


Edited by

Richard S. BAGNALL, f.l.s., f.e.s. | T. A. CHAPMAN, M.D.,r.z.8., f.e.s.


h.sc, f.i!. 8., f.h.s.k. George T. BETUUNE-BAKER,

r.Z.S., F.L.R., F.E.S.

M. BURR, D.sc, F.Z.S., F.I..S., f.k.s. (Rev.) C. R. N. BURROWS, f.e.s.

Jas. E. COLLIN, F.E.S.


F.7..H., F.K.S. AlFRKU SICH, F.E..S.

J. R. le B. TOMLIN, m.a., f.e.s. George WHEELER, m.a., f.e.s.

and Henry J. TUENEK, f.e.s., Editorial Secretary.


PRICE 10s. 6d.

Special Index (with every reference), Is. 6d.

LONDON: ELLIOT STOCK, 62, Paternoster Row, EC.


R. FRIEDLANDER & SOHN, 11, Carlstrasse, N.W.


In wishing our readers and contributors the compliments of the season we would also like to thank those who have helped with the varied matter which our pages contain. The Magazine continues to hold its own and the contributors are to be heartily thanked for their kindly aid in making the contents both instructive and interesting.

It will be noted that the Index, like that of last year, is somewhat different in its plan to those of previous years. We owe this to our colleague Mr. J. R. le. B. Tomlin, who most kindly took this matter in hand and considerably simplified the somewhat cumbrous and redundant arrangement of the previous indexes.

We would still like to urge our readers from little-known localities to give us their experiences ; there are many parts of the British Isles from which few or no records of the insect fauna exist.


tipti^for 1912 (7s. post free) should be sent to H. E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Rd.,







Edited by

Richard S. BAGNALL, f.L.8.,f.e.s. | T. A. CHAPMAN, m.c.f.z.s., f. T. HUDSON BEAUE, " ""

George T. BETHUNE-BAKERJ f.z.s., f.l.s., f.e.s.

M. BURR, D.80., F.Z.S., F.t.S., F.E.a.

(Rev.) C. R. N. BURROWS, f.e.s.

Jas. E. COLLIN, f.e.s.


/ F.Z.S., F

Alfred _

Jiyfr-le-B, t»AIM3j:,'Sh»R

Editotlal Secfctti-Ti > ■-'•^ '





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Vol. XXIV. No. 1. January 15th, 1912.

Eryx fairmairei, Reiche, a Beetle new to Britain.


On July 11th, 1908, I found under loose bark in Sherwood Forest several specimens of an Eryx : three were taken and one other fell to the ground and escaped. Larvre also occurred under the bark. I wanted one specimen of En/x ater to complete my series, and when I put one of the Sherwood specimens into my cabinet, I was struck with the difference in appearance it showed to my other specimens, being more parallel, much more shiny, with shorter and thinner antennae and legs. I always intended to go into the matter, and whenever I opened the drawer the Eryx was in I always thought I must settle that Eryx. I once went to the museum, but in the general collection they only had ater. At last I sent my specimen to Captain Claire Deville and he returned it as Eryx fairmairei, Reiche. Rewrites, that compared with ater it is a very distinct species, especially in the structure of the prosternum and the punctuation. He suggests that the Geri**»n E. melanaritis, Germ., may be the same species. He says that Sei litz's description of fairmairei is inaccurate. '

In the European Catalogue the synonymy of the three species is : ater, F. {stibsulcatus, Fairm.) melanariiis, Germ, (laeris, Rosh.) fairmairei, Reiche (laeria, Seidl.)

Seidlitz {Fauna Baltica, 1891, p. 524), queries fairmairei, Reiche, as the same species as his E. laevm.

Reiche described {Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1860, p. 731) fairmairei as follows :— " The collections of Paris contain a third species of Eryx found m the centre of France, the Pyrenees and the Landes, which is shining like E. bellieri, and of the same size, it differs by its less elongate form, the well marked striae of the elytra, and the more acute posterior angles of the thorax."

Deville says E. fairmairei occurs in France as far north as the Forest of Fontainebleau.

Mr. Champion tells me that all his Sherwood Forest specimens of Eryx are E. fairmairei, and those from the New Forest are E. ater.

It is very pleasant to be able to introduce such a large and distinct species to our list.


A Month in Switzerland and elsewhere.

By GEOEGE WHEELEE, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S. (Continued from vol. xxiii., page 314.)

(vii.) The Meiexthal. Some years ago Mr. Fison took in the Meieuthal some $ specimens of BrentJiis selene shot with purple in the same manner as the 5 var. napaea of B. pales, and ever since I saw these I had desired to try my luck in the same direction. The entrance to the Meienthal is just above the village of Wassen, the last station on the St. Gothard Pass before Goschenen, and though it sounds easy enough to get at, I had never hitherto been able to manage it. I found however that by sleeping at Goldau on our w'ay eastwards, it was possible to snatch a passing visit, sending heavy luggage direct to Bergiin, and depositing smaller things at Goldau on the way through, continuing by the same fast train from Biile as far as Goschenen, getting lunch at the buffet, and immediately afterwards taking the slow train back to Wassen. As soon as I emerged from the steep gorge into the valley I found a <? B. selene and further on several others, all very dark and raising expectations of the purple-shot $ s, but I was doomed to disappointment, for not a single ? was forthcoming during the short time I was able to remain in the valley. On the way up Eiebia eiiryale and Parartje viaera were common, especially the former, the numbers of which did not diminish as one penetrated into the valley, where it was joined by E. sUjgne also in some numbers, and by a few E. melanipns. There was nothing remarkable about the latter, nor about E. euri/ale, but E. styifiie was of a very pronounced valesiaca form, the small white pupils of the two apical eye-spots being the only conspicuous marking even in the $ . Here again the $ s were more worn than the g s, though most of the latter were not in first class condition. The best part of the valley seemed to begin where the path crosses the torrent, but 1 had not time to penetrate much further. Brent/iis eiipltrosj/ne was common but worn ; unlike 7>. selene it was not as dark as the mountain specimens usually are. CJi njsophan its hippotluie, var. eitr)jhia, was common and fresh, but Lotteia sitbalpina was only represented by a single o '■> there were also a few Coenonipiijiha arcania var. darwiniana, and C. sati/rion : and one of the latest ^ s of Eiichlo'e cardamines, and one of the earliest of Btrnthis aniatlntsia complete the list.

(viii.) Altmatt. The illness of my travelling companion altered our plans next day, July 6th, but as Goldau is emphatically not a place to be ill at, I felt that by the evening a push must be made as far as Weesen at any rate ; and meantime, finding that I was of no use where I W'as, rest only being required, I decided to put in an hour and a half at Altmatt below Einsiedeln, as I had never before had any personal experience of the peat-bogs. On arriving at the station I took the first turn upwards across the wolds, and my short expedition convinced me that even in a bad year there was a good deal to repay investigation. Only three species appeared to be really common, and all of them were Coenonymphids ApJutntopus hyperanttts, Coeytonytiipha typhon and C. pampJiilns. The last named was rather small and dark, the other two much like those of Hinterzarten ; but C. typhnn was on the whole rather more spotted, especially on the underside of the forewing, and A. hyperantiis even smaller, the J underside being of a beautiful light


dead-gold colour. Two other species were in fair numbers, viz., Melitaea ilicti/nna, much smaller, and the $ with much more of the ground colour showing, than those of Hinterzarten, and Pleheiiis art/us (rt<'//o«),rathersmal],thec? sof adusky grey ontheunderside,andshowing much greenish-blue suffusion extending almost half across the hind- wing. Samples of several other species turned up in the very short time at my disposal, viz., Melitaea athalia, rather small, M. anrinia, of course much dilapidated at this date, Brenthis amathtisia, Fieris hrassicae, Ajioria crataef/i, FoUionituatua icanis, Lycaena arioii, Paravfie iiuiera, Ain/iades si/lra}tiis and a Hesperia which I failed to catch, and therefore am unable (in such a difficult group) to identify. I also caught a magnificent specimen of Plunia chrtjann, which unluckily (for me) escaped by an unsuspected hole in the net. One wanted many hours, but I was obliged to return to Goldau, from whence we continued our journey the same afternoon to Weesen, to start about 3 o'clock the next day for Bergiin on the Albula Pass.

(ix.) FiLZBACH AND THE Thalalp. Accoi'ding to my original plans we should have gone from Goldau to Bergiin in the day, getting three hours or so in the Murgthal between trains ; but after sleeping at Weesen I found the most available arrangement was to start in the afternoon from Weesen after walking in the morning across the marsh and up through Filzbach to the Thalalp, though I knew it would be impossible to reach the summit of the Pass in the time at my disposal. I had a special object in this expedition. I had some years ago taken Araschnia levana in the Murgthal only a little earlier than this, and Mr. Fison had taken it in the previous year above Filzbach at a considerably higher elevation. As my Samoussy prorm were still coming out I was hoping for the chance of crossing the two broods, which seemed to me likely to prove an interesting, and possibly important, experiment from more than one point of view. Unfortun- ately I did not see a single specimen of the species, but I still think it might be done in any year when the season was early in northern France and late in the Alps (a not unusual combination of circum- stances), either by one person going as I did from one place to the other, or by someone who had been in Aisne sending pupae to some other person at Weesen or Filzbach.

I saw nothing on this deny (July 7th) while crossing the marsh, and the zig-zags up to Filzbach being mercifully in complete shade in the morning, I had no occasion to put up my net until I reached the village. Here I made a mistake and took a cart-track to the right too soon, but quickly discovering my error, I thought to mend it by strikmg into a foot path bearing to my left. This I followed, some- times almost losing it, but always getting into it again, until I thought I must be as high as the top of the Pass, but at last, finding some men mowing, I was instructed that a good path, nearly level, would take me in a few hundred yards into the valley I had originally intended to mount, though I should be some twenty minutes or more below the summit. I spoke of this as " a mistake," but it is really far the best way to go, reserving the direct (and very precipitous) cart- track for the descent. In the meadows on the way up I came across several species, mostly at the higher levels. Those lowest down were L'l/anirift seii>ia)ytts and Erehia ligea, both of which were still to be found, though they were not numerous, almost as high as I went. In


a wood clearing through which the path, such as it was, made its way, were a few specimens of Ar</>/nnu ot/laia ,[inA Brenthis euplirosiine, and one or two Mditaea atlialia and M. dictynna, and on coming out again into the fields Krehia iiwlampiis, E. eunjale, Aporia crataegi, I'oli/owmatus hylas, 3" s only, nud C II pido Hiini inns were not very uncommon. On reaching the steep cart-track that leads directly up to the Thalalp Pass a few other species appeared. Parnassius nmemosyne was by no means uncommon, though most of the specimens had seen better days ; all those that I took showed indications of a row of white spots in the border, tending towards var. nnbilosn, but not of the decided form of the Binnenthal. Dri/as papliia was on the wing as well as Aiyi/nnis aglaia ; Pararge ei/eria, the J s large and fresh, KucJdo'e cardanunes, and Leptosia sinapis appeared a little lower down, and there were numerous specimens of Pieris napi, the $ s, even at the highest level, showing no approach towards var. hryoniae. On recrossing Weesen marsh I saw a few A. aylaia, worn out at this level, and the first few Ayriades coridon of the season, but there was no sign of Lycaena enpheinna or L. areas, or of any of the other marsh species which generally abound here.

{To be continued).

Myrmecophilous Notes for 1911.


FoRMiciDiE. Subfamily PonerinjE. Ponera coarctata, Latr. A ^ was found in the nest of Lasins fuliyinosns at Darenth Wood on May 26th. A small colony was taken in moss at Box Hill, in May, which contained two $ s and a few ^ s. They were placed in a small observation nest, but unfortunately the glass did not fit verj' well, and most of them escaped, so the nest was a failure.

Subfamily Myrmicin.e. Mynnecina yraininicola, Latr. [latreillei, Curtis). One ^ was found in a nest of Lasins fJarus at Box Hill on May 7th, and three were found in a nest of Formica fnsca in the same locality on April 13th. On April 14th I introduced one of these specimens into an observation nest of F\ fnsca obtained at Hartlepool in October, 1910. Next day I found it had been killed by the fnsca ^ s. My nest of this species obtained last year is still in very good condition. I recorded^ that on December 1st, 1910, a number of fair-sized larvfe were present. These larvfe passed the winter well, and on May 16th a number of pupre were observed. On May 24th a new bunch of eggs had been laid. Some of the pupa? hatched in June and July, and proved to be ^ s, but on July 5th a <? was present. I find the J feigns death when alarmed, in the same way as the $ s and ^ s, by rolling up in a ball. On July 23rd a further batch of eggs had been laid, the previous ones being now small larvii?. By July 27th all the pupa) had hatched, the rest being ^ s. One of the ? s has the antennje deformed, being bent round and hooked. It is a pugnacious little ant, and attacks a brush if presented to it. It is generally to be found wandering about the nest away from the other ants, which all sit together in one corner. On September 10th larva? of all sizes were present, and some pupje. On November 20th the pupie had hatched, and over 50 larva? were observed, while the ? and all the ^ s were well, and no dead ants present.

1 Ent. Rec, 1911, p. 13.


Myrmica sulcinodis, Nyl. A nest under a stone on the mountain above Loch Rannoch Hotel on June 14th was found to contain 3" , 2 , and ^ pupae, as did also another nest under a stone on the sandy bank of the Nefchy, at Nethy Bridge, on June 21st. I took both nests home and reared the winged sexes in them. As I hope shortly to publish the distribution of our British ants as far as it is known I mention any localities where I may have found species which, as far as I know, have not been recorded before. Arnold, Ham, and I have all found this species in the New Forest. Besides nests under stones, I have several times taken dealated $ s in sand-pits there.

Mijnnica lacrinodifi, Nyl. Colonies were found under stones on a small Island in Tobermorey Bay, off Mull, and on the Isle of Eigg in September. In two nests under stones at Rannoch, on the mountains, several nearly black ^ s were taken. On September 28th, at Flaxmere, Delamere, a few ^ s and a <? were found in sphagnum.

Myrniica scabrinodis, Nyl., was found on Mull in September.

Mijrniiea lobicnrnis, Nyl. A ^ was found in sphagnum on Mull. Two nests were dug up at Weybridge in July, both being beneath nests of Formica mnfiuinea : no ? s could be found. I have taken this ant at Whitstable and on Wimbledon Common.

Leptothovax acervortoii, F.— A 5? was taken in a nest of Formica exsecta, and a dealated J with F. pratensis at Rannoch on June 12th. This species is very common at Rannoch under bark. In one nest under the bark of a log, lying in the saw-pit, all the ants were observed to be covered with a fungus, but were quite active. I secured a number, but most unfortunately lost the tube. Wheeler^ records the known cases of ants infested with Laboulbeniaceae, and he has himself found such ants. He says there are two known species, Rickia ivasmanni, Cavora, and Laboulbenia formicornm, Thaxter, which occur on ants. It is impossible to say now if my ants presented a case in point. L. acerroriim also occurs under stones on the mountains. I found two colonies under the same stone as Myrmica laeviiwdis. Both species had larva? and pupae, and appeared to be quite friendly. They did not attack each other when disturbed, and if they picked up each other's larvae, or pupae, when taking them into safety, they put them down again. The acercomm ^ s were very dark in colour, and ForeP writes, " The alpine variety of this race is sometimes nearly entirely of a brown-black, and lives under stones." Cameron^ records an almost black variety of the ^ at Kintail. I have found L. acervoruin on the sandhills at Camber.

Leptothnrax iinifasciata Latr.— Crawley and I found a small colony in the cliff at St. Margaret's Bay on August 20th, we were unable to find g s, or ? s. In 1907^ I found a larger colony there and secured a S and dealated 5 .

Tetramorium caespitum, L.- In April Crawley and I visited St. Issey, in Cornwall, and we found many nests of this ant under stones on the cliffs. A number of Cardamine seeds were found in some of the nests on April 2oth. . I have before recorded'^ taking the same seeds, which

2. Psxjche, xvii., 1910, pp. 83-86.

3. Fotirmis de la Suisse, J873, p. 84.

\ Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc, Glasgow, II., 1875, p. 293. '\ Trans. Leicester, Lit., and Phil., Soc, 1908, p. 227. «. Ent. Record, 1910, p. 17.


are probably either C. flex\iom or C. hiisuta, in many nests of this same ant at Whitsand Bay. They are not true Myrmecocorous seeds, as they do not possess food bodies. White'' records this ant " at Brans- combe, S. Devon, manifesting harvesting instincts"! It would be very interesting if they were also Cardaniiiie seeds he observed. T. (■(E<pitHiii is abundant at Whitsand Bay, and I always hope that Ani'i-fiates atratiiliis and Stroiu/i/loi/jiathns testaci'u^, two parasitic ants, which live in the nests of T.cacsiiitiiiii,v>n\\ be found there. We went down in July to try and find them and were joined by Keys. The very dry hot weather was unfavourable for us. The ground was baked up, and the stones over the nests were so hot during the heat of the day, that they burned our hands if held on them long. Only a few ants could be seen, and we had to dig up the nests to find anything. A number oi 3 s and winged $ s were secured, and a deillated J found in one nest, in which were no winged sexes, was brought home with many of her

§ s as an observation nest. This ant chiefly occurs on or near the sea-coasts with us, but the following inland localities have been recorded, Hampstead Heath, Shirley, Chobham, Plumstead Wood, and Wellington College. It is not uncommon in the New Forest near Beaulieu Road Station, and I have found it at Tubney near Oxford. Subfamily DoLinocLERiNyE. 'Tapi)i()iiin erraticiun, Latr. On I\Iay 18th, I took a small colony in the ground at Woking. It consisted of a deiilated ? and about 25 ^ s. I fixed them up in a small plaster observation nest. The $ laid eggs but they were always eaten by the

5 s, in spite of their being supplied with plenty of food. In my former** experiment with a queenless nest, the pupae it contained and eggs laid by one of the ^ s were also devoured.

Subfamily Camponotin.e. Lasiiin fiili;/inosiis, Ltr. On July 27th 3 s and winged $ s were found swarming on the shoots and branches growing out of a tree stump, which contamed a large nest of this ant. Copulation took place on the branches and no marriage flight was observed. Crawley and I have recently'' shown that J s of this species must have been fertilized by their brothers in the nest at Darenth Wood. It occurs in Harewood Forest, the only record I know for N, Hants. Morice has taken it at Ilillmorton, in Northamptonshire. This is absolutely the only record I know for any ants from that county.

Lasiiis niijer, L. On August 9th I made the following notes on a marriage flight of this species, which took place on that day at Folkestone. A large colony occurred in one of the pillars of a gate- way to a house in a street in the town. The ants entered the masonry by a hole in the mortar at the base of the pillar. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon the ^ s were much excited running all over the pavement, and up and down the pillar. A few winged ants wore out, and going in and out of the entrance to the nest. At G o'clock thousands of J s and winged $ s appeared. They emerged from the hole, swarming all over the pillar, and climbing to the top, and on the railings and shrubs in the garden. A very few couples were observed in copula ; these flew away together. Most of the winged ants flew off separately ; they rose

1. Ants and Their Waya, 1895, p. 242.

» Ent. Jiec, 1909, p. '258.

" Paper read at the Meeting of the Ent. Soc. Lond., Nov. 1.5th, 1911.


straight into the air, going up so high that they were lost to sight. The ^ s helped some of them to start, tapping them with their antennis, and pushing them to the edge of the top of the pillar. More 2 s than S s occurred. By 6.25 nearly every single winged ant had disappeared. Some few 5 s were already on the ground without wings. A marriage flight of this species was observed by two of my friends the same afternoon at Margate, and Seaview, in the Isle of Wight. On August 28th I noticed a marriage flight at Dover, and on my return to Folkestone the same afternoon another was seen there. Hubner writes^" : " It is requisite that the temperature of the air should be at the 15° or 16° Eeaumur (67° F.) to allow of our witnessing the departure of the males and females." It is evident that the ants are affected by some atmospheric influence, and it would be interesting to find out over how large an area they are affected at the same time.

Lasius ni(/er, L., subsp. alienua, Forst. A nest was dug up at Wey- bridge on July 22nd. It contained plenty of ^ s and small cocoons, and some 3 s, but no winged $ s. The ground was very hard and dry and no dealated $ could be found.

L. jinibratHs ^ s occurred with the L. alie?itis. It is possible that a dealated L. uinbratas $ may have been present, as Crawley" has shown that L. niger will readily accept L. nmbratus J s.

On August 20th Crawley and I found this subspecies abundant in the cliff' at St. Margaret's Bay. In one colony many winged $ s occurred, but no 5" s; in another very few winged $ s, but more S s.

Lasiiis flavus, Fab. On September 15th many nests occurred under stones on the small Island in Tobermorey Bay. Winged J s and rf s were present, larvte and cocoons. In one nest a dealated 5 and eggs. Many of the ^ s were large and dark. Similar nests were found on the Isle of Eigg.

Foniiica fnsca, L. Many nests under stones occurred on the Tobermorey Island, and on Eigg a very small race was found. All the ^ s were exceedingly' small, the nest was under a stone, but the ground underneath was too strong to dig it up properly, so no $ was found. I sent specimens to Forel, and he writes " (Isle of Eigg), Formica fnsca, Li. Je possede des exemplaires aussi petits de la F. fnxca. lis sont frequents dans les lieux froids. C'est I'eftet de la denutrition." A nest of F. fnsca under the bark of a fallen tree at Helensburgh, on September 21st, contained winged 2 s and g s.

Foniiica fnsca, L., \a,v. /nsco-riifibaybis, Forel, Avas found at Box Hill and Folkestone.

Formica rtifa, L. I have a little more evidence on the founding of colonies in F'. fusca nests by 2 s of this species. On June 10th at Rannoch, in the Black Wood, I found a dead dealated i*. rnfa 2 in a F. fusca nest under a stone. It had evidently entered the nest and had been killed by the F. fnsca ^ s. On June 1-lth, high up on the mountain at Rannoch where no F. rnfa nests occur, a dealated 2 F. rnfa was observed walking round a stone over a i* . fnsca nest. She eventually got under the stone and entered the nest. It was a small colony of F. fnsca. I am unable to say if she was accepted, as I was unable to stay any longer.

On May 6th I introduced a dealated F. rnfa 2 from W'ellington

M The Nat. Hist, of Ants, Eug. trans., 1820, p. 99. " Ent. i^lo. Mag., 1909, p. 94.


College into my F. fnsca observation nest from Porlock, She as usual tried to conciliate the ^ s when attacked by them. On May 7th she was still somewhat attacl^ed. On May 9th the same, and was held by the legs by some of the ? s at times. She was not very aggressive, but killed one of the more persistent ^ s. By May 13th she was accepted and quite at home. She lived in the nest till July, when, unfortunately, she died. This nest contains two dealated F. fusca 2 s ; the F. rufa 2 used to sit with them, and I was anxious to see if she would have eventually killed them. In my mixed ^-^nest^^ of F. fusca var. fusco-rufibarbis ^s taken at Whitsand Bay, July ISith, 1909, and a F. rufa 2 taken at Nethy Bridge, May 16th, 1909, the latter has brought up three families with the help of the ^ s. She laid eggs last on July 27th and September 7th, 1911. On August 16th over twenty cocoons were present, and by September 25th five small F. rufa callows had hatched, and over thirty cocoons were present. By November 1st, all the F. rufa cocoons had hatched, and they are all perfect, though small, and alive to-day, the F. fHsca- rufibarbis ^ s being quite friendly with them. The 2 , unfortunately, died on October 5th, when I had had her for over two years, but this experiment has successfully proved this method of colony founding.

On June 15th I witnessed, at Aviemore, a marriage flight of Formica rufa for the first time. A number of <? s and 2 s were seen flying about in a timber yard. They were running about on the large mound of sawdust in the hot sunshine, flying off and settling on it. The $ s appeared to rise more easily than the 2 s, and to be hunting round for the latter. Copulation took place on the ground ; I never saw a single pair together in the air. Sometimes a 2 would rise and fly straight into the air, others ran about on the mound. A 2 when found would sometimes refuse a <? . I picked up one pair in copu- lation when the 2 turned round and bit the <? and they separated. I found this 2 afterwards refused any other S that approached her.

An interesting observation was made on a branch nest of F. rufa in the Black Wood at Eannoch on June 12th. Two nests were found to be in connection 128 yards apart, one a large mound about 72 in. across by 54 in. in height a few yards below the path, and the other a small hillock about the same distance from the path on the other side of it. The ants were going backwards and forwards along the path to the two nests. P'ood was being carried to the large nest, but the ants were carrying their larvae from the large nest to the smaller one. A dealated 2 was trying to get to the smaller nest ; though often stopped by the ^ s she persisted, and gradually won her way to it. Winged 2 s were upon the larger nest.

At Nethy Bridge nearly all the rufa nests examined contained pseudogynes. In one very large nest a number of pseudogyne callows were present, and naked pupfe, of which there were numbers, appeared all to be pseudogynes. There were very few myrmecophiles in the nests and it was evidently too late to find the Atoueles,^^ the cause of all these pseudogynes.

Formica rufa, L. var. alpina, Santschi in litt. On June 11th I found at Rannoch, on the edge of a moor, a small mound made of

12 See J5n(. Rec, 1910, p. 82.

13 Tram. Ent. Soc. LoncL, 1911, p. 176. " Ent. Rec, 1908, p. 281.


heather, etc. It was superficially very like a nest of F. e.vsecta. The ^ s running about on the mound, like F. exsecta does, were all small in size and very red, and might have easily been taken for F. exsecta. There vv^ere no tracks to and from the nest like F. rufa makes. On examiring the ^ s I at once found that they were not ^. exsecta. The nest was dug up and four dealated $ s were found. I concluded they were a form new to us, and when I had got them home I found the legs were more hairy and the scales had golden hairs, especially in the $ s, in which characters they differ from F. rufa. I sent specimens to Forel and he says they are the var. alpina, Santschi in litt. He writes : Your ants belong to a group of varieties which I once called truncicolo-pratensis. They are nearly the colour of the var. dusmeti, Emery, from Norway and Spain. Eecently Santschi has discovered and distinguished it in our Alps under the name of F. rufa var. alpina in litt. I myself have received it from Norway and the Black Forest, etc., and have also found it in Switzerland. It is distinguished above all by the more narrow head, as Santschi has shown. It has some exserted hairs on the outer side of the tibiae (hairs which fail in true F. rufa) and some spare hairs on the eyes. This variety is of course an addition to the British List ; it is intermediate between the subspecies pratensis and truncicola. The latter we do not possess as British, but it is possible we may yet find it in the Highlands.

Formica rufa, L., subsp. pratensis, De G. My chief reason for visiting Rannoch was to try and find this subspecies. On June lOtb I found a small hillock of pine needles, etc., among the fir trees near the Loch inhabited by it. A number of ^ s were secured, and the nest was dug up, but no ? s were found. On June I2t;h another nest was found close to the old one. It consisted of a large hillock of pine needles, etc., built over a pine stump. I dug it up, but with the help of a spade and an axe I could not get at the bottom, and no $ s were found. Larvffi and cocoons were present. White^' writes : " This is the common wood ant at Bournemouth," and adds Loch Rannoch, Holnest, Porlock, and Exmouth (Dale). It is certainly not the common wood ant at Bournemouth now, and I am inclined to doubt the last three localities, Saunders^'' says : " The race pratensis is rare in this country, but has been recorded from Bournemouth and Rannoch." i find I took a winged ? at Corbridge, in Northumberland, on June 3rd, 1906. The abdomen is dull and pubescent, and the scale has hairs, whereas in F. rufa the abdomen is smooth and very shining, and there are no hairs on the scale.

Formica sanguinea, Latr. Dr. Sharp" recorded the capture of Microdon egfieri,'MW.,d,i Rannoch. Its known hosi i?, F. sawiuinea, and r^ pointed out that it probably occurred at Rannoch, as I had discovered it at Aviemore and Nethy Bridge. I was consequently on the look-out all the time for nests of F. sanguinea, and on June 11th I found a very large colony under stones near a wall on the moor. Many F. fusca slaves were present. I took home some F. sanguinea ^ s in laurel to give away. Among them I found large ^ s of the var. alpina of F. rufa. As the F. sanguinea colony was quite near to where

15 Ants and Their Ways, 1895, p. 232.

16 Hym. Acal., 1896, p. 2.

" Ent. M. Mag., 1910, p. 274. 18 Ent. M. 2Iag., 1911, p. 43.


I found the alpina nest, it is obvious the former had executed a slave raid on the latter. I did not find any larvae or pupa-cases of Microdon in the nest.

My observation nest of F. san(/uinea, which I obtained at Woking on April 19th, 1910, is in splendid condition now. Their own 5 died on May 1st, 1911. On May 5th I introduced a dejilated $ F.mnrniinea taken at Woking that day. In digging her up I had unfortunately cut off two of her legs and one antenna. She was at once accepted by my F. mwiuinca ^ s and their F. fusca slaves, and by May 13th had laid several bunches of eggs. In spite of her crippled condition she is alive and well to-day (November 26th). The first callow hatched from her eggs on June 29th. On May 27th I introduced from Woking an F. sanf/ninea ^ , a slave F. fusca ^ , and another F. san<iuinea $ . The 5 and slave were killed and the J at first was attacked, but by May 28th she was also accepted, and laid eggs. By September 25th all the cocoons, from eggs laid by the two ? s, had hatched, and to-day all are alive and well. One ^ had the antenna deformed in the same way as the one described above in the ilijuieciua nest and exhibited similar habits. It died on November 17th.

Fortiiica twsecta, Nyl.— This species was also discovered at Eannoch, a new locality for it. On June 10th a small nest of the usual type was found by the side of a path in the Black Wood; on June 11th a large nest was observed near the Loch, and on June 12th two more large nests w^ere found by another path in the Black Wood.

{To be continued.)

A Season's Collecting at Constantinople in 1911.

By P. P. GRA.VES, F.E.S. {Concluded from vol. x:tiii., page 318.)

Of the Chrysophauids I found Loueia dorilis fairly frequent in its later broods. One or two ab. purpitreo-punctata were taken. Most of my Rninicia pJdaeas are of this form, and from June to the end of September all are more or less suffused, though I cannot say I came across any true g. a. elens. I found Chrysnphanus thersanioji darker and on the whole larger than my Beirut specimens. The purple gloss on the submargiual area of the hindwings and apical area of the forewings (upperside) of the S" is often well marked. I found one or two 2 s with traces of bluish scales as in II. j)hlaeas ab. purpureo- punctata, and one 5 which has the inner edges of 5 of the submarginal black spots on the upperside of the forewings covered with iridescent purplish scales. I have never seen any trace of these scales on the anterior wings of 2 s of (■. thersainon. L. alciphro7i was uncommon and large, 47mm. to 49mm. Of my 2 ? s one seems to be var. nuiiboensy having the ground colour of the central area of the upperside of the anterior wings dull orange-red with no trace of purple reflections.

I need say nothing of the Theclids save that Nordniannia ilici.'i, and Bit/iya querciis were very large. Of the Lycfenids, sens, stricto, Cyaniris soinaryun, and Aricia anteros were the most interesting. The former seemed to belong to the var. intermedia (Tutt), being broadly dark margined, though I took no $ s with more than the very faintest suggestion of blue scaling on the upperside. They varied in size, and I took among them a few large specimens that seemed very near var. balcanica, Tutt, save that the 2 s had the faintest trace of orange

A season's collecting at CONSTANTINOPLE. 11

lightening at the anal angle of the hindwings. A. anterus was wide spread and abundant at Gyok-Su and the Belgrade Forest district, otherwise it occurred in small numbers. The largest specimens and the smallest, the latter 22mm., were taken in spring, the summer and autumn races being of more even dimensions. The number of spots at the bases of the underside of the forewings varied from nil to 3, and I caught one, unluckily imperfect, specimen parallel with the ab. hasijuncta of Agriades thetis (figured in Tutt's British Bntterfiies, vol. iii., plate xlii.). Polyommatns icariis, worn specimens of which were still to be seen in sunny places yesterday (November 17th), was common and showed the usual aberrations, r.//., icarinus, which seemed almost racial at Kiitchiik Tchekmedje on August 12th, candiope, arcuata, seuii- arcuata, etc. Scarcely any of my $ s have any trace of blue on the upper- side. It will be interesting to see if this will hold good in future years. PoljiommatHs amanda was scarce. Plebeiits arf/iis {aeyon) local but abundant in its haunts from May 18th, to the end of August. Aricia astrarcJie was perhaps the commonest of the group. Glaucopsyche ci/Uants occurred sparingly in May. Celastrina arcjioliis was abundant as a rule in woods and bushy places. I fear I neglected this species, which appeared triple-brooded. I only picked up one decent Ilaywardia telicanus flying over heather at Kiathane on Oct. 7. Scolitantides baton was not at all common. A damaged $ taken near Kiathane on October 7th was my only observation after mid-May.

Of the Vanessids none were abundant this year. I only saw one Aijlaia urticae, a hibernated specimen, in the whole season, and only one fresh Eiivanessa antioiia. Foli/tjonia e(jea seemed to be common only in the Constantinople suburbs where one could not pursue it. I missed most of the first brood of Liineuitifi Camilla, which seemed larger than the July and August emergencies. The capture of a fresh J on September 8th made me wonder if there is a partial third emergence.

I found Melitaea trivia local, M. phoebe very rare, and no signs of a second brood of M. cin.cia. M. didyma, of which I have a series of nearly 100 specimens, shows most interesting variations. Some of my second brood specimens are hard to distinguish from Syrian examples. The 2 s are particularly variable, those from the Belgrade Forest being sometimes much sufl'used and of a more orange-brown ground colour. The S s of the first brood are unquestionably the largest and most richly coloured. Breuthia dap/me abounded in the Belgrade Forest in June. It was as large (55-60mm) as many home Aryynnis adippe. The year or the place was not favourable for Dryas pap/da and hsoria lathonia, of which few were seen. B. pandora occurred in most places, though not abundantly. y1. «;/?«/« was only noted in small numbers. The specimens were large and bright, the ? s of the brown form. I got only three Libythea celtis, two hibernated but very decent specimens in April and one fresh <? June 16th. Of the Satyrids there is little to say. Satyras circe was abundant in the Belgrade Woods and particularly partial to chestnut blossom. I was unlucky with S. statili)iiis, which seemed to wear very quickly. Pararge ro.celana was wide spread wherever there was shade and cover, but generally occurred singly, and I have only one P. viaera of three seen. Coenonyiiipha arcania showed a tendency towards orange-brown

12 THE entomologist's RECORD.

suffusion on the hindwings of the 9 . C. pampkilKs was often of the ab. maniinata.

Finally, of the Papilionids and Pierids Iphiclides podaliriiis was as rare this year as it is usually frequent. The common Pierids were as common and as destructive as elsewhere, but Picris napi was never abundant. The g. a. napaeae showed in many cases remarkably little suft'usion alongthe veinsof the undersideof theposteriorwings. Theab. (liniensis and the vernal ab. latln/ri of Leptosia sinapis were abundant. Pontia dapUdice was rare in its spring brood g. v. hellidice, but very common in late June, July, August, and September, I only took one S Si/ncldo'e chloridice, a very fresh specimen caught at Gyok-su on September 8th. On the same day I took a chipped ^ of Colias crate and a worn white 3 of the same on ground where the ab. $ heliee of ('. ednsa occurred. In July I took another J ( '. erate with a couple of lemon-yellow blotches within the broad marginal band of the fore- wings. I saw others, but they were impossible to reach, flying at a rate that even speedy C. ednsa could not equal. I did not see C. Ji>/ale, and wonder if it is not a mountain species in this part of the world, I have one small worn chrome-orange ( '(dias that may be C. chrysotheiiie, recorded from here by Staudinger in his brochure on the Lepidoptera of Asia Minor. I thmk (J. erate has not been recorded from Constantinople before. It may be an immigrant. South Russia is near us, and north and north-east winds often blow furiously. Its brilliant lemon-yellow colour and tearing flight make it easy to recognise on the wing. Anthncharia belia was locally common, but I was not able to search its haunts for g. a. ausonia, of which I have but one specimen. I saw a few Knchlo'e cardamines, and have but one, the underside of which seems to me to show less green and more white than British specimens.

The following is my list of species observed and captured for the year. I am rather doubtful about my Urbicolids my series of Hesperia alveus may contain two species, and one of my Knjnnh altheae is very yellow but I think it advisable not to hazard uncertain records : A', taijes, E. alceae, E. altheae, H. sidae, H. alveus, H. inalvae, P. orbifer, H. morpheim, T. actacon, A. Jiava, A. Hi/lvanus, G. noxtrodaniuii, C. thersamon, L. dorilis, L. alciphron, B. f)Ida<'as, C. riibi, N. ilicis, N. acaciae, B. qiiercfis, R. telicanua (two only), P. argim {ae<jon), C, nemian/ns var. intermedia, A. aatrarciie, A. anteros, P. icarus, P. aiiianda, G. ci/llariia, S. baton, T. balcauicits (one 2 , Jnly 28th, at Erenkeui), C. trochiliis (one <? , August 29th, at Erenkeui, very worn), C. artiioliia, P. marltann, 1. podaliriiia, A. rratacni, /'. brai^sicae, P. rapae, P. napi, P. daplidice, S. chloridice (one), A. belia, Fl. cardamines, L. sinapis, C. edusa, C. erate, G. rhamni, L. Camilla, V. io, E. antiopa, E. pnli/chloros. A, urticae (one), P. atalanta (rare this year), P. cardiii, P. et/ea, P. c-albnm, M. cin.via, M. phoebc, M. trivia, M. didi/ma, B. dia,

B. dahpne, I. latonia, A. Oijlaia, D. papliia, D. pandora, M. galatea var. procida, S. circe, S. hernrione, S. statilinus, H. semele, E. jiirtina, E. tithonus (occura on the Asiatic side of the Bosphorus in July), P. roxelana, P. maera (one), P. megaera, P. ufieria and var. eijerides,

C. arcania, C. pamphilus, and L. celtis a total of 79 species, to which I hope to make some additions next year, when I will give records of the Heterocera which I have observed.


Coleoptera on the Isle of Eigg.


The only records of Coleoptera from the Island of Eigg that I am aware of are those contained in a paper on the Aquatic Coleoptera of the North Ebudes by Mr. F. Balfour Browne {Ann. Scot. Xat. Hist., 1911, pp. 149-216), and these, of course, only refer to water-beetles. Having spent a day or two on Eigg in September last, I thought it might be useful to publish a list of all the beetles I observed on the island during that time. Mr. Bishop having very kindly asked Mr. Browne and me to go with him in his son-in-law's yacht, " The Iris," to Mull, to look for Di/tiscus lapponicus, we joined the yacht at Oban on September 12th, and sailed for Mull. As we did not find any of the Dt/tiscus on Mull, I decided to go on to Eigg. The weather being too rough for the ladies on board for the yacht to go there, I took the steamer to Eigg on September 15th, and left again on the 19th.

Eigg is a small Island near Mull in the Inner Hebrides. The landing stage is on the south-east of the island, and a ferry boat for the mails takes passengers to and from the steamer, as there is no harbour. In Laig Bay, on the west of the island, is a farm- house which serves as a hotel, and where one is very comfortable. I landed on the evening of the 15th, and it was quite dark before the trap, which I had wired for, got me to Laig House, the road being very rough and roundabout, and in parts precipitous. On the 16th I set out for the Loch in the N.E. of the Island to hunt for Dytiscus lapponiciift. The beetle occurred in great profusion, and as noticed by Mr. Balfour Browne last year, the females were more numer- ous than the males, 50 $ s to 30 1? s being about the proportion. A certain number of both were immature. I did not notice any larvae. It rained nearly the whole time I was on the Island, and a thick white mist, in which I got lost on the 17th, covered all the high ground, the afternoon of the 16th being the only time when it was clear and fine enough for me to see the other islands round. In fine weather I should say Eigg would well repay the coleopterist. There is a small stretch of sand hills in Laig Bay covered with marram grass, and plenty of herbage and vegetation to sweep, along the borders of the stream that runs down into the bay ; everywhere, however was too thoroughly soaked with water for me to attempt any sweeping or searching at the roots of herbage. There is plenty of moss and sphagnum, bogs and waterfalls, and stones on the higher ground to work.

The following is a list of all the beetles I captured or observed : Carabus (/ranulatns, L., in the house ; Carabus catenulatus, Scop., under stones ; Cychrus rostratns, L., under stones ; Nehria (jijllenhali, Sch., under stones; Clivina fossor, 1j., under stones; Pterostichiis vulyaih, L., under stones ; P. wad idHs,F .,nnder stones ; Trechits obtiisiis,'Ei'., under stones ; Hyclroponis nbsciiriis, Stm., in sphagnum pools ; At/abus arcticiis, Pk., in the loch ; A. bipuntidatus, L., in sphagnum pools, etc. ; Dijtisciis lapponicua, Gyll., in the loch, under stones in numbers ; Anacaena globulus, Pk., in the loch ; Cercyon uielanocephalus, L., in sheep dung ; Hnwalota oblonyinscula. Sharp, on the surface of a pool ; H. subaenea, Sharp, in carrion : H. circellaris, Gr., in moss ; H. atrauientaria, Gyll., var. ? in carrion (Dr. Sharp remarks that this may be a new

14 THE entomologist's RECORD.

species of which he has seen other specimens) ; Tac/n/poriis clii-i/sniue- liiinx, h., in moss; Tachinun laticollis, Gr., in sheep dang; Ociijins ciiprens, Ross., in moss ; rhilonthns prc.viiniis, Kr., in carrion ; Xantho- linns liiwaris, 0\., in moss; Steam similiK, Hbst., in moss; Lesteva lonijebjtrata, Goez. var. inaura, Er., in moss in a waterfall; L. Inctuosa, Fauv., in moss in a waterfall (new to Britain) ; Acidota crenata, F., in moss at side of Loch ; Silp/ia rw/osa, L., in carrion ; <S'. sinuata, F., in carrion ; Bifthiniis bnlbifer, Reich., in moss ; Aphodius contaminatus, Hbst., in sheep dung; and A. depiesstis, ling., var. niiiripes, Stephens, in sheep dang. I may mention that as the 16th was cahn enough, the yacht came on to Eigg, and Messrs. Bishop and Browne landed for an hour or so in the late afternoon and visited the Jh/tisciis locb. The latter tells me he took Aijahiis chalronotiis, Pz., and CoeUoiib)^ 9-lineatus, Steph., both commonly, and new to his previous list.


By Dk. T. a. chapman, F.Z.S., F.E.S.

M. Oberthiir's last volume* is largely occupied by a very interesting biographical sketch of Guenee, in connection with the figuring of many species of Geometers described by Guenee, of which the type specimens, hitherto unfigared, adorn M. Oberthiir's collection. Of these there are 120 figures on 11 plates, nor need we praise them beyond saying that they are drawn and engraved by M. Culot.

The notice of Guenee includes various personal reminiscences of him by M. Oberthiir, which add to its value. There are also reprinted from what we, in England at least, would regard as obscure " Recueil de la Societe libre de I'Eure " (1812) two humorous little papers from Guenee's delicate and amiably ironical pen. They are "Entomologists depicted by themselves" and "Names in Entomology." These were well worth reproducing, as, essentially amusing and humorous, they present also no little good sense.

Then we have some short papers on Ants and Larva?, life histories and habits of Lycienids, Hesperids, etc., chiefly by Mr. Powell.

There are also three plates of genitalia of < 'arc/iarodns, (A'/7/;(»/.s) establishing the note on these species in Fasc. v., pt. I., p. 194, and pt. IL, p. 104, and in previous volumes, from photographs received from M. C. Lacreuze, of Geneva.

A large portion of the volume gives full page photographs of insects and localities, mostly by Mr. Powell 9 of imagines, 22 of lai-vje, and 14 of insect localities and hunting grounds at Aflou, others, apparently taken by M. Oberthiir himself, in the Pyrenees, 14 on the north side, chiefly near Gavarnie, and 4 on the south. Also four photographs of the habitats of Si/ricJi(hiis [Hcttperia) alreits var. fonlqnicri near St. Zacharie-Var. Some of these photographs are excellent pictures, all are good, and all present material of much interest from one or other point of view. In Fasc. iv. bis., M. Oberthiir gave British Entomologists the credit of leading the way in presenting photographs of localities, etc. If so we did a good thing, and M. Oberthiir has made great advances on our teaching.

Etudes de l^pidopterologie compar^e, Fasc. V, ( 2* partie), 1911.


A Summer Trip in France, Switzerland, and Italy.

By E. B. ASHBY, F.E.S.

One feels it incumbent at the outset, for the sake of anyone who may read the following account, in say, ten years' time, to make the observation that the summer of 1911 having been so extraordinarily fine, and the emergence of lepidoptera in general so very early, the dates given for the times of appearances of species would not in many cases' be quite reliable in ordinary seasons.

I left Charing Cross at 9 p.m. on July 8th, and after a good •crossing and a pleasant drive through Paris in the very early hours, arrived the following morning at Fontainebleau-Avon station at 8.32. The day was perfect, but of the various species captured in the forest all, with the exception of two fine Pab/f/onia c-albnm, two perfect Arascknia levana, var. prorso, and two NordDiaiuiia (TJieda) j'Zu'/s, could have been captured in our own New Forest. The day's ■catch numbered 70, in good condition. Arriving the following morning at La Sarraz station beyond Vallorbe at 7.8 a.m., I walked across to Eclepens station and ascended the hill which Apaturids love. Unfortunately, the day was very tempestuous, and I only saw ten Apaturids altogether, some of which I could not approach. I caught four, including a perfect female Apatitra iii^, and one A. ilia var. <'h/tie in very fair condition. The marsh at Eclepens was devoid of anything worth naming, but under the hills behind Eclepens station were many Paniasdus apollo in perfect condition, sheltering, and I simpl)' picked off what I wanted, and also one specimen of Calliworpha doiiiinida, together with Coenomjmplia arcania in perfect condition. Arriving at Vernayaz station in the early morning of July 11th, I walked along under the cliffs as far as and round the Tour de la Batiaz at Mavtigny and spent a very successful day, taking 95 specimens, including 27 different species, amongst them being Hir^utina dcunon, Pontia dapUdice, Coliaa ednsa (one of each), and many Luweia alciphron, Satynis cdcj/onti, Satijrus cordula, Flnjnnis laraterae, Heodes vin/auraeae, Brenthis daphne (going over), Dri/as paphia, and also one lAjcaena arion in very good condition. The next day, Wednesday 12th, the weather was again perfect, and I set out from the Hotel du Mont Blanc at Martigny, which I had made my headquarters for a few days, and walked to Martigny Bourg, a short distance, and crossing the River Drance at Martigny Ville, turned to the right and walked back along the vineyards in the Plan Cerisier, towards the Tour de la Batiaz. Here I took one of the most perfect Papilio podalirius I have ever seen on the wing, several P. daplidicc, and more S. alcyonc and S. cordula. Afterwards I descended from the Tour and walked under the cliffs as far as the Gorge de Trient, and saw several Limenitis Camilla, and took one C. hera, almost fresh, and also two ^ Pobjom- matus meleaiier and one $ of the ab. steeveni. The next day was disappointing. I walked to Branson, searching all along the Rhone banks under the Les Follaterres for Glaucopsyclie iolas, and Scolitantides orion, but, alas, saw nothing of either, or of Coluthea arborescens. I made up a day amongst Mclanargia (jalatkea and Leptosia sinapis, and took one J C. ediisa in the Rhone meadows near Branson, and though I wandered as far as Fully, got nothing different there except one B. dia, quite fresh. It came on to thunder and rain about 2 p.m.,


when I returned to the hotel. My next day's work, July 14th, was spent under the cliffs, Vernayaz to Martigny, and in a catch of 99 were three L. ario7i, one L. Camilla, all fresh, some fair B. daphne and C. hijale, C. alciphron in good condition, thunder threatening again by by 4 p.m. and the day being very hot. The next morning I walked to Martigny Bourg station and sent some luggage on to Orsieres. On the walk up to Orsieres through Sembrancher, I took several P. machaon and A. adippe, and one Issoria lathonia. After a late lunch at Orsieres I plodded on again to Bourg- St. -Pierre on the Grand St. Bernard Road, but met with very little worth taking in this part of the journey. The Hotel de Napoleon here is interesting, as you see the room which the great general occupied when passing through Bourg-St. -Pierre. Starting early next morning I walked thence over the Grand St. Bernard Pass to Aosta. Between Bourg St. Pierre and the St. Bernard Hospice I took several Pieris callidice in fine condition, also Melampias epiphron, Erebia tyndanis, and Brenthis pales. At the Hospice one enjoyed some rest and patted the famous dogs, which seem rather spoilt, but are fine animals, being mostly now descendants of the famous dog " Barry." It is interesting to note that the pure breed of these dogs is preserved in far-off Scotland. Below the Hospice is the Italian Custom House, where a gendarme satisfies himself that you have sufficient money on you to be allowed to enter Italy. On the way down to the first Italian village of St. Rhemy I took several male P. callidice, one Parnafisit(s delius, and one fine specimen of Anthocharis siniplonia. I confess I limped into Aosta after a long day, but managed to catch the 5 a.m. diligence next morning for Courmayeur, arriving there at the comfortable Hotel de rUnion, at 10 a.m. After breakfast I went down into the river Dora ravine, towards Pre St. Didier ; the river Dora is ever a torrent and its cold waters are thickened with debris, etc., from the grand Mont Blanc Range, which towers above everything else at Courmayeur. Here I found Brenthis daphne quite fresh, also L. avion, B. ino, and P. hijlas, besides P. apollo and commoner insects. Next morning, July 18th, I climbed Mont de la Saxe, famed for its flora, which would have turned the head of a botanist, I imagine, and towards the summit I was delighted to find Melitaea cynthia, fresh, and in abundance, males and females, also high mountain forms of B. pales. On the way up I also took Pleheius an/us, in abundance, and on the top a few C. phicomone, but there was no sign of ('. palaeno. One enjoyed one's lunch on the top of Mt. de la Saxe, and gazed with glad rapture on the wonderful panorama around. I counted forty-six snow-clad peaks in all directions, whilst the lordly Mt. Blanc towered highest amongst the other peaks of his range, " Primus inter pares." Next day I again visited the Dora ravine, where I took a total of one hundred insects, B. daphne, Argynnisaglaia, Ai/riades coridon, etc. A little rain came on in the afternoon, the first I had experienced since July 13th, but it cleared by the time I reached the Hotel. After dinner a party of French automobilists of the Auto Club du Perigord, a Perigueux, Dordogne, near Bordeaux, who had been "doing" the Exhibition at Turin, and were eu ?-o»^e for Champery, most hospitably entertained me at their musical evening. We had most beautiful songs and music, and before separating that evening we toasted " England " and " France," " a I'entente cordiale," most heartily.


Next day, July 20th, was my last day's collecting at Courmayeur. I climbed Mt. Chefcif in good time. The view from the summit is not so good as from Mt. de la Saxe, and the climb is not so arduous, but the flies bothered me a great deal, more so than the mosquitoes in the evenings at Martigny, Near the summit, in some damp alpine meadows, I found C'hrijaophaniis /(//)/>oiAoe in great abundance and fresh, also Heocles virgaureae, and at the summit a few C. pldcomone and high mountain vars. of B. pales. Next morning I set out at 8.0 a.m. to walk from Courmayeur to the Restaurant du Col Ferret. It is a stiff walk, and the hot sun beat down with force. In the Val Ferret I only goD two specimens of H. damon var. ferret i, a purplish tinge taking the place of the ordinary damon blue. Just where the road ended and the mountain track commenced, I was fortunate to meet with seven or eight fine P. deliKs and a host of B. pales (type). It is a very stiff climb over the Col Ferret, and when one tried to rest a moment, the fierce sun made one's boots begin to scorch and one was forced to stagger on wearily, until one reached some haven of shelter from the fierce heat under the other side of the hill. After reaching the Restaurant du Col Ferret that night, which is eight miles from the nearest post office, I found one or two French and German guests staying at that lonely inn, and I much enjoyed the cleanest and most comfortable bed, I think, I ever slept in. Next day, leaving the Restaurant at 9.0 a.m., by way of Praz de Fort to Orsieres I took en route some nice E. lii/ea, A. aijlaia, E. aethiops {blandina), etc., and between Orsieres and Sem- brancher I was pleased to take two fine A. paphia var. ralesina, one /'. machaon, one 0. hera, one L. arion, etc. Near the large iron drawbridge over the Drance above Bovernier is a nice bed of thyme, beloved of L. arion, H. damon (males and females), and other species. Next day, Sunday, July 23rd, after attending Martigny Church at 7.30 a.m., I sauntered quietly along under the cliffs towards Vernayaz, not doing any serious collecting, but looking out for anything good that might be about and collecting what I could for an entomological friend in England. P. podaliriiis was more abundant, and also a few female H. vinjaureae. I left Martigny for Lausanne and Dijon that afternoon and reached Fontainebleau - Avon Station again next morning at 9.80 a.m. It was awfully hot here, and I was told that fires had been raging in the forest the previous day. After wandering about the forest for a few hours, where I took P. machaon, B. selene (second brood), C' hyale, Loireia dorilis and two more A. levana var. prorsa, a heavy storm commenced at 3.30 p.m., and I took the train forthwith to Paris and caught the 9.10 p.m. express to Calais and London on that night from the Gare du Nord. The grand total of my catch during sixteen days' actual collecting was 1,128 specimens, nearly all in good condition, besides a few larvse of Pyrameis cardui, etc., which produced imagines later.

Luperina (?) (Apamea) gueneei, Doubleday, as a species, and as a British species.

By Hy. J. TURNER, F.E.S. At the conclusion of my previous notes under the above heading in the last volume of the Entomologist's Record, I expressed the hope that " during the coming season some of our continental workers will be

18 THE entomologist's RECORD.

on the look out for /.. niclieiiii," and also expressed the desirability of obtaining details as to the earlier stages of this group of incipient species. With this purpose in view, I distributed a nunjber of copies of the reprint of my notes among our leading students on the continent of Europe. In reply I have received a most kind and interesting letter from one, whose delight it is to render his best aid to a fellow entomologist of whatever nationality he may be, M. Chas. Oberthiir of Rennes. He writes " Votre i/ueneei est bien conforme a la (/raslini, Obthr, (Btdl. S(k. ent. France, 1908) et non a {/iteneei, forme blanchatre sans dessins apparents, dont ma collection contient le " typicum specimen Var, A " du Species (/eiieral des Lepiilopteres, Noctuelites." Of this pale form of L. testacea he goes on to say, "C'est cette tcstacea pale, d'un blanc-jaunjitre, presque depourvue de dessins, a laquelle nous donnons le nom de (jneneei. Elle est commune dans le midi de la France et en Algerie, rare aRennesou ffsfaccrtestpourtanttres-abondante en automne, mais teatacea a Rennes, est le plus souvent d'un brim fonce aux ailes superieures, avec les dessins bien ecrits. Il-y-a d'ailleurs une foule de variations, mais I'espece est generalement tres- reconnaissable."

Reverting to the consideration of i/ueneei (Doubleday) he writes, " Votre (iiiencei, en Franco and en Algerie, a les ailes superieures plus allongees and plus etroites que testacea. Elle est aussi elle assez variable. C'est I'espece que de Graslin avait rapportee iinickerlii, mais que j'ai distingue sous le nom de iiraslini. Elle parait en Septembre. Elle est abondante dans les Pyrenees Orientales, surtout." "G raslini {(f Iteneei Donhl.) a le fond des ailes moins brun, moins ' ochraceous ' qua testacea. Les ailes superieures de t/raslini ont le fond plus gris et moins brun-jaunatre."

In reply to my request for material for examination, M. Oberthiir, with his customary genorosit}', sent me not only specimens of (jraslini from the Pyrenees-Orientales, but the various forms of testacea from Rennes, with two of the pale form, named ineridionale, one from Hyeres and the other from Orau, both of which agree with the form A of the Species iieiieral des lAiddopthci, and which is common in the south and rare in the north, together with a scries of the allied species L. dunieiHii, showing a parallel range of olive, brown, and pale forms as in L. testacea.

In these notes I will deal with the material and information so kindly given me by j\l. Oberthiir.

A glance at the four specimens of /,. i/rasUni was sufficient to recognise them as L. ;/iieneei. The shape of forewing is the same; the general coloration of both fore- and hindwings is identical ; the variation, inter sc, is quite similar, except that two of the L. i/raslini have the reniform stigma nearly as distinct as in the typical forms of fj. nickerlii ; and all the markings are identical in position with those given in ray previous notes as being characteristic of L. [/iieneei.

Those four specimens were then handed to Dr. Chapman, who at once recognised them as //. ifuoieei. However, we wore anxious to see whether examination of the genitalia supported our views, and Dr. Cha|)man Hul)seqnently found that these structures were practically indistinguishable from tho.se of />. ijaeneci, and that there was no hesitation or doubt as to the specific identity of L. ijueiieei (Doubl.) and L. (jraslini (Obthr.).


I have compared this fresh luaterial sent me by M. Oberthiir, with that in the British Museum. The specimen I have referred to in my previous notes labelled "Central France, Coll. M. Hand" and classified as ha.rti'ri, is identical with the specimens of L. tcstacea sent me from Rennes (Central France) and is most certainly wrongly placed as ba.vteri. There are no L. (/rasUni in the Museum collections.

Now arises a difficulty. M. Guenee, in or before 18G4, had the Doubleday specimen called (juencei in his hand and, comparing it with the specimen he|^had called var. A of L. tcatacea, came to the definite conclusion that they were identical. M. Oberthiir has, at the present time, this actual specimen var. A of M. Guenee in his collection, and states, as I have mentioned above, that it agrees with the form of testacea from Algeria, i.e., meridionale, and with the form from S. France, i.e., (jueneci (of French entomologists), of each of which forms he has sent me a specimen. I have not the slightest hesitation in calling them pale forms of L. testaceo. They do not agree with the Doubleday specimen of (jueneei which M. Guenee identified as var. A of testacea of his Sjiecies fieneral. This Doubleday specimen is undoubtedly, as I have shown before, an example of what we now know in Britain as /.. (jtieneei. Hence we are compelled to admit that the identification of M. Guenee was erroneous. Thus the (jueneei of French entomologists is L. testacea var. or ab. (jueneei, while the (jueneei of Doubleday has been perfectly separated from L. testacea.

From an examination of the specimens, we turn to the references connected with L. (jrasUni. In an article published in the Ihill. Soc. eiit. de France for 1908, p. 322, M. Oberthiir makes a series of historical observations on a new French species which he names Luperina f/raslini. It appears that Mr. Harold Powell, w4io had been collecting during the summer and autumn of 1908 in the Pyrenees- Orien tales, sent to M. Oberthiir, more than 50 specimens of a Noctuid species, which were close to L. testacea, but absolutely separable from any known forms of that species, and extremely distinct from the form indigenous to the Pyrenees-Orientales. M. Oberthiir had in his collection under the name L. nickerlii a short series of a species, which had been obtained from CoUioure, Pyr.-Or., in 1847 and 1857, one of which M. Guenee had called var. B. of L. testacea \n his Species jeneral, Noctut'lites, I., p. 183. This actual specimen with five others were obtained from the collection of M. Graslin and from that of M. Pierret to whom M. Graslin had presented the example subsequently described by M. Guenee. This last referred-to example bears a label in minute characters stating that the specimen was bred on September 5th from a larva taken at Collioure, and in later writing " I believe it to be distinct," with a doubt as to its identification by M. Graslin with the L. nickerlii from Prague, being correct. On comparing the 60 odd specimens obtained by M. Powell with those bred long years before from the same district by M. Graslin, M. Oberthiir was satisfied that they were one and the same species, and were undoubtedly not L. testacea. He also compared the two series with some four insects which he had obtained from Bohemia under the name L. nickerlii, and having concluded that his long series were not that species, named them jraslini after M. Graslin their original discoverer.

In the Ann. .S'oc. ent. de France, p. 309, 1863, M. Graslin gives a full account of the specimens obtained by him at Collioure in 1847 and

20 THE entomologist's record.

again in 1857, under the name of Luperinanickerlii, a perfectly correct determination as we now know. But not satisfied with his own judg- ment, he sent his specimens to Dr. Nickerl for his opinion, and in reply M. Graslin was informed that he (Dr. Nickerl) " etait siir ijuc vHait la iiieiiie csjiecf." In 1847, when first obtained, M. Graslin took these specimens for southern forms of L. testacea, but on obtaining the larvae in 1857, he compared them with those of f.. tcstacea, and found that they were abundantly distinct. Subsequently, a look at Herrich- Schafter's figure 5G5 of L. uichrrlii gave him a clue, and when he considered the material obtained by him in the Pyrenees he included Lupen'na nickerlii as a species new to the French fauna.

Graslin's description of the larva is as follows :

" EUe est assez courte, amincie aux deux extremites, et ofifre I'aspect d'une larva de Coleoptere. Lorsqu'elle est parvenue a la derniere mue, elle est d'une couleur de chair sale, jaunatre, ou verdatre, suivant les individus, un peu plus foncee sur le milieu des anneaux, luisante et sans autre dessin que le vaisseau dorsal, qui parait d'un gris roussiitre ou noiratre a travers la peau. Quelques individus ont le dessus du dernier anneau lave de noiratre. La tete est petite, de couleur d'ecaille blonde tris pale, ainsi qu'une plaque anale arrondie par derriere et formant, vue de profil, comme deux bourrelets separes par une depression circulaire; cette conformation n'est guere visible qu'au moyen de la loupe. Les stigmates tres peu visibles ; meme vus a la loupe, ils sont ovales, d'une couleur de chair rosee et finement cercles de noir. Toutes les pattes sont de la couleur du ventre, avec la pointe des ecailleuses et les crochets des membraneuses d'un brun noir."

He goes on to say that the larvrc feed on grasses which grow in sandy places, hiding themselves about their roots. They surround themselves as a rule, with their excrement, which forms a kind of chamber for them. They attain their full size in the month of June, and they fasten together with silk grains of sand, fibres of the roots of grasses and their excrement to form, what can scarcely be called a cocoon, so frail is it.

The chrysalis is indistinguishable from that of L. iextacea.

The imago emerges at the end of August and in the first fortnight of Septeml)er.

Coleoptera taken at Uitchling, Sussex, during 1911.

By HEIIEWARD C. DOLLMAN, F.E.S. April, the first ten days of May, August and September found me at Ditchling. I was able, at various times, to do a considerable amount of collecting, and now record those captures which seem of interest. Benihidiinn ijiiadn'piistnlatioii, Dj. One specimen of this rare "Bem." was taken from thick pond moss on August 17th. The pond at that date was almost dry, and within a few days was baked up entirely. Hi/d>'«l>'>>'i'^ ilixrrctns, Fair. A short series was taken by shaking out reeds from ditches and ponds, in April and August. IJelo/ihoiu^ tlorsalis, Marsh. A few of this species were taken from a running- ditch at Ditchling on May 7th. Ihjdrnecia ni;irita, Germ., was very common in this water. Both these species were found again in great profusion at Ilolm Bush on August IGth. I owe my grateful thanks to Dr. Longstafif for motoring me over to this one-time famous


locality. Here it was that Dr. Power found Lehia crux-minor not uncommonly, O.riilaemwi rarioloms, and other most choice species. Ochthebius e.varatiis, Muls. One example from off Siiariianiuin on September 12th. Vhloeopora corticalis, Gr. Occasional specimens from out of oak boughs, and under oak- bark in April and September. ■■'Caloilera riparia, Er., by shaking thick moss in a small wood in May; very rare. -'Calodera 7niibrosa, Er. One from a sand-pit on May 12th. Thcniiiaraea cinnainoniea, Or., and -'T. hospita, Miirk, from C'o.ss?f,s-infected oaks in August. ■•'Alianta incana, Er., was very common in leaf-axils of Typlia lati- folia throughout the late summer. ' Homalota vldoiKjiuacida, Sbp., was not uncommon in dead leaves and thick moss in the spring. ■■'■H.jjar/ana, Er., several in "water-traps" on the Downs in September. H. nitjella, Er., was found in reeds ; not uncommonly. H. aequata, Er., and "^ linearis, Gr., were both common in fallen oak boughs in April and May. *//. innuersa, Er.,was also found in these rotten oak boughs, though not commonly, -'H. cnspidata, Er., rarely under bark of oaks. '^H. intermedia, Th., and */^. testndijiea, Er., were both found somewhat freely in thick moss in a field adjoining the house. '^Tachyusa atra, Gr,, rare, in pond debris. ■''Mj/riiiecojiora iirida, Er. I found this species in great profusion among sea-weed at Shoreham on April 24th. Fyncephalns conijdicans, West. Some twenty specimens were shaken from moss and out of grass roots in April and May ; one example was found also in late September. ^Oijrophaena stricttila, Er., was obtained in the greatest profusion from Daedalea quercina on an old stump on May 5th. ■■'Silusa rid)i;iinosa, Er., somewhat rarely, in oaks attacked by larva' of L'osaus on September 10th. Deinopsis erom, Steph., was first taken in the Ditchling district on April 13th. Only odd individuals have been noticed since, and always on the margins of small ponds or ditches. ^Tachijporus forinosus, Mat., and T. solutus, Er. These two species, although very local, both occurred in moderate numbers in one or two chosen haunts. I obtained both by shaking out large tussocks of coarse grass. ■■Tachyporus pallidus, Shp., was very common indeed among reed heaps at the Offham osier beds, near Lewes. Mycetoporus clavicornis, Steph., was common in the sand pit during late spring. M. angidaris, Rey., was taken once only from a hay stack on August 14th. ■'Heterotliops binotata, Gr., was not uncommon among seaweed at Shoreham on April 24th. ■■QiiediKs rentralis, Ahr. 1 was very delighted to take this tine insect at Ditchling, it being a very interesting addition to my list of the coleopterous fauna of the district. I discovered it in its usual habitat in a large beech copse near Stanmer Park, some 800 feet above sea level. Stap/iylinus pubescens, De G. The first and only specimen I have taken around Ditchling was captured on April 30th, in a manure heap. ■■■ L'hilonthuH corruscus, Gr. One fine male captured from a dead rabbit on May 5th. In spite of much hard work, I failed to turn up any more of this very scarce and handsome species. ■'Actobias procerulhs, Gr. Three or four from the sand-pit on May 6th. Suniiis intermedins, Er. A few from stack refuse in the spring, and commonly therefrom on September 29th. The genus Stenns is strongly represented around Ditchling. I have now a record of just 40 species from the neighbourhood. Among these, a few of this year's captures are of the more scarce forms : incrassatus, Er. (not


uncommon on pond miul); canaliciilatiia, Gyll. ; exi)/ ii iix, Fjr.; fiisci- roniis, Er. (from Holm J5ush); vallipea, Gr. (common at Offham); pallitarsia, Steph. ; '''soliitns, Er., and fornicatits, Hteph. (a nice series); '■' floinaliiifii planiii)}, Pk., was taken under oak bark, and //. stn'atiini, Gr., by sweeping and in refuse. ProteiiuiH inamijitcriix, Gyll., I found at Ditchling for the first time on April 14th, by shaking thick moss in a small wood. By sifting fallen beech leaves in a small hill-side copse, I came across ''■'■ Cholera cinacina, Kell., and '■'(.'. iii(/rita, Er., a short series of each. Neurap/tcs doni/atnlKft, ]\fnll., frequently turned up in moss and dead leaves in the spring, and more rarely Sri/dinaniits scKti'llan's, Mull. '■•' Kuthia scijdnuinuiidi'n, Stph., I found in profusion in a manure heap on August 7th. Ih-i/axia iratcilioiisci, Rye., from Shoreham on April 24th ; taken rarely from seaweed on the salt marsh. Tric/iouj/.v iniirhrli, Aub. This year three specimens were secured, none of them apparently in association with ant.s. On April 28rd and 25th respectively, I shook one from thick moss in my grounds on the face of the Beacon ; on May 8th, a third specimen was sifted out of some rotten oats in a farmyard near by. '■■ Kiiplectus ainbiguun, Reich., a few specimens from moss, (rnatlionciis liiinctulatiiK, Th., and -'G. nidicola, Joy, in and about starlings' nests in the sand pit, and also crawling on the sand away from the nests. Cryptarcha styii/atfi, F., rare, at C 'n.s-.s».s-infected oak tree near Hassocks Gate Station, September 10th. '''Diidn/llits litnafita, F., not uncommon in Sphm'tia comrntnca on ash trees near Lewes. On August 28th, I unearthed, after terrific labour, a large nest of Boiiihm hortoniin : this nest was situated quite three feet down in a large complex rabbit burrow. It yielded a nice series of ( 'rj/ptnphai/Ks distinijnendus, Stm., a species not usually associated with liovibi, I believe, a few C. setidomis, Stm., one Ant/ierophofiiis pallena, 01., and a few Kpuraea oestiva, L. By carefully sifting a hay-stack in April I procured a number of Kphistemus i/lohosus, Walt., and from an old ash stump took one ScaphisoDia boleti, Pz. From the Shoreham salt-marsh, out of a wet clay bank on April 24th, I dug out Hctcnxrrm britaniciis, Kuw., in some numbers. In early May the Ditchling sand pit yielded ApJiodius iiKiuinatus, F., and Pla/iiotpmufi amwrius, 01. From old "sea-breakers" near Shoreham, whilst digging out Codiosoma, I procured a few I^tinus (/cnnanuK, F.

On May 3rd I found some larvse and pupjc of Canipi/his linearis, Li., in an old willow stump. The first imago emerged on "^lay 12th, a J . ■■'■Xijlopliiliix popidiietis, Pz., introduced itself to me from the district for the first time on September 9th, one specimen being taken among some fouled straw in a farm shed.

A day spent on the Newhaven clifl's, in spite of the very burnt-up state of the vegetation, was not unproductive. Apion laericudle, Kirb. (a few at roots of Lotus cornindattis and other plants. I could not decide if the species was really attached to the I.(diis or not) ; Sitoues u-ater- /(fM(.s7"/, Walt., common under the Lotus; Ceiit/ior/n/nrliidins dairsani, liris., in abundance on I'lantaip) roronopiis, and ( '. riifiihis, I)uf., not uncommonly l)y shaking out plants oi Anneria nibiaris, a hitherto unrecorded foodplant for the species.

liy sweeping (ieuista aiuilira on Ditchling Common, Apion kiesen- uetteri, Desb., and Apion i)ninnne, Kirb., were found. The latter species is a fresh Apion record for Ditchling, and I think G. amjlica


has not before been brought forward as a pabulum for this broom- frequenting ^Yeevil.

(.'i'lithur/njnchus ewldcai iac, Gjll., was in numbers on Cardamine piatensis in the Spring, when also at the Offham osier beds, among cut reeds, I took '■'■'- 0)-cIiestes saliceti, F.

Those species marked with an asterisk are not recorded from Sussex in Canon Fowler's work, and have not been noted by me before from that county.

The genotype of the Blattid genus Steleopyga.

By A. N. CAUDELL (National Museum, Washington U.S.A.).

Having started the discussion on the above subject, T would like to make a few additional remarks. In the September number of this magazine, Mr. Shelfoi'd takes me to task for my " assiduity in raking up names from the decent obscurity of synonymy." I realize clearly that changes of well-established names is deplorable, but, where general usage does not warrant a given treatment, changes due to correction are ultimately inevitable, and the sooner they are made the better. Thus the resurrection of Steleopyga. It may have been Fischer von Waldheim's intention to have Blatta orientalU typical of his genus Steleop)j;/a, but it is facts, not intentions, that prevail in nomenclature. To consider oricntalis the genotype of Stdeo/nji/a, and at the same time concede that it was previously the validly designated type of an older valid genus, is a stand not in accord with general usage, and one ultimately destined, I believe, to fall into general disfavour. The International Code allows this treatment, but it is against the good judgment of the able secretary of that Commission, as clearly set forth by his personal rule No. 12d.^

I am further charged with skating over the fact that it was not till 1838 that aiiiericana was made the type of Veriplaneta. But this fact is not important. I admit that aiiien'cana was eligible for selection as the type of Stelcnpi/;/a from 1833 to 1838, and indeed, so far as I can learn, until 1890, when Kirby designates it as the type of Veriplaneta. If it was designated as the type of Feriplaneta before 1890, I have failed to note the reference. Thus, for many years americana was available as type of either Veriplaneta or Steleopipja, but was not designated as either. Upon its designation as the type of Veripdaneta, it ceased to be available as the type of Stelenpyf/a, no matter what the date. TricJioprocta was all the time available as the type of Steleoptp/a, and, when a)nerica)ia was designated as the type of Veriplaneta, triclwprocta, becoming the only available species, became the type of Steleo]»jifa. The fact that Brulle established his genus Vobjphai/a on aeijt/ptiaca does not alter this fact, as triehnprocta was not mentioned in this connection by Brulle, indeed, its synonymy with Brulle's species was not recognised for some years. ^ Holding that the inclusion of a specific name in synonymy under one designated as the type of one genus does not invalidate it as the type of another genus, I believe trirhoprocta to be the logical type of Steleopi/ga. This appears preferable, as the sinking into synonymy of ['(di/p/iaiia seems less of a calamity than to sink the more generally known genus Veriplaneta.

^Hygcnic Bulletin No. 24, Treasury Department, U.S.A., p. 27 (1905). -Tlie earliest reference for this synonymy known to me is 1865, Brunner, Nouv., Syst., Blatt., p. 354.

24 THE entomologist's record.

The claim is advanced that, according to reasonings put forth in luy former article in I'm/rht', Stdeopi/i/a would stand in one subfamily while in an emended form it would sink into synonymy in another. This conclusion certainly seems unwarranted as I took especial pains to show that Styhijii/iia was but an emendation of Stelcopi/t/a, and not a separate genus. Supposing that all students of nomenclature conceded that emendations were unallowable, I did not think it necessary to state that they were to be quoted in synonymy under the name as originally spelled.

In the October number of the journal Mr. Bethune-Baker makes an earnest attempt to solve this problem according to the rules of the International Code. His conclusion is that cnnericana is the type of Stelcopi/i/a, thus giving to each of the three originally included species of this genus its advocate as genotype. Mr. Bethune-Baker has not followed the strict letter of the International Code, as it does not rule that Fisher von Waldheim's inclusion of orientalis in his genus Std('0}n/(ja is )iltra vires. This is the opinion of the secretary of the International Committee, as stated above, but the Committee itself has never, unfortunately, ruled to this effect.

Mr. Bethune-Baker's treatment of ^ttjlopinia, the emended form of Steleopipja, as a distinct and separate genus is certainly wrong. Being clearly but an emendation it is to be quoted in synonymy under the genus as originally spelled.

Note. In my original article in PnycJie an error occurs. The words : "2 Blatt., p. 30 (1907) " in the next tc last line in the second paragraph should be referred to foot-note 3, completing the reference given there, and replaced in the text by Mr. Shelford's name and the reference number 3. I indicated this error in galley proof but the printer never mide the correction.

Note to the above by R. Shelford.

Mr. Caudell gives his case away in the most delightfully ingenuous manner. He states that to regard orientalis as the genotype of Steleopyga and of Blatta is in accordance with the rules of the International Code. I ask no more than that, my position is even stronger than I thought it was for I have the sanction of high authority. Mr. Caudell may believe that this or that rule of the International Code is " ultimately destined to fall into general disfavour," but such an opinion cannot bind those who hold a diametrically opposite one. It would not be very difficult to combat many of the arguments brought forward by Mr. Caudell, but to slaughter the slain has never been a profitable employment.



interest therefrom during 1911. On July 4th I discovered a few felled pine trunks which seemed in admirable condition, and which, moreover, wore riddled throughout by Scohjtidae. The latter, on examination, proved to be Myeloji/iilns pinipvrda, L., Ui/lastvs palliatus, Gyll., 'I'owicHH laricis, F., and riti/<)//encs bidcntatua, Ilbst., the former three in profusion, and the rit>/i)(i('ucs very sparingly. Almost immediately I found a specimen of Jli/popldofKx linearis, the beetle I was in search of, and settled down to make the very most of the waning light. Ucyiisa incrassata, Muls., sparingly; Kpipeda plana,


Gyll., and a few Epnraea titoracica, Tonrn., were taken before darkness made further work impossible. In company with my friend, Mr. Donisthorpe, another venture was made on July 4th, the whole of the workable material of the logs, our patience and our combined invective exhausted, but no Hi/popJdoens : our only capture of interest being a few more Ejinraea thoracica by Mr. Donisthorpe. On October 17th, from thick wet moss by the Black Pond, I shook out a nice series of Ocyum picina, Aub., and one Stilicits siniilis, Er. ; from the sphagnum in the pond, in addition to the customary species, such as the (h/innusa and Stenits, I secured a short series of linjaxis inipressa, Pz. Hereward C. DoLLMAN, F.E.S., Hove House, Newton Grove, Bedford Park, W.

Mycetoporus forticornis, Fauv., and other Coleoptera in the New Forest. A few days at the end of July working in the Forest resulted in the capture of some interesting forms. Most of these were typical New Forest species, and though none the less welcome, do not call to be recorded. Mi/cetoporus forticornis Avas my most interesting capture. I shook one specimen from thick moss at the roots of ling. The larger size, much more transverse and clavate antenn;*, the different coloration (especially of the head) and the punctuation, readily differentiate the species from its ally .1/. davicomis, of Stephens. Meffacronus cingulatus, Man., and Cacnopsis fissirostris, Walt., were also shaken from the same moss. Sweeping in Ramnor enclosures on the 26th added a new species to my collection in Flil/tdbius quadrinodosns, Gyll. {denticollis, Gyll.), and a nice series of LowjitarsuH holsaticus, L. Sweeping Inula dysenterica outside Stubby copse produced Cassida fastuosa, Schal., one imago and one larva ; the latter I reared without difficulty. This beautiful species has not, I think, been taken in the Forest since its capture there by Stephens. From a partly decayed beech tree many interesting beetles were taken, the best of these being Euplectus bescidicus, Eeitt. (a long series), Batrisus vemistus, Reich, (several), and Flei/aderus. Hereward C. Dollman, F.E.S., 14, Newton Grove, Bedford Park, W.


Early appearances. I took a J'/n'nalia pedaria (pilosaria) on a gas lamp here on December 29th, a capture which I should say is somewhat near a record for early emergence, and to-day near East- bourne I set up another record by taking a freshly emerged, Xylocawpa areola (lithoriza) on a telegraph-pole. What is the coming season going to show us? A. E. Tonge, F.E.S., Aincroft, Reigate. January 5th, 1912.


Harwood has had the good fortune to breed, from larvse, beautiful ex- treme examples of Z. orbiculana ab. iantldnarium [sic!] , Stichel, which has not hitherto been recorded as British. The form was described and named by Stichel in 1901 (Berl. Knt. Zeit., xlvi., S.B. p. 20) and previously figured without a name by Snellen {Tijd. Knt., xxxviii., p. 58. tab. iv., fig. 4, 1895), and is parallel to Z.pendularia ab. subroseata. The ground colour is of the same blackish grey, tinged with red in the middle, as in the extreme forms of that species, typically the transverse pale lines and the discal spot of both wings remain conspicuous, but Mr. Harwood has shown me an example so extreme as to have even

26 THE entomologist's RECORD.

these (with the sole exception of the tliscal spot of the hindwing) almost absorbed in the general darkening. The distal half of the fringes remains white. Louis B.Prout, F.E.S.,62 Graham Road, N.E. Decewber Sth, 1911.

Vanessa antiopa in Hampshire. I have to record the capture of a specimen of Vanessa antiopa in August by a boy at Curdridge, a village in South Hants. The specimen ^yas taken to Lady Jenkyns, who presented it to the Rev. G. E. C. Osborne, Rector of Botley, in whose collection it now is. Rev. J. E. Tarbat, Fareham, Hants.


T/ic Life and Love of the Insect, by J. Henri Fabre, translated by Alexander de Mattos (Adam and Chas., Black). In reading this well got up book of essays we are again and again reminded of the contents of six portly volumes on our book-shelves, on the covers of which is impressed the revered name of that prince of the observers of nature, Reaumur. Fabre is the modern Reaumur. But there is a circumstantial difference in the two men. The latter groped as it were in the dark, he had no predecessors whose example he could follow, he dealt only with facts as he actually saw them, he was influenced by no more or less nebulous theories, and he made few deductions of a philosophical nature, nor did he ascribe motives for the actions and habits he depicted so well. Fabre, while equally assiduous, equally accurate and exhaustive in the detail of his observations, ascribes motives for the varying habits, and makes inferences influenced more or less by the generally received conceptions of the theories proposed by many a previous naturalist. While it is with some amount of reserve that we read his deductions, we cannot fail to admire the skill and ingenuity with which our present author has compelled the various living objects of his study to give up the marvellous secrets of their life and love. With some of the creatures, whose ways of life are so faithfully described, we have been familiar from our childhood. The Typl)aei(s buried the sheep manure which laid scattered on the hill above our school. W^e were alwaj's meeting the scavenger Gentrupes with its burden of parasites, as it slaved away on its self-imposed task of burying excrementitious matter. We have still the Scorpion which we watched in life, obtained from a box of imported eggs. The charming essays given us in this volume we can read again and again. They are like fairy tales, only that the little fairies are real living identities, and the happenings will be re-enacted for all those patient observers who wish it. W^e would that all Fabre's essays could be published in this country, and the publishers are to be congratulated on this, may we say, instalment, both for the get up and illustration, and for the moderate price.

A most enjoyable evening w^as spent with the Entomological Club on Thursday, November 16th, at the Savage Club, when Mr. H. Rowland-Brown was the host. The members and guests present included Prof. Selwyn Image, Drs. T. A. Chapman and F. A. Dixey, Revs. F. D. MoricG and G. Wheeler, Messrs. R. Adkin, J. E. Collin, H. Donisthorpe, A. H. Jones, G. A. K. Marshall, R. M. Prideaux, A. Sich and R. South. Sympathetic reference was made to the death of Mr. Verrall by all the members of the club present, its late prosperity,


if not its survival, having been in great measure due to him ; the out- line of a scheme was also propounded for an annual gathering on the day before the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society to replace as far as possible the very enjoyable meetings at which for many years Mr. Verrall was so generous and genial a host. G.W.

In the November number of the Ent. Mo. Maif. Mr. J. Hartley Durrant describes two species of Hh>/acionia = Hctina= Kvetna, new to the British fauna. They are //. hxjaea, which species will probably be found in collections under the name of U. duplana, which latter, how- ever, is shown to be not a British species, and R. piirdeyi, an insect taken sparingly at Folkestone during the past year by Mr. W. Purdev.

Inthe same number, Mr. J. E. Collin concludes his additions to the British List of Diptera with the following species : Udinia holetina from fungi in the New Forest ; Auroiinjza albitarsis from Hereford, Kent, Cambs., etc. ; A. posticata irom Herefordshire; A. abioin from Orford ; A. carbnnaria ivomBurtiovd; A. laterella, not uncommon ; A. rittv/era from Newmarket and Bonhill ; A. rerbasci from mined ]'('i-bascn})i leaves; A. afiieivcntris, not uncommon ; A. ctnictauf;, common ; A. iiiaKva, widely distributed ; A. sivijdc.r, sweeping asparagus beds in Suffolk ; Cerodonta sj)inicornis from Cambs., Norfolk and Suffolk ; C. lateralis in the Oxford Collection (Dale's) ; Xapomi/za nii/iiceps from Cambs. and Suffolk ; I'liijtoiiii/za ni;/ritella from Chippenham and Bonhill ; P. morio from Suffolk ; P. fiiscula from Newmarket ; P. veronicae bred from leaves of Veronica ; P. crassiseta from Chippenham and Bonhill ; P. am/elicae from mined leaves of Anyelica, Cambs ; P. ruficornis from Kent, Sussex, Surrey, etc. : P.ptdlnla from Newmarket, and /'. tridentata, one from Suffolk.

In the December number of the same magazine Mr. Norman H. Joy describes two species of British Coleoptera as new to science. Bleditis aecerdendus is closely allied to B. (/renarius, with which it has hitherto been mixed. It occurs at Dovercourt, Dawlish, Tresco, and Co. Kerry. Rliynchites harwoodi has hitherto been mixed with R. nanae and R. uncinatus, from which Mr. .Joy now separates it. It has occurred in both Berks and Hants.

In the August number of the Zeit. fiir uiss. Insektenbiolot/ie, Count Turati gives a short account of Sardinia and its lepidopterous fauna, with several figures of peculiar forms.


Entomological Society of London. Aoveiiiber 1st, 1911. The President announced that the Council proposed Fr. Eric Wasmann, of Valkenburg, Holland, as Honorary Fellow in the place of the late Herr P. C. T. Snellen, of Rotterdam, and Prof. J. H. Comstock, of Cornell University, U.S.A., for the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. S. H. Scudder, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, both of whom were then elected. The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society Messrs. T. J. Anderson, Teaninich, Craig Millar, Midlothian ; Edward Bernard Ashby, 33, Park Road, Whitton, Middlesex ; W. A. Lambourn, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Omi Camp, Lagos, W. Africa; J. Jackson Mounsey, 24, Glencairn Crescent, Edinburgh. A Scarce Coleopteron. Dr. Nicholson showed a specimen of Aleochara


(Uscipcnnis, Muls. and Rey, taken in the early part of this year from moss in a small wood at Alphington, Devon. Teratological Specimens. Mr. J. R. le B. Tomlin exhibited a teratological specimen of the rare beetle Triartliron iiioi'rkeli, swept in the Wellington College district this summer. It has the last two joints of the left antenna completely soldered together, making a two-jointed instead of a three-jointed club. Also a specimen of Lonffitarsiix melanoceiihalitft (/) taken by Mr. J. Collins at Oxford, with legs and tarsi remarkably thickened. Northern Neuroptera. Mr. W. J. Lucas exhibited five specimens, three J s and two $ s of Panorpa (/ennanica, taken by Col. Yerbury, four at Dingwall in May, and one at Lockinver in July. One J is practically immaculate, and the other two nearly so ; the $ from Dingwall is sparsely spotted, while the one from Lockinver is more nearly normal. A Travelled Insect. Mr. C. J. Gahan exhibited a living specimen of Aapidonwrpha silacea. Boh., an African species of Cassididae, which had been sent by Mr. G. St. John Mildmay from Nyali in British East Africaon OctoberTth, reaching London on October 28th. Polyctenidae VIVIPAROUS. Dr. K. Jordan announced that the l'oli/ctenid(C which are parasitic on bats in the tropics, are viviparous like the parasitic Orthopteron Hetnivieridt. The young are born at a very advanced stage, but yet differ considerably from the adult. Two of the forms {iipa>i)iiae and talpa) described as distinct species, and lately placed in two different genera, are immature and adult examples of the same species. Rare British and Imported Colfoptera. Mr. Harwood exhibited two specimens of MicrKnda melanocephala taken near Bishop's Stortford by sweeping in the evening, which he believed to be var. brunnea, Heer. Also two specimens of (h-ypits vyanens taken by Mr. W. H. Harwood at Colchester, one in May and the other in June of this year, the first specimens taken in the district for nineteen years. Also a species of L'occinella taken in a case of Tasmanian apples at Colchester. African Species of Acr^a. Mr. H. Eltringham exhibited specimens of African Acrteas, to show that wide differences of colour of pattern may occur in a single species, and conversely that certain species which can scarcely be distinguished by their outward appearance are nevertheless very distinct, as shown by the structure of the male armature. Several new species and forms were also shown. including A. lofiia, Eltr., ^ and 2 , A. grosreywri, Eltr., (^ , A. aureola Eltr., (J, A. ella, Eltr., <? , A. cinerea subsp., alberta, Eltr., <? , A. periphanes f. acritoides, Eltr., ^ , and A. astric/era f. brunnea, Eltr., <y and $ . Dr. Jordan remarked on the extreme variability of the genus and its allies, geographically, individually, and even in the characters of the genitalia. Mr. Bethune-Baker remarked on the unreliability of the genitalia in certain Lyctniida: The President stated that the <? genitalia were, as a rule, reliable in the Aculeata, but in the Ten- tlurdinidtr the ^ genitalia were quite useless for specific determination, though the ? 's afford excellent characters. The Hon. Walter Rothschild remarked on the identity of the ^ genitalia in certain distinct species of Macroijlofiainae. Com. Walker read a paper on " The Effect of Temperature on Animal (especially Insect) Life," by A. G. Butler, Ph.D., F.L.S. The following papers were also com- municated—" Parthenogenesis in Worker Ants, with special reference to two colonies of Lasius nvjer, Linn.," by W. C. Crawley, B.A. " A Monograph of the gefiuy Acraea," by H. Eltringham, M.A., F.Z.S.

WATKINS & DONCASTER, Naturalists and Manufacturers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain Ring Nets, wire or cane, including Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-. Folding Nets 3/6 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket Boxes (deal), 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6, Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6. Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, 'with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with carnphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, flat or oval, lin., 6d. ; l^in., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2Ain. 1/-; 3^in., 1/4; 4in., 1/6; 5in., 1/10; Complete Set of fourteen Boards, 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6 ; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases', japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antennae 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3J, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-, Pupa Digger, in leather sheath, I/9! Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificiai Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc!

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as minute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sesiidae, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shaU be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


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Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

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Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3sm net,

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian IMts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

Will he sent Post Free on receipt of Festal Order for 3Sa to

A. H., 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.


Mahogany Insect Cabinets, interchangeable drawers, size 19J x 13J inside. Glass panel doors, finish superb. One quality only THE BEST. Sample drawer and drawings of design can be sent. No cheap rubbish but an excellent article. Price only 12/- and 13/- per drawer, latter is a more elaborate outer case.

NEWMAN'S WONDERFUL RELAXING TINS, 2s. 4d. and is. each, post free. NEWMAN'S NEW BREEDING JARS.— Breeding made easy. Quite a new kind of breeding cage complete. Once used always used. I can thoroughly recommend to all my friends and customers. Directions printed on side of jars, excellent for rearing young larvse and small species. Sand and moss may be placed in them (especially quart siz6) for larvae to pupate in. Cheap and good. Made in 3 sizes— J pint, 3d. each, 2/9 doa.; 1 pint, 4d. each, 3/6 doz. ; 1 quart, Sd. each, 4/6 doz. Packing and postage 3d. extra on few, 1 doz post free.

li. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.



Eryx fairmairei, Kcich, a Beetle new to Britain, H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe,

F.Z.S.,F.E.S 1

A Month in Switzerland and elsewhere, 'George Wheeler, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S.

(continued) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2

Myrmecophilous Notes for 1911, H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe, F.Z.S., F.E.S. (to be

concluded) . . . . . . .... . . . . . , . . . . 4

A Season's Collecting at Constantinople in 1911, P. P. Graves, F.E.S. (concluded) 10

Coleoptera on the Isle of Eigg, H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe, F.Z.S., F.E.S 13

LeiMoTptewlogj, Dr. T. A. Chapman, F.Z.S., F.E.S 14

A Summer Trip in France, Switzerland and Italy, iJ. B. ^s//?)y, F.E.S. .. .. 15

Luperina gueneei as a species and as a British species, Htj. J. Turner, F.E.S. . . 17

Coleoptera taken at Ditchling, Sussex, during 1911, Hereward C. Dolbnan, F.E.S. 20

The genotype of the Blattid genus Steleopyga, A. N. Caiidell. (Note, R. Shelford,

M. A., F.E.S.) 23

Coleoptera : Hypophlceus linearis at Oxshott, and other species therefrom during 1911, Hereward C. Dollman, F.E.S. ; Mycetoporus forticornis, and other Coleoptera in the New Forest, Hereward C. Dollman, F.E.S. . . . . 24

Collecting Notes : Early appearances, A. E. Tonge, F.E.S.; Zonosoma orbicu- laria ab. ianthinarium In Britain, Louis B. Prout, F.E.S.; Vanessa antiopa in Hampshire, Eev. J. E. Tarbat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Current Notes and Short Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Societies : The Entomological Society of London . . . . . . . . . . 27

Contributions remain over for want of space from G. Wheeler, G. T. Bethune-Baker, Douglas H. Pearson, H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe, W. C. Crawley, P. A. and D. A. J. Buxton, Malcolm Burr (plate), J. Taylor, N. Manders, H. Powell, &c., &c., numerous Current Notes, Short Notices, and Reports of Societies.

We hope that those who intend sending us an account of their doings for 1911 will do so ere long, as we should like to know more of what our English workers are doing. Will those who are studying the Micro-lepidoptera help us, by sending in notes of their captures and observations.

Rambles in Alpine Valleys.

Bound in Cloth, with Map and Photographs of District. Price 3s. 6d. This book contains a series of essays dealing with the colours of insects, and sugges- tions as to the relation in past time between the Alpine and British fauna. Many new facts are brought forward, and entomological problems discussed from various standpoints.

Woodside, Burnside, Hillside and Marsh.

(Crown 8vo., Illustrated, 224 pp. and 103 woodcuts and full-page illustrations. Bound

in Cloth. (Price 2/6). Another series of collecting expeditions into well-known entomological and natural history localities, with description of botanical, geological, ornithological as well as entomological matters of interest to be found therein. The places dealt with include Cobham Woods, Cuxton Downs, the Western Highlands, Cliffe— all well known for their rich entomological fauna.

To be obtained from J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Franoeraary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E.

Random ReooUections of Woodland, Fen, and Hill.

By J. W. TUTT, F.E.S. Bound in Cloth, Crown 8vo. Price Three Shillings net.

A detailed account of the fauna and flora of some well-known British natural history localities : Wicken, Deal, Chattenden, the Medway Marshes, Isle of Wight, etc. Postal Orders to Mr. J. HERBERT TUTT, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E

Subscriptions for Vol. XXXIV. are now overdue.






Edited by

llicHARD S. BAGNALL, r.L.s., f.e.s. | T. A. CHAPMAN, m.d.,f.z.8., f.e.s


B.SC, K.Ii.S., K.n.S.K.


f.z.s., f.l.s., f.e.s. m. burr, d.sc, f.z.s., f.l.s., f.e.s. (Rev.) C. R. N. BURROWS, f.e.s.

Jas. E. COLLIN, F.E.S.


F.Z.8., F.E.

Alfred SICH, f.e.s,

J. R. le B. TOMLIN, m,a., f,e,s, ,

George WHEELER, M.A., f.e.s.

Henky J. TUENEE, f.e.s., Editorial Secretary. »«^'



FEBRUJBY 15th, 1912.

Price SIXPENCE (net).


iption for Complete Volume, post ft!




" Bebtrose,'\Geli.atly^Road, New Cross, S.E.

LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK, 62, Paternoster Eow, E.C.



11, Cari.strasse, N.W. I


The Largest Breeder of Lepidoptera in the British Isles is

H. Vsl. HEAD, OKutoutoloiuat,


Full List of Ova, Larvae, and Pupae, also LepUoptera, Apparatus, Cabinets,

etc., sent on application. Many Rare British Species and Good Varieties for Sale.


Mr. J. C. STEVENS will offer for sale by auction at bis rooms, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C., on

TUESDAY, MARCH 5th, 1912,


Formed during tbe last Twenty Years by

The Rev. G. H. RAYNOR, M.A.,

Together with the two 20-drawer Brady cabinets containing theui.

Besides interesting aberrations of many Butterflies, there will also be included in the Sale the best varieties of


bred by the vendor during 1911, and a few others.

Catalogues may be had on application about 7 days prior to the Sale from 38, King Street.

Lantern Slides in Natural Colours.


Photographed from life and true to Nature in every detail.




For List apply to

CHARLES D. HEAD, 2, Mount Yernon, Dollymount, DUBLIN. "MTANTED: (NEXT APRIL or MAY.)

Fresh caught living Females Vanessa polychlorus. For particulars apply to


Stanley House,


Vol. XXIV.

Plate I.


Figs. 2-7. Platycleis barretii, Burr.

The Entomologist^ s Record, etc., 1912.


The Orthoptera of Madeira.

By MALCOLM BURR, D.Sc, F.Z.S., F.L.S., F.E.S., F.G.S.

The Natural History of Madeira has heen well studied by various competent investigators, but, for some reason, the Orthoptera have been strangely neglected. This is probably due to the fact that this order is rather meagrely represented in the island, so that no specialist has thought it worth while to go there, but all the same, it is by no means lacking in special features, as the following notes will show. These are based on the results of a week's collecting in the island at the end of September last, supplemented by some material in the Museum of the Seminario.

This Museum should be visited by all travellers who are interested in Natural History. Its creation is a monument to the energy and enthusiasm of one man, Padre Ernesto Schmitz, who made Madeira his home for thirty strenuous years, in which he amassed rich and thoroughly representative collections in all branches of Natural History. Unfortunately for Madeira, Padre Schmitz has been translated about two years ago to Jerusalem, but on his departure he bequeathed his task to an ardent disciple, Padre Jayme de Gouvea Barreto, a Madeiran born and bred, who has thrown himself with enthusiasm into the task of investigating and making thorough collections of the Fauna and Flora of the Archipelago.

Before leaving Madeira, Padre Schmitz had the pleasure of seeing his collections well housed in a large room in the Seminario, an ecclesiastical educational establishment of which he was Prior, where the Museum is well-fitted and housed, at the cost of the institution, supplemented by occasional contributions from visitors.

The insects are not so well represented, for Padre Barreto is single-handed, and in addition to his normal duties in the Seminario, mounts and preserves all specimens himself, including the birds and fish, as well as collecting in every branch of Natural History. His task has been made even harder since the Portugese Revolution, which incidentally I witnessed, calling in Lisbon two days after leaving Madeira, for the Republican authorities, in their anti-ecclesiastical zeal, removed Father Barreto's colleagues from the educational section of the Seminario, leaving him alone to do all the good work, so that he has since had little time or energy for science. Not being a lepidopterist, I am unable to say much of the butterflies, but a case in the Museum contained TJanais archippufi, the beautiful L>iadema inaria, Gonepterijx cleopatra, Colias ednsa, with the var. helice, (Julias hijale, Anpjiaiis lathmiia and Pi/ranieis atalanta. The collection of Coleoptera is a good one, as there is an abundance of peculiar local forms, and the order has been well worked.

The spiders too have been well studied, and there is a fairly full collection, all determined and worked out.

The Hemiptera have not yet received attention, nor the Hymenoptora, nor the Myriapods, and Father Barreto is anxious to enter into correspondence with specialists who will work out material in the two latter groups.

Madeira rejoices in three peculiar species of earwigs. These are, Ferirrhijtiis edentula, Wollaston, which seems to be rare, as I failed

February 15th, 1912.

80 THE entomologist's record.

to find it in spite of careful search ; there is the allied P. madeiremls, Borelli, discovered by Padre Schmitz, in similar localities with P. edenuda, under stones, on the lower levels ; finally there is P. schvutzii, Borelli, discovered by Padre Barreto near Poizo, at a considerable elevation. All these earwigs have been taken by hazard only, and though I spent very many hours industriously turning over stones in various localities, I failed to come across any of them. Indeed, of the two latter species, the three or four original specimens are the only ones known to exist in collections. Forficula aurindaria, L., is fairly common, but far less abundant than in Europe. I found a single male lying dead on the path near the Grand Corral. There are several specimens including var. forcipata, Steph., in the Museum. Lobidiira riparia occurs on the coast, there are a few specimens in the Museum, and I possess some taken at Funchal in 1884. The common earwig of the island is Anisolabis annulipes, Luc, which Father Barreto and I found in numbers under stones in a dry river bed just outside Funchal ; this was on September 30th, and they generally occurred in pairs, the female, in three instances, sitting in an apparently dug-out depression in the earth, taking care of a pile of about a dozen minute oval cream-coloured eggs, a little less than 1mm. in length.

In the Kdnigsberg Museum, there are specimens of F. auricnlaria, L. riparia and Labia minor : the last species I did not come across. Padre Barreto has found that Labia carvicauda, Motsch, occurs in numbers in the Seminario in Funchal. This little species is probably of Oriental origin, but now occurs in all tropical countries.

On one occasion I came across a little procession of Tennes litcifi(t/us, Rossi, under the same stone.

Various foreign cockroaches find the climate congenial, and Rliyparobia inaderae, Fabr., is apparently long since established, but it is highly improbable that it is indigenous in spite of its name, for the fauna is essentially pabearctic, and the Vancldoridae are a neotropical group ; B. maderae is now cosmopolitan.

There are two indigenous Blattids known : Lubnptera decipiciis, Germar, is common, but I only saw a single adult specimen, though nymphs, larvfe and oothecae were abundant under stones in all localities. The other species is Hololampra infiDuata, Br., which is rarer. Padre Barreto lent me the three or four specimens to submit to Mr. Shelford for determination. He has taken it at Poizo, on the mountain. It remotely resembles Ectobius panzeri, and was recorded as that species by Wollaston, under the name of FJ. cricctorum (Woll. Ann. Mar/. N.H., 1858, p. 21). He found it in pine woods from 4,600 to 5000 ft. above the sea. It is allied to the South European A. iiian/inata, Schreb.

I\Iantis reliiiiona, L., occurs ; I did not see a living one, but there are two or three in the Museum. Padre Barreto looks upon it as a rarity.

In the Acridiodea I found three females of ChorthipjiKs pidrinatus, Fisch. de W., on the steep mountain slopes, above the pines, in the Grand Corral ; all three specimens had the elytra and wings strongly abbreviated ; the length of these organs is extremely unstable in this species, but as a general rule, they are longer in the more southern area of its distribution. Epaeromia strepenR, Fabr., is common in the


same locality. Epacromia thalanfiina, Latr., is the common grasshopper of the island. It swarms everywhere. I found it in all stages of growth in the grass borders in the Botanic Gardens, and every ribeira, or dry torrent, swarms with it, for there are no other uncultivated spots in the lower levels, all the hillsides being given over to vineyards, sugar-cane, and banana plantations. Stanronotiis inaroccanm, Thunb., is recorded from the island by Kirby, but I do not know his authority.

The Oedipodidac are represented by Pachi/ti/lns danicns, L., which is common everywhere, by Oedaleiis vii/rofasciatufi, De Geer, which occurs sparingly in the lower levels, but in great number? in the mountains. I did not come across Sjiliiju/oiiotns caendonx, L., but there are specimens in the Museum ; it is recorded from the island by Branner. Serville describes a species which evidently resembles Acrotylns insubrlcHS, Scop.; he names it OeJipnda maderae {(h-th. p. 730, 1839), which de Saussure sinks as a queried synonym of TJuiljiouiena ahjeriana, and for this reason, Kirby records it under the name of Thalpouiena waderae. Probably it is Acrotijlus insnbriciis, as this is a common South European species, which extends as far as the Canaries, and there is no improbability in its occurring in Madeira, though I failed to find it.

The Acridiidae are represented by Caloptenus italiciis, L., which is common. The Madeiran race differs somewhat from the continental form in the rather deeper crimson wings. Once at least Sch into cere a peiyi/rina, Oliv., has struggled over from Africa. No other Acridian Ortlioptera have been as yet noted.

In the Locustine groups, Phaneroptera nana, Charp., is very common in the ornamental shrubs in the hotel gardens; it hides daring the daytime, but at night-fall, its presence is betrayed by an intangible Us tss among the branches, very difficult to locate. Conncephalas nitididiis, Scop., is not rare in some ribeiras. Decticiis albifrons, Fabr., is said by Padre Barreto to be common, but I did not chance to come across it. It is also recorded by Kirby. Vlattjdeis (jvisea, Fabr., occurs also, but is not common ; I took it sparingly in the higher slopes of the Grand Corral. It is also recorded by Kirby. Platijdeis barntii, Barr, is a new species, described below, of which I took one pair on the grassy slopes at an elevation of at least 5,000 ft. ; it is related to P. t/risea, but its shortened wings and elytra give it a superficial resemblance to Oh/nthoscdis <jiiseoaptera, De Geer.

In the crickets Bolivar records Gnjllns hispanicua, and Lingnjlliis biwacnlatns is represented in the collection, and I found several immature specimens, but did not come across an adult. After dusk the chirp of the crickets may be heard, but not so intense as in the Canaries or on the mainland. Perhaps L. caiiipcstiia occurs too, but I saw none of its iridescent larvie ; and I cannot distinguish its stridulation from that of its more southern congener.

Platycleis barretii, sp.n.— Statura modica ; griseo-testacea ; elytra fortiter abbreviata, grisea, obtusa ; pronotum depressum, lobis defiexis, margine postico et infero albo-marginatis ; cerci S' prope apicem dentati ; ovipositor vix incurvus, pronoto duplo longior.

Long, corporis ... ... 15mm. ... iGmm.

,, pronoti 5mm. ... 5mm.

,, elytroruni ... 4. 5mm. ... 4mm.

femor. post. ... 15mm. ... 16mm.

ovipositoris ... ... 11mm.

32 THE entomologist's record.

Size medium ; colour greyish and brown, mottled : Antennae very long. Frons and occiput heavily marbled with brown and cream ; the latter with a median pale line ; eyes of the same colour. Pronotum depressed, the disc similarly marbled, with a pale median line ; median keel prominent in posterior portion ; lateral flaps dark brown, w^ith a broad cream margin posteriorly and anteriorly. Prosternum unarmed. Legs gre3'-brown, mottled and marbled with darker; posterior femora with longitudinal black band on the outer face. Elytra abbreviated, reaching the sixth abdominal segment in the $ , the fifth in the female, apically rounded, grey-brown, the veins darker and prominent. Abdomen dull reddish-brown. Anal segment in the 3 deeply roundly excavate, Avith short, rounded lobes. Cerci J surpassing subgenital lamina, cylindrical, with a small tooth near the apex ; subgenital lamina ^ tricarinate, with a small round apical emargination, with rounded lobes and short styles. Anal segment $ incised ; cerci 2 shorter than in 3 , not toothed ; subgenital lamina not keeled nor sulcate, with a rounded emargination and rounded lobes. Ovipositor very gently curved, more than twice as long as the pronotum.

Madeira. Grand Corral, October 2nd, 1910, 1 ^ , 1 2 , (in cm.).

This is a very distinct species ; its nearest relatives are perhaps P. mofiesta, Fieb. (S. E. Europe), P. saiissnreana, Frey-Gessner (C. Europe), P. hraclii/ptera, L. (C. Europe), and P. ftisra, Br. (Greece). The ovipositor is longer and straighter than in any of these except the last. The cerci of the male are shorter and the tooth much smaller than in /'. saiisftureana, P. hracJv/ptera and P. iiindesta, and the lobes of the supra-anal plate are short and rounded, not acute.

The subgenital lamina of the female is not sulcate, though the lobes and emargination are rounded. This suggests relationship to the fully winged group of 7'. (jrisea, Fabr., and its allies. The long ovipositor at once removes it from the group of P. ti'ssellata, Charp.

It is probably restricted to thehigher parts of the island of Madeira. My attention was attracted by the stridulation, on the steep, grassy and rocky slopes near the Grand Corral, on leaving the tree zone. I only observed it in one restricted locality, and though I saw several specimens I was only able to catch a pair.

It is dedicated, with real pleasure, to Father Jayme de Gouvea Barreto, the genial Curator of the most interesting Museum, founded by Father Schmitz, in the Seminario in Funchal.

It is the only know-n saltatorial Orthopteron peculiar to the island.

List of Orthoptera known from Madeira.

Dermapteba. Labidni-a riparia, Pall. ; Anisolabis annidipes, Luc. ; Labia niiuor, L.; L. curvicaiula, Motsch. ; Penrrlii/tiis edentidus, Woll. ; P. wadeirensis, Bor. ; Pwiidochelidnra sclnir'tzii, Bor. ; For/iciila anriciilaria, L.

Blattodea. llololaiiipra infi()nata,Tiv.; Ldboptcradecipiens, Germ. ; Pi/ii/parohia viaderae, Fabr.

Mantodea. Mantis iclitfidna, L.

AcRiDioDKA. CliortliippiiK pitlvinatiis, F. de W. ; Kpacromia stirpens, Fabr.; K. thalaasina, Latr. ; StaKroimtns iiuirocranits, Thunb. ; Parlii/tt/liis da7iin(K, L. ; (^cdaleus nif/rofasiatiis, De Geer. ; Siihint/onotits caernlans, L. ; .' Thalpmiirna iiiadcrac, Serv. ; Calcptciuis italiens, L. ;. Schistocerca pereijrina, Oliv.


LocusTODEA. Phaneroptera nana, Chavp. ; Conocephalus nitifiulus, Scop. ; PlaUjdeis grisea, Fabr. ; P. barretii, Burr. ; Decticiis alhifrons, Fabr.

Gryllodea. GnjUns hispaniciis, Bol. ; Lio(jnjllus bi»iaciilatas, De


Explanation of Plate I.

Fig. 1. Hololampra iiifumata, Br., 9 . 2. Platycleis barretii, Burr., c? .

3. id. 9 .

4. id. subgenital lamina, ? .

5. id. subgenital lamina, <? .

6. id. supra-anal plate, ? .

7. id. supra-anal plate and cerci, d .

Occasional Notes on the genus Eupithecia in Co. Fermanagh.

By J. E. B. ALLEN, M.A.

I call this paper " Occasional Notes " because, from many causes, my observations have been far from exhaustive. In particular, my absence from this locality every year during August and a great part of September may have caused me to miss some species.

Fhipit/iecia palchellata. Occurs sparingly as an imago. I have not worked for the larva.

E. oblorif/ata. One specimen only, bred in 1911 from a larva on Senecio jacobaea.

E. srabiosata. Both larvffi and imagines, but in small numbers.

E. pliiinheolata. Not common.

E. pi/f/iiiaeata. One in 1907 and about half-a-dozen in 1911.

E. satyrata. Abundant on bogs and mountains.

E. castif/ata. Seems to be rather scarce, though I have taken both larva and imago.

E. «/7'.s/V/»rtr/rt.— About 40 larvffi on Anqelka njlvestris'm September, 1910.

E. virt/a areata. Very abundant. In May the first brood is to be taken at dusk or beaten from hedges. The larvae are to be beaten from the flowering branches of hawthorn in June and July. The imago occurs again in July and August, and the larva again in the autumn on Senecio jacobaea, S. pabistris, Ani/elica sijlvestrifi, Solidago virt/aiirea, and probably other plants. I have taken it in the garden, once on a rosebud, and once on a cultivated form of daisy. In Sep- tember, 1910, the larvas were very abundant. I took hundreds on ragwort, but a very large proportion of these were stung. Golden-rod is not plentiful here, and I only worked it in one locality, the shore of an island in Lower Lough Erne. The larvae taken there were much less infested than the larvae from ragwort, and produced much larger moths. Of the larvae taken in June and July, some come out as a second brood in July and August of the same summer, some appear with the first brood in the following summer, and I bred one on April 24th, 1909, which had lain two winters in the pupa, from June or July, 1907. I am unable to say whether the autumn larva? ever lie over for more than one winter. The list of food-plants given above is certainly incomplete. For instance, the progeny of the golden-rod feeding larvje must find some other food than hawthorn, for there is very little of it growing on the island, where they occur. Similarly

S4 THE entomologist's record.

the larvns on hawthorn are often abundant in places where neither ragwort, golden-rod, nor angelica occur in any quantity.

There seems to be scarcely any difference between the two brooffs^ except for the greater size, already mentioned, of the golden-rod feeders. I have one melanic specimen, and two or three of a delicate grey tint,, but on the whole there is not much variation.

E. indif/ata. One specimen.

A', nanata. Common on bogs and mountains.

E. vulyata. Common.

E. absinthiata.—LiSirxw common on Sourio jacohaea and Scohidna Huccisa. The moths from these two food-plants seem to belong to the same species, and I can see no reason for separating the scabious feeders as minntata or knautiata.

E. ahhreviata. Not very common.

E. dodoneata. Abundant. I beat the larvae from hawthorn flowers in June and July. The pupaB often lie over two winters.

E. crii/uata. Fairly common.

E. toijata. Two specimens in 1909. I have not worked for the larva.

E. piiniilata. Only one specimen, but probably it only needs searching for.

E. coronata. Abundant ; moths at dusk in May, though not often seen ; larvae are beaten from hawthorn flowers in June, rather earlier than those of E. virt/aiireata and E. dodoneata. The moths appear again in June and July, and larvae on Angelica siilvetitris (and probably other flowers) in September. The June larva3 emerge as the second brood of the same year or the first of the next year.

E. rectangalata. A few in gardens, but apparently it is not common.

Myrmecophilous Notes for 1911.

By H. St. J. K. DONISTHORPE, F.Z.S., F.E.S. {Concluded from page 10.)

CoLEOPTERA. O.vijiwda haeiiiorvhoo, Sahl., was taken in nests of Formica rufa at Wellington College 6. v., and Nethy Bridge 17. vi., and with E. exsecta at Rannoch 12. vi.

Micrni/lossa pidla, Gyll. Dr. Joy sent me up specimens from birds' nests at Bradfield. These I introduced into my Lasius ftdinhumtn nest, on May 24th, but the beetles escaped under the glass cover over the j)laster nest. They exhibited the usual defence of myrmecophilous Staphs, when attacked by the ants. I must repeat the experiment.

Dinaida dentata, Gr. Specimens taken at Woking with E. sanijuinia in May, were introduced into my E. sonf/uinea nest. Copulation took place, and they lived in the nest for months. On July 22nd several Dinaida larvie were observed, ])ut they eventually disappeared.

Atentelen enianiinatua, Pk. This species was very abundantat Porlock in April. On 2'7th, Crawley and I found six specimens in a nest of Mijrmira lacvinodis, and others in nests of E. fnsca, M. ni(/inodis and M. scabiinodix. On 28tb, we found six in one F. fusca nest, and numbers with M. ridjinodis. The beetles were evidently just leaving the Mi/nuica nests. Specimens brought homo and introduced into our F'. fusca nests lived there for some time. Copulation was observed on


May 8rd and 4th, and a larva was subsequently observed by Crawley in one of his nests.

Drusilla canalicnlata, F., was found in F. fnsca nests at Rannoch on June 10th.

Qiieiiiiis hreris, Er. Larvffi were found in nests of L. fuliyinosiis at Wellington College on May 6th.

Conosoma iwwaculaUwi, Steph. This species was several times found in nests of F. fnsca at Boxhill. Last year I took it on several occasions in a nest of L. fiilii/inosua at Darenth Wood. These seem curious localities for a beetle which is often found in fens and damp places, in sedge refuse, etc. On April 14th I introduced a specimen into my F. fnsca nest from Hartlepool. It protected itself against the ants and lived in the nest till 20th, when it escaped. Another beetle { Med on hiiiniwa, Er.), an ant, and a bug introduced from Box Hill on the same day were all killed by the ants in a few hours.

Dendrnphilus p)/(iiiiaeiis, L. The specimen^" mentioned in my " Notes for 1910," which bred out of my F. riifa nest on September 8th, 1910, died on August 7th this year. On May 7th I put it into my F\ ruja mixed nest from Parkhurst Forest, and on July 11th into my F. nifa and i. fiisco-ri(jibarbis nest. It lived on quite friendly tei*ms with all those ants.

Cetouia floricola, Hbst. A number of larvaa were taken in a hillock of F. riifa at Nethy Bridge, on June 17th. These I introduced into my F. nifa nest on June 25th, when they at once buried themselves in the nest. A perfect insect hatched out on September 24th. The rest no doubt will appear next year. I have several times seen some of the larvfe against the glass sides of the nest.

DiPTERA. Microdot miitahilis, L. My chief reason for going to Porlock this year, was to try' and find mote larvse of this handsome fly in the ants' nests there, and to endeavour once more to find out what the food of the larva really is. On April 27th Crawley and I found three large larvse, four quite small young ones, and ten pupa? in nests of F. fnsca, and a very young one in a nest of Mynuica rt(;/inodis. This is the first record of a Microdon larva in the nest of a Jilijniiica. Wasmann'^" records the larva of this fly with F. fnsca, F. nifa, L. mfibarbis, L. niger, L. brnnnens, and L. davns, and subsequently^^ with F. sanijninea. On April 28th we found nineteen large larvae and one pupa in F. fnsca nests in the woods further away from Porlock. I took back a nest of F. fnsca and fixed it up in a Crawley nest, and introduced into it all my share of the larvae and pupre on May 3rd. On May 4th two of the larvje pupated. On May 18th the first fly hatched but its wings never grew. The ants threatened it with their jaws, but did not otherwise attack it. Other specimens hatched on May 22nd, 2ith, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, and 31st. All were perfect, the wings growing to their full size in a few minutes, excepting two besides the one before mentioned, in which the wings never grew, due I expect to injuries received in bringing them home. When the ants approached a fly it kicked out with its back legs, and the ants appeared to be frightened. In nature the flies would leave the nest at once. Crawley

19 Ent. Rec, 1911, p. 60.

a> Krit. Ver. d. Myr. u. Ter. Art., 1894, p. 173.

21 Erst. Nacht z. d. Ameisen gciste v. Holland Limbiirg, 1898, p. 7.

3G THE entomologist's record.

kept the small larva from the Mi/miica nest, with these ants. It was unfortunately killed by them and eaten when nearly full grown. The smallest larva I had is now full grown and still alive to-day, December 23rd, it having lived in my nest for over seven months. It is always in the chamber occupied by the ants. "When they move it very slowly follows them. The ants often sit on it and walk over it, but they never feed it. In my former'''^-'-^'' experiments I kept the ants and larvae in a bowl with earth, and as the ants and the ^licrudon larvte were always beneath the earth, I could never see them without disturbing the nest. Now I have been able constantly to observe them. It is quite clear that the food of the larva consists of the droppings and pellets (Janet's'-^ Bmilettes de nettoi/of/e) of the ants. It has never had any other food in the bare chamber in which it lives, it has never gone to the honey which is in the last (the light) chamber, the ants have never fed ir., and it has grown to afull size larva from a very tiny young one. The same thing took place with Crawley's larva which was nearly full grown when killed. The photograph of a live larva, etc., will be found in the Ent. Bee. for 1909, plate 2.

Melichia liidens, Wahl. Specimens were taken with Lasiim fidininofiiis at Darenth Wood, on May 26th, and at Gxshott on June 6th. The latter is the fourth British specimen, and Oxshott is a new locality for it.

P/iora formicaniw, Verrall. On July 22nd specimens of this tiny fly were observed and captured, hovering over ants in nests of Formica saiuiia')iea, Losius miihratHs, and Mijrmica lobicornis, at Weybridge, a new locality for the Dipteron.

Fltnra cnjtfnriiiis, Wood. Two specimens and a species of Oscinis were found in a nest of Mtjnnica laen'nodis under a stone at Rannoch on June 14th.

I'/njllnmi/zia lasiae, Collin. Some small Dipterous pups taken in a nest of L. fidiniunsiis at Wellington College on May 6th, and introduced into my L. fnlu/inotius nest, hatched out on May 16th and 28th and proved to be this species. It will be remembered that I^ bred P. forwicae from larvas taken in a nest of F. riifa var. rtifo- l)ratensis, at Nethy Bridge. The larva? of these flies are not true parasites but live at large in the ants' nests.

Scatilla qnadrotix var. ? Collin has queried a fly which I had taken several times last year in the L. fnlininosiis nest at Darenth Wood as above. I must express my thanks to him for naming these small Diptera for me.

IIeteroptera. ricznstctlnts faruiici'toruiii, Boh. This little bug occurred in numbers in one nest at Rannoch on June 10th, both nymphs and perfect insects being secured.

BRAcoNiDiE. Fiijihoriift bistiiimaticK^, Morley. A female bred out of my F. rnfa nest from Weybridge, on July 4th.

Pachyloinma biiccata, Breb. This species was found in numbers near Rame Head, Cornwall, on July 9th. A large nest of [.asius niper occurred under a very big heavy stone, and the Bracons were hovering over the ants around the edges of the stone where the latter entered the

•■« Ent. Eec, 1907, p. 255.

'•» Ent. lice, 1909, pp. 18 and 19.

2' Etxides siir Zcs Fourmix, etc.. No. 13, 1897, p.l6.

M Ent. Eec, 1909, p. 288.


nest. Crawley and Taylor subsequently observed it over the same ant at Sandown, I. of W.

PROcroTRUPiDiE. IHi'siobaeiis /lospen, Kieffer. This little insect was taken in nests of J'', fn.sca at Box Hill on April 14th and 20th. Dr. Kieft'er, who has kindly named it for me, tells me it is a new species and belongs to a new genus.

Lepidoptera. Lirachiiiia ijerroneUa, Z. This little moth was found, on July 27th, among the ants in the nest of Laains fidvjinosus at Wellington College mentioned above. After I had opened the nest it only flew up and settled again with the ants. It did not fly away when the ants, which were very excited, ran against it, and I did not see it attacked. Durrant, who kindly named it for me, tells me that nothing is known of its life history.

Mt/rmecuzela oclnaceella, Tgstr., occurred in numbers in nests of. F. rufa, at Rannoch, on June 10th.

Tineula biselliella, Hml. I found specimens in my F. rufa nest from Weybridge on September 25th, and one flew out of it on October 14th. Their larvaj were probably feeding on the refuse of the nest, and they may have been introduced into the nest from the house.

CocciD.E. Fiipersia toiiilini, Newst. Occurred in nests of L. nujer at Box Hill, on April 14th.

Fii/iersia siil)terra)iea, Newst. Was found with L. niyer at Box Hill on April 22nd, and in numbers with the same ant, and also with L. flavus, at St. Issey, Cornwall, on April 25th.

Neicsteadia jioccoaa, Westw. Was taken in a nest of F.fusca at Porlock, on April 27th. Newstead-'' records " on one occasion I found it in the crowns of Heliantlicmuiii and grass, which were growing

in a large ant-hill Mr. Luff has met a single example in

Guernsey, which he found in an ant's nest together with specimens of Hipersia totnlini."

Ort/ieziula vejdovski/i, Sulc. I took four examples of this rare species in a nest of Myrmica scabrinudis at Porlock, on April 28th. Green, who recorded'-^' these specimens, with notes on the genus, tells me it has only occurred at Prague, in Bohemia, heretofore. I am much indebted to Mr. Green for kindly naming all my Coccidae for me. The specimen of Orthezia catapJuacta mentioned by him {lac. cit.) was taken in a nest of F. rufa at Nethy Bridge, on May 14th, 1909.

CoLLEMBOLA. (JypJtudevus [Beckui) albinos, Nicol. This little "spring-tail" was observed with M. scabrinodis at Box Hill, April 13th; with F. rufa at Weybridge, April 20th and July 22nd, and Porlock, April 28th ; with F. fnsca at Boxhill, April 22nd and May 7th, and Porlock, April 27th ; with L. niycr at St. Issey, April 25th ; with T. caespitum, at St. Issey, April 25th, and Whitsand Bay, July 8th ; with L. rlaviis at Porlock, April 27th ; with F. sanyiiinea at Woking, May 5th and 18th, at Rannoch, June 11th, and Weybridge, July 22ud ; with Ponera coarctata at Box Hill, May 7th ; and with L. alienns at Wey- bridge, July 22nd.

A little species, superficially like Beckia, occurs at Kew in numbers with Wasmannia auro-punctata. I am endeavouring to gat it named.

Myriapoda. Poli/xcnns layunis, L. Several specimens were found

2G Brit. Coccidae, 1902, II., p. 245. 27 Ent. Mo. Mag., 1911, p. 179.

38 THE entomologist's record.

in a nest of 1^ . fnna at Box Hill, on April 4th. I have'-'' recorded it with ants last year.

AcARi. Trach\jnrnj)oda laiiiinoaa, C. and B., occurred in nests of F. fiisca at Poriock, on April 28th.

Trachijiiruiioda icasinannia iia, BevL Several specimens (<? s) were found in a nest of L. miibratiis at Wellington College, on May 6th. This is its first record for Britain. Berlese^" records it as taken by Wasmann in Luxemburg in nests of L. mixtiis, and remarks that he is not acquainted with the male.

Umpliti'lla )iiiiiiitissiiiia, Berl., occurred in plenty in my L. uinbyatus nest from Weybridge.

VroilisceUa jihiloctena, .Janet. 1 recorded*^ this new species to Britainas rropoilaphiloctena, Trouessart (itisonly a question of synonym not an error, see Berlese loc. cit., p. '642), in my L. nmbratus nest from Weybridge. The specimens were fastened to the strigils of the ants as figured by"^ Janet. It also occurred at large in the 7>. tDnbratus nest at Wellington College and in my Weybridge L. iiwbratiis nest.

Uropotla oralis, Kram. Specimens were found on ants in the L. u))ibratiis nest at Weybridge on April 4th, and on the same ant at Woking on May 10th. These mites are fastened to the femora of the ants, Janet {loc. cit.) only records them on the second leg, but I have- found them on all three.

Laclaps )in/niiecopJiiliis, Berl., occurred at St. Issey, in Cornwall, in nests of F. fusca var. fusco-mfibarbis, and with M. lacvinndis on the Isle of Eigg, on September 17th.

Laelaps ciincifcr, Mich. In nests of F\ fiiRca on April 27th, at Poriock, and with L. iinibratiis and L. fitli(/inosits at Wellington College, on May 6th.

Cilihann comata, Berl., occurred on the small larvae in a nest of L. nif/er and on the large larvpe in nests of L. flavus at Box Hill, on May 7th. I also found specimens on the abdomen of the ants, as figured by^^ Janet, in L. lonbratns nests at Woking, May 10th, and Weybridge, July 22nd.

Antennaphonis uhhimuni, Hal. I found this species (of which only two specimens had been taken in Britain before by MichaeP* at the Land's End) in numbers, on the ants in nests of L. itnibratns at Woking, on May 5fch, and Weybridge, on July 22nd. In Antcunophonis ijraniUs, with L. fiiliiiinnsun, the mites are nearly always only to be- found on the chin of the ant, but with this species they are frequently on the abdomen as well as the head, as figured by Janet.*^ In A. (jrandis the mite is fed by scraping the mouth of the ant on which it is with its front legs, when the ant lets out a drop of fluid, which the mite sucks up. In this species the mite is often fed by other ants besides the one on which it may be. On May 11th I introduced ^ s of L. Kiiihratiis from Woking, which had specimens of the AntennopJiorua on them, into my umbratiis nest from Weybridge. I expected that the

Eiit. Rec, 1911, p. 61.

2" liedia, I., 1903, p. 362.

80 Ent. liec, 1911, p. 237.

8' Etudcit sur les Fourmin, 13, 1897, p. 46.

»2 loc. cit., p. 12.

88 Ent. Rec, 1902, p. 69.

84 loc. cit., p. 27.


strange ^ s would be killed and the niites transfer themselves to my old ^ s in the nest. To my surprise, however, the strange ants were readily accepted by those already in the nest. (I may mention that this also took place with strange ^ s from the L. umhratus nest at Wellington College.) One of the mites on a Woking ant solicited one- of the Weybridge ants for food, and the latter immediately fed it. I found the Antennoplwri often transferred themselves to the young callows soon after they had been extricated from their cocoons. The callows often tried to get rid of the mites, falling on their backs and rolling on the ground, but eventually got reconciled to their fate. On May 22nd I took some of my workers with Antennoiihori on them to Crawley, and we introduced them into his L. niiibratns nest, and again his workers fed the mites on my ants. When an ant is feeding at the- honey in the nest, and has a mite on its chin, the latter gets to one side of the ant's head to allow it to feed. When two ants feed each other, if one has a mite on it, the mite leans forward and seems to share the meal. I have now found all the four known European species in Britain ; Wheeler*^ described two new species, A. trasmaiini and A. donisthorpel on ants in America, and suggests that in this genus the $ only lays one egg at a time, which she fixes to the ant infested by her,

Aphidae. Famdetes ciiiiiciforiina, E. Heyd. Crawley and I found this species in numbers in nests of TetrcDiiorittni caespitioii, a,t St. Issey, Cornwall, on April 25th. I have previously^" found it with the same ant at Whitsand Bay. Crawley'" records a creamy white Aphis with long hind legs, which it waves whenever an ant solicits it, in L. niijer nests near Oxford, and suggests it may be Paracletes. This, however, is not the case, I have taken the same Aphis in some numbers with L. niger at Islip near Oxford, on May 13th 1910. It is one of many species of Myrmecophilous Aphidae I have not yet been able to get named.

Araneina. Micarisoina nriniinits, C.L.K. I found this spider again this year with F. fusca at Box Hill, on April 4th and 22ud, and in a nest of M. scahrinodis on the latter date. Randell Jackson who records*" it, with a plate, joined me at Box Hill on May 14th, and took a fair number of specimens under stones, etc. The day was very wet and the ants' nest a failure.

Thi/reosthenins biovata, Camb., occurred as usual in most of the b . r 11 fa nests I worked, including Wellington College, on May 6th. On November 20th, a <? and on December 1st, a 5 , bred out of my F. riifa nest. I introduced them on those dates into my F. rufa and F. fusca. vat. fuscu-riifibarbis mixed nest. They walked about amongst the ants, were not attacked and did not attack the ants. They did not jump aside when they met an ant, as I have noticed this spider do before. On December 19th, both spiders were alive and well. The ? made a small web in a corner of the nest and sat in it, but the <? was generally among the ants. No ants got intangled in the web and none have been killed. The <? is dead to-day, December 27th, possibly for want of food as there is nothing for them to eat ; it lived however for over a month in this small nest.

35 Psyche., xvii., 1910, pp. Sand 5.

80 Ent. Rec, 1910, p. 16.

37 Ent. Rec, 1911, p. 24.

'>8 Lanes. Nat., 1911, pp. 385-6.

40 THE entomologist's record.

Cn/phoecia recisa, Camb. A $ was taken with L. uiiibratttn at Weybridge, on April 20th, and two 2 s, with the same ant at "Wellington College, on May 6th. The spiders were underground with the ants. Another J and two young ones were found in the galleries of a F. rufa nest under a heavy stone at Porlock, on April 28th. Kandell Jackson tells me he believes this spider to be the J of Tetiilus arietinus, Thor., of which the ? is unknown, as is the case with the ^ of C. recisa.

Eransia )nereiis, Camb. Was found in nests of 7*'. fusca at Rannoch on June 10th and 14th.

Hahiiia helvcola, E.S.— Two in a nest of L. falitjinosus afc Oxshott, June 1st.

Micaria ptilicaria, Sund.- Again with F. sanyuinea at Woking, May €th.

Harpactes Jiomberifi, Sep. In nests of F. fusca var. fusco-rnfibarbis and L. nvjer at St. Issey, on April 25th.

Crustacea. Plati/arthnis hoffniansei/i/i, Brandt. In 1909 *'Standen writes " The nest of Fonnica ftava appears to be the principal habitat of I'latyart/iras, indeed, I can only find one solitary record of its occurring along with any other species, viz., in the nest of Mynnica rubra, where it was observed by Mr. E. E. Lowe, at Newton Ferrers {Webb and Sillem)." This, however, is by no means the case; in 1902^° I record that I have taken it in Britain with F. rufa, F./ttsca, and F. sanyidnea, L. iiavns, L.fidiyinosns, L.niyer, L. )iiiibrati(s, Ciud L. olientts, M. scabrinodis, M. lai'vinodis and M. sulci nod is. I also mention the seventeen species of ants with which Wasmann" recorded ifc. Hogan,^- who first discovered it in Britain, found it with F, rufa, L. fiavus, and L. niyer, at Lulworth Cove. This year I have found it with F. fusca at Box Hill, April 13th and 22nd ; L. fiarus at St. Issey, April 25th ; L. niyer at St. Issey, April 26th, and Porlock, April 27th ; Tetrauioriuiu caesjntuni at St. Issey, April 25th; M. ruyinodis at Porlock, April 28th; L. uiiibratus, L. fuliyiiiosus and F. rufa at Wellington College, May 6th ; and M. scabrinodis at Box Hill,' May 7th. In 1910 Crawley^' records it with L. Jiarus and L. niyer from Oxfordshire and Surrey, and gives some interesting experiments which show the ants do not always treat the wood-louse in the same way. On May 8rd I introduced six Platyartltrus from a Myrmica nest at Boxhill, into my L. rJavus nest. The L. /larus '^ s soon killed them all. On April 14th I introduced specimens from Box Hill into my F. fusca nest from Hartlepool. These were not attacked, and bred in this nest, a number of little ones being seen. They lived till September, when the nest was destroyed by having been kept too dry.

Corrigenda. p. 5, 1. 29, for " Cavora " read " Cavara," and (or " for mi- corum " read '•formicaruvi.'" p. 6, 1. 2, for " Myrmecocorous " read " Myrmeco- chorous," 1. 21, ior " Dolidoclerinae " read " Dolicliodervnie." p. 7, 1. 10, for " Hiibner," read " Hiiber," 1. 33, for " strong" read " stony." p. 8, 1. 17, for *' fusca " read "fusco."

89 Lanes. Nat., 1909, p. 242.

■"O Knt. Eec, 1902, p. 70.

« Krit. Ver. d. Myr. n. Ter. Arth., 1894, p. 201.

^'^ Nat. Hist. Review, vi., 1859, p. 109.

« Ent. Rec, 1910, p. 129.


A Month in Switzerland and elsewliere.

By GEORGE WHEELER, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S. (Contintied from page 4.)

(x.) The Albula Pass. A beautiful and interesting journey landed us in the evening of July 7th at Bergiin, the last station but one before the Albula tunnel, and as this was our resting place till we left Switzerland, it will perhaps be best to take my experiences on the Albula Pass next, although my first day's hunting was in the Engadine and the Rosegthal. My Baedeker being an old one I did not know that there was accommodation at Preda, at the entrance to the tunnel, but if I am ever in this neighbourhood again (unless it were in May or early June) I should choose the latter for my headquarters, as the best hunting-ground begins close to the station, and more than half an hour is wasted in getting there by train, wasted that is except for the wonderful beauty and interest of the line with its glorious stone bridges, each made exactly for its own place and looking as if it could belong to no other.

I made two expeditions to the top of the pass. On the first occasion, July 9th, I was delayed long at Preda by the numbers of butterflies both on the slope leading up from the station, and in the flat meadow, (evidently at one time the bed of a small lake), on the other side of the road, this being the first time this year that I had seen butterflies in Switzerland in anything like abundance. The most conspicuous species was Brenthis pales, the ^ s, large, fresh, and very brilliant, var. uis one would have said unhesitatingly, but that the under- sides were not very yellow, the 5 s all being var. uapaea, varying a good deal in the depth of the ground colour, but universally boasting of bright reflections of a pale but brilliant heliotrope colour, on the whole the most beautiful form I have ever met with. Besides these there were a few, both 3 s and ? s, of the usual mountain form of B. pales, which higher up became the only form to be seen. I should much like the opportunity of breeding B. pales, var. his (with var. napaea), and var. arsilache : the three are superficially abundantly distinct, they differ in their habits, flight, and localities, though not so greatly in the last as in their appearance, since his sometimes overlaps arsilache on the one hand and pales on the other. In speaking thus, I include under isis all the large, square-looking S s, even when they have not a very conspicuous quantity of bright sulphur yellow on the underside of the hindwing, for they are always distinctly yellower and less purplish-red on this wing than the high- mountain pales, and of course differ still more markedly in in this respect from the marsh-land arsilache; the 2 var. napaea of course belongs to isis, and is perhaps the most usual form of the 2 of that variety (or species). Krebia pharte was also common here and fairly fresh ; by the side of the road were one or two specimens of Brenthis ino, and on the road itself Erehia liijea var. aihjte was in some numbers and continued to be so for a considerable distance ; further up a few E. melawpus and E. tymJarns were by the road-side among the grass. On this occasion, knowing no better, I followed the road, and between Preda and the little lake of Palpuogna came across Parnassius delins in a marshy place on the right, and Ci/aniris seDiiargtis in the drier meadows. At this point the sun went in, except for occasional


gleams, and I saw little but a few typical Brentkis pales of both sexes. 'The whole way up the Pass it became duller and colder, and on reaching the Teufelsthal it would have been impossible to find any scene more dreary, lonely, and (in its strictest sense), awful; I felt at once that if I were an artist, instead of a mere dabbler in water-colour landscapes, I would choose this wild, desolate valley, strewn with huge boulders from the granite peak on the right, and smaller debris from the limestone crags on the left, as the scene for a picture of the Temptation ; so far does its obvious suitability exceed any inaccuracies of detail. Natiually it was only just before emerging from tbis scene of desolation that anything in the way of a butterfly put in an appearance, and then it was a single typical specimen of E. f/orf/e. Just before reaching the top of the pass there is a small depression in the grassy slope to the right which looks as if it would cut of!" a corner, and on to which I made my way ; here, in spite of a wind of piercing coldness and the complete absence of sun, a small insect got up under my feet and flew for a yard or two close to the ground, I placed my net over it, and instantly found it to be the long coveted Melitaea <isteria : for an hour and a half I waited about in this spot, (where I shortly took a second), and beyond and below it, seeing one (Julias palaeno, & few Melitaea inerope, (I refrain intentionally from saying anrinia, var. vierope), and Irrenthia pales, one or tAVO Erebia lappona and several black and white " skippers," all but one of which proved to be Hespeiia androwedac, the one exception being H. cacaliae. It will save farther reference to the top of the Pass, if I say at once that on my second expedition to this point on July 13th, a bright sunny day, I •came across the same species with the exception of (,'. palaeno, M. asteria being common but very local, confined, in fact, to the flowery dip in which I first found it, and the " skippers " exactly changing places, all but one on the second occasion being //. cacaliae. I started, on the 9th, to go down the Pass by a path on my right, but was stopped by an assurance that it was forbidden, on the ground of something or somebody being " krank," but the speaker's German and mine being about equally bad, I could only grasp the fact that I must return by the road, a long and very unprofitable detour. However, the weather became warmer and the gleams of sun more frequent as I got lower, and after passing the Weissenstein Inn I began to see some butterflies again. The species were not very numerous nor were the specimens, but I came across ('. phicuiiione, which I also saw near Preda station, Erebia pharte, E. ti/ndarns, E. stjppie, A', lii/ea var. adi/te, Ac/riades -coridon, Loireia .siibalpina, two small Jlesperia alreiis (I believe), one of which has a short white streak on the left hindwing, upper side, and one specimen of Hesperia andromedae. At Preda I was too late for the train, and had to continue the descent on foot to Bergiin, finding nothing on the way except a few K. stipine.

The morning of the 10th was wet, but it cleared up in the after- noon and I confined my attentions to the neighbourhood of Bergiin. This of course is famous as one of Zeller's great hunting-grounds, and also attracted the attention, both of Frey and Riihl, but in July it hardly seems a rich locality. I took both Melitaea athalia and ^1/. ainelia, but if the specimen 1 found of the latter is to be regarded as var. rhaetica, Riihl, then every example from the Rhone Valley must .also be considered to be such ; as to M. athalia, though the specimens


are quite peculiar in having a very broad almost undivided and nearly unicolorous central light band on the underside hindwing, they do not approach var. helvetica, Frey, except in the matter of this band being somewhat whiter than usual. Near the torrent I took single examples of PaDiansiiis apollo and P. (lelins within a few yards of each other, each species showing some approximation to the other. One or two fine dark Melitaea dictynna were taken and a couple of very fresh M. lUdi/ma, (J s ; Erehia styijne was common at. the roadside, as was A(jriades cnridnn, and it was curious to see obviously hybernated Aylaia urticae flying side by side with others evidently just emerged. Two typically mountain forms were also met with, Pieris napl var, bryoniae and Hesperia andromedae, one specimen only of the latter, but that one the largest and finest in colour that I have ever seen. Near the torrent I saw a few Plebeiiis aeyon and one or two Lycaena avion, but Lycaenids were not a strong point of this locality.

My second expedition to the Albula Pass took place, as I have already mentioned, on the 13th. I did not delay long at Preda this time and took the short cut to the beginning of the road above the lake of Palpuogna. At the beginning of this short cut I made two interesting captures. Seeing a Melitaea skim past me Avhich looked rather like a $ cynthia, I pursued it as well as I could on the broken ground, but in vain, on returning, however, to the path I netted a similar specimen, which turned out to be J/, matuvna var. wolfensberyeri very worn, as were a few others I saw, but establishing this new locality for the species. The other insect was a ? Brenthis euphvosyne in fresh condition, and having in every respect except size the appearance of the boreal var. Hmjal. Between Palpuogna and the Weissenstein Inn, I found the same species as on the previous occasion, but they were commoner ; on reaching the latter place, however, I made enquiries from some workmen, who assured me there was no reason whatever why I should not go up the Pass by the track on the left hand side, and I did so, thereby coming across Evebia l/lacialis in considerable numbers on the shaly slope shortly before the Teufelsthal (in this dreary spot itself I actually took one specimen), as well as E. yoryc, type and ab. evynnis chiefly, though var. triopen appeared as a scarce aberration. In the same way, although one 2 E. ijlacialis did just show tiny white pupils to theeye-spots,thus approaching alecto, the rest were all of the ylacialis or the pinto form, the 3 s mostly of the latter. In fact the Albula Pass, on the western side at any rate, belongs typically to the Central Alps, whereas the Eernina, the next Pass eastwards, belongs typically to the Eastern Alps. On returning by the same track, after visiting the top, as previously mentioned, I took, not far above the Weissenstein Inn, a very fine specimen of I'aviiassiaf; dditis var. 2 niyvencens, which, on the wing, looked almost black. Lower down I took a cart track bearing to the right, which gradually dwindled to a path through long grass, finally rejoining the road at the beginning of the short cut to Preda. This is much to be recommended, there were many butterflies, mostly of species already noted, but including Vacciniina optilete; I was, however, sadly hurried, being obliged to catch the train at Preda, as we were leaving the same afternoon for Bale, on the return journey to Paris, Havre, Southampton (for Lyndhurst) and home.

{To he concluded.)

44 THE entomologist's kkcord.


Food PLANT of Hesperia sid^. I notice that in the December number of the Ilecord, vol. xxiii., p. 318, Mr. P. P. Graves asks if I can tell him what is the food-plant of Hesperia sidae. I don't know his address, so I cannot write directly to him, but perhaps you could let him know by means of a note in the Record that the food-plant of nidae at Hyeres is Potentilla hiria, L. In all its localities round Hyeres this plant is to be found, but in captivity I have been able to feed the larvie on other and commoner species of rotentilla. The orange-yellow bands on the underside of the secondaries are very rich when the specimens are fresh, but they pale rapidly, and it seems to me probable that the specimens with pale ochre bands, which Mr. Graves mentions, had been on the wing a few days, although they might not show any other sign of age. I think that a paper i wrote concerning the early stages of H. sidae will appear before long in the Transactions of the Kntomohx/ical Society of London. H. Powell (F.E.S.), 7, Rue Mireille, Hyeres, Var. January Atk, 1912.

Variation in Euchloe euphenoides. I can confirm Lieut. -Col. Mander's observation on E. euphenoides from South-Eastern France. In Dr. Siepi's collection there is a remarkable male specimen with a splendid orange-red border on the secondaries. It was taken in the Vallon de Forbin at St. Marcel, near Marseilles, on May 10th, 1908. Ibid.


From Algiers. I returned from Aflou, in Algeria, about a month ago, fairly well satisfied with the result of the expedition. It was a very interesting locality, and I sent M. Oberthiir some good insects. Butterflies were rather scarce, but there were numbers of interesting moths. I (lid a good deal of larva breeding. The heat was quite bearable, in fact it was as cool there as in Europe last summer, but then Aflou is very high up, over 4,500 ft. ^H. Powell, F.E.S., 7, Rue Mireille, Hyeres, Yar. January ith, 3 912.

IssoRiA LATHONiA. Ou .July 29th last year, while gathering some food- plant in the neighbourhood of this place (Ilfracombe), I saw a $ Issoria lathonia. Having no net with me at the time I " went for " her with my hat, and although I managed to hold her for a moment, she eventually escaped. I have hesitated to record this heretofore, knowing that little credence is attached to a statement of this kind unless actual proof can be produced. My friend, Mr. C W. Colthrup, of East Duhvich, however, thinks that it should be jTecordtd.— R. Ashton Nichols, 30, High Street, Ilfracombe. .January-^nth, 1912.


For the past twenty years, as many of our readers know, Mr. G. H. Verrall annually invited a number of his personal entomological friends, together with those gentlemen serving on the Councils of the more known Societies, to meet the Entomological Club at the Holborn Restaurant in London ; but with his death it appeared that this Meeting would also die ; a strong feeling, however, that it would be contrary to the wish of the late Mr. Verrall for the gathering to


lapse, induced the Rev. F. D. Morice (President of the Entomological Society) and other entomologists to take up the matter, and with the hearty co-operation of Mr. J. E. Collin, invitations were sent out to a large number of entomologists to meet them on the evening of January 16th. More than one hundred acceptances were received, and a very pleasant evening was spent. Tea and coffee were served from 6.30, and at 8.30 an adjournment was made to the large dining- room where supper was served, and the party broke up about 11. Among those who were present we noted the following : ^Messrs, R. Adkin, H. W. Andrews, E. A. Atmore, E. E. Austen, P. J. Barraud, M. F. Bliss, Rev. E. N. Bloomfield, Dr. Malcolm Burr, E. C. Bedwell, R. S. Bagnell, A. W. Bacot, J. P. Barrett, G. Bethell, K. G. Blair, W. E. Butler, A. Cant, J. Carpenter, F. M. Carr, G. C. Champion, H. G. Champion, F. Noad Clark, Dr. T. A. Chapman, J. E. Collin, M. Cameron, H. Capper, E. A. Cockayne, C. W. Colthrup, W. C. Crawley, Dr. F. A. Dixey, H. C. Dollman, H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe, Hamilton Druce, Stanley Edwards, E. A. Elliott, H. M. Edelsten, J. Edwards, F. W. Edwards, A. B. Earn, F. W. Frohawk, C. J. Gahan, A. E. Gibbs, F. Gilliatt, T. W. Hall, P. Harwood, H. Hodge, Prof. Selwyn Image, 0. E. Janson, 0. J. Janson, P. H. Jackson, J. H. A. Jenner, F.*^B. Jennings, F. Jenkinson, A. H. Jones, E. C. Joy, N. H. Joy, Dr. K. Jordan, W. F. Kirby, R. W. Lloyd, W. J. Lucas, Hugh Main, R. S. Mitford, Rev. F. D. Morice, Claude Morley, H. Maxwell-Lefroy, Rev. A. M. Moss, G. Meade-Waldo, W. E. Nicholson, J. A. Nix, H. E. Page, R. M. Prideaux, Hon. N. C. Rothschild, H. Rowland-Brown, N. D. Riley, A. Russell, H. A. Sauze, W. E. Sharp, W. G. Sheldon, A. Sich, P. F. Skinner, A. J. Scollick, G. 0. Sloper, E. A. Smith, E. Step, H. Scott, B. H. Smith, Lieut.-Col. F. W. Sampson, Rev. C. F. Thornewill, J. R. le B. Tomlin, A. E. Tonge, Hy. J. Turner, C. J. Wainwright, Com. J. J. Walker, Rev. G. Wheelei-, C. 0. Waterhouse, E. A. Waterhouse, J. Wright, Col. J. W. Yerbury. It is evident that an annual social meeting of this character is much appreciated by entomologists generally, and we hope that it will not be allowed to drop. Possibly it may be continued in the future more directly under the auspices of the Entomological Club. At any rate, we must commend heartily the action of the President of the Entomological Society, the Rev. F. D. Morice, for his suggestion of a method, whereby the meeting was able to be held on this occasion, and we must also thank those gentlemen who so ably supported him in his action.

The following is a List of Officers and Council appointed by tha Entomological Society of London for the ensuing year. President : The Rev. F. D. Morice, M.A. Treasurer : Albert H. Jones. Secretaries : Commander James J. Walker, M.A., R.N., F.L.S,, and the Rev. George Wheeler, M.A., F.Z.S. Librarian: George C. Champion, A.L.S., F.Z.S. Council : Robert Adkin ; G. T. Bethune- Baker.F.L.S., F.Z.S.; Malcolm Burr, D.Sc, F.L.S., F.Z.S.; H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe, F.Z.S.; John Hartley Durrant ; Stanley Edwards, F.L.S., F.Z.S.; A. E. Gibbs, F.L.S., F.R.H.S. ; W. E. Sharp; Alfred Sich; J. R. le B. Tomlin, M.A.; Henry Jerome Turner; and Colbran J. Wainwright.

The list of Officers and Council of the South London Entomological

-16 THE entomologist's RECORD.

and Natural History Society for the ensuing year is as follows : President :— A. E. Tonge, F.E.S. Vice-Presidents: W. J. Kaye, F.E.S., and B. H. Smith, B.A., F.E.S. Treasurer :—T. W. Hall, F.E.S. Librarian: A. W. Dods. Curator:— W. West (Greenwich). Hon. Secretaries: Stanley Edwards, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S., and Henry J. Turner, F.E.S. Council:— C. W. Colthrup ; F. W. Cowham; A. E. Gibbs, F.L.S., F.E.S.; R. A. R. Priske, F.E.S. ; A. Russell, F.E.S.; A. Sich, F.E.S.; and E. Step, F.L.S.

From the Aiinual Ileport of theLancaslnre and ('/leahire KntomoUujical Societj/iov 1910, which has only recently reached us, having been wrongly directed, we learn that the Council of the Society desire at an early date to publish their Local Lepidoptera List, the MS. of which has been accumulating for some years past. An appeal is made to all members and friends to subscribe for copies, and the Report itself has been much curtailed so that at the end of the year the balance may be available to swell the publication fund. We wish this project success, for such publications are most useful and important.

In the December number of ih.Q.Knto))wloijical iVcfcs is an account, with portrait, of the late Rev. Dr. McCook, the author of that opm maijmun, American Spiders and their Spinnim/ Work, a Natural History of the Orbweaving Spiders of the United States with special regard to their industry and habits, who passed away on the last day of October. " By a peculiarly happy conjunction of capacities Dr. McCook was profoundly equipped as an investigator and was also a skilful writer. His works, therefore, are a happy combination of scientific accuracy and of the charm which we usually look for only in romances." His later writings have been of a more popular character, and we recall with pleasure the perusal of that charmingly written work Ihe Tenants of an Old l^arni, which we obtained from a second-hand bookstall for a few pence, a short time ago.

In the December number of the Canadian Knto)nolot/ist F. Alexander McDermott, of Washington, contributes an article entitled " Some further Observations on the Light-emission of American Lampyridae : The Photogenic Function as a Mating-adaptation in the Photinini,'' (American Glow-worms). Of the value and interest of the results of this carefully organised series of observations the two following extracts will give some idea. " The first observations were made upon I'hotiniis jn/ralis. It was soon found to be easy to recognize the flash of a female in answer to that of a male flying above her, but it was not so readily determined that her answering flash had any eftect upon the actions of the male. The flash of the female, while of the same colour as that of the male is easily recognised after a little practice, being slower— or rather of longer duration and less intense. Persis- tent watch, however, was rewarded by seeing the male drop, following the answering flash of the female, flash again and drop still lower after her second answer, alight a few inches away from her, crawl to- wards her slowly, flashing at intervals to each of which flashes she responded and finally locate and copulate with her. The complete mating process was not followed until after several failures, where the male after dropping would rise again, or would simply fail to locate the female definitely, and fly away ; but since being observed once the same entire process has been witnessed a number of times, and under


somewhat differing conditions. . . . The answering flash of the female does not occur immediately after the flash of the male, but at a period apparently approximately constant for all females of this species of about three to four seconds after the flash of the male. This slight delay occurs in every normal case of mating observed with this species, P. pyralh." " To test this matter further, and to see if the females were sensitive to light in the field, as had been observed in the laboratory, a number of safety matches were ignited at irregular intervals above an area of a field where there were known to be a number of females of P. pyralis, the match, during the flare of the chemical ' head ' being swung in an arc in imitation of the dipping flight and flash of the male P. pyralia, and being extinguished as soon as the head burned out. In each instance the Jiash of the match ivaa followed, within two to five seconds, by the flashes of females of P. pyralis in the surroundiny yrass and weeds. . . . By the use of a small electric bulb connected to a battery and push-button, a few feet away, it was found quite as easy to deceive the male P. pyralis."

Tn the same number of this magazine is an article by Henry H. Lyman of Montreal, entitled " Notes on the North American species of Grapta {Polyyonia) in the British Museum." It appears that Mr. Lyman brought over with him " authentic specimens of nearly all the known species," and in the article he criticises practically each specimen in the national collection showing that this group of difficult species is in an almost hopeless tangle. Let us hope that some attempt will be made to accept the results of the work of such a specialist. Unfortunately the results of modern investigation are often ignored absolutely by the museum authorities. Only within the last few days the case of the genus Ilydroccia was brought to our notice. In the last volume of the Cataloyue of the Noctuidae now being issued by the Trustees the results of the valuable and convincing work of the Rev. C. R. N. Burrows and Mr. F. N. Pierce is discarded, and Hydroecia nictitans is the only species recognised, although these gentlemen offered to place the whole of the evidence of the distinctness of H. lucens, H. palndis, and H. crinanensis at the disposal of the author. It is a pity these results are not included, as in a work of world-wide circulation one does expect to find the latest facts brought out by new lines of investigation.


Entomological Society of London. November 15th, 1911. The Rev. Samuel Proudfoot, 6, Lyme Grove, Altrincham, Cheshire, was elected a Fellow. A New Zealand Weevil.— Commander Walker exhibited three specimens of PhaedropJnlns o'connori, Broun, a large and handsome weevil from Mount Quoin, Kaitoke, New Zealand. A RARE ToRTRix. Commauder Walker also exhibited a specimen of the rare Tortrix, Phalonia [Iviipoecilia) implicitana, Wocke, taken by Mr. H. G. Champion at Shoreham, Sussex, August, 1911. A New British Ant. Mr. W. C. Crawley exhibited a J and a ^ of Leptothora.r tnherntn, Fabr., subspecies corf/mZ/.s, Schenk, new to Britain, found with two larvie in an empty beech-nut at Pangbourne, Berks, April 24th, 1904. A Coccinellid and Mimosa Gum. Mr. N. S. Sennett exhibited

48 THE entomologist's record.

some Coccinellids as found on Minmaa trees at Mont Estoril, in Portugal, together with the small exudations of gum, presenting what appeared to be a remarkable though hitherto unrecorded case of Protective Mimicry. Brep Pyrameis cardui. Mr. L. W. Newman showed along series of I'l/rauieis canlni, hved from ? s captured at Folkestone on September 2nd last. Ova were laid at once and placed in a hot-house kept at about 80 degrees ; they hatched on September 7th, and the larvie fed up very rapidly on stinging nettle, the first pupating on September 30th. Imagines started to emerge about a week later, and all were out by October 16th some 500 in all. Considerable variation occurred. Rare Diptrra. Mr. H. W. Andrews exhibited two rare species of Diptera from north Kent, viz., Syrphns lineola, Ztt., a g , taken at Bexley on July 8th, and Scionn/za aimjilex, Fin., both sexes, taken in the Thames Marshes on June 23rd and July 1st, all in 1911. A Probable Specimen of Cidaria concinnata. Mr. E. A. Cockayne exhibited a Geometer taken at Tongue, Sutherland, July 5bh, 1906, closely resembling Cidaria {Di/sstroina) concinnata, Steph., specimens of which were placed below for comparison. Some Local Forms of Melanargia galathea. Mr. J. Platt Barrett exhibited a drawer of Melanan/ia ijalatUea containing: English specimens, specimens from the Alps, from the Apennines, from Calabria, and from Sicily, including var. pruciila, and var. si/racnsana. A Gigantic Spider. Mr. A. E. Tonga exhibited a very tine Mtji/ale from California. Rhodesian Insects as Prey. Professor E. B. Poulton exhibited the following specimens sent to hiiu by Mr. C. F. M. Swynnerton, all of which had been captured on the outskirts (3,800 ft.) of Chirinda Forest, Gazaland, S.E. Rhodesia : (1) The female form ////»/«>- coon of Papilio dardanus (cenea), Stoll, rescued, September 8th, 1911, by one of his native collectors from a M'lanje Bulbul {r/ii/llostroi)hiis inilanjensis) ; (2) Two wings of Precis arc/iesia, Cr., and the fragments of a Blattid, probably of the genus DeropL'ltis, taken June 25th, 1911, from a spider's web. A new African Lycaenid. ^Professor Poulton exhibited six male examples of a remarkable Lycsenid, all captured, November 22nd, 1910, in the Uhehe District (3,000-3,500 ft.) of German East Africa, by Mr. S. A. Neave, F.E.S. The pattern and brilliant colours, which were extraordinary in a Lycsenid, strongly suggested, on both upper and under surface, the appearance, although on a smaller scale, of an Acraca of the type of A. aneiiiosa, Hew. An abnormal Coi.koptekon. Mr. Stanley lulwards exbil)ited a specimen of (h'l/no/itcrn.s aiidouini, a beetle from Borneo, with abnormal antenna^ apparently gynandromorphous, and explained that Mr. Gahan had dissected it and found the gcnitiilia to be entirely $ . Scarce Colkoptkra.— Mr. H. C. l)()llinan ( xbihiled the following species of Colcoptera :-— /7j/7<i»//(((.s intcnnediii.s, Bois., ab. donisihn> jk i, I )olhuan, described in the I'lnt. Hcc, December, 1910; Stcnns forhiicttonnn, Mann., introduced as lU'itish in the Knt. lice, April, 1911 ; neinl)e(liiinujiiadripii,sti(latiiiii,Di.,iiue-s.iimp\e from Ditchling, Sussex, August 17th, 1911 ; I h/pup/ilacns linearis, F., retaken at Oxshott, in July of this year, a species hitherto taken in Great Britain, only in Surrey, at Oxshott and Woking; Mi/cctoporiis fiirticornis, Fauv. (one specimen from the New Forest), with M. clavicornis, Steph., for comparison ; I'hilonthns airniscus, Gr., taken


from a dead rabbit at Ditchling ; and Stenim nwrio, Gr., from Ditchling, taken in October, 1910. Bred series of Ackaea orestia and A. HUMiLis. Mr. H. Eltringham exhibited a bred series of Acraea orestia, Hew., containing the typical form, and also the A. hiwiili.^ of Miss E. M. Sharpe, thus demonstrating the truth of the conclusion at which he had previously arrived as to the specific identity of these two forms. He also showed three ^ black and yellow Acraeas, one of which was the A. circei.s of Drury from S. Leone. The other two while differing in appearance from A. circeis were themselves exactly alike, but for the fact that the two tarsal claws of the second and third pairs of feet were equal and similar in one specimen, and unequal and dissimilar in the other. A long and interesting discussion followed on the question of the importance of the tarsal claws as a means of specific distinction, and on the possible correlation of uneven claws in the 3-, and the abdominal sac in the $ . Descriptions of British Rhopalocera. Mr. Champion called attention to a paper by M. Roger Verity in the "Bulletin do la Societe entomologique de France," October 11th, 1911, on new Scottish races of Eiebia oet/iiops, Esp. (race calcdonia), Sati/rus se)iiele (race seota), and I'aran/e nteyaera (race caledunia). The following papers were communicated : " Descriptions of South American Micro-Lepidoptera," by E. Meyrick, B.A., F.R.S. "New Species of Hawaiian Hymenoptera, with notes on some previously described," by R. C. L. Perkins, D.Sc, M.A., F.E.S. "Notes on Hawaiian Hemiptera, with descriptions of new Species," by R. C. L. Perkins, D.Sc, M.A., F.E.S. "Experiments in the Formation of Colonies bv Lasins fiili(/inosiis, $ s," by Horace Donisthorpe, F.Z.S., and W. C. Crawley, F.E.S.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society. Annual K.vliibitiun of Varieties, etc. Xove)iiber 2Sr(l. The Rev. F. D. Morice, M.A., F.E.S., was elected a member. Mr. South exhibited an extreme melanic aberration of llrentltis selene, a dark-banded Epiu/ra linearia, llniiricia phlaeas var. elens, Ti, n/ilaeas var. sriuiiidtii, a fine series of varieties of Leptofirannna literana, etc. Mr. R. Adkin, two series of aberrations of Abraxas (/rossitlariata (a) trom wild larvte, (b) from inbreeding, and a Zonosoina orbicidaria with the whole of the wings of a rich red-brown, etc. Mr. BJenkarn, varied series of Ainorplia popidi and Bupalns piniaria, and a Brenthis selene almost devoid of transverse markings. Mr. Newman, a series of Mellinia ocellaris including the forms similar to M. ;/ilra(/o and Citria fulrar/o, a large number of the more striking varieties from the " Capper " collection, a lemon-tipped ab. of Eachlo'e cardamines, a Brenthis ettplirosijne with black hindwings, a Pijranieis cardiri with apex of forewing largely black, fine abs. of Ai/riailes roridon, etc. Mr. A. Quarrington, a /'. cardiii with conspicuous blue spots, a yellow I'obpjonia r-albuw, A. coridon with large confluent spots, H. pidaeas with almost obsolete marginal bands, etc. Mr. Bright, a drawer containing all the finest extreme varieties from the collection of the late Mr. J. A. Clarke, and a drawer of varieties of Anior/dia popiili including a magnificent gynandromorph. Mr. Turner, a series of Krebia aetliinps from Scotland (var. Caledonia) and many continental localities, a long series of L\i]ierina nickerlii including a fine series of the ifiieiteei race from Mr. Baxter (St. Anne's- on-Sea), a set of the E. Pyrenean race t/raslini from M. Oberthiir, and the type from Bohemia, many forms of L. testacea kindly sent him by

50 THE entomologist's record.

the same gentleman from France and Algeria, together with a number of L. duinerilH from the same localities. Mr. Main, long and fine series of Boannia repandata bred by the late Mr. Harrison and himself, the results of crossing the dark and conversaria forms. The Rev. F. D. Morice, the smallest known bee, Ceratina parvida, and the largest bee, Xijlocnpa sp. ?, Gilbert White's " Hoop-shaver bee " Anthulium manication, the famous " Upholsterer bee " Osniia papaverh, and a Mediterranean snail -shell -inhabiting bee O. ferriKjinea, and also raicrophotographs of the " saws " of the sawfly genus Dolerus. The Rev. J. E. Tarbat, Gnnplios ohscurata from many localities, including ochreous and almost black forms from the same place, Budleigh Salterton. Mr. Barnett, a fine varied series of Apamea leucosty/ma and var. fibrosa from the Fen District. Mr. Hchooling, a second brood Aictia caja with only an imperfect narrow fascia and a few apical and costal spots of cream colour on the forewings. Mr. Colthrup, a very long series of this year's Colias lujale from East Kent. Mr. B. H. Smith, a Melanippe montanata almost white, Catoeala niipta with smoky brown hind wings, three A(jriiis comolvuli from Warlingham, with specimens of Phryj'iis livornica, Sterrha aacraria, Lap/njf/iiia e.ci;/tia, Plusia ni, and series of Volia xanthomhta, and litimicia pJdoeas, including a partial var. sclniiiiltii, all from South Cornwall in September last. Mr. Sich, the Gelechiid, An/i/ritis pktella, which used to occur on Barnes Common ; and for Mr. Green, Deprt'saaria pntridella from its North Kent habitat. Mr. K. G. Blair, Muiias t'diae asymmetrical, teratological specimens, Carabus caUnidatuf with reflex margins of thorax excised, and Piiiwlia foniicata right antenna doubly branched, and for Mr. W. N. Blair, examples of the Medicinal Leech from the New Forest. Mr. Tonge, stereoscopic slides of lepidopterous ova in situ, wild laid, with specimens of the imagines of the genera Tvochilinm and .Et/eria, and also varied bred series of Cidaria tnincata (nissata) and Lohopltora viretata. Mr. Pratt, an extreme dark margined form of Eplajra pondidaria. Mr. Baumann, IJijdrioiiieiia furcata {sordidata) bred from Surrey with a black series from Manchester, very pale Dianthoecia rarpopliai/a from the Sussex coast, etc. Mr. Scorer, aberrations of R. pidacas longtailed, spotless underside, P. mocliaon heavily banded, EncJdoe cardamint's with white streak through the orange patch, Port/icsia siitiilis with black edged COsta, Calliiiiorpha douiinnla with rounded wings, /'. napi $ heavily spotted, etc. Mr. St. Aubyn, two ab. Jiava of A. fdipcndnlae from Coulsdon. The Rev. F. M. B. Carr, a collection made in mid-Wales last June, including Plusia interronationis, a fine varied series, Acidalia fuiiiata, Atputis litcernea, etc. Mr. Andrews, dwarf Diptera, Pxunbijliiix viajor, Kriatalix pertina.v, and C/iri/soc/daiin/s riiprea, and for Mr. Barraud, a teratological specimen of Sjrilof/aster iditiinosa with missing fourth longitudinal vein. Mr. Stanley Edwards, Papiliojiidac, P. poliirves, and allied /'. lurliniis and P. ni/assinns from Africa compared with /'. oy'fl.c and /'. niarciilus from America. Mr. Piatt Barrett, J and J com- parisons of British and Sicilian butterflies, (i. i/tanini and (r. dcopatra, I iipparihia ficiiii'lcand var. ah/iiira, K. jitrtina with var. hispuUa and var. Jortunata, a long series of Eiic/dni' damoiti', sets of geographical forms of Melanan/ia i/alat/ieo, ]>ritish, Alpine, Apennine, Calabrian, Sicilian, at various elevations, etc. Mr. Barnett, for Mr. Cannot, a WheeUria spiludavtyla, Freshwater, with no cleft in forewings and one only in


hindwings. Mr, Kaye, an unusually large spray of the magnificent orchid Cattlci/a labiata, five flowers. Mr. Pickett, results of breeding Ani/erona pDdiaria under coloured muslins, red, pink, orange-yellow, and cream with green pattern, and aberrational series of M. ^/alatltea, Agriades coridnn {senii-si/ni/raplia, ohsolcta, striata, viinor), etc. Mr. Sheldon, European Dinrni, taken by himself in the Riviera, south Spain, Digne, etc., including fine series of Zegris etiphemc var. meridionalU, Thais rinnina, var. canteneri, var. medesicaste, and ab. honoratii, Araschnia levana, var. prorsa, and var. porima, etc. Mr. Frisby, nearly all the species of British bees in the genera Andrena and Cilissa. Mr. W. J. Kaye, a drawer of species of Syntomidae he had taken at flowers in South Brazil, and gave notes on their habits. December lith, 1911. Special Meeting. It was agreed unanimously at an usually large meeting to increase the annual subscription to ten shillings, and the life composition to six guineas. Okdinaky Meeting. —Mr. R. G. Todd, of Hadley Wood, Mr. G. E. H. Peskett, of Ilford, Mr. A. Quarrington, of Norwood, and Mr. E. A. Stowell, B.A., of Kingston, were elected members. Rumicia phl^eas. There was a special exhibition of Rioiiicia p/daeas and its allies. Mr. Tonge, series from S.E. counties and bred continental specimens ; Mr. Newman, on behalf of Mr. Quarrington, ab. schmidtii and striated forms ; the Rev. G. Wheeler, series from England, Italy, S. France and S. Switzer- land, including suffused examples, ab. caemleopiinctata, ab. hipunctata, etc. ; Mr. R. Adkin, representative series from Eastbourne this j^ear, and analysed the variation occurring there ; Mr. A. E. Gibbs, series from England, N.E. France, E. Pyrenees, Corsica, Algeria, Turkistan and Japan, together with many closely allied species from the Palsearctic and Nearctic Regions ; Mr. Turner, series including his ab. alba from Brasted ; Mr. R. South, a selection illustrating the ordinary variation, including ab. schmidtii, and pointed out how the variation of the American representative hypopJdaeas had an almost parallel range ; Mr. Cowham, ab. schmidtii from Oxshott ; Mr. Frohawk, a long bred series of C. dispar var. rutilns from Continental ova; Mr. C. P. Pickett, long and varied series of four broods in 1911, and many aberrations during the past ten years; Mr. Edwards, closely allied Central and E. Asian forms ; and Mr. Kaye, bred specimens. In the subsequent remarks it was noted that the species had appeared in great abundance even in gardens and streets, that there were extremely few striking aberrations, that the later broods were generally darker, that the larva hibernated in any instar, and that the species was by no means common in Switzerland. Hymenoptera. Mr. West (Greenwich), exhibited a drawer of the Society's cabinet, in which he had arranged the British Hymen- optera recently presented to the Society. Swiss Lepidoptera. Mr. Ashdown, collection of Lepidoptera taken by him in Switzerland and near Chamonix in June and July last. Aberrations. Mr. Newman, a number of well-marked aberrations from the collection of Mr. Hills, of Folkestone. Blue 5 P. icarus. Mr. Quarrington, a fine blue $ of Poli/ommatus icarus. E. atomaria, VARs. Mr. Buckstone, a series of variations of Ematunja atomaria. Third generation of A. virgularia. Mr. South, a long series of three generations of Acidalia vin/ularia, reared in 1911 from a 2 taken at Bishop Auckland in 1910. Autumn-bred A. iris. Mr. Joy, two

52 THE entomologist's record.

autumn-bred specimens of Apatura iris, the rest of the brood going over as hirva) as usual. Dark L. deplana and Capture of Peripi.aneta AUSTRALASIA. Mr. Bleukarn, light and dark examples of Lithosia deplana, and a specimen of the cockroach Periplanela axstralasiae, taken from a case of oranges from Jamaica. Sexual dimorphism of E. halitherses. Mr. Edwards, the remarkably sexually dimorphic species hhiiipus lialithcracs, of which the 5 mimics a Kuploca. H. semele, var. Mr. Pickett, a very richly marked aberration of Hipparchia semele. The " Tugwell Herbarium." Mr. Step, a further portion of the " Tugwell Herbarium," which he had been renovating for the Society, and to contain which Mr. R. Adkin had most kindly ffiven a handsome cabinet.

Samuel James Capper, F.L.S., F.E.S.

Samuel James Capper, of Huyton Park, Liverpool, President and founder of the Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society, passed away at his residence on the evening of January 21st., in his eighty- seventh year. He was a Londoner by birth and early came under the influence of natural history, for he was sent to a boarding school at Epping, where the brothers Doubleday did all they could to induce the young to take an interest in the local Lepidoptera. In course of time he settled in Liverpool and became a partner in the well-known firm of Thompson and Capper, manufacturing chemists. He soon met with the late Benjamin Cooke and other Lancashire collectors, and resumed his boyhood's pursuit, which he continued to follow with unflagging energy until a few years ago. In 1874 he met with an accident while collecting in N. Wales, and was henceforth too lame to carry on his field-work. Nothing daunted, if he could not go to entomology, entomology must come to him. In 1887 the Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society was inaugurated at his house in Huyton Park, himself as first President, an office he held until his death.

His written work has been small, but his Annual Addresses to the above Society show him to have been a man of very wide and deep reading, and one whose knowledge of entomology, gained by experience in the field, was no mean amount. In the Knt. lleeord, vol. x., p. 54, there is reprinted an address given by him on " Entomological Literature in Britain," and a portrait of him will be found in the l]rit. Xat. (continuation of )'oiin;i Nat.) vol. ii., p. 60. For many years he had taken every opportunity to add to his collections, which contained a very large number of interesting and unique varieties. In the Xatiiralists' Journal, vol. v., p. 20, etc., S. L. Mosley gives a most interesting account of a visit he paid to Huyton Park. Subsequently, a large number of the aberrations of British Lepidoptera in the collection, were figured by Mosley in his lllustratidns of Varieties of Ihitish Lepidoptera and in the volumes of tlie Xatnralists' Journal. During the last few years Mr. Capper's declining strength prevented his taking much interest in his insects, and finally last autumn he parted with the whole of them to Mr. L. \V. Newman, by whom they are being dispersed. He was a member of the Society of Friends.— H. J. T.

WATKINS & DONCASTER, Naturalists and Manufacturers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain Bii)g Nets, wire or cane, including Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-. Folding Nets, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket Boxes (deal), 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6. Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with camphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, flat or oval, lin., 6d. ; IJin., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2iin., 1/-; SJin., 1/4; 4in., 1/6; 5in., 1/10; Complete Set of fourteen Boards, 10/8. Set'ting Houses, 9/6, 11/6; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases, japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antennie 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3^, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheath, 1/9. Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc.

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as minute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sesiidae, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


Of every description of Insects, Birds' Egos, Coins, Microscopical Objects, Fossils, &c.

Catalogue (100 pages) sent on application, post free.

LARGE STOCK OP INSECTS AND BIRDS' EGGS (British, European, and Exotic). Birds, Mammah, etc., Preserved and Mounted by First class Workmen.


Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

By MALCOLM BURR, D.Sc., F.Z.S., F.L.S.. F.E.S., &c.

Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3sm neim

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

Will he sent Po.'^t Free on receipt of Postal Order for 3s. to

A. H., 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E>


Having bought several large collections lately I can ofler many species at low rates to clear my duplicates. About 500-600 well assorted Moths (many on black pins and labelled) in a large good store box. Box and contents 10/6, postage 5d.

The following all good specimens at per doz., not less than half-doz. of a species sold at these prices: Aegeria 1/3, Artemis 1/6, Cinxia 1/6, T. quercus 1/6, Adonis lOd., Corydon lOd., Lineola 1/3, Elpenor 2/0, Populi 1/-, Culiciformis 2/-, Geryon 1/3, Staticeg 1/3, Minos 5/-, Mehloti 1/6, Cucullatella 1/ , Confusalis 2/-, EubricoUis 2/-, Dominula 9d,, Fuliginosa 1/5, Potatoria 1/-, Falcula 6d., Hamula 2/-, Plumigera 4/-, Dictaea 2/-, Ziczag 1/3, Curtula 1/3, Diluta 1/3, Muralis 1/6, Coryli 1/3, Rumicis 1/6, Impura 9d., Pallens 9d., Lutosa 2/-, Flavago 2/-, Rurea 1/-, var. combusta 2/-, Australis 2/-, Popularis 1/6, Basilinea 1/-, Gemina 1/-, Oculea 6d., Strigilis 9d., Fasciuncula 9d., Furuncula 9d., Haworthii l/9,.Trilinea 1/3, Morpheus 1/6, Alsines 1/6, Blanda 1/6, Ambigua2/-, Cubicu- laris 9d., Valligera 1/6, Suffusa 1/-, Saucia 1/6, Corticea 1/3, Cinerea j s 10/-, Ripse 4/-, Cursoria 1/6, Nigricans 1/3, Tritici 1/-, Porphyrea 1/-, Glareosa 1/6, Augur 1/-, C-nigrum 1/-, Brunnea 9d., Festiva 9d., Conflua 1/9, Bajal/-, Fimbria 1/6, Janthina 1/-, Pyramidea 1/-, Typica 9d., Piniperda 1/6, Rubricosa 9d., Gothica 9d. Box (non returnable) and postage 4d. extra.

Next Month many more species, look out for them.

L. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.



The Orthoptera of the Madeira, Malcolm Burr, D.Sc, F.Z.S., F.L.S., F.E.S.

(with plate) 29

Myrmecophilous Notes for 1911, H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe, F.Z.S., F.E.S.

(concluded) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

A Month in Switzerland and elsewhere, George Wheeler, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S.

(to be concluded) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Scientific Notes and Observations : Foodplant of Hesperia sidoe, H. Powell,

F.E.S. Variation in Euchloe euphenoides, Ibid . . . . .. . . . . 44

Notes on Collecting, etc : From Algiers, H. Poicell, F.E.S. Issoria lathonia,

R. Ashton Nichols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Current Notes and Short Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Societies : The Entomological Society of London. The South London Entomo- logical and Natural History Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Obituary: Samuel James Capper, F.L.S., F.E.S. H.J.T 52

Contributions remain over for want of space from G. Wheeler, G. T. Bethune-Baker, H. C. Dollman (with plate), P. A. and D. A. J. Buxton, W. C. Crawley, J. Taylor, Douglas H. Pearson, N. Manders, E. A. Cockayne, J. T. Fountain.

Seasonal notes on British Lepidoptera will appear in due course from C. W. Colthrup, EusselE. James, F. G. Whittle, J. F. Bird, A. Kussell, Alf. Sich, H. A.shton Nichols, etc.

We hope that those who intend sending ua an account of their doings for 1911 will do so ere long, as we should like to know more of what our English workers are doing. Will those who are studying the Micro-lepidoptera help us, by sending in notes of their captures and observations.

Rambles in Alpine Valleys.

Bound in Cloth, with Map and Photographs of District. Price 3s. 6d. This book contains a series of essays dealing with the colours of insects, and sugges- tions as to the relation in past time between the Alpine and British fauna. Many new facts are brought forward, and entomological problems discussed from various standpoints.

Woodside, Burnside, Hillside and Marsh.

(Crown 8vo., Illustrated, 224 pp. and 103 woodcuts and full-page illustrations. Bound

in Cloth. (Price 2/6). Another series of collecting expeditions into well-known entomological and natural history localities, with description of botanical, geological, ornithological as well as gUtomological matters of interest to be found therein. The places dealt with include Qobham Woods, Cuxton Downs, the Western Highlands, Cliffe— all well known for their jjch entomological fauna.

To be obtained from J. Herjiert Tutt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E.

Random Recollections of Woodland, Fen, and Hill.

By J. W. TUTT, F.E.S.

Bound in Cloth, Crown 8vo. Price Three Shillings net.

A detailed account of the fauna and flora of some well-known British natural history localities : Wicken, Deal, Chattenden, the Medway Marshes, Isle of Wight, etc.

Postal Orders to

Mr. J. HERBERT TUTT, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E

Subscriptions for Vol. XXXIV. arejiow overdue.

Vol. XXIV.

No, 3.





Edited by

a r!^m<^ATT i. t s FES I T. A. CHAPMAN, M.D., F-Z-S-i F.E.8 EichardS. BAGNALL., F.L.s.,F.E.s. ^-f"-^ rOLLIN. f.e.s. T. HUDSON BEAllE ^'.%t J K DONISTHOR^

B.SO., F.l!..i>., I'.R.S.l-. "• oi. u. F!f8. F.E.I


F.Z.S., F.L.S., r.t.s,. f p 1 g. TOMLIN, M.A., F.I.s. Kyc\"N:'BUBROWS*;F.E^s. I SE^Ri^E^WHEELER.M....K...B.

and Henry J. TUENER, f.e.s.,

Editorial Secretary;,,,-— "— ~<;,^

^/VR ?,9 1913




Price SlXPElT^"'""' '''


ascription for Complete Volume, post fr

(Including all DOUBLE NUMBERS, etc.)






ELLIOT STOCK, 62, Paternoster Eow, E.G.



' 11,' Cari.strasse, N.W.


The Largest Breeder of Lepidoptera in the British Isles is

H. W. HEAD, mntamoloixi&i,


Full List of Ova, Larvae, and Pupae, also Lepidoptera, Apparatus, Cabinets,

etc., sent on application. Many Rare British Species and Good Varieties for Sale.



Mr. J. C. STEVENS will offer for Sale by Auction at his great rooms, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C., on

TUESDAY, APRIL 23pd, 1912,

The Fourth Portion of the


Formed by the Late

J. W. TUTT, F.E.S.

Comprising long series in fine condition of British Tortrices, including long and varied series of Peroneas. Also British Tinea, good series of the Psychidse and Nepticulse (vide Brit. Lep., vol. i.), most of the Elachistidae and Gelechidse.

Also British Crambi in excellent condition, including siilinellus, contaminelbis, anellus, etc., British Pterophorids, and the remainder of the British Geometers {Cidaria, etc.), together with the cabinets containing them.

Catalogues may be had on application 7 days prior at the Auction Rooms, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.

Lantern Slides in Natural Colours.


Photographed from life and true to Nature in every detail.




For List apply to ^— ^— ^^^—

CHARLES D. HEAD, 2, Mount Yernon, Dpllymount, DUBLIN.

Subscribers to Seitz Macrolepidoptera of the World

are requested to write immediately

to the Publishing Office if they wish to receive the published parts without delay.

Latest issued parts are: Palxarctica, No. 90; Exotica, 70.


Stuttgart: Poststrasse 7. Verlag des Seitz'schen Werkes.

(Alfked Keenen).

Vol. XXIV.

Plate II.

Del. Hereirard C. Dollman.

Mysia oblongo-odttata, L., ab. nigro-guttata, n. ab. (r. antenna should be exactly like l.)

The K)itomolo!iii>t's Record, etc., 1912.


Mysia oblongoguttata, L, ab. nigroguttata, n. ab. {with plau).

By HEREWARD C. DOLLMAN, F.E.S. This is a striking aberration inasmuch as the elytra, usuallj' quite unmarked with black in this species, exhibit six well-defined ivory- black spots. The two dark longitudinal lines on the thorax that are sometimes observable in normal specimens are in this aberration very strong, being unusually broad and black. The clubs of the antennae, the femora wholly, and the tibiae in part, are also black.

In contoiu-, sculpture, and size, the specimen does not depart from the normal. The clypeus, the front of the head, the eyes, the first joint and club of the antennas, and the apical portion of the last joint of the maxillary palpi b!ack, with the base of the head (narrowly), and the other joints of the antenna) and maxillary palpi reddish-testaceous ; thorax with the broad white borders narrowly margined with black (from posterior to anterior angles), and the dark longitudinal lines very broad and black; elytra light testaceous-brown, with the margins somewhat lighter, with the usual irregular light longitudinal lines and oblong spots, but. each of the latter marked within with a large well-defined jet black centre ; legs, with the except'on of the apical half of the tibise and the tarsi, which are dark reddish-brown, black.

The type specimen beaten from I'iniis sylrestris at Oxshott, Surrey, on Julv 4th, 1911.

Notes from the Wye Valley: Lepidoptera in 191 1.

By J. F. BIRD. The semi-tropical summer last year will, no doubt, be long remembered, and I do not think I need say more than that we, in common with the rest of England, sorely felt the want of rain. The whole country looked scorched up, the leaves fell off' the trees, and not only did garden plants suffer, but many hardy wild floAvers and weeds of the countryside shrivelled up and gave up the struggle for existence. The long spell of fine and hot weather was responsible for the second appearance of a number of species of Lepidoptera, and also one or two cases of even a third emergence occurred. Some rather dwarfed individuals were noticed, which is hardly to be wondered at considering the effects of the weeks of drought, but on the whole most appeared to be of average expanse of wing.

Before referring to some of the insects met with during 1911, I may mention that I recorded in the Wye Valley last year 262 species of Macro-lepidoptera (counting larv;p), or nearly one- third of those to be found in Britain. These notes, unless otherwise specified, will relate to the parish of 8t. Briavels in Gloucestershire.

DicRNi. Pieris hrassicac, though common, was not unusually so; while the two smaller "whites," /'. ra/iae and P. napi, were exceptionally abundant, especially during their second appearance. I noticed that many of the second brood of P. napi were strongly marked and exhibited one or tw^o extra spots between the veins on the hindwings, the result, as I have previously noticed in the Wye Valley, of a hot summer. Kuchloi' {Antltovliaiis) cardainines was fairly common and many larvse were found feeding on the seed-pods of Hesperis iiiatrnnalis, which seems rather a favourite garden food-plant oi the species. Goneptenjx rhawni was plentiful in the spring and also after the emergence of "the fresh brood. Bitlnjs (jiiercits was more March 15th, 1912.

