\ 93943 1216158 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF RANGE-AZIMUTH POSITIONING by David A. Waltz September 1983 Thesis Adv: Lsor: G. B. Mills Approved for public release; distribution unlimited UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION or THIS PAGE (When Dmtm Entarad) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE I. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE 'and Subtitle) AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF RANGE -AZIMUTH POSITIONING 5. TYPE OF REPORT a PERIOD COVERED Master's Thesis September, 1983 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHORS David A. Waltz 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERdJ • PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 tO. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA a WORK UNIT NUMBERS II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME ANO AOORESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 12. REPORT DATE September, 1983 13. DUMBER OF PAGES 103 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME I ADDRESS^// different /ram Controlling Otflcej 15. SECURITY CLASS, (ot thii report) Unclassified ISa. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 1«. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (o( thi* Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ot the ebetrect entered In 3lock 20, II different Irom Report) It. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 1*. KEY WOROS (Continue on roetto aid* It noeotety and Identity by block number) Hydrography, surveying, range-azimuth, theodolites, hydrographic surveying 20. ABSTRACT 'Condnua on rovmrmo tide II neceeeery and identity by block number) Pointing error standard deviations for two theodolites, the Wild T-2 and Odom Aztrac, were determined under conditions closely approximating those of range-azimuth or azimuth-azimuth hydrographic surveys. Pointing errors found for both instruments were about 1.3 meters, and were independent of distance. No statistical difference between the errors of the two instruments was found. The accuracy of the interpolation methods used by the National Ocean Service (NOS) for range-azimuth positioning were investigated, and an average inverse do ,; FORM AN 7J 1473 EDITION OF I NOV «• IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102- LF- 014-6601 1 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Dmtm Snterec SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Dmtm Bntmrmd) block 20 continued: distance of about 2.5 meters was observed between interpolated positions and corresponding observed positions. The overall range-azimuth position errors of the two theodolites were then compared to positioning standards of NOS and the International Hydrographic Organization, using assumed ranging standard deviations of 1.0 and 3.0 meters. Both instruments met all standards except the NOS range-azimuth standard for 1:5,000 scale surveys. Interpolated positions may fail to meet more of the standards because of additional inherent error. S N 0102- LF- 014-6601 o UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS RAGE(T»h»n Dmtm Bnfrmd) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. An Error Analysis of Range-Aziaath Positioning by David A. Waltz Lieutenant, National Oceanic and'' Atmospheric Administration B.S., University of Alabama, 1971 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY (HYDROGRAPHY) from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September, 1983 ABSTRACT Feinting error standard deviations for two theodolites, the Wild T-2 and Odom Aztrac, were determined under condi- tions closely approximating those of range-azimuth or azimuth-azimuth hydrographic surveys. Pointing errors found for both instruments were about 1.3 meters, and were inde- pendent of distance. No statistical difference between the errors of the two instruments was found. The accuracy of the interpolation methods used by the National Ocean Service (NOS) for range-azimuth positioning were investigated, and an average inverse distance of about 2.5 meters was observed between interpolated positions and corresponding observed positions. The overall range-azimuth position errors of the two theodolites were then compared to positioning standards of NOS and the International Hydrographic Organization, using assumed ranging standard deviations of 1.0 and 3.0 meters. Both instruments met ail standards except the NOS range-azimuth standard for 1:5,000 scale surveys. Interpolated positions may fail zc meet more of the stan- dards because of additional inherent error. TABLE OP CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 9 A. THE RANGE-AZIMUTH POSITIONING METHOD 9 B. HYDROGRAPHIC POSITION ERROR STANDARDS .... 12 C. OBJECTIVES 14 II. ERROR INDICES AND RANGE-AZIMUTH GEOMETRY 20 A. DEFINITIONS 20 1. E landers 2 2 2. Systematic Errors 23 3. Random Errors 24 3. TWO-DIMENSIONAL ERROR FI3URES 26 1. Concentric and Eccsntric G=cm=try .... 27 2. The Error Ellipse 29 3. Root Bean Square Distance 33 4. Circular Standard Error 35 C. THE ERROR OF AN INTERPOLATED FIX 37 1. Interpolation Algorithms 37 2. Error Propagation 39 III. EXPERIMENT DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 43 A. FIELD WORK 43 3. THEODOLITE POINTING ERROR 47 C. INTERPOLATION ALGORITHM EVALUATION 49 D. CHOICE OF EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS 51 IV. RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSIS 56 A. DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM 56 3. POINTING ERROR DETERMINATION 56 C. INrERPOLATION EVALUATION 64 D. ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE RESULTS . . 66 S. APPLICATION TO POSITION ERROP STANDARDS ... 72 V. CONCLUSIONS AND R ECO MMENDATIO N S 79 APPENDIX A: SEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS OF ACQUIRED DATA SETS 85 APPENDIX B: 3E0DETIC POSITION OF HORIZONTAL CONTROL STATIONS 91 APPENDIX C: EMPIRICAL PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION PLOTS 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY 98 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 101 LISP OF TABLES I. Circular Error Formulae 36 II. Data Acquisition Sequence of Events H5 III. Pointing Error Standard Deviation (pooled estimates) 58 17. Summary of ANOVA Results at 95% confidence . ... 63 V. Results of Interpolation Evaluation 65 VI. Corrected Aztrac Standard Deviation 70 VII. Experiment Precision and Theololite Error .... 72 VIII. Position Standards Comparison 78 IX. 3000 Meter Arc 35 X. 1500 Meter Arc 86 XI. 1000 Meter Arc 37 XII. 700 Meter Arc 88 XIII. 500 Meter Arc 89 XIV. 300 Meter Arc 90 LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. 1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. 1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 C. 1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 Illustration of Range- Aziauth Positioning ... 10 Illustration of Aztrac Shoes Station 17 The Aztrac Transmitting Unit 19 The Normal Probability Curve 25 Eccentric Range-Azimuth Geometry 27 Concentric Range-Azimuth Geometry 28 Eccentric Error Compensation 29 Error Ellipse and d^* 31 A Range-Azimuth Position 32 Variation of dr^s Probability 34 Example of Angular Interpolation 38 Sketch of the Survey Area 44 Lines of Position Observed to the Vessel .... 45 Uncertainty of an Observed Error 48 Interpolation of Angle Only 50 Interpolation of Angle and Distance 50 One-Dimensional Difference 3etween Means .... 66 Two-Dimensicnal Difference Between Means .... 6"^ Probability Density vs. Error 68 Results Compared to d^s 74 Results Compared to 90% Probability 76 Probability Density Plot: 300 m arc 92 Probability Density Plot: 500 m arc 93 Probability Density Plot: 700 m arc 94 Probability Density Plot: 1000 m arc 95 Probability Density Plot: 1500 m arc 96 Probability Density Plot: 3000 m arc 97 I- 5NIS0DUCTIDN A. THE RANGE-AZIHUTH POSITIONING METHOD The fundamental purpose of a hydrographic survey is defined by Ingham (197U) as being to "depict the relief of the seabed, including all features, natural and manmade, and to indicate the nature of the seabed in a manner similar to the topographic map of land areas." He goes on to describe two factors defining a single point on the seabed: (i) "The position of the point in the horizontal plane in, for example, latitude and longitude, grid co-ordinates or anales and distances from known control points. (ii) The depth of the point below the sea surface, corrected for the vertical distance between the point of measurement and water level and for the height of the tide above the datum or reference level to which depths are to be related. " Thus the hydrographer must answer the two primary ques- tions of "hew deep" and "where" for each of the thousands of soundings acquired on every survey. Because every area to be surveyed has different geophysical characteristics and levels of use, the hydrographer must possess a suite of tools and techniques to accomplish each survey. A survey of a large metropolitan harbor requires different equipment and measurement precision than one for a deep ocean area. Only the first of Ingham's two factors cited above is considered, and it is further narrowed in scope to techni- ques used in the most precise surveys. Such a survey might be one of a winding, narrow river carrying deep draft vessels, or perhaps a very large scale survey of an inner harbor. Eoth areas require the highest positioning accuracy and a minimum of shore control stations. Any method of positioning employs the intersection of lines of position (LOP's) to construct a fix. Although advanced methods may use multiple LDP's, traditional hydrog- raphy uses the simple intersection of two lines to fix the vessel's position. The vessel is located somewhere along each of two lines of position, and the only point satisfying these conditions is the intersection of the lines. The error associated with one of the simplest posi- tioning methods, that of the two LDP range-azimuth fix, which is illustrated in Figure 1.1, is analyzed. r range and azimuth Figure 1. 1 Illustration of Range- Azimuth Positioning. Also called the rho/theta method, range-azimuth positioning consists of the observation of a distance and an azimuth to a vessel from either one or two known locations [Ombach, 1976 ]. An example of this method is the use of radar aboard ship. A relative position for a radar contact is determined by observing a radar range and azimuth, or a radar range and visual azimuth, to a contact. The two lines of position 10 always intersect at right angles because the observation is made from a single point, and this concentric geometry provides the strongest fix possible. Mariners also know that the fix obtained via a visual azimuth is stronger than the one using a radar azimuth, because the visual bearing is more accurate. This example shows the advantages that make the range- azimuth method popular for hydrography. It provides the geometrically strongest possible fix, and only one location on shore need be occupied to control the survey. Such a positioning method is ideal in harbors or rivers where