leaf may be subjected to further deflections in different directions. Thus, the number of cell-rows may increase and the nests show great variations. Since the banana leaf is adapted to vertical movements, the nests on it do not differ greatly from the usual two-row pattern. Ropalidia I'aricgata demonstrated other instances of adaptive behavior. It chooses the leaf of the right stage of maturity. A young leaf permits the colony to survive for a longer period, but a very young leaf is unsuitable. Some superficial injury on the surface of the leaf is necessary to fix the foot of the pedicel firmly, and on a very young leaf the pedicel will be loosened when rapid expansion of the lamina takes place. On the other Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 275 hand, a leaf that is too old will wither away before the wasp can complete its life cycle. In a nest partially damaged by wind, three pupae on one half were consumed by adults, thus relieving the weight of that side and averting a threatened snapping of the nest. When the weight was thus reduced, the nest was restored to the original position and then workers reinforced the pedicel. The wasp, before laying an egg, examines the empty cell a few times by inserting her head into it, her mouth almost reach- ing the base of the cell. This behavior seems very striking if the cell happens to be a used one which is generally long. A female in this posture was disturbed 17 times but she repeated the inspection of the cell each time before she attempted to oviposit. TABLK 1. Ropalidia variegata : Duration of pupal life. Week Commencing from No. of Pupae Pupal Life (days) Mean Temp. °C 1 19.11.63 16 * 25.1 2 26.11.63 17 # 24.1 3 3.12.63 8 * 22.4 4 10.12.63 15 20.85 22.4 5 17.12.63 6 21.75 20.2 6 24.12.63 11 25.38 19.6 7 31.12.63 iy 28.10 21.3 8 7. 1.64 18 28.00 23.1 9 14. 1.64 9 28.00 19.9 10 21. 1.64 6 25.00 22.9 11 28. 1.64 4 25.00 18.3 12 4. 2.64 2 27.00 22 2 13 11. 2.64 2 25.00 2 3". 5 14 18. 2.64 1 18.00 28.2 15 25. 2.64 11 14.50 27.1 16 3. 3.64 22 13.77 28.0 17 10. 3.64 26 13.16 29.1 18 17. 3.64 27 12.70 20.3 19 24. 3.64 30 12.04 30.9 20 31. 3.64 47 11.22 32.3 21 7. 4.64 74 10.78 31.7 22 13. 4.64 41 11.00 30.8 23 21. 4.64 24 11.71 28.2 24 28. 4.64 12 12.08 30.6 * Dates of eclosion only are known. N.B. The 448 pupae are from 3 colonies (112, 285 and 51). Of these, 24 met with premature destruction. 276 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec. 1966 The time of development varies with atmospheric changes. A shift of about 17° C (between the daily mean temperatures during summer and winter of Calcutta ) brings about a con- siderable difference in the egg-to-adult cycle. In summer, an egg develops into an adult in about a month, but in winter, in about 3 months. The pupal period varies from 29 to 9 days between winter and summer, thus accounting for about a 300 per cent acceleration in the biological activity. Table 1 gives data on the duration of pupal life and weekly mean temperatures (recorded from within 100 meters from the nests) from 19.11. 1963 to 28.4.1964 relating to the first three colonies observed on Diospyros. 