54 THii; kntomologist's record.

abundant than I have ever seen it. As I wished to obtain some ova I watched one of the females which seemed to be ovipositing while crawling up and down the twigs at the end of a low-hanging branch of an oak. She kept her abdomen curved so as to feel along the bark, and several times appeared to lay an egg below projections such as buds or the base of smaller twigs. After she had flown to another part of the tree I picked the twigs she had been on, bat was disappointed not to find any ova, although I carefully examined with a pocket lense each spot, where I thought I had seen one deposited. Several of these butterflies forsook the tree-tops and were to be seen flying about and settling on bracken, and a male netted on August 9th was flitting about a hovel yard in the manner of l\ tear us and alighting on nettles and other weeds. I also noticed one on a very hot day drinking on the wet mud by the river-side. Ridiiicia p/daeaa swarmed everywhere and was noticed on the wing right into October. I fancy there were three broods during the year. On September 24th, 1 netted one a,h.')adiata 2 going to the flowers in my garden, rolyonniiatus icarnti was also verj- plentiful, and on several evenings I searched for aberrations among those asleep on the stems of grass, etc., and the two best, both taken on August 7th, were (i) a ? ab. arena, and (ii) a <? with forewings of ordinary colour, but bordered with a blue of slightly paler shade, and the hind- wings with a marginal row of black spots. Cdastrina an/ioltis was more in evidence during the summer than in the spring. In July I met with several of the males on the heather. A search on ivy in the autumn only produced one larva. A/iatiira iris. During the summer I believe I saw three of these butterflies on the wing, but not clearly enough to say so for certain. However, I was presented with one by a non-entomological neighbour of mine, who captured it in August, 1910, while it was fluttering on a window in her house. The specimen, a female, is slightly asymmetrical, the wings on the left side being rather smaller than those on the right. Poliii/nnia c-albuni. I did not see a single hybernated specimen in the spring, although I was on the look-out for a female or two to send a corresf ondent, and, as luck would have it, when the summer brood were on the wing I only saw females when I was without my net. (If my correspondent reads this it will explain why he received none from me.) On August 24th, while paying a visit to my father at Tintern, I noticed one of the autumn brood just emerged and clinging to an empty pupa-case, which was attached to a wire for training creepers fixed on the side of a window. A search among the hop-plants growing close by produced several pupa? and one nearly full-fed larva. At/lais nrticae.— During the scorching summer and the early autumn this butterfly frequently entered the house and settled in odd corners as if to hybernate, but after resting like this for a few days flew out again. One of these visitors suddenly became lively one night (September 7th) and began flying about our dining-room, and when it settled it did so on the ceiling immediately above the lamp with wings displayed as if basking in sunshine. I did not pay much attention to it at first, but it suddenly struck me, when glancing up at the butterfly, that there was something rather odd about it, so I bottled it. I afterwards found that the two black spots on the forewings between veins 2 and 4 were almost imperceptible. Vaneam in was again plentiful, but only two or three specimens were seen of t'l/rameis atalanta and P. cardiii. The


two early " fritillaries," Brenthis eii}>]irosyne and B. selene, were abundant in their usual haunts, but Dnjas paphia I did not see any- where except in one spot by the side of the river where it was not scarce. Pararr/e ae;/eria and P. meijaera were most plentiful, especially towards the end of the summer. One of the latter I saw lay an egg, which she deposited, as I have before noticed when observing this insect, on a dead and brown blade hanging downwards from a clump of grass growing at the edge and on the top of a wall. On August 23rd, one specimen of /'. acucria was noticed going to the treacle spread on a tree-trunk the previous evening to attract moths. Both Kpinephele Jurtina and Aphantnpua {Enodia) Jn/perontus were as common as usual, but I only saw one or two Epinephele tithonus. This last species I have only found common along the hedges of one lane in this district. Coenomjwpha painphilus, Hesperia malvae, Adnpaea flaca, Au;/iades si/lranns and Nisoniades tar/es were rather more plentiful than usual.

Heteeocera. Aiiiorplia poptili. The ova and larvae were not un- common on poplar and sallow. Until last year I have only seen a very few each season. Kuwnrpha dpenor. I have not yet found this species here, but last year my father obtained three larviB on the Monmouthshire side of the river. Sesia stellatarnm. One only seen, in August, hovering at Sweet-William in my garden. Acf/erin tipnli- formis. My father took one at Tintern in his garden ; the only specimen noted by us in the Wye Valley. Hepiulns hunnili was most abundant in the meadows, and I obtained some rather nice forms, including a plain yellow female with practically no markings visible. Hylupldla prasinana. Metted at dusk and also taken in the larval stage. Xola cucullateUa. One at light on July 7th ; the first I have seen here. Neither have we found it a common species in Monmouth- shire. X.coiifiisalis. Only one last year. Lifhosia {Cabosia) viesotiwlla. One only, caught with my hand as it flew past me at early dusk while I was fishing. Xojh'ophila jdantaiiinis. Not uncommon at the beginning of .June. I find this moth is much attached to patches of bracken. Arctia villica. I was pleased to see one of these handsome moths at Tintern, but the specimen, a 3 , was too worn to take. Spilo><intia {Phracpitatobia) fuUijinos^a. In the Spring I found on one of my poultry-runs a newly-spun cocoon containing a larva. Spilosoma menilica.—Sexeval females were seen in early summer flying in the daytime. Poithesia similis. Two imagines only; the first I have seen on this side of the Wye. Dasychira pudibimda. At light. Fumea casta. The cases numerous on tree trunks and stone walls. The imagines of Drepana falcataria were commoner than usual and several of both broods were disturbed from the bushes or netted at dusk. I also bred one on August 22nd from a larva found on alder. Centra bifida. I was unfortunate in only finding empty eggshells of this insect on the poplar bushes, and I am afraid the wood-ants were responsible for my want of success in finding the larvre. (.'. n'uida. Ova and larvte were seen on sallow and poplar. Notodonta {Leiocavipa) dictaea. I failed in breeding this insect from the ova obtained in 1910, but hope I shall be more successful this season. Last year I found a few ova on the small poplar bushes and now have four pupae. Larvae were found of Notodonta droniedarius, Lopliopteryx catnelina and Phalcra bucephala. Diloba caernleocephala


was common at light in October. 1 found one or two of the larvae feeding on Cotnueaster. Gonophora derasa and Tltyatira batis were netted at dusk, but neither were very common. Anphalia diliita turned up at light, and also at treacle, in August. The larvae of A. jiavicornis were, as usual, abundant on birch bushes. Acroni/cta lepuiiiia. Two fine specimens bred. Jocheaera alni. On July 25th, a full-fed larva was found crawling on the path in a wood. It spun up a few days later in a dried hollow parsley stem. By a curious coincidence I found this caterpillar while walking with my father, and our conversation at the time was about another of these larvfe which he had found a few days previously on sloe in the New Forest, Hants. Tiicuna tridens. My father bred a nice series, including one from a larva found here in 1910, the rest being the oft'spring of a female he took at Wicken. rharetra niniicis. I found a number of the larvfe on my strawberry plants at the end of June, and from those I kept, bred specimens of the second brood during the third week of July. Aijrotin pitta. One at light and another netted at dusk. A<irotis {Lijropliotia) ntri(iida. The first one netted was on June 9th. Is not this rather an early date? The earliest I have taken it before in this district has been July 4th. Xoctiia festira. The males, as usual, very common, but only two females netted. Xoctna tiiaufitdiim. Netted at dusk. Hadena pisi is apparently rare in this district. I bred one from a larva found here on broom, and also a nice series from larvic obtained on Barnes Common, Surrey, where I noticed them in hundreds. My Gloucestershire specimen is a much greyer moth than the Surrey specimens. Mainestra hrassicae. I only men- tion this common insect because I have never seen so many of the autumn brood before. They almost monopolised the treacled trees in August. Dianthoecia eapsinenla I captured at Sweet-William, the first time I have taken it here. Polia chi and P. tlaviti}icta were noticed on the stone walls, the former being plentiful. Auriopia aprilina. A few larviT^ were found resting in crevices of the bark on oak trunks. A new record for us in the Wye Valley. Miana fas- ciioinda. Several netted at dusk. I have only met with it before in this district on the Monmouthshire side of the Wye. Another new record for me here was (jorti/na orltracea { jIara;io), and I bred several from pupte found in foxglove stems. Hijdioecia uiicacea. A few taken between August 7th and 30th. Taeniocampa miniosa. Five larvae on oak which fed up very well until after the last moult, when for some unknown reason all but one died. 7'. mniida absolutely swarmed in March on the windows, and I picked out a nice variable series. The larvae were seen later on oak and pear. I'arhnohia rubricosa was also attracted by the lamps in March and the beginning of April. In the autumn, visitors to ivy- blossom included 'J'rip/iaena pronnba, Miselia oxtjacanthac, including ab. capiirina, Caradrina (piadvipunctata, Amathes (Auchoacclis) /iclrola {nt/ina), A. pistarina, A. litiira, A. lota, A. vtacilenta, ^Jdlinia circellaris, Tiliacca citrat/a (common, but mostly worn), T. auiai/o (2), (hrhodia vacciuii, 0. li;iula (spailirca) (the only one I have seen on this side of the river), Scopelosoma satellitia, A';/lina ornithopus and riitsia (jaunua. Citria davaijo ab. ilarcsirns. One splendid example netted at dusk in my garden on September Hrd. ('. fidvaijo also netted in the garden. Heliaia tenebrata and I'hijtotnetra aenea were


not uncommon in the early summer. Bnjophila perla. A frequent visitor into the house attracted by the lamps. On September 7th, a very small ochreous specimen came to light. It was so fresh that I think it must have just left the pupa. Was this a case of retarded emergence, or of a partial double-broodedness ? I am inclined to thinl< the latter. ScoUopteryx libatn'.r. Hybernated specimens were met with until June 7th, and the 1911 brood began to appear on July 30th. Kiiclidia f/li/phica was common ; much more so than K. mi. Plenty of Brephns parthenias were seen in April, but as they kept well out of reach I only succeeded in netting one on the 13th of the . month. Boiiiolocha fontis, Henninia tarsipennalis, H. grUcalia and Hypenodes costaeatriyalis were all met with at dusk. Hypena proboscidalis was as plentiful as usual, and a second emergence occurred in the autumn when I netted a small, but very well-marked specimen on September 4th. Oitraptcry.r sambncaria ab. ciispidaria. I netted two specimens at dusk on June 5i7th and July 8rd. As yet I have only met with males of this form. VeniUa iiiacidata. I captured a curious specimen on June 5th with the left forewing broadly banded with black. As the wings are slightly mal- formed, it is probable that this asymmetry was caused by some injury when in the larval or pupal stage. Macaria notata and M. litnrata were both scarce. Kiiiatnn/a atoiiiaria was in abundance about the heath and variable. Between ]\Iay 12th and June 7th I selected a few rather nice forms to add to our series. It may perhaps be interesting to note that when this species is disturbed in cop., the female, although the smaller of the two, carries the male in flight. Xuineria pulirraria was fairly common in my garden. I captured two specimens of Knnnmos eiosaria on July 22nd and 29th. Is not the popular name of the moth, i.e., "September Thorn," rather misleading? E. ftiscantoria was taken by my father at light in Tintern. I have not yet seen it over here. Hiinera pennaria was common at light in October, and more variable than usual. Two specimens I took have the basal portion of the forewings suffused with blackish up to the first line of the median band ; while another specimen has all the wings clouded with grey scales. It may also be worth noting that a fine female was attracted by light on October 17th ; a rather unusual occurrence I believe. Pericallia si/ritu/aria, Kpione advenaria and K. apiciaiia were netted at dusk. This is the first time I have seen the last-mentioned on this side of the Valley. I'hiyalia pedaria. The larva? were extremely abundant on oak, beech, etc. Gnnphos dbsciirata. Netted at dusk. Tephrosia crepitsciilaria. I obtained specimens of three broods during the year ; the first brood from May 1st to June 4th; the second in July, when two rather small females were taken, one netted at dusk on the 13th of the month and the other at light next day ; and one specimen of a third brood at light on October 18th, a male, which is quite as large as any of the first brood. Boannia repandata was com- mon and variable. Some nice examples of ab. convermria were ob- tained, and also one almost pitch-black specimen, perhaps referable to ab. niijricata, which looked very conspicuous on a light beech trunk. B. r/ionihoidaria. I obtained larvte on Cotoneaster. Hybernia defuliaria. Last autumn iDoth my father, at Tintern, and I, here, obtained one or two specimens of this moth unlike any previously taken by us. They are a deep brown with strongly marked subniarginal bands. Has this

58 THE entomologist's record.

form been taken after a cool or wet summer, or is it purely a hot, or perhaps, a dry season form ? It would be interesting to hear if others like them were taken elsewhere last season. Genmetra papilionaria. I bred a few good specimens from larvfe found in May on small birch bushes. Zouosoiiia porata and Z. punctaria both produced two broods. Z. linearia. I saw one here last season, a record for me on this side of the river. On the Monmouthshire side of the valley it is not un- common. Acidalia subsericeata. Netted at dusk. Melanippe Iiastata. Not so scarce last year, M. subtristata is perhaps the commonest Geometrid of the district. Both broods swarmed. M. iniau'/idota was not so common as usual. ^J. fitictuata. I am unable to say how many broods there were last year, but can record a specimen at ivy-blossom on October 15th. M. montanata ab. dejienerata. I took an exceptionally nice example at light on ]\Iay 29th, a very white specimen with the costal and inner-marginal blotches much reduced in size. Melanthia ritbiijinata, M. ocellata (two broods), M. albicillata and M. proceUata were all to be obtained at dusk. Coremia dcainnata. In 1909 I netted a specimen with an extremely narrow band. Last year I took one in which the central fascia occupies fully one-third of the area of the forewings. There were at least two broods during the season. Larentia )niilti!<trifiayia. At light in March. Asthcna luteata. Netted at dusk. A. candidate!. Two broods as usual. A. si/lcata was not uncommon at dusk and also to be found on tree-trunks. A. blouwri. Several netted at dusk. Kiipisteria heparata. A few met with among alder bushes from June 7th to -July 12th. Minna niininata. I was shown a specimen of the second brood captured at Tintern in August, and I believe I saw one or two about the same time over here, but did not succeed in netting them. Kninielesia offinitata, K. alcheinillata and E. albidata were not very common and only one K. decolorata was seen, but E. blandiata was not scarce in its particular localities. Cidaria psittacaia. My father took one and saw another at ivy-blossom at Tintern ; the first we have seen in the Wye Valley. Cidaria ii)nnanata was fairly common and I took a few nice specimens, including ab. viarniorata, which is the least common form in the district. ('. tnincata is a much more abundant species. Wye Valley specimens are mostly dark and ab. pcrfuscata might almost be regarded as the local variety. We have also taken abs. coituni- nutata and comma-notata in the district, the latter being the least common. C prnnata was a fresh visitor in my garden, and I netted two in July. It is not uncommon at Tintern in my father's garden. Some other Geometrids met with were C. picata (on tree-trunks), ('. siiff'mnata (at dusk), ( '. silaccata (both broods), C. fiilrata (males only), ('. pi/raliata, Eiicosinia undtdata, Phihalaptcri/.r tersata, Thera variata (the second brood at ivy-blossom), i'Jicitnatnbia bnreata (at light), Lobopliora hcvaptcrata (fairly common on poplar trunks), /.. riretata (one at rest on an ivy-clad tree-trunk), Clicsiax iMiquaria (bred), Anaitis pla;iiata (both broods abundant) and Eubolia plitndjaiia (unusually common about heath). Hi/psipctvs sardidata was as usual in abundance, and one or two rather nice specimens were obtained at dusk. Kiijdtliccia centaureata. One specimen was taken by my father at Tintern ; the first and only specimen noticed by us in the Wye Valley. E. sati/rata. I netted on May 21st, what I believe to be a dark-greyish suffused aberration of this species. Other " pugs " met


with were /•.'. pnlcIteUata, E. snbfnlrata, E. lariciata, E. rast.ii/ota, E. abbreviata, E. ilebiliata, E. coronata and E. piimilata. P[/raiista purpiiralis. Abundant about the heath and is frequently attracted by light into the house, llerbnla cesjiitalis. Not uncommon. Knnijcltia octoiiaculata was common at the beginning of June, and a second emergence occurred at the end of July when I netted two (July 2Gth and 81st) and saw others. Pioyiea strcunentalis. Plentiful near marshy places. Boti/s paiidalis. Not uncommon in May and June. Scopnla oliralin and S. prunalis. Common at dusk, especially the former. Pcrincpliele lancealis. Not common.

Greek Lepidoptera in April, 191 1.

By P. A. and D. A. J. BUXTON.

The following notes on Lepidoptera in Greece from April 11th to 29th, 1911, may be of interest to some, as Greece is largely unexplored by British Entomologists. Many of the butterflies were much worn ; possibly, a far greater number of species hibernate out there, or else they must have emerged verj'- early in the year.

The weather was usually fine ; we only had one or two wet days. On most days the sun was very hot up to mid-day, when it went in for good. We should have done much better at Delphi and Epidaurus, if the sun had been out in the afternoon as well, for as long as it was out insects were swarming. We unfortunately neglected Pierids (we did not know of P. cnjane) when there was anything about that looked more interesting.

We have to thank Mr. L. D. Symington for very kindly identifying some of the butterflies, except the Lycaenids which Mr. G. L. Keynes was kind enough to name. Mr. A. F. Hemming confirmed some of the identifications which were not certain. The few moths were named at the South Kensington Museum.

On April 11th nothing was to be found on the Acropolis or on Lycabettus save Picris brassiicae and P. rapae; also .SV.sm stellatannu in the last mentioned locality. Some larvjB in the yellow flowers and buds of " Aspharka" {P/ilnmh fruticnsa) produced in May an Alncitid Plume. Flowers in general were already out, many of them in seed. The Pierids were in rags, many of them at any rate.

On April 12th a drive to Eleusis produced nothing but one Jc/JrtZ/a (near A. nisticata), which was subsequently annihilated by a Greek housemaid, and two Tineina. The day Avas dull, and results so far were not very encouraging, chiefly owing to the weather. A drive in a motor all through Central Attica to Sunium on April 13th added several species to our list. Near Laurium we stopped to pick orchises (notably (^pJtri/s aranifcra). Here a specimen of Anthorharis. (Eiirhloi') belia was netted in fresh condition. This insect flies fast and dodges over rough ground. It was abundant at Sunium and in the pink of condition. A chipped <? t'olias rtlasa was netted near Laurium. On the little cape to the east of the Temple at Sunium I'icyis braasicae was about. This species and A. belia kept apart from each other, though their respective domains were apparently similar, A. belia occupying the land on which the temple stands. One worn Pmwicia phlaeas was taken, and a blue was seen! A. belia exhibited remarkably little sexual dimorphism. It rests frequently with its wings almost flat, correctly oriented, head up and directed away from the sun.

60 THE entomologist's RECORD.

On April 14th, Good Friday, v,e called on the British School of ArchiPology, and decided that their garden was worth a second visit. Celastriiia an/ioltis, Gonejiten/.c rhainni and G. cleopatra ^ were seen. April 15th was wet, and Avas accordingly devoted to the Museums. April IGth Rear Admiral E. Bourke took a, ^ A. belia, several g P. fera.ss/Va*', and J and $ ( '. (v//^srt on Lycabettus. In the afternoon $ s of P. broi^sicae were appearing on the Acropolis among many S s, Paron/e aeyeria was about in fresh condition, and one or two of the early brood of Acontia liicido were netted. The whole of the 17th was occupied in getting by sea to Itaea and driving up to Delphi.

The morning of the 18th was glorious, and the sun not too hot. At last we had reached ground that would interest any ornithologist or entomologist. If you go to Greece get move than one day at Delphi. The whole day was spent at and about the ruins, which cover a con- siderable area. P. rapae was very common, and was noted as being small. When we reached England we were glad to find among the small P. rapae three specimens of /'. erijane. One or two P. napi 3 s were taken, the underside very heavily marked on the hindwing. /'. hrassirae was, I believe, also present, though we brought none home. 3 s of L'. ediisa were common but worn. G. rliamni 3 s were also about, together with some G. deojiatra. The former was badly chipped, but G. deopatra we failed to secure. A. belia was fresh. F.Heldv'e (jruneri 3 s were netted. The yellow ground colour of this insect shows very distinctly when it flies. A yet more beautiful species, of which we only took one 3 » is E- damone. This insect has a very brilliant " orange tip," the rest of the wings being bright mustard colour. One 3 Pontia daplidice was also captured, the right fore^ing having a large apical asymmetrical injury. Coenonijiiipha iiamp/iiliiti was abundant, and variable. Several approached var. lylliis. The underside ocellus was frequently strongly accentuated on the forewing upperside. The hindwing margin was occasionally decorated with two or three dark interneural spots on the upperside. The underside of the hindwings showed some tendency to be pale grey and unicolorous. The specimens were frequently large. Paranje )iie(jaeia was taken ( 3 and 5 ) chipped. The lirst blue netted was a $ ('elastrina an/ioliis oi an exceedingly brilliant blue colour, brighter in fact than any $ in Dr. Hodgson's cabinet at Cambridge. A large race of Aricia a-strarche was abundant, flitting just above the daisies and grass while the sun shone. It disappeared instantly when the sun was not shining. Both sexes were taken ; the orange on the upper side was frequently very conspicuous. One specimen of Sculltantides baton was taken a worn male. The only Ituinieia phlaeas was a 2 , with strong blue spotting in the hindwing, and the forewing upperside spots much reduced. A;/lais urticae was noted and a J Kri/iini>< altheae taken. Among the moths, a specimen of Antia festira was brought us in an envelope, freshly emerged, the left hindwing imperfectly developed. Acuhtia liicida and A. lartaosa were netted flying in the sunshine. Aspilaies citraria of both sexes were picked up and single specimens of Lithosteije fari)iata, and (Jnojdids obsrurata (?). Gh(i}iIi()s rarieiiata came to light in the Hotel with several specimens of a Lareiitia which appeared to be L. salkata. At any rate the specimens, which are in poor condition, appear to resemble the series of this species in South Kensington rather than that of any other


species. We could, however, find no specimens whose data suggested the occurrence of an early brood in South Europe. We also took during this day several of the Alucitid which was bred from Lycabettus. These and other micros are now at South Kensington. 8. stellatariiiii was flying in worn condition ; almost always at flowers of a small species of Mi)miltis (?). Very few butterflies were seen during the afternoon as the sun was not shining. The altitude of Delphi is about 1,800 ft.

On April 19th we arose at 3.45 a.m. and went l)y boat to Corinth. We then drove to Old Corinth, across a hot and dusty plain. /'. brasi<icae and A. bclia were noted, the former very abundant among cruciferous plants about the ruins. A worn 5 Hdiothis peltiucia was also taken. The ascent of the Acro-Corinthus produced a worn I'ldi/i/diiia ei/ea towards the top, Erynnis altheae (one 3 ), abundance of chipped G. rhanini (mostly J s), Aricia astrarcJte, Acontia liicida and immense numbers of 8. stellataridii. These last haunted the flowers of the same plant on which they were noted at Delphi. On the very summit Fyraiinis atalanta and ryrcniieis cardni were flying always circling round the actual top. It was most striking that these two species were very rarely seen except at the top of some eminence. Near the top a beautiful specimen of Micra oatmio was taken. Fortunately the sun shone most of the afternoon. Lareiitia salicata ("?) was again taken. ^lecyna }>obiijonaUs, an insect with an almost world-wide distribution, was several times disturbed. It tiies away swiftly close to the ground, looking very orange, and darts into the herbnge in ten or fifteen yards.

April 20th was spent in a visit to Mycenae, followed by a drive on through Argos to Nauplia. At Mycenae a single I'ajiiUo specimen escaped us ; it was not P. viachaou.

On April 21st we drove to the Temple of Aesculapius at Epidaurus. We secured a ? Pararye niaera in the cultivated land near Nauplia. The hill country through which you pass for several hours is not interesting. One Mditaea ]ilioehe J , and a very few 6'. baton S s, were all that was taken. The actual plain in which the Temple, Theatre, and other buildings lie was, however, more productive. A specimen of Popilio IKxIaliriiis ab. ornata was secured, and several more were seen. Several F.ucldo'c irnneri Avere noted, and we then committed the fatal mistake of adjourning for lunch. Instantly the sun was over-clouded, and we saw very little of his face for the rest of that day. However, we took specimens of A. bclia, (i. rhannxi and Lr. deopatra [3 s and $ ), C. ediisa, A. astrarclie and -S'. bato)i (^s). We also added six new species to our list; P. iwdaliriiis has been already mentioned; Polyoiiniiatiis teams var. icarinus was taken, two males. (This seems to be the normal form in Greece. Cf. Tutt, Brit. Butt., Vol. W., p. 161.) The third species new to us was l^icris krueperi, of which one specimen was taken near the Tholos ; the fourth was Baranje macra, of which both sexes were taken, the 3 s most abundantly. This insect Hies equally in sunshine and when the sun is over-clouded, and frequented a purple vetch that grew among the steps of the Theatre; the fifth species was a very small male Ciipido osiris (sebnis). The sixth species was h' iicJdo'e cardaDiincs xsiV. citronea 3 . Size, Aery large, orange tip increased on underside, a lemon yellow suft'usion between base of wing and orange patch. Aspilates citraria 3 s, and Anaitix jdayiata

62 THE entomologist's record.

were netted. We drove back to Nauplia in rain, the first rain we had had for a week.

Daring the morning of April 22nd a visit was paid to Tiryus. The only buttei'tiy taken was a S I', icanoi var. irariniis. He "sawed" his hindwings up and down in the chip-box. What is the object or origin of this habit? Rain was falling most of the day.

April 23rd was wet. During the afternoon of April 24:tb we were taken in a motor past Phalerum and the Peiraeus to the coast of Salamis Bay. This coast is very barren. Practically the only vegetation is a small sea-pine. A pair of worn Melitaea plioebe were secured. This insect sails slowly about quite near the ground. Your net is apt to pass right over it, and then it is very ready to sprint off. The only other butterfly noted was (iUntcojmjche ojllarna (one J ). At rest this insect sat with his hindwings strongly separated towards the tornus and along the part which should be against the abdomen. The forewings were close together as is usual in Blues and butterflies generally. The hindmargin of the hindwings was also strongly crinkled.

On the 2oth we drove to Mendeli and climbed Mount Pentelicus. Mendeli is at about 1,200 ft., the summit 8,640 ft. This was a most enjoyable day. The butterflies were not peculiarly interesting, as there was no sun after we reached Mendeli, and began to walk, but the flowers and the view from the mountain through rifts in the clouds, over Athens to Argolis, and over Euboea and some of the Cyclades, was delightful. During the drive to Mendeli we missed an insect which was either Colias ediisa var. Itelice, or else C. hijale. Males of G. ri/llania occurred at various points up to the Monastery, often at heads of ragged robin, almost invariably near flowers of some sort. At jMendeli itself a ^ (J. osiri^ {sehriis) of normal size was taken. Just by the Monastery we secured a fresh Calloii/ui/s nibi with no white on the underside. The underside hindwings were covered with pollen all over their bases. Perhaps butterflies are a greater factor in pollen dispersion than is commonly supposed. As has probably been frequently observed this insect sits with the hindwing tails twisted so as to be at right angles to the plane of the folded wings. Two males of a small black Psychid were taken, one quite close to the summit. Not far from the top we found a small red toad with green warts. What did he or she propose to do with the tadpoles ?

During the afternoon of April 26th we went to Old Phalerum, and walked southward along the coast to find some "craters" full of warm sea water, of which we had heard. This walk should be avoided by entomologists. The track is of deep sand. The land is largely culti- vated. The craters are not to be found. We took tea on the only rising ground in the actual vicinity, a little knoll 25 feet high. Of course, it was a centre of attraction to P. canliii: one or two 3 S. baton also met their death at this place. We found an exceedingly grotesque stick insect, probably the larva of Kmjinm panjierata ; its Greek name is " Mellengutschk."

On visiting the garden of the " British School" next morning a 2 Satioiiia jii/ri the largest European moth was found asleep under a little fir bush. She was exceedingly tenacious of life in the cyanide-bottle. The following insects were captured, P. irants (not var. irariniis), }'. brassicae, (jr. rhainni {3 and J), <j. cleopatra {2 )


^nd S. baton ( ? ). A drive in the afternoon to the royal woods at Tatoi produced one Cidaria and one lAthocolletis '.

On the 28th we attempted to scale Mount Hymettus. We committed the error of starting by the Monastery at the north end and consequently never reached 3,000 ft. This mountain is very barren, though it is not, as some assert, entirely composed of loose scree. Males of G. ci/llaritu were abundant in one spot below the Monastery (St. John) ; they also occurred on the mountain itself. For the first time we secured ? s ; one of them was small and had the left forewing teratologically malformed. With the first colony of (J. cyllanis a few C. rnhi were flying, though the only captured specimen was in rags, a 5 . l\ cardiii and 1\ atalanta were sailing round the summit of the shoulder. To-day we brought our list of different Orchids up to 14.

On the 29th our last day, we motored to Marathon, through some exceedingly pleasant country. On the coast by the battlefield we were baffled by a Fapilio, certainly not /'. podaUviits, it appeared to be /*. macliaon. A. citraria was also netted a few miles from Marathon. On the return journey we took a pair of Leptnsia sinajii^i. A. helia and C. painjihiltis were also taken at various halts along the road. The list of Orchids had now reached 18, not bad for 19 days, and no member of the party a botanist !

Leptothorax tuberum, Fab., subsp. corticalis, Schenk, an Ant new

to Britain.

By W. C. CKAWLEY, B.A., F.E.S.

In a wood at Buckhold Hill, near Pangbourne, Berks, on April ■24.th, 1904, I picked up an empty beech-nut, perforated with a small hole, probably by some insect. Inside the nut were a $ , one ^ , and tw'o half-grown larv^ of a species of Leptothorar. I took these ants to the Oxford Museum, but was unable to identify them. They were subsequently published as L. tuhcrum, Fab., race nijlanderi, Forst. This year, however, ]\Ir. Donisthorpe and I examined the ants, and decided that they did not belong to this race. Dr. Fore! has now named them as L. tuberum, Fab., subsp. corticalis, Schenk, var. with longer spines.

I ajDpend a translation of Schenk's original description of this subspecies, (in which Mr. Donisthorpe kindly assisted me), together with a translation of Forel's description of the ^ s of this and the other continental subspecies, which may be found in Britain, as well as that of the two already known as British.

.A. Myrmica corticaliit, N.S. (Schenk, Ja]n-. des ]'e)eins fiir Natitrkundc in Herzog. Nassau, viii., 1852, p. 100.) § . lJ-1^ 1. Middle of body and waist biown-red; upperside of head and the whole abdomen, above and below, black-brown; the latter strongly shining. Mandibles, back of antennse, underside of head, as well as legs, brown-red; club of antenniB red-brown ; femora brownish, often also the nodes. The whole body furnished with scattered yellowish hairs. Antennaj r2-jointed, the tirst joint of Hagellum thickened and lengthened, the following one very much shortened, the eighth a little longer, the ninth and tenth still more lengthened and thickened, the last joint thickest and as long as the three be- fore; the four last form a club. The head is finely striated in lines; the thorax shows, under the lens, weak unequal striation in lines ; the metathorax has two very short, broad, three-cornered, horizontal spines ; on each side of

64 THE entomologist's record.

the metatborax, over and under the same, is a brown border. The nodes are longitudinally rugose ; the abdomen short and roundish. The legs are bare. Known from the two preceding in the 5 by the red club to the antennae, the entirely black-brown abdomen, the bare legs, short spines, and 1'2-jointed ant€nnffi. ? (deiilated only known). Nearly 2 1. Black-brown ; thorax and abdomen shining. Mandibles, antenniB and club, legs, brown-red, the femora brownish. Head long, striated; thorax with coarse strire, the middle ones raised like a keel. Thorax broad and flat above ; mesothorax and scutcllum finely striated longitudinally. The metatborax has two short, nearly horizontal, spines. Nodes longitudinally rugose; abdomen broad, short, roundish.

This species is found rarely here under the bavk of oak trees near the Gilnsberg.

Forel, Les toiirmis de la Suisae, Zurich, 1874, pp. 84 and 85. B. WoRKEKS. Antennae 12-jointed. Legs without hairs. Clypeus not concave in the middle; it is generally furnished with a small median keel, and with two or more lateral keels (or stria) . . . 2nd species, Leptotliora.v tiiheyuiit. A slight channel between the mesonotum and metanotum. Club of antenniB yellow, like the rest of the body ; a black-brown transverse band on the first segment of the abdomen ; the top of the head is often slightly brownish-yellow. Thorax finely rugose. Spines of metanotum broad at their base, about 5 as long as their basal width. L., 2-3mm.-3mm. a. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1st race. L. vijlanderi, Foist.

(7?i all the following races there is no channel between the niesonotiun and

metanotum ; the hack of the thorax is unbroken). Spines of metanotum very broad at their base, extremely short, hardly J as long as their basal width ; their upperside is almost horizontal (forming an unbroken line with the back of the thorax), and their lowerside vertical. Antennffi entirely red-yellow, as well as the mandibles, tarsi, and joints of the legs. The rest brown-red ; the top of the head and abdomen black- brown. Thorax more coarsely rugose than in the preceding. L., 2-5mm.- -3-2mm. /'. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd race. /.. corticalis, Schenk.

Spines of metanotum narrow, straight, about half as long as their basal width. Thorax more coarsely rugose than in tuberum i. sp., more finely than in allinis. lieddish. Head, abdomen except a yellowish spot at the base, femora and club of antenna? deep brown. L., 2-6mm.-3mm. c. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd race. L. ni/triceps, Mayr.

Spines of metanotum more than two-thirds as long as their basal width, slightly curved at the end, and extremely narrow, hardly wider at the base than at the point. Thorax coarsely rugose longitudinally. Yellow with a slight tinge of red. Middle of femora, forehead, vertex, and top of abdomen, except the front of the first segment, brownish ; club of antenna3 most often brownish, sometimes almost red-yellow. L., 2-6nim.-3"3mm. </. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th race. L. u[linis, Mayr.

Spines of metanotum variable, generally half as long as their basal width, or a little longer. Thorax finely rugose. Yellow or reddish-yellow ; club of antennce, top of the head (especially the vertex), and middle of the top of the abdomen, brown, more or less deep. This race is very badly defined. Colonies that inhabit bark often merge into L. a[)inis, and those that live under stones, into L. ni(iriceps or L. interruptus. L., 2-4mm.-3mm. e. .. .. .. .. .. 5th race. L. /((/^c/khj, i. sp., Fabr.

Spines of metanotum fairly narrow, upright, short, a third, or, at most, half as long as their basal width. Thorax finely rugose. Yellow: club of antennic, front of head (never the vertex), and often an indistinct band, broken in the middle, on the first segment of the abdomen, blackish- brown. L., 2-2mm.-2-5mm. ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . Gth race. L. interruptus, Schenk.

Like the former, but larger. Band on first segment of abdomen clearly defined, unbroken, black-brown ; front of head and club of antennaj reddish or brownish. Spines of metanotum halt as long as their basal width, or a little longer. L., 2omm.-3-5mm. g. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7th race. [,. nnifascititus, hn.tr.

Entirely yellow ; club of antenna) and front of head perhaps slightly


reddish. Thorax finely rugose. Spines of metanotura fairly broad at their base, two-thirds as long as their basal width, slightly curved at their extremities. The back of the thorax, which is unbroken like that of the six preceding races, distinguishes it from L. nylaiuleri. L., 2-5mra., about.

.. 8th race. L. luteii^, n. st.

Some Coleoptera and an Ant, additions to the Isle of Wight Lists.


The hot, dry weather of last summer miide collecting tr3-ing work, and much less productive in some ways than usual here. Even in the spring, things were much too dr}', and except during a few showery days in May, the only collecting that seemed to pay at all well was that done in the marshes. However, there are a few beetles not in the Isle of Wight list to record, as follows :

"^'Aciipalpns conspittiiti, Duft. In brickfield, Sandown, May. ■■'Ainara continaa, Th. In flood refuse, Sandown, November. '■'■ Deronectes depressiis, F., and ■■' Berosiis alfinis, Brul. In a ditch, Sandown, October, ■''Giirophaena nana, Pk. In sedge refuse, Alverstone. '^I'Jiilonilnts carbonariits, Gyll. Sandown. ■'P. varius, Gyll. var. bitnaciilatits, Gr. On pavement, Sandown. ■■'Gabriiis trossulas, Nord. (as now under- stood).— Sandown. O. stipes, Sharp. -Whitefield Woods, August

1909, Donisthorpe ; I have since taken this species in a heap of vegetable refuse at Sandown, April. ■■'G. pennatus, Sharp. Sandown, common. Dr. Sharp kindly named my Gabrii. ■■'Olophrum picetDii, Gyll. In sedge refuse, Alverstone. ''HDmalium concinnuw, Marsh. In dried currants, Sandown. '''■MciiartJivKs (Ituticollis, Beck. In sedge refuse, Alverstone. ■■'Jnisotnina calrarata, Er. ab. nit/rescens, Fleischer. A form new to Britain. Sweeping, Parkhurst Forest, August 21st

1910, Donisthorpe. ■■'Cltolcra ftdit/inusa, Er., and ''■'•C. inurio, F. (named by Dr. Nicholson). In sedge refuse, Alverstone. ■■'Sci/mnus testaceas, Mots. var. scntellarifi, Muls., and ■■'Micropcplns waniaritae, Duv. In haystack refuse, Newchurch. "Cruptopliacius pilosus, Gyll. Sandown, Februarv 7th. ■'•L\ pnnctij>ennis, Bris. Swept in Parkhurst Forest, Donisthorpe. ■''('. sar/inatits, Stm. In numbers in currants, Sandown. ^'(Kvijonnis porcatus, F. In stercore, Blackgang. ■■'Necrobins rufipes, De. G. On cheese in a shop, Sandown. '^•Anobiuut paniceimi, L. In henbane seeds in chemist's shop, Sandown. '■''Chnjfiowela Jn/perici, Forst. On a basket, Sandown.

One specimen of Philimthits corrituciis, Gr., was taken in stercore at Sandown in July (I believe this is only the second record for the island), and a few more Crypto})Iia(nis siibfniiiatiis, Kr., in currants.

In vol. xxii., 1910, p. 271 of this magazine I stated that a specimen of Lesteva pubescens, Mann., bad been taken by Mr. Donisthorpe at Luccombe Chine ; this turns out to be a fresh and pubescent L. fontinalis, Kies. Mr. Donisthorpe gave me the specimen, and, unfortunately, I did not send it to him for verification before recording it.

On August 21st, 1910, 1 took some of the ant '■■Leptothora.v a<rrruriiin F., from a fallen bough in Parkhurst Forest ; this is an addition to the Isle of Wight ants. Mr. Donisthorpe, who was with me, and I were both under the impression that this species had been taken in the island before, hence the delay in recording it. Mr. Donisthorpe has seen the ants again recently, and has kindly looked at the coleoptera mentioned above.

66 THE entomologist's RECORD.

Nonsense Names.


In the Iuitomolo(/int's Mnnthhi Maijazine for February, is a paper by Mr. Meyrick on the nomenclature adopted for certain Tortricina by Mr. W. D. Kearfott, which must, I should imagine, be rather stagger- ing to the rigid supporters of priority at all costs, and should open the eyes of all but the most hardened among them to the utter hopelessness of their position ; unless they are prepared to provide an asylum in which systematic entomologists (and indeed systematic zoologists and botanists) are destined sooner or later to be immured, in consequence of the brain-fag which such nomenclature as Mr. Kearfott's (which their principles would bind them to accept) must necessarily super- induce. It is so rarely that I find myself in accord with the author of the paper on systematic questions, that it is with special pleasure that I offer humble thanks and congratulations on this occasion. His personal acquaintance with the author of these amazing barbarisms no doubt somewhat impedes his utterance, but I, w^ho am not so hampered, do not hesitate to describe the list which he rejects as an insult to the common sense of scientists in every branch of zoology or botany, and an insult none the less to be resented (and rejected) because it is doubtless due only to thoughtlessness and not to contempt.

As some letters seem to be omitted as initials in forming such a series of names as hana, dana, fana, . . . vana, nana, and such like, the only possible method of remembering them seems to have been taken away ; otherwise an opportunity might have been given to some entomological wag to exercise his talents (!) on " nonsense alphabets," in which each line should give a doggerel description of some peculiarity of the creature referred to, such as :

" A is for ana with three bands of blue ; B is for bana which only has two ; " etc.

I make no apology for this levity, for from this point of view it seems to me impossible to take the matter seriously. There are however other questions connected with it, which seem to call for graver comment, and here I feel the necessity of walking warily, since I am criticizing a great Society and an admirable Periodical ; for these names were published under the irgis of the American Entomological Society in most instances, and in the rest under that of the Canadian Entomolof/ist. It would be unfair to infer that either the one or the other approves of such a system of nomen- clature, but would it not be possible for the Council of the Society and for the Editor of the Magazine alike, to avoid the appearance of countenancing such monstrosities by refusing point-blank to give them to the world ? Speaking as a responsible member of the Editorial Staff of the Mnt. lieruxl, I would unhesitatingly insist on the rejection of such a paper, and if through any inadvertence such a one were read before the Entomological Society of London, I would, as Secretary, decline to include it in the Proceedings and take the consequences, which however would, I am confident, be the almost unanimous approval of the Society.

But this appalling list having once been launched on the world, the method of its rejection becomes a question of moment. I have every personal sympathy with the courage of Mr. Meyrick in trying


to do this on his own initiative, but he knows, even better than I do, the forces against which he will have to contend forces founded on a principle, which, however ludicrous it may appear both to him and to me, has behind it the weight and authority of many names which we all hold in high honour, and the owners of some of which are (I tear) prepared to go to any lengths in its support, even perhaps to the length of accepting Mr. Kearfott's "nonsense names." Never was there a stronger argument in favour of an International Council, such as was suggested lately by Mr. Turner at a meeting of the Entomological Society of London, to which all new names should be submitted, none of which names should be regarded as valid until they had been accepted by the Council. Surely this is a point which might well be threshed out by the coming International Congress of Entomology.

Another point on which I have every sympathy with ]\Ir. ]\Ieyrick's position is his rejection of the illiterate names idandana and elilerona^ but in this I fear he will meet with insuperable opposition. Such mis-spellings as ^'coridon," "niacra," ''aef/eria," etc., such grammatical anomolies as Pohjonniiatus atitamla, of which there are many scores, and, as a set off', such deplorable ignorances as Hadena jnotea (as if Proteus were an adjective one of the horrors arising from not capitalizing specific names) these, and others in similar categories^ are hopeless of correction at the hands of individuals, but are well within the powers of such a Council, if it were composed of fairly well- educated men.

Two slight criticisms on Mr. Meyrick's paper I must make. The first is that much more excuse must be found before abandoning the three names of Busck which he rejects at the end of his paper. The}' are prior to Mr. Kearfott's nonsense alphabets, and cannot therefore be regarded as part of the series. Secondly, I would remind him that n. sp. refers not to a newly-created, but still to a newly discovered, or newly- recognised species, and that it does not mean a new specific name, which would require to be written n.n.sp., and that the use of these letters which he advocates and adopts is really quite incorrect as well as being out of accordance with general practice, which latter I quite hold with him should be disregarded when it is ungrammatical or otherwise illiterate.

(It will of course be understood, that the above expressions of opinion are my own, and do not in any way compromise any other member of the Editorial Staff.)

The first fortnight in July, 1911, at Digne.

By G. T. BETHUNE-BAKEE, F.L.S., F.E.y. Thirty-four hours seems a long time to take over the journey from here to Digne {i.e., from door to door- home and hotel), and yet I travelled by the quickest trains possible, and had only two stoppages of any length of time, viz., at Paris and at a small junction on the other side of Grenoble, in both of which places the time was well used in partaking of a substantial meal. At last, however, the " important " town of Digne— important it really was in old days— was reached, the Hotel Boyer-Mistre again opened its hospitable doors to the British stranger, and it was soon quite evident that the entente canliale was no misnomer. It w-as 5 o'clock in the evening ere I reached the hotel, so

68 THE entomologist's EECOIID.

I was only able to quietly enjoy the main boulevai'd with its beautiful avenue of plane trees just beginning to well recover from a very severe pruning to use no stronger phrase. I hoped for a good night's sleep, for that rarely fails me, but alas! the noise of the cafe below my bedroom window effectually prevented real rest, though the weariness of the flesh did manage to assert itself a little, but at midnight the cafe doors were banged to, and the great iron- gates of the hotel were closed with a clash sufficiently loud to *awake the seven sleepers. After this peace reigned tor four blessed hours, but alas ! at 4 a.m. the country carts came gaily along, with shouts, we will not say yells, from lungs that were evidently accustomed to open air addresses. Whether to men or beasts no matter to me the effect was the same, but I suppose if one were there long enough, one would get accustomed to the regularity of this routine. As for me, I could rejoice that at least I obtained four hours of peaceful sleep each night. The next day I was up in fairly good time, and set out for the valley through which runs the Torrent des Eaux-Chaudes. Going the short cut across the town, hardly had I emerged on to the main road leading to my destination, than Satyrits ciire settled provokingly a yard in front of me, but I had not mounted my net. There she sat sunning herself in lovely condition, whilst I prepared for her capture, and just as I was ready she raised herself with scarcely a motion of her wings and sailed over the wall with such grace, that the sight was quite worth the escape. Ere long I espied a vast bush of wild clematis on the roadside edge, with a smaller bhiek butterfly on it, and this time, being prepared, I was more successful, for a beautiful Liiiienitis caniilla was secured. Passing the Dourbes road on the left, I came to a wide expanse of stones with small patches of grass, rushes, and flowers interspersed (the bed of the stream that has been evidently of larger dimensions than now). The roadside here is bordered with elm trees and some ash trees. Here I spent possibly an hour. Culias editsa was not uncommon, with one or two var. helice. MfUtaea dith/iiia was plentiful, all males, but very brilliant they looked flying in the unclouded sun. Jj/caoiidae were not plentiful, I'lebeins ari/iia (aei/on) being the commonest; one or two very worn Pidijom- vuitiis icantswere also seen, and a few Strj/mon {Klii;iia) ^pini in beauti- ful condition were regaling themselves on some rather stunted thyme beneath the roadside trees, and were secured. At this spot ?\ord- viannia ili<-is ab. cciri did not occur at all, though further up the valley it became a little later on so plentiful, that I got tired of netting it. Proceeding up the valley At/riades coridon was taken singly here and there, whilst Sati/rim actaea var. eorditla, became abundant and was magnificently black and fresh. It is curious, as well as interesting, to find that the same species has different habits in different localities. In Switzerland my experience of S. cordnla is that it has a very uncertain and deceptive flight, is by no means an easy species to catch, and has a wonderful knack of doubling back downwards or upwards, generally the former, and so avoiding capture. At Digne it had none of these methods, and was an insect very easily taken. Another very common and pretty little species found everywhere was Coenoni/midta donis : it was another species one wearied of after the first day or two, and now having got all that I took set, I find I was not careful enough in selecting them, and could do with a better series, especially of the


females, of which I only took two or three. At last I came to the modest "Establissement Thermal," not that it is far away, only the first walk in a new district has so many attractions, that it often takes two or three hours to do what ordinarily would take under one. Here S. cordida was very abundant and the first BJri/nnis lavatera: fell a captive to me, to be followed by a Li/cacna arion somewhat paatic. This was a male of the form ab. unicolor, without any spots on the upper surface, as were all the males I took. The species was however rapidly going over. The only other Lyca^nid I saw this first day was Cupido viinivms, also in the last stages of decay. I was now anxious to push on, having seen Painlin (ile.rannr, as I imagined, down below me once or twice, and soon I cams to a likely ground, where Nnnhitannia ilieis ab. cerri, with beautifully bright, and large orange areas, disported themselves over abundant clusters of thyme. Argynnids also occupied one's legs and arms, Brentltis daphne being fairly common, and in its early emergence, Aniijnnis adippe also frequently displaced other less violent species on the thistle heads, and an occasional specimen of var. cleodoxa was also captured. Soon a Papiliu was sighted on another thistle at the other end of the ground entailing a rapid run, and a quick stroke, just as she was lifting herself off the flowers, secured my first /'. ale.vanor, a beautiful female. After this others came along, and I thus was able to take some three or four as my first day's capture. Ere long, however, another welcome sight greeted my eyes, for surely that brilliant coloured strong flighted thing must be (Toncpteri/.r deopatra. Another sharp run brought me within good view, but alas! before I got within striking dis- tance he scented danger, and sailed far away up the side of the hill. Directly after this a fine male G. r/uunni gave me a chance, which I took, and ere long another G. deopatra if it was not the same came along, and this thne I was successful. But what is this little Argynnid ? Brenthii^ pale^i it cannot be at this low level. As soon, however, as I had boxed it, I saw at once that I had my first B. dia. Then Farnassitts a polio put in an appearance, very large and fine, the males very white but with large black patches, and the females darker than usual. It was well after lunch time, and I therefore crossed the stream for the sake of the shade of the trees, for by this hour I had gone far up the valley, and was by no means sorry of an hour's rest. I had not been seated long before a Leptosia [Leucophada) dodged about around me, and impelled me to secure what turned out to be L. sinapis var. diniensis : several others came by and shared a like fate, for they were fine fresh specimens. The ground further up the valley did not look very promising, and it was getting towards 3 p.m., so 1 thought it wise to retrace my steps, but added nothing fresh to my list except a rather worn Aporia cratae(ji.

The next day I took my way for the hill La Cullette, but instead of going by the usual track (as I found it to be later on) I took by mistake a much harder climb, which brought me direct on to the highest point of the hill a small level area surrounded on three sides by precipitous rocks around which Papilio and Parnassius loved to disport themselves just out of reach. But to return to the roadside. The cemetery proved no good, the only insects there being Adopaea lineola, Aitiiiaden ftylvanax and a few Plebeius argufi. As I came near the turning, where we leave the main road, a fine Satijnis circe flew along the top of the wall that was covered with the small wild clematis,

70 THE entomologist's record.

and provokingl)^ dipped whenever I came up to it, but it led me mto the field on my way to La Collete, and I was able to catch several specimens all beautifully fresh. Here, also, two more fine J G. cleopatra, with one nice ? , fell to my net. As I made my way up the old bed of a stream, N. iluis var. cerri was again oi evidence, and P. escheri was not uncommon with occasional specimens of A. coridon, and Lvncnitis caiiiilla also sailed gracefully over various flowers and seemed especially fond of the little clematis that grows on everything. The lavender, however, that covers so plentifully the sides of this hill, attracted the Lijcaenidae greatly. One large pale blue suddenly descended on to a head of it near me; a glance was enough, a rush even though at an angle nearer 70'' than 45'', and a stroke, and my first S Pnli/nwwatus meleai/er was safely transferred to a box, being the first specimen of this insect I had seen on the wing. Then Pob/- ovunatus In/loa came within range and was also secured, whilst later on the beautiful blue female of P. melecujer was likewise captured. As- cending still, Sati/rns cordula was abundant everywhere, biit the gradient became so steep, having gone the wrong way, that much collecting was impossible, though one or two unusually large P. apollo could not be resisted. At last, however, I emerged on to the top plateau already referred to, and after a minute's breathing space, a white butterfly, new to me in this locality, flew hj, and I discovered that I had Anthocharis belia var. auannia in my net, whilst a second one soon followed it. Then P. wachaon hurtled wildly by, but was stopped in his onward course by a timely stroke. A beautiful specimen of P. pndaliriiis had, however, been engaging my attention as he hovered out of reach over the precipice, I was hoping it might prove to be the southern var. feixthamelii. At last it came over the plateau and I succeeded in my quest. It turned out to be about midway between the parent form and its variety, it being decidedly whiter than more northern specimens, but the anal spot was not quite red. Then a P. ale.ranor was captured, and ere I left, a second "transit ad var. feist/ianielii " shared a like fate. A little below this, on a later date, a single Laeosopis roharin fell to my lot, a species for which I was specially on the look out, but it was the only one, and is evidently rare around Digne. On another day I came across a meadow-like hollow just below the ridge of the Collette en route for the Dourbes valley, absolutely full of flowers, lavender, valerian, clematis, thistles and many others a wonderful sight. The colour of the flowers, the rich green of the grass and the butterflies, the rich dark black (as it looked) of «S'. cordula in abundance, with the lovely grey undersides of the females of the same species, P. apollo and L. sihi/lla determined not to be caught, various blues already named ; every head of flowers was occupied by something. Melitaea didi/ma was in profusion with several females, one or two being very black. It was a sight not easily forgotten. Here also I took my first M. phoebe for this locality, a fine red specimen, a single ('alias In/ale, absolutely fresh also fell a victim to my attentions, as well as a fine female A. af/laia. Loweia alri/drron var. i/ordius also spread its wings to the sun attracted by the sweet-scented lavender and found a temporary home in one of my boxes. This species was rare (probably over) for I only took three during my visit. On the other side of the hill M. athalia was not rare, the females being large, fine specimens,


whilst the males were dark and handsome, the tawny colour being very bright. I took two or three males, however, m which the black markings were much reduced, thus giving them quite a peculiar appearance. Lower down I was fortunate enough to secure two more beau- tifully blue females of P. nieleatjer flying over the white flowers of one of the saxifrages. I was soon almost in the side valley leading to the main road to the Dourbes, when an Arctiid I did not recognise flew past, soon followed by a second, the latter of which I caught, and found I had boxed Coscinia striata, and a very nice white female she proved to be. Another day, further on in the Dourbes valley, I found this species very common, they were flying about (both sexes) in the hot sun over a grassy, if somewhat dried grass, land, that was much interspersed with a small rush, and I took a nice little series, among them being a magnificent specimen of the form nuianopteia, Brahm., in which the black of the nervui'es was much wider than usual, making the primaries also very dark. Anthrocera {Zi/iiaena) lunicerae was not uncommon, as was also A. achilleae, and among them was one in which all the basal and median spots were confluent. Returning along the main road, nothing of special interest was taken until I came nearly to its junction with the Eaux-Chaudes road, where, sunning itself on the sunburnt rocks on the right, I suddenly saw a lovely specimen of Pobj(ionia (Grapta) e(jea : an equally sudden sweep secured it, and it was scarcely in a box before it was followed by a second, which was likewise captured ; scarcely, however, was this in my pocket before a third came along and shared a like fate. I was therefore well pleased with the result of that day's work.

(To be concluded.)

Catops montivagus, Heer, a British Insect.


Oblongo-ovatus, niger ; antennis basi, tibiis tarsisque rufo-testaceis, pronoto subtransverso, basi apiceque latitudine sub-aequali, angulis posticis rectis, acutis ; elytris obsoletissime striatis ; antennis abrupte clavatis, articulo ultimo penultimo vix longiore. Long. 1| lin.

Very similar to C tristis ; chiefly to be distinguished by its thorax being a little longer, but narrower. The first five joints of the antennae are rufo-testaceous, the eighth the smallest, much shorter and narrower than those that follow, the last shortly ovate, scarcely longer than the preceeding ; the thorax much narrower than the elytra, a little broader than long, with the sides slightly rounded, behind subsinuate, very densely punctulated, clothed with a dense yellow pubescence ; elytra oblong-ovate, very closel}^ punctate, but evidently impressed with a sutural stria, thighs pitchy black. Very rare in the Alps. (Heer) Faun. Col. lielv., i., 381.

I took an insect at Nethy Bridge on June 27th last, under a dead squirrel, which is undoubtedly Heer's species, and Captain Deville has sent me a number of specimens from Soissons, and one he took at Mont-Dore, which are evidently the same.

My specimen is a male with tuberculate anterior femora, and comes next to tihtis and coracina, but does not agree wuth either. It is darker than trisfis in colour, and has a markedly longer and narrower thorax, which is bisinuate at the base, and the elytra are also longer.

72 THE entomologist's record.

In the European catalogue montiranHs is treated as a synonym of tri:itis, which is of course incorrect. Murray, in his monograph on the genus Catops, considered it to be a var. of tristis (although he also called lonijulus and (/landicollis vars. of the same, which are now regarded as good species), it may be as well to introduce it into onr list as a var. at present. Mr. Bishop and I took a number of species of Catops under this squirrel and he is noAv looking through his speci- mens to see if there are more C. )iiontica(/iis.


Stray notes from Java. The following notes may be of interest to those studying mimicry : (1) DnDif/d and Atlas Moth, April 30th, 1911, at Buitenzorg. When in the gaidens one morning one of the gardeners brought me a live Atlas moth, which was quite a foot in expanse. I persuaded him to let it go, as I did not want it, and it went oli" with a slow Happing flight for a few yards, when there was a rush of wings directly behind me, and I saw it being carried oft' by a drongo. The bird carried the moth in its claws to a high tree and tore oft" portions of the wings preparatory to eating it ; but this took such a time that I did not stay to witness the end of the tragedy. (2) Drvntjo and />»^?t'/7///, May 26th, 1911, at Tjibodas. When in the thick primeval forest on the way to the Tjiborewa waterfall I was stalking a Zen.ridia sp. ?, a large butterfly with a pale blue subapical band on the fore- Aving. It flew oft" the underside of the leaf on which it was settled and was immediately darted at by a drongo, which seemed to come from nowhere ! The bird did not capture it, and did not repeat the attack. In this thick forest the butterfly was almost invisible, except for the blue bar, which is bluish white in the female. The wings of the fresh male are of a deep indigo blue, a lovely colour, which, like that of the nisco/i/tora celinde, will probably fade ; the female is deep brown, with large bluish eye-like spots on the hindwings ; these are smaller and more obscure in the male. Some would consider this blue band a directing mark. It always settles on the underside of a leaf, about five feet from the ground, but frequently high up out of reach and always with widely expanded wings. (3) Clcromc arcesilaus. This obscure, uniformly-coloured, brownish-yellow butterfly was very common in this forest, it is in fact, in every thick forest; it settles on the path, and when disturbed flutters into the jungle. It is difficult to see in such deep shade, but is easy to capture, as it has a very weak flight. Out of the numbers I have seen, none had pieces taken out of their wings, though many were very ragged. (4) Piioneris resembling Delias, May 24th, 1911, Poentjah Pass, West Java. Captured a male /V/()»(;/.s ///(«7o?k;»/<', Bsd., which closely resembles a hclias by its yellow hindwing and red costa ; but the flight is quite different, being less floating and more rapid and darting. It is rare in Java, but />. bdisaina, which would be considered its model is very abundant. This is a similar ca.se to /*. sita and P. nicltaris in South India and Ceylon. (f)) Mrlanitis isnifnr, October 27th, 1911, Padang (on the equator), Sumatra. T found one specimen, which was inter- mediate between the wet and dry season form ; a few days afterwards at Buitenzorg the wet forms were common but very worn, and the


very few dry forms about were in first rate condition. At this place there are two hundred and nineteen days of the year on which more or less rain falls. In North-east Sumatra, as pointed out many years ago by Dr. Martin, the wet and dry forms occur indiscriminately all the year round, though rain falls nearly every week in the year. In Ceylon they also occur thus, but to a much less marked extent, there is a more gradual substitution of one form by the other ; this is also the case in Bombay. In India generally the changes are more abrupt, and in Mauritius this is even more so, as I have elsewhere indicated. The seasonal forms of this and many other tropical butterflies have hitherto been considered as some form of cryptic defence against the attacks of birds, reptiles, and predatory insects ; but inasmuch as the forms of this butterfly and many others I could mention occur thus indiscriminately without detriment to the species, if one may judge by their numbers, it would seem that this explanation, though perhaps partly true, is inadequate, and the whole subject of these seasonal changes may have eventually to be written from another standpoint.

(6) J'iipiiio Hieiinwn, Resting habit of. This butterfly rests on the end of a leaf or spray with expanded wings at about ten feet from the ground, it is quite conspicuous. P. pnlytes and P. tainoiajta (a local race of P. paris) do the same, but in these latter the forewings droop sufficiently to cover the conspicuous eye-like spots on the hindwings.

(7) Telicada nijsens, Resting habit of. This settles for the night three or four together head downwards and concentrically on the top of a seeded dandelion or similar plant, the mottled black and white under- side of the hindwings with their black hind border make a very close resemblance to a seeding flower-head. Lt. Col. N. Manders, R.A.M.C, F.E.S., London. FebrHcirij 1st, 1912.

HyrRCEciA ckinanensis, Burrows, in the Tutt collection. Amongst the Hydroecias, which I purchased at the sale of the first part of the " Tutt " Collection, and consisting of a portion only of his series, were 31 labelled llijdruecia Incens, Fr., and 88 labelled H. palndis, Tutt. The Rev. C. R. N. Burrows has been kind enough to examine the genitalia of all the II. Incena, and tells me that they consist of 18 H. crina7U'nsis, Burrows, and 13 H. litcens, Fr. Six of the H. crinanensis (four ^ s, two $ s) are from Wicklow, and were taken in 1890, earlier than any recorded up to the present, though no doubt still earlier specimens will be discovered when some of the older collections are systematically examined. Eleven (ten ^ s, one 5 ) are labelled " Ben Beulah, 1893." Ben Beulah, or Bheula, is on the south side of Loch Fyne, at the head of Loch Eck, in Argyleshire, and not very far from the Crinan Canal. The remaining specimen, a male, is labelled " Morpeth, 1895," and is, I believe, the oldest recorded English specimen. In no case was the name of the captor given. Morpeth, in Northumberland, and Wicklow are both new localities for this species, and the former is especially interesting as it is a good deal nearer the east coast of Great Britain than any other known hitherto. Of the specimens labelled IJ. /lalinli^, Tutt, 33 are from the South of England, and have not been examined, but five specimens from Sligo (one 3 var. paludis-fiam, one ? var. iiriaea- flam, one J and two 2 s var. inteniudia-flarn), caught between 1880 and 1885, have all been pronounced by Mr. Burrows to be //. Ikcchs, Fr. A very pale male is probably one of those referred to in the

-74 THE entomologist's record.

Ihitish Xoctiiae and tlicir Varieties, vol. i., p. 63, where the following sentence occurs in a discussion of the species H. ludndis. " The palest I have ever seen were captured by Mr. Percy Russ at Sligo, in Ireland, but others captured by Mr. Ovenden and myself at Strood, Mr. Coverdale at Hhoeburyness, and by myself at Deal, are but little darker than the Irish specimens." These pale Sligo forms are probably all referable to hi. Iikl'hs, Ft. That Tutt himself, the acknowledged authority on this genus, should have had in his ©wn cabinet II. lucoi.'i, Fr., and H. crinanensis, Burrows, mixed together for many years under the name of H. Iticens, and H. htcenn and H. palndis under that of tl. paliidis, shows how impossible it is to distinguish between these three species by a superficial examination. E. A. Cockayne, F.E.S., 16, Cambridge Square, W.

[I find that the " Ben Beulah " specimens of H. crinanensis were captured by Tutt himself, on loir i/iuioul near Ben Bheulah, shown to him bv Dr. Chapman. No doubt this species was the one captured in previous years in this locality by Dr. Chapman.— E. A. C]


Phigalia pedaria in December.^ I have an earlier record for I'hit/alia pedaria than that recorded by Mr. Tonge (p. 25), as I took a freshly emerged male on a fence bordering Highgate Woods on December 17th last. It was slightly crippled. L'/ieimatohia hruniata was still abundant and many quite freshly emerged in the woods in the same afternoon. Russell E. James, " Brockenhurst," Bloom- field Road, Highgate. Febrnanj dtli, 1912.

Correction. In the Eiit. Record for January, 1912, p. 12, line 13, read $ for J . I may add that lines 36 and 37 on p. 11 are not sufficiently clearly expressed. The Belgrade Forest $ s of M. didi/nia, are much suffused as a rule in the first generation. Those of the second brood are of a more orange-brown ground colour. As regards C. erate, it may be said in criticism of my suggestion as to the possible causes of its presence on the Bosphorus, that butterflies do not move when North and North-East winds blow. Very true, but what about sudden changes of wind which are one of the features of the Euxine? I have seen C. eiluKa flying over the Bosphorous in war)n weather more than once. Given a sudden change of wind, especially of a violent nature, and an insect may be carried a long distance by a wind in which it would not ordinarily fly. Phjlip P. Graves, F.E.d., Club de Constantinople, Constantinople. Febniari/ 24f//, 1912.


The Rev. G. M. Smith and Mr. C. Granville Clutterbuck, F.E.S., as Members of the Museum Committee, are engaged in arranging a collection of the Gloucestershire Lepidoptera for the Gloucester Museum. Collectors willing to supply specimens are invited to communicate with the latter gentleman at " Heathside," Heathville Road, Gloucester.

The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Naiui'al Beauty, are at the present time making an appeal to preserve to the nation some sixty acres of the North Downs, i/;., CoUey Hill near


Eeigate, and to assist them a shilling fund has been arranged for which Mr. T. H. Grosvenor, F.E.S., 8, Gloucester Road, Red Hill, is acting as Hon. Secretary. It will be remembered that in the past entomologists have had much reason to thank the Trust for the benefits they have conferred on us by preserving in perpetuity such localities as Burwell Fen, 30 acres, Wicken Fen, 4 acres, Hindhead, 1,412 acres. East Sheen Common, 30 acres, Leigh Woods, Bristol, 80 acres, in addition to about 18 other properties in the most interesting parts of Great Britain. Colley Hill is annually visited by entomologists, who visit it for the many local species of Lepidoptera that occur there. There have been some very generous donations, and collections were made at recent meetings of the Entomological and South London Entomological Societies with very gratifying results. The need is great, and there only remain a few weeks to raise a considerable sum.

In No. 18 of the Jyull. Soe. ent. ile France, recently received, there is a series of biological notes on the larva of Mj/elois cribrella by M. Etienne Raband. He describes in interesting detail the feeding of the larvfe in the heads of flowers of thistles, etc., their migration from head to head, and their final penetration into the stem for pupation with the construction of an operculum backed by a "cork" of debris and excrement. M. Raband states that he has actually seen the larva migrate from capitulum to capitulum,and again finally from capitulum to stem for pupation.

" To the making of books there is no end " is a statement of fact with which the man in the street is only too famihar. The lepidopterist is inclined to parody this phrase and say "To the naming of varieties there is no end." We scarcely open a magazine, a bulletin, a transactions, etc., without immediately meeting with a new-named form of some well known species. In a separatum entitled Lepidoptera of the Zoolocfical Museum of the I nirersitij of Naplex just received from Conte Emilo Turati, the author lists the forms of J'arnassius a polio to the amazing number of 84 named forms, of which 53 are local races or subspecies and 31 are aberrations. In a supplementary note some 11 more racial and aberrational forms are mentioned, so that of this one well-known species we have nearly one hundred named forms. Verily nomenclature is proving its suggested reputation to the hilt. Count Turati has gone carefully through the Naples collection of Lepidoptera, described all the distinctive forms especially of the Rhopalocera, and added numerous valuable critical notes.

The entomological work of the New York Agricultural Experimental Station at Geneva is always highly commendable for its thoroughness. We have received a copy of a PreliiDinanj Report of Grape Insects, consisting of about 100 pages with 15 photographic plates and numerous diagrams and tables, containing an account of five insect pests from the depredations of which the grape area in the Chautauqua belt had gradually declined in productiveness. The grape flea-beetle {Haltica chab/bea), the rose-chafer (Macrodacti/liis subspinosiis), and the grape-root worm {Fidia riticida), are Coleoptera, the grape- blossom midge {Contarinia johnsoni) is a Dipteron, and the grape leaf-hopper {Typldocijba comes), is a Hemipteron. These are each dealt with from an economic and historical standpoint, the areas of their distribution and references to the literature concerning them are given. The various plants they attack, the character and extent of the injuries

76 THE entomologist's record.

they inflict, descriptions of the insects in all their stages, their habits of life, the times of their appearance, an account of the experiments made to destroy by spraying, cultivation, etc., and the various control measures likely to be successful, are all discussed at length.

In a notice of the books just recently published we read that Messrs. Longmans have brought out a book entitled Jhittnjh/ Ihtntintj in Maui/ Lands, by Dr. George Longstaflf. The book is illustrated by plates in colour. Dr. Longstaff is, we know, a great traveller and wielder of the net, and his book therefore should be of much interest to entomologists, as well as entertaining to the general reader. A. S.

Among the contents of the Jieiiimr h'ntniiiolni/isrhc Zeitsdirift for the past year, we note the following articles which may be of more or less general interest. (1) " The Entomological Results of a journey through lipper Italy and the South Tyrol in 1910," giving notes on the various captures in the orders Neuroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Ehynchota from the middle of May to the beginning of August, with plates, on one of which is a figure of a teratological specimen of lUapH imicronata with a bifid left antenna. The paper is by Herr Willy Ramme. (2) " A Second Contribution to the Lepidopterous Fauna of the North with critical remarks," by Herr H. Stichel. One of the most useful portions of this lengthy article is a bibliographical list of no less than 131 books or articles in which the same northern areas are dealt with more or less at length, and which he has consulted. As to new names, the cry is " Still they come," ej/., ('crura bifida saltcnsix iovma pofrilia, which we presume means Centra hijida subsp. saltcnsis ab. pnccilia. There is one plate of newly named forms. (3) " A Contribution to the Orthopterous Fauna of the Mark Brandenburg," (The Berlin area), by Herr Willy Ramme, with one plate.

The Naturalist for December contains the reproduction of a capital photograph of three specimens of I'olia c/ii resting in proximity to one another on a wall. This picture gives one the idea that this species is not protectively coloured for resting on a wall, a fact which is in accord with the experience of many of our personal friends. We have always been told that sitting on a wall it is a most conspicuous insect. One of the moths is the dark form oliracea, but it appears to be almost equally distinct as do the other two. Is this the universal experience of observers ?

In the Kntomohxjist for December, Mr. H. Donisthorpe, F.Z.S., F.E.S., contributes a " Revised list of the British Ants."

In the November number of the Kntomnhxiiral Xeirs Dr. Philip P. Calvert of Philadelphia continues the account of his investigation of the inhabitants of the water and debris which collects between the bases of the leaves of the epiphytic Bromdiaccae in the neighbourhood of Juan Vinas, Costa Rica. He was particularly investigating the habits of the larva of one of the Odonata, Mecistoiiastcr vwdestas, Selys, which he knew lived in such situations. From the most interesting account given in his paper we extract the following paragraph giving the list of inhabitants of one clump only of the Bromeliads. He writes, " This clump of Ijromeliads was tenanted, in addition to the Odonate larva', by a young scorpion {(^entrurus iiiar<iaritatiis) two inches long, which had just moulted, the exuvite also found ; two species of Phalangids [^leteryitvus sn/natus and t'ynorti sp '?) ; a


Pseudoscorpion [l.'helanops sp ?) ; Coleoptera, both adults {Metawasius dimidiatipennh, Alerioria dilatata, Cri/ptobiutn sp ?, an Endomychid genus, new, near Trochoideus, Cercyon or Phacnonotum sp ?, and Phaenonotuw tarsale) and larvae (Elaterids, probably of the genus Seuiiotxs and others allied to what is considered the larvoe of Dolopins, a Lampyrid of an unknown genus, but apparently related to Pkoturis, a Sphjeridid, possibly Phacnonotum tarsale) ; a Dipterous larva (Stratiomyiid) with a circle of set^e at its hind end ; two Heteroptera, the subglobular shiny Chlaerocoris dinsimUis and a flat nymph of (probably) Belminns riujnloms : a Hepialid caterpillar ; a small earwig (" too immature to be determinable, probably it is a Labia, possibly L. annulata," Burr) ; ants of an undescribed species of Apterostiijma. The weevil, Metamasins diniidiatipennis, bore many Acari (a species of Uropoda) on its legs, and another large Acarine was present between the leaves. Finally in the mud between some of the leaves was a fair sized earthworm (an immature Andiodrilus biollei/i)." The author continues: " The list here given .... does not include by any means all the bromeliadicoU which we met with in Costa Rica, but is interesting as giving a glimpse of the organic environment of the special subject of the paper " the " Habits of the Plant -dwelliii;/ [.arva of Mecistor/aster viodestus."

We have received a long paper published in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for September, 1911, by Lieut. -Col. Manders, R.A.M.C., F.Z.S., F.E.S., entitled " An Investigation into the Validity of Miillerian and other forms of Mimicry with special reference to the Islands of Bourbon, Mauritius, and Ceylon." The author takes each island in turn and enumerates the reptiles and birds which are known to attack insects ; he has collected as many data of observations as were possible and in addition made experiments as opportunity offered. In conclusion, he shows that neither the Miillerian nor the Batesian forms of mimicry are illustrated in the insect economy of these islands, as in Bourbon and Mauritius there are no butterfly-eating birds or reptiles, while in Ceylon the butterfly- eating reptiles are impartial feeders and no bird known to eat butter- flies discriminates between one species and another.

In the Ent. Mo. May. for January, the Rev. A. E. Eaton describes a species of Diptera new to science, Telniatoscopus rothscldldii, of which the Hon. N. C. Rothschild has taken specimens off a tree trunk near the Serpentine in Hyde Park.

In the same number Mr. .J. E. Collin edits a new series of notes on species of Diptera new to Britain, by the late G. H. Verrall, F.E.S. They are Sciara lonyirentris, from Sutton Park ; Ijeia terminalis, from Herefordshire ; Boletina basalis, from Ivybridge, Bettws-y-Coed, etc. ; Platyura niyricauda, from Llangollen and Bewdley ; P. modesta, from Dorset; P. niyriccps, P. hiuneralis, from Nairn and St. Albans; Scatopse talpae, from Reigate, Cambridgeshire and Suftolk (this species is new to science) ; S. co.vendix, from Lewes, Chippenham, Lyndhurst, etc. (new to science) ; Cricotopus ptdchripes, from Snowdon (new to science); Ceratopoyon pallidus, from Handcross, Sussex; C. nubeculosiis, from Worms Hd., Aldeburgh, Wareham, etc. ; C. forcipatus, from Penzance ; C. versicolor, from Newmarket ; C. iiobilis, from Studland, Dorset; Di.va niyra, from Nairn; Limnobia decemmaculata, from Tarrington ; Psiloconopa pnsilla,ivoxa S.Herefordshire; Bhamphomyia


culicina, ivom Nairn and Porthcawl ; J 'ac/n/)iic)ia erberi, (vom Biitley, Suffolk; Hilara ai'ionciha, ivom. Leith Hill and Tunbridge Wells; //. hiinibria, from Stanford, Norfolk ; and H. diceinipes, from Nairn.

The Kntonioloi/ischc MitteiltiiH/cn is the new monthly periodical which has taken the place of the bimonthly Deutsche Entowoloi/ische Xational Bibliotliek as the organ of the German Entomological Museum, Berlin-Duhlem. The get-up and general contents of the first number are a great advance upon its predecessor. It is illustrated by plates and diagrams, and is printed on good paper. Among the contents are a " Sketch of the history of the German Entomological Museum," by its Curator Herr W. Horn, " Entomological Nomen- clature," by Herr S. Schenkling, and a " Bibliographical Study of Panzer's Fauna Injector uvi Germanica" by Herr Roeschke.

Yngve Sjostedt's Zoologische Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedition 1905=6.

{Ahthcilungen 1-22. loh. I-III. 4to Stodihohu 1910.) By MALCOLM BUEE, D.Sc, F.Z.S., F.L.S., F.E.S., F.G.S.

Professor Sjostedt left Stockholm on April 20th, 1905, and landed again on Swedish soil on August 2nd, 1906, bringing back with him three and a half tons of baggage Avhich contained his zoological collections, consisting of over 59,000 specimens, representing upwards of 4,800 species of animals ; of these, over 1,400 were new to science.

The working out of this extensive material was delegated to a number of leading specialists, the results of whose studies are published in three sumptuous quarto tomes, consisting altogether of 2328 pages, illustrated by 87 plates.

The country which was thus scientifically explored consists of the plateaus of the Kilimandjaro-Meru district. The former is the loftiest mountain in Africa, attaining an altitude of 6,010 metres or 19,718ft., and its neighbour, Meru, reaches 4,680 metres or 18,124ft. Kilimand- jaro is an eruptive mass, consisting mainly of granite, and gneiss of Tertiary Age. So lofty a mountain, situated on the Equator, naturally presents a great variety of conditions : Sjostedt enumerates the zones as follows :

First, the Steppes, between 2,000 and 8,000 ft. ; secondly, the cultivated zone, lying between 8,000 and 6,000 ft. ; thirdly, the humid forest zone, between 6,000 and 10,000 ft.; fourthly, the Alpine belt, of grass and scrub, up to 18,000 ft. ; and finally the peak itself or High Alpine zone, from 18,000 to the apex.

The P'auna and conditions of these belts is discussed by the author in the first 80 pages, which are most interesting reading, illustrated by eighteen plates of really fine photographs of the people and the scenery.

The Vertebrata and Molluscs occupy a relatively small space, for it is the insects which take up the bulk of vols. i. and iii., and the whole of vol. ii. The Coleoptera are worked out by no less than twenty-three specialists ; the Hymenoptera are well treated, but the Lepidoptera take up much less space. They are dealt with by Professor Aurivillius, who enumerates 202 species of Rhopalocera and 885 of Heterocera. It is pleasant to see the so-called neglected orders dealt with in such detail. The Diptera, partly by Sjostedt himself and



partly by Speiser, occupy 206 pages, or about foui- times as much space as the Lepidoptera, thus reversing the usual order of things. The Siphonaptera, by the Hon. Charles Rothschild, are interesting ; there were 250 specimens, representing six species of which three were new, one requiring a new genus. The Anoplura are treated by Enderlein, and the Neuroptera, Pseudo-neuroptera and Hemiptera by various authors ; of the latter order, the Goridae, ('ori.iidae and Notonectidae were worked out by the late G. W. Kirkaldy, who enjoyed an unrivalled knowledge of these groups, his etirly favourites.

The Orthoptera are discussed by Sjostedt himself, with the exception of the Blattodea by Shelford and the earwigs by Burr.

The Corrodentia, Collembola and Tlujmnura are also well treated. Leaving the insects we find the Mijiiapnda, Arachnoideo, lkca}>()da, Isopoda and Vermes treated in detail by various specialists.

It is a great work and a splendid monument to the -energy of Professor Sjostedt and to the public spirit and generosity of his country and countrymen, who are always ready and willing to come forward in the support of Science.


City of London Entomological and Natural History Society. Noveviber 1th, 1911. Orthosia lota from France. Dr. T. A. Chapman exhibited three specimens bred from larvae taken at Amelie-les-Bains, South France, and fed on Coriana iiiijrti folia ; the three imagines (all that emerged) were of three different forms, leaden, dark red, and fulvous, pointing to the existence of much more variation than is found in the British race. Melanic Acidalia virgularia. Mr. G. H. Heath, a specimen taken atBrockley, September, 1911, of aunicolorous dark grey with white cilia. Cerastis vaccinii ab. suffusa.- Mr. B. S. Williams, two examples taken at Finchley, September, 1911. Ematurga atomaria 5 with J coloration. Mr. H. B. Williams exhibited a $ with tawny ground colour of J , taken at Oxshott, July, 1911. November 2lst, 1911. Lepidoptera from Mucking. Rev. C. R. N. Burrows exhibited a number of lepidoptera taken in his garden at sugar during September, including one Mellinia ocellaris, Calamia lutosa, Lencania co)iima (presumably a second brood), a melanic Thera variata and Melanippe fluctiiata var. costorata. Pyrameis cardui and High Temperature. Mr. L. W. Newman, a long series bred ab ovo from a Folkestone 2 taken on Septemoer 2nd ; the larvje were fed up in a temperature of about 80", and all the imagines had emerged by October 16th. In a few specimens the inner large white apical blotch was almost entirely obscured by black scaling, while many others showed the same peculiarity in a less accentuated degree. Vanessa io AB. cYANosTicTA. Mr. H. B. WiUiauis, a series including an example of this aberration bred from larvje taken at Chalfont in July. Variation in Chesias spartiata. Mr. A. J. Willsdon, a series from the Wanstead district, including pale gre}^ brownish, reddish-fawn, and melanic forms. ^Egeria myop.eformis. Mr. Willsdon also exhibited a series of this clearwing, and stated that it had been secured by searching the grass at the foot of apple trees early in the morning. Celastrina argiolus, third brood. Rev. C. R. N. Burrows reported the appearance of a third brood at Mucking late in September.

80 THE entomologist's record,

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Noveinber 20tlt, 1911, Dr. John Cotton in the chair. Lecture. Dr. F. F. Tinne read a paper on " The Application of the Lumiere Process of Colour Photography to Entomolog}-," and in the course of a most interesting address exhibited a number of colour portraits of lepidoptera in their native haunts, as well as pictures of places he had visited when in the pursuit of insects. It is quite evident that there is a great future for this class of work, as soon as coloured prints can be taken direct from the negatives. Scotch Lepidoptera. Mr. Robert Tait, Junr., exhibited a fine lot of insects from Braemar, the results of his summer holiday, which was spent in that locality. These included a very fine series of Pliisia interrogationis, Daai/dia ohfiiscaria, Coenonymplia tiplion, Anthrocera e.vidans, Xenienphila })lanta;iinitt, and var. Iio.tpita, the last being obtained as a partial second brood in October. Varied but smaller series of the following were also shown : Cidaria poptilata, C. vi}}iianata, Cureiiiia iiniuitata, Larentia caesiata and Halia hrnnneata : Mr. Tait further contributed an interesting account of his holiday with remarks upon the variation, etc., of the insects captured. Polia chi. Mr. Wm. Mansbridge exhibited a series of Polia (ill taken in the Huddersfield district on August Bank Holiday comprising themelanic forms for which that neighbourhood is famous.^ The Annual Meeting was held in the Royal Institution, Colquit Street, Liverpool, on December 18th : Mr. William Webster in the chair. As Mr. W. J. Lucas, the retiring vice-president, was unable to be present to read his address " On the Present State of our own Know- ledge of the Pre-imaginal Stages of the British Dragontlies," this was done by the secretary. Mr. Lucas dealt lucidly and in detail with the various methods of oviposition obtaining in the Odonata, drawing particular attention to the habit Ischniira elei/ans possesses of descending beneath the surface of the water for this purpose, and to the two types of Dragonfly eggs :— the elongate, cylindrical type, such as is met with in .Kuchna and the more or less oval or pear-shaped type found in Si/mpetnnii and LibcUida. The development of the nymphs, their form, habits and food, the duration of the nymphal existence and other features of Dragonfly bionomics were then dealt with in an equally interesting and exhaustive manner, the fact being emphasised that although of recent years a considerable amount of work had been done, and our knowledge of the life history of these beautiful creatures had been greatly increased, there yet remained a vast amount to be done in the future. The latter part of the address consisted of a review of the progress of our knowledge of the earlier stages of Dragonfly existence, commencing with Thomas Moufet's " Insectorum Theatrum " and bringmg the subject down to the present day. The address and the excellent lantern slides with which it was illustrated, were greatly appreciated l)y all who were present. Mr. C. B. Williams exhibited a box of Lepidoptera, collected during the past season in various localities and including the following: Taeniocampa viioida, A'l/lino socio, X. oniitopm, Xtflocampo areola, and Oporina croceago from the Conway Valley ; lirenthis aelene, Ci/clnpides palaewon and Xoneobius lucina from Northamptonshire; Baarmia roboraria, Crnophria rubricollis, Diacriaia aamiio {rusxiila), Heniaris fuciforuiiH, Plebeim arqm (aegon) and Brcnthin eupliroxi/jic from the New Forest.

WATKINS 8c DONCASTER, Naturalists and Manufacturers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain Ring Nets, wire or cane, including Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-. Folding Nets, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket Boxes (deal), 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6. Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with camphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, flat or oval, lin., 6d. ; IJin., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2^in., 1/-; 3Jin., 1/4; 4in., 1/6; 5in., 1/10; Complete Set of fourteen Boards, 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6 ; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, .5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases, japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antennae 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3^, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to" 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheath, 1/9. Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc.

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as minute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sesiidae, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


Of every description of Insects, Birds' Eggs, Coins, Microscopical Ob.teci.s, Fossils, &c.

Catalogue (100 pages) sent on application, post free.

LARGE STOCK OF INSECTS AND BIRDS* EGGS (Brilish, European, and Exotic). Birds, MammaU, etc., Preseived and Mounted by First cla.ss IVorkmoi.


Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

By MALCOLM BURR, D.Sc,, F.Z.S., F.L.S., F.E.S., &c.

Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3sm net»

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

Will he sent Post Free on receipt of Postal Order for 3s* to

A. H., 41 , Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S>E.


Excellent 44 drawer Mahogany Cabinet price on application.

Fine set insects not less than half-dozen of a species sent. Box and postage 4d. extra.

Price per dozen : Imbutata 3s., Lineolata Is. 6d., Prunata Is. 6d., Silaceata Is. 6d., Immanata lOd., Russata lOd., Corylata Is., Picata 3s., Psiticata Is. 9d., Undulata Is. 6d., Dubitata Is. 6d,, Lignata Is. 6d., Testata lOd., Fluviata 2s., Unidentaria lOd., Ferrugata lOd., Berberata Is. 6d., Eubidata Is. 6d., Fluctuata (Shetlands) 2s., Galiata Is. 3d., Mon- tanata lOd., Sociata 9d., Unangulata 2s., Procellata Is. 3d., Tristata Is. 6d., Albicillata Is. 3d., Eubiginata Is. 3d., Elutata 9d., Impluviata 9d., Euberata 5s., P'irmata 2s., Variata 9d., Polycommata Is. 9d., Lobulata Is. 3d., Hexapterata Is. 9d,, Eectangulata Is., Togata 3s. 6d., Sobrinata Is. 6d., Dodoneata 4s., Abbreviata Is. 6d., Tenuiata Is. 6d., Assimilata Is. 6d., Absinthiata Is., Subnotata lid., Nanata lid., Satyrata var. Callunaria 2s. 6d., Curzoni Shetlands 4s., Extensaria 9s., Jasioneata 10s., Succentauriata 4s., CentauriatB lid., Consignata 20s., Venosata Is. 6d., do. Shetlands 3s., Blandiata 2s. 6d., Ericetata 2s. 6d., Unifasciata Is. 9d., Albulata lid., Caesiata lid., Didymata lid., Multistrigaria lOd., Filigrammaria, Is., Aurantiaria lid., Leucophearia lOd., Selected vars. 2s. 9d., Marginata lOd., Ulmata lid., Grossulariata nice vars. 5s., Gilvaria is. 6d.

Next Month many more species, look out for them.

L. Yl. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.



Mysia oblongo-guttata, L., ab. nigro-guttata, n. ab., Hereward C. Dollman, F.E.S.

(with plate) 53

Notes from the Wye Valley : Lepidoptera in 1911, J. F. Bird . . . . . . 53'

Greek Lepidoptera in April, 1911, P. A. d- D. A. J. Buxton . . . . . . 59

Leptothorax tuberum, Fab., subsp. corticalis, Schenk, an ant new to Britain, If.

C. Crawley, B. A., F.E.S .. .. 63

Some Coleoptera and an Ant, additions to the Isle of Wight Lists, J. Taylor . . 65

liionsense Names, George Wheeler, BI. A., F.Z.S., F.E.S 66

The first fortnight in July, 1911, in Digne, G. T. Bethune-Baker, F.L.S., F.E.S... 07 Catops montivagus, Heer, a British Insect, H. St. J. K. Donistliorpe, F.Z.S.,

F.E.S 71

Scientific Notes and Observations: Stray Notes from Java, Lt.Col. N. Manders, R.A.M.O., F.E.S. Hydroecia crinanensis, Burrows, in the Tutt collection,

E. A. Cockayne, F.E.S 72

Notes on Collecting, etc. : Phigalia pedaria in December, Russell E. James.

Coxreetion, Philip P. Graves, F.E.S. 74

Current Notes and Short Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Review: Yngve Sjostedt's Zoologische Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedition, 1905-6,

Malcolm Burr, D.Sc, F.Z.S., F.L.S., F.E.S., F.G.S 78

Societies : City of London Entomological and Natural History Society. Lanca- shire and Cheshire Entomological Society . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Contributions remain over for want of space from G. Wheeler, G. T. Bethune-Baker, A. S. Tetley, G. W. Nicholson, Douglas H. Pearson, J. T. Fountain, etc.

Seasonal notes on British Lepidoptera will appear in due course from C. W. Colthrup, F. G. Whittle, A. Eussell, Alf. Sich, H. Ashton Nichols, etc.

We hope that those who intend sending us an account of their doings for 1911 will do so ere long, as we should like to know more of what our English workers are doing. Will those who are studying the Micro-lepidoptera help us, by sending in notes of their captures and observations.

All MS. and editorial matter should be sent and all proofs returned to Hy. J. Turner, 98, Drakefell Koad, New Cross, London, S.E.

Rambles in Alpine Valleys.

Bound in Cloth, with Map and Photographs of District. Price 3s. 6d. This book contains a series of essays dealing with the colours of insects, and sugges- tions as to the relation in past time between the Alpine and British fauna. Many new facts are brought forward, and entomological problems discussed from various standpoints.

Woodside, Burnside, Hillside and Marsh.

(Crown 8vo., Illustrated, 224 pp. and 103 woodcuts and full-page illustrations. Bound

in Cloth. (Price 2/6). Another series of collecting expeditions into well-known entomological and natural history localities, with description of botanical, geological, ornithological as well as entomological matters of interest to be found therein. The places dealt with include Cobham Woods, Cuxton Downs, the Western Highlands, Clilfe— all well known for their rich entomological fauna.

To be obtained from J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladyvvell Road, Brockley, S.E.

Random Recollections of Woodland, Fen, and Hill.

By J. W. TUTT, F.E.S.

Bound in Cloth, Crown 8vo. Price Three Shillings net.

A detailed account of the fauna and flora of some well-known British natural history localities : Wicken, Deal, Chattenden, the Medway Marshes, Isle of Wight, etc.

Postal Orders to

Mr. J. HERBERT TUTT, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E

Subscriptions for Vol. XXIV. are no>v overdue





Edited hv

Richard S. BAGNALL., f.l.s., f.e.s. 1 T. A. CHAPMAN, m.d.,f.z.s.,


B.SC, F.E.8., I'.a.S.K.


p.z.s., f.l.s., f.e.s. m. burr, d.sc, f.z.s., f.i..s., f.k.s. (Rbv.) C. R. N. BURROWS, f.e.s.

Jas. E. COLLIN, F.K.s. H. St. J. K. DONISTHORP] F.z.a., Alfred SICH, f.e.s. J. R. le B. TOMLIN, M.A., F.B George WHEELER, M.A., F


Hknry J. T Etliti

Al'BIL Sflh, 1912. Price SIXPENCE (mt).

ription for Complete Volume, post

(Iiicliuliiig nil DOUBLE NUMBERS, etc.) SEVEN SHILLINGS.



" Bebtrose," Geli.atlv Road, New Cross, S.E.


ELI-IOT STOCK, (J2, PAiKKNosriat Row, E.(



11, CAnrsTKAssE, N.W.


The Largest Breeder of Lepidoptera in the British Isles is

H. W. HEAD, ©ittttmaloaist,


F')ill List of Ora, Larvae, ami Vupae, aUo LepiiJoptera, Apparatus, Cahiuets,

etc., sent on application. Many Rare British Species and Good Varieties for Sale.


Mr. J. C. STEVENS will offer for Sale by Auction at his great rooms, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C., on

TUESDAY, APRIL 23pd, 1912,

The Fourth Portion of the


Formed by the Late

J. W. TUTT, F.E.S.

Comprising long series in fine condition of British Tortrices, including long and varied series of Peroneas. Also British Tinea, good series of the Psychidae and Nepticulae (vide Brit. Lep., vol. i.), most of the Elachistidae and Gelechidse.

Also British Grambi in excellent condition, including sialinelluK, coniaininelhis, anellus, etc., British Pterophorids, and the remainder of the British Geometers {Cidaria, etc.), together with the cabinets containing them.

Catalogues may be had on application 7 days prior at the Auction Eooms, 38. King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.

Lantern Slides in Natural Colours.


Photographed from life and true to Nature in every detail.




For List apply to

CHARLES D. HEAD, 2, Mount Yernon, Dollymount, DUBLIN.

Subscribers to Seitz Macrolepidoptera of the World

are leciuested to write immediately

to the Publishing Office if they wish to receive the published parts without delay.

Latest issued parts are : Palaearctica, No. 97 ; Exotica, 86.


Stuttgart: Poststrasse 7. Yerlag des Seitz'schen Werkes.

(Alfred Kernen).


A Week at Braemar.


In a summer of almost unbroken sunshine circumstances have prevented me from doing more than a very moderate amount of collecting. Nevertheless I have managed to fulfil a longstanding promise to myself of a visit to Braemar the British home of Anthrucera exidam. What Braemar could be under bad conditions I can well imagine, but as we saw it, it was to a Southerner, an Entomological Paradise. The very conditions which made the holiday so ideal frustrated our designs upon the two species for which we had specially planned the trip, and when I arrived on July 7th I found my companion -Mr. Galpin, of Oxford most disconsolate. I must admit that he had a case. In the first place he had come at great inconvenience, and only after I had painted our prospects in glowing colours, figuratively dangling long series of A. e.vnlans and Psoclos trepiclaria before his eyes, and then I turned up a day late. I arrived on the day on which I had all along intended to arrive, but he insisted that I had mentioned the day before, and unfortunately for me, had documentary evidence to prove it ; I had undertaken to make all the enquiries as to the best ground to work, so until I arrived he was at a disadvantage. Add to this that the day had been dull and inclined to rain, I had sent no word of my movements, and the railway motor breaking down had again made me two hours late, and it will be realised that the situation facing me was a delicate one. Mr. Galpin had further gathered the information that owing to an abnormal June both A. cxidans and P. trepiclaria had been well over for a week past. We had poor success that night and the gloom reached its lowest ebb, bat the next morning the hot spell commenced. We henceforward had a great time, and in the end were more than repaid for missing A. e.vulans and P. trepidaria.

We had obtained special permission to work the Invercauld deer forest on the further side of the Dee, and it was there we spent most of our days. The morning of the 8th was an ideal one, and in spite of discouragement from Messrs. Tait, Mutch and Home, who had all been at Braemar for some time, and evidently spoke with knowledge, we deemed it our "duty " to at least see the e.odans ground. We pushed on up to about 2,500 feet and found their tale only too true ; no sign of anything at the higher levels except one or two Scoptda alpinalis. However, the view was glorious, we had a fine sight of some red deer, and moreover on the way down got a good general knowledge of this part of our ground. We subsequently learnt from the head-keeper that A. exulana bad been out in early June, and that P. trepidaria was swarming on all the heights three weeks before our arrival. The keeper's information is probably reliable, as he has had considerable training at the hands of Mr. Percy Bright and others, and all the hints he gave us as to " Obeliscatas " (his version of D. obfuscata) and other species proved to be very accurate.

A. exidans seems to be confined to one, or at most two, of the

mountains, but occurs over a considerable area, and apparently in

spite of continued onslaughts is in great numbers. P. trepidaria on

the other hand seems to occur abundantly on most of the higher

April 15th, 1912.

82 THE kntomologist's record.

mountains around, resting on and flying over the short turf on the extreme tops. We did actuall}' see A. exiilans alive, as Mr. Mutch still had some living females for breeding purposes, and one of these I brought away as a type, until another visit enables me to take my own series.

The insect of the visit was Daxi/ilia ohfuscata, and here of course the forward season helped us. Nevertheless, I should gather that it was far more plentiful than usual, and although the slopes of the Invercauld estate were its headqunrter.-^, it also occurred sparingly on the hillside behind the town, and by the llth was just commencing to emerge up Glen Callater.

Glen Callater (to the south) was another of our favourite grounds, and was distinctly useful in being a week or ten days more backward than the Invercauld Estate. It enabled us to crowd the advantages of a fortnight's collecting into six days, and thereby we both obtained fine series of CociKDu/mpha ti/phoii, which was practically over every- where else. The Glen is very fascinating, the bare and steep boulder- strewn slopes to the east, and the utter absence of tree or shrub giving it a wildness of aspect quite diflerent from the pine and birch-clad slopes of the Dee side. 15ut the most curious thing about the glen is that the burn appears to be flowing up-hill. Entering it at its narrowest part, it stea.dily broadens out as one ascends, and it must be this ellect of broadening instead of narrowing that conveys the irresistible impression that one is descending instead of ascending, and nothing but the evidence of flowing water would have convinced me to the contrary. Here, more than anywhere else, one had evidence of the drought, a large expanse below the loch, which must usually be a peat bog, being bard-baked and cracked.

All our evening work was done in the upper glade of the birch- wood behind the town and on the hillside above. We treacled every night in this top glade, but only on the 8th did any numbers come, all the nights but this one being clear and somewhat chilly.

One does not find />. ohfnsrata easily at first, but on getting to know their hal)its they proved to be in astonishing numbers. They sit head downwards on ro3ks, always in the shade, always low down, and are specially fond of overhanging surfaces. They prefer small boulders to sit on, even small stones in the pathways, and are quite conspicuous when once one's eye gets in. They were very restless owing to the unusual heat (we had 85'' in the shade even at Braemar), but the considerable number seen flying were, I believe, only seeking fresh resting places as their own became exposed to the sun. Mr. Galpin preferred striking the stones to searching, and by this means obtained nearly as many as myself. This method, however, has the disadvantage that the older specimens fly off more readily than the quite fresh ones. Moreover, every specimen has to be netted, and generally after a chase, as the species is no mean flyer. It is an extraordinarily difficult insect to get home in quite perfect condition, and although I inuigined I had taken ample for supplying my own wants and those of my friends, I found in the end that I had dillrtcuUy in picking out even one full cabinet row quite without reproach. Probably the extreme heat helped to make them restless, but the number that proved to have in some degree damaged their thoraces and fringes was appalling. They were distinctly scarce on


the ground we worked at night, but one or two were netted on the wing after dark. These were the only ones seen in natural flight, and we saw nothing to confirm a report I had heard of a late afternoon flight.

Plm^ia i)iterr<>(/atinnis, a genuine day-flyer, was also in great numbers, but wanted much catching and more getting home in condition. By using the largest size boxes, however, a very fine lot were eventually obtained. This species also frequently rests on the rocks, but unlike ]>. obfio^rata chooses the large and lichen-covered boulders, and rests high up frequently even on top. A fair number were found thus, in the late afternoon, but they also settle down for a time at mid-day, then always ni the shade. Even during the time of flight, they rest quite as frequently on the rocks as on the heather, and they are always far more difficult to see than 1). abfnacata. In fact when actuall}' resting on lichen, the colouring, aided by the irregular outline of crested thorax and fine forewing fringes, aft'ords such marvellous protection that I probably overlooked many more than 1 found. On a number of occasions, after boxing a specimen, a second was discovered within a few inches, and until then quite unnoticed. This species also was only just coming out up Glen Callater on the last d;lJ^ We only saw one specimen on the wing after dark and none were attracted by the Kfdlnbiiiui. flowers mentioned later on, so I shoi^ld imagine that if there is a night flight it is only a verj^ partial one.

iMventia caesiata in verj' great variety was every where, but nowhere so abundant as in the pinewoods on the hillsides over the river. Here as one walked through they rose from the trunks and ground in countless numbers, but the best specimens were picked oft' the rocks, quite freshly emerged. L. salirata was practically over, a few worn specimens being netted at early dusk. Even at dusk it is easily distinguished on the wing from />. caesiata by its very feeble flight.

Another species of which a long series was taken was Ki)iiiieLesia tiiinniata (ericctata). It was not nearly so abundant as any of the foregoing species (except L. salicata), and the only time it occurred in any numbers was in Glen Callater on the 12th, when it flew freely all the afternoon. On the Invercauld ground I should imagine it was over, as only a few were seen, and these all at the higher levels, where on the 8th a moderate number were on the wing at and before midday. Seeing that it was flying from before dusk until long after on the hillside we worked at night, it seems to have a very protracted time of flight, as all the flights that we observed were perfectly natural ones. Although so tiny, it is a robust little species, well adapted to the rough conditions of its mountain home, quite strong on the wing and scarcely ever shewing any wear.

In the late afternoon, and until nearly sunset, Halia hninncata flew over the junipers in the birch wood in great numbers. It w^as very local and frequented the more open parts, especially just below the top glade, where we treacled at night. Here we could frequently net several at a single stroke, but until flight commenced not a specimen could be found, or even thrashed out. Many were getting worn, but they were so plentiful that any number of good ones could have been taken. EnboUa plKinbana occurred on the ohfimrata ground, very ordinary forms, common but quite local, and on the rocks and pine trunks were a few beautiful Boannia repandata var. xodoreutiinn.

84 THE entomologist's record.

Nearly all the females were sacrificed for ova, but in vain, as they could not be induced to lay.

A few Acidalia fiaiiata were walked up in the heather, but were almost over, and among the pines were a number of Thera variata, occasional Kllni>ia prosa/iiaria {fasciaria) on the trunks, and a few liiipalas piniarin on the wing. rob/oiinnatiis icarus was common, and probably would have paid for working, but we never got time. A few lUi'nt/iis selene were about and Arm/nnis ai/laia already well out, a few very fine dark females falling to each of us. The males on the contrary seem to show no difi'erenee from the southern type.

The only other species taken on this north side of the river were occasional Coreniia inunitata, Melant/iia ocdlnta, and Men i/ieldia tiidartijla {tetradacti/la), a single FjKpithccia pnlc/iellata, and a very short series of Scoparia alpina. Mr. Mutch took Crainbus nn/ellns one evening, but we never worked the ground at night. For one thing, night work scarcely commences before 10 or 10.15 p.m., so light are the evenings, and the head keeper, who looked after us well, and always rowed us across the Dee, rose very early in the morning, and we suspected him of keeping equally early hours at night. He added greatly to the pleasure of the days, with his many anecdotes and experiences. Invercauld being the next estate to Balmoral, his knowledge of Royalty is as local and peculiar as his entomology. He would say for example " He is a nice young chap, the young Prince of Wales ; have you ever met him to speak to ? " as if one might meet him casually in town. His discretion on such subjects however is beyond reproach.

Each evening, as I said before, we spent on the hillside, behind the town, working up through the wood and getting treacle on in time for the earliest dusking. One of the first species to fiy was Scopula alpiiialis, then Larentia caesiata and a few //. salicata, followed by tJcpialxs velleda, Lycopltotia striiiiila, and h/iipitlievia nanata, the first of the three already worn to rags. It was almost dark before Coronia iiniiiitata flew, and a very fine series was taken of this species, about 20% being of a yellowish form. They flew and rested on the heather for short intervals and flew again, right on till we gave up about 12.0 or 12.30.

Mrhoit/iia ocellata occurred occasionally in the wood, with several familiar southern species such as Miianip}n' innntanata, Cabcra piiNoria, Mt'trocaiiipa tnanjaritaria, and Larentia viridaria [pectinitaria).

Cidan'a {tnincata) riissata was also common in the wood, coming freely to treacle, and was a fine strongly-marked race of varying forms. The white-banded form was, I think, the finest.

Round a cottage, high up on the hillside, was a magnificent lot of willow herb (a garden variety), unfortunately not discovered until the last evening a very chilly one. Judging by the numbers of moths attracted on this cold night, I regretted missing it earlier. There were plenty of Larentia eaeniata, (J. truncata, and Xortiia festiva, a fair lot of (J. inunitata, three fine I'lnsia pnlr/irina, and an odd /'. e/tri/sitis.

A single Carsia inihntata was seen by Mr. Tait on the last night, and walking home through the wood, quite late, a fine J'^tijrithma tn;iata was netted. We were expecting Thera empiata [sinnilata), but although we closely watched the juniper clumps it was evidently not yet out.


Oidaria populata occurred on the last two nights, and was commonest on the edge of the wood. I should have liked another week at this species, as the short series obtained showed remarkable variation. Some of them were a deep unicolorous chocolate, with all grades between this and the tjpe. I never worked this ground by day myself, except running up in the early evening after //. hrmimata, but on one afternoon when I was up Glen Callater, Mr. (jalpin took a few Aricia medun (astrarchc) var. artaxerxes and saw some Xeineoii/iila planta- (linis. Acidalia fninata was also rather commoner here than over the other side, probably because everything this side was a little more backward. A. medon var. attaxerxen was occasionally found at rest on the heather at night, the white-spotted underside showing up very clearly in the lamplight. Larvae of Safiirnia pamnio {rar}iini) and Noctiia nei/lecta were also frequently found in the same way, and one larva of Asphalia t^aricnrms was noticed on a small birch.

We should have done much better with treacle a fortnight earlier, as nearly everything was worn. I can imagine great work might be done with Xoctna festira alone, some of the forms being very fine. Two of the finest are a clear French-grey form, and another of the same colour banded with chestnut. Both these forms were represented only by bad and indifferent specimens, but I saw enough to make me regret having missed this species even more than A. exidans. lladcna (Hijppa) rectilinea was also over, only three specimens (two fair and one poor) occurring on the 8th, and no others. The best series taken at treacle were a fine dark lot of Hadena adiiUa, in good condition, and there were also a few very rich Xi/lopJiasia rurea var. cniid)ii>ita, but only a single specimen of the type. Few other Noctnae were seen ; Xi/lop/iasia pnh/odoii was strictly typical not the faintest sign of darkening and a few worn Nocfna ridti, X. ain/io-, Apanwa (/eiiiiiia, and Caradrina cubindaris complete the list not even the ubiquitous Triphaena pronnha. The common Geometers M. iiKintaiuita and C. pusaria, with an occasional C nninitata, were frequently attracted, and Cidaria triincata was commoner on treacle than anywhere else.

A long day spent up Glen Callater on the 12th, was planned mainly to work for Larentia nificinctata, but as a thorough search over its special ground up by the loch proved that it was not yet out, we devoted ourselves to Coeiionynipha ti/p/ion and other things. A very fine lot were taken, but they wanted picking over, and a few more nice dark C. populata and occasional Cnreiuia iniinitata were walked up. This was the one day when /'7. minorata (ericetata) was taken plentifully, and Scopida alpi)ialh was commoner here than elsewhere. It affects the grassy patches among the heather, and seems to be quite confined to such spots. Several oddments, such as A. vwdon var. artaxerxe^, Anarta )injrfilli, Craiiibus niart/aritelliis, a strongh^ marked Melanippe sitbtristata, occasional Dasijdia nbfuscata and Plusia interro(jationis and a lot of P/njcis carbnnariella made up a very big day's bag, and every box I had was filled many of them twice over. I found C. typhon and E. minorata {ericetata) travelled quite well two in a box.

P. carbonariella is an extraordinary insect. It swarmed on a burnt patch of heather, where it was quite invisible at rest, and with the exception of one or two on a similar patch over the Dee, not a specimen was seen elsewhere. How do the}' find out these patches, and what happens to them when the heather grows again and no more patches

86 THE entomologist's RECORD.

are burnt ? They rose in twos and threes at every step on the burnt part, and there was not a specimen ten yards away. Yet it appeared to be only recently burned, and there were no other patches anywhere near no others at all in fact that I could see. On this day I netted three female JJ<i>iali(s rdleda on the wing at mid-day, apparently ovipositing. This is the first time I have ever seen a " Swift" on the wing by day.

Auaitis jihu/iata occurred occasionally by day and night all over the ground, and a few Euholia )iirnfiiiiaria also. I took some fine dark forms of the latter species at Pitlocbrie twenty years ago, and was disappointed to find them here all strictly typical. Boti/s fitticalix and Pyraiista purpiiralis turned up here and there, but Crarnhus pascucUioi and Scopitla (onbiniialis were respectively the only really common CraDibns and Pyrale met with.

Tanof/ra atrata [c/iaerophyUata) rather surprised me by appearing each day in the meadow on the river bank, just opposite to the keeper's cottage, and this completes the list of moths seen.

The only remaining butterflies were the three common I'ierh which occurred round the town, A;ilais inticac just coming out (although young larvje were still on the nettles) and Cocnouynipha pawpJdliifi which occurred all over the hillsides.

It was a great holiday, and for the five and a half days we each of us brought away nearly a thousand specimens. Needless to say, we made no attempt at setting or even pinning, but killed with ammonia and packed in Newman's relaxing tins. With the fine weather and long clear evenings it is arduous work, as every'thing has to be done so much later than down south. We never looked at our treacle till after eleven o'clock, and when getting home about 1 a.m. one could still read the paper in the open quite easily, and that without any moon. Our plan of campaign was to leave home after early breakfast, get over the Dee and work through the wood on to our ground by about 9 o'clock. We took lunch with us, getting drink from the burns (and generally a bathe), returning about 5 p.m. for a big meal. We would then kill our captures, slip up to the wood for //. brunneata, etc. ; back to tea ; pack up the specimens in relaxing boxes, and then off again for the evening about eight, finishing with a bread and cheese supper upon our return in the small hours. Had we had more time we should not have kept up this pace, and as it was, on the last morning Mr. Galpin showed signs of crying "enough." While I was having a last turn with D. oh/Kucata, and as it proved my most successful (fifty picked specimens in an hour and a half), I found he had been sitting chatting with the keeper and watching the flight of a golden eagle. It was certainly a grand bird and well worth watching poised in mid-air, perhaps half a mile above our heads.

We have seen the locality at its best, but I can imagine the two lines of the Nursery Rhyme referring to the little girl

" When she's good, she's very very good. But when she is bad, she is horrid."

might well apply to Braemar. Braemar I imagine could be very "horrid." Taking this risk and the long journey into consideration, it will probably never be over-run, but we both came away feeling that with such conditions as we bad had, Braemar is hard to beat.


Luperina (?) (Apamea) gueneei, Doubleday, as a species, and as a

British species.

By Hy. J. TURNER, F.E.S. (Concluded from page 20).

The Synonymy of this species now stands as follows : Nickerlii, Fr., 1845 (Niccerli, Hamps., 1908). var. Gueneei, Dblcl., 1864.

= Testacea var. Incerta, Tutt, 1891. [nee Testacea var. A., Guen., 1852.] ab. Baxteri, South, 1909. ab. Murray!, Turner, 1911. ab. Fusca, Turner, 1911. ab. Minor, Turner, 1911. ab. Iota. Turner, 1911. var. Graslini, Obthr., 1908.

= Testacea var. B., Guen., 1852.

The Synonymy of L. testacea so far as it bears on L. nickerlii is as follows :

Testacea, Hb.

var. et ab. Gueneei, Staud. et Auct., 1871, etc. (nee Dbld.). = Testacea var. A., Guen., 1852.

The Bibliography is as follows :

1845. Freyer, Nen. Beit. Schmett., v., 140, pi. 466, tig. 4. nickerlii. 1845? Herrich-Schaffer, pi. cxi., fig. 565. nickerlii. (1852. Guen^e, Sp. Gen. Up. Noct., i(v)., 182. testacea, var. A). 1852. Guenee, Sp. Gen. Lep. Noct., i(v)., 183. testacea, var. B. 1861. Staudinger, Cat. L^p. Eur., ed. i.. .332. nickerlii, and testacea var. gueneei.

1863. Gr'a=lin, Ann. Soc. ent. Fr., p. 309, pi. 8, fig. S.—7iickerlii.

1864. Doubleday, Eiit. Aim., x., 123-4. gueneei. 1871. Newman, N. H. Brit. ])Ioths, p. ^'Jl.— gueneei.

1871. Staudintcer, Cut. Lip. Eur., ed. ii., p. 98. nickerlii, and testacea

var. gueneei. 1885. Hodgkinson, Ent., xviii., 54. gueneei. 1889. Tutt, Ent.., xxii., 206-7. testacea var. gueneei. 1889. South, Ent., xxii., 271-2. testacea var. nickerlii. 1891. Tutt, Ent. Rec, ii., 21-22.— testacea var. nickerlii (?). 1891. Tutt, Brit. Noc. and Var., i., 138-140. testacea var. gueneei, and

var. incerta. 1897. Barrett, Brit. Lep., iv., 335 etc., pi. 173, fig. Ih.— gueneei. 1901. Staudinger, Cat. Pal. Lep., ed. iii., pi. i., 168. nickerlii, and var.


1908. Oberthiir, Bull. Soc. ent. Fr., 322, etc. graslini.

1909. South, Ent., xlii., 269-70.— nickerlii, ab.'

1909. South, Ent., xlii., 289-92. gueneei ab. baxteri.

1910. Banks, Knt., xliii., 75-78 —gueneei.

1911. Turner, Ent. Record, xxiii., 53, etc. gueneei. 89, etc. var. niurrayi,

va,r.fusca, and var. minor, 171, etc. var. iota. 201, etc., pis. iii., iv., vii., viii. and ix. 1911. Porritt, Ent. Month Mag., xlvii., 204, pi. iii., fig. 4. gueneei.

1911. Pearce, Ent. Record, xxiii., 269-70. gueneei.

1912. Turner, Ent. Record, xxiv., 17, etc., 87. nickerlii vat. gueneei and

var. graslini.

A Month in Switzerland and elsewliere.


(Concluded from page 43.)

(xi.) St. Moritz and the Bernina Pass. During my sojourn at

Bergiin 1 made two expeditious to thefarsideof the Albula Pass ; the first

of these was on the 8Lh of July, when my special destination was the lake

88 THE entomologist's record.

of St. Moritz, and possibly on to that of Campfer, and my special object the acquisition of Brenthis arsilarhe, which I had been given to understand occurred at the edges of these lakes. As I was travelling with friends who were going to Pontresina I changed at Saraaden and went on with them, and starting off from Pontresina station by the wood path, made my way as far as the little Statzersee without meeting with any species of butterfly except Erebia Ivjea var. adijte. I had hoped to find B. arsilache at the edge of this little lake, but found no butterflies at all on the lake side of the road. On the bank sloping up to the right of the road Coenoninnplia paniphiliis and (J. sati/rion, of course in this district var. unicolor, were abundant, and I saw a specimen or two of Brenthis eiiphrosi/ne, but in poor condition ; a little farther on Vacciniina optih'tc was to be found on the same side of the road, together with Poli/onunatiis In/las, P. icarus and Aricia medon {astrarche), as well as the three species previously mentioned, and after passing the Restaurant just above the end of the Lake of St. Moritz, in a hollow to the right of the road Alhulina pheretes was not uncommon on the thjane blossoms, where Plebeius ar(ii/ro(/nomon and A(jriades thetiH were also to be seen. Almost immediately below this, in the meadow leading down to the lake, I came across Brenthis pales var. isis, $ s only in considerable numbers, some of the black spots from the upperside forewings of which showed through on the underside, so I concluded that it was useless to go on farther and had made up my mind that a mistake had arisen between this form and B. arsilache. On examining IVJr. A. H. Jones's specimens from this neighbourhood after my return home I find that the mistake was my own, as he has both isis and arsilache from these parts, the former occurring in the meadows, the latter only in the swamps on the edge of the lakes, where one must be prepared for a good wetting if one determines to take it. It is some consolation that he assures me that had I penetrated the marshes I should almost certainly have been too early, in view of the fact that isis was so fresh and that only J s of this latter were to be seen. I still think it probable however that the confusion between B. pales and B. arsilache may have been caused, in part at any rate, by those specimens of the former which show some black spots on the underside forewing. The corresponding spotting in B. arsilache is altogether different. It is far blacker, strong and very pronounced, and does not in any degree give the idea of showing through from the other side. The upper side of the same wing is again far more strongly marked especially in its basal half ; the transverse line nearest to the base is in B. arsilache so much further removed from the root of the wing as often to join the next transverse line, and to make an intricate black pattern with it and the half line starting from the COsta which lies between the two ; almost always on the upper side, and often on the under, the inner margin displays the curious .r mark BO familiar in Mclitaea deione var. herisalensis, and which sometimes appears in the type deione also. The general appearance of the under- side hindwing is also very different; the long yellow streak from near the middle of the outer margin which is so very conspicuous in all forms of isis, and always in the ? and generally in the <? of the type B. pales also, and which even when not very conspicuous is always easily traceable, is, when visible at all, represented in arsilache, even in the 2 , by a slight enlargement of the orange-brown inside the lunule,


not in any way interfering with the silver-centred spot which in isis is often absorbed ; the general colouring also of the wing in arsilache is much more purple-red than in either of the forms pales or isis. It is moreover confined to marshy ground and where it occurs in the neighbourhood of isis appears somewhat later ; this however rarely occurs, for arsilache is as a rule to be found at much lower elevations; the fact moreover that when it is found at high levels, such as the Engadine, it still retains the characteristics of the lower altitudes and •does not approximate towards the usual high level forms of pales, is rather a strong argument in favour of its fixity as a species. Nothing however but breeding experiments can absolutely determine the question.

On returning to Pontresina station I picked up a pair of B. pales, 3- and 5 , of the isis form though rather smaller than usual, and then proceeded along the road leading to the Koseg glacier, the species met with here being Polyoiuniatns eras, Albnlina plieretes, Afp'iades coridon, A. thetis, Plebeiiis arfji/roi/nouion, PaDiassias delins and Oeneis a'ello. I crossed over later to the other side of the torrent in hopes of finding Brenthis tJiore snad ]\lelitaea inatiirna wa^r. ivolfensberf/eri, but it was getting late in the day which probably accounted for my failure, as I heard a day or two later that both species were out and not uncommon.

My second expedition in this direction took me on the 11th to the top of the Bernina Pass direct. There was still a good deal of melting, but as yet unmelted, snow about, and near the station I found nothing but large numbers of Hesperia cacaliae : I netted a great number in hopes of finding H. andtowedae among them but amongst all I saw there was not a single exception. On starting to walk down to the Heuthal, but still on the top of the pass, and overlooking that astounding contrast of lakelets the Lej Alv and the Lej Ner, I came across several other species ; Erebia i/orne, (always of the var, triopes, showing that this really was the eastern alpine region at last), E. lappnna and E. tyndarus were common, Brentkis pales was not scarce, there were a few Pontia callidice and Melitaea varia, and I took one example of each sex of M. ci/nt/tia, the 3' being a very handsome aberration in which the white extends to the base of the forewing, broken only by a large round black spot, the hindwing also showing much more than its due proportion of white. I saw but little as I walked down to the Heuthal, and butterflies even there, though fairly abundant, were by no means in such profusion as I have seen them there later in the month. B. pales, and more especially the isis form with the ? napaea, was as usual extremely common, Cyaniris seiiii- aryiis, Albnlina pheretes, Melitaea vierope, Coenonyinpha satyrion var. vnicolor and Erebia tyndarus were by no means scarce, Latiorina orbitnlns and Melitaea varia appeared, but no doubt became much commoner later, Parnassins delins and Pontia callidice were decidedly scarce, and there was a profusion of black-and-white skippers, those netted consisting almost entirely of Hesperia cacaliae and H. serratnlae, but giving one example which I think may be safely regarded as the mountain form of H. alvens. I had expected on approaching the Bernina-Haus station to have found Erebia pharte again, but the railway has considerably altered the aspect of the ground and there was not time to hunt for its old locality under changed conditions.

90 THE entomologist's record.

If I was a trifle too early for the butterflies of the Heuthal, the flowers at any rate were in perfection, even the scarce Daphne reppim, which is abundant here, having hardly passed its prime, and the little Niyritella being in profusion, and of every shade, from blood-red to nearly black, together with a perfect carpet of other brilliant species.

(xii.) Lyndhurst. I had determined to cross from Havre to Southampton in order to get a day and a half at Lyndhurst on the way back, and succeeded in doing so after the most fearful crush at the Gare St. Lazare through which I have ever fought my way, although my experiences in this line include getting oft' from Birmingham station by the last train on the Saturday before an August Bank Holiday. But this was the eve of a three days " Bank Holiday " and font Paris was off to the sea, and a free fight ensued before it was possible to obtain even standing room in the corridor. However, we did arrive at Lynd- hurst by about 10.80, and arranging for a late lunch I went off into the Forest, which, as I was not wanting to sugar on this occasion, seemed wonderfully little changed since I last saw it some 15 years ago. There was however uncommonly little on the wing. Gonepteryx rhamni was fresh and abundant, Drijaa paphia fairly common but not very fresh, and the same may be said of Aphantopns hi/pcrantns and Kpmephele jurtina ; Plebeiiis aei/on on the other hand was fresh but not abundant. Limenitis dhijlla was so completely worn out at this early date that I am not surprised at seeing notices of a partial second brood this year, though I have never met with a case on the Continent. I saw^ one or two Iliiwicia pldacafi, not more than 3 or 4 ('oenoni/iiijiha pamphilua, a dozen or so of Pioh napi, and a single specimen of Anii/)i>iis ailippe. Nor was the next day much better, though a rather worn specimen of Brenthh adenp came somewhat as a surprise, as it was so very late for a first brood specimen and so old-looking as well as so early for one of a second brood. On this day I saw two or three 7). paphia var. ralesina and captured one in excellent condition. On the whole Lyndhurst was disappointing, but I was glad to have visited it again and thus rounded off a month, which, though spent chiefly in Switzer- land, had also included days in France, Germany, Italy and England.

Notes on Collecting in 191 L


In response to a recpiest for collecting notes on the Season 1911, the following may be of interest. My notes in the Spring are rather meagre owing to photography in connection with Ornithology and Oology claiming nearly all my attention. On January 22nd I brought Mactothi/lacia ritbi larvfu indoors to force. After wandering about the box all the week they started spinning up on the 28th, pupated on the 31st and began emerging on February 19th.

On March 4th, near Bromley, Kent, I took lliilwinia IcKtophcaria, some were fresh including one melanic specimen, but the majority seen were worn.

On March 29th a visit to the New Forest for three days with Mr. Tonge, where we were joined by Mr. Lyle, proved most successful. It was the sixth annual attempt to get a good nig'ht at the sallows. Usually we had experienced the worst weather possible, very cold and very few insects about. On this occasion we had three good nights.


with light N.E. wind, and warm. The usnal sallow insects were in abundance and very variable, with the exception of Tauiocampa t/racilifi and Pachnuhia rxhricoaa, neither of which put in an appearance at all, but we were probably too early for them. The insects taken at sallow were T. tiiitiiom, T. )iiii)tda, very plentiful and variable, T. instabilis, T. cnida, T. ijothica, Xi/loca^i/ia Utliuiiza, Panolis piniperda, X. aocia {pctri/icata) (twelve in excellent condition considering their having hibernated), A', uynithopm^ {rhizolitlia), also plentiful and in good condition, but Srupdosoma scitellitia and Cerastis raccinii were almost unrecognisable. Hi/beniia procjennnaria and Lobophora lobidata were netted, and one Animptery.v (eticidaria was taken at rest on a street lamp.

The weather on the 30th was glorious, and a visit was paid to Queen's Bower, where we found Teplnosia bistortata fairly plentiful on tree trunks, and a specimen of L. lobulata was discovered just emerged and drying its wings on a birch trunk, the green bloom on the wings looking very beautiful, but like most of the greens it soon fades. A number of Gonejiteryx rhaiiini were seen, and three Vuni'saa io were netted in the hopes of getting ova, but they all proved to be males ; one specimen had hardly any hindwings left. Bir/iluis parthcnias was fairly plentiful but almost impossible of capture, flying so high, and a pair of stonechats had much the best of the fun, frequently proving successful.

On April 16th Biston hiitaria were taken on tree trunks in East Dulwich, on the 17th a 5 Diantlnecia cucubali (from Walmer larva) emerged in a breeding cage, and on the 19th Satnmia varpini (from Eastbourne larv*) started emerging. On the 20th a J B. hirtaria laid ova in cotton wool, these eventually hatched on May 13th.

Tiliacea (ttna(/o ova, from a New Forest J , started hatching on the 21st. In the previous autumn I noticed that the $ , after laying the first batch of fertile ova, laid infertile and fertile ova intermittently, as do also 2 s of Bastjcainpa riibi(ii)iea and I 'alia cIiL

On April 21th, at Christchurch, Hants, I', io was seen, also the first Pieris rapae of the year, on the 28th DasijcJiira pudibunda started emerging in my cages, and on May 5th Hadcna pisi followed suit.

On May 8th L'elaatriita ar;iiuliis were seen in some numbers in East Dulwich, and on the 9th were plentiful at Winchester, Hants. On the 10th a flying visit was paid to the New Forest for Boannia ciitctaria, when I was fortunate in having the company of Mr. Lyle, who never tires of helping brother entomologists. The day was excessively hot, and as firing was going on in the usual habitat of PJ. ciitrtayia, we had to seek them elsewhere. Arriving on the ground it was not long before a worn ^ was discovered at rest on a pine trunk, and soon after a J in perfect condition, which was duly photographed. I had just finished the exposure, when to our surprise spots of rain began to fall, dark clouds gathered all round, and we were soon in the midst of one of the worst storms I ever remember, which lasted for over four hours. However, I suppose I must reckon myself lucky as we managed to get back to Brockenhurst comparatively dry, and the B. rinrtan'a $ laid me a nice batch of ova in the pill-box. These hatched on May 25th, the larvfe fed up very quickly, pupated on June 20th, and are now going over the winter in that state, there being no attempt at a second brood, notwithstanding the abnormal weather.

92 THE entomologist's record.

On May 12th I visited a Hampshire uiarsh, chiefly for camera work. The outstanding feature of the day was the extraordinary abundance of P. napi. Thcra variata was found at rest on pine trunks and several <? G. rhamni and C. rt>v//oZ».s were seen, also one <? M. riibi careering madly in the afternoon sunshine.

On the 15th, at Rye, Sussex, C. anfioliis was flying freely in the streets, and on the same day my first IHantluecia carpopha;ja emerged in the cage from an Eastbourne pupa. They continued to emerge through May and June, producing some very nice white forms.

On the 16tb, on the Downs near Lewes, Mesoti/pe vin/ata [lineolata) was kicked up on a non-entomological trip, and C. anfiolns was the reverse of scarce in the streets of the town, and I voted it at the time as being veiy plentiful this spring. On the 17th I took at Brighton a number of Ahrad-as i/rossnlariata larvse from eunonj^mus bushes in the hopes of breeding a stray variety, but the sight of two of the larvji? on the wall with a mass of yellow ichneumon cocoons on both sides of them, gave little hope of getting a ifnmulariata imago at all. On my return home on the 18th I found a <? Miiiian tiliae and a 3 Aiiijihidasis betnlaria emerged in a cage, the former from Margate and the latter from East Dulwich pupa\ T. ainai/o larvte had now finished feeding and were spinning up between maple leaves, where they remained till they pupated in the first and second week of August. On the 19th a S Truma /<.s-/, of the dark London form, was seen on a lime trunk at East Dulwich freshly emerged (the last two specimens of this species emerged in my cage on July 3rd), and a $ Heinerop/u'la abntptaria of the dark ^ coloration was taken from a fence at Norwood. On the 22nd, at Rye, Sussex, ('. artjiolit^ was still flying freel}^ and I found them equally plentiful at Folkestone on the 24th. At Deal sandhills, on the 25th, )>l. ririidta [linenlata) was common at dusk, and two g Aspiiatt's citiaria were taken, while two J SpUosonia nientliastri came to light. On May 27th the first Apatela aceris (East Dulwich pupa) emerged in my cage, and another $ H. abrtiptaria with dark g colour- ing, was taken at rest on a lime trunk at East Dulwich, and laid ova on the 28th. These hatched on June 4th and fed up very slowly (as compared with />'. cinctaria larv;u),one larva pupated on July 81st and the last on August 25th, producing a partial second brood, two <? s emerging on September 2Brd and five ? s in November. The remain- ing pupie going over the winter.'"

On May 28th the first (hispidia niciiacephala (East Dulwich) emerged, and the last on July 14th. Vianthncia consjieisa (Eastbourne larvjo) also started emerging on the 28th, on the same day on a Surrey heath Anarta iinjrtilli Avas fairly plentiful, fiying in the morning sun- shine, and Tt'plirosia pnnctularia was noted at rest on birch trunks, some worn, others quite fresh. On June 2nd a visit was paid with Mr. Tonge to the locality for Pachetra lencophia, and we were successful in getting a short series each. Some were badly worn, others in the best condition. One was found at rest on a tree trunk by day- searching, also several Xola m'stiilalis, and one Ilabrostola triplasio at rest in the bathroom where we stayed.

* Since writing the above, I had a ? H. ahruptaria emerge on Feb. 10th, another on the 17th, and a J' on the 2.5th, ? s on February 28th and 29th, and a further ? on March 11th, 1912.


Day work produced Scoria lineata [dealbata), just emerging, Ematiiri/a atoniaria, verj^ bright yellow J s, Eiiclidia mi, K. f/bjp/iica, Nisomades tagea, Hesperia malvte, P. rapw, I', napi, Kiicldoi' rardaiiiines, Brenthiit euplirosyne, Aj/rioden tJietis (bellaif/Hs), Poli/oiiiinatiis icariis, Ciipido niinitims, Aricia medon {aatrarche) , Anthrocera trifolii, Cidaria trimrata (nissata), S. inenthastri, and M. rithi.

We had great sport with the M. ntbi. Mr. Tonge had brought a $ which he carried in a bag, and which we had quite forgotten. At 4.80 p.m., however, I spotted a 3 flying round, and on putting the ? down in the grass, we soon netted eighteen 3 s in good condition, but were forced to leave just as things were getting lively in order to prepare for night work, and get some tea. Returning again to the ground at 6.30 p.m., we found the J s still plentiful, and we soon had a good series in splendid condition, the last one came at 8.80 p.m. While waiting for this last J to turn up, a loud buzzing noise was heard in the grass, and on following it up, I found a large 5 M. ntbi busily ovipositing, which I transferred to a pill box, where she laid a large number of ova during the night. Most of these ova duly hatched, bat a number produced a small fly, which emerged from a small hole bored through the micropyle. Might work only produced (Traiiniiesia triip-aiinnica [trilinea) and Apaiiiea hasilinca besides P. leucnplma.

On the evening of June 6th, while strolling across a sunny heath watching birds, I kicked up K. atoniaria 3 s, which wex'e very dark, hardly any yellow showing, and also a few ^. mijrtilli in good condition. Both flew a short distance, settled on heather, slid head downward to the earth, where they lay quite still on their backs, and were difficult to see and more so to pillbox.

On June 12th another visit was paid to the locality, for P. leucophiea with a friend, when, to our surprise, we found that A. trifolii was quite over and *S'. lineata {dcalbata) nearly so. E. atoniaria 3 s and $ s were still in the best condition, and some nice forms were taken, also one freshly emerged A. lilipendnhr, and several 3 Diacrinia sannio [rnsKida) and a 9 M. nibi were walked up in the long grass. In the evening sugar was duly applied to posts and trees, and a sheet erected. Just as we had finished our preparations two bulls and some cows appeared on the scene. The former came for us in an ugly way, and we felt somewhat easier when on the other side of the fence. After a short wait, I had a most exciting time recovering the sheet, and on our making an attempt to visit the sugar, the attack was renewed, and as the bulls were making desperate efforts to get through the fence, we thought " discretion the better part of valour," left them to it, and contented ourselves with a few trees sugared out- side the field, but the only insects that came were Iliixina tcnebro.sa, Noctiia festira and Apainea (/eniina.

On June 14th, at Folkestone, sugar was again tried, when Trip/iana proniiba, A. basiiinea, /i'. tenebrosa, A. ijeiiiina, Hadena dcntina, Aijrotis rortieca, and A. exdamationis put in an appearance. On the following evening sugar on a small sandhill on Eomney Marsh produced only Maniefitra albicolon, A. (jeiiiina, A. corticea, A. e.rrlainationis, Leticania palle)ifi, and T. proniiba.

On the 28rd full fed B. hirtaria larvae were resting on lime trunks at East Dulwich, preparatory to going to earth, and on the 28th full

94 THE entomologist's RECORD.

fed larva' of the same species, about twice the size were taken off lime trees in North Kent. In both cases the larvtB went to earth on the following day. The first Antia raja emerged on June 30th, and Hccatera screna was taken in a Nunhead garden at dusk, at the flowers of stocks.

On July bth, near Croydon, ('uspidia niej/areii/Ktla, Ijoannia rciianiiatix, and A'. Utho.vylea, and pups of A. t/russulariata were taken off" fences, and by searching flowers and seedheads of Silciie injlota, larvfB of l>iaitt/ifi'cia conspersa, J). ci(ci(hali, /). ca/isincolo and l>. /■arjio/i/iaiia were taken, mostly half grown, but some of the last species were full fed.

On 'luly lltli Mania inaiira came to light at East Dulwich, and on the 15th I went for a three weeks' stay at Eastbourne. During my visit I found liii/o/iliila iiniralis Q/laiulifera) decidedly scarce, and other entomologists I met had the same experience. On July 16th I took larvje of /'. cdiixper.sa, D. capsincula and D. carpoji/ia(/a in seedheads of S. iii/lata. On the 17th, sugar was tried but owing to the high wind very few insects came, those noted were Xi/lojihasia jioli/odDn, Aijrdtis liniiaera, Lciicaiiia raniiiera, X. lithoxi/lca, X. xiihlNslrix and ('aradrina tara.vici. Cocoons of A. tilipcndiihe were plentiful, but no imagnies were seen. Sugar was again tried on the 18th when only T. pnniiiba X. jioli/odDii, Apaiiiea didi/nia [ociilea), Miaiia literosa and />. pollens turned up. A number of Mclanippe f/aliata were netted or taken i)i rop. on the grass stems after dark, also a J Cosinotrirhe piitutoria. J), carpop/iat/a ova were found freely, on flowers of the Sea Campion {Silene maritinia) ; one flower had eight and another five ova. While going the rounds of the sugar a great buzzing of wings was heard. Turning our lamps in the direction of the sound, a cloud of moths about the size of X. jKdtjodnn were seen hovering about two feet from the ground, their bright eyes gleaming. They were no doubt assembling, but we quite failed to discover the females.

A ? T. psi, taken earlier in the evening at rest on a telegraph pole, suggested a very extended emergence, as my first specimen of this species was taken at rest on May 19th.

On July IDth, at Beachy Head, only one imago of A. jilipendnhf was seen, three or four A. rori/don <? s, one llippaicJiia semclc, one Seaia stellataiKiii, one An/i/nnis ai/laia, and four ^ and one $ Portlwaia (■hri/son/ma, the latter at rest on blackthorn. In the evening I was surprised to note the extraordinarily strong flight of the last named.

On the 20th some nice forms of A. ;/rossiilariata were taken, also a y Amorplia popiiU at rest on a poplar tree, and on the following day a pair of the latter were found in cop. on another poplar tree, at 10.45 a.m. A nice batch of ova were obtained on the 22nd, which hatched on the 29th and resulted in a number of pup;p, but no second brood emerged. Homo of the newly hatched larvre were very restless and refused to feed at all. I'lpinephelc tU/mniis, K. /antra, P. icarns, and Aiflais aitinr were flying along the hedges, and a pair of P. rapa- were noted /// cop., the 3 carried the 2 when disturbed. Mr. Sharp had nine IK ntcnhali emerge as a second brood on this date. After dark Mania manra and ^1/. tj/pira only came to sugar. /. . pollens, L. iinpnra, L. straininea, and C phraipnatidis were netted, and a full- fed Uicrannra rinula larva was taken off a poplar. On the 28rd I took my first and only />'. mnralis ((ilandifcra) during my stay, it was the


var. virhlis, Tutt. On the 24fch Kremobia ocliroleuca, Pluxia chrysitin, P. f/aiiDiia, P. iota, L. conii/era, and D. cucnbctli $ s were taken by dusking, the latter were ovipositing on S. inflata. The ova were laid where the leaf joins the stalk, and not on the flowers as is the case with D. carpophaiia and IK capsiurola. The only insects at sugar were T. orhona, T. jiruniiba, and A. lUdijiiia {(icnlea). One (Jrocctllis elnujuaria was found drying its wings at dusk.

On the 25th, near the Downs, two pairs of /'. icarits and one pair

of /'. ra/iip, were observed flying in cop. ; in all cases the 3" carried the

2 . K. tithojiiis, liniiiicia fi/tldiis, II. fiava [liiiea), A. coyi/don, /'.

brossicd', P. i/aiiniia and /V. otniiiaria $ s were also seen, and a white

variety of K. tithonns was taken in a very worn condition.

On July 26th, at Portslade, I found a number of fullfed larvjc of D. capdncola in ripe seedheads of the White Campion (Lijcituis rcKpei- tina), also very small larva? in unripe seedheads, and a number of ova of the same species on the petals of the flowers. One Hower had five ova in a batch, and two flowers which I opened had ova which had been dropped inside. Seeing that this insect has such a long ovipositor, one wonders why most of the ova were laid on the petals, instead of inside the flower, for which purpose it appears so admirably adapted. Most of the ova were freshly laid, white, but others had turned to a delicate pink. It was therefore possible to take the species in all stages at the same time.

On July 28th A', ochrolenca was taken at rest on dead knapweed heads and two 9 Alelanorifia (/alatlwa, rather worn, were seen. Just before dusk Triphaua interjecta were very plentiful around bramble and other bushes, flying madly about, probably searching for freshly emerged 5 s after the manner of M. rnbi. Soon after, /.. couiijera came to flowers of the large knapweed, where it was shortly after joined by L. jiallois, A. didyma (^oculea), P. (/niiiina and two (loitnptero libatri.v. Four more E. ochrolenca were also taken, but a thunder- storm coming up from the sea I was obliged to retreat. The after- noon and evening had been very still and oppressively hot, which appeared to make insects very lively.

On the 29th larvfe of D. conspersa were taken from the seedheads of JS. injlata, and Hecateia serena larvae were found feeding on flower heads of Hawksbeard Crepia vireiis.

On July 31st ova, small larvi'e and half grown larvte of IJ. carpophaija, were taken from flowers of Silene uiaritinia, also one full fed larva spun up for pupation, and one pupa. The imago was netted after dark, so that this species was taken in all stages in one day. We had a good time with J'J. ochroleuca, three of us bagging 43 specimens. Other insects taken or seen were T. interjecta (common), T. orbona, A. didyma (ocnlea), P. festiicw,, P. yannna (a pest), L. pallens, Aapilates yilvaria, Cliairras lyraiiiinis and L. coniyera, the last nearly over.

On August 5th, my visit to Eastbourne came to an end, and on my return home I found that all the T. aitrayo larvte had now pupated. On the 6th a friend sent me from East Kent eight full-fed Sphin.r liyuatri larvas, which went to earth at once, a rather early date I think. On the 9th one Colias ednsa was seen flying on a railway bank near Maidstone, and on the 10th a freshly emerged Pyrameis atalanta put in an appearance in my garden at East Dulwich, and two />. capdncola

96 THE entomologist's record.

emerged from pupae of larvse collected at Eastbourne in July. On August 11th I left for fourteen days at Paignton, S. Devon, where, however, entomology had to take second place, but I managed to get a few insects. On the 12th the second broods of D. capsinrola and D. carpophaija commenced to emerge from pupse of larva? collected on 8th July near Croydon, and continued to do so throughout August and September. My first T. anrai/o (New Forest) also emerged, and I took ray first />'. muralia {ulaiulifera) in Devon, a nice dark form at rest on a stone bridge. I also saw a freshly emerged P. atalanta, one or tw^o C an/ioliis, and one 1>. perla. On the 15th I discovered a large mass of «S'. niaritinia overhanging the rocks on the shore. There were still plenty of flowers and buds, and on visiting it again at dusk I netted five />. cucithali one 7>. capsincnla, and a few 7'. f/iviiiiia. The two former were all females rather worn and very busy ovipositing. 1 also found full-fed larvte of both, some of which were ichneumoned. One larva of D. ciiciibali produced a brood of 15 M. tn'stis, on August 28th, and two others produced 12 and 19 of the same parasite on Sep- tember 6th. These were bred out and identified for me by Mr. G. T. Lyle, to whom T sent the stung larvfe, and to whom my thanks are due.

Strange to say during the whole of my stay this clump of S. in a tit i ma did not produce D. carpopliaija in any stage. On the 16th, however, on a roadside flower of .S. injlata, I found five ova of D. carpaphafia, which unfortunately hatched while I was away for a day, and died.

{To be continued.)

The Dauphine Alps.


Before deciding upon a holiday this year in the Dauphine Alps, I looked up past notes in the luroid, but could find very little information beyond Mr. Tutt's articles in 1898, and Mr. Rowland- Brown's in 1899, so that the district does not seem to have been overrun by entomologists.

Mr. Rowland Brown very kindly gave me some information about the insects to be found in the Susa valley, and thus armed we left home on June 20th for Grenoble, and thence to Bourg d'Oisans, a pretty spot with a small but comfortable hotel near the station. The weather was not good and the only insects taken were, ( 'ontonynipha arcania, Satyrus /iertiii<i)U', Lycaena avion, and Mrlitaca didyina.

In the woods near Puy the beautiful orange lily, Lilimn crocenni^ was blooming with other interesting flowers. A very comfortable service of motors has replaced the old diligences m this district, and greatly adds to the pleasure of travelling, although the pace at which they take "hair pin" corners is apt to add to one's stock of grey hairs. On June 26th wo motored up the beautiful road to La Grave, where we hoped to take F.rebia neoridas, Melitaea deione and other good things hopes which were doomed to disappointment as a bitterly cold wind persisted while we were there, and indeed throughout most of our holiday, so that in spite of a blazing sun, insects were very loth to appear. On the ground behind the hotel, we took (', //*///.s, Erebia


ceto a form with very small and obscure markings, ab. obscura, Polyoiiiiiiatiis eroa, and L. avion ab. obscura.

On the way up to the glacier P. eros was not uncommon, but close searching failed to produce more than one ? , which was deep slaty- blue in colour, instead of blackish-brown. After crossing the glacier we ascended a very rough and steep moraine, and here took two Erebia alecto ab. pinto, and saw others, but the nature of the ground made catching a very difficult matter, and they would not stay to be reasoned with. The flowers in the meadows lower down were wonder- ful, and Aqnileiiia alpina, Atragene alfyina, Star of Bethlehem, Astei' alpiniis, and Campanula tht/rsoida were among the many things noted. The next morning we took the path up to an old chapel, and here found Kluijia spini, P. escheri J and J , Culias edusa, and Erebia stiji/ne.

In the afternoon we motored up to Le Lauteret, but butterflies were conspicuous by their absence, solitary specimens of Melitaea aurinia and Pontia callidice being the only things seen. Good flowers, such as Primula f/ravi-olens, Dianthus ner/lectus, Atragene alpina, sheets of Narcissus, and Anemone alpina with blooms three-and-a-half inches across, were to be found close to the hotel, but not finding comfortable accommodation we moved on to Briancjon and here found such excellent quarters at the Hotel Terminus that we were tempted to stay longer than we had intended. On a bare hillside near the Pont de Baldry we had good sport, for EucJdoe eu/jhenoides were flying, but in such a wind that it required t'wo or three days of hard work to get together half-a-dozen specimens, while two females were taken by watching plants of Biscntella on which the larvae feed. On the same hill-side we met with Coenonympha dorus for the first time, both ^ s and $ s being in good condition, and devoted some time to them. The insect flies very close to the ground and when settled is not easj^ to see. Satyr us cordula, C. edusa and C. hyale were also flying freely, and K. spun, V. hylas, P. eros, one Albulina plwretes, G. rhamni, P. podalirius, M. cin.ria, M. didyma, M. dictynna, ]\1. pJioebe, Issoria lathonia and one c? ^E deione were also taken. On the rocky road beyond the bridge a fine form of Erebia stygne was met with, the <? s with a black ground colour on the underside, and the females with very large and clear markings on the upper side. We also took C. alcijjluon var. gordius with rich purple suffusions, C'. dorilis, A. niobe, and saw M. galatliea in abundance, many tending to the var. procida.

On July 3rd we left Brian9on at 5 a.m. and motored to Oulx, a lovely run in the fresh morning air, and took train to Susa, upheld by visions of Eibyt/wa celtis, Polygonia egea, Polyouniiatus iiieleager, and other good things to be taken there. My mind had been somewhat prepared for the Albergo del Sole, which is the only hotel one can stay at, but the half was not told me, and it might be safely affirmed that the bedroom floor had not been swept for at least twelve months, while the waiter had a cheerful method of disposing of corks, dirty napkins, bread, or other sundries which happened to fall, by kicking them under the sideboard. Before lunch I set out through the vine- yards to find P. egea, but found nothing better than C. arcania and L. alcon. After lunch the obliging landlord tramped with us in the intense heat to find the Sta. Maria de la Losa road, where L. celtis was said to be common, but although one doubtful P. egea was seen,

98 THE entomologist's record.

L. celtis could not be turned up, and nothing worthy of record was taken.

The next morning we motored up to Mont Cenis, where we had arranged to stay at the Hotel de la Poste, and to anyone else proposing to do so, I would give Punch's advice to those about to marry, " don't," as we found it dear, dirty, and uncomfortable, with poor food and worse attendance. The hospice appeared to be better, but it was too late to change our quarters. The country is beautiful, with a very rich flora, and though buttei'flies were very scarce, we left a place where "only man is vile " with great reluctance. There is most interesting botanical ground close to the hotel, between it and the lake, where pits similar to the Yorkshire " swallow holes " have been formed, which are veritable treasure houses of good things. On the opposite side of the lake we found in the woods the rare Cortum inattenli (which is pink, and not coral red, as shown in Correvon), and I hunted over the marshy ground near the outlet of the lake for 7*. amonda, but without success. The only good thing taken at Mont Cenis was a very line ab. of Krcbia lappona, taken on the way to the Lac Clair, where the species was flying freel}'. The underside of the upperwings shows no trace of the usual ante-marginal patch, but the spots are represented by elongated splashes. The lower wings have no trace of a band, but about where the outer edge of it would be, are a series of splashes like those in the upperwings, producing a strking effect.

On July 8th we walked down from Mont Cenis to Lanslebourg, and on the way took two M. )naturna var. irolfensbenjcri, one with curiously bleached lower wings, P. eras, C. iphis, ir. rhamni, K. ti/n<lari(s, E. epiphron var. cassiope, Latiorina orbitnlns, Ilirsiitiua dainon, and Urbicola comma. By the way, has there been a special tendency in ]911 towards bleaching? as I took three different species bleached in France, and on my return home took a Rumicia plilaca^t in my garden with one wing bleached silver like var. schmidtii.

The next day we walked to Termignon and back through the woods, taking one M. niattinia var. n'olfenshenieri, one KliKiia spi)ii, L. arioii, P. /n/lax, P. esclieri, Plebeiim arifus with brown females, /'. aiyi/- rnijmmwn, H. daman in swarms, M. didyma, M. at/ialia, M. parthenie var. raria, Erebia sti/i/ne, K. eiiri/ale, {md one ('/iri/sophantis /lippothdi' var. curi/hia.

On July 10th we motored to Modane and stayed there in moderate comfort until the 16th, and as the place does not seem to have been worked much, a list of captures may be of interest. On the south side of the valley one An'cia donzelii was taken, Erebia liijca, lirenthis amot/iusia, B. ino, Heodes rirf/aitfeae <? s and one $, M. at/ialia, M. difll/iiia, M. phnehp, M. parthenie, M. deione, the ^ s hopelessly worn and the 2 s past their best, Anthocharis simjdonia, ('alias pliivamanc (dark) and (_'. edima. The best ground was across the river, and either following the path to the next village and beyond, or taking the zig- zag path up to the fort. S. corditla was in the greatest profusion, and instead of the usual chasing over stony ground, could be netted with the greatest ease as they settled on the Valerian Howers. The males were vaiiable, some with four spots on the upper wings and one or two with a white spot on the lower wings. The $ s were scarce but were very dark in colour and with large spots. ^'. alcyone was


also plentiful but not so easy to net, and with them what I take to be S. herminne, though I am never quite clear as to the distinction be- tween these two species. Near the fort the scarce round-headed thistle, Echinoijs litro was to be found, and on this and on another thistle were numbers of A. adippe. Other captures were Hippan-hia seinele, E/iinophele lycaon, P. escheri, An'cia niedon (astrarche), A(/riades coiydon, Hirsittina dainon, Plebeius anjm, K. fijiini, Leptosia sinapis, PoUjijonia c-albtini, and one Parnassiiis mneiinmjne. On the thyme near the river were very large and fine Powellia mo and L. alciphron var. (jordias $ s, with very rich purple suffusion, and $ s with strong black markings and varying in size from Slmm. to 43mm. One ? has the outer row of spots in the lower wings dashed with purple, and two others show this more faintly. Mr. Wheeler does not appear to have noted this form, and I have not met with it from any other locality.

Before leaving Modane I made another attempt to work the Susa valley by taking an early morning train through the tunnel to Meana and walked up the road to the Chapel of St. M. de la Losa in the vain hope of turning up P. eijea and L. celtis. The day was beautiful and the view from the Chapel charming, but none of the desired insects were bagged. Some very finely marked J Krehia Ivjca were taken, one peculiar variegated form of M. aurelia, K. melawpus, P. escheri, Dnjas paphia, C. arcania and other sundries, but these were a poor result for a good day's work. We were pleased with our trip as a whole, but the hotel accommodation leaves something to be desired, when compared with Switzerland, and sanitation is a thing but vaguely understood or quite ignored, in most of the hotels.

The first fortnight in July, 1911, at Digne.

By G. T. BETHUNE-BAKER, F.L.S., F.E.S. {Concluded from page 71.) Perhaps the most interesting of all my excursions were two days in the Dourbes Mountains and valley, the latter with my friends Dr. Reverdin and Prof. Blachier of Geneva, together with a party of six students who were with them, but of this we will speak later. I was very anxious to get on to the screes of the Dourbes. With this object in view I thought I would get the assistance of Monsieur Cotte, and we took this excursion together. So as not to lose time I obtained the loan of a bicycle, whilst M. Cotte used his, and so starting at 6 a.m. we were at the mountain path almost as soon as the sun was over the ridge. Having deposited our machines in a broken down cottage a little way up the hill, we were soon on our way, and most delightful it was bathed in the early morning sunlight. It was not very long, certainly not after 7 to 7.15 a.m. before we came across a flowery area on the mountain side, and almost immediately I espied Poli/ominatiis escheri creeping up to the head of a flower. It was a quite fresh female, and she was soon boxed without any trouble off the stem. The incident put me on the " giii vice " with the most happy results, for without using my net at all I was able to bag over a dozen beautiful female I', escheri, that had evidently crept up to the heads of the grass or the flower for the sake of the welcome warmth of the sun, for though the sun was well over the mountain tops, the air was still quite fresh. It was specially interesting, however, to note that practically all were

100 THE entomologist's RECORD.

females, only one or two males being seen. Among them I also took one female A. coridon. A little later on I took a single Lmreia durilis and one Rumicia pidaeas, which latter was exceptionally bright for the second generation var. eleus. Coenonynipha arcania was not uncommon, but generally was getting passe, and Adopaea lineola and A. fiava {tJiatimas) also occurred. As we ascended, the Zi/;iaenidae began to put in an appearance, Anthrocera hippocrepidis var. alpina being by no means rare. A. achilleae also was obtained, seven or eight falling to my net ; then A. rhadamanthus gave me a chance, and I succeeded in getting quite a nice series of this species, the form var. ijrisea (Oberthur) being the usual form, among which was a good sprinkling of its ab. ciwjidata, but of the type form itself [rhadcuiian- thus) I only took three specimens. On the same ground, only lower down, also occurred Anthrocera {Zyuaena) hilaris, of which I obtained a nice little lot, six or seven falling to my net. We had to push on now so as to get to the screes, and as we were nearing them a fresh Anthrocera [Zygaena) turned up, for I caught another red-banded species, which I saw as soon as he was boxed to be A. sarpedon, and of this we eventually secured six or eight nice fresh specimens. At last we reached the screes, and ere long an Krehia flew rapidly over a little ridge on the other side of a stream in a quite inaccessible position. There it flew from stone to stone, spreading its velvety wings to the sun ; of course, it was E. scipio, the object of my search, and it might have known the fact from the distance it kept. At last another came by, and it was secured, and by dint of two or three hours' hard grind we secured five, three males and two females. Then we made our way down, adding nothing to our list, until we came to nearly the foot of the hillside, where I succeeded in taking several nice Hirsntina aduietiis var. ripartii, another insect new to me here. So ended a delightful day.

Another excursion in the Eaux-Chaudes valley produced the same result as already stated, but in addition a single Anthrocera {Zyijaena) lavandidae fell to my net, and an Adscita (Procris) anrpelo])ha<ia as also a few Anthrocera {Zyyaena) scahiosae and a specimen of A. punctum. As I was examining a bush of clematis, I saw at rest on one of the leaves a quite uniuistakeable Naclia ancilla. I had already seen one on La CoUette and had attempted to take it, a perfectly simple matter as I thought, but in some mysterious way it eluded me. I was there- fore determined to get this, and as I could not get my net below it, I made a rapid hard stroke, obtained plenty of leaves but no ancilla. A little later on I saw another again on a clematis leaf, sitting on the upperside, as each of the others had been doing, with folded wings, this time I determined to be safe and put my net below it for an upward stroke, I saw it in the net distinctly, but it got out, how I cannot imagine, it escaped nevertheless, and if ever I felt inclined to use a naughty word it was then. That day I took a large A. lonicerae in which the lower wings are almost orange with patches of red, and also flying about the dusty road a single precocious specimen of Tarucus {Uayiiardia) telicanus, which ought to have been flying in August instead of the fiist week in July.

My last day was one that I shall long remember, spent up the Dourbes Valley with my Geneva friends as already intimated (Dr. Reverdin, Professor Blachier and the six younger men), and


a very delightful day it was in the brilliant sunshine. Dr. Reverdin, as if years were nothing to him, brim full of spirits, ever ready whether with his net or his repartee, never put out, always jovial, always kind, Professor Blachier equally kind and delightful, only in a quieter way. We made a fairly early start staying in one place or another, taking much the same as I had done before, but in one field on the left of the valley, I saw a moth that I had not seen before, and soon it was boxed turning out to be Heliotlm dipsacea, differing slightly from the type towards var. )iiariti)iia. Later on another A. punctiun fell to my lot, and two or three A. carniolica, and also another half dozen of A. hilaris. Again another field on the same side produced several more H. adnietufi var. ripartii, and one or two male /■•. escheri. As the valley became narrower. Prof. Blachier and I being together ahead of the others, saw a most likely spot over the stream on the right of the valley, but we had to go further on to get over and come back to the selected spot, having to climb over two or three low hills of loose slaty shale. At last we reached the desired spot and soon more var. ripartii were captured, whilst among the long grass a Phycid was flying fairly commonly. This I found to be Nephopteryx alpi(/eneUQ, Dup. As I continued my ascent, still among the grass, I espied a dark butterfly, evidently not an Krebia from its flight, yet equally dark. Naturally I made for it, and had no difficulty in taking it. When in the box I could just trace the faintest markings of Melanargia galatJiea, but I had never seen so extraordinary an aberration. As soon, however, as Professor Blachier saw it, he immediately recognised it as precisely similar to one Dr. Reverdin had taken near Geneva, and which he had called var. Itigens. This, I suppose, may be considered the piece de resititance for that day. The time having come to retrace our steps, I made my way back over La CoUette, and took there another Pohpionia egea, and also a single specimen of P. c-album, by no means so dark as our later specimens often are. The females of Plebeitis arr/iis [aegon) were not infrequent, and I took a nice little series in which the orange margmal border in both wings is very pronounced, especially in the secondaries, where it is very broad indeed. Here also I took three quite fresh females of Cyaniris seiniargus, whilst two c? s of T/iyiiidicus acteon were boxed both in excellent condition, and two or three more K. lavatherae, I should also have recorded that I took here, previously, a few specimens of Ciipido asiris (sebrun), and L omitted to mention that the (? s of Heterogynis penella were very common, flying in the hot sun in the Dourbes valley, whilst of other Heterocera I took a single newly emerged $ of the cinnabar moth, one Euclidia glyphica, and one $ of Plitsia ni. Malacosoina neiistria was taken at rest, and a single specimen of Sedna irrorella var. fiavicans on the wing. My stay at Digne ended with a delightful dinner with my Swiss friends, at which the ready wit and speech of Dr. Reverdin again signalised themselves, leaving behind the impression that the renowned specialist, not only medically but entomologically also is impervious to all things that tend to care, being at all times in the happiest condition both of mind and body. After dinner it was a great pleasure to have a long talk with both the Professors on many points, and especially on the genitalia of insects, when I learnt that we were all three of one mind on the



preparation of these parts, viz., that they should never be cut and that they should be mounted in profile as the natural and most effectual method of both dealing with and seeing them. Thus ended a most happy sojourn the reminiscence of Avhich will always be a pleasure. The next morning I was off at 5.30 a.m. to meet Mr. A. H. Jones at Mende in the Cevennes, where we hoped to obtain a series of HirsHtina dolus.

Nonsense Names.

By T. A. CHAPMAN, M.D., F.E.S., F.Z.S.

As an uncompromising supporter of priority in nomenclature, I realise that a diflficult point has been raised by Mr. Kearfott's escapade. I accept the doctrine of priority to this extent, that a name once given stands good, that tbere must be no correction to it of any sort, and that we must assume it to be good latin. If on the face of it or in view of the derivation given by the author, it appears to be vile or impossible latin, we must make believe that it has some derivation unknown to us that makes it possible. That this view is largely accepted, is proved by the abundance of k. and w. in various specific names. If a name is absurd as meaning, say, a blue butterfly with black spots, we may suppose, if we like, that it is the name of a chieftain somewhere in remote Asia or Polynesia. The point is that any pronounceable com- bination of letters stands good and unalterable. I would uphold this so far, that if, to one single species in a genus, Mr. Kearfott had chosen to give one of his nonsense names, I should accept and uphold it.

The key to the position seems to me to be in these nonsense names being grouped together in such a way that we are compelled to extend the condition against unpronounceability, and add to it the condition not only that an ordinary man can pronounce the name, but that he can reach the preceding stage of remembering it.

I agree therefore in result with Mr. Meyrick and Mr. Wheeler, but I do not arrive at it by the same route. I absolutely accept a nonsense name, on the ground that, once given, it is no longer nonsense, but means the thing to which it is given. But I cannot accept a series of nonsense (or any other) names whose meanings cannot be remembered, I should equally object to a series of names in one genus, meaning say, first-blue, second-blue, third-blue, and so on to hundredth-blue, no matter how good the latin in which this was expressed. It would be as difficult to remember which two, and which of the two was eleventh-blue and twelfth-blue as to remember which was bana and which was inana.


Atheta eremita, Rye, in the south of England. On March 22nd, 1911, I took a specimen of this insect in Epping Forest, Essex, from sphagnum at the edge of a small pond. On February 18th, 1912, two individuals were secured at Burnham Beeches, Bucks, under identical conditions. This species is common in Scotland. There are, how- ever, but few English records. Fowler gives Northumberland, Man- chester, Birmingham, Cannock Chase, Forest of Dean. Mr. Keys has


recorded it from the Plymouth district {Ent. Mo. Mag., 1904) and Mr. Champion from Chobham, in Surrey (Ibid., 1907). In Ireland, according to Johnson and Halbert, it has been found in Donegal, Down, Armagh, and Wicklow all mountainous districts. It would be of interest to know if the specimens captured in low-lying countries occurred in woods, as mine did. G. W. Nicholson, M.A., M.D., F.E.S., University College Hospital, W.C.


Ova AND LAKV.E OF PiERis NAPi. Ova of this species hatched on Saturday March 2nd with me, but those of my friend Mr. Littlewood, of Kendal hatched on February 14th, I believe. My larvae are feeding well on fine grass (Fefitncn ociiia). When sitting at rest, their attitude is very sphinx-like, the head being tucked right under. The larva, when walking, is just like a small green Geometer. All my ova hatched within a period of three hours. H. Mallinson, Oakland, Windermere. March i2tli.


Collecting in frost. A few months ago I sent to the P^nt. Record an account of my collecting during a sharp frost, thinking it might be of some use to my brother entomologists. That, however, was in the daytime and in sunlight. I have since had a more vivid experience, the knowledge of which may save someone else coming home empty-handed, as I nearly did. On October 28th, 1911, I went to Earlswood, a few miles from Birmingham, just after mid-day. I noticed how quickly it seemed to be getting cold, but it was no use turning back. The woods were reached about 3 o'clock, and I began to beat along the western edge, where, as a rule, 0/iorabia dilutata is very common and in much variety. The sun was shining, but through a glittering mist, and I only succeeded in knocking out a solitary example. The air had, by this time, become so cold that the insect was too lethargic to fly, and fell on the grass. As it was only a very ordinary form, I left it on the ground. Thinking that it would be better in the wood, 1 searched for some time, but the result was nil. By this time it was getting dark and I put on the sugar, with the same result as before, and after three turns round my sugar patches I made up my mind to return home, especially as the frost had become so keen that I was glad to keep my hands tight to my lantern. That it was really cold may be assured as 14 degrees of frost were registered during the night. Just as I was leaving the wood I thuught I saw something flutter, and after a close search a specimen of Ilibernia aurantiaria was met with. This suggested searching the twigs. At first the search was unsuccessful, but finally, by working on the leeward side of bushes, etc., and getting down on to the withered and brown grasses, I began to take insects with their wings folded over their backs, so that I could not be quite sure as to species until the next morning. Just before leaving, among the grass, I saw, what for a moment I did not understand, something like a couple of miniature ferns, I soon however found them to be the antennae of Himera pennaria, a

104 THE entomologist's record.

grand form having the strongest bars I have ever seen in this species. In the morning I found that I had fifteen Hibernia defoliaria, all small, well-marked forms, but differing from the former species, in that six were more or less crippled and two slightly cut, no doubt evidence of a less hardy type. The surprise to me was that on such a bitterly cold night, they were not all cripples. J. T. Fountain, 109, Darwin Street, Birmingham. Fehruanj, 1912.

Thk Eiffelalp and Chamonix in .July, 1911. The following is a record of some of my captures of butterflies around the Riffelalp during the week beginning on July 15th. The best ground was above the path leading to the Findelen Glacier, and the walk from the Riffelalp to the fSchwartzee was also good. The weather was gloriously fine. Species: Pieris napi var. bnjoniae, Pontia callidice, Polyoniniatns eros, Latiurina orbitulus, ]'acciniino optilete, Aricia eumedon, Plebeius argyrognomon, Melitaea aurinia var. vierope, M. cijntliia, Colias phicomone, C. palaeno, Erebia lappnna ab. st/iennyo, fC. tyndarun, E. innestra, E. uielampits, E. prono'e, Coenonympha satyrion, Painphila coiinna, and Hrenthis pales and var. napaea.

On July 22nd I started a week's collecting at Chamonix. The best results were obtained up the Brevent. The following are the Erebias caught : Erebia uielainpns, E. gorge. E. stygne, E. goante, E. enryale and ab. euryaloides, and fJ. epiphron. E. E. Bentall, F.E.S., The Towers, Heybridge, Essex.


Another portion of the Collections of the late Mr. J. W. Tutt will be sold at Stevens' Auction Rooms on Tuesday, April 23rd. The first cabinet contains the remaining species of the Geometers, including long and varied series of the genus Cidaria, the genus Perunea, and several drawers of the British Plumes. A second cabinet contains the whole of the Tortrices and Tineina, many of the sets being in capital condition, having been carefully gone over and added to quite recently. A series of Tortri.v teucriana (see Ent. Itccurd, L, 31) is included. The British Crambi, Phycids, etc., are in the same cabinet and are also in excellent condition. Another cabinet contains sets of captures from particular localities in the Alps, etc., selected from the various collecting boxes of the late Mr. Tutt, each containing many useful series of butterflies, with several drawers of Geometers, etc.

The Entomological Club held another of its pleasant meetings, at " Wellfield," Lingard's Road, Lewisham, on March 12th, with Mr. R. Adkin, F.E.S., as host. After the kindly welcome from Mrs. and Miss Adkin, tea was taken, and subsequently a considerable time was spent in our genial host's study enjoying his very complete and beautifully arranged collections, turning over the leaves of bis valuable entomo- logical books, and discussing varied and knotty points which have recentl}' cropped up in our cult. Later on the guests partook of supper. Among those present were Messrs. R. Adkin, G. C. Cham- pion, J. E. Collin, H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe, A. E. Gibbs, A.H.Jones, Rev. P. D. Morice, A. Sich, R. South, W. E. Sharp, J. R. le B. Tomlin, Hy. J. Turner, and Rev. G. Wheeler.


The South London Entomological and Natural History Society.— Janwarj/ 11th, 1912. Messrs. C. J. Gahan, M.A., F.E.S.,



of the British Museum (N.H.) and Mr. N. S. Sennett, F.E.iS., of South Kensington, were elected members. Inckease of Yakiation. Mr. A. W. Buckstone exhibited series of Hi/hfrnia (Ufnliaria from several localities, and stated that variation had considerably increased in the last 80 years, and that around London the type form was much less frequent. Protective resemblance in a Tree-cricket. Mr. H. Moore, a huge Tree-cricket, EiuneiialiKlon hlancliardi, from Borneo, whose tegmina resemble leaves. Fauna of a London (jarden. ^Ir. R. Adkin gave additional notes on the " Lepidoptera of a London Garden," exhibiting Phobia moneta, Monoids riixticella, Gracilaiia .syrinnella, Ai(jnresthia i/oeilartclla, and Gelechia malreUa. Aberration of P. atalanta. Mr. A. E. Gibbs, an aberration of Pyraiveh atalaitta bred from Vizzavona, Corsica, in which the diagonal red bands of the forewings and the marginal band of the hindwings are more or less pink, and some areas very much paler than usual. Variation in A. TRiFOLii. Mr. Blenkarn, five specimens of Anthrocera trifulii var. ronjiiiens, from Withycombe and Horsley, and various species of Coieoptera, including lUctliits severdendux, recently announced as new to Britain by Dr. Joy. Glowworm larv^. Mr. H. Main, larvii^ of the Glow-worm reared from eggs and also a larva of Oci/piiK alem. Keports OF OUTDOOR MEETINGS The Reports of the Society's Field Meetings during the past year were communicated by Messrs. Edwards, Gibbs, Kaye, Priske, Tonge and Turner. Annual general meeting. Januarij ^bt/i, 1912. The Reports of the Council and Officers for the past year were received and adopted. The Council and Officers for the ensuing year, were elected (see page 45). Mr. W. J. Kaye read his annual address. Votes of thanks were passed to the Ti'easurer, Secretaries, and other officers. Ordinary meeting. Mr. A. E. Tonge, F.E.S., President, took the chair. Messrs. A. E. Morris, of Upper Norwood, and Mr. F. W. Frohawk, of Wallington, were elected members. Lepisma saccharina. Mr. Edwards exhibited the so called "silver fish" lA'pisina sacc/iariiia. The "Narcissus-fly" pest. Mr. Main, a narcissus bulb, sent him by Mr. Winkworth, which had been attacked by the larva of the Dipteron, Merodon eijiiestris, a fly often extremely injurious in nurseries. Curious method of packing insects. Mr. Moore, a number of butterflies from the interior of Borneo, including Pajiilio ereiinm var., P. itanipiiii, Tcnaa (/radioifi, Hextia ioiiani var. vinjo, Doni^epa Imrii, Teriaa tilaJtu. They were sent home to him packed in fragments of the flannel shirt of his friend, who collected them, a successful method of combating the excessive superabundance of moisture in the atmosphere of the locality.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Jaiuianj i5th. A large number of interesting lantern slides were exhibited by Dr. Cotton, Dr. Tinne and Mr. O. Whittaker. Dr. Tinne's slides included many beautiful coloured examples taken by the Lumiere and other colour processes. Variation in P. chi. Mr. Mansbridge exhibited a series of J^olia r/;/ shewing the usual range of melanic variation from the Huddersfield district, and also, on behalf of Mr. A. W. Boyd, a case of micro-lepidoptera from various localities in Cheshire, among them being Mixodia Hchnhiano, Sria}i/iila hybridana, Sophronia ]>arenthi'scU(t, t'hclaria hulmerella, Arrpjrcsthia pyifniaeella, Peronea nmiarimia, etc.

The Entomological Society of London. Deccnihcr Qtit, 1911.^ The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society : Dr. Beckwith Whitehouse, 52, Newhall Street, Birmingham : Messrs. F.


W. Edwards, Kingswear, Cornwall Koad, Harrow ; Douglas Pearson, Chilwell House, Chilwell, Notts; B. H. Smith, B.A., Edgehill, Warlingham, Surrey ; C. F. M. Swynnerton, Mt. Chirinda, Melsetter, S. Rhodesia. A Phasmid, new to Science. -Mr. C. J. Gahan exhibited an insect recently brought to the British Museum, and recognized by him as belonging to rn'so/ms, a remarkable and specially interesting genus of r/iaainidaf. The one now exhibited was new, and he proposed to name it I'n'sopus fhheri in honour of its discoverer. Leucama PAfj^KNs AND L. FAVicoLOR. Mr. South exhibited a drawer of Leucanid moths captured and reared by the Rev. W. P. Waller in the Wood- bridge district of Suffolk. He observed that seeing that Mr. Waller had reared faricolor from eggs laid by a })a liens -like female, and obtained ])allens from the ova of a female favivolor, the obvious inference was that there was cross-pairing in each case; he understood that faricolor cannot be separated from //aliens by any difterence in the genitalia, and was informed that cross-pairings of pallens and fan'rolor are not uncommon in the habitat of the latter. lie was, therefore, inclined to suppose that fan'ndor is a salt-marsh development of jtallens. A Coi.eopteron new to Britain. Mr. Donisthorpe exhibited a specimen of /'/;//.(■ fainnairei, Reiche, taken by him in Sherwood Forest on July 11th, 1908. He also showed a French specimen of the same species, and examples of Knj.v aira, F., the other known British species, for comparison. Rhopalocera from Lapland. Mr. W. G. Sheldon showed a collection of Rhopalocera made by him in Jenitland and Swedish Lapland in -Tune and July, 1911. Luperina nickerlii and allies. Mr. Henry J. Turner exhibited a large number of specimens of fjuperina nirkeiiii, of which the British form or race has l)een hitherto known as Lufjiriua i/iifneci, together with series of other races from the Continent. Erebia -bthiops. Mr. Turner also exhibited a long series of Krebia artln'ops from many contin- ental localities and also from Aviemore, Scotland. Contrasts IN colouring between certain species of butterflies from THE Lagos district and their ckographical races at Entebbe. Prof. Poulton exhibited a series of specimens tending to refute the view, again recently advanced, that changes of colour and pattern in allied forms are due to climate, and especially to moisture. Pseuda-


THOSE FROM THE Entebbk DISTRICT. Prof. Poultoii exhibited a set of the mimetic Pseudacneas and their models collected by Mr. C. A. Wiggins in the neighbourhood of Entebbe, which contrasted remark- ably with a set of 17 Pseudacraeas collected by Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter on Damba Island, on the l<]quator, in the Victoria Nyanza, about 20 miles south-east of Entebbe. Observation on the courtship of Planema alcinok, Feld. ^Prof. Poulton exhibited four males and one female of I'lanema alviuoe, captured August 10th, 1911, in the forest one mile east of Oni, near Lagos, by Mr. W. A. Lamborn, "in a confused mass." The cocoons and kgcjs of the Bombycid Moth, Norasuma koloa, Druck. Prof. Poulton exhibited the cocoon of A'. Itolja together with the moth which had emerged from it. The compact cocoon itself was reddish, with an outer imperfect covering of yellow silk. In some cocoons, including the one exhibited, the silk of this loose and open network formed dense little masses here and there which, being bright yellow in colour, much resembled the cocoons of


Braconid parasites. Prof. Poulton said that he had also been shown, by Mr. J. H. Durrant, similar spherical bodies scattered over the cocoon of the Tineid moth Mannaro aalirtella. The food of the


(S. sktNata, Holland). Prof. Poulton exhibited specimens and gave an account of observations sent by Mr. Lamborn, which threw further light on the letter written January, 1891, by the Rev. A. C. Good, Ph.D., from West Africa, from which ])v. W. J. Holland had inferred that the larvae of S. letnolea are aphidivorous ; extracts from Mr. Laraborn's letters, together with an investigation of his material, indicate that their food consists of ('i)ccidae. Brazilian Syntomids. Mr. W. J. Kaye exhibited a drawer full of Syntomidac that had been collected by himself in south Brazil in the early part of 1910. The following papers were read : " On the yirtitan>i Group of the genus Hi/t(roecia, Gn.," by the Rev. C. R. N. Burrows, and "On the Dates of the Publications of the Entomological Society," by the Rev. G. Wheeler, M.A., F.Z.H.


Social Life in the Insect World. By J. H. Fabre (Illustrated). Price 10s. 6d. Published by T. Fisher Unwin, 1, Adelphi Terrace, London, W.C.

To those acquainted with Mons. J. H. Fabre's previous writings there is no need to recommend this, his latest achievement. In other words " good wine needs no bush." Mons. Fabre has the singular felicity of being able to write about his observations with literary skill combined with scientific accuracy. His experiments (vide Chaps. 14 and 15) show that he has lost none of his skill as an investigator of a high order, at once tenacious of purpose and fertile in resource. This work is simply a confirmation of his well-known aptitude. Where Reaumur failed, Fabre succeeded {vide pp. 55 ct aeq.). We can conceive of no book better calculated to convert a mere collector into a real student of nature. All entomologists will, we hope and expect, read the book with delight and profit. Mons. Fabre refuses to confine his observations within the ring fence of a single Order of insects. He prefers to roam tbe Insect World at large. Hence he gives us many new and interesting records relating to The Mantis {Mantin reliijiosa, Iwnn.), The Field Cricket, The Sisyphus Beetle, The Great Peacock or Emperor Moth, The Oak Eggar, The Pine Chafer {MeUdontha Julio, Linn.), etc.

It is to be regretted that the translator has failed to differentiate a "moth" from a "butterfly," and further renders the "Golden Carabus" as the " Golden Scarabeus." Whilst these lapses do not detract from the absorbing interest of the book, they tend to give the reader purposeless mental shocks. - (H.E. P.)

Butterfly-hunting in many Lands. Bv Geo. B. Longstatt", M.A,, M.D., Oxon ; F.R.C.P., F.S.A., F.G.S., late Vice-Pres. Entomological Society of London, etc. (with 16 plates, 7 coloured). Price 21s. Published by Longmans, Green and Co., 39, Paternoster Row, London.

The author in his Preface says his work appeals only to entomo- logists. We opine that he will find it appeal very strongly.

All entomologists are of necessity travellers. But among his peers Dr. Longstaflf is facile piiiici'ps, inasmuch as there are none that we

lOH THE entomologist's KECOKI).

know of who have collected and observed insects in all parts of the worlJ, with possibly the sole exception of Commander J. J. W^alker, R.N., F.E.S. Certainly nobody has given the entomological world the results of his observations spread over so many years and relating to so many countries.

The book, for the most part, consists of the contents of the author's notebooks, interspersed with the relation of such episodes as came under his notice from time to time. It is altogether delightful reading from cover to cover. An account of a trip to Eannoch is told so simply, yet vividly, that it will recall happy memories to the reader who has likewise visited this famous " ground."

After taking us from Wimbledon and Rannoch to Australia and New Zealand meantime treating of India, China, Japan, Algeria, South Africa, South America, etc.- -the author {vide Chap. X.) ceases to become the interesting traveller, and shows that he is no mean student of various scientific problems. Here are discussed such items as " Scents," Tenacity of Life, Experiments of Palatability, Successful Mimicry, Selection of Coloured Resting Places, Heliotropism, etc.

The authentic details therein noted are rightly placed on permanent record, as it is not too much to hope that in the future a new Darwin will arise and utilise them by giving us inferences of lasting value.

Finally our best thanks are due to Dr. Longstaft' or shall we say to his friend the well-known student Dr. E. B. Poulton, F.R.S. ? for placing before us excellent translations (by E. A. Elliott, F.Z.S., F.E.S.) of a series of papers by Dr. Fritz Miiller dealing with the Scent-organs of Lepidoptera. It should be added that these important papers are accompanied bj' excellent plates illustrating the points dealt with. (Id.)

Repokt of the Agricultukal Research Institute and College^ PusA, 1910-11. Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta, India.

A perusual of this Government publication extending to 102 pp. of closely printed matter (quarto) makes one proud of his fellow countrymen. From the Director's (E. .1. Butler, M.B., F.L.S.) Report we note that the Institute is organised in seven scientific sections : Agricultural, Chemical, Botanical, Mycological, Entomo- logical, Second Entomological, and Bacteriological, and that the work for the year was executed by only eight European officers of the Pusa statr, and of these two were engaged in Baluchistan developing the fruil industry of that province.

To readers of The Record, etc., the chief interest will centre round the Report of the Imperial Entomologist, known to us at home as T. ]5ainbrigge Fletcher, R.N., F.E.S., F.L.S. He says that having in view the enormous areas dealt with and the general ignorance of the cultivating classes regarding insect pests and their control, the number of assistants employed in Entomological work in the Provincial Agricultural Departments is quite inadequate. Reference is made to the steady progress made in investigating the insect-pests of crops in Madnis, to the experiments against Termites at Hoshangabad, to the work against Potato Moth and Cane Grasshopper, and also to the Uice Grasshopper and the Semiaquatic Rice Caterpillar. Altogether it is very interesting to read of the never wearying, unostentatious, yet forceful and fit;itful work of our confreres in other lands. (In.)

WATKINS 8l DONCASTER, Naturalists and Mamifactiirers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain King Nets, wire or cane, incliulin<,' Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-. Folding Nets, 3/(3, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Tocket Boxes (deal), 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, ]/0. Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with camphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, flat or oval, lin.. 6d. ; liiii., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2^in., 1/- ; 3^in., 1/4; 4in., 1/6; 5in., 1/10; Complete Set of fourte'en Boards, 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6 ; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases, japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 1]/-. Cement for replacing Antennne 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3J, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, ]/-to8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheuth, 1/9. Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc.

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as minute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Se^iiihte, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


Of every description of Insects, Biuds' Etuis, Coins, MicitoscopiCAr. Objects, I'.issir.s, Ac.

Catalogue (100 pages) sent on application, post free.

L.ARQE STOCK OF INSECTS AND BIRDS' EGGS (Biilsh, European, and K.xolie). Birds, Mammals, etc., Preserved and Mounted b'l first class IVorkuicn.


Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

By MALCOLM BURR. D.Sc. F.Z.S., F.L.S.. F.E.S., &c.

Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3sm netm

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distributiou

Will he sent Pout Free on receipt of Postal Order for 3s. to

A. H., 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.


Excellent 44 drawer Mahogany Cabinet price on application.

Fine set insects not less than half-dozen of a species sent. Box and postage 4d. extra.

Price per dozen: Citraria Is. 4d., Strigillaria Is. 6d., Dealbata 2s., Piniaria Is., Atomaria 9d., Carbonaria 3s. 6d., Pulveraria Is. 6d., Clathrata 6d., Alternata 2s. 6d., Taminata Is. 3d., Temerata Is. 3d., Exanthemaria 9d., Pusaria 6d., Inornata 2s., Aversata 9d., Emutaria 2s., Fuinata 2s., Remutata 9d., Lnmutata Is. 6d., Subsericeata Is. 6d., Straminata 5s., Promutata Is., Ornata Is. 8d., Incanaria lid., Bisetata lid., Ochrata 4s., Cambricata Is. 6d., Blomeri 3s., Auroraria 3s. 6d., Orbicularia '2s. 6d., Omicronaria Is. 3d., (var. Obsoieta is. each or 10s. doz.). Trilinearia lOd., Punctaria lOd., Porata lOd., Smaragdaria 6s. 6d., Papilionaria 4s., Trepidaria 4s., Obscuraria varied Is. 6d., Biundularia lid., Crcpuscularia lid., Consortaria Is. 6d., Eoboraria 3s. 6d., Cinctaria Is. 9d., Kepandata varied Is., Abruptaria lid., fine Melanic 10s,, Betularia Black var. Is. 6d., Prodromaria 2s., Hirtaria lid., Zonaria Is. 9d., Pilosaria lid., Angularia Is., Erosaria 3s., Fuscantaria "is., Tiliaria Is. 9d., Autumnaria Is. Wd.. Illustraria lid., Bidentata lid., Syringaria Is. 9d., Dolobraria '2s., Prunaria2s., Maeulata 6d., Crataegata Od., Sambueata 6d., Parthenias Is. '2d., Craccae Is., Pastinum '2s. 3d.

Next Month many more species, look out for them.

L. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.


A Week at Braemar, Russell K. James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §1

Luperina gueneei, Doubleday, as a species, and as a British species, Hi/. J. Turner,

i''.£..S'. (concluded) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ gy

A Month in Switzerland and elsewhere, George Wheeler, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S.

(concluded) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _, _ __ gy

Notes on Collecting; in 1911, ('. /I'. CoJ(/(r»/) (to be continued) .. .. .. 90

The Dauphlnv Wps, Douglas II. Pearson, F.K.S. .. .. .. .. .. yg

The first fortni^^ht in July, 1911, in Digne, G. T. Bethunc-Baher, F.L.S., F.E.S.

(concluded) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ 99

Nonsense Names, Dr. T. A. Chnpman, F.Z.S., F.E.S. ^ .. 102

CoLKOPTERA :— Atheta erimita, Kye, in the S. of England, G. W. Nicholson, M.A.,

M.D., F.E.S ..102

Scientific Notes and Observations:— Ova and Larvre of Pieris napi, H. Mallinson 103 Notes on Collecting :— Collecting in Frost, J. T. Fountain. The Kittiealp and

Ch&momx in Ja\y, 1911, K. E. Bentall, F.F.S. .. 103

Current Notes and Short Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i04

Societies :— The South London Entomological and Natural History Society. The

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. The Entomological Society

of London . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , _ _ 104

Reviews and Notices oe Books :— Social Life in the Insect World (J. H. Fabre)';

Butterfly-hunting in many Ijands (Geo. B. Longstaff, M.A., M.D., F.E.S.) ;

and Ileport of the Agricultural Kesearch Insiitute and College, Pusa, 1910-11

(H.E.P.) ;

Contributions remain over for want of space from G. T. Bethune-Baker, A. S. Tetley, G. W. Nicholson, W. Bait Smith, etc., and Reports of Societies.

Seasonal notes on British Lepidoptera will appear in due course from C. W. Colthrup, F. G. Whittle, A. Russell, Alf. Sieh, H. Ashton Nichols, etc.

We hope that those who intend sending us an account of their doings for 1911 will do so ere long, as we should like to know more of what our English workers are doing. Will those who are studying the Micro-lepidoptera help us, by sending in notes of their captures and observations ?

All MS. and editorial matter should be sent and all proofs returned to Hv. J. Turner, 98, Drakefell Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

Rambles in Alpine Valleys.

