( pai, Glass Book / ft y - j -‘/ > ve (i A joka on roe -w R AN ESSAY ON CALCAREOUS MANUBES. By Edmund Ruffin. SECOND EDITION. SHELLBANKS, VA. g Vie PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE FARMERS REGISTER. 1835. 7 wae Copy right seeure according “Act o th 1c a es we é 7 - ? af Congr é38~ ‘i i = ‘: oe aM a _ SHELLBANKS, Va.—Robert Ricketts, Printer. Brace c Lee te =] = . nos Pa $' ty) 3 f f = ey # re she r f ih G The ‘ : _“ o Ab, 4 bd x hia et hae 7 eh < tk oe oe ea a a ni ae ’ Celt a. HRD ME Ak Ses BOA OM a) ek ae Spe ae akon co PREFACE. ? Tue object of this Essay is to investigate the peculiar features and qualities of the soils of our tide-water district, to show the causes of their general unproductiveness, and to point out means as yet but little used, for their effectual and profitable improvement. My observations are particularly addressed to the cultivators of that part of Virginia which lies between the sea coast and the falls of the rivers, and are generally in- tended to be applied only within those limits. By thus confining the application of the opinions which will be maintained, itis not intended to deny the propriety of their being further extended. On the contrary, I do not doubt but that they may correctly apply to all similar soils, under similar circumstances; for the opera- tions of nature are conducted by uniform laws, and like causes must every where preduce like effects. But asI shall rely for proofs on such facts as are either sufficiently well known already, or may easily be tested by any inquirer, I do not choose to extend my ground so far, as to be opposed by the assertion of other facts, the truth ef which can neither be established nor overthrown by any available or sufficient testimony. The peculiar qualities of our soils have been little noticed, and the causes of those peculiarities have never been sought—and though new and valuable truths may await the first explorers of this opening for agricul- tural research, yet they canscarcely avoid mistakes sufficiently numerous to moderate the triumph of success. T am not blind te the difficulties of the investigation, nor to my own unfitness to overcome them—nor should T have hazarded the attempt, but for the belief that such an investigation is all important for the improve- ment of our soil and agriculture, and that it wasin vain to hope that it would be undertaken by those who were better qualified todo justice to the subject. I ask a deliberate hearing, and a strict scrutiny of my opinions, frem those most interested in their truth. If a change, in most of our lands, from hopeless sterility to a high state of productiveness, isa vain fancy, it will be easy to discover and expose the fallacy of my views: but if these views are well founded, none better deserve the attention of farmers, and nothing can more seriously affect the future agricultural prosperity of our country. No where ought such improvements to be more highly valued, or more eagerly sought, than among us, where so many causes have concurred to reduce our products, and the prices of our lands, to the lowest state, and are yearly extending want, and its consequence, ignorance, among the cultivators and proprietors. In pursuing this inquiry, it will be necessary to show the truth of various facts and opinions, which as yet are unsupported by authority, and most of which have scarcely been noticed by agricultural writers, unless tobe denied. The number of proofs that will be required, and the discursive course through which they must be reached, may probably render more obscure the reasoning of an unpractised writer. Treatises on agriculture ought to be so written as to be clearly understood, though it should be at the expense of some other requisites of good writing—and in this respect, I shall be satisfied if I succeed in making my opinions intelligible to every reader, though many might well dispense with such particular explanations. Agricul- taral works are seldom considered as requiring very close attention; and therefore, to be made useful, they should be put in ashape suited to cursory and irregular reading. A truth may be clearly established—but if its important consequences cannot be regularly deduced for many pages afterwards, the premises will then probably have been forgotten, so that a very particular reference to them may be required. These consider- ations must serve as my apology forsome repetitions—and for minute explanations and details, which some readers may deem unnecessary. The theoretical opinions supported in this essay, together with my earliest experiments with calcareous manures, were published in the American Farmer, (vol. 3. page 313,) in 1821. No reason has since induced me to retract any of the important positions then assumed. But the many imperfections in that publication, which grew out of my want of experience, made it my duty, at some future time, to correct its errors, and supply the deficiencies of proof, from the fruits of subsequent practice and observation. With these views, this essay was commenced and finished in 1826. But the work had so grown on my hands, that instead of being of a size suitable for insertion in an agricultural journal, it would have filled a volume. The unwilling- ness to assume so conspicuous a position, as the publication in that form would have required, and the fear that my work would be more likely to meet with neglect or censure than applause, induced me to lay it aside, and to give up all intention of publication. Since that time, the use of fossil shells as a manure has greatly increased, in my own neighborhood and elsewhere, and has been attended generally with all the improvement and profit that was expected. But from paying ne regard to the theory of the operation of this manure, and from not taking warning from the known errors and losses of myself as well as others, most persons have used it injudiciously, and have damaged more or less of their lands. So many disasters of this kind, seemed likely to restrain the use of this valuable manure, and even to destroy its reputation, just as it was beginning rapidly toextend. The additional consideration has at last induced me to risk the publication of this essay. lv. PREFACE. The experience of five more years, since it was written, has not contradicted any of the opinions then ad- vanced—and no change has been made in the work, except in form, and by continuing the reports of experi- ments to the present time. Itshould be remembered, that my attempt to convey instruction is confined to a single means of improving our lands, and increasing our profits: and though many other operations are, from necessity, incidentally no- ticed, my opinions or practices on such objects are not referred to as furnishing rules for good husbandry. In using calcareous manure for the improvement of poor soils, my labors have been highly successful—but that success is not necessarily accompanied by general good management and economy. To those who know me intimate- ly, it would be unnecessary to confess the small pretensions that I have to the character of a good farmer—but to others, it may be required, for the purpose of explaining why other improvements and practices of good husbandry haye not been more aided by, and kept pace with, the effects of my use of calcareous ma- nures, Be R, Shellbanks, Virginia, January 20th, 1834. ADVERTISEMENT To Second Edition. When the first edition of this Essay was published, it met with a reception far more favorable, and a demand from purchasers much greater, than the author’s anticipations had reached: and it is merely in accordance with the concurrent testimony of the many agriculturists who have since expressed and published opinions on the subject, to say that the publication has already had great and valuable effeets in directing attention, and inducing successful efforts, to the improvement of land by calcareous manures. Experimental knowledge on this head has probably been more than doubled within the last two years; and the narrow limits of the region within which marling had previously been confined, have been enlarged to perhaps tenfold their former extent. 6till, the eireumstances now existing, however changed for the better, present a mere beginning of the immense and valuable improvements of soil, and increase of profits, that must hereafter grow out of the use of calcareous manures, if their operation is properly understood by those who apply them. But if used without that knowledge, their great value will certainly not be found; and indeed, they will often cause more loss than profit. It is therefore notso important to the farmers of our country at large to be convinced of the general and great value of calcareous manures—and to those in the great Atlantic tide-water region to know the newly established truth, that their beds of fossil shells furnish the best and cheapest of manures—as it is, that all should know in what manner, and by what general laws, these manures operate—how they produce bene- fit, and when they may be either worthless, or injurious. And this more important end, the author regrets to be- lieve has as yet scarcely been even partially attained, by the dissemination and proper understanding of correct views of the subject. Of course it is not to be supposed that this Essay has been read, (if even heard of,) by one inten of the many who have been prompted by verbal information, to attempt the practice it recommends; and of those who have read, and who have even expressed warm approbation of the work, it has seldom been found that their praise was discriminating, or founded upon a thorough examination of its reasoning and theo- retical views, on which, whatever value it may possess, principally rests. For all persons who are so easily con- vinced, it may be truly said, that the volume embraced nothing more, and was worth no more, than would be found in these few words—the application of calcareous manures will be found highly improving and profit- able.” Itis not therefore at all strange, that the attentive reading of a volume to obtain this truth, was gene- rally deemed unnecessary. Though the first edition of this work has been nearly exhausted, the circulation has as yet been almost con- fined to a small portion of only the state of Virginia, in which the mode of improvement recommended had previously been successfully commenced, or had at jeast attracted much attention. _ But this district is not bet- ter fitted to be thus improved than the remainder of the great tide-water region, stretching from Long Island to Mobile—and to a great part of which, calcareous manures may be cheaply applied. It is only in parts of Maryland and Virginia that many extensive and highly profitable applications of fossil shells, or marl, have ADVERTISEMENT. v. been yet made: in North Carolina, the value of the manure has been but lately tried—in South Carolina and Georgia, no notice of it has been yet taken, orat least has not been made known—and in Florida and Alabaina, (parts of which are peculiarly suited to receive these benefits,) it is most erroneously thought that such im- provements are only profitable for old settled and impoverished countries. The farmers of Pennsylvania have gone far ahead of those in Virginia in manuring with lime—and it is believed (but upon no certain testimony) that in New Jersey, use has been made of the calcareous manure which in Virginia is called marl, as well as of the green sand, which they even still more erroneously call by the same name. But whatever may have been the extent of their use of calcareous manures of every kind, and however great their success, it is be- lieved that our northern brethren have been as little directed by correct views of the operation of these ma- nures, as those of the south, who have neglected them entirely. But though the circulation of this work will be most useful through the great tide-water region, which is so generally supplied with underlying beds of fossil shells, and so much of the soil of which especially needs such manure--still the assertion may be ventured that there is no part of the country, where the views present- ed, if true, are not important to be known—and if known, would not be highly useful to aid the improve- ment of soils. Itis to the general theory of the constitution of fertile and barren soils, that the attention and severe scrutiny of both scientific and practical agriculturists are invited—and to the several minor points there presented, which are either altogether new, or not established by authority: such as the doctrine of acidity in soils—of the incapacity of poor and acid soils to be enriched—and of the entire absence of carbonate of lime in most of the soils of this country. The circumstances stated above, have induced the publication of a second edition as a supplement to the Farmers’ Register, (and suited to be bound with either volume of that work,) which, in that form, may have the facility of distribution through the mail—and which may be offered at so low a price as to reach, as nearly as possible, that general circulation which is its author’s main object. This edition will contain nearly three-fourths more print than the first, (each page of this, containing as much as four and a half pages of that,) and yet will be sold at but little more than half the price. The new matter consists principally of more full explanations—additional and new proofs—and more full and minute directions for practical operations, designed especially for the use of those who are beginning to apply marl, and have every thing on the subject to learn. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAIR Io—Pheory. Cuaprer I. General descryption of earths and soils, : : The necessity of distinguishing each 9. Description of si- licious, aluminous and calcareous earths, 9. Guide to the chemical nomenclature of neutral salts, 9. Magne- sia, 10. Soils formed by the mixture of earths, 10. Plan of a nomenclature of soils proposed, 10, 11. CHaprTer II.. On the sous and state of agriculture of the tide- water district of Virginia, : : : : Geiieral features of the tide-water region, and character of its soils, 11. Ridges, 11. Slopes, 11. River banks and alluvial bottoms, 12. General sterility, 12. Unproduc- tive cultivation, 12, 13. Cuaprer Il. The different capacities of soils for receiwing im- provement, C A : 4 5 4 Propositions stated for discussion, 13. Natural fertility defined, 13. Permanency of the steril or fertile charac- ters of different countries, and of particular soils, 14. Land naturally poor not capable of being enriched by putrescent manures, 14. Denied by theorists and au- thors, 14. By Arator, 14,15. Evidence in favor of the position, 15. The degree of original fertility, the limit of profitable improvement by putrescent manures, 16. CuarrTer IV. Effects of the presence of calcareous earth in soils, Caleareous earth not found in poor soils of Lower Virgin- ja, 16. Its presence connected with fertility, 16. Ex- amples in shelly soils, 16. Their richness and peculiar qualities, 16. Barrenness of soils excessively calca- reous, 17. Both European and American writers sup- pose calcareous earth generally present in soils, 17. The opinion mistaken as to Virginia, 18. CHAPTER V. Results of the chemical examination of various soils, - - - - - - Different methods of finding caleareous earth in soils, or to show its absence, 18. By solution and precipitation, 18. Objections to its accuracy, 18. Method by Davy’s apparatus, 19. A more simple and easy method, 19. Soils examined, 19. Caleareous soils are fertile, 20. Poor soils not calcareous, 20. Many fertile soils al- so, 2nd most limestone soils not calcareous, 20. CuHarter VI. Chemical examination of rich soils containing no calcareous earth, - = - - Rich river lands, 20. Various limestone soils, 21. Soils from Pennsylvania and New York, 21. Very few soils found to contain caleareous earth, 21. Prairie soils in Alabama, highly calcareous, 22. CHarrmr VII. Proofs of the existence of acid and neutral soils, Page. 13 16 18 20 22 Lime in some proportion in every soil capable of sup- porting vegetation, 22. Enunciation of the doctrines of acid soils and neutral soils, 23. Acid not considered an ingredient of soil by any writers of authority, and de- nied by others, 23. Proofs of the existence of acid and neutral soils, 23. Growth of sorrel and pine, 23. Dead acid plants most favor the growth of living ones, 24. Acid in farm-yard manure, and its effects, 24. Chan- ges of one vegetable acid to another, 24. Acid of soil poisonous to valuable crops, 25. Indireet proofs of acid from the analysis of neutral soils, 25. Difficulties attending the geological theory of the formation of soils, and the denial of acidity, 26. Disappearance of calcareous earth known once to have been present, 26, 27. Lime in all wood ashes, 27. Proof from the recent chemical discovery of humic acid, 27, 28. Deductions— Supposed natural formation and progress of neutral and acid soils, 28. Dormant and concealed fertile power of the poor acid wood land, 29. Difference from most Euro- pean soils, 29. Cuarrer VIII. The mode of operation of calcareous earth in soils, Silicious earth has no chemical power to retain putres- cent matters, 29. Aluminous earth but litde—and much mechanical power to prevent giving food to plants, 30. Objections to the common opinion that manures are lost by sinking, 30. Chemical power of caleareous earth to combine with and retain putrescent matters, 30. Different proofs exhibited, 30, 31. Power of calcareous earth to destroy acidity in soils, 31. The sure and sud- den benefit found from this action, 32. Power of cal- careous earth to make clay soils more light, and sandy soils more stiff, 32—of increasing the ability of soils to absorb and retain moisture, 32. Davy’s theory of the action of quicklime as manure, 32, 33. Application of the theory, and particularly to the soils of Virginia, 33. Quicklime, applied as manure ,soon changes to carbo- nate of lime, and its effects then only are such as belong to calcareous earth, 33. Proposed classification of ma- nures under the heads of alimentary, solvent, mor- dants, neutralizing, mechanical, stimulating, ad specific manures, 34, TDA TRIN Ttitp>-Practice. CuHarrer IX. General observations on marl and lime. Effects of calcareous manures on acid sandy soils, new- ly cleared, - - - 2 = The theory of the constitution of soils sustained by practi- cal proof, 35. Fossil shells, improperly called marl, 35. Improper use of the term marl in England, 35. Written instructions on marl serve to discourage the use of fossil shells, 35. Their ‘directions for liming, a better guide, 36. Earliest known use of fossil shells in this country, 36. General remarks introductory to the details of ex- periments, 36, 37. Experiments on newly cleared sandy soils, early and late results, 37, 38. Others early and late, compared with effects of putrescent manures, 39, 40. CHaprrrer X. Effects of calcareous manure on acid clay soils, re- cently cleared, - - = 2 Description of the worst known class of clay soils, 40. Re- 29 CONTENTS. markable effect on stich froin marling, in grain crops and clover, 41, 42. Products increasing with time, 42. CHarpTer XI. The effects of calcareous manures on acid soils impoverished by cultivation, - - Marling always very effective on these soils, 43. Causes of disappointment and loss experienced, 43, Early and late effects of light dressings, 43. Of marl applied too heavily on’such land, 43, 44. Remedy afforded by clover and gypsum, 45. Other results of heavy dressings, with and without the addition of putrescent manures, 45, 46. Cuarter XII. Effeots of calcareous manures on “free light land,” Peculiar characters of this kind of soil, 46, Analysis of the soil, 47. Effects of marl on, 47. CuarpTer XIII. Effects of calcareous manures on exhausted acid soils under their second growth of trees, - Experiments showing remarkable effects of marling land in this state, 47, 48. CHAPTER XIV. Effects of calcareous manures alone, or with gyp- sum, on neutral soils, - - - - Experiments of this kind difficult to make, and unsatisfac- tory, 48. Gypseous marl described, 48, 49. Gypseous eurth, 49. Lime and cement obtained from marl, 49. Effects of gypseous marl on calcareous and neutral soils, 49,50. Gypsum effective on land after marling, though of no effect before, 50 Proofs offered, 50, 51. CHAPTER XV. The damage caused by calcareous manure, und its remedies, - - - - - The injurious effects of marl on corn and wheat describ- ed, 51. How prevented, or removed, 52. Clover not hurt by any excess of marl, 52. Cause of the disease not certainly Known, 52. The mere quantity of calca- reous earth in soil not the cause, 52. Supposed to be newly formed salt of lime, 52. CHAPTER XVI. Recapitulation of the effects of calcareous ma- nures, and directions for their most profitable ap- plication, - - - - - Conformity of the results of practice to previous theoret- ical views, 53. Marling most effectual in conjunction with putrescent manures and on acid and sandy soils, . 53. Lessened in effect by exhausting tillage, 53. Unu- sual increase of products obtained, 53. Rules for fixing safe and proper quantities of marl to be applied, 53, 54. Advantage of marling woodland before clearing, 54.— Cultivation of ‘‘pine old fields? with and without marl- ing, 54. Less improvement from marl on exhausted ‘free light land? 54. Supposed causes of the peculiar qualities of such soils, 54,55, Marling deepens sandy soils, 595. Peculiar benefits of marling to certain crops —cotton, wheat and clover, 55. The impossibility of raising red clover on acid soils before marling, and the certainty afterwards, 55. The causes to which former failures were erroneously attributed, 55. What weeds encouraged by marling, 56. Practical directions for new beginners at marling, 56. Permitting grazing at first, 56. Reasons for early disappointments experienced, 57, Ob- stacles to the extension of marling, 57. Anticipations, 57. The usual objections to sandy soils unfounded, and proofs of their fitness for profitable improvement and tillage, 57, 58. @uarpter XVII. The permanency of calcareous manures, - - Known long continued effects of marl, 58. Reasons for 46 AZ 48 51 52 their permanency, 58, 59. Supposed progress of action of marl and of its effects on soils, traced, 59. Difference in the rhdnner, and difficulty of improving exhausted calcareous and acid soils, 59, CHaptrer XVIII. . - 43] The expense and profit of marling, - - The former general incredulity respecting the value of marl now charged to too ready and erroneous belief, 59. Improper mode of estimating the value of land, and of improvements of the soil, 60. True mode of estimating values, 60. Objections answered, 61. Statements of actual expenses incurred in marling, 61. Faults in the usual course of persons commencing to marl, and ad- vantages of a different course,61. The distant transpor- tation of marl, 62. The cost may be advantageously in- curred for gardens, and town lots, 62. Rail roads and canals considered as means for conveying marl, 62. CuHaptTrer XIX. The use of calcareous manures recommended to pre- serve putrescent manures, and to promote clean- liness and health, especially in towns, - . Effect of calcareous earth in preventing the waste of the products of putrifying carcasses, 62, 63. Cases in which this power might be usefully employed, 63. Considered as a means of saving manures, and for guarding health, 63. In towns, 63, 64. Difference of the preservative action of marl, in thisrespect, and the destructive action of quicklime, 64. Greater cost and inconvenience of lime, 64,65. Practical effects of calcareous earth in preserving health, 65. Advantages of its use in towns, 65. Shelled streets of Mobile, 65. The burning of towns, how operating to improve health, 66 Healthi- ness of the calcareous prairies of Alabama, 66, 67. Ex- perience of such effects from matling, 67. CHAPTER XX. Directions for digging and carting marl, Description of deposites of fossil shells in Virginia, 67, 68, 69. Green sand, 68. Directions for searching for marl —a cheap borer, 69. Removing the cover of earth, 69. Working marl pits, 69, 70. Draining wet pits, 70. Ma- Vil. 59 62 67 king roads up hills, 70, 71. Marl carts, 71. Conclusion, 72. PAIR Titi, Appendix. Nore A. The different improper significations of the term “calcareous earth,” - “ “ “ Impropriety of the most general applications of this term, and reasons for limiting its use to the curbonate of lime, 72, 73. Nore B. The names given to soils by writers on agriculture often incorrect and contradictory, - - Nore C. Some of the effects of slavery on agricultural pro- jits, - - . - - - Causes of the rapid increase of slaves, 73. Their sale and transportation the necessary consequences, 74. Effect of increased fertility of soil on population, 74. Nore D. Opinions that soils are generally calcareous, - Proofs drawn from the language of writers on agriculture, 74, Gross errors in this respect as to American soils, 75. Nore E. Directions for analyzing marl and other calcareous substances, Davy’s apparatus, 75, Superior advantages, and particu- 72 13 73 74 7a Vili. lar description of Rogers’ apparatus, 75, 76. Plain direc- tions for analyzing marl by solution and precipitation, 76, 77. Nore F. Proofs of the existence of acid soils, furnished by the recent researches of chemists, “ - Extracts translated from Berzelius—chemical characters of mould, 78. Of extract of mould, 78. Of geine (or humin,) 79. Of carbonaceous mould, 80. Of soil, 80. Acid soil, 81. Nore G. The statements of British authors on marl gener- ally incorrect and contradictory, - - Proofs exhibited in extracts from various authors on this subject, 82 to 90. Norte G—2. The earliest known successful applicainns of fos- sil shells as manure, - a Old experiment and supposed Avs in Prince George, Virginia, 89. Earliest marling in Talbot County, Mary- land, and James City County, Virginia, 89. Col. Tay- lor’s low estimate of the value of marl, 89. Letter of Mr. Singleton, describing the commencement and pro- gress of his marling operations, 90 to 92. Notre H. Gypseous earth of James River and the green marl of New Jersey, both belonging to the “green sand formation,” - - - - Discovery of this deposite in Prince George, and in James City, Virginia, 92. Norte I. The cause of the inefficiency of gypsum as @ ma- nure on acid soils, - - - The mode of operation of gypsum as yet unknown, 92. Gypsum would be decomposed by oxalic acid, and the probability of such effect in all acid soils, 92. The sup- posed chemical action when these substances meet in soil, and the results, 93, Note K. Estimates of the cost of labor applied to marling, The only proper grounds for such estimates, 93. Cost of the labor of a negro man by the year and day, 93. Ofa woman—boy—girl, 94. Of a horse—mule—utensils, 77 82 89 92 CONTENTS: §4—applied to marling operations, 94 to 96—and on a large seale, 97. Nore M. Estimates of the expense of using water-borne marl, and lime for manure, - > ne Cost of shells, and the labor of burning and applying the lime, 97. Of transporting marl by water, actual opera- tions through 1833, 97, 98. Comparative value and ex- pense of lime and marl, 98. Expense of a second year’s operations in transporting marl by water, 99. Effects of liming and marling compared, as tested by experiment, 99. Nore N. Proofs of the effect of calcareous earth in pre- venting disease, - - * a The streets of Mobile shelled, 100. Healthiness of the southern calcareous prairies, 100,101. The former un- healthiness of Mobile, and the change produced by shelk ing the streets and other causes, 101, 102. Nore O. Discovery of magnesian marl in the granite and coal region of Virginia, - - - Discovery, description, and chemical composition of the magnesian marl, 103. TABLES showing the number of spaces contained in an acre, at various distances, - x For regulating the quantity of marl, lime, or other ma- nures applied, 103. For planting, 104. Nore S. Discoverves of the “‘Gypseous earth,” or green send. formation of Virginia, - - - = 92 First discovery of gypsum and gypseous earth in Prince 92 George, Va. 105. Supposed origin, and chemical compo- sition, and effects as manure, 106, 107. Reasons for supposing the gypseous earth and green “‘Jersey marl,*? to be the same, 108, 109. Discovery of green sand in James City, and York, 109. Description of, 110. Chem- ical composition of New Jersey green sand [called marl,] and effects as manure, 111,112. Further obser- vations on the green sand and the lower tertiary forma- tion of Virginia, 112, 113. General description and ko- calities, 114,115. Fossils belonging to this formation, 116. 97 100 103 103 106 ESSAY 12) CALCAREOU N Ss MANURES. PART I—Theory. CHAPTER If. GRNERAL DESCRIPTION SOILS. OF EARTHS AND It is very necessary that we should correctly distinguish earths and soils and their many varie- ties: yet these terms are continually misapplied— and even among authors of higk autherity, no _ two agree in their definitions, or modes of classifi- — eation. Where suck differences exist, and no one known method is so free from material imperfec- tions, as to be referred to as a commen standard, it becomes necessary for every ene who treats of soils, te define fer himself—though perhaps he is thereby adding to the general mass of confusion already existing. This necessity must be my apolegy for whatever is new or unauthorized in the following definitions. The earths important to agriculture, and which form nearly the whole ef the known globe, are anly three—silicious aluminous, and calcareous. Silicious earths, in its state of absolute purity, forms rock crystal. The whitest and purest sand may be considered as silicious earth in agriculture, though none is presented by nature entirely free from other ingredients. It is composed of very hard particles, not soluble in any common acid, and which cannot be made coherent by mixing with water. Any degree of coherence, or any shade of colorthat sand may exhibit, is owing to the presence of_other substances. The solidity of the particles of sand renders them impenetrable to water, which passes between them as through a sieve. ‘The hardness of its particles, and their loose arrangement, make sand incapable of ab- sorbing moisture from the atmosphere, or of re- taining any valuable vaper or fluid, with which it may have been in any mannersupplied. Silicious earth is alse quickly heated by the sun, which adds to the rapidity with which it loses moisture. Aluminous or argillaceous earth, when dry, ad- heres to the tongue, absorbs water rapidly and abundantly, and when wet, forms a tough paste, smooth and soapy to the touch. By burning it becomes as hard as stone. Clays derive their ad- hesiveness from their proportion of aluminous earth. This also is white when pure, but is gene- rally colored deeply and variously—red, yellow, or blue—by metallic substances. When drying, aluminous earth shrinks greatly—it becomes a mass of very hard lumps, of various sizes, sepa- rated by cracks and fissures, which become so many little reservoirs of standing water, when filled by rains, and remain so, until the lumps, by ‘2 |slowly imbibing the water, are distended enough to fill the space eccupied before. Caleareous earth, or carbonate of lime,* is lime combined with carbonic acid, and may be convert- ed into pure or quick-lime by heat—and quick- lime, by exposure to the air, soon returns to its former state of caleareousearth. It forms marble, limestone, chalk, and shells, with very small ad- mixtures of other substances. Thus the term calcareous earth will not be used here to include either lime im its pure state, or any of the numer- ous combinations which lime forms with the va- rious acids, except that one (carbonate of lime) which is beyend comparison the most abundant throughout the world, and most important as an ingredient of soils. Pure lime attracts all acids so powerfully, that itis never presented by nature ex- cept in combination with some one of them, and generally with the carbonic acid. When this compound is thrown into any stronger acid, as muriatic, nitric, or even strong vinegar—the lime being more powerfully attracted, unites with, and is dissolved by the stronger acid, and lets go the carbonic, which escapes, with effervescence, in the form of air. In this manner, the carbonate of lime, or caleareous earth, may not only be easily distinguished from silicious, and aluminous earth, but also from all ether combinations of lime. [See Appendix A.f]} * Carbonate of lime is the chemical name for the substance formed by the combination of carbonic acid with lime. The names of allthe thousands of different substances (neutral salis) which are formed by the combination of each of the many acids with each of the various earths, alkalis, and metals, are formed by one uniform rule, which is as simple and easy to be un- derstood and remembered, as it is useful. To avoid repeated explanations in the course of this essay, the rule will now be stated by which these compounds are named. The termination of the name of the acid is changed to the syllable ate, and then prefixed to the particular earth, alkali, or metal with which the acid is united. With this explanation, any reader can at once understand what is meant by each of some thousands of terms, none of which might have been heard of be- fore, and which (without this manner of being named) would be too numercus to be fixed in the most reten- tive memory. Thus, it will be readily understood that the carbonate of magnesia is a compound of the carbonic acid and magnesia—the sulphate of lime, a compound of sulphuric acid and lime—the sulphate of iron, a compound of sulphuric acid and iron—and in like manner for all other terms so formed. + The note referred to in the appendix A, will sup- ply some remarks and explanations which a scientific reader would correctly consider as a deficiency if en- tirely omitted, but which, if added to the text above, | 10 Calcareous earth in its different forms has been supposed to compose as much as one-eighth part of the crust of the globe.* Very extensive plains in France and England are of chalk, pure enough to be nearly barren, and to prove that pure calcareous earth would be entirely so. No chalk is to be found in our country—and_ it is only from Euro- pean authors that we can know any thing of its agricultural characters, when nearly pure, or when forming a very large proportion of’ the surface of the land. The whiteness of chalk repels the rays of the sun, while its loose particles permit water to pass through, as easily as sand:} and thus calca- reous earth is remarkable for possessing seme of the worst qualities of both the other earths, and which it serves to cure in them (as will hereafter be shown) when used as a manure. Most of those who have applied chemistry to agriculture, consider magnesia as one of the im- portant earths.t Magnesia, like lime, is never found pure, but always combined with some acid, and its most general form is the carbonate of magnesia. But even in this, its usual and natural state, it exists in such very small quantities in soils, and is found so rarely, that its name seems a useless addition to the list of the earths of agricul- ture. For all practical purposes, gypsum (though only another combination of lime,) would more properly be arranged as a distinct earth, or ele- ment of soils, as itis found in far greater abun- dance and purity, and certainly affects some soils and plants in a far more important manner than has yet been attributed to magnesia, in its natural form. All the earths, when as pure as they are ever furnished by nature, are entirely barren, as might be inferred from the description of their qualities: nor would any addition of putrescent manures§ enable either of the earths to support healthy ve- getable life. The mixture of the three earths in due propor- tions, will correct the defects of all, and with a sufficiency of animal or vegetable matter, putres- cent, and soluble in water, a soil is formed in which plants can extend their roots freely, yet be firmly supported, and derive all their needful sup- plies of air, water, and warmth, without being oppressed by too much of either, Such is the na- tural surface of almost all the habitable world: and though the qualities and value of soils are as va- rious as the proportions of their ingredients are in- numerable, yet they are mostly so constituted, that no one earthly ingredient is so abundant, but that the texture of’ the soil is mechanically suited to would have been useless and perhaps embarrassing to readers in general. * Cleaveland’s Mineralogy—On Carbonate of Lime. + Cours Complet d’Agriculture, ete. par Abbé Rozier— Terres. t Davy’s Agr. Chem. page 110. Phil. Ed. 1821. § Putrescent or enriching manures, are those formed of vegetable and animaij matters, capable of putrefy- ing, and thereby furnishing soluble food to plants. Farm-yard and stable manure, and the weeds and other growth of the fields left to die and rot on them, are al- most the only enriching manures that have been used as yet in this country. 4] The texture of a soil means the disposition of its parts, which produces such sensible qualities, as being close, adhesive, open, friable, &c. ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. is i some one valuable crop—as some plants require a degree of closeness, and others of openness in the soil, which would cause other plants to decline or perish. Soil seldom extends more than a few inches be- iow the surface, as on the surface only are received — those natural supplies of vegetable and animal matters, which are necessary to constitute soil. Valleys subject to inundation have soils brought from higher lands, and deposited by the water, and therefore are of much greater depth. Below the soil is the subsoil, which is also a mixture of two or more earths, but is as barren as the unmix- ed earths, because it contains very little putrescent matter, the only food for plants. 4, The qualities and value of soils depend on the proportions of their ingredients. We can easily comprehend in what manner silicious and alumin- ous earths, by their mixture, serve to cure the de- fects of each other—the open, loose, thirsty, and hot nature of sand being corrected by, and correct- ing in turn, the close, adhesive, and water holding qualities of aluminous earth. This curative ope- ration is merely mechanical—and_ in that manner it seems likely that calcareous earth, when in large proportions, also acts, and aids the corrective pow- ers of both the other earths: This however is only supposition, as I have met with scarcely any such natural soil. But besides the mechanical effects of calcareous earth, (which perhaps are weaker than those of ' the other two,) that earth has chemical powers far more effectual in altering the texture of soils, and for which a comparatively small quantity is amply - sufficient. The chemical action of calcareous earth as an ingredient of soils, will be fully treated of hereafter: it is only mentioned in this place to avoid the apparent contradiction which might be inferred, if, ina general description. of calcareous earth, I had omitted all allusion to qualities that: will afterwards be brought forward as all import- ant. It seems most proper to class and name soils ac- cording to their predominant earthy ingredients, by” which term, I mean those ingredients which exert the greatest power, and most strongly mark the» character of the soil, The predominant ingre- dient (in this sense, ) is not always the most abun- dant, and frequently is the least. If the most abundant was considered the predominant ingre- dient, and gave its name to the soil,* then almost! every one should be called silicious, as that earth is) seldom equalled in quantity by all the others) united. Ifthe earthy parts of a soil were two- thirds silicious, and one-third of aluminous earth, , the peculiar qualities of the smaller ingredient! would predominate over the opposing qualities of! the sand, and the mixture would be a tenacious: clay. If the same soil had contained only one-- twentieth part of calcareous earth, that ingredient would have had more marked effects on the soil, than could have been produced by either doubling, or diminishing to half their quantity, the silicious and aluminous earths, which formed the great! bulk of the soil. If soils were named according to) certain proportions of their ingredients, (as pro- posed by Davy,t) a correct, though lim:ted ana- * Which isthe plan of the nomenclature of soils” proposed by Rozier—See article “Terres,” Cours: Complet d’ Agriculture, etc. + Agr. Chem. p. 139, PART I—THEORY. . 