maximum accuracy is needed but where obstructions make ether types of fix geometry impractical. In 1982 the U.S. National Ocean Service (NOS) obtained twenty thousand linear nautical miles of launch hydrography, and sixty percent of this was controlled by the range-azimuth method [Wallace, 1983 ]. There are limitations associated with this method just as with any fix geometry. It is labor intensive and requires more radio communication (to establish fix timing) than mest other methods. In totally nonautoraated situ- ations, distances to the survey vessel are recorded manually aboard the vessel, and azimuths are recorded ashore by the theodolite observer at prescribed intervals. These fix data are later put into computer compatible digital form via a process called logging. Manual recording of these fix data are generally toe slow to position every sounding. Therefore, individual sounding positions must be interpolated from the observed fixes. Systems have been designed that have an intermediate level of automation. The NOS Hydroplot System is an example of this type [ Wallace, 1967], When used in the range- azimuth mode, the vessel is usually steered along arcs of constant range from the theodolite station, and the 11 Hydroplct System autcmatica lly records a distance measure- ment for each sounding. Azimuths are not telemetered to the vessel but are relayed ovsr voice radio and are manually entered into the computer system. Since the maximum data rate is atout two angles per minute, the interpolation of angles for sounding positions between fixes is necessary. Recently a digital theodolite, the Odom Aztrac, has been developed which can record and telemeter angles with great speed -- up to ten angles per second [Odom Offshore Surveys, Inc., 1982]. A computer system aboard the survey vessel can thus record and plot an observed position for each sounding. This rapid position fixing, combined with a computer's ability to provide cross-track errsr indications to the helmsman, enables the hydrographer to systematically cover a survey area with maximum efficiency by running straight and parallel sounding lines. The Aztrac system is still considered a semiautcmated system because an observer is required to manually track the vessel with the theodolite. Two fully automated range- azimuth systems which feature fully automatic tracking have been devolcped. One is the Polarfix system developed by Krupp-Atlas Elektronik in Germany [Smith, 1983], and the ether is the Artemis system developed by Christiaan Huygenslaboratcr ium in the Netherlands [Newell, 1981], B. HYDROGRAPHIC POSITION ERROR STANDARDS Historically, most national hydrographic organizations, as well as the International Hydrographic Organization (IKO) , have used linear plotting error at the scale of the survey to be the standard for sounding position accuracy. Prior to 1982, the standards recommended by IHO [IHO, 1968] were: "The indicated repeatability of a fix (accuracy of location referred to shore 12 control) in the operating area, whether observed by visual or electronic methods, combined with plotting error- shall seldom exceed 1.5 mm 70.05 in) at the scale of the survey. " The IHO recently published new recommendations for error standards [IHO, 1982] which are: "... any probable error, measured relative tc shore control, shall seldom exceed twice the minimum plottable error at the scale of the survey (normally 1.0 mm on paper) . " Neither of the IHO standards make any reference as to what probability level they apply. Munson (1977) inter- preted the words "shall seldom exceed" in the above state- ments to mean "less than 10% of the time", which seems reasonable. The 1982 IHO standard is somewhat confusing due to its use of both the terms "seldoi exceed" and "probable error". The latter term is associated with a 50% prob- ability by most statisticians including Green wait (1971). However, the author of these standards. Commodore A. H. Cooper, HAN (retd) , has stated that he intended no statis- tical significance tc the term "probable error" [Wallace, 1983 ]. The NOS has not yet incorporated the latest IHO stan- dards, but such action is being considered in some form [Wallace, 1983]. Current NOS standards have been developed to ensure that "accuracies attained for all hydrographic surveys conducted by NOS shall equal or exceed the specifi- cations" of the 1968 IHO standards [Ombach, 1976]. Unlike the international standards, the NOS standards for all elec- tronic positioning systems use the concept of root mean square error (drr*s or rmse) , which has a somewhat variable probability of between 68.3 and 63.2 percent. The NOS stan- dards for fully visual and for hybrid (combination elec- tronic and visual) positioning have no explicit reference to probability. 