Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. oa \ q' Vol. 6 Pe INT OMOLOG, SELECTED REFERENCES COMPILED BY THE STAFF OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE ——__ LIBRARY FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES fo... ea i CURRENT LITERATURE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C, + January - February This list is confined to new books on entomology and to selected periodical liter- ature relating chiefly to economic entomolo- sy. Publications of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and of the state experiment sta- tions are omitted as a printed Monthly List of Publications is issued by the Office of Information, and a mimeographed List of State Hxperiment Station Publications by the Office of Experiment Stations. Publications of the state extension services, and all articles by members :of the department staff in outside publications, are not included as they are issued monthly in Agricultural Library Notes. The contents of the Journal of Economic Ento- mology have also been omitted because nearly all tne technical workers‘thave access to it. Periodical references to apiculture are not included. BOOKS Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories. Bu GinenO.c..oClentit1e contribttions. ,24p. iilus, Conn., Bartlett tree expert co., 1937. neko csr srterrse ere sr AND OK 1027 VAIN a oF VIO U. §. Department of Agmcultuze Stamford, Bibliographies at end of articles. Contents.—-Helt, HeiP. Balloons as indicators of in- sect drift and of Dutch elm disease spread, p.3-10; Felt, BH. P., and Bromley, S. W. [Miscellaneous shade tree pests], Felt, # » Hs P., and Bromley, S. W. Effect of sulphur on faces, pec2-24. Beller, A preliminary (With notes S., ang) Bhienehd ti, Pe list of insect pests and their host plants in Siam. on their injury, miscellaneous foods and utilization painted sur- of the nost plants.) 68p. Bangkok, Siam, Department of agri- culture end fisheries, Apr. 1936. (Meche Buliyamoe,. 15.) Peay > inte British Museum (Nat. Hist.) Department of Entomology. Mosquitoes of the Ethiopian Region. I. Larval bionomics of mosaui- toes and taxonomy of culicine larvae. By G. H. EH. Hopkins. 250p-.- illus. London, Printed by order of the Trustees [British museum], 1936. References, p.242-246. Brumpt, EH. Pa Precis de parasitologie. Ed.5 Masson et cie, Hditeurs, 193 vel=2. .2169p. attus. Paris, . 6. Bussmann, G. H. Uber die ausfarbung des lebenden mehlk&fers Tenebrio molitor L. Vill, 53p. Hamburg; 1935. Inaug.-diss. — Hamburg. Schrifttun, o.VII-VIII: Mimeographed. Chitwood, Bs G.; and Chitwood, M. B. An introduction to nematology. Pt.1, sect.l. Spe Titus. Baltimore, Md-, Monumental printing co., 1957. Gosising —P.. Bs Housenold pests, their habits, prevention and control. 98p. illus. London, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, ltd., 19356. Comstock, J. Hi An introduction to entomology. Ed.8, rev. 1044p; illus. Ithaca, N- Y., Comstock publishing co.; inc.; 1936. Bibliography, p.991- ONO. Delaware. Mosquito Control Commission. Report of mosquito control work State of Releware January 1, 1936 to December 31, 1936. 14s Ue per alslgrats [1937]. Mimeographed. Dunn, C. L. Malaria in Ceylon: an inguiry into its causes... o7p. illus. London, Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1936. References, p.56—57. Encyclopédie agricole Belge. Tome 1. 1102p. illus. Bruxelles, Editions Bieleveld, [1936]. Partial contents.— Vanderwalle, R., and Van Den Bruel, W. Maladies et ennemis des plantes cultivees, »-[903]-1072; Driessche, J. van. les Cécidies, p.[1073]-1082. Entomologisches jahrbuch. 46.Jahrgang. Kalendar ftir alle insekten- sammler flr das‘ janr 1937. Herausgegeben von ... Dr. Oskar Krancher. 2l6p- illus. Frankfurt-M, Internationaler entomologischer verein Ve Verlag, 1957. Festscnrift zum 60. Geburtstage von Professor Dr. Bmbrik Strand... v.l... enthaltend: dem jubilar gewidmete arbeiten auslandischer zoologen und palaeontologen. 644p. illus. Riga, 1956: Partial contents.- Balthasar, V. Monographie der subfam. Troginae der palaearktischen region. (33. Beitrag zur kenntnis der palaearktischen Scarabaeiden), p-407-459; Verity, R. The male genital armature of Aglais urticae L., see in connection with its variations and its phylogeny, p.461-482, jllus; Spatek, K. Zur geographischen verbreitung des sdgebockes Prionus coriarius L., p.482-487; Thienemann, A. Chironomiden-— metamorphosen. XIV. Die Orthocladiinengattungen Bucricotopus, Trichocladius, Rheorthocladius, p.531-554, illus. Literatur, p-551-553; Semenov Tian~Shanskij, A., and Bogatshev, A. Supplé- ment a la revision du genre Blaps F. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) GIS IGS Sloan clibaniars JUSS To a oeleey alahikibusy, Finland. Valtion Maatalouskoetoiminnan. Julkaisuja no.81-82, 86. Helsinki, 1936. Contents.- no.8l. Hukkinen, Y. Tutkimuksia nurmipuntarpddn (Alopecurus pratensis L.) Siementuholaisista. 1. Chirothrips hamatus Tryb., puntarpaaripsiai— nen. dheGahjeyay), Bua Tacky References, p.95-107. Text in Finnish. German summary, p.[1ll1]-131; no.82. Hukkinen, Y., Listo, J., and Vapoula, N. A. Kertomus tuhoelHinten esiintymisest& Suomessa vuo- Sina 1926 ja 1927. LOMpeyilius.“) Reterences, p.89-9l.) Dext im Finnish. German summary, p-[99]-106; no.86. Kanervo, V. Kaalikoi (Plutelle maculipennis Curt.) ristikukkaiskasvien tuholaisena Suo- messa. 86p. illus. References, p.[75]-80. Text in Finnish. English summary, p./[81]-86. Germany. Biologische Reichsanstalt flir Land— und Forstwirtschaft in Berlin- Dahlen. ~ Bivliographie der pflanzenschutzliteratur das jahr 1935. Bearbeitet WOM SoBe Wigs elo Nikoneshwehenge Sep. Berlin, Paul Parey, 1936. Gertsch, W. J. The nearctic Atypidae. Ione ail Abb isye American museum of natural history, 1936. (Amer. mus. novit. no.. 895.) Hertwig, P. Artodastarde bei tieren. 140p.: illus. Berlin, Verlag von Geortider Borntraeger, 1936. Literaturverzeichnis, p.[1320 ]-140. (Baur) a. and Hartmann, M. Handbuch der Vererbungswissenschaft, Lfg.21(11,B)) Kansas Hntomological Commission. Hpeteenth biennial report ... for the years 1935-1936. 24n. [19370]. Karawajew, VW. Die fauna der familie Formicidae (ameisen) der Ukraine. 316p. illus. tev, Akademii nauk USKR, 1936. Liste der arbeiten von W. Karawajew Uber ameisen und myrmekophilen, p.311-313. Text in Russian. At nead of title: Travaux de l'Institut de Zoologie et Biologie de l'Académie des Sciences de la RSS d'Ukraine. Série l-re: Travaux systematiques et faunistiques. Kassab, A. Preparation and method of application of the zinc phosphide bait employed in the control of the mole-cricket Gryllotalpa. yZjolat yy seslalabiss Bulag, Cairo, Govt. press, 1936. (Heypt, Min. agr. Tech. and sci. serv. Ent. Sect. Bulls, 178.) =e Kolachev, M. P. Fitonomus i mery bor'by s nim. Lap. aallaiss Ashkhabad, Turkmen- gosizdat, 1936. At head of title: Khlopkovoe upravlenie NAZ-—na TSSR» Otdel zashchity rastenii. M.P. Kolachev. [The Phytonomus and means of controlling it.] Text in Russian. Krasnodar. Vsesofuznyi Nauchno-issledovatel'skii Institut Makho ro chnoi Promyshlennosti-Entomologicneskii Otdel. Sbornik rabot Entomologicheskozo otdela VIMPa. 138p. illus. Kief, 1935. Contents.— Savtschenko, BH. N., and Mokrzhitzkaja, BH. N. Die insexticideneigenschaften des nixotin-sulphits in vergleich mit einigen anderen nikotin-pr¥paraten, p.6—-30. [References], p-28- Text in Russian. German summary, p.c9-30; Savtshenko, KH. N. Zur frage des einflusses der insekticiden auf die Nicotiana rustica und zigarrentabakpflanzen bei der bespritzung der letzen, p.31-69. Text in Russian; Scheljuzhko, L. A. Ubersicht der schidlingsinsekten der Nicotiana rustica und zigarrentabdakpflanzen, p.70-97. Text in Russian? Seheljuzhko, 1). A., and!’ Maliskaja, JAe Vee Zur frazender des- insektion der Nicotiana rustica. Samen und des einflusses der beiz-— mitteln auf ihre keimfMhigkeit, p.98-117. Literatura, p.116. Text in Russian. German summary, p.117; Ovtsharenko, L. §. Hinfluss der Nicotiana rustica als futterpflanze auf die Loxostege sticticalis Le raupen, p-118-121. Text in Russian; Savtschenko, B. N., and Paltshik, P. A. Chlorpikrin (CCIz NOg) als bekampfungsmittel gegen die drant- wlrmer(Elateridae), p.122-[139]. [References], p.138. Text in Russiane German summary, p.138-139. Leningrad. Vsesoiugnyi Institut Eksperimental'noi Meditsiny. ont Parasites, transmetteurs, animaux venimeux; recueil des travaux dedie au 2>me anniversaire scientifique du Professeur Eugene Pavlovsky 1909-1934. 449p. illus. Moscow/Leningrad, 1935. Most of the articles are in Russian with summaries in English, German or Frencn. Lindner, E. Die fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. JLfg. 104-105. Stuttgart, HE. Schweizerbart'sche verlagsbuchhandlung (Erwin NAgele) G-.M.B-H., 1936. Contents.-lfz.104. Lindner, K. Stratiomyiidae, p-1-48, illus. [Fam.18]; lfz.105. Engel, B. O. Bombyliidae, p.513-560, illus. [Fam.25]. MacFie, D. T. Practical beekeeping and honey production. 1227p. Titus London, We He & L. Collingridge ltd., n-d. (Received, Feb. 1937.) McKeown, K. C. Spider wonders of Australia. e7O0p.- illus. Sydney, Australia, Angus & Robertson, limited, 1936. Manley, Re O. B. Honey production in the British Isles. 3433p. illus. London, Bradley son, Ltd Soo. Ontario. Hntomological Society. . Sixty-sixth annual report ... 1935. MOZ pny lash. Toronto, Printed by T. H.. Bowman, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1936. Contents.-Watson, He B. Preliminary notes on the white pine weevil situation in the Petawawa Forest Reserve, Ontario [Pissodes strobi Peck], ».7+8; Dunn, M.B. The function of wood-boring insects in tne development of the forest, p.8-ll; Gobeil, A. R.- Population study of Ios perturbatus Hichh., p.11-14, illus; Van Steenburgh, W. E. Notable changes in the oriental fruit moth parasite situation, p.1l5- 16; Armstrong, T. ‘Two parasites of the white apple leafhopper (Ty- palocyba) pomaniayMel.), p.«l6-41, illus.’ References, p.28s “Briand, -]L. J. Shipping of potato beetle parasites and predators to France, with notes on the species involved, p.31-34; Patterson, N. A. Mealy bug control in Nova Scotia [Phenacoccus aceris Sig.], p.34-36; Beaulne, Je I. The insect fauna of the raspberry plantations of the province of Quebec, p.36-37; Caesar, L. The European corn borer [Fy- Easter nubilalus Hibner in’ Ontario im. V955, p-.68—-49* Hudson, NH. Wes and Wood, Ae A. An interesting June beetle habitat in Ontario, p.39- 42, illus; Hammond G. H. White grub surveys in Ontario during 1935, pe4e-45, illus; Gauthier, G. Observations concerning the white grubs in Quebec, in 1935, p.45-48; Palm, C. H. The present status of the alfalfa snout beetle (Brachyrhinus ligustici L.) in New York state, p.48-54; Caesar, Le. Notes on a new or hitherto unrecorded pest of sweet clover in Ontario, [Sitona cylindricollis Fahr. |, p.