16-2-64 20 FIG. 2. Portion of Nest 8/II. Arrows inside cells represent the positions of larvae at about 9 AM for a 12-day period. Dark cells contain pupae. The position of an egg in a cell appears to have some sig- nificance as regards the position of the subsequent larva. As the pedicel of a nest is almost horizontal, the first cell at its tip is also built horizontally, and the subsequent cells attached on to the first one downwards assume the same orientation. While laying an egg, the wasp usually faces downwards and inserts her abdomen into the cell, stretching out the rest of her body in the air. Thus, the egg which is oblong, is placed vertically at a lower part of the horizontal tube, and attains the best possible Ixxvii] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 277 stability. In over SQc/c of the cases, the eggs are placed on the lowest part of the cells, some on the sides, and only very feu- are fixed at the top hanging downwards, positions that will apply as well for the larva that hatches. The young larvae are virtually immovable, and the older ones seldom change their positions. In FIG. 2 is shown a portion of nest 8 of colony II with the positions of the mature larvae indicated by arrows. The darkened cells have pupae. These are daily records taken at about 9 hrs. between 16.2.1964 and 26.2.1964. Observations made at 3-hour intervals during a day likewise did not indicate frequent changes in position. Most of the larvae lie on their backs projecting their mouths upwards, a position more con- venient for receiving food from the adults. However, at the time of spinning its cocoon, the larva rotates freely to enable its mouth to reach the entire rim of the cell. I thank Prof. G. Grummer of Greifswakl for taking the photograph and Mr. S. K. De of the above Institute for the inked drawing. REFERENCES DAVIS, T. A. 1966. Nest-structure of a social wasp varying with siting leaves. Nature, in press. VAN DER VECHT, J. 1962. The Australian species of the genus Ropalidia (Icaria) ( Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Zool. Verh. No. 57, Leiden. YOSHIKAWA, K. 1964. Predatory hunting wasps as the natural enemies of insect pests in Thailand. Nature and Life in South-east Asia III, 391-398. Entomologist's Market Place ADVERTISEMENTS AND EXCHANGES Advertisements of goods or services for sale are accepted at $1.00 per line, payable in advance to the editor. Notices of wants and exchanges not exceeding three lines are free to subscribers. All insertions are continued from month to month, the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, when necessary, the older ones at the top are discontinued. Planchets, radiation warning signs and labels, dosimeters and other isotope-lab accessories. New catalogue free on request. Nuclear Supply and Service Co., 422 Wash. Bldg., Wash. 5, D. C. Formosan Insects. Large quantities of dried butterflies, moths, beetles, cicadas, dragpnflies, mantis, grasshoppers, bees, spiders, etc., Rare and common species, aberrations and sex mosaics for sale. Taiwan Novelty Co., P. O. Box 860, Taipei, Formosa. Buprestidae. Neotrop. Anthaxia, Chrysobothris, and Tribe Agrilini pref. with host data for ecolog. studies, wanted for purchase or exchange for eastern U. S. species. H. A. Hespenheide, Leidy Lab'y, Univ. of Penna., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Ants of fusca and neoformica groups wanted for revision (study or exchange) pref. nest series with d1 & ?. Andre Francoer, Biology Dept., Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. Ants of gen. Myrmica wanted (study or exchange) for revision, pref. nest series with <$ & ?. Rene Beique, Biology Dept., Laval Univ., Quebec 10, Canada. Brazilian Insects for scientific purposes, for sale. V. N. Alin, Caixa Postal 8573, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Orthoptera, exotic and North American, wanted to buy, or exchange for eastern North American Orthoptera and other insects. David