13 Specific operational standards for range- azimuth posi- tioning have been neglected by many hydrographic organiza- tions. However, NOS [Umbach, 1976] requires the following observational procedures bs follows! for all range-azimuth positions. "Objects sighted on should be at least 500 m from the theodolite... the azimuth check should not exceed one minute of arc... observed azimuths or directions to the sounding vessel for a position fix shall be read to the nearest 1 min of arc or better if necessarv to produce a posi- tional accuracy of 0.5 mm at the scale of the survey. " Since the range-azimuth method is classified as a hybrid positioning system, it is not referenced to any particular probability, but a reasonable assumption may be made that the drfW<; concept also applies in this case. The U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) also requires that its surveys meet the standards of the NOS Hydrographic Manual. The Army Corps of Engineers presently have no formal positioning requirements that must be met by all districts, although draft specifications are being written at this time [Hart, 1983]. The range-azimuth tech- nique and its applicability to Corps of Engineers surveys is discussed in Hart (1977) . No specific requirements for range-azimuth positioning could be found for either the Canadian Hydrographic Service or the British Hydrographic Service. Palikaris (1983) also reports no published stan- dards for these organizations. C. OBJECTIVES All position error standards using an explicit prob- ability are based on the idea that an observation is a normally distributed random variable with zero mean and standard deviation ,■' "<^ \ Figure 1.3 The Aztrac Transmitting Unit, 19 II. ERROR INDICES AND RA^GE-iZIMOTH GEOMETRY The method of range-azimuth positioning is usually selected for large scale surveys because of its simplicity and accuracy. This is the result of both angle and distance measurement devices being co-located, with the intersection of the two lines of position always being ninety degrees. In practice, however, the co-location of both instruments is often not achieved. The result is an eccentric geometry for the position fix. This section will analyze the geometry of both eccentric and concentric fixes. Position error indices in common use will be reviewed and analyzed for the special cases of range-azimuth methods, and the error of an interpolated fix will be derived. A. DEFINITIONS Although a complete and general treatment of error theory will not be presented, some basic definitions are necessary to understand the data analysis presented here. The ideas in this section are included in many basic statis- tics textbooks, and were specifically drawn from Wonnacott (1977), Bowditch (1977), Heinzen (1977), Kaplan (1980), and Davis (1981). Error may be defined as "the difference between a specific value and the correct or standard value" [Bowditch, 1977], or as "the difference between a given measurement and the "true" or "exact" value of the measured quantity" [Davis, 1981]. Mathematically it can be defined as: e = x.- T (2.1) A. 20 where e is the error, X; is an observation, and T is the "correct" or "true" value. The word error implies that there is a known true value for a quantity, with which a measurement ma y be compared to find the "error" associated with that measurement. Since the true value of a measured quantity is rarely kncwn, the term "error" is not precisely correct. Davis (1981) states that it is more appropriate to speak of the theory of observations rather than the theory of errors, but it can be shown that the difference between the two is largely one of semantics. A single aeasurement of a particular quantity may be considered sufficient for many purposes, even if it is known that additional measurements will probably be slightly different than the first. If the quantity to be measured is of sufficient importance, then multiple measurements are made and the sample mean, Y, is used. Each of these multiple measurements can be a considered numerical value for a random variable. A random variable is one that takes on a range of possible values, each associated with a particular probablility. The sample mean may be expressed mathematically by equa- tion 2.2 [Wcnnacott, 1977]: i * X * - IX; (2.2) where n is the sample size. If the sample size were increased without limit (n — > <*>) , aquation 2.2 would give the population mean^< . The sample mean is always an esti- mate of the population mean, which is never directly computed. This leads to the concept of the residual, v, which is the difference between the estimate 7 of the popu- lation mean and the observation x^ . This is shown in equation 2.3. 21 v = X - x^ (2.3) The residual is computationally the negative of the error. Nevertheless, equation 2.3 is more appropriate because it uses an estimate, X~, of the unknowable population mean^>< . The presence of X in equations 2.3 implies that multiple measurements have been made, and allows e partic- ular confidence to be assigned to the estimate of ^< depending on the number of such measurements. Because the word error is still used in much of the hydrographic profes- sion, it will be used interchangeably in this paper with the term residual. It is important, however, to understand that the concept of the residual, whatever its name may be, is fundamental to any measurement operation. Errors are classically divided into three groups: blun- ders, systematic errcr, and random errors [Greenwalt, 1962]. Eowditch (1977) and Davis (1981) do not classify errors as including blunders, but like the term error itself, the distinction is largely a semantic one. Ideally blunders and systematic errors are completely eliminated from the data. The most precise measurements reduce random error as much as possible, but it can never be completely eliminated. 1 . Blunders Blunders are mistakes that are "usually gross in magnitude compared to the other two types of errors" [Davis, 1981], and are most often caused by carelessness on the part of the observer, or by grossly malfunctioning observing equipment. They are usually detected and eliminated by procedural checks during the data aoquistion process. The recognition of a blunder is not always easy, since a blunder "may have any magnitude, and may be positive or negative" [Bowditch, 1977]. 