1] ee ————————————————————————————_———___——___ TT lysis of a soil would be required, before its name orcharacter could be given—and even then the name and character would often disagree. But every farmer can know what are the most marked good or bad qualities of his soils, as shown under tillage, and those qualities can be easily traced to their predominent ingredients. By compounding a few terms, various shades of difference may be designated with sufficient precision. A few ex- amples will be sufficient to show how all may be applied:— A silicious or sandy soil has such a proportion of silicious earth as to show more of its peculiar pro- perties than those of any other ingredient. It would be more or less objectionable for its loose- ness, heat, and want of power to retain either moisture or putrescent manure—and not for tough- ness, liability to become hard alter wet ploughing, or any other quality of aluminous earth. In like manner, an aluwminous or clayey soil, would show most strongly the faults of aluminous earth, though more than half its bulk might be of silicious. The term loam is not essential to this plan, but it is convenient, as it will prevent the necessity of frequent compounds of other terms. It will be used for all soils formed with such proportions of sand and aluminous earth, as not to be light enough to be called sandy, nor stiff enough for clay soil. Sandy loam and clayey lowm would ex- press its two extremes—and loamy sand would be still hahter than the former, and loamy clay stiffer than the latter. In all compound names of soils, the last term should be considered as expressing the predomi- nant earthy ingredient. Thus, a sandy loamy cal- careous soil, would be nearer to loam than sand, and more marked by its calcareous ingredient than either. Other ingredients of soils besides the earths, or any accidental or rare quality aflecting their character considerably, may be described with sufficient accuracy by such additional terms as these—a ferruginous gravelly silicious loam— or a vegetable calcareous clay. [Appendix B.] CHAPTER II. ON THE SOILS, AND STATE OF AGRICULTURE OF THE TIDE-WATER DISTRICT OF VIR- GINIA. —-—*“ During several days of our jour- “ney, no spot was seen that was not covered * with a luxuriant growth of large and beautiful “ forest trees, except where they had been de- *¢ stroyed by the natives for the purpose of culti- “vation. The least fertile of their pasture lands, “ without seeding, are soon covered with grass “ several feet in height; and unless prevented by “ cultivation, a second growth of trees rapidly *‘ springs up, which, without care or attention, at- “tain their giant size in half the time that would “ be expected on the best lands in England.’?—— If the foregoing description was met with ina * Journey through Hindoostan,” or some equally unknown region, no European reader would doubt but such lands were fertile in the highest dearee— and even many of ourselves would receive the same impression. Yet itis no exaggerated ac- count of the poorest natural soils in our own poor country, which are as remarkable for their produ- cing luxuriant growths of pines, and broom grass, as for their unproductiveness in every cultivated or valuable crop. We are so accustomed to these facts, that we scarcely think of their singularity; nor of the impropriety of calling any land barren, which will cence a rapid growth of any one plant. Indeed, by the rapidity of that growth, (or the fitness of the soil for its production,) we have in some measure formed a standard of the poverty of the soil. With some exceptions to every general charac- ter, the tide-water district of Virginia may be de- scribed as generally level, sandy, poor, and free from any fixed rock, or any other than stones rounded apparently by the attrition of water. On much the greater part of the lands, no stone of any kind is to be found, of larger size than gravel. Pines of different kinds form the greater part of a heavy cover to the silicious soils in their virgin state, and mix considerably with oaks, and other growth of clay land. Both these kinds of soil, afier being exhausted of their little fertility -by cul- tivation, and “turned out” to recruit, are soon co- vered by young pines which grow with vigor and luxuriance. This general description applies more particularly to the redges which separate the slopes on different streams. The ridge lands are always level, and very poor—sometimes clayey, more generally sandy, but stiffer than would be inferred from the proportion of silicious earth they contain, which is caused by the fineness of its particles. Whortleberry bushes, as well as pines, are abun- dant on ridge lands—and numerous shallow basins are found, which are ponds of rain water in winter, but dry insummer. None of this large propor- tion of our lands, has paid the expense of clearing and cultivation, and much the greater part still re- mains under its native growth. Enough however has been cleared and cultivated in every neigh- borhood, to prove its utter worthlessness, under common management. The soils of ridge lands vary between sandy loam, and clayey loam. It is difficult to estimate their general product under cul- tivation; but judging from my own experience of such soils, the product may be from five bushels of corn, oras much of wheat, to the acre, on the most clayey soils, to twelve bushels of corn, and three of wheat on the most sandy —if wheat were there attempted to be made. The slopes extend from the ridges to the streams, or to the alluvial bottoms, and include the whole interval between neighboring branches of the same stream. This class of soils forms another great body of lands—of a higher grade of fertility, though still far from valuable. It is generally more sandy than the poorer ridge land, and when long cultivated, is more or less deprived of its soil, by the washing of rains, on every slight declivity. The washing away of three or four inches in depth, exposes a steril subsoil (or forms a “oall”) which continues thenceforth bare of all vegetation: a greater declivily of the surface 'serves to form gullies several feet in depth, the earth carried from which, covers and injures the adjacent lower land. Most of this kind of land has been cleared, and greatly exhausted. Its vir- ein growth is often more of oak, hickory, and dog- wood, than pine—but when turned out of cultiva- tion, an unmixed growth of pine follows. Land 12 of this kind in general has very little durability; its usual best product of corn may be for a few crops, eighteen or twenty bushels—and even as much as twenty-five bushels, from the highest grade. Wheat is seldom a productive or profitable crop on the slopes, the soil being generally too sandy. When such soils as these are called rich or valuable (as most persons would describe them,) those terms must be considered as only comparative— and such an appheation of them proves that truly fertile and valuable soils, are very scarce in Lower Virginia. The only very rich and durable soils below the falls of our rivers, are narrow strips of highland along their banks, and the lowlands formed by the alluvion of the numerous smaller streams which water our country. These alluvial bottoms, though highly productive, are lessened in value by being generally too sandy, and by the damage they suffer from being often inundated by floods of rain. The best highland soils seldom extend more than half a mile from the river’s edge— sometimes not fifty yards. These irregular mar- gins are composed of loams of various qualities, but all highly valuable; and the best soils are scarcely to be surpassed, in their original fertility, and durability under severe tillage. ‘Their nature and peculiarities will be again adverted to, and more fully described hereafter. The simple statement of the general course of tillage to which our part of the country bas been subjected, is sufficient to prove that great impover- ishmentof the soil has been the inevitable conse- quence. The small portion of rich river margins, was soon all cleared, and was tilled without cessa- tion for many years. The clearing of the slopes was next commenced, and is not yet entirely ‘completed. On these soils, the succession of crops was less rapid, or from necessity, tillage was soon- ersuspended. If not rich enough for tobacco when first cleared, (or as soon as it ceased to be so,) land of its kind was planted in corn two or three years in succession, and afterwards every second year. The intermediate year between the crops of corn, the field was “rested” under a crop of | wheat, if it would produce four or five bushels to ~ theacre. If the sandiness, or exhausted condition of the soil, denied even this small product of wheat, that crop was probably not attempted— and instead of it, the field was exposed to close grazing, from the time of gathering one crop of corn, to that of preparing to plant another. No manure was applied, except on the tobacco lots; and this rotation of a grain crop every year, and afterwards every second year, was kept up as long as the field would produce five bushels of corn to the acre. When reduced below that product, and to less than the necessary expense of cultivation, the land was turned out to recover under anew growth of pines. After twenty or thirty years, according io the convenience of the owner, the same land would be again cleared, and put under similar sccurging tillage, which however would then much sooner end, as before, in exhaustion. Such a general system is not yet every where abandoned—and many years have not passed, since such was the usual course on almost every farm. How much our country has been impoverished during the last fifty years, cannot be determined by any satisfactory testimony. But however we ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. a may differon this head, there are but few who will not concur in the opinion, that our system of cul- tivation has been every yearlessening the productive power of our lands in general—and that no one county, no neighborhood, and but few particular farms, have been at all enriched, since their first settlement and cultivation. Yet many ofour farming operations have been much improved within the last fifteen ortwenty years. Driven by necessity, propri- etors direct more personal attention to their farms— better implements of husbandry are used—every processis more perfectly performed—and whether well or ill directed, a spirit of inquiry and enter- prise has been awakened, which before had no ex- istence. ‘Throughout the country below the falls, and per- haps thirty miles above, itthe best land be excluded, say one-tenth, the remaining nine-tenths will not yield an average product often bushels of corn to the acre; though that grain is best suited to our soils in general, and farexceeds in quantity all other kinds raised. Of course, the product of a large proportion of the land, would fall below this average. Such crops, in very many cases, cannot remunerate the cultivator. If ourremaining woodland could be at once brought into cultivation, the gross product of ' the counury would be greatly increased, but the net product very probably diminished—as the general poverty of these lands would cause more expense than prolit to accompany their cultivation under the usual system. Yet every year we are using all our exertions to clear woodland, and in fact seldom increase either net or gross products —hbecause nearly as much old exhausted land is turned out of cultivation as is substituted by the newly cleared. Sound calculations of profit and loss, would induce us to reduce the extent of | our present cultivation, by turning out every acre that yields less than the total cost of its tillage. No political truth is better established than that the population of every country will increase, or’ diminish, according to its regular supply of jood. , We know from the census oft 1830, compared with | those of 1520 and 1810, that our population is; nearly stationary, and in some counties, is actually lessening; and therefore it is certain, that our ag-- riculture is not increasing the amount of food, or the means of purchasing iood—with all the assis- tance of the new land annually brought under cul- ture. In these circumstances, a surplus popula-. tion, with all its deplorable consequences, is only) prevented by the great current of emigration which) is continually flowing westward. No matter who) emigrates, or with what motive—the enterprising’ or wealthy citizen who leaves us to seek richer lands and greater profits, and the slave sold! and carried away on account of his owner’s poverty, , concur in producing the same result, though with) very different degrees of benefit to those who re-- main. If this great and continued drain from . our: population was stopped, and our agriculture was: not improved, wani and misery would work to pro- duce the same results. Births would diminish, and deaths would increase—and hunger: and dis-. ease would keep down population to that number, . that the average products of our agricultural and | other labor could feed, and supply with other: means of living. A stranger io our situation and habits might) well oppose to my statements the very reasonable: bjection, that no man would, or could, long pur-. PART I—THEORY. 13 sue a system of cultivation of which the returns fell short of his expenses, including rent of land, hire of labor, interest on the necessary capital, &c. Very true—if he had to pay those expenses out of his profits, he would soon be driven from his farm to ajail. But we own our land, our laborers, and stock—and though the calculation of net profit, or of loss, is precisely the samie, yet we are not ruined by making only two per cent. on our cap- ital, provided we can manage to live on that in- come. If we live on stillless, we are actually growing richer (by laying up a part of our two per cent.,) notwithstanding the most clearly proved regular loss on our farming. Our condition has been so gradually growing worse, that we are either not aware of the extent of the evil, or arein a great measure reconciled by custom to profitless labor. No hope for a bet- ter state of things can be entertained, until we shake off this apathy—this excess of contentment which makes no ettort to avoid existing evils. I have endeavored to expose what is worst in our ‘situation as farmers: if it should have the effect of Tousing any of my countrymen to a sense of the absolute necessity of some improvement, to avoid ultimate ruin, I hope also to point out to some of their number, if not to all, that the means for cer- tain and highly profitable improvements, are com- pletely within their reach. [Appendix C.] CHAPTER III. DIFFERENT CAPACITIES OF SOILS FOR RECEIVING IMPROVEMENT. THE As far as the nature of the subjects permitted, the foregoing chapters have been merely explana- tory and descriptive. The same subjects will be resumed and more fully treated in the course of the following argument, the premises of which, are the facts and circumstances that have been detailed. What I wish to prove will be stated in a series of propositions, which will now be pre- sented at one view, and afterwards separately dis- cussed in their proper order. Proposition 1. Soils naturally poor, and rich soils reduced to poverty by cultivation, are essen- tially different in their powers of retaining putres- cent manures: and under like circumstances, the fitness of any soil to be enriched by these manures, is in proportion to what was its natural fertility. 2. The natural sterility of the soils of Lower Virginia is caused by such soils being destitute of calcareous earth, and their being injured by the presence and etiects of vegetable acid. 3. The fertilizing effects of calcareous earth are chiefly produced by its power of neutralizing acids, and of combining putrescent manures with soils, between which there would otherwise be but little if any chemical attraction.* | *When any substance is mentioned as combining with one or more other substances, as different manures | with each other, or with soil, I mean that a union is form- jed by chemical attraction, and not by simple mixture. | Mixtures are made by mechanical means, and may be \separated in like manner; but combinations are chemi- ‘eal, and require some stronger chemical attraction, to ) take away either of the bodies so united. 4, Poor and acid soils cannot be improved du- rably, or profitably, by putrescent manures, with- out previously making them calcareous, and there- by correcting the defect in their constitution. 5. Caleareous manures will give to our worst soils a power of retaining putrescent manures, equal to that of the best—and will cause more pro- ductiveness, and yield more profit, than any other improvement practicable in Lower Virginia. Dismissing from consideration, for the present, all the others, I shall proceed to maintain the FIRST PROPOSITION. Soils naturally poor, and rich soils reduced to poverty by cultivation, are essentially different in their powers of retaining putrescent manures: and under like circumstances, the fitness of any soil to be enriched by these manures, is in proportion to what was its natural fertility. The natural fertility of a soil is not intended to be estimated by the amount of its earliest pro- duct, when first brought under cultivation, because several temporary causes then operate either to keep down, or to augment the product. If land be cultivated immediately after the trees are cut down, the crop is greatly lessened by the numerous living roots, and consequent bad tillave—the excess of unrotted vegetable matter, and the coldness of the soil, from which the rays of the sun had been so long excluded. On the other hand, if cultivation is delayed one or two years, the leaves and other vegetable matters are rotted, and in the best state to supply food to plants, and are so abundant, that afar better crop will be raised than could have been obtained before, or perhaps will be again, without manure. For these reasons, the degree of natural fertility of any soil should be measured< by its products alter these temporary causes have ceased to act, which will generally take place be- fore the third or fourth crop is gathered. Accord- ing, then, to this definition, a certain degree of per- manency in its early productiveness, is necessary to entitle a soil to be termed naturally fertile. It is in this sense, that [ deny to any poor lands, ex- cept such as were naturally fertile, the capacity of being made rich by putrescent manures only. The foregoing proposition would by many per- sons be so readily admitted as true, that attempting to prove it would be deemed entirely superfluous. But many others will as strongly deny its truth, and can support their opposition by high agricul- tural authorities. General readers, who may have no connexion with farming, must have gathered from the inci- dental notices in various literary works, that some countries or districts that were noted for their un- common fertility or barrenness, as far back as any accounts of them have been recorded, still retain the same general character, through every change of policy, government, and even of the race of previous peculiar qualities, or neutralize them for each other, and form a third substance diiferent from both. Thus, if certain known proportions of muriatic acid, and pure or caustic soda, be brought together, their strong attraction will cause them to combine imme- diately. The strong corrosive acid quality of the one, and the equally peculiar alkaline taste and powers of the other, will neutralize or entirely destroy each other —and the compound formed, is common salt, the quali- ties of which are asstrongly marked, but totally differ- When two substances combine, they both lose their | ent from those of either of its constituent parts. 14 inhabitants. They know that for some centuries at least, there has been no change in the strong contrast between the barrenness of Norway, Bran- denburg, and the Highlands of Scotland, and the fertility of Lombardy and Valencia. Sicily, not- withstanding its government is calculated to dis- courage industry, and production of every profita- ble kind, still exhibits that fertility for which it was celebrated two thousand years ago. It seems a necessary inference from the many statements of which these are examples, that the labors of man have been but of little avail in altering perma- nently the characters and qualities given to soils by nature. Most of our experienced practical cultivators, through a different course, have arrived at the same conclusion. ‘Their practice has taught them the truth of this proposition—and the opinions thus formed have profitably directed their most impor- tant operations. They are accustomed to estimate the worth of land by its natural degree of fertility —and by the same rule they are directed on what soils to bestow their scanty stock of manure, and where to expect exhausted fields to recover by rest, and their own unassisted powers. But content with knowmg the fact, this useful class of farmers have never inquired for its cause—and their opin- ions on this subject, as on most others, have not been communicated so as to benefit others. But if all literary men who are not farmers, and all practical cultivators who seldom read, admitted the truth of my proposition, it would avail but little for improving our agricultural operations— and the only prospect of its being usefully dissem- inated, is through that class of farmers who have received their first opinions of improving soils, from books, and whose subsequent plans and prac- tices have grown out of those opinions. If poor natural soils cannot be durably or profitably im- proved by putrescent manures, this truth should not only be known, but be kept constantly in view, by every farmer who can hope to improve with success. Yet itis a remarkable fact, that the difference in the capacities of soils for receiving improvement, has not attracted the attention of scientific farmers—and the doctrine has no direct and positive support from the author of’ any trea- tise on agriculture, English or American, that I have been able to consult. On the contrary, it seems to be considered by all of them, that to col- lect and apply as much vegetable and animal manure as possible, is sufficient ro ensure profit to every farmer, and fertility to every soil. They do not tell us that numerous exceptions to that rule will be found, and that many soils of apparent good texture, if not incapable of being enriched from the barn-yard, would at least cause more loss than clear profit, by being improved from that source. When itis assumed that the silence of every distinguished author as to certain soils being inca- pable of being profitably enriched, amounts to ig- norance of the fact, or a tacit denial of its truth— it may be objected that the exception was not omitted from either of these causes, but because it was established and undoubted. This is barely possible: but even if such was the case, their si- lence has had all the ill consequences that could have grown out of a positive denial of’ any excep- tions to the propriety of manuring poor soils. Every zealous young farmer, who draws most of ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. his knowledge and opinions from books, adopts precisely the same idea of their directions—and if he owns barren soils he probably throws away his labor and manure for their improvement, for years, before experieuce compels him to abandon his hopes, and acknowledge that his guides have led him only to failure and loss. Such farmers as I allude to, by their enthusiasm and spirit of enter- prise, are capable of rendering the most important benefits to agriculture. Whatever may be their impelling motives, the public derives nearly all the benefit of’ their successful plans—and their far more numerous misdirected labors, and consequent dis- appointments, are productive of national, still more than individual loss. The occurrence of only a few such mistakes, made by reading farmers, will serve to acquit me of combating a shadow—and there are few of us who cannot recollect some such examples. But if the foregoing objection has any weight in justifying Kuropean authors in not naming this exception, it can have none for those of our own country. If it is admitted that soils naturally poor are incapable of being enriched with profit, that: admission must cover three-fourths of allthe high- land in the tide-water district. Surely no one will contend that so sweeping an exception was silent-. ly understood by the author of rator, as qualify-. ing his exhortations to improve our lands: and if no such exception was intended to be made, then) will his directions for enriching soils, and his: promises of reward, be found equally fallacious, for the greater portion of the country, to benefit which his work was specially intended. The: omission of any such exception by the writers of! the United States, is the more remarkable, as the: land has been so recently brou@ht under cultiva-. tion, that the original degree of' fertility of almost’ every farm may be known to its owner, and com-. paired with the after progress of exhaustion or; improvement. Many authorities might be adduced to prover that I have correctly stated what is the fair and only inference to be drawn from agricultural books, respecting the capacity of poor soils to receive im- provement. But a few of the most strongly marked passages in Arator will be fully sufficient for this purpose. The venerated author of that work was too well acquainted with the writings of European agriculturists, to have mistaken their doctrines in this 1mportant particular. A large portion of his useful life was devoted to the suc- cessful improvement of exhausted, but originally fertile lands. His instructions for producing simi- lar improvements are expressly addressed to the cultivators of the eastern parts of Virginia and North Carolina, and are given as applicable to all our soils, without exception. Considering all these circumstances, the conclusions which are evidently and unavoidably deduced from his work, may be fairly considered, not only as supported by his own experience, but as concurring with the general doctrine of improving poor soils, maintain-/f ed by previous writers. At page 54, third edition of Arator, ‘inclosing”’ (i. e. leaving fields to receive their own vegeta- ble cover, for their improvement during the years of rest,) is said to be “the most powerful means 0 fertilizing the earth’’—and the process is declarec’ to be rapid, the returns near, and the gain great. _ Page 61. “If these few means of fertilizing PART I—THEORY. * the country [cornstalks, straw, and animal dung, ] * were skilfully used, they would of themselves “ suffice to change its state from sterility to fruit- “ fulness. ”>—‘‘ By the litter of Indian corn, and of “small grain, and of penning cattle, managed “ with only an inferior degree of skill, in union “with inclosing, I will venture to affirm that a *‘ farm may in ten years be made to double its “¢ produce, and in twenty to quadruple it.” No opinions could be more strongly or uncondi- tionally expressed than these. No reservation or exception is made. I may safely appeal to each of the many hundreds who attempted to obey these instructions, to declare whether any one considered his own naturally poor soils excluded from the benefit of these promises—or whether a lithe of that benefit was realized on any farm composed generally of such soils. Ina field of mine that has been secured from grazing since 1814, and cultivated on the four shift rotation, the produce of a marked spot has been measured every fourth year (when in corn) since 1820. The difference of product has been such as the differences of season might have caused—and the last crop (in 1828) was worse than those of either of the two preceding rotations. There is no rea- son to believe that even the smallest increase of' productive power has taken place. | It is far from my intention, by these remarks, to deny the propriety, or to question the highly ben- | eficial results, of “applying the system of’ improve- | ment recommended by Arator, to soils originally fertile. On the contrary, it is as much my object to maintain the facility of restoring to worn lands their natural degree of fertility, by vegetable ap- plications, as it is to deny the power of exceeding that degree, however low it may have been. One more quotation will be offered, because its Tecent date and the source whence it is derived, furnish the best proof that it is still the received opinion among agricultural writers, that all soils may be profitably improved, by putrescent ma- nures. An article in the merican Farmer, of October 14th, 1831, on manuring large farms,” by the editor, contains the following expressions. 6 By proper exertions, every farm in the ** United States can be manured with less expense * than the surplus profits arising from the manure ‘would come to, This we sincerely believe, and f we have arrived at this conclusion from long * and attentive observation. We never yet saw * atarm that we could not point to means of ma- “ nuring, and bring into a state of high and pro- fitable cultivation at an expense altogether in- considerable when contrasted with the advan- “tages to be derived from it.” The remainder of the article shows that putrescent manures are orincipally relied on to produce these effects: marsh and swamp mud are the only kinds referred ‘o that are not entirely putrescent in their action, nd mud certainly cannot be used to manure every farm. Mr, Smith, having been long the sonductor of a valuable agricultural journal, as a matter of course, is extensively acquainted with the works and opinions of the best writers on ag- tieulture; and therefore, his advancing the fore- oing opinions, as certain and undoubted, is as uch a proof of the general concurrence of pre- eding writers, as if the same had been given asa ligest of their precepts. Some persons will readily admit the great differ- 15 ence in the capacities of soils for improvement, but consider a deficiency of clay only to cause the want of power to retain manures. The general excess of sand in our poor lands might warrant this belief in a superficial and limited observer. But though clay soils are more rarely met with, they present, in proportion to their extent, full as much poor land. ‘The most barren and worthless soils in the county of Prince George, are also the siiffest. A poor clay soil, will retain manure long- er than a poor sandy soil—but it will not the less certainly lose its acquired fertility at a somewhat later period. When it: is considered that a much greater quantity of manure is required by clay soils, it may well be doubted whether the improve- ment of the sandy soils would not be attended with more profit—or more properly speaking, with less actual loss. It is true that the capacity of a soil for improve- ment is greatly affected by its texture, shape of the surface, and its supply of moisture. Dry, faved clay soils, will retain manure longer, than if they were sandy, hilly, or wet. But however import- ant these circumstances may be, neither the pre- sence or absence of any of them can cause the differences of capacity for improvement. ‘There are rich and valuable soils with one or more of all these faults—and there are soils the least capable of receiving improvement, free from objection as to their texture, degree of moisture, or inclination of their surface. Indeed the great body of our poor ridge lands, is more free from faults of this kind, than soils of’ far greater productiveness usu- ally are. Unless then some other and far more powerful obstacle to improvement exists, why should not all our woodland be highly enriched, by the hundreds, or thousands, of crops of leaves which have successively fallen and rotted there? Notwithstanding this vegetable manuring, which infinitely exceeds all that the industry and pa- tience of man can possibly equal, most of our woodland remains poor—and this one fact (which at least is indisputable, ) ought to satisfy all of the impossibility of enriching such soils by putrescent manures only. Some few acres may be highly improved, by receiving all the manure derived from the offal of the whole farm—and entire farms, in the neighborhood of towns, may be kept rich by continually applying large quantities of purchased manures. But no where can a farm be found, which has been improved beyond its original fertility, by means of the vegetable re- sources of its own arable fields. If this opinion is erroneous, nothing is easier than to prove my mis- take, by adducing undoubted examples of such improvements having been made, But a few remarks will suffice on the capacity for improvement of worn lands, which were ori- ginally fertile. With regard to these soils, I have only to concur in the received opinion of their fit- ness for durable and profitable improvement by putrescent manures. After being exhausted by cultivation, they will recover their productive pow- er, by merely being left to rest for a sufficient time, and receiving the manure made by nature, of the weeds and other plants that grow and die upon the land. Even if robbed of the greater part of that supply, by the grazing of animals, a still longer time will serve to obtain the same result. The better a soil was at first, the sooner it will recover by these means, or by artificial manuring. On 16 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. soils of this kind, the labors of the improving far- mer meet with success and reward—and when- ever we hear of remarkable improvements of poor land by putrescent manures, further inquiry will show us that these poor lands had once been rich. The continued fertility of certain countries for hundreds or even thousands of years, does not prove thatthe land could not be, or had not been, exhausted by cultivation: but only that it was slow to exhaust and rapid in recovering—so that whatever repeated changes may have occurred in each particular tract, the whole country taken _to- gether always retained a high degree of produc- tiveness. Still the same rule will apply to the richest and the poorest soils—that each exerts strongly a force to retain as much fertility as nature gave them—and that when worn and reduced, each may easily be restored to its original state, but cannot be raised higher, with either durability or profit by putrescent manures, whether applied by the bounty of nature, or the industry of man. CHAPTER IV. EFFECTS OF THE PRESENCE OF CALCAREOUS EARTH IN SOILS. Proposition 2. The natural sterility of the soils of Lower Virginia is caused by such soils being destitute of calcareous earih, and their be- ing injured by the presence and effecis of vegeta- ble acid. The means which would appear the most likely to lead to the causes of the different capacities of soils for improvement, is to inquire whether any known ingredient or quality is always to be found belonging to improvable soils, and never to the un- improvable—or which always accompanies the Jatter, and never the former kind. If either of these results can be obtained, we will have good ground for supposing that we have discovered the eneral cause of fertility, in the one case—or of barrenness, in the other: and it will follow, that if we can supply to barren soils the deficient bene- ficial ingredient—or can destroy that which is in- jurious to them—that their incapacity for receiving improvement will be removed. All the common ingredients of soils, as sand, clay, or gravel—and such qualities as moisture or dryness—a level, or a hilly surface—however they may affect the va- jue of svuils, are each sometimes found exhibited in a remarkable degree, in both the fertile and the steril, The abundance of putrescent vegetable matter might well be considered the cause of fer- tility, by one who judged only from lands long un- der cultivation. But though vegetable matter in sufficient quantity is essential to the existence of fertility, yet will this substance also be found inad- equate, as its cause. Vegetable matter abounds in all rich land, it is admitted; but it has also been furnished by nature, in quantities exceeding all computation, to the most barren soils we own. But there is one ingredient of which not the smallest proportion can be found in any of our poor soils, and which, wherever found, indicates a soil remarkable for natural and durable fertility. This is calcareous earth. 'These facts alone, if sus- tained, will go far to prove that this earth is the cause of fertility, and the cure for barrenness. On some part of most farms touching tide- water, either muscle or oyster sheils are found mixed with the soil. Oyster shells are confined to the lands on salt water, where they are very abun- dant, and sometimes extend through large fields. Higher up the rivers, muscle shells only are to be seen thus deposited by nature, and they decrease as we approach the falls of the rivers. The pro- portion of shelly land in the counties highest on tide-water, is very small—but the small extent of these spots does not prevent, but rather aids, the investigation of the peculiar qualities of such soils. Spots of shelly land, not exceeding a few acres in extent, could not well have been cultivated differ- ently from the balance of the fields of which they |formed parts—and therefore they can be better compared with the worse soils under like treat- ment. Every acre of shelly land is, or has been, remarkable for its richness, and still more for its durability. There are few farmers among us who have not heard described tracts of shelly soil on Nansemond and York Rivers, which are cele- brated for their long resistance of the most ex- hausting system of tillage, and which still remain fertile, notwithstanding all the injury which they must have sustained from their severe treatment. We are told that on some of these lands, corn has been raised every successive year, without any help from manure, for a longer time than the owners could remember, or could be informed of, correctly. But without relying®on any such re- markable cases, there can be no doubt but that every | acre of our shelly land has been at least as much | tilled, and as little manured, as any in the country; | and that it is still the richest and most valuable of’ all our old cleared land. The fertile but narrow strips along the banks of | our rivers, (which form the small portion of our’ highland of first rate quality,) seldom extend far’ without exhibiting spots in which shells are visi-- ble, so that the eye alone is sufficient to prove the: soil of such places to be caleareous. The similari-- ty of natural growth, and of all other marks of! character are such, that the observer might very’ naturally infer that the former presence of shells; had given the same valuable qualities to all these: soils—but that they had so generally rotted, and! been incorporated with the other earths, that they remained visible only in a few places, where they had been most abundant. The accuracy of this; inference will hereafter be examined. The natural growth of the shelly soils, (and of those adjacent of similar value,) is entirely differ-. ent from that of the great body of our lands. Whatever tree thrives well on the one, is seldom) found on the other class of soils—or if found, it) shows plainly by its imperfect and stunted con-. dition, on how unfriendly a soil it is placed. To: the rich river margins are almost entirely confined’ the black or wild locust, hackberry or sugar nut tree, and papaw. The locust is with great diffi-. culty eradicated, or the newer growths kept under; on cultivated Jands; and from the remarkable ra- pidity with which it springs up, and increases ini size, it forms a serious obstacle to the cultivation: of the river banks. Yet on the woodland only a: mile or two from the river, not a locust is to be seen. On shelly soils, pines and broom grass can-, not thrive, and are rarely able to maintain even the most sickly growth. Some may say that these striking differences of PART I—THEORY. 