Bound in Cloth, with Map and Photographs of District. Price 8s. Od. This book contains a series of essays dealing with the colours of insects, and sugges- tions as to the relation in past time between the Alpine and British fauna. Many new facts arc lirought forward, and entomological problems discussed from various standpoints.

Woodside, Burnside, Hillside and Marsh.

(Cr.nvn «vo.. Illustrated, •224 pp. and 103 woodcuts and full-page illustrations. Bound

in Cloth. (Price 2/6). Anothei .series of collecting expeditions into well-known entomological and natural history localities, with description of botanical, geological, ornithological as well as entomological matters of interest to be found therein. The places dealt with include Cobhani Woods, Cuxton Downs, the Western Highlands, Clift'e-all well known for their rich entomological fauna.

To be obtained from J. Herhert Tutt, 22, Francemarv Road, Lady well Road, Brockley, S.E.

Random Recollections of Woodland, Fen, and Hill.

By .1. W. TI:TT, F.E.S.

Bound in Cloth, Crown 8vo. Price Three Shillings net.

A detailed account of the fauna and flora of some well-known Britisli natural history

localities :— Wicken, Deal, Chattenden, the Medway Marshes, Isle of Wight, etc.

Postal Orders to

Mr. J. HERBERT TUTT, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E

SulSscriptions for Vol. XXIV. are now overdue.








Edited bv

Richard S. BAGNALL, f.l.8.,f.e.s. | T. A. CHAPMAN, m.d.,f.z.s., f.k


b.sc, i'.k.s., i'-.r.s.e George T. BETHUNE-BAKER, f.z.s., f.i..s., f.e.s

M. BURR, D.SC, F.Z.S., F.T..S., F.K.a.

(Rev.) C. R. N. BURROWS, f.e.s.

Jas. E. COLLIN, F.E.S.


F.z.a., F.J Alfred SIGH, f.e.s. J. R. le B. TOMLIN, ji.a., f.k.s, George WHEELER, m.a., f.e.e


MAR r>^ 1913


Henry J. TUE^^N>^.9!?" ^^^ EditoriaySe*Blelar7. '^^^



MAY 1)

Price SIXPENCE (net).


Ascription for Complete Volume, post f

(Inchidiiig all LOUBLE NUMBERS, etc.) , SEVEN SHILLINGS.



" Beetrose," Gellatlv Road, New Cross, S.E. LONDON :

ELLIOT STOCK, 62, Paternostkr Row, E.C.|



11, Cabistrassk, N.W.


Entomologist's Record & Journal of Variation

(Practical Hints, Field Work, etc., useful for every year's collecting). VOL. VI.

The TITLES of some of the articles are as follows : Notes on Butterfly Pupse, with some remarks on the Phylogenesis of the Rhopalocera."— Dr. T. A. Cliapmnn, F.E.S., " Phytophagic Species." Pro/. A. Radelife Orote, M.A. " Varieties and aberrations of Noctuaj from Doncaster."— If. H. Corbett, M.JR.C.'S. "The frenulum of the British species of Snievinthus."— G. C. Orifitht, F.Z.S., F.E.S. " Eudryas stoe-johannis./— -4. Radelife Grote, M.A. "Parthenogenesis or Agamogenesis." J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Larvffi."— iJei". G. M. A'. Heicitf, M.A. " Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1894." J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Generic Names in the Noctuidse. "—Pcor. A. It. Orote, M.A. " Pupa hunting in October."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Polvgamv and Polyandry in Moths." "The nature of certain insect colours."— ir.S. Itidhiy, M.D., R. Freer, M.S., J. w'.TiM,'F.E.S., Rev. C. R. N. Burrows, J. Anderson, Jun. "The Lepidoptera of Swansea." Major R. B. Robertson. " Caradrina ambigua in the Isle of Wight."— .4. J. Hodr/es. "The insects of' Bourg St. Maurice."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Orrhodia erythrocephala ab. glabra from Devonshire and comparison with O. vaccinii." Dr. W. S. Riding, F.E.S. "Notes on Caradrina ambigua and C. superstes."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Entomology and Entomologists, being the Annual Address to the c;ity of London Entoui. Society." Notes on Aphoniia sociella " (with plate). W. P. BIpckburne Maze, F.E.S. "Apterous females and Winter Emergence "~E. F. Studd, M.A., B.C.L., F.E.S., L. B. Prout, F.E.S. " Collecting Noctuidae by Lake Erie."— .4. RudcUJe Grote, M.A. " Coleoptera at- Ip&vfich."— Claude Morleu, F.E.S. "Notes on Bombus visurgire." " Synonymic Notes on Acidalia humilata and A. dilutaria." L. B. Prout, F.E.S. "The Lepidoptera of (ir(§sy-sur-Aix."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Apatura iris." Rer. G. M. A. Hetvett' " Scheme of Classification of the Rhopalocera founded on the structure of the Pupae." T, A. Chapman, M.D., F.E.S. " Glimpses of American Entomology."— J. TF. Tutt, F.E.S. " The Genus Smerinthus." A. Bacot. " Variation considered biologically : Some notes suggested by the Romanes Lecture of 1894."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Wing structure."— >. Alstou Moftatt. "On the development of sex in social insects."—./. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " The British representatives of the Genus Caradrina." L. B. Prout, F.E.S. " Habits and variation of Lithosia lutarella and its variety pygmaeola." J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. On the gradual disappearance of Lepidoptera from South-Eastern London and its neighbourhood. "—C. Feiiu, F.E.S. " A hunt for Neuroterus aprilinus."— T. A. Chapman. M. D., F.E.S. "On the development of pigment in Nemeobius lucina." F. J Buckell, M.B. "The Macro-Lepi- doptera of Keswick." H. A. Beadle. " Varieties of Argynnis selene " (with plate).— S. G. G. Rvssell, F.E.S. " Hadenoid genera with hairy eyes." Prof. A. R. Gro'e, M.A. " Zygaena minos and its varieties."— J. II'. Tutt, F.E.S. "Notes on the pupse of Castnia and Anthocharis."— T. A. Chapman, M.D., F.E.S. Besides these articles, a large number of short notes are contained in every number under the foUewin? titles: " Scientific Notes and Observations," " Variation," " Notes on Larvae and Life- histories," " Notes on Collecting," " Current Notes." The reports of Societies are very carefully edited, and only scientific paragraplif^published. The " Practical Hints " and " Field work " for each month are quite unique.

The entomologist who will read carefully through the back numbers of The Entomologist's Record will find himself better e()uippcd for the further study of his subject than by any other means.

Price 7/6 per volume, of Mr. H. E. Page, " Bertrose." Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.


The Largest Breeder of Lepidoptera in the British Isles is

H. W. HEAD, ©iitmualm-jiet,

Full Tjitit of Ova, Larvae, and Pui^ae, also Lepidojitera, Apparatus, Cabinets,

etc., se)it on ajiplication. Many Rare British Species and Good Varieties for Sale.

Lantern Slides in Natural Colours.


riiologniplied from life and true to Nature in every detail.




For List apply to

CHARLES D. HEAD, 2, Mount Yernon, Dollymount, DUBLIN.

Vol. XXIV.

Platk III.


'iiiSE^gasa. ~- '

Photo. F, N. Clarl-.

HyDIUECIA )iURltO\V8I X I'i^. H. PAI.UDIS (axiiltl) X I'i^.

1 he E7itu}iiolo()iiit's Becoxl, 1912.


On Hydroecia burrows!, n. sp. {With Plate.)


Mr. Burrows has recently given us, in the Tramactiom of the Entomological Society/'- a complete account of his researches so far in the nictitanst group of the genus Hi/ilmrrio. He had at various times told us something about them before, but now we have the results of his work clearly set forth.

I had the pleasure of supplying him with various examples of this group from a good many localities, and amongst some Asiatic examples he found a species he had not previously met with, and which he has named asiatica : of this he only found one example. I have since obtained Asiatic material from Staudinger and others, and amongst these some eight or ten more asiatica tiirned up, all of them labelled Juldus Kuldscha, a locality different from that of the first specimen, but no example was found amongst " nictitans" from any other locality. The great mass of the specimens belonged to one species which I will call palndis, though Mr. Burrows has not yet condescen- ded to name it. I thus obviously run the risks that befal those that " rush in where, etc." I have no authority to quote Mr. Burrows on this matter, but I believe he is still investigating the relations (if any) between lucens and palialis in Britain, and till he has satisfied himself on various points, will not commit himself as to non-British forms. My own opinion, which must be taken as very provisional, is that these two forms are distinct species in Britain, but that these Asiatic specimens are not too distinctly the one or the other. However, I do not profess to have, nor desire to express, any decided opinion as to these being palndis, I only want provisionally to use a name for these forms, my only present concern is with //. hnrroivsi.

The genitalia of all the forms dilierentiated by Mr. Burrows are most abundantly distinct, asiatica might indeed belong to a different genus, and only litcciis and palndis at all closely resemble each other.

Amongst those paludis received from Staudinger was one very large specimen from Vladivostock, which, on examination of the appendages, turns out to be a new and very distinct form. Not only is the specimen itself large, but the appendages also are very large and bold. Unfortunately there is only the one specimen. Another, looking very like it and about as large, from Manchuria, is only paludis.

I propose to gratify my regard for Mr. Burrows and to honour him for his work on this group by naming this fine form burrowsi.

Hydroecia burronsi, n.sp. The specimen is very large, 39mm. amongst all the Asiatic specimens Qialndis) few approach it, one from Manchuria 37mm., and one or two labelled Amur nearly the same, but the majority are only 32-34 mm. in expanse. In colour it is a deep rich red-brown, with brighter red stigmata, a coloration quite the same as several of the paludis. We may expect that a series would shew variations of colour similar to those in the other species of this group of the genus Hydnccia.

In markings there is one difference from the paludis. Beyond the stigmata are two nearly parallel lines, and the space between the outer one and the margin is divided into two by an angulated line. In

ngii, p. 738. May 15th, 1912.



hurraiisi this line is proportionally nearer the outer of the two lines

referred to, than in any specimen of paliidis.

The hind-wings in paliidin vary very much, sometimes of a nearly

uniform tint, usually shading to a good deal darker towards the margin.

Sometimes this darker margin is marked off from the paler base,

forming a pale wing with a broad darker marginal band, and not

seldom the pale base has a darker line parallel to the inner edge of the ilark margin. This is the character of the hind-wings in burroivsi, in

which this inner line and the inner edge of the marginal band are more definitely parallel to each other throughout than in any of the specimens of palutlis, and the two tints do not shade into each other. I think I have seen this clear definition however in other species of this group of llyilnicia. The photograph of the specimen by Mr. Tonge happens to show these two points, the marginal lines of the forewings, and the clear definition in the hind-wings, although it shows nothing of the centre of the forewings, where however I detect no difference from the usual type in the group. Those differences that I have described are so slight, that they may be merely individual to this specimen, and I am quite prepared to be told that they hardly exist.

Photo. A. E. Tongi-. HYnKfKCIA nURROWSI X 2.

Note. The body of the specimen having been mounted, one was borrowed from a paludis for the purpose of the photograph. To this extent the photograph is deceptive.

The genitalia are, however, extremely distinct, they are of the same type as /laludis, but besides remarkable structural differences, are much larger, the length of the clasps, for instance, being as 5mm. to 4mm. They may be compared in Figs. 1 and 2 on Plate III.

The most striking difference is the great length of the transverse process of the harpes (in the figure the inner bi-anch is fractured on the left side) with its long sweeping curve and sharp point. The anal angle of the cucullus is produced into a sharp point, as compared with the rounded angle in the other species. The clavus is larger than in paludis, and is thicker just before the apex, and then ends by rapidly


narrowing. This is to some extent (in the photograph) due to the orientation of the process. The cornuti in the larger aedceagus are smaller than those of palndis, except that they include one very large broad spine very different from the rest.

In the plate the upper figure is bunuasi, the lower, one of the Asiatic paludis from Sajan, for comparison. On comparing these figures with those in Mr. Burrow's paper in the Trans. Ent. Soc. it must be remembered that the cedreagus is pi-esent in these, but removed in the preparations from which Mr. Burrows' photographs are taken. My photographs are by Mr. F. N. Clark.

I propose to place the specimen in the British Museum.

Seasonal notes on Tineina.


Being absent from England till July 4th, in 1911, I missed all the delightful species of Micro-lepidoptera which one sees, or hopes to see, in the spring and early summer. I arrived home just in time to secure two imagines of Coleoplwra jiotentillae, which had emerged in one of my breeding pots. I had found the larvae on Fotentilla tor- tnentilla, near Richmond, in July, 1910. In another pot one C. therinella had emerged. The larva of this was taken off Cnicus arvensia, in Chiswick, the previous autumn. On the other hand, the eleven larv« of ' '. niveieostella, from eggs laid on thyme by a female from Eastbourne (August l-lth, 1910), had unfortunately all perished owing to the drying up of the plant. July 15th was spent at Clandon in the pleasant company of other members of the South London Society. The junipers yielded Artjijresthia abduminulis, as they did on the same date in 1905. Swaininerdammiacaesiella occurred amongst hawthorn, and it pleased me to find larvae of Antisfnla pfeifferella mining m the leaves of dogwood. The holes they had made in the leaves when they cut out their cases were quite con- spicuous, as also were the large brownish mines, which still contained larvffi. On an oak trunk at Richmond, July 19th, I found a moth I could not recognise. It was PsoricupUra tjibbosella. So the next day I revisited the locality and came back with four more. Four days later, also at Richmand, when searching the trunks of some old hawthorns, I found two specimens of t'erustonta scabrella. Of this insect, one might say that it is exceedingly inconspicuous until one does see it. On the same afternoon, among weeds, in a sunny spot, one quite fresh IJta niaciUiferella was taken. I searched for further examples, but in vain. Perhaps the species was not fully out. During this month I found 'Tinea corticella less scarce than in other years. It rests just like 1\ cloacella on the bark of trees. On August 8th I took a little white moth which did not fly quite like Elachista argentella. When caught its large eyecaps proved it to be an Uposte(fa, and it was salaciella. From time to time I take solitary individuals of this species without being able to get any clue to the larval habits. It would be of very great interest to obtain the larva and pupa ; the latter would possess very large pupal eyecaps, and might thus be recognised if found accidentally. Towards the end of August Sttniilechia geminella was common hiding in the crevices of the bark of oaks. In September I took two mines of Lipmetia derkella off'

112 THE entomologist's RECORD.

birch ; they both yielded the dark fuscous form. {Several cases of Culeuphora alticulella were gathered from rush heads ; both C. ijlanci- colella and (J. caesjntitiella occur on the same ground at Richmond.

In August LithocuUetis cDniparella haunted the trunks of abele poplars at Barnes in some numbers. It is very common all over the district in most years, but appears to be somewhat local generally. The larva mmes m all the common kinds of poplar. From honey- suckle on Putney Heath I bred Lithuculletis trifasciella in late September, and was much interested to find mines on SalLv repens about the same time, which I hoped would produce L. quimjueiinttella. None emerged in the autumn, but two specimens of this species have already been bred from these mines. At Ealing at the end of July the larva of Nepticida pUujicolella was common in plum leaves. The following species came into the house at Chiswick : Two Sitotroga cerealella, Tinea ijallescentella, and a dark form of (jriacilaria stiyiiia- telLa. My last catch of the year was a nice specimen of Oinophila v-jiavuui, on November 17th, on a window frame.

The Rhone Valley and Italian Lakes in Spring.

By A. S. TETLEY, M.A., F.E.S.

1 spent a fortnight in May, 1910, and another in June 1911, in the Rhone Valley and on the soutli side of the Simplon, and possibly a few notes on the butterflies observed may be interesting, even for such well- worked ground, as my visits were rather earlier than those of most of our English butterfly hunters in Switzerland. My head- quarters in 1910 were St. Maurice in the Valais and Baveno on Lake Maggiore, and Bex in lyil, with a short tour to Iselle and back over the Pass. We had good weather in 1910, but everything seemed back- ward, and butterflies very scarce south of the Alps. Last year we encountered the one bad patch of weather in the summer, and except in a few places found butterflies few in number compared even with the preceding year.

In 1910, from May 15th to 29th we had only two wet days. Erebia medusa was one of the few common butterflies near St. Maurice and at St. Tnphon, all more or less typical. Cupido osiris [sebrus) was much scarcer at the latter place than in May, 1907. In fact the only insect at all common there was Anthrocera acliiUeae. A dozen Melitaea parthenif were all I took, and this meant practically all I saw, as I wanted them for my friends. At Martigny, on May 28th, there were a good number of common butterflies, but no Melitaeas except M. cinxia. Erebia eiias was under the clitis, the only other noteworthy captures being single specimens of JUxmansiim iinieiiiosijni: and Eieiia napi var. bryoniac.

We were at Baveno from May 17th to 22nd. The woods and meadows on the slopes of Monte Matterone were full of spring flowers, but almost devoid of insect life. We were told that the cold weather had come to an end only a day or two before we arrived. It was dishearten- in" to traverse the most attractive localities and see nothing but odd specimens of llesjieria iiialvae, Uavtearis {Neiiie(jbias)liicina, (oenonyinpka lianijiliUKs and the like. On May 19th and 21st we crossed the lake to Laveno and found butterflies commoner than at Baveno. The most noteworthy were Miiitaea phoebe and Scdlitantidcs orion. Of the former 1 took nine males. They were a much duller insect than the


forms I have taken in the Rhone Valley and at Vernet, with nearly unicolorous ground colour, and the black markings not so well defined. They are identical with some I took near Lugano in August, 1905. I caught them nearly all at flowers of Trifolitoii pratense. The S. orion were small and with not much blue on the wing bases ; they looked very black on the wing and did not seem to visit flowers.

On our return to the Rhone Valley we paid a visit to Glion and Sonzier on May 26th, and found Melitaea aurinia {artemU) abundant near the latter place and not so worn as on the same date in 1907. I should add that we crossed the Simplon on May 22nd and 23rd from Varzo to Brig, and except a few common butterflies between Varzo and Gondo saw nothing lepidopterous all the way. The snow was very deep for two miles or so on each side of the summit. Berisal was open only to painters and carpenters, and on our downward tramp it snowed and rained all the day.

In 1911 we were at Bex from June 12th to 24th, when incessant rain at last drove us homewards. A few notes on some of the more interesting butterflies will be all I need say about so well-known a district. Melanaryia i/alathea was extraordinarily abundant. At St. Triphon, in the meadows on each side of the Gryonne, Coenoni/tiipha iphis was nearly as common, males worn, females in fine order. There were numerous species besides, but none really plentiful there. Farart/e achine occurred at Vernayaz, between Aigie and Sepey, at St. Triphon and Bex, and commonly near Ollon, where I knocked it out of trees during a heavy thunderstorm. It was perfectly fresh. On June 20th I found Chattendenia [Theda) w-albiim on the banks of the Gryonne. Aiieia eumedon swarmed in the meadows below Villars-sur- Bex. The males were going over, but one could take any number of both sexes from the geraniums whose purple flowers were a conspicuous feature on all the slopes above Bex. A few Erehia oeme were the only other butterfly of note there. On June 18th, between Vernayaz and Martigny, I saw or took 54 species, including every one of the butter- flies to be found there in mid- June ; yet 1 do not think they were so common as in June, 1908. Two Heodes vinjanreae g are perhaps worth recording for the date. On June 21st-23rd we crossed the Simplon from Iselle to Brig. Again I found Pamassius mnemosi/ne below Gondo, very worn. Loweia alciphron var. {/ordius was just out, and Melitaea plioebe and M. athalia gave some fine forms.

At Berisal there were plenty of Pamasslus mnemmyne, and one or two Colias phicomone, but little else. Krebia evias and Paratge hiera were worn out. Between there and Brig Pleheius aryua (aegon) was in thousands. At the second Refuge Plebeius zephyrits var. lycidas was scarce and worn, while L'oLyoinitiatus escheri, equally scarce, was very fresh. That butterfly captured on the afternoon of the 23rd proved to be the last we were to take in Switzerland in 1911.

I append a list of butterflies taken at Laveno on Lake Maggiore on May 19th and 21st, 1910 :—

Hesperia alveus, tl. inalvae, Nisoniad.es tayes, Auyiades sylvanus, Loueia dorilis, EiDiiicia phlaeas, Cupido ininiiiiKS, Ayriades thetis, I'uly- 0)nmatHs icarus, Alicia iiiedon (astrarche), Scolitantides orion, Callophrys riibi, Hawearis Iticina, Iphiclides podalirius, Fieris brassicae, P. napi, P. rapae, Eiichloe cardauiines, Leptosia sinapis, Colias hyale, Gonepteryx rhamni, Brenthis dia, Melitaea didyma, M. phoebe, M. athalia, Vanessa io,

114 THE entomologist's record.

Euvanessa antiopa, Pararije. ei/eria, I', niegaera, and ( 'oennminifilni pamphilus.

Retrospect of a Coleopterist for 1911.

By Prof. T. HUDSON BEARE, B.Sc, F.R.S.E.. F.E.S.

Many of the additions to our list, which I have to record this year, were introduced in the course of length}' articles dealing with certain difficult groups of our coleopterous fauna. I propose, therefore, in the first instance to give a short list of all the new species and varieties brought forward during 1911, and, later on, to refer more fully to some of these additions when I discuss the notes in which they were first brought forward.

New Species. (1) Haliplus fulvicoUis, Er., introduced by Mr. J. Edwards {Ent. Mo. Mag., vol. xlvii., p. 1).

(2) Baliplns heytleni, Wehncke, introduced by Mr. J. Edwards (loc. cit.)

(3) Haliplus irehnckei, Gerh., introduced by Mr. J. Edwards {Inc. cit.)

(4) Haliplna nomax, sp. n., described by Mr. Balfour Browne {loc. cit., p. 153). This insect occurs throughout Great Britain and Ireland, in lakes, canals, and large drains of clear water. It belongs to the difficult nt/icollis group.

(6) Hoinalota {Atketa) inhabilis, Kraatz., {loc. cit., p. ill). The insect introduced by Dr. Joy as Epipeda nigricanH, Thorns, {loc rit., vol. xlv., p. 268), turns out to be the above insect, the original identification having been incorrect.

(6) Hoinalota {Atheta) iiliputana, Bris., introduced by Dr. Cameron {loc cit., p. 223) on five specimens taken in small carcases near J3rockenhurst, in May and June, 1911. Dr. Cameron gives a table for separating this insect from its allies.

(7) Homalota inniri, sp. n., described by Dr. Sharp {loc. cit., p. 227) on specimens taken in shingle in a stream in the New Forest. It is said to be closely allied to longnla, Heer.

(8) Taclujponts fasciatus, sp. n., described by Dr. Nicholson {Ent. Record, vol. xxiii., p. 24) on two specimens taken at Wicken Fen in 1910, in sedge refuse. In size and shape it resembles most closely T. solutus, Er.

(9) Quedius haiiiiidanHn, sp. n., described by Dr. Sharp {Ent. Mo. Mag., vol. xlvii., p. 67). This is apparently a coast insect, and has hitherto been confused with Q. moldciiiniix, Gr. It has been taken at Deal, Lymington, Sheppy, etc.

(10) Bled ins annae, sp. n., described by Dr. Sharp (loc. cit., p. 31) on specimens taken on the banks of the river Nith, near Thornhill, as far back as 1867, and also in 1910.

(11) Blediiis iilipea, sp. n,, described by Dr. Sharp {loc. cit., p. 32) on specimens taken by Mr. Elliman, near Cromer, in 1897.

(12) Blediiis terebrans, Schiodte, introduced by Dr. Sharp {loc. cit., p. 33) on specimens taken near Carstairs, and on the banks of the Truim, near Newtonmore.

(13) Blediiis /linniiliis, Er. { = diota, Schiodte), introduced by Dr. Sharp (loc. cit., p. 34) on specimens taken at Wells, Norfolk, as far back as 1867. It has been taken more recently in the same locality


by Dr. .Toy, Mr. Donisthorpe, and the author. It was confused with hk-nmis, Germ., but is abundantly distinct from that species.

(14) Bledim laetiov, Muls. and Rey, introduced by Dr. Sharp on specimens found at Scarborough and at Hammersmith (loc.cit., p. 58). It is superficially similar to fracticornis, Er.

(15) Bledim secerdendus, sp. n., described by Dr. Joy {loc. cit., p. 269). Dr. Joy says that this insect has hitherto been confused with B. arenarius, Payk. It has been taken at Dovercourt, Dawlish, Tresco, and in Ireland (Co. Kerry).

(16) Thinobiiin bicolnr, sp. n., described by Dr. Joy {Inc. cit., p. 10) on three specimens captured on the banks of the river Truim, Inverness-shire, on May 1st, 1910. It is a broader insect, and has longer antennsp than T. Uneans, Kr.

(17) Lesteva liictnoso, Fauv., introduced by Mr. Donisthorpe on a specimen taken in the Isle of Eigg, in moss in a waterfall, in Septem- ber, 1911 {Knt. Record, vol. xxiii., p. 301).

(18) Anisotonia ahjirica, Rye, introduced by Mr. Donisthorpe {loc. cit., p. 44) on a specimen taken in a sandpit near Oxford, on July Brd, 1910. It was named by Dr. Fleischer. Rye described this species on specimens from Algiers {Ent. Mo. Mcuj., vol. xii., p. 151).

(19) Anisotoma {Liodes) stenocoryphe, sp. n., described by Dr. Joy {FJnt. Mo. Ma;i., vol. xlvii., p. 173) from two specimens taken by Mr. W. E. Sharp, at Forres, Inverness-shire, in September, 1910. Dr. Fleischer was of opinion that the insect was L. calcarata, Er., var. niiirescens.

(20) Cholera fidiyinoxo, Er., introduced by Dr. Nicholson {Knt. Record, vol. xxiii., p. 67) on specimens taken in dead leaves in North Devon. Taken also by Mr. Dollman in moles' nests, at Harrow, and by Mr. Donisthorpe at Hartlepool, in carrion. It is probably widely distributed, and is confused in collections with other species.

(21) Colon inicrops, Czwal. This species must be reintroduced into our list, as Mr. Champion has taken it at Cobham, Kent {F^it. Mo. Ma;/., vol. xlvii., p. 65). Dr. Joy {loc. cit., vol. xlvi., p. 268) suggested that it should be deleted from the British list.

(22) EryiV fairniairei. Reiche, introduced by Mr. Donisthorpe on specimens taken in Sherw^ood Forest {F.nt. Record, vol. xxiii., p. 325).

(23) Rhynchites hariroodi, sp. n., described by Dr. Joy {kjit. Mo. Mar/., vol. xlvii., p. 270) ; hitherto confused with u)icinatiis, Th. All the specimens which Dr. Joy had seen had been taken in Berkshire and Hampshire. It differs from nncivatKs in having no tooth at the apex of the anterior tibiae.

(24) Barypithes diiplicatKs, sp. n., described by Mr. Keys {loc. cit., p. 128). Previously it had been confused with B. pellucidHn, Boh.

(25) Cet(thorlii/ncliusi niiilleri, Thoins. (= rntiindatiis, Bris.). Canon Fowler considered this to be a doubtful species {Col. Brit, hi., vol. v., p. 34-1), but Mr. J. Edwards shows {Ent. Mo. May., vol. xlvii., p. 208) that it is a perfectly distinct species, and can be readily separated from iiiaryiuatKs, Pk., and pnnctiyer, Gyll.

New Varieties and Aberrations. (1) Aniwtonia calcarata ab. iiiyreacens, Pleisch., introduced by Mr. Donisthorpe on a specimen swept up in Parkhurst Forest, on August 21st, 1910 [Ent. Record, vol. xxiii., p. 44).

(2) A)ii^ntonifi carta, Fair., var. donii^thorpei. n. var., described by

116 . THE kntomologist's kecord.

Dr. A. Fleischer (loc. cit., p. 43) ; it was taken at Hartlepool by Mr. Gardner, Mr. Donisthorpe, and the author.

(3) Ankotoma dubia, Kug., var. daridiana, n. var. This variety was described by Dr. Joy [Ent. Mo. Ma<j., vol. xlvii., p. 11) as a new species, distinct from dubia. A few months later [loc. cit., p. 167) Dr. Joy came to the conclusion that it was only a variety of dubia. It seems to be generally distributed throughout England.

(4) Telepliorus thoracicus, Oliv., var. suturalis, Schilsky, introduced by Mr. Champion {loc. cit., p. 17) on specimens taken at Gosport by Mr. Pool, and at Woking by Mr. Champion.

(5) liryaxifi iinpressa, Panz., var. nnicolor, n. var. This variety was described by Mr. J. Collins {he. cit., p. 276) from specimens taken in Cheshire, and at Yarnton, Oxford.

Changes in Synonymy. (1) Haliplun conjiyns, Steph., var. pallens, Fow. Mr. Edwards {loc. cit., p. 1) was of opinion that this variety is an authentic species, and should be known as H. pallens:, Fow.

(2) Halipliifi cineretis, Aube. According to Mr. Edwards {he. cit.) this ingect should be known as H. laminatus, Schall.

(3) Laccobim ncutellaris, Mots. Dr. Sharp appears now to be of opinion that the insects he recently introduced under this name are more correctly known as L. rei/ularis, Rey. {he. cit., p. 22).

(4) Homahta basicornix, Muls. Dr. Sharp states {he. cit., p. 257) that our exponents of U. autnm7iali!i, Er., are really basicornis, Muls., but he also expresses the opinion that there is no reason why the true autHmnalis should not occur in Great Britain.

(5) Stenns crassus, Steph., var. littoralis, Th. This variety is Stenux formicetorum, Mann. Mr. Dollman, who took a specimen at Ditchling, in August 1910, introduced his capture as a species new to our fauna {F/nt. Record, vol. xxiii., p. 95). Mr. Newbery, however, rightly points out {F.nt. Mo. Mai/., vol. xlviii., p. 11) that there is only a change of synonymy in the matter, the var. littoralis becoming the species fornncetorum.'''-

(6) Quediiis vexans, Epp., should be known as Q. heidenreichi, Bernh. The author pointed out {he. cit., p. 140) that the insect found in moles' nests and known amongst British coleopterists as Q. vexans was an insect new to science, which had recently been described by Dr. Bernhauer. Capt. Deville has also described the same insect as Q. talparniii.

(7) Aniaototna {Liodes) nigrita, Schmidt. The insects which we have called by this name really belong to the species A. seita, Er., as pointed out by Dr. Joy {toe. cit., p. 168) and therefore nijfrita disappears from our list.

(8) Anisntoma {Liodes) obesa, Schm. Dr. Joy was of opinion {he. cit.) that this species is only a variety of A. dubia, Kug.

(9) Anisotoina {Liodes) simihta, Rye. Dr. Joy was of opinion {he. cit.) that this insect is only a variety of A. badia, Stni.

(10) Lonyitarsus pnle.i, Schrank, should, according to Messrs. Tomlin and Sharp, be known as /y. obliteratm, Rosehn. {he. cit., p. 245).

(11) Longitarms ater, P., should be known as /.. parntliis, Payk. {he. cit., p. 246).

Messrs. Tomlin and Sharp are of opinion that 1 jongitarsus niger,

* I understand Mr. Dollman maintains that bis original determination is right.— (H.J. T.)


Koch, must be dropped out of our list altogether, as it has never occurred in this country (loc. cit., p. 274).

(12) Ceuthorhynchidiii^ distinctux, Bris. This species will have to be omitted from our list, and m place of it two new abs. introduced, viz., Ceuthorhynchm mari/inatns, Paj^k., ab. distinctiis, Bris., and Ceuthorhynchns iiiarf/inatus, Payk., ab. inaeqaalis, ab. n. [loc. cit., p. 208).

Records of the Capture of Rare Species. During the year there has been a fair number of records of the capture of rare species. Mr. Donisthorpe records : Mt/cetu/jonis forticurnu, Fauv., from Tubney ; Drojirius aw/ustatKs, Brulle, Af/athidiutii badiuin, Er. (also taken by Dr. Nicholson), and Athous imdidatKs, De G. (also taken by the author), fromRannoch; Homaliunt brevicolle, Thorns, and D[/sc/drii(s anyustatus, Ahr., from Nethy Bridge ; he also states that he has bred 2 forms of Anaspis liudwni, Donis., from fir bark brought home from Nethy Bridge. Commander Walker has taken Pleijaderus dissectus, Er., Medon apicalis, Kr., Oli(jota apicata, Er. and (K gniiiaria, Er., at Oxford ; and Malachius vnlneratHs, Ab., near Sheerness. Dr. Sharp records Aleochara discipennia, Muls., and Lonyitarsus niyerrimus, Gyll., from the New Forest ; Dr. Nicholson has taken the former in Devonshire, Mr. Bagnall took Xeumphes rubicnndKn, Schm., and Pseudopsh sulcata, New., at Gibside. Mr. G. A. Brown records Hclophorus tuberculatus, Gyll., in some numbers ; and Mycetophagna quadriyuttatns, Miill., from Coatbridge. Homalota picipennh, Mannb, is recorded from Little Marlow by Mr. W. E. Sharp, and from the New Forest by Dr. Cameron. Biedius rrasdcollis, Lac, was taken at Wicken Fen by the author, and latter on by Mr. W. E. Sharp. Mr. Jennings records (Tnorlmtis nobiiia, L., and EpuroM angustida, Er., from Epping Forest. Mr. Champion notes that Criocephalus term, Muls., is spreading in the South of England, and has now been found at Guildford. The author has recorded Megacronus inclinans, Grav., Lamprinus saginatHs, Heer, from Nethy Bridge ; and Bryoporns nigipennis, Pand., from the Cairngorms.

{I'd be continued.)

Ten Days in the Cevennes.


I left Digne by the train leaving at six o'clock in the morning, for Mende, where I had arranged to meet my friend Mr. A. H. Jones. My quickest route, not however the shortest, was to go down to Mar- seilles and back up to La Bastide, where I had to sleep, as I could not get through the same day, there being no night trains. It took me fifteen hours and a half to cover under 300 miles, but I thoroughly enjoyed the lovely country through which we passed. The views of the Bay of Marseilles were very tine, and were seen to perfection, for entering on the east and going all round and out on the west, we half encircled the bay. Having had a comfortable night's rest I was up betimes on the morning of July 15th (the great National Fete day), and having completed my "petit dejeuner" soon after 7 a.m., I took a walk on to the high table land. It was, however, too early and too high, considering the hour, for anything to be on the wing, and as I


returned to catch my train at 10 a.m. the only butterflies I saw, except a few Pieti^ rapae, were several Krebia sti/i/ne.

Mende was reached by about 12.30, and I confess to a feeling of satisfaction that for at least ten days another day would not be spent inside a railway carriage ; it seems such a waste of time when you are going through beautiful country to be penned up thus. After a good " dejeuner " I made my way up to the ridge of the Causse, but did not reach the top, as I struck a blind path, blind, that is to say, on the side I had taken. The path was mostly through woods, though here and there a nice open green space was met with, where 1 took Anthroccia hijipocrepidis, a single J. punctuiii var. contamineoides, A. hilana, and a single A. fansta. This latter became more abundant later on. Satyrns alcijone was by no means uncommon, and I also took one S. dree. As I descended along the St. Privat path, Krebia '^tyipie occurred on the screes to the left, but the few specimens I took were generally allowed their freedom, as they were very worn indeed. I returned to the hotel to find my friend come back from his day's excursion, rejoicing in the fact that Hirsutina dolus was just coming out, and that he had taken several that day. This species was really the object of our visit ; for it we worked every day, and in the end we were rewarded fairly satisfactorily. Mr. Jones knew a couple of localities, where we found it sparingly each day. One was a stony valley or gully about half a mile long, between more or less cultivated fields, and leading up into the beautiful woods that clothe the hillsides all around. Another was an open stony bend beside the river. In each of these places we were, on the whole, not unsuccessful, but the success was only obtained by hard plodding, at times, indeed, a real and severe grind, as we paced up and down the stony places without much green to refresh the eyes, the sun being cloudless the whole time. Up and down our respective quarters we went, sometimes passing each other, changing places, or comparing notes, with the intense heat reflected from the ground around, to say nothing of the sun's rays themselves, which ever and anon were so strong as to compel a resort to the shade of some tine trees that fortu- nately edged one side of the little valley. We were both of us, however, determined not to return empty-handed. The first day we each took two or three specimens, and many an Ayriades coriduii was caught and released in mistake for tl. dnliis, whilst, im- possible as it may seem, more than once I took Melanartjia (jalathea by mistake in like manner, it was a very small form that 1 obtained there, and I record it simply because it seems to be such an extra- ordinary thing, but I find that others on the same quest have also done the same thing. Hirsntiiut damon was equally common with A. coridon, and many females did we take in the hope of their turning out to be female 11. dolus; at times, of course, we were not disappointed. I'lilyunniiatKs esrheri in both sexes was not uncommon, whilst I'lfbeius arrjKs [aeijun) and Foli/onnnatHs icarua occurred sparingly. Lutveia alci)iltr<i)t var. f/ordius was fairly abundant, the females being in magnificent condition. I also took on the same ground a single L. dorilis and a few I', /lylas, the latter, however, were becoming passr. One day, as we were going from our hunting ground to the small wayside inn to quench a consuming thirst, we knocked oft' some clematis bushes one or two Celantrina (Lycaenopsis) arf/ialns of the


second brood, here also ( 'allimorpha hera was taken several times. In our stony valley, whilst waiting for our special quest, I took a long and splendid series of Anthmrera aarpednn, this species being quite the commonest of the genus at this time. Among those taken are several handsome aberrations, mostly in the way of increased size and con- fluence of spots. A. hippocrepidis was taken here sparingly. Among the Melanarifia (jalathea var. Iriiroinflas was occasionally seen, Mr. •Tones taking several. I, however, had to be content with but two. Along one side of the ground were some fine large trees, around which Satynis alcf/uuf loved to disport themselves, but they were excessively wary. They, as usual, delighted to rest on the main trunks, and unless you saw them settle it was very difficult to find them, and at the least sign of the net oft" they flew among the leaves above. Li-jitosia miaijia was not uncommon, and we secured several beautiful sj^ecimens of var. dinieiisis.

Our experience of H. dohif. may be of some interest. It is one of the most beautiful of European blues, and as such they behave. It was a most unusual thing to see them before 12 o'clock in the day, most were taken on the wing, their flight being decidedly rapid, occasionally we saw them settle. I do not think I saw one toying with other species of the group, they appeared to he generally very exclusive. In another locality where a streamlet crossed the path, and where croAvds of other blues were drinking, we only saw two doing so, though the sun was so intensely hot that we avoided standing still in it as much as possible. Their habits differ according to locality, on the Causse we found them frequenting a grassy field with much very long grass in it, here they were entirely in stony quarters. About a quarter of an hour's walk from this spot was a very narrow valley with the hillsides somewhat precipitous and a small stream running quietly along the centre. Here was a profusion of valerian, clematis, bramble and many herbaceous flowers that I did not recognise, and at a certain bend there was a perfect cmharras de richetise of these flowers and shrubs, which were the delight of Argynnids, of Limenitu Camilla, of Paran/c iiiaera, etc. At one moment we saw several Arnynnis ninhe var. crh sucking the nectar of honeysuckle, Dryus paphia by the half dozen, l>renthis daphne sluA I), dia, whilst over all swung and hovered in its lovely flight L. Camilla in abundance, it was a sight that neither my friend nor I will forget for its perfect beauty of life and colour and situation. In addition to the insects already named, I^arnaxfiiiia apolln was there and several Hesperids as well. As we entered this lovely spot from the road a large insect flew by, which I at once recognised as an Apatura, fortunately for me It doubled back wnth the result that it found its onward course suddenly stopped by the folds of my net. It turned out to be a perfect specimen of A. ilia var. clytic Previously to this we had met with the species on the main road much nearer Mende, when a beautiful specimen fell to Mr. -Tones' hand. Whilst in this neighbourhood we took several others of both A. ilia and var. rb/tir. Here also I took Riiyonia jiolychlorns in nice condition.

We also spent one or two days on the top of the Causse, well over 1,000 ft. higher than where we had been working for H. dolus. Our first day there produced several species not seen at all at the lower altitude. Ascending by way of the Ermitage de St. Privat, we saw

120 THE entomologist's RECORD.

but little new to begin with, but as we ascended higher, insects became abundant. Paniamiiuii apollo was not infrequent, the females being large and very dark, the males rather white. Mr. Jones took a single H. tinlits, whilst P. escheri was not uncommon. Pararife maera var. ndrasta was also fairlj' plentiful and fine, Adopaea Jlava (t/taumas) was likewise plentiful, whilst a few Thymelicus actenn fell to our nets, ('oenonympha arcania was taken at the lower levels, the specimens being, however, small, but up near the Causse, var. darwiniana was obtained. Here also, before we reached the top, Anthrocera fausta was fairly common, and we took one or two both of A. carniolica and its var. (linicnsis, whilst I also secured a single A. trifolii very close to its ab. iiiinoideii. On the top of the Causse, which reminded one strongly of the high Yorkshire moors in some of its details, Melitaea didijma was very common, and the females fairly abundant, very dark and grey, and I secured some beautiful specimens scarcely differing at all from var. weridioyialis, the males also being very brilliant in tone of colour. Melitopa phoebe was not rare, but past its best. M. atlialia was obtained rarely, but only a single specimen of M. dictynna. The commoner blues were plentiful so that we made a fair " bag," though its quality may not have been as good as elsewhere. Our last day had now come and we decided we would work the horizontal path along the sides of the mountains southwards. Circumstances, however, sometimes alter cases, and when Mr. Jones came down in tlie morning he said, as we were having our coffee and rolls, " Let us go on to the top of the Causse again. I had a peculiar dream. You remember that field where you joined me the other day ? I dreamt that in that field I was taking H. dolus by the dozen." I knew exactly the spot he referred to, some considerable way along one of the moor paths, and readily agreed to go again. As before we soon parted to somewhat different grounds, and I was again busy with insects of one kind or another. Satyrm rirce, fine and large, was everywhere flapping about in all directions ; .S. alcyiyue, also in fewer numbers ; Colias hyale, with beautiful fine white females, were not uncommon ; C. ediim being nearly over ; whilst of doneptery.r rhaiiini I took a single male ; P. escheri and //. ilamon were very common. At last I came to the field of the night vision, to which my friend had repaired earlier than I, and as I came in sight I heard his well-known voice say " Come, come along, here is H. dolus in plenty." When I came up to him I found he had taken twelve to fifteen and several females in quite a short time, so I was soon at work and did not finish until I had secured ten or a dozen also. This was our closing excursion in the Cevennes country, and we were both pleased with our success.

Of Heterocera we saw comparatively few. I have no doubt we missed other llhopalocera, as our minds were specially bent on one insect, and I am quite conscious that I allowed several species to pass that otherwise I should have taken. Kuiydia crihnnn in two of its forms, var. punctiiient and var. mndidci was not uncommon ; i'oscinia striata (yramwira) was less common in this district. iMsiocainpa ifnerciis was stopped once or twice in its wild flight across the high ground, whilst Heliothis dipsacea and Acontia Inrtnnsa were taken at lower levels. Thus ended a very pleasant trip, and the following day we went on to Toulouse en route for the Pyrenees, though Mr. Jones made up his mind to come back here again for Krehia nenridas on our final


return home. After spending between a fortnight and three weeks in the Pyrenees, my friend visited Mende again for a few days, and he has asked me to incorporate his notes in this paper.

He arrived at Mende on August 9th, and the following morning being hot and sultry wended his way up the Ermitage de St. Privat, and found the males of Erebia neoridas extremely numerous along the path, but very deft in evading capture, whilst the females obtained on the grassy slopes were not uncommon, and a long and beautiful series of both sexes was obtained. Among other insects Mr. Jones mentions that IsHoria lathonia was very abundant, two or three feasting on a single head of lavender at one moment ; Satyrux setuele was common, but worn; -S. circe being still plentiful and in the pink of condition. This shows that the latter species is on the wing in good condition for a month, s'. actaea was also still on the wing, a single male being taken. The two following days were spent on the Causse de Mende (3475 feet) and my friend writes as follows relating his experience :

" During my absence of nearly three weeks a complete change had come over the butterfly life on the Causse. Plehfius afion, Aricia iiiedon (astrarche) PolifouiniatKs icarna, P. hylaa, Ayriades coridon, Hirsiitina dolus, H. daman and P. esclieri, were there it is true, but in a most dilapidated condition. There was, however, one addition to the Blues to enliven the somewhat disappointing scene, viz., Ayriades thetu {hdlaryus). Not all the butterflies were in " rags and tatters " by no means. Numbers of ('alias kyale and ('. edusa were flying about in every direction, ab. hrlicc being by no means uncommon and all in lovely condition Satyr us statilinus and -S. arethusa, of which I took a beautiful but short series, were by no means rare ; indeed the former seemed to be only just emerging, being so perfect. Fjijinephele lycaou was in great abundance but very worn ! In a solitary freshly emerged female of E. tithonus, I was surprised to take a species I had met with in England five weeks previously. The Hesperida> I took were interesting but require identification. The abundance of Anthrocera (Zyyaena) carniolica was a great feature at rest on lavender blossom. At the top of the Causse, and about a mile from its northern pdge there is a slight depression or ravine extending some miles southward and it was only here in this sheltered spot that butterfly life was abundant. On the exposed Causse itself there was a singular absence of insect life."

Mr. .Tones sent me a couple of S. statilinus for examination, and they are typical of all be took. 1 have never seen so beautiful a form, they are all deep sooty black above, whilst below they are in general tone much the same colour. I have never seen anything to compare with the depth of colour. I have a fair series from Brussa, but the specimens, though in good condition, are quite brown compared with these Cevennes specimens.

P.S. On reading the proof of the foregoing lines I find 1 have omitted one or two things. I took one beautiful, though small specimen of Satynis hriseis on the Causse. where also Pararye lycaon was plentiful. The head-quarters of the former species was lower <lown in more wooded country. One day as we were sitting by the river near the dolus ground we noticed an incident that I have seen recorded from the tropics, but have never witnessed or seen recorded from Europe. Both Melanaryia ynlathea and one of the Pierids were

122 THE entomologist's RKt'ORD.

enjoying the sunshine, flying over the water, and several times we dis- tinctly saw them make a rapid descent and plunge their bodies into the stream. We were close enough to see the process quite clearly. The heat was very great and it was evidently a pleasure, and possibly a relief to them, to come in contact with the cool water. G. T. B.-B.


Note on the abundance of Biston hirtaria in 1912, and on Insect Periodicity. On April 6th 1 paid a visit to some friends near Leytonstone, where I found B. hirtaria in extraordinary abundance. In two roads which I visited, each about half a mile long, the front gardens on both sides were lined with lime trees, and each tree had its moths, some from 20 to 30, and on one side of a six inch diameter trunk I counted 70 specimens.

My friend tells me the caterpillars were a perfect pest last year, the paths being covered with their trodden remains. The moths varied from pale fawn to very dark brown, and grey, and quite a number were as large as those illustrated on the frontispiece plate in Series 2 of South's British Moths. Having no pillboxes I endeavoured to bring some of the best forms home in a large cardboard box, the only avail- able receptacle. Unfortunately one of the females had the audacity to start laying her ova under the wings of another inmate, which resulted in a general scrimmage. On reaching home I set a number of the males free to the evident delight of the local sparrows, who soon made short work of them, catching them as they flew. I put some of the less lively males on an oak trunk in my garden, and some females on lime trunks. On visiting the trees next morning I found that two males had been seized bj' spiders and dragged into their snares in holes in the bark. The females were still in the same position seven days afterwards, having in the meantime laid their green ova in chinks in the bark. I may mention that a female laid in a a pillbox a batch of cream-coloured ova.

What is the cause of this periodical abundance of a species ? One season it is Phalera hiicephala that infests lime trees, rose bushes in gardens, and anything else it can feed on, in districts as far apart as Dulwich and Dartford, another season MalacosoHia {Boinhi/.v) nrnstria devastates the fruit trees on the South Const, when bracelets of ova can be found by the score on a small bush, another year Porthesia rhrysorrhoea is stripping the hawthorn hedges on the South-East Coast, or else its place is taken by one of the small ermine moth larvffi which cover the hedges with their webs in every direction. Larvae of B. hirtaria were also plentiful in North Kent and East Dulwich last year, but the emergence in the latter place has only been normal.

It is quite evident that the fine weather last Spring and early Summer suited the larvse, and that the warm wet winter has favoured the emergence of the imagines, but one is tempted to ask why we did not get an abundance of /'. huccjthala larvse as well, which also feed on lime trees. C. W. Colthriip, 141, East Dulwich Grove, S.E. April 15th, 1912.

NoTF, ON THE EARLY Skason. I have just found (April 16th), at Margate, two full fed Abraj-as (/mssidariata larva?, spinning up for pupation, and three others practically full fed on Emtniinnis. I also


saw Uela.strina argiulim flying at East Dulwich on April 7th, which date struck me as being early. Id.

Xylina ornitopus, Rutt. In the April, 1911, number of the Ivnt. Record, vol. xxiii., p. 97, Mr. Dadd proposes the name var. lactipennLs for the pale form of the above species, which is taken in the New Forest. As however Mr. Warren in " Seitz' Palearctic Lepidopt'era " (published April 25tb, 1910), on page 25 of the Noctuae letterpress, says, " the whiter forms are separated as ab. iialiida, Spul.," Mr. Dadd's name would appear to fall. Although the figure on plate 30/<, of Seitz is not so pale as our New Forest specimens, probably due to the printing, the above description and name of Spuler's would cover them. In conclusion I should like to mention, that the blue-grey form occurs rarely in the New Forest. I took one in October, 1906, two in October, 1909, and one in October, 1910. Id.

Phryxus LivoBNicA. A friend of mine, Mr. 8treeter, of Pet worth, Sussex, had a specimen of P. livoniica (The Striped Hawk Moth) brought to him on July 2nd, 1911, by a boy, who took it the day before at rest on some grass. He had kept it in a box overnight, and from its condition I should say it was freshly emerged when taken. Id.

The Cleansing of Greasy Insects. A New Solvent. I have at last discovered a simple and absolutely effective system of treating greased lepidoptera which I venture to publish, hoping that it may prove as great a boon to others as it has to me. I have tried so many things with such indifferent success that I have often felt inclined to throw away badly greased moths. Toluol has been a revelation to me. Procure from your druggist a quart of toluol C is the formula I believe it is cheap and will get rid of the grease in a very large collection. This is how you should apply the cure; take three vessels, size according to your needs, pour a certain quantity of toluol into the first and put one or two butterflies or moths into the same. Leave them there for 24 hours and then pass them on to a second bath in the second vessel for another 24 hours, and place new subjects in the first bath. On the third day remove insects from the second into the third bath and from first into second. Thus each has three full days of the cleaning process and comes out of his bath spick and span and wonderfully rejuvenated. 1 need hardly add that no resetting is required as the bath does not in the least relax the patient. The first bath takes out the worst of the fat, the second removes what is left and the third puts on the final touch of grace. Even the oiliest of my Cossids tias yielded to the persuasions of this bath. To try it is to use it, as the advertisements say. Those who despair of effecting a radical grease cure and who refuse to give this method a trial are humbly requested to make me a present of their greasy treasures. Don't forget to cover up your vessels with pieces of glass to prevent evaporation of the toluol. P. A. H. Muschamp, F.E.S., Stafa, Zurichersee.

Second Broods in 1911. Having obtained ova last year from two females of Aifji/nnin tKjlaia, which I had sleeved over a large clump of garden pansy planted in a box, I placed them outdoors, expecting them to hatch and proceed to hibernate in due course. In late autumn I had occasion to look at the box, and to my surprise found that the food-plant had been completely devoured and the larvae, which were all more than half -grown, had succumbed for want of food.

124 THE kntomologist's record.

In late August last year a second generation of Brenthis seleiw occurred here, of which more than thirty specimens were seen. A few days after, in a field about two miles from the first locality, 1 saw two males. None of these diflered from ordinary typical specimens except that they were all rather small.

On September 20th a single specimen of Xylocampa areola J {litlioriza) was seen, and a few days later an example of Odontopera bidentata $ occurred. R. Ashton Nichols, 30, High Street, Ilfracombe.

Micro- Lepidoptera oj? Canvey Island, Essex. I had the pleasure on Tuesday last of spending an hour or two on Canvey Island. My special quest was larvae or pupae of our local Psychid Whittlela retiella. I considered myself very fortunate in finding larv« feeding as well as cases fixed for pupation, eight in all. 1 also got larvae of Gnnu>do}iiu limoniella in old stems of Statice a,s well as Adacti/lufi bennettii larv;e on the new growth. ElachUta anjentella occurred in numbers and one pupa, as well as liHccnlatrix niaritinia, both larvte and pupae on Poa iiiaritiina. F. G. Whittle, 7, Marine Parade, Southend. Mai/ Qtli, 1912.


Folia chi and Protective Resemblance. With reference to the query in the March number of the F^nt. Record, p. 76, on I'olia chi, I came across the species when in South Devon last year. Specimens were found at rest on lichen-covered oak trees in a wood, and on boulders on a moorland, where they were not easily seen. On out- cropping and broken rocks along the roadside they were fairly easily detected, and on railway arches made of brown stone they were very conspicuous. On a grey lichen-covered wall, on one side of a main road, they were as difficult to discover as the most difficult Briiophila itnnalis [ylandifera), whereas on the other side of the road, where the wall was dark brown, with here and there a dark green lichen, they were quite easily seen. When once discovered on the grey lichen - covered wall, it was apparent that the insect was much darker than its surroundings, and had the appearance of being greenish-blue in colour. Unfortunately I did not take my camera on this trip, but am quite sure a half-plate photograph would have made the insect appear quite conspicuous, whereas the reverse was the case. It is a difficult matter in an ordinary photograph to convey a true idea of how well a moth is concealed. Notwithstanding the conspicuous position in which this species was at rest on the opposite dark wall, which I left for observa- tion, they were as free from attacks by birds and other enemies by day as their •'/>roffcf/«v" resemblance brethren on the light grey wall. 1 also found others of this species at rest on pine trunks, where they were soon discovered by the practised eye, which is on the lookout for a pattern and anything approaching a triangle, but the casual observer would probably pass them by as patches of lichen. The term " pro- tective resemblance," as applied to butterflies and moths at rest, does not strike me as a very happy one. To be " protective," it seems to me there must be evidence that these insects are subject to the attacks of birds or other enemies when at rest in the day time. As far as I can see this has not been proved. I quite admit that moths at rest


often bear a remarkable resemblance to their surroundings, or to the surface on which they rest; on the other hand there are many moths which are most conspicuous when at rest. For splendid examples of resemblance to surroundings, couimend me to the collar stud lost on the carpet, or a pair of forceps lost on the beach. I have spent many illuminating moments in search of both. I have been an observer of birds for years, and some years ago I started on a campaign to prove that birds did prey on moths and butterflies, but I have found it quite the exception for birds to attack either. The exceptions I have recorded in the Knt. Record, from time to time, and in almost all these instances the insects have been taken when flying. Granted that Tits may take some moths at rest on the trunks (I have never actually seen them do so), I doubt if they look for wings at all, but rather the body, eyes, etc., of the insect, they probably also rely on their beaks. I should say that it is at dusk and at night, when butterflies and moths are most open to the attacks of enemies, such as owls, bats, spiders, earwigs and other creeping things, when their colours and markings can have no protective value whatever. It seems to me the human collector is practically the only species against which they need protec- tion in the daytime. Why is it that F.nbitUa bipnnctaria and (rnophos nbscuraria (which are so much like the ground on which they rest) do not rely on their "protective" colouring, but fly ott' repeatedly at one's approach '? We are told that all things in nature have a use. Lobo- phora rarpbiata {lubidata), when freshly emerged, has a beautiful pale- green bloom on it, resembling the green lichen on the birch trunk, yet in a day this is completely bleached by exposure to the light, the moth then resembling the silver birch trunk on which it rests. Now what causes this green bloom and of what use is it, when the moth, without it, is so like its resting place '? In speaking of moths at rest on old grey fences being conspicuous, I have been met with the remark that fences must not be taken into account as these moths were evolved before fences were in existence. To this I would reply that according to those who believe in " protective resemblance," these moths ought to have been eaten oft" by birds, as pale Amphidasis betularia are sup- posed to have been where var. donbledat/a) ia is now predominant. The latter, by the way, has occurred since fences have been in existence. C. W. CoLTHRUP, 141, East Pulwich Grove, S.E.


The Birmingham Photographic Society held its 27th Annual Exhibition from February 24th to March 9th, when a Scientific Section was again included. Mr. H. Main secured a plaque, with a series of photographs showing " Nest-making of I'tilj/desmux ainiidaii- rttMs," and Mr. A. H. Hamm a similar award with a *' Set of 24 photographs of Butterflies showing Resting Habits," while certificates were awarded to Mr. A. E. Tonge (2) for '-Life Cycle of Purple Emperor Butterfly " and " Photomicrographs of Eggs of British Butterflies and Moths," to Dr. T. Gray Duncanson " The Birth of the Dragonfly," to Mr. A. W. Dennis for " Common Walnut," and to Mr. C. W. Colthrup for " Set of 25 Photographs showing Resting Attitudes of Moths."

The Terebrai' of the ( haUistoiicistra (saws, so called, of sawflies) is

126 THK KNT().M()l,()(ilST's RECORD.

the title of the main topic in the Address read to the Entomological Society of London by the President, the Rev. Francis David Morice, M.A. At considerable length, and with minute detail and precision, the author describes the complex actions carried on in the use of these highly developed organs, giving a full account of his own original observations. He gives two plates of figures of these wonder- ful organs, and also five other plates to illustrate his historical summary of our previous knowledge of this group, as given in the works of Vallisnieri and Reaumur.

The Entonioloijiiik Tidskijt of Stockholm, for 1911, contains a considerable amount of Lepidopterous matter concerning the Fauna of the Scandinavian area. Torsten Largerberg gives a long series of notes on the Swedish Macro-lepidoptera, J. Werner-Nielson summarises the distribution of the Macro-lepidoptera of Norway, -lohn Peyron furnishes a series of notes on the life-histones of various species, Ossian Dalgren describes the pupation of ' nssus cossks, Erik Uretland discusses and figures Kriuf^aster la)ifiitris var. arhiisridac from Norway, etc. One of the most important papers published is that by the ex- plorer Yngve Sjostedt on the Termites of the Congo State. With the TUhlnift for the year has also been published a general index of this periodical for the past twenty years. We can only use W'ords of praise for such efiorts. Without a periodical Index of Indexes it is an Huormous labour to wade through volume after volume of our magazines only to find probably that one has missed an important item through the mere fag of the trouble.

The Annals of Srottisit Xatinal UiHtori/ has ceased to appear as siicb, but with the omission of botany it is resuscitated under the title of T/n' Scottisli XatKralist, and is apparently still to be carried on under the auspices of the personnel of the Royal Scottish Museum. Instead of being issued quarterly it now appears monthly. In the January number Mr. W. Evans has an article on the appearance of the handsome dragonfly SijuipetriDn fonxcolonibii as new to the Scottish list.

In the Iviit. Mu. May. for February Mr. J. E. Collin gives a further section of the notes on new Diptera by the late G. H. Verrall. Hilaia beclieri from Aviemoie and Brodie ; U. carintliiaca from many localities; H. brain'rl horn the late W. Wilson Saunder's collection; H. Itinera) mi canii from various localities; //. Iietcnn/astra from Wormsley; //. ciiitiidata from Ringwood, Porthcawl, etc.; iEdalea i/fjicalia from the New Forest; Trichiiia upara from Nairn and Wicken ; Lept()f>eza sji/wnojitcrn from Portbcawl, Ivybridge, etc. ; iHinocera wesinaelii from Hereford; Aidoptera ocellatu from the Isle of Wight ; Tachista tnbi'iridatd from Herefordshire ; I'nilopKs loeiri from Scotland Fen, Suli'olk; Ihduhoputi rilift'»iuiattis from Porthcawl ; and I'aerilti- bdtlinis roiiiitialis from Seaford and Walton-on-Naze. For many of these records we note that Mr. Verrall was indebted to the assiduous work of that keen student of this Order, Colonel J. W. Yerbury.

In the I'int. Ma. Mofi. for February, Mr. Eustace R. Bankes con- tributes an article, with a plate of comparative genitalia, on Munufiis rrocivajiitella { fcnitfiinella, in part, luriiun, hi/alimila, and linnbardico) and ,1/. f't-rnii/intllii. He points out that the former species is essentially a coast insect and very local, while the latter is generally distributed inland.


We have received a copy of Bihliniira/thia ('(ilco/itcroldiiico, a list of voluTTies and separata on Coleoptera from W. Junk, of Berlin. That it is comprehensive will be understood when we say that it consists of the titles of more than 4,000 separate publications, with an intro- duction (14 pp.) on the literature of Coleopterology, and a plate of portraits of a number of living authors.

In an article on the recently established species Efit/an'onia [Retima) f)iirdei/i and //. Ini/itro, Mr. R. South, in the February number of the I iitmiKilnffist, makes the following remarks which we think worthy of reprinting and reprinting. " Frequent name-changing, whether generic or specific, is of course troublesome, not to say perplexing, but it appears to be inevitable. The modern trend of entomological action has been not only to uphold priority but to enforce it, so that in the present day the " law " is almost universally recognised by systematists. Some there are certainly who advocate exceptions and restrictions, but //' ire are ever to hare cimithinij apfroachincf Jinalit;/ i)i ntuiienchtture, strict prioriti/ iritliniit any qnalifi cation irliaterer )inist /ircrail. There can be no question that the only method of securing even approximate stability is to ascertain with certainty not only the earliest legitimate names of species but the truegeneric position of species in classification." The italics are ours. Will the International Congress of Entomo logists take u;) ihis question and not leave naming to the untram- melled aberrant idiosyncrasies of the individual ?

In the J\ntom,oUi(jisrhfi Mitteihitujen for the current year a serie.s of useful bibliographical studies has been commenced by Dr. H. Roescbke. The books dealt with so far are Panzei^'s h'ainia I nsi'i-tormn (jrennanicae and Sturm's Deiitsr/ilands Fauna.

It is interesting to find from an article by L. H. Bonaparte- Wyse in the Jrish yatnrali^t, that Antlnorera /mriinralis still strongly holds its own in co. Galway, while Vanesfta /o was in absolute abundance ; the beautiful form of ? Pnlyonnnatus icarns was noted ; Afpotis Inrcrnea flew in some numbers locally in the sunshine, and Aryyvm's at/laia occurred rather freely.

The Ballet in de la Societe lejiiilopteriddifiqae ilr deneri' for 1911 has recently come to hand. We have nothing but praise for this admirable periodical. Whether one regards the general get-up and production of the magazine itself, or considers only the value of the matter containefl in its pages, the opinion must be the same. That Prof. Charles Blachier is the general Editor speaks for itself, while Dr. Reverdin. Mr. Arnold Pictet, and M. J. Culot are among the contributors, a guarantee of the quality of the matter. There are four beautifully coloured plates, and to say that they are the production of M. Culot, stands for their excellence. It is rarely that one gets such a galaxy of talent as form the active and productive members of this small Society. Turning to the matter, we have first a long article discussmg critically the characteristics of the three Hesperid species, which have hitherto been so much confused, r/c, Hesperia malvac, H. nialroidea (fritillntn), and H. melotis. This paper is illustrated by an extremely successful coloured plate, a plate of the genitalia, an enlarged comparison of nialrae and nialroides, and a map of the species distribution. In the second article Dr. Arnold Pictet describes his breeding experiments with Laaincanipa qnerras. especially discussing the number of moults undergone by the larvae. Under the title, ihir Sn-ias Parnamids,


M. Euj<. von Biiren-von-Salis gives an account and summary of all the forms of the three European species of the genus Parnassius, pointing out the lines of variation and illustrating his notes by two admirable plates of M. Culot's. In the last article M. Culot diagnoses and figures a number of new forms of lepidoptera from Syria, and also a new form of Melaiianjia ijalatliea.

Among the chief items in the last few numbers of the Berue Mensiielle de la Societe Ento)nolo()iqne Namumise we note the follow- ing articles of interest. (1) "A Coleopteron {Aleochara hilineata) whose larvje live as Parasites in the pupae of a Dipteron {Anthoiiniia brassirae)," by M. C. Cabeau ; (2) " A Synopsis of the Neiiroptera of Belgium," by M. R. P. Longin Noras, S.J. ; and (3) The regular monthly article specially devoted to " Aberrations of Lepidoptera," contributed by Baron de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, in which he records all the forms which he meets with for the first time in Belgium and bestows names on those he considers to be new to science. Unfortunately to these latter we have to say " Still they come."

"Current Notes" are as a rule contributed by the Acting Editor, who is responsible for them. Tbose contributed by the other Editors or by correspondents have initials attached.

S^ 0 C I E T I E S .

Thk Entomological Society ok London. Fchnianj 1th. The Rev. F. D. Morice. M.A., President, in the chair. The President announced that he had nominated as Vice-Presidents for the present session Mr. A. H. Jones, Dr. Malcolm Burr, and Mr. J. H. Dui-rant. Rark Coleoptera. Mr. W. E. Sharp exhibited specimens of ' 'aijiophilna Q-/ii(Ktiilati(x, F., and C. nbs(}h'tus, Er., taken under bark of beech trees near Doncaster in October, 1912. Cteomet):id Moths of the genus Aletis, and their mimics from the NEiGHBouKHoor OF Entebbe. Prof. Poultou exhibited a large but not quite complete series of the members of this important combination, collected, between May 23rd, 1909 and September 14th, 1910, by Mr. A. Wiggins, D.P.M.O. of the Uganda Protectorate. Hypolimnas (Euralia) dubius, Beauv., and H. (E) anthedon, Boisd. Prof. Poulton exhibited part of an a.]\-a)it!ie(lt)n family recently bred by Mr. Lamborn at Oni Camp seventy miles east of Lagos, from jin (iitth<'(l<in female parent, and part of an all-'/"6/(/.s family also bred from an antlieihni female. Butterflies a Natural Food of Monkeys. - -Prof. Poult()n I'ead the following note received in a letter from Mr. W. A. Lamborn, November 17th, 1911 :— •" Our District Commissioner, Captain Neal, who occasionally spends a few days with us [at Oni Camp] tells me that he has several times seen ' dog-faced monkeys ' (not baboons but probably mangabeys), squatting beside mudholes, such as butterflies of some kinds resort to in large numbers in the dry season, and catching them one after the other and eating them." The anal tufts <if the female Glutophrissa protruded durin*; courtship. ^ Prof. Poulton drew attention to the following observation recently made by Mr. Lamborn at Oni : " On December 27th, I saw a male (ilntoj'/irissa saha courting a female. She was resting on a leaf with wings expanded. Her abdomen was raised to an angle of rather

sociBrriKs. lSi9

more than 4o° to the thoi-ax and two little tufts very similar to those possessed by male Danuiiuu protruJed from the anal extremity. A NEW SPECIES OF Vesperus. Dr. Malcolm Cameron exhibited a new species of W'xpenis, V. reittcri, from Lagos, Portugal, and for comparison a specimen of I', bulicari, Rtt. Hybrid Oporabias. Mr. E. A. Cockayne exhibited the following specimens of this genus : O. rhrisUji from Ireland and Scotland, hybrid 0. rhiistyi g x O. dilntata $ , and (K dilntata J X 0. chiistyi $ ; (). dilntata from Scotland and Epping Forest, hybrid O. dilntata ^ x O. autumnona ? , and larva ; O. aiittnnnaria, hybrid (K antnninaria $ x O. tilvjra\nmaria J , and (K f}liciiatinnaiia ^ x (K aiitinnnaria ? ; (>. filii/raniniaria from Yorkshire and Scotland. The following papers were read : " On some hitherto imperfectly known South African Lepidoptera," by Roland Trimen, M.A., F.R.S. "On the Comparative Anatomy of the Genital tube in 3 Coleoptera," by Dr. D. Sharp, M.A., F.R.S., and F. Muir, F.E.S. '• Descriptions of New Species of Lepidoptera-Heterocera from south- east Brazil," by F. Dukinfield Jones, F.Z.S., F.E.S. " The Efiect of Oil of Citronella on two species of DacKn," by F. M. Hewlett, B.A., F.E.S. " On the Genera IJothrips and Hoodia," by Dr. H. Karny, of Elbogen, Austria ; translated by E. A. Elliott, F.E.S., and com- municated by R. S. Bagnall, F.L.S. " On the Early Stages of Albidina pherete>i, a myrmecophilous Plebeiid butterfl}^" by T. A. Chapman, F.Z.S. "The food-plant of Callophrys avifi," by T. A. Chapman, F.Z.S. ' An experiment on the development of the male appendages in Lepidoptera," by T. A. Chapman, F.Z.S. " The Study of Mimicry (i>atesian and Miillerian) by Temperature Experi- ments on two Tropical Butterflies," by Lieut-col. N. Manders, K.-A.M.C., F.Z.S., F.E.S. A long and important discussion arose on many points in connection with the last paper, in which several Fellows took part. March 6t/i, 1910. The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society: Messrs. Harold Hodge, Chapel Place Mansion, 322, Oxford Street, W. ; Samarenda Maulik, c/o Messrs. T. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.C. ; Roland T. Smith, 54, Osbaldeston Road, Stoke Newiugton, N. A Coleoptkron new to Britain. Mr. Donisthorpe exhibited a specimen of Catops iiKnitivaqus, Heer, new to the British list, taken at Nethy Bridge, on -Tune 27th last, under a dead squirrel. Also C tristis, Panz, for comparison, the nearest species previously known as British. Three families of P.


DISTRICT BY W. A. Lambokn. Professor Poulton exhibited the first of these families and a part of the second. He stated that these three families were the first successful attempt, outside Natal, to breed /'. ifardoiiiis from a know'n female parent. Monkeys eating P>uttekflies. Prof. Poulton drew attention to the following letter, received by Mr. W. A. Lamborn from Captain H. V. Neal. " You have asked me about monkeys eating butterflies. This is very common as every native will tell you. I have seen it myself. The monkey runs along a path, sees some butterflies fluttering round some filth, goes very quietly, and seizes one by the wings, puts the solid part [body] into his mouth, and then pulls the wings oft". The poor butterfly goes down like an oyster." Determination of the Coccid Food of the Larva of Spalgis lemolka. Professor. Poulton said that he had now submitted to Professor R. Newstead some of the Coccids which


formed the food of s\ lemoUa, H. H. Druce. They had been sent in spirits by Mr. \V. A. Lamborn and, althoutrh unfortunately badly attacked by fungus, had been placed without hesitation in the genus Dactj/lnpiiis by Professor Newstead. Eurypkla drtope, Cramer,


Professor Ponlton exhibited examples of the above-named species, bred by Mr. W. A. Lamborn in the Lagos district. Mr. Lamborn had bred considerable families of ({ri/o/ir three times, and hiarbnn once from known female parents. The dri/ope parents produced nothing but dtyiipe, the hiarhax nothing but liiarlxis. It was therefore almost certain that the two forms were distinct species, at any rate in the Lagos district. Further Captures of Pseudacr.eas, etc., on Damba Island, near Entebbe, by Dr. G. D. A. Carpenter. Professor Poulton exhibited specimens captured on December 8rd, 10th and 17th, 1911, by Dr. Carpenter, in the primitive forest which still exists in the centre of Damba Island. Baronia brevicornis. Mr. A. E. Gibbs exhibited two specimens of this scarce butterfly from Mexico. Aberrations of Central European Rhopalocera. Mr. Douglas Pearson exhibited aberrations of the genera Melitaea and Erebia, amongst which were some striking forms of K. ittt/gnr, K. ceto and 3/. raria, and a remarkably variegated $ of M. aiirdia, generally the most constant of the group. A new suborder of Dermaptera. Dr. Jordan exhibited on behalf of Dr. Malcolm Burr a pair of Arixenia, n. sp., found in vast numbers in Java, for which it has been necessary to erect a new suborder. Difference of Food and Habit in closely related 8awflies. The Rev. F, D. Morice drew attention to a note in the Zeitxchrift fur wisseuschaftliche Insekten-biolniiie, by Dr. E, Enslin, on closely related species of sawflies, one of which was parthenogenetic and the other not. He said that i:rnesus varus and tttti/x'n have very similar yet distinguishable imagines, but quite different larvae, and live on difi'erent plants ; the larva of cari(s is green and lives on alder, that of lap'pex is black and lives on birch. Von Rossum reared varus imagines (all $ s) from alder, which produced a parthenogenetic next brood of larva\ These were fed on birch and became brown, and the resulting imagines showed a tendency to the coloration of latipes. The J of varus is almost if not quite unknown, that of latipes is not rare. Von Rossum suggests that varus and latipes may be races of one species varying in characters according to their diet in the larval stage. It is curious that very many sawfly larvae feeding on alder are almost exclusivel)^ known in the ? sex, while closely similar species living on birch (when bred artificially) always produce numerous males. A discussion on the effects of food arose, in which Messrs. Waterhouse, Cockayne and l*"'enn took part. Dr. Chapman observed that among the Psychids there are seveial cases of closely related forms, perhaps of the same species, of which one is pai'theiiogenetic and the other (generally the more southern) is not so.

The City of London Entomolouioal Society. Ifercmber 19^/t, 1911. The breeding of M. atropos from the eoo, Rev. C. R. N. Burrows exhibited a Manduca atropos $ taken at Mucking, Essex, June 19th, 1911, with some of the unlaid ova, of which he had abstracted 218. Only one ovum was laid, and this was reared. Aberration of E. caudamines. Mr, H. B. Williams exhibited a


(? specimen of Kucldoe caniaminefi from Abridge, Essex, with the black apical blotch continued as a narrow line along the outer margin. Variation shown by Anchocelis pistacina. Messrs V. E. Shaw, J. Douglas, and B. S. Williams exhibited their series of this species arranged to show its great variation. The named vars. were Keriiiu, absoleta, ffrrca, linri)la, nibctra, bnnuu'u, iiniculor-briinnea, reiiosa, palliila, canaria, and sphaeridatina, the last-named being much commoner than the type, and var. canaria much the rarest. The specimens shown came from Finchley, Bexley, Epping Forest, New Forest, and Hunstanton. Agrotis nigricans var. marshallina.— Shown from Wicken, July, 1911, by Mr. 13. IS. Williams. Paper. Pupa^ and cocoons of Tapinostdla helliiianiii and 2\ concolor were exhibited with photographs of anal appendages of the female moths to illustrate the notes read on them, by Mr. H. M. Edelsten. January 2ntl, 1912. Messrs. J. Douglas and F. H. Southgate were elected to membership of the Society. The meeting was devoted to the exhibition and dis- cussion of Uumiria phlaeas Mr. A. J. Willsdon, specimens from Deal. September, including two ab. obsoleta and a few ab. caenih'opttnrtata. Mr. W. E. King, abs. alba, sclnuidtii, ubliterata, infra -ejtenna and an aberration combining abs. obaolcta, caerideopHuctata, -And mo f/jii/nincta all from Chingford district, where he had noticed a partial fifth brood last season, and found some numbers of the larvag in October. Mr. H. B. Williams, some 171 specimens from Missenden and district, including abs. alba, eleua, addenda, candata, mifi'iina, caerideupniictata, parvipunctn. niaiinipuncta, basilipioicta, radiata, major, and i)ifra-euiensa, and said that in comparing results of the record of the 1911 season with those of other years he was struck with the number of tailed and suffused forms which he attributed to the heat. Of 213 specimens taken in 1911, 24 had pronounced tails and most of those captured in August showed a trace of tails, the September specimens being less remarkable. As to suffusion, only one specimen slightly suffused was from the September captures, while 23 were among the August, of which 20 were ab. initio. Mr, A. W. Mera, 24 specimens taken at Three Bridges, Sussex, early in August, all of a somewhat dull colour approaching ab. initia. Mr. V. E. Shaw, ab. obsoleta from Darenth, ab. radiata, from Finchley, and abs. elens, snif'iisa and caerideopnnytata from Bexley. Mr. C. Nicholson, three larva? reared ah nco of an ab. caendeopimctata, and he mentioned how easily females were induced to oviposit, in confinement, by placing them in a large glass cylinder over growing food plant, and covering the top with mosquito netting. The showy stone crop Sednni sjiertabile was noticed to be very attractive, as many as nine specimens of B. pldaeas being seen on one plant in his garden at Hale End.— Jfl«(/rt/7/ IQth, 1912. Mr. A, L. Mera was elected a member of the Society. Annual " Pocket-box " Exhibition. Melanic E. bipunctaria. Mr. L. B. Prout, specimens of a dark race of Jutbolia hipunctaria from North Devon, taken on a dark soil, and approaching the Continental var. ijarhtaria, Frr., also a J from Sandown, Isle of Wight, with the bands edging the central area strongly darkened. Anosia erippus var. archippus, etc. Mr. G. H. Heath, a specimen of Anosia cripfuis var. an-hippiis found dead in the grass at Sandown, Isle of Wight, on the night of September 13th, 1908; Xi/Unnii/ex conspicillaris var. indaleuca bred from a pupa dug in Worcestershire, September, 1897 ; and an Acidalia incanaria var. bischof/'aria taken at Brockley, London, September 23rd, 1911, the first recorded



specimen of this nielanic form taken in this country. DRAWiNcis. Mr. L. W. Newman, coloured drawings of many tine varieties and aberrations of Lepidoptera bred, captured and acquired by him duriny the past few years. Varieties of A. grossulariata. Mr. C. H. Williams, Abraxaa ffrussnluridta, abs. including miieijata, niijrnsparmta, and lacticolor, Rajnior. Mr. V. E. Shaw drew attention to the fact that this latter aberration should be known as ab. deleta, it having been named so by Mr. Coekerell in 1889, see Entouiologiat, vol. xxii., p. 99. This is the first ab. figured in Edward Newsman's British Mot/i.s, p. 99. T. BONDii AND B. MTjRALis. Mr. A. J. Willsdon, a fine series of Tapinostola bnndii collected at Folkestone in the grass, the specimens being in condition equal to bred ones ; also a long and variable series of Bri/ophila inKialis from Torquay. Lioht D. carpophaoa, etc. Mr. F. B. Cross, a bred series of IHanthoecia rariHip/uKja from Lewes, all having a very light ground colour, and Melitaea anriuia from Ireland, two specimens of a brick-red ground colour, the usual straw coloured area being absent on uppersides, and on undersides the usual pale spots also absent. Dark N. cucullatella. Mr. J. Douglas Xalit cucidlatello bred from Chingford, some showing a tendency towards melanism. Variation in P. napi and in P. rap^e. Mr. T. H. L. Grosvenor exhibited IHeria napi from first brood showing the following variation, (1) (? with 2 markings, (2) gynandromorph, (3) J with entire absence of black markings, (4) neural markings at base forming a green margin to secondaries, (5) ? with failure of black pigment, and (6) a $ specimen from the second brood with black discal spots in secondaries; and /'. rapa>', (1) a J* absolutely white, (2) ? of yellow coloration, (3) J with black spots connected with black markings, (4) 2 ?s with black spots only just discernable. He also exhibited Aniifiinis citp/irosi/ne, a black banded $ , a ? underside with pearl spots much enlarged, and a S with pearl spots greatly reduced. S. lubricipeda AB. radiata, etc. Mr. A. W. Mera, Spilosania liihricipcila ab. radiatu and intermediate forms from Yorkshire; specimens of type and var. radiata from larv;e collected on Lincolnshire coast, and specimens from London district taken over a number of years, some very lightly marked, and others approaching var. fasciata, with Triphaena cnmes var. (iarkii, var. iiiyrescots and intermediates from Forres. D. bifida and C. hyale. Mr. T. H. Stallman showed lUrranura bijida taken at light at Beulah Hill, London, S.E., July 4th, 1911, I'olias hyalc, ? . Margate, August 10th, 1911, Celaxtrina ari/iolns c? having a row of well-marked spots on the underside margins of all four wings, from Holmwood, Surrey, and Spfiiu.r conrolriili found at rest near North Foreland light-house, August 23rd, 1911. L. favicolor and tkrato- LoGicAL A. FIL1PENDUL.E.- Mr. W. Crockcr, a variable series oi Leucania fariailor from North Kent Marshes, also a pair of dwarf /.. favicolor he had reared from ova in October, 1909, the remaining larva' dying after hybernation, together with Anthmcera lilipendulae, specimens with a dark vein intersecting the upper median and sixth spots, and fairly broad borders to hindwings, also two yellow aberrations, and a teratological specimen having an underwing on left side in place of the usual forewing, the right side being normal, bred July, 1910. Pup/t. OF E. ai.hulata var. thules going OVER. Mr. V. E. Shaw, pupte of Eupithccia cAtensaria from larviB found on Norfolk Coast, series of Hiinnelesia albnlata and its var. //t/f/c.s bred from Unst pupfP, 1911, more than half the pupjr going over another winter.

WATKINS & DONCASTER, Naturalists and IVIanufacturei's of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain Ring Nets, wire or cane, inchuling Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-. Folding Nets, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket Boxes (deal), 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6, Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with camphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, flat or oval, lin., 6d. ; li^in., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2Jin., 1/-; 3|in., 1/4; 4in., 1/6; 5in., 1/10; Complete Set of fourte'en Boards, 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6 ; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases, japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antennae 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3J, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheath, 1/9. Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc,

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as minute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sesiidae, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


Of every description of Insects, Biuds' Eggs, Coins, Mk roscopicai. Objects, Fossils, &c.

Catalogue (100 pages) sent on application, post free.

LARGE STOCK OF INSECTS AND BIRDS' EGGS (British, European, and Exotic). Birds, MamniaU, etc., Preserved and Mounted bi/ First class Worktncn.


Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

By MALCOLM BURR. D.Sc,, F.Z.S.. F.LS., F.E.S.. &g.

Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3sm netm

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

Will he sent Post Free on receipt of Postal Order for 3si to

A. H., 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.


Excellent 44 drawer Mahogany Cabinet price on appiication.

Fine set insects not less than half-dozen of a species sent. Box and postage 4d. extra. Price per dozen: Anomala (males only) Is. 9d., Sponsa 3s., Promisa 4s. 6d., Glyphica Is., Mi 6d., Aenea 9d., Unca Is. 9d., Argentula Is. 9d., Fuscula is. 9d., Luctuosa Is. 9d., SulphuralisSs., Peltigera 25s., Arbuti Is. 3d., Myrtilli Is. 3d., Cordigera 5s., Melanopa 4s., Interrogationis 10s., Gamma 6d., Orichalcea 10s. 6d., Moneta 2s. 6d., Triplasia Is. 3d., Urticae Is. 3d., Libatrix lid., Chamomillse 4s., Absinthii 4s., Asteris 3s., Lychnitis 5s., Verbasci lid., Petrificata 3s., Khizolitha is. 3d., Solidaginis Is. 5d., Exoleta Is. 9d., Vetusta Is. 9d., Lithoriza lid.. Genistas 2s. 6d., Contigua 2s. Gd., Thal- assina lid., Pisi 9d., Suasa Is 3d., Chenopodii lid., Dentina Is., Glauca Is. 4d., Protea lid., Adusta Is. 6d., Advena 5s., Tincta 4s., Occulta 7s., Herbida Is. 6d., Meticulosa 6d., Lucipara9d., Aprilina Is. 3d., Oxyacanthje lOd., Viminalis lid.. Nigra 2s. 9d., Lutulenta 3s., Xanthomista 253., Flavicincta Is. 3d., Chi lid., var. Olivacea 2d., Serena Is. 3d., Dysodea 7s., Capsophila 3s., Carpophaga Is. 3d., Cucubali Is. 4d., Capsincola lid., Albimacula 21s., Conspersa 3s., do. Grand Melanic Shetland 18s., Caesia 20s., Affinis Is. 6d., Retusa 6s., Subtusa 4s., Xerampelina 4s., Ferruginea lOd., Gilvago 2s. 6d,

Next Month many more species, look out for them.

L. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.



On Hydioecia burrowsi, n. sp., T. A. Chapman, M.D. (plate and fig.) .. .. 109

Seasonal Notes on Tineina, Alfred Sich, F.Fy.S. . . . . . . . . . . Ill

The Rhone Valley and Italian Lakes in Spring, A. S. Tetle;/, M.A., F.E.S. . . 112

Retrospect of a Coleopterist for 1911, Prof. T. Hudson- Beare, B.Sc, F.R.S.E.,

F.E.S. (to be concluded) . . . . " 114

Ten days in the Cevennes, G. T. Bethune-Baker, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S. . . 117

Notes on Collecting :— Notes on the Abundance of Biston hirtaria in 1912, and on Insect Periodicity, G. W. Golthrup. Notes on the Early Season, /(/. Xylina ornithopus, Eott., Id. Phryxus livornica. Id. The Cleansing of Greasy Insects, P. A. H. Muschump, F.E.S. Second Broods in 1911, R. Ashton NicJtoi.^. Micro-Lepidoptera of Canvey Island, Essex, jF. G. Whittle . . . . 122

Scientific Notes and Observations : Polia chi and Protective Piesemblance,

C. ir. Golthrup 124

Current Notes and Shout Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Societies : The Entomological Society of London. The City of London Entomo-

gical Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Contributions remain over for want of space from G. T. Bethune-Baker, G. W. Nicholson, W. Rait Smith, etc., and Reports of Societies.

Seasonal notes on British Lepidoptera will appear in due course from C. W. Colthrup, F. G. Whittle, A. Russell, Alf. Sich, H. Ashton Nichols, etc.

We hope that those who intend sending us an account of their doings for 1911 will do so ere long, as we should like to know more of what our English workers are doing. Will those who are studying the Micro-lepidoptera help us, by sending in notes of their captures and observations ?

All MS. and editorial matter should be sent and all proofs returned to Hy. J. Turner, 98, Drakefell Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

Rambles in Alpine Valleys.

Bound in Cloth, with Map and Photographs of District.

Price 3s. 6d.

This book contains a series of essays dealing with the colours of insects, and suggee-

bions as to the relation in past time between the Alpine and British fauna. Many new

facts are brought forward, and entomological problems discussed from various standpoints.

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Another series of collecting expeditions into well-known entomological and natural history localities, with description of botanical, geological, ornithological as well as entomological matters of interest to be found therein. The places dealt with include Cobham Woods, Cuxton Downs, the Western Highlands, Cliflfe— all well known for their rich entomological fauna.

To be obtained from J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Boad, Brockley, S.E.

Random Recollections of Woodland, Fen, and Hill.

By J. W. TUTT, F.E.S.

Bound in Cloth, Crown 8vo. Price Three Shillings net.

A detailed account of the fauna and flora of some well-known British natural history localities : Wicken, Deal, Chattenden, the Medway Marshes, Isle of Wight, etc.

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Supscniptions for Vol. XXIV. are nov\f overdue



Richards. BAGNALL,F.L.8.,F.E.s. | T. A. CHAPMAN, m.d.,f.z.s., f. Jas. E. COLLIN, F.E.s.


Alfred SICH, f.e.s.

J. R. le B. TOMLIN. m.a.. f.e.s

Geokge WiiSrPT^SKT'M'^i--, f.e,

Editorial Secretary.

JUNE lotli,

Price SIXPENCE (net).


'cription for Complete Volume, post




" Beeirose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.





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Entomologist's Record & Journal of Variation

(Practical Hints, Field Work, etc., useful for every year's collecting). VOL. VI.

The TITLES of some of the articles are as follows :— Notes on Butterfly Pupse, with some remarks on the Phylogenesis of the Rhopalocera."— Dr. T. A. Chapman, F.E.S., " Phytophagic Species."— Prof. A. Radclifle Grote, M.A. " Varieties and aberrations of Noctuae from Doncaster."- -If. H. Gorbett, M.B.C.S. "The frenulum of the British species of Smerinthus."— G. G. Griffiths, F.Z.S., F.E.S. "Eudryas stee-johannis..' A. HaUclife Grote, M.A. "Parthenogenesis or Agamogenesis." J. W. Tutt, F.K.S. " Larvfe. "—«<■!-. G. M. A. Hewitt, M.A. "Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1894." —J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Generic Names in the Noctuidse." Pjot. A. U. Orote, M.A. " Pupa hunting in October."— J. Tl^ Tutt, F.E.S. "Polygamy and Polyandry in Moths." "The nature of certain insect colours."— ir.S. RitUny, M.D., R. Freer, M.B., J. W. Tutt,'F. E.S., Rev. C. R. N. Burroios, J. Anderson, Jiin. "The Lepi.loptera of Swansea."— Jlfrtjor R. B. Robertson. " Caradrina ambigua in the Isle of Wight."— vl. J. Hodges. "The insects of Bourg St. Maurice."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Orrhodia erythrocephala ab. glabra from Devonshire and comparison with C). vaccinii."— Dr. W. S. Riding, F.E.S. "Notes on Caradrina ambigua and C. superstes."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Entomology and Entomologists, being the Annual Address to the City of London Entom. Society." Notes on Aphomia socieila " (with plate).— TT. P. BIpckburne Mazr, F.E.S. "Apterous females and Winter Emergence "—E. F. Studd, M.A., B.C.L., F.E.S., L. B. Prout, F.E.S. " Collecting Noctuida? by Lake Erie."— .-f. Radcli^e Grote, M.A. " Coleoptera at Ipswich."— Claude Morlei/, F.E.S. " Notes on Bombus visurgiaj." " Synonymic Notes on Acidalia humilata and A. dilutaria."— i. B. Prout, F.E.S. " The Lepidoptera of dresy-sur-Aix."— J. IF. Tutt, F.E.S. " Apatura ir\s."—Rer. G. M. A. Hewett- " Scheme of (.Classification of the Rhopalocera founded on the structure of the Pupa>."— r. A, Chapman, M.D., F.E.S. " Glimpses of American Entomology."— J. TF. Tutt, F.E.S. " The Genus Smerinthus." .4. Bacot. " Variation considered biologically : Some notes suggested by the Romanes Lecture of 1894."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Wing structure."— J. Alston Moffatt. "On the development of sex in social insects."—,/. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "The British reiiresentatives of the Genus Caradrina."— L. B. Prout, F.E.S. " Habits and variation of Lithosia luCarella and its variety pygmaeola." J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. On the gradual disappearance of Lepidoptera from South-Eastern London and its neighbourhood."— C. Fcnn, F.E.S. " A hunt for Neuroterus aprilinus."— T. A. GhapmaH. M. D., F.E.S. "On the development of pigment in Nemeobius lucina."— F. .T Buckell, M.B. "The M.acro-Lepi- doptera of Keswick."— H. -J. iJ«(((f;c. " Varieties of Argynnis selene " (with plate).— S. G. C. Rvssell, F.E.S. " Hadenoid genera with hairy eyes." Prof.' A. R. Ore e, M.A. " Zygisna minos and its varieties."— J". IF. Tutt, F.E.S. "Notes on' the pupte of Castnia and Anthocharis."— T. A. Ch&pman, M.D., F.E.S. Besides these articles, a large number of short notes are cont.ained in every number under the follewing titles: "Scientific Notes and Observations," "Variation," "Notes on Larvte and Life- histories," "Notes on Collecting," "Current Notes." Thereportsof Societies are very carefully edited, and only scientific paragraphs published. The " Practical Hints " and " Field work " for each month are quite unique.

The entomologist who will read carefully throvagh the back numbers of The Entomnloiiist's Record will find himself better equipped for the further study of his subject than by any other means.

Price 7/6 per volume, of Hr. H. E. Page, " Bsrtrose." Gellatly Road, New Cross, 8.G.


The Largest Breeder of Lepidoptera in the British Isles is

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I'hoto. F. N. Clark.


The Kntomoloriist's Record, 1912.

THE SEASON OF 1911. 138

The Season of 1911 in the Abertillery District of Monmouthshire.


A few notes on collecting during the extraordinary season of 1911, in the Western Valleys of Monmouthshire, which are practically terra incognita entomologically, may be of some interest to entomologists. Up till August I shall, unfortunately, only be able to give approximate dates, as on August 15th I had a gladstone bag, containing the whole of my entomological outfit and my note books, with all my notes for the last seven years, stolen at Paddington, whilst on my way to Kent for my summer holidays. I can only hope the thief found my notes of sufficient interest to compensate him for the various articles of clothing which he no doubt expected to get.

During January and February insects, of course, were scarce, and nothing of much interest was taken. A few Phifjalia pedaria g s were found at rest on tree trunks, principally beech, specimens approaching ab. monacharia were not uncommon. One or two Hybernia rupica- praria J s were taken on gas lamps at Gilwern. This generally abun- dant species is by no means common in this district, probably owing to the comparative scarcity of its food plant, the whitethorn. It will be as well to mention that these Monmouthshire valleys are only cultivated to a very small extent, by far the greater part of the ground is left to nature, and is covered with bracken, bilberry, and heather. A few years ago there were extensive woods in this district, but they have nearly all been cut down now ; the few woods that are left are composed chiefly of larch and birch, with a few scattered oaks and beeches. There are extensive patches of oak scrub on the sites of former woods, but these are not productive collecting grounds, and produce little except swarms of Tortrix viridana, which occur in countless thousands. Similar patches of birch produce Adela viridella in almost equal numbers.

During February and March a close search was made for Apo- cheinia liispidaria, but without success. Hybernia leucophaaria, mostly typical, but with a fair percentage of ab. marmorinaria, were common at rest on tree-trunks and fence-posts. Hybernia marginaria and Anisopteryx aescidaria were decidedly scarce this year, not more than three or four of each species were seen. Anisopteryx aescidaria six or seven years ago was exceedingly abundant in this district, but has been getting scarcer each year, and has now almost entirely disappeared. A single specimen of Anticlea nigrofasciaria, the first I have seen here, was taken at light at Gilwern, towards the end of March. I have not as yet found the allied A. badiata in these valleys. The <? s of Tortrix hyiiienana were common in woods flying in the sunshine.

During April insects became much more plentiful, Pieris napi, the common "white" of the district, put in an appearanje. A few fine Pieris brassicae were bred from larvtie found in my own small garden. A search was made at Pen-y-van and other places, where the holly flourishes, for Cclastrina argiolns, but not a single specimen was seen. This species occurs here but is rare, not more than half-a-dozen examples have been taken during the last seven years. A few Polyploca {Asphalia) Jiavicornis were seen at rest on birch trunks ; this is another species which is getting rarer each year. In the last week

June 15th, 1912.

184 THE entomologist's record.

of April the first Saturnia pavonia, a ^ , appeared. "The Eiuperor Moth " is very common on the heather-covered tops of the hills. I took a tine series of J s, last year, by " assembling " with a bred $ . Some of the J s are very dark, and these dark specimens are smaller than typical examples. Tcphrosia crepuacHiatia was fairly commonly found at rest on tree trunks, principall}' larch ; this species is not so common here as it used to be ; a blackish form simihir to the example figured in South's Moths of the British Isles, vol. ii., plate 13G., tig 8, used to occur, not uncommonly, in the Ha'fod Van Woods. These woods were cut down about three years ago, and I have not since seen this variety in the district. Malenijdris [Larentia) nndtistiiiiaria was common amongst bedstraw ; before 3 p.m. this species is veiy difficult to find, but after this time they crawl out of the undergrowth and sit about the top of the bedstraw and on clumps of grass, etc. A fine and varied series was taken ranging from pale examples do the blackish form ab. nnbilata, Tutt, the ab. i-iryata, Tutt, was fairly common, but ab. nnbilata was decidedly rare, and only three examples were taken. A few Kuijithecia ciih/ata at rest on fence-posts, represented the "pugs." I was unable to do much "sallowing" this spring, but on the few occasions I was able to pay a visit to the few scattered sallow bushes we have here, I found Taeniocainpa ijothica, T, stahilis, T. pnlvendenta and I'achnobia rabricosa were common enough, more especially the first species. Strangely enough Taeniocainpa instabilis is decidedly scarce in this district for I have only come across three or four examples. A few lirephos parthenias were seen, on sunny days, at the beginning of the month. Hying high over the birches.

From the beginning of May a long spell of tine, hot weather set in, which lasted, almost without a break, until October. Every available moment was seized for collecting, with, on the whole, satisfactory results. Sugar, until September, was an absolute failure, night after night producing nothing except a few Ai/lophasia inono- ijlypha, Noctiia festiva, liadena olcracea, Tripliaena pronttba, and a few other common yoctuae. Amongst the butterflies i'ieris brassicae, b*. lapae, and y. napi, especially the last species, were common every- where, a few Brenthis euphrosyne were taken in the Llanock Woods at Crumlin, Coenomjnipha painphilns was abundant everywhere and especially so at Peu-y-van. t'allophrys rnbi and yisoniades tat/es were fairly common. Hesperia inalvae is a very rare insect in this district. I have only seen one specimen, at Pont-llan-fraith, in 1909. A journey to this place in search of H. mahae and Hemaiis titi/us, a specimen of which was taken in 1909, was fruitless. Amongst the (ieometers Cabera pusaria and C. e.tanthentata, Lozot/rannna [Panayra) petraria, Kinaturya atoniaria, Berizoina (Kinnielesia) albulata, Kupithecia culijata and K. nanata, Xanthoihoe montanata and A', finctnata, Cureiuia f'erruyata, C. ilesii/nata, ('iilaiia conjlata, C. trnncata, and Opisthoifraptis lutculata were abundant in the woods and on the hill- sides, A few Gonodontis bidentata were found at rest on grassy banks after dark. I'jniatnnia atoniaria is exceedingly abundant on the hills here, some of the ? s are very dark and the <jf s range from light tawny to almost black examples. Lozotjranuna petraria occurs in the greatest profusion amongst bracken. During this and the following month the larvie of Lasiocampa quercus were very common amongst heather, some 50 or 60 were collected, but for some unaccountable


reason all, except four, died when full fed. Two or three afternoons spent in searching for Dii/nionia chaonia, which occurs sparingly here on oak trunks, were fruitless. Mainestra {Hadena) thalasnina, H. mntiffiia and H. (Jentina were taken, fairly commonly, at rest on tree trunks and stone walls. A number of larvae of Arronycta rKmcu, collected on sallows last year, produced some fine imagines this month, which is rather early for this species, including two or three of the form salicis. Beating bushes in the Llanock Woods at Crumlin for "hooktips" produced Drepana falcataria in fair numbers, but I did not find the allied />. lacertinaria this year. The open spaces in most of the woods gave I'liicUilia (jbijihica and K. mi. Prothijmnia {Phytoiiietra) vindaria and Heliara tenehrata, especially the last species, were abundant on railway banks and other grassy places.

A visit was paid to Kewstoke Woods, near Weston-super-Mare in the middle of May. I found the first brood of Paranfe aeijeria were common but mostly rather passe, Brentim euphrasync was in the same condition. On some spindle bushes near the beach at Kewstoke Bay I found a batch of young Mol'icoso>iia neustria larvae, which eventually produced a few imagines of a small reddish-brown type; these same bushes were covered with the webs of Yponnnieiita coynatcllus larvae, two or three of these webs were brought home and an abundance of the perfect insects were bred in due course. Nenmphora sira)iimer- daiiimella was very common in the woods. A few larvfe of Cos)nntricl>e pntatoria were found in ditches, and a variety of larvte were beaten out of bushes in the woods. The day was dull and cloudy with occasional showers, so insects were scarce in consequence.

In June the first brood of the Pierids were going over, and by the middle of the month Brenthh selene had taken the place of B. eaphroHyne. Brenthis selene is a very common insect in these valleys, and, I should say, outnumbers B. euphroayne by at least six to one. I have examined some hundreds of specimens but have not yet found anything in the way of aberrations. In a small marshy field near Pont-llan-fraith Melitaea aioiitia still occurs, but in sadly diminished numbers. I am afraid it will not be long before this local species is no longer found here. It occurred in abundance up till 1907, when I took a good series, but has rapidly diminished in numbers since. I cannot account for this. It certainly is not due to over collecting for, as far as I am aware, no one knows of the existence of this colony except myself, and I have purposely left the species severely alone since 1907. I bred a large wasp-like parasite from a pupa of this species in 1906. I was pleased to find half-a-dozen more examples of this insect on a piece of swampy ground, near Abertillery, at the end of this month. I have not previously seen M. aurinia anywhere except at Pont-llan-fraith, and I am hoping that this beautiful insect will succeed in establishing itself in this new spot.

A few worn Enchloe cardamines were still about at the beginning of the month. The Satyrinteweve represented by the two commonest species Epinephele jnrtina (jaiiira) and Coenonympha paniphili(s. Very passe Callophrya rubi were keeping company with fine fresh Ruinicia phlaeas and Polyoiiimatus icariix, some of the ? s of the latter were very large and heavily marked with orange spots on the upper surface ; one or two ab. caeridea were taken. Hapialus huinuli was abundant on all grassy places. I have not as yet seen the common H. luvulina in this

186 THE entomologist's record.

district. Hepialus hecta swarmed in most of the woods. A few heavily marked Hepialus fusconebulosa {relleda) were taken at rest on grassy banks towards the end of the month. A small secluded valley near Abertillery gave Adscita staticcn, mostly of the liridis form, in plenty, this species is exceeding local here, 1 only know of two spots where it occurs. Anthroccra filipenilnlae and A. trifolii were in great numbers in two or three flourishing colonies. Specimens with confluent blotches were not uncommon, two or three A. trifolii ab. minoides were taken as were several examples of the Idppocrepidis form of A.Jilipendidae. Hippocrita jacobacv was fairly common in gardens, but it is not a generally common insect in the district. On one hillside Farasemia plantaf/inis was very common, dashing madly about in the hot sunshine. This is an exceedingly difficult insect to take on the wing in such situations ; about 4 p.m., however, they begin to settle down for the night, and the flight then is not nearly so rapid, so a good series was taken with comparatively little trouble. iJiacrisia aannio {russula) appears to be a scarce insect here, a pair, <? and $ , were beaten out of a clump of rushes in a small dingle within a few yards of where I took a pair last year. These four specimens are all I have seen of this species in these valleys. I have not seen anything of Phragmatobia fidiginosa this year, in spite of close searching for the larvae on sunny days in the Spring. One larva was found, last year, crawling over heather, which ultimately gave a fine S Spilusnma nienthastri and S. lubricipeda were taken commonly enough at rest on railway banks and amongst rough herbage, as well as in flight at dusk. A single $ Diaphora mendica was beaten out of a patch of nettles in the Llanock Wood, Crumlin. This $ laid about sixty ova on the sides of the chip box in which she was confined. The larvfe fed up well and rapidly on dock and I have now about forty pupae. This is the first example of D. mendica I have seen in this neighbourhood. On the slopes and on the heather covered tops of the hills the J s of La&iocampa quercm and Macrothidacia ritbi were dashing about in considerable numbers, in their wild erratic flight ; the latter being by far the commoner of the two species. About 8.30 p.m. the ? s of Macruthylacia rubi put in an appearance, flying low down over the heather, they are much more easily taken on the wing than the S s.

With the Noctuae comparatively little was done, sugar, as I have mentioned before, was a complete failure. All my captures were taken either at rest or in flight at dusk. A solitary pupa, collected at the foot of a Lombardy poplar, near Wellingborough, Northants, in December, 1910, produced a fine Paliuipsestis uctotjeaima at the beginning of June. A word of warning to those who are fortunate enough to breed this species. At 9 a.m., when I first saw my specimen, it was in perfect condition and appeared to be resting quietly on the side of a breeding cage ; thinking it would be advisable to leave it alone for an hour or two I did not look at it again till 1 o'clock; to my dismay I found that it had, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., managed to knock itself about rather badly, so 1 have now come to the conclusion that bred examples of this species should be killed as soon as possible after the wings are thoroughly dry.

Sugaring for IJabnmjne derasa and Thyatira batis was a failure, both species are rather rare in this locality. Acronycta psi was common at rest on tree trunks, this species appears to prefer the


trunks of large beeches to any other resting place. Acronycta menyanthidis was taken in fair numbers at rest on stone walls, it has not been nearly so common this year as it is in some seasons. Acronycta ruwicis was very common everywhere. Amongst the " wainscots " Leucania iwpura was very common at dusk over swampy ground, L. pallena decidedly scarce in comparison. Only one example of Leitcania litharyyria was seen this year, a very fine fresh $ at rest on a clump of rushes. Xylophasia rurea and var. alnpecums, X. hepatica and A', monoylypha were all more or less common at rest on fence-posts. The last named species and Triphana pronuba were the only two insects which occurred in any numbers at sugar. Barathra {Mamestra) brassicae as usual w^as common everywhere. A fine series of Naenia typica was bred this month from a batch of ova, accidentally collected with some dock leaves last year. The larvae were kept indoors and fed throughout the winter on cabbage leaves. They are very hardy and easy to rear. Apaniea yemina, A. badUnea and A. secalis [didyiiia, oculea) were taken in fair numbers on waste places overgrown with rank herbage, in company with numerous Miana striyUis, M. fasciiincida, M. literosa and M. bicoloria. One or two Petilampa arcHosa were found at rest on the rushes after dark. The Agrotids were decidedly scarce, the only species occurring in any numbers was A. exclamationis. T did not see a single specimen of the usually common Ayrotis aeyetiim this month. Triphaena proiutba, Noctua auyur, N. plecta, N, primiilae (festiva) and N. ruhi, Caradrina quadri- piinctata and a few others were all common, but net so numerous in individuals as they are in some years. A few examples of Dianthoecia capsincola were taken at rest on stone walls. Phloyophora meticulosa as usual was abundant, but Euplexia lucipara was decidedly scarce, not more than two or three examples were seen. I did not see a single specimen of either Aplecta nebulosa or A. tincta this year, the former species, as a rule, occurs in the district in fair numbers, but A. tincta is rare, the only examples I have seen were three specimens I took last year at rest on larcb and birch. At the beginning of the month Mamestra [Hadena) ylauca was taken in fair numbers at rest on stone walls, in company with a few worn Mamestra [Hadena) tJtalasshia and M. contiyna. A single Matnestra [Hadena) trifulii was taken, flying at dusk over rough herbage. Mamestra oleracea was abundant every- where. I did not notice Cucullia umbratica this year, as a rule a few are taken each year at rest on fence-posts and at the flowers of ragged robin at dusk. The same remarks apply to Abrostola triplasia and A. tripartita. Plusia chrysitis was fairly common at the bramble blossoms at dusk, and Plusia festacae, as usual, was the common Plusia of the district, and was to be taken at every patch of ragged robin. This beautiful insect is common throughout the district, whilst curiously enough the, in most districts, abundant P. gamma is quite scarce. At the beginning of the month the large cocoons of Plusia festucae are to be found, commonly enough, attached to rushes, nearly everywhere throughout the district. A few Plusia pulchrina were taken at bramble blossom at dusk. I have not as yet seen P. iota in these valleys. A few worn Euclidia ylyphica and E. mi were still to be found up to the middle of the month.

Opisthograptis luteolata was common everywhere. Metrocampa margaritaria was to be beaten out of bushes in all our woods. Roarmia

138 THE entomologist's record.

repandota and B. gemmaria were both fairly common. I took a beautiful melanic variety of B. repandata at rest on the trunk of a large whitethorn ; it was coal black, the only markings being the clear white sub-marginal lines. A few worn Psettdoterjma pruinata and a single Tephroiiia punctularia were beaten out of long, rank grass in the Llanock Wood. Acidalia imitaria, A. remutaria and A. averxata were common enough in the woods, whilst Acidalia fumata positively swarmed amongst bilberry and heather on every hillside. Kuchueva obliterata were common in the shady parts of the Llanock Wood, they were in perfect condition at the beginning of June ; this is a species which very soon gets paaae and really good specimens are not often taken. Cabera pusaria and C. exanthe»tata were very abundant. Semiothisa liturata was taken freely at rest on beech trunks, this is a very wary insect and readily takes to flight at one's approach. Lozograinvia petraria, Ematurija atoniaria and Melciiydris didyinata swarmed amongst the bilberry and heather, the last species was a regular nuisance at dusk, some of the J s were very dark and heavily marked. Ortholitha pliuiibaria was common in most places. Typical Abraxas ;irossulariata occurred in every garden. A search, at the end of the month and during July, for Entep/iria caeaiata was unproductive. I have only taken two specimens of this insect in these valleys, in both cases at rest on rocks at the tops of the hills. Eupithecia lariciata was very common amongst larch and E. nanata amongst heather. Hydrioiiiena furcata (elutata) and J-J . iinpliiviata were very common amongst sallow and alder. A few Mesoleiiea ocdlata and \L ulbiciilata were beaten out of bushes, the former being by far the commoner of the two insects. Eidype hastata has been decidedly scarce this season, as a rule a fair number of specimens are taken each year by beating the birches in marshy places. XanthorhiJe tristata, as usual, swarmed nearly everywhere, this somewhat local species is probably, with the exception of Mdenydris didyinata, the most common Geometer in this district. Xanthorhoe montanata was abundant everywhere. Coremia ferrugata and Amoebe viridaria were abundant in every wood, Coreinia denignata occurred in most wooded places, (Jainptogrannna bilineata was very common everywhere, Cidaria ftdvata and C. corylata were to be beaten out of hedges and bushes in most places but were taken more commonly at dusk, Anaitis plagiata was not so common as usual this year, Odezia atrata swarmed in one spot at Crumlin and in another near Abertillery. This species is exceedingly local but very abundant where it occurs.

[To he concluded.)

Retrospect of a Coleopterist for 191 1.

By Prof. T. HUDSON BEAKE, B.Sc, F.K.S.E., F.E.S.

{Concluded from page 117.)

Articles and Notes. A number of extremely interesting articles

and notes have been published in the columns of the Eiit. Mo. Mag.

and the Ent. Record during the past year, and I now propose to discuss

briefly these articles and notes.

Mr. J. Edwards has contributed two articles, one entitled " A Revision of the British Species of Haliplua, Jjiiive'Ale " {Ent. Mo. Mag., vol. xlvii., p. 1), and the other "On Centhorhyiultiis inargittatiis, Payk.,


and Some Allied Species" {loe. cit., p. 208). In the first of these two articles Mr. Edwards refers to the advantage of using as a differential character a certain extremely fine irrorate punctulation found on the elytra of many of the females of this genus, a character first pointed out by Gerhardt in 1877. Mr. Edwards also makes use, to a certain extent, of the male genitalia as a specific character. He gives a diagram showing the male genitalia of three species xtn'atu^, ivehnckei, and imwacHlatiix. A comparative table of all the British species of the genus is given, and details of each of the species. Mr. Edwards has elevated to specific rank certain varieties, and gives a reason why he has adopted this course. I confess I cannot quite see my way to accept his conclusions. How difficult the whole problem is will be realised from the following facts. Mr. Newbery introduced immaculatus, Gerh., into our list a short time ago ; Mr. Edwards points out that the insects supposed to represent this species were as a matter of fact nehnckei : then again in the latest European catalogue two of Mr. Edwards' species are considered to be varieties only, heydeni, Wehncke, is a variety of riijicollis, and welinckei , Gerh., is a variety of ininmcidatiis, Gerh. Herr Ganglbauer on the other hand, though he agrees with the European catalogue as regards hei/daii, considers both viiinaciilatus and urJinckei to be merely varieties of flKviatilis. All this disagreement clearly points to the fact that the characters, relied upon for separating the allied species in this troublesome little group, are very unstable. Mr. Balfour Browne, who has been working at the genus, and has introduced a species new to science^ Halipliis nnuiax {loc. cit., p. 153), apparently also disagrees with some of the conclusions to which Mr. Edwards has come, and states that he intends to write a paper upon this group of the genus. In discussing fuhiadliH, Mr. Edwards says that both Gerhardt and Wehncke state that in this species the elytra of the female are without punctulation (I have Erichson's original description before me and there is no reference to this punctulation), but that his, Mr. Edwards', English specimens do have the apical portion of the elytra punctulate. The whole evidence as to the correct identification of these specimens is I must say somewhat doubtful. It appears to me very undesirable to take a description of a species and make it agree with a particular insect by simply asserting that the original describer omitted to notice certain important structural difterences, especially when a continental specimen, received from a dealer, is taken as a type, though there is no evidence that the specimen was a type at all.

In his second paper, Mr. Edwards deals with a group of the genus Ceuthor/n/nchiis, which has always been troublesome to workers at this genus. He discusses the value of the secondary sexual characters and their use in separating these closely allied species. He gives a table showing how the four species of the group may be separated, and is of opinion that three species occur in Great Britain, riz., iiiariiinatna, Payk. ; pnuctiiier, Gyll. ; and mulleri, Thoms. {= rottoulatus, Bris.). Canon Fowler in his Cul. Brit. Id. was of the opinion that the last of these three insects was a doubtful species. Mr. Edwards also shows conclusively that Ceuthorhipichidiiis diatinctus, Bris., is merely a form of )nartii)tatii>>, having the funiculus of the antennas six-jointed, and that occasionally an aberration is met with having the funiculus of one

140 THE entomologist's record.

antenna six-jointed and the other seven-jointed (Bye many years ago came to the same conclusion) ; this latter form he proposes to call ab. inaequalis. Whatever opinion one may hold in regard to Mr. Edwards' views on specific and varietal distinctions, one can but congratulate him v/armly on two admirable papers.

Dr. Joy contributed to the F^nt. Mo. Ma;/, two important notes (1) " A Note on Dr. Sharp's New Species of Gabrius " [loc. cit., p. 80)|; and (2) " A Revision of the British Species of Liodefi, Latreille [Anisotoma, Brit. Cat.)," {loc. cit., p. 166). In the first of these two notes, Dr. Joy gives a table for separating these eight species without reference to the male genitalia, and in addition he gives a short des- cription of each species, and notes as to the localities in which these species occur. I should like to ask Dr. Sharp and Dr. Joy how it has been determined which of these species is the original trossulns, Nordm. It is curious that Dr. Joy says that the species he calls trossuliis is by no means common, and is very local, while on the other hand the insect which is called iw/ritulus, Grav., and which we have hitherto considered to be very rare, is on the contrary the commonest of the group, at any rate in England. It is surely impossible to decide from the original description of trossulus, which was drawn up from a mixture of several of these species, which insect should be called trosmlus. Under these circumstances it would surely have been better to have given the name trossulus to the more common form. There is one point in Dr. Joy's table, which seems a most untrustworthy character, namely, the extrusion of the male organ. Surely this is merely an accidental result, due to shock at the instant of death, and is not a state of things which can exist in life as the normal condition.

In the second paper Dr. Joy says that he has been specially inte- rested for some years in the genus generally called in this country Anisotowa, and that he has felt the need of a revision of the table which has hitherto been used for separating the species. Unfortu- nately Dr. Joy has not been a'ole to come to an agreement with Dr. Fleischer, the recognised authority for this genus, in regard to several doubtful specimens, and some of the points must, therefore, be considered to be still unsettled. Dr. Joy sent four specimens to Dr. Fleischer, which the latter returned as brunnea, Sturm.; Dr. Joy, however, is of opinion that only two of thesefour specimens are true brunnea, and that the other two are ahjirica. Rye, and that the specimen taken by Mr. Donisthorpe at Oxford, and named algirica by Dr. Fleischer, is only a small diibia. Mr. Donisthorpe criticised this conclusion of Dr. Joy {loc. cit., p. 256), and pointed out that Dr. Joy's brunnea possessed characters which were not consonant with the original description of Sturm. Dr. Joy, in reply to this note, maintains his original contention {loc. cit., p. 276). In this article Dr. Joy describes an entirely new species stenocorypke (loc. cit., p. 167), on the strength of two specimens taken by Mr. W. E. Sharp near Forres. He deletes obesa , Schm., and siniilata. Rye; he considers the former is merely a variety of the very variable dubia, Kug., and that the latter is only a variety of badia, Stm. It may be mentioned that in an earlier note [loc. cit., p. 10) Dr. Joy described a new species of Anisotoma under the name davidiana, which he stated at the time was closely allied to dubia, and that he had specimens of it from Southport and Deal. In the article at present under consideration, however, he said that he had modified his views, and considered this in-


sect was merely another variety of dubia, Kug. Two other changes of synonymy are made by Dr. Joy. He expresses the opinion that the insects we have hitherto called Anisotonia scita, Er., taken by Dr. Sharp in Scotland, and named by Rye, were merely forms of dubia, Kug. On the other hand the insect we have hitherto called Anisotnma niifrita, Schm., is what is now known on the Continent as A. scita, Er. The name ni;/rita, therefore, disappears from our list. It may be pointed out to prevent confusion that the insect known on the Con- tinent under the name of similata. Rye, is, as Dr. Joy points out {loc. cit.. p. 110), a totally different insect from our similata, and that this continental insect will have to be renamed. Dr. Joy suggests y/mcAm as a suitable name. In addition to giving an exceedingly good table of the British species, Dr. Joy gives detailed descriptions of several species of the genus, and notes as to the localities in which these have been taken. The paper is an extremely good one, and will cer- tainly prove of great help to many collectors who have hitherto found this genus a stumbling-block, and it is to be hoped that Dr. Joy's work will lead to more attention being paid to this genus, so that the distribution of the species may be more accurately determined.

Another short note by Dr. Joy (loc. cit., p. 132) deals with the var. picipennis, Heer, of Qitedins attenuatun, Gyll. Dr Joy gives a useful table for separating the allied species of this group of the genus Quediiis.

Dr. Sharp has contributed a series of valuable articles during the past year to the pages of the Ent. Mo. Macf. In his first paper, entitled " Bledins pallipes and its Allies in Britain " {loc. cit., p. 31), Dr, Sharp says that much confusion has arisen owing to the fact that Gravenhorst included several species under the name of pallipes. In this country we have five allied species, viz., pallipes, Grav ; fuscipes, Rye (which is synonymous with the later described rastellus, Schiodte); terebrans, Schiodte ; and, lastly, two species new to science, and now described for the first time by Dr. Sharp, anuae and filipes. Full notes are given as to the localities, and as to the characters which separate these allied species.

In his second note, entitled " Bledins hinnulus, Er. (or diota, Schiodte), in Britain," Dr. Sharp draws attention to the fact that in this country we have hitherto confused hinnulus with bicornis. Germ. {loc. cit., p. 34). Hinnulus has been found in abundance at Wells, by Mr. Brewer, Dr. Joy, Mr. Donisthorpe, and the author. Dr. Sharp also deals with the point as to whether hinnulus, Er., is the same insect as diota, Schiodte, and comes to the conclusion that it is.

In the third paper {loc. cit., p. 57), entitled " Bledius fracticornis, and its British Allies," Dr. Sharp says that he can assert that certainly three species of this group occur in Great Britain, viz., fracticornis, Er., which is an uncommon species ; laetior, Muls. and Rey, also apparently a rare species ; and femoralis, Gyll., which is fairly common in the south of England. In addition Dr, Sharp says that he has seen a male specimen in Mr. Champion's collection, and that he has a female specimen in his own collection, which he cannot reconcile with the descriptions of any of the above three species, and he thinks it possible, therefore, that we may have a fourth undescribed species of this group occurring in Great Britain.

Mr. G. C. Champion has contributed several interesting articles

142 THE entomologist's record.

and notes to the Ent. Mo. Maij. In his first note {loc. cit., p. 16), on the Meloid-genus Honiia and its allies, he deals with a remarkable Sitarid, bred Irom pupa? found in the cells of an Anthnphora at Mogador, IMorocco, belonging to a newly described genus Allciiclesa- lazaria, Escalera, which is apparently closely allied to the American genus Hornia, Riley.

In a second note, entitled " Note on the Methods used to obtain minute blind Stai'hi/linidae" {Inc. cit., p. 138), Mr. Champion gives a description of the methods employed by Signor Dodero to obtain the minute blind Staphylinidae which live in the dry earth at the foot of old tree trunks, or beneath deeply embedded boulders.

In a third note {loc. cit., p. 214) Mr. Champion states that he has come to the conclusion that the foodplant of Xauoji/n/cs i/racilis, Redt., is water purslane {Pe/dis portula).

In an article entitled " A Trip to Sardinia in 1910 " {loc. cit., p. 219), Mr. Champion gives a strikingly interesting account of a collecting tiip in Sardinia with MM. Dodero and Solari, which ex- tended from May 27th to June 19th. A number of interesting species of Coleoptera were taken. The whole article is one of great interest.

Lastly, in a note entitled "Note on the Forms of Galeruca tanaceii L., occurring in Britain " {loc. cit., p. 258), Mr. Champion says that there is a possibility that G. pomonae. Scop., which has a black aber- ration anthracina, Weise, may occur in this country, its foodplants being Centanrea jacea and its allies, and Knautia arvotsis.

In the October issue of the Knt. Mo. Maij., p. 241, Mr. J. R. le B. Tomlin and Mr. W. E. Sharp began a series of notes on the British species of Lo»///7fl/'.s;/.s, Latr. The authors point out that this genus remains to coleopterists perhaps the most confused in synonymy and bewildering in specific differentiation of all the genera of the Coleop- tera. They discuss the reasons for this state of things, and point out how characters which are usually so valuable in Coleoptera are in this genus quite unreliable. To assist in the discrimination of the species, they divide the genus into six sections. Two of these sections, viz., those which contain («) unicolorous black species, and {b) black species with distinct testaceous or reddish markings are dealt with in the paper as far as it was published at the close of the year. Two changes in synonymy are made : Loivjitan^ns pide.r, Schr., should be known as L. oblitcraUdi, Rosenh. ; and L. ater, F., should be known as L. panudiis, Payk. The species L. ni(ier, Koch, is dropped entirely. If one may form a judgment from the portion of these notes which has so far been published, it is quite evident that the genus LoniiitarsKn, which has hitherto been much neglected by coleopterists, owing to the difficulty of identifying species, will in the future prove a much more interesting genus for the field worker. Though no amount of descrip- tion will make this puzzling genus an easy one, still the removal from our lists of mere names will go a long way towards reducing the diffi- culties which have hitherto beset the coleopterist who has attempted to work out the names of his captures.

Mr. Tomlin has published a further instalment of his " List of Coleoptera found in Herefordshire," No. 4 {loc. cit., p. 271). The new list includes a considerable number of species new to the county.

Mr. J. H. Keys in an article entitled " Jiarypithes dupUcatas, n. sp.,


and Notes on other British Members of the Genus " {loc. cit., p. 128), gives a history of the discovery of this new species, with particulars of its capture, and a description of the characters which separate it from pellucid us, Boh. The article is illustrated by a plate, which gives representations of both male and female forms, and detail drawings of the legs. In concluding his article Mr. Keys gives a table for separating the five species of this genus now found in this country, with some notes as to their general distribution. Commander Walker has recently taken B. pellKcidiis, Boh., at Oxford. Mr. Keys is to be congratulated on disentangling this troublesome little problem.

Several interesting notes with regard to life-histories have appeared during the year. Mr. J. Collins {loc. cit., p. 248) published some notes on the earlj' stages of Hamiionia appendicidata, Panz., with illustra- tions of the larvse and pupa^. In August, 1911, while working for this insect in a tributary of the river Cherwell, he discovered both larvse and pupae, which he eventually bred out. They occurred chiefly on Fotanwgeton pectiitatus.

Mr. C. F. Selous pubHshed {loc. cit., p. 86) an interesting article entitled " A Preliminary Note on the so-called Carrion-feeding Coleoptera," in which he gave a record of observations made whilst watching small carcases placed out in a field on open ground, and noting the visits paid to them by various species of Coleoptera. He states that he is not convinced that the burying of the carcases is due only to the Necro])Iiori, or that it is a purposive act. I may mention that about fifteen years ago, when living at Richmond, I made a series of experiments with the bodies of mice. These were placed out early in the morning on a fairly hard patch of ground in my garden, before I left for my duties at the University ; on my return in the evening, I always found that the carcases had been entirely buried, and that they were lying in a hole shaped very much like a miniature grave, with loose soil on the top, and that the loose earth covering was never less than about half an inch in depth. I found male and female Necrophon in each case with the body which had been buried. Certainly, therefore, in these cases the burial was the work of the insect, and the disappearance of the corpse below the ground was not in any way facilitated by decomposition.

Mr. H. Britten gives a list of the Coleoptera which he has cap- tured in underground wasps' nests during the last two or three years in the neighbourhood of Salkeld Dykes {loc. cit., p. 89). Qnedius puncticollis, Th., seemed to be a regular inhabitant of all these nests.

Mr. Donisthorpe adduced evidence, which seems very conclusive, to show that Tn'chonijx sulcicollis, Reich., is in part myrmecophilous, and that 2\ iiuirkeli, Aube, is a true myrmecophilous insect {loc. cit., p. 67).

Mr. E. G. Bayford in an article entitled " Electric Light as an Attraction for Beetles and other Insects" {loc. cit., p. 157), gives a des- cription of the captures he has made at electric light street lamps at Barnsley, Yorks. Curiously enough, species of Necrophori are much in evidence, showing that these insects fly readily at night when seeking for food.

In the Ent. Record, Mr. Donisthorpe, in his "Myrmecophilous Notes for 1910" (pp. 10, 58, and 169), deals with the various species of Coleoptera and other insects, etc., taken in ants' nests during 1910.

144 THE entomologist's record.

He describes a number of valuable experiments he had made with certain of these insects in his observation nests. These notes are a further testimony to the thorough and praiseworthy manner in which Mr. Donisthorpe is tackling this important problem as to the relation between ants and the dwellers in their nests.

The only other article to which I need refer is Dr. Longstafi's account of three weeks in the Sudan (Ent. Mo. Mag., xlvii., pp. 119 and 194). Though Dr. Longsta£f paid but little attention to the Coleoptera, he has given some interesting notes as to some of the more striking species which occur in the neighbourhood of Khartum and the surrounding country. Mr. G. A. K. Marshall has described {J,oc. cit., p. 207) a new species of Baris under the name of lorata, from the Sudan.

Two parts of the Transactions of the Entoiiwhuiical Society of London for 1911 have been issued up to the close of the year. In Part II. there are two papers dealing with Coleoptera. The first, illustrated by two plates, one of them coloured, is by M. Henri Boileau ; it contains descriptions of several new species of Lucanidae in the British Museum collections. Tv/o species oi Sphenof/nathus from Bolivia; two species of Lncaniis from Burmah and Assam respectively; one species of Rhaetidiis from Siam ; two species of Hemisodorcas from Perak and Burmah respectively ; one species of Gnaphaloryx from Sumatra ; and two species of Niyidius from Rangoon and East Africa respectively are described. Both the species of Sphenonnathua and of Lucanus as well as the species of Rhaetuliis are well figured in the two plates.

The second paper is by Mr. E. A. Elliott and Mr. C. Morley and is entitled " On the Hymenopterous Parasites of Coleoptera. First Supplement." Since the publication of their original paper in the 'Tramactions in 1907, much additional matter has come to the knowledge of the authors ; this paper contains this additional matter. It should be read in conjunction with the original paper, with which it is uniform and concurrently numbered. The paper embodies the results of most painstaking investigations through the works of a number of well-known entomologists, and brings together mto a convenient form for reference a mass of field and other records hitherto scattered throughout the pages of the numerous works which the authors have consulted. The thanks of all entomologists are due to the authors for their labours, and for the clear and admirable way in which they have arranged the records so as to facilitate future reference.

Excellent progress continues to be made with the Coleopterormn Cataloyiis edited by Schenkling, and published by Herr Junk. Parts 25-38 were issued during the year, and Part 39 has just come to hand. The following families amongst others have been dealt with : Pselaphidae ; Tenebrionidac, 3rd and 4th sections ; Staphijlinidae, 2 sections; Ciasidae ; (Virysomelidae-IJispinae : Anthicidae : IScarabeidae- Coprinae, 1 ; Cera})ib]icidae-Cera)nhiicinae.

Professor Blatchley, of Indianopolis, U.S.A., has published what he calls An illustrated descriptive cataloi/iie of the Coleoptera or beetles [exclusive of the lUnjucofthora) known to occur in Indiana: it is, however, a treatise extending to 138H pages, illustrated with 590 figures of the more important species (2535 are dealt with), and with many diagrams of structural details ; this volume is another illustration of the thorough way in which our American cousins are dealing with the Natural History of their great country.


In the Annals of Scuttit<h Xatural Histuri/, July and October, 1911, appeared a paper by Mr. F. Balfour-Browne, " On the Aquatic Coleoptera of the North Ebudes." In September 1910, Mr. Balfour- Browne spent a week collecting in Skye, near Broadford, and in the island of Eigg, and this paper gives an account of the results of his work in the field, and of the investigations he has made into other records of similar work carried out in the North Ebudes. The paper is characterised by the thoroughness -for which the author is so well known, and is an invaluable contribution to our knowledge of the fauna of this group of islands lying off the west coast of Scotland.

I think we may congratulate ourselves that 1911 was a year fruitful of good work in all branches of the subject.

Collecting Notes for 1911.

By A. KUSSELL, F.E.S. In concluding my notes for the season 1910 I remarked that if all went well I should have a fairly busy time when the spring of 1911 arrived, and in this expectation I was not disappointed, a succession of insects emerging from my breeding cages from the middle of February to the end of June. In February a nice series of Pachnobia rubricosa emerged, and in March a long and somewhat variable series of Selenia bilunana, both species from ova obtained from Oxted females. At the end of March a visit to sallows at Chislehurst was disappointing, owing to scarcity of insects. The only Taeniocampids to put in an appearance were Taeniocampa incerta and T. stabilis. Hijbernia pro- (/einniaria was found at rest on the fences, and Asphalia fiavicomis was taken, but both were a trifle worn. A few Scopelosoiiia satellitia and Orrhodia (Cerastis) vaccinii were also met with. A visit to Bagshot on Easter Monday for Brephos parthenias resulted in several males and one female being taken, the former in fair condition only. A male Lobophora lobulata was also secured. During April a good series of Tephrosia panctularia was bred from ova obtained from a Berkshire female, and a short, but nice series of Celastrina arcjiolus from ova and young larvae found the previous September on ivy at Cuxton. In all twenty-nine pupje were obtained, of these sixteen produced imagines and the remainder ichneumons, rather a disappointing result. During April also two Lohophora viretata were bred from wild larvae, one found at Cuxton and the other at Boxhill. Following upon these came a very satisfactory series of Aplecta prasina (lierbida), from ova obtained from a female taken at Polegate ; some tine Notodonta ziczac from Hampshire and Berkshire larvae ; Demas coryli from Netley Heath larvae, and a long series of Clostera reclusa from ova obtained from a Polegate parent. During the first fortnight in May the following amongst other insects were bred, Amorpha popnli, Mimas tili(e, Gnnphria ritbricollis, Dasyehira pudibiinda, Ihepana lacertinaria, IK falcataria, Oduntopera bidentata, Zonosoma pendularia, Hydriomena (Hypsipetes) implnviata, Melanippe sociata, Coremia ferrugata, C. unide7}taria, Phibalaptery.c vitalbata and Cidaria corylata. A visit to woods in Hampshire, on 13th May, found Brenthis euplirosyne just out and Euchlo'e cardamines, Hesperia (Syrichthiis) mahct {alveolus), and Tephrosia punctularia in good condition. Between the middle and end of May the breeding cages yielded Svierinthus ocellatus, Hemaris

146 THE entomologist's record,

fuciformis, Euchelia jacobivcp, Arctia villica, Stauropus fatji, Notodonta droniedarius, C'yinatop/wra ocularis, Maiiiestra penicaria, Caradrina morpheus, Noctiia plecta, Dianthoecia conspersa, D. capsincola, D. cucu- bali, D. carpopha<ja (some variable forms), Mamestra {Hadena) thalas- sina, M. contijfua, Anarta niyrtilli, Amphidanh betiilaria, Xemnria viridata, Kmatnrga atomaria (one female of male coloration), Biipalns piniaria, Kupithecia venosata, K. nanata, and Eucoxmia undidata. A day in Sussex at the end of May disclosed Brentliis eiiphrosi/ne and NhoniadeH tat/es going over, Coenonj/nipha pnwphilnx and [{uwicia phlaeas just out, H. malvae, P/ii/tometra aenea, Kxrlidia mi, Venilia macularia and E. atomaria in good condition, while Panai/ra petraria was worn. A visit to Northampton Woods in early June was unsuc- cessful as far as Ci/dopidcs palaeinou and Strt/mon priini were con- cerned, but Abraxas si/lrata [idinata] was met with in fair numbers and in excellent condition. Larvse of Rnralis betulae were obtained by beating the blackthorn, and part of a nest of Lachneis lanestris larvae was secured. During the first fortnight in June insects continued to emerge from the breeding cages, including a few Melitaea cinxia, a short but nice series of (Jidaria pijraliata [dotata), and half a dozen or so Pliisia moneta, the larvae of which were obtained from delphinium growing in the garden. The third week in June I left town for Shanklin for the annual holiday. The weather at the time was somewhat broken, but very soon settled down for a long spell of extreme heat. Shortly after arrival the downs above Shanklin were visited. Cncnonyinpha pamphilns, Folyomuiatus icarus and Aiiyiadea sylvanns were all found worn, but Epinephele jurtina was in fair condition. On the heather on Boniface Down, part of a nest of Satumia carpini larvae was obtained and also some larvae of Lyyris {Cidario) testata. The thistles seemed to suggest larvae of Pyra)neiK cardui but despite a careful search not one was met with. My opportunities for collecting at night time were very limited, but an occasional visit to the lamps showed that insects were fairly in evidence, though principally of the commoner kinds. Two or three visits were made to the America Woods at the back of the town where Epinephele jnrtina was found in abundance, Adopaea [Thyineliciis) Jiatm (linea) in fair quantity with Mdauari/ia ijalathea and Aphantopus hyperanthun in limited numbers. The landslip near Bonchurch yielded larvte of Theretra porcellus and Xanthorhn'e [Mrlan- ippe) (jaliata on the bedstraw and cocoons of Anthrocera jilipendidae. The weather became hotter and hotter, and "an open confession being good for the soul," I must say I became slacker and slacker, until I practically ceased to do any collecting at all, I did however buckle to before leaving the Island and get to the Melitaea cinxia ground, where I secured a nest of the larvae.

On my return to Purley, in the middle of July, I found several of the Lachneis lanestris larvjB still feeding and looking exceedingly healthy ; they promised to make fine moths, and have since done so, that is to say, all those that emerged this Spring. On my way to the station on two or three occasions, J'ieris rapae was seen swarming in the Godstone Road, seeking the moisture produced by the watering, the large number of butterflies seen on the wing at one time attracted general attention from the passer-by. The weather continued very hot, and after a day in town and a stifling railway journey home, one


felt inclined to do little moi-e than reat on reaching the cool of the garden. On the evening of August 8rd, however, my dormant energy was immediately aroused hy friend Joy dashing in with a Phr>/xits Uvornica, which he had just netted in his garden a little way down the road. The net was once more requisitioned, and for several evenings watch was kept in the neighbourhood for other P. Uvornica, hut none were met with. The specimen taken was caught hovering over white phlox; it was in fairly good condition, one wing being slightly chipped. Rnmicia phlaeas now made its appearance, and, as was the case elsewhere, was common in the district. During August some nice imagines were bred from the Rnralis befiilae, and A', r/a/mto larvne obtained earlier in the year. A visit to Oxted on the August Bank- holiday resulted in Vanessa io being seen and taken. On August 24th Oxshott was visited for A<irotis af/atkina and two were obtained in fair condition. A trip to Richmond Park at the end of the month resulted in HcUnphohus popiilaris, Characas (jraininis, Noctiia (jlareosa, Citiia reraf/o, and other species being taken. A flying visit to Haslemere at the beginning of [September was not very productive, but a few papsB of Ai/riopis aprilina were dug from under oak. My season practically concluded with a short holiday at Lowestoft at the end of September. Here Ruinicia pldacaa was again in evidence, Pijrameis atalanta was seen at the ivy blossoms in fine condition, and P. card III and Paranie inet/aera (second brood) were met with, worn. Atiriiis conrolviili was reported to be in the district, but I failed to meet with it. Pupa digging was resorted to, but nothing very special was taken in this way, nine-tenths of those dug being Taeniocampa incerta.

On a Gynandromorphous Amorpha populi. {With 2 plates.)


The Rev. C. R. N. Burrows has mounted the head and genitalia of a gynandromorphous A. populi, given to him by Mr. L. W. Newman, and has permitted me to examine the specimen. Amorpha populi appears to afford moKe gynandromorphs than any other Lepidopteron. Herr Bartel collected records of 73 in 1900, Tutt in 1902 refers to records of 79 specimens, and hardly a year passes with- out a record of one or more examples. It does not, however, happen that I have found any detailed account, or figure, of the genitalia of a specimen.

In Mr. Burrows' specimen the left side is male the right side female. The head shows a left <? antenna and a right $ one. The

Camera outlines of (1) left ( j ) palpus, (2) right ( ? ),

(3) Two joints of left (i) antenna, about joints 13 or

14. (4) Two joints from right ( ? ) from about same

position. X 15.

148 THE entomologist's RECORD.

labial palpi differ largely in size, the left being 4-8mm, long, the right only 2-6mm. The left is even wider in proportion, but measurement would be misleading as the 2nd joint has been torn in mounting.

The structure of the genitalia will be better understood by reference to the photographs (by Mr. F. N. Clark) of Mr. Burrows' specimen, and of the normal ^ and 2 structures of normal specimens, which are presented herewith x 12J. I have numbered the parts so as to show the correspondences.

It is curious that whilst there appears to be a complete $ side deft), there is not only the other (right) side (completely) 3 , but male structures of the left (or female) side are also represented. This is as in photograph, which happens to reverse the specimen.

Thus there are both branches of the uncus marked (1), and I have chosen as a normal (?) male for comparison, one with two branches unequal, which is not common. There are also the clasps of both sides, both valve (3) and harpe (4) being of fairly normal development in both cases. The aedoeagus is not perfect, but its deficiency is not on one side. The distal portion (5) seems fairly normal (both right and left sides), but the basal portion (6) is shrunk and connected with the distal end by a very narrow neck. The female side is represented by the terminal flap of the ovipositor (2) with its rod (7), and by the portion of the plate of the 9th segment, which (see PI. VI) is always a slight structure, but the rod (9) belonging to it is fairly normal. The vaginal structures (8), being only those of one side, are twisted out of very recognisable form.

It would perhaps have been even more interesting had the inner structure, ovaries, tubes, etc., been preserved, but they became no doubt injured and lost in the process of maceration.

Description or Plates V. and VI.

Plate V. Appendages of gynandromorphous .-J »(0)'^/ia po/)i(Zi x 12^.

Plate VI. Upper ? , lower i , appendages of Amorpha populi x 1'2J. The two divisions of the uncus (1) are unequal in the cT specimen, an interesting ab- normality, otherwise the specimens are normal, and suitable for comparison with the specimen on PI. V.

Leptosia duponcheli var. aestiva at Digne.

By W. G. SHELDON, F.E.S. It was in the early days of August, 1906, I had landed at Nice in the morning, after a rough crossing from Ajaccio, and having travelled all day up the beautiful but stiilingly hot Gorge of the Var and across the Col de Vergons, had welcomed with relief the hospitable doors of the " Boyer-Mistre," at Digne. Dinner was being served on my arrival, and after a hasty wash I took the only vacant seat, about half way down the long table in the " Salle-a-manger." ] was tired, and my powers of observation were dulled, and beyond noticing that my right hand neighbour was one of the largest men I had ever seen, 1 did not inspect my fellow diners. I was a course or two behind the others, and just as the dessert was reached my right hand neighbour retired. I turned towards the vacant seat to annex a peach from a dish on the table, when an expression burst forth from the occupant of the next chair, " Hallo, what on earth are you doing here ? " and, looking towards him, I found I was addressed by the late Editor of this maga-


zine, Mr. J. W. Tutt, who was coming south as I was going north. It was a dramatic method of meeting, and a very welcome one to me, for Tutt's personality was to every one, at all times, an interesting one, and it was doubly interesting to me just then, for I had not heard a word of my mother tongue for several weeks.

This meeting led to a day's collecting together and much talk ; amongst other matters we discussed the genus Leptosia that we found everywhere common. Tutt maintained that some of them, which were without dark markings on the underside, were L. dnponcheli var. aestica, Stgr.

The next day, my friend having gone still further south, I enlisted the services of the local professional entomologist Victor Cotte, and asked him in the course of our wanderings, what the summer brood of L. duponcheli was like. Cotte said it was scarce at Digne, but that he had taken a specimen a few weeks before. This I subsequently purchased and have now. It is indistinguishable from the spring form. I therefore concluded that Tutt was wrong, for Cotte knows the species to be found at Digue well, and is UoL.ally to be relied upon.

There the matter rested until last month, when happening to pick up Wheeler's Butter/lies of the Alps, 1 found that the author describes var. aestica as " with yellowish undersides." This shook my faith in Cotte's specimen, and after thinking the matter over, I took from my continental series of L. sinapis all the specimens collected at Digne during four visits I had made to that town, placed them in another drawer and studied them carefully. Almost at once I found a male that in the shape of the front wings agreed exactly with spring L. duponcheli, but which was entirely without dark markings beneath, and a further search showed that I had seven more specimens, five males and two females of this form, all these examples were taken from between July 11th and 16th, 1904, and were, I now feel pretty sure, L. duponcheli var. aestira. I accordingly took them, with all the other hitherto supposed L. sinapis to the British Museum, and compared them with the series of both species in the National Collection. Amongst the L. duponcheli there I found eight examples which were without dark markings beneath, but these were not labelled var. aestira. I also found amongst the L. sinapis, which were in another drawer, two more of this form of L. duponcheli, which were labelled var. aestim. All these ten specimens were from Asia Minor. After com- paring them with my examples captured at Digne I could only conclude that these were identical.

L. duponcheli var. aestiva is evidently common and well distributed at Digne, my examples coming three from the Eaux Chaudes valley, one from La Collete, and four from the right bank of the Bleone, above the bridge leading to the railway station, which I have always found one of the most prolific localities for the spring emergence. Presumably, it was more abundant than L. sinapis in July, 1904, for I find I only brought back three males and two females of the latter species, which were respectively var. diniensis and var. enjsiini, both of which forms were more attractive to the eye than the specimens I have since found to be var. aestiva.

The chief distinction between var. aestiva and L. sinapis var. diniensis, and which serves to distinguish them at a glance, is the shape of the front wings, which exactly resembles, in this respect, examples

160 THE entomologist's record.

of the spring brood in both sexes, with the comparatively straight costa and square apex, as compared with the much more rounded costa and apex of L. sinapis var. (liniensis.

In the males the apical spots are as pronounced as in the spring brood, but they are not so large. Underneath, five of my examples are entirely without dark markings, though the other has a slight indication of a transverse band in the centre of the hindwings. The area at the apex of the front wings, which on the upperside is represented by the dark blotch, is of a pale lemon yellow, and the same colour obtains on the base of all the wings below and above.

The two females have the dark apical blotch showing very slightly on the upper surface, much more slightly than is the case in the spring brood. On the underside they have the central band on the hindwings showing rather prominently, otherwise they exactly re- semble the males.

A good point of distinction between these two species is the antennae ; in L. sinapi>i the base of the club-head is white in front, this white patch is wanting in L. dupnnclieli.

Staudinger, who named var. aestica from specimens taken by him at Amasia in Asia Minor where he states that it was abundant described it in Home Socii'tatis Kntumologicae Romcae, vol. iv., p. 222. His description of the Amasia specimens, and the examples in the National Collection, agree pretty closely Vv'ith my Digne captures, except that the surface of the wings, both above and below, is a little more yellow in the aestira form.

Obviously the example I purchased from Cotte was a belated spring emergence.

tSince writing the above my friend Mr. P. W. Abbott, who accompanied me to Digne, in July, 1904, informs me that he brought back eight examples of Leptusia, and that after seeing my var. aestiva, he finds seven are that form, and only one is L. sinapis.

A Fortnight at Gavarnie. Hautes-Pyreiiees.

By G. T. BETHUNE-BAKER, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S. A twelve hours' journey brought us from Mende to Toulouse, where we arrived at about 8 o'clock in the evening, and as w-e had to be up betimes in the morning we were glad to go straight to bed after dinner. No doubt it was a very bad thing to do, but it did not seem to have had any ill effects in our case. We were down at 5.30 for our petit dejeuner, which was enjoyed greatly in the street before people generally were astir, and whilst the air was delightfully fresh. Our first change was at Lourdes, where we had two and a half hours to wait. Half an hour of this sufficed for a good meal, after which I left my friend (Mr. A. H. Jones) to have a needed siesta, whilst I went through the small town to see the far famed grotto with its church above it. It happened to be a quiet day with but few pilgrims, and of this I was glad, as I made my way through the winding street, the Boulevard de la Grotte. On the one side the Boulevard was lined with shops of all descriptions, for the great part, however, with but one object in view, r/c, the sale of mementos of " my Lady of Lourdes" and of all the cures wrought by her marvellous efficacy. The shops end at a small bridge beneath which flows the river, the Gave du Pau, beyond


which the ground is all beautifully laid out as a spacious garden, mostly consisting of lawns very carefully kept, up to the ascent to the church, beneath which is the grotto. It was with mingled feelings and conflicting thoughts that one gazed on the scene, a scene that now almost brought tears to one's eyes and anon produced a sense akin to indignation. Hundreds of people were about, none apparently seriously ill, and a few cripples still using their crutches. As they sat or stood m front of the grotto, all were reverently intent on the shrine, some counted their beads, others were saying " sotto voce " their " aves," others again were lost in contemplation : but as one watched and attempted to read the faces around the wonder grew, how ? how could such a thing exist, and not only exist, but be a force in this twentieth century ? and " still the wonder grew." Lost in reverie, the hours had sped, and I barely allowed myself sufficient time to get back to the station, where I found my friend beginning to get anxious lest I should mics the train. A pleasant ride brought us to Luz, and another change on jO the electric tram brought us through lonely and romantic scenery to St. Sauveur, from whence the journey to Gavarnie was completed by carriage. We had scarcely got into the hotel, when a well known voice saluted us, and we found ourselves face to face with Mr. Rowland-Brown, who had already spent a fortnight in the locality. So we arrived at the " haven where we would be."

Our first day was spent on the way to the "Port de Gavarnie," i.e., the Pass over into Spain, in the hope of taking Erehia lefehvrei, and in this we were not disappointed, two or three falling to each of us. E. styf/ne also was not uncommon and in beautiful condition, the most plentiful of the genus was, however, E. tijndari(s, which occurred both in its type form and its var. dromus. Among the blues I'lebeiiis artiun [aegon, Auct.), was common and shared honours as to which was the commoner with A(jiiades coridon, this latter being generally of the Pyrenean form with very pale creamy underside, sometimes almost white. Hendes virijanreae was taken, and I took a single specimen of the much coveted Latiorina pyrenaica. Urbicola comma was the only Hesperid seen this day, the Argynnids were few and far between, the one species taken being Arf/ynnis aglaia, whilst Fararye maera var. adrasta was also the only one of its genus that put in an appearance.

Our next day was spent on the slopes below the Pimene in search of Erebia yoryone. The path up after quitting the river bed is by a series of steep zig-zags and very few insects cheered our eyes as we ascended bend after bend. Erebia styyne appeared now and then, and a single Melitaea dictynna fell to my net, and when we got on to the grassy slopes, already so closely cropped by the cattle that they were poor hunting grounds for us, I took one Cncnonymplia pauiphilufi, which in the end turned out to be the only one I took, though this does not mean that we did not see it again. At last we got on to the special slopes of which Mr. Rowland-Brown had told us, and by dint of working hard we captured a nice little lot of E. yoryone. We were by no means satisfied, however, for as this species occurs only in the Pyrenees we were naturally anxious to get a good series, so we decided to come again after the arrival of my friend Mr. C. J. Wain- wright. As we descended, a nice P(>lyo)iniiati(s ei^cheri was enticed into my net, and also a single Aricia medon {astrarche). I think I omitted to say that E. tyndarHsva.v. dromus occurred everywhere, and also that

152 THE entomologist's record.

we took a nice little series of Erebia epiphron with its var. camape, the latter species flying high up with E. tjorgono.

Our next trip, after having had another day in search of E. lefehvrei, wag up the Val d'Ossoue, where E. niantD var. ctrrilia was to be found. In this valley insects were more plentiful than anywhere else. As we wended our way among the rocks in the early part of the path, we were much struck by several very small specimens of what we thought must be Satyrus alcynne, but here it was far away from all trees, disporting and sunning itself on the roads. Several evaded our endeavours at first, but finally we were both successful, and found it was <S. alcyone, as we had at first surmised, but with the underside strongly yellowish. Monsieur C. Oberthur,w^ho was also staying at Gavarnie, and whom we had the great pleasure of meeting, told us that this was the Pyrenean form, but the difference in habit w^as also remarkable. Polyonniiatua escheri in both sexes greeted us, and when we came to the bridge, over which we had to go, we again had the pleasure of taking Latiorhia pijreuaica, with A. coiidon, P. arfinx, and Polyonnnatn^ icariis. After crossing the bridge we came into quite another lie of country, we first passed through some meadow land covered with flowers, among which the commoner of the "blues" dis- ported themselves, I hoped to have taken some Zy<iienid(f, but they were conspicuous by their entire absence. Then we had to ascend through a wide belt of trees of all kinds, and in some of the small clearings I took a Holias edusa and a single Pontia dapUdice. Erebia euryale soon appeared commonly, but quite passe, so much so that it was difficult to find a decent specimen. All the way along Paniasaim apollo had been in evidence, a fine large form with very black large spots. At last we came to the E. nuxnto ground, along which we wandered to and fro with a fair amount of success, and were able to secure a nice, if short, series of var, cacilia. This ueing done we con- sidered we had earned our lunch, only the difficulty was to find a spot close to the river and at the same time to be sheltered from the brilliant sun. Our repast being over, I went further up the valley, whilst Mr, Jones continued his search on the ground near by, for var, aicilia, of which a few more specimens fell to each of us, I came shortly to a flowery bank, where dozens of Aryyiinis pales were tasting the sweets of many a flower, I soon went down and made their acquaintance and took what I thought was a good series, but when set many turned out to have seen their best days, A little further on the bed of the stream widened out greatly and was partly overgrown with thistles and other plants. Here I took a lovely large female specimen of Aryi/nnin adippe var, r^^'o^/ara, with the basal and median areas suffused with a beautiful purplish smoky black, Culiaa edusa was not uncommon with Aryynnis aylaia, only when the two came in conflict on a thistle head the former always had to give way, for one flower could contain no more than one ^. a//^«/fl, which was always quite oblivious of every- thing but its own needs,

(To he continued.)


A Pathological Specimen of Callophrys kubi, I took a curious specimen of this species at Brasted Chart on April 27th last. It was,


of course, quite fresh at this date, but almost the whole lower half of the right forewing is of a pale shade of "dead gold." George Wheeler, 37, Gloucester Place, W. May SOt/i.

Lycaknidi, etc., on the North Downs. I have spent part of three days this month on the downs at Gomshall, viz., the 14th, 21st and 28th. On the first occasion the sun went in just as I arrived, and I saw only one Poli/o)n>iiatiis icanis $ , and one Haiiicaris luciua J . On the second day I had about half an hour's sunshine and found P. icarus very abundant, the majority of the 2 s being much suffused with blue ; the proportion of those which were blue to the edge of the wings, the orange lunules being placed directly on the blue, was un- usually large, the shades of blue were also very varied. One Ai/nades theiis, 3 , was taken on this occasion (the 14th). Nixoniades tages, Coenonympha pamphilus, and the two species of Eiididia were abundant. On the 27th blue ? sof P. icarus were as common as before, and on that day and the following, when I walked along the downs from Gomshall to Dorking, A. thetis was in great abundance, many of the ^ s, especi- ally in Denbies, were of the form puncta, Tutt, and most of the ? s were suffused, many of them broadly, with blue. Both at Gomshall and Dorking I took examples with blue disc and the rest of the wings as black as in ab. urania, Gerh., but differing from this form by the presence of small orange lunules on the hindwing, which are absent in Gerhard's figure. I also took both J and $ A. thetis without basal spots on the forewing, and a $ of the ab. addenda, Tutt. One of the blue 2 s of P. icarus was pronouncedly of the tnelanoto.ra form, and of two 3 s which I casually took, one was completely and the other almost of the icarimis form. On each of the other days I had walked over the downs from Horsley, and on the 14th I took on the north side of the downs Brentlns euphmsyne, Hainearis Incina, Eiicldoe carda- mines, Pieris napi, P. rapae, liionicia pJdaeas and Celastrina argiolits. Both on the 21st and the 28th I took a single specimen of Aricia medon at Gomshall, and on each occasion specimens of Callophrys rubi were noted, as also of N. tayes, whilst Hesperia malvae appeared for the first time on the 28th, though I had taken it at Brasted as early as April 27th.— Id.


Stray Notes from Ceylon. Variation of Delias eucharis. This is believed to be very constant in colouring ; on the upperside it is plain white in the male and blackish-white in the female, the under surface of the hindwing is very handsome, being brilliant chrome- yellow on the disc and with crimson marginal spots. It is universally esteemed as a typical unpalatable insect, and certainly in many of its habits has the characteristics of one. It is very abundant, is seldom, so far as my observations go, attacked by birds, and it frequently rests for long periods on the upper surface of a broad green leaf, such as Calladiion, where its striking under surface makes it very conspicuous. The larva feeds on the tulip tree {sitriya) which has yellow fiowers, which become tipped with red when fading, and the butterfly is very difficult to detect when settled on the leaves of this tree. When studying Mimicry I collected a considerable number to note if there was any variation in a protected butterfly, the results somewhat surprised

154 THE entomologist's record.

me. On Januuiy 28tli, 1911, it was particularly numerous round three or four suriya trees, they were freshly emerged and quite possibly belonged to one or two broods. I noticed that the amount of j'ellow was not always constant, it fills a variable number of interspaces, the upper ones being those most liable to vary ; the spaces are easily counted as the veins are well marked with black. I found the following variation in the thirty-seven males captured:

Forewing, apex underside tinged with yellow (usually white), 9 ; cell entirely or almost entirely yellow, 26 ; cell upper part white, 10 ; Gth interspace tinged yellow (usually white), 5 ; 7th interspace tinged white (usually yellow), 13 ; with eight red post-discal spots, 27 ; with seven red post-discal spots (upper spot white or pink), 9. Females, 5 : No variation ; apex yellow, all interspaces yellow, and eight red post- discal spots.

There is therefore more variation than is generally thought, and it would seem that if any change occurred in its environment it would be ready to suit itself to its changed conditions. Assuming that as an unpalatable butterfly it is endeavouring to form an unpalatable group with other somewhat similarly coloured butterflies, it is fairly obvious that such slight variations (assuming that they are the ones needed) would scarcely be taken account of by an enemy making an attack. As a matter of fact, the only specimen I have seen captured was seized on the wing by a lizard, which made quite a respectable jump at it.

There is little doubt that if this insect occurred in England the variations noted above would receive distinctive names. There is a fine field open to collectors and " aberrationists " among the butterflies of the tropics, and it is a matter of surprise to me that they have hitherto in a large measure escaped, when for a few shillings a large number could be purchased and the " aberrationist " make himself happy during the winter months in naming their infinite variety. If he did so it would perhaps relieve the pressure on our own small numbers of persecuted butterflies. I have always experienced a difficulty in understanding the standard by which these small aberrations are estimated. To ordinary eyesight one specimen may appear precisely like its neighbour, yet a pocket lens will show a difference, and others which seem alike under these conditions are obviously dift'erent under a microscope and so on ; where is the line to be drawn ? Take the case of Teracolits liinhaiKs a white butterfly' with an orange tip to the forewing I find the following aberrations in the cell of hindwing underside only: -Ab. 1. Cell pure white, unspotted. Ab. 2. Small brown spot at apex of cell. Ab. 3. This spot is green. Ab. 4. Frequently yellow. Ab. 5. Sometimes orange. Ab. 6. By no means seldom this yellow spot is surroucded with brown. Ab. 7. Often again with green. Ab 8. Under a hand lens the scales are mixed brown and green. Ab. 9. Under h" objective the scales are seen to be orange at the apex and yellow at the base ; and so on ad in/i)iiti()ii. And may I ask, can absurdity go further ? T. linibatns may congratulate itself on not being an English butterfly !

Resting Habit of Cupha placida at Night. In the depth of the jungle, on the underside of a dark green leaf, about fifteen feet from the ground, fairly conspicuous.

Resting Habit of Precis lemonias at Night. On upperside of leaf close to a clay bank ; most conspicuous with this background.

reviews and notices of books. 155

Butterflies observed to be more or less mutilated on the ROAD between Haldumulle, 4,000 ft., and Pelmadulle, 800 FT., from 27. XII. 10 TO 30. XII. 10. Letke nilgiriemh, badly; Precis lemonias, h?i^\y ; P. nritlti/ia: P. iphita: Parfhenns cijaneiis; Teriaa silhetana ; Hiipnl'oiinns holina, $ , found a forewing of this species on the ground, and a Paradise fly-catcher was not far off. Though I kept a sharp lookout, I did not see a single capture of a butterfly by a bird, though Drongos were numerous ; there were a few Paradise fly-catchers and about half-a-dozen Philippine bee-eaters. These latter were very partial to the telegraph wires, where they passed across the paddy fields, and though butterflies, Catopsilia especially, were congregated in crowds at frequent intervals, the birds took no notice of them, but hawked flies over the marshes in preference. N. Manders (Lieut.-Col., R.A.M.C, F.E.S.), The Curragh, Co. Kildare.


Wytsman : Genera Insectorum. Fascicule Dermaptera. By Malcolm Burr, D.Sc. This epoch-making work continues to make steady progress, the various sections being produced with the aid of the best present day authorities on each, and in addition artists of the first rank in depicting natural histery character are employed to illustrate the text.

The latest fascicule deals with the Dermaptera, and the author is Dr. Malcolm Burr. It is well known that Dr. Burr takes the keenest interest in this particular group and has been for many years engaged upon a monographic revision of the Earwigs of the world, and°at frequent intervals numerous small instalments have appeared from his pen in various English and Continental publications.

Earwigs have never been a popular group with Entomologists, possibly owing to the poverty of material generally obtainable, so that Dr. Burr has had practically an open field, and has consequently made the study of this group particularly his own.

Last year, he gave us a very detailed account of the Earwigs of India in the Fauna of British India series, in which we find a suggestion of the new scheme of classification, which is elaborated in this fascicule. The progress in our knowledge of the group especially during the last ten years is truly remarkable. In 1869, Dohrn knew 19 genera and 156 species; in 1900, 31 years later, de Bormans described 323 species distributed through 32 genera, while in 1911, Burr gives us no less than 706 species, distributed through 132 genera,' the majority of which are erected by himself.

Few other authors have ventured in the field. Borelli, a most careful worker, with a fine knowledge of the group, has chiefiy confined himself to faunistic papers and the description of numerous species. Semenoff, a most talented Eussian entomologist, whose works are too little appreciated in this country, has scarcely ventured beyond the limits of the fauna of the Russian Empire. Two German authors, however, have made notable contributions. In 1901-2 Yerhoeff issued a few papers which startled his limited public by the originality of his methods and his views. The really sound and valuable part of his work was eclipsed by his neglect of the elenientary principles of systematic entomologv, and it was left to Zacher in 1910-11 to amplify it and carry it towards a logical con-

156 THE entomologist's record.

elusion. This last author's work has all the virtues, all the views, of the German school of philosophy, originality, patience, and profound research, but yet a too big superstructure is reared upon insufficient foundations. The gifted young author, however, is continuing his observations, and further work from his laborious pen is looked for with interest. Since he practically confines himself to the morphology of the genital armature, internal and external, while Burr's system is built up exclusively on general external morphology, it is most satisfactory to learn that the results of these two authors do not clash in any essential point, but differ only in a few trifling details. We are therefore justified in hoping that the collaboration of these two industrious workers will give us a really natural classification of this difficult group.

It is the Germans who first classified the earwigs into major groups, but it is in the present work that we for the first time find the whole section treated comprehensively. Burr ranks the earwigs not as a family of the Orthoptera, but as an independent Order, a natural result of the increase of modern knowledge. He divides it into three Sub-orders. The first, the Ari.ienina, includes the curious parasitic larval forms recently described by Dr. Jordan in Xocitates Zooloijiccr,. The second, the llemiinerina, includes only the much- discussed Hemiinerits, undoubtedly a relative of the earwigs, with a strong superficial resemblance to a cockroach, and originally placed by Walker, with his usual fatuity, among the mole-crickets. The third suborder, Forficulina, contains the true earwigs. Burr follows Zacher in dividing them into three Superfamilies, in descending order of phylogenetic relationship, which is expressed by the gradual reduction of the telson. The smaller details and divisions are beyond the scope of this review, but in the main, Burr follows Zacher in an arrangement of the Protodeniiaptera. The curious, flattened subcorticinous Ajiachyidae have a superfamily to themselves, but they are regarded as a highly specialised offshoot of the Labiduridae. The Euderwaptera, containing the three families of higher earwigs, have been treated solely on external morphological grounds, which only the specialist is competent to criticise, but the point which appears most striking, is the multiplication of small genera, many being monomorphic, although Labia, much reduced as it is, still contains forty-two species, and Foi/icida forty-three.

An exceedingly valuable portion of the paper is the illustration. The fine standard set in the half-volume on Dermaptera in the Fauna of British India series, with nine half-tone and one coloured plate, is even surpassed ; we have here eight coloured and one plain quarto plates ; with numerous outline drawings mingled with the coloured figures. If Dr. Burr had never written a line upon the earwigs, Entomology would owe him a great debt for the production of these admirable plates.

The really beautiful and accurate drawings are by Mr. Edwin Wilson. Mr. Wilson has long since made his reputation as an unrivalled scientific draughtsman; in these plates he has indeed surpassed himself ; his knowledge of the groups must by now be by no means contemptible ; the drawings have been admirably reproduced, with no loss of delicacy nor accuracy, and author, publisher and engraver, as well as artist, are to be heartily congratulated upon the beautiful and valuable result.

WATKINS & DONCASTER, Naturalists and Manufacturers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain Ring Nets, wire or cane, including Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-. Folding Nets, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket Boxes (deal), 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6. Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-.. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with camphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, flat or oval, lin., 6d. ; IJin., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2|in., 1/-; 3Jin., 1/4; 4in., 1/6; 5in., 1/10; Complete Set of fourteen Boards, 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6 ; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases, japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antennae 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3J, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheath, 1/9. Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc.

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as minute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sesiidae, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


Of every description of Insects, Bikds' Eggs, Coins, Microscopical Objects, Fossils, &c.

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LARGE STOCK OF INSECTS AND BIRDS' EGGS (British, European, and Exotic). Birds, Mammals, etc.. Preserved and Slonnted by Fit-nt clans ii'orkmcn,


Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

By MALCOLM BURR. D.Sc,, F.Z.S., F.L.S., F.E.S., &c.

Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3sm net.

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

WiU be sent Post Free on receipt of Postal Order for 3s< to

A. H., 41 , Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.


You can't do without these, they keep your insects in fine setting condition for weeks if you are too busy to set them at once ; they relax old specimens to perfection. Hundreds sold yearly, and testimonials always being received. Prices, 2s. 4d. and 3s. lid., post free.

If you have not yet received any price lists of Ova, L.vrv.e, and Pup^, also Skt Insects, write at once for them ; many Bargains.

Larvae per dozen : C. edusa, 4s. ; V. cardui, Is. ; V. atalanta. Is. ; Hybrid, Ocel- latus X Populi, 30s. ; Hyhrii), Pendulariax Omieronaria, 30s. ; Zonaria <f xHirtaria ?, 5s. ; Zonaria 9 xHirtaria c? , 5s. ; Cucullina, 4s. ; Trepida, 3s. ; Prodromaria, Is. ; and mady others.

L. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.



The Season of 1911 in the Abertillery District of Monmouthshire, W. Rait Smith.. 1'6'd

Retrospect of a Coleopterist for 1911, Prof. T. Hudson-Bearc, B.Sc, F.R.S.E.,

F.E.S .. 138

CoUectinglSiotes tov 1911, A. Russell, F.K.S 145

On a Gynandroniorphous Amorpha populi, T. A. Chapman, M.D., F.E.S. . . 147

Leptosia duponcholi var. aestiva at Digne, IF. G. Sheldon, F.E.S. . . . . . . 148

A Fortnight at Gavarnie, Haute-Pyrenees, G. T. Bethune-Baker, F.L.S., F.Z.S.,

F.E.S 150

Notes on Collecting: A Pathological Specimen of Callophrys rubi, G. Wheeler,

F.E.S., F.Z.S. ; Lycoenidi, etc., on the North Downs, Id 152

Scientific Notes and Observations : Stray Notes from Ceylon ; Variation of Delias eucharis ; Resting Habit of Cupha placida at Night ; Resting Habit of Precis lemonias at Night ; Butterflies observed to be more or less mutilated on the road between Haldumulle and Pelmadulle, Lieut.-Col. N. Manders, R.A.M.C., F.E.S 153

Reviews : Wytsmann : Genera Insectorum. Fascicule Dermaptera . . . . 155

Contributions remain over for want of space from G. T. Bethune-Baker, G. W. Nicholson, W. Rait Smith, C. W. Colthrup, Dr. T. A. Chapman, F. N. Pierce, R. S. Bagnall, etc., and Reports of Societies.

Seasonal notes on British Lepidoptera will appear in due course from C. W. Colthrup, F. G. Whittle, A. Russell, Alf. Sich, H. A.shton Nichols, etc.

We hope that those who intend sending us an account of their doings for 1911 will do so ere long, as we should like to know more of what our English workers are doing. Will those who are studying the Micro-lepidoptera help us, by sending in notes of their captures and observations ?

All MS. and editorial matter should be sent and all proofs returned to Hy. J. Turner, 98, Drakefell Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

Our Subscribers are herewith notified that the May issue was ready for publication on the 15th of the month, as usual. Mr. J. H. Tutt will answer any inquiries as to delay in posting, or non-receipt.

Rambles in Alpine Valleys.

Bound in Cloth, with Map and Photographs of District. Price 3s. 6d. This book contains a series of essays dealing with the colours of insects, and sugges- tions as to the relation in past time between the Alpine and British fauna. Many new facts are brought forward, and entomological problems discussed from various standpoints.

Woodside, Burnside, Hillside and Marsh.

(Crown 8vo., Illustrated, 224 pp. and 103 woodcuts and full-page illustrations. Bound

in Cloth. (Price 2/6).

Another series of collecting expeditions into well-known entomological and natural history localities, with description of botanical, geological, ornithological as well as entomological matters of interest to be found therein. The places dealt with include Cobham Woods, Cuxton Downs, the Western Highlands, Cliffe— all well known for their rich entomological fauna.

To be obtained from J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E.

Random Reoolleotions of Woodland, Fen, and Hill.

By J. W. TUTT, F.E.S.

Bound in Cloth, Crown 8vo. Price Three Shillings net.

A detailed account of the fauna and flora of some well-known British natural history localities : Wicken, Deal, Chattenden, the Medway Marshes, Isle of Wight, etc.

Postal Orders to Mr. J. HERBERT TUTT, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E

e^Viext Part will be issued on September 15th.







blmTlil) l'.Y

HiOHAKi. b. BACiNALU, K..,.s., F.E.S. | T. A. UHAPM AN, ..1.1^., i ./..«., F.«.s


B.SC, F.K.S., I'.H.S.Ii


J 'F.Z.S., F.t.S., F.E.9 M, BURR, D.SC, F.7-.S., F.T,.S., F.K.S

Jas. E. COLLIN, F.E.8.


F.Z.S., F.K>I

Alkhku SICH, F.fc.s.

J. R. le B. TO^ILJNrii.A., f.k.b.

Rev.) C. B. N. BURROWS, f.b.s. Gf.oror \V^-KLlSUf^MvA , r.B.g. and r y^\\S0UI4n

Hknry J. TURNlKR^<^.F.s., ^

l.ilitorial S»-,re.tai-y A tift _^'





MAR .^9 1913 ' '^ (WITH POUR PLATES.) ^

SiAsfripMuii for Complete Volume, post

iln.huliiigall UOUBLK NUMBERS, etc.) S K V E N S H 1 L. L. 1 N G S .

Ill UK llJltWAllUKD lO


" Hk.rtfosb," GvM.A'ixv Road, Nfw Cross, S.E.


Kl ).H>r STOCK, tj2, Paternostkk Kow, E.G.



11 riiTir ennisiRR- N.W.



Mr. J. C. STKVKNS wiil offer for Sale by Auction at his Rooms, 38. King Street, Covent (xavdcn, London, W.C., on


I'he Keniaining l^ortion of the


formed by the late

jr. W. TXJTT, F.£:.S.

Couipi'ising the Sphingids, several hybrids (galii, bred hy Tiigwell), (Egeriids (in good condition), whole of Bombyces, Nolidoe, etc. Also long and varied series of British and Continental Anthroceridse, in course of re-arrangement {vide " Brit. Lep.," vol. i.), Continental Lithosiids. Pterophoridce and L. Gorydon from very many localities.

Oatalo^ues may be had on application seven days prior to the sale.


The Largest Breeder of Lepidoptera in the British Isles its

H. W. HEAD, OBntomolo0i»t,


h'lill List <>i (h'o. I ,anvt(\ and Pitpar, aim Li-pidoptfra, Apparntns. ('ahinftx^

etc., sfut 0)1 tipplication. Many Rare British Species and Good Varieties for Sale.

Lantern Slides in Natural Colours.


r'hoto};rfipl)ed from life and true to Nature in every detail.




I'or Jjist iipply to-

CHARLES D. HEAD, 2, Mount Vernon. Dollymount. DUBLIN.

■' t^.


i i



/'• «-. >. ,\, }^i(

Hyi)IlcK( U l'\l.ri>I.S, MAM OI'.MAIION.

The Kiitomoloifist'it y.Vcon/, 19] -J.

Yul.. XXIV

Platk viir.

An A.MisiNii Incidknt.

J'hi.to. a. T. Belliiiiie-Boker.

H. Ko\m,an'[i-Bko\vn. a. H. .Tones.


i '

Whf.rk E]!i;f.iA i.M'iiiv ini ri,!i The EntimoUxiist's Record, 1912.

/'/,.. ^.. G. r. i:, 11,1111, -ftiikf


Plate IX.





^fe^ ■"


l>h«l,K C, T. Bethiiiii-Bah-, LooKINi; TO\VARI>S THE ClRC.iUE FROM THE PoRT HE (tAVARXIE.

■-::.- f:m


Tlie l':iitomoloiii.ii's Record, l!)l"2.


A Fortnight at Gavarnie, Hautes-Pyrenees. {Witli tno jdates.)

By G. T. BETHUNE-BAKER, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S. {Concluded from pai/e 152.)

After this Mr. Wainwright joined us, and we had a glorious walk to the Port d'Espagne, taking the bridle-path on the north side of the mountains. Some parts of the way were very steep, but very delight- ful, and as we dispersed more or less a flock of sheep sheltering from the broiling sun beneath a vast rock, we realised something of its steepness for a short distance, where we had to cling to any herbage or tyifts of grass that were strong enough to hold us. Ere long, however, we found ourselves on a lovely soft green pasture, and smooth as velvet, along which we wandered until my attention was attracted by a pair of Urhicola comnia, that were evidently courting. They flew rapidly together for a few yards and then settled, the female in front of the male. After a moment or two of antennal agitation, the male slowly walked up beside the female with much waving of the antenna;, until he was fully alongside of her, when they remained quite motionless, except for their antennae, for quite a couple of minutes, when another sudden short flight occurred, the female taking the lead and being closely followed by the male. This was followed, on alighting, by another performance exactly like that just described ; over and over again this occurred for quite ten minutes, when I dropped on to my knees to see if there was any flexion of the male's abdomen, in this position T got quite close, but apparently there was no attempt at copulation. Being so near, however. I saw what I had not seen before, viz., that the male was a specimen of that pretty aberration with all the white spots confluent on the underside, named by Oberthur ab. fannula. This discovery, 1 fear, put an end to my observations on mating, as I thereupon enclosed them both in my net. Somewhat beyond this a small colony of jackdaws attracted our attention, they were very wary, unaccustomed to the presence of the human biped. One or two chats that I did not know, and the wheatear, also put in an appearance, and enlivened a scene that, though lovely indeed, was nevertheless almost devoid of life. As weascended, l\ rehi a noniiDU' occavveA not uncommonly, and hL epiphron, and I think it was here also that 1 took the only specimen of K. (i<»-<ie that we saw at Gavarnie. One Heaperia sac likewise fell a captive to me, with the upperside very black and the underside beautifully rosy. At last we emerged on to the high bridle path near to the top of the pass, a path largely dug out of the shaly side of the mountain, which appeared to be given up to cattle, who were very unwilling to let us pass, until in the end we found ourselves driving scores of heads before us, the foremost of which were by no means easily forced along by the pressure of those behind. After a time, however, we had the opportunity of a sudden rush along the side of the mountain, and finally succeeded in turning them and in having the rest of the way to ourselves. I had previously noticed on the shaly screes above and below the path that the cattle had disturbed some black butterflies, which I had no doubt were K. lefehi-rci, and so it turned out to be, for I took a couple a little later on. Soon after this I saw a dark coloured blue that I could not quite make out, and ere long another came, but this time the opportunity was not lost, and I

•iTTLY-AuausT, 1912.

158 THE entomologist's record.

found I had secured my first Lampides boeticim from this locality. A few minutes more brought us to the Port de Gavaruie or the Port d'Espagne as it is sometimes called. In front of us lay Spain with its many and deeply interesting associations, its checkered history, its beautiful country poor Spain from nearly every point of view behind us lay " la belle France " with her marvellous history and lovely country, filled with life, and so internally and financially strong that when she wanted twelve millions the other day for one of her western railways, over thirty times the amount was subscribed for in a single day, the larger portion of this coming from her peasant proprietors. But the time had come to cease from reveries and to find a place for lunch, the sun was hot, the wind cool. Water? Where was water? The only visible sign was a trickle across the path 100 yards away. We therefore "followed the gleam" and made our way thither. Just about fifty yards up the hill side we found its source, a little under- ground stream bubbling up into a wee well about eighteen inches in diameter surrounded by soft verdure as green and fresh as could be desired. Here we had our repast and promised ourselves to return to Spain at some other time, having pleasant memories of our lunch there on this day. Just as we had finished, a white butterfly caused me a run, only to find that I had secured a specimen of our common Pier in rapae. Again another " white," this time however it was Pontia daplidice. Then a large Cramhus was hurled along by the strong wind, which turned out to be the Pyrenean (hambus diiiitdlus^ a species at present I believe only recorded from southern France, I took a male and two females. C. radiellns also occurred here. Flying about in the sunshine were several Pltisia which I chased, the first proved to be the ubiquitous P. gamma, but the second was what I had hoped for, viz., P. ni. One or two Lampides boeticiis were occupying my attention on the " col " of the pass when my friend (Mr. Wainwright) shouted "Here! Quick!" and I saw him make two rapid strokes with his net. As I came up he said, " Here you are, I don't know what they are," and as I boxed them, judge my delight when I found he had taken two specimens of Hepialiis pi/renaiciis var. alticolor, Obth. I was not, however, fortunate enough to find the apterous female. On our return along the usual road we stayed on the hhebia U'febvrei ground and I succeeded in taking another couple of specimens, and also just before reaching those screes the only Zygienid seen at Gavarnie, viz., Adscita statices var. crassiconiis, at least I conclude it must be this, though I see no difterence between it and var. heydenreichii. To go back to lefebrrei for a moment. This species will lly quite late in the afternoon in the sunshine, but directly a cloud hides the sun /•'. lefcbvrei hide themselves. The gradient of the screes is so steep and the stones so loose that it is quite impossible to chase the insects, the only plan is to have a fishing-rod net and to stand and seize the opportunity when it occurs.

Another walk up the slopes below the Pimene produced a very nice series of K. i/on/onc, with a number of fine females, more /'A epiplimn and one or two var. rassiope. Setina irvonila was not un- common, and I took a single specimen each of lAtluma lurideola and of L. complana. Crambxs radielliin and C. vonchdlua were the only two species of that genus that I saw. A couple of days later Mr. Wain- wright and I decided on a short expedition to Cauterets, via the Vignemal Pass and the Lac de Gaube, as I much wanted to try the


latter locality. Our way was through the Val d'Ossoue ; we had seen on a guide post that it took eight hours from Gavarnie to Cauterets, and without reference to our guide books we determined to do as much collecting en route as possible, and to stay one night if not two at the Chalet Hotel, by the Lac de Gaube. We went happily along, one of my early catches being a magnificent example of an entirely black Coscina crihnim var. rippertii, only with black hind- as well as fore- wings. I believe this has been named var. melanoptera, but I cannot turn up the reference. Another fine capture was a lovely female E. sti/fine, smoky- brown, with the bands wherein are the ocellations of a very pale straw colour suffused with smoky-grey, the underside being sooty- grey with bands of the same colour, as above in the forewings. Several specimens of Carcharodits lavather<r fell to my lot, and more very fine D. cnnniia. I took also this day two additional Lycaenids, viz., one specimen of Luweia dorills, and three of Chnjfsoplianus hipjio- tho'e. TJii/welicns actann occurred sparingly and the usual blues, and I captured a couple of HeUothh peltif/era. As the time wore away it became evident that not only should we not arrive at the Lac de Gaube that night, but that it would be all we should do to reach the Refuge d'Ossoue before dark, so we had to push on, passing meadows that I longed to spend an hour in, until at last the Kefuge was sighted between half-past eight and nuie, and then we learnt from the guide that it was a good five hours' walk to that spot and another six to Cauterets. It was along this route that we came across one of the most lovely scenes I have ever witnessed. As we rounded one of the mountain sides, suddenly we had laid open just in front of us on our right, the whole side of two mountains closely carpeted with most magnificent examples of the large purple iris, a perfect blaze of intensest colour in the brilliant sunlight. There must have been acres and acres one mass of colour we could but stand and gaze, lost in wonder and admiration. The whole setting was perfect, words fail to express one's thoughts, the two expressions that rose to our lips were, " marvellous," " glorious " certainly that sight will ever live in my memory. We were very thankful for the hospitality of the Refuge of the French Alpine Club, and were up at four o'clock in the morning in time to see another view of great beauty shall I call it the " Passing of the Night?" The sky was just changing from the darkness of night to that wonderful steely-blue that is only to be seen high up in the mountains. We were then 8,900 feet high, the stars were still visible, the silence was to be felt, and a sort of adoration came over one as gradually the dark blue softened, and yet more softened into that indescribable colour that occurs just before dawn. Then the sun lit up first one peak then another, gently creeping throughout the whole circle as the orange tinge warmed up, first this one and then its neighbour. Gradually this hue changed into palest yellow, until at last the sun showed himself in his strength, and life was renewed for another day. Having partaken of our iwtit dejeuner we passed on our way up to the Col de Vignemale, and then down over the snow, guided by the footsteps of someone who had recently come up from that side probably two French climbers who had passed the night at the Refuge as we had done. The snow was in greater abundance than usual, and it was at least an hour to two hours before we left it quite behind us. As we passed downwards an

160 JIIK KNT()M()I.()(;IST's KKCttllli.

h'rebia foiled a hasty and ill-directed stroke, but it pat me on the ijui riff, and so later on several /V. iiotij'' were made captives, line large specimens too, decidedly larger than any Swiss ones. A little further along a quite fresh /','. //o/v/o/n^ allowed me to box him ; and whilst doing this a Zyg:enid flew past at a great rate, and 1 followed. Having tracked him down 1 found I had a species new to me, with a very hairy body and a central red band, it was of course Auf/imnro (uitlnjlUdis, but 1 only succeeded in taking one more of the species. Soon another l-'.rebia tempted me to a run ; this time it was a nice female /'.'. epiji/noii with very pale taAvny bands ; previous to this, soon after we had left the snow, a few specimens of the genus IJeiri/na were noted sunning themselves on the stones in the path. Two that I caught turned out to be IJ. phii/j/ialis. Lower down, nearer to the Lac, two specimens of Erebia lajipona were netted, one of them being quite fresh. This was on August 6th. We were now nearing our goal, but w^ere yet in the undulating pastures of the valley before reaching the far end of the lake. Here R. t/anione was not uncommon, several of the speci- mens being without the white pupil to the eye spot on the upperside. /'/'. nun/e also occurred sparingly. Endmsa iirorella likewise occurred here, and among them I took one quite good var. frinjeri, and also one transition to it. We reached the hotel, if we may dignify it by the name, in time for lunch, which we enjoyed in the covered place at the head of the mountain lake. We stayed here the night, and I hunted all round with very little result, only taking one Brent/iis jiales and one /•'. cHplirosi/iic. The next morning we started early for Cauterets, Avhere we had to wait till three o'clock for the train. We, however, used the time to the best advantage, in lunching and in getting photo- graphic mementoes of the neighbourhood. The only insects I took were one Soti/nis alcijuuf, a fine i'aranir at'iiiTia, and one Aiitlirnreiti irnnmljiina. The waterfalls were many all along the entire path, with large volumes of watei-, and set in the midst of lovely surroundings. The fall half way froui the Lac de Gaube to Cauterets (Cascade de Cerisey) was one of the finest I have seen outside Norway. When we arrived back at the hotel we found the proprietor had been quite disturbed at our two nights' absence, and was only persuaded not to send a relief party after us by Mr. Jones, who said that we had spoken to him of the possibility of a two nights' absence.

The next day was Sunday, and we were glad to be present in the morning at the dedication of a new little English church for Gavarnie. It was especially interesting as the foundations were laid and all was built during the fortnight we stayed at the village- -of course the upper portion was all of wood. The afternoon of that Sunday will be memorable in our annals, for at ilricnitcr a hail storm of unusual violence began. In the middle of the meal, the heavens having become lilack with clouds, the storm suddenly broke with a torrent of hail stones bigger than marbles; the noise was so great that everyone rose from the tables to look, in live minutes the road began to flood, the gradient in front of the hotel being great, the water and stones ran down the hill to the stables in great volumes. The top lights of the hotel in the roof were perfectly riddled by the force of the hail, every animal fled for shelter, but it was not until later on that we realised the full potency of what proved to be a record-breaking storm. It lasted at (lavarnie about two hours. We had arranged to take a



Sabbath-da_y's journey into the Cirque and at about 4.30 p.m. it cleared sufficiently for us to do so. As we approached nearer our goal we began to have some idea of what had happened. Across the path were rivulets that ordinarily would not have necessitated even lengthen- ing our usual tread to pass over, but that had become streams to be jumped, and once or twice to be taken at more than one jump, whilst one stream bad become so violent and deep, that it took us a quarter of an hour to find a ford, and even then we suffered more or less in taking it. Hail-stones as large as good-si/ed hen's eggs were lying about by the humlred. The grassy declivities and unevenness of the ground had become most lovely mosaics, the hollows of the ground having become filled with water, partly vain, partly melted hail, the surface of the water being completely packed with hail-stones that had melted vertically but not circumferencially. The centre of the stones was opaque and snowy, the circumference being narrowly of the same texture and colour, whilst the whole of the intervening area was broadly perfectly clear ice. The effect produced was that of most lovely and most wonderful mosaics, in every hollow, some of a con- siderable area. It was indeed a beautiful sight, but the force of the storm was visible all round in shorn off boughs and broken branches that lay about, whilst the nearer we approached the Cirque, the more severe must the storm have been, until in the magic circle itself, 1 picked up a hail-stone o\er 3^ inches long by 3 inches broad and 11 inches thick, and when it is remembered that I did not find it until after two hours from the time it had fallen a.nd that it had melted greatly, again in the vertical line, we realised that originally that stone must have been larger than a cricket ball, or at least fully as large. Had such a stone struck a human being on the head it must have been death. Mr. -Jones sent a model of this to the Koyal Meterological Society whose Secretary informed him that it was a ■' record." On the Spanish side the storm M^as much worse, the stones being described by Mr. Wheeler, of Eastbourne, as usually the size of golf balls, whilst a very large percentage were as large as cricket l)alls, causing the death of many scores of sheep, and of lietween twenty and thirty cattle.