22 2 • Systematic Errors Systematic errors are defined by Davis (1981) as those that occur "according to a system which, if known, can always be expressed by mathematical formulation." This mathematical model results in correctors that are applied to all measurements obtained, thus eliminating the systematic errors from the observations. The model may be as simple as a constant corrector subtracted from lengths obtained with a steel tape, or it may be as complicated as modelling the effects of atmospheric refraction on electronic distance measuring equipment. If the systematic error is such that it cannot be modelled, it is then estimated by a process known as cali- bration. Kaplan (1980) defines calibration as the process of comparing the measuring instrument against a "known" standard. The word "known" is usually operationally defined as a measurement operation or instrument that is much more accurate than the one being calibrated. The difference between the observed and standard value is used as an esti- mate of the total effect of all systematic errors present. This process is very close to the classical concept of "errors" presented above, and is entirely proper for use in the correction of systematic errors [Davis, 1981]. Of course, one must be careful to apply the corrector only to those measurments made under the same conditions as the calibration. A systematic error found in theodolite or sextant observations is known as the personal error of the observer [Mueller, 1969], [Bowditch, 1977]. This type of error is rarely quantified for hydrogaphic applications, but never- theless it does exist. The observer must rely on the senses of hearing and vision to make measurements, which vary between individuals as well as with time in one individual. 23 Some personal errors are constant and some are erratic [Davis, 1981]. These errors are minimized by training and standardizing observational procedures. The best way to eliminate personal error is by the use of completely automated observation equipment. 3 . Random Errors "Random errors are chance errors, unpredictable in magnitude or sign", and are "governed by the laws of prob- ability" [Bowditch, 1977], If one assumes that all blurders and systematic errors have been removed from the observa- tions, the remaining values can be regarded as sample values for a random variable. As noted earlier, a random variable can take on a range of values, each associated with a particular probability. A random arror has high probability of being close to the population mean,^ , and a low prob- ability of being very much different than^a [Greenwalt, 1962 ]. A probability density function expresses the rela- tion between a value for a random variable and the prob- ability of its occurrence. Hydrographic survey measurements often use the normal or Gaussian probability density func- tion. A concise explanation of this function is given in Greenwalt (1962) and Kaplan (1980). The function itself is given as equation 2.4, where p (v) is the probability of the occurrence of a particular residual v, and (2.6) where: c = the corrector to be applied to r r = observed range to the vessel d = distance between theodolite and ranging device $ - the angle between the visual LOP and the line connecting the two stations 28 range arc distance device ^V vessel position \ \ ^ ^theodolite Figure 2.4 Eccentric Error Compensation. 2. The Error Ellipse Detailed discussions of the development of the error ellipse can bs found in many references, especially in Greenwalt (1962) and in Burt (1966). This paper will only present enough background to apply the error ellipse concept to two LOP range-azimuth positioning. The error ellipse formed when multiple LOP observations are made is not considered here. A range-azimuth position is formed by the intersec- tion of two LOP's, each having an associated standard devia- tion. By applying the two-dimensional normal distribution to the errors, elliptical contours of egual probability density are formed. The contours center on the intersection point of the lines of position. This is illustrated in Figure 2.5, and shown mathematically by P(v<,,vb) - 2i> f I I ->■ Figure 2.6 & Range-Azimuth Position, 32 The error in the visual LOP, (Tx , is a function of the angular error of the theodolite and the distance to the vessel, where r is the distance and C@ is the angular stan- dard deviation of the theodolite, in units of degrees. This is given by equation 2.13, which is a modification from Heinzen [1977], Heinzen uses the tarm angular resolution in place of the more correct °-2 Circular Probable Error 50% CPE = l.llJh 0c CPE = 0.5887 (ax + oy) when °miiAniax> °"2 CFE~ (0.21*1 amin ♦ 0.6621 0mflV) rain max' when 0.1 < omin/amax<0.21 CPE— (0.0900 a . + 0.67*5 a ) mm max when 0.0 0.2 nun' max — Circular Near- Certainty Error (Three -five sigma) 99.78^ 3-5000 a semi-major and semi-minor axes d"<* and yy ^-s 9^ven bY the matrix equation 2.29, where Jyx is called the Jacobian matrix and is given in equation 2.30. 1—tyy - Jyx^-iJCX^y T % (2. 29) yx ax. 3P- ^xN (2. 30) i>rxt 39 Jyx is the transpose of Jy* , and ^^ is another covariance matrix given by : I I I t. or, x. <.0 0"'v c;f (the denomi- nator). More simply stated, it is a comparison of the precision of the instrument (the numerator) , with the preci- sion of the experiment (the denominator) . This ratio, F, is then compared to a ratio FM , which is computed for for a particular confidence level from the F-distribution function given as equation 4.3 [Crow, 1955]. 