- 54-56; Gorham, R. P. The bronze cutworm, Nephelodes emmedonia Cram., in the Maritime Provinces, p.56-58; Mitchener, A. V. The grasshopper cam- paign in Manitoba in 19435, p.58-60, illus; Gilbert, H. A. A note on grasshopper outbreaks in the counties of Renfrew and Hastings, Ontario, in 1935, p-60-62, illus; Laghoire, P. Effects of some ecological fac- tors on the pea aphis, [Macrosiphum pisi Kalt.], p.62-63; Monro, H. A. U. Notes on insects found infesting packing materials entering the port of Montreal, p.63-66. Literature Cited, p.66; Gooderham, C. B. Further notes regarding honey bees and pollination, p.66-68; Stirrett, G. M. The walnut husk fly, Rhagoletis suavis Loew, in Ontario, p.69. Refer- ences; Sheppard, Rs We Insect collections from Niagara's colored Searchlights, p.69-75; Stirrett, G. M. A. note on the bat bedbug, Cimex OHPLOSClelvS) aw’. 4 Disco's References; A note filing system for entomolog- ical field laboratories, p.76-80; Twinn, C. R. A summary of insect con- ditions in Canada in 1935, p.80-95. Retenandy. A. iN. i Revision des Opatrines (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae) de la Région Palearctique e25p. illus. Moscow, Akademii nauk SSSR, 1936. (Acad. des 'sien. Imisite ZoOl. Tableaux analyt. de la faune de 1'URSS, no-19.) Text in Russian. latin descriptions of new species, p.2c08-216. HOPE. abs Ae Les insectes. I. Coléopteres - Orthopteres - Archipteres - Névropteres. ZOO Dieu. -uaelus!. Neuchatel/Paris, Editions Delachaux & Niestlé, 1936. At head of title: Les Beauté de la Nature. Collection de Poche. ~ =e Saghalien Central Experiment Station, Konuma, Saghalien, Japan. Reports, no.10-11. [Ser. 1(Agriculture) no.3-4]. Mar.-Sept. 1935. Contents.-no.1C. Hori, M.: The cabbage moth (Barathra brassicae Linné) in Southern Saghalien. 9lp. illus. Text in Japanese. mnglish summary. p.85-91; no.1l. Tamanuki, K., and Yaku, H. Macro- leoidoptera at.light traps. 177, 12g. illus. Text in Japanese. English summary, p.151-152. Schenkling, S. Hditor. Coleopterocrum catalogus auspiciis et auxilio W. June... Pars 151-152. 's-Gravenhage, W. Junk, 1936. Contents.— pars 151. Hustache, A. Curculionidae; Dryptorrhynchinae. 317p.3; pars 152. Obenberger, J- Buprestidae V, p-[935]-1246. Strand, H- Hditor. Lepidopterorum catalogus. Pars 73, 75-77. 's-Gravenhage, W. Junk, 1936. Contents.-pars 73. Collier, W. A. lLasiocampidae. 484p.; pars 75. Schtissler, H. Oxytenidaes 20p.; pars 76. Schtssler, H. Cercophanidae. 12p; pars 77. Shepard, H. H. Hesperiidae: subfam- iliae: Euschemoéninae et Trapezitinae. 5p. Topalov, P. Pyrethrum (Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium Trev.) 48p. illus. Sofia, Royal printing house; 1966: [References ], p-47- -48. Text in Bul- garian. English summary, p.45-47. On cover: TSentralen zemedelski izpitatelen institut--Sofiia, Uganda Protectorate. Department of Agriculture. Annual report ... for-the year ended 30th June, 1936, part II. 123p- Entebbe, Government printer, 1936. Partial contents.— Taylor, T. H. C. Report on a year's investigation of Platyedra gossypiella (Pink boll worm) in Uganda. (March, 1935, to April; 1936), p.19-39. VST wiml.5 J. Comment defendre nos vergers et nos jardins contre leurs ennemis. illus. Paris, J. B. Bailliere et fils, 1936. 304p. Warnen, B. Ca7S« Monograph of the genus Erebia. 407p. illus. London; Printed by order of the Trustees [British museum], 1936. Bibliography, p.389-390. Wille, J. E., Carrera, J. Li, and Tijero, B. L. El arrebiatado y Ns otros insectos daninos al algodonero en los valles del norte del Peru. Sop) sas. Lima, Estacion experimental agricola de La Molina, 1936. (Pert Min. de fomento. Dir. agr- ganad. y colon. Bol. no.9). Wolf, B. Animalium cavernarum catalogus: Pars 10: Band II, p-569-456; Band III, p- 705-720. 's Gravenhage, W. Junk, 1936. : ela Zaman, Tire Sie Opredelitel kubyshek saranchevyth... (ploy Danas! Leningrad, 193 Identification of the egg pods of grasshoppers. At head of vite Vseoiuznaia akademiia S.-Kh. nauk imeni V. I. Lenina. Vsesoiuzny al institut zashchity rastenii. Sektor ucheta i raionirovaniia, De PHRIODICALS Académie des sciences. Paris. Comptes rendus; v.205, 1956; no.22, Nov. 50; no.2#, Dec.14; v.204, no.l, Jan.4, 1937. Bounhiol, J. J« Dans quelles limites cer eprAtaon oe larves de Lepidopteres est-elle comoatible avec leur nymphose?, 203, No.22, De 1182- 1184. Gras sé, De Pa L'hémaphorrhée, rejet— reflexe de Sang et dilair var les Acridiens phymatéides, Ve aca, NO, i DieiOo— Ow. I lusy. Guignon, G. Influence de la lumiére solaire sur le vol des Lépidop- teres diurmmes, v.c0é, no.22,' p.1186-1188. L'Heritier, P. Sur ee ne rion de différences de pigmentation entre diverses souches de Drosophila melanogaster, type sauvage, a la suite d'une intoxication larvaire, v.20%, no.24, p.13492-1393. Académie des sciences de 1'URSS. Moscow. Comptes rendus, (new ser.), Viet Oro LIS 6). Fedotov, D. M. Uber die spdte postembryonale entwicklung des frost- spanners (Operophthera brumata L.), p- [237 |-240. Académie des sciences de L'URSS. Moscow. Institut zoologigue. Magasin de parasitologie, v.6, 1936. Beklemischev, W., and Mitropnanova, J. Sur l'écologie de la femelle adulte d'Anopheles pulcherrimus Theob., p.[147]-168. Literatura, p.- 165-166. Text in Russian. French summary, p-16c-168. Blagovestchensky, D. I., and Serdjukova, G. V. Sur la biologie de Hypoderma bovis De Geer et l'organisation de la lutte contre ce parasite en Transcaucase, p.[291]-311, illus. Text in Russian. French summary, p.310-311. Ioff, I. Uber die geographie der zieselflUhe im zusammenhang mit der Zeschicnte der ausbreitung der ziesel, p.[313]-361, illus. Litera- COLA Ds JO5-GO9 s Text in Russian. German summary, p.359-361. Kasantzev, B. The fauna of blood-sucking mosquitoes of Samarkand and adjacent regions, p.{l17J-136, illus. Text in Russian. Pavlovsky, E-, and Stein, A. WBinige versuche ther die giftwirkung von Kanes) Peiloos |—SirG. | iteratura, p.o74. Text in Russian. . Gexman summary, p.d76. Pavilovsky, E.-, Stein, A., and Blagovestchensky, D. HExperimentelle unter- suchungen toer die wirkung des speichels von Haematopinus suis die menschenhaut, p.[377]-383, illus. Text in Russian. German summary, p.583. Petristscheva, P. Die fauna, oekologie und biologie der Culiciden Turkmeniens, p-[49]-115, ilaus. Literatura, *p.113-114. Text in Russian. English summary, p-114-115. Sn eee - ue Académie des sciences de 1'URSS ... Magasin de parasitologie, Continued. Pomerantzev, B.- The morphology of the genus Rhipicephalus Koch in connection with the construction of a natural classification of Ixodoidea, p.5-32, illus. Literatura, p.30-31l. Text in Russian. English summary, p-dl-3d2. Rubtzov, I. Notes on the biology and ecology of black flies (Simu- liidae), p.[169]-200, illus. Literatura, p.198. Text in Russian. English summary, p.199-200. Serdjukova, G. Biological studies of warble flies on cattle, p.[279]-- 2908 ables Literatura, p.289-290. Text in Russian. English summary, p.290. Troitzky, N.- On the biology of Ornithodorus papillipes, p. [37]-47. Text in Russian. Velitschkevitsch, A. Zur oekologie und fauna der stechmuicken am Stdufer der Krim, p.L137]=145. Text in Russian. German summary, p.144-145. Académie des sciences de BSS Moscow. ‘Institut zoologigue. Travaux. Views moe , LOSGs Kozhantsnikov, I. V. To the problem of the vital thermal optimum. III. The loss of energy during the pupal development in Agrotis and Eohestia as a function of temverature, p-.313-388. Literatur, p.385— 588. Text in Russian. Enzlish summary, p.3@1-384. Lackschewitz, P. Das genus Tipula (Diptera Nematocera) in der Arktis und dem borealen Waldgebiet Eurasiens, p.[245]-312, illus. Benutzte literatur, p.253. Text in German. Academie royale des sciences et des lettres de Danmemark. Copenhague. Memoires, Section des sciences, ser.9, v-6, no.6, 1936. Skovgaard, 0. S. Rddkldverens best¢dvning, humlebier og humleboer. Unders¢zelser over nogle i Danmark forekommende arter af slaegten Bombus Latr., deres traekplanter, boer og bopladser, samt deres betyd- ning for best¢vningen af rddkldver (Trifolium pratense). 140p. illus. Litteraturfortegnelse, p.137-139. Text in Danish. Enzlish summary,- p.154-136. Agricultural gazette of New South Wales (Sydney), v.48, pt.-1, Jan.1, 1937. Wright, J. A. Fruit flies. Some common species in New South Wales, ester ate stlabice Agriculture et élevage au Congo Belge (Bruxelles), v.11, no.1l, Jan. 1987. Belot, Re Etude technique de la bave des races de Bombix élevees a la station séricicole du Mont Hawa (Ituri), p.1-4. American entomological society. TranSactions. (Philadelphia), v.62, no.4, Dec. 1936. Mitchell, T. B. A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic Region- Part VY. Taxonomy of subgenus Xeromegachile (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), p-3235-382, illus. Rehn, J. A. G. The Hispaniolan genus Polyancistrus (Orthpptera, Tetti- goniidae, Pseudophyllinae), p»271-316, illus. Wot American journal of hygiene (Lancaster, Penn.), v.25, no.l, Jan. 1937. Root, F. M., and Hoffman, W. A. The North American species of Culi- cOides, p-150-176, illus. Bibliography, p-174-175. American journal of public health (New York), v.27, no.l, Jan- 1937. Soper, F. L. The newer epidemiology of yellow fever, p.1-14. Refer- ences, pel4. B imermican naturalist (Garrison, Nes), verl, no.’oc, dan.—peb. 1937. Park, T. Experimental studies of insect populations, p.21-33. Litera- ture cited, p.33. Annales des épiphyties et de phytogenétique (Paris), new ser. v.2, no.4, 1936. Marchal, P. Recherches sur la biologie et le développement des Hymen- opteres parasites. Les Trichogrammes, p.[447]-550, illus. Index bibliographique, p.547-550. Anzeiger fUr schSdlingskunde (Berlin), vil2, no.12, 1936. Brandt, H. Uber mehrfachbegattung beim kiefernspanner (Bupalus piniarius Ge), p-l43-146. Literatur, p.145; Herfs, A. Uber wollschidlinge und wollschutz, p.[137]-142, illus. Arbeiten tlber morpholozgische und taxonomische entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem, v.d, no.4, Nove’, 1946. Fiedler, C. Bestimmungstabelle der stldamerikanischen arten der gattung Chalcodermus Schinh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cryptorhynchinae) , p.280-292. (Fortsetzung folgt;) Arbeiten Uber physiologische und angewandte entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem, Vis Moet Mee. 10, 1936. ’ Heller, K. M. BErginzende bemerkung Uber kartoffelschddigende rtlssel- k&fer, p.284-285, illus. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Hoffmann, W. H. Die brutpflege bei den wanzen, p.286-288, illus. Rayment, T. Biology of a new halictine bee and specific descriptions of its parasites, p.289-294, illus. Speyer, W. Die entwicklung von Psylla mali Schm., p.[267]-283, illus. Schriftenverzeichnis, p.283; Uber die angewandte entomologie in den verschiedenen l&’ndern. 8. Uber die entwicklung und organisation der landwirtschaftlichen entomologie in Deutschland, p.294-300. Archivio zoologico Italiano (Torino), v.22, 1936. Publicazione commemorativa di Cesare Artom. Pt.II. Ghidini, G- (Tabanidi d'Italia, p57] ]-493, illus, Bibliografia, p.490- 492. Pierantoni, Ue. La simbiosi fisiologica nei termitidi xilofagi e nei loro flagellati intestinali, p,[135]-173, illus. Bibliografia citata, p- 169-171. Arkiv fr zoologi (Stockholm), v.28, hdfte 4, 1936. Lundblad, O-. Die altweltlichen arten der veliidengattungen Rhagovelia und Getraripis, hafte 4, no.21. 68a Bl dus: Literatur verzeichnis, p- 61-63. 