17 i zrowth do not so much show a difference in the constitution of the soils, as in their state of fertility —er that one class of the plants above named de- lights in rich, and the other, in poorland: No plant prefers poor to rich soil—or can thrive better on a scarcity of food, than with an abundant sup- ply: Pine, broom grass, and sorrel, delight in a class of soils that are generally unproductive—but not on account of their poverty—for all these plants show, by the greater or less vigor of their growth, the abundance or scarcity of vegetable matter in the soil. But on this class of soils, no quantity of vegetable manure could make locusts flourish, though they will grow rapidly on a calcareous hill- side, from which all the soil capable of supporting other plants, has been washed away. n thus describing and distinguishing soils by their growth, let me not be understood as extend- ing those rules to other soils and climates than our pwn. It is well established that changes of kind in. successive growths of timber have occurred in sther places, without any known cause—and a difference of climate will elsewhere produce ef- tects, which here would indicate a change of soil. _Seme rare exceptions to the general fertility of shelly lands are found where the proportion of calcareous earth is in great excess. ‘Too much of this ingredient causes even a greater degree of sterility than its total absence. "This cause of bar- renness 1s very common in France and England (on chalk soils,) and very extensive tracts are not worth the expense of cultivation, or improvement. The few small spots that are rendered barren here, are seldom (if ever) so affected by the excess of oyster or muscle shells in the soil. These effects generally are caused by beds of fossil sea shells, which in some places reach the surface, and are thus exposed to the plough. ‘These spots are not often more than thirty feet across, and their nature is generally evident to the eye; and if not, is so easily determined by chemical tests, as to leave no reason for confounding the injurious and bene- ficial effects of calcareous earth. This exception to the general fertilizing effect of this ingredient of our soils, would scarcely require naming, but to mark what might be deemed an apparent contra- diction. But this exception, and its cause, must be kept in mind, and considered as always under- stood and admitted throughout all my remarks, and which therefore it is not necessary to name specially, when the general qualities of calcareous earth are spoken of. ' In the beginning of this chapter, I advanced the important fact that none of our poor soils contain naturally the least particle of calcareous earth. So far, this is supported merely by my assertion—and all those who have studied agriculture in books, will require strong proof before they can give cre- dit to the existence of a fact; which is either un- supported, or indirectly denied, by all written au- thority. Others, who have not attended to such descriptions of soils in general, may be too ready to admit the truth of my assertion—because, not knowing the opinions on this subject heretofore received and undoubted, they would not be aware of the importance of their admission. It is true that no author has said expressly that every soil contains calcareous earth. Neither has any one stated that every soil contains some sfli- cious, or aluminous earth. But the manner in which ek has treated of soils and their constitu- | ent parts, would cause their readers to infer, that neither of these three earths is ever entirely want- ing—or at least that the entire absence of the cal- careous, 1S as rare as the absence of silicious or aluminous earth. Nor are we left to gather this opinion solely from indirect testimony, as the fol- lowing examples, from the highest authorities, will prove. Davy says, “four earths generally abound in soils, the aluminous, the silicious, the calcareous, and the magnesian’’*—and the soils of which he states the constituent parts, obtained by chemical analysis, as well as those reported by Kirwan, and by Young, all contain some propor- tion (and generally a large proportion) of calca- reous earth. Kirwan states the component parts of a soil which contained thirty-one per cent. of calcareous earth, and he supposes that proportion neither too little nor too much.{ Young mentions soils of extraordinary fertility containing seven- teen and twenty per cent., besides others with smaller proportions of calcareous earth—and says that Bergman found thirty per cent. in the best soil he examined.{ Rozier speaks still more strongly for the general diffusion, and large pro- portions of this ingredient of soils. In his general description of earths and soils, he gives examples of the supposed composition of the three grades of soils which he designates by the terms rich, good, and middling soils: to the first class he as- signs a proportion of one-tenth, to the second, one- fourth, and to the last, one-half of its amount, of calcareous earth. The fair interpretation of the passage is that the author considered these large proportions as general, in France—and he gives no intimation of any soil entirely without calca- reous earth.§ American writers also suppose the general pre- sence of this ingredient of soil: but their opinions on this subject are merely echos of European de- scriptions of soils. They seem neither to have suspected that so important a difference existed, nor to have made the least investigation by actual analysis, to sustain the false character thus given to the soils of our country. [Appendix D.] With my early impressions of the nature and composition of soils, derived from the general de- scriptions given in books, it was with surprise, and some distrust, that when first attempting to ana- lyze soils, in 1817, { found most specimens desti- tute of calcareous earth. The trials were repeated with care and accuracy, on soils from various places—until I felt authorized to assert without *Davy’s Agr. Chem. Lecture 1. + Agr. Chem. Lect. 4.—Kirwan on Manures—and | Young’s Prize Essay on Manures. { Kirwan on Manures, article Clayey Loam. | Young’s Essay on Manures. § * Composition of soils. Examples of the various composition of soils: Rich soil; silicious earth, 2 parts; aluminous, 6; calcareous, 1; vegetable earth, [humus] 1; in all, 10 parts. Good soil—silicious, 3 parts; alu- minous 4; caleareous 24; vegetable earth, 4 of 1 part; in all, 10 parts. Middling soil [sol niediocre;] silicious, 4 parts; aluminous, 1; calcareous, 5 parts, less by some atoms of vegetable earth; in all, 10 parts. We see that it is the largest proportion of aluminous earth, that constitutes the greatest excellence of soils; and we know that independently of their harmony of com- position, they require a sufficiency of depth.”—From the article «Terres,” in the “Cour Complet d’Agricul- ture Pratique, etc. par L’Abbé Rozier, 1815. 18 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. fear of contradiction, that no naturally peor soil, below the falls of the rivers, contains the smallest proportion of calcareous earth. Nor do I believe that any exception to this peculiarity of constitu- tion can be found in any poor soil above the falls: but though these are far more extensive and im- portant in other respects, they are beyond the dis- trict within the limits of which I propose to con- | fine my investigation. These results are highly important, whether considered merely as serving te establish my pro- position, or as showing a radical difference be- tween most of our soils, and those of the best cul- tivated parts of Europe. Putting aside my argu- ment to establish a particular theory of’ improve- ment, the ascertained fact of the universal absence of calcareous earth in our poor soils leads to this conclusion—that profitable as caleareous manures have been found to be in countries where the soils are generally caleareous in some degree, they must be far more so on our soils that are quite destitute of that necessary earth. CHAPTER V. RESULTS OF THE CHEMICAL EXAMINATIONS OF VARIOUS SOILS. Provosirtion 2. Continued. The certainty of any results of chemical an- alysis would be doubted by most persons who have paid no attention to the means employed for such operations: and their incredulity will be the more excusable, when such results are reported by one knowing very little of the science of chemis- try, and whose limited knowledge was gained without aid or instruction, and was sought solely with the view of pursuing this investigation. Ap- pearing under such disadvantages, it is therefore the more incumbent on me to show my claim to accuracy, orso to explain my method, as to ena- ble others to detect its errors, if any exist. To an- alyze a specimen of soil completely, requires an amount of scientific acquirement and practical skill, to which I make no pretension. But merely to ascertain the absence of calcareous earth—or if present, to find its quantity—requires but little skill, and less science. The methods recommended by different aari- cultural chemists for ascertaining the proportion of calcareous earth in soils, agree in all material points. ‘Their process wili be described, and made as plain as possible. A specimen of soil of con- venient size is dried, pounded, and weighed, and then thrown into muriatic acid, diluted with three or four times its quantity of water. ‘The acid combines with, and dissolves the lime of the cal- careous earth, and its other ingredient, the car- bonic acid, being disengaged, rises through the |i- quid in the form of gas, or air, and escapes with effervescence. After the mixture has been well shaken, and has stood until all effervescence is over, (the fluid still being somewhat acid to the taste, to prove that enough acid had been used, by some excess being left,) the whole is poured into apiece of blotting paper folded so as to fit withina glass funnel. The fluid containing the dissolved lime passes through the paper, leaving behind the clay and silicious sand, and any other solid matter; over which pure water is poured and passed off seve- | ral times, so as to wash off all remains of the dis- solved lime. ‘These filtered washings are added! to the solution, to all of which is then poured a: solution of carbonate of petash. "The two dis= solved salts thus thrown together, (muriate of; lime, composed of muriatic acid and lime—and! carbonate of potash, eonyposed of carbonic acid| and potash,) immediately decompose each other, | and form two new combinations. The muriatic: acid leaves the lime, and combines with the potash, for which it has a stronger attraction—and the muriate of potash thus formed, being a soluble salt, remains dissolved and invisible in the water. ‘The lime and carbonic acid being in contaet, wher | let loose by their former partners, instantly unite, which being inseluble, falls to the bettom, is sep— arated by filtering paper, is waslied, dried ang weighed, and thus shows the propartion contained by the soil.* | In this process, the carbonie acid which first( composed part or the caleareous earth, escapes inter) the air, and another supply is afterwards furnished] from the decomposition ef the carbonate of potash. But this change of one of its ingredients does now alter the quantity of the calcareous earth, which is: always composed of certain invariable proportions: of its two component parts; and when all the lime: has been precipitated as above directed, it will! necessarily be combined with precisely its first} quantity of carbonic acid. This operation is so simple, and the means for conducting it so easy to obtain, that it will gener— ally be the most convenient mode for finding the: proportion of calcareous earth in those manures: that are known to contain it abundantly, and) where an error of a few grains cannot be very; material. Butif a very accurate result is neces—. sary, this method will not serve, on account of sev-. eral causes of error which always oceur. Should! no calcareous earth be present in a soil thus an-. alyzed, the muriatic acid will take up asmall quan-: tity of aluminous earth, which will be precipitated: by the carbonate of potash, and without further) investigation, would be considered as so much cal- careous earth. And if any compounds of lime and vegetable acids are present, (which for reasons: hereafter to be stated, I believe to be not uncom- mon in soils,) some portion of them may be dis- solved, and appear inthe result as carbonate of lime, though not an atom of that substance was in the soil. Thus, every soil examined by this method of precipitation, will yield some small re-. sult of what would appear as calcareous earth, though actually destitute of such an ingredient, The inaceuracies of this method were no doubt known (though passed over without notice) by: Davy, and other men of science who have re- commended its use: but as they considered calca reous earth merely as one of the earthy ingredients of soil, operating mechanically, (as do sand and clay,) on the texture of the soil, they would searce- ly suppose that a difference of a grain or two could materially affect the practical value of ar) analysis, or the character of the soil under exam. ination.t Se | *More full directions for the analysis of soils may be found in Kirwan’s Essay on Manures, Rozier’ Dictionary, and Davy’s Agricultural Chemistry): and of calcareous manures in Appendix E. | }*Chalks, calcareous marls, or powdered limestone and form carbonate of lime, or calcareous a eT et Ey 2a PART I—THEORY. 19 —e————seesSsS8=8®@$™—$MN0®@ammmM997€30@0@090909080.0SSSSooSsSSaSaSaSSSSSSSSSSSS The pneumatic apparatus proposed by Davy,* as another means for showing the proportion of calcareous earth in soils, is liable to none of these objections; and when some other causes of' error peculiar to this method, are known and guarded against, its accuracy is almost perfect, in ascertain- ing the quantity of caleareous earth—to which substance alone, its use is limited. The correct- ness of this mode of analysis depends on two well established facts in chemistry—Ist. That the component parts of calcareous earth always bear the same proportion to each other—and these pro- portions are as forty-three parts (by weight) of carbonic acid, to forty-seven of lime. Qnd. ‘That the carbonic acid gas which two grains of calea- reous earth will yield, is equal in bulk to one ounce of fresh water. The process with the aid of this apparatus disengages, confines, and measures the was evolved—and for every measure equal to the bulk of an ounce of water, the operator has only to allow two grains of calcareous earth in the soil acted on. It is ewident that the result can indicate the presence of lime in no other combination ex- cept that which forms calcareous earth—nor of any other earth, except carbonate of magnesia, which, if present, might be mistaken for calcareous earth, but which is too rare, and occurs in propor- tions toosmall, to cause any material error. But if it is only desired to know whether calca- reous earth is entirely wanting in any soil—or to test the truth of my assertion that so great a pro- portion of our soils are destitute of that earth— it may be done with far more ease than by either of the foregoing methods, and without apparatus of any kind. Let a handful of the soil (without drying or weighing) be thrown into a large drink- ing glass, containing enough of pure water to cover the soil about two inches. Stir it until all the lumps have disappeared, and the water has certainly taken the place of all the atmospheric air which the soil had enclosed. Remove any ve- getable fibres,or froth, from the surface of the li- quid, so as to have it clear. Then pour in gently about a table spoonful of undiluted muriatic acid, which by its greater weight will sink, and pene- trate the soil, without any agitation being neces- sary for that purpose. If any calcareous earth is present it will quickly begin to combine with the acid, throwing off its carbonic acid in gas, which eannot fail to be observed as it escapes, as the gas that only eight grains of caleareous earth would throw out, would be equal in bulk to a gill measure. Indeed, the product of only a single grain of cal- eareous earth, would be abundantly plain to the eye of the careful operator, though it might be the whole amount of gas from two thousand grains of soil. If no effervescence is seen even alter adding more acid and gently stirring the mixture, then it is absolutely certain that the soil contained not the “ act merely by forming a useful earthy ingredient in the *¢ soil, and their efficacy is proportioned to the deficien- * cy of caleareous matter, which in larger or smaller «© quantities seems to be an essential ingredient of all ec fertile soils; necessary perhaps to their proper texture, “and as an ingredient in the organs of plants.’ [Da- « vy’s Agr. Chem. page 21—and further on he says] “Chalk and marl or carbonate of lime only improve ihe | “texture of a soil, or its relation to absorption; ‘merely as one of its earthy ingredients.” *See the plate and description in Lecture IV of Agricultural Chemistry. | it acts smallest portion of carbonate of lime—nor of the only other substance which might be mistaken for it, the carbonate of magnesia. The examinations of all the soils that will be here mentioned, were made in the pneumatic ap- paratus, except some of those which evidently evolved no gas, and when no other result. was re- quired. As caleareous earth is plainly visible to the eye in all shelly soils, they only need examma- tion to ascertain its proportion. A few examples will show what proportions we may find, and how greatly they vary, even in soils apparently of equal value. 1. Soil, a black clayey loam, from the top of the high knoll at the end of Coggin’s Point, on James River, containing fragments of muscle sheils throughout. Never manured and supposed to have been under scourging cultivation and close grazing from the first settlement of the country: then (1818) capable of producing twenty-five or thirty bushels of corn—and the soil well suited to wheat. One thousand grains, cleared by a fine sieve of all coarse shelly matter, (as none can act on the soil until minutely divided.) yielded sixteen ounce measures of carbonic acid gas, which showed the finely divided calcareous earth to be thirty-two grains. 2. One thousand grains of similar soil from an- other part of the same field, treated in the same manner, gave twenty-four grains of finely divided calcareous earth. 3. From the east end of a small island, at the end of Coggin’s Point, surrounded by the river, and tide marsh. Soil, dark brown leam, much lighter than the preceding specimens, though not sandy —under like exhausting cultivation—then capable of bringing thirty to thirty-five bushels of corn— not a good wheat soil, ten or twelve bushels being probably a full crop. One thousand grains yield- ed eight grains of coarse shelly matter, and eighty-two of finely divided calcareous earth. 4. From a small spot of sandy soil, almost bare of vegetation, and incapable of producing any grain, though in the midst of very rich land, and cleared but a few years. Some small frag- ments of fossil sea shells being visible, proved this barren spot to be calcareous, which induced its ex- amination. Four hundred grains yielded eighty- seven of calcareous earth—nearly twenty-two per cent. ‘This soil was afterwards dug and carried outas manure. 5. Black friable loam, from Indian Fields, on York River. The soil was aspecimen of a field of considerable extent, mixed throughout with oyster shells. Though light and mellow, the soil did not appear to be sandy. Rich, durable, and long un- der exhausting cultivation. 1260 grains of soil yielded 168 — of coarse shelly matter, separated me- chanically, 8 — _ finely divided calcareous earth’ The remaining solid matter, carefully separated, (by agitation and — settling in water,) consisted of 139 erains of fine clay, black with putrescent 7 matter, and which lost more than one-fourth of its weight by-being ex- posed to a red heat, 875 — white sand, moderately fine, 20 — _ very fine sand, 36 — lost in the process. 20 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. eee 6. Oyster shell soil of the best quality from the farm of Wills Cowper, Esq. on Nansemond River —never manured, and supposed to have been cul- tivated in corn as often as three years in four, since the firstsettlement of the country—now yields (by actual measurement) thirty bushels of corn to the acre—but is very unproductive in wheat. A spe- cimen taken from the surface to the depth of six inches, weighed altogether 242 dwt., which consisted of 126 — _ of shells and their fragments, separa- ted by the sieve, 116 — __ remaining finely divided soil. Of the finely divided part, 500 grains consisted of 18 grains of carbonate of lime, 330 — _ silicioussand—none very coarse, 94 — impalpable aluminous and silicious earth, 35 — _ putrescent vegetable matter—none coarse or unrotted, 23 — loss. 500 It is unnecessary to cite any particular trials of our poor soils, as it has been stated in the pre- ceding chapter that all are entirely destitute of cal- careous earth—excluding the rare, but well marked exceptions of its great excess, of which an éxam- ple has been given in the soil marked 4, in the fore- going examinations. Unless then Iam mistaken in supposing that these facts are universally true, the certain results of chemical analysis completely establish these general rules—viz: That all calcareous soils are naturally fertile and durable in a very high degree—and That all soilsnaturally poor are entirely destitute of calcareous earth. It then can scarcely bedenied that calcareous earth must be the cause of the fertility of the one class of soils, and that the want of it produces the poverty of the other. Qualities that always thus accompany each other, cannot be, otherwise than cause and effect. If further proof is wanting. it can be safely promised to be furnished when the practical application of calcareous manures to poor soils will be treated of; and their effects stated. These deductions are then established as to all calcareous soils, and all poor soils—which de- scriptions comprise nine-tenths of all. This alone would open a wide field for the practical exercise of the truths we have reached. But still there re- main strong objections and stubborn facts opposed to the complete proof of the proposition now under consideration, and consequently to the theory which that proposition is intended to support. The whole difficulty will be apparent at once when I now proceed to state that nearly all of our best soils, such as are very little if at all inferior in value to the small portion of shelly lands, are as destitute of caleareous earth as the poorest. So far as I have examined, this deficiency is no less general in the richest alluvial lands of the upper country—and, what will be deemed by some as incredible, by far the greater part of the rich limestone soils between the Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains are equally destitute of caleareous earth. These facts were not named before, to avoid embarrassing the | discussion of other points—-nor can they now be explained, and reconciled with my proposition, ex- cept through a circuitous and apparently digressive course of reasoning. They have not been kept out of view, nor slurred over, to weaken their force, and are now presented in all their strength. These difficulties will be considered, and removed, in the following chapters, CHAPTER VI. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF RICH SOILS CON- TAINING NO CALCAREOUS EARTH. Prorvositrion 2. Continued. Under common circumstances, when any dis- putant admits facts that seem to contradict his own! reasoning, such admission is deemed abundant evidence of their existence. But though now, placed exactly in this situation, the facts admitted by me are so opposed to all that scientific agricul- turists have taught us to expect, that it is necessa- ry for me to show the grounds on which my ad- mission rests. Few would haye believed in the absence of calcareous earth in all our poor soils— and far more strange is it that the same deficiency, should extend to such rich soils as some that will be cited. ‘ The following specimens, taken from welll known and very fertile soils, were found to contain’ no calcareous earth, Many trials of other rich! soils have yielded like results—and indeed, I have never found calcareous earth in any soil below the falls of the rivers, in which, or near which, some particles of shells were not visible. 1. Soil from Eppes’ Island, which lies in James River, near City Point; light and -friable (but not silicious) brown loam, rich and durable. The sur face is not many feet above the highest tides, and like most of the best river lands, this tract seems to have been formed by alluvion many ages ago, but which may be termed recent, when compared to the general formation of the tide-water district, 2. Black silicious loam from the celebrated lands} on Back River, near Hampton. | 3. Soil from rich land on Pocoson River, York} County. 4. Black clay vegetable soil, from a fresh-water}, tide marsh on James River—formed by the mos} recent alluvion. \ 5. Alluvial soil of first rate fertility above the}; falls of James River—dark brown clay loam, from} the valuable and extensive body of bottom langjj belonging to General J. H. Cocke, of Fluvanna, Jp The most remarkable facts of the absence 0}; calcareous earth, are to be found in the limestone}} soils, between the Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains, Of these, I will report all that I havefj examined, and none contained any calcareou: earth, unless when the contrary will be stated.* * Before the first of these trials was made, I supiff posed (as probably most other persons do,) that lime. stone soil was necessarily calcareous, and in a high de: gree. It is difficult to get rid of this impression en/ tirely—and it may seem a contradiction in terms t say that a limestone soil is not caleareous. ThisI can) not avoid: I must take the term limestone soi] as cus ‘ PART I—THEORY. 21 nn | ESS ee 1 to 6. Limestone soils selected in the neighbor- hood of Lexington, Virginia, by Professor Gra- ham, with the view of enabling me to investigate this subject. All the specimens were from first rate soils, except one, which was from land of in- ferior value. One of the specimens, Mr. Gra- ham’s description stated to be “taken from a piece of land so rocky [with limestone] as to be unfit for “ cultivation—at least with the plough. I could ** scarcely select a specimen which I would expect *‘ to be more strongly impregnated with calcareous “earth.” This specimen, by two separate trials, yielded only one grain of calcareous earth, from one thousand of soil. The other six soils contain- ed none. The same result was obtained fiom 7. A specimen of alluvial land on North River, near Lexington. 8. Brown loam from the Sweet Spring Valley, remarkable for its extraordinary productiveness and durability. It is of alluvial formation, and before it was drained, must have been often co- vered and saturated by the Sweet Spring and other mineral waters, which hold lime in solution. The surrounding highland is of limestoné soil. Of this specimen, taken from about two hundred yards below the Sweet Spring, from land long cul- tivated every year, three hundred and sixty grains yielded not a particle of calcareous earth. It con- tained an unusually large proportion of oxide of tron, though my imperfect means enabled me to separate and collect only eight grains, the process evidently wasting several more. About a mile lower down, drains were then making (in 1826) to reclaim more of this rich valley from the overflowing waters. Another spe- cimen was taken from the bottom of a ditch just opened, eighteen inches below the surface. It was a black loam, and exhibited to the eye some very diminutive fresh-water shells, (perriwinkles, about one-tenth of an inch in length,) and many of their broken fragments. This gave, from two hundred grains, seventy-four of calcareous earth. But this cannot fairly be placed on the same footing with the other soils, as it had obviously been once the bottom of a stream, or lake, and the collection and deposite of so large and unusual a proportion of calcareous matter, seemed to be of mimal formation. Both these specimens were selected at my request by one of our best farmers, ind who also furnished a written description of the soils, and their situation, 9. Woodland, west of Union, Monroe County. Soil, a black clay loam, lying on, but not inter- nixed at the surface with limestone rock. Sub- soil, yellowish clay. The rock at this place, a oot below the surface. Principal growth, sugar naple, white walnut, and oak. This and the 1ext specimen are from one of the richest tracts of aighland that I have seen. | 10. Soil similar to the last and about two hun- red yards distant. Here the limestone showed bove the surface, and the specimen was taken rom between two large masses of fixed rock, and \bout a foot distant from each. 11. Black rich soil, from woodland between the ot and Warm Springs, in Bath County. The om has already fixed it. But itshould not be extended any soils except those which are so near to lime- tone rock, as in some measure to be thereby affected a their qualities and value. specimen was part of what was in contact with a mass of limestone. 12. Soil from the western foot of the Warm Spring Mountain, on a gentle slope between the court house and the road, and about one hundred and fifty yards from the Warm Bath. Rich brown loam, containing many small pieces of limestone, but no finely divided calcareous earth. 13. A specimen taken two or three hundred yards from the last, and also at the foot of the mountain. Soil, a rich black loam, full of small fragments of limestone of different sizes, between that of a nutmeg and small shot. The land had never been broken up for cultivation. One thou- sand grains contained two hundred and _ forty grains of small stone or gravel, mostly limestone, separated mechanically, and sixty-nine grains of finely divided calcareous earth. 14. Black loamy clay, from the excellent wheat soil adjoining the town of Bedford in Pennsylva- nia: the specimen taken from beneath and in con- tact with limestone. One thousand grains yielded less than one grain of calcareous earth. 15. A specimen from within a few yards of the last, but not in contact with limestone, contained no calcareous earth: neither did the red clay sub- soil, six inches below the surface. 16. Very similar soil, but much deeper, adjoin- ing the principal street of Bedford—the specimen taken from eighteen inches below the surface, and adjoining a mass of limestone. A very small dis- engagement of gas indicated the presence of cal- careous earth——but certainly less than one grain in one thousand, and perhaps not half that quan- tity. 17. Alluvial soil onthe Juniata, adjoining Bed- ford. 18. Alluvial vegetable soil near the stream flow- ing from all the Saratoga Mineral Springs, and necessarily often covered and soaked by those waters, and 19. Soil taken from the bed of the same stream —neither contained any portion of carbonate of lime. Thus it appears, that of nineteen specimens of soils, only four contained calcareous earth, and three of these four, in exceedingly small propor- tions. It should be remarked that all these were selected from situations, which from their proximi- ty to calcareous rock, or exposure to calcareous waters, were supposed most likely to present high- ly calcareous soils. If five hundred specimens had been taken without choice, from what are commonly limestone soils, (merely because they are not very distant from limestone rock, or springs of limestone water,) the analysis of that whole number would be less likely to show calcareous earth, than the foregoing short list. I therefore feel justified, from my own few examinations, and unsupported by any other authority, tv pronounce that calcareous earth will very rarely be found in any soils between the falls of our rivers, and the navigable western waters. In a few specimens of some of the best soils from the borders of the Mississippi and its tributary rivers, I found calea- reous earth present in all—but in small propor- tions, and in no case exceeding two per cent. The only soils of considerable extent of surface which, from the specimens that I have examined, appear to be highly calcareous, and to agree in | that respect, with many European soils, are from 22 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. the prairies, those lands of the west which, whether rich or poor, are remarkable for being destitute of trees, and covered with grass, so as to form natural meadows. ‘The examinations were made but recently, (in 1834) and are reported be- cause presenting striking exceptions to the general constitution of soils in this country. 20. Prairie soil of the most productive kind in Alabama, is a black clay, with very little sand, yet so far from being stif!, that it becomes too light by cultivation. ‘This kind of land is stated by the friend to whom I am ifidebted for the specimens, to “produce corn and oats most luxuriantly—and also cotton for two or three years; but afier that time cotton is subject to the rust, probably from the then open state of the soil, which by cultivation has by that time become as light and as soft as a bank of ashes.” One hundred grains of the spe- cimen contained eight of carbonate of lime. All this prairie land in Alabama lies on a substratum of what is there called ‘rotten limestone,”’ (speci- mens of which contained seventy-two to eighty- two per cent. of lime,) and which rises to the sur- face sometimes, forming the “bald prairies,” a sample of the soil of which (21) contained fifty-nine per cent. of carbonate of lime. This was de- scribed as ‘‘comparatively poor—neither trees nor bushes grow there, and only grass and weeds be- fore cultivation—corn does not grow well—small grain better—and cotton soon becomes subject to the rust.” The excessive proportion of calcareous earth is evidently the cause of its barrenness. The substratum called limestone is soft enough to be cut easily and smoothly with a knife, and some of it is im appearance and texture more like the chalk of Europe, than any other earth that I have seen in this country. 22. A specimen of the very rich “cane brake” lands in Marengo County, Alabama, contained six- teen per cent. of carbonate of lime. ‘This is a kind of prairie, of a wetter nature, from the winter rains not being able to run off from the level sur- face, nor to sink through the tenacious clay soil, and the solid stratum ot’ limestone below. 23. A specimen from the very extensive ‘“‘Choc- taw Prairie” in Mississippi, of celebrated fertility, yielded thirteen per cent..of carbonate of lime. Several other specimens of' different, but all of very fertile soils from Southern Alabama, and all lying over the substratum of soit limestone, were found to lime in the form of carbonate. were as follows:— 24. One from the valley cane land—“‘very wet through the winter, but always dry in summer— and atier being ditched, is dry enough to be culli- vated in cotton, which will grow from eight to twelve feet high.” 25. Another irom what is called the best “post-oak land,” on which trees of that kind grow to the size of from two to four feet in diameter—having but little underwood, and no cane growth— ‘thought to be nearly as rich as the best cane land, and will produce 1500 lbs. or more, of seed cotton, or fifty bushels of corn to the acre.” 26. Another from what is termed “palmetto land, having on it that plant as well as a beavy cover of large trees growing luxuriantly. It is a cold and wet soil betore being brought into good tilth; but afterwards is soft and easy to till, and pro- duces corn and cotton finely. The cane on it is These specimens he neutral, containing not a particle of generally small: the soil from four to ten feet deep.”’* The foregoing details, respecting limestone lands, may perhaps be considered an unnecessary digression, in a treatise on the soils of the tide- water district. But the analysis of limestone soils furnishes the strongest evidence of the remarka- ble and novel fact of the general absence of calca- reous earth—and the information thence derived, will be used to sustain the following steps of my argument. All the examinations of soils in this chapter concur in opposing the general application of the proposition that the deficiency of calcareous earth | is the cause of the sterility of our soils: and hav-. ing stated the objection in all its force, I shall now ' proceed to inquire into its causes, and endeavor to) dispel its apparent opposition to my doctrine. CHAPTER VIL. | PROOFS OF THE EXISTENCE OF ACID AND) NEUTRAL SOILS. Proposition 2. Continued. Sufficient evidence has been adduced to prove: that many of our most fertile and valuable soils are: destitute of calcareous earth: but it does not neces-- sarily follow that such has always been their com- position—or that they may not now contain lim combined with some other acid than the carbonic.: That this is really the case, I shall now offer proofs: to establish—and not only maintain this position’ with regard to those valuable soils, but shall con- tend that lime in some proportion, combined with! vegetable acid, is present in every soil capable op supporting vegetation. But while [ shall endeavor to ‘maintain these) positions, without asking or admitting any excep) tion, let me not be understood as asserting thay the original ingredient of calcareous earth was! always the sole cause of the fertility of any par: ticular soil, or that a knowledge of the proportion contained, would serve to measure the capacity 0! the soil for improvement. Caleareous soils no differing materially in qualities or value, often ex) hibit a remarkable difference in their respective proportions of calcareous earth: so that it would seem, that asmall quantity, aided by some othe unknown agent, may give as much capacity fo: improvement, and ultimately produce as much fer *It is proper to mention a circumstance which majfi have had some effect in removing the carbonate cH lime from these Alabama soils, besides the more gene ral causes which will be traced in the next chapter}, With these specimens of soil, was sent a collection ¢ the sinall stones and gravel which were stated to bi found generally through these soils, and particularly i the clay subsoil beneath. Among these there wer several fragments of sulphuret of iron. This mineri when decomposing in the earth in contact with carbo nate of lime, also decomposes the latter substance, ar) forms sulphate of lime, [gypsum,] instead. It is weif{i worth inquiry whether sulphuret of iron is generall found in these soils. It may be known by its gre; weight, and metallic lustre when broken, (which hi caused it often to be mistaken for silver ore,) and f/f giving out fumes of burning sulphur when subjecte to strong heat under a blow pipe. PART I—THEORY. 