We bad arranged to go to Argeles-Gazost the next day fit route for iiome and we were not sorry to do so. There our pleasant party broke up, Mr. .Jones went back to Mende to take Krchia tieoriilas (an account of which has already appeared nnte p. 121), after staying on a couple of days 1 returned direct home, whilst Mr. Wainwright stayed a day or two longer to " dipterise." It may be well to briefly enumerate my captures in the two days. The first day I made my way into the main valley and went up a side valley and returned direct over the hills to Argeles, en route, really it was on the main road, I took a fine /-". ixnlaliriiis, something between the type and var. fiesthanielii, and in the hills a perfectly fresh /'. iiiachami fell to my net. (.'alias edtt.sa was not uncommon, and Uryus pafthiu also, but this latter species had seen its best days. Le/itosia sinai>is was fairly plentiful, as was also both /'. iiiei/aera and /'. aetjeria. I also took one /'. iiiaera and a single ab. (itlrasia the worse for wear. f'.Jnrtiiui was quite fresh, and I netted several nice females but not of the /lisindla form, at least onl}- one is inclined in that direction. Two nice specimens of Sahhrin {LodJat/iia) seniinibeLlu fell Captives to me among some long grass, and fi-om the

162 THE entomologist's record.

bordering hedge near by I dislodged two fine CalUviorpha hera. Among the blues, A. coridon was common, and P. icariis was likewise fairly common. Of A. medon (astrarche) I only took two, whilst Lampides boeticiis frequented some flowering vetches that climbed over a hedge, they were, however, rare and had seen better days. Two rather poor Lou-eia dorilis were also captured. Hesperiids were few and far between, a single Adopaea flava (thaumua), a pair of worn Aiit/iadea xijlvanus, and Hesperia carthami, and one Niso7uades tafjes being all that put in an appearance. The next morning we repaired to an old tower in the valley, and along the road under an avenue of trees, Satyrus alcyone was not uncommon, but was uncommonly difficult to catch, of Pyrmneis cardiii a single specimen was taken, and a beautiful specimen of Eiivanessa antinpa. Here also I succeeded in taking a quite fresh Bliodocera cleopotra. I have been unable to find a record of this species from the Pyrenees, and I do not know whether this is a new occurrence or not from this district. Melanavfjia (jalathea also occurred, but was going over. The only Zygaenid I saw or took is a form of Anthrocera filipendiilae, which is evidently var. ochsenheinieri. Aphantopm Iiyperantiis also occurred, but its condition was far from good. Thus ended a very pleasant holiday, and one that made me desire to try the Pyrenees again, nearer perhaps to the Mediterranean.

The Season of 1911 in the Abertillery District of Monmouthshire.

By W. BAIT SMITH. {Concluded from page 238.) On June 6th I had a day's collecting at Teignmouth and Dawlish. 1 was disappointed at the results, as I had hoped to do fairly well. Pieris brassicae and P. rapac were common enough, and one or two examples of P. napi were seen. A few worn $ s of Harhlof carda- inines were seen, in company with equally dilapidated examples of Brenthis eiiphrosyne and Pararye ineyaera on the cliffs near " The Ness." The same place gave a few large bright Brent/u's selene in perfect condition. The only other butterflies seen were P'pivephele jurtina [ianira), CoennnympJia panipliilux, Ihimicia pldaeas, and Polyotmiiatus icarnn, which were all common. My principal object in visiting this locality was to try to obtain some larvtv of JUtliys iiueiriis, but in spite of much beating of oak, not a single larvte of this species rewarded ray efforts. A worn ? Avidalia imitaria, beaten out of rough grass near "The Ness," obligingly laid about fifty ova in a chip box during this and the following day. The larva^ fed up rapidly on dock, and produced imagines in August. Unfortunately most of these insects emerged whilst I was away from home, and had battered themselves about and died before I returned. Antivlea rubidata was common amongst rough herbage and in thick hedges. Coremia ferriiyata and Xanthorho'e sonata were fairly common, and single examples of lodin lartcaria and Mesoleiica ocellata were beaten out of hedges. A beautifully fresh Botyx ammlia was beaten out of ivy growing over a low stone wall ; Tortri.r forsterana and several other species of Tortrix not yet identified were beaten out of rough herbage. Scoparia dubitalis was abundant and CixnnbuH pratellus,


C. pascuellus, C. selasellus and C. perlellus were common in grassy places. A short series of Platytes cernsellus, in fine condition, were beaten out of rough herbage growing on the cliffs near " The Ness,"

On June 17th I paid a second visit to the Kewstoke Woods at Weston-super-Mare. The three " whites " were common enough. A few Brent his selene were seen. Worn examples of Paranje (Ft/eria were seen in company with beautifully fresh examples of the second brood. This butterfly is very common in these woods. Epinephele jnrtina [ianira), doiomjinpha vanipliilus, Riimicia phlaeas and Polijommatus icarus were all fairly common. Beating oak for the larvae of Bithys quorcm was again a failure. Two or three examples of Auijiades sylvanas represented the " skippers." A fine ? Daftychira pudihunda was taken at rest on red dead-nettle. Opisthoyraptis luteolata and Metrocampa maryaritana were beaten out of bushes in fair numbers. By far the commonest insect seen was Abraxas sylvata, which was beaten out of bushes in large numbers, scores were seen ranging from very light to fairly heavily marked examples, but nothing which could be called a variety. This species does not occur in the Abertillery district at all. The common A. yrosstilariata appeared quite scarce in comparison with the much more abundant A. sylvata. The sight of a fine fresh Asthena bluineri, at rest on the trunk of a wych elm, encouraged me to further efforts in this direction. The rest of the day was principally spent in searching for this beautiful little geometer. I was fortunate enough to take a dozen examples altogether, mostly in good condition. From 11 a.m. till 3 p.m., A. bloineri was found to be resting quietly on the tree trunks, in every case a wych-elm, after 3 p.m. they were taken at rest on ground ivy and other low growing plants, or were beaten out of bushes, they were then decidedly skittish and had to be captured with the net. Acidalia aversata and A. iminutata, Cabera pusaria and C. exanthemata were beaten out of bushes in fair numbers, together with a few Hydriomena furcata [elutata) and Mesoleuca ocellata with swarms of Xanthorho'e viontanata, and Ca>nptoyraiiima bilineata. Tortrix viridana swarmed round every oak, and Tortrix ministrana and a few other species were beaten out of bushes. A single Cryptoblabes bistriya was beaten out of oak. The weather was glorious on this day and I have no doubt a great many more species would have been taken had I not devoted the greater part of the day to searching for Asthena bloineri.

In July most of our common insects were seen or taken in fair numbers. Aryynnis adippe was commoner than usual this year. Dry as paphia and A. aylaia were not noticed at all, both are rare insects in these valleys. Aylais urticae was common everywhere and Vanessa io was plentiful enough in most places. Satyrns setnele, for some unaccountable reason, has sadly decreased in numbers, a few were seen at Tri-nant, where they were abundant five years ago. Coenonyinidia paiiiphilas and Rainicia phlaeas livened up every grassy slope. Adopaea jlava {thaiunas) were common at Crumlin and a few other places. This species is inclined to be somewhat local with us. A nice series of Crucallis elinyuaria were bred from larvfx? collected from heather last month. A fine and varied series of Ilydriumena furcata (elutata) was taken at dusk flying round the stunted sallows. A few Mesoleuca bicolorata were beaten out of ash and alder in the Llanock W^ood, and the same wood gave Lomasjiilis niaryinata in fair


numbers. Xanthorlwe montanuta, A. jitirtuata, X. rivata and A. wviata were common everywhere. I have not noticed Xanthorho'e Ijcdiata here this year. This insect is by no means uncommon with us as a rule. A few Triphuaa dubitata were taken in flight at dusk. Thamnonniua vauaria was common at light. Lyi/ru asaociata and Cidaria pyialiata swarmed after dusk on rushes, whilst Lyijria testata was not uncommon. A single worn ('ili.r (jlancata a rather scarce insect in this district, was taken in flight at dusk. Bryophila jmia was fairly common, at rest on stone walls, as were Nndaria ninndana and Triceiia (Acroiiyeta) }>si. Sugar was a failure, nothing but the very commonest species were attracted. Searching rushes after dark, which was so successful last year, was also a failure, only yielding such common species as Xylup/iasia rtirca and A'. )nonof/lyp/ia, Barathra hrassuae, Miana striyilis and M. faacinncula, Hmina tniehroso in fair numbers, and several Ayrotis exchnnationis, 'fn'p/iaeua prnnuba, Xoctiia aiiyiir, X. briomca, X. primidae ffcstira), X. rnhi, X, jdecta and .V. .canthuyrapha. J was not fortunate enough to take Xoctna ditrapeziinn this 3'ear, a single example was taken at flowering rushes last year. ('alyninia trapezina and Phloyophora Dieticidofta were common every- where, but even they were far outnumbered by ( haracaa yrainhiix, which simply swarmed on the hills. A fine and varied series of Hepialiis sylvina was taken at rest on grass stems in wood clearings, some of the 5 s were very small, hardly larger than Ht'picdns lirrta, but the majority of the J s were very large and well marked.

Amongst the smaller fry Hypcna piobosridalis swarmed amongst nettles in company with lUitys fuavidis, Ebidea crorcalis and /','. sainbit- calis, I'innca fariindis, Scnpida liitealis, S. pniiudis and S. niiccdin. ( 'kilo jihrayiiiitelltix was fairly common. ( 'iambus pnitellns, ( '. falaellua, ('. pasciidliis, ('. pi'iielliis and its var. iran inytoinilKs, and L'. sclaselliis were abundant in their haunts. A few Cratubiis lianielliis and ( '. l((tif<triiis were taken, as well as two or three Ciainbns pinelliiR. I take this last species every season in these valleys, but never more than two or thi'ee examples each year. It appears to haunt swampy localities. 1 have only taken them at night, as a rule in flowering rushes. A single example of I'liycis J'im-u was found at rest on a stone wall. Sniparia dubitalin and N. ineiciirMa were very common everywhere.

Daring -luly 1 paid two visits to the Forest of Dean, a district which was new to me. The Speech House section of the forest was chosen. Leaving Abertillery at 7.40 a.m. on the morning of July 1st, 1 arrived at Speech House, which is in the heart of the forest, about 12.B0 p.m. The day was very fine and hot and insect life was very abundant. By far the commonest butterfly was Apliontopiis hyper- (tntiis, which was flitting about every glade and open space in scores. They were in fail- condition and a nice series was taken. I netted and examined a large number in the hope of taking var. lancrolata, but was not fortunate enough to take this or any other variety. Aiyynnix adippfWAfi very common and in splendid condition. Two or three very fine Dryas papliia were netted, one 5 is the finest example I have ever seen of this species. Aryynnia ayloia appeared to be rare, I only saw a single damaged J , which was not taken. A few worn Brenthis selcnc were noticed. Aylais nrtirae was common, but I'awssa in seemed to be rather scarce. Kpinephelc jntthut {itiiiira) was quite a rarity in comparison with the swaiins of A, liypi'iuntun, ( 'iwiKniyiiifdia pamp/iiliix,


lluiiiicia p/daeus and Adupaca flaoa (thannias) were all couimou. A fine $ Boarniia roboraria was t'ound resting at the foot of an oak. I spent a considerable time in further search for this fine Geometer, but only succeeded in finding two more, both at rest low down on the trunks of oak, one was a worn J and the other a fine $ . I kept this 2 for ova in a large chip box for three days, during which time about sixty ova were laid in batches of 15 or 20. The larvu- hatched out in about 10 days, but unfortunately in spite of all the care I could bestow on them they all died. Beating bushes produced most of the common Geometers in numbers and single examples of (retmietru rernaria and I li'init/ica striifata. Several Tortrices were beaten out of bushes and rough herbage. Xondo;/nat/ia t/risealis was fairly common. A fe^\' I'l/raiista purpuicdis in fine condition were netted as they fiew swiftly about in the hot sunshine. On the whole, this, my first visit to this promising locality was a disappointment, insects were very numerous in individuals, but scarce in the variety of species, but this has always lieen my experience, a first visit to any locality is seldom productive.

The second visit was paid to Speech House on the 18th. 1 hoped to get Apatitra irin, which is said to occur in this district, and HWnjs ilKeiriis. I devoted practically the whole day to searching for these two butterflies, but did not so much as get a glimpse of either. .ip/iaut(ipiis luiperantuH and ArijynniH adippr were as abundant as on my former visit, but the majority were now decidedly passe. Nothing fresh was noticed except a single Nola cuvidlatcliu at rest on the trunk of an old apple tree. I hope to have a few days collecting in tht; I'orest of Dean during the coming season, with better results.

Ouriiig the first fortnight in August I was very busy arranging my work, preparatory to going on my summer holidays, so 1 was unable to do much collecting. A little collecting at dusk was done, but that was all. On August 8th, I had the pleasure of taking an insect I have specially searchtd for every season up till now, but failed to obtain, viz., Srilbio anoiiuda. I have always felt that this species ought to occur in these valleys. On the 8th 1 went to a small valley about three miles from Abeitillery, arriving there at 7 p.m. The very first insect 1 took w^as a fine S of the much sought for N. anoniala. In a few minutes half-a-dozen more males were taken, as they flew up and down a steep hillside in their somewhat geometer-like flight. Further visits on the 9th, 10th, and 12th gave several more J s, but not a single ? . On the 18th I took the first ? , about 8 p.m. as it flew past me close to the ground. Three more ? s were netted in the same manner. Searching for the 5 s. with the aid of a lantern, in the heather, was a total failure, not a single specimen was seen. The rtight of the two sexes is totally dift'erent. The flight of the males, which takes place from about 7 to 8 p.m., is practically over before the first ? puts in an appearance. It is almost too dark to distinguish anything by 8 p.m. at this time of the year, so the lack of light, combined with the dark colour and low swift flight of the ? , may account for the comparative scarcity of ? Stilhia anomala. This species appears to be exceedingly local, and my specimens were taken within a radius of 50 yards, not a single example was seen outside this restricted area. Most of the common Xorrnae were abundant during the first fortnight in August, Xortna .rant/mifrap/ia was a ifgular nuisance, three out of four insects netted were of this species.

166 THE entomologist's RECORD.

Splitting the stems of the tall marsh thistles for pupse, was a nasty job and not at all successful, a single pupa of (Jchria ochracea, rather a scarce insect in this neighbourhood, was all that rewarded my efforts.

On August 15th I left Abertillery for my summer holidays, going to my home at Bickley, in Kent, whore I stayed until September 2nd. I did not attempt to do any sugaring, as it had been such a failure at Abertillery and confined myself to searching fences and tree trunks during the day and going round the lamps at night. Amongst the butterflies Pieris biassicae, 1'. rapae and P. napi, Goneptenjx rhamnl, Vanessa io, Coenonywpha pa)i)philus, Rumicia phlaeas and Polyovnnatus icarus were all common, a few Pi/rameis cardni, Parartje vteyaera and Awjiades sylvanas were seen. I did not see a single example of the second brood of Celastrhia argiolus, which is generally common here in August.

Searching fences and tree-trunks gave Ilcpialus sylcina, Oyjijia antiqiia (?s at rest on their cocoons), OpistJioyraptis Ititeolata (common), Knnomus (jiiercinaria, K. alniaria, K. fuscantaria and K. erosaria, Eupithecia vulyata (common), Xanthorho'e finctitata (in abundance), Coremia ferrngata, Canipt(i(/ramina bilineata, Acidalia vinjularia (common), Ortholitha bipunctaria, Thera variata, Drepana falcataria, Lophoptenjx camelina, Asphalia diluta, Bryophila perla, Xylophasia monoylypha, Charaeas (jrawmis, Luperina testacea (common), Barathra biassicae, Triphaena pionuba, Xoctita plecta and X. xantho- (jrapha (common), Tiliacea {Cirrliia) citrago, Calyinnia trape^ina, Phlo- (fuphura iiieticnlosa, Plusia yamma, Ampldpyra trayupoyonis, Catocala ■niipta, Cratnbus pratelliis, C. perlellKs, and C. yenicnleits (abundant).

Insects were very common on most nights round the gas lamps. Can any entomologist explain why light pays in some districts and not in others ? I have gone round the lamps, m the Abertillery district, night after night, in the middle of the season, without seeing a single moth. By far the commonest insect round the gas lamps at Bickley, during the last fortnight in August, was Cratnbiis yeniculeus, every lamp gave three or four specimens, and on one lamp no less than 15 were counted. Xoctaa xanthoyrapha came a good second. This insect swarmed on one or two sultry nights. The following insects were taken at light between August 16th and September 1st. Onrapteryx sambiicaria, Opisthoyraptis luleulata (common), Ennunios quercinaria and K. alinaria, Pcrizoina iiiiifasciata, Acidalia viryularia and A. iiiaryine]iit)ictata, Kupitliecia obloityata (common). A', albipiinc- tata, K. absinthiata, K. sobrinata, l\. linariata, E. pnlchellata, Corcniia iDiidentaria and ('. fcrniyata, Xmitliorluie jiuctuata (common), ('ainjtto- yraiiniia bilineata (common), Mesolenca occllata, Anaitis playiata, Piepana binaiia, i'iiix ylaiicata, Lencania pallens, Hydroecia inicacea and IL nictitans (common), Xylophasia monoylypha, Epineuronia popularis (the J s were very common, 3 $ s were found at rest on fences near lamps), Charaeas yraminis, Luperina testacea, Barathra brassicae (common), Ayrotis pnta, Xoctua plecta, X. c-niyrum, X. xanthiiyrapha and A', rnbi, L'irrhia citraya, I'hluyaphora meticiilosa, I'liisia yainina, Ani]ihipyra trayopuyunis (common) and Catucala nnpta. Amongst the "micros" were Crainbns yenicnlens (abundant), C. pratelliis and C. selasellns, Pimiea furjicalis (connnon), I'yraiista pnrpiiralis (common) and /'. ostrinalis, IJerbiila cespitalis (common), Endotricha /lamniealis, Scopida ulirulis, S. lutealis (common) and S.


pninalis, Boti/s ruralis and Ebnlea crocealh (common), Nomophila noctiiella, I'latijptila f/onodactyla and Pterophorns tuonodacUjlm^.

On three or four nights insects swarmed at " honeydew " on the trunks of a small clump of Wych-elms, no less than seven (Jatocala ni())ta were counted on one small tree. All the common Noctiiae found at light were seen at this " honeydew " with the addition of Cahjmnia dijfinis and Triphaena iantJiina.

I had a day's collecting on Folkestone Warren on August 24th and another day at the same famous spot on the 31st. My principal object was to get a good series of At/riades thetis {adoiiu). I was very successful, a fine series of this brilliant blue, in perfect condition, was taken. On the 24th they were just coming out, a few S s and a single 2 was all I could get, but on the 31st the insect was fully out and very plentiful. I examined some scores for aberrations, but failed to find anything out of the ordinary. This species was by far the commonest blue on the Warren. Several I'oli/iDiuiiatiis icariis, Ruinicia phlaeas, Af/lais itrticae, V. io, Gonopteryx rhamni, Fijrameh cardui, Coenomjmpha paniphilus, Pararge meijaera (worn), and Epinephele tit/ionns were seen. Beating bushes gave Acidalia oniata, and A. marginepitnctata, Xanthor/io'e miangnlata, Melanthia procellata, ( htholitha Iwntata and a few other common Geometers. A single worn Aspilates ffUvana was kicked out of long grass. Pi/mnsta pto-puralis and Herbula cespitalis were common, one or two P. aurata were taken, and also a Pijramta I could not identify. I sent this insect to Mr. Bethune- Baker, who very kindly identified it for me, as a melanitic variety of Pijrausta aurata. Several " micros" were taken. A search which was made at dusk for " plumes" was not very successful. I took a few Stenoptilia pterodactijla and a single Ainbb/ptilia cosuiodactyla (acantho- dactijla.) Several of the commoner species of Cranibus were very much in evidence. Two or three Crainbtts inquinatellus were taken.

On August 29th I paid a visit to the Deal sandhills. Unfortunately the day was very windy and insects were scarce. Amongst the butterflies Pieris bramcae and P. rapci, Gonepteryx rhamni, Pyrameis atalanta, Vanessa io, Aglais urtictr,, Coenonympha pamphilus, Runiicia phlaeas and Polyommatus icariis were noticed, but none were common except the last two species. A few very large and bright examples of H. phlaeas were taken. I had hoped to get a few Colias edu.m and possibly (\ Iiyale but did not see a single example of either species. In the sheltered hollows Mesotype viryata was common and in good condition. In spite of the high wind which made capturing this little moth somewhat difficult I managed to get a nice series. Under a gorse bush I found a large, but very dilapidated 2 S/)/tinx conrolntli. I might mention here that on my return to Abertillery I had a S "^p/dnx convulruli, which had been attracted to light at a window, brought to me. This insect was taken about August 20th and must have been in almost perfect condition when captured. Unfortunately it had been kept alive in a small cardboard box and allowed to batter itself to pieces. I have never seen or heard of this species occurring in these valleys before, but this appears to have been a " co»roZr»T/ "-year, which may account for a straggler of the species turning up at this out of the way spot. I spent a considerable time in searching what appeared to be suitable spots for Lithosia


lutarella, my principal object in making the pilgrimage to Deal, but I was not fortunate enough to tind this local little moth.

During September practically all my collecting with the exception of two or three afternoons spent in fruitless searching for Lithomoia Holidai/i)iis, an insect which ought to occur in this district, was done on heather. To make up for its failure during the summer, ''sugar" now attracted insects in great numbers, Auiatlies helnda and A. Utura, Orrhodia laccinii and Miselia u.ti/acanthae were very common and in hrst rate condition. Half a dozen perfect examples of var. rujiHcina were taken. Several Aijrotis se(/efuiii of a second brood put in an appear- ance. 1 was surprised to take a very fresh Ajiiotis ijclmnationia on Sep- tember 16th. Aniatlti's (Mfllinia) cirrtilaris and ( ara(lri)u( ifiiadripn)!!- tata occurred in fair numbers, together with a few in'ijltacna comes and l. pnDiiibd, Kuidi'.ria iKcipara, Aiii/iliiiJi/ia traiiopoi/oitis, Xoctiui (/lan'oxa, Aijrotis i/psilo)i, A»i<tt/u's lota, A. iiioiilciita and A. Ii/chiii'lis (^pistaci)i(i), Orrhodia lit/iila, (Jalocaiiipa ratasta and Kmiiichtis prntca. I'ldoiioplidra uietiriilosa was a perfect nuisance, every patch had three or four of this very beautiful but common moth on it. On September 16ta a very large and fresh EnnneLina luoiioiiacti/la was taken at sugar, and several other "micros" were taken in the same way during September.

On September 9th, I took a run down to W eymouth, hoping to take Colias cditsa and ( '. Iiijale. I was again disappointed not a single example of either species was seen. The intense heat of the summer had burnt up all vegetation and insects were scai-ce. A few worn Anriades t/n'tis / ado)iis) J s, /'. icariis and 11. /ihlanis were noticed. IHiisia iiaiiniiu was very connnon. A few J'l/ransta pnrpmalis wei'e collected from the rough broken ground at Preston clitl's, and the same spot gave me a couple of Xoinophilu noctaclla. A very large and bright Lyi/ris tcstata was beaten out of a clump of sallows. A few wore Pyraweis atalanta and two or three tine /'. ranhii were also noticed.

After the first week in October the weather broke up completely, a, few nights were spent at "sugar" and at what little ivy we have in this neighbourhood, but nothing beyond tbe common autunmal insects were seen. Two oi' three afternoons were spent in collecting Oporabia diliitata and Ih/beruia aiiraiitiaria, long and varied series were taken of each species.

After the middle of October the weather became so bad that further collecting was impossible. The total results of the season's work has not perhaps been great, 1 have probably done no better than the majority of entomologists, but the season of 1911 will always he a memorable one for me on account of Stilbia aitomala, an insect I have at last taken after seven years persistently searching for it.

Records of Local Coleoptera. 1. Geodephaga.

By G. W. NICHOLSON, M.A., M.D., F.E.S.

As 1 ha\e been taken to task for not having recorded the more interesting beetles I have, from time to time, had the good fortune to capture, I now propose to make up for lost time, and hope that the new localities may be of sonic interest and use to other entomologists. For the sake of completeness reterences will be given to the few records that I have already published, which will be included in the present


list. Most of my Irish captui-es will be found in the Irish Natiiralisi for 1910 and 1911. As Mr. Donisthorpe has already given a list of the species we found together last June in Scotland, these Avill be omitted. 1 find that there are many insects I must mention, and therefore propose to deal with the various groups separately. I will begin with the (reodepltcKja.

CicindcUt inaritinia, Dej., Sandwich, Kent, on sandy coast in numbers. ('i/cJims rostratiis, L., its occurrence in Richmond Park is, perhaps, worth mentioning. Pelopltila bnrealis, Pk., Lough Ramoz, Co. Cavan, in profusion. t'liviiia collaru, Hbst., Reigate, Surrey. Dyschiriio! aiu/Kstatioi, Ahr., Littlestone, Kent, one on sand by sea- shore. Bewhid'nnn hru.vdlcnxe, Wesm., common at Balrath, Co. Heath; one in the middle of the town of Cambridge. l>. deconim, Pz., i>urford Bi'idge, Surrey (one). B. aftine, Steph., Cromer, Norfolk. /?. /-pitstiilatiiiii, Dej., Pulborougb, Sussex (h^iit. Mo. Ma;/. 1909.) />'. ftdiiii/atinn, Duft., Gravesend, not common. H. darki, Dawson, Pulborough. B. aeneiim, Germ., Cloverhill, Co. Cavan, common. B. o-striatum, Gyll., common in an old stone wall at Balrath. (Ullenus lateralis, Sam., Strood, Kent, common in stones on bank of Medway. Trechns micros, Hbst., Burwell Fen, Cambs, one in mole's nest; Alphington, Devon, on two occasions in moles's nests, once in numbers. T. rindaris, Gyll, five by treading mud on Wicken Fen. August 21st, 1910. The light was failing as I reached the spot, and 1 had to leave early the next morning ; otherwise I am certain I should tiave got a long series. T. secalis, Pk., Golder's Green, Middlesex, and Leatherhead. Surrey. Panai/aetts mix-inajor, L., not uncommon on Burwell Fen. /'. 4-/)t(stidatiis, Stm., Alphington, running on roads in some numbers on May 15th, 1910. Badister peltatus, Pz;., not uncommon at edges of a pond at Pulborough. IJcinns silplwides, F., occasionally abundant under lumps of chalk near Gravesend. L. di'fires.siis, Pk., Brighton. Harjialns /laralldns, Dj., Gravesend. ArupalpKs brunnipes, Stm., Wintney Heath, Hants. Aniwdactybis atricornis, Steph., one at top of clift's at Cromer. Ainara constdaris, Duft., Burwell Fen. I'terostichns aethiops, Pz., four specimens under bark of a dead Scotch fir at Crowcombe, Somerset. Plati/dents mri- rollis, Marsh., Gravesend, Strood, Wimbledon Common. Anc/iouieniis rrrsiitus, Gyll., common in a reedbed by the canal at Woking, in 1906, but has not occurred to me there since. Metahletns truncatdltis, L., common on Burwell Fen. J)roiiiiits atjilis, F., Epping Forest. I>. 4- si(/natiis, Dj., one under the bark of an old pole in a brickfield at Maddingley, Cambs., February 24:th, 1907. Aetopkoms iinperialis, Germ., occasionally in profusion in a bed of reeds at Gravesend {Ent. M". Mo;/., 1906). Boli/stir/iiis rittatiis, Brul., Gravesend and Strood.

{To he continued.)

On a IVlalformation of Hydroecia paludis. {With I 'late.)


The Rev. C. R. N. Burrows has handed to me for examination a specimen of Hi/droecia palxdis taken at Mucking, that he came across in mounting examples of the genitalia of Hydroecia, in making his classical researches inio the nictitans group. With his customary caution he does not make any assertion as to what it is, or

170 THE entomologist's record.

how it came to exist, though he thinks that it may have some gynan- dromorphous characters.

The specimen is extremely puzzling, and I don't feel at all sure that I have fully succeeded in understanding it. I cannot detect in it any distinctly female structures. I incline to believe that it belongs to the same class of abnormalities as those that I showed'' resulted from producing a small cicatrix between the 9th and 10th abdominal segments medio-ventrally in the larval state. The result was that structures developed fromHerold's corpuscle never came to the surface. In the specimen before us PI. IV, fig. 1. (Fig. 2 shows normal appen- dages of /ududis 3 ) the greater part of the clasps and the aedceagus are still in the interior, but there is some confusion of parts, that I can only explain by supposing that not only was the exit for these parts blocked in some way, but that the organ of Herold, or perhaps before it was formed, the tissue going to its formation, was in some way injured or torn, or some portions lost. Thus we find the tegumen and ring present, a little distorted, but practically complete. Comparing figs. 1 and 2, we find (1) the uncus, (2) the scaphium, (3) the peniculus (Pierce), and (4) a portion that I am not familiar with, and for which I do not think Pierce has provided us with a name. The saccus is also present, though obscured in the photograph by the density of superimposed parts. As regards parts from the interior (Herold's corpuscle), we have (9) a somewhat confused and dense mass, that certainly contains the greater part of two clasps, and probably the pupal covers of these and some irregularly developed portions, whose eccentricities I ascribe to the original injury, whatever it was. Further proof of this injury is found in there being only one clavus (5), the other being absent, unless it is included in the confused mass of the clasps, but if so it is quite undeveloped; I think there is little doubt it is absent. The aedaagus is present (7), of almost normal develop- ment, and the cornuti are within it in quite normal condition.

The piece 8 pu/zled me very much, and I am not yet very positive about it, but I believe it is a portion of the clasp, of what I think Pierce calls the sacculus, at any rate the portion marked 8 in fig. 2. It is not a torn portion of a developed clasp, but must have arisen from a portion of the clasp separated whilst still hardly developed, as it has a complete uninjured surface all over. The two curious organs (6) are also difficult to understand. They are symmetrical and well developed, yet there is nothing very like them in fig. 2. They seem to be portions belonging to the ring, and not to any of the involuted portions forming Herold's corpuscle. My experiments, already referred to, were made in L. diapar, where the parts are simple as compared with Noctuac, so that they do not help us here. I imagine they are parts not belonging to Herold's corpuscle, but, remaining external, on the return of the clasp to the surface become part of it. They are very close to 8 that is probably part of a mutilated clasp, but whether they represent either of the portions of the clasps, to which I have put a 6 in fig. 2, 1 cannot say.

I add as fig. 3 a figure of the $ structures, none of which appear to be present in fig. 1.

Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1912.


Description of Plate IV. 1. MajUormed a.]}T[)endsiges oi Hydroecia paludis x 12^. 2 and 3. Normal t? and ? appendages, x 12J, for comparison.

The Malformation of the Genitalia of Hydroecia paludis. {With

one plate). By F. N. PIERCE, F.E.S.

The rudimentary organs of The Rev. C. R. N. Burrows' wonder- fully malformed specimen of Hydroecia paludis go a long way to confirm the opinion I have previously held, that the various parts of the genitalia are originally separate and distinct organs in the various species, but are often fused together, and in many cases this fusion sinks the identity of the organ to such an extent as to make the student consider the parts as additional organs, whereas they are either more highly developed or are thrown back to their original form.

In the specimen under consideration the uncus No. 1 is normal ; tho anus No. 2 (called by Dr. Chapman the scaphium) is normal ; the peniculus No. 3 is normal ; Dr. Chapman's No. 4, which in the photo- graph appears to be a separate arm, is merely the thickening of the edge of the tegumen, from which springs the peniculus. Below these parts we enter into difficulties, because the remainder of the organs are in a rudimentary or partially formed condition.

The valva is usually considered to be a single organ, and I have been criticised in giving names to the parts ; for example sacculus, harpe ( = clasper), etc. This is more apparent than real. The valvae are, in fact, composite structures made up of a number of distinct and separate organs springing from separate bases, as the specimen under notice well illustrates. And in order to piece together the valvje we must collect the parts. It is curious to notice in the mount these parts are largely reversed, that is, they point towards the head instead of the tail of the moth as normally.

The paired organs, No. 6 of Dr. Chapman's Fig. 2, are the sacculus ; this is often quite separate from the valvae in other species, and evidently is a separate organ previous to fusion ; below this is the left hand valva proper. No. 8 (without the cucullus, which is evidently normally attached to the costal arm). It will be noticed there is only one valva developed, that of the left side ; in the mount the inner margin is above, not below, the spines from the edge being quite normal and identical with those of paludis. The saccus (vinculum) is normal.

We now come to the organs that are contained inside the body. In respect to the valva, so far the parts identified are the valva proper, and the sacculus. Of the missing parts the cucullus is enclosed in its sac, and in the photograph is immediately under the saccus and extends downwards, projecting from the costal arm. Towards the base of this sac is the editus. The harpe (clasper) is very rudimentary, but the shape is plainly visible with its short heel and long pointed toe. There is, as Dr. Chapman states, only one Clavus No. 5, and the ^Edoeagus No. 7 is practically normal, with its vesica and cornuti of paludis form, and connected therewith is the fairly normal juxta, the front plate as well as the scobinated membrane behind the .iEdceagus being well developed. The remaining structures consist of


an almost, round ball joined to an irregularly shaped sac. It is this structure and the absence of largely one side of the male genitalia, rii., the clavns. valva, etc., that evidently led Mr. Burrows to believe that this was a gynandromorphous specimen, and I incline to the same belief. In the upper sac there are apparently the rudimentary valves of the ovipositor. I have usually found these inside the bodies of gynandromorphous specimens I have previously examined, and attached to this is an aperture that might be the genital opening with its tube leading to the bursa, but this part is too obscui-e for me to rlecide. If these are not the female organs the question arises what are they '? as one half of the male organs are accounted for and they are certainly not the other half.

Notes on the Lepidoptera in and around Gibraltar, 191 1 and 1912.

Uy Lieut. G. C. WOODWARD, K.N.

On October 15th, 1911, I went over to Cauipomento, a place in Spain about three miles from the gates of Gibraltar. There I found ('nliaa edusa in good condition and very common, and Pijraiiu'iR cardiii was very common, indeed was seen everywhere, but rather worn. 1 took two specimens of Pieris daplidice in good condition, but did not meet with any more. Aricia luedoit (astrarrhe) was common, but badly worn, and one very large specimen of Lamijides hoetirim was captured. Two very line examples of Hi(uru-ia phlaeas var. idvKs were netted, as well as two rather worn Hesperia proto. On visiting this locality a week later I found very little insect life about, probably owing to the weather having become much colder, succeeding a sum- mer which had been exceptionally hot with hardly any rain.

Two specimens of Stenhu sarraria were taken settled on the ship's awning, no doubt attracted by the light, and on December Uth a specimen of Hippation ceU'viu was also found at rest on the awning.

The little moth hJnconista {Selidospina) iiniculnraria is extremely common at Campomento, where it can be beaten in numbers from the undergrowth. On February 22nd I again went to this locality and took several Aiithoc/uii is helcinia, of which both males and females were common, but seemed to be getting a little worn. One specimen of ('alias I'diisa was taken, a very small and very dark example, with the hindwings almost black. In some cultivated ground I noticed I'l/ianifiis cardui, I', atolanta, and r^nran/e aeijefia, typical forms, but it seemed a little early for this last species as yet.

On March 1st, on the ilock of Gibraltar, I saw several male (iniic/i- ti-ri/.v (dcd/iatra flying very sluggishly. I did not have any net with \ui' but managed to catch one in my hat. Unfortunately I lost it in the attempt to box it. Thais riit)ii)ia, Pieris hrassicae, Paraii/c iiierfai'ia, < 'nlias I'diisa, Pijraiueis cardid, P. atalanta, and Pieris napi were all 'common, as well as Sesia stellatarum, which last species appears to be common here all the year round.

On March 21st, on another visit to the Rock, I took three examples of Gom'iitenpr cleopatru, two males and one female and several hUtchlor I'lipheiioides, all males. At the same time I observed Pijranieis cardui, l^ararije acijeria, P. Dietjaera, Pijratneis atalanta, Pieris brassirae, P. napi and Thais riimina.

On March 22nd i caught the b.lO boat to Algeciras and went by


train to Castillar, about an hour's run, situated at the far end of the cork woods and about 20 miles from Gibraltar, and walked back to Campomento. Tlieator balliis, both males and females, were in great profusion in a meadow about half a mile from the station, all in good condition. Further on in the cork woods I took Goneptcryx cleopatra, both males and females, but the former sex predominating. This species appeared to be very common in the woods, but difficult to capture. It was very fond of the flower of the Greater Periwinkle {Vinca major), which grows in these woods in great profusion. Only two specimens of Leptosia sinapis were met with. This species appears to be very local here, only frequenting certain spots in the woods, but at this date it was not properly out yet. Further on I took two Hesperiids, which I think are Krunnis alceae, they were flitting about on the sandy patches in the hot sun. Kucldo'e eup/unwiiles was in great profusion, the males predominating, indeed the ? s were rather scarce as I only took three specimens. I met with one specimen of the Arctiid, Arctia latrcillei, resting on bracken ; it was a fresh specimen, and the only one I have ever seen here. A light coloured example of Ramicia pJdaeas was met with evidently just out of pupa. We now came to a piece of moorland country, where insect life did not seem very abundant, but lizards were plentiful, especially the green species, iiird life was also very abundant. Towards San Roque, a town about six miles from Gibraltar, insect life was again in evidence, and I took two specimens of Anthocharis [Kuchloe) helia var. aiiHonia ab. eaperi and observed several more, but this species is difficult to capture owing to its rapid flight over broken ground. After passing San Roque nothing was observed, as we were traversing rather barren ground, and we arrived at Campomento about 4.30 p.m., having covered about 18 miles. Among other species noted during the day were Thais rtiiiiina, Callophri/s riibi, common, Pieris hrassicae, P. rapae, Pyrameis atalanta, P. cardtii, Paran/e iiiej/aera, and P. aeijcria, typical form, all very abundant. The day was cloudy with bursts of brilliant sunshine, but not so hot as to make walking tedious.

On March 24th, while the ship was at anchor at Gibraltar, I took two specimens of Phryxiis livoniica which had flown on board.

On April 6th I again went out to Castillar by train and walked back to Gibraltar, and did not go straight through the cork woods as before, but kept more to the open country. The day was cloudless but with a strong wind blowing, which tempered the heat somewhat. I took two specimens of Papilio podalirins and one of P. machann, all three large specimens and apparently only just emerged. These were the only examples of the genus Papilio I have seen. Thais rumina was common, but very much worn, and of Leptosia sinapis I took a good series of both sexes. Eitchloe ca)-da)iiines, males and females, were common and just out, and both sexes of E. euphenoides were also common. I observed one or two Goneptery.v rhamni, G. cleopatra, both sexes common, Pyraineis cardui, and P. atalanta, both common, Paranje aeyeria, P. nieyaera, and Ruinicia phlaeas, all common, Thestor balbis, both sexes common locally, Callophrys ritbi was very common, Polyoiiimatiis icariis and Aricia niedon {astrarche), not very common.

On April 17th I captured a specimen of the large Saturniid, Sattirnia ])avonia-)iiajor, which flew to the electric light on board.

On April 20th T again took the train to Castillar and walked back

THK l■;^T()^f()^()(;lsT s kkcohii.

to Algiciras ; about half the distance was ihrough the coik ■woods over level gi'ound, some part of it marshy and the other half over cultivated country. This was a most disappointing day, as it was bright and sunshiny, warm without being too hot, but there was hardly an insect to be seen anywhere. 1 took two specimens of Hiiinicia p/ilaeas var. cletis, just out in perfect condition, a specimen of AbrarKs /lantaria caught in a spider's web. an example of Ant/imrcra hoi'lira and one FafU iocompa xtohilis.

The Value of Protective Resemblance in Moths.

By LiicuT.-Coi,. N. MANDERS, K.A.M.C, F.E.S.

Mr. Colthrup, in the May number of the Knt. Hcvonf, has raised an important question by his article on " /'alia c/ii and Protective Resem- blance." For many years past a controversy has been carried on regarding the edibility of butterflies and the attacks of birds, and the assumption that these occur, and to such an extent as to produce a serious struggle for existence, has been the cause of the founding of two most interesting and important theories of mimicrv bv Bates and Muller.

A serious objection to them has been the assertion, often vigorous, that bird.s seldom attack butterflies, and in view of this Mr. Guy Marshall, a well known suppoi'ter of both theories, collected all avail- able evidence and published it in '/'ranx. Hut. Sec. LmuL, 1909, p. 329.

Gonflning ourselves to the English l)utterflies, some sixty in num- ber, he ascertained that fifty per cent, were known to be attacked, and there is little .doubt that in the other fifty their rarity was the cause of no observations being made. The interesting point was that no selec- tion in the choice of victims was apparent, and there was no record that any species of bird, with the possible exception of the Kestrel, systematically feeds on liutterflies. For my own part I confess I am of the opinion, that if any bird fed on butterflies to such an extent as to produce, through natural selection, a change of pattern or colour, such would ])(' known to some of our entomologictil oi- ornithological students.

Mr. Gollhru}) now goes a step further, and throws a doubt upon the protective colouring of moths being produced by such attacks. Certain it is that the human eye can be trained to .see moths and other insects at rest which are quite unnoticed by the untrained eye, and if a. human being, for his own instruction or amusement, can detect these insects in their chosen environment without particular difficulty, they can have little chance of escaping notice from the keen eye of a bird. I am very much inclined to think, however, that birds do not observe moths when at rest, and that so long as a moth remains absolutely still, whatever its environment, it is not noticed by birds or reptiles. The same thing occurs among animals, even large animals such as elephants and Itison, as 1 can testify, arc extremely difficult to see, when they keep absolutely immovable, as they usually do when conscious of dangei. It is movement which is as fatal to them as to the moths.

Most entomologists have personal experience of swallows and other l)irds snapping up moths, when they are beating the hedges, and that moths are largely eaten l»y many birds cannot I think be doubted ; but


the evidence we require is whether they systematically search for them when settled on walls, tree-trunks, and the like. Mr. Coltbrup doubts that they do, with the exception perhaps of the Tits; T am inclined to agree with him, but my experience of English moths is limited. If a moth with closed wings resembling a lichen is as free from attack on a brown plank as it is on a lichen covered tree-trunk (a somewhat bold assertion) of what use is its protective pattern and how did it become evolved ? That it obtains some protection is hard to deny, but how much is a difficult matter to estimate.

The acknowledgment that even a, slight variation in colour or pattern is advantageous is sufficient in the minds of many to eonfirui them in their belief in natural selection, particularly when they remember the infinitely slow methods of Nature, and the unlimited time at her disposal. The case has been well put by Wallace.* "In every department of Nature colour is one of the most variable of all characters, and it is this variability, together with the enormous im- portance to all insects of concealment from, or protection against, their innumerable enemies, especially in tropical countries, that has enabled those minute and striking resemblances to be brought about that were long the greatest puzzle to those naturalists who had the opportunity of observing them in their native haunts. The facts already given with regard to the universality of variation, enormous powers of multiplication and incessant weeding out of the unfit, afford a com- plete explanation of the phenomena of colour, in all their variety and beauty, which no other adequate explanation has ever been set forth, or even attempted." If there is one thing more than another which has impressed me, durmg my twenty years' wandering in the tropics, it is the haphazard way in which death comes to the animal world. From the elephant downwards it has always seemed to me an entire matter of chance; though it might be mathematically proved that in the long run an animal most fitted to its environment would have an advantage, yet, life in the jungle is such a lottery, that, so far as 1 have observed it, it is merely a toss up as to what lives or what dies. It is true that a tiger, acting alone, will avoid attacking a full grown bull bison, and will take a calf in preference, but what calf is taken is a matter of chance ; so also two tigers acting together will pull down a bull bison but it is a matter of chance as to what bull they first happen to come across.

My own experience of birds eating moths in large numbers is confined to Ceylon, but the conditions were entirely artificial. It was at the time of the internment of the Boer prisoners in 1901-2. Their camp was in a fold of the hills at an elevation of 4,000 feet in an open country. The barbed wire entanglement was lighted up by large arc lamps on posts twenty feet high at intervals of about fifty yards, and gave a very fine illumination. For some reason they failed to attract any large number of moths except in late October and early November; with the setting in of the North-East Monsoon, towards the end of this month, a dense fog arose every evening, which blotted out everything. Fortunately for the moth population the attractive season was remarkably short, but while it lasted the state of affairs

* The World of Life, a.i Vistialiicd attd Interpreted bij Darwinism, A. K. Wallace, Fortnightly Review, March, 1909.

176 THE entomologist's RECORD.

baffles description. In no part of the world have I seen such a wonderful sight ! the moths swarmed in millions round the lamps ; Boers and Britons forgot their differences and sti'uggled good humouredly on either side of the entanglement for specimens. To such an extent was moth catching indulged in that it had to be stopped as there was a distinct danger of some of the prisoners escaping in the confusion. In consequence no one was allowed round the lamps from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. It is difficult to give any idea of their numbers ; sometimes the huts were covered with white moths which gave the appearance of a snow storm, at others carts and other vehicles seemed to be covered with highly variegated turkey carpets composed of innumerable moths. On one lamp post I counted sixteen specimens of a Death's Head {A. lachem's) in a space five feet high by six inches broad, and they were almost equally numerous on each of the fifty or sixty lamp posts. The sentries' beats were a churned up mass of wet mud and crushed bodies and the ground was strewn for yards round with the dismembered wings of the bats' victims. Large numbers of birds including crows appeared at the first streak of dawn and when I arrived at six o'clock the smaller birds were already gorged. I was much interested in watching the swallows and sparrows, which flew against the lamp posts flapping their wings vigorously, thereby causing the moths to fly off, when they were promptly caught.

It was remarkable that whereas birds of all sorts came in numbers to this moth feast, yet, in the same place and at the same time during the annual migrations of butterflies, which passed over the country in crowds, I never saw a bird attempt to catch one. This, no doubt, was partly due to the rapidity of the butterfly's flight, but nevertheless when settling for the night they were equally free from molestation.

There is no doubt that moths are more frequently captured than butterflies, and this because of their larger bodies making a more satisfactory meal. The point one more particularly wishes to emphasize is that the capture of an odd specimen here and there by a sparrow or other bird, though a matter of almost daily observation during the summer months, can have little or no eft'ect on the general moth population, and certainly none in the production of a protective colouring by means of natural selection. What is required is a hunt for some bird or birds, which make moths a speciality in their dietary, and which show under natural conditions a marked prefer- ence for certain species. No doubt the task is a laborious and difficult one, but it has to be done if we wish to get a sure basis on which to build a theory likely to be true.

Notes on Collecting in 1911.

By C. W. COLTHKUP. (Concluded from page 96). On August 20tb two Mclanippe (jaliata ^ dark form), two Acidalia niari/iucpiinrtata and one Polia chi were found at rest on a railway bridge, and At/lais iirticae emerged from pupiu taken at Brixham under copings of walls. In the evening the following species turned up at sugar :—iVf;f^/<a nibi, Lencania pallenx, A'. jiUrta, X. itnihrosa, Maiiiestra brassicae, Caradihia ainbiijua, IJadena dissimUis, Ayrutis puta, Bryophila


muralis, A. secietum, Triphaena orhona, T. pronuba, N. xanthof/rapha, A. e.vclamatiouis, N. c-nif/riim, H. oleracea and PJdui/ophora weticulosa. Dianthoecia carpophaf/a continued to emerge through August and September, from Eastbourne and Croydon pupae.

On August 23rd and subsequent days I'olia chi was taken as already reported (antea p. 124).

On September 2nd I journeyed to Margate for a three weeks' visit, where a good series of C^o^m.s////rtZ<' were taken(anteavol.xxiii.,p.276j. On the evening of the 3rd I visited the field where I found freshly emerged Lnperina testacea so variable and plentiful in 1910. Three female Luperina testacea and a pair of Hepialus si/lvana were the result, and subsequent visits proved equally disappointing. One wonders at the scarcity of this usually common insect. Had the exceptionally dry season baked the earth so that the imagines were unabla to force their way out of the ground ? On September 6th I experienced the great disappointment of the trip. Cycling along a road in the neighbourhood of Dover, I observed a lovely freshly emerged aberration of A(jlais urticae sunning itself on a wayside flower. Nearly the whole of the fore- and hind- wings were suffused with blacit, by the shape, however, and the blue spots, I was able to identify it. I dismounted and had a splendid view of it, but had no net. My feelings may be better imagined than described. I had a shot at it with my hat and missed, of course. It rose and sailed on to the top of a bank where I followed it. A second attempt was more disastrous tban the first, as the insect, now thoroughly scared, flew across a field of stubble with the writer in close attendance, and then over the only iron fence and house top for miles round. A big detour was made to get to the other side of the house but to no purpose. I returned to the spot on the following day and netted every A. urticcE I saw on the wing, but nothing approaching a variety was seen. I took, however, a nice series of the third brood of Ruiincia pJdaeas, all very typical except one specimen having large blue spots on the hindwing. On September 8th I had the good fortune to take a male aberration of (.'. hi/ale in which the discoidal spots on both fore- and hindwing undersides were radiated. On September 12th both ^ and $ Xeioonia popidaris and a J C. cubicularis were taken at light. The latter laid ova on the following day, which hatched on the 20th. The larvct fed up rapidly on dandelion and groundsel, went to earth and spun cocoons or cubicles and passed the winter as larvas pupating on April 20th, 1912. On September 19th sugar was tried on Deal sandhills on what should have been an ideal evening with a fair south- west wind, but the result left much to be desired. A most cosmo- politan crowd came to the sweets, which included red ants, a species of Tipiila, wood-lice, earwigs, the large green grasshopper, frogs, large bodied spiders, hunting spiders, and I think all the most common moths to be taken during a season with the exception of Xylopliasia inoninjhiplia {pnli/ndoji). The following were the moths taken or seen : Xoctiia xanthniiraplia, worn and fresh, X c-ni(/niiii, H. oleracea, fresh, Mamestra brassieae, Tiiphaena pronuba, fresh, P. iiieticulosa, Caradrina cKbicularis, Anchucelia liinoi<a, Mellinia rircellaris [fernujinea), L. pallens, Ayrotis se(/etitiii, A. suff'um {ijpnilon), A. piita, A. traiinpo- f/onis, three A. anstralis, one worn, and two freshly emerged C. vetusta. On September 21st Epunda Uclienca started emerging from


Ilfracombe pupte and continued to do so till October 9th. On October 7th a specimen of Dianthoecia cucnbali emerged from a South Devon pupa, the larva being obtained in August, so that this looks remarkably like a third brood. On October 26th, I met Mr. Tonge at Brockenhurst, where we were joined by Mr. Lyle. Sugar in Hollands Wood gave very poor results. Only a few Aoriopis ciprilina, Srnpelosmna satellitia, ('. vacchiii, Miselia oxi/acanthae including two var. capucina came, not a single specimen of Xylina Kocia {petrifirata) or A', nrnit/iopua (rliizolit/ia) put in an appearance. The evening was very cold and ivy bloom was also a failure, only a few common Noctuae, three Oporahia (lilutata and six Cidaria nterata (psittacota) were netted or fell into the beating tray. Two Hinina peiDiaria, J s were netted and a ? F.nnnnioK eroaario was discovered at rest on a stem of bracken and duly obliged with ova, which were Ijright green when first laid, afterwards tui-ning to a dark olive-green. On the morning of the 27th, a visit was made to New C^opse, but as soon as it was reached a heavy rain came on and we spent the morning under a Douglas pine, being eventually driven to seek shelter in an old shed. By the evening the rain had eased a little and we sugared in Hollands Wood. The rain, however, washed the sugar off, but in some cases where the trunks were sheltered S'. satellitia. < '. racrinii and ^f. o.rj/acaiit/Ki' cabxne in some numbers with one ( '. e.roleta. On November 28th, another visit was paid to Brockenhurst, when I again had the pleasure of ^Ir. Lyle's company. We sugared in Hollands Wood, but only a few S'. mtdlitia and r. rarcinii came. CheinKttnhia hrinnata was exceedingly abundant swarming on every tree trunk. Only one Hi/bcrnia defoliaria (freshly emerged and crippled) and four H. anrantiioia, worn, were seen. I found (ionrpterii.r r/ianiiii hibernating in ivy about 8 feet from the ground, and Mr. Lyle showed me another, also in ivy, about 30 feet from the ground. On November 29th six Sarrotliripa iiniiiilnniis [rcraijana) and three ('. aitcrata (imttacato) were beaten out. On the evening of November 20th, we walked to Lady Cross but not a single Geometer was seen. Four freshly emerged Poeritorampa pupiili were taken on street lamps, and two S'. aatcllitia were discovered feeding on broken hips of the Wild Rose. On December 1st 1 entered the train at Southampton tor home, and on the cushion sat a perfectly fresh Hi/brniia (Ictnliaria, which was soon made comfortable in a pillbox. This was my last capture foi- the year.


By Hy. .T. turner, F.E.S. In view of the forthcoming Liternational Congress of Entomology, to be held at Oxford in the early part of August, it may not be inadvisable to make various suggestions, which might be borne in mind in the proposeil consideration of the " vexed question," Nomen- clature. The specialists who will meet there will no doubt look at the question more or less from their own prejudged position, induced by their constant contact with the intricacies and absurdities which are continually arising in their daily work. Possibly a few suggestions from a broader point of view may be of use in bringing in points



which appeal to the j^eueral worker, and to one outside, shall we say, the official circle.

At the present time it is practically a truism to state that authors bestow names at their own sweet will, without let or hindrance, and with no guide hut their own prejudices, or even aberrant idiosyncrasies, with the result we often get small groups of letters, we cannot call them words, which convey no indication of the object they were intended to represent, and are so difficult to memorise that they are a grave detriment to the progress of science on account of the delays they cause in searching out their originally intended signification, if they had one. It is true there ai-e codes of so-called rules, some intended to be of general application in all branches of Zoology, such as those issued by the International Zoological Congress, and others like the Merton Rules, compiled by Lord Walsingham and John Hartley Durrant, intended as a guide for Nomenclature to their own particular branch of Zoology, the Micro-Lepidoptera. All these rules are complicated, many of them made with the intention of altering, so-called correcting, rectifying, improving, names which have been thought to be wrongly constructed or even misapplied. Not a few of these rules it is difficult to interpret, and scarcely two independent workers translate them into practice in the same way ; even when appeals are made to the existing Committee of the International Zoological Congress, the ignorance of the full siunilicance of a rule is often apparent l)y an award obviously not in accord with some other rule, which partly covers the ca.se. This was well shown in a recent appeal made in the Order Diptera. Individual workers use these rules or not, as they think fit, interpret them according to their own views, and appeals to authority are rarely made, while decisions are frequently not adhered to when given.

To us, as entomologists, it would seem advisable to have a separate Committee of Appeal composed of entomologists pure and simple, since the objects dealt with in the study of insects so vastly outnumber those in nil other branches of Zoology, as a well-known worker, tersely put it the other day, "The part is greater than the whole." The present time seems most opportune. The International Congress of Rntomology has now become an established body. All countries have given in their adherence to it, it is meeting in this country where the consideration of nomenclature has always been to the fore, and all our own great workers and specialists, as well as the foremost men from the continent and from America, are among the recognised delegates.

From what has occurred during the past few years in the long list of absurd, puerile, inappropriate, and in a few instances discreditable names which have been bestowed, it is quite apparent that there should exist a supreme Committee of Appeal, to whom any new names could be submitted if there were any doubt as to their impropriety, either from a structural (philological) defect, an offensive (social, moral, political, personal, etc.) signification, or from a synonymic point of view, etc. This should be the primary object of the appointment of this Committee, */:., to deal with the Nomenclature of the future with a view to the simplification and reduction of the synonymy, and in no way to hamper or restrict the present methods of individual work. Workers will bestow names in the future, as they have done in the past, and in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the names will be as

180 THE entomologist's record.

now, appropriate and inoffensive, and will become valid. It is the one odd name which gives the trouble and which we have to legislate for. The Committee must not act in the nature of restriction. At the present time it appears hardly advisable to give the Committe any instruction to deal with the names of the past in a wholesale way, although it seems that something should be done. Each case might be discussed on its merits for a time as it comes up, until this proposed Committee gets a recognised standing, when at a subsequent Congress its powers might be increased. At present it seems advisable to get the committee appointed and to limit the reference to it as stated above, that it should be simply a court of appeal. Its decisions will be given by entomologists to entomologists, and will carry more weight and receive more recognition than would the decisions of any outside body.

It should be competent for any one to lodge an appeal, but it must be on one or more definite points and the decision of the Committee must be absolute, even if a slight error in their collective judgment should creep in. What is wanted for the future is absolute finality as regards the application, structure, etc., of any one name. The Com- mittee are not to consider all names, and a majority decision in case of dispute to be final. It would be advisable for the awards, when made, to be distributed to the chief magazines of each country, but it need not to be the duty of the committee to do or to see that this is done.

It might be referred to the Committee, if established, that they should consider the advisability of compiling a code of nomenclatorial rules for the general guidance and information of entomologists, and to report at the next Congress.

A general instruction as to the work of the Committee on any question might be indicated at the Congress. When an appeal is made it should be the duty of the Committee to ascertain all available facts and details, to confer with one another, to make various suggestions to both the appellant and the author, but only in extreme cases should it be the duty of the committee to alter or rename, and then only after all reasonable suggestions or alternatives had been ignored. In such extreme cases the decision should be sent to at least one of the chief magazines in each country by the committee. Of course all members of the Committee when a decision has been arrived at will agree loyally to support it, even against their own individual opinion.

It must be generally recognised that there are several inherent difficulties in the way of the working of this Committee besides the question of language. The members could only meet at the Congress once in three years, and communication, necessarily slow, niust be by correspondence, and some plan would have to be devised for the work- ing of this. Say a secretary, who would send on a duplicate of each appeal to one member, who would register his opinion and pass the appeal with his opinion to the next member, and so on. The order of the communications might be determined by arrangement. The secretary would then collate the opinions and summarise the result, which he would at once send to each member for his approval or further suggestion. In the mean time the secretary and each member of the Committee would ascertain all the facts bearing on the case, which would be incorporated with the secretary's summary. Finally, the secretary would communicate the decision both to the Appellant and to the Author concerned.


As to the composition of the Committee. There should be repre- sentatives of all the chief countries of the world, wherever Entomology is taken as a serious branch of studj% and from whence delegates are elected to the Congrf ss. Probal)]y one representative from each would be sufficient, with the addition of a secretary who would voluntarily undertake the necessary correspondence. He must be a good linguist, or have opportunities of getting translations, etc., done for him with precision and accuracy. An endeavour should be made to get one or more of the chief workers of the world in each of the orders most generally studied, to be a member of the Committee. There should also be a strong representative or two among museum workers and editors of responsible journals.

Another difficulty arises, and a rather big and important one, that is, ways and means. There will be a certain amount of secretarial expenses. The cost to the individual members of the Committee will be merely an occasional letter, but the secretary will have a consider- able amount, not only of postage, but of other expenses, such as typing or copying, and this will have to be met. Probably a small grant might be made from the funds of the Congress or the Secretary might be recognised as one of the Officers of the Congress and his expenses covered, as are those of other secretaries.

There is one other point which appeals strongly for a decision, and that is the limitation of any further research into Nomenclature. It has become a thoroughly established rule that no name given previously to Linne's 10th Edition of the Si/stenia Natiira, 1858, shall be accepted. Research has now been going on for many years and all the important faunistic papers and works since that date have been ransacked, or are in process of being examined, so that there only remains a number of less important contributions in obscure magazines to be consulted by some future entomological bookworm with a desire to become notorious as a nomenclatorial revolutionist. If some authoritative limitation could be made to further research, or at least to the terrible wholesale changes which are now just beginning to be made in some orders, a great drawback to scientific advance would be minimised.

This is really an appeal for simplicity. Let us build the house first and see how it suits, afterwards furnish it in a becoming way. Get the Committee appointed and limit the references to it to see how it works the simple duties put upon it. Then when found to be reliable, and when organised (a body so composed will want organising, and well organising) and recognised generally as a thoroughly responsible body, more duties can gradually be put upon it, and we shall possess a permanent organisation which all, except an odd crank or two, will recognise in whatever nomenclatorial work they may have in hand.

Moths on trunks of apple trees.


A few years ago I used to visit very frequently one of those entomological paradises, a rather neglected garden. There wild flowers, commonly called weeds, used to flourish in all the odd corners and there the leaves of the apple, pear, whitethorn, and other trees, having served their normal functions and fallen to the earth, were allowed to remain undisturbed through the winter and spring. This



was of course an arrangement most suitable to those lovely little creatures, the Lithocolletids, for they could lie cosily all the winter, and ^vhen in the spring, they had left their cocoons and expanded their wings, they could fly on to the tree trunks and rest in comfort. The first of these to appear in spring was Litlwrolletis concuniiteUa, Bankes, which I have sometimes found as early as the middle of April. Following hard on this boldly marked species, would come the more evenly coloured L. rori/lifolidla. This latter is rather an omnivorouf^ feeder. It mines in hawthorn, apple, pear, aud I believe in cherry. This year I have bred it from quince, from mines taken last autumn.

When May set in the apple trunks became quite interesting. Sometimes moths would rest on the stems of the pear trees, but for some reason they greatly preferred the smoother apple bark. Under ordinary conditions the north and east sides of the trunks were the more favoured. Lithocolletids are usually quiet enough to allow one to examine them with a lense and leave them in peace, if not required. The same may be said of that harbinger of Spring, •Sirannneniaminio jiyrella. By the way one has to remember the virtues of the great Dutch naturalist before reconciling such a name with this agreeable little insect. On the other hand, the two Tortrices, which haunted these trees at the same time of year were very wide awake. If the weather was at all warm, they had to be boxed on sight or lost. 1 think (Jocvy.r ari/ip-ana was the most active, but I'l/milcs ritecdiella was also very quickly on the wing. There must be some special pene- trating rays or refractions of light which jiroceed from the human eye, for I have often noticed that one may V)e aware of a moth at rest on the bark of a tree, where it will remain still till one directs the sight on it to determine the species, it then becomes restless, and if one of the active species it will sometimes tly oft' at once. The destructive (.'arpocapsa potnnncUa is usually quickly out of the way, as if it knew it was not welcome. About the middle of 'S[\\ ( >, ulr f/nttra would appear, but never in any numbers. Soon after this the glorious burst of spring would be over, and even the larvae of Kiipithecia irrtanynlata. which bad been feeding in the apple blossoms, would all be spun up. There would still be a few worn specimens of Lithocolletids on the trunks, and occasionally, half hidden in a cranny of the bark, a specimen of the ubiquitous, white-headed I'^ndrosi.s lactedla. During this lull the apple trunks were hardly worth seai'ch- ing. One might intercept a larva of Bccnrraria nanella on its way down the trunk to find a convenient niche in which to spin its cocoon. Towards midsuujmer An/i/n'itt/iitt connila with its head against the bark and its tail in air, would gladden the eye, and one was tempted to awaken it, in order to witness how carefully it laid its head again on the bark after balancing its body on its legs like a .see- saw. As the most beautiful month of the year gave way to July, these tree trunks became again vei-y attractive to the Tineist. Hryo- ' tvopha (Innx'stica, bred on the neighbouring mossy walls, and wandering thence in search of honied blossoms, would take up a day's lodging on the bark, and Htrmrdiia naiuila, escapiiig from its cocoon, would rest there after its strenuous efforts to free itself from its pupal shell. The Gelechias, to which tribe these two last mentioned lielong, 1 look on as the most acute of the Tineids. ilelechia ihoinbelUi is certainly not the least gifted in cleverness. I have,


no doubt, passed this species over many times, and but for the black quadrate mark at the base of each forewing, I should have missed seeing it on many more occasions. One of its favourite resting places is just where a flake of bark is partly separated from the surface. Under this flake the moth will push its wings and body, just leaving its head and shoulders visible. Rut probably all unknown to the insect itself, the black basal marks betray its presence to the practised eye. When alarmed it sometimes attempted to withdraw further into its retreat. At other times it would make a rapid run of a quarter of an inch and take wing like a miniature aeroplane, except that all was done in perfect silence. When July was well advanced, Blastodacva atra, Hw. {rijiolentella, H.S.), might sometiiiies be seen as a dark object on the stems of the apples. B. hellcrella occurred earlier in the year on hawthorn stems, close by. In August I never found very much on these stems except the Heniipteron, I'luitocoiin tiliae, then in the perfect state. I have my suspicions that this insect may sometimes make a meal off a moth, if it happens to capture one at rest. Among the moths noticed, there were a few common Geometers and one or two Noctuae, such as might be seen in any suburban garden, but they were not in sufficient abundance to warrant any notes on their habits. Perhaps the only exception was Kiijiithecia irctoniiulatn var. iiii/roxericeata. I noticed that this moth usually preferred to rest, not on the tree trunk, but on the lower surface of one of the horizontal branches, where it was very well hidden.

Notes on the Various Species of the Genus Coleophora.

B.y Hy. J. TURNER, F.E.S. During the years 1904-5-6-7 I paid considerable attention to the genus Cnlenphnro and made a large number of obsei-vations on the larval habits, etc. Notes on some of the species were from time to time conti'ibuted to the pages of this magazine, but for some reason or another they were discontinued. I now propose to put my notes in order and publish them as opportunity offers. Of the ova I have detailed notes in nine species, and as they were photographed most successfully by my friend Mr. F. Noad-Clark, plates can be given as well as descriptions. Mr. Sich will no doubt add any notes of his own on the species I have observed. The observations thus collected will be at the service of some monographer of the future, who may wish to add to the volumes of Tutt's British Lepidoptera series.

Coleophora therinella.

For my first introduction to the larvae and cases of thif? species I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Eustace Bankes, They were obtained near Dartmouth and were feeding on the common thistle, ('ardniis armisis. They reached me on Sep- tember 23rd, 1904. The cases were long and thin, cylindrical in shape, tapering somewhat, but very gradually, towards the anal extremity. Normally the cases are three valved at the anal end. but most of them at the time they reached me were very indefinite in the valve structure. Apparently they had only just been enlarged, as the extremity was very thin and scarcely lined with the internal layer of closely woven silk, which forms a strengthening and definitely edges

184 THE entomologist's record.

the valves. The cases being clean and white would support the contention that they were not fully complete, as in this species I have found the white colour rapidly becomes a dirty brown. On these cases it was interesting to note the vestigial remains of the earlier stage of case-growth. On each side of the " mouth " end somewhat behind the " neck " of the case were the two halves of this early case, very small, but very distinct, noticeable by their dirty brown colour contrasting with the clean Avhite of the new material. The earlier case had apparently been split down the ventral side, and partly down the back, the two " wings " as it were being incorporated in the new tube, which the larva had made, and subsequently new rings of tube-wall substance added in front to form a suitable mouth-opening for the case. In an older weathered case one does not easily recognise this early remnant. This sized case was apparently that in which the larva was to pass its last stage, and in which it was to pupate. The mouth opening turns down considerably so tha't the normal position of the case is 20° or less to the plain of attachment when the larva is at rest. The " neck " of the case has a more graceful curve than in many species and the margin of the mouth opening is turned outwards. As the neck is longer than in most species, the case appears to be at a greater angle to the plain of attachment more than it really is. Although the food plant of this species is abundant everywhere the insects are extremely local, but when found one can, as a rule, depend upon finding a considerable number. The larvae feed on the undersides of the leaves, and since these are very thick one does not easily see the blotches they make unless one searches on hands and knees and braves the stout defensive weapons of the plant.

The following is a description of a larva, taken on September 29th, 1904, when it was presumably in its final instar.

" The head, brown not black, very shiny, much more so than the plate on the first thoracic segment.

First thoracic segment, with a large dorsal plate, very dark in colour, almost black, with a very fine suture up the middle, which gradually becomes finer, almost vanishing at the front margin of the plate.

The second thoracic segment has four small plates arranged in an almost straight line transversely to the body of the larva, the front margins of the four forming a very slight curve, concave towards the first segment. These four plates are, to speak very roughly, of a general right-angled triangle shape, the two centre plates with their right-angles approximating towards the rear, and each with one acute angle at the front margin, while the two outer ones have their right- angle nearest the sides of the segment in front, hence most of the front margin of the plates is formed by these two. The central suture is somewhat apparent, while the two oblique sutures, flankeil by the approximating hypotenuses of the two triangles are scarcely observable when th(! larva is at rest, but become easily visible when the larva is active and the segments are extended in movement.

The third thoracic segment has two small elliptical plates lying at right angles to the longitudinal line of the body, and in line with tho side-margins and rear angle of the outer triangular plates of the second segment, consequently they are very wide apart, and lie about midway between the fore and aft margins of the larval segment.


The anal segment has a large black plate covering the whole of the dorsum, and the anal claspers have each a small round black plate at the base of the outside towards the rear, separated above from the anal dorsal plate by a narrow suture.

The sides of the three thoracic segments are furnished each with a side plate, uniformly round and approximately of the same size, except that, if anything that on segment two is the largest.

There are four pairs of abdominal claspers, comparatively well developed.

The thoracic legs are furnished with a black plate quite at the base of the front, so much so that it is only apparent when the larva is in active movement. The first pair of legs are black tipped, and each leg is protected by a very small black plate on its outer, more exposed surface. These plates do not exactly cover the legs but leave lighter inter-joint spaces.

On the underside towards the back of thoracic segment three, there are two longitudinal black plates separated in the middle by a space somewhat less than the length of one of the plates.

The general coloration of the body of the larva is light clay-brown without a trace of yellow, very uniform, except in the thoracic inter- segmental spaces where it is still paler."

The case is cylindrical, but not of uniform diameter. The largest diameter is about one-third of the distance from the mouth end, from which the taper is very gradual near the anal end, where there is a slight constriction jwst before the valve pieces project out at their closely adpressed edges. There is a very slightly raised sutural ridge along the ventral side of the case, not always apparent. All the sutures of the three valved anal opening are strongly marked when fully com- pleted, bowing outwards and turning round abruptly towards a very blunt apex, the meeting place of the termination of the three sutural ridges. The surfaces of all the three valves are very concave. On the inside the silken lining is very dark, probably stained by a larval secretion, as the case is clear white during construction and for a short time after it has been completed.

The slightly turned-out edge of the mouth opening is margined with a very fine, very dark line, more intense than the colour of the lining of the interior of the case. The outer surface of the case becomes a very dirt^' whitish-brown or actually a dingy earthy colour. Close observa- tion shows numerous more or less obscure longitudinal parallel ridges from head to tail, more distinct on the underside, converging towards the ends, and, of course, more rapidly to the head than to the tail, as the major diameter is nearer the head. These are not apparent at all on the back. Presumably these are the lines of cleavage and insertion of new material at the different periods of enlargement of the case.

I have had no chance of observing the young larval case of this species, but judging from the remains noted on numbers of cases, it would appear that the primary case of the larva of this species has only a two valved anal aperture.

Since the imagines of this species fly in July and August, and the larvae are practically fullfed by mid- September, it does not seem probable that the larvte of one year are the offspring of the imagines of the same year. This view is supported by the evidence of the remains of the primary (?) larval cases in a very weatherworn condi-

186 THK kntomologist's RECORIi.

fcion, when the full-sized case is quite fresh. Hence, it seems apparent that the species is a biennial one, the larv* going over two winters before the imagines emerge. There are thus two races attaining, in normal conditions of climate, the imaginal stage in alternate years.

On the following day, after makinj^- the above notes, i.e., on September 28th, I examined other larv;e, taking them from their cases. The first one examined had been out of its case for some days when it was described. 1 found all these others examined were lighter in ground colour, their head and jaws were darker, almost as dark as the plate on the dorsum of the first thoracic segment, the two outside plates on the second segment were better separated from the other two by themselves, and the intersegmental membrane was not so distinct from the ground-colour as in the first one examined. The suggestion is that the first larva examined had darkened from the exposure of several days' duration, and had contracted in size owing to want of food and evaporation from being not protected by the impervious nature of the material of the case.

Comparison of the various cases at this date showed a few to be more slender, of less diameter, to have a strong ventral ridge, or keel, lighter than the rest of the tube, to be uniformly curved from front to back, and with the anal opening very indefinite and ill-constructed, but apparently only two valved. Possibly these were cases made by younger larvje, or by larvae which had been parasitized or in some way unable to construct a normal case. It was subsequently found that the larva of all these last cases died sooner or later without further completing their dwellings.

On October 2nd, 1904, 1 found three cases of this species, one ol which was an apparently unfinished case, slender and tapering to the indefinite anal extremity. One of the normal full-sized cases showed three dark longitudinal lines on the ventral side, extending from near the mouth opening to neai" the valves of the anal end. One line was quite central, the others equidistant on each side, a rather curious arrangement, as apparently one suture had been reopened, and served as the suture for the second inserted portion. All three cases showed the remains of the young-time case, i.e., the two halves near the neck of the more mature case.

The blotches caused by these larva^ on the undersides of the thistle leaves were very numerous, nearly circular, and of small diameter. The larva only protrudes its head and thorax into the mine for a short distance around the hole. In this instance, the leaves of the thistle being luxuriant and very fleshy, and the mines being very numerous, it was easy to see the indications of the presence of larvae without much trouble. Probably the reason that only three larvae were found, although the traces of them were most apparent, was that the date was late in the year, and most had retired into winter quarters, the younger ones to await the spring growth to give renewed life and energies, the older ones to await the time for pupation in late spring or early summer.

All these larvie were placed on living plants out-of-doors, but only two or three imagines appeared in the July of 1905. The plants died and the cases were ealen by various predatory beasts, which had inadvertently been enclosed in the cage with the earth and the growing plants.


A case received from Mv. Sich, and taken at Chiswick, was opened on June 18th, 1901, and found to contain a pupa. Unfor- tunately it was damaged in the process.

At the present time, June 2bth, I have a few cases of this species j^iven me by Mr. R. A. H. Priske. who found them a week or so ago near the shore at Sidmouth, S. Dorset, on bramble and Hemp Agrimony, but he saw no thistles near. The Hemp Agrimony had l)een well blotched, apparently by many larv«, but he was only able to find seven cases. The bramble had only served as a perch either for pupation or for ecdysis.


On May yth, 1904, at Catford, I met with a case on hawthorn with which I was unacquainted. It was a small, straight, delicate case, clean brown in colour, with a mouth so oblique as to bring the case almost prone on the leaf. The anal end had three valves, and there was a keel on the lower side of the case moderately well developed at the anal end. The larva fastened up its case on May 10th, probably for change of skin, as on May 14th it was feeding again, and fed on slowly till May Wth, but did not enlarge its case, and as no imago emerged I was unable to identify the species. I did not think it was an aberrant case of ( '. iii(/ricella, from the great obliquity of the mouth, the smooth texture, the light colour, and the general form and shape.

From a case found in May, 1906, among a number of C iiiiiriceUu of i)lder growth, I am inclined to think that the above was only a case of that species, probably a belated young case, the first possibly after the winter curved case, with the mouth-opening much more oblique than normallv.

Longitarsns plantajfo=niaritimus, sp. nov. A Coleopteron new to



Typj: si'Eci.MEN : ~ Oblong-ovate, strongly convex, deep black, shining; antennnp long, thickened towards apex, penultimate joints fully twice as long as broad, black, with the basal joints (1-5) deep red-brown; thorax moderately .shining, entirely deep-black, punctured closely with a coarse and somewhat con- Huent punctuation ; winged ; elytra at bases wider than thorax, plainly widened behind, convex, deep-black, the liunieral callosity well developed and very shining, ve)'y strongly, coarsely and closely punctured; pygidium exposed, deeply punc- tured ; legs deep brown ; femora nearly black (posterior femora quite black), anterior and intermediate knees, and all the tarsi red-brown. Length, '2| mm.

The Type spciciraen taken at Gravesend on I'lantaijo nian'tima, May 5th, 1912.

This species is most closely allied to /-. nu^er, Koch, but is abun- dantly distinct therefrom. I have taken considerable trouble to satisfy myself that it was not Koch's species, referring to the original description (/-w/f. Heft. II., p. 57, 1803), to the full account and key of Weise in Imcctev DenUcldands, vi., p. 939 (1893), and other works, besides having at my disposal continental exponents of L. ni(jcy, Koch, which latter fully agree with the various descriptions of the species.

The most easily observed difterentia are its considerably larger size, and the much darker coloration of the legs (those of T.. nifirr being, with the exception of the femora, light testaceous- red).

188 THE entomologist's record.

But by far the best character is found in the thoracic punctuation. In L. plantar/o-iiiaritiinim the punctuation is coarse, confluent and close, in L. niffer, shallow, isolated and diffuse. This gives to nir/rr a a much more shining thorax, most easily seen if both species are examined side by side under a low objective. The shallow, isolated nature of the punctuation of the thorax in ni</er is mentioned by Weise and other authors. The L. ni(/er of Redtenbacher is considered by both Foudras and Weise as a synonym of Koch's species.

Subsequent expeditions to Gravesend resulted in the accumulation of more material to work upon, a nice series of the beetle being taken off the leaves of sea-plantain. The majority of these were quite dark like the first specimen, but some were pitchy-brown and others testaceous- red. The coloration of the legs and the basal joints of the antennte in these latter specimens was in harmony with their general pigmentation, in the pitchy specimens being pitchy (a little lighter than the type- form), and in the light ones, testaceous-red, with the exception of the posterior femora, which in all my specimens are black, or nearly so. For this extreme light form I propose the name of pcrpleu-us, ab. nov.

Similar to normal specimens of plaiitano-niorilinius in size and sculpture, but with the thorax and elytra (except the sutural margin) testaceous red ; antenna with the first six joints, and the base of the seventh, clear light red-brown ; anterior and intermediate legs entirely testaceous-red, posterior legs with the femora black, tibiae dark brown, and tarsi testaceous.

The " var a" of L. nuicr, Koch, mentioned by Weise, would seem to show a parallel case of colour variation in that species.

I may say that all my specimens were taken oft' I'lantaijn itiaritima, to which plant the species is undoubtedly attached. Being a very active Ijinnitarsus, it is not a matter for surprise that perhaps as many examples were missed as secured.

In conclusion I am glad to have the opportunity to thank Mr. H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe for having very kindly translated for me the German descriptions of Koch and .Weise.


Types of Lepidoptera. In a note to the l^ntomoliHiist in May, 1911, p. 185, Mr. R. Adkin queries why so little interest was mani- fested by the numerous gentlemen assembled at Steven's Sale Rooms when the main portion of the Xoctnac contained in the " Tutt" collec- tion, and upon which the book British Noctiiae and their ^'arieties was based, were sold. In the June number of the same magazine Mr. G. T. Porritt answers this query with the statement that except some half-a-dozen British lepidopterists, who are interested, no one uses such varietal names, as were attached to the various series, or cares anything about them. May I be allowed to suggest another reason ? One sought in vain among Mr. Tutt's insects for the "type specimen " of a variety. The varietal names given by him were given, not to a single specimen, but to a set or series characteristic of a certain geographical area, and to that set were his labels put ; he did not, as a rule, pick out an individual and bestow a name upon it, and it alone. He saw the general facies in a set of specimens from one or more localities as distinct from a set from other localities where the species occurred, and distinguished each set by a distinctive name.


Turn fco any page of his work on the group, and this fact can be verified. If there had been •' type specimens " with the label attached to the specimen giving the information that it was the specimen, the whole practically of the unique collection of series of Aijrotis tritici would not have been sold for some 18s. Was it not a fact that in the sale room, and during the previous view, collectors were asking "Which is the type?" of this or that form and " Why is not the type marked?" "We cannot tell which is the type." There are entomologists and entomologists. The man who recognises that a thing of beauty is a joy for ever puts a money value on precision, the man who goes deeper than the recognition of beauty and the feeling of joy at the superficial perception of beauty knows intuitively that precision in similarity is a myth, and acts accordingly, with the result that the value of his work in £ s. d. is often ruefully incommen- surable with its deserts, and we wonder why. Hy. J. Turner.

Occurrence of Triogma trisulcata, Schumji. In 1893-4-5 a dozen specimens of a Tipulid were taken by me in Sutton Park, Warwick- shire, and were then placed in my collection under Plialacrocera repiicata. A specimen was sent to the Rev. E. N. Bloomfield and remained in his possession some years, when it was forwarded to Mr. Carter, of Blairgowrie, with other insects. Mr. Carter found it did not agree with P. repiicata, and brought it forward {Knt. Mo. Ma;/., April, 1912) as a species and genus new to Britain. Mr. Bloomfield then communicated with rue, and as there appeared to be some doubt in the matter, I forwarded a specimen to Mr. -J. E. Collin, who com- pared it with continental types (Kowarz''s C!ol].) in his possession, and confirms it as Trioipna trisulcata. It is well represented in my col- lection by seven 3 s and three ? s. R. C. Bradley, 26, Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham.

Spring Notes. I have been out to-day in the neighbourhood of Farningham, and have never seen so many Kuc/doe vardaimnes before in my life, and a week ago ('elastri)ia anjiolua males were everywhere m the same locality. To-day I searched for the females, but could not find one. (\dlojihnis riihi was fairly plentiful, and the first brood of Potijoiiiniatii.s icant!^ was well out and abundant. 1 hear that Brenthis selene has already been taken in Surrey this year.- H. Moore (F.E.S.), 12, Lower Road, Rotherhithe. May l^th.

Phryxus livornica at Coventry. I beg to record the capture of a specimen of /'. lirurnica at light last evening. I was passing near an electric arc standard by St. John's Church, when I noticed a hawk- moth circling around it. I had no kind of a net with me, but after- soaring around for a time, it came within reach, and I struck it down with my umbrella. I was much surprised to find that 1 had secured a specimen of P. livornica, minus an antenna, but otherwise in fair condition. E. H. Sills, 84, Earl Street, Coventry. .Mai/ 18M, 1912.

Phryxus livornica at Cromer. On May 22nd a nice specimen of P. lirornica was taken at rest on a shop window ni this town. It is the first I have heard of from this locality, and is now in my posses- sion. 1 see in The Field that another specimen has lately been taken neai" Flax Bourton. I have seen several specimens of I'ljratneis cardui about lately in this district.— F. H. Barclay (F.G.S., F.E.S.), The Warren, Cromer.

Larvae of Coleophora discordella. When at Folkestone I found,

190 THE entomologist's record.

on June 8th, a colony of Coleupliord iliscordella, feeding on a plant of Lotus corniculatus, growing on the cliff opposite the sea. Many larvae of this genus prefer to feed on the lower leaves where they can remain hidden, but these larvae by preference attacked the upper leaves of the shoots, mining them out completely, so that the plant assumed a variegated aspect. Most of the lai'vie fastened their case* on to the stems of the Lotus for pupation, though some of them spun up on neighbouring grass bents, but all those I found spun up had previously crept down to the lower parts of the plant. Alfrkd High (F.E.S.), Ghiswick. July %ul, 1912.

White ovum of Dicranuka vinula. On June 26th, my brother, H. Leonard Sich, found an almost pure white egg of this species, which had been laid on a leaf of aspen, at East lioathly, in Sussex. He sent It to me, and the larva hatched on June 80th. It is quite black with red filaments, and appears therefore perfectly normal in coloration. The egg, compared with white paper, has a slight creamy tint and is brownish below the periphery. 1 have often found the eggs of this species of a pale buff colour but have never before seen a white specimen. Id.

Notes on Lyc^na sephyrus vak. uhryki, Kebel,. Dr. H. Rebel recently described a new local race of Lycaena aephyrus, Fnv., under the name of uhryki.- At the time of the description only a few specimens of this form were known, taken with one exception near Flamunda in the Deliblat, a large sandy plain in Temes Comitat in the extreme South of Hungary. The single other specimen was secured last year near Buza in 'I'ransylvania.f The older Hungarian collectors had already recorded true ^epliyrus trom Transylvania, but the record was looked upon as doubtful. Shortly after Dr. Rebel's publication a specimen was brought to him stated to have been caught many years ago in the mountains round Ofen (Budapest).

This year my sister-in-law, Miss Charlotte de Wertheimstein, took me to Flamunda to see this interesting species in its native haunts, and I had the pleasure of observing quite a number of specimens of this tine insect. The butterflies only occur where the rare and beautiful Eastern plant Aatrui/alus dasyanthus, Ev., occurs, and the females fly round this plant and sit upon it. Unfortunately, owing to the very short time at our disposal, and the bad weather, we did not observe the actual act of depositing the ovum, but there is no doubt that this plant is the food of the larva in the Deliblat, and as it also occurs, though rarely, in Transylvania, the butterfly doubtless deposits on this plant there, too. Astrai/alus exscaiuis, L., the food plant in Switzerland, is also found in Hungary, and probably the food of the larva of this insect in Western and Central Hungary, such as in the Ofen Mountains, is this plant.— (Hon.) N. Charles Rothschild (F.Z.S., F.E.S.), A^'undel House, Kensington Palace Gardens, \\ . July '2,nd.

An easy method of getting full fed CoSSUS LIGNIPERDA LARViE

from the trunks of infected trees. In the Autumn full fed larvae of the above species may often be seen near the entrance of their burrows in an old tree preparatory to starting their wandering in search of a suitable place to spin their cocoon in which to pass the Winter. If a piece of tough grass is bent in two, and the bent part presented

Ent Zeit., xxv., p. 191 (1911).

1^ Verb. n. Mitt. Sii'bevhurg Ver Naturwiss., vol. Ixii., p. 6 (191*2).


to the larvae, it will seize it with its mandibles, hold on, and allow itself to be drawn gently out like a cork from a bottle. All other devices I have tried only serve to send the larvfP farther into their burrows. C. ^Y. Colthrup, 141, East Dulwich Grove. .June llth.

Notes in late May or karly June : When crossing a wood- clearing at Hadleigh on the morning of May 19th NuiiioiihUa noctKella flew from an oak trunk. One does not associate this species with tree-trunks and it is certainly unusual to find it in a wood. I was at Chattenden on May 26th and found (Jone/iylU inacidosana plentiful and in good condition. I also found Acrolit/ia {Hcdija) ^erviUana, and on bloom of Veronica chamaedri/s several examples of Adela tibiddla. On May *20th I visited Cuxton and obtained AcuUdia oniata, h^Kpitliecia exi(jiiata, and Aijiiades theth (only one male, line), Nimniades tcu/es in plenty, Kudidia ijlijidiica, blnnychia (Pi/rannta) niijrata {antiiiinalis), P. oxtrinalis and Gelechia arteinisiella. At Mailing, on June 1st, flymg in the afternoon along a wood path on the top of the down, were Laiiipronia Inzella, Scardia [I'inia) arcella an'd N. fiarasiteUa. Lower down I found Botijs pandalis and (Iriffttilns pairidactt/la. F. G. Whittle, 7, Marine Avenue, tSouthend. Jitne bth.

Hylecoetus dermestoides, L., from Loch Lomond. -I recently spent a day at Ardlui at the head of Loch Lomond, my chief object being the ascent of Ben Vorlich. This satisfactorily accomplished, and the evening being beautifully fine, a friend rowed me to a small wood of Scotch tir on the other side of the loch, where I spent some time searching for Tnllbcn/ia {CoUeinbola) acolopendrella and other small fry. Just before returning to the Hotel for dinner I noticed a log of Scotch fir riddled by a beetle, tiijlecoKtus dernieatuides, many of which were just emerging. I took sixteen specimens ranging from 7mm. to 13-5mm, in length, five of these were females ranging from 10mm. to 12-5mm., and the rest males ranging from 7mm. to ly-5mm. The males are referable to two named varieties, marci, L., and uiorin, F., and as such should be recognised in our British Catalogue. The var. marci, L., is the form with brown or ferrugmous elytra, tipped with black, of v/hich I took two examples measuring 7mm. and 11-5 mm. respectively, whilst the var. niorio, ¥., has the head, thorax and elytra entirely black, my examples ranging from 8mm. to 18-omm. My friend Prof. T. Hudson Beare visited the spot a few days later, finding the beetle, but only in the one log. tiicHARD S. Bagnall, (F.E.S.), Penshaw. June Ath, 1912.

Easibourne Notes. The weather is not very grand here and little doing entomologically. Sugar has attracted plenty of common moths and a few Aplecta pra.sina [herbida). I have just found two larva of Pyraineis atalanta. If the wind drops I hope to meet with more, as things seem quite forward. I have found no Ai/riopis aprilina larva; and those of Psilnra nionac/w are nearly fuUfed, but scarce. Brenthis selene is still flying, and on Beachy Head Ai/riades t/tetis (adunis) is out.— Hugh Main (B.Sc, F.E.S.). June 20</<, 1912.


Pupation of Bkenthis eupiirosyne. About 3 o'clock in the after- noon on April 21th, I came across a larva of Brenthis eit/i/irosi/iie suspended from a small silken pad spun on the slightly inclined side of a rock, placed with others, ijordering some stone steps in my


yai'den. Not luorc than ii quarter of an hour later i again looked for the larva to make sure 1 had correctly determined the species and, to my surprise, found that it had almost completed the process of pupa- tion, with the exception of finally attaching its cremaster to the silken pad. Hy a series of efforts, in which the pupa hunched itself up and then extended its still soft and pliant body towards the pad, it mounted upwards and, of course, tail- foremost over its lately doffed larval skin which was all bunched up and, in some manner, held firmly close under the silken pad. At each of these efforts, four or five in number, I noticed that the anal claspers (still clearly discernable) opened and closed as the body stretched out and curved in the dii-eetion of the pad, towards which the pupa gradually progressed. How it managed to hold on during this operation I failed to observe. On reaching its goal, the anal claspers opened and closed for the last time and gripped hold of the cone-shaped pad and then the pupa started a wriggling motion from side to side and in this way firmly attached itself to the silk. This side-to-side movement was continued until the discarded larval skin was dislodged and had fallen to the ground. The pupa was slightly malformed, one wing-case being rather undersized, and. as I expected, the imago which emerged on May 26th had small misshapen wings on one side. This species has been on the wing in the Wye Valley district since May 9th. .1. F. Bird, Sylvan View, Brockwell, nr. Chepstow. .Inuf 10?//, 1912.


The late Mr. •). W. Tutt, having directed his Executors to complete the partly published volume of J>ritls/i HHtterjUev so far as the MSS. extended, the Executors wish to record their indebtedness to the Rev. Geo. Wheeler, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S. (author of ":6utterflies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe "), who has most kindly, consented to arrange these in conformity with the rest of the volume and to see them through the press. Part xi. has now been issued consisting of three plates, the completion of the section devoted to Poliioiiiinatuii icanifi and a portion of the synonymy of Aricia tuedtm {astro re he). The succeeding parts will be issued from time to time as the MSS. are prepared for printing. :

The ('(iitadidii Kntoniiilixiist for May contains a very useful up-io- date map, illustrating the Faunal Zones of North America. This is particularly useful at the iiresent time to those who are actively engaged in collecting and collating the material for the "Catalogue of the Insects of Canada and Newfoundland," to which reference was made in these pages some months ago.

In an article in Fascicule 10 of the liidl. Soc. h'.nt. dc France, M. F. le Cerf endeavours to clear up the confusion hitherto existing be- tween the different local races of F.pinephele Jitrtina and H. tebneasia, basing his results largely upon an investigation of the genitalia. He recognises the following local forms: /•-'. jnrtina: I''., jiirtina var. /W/•^(»ot<f (Algeria) ; K. jiirtina var. /wrsica (Persia); F. jnrtina <rexi. JUS. Idaindla (S. Europe); A', telniesaia : l\. telincssia var. oreas (Persia); K. teliiiessia var. Icnrdistana (Kurdistan); and A,', tehnessia var. uianioloides (Persia) ; he gives six diagrams in illustration of his remarks.

We have received the l-'urtn-Sccond Aimiial Ht'/iort of the Kntniini- Idt/iral Soclcti/ oi' Ontario, 1911. The Report is mainly an account of


the Annual Meetin.u' which this year took place at Guelph, in the Ontario Agricultural College. Reports from the various local branches and numerous papers read or contributed are given at length, occupy- ing some 114 large pages with many illustrations, some of which Ave fancy we have seen more than once before. Among the papers are '• Insect Scourges of Mankind," by Dr. Hewitt ; " Injurious Insects of the Year," by -T. M. Swaine ; " The Blister Beetles," with a plate by Arthur Gibson ; " Insect Migration at Aweme, in Manitoba," by N. Oriddle ; etc. An account of the proposals for the Catalogue of (Janadian Insects is also given, and the report oi the s\ibsequent dis- cussion which took place at the meeting is included.

Three years have elapsed since the publication of the first volume of the 'I ransactinns of tlw Carlisle Xafiiral llii^torti Socirti/. The hearty support accorded to vol. i. encourages the Society to continue publication, and vol. ii., is now in the press. This volume will contain the continuation of several papers commenced in vol. i., and additional ones on subjects relative to the Natural History of the Lake District and Cumberland. The contents of vol. ii. will include "The Arach- nidie (Spiders, Sec.) of Cumberland," by H. Britten, F.E.S. ; "The Lepidoptera of Cumberland, Pt. II., Moths," by Geo. B. Koutledge, K.i'i.S., and '' The Coleoptera of Cumberland, Part II.," by F. H. Day, i''.R.S., and five memoirs in other branches of Natural History.

In the March number of the /'!vt. Mo. Mot/. Mr. Eustace R. Bankes established Coh'ophora tr'KicininMa as a Lepidopteron new to Britain, on live examples bred by Mr. Alfred Sich from larva^ found on hawthorn at lirentfoi'd and Putney. At the same time the claims of the three supposed species, which are known as ( '. hadiipoineUa are discussed at considerable length, riz., ( '. ha dii prunella of Duponchel ; ( '. badiipenuella of Zeller [Liu. Knt., iv., 401-103), of H.-S. (680, v., p. 235), and of Prey [Tin. Pter. Srliwei-., 225) ; and ( '. hailiipennella of Stainton {In. lirit. Lep. Tin., 224).

We fire pleased to know that the misunderstandings which have so long existed to prevent the obtaining of Seitz Maero- Lepidoptera of the World through the ordinary channels in this country have been at last settled. The parts so far published in English are now obtainable. 'Rhe following volumes are rapidly approaching completion, /■/>..■ I'alaeorrtic hiotnbi/res and Sp/u'niiids, I'alaearefie Soctiiifoniies, Indo- Australian tlhopalocera and American Lihopalorera, while the following- volumes are also in progress, viz. : Palaearetir (ieofnetrae, Indo- Auatralian Ijomhi/ces and Sp/iini/es, I ndo- Australian Xorfiiifonnes and African Rhqpalncera. One of the occasional contributors to our pages, Mr. L. B. Prout, is the author responsible for the four volumes in which the (reometrae will be dealt with.

At the Annual Congress of the South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies held at Folkestone during the first week in -Tune Mr. Alfred Sich, read the only entomological paper, one entitled " Lepidopterous Case- bearers." At the meeting of the Delegates on the last day of the Congress Messrs. A. Yj. Gibbs. E. Step and H. .1. Turner were elected members of the Council. The next Congi-ess will take place at Hamp- stead in 1913 at the invitation of the Hampstead Scientific Society.

In the F.nto)nolo(jical Xeirs for March last is an interesting article entitled " At the Ceannt/nts in Virgmia." It is a vivid account of the attractive powers of the Ceannthus plant and a list of all the species, 90 far identified, which come to the feast. One can judge of the


plant's power from the summary of species in which 42 Heuiiptera, 58 Coleoptera, 165 Hymenoptera and 117 Diptera, a total of 382 species are recorded. In addition to this a number of species were not identified and a few Lepidoptera have been omitted. Truly a formid- able number when one is told that the flowering period lasts but three weeks at the utmost.

In the I'hit. Neils for April is a very interestinp; account of the hybernating habit of Cicuvli'la sieinliR in California. Little piles of earth were noticed around the edges of large pieces of rock lying on the ground. One of these rocks was raised and numerous burrows were found, each containing a beetle at its inner extremity and blocked at its mouth by the removed earth. Under three such rocks as many as 64 specimens in all were obtained.

In the Knt. Mo. Mar/, for March, Mr. E. A. Butler adds a new species of Hemiptera to the British List in the Capsid, Psallna ritellinus, of which six specimens were taken in a plantation at Colesbourne in July, 1911.

In the same number Mr. James Edwards records another addition to the British List, viz., the Hemipteron, Psi/lUi alhipes, taken by Mr. W. West, at Box Hill.

The Hon. N. C. Rothschild, in the same number, recorded a new British Flea, Pahienpsi/lla kolianti, of which three specimens were taken from a mole captured in March, 1911, at Ballindalloch.

In the April number of the Knt. Mo. Maij. Mr. A. E. J. Carter announces a Dipteron new to Britain, ri::., Triotnna trisiilrota, taken in 1899 at Sutton Coldfield and only recently rightly identified.

Mr. Porrit, I'/nt. Mo. Ma;/, for April, names the very distinct local form of IJybrrnio anrcnitiaria from S.W. Yorkshire, as vsiv. fin^ca. It is of a uniform fuscous-brown without trace of the usual markings, and has occurred regularly for some years past.

In the May number of the Fnt. Mn. Maij., Commander J. J. Walker announces Claviijer loiKjicortih as a Coleopteron new to Britain, taken in the Oxford district.

Mr. J. E. Collins describes, in the Knt. Mo. Ma;/, for May, three species of the Dipterous genus IJetcroiicnra as new to science and to Britain, tiz., H. calcdonica, from Nethy Bridge, H. iientili^, from Lyndhnrst, etc., and H. rerticalis, from Dolgelly, Nairn, Studland and Bridgend.

In the May number of the Knt. Mo. Mcuj. Mr. Norman H. Joy describes a new form of the Coleopteron Microiiloasa i»ar;iinalis as var. ob.<iciira. It was obtained at Strathfieldsaye, Hants, in 1909.

To those interested in '"Alternation of Generations" we would suggest a glance at the diagram given in the May number of the Knt. Neus, illustrating the life-cycle of the malaria parasite. The infection takes place through the biting of the human victim and the injection of the " sporozoite" with the salivary secretion of the mosquito. In the human blood this " sporozoite " develops into an active amoeboid " schizont " which enters and feeds upon the blood corpuscles. These parasites multiply asexually and intensify the attack and its results on the human victim. Some of the parasites are subsequently sucked up by other mosquitoes while biting the malarial patient, and undergo their sexual generation in the blood of the insect, producing in turn fresh " sporozoites " which infect other victims.

In a recent number of the Canadian Kntomutu^ist a summary


is piven of the results obtained by the experiments and observations of Dr. T. Goldberp[er and Dr. T. F. Anderson on the transmission of the virus of typhus fever by lice [Pedicuhia refttiwcnti and P. copitix). The details of this new discovery may be found in the Public Health Reports of the U.S. Marine Hospital Service, Washington. "One by one our most common insects affecting man have been shown to be important factors in the transmission of disease ; the house fly carries typhoid and certain other infectious diseases; the flea carries the plague bacillus; the bed-bug has been shown to be the transmitting agent of the causative organisms of the serious tropical Black Fever, and the louse transmits typhus fever."

In the June number of the Evt. Mo. Mori. Dr. David Sharp describes a new species of Coleoptera of the genus OUrinta, obtained from seaweed at Lymington. as O. i/tenfin>i)s. Tt has also been obtained at Edinburgh.

In the same number Mr. E. A. Newberry recognises Lathrobinm npienla as a species of Coleoptera new to the British List. Tt has occurred at Tottenham, Woking, Putney, Carlisle, etc.

Dr. E. Bergroth describes a new British species of Tipulid in the June number of the Knt. Mo. Mat/, as Ep/wlia rerraUi from specimens obtained in Warwickshire (Bradley) and Derbyshire (Verrall) ; and Mr. F. W. Edwards describes two further additions to the Diptera new to Britain, rh., Olifiotrophns rcvfn'colKs, a Cecidomyiid bred from galls found on Molinia coendea near Oldham, and I .n^todi ploni^ tenids. another Cecidomyiid from Hertfordshire, from the Pifl'ard collection.

In the IVritnraliHt for March last Mr. C. Chas. Hoi-rell records the occurrence of C'liaetncncma i-onduvta, a Coleoptei'on new to the British List. Two specimens were taken by him among herbage near Scarborough in May 1911

The Tldrtij-Fifth Ann. Hep. nml Prrceed. of the Lanra!<hii(> ami < 'lii'siliire Entonioloiiiral ^ocieti/ has recently come to hand. This Society has among its members most of the well-known workers of the N.E. of England, together with a number of entomologists from more distant areas, who at some time or other have rendered their good services as an aid to the capital work and influence of the local Officers and Council. Mr. W. J. Lucas. B.A.. F.E.S.. one of the Vice- Presidents, contributed the Annual Address, taking as his subject, " The Early Stages of our Dragonflies." Mr. Geo. Arnold, M.Sc, read a paper on " Ants," in February ; Mr. J. H. Watson read a paper in March, on " The Wild Silk-moths of the World," a subject which he has made particularly his own ; Dr. P. F. Tinne read a paper on •' The Application of Colour Photography to Entomology," in November, and a capital pocket-box exhibition meetine was held in October.


Proceedings of the South London ENTOitoLoriiCAi, .\nd Natural History Society, 1911-12. With four Plates. Price 3s. It was hardly to be expected that this Society could issue such a large volume as last year. The cost of the annual vohime is a drain on the resources of a Society and it is only with the generous financial aid of some of the more enthusiastic members that the necessary record can be regularly published. For many years this Society has been fortunate


in having a long tale of such helpers, and the series of annual volumes for the past thirty years is a lasting testimony of the fact. In spite of the size of the volume being less, the plates not so numerous and less papers published, the present annual volume is by no means wanting in interest and usefulness. The year has been marked by one of the finest and largest pocket-box exhibitions ever held under the auspices of the Society. One hundred and three members and friends were present, of whom more than thirty-five brought exhibits. Anothei' strong feature of the year was the special exhibition of Ituniirio jjldaeos and its allies held in December at the suggestion of the President, Mr. W. J. Kaye. The result was most satisfactory, a very fine and unique exhibition was arranged to which most of the well-known entomologists within reach of London contributed of their best. On other occasions most educative and comprehensive exhibits were made, ('.//., Geographical races and comparative series of Mfhoiarfiia ualathea by Mr. J. Piatt Barrett, the unravelling of the tangle concerning the correct determination of lAipeiina iiiiciieei by Mr. Hy. J. Turner, the comparison of the island forms of Rhopalocera from Corsica with British forms of the same species byMr. A. E.Gibbs, the range of variation produced by Pieria napi during the year 1911, by Mr. T. H. L. Grosvenor, the hybrids produced by the crossings of Xyssia and Bisto)! by Mr. R. Adkin, the breeding of Aidcrta nebidoso from a Mendelian standpoint by Messrs. A. Harrison and H. Main, etc. The Annual Address, read by Mr. ^V. .J. Kaye, deals in the first place with the influence which the remarkably high temperature and continuous sun- shine during the year 1911 has had upon the abundance oi otherwise of the Lepidoptera, and in the second place with the vexed subject " Mimicry," which he was able to illustrate very lucidly from his own experiences gained during his entomological trip to S. Brazil in 1910. A glance round the room at one of the ordinary meetings of the Ento- mological Society of London reveals to one that no small proportion of the Fellows present "matriculated " in the South London Entomo- logical Society, a substantial and lasting testimony to the early training, and the permanent interest aroused in biological science by the associations induced under the auspices of this Society. H.J.T.

Lepidoptoru.m CataloctUS : edited by Chr. Aurivillius and H. Wagner. W. Junk, Bkrlin, W. If one may judge from the first six parts, which have so far appeared, this most comprehensive work bids fair to be of the utmost use to the syst'.'matist and student of the order Lepidoptera. It will take the place of all such valuable sectional works as Kirby s St/nonj/inir (!ataln(/iic of Rhopaloceia, Staiidimjcr and RebeVa Cataloijiie of the Palaearctic lietiion, Menf/eVs Catalogue of the Eriicinidae, etc., bringing everything up-to-date, and will mark a standpoint from which all future work must be commenced and constitute a volume which workers in everj' branch of Lepidopterology will have to consult for most of their references whether systemic or biological.

The Catalogue will contain the names, synonyms, varieties, the chief refei'ences, and the geographical distribution of all the species of Lepidoptera of the whole world, known up to the date of publication of the various sections. For each of the families the leading specialist is chosen, and each part embracing one family or group is a complete work in itself, with its own independent title page and index. Already six


sections have been published, of which that on the llepialxlae by H. Wagner and R. Pfitzner consists of 26 pages. To the genns Hepialus, of Fabricius there are no less than thirty-two references in the standard works of all countries as well as a large number of furthei- references to the Hepialidae as a family. Turning to the well-known species H. Innindi and its forms, we have more than a complete page of references, not only to standard works [in many languages, but to many important biological contributions to inaaazine literature. In fact those who are acquainted with cheexhaustive paragraphs of references at the head of each chapter in Tutt's British LepitJoptera will have some idea of the comprehensiveness with which (^ach species has been here dealt with. Still dealing with //. JnnmiU, we have " Biology : Law. Lep. Jjomh. 3, Tered. C.a,f.a-c, 1802.— Schwarz., Raup/kalmd., 2, p. 7, 26, 106, 583. 701, 761; 1791.— Wallengr., Scand. Het. Fjaril., p. 12. 1869.— Chapman, Kiit. Mo. Ma;!., 18, p. 63, 1876-77.— Gregson, Naturalist Lnn,L, 1, p. 78, 1865.— Brandt, Bpv. d. V]. Vn: lluaa. yatiirf., Teil. 2, p. 70, 1880.— Packard, X. Y. Ent. Soc, 8, t. 3u. 4, 1895.— Hofra., Haiip. (ir.-Schmett. Km., p. 48, t. 14, f. 5, 1893.— Berge-Reb., SrhmettprL, p. 474, t. 52, f. 16a (Raupe), b (Puppe). 1910.— Peyron, hil. Srcnsk. Vet. Ak. Handl., 44, Nr. 1, p. 294, 1909." This is supplementary to all the ordinary references given to this species, and the whole should form the basis of the complete life-history from all points of view such as are demanded in modern lepidopterological work. Of course, a great deal of the usefulness of a work of this description depends upon the absolute correctness of the references. So far as we have investigated and tested we find them correct. The names of the various leading specialists responsible for these details should be a sufficient guarantee of reliance. The sections dealing with the so-called Micro-lepidoptera are dealt with in an equally thorough and exhaustive manner. Section 6, dealing with the Addidff, Mirrnptrryi/idfr, and (iracilariadir by E. Meyrick, is a proof of this. These families occupy 68 pages of the Catalogue, Adda croeaella {mdzella) has nearly half a page of references, Gracilaria pha.v'avippnndla a third of a page, etc. An occasional idiosyncrasy of spelling creeps in. We get f.Tranlariad/r instead of the prior and customary (jrarilariidd . This, no doubt, is called a " correction." We can only say that if an alteration is allowed to be made in one case by an individual worker, every individual can with equal justice and reason be permitted to alter or amend (.s?V) every name he pleases. This calls to mind an example of this met with some months ago, and met with, too, in no less a place than in the National Collection. Lnprriua nicked ii was named in honour of Dr. Nickerl, a well-known entomological worker and author of Bohemia, but what on earth /.. nicredi was did not seem apparent for some time. Surely such individual idiosyncrasies should be avoided, and by all means kept out of work on which public money is being spent. One almost feels inclined to class this with the now notorious pif/ichiawi, polip-liixmi, etc., series. The subscription price of the work is one shilling for 16 pages, and it is hoped to have the whole work completed in about four years. L. B. Prout will be the author of the various sections of the Genwctrae, H. Eltringham and K. •Jordan are responsible for the Arraridae, H. G. Dyar for the fJina- codidae, A. Pagenstecher for the lAbythddae, etc. H.J.T.

198 THE entomologist's RKCUKD.

i^ 0 C 1 E T I E S .

The Entomologicai, Society of London. March 20lli. The following weie elected Fellows of the Society: Messrs. T. W. Alien, M.A., 30, Blenheim Gardens, Cricklewood. N.W.; Edward S. A. Baynes, 120, Warwick Street, Eccleston Square, S.W. ; Gerald Bedford, EntomoloGrist to the Union of South Africa Dept. of Veterinary Science, Oudestepoort, Transvaal; Capt. Kenneth A. C. Doig, R. A.M. C, M.R.C.S., F.R.C.P., Villa Sorrento, York Road, Woking; Messrs. Herbert L. Earl, 35, Leicester Street, Southport, Lanes.; C. Jenimett, Ashford, Kent, and South-Eastern Airricultural College, Wve, Kent ; R. D'A. Morrell, Authors' Club, 1. Whitehall Court, S.W.'; Charles A. Schunk, Ewelme, Wallingford. The death was announced of Mr. H. J. Adams, of Roseneath, Enfield. A Coleopteron new to Britain. Commander J. J. Walker exhibited specimens of Clavitier loni/irontis, Miill. (with ('. festaceiift, Preyssl., for comparison), a species of Colenptern new to the British list. Ants and Dipterous Larvae. Mr. Donisthorpe exhibited specimens of Micmdun mntahilix, bred in his observation nest of Formica fi(.<<ra, from Porlock, also the nest itself with the ants and a live larva of Microclon taken at Porlock, April 27th, 1911, and pupa cases and larvae of the Hy in spirit. Mr. W. C. Crawley said that he had found one larva in a nest of Mifnnica riif/inndis instead of the usual host Formica /W.sca. Lepidoptera with

the " NePTIS " pattern, t'OLIiE(;TED BY C. A. WkJGINS NEAR EnTEBBK

IN 1909. Professor Poulton exhibited the insects in the following list ; all the specimens had been captured in forests within a few miles of Entebbe, between May 23rd and July 25th, 1909. Xe/ititloi'i^is ophione, Cram., Xeptin ineliccrta, Drury, A', m/at/ia, Stoll., X. nietella. Dbl.-Hew., xV. nianiiedes, Hew., var. qiiintilla, Mab., .V. neuietes, Hew., N. mclara, Boisd., A\ nyaiadea, Hew., ab. cimtinuata, Holl., .V. pucllu, Auriv., Deilemera lenconoe, Hopff., D. tranaitella, Strand. Two African Species of the Danaine genus Tirumala (Melinda) as Models, and ONE AS a Mimic— Professor Poulton exhibited T. j'i)rmosa, Godman, and its mimic Papiiio rcr, Oberth., from the Kikngu Escarpment, near Nairobi, British East Africa: the same Danaine, and the transitional Papiiio coiiniii.vta, Auriv., from Nyangori, at the N.E. corner of the Victoria Nyanza; /'. merccdonia, Karsch, and Papiiio niimeticici, Rothsch., from Buddu on the W. shore of the lake : and T. inorf/cni, Plonrath, with three of its Amatnis. models pai/ftalca, Plotz, hecate, Butler, and an undetermined species, probably new, from the Cameroons. Neptis swynnkrtoni, a new species from S.E. Rhodesia. Professor Poulton exhibited the male and female types, described by Mr. Rowland Trimen, P.R.S., together with a specimen captured in the garden at Chirinda (3800 ft.) on March 28th, 1911, by Mr. C. F. Swynnerton. Two W. African Lycenid.e of thk genera Epitola and Hewitsonia. Professor Poulton exhibited the three largest L//cfl^;i/'/rt*' captured by Mr. W. A. Lamborn, and suggested that an undetermined pupae in the nest of OecoplnjUa might possibly belong to one of them. The three large species were Fjiittda honor iitu, F., male and female, /*,'. postliKiims, F., male, and Hcnitaonia hoisdnrali. Hew., male and female. .\mauris eijialea stroking the brands of the HiNDwiNGs WITH ITS AN'AL TUFTS. Professor Poultou exhibited a male Aiiiaaris et/ialeo. Cram., recently received from Mr. W. A. Lamborn.


The "paper" enclosing the speciuiea boi-e the following note: " 8 a.m. Half mile [from Oni clearing]; January 80th, 1912. Observed flying up and down. It then settled on upper surface of leaf and started to pass its brushes to and i'ro over its scent patches, exactly as Aiiiauris niaciim did. Wings were rather over-flexed." Dr. F. A. Dixey and Professor Kellogg, of California, commented on this exhibit. A/iril Srtl. The following were elected Fellows of the Society : Mr. Henry Hacker, Queensland Museum, Bowen Bridge Road, Brisbane, Queensland ; Mr. Cyril Engelhart Latour, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies ; Signor Omzio Querci, Macerata, Marche, Italy. The Council having been invited to elect Delegates to represent the Society at various functions, the following bad been elected : for the Centenary Celebration of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor Comstock and Dr. Holland ; Professor Fernald, who had also been elected, was unable to attend; for the First Eugenic Congress, in July, Professor Bateson ; for the 250th Anniversary of the Royal Society, in July, the President; for the International Congress of Entomology, in August, the President, the Rev. G. Wheeler, Secretary, and Messrs. G. T. Bethune-Baker, H. Rowland- BroAvn, and the Hon. W. Rothschild. Parasites on a Parasite. Mr. G. T. Bethune-Baker exhibited a specimen oiCi/clo/wdia hnpei, Westw., a parasite on the Indian Flying-fox ; this was itself parasitized by an Aranoi of the Genus GainaKSKs, there being no less than seventeen of this small species on one specimen of f. hopei. There being no other exhibits and no papers to be read, the President said that he thought it would be a good opportunity to discuss the important subject of Nomenclature, and a long discussion took place, in which many of the Fellows present took part. Eventually Mr. H. J. Turner proposed that a small Committee be appointed to consider the subject of Nomenclature and report to the June meeting, with a view to the coming Interna- tional Congress. This was seconded by Mr. A. E. Gibbs, and carried neui. con. The following Fellows were proposed as forming the Committee, and the names being put from the Chair were unanimously accepted : Mr. G. T. Bethune-Baker. Dr. T. A. Chapman, Messrs. J. H. Durrant, H. J. Turner, C. 0. Waterhouse and Rev. G. Wheeler, with power to add to their number. (Subsequently ]\Ir. L. B. Prout was asked to join this Committee.)

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society. —Febniari/ 8t/i. Aberration of P. atalanta.— Mr. R. Adkin ex- hibited an aberration of Pijranieis atalanta with a flesh coloured band on the forewing. Aberration of E. annulata.— Mr. Newman, a series of Ephyra annulata var. ohsoleta, in which the discoidal rings on the forewings were absent. Microscopic slides. Messrs. Mitford, Edwards, Coxhead and West (Ashtead) exhibited slides under the microscope. Febnianj 22n(l. Diptera from ^Milford. Mr. Andrews, a number of species of the Tri/iielidae family of the Diptera, all from near Milford Haven. Dwarf C. edusa. Mr. Turner, a dwarf example of Colias ediisa from Villeneuve, measuring 32mm. in expanse. Lap- land Brenthids. Mr. Sheldon, the Brenthids he took last year in Lapland, B. friijfja, B. freija, B. polarifi, &c., and gave full notes on their characteristics and habits. Lantern slides. Lantern slides were exhibited by Messrs. West (Ashtead), Dennis, Tonge and Main. March 14/A.— Wm. Bateson, Esq., M.A.. F.R.S., F.E.S., and Prof. E.

200 THE KNTO.\[()T,oaiST's RKrORO.

B. Poulton, D.Sc, M.A., F.R.S.. were elected Honorai-y Members. Parasitic Diptera. -Mr. Andrews exhibited three species of Si/rphidae parasitic in their larval stage upon lepidoptera, viz.. < 'otnbombo pi/raxtn, XanthandriiR ci»ntii.<< and Melannntowa mdlinnm. Aberration of N. xanthographa. Mr. Adkin, an extreme melanic specimen of Xoctiia .rantfwfirapha, taken in his garden at Lewisham in 1911. Forcei> larv^, etc. Mr. Newman, living fullfed larviP of Mrlitaco anrinia, fed on in a temperature of 60°-70'^, and a pair of Satuniio rar/n'iii with all the usual reddish markings of a cleai' yellow. It was bred from a yellow 3 and a red 9 . New species of Coi.koptera. j\Ir. P>lenkarn, the Coleopteron fJnlipliifi iwmax, from Coatbridge, recently new to science. Larv.t: of C. ediisa. Mr. B. H. Smith, a living larva of ( 'nlias ednm, from ova laid in October last, one larva had already pupated. March 2Sth. Mr. C. P. Lloyd, of Ashford Common, Middlesex, was elected a member. Ova. Mr. B. H. Smith exhibited ova of Amph-i- (lai^iR strataria, laid by a 9 with which he had assembled five ^ s. A NEW species of Hemiptera. Mr. West, the specimen of Paylla albipe.t, found by him at Box Hill in October last, and new to the British List of Hemiptera. Forced larv^, etc. Mr. Newman, living examples of Melitaea nunnia bred at a temperature of 60°-70°, and full-fed larvse of Dri/ns pnphia fed under similar conditions. He called attention to the extreme scarcity of larva? of Arctia raja and of Abra.ra.^ iimssiilariata. Summer broods of Lkptosia. Mr. W. G Sheldon, specimens of Lepfrm'a .tiiiapia and //. ihipnncheli with the summer broods of the same, var. flhu'ensiH and var. aestira respectively, and pointed out that the British summer form of the former species was an intermediate form. Hadena porphyrea (satura). Mr. R. Adkin, a specimen of Hadena porphyrea [satirra), and read a series of historical and critical notes on the species. Diptera. Mr. Andrews, the Syrphid, N. arctieitx, taken at Chattenden on March 12th. New aberration of M. oblongoouttata. Mr. Aslidnwn. a specimen of Mysia ohlnntioyiittata ah. niyrninittata, from Oxshott. in May, 1911, and recently described as new. Melanic D. applana. Mr. Sich, for Mr. G. 1>. Routledge, a melanic example of lh'prp!<.'<aria applana from Carlisle. Callophrys avis.— Mr. A. E. Tonge, a living specimen of (Jallophrys ari.t, bred ab. am. Ornithoptera. Mr. Fjdwards, examples of the closely allied Ornithoptera, (>. lyilinx and O. rrorsKs. Larva of SiALis i.utaria. Mr. H. Main, the larva of the alder-Hy, Siali:< hitaria. April llfh, Races, etc., of P. napi. Mr. Gibbs, long series and speci- mens of Pierix napi from various British localities, and pointed out their racial characters with reference to various continental races and forms. Hybrids and aberrations of Lepidoptera. Mr. Cowham, hybrid Xyssia r.nnaria and Hi^iton kirtaria, varied series of Hybernia lencopliaearia and H. marfiinaria, small forms of Ijcncania pallrns probalily of the 2nd brood, and bred specimens of Xnnoaoma pendularia from O.Kshott, referable to the rosy form var. Kid)rnxeata. Races of M. aukinia. Mrs. Hemming, bred series of Melitaea anrinia; the Carlisle series included a melanic form and var. viryata, the Welsh series included forms with very red ground colour, and the Oxford series contained very pale specimens as well as a specimen closely resembling .1/. rinj-ia. Larv.'e of R. phi.^as. Mr. Quarrington, living larvfe of Rimiiria phla-'as taken wild on April 7th and 10th. Larvae of Lepiooptera. Mr. Newman, full-fed larviw of Abraxas


iirossulariatti, kepL in sleeves out-doors, and living pupae of Dryay jiaphia and M. at^ialhi. Dr. Chapman, living larvEB of Leioptilvs tephradactyld. H. andrknaeformis larvae. Mr. Tonge, a branch of Viburnnin from Tilgafce with four larv* of .Eijeria andrencufaruiis. Abundance of B. hirtaria. Mr. Coltbrup, noted the abundance of liistun liirtaiiu, this season especially around London. Paper on Variktal, Names. Mr. R. Adkin, many examples of named varieties of British Lepidoptera to illu.strate his paper entitled, " Varietal names as applied to British Lepidoptera." April 25tk. Stereoscope. Mr. Dennis exhibited a stereoscope fitted up so as to show diminution and intensification of the stereoscopic effect. BoRNEAN Lepidoptera. Mr. H. Moore, Lepidoptera from Karang, N. Borneo including Papilio paraduxna var. telesides, Hestia /lypcnnnestra and var. beliiui, Heatia b/ncciis, a large species of }\ijctale- nion, etc. The genus Char.axes. Mr. Edwards, several species of the genus Charaxex from Central and South America, and a Cucullia rerbanci which had been two years in pupa. Early emergence. Mr. Lucas reported that Boannia cinctaria was out on April 5th. Lantern SLIDES. The rest of the evening was given ap to the exhibition of lantern slides by Messrs. Dennis, Lucas and Edwards, the last named showing slides illustrative of the anomalous animal the Peripatm. Muij 9th. -Mr. J. E. Gardner, of Upper Clapton, was elected a member. Local race of H. leucoph/i:aria. Mr. Jitger, for Miss Edwards, a series of Hybemia lcnr«pli(miia, from E. Grinstead, with which a large percentage of var. uniniKirinaria had occurred this year. D. luteago variation. Mr. R. Adkin, specimens of Diant/ioi'cia lateagu, and read notes on the two varietal forms barrettii and Jicklini. Labelling Insects. W. E. Adkin then read a paper entitled " Labelling Entomological Specimens," after which a considerable discussion took place. May 23rd. Diptera. Mr. H. W. Andrews exhibited specimens of the Dipteron Brachyupa bicolor a Syrphid from Bexley, with the Anthomyiid Hyctodeda scatellariti, which it closely resembled. Rapid Development of P. lecheana.— W. Alfred Sich, specimens of I'tycliulunia icclieana, bred on May 2Brd, from larvfe taken at Richmond on May 11th. D. bifida Cocoon. Mr. Cowham, a cocoon of IHcranitra bifida from which he had observed the imago emerge after softening a portion with a fluid which it had secreted. S. orion Larva a Miner. - Dr. Chapman, a larva of Scuiitantides orion in its first instar mining between the cuticles of a leaf of Sedtini telepkium. The GENUS Co'^nonympha. Mr. A. E. Gibbs, a large number of species of the genus ('oenonymjiha and read notes on the variation, characteristics iind distribution of the various species in the Pahearctic and Nearctic areas. Mr. Kaye, the genus Coenonyinp/ia, referring particularly to the large size and minute ocelli of the undersides in Irish specimens of ' '. tiphon. Mr. R. Adkin, ('. tiphim from English, Scotch and Irish localities and remarked on their general local characteristics, and (.'. paniphilns, referring to the varied development of the eye-spots. Mr. Sheldon, tine series of the rarer species, <'. hero, C. oedippas and (•. iphioidcs and remarked on the unaccountable absence from Britain of the extremely common European species (.'. arcania. Mr. Curwen, long and varied series of C. pa)iiphilns and ( '. duras and called attention to the occasional development of a row of sub-marginal spots on the forcwing. Mr. Edwards, series of several species including dark ('.

202 tHE entomolooist's record.

arcania and species of the allied genus Hi/pocistina from Australia. Ml'. Turner, series of various Paliearctic and Nearctic species, including C elko from Vancouver. ,fiiue 'i'drd. A Rark Orthopteron, etc.— Mr. West (Greenwich) exhibited the very scarce Orthopteron, Plnti/deis roeselii iwm Greenwich, with 1'. i/risca, 1'. braclti/ptera, and Tkanniotrizon clnereiis, closely allied species, for comparison, and also the destructive Dipteron, Mciedon eiinestris, bred from daffodil l)ulbs. Mr. Lucas, P. roeselii from N. Essex. Local Species from the Isle of Wight. Mr. Blenkarn, Anthiocera trifoUi ab. inuioides from Bembridge, a form new to the Isle of Wight, and Sinloauina nrttcat from Sandown marshes, with an example of Colzas edusa. Of Odonata he showed Caloptenjx apLendenn from Brading; of Coleoptera. Dichirottichus pubeacem from Bembridge, with four perfect legs on the left side ; Opillio iiiolis, a local species from W. Wickham, on oak; and Bcmbidinm ephippiiiiii. from Culver Cliffs, a rare record for the Isle of Wight. A Gynandrojiorph. Mr. L. W. Newman, a gynandromorph of Amorpha popiili bred, the left $ a vivid pink and large, the right S normal and small, the antennae both $ . Also living pupa of Pochnubia lujperborea and a stump of birch from which sixteen pupa cases of Aeneria cnlici- formu were projecting. Early stage of a Wasp's Nest. Mr. A. E. Tonge, the commencement of the nest of the Common Wasp, Vespa vnliiaria, and wild laid ova of Aeijeria tipidi/orniis on the twig of a cur- rant-bush mid-way between the nodes. Immigrant butterflies. Mrs. Hemming communicated a note on the occurrence of L'olias on the 8. Downs, the obtaining of ova from a captured ? , and the habits of the young larvte. Many Pi/rameis cardui were seen at the same time. A Local Coleophora. Mr. Sich, larval cases of Culeophora discordella from Folkestone Leas. A " Walking Stick." Mr. Hall, the Orthop- teron known as Dixippm uwrosns {Linchudes sp.). Tortrix teucriana. Mr. Adkin, the series of Tortrix teucriana from the "Tutt" collection and read notes on the species.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. b ebniary \Qtk. Mendelian and other results of Breeding. Mr. Wm. Mansbridge contributed notes on " Breeding experiments with the black race of lioariiiia repandata var. nii/ra," and summarised the results as follows: In 1909 (a) a wild $ of the local type form gave all var. niijra ; (b) a wild $ var. }ii(fra gave all black moths ; (c) a pairing of nigra J and type $ gave all types. In 1910 (a) type x type gave 66'6% type and 83-3% var. ni;ira ; [b) nigra x nigra gave 92% niiira and 8% type ; and {c) nigra x nigra gave 96% nigra and 4% type. While in 1911 (a) type x type gave all type; (6) nigra <J X type J gave all nigra; (c) nigra x nigra gave 95-7%, nigra and 4-3% type; and ('/) a second experiment of the same gave 70-5% nigra and 29'5';o type. In 1910 moihs from the broods (a) and (c) were used for the cross pairings of type and variety, the others being inbred, and in 1911 all were inbred. Irish P. icarus. Dr. Tinne exhibited Pulgonimatns icarnn from North Ireland, including very blue females. March ISlh. The Leaf Insect. Mr. H. S. Leigh read a paper dealing with a few points connected with the life history and habits of the Leaf Insect, Pulchrip/igLliiiia cnirif'olium, Serv., and the Praying Insect, Sphndro- mantis guttata, Thunb. After remarking that the metamorphosis of the Leaf Insect and Praying Insect is slight young individuals being very similar to the adults in general appearance some of the results


of breeding experiments with these insects were briefly described. The wonderful similarity, both in form and habits of the Leaf Insect to various plant structures was remarked upon, and it was pointed out that development is slow and requires considerable heat and moisture for it^ continuance, restricting the geographical distribution of these creatares to some of the islands of the Tropical Zone. Sexual dimorphism is very pronounced, the females being large and foliaceous, whilst the males are much more elongate and are not, therefore, so leaf-like in appearance. The feeding habits of S. iinttata were described in some detail, as were also the methods of oviposition obtaining in the two families under considera- tion. The Mcuititlae possess some strange modifications in structure, resulting from their carnivorous habits. Thus, the front legs, which are modified for the seizure of prey, are developed to an extent out of all proportion to the same limbs in other insects. The Mantidae enjoy a wider distribution than the Phasmidae, being abundantly represented in all the warmer regions of the world, including South Europe. P. argus (iEGON). Dr. P. F. Tinne exhibited I'lebcim anjits (aeyoii), from the Mew Forest and other localities. April lot/i. Lepidopteiia of Wickkn. The Rev, S. Proudfoot, of Altrincham, communicated a paper, " Collecting in Wicken and District," in which he gave a most interesting resume of his experiences in the district among the Lepidoptera, describing the various methods of collecting practised, and enumerating the special msects peculiar to Fenland. Madeiran butterflies. Dr. Tinne exhibited a drawer of Madeiran Rhopalocera, comprising rijmincis utalanta and var. Cidlirue, L'yranieii^ cardtii, hsuria lathonia, doiias eilima, a>nd ^iatyius aentele. Neuroptera. Mr. Leonard West brought live specimens of Taenioi>teri/.v nebtdom and yainoura inconspicua from Heapy, near Chorley. Aberrations of Lepidoptera. Mr. Wm. Mansbridge showed a fine intermediate variety oi Anii'lddads betularia, bred from a wild larva taken at Simon's Wood, Lanes., and a uni- colorous fuscous-grey aberration of Scvparia ambi(iualis, from Burnley. Saturniid.e. Mr. Oscar Whitaker exhibited a pair of Attacus orizu/ia bred on Willow.

<D B I T U AR Y.

Professor John Bernard Smith.

Two books on our Library shelves recall the above name to us, one is Economic Kntoinoloiji/, an example of those admirable summaries of Entomological Science, serving the double purpose of an introduction to Entomology in general and as a book of reference for those interested in economic Agriculture, etc., the other book is A Catalogue nf the Lepidopteroiifi SHpcrj'aiiiilij yoctiiidae found in Boreal America, a useful book of reference for systematists and students.

.John Bernard Smith was born in New York in 1858, and was brought up to the practice of law. But in 1884 the uncongenial nature of this profession conquered him and he accepted an appoint- ment in the Department of Agriculture, going as Curator in 1886 to the U.S. National Museum at Washington. During the three years of his work in that institution he published some excellent works mcluding a Monouraph of the Sphinyidtp of America north of Mexico, A

204 THE kntomologist's record.

Preliininani ( ataLoiiae of the Arctiidae of Tetnperati' Xorth America, A Revision ot the Lejiidofitennis f'\i)nily >iatuttiiidae, and commenced his various contributions to a knowledge of the Family Xvctuidae in which he later on became a reco,t(nised authority. In 1889 he hecanif Professor of Entomology at Rutger's College and entomologist to the New Jersey Agricultural l^xperiraental Station at New Brunswick, positions which he held to the time of his death. Of course much of his work was on the lines of official economic research and the preparation of reports, bulletins, etc., of which many admirable issues were given forth. Still he found time to work hard at his favourite group the X(ictiiid(c, to set forth some startling views on the homologies of the mouth organs in his ( 'ontribntion tuu-ard o l.-nowledge of' the Mouth Parts of the Diptera, to take an intense practical interests in the question of the extermination of the mosquito, concerning which his suggestions of ditching the marshes, has proved eminently successful, and also to write articles and books on the popular side of the study of insects. He was a strong supporter of Societies, fully recognising that they were indispensable both for keeping up the public interest in Entomology and for bringing students of insect economy together for their mutual benefit and advancement. His views on this were practical, for he was not only a member, but an active member, in all the societies he could get in touch with, at one tnue or another serving as president, secretary, or editor of transactions and proceedings, or giving his services to read papers and to lecture. There is a portrait of him in the Kiit. Xeirs for May to wliich magazine we are indebted for the above details. H.J.T.

Robert Walter Campbell Shelford.

By the death, on June 22nd, of Robert Walter Campbell Shelford, the science of entomology has lost an indefatigable worker. It will be long before his place can be filled. Although his mature work was chiefly concerned with the Hlattltlae, Shelford's interests as a naturalist covered an unusually wide field. He had written upon anthropo logical subjects, flying snakes, and insect mimicry, and at the time of his death was preparing a natural history of Borneo.

Shelford was born at Singapore, August 8rd, 1872. He was educated at King's College School and Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he took a second class in both parts of the Natural Science Tripos. In 1895 he became a demonstrator in biology under Prof.'' L. C Miall at the Yorkshire College, Leeds. In 1897 he became Curator of Rajah lU'ooke's Sarawak Museum at Kuching, a position which he retained for seven years. The excellent work he did in the museum and his bright, energetic ])ers()nality will long l)e remembered by the iMiropean colony. After travelling for seveial iiionths in the Malay Archipelago Shelford came to Oxford in the autunni o( 1905 as .Assistant Curatoi' of the Hope Collections. Heat once began his important study of the Ulattidae, in the course of which he worked out all the important European collections and wrote a long series of admirable memoirs.

Shelford had, as a child, contracted tubercular disease of the hip- joint as the result of a fall downstairs. A fall from a rickshaw in Jiorneo was followed by a reappearance of the old trouble, but he made a good recovery. An accidental slip caused the disease to break out again in April, 1909, and led to the terrible suffering of his last illness. E. H. Poulton.

WATKINS & DONCASTER, Naturalists and Maiiiifactiirers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain lliiig Nets, wire or cane, including Stick, 1/b, 2/-, 2/0, 8/-. l-'olding Nff-^. ;-i/6, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket JJoxes (deal), Gd., ltd.. 1/-, 1/(5. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-. 1/ti, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6. Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanlerns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Bo.xes, with camphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, fiat or oval, lin.. 6d. ; iiin.. 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2^in.. 1/-; 3^in.. 1/4; 4in.. 1/6; Sin. . 1/10; Complete Set of fourte'en Boards. 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6; corked back, 14/ . Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d.. 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6. 1/8. Botanical Cases, japanned double tin. 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper. 1/1. 1/4. 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antenna2 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by '6^, best quality- 1/6 per ctozen sheets. Brass Chloroforni Bottle. 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheath, 1/9. Taxidermist's Conipanion, containing most necessary implements for skinning. 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair; Eggdrills, 2d., Hd., 9d. ; Blowpipes. 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies. 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, '2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs. etc.

SILVER PINS for collectors of Microljepidoptera. etc.. as w-ell as minute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain adviinlHge.s. over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sefiiilne. Hi-., ar* best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


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Price 3sm net.

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the held. Covers all .spec'es lourul \\e&{ of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

Mill hf sent /'(».</ l-'rrr an rrccipt of Postal Order for 3s. to

A. H., 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.


You can't do without these, they keep your insects in fine setting condition for weeks if you are too busy to set them tii, once; they relax old specimens to perfection . Hundreds sold yearly, and testimonials always being received. Prices, 2s. 4d. and 3s. lid., post free.

If you have not yet received any price lists of Ova. I,m{v.t,. and Prii;. also .Sh r Insects, write at once for them : many Bakoaixs

Larvae per dozen : C. edusa, 4s. : \'. cardui. U. ; V. ataiania. Is. ; Hyuku-. Ocei lalusxPopuli. 30s. ; Hybrii'. Pendularia x Oniicronaria, 30s. ; Zonaria j x Hirtaria ?, 5s.; Zonaria 9 vHirtaria <j.^<.: Cucullin;i. ts, : Trf-jiid;. :i- l'.v..lr,,<M...ri'. U : .,nri madv others.

L. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley. Kent.



A Foriuigbt at Gavaiuie. Haute-Pyroni'es, d. I . lietltime-Jiaknr, F.Jj.S., F.Z.S.,

F.E.S. (Concluded!) With 2 plates 157

The Season of 1911 in the Abertillery District of Monmouthshire. IV. RfH Smith.

(Concluded.) ' .. 162

Record^; of Local Coleoptera. 1. (ieodephaga, G. ))'. Nicholson, M.A., M.D., F.E.S. 168 On a Malfoimation of Hydrcecia paludis, T. A. ChaiJiiiau, M.l). With 1 plate .. 169 The Maltovmation of the Genitalia of Hydnecia paludis, F. N. Pierce, F.E.S. With

I plate . . . . . . . . 171

Notes on the JiCpidoptera in and around Gibraltai. 1911 and 19r2, Lieut. G. G.

Wood wind, Ji. N 172

Thi- Value of I'lotectivt; lieseniblanee in Motlis. Lieut. -Col. N. M<nider>:, Ix.A.M.C.,

F.E.S ' 174

Notes on Collecting in 1911, f. IF. C'oif/(/-«7J. (Concluded.).. 176

Nomenclature. Hy. ;/. Turner, E.F..S. .. .. .. .. 178

Moths on trunks of Apple Trees, Alfred Sich, F.E.S 181

Notes on the Various Species of the Genus Coleophora, Hy. J. Turner, F.E.S. . . 183 NoTUfi ON Coij.KCTiNo, KTc. : Types of Lepidoptera, U. J. Turner, F.E.S.: Occur- rence of Triogma trisulcata. Schunim, R. V. Bradley : Spring Notes, //. Moore, F.E.S.; Phryxns livornica at Coventry, E. H. Sills; Phryxus livornica at Cromer, F. H. Hmxluy. F.G.S., F.P\S. ; Larviu of Coleophora (liscordeila. .1. Sich. F.F..S.; White ovum of Dicranura vinula. Id. ; Notes on Lycrt'iiii zcphyius var. uhryki, Hebel, Hon. X. ('. liotlisclrild, F.X.S., F.E.S.; \n easy method of getting full-fed larva; of Cossus ligniperda larvae from the trunks of infected trees, C W. Colthrnp : Notes in late May and early June, F. G. Whittle: Hylocoetus dermestoides from Loch Lomond, Richard S.

fiayuaU, F.E.S.: F^^astbourne Notes, IJuyh Main, B.Sc, F.F.S 189

Scikntifk; Notks .\n'i> Obseuv.vtionK": - Pupation of TUenthis euphiosyne, •/. F. liird 192

CUKRKNT NoiKS '.NNli SuORT NoTICES . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Rfvikvvs .vm) Nottcks of Books: Proceedings of the S. London Entomological and Natural History Society, 1911 12; Lepidoptorum Catalogns : edited by Chr. Aurivillius and H. Wagner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.t

Hkj'orts 01 Societies ;- The Entomological Society of London; the South London Entomological and Natural History Society ; The Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. . .. .. .. .. .. 198

Ohituary :- Profe.ssor John liernard Smith. H. 1 . 7'.. Uobert Walter Campbell

Shelford, E. B. Poulton 203

Seasonal notes on British Lepidoptera will appear in due nouvse from C. W. Colthrup, K. G. Whittle, A. Eussell, Alf. Sich, H. Ashton Nichols, etc.

All MS. and editorial matter should be sent and all proofs returned to H\. J. Tdrnek, 1<H, Drakefell Koad, New Cross, London, S.E.

Rambles in Alpine Valleys.

linmid in C'lotli. with Map and Pliologiaphs of District.

Price 3s. lid.

I ni.s i.Miuiv luntainN ii ,si;iies ol es.says dealing with the colours of insects, anu suyges

lions as to the relation in past time between the Alpine and British fauna. Many new

inKit^ lire liroiiKlit fovwjird, Huri cntomologicsil problems discussed from various standpoints.

Woodside, Burnside, Hillside and Marsh.

(Crown Hvo.. lllnsiriite<i, '1'1\ pp. and 1(13 vvot^icut^^ and full-page illustrations. Bound

in Cloth. (Price 2/61. .\nolher .«,t'ii<'s of collecting expeditions into well-known entomological and natural histor\ localities, with description of botanical, geological, ornithological as well as ♦■ntomological matters of interest to be found therein. The places dealt with include Cobham Woods, Cuxton Dow)is. the Western Highlands, ClitTe all well known for their rich ent'imological fauna.

To lif obtained from .1. HKiutKHi Tiitt, 22, Krant'emiirx Hond, Ladywell Hoad, Bruckley, S.R.

Random Recollections of Woodland, Fen, and Hill.

i;.v .1. W. TliTT, K.K.S.

Iioinui in Cloth, Crown Svo. Price Three Shillings net.

A detailed account of the fauna and flora of some well-known British natural liistory localities : - Wicken, Deal, Chattenden, the Medway Marshes, isle of Wight, etc.

I'ostal Ordei> to Mr J. HERBERT TUTT, 22. Franceniary Road, Ladywell Road, Biockle.y. 8.E





Edited by

Richard S. BAGNALL, f.l.s., f.e.s. | T. A. CHAPMAN, m.d.,f.z.8.,


li.SC, F.K.H., F.R.S.K.


f.z.s., f.l.s. , f.e.s. m. burr, d.sc, f.z.s., f.l.s., f.k.s. (Rev.) C. R. N. BURROWS, f.e.s.

Jas. E. COLLIN, F.E.S.



Alfred SICH, f.e.s.

J. R. le B. TOMLIN, M.A., F.l

George WHEELER, m.a., f

Heney J. TURNER, f.e.s., Editorial Secretary.

SEPTEMBER Idth, 1912.

Price SIXPENCE (net).


scription for Complete Volume, post

(Inchidiiig all DOUBLE NUIMBERS, elc.i SEVEM SH1L,L. IMGS.



" Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E




ELLIOT STOCK, 62, Patkknostkr Row, E.(



11, Cahlstkasse, N.W.


Mr. J. C. STEVENS will offer for Sale by Auction at his Rooms, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C, on


The Remaining Portion of the


formed by the late

J. \Rr. TXJTT, F.E.S.

Comprising the Sphingids, several hybrids, galii, bred by Tugwell, (Egeriids (in good condition), whole of Bombyces, Nolidae, etc. Also long and varied series of British and Continental Anthrocerid8e, in course of re-arrangeraent [vuh " Brit. Lep.," vol. i.), Continental Lithosiids, Pterophoridae and L. Goridon from very many localities.

Catalogues may be had on application seven days prior to the sale.


The Largest Breeder of Lepidoptera in the British Isles is

H. W. HEAD, ©tttomolcratst,


/*'u// Lint of Ova, Larrae, and Pupae, also Lepidoptera, Apparatus, Cabinets,

etc., aent on application. Many Rare British Species and Good Varieties for Sale.

Lantern Slides in Natural Colours.


Photographed from life and true to Nature in every detail.




For List apply to

CHARLES D. HEAD, 2, Mount Vernon, Dollymount, DUBLIN.

Vol. XXIV.

Plate X.

"M. e^

The EntomologisV 8 Record, 1912.


Robert Shelford.


Entomology has indeed suffered a severe loss in the distressing death of Robert Shelford.

He was born in Singapore on August 3rd, 1872, and thus was cut off before completing his fortieth year. Educated at first privately, and then at King's College, London, he went to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he passed second in the Science schools. He thus entered upon his career with a wide and thorough scientific education.

His first appointment, as a teacher of Physiology at Leeds, was abandoned comparatively early for the Curatorship of Kajah Brook's Museum at Kuching in Sarawak. Here he spent seven years, which must have been a continual source of delight to a man of his tastes, education and powers of observation.

Returning to England he took up his abode at Oxford, where he undertook the re-arrangement of the rich collection of Orthoptera in the Hope Department of the University Museum of Zoology.

He found the Blattidac in great need of revision, and proceeded to revise the group. Ho set himself to do this task with characteristic energy and thoroughness. He entered into correspondence with entomologists in every part of the globe, and in spite of ill-health, visited a number of continental museums. He was thus able to examine a large number of types and to work out the collections brought home by numerous scientific travellers. His results were published in a large number of papers containing revisions of several groups and many specially faunistic papers. At the time of his death, he was engaged upon the volume dealing with the Dicti/optera or Blattidae, for the series of volumes published by the Indian Govern- ment on the Fauna of British India ; his preliminary notes are suflficiently ample to afford a valuable foundation for the next student to undertake the task. He acquired a splendid knowledge of the group, and it cannot be too greatly regretted that he was not permitted to complete that monograph, which was the aim and object of his scientific ambitions. He had the command of vigorous and clear language, and the introductory remarks to his various papers are a model of terse and crisp expression.

His wide knowledge and the experience of seven years in the tropics forbad him to be a narrow-minded specialist. His contribu- tion to the knowledge of Mimicry in Bornean Insects, published in the Transactions of the Ento)nolo<iical Suciety, are well known, but his papers of Malayan Anthropology are perhaps less well known, admirable though they are.

His work at Oxford was often interrupted by failing health, and in 1909 he was obliged to abandon it. Under medical advice he went to Margate, where it was hoped that the strong air and his constitution would restore him to activity. He patiently waited till the end of 1910, when he returned to Oxford ; but it was of no avail ; he was soon compelled to go back to Margate. He was a prisoner on a spinal carriage, which made it almost impossible for him to handle specimens, and he had the mortification of knowing that his systematic work was to remain uncompleted. His ever active brain September 15th, 1912.

206 THE entomologist's record.

made intellectual lethargy impossible, and his energy found vent in a number of notes on general subjects that lie, alas, unfinished, as also the manuscript of a book upon Nature in Borneo, that he did not despair of completing. It is to be hoped that much of this posthumous work may yet see the light.

In 1908 he married Audrey Gurney Richardson, of Corfe Down Vicarage, Bath, but their happiness was quickly marred by his break- down. During the last two years at Margate it was the devotion of his wife and his intellectual vigour which kept him alive and sane through the monotony of suffering. He underwent several operations, but pain became more and more frequent, till it developed into almost unbroken agony, and though his end, when at last it came, was most distressing, his friends can but be glad that he is at rest.

Entomologists the world over will offer their most respectful and sincere sympathy to his widow ; but all will exclaim, " Oh, the pity of it ! "


At the April meeting of the Entomological Society of London a Committee was appointed to consider the question of Nomenclature, with a view to the coming International Congress. The following Fellows were chosen to form the Committee, with power to add to their number:— Mr. G. T. Bethune-Baker, Dr. T. A. Chapman, Messrs. J. H. Durrant, H. J. Turner, C. 0. Waterhouse, and Rev. G. Wheeler. Mr. L. B. Prout was afterwards co-opted. The Committee, which probably represented every divergent form of opinion on the subject, was nevertheless unanimous in drawing up the following report, which was adopted as a resolution by the Entomological Society of London at their Meeting on Wednesday, June 5th, 1912, for presenta- tion to the International Congress of Entomology in August.

" The present independent and irresponsible methods of giving and adopting names having resulted in much unnecessary synonymy, and even graver abuses, the Entomological Society of London feels that the time has arrived when some check should be placed upon the practice, of more weight than that which can be exercised by any single individual, society, or publication, and would urge upon the International Congress the establishment of a permanent International Committee to deal with questions of nomenclature as affecting Entomology ; to consider what elucidations, extensions or emendations, if any, are required in the International Code, and to confer with the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature. The Entomo- logical Society of London recommends that the International Entomo- logical Committee, when formed, shall take such action as to ensure the adequate representation of I'.ntomology on the International Zoological Commission. The Society also recommends that, consider- ing the difficulty of fi'e(]nent International meetings, the leading Entomological Society of each country be invited to appoint a Committee whose duty it shall l)e to deal with all questions arising in their own country, subject to reference to the International Committee; and suggests that the international Committee be composed of two, or three, members of each of the National Committees, elected either by the Committees, or directly by the electing Societies."


This Resolution was presented in due course at the International Congress with the results shown in our Reports from various contributors.

"Nomenclature," etc., at the Congress.

By G. T. BETHUNE-BAKER, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S. The second International Congress of Entomology has come and gone, and we believe that the universal verdict of all present will be that it was an unqualified success, both from the scientific as well as from the social point of view. The arrangements for the meetings and for recreation were all that could be desired, the only drawback being the fact that Zeus must have thought we were getting too god- like in our depth of knowledge and that therefore he would open the windows of heaven in an attempt to drown us ; fortunately Mother Earth came to the rescue of her sons and swallowed up the floods as they descended. The resolution of the Entomological Society of London and the paper by the Rev. G. Wheeler were taken with Monsieur Oberthur's and Mr. Prout's papers at the sectional meeting on the Tuesday afternoon, instead of in the morning of that day at the general meeting. The alteration was a wise one, for it focussed the more controversial aspects of Nomenclature into a definite point and all the advocates of the subject heard each other. The resolution from our London Society was referred to the Executive Committee to report on at the General Meeting. Mr. Wheeler's paper followed, but time forbad discussion on it, although afterwards several of our colleagues from across the water expressed themselves entirely sympathetic with many of the suggestions contained therein this being especially the case with the delegates from the other side of the Atlantic. Monsieur Charles Oberthur came next, on the subject he has made his own, " Pas de bonne figure <i I'appui d'une description, pas de nom valable." We fail to find words to describe the delightful oratory of our revered French " Father in Entomology." A page of notes (not long ones) lay before him but were rarely referred to as the eloquent scientist poured forth in most graceful and beautiful language the theme so dear to his heart. The speech (I might describe it with- out fear of dissent as the speech of the Congress) was a long one, but not a moment too long, as was shown by the long continued round of applause that greeted him as he resumed his seat. Mr. Prout's paper, read by the Rev. K. St. Aubyn Rogers, followed, taking the other side of the question, but when this was finished there was only time to discuss the Entomological Society's resolution with the result already stated. The discussion on the other papers was unfortunately cut short by that most rigid of all timekeepers the clock and no action was taken by the meeting ; this no doubt partly arose from the feeling that all matters of detail had better be left to the International Committee to deal with.

On the Thursday afternoon Monsieur Olivier presided over the second meeting devoted to " Nomenclature," the first paper being that by Dr. Horn of Berlin, a protest against making any exceptions to the law of Priority. Dr. Horn also spoke as a master of his subject and one wished one could follow him in the details of the matter, but one's knowledge of German, alas ! only enabled one to grasp the main

208 THE entomologist's record.

outline of the argument, with which the writer is almost entirely in accord. Capt. Kerremans' paper followed on the necessity of restraining varietal names and replacing them by a letter or number. We felt strongly with the speaker as to the need of restraining the naming of aberrations mere individual aberrations but we cannot see what object would be gained by cataloguing them with a letter of the alphabet or a number. If that method is to be admitted there is no reason why a name should be refused. From our point of view the need is to induce all editors of our magazines and Transactions to decline to accept a name of a mere occasional aberration. Monsieur Olivier then read his short paper on the " Necessity of the Latin tongue for Entomological De?criptions," and so closed a very interesting session.

The final word of the Congress on " Nomenclature " took place at the closing meeting on Friday afternoon when the Executive Committee reported their deliberations on the one Eesolution that had been referred to them, and it was a great satisfaction to learn that for all practical purposes they adopted our Entomological Society's suggestion, viz., that National Committees should be formed to assist the International Committee on Nomenclature for Entomology, and that these Committees should be formed by the different countries themselves. Some little discussion followed, during which the President of the London Society referred to some criticisms of his in certain secret places and was so good as to withdraw them all. One of the American delegates (we believe but we are not certain) also asked what would happen if the Entomological International Committee came into definite conflict with the Zoological Commission on Nomenclature. This seemed almost a " poser," but Dr. Jordan stood to his guns and expressed the opinion that in such a case the Entomological Committee would be able to, and would, stand alone, a reply which drew forth a round of applause. The report of the Executive Committee was then voted on and carried unanimously.

In the Bionomic and Mimicry Sections many interesting exhibits took place, but among them all Dr. Perkins' small box of Hawaian wasps was perhaps the most impressive. In these islands the primitive wasps were black, later on the yellow banded form came in anci became more or less dominant, with the result of evolving a yellow banded form among the indigenous species; this occurred in all the islands but one, situated far out in an isolated position. To this one island the yellow banded species also made their way, but have not become dominant, and the interesting result has been brought about that the indigenous black species have so influenced the younger yellow banded ones, that they are producing varieties that are entirely black on the dorsum.

Professor Wheeler's observations on the Acacia Ants of Central America were most instructive and elicited many queries from those present, whilst Mr. Donisthorpe's and I\Ir. Crawley's papers also gave one food for thought. On the last day Dr. Seitz read in English his experiments on the eye and how insects see the world. These experiments showed that he could attract butterflies with paper models, which he showed, together with a box of Antlunharis c/iaiionia, many of which had been caught toying with the coloured models that had been pinned on to a board ; this tended to show that the eye was the


paramount organ in this case. He had also conducted some experiments with ultra-violet rays, which seemed to indicate that these rays had a very strong effect on insect life. Time again prevented a discussion on this interesting theme, which certainly would otherwise have taken place. The concluding ceremony was a Banquet in Wadham Hall, and many interesting and more or less impromptu speeches were delivered after the toasts, the speech that took one by surprise most of all being the response to the health of the ladies and the science of entomology, Avhen Miss Rowland-Brown was called to her feet to perform this little duty. Needless to say a most graceful and entertaining speech fell from her lips, which quite charmed the assembled guests. The final day was spent at the Tring Museum by the kind invitation of the Hon. Walter Rothschild, and many will never forget the sight of the treasures there exhibited.

We mast not close without a word on the private cafe in the garden of the Warden of Wadham, which without doubt added very largely to the social success of the Congress ; most of the visitors partook of their luncheons and teas there, and it soon became the meeting place for all. It was a great pleasure to the writer to make the personal acquaintance of many entomologists from different parts of the world, with whom he had corresponded for years, and also with others whose names had been known for long. The memory of this Oxford Congress will not soon fade and will we hope be refreshed in 1915 at Vienna, under the presidency of the well known entomologist Dr. Antoine Handlirsch.

The Second International Congress of Entomology.

By Kev. G. WHEELER, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S. It would have been difficult to choose a more appropriate place than Oxford for an International Congress, or a more appropriate building for its meetings than the University Museum, containing as it does the Hope Department of Entomology, one of the finest, and probably the best arranged Insect collection in the world. The Colleges and other University Buildings too, are those most calculated in this Country to impress our foreign Visitors, and they cannot be said to have failed in this particular. Several of the Colleges had undertaken to put up members of the Congress, and others were ready to do so had more space been required. The large marquee put up in the private garden of the Warden of Wadham, w^ho had generously placed this delightful retreat at the disposal of the members, added greatly to their enjoyment and to the opportunities of social intercourse among them, for most of them availed themselves of this for lunch and tea, and many also for the evening hours. Indeed, it would hardly be too much to say that a larger proportion of the important work of the Congress was carried on informally in the tent, than officially in the Lecture-rooms at the Museum. Illness, now happily a thing of the past, prevented the attendance of the General Secretary, Dr. Malcolm Burr, till near the end of the Congress, but his place was most efficiently supplied by the Secretaries of the Reception Committee, Mr. Eltringham and Mr. Grosvenor, especially the former, whose work was invaluable, and Dr. Burr's Secretary, Mr. Loesch, though not himself an entomologist, also rendered great assistance.

210 THE entomologist's record.

The Congress opened informally with a meeting in New College Hall, at 8.30, on Sunday evening, August 4th, when badges and programmes were distributed and arrangements made known, old acquaintances renewed, and new ones made, and a general atmosphere of " feeling at homo " created. The formal opening took place at 10.80 on Monday morning, the President, Professor Poulton, being in the Chair, with Professor Horvath as Vice-Chairman, and Mr. Eltringham, as at the other General meetings, as Secretarj\ After welcoming the Congress the President gave a most interesting Address, illustrated by many drawers of specimens, tracing the mimetic changes of the 5 of Papilio dardanus across Africa, from Madagascar to the west coast. The Professor is singularly well placed for investigations of this kind, being in constant touch with Fellows of the Entomological Society of London, who, for various reasons, are settled across Africa, and who are working (entomologically speaking), under his direction. The Hon. N. C. Rothschild then read a paper on " National Reserves," urging the preservation in different parts of the Kingdom of suitable areas, in which the native flora and fauna may be preserved for the enjoyment of the student and the public. A society has been formed with this object, and its prospectus will be issued shortly.

In the afternoon there were two sectional meetings, one " Economic and Pathological," presided over by Dr. Howard, with Dr. Newstead as Vice-President and Mr. Scott as Secretary, at which Sir D. Morris read an important paper on behalf of Mr. W. A. Ballou, entitled " Some Entomological Problems in the West Indies," dealing with the attacks of insect pests on sugar-cane and cotton plants, and the control of certain insects by their natural enemies. Two other papers were read on behalf of Messrs. J. Dewitz and R. S. MacDougall, that by the latter author being entitled " Heteroptera and Thripida? as apple enemies." At the other sectional meeting on " Systematics and Distribution," as Mons. Oberthiir had not yet arrived, and the Vice- President, Dr. Sharp, could not be found, the Chair was taken by the Hon. N. C. Rothschild, the Rev. G. Wheeler being Secretary. Two papers were read, one, by Prof. Kolbe, on " The unequal Value of the Zoogeographical Elements in the different Zones of each Continent, as the Result of varying Geological Periods," the other, a short paper by Dr. Horn on " The Importance of Junk's Coleoptororum Catalogus."

The General Meeting on Tuesday morning, under the Presidency of Prof. A. Lameere, with Prof, van Bemmelen as Vice-President, was given up to a most interesting paper, illustrated by lantern slides, entitled " The Silk of Spiders and its Uses," dealing with the dift'erent forms of silk spun by spiders and the different uses to which they put them, by Prof. Comstock. This was followed by a meeting on " Evolution, Bionomics and Mimicry," with Herr Sjostedt in the Chair, Dr. Skinner as Vice-President, and Mr. Doncaster as Secretary, in which three papers, (or more correctly speaking addresses] were given, all illustrated by specimens, by Prof. Poulton, Dr. Perkins, and the Rev. K. St. Aubyn Rogers, their subjects being respectively : " Mr. Wiggins' and Dr. Carpenter's researches in Mimicry in the forest butterflies of Uganda," " The colour-groups of the Hawaiian Wasps," and " Mimicry in the two sexes of the East African Lycaenid Alaena picata."


In the afternoon there were two sectional meetings the clashing of which was somewhat unfortunate. At that on "Nomenclature" Prof. Poulton was presiding, the Vice-President being Dr. Kertesz, and Dr. Jordan acting as Secretary. The Resolution of the Entomological Society of London" was introduced by Mr. Bethune-Baker, and supported by the Rev. G. Wheeler in a paper of " Suggestions for securing simplification and permanency in Nomenclature." Mons. Oberthiir followed with a paper (not read, however, but most eloquently delivered without MS.) on the absence of a good figure invalidating a name, and the Rev. K. St. A, Rogers read Mr. Prout's paper on " The place of figures in Descriptive Entomology." On the proposal of Dr. Howard, seconded by Dr. Skinner, the Resolution of the Entomological Society was referred for consideration, and report at the General Meeting on Friday, to the Executive Committee of the Con- gress. Over the other section, "Morphology and Anatomy " Prof. Calvert presided, with Prof. Maijere as Vice-President and Mr. R. S. Bagnall as Secretary ; here Dr. Dixey gave a paper on " Scent-organs in the Lepidoptera," Prof. Carpenter on " The presence of Maxillulte in Beetle Larv.e," Dr. Hovrath on the " Construction of the Elytra of the Cicadides " and Fr. Navas, S.J., on " Some organs of the wings of Insects," the last paper, we hear, was illustrated, not only by the Lecturer, and an amicable contest took place on the black board, which ended in Fr. Navas being master of the field, owing to the collapse of the other draughtsman's chalk !

At Wednesday morning's General Meeting Prof. Comstock took the chair, the Hon. W. Rothschild being Vice-Chairman. Prof, van Bemmelen gave, in admirable English, a paper, illustrated by diagrams, on " The Phylogenetic significance of the Development of the Butterfly Wing," and Mr. Doncaster a paper on " Sex-limited inheritance in Insects," illustrated by series of Abraxas grossulariata, and Drosophila ampelophila. Much further investigation would seem desirable, since present appearances suggest the unexpected division of Humanity and Diptera on the one side against Birds and Lepidoptera on the other !

There were two sectional meetings, the one "Economic and Patho- logical," presided over by Herr Jablonowski, with Dr. Perkins in the Vice-Chair and Mr. Moulton as Secretary, at which the following important papers were read : " On the destruction of i^tauronotux viaroccaniin in Hungary," with lantern illustrations, and "On the destruction of Cochijlis and Kudemia in the vineyards," by Herr Jablonowski ; " The necessary investigation with relation to Insect and Fungus enemies of plants preliminary to Legislation," by Mr. A. G. L. Rogers, and Prof. Theobald's on "Aphides attacking cultivated Peas." The other sectional meeting on " Systematics and Distribu- tion " was held under the Presidency of Capt. Kerremans, Father Navas being Vice-President and Mr. Blair Secretary. At this the Rev. J. Waterston read a paper on " A new Scottish parasite on Pro- cellaria,'" the other papers having been withdrawn or transferred.

On Wednesday evening Mr. Neave's most interesting lecture, with beautiful lantern illustrations, on the " Travels of an Entomologist in Eastern Africa " was given, having been transferred from Thursday

* See page 206.

212 THE entomologist's record.

morning ; this followed the precedent of Tuesday evening to which Dr. .Jordan's papers " On the new sub-ordei Ari.renia," and " The Viviparity of Poh/ctenidae," had been transferred.

Consequent upon this arrangement it resulted that on Thursday morning at the General Meeting under Dr. Everts, with Dr. Hand- lirsch as his Vice-President, the only paper left to be read was that of the latter on " The Geographical Distribution of Insects in its relation to Phylogeny and Palaeontology," but an unannounced paper by Prof. Osborne on " Lake Shore Insects," was also given. After this there were three meetings occurring simultaneously, as the meeting on Tuesday even- ing had been adjourned. The other two were (1) on "Bionomics, Evolu- tion and Mimicry " and (2) on " Morphology." At the first, presided over by the Rev. F. D. Morice (President of the Entomological Society of London), with Prof. Wheeler of Harvard as Vice-President and Mr. Bethune-Baker as Secretary, two papers were read ; the first by Messrs. Donisthorpe and Crawley, " On the Founding of Colonies by Ants," was illustrated by several Observation Nests with their living inhabitants, and the second, by Prof. Wheeler, " Observations on the Central American Acacia Ants," by diagrams on the black-board. In the section devoted to " Morphology," where M. Bouvier presided, Dr. Speiser being Vice-President and Mr. Meade-Waldo Secretary, Papers were read on " The Devolution of Wing-structures as shown in the Blattidae" by Mr. Lowe, and on the "Regeneration of the legs in Liniantria dhpar," by Dr. Chapman,

In the afternoon two Sectional Meetings took place ; at that on " Nomenclature," in the absence of Dr. Dixey the chair was taken by the Vice-President, Dr. Olivier, Dr. Jordan acting as Secretary. Dr. Horn's paper, nominally a " Protest against the admission of exceptions to the Law of Priority," was really a protest against individual judgment in the matter; Capt. Kerremans' on "The necessity for restricting names given to varieties and for replacing them by letters or numerals," only considered the first of these points ; the other was a short paper from Dr. Olivier on " The necessity of the Latin tongue in Entomological Descriptions." Over the " Economic and Pathologic " section Dr. Gordon Hewitt presided. Dr. Ferrant being Vice-President and Mr. Rowland-Brown Secretary. Here an important paper was read Ijy Prof. Forbes on ^' Simuliinii and Pellagra in Illinois," the other being by Mr. Lowe called " How to kill that fly," which does not seem as yet to have been satisfactorily determined.

On Friday morning there was no General Meeting; the Sectional Meeting on " Evolution, Bionomics, and Mimicry," was under the Presidency of Prof. Kellogg, with M. Grouvelle as Vice-President, and Mr. Hamilton Drucc as Secretary, that on " Systematics " under Prof. Banks, Dr. Von Schulthess being Vice-President, and Mr. Collin Secretary. At the first two papers were read', one on " The polymorphism of Papilio /loli/tes," by Prof. Punnett on behalf of Mr. Fryer, the other by Prof. Poulton on behalf of Mr. Swynnerton on " Pellets ejected by insect-eating birds after a meal of butterflies." This meeting ended with an exhibition of lantern slides by Mr. Hamm of "Insects in resting attitudes in their natural surroundings," from photographs taken by himself, which were in every way beyond praise. At the other meeting Baron von Rosen gave a paper on " Fossil Termites," Dr. Speiser, two papers on *' The Geographical Distribution

THE SEASON 1912. 213

of some blood-suckin» Insects," and " The Geographical Variation of African Bombylidae,'' Prof. Calvert on " Progress of Knowledge of the Odonata fit)m 1895 to 1912," and Mr. Bagnall on "The Order Thysanoptera," " The British Fiotiira," and " A synopsis of the Family Aeolothripidae,'" together with exhibitions of new British TIn/sanura, Cnllemhola, Thysanoptera, MallopluKja, and Miiriapoda, and of Hawaiian Thysanoptera. These were the last Sectional Meetings, and in the afternoon Prof. Poulton presided, with Prof. Kolbe as Vice- President, over the last General Meeting, at which two papers were read ; the first was given, in English, by Dr. Seitz, on " The Sight of Butterflies," and was an excellent example of the humour with which a scientific investigation may be treated, enhancing, and not decreasing, its value, the other was by Prof. Kellogg on "Distribution and Species- forming among Ectoparasites." After this. General Business was taken in hand. Invitations for the Congress of 1915 had been received from America, from the American Association of Economic "Entomo- logists, and from the Entomological Society of America, but it was thought best to have one more meeting in Europe before crossing the Atlantic, and the invitation of Vienna was accepted. Prof. Handlirsch being elected President. Dr. Jordan, Secretary of the Executive Com- mittee presented his Report, which embodied the greater part of the Entomological Society's Resolution in a series of short Resolutions, which were all adopted, and the President then closed a most success- ful Congress with an Address of thanks and farewell.

It is impossible to give in a magazine article more than the merest outline of the proceedings of such a Congress as this, and the discussions on the papers often the most important and useful part have not even been touched upon. Nor, in this paper, has any attempt been made to enlarge upon the Social and lighter side of the assembly ; yet this is by no means without its value, both internationally and individually. As a very well-known German entomologist observed to the writer ; " You have certainly shown us how friendly Entomologists can be together, now ire can hardly get two together without their quarrelling." This was no doubt a facon de purler, but it may be taken as showing one useful object-lesson that the Congress provided. Even in the discussions on the thorny subject of Nomenclature there were no " wigs on the green," and certainly the more quietly and amicably thorny questions are discussed the more liklihood there is of an (com- paratively) early settlement. In the present case the International Committee on this subject has actually been nominated, and is composed as follows: Nathan Banks (U.S.A.), C. J. Gahan (Gt. Britain), F. Ris (Switzerland), K. Kertesz (Hungary), S. Schenkling (Germany), Y. Sjostedt (Sweden), H. Schouteden (Belgium) and Dr. Karl Jordan as Honorary Secretary.

The Season 1912.

By T. H. L. GROSVENOE. In writing a few notes on the current season, from an entomologi- cal point of view, one cannot help thinking, that in many respects, it is as remarkable, or perhaps more remarkable, than that annus mirabilis (meteorologically) 1911. In the latter year the unusual abundance of Rumicia phlaeas was, to my mind, the outstanding

214 THE entomologist's record.

feature, closely followed by the prevalence of variation in the majority of species in the lihopalocera. In addition the migratory species were very few and far between, riz., a few odd ( 'altas hyale tow&rds the end of August and the beginning of September, and a few C. edusa, which was much the rarer species of the two during the first fortnight of October. Another strong characteristic was the third emergence of those species that produce in a normal season second, or partial second emergences, the characteristic of such third emergences of those species that are subject to seasonal dimorphism being, that the imagines produced were practically identical with those of the typical second emergence.

After such a hot dry season as 1911, one would have expected to see some eft'ect on the progeny in the following year, but this from my own observation only, is apparently not the case ; for during the whole of my entomological experience I have never known a season so devoid of anything even tending to variation. The only instance that has shown the slightest effect of last season's drought was in the first emergence of Pieris napi, which this year was very scarce. Practically ever}' example examined was very considerably undersized. The cause of this is perhaps not difficult to discover. This species feeding in its larval state on various ('ruci ferae, had to undergo partial starvation last autumn, for the majority of the food plants of the species being biennials, the heat caused the rapid ripening of the fruit, and consequent withering of the leaves. I noted last year several of the larviB of /'. najii feeding, or more correctly trying to feed, on the nearly ripe seed pods of Alliaria, the leaves of which were quite brown and dry. I experienced a considerable difficulty m providing food for the 4,000 to 5,000 larvse of this species which I had, and the resulting imagines all tended, but in a lesser degree than the wild specimens, to be considerably smaller than typical.

The season of 1912 commenced in a most promising fashion, many insects appearing at least a month earlier than normal. On March 31st I saw the first Celastrina artfiolits, and from this date onward it was in fair numbers. On April 5th a male P. napi was seen at rest on a bloom of Arahis, and on the following day P. rapae was seen in fair numbers. Although this was the earliest date on which I saw the species, my brother saw one on March 16th. By April 25th the Pierids and ('. ari/iolns were fully out, but with the exception of the latter, very scarce for such generally common insects. On this date I first noted Kuchlo'e cardamines, a female ; but here again I was late, as a Reigate entomologist informed me that he saw a male during the first week in April. On May Gth I visited Tilgate Forest, and found Brenthis euphrosi/ne fully out ; even at this early date it had evidently been out several days as a few males were beginning to get wasted. This species was far more abundant than I have ever before seen it in Tilgate ; during the afternoon in question, which was very dull after a bright morning, the imagines were most conspicuous sitting on the dried bracken, the females being generally far better hidden than the males. I was enabled to examine over 500 without chloroforming them, but in common with every species I have worked this season there was no tendency to variation, except that there was a far greater percentage (at least 20%) of the lightly marked males. After this date I paid several visits to the Forest for B. eiiphrosyne, which continued

THE SEASON 1912, 215

in fair condition until May 27th, but without finding any trace of variation. Although B. eitphrosijnc put in an appearance so early, B. selenc did not commence to emerge until an unusually late date, viz., June 3rd, and was rather less common at Tilgate than usual. I visited the locality several times and examined some hundreds but with the same result as with B. cuphrosi/ne, variation nil.

The first week in July produced Pi/raweis cardui in the greatest profusion, all in a most advanced state of senile decay, in many instances it was wonderful how the insect could manage to fly. Whilst cycling between Horley and Balcombe, a distance of about nine miles, I counted no less than 63, together with fair numbers of Vanesssa id and P. atalanta, but A(/lois Krticae was conspicuous by its absence, indeed I have only seen three imagines during the whole season. Although P. carditi was so abundant it has apparently failed to breed in this part of the country, as I have only seen a single freshly emerged imago, but V. io and P. atalanta, which were much scarcer earlier in the year, are to be met with in considerable numbers.

Having heard that ('alias edusa had appeared, I made an excursion to Guildford in the hopes of getting a female, as I had previously noted several extensive clover and lucerne fields in the neighbourhood. During the day I saw and netted six males, which I liberated in a field nearer home. I also saw a seventh specimen, a female, which, of course, I failed to net. Between early June and mid-July I was continually seeing odd males, and on July 17th I netted a female, which laid 22 infertile ova. On July 18th I netted a male 50 recently emerged that it was unable to fly properly. Since this date I have seen about two dozen, and have taken three females in very worn con- dition whose ova, like those of the first, proved to be infertile. On July 25th commenced the second emergence of C. aniiolns, and I have never previously seen this species in such abundance. It occurred in hundreds on the Reigate Hills flying round and settling on bramble and clematis blooms. As regards the Lycaenids Ai/riades thetis, A. coridon, and Polyomniatus icariis, the same remarks apply as to the species previously mentioned, viz., variation practically nil. Even of such common aberrational forms as ab. arciiata, ab. icarinus, etc., I have not seen a single example ; and my old favourite Coennnijniplia pamphilna, which has previously always well repaid a thorough investigation, has entirely failed me this year, and although I have examined many hundreds during the season, I have not had to add a single specimen to my series.

Although I have given more time than usual to other families of the Lepidoptera, my knowledge of them is so rudimentary, that I will refrain from mentioning them, with the exception of the Sesiids and Anthrocerids, about which my remarks may be summed up in a few words. Aeijeria andrenaefornm appeared to be very scarce, as far as Surrey is concerned, for I only managed to find a single boring. The larvfe of .E. apheciformia were more abundant, but after finding- fifteen, I only managed to breed a single male on May 19th, surely a most unusual date. All the remaining sticks contained full fed larvse, but they had gone mouldy. Mr. A. Tonge, who accompanied me several times in search of this species, and obtained about the same number, failed to breed a single specimen, and one of the Forest keepers, who generally finds and breeds a fair number, complained of

216 THE entomologist's record.

the same occurrence. .-7','. culici/onnis and .K. ci/nipiforinis were both fairly abundant, the latter commencing to emerge in a wild state on May 18th, although at the same time there were pupre and small larvcT. These species continued to emerge at intervals, the last appearing on July 30th. The emergence was thus spread over a period of nearly 11 weeks. Whereas .TL ctilicifonnia appears to make an almost simultaneous appearance in the wild state, and is most regular in emerging (I have always fo'xnd the empty cases within a day or two of May 17th), in captivity the emergence is rather more protracted, generally spreading over a period of about a fortnight.

The Anthrocerids, which I always work thoroughly, have been very scarce in each of the several localities visited. Antlnoccra trifnlii was perhaps the most abundant, A. hipporrefiiilis entirely failed to put in an appearance, and A. fdipendidae has been most remarkably scarce on the North Downs, for I have not noticed more than half-a-doxen imagines. The pupte of this last were slightly more abundant, but were attacked again this year in a manner that I have not observed since 1909. I refer to the cocoons having the lower end roughly torn off and the pupa extracted, and although having given considerable time to trying to find the cause of this, I am as far from finding the solution as when I started. From all appearances it cannot be mice, as the cocoons are generally high up on a dried grass culm, and the strength of this is such that it will not stand the strain of even such a small weight as a mouse without a fracture. From experiment I found that a weight of considerably under one ounce will cause the stem to bend in such a manner that it will not subsequently recover its vertical position. For the same reason one must exonerate birds ; even supposing the culm would stand the weight without breaking, one would expect to see the stem bend to the ground, and find the top of the cocoon destroyed, as being nearest to the ground, whereas it is extremely difficult to find a culm with a destroyed cocoon other than in a vertical position, and even when one is found, it can usually be traced to human agency. I should be very glad to hear if any entomologist can give a solution to a problem that has often exercised my mind.

To sum up, it appears to me that a very hot summer does not tend to produce the same amount of variation in the following summer as a wet season does. To take the last four years ; the 1908 average summer produced, in 1909, an average amount of variation, not very obvious, but average working at a species would produce fair results. The 1909-10 wet and cold summer produced considerable variation in 1910 and 1911 ; this was especially noticeable in the latter. 1911 had a record summer as regards drought and heat, with 1912 variation practically nil. I may be premature in making this statement, but it has always been a theory which seemed probable, that variation fluctuates according to the climatic conditions to which the insects are exposed during the early part of their existence.

In conclusion I can only say that 1912 has been most disappointing so far as variation is concerned, although I have given considerable attention to my favourite species. I will give the season justice, however, by saying that perhaps I have not given entomology the full benefit of spare time at my disposal, as the scheme for preserving Colley Hill as an open space took up some of it. It has been prin-



cipally night work that has suffered, as this work was done by- burning the midnight oil, the Rhopalocera would not be greatly neglected.

As the Colley Hill (perhaps better known as Reigate Hill) scheme has been warmly supported by entomologists, I may be pardoned for introducing the subject. I am pleased to be in a position to state that this favourite hunting ground of London entomologists has been secured by the National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, but unfortunately there still remains a debt of £700. Another feature of 1912 is that the same body have taken control, under the bequest of the late Mr. G. H. Verrall, of 239 acres of Wicken Fen. Owing to the heavy succession duties payable on the bequest the Trust felt some difficulty about assuming the guardianship of the property. However, through the generosity of an anonymous donor (whom one suspects to be an entomologist) they have been able to accept the gift, by means of which they will have the control of the greater part of this happy hunting ground (about 250 acres), and as it is their ambition to keep all property under their control in its natural condition, one cannot but think that the National Trust should have the good wishes, or more substantial support of all field workers. Long may Colley Hill, Wicken Fen, and the other properties of the National Trust continue to give pleasure and increase of knowledge to the fraternity of the green net.

Cosmopolitan Cockroaches.

By the late K. 8HELF0RD, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S. It is not always an easy matter to determine the centre of origin of any given species Avhich has spread over the greater part of the globe. If a species is found all over the world in a more or less domesticated state, but exists in a feral condition in a limited area the matter is simple enough. But the cosmopolitan cockroaches are such very domesticated insects, that throughout the entire area of their distribution they are found, for the most part, only in association with man and his works, houses, ships, factories, plantations, etc. If it should happen that any of these domesticated species exist outside the radius of man's influence in a truly feral condition in neigbouring jungle or forest, it is rather an open question whether or no the species is truly indigenous to that area. On the other hand, if the non- domesticated congeners of a domesticated species occur in a given area, let us say, the Ethiopian region, it is quite reasonable to suppose that the domesticated species originated in the same region as its feral congeners. An overwhelming abundance of a species in any given area is often strong presumptive evidence that the species is not indigenous to that area. This, at first sight may appear paradoxical, but a moment's reflection supplies the explanation ; the natural enemies of the abundant species were not imported with it. The occurrence of the rabbit in Australia and of ]'asser inontaiiiis in Singapore are two cases in point, out of several others. With these preliminary remarks let us pass on to a discussion of our cosmopolitan cockroaches.

The truly cosmopolitan species are :

Blattella yermanica, L. (Sub-fam. Pseudomopinae.)

218 THE entomologist's record.

r, 1 . . / r^ 1 I (bub-fam. Blattmae.) Henplaneta australasiae, rab. I ^ '

Rhiparobia maderae, Fab. ] /a i r /, ; » \

r, "^^ , . T (bub-fam. Panchlorinae.)

t-'i/ciioscelus surniamensis, Ju.J ^ '

but the following have an extremely wide distribution and will also be

considered : '•■

Supella sapellectilinm, Serv. (Sub-fam. Pseiidomopinae.)

Xeo.ftylopi/ya rho»ibi folia, Stoll. ]

Blatta orientalis, L. - (Sub-iam. Blattinae.)

Periplaneta brnnnea, Burm. (truncata, Kr.)j

Xauplioeta cinerea, Oliv. (Sub-fam. Panchlorinae.)

Enthijrrhapha pacifica, Coq. (Sub-fam. ( 'orijdiinae.)

All of the above, with the exception of IJ. orientali!>, L., are

essentially tropical insects, occasionally ranging into temperate zones

but unable apparently to establish themselves permanently there.

[*' These posthumous papers of my old friend are rough notes

drafted during his long illness, in preparation of some essays on

various interesting subjects in which he was eminently qualified to

write. Though rough and incomplete, I cannot help thinking that

these are worth publishing, as they are useful and interesting in

themselves. M. B."l

Anergates atratulus, Schenk., a British Ant, and tlie acceptance of a $ by Tetramorium caespitum, L

By W. C. CRAWLEY, B.A., F.E.S.

On July 23rd of this year my friend Mr. Donistborp'e and I were collecting ants in the New Forest near Lyndhurst, where Tetrainoritdii caespitiDii is abundant, Avhen I was attracted by the large size and deep black colour of some ^ s ol Tetrainorimn that were coming out of some galleries on the side of a small mound. On removing the earth covering these galleries 1 found numbers of a small black winged 5 ant among the Tetrataoriam. Mr. Donisthorpe then coming up, we carefully excavated the nest, which nowhere descended more than two or three inches into the sandy soil. The colony consisted of an obese queen, 20-30 winged J s, and three (? s of Anerijates atratulus, with a fair number (several hundreds) of -Tetramurinm caespitani ^ s. The only pupa? and larv.e were those of Anen/atcs, and there were, of course, no J s or $ s of Tetrainorinin. I established this colony in a terra-cotta Janet nest, where it is doing well. The queen lays an enormous quantity of eggs, most of which are devoured by the ? s, the Anenjatcs queen thus being an important source of food-supply. The Tetramorium ^ s readily received and hatched out strange larvte and pupa' of their own species.

This curious parasitic ant, with an apterous pupoid J a»d no ^ caste, now established as British, was first discovered by Schenk, at Weilburg in 1852. C. W. Dale in 1897, speaking of T. caespitum, mentions Anen^ates atratiila, Sch., as occurring with it, and says it is

Kirby in his Syvonyinic Catalogue of the Orthoptera, vol. i., quotes a wide distribution for Isclnioptera rufcscoi.t, Beiiuv., to which name he appends numerous synonyms. I am by no means satisfied that this synonymy can be estabhshed entirely, and until that is done the exact geographical distribution of the species remains in doubt. I therefore omit all further reference to it.


the ant standing in Curtis' guide as Myrmica maciilipes, Curt., which was taken by his father at Charmouth in 1835 {i.e., 17 years before its description by Schenk). No trace, however, of this ant can be found, this synonomy being given neither in Forel, Smith, nor Dalla Torre, and the matter therefore must be considered as very doubtful.

As the S of Aner<jates is apterous and can only walk with difficulty, mating (which I have repeatedly observed) must necessarily take place inside the nest, and assume the form of adelphogamy. In my nest the ? s removed their wings soon after copulation and made no attempt to leave the nest. In every case also each dealated 5 seized a Tetrainonuni ^ by the antenna, and kept hold for hours and sometimes days. In nature this would probably have occurred outside a strange nest to which the ? was trying to gain admission, and may have for its object the acquisition of the odour of the Tetrainorinin, or may cause the strange ^ s to drag her more readily into their nest. Neither of these explanations seems quite satisfactory however.

It is important here to emphasise the complete adoption of a newly fertilised Anen/ates 2 as queen by a large colony of 7'. caespitiim (recorded elsewhere), as it solves the problem of the elimination of the host 2 !^- In this case the Tetramorinm killed off all their own ^ s and 5 s, including two dealated $ s, two days after accepting the Ancn/ates. The latter is now distended to about half the size she should eventually reach. I am inclined to think that a similar slaughter takes place in colonies with queens of Ladus niijer and L. alienus, after the accept- ance of the parasitic 2 s of Lasius iiinbratus and L. niLvtus. Mr. Donisthorpe has repeatedly expressed his opinion that Anertjates would be found in Britain, and last year we actually made a special visit to Whitsand Bay, where Tetianiorium abounds, in the hope of discovering it. Our search, however, was very much hampered by the extreme drought, which caused the ants to retire deep into the earth.

The 3 of the British Anert/ates possesses no strigil, and therefore corresponds to the form found in Holland rather than to that found further south. The 2 , one of which I sent to Forel, is the typical A. atratitlus.