60 p(fi = / ^)jW)i fi fi F (f,t*F) dF 1.0 m I — from mean j X % > 1.0 m 1.15 47% 2.09 85% 1.63 72% 2.0 4 75% 1.86 79% 2.59 79% 2.41 4.98 4.07 3.01 4. 15 5.32 rrom me an 55S 9 1% 78% 80% 83% 34% effectiveness. Although this experiment was carried out in representative survey conditions, Table V should not be viewed as being applicable to all situations. The table does indicate that, whenever possible, automatic recording of range data should be used. Full analysis of the interpolation algorithms should be the two-dimensional equivalent of tasting for the difference between means. This is because both the interpolated and observed positions are not "true" positions, but have some error. A one-dimensional test of differences between means is well established, and is discussal in several references, including Wcnnacott (1977) . The null hypothesis for such a test is (j = yMi ' y^: (4.4) 65 where^, an & ^c*^ are the means of tha two populations, and d is some arbitrary distance selected by the experimenter. The two-dimensional problem has tha same null hypothesis but the mathematics of the test have not been established. This problem is illustrated in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. Figure 4.1 One-Dinensional Difference Between Means. A proper analysis of the data would inquire for each interpolated-obsarved pair of positions, whether the distance between the two positions was greater than d for a particular confidence. More work than could be incorporated into this thesis is required to fully evaluate the data. D. AHALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE RESULTS The results of this experiment were presented in Tables III, IV, and V. An attempt will now be made to analyze the experiment for errors in logic and technique, in order to better understand these findings. 66 interpolated observed Figure 4.2 Two- Dimensional Difference Between Means. The most important results from this thesis are the estimates of (T for theodolite pointing error. It is obvious from Table III that standard deviations of both the rounded and unrounded T-2 error values are about one-half that of the Aztrac, for all angular speeds considered. The ANOVA technique, however, shows no statistical difference between the instruments at the 95% confidence level. An analysis of the data used to obtain the results yields a potential explanation for this apparent contradiction. The original data (pointing errors in seconds of arc) were made the subject of empirical probability density plots using the subroutine HISTG [Robinson, 1974] on the NPS computer. These plots show probability density versus error, as well as mean and standard deviation. An example of these plots, for the 500 meter range arc, is given in Figure 4.3. The remaining plots are found in Appendix C. Plots are shown for both Aztrac and T-2 (unrounded) , for each range arc. A striking feature of the Aztrac curves is 67 r " ■ 500 METER ARC •*• • T-2: SOLID LINE flZTRflCJ OflSHEO LINE to • f\f s O" '"* / \ * ^■^ / \ / '\ « > * x / ' \ \ w M * 1 i \ O-oi 7 \ \ d" »* 1 \\ • o" * / v * o ./ V^ — \N» ^w.. _^* • - 4000.0 -2000.0 0.0 2000.0 - 1 4000.0 ERROR IN SECONDS Figure 4.3 Probability Density vs. Error. their bimcdal shape, as compared to a single peak for the T-2 curves. It can be easily seen from the curves how the spread of this bimcdal distribution would increase the computed standard deviation for the Aztrac data. The method of data acquistion for this thesis was semiautcmated in that all T-2 angles were manually recorded, while the Aztrac angles were recorded by pressing a button aboard the vessel. It is probable that a time lag existed between all the T-2 observations and the Aztrac observa- tions, despite the best efforts of the observers, because the observation procedure was not totally automated. If this were true, there would be little difference between the observed angls 0 for the T-2 and the computed angle 9C , because 6C is associated with a reference position also derived from T-2 observations. The observed angle 0O for the Aztrac would, however, be consistently different from 9C because of this time lag and because the vessel was moving to the left or right with respect zo the Aztrac observer. 68 Since approximately equal numbers of observations were made with the boat moving to the left or right along the range arc, the distribution of Aztrac pointing errors would take on a bimodal shape. It is understood that the data analyzed by these curves come from not one but four different samples, and that the curves should not be expected to ba perfectly peaked. The T-2 curves, however, also come from four samples and do not have multiple peaks. This analysis is further supported by finding the distance between one peak of the Aztrac carve and the single peak of the T-2 curve in figure 4.3. The distance in arc seconds, when converted to meters, is roughly the distance the vessel traveled in one second. One second of time is certainly a reasonable figure for the time lag discussed above. A manual check of the raw data recorded in the field also suggests such a time lag. The original data were sorted into two sets of "left'' and "right" observations, which were analyzed for mean and stan- dard deviation. Results of the analysis are shown in Table VI. This table gives the mean and standard deviation for the "left" and "right" data sets, and shows that "the mean of both sets was about two meters to the left or right cf the reference position of the vessel. This two meter difference corresponds