23 ee tility, as ten times that proportion, under other circumstances. In all naturally poor soils, producing freely, in their virgin state, pine and whortleberry, and sor- rel after cultivation, | suppose to have been formed some vegetable acid, which, atter taking up what- ever small quantity of lime might have been pre- sent, stillremains in excess in the soil, and nour- ishes in the highest degree the plants named above, but is a poison to all useful crops; and effectually prevents such soi!s becoming rich, from either na- tural or artificial applications of putrescent ma- nures. In a neutral soil, I suppose calcareous earth to have been sufficiently abundant to produce a high Jegree of fertility—but that it has been decom- posed, and the lime taken up, by the gradual for- mation of vegetable acid, until the lime and the acid neutralize and balance each other, leaving no considerable excess of either. Such are all our ertile soils that are not calcareous. These suppositions remain to be proved, in all heir parts. No opinion has been yet advanced that is less supported by good authority, or to which more ge- 1eral opposition may be expected, than that which supposes the existence of acid soils. The term sour soil is frequently used by farmers, but in so oose a manner as to deserve no consideration: it 12as been thus applied to any cold and ungrateful and, without intending that the term should be iterally understood, and perhaps without attach- ng to its use any precise meaning whatever. Dundonald only, of all those who have applied themistry to agriculture, has asserted the exist- nce of vegetable acid in soils:* but he has ofter- :d no analysis, nor any other evidence to establish he fact—and his opinion has received no confirm- ution, nor even the slightest notice, from later and nore able investigators ol the chemical characters ¥ soils. Kirwan and Davy profess to enumerate dl the common ingredients of soils, and it is not timated by either, that vegetable acid is one of hem. Even this tacit denial by Davy, more trongly opposes the existence of vegetable acid, an it is supported by the opinion of Dundonald, rany of those writers on agriculture who have mitted its existence. Grisenthwaite, a late wri- r on agricultural chemistry, and who has the ad- antage of knowing the discoveries, and compar- ag the opinions of all his predecessors, expressly enies the possibility of any acid existing in soils. lis New Theory of Agriculture contains the fol- ywing passage: “ Chalk has been recommended "as a substance calculated to correct the sourness of land. It would surely have been a wise f practice to have previously ascertained this ex- istence of acid, and to have determined its nature, : in order that it might be effectually removed. The fact really is, that no soil was ever yet found , to contain any notable quantity of acid. The acetic and the carbonic are the only two that are i likely to be generated by any spontaneous de- ‘composition of animal or vegetable bodies, and neither of them have any fixity when exposed to the air.” Thus, then, my doctrine is de- ved of even the feeble support it might have d from Dundonald’s mere opinion, if that opin- *Dundonald’s Connexion of Chemistry and Agricul- Te, ion had not been contradicted by later and better authority: and the only support that I ean look for, will be in the facts and arguments that I shall be able to adduce. Tam not prepared to question what Grisenth- waite states as a chemical fact, “that no soil was ever yet found to contain any notable quantity of acid.” No soil examined by me for this purpose, | gave any evidence of the presence of uncombined acid. Still, however, the term acid may be appli- ed with propriety to soils, in which growing vege- tables continually receive acid from the decompo- sition of others, (for which no ‘‘fixity” is requi- site,) or in which acid is present, not free, but combined with some base, by which it is readily yielded to premote, or retard, the growth of plants in contact withit. It will be sufficient for my pur- pose to show that certain soils contain some sub- stance, or possess some quality, which promotes almost exclusively the growth of acid plants—that this power is strengthened by adding known vege- table’ acids to the soil—and is totally removed by the application of calcareous manures, which would necessarily destroy any acid, if it were pre- sent. Leaving it to chemists to determine the na- ture and properties of this substance, I merely contend for its existence and eflects: and the cause of these effects, whatever it may be, for the want of a better name, [ shall call acidity. The proofs now to be offered in support of the existence of acid and neutral soils, however weak each may be when considered alone, yet when taken in connexion, will together form a body of evidence not easily to be resisted. 1st Proof: Pine and common sorrel have leaves well known to be acid to the taste; and their growth is favored by the soils which I suppose to be acid, to an extent which would be thought re- markable in other plants on the richest soils. Ex- cept wild locust on the best river land, no growth can compare in rapidity with pines on soils natu- rally poor, and even greatly reduced by long culti- vation. Pines usually stand so thick on old ex- hausted fields, that the increase of size in each plant is greatly retarded—but if the whole growth of an acre is estimated, it would probably exceed in quantity the different growth of the richest soils, of the same age and on an equal space. Every cultivator of corn on poor hght soil knows how rapidly sorrel* will cover his otherwise naked field, unless kept in check by continual tillage— and that to root it out, so as to prevent the like fu- ture labor, cannot be effected by any mode of cul- tivation whatever. This weed too is considered far more hurtful to growing crops, than any other of equal size. Yet neither of these acid plants can thrive on the best Jands. Sorrel cannot even live ona calcareous soil—and if a pine is some- times found there, it has nothing of its usual ele- gant form, but seems as stunted and ill shaped as if it had always suffered for want of nourishment. Innumerable facts, of which these are examples, prove that these acid plants must derive from their * Sheep sorrel, or Rumex acetosa. The wood sorrel (oxalis acetocella) is of a very different character. This prefers rich and calcareous soils, and I have seen it growing on places calcareous to excess. It would seem, therefore, that wood sorrel forms its acid from the atmosphere, and does not draw it from the soil, as is evidently the case with common sorrel. 24 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. favorite soil some kind of food peculiarly suited to their growth, and quite useless, if not hurtful, to cultivated crops. 2. Dead acid plants are the most effectual in promoting the growth of living ones. When pine leaves are applied to a soil, whatever acid they contain is of course given to that soil, for such time as circumstances permit it to retain its form, or peculiar properties: Such an application is often made on a large scale; by cutting down the second growth of pines, on land once under tillage, and suffering them to lie a year before clearing and cultivating the land. The invariable consequence of this course, is a growth of sorrel for one or two crops, so abundant and s0 injurious to the crops, as to nfore than balance any benefit denved by the soil, from the vegetable matter having been allow- edto rot. From the general experience of this effect; most persons put pine land under tillage as soon as cut down, after carefully burning the whole of the heavy cover of leaves, both green and dry. Until within a few years, it was generally-sup- posed that the leaves of pine were worthless, if not hurtful, in all applications to cultivated land— which opinion doubtless was founded on such facts as have been just stated. But if they are used as litter for cattle, and heaped to ferment, the injurious quality of pine leaves is destroyed, and they be- come a valuable manure. This practice is but of recent origin—but is highly approved, and rapidly extending. On one of the washed and barren declivities (or galls) which are so numerous on all our farms, I had the small gullies packed full of green pine bushes, and then covered with the earth drawn from the equally barren intervening ridges, so as nearly to smooth the whole surface. The whole piece had borne nothing previously except a few scattered tufts of poverty grass, and dwarfish sor- rel, all of which did not prevent the spot seeming quite bare at midsummer, if viewed at the distance ef one hundred yards. This operation was per- formed in Febraary or March. ‘The land was not cultivated, nor again observed until the second summer afterwards. At that time, the piece re- mained as bare as formerly, except along the filled gullies, which throughout the whole of their crook- ed courses, were covered by a thick and tall growth of sorrel, remarkably luxuriant for any situation, and which being bounded exactly by the width of the narrow gullies, had the appearance of some vegetable sown thickly in drills, and kept clean by tillage. So great an effect of this kind has not been produced within my knowledge—though facts of like nature and leading to the same con- clusion, are of frequent occurrence. If small pines standing thinly over a broom-grass old field, are cut down and left to lie, under every top will be found a patch of sorrel, before the leaves have all rotted. 3. The growth of sorrel is not only peculiarly favored by the application of vegetables contain- ing acids already formed, but also by such matters as will form acid in the course of their decomposi- tion. Farm-yard manure, and all other putres- cent animal and vegetable substances, form acetic acid as their decomposition proceeds.* If heaps of rotting manure are left without being spread, in | a field the least subject to produce sorrel, a few weeks of growing weather will bring out that plant close around every heap—and for some time, it will continue to show more benefit from that rank manuring than any other grass. For several years my winter-made manure was spread and ploughed in on land not cultivated until the next autumn, or the spring after. This practice was founded on the mistaken opinion, that it would prevent much of the usual exposure to evaporation and waste of the manure. One of the reasons which alone would have compelled me to abandon this absurd practice, was, that acrop of sorrel always followed, (even on good soils that before barely permitted a scanty growth to live,) which so injured the next: grain crop as greatly to lessen the benefit from the manure. Sorrel unnaturally produced by such: applications, does not infest the land longer tham until we may suppose the acid to have been re-. moved by cultivation; and other causes. | It may be objected that my authorities prove: only the formation of a single vegetable acid in| soil, the acetic—that my facts show only the pro-, duction of a single acid plant, sorrel—and that the; acid which sorrel contains is not the acetic, but the; oxalic:* From the application of acids to recent- ly ploughed land, no acid plant except sorrel is! made to grow, because that only can spring up; speedily enough to arrest the fleeting nutriment Poverty grass grows only on the same kinds of soil, and generally covers them after they have; been a year free from a crop, but does not show sooner—and pines require two years before thein seeds will produce plants. But when pines beginy to spread over the land, they soon put an end to the growth of all other plants, and are abundantly j supplied with their acid food, from the dropping o their own leaves. Thus they may be first suppii- ed with the vegetable acid ready formed in the leaves, and afterwards with the acetic aeid, formec} by their subsequent slow decomposition. It does not weaken my argument, that the product of < plant isa vegetable acid different from the one sup; posed to have nourished its growth. Alt vegeta, ble acids (except the prussic) however different ii} their properties, are conposed of the same three, elementary bodies, ditlering only in their propor) tionst—and consequently are’ all convertible int each other. A little more, or a little less of one o the other of these ingredients, may change th, acetic to the oxalic acid, and that to any other} We cannot doubt but that such simple change: may be produced by the chemical powers of vege tation, when others are effected, far more difficu’ for us to comprehend. The most tender and fee}, ble organs, and the mildest juices, aided by thi power of animal or vegetable life, are able to pra duce decompositions and combinations, which th chemist cannot explain, and which he would i vain attempt to imitate. i 4, This ingredient of soils which nourishes aci, plants, also poisons cultivated crops. Plants hav not the power of rejecting noxious fluids, but tak) up by their roots every thing presented in a solubl form.t Thus the acid also enters the sap-vesse of cultivated plants, stunts their growth, and make = * Agr. Chem. Lecture 3. + Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen. * Agr. Chem. p. 187. Lecture 3, p. 78. ¢{ Agr. Chem. Lecture 6, page 186. FAWL I—LMbwOnY. Se ee eS eT | impossible for them to attain that size and per- sction, which their proper food would ensure, if it yas presented to them without its poisonous ac- ompaniment. When the poorest virgin wood- uid is cut downy it is covered and filled to excess vith leaves and other rotted and rotting vegetable aatters. Can a heavier vegetable manuring be esired? And as it completely rots during cultiva- ion, must not it offer to the growing plants as bandant a supply of food as they can require ?— Yet the best product obtained may be from ten to fteen bushels of corn, or five or six of wheat, oon to come down to half those quantities. If the oxious quality which causes such injury is an cid, itis as certain as any chemical truth what- ver, that it will be neutralized, and its powers de- troyed, by applying enough of calcareous earth ) the soil: and precisely such effects are found vhenever that remedy is tried. On land thus re- eved of this unceasing annoyance, the young orn no longer appears of a pale and sickly green, pproaching to yellow, but takes immediately a eep healthy color, by which it may readily be istinguished from any on soil left in its former tate, before there is any perceptible difference in he size of the plants. ‘The crop will produce fifiy 9 one hundred per cent. more, the first year, be- ore its supply of food can possibly have been in- reased—and the soil is soon found not only cleared f sorrel, but incapable of producing it. IT have nticipated these effects of calcareous manures, efore furnishing the proof—but they will hereaf- or be established beyond contradiction. The truth of the existence of either acid, or eutral soils, depends on the existence of the other —and to prove either, will necessarily establish oth. If acid exists in soils, then wherever it neets with calcareous earth, the two substances nust combine and neutralize each other, so far s their proportions are properly adjusted. On he other hand, if I can show that compounds of ime and vegetable acid are present in most soils, t follows inevitably that nature has provided neans by which soils can generally obtain this cid: and if the amount formed can balance the ime, the operation of the same causes can exceed hat quantity, and leave an excess of free acid. “rom these premises will be deduced the following roots. 5. It has been stated (page 18) that the precess ecommended by chemists for finding the calca- eous earth in soils was unfit for that purpose, be- ause a precipitate was always obtaibed even vhen no calcareous earth, or carbonate of lime vas present. Frequent trials have shown me that his precipitate is considerably more abundant from rood soils than bad. The substance thus obtained rom rich soils by solution and precipitation, in very case that I have tried, contains some calca- eous earth, although the soil from which it was lerived had none. The alkaline liquor from which he precipitate has been separated, we are told by Javy will, after bouling, let fall the carbonate of nagnesia, if any had been in the soil: but when iny notable deposite is thus obtained, it will often re found to consist more of carbonate of lime, han of magnesia. The following are examples £ such products: — One thousand grains of tide marsh soil (de- cribed page 20) acted on by muriatie acid in the meumatic apparatus, gave out no carbonic acid: ri gas, and therefore could have contained no carbo- nate of lime. ‘The precipitate obtained from the same weighed sixteen erains—which being again acted on by sulphuric acid, evolved as much gas as showed that three grains had become carbonate of lime, in the previous part of the process, Two hundred grains of atiuvial soil from Sara- toga Springs (page 21, No. 18,) containing no car- bonate of lime, yielded a precipitate of twelve grains, of which three was carbonate of lime—and a deposite from the alkaline solution weighing six grains, four of which was carbonate of lime. Seven hundred grams of limestone soil from Bedford (part of the specimen marked 14, page 21,) contained about two-thirds of a grain of car- bonate of lime—andits precipitate of twenty-eight grains, only yielded two grains: but the alkaline solution deposited eleven grains of the carbonates of lime and magnesia, of which at least five was of the former, as there remained seven and a half | of solid matter, after the action of sulphuric acid.* From this process, there can be no doubt but that the soil contained a proportion of some salt of lime (or lime combined with some kind of acid) which being decomposed by and combined with the muriatic acid, was then precipitated, not in its first form, but in that of enrbonate of lime—it be- ing supplied with carbonic acid from the earbonate of potash, used to produce the precipitation. The proportions obtained in these cases were small; but it does not follow that the whole quantity of lime contained in the soil was found. However, to the extent of this small proportion of lime is proved clearly the presence of enough of some acid (and that not the carbonic) to combine with it. Neither could it have been the sulphuric, or the phosphoric acid: for though both the sulphate and phosphate of lime are in some soils, yet neither of these salts can be decomposed by muriatic acid. i 6. The strongest objection to the doctrine of neutral soils is, that if true, the salt formed by the combination of the linie and acid must often be present in such large proportions, that it is scareely credible that its presence and nature should not have been discovered by any of the chemists who have analyzed soils. This difficulty I cannot re- move: but it may be met (or neutralized—to bor- row a fioure from my subject,) by showing that an equal difficulty awaits those who may support the other side of the argument. * The measurement of the carbonic acid gas evolved, was relied on to show the whole amount of carbonates present—and sulphuric acid was used to distinguish between lime and magnesia, in the deposite from the alkaline solution. If any alumine or magnesia had made part of the solid matter exposed to diluted sul- phurie acid, the combinations formed would have been soluble salts, which would of course have remained dissolved and invisible in the fluid. Lime only of the four earths forms with sulphuric acid a substance but slightly soluble, and which therefore can be mostly separated in a solid form. The whole of this substance (sulphate of lime) cannot be ebtained in this manner, as a part is always dissolved: but whateveris obtained, proves that at least two-thirds of that quantity of car- bonate of lime had been present: as that quantity of lime which will combine with enough carbonic acid to make 100 parts (by weight) of carbonate of lime, willcombine with so much more of sulphuric acid, ag to form about 159 parts of the sulphate of hime, orgyp- sum. 26 The theory of geologists of the formation of|'Three careful examinations gave the following re- don soils from the decomposition, or disintegration of rocks, is received as true by scientific agriculturists. The soils thus supposed to be formed, receive ad- mixtures from each other, by means of different operations of nature, and after being more or less enriched by the decay of’ their own vegetable pro- ducts, make the endless variety of existing soils.* But where a soil lying on, and thus supposed to have been formed from any particular kind of rock, is so situated that it could not have been moved, or received considerable accessions from torrents, or other causes, then, according to this theory, the rock and the soil should be composed of the same materials—and such soils as the specimens marked 11 and 16 (page 21) would be, like the rock they touched, nearly pure calcareous earth, instead of being (as they were in truth) destitute, or nearly so, of that ingredient. Such are the doctrines received and taught by Davy, or the unavoidable deductions from them. But without contending for the full extent of this theory of the formation of soils, (because I consider it almost entirely false,) every one must admit that soils thus situated, must have received in the lapse of ages, some accessions to their bulk, from the ef fects of frost, rain, sun, and air, on the limestone in contact with them. All limestone soils, pro- perly so called, exhibit certain marked and pecu- liar characters of color, texture, and products, which can only be derived from receiving into their composition more or less of the rock which lies beneath, or rises above their surtace. mixture will not be denied by any one who has observed limestone soils, and reasons fairly, whe- ther his investigation begins with the causes, or their effects. If then all this gain of calcareous earth remains in the soil, why is none, or almost none, discovered by accurate chemical analysis ? Or, if it be supposed not present, nor yet changed in its chemical character, in what possible manner could a ponderous and insoluble earth have made its escape from the soil? To remove this obstacle without admitting the operation of acid in making such soils neutral, will be attended with at least as much difficulty, as any arising from that admission being made. 7. But we are not left entirely to conjecture that soils were once more calcareous than they now are, if chemical tests can be relied on to furnish proof. Acid soils that have received large quan- tities of calcareous earth as manure, after some time, will yield very little when analyzed. To a soil of this kind, full of vegetable matter, T applied, in 1818 and 183], fossil shells at such a known and heavy rate as would have given to the soil (by calculation) at least three per cent. of calcareous earth, for the depth of five inches. Only a small portion of the shelly matter was very finely di- vided when applied. Since the application of the ose part of this dressing, (only one-fourth aving been laid on in 1818,) no more than six years had passed before the following examina- tions were made—and the cultivation of five crops in that time, three of which were horse-hoed, must have well mixed the calcareous earth with the soil. * Aor. Chem. p. 131. Also Treatise on Agriculture (by General Armstrong) in vol. I. of American Far- mer, quoted in Appendix D. This | ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. ee sults. No. 1.—1000 grains yielded 74 of coarse calcare- 6 ous earth, (frag-) ments of shells.) hr And Jess than 4, of finely divided. hi a lot 3 ia No. 2.—1000 grains yielded 5 of coarse, fo 2 finely divided. Vi 8 |! 7 an No. 3.—1509 grains. yielded 15 of coarse, 4 24 finely divided. a 1 seq wee on but! The specimens No. 1 and No. 2 were obtained! by taking handfuls of soil from several places, (fou) in one case, and twelve in the other) mixing them well together, and then taking the samples for tria! {rom the two parcels. On such land, when not recently ploughed, there will always be an oversy proportion of the pieces of shells on the surface, as the rains have settled the fine soil, and left exposed) ih the coarse matters. On this account, in making) , these two selections, the upper half inch was firstly, thrown aside, and the handful dug from belowily, No. 3 was taken from a spot showing a full averjp, age thickness of shells, and included the surface: I considered the three trials made as fairly as posdf= sible, to give a general average. Small as is the} j proportion of finely divided calcareous earth ex} hibited, it must have been increased by rubbing} some particles from the coarse fragments, in the operation of separating them by a fine sieve. Innjj deed it may be doubted whether any proportion}, remained very finely divided—or in other words}y, whether it was not combined with acid, as fast aa it was so reduced. But without the benefit of this}, supposition, the finely divided calcareous earth inf, the three specimens, averaged only one and one, fourth grains to the thousand, which is one twen:|jj ty-fourth of the quantity laid on: and the totaijq, quantity obtained, of coarse and fine, is eigh fp grains in one thousand, or about one-fourth of the 2 original proportion. All the balance had changec}jy its form, or otherwise disappeared, in the few year}, that had passed since the application. The very small proportions of finely divided cal careous earth compared to the coarse, in som¢ shelly soils, furnish still stronger evidence of thi, pnd “i the York River soil, (described page 19), o. 5, nt 1260 grains, yielded of coarse calca- {to reous parts, - - - 168 grains)li And of finely divided, - aie 8 1044 of the rich Nansemond soil, (No. 6,) . - - 544 coarse) 18 fine. As many of the shells and their fragments 1). these soils are ina mouldering state; it is incredi}! ble that the whole quantity of finely divided pan y ticles derived from them should have amounte tono more than these small proportions. Inde}, pendent of the action of natural causes, the plougl}, PART I—THEORY. 27 SSS lone, in a few years, must have pulverized at east as much of the shells, as was found. 8. In other cases, where the operations of nature 1ave been applying calcareous earth, for ages, 1one now remains in the soil; and the proof thence lerived is move striking, than any obtained from tificial applications, of only a few years standing. Valleys subject to be frequently overflown and saturated by the water of limestone streams, must iecessarily retain a new supply of calcareous earth rom every such soaking and drying. Limestone water contains the super-carbonate of ime, which is soluble: but this loses its excess of arbonic acid when left dry by evaporation, and yecomes the carbonate of lime, which not being oluble, is in no danger of being removed by sub- equent floods. Thus accessions are slowly but ontinually made, through many centuries. Yet uch soils are found containing no calcareous earth —of which a remarkable example is presented in the soil of the cultivated part of the Sweet Spring Valley, (No. 8, page 21.)* 9. All ‘wood ashes contain salts of lime, (and most kinds in large proportions,) which could have been derived from no other source than the soil on which the trees grew. The lime thus ob- tained is principally combined with carbonic. acid, and partly with the phosphoric, forming phosphate of lime. ‘The table of Saussure’s analyses of the ashes of numerous plants,t is sufficient to show that these products are general, if not universal. The following examples of some of my own ex- aminations, prove that ashes yield calcareous earth in proportions suitable to their kind, although the wood grew on soils destitute of that ingredient— ae ee ascertained with regard to each of these soils. 100 grains of ashes from. Whortleberry bushes, the entire plants, except the leaves, Equal parts of the bark, heart, and sapwood, of an old locust, Young locust bushes entire, Young pine bushes, Body of a young pine tree. The same, Rich neutral What soil taken from. Acid silicious loam, Acid silicious loam, Acid clay soil. Carbonate of |Phosphate of Lime. Lime. 4 grains. 4 grains. 51 18 clay loam, 40 30 9 6 14 18 —-- _ The potash was first carefully taken out of all| hese samples. The remaining solid matter was ilicious sand, and charcoal: the proportion of the atter varying according to the degree of heat used n burning the wood, which was not permitted to ye very strong, for fear of converting the calca- eous earth into quick-lime. - All the carbonate of lime yielded by ashes, was recessarily furnished in some form by the soil on vhich the plants grew—and when the soil itself ‘contained no carbonate, some other compound of ime must have been present, to enable us to ac- ‘ount for these certain and invariable results. The presence of a combination of lime with some ve- retadle acid, and none other, would serve to pro- luce such effects. According to established chem- cal laws, if any such combination had been taken 1p into the sap-vessels of the tree, it would be de- composed by the heat necessary to convert the vood to ashes; the acid would be reduced to its ‘lementary principles, and the lime would imme- liately unite with the carbonie acid, (which is »roduced abundantly by the process of combus- ion,) and thus present a product of carbonate of ime newly formed from the materials of the other substances decomposed. f On the foregoing facts and deductions, I am ‘content to rest the truth of the existence of acid und neutral soils. t The reasoning on the presence of the carbonate of ime found in ashes from acid soils, does not apply to e phosphate of lime whichis alwaysalso present. Ihe atter salt is not decomposed by any known degree of leat, [Art. Chemistry, in Edin. Eney.| and therefore ight have remained unchanged, in passing from the il to the tree, and thence to the ashes. { have chosen to leave all the preceding part of this chapter (with the exception of a few merely verbal corrections and alterations) precisely as it appeared in the first edition of this essay, (January 1832.) But since that time I have first heard of a discovery, and of consequent investigations by men of science, which seem to furnish direct proof of what I have been contending for, viz: the existence of a vegetable acid substance in soils and manures, generally diffused, and often in large proportions, and yet which had not been known or suspected by chenusts previously. The first inti- mation of this discovery which reached me was in the AIphabet of Scientific Gardening, by Pro- fessor Rennie, published in London in 1833, from which the part relative to this subject will be quoted below. Since then [ have been enabled to consult the late French work of Berzelius, in which his views of humic acid are given more at length, and from which an extract will be translated and given in the appendix. [See F.] The facts res- pecting humic acid,as concisely stated in the follow- * The excess of carbonic acid which unites with lime and renders the compound soluble in water, is lost by exposure of the calcareous water to the air, as well as by evaporation to dryness. [Accum’s Chemistry— Lime.] The masses of soft calcareous rock which are deposited in the rapids of limestone streams, are examples of the loss of carbonic acid from exposure to the air; and the stalactites in caves, the deposite of the slow-drepping water holding in solution the super carbonate of lime, are examples of the same eflect produced by evaporation. A similar deposite of in- soluble carbonate of lime, from both these causes, is necessarily made on all land subject to be overflowed by limestone waters. + Quoted in Agr. Chem. Lecture 3. ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. ing quotation from Professor Rennie, turnish strong confirmation of some of the epinions which I have endeavored to maintain. It will however be left, without farther comment, for the reader to cbserve the accordance, and to make the application, ‘Fumie Actp anp Humin,—tIn most chemi- cal books the terms Ulmic Acid and Ulmin are | used, from Ulmus, elm; but, as its substance oc- curs in most, if not all plants, the name is bad, I prefer Sprengel’s terms, from /fumus, soll, This important substance was first discovered by Klaproth, in a sort of gum from an elm; but it has since been found by Berzelius in all barks; by M. Braconnot in saw-dust, starch, and sugar; and what is still more interesting for our present pur- pose, it has been found by Sprengel and M, Poly- dore Boullay, to constitute a leading principle in | soils and manures, /Zumin appears to be formed of carbon and hydrogen, and the humic acid of humin and oxygen. Pure humin is of a deep blackish brown, without taste or smell, and water dissolves it with great difficulty and in small quan- tities; consequently it cannot, when pure, be avail- able as food for plants. Humic acid however, which I may remark, is not sour to the taste, readily combines with many of the substances found in soils and manures, and not only renders them, but itself also, easy to be dissolved in water, which in their separate state could not take place. In this way hwmic acid will combine with lime, potass, and ammonia, in the form of humates, and the smallest portion of these will render it soluble in water and fit to be taken up by the spongelets of the root fibres. It appears to have been from ignorance of the important action of the humic acid in thus helping to dissolve earthy matters, that the older writers were so puzzled to discover how lime and potass got into plants; and it seems also to be this, chiefly, which is so vaguely treated of in the older books, under the names of extractive, vegetable extract, mucilaginous matter, and the like. Saussure, for instance, filled a vessel with turf, and moistened it thoroughly with pure water, when by putting ten thousand parts of it by weight under a heavy press, and filtering and evaporating the fluid, he obtained twenty-six parts of what he termed ex- tract; from ten thousand parts of well dunged and rich kitchen garden mould, he obtained ten parts of extract; and from ten thousand parts of good corn field mould, he obtained four paris of extract. M. Polydore Bouilay found that the liquid ma- nure, drained irom dung hills, contains a large pro- portion of humic acid, which accounts for its fer- tilizing properties so well known in China and on the continent: and he found it also in peat earth, and in varying proportions in all sorts of turf, It appears probable, from Gay-Lussac having found a similar acid, (technically Mzumic acid,) on de- composing the prussic acid, (technically Aydro- cyanic acid, ) that the humic acid may be found in animal blood, and if so, it will account for its utility as a manure for vines, &c. Dobereiner found the gallic acid convertible into the humic.” But without the aid of this recent discovery of the humic acid, if the foregoing examinations of soils, and the arguments which follow remain un- uestioned, these two remarkable and important facts may be considered as established: ginia, as that ingredient has heretofore been sup- \Il" posed by agricultural writers, to be common in all jm soils: and | other; nor either of them with the position which }ti has been contended for, that calcareous matter inj proper proportions is necessary to cause fertility in/@ soils, Should some other person, who may be}® aided by sufficient scientific light, undertake the)! investigation, he may supply all that is wanting} for the full proof of this theory of the cause oft fertility, by showing that the value of a soil (under f equal circumstances) is in proportion to the quan- li tity of the vegetable salt of lime present in thejt soil. The direct and positive proof of this doc-|# trine, I confidently anticipate will hereafter be ob-\# tained from more full examinations of the humicis acid, and its compounds in various soils, and from: correct and minute reports of the quantities and@} kinds of those ingredients, and of the rate objé natural fertility of each soil. As yet, however in- teresting the recent discovery of humic acid may))) be to chemists, it does not seem that they havejd suspected it to have any thing like the important bearing on the fertilization of soil, which T hadjt attributed to the supposed acid principle or ingre21 dient. ti Supposing the doctrine to be sufficiently proved) it may be useful to trace the formation of acidity)? in different soils, according to the views whichilt have been presented, and to display the promise} which that quality holds out for improving those(t soils, which it has hitherto rendered barren andis worthless. { Every neuiral soil at some former time contained} caleareous earth in sufficient quantity to produces! the uniform effect of that ingredient of storing up} and fixing fertility. The decomposition of the}, successive growth of plants left to rot on the rich soil, continually formed vegetable acid, which) slowly and gradually united with the lime in the soil, At last these two principles balanced eacht other, and the soil was no longer calcareous, butt became neutral, Instead of its former ingredient) carbonate of lime, it was now supplied with a ve- getable salt of lime. This change of soil does not effect the natural growth, which remains the same, and thrives as well as when the soil was ealca-|! reous—and when brought into cultivation, the soil is equally productive under all crops suited to| calcareous soils, If the supplies of vegetable matz|i ter continue, the soil may even become acid in}! some measure, as may be evidenced by the growth of sorrel—but without losing any of its fertility)! before acquired. The quantity of acidity in any}! soil frequently varies: it is increased by the growth|| of such plants as delight to feed on it, and by the decomposition of all vegetable matters. Hence} the longer a poor field remains at rest, and not} erazed, the more acid it becomes—and this evil! keeping pace with the benefits derived, is the cause why go little improvement, or increased pro: duct; is obtained from putting acid soils under that mild treatment. Cultivation not only prevents ist. That calcareous earth, or carbonate of lime, new supplies, but also diminishes the acidity ab PART I—THEORY. 29 eady present in excess, by exposing it to the at- nosphere—and the more a soil is exhausted, the nore will its acidity be lessened. We have seen from the proof furnished by the unalysis of wood ashes, that even poor acid soils ‘contain a little salt of lime, and therefore must 1ave been slightly calcareous at some former time. But such small proportions of calcareous earth were out remuneration, and without suspecting that their worst virgin land was then richer than their manured lots appeared to be. The cultivator of such soil, who knows not its peculiar disease, has no other prospect than a gradual decrease of his always scanty crops But if the evil is once un- derstood, and the means of its removal within his reach, he has reason to rejoice that his soil was so soon equalled, and then exceeded, by the formation } constituted as to be preserved from the eflects of vegetable acid, before much productiveness was aused. The soil being thus changed, the plants suitable to calcareous soils died off, and gave place o others which produce, as well as feed ‘and thrive mn acidity. Still, however, even these plants fur- veh abundant supplies of vegetable matter, sufhi- ‘ient to enrich the land in the highest degree: but he antiseptic power of the acid prevents the leaves rom rotting for years, and even then, the soil has 10 power to profit by them. 