Collecting Notes 1912. I had the pleasure of taking I'ho.vuiiteri/x npvpana in a wood near here on May 19th, after havmg worked for it for some years. At Hailsham, on June 6th, at the entrance to a wood where BnuiKiii jlexuosum (the common earth-nut now known as Cono- podium denudatmii. H. •). T.) is the the commonest flowering plant, Odezia atrata was plentiful. Adscita statices, too, in lovely condition, was found in an open space in the same wood. The specimens netted included the blue-green type form. 1 visited Hindhead Common on June lOfch, a very unfavourable day, and found it difficult to get any- thing to Hy. The only moth at all interesting to me was J'/io.roptcn/.r {Ancluflopera) iin/rtillana one or two examples of which I knocked out of the \'(icci)iiinii. I was at Lyndhurst for a few days in the middle oi June but had a disappointing time. Rliyaciona {Lietinia) pinivorana, and L'oleophora ahenella, as also larvfe of Sarrothripa nndulamix {revayana) occurred. There was very little butterfly life. I did see

220 THE entomologist's record.

and take one male Dnjas paphia on June 16th a rather early date. Paran/e aef/eria was not uncommon, and a few Brenthis selene and Pleheins ar(ius were also observed. At Hailing, on July 13th, I found Phu.mpteri/.v cnmptana abundant, Coleophora onoxmella, C. niveicostella, FAachista mai/nificcUa, and lUth\jia aennruhella. At the same place on July 21st I found Gelechia seqnax, Peronea aspersana, in plenty, (hluutia dentalia and Sericoris riviilana [conchana). Sesia (Macrof/loasa) stellotantin was at flowers of Viper's Bugloss, but was off like a flash, and Colias cditm was seen but was too wary to allow of my getting within striking distance. An unexpected visitor in the shape of Diari/rtria abietella turned up here (Southend) at our electric light on July 17th. Just now I am getting a few larvfe of Tortrix jironubana and of Corisciinn cuculipennrUKni on privet in this neighbourhood. F. G. Whittle, 7, Marine Avenue, Southend. Ain/itst. litli.

Notes from the Broads, 1912.— I spent from July 22nd to 27th near Stalham, Norfolk, and had very fair weather and sport. This was my third visit in successive seasons to the same place, and I succeeded this year in timing my visit so as to get Lencania hrevilinea in good condition, they were, however, not so common as last year. I also took three Lit/tosia (Pelosia) vntacerda round the same small clump of sallows, alders, etc., that has produced it each year ; this must be a very retiring and local insect, or else it is that I do not work for it in the right way, but my record '• bag" for one evening is two ! Other captures included Ayrotis obelisca and A. niiiricans at honeydew on sallow leaves, also Apainea {Helotroplia) leiicostit/ina, while Cornohia rtifa, Calamia phrafiniitidix, Niidaria neiie.r, FAt/iosia (jriaenla with the var. liava {strainhwolo), Kinonc ajiiciaria and Acidalia iinnnitata were common at dusk. Lencania Htraiuinea seemed to be over, only a few worn females being noted, and the same remark applies to Hi/drelia iiuciila and Senta iiiaritinia. I took, however, one very fair ab. bipunctata of the latter species. I rather regret that I did not try sugar, but it would have meant applying it to reeds, leaves, etc., which is a messy job, and often a failure. My plan was to row out in the evening to a spot on Stalham Dyke sacred to musverda and breriiinea, work there till 9.30 or so, and then return and try light on the balcony of the cottage, which overlooks a fine expanse of marsh- land. The results of this illumination were most disappointing, though we had several supposedly perfect nights. The best of the insects that did come were one Kntrkha ijnercifolia, one Apainea ophiorirainnia, and a few P/iraiiinatabia fali(jinusa, Avhile />. (jriseola, L. liiridcola, and common Gcometrae like Peliin/a couiitata, Abraxas (irons alar lata, etc., Avere only fairly numerous. A few worn pAipithecia snbnotata also came. Carrying the sheet (on poles), lamps, etc., with much labour out to the afore-mentioned spot at Stalham Dyke was attended by no greater success. A few J "drinkers" and one L. hrevilinea bcmg all that turned up by 11.30 p.m. on the night I tried it. By day I found larva' of Papilin inarhami in abundance, locally, of all sizes from full-fed downwards, and a few of the largest are now spinning up in my cages. Larva? of Nonaiiria vannae and A', ti/phae were also common, with a few pup;v of the same species. With regard to .V. vannae the authorities generally mention the two species oiTi/p/ia as the chief foodplant, in fact Newman and Barrett mention Tiipha alone, but my experience has been that it generally inhabits Scirpu.s


lacHstris, the only other plant in which I have found it being Sparyaniiun ramosum, while I have never found anything but N. typhae in stems of Tijplm. In any case I can strongly recommend the Scirpun to anyone working for cannae, and when working for it to cut the stems as low as possible under water, especially if the weather is hot, as the larvae often go down far below the waterline, almost to the roots of the reed. Until I discovered this habit I used to cut just on the waterline, where I saw holes, and must have missed many larvae. (Capt.) C. a. Cardew, 50, Melbury Gardens, Wimbledon. Awjust 6th.



When near Hailsham, in the middle of May last, I noticed the very fine condition of many plants of the common weed. Shepherd's Purse. Many of them were over a foot high and free from the usual road dust. Euchlo'e cardamines was abundant, and I was surprised one morning to see a female butterfly walking over a Shepherd's Purse and laying her eggs on a plant growing just at my feet. My brother, H. Leonard Sich, already had larvae on the same species of plant and when, in one of the lanes, we gathered a fresh supply, he found eggs had also been laid on the pieces he had gathered. Most of the eggs I have previously found were deposited on Alliaria oificinalis, and I never remember reading of C. bitrsa-pastoris as a food-plant of E. cardamines. Alfred Sich, (F.E.S.), Chiswick. Auymt 27th, 1912.


The final portion of the Collection of the late J. W. Tutt will be sold at Steven's sale rooms, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, on September 24th, 1912. It comprises the sections which were under- going re-arrangement at the time of Mr. Tutt's death. The whole of the Sphingids, the Bombyces, the Nolidae and the Anthrocerids had been largely arranged in accordance with the text of "British Lepidoptera." There are also long series of many Continental species of the Lithosiidae, AntJiroceridae, Pterophuridae, etc.

The Editorial Staff of our Magazine seem to have been well to the fore at the International Congress at Oxford. Dr. Burr was General Secretary to the Congress. Messrs. Bagnall, Bethune-Baker, J. E. Collin and G. Wheeler acted as Secretaries to some of the sectional meetings. Mr. Bagnall, Dr. Chapman, Mr. Donisthorpe and Rev. G. Wheeler read papers. Mr. Bethune-Baker introduced the Resolution on Nomenclature, on behalf of the Entomological Society of London, and Mr. Sich took part in the discussions.

Volume II. of the Transactions of the Carlisle Natural History Society has just come to hand, and we are pleased to see that what was said in the notice of the previous volume can be repeated, viz., " That the Carlisle Natural History Society is to be congratulated on the issue .... and deserves praise not only for the excellence of the contents, but for the first-class style and get-up of the part as a whole, the printing being exceptionally well done." The contents of the present volume are comprised in 256 pages, of which 146 pages are devoted to (1) The Lepidoptera of Cumberland, Part II. (Moths),

222 THE entomologist's record.

by our old friend Geo. B. Routledge, t'.E.S., and (2) The Coleoptera of Cumberland, Part II., by our old correspondent, Frank II. Day, F.E.S. Both these contributions are continuations of what was begun in the previous volume in 1909, and comprise not only the results of many years' personal work, but a summary of all records hitherto published, as well as many items of general biological interest. Mr. H. Britten, F.E.S. , contributes an article on the " Spiders of Cumberland," and T. S. Johnstone one on " Plant Life around Carlisle," while a very sympatLetic memoir of the late Rev. H. A. Macphcrson, M.B.O.U., who by his enthusiasm for Natural History helped to place this Society in the forefront of local organisations, is added by Linnteus E. Hope.

We hear that our old contributor, T. Bainbrigge-Fletcher, who for some time has been Officiating Imperial Entomologist at Pusa, under the Agricultural Department of India, in place of Professor H. Maxwell-Lefroy, who has been away on leave, has recently been trans- ferred to Coimbatore as Entomologist to the Government of Madras, and Professor of Entomology in the Agricultural College and Research Institute.

We also hear that Professor Maxwell-Lefroy has been offered and has accepted a post of Professor of Entomology in England, and will be leaving India at the end of the present year. This will presumablv mean a return of Professor Bainbrigge-Fletcher, to Pusa, as Imperial Entomologist, a post to which his conspicuous ability and experience recommend him.

Many insects, which we in this country look upon with much toler- ance and which only at intervals are inimical to our agriculturists, when transferred to other climes where their struggle for existence is an easy one and where the balance is strongly in their favour, become a very serious item for economical consideration. Of such are Pieris brassicae, (j-alleria mellonella and Calandraorijzae. All these three British insects find a congenial clime in India and multiply apace to such an extent as often to be a serious menace to the crops of the needy native agriculturists. The authorities of the government of India have long tried to cope with the insect trouble, and numerous colleges and experimental stations have been established, with the object of disseminating knowledge of the life-historits of the various pests, and to suggest adequate means of attacking these minute enemies at the most vulnerable period of their existence. We have just received some half a dozen pamphlets from the pen of Professor Bainbrigge-Fletcher, reprinted from the Agricultural Journal of India. (1) " The Cabbage- white Butterfly {Pii'ris hramcac)," (2) " The Wax-moth {GalUria ludlonclla) " and (3) " The Rice Weevil {i\tllandraorijzae) " treat of these three insects in detail as to their life-history and give various methods of dealing with them in bulk. The pamphlets are illustrated by very well executed coloured plates. Two other pamphlets deal with (1) " The Moth-borer {Chilo Hiw/dex)," one of the smaller moths, the larvte of which bore into the living stems of the sugar-cane, maize, eic, and often cause enormous damage ; (2) " The Cane and Rice Grasshopper {IJin-o'jli/iiliiiti banian)," which in its young stage feeds on the tender shoots of the young growth of millet, sugar-cane, rice, etc. ; and [S) "The Potato-moth [I'thoriinaea [Lita) opcrcnlclla {nolanella) ] ," which appears to be a recent arrival in India, although only too well



known in America, some parts of Europe, and Australia. The contents of all these publications intimate, that it is now well recognised, that only by a thorough detailed knowledge of the life-history of the posts is it at all j)ossible to work out adequate methods of dealing with and controlling their depredations with a minimum of loss of the crops concerned.

In the Bulletin of the State TlniverHitij of loira is an account of " Some Recent Collections of Fossil Coleoptera from the Miocene Shales of Florissant," by H. F. Wickham. The district of Florissant is quite a historic locality for the discovery of so many examples of the invertebrates of an earlier age. Professor T. D. A. Cockerell, who long ago was an active member in the South London Entomological and Natural History Society, has during the past five or six years organised parties of exploration for the express purpose of getting fresh material. These efforts have been so far successful that this preliminary report has been written describing and figuring a number of new forms, and an intimation is given that the United States Museum have in hand a detailed and comprehensive report upon the whole of the coleopterous material from the Florissant area in their collections.

In the last part of the Verhanillun(jen der k.k. zoo. hot. Getiell. in Wieu, in the report of the meeting on January 12th, Dr. Rebel describes a new species of Coleop/iora, 0. meridionella. The new species comes nearer C. tro(flo(h/tella, and was bred from cases found in Dalmatia, 1893, and near Riva in 1911. Subsequently Dr. Rebel has detected several in the " Mann " collection in the Hofmuseum under the name therinella, Tengstr.


The Entomological Society of London. May l.sf, 1912. The Rev. E. Adrian Woodruffe-Peacock, F.L.S., F.G.S., Cadney Vicarage, Brigg, Lincolnshire, was elected a Fellow of the Society. Aberkations in Aglais urticae, var. ichnusa. Mr. A. H. Jones exhibited three examples of Aylah urticae, var. ichnni^a, showing the absence of scales in the centre of the wings, where the central spots are present in the type. Variation in Euchloe damone.^ Mr. Jones also exhibited examples of Euchloe dawone, from Asia Minor and Sicily, showing difference in the depth of colour of the transverse black streak on forewings, and in the tone of colour of undersides. A very scarce Egyptian Pierid. Dr. G. B. Longstaff exhibited a series of twelve specimens (five males and seven females) of the rare white butterfly, Pinacopteri/x do.vo. Scarce Coleophorids. Mr. Alfred Sich exhibited two specimens, with their cases, of Coleophora tritjeuiinella, Fuchs, and one specimen of C. badiipeuneUa, Dup., with its case for comparison. Brazilian Ithomiines. Mr. W. J. K&je exhibited three small groups of Ithomiine butterflies that had been taken by himself in S. Brazil. New Mimacr.eas. -Mr. Hamilton H. Druce exhibited J and $ of the new Miuiacraea eltriufihanii, captured by Mr. S. A. Neave in the Bugoma Forest, Unyoro, Uganda, and another new Miwacraea which he proposed to name costle>/i, after its discoverer Mr. Costley White at Mlanji, Nyassaland, which appeared to be allied to M. marshalU, Trimen, a specimen of which was also shown for comparison, Mr. S.

224 THE entomologist's record.

A. Neave described the capture of these specimens. This species in common with several others flics very high, and he said it was often necessary to employ small native boys perched at the tops of the trees and armed with nets. Butterflies from British Honduras and Guatemala. Mr. A. E. Gibbs exhibited a drawer of butterflies from these localities recently received from Dr. Davis, of Belize. A scarce Plecopteron. Mr. G. T. Porritt exhibited specimens of Nemnnra duhitans, Morton, taken by Colonel Nurse at West Stow, Suffolk, in June last, and for comparison specimens of Nonoura incnm^piciia, Pict., from Aviemore. Life History of Nonagria nexa. Mr. H. M. Edelsten, exhibited stems of Care.v riparia (received from the Hon. N. C. Rothschild from Berlin) to illustrate the life history of Nonagria nc.ra, Hb. A scarce Thrips. Mr. C. B. Williams exhibited a specimen of the male Menalothrip^ nohilh, Bagnall, from Wicken Fen, taken April 11th, 1912. This is the largest European species and, since first taken by Dr. Sharp in 1894, has not been recorded. East African Tabanid^e, with many hitherto unknown Males. Mr. S. A. Neave exhibited some of the Tahanidae collected during his recent tour in East Africa, on behalf of the Entomological Research Committee of the Colonial Office. He called attention to the male individuals exhibited, and expressed the opinion that their rarity in collections was perhaps due to the fact that they were short-lived. Mr. G. A. K. Marshall observed that probably many of the Fellows present would hardly realise the importance of Mr. Neave's exhibit. Even amongst the English Tahanidae by no means all the males were known, and this sex was hitherto unknown in the large majority of the species then exhibited. A Cluster of Ova of Gonepteryx rhamni. Mr. R. M. Prideaux brought for exhibition seventeen ova of 6^. rlmmni found at Brasted Chart, on April 28th, on a shoot of Bhamnint fran<mla. Mimicry in the Tropics chiefly characteristic of Forest Areas. Professor Poulton said that he had long been struck, especia.]ly in the collections of butterflies received from Uganda and British East Africa, with the immense development of mimicry in Lepidoptera from the forest as compared with the open country. He read notes bearing on this point from Messrs. C. A. Wiggins, F. J. Jackson and C. F. M. Swynnerton. Mr. S. A. Neave said that he had recently had an interesting experience of insectivorous birds, near Entebbe. On January 12th, 1912, at Gabunga's, near Entebbe, he had watched a wagtail, most probably Motacilla capcnsis, catching butterflies on a small patch of damp sand in the bed of a forest stream. The bird was so tame that he stood within 3 or 4 yards of it. In less than balf-an-hour this bird captured and ate 19 butterflies and failed to catch many others. The butterflies eaten were nearly all small Li/raenidae. The Power of Sight in Birds. Professor Poulton called attention to a few observa- tions which supported the conclusion that birds possessed the extra- ordinarily acute and far-reaching vision required by the Batesian and Mullerian theories of Mimicry. The following Paper was read : "On the CoIourCIroupsof the Hawaiian Wasps, "by Dr. H. C.L.Perkins, M. A., D.Sc.,F.Z.S.,F.E.8. In illustration of the paper, Prof. Poulton exhibited the specimens referred to by Dr. Perkins. The Colour-groups were arranged in order of the islands, from Kauai in the N.W. to Hawaii in the ?).E. .finic5th, 1912.— Mr. Henry Francis Carter, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool, was elected a Fellow of the


Society. The Rev. G. Wheeler read the Report of the Committee on Nomenclature, which was adopted (see p. 206). A scarce Diptekon. Mr. J. E. Collin exhibited a series of thirteen specimens of rin/soceji/iala nifp-a, De G., the largest British species of the Conopidae, caught on Studland Heath (Dorsetshire), during the last week in May, when Colonel Yerbury, Mr. C. J. Wainwright and himself took 24 speci- mens ; though widely distributed, the species was always considered a great rarity, and its occurrence in such numbers had never before been recorded. A new Hydroecia. Dr. T. A. Chapman exhibited a specimen of Hydroecia biirroivni, Chpn., a new species that has turned up (from Vladivostock) since Mr. Burrows's paper on the group. A bred Albulina pheketes. Dr. Chapman also showed a specimen of Allndina pheretes, $ , bred at Reigate from the egg, supposed to be the first (and only) bred specimen of the species. Two uncommon Sudanese Butterflies. Dr. G. B. Longstaff exhibited Calopieris eulimene and Teracolus pleione, and read notes upon them. East African Asilids and Rhopalocera. Mr. S. A. Neave exhibited some specimens of the Asilid genas Hi/perechia, representing three, perhaps four, species, all taken during his recent tour in East Africa. He also showed for com- parison four common species of Xylocopa, bees to which the flies bore a marked superficial resemblance. He also exhibited a remarkable new Nymphalinebutterfly, probably belonging to tbegenusPs6'»r/«c7-rt6'rt, taken on Mt. Mlanji, Nyassaland. He pointed out that it bore a marvellous superficial resemblance to Amauris loben(/iilo var. ivhytei, Butler, the Danaine which occurred in the same place. He further exhibited a number of unnamed Lycaenidae, principally from Uganda. Pieris napi and var. bryoniae. Mr. H. Main exhibited series of P. napi and var. bryoniae, and pointed out that the latter, reared from ova sent both from Lapland and Switzerland, had produced a partial second brood. Coleopterous larv^. Mr, K. G. Blair exhibited larvae of Cebrio sp. (? gigaa) from Sicily, received from Mr. J. P. Barrett. Heredity in the female forms of Hypolimnas misippus. Prof. Poulton exhibited females of two families, reared in 1911, from female parents of the type form, by Rev. K. St. Aubyn Rogers, M.A., F.E.S., which confirmed the conclusions drawn from his earlier work, that misippus was dominant and inaria recessive. The Tsetse-fly Glossina caliginea, Austen, rejected by a Monkey. Prof. Poulton exhibited the fragments of a Glossina identified by Mr. E. E. Austen as a female of (t. caliyinea, Aust. The specimen had been bitten and rejected by a monkey. Families of Butterflies bred by Mr. W. A. Lamborn in the Lagos District. Prof. Poulton exhibited several of these families, and referred to the strong light which was thrown by them upon different biological problems. The Irritating hairs of the Moth Anaphe infracta, Walsingham. Prof. Poulton exhibited a specimen of the Eupterotid, or, as Aurivillius considers, the Notodontid moth Anaphe infracta, concerning which Mr. ^V. A. Lamborn had written from Oni Camp, April 22nd, 1912 : " The moths undoubtedly possess urticating hairs. The female (monkey) Mona was allowed to steal one. She smelt it, rubbed off the hairs and scales, then dropped it, and in a few minutes was rubbing all four feet on the ground. I made some sympathising remarks with the result that she suddenly sprang on to my bare neck, and I have been troubled with skin irritation all the evening." Prof. Poulton said that Mr. A, H.

226 THE entomologist's record.

Hamm had found hairs from the anal tuft of the exhibited specimen produced irritation on his hands and face. ]\[r. Eltrin,Q;ham had found that the hairs of the female, but not of the male tuft, were covered with minute excessively fine spicule-like teeth. The cocoons of the African Lasiocampid moth Chrysopsyche varia, Walk. Prof. Poulton exhibited the imagines and cocoons of C. varia sent to him by Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter from Damba Island, 20 miles south-east of Entebbe. The larval skin was still projecting from some of the cocoons and showing its blue spots. Dr. T. A. Chapman remarked that the hairs covering the eggs of Pnrthetria ilispar are also urticating. He also observed that there are other species of moths which extrude the larval skin, but in these cases it was from flimsy cocoons. The warning


ALL ITS STAGES. Pi'of. Poulton exhibited the larvae, pupfe, and imagines of pactoliciis, sent by Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter. The two black- and-white-ringed larvae and the two orange-black-marked pupn3 had been collected on April 17th, 1912, by Dr. Carpenter on the shore of Bugalla, Sesse Islands ; the 32 imagines had been bred (June 1st, 1911) from scattered larvag found on Damba Island. Pseudacr^eas of


Prof. Poulton said that Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter had left Damba in December, 1911, and had gone in January to Bugalla Island in the Sesse Archipelago, and had found there representatives of all the Plauema- Psetulacraea associations. The disproportion between Planewa and Psc'udacraea is even greater there, so much so that Sesse confirms the Damba records, the results being still more striking. The following papers were read: "Studies in the Blattidae," by R. Shelford, M.A., F.E.S. ; " Pohjommatus alexins, Freyer, a good Species," by T. A. Chapman, M.D., F.Z.S., F.E.S.


A Monograph of the African species of the genus AcrjEa, by Harry Eltringham, M.A., F.Z.S. (Transactions of the Entomo- logical Society of London, Part I., with sixteen plates). How different is the description of a genus now in comparison with that thought necessary a hundred years ago. The description of Acraea given by Fabricius in 1807 is " Taster zwei, lang, gefranzt, dreiliedig; drittes Gliedklein, nackt. Fiihler geknopft (Putzfiisse)." To-day the description occupies a page and a half without detailing the neuration, a figure being given of this instead. The whole monograph shows what we should expect from a former student at the Hope Museum, a research into detail, an accuracy of observation coupled with the power of the application of the knowledge thus gained that brings the author into the front rank of systematists.

It is most interesting to learn that the male armature of Acraea iijati from Madagascar resembles that of the Australian A. amhoniar/ie rathoi' than that of its own allies ; whilst it is equally curious to find that the armature of A. tnirijira has a closer superficial resemblance to that characteristic of the South American genus Artinotc than that of its African neighbours.

Again the author brings out the fact that it was the able explorer S. A. Neave, who discovered that crystallina described originally as a


^ , is the $ of A. cliilo showing what excellent use the field naturalist makes of his trained eye, when he comes to work in the Museum.

Many of the species of the genus show extreme variability, and it is a pleasure to note the careful judgment shown in dealing with such species. We are accustomed to consider all Acraeae as unpalatable in all their stages, but the author records that some of their larva) are subject to attacks from Dipterous parasites in spite of that fact. In dealing with the species A. acrita the author draws attention to the variability of the genital armature. This is exceedingly interesting and helps to confirm his view that it is " on the verge of becoming divided into several different species." The fact that the armature is highly complicated, as stated, no doubt opens the door to slight modifications, but ai the same time proves that the species is going through a critical period in its evolution, especially when we consider its very numerous forms and geographical races. We understand that the whole of the genital preparations and all the coloured figures, many of which we have had the pleasure of examining, are the work of Mr. Eltringham's own hands. The beauty of the preparations and the equal beauty of the drawings, both prove the author to be as able a microscopist as he is an artist, a combination by no means always met with. We admit a feeling of relief and satisfaction that the genus Arraca has not been split up into sub-genera, for reading between the lines we are inclined to imagine that a temptation was laid in the way to induce this action, and we congratulate the author that he resisted it. When a large group like this falls entirely naturally into one genus, so that even a " tyro " can recognise it at a glance, it is worse than waste of time to sub-divide it into colour sections or otherwise, simply for the sake of reducing the size of the genus, and we are glad that this was not done. We are equally relieved at another point made. It is stated under the species A. servona, that " the naming of forms on the variation of black spots is carrying nomenclature to excess." We heartily agree with this sentiment and would like to underscore it many times, but, as it is, a large number of forms and variations have been named by the author, and if he had acted contrary to the paragraph just quoted the monograph would certainly have been half as large again and might have been perhaps discounted in its value in proportion.

The list of types with their location, the bibliography and the index of specific names, all add to the value of the work from the point of view of the systematist.

The chromo-lithography of the plates is careful and good, though it by no means brings out the delicacy of touch and colour of the artist's original figures ; we are glad to have drawings of some closely- allied species, and especially are we pleased to see a good figure of donbledai/i a^hout which there has been much uncertainty, but we should have liked to have seen oncaea beside it for comparison. The figures o[ the genital armature are models of clearness, and if mere definition of outline and shape are the points aimed at, are certamly better than photography, though, for other reasons, we prefer the latter. Mr. Lamborn's figures of the larvae of certain species are a welcome addition to our knowledge of the early stages of the group, and we look for much more from that accurate and gifted observer.

228 THE entomologist's TviiCORD.

In conclusion we cannot do otherwise than warmly congratulate the author for his valuable and most painstaking work, and also the Entomological Society for the publication of it, the value of this year's transactions will be much enhanced by Mr. Eltringham's able monograph. G.T.B.-B.

A CoKRECTioN. My friend, Mr. A. H. Jones, has pointed out a little mistake in my paper " Ten days in the Cevennes," ante pp. 117- 121. I there speak of Hinutina dolus. I should have said Hirsntina dolus var. vittata. The type form dolus does not apparently obtain there, all our captures were of the form vittata.

I might also here explain that I use the generic name Hirsutina only to conform to the general usage of our magazine. I cannot accept for myself this and other names created in recent years for this group of butterflies, but until I have brought out my generic revision of the Lycaenidae I am content to fall in line with our assiduous editorial secretary. G. T. Bethune-Baker.


Edward Arthur Fitch.

In the early volumes of the " Entomologist" from about 1874, one of the most oft recurring names of contributors to its pages is that of Edward Arthur Fitch. Born in Chelsea, in 1854, he passed through his school days with considerable honour and success, and in 1874 took up his residence at the Brick House, Maldon, where he lived until his death on June 28th last. His life from beginning to end was a strenuous one, and his interests varied and engrossing. To whatever he put his hand to that he gave his earnest energy, whether it was to his business as a farmer, to local affairs either of his town or his county, to the study of nature, or to Archasoiogy. His keen intellect, his fluency of speech, his love of fair-play, made him honoured and respected by all, even by those opposed to him in thought and politics. His aid was a si)ie qua non in aught that was done in the county as well as in the town of his adoption. He was a Fellow of the Entomo- logical Society, since 1874, served on the Council and was Secretary from 1881-5 ; a Fellow of the Linnean Society ; a Fellow of the Zoological Society ; one of the founders of the Essex Field Club, and on the Council of the Essex Archteological Society. Six times he was Mayor of Maldon, he was an original member of the Essex County Council and one of its Aldermen, and for 20 years he served on the Board of Guardians as Chairman and Vice-chairman. A keen politician, he prided himself on doing naught to create strife and ill-feeling among those who thought other than he did. In 1902 his ability as a linguist helped him much in leading a party of some 50 Essex farmers to Hungary to study agricultural methods in that country.

During thu last quarter of a century he had done uut little active entomology, although his love for the study led him to aid societies and individuals whenever opportunity was afforded him. The pioneer work which he did in " other orders " than Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, from the beginning of his entomological work, will be a lasting memorial.

WATKINS & DONCASTER, Naturalists and Manufacturers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain Ring Nets, wire or cane, including Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-. Folding Nets, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket Boxes (deal), 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6. Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with camphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, flat or oval, lin., 6d. ; l^in., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2^in., 1/-; 3^in., 1/4; 4in., 1/6 ; Sin. , 1/10; Complete Set of fourteen Boards, 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6 ; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, .5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases' japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical PaiDer, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antennre 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3J, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheatb, 1/9^ Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc.

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as minute insecta of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sesiiilae, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


Of every description of Insects, Birds' Eggs, Coins, Microscopical Oojects, E'd.shils, So.

Catalogue (100 pages) sent on application, post free.

DARGE STOCK OF INSECTS AND BIRDS' EGGS (Biil sh, European, and Exotic). Birds, Mammals, etc.. Preserved and Mounted bt/ First class H'orkmcn.


Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

By MALCOLM BURR, D.Sc, F.Z.S., F.L.S.. F.E.S.. &c.

Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3s m netm

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

Will })e sent Post Free on receipt of Postal Order for 3s. to

A. H., 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisliam, S.E.*


You can't do without these, they keep your insects in fine setting condition for weeks if you are too busy to set them at once ; they relax old specimens to perfection. Hundreds sold yearly, and testimonials always being received. Prices, 2s. 4d. and 3s. lid., post free.

If you have not yet received any price lists of. Ova, L.\rv/E, and Pup.k, also Set Insects, write at once for them ; many Bargains.

Larvffi per [doz. : Edusa, 2s. 6d. ; Helice, 10s. 6d. ; Cardui, is.; Atnlanta, Is; Argiolus, Is. ; S. ligustri, 2s. ; Tilice, 2s. ; Quercus, 6d. ; Quercifolia, Is. ; Papilionaria, Is. ; Pendularia, 9d.; Omicronaria, Is. ; Occulta, Is. ad. ; Hybrid, Pendulariax Omicro- nai'ia, 30s. ; and many others.

li. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.



Kobert Shelford, Malcolm Biiir, D.Sc, F.L.S., F.E.S. (with plate) 205

Nomenciature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

■" Nomenclature," etc., at the Congress, G. T. Bethime- Baker, F.L.S., F.Z.S.,

F.E.S 207

The Second International Congress of Entomology, Rev. George Wheeler, M.A.,

F.Z.S., F.E.S 209

The Season 1912, T. H. L. Gro>!venor 213

Cosmopolitan Cockroaches, the late R. Shelford, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S 217

Anergates atratulus, Schenk., a British Ant, and the acceptance of a ? by Tetra-

moriam cses-gitum,!!., W. C. Crawley, B. A., F.E.S. .. .. .. .. 218

Notes on Collecting, etc.: Collecting Notes 1912, F. G. Wldttle; Notes from

theBvonds, 1912, CajJt. C. A. Cardew 219

Scientific Notes and Observations : Euchloe cardamines ovipositing on Capsella

hmsa.--p&storis, Alfred Sich, F.E.S 221

Current Notes and Short Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

Societies: The Entomological Society of London, G. IF. .. .. .. .. 223

Keviews and Notices of Books : A Monograph of the African species of the genus

Acr»a by Harry Eltringham, G.r.jB.-B 226

A Correction. G.r.B.-B 228

Obituary:— Edward Arthur Fitch, If .J. r 228

Communications are unavoidably held over from M. Burr, A. Eussell, Parkinson Curtis, G. Wheeler, the late E. Shelford, H. E. Page, J. T. Fountains, E. A. Cockayne, Eussell E. James, T. Baxter, H. J. Turner, etc., with Eeports of Societies.

All MS. and editorial matter should be sent and all proofs returned to Hy. J. Turner, 98, Drakefell Eoad, New Cross, London, S.E.





Mr. J. C. STEVENS has received instructions to offer for SALE

at his Rooms,


BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA, including many rarities. EXOTIC LEPIDOPTERA, including spendid series of Omithoptera and Morphos. Also the well made Cabinets in which ^he various Col- lections are arranged.

Catalogues in course of preparation.

On view day prior and morning of Sale.





Epitki) ijy

RiCHAHD S. BAGNALL, f.l.s., f.e.s. | T. A. CHAPMAN, M.D.,i.y..H., F.E.i


u.sc, I'Jc.s., K.u.s.i!;. Geobge T. BETHUNE-BAKEB,

f.z.s., f.l.s. , f.e.s. m. burr, d.sc, f.z.s., f.l.s., f.k.s. (Rev.) C. R. N. BURROWS, f.e.s.

Jas. E. COLIjIN, F.E.S.


F.7..R., F.E,

Alfred SICH, f.e.s.

.T. R. le B. TOMLIN, m.a., f.e.s.

George \V HEELER, m.a., f.e.s.

Henky J. TURNER, f.e.s., Editorial Secretary.

)BER 15th, 1912.






^ns\ Mu5fAi.^^cc SIXPENCE (net).


CO^^^^^bsciiption for Complete Volume, post fr*

(li.cludiiig all DOUBLE NUMBERS, etc.)







" BEETROfi.," Gellailv Road, New Cross, S.E


ELI-IOT S'JOCK, 62, Patkknosteb Row, E.C.



11, Cablstraske, N.W.



Formed by ALBERT J. HODGES, Esq.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, at I o'clock.

Mr. J. C. STEVENS will Sell by Auction at his Rooms, 38, King Street, Covent

Garden, London, W.C.

The Collection of British Macro-Lepidoptera, formed by Albert J. Hodges, Esq.,

containing many rarities and some fine varieties, including the two magnificent Grossu-

lariata figured in "The Entomologist's Record," Vol. IV., plate C, very fine dark

Aglaia, etc., every single specimen labelled and in the finest possible condition, together

with the Cabinets in which they are arranged.

On view day prior and morning of sale. Catalogues on application.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 2th, at 1 o'clock.

Mr. J.' C. STEVENS will Sell by Auction at his Rooms, 38, King Street, Covent

Garden, London, W.C.


formed by the late

A. HARRISON, Esq., F.Z.S., F.L.S., F.E.S., etc.

of South Woodford, and H. MAIN, Esq.,

arranged in fine cabinets (172 drawers) comprising extensive series in fine condition of

interesting melanic and local forms, varieties and rare species, a large proportion having

been bred from Delamere Forest, etc.

On view day prior and morning of sale. Catalogues on application.


The Largest Breeder of Lepidoptera in the British Isles is

H. W. HEAD, @ntmncrlo0t»t,


Full List of Ova, Larvae, and Pupae, also Lepidoptera, Apparatus, Cabinets

etc., sent on application. Many Rare British Species and Good Varieties for Sale.

Lantern Slides in Natural Colours.


Photographed from life and true to Nature in every detail.


By same Colour Process.



For List apply to

CHARLES D. HEAD, 2, Mount Vernon, Dollymount, DUBLIN.

Vol. XXIV.

Plate XI.

Photo. L. Tatchell.

GyNANDHosiouPHors Amokpha populi, L., bred by Leonard tatchell.

The EutoinologisVn Record, 1912.


A Gynandromorphous Specimen of Amorpha populi, L. {ndth plate).

By W. PARKINSON CUETIS, F.E.S. An interesting gynandromorphous specimen of Amorpha populi has been handed to me by Mr. Leonard Tatchell of Bournemouth, with a request that I would note its principal features. Unfortunately the line was drawn at making a preparation of the abdomen, which would no doubt display many interesting characters. At first glance the most noticeable peculiai'ity of the insect is the dissimilarity in shape and colour of the respective parameres of the fore-wings. Besides, the female side looks smaller than the male side, though measurements prove this to be an optical illusion. The right male paramere is ample, and hence appears larger than the left ; it is of normal coloration (if such there be in the species !) The left female paramere is flushed all over with a rosy pink (being near ab. mirahile, Aust.), and the margins are strongly crenulate. The development of the markings is not materially different on either side of the median line, but the pre- marginal suffusion in the left female hindwing is obsolescent, and the rufous tornal patch is more restricted and of a yellower shade of terra-cotta (unless my eye deceives me, but owing to the pinkness of the surrounding area it is a little difficult to judge accurately the exact line). The most interesting feature is undoubtedly the exactness with which the characters are arranged on either side of the median line. The entire left of the thorax and abdomen being pinkish and the right grey, the pink only trespassing on to the grey side at the 4th, 5th and 6th segmental divisions. This peculiarity is equally marked above and below, and so far as one can see from the exterior, the genitalia are in the same interesting condition. The antenna, palpi, and legs retain their diverse sexual characters precisely. The posterior right male leg has the tarsi missing, and apparently this is not the result of an accident after emergence. The length of the male costal margin of the forewing is 28mm. and of the female 30mm. The specimen is one of a partial second-brood bred by Mr. Tatchell from larvte collected at Swanage, and like most second-brood Sphhujithc undersized.

Aberrational Names.

By Eev. GEORGE WHEELER, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S. The -June number of the Ent. Record contained some observations on aberrational names, introduced incidentally in a paper by Col. Manders, to which, (especially since they seem to echo certain semi- official editorial outcries), a reply seems to be needed. With regard to Collectors (with a big C) there is not the slightest need for them to overload their minds or their cabinets with a number of aberrational names in which they take no interest, and for them it still appears to me, as I said some time back in the pages of the Entomologist, that the best plan is to take the names of extreme aberrational forms only, and to call intermediate specimens " trans, to ab." SO-&-SO. But Col. Manders is not so much a collector (even with a small c), as a Scientist (with a big S), and a Biologist (with a big B), and it is to the scientific student of Variation and to the biologist that these names are of value ; they serve to register minute differences, and " these minute differences will sometimes October 15th, 1912.

230 THE entomologist's recoed.

serve (as I have lately been pleading before the International Congress) to show the directions of variation in a species, and those variations occasionally point out quite unexpected affinities " ; it is usele^^s to name some and intentionally leave out others, for we may omit just those that will eventually prove to be of scientific value. Hundreds will be lost, probably thousands will only occasionally recur, it may not be one in a thousand that will eventually prevail, but this makes it all the more important to register such variation as has actually taken place, as helping to define the range within which variation in a species is possible and the directions in which new species may (because it has been shown that they tnii/Itt) eventually rise. Unless they are in some way registered, the facts themselves will certainly pass into oblivion, and a name is the simplest fnd easiest form of registration. That the naming of aberrations might be much simplified and put on a far sounder basis I readily admit, and I have suggested that a name once given to a certain form of aberration should be applied automatically to the same form of variation occurring in other (or at least in related) species.

But Col. Manders had in store a much greater surprise even than an onslaught (coming from such a quarter) on aberrational names, and that is his failure to grasp the great interest and importance of the particular example which he has chosen to hold up to ridicule. Every one of his first seven " abs." of Teracoliis li)iibatu!< not only ))ii;iht but oiiilht to be named. (Not that abs. 8 and 9 are unimportant, but they could only be dealt with in a work containing microscopical research, and it would be time enough to name them, if frequently referred to, when used in such a work.) It is almost impossible to over-estimate the phylogenetic importance of these colour-changes ; and as to ab. 1 : Is this absence of the spot the original form ? Has the spot been acquired ? Has it been lost ? Are lost characters liable to re-appear ? What is the condition in this respect of the most nearly related species ? etc. Every reader of the Transactinna of the Kntowoloi/ical Sdcieti/ knows that Col. Manders has not only a scientific but an unusually judicial mind, and I am more than ready to admit that on any scientific question whatever he could " give me points and beat me hollow ; " so I shall be not only satisfied but proud if I can, like the mouse in the fable, nibble through some of the knots in the net of prejudice by which in this matter he seems to have become entangled, so that he may be free to pursue scientific investigations on the very data which have seemed to him not only useless but ridiculous.

Some Captures in Norfolk, with special reference to Lithostege


By the Rev. C. THOIINEWILL, M.A. Some years ago I spent about ten days during June at Thetford, and came away very much struck with the possibilities of the district from an entomological point of view. It was a good season, and I had generally the assistance of my son, who was then living there ; and during those ten days I succeeded in taking specimens of several good local insects some of them in considerable numbers viz., Dianthoecia irm/ularis, At/rophila trabealis (sulj)huralis), Acontia luctuosa, Acidalia rubiijinata [rubricata), Lithosteye griseata, and Spilodes


sticticalis not to speak of other less coveted species. I promptly made up my mind, if the opportunity should occur, to visit the neighbourhood again ; and this intention was carried out during the present year, when I spent a period of five weeks, from May 14th to June 20th, in a locality about half-way between Thetford and Ely. I may say at once that owing partly to the circumstance that I was a little too early I was not nearly so successful as on my previous visit. In fact, several of the species I have mentioned above never turned up at all ; of ^. ruhiijinata {nibn'rata) I took only one specimen, though that was certainly a very fine one; and of A. trabcalifi [sulpliinalis), of which I had before obtained as many as I cared to take, not a solitary specimen was to be seen, though I made several journeys to both Thet- ford and Brandon in search of it. My attention, however, was mainly devoted to L. i/rhcata, of which I obtained 13 specimens, nearly all being in first-rate condition ; and about this species I should like to speak more particularly, as it seems not to be generally known, and my observations as to its habits do not entirely coincide with the information given in the books. I found myself seriously hindered at the outset by my want of acquaintance with the food-plant of the insect, Sisi/nibriuin sophia, a plant belonging to the order (Jruciferae, the English name of which is " Flixweed," though it is locally known by the title of " Tarrify " or " Terrify." This plant grows chiefly among the corn, which is largely grown in the neighbourhood, and it possesses a number of long sharp-pointed seed-vessels, which are apt to penetrate into the arms of the reapers as they cut the corn, and unless promptly taken out frequently lead to inflammation, so that the name " Tarrify " is only too appropriate. In the earlier stages of its growth, the plant is very far from conspicuous ; and it was not till a fortnight after my arrival that I was at length able to identify it. After a prolonged search, however, I came across it in the corner of a wheat-field ; and almost at the very moment of doing so, I caught sight of and promptl/ netted my first specimen of the insect. It is easy enough to take, not only on account of its conspicuous colour, but because it flies very sluggishly, and rarely seems to travel more than twenty yards from the spot where it first gets up. I think, in fact, that I only missed one specimen, which flew across a light- coloured road, out of the whole number seen during my visit. It is very easy, too, to identify at the time of capture, for two reasons : first, because of its colour, which is an uniform silvery-grey, with hardly any markings ; and secondly, because of the attitude it takes up in the net that of a fairly broad triangular sloping roof, resembling the tops of an old-fashioned dormer window somewhat like, too, to the resting position of Nisoniades {Thanaos) tar/es, but rather flatter, and of course much more pointed at the tips of the wings. I regret to say that I am quite unable to give any directions as to the best method of obtaining L. (/riseata : it seems to fly almost at any time of the day, and without any indications which would lead one to expect its appearance. The abundance of the food-plant at any given spot seems to be no criterion whatsoever as to a corresponding abundance of the insect ; I several times took it in places where not a single plant of the flixweed v/as to be seen ; and contrariwise, in the place where the largest quantity of the plant was growing I did not take, or even see, a single specimen. A considerable amount of corn is grown

232 THE entomologist's record.

in the district, and it is at the edges of the corn fields that the Sisynihrinm is chiefly to be found. But the insect, far from being confined to such places as these, is to be met with quite as frequently among the clovers and trefoils which also grow in the district, and which form, on the whole, the most productive hunting-ground for the entomologist. It is in these, almost exclusively, that A. mbiiiinata (nihricata) and N. stieticalis are to be found, and it is generally here too that A. tralwalis (stdjJuo-alix) occurs. But, if my limited experience is worth anything, I should characterise L. t/rixeata as a scarcer insect than either of these, inasmuch as it never seems to occur in any quantity. I took five specimens during my twelve days' visit to Thetford, when I netted it among the rest just as it came; but this year, when I devoted special attention to obtaining it, I only got thirteen, and on no single day did I meet with more than three. I was indeed told by an inhabitant of the place that the food -plant was far more abundant in the fenny parts of the district than in the corn fields of the higher levels, but this is a statement which I had no opportunity of putting to the proof. I am inclined to think that the best way of obtaining L. (jriseata in any numbers would be to rear it from the larva, of which there is an excellent account in Buckler's great book, published by the Ray Society. It undoubtedly feeds on the seed-vessels of the Si^t/inbriuni, and would probably be best found at night, by the help of a lantern. But on this point the local entomologists must needs know far more than I do. It is quite possible that the larva is specially subject to the attacks of ichneumons, or that a large proportion are destroyed every year when the corn is reaped, though I imagine that many come to maturity before that time. At all events, I feel pretty well convinced that the perfect insect is far from common, even in its rather restricted localities. One thing which I noticed was, that the female was far commoner than the male ; and this is by no means the usual state of things among the Lepidoptera. It would be a great boon to entomological science if soine one with leisure, and with the great advantage of constant residence in the district, would make it his business to become more perfectly acquainted with L. (/riseata, and would thoroughly work out its life-history.

About the other species taken during my visit, speaking generally, the less said the better. One very good insect I did indeed obtain, a lovely specimen of Orobena {Pionea) c.rtimalis [iiiarnaritalis), which started up just in front of me in a clover-field, and whose identity I did not at first recognise, having never seen the species alive before. I need scarcely say that it was a welcome addition to my collection, or that I eagerly searched the locality for more, but unfortunately in vain. In the clover-fields, too, Axpilatcs ritraria and Sjiilodes vcrticalix occurred occasionally, though neither of them was abundant; and I took fourgpecimens of llapta {Conjcia) biinaciilata (tainhutta) in one corner of a cornfield, where they must have been reared on hawthorn, as not a vestige of bird-cherry was to be found anywhere near them. I also got three specimens of Dianthoecia carpaphiKja at Valerian flowers, one of which was a nice pale form ; but flowers in general were singularly unproductive, the only exception being Viper's Bugloss, which grows in profusion in some of the clover-fields, and at which a few of the commonest Nuctuae were to be found enjoying


themselves in the evening. I did not try " sugar," but from various indications I don't think it would have produced much result. It was partly because of the dearth of other species that I was led to pay so much attention to Lithostq/e i/riseata : and it is to tell the readers of the Entomoluiiist's Record what little I know about that insect that I have chiefly been moved to write these notes.

The genus Pseudacraea— an extraordinary example of mimetic polymorphism.

By T. A. CHAPMAN, M.D., F.Z.S., F.E.S.

At the Oxford Congress Prof. Poulton produced quite a dramatic efiect in giving the present views as to certain species of this genus, which only failed of a sensational climax, because a crucial specimen would not emerge from the pupa quite in time for Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter to send a telegram anent it from Bugalla on the Nyanza.

Prof. Poulton announces, in Nature of September 12th, that the telegram has since arrived, and the expected specimen settles, not absolutely, but with reasonable certainty, that some dozen recognized species of the genus Pseudacraea are all forms of Pseudacraea euri/tus, L., a conclusion arrived at some years ago by Dr. K. .Jordan" from an examination of the male appendages, but not positively asserted till some breeding experiments should support so startling a fact. Space will not allow of even a sketch of the mimicry by the various forms, each of a different species of Plancwa, spread over a great part of tropical and South Africa. It would seem that the mimic in this way secures a much wider distribution than any one of its models.

It is of interest, by the way, to note that the first definite step to the recognition of this unity of many supposed distinct species was taken by Dr. Jordan as a result of examinations of the male genitalia. He refrained from asserting the result as proved, since though differences in the genitalia show species to be distinct, identity does not prove specific identity unless there is some other ground for such a deduction. In the case of these Pseudacraeae, the presumption and general opinion was in favour of their being distinct. Now we have proof that some at least of these supposed " good" species are not distinct, and the presumption is in favour of their being all one species; Dr. Jordan's results are therefore decisive on this subject.

The literature bearing on the subject is already considerable, we may quote from Prof. Poulton's letter to Nature :

" The conclusion was a very startling one. If each mimetic Pseudacraea had been confined to a single area and had interbred on its margin with the Psendacraeae of surrounding areas with different mimetic patterns, we should have been confronted with a more remarkable and complex example than any as yet known (except perhaps Papilio ilardanns), but one that raised no special difficulty. Di. Jordan's discovery, however, involved far more than this : it led to the remarkable conclusion that the sexually dimorphic P. Iioblei/i, mimicking the sexually dimorphic Planema )iiacarisfa in the Entebbe district, was the same species as the two monomorphic Pseudacr»as flying in the same forests with it, viz., P. terra and P. ohscura,

* ler Congr^s international d'Entomologie, Vol. II., p. 398.

234 THE entomoi.ogist's kecoud.

mimicking respectively the sexually mononiorphic Plamwia telln.^ and P. paraf/ea.

" Dr. Jordan communicated his discovery to the First International Entomological Congress, meeting at Brussels in 1910."

He continues with a relation of various confirmatory facts and of efforts to obtain successful breeding experiments, by some of the numerous observers in Africa, who have in the Hope Professor a source of inspiration for their researches and an authority who gives these most of their value, by combining them in support of many valuable conclusions. One of the most remarkable of these is certainly this confirmation of the conclusions pointed to by Dr. Jordan's work.

Prof. Poultou thus records the result of Dr. Carpenter's first crucial observations. " Dr. Carpenter first succeeded in finding and rearing the larvae of /'. Incretia, and then made many attempts to obtain eggs from captured females of the hobleyi group. Discouraged by many failures, he was beginning to despair when, some weeks past, he observed in the Bugalla forest a female obscura "with a touch of hobleyi" settling in an unusual position on a leaf of the food^plant of Incretia almost certainly a Sapotaceous plant. The butterfly escaped, but Dr. Carpenter found the egg on the leaf, and hoped to rear the perfect insect before or during the meeting of the Second International Congress at Oxford (August 6th to 10th), and he promised that if the offspring turned out to be ?t')-/-rt or hobleyi, he would cable the result. He wrote that he anticipated terra, because this form is much the commonest in Bugalla.

Unfortunately the eagerly-expected butterfly did not emerge until after the meeting, but on August 19th I received a cable from Entebbe with the word ' terra.' "

We may expect further observations and experiments to more completely confirm the position advanced by Dr. Jordan, but it is already on a firm foundation.

Random Notes on 1912.


My first day's collecting this year, February 27th, was at Chingford, where I took a few dark forms of Ilibernia lencojihacaria, a female of //. proyeiinnaria and a fine male of Apocheima hispidaria. Next day, in addition to the first two species, I saw one Al.wphila [Ani.soptery.r) aesciilaria on a hornbeam and three or four lying dead on the surface of a small pond in company with one i'erastis vaccinii, one Taeiii()ca)iipa crnda, and several Jl. leucojihaearia and H. proyeiiniiaria. 11. leiu-o- ))haearia was unusually abundant at the end of the week (March 2nd and 3rd), and the days being warm and sunny, the insect fiew readily, giving an exceptionally good opportunity of estimating the relative numbers of the light and dark forms. Many were found on the surface of some small ponds, and the percentage of dark and light forms seen in this way agreed fairly well with that of the captured specimens, and served as a valuable control. 1 examined 290, and estimate the percentage of the different forms as follows: Light forms 70 per cent., and melanic 80 per cent.

The ab. marmurinaria was found to form three or lour per cent, of


the total nnmber. Melanic specimens can be divided into smooth dark forms with no irroratiou with pale scales, and those with pale scales in more or less abundance ; the first-named form about teil per cent, of all specimens. Some of the most extreme show a tendency to have fringes paler than the ground colour of the wings, and three or four exhibit a segregation of the darkest scales into the basal and marginal areas, and perhaps should be regarded as the extreme melanic form of the ab. marnwrinaria.

Amongst my series I found one with yellow ground colour and markings indistinct, and another, a very large specimen, with basal area suffused with dark scales as far as the central line. This is, as far as I am aware, unique. Only one female, a melanic one, was found. On March 25th I obtained a pairing between the male of Aiuphidcmfi strataria {prodronmria) and the female of Biston hirtaria, but the ova were infertile, and all attempts to obtain the reverse cross were fruitless. April 6th and 7th, bright sunny days, were spent in the New Forest, but no effort was made to collect. Numbers of hybernated Gonepteryx rhwivni were seen, and a few Vanessa io and Eni/onia polycldoros. A fine female of Pararge aeyeria was also noticed. Eupithccia ahbreviata was fairly common on tree trunks, and four Tephrosias were found on some larches. They are quite as pale as Tephrosia crepuscidaria, but must be T, bistortata, since a typical second brood male emerged on June 24th, actually darker than its parent. During April I took some pupjB of Aeyeria {Trochiliiim) andrenaeforitm, and bred from them fifteen imagines, but the only parasite was the too common Meniscus pimplator. Most of the other parasites are rather scarce, and the majority seem to attack half- grown larvje.

Celastrina aryiolns w^as abundant wherever I went for the Clearwing, in Surrey, Essex, Kent and Hertford, and hybernated specimens of Aylais urticae and V. io were unusually common. At Shackleford, in Surrey, a fresh but small female Evpithecia coronata was seen on April 28th on a small sapling. May 5th was spent at Box Hill, where several Celastrina argiolus were flying round the beeches ! Low down on larch trunks I took two Tephrosia consonaria ; one was a female, but unfortunately it laid no eggs. Two Drepana ciiltraria {unyuicala) were seen flying round the beeches.

On May 11th I went to the Chalfont Road district to try and get another female of Tephrosia consonaria, but found none, and though I took a male Lithosia sororcula (aureola) on a beech trunk, moths seemed rather scarce. A fine female of this insect was taken on the wing at Box Hill on the 18th.

On May 12th I walked from Brookwood to Farnborough, and on the bank of the Basingstoke Canal Pararye meyaera and Celastrina aryiolus were common, and Pieris napi, EucJdo'e cardamines, Gonepteryx rhamni, Rinnicia phlaeas, Polyommatus icarus, and one Brenthis euphrosyne were seen. Heliaca tenebrata [arbuti) was caught near Brookwood, and Tephrosia punctularia was abundant at rest on the alders. At Farnborough I took two Dasycliira pudibunda, one Drepana binaria{liamnla) (female), one Diaphora niendica (female), one Spilosoiiia vienthastri, one Clostera curtula (male), U ipocrita jacobaeae, and several Macaria liturata were seen near the pine trees.

May 18th was cold and showery, but larvs of Lithosia deplana were

236 THE entomot^ogist's record.

beaten from yew at Box Hill, but no larvte of Boarmia ahietaria were seen. I noticed Nisoniades tat/es, Drepana cultraria, Hepialus lupuUna, Hadena dentina, Bapta temerata, OpisthoipajHis [Rnwia) luteolata (crataegata), Phihalapteri/x vitalbata, (Joreniia desi;/nata, C. ferrut/ata, Eupithecia indir/ata and Anaitis plarfiata.

On May 21st I went for the evening to Oxshott to try and get a female of Kucosmia undidata for ova, but saw none, though imagines were emerging in my cages from larvae taken there last year. Drepana falcataria, D. lacertinaria, Ciiix r/laucata {spinnla), Teplirosia punctii- laria, Boarmia consnrtaria, from which I had more than 100 full-fed larvae (about f dark brown and i green), and now have a fine lot of pupae, bhipiateria obliterata {/leparata), Loinaspilis viari/inata, Cabcra e.vanthe- maria, C. pnsaria, Coremia ferriit/ata, C. miidentaria, Kupithecia vitlgata (melauic), and Tkera obeliscata {variata auc).

On May 25th, 26th, and 27th, I collected with Mr. F. W. J. Jackson, near Oxford. On some ploughed land a good many Pyrameis card id in poor condition were put up. In glades in the wood, Vanessa io, Brentltis euphrosyne, Hawcaris liicina, and Callophrys riibi were caught but only one Heinaris bonibyliforwis was seen.

On the more marshy ground Euclidia ylyphica and E. mi were common, Prothymnia (P/iytometra) viridaria, Adscita statices, and Ematurya atomaria were flying. E. atnmaria here is rather large, pale, and clearly marked. In the oak woods Drepana binaria (hamula) was common, but very difficult to catch. We were too late for Eupithecia piisillata, and only one worn female was captured, but a very pale Gonodontis (Odontopera) bidentata was shaken from a spruce tree and later on 7>. falcataria was disturbed from a birch. At dusk, amongst other moths, we netted Liydia adustata, Bapta temerata, Melanippe nnanyulata, and Emmelesia decolorata.

By searching aspens we found larvae of Taeniocampa populeti and Brephos notha, both nearly full-fed, hidden between two leaves, and one or two worn Lobophora he.vapterata on the trunks. One of the last- named was also found on the trunk of an old white poplar far from any aspen, and at the base of the trunk were some old emergence holes of Trochiliion apiformis. Larvae of Pliisia moneta were found on Delpldninm in a garden, where we had tea.

In the evening we found males of ilepiahis liecta abundant. At first they were hovering backwards and forwards, and sometimes two or three would fly so close together that they actually bumped up against one another. Some hovered for a long time, others quickly settled down on plants, in some instances only to start oft" again swinging backwards and forwards in the air. Finally all were at rest with forewing half expanded, the glandular structure on the hind legs very visible, and the tip of the abdomen extended.

Closely as we watched, we saw no female approach and touch a male in flight, as I have noticed in //. hiniiidi, and as Mr. Robson describes in this species in the Ent. liecnrd, vol. iii., p. 55, though a female had been caught before any males were on the wing. By care- fully marking down a number of males on soiTie comfroy plants, and looking from time to time, we found that pairing took place without the male changing his position, and actually saw it happen twice. It was over very quickly, and the female at once let go and hung head downwards with legs and wings tightly held to the abdomen. An


hour later most of the males were in an attitude of rest, though one or two appeared still to be calling.

When H. hecta had settled down, H. hipuUna began to fly, the males dashing wildly in search of the females over the damper patches of ground. Both of us took a few beautiful specimens almost uni- formly cream coloured, and Mr. Jackson took one with normal ground colour, but greatly extended white markings. The strange contrast in the habits of these two Hepialids suggests that their relationship is not very close, in spite of their somewhat similar appearance.

On June 9th, less than two hours larva-beating produced 45 larvae of Panolis jnniperda, some very small, others fullfed, a very small larva of Bupalua piniaria, and four rather larger ones of Thera firmata. One of the T. firmata larvae fed up fairly quickly, and pupating on July 8th, produced a rather dark imago on July 26th, but the others, on October 1st, are not yet fullfed. The first brood of the insect must have been out in early May, and if others emerged as early as July 26th, there may be a third brood this year. The larvae invariably rest so that the red-brown head is near the similarly coloured base of the pine needles, and this, together with their habit of eating almost the whole of the needle attacked, makes them very difficult indeed to see even in captivity.

On June 23rd there were many Sesia stellatarum, rather worn, hovering over the beach between Dover and Folkestone, and looking like recent immigrants.

On July 7th I journeyed to Bristol, and although Acidalia liolo- sericeata was out as early as June 20th, I obtained a fine series of both sexes. Variation is very slight, and in the direction of the formation of a more distinct basal or submarginal band. From ova laid loose in the box, and not on the HeliantJtemum provided, I now have larvs in their third instar feeding on knotgrass. A. bisetata, A. iviitaria, and A. niari/inepioictata, with a very fresh female of Ligdia adustata (2nd brood), were also taken.

On July 13th I joined Mr. Jackson at Marlborough, and we walked through the magnificent beech avenues of Savernake Forest to Savernake, where we stayed for the week end. Melanargia fjalathea was abundant, and several T'. io and P. atalanta were seen ; Argynnis adippe, A. aglaia, and Drr/as paphia were all in fine condition, the first being the commonest. Aphantnpns hyperantus was very plentiful, and I was fortunate to take two ab. arete without much trouble. Two Epinephele tithonits, a male C. argiolus, one Bithys [Thecla) qnercus and three Chattendenia w-albmn were seen, with a few Odezia atrata.

At dusk in a narrow lane we caught Opisthograptis luteolata (crataegata), Boarmia repandata, B. gemmaria, Mesnleuca ocellata, Melantliia bicolorata [ritbiginata), Cidaria pyraliata, Melenydris didyniata, Hydriomena furcata, Pldbalapteryx tersata, PJupithecia hogramwata^ Agrotis ravida, A. e.rdainationis, Hadena oleracea, Caradrina blanda, Apamea oculea, and Lencania pollens, while along the canal bank L. iinpura was abundant, and one Hydrilla arcnosa was seen. In the woods ray friend captured a fine Kuc/iloris pustidata and a very fresh Aridolia inornata.

At Box Hill on July 20th T caught a fresh Eupithecia coronata (2nd brood), one Urbicola comma, and two Argynnis aglaia.

In spite of threatening weather, I went on July 28th to try and

238 THE entomologist's record.

take Af/rtades coridnn ab. setnii^i/niirapha in South Cambridgeshire, and saw one ahnost at once, but failed to catch it owing to high wind. Later I caught three perfect and one battered specimen. Many males and. several females of A. coridon were found just emerged, and amongst them a number of crippled specimens were noticed, and a crippled female of E. jiirtina. Freshly emerged P. cardni and P. atalanta were also seen, and in addition some larvje of the latter. I determined to try again the next week, and left on Saturday evening, joining Mr. Jackson, who had come down earlier in the day, but, owing to dull weather, had only caught three of the variety.

Sunday started with torrents of rain, but about 11.30 the sky cleared and we had a fairly sunny day. A. coridon flew well, and we both got a good many fine ab. se»iisi/)u/rap/ia, though there were a good many more or less damaged.

I stayed on till Monday evening, and altogether caught more than thirty, from which I shall be able to pick out a fine series. One example has a border of pale spots to the forewings, and pale radiations running out from the base and nearly reaching them and with blue markings replaced by green ; two others have the blue area on the fore- wings extending considerably beyond the the central spot. Vanessa io, in fine condition, was common, but not many P. cardni were seen, and E. titlionns was becoming scarcer. A few Polyommatus icarus, with blue females, Aricia medon ( astrarche), and several Urbicula comma were seen. Two Chattendenia iv.-album were caught on umbel- liferous plants. The following Noctnac were noticed Hying in the sunshine or feeding on knapweed between 12 a.m. and 3 p.m. Charaeas f/rauiinis, Hi/droccia nictitans, Leucania comgera, L. pallens, Caradrina blanda and Dianthoecia cncnhali.

Already the year has been remarkable for the abundance of the Vanessids, of Celastrina ari/iolas and Vrcpana binaria (liamnla) in the Spring. Of the second broods of these insects, I have seen a good many V. io, a few P. cardni and A. nrticae, but only a solitary C. anjio- Ins. Larvfe of P. atalanta are common even in the Hampstead garden suburb, and if the weather improves there is still hope of an unusual number of these lovely butterflies in our gardens. The brilliant weather of the spring caused the early appearance of many insects and greatly favoured them, but I fear the continous wet weather of the last few weeks will have a disastrous effect on many species.

Notes on the Distribution of the Blattidas.

By the late R. HHELFOUD, M.A., F.Z.«., F.E.S. Edited by MALCOLM BUllK, D.Sc, F.L.S., F.E.S.

Genera peculiar to the Palaearctic Region :

Sub-fam. Blattin^e, Sluifordella.

Snbfam. Corydiin.e, Anisofjamia, Ni/)iij)hijtria.

Total = 3. Genera peculiar to the Oriental Region :

Sub-fam. I'jctobmn.t:, J'scndectobia (s. str.).

Sub-fam. PsEUJ)0!\ioi>iNyi', I'scntlotln/rsoccra, I'achncjitcri/x, Diiri/o- dana, Dcsniosia.

Sub-fam. Ei'ilampkin,?;, Thora.v, I'hlcbonotits, Apsiilopis, Coinpso- lainpra, Mor/)/i)ia, Opisthoplatia, L'scndophoraspis.


Sub-fam. Blattin^e, Tliyrsocera, Mirublatta, Catara, rrotagnhta,

ArcJiiblatta, Nocticola, Sjidaeohlatta. Sub-fam. Banchlorin.e, Pycnoscelus (excluding P. surinaniensis, L.). Sub:fam. CoRYDiiN.E, Corydia, Ploinopteroidea, Caradax''-, Kryaula. Sub-faui. OxYHALOiN.ii:, Areolaria.

Sub-fam. Perisph.eriinje, (jlyijlopdtis, Perisphacria, Pseudoylotiieris^ Stilpnoblatta, Trichoblatta. Sub-fam. Panesthiin;e, 2licrodina, Caesparia, Miopanesthia, My- lacrina. Total = 34.

The Japanese genus Ktirolda, Shiraki, is omitted from this analysis as the description of it is too imperfect to be of any diagnostic value. Genera peculiar to the Australian Region : Sub-fam. Ectobiin.=e, Plscala.

Sub-fam. Pseudomopin/E, Eliipsidion, Paratemnopteryx. Sub-fam. Epilajiprin^, JMulytria, Ata.riyaiiiia, Verocardia. Sub-fam. Blattin.^;;, Polyzostcrio, PUizosteria, Leptoznsteria, Zonio- ploca, Cosinozosteria, Anaiiieda, Besmozosteria, Temnelytra, Scahina. Sub-fam. Panchlorin.e, Oniscosotna. Sub-fam. Oxyhaloin.e, Choristiiua, Ectoneura. Sub-fam. PERisPH.ERiiNiE, lepperia. Sub-fam. Panesthiin.e, Hemipanesthia, tlctcroplana, Gcoscapheus,

MacropanestJno. Total = 23. Genera peculiar to the Ethiopian Region :

Sub-fam. Ectobin.'e, Theyanoptery.v, Mallatohlatta.

Sub-fam. Pseudomopin.e, Chrastublatta, Pirublatta, Anallacta, Ap-

tevoblatta. Sub-fam. EpiLAMPRiNiE, Lli'daia, Ensteyasta. Sub-fam. Blattin.e, Paramethana, Cartoblatta, Pseudoderopeltis,

Deropcltis. Sub-fam. Panchlorin.e, Phenacisma, Pseudogyna, Gyna, Bliyparobia

(excluding PL maderae, Fab.), Pronauphoeta, Heuiinaiiphoeta. Sub-fam. Corydiin.e, Ipisonia, Tivia, Anacompsa. Sub-fam. Oxyhaloin.i;, Peraplecta, Griffinidla, Anareolaria, Plvea. Sub-fam. Perisph.eriin.i:, Gynopeltis, Aptera, Ellipska, Elliptoblatta, Gytnnonyx, Pronaonota, P ileum, Cyitotria, PJantna, Platysilpha, Derocalyvniia, Isonisciis, Melaiioblaita, Hostilia, Foeciloblatta, IJypospJiaciia {MeliDiodljiha), Iluiiiahiblatta, Blepharodera, Thlip- toblatta, Karnya, Thunicopyya, Attiublatta, Groniphadorrhina, Aelaropoda. Total = 49. Genera peculiar to the Nearctic Region :

None. Genera peculiar to the Neotropical Region : Sub-fam. Ectobiin.e, Phurticolea. Sub-fam. PseudomopiNjE, Caloblatta, PscitdiscJnwptcra, Macrophyl-

Uidro)iiia, I'araccrafinojitera, Aiihopyyia. Sub-fam. Nyctiborin^, Nyrtibora, Kunyctibi)ra, L'aratrojH's, llciiii- nyctobora, Meyaloblatta.

* Nom. nov. for Cardax, Shelford (pre-occ).

240 THE entomologist's record.

Sub-fam. Epilamprin.e, Phora.ipin, Notolawpra, Pinacnnota, Tri- bonulea, Phoetcdia.

Sub-fam. Panchlorin/E, Pellnblatta, Anchohlatta, Achroblatto, 'Triconiinn, Tribonidiinn, Zetobora, Phortiaeca, Schiznpilia, Capricina, Stenoblatta, Ciilama.

Sub-fam. Blaberin.e, Monaclwda, Petasodes, Monistria, Blaptica, Ih/rftotria, Archimandrita, Blaberus, hlewiblabera, Cacoblatta.

Sub-fam. Corydiin.e, Melestora, Latindia, Paralat India, Hyper- coinpsa, P>ioUeija.

Sub-fam. Oxyhaloin^, Plectnptera {Ana})t>jcta), Atticola, Heniip- terota, Hijpnorna, Cal/njpnorna.

Sub-fam. Perisphaeriinae, Proscratea, Paiaaphaeria, O.vycerciis, Mioblatta, BracJn/cola, Horinetica, Parahormetica, Dasyposoina.

Total = 54. Genera peculiar to tbe Palsearctic and Nearctic Regions (Holarctic):

Sub-fam. PANESTHYiiNiE, Cryptocercus.

Total = 1. Genera peculiar to the Palfearctic and Ethiopian Regions :

Sub-fam. Ectobiin^, PJctobius, Hololainpra.

Total = 2. Genera peculiar to the Palfearctic, Oriental, and Ethiopian Regions :

Sub-fam. Corydiin^, Poh/phar/a.

Total = 1. Genera peculiar to the Oriental and Australian Regions :

Sub-fam. Ectobiin^, Anaplectoidca.

Sub-fam. Pseodomopin.e, Allacta.

Sub-fam. Blattin^, Plati/znsteria, Cittilia, Methana, Eroblatta.

Sub-fam. Oxyhaloin^, IHploptera, Prosoplecta.

Sub-fam. Perisph^riin^t:, PeranatipJtoeta.

Sub-fam. Panesthiin^, Salganea, Panesthia, Direllonntiis.

Total = 12. Genera peculiar to the Oriental and Ethiopian Regions :

Sub-fam. Blattin^., HonialosilpJia, Durylaea.

Sub-fam. Corydiin^e, Di/scolo'iamia, Allnandella.

Total = 4. Genera peculiar to the Oriental and Neotropical Regions :

Sub-fam. Pseudomopin^., Pseudophyllodroima,

Sub-fam. Epilamprina, llhabdoblatta.

Total = 2. Genera peculiar to the Ethiopian and Neotropical Regions :

Sub-fam. Pseudomopin,^, Paraloboptera.

Sub-fam. Panchlorin.e, Xauphocta.

Sub-fam. Corydiin.'e, Sphecophila.

Sub-fam. Oxyhaloin.e, Oxyhaloa.

Total = 5. Genera peculiar to the Nearctic and Neotropical Regions :

Sub-fam. Pseudomopin.Is, Psenilnumps, AttapJiila.

Sub-fam. I^lattin.t;, Kiii-ycoth.

Sub-fam. Corydiin.e, Uoniacoyawia.

Sub-fam. OxYHALOiWiE, Plectnptera.

Total = 5.


Notes on the various species of tlie genus Coleophora.

By Hy. J. TURNER, F.E.S. Coleophora maeniacella.

Another species which occurs in the saltings very freely in the larval stage is a member of a very obscure group, all the species of which are attached to plants belonging to the Clienopodiaceae. This is C. iiioeniaeella, and the larva3 can be obtained in large numbers by sweeping among the abundant growths of Atriple.v portnlacoides, Siiaeda maritima, etc., in the marshes on the north side of the Thames estuary. Those I had were obtained at Fobbing on September 11th and 18th, 1904. The cases were cylindrical, tapering about equally to both ends, stouter and more substantial looking than any other of the species feeding on the marshes. As to colour it was indefinite ; dirty looking shades of brown, ochreous or even black, and covered by debris, of various sorts, grains of dirt, sand, etc. Some, which were found on plants covered by each high tide, were sodden by water, but still contained apparently healthy larvse. These latter cases were difficult to distinguish from the dirty succulent leaves of the Suaeda, which were of a similar shape to the cases. The larvae feed preferably on the buds, flowers and seeds of the food plants, boring holes, which were very conspicuous when the larva had eaten out the central part and left for a neighbouring seed vessel or bud. All the cases showed streaks, irregular in width from end to end, and of a lighter shade, being the pieces inserted at the time of enlargement and consequently from being newer, were lighter in colour, i.e., cleaner, and less covered by grains of dirt, etc. These insertions seem to be made anywhere and not especially along the lower side as in many species ; always of course longitudinally. The anal opening is three valved.

" The general body colour of the larva is a dirty white. The head is of a light brown, slightly lighter than the plate of the first thoracic segment, but the brown is not so light as in C. arteniisiella. The plate on the first thoracic segment is of a dull light brown, slightly glossy, and somewhat larger than is usual. There are a few small clouds of darker colour on this plate, and a white suture runs three- quarters of the way up the centre from the back, ending in one of these dark clouds. The second thoracic segment has four small plates in a semicircle with the concavity in front, and with the space between the two centre plates slightly more than between the side plates and the centre plates ; these are darker, more black-brown than those on the preceding segment. The third thoracic segment has four plates exactly behind those on the preceding segment, and of the same colour, except that in some specimens the two exterior plates are larger, much fainter, and only perceived with difficulty. The side plates of these three segments are small, uniform in size, and not quite so dark as the plates on the back. The anal segment has a deep brown plate on the back, nearly covering the whole of the segment. The larva has four pairs of abdominal legs. The inner side of the bases of all the thoracic legs have small black-brown plates, which often disappear from view with the retractile movements of these limbs. The tips of the jaws are of the same dark colour."

The larvae I had did very badly, and although very healthy when obtained, gradually deteriorated, became more and more wandering.

242 THE entomologist's record.

and finally died. Did they want periodic watering or the proximity of water twice a day as they would in nature with the advent of the tide ? was the question which arose in my mind. I did not succeed in breeding one, nor did I have any better success with the 1905 larvre which I kept out of doors from the time of obtaining them. Not one survived the winter.

On October 25th, 1904, I had the pleasure of seeing a larva enlarge its case, and a most remarkable process it was. It was my custom to have a few larvfe of each species under very frequent observation, even cari'ying them with me to my daily duties. About 11 p.m. I was giving a final glance at my larvix' for the night, when I found a case fixed longitudinally on a stem ot the food plant, with an irregular slightly zigzag slit extending •& the length of the case from the anal end. The fore end of the slit was partly filled with loose threads of^ silk, either remnants of the ruptured inner silk lining of the case, or the commencement of the new gusset. The larva had its head and about A of its body inside the case and was with its mouth fastening threads across the gap and near the anal extremity. The remaining f of its body was protruding from the case as a kind of Avedge about half way down the slit in the tube, and lying obliquely towards the fore end. The body was gripped by the edges of the slit and apparently well gripped as it was more bloated and swollen than the rest of the body observable in the tube. After a number of threads were placed in position in the anal part of the fissure (for about J of the tube) obviously to regulate the new diameter of the case and to prevent the too wide yawning of the sides, the larva turned its head and that portion (i) of its body within the tube, in the direction of the mouth opening. Then with difficulty and after considerable eftbrt it dragged the hanging out (f) portion of its body into the case, which slightly closed as the " wedge" was withdrawn. Now the larva lay in its normal position. Not long, however, did it rest. In a second or two I had the further pleasure of seeing it reverse its position, doubling back its very flexible body, both ends moving at about an equal rate, until its head was towards the anal end and the tail towai'ds the mouth end. Then the process of closing up the gap went rapidly on and by midnight scarcely a trace of the larva could be seen through the rapidly growing layer of gray, not white, silk. In the morning the larva had moved and was feeding merrily in its enlarged residence,

I noted that the larviT) I obtained in 1905 aflixed themselves in late autumn on the sides of the flower pot, on dead stems or on dried heads of the food plant, and did not subsequently move. None were bred,


The larvre of this species were found in large numbers on every plant of Artemisia maritima on the seawalls near Fobbing, on Septem- ber 11th, 1904. They feed on the flowers, stems, loaves, and seeds, and in confinement arc one of the most uneasy and restless species I know. The cases are mealy, very soft, and delicate looking, and appear much like small portions of the growing, healthy plant. They are longitudinally striped with darker, less mealy stripes, so that the surface is about equally divided between the mealy stripes and the non-mealy inter-stripcs. Although I have watched for weeks, I have never yet been able to see. the larva of this species enlarge its case,


but think it probable that one set of stripes are the pieces inserted at the time of enlargement, but whether the mealy stripes or the non- mealy are the inserted ones I have failed to observe. These cases are contracted considerably towards both ends, and the anal end has three inconspicuous valves. In confinement the mealiness rapidly dis- appears, as a fact it is eaten by other larvfe, which have the habit of crawling over each other and getting into bunches.

"The general body colour of the larva is dirty, dingy, pale yellow, vitreous at the fore end of the body, but greenish on the back from the contents of the abdominal canal shining through the semi-transparent skin, which appears to be more transparent on the forward halt than on the hinder half of the larva. The head is shining light brown- yellow, glossy. The first thoracic segment is completely covered by a very large plate, the suture of which partly divides it down the middle, being only seen with difficulty, with the light in a particular direction, and the sides reach almost down to the spiracular plates. The colour is but very slightly darker than the ground colour, which renders the plates very obscure. The second thoracic segment has two plates on the back, the front edges forming a curve with the concave part towards the head. The third thoracic segment has two dot-plates (?), but they are very obscure, as also are the spiracular plates of the three thoracic segments. The anal plate is large and black, and the outside bases of the anal claspers have a fair-sized round black dot-plate on each. There are four pairs of abdominal claspers."

This species seems very prone to the attacks of a Dipteron, for on every occasion when I have had the larvn? I have only bred an odd imago or none at all. In a month or two after obtaining the larvae I invariably find a multitude of the black puparia of the fly at the bottom of the pot or larval cage. I have tried to feed this species on the garden wormwood and for a time some seemed to feed well, mining into the soft green stems, leaving only the outer cuticle, but they soon tired of it and wandered and wandered after the manner of their kind. I have never been succesful in breeding many of this species. They do not survive the winter in our suburban conditions. The loss of life among the larvje must be enormous, as one never finds the imagines in any numbers in the early summer, so far as my experience goes. Possibly Mr. Whittle might be able to give us some details of how to successfully hybernate the larva?, as he lives in the near neighbourhood of the local habitat of this species.

Adalia obliterata, L., ab. sublineata, Weise, in Surrey.

By G. W. NICHOLSON, M.D., F.E.S. On September 22nd I swept three specimens of this aberration in a larch plantation on Boxhill, in Surrey. As it has, apparently, not as yet been recorded from Britain, and as it forms a connecting link between the typo form of this for a Coccinellid extremely stable species and its ab. feneatrata, Weise, its capture should certainly be mentioned. Ganglbauer gives the following aberrations, or varieties as he calls them, of this insect : (1) ab. sublineata, Weise, in which the elytra are marked with one or two longitudinal black stripes. (2) ab. sexnotata, Thunb., in which they are mottled with black or show three or four sharply defined black marks. (3) ab, fenestrata,

244 THE entomologist's FvECORD.

Weise, has the elytra black, with an ill-defined, usually' irregular brownish-yellow transverse band at the base, and one or two light spots behind the middle. (It has been taken in this country on one or two occasions.) (4) ab. illii/eri, Weise, with black elytra, which are lighter only at the base. (5) ab. funiata, Weise, in which they are uniformly black or brownish-black. In the latter forms the thorax may be black, except for a narrow border at the sides. My specimens all differ somewhat from each other. The first, which approaches most closely to the type-form, has an elongated black dash on the posterior third of each elytron, which is nearer to the margin than to the suture. In the second this dash, which occupies the same position, is more developed ; in front of it, in the anterior half of each elytron, there is a minute black spot, occupying the same position relatively to the margin. In the third specimen the posterior black line is longer and more curved and the anterior spots are much larger. On looking over my series of A. ohliterata I find one specimen, also from Boxhill, in which there is a small oblong black mark near the apex of each elytron. This is therefore an intermediate form. I would add that these spots should not be confounded with the blackish or brownish discoloration, usually asymmetrical, which are not infrequently found on the elytra of this, as well as of most other species of Coccinellidae, and which are clearly due to some mechanical cause.


Various Bionomical Notes. There is probably nothing new in what is here recorded. May I humbly suggest that British lepidop- terists, with one or two laudable exceptions, are too much afraid of publishing notes on rest attitudes, etc. ? We are apt to forget that facts, which we observe every day, must be recorded in print, before others can compare their observations with ours. We fail to remember how much of Darwin's work was founded on minute observations and accurate records on living nature.

Papilio machaon, August 3rd, 1912, Stalham Broad. Two full- grown larvffi. One willingly protruded the well-known fleshy tubercles. The scent of pine apples, but with a " bitter background," was distinctly perceptible, as usual. The other larva refused to show the tubercles, even when pinched. It appeared to be absolutely scentless.

Gonepteryx rhamni, May 9th, Wicken Fen, 3.35 p.m. The day had been heavy, and thunder was about. Just at the time the sun was shining. I watched a mtAe Brimstone settle down for the night under a leaf of meadow-sweet (Sfiraea i(liiioria). The disc of the forewing was not completely covered by the hindwing. The insect was sitting back downward, holding to one midrib of the leaf. The white undersides of the tips of the antenme were strikingly con- spicuous. They suggested the two eyes of some unknown beast, whose body was outlined by the stalks of the antennae The antennae were, of course, porrected, and the tips bent ventrally {i.e., upwards).

Pleheiua aiffns {aeijon), June 27th, Ashdown Forest ; July 2nd, Matley and Denny Bogs, New Forest. Abundant on both occasions. In sunlight the males generally orientated, but not always. Some- times they orientate, head downwards, with wings nearly flat, and


forewings very much advanced. But they appear to be careless, even when fully awake, tending on the whole to be correctly orientated, and certainly preferring to be head downwards. Quite frequently they spread the hindwings completely, and the forewings partially. They sit on fences, heather, ling, gorse, and perhaps other plants. A ^ with closed wings seen from above really does suggest a gorse pod. He has the same woolly, blue-white appearance. The forewing is always sunk as completely as possible behind the hindwing, and this as soon as the wings are closed. One 3 " sawed " his hindwings, as blues so often do. i hope to cut sections of him and see if he was troubled by internal parasites.

Ai/riades thetis, June 13th, North Downs, Kent. Sunny at intervals, windy, no rain. Males are always correctly orientated, if the sun is shining. The insect always settles on flowers of Hippo- crejns (once on Myosotis). The insect is distinctly wary, and you must exercise care if you would approach within a yard of it. The ? is perhaps less careful about orientation.

Aiujiades (Hesperia) si/lvanus, June 29th, Rhinefields, New Forest. Both sexes, settling mostly on Erica, also on Orchis maculata.

Anthrocera meliloti, July 1st, New Forest. A male was taken with two stamens of Orchis macidata adhering to its face. The day following was sunless, stuffy, and thundery. The insects were flying all the same. Surely this is unusual in a Burnet ?

Miltochrista viiniata. From observations made in early July in the New Forest by Mr. G. Storey and myself we concluded that the S' flies at early dusk, and not later ; one $ not till it is time for entomologists to " light up." Mr. Storey and myself took five ? s while we were lighting our lamps one night. They all flew in towards two yards of ditch from different direction. Can they possibly have been flying to a (? ?

JS'octtia primulae {f estiva), June 18th, Fairhill, Tonbridge, etc. This species is more shy at sugar than most other Noctuae. It does not get decently drunk till after 10 p.m.

N. bntmica and N. triangulum, June 30th, New Forest. Sugaring notes for June 30th say " warmer and cloudier than last night. Brunnea more abundant, triam/ulitm less so." If this happens regu- larly, and is not accidental, it must mean something !

Plusia chrijsitis (g), June 12th, Fairhill. At light. This specimen had two orchidaceous stamens attached by their sticky discs to the ventral surface of its eye, one on each side. I identified the stamens with practical certainty as those of Habenaria bifolia.

Geometra papilionaria. I bred a good many specimens this year from near Rugby, and noted the time of emergence fairly accurately for several specimens.

Date. June 22nd June 23rd June 26th June 28th June 29th

?. 8.15 p.m.


2 speciraeng

6.15 p.m.

9.45 cfe 12 noon

10 a.m.

June 30th July 2nd

12 midnight 5 p.m.

12 noon.

8.15 a.m.

5 p.m.

These results are not very full, but I think they do point to the $

246 THE entomologist's record.

emerging in the evening, the ^ in the forenoon. This conclusion was borne out by many other specimens, whose time of emergence was not accurately noted.

Ephyra annidata, June 29th, New Forest. One specimen at sugar !

Cidaria jnjraliata ( ? ), July 15th, Fairhill. -The rest attitude is not by any means easy to describe. The forewings are held flat, well advanced. The hindwings are completely covered by the forewings, except their costa, which curls up and over costa of forewings. The antennae lie along the disc of the forewings.

Pachj/thelia {Psyche) villosella. A few cases collected in the New Forest (July 8rd) by Mr. Storey and myself. Larvje emerged from one of my cases on July 16th. They numbered about 400. I first noticed them as a long line of small insects proceeding rapidly along my mantlepiece towards the light. They had squeezed out of their box, and their phototropic instinct was exceedingly accurate. Arrived at the corner of the mantlepiece nearest the window, they had the wits to lower themselves by threads to the ground. At this point I captured them, or they would have been lost in the carpet. The whole brood kept to one narrow line of march with remarkable accuracy. They settled down quite soon to the duty of case-making. In each instance the case was commenced as a girdle round the 2nd and 3rd abdominal segments.

Kpichnopteryx pidla (^s), June 13th, Wrotham Down, Kent. The insect normally rests with the wings " roofed " and the antennae beneath the costa of the forewings. When thoroughly awake the wings are more spread, and the antenna3 are held forward in an " ordinary " position ; they are perpetually quivering. I should like to investigate the anatomy and histology of these antennae. The muscles, and more particularly the nerve-endings, should prove very interesting.

Micropteryx thnnheryella, May 2nd, Hardwick Wood, Cambs. Buzzing round privet bushes.

Micropteryx ealthella. Various localities. I have frequently noticed that a blossom, whether of Caltha, Cardaniine, or other flower, either contains no, ealthella at all, or else that it contains at least half- a-dozen. It may be that in only a few flowers is the pollen in a suitable state of ripeness ; but I incline to the view that the species is sociable.— P. A. Buxton, Fairhill, Tonbridge.


Capture of Aleochara brunneipennis near Leicester. I have taken the above species at Sutton-inthe-Elms, near Leicester, on three different occasions ; five specimens altogether. They were taken in haystack refuse, and have been confirmed by Dr. Sharpe ; I ought rather to say named by him, as I did not know what species they were. Two specimens of A. ruficornis and a nice set of J^scKdopsis sidcata were captured under the same stack.^ W. H. Barrow, 4, Saxe-Coburg Street, Leicester. August 12f/(, 1912.


The Season 1912. I should like to know if my experiences this


season are shared by other entomologists, as I personally never had such a poor one. A week at Towyn with two of my sons only brought us half-a-dozen of each of Charaeas graminis, Agrotis tritici, and Brgophila perla, with specimens of a few other species. This result after the early, unexpectedly early, start of the season has made it doubly disappointing. An outing to Earlswood, on February 11th, gave us our start with Plug alia pcdaria, and also with a Syntomid on the last day of the frost, from Messrs. Cadbury's Cocoa Manufactory, that had just emerged and been knocked down with a sugar-bag. It was sup- posed to be a species from San Thome. (The species is Ceramidia butleri, and is a native of Central Africa, G. T. B.-B.) The following week P. pedaria were again in evidence, but a visit to the woods on February 25th, with no net and, from habit at this time of the j^ear, with only a few pill-boxes, found the wood literally alive with Hibernia leiicophaearia, a sharp shout causing them to fall from the tree trunks like the leaves in an autumn wind after a night's frost. We took a few picked specimens and added to them P. pedaria, H. bnonata, Hibernia progeminaria, and one A^pJialia jiavicornis. March 3rd added Alwphila [Anisoptenjx) aescularia and repeated the above list. The A. fiavicornis of this date was resting on a loop in the railway-paling wires, but, unfortunately, was a spent female. March 24th found all the above species still about, but Hibernia leucophaearia had given way to Panolis piniperda, while March 31st gave us a fine female Paclujfi (Amphidasis) strataria. The Easter week gave us Lobophora carpinata (lubiilata) and Tephrosia crepnscularia, the latter nearly all of the dark form. Later on Maleiiydris multristigaria was seen. I had forgotten to say that on March 21st I was delighted to see both sexes of Gonepteryx rhamni flying well in the woods, and following much the same round were male F.ncldo'e cardamines. Was not this very nearly the earliest date for the latter species ? Now began a close hunt for Tricoptery.v riretata, which was fairly successful. The first specimen came on April 24th, one only, and also our first Callophrys rubi, a few Celastrina argiolus and T. crepiixcidaria. April 28th, added Satitrnia carpini to this list, with another T. viretata. May opened with seven Lasiocampa qiierctis larvfe, apparently part of a brood on the edge of a golf green. Two of these emerged on June 15th, one came out later, and the others are lying over presumably to become var. callmiae. On the same date we added to our takings Mamestra (Hadena) glauca and Lampropteryx auffumata, while seven T. viretata were captured. May 12th added Dicranura rinida, male, Notodonta phoebe (dictaea), Gonodontii^ bidcntata and Diipalus piniaria, and T. riretata was at its highest. The next week, May 19th, repeated all but D. vinula and A^ phoebe (dictaea), and added Cidaria corylata, Epirrita (Oporabia) dilutata, and a batch of unknown ova. May 27th gave us Leptosia sinapis, Ma))iestra (Hadena) genistae, Anaitis plagiata, Polygonia c-album, Ligdia adastata, C. temerata, Eidype (Melanippe) liastata, and the usual common species of May. Brentliis selene had also just emerged, and, last but not least, we took six Arctia rillica and a batch of ova laid on the leaves of a young lime tree disclosed to us during a rough wind. This date was spent around Lydney and district. After May our captures have decreased week by week till lately we get little or nothing from our outings. I have given the dates above as they may be useful for comparison with the experiences

248 THE entomologist's record.

of others. F. Fountain, 191, Darwin Street, Birmingham. Auqust Mth, 1912.

Seasonal Notes, 1912. I don't know how other collectors fared at the sallows this year, but on the two occasions when I visited them at Woldingham I found insects scarce. My first evening, on March 16th, seemed in every way a suitable one, warm and moist, but only a few Taeniocampa stabilis, T. incerta and T. (jothica put in an appearance. My second venture, on March 30th, a very cold bright night, resulted in two T. niacilis being taken in good condition, the only other species seen being T. r/otliica, worn. A visit to Tilgate Forest, on April 6th, a fine bright day, found Brephos parthenias on the wing in fair condition, and a couple of Vanessa io were observed. Although the tree trunks and fences were well scrutinized not a.n insect was seen at rest. Easter Monday, April 8th, was a bleak day but a walk from Walton Heath to Dorking was taken, cia Headley and Ranmore Common ; although many likely spots were searched for Arctia caja and other larvre, none were met with, nor was any insect observed at rest throughout the whole walk. The same state of affairs prevailed on the following day during a walk across country from Caterham to Oxted. The hot summer of 1911 must have had an adverse effect on A. caja : perhaps a second brood was attempted with fatal results. I usually come across a fair number of the larvae every spring, this year I saw one only. A trip to Wiltshire on April 18th, for Melitaea anrinia, was quite successful and a nice series was bred from the larvae obtained. On April 28th, a day's run was made to the New Forest for Boarmia cinctaria and from captured females a good supply of ova was obtained. Sleeved out on sallow the larvae seemed to do remarkably well. Limenitis sibijlla larvffi were also taken, but the particular spot searched had been, I should imagine, well over- looked previously. On May 14th a few Scodonia hehiiaria were captured at Oxshott ; more would have been got but for my lamp proving fractious. At dusk a female Cidaria silaceata was taken, and from ova obtained a few fine imagines were bred. Ova of Euchlo'e cardaniines were fairly common in the lanes round Purley during May, but comparatively few of the larvae were got into pupfe, owing, I consider, to their cannibalistic habits in their earlier stages. On Whit Monday (May 27th) a visit was paid to Abbot's wood, where Brenthis sdene, Adscita statices, and Tanagra atrata {cliaerophijllata) were taken in good condition, and larvae of Bitln/s (Zephi/nts) (jucrcm beaten. On June 1st I attended the South London field meeting at Brentwood, and although not successful in obtaining one of the three Notol<)])Iuis (/ondstiiinia larvae that were beaten, I was fortunate in securing at dusk two Erastria renitstida, one in fine condition. During June I succeeded in breeding a fine series of JSlelitaea cinxia from larvae obtained the previous July. At the time when the larvae were feeding there was plenty of sunshine, and full advantage was taken of this. At the end of June a three days' trip was made to Witherslack, a locality I had long wished to visit. On the mosses Coenoni/mpha dams {tijphon) was well in evidence, but going over ; by selection a short but fairly satisfactory series was taken. Other species seen or taken on the mosses were hiacrisia sa)W), (PJutliononia riissida) just out, Lasiacaiiipa (jiierciis, Hijria iniiricata {auroraria), Acidalia fioiiata, Fidonia atomana and Aspilates strigillaria. In the meadows Arieia


medon (astrarche) and var. salmacn, and some fine P. teams were taken ; two nests of Vanessa io were noted. Dusking proved very disappoint- ing after all I had heard of the locality, but this was probably owing to the cold and damp nights that prevailed. The visit altogether was a most interesting one, and I hope to repeat it another year. On July 7th larvffi of Celastrina arijiolns (this species appears to have been most abundant this year) and Callophrijs riibi were taken on the berries of dogwood at Reigate, but many of the former proved to be stung. On Sunday, July 7th, an excursion was made to Deal, the objective being larva of Pi/rameu cardui. A few were obtained, also ova and a male just out. Full fed larvae of /'. atalanta were common on one big bank of nettles and with them were taken larva? of P. cardui. The latter seem to choose thistle for their food plant, but appear to be quite content with nettle ; in my opinion those larva? brought up on nettle produce finer pupa? than those reared on thistle, and I believe this opinion to be shared by other entomologists. Mesotype lineolata [viryata) was on the wing on the sandhills, but was getting worn, and a female Sesia (Macroylussa) stellatarum was observed ovipositing on lady's bedstraw. A trip to Margate, on July 21st, gave barren results, it was apparently too soon for Colias edusa and things generally were scarce. A search for ova of Celastrina aryiolus, at Reigate, on July 27th, resulted in two or three being discovered deposited on the un- opened flower buds of bramble, but I doubt if they were so deposited from choice. There is no ivy in the immediate neighbourhood of the spot where the species occurs, and the question is upon what foodplant does it deposit its ova. In a flowery field at Caterham, on August ILth, the following butterflies were observed in the condition noted : Pieris rapae (good), Vanessa to and Pyranieis atalanta (fine), P. cardui, Epinephele jurtina, Coenonywpha pamphilus (worn), Rumicia {f'hryso- phanus) phlaeas (tine), Aricia medon [astrarche) (good), P.icarus, Ayriades coridon, and Adopaea jiava {linea) (worn). My only Colias edusa was seen on August 16th on waste ground in Kingsway within a hundred yards of Holborn, surely a strange locality to find it in . The insect was busy visiting the willow herb and other wild plants growing on the spot ; it was, I think, a female, but a high fence prevented close inspection. Are the larvje of Polia jlavicincta cannibalistic? I had a fine brood of them from Cornish stock, but upon searching for the pupae where there should have been a dozen, only one or two were found, the remainder had disappeared without leaving a trace behind. I found the early part of the year favorable for collecting, but upon the weather becoming bad lepidoptera seemed to get scarce, and the wet weather which has prevailed throughout the present month (August) has put a thorough damper on everything. I have only tried sugaring once or twice and then have met with no success. I am now hoping for a fine September and October with which to finish the season. I shall be glad to learn the experience of other collectors during the year. A. Russell (F.E.S.), " Wilverley," Dale Road, Purley, Surrey. Auyust 27th.


The Collections of Insects in the Natural History Section of the British Museum are no doubt far and away the richest in the world in species and specimens of all orders. Huge additions are constantly

250 THE entomologist's record.

being made by gift and bequest, while lesser donations of type specimens and sets of special forms help to fill the smaller gaps and render consultation of the Museum's store a necessity to every serious student. Quite recently, by the will of the late Mr. H. J. Adams, of Enfield, the Museum has acquired some 150,000 exotic butterflies and moths, most of them in very perfect condition. The 68 cabinets and the large number of store-boxes in which the collection is contained are already in the Museum and no doubt ere long will be available for consultation. It was not very long ago that the rich and unique collection of the smaller Lepidoptera made by the Right Hon. Lord Walsingham was most generously given to the Museum, and now it is rumoured that another extremely fine micro-collection will ere long find the same final destination.

In the April and following numbers of the Knt. Mo. Marf. Dr. J. H. Wood contributes notes on the various British species of the Dipterous family P/ioruhte and describes the following species as new to science: Hypocera rrrer/idarin, from Stoke Wood; Aphiochaeta siniulans; A. breviseta, from Mainswood ; A. atrimana, from Middle Park and Westhide ; A. viajor, from Weybridge, from Mr. Collin ; A. arv/ustifrons, from Mainswood ; A. hyalipennis, from Stoke Park and Wood ; A. rnbeuYm^, from Hereford, in the house ; and A. loiKjicostalis, from the nest of Ladm fuUf/ino.ws, at Darenth, found by Mr. Donisthorpe. On page 173 Dr. Wood commenced a tabular analytical scheme of the numerous species so far identified as belonging to the large genus Aphiochaeta.

In the July number of the Knt. Mo. May. Mr. Norman H. Joy gives an analytical table of the Coleopterous genus Gyropliacna and describes a new species, G. cunve.ricollis, and also adds another species, (i. hihamata to the British list. The former is very near G. liicidida and the latter will probably be found in collections mixed with G. laevipemtia. Dr. David Sharp adds two new species to the British list of Coleoptera, Strophosomiis cnrvipes, which he found near Bournemouth, and Planemtomua flavicolUs, which his daughter obtained in flood refuse near Brockenhurst.

In the August number of the Knt. Mo. May. Mr. Bagnall announces L'ej)halothrips nionilicornis as an addition to the British Thysanoptera. It was taken by him in the New Forest in August, 1911.

In recent numbers of the Ent. Mo. May. further instalments of new British species of Diptera are given from the notes of the late Mr. G. H. Verrall. The species are llcrcoatotiius subsiwplicijx's, taken at Porthcawl, Bridgend and Port Talbot in July 1906 and 1908; GymnopternuH brevicornis, taken at Nethy Bridge, June 15th, 1905; G. anyusti/romt, taken by Dr. Wood at Moccas Pool, September, 1910 ; Chnjsotiissnaris, taken by Col. Yerburyat Porthcawl and in Glamorgan- shire ; C. nielampoilim, from Brockenhurst, Porthcawl, etc.; ( '. varians, from Lyndhurst, Rannoch, &c. ; Aryyra yrata, taken by Dr. Wood in Herefordshire; I'orpliyrojia fracta, from Nethy Bridge, by Col. Yerbury in June, 1905; Syntnnnon spicatKx, taken near Tarrington by Dr. Wood in 1906; S. I'diyer {rK/ipcs), taken by Col. Yerbury at Walton-on-Naze, Chi-istchurch, &c.; Achalcus inclanotrichiis, bred from Snailwell, Cambs.; 'J'hrypticKs dirisKs, from Nairn and Weybridge; T. lactiis, from Weybridge and Porthcawl ; T. pollinoms, taken in July, 1905, at


Aviemore, by Colonel Yerbury; Medeterus infrnnatu!^, from Nethy Bridge, taken by Col. Yerbury, June and July, 1905; M. nitidxs, bred by Mr. Donisthorpe in 1910 ; 31. excellens, taken sparingly at Netby Bridge in 1905, by C. G. Lamb ; Telmaturiius tiuiiidulus, on the margins of a Pond at Rempstone, Dorset, by Col. Yerbury in August, 1909 ; Cawpsicnemus compeditus, in June, 1907, at Stud- land, by Col. Yerbury ; C. mar<iinatus, odd specimens taken by Dr. Wood ; Teuchophorus calcaratus, Monnow Valley, Herefordshire, by Dr. Wood; Aphrofiijlus initis, abundant at Woodbridge, Suffolk, etc., in 1907 and 1908 ; (Jallimyia eleiiana, taken by Col. Yerbury, at Porth- cawl ; A(/atJiot)ujia zetterstcdti, sent from Hereford, September, 1907, by Dr. Wood ; Pipiincidus incDj/ititus, taken by Col. Yerbury, at Nairn, in 1905 ; Chilosia velntina, taken by Mr. R. C. Bradley at W. Runton, in 1900 ; Sphaerop/ioria loeivii, taken by Col. Yerbury, at Gravesend, in June, 1908; Hannnerschmidtia ferruijinea, taken by Col. Yerbury, at Spey Bridge, in June, 1905 ; Kudoromyia viagniconiis, taken at Lynd- hurst Road, in July, 1897 ; Vibrissina turrita, from Tangham Wood, Suflfolk, in August, 1907; Ptyc/wniyia selecta, from Lyndhurst, Swansea, Hereford, etc. ; Bothria subalpina, taken by Mr. Wainwright near Birmingham; Germaria anyustata, taken at Martham, Norfolk, in June, 1888 ; Onesia yentilis, from Lewes, Folkestone, Chippenham Fen, etc. ; Syntonwy aster e.riyua, in Herefordshire, by Dr. Wood; S. fasciata, taken at Lyndhurst in May, 1897, and by Mr. Atmore, at King's Lynn, in 1910; Ciniichira atra, from Woodbridge in Suffolk, in July. 1908, by Mr. J. E. Collin ; Sarco/i/iaya shuiata, taken at Mildenhall,in Suffolk, in May, 1909, by Col. Yerbury ; S. pidiiila, at Barton Mills, Suffolk, in May, 1909 ; Fyrellia aenea, very common at Wicken Fen (formerly known as P. cadaverina) ; Spiloyaster platyptera, taken at Lyndhurst, in June, 1872, and at Penzance in 1871 ; S. halterata, from Bridge, Kent, in June, 1886 ; Limnophora maritima, taken by Col. Yerbury, at Walton - on-Naze, in August, 1907 ; Homalowyia fucivorax, taken by Dr. Wood in the Monnow Valley ; H. lineata, bred from rotten debris in a hollow tree near Newmarket ; Pegomyia rujina, from Dawlish ; P. sq nam if era, in the garden at Newmarket, in June, 1904 ; P. interruptella, taken at Soham and Wicken, in May, 1892 ; P. femorata, a common species ; Anthomyia procellaris, a widely distributed species ; A. inibrida, also widely spread ; Chortophila latipennis, taken at Lyndhurst, in June, 1874 ; Chirosia crassiseta, taken at Porthcawl, in June, 1906 ; C. parvicornis, very widely distributed ; Lif<pa pyymaea {tenuijialpis), taken at Bourne- mouth, in August, 1874, and elsewhere since ; L. hydroniyzina, probably collected by the late Rev. T. A. Marshall ; Caricea erythrocera, taken near Hay, in Herefordshire, in July, 1901-2, by Dr. Wood ; C. brachialis taken by Dr. Wood, in April, 1903 ; Liiimospila albifrons, common near Aldeburgh and Woodbridge, in August ; Coenoda dorsalis, a rather common species ; C. albatella, taken at Porthcawl, in June, 1906 ; C. atra, from Wicken Fen and Barton Mills ; C. bilineella, taken by Col. Yerbury, at Nairn, in May, 1905 ; C. lineatipes, taken by Dr. Wood near Farrington, in 1897 ; C. pttmila, has occurred at Wicken Fen, Aldeburgh, etc. ; C. steini, taken at Porthcawl, in May, 1908, by Col. Yerbury ; C. pyymaea, from Aldeburgh and Woodbridge ; C. salinarum, common at Butley, Suffolk ; C. trilineella, common atRannoch, in June, 1870; and C. lonyicauda, taken in the Lake District, in July, 1876.

In the August issue of the Annales de la Societe Entomoloyiqiie de Belgique, M. Ball discusses the various forms of Colias palaeno, which

252 THE entomologist's record.

species is met with sparingly in some restricted areas of Belgium. lie says that an examination of the genital organs gave him no con- clusive results on the observation of external characters only. He gives a table of the various named forms of C. palaeno, their distinguishing characteristics and the areas over which each form extends. The large form with very yellow ^ named europome is the one taken in Belgium.

In the Irhh Naturalist for July the Kev. W. T. Johnson reports the occurrence near Belfast of Piiiiialia pedaria 9 (pilosaria), about February 27th, and on March 17th of Ahophila aesciilaria at Poyntypass, It appeared to us that these dates, compared with those for the present year in England, were very late. In the August number G. H. Pentland discusses the " Increase and Decrease of some Insects in the County of Louth during the last fifty years." He says that, " Ten or twelve years ago we were invaded by Sirex giijas. This formidable looking creature increased very fast and soon ever}^ fallen silver fir or gate post of that timber was riddled with them." He goes on to say, " Hard on the heels of the Great Wood- Wasp came his enemy. Four years ago I got my first specimen of Ehijssa persnasoria, the ichneumon-fly that preys on the grub of the wood-wasp. Since then it has increased wonderfully." One would like to know in what way the ichneumon found out the colony of wood-wasps after the six or eight years of immunity from attack which the latter had apparently enjoyed.

George Herbert Grosvenor, M.A., F.E.S.

By the death of George Herbert Grosvenor, who was drowned at Polzeath on September 4th whilst heroically endeavouring to save the life of a friend, the Science of Entomology has lost one of the most promising of her younger workers. Entering Harrow as a classical scholar he was equally distinguished for his mathematical ability. From Harrow he took a Biological Exhibition at New College, Oxford, and after taking first class honours in the final Science School of Natural Science, he was elected to the Oxford Table at the Naples Marine Biological Laboratory. Here he carried out a remarkable piece of research on the origin of the nematocysts in Aeolids. His paper on the subject was read before the Royal Society and he was awarded the Rolleston Prize in 1904. On his return to Oxford he undertook the organisation of the School of Economic Entomology, and having been awarded a Carnegie Scholarship had recently visited the principal Entomological Research Laboratories in the United States. Of a singularly modest and retiring disposition, his great ability and remarkable clearness of thought were perhaps best appreciated by those whose good fortune it was to be his intimates. His great success as a teacher was due not only to his com- prehensive knowledge but also to his power of imparting to his pupils much of his own enthusiasm and love of the subject. Those who were present at the second International Congress of Entomology will recall the. efficiency and courtesy with which, as joint secretary, he assisted in the organisation of the meeting. His name will be held in high honour no less for his life than for the manner of his death.— H.E.

WATKINS 8c DONCASTER, Naturalists and Manufacturers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain Ring Nets, wire or cane, including Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-, Folding Nets, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket Boxes (deal), 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6. Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with camphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, flat or oval, lin., 6d. ; IJin., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2^in., 1/-; 3Jin., 1/4; 4in., 1/6; 5in., 1/10; Complete Set of fourteen Boards, 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6 ; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases', japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antennae 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3^, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheath, 1/9. Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc.

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as minute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sesiidae, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


Of every description of Insects, Birds' Eggs, Coins, Microscopical Objects, Fossils, &c.

Catalogue (100 pages) sent on application, post free.

LARGE STOCK OF INSECTS AND BIRDS' EGGS (British, European, and Exotic). Birds, Mammals, etc.. Preserved and Mounted hy First class tVorkinen.


Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

By MALCOLM BURR. D.Sc, F.Z.S., F.L.S., F.E.S., &g.

Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3sm neim

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

Will he sent Post Free on receipt of Postal Order for 3s. to

A. H., 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.


You can't do without these, they keep your insects in fine setting condition for weeks if you are too busy to set them at once ; they relax old specimens to perfection. Hundreds sold yearly, and testimonials always being received. Prices, 2s. 4d. and 3s. lid., post free.

If you have not yet received any price lists of Ova, Larv.e, and Pup.e, also Set Insects, write at once for them ; many Bargains.

Larv8B per |doz. : Edusa, 2s. 6d. ; Helice, 10s. 6d. ; Cardui, Is. ; Atalanta, Is ; Argiolus, Is. ; S. ligustri, 2s. ; Tilice, 2s. ; Quercus, 6d. ; Quercifolia, Is. ; Papilionaria, Is. ; Pendularia, 9d.; Omicronaria, Is. ; Occulta, Is. 3d. ; Hybrid, Pendularia x Omicro- naria, 30s. ; and many others.

L. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.



A Gynandromorphous Specimen of Amorpha populi, L., IF. Parkinson Curtis,

i^'.i?.^. (with plate) 229

Ahevrsitionfd ^ames, Rev. George Wheeler, M. A., F.Z.S., F.E.S. .. .. .. 229

Some Captures in Norfolk, with special reference to Lithostege griseata, Rev. C.

Thornewill, M.A 230

The genus Pseudacraea an extraordinary example of Mimetic Polymorphism, T.

Chapman, M.D., F.Z.S., F.E.S 233

'Random tiotes on 1912, E. A. Cockayne, M.D., F.E.S 234

Notes on the Distribution of the Blattidse, the late R. Shelford. M.A., F.Z.S.,

E.E.S 238

Notes on the various species of the genus Coleophora, Hi/. J. Turner, F.E.S. . . 241

Adalia obliterata, L., ab. sublineata, Weiss, in Surrey, G. W. Nicholson, M.D.,

F.E.S. 243

Scientific Notes and Observations : Various Bionomical Notes, P. A. Buxton,

F.E.S 244

CoLEOPTERA : Capturc of Aleochara brunneipennis near Leicester, W. H. Barrow 246

Notes on Cotxecting. etc.: The Season, 1912, F.Fountain; Seasonal Notes,

1912, A. Russell, F.E.S. .. 246

Current Notes and Short Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

Obituary: George Herbert Grosvenor, il.iB. .. .. .. .. .. .. 252

Numerous communications are unavoidably held over from Messrs. Burr, W. Parkinson Curtis, G. Wheeler, the late E. Shelford, H. E. Page, J. T. Fountaine, T. Baxter, Hy. J. Turner, Eussell E. James, Rev. A. T. Stiff, D. H. Pearson, etc., and Reports of Societies.

All MS. and editorial matter should be sent and all proofs returned to Hy. J. Turner, 98, Drakefell Road, New Cross, London, S.E.


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U.SC, I'MO.H., F.n.S.Ii.


r.Z.S., F.L.S. , F.E.S. M. BURR, D.SC, F.Z.R., F.I..S., F.E.S.

(Rev.) C. R. N. BURROWS, f.e.s.

T. A. CHAPMAN, m.d.,f.z.s., F.E.s.

Jas. E. COLLIN, F.E.s.


F.Z.8., F.E.S.

Alfred SICH, f.e.s.

J. R. le B. TOMLIN, m.A., f.e.s.

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Henry J. TUENEE, f.e.s., Eclitoiial Secretary.

XOVEHIBEIt loth, 1912.

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LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK, 62, rA-riciiNosaKU Eow, E.G.


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Entomologist's Record & Journal of Variation

(Practical Hints, Field Work, etc., useful for every year's collecting). VOL. VI.

The TITLES of some of the articles are as follows: Notes on Butterfly Pupa?, with some remarks on the Phylogenesis of the Rhopalocera."— Dr. T. A. Chapman, F.E.S., " Phytophagic Species."— Prof. A. liadclife Orote, M.A. " Varieties and aberrations of Noctuse from Doncaster." H. H. Corbett, M.R.C.'s. "The frenulum of the British species of Smerinthus."— G. C. Griffithf, F.Z.S., F.E.S. "Eudryas stte-johannis.,' A. Radelijte'Grote, M.A. "Parthenogenesis or Agaiiiogenesis." J. W. Tiitt, F. B.S. " LarvEe."— Ber. G. M. A'. Hervitt, M.A. " Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1894." —J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Generic Names in the Noctuidoe."— Prof. A. E. Grote, M.A. " Pupa hunting in October."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Polygamy and Polyandry in Moths." "The nature of certain insect colours."— IT.S. Ridiny, M.D., R. Freer, M.B., J. W.'Tutt,'F. B.S., Rer. C. R. N. Bitrrowg, J. Anderson, Jim. "The Lepiioptera of Swansea."— Jlinjor R. B. Robertson. " Caradrina ambigua in the Isle of Wight."— .4. .7. Hodfies. "The insects of Bourg St. Maurice."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Orrhodia erythrocephala ab. glabra from Devonshire and comparison with O. vaccinii." Dr. W. S. Riding, F.E.S. "Notes on Caradrina ambigua and C. superstes."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Entomology and Entomologists, being the Annual Addrpss to the City of London Entom. Society." Notes on Aphomia sociella " (with plate).— IF. P. Blpckhurne Maze, F.E.S. "Apterous females and Winter Emergence "—E. F. Studd, M.A., B.C.L., F.E.S., L. B. Prout, F.E.S. " Collecting Noctuidoe by Lake Erie."— .-f. RadcUjIe Grote, M.A. " Coleoptera at Ipswich."— Claude Morleij, F.E.S. "Notes on Bonibus visurgiofi." " Synonymic Notes on Acidalia humilata and A. dilutaria."— L. B. Prout, F.E.S. "The Lepidoptera of Gr6sy-sur-Aix."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Apatura iris."— i?fr. G. M. A. Hewett- " Scheme of Classification of the Rhopalocera founded on the structure of the Pup£8." T, A. Chapman, M.D., F.E.S. "Glimpses of American Entomology."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "The Genus Smerinthus." A. Bacot. " Variation considered biologically : Some notes suggested by the Romanes Lecture of 1894."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Wing structure."— J. Alston Mofatt. "On the development of sex in social insects."—,/. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "The British representatives of the Genus Caradrina."— L. B. Prout, F.E.S. " Habits and variation of Lithosia lutarella and its variety pygmaeola." J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. On the gradual disappearance of Lepidoptera from South-Eastern London and its neighbourhood."— C. Fenii, F.E.S. " A hunt for Neuroterus aprilinus."— T. A. Chapman. M.D., F.E.S. "On the development of pigment in Nemeohius lucina." F. J. BuckeU, M.B. "The Macro-Lepi- doptera of Keswick." H. A. Beadle. " Varieties of Argynnis selene " (with plate). S. G. C. Evssell, F.E.S. " Hadenoid genera with hairy eyes." Prof. A. R. Gro'e, M.A. '• Zygeena minos and its varieties."— J. IV. Tutt, F.E.S. "Notes on the pupre of Castnia and Anthocharis."— T. A. Chapman, M.D., F.E.S. Besides these articles, a large number of short notes are contained in every number under the follewina; titles: "Scientific Notes and Observations," " Variation," " Notes on Larvfe and Life- histories," "Notes on Collecting," " Current Notes." The reports of Societies are very carefully edited, and only scientific paragraphs published. The " Practical Hints " and " Field work " for each month are quite unique.

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Supplementary Notes from Braemar.


Having failed utterly last year in obtaining Anthrocera cxidana the chief object of my visit to Braemar I determined to devote my summer holiday this year to another and more prolonged visit. Correspondence beforehand with Rattray, the Invercauld keeper informed me that the season there was fairly normal, and so in order to make no mistake I fixed the time of my visit from June 29th to July 17th, thus allowing a good margin for error either end. As events proved I could not have hit the time more exactly, and the shortcomings of my 1911 visit in respect to this one species were amply atoned for ; in fact I found the larva and pupa as well as seeing the whole rise and fall of the perfect insect's life apparently a very short one.

Unlike last year, I had the whole place to myself entoraologically speaking. Mr. Home of Aberdeen was staying lower down the Dee at Glen Gairn, and spent some days at Braemar for A. e.vidans, but otherwise I was quite alone. This being a family holiday, the pace was not quite so hot as last year, but somehow or other time was found for a very considerable amount of work, the beauties of Callater Glen and the e.vidans hill being judiciously impressed upon my wife and the non-entomological friends who were with us. But indeed their charms need no urging and speak for themselves. Back in the dirty city, it is best for one's peace of mind not to let the imagination run riot. One dares not think of the lunch of bread and cheese and cold mountain water (not " mountain dew ") consumed at 2,500 feet up; the wonderful prospect of mountains with their snow patches ; the ten minutes lounge afterwards with a pipe, while e.iidans booms round undisturbed Well ! perhaps if one had these things always they would not bring the same sense of the joy of life, but for my part I could stand a good lot of them.

On June 29th the long night journey and the morning motor ride up the Dee-side over, a hasty lunch and change, and 1 was oft" to the hills. While rowing me over the Dee the keeper said that they had had three weeks' rain and he feared exulans would not be out for at least a week. As I proceeded up the hill, insects that were quite over last year were in plenty and this fact, combined with the utter absence as yet of Larentia caesiata, so far confirmed the keeper's view, that when I walked up and netted two fine Farasemia [Xeitieophila) (ilanta- f/inis var. hospita I was tempted to stay. However, the sun was out on the hill, so I pushed on, arriving on the ground by 3 o'clock.

I sought for a long time, in vain, for A. e.vidam, only finding one larva and three or four pupie. At last, however, one male appeared in a sheltered corner, apparently just out. This was all for that day, and on the following three days, although fine, the hills were in the clouds.

The morning of Wednesday, July 3rd, however, was very different, and I was off' early and on to the ground before 11 o'clock. As yet cxulaHH was only just coming out and was restricted to the more sheltered spots. By persistent w^ork for some hours, seventy were taken, but another visit on the following day found them much more plentiful. The first female was taken on this day only one but had not the sun clouded over almost at once after my arrival, the males would have been in plenty. The great day was on the 7th. This time Mr. Home

November 15th, 1912.

254 THE entomologist's kecokd.

joined forces with me and we were on the ground early. There were still a few unemerged pup?e, but the abundance of the imago was beyond belief. They were everywhere on the mountain- top, flying when the sun shone and crawling about when the clouds obscured it. They were so abundant that we welcomed the cloudy spells, so as to save the labour of netting. Had numbers been my object, the quantity would simply have been limited by the supply of boxes, as one could fill boxes as quickly as on a good night at treacle. Mr. Home admitted that with his big experience of the species he had never seen quite such numbers, nor struck them in such good condition. There were a fair number of females now, but practically all were sitting about paired on the grass, generally with some half-dozen males in close attendance. I found one emerging from a cocoon, and although only just the head was shewing, already quite a number of males were buzzing round her. The insect was everywhere over an area of some miles, but not in equal quantities. It occurred from the highest point of the hill, which is 2,821ft. down to about 2,100ft. It swarmed in small colonies, especially in spots where grass and bilberry predominated, with many stragglers in between, and on some of the small grassy patches of only a few yards extent, one seemed able to pick them up almost without limit. With such numbers it is inconceivable why there is no migration to neighbouring hills, which all seem to be alike, but yet have no cxulans. The larva I found was feeding on grass, and the pupfe were spun up indiscriminately on grass, heather, bilberry and whortleberry, and one on a rock.

I only paid one more visit to the ground on the 11th not from lack of inclination, but because the keeper thought it was quite near enough to the shooting season not to risk further disturbance of thegrouse and deer. As a matter of fact, on this last day I got quite near to a herd of red deer, counting 38 stags, and there were many others probably, just over the edge of the sky-line. On this day also I saw some ptarmigan, a fox and several hares, besides a lot of grouse. A. exulans was already getting over, and I contented myself with picking specimens here and there. The wind was high and they were still in vast numbers, but many were very worn. The small colonies seemed now to be broken up and the moths were fairly distributed over the whole ground, bilberry, grass, heather and whortleberry all being equally attractive. The sexes are strikingly different, the yellow legs and yellowish streaks and outlines of the spots on the forewings con- spicuously distinguishing the females, but apart from this there seems little variety except in size and, to a less degree, in the density of the scaling. Moreover these yellowish markings to a great extent fade after death, and are not nearly so conspicuous when the moth comes ofT the setting boards as when alive. Some incline more to green and others more to blue, but I believe the variation in colour of the spots and hindwings towards whitish, described by Barrett, is entirely due to fading. These forms were quite absent on the 3rd and 4th, but plentiful enough on the 11th. A number of the females had the wings distended with fluid, but no males. One of each sex was taken with only three wings. A right hindwing was missing in each case, but otherwise the specimens were fully developed and well scaled.

But of I'soilos tn'i)iilaiia, which I also missed last year, I have a different tale to tell. I had always been inclined to discredit the


alternate year theory, but when one is led to expect it in the same numbers as A. cculam, and is told that by holding the net near the ground they blow in in dozens, and then by very diligent work only obtains three specimens, the theory is strongly confirmed. Rattray, the keeper, gives further confirmation. He says that last year it was flying in thousands on Ben Abord and Ben Avon and this year he scarcely saw a specimen. So I have nothing to tell of this species, beyond the fact that the three I took were walked up on the extreme top of the hill from the shortest of the heather. Some time was spent here also scratching up the lichen and moss, in the hopes of finding Fachiwbia alpina pupae, but two empty cases and a number of ancient and empty ones of Psodos trepidaria, probably dating back to past years, were all I found. It is very destructive work for the nails and finger tips, and I should think that every F. alpina pupa is well earned.

After A. exulans the insect of the year was Parasemia {Ne))ieojjhila) planta<jini^ and its var. hospita. This variety also surprised Mr. Home by its numbers, as he looks upon it as a rarity in the district and actually has not a local series his coming from the English Lake district. Seeing plenty, however, is a different thing from catching plenty, and the total capture of 39 specimens of the variety and rather more of the type, represented a great deal of hard work and not a few tumbles. A few were walked up each day, but the great majority were taken in the afternoon on the way down from the e.vulans ground. By this time they were flying wildly over the hillside, and could only be caught by sheer hard running, as they rarely settled. Var. hospita, from its colour, was far the easier to watch, but, on the other hand, it generally had a longer start, as it could be seen so much further oft'. The proportion of the variety was roughly about one to four or five of the type. The best day was the 7th, when I took three in the morning and eleven more on my svay down in the afternoon, as well as about twenty of the type, by which time I felt I had done enough, and was ready for a long drink at the nearest stream. The type varied con- siderably in the amount of black on the hind-wings, one or two nice varieties occurring, both pale and dark. From six females taken (all typical) three batches of ova were obtained, and I am anxious to see if these produce the hospita form as well as the type. Two of these females have hindwings distinctly inclining to red.

^Jcle^u/dr^s [Larentia) salicata was another species that I practically missed last year, the few I took being the merest wrecks. They were already well out this year from the beginning, but were not generally abundant. I took a few each day right on top of the (wulans hill and a few more at dusk. But its great locality I did not find until July 15th, and by that time they wanted a lot of picking over. The place in question is a group of rocks up in the hills, about two miles west of Loch Callater. Here they swarmed, often as many as a dozen on a rock. On the grassy slopes here Sropida alpinalis and Pijrausta ostriualis were in great abundance, and also some Kiidoria (Scnparia) alpina, which, however, was getting over. L'rainbus fiirratelltis should also occur here, but I failed to find it.

On my way back down Callater Glen 1 disturbed my first fMrentia /iacicinctata {rxticinctata), and a long search near the spot on the 17th produced one more specimen. It was of course early for the species,

256 THE entomologist's record.

and I expect another week would have given me plenty. On the whole, compared with last year, things were very late. For example, of Larcntia caesiata, Avhich was out and getting worn upon my arrival on July 7th, last year, I only saw one the first day, and it was quite scarce for at least ten days. Gnophos viyrtillata [ohfuscata) did not appear until July 11th, when it rapidly became common, and Plusia intevro- t/ationis not until the 14th.

Other first dates were Acidalia funiata on the 3rd, Coennnympha typhon on the 4th, Cidaria trimrata [rt(fitiata) on the Gth, L'oroina mioii- tata and Scapula alpinalin on the 7th, Noctua prinudae (fcstira), Artpjnnis aylaia, and Emmeleda vnnnrata var. ericetata on the 9th, Boannia repandata on the 11th, Cidaria popiilata on the 13th, and Metrocampa maryaritaria, Ellopia fasciaria, and Halia bninneata on the 14th. All these species were well out last year when I arrived, with the exception of C. populata, and mostly required picking over, so of course their lateness this year gave me the opportiinity of getting them in the best possible condition.

Of Noctua primulae {icstivo) I had hoped great things, but treacle was a disappointment and consequently I only took very few. Why treacle did not pay I am at a loss to understand. The more one tries to analyse the causes of its success and failure the more difficult it seems to explain. I always have been inclined to expect success when Aphides and honeydew are absent, but the wet before my arrival had very fairly cleaned off both of those hindrances, and several nights seemed perfect in the atmospherical conditions. Yet the best night only produced 40 or 50 moths all told. Of these quite half the total number were Jlyppa rectilinea and so persistent work resulted in a fine series of this species. Treacle still further declined after the first few nights until by the 12th it was so hopeless that I gave it up for the rest of the time. The few species attracted besides //. rectilinea included a nice lot of rather dark lladcna adiista, two Cyiuatop/tora or, some worn C. duplaris^, two black Xylophasia jiolyodon, X. rurca and var. coiiibusta, very ordinary Uadoia dentina, and one or two nice forms of N. prinmlae {festira).

The willow-herb blossom, which in 1911 I only discovered on the last night, was not fully out until the last few days and, to my surprise, also proved quite unattractive. Thus night work was reduced to dusking and searching for larvre. Of these latter I got a fine lot of Noctua neylecta, some Cidaria tcstata, C. truncata (russata) and Dasycliira fascelina from heather, a lot of ('. populata from bilberry and quantities of Thera juniperata from juniper. Anarta niyrtilli and Aricia niedon var. arta.verxes were frequently found by the lamp at rest on heather and all the Geometers showed a much greater inclination to sit about than to lly. One notable species in this respect was Larcntia riridaria (pectinitaria). It was very plentiful and so exquisitely coloured that I could not resist taking a fresh series.

Besides finding them at night Anarta niyrtilli were very plentiful by day, flying in company with Phytonictra viridaria (aenea), which species 1 found right up to the tops of the mountains. The only other Noctuid of interest was a single Acronycta incnyant/iidis, which was found at rest on a pine trunk. I might also mention an instance of lladcna dentina Hying wildly in the sunshine and looking just like I'lusia interruyatiunis.


All along Callater Glen, on July 15th, Coenonympha tj/phon was in immense numbers and mostly in perfect condition, and again, as last year, I'lu/cis fiisra {carhiniariella) was abundant on some burnt patches of heather. Apparently they always have these burnt patches to disport themselves on, as I learn from the keeper that the annual burning of a portion of the heather dates back indefinitely. The young grass and heather that springs up afterwards forms the best possible food for the deer, as they cannot tackle the old heather properly. Whether C. typhnn was out when I visited the glen on the Sth I can- not say, as the weather was too dull and gusty for it to fly. The only vivid recollection I retain of that day, is a six-mile grind on a bicycle, up the broken road, with wind and hill against me, buoyed up by the thought of free-wheeling back ; and then a bad tyre-burst immediately upon starting home. My companion, who had repairing tackle and knew how to use it, had gone on ahead, so there was nothing left for it but to tramp and wheel the machine. In spite of this mishap it says a great deal for the Glen that it still retained its peculiar fascina- tion for me, and its remoteness seemed to be emphasised by the sight of two shepherds with several collies on the mountain side, bringing an immense flock of sheep down to the lower pastures. They were perhaps a quarter of a mile apart and shouted to each other and to the dogs in a language that I presume was Gaelic. Anyway, it was totally unintelligible to me, but of course the dogs understood and obeyed every word.

At the beginning of the visit Jhipaliis piniaria was very abundant among the pines. Both sexes are strikingly different from those of our southern woods the male ground colour being almost pure white and the female a dull shade of bufi', with no trace of the bright orange colour of our southern form. These rapidly became worn, but Eupithecia sat y rata var. calhinaria of which I took a nice lot on the first afternoon, lasted most of the time. They were very plentiful in the more sheltered spots of the exulans hill, preferring the parts where the heather was long, but lower down only an occasional specimen was seen. E. nanata was plentiful everywhere, and odd E. lariciata and E. pulchellata also occurred.

With more time at my disposal, I tried over more ground than last year, but except at Aberarder, I found no places equal to those I had already worked. I tried the country round the Linn of Dee, but it was not at all prolific. The only observation of interest made was the behaviour of a couple of wagtails just below the falls. All round on the rocks Larentia caesiata was sitting and when at rest they were apparently quite safe, but each time one started oft" it was pursued and captured by a wagtail. I saw this happen three or four times in a quarter-of-an-hour, so these two birds at this rate must have disposed of a good many caesiata in their time.

Aberarder is some seven miles down the Dee-side and close to Balmoral, and on one of my visits the rest of the party left me, while they went over the Balmoral grounds. They could not get over the castle, as they had not acted on Eattray's advice. He said in all seriousness " There is only one person who can give you permission. You write to the King and he'll do it like a shot." However as we did not write to the King, they went over the grounds while I worked at Aberarder, where probably most of the Braemar insects occur. I

258 THE entomologist's record.

spent two or three mornings there, more especially as there are some good rough corners of meadow land, suitable for working A. medon var. artaxer.vcs. Each time the sky was partially overcast, or else the butterfly would have been in abundance. As it was I got a nice long series, including one beautiful obsolete underside variety. Besides the marginal spots, it has no trace of any others, except one very large one in the centre of each wing. It was quite noticeable, even in flight, and happily was in perfect condition. A fine lot of Pohiommatus icanta were also taken here, the race being as usual in Scotland, very large and brilliant. Arfiynnis^ ai/laia was abundant and both Brenthis selene and B. eitpJimsi/ne still in good condition, while to my surprise I came across a colony of Cupido miniwa. I did not expect to find it so far North, but Mr. Home assures me that it is abundant in other places in the county. G. myrtillata [ohfuacata) also occurred here, but I really scarcely worked the hills at all. A male Lciocampa dictacoidea was found on a rock, and several' Kimuelesia niinorata var. ericetata seen on the wing. In fact, as regards numbers, Lepidoptera were as plentiful here as anywhere in the district, two very abundant species being Tancujra atrata {cJuH'rn}iJu/llata) and Kxbnlia limitata (mem-uraria), the latter disappointingly typical. Its near neighbour, E. pliunbaria, seemed to have a double emergence. On my first day or two at Braemar they were plentiful, but the males worn to shreds and the females needing picking over. By the end, all this early emergence seemed to have vanished, and a fresh lot of both sexes appeared. These last were very strongly coloured and of considerably larger size than the early ones, many of which were almost pigmies. Another late species to appear was Anaitia playiata, which did not occur until the 14th, and then only two specimens. It is a very nice form, much bluer in tone than the southern one, and I was sorry not to take more. I don't know what happened to Hcpialm fusconehulosa (celleda). As it was worn last year, I had hoped to take plenty, but it was only seen twice, both times in the village when I had no net.

Besides the species already mentioned in these somewhat random notes, a number of common species were seen or taken, which call for no special comment. So as to make this record as complete as possible, however, I append the following list of them. Z'/Vm hmmcae, P. rapae, r. napi, hybernated Ai/laift itrticae, Coenonympha paniphilus (very common), liionicia phlaeas, Laaiocampa quercm var. callunae (one larva), Drcpana lacertula (two at dusk), Apaiiiea yemma, Caradrina cubicularis, Runhia tenebrosa, Ayroth {Lycop/wtia) stn'yula, Triphaena pronnba, Iladena pint, Acidalia dimidiata {scittiilata), Cabeia pnaaria, Macaria litti- rata, Einaturya atomaria, Eininclesiaalhiilata (Aberarder), Thera obelhcata (ran'ata), Memleiica [Miiantlna) occllata, Xanthor/ioe {Mclam'ppr) sociata, X. (M.) innntanata, X. {}f.)jliietiiata, Corewia ferruyata, (^amptnyrawma bilnwata, Cidaria corylata, h^xdoria (Scoparia) iniiraiia, Botyfi J'liscalis, ('iambus pasnidliis, ('. cuhiuihix, and a single late larva of Ilydriowena (JJypsipi'trs) fiircata {cliitata) on juniper, which produced an almost black imago. The actual number of species, perhaps, would not compare favoural)ly with lists compiled from many southern localities, but when the conditions are good, many of them occur in such numbers that the quantity atone for the lack of variety. A great charm of the collecting, moreover, is the amount of work that can be done by day, as when conditions are otherwise impossible, there is always such good


rock and trunk searching. For the second time, however, I have had remarkably good fortune in Aveather. During the whole eighteen days, only one was wet and on only two other days did we have any rain at all. It is true that on several more days the low clouds made it impossible to work the hills, but on the other hand, most of the sunny days were also still the best possible conditions for mountain work.

We left on the afternoon of the 17th, breaking our journay at Newcastle and then putting in a couple of days' collecting at York on the way back, and after this second experience, I eventually arrived home more than ever in love with Highland collecting.

A Note on certain British species of the Coleopterous genus Lathrobium, Grav.

By W. E. SHARP, F.E.S.

It may be within the recollection of such readers of this Journal as are Coleopterists, that some years ago Mr. Donisthorpe published in its pages a paper on some of the black species of our Lathobia, correcting thereby errors of nomenclature then prevalent among British students. {Ent. Bee., xv., p. 180.) Recent investigation into the subject, and correspondence with foreign authorities on the group, have induced me to believe that Mr. Donisthorpe's note requires some slight modification to bring our nomenclature into accordance with that now generally accepted on the continent.

Thus, in the note referred to, Mr. Donisthorpe rightly showed that L. punctatinn, Zett., given in Fowler's British Coleoptcra (Vol. II., p. 301) as a synonym of L. fonduDi, Steph., is really entirely distinct from that species, but his further conclusion that L. atripalpe, Scriba, should be deleted from the British list, all supposed examples of it being referable to L. punctatnm, Zett., further research has shown to be erroneous.

To completely satisfy ourselves as to L. fovidum, Steph., Mr. Donisthorpe and myself have together recently examined the type of that species in the Stephensian cabinet in the British Museum, and we are left without a doubt but that the species described by Fowler as L. punctatum, Zett., and previously known to British collectors under that name is really the L. fondion of Stephens.

To make the matter clearer, a short tabular abstract of the salient differences between the species under discussion may not be out of place.

1. Thoracic punctuation strong, remote, and subseriate,

with broad smooth space in centre . . . . .. L. fovulian, Steph.

2. Thoracic punctuation weaker, uniform, confused and

close, with narrow smooth space in centre.

i. Elytra much longer than thorax, legs always

dark .. .. .. .. ,. .. L. qiiadratinn,F&yk.

ii. Elytra only slightly longer than thorax, elytral punctuation weak, legs variable in colour

A. Elytra with apical testaceous spot,

legs lighter . . . . . . . . L. terminatum, Grav.

B. Elytra immaculate, legs darker .. \a,r. atripalpe, Scriha. iii. Elyti-a hardly as long as thorax, elytral punc- tuation strong, legs pitchy .. .. .. L. punctatum, Zett.

L. fovnlum, Steph., besides the very characteristic punctuation of the thorax, has a peculiar greenish sheen on the elytra, which the



others lack, and its range appears to be soirthern. I have taken it not uncommonly in dead leaves near Brockenhurst and seen specimens from Wicken, the Isle of Wight and other southern localities.

L. quadrat Kill, Payk., is the largest and stoutest of the species under discussion and its comparatively very long elytra readily separate it from any of them. It is not a very common species, but is widely distributed, and I have taken it as far north as Glasgow.

L. ti'nninatinii, Grav., is certainly the commonest of these species and the more or less distinct apical light spots on the elytra easily distinguish it, the legs are rather variable in -colour but are usualty of a clear reddish testaceous. It appears to be distributed over the entire kingdom, and I have taken it as far north asflnverness-shire and afe far west as Co. Clare. "^

var. atripalpe, Scriba. This form, although originally described as a species, is now generally, and one cannot but doubt rightly, regarded as merely a melanic form of L. tenmnatum. The colour of the palpi, from which it takes its name, is in no sense distinctive, and except in the absence of the elytral spot and the general darker colour of the legs it differed in no respect from the type. The var. immaciilatiim of Fowler is virtually synomjaiiic with it, but if it be desired to retain the Fowlerian name, var. inniiandatinii, Fowler, might be reserved for the form with clear testaceous legs such as the type usually possesses and which is more prevalent in the south and midlands of England, and var. atrijialpc, Scriba, for that with darker, sometimes almost black, legs, which is frequent in Ireland, Wales, the North of England, and abundant in many localities in Scotland.

L. piinctatiwi, Zett., can be recognised by its very short, coarsely and closely punctured elytra and broad thorax ; the legs are always dark. It appears to be the rarest of this group, and confined to northern and mountainous districts. I have taken it on Ben Lomond, and Mr. E. C. Bedwell has a specimen from the same mountain. Mr. F. H. Day takes it sparingly on the mountains of Cumberland, and I have seen a few other specimens in Scotland, but I know of no English record south of Westmoreland.

In conclusion I must acknowledge in the preparation of the above notes the valuable assistance of the late Herr Ganglbauer, of Herr J. Breit, and of Captain St. Claire Deville.

Notes on some of the Lepidoptera of the " Breck " District.

By Lieut.-Col. C. G. NURSE, F.E.S. The paper by the Rev. C. Thornewill in the October number of the Kntoiiiolixjist's Uecnrd tempts me to take up my pen and write what I know of some of the species mentioned by him. Many of them I have known from boyhood, now, alas, over 30 years ago, and as I have been for the past six or seven years living on the edge of the " Breck" country, my knowledge of some of the insects is "extensive and peculiar." I believe all, or nearly all, the species referred to by Mr. Thornewill are somewhat periodic in their appearance, more so than is the case with the majority of the Lepidoptera. I shall give instances that have come under my notice as regards this when I refer to each species.


To take the insects in the order in which they are mentioned by Mr, Thornewill. Pianthoceia irrei/tilaris occurs over a fairly wide area, but its presence is, of course, dependent upon its food-plant, Silenc otites, being- able to flower and seed. This plant grows in certain places by the roadside, on waste ground, and on sheep runs at wide intervals over part of the district, but in order to obtain the larvre of D. irrei/iilans it is necessary to find a place where the plant has not been grazed off during its flowering stage by sheep or cattle. When such a place is found, larvfB may be obtained in numbers by sweeping, but nearly all are small, and m my experience about 90 per cent, are ichneumoned. Occasionally large larva; may be seen or swept, or found underground at the roots of the plant, and these, though few in number, are not difficult to rear, as they will eat almost any kind of S'dene or Lychnifi. I have never tried working for the imago, but it may be taken occasionally at rest, or flying over the food plant at night, and it is said to come to light. D. irregularis is less uncommon in some seasons than in others; last year (1911) was an unusually good year for the larvae, though from over 200 I only got two dozen pupae, and from them I bred a little over a dozen moths. Some of the remaining pupte may be still alive, and the moths may emerge next year. The first fortnight in July is the best time to obtain the larvse ; late larvfB are almost all ichneumoned.

Aiirophila trabealis {stdphiiralis) is perhaps the most periodic of any of the local species known to me. In some seasons it is quite abundant in suitable spots, while in others, on the same ground, it is almost entirely absent. About five years ago I came across the insect in con- siderable numbers, and might have taken dozens, but since then I have never taken more than half-a-dozen in a season, and during the present year (1912) I came across only one worn specimen. Barrett says it is double-brooded, but I very much doubt the correctness of this. It occurs usually from about June 20th to July 10th, though an occasional specimen may appear earlier or later. I may mention that I have taken the species in some numbers in Baluchistan, and the specimens obtained there are much more variable than is the case with British specimens.

Acontia luctuosa occurs all over the district, but not usually in numbers. There is a spot near my house where I found it five years ago ; for three years I looked for it in vain, but this year it again appeared in some numbers in the same place. It is double-brooded, and I think that both broods appear in about equal numbers.

Acidalia rabii/inata {nibricata) is another double-brooded species, but I have always found it more numerous in the second brood than in the first. Although T know several spots where it is to be obtained at the right season with more or less certainty, I had been collecting constantly in the district for six years before I found, in August 1912, a spot where it was in considerable numbers. The difficulty was not to capture specimens, but to obtain them in a fair condition for the cabinet, as the great majority were either worn or faded. I believe this species fades at once when exposed to the sun ; on a cloudy day a fair proportion of those obtained, if freshly emerged, show less signs of fading than if taken on a sunny day. The specimens do not fade when in the cabinet, and I have one taken in 1896 which retains its beautiful fresh colour. I strongly suspect that its food-plant in this

262 THE entomologist's record.

country is Kritjeron canadensis, as I have never found it on ground from which this plant was absent. It was entirely owing to my noticing the abundance of this plant that I hit upon a spot where the insect was in good numbers this year. I hope to make further investigations with regard to this another year. I have always found the best time for A. rubujinata to be the first fortnight in August, though I have taken occasional specimens from early in June to the end of August.

As regards Lithostege f/riseata, I am sorry I did not know that a brother entomologist was in the neighbourhood this year, or I could have shown him a place where he could have obtained as many in a day as he seems to have captured in five weeks. The best time to get the insect in good condition is from about May 25th to June 10th. The foodplant, Sisi/mbrium sophia, occurs everywhere in this district, but not so the insect. I was some time before I hit upon a spot, but I have usually found the insect in some numbers where it does occur. The difficulty with this species is to obtain it without doing damage to crops, as it is chiefly to be found among the growing corn. I am always very careful to avoid doing damage, from a sense of justice to the farmer, with the result that I am able to go anywhere without being " warned off," My specimens are usually obtained by walking along the edge of a cornfield, or in a clover field where the foodplant occurs. In some seasons the larv* may be obtained in good numbers, but it is not a very easy insect to rear, a large proportion of the pups drying up. Moreover, it frequently, perhaps usually, lies over two winters. From nearly two dozen larvte obtained in 1910 I only bred two imagines, and they emerged in 1912. Like Mr. Thornewill, I have found that among captured specimens, females usually predominate. I have not bred sufficient to judge whether more females emerge than males, but I believe this to be the case with many species. However, that is another story, and I hope some day to place on record my experience regarding the proportion of the sexes obtained by breeding.

Of Spilodes sticticalh I know less than of the species enumerated above, but I have taken it occasionally, chiefly in August. It occurs on the same ground as A. ruhujinata: the foodplant is given as various species of Artetnhia, but I never worked for the larvre. ArtonUia vulgaris occurs freely on the edges of some of the fields where I have obtained the insect.

Orohena extintalh (Pionea inargaritalis) seems to be rare in the district, as I have only taken a couple of specimens, excluding a worn example that I released. One of them I captured within half a mile of my house ; there was plenty of wild mustard where I found it, but, though I tried for the larva? later, I entirely failed to find any. The remaining species mentioned by Mr. Thornewill can scarcely be con- sidered among the specialities of our district, as they occur in many other places, and though I have taken them, I have not given them any special attention.

The Value of Protective Resemblance ia Moths.

By the Rev. A. T. STIFF, M.A.

In the July-August number of the Knt. IleconI there was a most nteresting article, under the above title, from the pen of Lieut.-Col.


N, Manders. The questions specially discussed by the writer were how far moths are liable to the attacks of birds ; and whether, if such attacks produce a serious struggle for existence, the value to the moth of protective resemblance is such as to account, through natural selection, for such changes of pattern or colour as may have produced, in the course of generations, a harmonisation of the moth to its normal surroundings.

Now I think there cannot be the smallest doubt that many species of birds do prey upon both moths and butterflies. The fact must surely be sufficiently familiar to the most casual student of nature. I have repeatedly seen Sparrows chase and capture the " Whites," and Swallows stoop at the same butterflies, and also at Goneptertjx rhanini. Only this summer I watched three Swallows, one after the other, capture and drop again a specimen of Spilosoma Inhricipcda, which I had disturbed during the daytime. Ultimately it made its escape into some ivy, and I concluded that either it was too large for the bird's gape, or else distasteful to their palate for some reason. Nightjars and Flycatchers catch moths by night and day respectively, and I have found the wings of butterflies in the castings of Kestrels, and of moths in those of Owls. Similar instances might be multiplied ad infimtitin.

But all this, though without doubt it has its bearing on the problem of mimicry, has none at all on that of protective resemblance. To have any Ijearing on the latter it must be shown that birds and reptiles capture moths or butterflies at rest, and not during flight. To quote Lieut. -Col. Manders, " The capture of an odd specimen here and there by a sparrow or other bird, though a matter of almost daily observation during the summer months, can have little or no effect on the general moth population, and certainly none in the production of a protective colouring by means of natural selection. What is required is a hunt for some bird or birds which make moths a speciality in their dietary, and which show under natural conditions a marked preference for certain species." I am not quite sure that too much importance ought to be attached to the last condition, as when one considers the large number of insectivorous birds, and the enormous quantities of insects each pair brings to its nestlings during the breeding season, one can easily believe that the fact that any of them preyed habitually on moths at rest might tend, in the course of ages, to promote, by natural selection, protective resemblance in several different species.

Now it is my firm conviction that some birds do prey on moths and butterflies, even when at rest. 1 have frequently seen and captured both moths and butterflies with a clean-cut, triangular fissure in one or more of the wings, quite dift'erent from the irregular frayed tearing which is produced by contact with brambles or thistles in windy weather ; and I have always been inclined to attribute such gaps in their wings to their having been seized by birds, and having made good their escape with the loss of that portion of the wing actually laid hold of by the beaks of their would-be devourers. So far, of course, there is nothing to show whether the injury was inflicted upon the insects when in flight, or at rest. But I have also frequently come across cases in butterflies, and among the Geometers, where gaps exactly corresponding both in size, shape, and position, existed in the wings on both sides. Now assuming the injuries to

264 THE entomologist's record.

have been caused by a bird's beak, they could only conceivably have been caused by the insect having been seized in its natural position when at rest, i.e., with its wings held together vertically over the back.

I do not imagine, however, that the question will ever be decided by the work of one individual. Life is too short, and the opportunities of observation too limited. It will, I believe, only be by the united observations and records of many workers, carefully pieced together, that a full solution of the prolDlem will ultimately be arrived at. And it is with the object of contributing my mite of evidence, and in the hope of provoking further discussion, that I should like to record one or two facts which have actually come under my own observation.

Upon one occasion in Cornwall I managed to cultivate such friendly relations with a pair of Blue Tits {Parus caendeus), that they continued to feed their young ones undisturbed by the fact that I was sitting within a couple of yards of the hole in a stone wall wherein was their nest. I remained watching them for at least an hour, during which time the male bird visited the nest with food on an average once every two minutes. The hen Vv^as rather shy at first, and would not come nearer than the boughs of an oak tree above my head, but ultimately she gained sufficient confidence to take her share in the task of feeding her nestlings. Their happy hunting-ground seemed to be this oak, and one or two others which grew near by, and the chief food they brought was small green caterpillars— probably the larvii* of CJieiiuatohia brnmata but they also brought a good many imagines of the green Tortrix, T. viridana. Now these must undoubtedly have been secured when at rest, and undoubtedly, also, their close agree- ment in colour with the oak-leaves would be of service to them for purposes of concealment.

Again, during July and the first week of August, 1905, when staying in a bungalow in the middle of Dartmoor, I used frequently to watch the doings of two young Cuckoos, and their attendant foster- parents, which were in both cases Titlarks or Meadow Pipits [Anthus prateims). One of the young Cuckoos, though so late in the year, was still quite unfiedged, but the other seemed to be nearly full-feathered, and frequently settled on the fence around the bungalow, and on a tall forked stick which stood up in the field behind. It used to settle on the very top of the longer side of the fork, and the foster-parents, having vainly tried to feed it from the other extremity, which was much shorter, at last adopted the plan of perching on the young Cuckoo's shoulders, and feeding it from thence. The Cuckoo would bend its head back between its shoulders, and the Titlark would reach over and put the morsel in its open beak. It was a sweetly pretty sight, and I frequently regretted the absence of a camera, as I should have much liked to photograph it. But the point of special interest is this, that on two occasions when I was watching, owing to some mis- management on the part of the birds, the prey escaped and flattered away, though the Titlark in both instances pursued it in the air, and ultimately captured it. In both cases the insect was a moth, and in one case when I was quite close to the birds and watching through my field-glasses, I was able to identify the species with absolute certainty. It was Melenydis didi/wata, as I am nearly certain it was on the other occasion also. Now M. didymata simply swarms at dusk over the heather near the bungalow during the last week in July and


the beginning of August. I have seen it flying in thousands at dusk, but never on the wing by day. A few may be found settled on the stone walls, but the greater number seem to rest with wings partially outspread among the stems of the heather, where they are very difficult to see. They generally drop when disturbed, but may occasionally be beaten out of the heather by day. I think, therefore, that there can be no doubt that the moths in question must have been captured by the Pipits when at rest, and also that their resemblance to the brown interlacing stems of the heather must be of great service in evading discovery. Of course, the point which remains to be cleared up is whether the young Meadow Pipits would have accepted il/. didi/mata as an article of diet, as one can scarcely imagine that the number of Pipits with Cuckoos as foster-children would be sufficiently numerous to cause any struggle for existance to so common a moth as M. didy- inata, though, on the other hand, protective resemblance may to some extent account for its numbers.

I think that these two instances go to prove that certain birds do search for, and prey upon, moths when at rest, though I agree with Lieut. -Col. Manders that movement is more immediately fatal to them. But even in the case of an insect which first attracts the attention of a bird or reptile by movement, it is at least conceivable that protective resemblance might still be of service to it. In the spring of 1901, while waiting for a steamer at Argegno, on the Lago di Como, my attention was attracted to three large brown lizards which were abso- lutely motionless on the trunk of a tree. So well did they harmonise with their environment that I only discovered the first by accident, and the other two by very careful scrutiny. (By-the-bye, I should certainly imagine that this was a case of aggressive resemblance, as the little lizards so common among the leafy walls on the lake-side were green and grey, and the larger hedge lizards a vivid green.) While I was watching them a large bluebottle-fly alighted on the trunk about eighteen inches from one of them. The reptile immediately became convulsively active ; there was what I can only describe as a wriggly brown flash, and the fly was gone doubtless to the entire satisfaction of the lizard ! Now the fly was absolutely distinct on the bark of the tree, but is it not at least possible that in the case of an insect which, upon alighting, so harmonised with its environment as to become practically indistinguishable from it, the lizard might have so miscalculated a rush of eighteen inches as to have alarmed the insect without actually capturing it ?

Switzerland and the Black Forest.

By DOUGLAS H. PEARSON, F.E.S. There will no doubt be wails from disappointed butterfly hunters this year, owing to the wet and sunless season, so a few notes from one who was more fortunate may be cheering. Stirred up by Mr. Warren's description of Freiburg in Breisgau, we found ourselves there on the morning of June 27th, having gone straight through from London, and in the afternoon set out for the Moss Wald, with visions of l^^mperors galore. We saw very few, but were more fortunate on the next day, and managed to take a short series of Apatara iris, A. ilia and var.



clytie, though none of them were abundant and no females were seen. Pob/t/onia c-albnm was fairly plentiful and Lwiriiitis ,sihi/Ua not uncommon, but, as usual, difficult to catch, and we took one worn specimen of Nordmaimia (Thcda) acaciae. The thistles by the road- side were swarming with insects, among which were some fine Dryas papJiia and a few ISIelitaca maturna, but even the females of the latter were in a hopelessly worn condition. In a field some very yellow forms of Fjpinepliele jurtina were taken, but we failed to turn up either Limenitis popnli or Parar'je aclnne.

The next day we took train to Hinterzarten and were soon at work on the mosses. Coinioni/mpha ti/phon was not common and was slightly past its best, but Colias palaenu va.v. c'iiiopu)iie w&s in fine condition and, as though the lowland air had sapped its energies, was absurdly easy to catch compared with its high dwelling brethren. Btentliis selcne was fairly common, but we did not find B. pales var. arsilac/ie and were probably too early for it. We picked up stray specimens of M. dicti/nna, M. atJialia, Chrynuphaniis hipputhne with very rich purple suffusion Aphantopus Jtyperantt(s, so small and dark that we thought we had lighted upon that treasure, Coenoui/wpha hero, and some very richly marked Erebia sty<pu\ We should probably have done well had not rain set in about mid-day and spoilt the hunting. At night the rain came down in torrents and we moved on next day to Weesen on lake Walensee, and stayed for a week at the comfortable little Hotel Speer near the station.

For the next three or four days the sun hardly appeared, but when it was not actually raining, we picked up odd insects from the grass and filled in our time with botanizing.

On July 5th we managed at last to get a sunny day and made the most of it in the marsh, our principal quarry being Lycaena areas and L. euphetnua for which the marsh is famous, but neither species was really plentiful, and it required hard work to get together a decent series. A few L. arion were flying with them and some resembled the L. eupliemas so closely that they are difficult to distinguish except by the undersides. The males of C. typhon were mostly worn, but the females were in good condition and showed a nice variation in colour and spotting. Leptosia sinajtin was plentiful and in good condition, and we picked up a few Loweia dorilis, Ivrynnis althrac, riebeiiis aryua, and other small fry, and one Hyloicus [Sphind-] pinastri, from a tree trunk in the marsh. A visit to Obersee did not produce much except a specimen of the fine Tiger, Pericallia matronula and a few very well marked Erebia liyea.

On July 7th we moved on to Pontresina and stayed there until the 20th. Our best capture here was Brentim thvre of which we took three specimens in the wood leading to Muottas Pontresina, and saw others, but the ground was so exceedingly difficult that we failed to take them. On the open ground above, ( 'olias palaeno was fiying freely and we took a bleached form of Erebia lappoiia, which looked very ghostlike on the wing. On the way up the Piz Languard which is a glorious point of view Ave took a good series of Erebia yorye var. triapes, and a few of the type with them, while on the same rough ground were E. ylacialis with its ab. pluto and a few Mditaea eynt/iia, male and female. Near the Morteratsch glacier we took a few Vaccmiina optilete, but failed to find Aricia donzelii though we carefully


worked likely spots for it. Coenonympha satyrion swarmed everywhere and on the Muottas Muraigl Pontia callMice was abundant and in good condition. On marshy ground near the Val del Fain, B. pales was plentiful and variable, one very richly marked specimen approaching var. arsilache being taken and a few of the purple-shot var. napaea. Polyommatiis eros, AlbHli7ia pheretes and Latiorino orbitulus were not uncommon. The Roseg Valley produced Parnassim delius, E. tnnestra, JSlelitaea parthenie var. varia with a nice form of the 5 , and a few il/. niatiirna var. wolfensberyeri.

We made two excursions to Campfer in the hope of finding B. thnre, but were disappointed, and on our second visit were caught in a drenching storm, which put an end to collecting. The ground here seemed exceptionally rich, and insects swarmed to such an extent that it was difficult to select and follow the one wanted. We took Hirsutina damon var. ferreti with undersides coloured like A. donzelii, B. ino, Erebia evias, E. (joante, E. mnestra, P. c-album, Chrysophanns viryanreae, C. hippothoe and var. enrybia, and other things, but failed to find B. pales var. arsilache in the marshy ground near the lake.

A huge new hotel is in course of erection, and the ground is noted as being worth another visit.

We met with a number of Parasemia plantayinis, and curiously enough most of those netted were of the var. hospita, with white ground instead of yellow.

The weather was glorious during most of the time we spent at Pontresina, the few storms we had in the evenings only serving to lay the dust and cool the air, and we came home with well packed store boxes and the impression that 1912 was a good entomological yeai', but heard that the day after we left Pontresina there was a fall of snow and a general break-up of the weather.

Notes on the Season. Rhopalocera.


I cannot say that I have experienced a successful season this year, as owing to the want of sunshine my opportunities for field collection were few, notwithstanding the fact that I had arranged to devote three full days per week for outdoor work during the season, and a whole month in August. After the middle of July and up to the end of August the days I selected for excursions were without exception either wet or sunless and very windy. The absence of butterflies on the wing was quite remarkable, and one wonders what the effect will be as regards next season, as opportunities for copulation must have been greatly curtailed, and in the latter part of the season very heavy rains must have occasioned great mortality even among freshly emerged specimens.

The following weather record made by Mr. Edwards of Salisbury, and applying to that district, is interesting, and shows that the summer of 1912 was not much worse than several years preceding it, so far as the rainfall is concerned, but as regards consistent absence of sun- shine I certainly think that 1912 excelled all previous years that I can remember.

268 THE entomologist's record.

Mr. Edwards' rain guage reads thus :

June. July. August.

1909. 5-80 ... 1909. 3-13 ... 1909. 3-09

1910. 5-84 ... 1910. 2-21 ... 1910. 2-03

1911. 1-50 ... 1911. -05 ... 1911. -05

1912. 4-61 ... 1912. 1-50 ... 1912. 6-94

I remember that in 1910 nearly all the summer week-ehds were wet or dull, occasionally we did get a sunny day during the week, but this year, after Ascot week, I do not recollect even one real hot summer day. The only summer that compared with 1911, so far as my notes show, were in 1887, 1893, 1895 and 1897. I shall never forget 1893, as the sunshine was practically continuous from March, until the end of August, 1895 rivalled it and was said to have created a record for sunshine.

These remarks and weather records, although not of entomological interest, may be of use as shewing the effect of a cycle of wet summers upon butterfly life, and we older entomologists are always remarking upon the scarcity of the Rhopalocera in recent years. That there is a scarcity I think it is generally agreed, but the cause is difficult to explain. To return, however, to matters entomological, in late April and during May the weather was all that could be desired, and having determined to devote the season to renewing the somewhat old series of " blues " in my cabinet, I made excursions to the various chalk downs.

A journey to Surrey for larvte of Ai/riades thetis on April 22nd, proved too late, five only could be found, the majority having apparently gone down for pupation. On this occasion a few Kncldoe cardcvnines and Cdaatrina an/ioliis were seen on the wing, and signs generally showed that the season was more than a week in advance. A visit on April 28th to Horsley, found Nisoniades tali's, IJesperia iiialcir, E. cardaiiiiucs, Callojihnjs nibi, and C. an/iolns plentiful, and a few larva of Volijo)ini>atns karus were taken off' Lotus cornicnlatKs in full-fed condition. On May 11th, a visit to Monk's Wood with my brother, Mr. A. Russell, for larva of Stnj^ion pruni was quite unproductive, but I was rewarded by taking a pair of Paran/e wcf/aera in cop., the result of which enabled me to renew my series of that species to great advantage. S. pnini seems to have almost disappeared from Monk's Wood, either from the efforts of beaters, or from some other causes, and this is in spite of the fact that the wood is much more rigidly preserved than formerly, and access is not readily given. The blackthorn plantations that produced the larva so plentifully some years ago have become an impenetrable forest. I have found the same scarcity in other localities for this species, and personally I ascribe the cause to ichneumons. The species like all the other lluralidae {Thcclidac) seem to be either very common or very scarce. On May 19th, a visit to Horsley produced many beautiful " blue " forms of l\ icanis, one taken by Mr. Frohawk being particularly striking in colour and brightness. We both remarked that we had never previously seen snch an abundance of defined " blue " forms, but they were confined to one field.

With Mr. Frohawk a visit was next made to Ranmoro in the after- noon, when /'. icanis were found to be well out, the " blue " female


forms not, however, being so marked or plentiful, and A. thetis was just appearing. A further visit on the 21st found A. t/wtis common, the females being distinguished by the large proportion of specimens shot with blue. Again these blue forms were confined to one field, and I found them much less plentiful in other spots of the Dorking range. In the afternoon I was fortunate enough to capture a freshly emerged male of a pale lilac-blue colour, which I assume is the aberration known as pallida and is a hybrid between P. icarm^ and A. tltetis.-'' In every point except the colour the specimen has the characteristics oi A. thetifi, the colour, however, approaches more the shade of Ai/riades coridon than of P. icanis. As regards the females of A. thetis, I found that in all other localities that I visited in Kent and Surrey, the brown form predominated, few being of the shot-blue form and none well defined. A visit to the Denbies on May 25th showed A. thetis well out and fairly plentiful, but the females were of ordinary type, " blue " forms not being striking and scarce.

The next three excursions were devoted to the Surrey downs in search of common forms of A. thetis, but without success. Generally I found that this species was not so common as in former seasons, and the wind was now beginning to become violent and the sun shy. A hunt was made for larvte of A- coridon, but only in one locality was it found at all, and here it was extremely abundant. A fine series were bred from these larva, one or two underside varieties being obtained. Visits were next paid to various Kent localities, more especially around the Maidstone range of Chalk hills, but the weather conditions were unfavourable, and all the "blues" except Cari/iidiis were very scarce. A visit was paid to Horsley with Mr. Frohawk in search of Cupido viinivitis, which was found plentifully on June 9th, together with P. icanis, but a keeper interfered with our business and we had to find other pastures. Mr. Frohawk had a scientific argument with the keeper, but it was ineffective, even when he gave forth of his great knowledge on birds.

From June 28th to July 1st was spent at Witherslack in company with Mr. Frohawk and my brother. Here again we had to put up with very indifferent weather. Coenonyinpha ti/phon [davns) were common, but mostly worn, on the mosses, but we each managed to get a very fair series of perfect specimens, and on the one morning when the sun gave evidence of its existence, Aricia vwdon var. salmacis were seen and obtained in considerable numbers in the pink of condition. We had arranged for a carriage to convey us to Grange Station on the Monday in time to catch the fast train to London, but the driver turned up over half an hour late, and we had to put up with the next best train, entailing a long wait at Carnforth. During the whole day heavy rain came down without intermission, and we had the consolation of knowing that we had not erred in deciding not to stay another day at Witherslack, which we had thought of doing when the trap arrived too late. /'. icanis, male and female, were out, but scarce ; the males were large and of a very bright blue, but I noticed nothing very remarkable about the females ; the undersides of both sexes were well defined, much more so than in the southern form.

* Most unlikely. The blue colour nearly all the Lycanids is subject to very wide variation. To what form of hybridisation could the leaden coloured specimens found in several species be attributed ? G.W.

270 THE entomologist's record.

Mr. Frohawk took an unusual form of Coenonympha pamphilns, the interesting feature being two well-defined dark Jbars on the underside. On July 7th a visit to Newland's Corner was paid, the day being a very fine one ; Argynnis ivjlaia, A. adippe and Kpinephele Jitrtina (ianira), Aphantopns hi/perantus, etc., were in evidence, and I saw one Colias edusa.

On July 11th an excursion was made into Kent for Aporia crataegi, but without success, although the day was hot and sunny. On July 14th a journey was made into north Hampshire for Plebeiua argus [aegon) and Hipparc/iia seiitele : the former was fairly plentiful (although not so common as usual), but paxx^, fresh examples being scarce. H. senwle had not yet appeared except in singles, nor, in fact, did this species, which is usually very abundant in this district, occur in any plenty when later visits were paid. E. jurtina was very common, and I took two freshly-emerged bleached forms, one having the greater portion of the left primary wing quite white, and the other having part of the left secondary white.

In early August visits were paid to various Surrey and Hertford- shire localities for A. c(yridon, which generally were not so abundant as I have usually found them. Shortly after this the weather broke up, and a visit to Swanage on the 28th met with unfavourable weather, a regular gale of wind and absence of sun being in evidence. In the sheltered parts of the Downs, when a few sunny intervals occurred, Mclanargia galatea, Tligmelicns acteon, and E. jurtina were abundant and in good condition, A. aglaia were fairly plentiful, but in bad condition. A few A. medon (agestis) were seen, together with F. icanis, but A. condon was represented by only two specimens. From Swanage I journeyed on to various localities on the Wiltshire Downs, but butterflies were scarce, and A. coridon, which I expected to find in some abundance, was very uncommon, and not yet in full emergence. Another visit was paid to the same localities later in the month, but with no better result.

On August 25th a visit was paid to the Ranmore slope, and A. thetis was found in fair numbers, together with E. jurtina and a very few P. icarus, but as usual I suffered from want of sunshine. This was practically my last excursion, as the continual bad weather began to get discouraging. The autumn brood of P. icarus I found very scarce, and A. inedon {agestis) almost non-existent. My special quest of the " blues " confined my work largely to the Chalk downs, and I did not get much experience of the wooded districts, but such as I did have, gave very poor results after early June, and apparently most species of butterflies were scarcer than usual. Mr. Grosvenor, in his very interesting notes to the Ent. Record, remarks that he found varia- tion in butterflies this season remarkable by its absence, and my experience was practically the same, with the sole exception of the blue females of /'. icarus and A. thetis, which, as noted, occurred in a restricted locality. As regards variety, it will be very interesting to note the result of this bad summer on the butterflies of next season, but the season has been remarkable, more for absence of sun than rain, I think.



The Food-plants of Apion annulipes and sundry other Beetles. In August, last year, I swept a few isolated specimens of Ajxion annulipes, Wenck, off Thyme on Ditchling Beacon. Later in the year one or two more were brushed from herbage in the field adjoining the garden. In the latter locality there was apparently no Thyme. In the immediate district of the Beacon there is no Orif/anion vulgare, but it may be found in profusion a mile or two off at Pyecombe. Knowing this to be the plant which A. annulipes has of late years been found on, I gave up many hours to working it most thoroughly. No Apion, however, rewarded my efforts, but I discovered Lonf/itarsus pulex, Schrank, a typical thyme species very much at home on the Marjoram as was Chrysoniela polita, L.

This August on again sweeping stray A. annulipes in our garden field, I made a determined effort to localize it to some particular plant. Having given careful attention to various Labiatae, I ultimately found that the Apion was attached to Prunella vuljaris. By carefully tapping the plants over paper a nice series of males and females was taken. That this very rare weevil should have as one of its food plants such a prolific and wide- spread meadow- weed as Jhunella is particularly interesting.

In early September, by beating the capitula of Centaurea nigra, I found both Apion onopordi, Kirby, and Orchestes pratensis, Germ., not uncommonly. These seem notes of confirmatory importance, particu- larly the latter. Orchestes salicis, L., was seen on the Dwarf Sallow, Salix repens, at Tilgate Forest in late September, Longitarsus atricillus, L., in great abundance, and L. ochroleucus, Marsh, rarely, were swept from a field of Sainfoin, Unobrychis sativa. In reference to the last species, Mr. J. R. le B. Tomlin's note in the November number of the Ent. Mo. Mag., was of much interest to me. On September 19th I swept this Halticiid in small numbers from Senecio vulgaris near Brighton. Hereward C. Dollman (F.E.S.), Hove House, Newton Grove, Bedford Park, W.


Notes on Luperina nickerlii var. gueneei. The female of this species lays its eggs in small patches on the Sea Hard Grass, Lepturus incurvatus. The young larvse emerge in about twenty days, and are then of a dark flesh colour with large black heads. They bore a hole in the stem, but wander a little before doing so, and therefore do not all get into the same stem. They stay in the stems until about February, when they have grown too large. A sort of loose cocoon is then formed on the roots, and within its shelter the young larvn3 eat away, go a little farther and do the same, until they are full fed, when they make a long flimsy cocoon of silk and sand grains, often over two inches in length. The cocoon is always mixed up with grass, probably for strength. As the larvre grow larger they become lighter in colour, but keeping quite a flesh colour until near the time for pupation, when they go yellowish to dirty white, with sometimes a tinge of green. No doubt the early season of this year has made the larvae

272 THE entomologist's record.

pupate earlier, for on July 9th, when I expected to get half-fed larvae, I could only find some half a dozen full fed ones and two cocoons with contained pupfe. Apparently they have been nothing like as common this year as they were last, when I could have obtained six times as many in the same time that it took me to find these nine. T. A. Baxter, St. Anne's-on-Sea. July dth.

Habits of Tricopteryx viretata. In our searchings for T. viretata we several times came across a green form. The species is a somewhat unsatisfactory insect for several reasons. When its wings are closed and it is resting on a holly-trunk, which in our experience is its usual resting-place, the specimens look in good condition, but when you set them without the hind-wings to back them up they do not look nearly as well. Again some of them, more especially the green form, as soon as you look at them (and they are instantly lost in the changing shadow) slide sideways off the trunk, others sit till boxed as quiet as need be, while some will even sham death. There are hardly enough specimens seen to teach one what to expect, so different is the behaviour of different individuals. In the cabinet drawers the green form turns much blacker as time goes on, till it has made me wonder if melanism is taking place with them as with other species. F. Fountain, 191, Darwin Street, Birmingham.


CoLEOPHORA artemisiella.^ With regard to this species, it is a good many years since I paid any attention to it. My experience quite confirms the statement as to the difficulty of rearing the insect away from the saltings and the great mortality among the larvas. I find that in 1891 (my best year) I bred fifteen specimens, and have little doubt but that the larva) were wintered in a large flower-pot fully exposed to the weather.^ F. G. Whittle, 7, Marine Arcade, Southend. October 20th.

Notes of the Season. At Hailing, on August 18th, among a scattered growth of Uelianthemnm, Rock-rose, I obtained a few speci- mens of Mompha ('I'inea) iiiiscdla. The best example of this insect had settled on my boot, while I was busy with a sandwich and enjoying the fine view of the Medway, to be had from this favourite hunting- ground of our late Editor, whose death we all so sincerely deplore. ArtujreHthia i^einitestacella was very common among beech on the top of the down. Larvae of Coleophora nutani'lla (infiatae) crept up from flowers of Silene mjlata, Bladder Campion, gathered on this occasion. I was again at Hailing on August 25th, and found larvfe of Aealla {Pero7ieo) h>t/iana on Viburniuii lantcnio. The moths appeared in mid October. On September 15th I had a very poor day at the same locality, but I did find, quite exposed at the road side, among Bladder Campion, the larv:c of IHantUoecia nana (roiis/u'isa). Salcbria (^li/nxlo- phaea) foniKim is, in my experience, so uncommon in this part (South- end) of Essex, that the occurrence of one larva on September 22nd, caused me to work hard for more, but I could not find a second example. Tortri.r pronubana, which was discovered here last year by my poor friend the late Mr. Conquest, is quite the moth of the moment. I have bred it pretty freely, the first emergence taking place on August


31sfc last, and at the present date (October 20th) it is still emerging. On a fence this morning, at 9.15, I found a freshly emerged specimen. On the 13th inst., I took one flying over Kuoiii/inus at 12.30 p.m. Evidently a strong colony of this insect has taken possession of South- end.— Id. [In Proceed. S. Lund. Knt. and X. II. Soc, 1911-12, p. 61, Mr. R. Adkin stated of T. pronubana that "the second emergence, which usually takes place about the beginning of September, appeared to be practically over early in August (1911), but stragglers met with during the latter part of September appeared to indicate a third genera- tion." Possibly the specimens captured in October, in the open, were examples of a third brood, but it must be remembered that this species is a native of the Mediterranean littoral, and is practically continuous brooded under southern conditions. H. J. T.]

Second brood of Smeeinthus ocellata. On September 3rd I bred a specimen of S. ocellata from a this year's larva. L. W. Newman (F.E.S.), Bexley.

Leucania albipuncta at Deal. On August 27th I had the pleasure of taking two specimens of the above rarity at sugar on the Deal sand- hills.— A. E. Tonge (F.E.S.), Aincroft, Grammar School Hill, Reigate.

Polia CHI IN the South.— On September 3rd, while going through the neighbourhood of Winslow, Bucks, I obtained two specimens of l\ cJi'i on brick walls. It is I believe most unusual to take this species so near London, though it occurs not infrequently in Devonshire. Id.

CoLiAs edusa at Reading. On August 28th one of my sons captured a J of the above species, and on August 29th saw a ? . I only know of one other having been seen this autumn in this district. W. E. Butler (F.E.S.), Hayling House, Oxford Road, Reading. October 1th.

Larva of Manduca (Acherontia) atropos at Chichester. A full- fed larva of Manduca {Acherontia) atropos was brought to me on September 18th last. It was of exceptionally small size, but the colour indicated imminent change to the pupa, and it went to earth as soon as it was placed in the flower-pot. This is the only instance I know of the occurrence of the insect here this season in any stage. In some years the larvfe are by no means uncommon on potato leaves. Joseph Anderson, Chichester.

Recollections of the Eastern Counties. I have read with interest the notes by the Rev. C. Thornewill (p. 230) on his captures in Norfolk, as 1 have from time to time collected in the district he refers to the interesting " breck" country, bordering the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire. Having been successful in finding most of the insects and plants peculiar to the district, a few supplementary remarks may be of interest. With regard to Lithosti'i/e tjrifieata, to which 3'onr correspondent makes special reference, I well remember finding this species for the first time amongst a patch of Sisyinbrium Sophia growing, as noted by your correspondent, at the edge of a corn- field, when a nice series of freshly emerged specimens was taken. A visit during a subsequent year, in the month of August, was productive of the larvne of this species in considerable abundance, feeding on the seed pods ot Sisijuibriton sophia, to which it bears a close mimetic resemblance. It is not necessary to search for the larvte by night, once the eye is accustomed to them they may be seen quite readily, and, when one is found, more are to be expected on the same plant or



clump. They are not difficult to rear if a good depth of their native sand, or something approximating to it, be provided, as they pupate deep down. A proportion of them lie over to a second or even a third year; this obviously helps the species to maintain itself in the event of larvae being destroyed when the plants are cut down with the corn, as there may be at the same time pupaj below ground from a previous season's larvse. Furthermore, I have noticed that the plants frequently grow beside the cart tracks and at the edges and corners of the fields, where they escape the ravages of the reaper. Sisi/mbrium aophia is certainly a local plant in the " breck " district and elsewhere, but Lithostege griseata is still more local ; large patches of the plants occur without a sign of the moth. I believe the larva is strictly confined to the one food plant ; when specimens are found amongst the clovers and trefoils they have doubtless been blown there by the breeze, which is so preva- lent in the open " breck " country, and which, with their feeble flight, they would be unable to withstand, I agree with your correspondent's remarks as to the scarcity of Lit/iostei/e (/riseata, it seems to be one of the rarest of the insects peculiar to the " breck," but I think Dian- thoecia irregularis is probably even scarcer. However, larvte of the latter may be found abundantly, when it is known where and how to look for them. This insect again is much more local than its foodplant Silene otites. With reference to Agrophila trabealis {sulphtiralis), there is certainly a partial second brood in August. I once found (h-ohena {Pionea) extiinalis common in a clover field, and it was with consider able interest that I subsequently took a specimen in Hampshire^the only one I have seen elsewhere. No doubt the abundance of difierent species varies according to the season here, as elsewhere. One year I found large numbers of the pretty yellow-striped larvne of Antidea siniiata feeding on the flowers of Galium verum in a locality where a few years before hardly any could be found, and where a few seasons later it seemed to be absent. Geologically, botauically and entomo- logically this is one of the most interesting areas in the British Islands. I am not aware that the geologists have entirely accounted for the physical formation, but there seem to be indications of an ancient coast line ; the fauna certainly has littoral affinities and may be an ancient survival. Insect life is less abundant than in our southern counties, but there are quite a number of forms peculiar to the region. Bird life is noticeable in the abundance of Stone Curlews, and in the occurrence of Ringed Plovers inland and away from water. Herbert Ashby (F.E.S.), Broadway House, Brookdale Road, Southampton. October



We should like to call the attention of our readers to the Annual Exhibition of Varieties, etc., to be held by the South London Entomo- logical Society, at their commodious rooms, Hibernia Chambers, London Bridge, which takes place on November 28th, at 7.30. Visitors are cordially welcomed and are invited to bring exhibits.

The rich collection of Orthoptera made in past years at Geok- Tapa, in the Transcaucasus, by that good all-round naturalist A. B. Shelkovnikofif, is being determined by Professor Y, P. Shtchel- kanovtsefif, of Warsaw University, who has already published two or


three very useful papers on the Orthoptera-Fauna of the Caucasus, which is exceedingly interesting, as northern, Alpine, meridional, and Asiatic forms meet in this highly diversified district. M.B.

P. A. Zaitseff, former editor of the licvue russe d'Entomolouie, has been appointed to the post of Entomologist of the Botanic Gardens at Tiflis.— M.B.

B. P. UverofT, at the Entomological Bureau of Stavropol, in the Northern Caucasus, is a valued recruit to the gradually increasing array of Russian entomologists, and has already done good work on the Orthoptera of the Caucasus, Turkestan, and the Transcaspian district.— M.B.

The Orthoptera-Fauna of Russia is so varied that this group has attracted more students in Russia than in any other country. Excellent work is being done and has been done by A. P. Semenoff- Tian-Schansky, N. Adelung, N. Zubowsky, Y. P. Shtschelkanovtseft", N. Ikonnikoff, B. P. Uvaroff, Retowski, the late A. M. Shaguroff, J. Ingenitsky, Stsherbakov, and others. M.B.

In the Scottish N^atiiraliftt for August, Mr. W. -J. Lucas gives a report of a considerable number of species of Odonata, taken by Col. J. W. Yerbury in the North of Scotland from localities of which but little has been known hitherto. The account includes the reference to a presumably new species of Sywpetntni, described by Mr. Lucas, Ent., xlv. (1912), p. 171, as .S. nifp-escens, and distinguished as being intermediate between S. striolattim and S. scoticum.

We have heard with regret of the death of another of the older entomologists. Dr. Sequiera, well known for so many years as a constant attendant at the fortnightly meetings of the City of London Entomological Society. He was the life long-friend of the late J. A. Clarke whose collections contained so large a number of extreme varieties of our native species of Lepidoptera. For some years past Dr. Sequiera had been totally blind, but up to a few months before his death he kept up a most lively interest in everything that was said at the City of London meetings and also in the exhibits, which had to be explained to him. He was a man of unusually buoyant spirits and even the great affliction of his later years never altered his cheerful and hearty manner. He was within a few days of 84 years of age.

Mr. H. H. Brindley, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge, is pursuing an investigation into the Proportions of the Sexes in For/icula nnricularia. From observations made in many localities upon thou- sands of specimens there seems to be a preponderance of the female sex in most places, although the percentage of males has been found to vary (1) in different localities, (2) in the same locality in different years, (3) before or after hybernation, etc. But the evidence as yet is con- sidered to be insufficient to suggest any very definite statement of result.

In the August number of the Revue Mensuelle of the Societe Ento- mologique Namuroise, Dr. Goetghebuer records the capture of examples of a new aberration of Melanan/ia aalathea, in which the ground colour of the wings is of a very light yellowish, very much lighter than in the ab. citrana, Lamb. The undersides of the hindwings are quite without traces of the usual black design. Dr. Goetghebuer has named it ab. Jlavesceus.

In the September part of the Revue M. Lambilliou announces the

276 THE entomologist's record.

capture of a remarkable aberration of Ajiatura ilia by M. I'abbe Cabeau. The right side wings are perfectly normal in colour and marking, but the left wings are of a rich fawn ground as in the ab. silvia, Cab., and the spots on the upper wings are changed from white to a pale fawn colour, except that the three apical spots remain white. The specimen is a male. Unfortunately it is in a damaged condition, having l)een apparently attacked by a bird.

In a recent Bidlctin de la Socii'te entoDioloj/iijiie do France some valuable notes are given by M. P. Chetien on the early stages of the three species of Kuvhln'e [Antltocharis) from Morocco, E. helewia, E. fallniii, and E. cliarhmia. The larvfe of all three species feed in the spring. E. belemia feeds on the flowers chiefly of Moricandia suff'ruti- cosa, M. teretifoUa and Brassica tonrneforti. E. falloni feeds on the flowers of the first named Crucifer only. While E. chaiionia feeds on the leaves chiefly of another Crucifer, Diplota.ds pejidida.

We would like to call the attention of our readers to the exchange column, and to ask all those, who make the use of it, to indicate in their covering letter, or to give us due notice, when they wish their lists to be withdrawn, or to be modified. As a rule Duplicates are not all disposed of at once, nor are all Desiderata obtained at once, hence it has been our custom to continue to publish the Exchange Lists for a longer period than the one month for which they are first inserted. It is disappointing to correspondents to find that they have applied for duplicates already disposed of.


The South London Entomological and Natural History Society. June 21th. Mr. Sothern Dekter, of Lee, was elected a member. Jumping cases of Sawfly Larv.e. Mr. Gahan exhibited some sycamore leaves showing the mines of larvaB of the saw-fly Phyllotoma aceiin, and the remarkable cases, in the form of little circular discs, constructed by the larvfc. These cases become detached and move on the ground by little hops somewhat like the Mexican jumping bean. Coleophora agramella. Mr. A. Sich, specimens of the rare Micro-lepidopteron, Coleophora a;ira)iiella, from Hailsham. Pup.e of B. hirtaria lying over four years. Mr. R. Adkin, a short series of Biston hirtaria bred from Aviemore larvre which fed up in 1908. The imagines exhibited emerged in March and April of this year. Exotic Butterflies. Mr. Edwards, a pair of the beautiful Lycicnid, Eniiwens debora from Mexico and a fine specimen of the rare Epiphcle eriopsin from Bogota. Variety of A. grossulariata. Mr. Cowham, a fine symmetrical variety of Ahra.vaa (/rassidariata taken in his garden, the usual yellow markings were almost absent, and the black markings were of smaller area and very symmetrical. Aberrant cocoon of P. cecropia. Mr. Dods, a cocoon of I'latjjsatnia cecropia from which the imago had emerged by the wrong end. Dark B. eupiirosyne. Mr. Goff", some- what heavily marked specimens of Brcnthis ciiphrtini/)ir from Kent and Surrey. Report. Mr. Step I'ead the Report of the Delegates to the Congress of the South-Eastcrn Union of Scientific Societies held at Folkestone in June. Jidi/ 11th. Galls on Poplar-trees. Mr. Dennis exhibited the pyriform-petiole gall of Byrsocrypta pyriformis and the


spiral-petiole gall' of P. spirothecae from poplar trees. The genus Calli- DRYAS AND THE GENUS GoNEPTERYX. Miss Fountaine, examples of the W. Indian and S. African species of the genus Callidnjas and of the large species of the genus Gonepteryx from America; the specimens were mostly bred by herself. Living larvae of Pyrameis cardui and the results of THE crossing OF PiERis NAPi AND VAR. BRYONi.E. Mr. Main, larvfB of p. cardui from Eastbourne, and long series of P. napi and var. bri/oniae, the results of recent breeding experiments. Sicilian Lepidoptera. Mr. Piatt Barrett, a bred specimen of Charaxes jasius from a Sicilian larva and made remarks on the spring and early summer of the present year in Sicily. The Saw-fly Phyllotoma aceris. Mr. Step, photographs of the cases of P. aceris on the leaves of maple and sycamore from Ashtead and Oxshott. Several members had met with the species in their own districts. Aberrant cocoon of Platysamia cecropia. Mr. Adkin, the cut-open cocoon of the above species, which had been previously exhibited, and pointed out that the inner envelope of the cocoon was reversed, hence the imago had to emerge from the wrong end of the outer envelope. Local variation in Coremia ferrugata. Mr. Adkin read notes on several bred series of C. ferrugata. Curious Variation of Papilio phorcas. Mr. Moore, P. phorcas from Africa, in which the veins in the green areas of the wings were widely margined with white. Pupal Habit of Libythea celtis.— Mr. Sich, pupa cases of L. celtis suspended in a horizontal position beneath a leaf without a girdle for support. White eggs of Cerura vinula.— Mr. Sich, the egg shells of C. vinida of a creamy-white colour found in Sussex. Eastern Satyrid.e. Mr. Edwards, specimens of Neorina hilda and A^. crishna from the Indian area. July 25th.— Oya of Chrysopa. Mr. West (Ashtead) exhibited ova of a Chrysopa on the leaves of the garden Ox-eye Daisy. Exotic Butterflies. -Mr. Edwards, the butter- flies Ennica eitrota from Brazil, Smyrna hloiufeldii from Mexico, and .S. karwinskii from Brazil. Living Larvae of C. edusa. Mr. J. Piatt Barrett, a full fed larva of Saturnia pyri, from Sicily, young larvae of Colias edusa from ova of an English caught $ , and a large number of butterflies from S. Africa. Varieties of P. lecheana. Mr. R. Adkin, Ptycholouia lecheana from Brentwood, one almost unicolorous buff colour and unusually pale, the other a rich deep brown with very distinct silvery markings. The Season of 1912. Remarks were made on the abundance of Celastrina aryiolus, and the occurrence of Sesia stellatarum and Colias edusa this season. August 8th. Pupation position of P. machaon. Capt. Cardew, larvas of Papilio uiachaon, from Stalham Dyke, spun up for pupation. Larv^ of p. alexanor. Mr. Hugh Main, larvae of Papilio alexanor, from the S. of France. C. edusa at Dieppe. -Mr. H. Moore, a short series of Colias edusa taken in the Forest of Arques, Dieppe, in August. Ootheca of p. orientalis. Mr. Priske, a 2 cockroach Psriplaneta orientalis with the ootheca still attached to her. Responsiveness of Pup^ to Surroundings. Mr. F. D. Cooke, the pup^e of Pyrameis cardui to show the difl'erence between those spun up on white muslin and those on darker material. Varied series of British Moths. Mr. Newman, long series of Pianthoecia carpopliaga, specimens of \P). capsincnla, and D. capsophila, and Kentish Dianthoecia identical with I. of Man D. capsophila. Aberrant and rare Coleoptera. Mr. Blenkarn, Haliplus icehncki with aberrant agdoeagus, a specimen of

278 THE entomologist's recoed.

Clytus arietis with the first yellow belt reduced to a minute spot, an unusually small example of Philontlws puella, and specimens of the very rare Coleopteron PentartJtniii) liKttoni from the cellars of Messrs. Moet and Chandon. Ain/ust 22nd. Exotic Butterflies. Mr. Edwards exhibited the exotic butterflies Tlianmantis diores from Assam^ Discophora lepida from Ceylon, Tmaris selene from the Malay, and T. honratldi from Madagascar, all belonging to the Asiatic section of the Morphinae : and specimens of Opsiphanes hoisdnvcdii from Mexico,, referring to their conspicuous tuft of scent hairs. Shetland Lepi- DOPTERA. Mr. Newman, a very long series of Pachnobia hyperborea from Rannoch, showing much variation, a short, very uniform series from Shetland, where the species was fast disappearing, it is supposed owing to the attacks of ichneumons, a few Crymodes exulis from Shet- land, including a very pale specimen, and a long series of his inbred yellow form of Callimorpha domimda, with the only intermediate he had obtained. Lapland Collecting. Mr. Sheldon gave a very in- teresting account of his holiday near the N. Cape in search of butter- flies and bird's eggs. A rare Coleophorid. Mr. Sich, specimens of Coleophora apicella taken at Byfleet in June, where its food-plant, Stellaria yraminea, grows abundantly. Ova of Chrysopa. Mr. Adkin, the ova of a Clirywpa, which were on unusually short stalks. Col- lecting Notes. Reports were made that larvse were very scarce this season, especially in the New Forest. Bryophila perla was noted as very scarce. Ayriades coridon was still common in Hertfordshire, and several var. seiui-synf/rapha had been taken, while the 5 s varied from very deep black to khaki coloured ground. Captain Cardew noted the curious fact that B. vniralis -was common at Folkestone but completely absent from Dover, where apparently conditions were most favourable. iSepteiiiber 1.2th. An Ephestia. Mr. Tonge exhibited an Ephestia sp. bred from an Egyptian date. Galls. Mr. Moore, galls found on the wild rose. Variety of R. phl.eas. Mr. Gibbs, a Rionicia phlaeas from Woburn, a combination "of ab. radiata and ab. coeruleopuuctata. Varieties of British Butterflies. Capt. Cardew, an Apatura iris with much fulvous shading on the hindwings, a series of Eupithecia subfulvata bred from Northumberland, a living larva of Acidalia imi)iHtata. Varieties of Continental Butterflies. Mr. Curwen, a large summer form of Pieris napi with rays evanescent, Polyommatus icariis ab. aroiata, Ayriades coridon, with aberrant markings on the undersides, and an Aryynnis niobe var. eris with an extremely deep green ground on the undersides of the hindwings. A. alexius and P. ICARUS AB. icarinus. Dr. T. A. Chapman, specimens of Ayriades ale.vius and of Polyoiiimatiis icariis ab. icarinus and gave a detailed account of the former species which Freyer put forward as far back as 1858. L. albipuncta.- Mr. Tonge reported Leucania alhipuncta at sugar at Deal, and specimens of I'olia chi at Winslow in Bucks. Report. Mr. Sich read his Report as delegate to the International Congress of Entomology in early August.