1 10 - Auckland institute and museum. Records, v.2; no.1l, Nov.4, 1936. (Received Jan.19, 1937.) ‘ Archey, G.- Revision of the Chilopoda of New Zealand, p.43-70, illus. Bahia rural (Bahia, Brazil), Anno 4, no.38, Oct. 1936. Mazgarinos Torres, A. -F., et al. Campanha contra a sauva, p- 1371-1375. Der biologe (Munich), v.6, no.l, Jan. 1937. Lakowitz, ( )- Der hausbockkifer Hylotrupes bAsuine hi, Peco, clause -Biologisches zentralblatt (Leipzig), v.56, no.11/12, 1936. Gabler, H. Beitrag zur kenntnis von stigmenbau und —funktion der Lepidopteren-puppen, p.584-590, illus. Literaturverzeichnis, p.590. Huxley, Je, and Wolsky, A. Zur frage der entwicklungsphysiologischen , determination des arthropodenauges, p.571-572. Literaturverzeichnis, pe572. Bollettino di zoologia (Napoli), v.7, no.5-6, Oct-.-Dec. 1936, Monterosso, B., and Floris, G. La nutrizione influenza il sesso negli Araneidi? p.[195]-206. Bombay natural history society. Journal (London), v.39, no-1, Dec.1, 1936. Bhattacharya, G. C. Observations of some peculiar habits of tne spider (Marpissa melanognathus), p.[142]-144, illus. — Boston society of natural history. Occasional papers, v.8, Nov.25, 19356. Alexander, C. P. The crane-flies (Tipulidae) of New England. Fourth supolementary list, p.273-292. Brooklyn entomological society. Bulletin (Lancaster, Penn.), v.31, no.d, Dec. 1956. Aboott, C. HE. On the chemical senses of spiders, p.212-214. Bromley; S. We Methods and technique. A dry killing bottle, p-.215. Hoffman,- C- He Notes on Climaciella brunnea var. occidentalis Banks (Mantisnidae-Neuroptera), p.202-203; A population study of Cacoecia cerasivorana Fitch with ane reference to its insect parasites ' wae ee p-209-211. Literature cited, p-2ll. | Bulletin Beateotle aul Congo Belge Sac Bi a Vike (EMO May SED bess (Received Feb.19;, 1937.) Bredo, H. J. : Note sur l'hibernation du ver rose au Congo Belge (Pectin- opnora oo ore Saund.), p.[442]-455, illus. Bibliographie, p.455. | Bulletin biologique ae la nee ae de la Belgique (Paris), v.71, no.l, 1937. Epnrussi, B., and Beadle, G. W.- Développement des couleurs des yeux chez la Drosophile: revue des expériences de transplantation, p. [54 ]- 74, illus. Liste des travaux cites, p.74; Influence des implants sur la couleur des yeux de lthdte, p (751-90. Liste des travaux cites, p.-90. Olenov, J. M. Influence de Drosophila melanogaster comme facteur écolo- gSique sur la lutte pour la vie entre les races de la levure, Zugo- Saccharomyces mandshuricus Saito, De [117]- 128 sib ls - Bibliographie, pe128. |) ee Kansas entomological society. Journal (McPherson), v.10, no.l, Jan. 1937. Griffith, MW. E. A mole-cricket [Gryllotalpa hexadactyla] at bay, p.27- 28. Woodruff, L. C. Autospasy and regeneration in the roach, Blattella germanica (Linnaeus), p.1-9. Literature cited, p.8-9. Koleopterologische rundschau (Vienna), v.22, no.6, Dec.31, 1936. Ihssen, G. Uber die lebensweise von Longitarsus nigerrimis Gyllh., WeoDo-cOol Lenin academy of agricultural sciences in U.S.S.R. Institute for plant pro- tection. Bulletin of plant protection (Leningrad). Ser. III. Control measures and implements, no.8, 1936. Jatzenko, I. Editor. Investigations on the machinery for plant protec- tion. 1S8ip. Ets: Text in Russian. inenan selence jourmal (Canton, China), v-16) now sajan Ss oS [Hoffmann, W. E.] Lawana increasing in importance as a noxious insect (Homoptera, Flatidae), p.119-120. Miscellanea entomologica (Toulouse), v.37, no.il, Nov. 1936. Paulian, R. La larve de Staphylinus (Tasgius) pedator Grav., p-[101]- 103. Tempere, G. Pseudophytobius subglobosus Ch. Bris. (Col. Curculionidae); captures et observations nouvelles, p-103-107, illus. Nachrichtenblatt ftir den Deutschen pflanzenschutzdienst (Berlin-Dahlem), Viton Owl’, amie VOGT. Kunike, G. Wanzen an getreide, p.[{1]-4, illus. Naturaliste canadien (Quebec), v.64 (ser.3, v.8), no.1l, Jan. 1937. Daviault, L. Contribution a 1'étude des insectes du bouleau. Deuxieéme partie. Vue d'ensemble sur la faune entomologique du bouleau, p-[5]- 13}F Bibliographie, p.11-16. Potvin, A. R., and Giroux, M. Flevage d'une mante en laboratoire, p-[19 ]-21. Nature (London), v.139, 1937; no.3505, Jan.2; no.3506, Jan:9; no.3511, Feb.13. Hopf, H. S. Protein digestion of wood—boring insects, no.3511, p.286— ; 287. References, Pieco.c- Jack, R. W. Water and fat contents of tsetse flies, no.3505, p.3l. [Glossina morsitans ]. Tillyard, R. J. The ancestors of the Diptera, no.3506, p.66—-67, illus. Nederlandsch-Indische entomologische vereeniging. Entomologische mededeelingen | van Nederlandsch-Indié (Buitenzorg, Java), v.2, no.4, Dec.1, 1936. Franssen, C. J. H. Aanteekeningen over de ontwikkelingscyclus der Termit— | oxeniidae (Dipt.), p.62-65. Literatuur, p.65; Some notes on Carea subtilis Walk. (Lep., Noctuidae), p.66-67, illus. Literature, p.67. Kalshoven, L. G. E. Twee gevallen van insectenschade aan metalen, p.59- Ol alas. Text in Dutch. English summary, p.o9. Ei usye Note di frutticultura (Pistoia), v.15, no.2, Feb. 1937. MiOnuwoN. ha Louba contro eld) atidi | ip.dl-Se). Paulinpine azriculturist,(hacuma, |) Pi,ls) svcd), no.8,) diane. NOS. Pangea, G. A. Preservatives for wooden and bamboo posts against ground-inhabiting termites, p.680-688. Literature cited, p.685. Plant protection (Leningrad), 1936; no.9; no.10. Belizin, A. Influence of vernalization on the comparative infestation of cereals with insect pests, no.9, p.54-[67], illus. Text in Russian. English summary, p.66-[67 ]. ‘Kiritschenko, A. N. The distribution of insect scales (Homoptera Coccodea) in USSR from zoogeographical and ecological points of view, no.9, p.[68]-[75]. Lebedjanskaya, M., Medvedva, V., and Tchernopanevkina, S. Trichogramma evanescens and its possible use in the control of insect pests, no.9, epee oll. est cine Russi an). Meisakhovitch, J. The scale of spray dispersion, no.9, p.32-37, illus. Wieser, abel Sabla tale English summary, p.35. Mordvilko, A. Aphis evonymi Fabr. part., A. papaveris Fabr., A. rumicis L. Born. part., A. philadelphi Born., A. mordvilkoi Born. et Jan., NOeO, Wi09—" ei. Literatura, p.72; Eriosoma lanuginosum Hart. p.73- 74. Literatura, p.74. Text in Russian. Nikolsky, V. On the scale insects of economical importance for parks and forests, No.0, .153-156. Literatura, p.156. Text in Russian. Piatnitzky, G., and Klishevitsh, N. On the methodics of forecasting of the mass outbreaks of Euxoa segetum Schiff., no.9, p.83-91. Bele sprcg aia Russian. Prinz, J., and Gutieva, F. Die anwendung von Trichogramma evanescens gegen Polychrosis botrana, no.9, p.76-[82], illus. Text in Russian. German summary, p.[82]. Sokolovskaya, R. The adhesiveness of certain types of the preparation MMU ioe oils. Literatura, p.él. Text in Russian. English summary, p.dl. Stepantzev, J. The eurves of effectiveness of the agricultural pests control and their interpolation, no.10, p.61-68, illus. Text in Russian. Telenga, N., and Bogunova, M. The more important predators of scale-— insects and aphids of Ussurian part of Far West region and the ways of Them user moslO, p.7/-lerl, Liduss Literatura, p.66. Text in Russian. Titov, K. The insect pests of Papaver somniferum, no.10, p.156-158. Text in Russian. Tslopkalo, V. The control of cockchafer by means of dusting of food EELOCS 0.9, p.Ic-11O,,idlus: . Bibliography, p.1l09. Text in Russian. English summary, p.109-110. Varshalovitch, A. Study on some seed-eating Chalcididae of the genus Systole, no.l0O, p.88-94, illus. Literatura, p.93. Text in Russian. English summary, p.93-94. Verestchagin, V. Insect pests of cereal crops of Far-west region, no.10, p-lll-[124]. Literatura, p.120. Text in Russian. = 16 = Queensland agricultural journal (Brisbane), v.46, 1936; no.5, Nov.1; no.6, DeesL. Brimblecombe, A. R. The Queensland pine beetle and its control, no.5, p.582-585, illus. [Calymmaderus incisus Lea]. Sloan, W. J. S. The cotton web-spinner [Loxostege affinitalis Led. ], no.6, p-718-728, illus. Records of the malaria survey of India (Calcutta), v.6, no.4, Dec. 1936. Ebden, J. A. W., and Satyaranayana, K. . Nov,. Bouhélier, R., and Hudault, E. Un dangereux parasite de la vigme au Maroc, Dorysthenes forficatus F. (Col. Ceramb.), no.10, p.[145]-153, illus., Ome Pye d oI. /G. Feytaud, F. Comment le Doryphore envahit l'Europe. X. Moyens de lutte, Maelt, pi. [Pekj-173. Rigalleau, L. Observations sur les Ephippigeres (suite), petostos- (A suivre.) Rhodesia agricultural journal (Salisbury), v.34, no.12, Dec. 1936; v.34, no.l, Jia 1.937 . Jack, R. W. Ticks infesting domestic animals in southern Rhodesia, v.33, no.l2,. p.-907-929, illus.; v.34, no.l, p.25-37. References, p-36-37. Wheeldon, H. G. Poultry parasites, v.33, no.12, p.932-944. Rivista di parassitologia (Rome) Sev ialy anigd. 3 Aen ee See Caronia, G. E il flebotomo l'agente trasmissore della leishmaniosi?, p- [19 J-29. Corradetti, A. I distomi parassiti dell! Anopheles maculipennis, p-[39 }|- D0, diwiss Letteratura, p.50; Studio dei flagellati intestinali del Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa in rapporto all'identita del genere Embado- monas Mackinnon, 1911 col genere Retortamonas Grassi, 1879, p.[69]-80, shila iolafe Letteratura, p.79. Bus pr Rivista di parassitologia (Rome), v.1, no.1l, Jan. 1937. Supplemento monografico no.lw ; ' | La Face, L. Fauna Anofelinica delle Colonie Italiane. 20lp. illus. | Bibliografia, p.117-201. | Schweizerische anstalt ftir das forstliche versuchswesen (Zurich). | Mitteilungen, v.19, no.2, 1936. Nageli, W. Die kleine fichtenblattwespe. (Lygaeonematus pini Retz.= Nematus abietinus Christ), p.[213]-381, illus. Literaturverzeichnis, p-570-381 - Text in German. French summary, p. 371-375. Senckenbergische Raturzorschende gesellschaft. Frankfurt a. M. Abhand- lungen 433, 1936. Ris, F. Die Pseudagrion-arten des kontinentalen Afrika (Insecta, Odon- ata) mit bemerkungen von Erich Schmidt. 68p. tidus. Societatii naturalistilor din Romania. Buletinul (Bucharest), 1936, no.8; no.9. Bogoescu, C., and Wem evel C. OCrematogaster scutellaris 01. (Myrmici- nae) in RomAnia, no.8, ».10-12. Dobreanu, E. pee Crea la cunoasterea insectelor miniere din Romania, no.9, pell-20. Sociéte de pathologie exotique (Paris). Bulletins, v.29, no.9, Nov.18, 1936. Roubaud, E., and Colas-Belcour, J. Notes biologiques sur 1'Ornithodorus delanoei, p.963-966. Sigault, G., and Messerlin, A. Note sur la destruction des larves par les naphtes et sur l'activation des mazouts, p.1023-1032. Saal Societé entomologique de Belgique. Bulletin et annales (Bruxelles), v.76, no. S-VORe Oct co), 1956. Théry, A. Essai d'une classification des Julodis de l'Afrique australe, Dombsaiel Seo s a Lluis, Société entomologique de France. Bulletin (Paris), v.41, 1936; no.18, Nov.25; aq dus WEES). Fleutiaux, E. Note biologique sur Drapetes jensoni Bonvouloir [Col. Eucnemidae], no.18, p.308, illus. Schaefer, L. Note biologique sur Kisanthobia ariasi Rob. [Col. Bupres- tidae]. Description de la larve, no.19, p.320-322, illus. Societé royale entomologique d'Egypte. Bulletin (Cairo), v.20 (Année 29), US Alfieri, A. L'Harmolita romana Walker en Egzypte (Hymenoptera: Chalci- doidea-Eurytomidae), ».56-57, illus. Cassab, A. Notes sur l'accouplement des courtiliéres (Orthoptera- Gryllotalpidae), p.24-25. Fahmy, I. The European corn borer, Pyrausta nubilalis (Htibn.) a major pest of maize in Egypt (Microlepidoptera-Pyralidae), p.58-60. Kamal, M. Recent advances in the control of the pink boll-worm (Platy- edra gossypiella, Saunders) by natural enemies, p.259-[293], illus. - 18 - Societe royale entomologique d!Egypte. Bulletin. Continued. Page, A. B. P., and Shafik, M. Control of mites on insect-stocks and on fungus cultures by means of fumigation, p.110-143. Priesner, H. A preliminary review of the non-fossil species of the genus Melanthrips Hal. (Thysanoptera), p.29-[55], illus; Aphanogms steinitzi spec. nov., ein Coniopterygiden-parasit (Hymenoptera— Proctotrupoidea), p.248-251, illus. Salem, H. H. A summary of the Egyptian species of the genus Sarcophaga with a description of §. rohdendorfi nov. spec. (Diptera-Tachinidae), p.22c9-247, illus. South-eastern agricultural college, Wye, England. Journal (London), no.39, Jan. 1937. Davies, C., and. Smyth-Homewood; G. R. B. Investigations on machinery used in spraying. Part III. The output and range of nozzles and guns, Diol? Jary, S. G., and Austin, M. D. Department of entomology, p.