'T hough continually vasted, the vegetable matter is always present in :bundance; but must remain almost useless to the oil, until the accompanying acidity shall be de- stroyed. It may weil be doubted whether any soil desti- ute of lime in every form, would not soon become 1 perfect barren, incapable of producing a spire of trass. No soil thus destitute is known, as the ants of all soils show in their ashes the presence f some lime. But it is probable that our subsoils, vhich when left naked by the washing away of he soil, are so generally and totally barren, are nade so by their being entirely destitute of lime nany form. There is a natural process regularly ind at all times working to deprive the subsoil of ul lime, unless the soil is abundantly supplied. W hat constitutes soil, and makes the strong and ain mark of separation and distinction between he more or less fertile soil and the absolutely steril subsoil beneath? The most obvious cause or this difference which might be stated, is the lropping of the dead vegetable matter on the surface: but this is not sufficient alone to pro- luce the effects, though it may be when aided by nother cause of more power. When the most yarren soil was formed or deposited by any of the jatural agents to which such effects are attributed xy geologists, it seems reasonable to suppose that he surface was no richer than any lower part, hen a very minute proportion of lime had been equally distributed through the body of poor soil fo any depth that the roots of trees could pene- rate, it would follow that the roots would in the course of time take up all the lime, as all would 9e wanting for the support of the trees: and their Jeath and < decay would afterwards leave all this former ingredient of the soil in general, on the sur- face. This process must have the effect, in the course of time, of fixing on and near the surface the whole of a scanty supply of lime, and on leav- ng the subsoil without any. But if there is within he reach of the roots more lime than any one crop or growth of plants need, then the superfluous lime will be permitted to remain in the subsoil, which will then be improvable by vegetable sub- stances, and readily convertible to productive soil. The manner in which lime thus operates, will be explained in the next chapter. Nearly all the woodland now remaining in Lower Virginia, and much of what has long been arable, is rendered unproductive by acidity, and successive generations have toiled on them with- If the improvidence of his forefathers, who would have worn out any land not almost indestructible. The presence of acid, by restraining the produc- tive powers of the soil, has in a great measure saved it from exhaustion; and after a course of cropping which would have utterly ruined soils much better cons stituted, the powers of our acid land remain not greatly impaired, though dormant, and ready to be called into action by merely being relieved of its acid quality. A few crops will reduce a new acid field to so low a rate of product, that it scarcely will pay forits cultivation—but no great change is afterwards caused, by continuing scourg- ing tillage and grazing for fifty years. longer. Thus our acid soils have two remarkable and ¢ op- posite qualities, both proceeding from the same cause: they cannot be enriched by manure, nor impoverished by cultivation, to any great extent. Qualities so remarkable deserve all our powers of investigation: yet their very frequency seems to have caused them to be overlooked—and our wri- ters on agriculture have continued to urge those who seek improvement to apply precepts drawn from English authors, to soils which are totally different from all those for which their instructions were intended. CHAPTER VIII. MODE OF OPERATION OF CALCAREOUS EARTH IN SOILS. Proposition 3. The fertilizing effects of cal- careous earth are chiefly produced by its power of neutralizing acids, and of combining putrescent manures with soils, between which there would otherwise be but little, uf any, chemical attraction. THE Proposition 4. Poor and acid soils cannot be improved durably, or profitably, by putrescent ma- nures, without previously making them calcareous, and thereby correcting the defect in their consti- tution, It has already been made evident that the pre- sence of calcareous earth in a natural soil causes great and durable fertility: but it still remains to be determined, to what properties of this earth its peculiar tert tilizine effects are to be attributed. Chemistry has taueht that silicious earth, in any state of division, attracts but slightly, if at all, any of the parts of putrescent animal and vegetable matters.* But even if any slicht attraction really exists when the earth is minutely divided for ex- periment in the laboratory of the chemist, it can- not be exerted by silicious sand in the usual form in which nature gives it to soils—that is, in parti- cles comparatively coarse, loose, and open, and yet each particle impenetrable to any liquid, or ga- seous fluid that might be passing through the va- in SO lel See BV lel WAR i Fears aia CEL... * Agr. Chem. page 129. ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. cancies. er, chemical or mechanical, either to attract en- riching manures, or to preserve them when actu- ally placed in contact: and soils in which the qualities of this earth greatly predominate, must give out freely all they have received, not only to a growing crop, but to the sun, air, and water, so as soon to lose the whole. No portion of putres- cent matter can remain Jonger than the comple- tion of its decomposition—and if not arrested dur- ing this process, by the roots of living plants, all will escape in the form of’ gas, into the air, with- out leaving a trace of lasting improvement. With a knowledge of these properties, we need not r-- sort to the common opinion that manure sinks through sandy soils, to account for its rapid disap- pearance.* Aluminous earth, by its closeness, mechanically excludes those agents of decomposition, heat, air and moisture, which sand so freely admits; and therefore clay soils, in which this earth predomi- nates, give out manure much more slowly than sand, whether for waste or for use. The practical effect of this is universally understood—that clay soils retain manure much longer than sand, but re- quire much heavier applications to show as much effect at once. manure is altogether mechanical, it serves only to delay both its use and its waste. Aluminous * Except the very simall proportions of earthy, sa- line and metallic matters that may be in animal and vegetable manures, the whole balance of their bulk (and the whole of whatever can feed plants,) is com- posed of diiierent eleinents, which are known only in the forms of gases—into which they must be finally re- solved, after going through all the various stages of fermentation and decomposition. So far from sink- ing in the earth, these final results could not be posst- bly confined there, but must escape into the atmos- phere as soon as they take a gaseous form, unless im- mediately taken up by the organs of growing plants. It is probable that but a small portion of any dressing of manure remains long enough in the soil to make this final change—and that nearly all is used by grow- ing plants, during previous changes, or carried oi by air and water. During the progress of the many changes caused by fermentation and decomposition, every soluble product may certainly sink as low as the rains penetrate: but it cannot descend lower than the water, and that, together with the soluble manure, will be again drawn up by the roots of plants. One excep- tion, however, seems probable. Should the soil need draining, to take oif water passing beneath the surface, the soluble manure might be carried off by those springs; and this supposed result receives strong confirmation from the complete loss of fertility which is often ob- served in spots over a foundation that is springy in wet seasons, but which have been kept under tillaxe, with- out bemg drained. We are as yet but little informed as to the particular changes made, and the various new substances successively formed, and then decomposed, during the whole duration of putrescent manures in the soil—and no field for discovery would better re- ward the investigations of the agricultural chemist. For want of this knowledge we proceed at random in using manures, instead of being enabled to conform to any rule founded on scientific principles: nor can we hope so to manage manures with regard to their fer- mentation, the time and manner of application, mixing with other substances, &c., as to enable the crops to seize every enriching result as soon as tt is produced, and to posipone as long as possible the final results of : Laue, decomposition—which ought to be the ends sought in| fest to the eye, the animal matter, which is thus h every application of putrescent manure. Hence, silicious earth can have no pow- | earth also exerte some chemical power in attract | ? But as this means of retaining | degree as I think it deserves. ing and combining with manures, but too weakly | to enable a clay soil to become rich by natural | means. For though clays are able to exert more | force than sand, in holding manures, their close- | ness also acts to deny admittance beneath the sur- | face to the enriching matters furnished by the growth and decay of plants: and therefore, before being brought into cultivation, a poor clay soil |, would derive scarcely any benefit from its small | power of combining chemically with putrescent | matters. If then it is considered how small is the power of silicious and aluminous earihs to receive’ and retain putrescent manures, it will cease to cause surprise that such soils cannot be thus en- riched, with profit, if at all. | Davy states that both aluminous and cal-. careous earth will combine with any vegetable ex- tract, so as to render it less soluble, and consequent- ly not subject tothe waste that would otherwise | take place, and hence “that the soils which con- | ‘tain most alumina and carbonate of lime, are’ “those which act with the greatest chemical en- | “ ergy in preserving manures.” Here is high au-- thority for calcareous earth possessing the power ¢ which my subject requires, but not inso great ai Davy apparently |! places both earths in this respect on the same foot-- h ing, and allows to aluminous soils retentive powers }{P equal to the calcareous. But though he gives ev-/! idence (from chemical experiments) of this pow-; er in both earths, he does not seem to have inves- 4 tigated the difference of their forces. Nor could} he deem it very important, holding the opinion) which he elsewhere expresses, that calcareous;}® earih acts ‘merely by forming a usetul earthy in-- gredient in the soil,” and consequently attributing" to it no remarkable chemical eflects as a manure. | I shall offer some reasons for believing that the}! powers of attracting and retaining manure, pos- sessed by these two earths, differ greatly in force. Our aluminous and calcareous soils, through the: whole of their virgin state, have had equal means: of receiving vegetable matter; aud if’ their powers+|! for retaining it were nearly equal, so would be/! their acquired fertility. Instead of this, while the | calcareous soils have heen raised to the highest! condition, many of the tracts of clay soil remain |f the poorest and most worthless. It is true that) one labored under acidity, from which the otheri™ was free. But if we suppose nine-tenths of the|li vegetable matter to have been rendered useless by\™ that poisonous quality, the remaining tenth, ap-M! plied for so long a time, would have made fertile, la any soil that had the power to retain the enrich- ing matter. Many kinds of shells are partly composed of ge-' latinous animal matter, which I suppose, must ber chemically combined with the calcareous earth, and by that means only is preserved from the pu- trefaction and waste that would otherwise certainly; and speedily take place. Indeed, the large propor- tion of animal matter which thus helps to consti- tute shells, instead of making them more perisha- il ble, serves to increase their firmness and solidity, }th When long exposure, as in fossil shells, has de- stroyed all animal matter, the texture of the cal-' careous substance is greatly weakened. A simple: experiment will serve to separate and make mant-: ‘an af } th combined with and preserved by the calcareous FART I—loawOnyY. 31 earth. Ta fresh water muscle shell is kept for some days immersed in a weak mixture of muri- atic acid and water, all the calcareous part will be pradually dissolved, leaving the animal matter so entire, as to appear still to be a whole shell—but which when lifted from the fluid which supports it, will prove to be entirely a flaccid, gelatinous, and putrescent substance, without a particle of calca- reous. matter being left. Yet this substance which is so hiehly putrescent when alone, would have been preserved in combination with calcareous matter, in the shell, for many years, if exposed to the usual changes of air and moisture—and if se- sured from such changes, would be almost impe- rishable. Caleareous earth has power to preserve those animal matters which are most liable to waste, and which give to the sense of smell full evidence when. they are escaping. Of this, a striking ex- ample is furnished by an experiment which was made with care and attention. The carcass of a sow that was killed by accident in May, was laid gn the surface of the earth, and covered with about seventy bushels of finely divided fossil shells and earih, (mosily silicious,) their propositions being as thirty-six of calcareous, to sixty-four of silicious earth. Afier the rains had settled the neap, 1t was only six inches thick over the highest part of the carcass. The process of putreiaction was so slow, that several weeks passed before it was over; nor was it ever so violent as to throw off uny effluvia thatthe calcareous earth did not inter- ‘ept in its escape, so that no offensive smell was aver perceived. In October, the whole heap was carried out and applied to one-sixth of an acre of wheat—and the effect produced far exceeded that of the calcareous manure alone, which was ap- lied at the same rateon the surrounding land. No such power as this experiment indicated (and which I have repeated in various modes, and al- ways with like results,) will be expected from lay. Quicklime is used to prevent the escape of of- ensive effluvia from animal matter; but its opera- ion is entirely diiferent from that of calcareous sarth. The former effects its object by ‘‘eating”’ yw decomposing the animal substance, (and nearly lestroying it as manure,) before putrefaction be- ins. The operation of calcareous earth is to noderate and retard, but not to prevent putrefac- ion—not to destroy the animal matter, but to pre- serve it effectually, by forming new combinations with the products of putrefaction. This impor- ant operation will be treated of more fully ina subsequent chapter. The power of calcareous earth to combine with ind retain putrescent manure, implies the power of fixing them in any soil to which both are ap- lied. The same power will be equally exerted if he putrescent manure is applied to a soil which iad previously been made caleareous, whether by aature, or by art. When a chemical combination s formed between the two kinds of manure, the yne is necessarily as much fixed in the soil as the yther. Neither air, sun or rain, can then waste the putrescent manure, because neither can take it rom the calcareous earth, with which it is chemi- tally combined. Nothing can effect the separation of the parts of this compound manure, except the attractive power of growing plants—which as all experience shows, will draw their food from this combination as fast as they require it, and as easily as from sand. The means then by which calcareous earth acts as an improving manure, are, completely preserving putrescent manwres from waste, and yielding them freely for use. These particular benefits, however great they may be cannot be seen very quickly afer asoil is made calcareous, but will increase with time, and with the means for obtaining vegetable matters, until their accumulation is equal to the soil’s power of retention. ‘The kind, or the source, of enriching manure, does not alter the process described. The natural erowth of the soil, left to die and rot, or other puirescent manures collected and applied would alike be seized by the calcareous earth and fixed in the soil. This, the most important and valuable operation of calcareous earth, gives nothing to the soil—but only secures the other manures, and gives them wholly to the soil. In this respect, the action of caleareous earth on soils, is precisely like that of mordants in “setting” or fixing colors. When alum, lor example, is used by the dyer for this pur- pose, it adds not the slightest tinge of itself{—but it holds to the cloth, and also to the otherwise fleet- ing dye, and thus fixes them permanently together. Without the mordant, the color might have been equaily vivid, but would be lost by the first wet- ting of the cloth. : ‘The next most valuable property of ealcareous manures for the improvement of soil, is their pow- er of neutralizing acids, which has already been incidentally brought forward in the preceding chap- ter. According to the views already presented, our poorest cultivated soils contain more vegetable matter than they can beneficially use—and when first cleared, have it in great excess. So antisep- ticis the acid quality of poor woodland, that before the crop of leaves of one year can entirely rot, two or three others will have fallen—and there are al- ways enough, at any one time, to greatly enrich the soil, if the leaves could be rotted and fixed in it, at once.* ‘The presence of acid, by preventing or retarding putrefaction, keeps the vegetable matter inert, and even hurtful on cultivated land; and the crops are still further injured, by taking up the poisonous acid, with their nutriment. A suf- ficient quantity of caleareous earth mixed with such a soil, will immediately neutralize the acid, and destroy its powers: the soil, released from its baneful influence, will be rendered canable, for the first time, of exerting the fertility which it really *The antiseptic effect of vegetable acid in our soils receives some support from the facts established with regard to peat soils, in which vegetable acids have been discovered by chemical analysis: and though the peat or moss soils of Britain differ entirely from any soils in this country, still some facts relating to the former class, may throw light on the properties of our own soils, different as they may be. Not only does vegeta- ble matter remain without putrefaction in peat soils and bogs, and serve to increase their depth by regular accessions from the successive annual growths, but even the bodies of beasts and men have been found unchanged under peat, many years after they had been covered. [Aiton’s Essay on Moss Earth.} It is well known that the leaves of trees rot very quickly on the rich limestone soils of the western states, while the successive crops of several years’ growth may be al- ways found on our acid woodland, in the different | Stages of their slow decomposition. 32 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. || possessed. The benefit thus produced is almost immediate: but though the soil will show a new vigor in its earliest vegetation, and may even dou- ble its first crop, yet no part of that increased pro- duct is due tothe direct operation of the calcareous manure, but merely to the removal of’ acidity. The calcareous earth, insuch a case, has not made the soil richer in the slightest degree, but has merely permitted it to bring into use the fertility it had before, and which was concealed by thie acid character of’ the soil. It will be a dangerous error for the farmer to suppose that calcareous earth can enrich soil by direct means. It destroys the worst foe of productiveness, and uses to the greatest advantage the fertilizing powers of other manures—but of itself it gives no fertility to soils, nor furnishes the least food to growing plants. These two kinds of action are by far the most powerful of the means possessed by calcareous earth, for fertilizing soils. It has another however of great importance—or rather two others, which may be best described together as the power of al- tering the texture and absorbency of soils. At first it may seem impossible that the same manure could produce such opposite effects on soils, as tolessen the faults of being either too san- dy, or too clayey—and the evils occasioned by both the want, and the excess of moisture. Con- tradictory as this may appear, it is stnctly true as to calcareous earth. In common with clay, cal- careous earth possesses the power of making san- dy soils more close and firm—and in common with sand, the power of making clay soils lighter. When sand and clay thus alter the textures of'soils, their operation is altogether mechanical; but calca- reous éarth must have some cliemical action also, in producing such effects, as its power is far great- er than that of either sand or clay. A very great quantity cf clay would be required to stiffen a sandy soil perceptibly, and still more sand would be necessary to make aclay soil much lighter—so that the cost of such improvement would generally exceed the benefit obtained. Greater effects on the texture of soils are derived from less quantities of calcareous earth, besidesobtaining the more valu- able operation of its other powers. Every substance that is open enough for air to enter, and the particles of which are not absolute- ly impenetrable, must absorb moisture from the atmosphere. Aluminous earth reduced to an impalpable powder, has strong absorbing powers. But this is not the form in which such soils can act—and aclose and solid clay will scarcely admit the passage of air or water, and therefore can- not absorb much moisture except by its surface. Through sandy soils, the air passes freely; but most of its particles are impenetrable by moisture, and therefore these soils are also extremely defi- cient in absorbent power. Calcareous earth, by rendering clay more open to the entrance of air, and closing partially the too open pores of sandy soils, increases the absorbent powers of both. To increase that power in any soil, is to enable it to draw supplies of moisture from the air, in the driest weather, and to resist more strongly the waste by evaporation, of light rains. A calca- reous soil will so quickly absorb a hasty shower of rain, as to appear to have received less than ad- joining land of different character: and yet if ob- servedin summer when under tillage, some days after a rain, and when other adjacent land appears reous manures may be observed within afew years | after their appiication—though none of them so), strongly marked, as they are on lands made cal- |} careous by nature, and in which, time has aided and perfected the operation. These soils present }| great variety in their proportions of sand and. clay |) —yet the most clayey is friable encugh, and the most sandy, firm enough, to be considered soils | of good texture: and they resist the extremes of both wet and dry seasons, better than any other soils whatever. Time, and the increase of vege- table matter, will bring those qualities to the same’ perfection, in soils made calcareous by artificial means. The subsequent gradual accumulation of vege- table matter in soils to which calcareous manures’; have been applied, must also aid the improvement: of their texture and absorbing power. The vege- ff table matter also darkens the color ofthe soil, which \j makes it warmer by more freely absorbing the rays of the sun. ie Additional and practical proofs of all the powers of calcareous earth will be furnished, when its use »i and effects as manure will be stated. I flatter myself however, that enough has already been ik said both to establish, and account for, the difler--) cent manures. HH the power of fixing manures in soils, has been correctly ascribed to calcareous ¥ earth, that alone 1s enough to show that soils con-i taining that ingredient in sufficient quantity, mustili become rich—and that aluminous and silicious:ill earths mixed in any proportions, can never forms other than a steril soil. careous earth (as before defined) as a manure; and not of pure lime, nor of manures in general. ii Still the nature of that which is properly my sub--tit ject, is so intimately connected with some other kinds of’ manures, and is so liable to be confound--i quent references to both elasses have been, ands will be again necessary. To make such refer- ences more plain and useful, some general remarks and opinions will now be submitted as to the pe-4 culiar modes of the operation of various manures,, and particularly of lime- Until now, I have been careful to say but little of pure lime, tor fear of my meaning being mis-. taken, from the usual practice of confounding it) with calcareous earth—or of considering its first! and later operations, as belonging to one and the same manure. ‘The connexion between the ma- nures is so intimate, yet their actions so distinct, that 1t is necessary to mark the points of re-. semblance as well as those of difference. My own use of lime as a manure has not ex- tended beyond a few acres; and F do not pretend to know any thing from experience, of its first or caustic effects: but Davy’s simple and beautiful theory of its operation carries conviction with ity and in accordance with his opinions [ shall state: the theory, and thence attempt to deduce its proper practical use. By a sufficient degree of heat, the carbonic acid] is driven off from shells, limestone, or chalk, and: the remamder is pure or caustic lime. In this: state is has a powerful decomposing power on all! PART I—THEORY. 33 SS A a | itrescent animal and vegetable matters, which exerts on every such substance in the soils to hich it is applied as manure. If the lime thus ets with solid and inert vegetable matters, it astens their decomposition, renders them soluble, ad brings them into use and action as manure. ut such vegetable and animal matters as were ready decomposed, and fit to support growing lants, are injured by the addition of lime—as the 1emical action which takes place between these odies, forms different compounds which are al- rays less valuable than the putrid or soluble mat- rs were, before being acted on by the lime. Aer. Chem. Lecture 7.| This theory of Davy’s, will direct us to expect rofit from liming all soils containing much unrot- .d and inert vegetable matter, as our acid wood- ind when first cleared, and perhaps worn fields, overed with broom grass—and to avoid the ap- lication of lime, or (what is the same thing,) to estroy previously its caustic quality by exposure ) the air, on all good soils containing soluble ve- etable or animal matters, and on all poor soils eficient in inert, as well as active nourishment yr plants. ‘The warmth of our climate so much ids the fermentation of all putrescent matters in ails, that it can seldom be required to hasten it by rtificial means: to check its rapidity is much more ecessary, to avoid the waste of manures in our ands. But in England, and still more in Scotland, ae case is very different. There, the coldness nd moisture of the climate greatly retard the fer- 1entation of the vegetable matter that falls on the und—so much so, that in certain situations the 10st favorable to such results, the vegetable cover ; increased by the deposite of every successive ear, and forms those vegetable soils, which are alled moor, peat, and bog lands. Vegetable mat- 2r abounds in these soils, sometimes it even forms ae greater bulk for many feet in depth—but it is iert, insoluble, and useless, and the soil is unable 9 bring any usetul crop, though contaming vege- able matter in such excess. Many millions of cres in Britain, are of the different grades of peat oils, of which not an acre exists in the eastern ialf of Virginia. Upon this ground of the differ- nce of climate, and its effects on fermentation, I educe the opinicn that lime would be serviceable much more generally in Britain than here: and indeed that there are very few cases in which the caustic quality would not do our arable lands more harm than good. This is no contradiction of the great improvements which have been made on some farms by applying lime—because its caustic quality was seldom allowed to act at all. Lime is continually changing to the carbonate of lime, and in practice, no exact line of separation can be drawn between the transient effects of the one, and the later, but durable improvement from the other. Lime powerlully attracts thescarbonic acid,of which it was deprived by heat, and that acid is univer- sally diffused through the atmesphere (though in a very small proportion, ) andis produced by every decomposing putrescent substance. Consequently caustic lime on land, is continually absorbing and combining with this acid; and with more or less rapidity, according to the manner of its application, is returning to its former state of mild calcareous earth. If spread as a top dressing on grass lands —or on ploughed land, and superficially mixed with the soil by harrowing—or used in composts with fermenting vegetable matter—the lime is pro- bably completely carbonated, before its causticity can act on the soil. Inno case can lime, applied properly as manure, long remain caustic in the soil. ‘Thus most applications of lime are simply applications of calcareous earth, but acting with oreater power at first, in proportion to its quantity, because more finely divided, and more equally distributed. By adopting the views which have been pre- sented of the action of calcareous earth, and of lime, as manures, and those which are generally received as to the mode of operation of other ma- nures, the following table has been constructed, which may be found’ useful, though necessarily imperfect, and in part founded only on conjecture. The various particular kinds of manures are ar- ranged 1n the supposed order of their power, under the several heads or characters to which they be- long; and when one manure possesses several dif- ferent modes of action, the comparative force of each is represented by the letters annexed—the letter a designating its strongest or most valuable agency, 6 the next strongest, and so on. Substances which form manures are either De ea Alimentary, or serving as food for plants—as Solvent of alimentary ma- nures—as Mordants—serving to fix other manures in soils—as Neutralizing acids—as Mechanical, or improving by altering the texture of soil—as Stemulating—as Specific, or furnishing ingre- dients necessary for particular plants—as ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. CLASSIFICATION OF MANURES, g . ) | | | : | Feathers, hair, woollen rags, i Pounded bones, (6) | alt putrescent animal and vegetable substances, as |) ung, | Stable and farmyard manures, (@) Straw, (¢@) Green crops ploughed in. (@) Quicklime, (a) Potash and soap lie? (a} Ashes not drawn? (d) Paring and burning the surface of the soii. (@} Calcareous earth, including Lime become mild by age, (a) Chalk, (a) Limestcne gravel, (@) Wood ashes, (0) Fossil shells, (@) Marl (a caleareous clay,) (a) Old mortar. All calcareous manures, (6) Quicklime, (b) Potash and soap lie, (6) Wood ashes. (c) All calcareous manures, (c} Marl, (6) Clay, Sand, Fermenting vegetable manures, (6) Green manures, (d) Unfermented litter. (6) Nitre? Common salt? Sulphate of lime, or gypsum, (for clover, } Phosphate of lime, (for wheat) in Bones, (a) and Drawn ashes, (@) Salt? PART [J—Practice. a CHAPTER IX. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON MARL AND LIME. EFFECTS OF CALCAREOUS MANURES ON ACID SANDY SOILS, NEWLY CLEARED. Proposition 5. Calcareous manures will give to our worst soils a power of retaining putres- cent manures, equal io that of the best—and will cause more productiveness, and yield more profit, than any other improvement practicable in Lower Virgina. The theory of the constitution of fertile and yarren soils, has now been regularly discussed: it ‘emains io show its practical application, in the ise of calcareous earth as amanure. If the opin- ons which have been maintained are unsound, fhe attempt to reduce them to practice will surely 2xpose their futility: and if they pass through that rial, agreeing with, and confirmed by facts, their ruth and value must stand unquestioned. The selief in the most important of these opinions, ‘the incapacity of poor soils for improvement, and ts cause;) directed the commencement of my use of calcareous manures; and the manner of my ractice has also been directed entirely by the views which have been exhibited. Yet in every espect the results of practice have sustained the heory of the action of caleareous manures—unless here be found an exception in the damage which 1as been caused by applying too heavy dressings o weak lands. My use of'calcareous earth as manure, has been almost entirely confined to that form of it which s so abundant in the neighborhood of our tide- waters—the beds of fossil shells, together with the 2arth with which they are found mixed. ‘The shells are in various states—in some beds generally whole, and in others, reduced nearly to a coarse 90wder. The earih which fills their vacancies, 2nd serves to make the whole a compact mass, in most cases is principally silicious sand, and con- ains no putrescent or valuable matter, other than he calcareous. The same effects might be ex- ected from calcareous earth in any other form, whether chalk, limestone gravel, wood ashes, or ime—though the two last have other qualities be- sides the calcareous. During the short time that ime can remain quick or caustic, after being ap- qlied as manure, it exerts (as before stated) a solvent power, sometimes beneficial and at others aurtful, which has no connexion with its subse- juent and permanent action as calcareous earth. These natural deposites of fossil shells are com- monly, but very improperly, called marl. This misapplied term is particularly objectionable, be- cause it induces erroneous views of this manure. Other earthy manures have long been used in England under the name of marl, and numerous publications have described their general effects, and recommended their use. When the same name is given here toa different manure, many persons will consider both operations as similar, and perhaps may refer to English authorities for the purpose of testing the truth of my opinions, and the results of my practice. But no two opera- tions called by the same name, can well differ more. The process which it is my object to re- commend, is simply the application of calcareous earth in any form whatever, to soils wanting that ingredient, and generally quite destitute of it: and the propriety of the application depends entirely on our knowing that the manure contains cal- careous earth, and what proportion, and that the soil contains none. In England, the most scien- iific agriculturists apply the term marl correctly to a calcareous clay, of peculiar texture: but most authors, as well as mere cultivators, have used it for any smooth soapy clay, which may, or may not have contained, so far as they knew, any pro- portion of calcareous matter. Indeed, in most cases, they seem unconscious of the presence, as well as of the importance of that ingredient, by not alluding to it when attempting most carefully to point out the characters by which marl may be known. Stillless do they inquire into the deficiency of caleareous earth in soils proposed to be marled —but apply any earths which either science or ignorance may have called marl, to any soils within a convenient distance—and rely upon the subse- quent effects to direct. whether the operation shall be continued or abandoned. Authors of the high- est character, (as Sinclair and Young, for exam- ple,) when telling of the practical use, and valua- ble effects of marl, omit giving the strength of the manure, and generally even its nature—and in no instance have I found the ingredients of the soil stated, so that the reader might learn what kind of operation really was described, or be enabled to form: a judgement of its propriety. From all this, it follows that though what is called marling in England may sometimes (though very rarely, as I infer) be the same chemical operation on the soil that [am recommending, yet it may also be, either applying clay to sand, or clay to chalk, or true marl to either of those soils—and the reader will generally be left to guess in every separate case, which of all these operations is meant by the term marling. For these reasons, the practical know- ledge to be gathered from all this mass of written instruction on marling, will be far less abundant, than the inevitable errors and mistakes. The re- commendations of marl by English authors, in- duced me very early to look to what was here called by the came name, as a means for improve- ment: but their descriptions of the manure con- vinced me that our marl was nothing like theirs, and thus actually deterred me from using it, until other views instructed me that its value did not depend on its having “a soapy feel,” or on any mixture of clay whatever. [Appendix. G.] Nevertheless, much valuable information may be obtained from these same works, on calcareous manure, or on mazrl, (in the sense it is used among us)—but under a different head, viz. lime. This 36 manure is generally treated of with as little clear- ness or correctness, as is done with marl: but the reader at least cannot be mistaken in this, that the ultimate effect of every application of lime, must be to make the soil more calcareous—and to that cause solely are to be imputed all the long-continu- ed beneficial consequences, and great profits, which have been derived from liming. But excepting this one point, in which we cannot be misled by ignorance, or want of precision, the mass of writ- ings on lime, as well as on caleareous manures in eneral, willneed much sifting to yield instruction. he opinions published on the operation of lime, are SO many, so various, and contradictory, that it seems as if each author had hazarded a guess, and added it to a compilation of those of all who had preceded him. Fora reader of these publica- tions to be able to reject all that is erroneous in reasoning, and in statemente of facts—or inappli- cable, on account of difference of soil, or other circumstances—and thus obtain only what is true, and valuable—it would be necessary for him first to understand the subject better than most of those whose opinions he wasstudying. It was not pos- sible for them to be correct, when treating (as most do) of lime as one kind of manure, and every dif- ferent form of the carbonate of lime, as so many others. Only one distinction of this kind (as to operation and effects) should be made, and never lost sight of—and that is one of substance, still more than of name. Pure or quicklime, and car- bonate of lime, are manures entirely different in their powers and effects. But it should be remem- bered that the substance that was pure lime when just burned, often becomes carbonate of lime before it is used, (by absorbing carbonic acid from the at- mosphere, )—still more frequently before a crop is planted—and probably always, before the first crop ripens. Thus, it should be borne in mind that the manure spoken of as lime, is often at first, and always at a later period, neither more nor less than . . . | calcareous carih: that lime, which at different periods, is two distinct kinds of manure, is con- | sidered in agricultural treatises as only one: and to calcareous earth are given as many diflerent names, all considered to have different values and effects, as there are different forms and mixtures of the substance presented by nature. But however incorrect and inconvenient the term marl may be, custom has too strongly fixed its application for any proposed change to be adopt- ed. ‘Therefore, I must submit to use the word marl to mean beds of fossil shells, notwithstanding my Se against the propriety of its being so ap- plied. The following experiments are reported, either on account of having been accurately made, and carefully observed, or as presenting such results as have been generally obtained on similar soils, from applications of fossil shells to nearly six hundred acres of Coggin’s Point Farm. It has been my habit to make written memoranda of such things; and the material circumstances of these experi- ments were put in writing at the time they oc- curred, or not long after. Some of the experi- ments were, from their commencement, desiened to be permanent, and their results to be measured as long as circumstances might permit. These were made with the utmost care. But generally, when precise amounts are not stated, the experi- ments were less carefully made, and their results ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. SS eeeEeEoEoE>Da>ananBhA9B9aDapDapana)an)aEaEaeaBhanBamaaBaBapaBEyEoEoooaaaoySESaEaEaEEEEEEEEEEEE—SESESESSS——E——ESSSEESESaSaSESL—SEaaaaaaaSaSSSSSSSSSSEEESESEESSS SS es reported by guess. - Every measurement stated of land, or of crop, was made in my presences The average strength of the manure was ascer tained by asuflicient number of analyses—and thy quantity applied was known by measuring some o the loads, and having them dropped at certair distances. At the risk of being tedious, I shall state every circumstance supposed to affect thi results of the experiments—and the manner o description, and of reference, necessary to use, wil}; require a degree of attention that few readers may} be disposed to give, to enable them to derive thi, full benefit of these details. But however disa\}j greeable it may be to give to them the necessary\y attention, I will presume to say that these experijg ments deserve it. They will present practicay, proofs of what otherwise would be but uncertain] theory—and give to this essay its principal clai to be considered useful and valuable. | When these operations were commenced, jy knew of no other experiments having been madi with fossil shells, except two, which had been triec long before, and were considered as proving thoy manure too worthless to be resorted to again.’ } Inexperience, and the total want of any practica:}; guide, caused my applications, for the first few years, to be frequently injudicions, particularly as to the quantitiés laid on. For this reason, these experiments show what was actually done, anc the effects thence derived, and not what bette information would have directed, as the most pro: fitable course. The measurements of corn that will be reportee were all made at the time and place of gathering: * The earliest of these old experiments was made ai Spring Garden in Surry, about 1775. The extent marl ed was eight or ten acres, on poor sandy land. Nothing is now known of the effects for the first twenty-five or thirty years, except that they were too inconsideraa ble to induce a repetition of the experiment. . The system of cultivation was as exhausting as was usuai during that time. Since 1812, the farm has been under mild and improving management generally. No care has been taken to observe the progress either of ima provement or exhaustion on the marled piece: but there is no doubt but that the product has continued for the last fifteen years better than that of the adjacent land: Mr. Francis ‘Ruffin, the present owner of the farm believed that the product was not much increased it favorable seasons; but when the other land sufferec¢ either from too much wet, or dry weather, the crop on! the marled land was comparatively but slightly injured The loose reports that have been obtained respecting) this experiment, are at least conclusive in showing the permanency of the effects produced. The other old experiment referred to, was made af, Aberdeen, Prince George county, in 1803, by Mr Thomas Cocke. Three small spots (neither exceeding thirty yards square,) of poor land, kept before ano since generally under exhausting culture, were coveri ed with this manure. He found a very inconsiderablé early improvement, which he thought altogether an inadequate reward for the labor of applying the marl The experiment being deemed of no value, was bul little noticed until the commencement of my use of the same manure. On examination, the improvement ap. peared to have increased greatly on two of the pieces; but the third was evidently the worse for the applica-! tion. Fora number of years after making this ex- periment, Mr. Cocke considered it as giving full proot of the worthlessness of the manure. But more correct views of its mode of operation have since induced him! to recommence its use, and no one has met with more’ success, or produced more valuable improvements, PART I—PRACTICE. 37 “he measure used for all except very small quan- ties, was a barrel holding five bushels when filled »vel, and which being filled twice with ears of orn, well shaken to settle them, and heaped, was stimated to make five bushels of grain—and the roducts will be reported in grain, according to nis estimate. This mode of measurement will est serve for comparing results—but in most cases -is far from giving correctly the actual quantity f dry and sound grain, for the following reasons. “he common large soft grained white corn was he kind cultivated, and which was always cut own for sowing wheat before the best matured vas dry enough to grind, or even to put up in cribs; nd when the ears from the poorest land were in state to lose considerably more by shrinking. ‘et, for fear of some mistake occurring if measure- ents were delayed until the crop was gathered, 1ese experiments were measured when the land ras ploughed for wheat in Qctober. The subse- uent loss from shrinking would of course be great- st on the corn from the poorest and most back- yard land, as there, most defective and unripe ears rould always be found. Besides, every ear, how- ver imperfect or rotten, was included in the mea- surement. For these several reasons, the actual increase of product on the marled land was always greater than will appear from the comparison of quantities measured: and from the statements of ali such early measurements, there ought to be allowed a deduction, varying from ten per cent. on the best and most forward corn, to thirty per cent. on the latest and most defective. Having stated the grounds of this estimate, practical men can draw such conclusions as their experience may direct, from the dates and amounts of the actual measurements that will be reported. Some careful trials of the amount of shrinkage in particular experiments will be hereafter stated. No grazing has been permitted on any land from which experiments will be reported, unless it is specially stated. As most of the experiments on new land were made on a single piece of twenty-six acres a ge- neral description or plan of the whole will enable me to be better understood, as well as to be more concise, by references being made to the annexed figure. It forms part of the ridge lying between James River and the nearest stream running into Powell’s Creek, The surface is nearly level. The oil in its natural state very similar throughout, but 2e part next to the line B C somewhat more sandy, |evidently much better—supposed difference, forty ad more productive in corn, than the part next 9 A D—and in like manner, it is lighter along A , than nearer to D f. The whole soil, a gray licious acid loam, not more than two inches deep t first, resting on a yellowish sandy subsoil from ne to two feet deep, when it changes to clay. Vatural growth mostly pine—next in quantity, aks of ditlerent kinds——a little of dogwood and chin- uepin—whortleberry bushes throughout in plenty. he quality of the soil is better than the average f ridge lands in general. Experiment 1. Results. 1818. The corn on the marled land, per cent. : 1819. In wheat. The difference as great, per- haps more so—particularly to be remarked from the commencement to the end of the winter, by the marled part preserving a green color, while the remainder was seldom visible from a short distance, and by the spring, stood much thinner, from the greater number of plants having been killed. The line of separation very perceptible through both crops. 1820. At rest. During the summer marled all B C gh, at the rate of five hundred bushels, without excepting the space before covered, and a small part of that made as heavy as one thousand The part B C gh, about eleven acres, grubbed|bushels, counting both dressings. The shells now nd cut down in the winter of 1814-15—suffered|generally coarse—average strength of the marl, 0 lie three years with most of the wood and brush} ;, of caleareous earth. In the winter afier, mit. February 1818, my earliest application of|ploughed three inches deep as nearly as could be, parl was made on B C m 1, about 24 acres. Marl,}which made the whole new surface yellow, by 33. of calcareous earth, and the balance silicious| bringing barren subsoil to the top. and, except a very small proportion of clay: the] Results continued. 1821. Incorn. The whole helly matter finely divided. Quantity of marl to}a remarkable growth for such a soil. The oldest he acre, one hundred and twenty-five to two hun-|(and heaviest) marled piece better than the other, lred heaped bushels. The whole BC gh coul-|but not enough so to show the dividing line. The ered, and planted in its first crop of corn. 38 average product of the whole supposed to have been fully twenty-five bushels to the acre. 1822. In wheat—and red clover sowed on all the old marling, and one or two acres adjoining. A severe drought in June killed the greater part of the clover, but left it much the thickest on the oldest marled piece, so as again to show the di- viding line, and to yield in 1823, two middling crops to the scythe—the first that | had known ob- tained from any acid soil, without high improve- ment from putrescent manures. 1823. At rest—nothing taken off, except the clover on B C ml. 1824. In corn—product seemed as before, and its rate may be inferred from the actual measure- ments on other parts, which will be stated in the next experiment, the whole being now cleared, and brought under like cultivation. Experiment 2. The part e f n o, cleared and cultivated in corn at the same times as the preceding—but treated differently in some other respects. ‘This had been deprived of nearly all its wood, and the brush burnt, at the time of cutting down—and its first crop of corn (1818) being very inferior, was not followed by wheat in 1819. ‘This gave two years of rest before the crop of 182l—and five years rest out of six, since the piece had been cut down. As before stated, the soil rather lighter on the side next to oe, than n ff. March, 1821. A measured acre near the mid- dle, covered with six hundred bushels of calea- reous sand (,%.,,) the upper layer of another body of fossil shells. Results. 1821. In corn. October—the four adjoining quarter acres, marked 1, 2, 3, 4, extend- ing nearly across the piece, two of them within, and two without the marled part, measured as follows: Not marled, No. 1, 6} average to the acre Do. No. 4, 54 22% bushels of grain. V > 1 Matied, Ne: 2 8 ‘ average 331 bushels. . . 5 g The remainder of this piece was marled before sowing wheat in 1821. 1823. At rest. 1824. In corn—disiance 5} by 33 feet, making 2436 stalks to the acre. October lith, measured iwo quarter acres very nearly coinciding with Nos. 2 and 3 in the last measurement. made No 2. 7 bushels 34pecks, or per acre, - - 31.1 No 3. 8 bushels, - - 32 Average in 182], - - - 33.1] Experiment 3. The part e f g h was cut down in January, 1821, and the land planted in corn the same year. The coultering and after-tillage very badly exe- cuted, on account of the number of whortleberry and other roots. As much as was convenient was matrled at six hundred bushels (,8.) and the dress- ing limited by a straight line. Distance of corn 55 by 34 feet—2262 stalks to the acre. Results.*_ 1821. dividing line, a piece of twenty-eight by twenty- one corn hil's measured as follows: They now | yer 1; average 31.23 October—on each side of the | ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. | 250 bushels No. 1. 588 stalks, not marled, 2 bush- els, equal to 7% the acr No. 2. 588 stalks, marled, 44 163 1 1822. In wheat, the remainder having beer} previously marled. 1 1823. Atrest. During the following winter i was covered with a second dressing of marl aij, ;°,) making 850 bushels to the aer altogether. } 1824. Incorn. Two quarter acres, chosen @ nearly as possible on the same spaces that were measured In 1821, produced as follows: | No. 1. 8 bushels, 2 pecks, or to the acre, 34 ff The same in 1821, before marling, 7.34 pe Ly mn (0 No. 2. 7 bushels, 24 pecks, or to the acre, 30.2. The same in 1821, after marling, 16.1 1825. The whole twenty-six acres, including} the subjects of all these experiments and observa: tions, were in wheat. The first marled piece ir Exp. 1, was decidedly the best—and_ a gradua} decline was to be seen to the latest. I have ne: ver measured the product of wheat from any exx), periment, on account of the great trouble and diffi: culty that would be encountered. Even if the wheat from small measured spaces could be reap») ed and secured separately, during the heavy laaj bors of harvest, it would be scarcely possible aft, terwards to carry the different parcels through al}, the operations necessary to show exactly the clean grain derived from each. But without any sepayy rate measurement, all my observations convince} me, that the increase of wheat from marling, is at}, least equal to that of corn, during the first few), years, and is certainly greater afterwards, in com}, parison to its product before using marl. It was from the heaviest marled part of Exp. Ij, that soil was analysed to find how much calcaaj, reous earth remained in 1826, (page 26.) e Before}, that time the marl and soil had been well mixeé, by ploughing to the depth of five inches. One of the specimens of this soil then examined, consist+}: ed of the following parts—the surface, and conse quently the undecomposed weeds upon it, being) excluded. ; 1000 grains of soil yielded 769 grains of silicious sand moderately fine, | 15 finer sand, 784 ii 8 calcareous earth, from the manure! applied, uy 180 finely divided clay, vegetable mat+ f ter, &c. ih; 28 lost in the process. fs 1000 = This part, it has been already stated; was _ori- ginally lighter than the general texture of the land. 1h Hi! ; ‘qt The four acres marked A D n 0 were cleared ini the wmter 1823-4. The lines p q and rs dividegy the piece nearly into quarters. The end nearest} A p ois lighter, and: best for corn, and was still} better for the first crop, owing to nearly that hak} Experiment 4. ' having been accidentally burnt over. After twice h PART I—PRACTICE. 39 _——oaeaeaeaeaeas=«=«=«=«=$=qsqououqquqqqqqqeee 0000S oultering, marl and putrescent manures were ap- lied as follows; and the products measured, Oc- aber 11th, the same year. 'sq not marled nor manured—produced on a uarter acre (No. 4.) of’ soft and badly filled corn, j Bush. P. } bushels, or per acre - - 12. qrand rp, marled at 800 bushels (,5% ry three measurements of different pieces— Quarter acre (No. 1.) 5 bushels, very near- =a "ly, or - - . - - - 19.34 ighth (No. 2.) 2.34 ? average 22.2 Zighth (No. 3.) 3.149 24.13 27. s ¢ manured at 900 to 1100 bushels to the icre, of which, Quarter acre (No. 5.) with rotted corn stalks, from a winter cow-pen, gave 5.2} 22.2 fighth (No. 6.) with stable manure, | 4.13 fiehth (No. 7.) covered with the same heavy dressings of stable manure, and of marl also, gave 4.2 p w, marled at 450 bushels, brought not so good . crop as the adjoining r p at 800. The distance was 54 by 31 feet. Two of the juarter acres were measured by a surveyor’s hain (as were four other of the experiments of 824,) and found to vary so little from the distance ounted by corn rows, that the difference was not vorth notice. 1825. In wheat: the different marked pieces eemed to yield in comparison to each other, pro- ortions not perceptibly different from those of he preceding crop—but the best not equal to any f the land marled before 1822, as stated in the st, 2nd, and 3rd experiments. 1827. Wheat on avery rough and imperfect ummer fallow. This was too exhausting a ourse (being three grain crops in the four shift otation, —but was considered necessary to check he growth of bushes that had sprung from the roots still living. The crop was small, as might have been expected from its preparation. % 1828. Corn—in rows five feet apart, and about three feet of distance along the rows, the seed be- ing dropped by the step. Owing to unfavorable weather, and to insects and other vermin, not more than half of the first planting of this field lived—and so much replanting of course caused its product to be much less matured than usual. on the weaker land. All the part not marled, (and more particularly that manured,) was so covered by sorrel, as to require ten times as much labor in weeding as the marled parts, which, as in every other case, bore no sorrel. October 15th, wather- ed and measured the corn from the following spaces, which were laid off (by the chain) as nearly as could be, on the same land as in 1824. The products so obtained, together with those of the previous and subséquent courses of tillage, will be presented below, in a tabular form, for the purpose of being more easily compared. On the wheat succeeding this crop, clover seed was sowed, but very thinly, and irregularly. On the parts not marled, only a few yards width re- ceived seed, which the next year showed the ex- pected result of scarcely any living clover. On |the marled portions, the growth of clover was of middling quality: was not mowed nor grazed, but seed gathered by hand both in 1830 and 1831. 1832. Again in corn. It was soon evident that much injury was caused to the marled half qp on, by the too great quantity applied. A con- siderable proportion of the stalks, during their growth, showed strongly the marks of disease from that cause, and some were rendered entirely barren. A few stalks only had appeared hurt by the quantity of marl, in 1828. On the lightly marled piece w p, and where the heaviest marling was accompanied by stable manure, there has ap- peared no sign of injury. The products were as follows: PRODUCTS OF GRAIN PER ACRE. fARK. DESCRIPTION. Ist course. | 2nd course. | 3rd course. . 1824 1828 1832 October 11. | October 15. | October 26. Bush. Pecks.|Bush. Pecks.|Bush. Pecks. q Not marled or manured,_— - - - - - - | 12 21 1 17 34 yr 1 |Marled at 800 bushels, . - - - - - 19 3k 28 14 28 p 2 |The same, - - - - - . - - | 22 2 p 3 |The same, - - - - - - . - | 27 a 04 aM dete t 5 |Cow-pen manure, 900 to 1100 bushels, - - - 22 2 25 2 Better than sq t 6 |Stable manure, 900 to 1100 bushels, - - - - 35 2 29 28 1 »t 7 | Marl and stable manure, both as above, - - - 36 33 2 37 34 Less than r 5 p Marled at 450 bushels, - . - - ; p (800) : eauel tor p | 81 3 An accidental omission prevented the measurement of s 7’5, in 1832. This experiment has been made with much {creased the expense uselessly, but has served to ‘ouble, and every care bestowed to insure accu-|prevent the increase of product that would other- acy. Still several causes have operated to affect|wise have taken place. This loss is proved by the he correctness of the results, and to prevent the |gradual increase, and at last the greater product omparative products showing the true rate of|of wp marled at only 450 bushels. nprovement either from marl, or the putrescent} 2nd. The comparative superiority of all the manure. These causes will be briefly stated. marled ground to sg not marled, is lessened by Ast. The quantity of marl (800 bushels) on q r|this circumstance: most of’ the large logs, as well nd r p is nearly double the amount that ought to/as all the small branches, were burnt upon the ave been used: and this error has not only in-|land, when it was cleared in 1824, before the ex- 40 ON CALCAREO US MANURES: ns} periment was commenced; and the ashes have durably improved a spot where each of these large fires were made on s q, but have done no good, and perhaps have been injurious, to the marled pieces that were made sufficiently calca- reous without the addition of ashes. At least, the good effect of ashes is very evident on s q, and has helped somewhat to increase all its measured products, and no such benefit has been visible on the marled parts. 8rd. The quantity of putrescent manure applied tos t (900 to 1100 bushels) was much too. great both for experiment and profit: and the quantity, together with the imperfectly rotted state of the stable manure, has given more durability to the effect, than is to be expected froma more judicious and economical rate of manuring. For these several reasons, it is evident that far more satisfactory results than even these, would have been obtained if only half as much of either marl or manure had been applied. There are other circumstances to be considered, which if not attended to, will cause the compara- | ‘ tive increase or decrease of product in this experi|, ment to be misunderstood. It is well known tha}, poor land put under tillage immediately after being!" cleared, as this was in 1824, will not yield near as a much as on the next succeeding course of crops: This increase, which depends merely on the ef'| fects of time, operates independently of all otheif means for improvement that the land may possess} and its rate, in this experiment, may be fairly es:f timated by the increase on the piece s g from 1822 to 1828. The increase here, where time only acted, was from 12 to 214 bushels: but as the corr gathered here was always much the most imper tectly ripened, and would therefore lose the mosi} by shrinking, I will suppose eight bushels to bef the rate of increase from time, and that so much, of the product of all the pieces should be attributec to that cause. Then to estimate alone the in creased or diminished effects of marl, or manure on the other pieces, eight bushels should be de: ‘ ducted from all the different applications, the esti mate will stand thus: t ( i ol ) 1824 1828 DEDUCT FOR|INCREASE.|DECREASE. hy TIME. I, Serre RTS cL ii e a Dr nat as CY b| B. P. BoP B. Bo wP 9B. ee, r' gr 1 19 33 28 15 8 0 2 From 800 bushels of marl. | 39 « a 2 bog 13| 31 8 1 14 800 bushels of marl. ' si 5 |22 2 25 8 ene 5 2 |—— 1000 bushels of cow-pen manure.i}i si 6 |35 2 29 8 —- | 14 2 \|—— 1000 bushels of stable manure. || f Even the piece covered with both marl and sta- ble manure, (wt) shows according to this esti- mate a diminished effect equal to 103 bushels; which was owing to the marl not being able to combine with, and fix so great a quantity of ma- nure, in addition to the vegetable matter left by its natural growth of wood. ‘The piece w p marled at 450 bushels alone, has shown a steady in- crease of product at each return of tillage, and thereby has given evidence of its being the only improvement made in such manner as both judge- ment and economy would have directed. CHAPTER X. EFFECTS OF CALCAREOUS MANURE ON ACID CLAY SOILS, RECENTLY CLEARED. The two next experiments were made on ano-| ther field of thirty acres of very uniform quality, marled and cleared in 1826, and the succeeding ears. ‘The soil is very stiff, close, and intracta- le under cultivation—seems to contain scarcely any sand—but in fact, about one-half of it is composed of silicious sand, which 1s so fine, when separated, as to feel like flour. Only a small proportion of the sand is coarser than this state of impalpable powder. Aluminous earth of rently composed of the like parts of clay and fine} sand. ‘This is decidedly the most worthless kina}! of soil, in its natural state, that our district fur nishes. It is better for wheat than for corn, though its product is contemptible in every thing: it is dif, ficult to be made wet, or dry—and therefore suf. fers more than other soils from both dry and we: seasons, but especially from the former. It is al most always either too wet or too dry for plough ing—and sometimes it will pass through both states, in two or three clear and warm days. I§ broken up early in winter, the soil, instead of be: ing pulverized by frost, like most clay lands, runs together again by freezing and thawing—and byg March, will have a sleek (though not a veryf even) crust upon the surface, quite too hard t¢ plant on before a second ploughing. The natura growth is principally white and red oaks, a smalleiy |proportion of pine, and whortleberry bushel! throughout. Experiment 5. 1 On one side of this field a marked spot of thirty} five yards square was left out, when the adjoining land was marled at the rate of five hundred to six hundred bushels (37) to the acre. Paths for the carts were opened through the trees, and the mar} dropped and spread in January, 1826: the lanc) cleared the following winter. Most of the wooo a dirty fawn color forms nearly all of its remaining | ingredients. Before being cleared, the soil is not. an inch deep, and all below for some feet is appa-| was carried off for fuel—the remaining logs ane! brush burnt on the ground, as usual, at such dis) tances as were convenient to the laborers. Thi | PART II—PRACTICE. —— 4} wt was perhaps the poorer, because wood had eviously been cut here for fuel; though only a w trees had been taken, here and there, without 1y thing like clearing the land. Results. 1827, Planted in corn the whole re- nt clearing of fifteen acres—all marled, except e spot left out for experiment: broken up late id badly, and worse tilled, as the land was gene- lly too hard, until the season was too far ad- anced to save the crop. The whole product so mall, that it was useless to attempt to measure e products. The difference would have been ily between a few imperfect ears on the marled ‘ound, and still less—indeed almost nothing—on at not marled. 1828. Again in corn: as well broken and cul- vated as usual for such land. October 18th—cut wh four rows of corn running through the land 9t marled, and eight others, alongside on the arled—all fifty feet in length. The rows had 2en laid off for five and a half feet—but were und to vary a few inches—for which the proper lowance was made, by calculation. The spaces ‘ken for measurement were caused to be so small, y apart of the corn having been inadvertently it down and shocked, just before. "The ears were ielled when gathered; and the products, mea- ired in a vessel which held (by trial) 4, of a ishel, were as follows: On land not marled rows, average 5 feet, and 50 in length, (500 square feet) S - 134 measures, ‘to the acre, - - 74 bushels. On adjoining marled land rows, average 5 feet 1} inches by 50 feet — 512 square feet, - - 253 measures, ‘to the acre, - . 135 bushels. next rows, 5 feet 43 inches by 50 = 537 square feet, - - - 274 measures, ‘to the acre, - - 14 bushels. 1829. In wheat. 1830. At rest—the weeds, a scanty cover. 1831. In corn. October 20th—measured by .e chain equal spaces, and gathered and measured eir products. The corn not marled was so im- irfectly filled, that it was necessary to shellit, for irly measuring the quantity. The marled par- is, being of good ears generally, were measured i; usual, by allowing two heaped measures of ws, for one of grain. On Jand not marled 's square yards made - 3 gallons, tothe acre, - - - 5 bushels. On marled land close adjoining on one side, id square yards made rather more than 6 gal- lons—to the acre, - - 10 bushels. i3 square yards on another side, made not quite 8 gallons, or to the acre, - 12 bushels. The piece not marled coincided with that mea- (red in 1828, as nearly as their difference of size id shape permitted—as did the last named mar!- piece, with the two of 1828. The last crop S$ greatly injured by the wettest summer that I ve ever known, which has caused the decrease , product exhibited in this experiment—which ll be best seen in this form: | a Q. Product of grain to the acre. 1828. 1831. October 18. | October 20. Bush. Prets. Bush. Heckal Not marled, = c= wml) 1 5 0 Marled, (averaged,)} 13 3 11 0 Experiment 6. e | D | | | Steg A E = | Seri B | The remainder of the thirty acres, was grubbed during the winter 1826-7—marled the next sum- mer at five hundred to six hundred bushels the acre: marl 4"... A rectangle (A) 11 by 13 poles, was laid off by the chain and compass, and left without marl. All the surrounding land supposed to be equal in quality with A—and all level, ex- cept on the sides D and B, which were partly sloping, but not otherwise different. The soil suit- ed to the general description given before—no natural difference known or suspected, between the land on which Exp. 5 was made, and this, ex- cept that the latter had not been robbed of any wood for fuel, before clearing. ‘The large trees (all more than ten inches through,) were belted, and the smaller cut down in the begmning of 1828, and all the land west of the line e f was planted incorn. As usual, the tillage bad, and the crop very small. The balance lying east of ef, was coultered once, but as more labor could not be spared, nothing more was done with it until the latter part- of the winter 1829, when it was broken by two-horse ploughs, oats sowed and covered by trowel ploughs—then clover sowed, and a wooden-tooth harrow passed over to cover the seed, and to smooth down, in some measure, the masses of roots and clods. Results. 1829. The oats produced badly—but yielded more for the labor required, than corn would have done. The young clover on the marl- ed land was remarkably good, anc covered the surface completely. In the unmarled part, A, only two casts through had been sown, for comparison, as [ knew it would be a waste of seed. This looked as badly as had been expected. 1830. The crop of clover would have been con- 42 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. sidered excellent for good land, and most extraor- dinary for so poor a soil as this. The strips sow- ed througly A, had but little left alive, and that scarcely of a size to be observed, except one or two small tufis, where I supposed some marl had been deposited by the cleaning of a plough, or that ashes had been left, from burning the brush. The growth of clover was left undisturbed until after midsummer, when it was grazed by my small stock of cattle, but not closely. ~ 1831. Corn on the whole field. October 20th, measured carefully half an acre (10 by 8 poles) in A, the same in D, and half as much (10 by 4) in E. No more space could be taken on this side, for fear of getting within the injurious influence of the contiguous woods. No measurement was made on the side B, because a large oak, which belting had not killed, aflected its product consid- erably. Another accidental circumstance preven- ted my being able to know the produet of the side C, which however was evidently and greatly in- ferior to all the marled land on which oats and clo- ver had been raised. This side had been in corn, followed by wheat, and then under its spon- taneous growth of weeds. ‘The corn on each of the measured spaces was cut down, and put in separate shocks—and on Nov. 25th, when well: dried, the parcels were shucked and measured, before being moved. We had then been gath- ermg and storing the crop, for more than fifteen days—and therefore these measurements may be considered as showing the amount of dry and firm grain, without any deduction being required for shrinkage. Bushels. Pecks. A (Half acre) made 7} bushels of ears, or of grain to the acre, =< 1 D (Half acre) 163 - - 16 3 E (Quarter acre) = I1 =, = 1g The sloping surface of the side E, prevented water from lying on it, and therefore it sutlered less, perhaps not at all, from the extreme wetness of the summer, which evidently injured the growth on A and D, as well as of all the other level parts of the field. 1832. ‘The field in wheat. 1833. In clover, which was grazed, though not closely, after it had reached its full growth. 1834. Corn, a year earlier than would have been permitted by the four-shilt rotation. The tillage was insufficient, and made siill worse by the commencement of severe drought before the last ploughing was completed, which was thereby rendered very laborious, and imperfect withal. The drought continued through all August, and greatly injured the whole crop of corn. Results continued. October 22d. Marked off by a chain half an acre within the space A (8 by 10 poles) as much in D, and a quarter acre (10 by 4 poles) in each of the other three sides C, B, and E—having each of' the last four spaces as near as could be to the outlines of the space A. The pro- ducts carefully measured, (in the ears) yielded as follows: Buhe. A, not marled, yielded 6 04 of grain, to the acre. D marled, . «......... 19 33 Be a0 2s). sdaksaees 20 1 cdo! eUentetee Ee B do. Bake teeaesae 20 1% In comparing these produets with those of thy same land in 1831, stated above, it should be ‘re membered that the eorn formerly measured wail dry, while that of the last measurement had ye}! to lose greatly by shrinking. As after early ga thering, the corn from the poorest land of cours: will lose most by drying, and as the ears on 4 | were generally very defective and badly filled, i)! the measurement had been made in the sound and well dried grain of each parcel, the product of AiR could not have exceeded one-fourth of that of thilff! surrounding mariled land. But though these differences of product presenifit the improvement caused by marling in a striking point of view, this close and stubborn soil at best is very unfit for the corn crep—and its highest vail lue is found under clover, and in wheat on clover} of which some proofs will be found in the next ex periment. Experiment 7. fi Another piece of land of twenty-five acres, oifl soil and qualities similar to the last described (Expyfl 5 and 6,) was cleared in 1818, and about six aererf marled in 1819, at about three hundred and fiftyl bushels. ‘The course. of cultivation was as fobili lows. : 1820—Corn—benefit from marl very unequai —supposed to vary between twenty-five and eigh# ty per cent. 1821. Wheat—the benefit derived greater. | 1822. Atrest. f 1823. Ploughed early for corn, but not planted! fl The whole marled atthe rate of six hundred bush. els (42,,)again ploughed in August, and sowed inf! wheat in October. The old marled space, more! lightly covered, so as to make the whole nearly, equal. M824. The wheat much improved. 1825 and 1826—at rest. 1827. Corn. 1828. In wheat, and sowed in clover. 1829—The crop of clover was heavier than any I had-ever seen in thus part of the country, excep) on rich natural soil, where gypsum was used, ano}y acted well. The growth was thick, but unequai in height, (owing probably to unequal spreading)h of the marl,)—it stood from fifteen to twenty-fou) inches high. The first growth was mowed fo hay, and the second left to improve the land. 1830. The clover not mowed. Fallowed in| August, and sowed wheat in October, after a sei cond ploughing. 1. 1831. The wheat was excellent—almost heavy}! enough to be in danger of lodging. I supposet/; the product to be certainly twenty bushels—per} haps twenty-five, to the acre. hi As it had not been designed to make any exper iment on this land, the progress of improvemen'|’ was not observed with much care. But whateve'! were the intermediate. steps, it is certain that thi| land, at first, was as poor as that forming the sub) jects of the two preceding experiments in thi unimproved state, (the measured products ¢, which have been given)—and that its last cro}! was three or four times as great as could have beei| obtained, if marl had not been applied. The pe} culiar fitness of this kind of soil for clover afte marling, will require further remarks, and will b again referred to hereafter. PART IT—PRACTICE. 43 CHAPTER XI. fe EFFECTS OF CALCAREOUS MANURES, ON ACID SOILS REDUCED BY CULTIVATION. . Preposrrion 5. Continued. My use of fossil shells has been more extensive 1 impoverished acid soils, than on all other kinds, id has never failed to produce striking improve- ent. Yetit has unfortunately happened, that e tyyo experiments made on such land with most re, and on which I relied mainly for evidence of e durable and increasing benefit from this ma- ire, have had their effects almost destroyed, by e applications having been made too heavy. hese experiments, like the 4th, and 6th, al- ady reported, were designed to remain without iy subsequent alteration,so that the measure- ent of their products once in every succeeding tation, might exhibit the progress of improve- ent under all the different circumstances. As » danger was then feared from such a cause, arl was applied heavily, that no future addition ight be required: and for this reason, I have to port my greatest disappointments exactly in jose cases where the most evident success and creasing benefits had been expected. However, ese failures will be stated as fully as the most iccessful results—and they may at least serve to arn from the danger, if not to show the greatest ofits of marling. It should be observed that the general rotation “crops pursued on the farm, on all land not re- ntly cleared, was that of four shifts, (corn, wheat, id then theland two years at restand not grazed, ) ough some exceptions to this course will be re- arked in some of the experiments. Experiment 8. Of apoor silicious acid loam, seven acres were arled at the rate of only ninety bushels (,3%) to 1e acre: laid on and spread early in 1819. Resulis. 1819. In corn—the benefit too small be generally perceptible, but could be plainly stinguished along part of the outline, by com- aring with the part not marled. 1820. Wheat—something better—and the ef- ct continued to be visible on the weeds following, ati! the whole was more heavily marled in 1823. Experiment 9, Inthe same field, on soil as poor and more undy than the last described, four acres were arled at one hundred and eighty bushels (,3,4,) larch 1819. A part of the same was also cover- | heavily with rotted barn-yard manure, which so extended through similar land not marled. his furnished for observation, land marled only— anuréd only—marled and manured—and some ithout either. The whole space, and more ad- ining, had been manured five or six years before y summer cow-pens, and stable litter—of which ) appearance remained after two years. Results. 1819. In corn. The improvement om marl very evident—but not to be distinguish- 1 on the part covered also by manure, the effect ‘the latter so far exceeding that of the marl, 1820. In wheat. 1821 and 1822, at rest. 1823. In corn—5} by 34 feet—The followmg easurements were made on adjoining “spaces on October 10th. The shape of the ground did not admit of larger pieces, equal in all respects, being measured, as no comparison of products had been contemplated at first, otherwise than by the eye. Bush. Qts. From the part not marled— 414 corn-hilis made 75 quarts--or per acre, 13. 