A. M. Shuguroff.

A promising young Russian Orthopterist, A. M. Shuguroff, died at Kutais, in the Caucasus. He had been stationed at Odessa, and


Simferopol, and was recently appointed to an entomological post at Kutais, in the Western Caucasus, where unfortunately he met a tragic end during the past summer, before he had attained his thirtieth year. He had published several papers on the Orthoptera of the Eussian Fauna, mostly in Russian : we know of the following " Orthoptero- logical Notes," {Rev. russe d'Ent., 1905, p. 33), " Note on the Species of Genus Callimenus, F. de W.," [Bev. russe d'Ent., 1906, p. 176), translated into English in the Entomologist, 1907, p. 248, "A Revision of the Genus Gampsocleis,'' {Zap. Xovuross. Obsch. Estest., xxxi., 1907), " A sketch of the Fauna of the Government of Cherson," {Hor. Boss. Ent. Soc, xxxviii., p. 109, 1907), and "Kurze Notizen zur geschichte der Krym'schen Fauna." {Mitth. der Kaiikas. Mits., 1908).— M.B.

William Rickman Jeffrey.

Again we regret to have to record the death of a veteran entomolo- gist. William Rickman Jeffrey was one of those ardent field-workers whom the father of our modern entomology, the late H. T. Stainton, gathered around him in the mid- Victorian period. In the first list of entomologists ever collected, which was compiled by the last-named gentleman, and published in the Entomologist's Annual in 1857, we read the name W. R. Jeffrey, High Street, Reigate, we find his name among the contributors to the pages of the Entomologist's WeeJdy Intelligencer, and he was a constant contributor to the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, to which he contributed field-notes as recently as 1909. Mr. Jeffrey was a native of Ashford in Kent, where he was born in 1836. Owing to delicate health he was taken from school at the early age of twelve, and for three years spent an outdoor life at Folkestone, where the famous Warren was his constant resort. It was during this period of his life that he not only gained health and strength, but he acquired that taste for the study of nature in the field, which he retained throughout his long life. At the age of fifteen he was apprenticed to the late Mr. Thomas Nichols, watch- maker of Reigate, a very rich entomological locality much worked in the early fifties by H. T. Stainton. A friendship sprang up between young Jeffrey and Stainton, which lasted unbroken until the death of the latter in 1892. Unlike most entomologists he early took up the study of the so-called Micro-lepidoptera, and much information was obtained by him for the various works brought out by his friend. After leaving Reigate he lived for some time at Scarborough, and there met those two enthusiastic and ardent workers in entomology, the late John Scott and the late Thomas Wilkinson, and to the latter's famous work on the British Tortrices he gave or substantiated much detailed information. In the late sixties he returned to his native town of Ashford, where he remained till his death. At Ashford his entomological work was largely done to assist the late William Buckler in his great work, The Larvm of the British Lepidoptera, in which work his name frequently occurs. He could not be a worker at life-histories without an intimate knowledge of wild plants, and that he had this we are assured, since he was in close correspondence with Mr. Fred. J. Hanbury, the author of the Kentish

280 THE entomologist's record.

Flora, and further, we note that one of his sons is at present curator of the herbarium of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh. Latterly he had turned some of his attention to the Cryptogams, and he was studying the Mosses and Fungi of the Ashford district. At his death he was in his seventy-sixth year. H.J.T.

Albert James Fison.

English Lepidopterists who have hunted in the Rhone Valley during their expeditions in Switzerland will hear with keen regret of the death of Mr. Fison of Charpigny, who has proved himself for many years so good a guide and so kind a friend to all of those with whom he came in contact. His death took place at Bex, after a few days' illness, on October 6th, and he was buried in the Clarens cemetery on the following Tuesday. Albert James Fison was the younger son of the late Cornell Fison, of Thetford, Norfolk, and was born March 13th, 1840, and was consequently well advanced in his 73rd year. He first came out to Switzerland at the age of fifteen on account of his health, at a time when the railway went no further than Besancon, and resided at the house of the late Dr. Taylor of Charpigny. His life-long affection for Switzerland, and his interest in its plants and butterflies, and to some extent also in its geology, began so long ago as this. His collection of Swiss butterflies was most interesting and complete, and for many years past he carefully labelled every specimen with date and locality. Even those taken previous to this time have a certain degree of local distinctive- ness, for all were taken in Switzerland, almost every specimen by himself, and those taken on the southern slopes of the Alps are distinguished from the others by black pins. This collection, which remains at Charpigny, is now the property of his nephew, Mr. G. H. Fison, of Southcote, Castle Hill, Guildford, who kindly supplied the details of his early life, and who states that he will gladly give an order to see the insects to any bona-fide entomologist who applies to him at the above address. The collection contains, among many other very interesting examples, the type specimen of Brenthis pales, ab. cinctata, Favre, the only known Western European specimen of Parartie meijaera, ab. transcaspica, and a natural hybrid between Colias falaeno and C. phicomone.

This is not the place to enlarge on the religious side of Mr. Fison's life, but in this respect also he will be greatly missed at Clarens. The school of thought to which he belonged has often been accused of narrowness, but in him, at any rate, there was no touch of such a quality, and his friendship with the late Chanoine Favre and with the writer of this notice, with neither of whom can he have had much in common, was never marred by the slightest jar, such as with one who had less of tact or of charity might so easily have arisen. Among the Entomologists who resided in, or visited, the Rhone Valley he had many friends, to whom his memory will bring back many happy days and numberless acts of kindness. G. W.

Corrections. p. 244, I. 20, add " s " to " discoloration " ; 1. 22, delete "cause" and insert "insult" (G.W.N.). p. 246, 1. 9, delete "costa" (twice) and insert "inner margin" (twice).

WATKINS & DONCASTER, Naturalists and Manufacturers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain Eing Nets, wire or cane, including Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-. Folding Nets, 8/6, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket Boxes (deal), 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6, Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/G to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with camphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, fiat or oval, lin., 6d. ; lAin., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2iin., 1/- ; 3^in., 1/4; 4in., 1/6; 5in., 1/10; Complete Set of fourte"en Boards, 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6 ; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases, japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antennae 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3|, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheath, 1/9. Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc.

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as minute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sesiidae, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


Of every description ot Insects, Birds' Eggs, Coins, Microscopical Objects, Fossils, &o.

Catalogue (100 pages) sent on application, post free.

LARGE STOCK OF INSECTS AND BIRDS' EGGS (Biitish, European, and Exotic). Birds, Mavimals, etc., Preserved and Mounted by First class Workmen.


Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

By MALCOLM BURR. D.Sc, F.Z.S.. F.L.S., F.E.S.. &c.

Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3sm net,

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

Will he sent Post Free on receipt of Postal Order for 3Si to

A. H., 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S>E.


My book on the British Butterflies and Moths, now at printers, will be on Sale early in 1913. Order at once Price 3/6 postage 4d. This work is what everv Collector has been waiting for. It contains valuable hints on collecting and breeding from my own personal experience, best food plants and substitutes (English and scientific names) for all Larvre, description of prominent varieties, mode of pupation, range in Great Britain, shows what stage each species is in every month. Index perfection, no matter by what English or scientific name you know an insect you can find its full life history, also its position in our systematic arrangement at once. This work has taken my friend Mr. H. A. Leeds and self over seven years to compile and is right up-to-date, and we trust will prove the most valuable work ever issued.

Write for full price lists Ova and Pupee also set Insects,

L. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.



Supplementary Notes from Braemar, liussell E. James . . . . "^"^ . . . . 253

Notes on certain British Species of the Genus Lathrobium, IF. E. Sharp, F.E.S. 259 Notes on some of the Lepidoptera of the " Breck " District, Lieut.-Col. C. G. Nurse,

F.E.S 260

The Value of Protective Kesemblance in Moths, Rev. A. T. Siift', M.A 262

Switzerland and the Black Forest, Douglas H. Pearson, F.E.S. . . . . . . 265

Notes on the Season. Rhopaloeera, S. G. Castle-Russell . . , , . . . . 267

CoLEOPTERA : The Food-plants of Apion annulipes and sundry other Beetles,

Hereu'ard C. Dollman, F.E.S 271

Scientific Notes and Observations: Notes on Luperina nickeriii var. giieneei,

T. A. Baxter ; Habits of Tricopteryx viretata, F. Fountain . . . . . . 271

Notes on Collecting, etc. :— Coleophora artemisiella, F. G. Whittle; Notes of the Season, Id. : Second brood of Smerinthusocellata, L. W. Newman, F.E.S; Leucania albipuncta at Deal, A. E. Tonge, F.E.S. ; Polia chi in the South, Id. ; Colias ednsa at Reading, IF. E. Butler, F.E.S. ; Larva of Manduca atropos at Chichester, Joseph Anderson ,- Recollections of the Eastern Counties,

Herbert Ashby, F.E.S. 272

Current Notes and Short Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

Societies : The South London Entomological and Natural History Society . . 276 Obituary:— A. M. Shuguroff, 31. B, : W. Riekman- Jeffrey, H.J.T. ; Albert James

Fison, G.IF. .. 278

Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

Communications are unavoidably held over or promised from Messrs. Burr, Parkinson Curtis, Dr. Chapman, H. E. Page, T. Baxter, Hy. J. Turner, G. Wheeler, H. Powell, H. Donisthorpe, G. T. Bethune-Baker, Rev. G. H. Rayoor, B. G. Curwen, R. Smith, Rev. F. E. Lowe, Dr. E. A. Cockayne, etc., with Reviews and Reports of Societies.

All MS. and editorial matter should be sent and all proofs returned to Hy. J. Turner, 98, Drakefell Road, New Cross, London, S.E.


"The Coleoptera of Indiana" Blatchley.

1386 pp., 600 figs.; keys to Families, Genera, and Species. Full descriptions of 2535 species, 79 of which are new ; Keys to 777 others ; bibliography and glossary, full notes on habits, etc. $4*50 net. Postage to England 60c.

"A Nature Wooing at Ormond by the Sea" Blatchley.

Silk cloth, 245 pp., 12 pis., 63 figs, and map. Lists of the insects taken at Ormond, Florida, in March and April, with many notes on birds, insects, reptiles, shell mounds, etc. II'IO postpaid.

"The Dragonflies of Indiana" Williamson.

104 pp., 7 pis. Keys and full descriptions, notes on habits, etc.

U'OO postpaid.


Bound in Cloth, with Map and Photographs of District. Price 3s. 6d.

This book contains a series of essays dealing with the colours of insects, and sugges- tions as to the relation in past time between the Alpine and British fauna. Many new facts are brought forward, and entomological problems discussed from various standpoints.

Woodside, Burnside, Hillside ard Marsh.

(Crown 8vo., Illustrated, 224 pp. and 103 woodcuts and full-page illustrations. Bound

in Cloth. (Price 2/6).

Another series of collecting expeditions into well-known entomological and natural history localities, with description of botanical, geological, ornithological as well as entomological matters of interest to be found therein. The places dealt with include Cobham Woods, Cuxton Downs, the. Western Highlands, Cliffe— all well known for their rich entomological fauna.

To be obtained from J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E.

^Subscriptions for Vol. XXV. are now due.

Vol. XXIV.

No, 12.


l\ 1







Edit K I) hy

Richard S. BAGNALL, f.l.s., f.e.s. T. HUDSON BKARK,

TJ.SC, F.E.S., F.U.S.E.

George T. BETHUNE-BAKER, f.z.s., f.l.s., f.e.s.

M. BURR, V.BC; F.Z.S., F.I..S., F.E.S.

" -i^N. BURROWS, F.E.S.

and Ienry J. TURNER, f.e.s., iTcfp '^ Editorial Secietaiy

T A. CHAPMAN, m.d.,f.z.8., f.k.

Jas. E. COLLIN, F.E.S.


F.Z.9., F.E

Alfred SIGH, f.e.s.

J B le B. TOMLIN, M.A., F.B.s.

George WHEELER, M.A., F.E.S,


^?S OF cciv; 11913




^nCEMBEE loth, 1912.



V <^\>^^%>ice ONE SHILLING & SIXPENCE (net


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" Bkeikose," Gf.llaii.'s: Road, New Cross, S.E

LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK, G2, Patkhnostek Row, E.G.



Entomologist's Record & Journal of Variation

(Practical Hints, Field Work, etc., useful for every year's collecting). VOL. Vl.

The TITLES of some of the articles are as follows :— Notes on Butterfly Pupje, with some remarks on the Phylogenesis of the Rhopalocera."— Dr. T. A. Chapman, F.E.S., " Phytophagic Species." Prof. A. RadcKfe Qrote, M.A. " Varieties and aberrations of Nocture from" Doncaster."— if H. Corhetl, M.E.C.S. "The frenulum of the British species of Smerinthus."— G. C. Giijnths, F.Z.S., F.B..S. "Eudryas stje-johannis..'— ^. Raaelife Grote, M.A. "Parthenogenesis or Agamogenesis."— J. «'. Tutt, F.E.S. " Larvfe."— iJ<T. O. M. A. Hewitt, M.A. " Retrospect of a Lepidnpterist for 1894." —J. W. Ttitt, F.E.S. " Generic Names in the Noctuidse."— Pior. A. R. Qrote, M.A. " Pupa hunting in October."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Polygamy and Polyandry in Moths." "The nature of certain insect colours."— IF.S. Ridiny, M.D., R. Freer, M.B., J. W. Tutt, F.E.S., Rev. C. R. N. Burroivx, J. Anderson, Jun. ?'The Lepidoptera of Swansea."— 3iajo?- R. B. Robertson. " Caradrina ambigua in the Isle of Wight."— ^. ./. Hodfies. "The insects of Bourg St. Maurice."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Orrhodia erythiocephala ab. glabra from Devonshire and comparison with O. vaccinii."— Dr. W. S. Riding, F.E.S. "Notes on Caradrina ambigua and C. superstes."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Entomology and Entomologists, being the Annual Address to the City of London Entom. Society." Notes on Aphomia sociella " (with plate).— TF. P. Blpckhurne Maze, F.E.S. "Apterous females and Winter Emergence "—E. F. Studd, M.A., B.C.L., F.E.S., L. B. Prout, F.E.S. " Collecting Noctuidre by Lake Erie."— .4. RadcUffe Grote, M.A. " Coleoptera at Ipswich."— Claude Morlev, F.E.S. " Notes on Boinbus visurgige." " Synonymic Notes on Acidalia humilata and A. dilutaria."— L. B. Prout, F.E.S. "The Lepidoptera of Gresy-sur-Aix."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. " Apatura iris."— i?f!-. G. M. A. Hewett- " Scheme of Classification of the Rhopalocera founded on the structure of the Pupse."— r. A, Chapman, M.D., F.E.S. "Glimpses of American Entomology."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "The Genus Smerinthus."—^. Bacot. " Variation considered biologically : Some notes suggested by the Romanes Lecture of 1894."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Wing structure."— J. Alston Moffatt. "On the development of sex in social insects."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "The British representatives of the Genus Caradrina."— L. B. Prout, F.E.S. " Habits and variation of Lithosia lutarella and its variety pygmaeola."— ./■. ^y. Tutt, F.E.S. On the gradual disappearance of Lepidoptera from South-Eastern London and

F.E.S. " Hadenoid genera with hairy eyes."— Pcof. A. R. Gro'e, M.A. '• Zygaena minos and its varieties."— J. W. Tutt, F.E.S. "Notes on the pupae of Castnia and Anthocharis."— T. J. Cha,pmnn, M.D., F.E.S. Besides these articles, a large number of short notes are contained in every number under the foUewing titles: " Scientific Notes and Observations," " Variation," " Notes on Larvee and Life- histories," " Notes on Collecting," " Current Notes." The reports of Societies are very carefully edited, and only scientific paragraphs published. The " Practical Hints " and " Field work " for each month are quite unique.

The entomologist who will read carefully through the back numbers of The EntomoJogiet's Record will find himself better equipped for the further study of his subject than by any other means.

Price 7/6 per volume, of Mr. H. E. Page, " Bertrose." Gellatly Road, Hew Cross, S.E.


The Largest Breeder of Lepidoptera in the British Isles is

H. W. HEAD, ©ittoutoUHTiet,


h'till Lifit of Ova, TjOrrae, and Ptipae, also Tjepidojitfra, Ajiparatus, Cahivets

etc., sent on application. Many Rare British Species and Good Varieties for Sale.

Lantern Slides in Natural Colours.


Photographed from life and true to Nature in every detail.




For List apply to

CHARLES D. HEAD, 2, Mount Vernon, DoUymount, DUBLIN.

Vol. XXIV.

Pl.\tk XII.

Photo. F. Noaii Claik. 0\.\ OF CoLKOrHOKA VIMINKTELt.A,

Fig. 1.— Mi(rop¥LEX'2.50. Fio. 2.— Ova in siTrx20.

The l<Uitoinoloiii>iV>i Record, 1912.


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Vol.. XXIV

Plate XYI.


I'hof). hii ];u„hik,

•'.'/", liiicliiiiihiiiit I'ahice Uonil. Wii.i-iAM FoiisKr.i, KiHi-.v.

Tlic l'',iil<iiii<ilo(jist'fi lieconi. etc.. lid'i.


Notes on the various species of the genus Coleophora. ( fry7/t idate.)

By H, J. TUENEK, F.E.S. Coleophora ochrea.

Through the kindness of Mr. E. Bankes, of Corfe Castle, I first came to know this local species in the larval stage. On May 12th, 1904, I received a few cases containing living larvfe, taken by him in the Isle of Purbeck. In his covering letter he stated that he had known of this colony for some years, but that he had been unable to get more larvas than he was forwarding in spite of a long search. He stated that Heliantheimim vid(/are, upon which the larvae feed is, in this place, in a very exposed situation. The cases sent were at this date small, and appeared very similar to those of C. f/enistae, although not so variegated m colour. The winter case persists and forms the anal portion of the enlarged case, and of course is less in calibre. The spring addition to the case is made from the cuticle of a leaflet, and is not attached quite symmetrically to the first case, hence the tube appears outwardly to be not quite a straight one, but still the two portions are more in line apparently than in the case of C. (jenistae. The colour of the case is somewhat dark, consisting of shades of green and straw colour, becoming with age more uniform. In order to satisfy the larvte of this species one should have growing plants to go to, as they are particularly prone to wander, and if the foodplant be not absolutely fresh will come out of their cases, refuse food and die. From May 14th to May 17th two of the above larvc'e were quiescent in a fixed position, apparently for change of skin, as on the latter date they began to feed again.

On June 10th, Mr. Bankes again visited the Purbeck locality for this species and found the larva more plentiful, although by no means as common as in previous years. Some two dozen larvaj reached me on June 18th, most of them being nearly full grown. The following is a description of one of these in its last skin.

"Head paler than rest of body. Thoracic segments paler than abdominal segments, but not so pale as the head. The black spiracu- lar plates on the three thoracic segments of moderate size. The dorsal plate on the first segment divided into six irregularly shaped portions by somewhat wide sutures between them. Two of these lie on each side of the middle line (suture), and one outside on each side nearly in line with the two anterior portions. Segment 2 has two largish black plates. Segment 3 has two smaller ones. The dorsal suture in both segments is wide. The width of this dorsal suture is the smallest in segment 1 and the widest in segment 3. The anal plate is only very slightly darkened. All these plates are not strongly defined at their edges, there is a tendency for them all to pale outwardly and to shade into the general colour of the body. The general body colour is a rich dark brown with lighter shades."

It was a difficulty for me to get food plant and the larvae did badly, and although they enlarged their cases again, by June 30th most of them had come out of their cases, often dismembering them, and died.

I did not meet with this species in the larval stage again until June 23rd, 1907, when in company with Mr. J. Ovenden, of Strood, I spent a most pleasant day at Cuxton and visited the spot, where some years

December 16th, 1912.

282 tHE entomologist's recok13.

before the late Mr. J. W. Tutt had taken the imagines in abundance. In a somewhat sheltered spot on the chalk slopes facing east, where the Ih'lianthonHiii was very luxuriant and well in flower, I found the larvse in abundance and practically full fed. In a very short time I had annexed several dozens, but they were extremely local, being met with ill an area of only a few square yards, and not one was to be found on the food plant elsewhere. The cases were now very large and very easy to see, as they hung from leaves, stems, flowers, flower- buds and seed-vessels. The larva? seemed specially fond of the flower-buds.

The results from the larvfe taken were quite satisfactory, most of the larv* pupated at once, and a very nice series was bred.


On the leaves and buds of Salix caprea, in Pollards Wood, Chalfont Road, Buckinghamshire, I found about a dozen of the woolly cases of this species on May 23rd, 1904. Among them was one very small, very dark case, presumably the winter case of a larva which was late in its spring awakening, or feeble from the attacks of a parasite. The rest were of all sizes, and one was partly green with a lichen-covered appearance. By June 20th several had fed up, and on June 30th the first imago emerged. Thus the pupal stage in this species appears to be about ten days.

On May 27th, 1906, 1 again met with this species in some numbers on some small willows (osiers?), around the smaller of the two ponds at Wisley, in Surrey. The following is a short description of the larva and its armatures : »

" There were three pair of abdominal claspers. The plates were quite black and shining. The anal plate was a small one, as also were tbe spiracular ones, in fact those on segments 2 and 3 were mere dots, that on the 3rd being smallest of all. The dorsal plate on the 1st segment was divided by a very fine suture, scarcely perceptible at the anterior edge, but wide posteriorly. The plate on the 2nd segment was divided by a broad suture, so that two nearly equilateral triangles were formed, with their bases towards each other. They were of fairly moderate area and well defined."

Of the imagines bred from this set of larvte I was successful in getting ova. The eggs were very like those of ('oleojiluna lai icella and quite comparable to the general type of egg usual among the Xoctidda. They were upright and deposited singly, but not far apart, both on the upper and under surfaces of the leaves of Sali.r caprea, among the woolly hairs. The following is a short description of the ovum taken at the time.

'• The surface of the ovum is strongly ribbed with deep furrows between. There are from 15 to 18 of these ribs. The base of the egg is flattened and the ribs are not continued on it. These ribs are not very regularly placed, and half of them (alternate ones) disappear at uneven distances from the others near the micropylar area. The remaining ribs become less pronounced near the micropyle, but end abruptly, forming an irregular, slight micropylar depression on the vertex of the ovum. The colour of the egg is white with a tinge of pale yellow, but in a few days it turns to a darker yellow."

The photographs on Plate xii, very kindly taken by Mr. F. Noad Clarke, show the eggs /;/ situ, with one placed on edge to show the


flattened base, enlarged x 20, and the micropyle enlarged x 250. The irregular stopping of the ribs of the ovum and the somewhat ill- defined micropyle, are very apparent in the latter.

The Oothecae of Blattidae.

By the late R. SHELFOIJD, M.A., F.E.S. Edited by MALCOLM BURR, D.Sc, F.L.S., F.E.S.

The egg-capsule or ootheca of the common pest of our kitchens Blatta orientalis, is a familiar enough object, which requires no detailed description here. Enough to say that it is composed of hard, brown chitin, and in cross-section is rather pear-shaped, the thin end of the section corresponding to the upper edge of the capsule. The upper edge is marked by a notched crest and the crest itself shows the line of dehiscence of the ootheca, this line extending about half-way down the two ends of the capsule. The notches in the sutural crest are said to indicate the number of embryos contained in the ootheca, but this is not really true. The embryos lie head uppermost in a double row, and their position and number is shown by grooves and bulgings of the sides of the capsule, beneath the sutural crest. This is clearly shown in the ootheca of Periplaneta americana, which is closely similar to that of Blatta orientalia : in this specimen the notches number thirteen, which would indicate twenty-six embryos, whereas really the number of embryos is sixteen, there being eight on each side of the ootheca, as shown by the slight excrescences below the sutural crest. The lips of the suture are not soldered together in any way, but remain closely appressed by virtue of the elasticity of the chitinous walls, whilst the sculpturing and puckaring of the crest doubtless play a sort of interlocking action.

It has been stated that the young larvte escape from the capsule by exuding a fluid which dissolves the material soldering together the lips of the suture. This is very doubtful ; the young larvre are provided with a pair of frontal vesicles which, by means of an altera- tion of blood pressure, can be enormously dilated, thus rupturing any covering, membrane, or egg-case. This method of escape from egg or eggcase is practically universal in the insect kingdom, though the position of the vesicle or vesicles varies ; in the cockroach the so-called ocelli mark the position of these vesicles in the young larvfe.

Very similar to the Blattine type is the little ootheca, which belongs to an unknown Ceylon species, probably of the sub- family Pseudomopinae : it is attached to the upper surface of a leaf and the actual specimen, which is white mottled with brown, looks singularly like a drop of bird's excrement. Quite different is the really elegant egg-capsule of J\Le;/alnhlatta iiijipes, one of the Nycti- borinae, a subfamily confined entirely to the New World. The sutural crest is toothed and the sides of the capsule are beautifully striated ; the number of contained eggs appears to be forty, judging by the grooving of the sides. The capsule is much flattened from side to side and is carried with the suture directed to one side, thus dift'ering markedly from the Blattine position. The very similar ootheca of Paratropes bilunata which 1 found in the British Museum collection confirmed an opinion previously formed, r/c, that this genus should be removed from the Kpilamprinae and placed in the Nyctihorinae.

284 THE entomologist's record.

The egg-case of Pahjphaga aegyptiaca (sub-family Conjdiinae) has been figured byBrunner von Wattenwyl in his Frodruinus Knropaiscketi Ort/iojitcrfH (pi. i., fig. 12 C.) ; it is chiefly remarkable for being furnished with a peculiar flange or spur at the posterior end of the sutural crest, which is deeply notched; it is not so rotund as the typical Blattine ootheca, but is rather intermediate in shape between such an one and that of Me(jalnblatta. There is no information as to the way in which the ootheca is carried, i.e., with the suture upper- most or directed to one side.

The corresponding Neotropical genus Honweor/aniia has a very peculiar ootheca, if one may take that of H. azteca as an example. In shape it is not unlike that of Parotnijies hilunata, but along the lower border on each side runs a thin flange, leaving between them_a deep groove. The capsule is carried in the same way as in the Ni/ctiborinae.

On account of the egg-laying habits of the Blattidae and Mantidae, Handlirsch, the learned Viennese entomologist, has brigaded together these two families of Orthoptera, christening them the lUattacfoDiiia Oot/ieraria and regarding them as the most primitive of all the families. From an anatomical point of view this opinion may be correct, but it is a mistake to suppose that all Blattidae form an ootheca. The case is far otherwise, and I can state with confidence that about one-third of the genera form no ootheca at all, or only a most imperfect one, the young larva? emerging alive from the brood-sac of the mother. The viviparous habit amongst cockroaches was first discovered by Riley in Panchlora riridis, and numerous other examples have come to light since then. In most of these viviparous species the embryos are carried in the brood-sac of the mother enveloped in a thin membrane, which ruptures to let the embryos escape. But yet another method has been observed by Holmgren of species belonging to three subfamilies, riz., O.rijkaloa saiissnrei {( Knjhaloinae) , Kiintega^ta niicans (^Kpilaiiiprinae), and Blahera sp. [lUaherinae). In the last species a chitinous, sculptured capsule is formed and is retained in the brood-sac until the young are ready to emerge, when apparently it is deposited. In Euntenaata on the other hand the capsule splits open inside the brood-sac allowing the young to escape before the ootheca itself is actually got rid of. This type of viviparity is evidently secondary to the formation of a chitinous ootheca, or in other words, is derived from it, for it is not reasonable to suppose that an elaborate structure like the ootheca of Mef/alobUitta nijipes should have been developed if it was never to be exposed to view. It is far more likely that the I-'Jiistetjasta and JUabera type of egg-laying is a secondary device to secure still greater immunity from the attacks of parasites, and it is no wild supposition that in course of time the chitinous ootheca, being in these species a work of supererogation, will disappear. The viviparity of I'anchloia and I'anesthia is another matter ; it may be primitive, it may be derived from the Kustegaata type or from yet another type of ootheca, eiz., that shown by Blattella fiennanica and other B.seitduiiiopinae. The ootheca of B. (jermanica is a thin leather sac, and carried with the suture, which is not marked with any crest, directed to one side, the number of contained eggs is rather large and therefore the length of the sac is considerable. The sutural line is marked by a series of puckers and the number of eggs is about fifty. This structure is carried in a brood-sac and protruding from



the apex of the abdomen until the embryos are just about ready to emerge, when it is deposited in a casual manner anywhere. It is obvious that this type of ootheca is not derived from the chitinous type but is merely an advanced development of the thin membrane surrounding the egg-masses of Fancatliia, Pancldora, etc.

Now, which is the more primitive habit in the Blattidae, viviparity or the ootheca-forming habit ? This is a problem which cannot be solved with certainty, but I believe that viviparity has in this family a two-fold origin. In Blahera and Kiister/asta it is secondarily derived from the ootheca-forming habit, as shown by the presence of a more or less junctionless ootheca in these genera ; in Blattella it may well be derived from an ancestral type, which deposited an egg-mass at the beginning of the embryonic period. The Blattine ootheca, elaborate as it is in structure, can hardly be regarded as truly primitive, and the fact that it attains its highest development in the Nyctibnrinae and lUattinae, two highly evolved subfamilies, is further confirmation of the opinion that this structure came into being at a period com- paratively late in the cockroach genealogical histoi-y. The following diagram may make matters a little more clear. Viviparous

species, no q ootheca. I e.g., Fan- \ chlora.

Length of embryonic period spent inside brood-sac gradually prolonged.

0 Blattella-ty^^e of I ootheca. Ovo- I viviparous species.

Viviparous species.

0 Ootheca formed, but

I retained in brood-sac

; and f unctionless.

e.g., Blahera.


Blatta -type of ootheca.

Hypothetical ancestor

depositing eggs singly

or in egg-masses.

Whether there is a grain of truth in this diagram or not, one thing is clear and that is, that the various adaptations of habit and oothecal structure are designed with the object of securing protection from the attacks of external parasites. The appearance of these enemies would soon render the position of unprotected eggs untenable and two methods of protection could be adopted, either the eggs must be retained inside the mother as long as possible, or they must be concealed in a horny chitinous covering ; both methods have met with success, but of the two the former seems to be the more successful, seeing that the lllabera type of viviparity is secondarily derived from the habit of forming a true and functional ootheca, and presumably is so derived because of its greater value to the species.

It only remains to give now a list of the sub-families and genera in which the egg-laying habit is known. The Blattidae are divided into sub-families, and the egg-laying habits are known in a certain proportion of genera in each sub-family, except the Peiisphaeriinae concernmg which we are almost quite ignorant. The following are the sub-families and genera about which we have some information :

286 THE entomologist's record.

Sub-family Ectobiin^. Ootheca chitinous, of Blattine type. Known in the following genera : Ectohiiis, Thegannpteryx, Hololampra.

SuB-EAMiLY PsEUDOMOPiN^. Ootheca either of Blattine type, or leathery and carried with the suture directed to one side. Known in the following genera :

1. Blattine type, FAlipddion, Mareta.

2. Leathery form, Hemithyrsocera, Blatella, Ischnoptera, Loboptera. Sub-family NYCTiBORiNiE. Chitinous ootheca of peculiar type.

Known in the following genera : Megaloblatta, Paratropes.

Sub-family Epilamprin^. Viviparous, ootheca represented by a membrane, which may, or may not, be retained in the brood-sac. Known in the following genera: PhlebonntKs, Molytria, Paendo- phoraaph, Epjlaiiipra, Kuateriosta.

Sub-family Blattine. Chitinous ootheca carried with suture uppermost. Known in the following genera: Polyzoateria, Blatta, Periplaneta, Paeudoderopeltis, Deropeltis.

Sub-family Panchlorin^. As in EpiLAMPRiNiE. Known in following genera: Gyna, Bliyparohia, Leucophaea, Panchlnra, Naiiphoeta.

Sub-family Blaberin^. Chitinous ootheca formed, but never extruded, practically functionless. Known in following genus : Blabera.

Sub-family Corydiin^. Chitinous ootheca of modified Blattine type. Known in following genera : Polyphaya, Honweoffamia.

Sub-family Oxyhaloin^. Viviparous or with chitinous ootheca. Known in following genera :

(i.) Viviparous. Oxyhaloa, Diploptera.

(ii.) Chitinous ootheca. Chorhoneura, Ectonenra.

Sub-family Perisphaeriin^. The only evidence that we have about the egg-laying habit of this sub-family, and that but indirect, is that supplied by Mr. Distant in his " Jnsccta Tranfivaalienxm " concerning Cyrtotria {Stenopilemo). A female of the species was found living in a burrow in the ground surrounded by its young ; this is slight evidence in favour of a viviparous habit, for the necessity of forming a horny capsule is obviated by the cryptic habit, and no trace of such a capsule empty seems to have been found, and it is highly unlikely that a cockroach should lay eggs, like the earwig and mole-cricket, entirely unprotected by an ootheca of some sort.

Sub-fam. Panesthiin^. Viviparous. Ootheca a mere membrane. Known in the following genera: Panesthia, Sahjanea.

It is quite evident that the egg-laying habits can be of considerable use in any scheme of classification of the Blattidae. The discovery of the ootheca of Paratropes was definitive evidence in favour of the inclusion of this genus in the Nyctiborinae, and the oscillations of Heinithyrsocera between the Ectobiinae and Paeudomopinae are brought to an end by the discovery that its ootheca is similar to that of Blattella. It will be noted that so far as our present knowledge goes, the egg-laying habit is diverse in only two sub families, the Pwudo- mopinae, in which a leathery capsule and a chitinous capsule is formed, and the (h-ylialoinae, whichexhibit viviparity and the chitinous ootheca; certainly the latter sub-family is no natural one, and could well be split into two, but whether the Vaeudowopinae lend themselves to the same treatment cannot be decided.


Occasionally a female cockroach may be captured with an ootheca protruding from the apex of the abdomen and it will be noticed that the position of the capsule between the lips of the valvular subgenital lamina (last ventral plate) is such that the suture of the capsule is uppermost. The female carries the c;ipsule thus protruding from the end of her body for seven or eight days, and then deposits it in some secure nook or cranny, either wedging it into a crack or else with a drop of some glutinous material making it adhere slightly to some foreign substance.

The most important cockroach-parasites are the species of the Hymenopterous genus Kvania, curious looking insects with the abdomen small, triangular, much flattened from side to side, and slung to the thorax by a slender pedicel. The inodiis operandi of the parasite has, so far as I know, not been observed, but it is tempting iS suppose that the female can slip her cleaver-like abdomen between the lips of the oothecal suture, and so right into the ootheca itself; so hard and horny is the capsule that the suture appears to be the only part susceptible to attack.

The egg-cases of Pen'planeta americana, the well-known " ship's cockroach," and P. anstralasiae are very similar to that of />'. orientalh. Both are abundant housshold pests in the tropics. It is concerning certainly one of these two species that the following observations were made in West Africa by Col. Wynn Sampson : " Ootheca is similar to the English one, but apparently the female is not satisfied with the protection it affords to the egg, and she therefore not only covers it over, but also uses the material of the substance to which the ootheca is attached for this purpose. One specimen, for instance, was half embedded in the top of a cork, and chips of cork completely covered the capsule ; another was stuck on the edges of the leaves of a book and was covered with fragments of paper ; another on the leather binding of a book was covered with fragments of leather ; whilst a fourth example was fastened to some mortar between two bricks, and was actually covered with mortar." It is not without interest to note that De Geer, quoting Madame Merian on the habits of I'eriplaneta atiin-icoua, says that they cover their egg-cases with a " toile fine " ; De Geer doubts the accuracy of his informant's observations, but it is quite possible that Madame Merian was attempting to describe a habit which has not been observed again for over a century.

The egg-case of Deropeltis autraniana protrudes from the abdomen of the female. The distortion, due to drying, shows that the ootheca is more of a leathery consistency, and in this feature, together with its greater length, it differs from those already described. It may be noted here that the formation of the ootheca is gradual, proceeding from backwards before, and the more advanced it is in development the further it extrudes.

Notes on a July trip to Switzerland.

By B. S. CURWEN. On July 5th I started for a twenty-five days' tour in Switzerland , and as the weather was very fair, compared with the subsequent weird meteorological happenings in August, and as butterflies were found to be comparatively plentiful, a short account of my captures may prove of interest. With me were a friend and my brother, neither of whom,

288 THE entomologist's record.

however, were actively interested in entomology. We travelled straight through to Interlaken arriving there in rain, which only ceased two days later, on our departure for Miirren on July 8th. On this day walking up the Lauterbrunnen Valley from Zweilutschinen, the sun was barely visible and everything was dripping. Epinephele jitrtina and Aphantopus hyperantus were, however, on the wing, and soon Pararge viaera in plenty was set moving. This last species was in perfect condition as was Melitaea dictynna, which was also only just emerging. Other things taken during the walk were Fieri?, napi and var. hryoniae, Aporia crataeyi, < 'olias Jiyale, Kuchlo'e canlouiines, Auyiades .fi/lriini(.t, and Cupidn mhiivms.

On July 9th, we walked up into the lovely Bliimenthal from Miirren ; the flowers were beautiful, but there was still some snow in isolated patches. The day was very fine and hot, and insects were jn considerable numbers. Parnasfiius apollo, I', najd var. bryoniae, P. hrasfiicae, E. cordomines, Colia>i phicomone, ('. hyale and Aylais iirticae with suffused hindwings and no blue marginal spots, were taken, as also were Melitaea dictynna, Brenthis enphrosyue, B. pales, Coenonyinpha arcania, C. satyrion, Chrysnp/ianiis hippothoe var. enryhia, Loweia dorilis var. subalpina, Lycaena avion, C. minimus, Cyaniris semiaryus, Aricia eiouedon, ]'acci)iiina optilete and Polyoniiiiatus icariis.

The next day was spent in the Sefinen-thal, which was swarmine: with insects. All the butterflies met with on the previous day were taken, and in addition Papilio machaon, Leptosia sinapis, Ayriades corido7i, Polyomiiiatiis hylas and Aricia )iiedon (astrarche).

On July 11th we turned our attention towards the Griitsch Alp; here Erehia aethiops was plentiful and of such a confiding nature that one specimen which perched on my finger allowed itself not only to be photographed but to be carried for quite a considerable distance before flying away. Other captures on this day were P. machaon, P. apollo, Pnntia daplidice, C. pliiconione, Melitaea athalia, M. dictynna, Brenthis euphrosync, B. a)natJnisia, Aryynnis aylaia, P. niaera, A. coridon (just emerging), P. icarus, P. hylas, C. semiaryus, A. medon [astrarche), Adopaea lincola, A. sylvanus, C. hippothoe and Erehia liyea.

A move was made to Grindelwald on July 12th. The walk from the Wengern Alp to Grindelwald, although in bright sunshine, did not prove very productive. The species met with were evidently just emerging, with the exception of P. machaon, and Melitaea cynthia. Poniia calUdice, Colias palaeno and (J. phicoiuone were, however, taken, as also were Brenthis pales in abundance, B. euphrosyne, E. cardamines, C. semiaryus, Erehia epiphron, and E. pharte.

On July 13th and 15th a little climbing on the two Grindelwald glaciers and the Alps round the Baregg Hut and Milchbach Chalet produced the following species : Pieris napi, Euchlo'e cardauiine.s, Colias pliicomone, Brentliis pales, B.aiuathusia, Erehia pharte, E, aet/iiops, K. tyndarus, Loweia dorilis var. subalpina, (htpido minimus, Latiorina orbit ulus, Ayriades coridon, Albulina pheretes (plentiful), Polyommatus eros, Cyaniris semiaryus, Cupido miniums, Coeno)iy)upJia arcania, Melitaea dictynna, M. athalia, etc.

July 14th was devoted to the valley between Grindelwald and Burglauenen, and among other things C. arcania, Erehia manto, E. styyne, Chrysophanus hippothae, P. Jiylas, Lycaena arion, and Aricia eumedoji were taken. Brentlds amatlnida were swarming in a field just above Burglauenen station.



On July 16th the weather was all that could be desired, and an exceptionally good day's collecting was obtained at Hertenbiihl on the slopes of the Faulhorn. Near Grindelwald the following species were taken : Aporia crataef/i, Pyranieis atalanta, Issoria lathonia, Ar(ji/nnis ai/laia, Melanari/ia (lalathea, and FJpinephele Jurtina, the last four being very plentiful. Higher up in the peaty meadows Fritillaries were swarming, Melitaea athalia, Arciijnnis adippe, A. niobe var. eris, Brenthis ainathtisia, and B. dia, with Colias phicomone, Erebia epiphron, C. arcania, and Poicellia sao.

.July 17th was devoted to climbing. The 18th and 19th were spent at Weissenburg in the Simmenthal, which although quite unknown to the writer was thought worth a visit owing to the large number of times it is mentioned in Rev. G. Wheeler's Handbook to the Butterflies of Siritzeiiand. The weather was, however, hopeless, and beyond a few Melanari/ia ijalatca, K. jurtina, A. niooe var. eris, Adopaea flava, Aijriades coridon, and a freshly emerged tlirsutina damon, all taken in a few minutes interval between two rain storms, with a pupa of Polygonia c-albnm from the gate post of the chalet at which I stayed, nothing was obtainable. The main road at the side of the Simme and the meadows above the Sanatoria should undoubtedly prove very pro- ductive in good weather.

At Meiringen, on July 21st, the weather was still unsettled ; a walk in the environs, however, produced P. rapae, Leptosia sinapis, M. athalia, B. amathusia, M. (jalatJiea, A. iiiedon {astrarche), ('. semiargus, Plebeiiis ar(/i/ro(/no)non and Loireia dorilis.

The next day was hopeless, but the 23rd dawned gloriously, and a fairly early start was made as we intended to walk from Meiringen up the Hasli-Thal to Handeck. The day proved highly remunerative entomologically. Practically all the species previously taken, with but few exceptions, were again in evidence at some stage of the walk, and many, which on previous days were found singly, now occurred in profusion. The additional species met with were Dryas paphia, Hipparchia semele, and IJeodes viryaureae, all the last being <J s, fresh and very abundant. A pretty clay coloured aberration of Pararye iiiaera was also taken.

The night was spent at the Handeck Hotel, a most comfortable and inexpensive place. The next day between Handeck and the Grimsel Hospice the following species were taken -.—C. phicomone, C. hyale, K. pharte, K. mnestra, E. gorye, E. tyndarus and Vacciniina optilete. Except for a yellow Geometer, which was in profusion, there were few insects about. This was not to be wondered at as two days previously there had been over a foot of snow. We arrived at the Hospice about midday and then proceeded to the Hotel Belvedere Furka over Nageli's Graetli and the Rhone Glacier. Many Aglais iirticac were seen even on the snow-fields at the summit, with occasionally an Erebia lappona.

The morning of July 25th was spent in the diligence between Gletsch and Brigue. A gentle drizzle nearly all the way prevented any entomological observations. In the afternoon at Brigue, the sun emerged, and in the fields near the town many insects were taken amongst which may be mentioned Satyrus herinione, E. jurtina var. his- pidla, Piuinicia phlaeas var. ^^^».s, and Polyomiiiatiis escheri, which was very plentiful. After about an hour's collecting a thunderstorm put a stop


to further proceedings for that day. The next day was devoted to the Simplon Pass between Brigue and Berisal. The weather was perfect and the collecting the finest in my limited experience. The following is a list of my captures in this rich and well known spot : Papilio podaliriiis, P. )))ac/tann, Paniassius a/iollo, LeptoKia sinapix, Melitwa athalia, M. didyma, in swarms both male and female, M. phnebe, also very plentiful and many var. occitanica''-, B. dia, Issoria lathonia, Argynnis adippe, Melanaryia yalathca, Krebia euryale, E. liyea, K.aethiopsi, SatyrusJiernrinne, S.cnrdiila, Enodiadryas, Hipparchia ^ewelc, E. jurtina, Lniteia dorilis, Lycaena avion, Hirsntina dainon, abundant, A.coridon, Pleheius «?y///.s and P. aryyroynouion. Practically everything taken was in fresh condition with the exception of L. avion.

The next and last day, July 27th, was spent near Martigny in the direction of Vernayez, and proved rather disappointing, as indeed did a day spent in the same locality in August last year. The only things taken which were not seen on the previous day and in greater profusion were Liiiwnitis caiiiilla, Prenthis daphne, Dryas papliia, Bitwicia p/ilaeati, Nisoniaden tayes and Polyoinwatus icariis. As was to be expected, the general condition of the butterflies was not so good as of those near Berisal.

Altogether about 80 species were taken during the 25 days, and, apart from the mere collecting, the fascination of being able to observe the habits of many of our rarer British species would in itself make such a holiday very enjoyable.

An Old Essex Collection.

By the Bev. G. H. RAYNOR, M.A. My friend, Mr. E. E. Bentall, of The Towers, Heybridge, acquired about a year ago a collection of British Lepidoptera undoubtedly formed in the neighbourhood of Chelmsford, but containing insects obtained from other sources. The collection was formed between the years 1842 and 1846 by an unknown collector, whose initials areA.G., and was preserved in the house of Mr. Andrew Marriage. It is contained in a cabinet of 26 drawers, and is in excellent condition. As it is only rarely that a complete collection of this sort survives to the present day, I think your readers will be interested to have an account of the species represented, with comments on the specimens and localities, where needed. In making this catalogue I adopt the names and the order in which the species are arranged in the original cabinet. Papilio machaon. There are 8 specimens, 8 of which are labelled

Whittlesea, Seaman, 1846. Gonepteryx rhavini. 5. Not labelled. Colias edum. 7. One labelled Baddow, 1845. Another Chelmsford,

October Brd, 1846. CiiliaR hyale. 11. The Essex specimens are from Southend and

Chelmsford, one of the latter being taken in 1843. The

other specimens are from Ipswich and Dover. Pieris braasicae. 7. Pieris rapae. 11. 2 being the variety mctra, taken in May, 1845.

* Probably the somewhat variegated alpine form which is really the type form figured by Knoch (see Ent. Rec, xx., p. 170). Var. occitanica is very rare in Swit- zerland and is only known from Varen and between Soustie and Pfyn. G.W.


PieriH napi. 6.

Euchlo'e cardaminea. 10. All rather under-sized, but one male

having the apices beautifully clouded. Leucnphasia sinapn. 6. 1 of which was taken at Chelmsford by the

owner of the collection, in 1844, 2 by Seaman at Ipswich,

1846, and 3 by Heppenstall at Sheffield, in 1846. It is

particularly interesting to think that these specimens, of a

species now so very local, should have occurred at two

localities so far removed as Chelmsford and Sheffield, in

which neighbourhoods it would now be quite in vain to seek

for the insect. Aporia crataegi. 5. The only Essex one was taken at Epping by

Eddleston, in 1844, 2 were taken in Huntingdonshire by

Seaman, in 1846, 1 was sent by Stainton from Cambridge,

and the fifth is labelled Whitwell, 1844. NenieohiuH lucina. ^6. Unfortunately without labels. Melitaea athalia.—\i. 1844 and 1846. Two of them were taken by

the owner at Bromley Thicket (this is probably the Essex

Bromley, near Manningtree), in 1844. Melitaea artemis. 7. 1 specimen from Manchester, July, 1846, taken

by Eddleston, another at Carlisle by Hodgkinson, 1846, the

third being sent from Winchester by Stainton, in 1846. Melitaea cinria. 11. The only labelled specimen were from Coombe

Wood, captured by Leplastrier, in 1846. Ari/ynnis selene. 7. None labelled. Ar<iynnis euphrosyne. 14. Without labels, but containing 2 heavily

blotched. Aripjunis lathonia. 2. The upperside is in fair condition, but slightly

damaged at the right apex. Underside in good order. One

of these was taken by A. G. at Dover in August, 1846, the

other is labelled Dover only, Ariiynnis adippe. 10. 5 being from Danbury, A. G. 1846, and 5 from

Hartley Wood (which is near Colchester), in 1844. Aryynms aglaia. 5. 2 from Bath, 1843, 1 from Dover by Leplastrier,

1846, and 2 caught at Ipswich by Seaman. Arfiy7inis paphia.—9. All taken at Hartley Wood between 1844 and

1846. Grapta c-album. 3. 1 from Catchpool, Colchester, and 2 from

G. Whitwell of Peterborough. Grapta polychloms. 7. 2 labelled specimens being Hartley Wood,

1846, A. G. Grapta urticae. 10. Grapta io. 4. Grapta atalanta. 9. Cynthia cardid. 10. 2 Chelmsford specimens being labelled

October 3rd, 1846, 2 others being from Dover, 1846, A. G. Apatura iris. 8. The owner's captures are 8 in number, made at

Hartley Wood in 1843, 1844 and 1846. The other 5 were

taken by Seaman between Ipswich and Colchester in 1846.

The 8 males are apparently bred, the 4 upperside females

seem to have been caught, and there is a lovely underside

female of large dimensions.

292 THE entomologist's record.

Llnieyiitix Camilla { = sibi/lla). 7. 1 being labelled simply "from

Seaman." Uipparcliia aeijeria. 6. Hipparchia mei/aera. 12.

Hipparchia semele. 11. Dover, 1846, A.G., being the only label. Hipparchia (/alathea.— 12. All labelled Hartley Wood, Essex, 1844

to' 1846, A.G. Hipparchia titltonus. 5. Hipparchia janira. 9. One is very pallid. Hipparchia h;/peranthHs. 7. Hipparchia hlandina. 5. 2 labelled Scotland, from Walford, 1846,

2 others Scotland, from Seaman, 1846, and the fifth

Hodgkinson, 1846. Hipparchia caasiope. 8. 4 from Perthshire, Weaver, 1846, 1 from

Cumberland, Weaver, 1846, another from Cumberland

Mountains, Eddleston, 1846, another from Carlisle, Hodgkin- son, 1846, the eightti from Borrowdale, Hodgkinson, June,

1846. Hipparchia ilacus. 11. All were taken by Eddleston, 1844-1846,

except one caught in the North by Seaman m the latter year. Hipparchia ti/phon. 2. Perthshire, Weaver, July, 1846. And 2.

Perthshire, H. Doubleday, 1846. Hippa rchia pa mphiltis. ^1 2 . Theclu hctnlae. 3. 1 Roxwell, 1842, A.G., 1 Galleywood Common,

1843, A. G., 1 Little Baddow, 1845, A.G. Thecla ijiierciis. 14. All but 2 being from Chantrey Wood, 1844 to

1846, A.G. Thecla priini. 1. Monks' Wood, Hodgkinson, 1846. A female in

rather poor condition. Thecla w-albiim. 8. 4 being Witham, from Walford, 1846, 2 Ipswich,

from Seaman, 1846, and 2 from Eddleston, 1844. Thecla riibi. 10. 1 being Ipswich, Seaman, 1846, and all the others

from Bromley Thicket, 1844 to 1846. Lijcaena phlaeas. 15. All quite typical and without labels. Lijcaena dispar. 2 glorious specimens, the male, of most radiant

lustre, labelled "from Cambridgeshire or Hunts. Bought

in London, 1843." Female, equally superb, " from Argent

of London. Fens of Huntingdon. Bought 1846." PidijiniDnatns anjioliis. 3 from Seaman of Ipswich, 1846. 1 Milton

Park, near Peterborough, Whitwell. i'oli/onniiatus ahufi.— 10. 8 from Dover, 1 taken by A.G., the others

by Leplastrier. The ninth is " from Stainton, 1846," and

the tenth " Hitchin, 1844." I'uli/uiinnatnn acix. 2. The male in fine condition, labelled "Sheffield

Heppenstall, 1846." The female, quite perfect, " Heppen-

stall, 1846." Polyommatns cnnplnn. 5 males, 5 females, and 5 undersides. Dover,

August, 1846, A.G. Pi)lip))iimutuH adoniH. 8 males in most perfect condition and looking

as though they were born yesterday, 2 equally brilliant

females and 6 undersides. All Dover, August 1846, A.G. I'uli/niiniiatiin alcris. 6 males, 5 females, 6 undersides. Not in any

way remarkable.


Pulijowniatus an/us {aetjon). 6 males, 5 females, 8 undersides. 2 Dover, Leplastrier, 3 from Eddleston, 1844. The rest "from Penzance, Noye, 1846."

Polyommatus agestis. 6 uppersides, 4 undersides. One from Chelms- ford, "1844, 1 from Southend, 1843, the rest Dover, 1846, A.G.

Poli/ommatns Haliiiacis. 2 poor males, both from Whitwell, 1844, one of the labels being, " This seems to be ai/eMis."

Polijnnnnatus arta.irr.vcs. 7. 3 From Scotland. Seaman, 1846. 4, Perthshire, Weaver, 1846.

Thyiiiele taiies. 1 Eddleston, 1844. 2 Heppenstall, 1843. 2 Ipswich, Seaman. 1 Carlisle, Hodgkinson, 1846.

Pamiiliila alreolui>. 9. 1 Eddleston, Manchester, 2 Whitwell, Peter- borough, 1845.

Paiiiphila linea. 6. 4 Males and 2 females, one of the latter being really the Essex Skipper, 11. lineula. Unfortunately none have labels.

I'a)>ipliila sj/lvajiiis. 9.

Paiiiphila cniiinia. 7. 4 " Dover, Leplastrier," 1846, 2 " Lewes, Thomson, 1846," and 1 " Seaman, Ipswich, 1845." Although 66 years have elapsed since this collection was fo'-med

there may still be surviving some members of the ancient brigade who

can identify for us the enterprising " A. G."

He certainly succeeded in getting a most interesting lot of

Lepidoptera within a very limited period of time. The moths

contained in his cabinet I propose to describe in a continuation of this

article next month.

(To be continued.)

Notes of the Season 1912 at Constantinople.

By P. P. GRAVES, F.E.S. I had very little time for collecting during the present year and the following notes are therefore somewhat meagre. Butterflies were distinctly less numerous than in 1911, and the year itself was unfavour- able. An early spring which brought out Callophrt/x ritbi, Ftunricia pldaean, Pararije ae<jeria, Pontia daplidice and the common Pierids in the last fortnight of March, was followed by a cold snap which lasted till the end of April. July was unsettled and the weather broke early in September and remained broken till the end of the autumn. In May and June I tried Kiathane, where I found nothing new, and the Gyok-su ground, where I found new localities for Hesperia sidae and Polj/om- iiiatits aiiianda on June 6th, on which date I also took not a few fresh Melitaea triria ? s and plenty of Xurdinannia ilicis, these latter rather smaller than my specimens from the Belgrade forest. One A ordnumnia araciae $ was taken here. From July 18th to 22nd I stayed at Kuri- Yalova, a very pretty " station thermale," on the Asiatic side of the sea of Marmora, about 10 miles from the shore. The valley in which the baths and hot springs lie is well wooded ; the geological formation is limestone and vegetation was rich and varied. Results were, how- ever, disappointing. Kceres alcetan, one J was my only new species, though I took Ariiynnis adippe, a large form, which I had not found near Constantinople, and found what seems to be a form of Melitaea phoebe (unless it be the elusive Melitaea ardninna) much more common

294 THE entomologist's becord.

than at Constantinople, as was Dry as paphia, Dryas pandora, Satyr us hermione (worn), Polyunuuatus icariis, Aricia medon (aslrarche), Aricia anteros and Aiujiades sylvanus, were the commonest species. I only took two 5 s of Pararge roxelana, both in good condition. One flew into our corner of the hotel at night ((•/'. Staudinger's remarks respecting Satyrus fatua at Amasia, Lepidopteren Fauna Kleinasiens part I.). Thymelicus actaeon was represented by one or two worn specimens, as was Raywardia telicanus. Epinephele tithonus was rare, as were Leptosia siftapis and, for a wonder, Melitaea didyma. Nisoniades tayes of the second brood was just emerging and I took but one Tarucus halcanicus. This was, however, a perfect specimen. The Heterocera were apparently well represented. Ainphidasys betularia, in fresh condition, surprised me in July, unless it is double brooded in the South. Here may I note having found the black and yellow larva of Apopestes spectrum on broom-rape on June 6th, at Gyok-su. In August I came across worn Pararge roxelana near Constantinople on several occasions, the latest being on August 24th. I missed Pontia chloridice and Colias erate, but found Pontia daplidice exceptionally common, as were Chrysophanus thersamon and Aricia medon (astrarche). The latter and Plebeius aryus {aeyon) are certainly at least partially triple- brooded here, as I took freshly emerged speci- mens of both on September 7th and 8th at the Belgrade Forest. On the same date I took third-brood examples of Brentim dia which I found in 1911 worn in early May and very fresh at the end of June. I again found Raywardia telicanus, but in bad condition. I hear, however, from an Austrian fellow collector, that this species is not uncommon in gardens on the Bosphorus in October. These are meagre results, but one has had to think of other things besides collecting in Turkey in 1912.

A Summer Holiday in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, 1912.

By E. B. ASHBY, F.E.S. Leaving Charing Cross on the afternoon of July 5th, and after a pleasant crossing from Dover to Ostend, I reached Virion in the extreme south-east corner of Belgium early the next morning, having passed through Brussels, Namur and Marbehan Junction. The branch line from Marbehan to Virton is very pretty, and from r^the to Virton has the appearance of being a very good collecting ground all the way, and although I stayed at Virton, I think one would in all probability do quite as well at Ethe. The only possible hotel at Virton is the " Hotel du Cheval Blanc," corresponding to a village inn at home, but not as clean as many English inns of its class. After breakfast I walked out to the Bois du Saint Mard, a distance of about four kilometres, passing through the village of Saint Mard, which adjoins Virton. This wood reminds me very much of the well-known wood at Eclepens, above Lake Geneva, which Apaturids love so much. The weather on this day, July 6th, was tempestuous, and I was only able to get three Apatura iris and one A. ilia ab. clytie, although more were seen. Aphantopus hyperantus and Melitaea athalia were the only other species 1 took, although I saw Melanan/ia yalathea, Coenonympha pamphilus, Limenitis sibylla, Polyyonia c-albuui, Pieris rapae, Pieris napi, Epinephele jurtina, Volyommatus icarus, Auyiades sylvanus, Aylais urticae and freshly emerged Dryas paphia. Nearly all the species


seemed in first rate condition. In the afternoon a terrific thunder- storm wetted me to the skin, although standing under the thickly leaved trees of the wood, and drove me back to the hotel at Virton to change.

Though a little rain fell early, July 7th was quite a nice day. I walked some distance along the road towards St. Leger to the well- known Vallee des Rabais, which is several kilometres in extent. In the woods to the left of the main road through the Vallee I took a number of male Chrysuphanus vinjanreae, as well as Nordiiiannia ilicis, Brenthis dia, Anfi/nnis paplda, A. ajilaia, Melitaea athalia, a,nd C'ljaniris seiiiiaiyiis (acis), besides being unable to capture Pvli/tjonia c-album, Apatura iris, A. ilia and Liinenitis sibijlla. Later in the day in the same valley I took both sexes of C. hippotlw'e, a fine just-emerged specimen of Hesperia carthami, and an interesting fritillary which I have not yet identified. I think that this valley would prove a very good collecting ground to anyone with plenty of patience, in fact the whole district between St. Leger and Ecouviez on the French frontier would probably repay any one who wanted to have an economical holiday, and who did not mind roughing it a bit. Between these two places no less than 78 species of the European Ehopalocera are to be taken, the best stations to work from being Ethe, Virton and Lamorteau, as well as Habay on the mainline near Marbehan, for the Foret d'Aulier. The Vallee des Kabais, however, is rather an exhaust- ing place to work in a single day on account of the very damp parts, which border the various natural streams flowing down it. To a botanist this valley would no doubt prove a "happy hunting-ground."

After spending a comfortable night in the train, early on the morning of July 8th, I reached Freiburg in Baden in time for breakfast. To any one who wishes to work the Black Forest district with Freiburg as a centre I can thoroughly recommend the Hotel Pension Bellevue in the Gunterstall Strasse. As soon as possible I caught a train from the Freiburg Wierhe Station for Hinterzarten which was reached after about an hour's run. When I entered the well-known ground to the north of the railway, I found Colias palaeno var. eurupoine, both sexes, and Coenonyuipha tijphon {danm) in abundance, as well as Brenthis selene (2nd brood I presume), and Diacrisia sanio {ntssula} in splendid condition. Unfortunately it came on to rain persistently about the middle of the day, and although it cleared later it spoilt the day. Owing to the previous heavy rains the " moss " was like a quagmire except along the regular path across it. This -made the day's work very exhausting, as one walked up to one's boot- tops in water most of the time, and I was glad to return to Freiburg for dinner feeling very tired though very contented with the day's work.

On the next day, July 9th, I collected in the Mooswald, an extensive and fine wood, three miles out from Freiburg in a westerly direction, and which must be reached on foot, though one does not regret the tramp. In this wood I took several picked specimens of L. sibylla, very large P. c-albmii, A. adippe, Araschnia leiana var. prorsa, and Brenthis dia with a few B. daphne (going over) and five Apatura iris audi A. ilia. Along the road I took several Sesia stellataruw. The day was a very fine and hot one.

July 10th found me at Wasen Weiler station, on the line between Freiburg and Alt-Breisach, for a walk up and along the Kaiserstuhl, a

296 THE entomologist's record.

long hill about a mile and a half distant, and through Lilianhof, Lilianthal and Neun Linden. This was a long and tedious walk, and I was rather disappointed with the results. Probably it would pay better to work the Kaiserstuhl either in June or later on in August. The only insects of note which I took were five Lycaena arion in one field, two specimens of Issorio lathonia, and a few S. stellataniw.

On July 11th I failed to find anything worth noting in the morn- ing on the Schlossberg, except a fine full fed larva of Hippotion celerio. Herr Goitze, of Neustadt, in the Schwarzwald, called on me at mid- day, and we forthwith took the train for Hinterzarten. Here our chief capture was a fine series of Colias palaenn var. europome. About 7 p.m. we had tea at a very comfortable restaurant in the village, and subse- quently we sugared on the " moss" for Heterocera. For some reason or other we found little more than the commonest species. Herr Goitze returned direct to Neustadt the same evening, while I sta^'ed the night at the restaurant, and was out on the " moss " in the morn- ing by about 7.15. Here I spent the whole forenoon, taking fine series of (\ palaeno var. europome, Brentlds pales, B. selene, VacinUna optiUte (large foi-ms), Erebia sti/r/ne, a few females of ChrijsophiDiKs hippotlioe (typical), and both males and females of Diacrisia sanio (rnssula). The " moss " was much dryer on this day, and therefore I did not get wet and cold as on the previous occasion, and could collect in many parts of it without trouble. On reaching Hinterzarten station, about mid-day, who should hail me but the Rev. G. Wheeler, on his way back to England to attend the Conference at Oxford. Although we only had a few moments in which to shake hands, it was long enough for me to note that he looked radiantly happy, which doubtless was the result of a successful " campaign " in Switzerland. I went on to Neustadt, where I spent some hours in examining the very fine col- lection of Lepidoptera from all parts of the world, which Herr Goitze has gathered together, and his kindness in showing it to me was much appreciated.

I again worked the ground at Hinterzarten on July 13th. C. palaeno var. europmne was still swarming. I took some nice Krebia Ihjea, a few C. hippothn'e (now going over), and many other useful things. In the afternoon of July 24th, a saunter in the near neigh- bourhood of Freiburg produced three Polipjonia c-albmii, but I did not find some larvte of which I had been told.

Again, on July 15th, I was collectmg in the Mooswald. It was a very hot day, and it was here that I saw my first EnraneKsa antiopa, flying with two Apaturids over a pungent dead hare. I took Apatiira ilia var. ch/tie female and several Araschma levana var. prorm, and Pi/raineis atalanta in fine condition. The Apaturids were now getting over in this place, although still moderately numerous. The same evening I left Freiburg and arrived about 10.15 p.m. at the Hotel Hchweizerhof, at Neuhausen. This hotel is in a fine position, overlooking the far-famed Schauft'hausen Falls of the Rhine. These are considered the finest falls in Europe, and are illuminated for the interest of visitors two or three evenings a week during the summer months. The efi'ect of the various coloured electric lights is very beautiful.

July 16th was spent in the country near Neuhausen, lying north of the Rhine, and my captures included two Apatura iris, a series of


Loweia dorilis, quite fresh and in abundance, Lwienitis sibylla, in very fair condition, and Ai/riades coridon, just emerging. I noted that the A. iris and L. sibi/lla taken on this day were ahiiost perfect compared with the passe specimens I had met with during the past week in the Mooswald near Freiburg.

I went on to Schaffhausen on July 17th, some mile and a half from Neuhausen, and spent a short time at the Museum, where there is a small collection of local Lepidoptera in very fair condition. From here I was directed to the " scharrensumpf," a large reservoir, with the remains of a marsh around it, about two miles from the museum. There I took Hirsiitina daiiion, but on some better ground behind and above a few farm houses to the right of the " seharrensumpf," away from Schaffhausen, I took I'apiUo machann, Colias hijale, H, danion^ Ai/riades coridon, and saw a line specimen of A. iris and several more P. wacliaon.

July 18th was a dull, wet morning, but the sun got out at mid- day, and I crossed the Rhine and collected on the south bank of the river. Here I caught a Lycaenid which I did not recognise at first, but subsequently concluded it was a fine specimen of Evercs anjiades. A fine A. iris was seen but not captured, and L. dorilis was obtained in plenty. My return was by way of Schaffhausen, crossing the Rhine again by the old town bridge. The following day was a blank, for it rained the whole time.

The morning of July 20th was fine, and, among other things, I found on a tree-trunk a male and a female I'siliira vionacha. The female obligingly laid me a large batch of ova, which I am keeping for next spring. As rain came on again at mid-day I had to give up and return to the hotel. In the afternoon I left Neuhausen for Strassburg, which I reached about eight o'clock. It was interesting to see the remains of the many forts near Strassburg, and reminded one of the war of 1870. A walk later on through the town was very interesting, though unfortunately for me the cathedral was not open at this hour, and I had to content myself with admiring the fine exterior. After spending another night in the train I reached Brussels on the morning of July 21st. The day was spent in seeing the attractions of the city, in attending the grand services in the cathedral, and enjoying the festivities of the National Fetes of Belgium. I did no more collecting, although I had intended, had I had more time, to visit the Foret des Soignies and the Field of Waterloo. The same evening I left Brussels, reaching London early the next day, after a very pleasant and more varied holiday than usual.

In conclusion ] must express my hearty thanks to Mr. B. Warren for maps and localities for the Freiburg district and the excellent notes on Hinterzarten which have appeared in the pages of this magazine by the Rev. G. Wheeler.

Collecting Orthoptera in the Caucasus and Transcaucasus.

(U'itli two platen:.)


[Species marked * have not apparently been previously recorded from the

Caucasus.] The mighty range of the Caucasus, stretching its huge crest for 950 miles, from the Sea of Azov to the Caspian, rearing its snow-clad

298 THE entomologist's record.

peaks half as high again as Mt. Blanc, always appeals irresistibly to the imagination. The amazing diversity of peoples and languages, and of physical conditions, suggests possibilities of an infinite variety of faunistic problems.

Fired by a desire to get a glimpse of this •wonderful land, if only to pass over the Russian steppes on the north, through the heights them- selves, to catch sight of the lofty cone of Kazbek, of the mighty two- headed Elbruz, to visit the old Georgian capital of Tiflis, so often besieged and razed by Persian and Tartar, by Hun and by Turk, to explore the burning plains of Aderbadjian, and to view the luxuriant vegetation of Batum, attracted by thought of mystery, the onme ifinotum pro uiaj/nifico, I did not hesitate to accept a cordial invitation to visit some Russian entomological friends in their own home, and in their company explore some of the marvels which Nature has so lavishly bestowed on this favoured region.

Circumstances delayed my departure, but the date of my return was of necessity fixed in advance, so my trip, though long in distance, was of the briefest in time. It was not until the last day of August that I reached Vladikavkaz, after six days in the train from Dover.

Vladikavkaz, as its name implies*, is the key to the Caucasus, and during the years of bitter warfare between the Russians and the iBountaineers it was a most important military post. It is a spacious town, of some 80,000 inhabitants, laid out in wide rectangular streets, bordered mostly with one-storied houses, which gives it that unfinished look which is characteristic of Russian provincial towns. It is situated about 2,200ft. above the sea, on the plains of the Tver and Kuban provinces, the granary of Europe, at the foot of the great range of the Caucasus, at the opening of the Darialj gorge, which is the chief pass through to the valley of the Kura, and to Tiflis on the south. This gorge is, in fact, the gateway between Europe and Asia.

I had a few hours to spare in the afternoon and evening, so took a fly as far as Balta, at an elevation of 2,754 feet, the first stantsia, or military post, on the road to Tiflis, at the entrance to the gorge. High mountains rise abruptly out of the plain, and the Tver bustles down busily from the watershed, fed by streams from the glaciers of Kazbek,! the snowy peak of which could occasionally be seen, reddening with the evening glow. In the scrub beside the road, I found our familiar Central European Oli/nt/iosniis (/n'sco-aptera De Geer {=Thamnntrizon cincrcua L.), was chirping merrily in the thickets ; Lciito/i/njes punctatii^siiiia''- Bosc, fell into my net as also the Alpine Staiiroilerus apiicariiis, L. and C/iort/iippiis paralleliis, Zett. Staurodcnis bicnlor, Charp., was abundant and for a minute I thought myself in East Kent. I also took St. coi/natiis, Fieb., an interesting South Russian species that I had not previously seen alive.

* Most places in the Caucasus have Tartar names, that are Rcnerally used by the natives, as opposed to the official Russian names. Thus, Vladikavkaz is called Kap hdi, " The head of the Pass," and Elbruz is Mwfj Tan, " Thousand heads " and EJizevtpol is Gandja.

I This name is derived from two Tartar words, dar or derc, a gor^e and yitl, a road. It lias no real connection witli the name of the Princess Daria of Tamara, the heroine of Lermontoff's " Demon." Derbend is the corresponding,' Persian orni.

t Kazbek is a personification. Kaz a proper name, and bek a Tartar title, given to landowners and persons of good positions.


It rapidly grew dark and my driver, a worthy Russian, became nervous and begged me to hurry out of the gorge, for he feared the Ingush. They are dark and dangerous men, he said, and master thieves. Probably he exaggerated greatly, but we had seen a dozen or so, in their black c/ierkess and sharp kinjal, and high fur-hat, riding their little hill-horses through the foam of the Terek, and I had been particularly warned by a Russian friend to carry a revolver, and leave my money at the hotel.

So we drew up at the Second Redant, a wayside inn, kept by a round-faced, black-eyed Georgian, who regaled me with most tasty trout from the Terek, and the inevitable xhishlik, little pieces of meat roasted on a skewer, preceded by a glass of vodka, and washed down with a bottle of good Kakhetin wine. A cigarette over the coffee, a pipe, and home to Vladikavkaz.

The next morning broke misty and damp, and so robbed us of the unrivalled view of the mountain screen which towers over the city. Pressed for time, I decided to take the motor omnibus to Tiflis and reach there the same night, satisfying myself with a fleeting glimpse of the mountains. The more leisured traveller would do well to take three to four days and drive or ride, and even stop a day or two at some of the more beautiful spots. The oar was an open omnibus, carrying eighteen passengers, none of which had been to Tiflis before. My neighbour was a young officer from Warsaw, spending a brief leave on a dash through the Caucasus to Baku, and home via Batum and Odessa. All were genial and all Russians.

Soon we were in the gorge, where the sun dispelled the mists, and we whirled at breakneck speed, always mounting, till at Lars we entered the romantic gorge of Darial itself, eternally famous from the poems of Lermontoff, every stone washed with the blood of Russian soldiers. The pass is narrow, and naked rocks rise sheer on each side, while the Terek bubbles and boils in the middle. The road, cut through the solid rock, is good, unfortunately, for we passed all too quickly. We rushed past a conical hillock in the gorge, with lofty clifi's on each aide ; on the top of the hill were perched the ruins of the castle of Tamara, a semi-fabulous Princess, who is reputed to have once reigned here with a rod of iron, in her grim and rocky fastness. The monotony of the gloomy life of this Amazon queen was relieved by frenzied outbursts of passionate and licentious orgies. This erotic Caucasian Semiramis must not be confused with the Georgian empress , of the same name, who flourished at Tiilis in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

We were now in the heart of the Mountain of Languages. In those crags and forests, haunted by wolf and bear, by ibex and aurochs, by boar and by leopard, dwell innumerable tribes and races, speaking an astonishing diversity of tongues. I am credibly informed that it is no exaggeration to say that over one hundred distinct languages and dialects are spoken in the Caucasus. The difficulty of communication has isolated families, and almost every village has developed its own dialect. There appear to be three main autochthonus groups : the Georgian, in the centre and west, the Circassian, in the extreme west, and the Lesghian in Daghestan, in the east. The Georgians, whom some suppose to be the descendants of the ancient Medes, are a cultivated, orthodox people, who were christianised

300 THE entomologist's recoed.

long before the Kassians, and their early writers throw valuable light on the early history of their part of the world. They voluntarily placed themselves under the protection of Russia about a century ago. They use a peculiar alphabet, whose elegant rounded letters somewhat resemble Burmese. Their language is, I believe, of the Iranian group. Akin to the Georgian are numbers of dialects, the chief of which are the Imeritian and Mingrelian, and Osset. The Circassians have mostly left Russian territory and migrated to Turkey, where they often become Bashi-Bazuks and have earned an uneviable reputation for ferocity. Their language is little known and is said to have affinities with the Isolating family. Other strange tribes in the Western Caucasus are the Abkhaz, who have sounds that cannot be represented by any combination of letters in any European alphabet. Then there are the Svan or Svanetes, dwelling round and at Elbruz, who live in five-storied circular towers. Two stories are underground and three in the air, and the family moves from floor to floor according to the season and the temperature. The wild mountains of Daghestan are inhabited by the Lesghian group, which at least one author has attempted to connect with the Albanians, to my mind a fatuous suggestion. Subdivisions of this group are the savage Chechents, the Tush, Ud, Kazi-Kiimiik, Avar, Hirkan and many others. The Lesghian and Circassian groups are Mahommedan, as are the Nogai, Kalmyck, Azerbaidjan and other Tartars, each with their own dialect, who are to be met with in the steppes north and south of the main range. On the shores of the Black Sea there are Turks, and in and around Tidis there are Armenians, Persians and sometimes Kurds, a good sprinkling of Jews, and above the heads of all, the Russian oificials. Truly, an amazing assemblage of peoples and tongues.

All too soon we reached the stantsia of Kazbek, where we halted for half an hour to refresh ourselves and the driver, and bask in the splendour of the scenery. Far across an opening in the hills, where the picturesque, but probably exceedingly dirty aid, or mountaineer's hamlet, Gerget, nestles on the slope beyond, towering up to 16,546ft., high above all others, stands the majestic cone of Kazbek itself, with the splendid glacier of Devdorak. But hardly had we grasped the full beauty of the scene, when we were ordered aboard and whirred up and up to Kobi, where the valley is broad and Hat, and the Terek shrunk to a tiny rivulet. Beyond Kobi the road is constantly threatened by avalanches, so wc drive through long tunnels, solidly built, over which the tumbling masses of rocks and stones slide, and leave the road intact. Soon we reach the cross that marks the highest point of the pass, 7,500ft., but the scenery is far tamer than at the stantsia Kazbek, and in the gorge below. At this point we cross the watershed, and bid good-bye to the Terek. We have now left Europe, and are in Asia. At the first stantsia in the descent, that is, Gudaur, by a great stroke of luck the car l)roke down for an hour, which gave me the longed for opportunity of collecting in these heights.

The slopes hei'e are grassy, and I hoped to find some iutei'osting alpine forms, especially of (l<niii)lu)ci>rux, but the only grasshopper that 1 could discover was the alpine Stdiinxicnis apricarius, L. A little lower are some clumps of shrubs and thickets and here I saw a female Or/i/iania, but she was too nimble for me. My ear detected a familiar


chirp, which I resolutely set to work to stalk clown. I was convinced it was an Ob/iit/inscelis, and soon my patience was rewarded by the capture of a fine male. It was not < HyiitliDi^celis, though at first I took it to be a local, and probably new species, but a I'soiddonotns, Ps. spec Ilia rL^, F. de W. This is an interesting genus, resembling Olynthoscelia in appearance, with a very long pronotum, but structurally more nearly related to DecticKs. Only three species are known, /'. fieberi, of the Western Balkan, which I have taken on the Durmitor in Montenegro, P. s/iecidaris in the Caucasus and Asia Minor, and P. inflatus, Uv., a species recently discovered by Uvaroff, also in the Caucasus. My specimens approach the latter in the smaller size, and unarmed femora, but in the structure of the pronotum and genital parts it is indistinguishable from the larger forms of /'. aiiecidaris from Bakuriany, on the south side of the valley of the Kura.

Our driver completed his repairs all too quickly and soon we were buzzing away down the valley of the Aragva, a torrent that has cut a fine gorge on the southern slope of the range. The scenery is very grand and rugged for many miles, and the road is the mere ledge on the precipitous fianks of the mountains. We whirred round appalling corners, with a miserable parapet, at terrific speed, and to ease our nerves the driver pointed out a yawning chasm where but a week or two before a car had gone over bodily, and fallen a thousand feet or more. I clenched my teeth and gripped my seat and trusted to Providence. Kegret at reaching the milder scenery of the lower Aragva was tempered by relief at the relative safety of the drive. About 2.30 we stopped for lunch at Passanaur, 3,621ft., a picturesque village in the gorge. The menu consisted of vodka, bortch, fish, shishlik and kakhetin wine and good coffee. As I seized my net for a moment's collecting, we were ordered on board and bustled oft" again. The scenery is fine, but not grand ; mountains have degenerated into hills, and are thickly wooded. At frequent intervals we ford torrents, up to the axles of the car, and pass caravans of savage gypsies, some of whom threw stones and curses at the car. Quickly through the village of Ananaur, 2,325ft., we entered a broad undulating plain, highly cultivated, but now burnt brown. A minute's halt at Dushet, 2,915ft., where I scorched my dusty throat with a glass of boiling tea, and took Statirodenis bicolor, Charp., and Ocdipoda caerulescens, L., and oft' again.

The brown fields are dull and monotonous, but on the telegraph wires are perched that most exquisite creature the bee-eater, Meiojis dpiaster : in beauty of colouring, elegance of build, and grace of fiight, I know no bird that can rival it ; they looked like living jewels flashing in the sun, as they dived oft" the wires, hawked an insect, and gently landed again upon their perch.

A race down a long straight road brought us to the Kura, that cuts a deep and wide valley down to the Caspian. We crossed it at the village of Mtskhet, 1,525 ft., with a quaint old Georgian church built by the Georgian Emperor, Alexander (1413-14-12), to replace the older one destroyed by Tamerlane, and at last, at 8 p.m., tired, cramped, dusty, hungry, and thirsty, we reached Tiflis."

At the comfortable Hotel London it was nice to be greeted by the

* " Tiflis " is probably a Tartar corruption of the Georgian name of the Town Dibilissi."

302 THE entomologist's kecoed.

familiar face of Philip Adamovich Zaitseff, former editor of the Henic ntsse (V Entnnidhxiie, whose acquaintance I had made at the Jubilee of the Russian Entomological Society, and renewed at the Congress at Brussels. He was accompanied by Dr. R. Schmidt, the erudite Deputy Director of the Caucasus Museum, a genial soul, whose delight it was to help the traveller and introduce him to the wonders of Titlis.

{To he continued.)

Libythea celtis. Eggs and Oviposition {With two plateK).

By T. A. CHAPMAN, M.D., F.E.S,

Libyt/n'o eelti'i is nowhere very common on the Riviera, though I have seen and taken it in a number of places. Celtis trees are not abundant, and are usually of large size, such as some in the market place of Mouans Sartoux, near Cannes. They are not, therefore, very accessible, and so it resulted that I never succeeded in obtaining eggs, and was not less fortunate than various other collectors whose ambi- tions in this matter were much like my own. In 1909, however, I visited Amelie-les-Bains. ( 'dtis aiistralis is not very abundant here, but what there are are often young trees and shrubby growth, the region is also one in which celtis is actually grown commercially in various places. Though L. <rltis was in no great numbers one could always count on meeting with them. I took the first specimen on April 7th, just after my arrival, and others afterwards. The trees were then showing traces of flowers and of leaves about a quarter of an inch long.

I kept some females of L. cdtis on some celtis twigs, but no eggs were laid until a fresh spray of celtis, given them on the 3 6th, afforded a number of eggs on the following day. Further experiments and a close enquiry into the facts seemed to explain why eggs were now laid and none previously.

I may note by the way that in breaking into leaf in the spring Celt in australis displays very markedly a peculiarity that is not uncom- mon in other plants, but rarely so pronounced. A celtis tree may often be seen in April in which some branches seem well in leaf, whilst others are still bare as in winter, and it is found that the green branches are those that bear flowers, the bare ones are not going to do so. The peculiarity is of course largely due to this appearance of flowers all over certain branches with none on others. The young shoots bearing flowers may be several inches long before the others have appreciably moved. L. celtis will not lay until there is some actual spring growth, and even then it exercises what are obviously very wise precautions.

]\Iy notes say that on April 18th the flowering sprays are two to four inches long, with four or five leaves of an inch to a inch and a half long, whilst the non-Howering buds are but half an inch long, showing a little green l)ut no leaves. The trees have a curious appear- ance, often a whole bush or tree appears covered with leaves, whilst another looks quite bare and wintry ; a considerable proportion have certain sprays and branches well in leaf, whilst the rest of the tree looks dead (by comparison).

The flowering buds throw out male flowers (catkins ?) close to their base, the central shoot carrying female flowers in the axils of the first four or five or more leaves. Already (iHth) the berries are nearly as large as a small grain of wheat, and the faded male flowers, with


the chaffy scales of the original buds, form a small collection of loose rubbish at the base of the shoot.

The sprays first given to the butterflies, up to the 16th, had these chaffy remains fau-ly adherent, those given on the 16th had a number of the flowering shoots cleared of these. These first eggs were laid in the angle between the young shoot at its origin and the parent twig. It was plain that the butterflies would not lay on the old wood, nor on the scales and rubbish that had to fall off, and would of course carry the egg with them. Nor would they lay on the young green shoot, its leaves, or fruit. At a later date, when the leaves were well grown, they laid freely enough in the axils of the leaf-stalks, and afterwards on the undersides of the leaves themselves. I am inclined to believe that these solitary eggs would be very apt to be loosened and to fall off" if laid on any part of the young green shoots that were in extremely rapid expansion and growth.

On May 3rd I saw a L. rdtu lay an egg naturally (i.e., not in captivity). It laid it in the axil of the petiole of a leaf that was about three-quarters of an inch long, the last but one on a shoot (not a flowering one) with four or five leaves ; a second was laid in a precisely similar situation.

The egg when first laid is whitish or greenish-white, with a pearly lustre. In a day or two it becomes brownish-pink, harmonising with the neighbouring l)ark, and is thus well hidden.

Already, by April 20th, the eggs were largely laid on leaves, a count giving 2 in axils at base as the first eggs, 11 in axils of leaf stalks, and 43 beneath leaves of which there were already many of nearly full size. This, of course, in captivity.

The egg is 0-7mm. high and 0-5nim. broad, narrowing a little up- ward, flattened below and somewhat rounded on top. It has about 34 marked upright ribs, and the transverse secondary ribs are quite pronounced.

The accompanying photographs will give some idea of its form and structure. There are two eggs magnified 13 diameters, and three magnified 20 times.

Pig. 3, Plate xiii., shows the top of the egg-shell and the micropylar area magnified 300 times. Fig. 5, Plate xiv., gives perhaps a better view of the micropyle, also x 300. Fig. 4 is a portion of the egg-shell magnified by 120. Fig. 5 shows how the upright ribs terminate at top, except some nine or ten which continue as high flanges in ordmary Vanessid manner. These are seen bent down flat in Fig. 3, and in Fig. 4 several are seen in profile.

New Species and new Forms of Lepidoptera.

By COUNT EMILIO TURATl, F.E.S., Etc. I am very pleased to forward short Latin descriptions of a number of new Lepidoptera brought from Sardinia by Mr. Geo. C. Kriiger, Gustos of my Lepidopterological collection in Milan, who stayed seven months this year on my account in this interesting, and almost un- known, Mediterranean island. Putting aside the butterflies, his atten- tion was almost wholly turned to the moths, and he succeeded to tuch an extent as to discover eleven new species and twelve new aberrations or local forms of known species ; a veritable record for a collector in

304 THE entomologist's record.

the strictly European part of the Palfearctic fauna. To record such an achievement the l\ntit)iu)lniiixfs llcrord is, therefore, I beheve, the most suitable medium. Further particulars and plates, I will give later on in the Atti ddla Soci<'t(i Italiana dt Scien::e Xaturali of Milan.

Epinephele tithonus, L., fulgens, n. F.

Forma supra colore flavo-fulvescenti fulgido, marginibus brunneis, nigrescentibus. Bubtus magis variegata, apicibus et partibus flavis, sulphureis. ^ androconiis paullulum effusioribus, distincte a venis fulvis intersectis. J et ? plerumque pluriocellatis (Forma e.ccessa, Tutt). 25 (J ? Aritzo, mense julio.

Ocneria kruegeri, n. sp.

(? mm. 33-37, 5 mm. 40.

Sp. alis anticis rufescentibus, subroseis, strigis tribus transversis sinuatis nigris diffusis, media latiore et aliquantum obliqua. Alis posticis fuscis, roseo villosis ; fascia marginali nigrescenti. Ciliis omnibus roseis, fusco intersectis. Subtus omnino fuliginosa, ad basim atque ad margines internes quatuor alarum plus minusve lutescenti- subrosea. Capite et antennis rufo-brunneis ; thorace eodem colore, sed juxta occiput subroseo, oculis nudis nigris. Abdomine supra roseo ; tribus posticis segmentis, et subtus brunnescenti : linea dorsali vix indicata ; cruribus et tibiis lanosis brunnescenti-subroseis ; tarsis nudis obscuris, roseo articulatis, J antennis bipectinatis fere duplo crassioribus quam in atlantica, Rbr.; debilioribus quam in lapidicola, H.S., iirhirnla, Stgr., et phoimififia, Stgr.; ? longo-ciliatis.

Knicijeri difiert ab his speciebus strigarum forma et directione, antennarum constitutione, atque alarum quadratura.

20 (^ 1 ? Gennargentu, alt. m. 1200-1400, mensibus julio et augusto.

Georgio Kruegerio dicata.

Agrotis (Euxoa) jordani, n. sp. et chalybaea, n. F.

^ mm. 37, ? mm. 35-36.

Sp. Ji/rntix ohsciira, Brahm., aliquot similis, sed alarum structura magis elongata ; fere unicolori brunneo-fulvescenti ; strigis (proximal! et distali) duplicatis, vix perspicuis ; linea antemarginali nigra, cuneata satis distincta. Macula orbiculari clariori parva, nigro centrata ; reniformi obscurissime expleta et in cellula proximaliter clarius lunu- lata. Punctis costalibns ante initium lineiv anteiuarginalis tribus lutescentibus. Alis posticis obscure griseo-fumosis ; ciliis clarioribus. Thorace et capite concoloribns brunneo-fulvescentibus ; palporum articulo extremo lutescente. Abdomine griseo.

J antennis lutescentibus biserratis, juxtabasim et posteriore tertio ad verticem imminutis ; $ filiformibus. Subtus alis concoloribus griseo- lutescentibus ad costam vix obscuratis. Alis posticis linea antemargi- nali et lunula mediana brunnescentibus. Cruribus brunnescentibus ; tarsis luteo articulatis.

2 J 4 $ Monte " Cugnada " mense Octobre.

Doctori Karolo Jordano dicata.

Forma chalybaea = colore griseo-glaticescenti (Ayrotis tienna, H.S., simili) lineis nigris et fasciis perspicuis.


1 J Monte " Cngnada," mense Octobre.

Agrotis (Lycophotia) kekmesina, j\Iab., virescens, n. F.

mm. 34.

Forma alls anfcicis, thorace et capite concoloribus olivaceis, dilute subroseis. Abdomine paullulum clariore. Alarum ant. lineis trans- versis perspicuis : proximal! atque distali e punctis intercostalibus obscuris constitutis, mediana latiore, biarcuata, et subtermacula reniformi cuspidata : linea submarginali brunnescenti. Maculis : orbiculari obliterata, reniformi fere indistincta, tantum ad cuspidem lineae medians obscure signata.

18 (? s hujus formiii cum novem maribus formje originalis simul capti. Monte " Cugnada," mense Septembre.

Bryophila raptriculoides, n. sp. et marmorata, n. F. et mediostriCtATa, n. F.

mm. 27-28.

Sp. statura ampliore et robustiore quam raptricula, Hb., quadra- tura alarum latiore. Colore cinereo, macula brunnescenti (orbicularem includenti) non difi'usa, sed plerumque nitida. Strigis et signaturis distinctis tenuiter virgatis, lunula albicante apud marginem internum. Alis posticis griseo-fuscis, non albicantibus. Capite et patagia cinereis.

1 J 3 ? Aritzo mensibus junio et Julio 1910, 1912. 1 $ ex Sicilia "FicutifB luco," alt. m. 800, mense Julio 1909.

Forma marmorata = colore brunneo nigrescenti, lunula (aliquot elata), spatio apicali post lineam distalem et spatio postbasiiari lacteis, vel sordide albidis.

1 $ Aritzo mense julio. 1 2 e Corsica jam in mea collectione. Forma mediostrigata = colore ut raptriculoides, sed macula

brunnea effusiore, striga nigra in costa media, usque ad cilia prolon- gata, a lunula alba intersecta.

Forma raptricula, Hb., striata, Stgr., analoga.

2 5 s. Aritzo, mense augusto.

Luperina (apamea) kruegeri, n. sp.

mm. 27-28.

Sp. Liip. nichrrlii, Frr., et (iticncci, Dbd., proxima, sed alis anticis minus elongatis, colore ambabus dissimili pallide lutescenti, nigro asperso. Signaturis nigris sed quamvis iisdem similibus strigis (proximali et distali) ad marginem internum constrictioribus : pi;oximali bis lunulata non angulata. Maculis (orbiculari et reni- formi) distinctis, lutescentibus, non albido cinctis. Fascia antemar- ginali undulata lutescente cum tribus lineolis nigris sagittatis proxi- maliter apud apicem e costa dehisceutibus ; quot lunulis confuse nigrescentibus juxta marginem internum. Linea marginal! lutescenti, et submarginali ex triangulis vel cuspidulis nigerrimis constituta. Ciliis longioribus griseo-intersectis.

Capite thoraceque griseis lutescentibus, plus minusve nigro, non brunneo, mixtis. Abdomine albescente, alis posticis albido sericeis, vix subluteis, linea marginal! tenuissima nigra; ciliis albescentibus, vix puncto nigro et linea antemarginali apparentibus.

Subtus alis omnibus albidis, paullulum, prsesertim ad costam, griseo-fusco adspersis. Punctis cellularibus et linea marginal!, ut supra, nigris. Antennis dentatis, griseo-lutescentibus. Cruribus

306 THE entomologist's record.

griseo-mixtis ; tarsis anterioribus nigro-brunneis liitescenti-articu- latis; tibiis efc tarsis posticis clavioribus.

19 (? s. Gennargentu, alt. ra. 1,400-1,800, mense augusto.

Georgio Kruegerio dicata.

(To he concluded.)


Camptogramma fluviata in North London. On October lltb I took a freshly emerged male Caiiiptiuiroiinna fluviata at Highgate. It was sitting on a painted fence which was badly sun-blistered, and the moth closely resembled the broken " blisters." The specimen is slightly asymmetrical, the band being complete on the right wing and broken on the left. Russell James, Junr., " Brockenhurst," Bloomtield Road, Highgate. November ISth.

Some races of Ants new to Britain. Myrmica sabuleti, Meinert. I have this form from Surrey, Hants, Devonshire, and Sussex, having taken it myself in the first three counties. Emery considers it a var. of scabrinnclis, Nyl. In the ^ the scape of the antennje is much longer than in typical scabriiiodix, and I find the ? s and ^ s have the tooth on the antennal scape much more developed. I hope shortly to publish a paper which I have nearly finished on the genus Mi/Dirica, and will then deal more fully with sabuleti.

Leptothora.v tiibero-affinis, Forel. Crawley and I found this race in some numbers in the New Forest in July last. We took J s and winged J s, and also dealated ? s, in the nests with the workers. They were nesting under stones, often in close proximity to Tetra- iiioriiDii nests.

I may here mention that we do not appear to possess L. unifasciatiis, Latr., in Britain. Forel has now seen all the specimens standing under that name in the British, Oxford and Cambridge Museums, which include Saunders', and the Rothney and Dale collections, etc., and also my own specimens, which I took at St. Margaret's Bay, and they none of them were nnifasriatiis, but belong to the race /.. tiibcruiii, F., the ti(beni)ii proper. All records of loiifasciatiin in Saunders' Hi/meiioptera, etc., will have to be cor- rected. I was never able to make specimens named by Saunders loiifasciatns agree with Forel's table. This led to my arranging for the latter to see all the specimens I could. Crawley took some of these and I others on our visit to Forel.

Funnica picea, Nyl. This is the species described by White, Anfs and their H'rt'/s, P- 253 as ijlabra, and is doing duty as '/ai/ates, Latr., in the British list. Arnold found a nest in the New Forest some years ago, and Crawley and I found another in the same locality. 1 shall publish the differences shortly. The synonomy is as follows :— /*'. jiirra, Nyl. /''. glabra, \\. F. White. F. (/ai/ateti, Saunders, nee. Latr. H. Donistiioicpe.


Dr. Fr. Zacher has an article in the Xvitsrhrift fur wissvusrhaft- liche Jmektenbioloiiie, 1912, pp. 27G-284, on the male genitalia of the Kuderiuaptera. We do not find here such a variety of forms as in the Frotudermaptero, but the author finds material for proposing an arrange-


ment on lines similar to that adopted in the more primitive si'0"P. differing but little from that offered by Burr in the Genera Imertnnon. It is noteworthy that in this higher group of earwigs we find a more uniform and simple type of male genital organ ; the suggestion being that the diversity of type shown in the Protodermaptera is a series of experiments on the part of Nature, aiming at an ideal form. M.B.

The Annual Pocket- box Exhibition of the South London Entomo- logical and Natural History Society, on Thursday, November 28th, was a great success. Each year this Society seems to outdo itself. There were more than a hundred members and their friends from other societies present in the room, a large proportion of whom brought exhibits. The exhibits themselves were mainly Lepidoptera, and were extensive, varied, and interesting. A full report of them will be pub- lished later. In the meantime we have been asked, in the interests of the general lover of nature, of the younger members and of the visitors, to ventilate a grievance. Many of the exhibitors did not, or did not adequately, label their exhibits with their specific names and indicate full details of the purport of the exhibits, not even was the name of the exhibitor on the box. These deficiencies are often much accentuated by twoothercircumstances,both, however,more or less unavoidable ; first it is impossible for those examining exhibits which are passing round the room to, at the same time, attend to what is being said by other exhibi- tors at the table, and secondly, it is often impossible for those not sufficiently close up to be able to hear what is said by the exhibitor. It seems advisable in future that a special request should be made to all intending exhibitors to adequately label their boxes with (1) specific names, (2) the full purport of the exhibit, and (3) the exhibitor's name.

In the Entomoloiiieal Neir>i for October is a most interesting article by Mr. A. A. Girault, of Brisbane, Australia, recounting his " Experi- ments with the Effects of the Protective Vapours of Heteroptera on Other Insects." In each case two vials were taken. In one the Hete- ropteron was introduced and was kept for some time, occasionally being roughly shaken up to cause it to discharge its vapour. Ants, aphids, and other small insects were then obtained, the bug hastily removed and one ant introduced into the infected vial, while the other ant was put into the clean vial and used as a control. In most of the experi- ments, when properly carried out, it was found that the insect placed in the infected vial more or less rapidly succumbed to the influence of the vapour, while the insect in the control vial was absolutely unaffected by its confinement. Mr. Girault sums up the result by saying, " There can be little doubt from what has been recorded that the vapours emitted by certain Heteroptera are highly noxious to certain forms of insect life, in many cases quickly stupefying some insects when the latter are exposed to them in an air-tight receptacle." And again, " The actual protection must consist in being distasteful or obnoxious, not in causing serious injury, stupor or death to the attacking animals, since the latter must involve, under natural conditions, actual handling or even swallowing of the protected insect, in order that the protective vapour would have time to be effective, even if then effective." And still again, " It works through the memory of the young attacking animals, not stupifying or killing them, but giving them such an experience of unpalatableness, that they soon learn to avoid attacking."

308 THE entomologist's eecord.

The Officers and Council nominated for the Entomological Society of London for the ensuing 3'ear are as follows: Pieudent, G. T. Bethune-Baker, F.Z.S.; Treasurer, Albert H. Jones; Secretaries, Rev. G. Wheeler, M.A., F.Z.S., and Commander James J. Walker, M.A., R.N., F.L.S.; Librarian, George C. Champion, F.Z.S., A.L.S.;V 'o»»(77, R. Adkin, Jas. E. Collin, J. Hartley Durrant, Stanley Edwards, F.Z.S., F.L.S., H. Eltringham, M.A., F.L.S., A. E. Gibbs, F.L.S.; Rev. F. D. Morice,M.A., Gilbert W. Nicholson, M.A., M.D.. Hon. N. C. Rothschild, M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S., W. E. Sharp, J. R. le B. Tomlin, M.A., and Colbran J. Wainwright.


The Coleoptera of Cumberland. By Frank H. Day, F.E.S.''' The first two instalments of a catalogue of the Coleoptera of the County of Cumberland have now been published, and we may con- gratulate the Natural History Society of the Border City on having been the means of greatly extending our knowledge of the distribution of an important part of the insect fauna of this country. Although the author has been handicapped, as are all compilers of strictly county faunal or floral lists, by the quite unnatural limits imposed by boundaries so artificial as those of a county, in this case, perhaps, more than usually unfortunate since it involves the exclusion of West- moreland and north Lancashire, areas which form in a faunistic sense one indivisible whole, yet, because this region contains within itself the loftiest mountain system of England, of which the centre and highest peaks fall within the County of Cumberland, a record of the Cumbrian beetles cannot but prove more interesting because more specialised than that of the majority of English Counties.

That Mr. Day has done his work well hardly needs asserting in the pages of this magazine; " fit, though few " may be said of the Cumbrian Coleopterists, and in Mr. Britten, Mr. Routledge, and Mr. Murray, the author has found very able assistants. When we learn that previous to the labours of these four students, not more than some 500 species of beetles had ever been recorded from Cumberland, it becomes evident that a much larger part of this list must represent original work than is the case in many of our local catalogues, where ampler harvests have been gathered by those who have gone before.

Nor is this commencement from some approach to a tabula rasa without its compensations, most of us, indeed, who have been responsible for the compilation of faunistic lists, know but too well how often embarrassing as much as helpful are the records of the past, uncorroborated and impossible of verification, the specimens beyond recall, and the records themselves too often convincing in inverse ratio to their interest.

In the present case Mr. Day seems to have had but two precursors of any importance, T. C. Heysham who died in 1857, and the much better known, at any rate to modern Coleopterists, T. J. Bold. Northumberland, however, more than Cumberland, was the theatre of the activities of the latter and his incursions into Mr. Day's sphere

* Pts. I. and II. publisheil in the Transactions of the Carlisle Natural History Society, Vol. I. (1909), p. 122, and Vol. II. (1912), p. 201.


seem to have been only partial and sporadic. Thus the bulk of the records in the present list are due entirely to the exertions of Mr. Day and his three friends.

Now the only object of such a careful enumeration of the Coleoptera of a limited area as we have before us, apart from merely providing a useful manual for collectors, is to increase our knowledge of the distribution and possibly of the derivation of the British fauna, and from this point of view it may be interesting as well as instructive to compare two English areas as dissimilar as may be possible in the same country. For this purpose the county of Kent suggests itself as suitable, Kent differs from Cumberland as widely as regards situation, climate, physiography, geology and flora, as any two counties in England very well can, their only features in common being the possession of a sea coast, and the shore of a wide estuary.

Now let us see how they differ in their Coleopterous populations as regards the four major groups under review.

This the following table will briefly show.

Total Rccordecl Recorded Cumbrian Kentish Recorded




Species un-

Species un-

Species corn-



Species ('2

!). Species.


recorded from montoboth

from Kent.



Geodepbaga . .


'227 .

.175 .



.. 131



73 ,

, . 81 .



.. 52

Palpicornia . .



, . 61 .



.. 49

Brachelytra . .



566 .

.512 .



. . 410

1333 942 829 187 300 642

(1) As given in the latest British list, that of Beare and Donisthorpe 1904.

(2) As given in the " Kent " of the Victoria County Histories.

Now from these figures many inferences might be drawn on which it is hardly within the scope of this notice to dilate, but at least it demonstrates that the Coleopterous population of these counties is very different. The actual diminution in this distance of about 400 miles is not perhaps conspicuously great, being not more than 12% of the major total ; what is undoubtedly more significant is its specific difference thus in the four groups we are considering, groups which can only be slightly and indirectly affected by a differing flora, we find that of 942 Kentish species, 800 or nearly one third are unrecorded from Cumberland, but that these are replaced by 187 species similarly unrecorded from Kent. In many cases whole Southern genera are un- represented by a single Northern species, thus in Ueodephana, 18 genera recorded from Kent are unknown in Cumberland, while only 2 Cumbrian genera are unknown from the Southern county.

No doubt more than one interpretation might be placed on these salient facts, and it seems incontestable that some considerable influence must be attributed to so great a climatic and physiographical disparity as these counties exhibit, but this is probably not all, it would seem indeed a tenable hypothesis that of these 800 Kentish but not Cumbrian species, many form part of a South-Easterl}^ invasion from the Continent, of course at a time previous to tbe complete insularity of Great Britain, which had died out l)efore it had been able to reach ('iimberland, while a large proportion of the 187 Cumbrian species unknown in Kent may represent the survivors of an antecedent Coleopterous population, extirpated throughout the greater part of


England, cither by a secular change of climate, or by the competition of a later migration, or by both forces combined. As to the 642 species common to both areas, we may perhaps regard them as more or less dominant forms, that is, such as possess a sufficient organic plasticity to allow of their adjusting themselves to conditions fatal to other and even closely related species.

Leaving, however, these larger speculations for a more detailed consideration of the various species enumerated by Mr. Day, a record that at once arrests our attention amorg the (icodciihai/a is that of Lcbia ciK.v-Diinnr. Capricious as are the appearances of this rare insect, its occurrence in Cumberland only deepens the mystery of its range and of its economy, and many more captures will be necessary before we can attempt any satisfactory explanation of why it should appear so rarely and so sporadically. Another beetle whose occur- rence on the mountains of Cumberland may well surprise the Southern Coleopterist is Calatlixs /W.stffN, a species usually associated with the sandy sea shore of the South of England.

Among the Staplnjlinidac, Alitalia iiiipresxa is an insect on whose capture Mr. Britten may be congratulated, while his record of lJi/poc!//>tiis aj)icalis "among ivy on old walls," certainly extends our knowledge of the economy of that species. Tachinns rufipenjtis is also another noteworthy capture of Mr. Britten, as is Staiiln/liniis fulripcn of Mr. Day.

Limits of space, however, forbid an extended reference to many other interesting records contained in these two papers, which will either by their rarity or unexpectedness detain the attention of the Coleopterist reader. Of a few records which could not easily have been excluded by Mr. Day, although neither he nor his co-workers are responsible for them, confirmation by more recent captures would, it must be admitted, be very acceptable— such are X<>ti<>iihiliis niiiprs, FAa)>hrus lappouicnx, Bailistcr nodalis, Jli/ilroiionis halmsis, the two species of Faedents (about which Mr. Day himself hints a doubt) and Bledius erraticus.

Two names in the list certainly deserve special mention, llijdrama britteni, Joy, and T/iinubiiis pallidus, Newbery, species described quite recently as new to science from Cumbrian specimens, while another, Himalinni brericolle, Thorns., was added to the British list in 1909 on captures made by Mr, Day and Mr, Britten. Cumberland, even limited faunistically as it is for the purpose of this list by its boundaries, oilers perhaps as varied physiographical conditions as any county in the British Isles. It includes lofty mountains, lakes, rivers'i nujsses, and woodlands, the sandhills of the coast, and the mud flats of the Solway estuary, and the extension of the range of the ant h'onnica rufa within its borders ensures the habitat for several myrmecophilous Coleoptera absent from many of our northern counties, hence we are not surprised to find so large a Coleopterous fauna within it. We shall anticipate with an interest which we think our readers will share those further portions of this list which will deal with the remaining groups of the order, and we trust that the completed work may be obtained in such a form as to make it possible for every Coleopterist to place, as we are sure they will be glad to do, the Coleoptera of Cumberland in one complete volume on his shelves beside the other local records of the order which already exist and


which have done so much to extend our knowledge of the distribution of our British Beetles.— W. E. S.


The Entomological, Society of London. (frtobcr 2n(l, 1912. Miss Lily Huie, Hollywood, Colinton Road, Edinburgh, was elected a Fellow of the Society. The death was announced of the Hon. Fellow, Prof. L. Ganglbauer, of Vienna, and also of Messis R. Shelford, M.A., F.Z.S.,E. A.' Fitch, F.L.S., and G. H. Grosvenor, M.A. An Aberra- tion New to Britain. Dr. Nicholson showed three specimens of Adalia oblitcrata, L., ab. snldiueata, Weise, an aberration not as yet recorded from Britain. Dark aberrations of Abraxas grossulariata.- Mr. G. T. Porritt exhibited various forms of the variety ninrosparsatn, together with the type specimen of var. nigra. Coleoptera from Oxford. Commander J. J. Walker exhibited series of the following rare species of British Coleoptera, recently taken in the Oxford district : Lathro- biidii pallidinii, Nord., Apiinu annulipea, Wenk., J and $ , Psj/lliodes luteola, Miill. "Insect-catching Grass." Commander Walker also exhibited on behalf of Mr. A. M. Lea, a specimen of the so-called Insect-catching grass [Cenchnts aitstralis) from Cairns, N. Queensland, with several ('oleoptera, belonging to various genera, adhering to the spinous awns. Aberration of Pyrameis cardqi. Mr. R. M. Prideaux brought for exhibition a beautiful aberration of P. cardui, closely resembling one figured by Newman. Dimorphic Homoptera. Mr. C. J. Gahan exhibited a small series of Fhroinnia siiperba, Melich, a dimorphic species of Homoptera of the sub-family Flatinac, taken by Dr. A. C. Parsons in Northern Nigeria. West African Homoptera. Mr. W. A. Lamborn exhibited a series of twelve Howuptcra of the genus hlata, all taken feeding on one plant, 70 miles E. of Lagos, on December 1st, 1912. Euciielia jacob.e.e, L., captured and then abandoned by a Robin. Prof. Poulton exhibited an apparently un- injured example of E. jacubaeae given him by Mr. Roland Trimen, F.R.S. The moth was flying slowly at midday in his garden at Woking, when a robin captured it on the wing and flew with it behind a bush. After about three minutes the bird flew away, and Mr. Trimen found the moth lying upon the ground. Aberrations of Alpine Lyc.enids. Dr. T. A. Chapman exhibited several unusual forms of some common "Blues" taken this year in the Valley of the Iscre and at Courmayeur. He said that the "blues" of this region are generally large and more than usually variable ; and that it is also the head-quarters in Western Europe of Ai/riades ale.vita^, Frr. Scarce Ants. Mr. Donisthorpe exhibited a number of J <? of Ponera (•(larctata which he had swept at Box Bill, and remarked that no one living appeared to have taken J J in Britain. Also c? <T , $ $ , and ^ ^ of P'ormicoxoiKs nitididtts, taken in a nest of P\ riifa at Weybridge. Also 3- 3 , 5 ? , and ^ ^ of Leptotlwrax tiibero-olfinis, a form new to Britain. Also a 3 , and wmged and deiilated ? $ of Anen/ati'x atratiilus, which lives in. the nests of TctrainuriKin racspitiiin. Celastrina argiolus on a new Food-plant. Mr. Hy. .7. Turner exhibited on behalf of the Rev. C. R. N. P>urrows, a long series of bred ( 'dastrina an/ialKs. The larvie had occurred each year for some time past in the garden at Mucking, feeding on Portugal laurel, attacking the flower buds in the early summer. The form closely resembled the Nearctic form pseudanjlolus. The Genus Dianthoecia. Mr. L. W.

312 THE entomologist's record.

Newman exhibited specimens of Dianthnecia, bred from North Kent wild larv«, resembling exactly, both in size and coloration, Dianthnecia caiiKophila from the Isle of Man. This appeared to confirm the opinion of several leading men that D. rapsopJiiht and D. rarpopluKja are the same species. He also showed for comparison varied series of I), rarpopltaiia with a pair of 7>. capsopJiila and ]>. capsinrola. Colias HEci-A FROM FiNMARK. Mr. W. G. Sheldon exhibited a series of C. heda, from the Porsanger Fjord, Arctic Norway, with specimens of the other orange species occurring in Europe for comparison. A Living Earwig. Mr. W. J. Lucas exhibited a living ^ of Labidnra riparia (the Giant Earwig), taken on the shore near Christchurch, Hants. He also exhibited a drawing giving the colour of the living insects, and demonstrating how well they are protected by resemblance to the pale sand of the Hampshire coast. Pyrenean Lepidoptera. Mr. G. T. Bethune-Baker showed specimens of Hepiabta pj/renainis, a species found not uncommonly on the higher parts of Mount Canigou, with the apterous female. Also a fine form of Li/cacna arion, and a specimen of ileadoi Jiippotho'c that was at once radiated, obsolescent and asymmetrical. Alpine Butterflies. Mr. Douglas Pearson exhibited a drawer of Rhopalocera from the Black Forest and the Swiss Alps, including an albinistic specimen of Krebia lappona, the large Black Forest form of Colias palaeno, Brenthis pales from Pontresina, with underside, hind-wings of a deep purple-red, and others. Egg-laying OF Erebia Glacialis. Mr. J. A. Simes read the following note : "On the 15th July, 1912, I came across Krebia (jlarialis in some numbers on a scree slope below the summit of the Colette de Gily, Dauphiny, and saw a $ alight on a piece of loose rock on the slope, sun itself for a time and then proceed to walk slowl}' backwards until it reached the lower end of the rock. It then bent its abdomen underneath the slab of rock and deposited an egg on the lower surface of it." Delayed emergence of a Bee-imago (Osmia sp.) The President exhibited a species of Osmia and its cell, found three and a half years ago beside a little stream at Jericho, which only emerged during the Oxford Congress this year. Aberration of Brknthis SELENE. Mr. H. Baker Sly exhibited a very dark example of Brentliis selene, having the under-wings clouded with dark brown all over, except for a slightly lighter shaded spot in the middle, and the upper- wings very heavily clouded with dark brown. He also showed a speci- men of l\}tinephele ji(rti)ta {jaiiira), one upper-winghaving a white blotch at the tip, and also the under-wing on the same side with a white streak. The following papers were read : " Life History of Lonr/iaea chorea,'" by A. E. Cameron, M.A., B.Sc. ; counnunicated by H. S. Leigh, F.E.S. "A few Observations on Mimicry,"by W. J. Kaye,F.E.S. The South London Entomological and Natural History Society. September 2Qth. Varieties of "Blues." Dr. Chapman exhibited varieties of " blues " taken in the French Alps this year where several species were of unusually large size ; they included r<ili/o)iiiiiatiis icariis resembling P.escheri, Aifriades thetis ah. pinictifera, a possible hybrid between //. damou and A. coridon, etc. Bred


long series of I'achipjastria trifolii from itomney and l^jastbourne, the former showing much variation, especially in the males, specimens of iSatyrus seiiiele, with the eye spot in the anal angle of the hindwings


absent, an unusually large example of Colias e(hisa var. helice, etc. A BROOD OF P. jiACHAON. Ml'. Nswman, a long bred series of Papilio iiiac/iaoii, of fine size mostly, but only showing trivial variation, in size and position of the discoidal spots, in the amount of blue in the hindwings, in the breadth and depth of colour of the transverse bands, etc. The Coquilla-nut Beetle. Mr. Hugh Main, a beetle, Caryohoms nudeorum, bred by him from the Coquilla nut, previously exhibited with the larva in it, by Mr. Joy. A Sicilian Coleopteron and several local British species. -Mr. .J. P. Barrett, the larvre of ('chrio (lifiaa (?) a Coleopteron occurring somewhat freely in his son's garden in Messina, doing injury to his potatoes, a short series of Lycaena ailon from Cornwall, .J'^yeria niuKcuforniis and Dianthnecia Inteoyo var. ficklini, from the same county, and a huge earthen cocoon of Manduca atropoa. Brenthis pales. Mr. Curwen, a very varied series of Brenthis [laL's from Switzerland. A rare Coleopteron. Mr. Blenkarn, the rare Coleopteron, //^'?io(/(/(,s serratns, taken in the offices of Messrs. Moet and Chandon, Northumberland Avenue, and a series of bred Portlieda c/irysorrJioea from Sandown, including two with bright golden anal tufts instead of the unsual rich brown. A rare Orthopteron. Mr. Lucas a living female of the rare Orthopteron, Metrioptera roeselii. C. argiolus bred from Portugal laurel. Mr. Turner, for Rev. C. R. N. Burrows, a beautiful series of Celastrina oryioliia bred from larvfe taken on Portugal Laurel, notable for their large size and brilliant coloration, approaching the American form jKendarfiiohis. October 10th. British Earwigs. Mr. Lucas exhibited specimens and detailed drawings of the various species of British Earwigs to illustrate his paper, with living examples of the very local Labidura riparia from Christchurch. A. ornata var. Mr. Tonge, a very dark marked example of Acidalia ornata from Reigate. Lapland CoLiAS. Mr. Sheldon, a long series of Colias hecla from N. Lapland, with examples of other European Colias species for comparison. Nola ALBULALis. Mr. Adkiu, specimens of Nola albtilalis bred from larvae that had hybernated in coiafinement. A. coridon and E. quercinaria varieties.— Mr. Newman, a long series of Agriadea coridon including several ab. senrisynyraii/ia from Royston, and showing in the ? s, much variation in the ground-colour of both upper and under surfaces, and 3rd generation specimens of Knnomofi tjitercinaria, all with the apex of forewings dark ; 25% of the 2nd generation had been melanic, of dark chocolate colour. Paper. Mr. Lucas read a paper " Earwigs that breed in Britain," and illustrated his notes with a large number of lantern slides. October 2itJi. Donation to the Collection. The Secretary exhibited four specimens of Abraxas yrossnlarmta ab. rarleyata, presented to the Society's cabinet by Mr. G. T. Porritt. Swiss Butterflies. Mr. Ashdown, a collection of Butterflies made during his holiday in Switzerland in .June and July. Photographs. Mr. Colthrup, a series of very fine photographs of lepidoptera at rest and of famous entomological localities. Mr. Newman's breeding and Hybrids. Mr. Newman, one ( 'olias ediisa and four var. helice, which he had bred this year from a captured var. helice, some Pyraweix atalonta with smoky-red bands, and a fine series of autumn-bred hybrid ocellatiiR-jmpndi showing much variability. These last had not been forced. T. bistortata, 2nd brood. Mr. Tonge, a long series of Tephrosia bistortata, bred from a captured $ from Tilgate Forest.

314 THE entomologist's record.

An uncommon Pyrale. Mr. Kaye, an uncommon Pyrale, Ar/lossa cuprealis, captured in his house at Surbiton. Exotic Papilios. Mr, Edwards, the exotic Papilios, 1\ iacicus, from S. America, and J'. hcUcrl and P. aiidraenion, from Mexico. Living P. c-album. Mr. L. Gibb, a living example of l'olij<fonia c-album. Eupitheciids.— Mr. Adkin, short series of Kupithevia innotata and K, fia.vinata, and initiated a discussion on the specific stability of these as two separate species, Pieris napi of 1912. Mr. Grosvenor, two drawers of Picris napi, showing the geographical variation occurring in the British Isles. Lapland butterflies. Mr. Sheldon, all the species of the genus Erchia known to occur in Scandinavia, and which he had taken in his trips there during 1911 and 1912.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. October 21.s^ Mr. Wm. Webster, Vice-President in the chair. This being the opening meeting of the season was devoted to exhibits of the past season's work. Mr. F, N, Pierce showed a box of Lepidoptera from Silverdale, Lanes,, which included Hamearis lucina, Brenthis euplirosyne, and Euclidia mi ; from Tansor, Huntingdonshire, ScJioenobiiis mucro- nellus, 8. forjicellus, Acentropiis niveus, Hydrocampa nympheata, H. stagnata, and Paraponyx stratiotata ; also Scapula fcrruyalis from Oxfordshire. Mr. L. West exhibited his recently published work The Natural Trout-Fly and its Imitations, containing a fine series of coloured illustrations of the flies used by the angler for trout together with a set of the artificial flies, inserted on special pages, Mr, B, H. Crabtree, two drawers containing his very fine series of variations of Abraxas yrossulariata, including vars. niyra, niyro-sparsata, niyro-caerulea, Jlavo- fasciata, hazeleiyhensis, lutea, varleyata, and other striking forms. Mr. E. Tait, Jun., a long bred series of Ayrotis ashworthii, with vars. sub- striata, and riryata, a very fine set of Ayrotis ayatliina, including var. rosea and a melanic form of Boarmia repandata, from North Wales ; Leptosia sinapis, Colias edasa, Liydia adustata, Bapta temerata, Melanippe yaliata, from south Devon ; Tephrosia luridata, from Wyre Forest, and Nyssia zonaria, from Conway. Mr. W. A. Tyerman exhibited the following species from Ainsdale, viz : Procris statices, Neuria reticulata, Dianthoecia nana, PUisia festucae, Phibalapteryx liynata, and Kupithecia satyrata var. callunaria. Mr. W. Mansbridge showed Micro-lepidoptera collected in Lancashire and Cheshire during the past season, viz: Along bred series oiTortrixcostana with melanic and intermediate variations, a long bred series of Mnemonica (Micropteryx) unimaculella, Coleophora fusccdmella and ( '. lutipennella, Ornix betulae, Lithocolletis (j uercifoliella,&nd L.crame7-ella,ivomJ)e\iim.eve; Pancalia loewenhoekella and Pyrausta purpuraUs from Grange, the last being very brightly coloured. Mr. Prince, a bred series of Cidaria reticulata, from Windermere, yemeophila plantayinis var. hospita, from the Lake District, and many coast species.


William Forsell Kirby. (}Vith portrait.)

Although William Forsell Kirby was a naturalist by profession, and had a world-wide reputation as a writer on various orders of insects, besides being the author of more popular works on Natural History, he was a man of great erudition, and took a considerable



interest in vaiious branches of general science, literature and philo- sophy. His vast reading and great knowledge caused him to be con- stantly apphed to by friends and correspondents whenever they required information, on all manner of subjects, and in the true spirit of science Mr. Kirby was always ready with his advice and help. On the other hand, Mr. Kirby was a most gentle and retiring man, whose fear of injuring others prevented him from putting himself forward, and taking a place which his great talents would have deserved.

William Forsell Kirby was born on January 14th, 1844, at High Street, Leicester, and was the eldest son of Samuel Kirby, banker. His mother's maiden name was Lydia Forsell. In 1854 his father died, and in 1857 the family removed to Burgess Hill, and afterwards to Brighton. In Brighton Kirby became acquainted with several entomologists and other naturalists, including Henry Cooke, Frederick Merrifleld, and J. N. "Winter, and he became a member of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. He continued to collect insects together with sea-shore objects, and his first published writings appeared in the Kntnmnloiii^fs Weekbj Intellitiencer:'- In 1858 he published his Lht of Brithh Ehnpaloccm.' In 18G0, Kirby left Brighton and came to London, and entered the business of Meesrs. Williams and Norgate, where he remained until 1866, with the exception of an interval in 1864, which was spent in studying chemistry under Dr. T. W. Wood. It was at this time that he joined the Entoinological Society of London, and in 1862 he published his first work of importance, A Manual of tuiropeoii Butterflies. This brought him into notice, and he became known to the famous entomologists of the day, J. 0. Westwood, H. T. Stainton, W. C. Hewitson, H. W. Bates, Dr. H. G. Knaggs, and others.

The year 1866 was chiefly spent in Germany, where Kirby married Miss Johanna Maria Kappel, to whom he was devotedly attached and who, until her death in 1893, took a great interest in and assisted him with his literary work. While on the Continent he collected insects and plants, and studied German, Italian and Persian. Kirby was an early disciple of Darwin, as shown in a paper read before the Entomo- logical Society as early as January, 1863. In 1867 Kirby accepted the post of Assistant Naturalist in the ]\Iuseum of the Royal Dublin Society, afterwards the National Museum of Science and Art, his fellow-assistant being A. G. More, the well-known botanist and ornithologist. It was in 1867 that Kirby's only son was born. During this time articles from his pen on entomological subjects continued to appear, not only in the entomological journals, but in such papers as the Irish Fanners' (jrazette, iSaiinders' Neirs Letter, The Gardener's Record, etc.

In 1871 his great work, A Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepi- doptera, appeared, and at once made him famous. In 1877 he pub- lished his Supplement to this Catalogue. The next work of importance he produced was European Butterfiies and Moths, which appeared in monthly parts from 1878 to 1882, and has been several times reissued. The most recent edition, under the name Butter/lies and Moths of Kurojie, was published from 1902 to 1904.

On the death of W. C. Hewitson, in 1878, W. F. Kirby was asked to prepare the Catalogue of his famous collection of Butterfiies which Hewitson had bequeathed to the British Museum. This necessitated a

Knt. Week. Int., Vol. I., p. 91 (1856). W.K. announces the discovery of the full-fed larvBe of Orgyia gonostigma. (H.J.T.)

816 THE entomologist's record.

stay at Mr. Hewitson's delightful house and grounds at Oatland's Park. Here Mr. Kirby was visited by Mr. Hewitson's old friends Sir William Armstrong, John Hancock, H. Grose-Smith, and S. Stevens, and many a pleasant afternoon was spent by these naturalists in fishing for tench, bream, and eels in the Broad Water. From 1869 to 1884 W. F. Kirby contributed the annual reports on Lepidoptera for the Zooloijical Record, and afterwards the greater part of the Insecta. This necessitated his acquiring a knowledge of various European languages such as Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese, and Eussian.

In 1879, on the death of P'rederick Smith, Kirby was transferred from Dublin to the Zoological Department of the British Museum, a post which he held until his superannuation in January, 1909. At first, on his return to England, Kirby resided in the north of London, and was an intimate friend and neighbour of Edward Clodd, H. W. Bates, and H. G. Knaggs. On the removal of the Zoological Depart- ment to South Kensington, he came to live in Chiswick, and was a neighbour of Dr. Bowdler Sharpe, with whom he made a tour to Norway in 1901.

At the British Museum Kirby ceased to work officially at Lepi- doptera, and took up the orders Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, etc. In 1882 he published his List of [hjiiicnoptcra Tentliredinldae and Siricidae in the Collection of the British Museum, and in 1883, Evolution and Natural Theolo;/!/. In 1885 appeared his Textbook of Kntomolofiy (2nd edition 1892) ; in 1885 the Youn;/ Collector Series British Buttcrjlies, Moths, and Beetles ; 1887 to 1897, in conjunction with H. Grose-Smith, Uhopalncera Exotica (2 vols.) ; in 1889, A Natural Uistonj of Maiinuah, Birds, lleptiles, etc. (8 vols.).

In 1890 A Si/)wnyinic Cataloi/ue of Neuroptera, Odonata, or Drat/on- Jiies was issued, followed, in 1892, by his great Synomjmic Cataloijue of Lepidoptera-Heterocera or JSlotlis : Sphinyes and Bombijces, on which he had been working for a number of years. Want of sufficient support prevented this monumental work from being continued, or it would have run to some five or six other volumes. The shell of the work was complete up to 1892. The Handbook of Lepidoptera, 5 vols., was issued from 1894 to 1897, followed by Marvels of Ant Life in 1898, Eavi'liar Butterflies and Mothfi, 1902, British Lloweriny Plants, 1906, Mannuals of the ]Vorld, 1907, and .Sipio)n/)iiic Catalot/ue of Orthoptera in the Collec- lection of the IJritish Aluseuiu, 3 vols., 1904, 1906, 1910, as well as numerous contributions to Entomological and other journals which appeared from time to time. All this while W. F. Kirby was writing books and papers on various branches of Literature and Poetry, as well as on Mysticism and Philosophy. He was a Fellow of the Linnean and Entomological Societies, to the latter of which he was Honorary Secretary for some years.

Kirby was fond of travelling and generally spent his holidays abroad. He had thus visited Scotland, France, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, the United States and Canada, and always started on his travels armed with a butterfly net and collecting box. His last holiday, in August of this yeai', was spent with his son and grandsons in Germany and Austria.

His genial kindliness, tact, and quiet amiability, together with his never tiring assistance to all who required help or counsel, endeared him to a large circle of friends and acquaintances, whilst the world


will be the poorer for the vast amount of work which, at the age of 68, he was still prepared to give it from his prolific brain,

William Forsell Kirby died on November 20th, at his residence in Chiswick, after a short illness. lie was buried in Chiswick Cemetery on the 26th, being attended to the grave by a large gathering of sorrowing friends. W.E.K.

Arnold Wullschlegel.

The last of the well-known lepidopterists of the Rhone Valley has been removed by the death of Arnold Wullschlegel, at Martigny, on November 18th, on his 63rd birthday. His death will not have come as a surprise to any of his friends, since more than two years ago he was afflicted with three strokes of paralysis within a fortnight, after the last of which he never spoke again, though he retained his intellect unimpaired. He is best known as the colla- borator of the late Chanoine Favre in the " Macro-Lepidoptera of the Valais," but having bred an immense number of species from the egg, he had naturally acquired vast stores of knowledge of their early stages, much of which will in all probability be lost to the world. He leaves a widow who for many years has shared his entomological labours, and though she has so far published nothing, it is possible that through her means some part of this hardly-acquired knowledge may be preserved for the service of future generations. G. W.



Aberrational Names . . . . 229

Aberrations and Varieties (see also

Variation) : Abraxas grossn- .

lariata, 132, 276; Adalia ohli-

terata, 245; Aglaia iirticae, 177,

223; Af)riades coridoit, 238; A.

thetis, 153 ; Agrotis jordani, 304 ;

A. jordani ab. chali/haea, 304 ;

A. kermesina ab. virescens, 305 ;

Anthochelis phtacina, 131 ; An-

throcera jilipendulae, 132 ; Apa-

tura ilia, 276; Argijnuis adippe,

152 ; Boarmi'i repandata, 57,

202 ; Brenthi.f pales, 41 ; Bri/o-

pliila raptriciiloides, 305 ; B.

raptriculoides ab. vun'morata,

305; A. raptriculoides ab.

mediostrigata, 305 ; Calloplirys

rubi, 152 ; Cidaria populate!, 85 ;

C. truncata, 58; Clytus arietis,

278 ; Coenonymplia. pamphilus,

60 ; Colias edusa, 199 ; C. erate,

12 ; C. palaeno, 252 ; Coscina

cribrnm, 159; Ephyra annulata,

199 ; Epinephele jurtina, 192 ;

i-J. tebuessia, 192 ; i*.. tithonus

ab. /"itZf/e/i.s, 304; Erchia lappona ,

98; E. stygne, 2, 159; Euchlor

cardamines, 131 ; 7*-'. damone,

223; Himera pennaria, 57;

Leptosia duponcheli, 148 ; L.

sinapis, 12, 149 ; Ltptothorax

tubero-all'inis, 306 ; Loweia alci-

phron, 10, 99 ; lAiperina guencei,

18; Zv. krnegeri, 305; Lycaeiia

sephyrus, 190; Malenydris uiulti-

strigaria, 134 ; Melanargia

galathea, 101, 275 ; Melitaea

othalia, 42 ; i!/. aurinia, 132 ;

i1/. cynthia, 89 ; Noctua festiva,

85 ; Ocneria krnegeri, 304 ;

Parasemia 2''«"'"S'"'*'''> 255 ;

Parnassius apollo, 75 ; Z-".

mnemosyne, 4 ; Pieris napi, 12,

214 ; Plebeius argus, 3, 101 ;

Polyommatus icarus, 11, 54,

153, 268; Pyrameis atalanta ,

105, 199 ; Jhimicid phlaeas,

10, 51, 131 ; Satyrus al-

cyone, 152; ,S'. statiliiius, 121;

Scoparla ambigualis, 203; Xylina

aruilhopus .. .. .. 123

Abundance of Acidalia fumata, 138; Z^i.s^on hirtaria, 122; Celastrina argiulus, 215 ; Coc- nonymplia typhon, 257 ; Crambus

geniculeus, 166 ; Dasydia ubfus- cata, 82; Ematurga atumaria, 57 ; Hadena pisi, 56 ; Halia brunneata, 83; Heliaca tene- brata, 135 ; Hibernia leuco- phaearia, 247 ; Issoria lathonia, 121 ; Melanargia galathea, 113 ; Malenydris didymata, 138; moths at Light, 175 ; Odezia atrata, 138 ; Pyrameis cardui, 215 ; Rumicia phlaeas, 54 ; Satyrus cordula, etc., 70, 98 ; (Sesia stellatarum . . . . 61

Acarina with ants . . . . . . 38

Acceptance of Aner gates at ratal us

by Tetrauiorium cespitum . . 218

Acraeidae, New species of 28, 223,

225, 233 Alternation of Generations . . 194

Ants 4, 34, 47, 63, 65, 76, 77,

126, 198, 208, 218, 306 Aphaniptera. . .. .. .. 194

Aphidae with ants . . . . . . 39

^ra»(eiw(^i with ants. . .. ..39

Assembling of ilZ. ritftt, 93 ; Satur- nia pavonia . . . . . . 134

Asymmetry of Apatura iris, 54 ; Mimas tiliae, 50 ; Pontia dapli- dice, 60 ; Vcnilia macula ta . . 57 Attacks on Anthrocerid pupas . . 216 Bibliography of Luperina guvicei.. 87 Bionomical Notes . . . . . . 244

Birds and Insects . . . . 263

Bleaching in Lepidoptera . . . . 98

Braconidae with ants . . . . 36

"British Butterflies" (J. W.Tutt), completion of . . . . 192

British Destructive Insects in

India 222

Camptogramma fluviata in North London . . . . . . 306

Captures in Norfolk . . . . 230

Case enlarged by Coleophora maeniacclla . . . . . . 242

Ceanotlius, Attractive power of . . 193 Cleaning of Greasy Insects . . 123

Coccidae with ants, 37 ; eaten by Lycffinid larvffi . . . . 107, 129

Cocoon, Aberrant, of P. cecropia 276 Coenuuympha, The genus . . . . 201

Coleophora, Notes on the various siieciesof .. .. 183, 241, 281

Coleoptera, Bare species of, 24, 25, 27, 28. 48, 102, 117, 128, 168, 191, 202, 246 ; at Newhaven, 22 ; Bibliographia, 127; Carrion-



feeding, 143 ; Catalogus, 144 ; Changes in synonymy, 116 ; Fooclplants of Ajnon aiinuliijes, etc., 271 ; Fossil, 223 ; genus Anisotoma, 140; genus Bledius, 141 ; genusCeutliorhynchns, 139 ; genus Gabrius, 140 ; genus Gyrophaena, 250 ; genus Hali- 2)lus, 139 ; genus Loiifiitarsiis, 142 ; infesting vines, 85 ; in the Isle of Wight, 65; niyrmeeophilous notes, 34 ; New species and varieties of, 27, 53, 114, 140, 141, 142, 187, 194, 195, 250; notes on species of Lathrohiiiin, 259; on the Isle of Eigg, 13 ; Records of local Geodejihaga, 168 ; Retro- spect for 1911, 114, 138 ; species and vars. new to Britain, 1, 14, 71, 114, 129, 191, 194, 195, 243, 250 ; taken at Ditchling, 1911 . . 20 Collecting Orthoptera in the

Caucasus and Transeaucasus . . 297 Collecting at Constantinople in 1911, 10, 293 ; in 1912, 293 ; in frost, 103 ; notes for 1911, 90, 145, 176 ; notes for 1912, 219, 220 Collection, An old Essex . . . . 290

Collections of H. J. Adams, 250;

J. W. Tutt . . 73, 104, 188, 221

Collembola with ants . . . . 37

Congress, Second International,

of Entomology . . 207, 209, 221 Comparison of the Coleopterous

Fauna of Cumberland and Kent 309 Cosmopolitan Cockroaches . . 217

Courting of I'rbicola comma . . 157

Crustacea with ants . . . . 40

Current Notes 26, 44, 74, 104,

125, 192, 221, 249, 274, 306 Description of Adalia obliterata (abs.), 243; Catops montivagus, 71 ; Coleophora artemisiella (larva), 243 ; C niaotiacella (larva), 241; C. ochrea (larva), 281 ; C. therinella (larva), 184 ; C. viminetella (larva and ovum), 282'; Eryx fairmairci, 1 ; Hy- droecia burrowsi, 109 ; Lepto- thorax corticalis (and other races of L. tuberum), 63 ; Longitarsus plantago-maritiymtti, 187; do. ah. perplexus, 188 ; Mysia oblongo- guttata ab. nigroguttata, 53 ; Platycleis barrctii, 31 ; Zono- somaorbicularia a.h. iantliinarium 25 Dimorphism in Anthocharis belia, 59 ; Euripus lialitherses, 52 ; Melaiiitis ismene, 72 ; Phasmidas 203 Diptera 48, 75, 198, 199, 200, 201,

225, 227 Diptera new to Britain 27, 77, 126,

189, 194, 195, 250 Diptera with ants . . . . . . 35

Disease transmitted by insects 194, 195

Distinction between Acraea orestia and A. humilis, 49 ; Brentlns pales and B. arsilache, 88 ; Croesus varius and C. latipes, 130 ; Eurytela. hiarbas and E. dryope, 130 ; Hesperia malvae, H. Dialvoides, and H. melotis, 127 ; Hydroecia burrowsi, H. paludis, etc., 109 ; Leptosia siiiapis and L. duponclieli, 149 ; Leucania jnilleii s and L. favicolor, 106 ; Luperina graslini and L. nickerlii, 18 ; Mycetoporus forti- cornis and M. oiavicornis . , 25

Distribution of the Blattidse, Notes on the 238

Early appearances . . 25, 74, 122, 201

Easy Method of getting full-fed Cossus larvffi from the trees . . 190

Economic Entomology 75, 108,

194, 210, 211, 222

Egg-laying of Bithys quercus, 54 ; Fararge megaera. . ., ..55

Emergence of Geometra papilio- naria, 245; Blattid larvas .. 283

Entomological Club ..26,44,104

Eupithecia, Notes on . . . . 33

Exhibition of the S. London Ent. Society 307

Experiments with the Effects of the Protective Vapours of Heteroptera 307

First Fortnight in July at Digne, The 67, 99

Foodplant of Ajnon annulipes, etc., 271 ; Lithostege griseata, 231 ; Hesperia sidae, 44 ; Nonagria cannae .. .. .. .. 220

Fortnight at Gavarnie, A . . 150, 157

Fungus growing on ants . . . . 5

Genitalia 28, 101, 109, 126, 127,

139, 148, 170, 171, 226

Genotype of the Blattid genus Steleopyga . . . . . . 23

Gloucestershire Lepidoptera, Col- lection of . . . . . . . . 74

Grapta (Polygonia), North-Ameri- can, in British Museum . . 47

Greek Lepidoptera in April, 1911 59

GynandromorphoLis Oxynopterus audouini, 48 ; Amorpha populi, 49, 147 ; Hydroecia paludis, 170,

172, 202, 229

Habits of Amauris egialea, 198 ; Antennophorus , 88; AntJirocera exulans, 254; A. meliloti, 245; Asthena blomeri, 163; Boarmia roboraria, 165 ; Coleophora maeniacella (larva), 242 ; Croesus varius and C. latipes, 130; Di- anthoecia irregularis, 261 ; Glau- copsyche cyllarus, 62 ; Gluto- phrissa saba, 128; Hibernia, 103; Hirsutina dolus, 118, 119 ; Litho- stege griseata, 231, 262, 273 ; Luperina gueneei (larva), 271 ;




Lijcuena aephi/niii var. iilirtiki, 190 ; Malenydris nuiltistrigaria, 134; Microdoii inutahilis, 35; Miltochriata miiiiatd, 24.5 ; Noc- tua primulae, N. hruniiea und N. triuiKjuluin, 245 ; Puchi/tltelia villosella (larva), 246; I'alim- psestis octogesima, 136 ; Fapilio memnon, etc., 73; Phycis carhon- aiielhi, 85 ; Fieris rapae, 146 ; Folyonunatus esclieri, 99 ; Stilhia anonuila, 105; Thyreostheniui< hiovata, 39 ; Tortrix pronuhana, 273 ; Tricopteryx virctata . . 272 Hailstorm, Remarkable . . . . 161

Hairs of Aiiuphe iiij'racla, Irritatiiif^ 225 Hcmiptera-Ileteroptera ..36,75, 194 Hibernation of Ciciudela senilix,

1U4 ; Goneptcryx r]ia))uii .. 178

Hybrids . . 129, 200, 269, 313

Hydroecias in the Tutt collection . . 73 Hymenoptera {see also Ants), 36,

37, 144, 202, 252 Insects as prey 48, 72, 128, 129,

155, 174, 216, 224, 225, 257, 263 Italian Lakes in Spring .. ..112

Larvse, Carnivorous 107, 248, 249

LarvsB of Bistoii hirtaria, 93, 122 ; Coleophora arteviisiella, 242, 272; C. discordella, 189; C. viaeniacella, 241 ; C. niyricella (?), 187 ; C. ochrea, 281 ; C. therinella, 183; C. viminetclla, 282 ; Cossits liyniperda, 190 ; Dianthoecia capsincola, 95 ; I), carpophaga, 95 ; Jocheaera alni, 56 ; Lasiocampa qiiercvs, 127 ; Luperina yueiieei, 271 ; Ij. nick- erlii, 20; j\Ia)uluca atrojjos, 273; Microdon inutahilis, 35; Myelois cribrella, 75 ; Myrmecimt grand- 7iicola, 4; Pachythelia villosella, 246 ; Fhyllotoma aceris, 276 ; Pieris napi, 103 ; Thera /Irniata,

237 ; Tiiieina Ill

Lepidoptera of Abertillery, 133, 162 ; Albula Pass, 41 ; Altmatt, 2 ; Braemar, 81, 253 ; Bernina Pass, 87 ; Black Forest, 265 ; The Broads, 220; " Breck " district, 260, 273; Campfer, 267 ; Canvey Is., 124; The Cevenne.'?, 117; Chamonix, 104; Constanti- nople, 10,293; Courmayenr, 16; Daiiphine Alps, 96 ; Digne, 67, 99; FiCli'pens, 15; Kilzbach and the Thalalp, 3 ; Fontaineblean, 17; Co. Galway, 127; Gavarnie, 150, 157; Gibraltar, 172; Grand St. Bernard, 16; Greece, 59; Grindclwald, 288; Hinterzarten, 266, 295, 296; Italian Lakes, 112 ; Lyndhurst, 90 ; Martigny and Branson, 15 ; Meienthal, 2; Miirren, 288; Norfolk, 230;


Orsieres, 18; Pontresina. 266; llhone Valley, 112 ; Rilfelalp, 104; S. Moritz, 87; Virton, 294; Wye Valley .. .. ,53

Lepidoptera, New species of, 28 ; Species and vars. new to Britain, 25, 27, 49 ; Types of, 188 ; with ants . . . . . . . . 37

Lepidopterology . . . . . . 14

LUnjthea celtis, Eggs and ovi- position . . . . . . . . 302

Life-history of Haemonia appendi-

citlata 143

Light, Insects at . . . . 166, 175

Light-Emission of American Lam- pyridae . . . . . . . . 46

lAiperina (?) gucneei as a species

and as a British species. . 17, 87 Lycaeiiidae 48, 107, 153, 190,

198, 224 Malformation of Ih/droecia palu- dis, On a .. .'. .. 169, 171

Mantida? 202

Marriage flight of Lasitis niger, 6 ; of Forndca nifa . . . . . . 8

Melanic, Acidalia inrgularia, 79 ; Boarmia repandata , 138 ; De- pressaria applana, 200 ; Euholia hipttnctaria, 131; Hihernia leu- cophaearia, '2'65; Blelitaea a^iri- nia, 200 ; Noctua xanthographa, 200; Pyrausta atirata, 167; TItera variata, .. .. ..79

Micro-lepidoptera of Canvey Is. . . 124 Migration of Sirex gigns . . . . 252

Mimicry, 48, 72, 77, 105, 124, 128, 153, 174, 198, 208, 210, 224,

225, 226, 233, 262 Monopis, The Genus . . . . 126

Month in Switzerland and else- where, A 2, 41, 87

Moths on trunks of apple trees . . 181 Myriapoda with ants . . . . 37

Myrmecophilous Notes for 1911, 4,

34, 143 National Trust for Places of

Historic Interest . . 74, 217

Neuroptera . . . . . . 28, 203

New Species and new forms of

Lepidoptera from Sardinia . . 303 Nomenclature 127, 178, 199, 206,

207, 213, 227, 229 Nonsense Names . . . . 66, 102

Note on certain species of Lathro-

hlum .. 2.59

Note on the abundance of Biston Iiirtaria in 1912, and on Insect Periodicity . . . . . . 122

Note on the Early Season . . . . 122

Notes from Braemar, Supple- mentary . . . . . . . . 253

Notes from the Wye Valley . . 53

Notes in late May or early June . . 191 Notes on the season 1912 at Con- stantinople . . . . . . 293



Notes on a July Trip to Switzer- land 287

Notes on Collecting, etc. 44, 74, 103, 12-2, 152, 188. 219, 246,

272, 306 Notes on collecting in 1911 10, 90,

145, 176 Notes on collecting in 1912 219,

220, 234, 267, 272, 293 Notes on Gibraltar Lepidoptera . . 172 Notes on the various species of

Coleophora . . 183, 241, 281

Obituaries, S. J. Capper, 52; A. J. Fison, 280; E. A. Fitch, 228; G. H. Grosvenor, 252; W. R. Jeffrey, 279 ; W. F. Kirby, 314 ; Dr. McCook, 46 ; Dr. Sequiera, 275; R. W. C. Shelford, 204, 205; A. M. Shuguvoff, 278; Prof. J. Bernard Smith, 203; A.

Wullschlegel 317

Occasional Notes on Eupithecia, in LO. Fermanagh . . . . . . 33

Odonata, Pre-imaginal stages of, 80 ; in Scotland . . . . 126, 275

Officers and Council of the Ento- mological Society of London . . 308 Oothecae of Blattidae .. . , 283

Orchid stamens adhering to moths 245 Orthoptera 23, 29, 76, 77, 130, 155,

202, 205, 217, 238, 274, 279. 283, 297 Ova of Biston hirtaria, 122; Boar- mid cinctaria, 91 ; Coleophora vwdnetella, 282; Dianthoecia capsincola, 95; D. carpophaga, 94,95; Dicranura rinula, 190; Gonepteryx rhamni, 224 ; Pieria napi,lQ'6; Lihythea celtis .. 303 Oviposition of E. carclamiiies^, 221 ;

L. celtis 302

Pairing of Hepialiis hecta . . . . 236

Parasites on a parasite, 1911 ; on cockroaches . . . . . . 287

Parasitic Diptera . . 200, 227, 243

Periodicity 122, 261

Phaxiiiidae 106, 202

Polid }:hi and Protective Resem- blance . . . . . . . . 124

Polyctcnidac viviparous . . . . 28

Proctotriqxidae with a.nts .. ..37

Professorships in Entomology . . 222 Protective Resemblance (s<p also

Mimicry) . . 124. 153, 174, 262

Protodcrmcqitcra .. . . . . 307

Pscudticraea, An extraordinary example of mimetic poly- morphism.. .. .. .. 233

Pupav of Anthrocera filipendiilae, 216; Chrysojysyclie i-aria, 226; Kmmelesia albulata, 132 ; Myrvieciua graiiiinicolu, 4 ; Norasmna holga, 106 ; Pliisia festiicae . . . . . . , . 137

Pupation of Brent)n.< enplironytte . . 191 Random Notes on 1912 .. ..234

112 244

271 111


Recollections of the Eastern Counties . . . . . . . . 273

Retrospect of a Coleopterist for

1911 114, 138

Reviews see 322

Rhone Valley and Italian Lakes in

Spring Scent of Papilio machaon larvae . . Scientific Notes and Observations 44, 72, 103, 124, 153, 191, 221, 244, Seasonal Notes on Tineina Season of 1911 in the Abertilleiy

District 133, 162

Season of 1912, The 213, 219, 234,

246, 248, 267, 272, 293

Second brood of Acidalia riilngi-

nata, 261 ; Acontia luctuosa,

261 ; Agrophila trahealis, 274 ;

Agrotis seyetum, 168 ; Argymiis

(iglaia, 123 ; Brenthis scleiie, 17,

124; Bryophila perla, 57;

Celastriua argiolus, 118; Coremia

designuta, etc., 58; Eniiychia

octomaculata, 59 ; Eupitliecia

virgaureata, 33 ; Leitcania

comma, 79; Limenitis Camilla,

11; Melanippe suhtristata, 58;

' Melitaca didyma, 11 ; Minoa

j murinata, 58 ; Odontopera

j hidentata, 124; Pharetra rumicis,

56 ; Smerintlius occllata, 273 ;

Tephrosia histortata, 235 ; T.

crepuscularia, 57 ; Tortrix

pronubana, 273; Xylocanqya


Seeds collected by ants

Sight in insects, 208 ; in birds . .

Social Habit of Micropteryx

calthella .. Societies' Reports : Birmingham Photographic Society, 125 ; City of London Entomological and Natural History Society, 79. 130; Entomological Society of London, 27, 45, 47, 105, 128, 198, 223, 311 ; Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society, 80, 105, 195, 202, 314; South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 193 ; South London Entomo- logical and Natural History Societv 45, 49, 104, 197, 274,

276, 312 Spring Notes Stray Notes from Ceylon, 153;

from Java . . Some Races of Ants new to Britain 306 Summer Holiday in Belgium,

Germany and Switzerland Summer Trip in France, Switzer- land and Italy Symbiosis in whorls of Bromelia-

ceac Tabanidae, Unknown males of . .









76 224




Tarsal Claws, Specific value of . . 49 | Urticatins hairs 225

Ten Days in the Cevennes . . 117 ; Value of Protective Resemblance in

Teratology . . 28, 50, 03, 70, 132, 202 I Moths 174, 262

Third Brood of Celostrina ar<iiolu^,

79 ; Limenitis Camilla, 11 ;

Jimnicia phlaeas, 54, 177 ;

Tephroaia crepuscularia . . .. 57

Third generation of Acidalia vir-

(lularia .. .. .. ..51

Thysanoptera .. 191,224,250

Tineina Ill

Toluol as a grease solvent . . . 123

Trunks of trees. Moths on. . 106, 181 Types of Lepidoptera . . . . 188

Variation in Aricia anteros, 10 ; Cyaniris semiargns, 10 ; Delias eucharis. 153 ; Eiicliloe euphe- iioides, 44 ; Formica riifa, 8 ; Hihernia leucophaearia, 234 ; Picris napi and P. rapae, 132 ; Pscudacraeaeuiytus, 233; Tera- coliis liinbatuii . . . . 154, 230

Varieties {see Aberrations)

Viviparous cockroaches . . . . 284

Week at Braemar, A . . . . 81

Reviews and Notices of Books, etc. : Aunales de la SocUte Ent. de Beh/ique,

251 : Annals of Scottish Nat. Wst., ]2'i, 145 ; Annual liejMrt a)id Proceed- ings of tlieLancashire and Cheshire Entoni. Soc, 40, 195 ; Animal Report of the Entoni. Soc. of Ontario (42nd), 192; Berliner Entomologisclie Zeitsch rift, 76; Bihliograpliia Coleopterologica, 127 ; Bulletin de la Societ(} Ent. de France, 75, 192, 276; Bulletin de la Societe Lepid. de Geneve, 127; Bulletin of the State University of loiva, 223 ; Butterfly Hunting in Many La)ids, Dr. Longstaff, 76, 107; Canadian Entomologist, 46,192; Colcoptera of Cumberland, 308 ; Coleopterorum Catalogus, 144 ; Ento- mological Neivs, 46, 76, 193, 194; E)ttomologische Mitteilungen, 78, 127; Entomolo<iisk Tidshrift, 126; Entomologist, 76, 127; Entomoloqist's Monthly Mag., 27, 77, 120, 144, 193, 194', 195, 250 ; Etudes de Le'pidop- tirologie Coniparee, C. Oberthiir, 14 ; Genera Insectorum (Dermaptcra), 155 ; Illustrated Descr. Cat. of the Coleoptera (e.rclusive of Rhynchophora) known to occur in Indiana, Prof. Blatchley, 144 ; Irish Naturalist, 127,

252 ; Lepidoptera of the Zoological Museum of the University of Naples, 75; Lepidopterorum Catalogus, C. Aurivillius and H. Wagner, 196; Life and Love of the Insect, J. Henri Fabre (trans, by A. de Mattos), 26; Macro-Lepidoptera of the World, Seitz, 193 ; Monograph of the African species of the genus Acraca, H. Eltringham, 226 ; Naturalist, 76, 195 ; Pre- liminary Jieport of Grape Insects, 7.^ ; Proceedings of the Soutli London Entomological and Nat. Hist. Society, 195 ; Proceedings of the Zoological Soc. Lond., 77 ; Proportions of the Seres in Forficula auricularia, H. H. Brindley, 275; Report of the Agricultural Research Institute and College, 108; Revue ]\Iensuelle de la Socidti^ Ent. Na)nuroise, 128, 275; Scottisli Natnralist, 275 ; Social Life in the Insect World, J. H. Fabre, 107 ; Terehrae of the Chalastogastra, Rev. F. D. Morice, 125; Transactions of the Carlisle Nat. Hist. Soc, 193, 221; Transactions of tlie Entom. Soc. of Ijondon, 144; Verhandlung der k. k. zool.-hot. Ges. in Wien, 223; Zeitschrift fiirioiss. Insektenhiologie, 27; Zoologisclie Kilinuindjaro-Meru ii.rperfiftcn (1905-6) .. ..' .. .." 78

Localities : Abbot's Wood, 248 ; Abertillery, 133, 162 ; Albula Pass, 41 ; Algeciras, 172; Algeria, 44; Altmatt, 2; Argeles, 101; Avieniore, 8; Bagshot, 145; Balta, 298 ; Barnes, 112 ; Baveno, 112 ; Ben Bheuiab, 73 ; Bergiin, 41. 87; B(>risal, 113; Bernina Pass, 87; Bex, 113; Bickley, 166 ; Boxhill, 4, 35, 235, 236, 237, 243 ; Braemar, 81, 253 ; Branson, 15 ; Brasted Chart. 152 ; Breck District, 200, 273; Briancon, 97; Brighton, 92; Bristol, 237; Bromley (Kent), 90; Brookwood, 235; Bugalla, 234; Cambridgeshire, 238 ; Campfer, 2'67 ; Canipomento, 172, 173 ; Caterham, 219; Cdusse, 119; Cevennes, 117; Ceylon, 153, 175; Chamonix, 104; Chelmsford, 290; Chingford, 234; Chiswick, 112; Christchurch, 91; Clandon, 111; Colley Hill, 74,210; Constantinople, 10, 74, 293; Costa Rica, 70 ; Courmaveur, 16 ; Coventry, 189 ; Cromer, 189 ; Croydon, 94.; Cumberland, 310;" Curdridge, 26; Cuxton, 191; Darenth, 4, 35; Dauphinc', 96 ; Dawlish, 162; Deal, 92, 107, 177, 249, 273 ; Dean (Forest of), 104 ; Delamere, 5 ; Digne, 67, 99, 148 ; Ditchling, 20, 271 ; Dorking, 153; DourbesMts., 99; Dulwich, 91, 93; Earlswood, 103,247; Eastbourne, 94, 191 ; East Hoathly, 190 ; Eclepens, 15 ; Eigg, 5, 13, 145 ; Epping, 102; Farnborough, 235 ; Farningham, 189; Fermanagh, 33; Filzbach,


■6 ; Fobbing, 242 ; Folkstone, 6, 27, 93, 167, 189 ; Fontainebleau, 15, 17 ; Freiburg, 265, 295 ; Gavarnie, 150, 157 ; Gibraltar, 172 ; Gomshall, 153 ; Grand St. Bernard, 16 ; Gravesend, 187 ; Greece, 59 ; Grindelwald, 288 ; Gudaur, 300 ; Guildford, 215 ; Hadleigh, 191 ; Hailsham, 219, 221 ; Hailing, 220, 272 ; Hampshire, 145, 270 ; Highgate, 74 ; Hindhead Common, 219; Hinterzarten, 266, 295, 296; Horsley, 268; Hungary, 190; Hjeres, 44 ; Ilfracombe, 44, 124 ; Java, 72 ; Kew, 37 ; Kewstoke Woods, 135, 163; Kilimandjaro, 78; Lanslebourg, 98; Laveno, 113; Le Lauteret, 97 ; Lewes, 92 ; Leytonstone, 122 ; Looh Lomond, 191 ; Lyndhurst, 90 ; Madeira, 29 ; Mailing, 191 ; Margate, 122, 177 ; Marlborough, 237; Martigny, 15, 16, 290; Meienthal, 2; Meiringen, 289; Mende, 118 ; Modane, 98 ; Mont Cenis, 98 ; Mooswald, 295, 296 ; Mor- peth, 73 ; Mull, 5 ; Miirren, 288 ; Nethy Bridge, 5, 34, 71 ; New Forest, 25, 90, 91, 123, 178, 218, 219, 235, 248 ; Newhaven, 22 ; Newland's Corner, .270; Northampton, 146; North Downs, 216; Orsieres, 17; Oxford, 143, 236; Oxshott, 24, 36, 53, 147, 236, 248; Oxted, 147; Pangbourne, 63 ; Pctworth, 123 ; Pontresina, 89, 266 ; Porlock, 34 ; Portslade, 95 ; Purley, 146 ; Putney, 112 ; Puv, 96 ; Eanmore, 268, 270 ; Eannock, 5, 34 ; Rhone Valley, 112 ; Richmond, 111 ; Eiffelalp, 104 ; Rye, 92 ; St. Issey, 5, 37 ; St. Margaret's Bay, 5 ; St. Maurice, 112 ; St. Moritz, 87; S. Triphon, 112; Sardinia, 27, 303; Schaffhausen, 297; Shanklin, 146 ; Sherwood Forest, 1 ; Simplon, 290 ; Skye, 145 ; South- end, 219, 272 ; Stalham, 220 ; Surrey, 268, 269 ; Sussex, 146 ; Sutton-in- the-Elms, 246; Sutton Park, 189; Swanage, 229, 270; Teignmouth, 162; Termignon, 98; Tbalalp, 3; Thames Estuary, 241; Thetford, 230; Tilgate Forest, 214, 248, 271 ; Towyn, 247 ; Vernayaz, 16 ; Virton, 294 ; Vladivostock, 109 ; Wellington College, 6, 35 ; Weybridge, 5; Weymouth, 168; Wicklow, 73; Wight, Isle of, 65, 146, 202; Winchester, 91; Witherslack, 248, 269 ; Woking, 6, 34 ; Woldingham, 248 ; Wye Valley,

53, 191


Allen, J. E. R., M.A

Anderson, J.

Ashby, E. B.,F.E.S. .. 15,

Ashby, H.,F.E.S

Bagnall, R. S., F.L.S., F.E.S. . . Barclay, F. H., F.G.S., F.E.S. . .

Barrow, W. H

Baxter, T. A

Beare, Prof., T. Hudson, B.Sc,

F.R.S.E., F.E.S. .. 114,

Bentall, E. E., F.E.S

Bethune-Baker, G. T., F.L.S.,

F.E.S. 67, 99, 117, 150, 157, 207, 226,

Bird, J. F 53,

Bradley, R. C

Burr, M., D.Sc, F.L.S., F.Z.S.,

F.E.S. 29, 78, 205, 274, 275, 278, 297,

Butler, W. E., F.E.S

Buxton, D.A.J.

Buxton, P. A 59,

Cardew, Capt., C. A.

Caudell, A. N

■Chapman, T-l A., M.D., F.Z.S.,

F.E.S. 14, 102, 109, 147, 169,


•Cockayne, E. A., :\I.D., M.A.,

F.L.S., F.E.S 73,

AGE. i


33 '

Colthrup, C. W. 90, 122,

123, 124,




Crawley. W. C.,B. A., F.E.S. 63,


Curtis, W. P., F.E.S.


Curwen, B. S.


Dollman, H. C, F.E.S.

20, 24,



, 53, 187,


Donisthorpe, H. St. J.K..

, F.Z.S.,

F.E.S. .. 1, 4,

'<, 34, 71,


Eltringham, H., M.A., F.

E.S. ..


Fountain, F. Fountain, J. T. Girault, A. A.

. . 246,


Graves, P. P., F.E.S.

' ' 10, 74',


Grosvenor, T. H L.


James, Russell, Junr.

James, R. E.

..74, 81*

Kirby, Dr. W. E. . .


Main, H., B.Sc, F.E.S.

. .


Mallinson, H.


Manders, Lt.-Col. N.,

" F.Z.S.",



72, 153,


Moore, H., F.E.S. ..


Muscbamp, P. A. H., F.E.S.

Newman, L. W., F.E.S.

Nichols, R. A.



Nicholson, G. W., M.A

., M.D..


102, 168,


Nurse, Lt.-Col. C. G., F.E.S. ..

AGE. 190

218 229



306 252 272 103 307 293 213 306 253 317 191 103

174 189 123 273 123

243 260




Pa^e, H. E., F.E.S. .. 107,108

Pearson, D. H., F.E.S. .. 90,265

Pierce, F. N., F.E.S 171

Poulton, Prof. E. B., D.Sc, M.A.,

F.E.S., etc 204

Powell, H., F.E.S 44

Prout, L. B., F.E.S 26

Ravnor, Rev. G. H., M.A. . . 290

Rothschild, Hon. N. C, M.A.,

F.L.S., F.E.S 190

Russell, A., F.E.S., .. 145,248

Russell, S. G. C 267

Sharp, W. E., F.E.S. 148, 259, 311

Sheldon, W. G., F.E.S 148

Shelford, R., M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S.,

(the late) .. .. 24, 217, 238, 283

Sieh, A., F.E.S. Ill, 181, 189, 221


Sills, E. H 189

Smith, W. Rait . . . . 133, 162

Stiff, Rev. A. T., M.A 262

Tarbat, Rev. .J.E 26

Taylor, .J 65

Tetley, A.S., M.A. , F.E.S. ..112

Thornewill, Rev. C, M.A. ..230

Tonge, A. E., F.E.S., .. 25,273 Turati, Count Erailio, F.E.S. ..303 Turner, H. J., F.E.S. 17, 52, 87,

178, 183, 188, 195, 196, 203, 241,

273, 279, 281 Wheeler, Rev. G., M.A., F.Z.S.,

F.E.S. 2, 26, 41, 66, 87, 152,

153, 209, 229, 280, 317 Whittle, F. G. 124, 191, 219, 272

Woodward, Lieut. G. C, R.N. .. 172

LIST OF ILLUSriiATIONS, dc. (Notice to Binder).


Hololampra iv/umata, Br., and Platycleii harretii, Burr

Mysia ohlomjoguttata, L., ab. nigroguttata, n. ab.

Hydroecia burrutvxi, n. sp., and H. paludis

Hydroccia paludis, ina.[ioYma,tion ..

Amoipha popiili, L., gynandromorph

Amorplui populi, h., ? and s

Hydroecia paludis, malformation . . (Amusing Incident. i

[Where Erebia lefehvrei Hies i

Views of Gavarnie

R. Shelford

GjnandromovT^hoas Aiiiorjiha populi, h. ..

Ova of Coleophora viminetella

Eggs of lAhytltea celtis

Eggs of lAhythea celtia

Views in the Caucasus Mountains . .

William Forsell Kirby Hydroecia hurroii-si, n. sp. . . Details of gynandromorphous .(. ^;(»^ji/Zi, L.

































face Page

.. 29

.. 53

.. 109

.. 169

.. 147

.. 147

.. 169

.. 157

.. 157

.. 205

.. 229

.. 281

.. 301

.. 301

.. 297

.. 313

Pagk 110


The Entomologist's Record & Journal of Variation.



By T. HUDSON BEA.RE, B.Sc, F.R.S.E., F.E.S. (Coleoptera) ; M. BURR, D.Sc, F.Z.S., F.E.S. (Orthoptera) ; J. E. COLLIN, F.E.S. (Diptera) ; and H. J. TURNER, F.E.S. (Hemipteva, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, etc).

Coleoptera arranged in order of Genera. The other orders arranged hij Species. Species, Genera, etc., neio to Britain are marked witli an asterisk, those new to Science with two asterisks.


Acari . . . . . . . . 38

Acarus . . . . . . . . 199

Antennophorus . . . . 38, 39

comata, Cilibano . . . . . . 38

cuneifer, Lffilaps . . . . . . 38

donisthorpei. Antennophorus . . 39

Ganiassus . . . . . . . . 199

grandis, Antennophorus . . . . 38

laminosa, Trachyuropoda . . . . 38

minutissima, Uroplitella . . . . 38

myrmecophilus, Lffilaps . . . . 38

ovalis, Uropoda . . . . . . 38

philoctena, UrodisceJla, Uropoda 38

uhlmanni, Antennophorus . . 38

wasmanni, Antennophorus . . 39 *wasmanniana, Trachyuropoda . . 38


arietinus, Tetrilus . . . . . . 40

biovata, Thyreosthenius . . . . 39 I

helveola, Hahnia . . . . . . 40 i

hombergi, Harpactes .. .. 40 [

merens. Evansia . . . . . . 40

minimus, Micarisoma . . . . 39

Mygale 48

puUcaria, Micaria .. .. . . 40 !

recisa, Cryphoeca . , . . . . 40


Acidota crenata . . . . . . 14

Actobius procerulus . . . . 21 '

Acupalpus brunnipes, . . . . 169 i

consputus . . . . . . 65

Adalia obliterata

a/;, fenesti'ata** .. .. 243

- ah. fumata . . . . . . 244

ah. illigeri . . . . . 244

ab. sexnotata . . . . . . 248

ab. sublineata . . . . 243, 311

Aetophorus imperialis . . . . 169

Agabus arcticus . . . . . . 13

bipustulatus . . . . . . 13

chalconotus . . . . . . 14

Agathidium badium . . . . 117

Alegoria dilatata . . . . . . 77

Aleoehara bilineata . . . . 128

brunneipennis . . . . . . 246

discipennis .. .. 27, 117

ruficornis . . . . . , . . 246

Alianta incana . . . . . . 21

Amara consularis . . . . . . 169 j

continua . . . . . . . . 65

Anacffina globulus . . . . . . 13

Anaspis liudsoni Anchomenus versutus Anisodactylus atricornis . Anisotoma algirica. .


brunnea . .

calcarata ub. nigrescens.

curta var. donisthorpei,.

dubia .. .. 116,

var. davidiana . .

fleischeri '. .




similata .. .. ll(j,

stenocoi'yphe Anobium paniceum Antherophagus pallens Aphodius contaminatus

depressus rar. nigripes ..

inquinatus Apion annulipes .. 171,

immune . .


Iffivicolle . .

onopordi . . Aspidomorpha silacea Alemeles emarginatus Atbous undulatus . . Autalia impressa Badister peltatus

sodalis Baris lorata . . Barypeithes duplicatus

pellucidus. . Batrisus venustus . . Bembidium seneum . .




decorum . .



quadripustulatum ..20

5-striatura Berosus affinis Blaps mucronata . . Bledius annse

arenarius . .




erraticus . .


.. 117 .. 169 .. 169

115, 140 .. 116 .. 140

65, 115

.. 115

140, 141

116, 140 .. 141

116, 141

116, 140

116, 141

140, 141

115, 140

.. 65

.. 22

.. 14

.. 14

.. 22

271, 311

.. 22

.. 22

.. 22

.. 271

.. 28

.. 34

.. 117

.. 310

.. 169

.. 310

.. 144

115, 142

115, 143









, 48, 169




114, 141 27, 115

115, 141 .. 117

114, 141 .. 310


femoralis .



fuscipes .




rastellus .


terebrans . . Bryaxis impressa . .

var. unicolor

waterhousei Bryoporus rugipennis Bythinus bulbifer. . Csenopsis fi«!sirostris Calandra oryzas Calathus fuscus Calodera riparia

umbrosa .. Campylus linearis . . Carabus calenulatus

granulatus Carpopbilus obsoletus

sexpustulatus Caryoborus nucleorum Cassida fastuosa Catops coracina


longulus . .

montevagus* .- ..71

tristis .. .. ..71

Cebrio gigas. . Cercyon melanocephalus Cetonia floricola Ceuthorhyncbidius dawsoni

distinctus .

rufulus Ceutborhynchus cochleariee

marginatus . . 115,

ah. distinctus . . ah. inoequalis . .


punctiger . .

rotundatus Cheetocnema conducta* Choleva coracina . .

fuliginosa . .


nigrita Cbrysomela hyperici

polita Cicindela maritinm

senilis Cillenus lateralis . . Claviger longicornis*

testaceus . . Clivina collaris

fossor Clytus arietis Codiosoma . . Co'lambus 9-lineatus Colon microps Conosoma inimaculatum Criocepbalus ferus . .






141 !






141 1


























, 72 ,


, 72,

129 :




35 '












139 1




139 ,









169 I

194 1



198 \


169 1


, ,




, .






Cryptarcba strigata

. .


Cryptopbagus distinguend







saginatus . .


setulosus . .




Cycbrus rostratus . .

'. 13,


Deinopsis erosa


Dendrophilus pygmeeus


Deronectes depressus


Dicbirotricbus pubescens


Dinarda dentata


Dipbyjlu? lunatus . .


Dromius agilis






Drusilla eanaliculata


Dyscbirius angustatus

. 117


Dytiscus lapponicus


Elapbrus lapponicus


Encepbalus complicans


Ephistemus globosus


Epipeda plana




Epuraea sestiva


angustula . .


tboracica . .


Eryx ater

'. 1,





'.1, 106,








Euplectus anibiguus


bescidicus . .


Eutbia scydmsBuoides


Fidia viticida


Gabrius nigritulus . .


pennatus . .




trossulus . .

'. 65,


Galeruca antbracina


pomon.T . .




Gnatboncus nidicola




Gnorimus nobilis . .


Gyropbaena bihamata






Incidula . .




strictula . .


Hirmonia appendiculata


Haliplus cinereus . .


confinis var. pallens


fluviatilis . .


fulvicollis . .

. 114,



. 114,




laminatus . .


nomax . . . . 1

14, 139,




ruHcoUis . .

. 114,








melanocephalus . .


wehnckei . .

114, 139

, 277

niger .. ..116,142,



Haltica chalybea . .




Harpalus parallelus





Helophorus dorsal is






parvulus . .



Henoticus serratus . .


plantago-maritimus** ..



Heteioceius biitannicus


ab. perplexus . .


Heteiothops binotata


pulex .. .. 116,



Homalium brevieolle

'.'. 117


Macrodactylus subspinosns




Malacbius vulneratus




Medon apicalis


striatum . .


brunneus . .


Homalota sequata . .


Megacronus cingulatus




inclinans . .




Megarthrus denticoUis


basicoi-nis . .


Metabletus truncatellus . .


cireellaris . .


Metamasius dimidiatipennis


cuspidata . .


Microg 03sa marginal is



rar. obscura* . .


inhabilis . .




immersa . .


Micropeplus margaritte




Micrurula melanocephala


liliputana . .


brunnea . .




Myeetophagus quadriguttatus




Mycetoporus angularis



. .


clavicornis .. ..21

, 25',




forticornis .. ..25

, 48,



'. '. I's


Myelophilus piniperda


pagan a


Myrmecophora uvida




Nanophyes gracilis..


subfenea . .


Nebria gyllenhali . .




Necrobia rufipes


Hydrsecia nigrita . .


Neuraphes elongatulus


Hydrii-na britteni . .




Hydroporus discretus


Notiophilus rufipes. .


halensis . .


Ochtbebius exaratus


obscurus . .


Ocypus cupreus


Hylastes palliatus . .

. .


cyaneus . .


Hylectbtus dermestoides




var. marci*


Ocyusa incrassata . .


var. morio*


picina ' . .


Hypocyptus apicalis


Oligota apicata


Hypophkfus linearis



granaria . .


Laccobius regularis. .




scutellaris. .


Olophrum piceum . .


Lamprinus saginatus

. .


Opilo mollis . .


Lathrobium atripalpe


Orchestes pratensis. .


fovulum . .




palltilum . .





. 259,


Oxyhtmus variolosus



. 259,


Oxynopterus audouini


ripicola* . .


Oxyomus porcatus . .



'. 259,

260 !

Oxypoda hiBmorrhoa


var. atripalpe . .

. 259,


Pana<4iEus crux-major


Labia crux-minor . .





Lesteva fontinalis . .


Pelophila borealis . .


longelytrata var. maura


Pentarthrum huttoni


luctuosa . .



Phiedrophilus o'connori . .


pubescens . .


Phasnonotum tarsale


Licinus depressus . .


Philonthus carbonarius




corruscus . . . . . .21.



Liodes calcarata var. nigrescens . .


intermedius ab. donistborpei


Longitarsus ater

. 116,


proximus . .


atricillus . .

271 1





25 '

varius var. bimaculatus. .





Phkeopora corticalis

.. 21

Thinobius bicolor ...

.. 115

Photinus pyralis

46 47


.. 115

Phytobius quadiinodosus .

.. 25

pallidus . .

.. 310

Pityogenes bidentatus

.. 24

Tomicus laricis

.. 24

Plagiogonus arenarius

.. 22

Trecbus micros

.. 169

Planeustomus flavicollis* .

.. 250


.. 13

Platyderus ruficollis

.. 169

rivularis . .

.. 169

Plegaderus . .

. . 25


.. 169

dissectus . .

.. 117

Triartbron maerkeli

. . 28

Polystichus vittatns

.. 169

Trichonyx maerkeli

22, 143

Proteinus macropterus

.. 22

sulcicollis . .

.. 143

Pseudopsis sulcata . .

. 117, 246

Xantbolinus linearis

.. 14

Psylliodes luteola . .

.. 311

Xylopbilus populneus

. . 22

Pterostichus a?thiops

.. 169

madidus . .

. . 13


vulgaris . .

.. 13

albinos, Cypboderus

. . 37

Ptinus geimanus . .

.. 22



Quedius attenuatus var. picipennis 141

Collembola . .



. . 35

saccbarina, Lepisma



.. 114


.. 116 .. 114 .. 143 .. 116


molochinus puncticollis talparum , .

boffmanseggi, Platyarthrus .. 40 Platyarthrus 40

ventralis . .

.. 21



.. 116

Ehynchites barwoodi

27, 115

abiens, Agromyza* . .

. . 27


.. 27

senea, Pyrellia*


uncinatus . .

27, 115

ffneiventris, Agromyza*


Scaphisoma bolet-i . .

. . 22

ffironetba, Hilara* . .

. . 78

Scydmffinus scuteliaris

.. 22

albatella, Cipnosia*

.. 251

ycymnus testaceus

.. 65

albifrons, Limnospila*

.. 251

rur. scuteliaris . .

.. 65

albitarsis, Agromyza*

. . 27

Silpba rugosa

.. 14

angelicsE, Pbytomyza*

. . 27


.. 14

angustata, Germaria*

.. 251

Silusa rubiginosa . .

.. 21

angustifrons, Apbioebseta

.. 250

Sitones waterbousei

.. 22

angustifrons, Gymnopternus* . . 250

Stapbylinus fulvipennis

.. 310

apicalis, (Edalea* . .



.. 21

arcticus, Syrpbus . .

. . 200


. . 25

atra, Cinocbira*

.. 251


. . 22

atra, C(pnosia*


crassus var. littoralis

.. 116

atriniana, Aphiocbajta**

.. 250


. . 22

basalis, Boletina* . .

. . 77


48, 116

beckeri, Hilara*



. . 22

bicolor, Bracbyopa..



. . 22

biJineella, Ccenosia*

.. 251


'.'. ! . 21

boletina, Odinia* . .



. . 49

bracbialis, Caricea*



. . 22

braueri, Hilara*


pallitarsis . .

. . 22

brevicornis, Gymnopternus* . . 250



breviseta, Aphiocbfeta**

.. 250


. . 22

eadaverina, Pyiallia


Stilicus similis

. . 25

calcaratus, Teucbopborus

.. 251

Stropbosomus curvipes*

.. 250

caledonica, Heteroneura*

.. 194

Sunius intermedius


caliginea, Glossina . .

. . 225

Tacbinus laticollis . .


carbonaria, Agromyza*

. . 27



carintbiaca, Hilara*


Tacbporus cbry?omelinus


cborea, Loncbasa


fasciatus . .


, cilifemoratus, Dolicbopus

.. 126

formosus . .


cinereomicans, Hilara*

. . 126

pallidas . .


cingulata, Hilara* . .



21, 114

comitialis, Pu-cilobothrus

.. 126

Tacbusa atra

. . 21

compeditus, Campsicnemus* . . 251

Telepborus tboracicus I'dr.

suturalis 116

comtus, Xantbaudrus

.. 200

Tbaniiara;a cinnamomea


conformis, Phora . .

. . 36



coxendix, Seatopse**





crassiseta, Cbirosia*

.. 251

mitis, Apbrosylus**

.. 251

crassiseta, Phytomyza*

.. 27

modesta, Platyura* . .

.. 77

culicina, Rhamphom;yia* ..

.. 78

morio, Pbytomyza*

.. 27

cunctans, Agroniyza*

.. 27

mutabilis, Microdon

35, 198

cuprea, Chrysochlamys

.. 50

nigra, Dixa* . .

.. 77


.. 129

nigra, Pbysocepbala

.. 225

decemmaculata, Limnobia*

.. 77

nigricauda, Platyura*

.. 77

diversipes, Hilara* . .

.. 78

nigriceps, Napomyza*

.. 27

divisus, Thrypticus**

.. 250

nigriceps, Platyura*

.. 77

dorsalis, Ccf nosia* . .

.. 251

nigritella, Pbytomyza*

.. 27

eggeii, Microdon

9, 10

nitidus, Medeterus*

.. 251

elegans, Calliniyia*

.. 251

nobilis, Ceratopogon*

.. 77

equestris, Merodon . .

.. 105

nubeculosus, Ceratopogon*

.. 77

erberi, Pachymeria*

.. 78

ocellata, Ardoptera*

.. 126

erythrocera, Caricea*

.. 251

opaca, Trichina*

.. 126

excellens, Medet.erus*

.. 251

pallidus, Ceratopogon*

.. 77

exigua, Syntomogaster* . .

.. 251

parvicornis, Cbirosia*

.. 251

fasciata, Syntomogaster* ..

.. 251

pertinax, Eristalis . .

.. 50

femorata, Pegoniyia*

.. 251

platyptera, Spilogaster

.. 251

ferruginea, Hammerschmidtia*

.. 251

pollinosus, Tbrypticus** ..

.. 250

tiliger (rufipes), Syntoi-nion*

.. 250

posticata, Agromyza*

.. 27

forcipatus, Ceratopogon* . .

.. 77

procellaris, Antbomyia* . .

.. 251

formica', Phyllomyza

.. 36

pulcbripes, Cricotopus** ..

.. 77

formicarum, Phora..

.. 36

puUula, Pbytomyza*

. . 27

fracta, Porpbyrops*

.. 250

pumila, Citinosia* ..

.. 251

fucivorax, Homalomyia* . .

.. 251

pumila, Sarcopbaga*

.. 251

fuscula, Pbytomyza*

.. 27

pusilla, Psiloconopa*

.. 77

gentilis, Hoteroneura**

.. 194

pygmisea, Cceiiosia*..

.. 251

gentilis, Onesia*

.. 251

pygmsea, Lispe*

.. 251

grata, Argyra*

.. 250

quadrata, Scatella . .

.. 362

halterata, Spilogaster*

.. 251

replicata, Pbalocrocera

.. 189

heterogastra, Hilara*

.. 126

pyrastri, Catabomba

.. 200

humeralis, Platyura*

.. 77

rotbschildii, Telmatoscopus**

.. 77

hyalipennis, Apbiochffita**

.. 250

rubescens, Apbiocbaeta** ..

.. 250

bydromyzina, Lispe*

.. 251

ruticornis, Phytomyza*

.. 27

Hyperecbia . .

.. 225

rufina, Pegomyia* . .

.. 251

imbrida, Antbomyia*

.. 251

salinarum, Ccsnosia*

.. 251

incognitus, Pipunculus* ..

.. 251

scutellaris, Hyctodesia

.. 201

infumatus, Medeterus*

.. 251

selecta, Ptycbomyia*

.. 2.51

interruptella, Pegomyia* . .

.. 251

simplex, Agromyza*

.. 27

irregularis, Hypocera** ..

.. 250

simplex, Sciomyza . .

.. 48

jobnsoni, Contarinia

. . 75

simulans, Apbiocbasta** ..

.. 250

Isetus, Tbrypticus**

.. 250


.. 212

lasife, Pbyliomyza . .

.. 36

sinuata, Sarcopbaga*

.. 251

lateralis, Cerodonta*

.. 27

spbenoptera, Leptopeza* . .

.. 126

laterella, Agromyza*

.. 27

spicatus, Syntormon*

.. 250

latipennis, Chortopbila* . .

.. 251

spinicornis, Cerodonta*

.. 27

lineata, Homalomyia*

.. 251

squamifera, Pegomyia*

.. 251

lineatipes, Crenosia*

.. 251

steini, Ccjenosia** ..

.. 251

loewi, Psilopus*

.. 126

suavis, Cbrysotus* . .

.. 2.50

Icewi, Spbaeropboria*

.. 251

subalpina, Botbria*

.. 251

longicauda, Ccjenosia*

.. 251

subsimplicipes, Hercostomus*

.. 2.50

longicostalis, Apbiocbseta**

.. 250


.. 224

longiventris, Sciara*

.. 77

talpse, Scatopse** ..

.. 77

ludens, Milicbia

.. 36

tenuipalpis, Lispe . .

.. 251

lugubris, Hilara* . .

.. 78

tenuis, Lestodiplosis*

.. 195

magriicornis, Eudoromyia*

.. 251

terminalis, Leia*

.. 77

major, Apbiocbasta**

.. 250

tridentata, Pbytomyza* . .

.. 27

major, Bombylius . .

.. 50

trilineella, Cienosia*

.. 251

marginatus, Campsicnemus*

.. 251

trisulcata, Triogma*

189, 194

maritima, Limnopbora* . . .

.. 251

tubereulata, Tacbista*

.. 126

maura, Agromyza* . .

.. 27

tumidulus, Telmaturgus* . .

.. 251

melampodius, Cbrysotus* . .