[9]-15. Stettiner entomologische zeitung, v.97, no.2, 1936. Fiedler, C. Die amerikanische riisslergattung Collabisms Schénh. (Col. Curcul. Cryptorhynch.), p.239-259. Klein-Krautheim, F. Beitrag zur kenntnis der Eristalinen-larven und —puppen (Syrphidae, Diptera), p.259-270, illus. literaturverzeichnis, p.269-270. Klimesch, J. Ein kleiner beitrag zur kenntnis der Nepticulidenfauna (Lep.) des Vintschgaues (Prov. Bozen), p.194-211, illus. - Literatur- nachweis, p.cll. Pagast, F. Chironomidenstudien II, p.270-278, illus. Literatur, p.278. Voss, E. Monographie der Rhynchitinentritus Auletini. III. Teil der monographie der Rhynchitinae-Pterocolinae, p.279-289. (Fortsetzung folgt. ) Taihoku imperial university. Taihoku, Formosa, Japan. Faculty of science - and agriculture. Memoirs, v.16, no.3, Sept. 1936; v.19, no.2, Aug. 1936. Maki, T. Studies of the skeletal structure, musculature and nervous system of the alder fly Chauliodes formosanus Petersen, v.16, no.3, p- [117 ]-243, illus. Bibliography, p.227-232. (Contrib. no.62. Entomological laboratory.) ; Ogura, K. The ticks parasitic om the principal domestic animals in Formosana, Japan, v.19, no.2, p.[(75]-85, illus. Tenthredo (Acta entomologica) (Kyoto, Japan), v.1, no.2, Nov. 1936. Yasumatsu, K. Ampulicidae of the Japanese Empire (Hymenoptera), p.[165]- Boos Lams’. Literature, p.227-228. Tharandter forstliches jahrbuch (Berlin), v.88, no.l, 1937. Gabler, H. Picromerus bidens L. als feind der Lophyruslarven, p.[51]- Dey, Lida. Literatur, p.58. TO imooreal poricultune (St. Adeustine, Trinidad), v.14.) mo.) jen. 1937. Pickles, A. The control of froghopper blight, p.5-9.— Squire, F. A. Notes on the yellow aphis of sugar—ceane [Sipha flava | Forbes, v.3-4. References, p.4. Universitatis Atheniensis. Instituti et musei zoologici. Acta (Athens), Met emOWjO—i | OCt., LOSE. Shannon) R. C., and Hadjinicolaou,; J. List of Tabanidae (ition) oye Greece, p.[160]-172. References, v.172. Zeitschrift flir angewandte entomologie (Berlin), v.23, no.4, Jan. 1937. fuel, H. Einfluss der witterungselemente auf die grésse von Pieris brassicae L. (Lep.), p.[596]-602, illus. Hoppe, E. Untersuchungen tiber die vitalitat zweier st&mme von Habro- bracon juglendis Ashmead unter verschiedenen bedingungen, p.[559 |- Oia a AAS OES. Schriftenverzeichnis, p.577. Klein-Krautheim, F. Uber die hagebuttenfliege (Rhagoletis alternata Hatter ip. oOSi—ol4) 4dtus. Literatur, p.614. Schuch, K. Beitrage zur ern&hrungsphysiologie der larve des hausbock- katers (Hylotrupes bajulus L.), p.[547)-558, illus. Steiner, ©. Heusbockuntersuchungen. (1. Mitteilung.) Uber den einfluss von temperatur und feuchtigkeit auf das eistadium und bemerkungen zur biologie der imago, p.[531]-546, illus. Thalenhorst, W. Versuche tiber die wirlkung von kontaktst&ubemitteln auf Pieris brassicae L. unter besonderer berticksichtigung der abhangigkeit von biotischen vnd abiotischen faktoren. (%uzleich ein versuch zur ausgestaltung der priifungsmethodik.), p- [615 j-652, aU. Literatur- Vervewmeanits) yp vOol—Oe - Yakhontov, V. V. Zur feststellung des artenbestandes und der rolle der insektenbestéuber der baumwollstaude in Mittelasien, p.[578 |-595. Zeitschrift fur hygienische zoologie und schadlingsbekampfung (Berlin), v.28, aol ALiZ), IDO Se SSO Peus, F. Stechende Thysanopteren (fransenfltigler), p.225-227. [Refer-— ences], p.226-227. Zeitschrift ftir parasitenkunde (Berlin), v.9, no.l, Dec.15, 1936. Ioff, I. Zur systematik der fldéhe aus der unterfamilie Ceratophyllinae, p.(73]-124, illus. Ordsi-Pdl, Z. Uber die melanosekrankheit der honigbiene, p.[125]-+139, illus. Literaturverzeichnis, p.139. Zeitschrift flr pflanzenkrankheiten (Pflanzenpathologie) und pflanzenschutz CSiabicartwiv.4o. now.) LOS6r v.47. moll, 1937. Buhl, C., end Meyer, E. Ein neves gerét zum rapskdferfang, v.47, no.l, 0-54-38, illus. Stritt, W. Der blattminierer Fenusella glaucopis Knw. (Hym., Tenthr.), v.46, no.le, p.608-614, illus. Zusammenfassung, p.614. Subklew, W. Zur kenntnis der larven der Melolonthinae, v.47, no.l, p.18- Biase ne BAD Rohe Literatur, p.32-4. Trag&rdh, I., and Butovitsch, V. Bericht tiber die bekSmpfungsaktion gegen borkenkufer nach sturmverheerungen 1931-1932, v.46, no.12, ».[561 ]—586. a oa a Zeitschrift fulr vergleichende physiologie (Berlin), v.23, no.5, Nov.4, 1936; v.24, no.l, Dec.22, 1936. Beutler, R. Uber den blutzucker der bienen, v.24, no.1, p.[71]-115, illus. Schriftenverzeichnis, p.113-115. Brandt, H. Die abhangigkeit der bewegungsgeschwindigkeit der nonnen- raupe (Lymantria monacha L.) von der temperatur, v.23, no.5, p.[715]- 720. Literaturverzeichnis, p.720. Hundertmark, A. Helligkeits— und farbenunterscheidungsvermtgen der eiraupen der nonne (Lymantria monacha 'L.), v.24, no.l, p.[42]-57, illus. Schriftenverzeichnis, p.57. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche zoologie (Leipzig). Abt.A, v.148, no.4, 1936. Konig, W. Biologische studien tber Ptinus tectus Boield, p.556—599, ‘ illus. Schriftenverzeichnis, p.598-599. Sellke, K. Biologische und morphologische studien an schadlichen Wiesenschnaken (Tipulidae, Dipt.), p.465-555, illus. lLiteratur- Verzeichnis), .pi..\doc-Doo) Zoologische jahrbticher (Jena). Abt. ftir systemmatik, tkologie und geographie der tiere, v.69, no.2, Jan.20, 1937. Malyshev, S. I. Lebensgeschichte der Osmien (Osmia Latr.) (Hymen. Apoidea), p.[107]-176, illus. lLiteraturverzeichnis, p.170-175. Zoologischer anzeiger (Leipzig), v.116, no.7-8, Nov.15, 1936. Gabler, H. Beitrag zur kenntnis der tracheensystems der raupen von Achroea grisella F. und Galleria melonella L., p.176-185, illus. Literatur, p.184-185. Hennig, W. Beziehungen zwischen geographischer verbreitung und sys- | tematischer gliederung bei einigen Dipterenfamilien; ein beitrag zum problem der gliederung systematischer kategorien hdéherer ordnung, p-[161]-175, illus. Literatur, 0.175. Zoologischer anzeiger (Leipzig), 9. Supplementband, Nov. 1936. (Verhand- lungen der Deutschen zoologischen gesellschaft E. V. auf der 38. Jahresversammlung in Freiburg (Br.) vom 4. bis 6. Juli 1936 ... heraus- gegeben von Prof. Dr. C. Apstein.) Gottschewski, G. Quantitative und qualitative unterschiede innerhalb einer allelenreiche bei Drosophila melanogaster, p.104-ll2. Seidel, F. Entwicklungsphysiologie des insekten-keims, p.291-336, LAA Sie Literatur, p.335-336. Ulrich, H. Uber die reaktionsnorm der fortpflanzungsweise von paedogenetischen Cecidomyidenlarven, p.163-168, illus. | Weyer, F. Regenerationsvorgange am mitteldarm der insekten, p.157-163. | a ¢ ENTOMOLOGY: } U, f be Rarears 7 ar A cma Lea } =) te OF Egy BLO VELAIV A? | CURRENT LITERATURE cco SELECTED REFERENCES COMPILED BY THE STAFF OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE LIBRARY FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF) AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C. i i Vol. 6 March - April, 1937 Now 2 ee This list is confined to new books on entomology ana to selected periodical liter- ature relating chiefly to economic entonolo- gy. Publications of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and of the state experinent sta- tions are omitted as a printed Monthly List Of Publicatwons is issued by the Office of Information, and a mimeographed List of State Experiment Station Publications by the Office of Experiment Stations. Publications of the state extension services, and all. articles by members of the department staff in outside publications, are not included as they are issued monthly in Agricultural Library Notes. The contents of the Journal of Economic Ento- mology have also been omitted because nearly all the technical workers have access to it. Periodical references to apiculture are not included. BOOKS Adem, Oe He, and Webb, J, #. Control of injurious insects by a beneficial parasite [Trichogramma iam s2ope ities.) Atlanta, Georzia, 1937,.. (Ga. Dept. Emig epuae: MO. 79.) Argentine Republic. Ministerio de agricultura de la nacion. Comision central de investigaciones sobre la langosta.. Memoria, ... correspondiente al aflo 1934, 248p. illus. Buenos ALres, eds Rosso, 1936, ar aes Armbruster, L. Imkerei-betriebsformen, eine betriebslehre in 52 wirtschaftsbildern, von Ludwig Armbruster mit beitragen von E. C. Alfonsus, HE. R. Root und G. Schimpf. eo6p. illus. Berlin, Verlag des Archiv fiir bienenkunde, 1936. Added t.-p.: Bucher des Archiv fir bienenkunde hrsg. von prof. dr. Ludwig Armbruster. bd.3. Auchter, HE. C., and Knapp, H. B. Orchard and small fruit culture. Hd.3. 627p,. illus. Nai Ye John Wiley & sons, inc., 1937. Partial contents.- Chap. VI. Controlling insects and diseases [of orchard fruits], p.253-350. References, p.346-350; [Strawberry insects and diseases], p.518- 520; [Grape insects and diseases], p.551-553. Bastin, H. Introducing British butterflies. 80p. illus, London, Philip Mian, LOS. Belding, D. L. Manual of human parasitology. [Ed.2.] 318p,.. illus. Boston, [Planographed by Spaulding-Moss company], 1936. Partial con- tents.—- Section V: Arthropoda, p.265-307. Bishara, I. Some pink bollworm [Platyedra gossypiella, Saunders] studies in Egypt. Sop) - dias Bulag, Cairo, Government press, 1936. Egypt. Min. agr. Tech. sci. serv. Ent. bul. 163.) Bulgaria. ‘Ministry of agriculture and public domains. [Publications] no.61, 63. Sofia, Government printing office, 1936. Contents.- no.6l. Chorbadjieff, P. The injurious grasshoppers and other Orthoptera in Bulgaria. 80p. illus. Literature, p-[77]-80. Text in Bulgarian. English summary, p.[75]—76; no.635. Stateloff, N. Beobachtungen und untersuchungen tber die biologie und bekampfung des luzernekafers, Phytodecta fornicata Briigem. 44p, illus. Literatur, p.[44]. Text in Bulgarian. German summary, p.42-43. Central co-operative anti-malaria society ld. ' Annual report ... for the sixteenth & seventeenth years. 445, Calcutta, [1937]. Chekiang, China.*(Province). Bureau of Entomology. Special publication no.28. 1l2p. Hangchow, Chekiang, China, Bureau of entomology, 1936. Contents.- The general sketch of the Bureau of Entomology, Hangchow, China. English text, p.7- ibe Cockerel),. Tis Da Ae African bees of the genera Ceratina, Halictus and Megachile. 