A. Nickle, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. Entomological Illustrations done by full time, free-lance professional. All orders, stages, and morphological aspects illustrated. Wild M5 Stereo and Kyowa KO Monocular utilized. Rates arranged on per plate or per drawing basis. Portfolio remitted upon request. Kenneth E. Weisman, Forest Lake Road, Land O' Lakes, Wisconsin 54540. INDEX TO VOLUME LXXVII ( *Indicates new genera, names, etc.) ABDULLAH, M. Byturidae and Biphyllidae (Coleoptera), two primitive families of the Heteromera not Clavicornia —a new interpretation of some old observations 63 The taxonomic position of the Australian Ana pi up its tiibcrcnlatus, with a proposed new subfamily (Anaplo- pinae) of the Tenehrionidae, and including remarks on the family status of the Merycidae (Coleoptera) 143 ALLEN, H. W. The genus Epoinidioptcron Romand (Hy- menoptera : Tiphiidae) 205 ALEXANDER, C. P. New exotic crane-flies (Tipulidae: Diptera) . Part XII 69 New exotic crane-flies (Tipulidae: Diptera). Part XIII 217 ALEXANDER, G. The status of Pezotettix bolicinani Stal (Orthoptera: Acrididae), with designation of a lectotype and restriction of the type locality 43 BALL, G. E. The Chinese species Dlplochcila minima Jed- licka : a redescription and observations on its relation- ships (Col. : Carahidae) 1(' BLICKLE, R. L. A new Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) . . . 185 BROWN, F. M. Panoquina panaquinoides (Skinner) and Panoquina crrans (Skinner) (Lepidoptera : Hesperi- idae) 17 BURKS, B. D. The immature stages of A.riina zabriskici Howard (Hymenoptera : Eurytomidae) 199 CRUDEN, R. \\r. (See under Ries, M. D.) DAKIN, M. E. Two new species of Mchuioplits from Alabama (Orthoptera : Acrididae) 29 DAVIS, T. A. Observations on Ropalidia ?'nriui/ata (Smith) (Hymenoptera : Vespidae) 271 (279, 280 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec. 1966 DODGE, H. R. Sarcophaga u til is Aldrich and allies (Dip- tera : Sarcophagidae) 85 EMMEL, J. F. and T. C. EMMEL. A new Papilio from the Mojave Desert of California (Lepidoptera : Papilioni- dae) 57 GAUFIN, A. R. (See under Nebeker, A. V.) GILLESPIE, W. H. (See under Neel, W. W.) GITTENS, A. R. Three new species of Miuicsa from the western United States (Hymenoptera : Sphecidae) .... 247 HARMSTON, F. C. Eleven new Dolichopns from North America. (Dolichopoclidae : Diptera) 1 HUBBARD, C. A. Ctenoplithalmus copluirns sclimiederi n. ssp. (Siphonaptera) 100 HULL, F. M. Notes on the genus Ncodif>locainpta Curran and certain other Bomhyliidae. Part I 225 KALLENBACH, N. R. Review: A history of genetics by A. H. Sturtevant Ill KNULL, J. N. Description of male Agrilits bcntseni Knull and one new species (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) 238 Two new North American species of S modicum Lacor- daire (Coleoptera : Carambycidae) 136 LEONARD, D. E. Bracliymcria intermedia (Nees) (Hy- menoptera: Chalcididae) established in North America 25 MCDERMOTT, F. A. A correction (for Aspisoma \echae, pp. 132-135) " 216 Apisoma ycchac sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) .... 132 Photuris lloydi sp. nov. (Coleoptera : Lampyridae) 173 MEDLER, J. T. A resin bee using trap-nests in Wisconsin and a note on other resin bees (Hymenoptera: Megachi- lidae) 228 MILLER, L. D. A new Staphylns from Costa Rica (Lepid. : Hesperiidae ) 261 MUCHMORE, W. B. A cavernicolous pseudoscorpion of the genus Microcreagris from southern Tennessee 97 NEBEKER, A. V. and A. R. GAUFIN. Gynandromorphism in Rocky Mountain stoneflies (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) 156 New Paralcuctra from the Rocky Mountains (Plecop- ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 281 tera : Leuctridae ) .......................... New stoneflies from Idaho (Plecoptera) ............. 