closely to a nominal vessel speed of two meters per second (four knots) for the boat used, and a time lag of one second. Means for the 1500 and 3000 meter ranges are somewhat unequal because sea conditions at these offshore ranges caused the boat to travel slower in one direction. The rightmost column in Table VI gives the pooled standard deviation of each "left" and "right" data set, which is the best estimate of the population standard deviation , E u L. U -7 -6 Aztrac (uncorrected) Aztrac (corrected) 5 10 15 20 i i i i i i i i i t i i t i i i i i i i i i i. angular speed (arc min/sec) Figure 4.5 Results Compared to 90% Probability. with each positioning standard. The second row lists tha maximum position error allowed by that standard, at the scale of the survey. Rows three and four show the errors allowed in row two, when converted to actual distances for two representative survey scales of 1:5,000 and 1:10,000. Rows five and six shew the radius of the associated 76 probability circle fcr both Aztrac and T-2, for ranging error values of 3.0 and 1.0 meters, respectively. The dual probability percentages in columns (iii) and (iv) indicate the variable probability of dr^s . Dual values in column (iii) for maximum error at the survey scale result from the NOS standard for range-range positioning. The remainder of the table presents conclusions as to whether the T-2 and Aztrac meet the various standards. For example, in column (iv) the observed 3.3 meter drrr,5 value in row five is less than the maxiium allowable error of 5.0 meters shown in row four. Therefore, the T-2 and Aztrao do meet the NOS range- azimuth standards of 0.5 mm at the scale of the survey for 1:10,000 seals surveys. 77 TABLE VIII Position Standards Comparison (i) I (ii) I (iii) IHO | IHO | NOS (1968) | (1982) | (r/r) (iv) NOS (r/a) Assumed Probability I I 90% I I 90% I 68%- -63% | 6 8%- | -6 3% Allowable Max Error at Scale I I 1 . 5 mm I I 1 .0 mm I I I 1.5, 1.0 mm | 0.5 mm Allowable Max Error at 1:5,000 I I 7.5 m I I I 5.0 m I I I 7.5 m | 2.5 m Allowable Max Error at 1: 10,000 Aztrac & T-2j Error (a, = 3.0m) | 15.0m 10.0 m ( 10.0 m 5.0 m 4.6 m Aztrac & T-2| Error | ( cr, = 1 . 0m) | 2. 5 m | 4.6 m | 3.3 m 2.5m | 1.6m I 3.3 m I 1 .6 m Conclusion As To Meeting Standards: OT, = 3.0 m I I (i) I I (ii) i (iii) (iv) 1:5,000 scale I I yes I I yes i yes no 1: 10.000 scale I yes I yes yes yes Conclusion As To Meeting Standards: 0", = 1 . 0 m I (i) I (ii) I I (iii) (iv) 1:5,000 scale I yes l yes I yes ! yes 1:10.000 scale I i yes I yes I I yes I yes 78 7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Of the original objectives for this thesis discussed in Chapter I, ths first and most basic was the determination of pointing error standard deviation for the Aztrac and T-2 theodolites. No investigation of this type had ever been done for conditions typical of a range- azimuth survey. An experiment was carefully designed to determine this pointing error and to determine if there was a statistically signifi- cant difference between the instruments. The initial esti- mates of pointing error were given in Table III, which shows the Aztrac to have an error, when converted to distance, cf about 3.0 meters, while the estimate was about 1.3 meters for the T-2. An uncompensated systematic error in the data, due to the time lag discussed in Chapter III, was discovered when empirical probability density function plots were made of the entire data set for each instrument. This led to a revised estimate of the pointing error for the Aztrac, because the bimodal distribution caused by this time lag adversely affected the original estimate for 53 Aztrac s ==> | 257 overall mean = - 306 93 106 66 | -242 76 63 pooled s = 142 T-2 un- rounded X ==> j -34 s ==> | 67 overall mean 29 59 23 113 164 | -16 I 60 i pooled s = 97 T-2 rounded X ==> | -39 s ==> 75 overall mean 26 62 163 89 pooled s « -10 57 85 TABLE X 1500 Meter Arc Mills I Kenny | Schomaker | Cherry I I Aztrac j X ==> 5 ==> o veral -124 392 mean | 476 37 990 | 431 88 pooled s | -3, 476 584 T-2 un- ounded X ==> s ==> overall 27 95 mean -116 | 47 145 j 164 8 pooled s 74 . »l | 107 T-2 rounded X ==> 32 s ==> j 102 overall mean -114 48 145 | 167 11 pooled s . il 75 106 86 TABLE XI 1000 Meter Arc I Mills | Kenny I I Schomaker | Cherry Aztrac X ==> 115 s ==> 482 overall mean | -116 | 534 -120 768 = 20 pooled s =613 199 711 T-2 un- rounded X ==> 5 ==> overal -45 286 mean 17 111 125 269 = 11 poolsd s = -53 196 225 T-2 rounded X ==> s ==> o veral -49 282 mean 13 | 114 133 274 ■ 11 pooled s = -54 | 199 226 87 TABLE XII 700 Meter Arc Mills | Kenny | Schomaker | Cherry X ==> I Aztrac j 5 ==> Dveral! 123 585 mean -114 | 36 777 | 508 63 pcolad s 208 542 = 619 T-2 X ==> un- s ==> rounded j I overal -53 | -55 338 | 210 mean = 9 pooled s = 382 156 681 T-2 |X ==> rounded I s ==> | o v e ra 1 -14 j -50 j -60 311 j 342 | 205 mean = 9 pooled s 160 690 = 386 88 Aztrac TABLE XIII 5 00 Meter Arc I Mills J Kenny | Schomaker | Cherry III I X ==> s ==> o v e ra 1 284 1543 mean <* I 98 1957 I 1423 j 65 pooled s .,.1 -127 930 0 T-2 un- rounded X ==> 3 ==> overall. 56 710 mean 9 452 57 pooxsd s . ,i 160 618 T-2 | X ==> | 62 rounded | s ==> | 710 I overall mean 0 I 15 1041 | 4 55 - 60 poolsa s = 163 623 *15 89 Aztrac TABLE XIV 3 00 Meter Arc I Mills | Kenny | Schoraaker I Cherry ill I X ==> | 425 s ==> I 2274 overall mean -200 1605 699 2104 -1219 3516 = -74 pooled s = 2290 T-2 un- rounded X ==> | -210 | 320 | 276 ■ s ==> | 652 | 933 | 1290 overall mean = 124 pooled s 109 682 868 T-2 X ==> oundsd s ==> I overal -215 | 313 654 j 929 mean = 10 4 I 274 I 1289 pooled s = 43 t 843 902 90 APPENDIX B GEODETIC POSITION OP HORIZONTAL CONTROL STATIONS Station Nam* SOFAR (1947) USE MON (1978) MUSSEL (1932) AZTRAC T2 GSOCEIVER Latitude 3 Longitude 36 36' 32". 