204). illus. London, Printed by order of the Trustees of the British museum, 1937. Lea 22 Conférence internationale Ow l'étude de la lutte en commun contre le doryonore, Brussels, 1936. -..Compte rendu et rapports de la conference internationale Brus celles, Palais des academies, ge et 25 Janvier 1956. CZ. ruxelles, Imprimerie des travaux publics (Soc. An. MST sit ike head of title: Royaume de Belgique. Ministere de l'agriculture. Cuba. Estacion Experimental Agronomica Santiago de Las Vegas. Resefia de los insectos del tabaco en Cuba. By S. C. Bruner and Iie Oe SCaramuzizars Dips avis. Republica de Cuba, Secretaria de agricultura, 1936. (Cuba. Estac. Expt. agron. Santiago de las Vegas. Cire. no.80.) Culture methods for invertebrate animals. By P. S. Galtsoff, F. E. LUUZR eer Se NeLCh dis Gs. Necdham et al. 5900p. illus. Ithaca, Nei, Comstock publishing company, inec., 1937. Deshpande, Bs P., and Nadkarny, N. 7. The spotted boll-worms of cotton (Farias fabia Stoll. esl Beret insulana Boisd.) in South Gujarat, Bombay Presidency. (Final report on investigations financed by tne Indian Centra] Cotton Committee, 1923 to 1931.) POS oaninis’s Delhi , Manager of publications, 1936. References, p.2c03. (Imp. council agr. “research, Sci. monte. no.10.) a Hawes sie Hie imisecimicides tO Control Insect pests in Jamaica. 50p. illus. Jamaica, Government printing office, 1936. (Jamaica. Dept. of sei. and agzr. new ser. Bul. no.6.) Hgypt.* Ministry of Public Health. Research Institute and the Endemic Diseases Hospital. Hourta annual report 1934. 1106p. illus. Cairo, Government press, Bulaq, 1936. Partial contents.- Pt. I, Sect. IV - Medical ento- mology, p.27- 68. Eller, K. : ‘ Die rassen von Papilio machaon L. 6p. an Tass Leiden, EH. d. Birt LIS. Esaki,-T., Hashimoto, S.;, and Sames SJalabileh youll Report on the leaf- -hoppers injurious to the rice plant and their natural enemies. No.l(for year 1929)-no.8(for year 1936). Various paging, illus. Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 19320-Apr. 19 37, (Kyushu imp. univ. Dept. agr. Ent. lab. Pub. no.1-8.) Text in Japanese. Essex County Mosquito Extermination Commission. REPOGi we. for 1956. AD illus. Newark, \Nediee o Olmace. Hasal of records, [19377]. | mes | Fahringer, J. ; Opuscula braconologica. Bd.4 (Palaearktische region -— Bd.3). Lfg.4-6. p.257-520.. Wien, Fritz Wagner, 1937. Ferris, G. F. , a Atlas of the scale insects of North America. Series'1, no.1-136, ald bi Stanford university, Calif. Stanford university press,- London, Humphrey Milford - Oxford university press, 1937. (Planographed) Fiebiger, J. d : Die tierischen parasiten der haus- und nutztiere, sowie des men- schen... Ed.d, 374p. illus. Berlin und Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1936. . Partial contents.- Arthropoda, p.[269]- 340. Ghosh, ©. C. Instructions on silk-worm rearing. Ed.3 rev. Din , aS Ran- goon, Burma, Supdt. Govt. printing and stationery, 1936. (Burma. Dept. of agr. Bul. NOe ler) Great Britain. Economic Advisory Council. Committee on. Locust Control. The locust outbreak in Africa and western Asia in,1935, Survey prepared by B. P. Uvarov and WV. Milnthorpe. 63p. folded map. London, His Majesty's stationery office, 1937. Bibliography..., De DO-62. - Guide, J. Die wanzen Mitteleuropris. Hemiptera Heteroptera Mitteleuropas. Ve Teil, 2. 7. Familie: Llygaeidae. p.l07-222, illus. Frankfurt ae Me, Verlag des Internationalen entomologischen vereins EH. Ve, IBS ESA Hedicke, He. Hditor. Hymenopterorum catalogus. Pars 2-4. 's-Gravenhage, W. Junk, 1937. Contents.- pars 2. Klima, A. Cephidae. Slp., Syntexidae. [l]p-; pars 3. Klima, A. Pamphiliidae. 84p.; pars 4. Klima, A. Xyelidae. lép. Hoenig, J. Vergleichende untersuchungen tiber die wirksamkeit einiger derris- praparate bei der dasselbekampfung des rindes. Inaugural- dissertation ... Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universitat in Berlin. ee Cpe Berlin, Rudolph Pfau, 1936. At head of title: Aus dem Tiergesundheitsamt der Landesbauernschaft Ostpreussen in Konigs- berg/Pr. Direktor: Dr. Krage. ot Indian Lac Research Institute, Namkum, Ranchi, Bihar, India. Annual report for the year Ist. April 1935 to 31st uaeels 1936. 30p. Calcutta, Star printing works, NI Cas International Congress of fiewoneeigey ele London, 25 July-1 August, LOSE. Report of proceedings. Hdited by R. St.John-Brooks. BAS)io} ab IbAbbieys HondontiwLIS.. Partial contents.—- Seci.5. Medical, veterinary and agricultural zoology and parasitology, p.2d0-d47. Kine, Hen and Peisiseilis., Wk inmsecic scowLe. Ww OSpe alu. New York and London, Harper & BO ROer LIS A: i Thindner, fy). Die fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. Lfg.106-107. Stuttgart, H. Schweizerbart'sche verlagsbuchhandlung (Erwin NAgele), 1937. Contents.- 1fg.106. Hennig, VW. Tanypezidac. 6p. illus. [Fam. 44], Coelopidae. BSrovy ial Ll wise [Fam.52]; 1f2.107. Goetghebuer, ife Tendipedidae (Chironomidae). b) Subfamilie Tendipedinae (Chironominae). ©48p. illus. ([Fam.1léc]. “McClung, Cee. (Hailtor. Handbook of microscopical technique for workers in animal and plant tissues. OOS ge Sie) New York, Panis By HOC DEM. LAC eis) eo Oaate Mewes iN.) Ey. ‘ Tables systematiques des Hymenoptéeres parasites (fam. Ichneumonidae) de 1'URSS et des pays limitrophes. v.1-3. ADB SSO, cic lps.) Lise Leningrad, Akademia nauk SSSR, 1933-1934. (Neadey Sei). USSRe iments | Zool, Tableaux analyt. de la faune de 1'URSS, no.9, 15.) Morris, H. M. Injurious insects of Cyprus. blp. Nicosia, Cyprus government printing office, 1937. (Cyprus agr. dept. Bul. no.4 (Ent. ser.).) Nordstrom, F., and Wahlgren, E. Dcnska wt jaridan ... Hafte 8-9. »p.75-104, illus. Stockholm, Akticbolaget familjeboken, [19377]. OeMontainis sD 's,y A. Insectes Coléoptéres. Vol. XXVI. no.l. Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae. OOO dus Moscow/Lening >rad , Academie des sciences de 1'URSS, 1936. (Faune de 1'URSS, nouy,. ser. no.8.) At head of title: Institut zoologique de l'Academie des sciences de 1'URSS. Osborn, H. Fragments of entomological history, including some personal recollec-— tions of men and events. 62 Opie: alleys Columbus, Ohio, Pub- lisned by the author, 1937. Peru. Ministerio de Fomento. Dirceecion de Agricultura y Ganadoria. Estacion Experimental Agr icola de La Molina. Circular no.dé. ima, Instituto de altos estudios agricolns, 1936. Contents.- Colmenares, He CL rier tira. (Datos culturales, sani- tarios y economicos.) 20p. Perue iiinisterio de Fomento. Direccion de Agricultura y Ganaderia. Estacion Experimental Aericola de La Molina. Memoria no.6. Lima, Instituto de altos estudios agricolas, 1933. Partial contents.—- Anexo 11. Wille, J. Informe sobre el viaje a las lomas de Lachay, efectuado el 24 de Julio de 1933, p.262-264; Anexo 12. Wille, J. Insectos del cacao y.de la coca, p.26b-266; eels. Wille, J. El:barreno Diatraea saccharalis en piura, 267-268; Anexo 14. Ville, J. Ensayo del sulfato de nicotina nacional, p. .269; Arexo 15. Wille, J. El Metamasius hemipterus en la Molina, p.270-271; Anexo 16. Ville, J. Corstatacion de un nuevo insecto de la catia en la hacienda infantas, p.272-273; Ane x0. Iie. Rada, uGe Ges es "aratero" del cafeto, p.274-275; Anexo 18. Rada, G. G. ntrol del oidium de la vid y de la "mancha ae la hoja" del eee p.276-277. Peterson, A. A manual of entomological equipment and methods. Part II. Boa) » illus. St. Louis, Jonn S. Swift co., inc., 1937. (Planographed:) Plavilstshikov, NX. N. Insectes Coléoptéres. Vol. XXI. Cerambycidae (P.1). 6l1lp. illus. Moscow/Leningrad, Academie des sciences de 1'URSS, 1936. . (Faune de 1'URSS, nouv. ser. no.7.) At head of title: Teese Zoologzique de l'!Académie des Sciences de L'URSS.3 Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. Proceedings ... eighth annual conference, Cairns, Queensland from 17th to 24rd March, 1937. 284p. illus. Brisbane, H. Pole & co., pty. ltd., [1937]. Partial contents.- Mungomery, R. i. Progress report of sugar cane beetle borer [Rhabdocnemis obscura, Bois.] investiga- tions in North Queensland, p.49-63; Buzacott, J. H. Rind hardness determinations as an aid in beetle borer control, p.143-152. Refzan, C. T. Hditor. Natural history. 896P- illus. London and Melbourne, Ward, Locke & coe; limited, [1936]. Partial contents.- Robson, G. C. Inverte- brates (other than insects), p.13-94; Aubertin, D. Insects (Insecta), p.95-186. ; Ribaut, H.. i Homopteres Auchenorhynques. I (Typhlocybidae). ee8p. illus. Popesese Paul Lechevalier et fils, 1936. (Fsaune de France 31.) Sao Paulo, Brazil (State). Instituto evonen co de Campinas. Boletim, no.12-13. 1936. ‘Contents.- no.12. Lima, A. R. Instruc- goes praticas para installag&o e tratamento do viveiro de fumo. 19p. Sao Paulo, Imprensa official do Estado, 1936; no.13. Lima, A. R. iMelhoramento da produc¢ao de fumo em corda no "Estado de SB0 Paulo. 13p. Campinas, "1936. Sehutz, Pi. Ueber die haemolytische wirkung des bienengiftes. Inaugural-disserta- iGelsOlvalrele Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen. Slp. Forehheim, Fr., Girtlers buchdruckerei, G. m. b..H., 1936. Schrifttums-nachweis, p.3l. Me Suffolk County Mosquito Extermination Commission. aud Report ...., ending, Oct. 31, 1936, 23p. illus. [Riverhead, N. Y., Riverhead News, 19377]. SHAMOS 6 CG Ws 4 Shalel Weatera lets ue The eradication of Gllossina] palpalis from river areas by the "block" methode (An experiment financed by the Colonial development fund). Siljog st alahorsy, (Cine atl diagr.) - Nairobi, Kenya Colony, Printed by the government printer, 1937. At head of title; Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. aso Ot oe Gre A monograph of the pierine genus Delias. Part VI (Conclusion). p.261-656. illus. London, Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1937. Additions to the bibliography, p.590- BG ka Townsend, C. H. T. anual of myiology. Pt. IV. Oestroid classification and habits. Dexiidae and Exoristidae. 255p. Itaquaquecetuba, Sao Paulo, Brasil, Charles Townsend & filhos, 1936. Union of South Africa. Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Science bulletin no.148. 1956. 27p.. illus.- Pretoria, Printed in the Union of South Africa by the Government Printer, 1936. Contents.- Ripley, L..B., and van Heerden, P. W. Studies on gusta- tory reactions and feeding of wattle bagworm [Acanthopsyche junodi], with special reference to dusted foliage. Were oA Strange insects and their Ss ZO vy uleluicien | Boston, L. C. Page & company, [cl937]. (Strange stories from nature series.) Eg. 2 Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Glen Osmond, South Australia. Report ... 1933-1936. 182p. illus. Adelaide; Hassell press, 1937. Partial contents.- Entomology, p-54-68; Investigations on plant virus diseases, p.[84]-90. ° References, p.90.:- Westcott, C. MS es The plant doctor; the how, why and when of disease and insect con- trol in your garden. 228p. illus. No Mo; He A Stokes) com— pany, LISTis : Wolf, B. , ee Animalium cavernaram:catalogus. Pars. 11: Band II, .pi457-560. 's Gravenhage, W. Junk, 1937. ane Sie uA : : : ‘Principles of entomology. Veld.. 608; 47p. dildus.) 