36 NEEL, W. W. and \\T. H. GILLESPIE. Leaf mining weevil damage on the tulip tree in West Virginia ............ 13() NICKLE, D. A. A new species of Montezumina with the description of the male of M. bradlcyi Heb. (Orthoptera : Tettigoniidae ; Phaneropterinae) .................... 159 PHILLIPS, M. E. Harold Johnson Grant, Jr., 1921-1966 . 233 RIES, M. D. and R. W. CRUDEN. New records for Ana.v longipes Hagen (Odonata) ........................ 187 ROBACK, S. S. A new Procladius species with description of the immature stages (Dipt. : Chironimidae) ........ 177 A new record of Syvnbiocladius cqnitans (Claasen) (Dip- tera : Tendipedidae, Orthocladiinae) ................. 2:4 Notes on Tanypodinae types in European museums ( Dipt. : Chironomidae) ............................ 113 Review: Dobrotworsky, N. V., The mosquitoes of Vic- ii i tona ............................................ <>0 The immature stages of Stictochironomus annulicrus (Townes) (Diptera : Tendipedidae ) ................. 169 ROBERTS, R. H. A technique for rearing the immature stages of Tahanidae (Diptera) ...................... Ross, H. H. and T. YAMAMOTO. Two new sister species of the winter stonefly genus Allocapnia (Plecoptera: Capniidae) ..................................... 265 ROY, R. A new species of Amorphoscelis from Iraq (Man- todea : Amorphoscelidae) ......................... 267 SAETIIER, O. E. Copidosoma ( Litoinasli.v ) naei'ia n. sp., a new Encyrtinae from Colorado (Chalcidoidea : Hy- menoptera) ...................................... 1 03 SLIFER, E. H. A gynandromor])h gra.-^hoppcr that laid eggs (Orthoptera, Acrididae) ...................... 14(^ SPANGLER, P. J. A new cryptic species of Cymbiodyta from the midwcstern U. S, (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) 211 WEBER, N. A. Development of pigmentation in the pupa of Trachymyrmex septentrionalis ( Hymennpu-ra : Eor- micidae) ........................................ 241 282 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec. 1966 The subgenus Cyphomannia Weber 1938 of Cyphomyr- me.i~ Mayr 1862, reinstated, and systematic notes (Hy- menoptera : Formicidae) 166 WEISMAN, K. E. Distribution of the genus Sphecomyia Latreille (Diptera : Syrphidae) 50 Sphecomyia (Diptera: Syrphidae), a taxonomic and de- scriptive analysis 189 YAMAMOTO, T. (See under Ross, H. H.) GENERAL SUBJECTS Klots: Field book of fresh- water life 231 Bibliography of H. J. Grant, Jr. 233 Knudsen . Biological techniques 231 Development of pigmentation Metcalf . Advanccs in pest con. in Trachymyrmex trQ, research g3 Gynandromorph grasshopper RolstQn &nd McCoy . Intfo_ that laid eggs ..... duction ^ appHed entomol. Gynandromorphism in stone- 230 flles lo6 Snodgrass: Textbook of arth- Nestmg behavior of Ropalidia 271 ropod anatomy 83 Nomenclature Notice Sturtevant : History of genetics 1 1 1 82, 110, 259, 264 "" ,71 GEOGRAPHICAL Rearng Tabamdac . . . . .' .' ! ! 79 DISTRIBUTION Refresher courses . ..147 Alaska: Dipt. 10, 13, 16; Resin bee using trap-nests . . . 228 Orth. 29 Tulip tree, weevil damage on . 139 Arkansas : Plecop 266 Arizona : Dipt 93 OBITUARIES British Columbia: Dipt 15 r~ British North Borneo : Dipt. 7h Grant' H" J" Jr' 110 California: Dipt. 2, 3, 6, 227: REVIEWS Hym.248,253;Lep. XVJLid V A JL^t VV fcj Tl "1 T~\ ' A "fit- Brazil : Dipt . 