.. 250

turrita, Vibrissina* . .

.. 251

melanotricbus, Acbaleus* . .

.. 250

Trypetidffi . .

.. 199

mellinum, Melanostoma . .

.. 200

uliginosa, Spilogaster

.. 50


varians, Chrysotus* velutina, Chilosia* . . ventricuiosus, Oligotropbus verbasci, Agromyza* veronicse, Phytomyza* verralli, Ephelia** .. versicolor, Ceratopogon* verticalis, Heteroneura** vittigera. Agromyza* wesmselii, Clinocera* zetterstedti, Agathomyia*


albipes, Psylla* ApbiHfE

catapbracta, Orthezia nimiciformis, Paracletes Cnccidae

f.nmes, Typblocyba.. Dactylopius . . dissimilis, Chlffirocoris



floccosa, Newsteadia forraicetorum, Piezostethus Paracletes Polyctenidas . . rugulosus, Belminus spasmae, Polyctenus subterranea, Ripersia superba, Phromnia. . talpa, Polyctenus . . tiliffi, Phytocoris tomlini, Ripersia vejdovskyi, Ortheziola vitellinus, Psallus* . .


. 250 . 251 . 195 . 27 . 27 . 195 . 77 . 194 . 27 . 126 . 251

194, 200 .. 39 .. 37 .. 39

37, 107 .. 75 .. 130 .. 77 .. 311 .. 311 .. 37 .. 36 39

28, 212 .. 77 .. 28 .. 37 .. 311 .. 28 .. 183 .. 37 .. 37 .. 194


aceris, Phyllotoma . . . . 276, 277

acervorum, Leptothorax . . 5, 65

affinis (tuberum var.), Leptothorax 64 alienus (niger sub-s^jy.), Lasius 7,

37, 40, 219 alpina (rufa vrtT.), Formica* 7,9, 10 Andiena . . . . . . . . 51

Anergates 218, 219

atratulus, Anergates* 6, 218, 219, 311 auropunctata, Wasmannia . . 37

bistigmaticus, Euphorus . . . . 36

BraconidjB . . . . . . . . 36

brunneus, Lasius . . . . . . 35

buccata, Pachylomma . . . . 36

caespitum, Tetramorium 5, 6, 37,

39, 40, 218, 219, 311 Camponotinse . . . . . . 6

Chalastrogastra . . . . . . 125

Cilissa . . . . . . . . 51

coarctata, Ponera .. .. 4,37, 311

corticalis (tuberum suh-sp.), Lepto- thorax* .. ..47,63, 64

Dolerus . . . . . . . . 50

Dolichoderinas . . . . 6, 40

dusmeti (rufa I'rtr.), Formica .. 9 erraticum, Tapinoma . . . . 6


exsecta, Formica . . 5, 9, 10, 34

ferruginea, Osmia . . . . . . 50

flavus, Lasius 4, 7, 35, 37, 38, 40

flava, Formica . . . . . . 40

Forraicidae . . . . . . . . 4

fuliginosus, Lasius 4, 6, 34, 35, 36,

37, 38, 40, 49 fusca, Formica 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 34,

35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 198 fusco-rufibarbis (fusca t;ar.), Lasius,

Formica 7, 8, 85, 38, 39, 40 gagates, Formica . . . . . . 306

gigas, Sirex . . . . . . . . 252

glabra, Formica .. .. .. 306

graminicola, Myrmecina . . . . 4

hospes, Plesiobseus . . . . . . 37

Hyperechia . . . . . . . . 225

interruptus (tuberum var.), Lepto- thorax . . . . . . 64

laevinodis, Myrmica 5, 34, 36, 38 40 latipes, Croesus . . . . . . 130

latreillei = graminicola

Leptothorax.. .. .. ..63

lobicornis, Myrmica . . 5, 36

luteus (tuberum var.), Leptothorax 65 maculipes, Myrmica . . . . 219

manicatum, Anthidium . . . . 50

mixtus, Lasius .. .. 38, 219

Myrmica . . 34, 35, 36, 40, 306

Myrmicinas .. .. .. 4, 10

niger, Lasius 6, 7, 28, 35, 36, 37,

38, 39, 40, 219 nigriceps (tuberum var.), Lepto- thorax . . . . . . 64

nitidulus, Formicoxenus .. .. 311

nylanderi (tuberum var.), Lepto- thorax .. ..63,64, 65

Osmia 312

papaveris, Osmia . . . . . . 50

parvula, Ceratina .. .. ..50

persuasoria, Rhyssia .. .. 252

picea, Formica .. .. .. 306

pimplator. Meniscus .. .. 235

Ponerinae . . . . . . . . 4

pratensis, Formica . . . . . . 5

pratensis (rufa siib-sp.), Formica 9 Proctotrupidae . . . . . . 37

rubra, Myrmica .. .. ..40

rufa, Formica 7, 8, 9, 34, 35, 36,

37, 39, 40, 311 rufibarbis, Lasius . . . . . . 35

rufo-pratensis (rufa var.), Formica 36 ruginodis, Myrmica 34, 35, 40, 198 sabuleti, Myrmica*. sanguinea, Formica

scabrinodis, Myrmica

..306 5, 9, 10, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40

5, 34, 37, 39, 40, 306 5, 40

. . 28

sulcinodis, Myrmica


testaceus; Strongylognathus . . 6

Tetramorium . . 218, 219, 306

tuberum, Leptothorax* 47, 63, 64, 306

tubero-affinis, Leptothorax* 306, 311

truncicola (rnfa far.), Formica .. 9




umbratus, Lasius 7, 36, 38, 39, 40, 219

unifasciata, Leptothorax . . . . 5

unifasciatus (tuberum var.}, Lepto- thorax . . . . 64, 306

varus, Crcesus . . . . . . 130

vulgaris, Vespa . . . . . . 202

Xylocopa 50, 225


abbreviata, Eupithecia ..34,59, abdominalis, Argyresthia . . abietaria, Boarmia . . abietella, Dioryctria abruptaria, Hemerophila . . absinthiata, Eupithecia . . 34, acaciw, Nordmannia 62. 266,

acanthodactyla = cosmodactyla aceris, Apatela

achilleae, Anthrocera 71. lUO,

achine, Pararge . . . . 113,

acis = semiargus

Acrsea . . . . 28, 48, 226,

Acrseidae acrita, AcrsEa

acritoides (periphanes r«r.), Acraea actaea, Satyrus 15, 68, 69, 70, 97, 98, 121, actcon (actseon), Thymelicus 12, 101, 120, 159, 270, Actinote

addenda (phhfas ab.), Rumicia . . addenda (thetis <tb.), Agriades Adelidae adippe, Argynnis 11, 16, 69, 90,

99, 152, 163, 164, 165, 237, 270, 289, 290, 291, 293, adnietus, Hirsutina . . 100,

adonis = thetis

adrasta (maera var.), Pararge 120,

151, adusta, Hadena . . . . 85,

adustata, Lygdia 236, 237, 247, advenaria, Epione . . adyte (ligea var.), Erebia . . 41, 42, if^geria aegeria, Pararge 4, 12, 55, 60, 114,

135, 160, 161, 163, 172, 173, 220, 235, 292,

235 111 236 220 92 166 293

92 112


227 197 227



294 226 131 153 197

295 101





88 50

fegon-= argus aello, Oeneis 8enea = viridaria

88scularia, Alsophila (Anisopteryx)

91, 133, 234, 247,

SBstiva (duponcheli var.), Leptosia

148. 149, 150,

ajthiops (blandina), Erebia 17, 49,

106, 288, 290,

affinitata, Emmelesia

agatha, Neptis

agathina, Agrotis . . . . 147,

agestis = medon

aglaia, Argynnis 4, 11, 12, 16, 17,

70, 84, 94, 123, 127, 151,

152, 163, 164, 237, 256, 258,

270v 288, 289, 291,

293 89

252 200


58 198 314



agrammella, Coleophora . . . . 276

ahenella, Coleophora . . . . 219

ajax, Papilio . . . . . . 50

alba (phla3as ab.), Rumicia 51, 131

alberta (cinerea var.), Acraea .. 28 albicillata, Melanthia . . 58, 13S albicolon, Mamestra .. .. 93

albipunctata, Eupithecia . . . . 166

albipuncta, Leucania . . 273, 278 albulalis, Nola . . . . . . 313

albulata, Emmelesia, Perizona 58,

132, 134, 258 alcefE, Erinnys . . . . 12, 173

alcetas, Everes . . . . . 293

alchemillata, Emmelesia . . . . 58

alcinoe, Planema . . . . . . 106

alciphron, Loweia 10, 12, 15, 16,

70, 97, 99, 113, 118 alcon, Lycfena . . . . . . 97

alcyone, Satyrus 15, 98, 118, 119,

120, 152, 160, 162

alecto, Erebia Aletis..

alexanor, Papilio alexis = icarus alexins = thersites.

43, 97


!69, 70, 277


226, 278, 311 algirica (semele var.), Hipparchia 50 alni, Acronycta .. .. ..56

alniaria, Ennomos . . . . . . 166

alopecurus (rurea ab.), Xylophasia 137 alpigenella, Nephopteryx . . . . 101

alpina, Eudoria . . . . . . 255

alpina = hyperborea

alpina, Scoparia .. .. ..84

alpina (hippocrepidis var.), An- throcera . . . . . . 100

alpinalis, Scopula 81, 84, 85, 255, 256 alsus = minimus

altheffi, Erynnis . . 12, 60, 61, 266 alticola (pyrenaicus var.), Hepialus 158 alticolella, Coleophora .. .. 112

alveolus = malvae

alveus, Hesperia 12, 14, 42, 89, 113

amanda, Polyommatus 11, 12, 67,

98, 293 amathusia, Brenthis 2, 3, 98, 288, 289 Amauris .. .. .. .. 198

ambigua, Caradrina . . . . 176

ambigualis, Scoparia . . 86, 203

ampelophaga, Adseita . . . . 100

arapelophila, Drosophila . . . . 211

ancilla, Naclia . . . . . . 100

andrpemon, Papilio. . .. .. 314

andrenaeformis, iEgeria 201, 215, 235 andromache, Acraea . . . . 226

andromedae, Hesperia ..42,43, 89 anemosa, Acrsea . . . . . . 48

anguinalis = nigrata

annulata, Ephyra . . . . 199, 246

anomala, Stilbia . . . . 165, 168

anteros, Aricia .. 10,11,12, 294 anthedon, Hypolimnas .. .. 128

Anthocharia = E uchloe

Anthrocera . . . . . . . . 100



Anthroceridffi . . . . . . 221

anthyllidis, Anthrocera . . . . 160

antiopa, Euvanessa 11, 12, 26, 114,

162, 296

antiqua, Orgyia . . . . . . 166

Apatura . . . . . . . . 119

apicella, Coleophoia . . . . 278

apiciaria, Epione . . . . 57, 220

apiformis, Trochilium . . . . 236

apollo, Parnassius 15, 16, 43, 69,

70, 75, 119, 120, 152, 288, 290

applana, Depiessaria . . . . 200

aprilina, Agriopis . . 56, 147,- 178, 191 arbusculse (lanestris var.), Erio-

gaster . . . . . . 126

arbuti = tenebrata

arcania, Ccenonympha 2, 11, 12,

15, 90, 97, 99, 100, 120,

201, 202, 288, 289

areas, Lycasna . . . . 4, 266 arcella, Scardia

191 72 48 29 131 204 54

arcesilaus, Clerome

archesia, Precis

archippus, Danais

archippus (erippus var.), Anosia


aircua (icarus ab.), Polyommatus . .

arcuata (icarus ab.), Polyommatus

11, 215, 278 arcuosa, Petilampa, Hydrilla 137, 237 arduinna, Melitiea . . . . . . 293

areola (lithoriza), Xylocampa 25,

80, 91, 124 arete (hyperantus ah.), Aphantopus 237 arethusa, Satyrus . . . . . . 121

argentella, Elacbista .. Ill, 124

argiades, Everes . . . . . . 297

argiolus, Celastrina 11, 12, 54, 60, 79,91, 92,96, 118, 123, 132, 133, 145, 153, 166, 189, 214, 215, 235, 237, 238, 247, 249,

268, 269, 277, 292, 311, 313

argus (ipgon), Plebeius 3, 11, 12,

16, 43, 68, 69, 80, 90, 98,

99, 101, 113, 118, 121, 151,

152, 203, 220, 244, 266, 270,

290, 293, 294 argyrana. Coccyx, . . . . . . 182

argyrognomon, Plebeius 88, 89, 98,

104, 289, 290 arion, Lycsena 3, 15, 16, 17, 43. 69, 96, 97, 98, 266, 288, 290,

296, 312, 313 arsilache (pales var.), Brenthis 41,

88, 89, 266, 267 artaxerxes (medon var.), Aricia

85, 256, 258, 293 artemis = aurinia artemisiella, Gelechia

ashworthii, Agrotis. . asiatica, Hydrcecia . . asinalis, Bntys aspersana, Peronea associata, Lygris

191, 241,

242, 272

.. 314

.. 109

.. 162

.. 220

.. 164


asteria, Melitsea . . . . . . 42

astrarche = medon

astrigera, Acrsea . . . . . . 28

atalanta, Pyrameis 12, 29, 54, 61, 63, 95, 96, 105, 147, 167, 168, 172, 173, 191, 199, 203, 215, 237, 238, 249, 289,

291, 296, 313 athalia, MelitaEa 3, 4, 42, 43, 70. 98, 113, 120, 201, 260, 288,

289, 290, 291, 294, 295 atlantica, Ocneria . . . . . . 304

atomaria, Ematurga 51, 57, 79, 93,

95, 134, 138, 146, 236, 248, 258 atra (vinolentella), Blastodacna .. 183 atrata, Odezia 86, 138, 219, 237,

248, 258 atropos, Manduea . . 130, 273, 313

augur, Noctua . . 85, 137, 164

aurago, Tiliacea 56, 91, 92, 95, 96 aurantiaria, Hibernia 103, 168, 178, 194 aurata, Pyrausta ... . . . . 167

aurelia, Melitaea .. ..42,99.130

aureola = sororcula

aureola, Acrsea . . . . . . 28

aurinia (artemis), Melitffia 3, 42, 89, 97, 104, 113, 132, 135,

200, 248, 291 auroraria = muricata ausonia (belia var.), Anthocharis

12, 70, 173 australis, Agrotis .. .. .. 177

autumnaria, Oporabia . . . . 129

aversata, Acidalia . . . . 138, 163

avis, Callophrys .. .. 129,200

badiata, Antielea . . . . . . 133

badiipennella, Coleophora 193, 223

balcanica (anteros var.), Aricia . . 10 balkanica, Tarucus, Lampides 12, 294

ballus, Thestor 173

barrettii (luteago t>«r.), Dianthoecia 201 basi-juncta (thetis ab.], Agriades 11 basilinea, Apamea . . . . 93, 137

basilipuncta (phheas ab.), Eumicia 131 batis, Thyatira . . . . 56, 136

baton, Sc'olitan tides 11, 12, 60, 61,

62, 63 baxteri (gueneei var.), Luperina 19, 87 belemia, Anthocharis . . 172, 276 belgiaria, Scodiona .. .. 248

belia, Anthocharis 12,16,59,

60,61, 63, 70, 98, 173 belina (hypermnestra ab.), Hestia 201 belisama, Delias . . . . . . 72

bellargus = thetis

bellidice (daplidice f/.i>.), Pontia .. 12

bennettii, Adaetyla . . . . 124

berisalensis (deione var ), Melitaea 88 betulas, Ornix . . . . . . 314

betula>, Ruralis . . 146, 147, 292

betularia, Amphidasis 92, 125, 146,

203, 294 bicolorata (rubiginata), Mesoleuca

58, 163, 237 bicoloria, Miana . . . . . . 137



bidentata, Odontopera 124, 134,

145, 236, 247 bifida, Dicranura . . 55, 76, 132, 201 bilineata, Camptogramma 138,

163, 166, 258 bilunaria, Selenia . . . . . . 145

bimaculata (taminata), Bapta .. 232 bin aria (haniula), Drepana 166,

235, 236, 238 bipunctaria, Ortholitha, Eubolia

125, 131, 166 bipunctata (maritima «/;.), Senta.. 220 bipunctata (phlasas ah.), Rumicia. . 51 bischoffaria (virgularia ah.),

Acidalia* . . . . . . 131

biselliella, Tineola . . . . . . 37

bisetata, Acidalia . . . . . . 237

Biston 196

bistortata, Tephrosia 91, 235, 313

bistriga, Cryptoblabes .. ..163

blanda, Caradiina . . . . 237, 238

blandiata, Emmelesia . . . . 58

blandina = iEtbiops

bloQieri, Asthena .. .. 58, 163

bloinfeldii, Smyrna. . .. .. 277

boetica, Anthrocera . . . . 174

boeticus, Lampides. . 158,162, 172

boisduvali, Hewitsonia . . . . 198

boisduvali, Opsiphanes . . . . 278

bolina, Hypolimnas . . . . 155

bombyliformis, Hemaris . . . . 236

bondii. Tapinostola. . .. .. 132

boreata, Cheimatobia . . . . 58

brassicfe, Mamestra (Barathra) 56,

137, 164, 166, 177 brassicse, Pieris 3, 12, 53, 59, 60, 61, 62, 95, 113, 133, 134, 162, 166, 167, 172, 173, 176,

222, 258, 288, 290 brevicornis, Baronia . . . . 130

brevilinea, Leucania . . . . 220

briseis, Satyrus . . . . . . 121

brumata, Cheimatobia 74, 178,

247, 264 brunnea, Noctua . . . . 164, 245

brunnea (astrigera «?^.), Acnea .. 28 brunnea (pistacina ah.), Anchocelis 131 brunneata, Halia 80, 83, 85, 86, 256 bryonht (napi, vav.), Pieris 4, 43,

104, 112, 225, 277, 288 bucephala, Pygsera . . . . 55, 122

burrowsi, HydrcEcia** 109, 110,

111, 225 butleri, Ceramidia .. .. .. 247

cacalise, Hesperia . . . . 42, 89

caecilia (manto var.), Erebia .. 152 cserulea (icarus ab.), Polyom-

matus . . . . . . 135

cseruleocepbala, Diloba . . . . 55

cseruleopunctata (purpureo-punc- tata) (phlfeas «/*.), Rumicia

10, 51, 131, 278 csesiata, Larentia (Entephria) 80,

83, 84, 138, 253, 256, 257 cassiella, Swammerdammia . . Ill


288 277 203


257, 314

.. 246

55, 166


58 11


caespititiella, Coleopbora . . . . 112

caia, Arctia . . . . 50, 94, 200, 248

c-album, Polygonia 12, 15, 49, 54,

99, 101, 247, 266, 267, 289,

291, 294, 295, 296, 314 Caledonia (fethiops var.), Erebia . . 49 Caledonia (megsera var.), Pararge callidice, Pontia 16, 89, 97, 104, 267, Callidryas . .

calliroe (atalanta ah.), Pyrameis . . calluna3 (quercus var.), Lasiocampa

247, 258 callunaria (satyrata var.),

thecia calthella, Micropteryx camelina, Lophopteryx Camilla, Limenitis 11, 12, 15, 16,

68, 70, 119, '290 Camilla = Sibylla .. .. .. 292

canaria (pistacina ah.), Anchocelis 131 Candida (cribrum var.), Emydia,

Coscinia candidata, Acidalia. . candiope (icarus aZ^.), Polyommatus cannse, Nonagria . . . . 220, 221

canteneri (rumina), Thais. . .. 51

capsincola, Dianth(pcia 56, 94, 95,

96, 137, 146, 277, 312 capsophila, Dianthoucia . . 277, 312 capucina (oxyacanthae var.), Miselia 56, 168, carbonariella = f usca Carcharodus (Erynnis) cardamines, Euchloe 2, 4, 12, 49,

50, 53, 61,93, 113, 130,131,

135, 145, 153, 162, 173, 189,

214, 221, 235, 247, 248, 268,

288, 291 cardui, Pyrameis 12, 17,48, 49, 54,

61, 62, 63, 79, 146, 147,

162, 166, 167, 168, 172, 173.

189, 202, 203, 215, 236, 238,

249, 277, 291, 311 carniolica, Anthrocera 101, 120, 121 carpinata(lobulata),Lobophora 91, 125, 145, carpini (pavonia), Saturnia 85, 91,

134, 146, 200 carpophaga, Dianthoecia 50, 92, 94,

95, 96, 132, 146, 177, 232,

277, 312 carthami, Hesperia. . .. 162, 295 cassiope (epiphron var.), Erebia,

Melampias . . 98, 152, 158, 292 casta, Fumea . . . . . . 55

castigata, Eupithecia . . 33, 59

Catopsilia . . . . . . . . 155

caudata (phlteas ah.), Rumicia .. 131 cecropia, Platysamia . . 276, 277

celerio, Hippotion . . . . 172, 296

celinde, Discophora . . . . 72

celtis, Libythea 11, 12, 97, 98, 99,

277, 302, 308 cenea = dardanus






163 59, 166, 167 97, 130

304 135 201



centaureata = oblongata centum-notata (truncata

Cidaria . . . . . . 58

cerago, Citria . . . . . . 147

cerealella, Sitotroga . . . . 112

cerri (ilicis ab.), Nordmannia 68,

69, 70 cerusellus, Platytes.. cespitalip, Herbula . . ceto, Erebia . . chasrophyllata = atrata chalybosa (jordani ah.), Agrotis** chaonia, Drymonia Charaxes

charlonia, Anthocharis . . 208 chi, Polia 24, 56, 76, 80, 91, 105 124, 174, 176, 177, 273 chile, Acraea chioridice, Synchloe chrystyi, Oporabia . chrysitis, Plusia chryson, Plusia chi-ysorrhfiea, Porthesia chrysotheme, Colias Cidaria . . . . . . 63

cinctaria, Boarmia 20, 91, 92, 201 cinctata (pales ah.), Brenthis cinerea, Acrsea cirigulata (rhadamanthus ab.)

Anthrocera . . cinxia, Melitsea 11, 12, 97, 112 146, 200, 248 circe, Satyrus 11, 12, 68, 69, 118

120 circeis, Acraea circeilaris (ferruginea), Mellinia

Amathes . . 56, 168

citrago, Tiliacea . . . . 56


84, 95, 137 94, 122

citrana (galathea ab.), Melanargia 275 citraria, Aspilates 60, 61, 63, 92, 232 citronea (cardamines ah.), Euchloe 61 clarkii (comes ah.), Triphsena . . 132 cleodoxa (adippe ah.), Argynnis 69, 152 Cleopatra, Gonepteryx 29, 50, 60

61, 62, 69, 70, 162, 172, 173 clerkella, Lyonetia . . .. .. Ill

cloacella, Tinea .. .. ..Ill

clytie (ilia ab.), Apatura 15, 119

266, 294. 296 c-nigrum, Noctua , . . . 166, 177

Ccenonympha . . . . . . 201

cognata (simulata), Thera. . .. 84

cognatellus, Ypsolophus . . . . 135

Coleophora . . 183, 202, 223, 241

Colias . . . . 12, 202, 313

comariana, Peronea . . . . 105

cotnbusta (rurea ab.), Xylophasia

85, 256 comes, Triphaena . . . . 132, 168

comitata, Pelurga . . . . . . 220

comma, Leuoania . . . . . . 79

comma, Urbicola, Pamphila 98

104, 151, 157, 159, 237, 238, 293 commanotata (truncata ab.), Cid

aria . . . . . . . . 58

278 227 294 129 245 3 313

12 104 248 280


100 291



177 166

commixta, Papilio . . . . . . 198

comparella, LithocoUetis .. ..112

complana, Lithosia . . . . 158

comptana, Phoxopteryx . . . . 220

conchana = rivulana

conebellus, Crambus . . . . 158

concinnata, Cidaria . . . . 48

concolor, Tapinostola . . . . 131

concomitella, LithocoUetis . . 182

confiuens (trifolii ab.), Anthrocera 105

confusalis, Nola . . . . . . 55

conigera, Leucania . . ..94,95, 238

consonaria, Tephrosia . . . . 235

consortaria, Boarmia . . . . 236

conspersa = nana

conspicillaris, Xylomiges . . . . 131

contamineoides (punctum ab.),

Anthrocera . . . . . . 118

contigua, Hadena, Mamestra 135,

137, 146

continuata (nysiades ab.), Neptis. . 198 conversaria (repandata var.),

Boarmia . . . . 50, 57

convolvuli, Agrius . . 50, 132, 147, 167 cordula, Satyrus 15, 68, 69, 70, 97,

98, 290 coridon, Agriades 4, 16, 42, 43, 49, 51, 68, 70, 89, 94, 95, 99, 100, 118, 121, 151, 152, 162, 215, 238, 249, 269, 270, 278,

288, 289, 290, 292, 297, 312, 313

Cornelia, Argyresthia . . . . 182

coronata, Chloroclystis, Eupithecia

34, 59, 235, 237

corticea, Agrotis . . . . . . 93

corticella. Tinea . . . . . . Ill

corylata, Cidaria 134, 138, 145,

247, 258

coryli, Demas . . . . . . 145

corylifoliella, LithocoUetis . . 182 cosmodactyla (acanthodactyla),

Amblyptilia 167

cossus (ligniperda), Cossus 126, 190

costoBstrigalis, Hypenodes . . . . 57

costana, Tortrix . . . . . . 314

costleyi, Mimacrasa . . . . 223

costovata(fluctuataa6.),Melanippe, 79

Crambus .. .. 86, 158, 167

cramerella, LithocoUetis . . . . 314

crassicornis (statices ab.), Adscita 158

crataegata = luteolata

crataegi, Aporia 3, 4, 12, 69, 270,

288, 289, 291 crepuscularia, Tephrosia 57, 134,

235, 247

cribrella, Myelois . . . . . . 75

cribrum, Emydia, Coscinia 120, 159

crinanensis, Hydroecia ..47,73, 74

crishna, Neorina . . . . . . 277

cristulalis, Nola . . . . . . 92

croceago, Opoiina . . . . . . 80

crocealis, Ebulea . . . . 164, 167

ciocicapitella (ferruginella), Mono- pis 126

crcesolla (sulzella), Adela .. ,. 197



crcesus, Ornithoptera . . . . 200

crucla = pulverulenta

crystallina, Acrsea . . . . . . 226

cubicularis, Caradrina 85, 177, 258 cucubali, Dianthcecia 91, 94, 95,

96, 146, 178, 238 cuculipennellun, Coriscium . . 220

cucuUatella, Nola . . 55, 132, 165

culiciformis, Aegeria . . 202, 216

culmellus, Crambus . . . . 2-58

cultraria (unguicula), Drepana235, 236 eupiealis, Aglossa . . . . . . 314

curtula, Clostera . . . . . . 235

euspidaria (sambucaria ab.),

Ourapteryx . . . . . . 57

cyaneus, Parthenos . . . . 155

cyanosticta (io ah.), Vanessa . . 79 cyllarus, Glaueopsyche 11, 12, 62, 63 cynipiforniis, ^-Egeria . . . . 216

cynthia, Melitffia 16, 43, 89, 104,

266, 288 damon, Hiisutina 15, 17, 98, 99,

118, 120,121, 267, 289, 290,

297, 312 damone, Euchloe .. ..50,60,223

Danainse . . . . . . . . 129

daphne, Brenthis 11, 12, 15, 16,

69, 119, 290, 295 daplidice, Pontia 12, 15, 60, 152,

158, 172, 288, 293. 294 dardanus, Papilio 48, 129, 210, 233 darwiniana (arcania var.), Coeno-

nympha . . . . 2, 120

davus = typhon

dealbata = lineata

debiliata, Eupithecia . . . . 59

debora, Eumceus . . . . . . 276

decolorata, Emmelesia . . 58, 236 defoliana, Hybernia 57, 104, 105, 178 degeneraria (montanata ab.),

Melanippe . . . . . . 58

deione, Brenthis . . 88, 96, 97, 98 deleta (lacticolor) (grossulariata

ah.), Abraxas . . . . 132

Delias 72

delius, Parnassius 16, 17, 41, 43,

89, 267 dentalis, Odontia . . . . . . 220

dentina, Hadena 93, 135, 236, 256

deplana, Lithosia . . . . 52, 235

derasa, Thyatira . . . . 56, 136

designata, Coremia 58, 134, 138, 236 dia, Brenthis 12, 15, 19, 69. 113,

119, 277, 289, 290, 294, 295 Dianthcecia .. .. 277, 312

dictaBa = phcebe

dictfeoides, Leioeampa . . . . 258

dictynna, Melitaea 3, 4, 43, 97, 120,

151, 266, 288 didyma = secalis, Apamea didyma, MelitsBall, 12, 43, 68, 70,

74, 96, 97, 98, 113, 120, 290, 294 didymata, Melenydris 265, 138,

237, 264, 2o5 diffinis, Calyinpiia . . . , . . 167


digitellus, Crambus . . . . 158

diluta, Asphalia . . . . 56, 166

dilutata, Oporabia, Epirita 103.

129, 168, 178, 247 dimidiata (scutulata), Acidalia,

Ptychopoda . . . . . . 258

diniensis (carniolica var.), Anthro-

cera . . . . . . . . 120

diniensis (sinapis var.), Leptosia

12, 69, 119, 149, 150, 200 diores, Thaumantis . . . . 278

dipsacea, Heliothis. . .. 101, 120

discordella, Coleophora 189, 190, 202 dispar, Chrysophanus .. 51, 292 dispar, Lymantria, Porthetria 170,

212, 226 dissimilis, Hadena.. .. .. 176

ditrapezium, Noctua . . . . 164

Diurni 51, 53

dodoneata, Eupithecia . . . . 34

dolus, Hirsutina 102, 118, 119,

120, 121, 228 domestica, Bryotropha . . . . 182

dominula, Callimorpha ..15,50, 278 donzelii, Aricia . . 98, 266, 267

dorilis, Loweia 10, 12, 17, 97, 100, 113, 118, 159, 162, 266, 288,

289, 290, 297 dorus, Coenonympha ..68,97, 201

dotata = pyraliata doubledayaria (betularia ah.), Am-

phidasis . . . . , . 125

doubledayi, Acra?a . . . . . . 227

doxo, Pinacopteryx. . .. .. 223

dromedarius. Notodonta . . 55, 145 dromus (tyndarus «/j.), Erebia .. 151 dryas, Enodia . . . . , . 290

dryope, Eurytela . . . . . . 130

dubitalis, Seoparia . . . . 162, 164

dubitata, Triphosa . . - , . . 164

Jubius, Hypolimnas .. .. 128

dumerilii, Apamea, Luperina 18, 50 duplana, Rhyacionia . . . . 27

dupiaris, Cymatophora . . . . 2.56

duponcheli, Leptosia 148, 149, 150, 200 edusa, Colias 12, 15, 29, 59, 60, 61, G2, 68, 74, 95, 97, 98, 120, 121, ]52, 161, 167, 168, 172, 199, 200, 202, 203, 214, 215, 220, 249, 270, 273, 277, 290,

313, 314 egea,Polygonia 11,12,61,71,97,99, 101 egerides (wgeria. var.), Pararge .. 12 egialea, Amauris . . . . . . 198

eleus (phlseas var.), Rumicia 10,

49, 100, 131, 172, 174, 289 elinguaria, Croeallis . . 95, 163

elko, Coenonympha. . .. .. 202

ella, Acraea . . . . . . . . 28

elpenor, Eumorpha. . .. ..55

eltringhami, Mimacrsea . . . . 223

elutata = sordidata = f urcata

Ephestia 278

epiphron, Erebia 16, 98, 104, 152,

157, 158» 160, 288, 289, 292



erate, Colias. . .. ..12,74

Eiebia .. 100, 101, 130, 160

ergane, Pieris . . . . 59

ericetata (minorata var.), Emme lesia . . 83, 85, 2.56

erippus, Anosia

eriopsis, Eripbile

eris (niobe var.), Argynnis. . ll'J 278,

eros, Polyommatus 89, 97. 98, 104 267

erosaria, Ennomos . . 57, 166

Erynnis ^ Carcbaiodus

erynnis (gorge var.), Erebia

erysimi (sinapis var.), Leptosia

escheii, Polyommatus 70, 97, 98

99, 101, 113, 118, 120, 121

151, 1.52, 259, 289

esperi (ausonia ab.) (belia var.) Anthocbaris

eucbaris, Delias . . . . 72


Eucbloe (Antboebaris)

euliniene, Calopieris

eumedon, Aricia . . 104, 113

eupbeme, Zegris

euphemus, Lyctena . . 4

eupbenoides, Eucbloe 44, 97, 172

eupbrosyne, Brentbis 2, 4, 43, 49

55, 80, 88, 93, 132, 134,135

145, 14(5, 1.53, 160, 162, 191

214, 215, 235, 236, 2-58, 276

288, 291

Eupltbecia . .


europome (palfeno var.), Colias

252, 266, 295 eurota, Eunica euryale, Erebia 2, 4, 98, 104, 152 euryaloides (euryale fa?*.), Erebia eurybia (bippotboe var.), Cbryso

phanus 2, 98, 267

eurytus, Pseudacrtea evemon, Papilio Evetria = Rbyacionia evias, Erebia . . 112, 113

exantbemaria, Cabera 134, 138

163 excessa (titbonus ah.), Epinepbeh exclamaiionis, Agrotis 93, 137, 164 168, 177 exigua, Lapbygma . . exiguata, Eupitbecia . . 34

exoleta, Calocampa extensaria, Eupitbecia extimalis, Orobena, Pionea 232

262 exulans, Antbrocera 80, 81, 82

253, 254, 255 exulis, Crymodes . . fagi, Stauropus falcataria, Drepana 55, 135, 145,

166 falloui, Eucbloe

PAGE. . 198




258 131 276


288 178

43 149


173 153 153

276 225 288 51 266 173

314 33 52

296 277 290 104

288 233 105 27 267

236 304

237 50 191 178 132



278 146

', 236 276


falsellus, Crambus . . . . . . 164

farinata, Litbostege . . . . 60

fascelina, Dasycbira . . . . 286

fasciaria = prosapiaria

fasciata (lubricipeda ah.), Spilo-

soma . . . . . . . . 132

fasciuncula, Miana . . 56, 137, 164

fatua, Satyrus . . . . . . 294

faunula (comma ah.), Urbicola . . 157 fausta, Antbrocera.. .. 118, 120

favicolor, Leucania . . 106, 132

leisthamelii (podalirius '(('•.),

Papilio .. .. 70, 161

ferrea (pistacina ah.), Ancbocelis 131 ferreti (damon ah.), Hirsutina 17, 267 ferrugalis, Scopula . . . . . . 314

ferrugata, Coremia 134, 138, 145,

162, 166, 236, 2-58, 277 ferruginea = circellaris ferruginella, Moiiopis . . . . 126 ferruginella = crocicapitella

festiva = primul:u

festuca', Plusia . . 95, 137, 314

fibrosa (leucostigma var.), Apamea 50

tibulella, Adela 191

ficklini (luteago var.), Dianthoecia

201, 313 filigrammaria, Oporabia . . . . 129

tilipendulae, Antbrocera 50, 93, 94,

132, 136, 146, 162, 216 fingal (eupbrosyne var.), Brentbis 43 firmata, Tbera . . . . . . 237

tlammealis, Endotricba . . . . 166

llava (linea, tbaumas), Adopaja 12, 55, 95, 100, 120, 146, 162,

163, 165, 249, 289, 293 flava (filipenduhe ah.), Antbrocera 50 flava (griseola ah.), Litbosia . . 220 tiavago, Citria . . . . . . 56

fiavago = ochracea

tiavescens (galatbea ah.), Me-

lanargia** .. .. .. 275

flavescens (tlavago ah.), Citria . . 56 tlavicans (irrorella ah.), Setina . . 101 tiavicincta, Polia . . . . 56, 249

flavicinctata (ruficinctata), Larentia

85, 255 flavieornis, Asphalia 56, 85, 133,

145, 247 fiavofasciata (grossulariata ah.).

Abraxas . . . . . . 314

fluctuata, Melanippe 58, 79, 134,

164, 166, 258 fluviata, Camptogramma . . . . 306

fontis, Bomolocba . . . . . . 57

forficalis, Pionea . . . . 164, 166

forficellus, Scopula.. .. .. 314

formosa, Salebria . . . . . . 272

forinosa, Tirumala . . . . . . 198

fosterana, Tortrix . . . . . . 162

fortunata (jurtina ab.), Epinephele

50, 192 foulquieri (alveus var.), Syrichthus 14 fraxinata, Eupitbecia . . . . 314

freija, Brentbis .. «.. .. 199



freyeri (irrorella ah.), Setina .. 160 frigga, Brenthis . . . . . . 199

fritiilum malvoides .. .. 127

f uciformis = tityus

fulgens(tithonusrt').),Eplnephele** 304 fuliginosa, Nemeophila 55, 136, 220 fulvago, Citria . . . . 49, 56

fulvata, Cidaria . . . . 58, 188

fumata, Acidalia 50, 84, 85, 138,

248, 256 furcata (soididata) (elutata), Hypsipetes 50, 58, 138, 163,

237, 258 furcatellus, Crambus . . . . 255

fusea (aurantiariaa/).), Hybernia** 194 fusca (carbonariella), Phycis 85,

164, 257 fusca (gueneei a?;.), Luperina .. 87 fuscalis, Botvs . . 86, 164, 258

fuscantaria, Ennomos . . 57, 166 fuscedinella, Coleophora . . . . 314

fusconebulosa (veileda), Hepialus

84, 86, 136, 258 gachtaria(bipunctariaa?).),Eubolia* 131 galathea, Melanargia 12, 15, 48, 50, 51,95,97, 101, 113, 118, 119, 121, 128, 146, 162, 196, 237. 270, 275, 289, 290, 292, 294 galiata, Xantborhoe (Melanippe)

94, 146, 147, 164, 176, 314 gamma, Plusia 56, 95, 96, 137, 158,

166, 168 gemmaria, Boarmia . . 138, 237

gemina, Apamea . . 85, 93, 137, 258 gemmella, Stenoleehia . . . . Ill

geniculeus, Crambus . . . . 166

genist;¥, Mamestra (Hadena) . . 247 genistffi, Coleophora . . . . 281

Geometrje 197, 220

gerronella, Brachmia . . . . 37

gibbosella, Psoricoptera . . . . Ill

gilvago, Mellinia . . . . . . 49

gilvaria, Aspilates . . . . 95, 167

glacialis (alecto), Erebia 43, 97,

266, 312 glandifera = muralis glareosa, Noctua glauca, Mamestra . . glaucata (spinula), Cilix glaucio^oUa, Coleophora Giutophrissa glyphica, Euclidia

goante, Erebia

.. 147, 168 .. 137, 247 164, 166, 236 .. 112 128 . 57, 93, 101, 135, 137, 191, 236 104, 267

gcL'dartelia, Argyresthia . . . . 105

Gonepteryx . . . . . . . . 277

gonodactyla, Platyptilia . . . . 167

gonostigma, Orgyia . . 248, 315 gordius (alciphron var.), Loweia

70, 97, 99, 113, 118 gorge, Erebia 42, 43, 89, 104, 157,

160, 266, 289

gorgone, Erebia 151, 152, 157, 158, 160

gothica, Tsniocampa 91, 134, 248

GraeilariidiB . . . . . . 197


gracilis, Tseniocampa .. 91, 248 gradiens, Terias . . . . . . 105

graminis, Charseas 95, 147, 164,

166, 238, 247 grammica = striata Grapta = Polygonia. . .. ..47

graslini, Luperina . . 18, 19, 49, 87 grisea (rhadamanthus ah.), An-

throcera . . . . . . 100

grisea-flava (paludis oh.), Hydro^cia 73 grisealis, Herminia. . .. 57, 165

griseata, Lithostege 230, 231, 232,

233, 262, 273, 274 griseola, Lithosia . . . . . . 220

grossulariata. Abraxas 49, 92, 94,

122, 132, 138, 163, 200, 201,

211, 220, 276, 311, 313, 314 grosvernori, Acrrea . . . . . . 28

gruneri, Euchloe . . . . 60, 61

gueneei = nickerlii

guttea, Ornix . . . . . . 182

halitherses, Euripus . . . . 52

hamellus, Crambus. . .. .. 164

hamula = binaria

hastata, Eulype (Melanippe) 58,

138, 247 hazeleighensis (grossulariata ah.).

Abraxas . . . . . . 314

hecate, Amauris . . . . . . 198

hecla, Colias .. .. 312, 313

heeta, Hepialus . .136, 164, 236, 237 helice (edusa ah.), Colias . .12, 29,

62, 68, 121, 313 helleri, Papilio . . . . . . 314

hellerella, Blastodacna . . . . 183

hellmanni, Tapinostola .. .. 131

helvetica (athalia var.), Melitasa . . 43 belvola (rufina), Anehocelis

(Amathes) . . . . 56, 168

heparata = obliterata hepatica, Xylophasia . . . . 137

Hepialidas 197

Hepialus . . . . . . . . 197

hera, Callimorpha . . 15, 17, 119, 162 herbida = prasina

Hercyna 160

heringi = croeicapitella

hermione, Satyrus 12, 96, 99, 289,

290, 294 hero, Coenonympha . . 201, 266

Hesperia . . . . . . . . 3

Hesperidffi . . . . . . . . 121

Heterocera . . . . . . 55, 101

Hewitsonia . . . . . . . . 198

hexapterata, Lobophora . . 58, 236 heydeureichii (statices ah.), Adscita 158 hiarbas, Eui'ytela .. .. .. 130

hiera, Pararge . . . . 113

hilaris, Anthrocera.. 100, 101, 118

hilda, Neorina . . . . . . 277

hippocoon (dardanus tar.), Papilio

48, 129 hippocrepidis, Anthrocera 100, 118,

119, 136, 216 hippothoc, Cbrysophanus (Heodes)



2, 17, 98, 159, 26(5,267,288,

295, 296, 312 Hirsutina . . . . . . . . 228

hirtaria, Biston 91, 93, 122, 200,

201, 235, 276 bispidaria, Apocheima . . 133, 234 bispulla (jurtiiia rar.), Epinephele

50, 161, 192, 289 hobleyi, Pseudacrfea 106, 226, 233, 234 bolosericeata, Acidalia . . . . 237

honratbii, Tenaris . . .. .. 278

bonoratii (rumina (ib.), Thais . . 51 bonorius, Hewitsonia . . . . 198

bospita (plantaginis vtir.), Nemeo-

phila 80, 253, 255, 267, 314

biibnerella, Chelaria . . . . 105

humulis, Aciffia . . . . . . 49

bumuli, Hepialus . . 55, 135, 197, 236 byale, Colias 12, 16. 17, 29, 50,


167, 168, 177, 214,288,289,

290, 297 byalinella = crocicapitella hybridana, Sciaphila . . . . 105

Hydrctcia 47, 107, 109, 110, 169, 225 hyemana, Toitiicodes . . . . 133

bylas, Polyommatus 4, 16, 70, 88,

97, 98, 118, 121, 288 hyperantus, Apbantopiis 2, 55, 90,

146, 162, 164, 165, 237, 266,

270, 288, 292, 294 hyperborea (alpina), Pachnobia

202, 255, 278 bypermnestra, Hestia . . . . 201

Hypocistina . . . . . . . . 202

bypophlffias, Kiimicia . . . . 51

iacicus, Papilio . . . . . . 314

icarinus (icarus <ih.), Polyommatus

11, 61, 62, 153, 215, 278 icarus (alexis), Polyommatus 3, 11, 12, 51, 54, 61, 62, 08, 84, 88, 93, 94, 95, 113, 118, 121, 127, 135, 146, 152, 153, 162, 163, 166. 167, 168, 173, 189, 192, 202, 215, 235, 238, 249, 258, 268, 269, 270, 278,

288, 290, 292, 294, 312 'icbnusa (urticEE vur.), Aglais . . 223 igati, Acraea . . . . . . 226

ilia, Apatura 15, 119, 265, 266,

276, 294, 295, 296 ilicis, Nordmannia 10, 12, 15, 68,

69, 70, 295 imbutata, Carsia . . . . . . 84

imitaria, Acidalia .. 138,162, 237

immanata, Cidaiia . . .. 58, 80

immutata, Acidalia. . 163,220, 278

implicitana, Plialonia . . . . 47

impluviata, Hydriomena (Hypsi-

petes) 138, 145

impura. Leucania . . 94, 137, 237

inaria, Diadema . . . . 29, 225

incajiaria==- virgularia

ineerta = gueueei nickeilii

jncftita, Tteniocampa 145, 147, 248


indigata, Eupitbecia . . 34, 236

inflatff = nutantella

infracta, Anaphe . . . . . . 225

infra-extensa (pblaeas ab.), Rumicia 131 initia (phliims ab.), Kumicia . . 131

innotata, Eupitbecia . . . . 314

ino, Brenthis . . 16, 41, 98, 267

inornata, Acidalia . . . . . . 237

inquinatellus, Crambus .. .. 167

instabiiis, Tseniocampa .. 91, 134 interjecta, TiipbiEna . . . . 95

intermedia (anteros ab.), Aricia . . 10 intermedia-flava (paludis ab.),

Hydrcecia . . . . . . 73

intermedia (semiargus ab.), Cya-

niris . . . . . . . . 12

interrogationis, Plusia 50, 80, 83,

85, 256 io, Vanessa . . 12, 54, 79, 91, 113, 127, 147, 163, 164, 166, 167, 215, 235, 236, 237, 238, 248,

249, 291 iogani, Hestia .. .. .. 105

iolas, Glaucopsyche . . . . 15

iota (gueneei ab.), Luperina . . 87

iota, Pltisia . . . . . . 95, 137

iphioides, Ca-nonympha . . . . 201

ipbis, Ccenonympba ..96,98, 113

iphita. Precis . . . . . . 155

iris, Apatura 15, 51, 52, 54, 165, 265, 278, 291, 297, 294, 295,

296, 297 irregularis, Dianthcecia 230, 261, 274 irrorella, Setina .. 101,158,160 isis (pales ab.), Brentbis 41, 88, 89 ismene, Melanitis . . . . . . 72

isogrammaria, Eupitbecia . . 237

itamputi, Papilio . . . . . . 105

jacoboeae, Eucbelia (Hippocrita) 136,

146, 235, 311 janira = jurtina janthina, Tripbtena . . . . 167

jantbinarium (orbicularia ab.),

Zonosoma* .. .. ..25

jasius, Cbaraxes . . . . . . 277

jordani, Agrotis** .. .. .. 304

juniperata, Tbera . . . . . . 256

jurtina (janira), Epinephele 12, 50, 55, 90, 94, 135, 146, 161, 162, 163, 164, 192, 238, 249, 266, 270, 288, 289, 290, 292,

294, 312 karwinskii, Smyrna . . . . 277

kermcsina, Agrotis** .. .. 305

knautiata (absinthiata ab. ?), Eu- pitbecia . . . . . . 34

kolga, N'orasuma . . . . . . 106

kruegeri, Luperina** .. .. 305

kruegeri, Ocneria** .. .. 304

krueperi, Pieris . . . . . . 61

kurdistana (telmessia vur.), Epine- phele 192

lacertinaria (lacertula), Drepana

135, 145, 236, 258 lacbesis, Melanargia . . . . 176



lacteaiia, lodis . . . . 162 laeteella, Endrosis . . . . . . 182

lactico!or = deleta(grossulariataa^.) 132 iactipennis (ornitopus ah.), Xylina 123 lapcealis, Perinepbele . . . . 59

lanceolata (hyperantus ah.),

Apbantopus . . .. .. 164

lanestiis, Eriogaster .. 126, 146

lapidicola, Ocneria . . . . 304

lappona, Eiebia 42, 89, 98, 104, 160

266, 289, 312

Larentia . . . . . . . . 60

lariciata, Eupithecia 59, 138, 257

lariciella, Coleophora . . . . 282

lathonia. Issoiia 11, 12, 16, 29, 44,

97, 121, 203, 289, 290, 291, 296 lathyri (sinapis var.), Leptosia . . 12 latistrius, Crambus. . .. .. 164

latreillei, Arctia . . . . . . 173

lavanduliB, Anthrocera . . . . 100

lavatherae, Erynnis (Carcharodus)

15, 69, 101, 159 Jecheana, Ptycboloraa .. 201, 277 lefebvrei. Erebia 151, 152, 157, 158 lemolea (signata), Spalgis 107, 129, 130 lemonias, Precis . . . . 154, 155

lepida, Diseophora . . . . . . 278

leporina, Acronycta . . . . 56

Leptosia (Leucopbasia) 69, 149,

150, 200 leucomelas (galathea ab.), MeJan-

argia . . . . . . . . 119

leuconoe, Deilemera . . . . 198

ieucopbaea, Pacbetra . . 92, 93

leucopbaearia, Hybernia 90, 133,

200, 201, 234, 235, 247 Leucopbasia = Leptosia leucostigma, Apamea . . 50, 220 levana, Arascbnia 3, 5, 15, 17, 51,

295, 29G libatrix, Gonoptera . . . . 57, 95

Libytbeidse 197

licbenea, Epunda .. .. .. 177

ligea, Erebia 3, 17, 41, 42, 88, 98,

99, 266, 288, 290, 296 lignata, Pbibalapteryx . . . . 314

ligniperda = cossus

ligula. Orrbodia .. .. 56, 168

ligustri, Spbinx .. .. ..95

Limacodidie . . . . . . . . 197

limbatus, Teracolns . . 154, 230

limitata (mensuraria), Eubolia 86,

167, 258 limonielia, Goniodoma . . . . 124

linariata, Eupitbecia . . . . 166

linea = flava

linearia, Epbyra . . . . 49, 58

iineata (dealbata). Scoria .. ..93

lineola, Adopsfa . . 69, 100, 288

lineola (pistacina ab.), Amatbes,

(AncboceHs) . . .. .. 131

Jineolata = virgata

literana, Leptogramma . . . . 49

literosa, Miana . . . . 94, 137

litbargyria, Leucania . . . . 137








56, 79,




Litbocolletis. . .. .. ..63

]itboriza = areola

Litbosiidfe 221

litboxylea, Xylopbasia . . . . 94

litura, Amatbes (Ancbocelis) 56, 168 iiturata, Macaria (Semiotbisa) 57,

138, 235, 258 livornica, Phryxus 50, 123, 147,

173, 189 lobengula, Amauris . . . . 225

lobulata = carpinata 91, 125, 145, 247

lte\venb(fkella, Pancalia .

lofua, Acraa .

logffia, Rbyaciona**

logiana, Acalla

lombardica = croeicapitella

ionicerae, Anthrocera

lota, Amatbes, Ancbocelis

lowii, Danisepa

lubricipeda, Spilosoma 132, 136, 263

lucens, Hydrcecia . . 47, 73, 74, 109

lucernea, Agrotis .. .. 50, 127

lucida, Acontia . . . . 60, 61

lucina, Hamearis 80, 112, 113,

153, 236, 291, 314 lucipara, Euplexia . . . . 137, 168

lueretia, Pseudacrtea . . . . 234

luctuosa, Acontia . . 60, 120, 230, 261 lugens (galatbea ah.), Melanargia 101 lunigera, Agrotis . . . . . . 94

lunosa, Amatbes (Ancbocelis) . . 177 " " 135, 236, 237

..314 .. 158, 220 . . 50 ..168 Abraxas.. 314 .. 201, 313 .. 164, 166 . . 58

lupulina, Hepialus

luridata, Tepbrosia

lurideola, Litbosia . .

lurlinus, Papilio

lutarella, Litbosia . .

lutea (grossulariata ab

luteago, Diantbo^cia

lutealis, Scopula . .

luteafa, Astbena

luteolata (cratffigata), Opistbograp-

tis 134, 137, 163, 166, 236, 237 lutipennella, Coleopbora . . . . 314

lutosa, Calamia . . . . . . 79

luzella, Lampronia. . .. .. 191

Lycajnidffi 28, 68, 70, 153, 198,

224, 225, 228 lycaon, Epinepbele. . .. 99, 121

lycbnidis (pistacina), Amatbes

(Ancbocelis).. 56,131,1(58

lycidas (sepbyrus var.), Plebeius . . 113 lydius, Ornitboptera . . . . 200

lyllus (pampbilus ah.), Cu>no-

nympha . . . . . . 60

lynceus, Hestia . . . . . . 201

macarista, Planema . . . . 233

maebaon, Papilio 12, 16, 17, 50,

61, 63, 70, 161, 173, 220,

244, 277, 288, 290, 297, 313 macilenta, Amatbes (Ancbocelis)

56, 168 Macroglossinas . . . . . . 28

macularia(ta), Venilia .. 57, 146 raaculiferella, Lita . . . . . . Ill

niaculosana, Conchylis . . . . 191



ma'ia, Pararge 2, 3, 11, 12, 61,

119, 120, 151, IGl, 288, 289 mnpniacella, Coleophora . . . . 241

magniticella, Elachista . . . . 220

magnipuncta (phla^as ab.), Rumicia 131 major (pblseasrt/).), Eumicia .. 131 maivffi (alveolus), Hesperia 12, 55,

93, 112, 113, 127, 134, 145,

146, 153, 268, 293 malvella, Gelechia . . .. .. 105

malvoides (fiitiiluin), Hesperia . . 127 manioloides (telmessia ah.), Epine-

pbele 192

manto, Erebia .. .. 152,288

marcellus, Papilio . . . . . . 50

margaritalis = extimalis margaritaria, Metrocampa 84, 137,

163, 256 margaritellus, Crambus . . . . 85

marginaria, Hybeinia . . 133, 200 marginata, Lomaspilis . . 163, 236 marginata (pampbiius ah.), Ccpno-

nympha . . . . . . 12

marginepunctata,Aciclalia 166, 167,

176, 237 maritima, Bucculatrix . . . . 124

manlima, Senta . . . . . . 220

mantima (dipsacea ah.), Heliotbis 101 marmorata (raptriculoides ah.),

Bryophila** .. .. 305

marmorata (immanata ah.),

Cidaria . . . . . . 58

marmorinaria (leucophajaria ah.),

Hybernia 133, 201, 234, 235

marshalli, Mimacrfea . . . . 223

marsballina (nigricans ah.), Agrotis 131 matronula, Pericallia . . . . 266

maturna, Melittca 3, 43, 89, 98,

266, 267 maura, Mania . . . . . . 94

medesicaste (rumina var.), Tbais 51 medon (astrarcbe) (agestis), Aricia

11, 12, 60, 61,85,88, 93,99,

113, 121, 151, 153, 162, 172,

173, 192, 238, 249, 256, 258,

269, 270, 288, 289, 293, 294 mediostrigata (raptriculoides ah.),

Bryophila** .. .. 305

medusa, Erebia .. .. .. 112

megacephala, Acronycta (Cuspidla)

92, 94 megsera, Pararge 12, 49, 55, 60,

114, 147, 161, 162, 166, 167,

172, 173, 235, 268, 280. 292 melaleuca (conspicillavis ah.), Xylo-

miges.. .. .. .. 131

melampus, Melampias 2, 4, 41, 99, 104 melanoptera (striata al).), Coscinia 71 nielanoptera (cribruiii ah.), Cos- cinia . . . . . . 159

melanotoxa (icarus ah.), Polyom-

matus . . . . . . 153

meleager, Polyoniniatus 15, 70, 71, 97 melibd'us (alciphron ab.), Loweia 10


18, V a r.),



melicerta, Neptis . . . . . . 198

meliloti, Anthrocera .. .. 245

Melinda = Tirumala

Melita3a 43, ISO

mellonella, Galleria . . . . 222

melotis, Hesperia . . . . . . 127

memnon, Papilio . . . . . . 73

mendica, Diaphora (Spilosoma) 55,

136, 235 mensuraria = limitata mentbastri, Spilosoma 92, 93, 136, 235 menyantbidis, Acronycta . . 137, 256 raercedonia, Tirumala . . . . 198

mercurella, Scoparia . . . . 164

meridionale (testacea ah.

rina . . meridionalis (didyma

Melitaea meridionalis (eupheme

Zegris meridionella, Coleophora** merope (aurinia var.), Melitsea 42,

89, mesomelia, Cybosia (Lithosia) metella, Neptis meticulosa, Phlogophora 137, 164,

166, 168, 177 mi,Euclidia 57, 93, 135, 137, 146,

236, 314 micacea, Hydroecia . . 56, 166

Micropterygidae . . . . . . 197

Mimacrsea . . . . . . . . 223

mimeticus, Papilio . . . . . . 198

miniata, Miltochrista . . . . 245

minimus (alsus), Cupido 4, 69, 93,

113, 258, 269, 288, 292 rainiosa, Tieniocampa . . 56, 91 ministrana, Tortrix . . . . 163

minoides (trifolii ah.), Anthrocera

120, 136, 202 minor (coridon ah.), Agriades .. 51 minor (gueneei (ih.), Luperina .. 87 minorata (ericetata), Emmelesia

83, 85, 256, 258 minutata, Eupitbecia . . . . 34

mirabile (populi <//'.), Amorpha .. 229 rairifica, Acraja . . . . . . 226

miscella, Mompha . . . . . . 272

misippus. Hypolimnas . . . . 225

mnemosyne, Parnassius



51 223

104 55



4, 99, 112,

104, 267, 289 . . 191, 297 Phigalia 133

105, 146, 236

mnestra, Erebia

monacba, Psilura . .

mona':'baria (pedaria ah.)

moneta, Plusia

monodactyla, Pteropborus 167, 168

monoglypba, Xylophasia 85, 88,

94, 134, 137, 164, 166, 177, 256 montanata,Melanippe(Xantborboi') 50,58, 84, 85,134, 138, 163,

164, 258 morgeni, Tirumala. . .. .. 19H

inorpbeus, Caradrina .. 12, 146 Morpbiiiffl . . . . . . . . 278




mucronellus, Schcenobius . . . . 314

multiskigaria, Larentia 58, 134, 247 munda, T.i'niocampa ..56,80, 91 mundana, Nudaria. . .. .. 164

munitata, Coremia . . 80. 84, 85, 256 muralis (glandifera), Bryopbila 94,

95, 96, 124, 132, 177, 278 murana, Eudoria . . . . . . 258

muricata (auroraria), Hyria .. 248

murinata, Minoa . . . . . . 58

murrayi (gueneei ah.), Luperina .. 87 muscffiformis, Aegeria . . . . 313

muscerda, Lithosia . . . . . . 220

myelins, Crambus .. .. ..84

myopffiformis, Aegeria . . . . 79

myrtillana, Phoxopteryx . . . . 219

myrtillata (obfuscaria), Gnophos

80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 256, 258 myrtilli, Anarta 85, 92, 93, 146, 256 nana (conspersa), Diantbcecia 92,

94, 95, 146, 272, 314 nanata, Eupitheoia 34, 84, 134,

138, 146, 257 nanella, Eecurvaria . . . . 182

napaja (pales ab.), Brenthis 2, 41,

89, 104, 267 napaese (napi var.), Pieris . . . . 12

napi, Pieris 4, 12, 43, 50, 53, 60,

90,92,93,104, 112,113, 132,

133, 134, 153, 162, 166, 172,

196, 200, 214, 225, 235, 258,

277, 278, 288, 291, 294, 314 napi = nigra, Epunda (in erro)') .. 103 nebulosa, Aplecta . . . . 137, 196

neglecta, Noctua . . . . 85, 256

nemetes, Neptis . . . . . . 198

neoridas, Erebia . . 96, 120, 121, 161

Neptis 198

neustria, Malacosoma 101, 122, 135 nexa, Nonagria . . . . . . 224

ni, Plusia .. .. 50, 101, 158

niavius, Amauris . . . . . . 199

niceerli = nickerlii ..

nickerlii (gueneei), Luperina 17, 18,

19, 20, 49, 87, 95, 106, 196,

197, 271,

nicomedes, Neptis . .

nictitans, Hydrcccia 47, 107, 109,

166, 169,

nigra (grossulariata uh.), Abraxas

311, 314 nigra (napi in error), Epunda . . 103 nigra (repandata ah.). Boarmia . . 202 nigi'ata (anguinalis), Ennyehia . . 191 nigrescens (comes ah.), Tripba^na 132 nigrescens (delius ah.), Parnas-

sius . . . . . . . . 43

nigricans, Agrotis .. .. 131, 220

nigricata (repandata ah.), Boarmia 57 nigricella, Coleophora . . . . 187

nigrocserulea (grossulariata ab.).

Abraxas . . . . . . 314

nigrofasciaria, Anticlea . . . . 133

nigrosericeata (rectangulata ah.),

Eupithecia . . . . . . 183


305 198



nigrosparsata (grossulariata ah.),

Abraxas .. 132, 311, 314 nilgeriensis, Lethe . . . . . . 155

niobe, Argynnis . . 97, 119, 278, 289 niveicostella, Coleophora . . Ill, 220 niveus, Acentropus. . .. .. 314

Noctuse 85,123, 134, 136, 165, 167,

170, 178, 188, 232, 238, 282 noctuella, Nomophora 167, 168, 191

Noctuidffi 203, 204

Nolidffi 221

nostrodamus, Gegenes . . . . 12

notata, Maearia . . . . . . 57

notha, Brephos . . . . . . 236

nubilata (multistrigaria ab.),

Melenydris (Larentia) . . 134 nubilosa (mnemosyne ah.), Par-

nassius . . . . 4

nupta, Catocala . . 50, 166, 167

nutantella (inflatte), Coleo- phora . . . . . . 272

nyassinus, Papilio . . . . . . 50

Nyctalemon . . . . . . . . 201

nympheata, Hydrocampa . . . . 314

nyseus, Telicada . . . . . . 73

nysiades, Neptis . . . . . . 198

Nyssia . . . . . . . 196

obelisca, Agrotis . . . . . 220

obeliscata (variata), Thera 58, 79,

84, 92, 166, 236, 258 obfuscaria = myrtillata obliquaria, Chesias. . .. ..58

obliterata (heparata), Euchceca

(Eupisteria) 58, 138, 236

obliterata (phlseas ah.), Rumicia . . 131 oblongata (centaureata) , Eupithecia

33, 58, 166 obscura (ravida), Agrotis .. 237, 304 obscura, Pseudacriea . . 233, 234

obscura (arion ab.), Lyctena . . 97 obscura (ceto ah.), Erebia . . . . 97

obscurata (aria), Gnophos 50, 57,

60, 125 obsoleta (coridon a&.), Agriades .. 51 obsoleta (annulata ah.), Ephyra.. 199 obsoleta (phlffias «?).), Rumicia .. 131 obsoleta (pistacina ah.), Amathes

Anchocelis . . . . . . 131

ocellaris, MeJlinia . . . . 49, 79

oeellata, Melanthia, Mesoleuca 58.

84, 138, 162, 163, 166, 237, 258 ocellatus, Snierinthus . . 145, 273 ocellatus-populi, Smerinthus . . 313 occitanica (phcebe ab.), Melita-a . . 290 ochracea(flavago), Ochria (Gortvna)

56, 166 ochraceella, Myrmecozela . . . . 37

ochrea, Coleophora. . .. .. 281

ocihroleuca, Eremobia . . . . 95

ochsenheinieri (filipendulse ab.),

Anthrocera . . . . . . 162

octogcsima, Palimpsestis . . . . 136

octomaculala, Ennyehia . . . . 59

ocularis, Cymatophora . . . . 146

oculea (didyma)=secalis



(Ecopbylla 198

adippus, Canon jmpha . . . . 201

leme, Erebia . . . . . . 113

oleracea, Hadena 134, 137, 177, 237 olivacea (chi rt/y.), Polia .. ..76

olivalis, Scopula .. 59, 164, 166

onctea, Acraea . . . . . . 227

onosmella, Coleopliora . . . . 220

operculella (solanella), Lita . . 222

ophiogiamma, Apamea . . . . 220

ophione, Neptidopsis . . . . 198

Opoiabia 129

Opostega . . . . . . . . Ill

optilete, Vacciniina 43, 88, 104

266, 288, 289, 296

or, Cymatopbora . . . . . . 256

orbicularia, Zonosoma .. 25, 49

orbifer, Powellia . . . . . . 12

orbitulus, Latioiina

89, 98, 104 267 95 , Epinepbele

orbona, Tripbajna

oreas (telmessia ab

orestia, Acrrea

orion, Scolitantides 15, 112, 113

oritbyia. Precis

oiizapa, Attacus

ornata, Acidalia . . 167, 191

oniata (podalirius ab.), Papilio .


oinitopus (rbizoliiba), Xylina 56 80, 91, 123

osiris (sebrus), Cupido 61, 62, 101

ostrina, Micra

ostrinalis, Pyrausta 166, 191

oxyacanthffi, Miselia 56, 168

pactolicus, Callioratis

palaemon, Cyclopides . . 80

palseno, Colias 16, 42, 104, 251 252, 266, 280, 288, 295, 296

pales, Brentbis 2, 16, 17, 41, 42

69, 88, 89, 104, 152, 160

199, 266, 267, 280, 288, 296


pallens, Leucania 93, 94, 95, 106 137, 166, 176, 177, 200, 237

pallescentella. Tinea

pallida (ornitopus ab.), Xylina

pallida (pistacina ab.), Aniatbes (Ancbocelis). .

pallida (tbetis «/;.), Agiiades

paludis, Hydi-dcia 47, 73, 74, 109 110, 111, 169, 170

paludis-flavo(paludis((/;.), Hydnecia 73

pamphilus, Ccrnonympba 2, 12

55, 60, 63, 86, 88, 90, 112

114, 134, 135,146, 151, 153

162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 201

215, 249, 258, 270, 292

pandalis, Botys . . . . 59

pandora, Dryas .. ..11,12

pantaria, Abraxas

paphia, Dryas 4, 11, 12, 15. 17 55, 90, 99. 119, 161, 163 164, 200, 201, 220, 237, 266

2M9, 290, 291, 294, 295

288 177 192

49 201 155 203 313

61 200

178 112 61 255 178 226 146



238 112 123

131 269


294 191 294 174



, 63,


papilionaria, Geometra





paradoxus, Papilio . .


paragea, Planema . .


parasitella, Scardia


parenthesella, Sopbronia . .



paris, Papilio


Parnassius . .



partbenias, Brepbos 57, 91,




partbenie, Melitosa . . 98,



parvidactyla, Oxyptilus


parvipunctata (pblasas ab.).


micia . .


pascuellua, Crambus 86, 163,



pavonia = carpini

pavonia-major, Saturnia . .


pecfcinitaria = viridaria

pedaria (pilosaria), Pbigalia 25

, 57,

74, 133,



peltigera, Heliotbis. .



pendularia, Zonosoma 25, 50,



penella, Heterogynis


pennaria, Himcra . . 57,



perfuscata (truncata ah.), Cidaria


periphanes, Acrasa . .


perla, Bryopbila 57, 96, 164,




perlellus, Crambus .. 163,





persica (jurtina ab.), Epinepbele. .


persicarise, Mamestra


petraria, Lozogramma (Panagra)




petrificata = socia

pfeifferella, Antispila


pbarte, Erebia 41, 42, 89,



pbasianipennella, Gracilaria


pberetes, Albulina 88, 89, 97,





pbicomone, Colias 16, 17, 42


104, 113, 280,



pbilonome, Prioneris


pblgeas, Bumicia 10, 12, 49

, 50,

51, 54, 59, 60, 90, 95


100, 113, 131, 135, 146,


153, 162, 163, 165, 166,


168, 172, 173, 174, 177,


200, 213, 2,35, 249, 258,


289, 290,



pbwbe, Melitaea 11, 12, 61, 62

, 70,

97, 98, 112, 113, 120,



pbd'be (dictasa), Notodonta



pbtunissa, Ocneria . .


phorcas, Papilio


pbragmitellus, Cbilo


pbragmitidis, Calamia



pbrygialis, Hercyna


picata, Cidaria


pioata, Alaena


Pieris . .


piclella, Argyrites . .


pilosaria ■— pedaria

pinastri, Hyloicus . .



pinellus, Crambus . , piniai'ius, Bupalus . ,



49, 84, 146, 237, 247, 257 piniperda, Panolis . . 91, 237, 247

pinivorana, Ehyacionia . . . . 219

pisi, Hadena .. ..56, 91, 258

pistacina = lychnidis

placida, Cupha . . . . . . 154

plagiata, Anaitis 58, 61, 86, 188,

166, 236, 247, 258 plagicolella, Nepticula . . . . 112

Planema 226, 233

plantaginis, Nemeophila, Paras-

emia 55, 80, 85, 136, 253,

255, 267, 314 plecta, Noctua 137, 146, 164, 166, 176 pleione, Teracolus . . . . . . 225

plumbaria, Orfcholitha 58, 83, 138, 258 plumbeolata, Eupitheeia . . . . 33

Plusia 137, 158

pluto (glacialis ab.), Erebia 43, 97, 266 podaliiius, Papilio 12, 15, 17, 61,

63, 70, 97, 113, 161, 173, 290 polaris (pales var.), Brenthis . . 199 policenes, Papilio . . . . . . 50

polychloros, Eugonia 12, 110, 235, 291 polygonalis, Mecyna . . . . 61

Polygonia (Grapta) . . . . . . 47

polyodon = monoglypba

polytes, Papilio .. .. 73, 212

pomonella, Carpocapsa . . . . 182

popularis, Epinenronia (Helio-

phobus) . . 147, 166, 177

populata, Cidaria .. ..80,85, 256

populeti, Tasniocampa . . . . 236

populi, Amorpha 49, 55, 94, 145,

147, 148, 202, 229, 266 populi, Pcecilocampa . . . . 178

porata, Zonosoma . . . . . . 58

porcellus, Theretra. . .. .. 146

porima (levana var.), Araschnia . . 51 porphyrea (satura), Hadena .. 200

posthumus, Epitola . . . . 198

potatoi'ia, Cosmotriche . . 94, 135 potentillae, Coleophora . . . . Ill

prasina (herbida), Aplecta 145, 191

prasinana, Hylophila . . . 55

pratellus, Crambus . . 162, 164, 166 primulae (festiva), Noctua 56, 60,

84, 85, 93, 134, 137, 164, 245, 256 Prioneris . . . . . . . . 72

pioboscidalis, Hypena . . 57, 164 proeellata, Melanthia . . 58, 167 piocida (galathea va/-.), Melanargia

12, 48, 97 prodromaria = strataria progemmaria, Hybernia 91, 145,

234, 247 pronoti, Erebia .. .. .. 104

pronuba, Triphana 56, 85, 93, 94,

95, 134, 137, 164, 166, 168,

177, 258 pronubana, Torhix.. 220,272, 273 prorsa (levana var.). Araschnia 3,

15, 17, 51, 295, 296

1' prosapiaria (fasciaria), Ellopia 84, protea, Hadena . . . . 67,

proto, Hesperia pruinata, Pseudoterpna prunalis, Scopula . . 59, 164,

prunaria, Angerona prunata, Cidaria

pruni, Strymon . . 146, 268,

Pseudacraea .. .. 225,226,

pseudargiolus, Celastrina . . 311, psi, Acrooycta . . 92, 94, 136,

psi ttacata = si t.era ta psyttalea, Amauris . . pterodactyla, Stenoptilia . . Pfcerophoridae

pudibunda, Dasychira 55, 91, 145, 163, puella, Neptis

pulehellata, Eupitheeia 33, 59, 84, 166, pulchrina, Plusia . . . . 84,

pulla, Epichnopteryx pulverulenta (cruda), TaDniocampa 91, 134, pulveraria, Numeria pumilata, Eupitheeia . . 34, puncta (thetis «fc.), Agriades punctaria, Zonosoma punetifera (rhetis ah.), Agriades . . punctigera (cribrum ah.), Emydia punctularia, Tephrosia 92, 138, 145, 235, punctum, Anthrocera 100, 101, purdeyi, Rhyacionia** .. 27, purpuralis, Anthrocera purpuralis, Pyrausta 59, 86, 165, 166, 167, 168, purpureo-punetata (dorilis ah.),

Loweia purpureo-punetata = ea?iuleo-punc-

tata (phlseas ab.) pusaria, Cabera 84, 85, 134, 138, 163, 236, pusillata, Eupitheeia pustulata, Euchloris puta, Agrotis . . 56, 166, 176,

putridella, Depressaria pygmseata, Eupitheeia pygmseella, Argyresthia Pyralis

pyraliata, Cidaria 58, 146, 164, 237, Pyrausta

pyrella, Swammerdammia pyrenaica, Latiorina . . 151,

pyrenaicus, Hepialus . . 158,

pyri, Saturnia . . . . 62,

quadripunctata, Caradrina56, 137, quercifolia, Eutricha quercifoliella, Lithocolletis quercinaria, Ennomos . . 166, querciis, Bithys 10, 12, 53, 162, 163, 165, 237, 248, quercus, Lasiocampa 120, 127, 134, 136, 247, 248, quinqueguttella, Lithocolletis


256 168 172 138 167 51 58 292 233 313 164

198 167 221



257 137 245

234 57 59

153 58



236 118 127




258 236 237 177 50 33 105 86 246 167 182 152 312 277 168 220 314 313






quintella, Neptis . . . , . . 198

radiata (lubricipedao/y,), Spilosoma 132 radiata (phlsas ah.), Eumicia 54,

IJJI, 278

radiellus, Crambus.. .. .. 158

rapse, Pieris 12, 53, 59, 60, 91, 93, 94, 95, 113, 118, 132, 134, 146, 153, 158, 162, 166, 167,

173, 214, 249, 258, 289, 290, 294

raptricula, Bi-yophila . . . . 305

rapti'iculoides, Bryophila** .. 305

ravida = obscura

reclusa, Clostera . . . . . . 145

rectangulata, Eupithecia 34, 182, 183

rectilinea, Hadena (Hyppa) 85, 256

remutaria, Aeidalia. . .. .. 138

repandata, Boarmia 50, 57, 83, 94,

138, 202, 237, 256, 314

reticulata, Neuria . . . . . . 314

retiella, Whittleia 124

Retinia = Khyacionia

revayana = undulanus

rex, Papilio . . . . . . . . 198

rbadamanthus, Anthrocera . . 100

rbffitica (anrelia ah.), Melitasa . . 42

rhamni, Goneptervx 12, 50, 53,

130, 61. 62,' 69, 90, 91, 92.

97, 98, 113, 120, 166, 167,

173,178,224, 235, 244, 247,

263, 290

rheediella, Pyrodes. . .. .. 182

rbizolitba = ornitopus

rhombella, Gelechia . . . . 182

rhomboidaria, Boarmia . . . . 57

Khopalocera . . .. .. .. 214

Rbyacionia (Evetria) (Retinia) . . 27 ripartii (admetus ah.), Hirsutina

100, 101

rippertii (cribrum a/;.), Coscina .. 159

rivata, Melanippe (Xanthorhoe) . . 164

rivulana (conChana), Sericoris . . 220

roboraria, Boarmia. . .. 80, 165

roboris, Lfeosopis . . . . . . 70

rosea (agathina ah.), Agrotis . . 314

roxelana, Pararge .. ..11, ] 2, 294

rubetra (pistacina ab.), Amathes

(Anchocelis). . .. .. 131

rubi, Callophrys 12, 62, 63,

113, 134, 135, 152, 153, 173,

189, 236, 247, 249, 268, 292, 293

rubi, Macrotbylacia 90, 92, 93, 95, 136

rubi, Noctua.. 85,137,164,166, 176

rubidata, Anticlea . . . . . . 162

rubiginata = bicolorata

rubiginata (rubricata), Aeidalia

230, 231, 232, 261, 262

rubiginea, Dasycampa . . . . 91

rubricata = rubiginata, Aeidalia

rubricollis, Gnophria .. 80, 145

rubricosa, Pflcbnobia 56, 91, 134, 145

rufa, Cocnobia . . . . . . 220

ruficinctata = flavicinctata

rufina = helvola

rumicis, Acronycta. . 56,135, 137

rumina, Tbais .. 51,172, 173


rupicapraria, Hybernia . . . . 133 RuralidiE 268

ruralis, Botys . . . . . . 167

rurea, Xylophasia . . 85, 137, 164, 256

russata = truncata

russula = sanio

rusticata, Aeidalia . . . . . . 59

rustieella, Monopis.. .. .. 105

rutilus (dispar car.), Chrysophanus 51 saba, Glutophrissa . . . . . . 128

saclava, Neptis . . . . . . 198

sacraria, Sterrba . . . . 50, 172

salaciella, Opostega . . . . Ill

salicata, Larentia 60, 61, 83, 84, 255 salieis (rumicis xb.}, Acronycta . . 135 salietella, Marmara. . .. .. 107

salmacis (medon var.), Aricia 249,

269, 293 sambuealis, Ebulea . . . . 164

sambucaria, Ourapteryx . . 57, 166 sanio (russula), Diacrisia 80, 93,

136, 248, 295, 296 sao, Powellia, Hesperia 99, 157, 289 sarpedon, Anthrocera . . 100, 119 satellitia, Scopelosoma 56, 91, 145, 178 satura = porphyrea Saturniidas . . . . . . 203, 204

satyrata, Eupithecia 33, 58, 257, 314

Satyrida^ . . 277

satyrion, Coenonympha 2, 88, 89,

104, 267, 288 scabiosse, Anthrocera . . . . 100

scabiosata, Eupithecia . . . . 33

scabrella, Cerostoma .. .. Ill

schulziana, Mixodia . . . . 105

sehmidtii (phlfeas ab.), Eumicia

49, 50, 51, 98, 131 scipio, Erebia . . . . . . lOO

scota (semele var.), Hipparchia .. 49

scutulata dimidiata

sebrus = osiris

secalis (oculea) (didyma), Apamea

94, 95, 137, 237 segetum, Agrotis .. 137,168,177 seiasellus, Crambus 163, 164, 166

selene, Brenthis 2, 17, 49, 55, 80, 84, 90, 124, 135, 162, 163, 164, 189. 191, 215, 220,247, 248, 258, 266, 291, 295,296, 312 selene, Tenaris . . . . . . 278

semele, Hipparchia 12, 49, 50, 52, 94, 99, 121, 163, 203, 270,

289, 290, 292, 312 semiarcnata (icarus ab.), Polyom-

matus . . . . . . 11

semiargus (acis), Cyaniris 3, 10, 12,

41, 89, 101, 288, 289, 292, 295 semirubella, Salebria (Ilithyia) 161, 220 semisyngrapha (coridon ab.), Agri-

ades 51, 238, 278, 313

scmitestacella, Argyresthia . . 272

senex, Nudaria . . . . . . 220

senna, Agrotis . . . . . . 304

sepliyrus (zephyrus), Lycsana 113, 190 sequax, Gelechia . . . . . . 220


12, 44,












Serena, Hecatera . . . . 94, 95

sei'ina (pistacina ah.), Amathes

(Anchocelis). . .. .. 131

serratulse, Hesperia . . . . 89

servillana, Acrolitha . . . . 191

servona, Acrtea . . . . . . 227

Sibylla, Limenitis 70, 90, 248, 266,

292 (Camilla), 294, 295, 297 sidse, Hesperia signata = lemolea silaceata, Cidaria . . silhetana, Terias . . Silvia (ilia ab.), Apatura . similis, Porthesia . . simplex, Chilo simplonia, Anthocharis simuiata = co gnata, Thera sinapis, Leptosia 4, 12, 15, 63, 69, 99, 113, 119, 149, 150, 161, 173, 200, 247, 266, 274, 288,

289, 290, 291, 294, 314 sinuata, Anticlea . . . . . . 274

sita, Prioneris . . . . . . 72

siterata (psittacata), Cidaria 58, 178 sobrinata, Eupithecia . . . . 166

socia (petrificata). Xylina ..80, 91, 178 sociata, Xanthoroe 145, 162, 164, 258 sodorentium (repaiidata itb.),

Boarraia . . . . . . 83

solanella = operculella

solidaginis, Litbomoia . . . . 168

sordidata = furcata

sororcola (aureola), Lithosia . . 235

spadicea = ligiila

spartiata, Chesias . . . . . . 79

spectrum, Apopestes . . . . 294

spbserulatina (pistacina «/».), Ama- thes, Anchocelis . . . . 131

spheciformis, iEgeria . . . . 215

Spbingidffi 203, 229

spilodactyla, Wheeleria . . . . 50

spini, Klugia, Strymon 68, 97, 98, 99

spinula = glaucata

stabilis, Tasniocampa 134, 145,

174, 248 stagnata, Hydrocampa . . . . 314

statices, Adscita, Procris 136,

158, 219, 236, 248, 314 statilinus, Satyrus .. H, 12, 121

steeveni (meleager ah.), Polyom-

matus . . . . . . 15

stellatarum, Sesia, Macroglossa 55, 59, 61, 94, 172, 220, 237,

249, 277, 295, 296 sthennyo (lappona ah.), Erebia . . 104 sticticalis, Spilodes 231, 232, 262

stigmatella, Gracilaria . . . . 112

straminalis (stramentalis), Oro-

striata (graramica), Coscinia striata (coridon ab.), Agriades strigata, Hemithea . . strigilis, Miana strigillaria, Aspilates strigula, Agrotis (Lycophotia)


bena (Pionea)


straminea, Leucania



stramineola = llava

strataria (prodromaria)


dasis . .

200, 235,


stratiotata, Paraponyx


striata, Bryophila . .


56, 84, stygne, Erebia 2, 42, 43, 97, 98,

104, 118, 130, 151, 159, 266, 288, Satyrinffi

subalpina (dorilis), Loweia 2, 42, subfulvata, Eupithecia . . 59, sublustris, Xylophasia subnotata, Eupithecia subroseata (pendularia ab.), Zono-

soma . . . . . . 2'),

subsericeata, Acidalia substriata (ashworthii ah.), Agrotis subtristata, Melanippe . . 58, sutfumata, Cidaria . . . . 58,

sutfusa (phlffias ab.), Eumicia sutfusa (vaccinii ab.), Cerastis suffusa (ypsilon), Agrotis .. 168, sulpliuralis = trabealis sulzella = cra'sella swammerdammella, Nemophora . . swynnertoni, Keptis svlvanus, Adoptua (Augiades) 3, 12,

55, 69, 113, 146, 162, 163,

166, 245, 288, 293,

sylvata (ulmata). Abraxas 58, 146,

sylvina, Hepialus . . 164, 166,

Syntomidfe . . . . . . 51,

syracusana (galathea var.), Mela-

nargia syringaria, Pericallia syringella, Gelechia tages, Nisoniades 12, 55, 93, 113,

134, 146, 153, 162,191, 231, 236, 268, 290, 293, tamerlana, Papilio . . taminata = bimaculata taraxici, Caradrina.. tarsipennalis, Zanclognatha telesicles (paradoxus ab.), Papilio telicanus, Raywardia, Tarucus 11, 12, 100, tellus, Planema telmessia, Epinephele temerata, Bapta . . 236, 247, tenebrata, (arbuti) Heliaca 56, 135, tenebrosa, Eusina . . 93, 164,

tephradactyla, Leioptilus . . terra, Pseudacraea . . . . 233,

tersata, Phibalapteryx . . 58, testacea. Luperina 18, 19, 20, 49, 87, 166, testata, Lygris . . 146, 164, 168, tetradactyla = tridactyla teucriana, Tortrix . . . . 104,

thalassina, Mamestra, Hadena 135, 137, thaumas = flava Theclidse








296 135





200 58

314 85


131 79




294 163 177 107




294 73




294 234 192 314 235 258 201 234 237



202 146 268



theriiieJla, Coleophora 111, 188, 223 thersamon, Chrysophanus 10, 12, 294 thersites (alexias), Agriades 266,

278, 311 thetis (bellargus) (adonis), Agriades

11, 88, 89, 93, 113, 121, 153,

167, 168, 191, 215, 245, 268,

269, 270, 292, 312 thoi-e, Brenthis 89, 266, 267

thules (albulata var.), Emmelesia.. 132 thunbeigella, Micropteryx. . .. 245

tilaba, Terias . . . . . . 105

tiliffi, Mimas .. ..50,92,145

tincta, Aplecta . . . . . . 137

Tineina 59, 111

tipuliformis, .Egeria . . 55, 202

Tii-umala (Melinda) . . . . 198

tithonus, Epinephele 12, 55, 94,

95, 121, 167, 237, 238, 292,

294, 304 tityus (fucifoimis), Hemaris 80,

134, 146 togata, Eupithecia . . . . 34, 84

Tortrices 182, 279

Tortricina . . . . . . . . 66

Tortrix 162

trabealis (sulphuralis), Agrophila

230, 231, 232, 261, 274 tragopogonis, Ampbipyra 166, 168, 177 transalpina, Anthiocera . . . . 160

transcaspica(megieia (vir. ), Paravge 280 transitella, Deilemera . . . . 198

trapezina, Calymnia . . 164, 166

trepidaria, Psodos .. 81,254, 255

trianguluni, Noctua .. 56, 245

tridactyla (tetradactyia), Merri-

fieldia 84

tridens, Acronicta . . . . . . 56

tiifasciella, Litbocolletis .. .. 112

trifolii, Anthiocera 93, 105, 120,

136, 202, 216 trifolii, Mamestra . . . . . . 137

trifolii, Pachygastria . . . . 312

*trigeminella, Coleophora. . 193, 223

trigrammica = trilinea

trilinea (trigrammica), Grani-

mesia . . . . . . 93

triopes (gorge ab.), Erebia 43, 89, 266 tripartita, Habrostola . . . . 137

triplasia, Habrostola . . 92, 137

trisigiiaria, Eupithecia . . . . 33

tristata, Melanippe. . .. .. 138

tritici, Agrotis .. .. 189, 247

trivia, Melitiea .. ..11,12, 293

Trochilium . . . . . . . . 50

trochilus, Chilades . . . . . . 12

troglodytella, Coleophora . . . . 223

trmicata (russata), Cidaria 50, 58,

84, 85, 93, 134, 256 tvndarus, Erebia 16, 41, 42, K9,

98, 104 ,151, 288, 289 lyphiu, Nonagria . . . . 220, 221

typbon (daviiri), C(f'nonympha 2,

80, 82, 85, 201, 248, 256,

257, 266, 269, 292, 295


typica, Nffinia .. .. 94, 137

**uhryki (sephyrus var.), Lycrena 190

ulmata = sylvata

umbratica, CucuUia . . . . 137

umbrosa, Noctua . . . . . . 176

unangulata, Melanippe 58, 167, 236

uncula, Hydrelia . . . . - . 220

undulanus (revayanus), Sarro-

thripa .. .. 178, 219

undulata, Eucosmia 58, 146, 236 unguicula = cultraria

unicolor (arion iib.), Lycaina . . 69 unicolor (satyrion ab.), Cn-no-

nympha . . . . 88, 89 unicolor-brunnea (pisticina ab.),

Amathes, Anchocelis . . 131

unicoloraria, Eaconista .. .. 172

unidenlaria, Coremia 145, 166, 236

unifasciata, Perizona . . . . 166

unimaculella, Mnemonica. . .. 314

upupana, Phoxopteryx . . . . 219

urania (thetis ab.), Agriades . . 153

urbicola, Ocneria . . . . . . 304

urticas, Aglais 11, 12, 43, 54, 60,

86, 94, 163, 164, 167, 176,

177, 215, 223, 235, 238, 258,

288, 289,291, 294

urticsB, Spilosoma . . . . . . 202

vaccinii, Orrhodia (Cerastis) 56,

79, 91, 145, 168, 178, 234

valesiaca (stygne ab.), Erebia . . 2

valesina (paphia ab.), Dryas 17, 90

varia, Chrysopsyche . . . . 226

varia, Melita'a . . 89, 98, 130, 267 variata = obeliscata, Thera 58, 79,

84, 92, 166, 236, 258 variegata, Gnophos. . .. ..60

varleyata (grossulariata ab.). Abraxas

132, 313, 314

vauaria, Thamnonoma . . . . 164

velleda = fusconebulosa

venosa (pistacina ab.), Amathes

(Anchocelis).. .. .. 131

venosata, Eupithecia . . . . 146

venustula, Erastria . . . . 248

verbasci, Cucullia . . . . . . 201

vernaria, Geometra . . . . 165

verticalis, Spilodes . . . . . . 232

vetusta, Calocampa . . 168, 177

v-fiavum, Oinophila .. .. 112

villica, Arctia . . 55, 14r), 247

villosella, Pachytbelia . . . . 246

viminetella, Coleophora . . . . 282

vinolentella = atra

vinula, Dicranura 55, 94, 190,

247, 277 **vire.scens (kermesina ah.), Ag-

rotis . . . . . . . . 305

viretata, Tricoptervx (Lobophora)

50, 58, 145, 247, 272 virgata (lineolata), Mesotype 92,

167, 249

virgata (ashworthii ab.), Agrotis . . 314

virgata (aurinia <//^), Melitiea .. 200 virgata (multistrigariaa/).), Larentia 134


virgaurea', Heodes 15, 17, 98, 118,

151, 267, 289, 295 virgaureata, Eupithecia . . 33, 34 virgo (iogani ab.), Hestia . . . . 105

virgularia (incanaria), Acidalia 51.

79, 131, 166 viridana, Tortiix . . 133, 163, 264

viridaria (pectinitaria), Piothym-

nia, Larentia, AnKtba 84,

135, 138, 236, 256 viridaria (tEiiea), Phytometra 56,

146, 256 viridata, Nemoria . . . . . . 146

viridella, Adela . . . . . . 133

viiidis (muralis d^.), Bryophila . . 95 viiidis (statices «6.), Adscita .. 136 vitalbata, Phibalapteryx . . 145, 236 vittata (dolus ab.), Hirsutina .. 228 vulgata, Eupithecia 34, 134, 166, 236 w-album, Chattendenia 113, 237,

238, 292 warringtonellus (perlellus ab.),

Ciambus . . . . . . 164

whytei (lobengula ab.), Amauris . . 225 wolfensljeigeri (maturna var.),

Melitsea . . 43, 89, 98, 267 xanthographa, Noctua 164, 165, 166, 177, xanthomista, Polia ypsilon = suff usa zephyrus = sephyrus Zeuxidia

ziczac, Notodonta .. zonaria, Nyssia . . . 200,

Zyg83na = Antbrocera Zygaenidie . . . . . . 100,


capitis, Pediculus.. hopei, Cyclopodia .. vestimenti, Pediculus

200 50

113 72 145 314 100 152

195 199 195


complanatus, Polydesmus. . .. 125

higuius, Polyxenus . . . . 37

Myriapoda 213


Chrysopa 277, 278

germanica, Panorpa . . . . 28

inconspicua, Namoura . . . . 203

lutaria, Sialis . . . . . . 200

nebulosa, Taeniopteryx . . . . 203


.Eschna . . . . . . . . 80

elegans, Ischnura . . . . . . 80

fonscolombii, Sympetrum . . . . 126

Libellula 80

modestus, Mecistogaster . . . . 76

nigrescens, Sympetrum . . . . 275

scoticum, Sympetrum . . . . 275

splendens, Calopteryx . . . . 202

striolatum, Sympetrum .. .. 275

Sympetrum . .


Achroblatta . .

ffigyptiaca, Polyphaga

Aeluropoda . .

albifrons, Decticus . .

algeriana, Thalpomena


Alluaudella . .

americana, Periplaneta 23,


80, 275

240 284 239 31 31 240 240



Anaeompsa . .

Anallacta . . . .




Anareolaria . .

Anchoblatta . .

Anisogamia . .

Anisopygia . .

annulata, Labia

annulipes, Anisolabis . . 30,

Apachyidiv . .

apricarius, Stauroderus . . 298,



Apteroblatta. .

Archiblatta . .




Ataxigamia . .

Atelobiatta . .



auricularia, Forficula

australasiffi, Periplaneta . .

autroniana, Deropeltis


azteca, Homceogamia


barrettii, Platycleis*

bieolor, Stauroderus

bilunata, Paratropes

bimaculata, Liogryllus

Blabera . . 240, 284,

Blaberinse . . . . 240,

blanchardi, Eumegalodon. .




Blattidae .. .. 283,


Blattinaj . . 218, 238,


Bracbycola . .

bracbyptera, Platycleis

brunnea, Periplaneta


Cacoblatta . .

cterulans, Spbingonotus

cffirulescens, Oedipoda


Caloblatta . .




283, 31,

285, 284,


284, 285, 239,



218 239 239 239 240 240 239 240 238 239


32 156 300 238 239 239 239 240 239 156 239 239 240 240

32 287 218 130 284 239

33 301 284

33 286 286 105 240 286 284 286 286 286 239 240 202 218 240 240

32 301 239 239







griseoaptera, Olynthoscelis





Gromphadorrhina . .




guttata, Spbodromantis

" 202,




Gymnonyx . .


Cartoblatta . .



. 239,




Gynopeltis . .






Choiistima . .








cinerea, Nauphiita. .


Hcmimerus . .


cineieus, Thamnotrizon

. . 202,




cognatus, Stauroderus












Corydiina' .. 218, 239,

240, 284,






Heteroplana. .


ci'Lirifolium, Pulchriphyll



hispanicus, Gryllus





Hololampra . .

. 240,






curvicauda. Labia . .

'. '. 30,






Homceogamia . . i

240, 284,



'. '. 239,




danicus, Pachytylus



Hormetica . .


Dasyposoma . .




decipiens, Loboptera











infiatus, Psorodonotus


Deroeardia . .


infumata, Hololampra

'. 30,


Deropeltis . .

." .' 239,


insubricus, Acrotylus









Ischnoptera . .


Dicellonotus. .




Diploptera . .

'. '. 240,


italicus, Caloptenus







Duryodana . .









238, 239,


LabiduridtB . .



. . 240,




Ectoneura . .

. . 239,




edentulus, Perirrhytiis



LeucophiEa . .




Linchodes . .


EUipsidion . .

. . 239,


Loboptera . .






Epilampia . .




Epilamprina; 238, 2311,

210, 283,


maderiu, Oedipoda . .




maderre, llbyparobia 30,

32, 218,


ericetoiuni, Ectobius


madersB, Thalpouiena




madeirensis, Perirrhytiis

'. 30,







. . 156,



. '. 203,



. .





Euryctibora . .


maroccanus, Stauronotus



Eustegasta . . 239,

284, 285,



239, 284,


Euzosteiia . .








fieberi, Psorodonotus




fisheri, Prisopus






micans, Eustegaster


forcipata (auviculaiia rar.



Microdina . .


fusca, Platycleis


minor. Labia







gennanica, lilattella

! '. 217,




Giyplopeltis . .


Miroblatta . .


Grifliniella ..


modesta, Platycleis..


giisea, Platycleis . . .

..31, 33,



. 239,



Monachoda . .


morosus, Dixippus



nana, Phaneroptera

NauphcEta . .

nigrofasciatus, Oedaleus . .

nitidulus, Conocephalus . .


Notolampra . .


Nyctiborinffi . . 283, 284,

Nympbytria . .


Oniscosoma . .


orientalis, Blatta . . 23, 24,


Oxyhalointe . . 239, 240,



pacilica, Eutbyrrbapba

Palloblatta . .

Pancblora . . . . 284,

Pancblorinae 218, 239,

Panesthia . . 240, 284,

Panestbiinse . . .. 239,

panzeri, Ectobius . .

Paraceratinoptera . .


Paralatindia . .

parallelus, Cbortbippus




Paraplecta . .

Parateninopteryx . .

Paratropes . .

paupeiata, Empusa

peregrina, Scbistocerca

Periplaneta . .

Perisphteria . .

Perispbajiiinae 239, 240,



Pbenacisma. .





Phorticolea . .


Pinaconota . .


Platysilpha . .


Plectopteia . .


Polyphaga . . . . 23

Polyzosteria. .



Pronoanota . .


. 240

. 240

. 282

. 238

. 239

31, 33

240, 286

31, 32

31, 33

.. 239

.. 240

.. 239

285, 286

.. 238

.. 300

.. 239

.. 238

218, 283

240, 286

284, 286 .. 240 .. 238

.. -ns

.. 240

285, 286 240, 286 285, 286 240, 286

.. 30 .. 239 .. 240 .. 240 .. 298 .. 240 .. 239 .. 240 .. 239 .. 239

239, 286

.. 62

31, 32

23, 286

239, 240

285, 286 .. 240

106, 203 .. 239

238, 286 .. 240 .. 240 .. 240 .. 239 .. 239 .. 240 .. 239 .. 239 .. 240 .. 240 .. 239

, 240, 286

239, 286 .. 106 .. 239 .. 239

Proscratea . .

Prosoplecta . .







Pseud ogyna . .



.. 240 . . 240 .. 239 156, 306, 307 .. 238 .. 239 286 239 239


27, 218, 238, 239, 283, 284,

Pseudomops . .



Pseudotbyrsocera . .


pulvinatus, Cbortbippus .

punetatissinja, Leptopbyes

Pycnoseelus . .

religiora. Mantis


rbombifolia, Neostylopyga

llbyparobia . .

riparia, Labidura . .

roeselii, Platycleis . .

rutipes, Megaioblatta


saussureana, Platycleis

saussurei, Oxybaloa


Scbizopilia . .

scbmitzii, Perirrbytus

Spbecopbila . .

ybelfordella . .

specularis, Psorodonotus .

Speleoblatta . .

Steleopyga . .

Stenoblatta . .



strepens, Epacromia

Stylopyga . .

supeilectilium, Supelia

surinaniensis, Pycnoseelus

Temnelytra . .


tessellata, Platycleis

tbalassina, Epacromia





Tbyrsocera . .


Tribonidea . . Tribonidium Tricboblatta . . Trichoprocta Triconium . . truncata, Periplaneta viridis, Pancblora . . Zetobora Zonioploca . .



30, 32,

, 239, 30, 32,

'. 283* . 240,






























































dubitans, Nemoura.. ineonspicua, Nemoura


margaritatus, Centiurus


*kohauti, Palaeopsylla






.. 224


.. 213

.. 224

*monilicornis, Cephalothrips

.. 250

nobilis, Megalotbrips

.. 224


.. 213


.. 213


formiearum, Laboulbenia Laboulbeniaceoe wasraanni, llickia . .

5, 40


5, 1. 29, for 6


Cavara " and for "formicorutii'^ read


86, 103, 118, 133, 135, 138, 158, 160, 167,

177, 219, 236, 244,

246, 278, 294,

1. 2 1. 21 1. 10 1. 33 1. 17 1. 13 1. 4(3 1. 14 1. 9 etc. 1. 41 ]. 11 1. 15 1. 34 1. 38 1. 2

1. 11 1. 49 1. 20 1. 20 1. 9 1. 32 1. 10

Cavora " read

'■' fornncarum.'" for " Myrmecocorous " read ' Myrmecochorus." for " Dolidoclerinae " read " Dolicho'lerinde.^' for " Hiibner " read " Hiiber." for " strong " read " stony." for ''fusca " read "/((sco." for ? read i .

for " daJijme " read " dapltne." for " Pyrale " read " Pij talis. " for " Pieris napi " read " Ejmnda nigra.'" for " Hirsulina dolus " read " Hirsutina dulus var. vittata." for " Tortrix " read " Tortricodes." delete " Pliytovietra." for " Melenydris " read " Malenydris." for " alticolor " read " alticola.^' for '■ alinaria " read " alniaria." for " Plntyptila" read " Platyptilia," for " viouodactylus "

read " monodactyla." for " sylvann " read " s?/ii'W!rt." for " lihyaciona " read " Rhyacionia." delete " Pliytovtetra." add "s" to "discoloration."

delete " costa '" (twice) and insert " inner margin " (twice, for " coeriileopnuctata " read " coerulenpunctata.^' for " balcanicus " read " balkaiiica.^'

The Entomologist's Record & Journal of Variation.



By T. HUDSON BEARE, B.Sc, F.R.S.E., F.E.S. (Coleoptera) ; M. BURR, D.Sc, F.Z.S., F.E.S. (Orthoptera); J. E. COLLIN, P.E.S. (Diptera); and H. J. TURNER, F.E.S. (Lepidoptera, etc.).

Coleoptera arranged in order of Genera. The other orders arranged by Species. An asterisk denotes the species which are new to Britain, a double asterisk denotes those which are also new to science.



Acari . . 23, 62, 101, 170, 237, 280

Antennophori . . . . . . 23

bostoeki, Trachyuropoda .. .. 237

comata, Cillibano . . . . 62, 237

cuneifer, Lselaps . . . . 62, 170

formicarius, Urotrachytes. . .. 62

grandis, Antennopborus . . . . 23

holothyroides, Spbserolselaps 62, 237

myrmecopbilus, Lselaps . . 62, 170 Neoberlesia = Spbserolffilaps

ovalis, Uropoda .. .. 63,237

ovatula, Uroplitella . . . . 170

pbiloctena, Uropoda . . 237, 280

pubescens, Antennopborus . . 63

pyii, Eriopbyes . . . . . . 101

ricasoliana, Urodiscella . . 62, 170

Spbaerolselaps (Neoberlesia) . . 237

TrombidiidiB 258

ublmanni, Antennopborus 237, 280


aviculare, Mygale . . . . . . 279

biovata, Tbyreostbenius . . . . 62

Cambridge!, Dysdera .. ..62

cinerea, Cicurina . . . . . . 62

hombergi, Harpactes . . . . 62

merens, Evansia . . . . . . 62

minimus, Micarisoma .. ..62

pbalerata, Asagena. . .. ..62

puliearia, Micaria . . . . . . 62

recisa, Crypbceca .. .. ..62


Abdera llexuosa . . . . 310, 311

triguttata . . . . . . . . 311

Acantbocinus sedilis . . . . 311

Acrulia inflata .. .. ..311

Agabus arcticus . . . . 308, 309

bipustulatus . . . . . . 74

congener . . . . . . . . 308

Agapanthia aspbodeli . . . . 225

Agatbidium atrum . . . . 310, 311

badium 310

rotundatum 811

seminulum Amara f ulva . . Anaspis hudsoni

rufiiabris . . Anchomenus ericeti Anisotoma algirica*

calcarata . . ab. nigrescens*

curta* var. donisthorpei

davidiana** ..


ab. bicolor

ab. subglobosa . .



stenocorypbe Anthophagues testaceus Aphodius borealis . .


lapponum Apion brevicorne . .


filirostre . .

gyllenbali . .


unicolor . . Aromia moscbata . . Arpedium bracbypterum Asemum striatum . .

var. agreste Atemeles emarginatus

paradoxus . . Atheta liliputana* . .

picipennis . . Athous ha&morrhoidalis

undulatus Atomaria umbrina . .

wollastoni . . Barynotus scbonherri Barypeithes duplicatus**

pellucidus . . Bembidium bipunctatum

paludosum Bibloporus bicolor . . Bledius annae**

denticoUis. .


.. 311 .. 310 300, 311 .. 301 .. 309

44, 330 .. 44 .. 44 .. 44 .. 43 .. 28

28, 43, 330 .. 44 .. 44 .. 43 .. 330 253, 330 .. 310 .. 310 .. 310 .. 310 .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 45 .. 45 .. 45 103, 179, 327 .. 310 279, 310 .. 279 58, 59 .. 59 .. 306 .. 2

45, 74 .. 310 .. 44 .. 5 .. 310

252, 280 252, 280 310 310 310 47 310






Criocephalus polonicus


longulum . .






Cryphalus abietis . .




Cryptocephalus fulvus






Bolitophagus veticulatus .


Cryptohypnus dermestoides


Borboropora kraatzi




Bryoporus rugipennis


quadriguttatus . .


Bythinus glabratus . .




Calathus micropterus


Cryptopbagus bimaculatus


nubigena . .


cylindrus . .

. 310,


Carabus glabratus . .

'. 309




nemoralis . .


scanicus . .


Caryoborus nuctuorum


var. patruelis


Cathormiocerus maritimus






Cychrus rostratus . .


Catops varicornis . .


Cymindis vaporariorum


Cetonia aurata


Dascilius cervinus . .


floricola . .

'. 46


Dendrophagus crenatus

". 301,


Ceuthorhynchidius mixtus


Dendropbilus pygmeeus


Ceutborbynchus setosus .


Deronectes griseostriatus .


Chsetocnema arida . .




Cboleva cbrysomeloides .


Dinarda dentata


coracina . .

59, 310











pygma?a . .




Donacia discolor



'. 68


Dromius angustatus


loDgula . . ...


Drusilla canaliculata



'. 69


Dryocaetes autograpbus


nigricans . .



Dyschirius angustatus



.68, 69

, 104

Dytiscus lapponicus




, 69

marginal is




Elater nigrinus


Chrysomela brunsvicensis .


Encepbalus complicans



didymata . .



Enicmus histrio


Cicindela sylvatica . .




Cis jacquemarti


Epur£ea silacea

*. 310,


lineatocribratus . .

. 310

variegata . .




Ernobius nigrinus . .


Clerus formicarius . .


Eros aurora . .

'. 310,


Clinocara tetratoma


Eryx fairmairei*


Clythra 4-punctata..

. 310

Eudectus wbitei


Clytus arietis


Euplectus kunzei . .


Cocinelia 5-punetata

. 311

Euryporus picipes . .


Cceliodes cardui


. 45




. 45

Gabrius appendiculatus .


Colon barnevillei . .

. 45



brunneum . .



keysianus . .



. 4

pennatus . .


microps . .


, 99


'. 2



. 5





, 6

Galerucella calmariensis .



viennense . .


. 6

fergussoni . .



Corticaria fowleriana

. 3

nympbsBffi . .




. 3



lambiana . .


sagittarifB . .

'. 4


simiiata . .


Geodromicus nigrita


Corymbites cupreus

. 310

Gonipterus lepidotus


var. ferugineus


. 310

Hfemonia appendiculata .


impressus . .

. 310

Haliplus beydeni . .


var. rufipes . .

. 310




. 231

nomax** ..


Crepidodera impressa

. 4

Helophorus arvenicus



. 4


* 230,



Heteerius feriugineus Hister merdarius . . Homalium brevicoUe


pineti . * ' |

Homalota .



coracina . .

fungicola . .

monticola . .



vicina Hydroporus melananus


t vi ^tlS ' ' ' * *

Hypocyptus Iffiviusculus . . Hypotbenemus eruditus . . Ilybius cenescens . ^

Ilyobates propinquus Ips 4-pustulatus Laccobius scutellaris

ytenensis . . Lathrobium longipenne . . longulum . . rufipenne . . Leistus montanus . . Leptura sanguinolenta ^ LeptLisa analis Lesteva fontinalis . .

longelytrata .

luctuosa* . . pandellei . . pubescens.. punctata . bharpi sicula Liodes algirica calcaiata . . castanea . . glabra picea

stenocorypbe** •• Lomecbusa . .

strumosa . .

Longitarsus agilis .. ••

Macronychus 4-tuberculatus Malthodes atomus . .

brevicolHs Magdalis phlegmatica .• Mefanopbthalma acuminata distinguenda transversalis Melanotus castanipes Melastis glabripennis Melolontba vulgaris Microcara livida

var. bohemanni Miscodera arctica . . Monohammus sartor Morinus lugubris . . Morycbus seneus Mycetoporus angularis



.. 247 .. 247 .. 44 .. 46 59, 310 .. 59



longulus . .

Myelopbilus piniperda Myrmedonia humeralis

laticoUis r ' ' "" .. 309

Nebria gyllenhalU . . ^^q

Necropborus ruspator . . ••

vor. microcepnaius. . ^

Neuraphes carinatus ^47

rubicundus " ^r^Q

Nototbecta anceps . * " ^gy

flavipes . * ' " 31O

Nudobius lentus . " 3

Olopbrum nicbolsoni g

Omalium brevicoUe " * 60

Opatrum sabulosum "322

Orinocarabus sylvestris . " " 309

Otliius melanocepbalus .• ••

Otiorbynchus auropunctatus •• ^^^

blandus •• •• •• '." 311

septentrionis "44

Oxypoda brachyptera •• •• ^g

exoleta ' ' . . 45

lurida . " * * 2

Oxytelusfairmairei.. •• •• ^.^y

laqueatus . . * " ' ' 2

saulcyi . * * _ 329

seuiptus .. •• •• ;; 311

Pflohvta sexmaculata ,

?aramecosomaiTaelanocephalum 4

var. infuscatum * ^

var. univeste . . •• " " g

Parapbffidon concinnus g

tumidulus.. •• •" '' 311

1 Parnus ernesti •• •• "309

I Patrobus assimilis . . " ^g

I pentomacrus distinctus .. •• ^g

1 serratus - " " ' '_ q

\ Pbsedon •• •• ,;• ■" 309

1 philbydrus melanocephalus ^

' pbilonthus intermedius .. •• ^

var. donistborpei ^

\ nigritulus . . " ' ' 2

1 trossulus . . 5

Pbyllotreta diademata . ^^^^ ^^^

Pissodes notatus ^^^'^ gn

pini •• •• '■ . ' 310

Podabrus alpinus .. •• ^g

Polydrusus cbrysomela ^g

confluens . . ' * ' " 322

Polypbylla fullo * "_ 247

Pseudopsis sulcata . . , . 45

Ptenidium •• •• •* '" 248

intermedium •• •' "..247

liBvigatum * ' ' * 248

■wankowiezi * ' g

Pterostichus aternmus •• ^^^

lepidus •• •• ;; 309, 310 oblongo-punctatus ..309

vitreus •• •• "■ .. 3

Ptilinus costatus . " ' g

Ptinella britannica . . •• •• g^Q Pytbo depressus


Quedionuchus leevigatus .



Quedius brevis


fulvicollis . .








var. fageti





nigriceps .


variabilis . .



'. 248




Ehagium indagator. .


Ehagonycha elongata


Ebyncolus ater


Khinomacer attelaboides .


Rhizophagus dispar


Saperda populnea , .


Smicronyx . .


Sphaerites glabratus


Stapbylinus latebricola




Stenus crassus




palposus . .


proditor . .






Sunius gattoi


Syncalypta setigera


Tachinus flavipes . .



laticollis . .





proximus . .




Tacbyporus chrysomelinus

24, 73

, 74



, 73


24, Tc

S, 74

Tachypus pallipes . .


Tachyusa umbratica


Telephorus abdominalis .


var. cyanea


figuvatus . .


var. scoticus


paludosus . .


thoracicus . .


var. suturalis . .


Tetratoma ancora . .


Tbinobius bicolor**



, ,


Tbymalus limbatus. .


Trechus rubens




Tricbonyx miirkeli . .


sulcicollis . .



Triplax russica


Tychius bsmatopus





polylineatus ..





Xantholinus distans

, ,






Zeugophora subspinosa






Zilora ferruginea . . . . . . 311


albinos, Cyphodeirus . . . . 61


acutipennis, Camilla* . . . . 306

senea, Siphunculina* . . , . 252

asqualis, Pbora . . . . . . 61

aeronetba, Hilara* . . . . 217, 225

albimana, Anthomyza* . . . . 306

alboguttata, Pbortica* . . . . 306

approximatonervis, Diplotoxa* . . 252

argentata, Leucopis* . . . . 306

argyrogenis, Hydrellia . . . . 253

Asilidse . . . . . . . . 75

bicolor, Anagnota* . . . . . . 306

bifasciata, Anthomyza** .. ..72

brevipalpis, Glossina . . . . 48

brunnipes (stagnicola), Notiphlla* 253

caviceps, Scatopbila* . . . . 253

ciliata (inssqualis), Pbora . . . . 61

cinerella, Diseocerina (Clasiopa)* 253

cognata (gilvipes), Oscinis* . . 252

concinnata, Conipsilura . . . . 266

coronata, Parochthiphila* . . .. 306

costata, Cbymomyza* .. .. 306

curvicauda, Casnia* . . . . 253

Diptera 182, 284

duinensis, Siphonella* . . . . 252

durrenbergensis, Atissa* . . . . 253

ephippium, Gaurax* . . . . 252

fasciata, Ochthiphila* . . . . 306

flavicornis, Hydrellia* . . . . 253

flavitarsis, Pbyllomyza* . . . . 306

frontalis, Geomyza* . . . . 306

frontella, Oscinis* . . . . , . 252

fusea, Glossina . . . . . . 48

fuscimana, Cbymomyza* . . . . 306

fuscipes, Glossina . . . . . . 48

gilvipes = cognata .. .. .. 252

glaucella, Diseocerina (Clasiopa)* 253

Glossina . . . . . . . . 48

grisea, Hydrellia* . . . . . . 253

grossa, Glossina . . . . . . 48

birsuta, Chlorops . . . . . - 252

humeralis, Hyadina* . . . . 253

humeralis, Psila* . . . . . . 252

bypostigma, Chlorops* . . . . 252

in£Equalis = ciliata .. .. ..61

inconstans, Diplotoxa . . . . 252

interrupta (birsuta), Chlorops* .. 252

interstincta, Hilara. . .. .. 217

Isevifrons, Oscinis* . . . . . . 252

Iffivigata, Liomyza* . . . . 306

limbata (inconstans), Diplotoxa*.. 252

limosina, Atissa . . . . . . 253

lineatopunctata, Opomyza* .. 306

lineella, Oscinis (Notonaulax)* ., 252

lineola, Syrphus . . . . . . 327

longipalpis, Glossina . . . . 48

longipennis, Glossina . . . . 48

longirostris, Ehicnoessa* .. .. 306,



longirostris, Sipbonella* . . . . 252

ludens, Melichia . . . . . . 61

maculiventris, Hydrellia* . . 253

maura, Hilara . . . . . . 217

megaspis, Elaehyptera* . . . . 252

minima, Chiromyia* . . . . 306

minuta, Chlorops . . . . . . 252

morsitans, Glossina . . . . 48

Muscidae 233

mutata, Hydrellia* . . . . 253

myrmecophilus, Ceratopogon . . 60

nigra, Periscelis* . . . . . . 306

nigripennis, Philotelma* . . . . 253

nigritarsis, Parhydra* . . . . 253

nigromaculata, Psila* . . . . 252

nitens, Pelina* . . . . . , 253

nitidissima, Oscinis* . . . . 252

obliqua, Parhydra*. . .. .. 253

obscurella, Chloropisca* . . . . 252

omissus, Ceroxys . . . . . . 280

ordinata, Anthyroglossa* . . . . 253

pallicera, Glossina . . . . . . 48

pallida, Anthomyza* . . . . 306

palpalis, Glossina . . . . . . 48

pictus, Ceroxys . . . . . . 280

planifrons, Chlorops* . . . . 252

plumosa, Discocerina (Clasiopa)* 253

pubescens, Elaehyptera* . . . . 252

pumilionis, Sipbonella* . . . . 252

rata, Phora . . . . . . . . 61

rufa, Chloropisca* . . . . . . 252

rufifrons, Drosophila* . . . . 306

scrobiculata (trapezina), Elaehyp- tera* 252

Serena, Chlorops* . . . . . . 252

simplex, Seiomyza . . . . . . 327

sordidella, Anthomyza* . . . . 306

sordidella, Oscinis* . . . . 252

speiserianum, Ascodipteron . . 230

stagnicola, Notiphila . . . . 253

submorsitans, Glossina . . . . 48

Syrphidae . . . . . . . . 253

tachinoides, Glossina . . . . 48

tetrasticha, Scaptomyza* . . . . 306

tibialis, Dicrfeus* . . . . . . 252

trapezina, Elaehyptera . . . . 252

triangularis, Chlorops* . . . . 252

tristis, Sipbonella*. . .. .. 252

tuberculifera, Elaehyptera* . . 252

unicornis, Scatophila* .. .. 253

vagans, Diastata* . . . . . . 306

vagans, DicraBus* . . . . . . 252

Vanessa, Sturmia . . . . . . 266

variegata, Scatophila* . . . . 253

vittiger, Syrpbus . . . . . . 327

vittipennis, Philhygria* . . . . 253

xantbocera, Discocerina (Clasiopa) 253


ffineus, Eysarcoris .. .. .. 279

albipennis, Plagiognathus. . .. 279

antennatus, Teratocoris . . . . 326

Aphidse 12, 24

apterus, Halticus . . . . . . 234


aurita, Ledra . . . . . . 279

cimiciformis, Paracletus . . . . 24

CoccidfE 12, 323

cornutus, Centrotus . . . . 159

Dactylopius . . . . . , . . 170

furfurus, Chionaspis . . . . 323

glaucescens, Chlorina . , . . 280

hybridus. Pirates . . . . . . 281

lineatus, Nabis . . . . . . 326

medius, Stenocepbalus* . . . . 252

Membracidae . . . . . . 159

montana, Cicadetta . . . . 279

perplexus, Pilopborus . . . , 61

pulchellus, Aroespus . . . . 280

saltator, Halticus* . . . . . . 234

subterranea, Eipersia .. .. 170

tomlini, Eipersia . . . . . . 170

tricinctus, Acocephalus . . . . 279

ulmi, Lepidosaphes .. .. 328

vejdovskyi, Ortheziola* . . . . 253


acervorum, Leptothorax .. 11, 12 albipes, Technomyrmex .. ..15

alienus, Lasius . . . . . . 15

Aphelinfe 323

aphidicolEe (mixtus var.), Lasius.. 238

apterus, Chasmodon . . . . 61



atalana (vividula sub-sp.), Preno-

lepis . . auropunctata, Wasmannia bistigmaticus, Euphorus . . boerorum (punctatissima (suh-sp.),

Ponera braueri, Prenolepis\ . buccata, Pachyloma burmeisteri, Amomma Cbalcididse . . einerea, Formica . . coarctata, Ponera . . Coccophagus congerens = pratensis con tracta, Ponera .. .. ..60

cyanurus, Neoitamus . . . . 267

donisthorpei (braueri sub-sp.),

Prenolepis . . . . . . 15

elongatulus, Crabro . . . . . . 271

exsecta, Formica 10, 11, 59, 60,

61, 63, 169, 170 flavus, Lasius 13, 15, 22, 23, 62,

63, 170, 236, 237 formicaria, Trichopria . . . . 61

formicaria (furcata var.), Belyta . . 61 formosus, Pepsis . . . . . . 75

fuliginosus, Lasius 11, 13, 22, 23,

59, 60, 61, 62, 170, 226, 228, 229 furcata, Belyta . . . . . . 61

fusca, Formica 11, 13, 58, 59, 60,

61, 62, 96, 170 fusco-rufibarbis (rufibarbis var.),

Formica . . . . 59, 62

fuscus, Salius . . . . . . 75





14 .. 15

.. 238 .. 75 216, 322 .. 96 .. 13 .. 323


gallica, Polistes

gigas, Leucospis

glebaria (fusca rar.), Formica*

guineense, Tetramorium . .

hyalinus (scutellaris var.), Ambly

aspis . . Ichneumonidae kollari, Myrmica Iffivinodis, Myrmica 11, 62


latreillei, Myrmecina Leptothorax . . .. ..11,12


lobicornis, Myrmica


mixtus, Lasius 63, 231, 236, 237

monilicornis, Passalaecus

My mar

Mymaridffi 183

Myrmica . . . . . .11, 14

neoniger, Lasius

niger, Lasius 11. 13, 22, 23, 24 60, 61, 170, 229 noctilio, Sirex nylanderi, Leptothorax ochracea, Ponera . . pharaonis, Monomorium Pompilus Ponera

pratensis, Formica . . Prospaltella . . pubescens, Periclista* pulchellus, Mymar . . punctatissima, Ponera . . 13 regalis, Mymar rubescens (fusca var.), Formica . rufa, Formica 10, 11, 59, 60, 61 62, 63, 169, 170 rufibarbis, Formica . . 59

ruginodis, Myrmica sanguinea, Formica 11, 12, 15, 59 60, 61, 62, 96, 238 scabrinodis, Myrmica 58, 59, 60 scutellaris, Amblyaspis sertifer, Lophyrus . . Stephanodes sulcinodis, Myrmica tarda = punctatissima, Ponera Technomyrmex Tenthredinidfe truncicola, Formica umbratus, Lasius 11, 59, 61, 62

63, 228, 229, 231, 236, 237

238, 280

vividula, Prenolepis






11, 98


















329 331 272

14 331 281

14 329 323 306 280

14 280


329 62 11











329 15


abietaria, Boarmia . . . . . . 309

abietella, Dioryctria . . . . 245

abingensis (or ab.), Cymatophora 321

absynthiata, Eupithecia . . . . 58

abyla, Adelpba . . . . . . 224

acaciffi, Nordmannia . . 163, 312

acamas, Cigaritis .. ..34,35, 36

acanthodactyla = cosmodactyla

aceris, Neptis .. .. .. 1S9

achillea?, Anthrocera . . . . 85

achine. Pararge .. 188,266,312

Acidalia 188, 315

Acronycta 277, 288

actaja, Satyrus . . . . . . 174

acteon (Eeon), Thymellcus 36, 40,

186, 262, 297, 318 acuminatella, Lita . . . . . . 258

adssquata (blandiata), Emmelesia

57, 58, 259^ addenda (phlteas ab.), liumicia . . 275 adippe, Argynnis65, 163, 166, 192,

266, 291 admetus, Hirsutina. . 32,175, 192

adonides, Heliconius . . . . 73

Adopsea . . . . . . . . 35

adrasta (maera var.), Pararge . . 297

Adscita 109

adusta, Hadena . . . . 64, 65

advena, Aplecta . . 64, 65, 228, 332 adyte (ligea var.), Erebia 78, 104,

228, 235 .Egeria (Sesia) . . 109, 231, 328

segeria (egeria), Pararge 32, 168,

190, 261, 262, 288, 297, 302 asgeus, Papilio . . . . . . 222

segon = argus

aello, (Eneis 79

renea, Pbytometra . . . . . . 57

oesculi (ilicis var.), Nordmannia,

Thecla 297

sethiopella, Asorta . . . . . . 9

asthiops (blandina), Erebia 39, 43

206, 324 sethiops, Lita .. .. .. 257

affinis, Calymnia (Cosmia) 66, 212

affinitata, Emmelesia . . . . 58

agestis = astrarche = medon aglaia, Argynnis 8, 166, 192, 207,

234, 259, 266, 280, 289, 291, .300 aglaope (melpomone var.), Heli- conius . . . . . . 73

Agria . . . . . . . . . . 324

alba (phlasas aft.), Rumicia .. 275

albana (tyndarus ah.), Erebia . . 323 aibicillata, Melanthia, Mesoleuca 58 albicolon, Mamestra . . . . G6

albidella = rhyncbosporella albopunctala (virgaurero ao.),

Heodes ' 101

albulalis, Nola 224

albulata, Emmelesia ..56,58,328

alcese, Erynnis 32, 35, 36, 162, 192,

266, 318 alcetas, Everes . . . . . . 186

alchemillata, Emmelesia . . 58, 65 alchimiella, Gracilaria . . . . 257

alciope, Acra;a . . . . . . 331

alciphron, Loweia 77, 162, 175,

208, 218, 246, 299, 300 alcippus (cbrysippus var.), Limnas 32 alcyone, Satyrus, (Hipparchia) 41,

174, 185, 300



alexandrse, Ornithoptera . . . . 222

alexanor, Papilio . . . . . . 175

alexis = icarus

algirica(semele ?;ar. ),Hipparchia. . 330

alni, Acronycta . . . . . . 320

alniaria, Ennomos . . . . 226

alpestialis, Orenaia . . . . 79

alpicola (franconica var.), Mala-

cosoma . . . . . . 208

alpina, Hesperia .. .. .. 223

alpina (didyma i^ar.), Melitasa .. 293

alpina = hyperborea

alpinalis, Scopula . . . . . . 259

alpinata, Parascotia, Psodos 7, 9 alsoides (minimu? ab.), Cupido . . 299 altbe;^, Erynnis (Carcharodus) 35,

36, 77, 162, 222, 297, 318, 324 alticolor (pyrenaicus var.), Hepialus 307

Alucitides 36, 254

alveus. Hesperia . . 35, 222, 266, 317 amandus, Polyommatus 35, 199, 200 amatbusia, Brenthis . . 78, 208

ambigualis, Scoparia . . . . 260

ampelopbaga, Procris . . . . 122

ampbidamas, Loweia . . . . 42

ampla (diversilinea var.), Agatbia 267 amyntas, Everes . . . . . . 85

Anaitis 102

anceps, Mamestra . . . . . . 66

andereggiella, Argyrestbia. . .. 25

andrenffiformis, iEgeria, Sesia 75,

98, 225, 231, 271 andromedfe, Erynnis, Hesperia

222, 223 angnlaria, Ennomos .. .. 102

annulata, Zonosoma . . . . 251

anomala, Sorocaba.. .. .. 231

anteros, Aricia . . 35, 162, 193, 317 antbe, Satyrus . . . . . . 31

antbedon, Euralia .. .. 281, 282

Anthrocera (Zygsena) ..55,78, 185

antimachus, Drurya . . . . 223

antinorii, Deilemera . . . . 282

antiopa, Euvanessa ..39,52, 305

apennina (coridon var.), Agriades 338 apenninicola (euryale var.), Erebia 324 apiciaria, Epione . . . . . . 328

apollinus, Doritis . . . . . . 36

apollo, Parnassius 42, 77, 101, 175,

206, 223, 289, 299, 300, 312,

321, 322 applana, Depressaria . . . . 26

apta, Argadea . . . . . . 102

arbuti, Heliodes .. .. 57, 168

arcania, Coenonympha 7, 77, 78,

186, 208, 265, 266, 288, 299, 312 areas, Lycsena . . . . . . 42

arceutbina, Argyrestbia . . 246, 260

Arctiida^ 239

arcuata (coridon a6.), Agriades 192, 292 arete (byperantusa?).), Aphantopus

226, 313 aretbusa, Hipparcbia . . . . 174 argentea (phlffias at.), Rumicia .. 332


argentella (cygnipennella), Ela-

cbista . . . . . . 258

argiades, Everes, Lycsena 85, 192,

211, 289 argiolus, Celastrina 32,34, 36, 163,

167, 280, 293, 297, 302, 304, 328 argus (segon), Plebeius 51, 77, 79,

83, 85, 187, 206, 235, 289,

292, 298, 299 Argynnidse . . . . . . . . 7

Argynnis . . . . . . 77, 295

argyrognomon, Plebeius 77, 79,

85, 163, 206, 208, 235, 300 ariana, Polyommatus 86, 87, 88,

198, 199, 200 arion, Lycfena 40, 41, 50, 78, 82,

85, 163, 186, 208, 211, 216,

289, 299 aristffius (semele var.), Hipparcbia 326 arsilacbe (pales vnr.), Brenthis 312, 313 artaxerxes (medon var.), Aricia 88,

257, 258 artemis = aurinia

arundinis (castanese), Macrogaster 193 arundinis (typbte), Nonagria . . 66 asella (cruciana), Heterogenea . . 320 asbworthii, Agrotis. . .. 216, 332

assimilella, Depressaria . . . . 26

asterope, Yptbima 31, 33, 34, 35, 36 astrarcbe = medon 7, 31, 32, 34,

35, 36, 50, 78, 85, 88, 162,

163, 186, 208, 235, 257,258,

266, 289, 292, 293, 295, 297, 305 atalanta, Pyrameis 36, 166, 167,

175, 244, 261, 291, 296 atbalia, Melittea 39, 101, 164, 208,

228, 234, 265, 289, 298, 299,

300, 312, 313 atlantica, Saturnia . . . . 322

atomaria, Ematurga . . 79, 185

atrapophanes, Gelasina .. .. 267

atrata, Odezia . . . . 188, 259

atropos, Manduca . . 244, 253, 304 Attacus . . . . . . . . 216

augur, Graphipbora, Noctua 103, 224 aurago, Xantbia . . . . . . 315

aurantiaria, Hybernia . . . . 98

aurelia, Melita3a . . 164, 188, 298 aurifrontella, Tischeria . . . . 113

aurinia, Melitaea 9, 26, 51, 52, 64,

76, 166, 188, 266 aurita, Setina (Endrosa) . . 208, 236 aurivillii, Acrffia .. .. .. 331

ausonia (belia var.), Antbocbaris

(Euchloe) .. .. 221, 296

australis (alceffi fl?^.), Erynnis .. 35 autumnaria, Ennomos . . 328, 332 avellanella, Semioscopis . . . . 257

avis, Callophrys . . 84, 253, 281

badiata, Anticlea . . . . . . 221

baeticus (altbese, var.), Erynnis,

(Carcharodus) 222, 297, 324

baia, Noctua . . . . . . 226

baliodactyla = niveidaetyla



balkanica, Tarucus. . .. 32, 317

ballus, Thestor . . . . 261, 263

barrettii (luteago var.) , Dianthcecia, 228 basalis (trifolii ab.), Anthrocera . . 55 basijuncta (coridon ah.), Agriades 292 basijuncta (icarus ab.), Polyom-

matus . . . . 293

basilinea, Apamea . . . . . . 100

basilipuncta (phlajas ab.), Bumicia 275 basi-obscura (io «?).), Vanessa .. 19 batis, Thyatira . . . . 57, 65

baton, Scolitantides 35, 36, 161,

192, 295, 297, 302 baxteri (gueneei ab.) (nickerlii var.), Luperina (Apamea) 74,

76, 89, 91, 92, 171, 172, 203 belemia, Antbocharis (Euchloe)

36, 261, 262, 294, 296 belia, Antbocharis (Euchloe) 36,

221, 294, 296 belisaria (io ab.), Vanessa 17, 18, 19 bellargus = thetis bellezina (tagis var.), Antbocharis

(Euchloe) .. .. ..296

bembeciforme = crabronif ormis .. bennettii, Adactylus . . . . 37

bergmanniana, Dictyopteryx . . 260

betulje, Ornix 246

betulEe, Ruralis .. 51,168,240

betulsetana, Penthina . . . . 259

betularia, Amphidasis 70, 283, 321, 332 bicolorana, Hylophila . . . . 64

bidentata, Odontopera . . . . 56

bifida, Dicranura . . . . . . 57

bilinea (trigrammica var.), Gram-

mesia . . . . . 56

bilineata, Camptogramma.. 167, 224 bilunana, Psedisca . . . . . . 259

bilunaria, Selenia 221, 228, 229,

307, 332 binaria, Drepana . . . . 57, 103

bipunctaria, Eubolia, Ortholitha

186, 208 bipunctata (maritima ah.), Senta 52 bipunctidactyla, Adkinia . . 37, 186 bisetata, Acidalia . . . . . . 58

Biston . . . . . . 223

bistrigella, Phylloporia . . . . 257

biundularia, Tephrosia . . . . 221

blandiata = adsequata

blandina = rethiops

blomeri, Asthena .. ..56,68, 226

blumei, Papilio . . . 222

bceticus, Lampides 31, 32, 33, 34,

36, 262, 297, 303 Bombycidae . . . . . . 322

boreata, Cheimatobia . . . . 98

Botys ^

brassicse, Mamestra . . 97, 98

brassicie, Pieris 31, 33, 36, 165, 288, 246, 273, 276, 290, 295,

300, 304, 305 brevilinea, Nonagria . . 314, 315

briseis, Hipparchia, Satyrus 42,

43, 174, 192


brilliantina, Agriades . . . . 332

britomartis, Meliteea . . . . 289

brumata, Cheimatobia . . . . 101

brunnea (cursoria ah.), Agrotis . . 75 brunnea (io ah.), Vanessa 17, 18,

19, 20 brunnea-lucidocellata (io ab.), Van- essa . . . . . . . . 18

brunnearia (bilunaria ab.), Selenia

228, 332 brunneata, Halia . . . . 259, 260

bryoniffi (napi var.), Pieris 79, 283, 299 Bunsea . . . . . . . . 86

busckiella, Gnorimoschema . . 182

cacalise, Hesperia . . . . 223, 299

cjerulea (cursoria ab.), Agrotis . . 75 ceeruleocephala, Diloba . . 167, 253 cseruleopunctata (phleeas ah.),

Eumicia . . . . 32, 304

CBBsia, Dianthcecia . . . . . . 324

csBsiata, Larentia . . . . 8, 208, 259

caia, Arctia .. 99, 103, 221, 225,

276, 279 caicus, Grammodia . . .. .. 332

c-album, Polygonia 19, 52, 74, 76,

96, 97, 163 Caledonia (asthiops var.), Erebia® 324 Caledonia (megrora var.), Pararge* 324 caledoniella, LithocoUetis . . . . 257

Caligo 222

Caligula . . . . . . . . 216

callidice, Pontia, Synchloe 9, 35,

261, 298, 299, 317 callimachus, Thestor . . . . 33

callisticta, Anisozyga . . . . 267

calodactyla (zetterstedtii), Frederi-

cina . . . . . . . . 25

cambrica, Venusia . . . . . . 280

camelina, Lophopteryx . . 56, 70 Camilla, Limenitis 34, 36, 39, 175, 189 candalus (eros in error), Polyom-

matus . . . . . . 35

candiope (icarus ab.), Polyommatus

32, 275 cannffi, Nonagria . . . . . . 66

canteneri (rumina ah.), Thais . . 295 caprseana, Penthina . . . . 245

cardamines, Euchloe 55, 64, 69,

165, 220, 289, 291, 299, 330 cardui, Pyrameis 32, 36, 166, 175,

225, 262, 291, 296, 299, 327, 329 carniolica, Anthrocera 43, 77, 185, 223 carphodactyla, Leioptilus . . 2, 37

carpinata Lobophora . . . . 221

carpophaga, Dianthoecia . . 52, 70 carthami, Hesperia . . 162, 298

cassiope (epiphron var.), Erebia . . 188 casta, Fumea . . . . 57, 119

castanene = arundinis

castigata, Eupithecia . . . . 58

castrensis, Malacosoma .. 51, 103 Catophaga . . . . . . . . 331

cebrene (bierta var.), Junonia 32, 36 cecropia, Samia, Philosamia 280, 326 celestina, Tachyris . . . . . . 331



•celtis, Libythea . . . . . . 189

cenea = dardanus

<3entaure8e, Hesperia . . . 223

cerisyi, Thais .. .. ..36

ceroDUS (thetis ab.), Agriades 263, 297 cerri (ilicis ah.), Nordmannia . . 312 cervinata, Ortholitha . . . . 324

cespitalis, Herbula . . .. .. 259

cespitis, Luperina . . 67, 102, 171

ceto, Erebia 8, 79, 104, 207, 228,

298, 299 chaonia, Drymonia . . . . 167

Charaxes .. .. 253, 280, 281

Cheloniides = Arctiidae

chi, Polia 67

chimaera, Ornithoptera . . . . 222

christi, Erebia 9, 10, 77, 78, 79, 299 christyi, Oporobia 79, 80, 81, 82

chryseis = hippothoe chrysidice (callidice var.), Pontia 35 chrysippus, Danais 32, 33, 35, 36

Chrysiridia . . . . . . . . 85

chrysitaria (pennigeraria var.),

Eurranthis 298

chrysitis, Plusia . . . . . . 212

«hrysorrhcea, Spilosoma . . . . 187

cilialis, Phlyctaenia . . 193, 228

oiliella, Depressaria .. ..26

cinerella, Brachycrossata . . . . 258

cingulata, Botys . . . . . . 7

cingulata, Herse . . . . . . 102

cinxia. Melitsea . . 39, 266, 298

Circe, Satyrus 42, 43, 164, 174, 192 circeilaris, Orthosia . . . . 98

citrago, Tiliacea (Xanthia) . . 315

citraria, Aspilates . . . . 186, 298

clara (comma ah.), Urbicola . . 294

clarkii (comes ah.), Triphsena .. 226 clarkii - nigrescens (comes ah.),

Triphaena 226

cleodoxa (adippe ah.), Argynnis

163, 192, 266 Cleopatra, Gonepteryx 36, 174,

262, 294, 296, 330 clerckella, Lyonetia . . . . 101

climene, Pararge . . . . . . 190

cloacella, Scardia . . . . . . 260

clytie, Thecla (?) 277

cnicana, Argyrolepia . . . . 246

c-nigrum, Noctua . . . . . . 320

codrus, Papilio . . . . . . 280

ccelestis (thetis a&.), Agriades .. 231 Ccenonympba . . . . . . 83

Colias . . 79, 233, 274, 330, 333

colquhounana, Sciaphila . . . . 225

columbata, Anaitis . . . . . . 102

columbina (confusalis ah.), Nola

219, 220 combinata (maritima ah.), Senta 52 combusta (rm'ea ab.), Xylophasia 64 comes, Triphaena . . . . . . 226

comma, Urbicola .. 43,294,318

comma, Leucania .. .. .. 7

complana, Lithosia. . .. ..66

complanula, Lithosia . . . . 66





56, 58*,












composana, Stigmonota . . . . 186

conchellus, Crambus . . 79, 208

concolor, Tapinostola . . . . 65

conformis = furcifera .. .. 8

confusalis, Nola 56, 57, 219, 220, 328 consortana, Dicrorampha . . . . 246

conspersa, Dianthcecia . . . . 52

constanti, Agrotis . . . . . . 188

coiitigua, Hadena . . . . . . 326

conversaria (repandata ah.), Boar-

mia . . . . 58, 102, 332

convolvuli, Agrius 167, 304, 305,

320, 326, 329 coracina, Parascotia (Psodos) 10,

258, 259 cordigera, Anarta . . . . . . 258

cordula, Satyrus . . . . 41, 174

coridon, Agriades 41, 42, 77, 110,

163, 166, 175, 185, 186, 192,

206, 210, 218, 231, 235, 244,

274, 292, 328, 333 coronata, Eupithecia corticana (picana) Penthina corticea, Agrotis corylata, Cidaria coryli, Demas Coscinocera . . Cosmiffi Cosmiidse

cosmius, Xylophanes cosmodactyla, Amblyptilia Cosmosoma . . costa-c£erulea (cursoria ah.), Agrotis 75 costa-juncta (icarus ah.), Polyom-

matus . . . . . . 275

costsestrigalis, Hypenodes . . . . 58

coulonellus, Crambus . . 7, 9

crabroniformis (bembeciformis),

Trochilium . . 103, 104, 228

craccse, Toxocampa . . . . 226

Crambi . . . . . . . . 64

Crambus 7, 208

cratsegella, Scoparia . . . . 260

cratffigi, Aporia 8, 39, 208, 288, 289 cratsegi, Trichiura . . . . . . 52

crenana, Phlceodes . . . . . . 246

crepuscularia, Tephrosia . . 56, 328 cribralis, Herminia ..66, 75, 228

cribrai-ia (cribrum), Euprepia .. 239 cribrum, Myelois . . . . . . 70

cribrum = cribraria

crinanensis, Hydrcecia . . 125, 315

crcesus, Ornithoptera . . . . 222

cruda = pulverulenta

cucubali, Dianthcecia . . . . 56

CucuUia 279

culiciformis, ^Egeria 102, 103, 104

cultraria, Drepana . . . . . . 103

cuprea, Epsilia (Agrotis) . . . . 236

cursoria, Agrotis . . . . 75, 260

curtisii (comes ah.), Triphsena . . 226 cyanosticta (io ah.), Vanessa 22, 52

Cyclotorna 280

Cydimon . . . . . . . . 85

cygnipennella = argentella, .



cylLarus, Glaucopsyche 36,163,220, 266

cymon = seraiargus

Cynthia, Melitjea . . . . 9, 10

dahlii, Noctua . . . . . . 67

daraon, Hiisutina . . 41, 163, 175, 300 damone, Euchloe(Anthocharis) 220,

273, 330

Danais . . . . . . . . 333

daphne, Brenthis . . 168, 300, 322 daplidice, Pieris (Pontia) 31, 33,

36, 39, 221, 262, 263, 296, 317

dardanus, Papilio . . . . . . 281

darwiniana (arcania vai-.), Coeno-

nympha 7, 78, 208, 288, 299 davus = typhon

decoiella, Laverna . . . . . . 246

defoliaria, Hybernia . . 98, 225

Deilemera 282

deione, Melitsea 295, 296, 313, 314

Delias 332

delius, Parnassius . . . . 8, 235

delunaria (lunaria var.), Selenia 51

demantiia, Cosmosoma . . . . 102

denhami, Biston . . . . . . 223

dentina, Hadena . . . . . . 56

deplana, Lithosia 309, 325, 326, 330 derasa, Thyatira (Gonophora) 57,

65, 66 designata, Coremia, . .. ..56

dia, Brentliis 300

Dianthcecia . . . . . . . . 324

diaphanus, Hymenitis . . . . 224

diazeuxis, Anisozyga . . . . 267

dictffia, Leiocanipa . . . . . . 56

dictseoides, Leiocanipa . . 57, 70, 314 dictynna, Melita;a 39, 188, 235,

265, 300, 313 didyma, Melitsea 42, 77, 163, 164,

175, 192, 289, 298 didyma = secalis, Apamea

diffinis, Cosraia . . . . . . 212

diluta, Asphalia .. .. ..314

dilutata, Oporabia . . 79,80,81, 82

diniensis (sinapis var.), Leptidia . . 77

dirce, Gynwcia . . . . . . 224

dispar, Chrysophanus 84, 85, 120,

187, 188, 192, 193, 210, 333, 334

dispar, Ocneria . . . . . . 187

dissiuiilis (suasa), Hadena. . .. 332

diversilinea, Agathia . . . . 267

dodecella, Teleia 258

dodonea, Tischeria . . . . . . 246

dolabraiia, Eiu-yraene . . 56, 64 dominula, Callimorpha, Euchelia

64, 103, 207, 225, 279, 288, 289

donzelii, Aricia . . . . 188, 235

dorilis, Loweia . . 42, 175, 187, 317

dorus, Ccftnonympha . . . . 173

doubledayaria (betularia ah.),

Amphidasis . . . . . . 321

dromedarius, Notodonta 70, 228, 314

dryas, Enodia . . 43, 174, 186, 314

dubia, Dianth(ccia . . . . . . 324

dubia, Euralia .. .. 281,282

dubitalis, Scoparia . . . . . . 258


dubitata, Scotosia . . . . . . 181

dumerilii, Luperina, (Apamea) 54,

171, 172, 173, 188, 203, 205 dumetellus, Crambus . . 7, 79

duplana, Rhyacionia (Retinia) . . 330 duplaris, Cymatophora . . . . 228

echii, Luperina .. .. .. 172

edusa, Colias 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 163, 167, 173, 218, 262, 274, 276, 277, 291, 293, 296,

300, 304, 317, 327, 329, 330 ega, Catophaga . . . . . . 331

egea, Polygonia . . . . . . 36

egeria = 8egeria

egerides (fpgeria va?'.),Pararge 190, 297

eleus (phleeas var.), Rumieia 162,

275, 304 elymi, Tapinostola . . . . . . 66

emarginata, Acidalia . . 64, 65

emberizsepennella, Lithocolletis . . 257 Emmelesia . . . . . . . . 210

encedon, Acraea .. .. 330, 331

Endrosa . . . . . . . . 10

Epidola 169

epiphron, Erebia, Melampias 9, 40,

188, 207, 332 erato, Heliconius . . . . . . 73

Erebia 78, 79, 188, 207, 233, 274, 334 ergane, Pieris . . . . . . 35

ericellus, Crambus . .

erigone, Polyommatus


eriphyle, Erebia

eris (niobe var.), Argynnis

erithonius, Papilio .

eros, Polyommatus

259 200 254 104 207 287

eros = candalus erysimi (sinapis var.

86, 88, 162, 198, 199, 200 . . 35 Leptidia . .

163, 192 35, 175, 298 .. 233 35, 235, 299 ..267 .. 295, 296 42, 163

escheri, Polyommatus


euniedon, Aricia

eumixis, Gelasma . .

eupheme, Zegris

euphemus, LycEena

eupheno, Euchloe 262, 273. 296, 303

euphenoides, Euchloe 262, 272,

273, 294, 296, 303, 319

euphorbia3, Celerio . . . . . . 322

euphorbiana, Sericoris . . . . 245

euphrosyne, Brenthis ..8, 166, 291

Eupithecia . . . . . . . . 188

Euplffa . . . . 213, 222, 333

europome (paiajno ab.), Colias . . 313 europomene (palteno ab.), Colias . . 313 euryale, Erebia 104, 188, 207, 234, 324 eurybia (hippothoe var.), Chryso- phanus . . 208, 235, 299 evelina, Stalachtis . . . . . . 279

evias, Erebia . . . . 188, 299

Evetria = Rhyacionia .. .. 330

excelsior, Isognathus . . . . 332

exclamationis, Agrotis . . . . 56

exmaculata (io a6.), Vanessa .. 16



extensaria, Eupithecia , . 220, 328 extincta = obsoleta (tilite ah.) extranea, Leucania. . .. .. 188

exulans, Anthrocera 10, 188, 235

fagi, Stauropus •. . .. ..70

falcataria, Drepana 56, 57, 70, 103, 332

falcula = falcataria

falloui, Anthocharis .. ..86

falsellus, Crambus . . . . . . 324

faniula, Fidonia . . . . . . 297

fasclata (obscurata ah.), Gnophos 52 fascinans, Anisozyga . . . . 267

fatua, Satyrus .. ..32,34, 36

fausta, Idmais 31, 33, 34, 35, 36

favicolor, Leucania . . . . 327

feisthamelii (podalirius var.),

Papilio . . 280, 294, 295

ferrugana, Peronea . . . . . . 257

ferrugata, Coremia. . .. 5G, 186

festaliella, Schreckensteinia . . 254 festiva, Noctua . . . . . . 56

festucffi, Plusia . . . . 228, 315

feyeri, Heliconius .. .. ..73

fibrosa (leucostigma ah.), Apamea 315

ficus, Pachylia 102

fidia, Satyrus . . . . . . 174

filipendulas, Anthrocera 43, 51, 52, 55, 65, 78, 85, 99, 165, 167, 185, 208, 267, 279, 320, 326 fimbria, Triphasna . . 65, 66, 67, 102 fimbrialis, Thalera.. .. .. 186

fiscbeii (io «&.), Vanessa .. 16, 21 fiammea, Meliana .. .. .. 228

fiava (linea), Adopa3a 51, 52, 162,

165, 294, 318 flavicincta, Polia . . . . . . 57

flavicornis, Asplialia . . . . 64

flavifrontella, fficophora . . . . 260

fiavofasciata, Erebia . . . . 110

fiexula, Aventia . . . . . . 314

fluctuata, Melanippe . . . . 56

fluctuosa, Cymatophoi-a . . 56, 57 fontis, Bomolocha . . . . . . 58

forficalis, Pionea . . . . 55, 56

fowleri (coridon ah.), Agriades 292, 328 franconica, Malacosoma .. 208, 221 fritillum, Hesperia . . .. .. 222

frwlichiella, Lithocolletis . . . . 257

fruhstorferi, Stichtophtbalma .. 222 fuciforniis, Hemaris . . . . 168

fulva, Tapinostola . . . . . . 67

fulvapicata (grossulariata ah.),

Abraxas . . . . . . 329

fumosa (nigricans ah.), Agrotis . . 102 fumosata (cervinata ah.), Ortbolitha 324 funebrana, Grapholitha . . . . 254

furcatellus, Crambus . . . . 259

fureifera (conformis), Xylina 225, 326 fusca (ruta ah.), Ccenobia . . . . 52

fusca (gueneei ah.) (nickerlii i^ar.),

Luperina** 74, 76, 89, 201, 202, 203 fuscata (marginaria ah.), Hybernia 320 fuscescens, Acompsia . . . . 260

fuscodactyla (pterodactyla), Sten-

optilia . . . . . . . . 37

. . 321

51, 100, 315

56, 64

98, 251

. . 55


. . 64


. . 67

.. 9

. . 56


galactodactyla, Porrittia . . . . 37

galathea, Melanargia 42, 65, 168, 175, 186, 192, 210,266, 289,

291, 300, 311, 328, 329 galba, Lanipides . . . . . . 36

galbanella, Gelecbia . . 259, 260

galhijsolidaginis, Gnorimoschema 182 gamma, Plusia . . . . 212, 244

Gelechiida- 258

gemina, Apamea .. ..56,65, 228

geminana, Grapholitha . . . . 227

geminipuncta, Nonagria

gemmaria, Boarmia

genista;, Hadena

Geometvidse . .

Geometrides . .

Geometriniu. .

gigantellus, Schcenobius

glabraria, Cleora

glareosa, Noctua

glauca, Mamestra . .

glaucata, Cilix

glauce (belemia var.), Anthocharis

262, 296 glaucippe, Hebomoia . . . . 222

glaucus, Papilio . . . . . . 225

glomerata (icarus ah.), Polyom-

matus . . . . . . 275

glyphica, Euclidia . . 58, 166, 289

goante, Erebia . . 78, 207, 234

gonodactyla, Platyptilia . . . . 37

gordius (alciphron var.), Loweia, Chrysophanus 77, 175,

208, 218,246, 299, 300 gorge, Erebia . . 8, 9, 188, 236

gorgon, Epistor .. .. .. 332

gothica, Tffiniocampa . . 69, 221 gracilis, Tgeniocampa . . 69, 221 graminis, Chaiffias . . .. ..67

grisealis, Herminia . . . . 58

griseola, Lithosia . . . . 64, 314

grossulariata, Abraxas 52, 226, 254

279, 329, 332 Grypocera . . . . . . . . 334

gueneei = nickerlii, Luperina 53, 54, 74. 76, 89, 90, 91, 92, 171, 172, 201, 202, 203, 204,

205, 227, 246, 269, 270

Habrostola 212

haggerti (pulverulentaa?;.), Tsenio

eampa haliphron, Papilio . . halteres (mnemosyne ah.), Parnas

sius . . hamula, Drepana . . . . 64, 228

harrisoni, Biston .. .. .. 223

hastata, Melanippe.. .. 58, 166

hecate, Brenthis . . . . . . 163

hecta(us), Hepialus .. .. 322

hedysari (carniolica var.), Anthro- cera 43, 77

helense, Biston . . . . . . 223

helice (edusa ah.), Colias 163, 167,

262, 274, 329, 296, 330 helicina (edusa ah.), Colias . . 330






73, 183, 223

.. 228

'.'. 224

.. 216

.. 267

.. 260

65, 212

.. 322

43, 254



32, Papilio



208 299 36 174 281

326 322


Heliconius . .

hellmanni, Tapinostola

helveola = deplana ..

helvetina, Agvotis . .

Hemileuca . .


hepariella. Zelleria..

hepatica, Xylophasia


hera, Callimorpha . .

herbida = prasina


hermione, Safcyrus 82, 34, 43, 164,

174, 185 Hesperia . . . . . . . . 35

Hesperiidse . . 162, 287, 306, 324

Hestia 222

Heterocera . . . . . . 219, 236

heterodactyla (teuerii), Capperia . . 37 hexadactyla, Orneodes hexapterata, Lobophora heydenreichii (statices ah

Ino . . hiera, Pararge hierta, Junonia Hipparchia . . hippocoon (dardanus ah. hippocrepidis, Anthrocera 51, 185, 320, hippophaes, Celeiio hippothoe, Chrysophanus 8, 40, 84, 208, 235, 299, hirtaria, Biston 226, 227, 228, 254

hispidaria, Njssia, Apocheima 98,

225, 226 hispidus, Heliophobus . . . . 188

hispulla (jurtina var.), Epinephele

190, 262, 297, 326 homerus, Papilio . . . . . . 224

homoeotes, Dioscore . . . . 267

hortella, Lithocolietis . . . . 327

hospita (plantaginis var.), Nemeo-

phila 332

humuli, Hepialus . . 57, 278, 322

hunii, Biston . . . . . . 223

hunza, Polyommatus hutchinsoni (c-8.1bum ab.), Poly- gonia .. .. 74,76,96,

hyale, Colias 39, 173, 192, 223,

274, 276, 277, 280, 291, 296,

298, 300, 304, 305, 327, 329, 330 hybridellana, Euptecilia .. .. 186

Hydriomena (Hypsipetes) . . . . 179

Hydrocampa . . . . . . 288

hylas, Polyommatus 7, 8, 77, 175,

186, 207, 289, 298, 299 hyperantus, Apbantopus 43, 51,

168, 206, 225, 226, 230, 231,

291,299, 313 hyperborea (alpina), Pachnobia . . 258 hyperboreus, Hepialus . . . . 307

Hypochrysops . . . . . 232

hypoleucos (malvse var.), Hesperia

32, 86




Hypolimnas . . . . . . . . 222

Hypsipetes = Hydriomena icarinus (icarus ah.), Polyommatus

32, 199, 275, 293 icarus, Polyommatue 7, 9, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,36,43,50, 85, 86, 88, 163, 165, 166, 186, 187, 198, 199, 200, 235, 263, 266, 274, 275,277,289, 292, 293, 295, 297, 299, 300, 805, 314, 317 icasia, Eepantheria . . . . 102

ichneumoniformis, ^Egeria . . 324

ichnusa (urticse i;ar.), Aglais .. 19 ida, Epinephele . . . . 262, 297

Ideopsis . . . . . . . . 222

ilia, Apatura.. .175,189,223,312

ilia, Heliconius . . . . . . 73

iliades (ilia ab.), Apatura . . . . 223

ilicis, Nordmannia 36, i63, 289,

297, 312 illunaria, Selenia . . . . . . 328

immaculata (rubi ab.), Callophrys 297 immanata, Cidaria 67, 226, 315, 327 immundella, Trifurcula . . . . 260

imperialis, Teinopalpus . . . . 222

impluviata, Hydriomena, Hypsi- petes . . . . . . . . 56

impudens, Leucania . . 65, 228

incerta (instabilis), Taeniocampa

69, 221 incerta = gueneei = nickerlii .. 203

incerta = testacea (in error) . . 91

incongruella, Amphisbatis 169, 238 Incurvaria . . . . . . . . 254

ines, Melanargia . . 294, 295, 296

ines, Thecla (?) 277

initia (phlseas ab.), Rumicia .. 275 ino, Brenthis . . , . 188, 266

inornata, Acidalia . . . . . . 260

insubrica (arcania ab.), Cccno-

nympha . . . . . . 288

interjecta, Tripbiena . . 66, 167

intermedia (adippe ah.), Argynnis 163 intermedia (aegeria ab.), Pararge . . 302 intermedia (pblseas ab.), Eumicia 275 inuus, Hemeroplanes . . . . 332

io, Vanessa 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,

21, 22, 52, 166, 254, 266, 291 ielas, LycEena (Glaucopsycbe) 192, 323 iole (iris ab.), Apatura . . . . 223

iota (gueneei ab.) (nickerlii var.),

Luperina** .. .. 171, 203

iota, Plusia 212

iphis, Ccenonympha . . 192, 312

Irriguana, Sericoris . . . . 259

iris, Apatura39, 166, 168, 179, 189,

223, 259, 312 jacobEese, Euchelia . . . . . . 56

janira = jurtina

jantbina, Tripbeena .. 66, 167

jesous, Castalius .. .. 34, 36

jurassica (carniolica var.), Anthro- cera 223

jurtina (janira), Epinephele 32,



33, 35, 36, 48, 52, 168, 186, 190, 218, 262, 289, 291, 297,

800, 311, 326

kadeni, Dysdsemonia karsandra (lysimon var.),


Zizera 31,

kilmunella, Elachista

kleemanella, LithocoUetis

labruscae, Pholus . .

lacertinaria, Drepana

lactearia, lodis

lacticolor ( grossulariata ab.),

Abraxas lactipennis (ornitopus

Xylina 1-album (van-album), Polygonia . lancealis, Perinephele langii, Biston lappona, Erebia laricella, Coleophora lariciata, Eupithecia lathonia, Issoria lathyri (sinapis var.) lavateras, Erynnis . . leda, Thecla (?) lefebviei, Erebia



.. 257

.. 102

70, 103

.. 56

329 var,), .. 97 164 56 ..223 6, 7, 8, 9, 299 ..101 56, 58 .. 163, 298 Leptidia .. 296 77, 318 ..277 188, 190, 191 lefebvrei, Gegenes (Parnara) 222, 323 leighi (dardanus ab.), Papilio . . 281 lemnalis. Cataclysta . . . . 268

Lemoniinse . . . . . . . . 279

leporina, Acronyeta . . 57, 65

Leptidia . . . . . . . . 233

Lethe.. .. .. .. .. 383

Leucania . . . . . . . . 183

leucomelas, Anophia . . . 188

leucomelanella, Lita . . . . 258

leucomelas (galathea ab.), Melan-

argia . . . . . . . 192

leucopbearia, Hibernia 98, 219, 220, 221 leucostigma, Apamea . . . . 315

levana, Araschnia 209, 266, 267,

289, 300, 307 libatrix, Scoliopteryx . . 67, 103

Libythea 280

lichenea, Epunda . . . . . . 228

lienigianus = septodactyla

ligea, Erebia 39, 78, 103, 207, 228, 235

lignata = vittata

ligustri, Sphinx .. .. .. 109

Limenitis . . . . . . . . 189

limitata, Ortholitha . . . . 208

linea = flava

lineola, Adopsea .. .. 35, 186

literosa, Miana . . . . . . 66

Lithocolletidee 257

Lithocolletinas . . . . . . 228

lithodactylus, Oideematophorus 87, 329


.. 212

.. 66

67, 315

58, 320

.32, 35, 36

.. 327


lithorhiza, Xylocampa lithomylea Xylophasia littoralis, Prodenia . . litura, Anchocelis . . liturata, Macaria livia, Hypolyesena . . livornica, Phryxus . . loga;a, Retinia (Ehyacionia)

longivalvis, Arcyophora . . . . 219

lonicersB, Anthrocera 8, 85, 166,

185, 208, 235 lorquinii, Cupido (Lyceena) . . 262

lubricipeda, Spilosoma . . . . 25

lucens, Hydrcecia . . . . 67, 125

lucernea, Agrotis . . . . 260, 332

lucia (icarus ab.), Polyommatus . . 82 lucidocellata (io ab.), Vanessa 16,

19, 22 lucilla, Neptis . . . . 189, 289

lucina, Nemeobius (Hamearis) 50,

64, 84, 168 lucipara, Euplexia . . . . . 56

lugens (galathea ab.), Melanargia 329 lugubris, Melasina . . . . . . 78

lunsedactyla (phseodactyla), Maras- marcha . . . . . . . . 37

lunaria, Selenia . . . . . . 51

lunosa, Anchocelis . . . . . . 67

Luperina .. .. 91, 102, 172

lupulinus, Hepialus . . . . 181

lurideola, Lithosia . . . . . . 186

lutea (flavago), (silago) Citria .. 67 luteago, Dianthcecia . . . . 228

luteata, Acidalia . . . , . . 58

luteella, Nepticula . . . . . . 246

lutipennella, Coleophora .. .. 260

lutosa, Calamia . . . . . 51

lutulenta, Epunda ,. .. 228, 315

LycEena 42, 199

Lycsenidffi 8, 40, 72, 215, 240, 305, 322 lycaon, Epinephele. . .. 175, 192

lycia (encedon uar.), Acraea .. 331

lycidas, Plebeius . . . . . . 298

lysimon, Zizera .. ..31,82, 36

machaon, Papilio 34, 36, 39, 42,

225, 277, 288, 289, 294, 295, 817 maculata, Venilia . . . . . . 288

maculiferella, Lita . . . . . . 258

masra, Pararge 8, 9, 31, 32, 86, 42,

78, 208, 288, 297, 299, 312,

314, 317 magnimaculata (io ab.), Vanessa

16, 17, 18, 19 maguimaculata-obscura (io ab.),

Vanessa . . . . . 17 major (phlaeas ab.), Kumicia . . 275 malvffi, Hesperia 32, 36, 165, 166,

222, 266, 280, 294, 817 manni, Pieris . . 84, 163, 185, 273 marchandii (melanops ab.), Glauco-

psyche . . . . . . 297

marginalis (io ab.), Vanessa 16, 17, 22 marginaria, Hybernia 98, 225, 231, 320 marginepunctata, Acidalia . . 280

mantima, Senta . . . . . . 52

marmorea, Lita . . . . . . 258

marmorinaria (leueophearia ab.),

Hybernia .. .. 219, 220

mathias, Chapra . . . . 35, 36

matronalis (plantaginis ab.), Ne-

meophila . . . . . . 324

maturna, Melitsea 163, 188, 265, 821 maura. Mania . . . . . . 327



medon (astrarche), Alicia 7, 31,32, 34, 35, 36, 50, 78, 85, «8, 162, 163, 186, 208, 209, 235, 257, 258, 266, 289, 292, 293,

295, 297, 305

medusa, Erebia . . . . . . 191

meeki, Dioscore . . . . . . 267

meeki, Ogyris . . . . . . 232

megacephala, Acronycta, (Cuspidia)

57, 218 megrera, Pararge 36, 42, 291, 302,

324, 326

mebadiensis (athalia ah.), Melitsea 164 melampus, Melampias 7, 9, 207,

228, 235

melania, Tachyris . . , . . . 331

melanopa, Anarta . . . . . . 10

melanops, Glaucopsyche, Lycfena

263, 295, 297

luelanotica (daphne ab.), Brenthis 332 melanotoxa (icarus ab.), Polyom-

matus . . . . 275, 293

melas, Erebia . . . . 190, 191

meleager, Polyommatus 35, 174,

175, 192

melibceus (alciphron ab.), Loweia 77

meliloti (vicise), Anthrocera . . 223

Melitea . . . . 9, 78, 295, 313

melotis, Hesperia . . . . . . 222

melpomone, Heliconius . . . . 73

mendica, Spilosoma . . . . 57

mendicaria, Gnophos . . . . 208

mensuraria, Eubolia . . . . 186

menthastri, Spilosoma 56, 212, 225, 267

meridionalis, Ornithoptera . . 222 meridionalis(euphemei;t<?".), Zegris

295, 296

merope (aurinia I'ar.), Melitaja 9, 188

merope, Papilio .. .. .. 287

mesentina, Belenois 31, 33, 34, 35, 36 mesoides (io ab.), Vanessa 16, j7,

18, 19, 20, 21, 22 mesoides-brunnea {ioab.), Vanessa

16, 18, 20, 21, 22

mesoides-clara (io ab.), Vanessa . . 16 mesoides -lucidocellata (io ab.),

Vanessa . . . . . . 18

mesoides-paivimaculata (io ab.)

Vanessa . . . . .18

mesoides-splendens (io a/;.), Vanessa 18 mesoides-viridiocellata (io ab.),

Vanessa . . . . . . 18

mesomella, Lithosia . . . . 332

Mesosemia . . . . . . . . 279

metaxella, Neniophora . . . . 246

meticulosa, Phlogophora . . . . 51

mi, Euciidia. . . . 58, 166, 267, 289

micacea, Hydrcecia . . . . 67

microdactyla, Adaina . . 2, 37

Micropterygides . . . . . . 254

Micropteryx 126, 254

microtheriella, Nepticula . . . . 223 minima = napella (napi ab.), minimus, Cupido 7, 9, 77, 78, 79,

186, 187, 210, 245, 299

9, 70, 37,

minor = napella (napi ab.)

minor (gueneei ab.), Luperina** 89,

minor (rapfe ab.), Pieris

minor (sinapis ab.), Leptidia

minorata, Emmelesia

minutata, Eupithecia

misippus, Hypolimnas ..33,36,

mixta (icarus ab.), Polyommatus. .

mnemosyne, Parnassius 223, 299 300,

mnestra, Erebia

monacba, Psilura . .

moneta, Plusia

monilifera, Narycia

moaodactyla, Emmelina

monoglypha (polyodon), Xylophasia


montana (semiargusrar.), Cyaniris

montanata, Melanippe

morpheas, Caradrina

morpheus, Heteropterus . .


mulinella, Gelechia

munda, Tseniocampa

mundana, Nudaria . .

muralis (glandifera), Bryophila . .

murana, Myelobius. .

murinata, Minoa

murinipennella, Coleophora

murrayi (gueneei ab.) (nickeilii

rur.), Luperina** 54, 74, 76,

89, 203,

mylitta, Antherea ..

myricffi (euphorbise var. myscis

myrtillata, Gnophos

naevana, Grapholitba

nana (napi ab.), Pieris

nanata, Eupithecia..

napsese (napi var.), Pieris

napella (napi ab.), Pieris

napi, Pieris 52, 79, 163, 167, 183, 185, 246, 247, 273, 280, 283, 289, 290, 291, 298, 299, 300, 302 ,304, 305, 314, 317, 325,

nastes, Colias . . . . 327,

nebulosa, Aplecta 216, 221, 225, 226, 230, 231, 283,

nechus, Xylophanes

Nemophora . .

neoiidas, Erebia


Nepticulidffi . .


nero, Tachyris

neustria, Malacosoma

neutrellus (falsellus var.), Crambus

nevadensis (deione var.), Melita^a 295,

nickerlii (gueneei), Luperina 53,

54, 74, 76, 89, 90, 91, 92,

171,172, 201, 202, 203, 204,

205, 227, 246, 269,

nictitans, Hydrcecia ..66, 67,

nigra, Epunda . . . . 67,

203 273

274 259 66 330 275

323 207 167 305 119 329

212 299

56 221 317 324 258


66 179

51 332 246





189, 222,

227 227

7 208 228 273 66 163 302

326 331

332 332 254 188 126 223 334 331 51 324


270 125




nigra (trapezina ab.), Calymnia . . 103

nigra (gemmaria ab.), Hybernia . . 51

nigra (orion ab.), Scolitantides . . 162

nigra (tritici ab.), Agrotis . . . . 102

nigrescens (comes ab.), Tripbgena 226

nigrescens (podalirius ab.), Papilio 280

nigricans, Agrotis .. ..57,66, 102

nigricans (papbia ab.), Dryas . . 223

nigricella, Coleopbora . . . . 259 nigrifasciata (io ab.), Vanessa

19, 20,

22 16 228 221 223 259

nigriocellata (io ab.), Vanessa nigrocincta, Polia . . nigrofasciaria, Anticlea nigrofasciata (hyale ab.), Colias nigromaculana, Grapbolitba nigromaculata (icarus ab.), Poly-

ommatus . . . . 32, 34

nigrostriata (maritima ab.), Senta 52 niobe, Argynnis . . . . . . 207

nireus, Papilio . . . . . . 287

nivatus (apollo var.), Parnassius. . 312 niveidactyla, (baliodactyla), Wbeel-

eria 37, 185

Noctua . . . . . . . . 267

Noctuaj 64, 65, 67, 251, 286, 288, 323 Noctuelites . . . . . . . . 84

Noctuidee 179, 286

nogelii, Tbestor . . . . . . 33

Nonagria . . . . . . . . 183

nordmanni, Parnassius . . . . 321

nostrodamus, Panara, Gegenes 31,

36, 222, 317, 323 notabilis, Heliconius . . . . 73

notata, Macaria . . . . . . 259

notatella, Teleia . . . . . . 257

Notodontidse . . . . 286, 287

novaree (apollo ah.), Parnassius . . 223 nubigena (purpuralis ab.), Anthro-

cera . . . . . . 8, 78

nubilosa (mnemosyne ab.), Parnas- sius 300

Nudaurelia . . . . . . . . 86

nupta, Catocala 168, 218, 219, 328 nympbaeata, Hydrocampa. . .. 286

Nympbalidffi 287, 334

obliquaria, Cbesias. . .. ..58

obscura (ravida), Agrotis . . . . 65

obscura (arion ab.), Lycaena . . 289

obscurata (aria), Gnophos 52, 58,

70, 226, 258 cbscurella, Elachista . . . . 260

obsoleta, Leucania . . . . . . 65

obsoleta (coridon ab.), Agriades

192, 274 obsoleta (cursoria ab.), Agrotis . . 75 obsoleta (hyale ab.), Colias . . 274

obsoleta (icarus ab.), Polyommatus 275 obsoleta (tiliffi ab.), Mimas .. 321

occitanica (phcebe var.), Melitasa

295, 296

occulta, Aplecta 280

ocellata, Melanthia. . .. ..58

ochracea, Gortyna . . . . . . 315

ochraceella. Tinea 169

ochrata, Acidalia ochrea (cursoria ab.), Agrotis ochrodactyla, Gillmeria . . octomaculalis, Pyralis (Ennychia odius, Aganisthos . . CEcophoridfe. . cedipus, Ccenonympha oleracea, Hadena . . . . 212

omega (augur ab.), Noctua omicronaria = annulata 00, Dicycla . . ophiogramma, Apamea opima, Tfeniocampa optata, Catocala optilete, Vacciniina. . 9, 235, 280 or, Cymatophora orbicularia, Ephyra. . orbifer, Pyrgus (Powellia) 32, 35 36, 192 orbitella, Coleopbora orbitulus, Latiorina 188, 235, 280 orbona, Tripbrena . . orientalis (mtera var.), Pararge . orion, Scolitantides. . 162,192 ornata, Acidalia . . . . 186

ornata, Gloriana ornata (feistbameliiat.) (podalirius

var.), Papilio ornata (orion ab.), Scolitantides ornatrix, Deiopeia . . Orneodidte . . Ornithoptera

ornitopus (rbizolitha), Xylina** osiris (sebrus), Cupido 79, 186 osseata, Acidalia osteodactyla, Hellinsia .. 1,29 oxyacanthfe, Miselia oxyacantbffi, Lithocolletis . . palsemon, Carterocephalus (Cyclo


palajno, Colias . . . . 313 pales, Brenthis 7, 188, 235, 312 pallens, Leucania . . 228, 320 pallida (comes ab.), Tripheena pallida (edusa ab.), Colias. . pallida (populi ab.), Amorpha pallida-rufescens (comes ab.), Tri

phsena pallidactyla, Gillmeria palpina, Ptilodontis 57, 286, 287 paludis, Hydroecia . . pamphilus, Ccenonympha 34, 84

165, 166, 186, 266, 289, 291

297, 311, 313 pandalis, Botys pandora, Dryas . . 32, 36, 163 panoptes (baton ab.), Scolitantides 295 papbia, Dryas 42, 52, 65, 77, 163

166, 167, 168, 189, 223, 266

291 Papilio 223, 225, 285, 286, 287

288 papilionaria, Geometra . . 58, 70 Papilionidffi . . . . 183, 225

AGE. 186

75 37 58 224 169 313 229 103

65 228

57 188 314 321 251

318 246 330 64 31 289 297 103

280 162 102

27 222

97 187 186


67 257

266 327 313 327 226 274 227

226 37

288 125






323 332




paradisea, Ornithoptera . . . . 222

paralecta, Kallima . . . . . . 222

ParnassiidiB . . . . . . . . 321

Parnassius . . . . 8, 72, 235, 334

parthenias, Brephos 58, 64, 218

257, 306 parthenie, Melitaea . . 78, 235, 313, 314 parvidactyla, Oxyptilia . . . . 37

parvimaculata (io ab.), Vanessa . . 16 pascuellus, Crambus . . . . 315

pasiphae, Epinephele . . 263, 297 pastinum, Toxocampa . . . . 65

paulina, Catophaga . . . . 331

payeni, Papilio . . . . . . 222

pedaria, Phigalia . . . . 98, 100

pelopea, Satyrus . . . . . . 32

peltigera, Heliothis 228

pendularia, Ephyra, Zonosoma251, 326 pennigeraria, Eurranthis . . . . 298

pentadactyla, Alucita . . . . 37

perla, Bryophila . . . . . . 179

perlellus, Crambus . . . . . . 186

Peronea . . . . . . . . 324

persicariae, Mamestra . . . . 286

petraria, Panagra . . . . . . 56

petrificata = socia

peucedani, Anthrocera . . . . 185

pbffiodactyla = lunsedactyla

phegea, Syntomis . . . . 77, 326

pberetes, Albulina . . 245, 280, 330

pbicomone, Colias 6, 7, 8, 79, 188

234, 298, 327 philippsi, Polia . . . . . . 101

Pbilosamia . . . . . . . . 216

phlseas, Rumicia 31, 32, 36, 162 247, 274, 275, 280, 289, 292 297, 304, 314, 317, 326, 327

328. 332 phcebe, Melitea 36, 77, 208, 295



296, 298, 299 phorbas, Pholus phragmitidis, Calamia phrygialis, Titanio . . picana = corticana picata, Cidaria Pierina; Pierip..

pilosella = tithonus .. pilzii, Biston pinastri, Dipterygia pinastri, Hyloicus . . piniperda, Panolis . . pinivorana, Eetinia pisi, Hadena plagiata, Anaitis plagicolella, Nepticula plantaginis, Nemeophila

314, 323, 324 Platyptilia . . Plebeiidse plecta, Noctua plesseni, Heliconius plexippus, Danaida (Anosia) pluraifera, Psycbe . . podalirius, Papilio 31, 32, 34, 36

225 56, 102

64, 21*0






58 228 256

39 223

66 231

64 260 276 297 246

332 2

109 56 73

330 10


39, 175, 280, 294, 295 podana, Tortrix . . . . . . 326

polychloros, Eugonia 36, 75, 164,

168, 221 polydama (typhon var.), Cceno-

nympha . . . . . . 39-

polyleucotes, Anisozyga .. .. 267'

polyodon = monoglypha

polyxena, Thais . . . . , . 220

pomifoliella, Lithocolletis . . . . 257

pomonella, Carpocapsa . . . . 254

popularis, Heliophobus . . . . 67

populata, Cidaria . . . . . . 226

populella, Tachyptilia . . . . 260

populetorum, Gracilaria . . . . 246

populi, Amorpha (Smerinthus) 56,

70, 103, 227, 327, 329 populi, Limenitis . . . . 189, 266

populi, Pcecilocampa . . . . 69

porata, Zonosoma . . . . . . 58

porcellus, Theretra . . . . 37, 70

porphyrea = strigula

poseidon, Agriades (?), H. . . . . 35

posteromaculata (napi ah.), Pieris 290 posticana, Eetinia (Rliyacionia) . . 330 potatoria, Cosmotricbe . . . . 279

powelli (iolas ab.), Lycsena, Glau-

copsyche . . . . . . 323^

prffiangusta, Batracheda . . . . 260'

praeclara (aurinia var.), Melitaea . . 52 prseformata, Anaitis . . . . 102

prasina (herbida), Aplecta 56, 57,

64, 65, 228, 326 prasinana, Hylophila . . 57, 70- priamus, Ornithoptera . . . . 222

procellata, Melanippe . . . . 58-

procida (galathea var.) Melanargia

175, 192, 289 prodromana, Amphisa . . 257, 306 progemmaria, Hybernia .. 221, 232. pronuba, Triphaena 25, 26, 65, 225, 226 prorsa (levana var.), Araschnia . . 300 protea, Hadena . . 67, 315, 326-

proto, Musehampia, Pyrgus (Hes-

peria) . . 35, 36, 262, 297, 3ia protodice, Colias . . . . . . 323

provincialis (apoUo var.), Parnas- sius 321

pruinata, Pseudopterpna . . . . 186

prunaria, Angerona 58, 183, 227, 329 pruni, Strymon (Thecla) 36, 65,

84, 168, 26& Pseudosphex . . . . 115, 224

psi, Triasna (Acronycta) . . . . 21S

psodea (medusa var.), Erebia , . 191 psyttalea, Amauris . . . . . . 282-

pterodactyla, Stenoptilia . . . . 37

Pterophori . . . . . . . 254

PterophoridsB . . . . . . 27

pudibunda, Dasychira . . 56, 70 pudorina, Leucania. . . . . . 66

pulchella, Deicpeia . . . . 262, 298

pulchellata, Eupithecia .. 56, 58 pulchrina, Plusia , . . . 57, 212 pulveraria, Numeria . . . . 70



pulverulenta (cruda), Tseniocampa

52, (54, 69, 221, 260 pumilata, Eupithecia . . . . 58

punctata, Naclia . . . . . . 41

purdeyi, Rhyacionia, Eetinia . . 330 purpuralis, Anthrocera 8, 9, 78, 208 purpuralis, Botys (Pyrausta) 9, 186 pusaria, Cabera . . . . 56, 70

putris, Axylia . . . . 65, 66

Pyralidse 287

pyratorum, Saturnia . . . . 227

pyrenaica (lefebvrei ab.), Erebia .. 188 pyrenaicus, Hepialus . . 188, 307

pyrene, Ixias . . . . . . 222

pyri, Saturnia . . . . . . 322

quadrella = tessella

quadrifaria, Parascotia (Psodos) 7, 8

quercana, Hvlophila . . . . 66

quercus, Bithys 36, 42, 64, 167, 175, 327 quercus, Bombyx (Lasiocampa) . . 225 quinqneguttella, Lithocolletis . . 257 radiellus, Crambus . . . . 7, 79, 208

ramella, Grapholitha . . . . 260

ramosa (aurita vac), Setina .. 208

rapa?, Pieris 7, 31, 33, 34, 36, 84,

163, 165, 185, 229, 243, 244,

245, 246, 256, 272, 273,276,

277, 290, 295, 300, 304, 305,

314, 323, 326, 328 raschkiella, Laverna .. .. 246

ratzburgiana, Pfedisca . . 254, 260

ravida = obscura

reclusa, Clostera . . . . . . 70

rectangulata, Eupithecia 56, 66, 315 regis, Ornithoptera. . .. .. 222

remissa (gemina ab.), Apamea .. 228 remus, Papilio . . . . . . 285

remutata, Acidalia . . . . . . 56

renago (oo ab.), Dicyela . . . . 65

renigera (lucernea ab.), Agrotis . . 260 repandata, Boarmia 58, 100, 102,

183, 216, 332 retiella, Epichnopteryx . . . . 220

retinella, Argyresthia . . . . 260

Eetinia = Rhyacionia .. .. 330

revayana = undulanus

Ehagades 109

rhamni, Gonepteryx 42, 165, 167,

231, 289, 291, 330 rhediella, Pyrodes . . . . . . 257

Rhinopalpa . . . . . . . . 222

rhododactyla, Eucnemidophorus . . 37 Rhyacionia (Retinia, Evetria) . . 330 rhynchosporella (albidella), Ela-

chista . . . . . . 258

ridens, Asphalia . . . . . . 166

rinaldus (selene ab.), Brenthis . . 312 ripae, Agrotis . . . . 54, 66, 328

ripartii (admetus var.), Hirsutina

32, 175 ripheus, Urania . . . . , . 85

rippertii {in error) = ripartii

voborana, Spilonota . . . . 320

roboraria Boarmia . . 166, 320, 332

roboris, Lseosopis . . . . . . 240

robsoni (nebulosa ab.), Aplecta 226,

231r^83, 332 rondoui (plantaginis ab.), Nemeo-

phila . . . . . . . . 323

roseticolana, Stigmonota . . . . 246

rossii (manni var.), Pieris .. 163

roxelana, Pararge 161, 164, 189, 190

ruberata, Hydriomena (Hypsipetes) 280 rubi, Callophrys 84, 163, 168, 266,

295, 297

rubi, Macrothylacia (Bombyx) 210, 226

56, 280, 315 .. 103 .. 64 70, 288 .69, 70, 221 .. 73 . . 52 186, 225 226 228 320 67 293


56, 65

263, 294, 295

.. 9

.. 109

56, 64

56, 58

rubi, Noetua

rubidata, Anticlea . .

rubiginea, Dasycampa

rubricollis, Gnophria

rubricosa, Pachnobia

rubripicta, Heliconiu?

rufa, Ccenobia

rufata, Ghesias

rufescens (comes ab.), Triphasna

rufescens (pallens ab.), Leucania

rufimitrella, Adela . .

ruflna, Anchocelis . .

rufina (icarus ab.), Polyommatus

rufopunctatus (icarus ab.), Polyom

matus rumicis, Pharetra . . rumina, Thais 261, 262, rupestralis, Orenaia Ruralidae

rurea, Xylophasia . . russata, Cidaria russula = sannio

rusticana, Clepsis . . . . . 260

rutikis (dispar rar.), Chrysophanus

120, 187, 188, 192, 193, 210,

316, 333 sacraria, Sterrha . . 262, 297, 326 sagitta (cursoria ab.), Agrotis . . 75 salinaris, Gnorimoschema. . .. 181

salmacis (medon var.), Aricia .. 88 sambucaria, Urapteryx . . . . 328

sannio (russula), Diacrisia 65, 75,

259, 314, 327, 332 sao (Powellia), Hesperia .. .. 297

saponariffi, Neuria .. .,64,65, 66

satellitia, Seopelosoma Saturniidse . . Satyridae Satyrus

scabioselius, Nematois scarodactyla, Adaina schmidtii (phljeas ab.), Rumicia . , schmidtii = alba (phleeas ab.), Ru

micia . . schcenbergia, Ornithoptera schranckella, Chrysoclista schrankiana, Titanio schulziana, Mixodia Sciaphila

scolifeformis, ^geria scolopacina, Xylophasia Scoparia

scota (semele var.), Hipparchia* scoticella, Ornix


216, 227

174, 192

.. 43

.. 186

.. 2


275 .. 222 .. 259 6, 9 .. 259 .. 225 .. 75 66, 226 229, 288 324 257



sebrus = osiris

secalis (didyma), Apamea . . .. 315

selene, Brenthis 52, 166, 225, 259,

266, 288, 291, 312, 320, 327, 332 semele, Hipparchia 41, 43, 69,

174, 185, 291, 324, 326, 330

semi-alba (jurtina ah.), Epinephele 289 semi-arcuata (icarus ah.), Polyom-

matus .. .. 38, 275 semiargus (cymon), Cyaniris 6,

7, 8, 9, 40, 43, 75, 79, 186,

187, 207. 211, 288, 289,299, 314

semibrunnea, Xylina . . . . 327

semicolon (lineola ah.), Adopsea . . 35

semiiulvella. Tinea. . .. .. 260

semipurpurella, Eriocrania . . 257 semisyngrapha (coridon ah.),

Agriades . . . . . . 328

seppella, Micropteryx . . . . 258

septodactyla (lienigianus), Oven-

denia . . . . . . . . 37

serena, Heeatera . . . . . . 57

sericealis (phrygialis ah.), Titanio 9

sericealis, Kivula . . . . 64, 75

serotinaria, Gnophos . . . . 208

serratulae, Hesperia . . . . 298

Sesia = ^geria .. .. 109, 328

sibilla, Limenitis . . 189, 266, 312

sibirica, Erynnis . . . . 222, 223

sichsea (fatua ah.), Satyrus 32, 34, 36

sidas, Hesperia . . 122, 223, 318

sieboldii, Epichnopteryx . . . . 10

silaceata, Cidaria . . . . 56, 58, 226

silago = lutea

similella = stipella

simplonia, Antbocharis . . 298, 299

sinapis, Leptosia 32, 34, 35, 36,

41, 77, 163, 165, 175, 186,

192, 262, 274, 289, 296, 300,

317, 330 sinelinea (alinea) (brevilinea ah.),

Nonagria . . . . . . 315

smaragdaiia, Phorodesma . . . . 70

socia, (petrifieata), Xylina .. 327

solidaginis, Caloeampa . . . . 67

Somabracbys . . . . . . 239

sordidata (elutata), Hypsipetes .. 327

sparganii, Nonagria . . . . 67

sparsata, Collix . . . . . . 228

spheciformis, ^geria 52, 64, 75, 279 spbegif ormis = sphe eif ormis

Spbingidse 285, 287

Spbinx 109

spini, Klugia . . 36, 161, 163, 174

spinolella, Litbocolletis .. .. 257

splendens (io ah.), Vanessa 16, 17

splendana, Carpocapsa . . . . 254

splendidella, Dioryctria . . . . 260

stabilis, Tffniocampa . . 64, 221

stacyi, Zelotypia . . . . . . 222

statices, Adscita (Ino) 165, 167,

208, 320

statilinus, Satyrus . . . . . . 174

stellatarum, Sesia . . . . 167, 206

stigmatica, Noctua . . . . . . 64


stipella (similella), Oecopbora . . 260 stoliczkana, Polyommatus 88, 199, 200 straminea, Leucania . . . . 228

strigilaria, Acidalia . . . . 332

strigula (porpbyrea), Agrotis 57, 66 stygne, Erebia . . 7,9, 188, 314 subbaumanniana, Argyrolepia . . 186 subbistrigella, Laverna . . . . 246

subfulvata, Eupithecia . . 58, 327 sublustris, Xylopbasia . . 65, 212 subornatella, Pbycis . . . . 186

subrosea, Noctua . . . . . . 220

subroseata (pendularia ah.), Ephy-

ra, Zonosoma . . . . 326

subsequa = orbona

subsericeata, Acidalia . . . . 56

subterranea, Gnorimoschema . . 181 subtristata, Melanippe . . . . 56

subtusa, Tethea . . . . . . 66

sudetica (melampus var.), Melam-

pias 207

suffumata, Cidaria . . . . 56, 58

suffusa, Peridroma . . . . 66

sutfusa (furcifera a6.), Xylina .. 326 suffusa (pblasas ah.), Eumicia 162, 275 suspecta, Orthosia . . 65, 228, 260

syllius, Melanargia 121, 122, 295, 297 sylvanus, Augiades 162, 165, 186,

266, 289, 294, 318 syivata. Abraxas . . 58, 226, 267

sylvella, Litbocolletis . . . . 327

sylvestrana, Ehyacionia, Retinia.. 330 syngrapba (coridon ah.), Agriades 231 Syntomiidai .. .. .. .. 232

Syntomis 223

syriaca (bermione afc.), Satyrus 32, 34

Syrichtus 287

syringaria, Pericallia . . . . 51

syringella, Gracilaria . . . . 326

Tacbyris 222, 331

tffiniata, Emmelesia . . . . 260

tages, Nisoniades 162, 165, 166,

280, 294, 317, 320 tagis, Antbocharis, Euchloe 262,

294, 296 taras (malvse a?).), Hesperia .. 280

tarsipennalis, Herminia . . . . 58

taurinorum (aethiops var.), Erebia 324 taxila, Agriades . . . . . . 333

telicanus, Raywardia 32, 33, 34,

36, 262, 289 telmessia (jurtina var.), Epinephele

33, 36 teloides (io ah.), Vanessa 16, 17,

18, 20, 21, 22 teloides-brunnea (io ah.), Vanessa

16, 17, 18, 20 teloides-clara (io ah.), Vanessa 16, 17 teloides-lucidocellata (io ah.), Va- nessa 17, 18, 19

teloides-nigrifasciata (io ah.), Va- nessa 20, 22

teloides-splendens (io ah.), Vanessa 18 temerata, Bapta . . . . . . 56

tenebrella, Monochroa . . . . 258



tenebrosa, Eusina . . . . . . 56

tephradactyla, Leioptilus . . 243, '259

Tephrosia 125, 251

terrella, Bryotropha . . . . 258

tersata, Philbalapteryx . . . . 58 tessella (quadrella), Gelechia . . 51 tessellum, Hesperia . . . . 36

testacea, Luperina 53, 54, 67, 89, 90, 91, 92, 171, 172, 173, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 246,

269, 270 testata, Cidaria . . . . . . 58

tetradactyla = tridactyla

teucrii = heterodactyla

thalassina, Hadena. . .. ..56

Thalassodes .. .. 265, 267

thersamon, Chrysophanus 31, 32,

33, 34, 35, 36, 192, 193

Thestor 38

thetis (bellargus), Agriades 43, 163,

231, 263, 292, 295, 297, 333 thetis, Chrysophanus . . . . 35

thompsoni (nebulosa ab.], Aplecta

226, 231, 283, 332 thore, Brenthis . . . . 288, 299 tigelius (megsera var.), Pararge . . 326

tiliae, Mimas 254, 321

tincta, Aplecta . . . . . . 332

Tinese 234

Tineina . . . . . . 168, 325

tipuliformis, ^geria . . . . 167

tiresias = argiades .. .. ..85

Titanio . . . . 9, 10

titea, Melanargia . . . . . . 36

tithonus, Epinephele 39, 43, 168,

173, 224, 291 torquillella, Ornix . . . . . . 246

Tortricidaj 330

transalpina, Anthrocera 8, 78, 185,

208, 235 trapezina, Calymnia .. 108, 212

trepidaria, Parascotia . . 8, 10

tridactyla (tetradactyla), Merrifieldia

37, 186 tridens, Trisena, Acronycta 66, 286, 288 trifolii, Anthrocera 55, 65, 76, 85,

166, 279 trigeminana, Ephippiphora . . 259

trigrammica, Grammesia . . . . 56

tripuncta (icarusaft.), Polyommatus 32 tritici, Agrotis .. ..66,67,102

trivia, Melitsea 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,

163, 164 trochilus, Chilades . . 34, 35, 36, 317 trophonius (dardanus var.), Papilio 281 troyana, Ornithoptera . . . . 222

truncata, Cidaria . . . . . . 315

tubulosa, Talseporia . . . . 119

turcica (urticse var.), Aglais . . 32

turcica (galathea var.), Melanargia 192 tutti, Megacraspedus . . . . 113

tyndarus, Erebia 9, 79, 188, 207,

234, 235, 323 typhae = arundinis


typhon (davus) Ccenonympha 39,

84, 120, 259, 280, 313, 332 188





.. 65

259, 260


.. 280






109, 317

ulicis, Cosmia ulmata = sylvata ulvEe, Senta . . umbra, Chariclea . . unangulata, Melanippe unanimis, Apamea.. uncana, Phoxopteryx undecimlineatus (podalirius

Papilio undulanus (revayana), Sarrothripa undulata, Eucosmia undulella, Epichnopteryx . . unidentaria, Coremia Urania

Urbicolides (se) urticse, Aglais 18, 19, 32, 35, 42,

165, 166, 208, 221, 266, 267,

291, 296, 299, 317 urticse, Habrostola . . . . . . 56

urticse, Spilosoma . . . . . . 56

urticana, Sericoris . . . . . . 259

urvilliana, Ornithoptera . . . . 222

ustomaculana. Coccyx . . . . 260

vaccinii, Orrhodia . . . . 98, 221

valligera = vestigialis

Vanessa . . . . . . . . 333

Vanessidffi 164, 208

varia (parthenie var.), Melitsea 78,

104, 235 variata, Thera . . . . . . 100

variegana, Peronea. . .. 327, 329

valezina (paphia ab.), Dryas . . 52

vau-album = 1-album

venusta, Polia . . . . . . 188

venustula, Erastria. . .. .. 331

vernetensis (dictynna ab.), Melitsea 265 versicolor, Dimorpha (Endromis)

227, 279 vestigialis (valligera), Agrotis 66, 188 vetulata, Scotosia . . . . . . 212

vetusta, Calocampa . . . . 67

viburniana, Heterogenea (Tortrix)

258, 259 vicise (meliloti), Anthrocera . . 223

vicinella, Lita . . . . . . 258

victorise, Ornithoptera . . . . 222

viminalis, Cleoceris. . .. ..57

vinula, Dicranura .. ..56,57, 168

virgaurese, Heodes 8, 40, 77, 101,

162, 206, 207, 235, 289, 299 virgularia, Acidalia 216, 315, 327

vitis, Pholus 102

vittata (lignata), Phibalapteryx . . 259 vulgata, Eupithecia . . . . 56

w-album, Chattendenia 163, 167, 312 walkeri, Amphimcea . . . . 332

weiskei, Papilio . . . . . . 222

vverdandi (nastes var.), Colias 327, 331 wismariensis (maritima nb.), Senta 52 wockeella, Coleophora . . . . 186

wolfensbergeri (maturna ab.),

Melitsea .163



xanthoraelas, Eugonia


Xylophasia . .


yama-mai, Antherea


zander i, Arcyophora


zaugis, Calisto




zelleri, Baoris


zermattensis, Crarabus



zermattensis (virgaurete





zetterstedtii = calodactyla



ziczac, Notodonta . .


zoUikoferi, Xylophasia


zonaria, Nyssia . . 226



zonaria x hispidaria


Zygtena = Anthrocera

Zygaenidge . .



brullei, Quirogesia brunneri, Arminda brunneri, Gryllus cabrerffi, Forficula


lagurus, Polyxenus .



alpestris, Stenophylax


barbara, Lertha


bipennis, Nemoptera


dives, Tinodes


flava, Chrysopa


hiemalis, Boreus


lusitanica = bipennis

pellucidus, Glyphotoelius ..


quadrifasciatus, Hemerobius



depressa, Libellula . .


fonscolombii, Sympetrum . .