2955. Wext in Chinese. Zumpt, F. ye Die tsetsefliegen, ihre erkennungsmerkmale, lebensweise und bekamp- fung. Hin leitfaden flir die praxis.- 149p. -illus. Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1936. Literaturtibersicht, p.124-142. PERIODICALS Academie-des sciences. Paris. - Comptes rendus, v.204, no.ll, Mar.15, 1937. Heritier, P. 1', Neefs, Y., and Teissier, G. Apterisme des insectes et selection naturelle, pi907-909, illus. Agricultural progress (Cambridge, Eng.), v.14, pt.1, 1937, Meikle, A. A. The insects associated with bracken, p.58-60- American journal of tropical medicine: (Baltimore),.v.17, no.2, Mar. 1957. Boyd, M. F., and Kitchen,- §. F.. A further note on. the infectiousness of anopheline mosquitoes infected with P. vivax and P. falciparum, p.c45-251. Butts, D. C. A. Malaria in Camden County, New Jersey, p.279-287, illus. References, p.287. Simmons, J. S. Observations on the importance of Anopheles puncti- macula as a malaria vector in Panama, and report of experimental in- fections in A. neomaculipalpus, A.apicimacula, and A. eiseni, p.191- Zil-joe abla bors References, pecl2. Watson, R. B., and Spain, E. L. Studies on malaria in the Tennessee Valley. The influence of: physiography on the occurrence of breeding places of Anopheles quadrimaculatus in Northern Alabama, p.<89-305, illus. References, p.304-305,. American nurseryman (Chicago, THe) S “Ve6S. mos 7s Apreds L237. Gambrell, F. L. Gall aphis and other evergreen pests, p.[3]-6, illus. ul co I Annals of the- Transvaal museum (Cambridge, Eng.), ve ls O04, °Febeld, 1937. . athe Hering, M. Revi etn" der Chrysopolomidae ‘cone Dis 288-257, illus. Annotationes zoologicae Japonenses Ciokyo) veils, mold, June 20, 1936. (Received Mor.10, 1937.) Untersuchungen liber die Japanischen wasserinsekten. I. Tsuda, M. Kitagamiidae, eine’ neve familie der Trichopteren, p. 394-399, illus. II. ifatsunae, r, ‘Lepidostomatinae (Trichoptera) , p.400-409, illus, Anzeiger fur schadlingskunde (Berlin): vols. 1eS7s noal, dem. ld: momer Feb.15. ie ‘ ; Beran; F. ‘Zur kenntnis der obstbaumkarbolineumemulsionen. II. Teil- chengrésse und insektizide wirkung, no.l, p.1-3, illus, © Schrift- UME le S's i Liebers, R. Aphomia gularis Zeller in ciner rheinischen stisswaren- Pome MO ls set — ld NUS 5 Literaturverzeichnis, p.1ll. Wlarcus, B. A. Ergebnisse einer kiefernspannerbekampfung mit dem neuen beruhriungsgift "Detal!! (E. Merck); no.2, p,.17=18. Sched ie i..: Zur bekampfung des kdefernprozessionsspinners, O52 5 p. 18-20, illus. Thalenhorst, W. Senf6l‘(allylisothiocyanat) als kampfmittel gegen den maikaferengerling, no.2, p.15-17. Literatur; p.17. Weidner, H. Die schadling skunde als aufgabe der museen, NO +8, Dee IS} 5 re Jal ySe eae Arbeiten tiber physiologische und: angewandte Casio yOu eee aus Berlin-Dahlem, ve4, nowl, Mar.8, 1937. Horn; We Uber einen insekten-Gott der Chinesen, en waereks, H, Ueber die sicherkeit der voraussage von schltipterminen bei schadinsekten, -p.17-30, illus. Schriftenverzeichnis, p.c9-30. Rayment, T. Biology of a new halictine bee and specific Pecariet ae of its parasités; p.30-60, illus. References, p.60. ~ Thiem, H. Vom dlattrippenstecher (Rhynchites pauxillus Germ.) als obstbaumschaddling, p.1-17, illus. lLiteraturverzeichnis, p.15-17. Archiv fiir naturgeschichte (Leipzig), new ser. v.5, no,4;, Dec,31, 1936. Seheerpeltz, 0. Die von Prof. Dr. H. Hidmann gelegentlich seiner im Jahre 1933 nach Brasilien unternommenen studienreise aufgesammelten Staphyliniden. I. Die in den nestern von Atta sexdens L. aufgefund- enen Staphyliniden, nebst ecinigen bemerkungen Uber die gattung Stariphaeus Er:, p.[483]-540, illus. Archiv flir schiffs-und tropen-hygiene- (Leipzig); v.41, no,3, Mar. 1937. Feng, L. C. The hibernation mechani sm of mosquitoes, De 351-337, i LISELI a Schrifttun, 2 oC: & Wucs Archiv fiir schiffs-und tropen-hygiene (Leipzig). ~COntinued. Jurukoff, B. Massenhafte erkrankungen beim menschen hervorgerufen durch Pediculoides ventricosus, ».337-34l, illus. - Schrifttun, p.d41. ‘Melissinos, J. Pathologisch-anatomische Enter ei bei Dengue- fieber, p.[321]-331. : Arvernia biologica (Clermont), fasc.15, July. 1936. Bonneville, P. P. Recherches sur l'anatomie microscopique des ter- mites. 123p. illus. © Index bibliographique,. p.120-123. Der biologe (Munich), v.6, no.2,- Feb. 1937. Gandert, ( ), Halle, ( ), and Daxer, ( ). Erbbiologische versuche am veranderlichen blattkafer. (Chrysomela varians Schall. )s p.59-63, illus..: , , British Columbia. Entomological society. Proceedings (Vancouver) , NOsao. wan. 1957. Andison, H. The juniper webworm (pichonenie ja rattaens Fabr.), p-[3]-5. Dennys, A» A. An orthopterous pest [Cyphoderris monstrosa chee or apple trees in the intérior of B. €., p.€-7, illus. Getzendaner, C. W. The introduction and propacation of Digonichaeta setipennis Fall., a parasite of the European earwig, p.8-le. Glendenning, R. The status of ‘the gladiolus : ‘thrips a a simplex Morr. ] in British Columbia, p.13-14. Gregson, J. D. Studies on the rate of tick feeding in relation to disease, p-L5—cil, aadiinis. [Hopping, G: R.] Insects (or near rélatives) of economic impor peuge recently noted in British Columbia, p.46-47, : Heriot, A.D. The crumena of the Coccidae and the Adelges, pe22-24. Jacob, J. K. A preliminary list of protozoa in British Columbia ‘termites, p.25-29. [Bibliography, p.28-29]; Winter insects in British Columbia, p.30-31. Llewellyn-Jones, J. Ry J. Some food plants of lepidopterous larvae, p 632-34. Motlliet, T. K. A review of tick paralysis in cattle in British Col- umbia, with notes on several new cases, p-d0-39. References, p.d9. Olds, H. F. The life history and habits of the red-legged ham beetle "Necrobia rufipes" (De Geer); p.40-41. Spencer, G. J. ° ‘The termite situation in British eonabee chicigeibels: p-42443; The menace of rat parasites in Vancouver in 1936, p44 =A5\, Bulletin of entomological research (London), v.28, pt-1, Mar. 1937. Antunes, P. C. A. A new Anopheles and a new Goeldia from Colombia (Dipt. Culic.),-p.69-73, illus. References; p.73. [Anopheles (Lophopodomyia, n.subgen.) squamifemur, sp.n.; Goeldia-lanei, sp.n.] Compere, H. Coccid-inhabiting parasites from Africa with descriptions of new Encyrtidae and Aphelinidae, p.43-51, illus, »e TL + Bulletin of entomological research (London). Contimed. Fisher, Rw. ©. Incidence of: attack by the pin-hole. borer,, Platypus Cys rus, hay, needs ash oelli— Se nus.) | Remememees.) po. Codidhina = Ey, Further notes: on the food-plants of Nigerian -in- SOCwSG y ose Qo SEAS Hamilton, A. G.« -The aechenen of respiration of locusts and its bearing on the problem of. inhalation of poison dusts, p.53-68, AIS 5 References, p.68. Jepson, Ve F. Observations on the morphology enn bionomics of serica brunnea, L., with notes on allied chafer pests. Part I, ~ ‘ The morphology af the larva of Serica brunnea, L., p.149-165, illus. Inlsnichofeniqblasls) 5) yo) 9 dUe\o\ Lewis, E. A. Sheep scab: remedial measures reviewed, p.11-28, illus. Refesences; p.e7—-c8. Nash, T. A. M. Climate, the vital factor-.in. the ecology of Glossina, pe’o=127, illus. -: References, p.126-127. . Potts, The excretion Of Unie acid anime ‘silkworm larva, p.[305]-309. Literature, p.309; Statistics of the body weight in silkworm, p.[311]-346.. | ; Journal of parasitology (Lancaster, Penn.), v.23, no.l, Feb. 1937. Young, Me D. Cockroaches as camriers of ae eysts, p.102-103. Journal of the ‘Department. ‘Of Aepicileors of Tore (lielbourne), Wiel OOe IMBGen. WSIS IUSEYe Robertson, W. C. Teel cecenat and tne ene Analyses of collected samples, 1936, p.85-88, illus. Journal of the Ministry of agriculture, Great Britain (London), v.43, no.12, Waren ova VE AC er Ose Morin OS (6 Berrie, G. The blowfly in Australia; some methads of prevention, v.44, Oo dq Do SOsa6 : Sothern Hee ie nd. ale J. He. Cutworms:as.sugar—-beet pests, and their control, v.44, no.l, p.43-49, illus. Tribe, m. H. Layout for a modern bulb bath, v. AG “no.12, p.1139-1144, aide Lumnbul Jini, Hruat tree bomencins im) LOCO 4O), 6512, p.1145-1157. The chrysanthemum midge [Diarthronomyia sp.j], v.43; .no.12, p.1158- TEINS IE 5 SAL Tusie Journal of tropical medicine and hygiene (London), v.4Q, no.4, Feb.15, 1937. Lamborn, W. A. The haematophagous fly Musca sorbens, Wied., in rela~ “ition to the transmission of leprosy, p.[37]-42. References, p.42, Kontyu (Tokyo, Japan), v.10, 1936; no.3, May; no.4, July; no.5, Sept; no.6, Nov. Pe fara é Ii, N. 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Société de biologie. Paris. Comptes rendus, v.124, no. On Sore Dreslnon Ava and Busnel, Re: G.. Le potassium oY la réserve alceline chez quelques Coléopteres, 196 806-807. Lafon, ti. Les facteurs liposolubles nécessaires 2 la croissance de Drosophila me la anogaster Meig., p.798-800;. Les facteurs hydrosolubles nécessaires @ la croissance de Drosophila melanogaster Meig., Pp. 800- 803. Société de géographis. Gereve. latériaux pour l'Stude des calamites, OU MO lt OBE. vilontandon], Rn. Chronique: acridienne. L'etat actuel | des recherches sur les seuterelles migratrices, p.66-79. Societé de pathologie exotique. Paris. Bulletins, v.30, no.2, Feb.10, 1937. Malis ike Tels Wienale Guelles sont les excitations incitant l'’Anopneles macul-— ipennis atroparvus @ visiter et a piquer l'homme ou te ieee 0 p.193- 203. Traveux cités, paZOSr. ee ge Socicté de pathologie exotique. Paris. Bulletins. Continued. Thiel, P. van, and Sautet, J.. Htude concernant l'existence des biotypes anthnropophniles de l'Anopheles. maculipennis, p.186—193. Bibliograonie, p.192-193. Société des naturalistes de lioscou. Bulletin. erica 2 ceo new ser. v.45, no.4, 1936. Boulanove, EH. Sur la prepasted endozoique des Tyroglyphes par les souris, p.[294]-297. Text in Russian. French summary, p.297, Kozaulina, 0. Deplacement des differentes espSeces de tiques sur les divers substratums,. p-L298]-306,. illus. . Literatura, p.3C5. Text in Russian. French summary, p.305-300. ; : Rumjanzef, P. D. Biology of the willow-mota Stilpnotia salicis L. in the town conditions of iioscow, p.[271]-278, illus. Text in Russian. Samsonia, K. P. Sur la. nature de'1l'influence des carbonates sur le charangon de grénier (Calandra granaria L.), p- (507]+311. Text in Russian. ¥renen summary, D.d1l. Zolotarev, 3. Tne migratory locust (Locusta migratoria L.) of the Povol- znje Gaede Volga region), p.[285]-293.. Literatura, p.292. ° Text in Russian. ee Sue Decvo. Société a@'histoize naturelle ea LAgrique du Nord. Algiers. Bulletin, Wasco NO. Jan. L957. epesme, P. L'action externe des arsenicaux’ sur le crique pélerin (Schistocerca gregaria: Forsk.), p.[88]-103, illus. Bibliographie, p. 101-103. pails 3 Societé entomologique de Belgique. See Bulletin et annales, v.76, no.ll, DE Cw oe ISbs Warechal, P. Bthologie des Try poxylon (Hym. enee .) et observations sur T, attenuatum Sm., P. “L373 ]- 396, illus. ‘Bibliographie, p.393- 396. Bhi ees: Societé entomologsique de “France el Annales, v.41, no.19, 1936. Schaefer, L. Note biologique sur Kpeentoo eriasi Rob, [Col. Buprestidae], p. 320-322). id use.:- Shocknoim. Statens skogsforsoksanstalt. weddelanden, no.29, 1936-37: Butovitsch, V. Studier over tallsxottvecklaren, Zvetria buoliana schists Del Wi ypopt7h-b56. ad tas. Anford pe POU RICE P-5oi—5SS. Text in Swedisn. German summary , ~.534-556. Forsslind, K. H. Nordliga gransagstekeln (lygaeonematus subarcticus Forssl.) im nyupptackt skadeinsekt i Lappland, p.