Permalifee pH 8.5 QL dol E83 | EN ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JANUARY 1968 Vol. 79 No. 1 CONTENTS Gregg—tThe preservation of Invertebrates in alcohol ..... 1 Harmston—New Dolichopodidae from Canada, Mexico, and the Western United States (Diptera) ........... 13 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: personal, $6.00; institutional, $9.00. Second-class postage paid at Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Edited, 1890-1910, by HENry SKINNER (1861-1926) ; 1911-1944, by PHiip P. Carvert (1871-1961) ; 1945-1967, by R. G. ScHMrEDER (1898-1967). ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa., and the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, U. S. A. R. H. Arnett, Jr. Editor. Editorial Staff: H. W. ALLen, M. E. PHILLIPs, and S. S. RosBack. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Communications and remittances to be addressed to Entomological News, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. Prices per yearly volume of 10 numbers. Private subscriptions, for personal use, domestic and foreign, $6.00 postpaid. Institutional subscriptions, for libraries, laboratories, etc., domestic and foreign, $9.00 postpaid. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rate schedules available from the editor. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be addressed to R. H. Arnett, Jr., 550 Elston Road, Lafayette, Indiana 47905. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. Articles longer than eight printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS: Authors will be charged as follows: For text- figures, the cost of engraving; for insert plates (on glossy stock), the cost of engraving plus printing. Size limit, when printed, 46 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after printing. TABLES: The cost of setting tables will be charged to authors. SEPARATA: Separates (as reprints with extraneous matter removed) may be obtained only from the printer at the prices quoted below. Authors must place their orders for such separates with the editor at the time of submitting manuscripts, or when returning proof. Copies 1-4 pp. 5-8 pp. 9-12 pp. Covers 50 $5.87 $ 9.40 $14.69 $6.50 100 7.03 11.15 17.62 8.75 Add’! 100 2.35 351 5.85 4.70 Plates printed one side: First 50, $4.68; Additional 100’s, $3.52. Transportation charges will be extra. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Vou. 79 JANUARY, 1968 /