BBgyptiaca, Blatta . .


segyptiaca, Heterogamia . .


aegypfciaca, Polyphaga



africana, Gryilotalpa


albifrons, Decticus . . 176,



allaudi, Calliphona . .


americana, Periplaneta (Steleo-







annulipes, Anisolabis 25, 93,




Anterastes . .





asper, Sphingonotus


auricularia, Forficula



bifasciata (vulcanius, var.),

Caloptenus . .


bimaculatus, Liogryllus 92




bivittata, Hololampra 176,







bolivari, Dericorys ..




cffirulans, Sphingonotus 176, 177 cferulescens, ffidipoda . . 93

Calliphona 178

campestris, Liogryllus

canariensis, Anataelia . . 95

canariensis, Forficula . . 95

canariensis, Gidipoda . . 93

canariensis, Sphingonotus

caudata, Locusta

cantans, Locusta

cicindeloides, Trigonidium 94

colossea, Anisolabis

comprtssicornis, Oxycoryphus

danicus, Pachylytus 94, 176

decipiens, Loboptera


Empusa . . . . . . 95

epacromioides, Stenobothrus fletcheri, Challia . . fortunata, Loboptera fuscocincta, CEdipoda giornse, Platyphyma gracilis, Mantis

grisea, Platycleis 93, 94, 176, 178 gryilotalpa, Gryilotalpa guancharia, Forficula 95, 178

Heterogamia hispanicus, Gryllus Hypsicorypha . . 95, 178

Idolomorpha . . . . 95

intermedia, Platycleis

italicus, Caloptenus . . 93

juliae, Hypsicorypha . . 95

konigi, Calliphona . .

laticauda, Platycleis

lesnei, Forficula

limbata, Parameles . . 93

lobata, Dericorys

Locusta . . . . . . 178

Lonchodes . . longicauda, Gryllomorpha longipes, Acrolytus . . major, Anisolabis . . mandibularis, Conocephalus margaritiE, Ariagona . . 178

marginellus (italicus, var.), Calop

tenus . . maritima, Anisolabis maroccanus, Stauronotus 176

maxima, Anisolabis 93, 177

Meconemidffi mendica, Blepharis. . meridionalis, Paratettix minor, Labia nana, Phaneroptera 176, 178


nigrofasciatus, (Edaleus . . 176 nirgovittata (epacromioides, var.)

Stenobothrus nubigena, Orophila 92, 178



194 195 195 194 194 194 195

93 194 194 194 194 178 178 195

93 194 195 194 195 194 194

95 194 194

94 193 195 195 194 242 195 194 194 195 195 194 178 195 216 194 195 195 332 195 194 194

94 195



orientalis, Blatta (Steleopyga) 242, 263

Orophila 178

Pamphagidee . . . . . 195

patruelis, Acrotylus. . .. 94, 176

pellucens, fficanlhus .. 176, 195 Periplaneta . . . . . . . . 242

Platyphyma . . . . . . . . 195

picteti, Thalpomena . . . . 194

Podisma . . . . . . . . 195

Polyphaga 242, 263

religiosa, Mantis . . 93, 176, 178, 194

rhombifolia, Blatta 242

rhombifolia, Neostylopyga. . .. 242

riparia, Labidura . . . . . . 193

savignyi, Sphlngonotus . . . . 194

senegalensip, (Edaleus 176, 178, 195 simonji, Holocompsa 92, 178, 194

simonyi, Stenobothrus . . . . 194

Steleopyga 241, 263

strepens, Epacromia 92, 176, 178, 194 Stylopyga = Steleopyga .. 242, 263 tereticornis, Oxyeoryphus . . .. 19 1

tesselata, Platycleis.. 94, 176, 178, 195 thalassina, Epacromia 93, 176, 178, 194 trichoprocta, Steleopyga . . 242, 263 unguiculata, Acrida . . . . 194

uxoris, Forficula .. .. 95, 194

verrucivorus, Dectieus . . . . 176 vestita, Holocompsa . . . . 194

viridissima, Locusta . . . . 178

vulcanius, Caloptenus 93, 94, 176,

177, 178, 195


dubitans, Nemoura*


canis, Ctenocephalus cheopis, Xenopsylla


104 183


fasciatus, Ctenocephalus . . . . 104

felis, Ctenocephalus . . . . 104

irritans, Pulex . , . . , . 104


agnessas, Bagnallia** .. ..73

ajugffi, Oxythrips . . . . . . 241

albopilosus, Thrips* . . . . 73

Amblythrips. . .. .. .. 240

avenas = cerealium

brevicollis, Oxythrips** .. 73, 241

breviceps, Frankliniella** . . .. 73

brevistjlis, Oxythrips* . . 73, 241

cerealium, Limothrips . . . . 278

Chirothrips 241

dilatatus, Bagnallia . . . . 241

dud£e = hauiatus, Chirothrips .. 241

ericEe, Amblythrips** 73, 240, 241

ericte, Euthrips . . . . 240, 241

Euthrips 241

ferrugineus, Anaphothrips . . 241

fasciatus, iEoloihrips .. .. 240

halidayi, Bagnallia** .. ..73

hamatus, Chirothrips . . . . 241

juniperina, Thrips . . . . 99, 241

klapaleki, Bagnallia. . .. .. 241

longipennis, Euthrips . . . . 278

longisetis, Tricothrips** .. .. 73

nobilis, Megathrips. . .. ..99

obscurus, Anaphothrips . . . . 278

Oxythrips . . . . . . 241

pallipennis, Euthrips* . . 73, 241

parviceps, Oxythrips . . . . 240

parvus, Euthrips . . . . . . 278

peculiaris, Rhaptothrips . . . . 278

propinquus, Tricothrips** . . .. 73

pyri, Euthrips . . . . . . 99

striatus, Anaphothrips . . . . 278

tenuicornis, Frankliniella.. .. 241

validus, Thrips** .. .. ..73

vittatus, ^Eolothrips .. ..241

32, 1.



35, 1.

1. p. 36, 1. p. 71, 1. p. 94,1.

1, p. 95, 1, p. 117, 1. p. 215, 1. p. 257, 1. p. 263, 1, p. 273, 1 p. 275, 1. p. 280, 1


6, for " Labia " read " Lablab." 35, comma after " elevations."

44, comma after " coast." 39, delete " .-1. isaurica,"

41, delete "either" and " or Pie' eiitu pylaon, both."

insert "a" before " species." 46, for "eros " read " candalus.^^

8, for " Djemur " read " Djerahur." 11, delete " Mr. Bower." 28, for "Rico" read "Pico."

Y - ^ov " Anatail " read " Anatael."

39, for " stretched " read "intended."

8, &c.. Corrected pp. 285-7, by Dr. Chapman.

IC, for " A. proilomana " read " Brenthis 'parthenias.

34, for " 1830" read " 1838."

45, for " mviima " read " uapella." See p. 302.

46, for " basalipuncta " read " basilipuncta ." 32, for " Albula " read " AlbuUna."

WATKINS & DONCASTER, Naturalists and Manufacturers of Entomological Apparatus and Cabinets.

Plain Ring Nets, wire or cane, including Stick, 1/3, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-. Folding Nets, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6. Umbrella Nets (self-acting), 7/-. Pocket Boxes (deal), Cd., 9d., 1/-, I/O. Zinc Collecting Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-. Nested Chip Boxes, 7d. per four dozen, 1 gross, 1/6. Entomological Pins, 1/6 per ounce. Pocket Lanterns, 2/6 to 8/-. Sugaring Tin, with brush, 1/6, 2/-. Sugaring Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin. Store-Boxes, with cuiiphor cells, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/-. Setting-Boards, flat or oval, lin., 6d. ; l^in., 8d.; 2in., lOd.; 2^in., 1/- ; 3^in., 1/4; 4in., 1/6; 5in., 1/10; Complete Set of fourte"en Boards, 10/6. Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6; corked back, 14/-. Zinc Larva Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6. Breeding Cage, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6. Coleopterist's Collecting Bottle, with tube, 1/6, 1/8. Botanical Cases, japanned double tin, 1/6 to 4/6. Botanical Paper, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9, 2/2 per quire. Insect Glazed Cases, 2/6 to 11/-. Cement for replacing Antennte 4d. per bottle. Steel Forceps, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per pair. Cabinet Cork, 7 by 3J, best quality 1/6 per dozen sheets. Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6. Insect Lens, 1/- to 8/-. Glass-top and Glass-bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per dozen. Zinc Killing Box, 9d. to 1/-. Pupa Digger, in leather sheath, 1/9. Taxidermist's Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6. Scalpels, 1/3 ; Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Eggdrills, 2d., 3d., 9d. ; Blowpipes, 4d. ; Artificial Eyes for Birds and Animals. Label-lists of British Butterflies, 2d. ; ditto of Birds' Eggs, 2d., 3d., 6d.; ditto of Land and Fresh-water Shells, 2d. Useful Books on Insects, Eggs, etc.

SILVER PINS for collectors of Micro-Lepidoptera, etc., as well as miriute insects of all other families.

We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins which have certain advantages over the entomological pins (whether enamelled black or silver or gilt).

For instance, insects liable to become greasy and to verdigris like Sesiidae, etc., are best pinned on Silver Pins which will last much longer than ordinary pins.

We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.


Of every description of Insects, Birds' Eoqs, Coins, Microscopical Oh.tects, Fossu.s, *c.

Catalogue (100 pages) sent on application, post free.

LARGE STOCK OF INSECTS AND BIRDS' EGGS (Brii sh, European, and Exotic). Birds, Mammah, etc., Preserved and Moiniteil bi/ h'iritt class tVorkmcn.


Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe,

By MALCOLM BURR. D.Sc. F.Z.S., F.L.S., F.E.S., &g.

Bound in Cloth, 160 pp., with good Index (Specific and Generic).

Price 3sm net,

A pocket handbook for the use of collectors in the field. Covers all species found west of the Carpathian Mts. Description of each species, habits, habitats and distribution

Will he sent Post Free on receipt of Postal Order for 3s. to

A. H., 41, Wisteria Road, Lewishatn, S.E.


My book on the British Butterflies and Moths, now at printers, will be on Sale early in 1913. Onden at once Price 3/6 postage 4d. This work is what every Collector has been waiting for. It contains valuable hints on collecting and breeding from my own personal experience, best food plants and substitutes (English and scientific names) for all Larva, description of prominent varieties, mode of pupation, range in Great Britain, shows what stage each species is in every month, index perfection, no matter by what English or scientific name you know an insect you can find its full life history, also its position in our systematic arrangement at once. This work has taken my friend Mr. H. A. Leeds and self over seven years to compile and is right up-to-date, and we trust will prove the most valuable work ever issued.

Write for full price lists Ova and Pupas also set Insects,

L. W. NEWMAN, F.E.S., Bexley, Kent.



Notes on the various species of the Genus Coleophora, Hi/. J. Turner, F.K.S.

(with plate) ." '281

Oothec.e of Blattidte, the late Ji. Shelford, M.A., F.E.S., edited by Malcolm Burr,

BiScF.L.S., F.K.S -283

Notes on a July Trip to Switzerland, B. jS. Cinwreu .. .. .. .. .. 287

An old Essex Collection, Eev. G. H. liayuor, M.A 290

Notes on the Season 1912 at Constantinople, F. P. Graves, F.K.S 293

A Summer Holiday in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, 1912, E. B. Aahln/,

F.K.S ".. 294

Collecting' Orthoptera in the Caucasus and Transcaucasus, Malcolm Burr, D.Sc,

i''.L..V-, i''.A'..S'., with plate (to be continued) .. .. 297

Libythea celtis. Ejjrs and oviposition, T. A. Chapman, M.D., F.E.S. (with two

plates) . . 302

New Species and new Forms of Lepidod^era from Sardinia, Count Emilio Lurati,

F.K.S., i-tc 303

Notes on Collecting : Camptogramma fluviata in N. London, liussell James, 'Jnur. : Some Races of Ants new to Britain, H. St. J. K. DoniMhorpe, F.Z.S.,

F.K.S 306

CuKHENT Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 306

Eeviews \nu Notices of Books : The Coleoptera of Cumberland. By Frank

H. Day (ir./;.,S'.) 308

Societies : The Entomological Society of London ; The South London Entomo- logical and Natural History Society ; The Lancashire and Cheshire Entomo- logical Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

Okituary:— W. Forsell Kirby, )V K.K. (with portrait) ; Arnold Wullschlegel, G.W. 314 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

Communications have been received or are promised from Messrs. Burr, Parkinson Curtis, Dr. Chapman, H. E. Page, Hy. J. Turner, G. Wheeler, H. Powell, Mrs. R. Page, H. Donisthorpe, G. T. Bethune-Baker, Ilev. G. H. Eaynor, Eev. F. E. Lowe, Dr. E. A. Cockayne, Willonghby Gardner, W. E. Sharp, P. A. Buxton, D. A. J. Buxton, H. C. Dollman, etc., with Reports of Societies.

All MS and editorial matter should be sent and all proofs returned to Hy. J. Turner, 98, Drakofell Road, New Cross, London, S.E.


Actias artemis a 7 pieces.

Papilio niachaon a iS pieces.

Papilio senthnlus Ji 8 pieces.

Papilio bianor k 1 sts. 3 pieces.

Theietra castanea 1" ex Madras. A pair 20 sts.

BERNTS. VOGELER, Berlin, Halensee, Paulsbornerstr, Germany. Rambles in Alpine Valleys.

Bound in Cloth, with Map and Photographs ot District. Price 3s. 6d.

This book contains a series of essays dealing with the colours of insects, and sugges- tions as to the relation in past time between the Alpine and British fauna. Many new facts are brought forward, and entomological problems discussed from various standpoints.

Woodside, Burnside, Hillside and Marsh.

(Crown 8vo., Illustrated, 224 pp. and 103 woodcuts and full-page illustrations. Bound

in Cloth. (Price 2/6). Another series ot collecting expeditions into well-known entomological and natural history localities, with description of botanical, geological, ornithological as well as entomological matters of interest to be found therein. The places dealt with include Cobhaui Woods, Cuxton Downs, the Western Highlands, Cliffe— all well known for their rich entomological fauna.

To he obtained from J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Fi'ancemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brocklev. S.E.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXIV. (7 shillings) should be sent to Mp. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes all numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1912.]

Non-receipt or errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines should be notified to Mr. J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockiey, S.E.

The Back Volumes (I-XXIII) of the Ent. Record, &c. (published at 10s. 6d. net), can be obtained direct as follows Single volumes, 78. 6d., except vols. I. and II., which are lOs. 6d. each ; of the remainder, 2 or 3 volumes, 7s. 3d. each ; 4, S, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 7s. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or ii vols, at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kindly requested to observe that subscriptions to 2'he Entomologist's Itecord, &c., are payable in advance. The subscription (witti or without the Special Index) is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to H. E. Page.

Advertisements of Books and Insects for Sale or Books wanted will be inserted at a minimum charge of 2s. 6d. (for four lines). Longer Advertisements in proportion. A reduction made for a series. Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Meliloti, Russula ((f), Dominula, Griseola, Fulva, Turca, Rufina, Lunosa, Spadicea, Satellitia, Oxyacanthse, Pisi, Protea, Rubricosa, Munda, Silago, Serena, Rubi, Baja, Augur, Brunnea, Nictilans, Lutulenta, Nebulosa, Polyodon var. infuscata, Rurea var. combusta, Pennaria, Illunaria, Autumnaria, Fuscantaria, Lunaria, Advenaria, Porata, Albicillata, Juniperata*, Luteata, Auroraria. Desiderata. Numerous. : Capt. P. A. Cardeio, 50, Milbury Gardens, Gottenliam Park, Wimbledon.

Duplicates. Advena, Tincta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracilis, Glauca, Flavicornis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderata. Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulse) and A. trifolii-minor, if from same colony. E. A. Cockayne, 16, Cambridge Square, W.

Duplicates. L. gueneei,* Campanulata, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Russata* (yellow var.), Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, Cursoria, Triangulum, Afifinis, Derasa, Tersata,* Ribesaria,* Badiata,Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* Wavaria*. Desiderata. Numerous. Rev. A. M. Downes, Batheaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Humuli var. Hethlandica, Putrescens, Vestigialis, Exulis (Shetlands, I.), Ambigua, Nigra, and many other local British moths. Desiderata. British and Palffi- arctic Rhopalocera. J. A. Simes, F.E.S., Mon Eepos, Markham's Lane, Woodford Green. Duplicates. African butterflies in papers. Abraxas grossulariata (Scotch forms). Desiderata. Numerous species of British lepidoptera to renew series. Black pins. Joseph Anderson, Aire Villa, Chichester.

Duplicates. Templi. Desiderata. Very numerous. C. P. Gledhill, 35, Leijburn firove, Shipley. '

Duplicates. Galathea, Argiolus, Filipendulfe, Derasa, Batis, Psi, Chi, D. pinastri, Lunigera, Australis, Triangulum, Brunnea, Augur, Suffusa, Brumata ( ? s), Rupicaprai'ia ( ? s), Amataria, Trilinearia, Rotundaria, Lignata, Bipunctaria, vars. of Pronuba, Trape- zina, Strigilis, Festiva, Nictitans, Oxyacanthse, Pyramidea, Betularia, Elinguaria, Pro- gemmaria ( d" s and ? s), etc., etc. Desiderata. Porcellus, Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Advenaria, Prunaria, Fasciaria, Dolobraria, Lunaria, Tetralunaria, Bidentata, Alniaria, and many other common Geometers to extend and replace. Well set perfect specimens, black pins only. J. Douglas, 6, Old Jewry, E.C.

Duplicates. Cilialis, Margaritellus, Pascuellus, Inquinatellus, Phragmitellus, Hastiana, Caledoniana, Sordidana, Bimaculana, Ophthalmicana, Geminana, (2), etc. Desiderata. Furcatellus, Ericellus, and many Pyrales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Black Pilosaria*, Hamula*, Croceago*, Australis, Hastata*, Papilio- naria, Palpina*, Autumnaria*, Unca, A. ligustri*, Fascelinaf, Zonaria*, Strataria, Meliloti, Conspersa, Togata*, Ditrapezium*, Muralis, Dictaea, Opimia, Hispidus, Nigra, Piniperda, Irrorella, Omicronaria*, Rubidata, Berberata*, Straminea, etc. Desiderata. Larvae of Grossulariata (Lancashire) and Caja (Blackpool district).— TF. J. Ogden, 87, The Common, Upper Clapton, London, W.

Duplicates. Larva, Tincta, Rumicis (from melanic wild ? ), Glauca, Nebulosa, Carpini, Quercifolia, etc. Desiderata. Well set imagines on black pins of many local species. Dr. Beckwith Whitehouse, 52, Newhall Street, Birmingham.

Desiderata. Larvse or pupae of the type or lighter than type betularia and bidentata. Many common heterocera. Duplicates. Larvae and pupas of true melanic bidentata and intermediate betularia. Dominuli.* Hirbaria and Zonaria hybrid. W. Bowater, 20, Russell Road, Mosely, Birmingham.

Duplicates. A few fine Grossulariata var. varleyata, Zatima, and other extreme vars. of Lubricipeda, etc. Desiderata. Achilleae, Livornica, Celerio, Ilicifolia, Muscu-

losa, Palustris ?, Satura, Ni, Crinanensis, Fuliginaria, Eoboraria black var., Innotata, Salicalis, Unionalis, Paludellus, Semirufa, Splendiclella, Terebrella, Kubrotibiella, Tesseradactylus, and extreme vars. of Grossulariata and other species. Geo. T. Porritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Hudders field.

Urgently Wanted. Fine pupae Porcellus, Callunoe, Orion, Dodonea, Vinula, Dictffioides, Palpina, Chlorana, and many others ; also well set Vinula, Ocellatus, Sibylla, Lucina, Stellatarum, Bombyliformis, Myopiformis, Cynipiformis, Ichneumoni- formis, and many others. Duplicates. Fine S. andreniformis and many other good insects ; liberal exchange or cash. L. W. Newmaii, Bexley, Kent.

Desiderata.— Bvitish. hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates. Many British lepidoptera in fine condition. V. E. Shaiv, Betula, Fallow Court Avenue, North Finchley.

Duplicates. Dissimilis*, Velleda, Captiuncula, Fibrosa, Melanopa, Cordigera, Ambigua*, Lutosa, Rufa, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Plantaginis*, Cambrica and dark vars., Coracina, Blandiata, Hexapterata, Tristata, Bidentata* (Black), Carbonaria (6), Fluviata*, Cffisiata, Ruficinctata, Pumilata, Linariata*, Bicolorata' var. plumbata, etc. Desiderata. Hyale, Pruni, Paniscus, Muscerda, Ligniperda, Andreniformis, Sphegi- formis (narrow), Guenii, Albimacula, Irregularis, Barrettii, Obfuscata, Tffiniata, Virgaureata, Consignata, Dipsacea, Oeellaris, Fraxini, etc. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft. Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Selene, C-album (2), Sibylla (3), Betulse (2), Populi (pale and pink forms), Meliloti, Z. trifolii* (vars.), Geryon (5), Senex, Griseola, Salicis,* Pascelina (3), Ridens, Pudorina, Phragmatidis, Elymi, Strigilis, Fasciuncula, Nigricans, Baja, Inter- jecta, Typica, Rubiginea (3), Gueneei (2), Templi (3), Affinis, Absinthii (4), Argentula, Moneta,* Chrysitis, Haworthii, Umbra (4), Sponsa, Nupta, Fibrosa, Leucophearia, Un- angulata, Testata,* Zonaria'* Hirtaria (hybrid), a pair. Desiderata. Cynipiformis, Culiciformis, N. strigula, Testudo, B. trifolii, A. ligustri, Bondii, Petasitis (3), Caliginosa, Depuucta, Populeti, Subtusa, Rusticata, Salieata-, Dodoneata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata. G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Avenue, Friern Barnet.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* Sibylla,* Betulee,* Bembeciformis,* Meliloti, Cristulalis,* Miniata*, Aureola,* Dominula,* Fuliginosa,* Fascelina,* Cratsegi,* Carpini,* Advenaria,* Alniaria,* Abietaria,* Roboraria,* Orbicularia,* Temerata, Pictaria,* Alternata,* Pine- taria, Cffisiata, Grossulariata* (good vars.), Helveticata,* Lariciata,* Togata,* Albicillata,* Undulata,* Psittacata,* Immanata, Populata, Obliquaria,* Furcuia, Vinula,* Dictsea,* Dictsea,* Ziczac,* Dodonrea,* Ridens,* Myricee,* Menyanthidis,* Templi* (grease re- moved), Flavago* (dark forms), Lucernea, Pisi,* Contigua, Absinthii,* Parthenias, Bractea, Interrogationis, Pulchrina. Desiderata. many local and common British Butterflies, varieties especially. Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, Aberdeen, N.B.

Wanted. Clean copy of Kane's Butterflies of Europe, without illustrations will be sufiScient. U. Bowland-Brown, Harrow Weald.

Duplicates. Some Sicilian butterflies, including Galathea var. Procida. Also a dark form of Galathea from Calabria approximating Turcica. Desiderata. Types of other species which occur in Sicily. T. Piatt Barrett, " Westcroft," South Road, Forest Hillt S.E. {After Januarij 29t7t, 1912.)

Changes of Address. P. H. Tautz, 25, Berner Street, W. Rev. Prebendary E. Grose Hodge, The Vicarage, Paddington, W. (52, Sussex Gardens.)


Entomological Society of London. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W., 8 p.m. January 17th (Annual).

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society.— London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.G.— The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30 p.m., except in July and August. January 16th Annual pocket box exhibition. Feb- ruary 6th— " Lepidoptera of Clapton District," Mr. J. E. Gardner. February 20th— "Early stages of G. laburnella, Mr. A. Sich, F.E.S. March 6th— Discussion and Ex- hibition, " The Genus Zonosoma," opened by L. B. Prout, F.E.S. Entomologists are cordially invited to attend with exhibits.

Toynbee Natural History Society.— Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. Meetings : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion Secretary, Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James', Hatcham, S.E. —Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibemia, Chambers, London Bridge.— Meetings : The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock. Annual Meeting January 2.5th at 7 o'clock.

North London Natural History Society.— Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, E.G., at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month.— Secretary, R. W. Bobbins, " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society.— Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on the 3rd Monday in the month from October to April. Hon. Seo., H. R. Sweeting, 2, Halkyn Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool.



Palsearctica, Part 85, Exotica, Part 68, has just been published.

Now ready, Yol. I. Rhopalocera Palsearctica, bound in half-morocco, price £3 payable with order.

I here give the plan of this important work and inform at the same time all the subscribers of "Seitz" that, as there is now no agent for the United Kingdom, it is in every case requested that orders be sent direct to me.

I. Division: Fauna palsearctica (blue cover) about 110 parts at Is. 3d. each.

Vol. I. Khopalocera. Vol. III. Noctuaj.

Vol. II. Sphinges and Bombyces. Vol. IV. Geometree.

II. Division : Fauna exotica, about 350 parts at 2s. each.

I. Fauna americana (red cover), about 120 parts.

Vol. V. Ehopalocera. Vol. VII. Noctuse.

Vol. VI. Sphinges and Bombyces. Vol. VIII. Geometree.

II. Fauna indoaustralica (green cover), about 145 parts.

Vol. IX. Rhopalocera. Vol. XL Noctuse.

Vol. X. Sphinges and Bombyces. Vol. XII. Geometrse.

III. Fauna africana (yellow cover) about 85 parts.

Vol. XIII. Rhopalocera. Vol. XV. Noctuse.

Vol. XIV. Sphinges and Bombyces. Vol. XVI. Geometras.

III. Division : General Subject. An account of the physiology, biology, and

preservation of Lepidoptera, containing in addition the supplements to the different faunae. Vol. XVII.

Stuttgart, Verlag des Seitz'schen Werkes.

Poststrasse 7. (Alfred Kernen.)

The same firm publishes the following amalagamated magazines, in which


is furthered by well-known authorities and in different languages. The subscribers enjoy very considerable advantages in comparison with other entomological publications : Free advertisements as regards insects in the Insektenborse.

Opportunity of consulting the very large entomological library of Messrs. Friedlander & Sons in Berlin.


Editor, Dr. K. Griinberg, Zoological Museum, Berlin. Appears twice a month.


Journal of the International Entomological Society. Editor, M. Biihl, Zurich. Appears twice a month.


Organ for the purchase, exchange, and sale of insects and entomological

apparatus. Appears weekly. Subscription price of the three magazines together 6s. per year, post free.


Tutt's " British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's " British Butterflies," vols. I to III. Tutt's "British Noctuae," vols. I to IV. Tutt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist," parts I to III, with Index. There are also a few copies of " British Noctuae," slightly soiled, to be sold cheaply.


41, Wisteria Road,

Lewisham, S.E.



The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 7s. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., ■which are 10s. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six, seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Contents of Vol< l> (Most important only Mentioned.)

Genus Acronycta and its allies. Variation of Svierinthus tiliae, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea athalia, parthenie, and aiirelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper on Taeniocampidae Phylloxera Practical Hints (many) Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynnis paphia var. valesina Work for the Winter Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890 Lifehistories of Agrotis pyrophila, Epunda lichenea, Heliophobus hisixidus Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. II.

Melanism and Melanochroism Bibliography Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegiformis. Taenia- campa opima— Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development^Hybridising Amphidasys prodromaria and A. hetularia Melanism and Temperature Differen- tiation of Dianthixcias Disuse of wings Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Eannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus Zyg^na (Anthrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera-- Lifehistory of Gonophora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of Vol. III.

Genus Acronycta and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccinellidae Notes -on Breeding Notes on Coleopteka (very many) Dates of appearance of Eupithecia pygmeata Dimorphic pupje Duration of Ova State of the Geometridae (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling Melanic varieties Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupeo during winter Notes on Genus Hepialus Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. IV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses of British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captures of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuae A day's collecting in the Western Highlands Apparent dearth of Ditirni Double-brooded species The early stages of certain Geometrina Sensi- bility of larvae to sound Collecting in North Kent How to obtain and preserve ova Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893 Stridulation Variety breeding The Pupal and Imaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Arctia caia (with plates) Evolution of the Lepidopterous Pupa Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale) Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.) Among the Ancients Erebia epiphron and its named Varieties Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen Varieties of Spilosoma mendica Butterfly Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Ocneria dispar Zygaena extilans and its Variations Entomology at Rainham, Essex Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtained only from— Hr. H. E. PAGE, " Bertrose," Oellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

to whom Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXiV. (7 shillings) should be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes all numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1912.]

Non-receipt or errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines should be notified to Mr. J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E.

The Baci^ Volumes (I-XXIII) of the Etit. Record, &c. (pubhshed at 10s. 6d. net), can be obtained direct as follows Single volumes, 7s. 6d., except vols. I. and II., which are lOs. 6d. each ; of the remainder, 2 or 3 volumes, 7s. 3d. each ; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 78. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 vols, at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kindly requested to observe tliat subscriptions to TIte Entomologixt's Record, iSc, are payable in advance. The subscription (witii or witliout tlie Special Index) is Seven Stiilllngs, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Boad, New Cross, S.E. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to H. E. Page,

Advertisements of Bool<s and Insects for Sale or Books wanted will be inserted at a tniniruuin charge of 2s. 6d. (for four lines). Ijonger Advertisements in proportion. A reduction made for a series. Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicated. Advena, Tincta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracilis, Glauca, Flavicornis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderata. Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulse) and A. trifolii-minor, if from same colony. E. A. Cockayne, 16, Cambridge Square, IV.

Duplicates. -^h. gueneei,* Campanulata, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Russata* (yellow var.), Elavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, Cursoria, Triangulum, Af&nis, Derasa, Tersata,* Ribesaria,* Badiata,Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* Wavaria*. Desiderata. Numerous. Rev. A. M. Downes, Batheaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Humuli var. Hethlandica, Putrescens, Vestigialis, Exulis (Shetlands, I.), Ambigua, Nigra, and many other local British moths. Desiderata. British and PalsB- arctic Rhopaloeera. J. A. Simes, F.E.S., Mon Repos, Markham^s Lane, Woodford Green.

Duplicates. Blethisa multipunctata, Harpalus caspius, Bembidium pallidipenne, Cincindela germanica, Dianous coerulescens, Lathrobium angustatum, Onthophilus globulosus, Galerucella sagittarise, Caenopsis waltoni, &c. Desiderata. Local coleoptera. A. Ford, 36, Irving Road, Bournemouth.

Duplicates. Templi. Desiderata. Very numerous. C. P. Gledhill, 35, Leyburn Grove, Shipley.

Duplicates. Galathea, Argiolus, Filipendulae, Derasa, Batis, Psi, Chi, D. pinastri, Lunigera, Australis, Triangulum, Brunnea, Augur, Suii'usa, Brumata ( ? s), Rupicapraria ( f s), Amataria, Trilinearia, Rotundaria, Lignata, Bipunctaria, vars. of Pronuba, Trape- zina, Strigilis, Festiva, Nictitans, Oxyacanthffi, Pyramidea, Betularia. Elinguaria, Pro- gemmaria ( cT s and ? s), etc., etc. Desiderata. Porcellus, Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Advenaria, Prunaria, Fasciaria, Dolobraria, Lunaria, Tetralnnaria, Bidentata, Alniaria, and many other common Geometers to extend and replace. Well set perfect specimens, black pins only. J. Douglas, 6, Old Jewry, E.G.

Duplicates. Cilialis, Margaritellus, Pascuellus, Inquinatellus, Phragmitellus, Hastiana, Caledoniana, Sordidana, Bimaculana, Ophthalmicana, Geminana, (2), etc. Desiderata . Furcatellus, Ericellus, and many Py rales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori. 2'. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Black Pilosaria*, Hamula*, Croceago*, Australis. Hastata*, Papilio- naria, Palpina*, Autumnaria*, Unca, A. ligustri*, Fascelinaf, Zonaria*, Strataria, Meliloti, Conspersa, Togata*, Ditrapezium*, Muralis, Dictaea, Opimia, Hispidus, Nigra, Piniperda, Irrorella, Omicronaria*, Rubidata, Berberata*, Straminea, etc. Desiderata. Larvee of Grossulariata (Lancashire) and Caja (Blackpool district). IF. J. Ogden, 87, The Common, Upper Clapton, London, W.

Duplicates. Larvae, Tincta, Rumicis (from melanic wild ? ), Glauca, Nebulosa, Carpini, Quercifolia. etc. Desiderata. Well set imagines on black pins of many local species. Dr. Beckwith Whitehouse, 52, Newliall Street, Birmingham.

Desiderata. Larvas or pupaj of the type or lighter than type betularia and bidentata. Many common heterocera. Duplicates. Larvae and pupjs of true melanic bidentata and intermediate betularia. Domiuula." Hirtaria and Zonaria hybrid. IF. Bowater, 20, Russell Road, Mosely, Birmingham.

Duplicates. A few fine Grossulariata var. varleyata, Zatima, and other extreme vars. of Lubricipeda, etc. Desiderata. Achilleae, Livornica, Celerio, Ilicitolia, Muscu- losa, Palustris ? , Satura, Ni, Crinanensis, Fuliginaria, Roboraria black var., Innotata, Salicalis, Unionalis, Paludellus, Semirufa, Splendidella, Terebrella, Rubrotibiella, Tesseradactylus, and extreme vars. of Grossulariata and other species. Geo. T. Rorritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersfield.

Ursentli Wanted. Fine pupfe Porcellus, Callunoe, Orion, Dodonea, Vinula,

Dicta'oides, Palpina, Chlorana, and many others ; also well set Vinula, Ociillatus, Sibylla, Lucina, Stellatarum, Bombyliformis, Myopiformis, Cynipiformis, Ichneuraoni- formis, and many others. Duplicateit. Fine S. andreniformis and many other good insects; liberal exchange or cash. L. W. Newman, Bexleij, Kent.

Dedderata. British hymenoptera aculeata. JDuplicaies. Many British lepidoptera in fine condition. V. E. Shaw, Betula, Fallow Court Avenue, North Finchley.

Dupliaites. Dissimilis*, Velleda, Captiuncula, Fibrosa, Melanopa, Cordigera, Ambigua*, Lutosa, Eufa, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Plantaginis*, Cambvica and dark vars., Coracina, Blandiata, Hexapterata, Tristata, Bidentata* (Black), Carbonaria (6), Fluviata*, Cfesiata, Eulicinctata, Pumilata, Linariata*, Bicolorata var. plumbata, etc. Desiderata. Hyale, Pruni, Paniseus, Muscerda, Ligniperda, Andreniformis, Sphegi- formis (narrow), Guenii, Albimacula, Irregularis, Barrettii, Obfuscata, Tteniata, Virgaureata, Consignata, Dipsacea, Ocellaris, Fraxini, etc. T. A.'ihton Lofthouxe, The Croft. Liiitlturpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Selene, C-album (2), Sibylla (3), Betulaa (2), Populi (pale and pink forms), Meliloti, Z. trifolii* (vars.), Geryon (5), Senex, Griseola, Salicis,* Tascelina (3), Eidens, Pudorina, Phragmatidis, Eiymi, Strigilis, Fasciuncula. Nigricans, Baja. Inter- jecta, Typica, Eubiginea (3), Gueneei (2), Templi (3), Affinis, Absinthii (4), Argentula, Moneta,* Chrysitis, Haworthii, Umbra (4), Sponsa, Nupta, Fibrosa, Leucophearia, Un- angulata, Testata,' Zonaiia'* Hirtaria (hybrid), a pair. Desiderata. Cynipiformis, Culiciformis, N. strigula, Testudo, B. trifolii, A. ligustri, Bondii, Petasitis (3), Caliginosa, Depuucta, Populeti, Subtusa. Eusticata, Salicata, Dodoneata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata. G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Avenue, Friern Barnet.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* Sibylla,* Betulre,* Bembeciformis,* Meliloti, Cristulalis,* Miniata*, Aureola.* Dominula,* Fuliginosa,* Fascelina,* Cratajgi,* Carpini,* Advenaria,* Alniaria,* Abietaria,* Eoboraria,* Orbicularia,* Temerata, Pictaria,* Alternata,* Pine- taria, Cajsiata. Grossulariata* (good vars.), Helveticata,* Lariciata,* Togata,* Albicillata,* Undulata,* Psittacata,* Immanata, Populata, Obliquaria,* Furcuia, Yinula,* Dictsea,* Dict8ea,*^Ziczac,* Dodonsea,* Eidens,* Myricae,* Menyanthidis,* Templi* (grease re- moved), Flavago* (dark forms), Lucernea, Pisi,* Contigua, Absinthii,* Parthenias, Bractea, Interrogationis, Pulchrina. Desiderata.— m&ny local and common British Butterflies, varieties especially. Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, .Aberdeen, N.B.

V^^AmED.— Kntomoloyist,' 1868, nos. 50-52; 1869, nos. 62, 64-66; 1873, nos. 117, 119, 121-124 ; 1874, nos. 126-135 (or volume) ; 1876, nos. 151-154; 1877, no. 168; 1878, nos. 176, 177, 180-187 (or volume).— Hy. J. Turner, 96', Drakefell Road, New Cross, S.E.

Wantkd. Clean copy Boedeker's Spain. Eecent edition. H. E. Page, Bertrose, Gellatly Road, Neic Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Some Sicilian butterflies, including Galathea var. Procida. Also a dark form of Galathea from Calabria approximating Turcica. Desiderata. Types of other species which occur in Sicily. T. Plate Barrett, " Westcroft," South Road, Forest Hill, S.E.

Changes of Address. C. Bartlett, Rostock House, Woodhill, Portishead, Somerset. P. H. Tautz, 25, Bcrners Street, W. Lt.-Col. N. C. Manders, No. 4 Hut, South Road, The Camp, Cnrragh, Irelaixd.


Entomological Society of London. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W., 8 p.m. February 7th ; March. 6th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society.— London Institution, Finsbury Circus. I'^.C. The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30 p.m., except in July and August. February 20th " Early stages of C lahurnella, Mr. A. Sich, F.E.S. March 5th Discussion and Exhibition, "The Genus Zonosoma,^^ opened by L. B. Prout. F.E.S. March lOth Angerona prunaria. Notes on experiments in response to colour environment, C. P. Pickett, F.E.S. April 2nd Notes on Lepidoptera ef Pinner, Mr. P. H. Tautz. Entomologists are cordially invited to attend with exhibits.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. .'i/rrtiiigs : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion Secretary, Mi^s L. Eoberts, 11, St. James', Hatcham, S.E. Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Eoad, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibernia, Chambers, London Bridge.— Meetings ' The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock.

North London Natural Hiptory Society.— Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, E.G., at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month. Secretary, E. W. Eobbins, " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society.— Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on the 3rd Monday in the month from October to April. Hon. Sec, H. R. Sweeting, 2, Halkyn Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool.


Palaearctica, Part 90, Exotica, Part 70, has just been published.

Now ready, Yol. I. Rhopalocera Palsearctica, bound in half-morocco, price £3 payable with order.

I here give the plan of this important work and ask the subscribers of " Seitz " that orders be sent direct to me.

I. Division: Fauna, palaearctica (blue cover) about 110 parts at Is. 3d. each.

Vol. I. Rhopalocera. Vol. III. Noctuae.

Vol. II. Sphinges and Bombyces. Vol. IV. Geometrae.

II. Division : Fauna exotica, about 350 parts at 2s. each.

I. Fauna americana (red cover), about 120 parts.

Vol. V. Rhopalocera. Vol. VII. Noctua3.

Vol. VI. Sphinges and Bombyces. Vol. VIII. Geometrte.

II. Fauna indoaustralica (green cover), about 145 parts.

Vol. IX. Rhopalocera. Vol. XI. Nocture.

Vol. X. Sphinges and Bombyces. Vol. XII. Geometnv.

III. Fauna africana (yellow cover) about 85 parts.

Vol. XIII. Rhopalocera. Vol. XV. Noctua;.

Vol. XIV. Sphinges and Bombyces. Vol. XVI. Geometrse.

III. Division : General Subject. An account of the physiology, biology, and

preservation of Lepidoptera, containing in addition the supplements to the different faunas. Vol. XVII.

Stuttgart, Verlag des Seitz'schen Werkes.

Poststrasse 7. (Alfred Kerken.)

The same firm publishes the following amalgamated magazines, in which


is furthered by well-known authorities and in different languages. The subscribers enjoy very considerable advantages in comparison with other entomological publications : Free advertisements as regards insects in the Insektenborse.

Opportunity of consulting the very large entomological library of Messrs. Friedlander & Sons in Berlin.


Editor, Dr. K. Griinberg, Zoological Museum, Berlin. Appears twice a month.


Journal of the International Entomological Society. Editor, M. Riihl, Ziirich. Appears twice a month.


Organ for the purchase, exchange, and sale of insects and entomological

apparatus. Appears weekly. Subscription price of the three magazines together 8s. per year, post free.

Subscribers to Seitz IMacrolepidoptera of the World

are requested to write immediately

to the Publishing Office if they wish to receive the published parts without delay.

Latest issued partsa re: Palaearctica, No. 90; Exotica, 70.


Stuttgart: Poststrasse 7. Yerlag des Seitz'schen Werkes.

(Alfred Keknex).




The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 78. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six, seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Contents of Vol. I> (Most important only Mentioned.)

Gends Acroiiycta and its allies. Variation of TSinerinthvs tiliae, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea athalia, parthenie, and aurelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper on Tneniocampidae Phylloxera Practical Hints (many) Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynnis paphia var. valcsina Work (or the Wintei' Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Ketrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890: Lifehistories of Agrotis pyrophila, Epunda lichenea, Heliopliobus Idspidus Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. 11.

Melanism and Melanochroism Bibliography Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegifoiDus, Taenio- campa opima— Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development Hybridising Amphidasyif prodrovuiria and A. hetiila ria— Meln^msm and Temperature Differen- tiation of Diantho'cias Disuse of wings Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Rannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus Zyg.i;na (Anthrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera-- Lifebifatory of Gonophora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of Vol. III.

Genus. Acronycta and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccinellidae Notes on Breeding Notes on Coleoptera (very many) Dates of appearance of Fjupithccia pygmeata Dimorphic pupte Duration of Ova State of the Geoinetridue (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling Melanic varieties— Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupae during winter Notes on Genus Hepialus Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. iV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses of British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captures of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuae A day's collecting in the Western Highlands Apparent dearth of Diitriii Double-brooded species The early stages of certain Geometrina Sensi- bility of larvffi to sound— Collecting in North Kent How to obtain and preserve ova— Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893 Stridulation— Variety breeding The Pupal and Imaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Aixtia caia (with plates) Evolution of the Lepidopterous Pupa— Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale) Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.) Among the Ancients Krehia epiphron and its named Varieties— Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen Varieties of Spilosoma metidica Butterfly Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Ocneria dispar Ztjgaend exuluns and its Variations Entomology at Rainham, Essex Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtained only from— Mr. H. E. PAGE, ''Bertrose," Oellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

to whom Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXIV. (7 shillings) should be sent to Mp. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S«E. [This subscription includes all numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1912.]

Non-receipt or errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines should be notified to Mr. J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Franceniary Road, Ladywell Road, Broclcley, S.E.

The Back Volumes (I-XXIII) of the Ent. Record, &c. (published at 10s. 6d. net), can be obtained direct as follows Single volumes, Ta. 6d., except vols. I. and II., which are lOs. 6d. each ; of th6 remainder, 2 or 3 volumes, 7s. 3d. each ; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 78. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 vols, at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 68. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kindly requested to observe that subscriptions to The Kntomoluiiixt's lifc.ind, &i;., are payable in advance. The subscription (with or without tlie Special Index) is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to H. E. Page.

Advertisements of Books and'Iiisects for Sale or Books wanted will be inserted at a inhiiiuuiu cliarge of Sis. 6d. (for four lines). Longer Advertisements in proportion. A redaction made for a aeries. Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Advena, Tincta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracilis, Glauca, Flavicornis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderata. Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulffi) and A. trifolii-minor, if from same colony. E. A. Cockayne, 16, Cambridge Square, IF.

Duplicates. L. gueneei,* Campanulata, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Russata* (yellow var.), Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, Cursoria, Triangulum, Affinis, Derasa, Tersata,* Ribesaria,* Badiata.Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* Wavaria*. Desiderata. Numerous. Rev. A. M. Downes, Batbeaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Humuli var. Hethlandica, Putrescens, Vestigialis, Exulis(Shetlands, I.), Ambigua, Nigra, and many other local British moths. Desiderata. British and Palse- arctic Rhopalocera. J. A. Simes, F.E.S., Mon Repos, Markham^s Lane, Woodford Green.

Duplicates. Blethisa multipunctata, Harpalus caspius, Bembidium pallidipenne, Cincindela germanica, Dianous ccerulescens, Lathrobium angustatum, Onthophilus globulosus, Galerucella sagittarife, Coenopsis waltoni, &c. Desiderata. Local coleoptera. A. Ford, 36, Irving Road, Bournemouth.

Duplicates. Templi. Desiderata. Very numerous. C. P. Gledhill, 35, Leyhurn Grove, Shipley.

Duplicates. Galathea, Argiolus, Filipendulae, Derasa, Batis, Psi, Chi, D. pinastri, Lunigera, Australis, Triangulum, Brunnea, Augur, Suffusa, Brumata ( ? s), Rupicapraria ( t s), Amataria, Trilinearia, Rotundaria, Lignata, Bipunctaria, vars. of Pronuba, Trape- zina, Strigilis, Festiva, Nictitans, Oxyacanthse, Pyraraidea, Betularia, Elinguaria, Pro- gemmaria ( (j s and ?s), etc., etc. Desiderata.— ForceWas, Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Advenaria, Prunaria, Fasciaria, Dolobraria, Lunaria, Tetralunatia, Bidentata, Alniaria, and many other common Geometers to extend and replace. Well set perfect specimens, black pins only. J. Douglas, 6, Old Jewry, E.C.

Duplicates. Cilialis, Margaritellus, Pascuellus, Inquinatellus, Phragmitellus, Hastiana, Caledoniana, Sordidana, Bimaculana, Ophthalmicana, Geminana, (2), etc. Desiderata. Furcatellus, Ericellus, and many Pyrales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Black Pilosaria*, Hamula*, Croceago*, Australis, Hastata*, Papilio- naria, Palpina*, Autumnaria*, Unca, A. ligustri*, Fascelinaf, Zonaria*, Stratariii, Mehloti, Conspersa, Togata*, Ditrapezium', Muralis, Dictaea, Opimia, Hispidus, Nigra, Piniperda, Irrorella, Omicronaria*, Rubidata, Berberata*, Straminea, etc. Desiderata. Larvae of Grossulariata (Lancashire) and Caja (Blackpool district). W. J. Ogden, 87, The Common, Upper Clapton, London, W.

Duplicates. Larvie, Tincta, Rumicis (from melanic wild ? ), Glauca, Nebulosa, Carpini, Quercifolia, etc. Desiderata. Well set imagines on black pins of many local species. Dr. Beckwith Whitehouse, 52, Neichall Street, Birmingham.

Desiderata. Larvae or pupiE of the type or lighter than type betularia and bidentata. Many common heterocera. Duplicates. Larvee and pupw of true melanic bidentata and intermediate betularia. Dominula.* Hirtaria and Zonaria hybrid. IF. Boicater, 20, Russell Road, Mosely, Birmingham.

Duplicates. A few fine Grossulariata var. varleyata, Zatima, and other extreme vars. of Lubricipeda, etc. Desiderata. Achillese, Livornica, Celerio, Ilicifolia, Muscu- losa, Palustris ? , Satura, Ni, Crinanensis, Fuliginaria, Roboraria black var., Innotata, Salicalis, Unionalis, Paludellus, Semiruta, iSplendidella, Terebrella, Rubrotibiella, Tesseradactylus, and extreme vars. of Grossulariata and other species. Geo. T. Porritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddcrsfield.

Ukgently w.\nted in April, May, or June, Living wild caught ? s Atalanta, Cardui.

lo, Edusa, Hyale, Polyctilcros, Lucina, C-Album, Vinula (or ova), Croeeago, Semibrunnea, Exoleta, Vetusta ; also Giossulariata larvae from LancasHire and Huddersfield districts ; liberal exchange or cash. L. W. Newman, Bexley, Kent.

Desiderata. British hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates. Many British lepidoptera in fine condition. V. E. Shaw, Betula, Fallow Court Avenue, North Finchley.

Duplicates. Dissimilis*, Velleda, Captiuncula, Fibrosa, Melanopa, Cordigera, Ambigua*, Lutosa, Rufa, Lubricipeda var. fasciala", Plaataginis*, Cambrica and dark vars., Coracina, Blandiata, Hexapterata, Tristata, Bidentata* (Black), Carbonaria (6), Fluviata*, Csesiata, Ruficinctata, Pumilata, Linariata*, Bicolorata var. plumbata, etc. Desiderata. Hyale, Pruni, Paniscus, Muscerda, Ligniperda, Andreniformis, Sphegi- formis (narrow), Guenii, Albimacula, Irregularis, Barrettii, Obfuscata, Tteniata, Virgaureata, Consignata, D.ipsacea, Ocellaris, Fraxini, etc. T. Asliton Lofthouse, The Croft. lAnthorpe, Middlesbrouqh.

Duplicates. Selene, C-album (2), Sibylla (3), Betulae (2), Populi (pale and pink forms), Meliloti, Z. trifolii* (vars.), Geryon (5), Senex, Griseola, Salicis,* lascelina (3), Ridens, Pudorina, Phragmatidis, Elymi, Strigilis, Fasciuncula. Nigricans, Baja, Inter- jecta, Typica, Rubiginea (8), Gueneei (2), Templi (3), Affinis, Absinthii (4), Argentula, Moneta,* Chryeitis, Haworthii, Umbra (4), Sponsa, Nupta, Fibrosa, Leucophearia, Un- angulata, Testata,' Zonaria'* Hirtaria (hybrid), a pair. Desiderata. Cynipiformis, Culiciformis, N. strigula, Testudo, B. trifolii, A. ligustri, Bondii, Petasitis (3), Caliginosa, Depuucta, Populeti, Subtusa, Rusticata, Salicata, Dodoneata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata. G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Avenue, Friern Barnet.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* Sibylla,* Betulae,* Bembeciforniis,* Meliloti, Cristulalis,* Miniata*, Aureola,* Dominula,* Fuliginosa,* Fascelina,* Cratosgi,* Carpini,* Advenaria,* Alniaria,* Abietaria,* Roboraria,* Orbicularia,* Temerata, Pictaria,* Alternata,* Pine- taria, Cfpsiata, Grossulariata* (good vars.), Helveticata,* Lariciata,* Togata,* Albicillata,* Undulata,* Psittacata,* Immanata, Populata, Obliquaria,* Furcuia, Vinula,* Dictsea,* Dictaea,* Ziczac,* Dodonjea,* Ridens,* Myricae,* Menyanthidis,* Templi* (grease re- moved), Flavago* (dark forms), Lucernea, Pisi,* Contigua, Absinthii,* Parthenias, Bractea, Interrogationis, Pulchrina. Desiderata. many local and common British Butterflies, varieties especially. Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, Aberdeen, N.B.

WAmED.— Entomologist, 1868, nos. 50-52; 1869, nos. 62, 64-66; 1873, nos. 117, 119, 121-124 ; 1874, nos. 126-135 (or volume) ; 1876, nos. 151-154; 1877, no. 168; 1878, nos. 176, 177, 180-187 (or volume).— Hy. J. Turner, 9S, Drakef ell Road , New Cross, S.E.

Wanted. Clean copy Bcedeker's Spain. Recent edition, H. E. Page, Bertrose, Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Some Sicilian butterflies, including Galathea var. Procida. Also a dark form of Galathea from Calabria approximating Turcica. Desiderata. Types of other species which occur in Sicily. T. Piatt Barrett, " Westcroft,'^ South Road, Forest Hill, S.E.

Changes oi'' Address. C Bartlett, Rostock House, Woodhill, Portishead, Somerset. P. H. Taxitz, 25, Berners Street, W. Lt.-Col. N. C. Manders, No. 4 Hut, South Road, The Camp, Curragh, Ireland.


Entomological Society of London. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W., 8 p.m. March 20th ; April 3rd ; May 1st ; June 5th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society.— London Institution, Fiusbury Circus, E.G. The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30 A. Sich, F.E.S. March 5th Discussion and Exhibition, " The Genus Zo?io.so>«a," p.m., except in July and August. March 19th Angervna prunaria. Notes on experiments in response to colour environment, C. P. Pickett, F.E.S. April 2nd Notes on Lepidoptera of Pinner, Mr. P. H. Tautz." Entomologists are cordially invited to attend with exhibits.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. Meetings : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion ^secretary. Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James', Hatcham, S.E. Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibemia, Ciiaiubers, London Bridge. Meetings : The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock.

North London Natural History Society. Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, E.C., at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month.— Secretary, R. W. Robbins, " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on the 3rd Monday in the month from October to April. Hon. Sec, H. R. Sweeting, 2, Halkyn Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool.






Vol. IV.

Commencing with the Variation and Life-histories of Agriades coridonand Polyommatus icarus (with four plates of the named aberrations and varieties of the first-named species together with many photomicrographs of larval and pupal structure. Similar plates of P. icarus are awaiting publication.)

Probably the finest life-histories of any species of lepidoptera ever published. The next species to be treated is Aricia astrarche, a still more interesting one with regard to its Varieties and Aberrations.

Part XI. will shortly be issued. Subscription for 20 parts 17s. 6d.


Notes of a Field Naturalist.


Late Vice-President Entomological Society, London.

To which are added Translations of Papers by Fritz Mdlleb on the Scent-Organs of Butterflies and Moths.

With 7 Coloured Plates and other illustrations. 8vo. 21/- net (Postage 6d.) LONGMANS, GREEN & Co., 39, Paternoster Row, London, E.G.


Tutt's " British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's '* British Butterflies," vols. I toIIL Tutt's "British Noctuse," vols. I to IV. Tutt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist," parts I to III, with Index. There are also a few copies of " British Noctus," slightly soiled, to be sold cheaply.


41, Wisteria Road,

Lewisham, S.E.

Melanism and Melanochroism in British Lepidoptera

(Demy 8vo., bound in Cloth. Price 5/-.) Deals exhaustively with all the views brought forward by scientists to account for the forms of melanism and melanochroism ; contains full data respecting the distribution of melanic forms in Britain, and theories to account for their origin ; the special value of "natural selection," "environment," "heredity," "disease," "temperature," &c., in particular cases. Lord Walsingham, in his Presidential address to the Fellows of the Entomological Society of London, says, " An especially interesting line of enquiry as con- nected with the use and value of colour in insects is that which has been followed up in Mr. Tdtt's series of papers on ' Melanism and Melanochroism.' "

To be obtained from J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Koad Brockley, S.E.




The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 78. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six, seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Contents of Voi> l> (Most important only Mentioned.)

Genus Acronycta and its allies. Variation of Smerinthus tiliae, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea athalia, parthenie, and anrelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper on Taeniocampida e Phylloxera Practical Hints (many) Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynnis paphia var. valesina Work for the Winter Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890 Lifehistories of Agrotis pyrophila, Epunda lichenea, Heliophobus hispidus Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. II.

Melanism AND Melanochroism Bibliography Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegiformis, Taenio- campa opima— Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development Hybridising Amphidasys prodromaria and A. bettdaria Melanism and Temperature Differen- tiation of Dianth(xcias Disuse of wings Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Rannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus ZiGiENA (Anthrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera Lifehistory of Gonophora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of Vol. Mi.

Genus Acronycta and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccinellidae Notes on Breeding Notes on Coleopteba (very many) Dates of appearance of Eupithecia pygmeata Dimorphic pupae Duration of Ova State of the Geometridae (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling Melanic varieties Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupse during winter Notes on Genus Hepialus Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. IV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses of British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captures of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuae A day's collecting in the Western Highlands Apparent dearth of Diurni Double-brooded species— The early stages of certain Geometrina Sensi- bility of larvae to sound— Collecting in North Kent How to obtain and preserve ova Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893— Stridulation— Variety breeding The Pupal and Imaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Arctia caia (with plates) Evolution of the Lepidopterous Pupa— Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale) Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.) Among the Ancients Erebia epiphron and its named Varieties— Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen- Varieties of Spilosoma mendica Butterfly Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Ocneria dispar Zygaena exulans and its Variations Entomology at Rainham, Essex Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtained only from— Mr. H. E. PAGE, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Gross, London, S.E.

to whom Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXIV. (7 shillings) should be sent to Mr.'' Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes all numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1912.]

Non-receipt or errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines shuuld be notified to Mr. J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francerakry Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E.

The Baclc Volumes (I-XXIII) of the Ent. Record, &c. (published at 10s. 6d. net), can be obtained direct as follows Single volumes, 7s 6d., except vols. I. and II., which are lOa. 6d. each ; of the remainder, 2 or 3 volumes, 7s. 3d. each ; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 78. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 vols, at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kiiKlly requested to observe that siihscviptioiis to The KiUoinoloiiint'x liecaid. &c., are payable in advance. The subscription (with or without the Special Index) is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. Cheques and Postal Orders should l)e made payable to H. B. Page.

Advertisgmknts of Books and Insects for Sale or Books wanted will be inserted at a niiniiuuui charge of '2s. 6d. (for coiir lines), fionger Advertisements in proportion. A redaction made for a series. Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.J';.

Duplicates. Advena, Tincta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracilis, Glauca, Flavicornis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderate. —Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulsB) and A. trifolii-minor. if from same colony. E. A. Cockayne, 16, Cnmbridoe Square, IV.

Duplicates. L. gueneei,* Campanulata, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Bussata* (yellow var.), Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, Cursoria, Triangulum, Affinis, Derasa, Tersata,* Ribesaria.* Badiata,Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* Wavaria*. Desiderata. —Numerous. Rev. A. M. Downes, Batheaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Humuli var. Hethlandica, Putrescens, Vestigialis, E.Kulis (Shetlands, I.), Ambigua, Nigra, and many other local British moths. Desiderata. British and Palse- arctic Rhopalocera. J. A. Sinies, F.E.S., Mori Pepos, Markhani's Lane, Woodford Green.

Duplicates. Blethisa multipunctata, Harpalus caspius, Bembidium pallidipenne, Cincindela germanica, Dianous c(prulescens, Lathrobium angustatum, Onthophilus globulosus, Galerucella sagittariae, Csenopsis waltoni, d'c. Desiderata . Local coleoptera. .1. Ford, 36, Irving Road, Bournemouth.

Duplicates. Templi. Desiderata.— Yevy numerous. C. P. Gledhill, 'So, Leybum Grove, Shipley.

Duplicates. Galathea, Argiolus, Filipendula;, Derasa, Batis, Psi, Chi, D. pinastri, Lunigera, Australis, Triangulum, Brunnea, Augur, Sutfusa, Brumata ( ? s), Rupicapraria ( t s), Amataria. Trilinearia, Rotundaria, Lignata, Biptlnctaria, vars. of Pronuba, Trape- zina, Strigilis, Festiva, Nictitans, Oxyacanthae, Pyramidea, Betulkria. Elinguaria, Pro- gemmaria ( <? s and ?s), etc., etc. Desiderata. Porcellus, Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Advenaria, Prunaria, Fasciaria, Doiobraria, Lunaria, Tetralunaria, Bidentata, Alniaria, and many other common Geometers to extend and replace. Well set perfect specimens, black pins only. J. Doualas, 6, Old Jewry, E.G.

Duplicates. Cilialis, Margaritellus, Pascuellus, Inquinatellus, Phragmitellus, Hastiana, Caledoniana, Sordidana, Bimaculana, Ophthalmicana, Geminana, (2), etc. Desiderata. Furcatellus, Ericellus, and many Pyrales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Black Pilosaria*, Hamula*, Croceago*, Australis, Hastata*, Papilio- naria, Palpina*, Autumnaria*, Unca, A. ligustri*, Fascelinaf, Zonaria*, Strataria. Meliloti, Conspersa, Togata*, Ditrapezium*, Muralis, Dictaea, Opimia, Hispidus, Nigra, Piniperda, Irrorella, Omicronaria*, Rubidata, Berberata*, Straminea, etc. Desiderata . Larvae of Grossulariata (Lancashire) and Caja (Blackpool district). TF. -T. Ogden, 87, The Common, Upper Clapton, London, W.

Duplicates. Larvae, Tincta, Rumicis (from melanic wild ? ), Glauca, Nebulosa, Carpini, Quercifolia. etc. Desiderata. Well set imagines on black pins of many local -ipecies. Dr. Beckwith Whitchouse, 52, Newliall Street, Birmingham.

Desiderata. Larvse or pupas of the type or lighter than type betularia and bidentata. Many common heterocera. Duplicates. Larvae and pupa? of true melanic bidentata and intermediate betularia. Dominula.^ Hirtaria and Zonaria hybrid. IF. Botvater, 20, Russell Road, Mosely, Birmingham. ,

Duplicates. A few fine Grossulariata var. varleyata, Zatima, and other extreme vars. of Lubricipeda, etc. Desiderata. Achilleae, Livornica, Celerio, Ilicifolia, Muscu- losa, Palustris ? , Satura, Ni, Crinanensis. Fuliginaria, Roboraria black var., Innotata, Salicalis, Unionalis, Paludellus, Semirufa, Splendidella, Terebrella, Rubrotibiella, Tesseradactylus, and extreme vars. of Grossulariata and other species. Geo. T. I'ovritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersfield.

Urgently w.\nted in April, May, or -Fune, Living wild caught ? s Atalanta, Cardui.

lo, Ii^dusa, Hyale, Polychlcros, Lucina, C- Album, Vinula (or ova), Croceago, Semibrunnea, Exoleta, Vetusta; also Grossulariata larvae from Lancashire and Hudderstield districts; liberal exchange or cash.— /;,. IF. Newman, Bexley, Kent.

Desidernta. Britif.h hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates. Many British lepidoptera in tine condition. V. K. Slonc, Betula, Fallow Court Avenue, North b'inchley.

Duplicates. Disvimilis*, Velleda, Captiuncula, Fibrosa, Melanopa, Cordigera, Ambigua*, Lutosa, Riifa, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Plantaginis*, Cambrica and dark vars., Coracina, Blandiata, llexapterata, Tristata, Bidentata* (Black), Carbonaria (6). Fluviata*, Coesiata, Riiticinctata, Pumilata, Linariata*, Bicolorata var. plurabata, etc-. Desiderata. Hyale, Pruni, Paniscus, Muscerda, Ligniperda, Andreniformis, Sphegi- formis (narrow), Guenii, Albimacula, Irregularis, Barrettii, Obfuscata, Toeniata, Vii-gaureata, Consignata, Dipsacea, Ocellaris, Fraxini, etc. T. Asiiton Lofthouse, The <^roft. Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Selene, C-album (2), Sibylla (3), Betulse (2), Populi (pale and pink forms), Meliloti, Z. trifolii* (vars.), Geryon (5), Senex, Griseola, Salicis,* I'ascelina (3), Ridens, Pudorina, Phragmatidis, Elymi, Strigilis, Fasciuncula. Nigricans, Baja, Inter- jecta, Typica, Rubiginea (3), Gueneei (2), Templi (3), Affinis, Absinthii (4), Argentula, Moneta,* Chrysitis, Haworthii, Umbra (4), Sponsa, Nupta, Fibrosa, Leucophearia, Un- angulata, Testata,* Zonaria'* Hirtaria (hybrid), a pair. Desiderata. Cynipiformis, Culiciformis, N. strigula, Testudo, B. trifolii, A. ligustri, Bondii, Petasitis (3), Caliginosa, Depuncta, Populeti, Subtusa, Rusticata, Salicata, Dodoneata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata. G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Avenue, Friern Barnet.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* Sibylla,* Betulse,* Bembeciformis,* Meliloti, Cristulalis,* Miniata*, Aureola,* Dominula,* Fuliginosa,* Fascelina,* Crataegi,* Carpini,* Advenaria,* Alniaria,* Abietaria,* Roboraria,* Orbicularia,* Temerata, Pictaria,* Alternata,* Pine- taria, Ca-siata, Grossulariata* (good vars.), Helveticata,* Lariciata,* Togata,* Albicillata,* Undulata,* Psittacata,* Immanata, Populata, Obliquaria,* Furcuia, Vinula,* Diotaea,* Dictaea,* Ziczac,* Dodontea,* Ridens,* Myricae,* Menyanthidis,* Templi* (grease re- moved), Flavago* (dark forms), Lucernea, Pisi,* Contigua, Absinthii,* Parthenias, Bractea, Interrogationis, Pulchrina. Desiderata. many local and common British Butterflies, varieties especially.' Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, .iherdeen, N.B.

Wantei).— Entomologist, 1868, nos. 50-52; 1869, nos. 62, 64-66; 1873, nos. 117' 119, 121-124 ; 1874, nos. 12B-135 (or volume) ; 1876, nos. 151-154; 1877, no. 168; 1878, nos. 176, 177, 180-187 (or volume).— Hi/. J. Turner, 98, Drakefell Road, New Cross, S.K.

Duplicates. Some Sicilian butterflies, including Galathea var. Procida. Also a dark form of Galathea from Calabria approximating Turcica. Desiderata. Types of other species which occur in Sicily. T. Piatt Barrett, " Westcroft." South Road, Forest Hill. S.E.

CuANflKS OK Address. ./. R. le B. Tomlin, " Lakc/oot,^' 120, Hamilton Road, Reading.


Entomological Society of London. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W., X p.m. May 1st ; June 5th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society. London Institution, Fin.sbury Circu.s, K.C. The first and third Tuesdays in the inonth, at 7.30 April 16th, "Modern Bee Keeping," V. E. Shaw. May 7th, Special Exhibition and Discussion. Hyhernia leucophearia. May 21st, Special Exhibit living larvae.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. Meetings : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion Secretary, Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James', Hatcham, S.E. Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibernia, Chambers, London Bridge. Meetings : The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock.

NorthLondon Natural History Society. Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, EC, at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month. Secretary, R. W. Robbins, "/lonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on the 3rd Monday in the month from October to April. Hon. Sec, H. R. Sweeting, 2, Halkyn Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool.






Commencing with the Variation and Life-histories of Agriades coridon and Polyommatus icariis (with four plates of the named aberrations and varieties of the first-named species together with many photomicrographs of larval and pupal structure. Similar plates of P. icarus are awaiting publication.)

Probably the finest life-histories of any species of lepidoptera ever published. The next species to be treated is Aricia astrarche, a still more interesting one with regard to its Varieties and Aberrations.

Part XI. will shortly be issued. Subscription for 20 parts 178. 6d.

Butterflies of Switzerland and tlie Alps of Central Europe


Price Ss. net. Interleaved, 6s.

Limp cloth covers. Handy for the knapsack.

This book is of the highest value not only to collectors of Continental Butter- flies, but to all those who collect British butterflies, as it gives a great many detailed facts about the species in which they are more particularly interested.

The details of Variation and Distribution are particularly important, and those lepidopterists to whom Kane's book has long been a treasured friend, will find in this more information, more detail, and many more localities than were at the disposal of the author of the earlier volume.

" To those who carry a net abroad, this handbook will be invaluable as a book of reference We can cordially recommend it " H. Rowland- Brown, M.A., F.E.S., The Entomologist's Record, vol. xv. V Dear SiR.-Herewith I forward pos^tal'order value ^^\ for J'^l^ of The Butter- flies of fin^it:erlnnd and the Alps of Central Europe.

Name >


To Mr. H. E. PAGE, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Gross, London, S.E.


Tutt's ^'British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's "British Butterflies," vol«. I to III. Tutt's " British Noctuae," vols. I to IV. Tutt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist," parts I to III, with Index. There are also a few copies of i- ** British Noctuae," slightly soiled, to be sold cheaply.


41, Wisteria Road,

Lewisham, S.E.

Melanism and Melanochroism in British Lepidoptera

(Demy 8vo., bound in Cloth. Price 5/-.) 6 Deals exhaustively with all the views brought forward by scientists to account for th«

' forms of melanism and melanochroism ; contains full data respecting the distribution of * melanic forms in Britain, and theories to account for their origin ; the special value of "natural selection," "environment," "heredity," "disease," "temperature," &c., in particular cases. Lord Walsingham, in bis Presidential address to the Fellows of the Entomological Society of London, says, "An especially interesting line of enquiry as con- nected with the use and value of colour in insects is that which has been followed up in Mr. Tutt's series of papers on ' Melanism and Melanochroism.' "

To be obtained from J. Herbert Tdtt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, ^ Brockley, S.E. e




The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXIl).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 7s. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each, flet; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six. seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each. '

Contents of VoU !• {Most important only Mentioned.)

Gknus Acro)iycta and its allies. Variation of Smerinthus tiluie, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea athalia, parthenie, and aurelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper on Taeniocaiiipidae I^hylloxera Practical Hints (many) Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynnis paphia var. valesina Work for the Winter Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890 Lifehistories of Agrotis-pyrophila, Epunda lichenea, Heliophobus liispiduf Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. II.

Melanism and MEiANOCHROiSM Bibliography Notes oeT Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegifonnis, Taenio- campa opima— Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development Hybridising Aniphidasyn prodromana and A. betularia Melanism and Temperature Differen- tiation of Dianthu'ciiis Disuse of wings— Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Rannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus ZYOiENA {Anthrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera - Lifehistory of Gonophora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of Vol. III.

Genus Acronycla and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccwellidae Notes on Breeding Notes on Coleoptera (very many) Dates of appearance of Kupithecia pygmeata Dimorphic pupte Duration of Ova State of the Geometridue (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling Melanie varieties Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupsE during winter Notes on Genus Hepialus Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. IV.

Additions to British Lists Presidentia^Addresses of British Association and Ijancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captures of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuae A day's collecting in the Western Highlands Apparent dearth of Diurni Double-brooded species The early stages of certain Geometrina Sensi- bility of larvee to sound Collecting in North Kent How to obtain and preserve ova Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893 Stridulation Variety breeding The Pupal and Iraaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Arctia caia (with plates) Evolution of the Lepidopterous Pupa Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale) Life-History of a Lepidppterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.) Among the Ancients Erebia epiphron and its named Varieties— Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen- Varieties of S2)ilosonia mendica ^Butterfly Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Ocneria dispar Zygaenu exulans and its Varif^tions Entomology at Rainham, Essex Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To 'be obtained only from Mr. H. E. PAGE, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

to whom Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXIV. (7 shillings) should be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes all numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1912.]

Non-receipt of errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines should be notified to Mr. J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francemary Road, Ladywell Road, Brockley, S.E.

The Back volumes (I-XXIII) of the Ent. Record, &c. (published at lOs. 6d. net), can be obtained direct as follows Single volumes, 7s. 6d., except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each ; of the remainder 2 or 3 volumes, 7s. 3d. each ; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 7s. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 vols, at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kindly requested to observe that subscriptions to The Entomologist's ltecord,&c.,a,te payable in advance. The subscription (with or without the Special Index) is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to H. E. Page.

Advertisements of Books and Insects for Sale, or Books wanted will be inserted at a niinimura charge of 2s. 6d. (for four lines). Longer Advertisements in proportion. A reduction made for a series. Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Advena, Tincta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracilis, Glauca, Flavicornis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderata. Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulae) and A. trifolii-minor, if from same colony. E. A. Cockayne, 16, Cambridge Square, W.

Duplicates. L. gueneei,* Campanulata, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Russata* (yellow var.), Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, Cursoria, Triangulum,, Affinis, Derasa, Tersata,* Ribesaria,* Badiata, Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* Vf&w&ria* . Desiderata. Numerous. Eev. A. M. Doumes, Batheaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Humuli var. Hethlandica, Putrescens, Vestigalis, Exulis (Shetlands, I.), Ambigua, Nigra, and many other local British moths. Desiderata. British and Palse- arctic Khopalocera. J. A. Simes, F.E.S., Mon. Repos, Markham^s Lane, Woodford Green.

Duplicates. Blethisa multipunctata, Harpalus caspius, Bembidium pallidipenne, Cincindela germanica, Dianous cterulescens, Lathrobium angustatum, Onthophilus globulosus, Galerucella sagittarije, Canopsis waltoni, &c. Desiderata. Local coleoptera. A. Ford, 36, Irving Road, Bournemouth.

Duplicates. Templi. Desiderata. Vex-y numerous. C. P. Gledhill, 35, Leyburn Grove, Shipley.

Duplicates. Galathea, Argiolus, Filipendulse, Derasa, Batis, Psi, Chi, D. pinastri, Lunigera, Australis. Triangulum, Brunnea, Augur, Suffusa, Brumata ( 9 s), Rupicapraria ( 9 s.), Amataria, Trilinearia.Rotundaria, Lignata, Bipunctaria, va«:s. of Pronuba, Trape- zina, Strigilis, Festiva, Nictitans, Oxyacanthse, Pyramidea, Betularia, Elinguaria, Pro- gemmaria ( <? s and ? s), etc., etc. Desiderata.— Porcellus, Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Advenaria, Prunaria, Fasciaria, Dolobraria, Lunaria, Tetralunaria, Bidentata, Alniaria, and many other common Geometers to extend and replace. Well set perfect specimens, black pins only. J. Douglas, 6, Old Jeicry, B.C.

Duplicates. Cilialis, Margaritellus, Pascuellus, Inquinatellus, Phragmitellus, Hastiana, Caledoniana, Sordidana, Bimaculana, Ophthalmicana, Geminana, (2), etc. Desiderata. Furcatellus, Ericellus, and many Pyrales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Black Pilosaria*, Hamula*, Croceago*, Australis, Hastata*, Papilio- naria, Palpina*, Autumnaria*, ITnca, A. ligustri*, Fascelinaf, Zonaria*, Strataria, MeUloti, Conspersa, Togato*, Ditrapezium*, Muralis, Dictaea, Opimia, Hispidus, Nigra, Piniperda, Irrorella, Omicronaria*, Rubidata, Berbei-ata*, Stramlnea, etc. Desiderata. Larvae of Grossulariata (Lancashire) and Caja (Blackpool district). W. J. Ogden, 87, The Common, Upper Clapton, London, W.

Duplicates. Larvae, Tincta, Rumicis (from melanic wild ?), Glauca, Nebulosa, Carpini, Quercifolia, etc. Desiderata. Well set imagines on black pins of many local species. Dr. Beckwith Whitehouse, 52, Newhall Street, Birmingham.

Duplicates. A few fine Grossulariata var. varleyata, Zatima, and other extreme vars. of Lubricipeda, etc. Desiderata. A.chi\\eee, Livomica, Celerio, Ilicifolia, Muscu- losa, Palustris 9 , Satura, Ni, Crinanensis, FuHginaria, Roboraria black var., Innotata, Salicalis, Unionalis, Paludellus, Semirufa, Splendidella, Terehrella, Rubrotibielia, Tesseradactylus, and extreme vars. of Grossulariata and other species. Geo. T. Porritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersfield.

Urgently w.\.nted in April, May, or June, Living wild caught 9 s Atalanta, Cardui, lo, Edusa, Hyale, Polychlorus, Lucina, C-Albura, Vinula(orova), Croceago, Semibrunnea, Exoleta, Vetusta ; also Grossulariata larva; from Lancashire an4 Huddersfield districts ; liberal exchange or cash. L. W. Newman, Bexley, Kent.

Desiderata. British hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates. Many British lepidoptera in fine condition. T . K. Shaiv, Betula, Fallow Court Avenue, North Fiiichley.

Duplicates. Dissimilis*. Velleda, Captiuncula, Fibrosa, Melanopa, Cordigera, Ambigua*, Lntosa, Rufa, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Plantaginis*, Cambrica and dark vars.; Coracina, Blandiata, Hexapterata, Tristata, Bidentata* (Black), Carbonaria (6), Fluviata*, Cresiata, Euficinctata, Pumiiata, Linariata*, Bicolorata var. plumbata, etc. Deaiderata. Hyale, Pruni, Paniscus, Muscerda, Ligniperda, Andreniformis, Sphegi. formis (narrow;, Guenii, Albimacula, Irregularis, Barrettii, Obfuseata, Taeniata, Virgaureata, Consignata, Dipsacea, Ocellaris, Fraxini, etc. T. Ashton Loftliouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrouijh.

Duplicates. Selene, C-album (2), Sibylla (B), Betulse (2), Populi (pale and pink forms), Meliloti, Z. Trifolii* (vars.), Geryon (-5), Senex, Griseola, Salicis*, Fascelina (3),- Ridens, Pudorina, Phragmatidis, Elymi, Strigilis, Fasciuncula, Nigricans, Baja, Inter- jeeta, Typica, Rubiginea (3), Gueneei (2), Templi (3), Affinis, Absinthii (4), Argentula, Moneta,* Chi-ysitis, Haworthii, Umbra (4), Sponsa, Nupta, Fibrosa, Leucophearia, Un- angulata, Testata,* Zonaria,* Hirtaria (hybrid), a pair. Desiderata.— Cynipif.)rmis, Culiciformis, N. strigula, Testudo, B. trifolii, A. ligustri, Bondii, Petasitis (3), Caliginosa, Depuncta, Populeti, Subtusa, Rusticata, Salicata, Dodoneata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata. G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Avenue, Friern, Barnet.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* Sibylla,* Betulae,* Bembeciformis,* Meliloti, Gristulalis,* Miniata," Aureola,* Dominula,* Fuliginosa,* Fascelina,* Crataegi,* Carpini,* Advenaria,* Alniaria,* Abietaria,* Roboraria,* Orbicularia,* Temerata, Pictaria,* Alternata,* Pine- taria, Csesiata, Grossulariata* (good vars,), Helveticata,* Lariciata,* Togata,* Albicillata,* Undnlata,* Psittacata,* Imnianata, Populata, Obliquaria,* Furcuia, Viuula,* Dicttea,* Ziczac,* Dodonsea,* Ridens,* Myricse,* Menyanthidis,* Templi* (grease removed), Flavago* (dark forms), Lucernea, Pisi,* Contigua, Absinthii,* Parthenias, Bractea, Interrogationis, Pulchrina. Desiderata. Many local and common British Butterflies, varieties especi&lly .—Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, Aberdeen, N.B.

WAmEv.—Flntomoloffist, 1868, nos. 50-52; 1869, nos. 62, 64-66; 1873, nos. 117, 119, 121-124 ; 1874, nos. 126-135 (or volume) ; 1876, nos. 151-154; 1877, no. 168 ; 1878, nos. 176, 177, 180-187 (or volume).— if y. J. Turnir, 98, DrakeJ'ell Road, Neiv Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Some Sicilian butterflies, including Galathea var. Procida. Also a dark form of Galathea from Calabria approximating Turcica. Desiderata. Types of other species which occur in Sicily. T. Piatt Barrett, " Westcroft," South Road, Forest Hill, S.E.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* w-album, Lucina,* Minima, Neustria,* Urticae,* Consonaria (var. Nigra), Diftinis, Hispidaria, Fuscantaria, Rhamnata, Asteris, Carmelita. Abruptaria, Suasa, Gilvago Rufina, Pastinum, Puta, Phragmitidis and others. Desiderata. Bidentata, especially Scotch and Irish, and varieties. Also living specimens in any stage from South of England. Paniscus. W. Boicater, HO, Russell iioad, Moseley, Birmingham.

Changes of Address.— t7. R. le B. Tomlin, " Lake foot," 120, Hamilton Road, Readiuf).


Entomological Society of London.— 11, Chandoa Street, Cavendish Square, VV., 8 p.m. May Jst ; June 5th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society. London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.G.— The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30 April 16th. May 21st, Special Exhibit— living larvre.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. Meetings : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion Secretary, Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James,' Hatcham, S.E. Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibernia, Chaml)ers, London Bridge. Meetings .- The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock.

North London Notural History Society.— Meetings held at Room 30, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, E.G., at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month.— Secretary, R. W. Robbins, " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society.— Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on the 3rd Monday in the month from October to April. Hon. Sec, H. R. Sweeting, 2, Halkyn Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool.






Commencing with the Variation and Life-histories of AyrUuU's ooridoji and Polijommatus icarus (with four plates of the named aberrations and varieties of the first-named species together with many photomicrographs of larval and pupal structure. Similar plates of P. icarus are awaiting publication.)

Probably the finest life-histories of any species of lepidoptera ever published. The next species to be treated is Aricia astrarehe, a still more interesting one with regard to its Varieties and Aberrations.

Part XI. will shortly be issued. Subscription for 20 parts 17s. 6d.


Butterflies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe


Price 5s. net. Interleaved, 6s.

Limp cloth covers. Handy for the knaiisack.

This book is of the highest value not only to collectors of Continental Butter- flies, but to all those who collect British butterflies, as it gives a great many detailed facts about the species in which they are more particularly interested.

The details of Variation and Distribution are particularly important, and those lepidopterists to whom Kane's book has long been a treasured friend, will find in this more information, more detail, and many more localities than were at the disposal of the author of the earlier volume.

" To those who carry a net abroad, this handbook will be invaluable as a book of

reference We can cordially recommend it " H. Eowland-

Bbown, M.A., F.E.S., llie Entomologist's Record, vol. xv.

Dear SiR,-Herewith J forward pos'iaf oTder value ll[ for ^^opj^ of The Butter- flies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe.

Name ,


To Mr. H. E. PAGE, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.


Tutt's " British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's " British Butterflies," vols. I to III. Tutt's "British Noctuae," vols. I to IV. Tutt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist," parts I to III, with Index. There are also a few copies of *' British Noctuae," slightly soiled, to be sold cheaply.


41, Wisteria Road,

Lewisham, S.E.

Melanism and Melanochroism in British Liepidoptera

(Demy 8vo., bound in Cloth. Price 5/-.)

Deals exhaustively with all the views brought forward by scientists to account for the forms of melanism and melanochroism ; contains full data respecting the distribution of melanic forms in Britain, and theories to account for their origin ; the special value of "natural selection," "environment," "heredity," "disease," "temperature," etc., in particular cases. Lord Walsingham, in his Presidential address to the Fellows of the Entomological Society of London, says, " An especially interesting line of enquiry as con- nected with the use and value of colour in insects is that which has been followed up in Mr» Tutt's series of papers on ' Melanism and Melanochroism.' "

To be obtained from J. Herbert Tutt, 22, Francemary Boad, Ladywell Eoad, Broekley, S.E.




The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at Ts. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six, seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Contents of Vol. I. (Most important only Mentioned.)

Genus Acronycta and its allies. Variation bf Smerinthus tiliae, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea athalia, parthenie, and aurelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper on Taeniocampidae Phylloxera Practical Hints (many) Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynnis paphia var. valesina Work for the Winter Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890 Lifehistories of Agrotis pyrophila, Epunda lichenea, Heliophubns hispidus Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. 11.

Melanism and Melanochroism Bibliography Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegiformis, Taenio- campa opima— Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development Hybridising Amphidasys prodromaria and A. betularia Melanism and Temperature Differen- tiation of Dianthrcias Disuse of wings Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Eannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus Zyg^na (Anthrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera-- Lifehistory of Gonoj)}iora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of Vol. ill.

Genus Acronycta and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccinellidae Notes on Breeding Notes on Coleoptera (very many) Dates of appearance of Eupithecia pygmeata Dimorphic pupae Duration of Ova State of the Geometridae (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling Melanic varieties— Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupiB during winter Notes on Genus Hepialus Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. IV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses of British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captures of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuur A day's collecting in the Western Highlands Apparent dearth of Diurni Double-brooded species Theearly stages of certain Geometrina Sensi- bility of larvaj to sound— Collecting in North Kent How to obtain and preserve ova— Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893— Stridulation— Variety breeding The Pupal and Imaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Arctia caia (with plates)— Evolution of the Le^idopterous Pupa— Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale) Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.) Among the Ancients Erehia epiphron and its named Varieties— Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen Varieties of Hpilosoma mendica Butterfij Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Ocneria dispar Zygaena exulans and its Variations Entomology at Rainham, Essex Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtaii>ed only from Mr. H. E. PAGE, " Bertrose," Oellatly Road, New Gross, London, S.E.

to whom Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXIV' (7 shillings) should be sent to Mp. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes all numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1912.]

Non-receipt of errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines should be notified to Mr. Herbert E. "Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

The Back volumes (I-XXIII) of the Ent. Record, &c. (published at 10s. 6d. net), can be obtained direct as follows Single volumes, 78. 6d., except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each ; of the remainder 2 or 3 volumes, 7s. 3d. each ; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 78. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or U vols, at 68. 9d. each ; 15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kindly requested to observe that subscriptions to The Entomologist's Record, &c.,a,ie payable in advance. The subscription (with or without the Special Index) is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to H. E. Page.

Advertisements of Books and Insects for Sale, or Books wanted will be inserted at a minimum charge of 2s. 6d. (for four lines). Longer Advertisements in proportion. A reduction made for a series. Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Advena, Tincta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracilis, Glauca, Flavicoruis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderata. Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulae) and A. trifolii-minor, if from same colony. E. A. Cockayne, 16, Cambridge Square, W.

Duplicates. L. gueneei,* Campanulata, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Bussata* (yellow var.K Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, Carsoria, Triangulum, Affinis, Derasa, Tersata,* Bibesaria,* Badiata, Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* W&\sivi&*. Desidei'ata. Numerous. Rev. A. M. Doicnes, Batheaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Humuli var. Hethlandica, Putrescens, Vestigalis, Exulis (Shetlands, I.), Ajjibigua, Nigra, and many other local British moths. Desiderata. British and Palas- arctic Rhopalocera. J. A. Siiiies, E.E.S., Mon. Repos, Markham's Lane, Woodford Green. Duplicates. Sinapis (Irish) aurinia (Irish, unset). Desiderata. JLthiops, Epiphron, &c., unset or continentar setting. Lt.-Gol. N. Manders, 4, South Road, Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare.

Duplicates. Templi. Desiderata. Very numerous. G. P. Gledhill, 35, Leyburn Grove, Shipley. ,

Duplicates. Galathea, Argiolus, Filipendulas, Derasa, Batis, Psi, Chi, D. pinasti'i, Lunigera, Australis, Triangulum, Brunnea, Augur, Suffusa, Brumata ( 9 s), Rupicapraria ( ? s.), Amataria, Trilinearia, Rotundaria, Lignata, Bipunctaria, vars. of Pronuba, Trape- zina, Strigilis, Festiva, Nictitans, Oxyacanthae, Pyramidea, Betularia, Elinguaria, Pro- ' gemmaria ( <? s and ? s), etc., etc. Desiderata. Porcellus, Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Advenaria, Pinmaria, Fasciaria, Dolobraria, Lunaria, Tetralunaria, Bidentata, Alniaria, and many other common Geometers to extend and replace. Well set perfect specimens, black pins only. J. Douglas, 6, Old Jewry, E.G.

Duplicates. Cilialis, Margaritellus, Pascuellus, Inqninatellus, Phragmitellus, Hastiana, Caledoniana, Sordidana, Bimaeulana, Ophthalmicana, Geminana, (2), etc. Desiderata. Furcatellus, Ericellus, and many Pyrales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe^J^Iiddlesbrough.

Duplicates. Black Pilosaria*, Hamula*, Croceago*, Australis, Hastata*, Papilio- naria, Palpina*, Autumnaria*, Unca, A. ligustri*, Fascelinaf, Zonaria*, Strataria, Meliloti, Conspersa, Togato*, Ditrapezium*, Muralis, Dictaea, Opimia, Hispidus, Nigra, Piniperda, Irrorella, Omicronaria*, Rubidata, Berberata*, Strarainea, etc. Desiderata. Larvae of Grossulariata (Lancashire) and Caja (Blackpool district). W. J. Ogden, 87, The Common, Upper Clapton, London, W.

Duplicates. Larvae, Tincta, Rumicis (from melanic wild ? ), Glauca, Nebulosa, Carpini, Quercifolia, etc. Desiderata. Well set ima-gines on black pins of many local species. Dr. Beckwith Whitehouse, 52, Newhall Street, Birmingham.

Duplicates. A few fine Grossulariata var. varleyata, Zatima, and other extreme vars. of Lubricipeda, etc. Desiderata. AchWleai, Livoinica, Celerio, Ilicifolia, Muscu- losa, Palustris ?, Satura, Ni, Crinanensis, Fuliginaria, Roboraria black var., Innotata, Salicalis, Unionans, Paludellus, Semirufa, Splendidella, . Terebrella, Rubrotibielia, Tesseradactylus, and extreme vars. of Grossniariata and other species. Geo. T. Porritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersfield.

Urgently wanted in April, May, or June, Living wild caught ? s Atalanta, Cardui, lo, Edusa, Hyale, Polychlorus, Lucina, C-Album, Vinula (or ova), Croceago, Semibrunnea, Exoleta, Vetusta ; also Grossulariata larvae from Lancashire and Huddersfield districts; liberal exchange or cash. L. W . Newman, Bexley, Kent.

Wanted urgently. A number of set Hirtaria (both sexes). Will do what I can in return. J. W. H. Harrison, 181, Abingdon Road, Middlesbro' .

Desiderata. British hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates.— Manj British lepidoptera in fine condition. V . E. Shaw, Betula, Fallout Court Avenue, North Finchley.

Duplicates. Dissimilis*, Velleda, Captiuncula, Fibrosa, Melanopa, Cordigej»,, Ambigua*, Liitosa, Rufa, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Plantaginis*, Cambrica and dark vars.; Coracina, Blandiata, Hexapterata, Tristata, Bidentata* (Black), Carbonaria (6), Fluviata*, Csesiata, Ruficinctata, Pumilata, Linariata*, Bicolorata var. plumbata, etc. Desiderata. Hyale, Pruni, Paniscus, Muscerda, Ligniperda, Andreniformis, Sphegi. formis (narrow), Guenii, Albimacula, Irregularis, Barrettii, Obfuscata, Tseniata, Virgaureata, Consignata, Dipsacea, Ocellaris, Fraxini, etc. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Selene, C-album (2), Sibylla (3), Betulee (2), Populi (pale and pink forms], Meliloti, Z. Trifolii* (vars.), Geryon (5), Senex, Griseola, Salicis*, Fascelina (3) Ridens, Pudorina, Phragmatidis, Elymi, Strigilis, Fasciuncula, Nigricans, Baja, Inter jecta, Typica, Rnbiginea (3), Gueneei (2), Templi (3), AfBnis, Absinthii (4), Argentula Moneta,* Chrysitis, Haworthii, Umbra (4), Sponsa, Nupta, Fibrosa, Leucopbearia, Un angulata, Testate,* Zonaria,* Hirtaria (hybrid), a pair. DeswZerata.— Cynipif:)rmis Culiciformis, N. strigula, Testudo, B. trifolii, A. ligustri, Boadii, Petasitis (3), Caliginosa Depuncta, Populeti, Subtusa, Rusticata, Salicata, Dodoneata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Avenue, Friern, Baimet.

Duplicates.— Polychloros,* Sibylla,* Betulse,* Bembeciformis,* Meliloti, Cristulalis,* Miniata," Aureola,* Dominula,* Fuliginosa,* Fascelina,* Cratsegi,* Carpini,* Advenaria,* Alniaria,* Abietaria,* Roboraria,* Orbicularla,* Temerata, Pictaria,* Alternata,* Pine- taria, Csesiata, Grossulariata* (good vars,), Helveticata,* Lariciata,* Togata,* Albicillata,* Undulata,* Psittacata,* Immanata, Populata, Obliquaria,* Furcuia, Vinula,* Diettea,* Ziczac,* Dodonasa,* Ridens,* Myricffi,* Menyanthidis,* Templi* (grease removed), Flavago* (dark forms), Lucernea, Pisi,* Contigua, Absinthii,* Parthenias, Bractea, Interrogationis, Pulchrina. Desiderata. Many local and common British Butterflies, varieties especially. Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, Aberdeen, N.B.

Wasted. —Entomologist, 1868, nos. 50-52; 1869, nos. 62, 64-66; 1873, nos. 117, 119, 121-124 ; 1874, nos. 12G-135 (or volume) ; 1876, nos. 151-154 ; 1877, no. 168 ; 1878, nos. 176, 177, 180-187 (or volume).— iJ?/. J. Turner, 98, Drakef ell Road, Neiv Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Some Sicilian butterflies, including Galathea var. Procida. Also a dark form of Galathea from Calabria approximating Turcica. Desiderata. Types of other species which occur in Sicily. T. Piatt Barrett, " Westcroft,'^ South Road, Forest Hill, S.E.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* w-album, Lucina,* Minima, Neustria,* Urticae,* Copsonaria (var. Nigra), Diffinis, Hispidaria, Fuscantaria, Rhamnata, Asteris, Carmelita, Abruptaria, Suasa, Gilvago Rufina, Pastinum, Puta, Phragmitidis and others. Desiderata. Bidentata, especially Scotch and Irish, and varieties. Also living specimens in any stage from South of England. Paniscus. W. Boivater, 20, Russell Road, Moseley, Birmingham.

Changes of Address. Col. L. B. Irby, Evington Place, Ashford, Kent. E. E. B. Prest, " Arva,^' Ashtead, Surrey ^


Entomological Society of London. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W., 8 p.m. May 1st ; June 5th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society. London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30 April 16th. May 21st, Special Exhibit living larvae.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. Meetings : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion Secretary, Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James,' Hatcham, S.E. Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibemia, Chambers, London Bridge. Meetings : The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock. Next Field Meetings : June 15th, Penslake, conducted by W. J. Kaye, F.E.S. ; June 91th, Byfleet, conducted by S. Edwards, F.E.S. ; July 13th, Clandon, conducted by H. J. Turner, F.E.S.

North London Notural History Society. Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, E.G., at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month. Secretary, R. W. Bobbins, " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on the 3rd Monday in the month from October to April. Hon. Sec, H. R. Sweeting, 2, Halkyn Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool.






Commencing with the Variation and Life-histories of Agriades coridov and Polyonimattig icarus (with four plates of the named aberrations and varieties of the first-named species together with many photomicrographs of larval and pupal structure. Similar plates of P. icarus are awaiting publication.)

Probably the finest life-histories of any species of lepidoptera ever published. The next species to be treated is Aricia astrarche, a still more interesting one with regard to its Varieties and Aberrations.

Subscription for 20 parts 17s. 6d.


Butterflies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe

By GEO. WHEELER, MrA., F.E.S., F.Z.S. Price 5s. net. Interleaved, 6s.

Limp cloth covers. Handy for the knaj)sack.

This book is of the highest value not only to collectors of Continental Butter- flies, but to all those who collect British butterflies, as it gives a great many detailed facts about the species in which they are more particularly interested.

The details of Variation and Distribution are particularly important, and those lepidopterists to whom Kane's book has long been a treasured friend, will find in this more information, more detail, and many more localities than were at the disposal of the author of the earlier volume.

" To those who carry a nejt abroad, this handbook will be invaluable as a book of

reference We can cordially recommend it " H. Rowland-

Brown, M.A., F.E.S., The Entoniologist's Record, vol. xv. '

Dear SiR.-Herewith I forward poft^f 'border value H: for ^^f^^ of The'Butter- flies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe.



To Mr. H. E. PAGE, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Gross, London, S.E.


Tutt's *' British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's " British Butterflies," vols. I to III. Tutt's "British Noctuae," vols. I to IV. Tutt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist," parts I to III, with Index. There are also a few copies of " British Noctuae," slightly soiled, to be sold cheaply.


41, Wisteria Road,

liewisham, S.E.


One set Tutt's "British Lepidoptera," Vols. I.X. Covers slightly soiled £2 2s. Od. 1 Set Tutt's " British Noctuae," 4 Vols. Covers slightly soiled . . . . £0 10s. Od.

1 Set Tutt's " British Butterflies," Vols. I-III . . £1 Ts. Od.

1 Set Tutt's " Practical Hints," 3 Vols. Covers slighty soiled . . . . £0 6s. 6d.

E. STANLEY, 27, Whitburn Road, Lewisham, S.E.





The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXIII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 7s. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are lOs. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six. seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXIII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each. Contents of Vol- I. {Most important only Mentioned.)

Genus Acronycta and its allies. Variation of Smefinthus tiliae, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea athalia, parthenie, stnd aurelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper on Taeniocavipidae Phylloxera Practical Hints (many)^Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynnis paphia var. valesina Work for the Winter— Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890 Lifehistories of Agrotis pyrophila, Epunda lichenea, Heliophobus hispidus Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol^ II.

Melanism and Melanochroism Bibliography Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegiformis, Taenio- campa opima— Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development-r-Hybridising Ajuphidasy s prodromaria a.nd A. betularia Melanism and Temperature Differen- tiation of Dianthmcias Disuse of wings— Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Rannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus Zyg^na (Anthrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera- - Lifehiftory of Gonophora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of Vol. III.

Genus Acronycta and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccinellidae—l^otes on Breeding Notes on Coleoptera (very many) Dates of appearance of Eupithecia pugmeata—DimoxTghm pupas— Duration of Ova State of the Geometridae (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling— Melanic varieties— Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupfE during winter Notes on Genus Hepialus Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. IV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses of British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight— Captures of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuac—A day's collecting in the Western Highlands— Apparent dearth of Diurni Double-brooded species The early stages of certain Geometrina Sensi- bility of larvffi to sound— Collecting in North Kent— How to obtain and preserve ova— Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893— Stridulation— Variety breeding— The Pupafand Imaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Arctia caia (with plates)— Evolution of the Lepidopterous Pupa— Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale)— Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.)— Among the Ancients— EreMa epiphron and its named Varieties— Life-History of Agrotis agathina— Ten Days at Wicken Fen Varieties of Spilosoma mewcZtca— Butterfly Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc— Life-History of Ocneria dispar Zygaena e.rulans and its Variations- Entomology at Rainham, Essex Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtained only from— Mr. H. E. PAGE, " Bertrose," Oellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

to whom Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXIV. i7 shillings) should be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes all nunnbers published fron> January 15th to December IStJh, 1^12.

Non-receipt or errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines should li^ notified to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

The Back volumes (IXXIII) of tlie Ent. lleand, Ac (published at 10s. 6d. neti can be obtained direct as follows Single volumes. 7s. 6d., except vols. I. and II.. whiel: are 10s. 6d. each ; of the remainder 2 or 3 volumes. 78. 3d. each : 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols . 7s. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 vols.^ at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Majjazine at double the published price (plus |)ostage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXII. sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kiially reciuested to observe that snl)scriptions to The Eiitomologist'n lii:cord,i!i.c.. are l)ayable in advance. The subscription (with or without the Special Indexi is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, Kew Cross, S.E. Checiu<- .•rnd Postal Orders should be niiule payable to H. E. Pacsk.

Advertisejunts of Books and Insects for Sale, or Books wanted will be inserted at a uiinimuin " charge of 2s. 6d. (for four lines'. Longei- Advertisements in j>roportion. .A reduction made for a serie.s Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, '■ Bertrose." Gellatly Itoad. New Cross, U.K.

Duplicates. Axlvena, Tincta,' Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Mund^, Gracihs. Glauca, Klavicornis var Scotica, Tetraiunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana. dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. oomma, Bellargus. />«.9trfe/«/a.— Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulre) and .\. trifolii -minor, if from same colony.— 7*;. A. Cockai/iie. Ui. Vfunhridge Square. W.

Duplicates.— h. gueneei.* Canjpauulata, Ab'sinthiata.* Trideus,* Ku.ssata* (yellow var.), Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera. Cur.soria, TriAngulura, Atiinis.. Derasa, Tersata,* Ribesaria," Badiata, lathori/.a, Geryon, Aurago,* Wavaria*. Demlnatu. Numerous. Rec A. M. Dowiies, BiilJieastoii I'icarage, Both.

Duplicates. Huniuli var. Hethlandica, Putrescens, Vestigalis, Exulis (Shetlands, l.j. Ambigua, Nigra, and many othei- lopil British moths. Desiderata . -BrUiish and Pala- arctic Khopalocera. J- A. Sintes. F.K.S., Mon. Rejios, Markham's Lane, Woodford Green. Duplicates. -Sinapis (Irish) aurinia (Irish, unset). Desi'/<'raf^(.— ^Ethiops. Epiphron." Du})licates, Cynipiforrais*, Culiciformis*, Subtu.sa*, Venustula. Desiderata.— Apiformis, Scoliajfoimis, Formiciformis, Philanthiformis, "Chrysidiformis, Bractae, Hyper borea, D. ceesia, .\lbimacuia, Nigrocinota. Nubeculbsa. H. Baker .S7//, Mapledcau . Florley, Surrey.

Duplicates. Sinapis, Icarus, auiinia from Ireland. Desiderata. British butterflies : unset or Continental setting. N. Maiulerx. Tj.-Gol., B.aAi.C.. 4, Sautli Road. Carraf/h (amp, Co. Kildare.

Duplicate.-<. Teinpli. Desiderata. Very numerous.-- 6'. /'. (iledhill. .i'.;, I.eiihurn Grove, Shipley.

Duplicates. Galathea, Argiolus, Filipendulie. Derasa, Batis. Fsi. Chi, 1). pinastri. Lunigera, Australis, Triangulum, Brunnea, Augur, Suffusa. Brumata ( ? s), Hnpicapraria , ( ? s.), Amataria, Trilinearia, Rotundaria, Lignata. Bipunctaria, vars. of Pronulia, Trape zina, Sferigilis, Festiva, Nictitans, Oxyacanthiw Pyramidea, Betularia. F'^linguaria. Pro gemmaria ( j s and J s), etc.. etc. Desiderata. Porcellus. Vespertaria. .4piciaria. .\dvenaria, Prunaria, Fasciaria, Dolobraria, Lunaria, Tetraiunaria. Bidentata. Alniaria, and many other common Geometers to extend and replace. Well set perfect specimens, black pins only. d. Doufilas, 6. Old deirry. E.G.

Duplicate}i.—G'\\\&\\s. Margaiitellus. Pascueilus. Inciuinateilus, Phragmitellus, Ha.stiana. Caledoniana, Sordidana, Bimaculana, Ophthalmicana, Geminana, (2), etc. Desiderata. Furcatellus. Kricellus, and many Pyrales, Crarnbi. Tortriees and Pterophori. -7'. Asliton Lofthouse. The VToft. T.iutharpe, iliddleshrougli.

Dtiplicates. Black Pilosaria*. Hamula*. Cioceago*, Australis. Hastata', Papilio naria, Palpina*, Aytumnaria*. Unca. A. ligustri*, Pascelinal , Zonaria*, Strataria. Meliloti, ConspersH, Togato*, Ditrapezium*, Muraiis, Dictaea, Opimia, Hispidus, Nigra, Piniperda, Irrorelia, Omieronaria*. Rubidala, Berberata*. Sti'aminea, etc. Desiderata.- Larvae of Gro.ssulariata (Lancashire) and Caja (Blackpool district).- IV. I . Ogdeit. S7. The Co)inuou, I'ppier Clapton, Loudon, W.

Duplicates. Larvai, Tincta, Rumicis (from melanic wild ? ). Glauca, Nebulosa, Carpini. Quercifolia, etc. Desiderata. Well set imagines on black pins of many local species. Dr. Beckwith \\ liitehouse, o'J, Newha II Street.- Birmingham.

Duplicates. A few tine Grossulaliata var. varleyata:, Zatima. and other extreme vars. of Lubricipeda. etc. Desiderata. Ach'iUeie, Livoinica. Celerio, Ilicifolia, Muscu Ipsa, Palustris ? , Satura. Ni, Crinanensis, Fuliginaria. Roboiaria black var., Innotata, Salicalis, IJnionalis, Paludellus, Semirufa, Splendidella. Terehrella, Rubrotibielia . Tesseradactylus. and extreme vars. of Grossulariata and other species. Geo. T. I'orritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersfield .

I'BfJF.KTi.Y \v\NrKi» ill .\pril. May. or .lune. Fiiving wild caught v s Atalanta, Cardui.

lo. Edusti., Hyale, I'olychloruSv Luciiia, C- Album, Viuula(oi' ova). Croceago, Semibiunnea, Exoleta, Vetusta ; also Gross ulaiiata larva; from Lancashire and Huddersfield districts; jjhpral exchange or cash. •//. U'. Sewman, Bexley, Kent.

Wanted urgently. A number of set Hirtaria (both sexes). Will do what I can in retu)-n. ./. II'. H. Harrison, 181, Abingdon Road, Middleshro'.

Desiderata. British hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates. ^Many British lepidoptcra in tine condition. f . K. Shaw, Betula, Fallow Court Avenue, North Finchley.

Duplicates. Dissimilis*, Velleda, Captiuncula, Fibrosa, Melanopa, Cordigera. Ambigua*, Lntosa, Piufa, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Plantaginis*, Cambrica and dark vara.; Coracina, Blandiata, Hexapterata, Tristata, Bidentata* (Black), Carbonaria (6). Fluviata*, Csesiata, Ruficinctata. Pumilata, Linariata*, Bieolorata var. plurabata, etc. Dedderata. Hyale, Pruni, Paniseus, Muscerda, Ligniperda, Andreniformis, Sphegi. formis (naiTOWj, Guenii, Albimaeula, Irregularis, Barrettii, Obfuseata, Tajniata, Virgaureata, Consignata, Dipsacea, Ocellaris, Fraxini, etc. T. Aahion Lofthouse, 'Die Croft, Lintliorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Selene, C-album (2), Sibylla (3), Betulte (2), Populi (pale and pink forms), Bleliloti, Z. Trifolii* (vars.), Geryon (p), Senex, Griseola, Salicis*. Fascelina (3), Ridens, Pudorina, Phragmatidis, Elymi, Stiigilis, Fasciuncula, Nigricans, Baja, Inter- jeeta, Typica, Rubiginea (3), Gueneei (2), Templi (3), Affinis, Absinthii (4), Argentula. Moneta,* Chrysitis, Haworthii, Umbra (4), Sponsa. Nupta, Fibrosa, Leucophearia, Un- angulata, Testata,* Zonaria,* Hirtaria (hybrid), a pair. Desiderata. Cynipif jrmis, Culiciformis, N. strigula, Testudo, B. trifolii, A. ligustri, Bondii, Petasitis (3), Caliginosa. Depuncta, Populeti, Subtusa, Rusticata, Salicata, Dodoneata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata. G. Brooks, ^8. Hilton Avenue, Friern, Barnet.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* Sibylla,* Betulue,* Bembeciformis,* Meliloti, Cristulalis,* Miniata," Aureola,* Dominula,* Fuliginosa,* Fascelina,* Cratasgi,* Carpini,* Advenaria, * Alniaria,* Abietaria,* Roboraria,* Orbieularia,* Temerata, Pictaria,* Alternata,* Pine- taria, Cifisiata, Grossulariata* (good vars,), Helveticata, ' Lariciata," Togata,* Albicillata, * Hndulata,* Psittacata,* Immanata, Populata, Obliquaria,* Furcuia. Vinula,* Dicttea,* Ziczac,* Dodonaea,* Ridens,* Myricee,* Menyanthidis,* Templi* (grease removed), Flavago* (dark forms), Lucernea, Pisi,* Contigua, Absinthii,* Harthenias, Braetea, Interrogationis, Pulchrina. Desiderata. Many local and common British Butterflies, varieties especially. Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, Aberdeen, .\.B.

WA^TKV.—Enlomologist, 1868, nos. 50-52; 1869, nos. 62, 64-66; 1873, nos. 117. 119, 121-124 ; 1874, nos. 125-13-5 (or volume) ; 1876, nos. 151-154 : 1877, no. 168 ; 1878, nos. 176, 177, 180-187 (or volume).— Hy. J. Turner, 9H, Drukef ell Road, New Cross, S.F.

Duplicates. Some Sicilian butterflies, including Galathea var. Procida. Also a dark form of Galathea from Calabria approximating Turcica. Desiderata.. Types of other species which occur in Sicily. T. Piatt f'.arreft. " Jresfrroft." Soutli Unad, Forest Hill. S.F.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* w-album, Lucina,* Minima, Neustria,* I rticse,* Consonaria (vai-. Nigra), Diffinis, Hispidaria, Fuscantaria, Rhamnata, Asteris, Carmelita, Abruptaria, Suasa, Gilvago Rufina, Pastinum, Puta, Phragmitidis and others. Desiderata. Bidentata, especially Scotch and Irish, and varieties. Also living specimens in any stage from South of England. Paniseus. IF. Bowater, 20, Russell Road, Moseley, Birmingham.

Change of Address. Richard S. Bagnall, '' Oldstead," Park Town, Oxford. A. .1. Dalgish, 7, Keir St., Pollokshields, Glasgow.


Entomological Society of London. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W'.. s p.m. Oct. 2nd; Oct. 16th ; Nov. 6th ; Nov. 20th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society. -London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., iumual subscription Is. .Meetings : Full particulars as to excux'sions can be obtained ironi the Excursion Secretary, Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James,' Hatcham, S.E. Hon. Sec. Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibernia. <Jbambers, London Bridge. Meetings : The second and fourth Thursdays in the month Ht 8 o'clock. Next Field Meetings : July 27th, Otford, conducted fay R. Adkin, F.E.S, : Sept. 14th, Bexley, conducted by L. W. Newman, F.E.S.

North London Notural History Society. Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, E.G., at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the Krtonth. Secretary, R. VV. Robbins, " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, l.iverpool, on the 3rd Monday in th« month from October to April.






Coniinenciug with the Vai iatioii and Life-histories of Agriadcs coridou and PolijomnuUns icurus (with four plates of the named aberrations and varieties of the first-named species together with many photomicrographs of larval and pupal structure. Similar plates of P. icarus are awaiting publication.)

Probably the finest life-histories of any species of lepidoptera ever published. The next apeoies to be treated is Aririd dMrarclif, a still more interesting one with regard to its Varieties and .Aberrations.

Subscription for 20 parts 17s. 6d.


Butterflies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe


Price 5s. net. Interleaved, 6s.

Limp cloth covers. Haiidij lor the knapsack.

This book is of the highest value not only to collectors of Continental Butter- Hies, but to all those who collect British butterflies, as it gives a great many detailed facts about the species in which they are more particularly interested.

The details of Variation and Distribution are particularly important, and those iepidopterists to whom Kane's book has long been a treasured friend, will find in this more information, more detail, and many more localities than were at the disposal of the author of the earlier volume.

" To those who carry a net abroad, this handbook will be invaluable as a book of

reference. . . . . \Ve can cordially recommend it " H. Eowland-

Bkown, M.A.. F.E.S., The Entomologist'.^ Record, vol. xv.

Dear -SiR.-Herewith I forward p^^^^f^^.^e.- v*ilue ^,^: for ,;;^,V>^ ot The Butter if.* i)i' SuHtzn'Tond mid the .4lps of Central Europe.



To Mr. H. E. PAGE, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

" '. FOR SALlE

I'utt's '* British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's " British. Butterflies," vols. 1 to 111. Tutt's "British Noctuae," vols. I to IV. Tutt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist," parts I to HI. with Index. There are also a few oopies of •" British Noctuse," sliubtly soiled, to he sold cheaply.

A. M. COCHRANE, 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.

Melanism and Melanochroism in British Lepidoptera.

(Demy tivo., bound in Cloth. Price 5/-.)

Deals e.xhaustively with all the views brought forward by scientists to account for the forms of melanism and melanochroism ; contains full data rcvspecting the distribution of raelanic forms in Britain, and theories to account for their origin ; the special value of "natural selection,," "environment," "heredity," "disease," ' temperature," t&c, in particular cases. Lord Walsingham, in his Presidential address to the Fellows of the Entomological Society of London, says, "An esi)ecially interesting line of enquiry as con- nected with the use and value of colour in insects is that which has been followed up in Mr. Tutt's series of papers on ' Melanism and Melanochroism.' "

To be obtained from .1. Hehbkrt Titt, 22, Francemarv Road, Lsdywell Road, Brockley, S.E.




The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXIII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 7s. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are lOs. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes, of the remainder at 78. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six, seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at Bs. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes. Vols. III-XXIII, spld separately, price Is. 6d. each. Contents of Vol. I. (Most importaiu only Mentioned.)

Genus Acronycta and its allies.— Variation of Snierinthus tiliae, 3 coloured plates— Differentiation of Melitaea athqlin , partJienie, and aurelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper 6n Taeniocampidde Phylloxera Practical Hints (many) Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynuis paphia var. valesina-— Work for the Winter T^emperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1;690 Lifehistories of Ayrotis pyrophila, Epnnda lichenea, 'Heliophnbiis Itispidiia Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. II.

Melanism .\nij Mklanochkoism Bibliography Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sj)hegiJ'orviis , Taeuio campa opmfl—* Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development -Hybridising Amphidasys jjrodromariu and A. betularia Melanism and Temperature Differen tiation of DiaHthocias Disuse of wings Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Rannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus Zyg^na (Avthrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera - Lifehistory of Gonophorn derasa. etc., etc., H12 pp.

Contents of Vol. III.

Genus Acronycto and its allies (continued) fcicientitic Notes The British Uoccinellidfte Notes on Breeding Notes on Coleoptkra (very many) Dates ol appearance of Eiqnthi'cio pygmeata-^I>'\mox^\\\(i pup* Duration of Ova State of the Geometridae (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop tera Hints on labelling Melanic varieties— Chunges in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupas during winter Notes on Genus Hepialiii> Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. iV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses uf British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society— Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captures of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuac—K day's collecting in the W^estern Highiands Apparent dearth of Diuiiii Double-brooded species The early stages of certain Geoinetrina Sensi- bility of larva; to sound— Collecting in North Kent How to obtain and preserve ova Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893 Stridulation Variety breeding The I'upal and Imaginsil wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Arctia caio (with plates) Evolution of the Lepidopteiouh Pupa— Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale) Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.)— Among the Ancients— A'/r^nw ejnphron and itH named Varieties— Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen- Varieties of Spilosoma mendica —Buttertiy Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Ocneria dispar—Zygaemi exuUriis and its Variations Entomology at Rainharn, Essex Additions to the Rritiah List- -New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtained only from Mr. H. E. PAGE, '"Bertroae," Oellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E>

In whom Cheque^ and Postal Orders should be made pHvable.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXIV. (7 shillings) should be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes all numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1P12.]

Non-receipt or errors in tlie sending of Subscribers' magazines should be notified to Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

The Back volumes (I-XXIII) of the Ent. Record, &c. (published at 10s. 6d. net), can be obtained direct as follows— Single volumes, 7s. 6d., exceiit vols. I. and 11., which are 10s. 6d. each ; of the remainder 2 or 3 volumes, 7s. 3d. each ; i, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 7s. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or U vols, at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kindly requested to observe that subscriptions to The EntoviologigVs Tlecoid,&e., are payable in advance. The subscription (with or without the Special Index) Is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to H. E. Page.

Advertisements of Books and Insects for Sale, or Books wanted will be inserted at a minimum charge of 2s. 6d. (for four lines). Longer Advertisements in proportion. A reduction made for a Series. Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, TSTew Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Advena, Tincta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracilis, Glauca, Flavicornis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderata. Anthrocera hippoerepidis (early filipendulse) and A. trifolii-minor, if from same colony. E. A. Cockayne, 16, Cambridge Sq%iare, W.

Duplicates. Xanthia Ocellaris,* a few bred; hybrid Zonaria x Hirtaria (females only). Desiderata. Many rare and local insects and good vars. Ova of Gilvago, Cerago, Ocellaris. H. Worsley Wood, 31, Agate Road, Hammersviith, W.

Duplicates. L. gueneei,* Campanulata, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Eussata* (yellow var.), Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, Cursoria, Triangulum, Affinis, Derasa, Tersata,* Kibesaria,* Badiata, Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* Wavaria*. DesWe7Y((a. Numerous. Rev. A. M, Doivnes, Batheaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Humuli var. Hethlandica, Putrescens, Vestigahs, Exulis (Shetlands, I.), Ambigua, Nigra, and many other local British moths. Desiderata. British and Palae- arctic Khopalocera. J. A. Simes, F.E.S., Mon. Repos, Markham's Lane, Woodford Green. Duplicates. Sinapis (Irish) aurinia (Irish, unset). Desiderata. ^Ethiops, Epiphron, Duplicates. ^GyniT^iiormis* , Culiciformis*, Subtusa*, yenustula. Desiderata. Apiformis, Scohseformis, Formiciformis, Philanthiformis, Chrysidiformis, Bractre, Hypej:- borea, D. csesia, Albimacula, Nigrocincta, Nubeculosa. H. Baker Sly, Majdedean, Horley, Surrey.

Duplicates. Sinapis, icarus, aurinia from Ireland. Desiderata. British butterflies ; unset or Continental setting. N. Manders, Lt.-CoL, R.A.M.C., 4, South Road, Curragh Cam]), Co. Kildare.

Duplicates. Galathea, Argiolus, Filipendulse, Derasa, Batis, Psi, Chi, D. pinastri, Lunigera, Australis, Triangulum, Brunnea, Augur, Suffusa, Brumata ( $ s), liupicapraria ( 5 s.), Amataria, Trilinearia.Rotundaria, Lignata, Bipunctaria, vars. of Pronuba, Trape- zina, Strigilis, Festiva, Nictitans, Oxyacanthse, Pyramidea, Betularia, Elinguaria, Pro- gemmaria ( <J s and 9 s), etc., etc. Desiderata. Porcellus, Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Advenaria, Prunaria, Fasciaria, Dolobraria, Lunaria, Tetralunaria, Bidentata, Alniaria, and many other common Geometers to extend and replace. Well set perfect specimens, black pins only. J. Douglas, 6, Old Jeiory, E.C.

Duplicates. Cilialis, Margaritellus, Pascuellus, Inquinatellus, Phragmitellus, Hastiana, Caledoniana, Sordidana, Bimaculana, Ophthalmicana, Geminana, (2), etc. Desiderata. Furcatellus, Eficellus, and many Pyrales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Black Pilosaria*, Hamula*, Croceago*, Australis, Hastata*, Papilio- naria, Palpina*, Autumnaria*, Unca, A. ligustri*, Fascelinaf, Zonaria*, Strataria, Meliloti, Conspersa, Togato*, Ditrapezium*, Muralis, Dictaea, Opimia, Hispidus, Nigra, Piniperda, Irrorella, Omicronaria*, Rubidata, Berberata*, Straminea, etc. Desiderata. Larvffi of Grossulariata (Lancashire) and Caja (Blackpool district). W. J. Ogden, 87, The Common, Upper Clapton, London, W.

Duplicates. Larvae, Tincta, Rumicis (from melanic wild ? ), Glauca, Nebulosa, Carpini, Quercifolia, etc. Desiderata. Well set imagines on black pins of many local species. Dr. Becktvith Whitehouse, 52, Newhall Street, Birmingham.

Duplicates. A few fine Grossulariata var. varleyata, Zatima, and other extreme vars. of Lubricipeda, etc. Desiderata. kchiWeds, Livomica, Celerio, Ilicifolia, Muscu- losa, Palustris ? , Satura, Ni, Crinanensis, Fuliginaria, Roboraria black var., Innotata, Salicalis, Unionalis, Paludellus, Semirufa, Splendidella, Terebrella, Rubrotibiella, Tesseradactylus, and extreme vars. of Grossulariata and other species. Geo. T. Porritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersjield.

Wanted urgently. A number of set Hirtaria (both sexes). Will do what I. can in return. J. W . H. Harrison, ISl, Abingdon Road, Middlesbro\

Desiderata. British hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates. Many British lepidoptera in fine condition. f . E. Shaiv, Betula, Fallow Court Avenue, North Finchley.

Duplicates. Dissimilis* , Velleda, Captiuneula, Fibrosa, Melanopa, Cordigera, Ambigua*, Lutosa, Bufa, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Plantaginis*, Cambrica and dark vars.; Coracina, Blandiata, Hexapterata, Tristata, Bidentata* (Black), Carbonaria (6), riuviata*, Ctesiata, Euficinetata, Pumilata, Linariata*, Bicolorata var. plumbata, etc. Desiderata. Hyale, Pruni, Paniscus, Muscerda, Ligniperda, Andrenifoi'mis, Sphegi. formis (narrow), Gueneei, Albimacula, Irregularis, Barrettii, Obfuscata, Taeniata, "Virgaureata, Consignata, Dipsacea, Ocejlaris, Fraxini, etc. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Aglaia, Artemis, Cinxia, Galatea, ^Egon, Adonis, Corydon, Argiolus d s, Lineola, Actaeon, Comma, etc. Desiderata. Pupae of Sphingids, etc. A. Ford, 36, Irving Road, Bournemouth.

Duplicates. Larvas and pupae of Machaon. Imagines of Z. trifolii*, Cuculatella*, Linea, Lineola, Tilia*, Populi* (pale and pink forms), Chaonia' (4), M. arundinis, Pudorina, Comma, Flammea, Phragmitidis, Anceps, Gemina (and Remissa), Basilinea, Fibrosa, Haworthii, Segetum (grand forms). Nigricans, Baja, Interjecta, Affinis, Thalas- sina, Chrysitis*, Moneta*, Argentula, Vernaria*, Osseata, Oblongata, Tenuiata, Unangu- lata, Leucophearia, Vittata, Cribralis, Cilialis. Desirferafa.— Pruni, Myopaeformis, Strigula, Testudo, Leporina, Cannae, Caliginosa, Depuncta, Sobrina, Eetusa, Palaeacea, Eectilinea, Obfuscaria, Contiguaria, Sylvata, Unifasciata, Ruberata, Berberata. G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Avenue, Friern Barnet.

Duplicates. Ocellatus,* Populi,* Tiliae,* Elpenor,* Stellataruni,* Chrysidiformia,* Cynipiformis,* Museiformis,* Bembeciformis,* Humuli var. hethlandica, Undulanus, Statices, Geryon, Globularias, Exulans, Meliloti, Cristulalis, Irrorella, Miniata, Aureola,* Helveola,* Quadra,* Jacoboea,* Dominula,* Russula, Plantaginis,* Fuliginosa var. borealis,* Mendica,* Salicis,* Monacha,* Pudibunda,* Fascelina,* Cratsegi,* P. populi,* R. rubi,* B. quercus,* Carpini,* Lacertula,* Falcula,* Hamula,* Furcula,* Vinula,* Bucephala,* Palpina,* Camelina,* Dictaea,* Dromedarius,* Ziczac,* Trepida,* Chaonia.* Desiderata. Very numerous. Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, Aberdeen, N.B.

Duplicates. Pupse:^— Machaoff, Carpini, Valerinaeata. Imagines: Atalanta*, Linea, Lineola, Populi* (pale and pink), Z. trifolii*, Giiseola*, Arundinis, Pudorina, Flammea, Comma, Phragmitidis, Hellmanni, Anceps, Basilinea, Gemma (vars.), Unanimis, Fibrosa, Puta, Segetum (grand forms), Nigricans, Anquilina, Baja, Interjecta, Atifinis, Thalassina, Libatrix, Moneta, Chrysitis, Argentula, Leucophasia, Tenuiata, Testata*. Desiderata. Myopaeformis, N. strigula, Testudo, A. ligustri, Leporina, Caliginosa, Depuncta, Sobrina, Retusa, Paleacea, Rectilinea, Glabraria, Obfuscaria, Sylvata, Ornata, Plumbeolata, Pimpinellata, Subciliata, Abbreviata, Sexalata, Ruberata, Berberata, Psittacata. G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Avenue, Friern Barnet.

Wanted.— Entomologist, 1868, nos. 50-52; 1869, nos. 62, 64-66; 1873, nos. 117, 119, 121-124 ; 1876, nos. 151-154 ; 1877, no. 168 ; 1878, nos. 176, 177, 180-187 (or volume).— if 2/. J. Turner, 98, Drakefell Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* w-album, Lucina,* Minima, Neustria,* Urticae,* Consonaria (var. Nigra), Dif3anis, Hispidaria, Fuscantaria, Rhamnata, Asteris, Carmelita, Abruptaria, Suasa, Gilvago, Rufina, Pastinum, Puta, Phragmitidis and others. Desiderata. Bidentata, especially Scotch and Irish, and varieties. Also living specimens in any stage from South of England. Paniscus. IF. Bowater, 20, Russell Road, Moseley, Birmingham.


Entomological Society of London. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W., 8 p.m. Oct. 2nd ; Oct, 16th ; Nov. 6th ; Nov. 20th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society. London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. Meetings : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion Secretary, Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James,' Hatcham, S.E. Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibernia,. Chambers, London Bridge. Meetings : The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock.

North London Notural History Society. Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, B.C., at 7 p.m., on th6 second and fourth Tuesdays in the month. Secretary, R. W. Robbins, " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on the 3rd Monday in the month from October to April.




The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXIII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 7s. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six, seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXIII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each. Contents of Vol> !• (Most important only Mentioned.)

Genus Acronycta and its allies. Variation of Smerinthits tiliae, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea atlialia, parthenie, and aurelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper on Taeniocampidae Phylloxera Practical Hints (many) Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynnis paphia var. valesina Work for the Winter Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890 Lifehistories of Agrotis pyrophila, Epunda lichenea, Heliophobus hispidus Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. II.

Melanism .\nd Mel.\nochroism Bibliography Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many)-J-How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegiformis, Taenio- campa opima— Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development— Hybridising Aviphidasys prodromaria and A. hetularia Melanism and Temperature Differen- tiation of Dianthoecias Disuse of wings Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Rannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus Zyg.5ena (Anthrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera- - Lifehistory of Gonophora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of Vol. III.

Gends Acronycta and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccinellidac Notes on Breeding Notes on Coleopteba (very many) -Dates of appearance of Eupithecia pygmeata Dimorphic pupae Duration of Ova State of the Geoinetridae (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling Melanic varieties Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupae during winter Notes on Genus Hepialiis Reviews, etc., etc.-, 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. IV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses of British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captures of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuae A day's collecting in the Western Highlands Apparent dearth of Diurni Double-brooded species-^The early stages of certain Geometrina Sensi- bility of larvffi to sound Collecting in North Kent How to obtain and preserve ova Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893 Stridulation Variety breeding The Pupal and Imaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V. ~^

On, the larva of Arctia caia (with plates)— Evolution of the Lepidopterous Pupa Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale)— ^Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.) Among the Ancients Erehia epiphron and its named Varieties Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen Varieties of Spilosoma mendica Butterfly Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Ocneria dispar Zygaena exulans and its Variations Entomology at Rainham, Essex Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing lasects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtained only from Mr. H. E. PAGE, <' Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

to whom Cheques an dvP.ogtal Orders, should be made payable.






Commencing with the Variation and Life-histories of Agriadea coridonsixid Polyommatus icarus (with four plates of the named aberrations and varieties of the first-named species together with many photomicrographs of larval and pupal structure. Similar plates of P. icariis are awaiting publication.)

Probably the finest life-histories of any species of lepidoptera ever published. The liext species to be treated is Aricia astrarche, a still more interesting one with regard to its Varieties and Aberrations.

Subscription for 20 parts 17s. 6d.


Butterflies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe


Price 5s. net. Interleaved, 6s.

Limj} cloth covers. Handy for the k^iapsack.

This book is of the highest value not only to collectors of Continental Butter- flies, but to all those who collect British butterflies, as it gives a great many detailed facts about the species in which they are more particularly interested.

The details of Variation and Distribution are partieulariy important, and those lepidopterists to whom Kane's book has long been a treasured friend, will find in this more information, more detail, and many more localities than were at the disposal of the author of the earlier volume.

" To those who carry a net abroad, this handbook will be invaluable as a book of

reference We can cordially recommend it. ' . . . ." H. Kowland-

Beown, M.A., F.E.S., The Entomologist's Record, vol. xv.'

Dear Sm.-Herewith I forward pos'iaroi^er value H' for ^'^l of The Butter- flies of Sivitzerland and the Alps of Central Europe.



To Mr. H. E. PAGE, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.


Tutt's " British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's " British Butterflies," vols. I to III. Tutt's "British Noctuae," vols. I to IV. Tutt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist," parts I to III, with Index. There are also a few copies of " British Noctuae," slightly soiled, to be sold cheaply.


41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.

Second=hand Cabinets and Storeboxes.

12-drawer Mahogany Cabinet, 12-drawer Teak, 24-drawer Oak and Mahogany, 27-drawer Mahogany, 36-drawer Mahogany, 40-drawer Deal, 68-drawer Oak, also a number of Storeboxes about half original cost.

Also several thousand British Pyrales, Crambites, Pterophori, Tortricel, and Tinse at low rates per 100 to clear ; selections on approval. i

Particulars from

A. FORD, 36, Irving Road, Bournemouth.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXiV. (7 shillings) should be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes ail numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1<^>12.]

Non-receipt or errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines should be notified to Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

The Back volumes (I-XXIII) of the E7it. Record, &c. (published at lOs. 6d. net;, can be obtained direct as follows Single volumes, 7s. 6d., except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each ; of the remainder 2 or 3 volumes, 7s. 3d. each ; i, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 7s. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or H vols, at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXIII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kindly requested to observe that subscriptions to The Entomologist's Record, &c., are payable in advance. The subscription (with or without the Special Index) is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert B. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Soad, New Cross, S.E. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to H. E. Page.

Advertisements of Books and Insects for Sale, or Books wanted will be inserted at a minimunj charge of 26. 6d. (for four lines). Longer Advertisements in proportion. A reduction made for a series. Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Advena, Tincta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracilis, Glauca, Flavicornis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderata. Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulffi) and A. trifolii-minor, if from same colony. E. A. Cockayne, 16, Cambridge Square, IV.

Duplicates. Xanthia Gcellaris,* a few bred; hybrid Zonaria x Hirtaria (females only). Desiderata. Many rare and local insects and good vars. Ova of Gilvago, Cerago, Gcellaris. H. IVorsley Wood, 31, Agate Road, Hammersmith , IF.

Duplicates. L. gueneei,* Campanularta, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Russata* (yellow var.), Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, Cursoria, Triangulum, Afiihis, Derasa, Tersata, Ribesaria,* Badiata, Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* ^N&■vavisi* . Desiderata. Numerous. Rev. .i. M. Downes, Batheaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Humuli var. Hethlandica,, Puti'escens, Vestigalis, Exulis (Shetlands, I.), Ambigua, Nigra, and many other local British moths. Desiderata. British and Palae- arctic Bhopalocera. J. A. Simes, F.E.S., Mon. Repos, Markham'' s Lane, Woodford Green.

Duplicates. Subtusa,* (0) Venustula, Castrensis,* Culieiformis,* Cynipiformis, Pudorina, Lineolata, (5) Citraria, and others. Desiderata. Very numerous, but chiefly northern insects, also Paniscus, W-Album and Pruni. H. Baker Sly, Maplcdean, Horley.

Duplicates. Sinapis, Icarus, Aurinia from Ireland. Desiderata. British butterflies ; unset or Continental setting. N. Manders, Lt.-Col., R.A.M.C., 4, South Road, Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare.

Duplicates. Galatea, Argiolus, Corydon, Linea, Jacobasae, Lupulina (vars.), Batis, Glandifera,Psi,Rumicis, Monglypha (dark), Gemina, and var. remissa, Fasciuncula (vars.), Bicoloria, Morpheus, Cubicularis, Exclamationis (vars.), Obelisca, Augur, Brunnea, Gothica, Rufina, Vaccinii, Chi, Oxyacanthae, and var. Capucina, o-o (white pins) Nupta, Macularia, Elinguaria, Pennaria, Doubledayaiia, Rupicapraria ? s, Progemmaria, Atoraaria, Albulata, Badiata, many others. -Desidera^a.^Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Fasciaria, Dolobraria, Tetralu- naria, Blomeri, Rubricata, Straminata, Subsericeata, Immutata, Emutaria, Inornata, Degeneraria, Emarginata, Belgiaria, Murinata, Hippocastanaria, Salisata, Olivata, Affinitata, Ericetata, Blandiata, Lobulata, Simulata, Fii-mafa, Sparsata. Sexalata, Viretata, Heparata, Vitalbata, Undulata, Vetulata, Psitticata, many others. J. Douglas, " Woodside," Milford, nr. Derby.

Duplicates. Cilialis, Margaritellus, Pascuellus, Inquinatellus, Phragmitellus, Hastiana, Caledoniana, Sordidana, Bimaculana, Ophtha,lmicana, Geminana, (2), etc. Desiderata. Furcatellus, Ericellus, and many Pyrales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori. T. Asliton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Black Pilosaria*, Hamula*, Croceago*, Australis, Hastata*, Papilio- naria, Palpina*, Autumnaria*. Unca, A. ligustri* Fascelina*, Zonaria*, Strataria, Meliloti, Conspersa, Togata*, Ditrapezium*, Muralis, Dictaea, Opima, Hispidus, Nigra, Piniperda, Irrorella, Omicronaria*, Rubidata, Berberata*, Straminea, etc. Desiderata. Larvte of Grossulariata (Lancashire) and Caja (Blackpool district). fV. J. Ogden, 87, The Common, Upper Clapton, London, W.

Duplicates. Larva, Tincta, Rumicis (from melanic wild ? ), Glauca, Nebulosa, Carpini, Quercifolia, etc. Desiderata. Well set imagines on black pins of many local species. Dr. Beckwith Whitehouse, 52, Neichall Street, Birmingham.

Duplicates. A few fine Grossulariata var. varleyata, Zatiraa, and other extreme vars. of Lubricipeda, etc. Desiderata.— AchiWese, Livomica, Ceierio, Ilicifolia, Muscu- losa, Palustris ? , Satura, Ni, Crinanensis, Fuliginaria, Roboraria black var. , Innotata, Salicalis, Unionalis, Paludellus, Semirufa, Splendidella, Terebrella, Rubrotibiella, Tesseradactylus, and extreme vars. of Grossulariata and other species. Geo. T. Porritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersjield.

Wanted dbqently. A number of set Hirtaria (both sexes). Will do what I can in return. J. W. H. Harrison, 181, Abingdon Road, Middlesbro\

Desiderata. British hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates. Many British lepidoptera in fine condition. f . E. Shaw, Betula, Fallow Court Avenue, North Finchley.

Duplicates. Dissimilis*, Velleda, Captiuncula, Fibrosa, Melanopa, Cordigera, Ambigua*, Lutosa, Rufa, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Plantaginis*, Cambrica and dark vars.; Coracina, Blandiata, Hexapterata, Tristata, Bidenta^a* (Black), Carbonaria (6), Fluviata*, Csesiata, Euficinctata, Pumilata, Linariata*, Bicolorata var. plumbata, etc. Desiderata. Hyale, Pruni, Paniscus, Muscerda, Ligniperda, Andreniformis, Sphegi. formis (narrow), Giieneei, Albimacula, Irregularis, Barrettii, Obfuscala, Tffiniata, Virgaureata, Consignata, Dipsacea, Ocellaris, Fraxini, etc. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. Aglaia, Artemis, Cinxia, Galatea, ^Egon, Adonis, Corydon, Argiolus i s, Lineola, Actaeon, Comma, etc. Desiderata. Pupee of Sphingids, etc. A. Ford, 36, Irving Road, Bournemouth.

Duplicates. Aurinia,* Bombyliformis, Mundaria,* Lonicerse, Filipendulse (Hippo- crepidis?), Nigra, Lutulenta var. lunebergensis (2), Bractea (2) Gracilis, Upsilon*, Rubricosa,* Ornithopus, Cracese* (2), Rufina, Glareosa, Multistrigaria, Ennomos autumnaria, Clathrata, Ruberata,* Trifasciata,* Siterata, Obeliscata* (black vars.), Repandata,* Dodoneata,* Absinthiata,* Assimilata,* Unidentaria,* Ferrugata* (both from ova), Dilutata,* 0. autumnata,* 0. christyi* : ova of Dilutata, Autumnata, Christyi. Desiderata. Various. J. E. R. Allen, Portora, Enniskillen, Ireland.

Duplicates.— OceWatas,* Populi,* Tiliae,* Elpenor,* Stellatarum,* Chrysidiformis,* Cynipiformis,* Musciformis,* Bembeciformis,* Humuli var. hethlandica, Undulanua, Statices, Geryon, Globularise, Exulans, Meliloti, Cristulalis, Irrorella, Miniata, Aureola,* Helveola,* Quadra,* Jacoboea,* Dominula,* Russula, Plantaginis,* Fuliginosa var. borealis,* Mendica,* Salicis,* Monacha,* Pudibunda,* Fascelina,* Crataegi,* P. populi,* R. rubi,* B. quercus,* Carpini,* Lacertula,* Falcula,* Hamula,* Furcula,* Vinula,* Bucephala,* Palpina,* Camelina,* Dictaea,* Dromedarius, * Ziczac,* Trepida,* Chaonia.* Desiderata. Very numerous. Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, Aberdeen, N.B.

Duplicates. Pupse. Machaon, Carpini, Valerianata. Imagines. Rhamni,* Linea, Lineola, Atalanta,* Populi (pale and pink), Senex, Griseolata,* Arundinis, Pudorina, / Comma, Phragmitidis, Flammea, Helmanni, Anceps, Gemira, Fibrosa, Haworthii, Segetum, and Nigricans (marsh forms). Aquilina, Interjecta, Tragopogonis, Libatrix, Moneta,* Argentula, Nupta, Leucophearia, Vittata, Testata," Cilialis. Desiderata. Bombyliformis, Strigula, Testudo, Leporina, Cannte, Uliginopa, Depuncta, Sobrina, Retusa, Ochroleuca, Rectilinea, Glabraria, Sylvata, Plumbeolata, Albipunctata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata, Ruberata. G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Avenue, Friern Barnet.

Note.— Mr. Donisthorpe will be grateful for any ants from all parts of the British Isles, with localities, unset or otherwise, for the purposes of study. H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe, 58, Kensington Mansion, S. Kensington, S.W.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* W-album, Lucina,* Minima, Neustria.* Urticse,* Consonaria (var. Nigra), Diffinis, Hispidaria, Fuscantaria, Rhamnata, Asteris, Carmelita, Abruptaria, Suasa, Gilvago, Rufina, Pastinum, Puta, Phragmitidis and others. Desiderata. Bidentata, especially Scotch and Irish, and varieties. Also living specimens in any stage from South of England. Paniscus. W. Bowater, 20, Russell Road, Moseley, Birmingham.

Changes of Address. G. D. Hancock, Mount View, Uffculme, Cullompton, Devon. V. E. Shaiv, Betula, Park Vieiv Road, New Eltham. R. T. Baumann, 108, Station iJ<^, Chingford. C. Mellows, Bishop's Stortford College, Herts.


Entomological Society 'of London. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W., 8 p.m. Oct. 16th ; Nov. 6th ; Nov. 20th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society.— London

Institution, Finsbury Circus; E.C. The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. I\Ieetings : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion Secretary, Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James,' Hatcham, S.E.— Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibernia, Chambers, London Bridge. Meetings :. The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock.

North London Notural History Society.— Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, E.G., at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month.— Secretary, R. W. Robbins, " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on'-tbe 3rd Monday in the month from October to April.






Commencing with the Variation and Life-histories of Agriades coridon&nd Polyommatm icarus (with four plates of the named aberrations and varieties of the first-named species together with many photomicrographs of larval and pupal structure. Similar plates of P. icarus' are awaiting publication.)

Probably the finest life-histories of any species of lepidoptera ever published. The next species to be treated is Aricia astrarche, a still more interesting one with regard to its Varieties and Aberrations.

Subscription for the complete parts 17s. 6d.


Butterflies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe


Price Ss. net. Interleaved, 6s.

Limp cloth covers. Handy for the knapsack.

This book is of the hijghest value not only to collectors of Continental Butter- flies, but to all those who collect British butterflies, as it gives a great many detailed facts about the species in which they are more particularly interested.

The details of Variation and Distribution are particularly important, and those lepidopterists to whom Kane's book has long been a treasured, friend, will find in this more information, more detail, and many more localities than were at the disposal of the author of the earlier volume.

" To those who carry a net abroad, this handbook will be invaluable as a book of

reference We can cordially recommend it "— H. Rowland-

Brown, M.A., F.E.S., The Entomologist's Record, vol. xv.

Dear SiR,-Herewith I forward poftaf&r value g; for J'^l of The Butter- flies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe.



To Mr. H. E. PAGE, » Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.B.


Tutt's " British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's " British Butterflies," vols. I to III. Tutt's "British Noctuae," vols. I to IV. butt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist," parts I to III, with Index. There are also a few copies of " British Noctuae," slightly soiled, to be sold cheaply.

A. M. COCHRANE. 41, Wisteria Road, Lewishaiii, S.E.

Rarissima !


I offer both sexes for cash. Beautiful big animals.

Write to Mr. A. KOENIG,

Berlin, Emserstp, 104.




The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXIII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 7s. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six, seYen, eight or nine at 78. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXIII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each. Contents of Vol. I. (Most important only Mentioned.)

Genus Acronycta and its allies. Variation of Smerintlms tiliae, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea athalia, parthenie, and aurelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis >Papcr on Taeniocampidae Phylloxera Practical Hints (many)— Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynnis paphia var. valesina Work for the Winter— Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890 Lifehistories of Agrotis pyrophila, Epunda lichenea, Heliophobvs hispidvs Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. 11.

Melanism and Melanochroism Bibliography— Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegiformis, Taenia- campa opima— Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development Hybridising Amphidasyi prodromaria and A. betularia Melanism and Temperature Diiieren- tiation of Dianthtxciai Disuse of wings Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Rannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus Zyg^na {Atithrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera-- Lifehistory of Gonophora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of Vol. III.

Genus Acronycta and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccinellidae Notes on Breeding Notes on Coleoptera (very many) Dates of appearance of Eupithecid pygmeata— Dimorphic pupae Duration of Ova State of the Geometridae (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling Melanic varieties— Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupse during winter Notes on Genus Hepialus Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. IV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses of British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society— Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captures of rarities— Collecting beetles Critieiil notes on certain Nocttiae A day's collecting in the Western Highlands Apparent dearth of Diurni Double-brooded species The early stages of certain Geometrina Sensi- bility of larvae to sound Collecting in North Kent How to obtain and preserve ova Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893- Stridulation Variety breeding The Pupal and Imaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Arctia caia (with plates) Evolution of the Lepidopterous Pupa Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale) Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.) Among the Ancients Erebia epiphron and its named Varieties— Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen Varieties of Spilosoma mendica Butterfly Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Ocneria dispar Zygaena exulans and its Variations Entomology at Rainham, Essex Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtained only from Mr. H. E. PAGE, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

to whom Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable.

JUST ISSUED.— Parts 12, 13 & 14 with 8 plates, Price 3s. Ckl. post free.





A Text- Book for Students and Collectors.

Vol. IV. By J. W. TUTT, F.E.S.

Commencing with the Variation and Life-histories of Agriades coridon and Polyommatus icarus (with four plates of the named aberrations and varieties of the first-named species together with many photomicrographs of larval and pupal structure. Similar plates of P. icarus are awaiting publication.)

Probably the finest life-histories of any species of lepidoptera ever published. The next species to be treated is Aricia astrarche, a still more interesting one with regard to its Varieties and Aberrations.

Subscription for the\ complete parts 17s. 6d.


Butterflies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe


Price 5s. net. Interleaved, 6s.

Limp cloth covers. Handy for the knapsack.

This book is of the highest value not only to collectors of Continental Butter- flies, but to all those who collect British butterflies, as it gives a great many detailed facts about the species in which they are more particularly interested.

The details of Variation and Distribution are particularly important, and those lepidopterists to whom Kane's book has long been a treasured friend, will find in this more information, more detail, and many more localities than were at the disposal of the author of the earlier volume.

" To those who carry a net abroad, this handbook will be invaluable as a book of

reference We can cordially recommend it " H. Kowland-

B^owN, M.A., F.E.S. , The Entomologist's Record, vol. xv.

Dear SiR.-Herewith I forward ^.^t^'ori,, value H] for ,^^^3 of The Butter- flies ot Sicitzerland and the Alps of Central Europe.


Address ,^

To Mr. H. E. PAGE, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.


Tutt's " British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's " British Butterflies," vols. I to III. Tutt's "British Noctuae," vols. I to IV. Tutt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist," parts I to III, with Index. There are also a few copies of " British Noctuae," slightly soiled, to be sold cheaply.

A. M. COCHRANE. 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.




The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXIII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 7s. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six, seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. 9d. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price "(plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXIII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Contents of Vol. I. (Most iviportant only Mentioned.)

Genus Acronycta and its allies. Variation of Smerinthus tiliae, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea athalia, jxirthenie, and aurelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper on Taeniocampidae Phylloxera Practical Hints (many) Parallel, Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Aryynnis ixiphia var. valesina ^Work for the Winter Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890 Lifehistories of Agrotis 'pyrophila, Einmda lichenea, Heliophobiis hisjndus Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. II.

Melanism and Melanochroism Bibliography Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegiformis, Taenio- campa opima Collecting on the Norfolk Broads Wing development^ ^Hybridising Amphidasys prodromaria and A. hetularia Melanism and Temperature Differen- tiation of Dianthmcias Disuse of wings Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae A fortnight at Rannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus Zyg^na {Anthrocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera- - Lifehistory of Gonophora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of Vol. III.

Genus Acronycta and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccinellidae Notes on Breeding Notes on Coleoptera (very many) Dates of appearance of Eupithecia pygmeata Dimorphic pupse Duration of Ova State of the Geometridae (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling Melanic varieties Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupae during winter Notes on Genus Hepialus Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. IV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses of British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captures of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuae A day's collecting in the Western Highlands Apparent dearth of Diiirni Double-brooded species The early stages of certain Geometrina Sensi- bility of larvae to sound Collecting in JSforth Kent^ How to obtain and preserve ova Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1»93 Stridulation Variety breeding The Pupal and Imaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Arctia caia (with plates) Evolution of the Lepidopterous Pupa Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale) Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.) Among the Ancients Erehia epiphron and its named Varieties Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen Varieties of Spilosoma mendica Butterfly Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Ocneria dispar Zygaena e.rulans and its Variations Entomology at Rainham, Essex— Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtained only from Mr. H. E. PAGE, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.

to whom Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXiV. (7 shillings) should be sent to Mn. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes all numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1 SI 2.]

Non-receipt or errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines should be notified to Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

The Back volumes (I-XXIII) of the Ent. Record, &c. (published at 10s. 6d. netj,. can4ie obtained direct as follows Single volumes, 7s. 6d., except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each ; of the remainder 2 or 3 volumes, 78. 3d. each ; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 7s. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or ii vols, at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXIII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kindly requested to observe that subscriptions to 'Clic Enioinnhiiii.tt'it Tlecord,&c., are payable in advance. The subscription (with or without the Special Index) is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, •■ Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. Cbeiues and Postal Orders should be made payable to H. E. Page.

Advertisements of Books and Insects for Sale, or Books wanted will be inserted iit a minimum charge of 2s. 6d. (for four lines). Longer Advertisements in proportion. A reduction made for a series. Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Advena, Tiucta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracilis, Glauca, Flttvicornis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderata. Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulas) and A. trifolii-minor, if from same colony. E. A-> Cockayne, 16, Cambridge Square, W. \

Duplicates. Xanthia Oeellaris,* a few bred; hybrid Zonaria x Hirtaria (females only). Desiderata. Many rare and local insects and good vars. Ova of Gilvago, Cerago, Oeellaris. H. Worsley Wood, 31, Agate Road, Hammersmith, W.

Duplicates. L. gueneei,* Campanulata, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Russata* (yellow var.), Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, ,Cursoria, Triangulum, Affinis, Derasa, Tersata,* Ribesaria,* Badiata, Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* yVa,wiina.* . Desiderata. Nuftierous. Rev. A. M. Doicnes, Batheaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Humuli var; Hethlandica, Putrescens, Vestigalis, Exulis (Shetlands, I.), Ambigua, Nigra, and many other local British moths. Desiderata .—Bxitish and Palte- arctic Khopalocera. J. A. ,Simes, F.E.S., Mon. Repos, Markham^s Lane, Woodford Green.

Duplicates. Subtusa,* (0) Castrensis,* Culiciformis,* Cynipiformis, Pudorina, Lineolata, (5) Citraria, and others. Desiderata. Very numerous, but chiefly northern insects, also Paniscus, W-Album and Pruni. H. Baker ^ly, Mapledean, Horley.

Duplicates. Sinapis, Icarus, Aiirinia from Ireland. ^Desiderata. British butterflies ; unset or Continental setting. N. ;Manders, Lt.-Col., R.A.M.C., 4, South Road, Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare.

Duplicates. Galatea, Argiolus, Corydon, Linea, Jacoba?ae, Lupulina (vars.), Batis, Glandifera,Psi,Eumicis, Monglypha (dark), Gemina, and var. reraissa, Fasciuncula (vars.), Bicoloria. Morpheus, Cubicularis, Exclamationis (vars.), Obelisca, Augur, Brunnea, Gothica, Eufina, Vaceinii, Chi, Oxyacanthffi, and var. Capucina, o-o (white pins) Nupta, Macularia, Elinguaria, Pennaria, Doubledayaria, Rupicapraria ? s, Progemmaria, Atomaria, Albulata, Badiata, many others. Desiderata. Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Faseiaria, Dolobraria, Tetralu- naria, Blomeri, Rubricata, Straminata, Subsericeata, Immutata, Emutaria, Inornata, Degeneraria, Emarginata, Belgiaria, Murinata, Hippocastanaria, Salisata, Olivata, Aiilinitata, Ericetata, Blandiata, Lobulata, Simulata, Firmata, Sparsata. Sexalata, Viretata, Heparata, Vitalbata, Undulata, Vetulata, Psitticata, many others. J. Douglas, " Woodside," Milford, nr. Derby.

Wanted urgently. A number of set Hirtaria (both sexes). Will do what I can in return. J. IV. H. Harrison, 181, Abingdon Road, Middlesbro' .

Desiderata. British hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates. Many British lepidoptera in fine condition. T . E. Sha%i\ Betula, Fallow Court Avenue, North Finchley.

Duplicates. Aurinia,* Bombyliformis, Mundaria,' Lonicerje, Filipendulas (Hippo- crepidis?), Nigra, Lutulenta var. lunebergensis (2), Bractea (2) Gracilis, Upsilon*, Eubricosa,* Ornithopus, Craccffi* (2), Rufina, Glareosa, Multistrigaria, Ennomos autumnaria, Clathrata, Ruberata,* Trifasciata,* iSiterata, Obeliscata* (black vars.), Repandata,* Dodoneata,* Absinthiata,* Assimilata,* Unidentaria,* Ferrugata* (botli from ova), Dilutata,* 0. autumnata,* 0. christyi* : ova of Dilutata, Autumnata, Christyi. Desiderata. Various. J. E. R. Allen, Portora, Enniskilleyi, Ireland.

Duplicates. Ocellatus,* Populi,* Tilias,* Elpenor,* Stellatarum,* Chrysidiforrnis,* Cynipiformis,* Musciformis,* Bembeciformis,* Humuli var. hethlandica, Undulanus, Statices, Geryon, Globulariae, Exulans, Meliloti, Cristulalis, Irrorella, Miniata, Aureola,* Helveola,* Quadra,* Jacoboea,* Dominula,* Russula, Plantaginis,* Fuliginosa var. b6realis,* Mendica,* Salicis,*.Monacha,* Pudibunda,* Fascelina,* Cratwgi,* P. populi,* R. rubi,* B. quercus,* Carpini,* Lacertula,* Falcula,* Hamula,* Furcula,* Vinula,* Bucephala,* Palpina,* Camelina,*"Dict8ea,* Dromedai-ius,* Ziczac,* Trepida,* Chaonia.* Desiderata. Very numerous. Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, Aberdeen, N.B.

Duinicates. Pupas. Machaon, Carpini, Valerianata. Imagines. Rhamni,* Linea,

Lineola, Atalanta,* Populi (pale and pink), Senex, Griseolata,* Arundinis, Pudorina, Comma, Phragmitidis, Flammea, Helmanni, Anceps, Gemira, Fibrosa, Haworthii, begetum, and Nigricans (marsh forms). Aquilina, Interjecta, Tragopogonis, Libatrix, Moneta,* Argentula, Nupta, Leucophearia, Vittata, Testata," Cilialis. Desiderata. Bombyliformis, Strigula, Testudo, Leporina, Cannae, Uliginosa, Depuncta, Sobrina, Retusa, Ochroleuca, Rectilinea, Glabraria, Sylvata, Plumbeolata, Albipunctata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata, Ruberata. G. Brooks, 28, Hilton Aveiiue, Friern Barnet.

Note. Mr. Donisthorpe will be grateful for any ants from all parts of the British Isles, with localities, unset or otherwise, for the purposes of study. H. St. J. K. Do7nsthorpe, 58, Kensinfjton Mansion, S. Kensington, S.W.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* W-album, Lucina,* Minima, Neustria.*Urtic8e,*Consonaria (var. Nigra), Diffinis, Hispidaria, Fuscantaria, Rhamnata, Asteris, Carmelita, Abruptaria, Suasa, Gilvago, Rufina, Pastinum, Puta, Phragmitidis and others. Desiderata. Bidentata, especially Scotch and Irish, and varieties. Also living specimens in any stage from South of England. Paniscus. W. Boioater, 20, Russell Road, Moseley, Birmingham.

Duplicates. Dominula*, B. quercus*, ochracea*, Typhae, nigra, Opima (2), Gothica, Gothicina (2), Stabilis, Cruda, Chi*, var. olivacea*, Abruptaria*, Zonaria*, Plagiata, Hirtaria, Hispidaria, Pilosaria, Strataria, Doubledayaria, Leocophsearia. Desiderata. Pupae of Mendiea, Menthastri, S. urticae, and Pudibunda. Harold B. Williams, 82, Filey Avenue, Stoke Newvujton, N.

Duplicates. Ova : Fuscautaria, Autumnaria. Pups : Pendularia, Omieronaria, Hirtaria, Hirtaria (Forres), and most of the British Lepidoptera well set. Desiderata. Pupae : S. ligustri, Carpini, Fagi, Carmelita, Palpina, Camelina, Dictaeoides, Trepida, Dodonea, Prasinania, and many others also well set. Ligniperda, ^sculi, Villica, Porcellus, and others. L. W. Newman, Bexlcy, Kent.

Duplicates. Sinapis, ^Egon, Arion (gilt-pins), Betulae*, Chrysidiformis*, Emutaria, Orbicularia*, Gi'ossulariata* (dark), Repandata* (black and banded), Pilosaria (black), Rubiginea*, Templi*, Prsecox*. Desiderata. Numerous, especially Eupitheciae. Joseph Anderson, Aire Villa, Chichester.

Duplicates. Cilialis, Pascuellus, Inquinatellus, H. cribrum (6), Caledoniana, Hastiana, Variegana vars.. Angustiorana, Pinivorana, Myrtillana, Sauciana, Lariciana, Occultana, Herbosana, Ramella, Nisella, Schulziana, Geminana, Dorsana (6), Nanana, Osseana, Conwayana, Atmoriella, Corticella, Costella, Ochraceella, Faratinella, Cerusella, etc. Desiderata. Ericellus, Myelins, Flexula, Alpinalis, and many Pyrales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. lo*, Russula (4), Sylvinus, Vellecia, Hectus, Coracina, Plantaginis*, Mendiea, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Fulva, Brevilinea (types), Fibrosa, Elymi (6), Anomala, Dissimilis*, Duplaris, Ambigua*. Saucia, Nigra, Nigricans, Thalassina*, E. autumnaria*, Pendularia*, Fumata, Tristata, Decolorata, Lignata, Ca^siata, Olivata, Bicolorata, Pumilata, Linariata*, Puichellata*, Isogrammata*, Subfulvata*, Sobrinata*, Cervinata*, Badiata*, Obliterata, Fluviata (3), Apiciaria, Infasciaria, etc. Desiderata. Muscerda, Ligniperda', Irregularis, T-aeniata, Rubricata, Obelisca, Viretata, Viridata, Auroraria, Ornata, Subsericeata, Humiliata, Lapidata, Thymiaria, Ericetaria, Pimpinei- lata, etc. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

I would be very glad to exchange Californian butterflies for English blues especially ■the variable ? s, and the blue ? s of coridon such as have been recorded by Keynes and others. Fordijce Grinnell, Jr., 712, East Orange Grove, Paradena, California, U.S.A.

Changes of Audkess. B. C. S. Warren, Villa Romaine, Clarens.


Entomological Society of London. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W., 8 p.m. Nov. 20th ; Dec. 4th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society.— London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. Meetings : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion Secretary, Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James,' Hatcham, S.E. Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibernia, Chambers, London Bridge. Meetings : The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock. November 28th,. Annual Exhibition. December 12th, Reports of Field Meeting.— Ho/i. Sec, Stanley Edward, 15, St. German's Place, Blackheath.

North London Notural History Society.— Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, E.G., at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month. Secretary, R. W. Robbins; " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on the 3rd Monday in each month from October to April. Hon. Sec, Wm. Mansbridge, 4, Norwich Road, Wavertree, Liverpool.

Subscriptions for Vol. XXV. (7 shillings) should be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. [This subscription includes all numbers published from January 15th to December 15th, 1S12.]

Non-receipt or errors in the sending of Subscribers' magazines should be notified to Mr. Herbert E, Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

The Back volumes (I-XXIV) of the Ent. Record, &c. (published at 10s. 6d. net), can be obtained direct as follows— Single volumes, 7s. 6d., except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each ; of the remainder 2 or 3 volumes, 7s. 3d. each ; i, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 vols., 7s. each ; 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 vols, at 6s. 9d. each ; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 vols, at 6s. 6d. each. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes to Vols. III-XXIV, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Subscribers are kindly requested to observe that subscriptions to Tlie Entomologist's ttecord,&c. are payable in advance. The subscription (with or without the Special Index) is Seven Shillings, and must be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Page, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to H. E. Page.

Advertisements of Books and Insects for Sale, or Books wanted will be inserted at a minimum charge of 2s. 6d. (for four lines). Longer Advertisements in proportion. A reduction made for a series Particulars of Mr. Herbert E. Page, "Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, S.E.

Duplicates. Advena, Tincta, Prasina, Adusta, Miniosa, Munda, Gracihs, Glauca, Flavicornis var Scotica, Tetralunaria, Advenaria, Alsines, Blanda, Glareosa, Deplana, dark Impluviata, Galatea, H. comma, Bellargus. Desiderata. Anthrocera hippocrepidis (early filipendulee) and A. trifolii-minor, if from same colony. E. A. Cockayne, 16, Cambridge Square, W.

Duplicates. Xanthia Ocellaris,* a few bred; hybrid Zonaria x Hirtaria (females only). Desiderata. Many rare and local insects and good vars, Ova of Gilvago, Cerago, Ocellaris. H. Worsley Wood, 31t Agate Road, Hammersmith, W.

Duplicates. L. gueneei,* Campanulata, Absinthiata,* Tridens,* Russata* (yellow var.), Flavicincta, Megacephala, Dilutata,* Valligera, Cursoria, Triangulum, Afiinis, Derasa, Tersata,* Ribesaria,* Badiata, Lithoriza, Geryon, Aurago,* Wa,v&rici* . Desiderata. Numerous. Rev. A. 31. Downes, Batlieaston Vicarage, Bath.

Duplicates. Subtusa,* Castrensis,* (6) Culiciformis,* Pudorina, Lineolata, (5) Citraria, and others. Desiderata. Very numerous, but chiefly northern insects, also Faniscus and Pruni. H. Baker Sly, Mapledean, Horley.

Duplicates. Sinapis, Icarus, Aurinia from Ireland. Desiderata. British butterflies ; unset or Continental setting. N. Manders, Lt.-Col., R.A.M.C., 4, South Road, Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare.

Duplicates.— Galatea, Argiolus, Corydon, Linea, .lacobjeas, Lupulina (vars.), Batis, Glandifera,Psi,Ilumicis, Monglypha (dark), Gemina,and var. remissa, Fasciuncula (vars.), Bicoloria, Morpheus, Cubicularis, Exclamationis (vars.), Obelisca, Augur, Brunnea, Gothica, Ruflna, Vaccinii, Chi, Oxyacanthae, and var. Capucina, o-o (white pins) Nupta, Macularia, Elinguaria, Pennaria, Doubledayaria, Rupicapraria ? s, Progemmaria, Atomaria, Albulata, Badiata, many others. Desiderata.- Vespertaria, Apiciaria, Fasciaria, Dolobraria, Tetralu- naria, Blomeri, Rubricata, Straminata, Subserieeata, Immutata, Emutaria, Inornata, Degeneraria, Emarginata, Belgiaria, Murinata, Hippocastanaria, Salisata, Olivata, Affinitata, Ericetata, Blandiata, Lobulata, Simulata, Firmata, Sparsata. Sexalata, Viretata, Heparata, Vitalbata, Undulata, Vetulata, Psitticata, many others. J. Douglat, " Woodside," Milford, nr. Derby.

Wanted dkgently. A number of set Hirtaria (both sexes). Will do what I can in return. J. W. H. Harrison, 181, Abingdon Road, Middlesbro' .

Desiderata. British hymenoptera aculeata. Duplicates. Many British lepidoptera in fine condition. I . E. Shaw, Betula, Park Vieio Road, New EltJiam.

Duplicates. Machaon, Napi, Edusa, Paphia, Valezina, Aglaia, Adippe, Euphrosyne, Artemis, Cinxia, C-album, Polychloros, Sibylla, Blandina, Semele, Rubi, Quercus, Betulje, Artaxerxes, Adonis, Corydon, Alsus, Ocellatus, Populi, Tilite, Elpenor, Hethlandica', Exulans, Meliloti, Quadra, Dominula, Plantaginis, Fuliginosa, Fascelina, Callunte, Carpini, Fasciaria, Fumata, Pictaria, Alternata, Pinetaria, Grossulariata (dark vars.), Aurantiaria, Csesiata, Satyrata, Togata, Albicillata, Undulata, Psittacata, Russata, Immanata, Falcula, Hamula, Dictfea, Dromedarius, Ziczac, Chaonia, Templi, Flavago, Rufina, Conspersa, Suasa, Genistas, Solidaginis, etc. Desiderata. Very many Pyrales, Crambi, Pterophori, and Tortrices, if fine and well set. Arthur Home, 60, Gladstone Place, Aberdeen, N.B.

Duplicates. L. gueneei* and var. Murrayi, Paludis*<, L. testacse* (a few black), A. valligera*, Zonaria*, Caniola*, Galathsea*, C. album*, Tithonus (very fine specimens), Artrxerxes*, Campanulata*, and many ethers. Desiderata. Pupse of S. mendica, s! urticae, D. pudibunda, Selenia illunaria, S. tetralunaria, N. lapponaria, N. abruptaria, and many others. Arthur Murray, 62, Clifton Street, St. Atiue's-on-Sea.

Duplicates. Pupae. Machaon, Carpini, Valerianata. Imagines. Rhamni,* Linea, Lineola, Atalanta,* Populi (pale and pink), Senex, Griseolata,* Arundinis, Pudorina, •Comma, Phragmitidis, Flammea, Helmanni, Anceps, Gemira, Fibrosa, Haworthii,

begetuni, and Nigricans (marsh forms). Aquilina, Interjecta, Tragopogonis, Libatrix, Moneta,* Argentula, Nupta, Leucophearia, Vittata, Testata,* Cilialis. Desiderata. Bombyliformis, Strigula, Testudo, Leporina, Cannae, Uliginopa, Depuncta, Sobrina, Ketusa, Ochroleuca, Rectilinea, Glabraria, Sylvata, Plumbeolata, Albipunctata, Togata, Sparsata, Sexalata, Euberata.^ G. Brooks, 2S, Hilton Avenue, Friern Barnet.

Note. Mr. Donisthorpe will be grateful for any ants from all parts of the British Isles, with localities, unset or otherwise, for the purposes of study. H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe, 58, Kensington Mansion, S. Kensington, S.W.

Duplicates. Polychloros,* W-album, Lucina,* Minima, Neustria, * IJrticse,* Consonaria (var. Nigra), Diffinis, Hispidaria, Fuscantaria, Rhamnata, Asteris, Carmelita, Abruptaria, Suasa, Gilvago, Rufina, Pastinum, Puta, Phragmitidis and others. Desiderata. Bidentata, especially Scotch and Irish, and varieties. Also living specimens in any stage from South of England. Paniscus.— IT-'. Bowater, 20, Russell Road, Moseley, Birmingham. Duplicates. Dominula*, B. quercus*, Ochracea*, Typhse, Nigra (1), Gothica, Gothicina Stabilis, Cruda, Chi*, var. olivacea*, Abruptaria*, Zonaria*, Plagiata, Hirtaria, Pilosaria, Strataria, Doubledayaria, Leucophearia, Moneta, Orion, Ripaj, Vetusta (1), Artaxerxes, Vinula (white pins), and Dealbata (white pins). Desiderata. Pupae of S. urticse Lubricipeda, Abruptaria, Bidentata. Ova of E. autumnaria, Fuscantaria, Castrensis, and Neustria. Harold B. Williams, 82, Filey Avenue, Stoke Newington, N.

Duplicates. Ova : Fuscantaria, Autumnaria. Pupse : Pendularia, Omicronaria, Hirtaria, Hirtaria (Forres), and most of the British Lepidoptera well set. Desiderata. Pupae : S. ligustri, Carpini, Fagi, Carmelita, Palpina, Camelina, Dictaeoides, Trepida, Dodonea, Prasinana, and many others also well set. Ligniperda, ^Esculi, Villica, Porcellus, and others. L. W. Newman, Bexley, Kent.

Duplicates. Sinapis, >Egon, Arion (gilt-pins), Betulae*, Chrysidiformis*, Emutaria, Orbicularia*, Grossulariata* (dark), Repandata* (black and banded), Pilosaria (black), Rubiginea*, Templi*, Prfficox*. Desiderata. Numerous, especially Eupitheciae. Joseph Anderson, Aire Villa, Chichester.

Duplicates. ^Cilialis, Pascuellus, Inquinatellus, H. cribrum (6), Caledoniana, Hastiana, Variegana vars., Angustiorana, Pinivorana, Myrtillana, Sauciana, Larieiana, Occultana, Herbosana, Ramella, Nisella, Schulziana, Geminana, Dorsana (6), Nanana, Osseana, Conwayana, Atmoriella, Corticella, Costella, Ochraceella, Faratinella, Cerusella, etc. Desiderata. Ericellus, Myellus, Flexula, Alpinalis, and many Pyrales, Crambi, Tortrices and Pterophori.— T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

Duplicates. lo*, Russula (4), Sylvinus, Velleda, Hectus, Coracina, Plantaginis*, Mendica, Lubricipeda var. fasciata*, Fulva, Brevilinea (types). Fibrosa, Elymi (6), Anomala, Dissimilis*, Duplaris, Ambigua*. Saucia, Nigra, Nigricans, Thalassina*, E. autumnaria*, Pendularia*, Fumata, Tristata, Decolorata, Lignata, Ccesiata, Olivata, Bicolorata, Pumilata, Linariata*, Puichellata*, Isogrammata*, Subfulvata*, Sobrinata*, Cervinata*, Badiata*, Obliterata, Fluviata (3), Apiciaria, Infasciaria, etc. Desiderata. Muscerda, Ligniperda, Irregularis, Taeniata, Rubricata, Obelisca, Viretata, Viridata, Auroraria, Ornata, Subsericeata, Humiliata, Lapidata, Thymiaria, Ericetaria, 'Pimpinel- lata, etc. T. Ashton Lofthouse, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

I would be very glad to exchange Californian butterflies for English blues especially the variable ? s, and the blue ? s of coridon such as have been recorded by Keynes and others. Fordyce Grinnell, Jr., 712, East Orange Grove, Paradena, California, U.S.A.

Change of Address. V. E. Shaiv, Betula, Park Vietv Road, Neiv Eltham.


Entomological Society of London.— 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W., 8 p.m. Nov. 20th ; Dec. 4th.

The City of London Entomological and Natural History Society.— London

Inptitution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. The first and third Tuesdays in the month, at 7.30. Dec. 17th, " Plusia moneta," Mr. C. Nicholson; Jan. 7tli, "Annual exhibition of Varieties, *c."; Jan. 21st, "The Elements of theMendelian Theory," G. W. Heath, M.A.

Toynbee Natural History Society. Toynbee Hall, at 8 p.m. Entrance fee Is., annual subscription Is. Meetings : Full particulars as to excursions can be obtained from the Excursion Seci-etary, Miss L. Roberts, 11, St. James,' Hatcham, S.E. Hon. Sec, Owen Monk, 8, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.

The South London Entomological and Natural History Society, Hibernia, Chambers, London Bridge. Meetings : The second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 8 o'clock. November 28th, Annual Exhibition. December 12th, Reports of Field Meeting. Hon. Sec, Stanley Edward, 15, St. German's Place, Blackheath.

North London Notural History Society. Meetings held at Room 20, Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus, E.G., at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the month. Secretary, R. W. Bobbins, " Tonah," Hale End, Chingford.

Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. Meetings at the Royal Institu- tion, Liverpool, on the 3rd Monday in each month from October to April. Hon. Sec, Wm.. Mansbridge, 4, Norwich Road, Wavertree, Liverpool.

JUST ISSUED.— Pants 12, 13 & 14 with 8 plates, under one coven, Price 3s. 6d. post fnee.





A Text- Book for Students and Collectors.

Vol. IV. By J. W. TUTT, F.E.S.

Commencing with the Variation and Life-histories of Agriades conrfon and Polyommatus icarus (with four plates of the named aberrations and varieties of the first-named species together with many photomicrographs of larval and pupal structure. Similar plates of P. icariis are awaiting publication.)

Probably the finest life-histories of any species of lepidoptera ever published. The next species to be treated is Aricia astrarche, a still more interesting one with regard to its Varieties and Aberrations.

Subscription for the complete parts 17s. 6d.



Butterflies of Switzerland and tlie Aips of Central Europe


Price 5s. net. Interleaved, 6s.

Limp cloth covers. Handy for the knapsack.

This book is of the highest value not only to collectors of Continental Butter- flies, but to all those who collect British butterflies, as it gives a great many detailed facts about the species in which they are more particularly interested.

The details of Variation and Distribution are particularly important, and those, lepidopterists to whom Kane's book has long been a treasured friend, will find in this more information, more detail, and many more localities than were at the disposal of the author of the earlier volume.

" To those who carry a net abroad, this handbook will be invaluable as a ^ook of

reference We can cordially recommend it " H. Ro^vI,AND-

Brown, M.A., f.E.S., The Entomologist' s Record, vol. xv.

Dear SiR,-Herewith I forward ^.^^''o^ier ^jalue ^^ for ^^f^^ of The Butter- fies or Switzerland and the Aljys of Central Europe.



To Mr. H. E. PAGE, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E.


Tutt's "British Lepidoptera," vols. I to X. Tutt's "British Butterflies," vols. I to III. Tutt's "British Noctuae," vols. I to IV. Tutt's "Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopt6r1st," parts I to III, with Index. There are also a few copies of " British Noctuae," slightly soiled, to be sold cheaply.

A. M. COCHRANE, 41, Wisteria Road, Lewisham, S.E.



The Entomologist's Record

and Journal of Variation.

(Vols. I-XXIII).

Single back volumes of the above can be obtained at 7s. 6d. per volume ; except vols. I. and II., which are 10s. 6d. each, net; any two or three volumes of the remainder at 7s. 3d. per volume ; four, five, six, seven, eight or nine at 7s. per volume ; ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen at 6s. Id. per volume ; fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty or twenty- one at 6s. 6d. per volume. Back copies of the Magazine at double the published price (plus postage). Special Indexes, Vols. III-XXIII, sold separately, price Is. 6d. each.

Contents of Vol. I. (Most important only Mentioned.)

Genus Acronycta and its allies. Variation of Smerinthus tiliae, 3 coloured plates Differentiation of Melitaea athalia, parthenie, and aurelia The Doubleday collection Parthenogenesis Paper on Taeniocampidae Phylloxera Practical Hints (many) Parallel Variation in Coleoptera Origin of Argynnis papliia var. valesimi Work for the Winter Temperature and Variation Synonymic notes Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1890 Lifehistories of Agrotis 'pxjrophila, Epunda lichenea, Heliophobus Jiisjndus Captures at light Aberdeenshire notes, etc., etc., 360 pp.

Contents of Vol. M.

Melanism and Melanochroism Bibliography Notes on Collecting Articles on Variation (many) How to breed Agrotis lunigera, Sesia sphegiformis, Taenio- campa opima— Collecting on the Norfolk Bi'oads Wing development Hybridising Amphidasys prodromaria and A. hetularia Melanism and Temperature Differen- tiation of Diantho'cias Disuse of wings Fauna of Dulwich, Sidmouth, S. London Generic nomenclature and the Acronyctidae^A fortnight at Rannoch Heredity in Lepidoptera Notes on Genus Zyg^na {Antlvocera) Hybrids Hymenoptera-- Lifehistory of Gonopliora derasa, etc., etc., 312 pp.

Contents of^Vol. III.

Gends Acronycta and its allies (continued) Scientific Notes The British Coccinellidae Notes on Breeding Notes on Coleoptera (very many)— Dates of appearance of Eupithecia pygmeata Dimorphic pupae Duration of Ova State of the Geometridae (with tables) Effects of temperature on the colouring of Lepidop- tera— Hints on labelling Melanic varieties Changes in nomenclature Keeping Micro pupse during winter— Notes on Genus Hepialus Reviews, etc., etc., 320 pp.

Contents of Vol. IV.

Additions to British Lists Presidential Addresses of British Association and Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society Autumnal collecting at Fresh- water, Isle of Wight Captui-es of rarities Collecting beetles Critical notes on certain Noctuae A day's collecting in the Western Highlands Apparent dearth of Dinrni Double-brooded species The early stages of certain Geonietrina Sensi- bility of larvae to sound Collecting in North Kent How to obtain and preserve ova— Retrospect of a Lepidopterist for 1893^ Stridulation Variety breeding The Pupal and Imaginal wings of Lepidoptera, etc., etc., 354 pp.

Contents of Vol V.

On the larva of Arctia caia (with plates) Evolution of the Lepidopterous Pupa— Rev. H. Burney's collection (sale) Life-History of a Lepidopterous Insect (Morphology and Physiology, etc.) Among the Ancients Erebia epiphron and its named Varieties Life-History of Agrotis agathina Ten Days at Wicken Fen Varieties of Spilosoma mendica Butterfly Catching in the neighbourhood of Mt. Blanc Life-History of Oeneria dispar Zygaena exulans and its Variations Entomology at Rainham, Essex Additions to the British List New Method of Relaxing Insects, etc., etc., 308 pp.

To be obtained only from— Mr. H. E. PAGE, " Bertrose," Gellatly Road, New Cross, London, S.E. .

to whom Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable. J