[170]-186, illus. Litteratur, p.185. Text in Swedish. German summary, p.185-186. Suomen Hyonteistieteellinen Aikakeuskirja ely (Annales entomolo- gici Fennici), v.3, no.1l, 1937. mee Kangas, E. Uber die ‘gaeesie crass a6 at leubholzer, p.35—-69, illus. Literatur, p.39. Sotavalta, 0. Some cases of gynandromorphismus in a hatch of Lasio- campa quercus L. (Lep., Lasiocampidae), p.30-32, illus. Te kura ngahere; the New Zealand journal of forestry (Christchurch, N. Z.), Ore) LISS. Clark, A. #. Pinhole and-shothole borers, p.59-43, Torino. Laboratorio sperimentale e regio osservatorio di fitopatologia. Bolletwine, v.lS, imo.5-6, Oct.-Dec. 1936. Aish . Della Beffa, G. Contributo alla conoscenza degli insetti parassiti dei pioppi l'Harias vernana Hb. (Nottua della gemme del pioppo DEAMCO) AOS oes el lus.) Baplaoeratia. 0.58, Treubia (Buitenzorg), v.15, no.4, Dec. 1936. Bequaert, J. The common oriental hornets, Vespa tropica and Vespa AaGmemics. end taeir) color forms, p.d29-s51, illus. Der Tropenptlanzer (Berlin), v.40, no.l,.Jan. 1937. Zumpt, F. Untersuchungen aber Booty aeaT ASpenal und deren bekampfung im pflanzungsgebiet des kamerunberges, p.1-31, illus. (Fortsetzung folgt.) Tropische natuur (Batavia). Jubileum uitgave, verschenen als speciaal nummer @e 2... Tropische natuur Dec. 1946. Leefmans, S. Het palissaden-rupsje. (Zndozestis atmanthes Meyr.), p.45-48, illus. Lieftinek, ti. A. Zon, water en Libellen, p.100-lll. Meer Mohr, J. C. van der. Faunistisch: onderzoek van eenige grotten op Sumatrais oostkust en Tapanoeli, p.60-67, illus. Roepke, W. Van een merkwaardige plant en een merkwaardig insect. Huonymus japonicus Thbg. en Hyponomeuta antistatica Meyr. in Midden- Nemes OleOl24, atius. United States public health reports (Washington, D. C.), v.52, NOl Mor. Apr.16, 1937. ja Kohis, G. M. Hosts of the immature stages of the Pacific Coast tick Der- macentor occidentalis Neum. (Ixodidae), p.490-496. References, p.496. University of California. Berkeley. Publications in entomology, VieiO)y MOwal oe Henin ali MeKengie, H. L. iorphological differences distinguishing California red scale, yellow scale, and- related species (Homoptera-Diaspididae), p-323-335, illus. Bibliography, p.332. Unmiivencn py. Of Huccto Rico. Rio Piedras. (JOurnal of ‘asriculture, v.20) none Ocue m Sos ive, nol. jan. 1OSt. Audent, A. The mexican cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman, alial JRL able NAG Blliny naloyy, AL WTO GESEava. sully Ne BGediey WA5 MSBP sarc, Beno Se ues Clcadeiiaidac Jom iGubarn. ve cO aor p.915-973, illus. Bibliography, p.971-973. saul Wolcott, G. N. The life history of "Diaprepes abbreviatus" L., at Rio Pods a PuemtO RACOs) Vis cO wi, 4) DeSSo—oL4, wibasi Bibliography, p.913-914; What the giant Surinam toad, Bufo marinus L., is eating DOT PWT LOM COs Viel. NO. Ls, We. ”9=84. Literature cited, p.84. — S i Victorian naturalist (Melbourne), v.53, no.10, Feb. 1937. ° Coleman, E. Pollination in Australia of tne veined-leaf cuckoo-pint, Arum italicum, p.167-171, illus. [Psychoda]. Vladivostok. Del'nevostochnaia filial Akademii naux SSSR. Bulletin of the Far Eastern branch of the Academy of sciences of the U. S. S. R., 1936; NOeL9, DOO, Kurentzof, A. I. The Lepidoptera of the mountain ridge Sichote-Alin and the problem about the oe of its: fauna p.ela7 laa palinge: Text in Russian. English summary, no.20, p.[170]-172, Masslow, A.-W. ‘The pani cree of index mawiliagie of Anopheles hyrcanus Pall. (To the question on malaria in the Far zast. Commun- ication V), no.19, p.[145]=[152]. Text im Russian. gnedash summary, p.[152]. Vowttson.. P. L. sur la biologie d' Hpilachna vigintioctomaculate itsch., noet9.” p.()155i—(' 164]. Yedeoth (Rehoboth, Palestine), v.3, no.1-2, June 1936.. Klein, H. Z. The geometrid moths of the deciduous fruit trees in Palestine, p.11é-114 (reverse paging). Yugoslavia. Ministere de l'agriculture. Arhiv, ministarstva poljoprivrede (Beograd), V 4, no, 6, 1937. ' Kovacevic, Z. Prilog poznavanju Apnelinus mali, p.[85]-101, illus. Ijteratura, p.99-100. Text in Yugoslavian. German summary, p.100- TOW. Zeitschrift fur morphologie und ékologie der tiere (Berlin), v.32, no.2, dene tS, L957. Fortner, G. Zur ernahrungsfrage der Simliumlarve, p.[360]-383, illus. Literaturverzeichnis, 0.383. Hohorst, W. Die begattungsbiologie der grille Oecantnhus pellucens Scopoli, p.[/227]-275, illus. Literaturnachweis, p.274-275. Profft, J. Beitrage zur symbiose der Aphiden und Psylliden, p.[289]- 426, illus. Schriftenverzeichnis, p.325-326. Schulze, P. Trilobita, Xiphosura, Acarina. Hine morphologische unter- suchung uber plangleichheit zwischen trilobiten und spinnentieren, p.[181]-226, illus. Schriftenverzeicnnis, p.224—-226. Steiner, P, Beitrag zur fortpflanzungsbiologie und morphologie des genitalapparates von Boreus hiemalis L., p.[276]-288, illus. Literatur, p.288. Zeitschrift fur pflanzenkrankheiten (Pflanzenpathologie) und pflanzen- schutz (Stuttgart), v.47, 1937; no.2; no.3; no.4. Fulmek, L., and Enser, K. Wurmige Eeiatee. no.3, p.140-142. Keufmenn, 0. Untersuchungen uber die zusammensetzung und veranderung der parasitengarnitur der rubenfliegenpuparien in Deutschland, no.2, Daro—-oo. alas Scenrifttum, p.86.. AUT ee Zeitschrift fur pflanzenkrankheiten ... (Stuttgart). Continued. Korting, A. “Ueber die phytopathogsne bedeutung von getreidethysan- opteren. Hine erwiderung, no.2, p.l02-110. literatur, p.110. Klee, H., and Rademacher, B. Untersuchungen uber die bekampfung der weizengallmuckenlarven durch bodenbearbeitung und dungung, no.4, pecd2-200. Schriftenverzeichnis, p.250. y langenbuch, ( ). Massnahmen zur verhutung der beschadigung des kar- toffelkrautes durch die arsenspritzungen gegen der kartoffelkafer, MOne Deg ON Ole ann sr. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche zoologie (leipzig) Abt.A, v.149, no.l, De Cremalee ore Faber, A. Die laut- und bewegungsausserungen der Oedipodinen. Biolo- giscn, tierpsychologisch und vergleichend— funktionell beschrieben; mit eimen erstnachweis von tonhaften lauten bei Acridiiden und mehrfachen lautformen bei weibdchen. Allgemeines zur biologie der paarungseinleitung und paarung, p.l-85, illus. Senriftenverzeicn- nis, p.84-85. Zoological magazine (Tokyo), v.48, no.l2, Dec. 1936. Kurisaki, M. Dendrolimus spectabilis Butiler. The structure of the silk gland and the production of the silk substance in Dendrolims spectebilis Butller, p.965-[973], illus. References, p.971-972. Text in Japanese. Hnglish summary, p.905-966. Zoologische jahrbucher (Jena). Abteilung fur allgemeine zoologie und iis OMOcMe dor tilereuory sor, NO.4, Bebela, 1937. Honjo, I. Beitrage zur lichtkompassbewegung der insekten, insbesondere in bezung auf zwei lichtquellen, p.[375]-416, illus. Literatur- We raziC eC aiamse i. 41:6. Zoologische jahrbucher (Jena). Abteilung fur anatomie und ontogenie der hee NOC MOMs) Neda. v LOO « zschorn, J. Beitrage zur skelettbildung bei Arthropoden, p.[323]-348, mais Literaturverzeichnis, p.348. Zoologischer anzeiger (Leipzig), v.117, 1937; no.1/2, Jan.1; no.5/6, Feb.1; no.7/8, Feb. 15. Grell, K. G. Beitrage zur kenntnis von Actinarctus doryphorus 5. Schulz nebst bemerkungen zur tardigradenfauna des Helgolander skitt- getts, no.5/6, p.143-154, illus. Kremer, A. S. Uber die sogennannten tracheenlungen von Gryllus domesticus und Nepa cinerea, NO an Develo aac. laterals ae VOI lenz, F. Die jugendstadien der gattung Pseudochironomus Staeg., ino 2, jou E Svan aoKsle I shinkepaennelaaly OG dulby Pflugfelder, 0. Die entwicklung der optischen ganglien von Culex Pipes, mowl/2) p.51-S6. illus. | Literatur, p.36. Steiniger, F. Ist das mimikryproolem eine vergleichend-morpnologische oder eine okologische frage?, no.7/8, p.220-224. _ CURRENT LITERATURE Mies oe de ] Vepa arbment OL Agriculture SELECTED REFERENCES COMPILED BY THE STAFF : OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE - LIBRARY Gkon PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES f 3 + DEPARTMENT. OF. AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C, i] ae Oe RR oe Vol. 6 May - June, 19387 No. 3 This list is confined to new books on entomology and to selected periodical litera- ture relating chiefly to economic entomology. Publications of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture and of the state experiment stations are omitted as a printed Monthly List of Pub- lications is issued by the Office of Informa- tion, and a mimeographed List of State Exper- iment Station Publications by the Office of Experiment Stations. Publications of the state extension services, and all articles by members of the department staff in outside publications, are not included as they are issued monthly in Agricultural Library Notes. The contents of the Journal of Economic BEnto- mology have also been omitted because nearly all the technical workers have access to it. Periodical references to apiculture are not included. BOOKS British South Africa Company. Mazoe Citrus Experiment Station. Annual seport for 1935. 74p. illus. Oxford, University press, 1936. (Brit. So. Africa co. Pub. no.5) Partial contents.- Jones, HE. P. Entomological review, 1935, p.[1]-10; The bionomics and ecOlogy of red scale - Aonidiella aurantii, Mask. - in Southern Rhodesia, p.[11]-52, illus. Bibliography, p.52. Chrystal, R. N. Insects of the British woodlands. 338p. illus. London and Now York, Frederick Warne & co., ltd., [cl937]. Bibliography, p.d27- 550 6 — China. National Agricultural Research Bureau. Special publication no.14, no.1l6. Nanking, Sept., Oct. 1936. Contents.- no.14. Woo, F.C., and Cheng, T. S. A general invest- igation of the locust outbreaks in China during the year 1935... 20p.- illus. Text in Chinese. English summary, p.19-20; no.l6. Tsai, Pe-h. Recent trend in the study and control of rice borers in Chinas 95p. illus. Text in Chinese. English summary, p.92-93. = Della Beffa, G. I parassiti animali delle piante coltivate od utili. 2 v. (917p-) illuse Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 1931, 1934. At head of title: Prof. Dott. Teodoro Ferraris. Trattato di Patologia e Terapia Vegetale ad uso delle Scuole di Agricoltura. East Malling Research Station, East Malling, Kent. Annual report (Twenty-fourth year) 1936. 302p. illus. ([London, Headley brothers], May 1937. Partial contents.- Massee, A. M. Notes on some interesting mites and insects observed on fruit trees in 1936, p.222-228; Massec, A. Me. Studies on the transmission of the strawberry virus "yellow-edge" discase by insects. III. Aphid transmission experiments and period of infectibility, p.229-231; Massee, A. M., Greenslade, Re M-, and Brair, J. H. Studies of im- pregnation of tree banding materials. III. Apple blossom weevil [Anthonomus pomorum L.] and codling moth experiments in 1936. A progress report, p.<32-239. References, p.