26 Marled only— 414 100 18 12 Manured only— 490 105 1 5 Marled and ma- nured— 490 130 20 20 The erowth on the part both marled and ma- nured was evidently inferior to that of 1819: this was to be expected, as this small quantity of cal- careous earth was not enough to fix half so much putrescent manure—and of course, the excess was as liable to waste as if no marl had been used, Experiment 10. Twenty acres of sandy loam, on a sandy sub- soil, covered in 1819 with marl of about 53; aver- age proportion of calcareous earth, and the ba- lance silicious sand—at eight hundred bushels to the acre. Thisland had been long cleared, and much exhausted by cultivation: since 1813 net erazed, and had been in corn only once in four years, and as it was not worth sowing in wheat, had three years in each rotation to rest and im- prove by receiving all its scanty growth of weeds. The same course has been continued since 1819, except that wheat has regularly followed the crops of corn, leaving two years of rest, in four. This soil was lighter than the subject of any preceding experiment, except the ninth, On a high level part, surrounded by land apparently equal, a square of about an acre (A) was staked off, and left without marl—which that year’s work brought to two sides of the square (C and D.) a ; pe ae / Nagas pias 1 2 | B E | Results. 1820. In corn: October 13th, three half acres of marled land were measured, and as many on that not marled, and close adjoining, and produced as follows:— 44 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. Not marled, Bush. Pecks. Marled. Bush. Pecks. Halfacrein A, 7 1 adjoininginC, 12 38 The sancin Ale OP... , 13 33 Fialfacre in B, "7° 2800 v.02. BE, 15 0% The average increase being 123 bushels of grain to the acre: nearly 100 per cent. as measured, and more than 100, if the defective filling, and less matured state of the corn not marled, be consider- ed. The whole would have lost more by shrink- age than is usual from equal products, 1821, The whole in wheat—much hurt by the wetness of the season. ‘The marled part more than twice as good as that left out. 1822 and 1823. At rest. A good cover of carrot weeds and other kinds had succeeded the former growth of poverty grass and sorrel, and every ap- pearance promised additional increase to the next cultivated crop. Nov. 1823, when the next plough- ing was commenced, the soil was found to he evi- dently deeper, of a darker color, and firmer, yet more friable. The two-horse ploughs with diffi- culty (increased by the cover of weeds,) could cut the required depth of five inches, and the slice crumbled as it fell from the mould-board. But as the furrows passed into the part not marled, an im- mediate change was seen, and even felt by the ploughman, as the cutting was so much more easy, that care was necessary to prevent the plough running too deep—and the slices turned over in flakes, smooth and sleek from the mould- board, like land too wet for ploughing, which how- ever was not the case, ‘The marling of the field was completed, at the same rate, (eight hundred bushela,) which closed a third side (B) of the The fourth side was my neighijjl bor’s field. 5 jot 1824. In corn. The newly marled part showec} as early and as great benefit as was found in 182Ujy —but was very inferior to the old, until the lattejj| was ten or twelve inches high, when it began te}td give evidence of the fatal effects of using this man nure too heavily. ‘The disease thus produced bei came worse and worse, until many of the plant had been killed, and still more were so stunted, aijh to leave no hope of their being otherwise than barren. The effects will be known from the mea | surements, which were made nearly on the same ground as the corresponding marks in 1820, ane ; will be exhibited in the table, together with thi products of the succeeding rotations.—Besides thi} general injury suffered here in 1824, there were), one hundred and three corn hills in one of thaj, measured quarter acres (inC) or more than one}, sixth, entirely barren, and eighty-nine corn hills it}. another quarter acre (D.) In counting these} none of the missing hills were included, as thes¢ nlants might have perished from other causes} This unlooked for disaster diminished the pre: vious increase gained by marling, by nearly onet¢ half; and the damage has since een still meatal at each successive return of cultivation. 4 Just before planting the crops of 1832, straw), and chaff very imperfectly rotted by exposure, ana}. which contained no admixture of animal manures were applied at the rate of 800 bushels the acre t¢), half the square without marl (A 1) and to all thet, surrounding marled land. The vegetabie manure} showed but slight benefit, until after all the wors4 effects of excessive marling had been produced'}" and the later operation of the manure served bare: ly to prevent a still farther diminution being exhi| bited by the land injured by marl. | marked square. rol 0 | PRODUCT IN SHELLED CORN, PER ACRE. ba pa eas eee 2 UY ay aS fo SE ee & DESCRIPTION. Ist course 2Qnd course 3d course 4th course = 1820 1824 1828 1832 Oct. W132: Oct. 16. Oct. 13. Oct. 19. ‘« - a Bush. pecks. | Bush. pecks. | Bush. pecks. | Bush. pecks. Not marlec 14 16 1 11 32 9 3 All| After manuring, : 16 3 B Not marled until 1823, 15 1 28 19 2 {not measured.! in I= S Marled in 1819—manured with = 31 ee 2 ne ~ a chaff &c. in 1832, =2 2 EK 30 1 not measured. | not measured.|not measured.) The crops of wheat were less injured than the corn. For the crops of 1828, ploughed with three mules to each plough, from six to seven inches deep—seldom turning up any subsoil (which was formerly within three inches of the surface,) and the soil appearing still darker and richer than when preparing for the crops of 1824. The ploughing of the square not marled (A) no where exceeded six inches: yet that depth must have injured the land, as [can impute to no other cause the re- markable diminution of product, through four courses of the mild four-shift rotation. It was evident that a still greater depth of furrow was not hurtful to the marled land. A strip across the field in another place, was in 1828 ploughed eight inches deep for experiment, by the side of another of four inches, and the corn on the deepest plough- i ing was the best. Another was trench-plougheeyh twelve inches deep, without showing any percepti-) ble difference either of product, or in the eflects ol damage from the excess of marl. This square left without marl is the land formers, ly referred to (page 13) as showing a diminished! product through three successive courses of the! rotation recommended by the author of @rator as enriching. Since, another crop has been madeég and measured, and found to be still smaller than) any previous. ‘To whatever cause this continued} falling off for 16 years may be attributed, it is at} least a remarkable contradiction to the power ol vegetable matter alone making poor land rich. __ Much trouble has been encountered in attend-) ing to thisexperiment, and much loss of produet submitted to, since its commencement, for the pur-| pose of knowing the progress and extent of the mit il caused by the excess of marl. But another irtion of the field, marled as heavily in 1824, and ere equal damage was expected to ensue, has en entirely relieved by intermitting the corn crop 1828, sowing clover, which (by using gypsum) oduced well, and which was left to full and rot theland, The next growth of corn (1832) was “he from disease, and though irregular, seemed to ‘llFe eye to amount to full twenty-five bushels to the Experiment 11. ‘The ground on which this experiment was ade, was in the midst of nineteen or twenty Eres of soil apparently similar in all respects— vel, gray sandy loam, cleared about thirty years fore, and reduced as low by cultivation as such il could wellbe. The land that was marled and easured was about two hundred yards distant om Experiment 2, and both places are supposed | have been originally similar in all respects. Jbis land had not been cultivated since 1815, when J was in corn—but had been once ploughed since, J Nov. 1817, which had prevented broom grass ym taking possession. The ploughing then was ur inches deep, and in five and a half feet beds, srecommended in rator. The growth in the sar 1820, presented but little except poverty grass, ganing blackberry, and sorrel—and the land femed very little if at all improved by its five suc- bssive years of rest, A small part of this land Pas covered with calcareous sand Tan quantity ot observed particularly, but probably about six jundred bushels. C 1 Ji Dns ee YASS dace foes | eae x 2 2 B Resulis. 1821—Ploughed level, and planted in orn—distance 54 by 3} feet. The measurement f spaces nearly adjoining, made in October, was s follows: 3 by 25 corn hills, not marled, (A) made 2! bushels, or per very | acre, - - - 83 nearly 3 by 25 cornhills, marled, (B) 53 221 | 1822. At rest. Marled the whole, except a aarked square of fifty yards, containing the space aeasured the preceding year. Marl 42, and fine- y divided—three hundred and fifty bushels to the cre—from the same bed as that used for Experi- zent 4. In August, ploughed the land, and sow- d wheat early in October. 1823. Much injury sustained by the wheat from PART TI—PRACTICE. 45 cent. better than the last, and theflast superior to the included square not marled, in as great a pro- portion. 1824, Again in corn. The effects of disease from marling were as injurious here, both on the new and old part, as those described in Experiment 10. No measurement of products made, owing to my absence when the corn was cut down forsow- ing wheat. 1825. ‘The injury from disease less on the wheat, than on the corn of the last year on the latest marling, and none perceptible on the oldest appli- cation. ‘This scourging rotation of’ three grain crops in four years, was particularly improper on marled land, and the more so on account of its po- verty. 1826. White clover had been sown thickly over forty-five acres, including this part, on the wheat, in January 1825. In the spring of’ 1826, it form- eda beautiful green though low cover to even the poorest of the marled land. Marked spots, which were so diseased by over-marling, as not to pro- duce a grain of corn or wheat, produced clover at least as good as other places not injured by that cause. ‘The square, which had been sowed in the same manner, and on which the plants came up well, had none remaining by April 1826, except on afew small spots, all of which together would not have made three feet square. The piece not marled, white with poverty grass, might be seen, and its outlines traced at some distance by its strong con‘rast with the surrounding dark weeds in winter, or the verdant turf of white clover the spring before. 1827. Still at rest. white clover. 1828. In corn—the land broken in January, five inches deep. October 14th made the following measurements. In the square not marled 105 by 104} feet (thir- ty-six square yards more than a quarter of an No grazing allowed on the fessian fly, and the growth was not only mean, ut very irregular—but it was supposed that the rst marled place was from fifty to one hundred per acre,) made one barrel of ears—or of grain, ta the acre, Bush. pecks. 2 13 The same in 1821, 8 1k Gain, 1 01 Bush. pecks. Old marling—105 by 104} feet—21 barrels, 22 2 The same in 1821, 22 Os Gain, 13 New marling, 105 by 1044 feet, on the side that seemed to be the most diseased, (D) 14 barrels— or nearly twelve bushels to the acre. 1832. Again in corn. Since 1826, the four-shift rotation had been regularly adhered to. Plough- ed eariy in winter five inches deep, and again with two-horse ploughs just before planting, and after manuring the land above the dotted line D z. The manure was from the stable yard, the vegeta- ble part of it composed of straw, corn-stalks, corn-cobs, and leaves raked from woodland—had been heaped in a wet state ashort time before, and was still hot from its fermentation when carrying to the field. It was then about half rotted. "The 46 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. rate at which it was applied was about 807 heaped bushels to the acre, which was much too heavy for profit. ‘The corn on the oldest marling (B) disease began also to show early—but were sj soon checked by the operation of the putrescen) manure, that very little (if any) loss could ha showed scarcely a trace of remaining damage,|been sustained from that cause. The followin while that on D2was again much injured. On|table exhibits all the measured products for cong) the manured part of D, and C, the symptoms of| parison. 4 : 0 ne PRODUCT IN GRAIN PER ACRE. i ) MARK. DESCRIPTION. Ist course 2nd course 3d course ,; 4th course \' 1821 1824 1828 1832 ‘hi Oct.— Oct. 14. Oct. 20. ke oy (a aa Se = ‘pn Bush. pecks.| None measured,|Bush. pecks.|Bush. pecks. |} A Not marled, 8 14 |but the product of| 9 13 S 2k i Al ——_——_—Manured in 1832, B much reduced| the same 23 3 | C Marled in 1822 and manured by excess of marl, 31 1} ; in 1832, ind D and C equal- ‘a B Marled in 1821, 22 04 |-yinjured from the| 22 2 25 vie D Marled in 1822, same cause. 12 V7 3 ip Dik ; The same—& manured in 1832} the same 34 3 ‘inl Hh ‘ The products of the spaces A and B, in 1828,| Results. 1824. In corn, the second rotation afteyfl were not only estimated as usual from the mea-|marling. The effects of the dung has not muck surement of the corn in ears, (which estimated|diminished, and that part shows no damage fro quantities are those in the table,) but they were also shelled on the day when gathered, and the grain then measured, and again some months after, when it had become thoroughly dry. Care was taken that there should be no waste of the corn, or other cause of inaccuracy. ‘The result shows nearly double the loss from shrinking in the corn not marled, and of course a proportional gain in that marled, besides the increase which appears from the early measurement exhibited in the table. The grain of A, not marled, when first shelled, measured a very little more than the quantity fixed by estimate, and lost by shrinking 30 per cent. The marled grain, from B, measured at first above four per cent. more than the estimate—and after shrinking, fell below it so much as to show the loss to be 16 per cent. , The loss from shrinking in this case was more than usual, from the poverty and consequent back- wardness of the part not marled, and the uncom- monly large proportion of replanted corn on the whole. The two last experiments, as well as the 4th, were especially designed to test the amount of in- creased product to be obtained from marling, and to show the regular addition to the first increase, which the theory promised at each renewal of tillage. As to the main objects, all the three ex- periments have proved failures—and from the same error of marling too heavily. Although for this reason, the results have shown so much of the injurious effects, still, taken altogether, the ex- periments prove clearly, not only the great imme- diate benefit of applying marl, but also its con- tinued and increasing good eflects, when applied in proper quantities. Experiment 12. On nine acres of sandy loam, marled in 1819 at four hundred bushels (#3,) nearly an acre was vt a the quantity of marl, though the surrounding corni| marled only half as thickly, gave signs of generahi though very slight injury from that cause, | i Experiment 13. D “ {lo ‘| Nearly two acres of loamy sand, was eke with farm-yard manure, and marl (45,) at th same time, in the spring of 1822, and tended inj corn the same year, followed by wheat. Them quantity of marl not remembered—but it must) have been heavy (say not less than six hundredy bushels to the acre) as it was put on to fix and rea} tain the manure, and I had then no fear of day mage from heavy dressings. : i Result. 1825. Again in corn—and except on aij small spot of sand almost pure, no signs of diseasi from over-marling. h ii i | CHAPTER XII. EFFECTS OF CALCAREOUS MANURES ON “FREE LIGHT LAND.” i Experiment 14. 4 The soil known in this part of the country by.) the name of ‘free light land” has so peculiar ai} character, that it deserves a particular notice. It} belongs to the slopes and waving lands, between) the ridges and the water courses, but has nothing: of the durability which slopes of medium fertility)} sometimes possess. Inits woodland state it would | be called rich, and may remain productive for a |, few crops after clearing—but it is rapidly exhaust-_ ed, and when poor, seems as unimprovable by)) vegetable manures as the poorest ridge lands. Inj) its virgin state, thissoil might be supposed to de- i manured during the same summer, by penning|serve the name of neutral—but its productive(! cattle: with the expectation of preserving the ma- power Ig so fleeting, and acid growths and qualities | nure, double the quantit bushels in all, was laid on that part. in corn in 1820—in wheat, 1821—and at rest 1822 and 1823. y of marl, eight hundred|so surely follow its exhaustion, that it must be in- The field|ferred thatit is truly an acid soil. The subject of this experiment presents soil of this kind with its peculiar characters unusually | | PART II—PRACTICE. 47 | ‘ll marked. It is a loamy sandy soil (the sand se) on a similar subsoil of considerable depth. e surface wavine—almost hilly in some parts. e original growth principally red oak, hickory, d dogwood—not many pines, and very little nortleberry. Cut down in 1816 and put in corn B next year. The crop was supposed to be enty-five bushels to the acre. Wheat succeed- and was still a better crop for so sandy a soil— aking twelve to fifteen bushels, as it appeared inding. After a year of rest, and not grazed, 2 next corn crop of 1820, was evidently consi- (rably inferior tothe first—and the wheat of 1821, rhich however was a very bad crop from too wet season) could not have been more than five shels tothe acre. In January 1820, a piece of acres was limed, at one hundred bushels the re. The lime being caught by rain before it was read, formed small lumps of mortar on the land, d produced no benefit on the corn of that year, it could be seen slightly in the wheat of 1821. eland again at rest in 1822 and 23, when it is marled, at six hundred bushels, (27) without itting the limed piece—and all sowedin wheat atfall. In 1824, the wheat was found to be im- oved by the marl, but neither that, nor the next 1828, was equal to its earliest product of wheat. he hmed part showed injury from the quantity of anure in 1824, but none since. The field was yw under the regular four-shift rotation, and con- ued to recover—but did not surpass its first crop atil 1831, when it brought rather more than thir- ‘bushels of corn to the acre—being five or six ore than its supposed first crop. | Adjoining this piece, six acres of similar soil ere grubbed and belted in August 1826—mazrl at x hundred toseven hundred bushels (+37) spread st before. But few of the trees died until the immer of 1827. 1828, planted in corn: the crop dnot appear heavier than would have been ex- cted if no marl had been applied—but no part ad been left without, for comparison. 1829— ‘heat. 1830,at rest. 1831, in corn, and the pro- uct supposed to be near or quite thirty-five bush- ls—or an increase of thirty-five or forty per cent. u the first crop. No measurement was made— ut the product was estimated by comparison with n adjacent piece, which measured thirty-one shels, and which seemed to be inferior to this iece. The operation of marl on this kind of soil, 2zems to add to the previous product very slowly, ompared with other soils—but it is not the less ffectual and profitable, in fixing and retaining the egetable matter accumulated by nature, which therwise would be quickly dissipated by cultiva- ion, and lost forever. The remarkable open texture of the soil on vhich.the last two experiments were tried will be »vident from the following statement of the quan- ity and coarseness of the silicious sand contained. (000 grains of this soil, taken in 1826 from the part that had been both limed and marled, | was found to consist of 811 of silicious sand moderately coarse, mixed with a few grains of coarse shelly matter. -158—finely divided earthy matter, &c. _ 31—loss. I 1000 At the same time, from the edge of the adjoin- ing woodland which formed the next described clearing, and which had not then been marled, a specimen of soil was taken from between the depths of one and three inches—and found to con- sist of the following proportions. 'This spot was believed to be rather lighter than the other in its natural state. i 865 grains of silicious sand, principally coarse— 107—-finely divided earthy matter, &c. 28—loss, 1000 CHAPTER XIE. EFFECTS OF CALCAREOUS MANURES HAUSTED ACID SOILS, UNDER COND GROWTH OF TREES. ON EX- THEIR Sic- Proposition 5. Continued. Not having owned much land under a second growth of pines, I can only refer to two experi- ments of this kind. ‘The improvement in both these cases has been so remarkable, as to induce the belief that the old fields to be found on every farm, which have been exhausted and turned out of cultivation thirty or forty years, offer the most profitable subjects for the application of calcareous manures. Experiment 15. May 1826. Marled about eight acres of Jand under its second growth, by opening paths for the carts, ten yards apart. Marl 54", put five hundred to six hundred bushels to the acre—and spread in the course of the summer. In August, belted slightly all the pines that were as much as eight inches through, and cut down or grubbed the smaller growth, of which there was very little. The pines (which were the only trees,) stood thick, and were mostly from eight to twelve inches in di- ameter—eighteen inches where standing thin. The land joined Exp. 14 on one side—but this is level, and on the other side joins ridge woodland, which soon becomes like the soil of Exp. 1. ‘This piece, in its virgin state, was probably of a nature between those two soils—but more like the ridge soil, than the “free light land.” No information has been obtained as to the state of thisland when its former cultivation was abandoned. The soil, (that is, the depth which has since been turned by the plough,) a whitish loamy sand, on a subsoil of the same: in fact, all was subsoil before ploughing, except haif'an inch or three quarters, on the top, which was principally composed of rotted pine leaves. Above this thin layer, were the later dropped and unrotted leaves, lying loosely several inches thick. The pines showed no symptom of being killed, until the autumn of 1827, when their leaves began to have a tinge of yellow. 'To suit the cultivation {with the surrounding land, this piece was laid down in wheat for its first crop, in October 1827. /For this purpose the few logs, the boughs, and |grubbed bushes were heaped, but not burnt—the 48 = = ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. | grain sowed on the coat of pine leaves, and ploughed in by two-horse ploughs, in as slovenly a manner as may be supposed from the condition of the land—and a wooden-tooth harrow then passed over, to pull down the heaps of leaves, and roughest furrows. Resulis. The wheat was thin, but otherwise looked well while young. ‘The surface was again soon covered by the leaves dropping from the now dying trees. On April 2d 1828, most of the trees were nearly dead, though but few of them entirely. The wheat was then taller than any in my crop—and whien ripe, was a surprising growth for such land, and such tillage. 1829 and 1830. Atrest. Late in the spring of 1830 an accidental fire passed over the land—but the then growing vegetation prevented all of the older cover being burnt, though some was destroy- | ed every where. 1831. In corn. The growth excited the admi- ration of all who saw it, and no one estimated the product so low as it actually proved to be. the quantity of vegetable or other putrescent mat- ergiven to the soil. It is essential that the culti- vation should be mild, and that no grazing be per- nitted on poor lands. Wherever farm-yard manure s used, the land should be marled heavily, and ii’ he marl is applied first so much the better. The me manure cannot act by fixing the other, except o far as they are in contact, and both well mixed vith the soil. On galled spots, from which all the soil has been vashed, and where no plant can live, the applica- ion of marl alone is utterly useless. Putrescent nanures alone would there have but little effect, inless in great quantity, and would soon be all ost. But marl and putrescent matter together erve to form a new soil, and thus both are brought nto uselul action: the marl is made active, and he putrescent manure permanent. ‘The only per- ect cures that [ have been able to make, at one peration, of galls produced upon a barren subsoil, vere by applying a heavy dressing of both calca- eous and putrescent manures together: and this nethod may be relied on as certainly effectual. sut thouzh a fertile soil may thus be created, and ixed durably on galls otherwise irreclaimable, the ost will generally exceed the value of the land ecovered, from the great quantity of putrescent hatter required. Much of our acid hilly land, - . PART M—PRACTICE. a Eee tributed to calcareous manures, by the theory of ? J B Every application of 53 has been deprived by washing of a considerable portion of its natural soil, though not yet made entirely barren. ‘The ioregoing remarks equally apply to this kind of land, to the extent that its soil has been carried off. It will be profitable to apply mat! to such land—but iis effect will be di- minished, in proportion to the previous removal of ithe soil. Calcareous soils are much less apt to wash than other kinds, trom the difference of tex- ture. When a field that has been injured by washing is marled, within a few years alter many o! the oid gulleys will begin to produce vegetation, and show a soil gradually forming irom the dead vegetables brought there by winds and rains, al- though no meansshould have been used to aid this operation. ‘The effect of marling will be much lessened by the soil being kept under exhausting cultivation. Such were the circumsiances under which we may suppose that marl was tried and abandoned many years ago, in the case relerred to in page 37. Pro- ceeding upon the false supposition that marl was to enrich by direct action, itis mest probable that it was applied to some of the poorest and most exhausted land, for the purpose of giving the ma- nure a “fair trial.” The disappointment of such ill-founded expectations, was a suilicient reason for the experiment not being repeated, or being scarcely ever reterred to again, except as evidence of the worthlessness of marl. Yet with proper views of the action of this manure, this experi- ment might at first, have as well proved the early eficacy and value of marl, as it now does its du- rability. When acid soils are equally poor, the increase of the first crop trom marling will be greater on sandy, than on clay soils; though the latter, by heavier dressings and longer time, may ultimately become the best lanc, at least ior wheat and tor vrass. ‘The more acid the growth of any soil is, or would be, if suffered to stand, the more increase of crop may be expected from marl; which is di- rectly the reverse of the effects of putrescent ma- nures. The increase of the first crop on worn acid soil, [ have never known under fiity per cent., and more often is as much as one hundred—and the improvement continues to increase, under mild til- lage, to three or four times the original product of the land. [See Exp. 11, page 46, and Exp. 4 and 6.] In this, and other general statements of effects, T suppose the land to bear not more than two grain crops in four years, and not to be sub- jected to grazing—and that a sufficient cover of marl has been laid on for use, and not enough to cause disease. It is true, that it is difficult, if not impossible, to fix that proper medium, varying ag © it may on every change oi’ soil, of situation, and of the kind of mar]. But whatever error may be made in the preportion of marl applied, let it be on the side of light dressing, (except where pu- trescent manures are also laid on, or designed to be laid on before the next course of crops begins) —and if less increase of crop is gained to the acre, the cost and labor of marling will be lessened in a still greater proportion. [f} after tillage has served to mix the marl well with the soil, sorrel should still show to any extent, it will sufficiently indicate that not enough marl had been applied, and that it may be added to, saiely and profitably. If ihe nature of the soil, its condition and treatment, and the strength of the marl, all were known, it would 54 be easy to direct the amount of a suitable dress- ing: but without knowing these circumstances, it will be safest to give two hundred and filty, or three hundred bushels to the acre of worn acid soils, and at least twice as much to newly cleared, or well manured land. Besides avoiding danger, it is more profitable to marl lightly at first on weak lands. Ifa farmer can carry out only ten thousand bushels of marl in a year, he will derive more pro- duct, and confer a greater amount of improve- ment, by spreading it over forty acres of the land intended for his next crop, than on twenty: though the increase to the acre, would probably be great- est in the latter case. By the lighter dressing, the land of the whole farm will be marled, and be storing up vegetable matter for its progressive im- provement, in half the time that it could be marled at double the rate. The greater part of the calcareous earth applied at one time cannot begin to act as manure before several years have passed, owing to the coarse state of many of the shells, and the want of tho- roughly mixing them with the soil. Therefore, if enough marl is applied to obtain its full effect on the first course of crops, there will certainly be too much afterwards. Perhaps the greatest profit to be derived from | marling, though not the most apparent, is on such soils as are full of’ wasting vegetable matter. Here the effect is mostly preservative,and the benefit and | profit may be great, even though the increase of | crop may be very inconsiderable. Putrescent ma- nure laid on any acid soil, or the natural vegetable cover of those newly cleared, without marl, would soon be lost, and the crops reduced to one-half, or less. But when marl! is previously applied, this waste of {fertility is prevented; and the estimate of benefit should not only include the actual increase of crop caused by marling, but as much more as the amount of’ the diminution, which would other- wise have followed. very intended clearing of woodland, and especially of that under a second growth of pines, ought to be marled before cutting down—and it will be still better, if’ it can be done several years before. Ifthe application is delayed until the new land is brought under cultivation, though much putrescent matter will be saved, still more must be wasted. By using marl some years before obtaining a crop from it, as many more successive growths of leaves will be convert- ed to useful manure, and fixed in the soil—and the increased fertility will more than compensate for the delay. By such an operation, we make a loan to the soil, with a distant time for payment, but on ample security, and at a high rate of compound interest. Some experienced cultivators have believed that the most prcfitable way to manage pine old fields, when cleared of their second growth, was to cul- tivate them every year, until worn out—because, as they said, such land would not last much long- er, no matter how mildly treated. This opinion, which seems so absurd, and in opposition to all the received rules for good husbandry, is consider- ably supported by the properties which are here ascribed to such soils. When these lands are first cut down, an immense quantity of vegetable mat- ter is accumulated on the surface-—which, not- withstanding its accompanying acid quality, is capable of making two or three crops nearly or quite as good as the land was ever able to bring. | ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. -4 But as the soil has no power to retain this vege a= ble matter, it will begin rapidly to decompose ana | Waste, as soon as exposed to the sun, and will be. lost, except so much as is caught while escaping, si by the roots of growing crops. The previous a plication of marl, would make it profitable i these, as well as other cases, to adopt a mild and meliorating course of' tillage. worn soils of the kind called ‘free light land,” than other acid soils which originally produced much more sparingly. The early productiveness) Ve it ni Less improvement will be obtained by marlingyp ( \ of this kind of soil, and its rapid exhaustion byyp cultivation, at first view seem to contradict the opinion, that durability and the ease of improving by putrescent manures are proportioned to them ) il l natural fertility of the soil. But a full considera tion of circumstances will show that no such con tradiction exists. a In defining the term natural fertility, it w 31 stated that it should not be measured by the earss ] i rT dl liest products of a new soil, which might be either#e much reduced, or increased, by temporary causessii The early fertility of free light land is so rapidly destroyed, as to take away all ground for considers ing it as fixed in, and belonging to the soil. [ti like the eflect of dung on the same land afterwards which throws out all its effect in the course of’ one or two years, and leaves the land as poor as b fore. But still it needs explanation why so mucht productiveness can at first be exerted by any aci soil, as in those described in the 14th experiment. The cause may be found in the following reasonss These soils, and also their subsoils, are principally} 4 ‘N il if composed of coarse sand, which makes them ofl more open texture than best suits pine, and (whenill rich enough) more favorable to other trees, the leaves of which have no natural acid, and there=") fore decompose more readily. As fast as the fallem f] leaves rot, they are of course exposed to waste—j but the rains convey much of their finer parts down into the open soil, where the less degree of heat retards their final decomposition. Still this enriching matter is liable to be further decomposed,| and to final waste: but though continually wast- ing, it is also continually added to by the rotting: leaves above. The shelter of the upper coat unrotted leaves, and the shade of the trees, cause the first, as well as the last stages of decomposition,)) to proceed slowly, and to favor the mechanicaby process of the products being mixed with the soil.! But there is no chemical union of the vegetable; matter with the soil. When the land is cleared,\ and opened by the plough, the decomposition of; all the accumulated vegetable matter is hastened by the increased action of sun and air, and in a short time converts every thing into food for plants. This abundant supply suffices to produce two op three fine crops. But now, the most fruitfub) source of vegetable matter has been cut off—and) the soil is kept so heated (by its open texture) as) to be unable to hold enriching matters, even if they were furnished. The land soon becomes poor, and must remain so, as long as these causes operate, even though cultivated under the mildest; rotation. When the transient fertility of such a soil is gone, its acid qualities (which were before concealed in some measure by so much enriching, matter,) become evident. Sorrel and broom grass cover the land—and if allowed to stand, pines will * il 0 i I I \ 0 d t a { f 4 i T \ | PART II—PRACTICE. ke complete possession, because the poverty of e soil leaves them no rival to contend with. Marling deepens cultivated sandy soils, even wer than the plough may have penetrated. This as an unexpected result, and when first observed, emed scarcely credible. But this effect also is a nsequence of the power of calcareous earth to manures. As stated in the foregoing para- aph, the soluble and finely divided particles of’ tted vegetable matters are carried by the rains | low the soil: but as there is no calcareous earth ere to fix them, they must again rise in a gase- us form, after their last decomposition, unless pre- iously taken up by growing plants. But after e soil is marled, calcareous as well as putrescent atter is carried down by the rains as far as the Hil is open enough for them to pass. ‘This will ways be as deep as the ploughing has been, and 1 loose earth, somewhat deeper—and the chemi- 1 union formed between these different sub- ‘ances, serves to fix both, and thus increases the pth of the soil. This effect is very different m the deepening of a soil by letting the plough in into the barren subsoil. If by this mechani- al process, a soil of only three inches is increased five, as much as it gains in depth, it loses in chness. But when a marled soil is deepened adually, its dark color and apparent richness is icreased, as wellas its depth. Formerly single- orse ploughs were used to break all my acid soils, nd even they would often turn up subsoil. The verage depth of soil on old land did not exceed ree inches, nor two on the newly cleared. Even efore marling was commenced, my ploughing ad generally sunk into the subsoil—and _ since 25, most of this originally thin soil has required iree mules, or two good horses to a plough, to reak the necessary depth. ‘The soil is now from ve to seven inches deep generally, from the joint peration of marling and deepening the ploughing little in the beginning of every course of crops. How destructive to the power of soil this depth f ploughing would have been, without marling, | ay be inferred from the continued decrease of he crop, through four successive courses of a very ild rotation, on the spot kept without mar! in ex- eriment 10. Yet the depth of ploughing there did ot exceed six inches, and depths of nine andeven welve inches were tried, without injury, on parts f the adjacent marled land. Besides the general benefit which marling auses equally to all crops, by making the soils ey grow on richer and more productive, there re other particular benefits which affect some lants more than others. For example, marling erves to make soils warmer, and thereby hastens he ripening of every crop, more than would take lace on the like soils, if made equally produc- ive by other than calcareous manures. This uality of marled land is highly important to cot- on, as our summers are not long enough to ma- ure the later pods. Wheat also derives especial yenefit from the warmth thus added to the soil: it | s enabled better to withstand the severe cold of | inter; and even the short time by which its ‘ipening is forwarded by marling, serves very uch to lessen the danger of the crop from rust. Wheat also profits by the absorbent power ot | marled land, (by which sands acquire, to some ex- tent, the best qualities of clays, ) though less so | than clover and other grasses that flourish best in | a moist climate. Indian corn does not need more time for maturing than our summers afford (except on the poorest land,) and can sustain mucn drought without injury; and therefore is less aided by these qualities of marled land. Most (it not all) the different planis of the pea kind, and all the varieties of clover, derive such remarkable benefit from marling, that it must be caused by some peculiarity in the nature of those plants. Perhapsa large portion of calcareous earth is ne- cessary as part of their food, to aid in the forma- tion of the substance of plants, as well as to pre- serve their healthy existence. On acid soils without manure it is scarcely pos- sible to raise red clover—and even with every aid from putrescent manure, the crop will be both un- certain and unprofitable. ‘The