22t> Binggeli (ed.) : Radioisotopes Colorado : Hym 103 and ionizing radiations in Costa Rica : Lep. 261 ; Orth. . 161 entomology 158 Ecuador : Col 133 Dobrotworsky : Mosquitoes of Florida : Col 173 Victoria 83 Georgia : Col 240 Essig : History of entomology 83 Georgia : Dipt 95 Goodwin (ed.) : Aspect of in- Idaho: Dipt. 4; Hym 251 sect biochemistry 203 India : Dipt 71-76, 217-225 Ixxvii ] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 283 Indiana : Dipt 12 Iraq : Orth 267 Kansas : Col 211 Mexico : Dipt 90 New Hampshire : Trich 185 North Dakota : Dipt 9 Oregon : Dipt 7 Tanzania : Siph 100 Tenn. : Arac. 97; Dipt. 177; Plec 267 Utah : Plecop 258 COLEOPTERA Anaplopinae * 147 arisonarium* Smodicum 136 bentscni, Ayrilus 238 Biphyllidae as Heteromera ... 63 Byturidae as Heteromera .... 63 calceatus, Odontopus 139 fimbriata, Cymbiodyta 215 hasardi* Agrilus 239 Isorembus, subgroups of 19 lloydi* Photuris 173 minima, Diplochcila 19 Smodicum, key to N. A 138 te.ranitm* Smodicum 137 toddi* Cymbiodyta 211 tnberculatus, Anaploplus 143 rindicata, Cymbiodyta 215 ycchae* Apisoma 133, 216 DIPTERA abaftanns* Dolichopus 6 analosuffusa,* Limnophila .... 217 itnintlicrus, Stictochironomus immatures 169 arizouica, Sarcophaga 90 baltimoreus, Natarsia 123 beeri* Sarcophaga 89 bishoppi, Sarcophaga 91 brevicornis, Sphecomyia . . 50, 193 carinatns, Tanypits 114 carnia, Thienemannimyia .... 123 columbiana, Sphecomyia . 55, 194 commoptera,* Epiphragma ... 70 crassinervis, Procladius 116 deccdcns, Macropelopia 118 dyari, Sphecomyia 50, 196 dysaithria,* Epiphrama 71 cqititans, Symbiocladius 254 factivittatus* Dnlichopits .... 10 finibi-iatns. .\ilofanypits 126 fol gents* Dolichopus 14 footci* Dolichopus 4 jumitjata* Limnophila 223 fitsca, Sphecomyia 50, 198 nci'rgiana* Sarcophaga 94 juhnsoni, Sarcophaga 88 karma,* Limnophila 218 kashongensis* Limnophila . . . 220 hcsseli* Sarcophaga 92 kicffcri, Podonomus 130 kyphotus* Dolichopus 15 mclanops, Conchapclopia 124 nasica, Sphecomyia 50, 198 nigropleurus,* Dolichopus .... 1 nigropunctata, Krenopelopia . . 125 occidentalis, Sphecomyia . . 50, 196 pattonii, Sphecomyia 50, 194 perdilata* Limnophila 221 pcrocellata, Epiphragma 73 pictipcnnis, Pscctrotanypus . . 121 plitmipes, Dolichopus 17 pluriguttula,* Limnophila .... 222 pulchripcnnis, Ablabesymia . . . 128 punctipennis, Tanypits 114 rhododendri* Epiphragma ... 75 Sarcophaga, key to 87 sepia* Neodiplocampta 225 shastaensis,* Dolichopus 5 sini/alaris* Dolichopus 8 smithae* Duliclicpns 12 Sphecomyia, distribution of ... 50 Sphecomyia, key 189 squamicilliatus,* Dolichopus . . 2 subvicina* Epiphragma 77 Tabanidae, rearing of 79 tridcntatus* Eclimus 226 284 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec. 1966 tt'ifascipennis, Apsectrotanypus 122 unicolor, Rheopclopia 124 unicolor, Thienemannimyia . . 124 iitilis, Sareophaga 89 vespijormis, Sphecomyia . . 50, 192 vittata, Sphecomyia 50, 191 wilhmi* Procladius 177 sygomus* Dolichopus 9 HYMENOPTERA agalena,* Mimcsa 251 barri* Mimcsa 249 bicornis, Cyphomynnc.r 167 bigibbosus, Cyphomyrmex . . . 167 campanulae, Mcgachile 228 colombianus, Gyphoinyrmcx . . 167 Cyphomynnc.r 167 dagucrrci, Cyphomyrmex .... 167 Epomidiopteron 205 jaumtlus, Cyphomyrmex 167 flavidus, Cyphomyrmex 167 fo.vi, Cyphomyrmex 168 hockingsi, Trigona 230 intermedia, Brachymeria 25 julii, Epomidiopteron 206 lectus, Cyphomyrmex 168 Litomastix, species of 108 morschi, Cyphomynnc.r 168 nacvia,* Copidosoma 103 olitor, Cyphomynnc.r 168 rimosus pencosensis, Cypho- mynnc.r 168 sabina* Mimcsa 247 septcntrionalis, Trachymyr- mc.r, pigmentation 241 variagata, Ropalidia, biology . 