<238-239; Shaw, H. Spray residue investigations. I. Determinations of arsenic on pears and apples and of copper on loganberries, p.240-245. References, p.245; Shaw, He, and Steer, YW. Investigations on the preparation of field- made winter petroleum-oil sprays. A progress report, p.246-249, References, p.249; Steer, %. Observations on codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) in 1936, p.250-258, illus.; Moore, M. H., and Mont- gomery, H. B. S. Field trials in 1936 of the fungicidal and phyto- cidal properties of certain new chemical preparations. A progress report, p.259-266, illus.; Moore, M. H., ami Montgomery, H. Be S. A ficld spraying trial of combined fungicide-insecticide sprays in 1236. A progress report, p.267-275. References, p.275. Egypt. Ministry of the Interior. Department of Public Health. Eleventh annual report on the anti-malaria compaign in Egypt, 1934. 17p. folded maps. Bulaq, Cairo, Govt. press, 1936. Emerson, A. E., and Fish, BE. Termite city. 127%. illus. New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Rand McNally & co., [cl937]. Esaki, Te, and Hashimoto, S. Studies on rice leaf-hoppers. I. Biology and natural enemies. 1385p. illus. Fukuoka, Japan, Kyushu imperial university, 1937. (Min. agr. forestry. Dept. agr.e Nojikairyoshiryo no.127.) Text in Japanese. English summary, pe130-135. marae ae Escherich, K. oy Die erforschung..der. waldverderber. Drei jahrzehnte im kampf gegen forstschadlingeiriickblick und ausblick. 24p. Berlin, Paul ERED 1936... :. Folsom, oe Nearctic Boaklenbone or apy ies, of the family Isotomidae. 144p. illus. Washington, U.S. government printing office, 1937. Literature cited, p.l20-128. (U. S. Natl. tse) ea, Wee.) Glover, P. M. Some simple methods of reducing the damage done by insect enemics to the lac crops. 4p. Calcutta, 1936. (Indian lac research inst. Bul. no.23.) Great Britain. Colonial Office. Colonial Development Advisory Committee. eeeougar—cane moth borer (Diatraea) investigations. No.3. Report on Lixophaga campaign for 1936 and the status of the parasite in Antieus at the end of the year. By H. BH. Box. Cclp. Barbados, Advocate co., ltd., 1937. Bibliography, pecO-21. At head of title: Antigua. Colonial development fund. : Guillemot Bis : Les Hydroecanthares, de patie. yee Haliplidae, Dytiscidae et Gyrinidae de la France continent ale avec notes sur les especes de La Corse et de L' Afrique du Nord Bae he 1057p. illus. Toulouse, Douladoure, 1931-1933. Hering, M. Die blatt-minen Mittel- und Nord-Europas. Bestimmungs-tabellen aller von insektenlarven der verschiedenen ordnungen erzeugten minen. Lfg.4 (p.337-448, illus.) Neubrandenburg, Gustav Feller, 1937. Contents.-. [Bestimmungs-tabellen (Myrica-Rubus). | Heue, Ke A. Versuche zur bekampfung der riudo bei rindern mit schwefelkalkldsung und rotenon-oel. Inaugural-dissertation ... durch die Tier&rzt- liche Hochschule zu Hannover. 52p. Quakenbriick, R. Kleinert, 1936.. lLiteratur,.p.51-52. At head of title: Aus der Klinik “ftir geburtshilfe und rinderkrankheiten der Tierarztlichen hochschule za Hannover. Direktor: Professor Dr. Gidtze. Hopping, R. . fhe Lepturini of America north of Mexico. Pt.-II. 42p. illus. Ottawa, J. O. Patenaude, I.S.0., Printer to the King's Most Excel- lent Majesty, 1937. (Canada, Dept. mines and resources. Minés.and geol. branch. Natl. mus. Canada. Bul. no.85 [Biol. ser. no.22].) - 4 - Imperial Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Scientific reports ... (including the report of the sugarcane expert, \ Coimbatore) for fhe year ending June 30, 1936. 140p. . illus. Delhi, iianager of publications, 1937. partial contents.- Pruthi, H. S. Report of the Imperial Entomologist, p.123-137; Isaac, P. V. Report of the second entomologist (Dipterist) in charge of sugar- cane pests research scheme, p.138-140. | Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India. List of publications on Indian entomology, 1935. (Compiled by the Imperial entomologist, Pusa). 40p. Delhi, Manager of publica-. tions, 1937. (Imp. council agr. research. Misc. bul. no.14.) Indiae Mysore State. Department of Agriculture. ‘oe Mysore agricultural calendar 1937. 70p. illus. Bangalore, Govern- ment press, 1937. Partial contents.- A new method of controlling some important underground insect pests of crops, p.41, 45, 49. International Congress of Comparative Pathology, 3rd, Athens, April 15-18, 1936. First volume. Reports. Pt.1-2. Athens, "Eleftheroudakis" co., 1936. Partial contents.- Shortt, H. E. The transmission of leishmanial infections in India, pt.1, Sect. med. humaine, p.[112]-132. Refer- ences, pel25-127; jCaninopetros, . Le Kala-azar. Recherches cpidem- iolozgiques et expérimentales sur son mode de transmission, pt.l, Sect. med. humaine, p.[133]-193; Brenchley, W. E. The resistance of plants to poisons and alkalies, pt.2, Sect. plant pathology, p.[113]- ee Kassianoff, L. Etude morphologique et biologique de la famille des Cimicides. These ... Universite de Iausanne ... 1934. 117%p. illus. Paris, Masson et cie, Editeurs, 1936, Bibliographie, p.[114]-117. At head of title: Institut d' hygicne expérimentale ot de parasitologie de l'Université de Lausanne (Prof. Dr. B. Galli-Valerio). Kuwayama, S. - Chafers, or scarabaeid beetles, and their relation to agriculture. [73]p- illus, ([Kotoni, Sapporo, Japan]. Published by the Station, 1937. Literature, p.[71-73]. (Hokkaido Agr. Expt. Sta. Kotoni, Sapporo, Japan. Bul.61.) Leningrad. Institut Olenevodstva. The soviet reindeer industry, under the supervision of V. B. Sochava. ve8, 1936. 19lp. Leningrad, 1936. Partial contents.- Winogradova, T. W. The warble-fly of the reindeer, its biology and its control, pell7-[149]. Literatura, p.146-147. Text in Russian. English summary, pe147-[149]. [Oedemagena tarandi ] Sh Hit 4 Lindner, Fe Dic flicgen der Palacarktischen Region. LIfg.108-109. Stuttgart, __E. Schweizerbart' sche verlagsbuchhandlung (Erwin NAgele), 1937. Gontentss- 1fg.108. Lindner, B. Stratiomyiidae, p.49-96, illus. [Fam.18]; 1fg.109, Goetghebuer, iii Terdipedidae - Tendipedinae, pe49-72, illus. [Fam.1éc. | Mannheims, Ba Je Beitrage zur biologie und morphologie dcr Blepharoceriden (Dipt. No 11i5p. illus. Leipzig, Robert Noske, 1935. Literatur, p.107- 115. At head of title: Zoologische forschungen. Herausgeber: aeebres Heinrich J. Feucrborn, ... Dr. W. Walter Meissner, ... DiseOtwOnoueinboca. Bdiec. Mendes, die Os T. A "lagarta das macas d2 algodoeiro", Chloridea virescens (Fab.). lip. illus. Piracicaba, 1937. (SHo Paulo, Brazil (State). Inst. agron., Campinas. Bol. techs no.28.) Morino, I., Homma, K., Taniguchi, T., and Ando, N. Studies on the control of rice borers. II. Studies on the chemical CompnolmoOtenuhe EcewoOrer, Chilo simplex Ssutlier. 154dp... ilius. Fukui, Nippon, Fukui agriculturai experiment station, 1936. (Min. azre forestry. Dept. agr. Nojikairyoshiryo no.115.) Memb, am Japanese. English summary, p.154. Olsoufiev, N. G. Insectes Diptercs. v8, Owe Fom. Tabanidae. 4333p. illus. ifoscou- Leningrad, Edition de l'Academie des sciences de 1'URSS, 1937. Faune de 1'URSS, mew ser. no.°.) At head of title: Institut Zoo- logigque De L'Academie Des Scicnees De L'URSS. ) Ouidemans) As C\. Kritisch historisch overzicht der Acarologie (Critico-historical sur- vey of Acarology). Derde gedeelte 1805-1850. vol. A-D. (1998p.) ibys. IbeEhokenaaeeNeals easachhthaly 1936-1937. Peru. Minis terio de Fomento. Direccion de Agricultura y Ganaderia. Estacion Experimental Agricola de La Molina. Circular 00.57. Lima, Instituto de altos estudios agricolas, 1933. Contents.- Wille, J. E. El barreno de. los brotes de la higuera en el Per Vets Contmoll «Spe el deais).) Risbec, J. Observations sur los parasites des plantes cultivées aux Nouvelles- nepmrdes. ycl4o. ,ililus. Paris, Societe d'éditions geographiques, Maritimes et coloniales, 1937. At head of title: Faune des Colonies FPrangaises. Rooseboom, i. Contribution a 1' étude ac la cytologic du sang de CHAT is insectes, avec quelques considerations ecnérales. Proefschrift.... Rijksuni- versitcit te Teiden ... 17 Juni 1937. 135p. illus.” FEsaremt Joh. Enschede en zonen, 1937.]. Index bibliographique, p.118-127. Schmid, F. Diagnose und bekampfung der parasitaren kranikheiten unserer haustiere. Praktikum fiir tierdrzte und studicrende der tierheilkunde. 134p. illus. Berlin, Richard Schoetz, 1937. Allgemeines schrifftum uber parasiten der haustiere, p.125. - Schmidt, M. Die scnadlinge des obst- und weinbaus. Ed.4. 84p. illus. Frark- furt (Oder) und Berlin, [1936]. Schwartz, Me, Siti eee. Ke Der gartendoktor. Schadlinge und pf lanze rkrarkheiten ohne vorkenntnisse erkennen und bekaémpfen. 115p. illus. Berlin, Verlag der Grunen post, [19377]. Stellwaag, F. Schadlingsbekampfung im weinbau. 80p. illus. Stuttgart, Eugen Ulmer, [1936]. At head of title: Grundlagen und fortschritte im gartcn- und weinbau, heransgeber: Prof. Dr. C. F. Rudloff. Heft no.24. Stieltjes, D. ee Zickten en beschadigingen der cultuurgewvassene I. Boru DOU Seve oens Ed.2; I. Vruchtbomen. 262, 198p. illus. Zwolle, W.-E. Jd. Tjeenk Willink, 1935. Added t.p.: Leidraad voor het land- en tuinbouwonderwijs. Ser. B. —- no.el6, no.24. Suomalainen Elain - Ja Kasvitieteellinen Seuran Vanamo. »..ouomen elaimet. Animalia fennica. v.3, pt.2. 213p. Porvoo, Verner SoOderstrém osakeyhtisé, 1937. 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Entomologische zeitschrift Guten. Vie, eNHOsUS say eo aoe te Muller, G. Zur biologie von Rhinocoris iracundus Poda. (Harpactor iracundus L.) p.162-164, illus. Fortsetzung folgt. Schack, E. Zum vorkommen des Neptis lucilla F. in Sudbohmen, p.[157]- 160. Entomologisches nachricnhtenblatt (Troppau), v.ll, no.1l, July 1937. Mader, L. Evidenz der palaarktischen Coccinelliden und ihrer aberra- tionen in wort und bild. I. Teil: Epilachnini, Coccinellini, Haly- giini, Synonychini, p.[41]-<6. Entomologist's monthly magazine (London), ser.3, v.23 (whole ser. v.73), 1937; no,271 (whole ser. no.878), July; no.272 (whole ser. no.879), Aug. Buckhurst, A. S. The asparagus fly, Platyparea poeciloptera Schr. (Dipt., Trypetidee), in England, no.272, p.187-190, illus. Refer- ences, pe190. Thompson, G B. The parasites of British birds and mammals. XVI. Records of Ixodoidea (ticks), no.271, p.160-162. References, p.162. Usinger, R. L. 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Literature references, p.39. Forstearchiv (Hannover); v- alee MGs, Mate. ds 0967. Schwerdtfeger, F., and Steanl @. Untersuchungen uber die bek&mpfung des kiefernspanners mit kontektgiften, p. 73-78. —— seer: eee ns sess ~~ a Genetica (The Hague), vel9, nos.4-5, 1937. at: Saye Se Mal “ar Belgovsky, M. L. A comparison of the frequéncy of induced.mutations in Drosophila simulans and in its hybrid with D. melanogaster, p.570-386, illus. Bibliography, p.385-386..° Schuurmen, J. J. Contributions to the genetics of Tenebrio. molitor Ii., pe [273]-355, illus. Literature, p.352-355. Gesellschaft fiir vorratsschutz, fie Wie Magee reed (Berlin-Steglita), Vets NOt, Suiy 19357. aL.) WW PSE eerie und vorzetsschdlinge, 1 42-49. Fortsetzung Indian forest- records (New ee beeys Entonology (Deli), Ved; 1937: nosel and 2.,. May 31. “Chopard, L.; and Chatterjee; N. C. agosto ssee 1 ieyost aeons on the spike disease of sandal (31) Dermaptera arid Orthoptera, no.l, z p.el-30. é ‘“Gerdier, Jé C. 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