117 121 53« 24 ".0 04 36 36' 04". 685 121 52 ' 35". 9 00 36 37' 18". 151 121 54 1 11 ".6 28 36 36' 32". 530 121 53' • 25". 310 36 36' 32". 493 121 5 3 • 25". 254 36 36' 3 2 " . 5 1 2 121 53 1 25". 2 86 91 APPENDIX C EHPIBICAL PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION PLOTS o to o 300 METER ARC T-2: SOLID LINE flZTRRC: DASHED LINE ■4000.0 -2000.0 0.0 2000.0 ERROR IN SECONDS 4000 Figure C. 1 Probability Density Plot: 300 a arc. 92 ■ — in .. 1 o~ 500 METER ARC ■^ • T-2: SOLID LINE flZTRPIC: DASHED LINE to ■ l\ t ^ o~ '**> / \ v /— V ' x / / \ \ > ' \ 1 ' \ \ «-^ ! > // \ a. oj 7 \ \ d" «^ t i \ \ • o •S Nw-X^^N. V>- o_ ^ ^ - 1 II 4000.0 -2000.0 0.0 2000.0 1 4000 ERROR IN SECONDS _ j Figure C. 2 Probability Density Plot: 500 ■ arc. 93 ir> o~ 700 METER ARC "** • T-2: SOLID LINE flZTRflC: DASHED LINE to • ' \ <-^ > Q_. ct \ 1 t d~ \ J \ 1 A / \ 1 \ ' v / l\ • ' x / 1 1 \ / M o / A 1 \ / \ ■* N / f \ , ftt / j J +—' * / 1 4 / / ^ 1 » y / 1 \ o 1 \ o 1 1 I 1 1 1 -2000.0 -1000.0 0.0 ERROR IN SECONDS 1000.0 2000 Figure C. 3 Probability Density Plot: 700 m arc. 94 o to o CL cvj ■ O o o 1000 METER ARC T-2: SOLID LINE RZTRflC: DASHED LINE .\ -1500.0-1000.0 -500.0 0.0 500.0 1000.0 ERROR IN SECONDS 1500 Figure C. 4 Probability Density Plor: 1000 m arc. 95 LO O to o o o o 1500 METER ARC T-2: SOLID LINE AZTRflC: DASHED LINE -1500.0-1000.0 -500.0 0.0 500.0 ERROR IN SECONDS looo. n i5on Figure C. 5 Probability Density Plot: 1500 m arc. 96 O' CO o o o o 3000 METER ARC T-2: SOLID LINE flZTRFiC: DASHED LINE t 1 1 1 r 1 1 -SOChffllO. 0-300. 0-200.0- 100. 0 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500 ERROR IN SECONDS Figure C. 6 Probability Density Plot: 3000 m arc. 97 BIBLIOGRAPHY Apsev, B., private communication, Diom Offshore Surveys, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA, 1983. 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Mills, NOAA (Coda 58mi) Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 Cdr Donald 5. Puccini, USN Fleet Numerical Oceanography Canter Monterey, CA 93940 Director Naval Oceanograohy Division Naval Obseratory 34th and Massachusetts Avanue SW Washington, D.C. 20390 Commander Naval Oceanography Command Bay St. Louis, MS 39522 Ccmmanding Officer Naval Ocaanographic Office NSTL Station Bay St. Louis, MS 39522 Ccmmanding Officer Naval Ocaan Rasearch and DeveloDment Activity NSTL Station Eay St. Louis, MS 39522 Chairman, Oceanography Departaant U. S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 2 1402 Chief of Naval Research 800 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217 Director (Code PPH) Defense Mapping Aaency Bldg. 56, U. S. Naval Observatory Washington, D.C. 20305 No. Copies 2 101 13. Director (Coda HO) Defense Mapping Agenoy Hydrographic Topographic Center 6500 Brookes Lane Washington, D.C. 20315 17. 14. 15. Director, Charting and Geodetio Services (N/CG) national Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockvilla, MD 20852 16. Chief, Program Planning, Liaison, and Trainma (NC2) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockvilla, MD 20852 Chief, Nautical Charting Division (N/CG2) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockvilla, MD 20852 18. Chief, Hfdrographic Surveys Branch (N/CG24) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockvilla, .ID 20852 19. Director, Pacific Marine Centar (N/MOP) National Ocean Service, NOAA 1801 Fairview Avenue Bast Seattle, MA 98102 20. Director, Atlantic Marine Centar (N/MOA) National Ocean Service, NOAA 439 W. York Street Norfolk, VA 23510 21. Commanding Officer NOAA Shio RAINIER Pacific Marina Center, NOAA 180 1 Fairview Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102 22. Commanding Officer NOAA Ship FAIR WEATHER Pacific Marine Center, NOAA 1801 Fairview Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102 23. Commanding Officer NOAA Shio DAVIDSON Pacific Marine Center, NOAA 1801 Fairview Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102 24. Commanding Officer NOAA Ship MT. MITCHELL Atlantic Marine Centar, NOAA 43 9 Hest York Street Norfolk, VA 23510 25. Commanding Officer NOAA Ship WHITING Atlantic Marine Centar, NOAA 439 West York Street Norfolk, VA 23510 102 26. Commanding Officer NOAA Ship PEIRCE Atlantic Marine Center, NOAA 439 West York Street Norfolk, VA 23510 27. Chief. H? drographic Field Parties section MOA 233 Atlantic Marine Center, NOAA 439 West York Street Norfolk, VA 23510 28. Maureen R. Kenny, LT, NOAA N/MOP 21x2 7600 Sand Point Way N2 Bin C15700 Blda. 3 Seattle, WA 98115-0070 29. LT David A. Waltz, NOAA 147 5 Soring Meadow Lane Suffolk, VA 23432 30. LT Christine W. Schomaker, NOAA NOAA/NGDC E/GC3 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 31. IHO/FTG International Advisory Board International Hydrograohic Bureau Avenue President J. F. Kennedy Monte Carlo, Monaco 32. LT Athanasios E. Palikaris 72 Timotheou Street - Athens Tr512 Greece 33. Mr. Dunny Green SMC 2790 NP5 Monterey, CA 93943 34. LCDR Lima Williams, Vsnezuelan Navy SMC 1070 NPS Monterey, CA 93943 35. Ing. Walter Herrera Instituto Nacional de Canalizaciones Zona Industrial de la Ferrominsra Puerto Ordaz Estado Bolivar Venezuela 103 352 Thesis W22528 c.l Waltz An error analysis of range-azimuth position- ing. r . "Tiesis W22528 c.l Waltz An error analysis of range-azimuth position- ing.