271 sabriskiei, Axima, immatures . 199 LEPIDOPTERA errans, Panoquina 17 esmeraldus* Staphylus 251 indra martini* Papilio 57 indra, Papilio, six subspecies . 59 panoquinoidcs, Panoquina .... 17 ORTHOPTERA altitudinum, Pczotcitix 43 Bibliography of H. J. Grant . 233 bohcmani, Pczotcttix 43 bradleyi, Montezumina 159 cantralli,* Mclanoplus 29 differ entialis, Melanoplus gy- nandromorph 149 dodyci, Mclanoplus 43 granti* Montezumina 161 panthcrina,* Amor phase elis . . 267 primaestivus* Mclanoplus .... 33 SMALLER ORDERS anabola* Oxycthira (Trich.) 185 aurca, Arcynoptcryx (Plecop. ) 41 cinctipes, Nemoura (Plecop.), gynandromorph 156 coloradensis, Capnia (Plecop.) 38 cophurus sclnnicdcri* Ctcnoph- thalamns (Siph.) 100 cygna, Capnia (Plecop.) 37 distincta, Capnia (Plecop.). 38, 41 jcwctti* Paralcnctra (Plecop.) 255 longipes, Anax ( Odon.) 187 ncdia* Capnia (Plecop.) 36 Plecoptera from Idaho 36 strigatus, Cyphomynnc.r 168 rickeri* Paralcuctra (Plecop.) 258 trava, Capnia (Plecop.) 38 nnzickeri* Allocapnia (Plecop.) 266 warreni* Allocapnia (Plecop.) 265 NON-HEXAPODA PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA nickafackensisj* Microcreagris 97 NON-ARTHROPODA Liriodcndron, weevil damage on 139 BUTTERFLIES OF THE DELAWARE VALLEY By Arthur M. Shapiro Special Publication of the American Entomological So- ciety. 63 pages of text, 11 plates, 10 habitat photographs and map. The introduction includes discussion of the en- vironment and habitat of local butterflies. Keys to the families and species are given, and for each species its field notes, distribution (geographical and seasonal), and food plants are noted. Price $1.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States ; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Number 19 BUTTERFLIES OF LIBERIA By Richard M. Fox, Arthur W. Lindsey, Jr., Harry K. Clench and Lee D. Miller 402 pages of text; colored frontispiece, 233 figures, 2 graphs, 2 tables, 3 maps, table of contents, full bibliography and a taxonomic index. With 195 new records, this study increases the known butter- fly fauna of Liberia from 280 to 475 species and another 254 species are noted as probably to be found. Two new tribes, 5 new genera, 13 new species and subspecies are described. Il- lustrations include photographs and, where pertinent, drawings of genitalia of all holotypes, along with photographs and draw- ings of closely related forms for comparison. The distribution of each species is given and those more difficult to identify or previously confused are treated at greater length. All known records from Liberia are noted. A 46 page introduction details climatic conditions and biotopes in Liberia and analyzes the zoogeographic and ecologic relationships of the butterflies of Liberia and of Occidental Africa. Price $12.50 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Penna. (19103), U.S.A. \ ^ Jg \^ M IIS: : *, w | _^ /^ W v ^ j^.. iw It3?t> IP- f {?& »:*«; ]i3t. •,...! X^ ^ % '/^. "E *Tl ^^^^ ifstjC^i^NX '^rf f*^* ' feTw \i •*?ji •? 'V v » in., -tty '«•»"'/ > ;Mf -if- jf *< '~s ^: ^ V X^M c^ ^, VJu.^ ^ ^ N^ ^ l^^° V c/ vx •/> ^^L^. ^x- 1| \ /^ XT T5, V J*- & ^ <^ L^y -^==55-^ v'x v V^ • • -O» ^5%v 'y V -: CO V - r^ ^ ^ m Mil ^ ^ 1 y X^ ^MlBlih!^ ^ V v^ ^ ^o r^ *? °0 *» $y O, S} O ,=j=g7S55t, <> / % ^ o rt ioT» >v o> 'x, »/^ \^«B^ A> f '\ ^ *V *. /~v* ^, ^o ^ '§ vo, W ^ <# % ' ^ \ .1 <^X vV 4* *^ X >^^p Xs ^ . ^ 4^ ^ ^ V *•• v^ >, Q, vd:, \ <^^ % ^ XA *' i"'i:l o^ v£/ U I / \l A ^ & 7\ c$ \ \ / \ -^ ^ ^ ^ %. V/ rf? % < „<> ^ r \ /- \ A^ V, ^N ^ / ^ ^<- >>