recommendation of this grass as part of a general system of cultiva- tion and improvement, by the author of rator, is sufficient to prove that his improvements were made on soils far better than such as are general. Almost every zealous cultivator and improver (in prospect) of acid soil has been induced to attempt clover culture, either by the recommendations of writers on this grass, or by the success witnessed on better constituted soils elsewhere. The utmost that has been gained by any of these numerous efforts, has been sometimes to obtain one, or at most two mowings, of middling clover, on some very rich lot, which had been prepared in the most periect manner by the previous cultivation of’ to- bacco. Even in such situations, this degree of success could only be obtained by the concurrence of the most favorable seasons. Severe cold, and sudden alternations of temperature in winter and spring, and the spells of hot and dry weather which we usually have in summer, were alike fa- tal to the growth of clover, on so unfriendly a soil. The few examples of partial success never served to pay for the more frequent failures and losses; and a few years’ trial would convince the most ardent, or the most obstinate advocate for the clo- ver husbandry, that its introduction on the great body of land in Lower Virginia, was absolutely impossible. Still the general failure was by com- mon consent attributed to any thing but the true cause. ‘There was always some reason offered for each particular failure, sufficient to produce it, and but for which, (it was supposed) a crop might have been raised Either the young plants were killed by freezing soon after first springing from the seed—or a drought occurred when the crop was most exposed to the sun, by reaping the shel- tering crop of wheat—or native and hardy weeds overran the crop—and all such disasters were sup- posed to be increased in force, and rendered gene- rally fatal, by our sandy soil, and hot and dry sum- mers. But after the true evil, the acid nature of ihe sotl, is removed by marling, clover ceases to be a feeble exotic. Itis at once naturalized on our soil, andis able to contend with rival plants, and to undergo every severity and change of’ season, as safely as our crops of corn and wheat—and offers to our acceptance the fruition of those hopes of profit and improvement from clover, with which heretofore we have only been deluded. After much waste of seed and labor, and years of disappointed efforts, I abandoned clover as utterly hopeless. But after marling the fields on which the raising of clover had been vainly at- tempted, there arose from its scattered and feeble 56 remains, a growth which served to prove that its cultivation would then be safe and profitable... It iias since been gradually extended nearly over all the fields. It will stand well, and maintain a healihy growth on the poorest marled land: but the crop Is too scanty for mowing, or perhaps s ior profit of any kind, on not sandy soils, unless aided by gypsum. Newly cleared lands yield bette clover than the old, though the latter may a as heavy grain crops. The remarkable crops clover raised on very poor clay soils, afier marling, have’ been already described. This grass, even without gypsum, and still more if aided by that manure. may «dd greatly to the improving power of marl: but it will do more harm than service, if we greedily take from the soil too large a share of | the supply of putrescent matter which it affords. Some other plants less welcome than clover, are equally favored by marling. Greensward, blue grass, wire grass, and partridge pea, will soon in- crease so as to be not less impediments to tillage, _ than evidences of an entire change in the charac- ter and power of the soil. _ Jf the toregoing views may be confided in, the general course most proper to pursue in using cal- careous manures may thence be deduced w ithout difficulty. Butas I have found, since the publi- cation of the first edition of this essay, that many persons stillask for more special directions to @uide their operations, and as ail such difficulties | may not be entirely obviated even by the more full de- tails now given, I will here add the following di- rections, at the’ risk of their being considered su- perfluous. These directions, like all the { foregoing reasoning, may apply generally, if not entirely, to the use of all kinds of-caleareous manures, and to soils in various regions: but to avoid too wide a) range, I shall consider them as applied particularly to the poor lands, and to the fossil shells, or marl, of the tide-water region, and addressed to persons who are just commencing their improvemenis. As the cheapest mode of furnishing vegetable maiter to land intended to be marled and _ cultiva- ted, no grazing should be permitted. It is best to put the marl on the grass previous to ploughing the field fer curn, as the early effect of this manure is greatest when it has been placed in contact with the vegetable matter. But this advantage i = not sO great as to induce the ploughing to be delayed, or to stop the marling after that operation. When the marl is spread upon the ploughed surface, it can be better mixed with the soil by the cultiva- tion of the erop—and this advantage in some mea- sure compensates for the loss of that which would have been obtained from an earlier application on the sod. If marl is ploughed in, it should not be so deeply as to prevent its being mixed with the soil, speedily and thoroughly, by the subsequent tillase To make sure of equal distribution, the marl should be spread regularly over the surface. From neglect in this respect, a dressing of marl is often too thin in many plac es to have its proper el- fect, and in others, so thick as to prove injurious. Bence it is, that marl-burnt s'alks of corn, and tufts of sorrei are sometimes. seen on the same acre. After the first year, the farmer may generally marl fast enough to keep ahead of his cultivation: and even thou: ait he should reduce the space of his til! lace to one-half f it will be best for him not to put an acre in‘corn without its being marled. Fir 8 of convenient in this respect, years of rest rotation at first, upon the number of exhausting crops may be increased} }, first soil advances to its highest state of productiveness, sum on the clover. used as food for cattle—and in a few years. this} fields furnished before marling, and the limitation { ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. ty acres can generally be both marled and tilled, 2 i cheaply as one hundred can be tilled without marl ing; aud the fiity will preduce as much as the hun dred, in the first course of’ crops, aud much more}, aiterwards. ‘Phat rotation of crops which gives most veges), table matter to the soil, is best to aid the effect of, marl recently applied. The four-shift rotation ig f because two or three may be given in each course of the poorest land; and the st to two, then to three in the rotation, as the} Afier marling, clover should be sown, and gyps I On poor, though marled landg| of course only a poor erowth of clover ean be ex I. pected: but wherever other manures are givenylh, and especially if gypsum is found to act well, the a crop of clover becomes a most important part of the improvement by marling. Without clover, nd without returning the greater part of its pros} uct to the soil, the great value of marling will notm eseen. A small proportion of the clover may bei h =i small share will far exceed all the grass that th ‘I of grazing. What is at first considered as lessens ing the food of grazing stock, and their Mora tall within a few years becomes ‘the source of a far more abundant supply. | During the first few years of marling, but mt attention can (or ought to) be given to making pu} trescent manures, because the soil much mores) needs calcareous manure—and three acres may generally be supplied with the latter, as cheaply aa one with the former. But putrescent manures cannot any where be used to so much advantage, | as epon poor soils made calcareous: and no farmer] can make and apply vegetable matter as manure to greater profit than he who has marled his poop}, fie ‘lds, and can then withdraw his labor from ap-; plying the more to the less profitable manure. Af’ | ter the farm has been maried over at the light rate} recommended at first, every effort should be made} to accumulate and apply vegetable manures—and. with their gradual extension over the fields, a se- cond application of marl may be made, making) the whole quantity in both the first and second marling 500 or 600 bushels to the acre, or even) more, which would have been hurtful if given at! first, but which will now be not only harmless, but necessary to fix and retain so much putrescent, and nutritive matter in the soil. } If the conrse here advised is pursued on poor and acid soils, the products will be generally dou bled in the first course of the rotation—often in the; first crop immediately following the marling: and the original product may bee apected to be tripled by the third return of the rotation. This will bet from merely applying marl in sufficient (and nob | excessive) quantities , and giving the land two years rest in four, without grazing. But with the! | aid of farm- yard Hee other putrescent manures, and of clover, both of which should be largely ing use during the second course of crops, still greater’ returns may be obtained. When such statements as these are m ade, the! question naturally occurs to the reader, “Has the writer himself met with so much success, nih what has been the actual result of his labors in general, | PART 1i—PRACTICE, 57 the business so strongly recommended?” This uestion I have no right to shrink from, although e answer to be given fully, will be objectionable, om the egotism inseparable from such details, thich are certainly not worth being thus presented public notice, and which are called for only be- ause silence on this head might be considered as erating against the general tenor of thisessay; It vill be sufficient here to state generally, that my verage profits from marling, and the increased artility derived from ii, have not been as great as re promised above, nor such as might be expected om the most successful experiments of which the sults have been reported—and for these reasons. st. ‘The greater part of my land was not of soil ie best adapted to be improved by marling. 2nd. Taving every thing to learn, and to prove by trial, auch of my labor was lost uselessly, or spent in | PART IT—PRACTICE. 61 t it-is denied that they invalidate the previous | timates. A farmer may, and generally does, tain less gross product trom a large ora rich rm, than his more necessitous, and therefore ore attentive and economical neighbor gets from smaller or poorer farm, in proportion to the pro- ucing power of each; and even the same persons, hen young and needy, have often made more ofit according to their means, than atierwards when relieved from want, and having land in- reased to a quadruple power of production. ‘hese, and similar facts, however general, only e examples of the obvious truth that the profits f land depend principally on the industry, econo- y, and good management of the cultivator—and at many a farmer who can manage well a 1all or or farm, is more deficient in industry, onomy, or the increased degree of knowledge quired, when possessed of much more abundant Fesources. In short, if these considerations were }> direct or influence our estimates, we should not e comparing and estimating the value of’ lands, t the value of the care and industry bestowed n their management. Another objector may ask, “If any poor land is ised in value (according to this estimate) from e dollar to thirty by marling, would a purchaser 1ake a judicious investment of his capital, by buy- g this improved land at thirty dollars?’ I would nswer in the affirmative, if our view was confined this particular means of investing farming cap- al. X per cent.—which is always a good return from ind, and is twice as much as all Lower Virginia ow yields. But if such a purchase is compared vith other means of acquiring land so improved, would be extremely injudicious—because thirty ollars expended in purchasing and marling such and, would serve both to acquire and improve five r six acres. Estimates of the expenses required for marling re commonly erected on as improper grounds, as hose of its profits. We never calculate the cost f any old practice. We are content to clear voodland that afterwards will not pay for the ex- ense of tillage—to keep under the plough, land educed to five bushels of corn to the acre—to mild and continue to repair miles of useless and erishable fences—to make farm-yard manure though not much of this fault,) and apply it to cid soils—without once calculating whether we se or gain by any of these operations. But let ny new practice be proposed, and then every one legins to count its cost-—-and on such erroneous remises, that if applied to every kind of farm la- or, the estimate would prove that the most fertile and known, could scarcely deitay the expenses of ts cultivation. According to estimates made with much care ind accuracy, the cost of an uncommonly expen- ive job of marling, four thousand and _ thirty-six uushels in quantity, in 1824, amounted to five dol- rs and thirty-five cents the acre, for five hundred ind ninety-eight bushels of marl. This quantity vas much too great: four hundred bushe!s would ave been quite enough for safety and profit, and vould have reduced the whole expense, including ‘very necessary preparation, to three dollars and ifty-eight cents the acre. The earth which was aken off, to uncover the bed of marl, was consid- | sag thicker than the mar] itself. "The road trom The purchaser would get a clear interest of the pit ascended hills amounting to forty feet of perpendicular elevation—and the average distance to the field was eight hundred and torty-seven yards. In 1828, I began to marl another tract of land, where the diiliculties were less. The labor be- stowed served to carry out and spread six thousand eight hundred and ninety-two tumbril loads, on one hundred and twenty acres of land, being an average of two hundred and fifiy-nine bushels to the acre, ‘The exhausted state of the soil made heavier dressing unsafe. 'The whole expense of the operation, including all the preparatory labor, amounted to two dollars and eight cents for each acre marled—or ei@hty-three hundredths of a cent for each heaped bushel of’ marl. [Appendix L.] It is impossible to carry on marling to advan- tage, or with any thing like economy, unless it is made a regular business, to be continued through- out the year or a specified portion of it, by a laboring force devoted to that purpose, and not allowed to be withdrawn for any other, Instead of proceeding on this plan, most persons who have begun to marl, attempt it in the short inter- vals of leisure, aflorded between their different farming operations—and without lessening for this purpose, the extent of their usual cultivation. Let us suppose that preparations have been made, and on the first opportunity, a farmer commences marling with zeal and spirit. But every new labor is attended by causes of difficulty and delay, and a full share of these will be found in the first few days of marling. The road is soft for want of previous use, and if the least wet, soon becomes miry. The horses, unaccustomed to carting, balk at the hills, or only carry half loads, Other dif= ficulties occur from the awkwardness of the labor- ers, and the inexperience of their mmaster—and still more from the usual unwillingness of" his over- seer to devote any labor to improvements which are not expected to add to the crop of that year. Before matters can get straight, the leisure time is at an end: the work is stopped, and the road and pit are left to get out of order, before making another attempt some six months after, when all the same vexatious difficulties are again to be en- countered. if only a single horse was employed in drawing marl throughout the year, at the moderate allow- ance of two hundred working days, and one hun- dred bushels carried out for each, his year’s work would amount to twenty thousand bushels, or enough for more than sixty acres. This alone would be a great object effected. But besides, this plan would allow the profitable employment of anyamount of additional labor. When at any time, other teams and laborers could be spared to assist, though for only a few days, every thing is ready for them to go immediately to work. ‘The pit is drained, the road is firm, and the field marked off for the loads. In this way, much labor may be obtained in the.course of the year, from teams that would otherwise be idle, and la- borers whose other employments would be of but little importance. The spreading of marl on the field, isa job that will always be ready to employ any spare labor: and throwing off the covering earth from an intended digging of marl, may be done, when rain, snow, or severe cold, have ren- dered the earth unfit tor almost every other kind of labor. 62 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. Another interesting question respecting the ex- pense of this improvement is, to what distance from the pit may marl be profitably carried? If the amount of labor necessary to carry it half a mile is known, it is easy to calculate how much more will be required for two or tbree miles. The cost of teams and drivers is in proportion to the distance travelled—but the pit and field labor, is not aflected by that circumstance. At present, when so much poor land, abundantly supplied with fossil shells, may be bought at from two dollars to four dollars the acre, a farmer had better buy and marla new farm, than to move marl even two miles to his land in possession. But this would be merely declining one considerable profit, for the purpose of taking another much greater. Whenever the value of marl is properly under- stood, and our lands are priced according to their improvements, or their capability of being im- proved from that source, as must be the case here- alter, then this choice of advantages will no longer be offered. Then rich marl will be profitably carted miles from the pits, and perhaps conveyed by water as far as it may be needed. A_ bushel of such marlas the bed on James River, described page 49, is as rich in calcareous earth alone, as a bushel of slaked lime will be after it becomes car- bonated—and the greater weight of the first, is a less disadvantage “for water carriage, than the price of the latter. Farmers on James River who have used lime as manure to great extent and advantage, might more cheaply “have moved rich marl twenty miles by water, as it would cost no- thing but the labor of digging and transportation. Within the short time that has elapsed since the first publication of the foregoing passages in the first edition of this essay, the transportation of marl by water carriage has been commenced on James River, and has been carried on with more facility and at less expense, than was anticipated. The farmers who may profit by this new mode of using marl, will be indebted to the enterprise of C. H. Minge, "Esq. of Charles City, for the making a full and satisfactory experiment of the business ona large scale. [See Appendix M.] The ‘objections to carrying marl unusual dis- tances, admitted above, apply merely to improve- ments proposed for field culture. But it would be profitable, even under existing circumstances, for rich marl to be carried five miles by land, or ‘one hundred miles by water, for the purpose of being applied to gardens, or other land kept under per- petual tillage, and receiving frequent and heavy coverings of putrescent manure. In such cases, independent of the direct benefit which the calca- reous earth might afford to the crops, its power of combining with putrescent matters, and pre- venting their we aste, would be of the utmost im- portance. If the soil was acid, the making it caleareous would enable half the usual supplies of manure, to be more effective and durable than the whole had been. There are other uses for marl, about dwelling houses and in towns, which should induce its being carried much farther than mere agricultural purposes would warrant. I allude to the use of calcareous earth in preserving putres- cent matters, and thereby promoting cleanliness, and health. This important subject will here vatter be separately considered. Either lime or good marl may hereafter be pro- fitably distributed over a remote strip of poor land, by means of the rail road now constructing fi Petersburg to the Roanoke: providing the pre prietors do not imitate the over greedy policy 4) the legislature of Virginia, in imposing tolls ¢ manures passing through the James River cana) If there was no object. whatever in view, but 4, draw the greatest possible income from tolls ¢ canals and | roads, true policy would direct that ¢ manures should pass from town to country ‘a free. Every bushel of lime, marl, or gypsun thus conveyed, would be the means ef bringin back in future time, more than as much whe: or corn—and there would be an actual gain }; tolls, besides the twenty fold e@reater increase © the wealth of individuals and the state. Woe ashes, alter being deprived of their potash, hax calcareous earth, “and a smaller proporti@n ef pho; phate of lime, as their only fertilizing ingredient and both together do not commonly make moi than there is of calcareous earth in the same bul of good marl. Yet drawn ashes have been pu chased largely from our soap factories, at foy cents the bushel, and carried by sea to be sold fi manure to the farmers of Long [sland. | Excey for the proportion of phosphate ‘of lime which the contain, drawn ashes are simply artificial marl more fit for immediate action, by being fine: divided, but weaker in amount of calcareous eart than our best beds of fossil shells. The argument in support of the several pry positions which have been discussed through many chapters, is now concluded. However w skilfully, I flatter myself that it has been effectual. used; and that the general deficiency in our soi of caleareous earth—the necessity of supplyir it—the profit by that means to be derived—au the high impertance of’ all these considerations- have been established too firmly to be shaken | either arguments or facts, CHAPTER XIX. THE USE OF CALCAREOUS EARTH RECON MENDED TO PRESERVE PUTRESCENT M1 NURES, AND TO PROMOTE CLEANLINE}| AND HEALTH, ESPECIALLY IN TOWNS. The operation of calcareous earth in enrichin’ barren soils, has been traced, in a former part ( this essay, to the chemical power possessed by thi earth of combining with putrescent matters, with the products ‘of their fermentation—and that manner, preserving them irom waste, for t)) use of the soil, and for the food of growing plami| That power was exemplified by the details of #) experiment, (page 31,) in which the carcass of i) animal was so acted on, and its enriching prope ties secured. That trial of the putrefaetion ofan, mal matter in contact with calcareous earth, wy commenced with a view to resulis very differe: from those which were obtained. Darwin saj that nitrous acid is produced in the process of f€ mentation, and he supposes the mula aie a of lime be very serviceable to vegetation.* As the 1 trous acid i Is a Gas, it must pass olf into the a *Darwin’s Phytologia, pp. 210 and 224. Dublin Ei tion. nder ordinary circumstances, as fast as it is form- d, and be entirely lost. But as it is strongly at- 'Practed by lime, it was supposed that a cover of Wialcareous earth would arrest it, and form a new Sombination, which, if not precisely nitrate of lime, lvould at least be composed of the same elements, ough in different proportions. To ascertain vhether any such combination had taken place, vhen the manure was used, a handful of the marl as taken, which had been in immediate contact With the carcass, and thrown into a glass of hot ater. After remaining half an hour, the fluid as poured off, filtered, and evaporated, and left a sonsiderable proportion of a white soluble salt (sup- yosed eight or ten grains.) [ could not ascertain Nts kind-—but it was not deliquescent, and there- ore could not have been the nitrate of lime. ‘The spot on which the carcass lay, was so strongly im- ®)regnated by this salt, that it remained bare of ve- lijretation for several years, and until the field was libloughed up for cultivation. But whatever were the products of fermenta- ion saved by this experiment, the absence of all fensive effluvia throughout the process sufficient- iy proved that little or nothing was lost—as every Mitom must be, when flesh putrefies in the open iiuir: and I presume that a cover of equal thick- ress of clay, or sand, or any mixture of both, without calcareous earth, would have had very lit- Je effect in arresting and retaining the aeriform broducts of putrefaction. All the circumstances ‘of this experiment, and particularly. the good ef- Vect exhibited by the manure when put to use, prove the propriety of extending a similar prac- Mice. In the neighborhood of towns, or where- lever else the carcasses of animals, or any other aimal substances subject to rapid and wasteful fermentation, can be obtained in great quantity, Il their enriching powers might be secured, by |lepositing them between layers of marl, or calca- jreous earth in any other form. he Chowan, immense quantities of herrings are ten used as manure, when purchasers cannot ‘ake off the myriads supplied by the seines. A herring is buried under each corn-hill, and fine anuring is extended. But whatever benefits may Yaave been thus derived, the sense of smelling, as jwell as the known chemical products of the pro- cess of animal putrcfaction, make it certain that inine-tenths of all this rich manure, when so appli- ed, must be wasted in the air. If those who fortu- Inately possess this supply of animal manure, would cause the fermentation to take place and be completed, mixed with and enclosed by marl, in pits of suitable size, they would increase prodi- giously both the amount and permanency of' their lacting animal manure, besides obtaining the bene- fit of the calcareous earth mixed with it. But without regarding such uncommon, or abundant sources for supplying animal matter, every farmer may considerably increase his stock lof putrescent manure, by using the preservative power of marl, and all the substances that might be so saved, are not only now lost to the land, but serve to contaminate the air while putrefying, and ipethaps to engender diseases. The last conside- ration is of most importance to towns, though erty of attention every where. Whoever will make the trial will be surprised to find how much putrescent matter may be collected from the dwel- PART II—PRACTICE. On the borders of props are thus made as far as this singular mode of 63 ling house, kitchen, and laundry of a family: and which if accumulated (without mixture with cal- careous earth, ) will soon become so offensive as to prove the necessity of putting an end to the prac- tice. Yetit must be admitted that when all sueh matters are scattered about (as is usual both in town and country, ) over an extended surface, the same putrefaction must ensue, and the same noxious ef- fHuvia be evolved, though not enough concentrated to be very offensive, or even always perceptible. ‘The same amount is inhaled—but ina very diluted state, and in small, though incessantly repeated doses. Butif mild calcareous earth in any form (and fossil shells or marl present much the cheap- est,) is used to cover and mix with the putrescent matters so collected, they will be prevented from discharging offensive effluvia, and preserved to en- rich the soil. A malignant and ever acting ene- my will be converted to a friend and benefac- tor. The usual dispersion and waste of such putres- cent and excrementitious matters about a farm house, though a considerable loss to agriculture, may take place without being very offensive to the senses, or certainly injurious to health. But the case is widely diflerent in towns. There, unless great care is continually used to remove or destroy filth of every kind, it soon becomes offensive, if not pestilential. During the last summer, (1832) when that most horrible scourge of the human race. the Asiatic cholera, was desolating some of the towns of the United States, and all expected to be visited by its fatal ravages, great and unusual exertions were every where used to remove and prevent the accumulation of filth, which if allowed to remain, it was supposed would invite the approach, and aid the effects of the pestilence. The eflorts made for that purpose served to show whata vast amount of putrescent matter existed in every town, and which, was so rapidly reproduced, that its complete riddance was impossible. Immense quantities of the richest manures, or materials for them, were washed away into the rivers—caustic lime was used to destroy them—and the chloride of lime to decompose the offensive products of their fer- mentation, when that process had already occur- red. All this amount of labor and expense was directed to the complete destruction of what might have given fertility to many adjacent fields—and yet served to cleanse the towns but- imperfectly, and fora very shorttime. Yet the object in view might have been better attained by the previous adoption of the proper means for preserving these putrescent matters, than by destroying them.— These means would be to mix or cover all accu- mulations of such matters with rich marl, (which would be the better for the purpose if its shells were in small particles,) and in such quantity as the effect would show to be sufficient. But much the greater part of the filth of a town is not, and cannot be accumulated; and from being dispersed, is the most difficult to remove, and is probably the most noxious in its usual course of fermentation. ‘This would be guarded against by covering thick- ly with marl the floor of every cellar and stable, back yard and stable lot. Every other vacant space should be lightly covered. The same course pursued on the gardens and other cultivated grounds, would be sufficiently compensated by the increased product that would be obtained: but. in- dependent of that consideration, the nianures 64 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. there applied would be prevented from escaping, rain had changed the suffocating dust to an adhe-| into the air—and being wholly retained by the soil, much smaller applications would serve. The level streets ought also to be sprinkled with marl, and as often as circumstances might require. ‘The va- rious putrescent matters usually lefi in the streets of a town alone serve to make the mud scraped irom them a valuable manure; for the principal part of the bulk of street mud is composed merely of the barren clay, brought in upon the wheels of wagons fromthe country. Such a cover of cal- careous earth would be the most effectual absorb- ent and preserver of putrescent matter, as well as the cheapest mode of keeping a town always clean. There would be less noxious or offensive effluvia, than is generated in spite ofall the ordinary means of prevention; and by scraping up and removing the marl after it had combined with and secured enough of putrescent matter, a compost would be obtained for the use of the surrounding country, so rich and so abundant, that its use would repay a large part, if not the whole of the expense in- curred in its production. Probably one covering of marl for each year would serve for most yards, &c., but if required oftener, it would only prove the necessity for the operation, and show the great- er value in the results. ‘Phe compost that might be obtained from spaces equal to five hundred acres in a populous town, would durably enrich thrice as many acres of the adjacent country: and after twenty years of such a course, the surround- ing farms might be capable of returning to the town a ten fold increased surplus product. After the qualities and value of the manure so formed were properly estimated, it would be used for farms that would be out of the reach of all other calcareous manures. Carts bringing country pro- duce to market might with profit carry back loads of this compost eight or ten miles. ‘The annual supply that the country might be furnished with, would procuce very ditterent effects {from the pu- trescent and fleeting manure now obtained from the town stables. Of the little durable benefit heretofore derived from such means, the appear- ance of the country offers sufficient testimony. At three miles distance from some of the principal towns in Virginia, more than half the cultivated land is too poor to yield any farming profit. ‘The surplus grain sent to market is very inconsidera- ble—and the coarse hay from the wet meadows can only be sold to those who feed horses belong- ing to other persons—and to whom that hay is most desirable that is least likely to be eaten. But even if the waste and destruction of ma- nure in towns was counted as nothing, and the pre- servation of health by keeping the air pure was the only object sought, still calcareous earth, as presented by rich marl, would serve the purpose far better than quicklime. It is true, that the latter substance acts powerfully in decomposing putrescent animal matter, and destroys its texture and qualities so completely, that the operation is commonly and expressively called “burning” the substances acted on. But touse a sufficient quan- tity of quicklime to meet and decompose all pu- | trescent animal matters in a town, would be intol- erably expensive, and stij! more objectionable in other respects. Ifa cover of dry quicklime in powder was spread over all the surfaces requiring it for this purpose, the town would be unfit to live in; and the nuisance would be scarcely less, when | for fertilization. sive mortar. Woollen clothing, carpets, and even} living flesh would be continually sustaining injury from the contact. Nosuch objections would ati tend the use of mild calcareous earth: and thig\} could be obtained probably tor less than one-fifth of the cost of quicklime, supposing an equal quans tity of pure calcareous mutter to be obtained in} each case. At this time the richest marl on James) River may be obtained at merely the cost of dige ging, and its carriage by water, which if undertas| ken on a large scale, could not exceed, and probas} bly would not equal three cents the bushel. 1, The putrescent animal matters that would be preserved and rendered innoxious by the general matrling of the site of a town, would be mostly} such as are so dispersed and imperceptible that they would otherwise be entirely lest. But all such as are usually saved in part, would be doubled inf quantity and value, and deprived of their offensive! and noxious qualities by being kept mixed with] calcareous earth. ‘The importance of' this plan} being adopted with the products of privies, &e: is still greater in town than country. The val rious matters so collected and combined should nev er be applied to the soil alone, as the salt derivedd irom the kitchen, and the potash and soap from} the laundry, might be injurious in so concentrated) a form. When the pit for receiving this compound is emptied, the contents should be spread over} other and weaker manure, before being applied tal) the field. ; Towns might furnish many other kinds of rich manure, which are now lost entirely. Some of thesef particularly require the aid of calcareous earth tef be secured from destruction by putrefaction, and: others, though not putrescent, are equally wasted, ‘The blood of slaughtered animals, and the waste’ and rejected articles of wool, hair, feathers, skin, horn and bones, all are manures of great richness? We not only give the flesh of dead animals to in- tect the air, instead of using it to fertilize the land) but their bones which might be so easily saved.} are as completely thrown away. Bones are com) posed of phosphate of lime and gelatinous ani mal matter, and when crushed, form one of the richest and most convenient manures in the world They are shipped in quantities {from the continen’ of Europe to be sold tor manure in England. The fields of battle have been gleaned, and their shal low graves emptied for this purpose: and the | bonesof the ten thousand British heroes who fell or) the field of Waterloo, are now performing the lest glorious, but more useful purpose of producing) |as manure bread for their brothers at home. There prevails a vulgar but useful superstition’ that there is “bad luck” in throwing into the fire any thing, however smal! may be its amount of value, that can serve for the food of any living anh mal. It is a pity that the same belief does not ex) tend to every thing that as mamure can serve ti feed growing plants—and that even the parings 0 nails and clippings of beards are not used (as i) China) in aid of this object. However small each, yarticular source might be, the amount of all thi manures that might be saved, and which are nov wasted, would add incalculably to the usual mean] Human excrement, which 1 scarcely used atallin this country, is stated to bi even richer than that of birds; and if all the en riching matters were preserved that are deriver ) PART II—PRACTICE. 65 t only from the food, but from all the habits of n, there can be no question but that a town of 1 thousand inhabitants, from those sources alone, ight enrich more land than could be done trom many cattle. The opinions here presented are principally anded on the theory of the operation of calca- us manures, as maintained in the foregoing part this essay: but they are also sustained to con- erable extent by jacts and experience. ‘The st undeniable practical proof of one of my po- ions, is the power of a cover of marl to pre- nt the escape of all offensive effluvia from the st putrescent animal matters. Of this power nave made continued use for about eighteen mths, and know it to be more eflectual than icklime, even if the destructive action of the ter was not objectionable. Quicklime forms w combinations with putrescent substances, and thus combining, throws off effluvia, which ugh different from the products of putrescent ptter alone, are still disagreeable and offensive. ild lime on the contrary absorbs and preserves ry thing—or at least prevents the escape of y offensive odor being perceived. Whether pu- scent vegetable matter is acted on in like man- by calcareous earth, cannot be as well tested our senses, and therefore the prool’ is less satis- tory. But if it is true that calcareous earth ts by combining putrescent matters with the |, and thus preventing their loss, (as [ have en- avored to prove in Chapter ViII.) it must follow t to the extent of such combination, the forma- and escape of all volatile products of putrefac- an will also be prevented. ’ ut it will be considered that the most impor- it inquiry remains to be answered: Has the ap- tion of caicareous manures been found in prac- 2 decidedly beneficial to the health of the resi- ats on the land? [ answer, that long experience, dthe collection and comparison of numerous ts derived from various sources, will be re- ired toremove all doubts from this question; and vould be presumptuous in any individual to of- as sufficient proof, the experience of only ten twelve years on any one farm. But while ad- tting the insufficiency of such testimony, I as- t that so far, my experience decidedly supports position. My principal farm until within some i or five years, was subject in a remarkable de- Be to the common mild autumnal diseases of our country. Whether it is owing to marling, or runknown causes, these bilious diseases have e become comparatively very rare. Neither 28 my opinion in this respect, nor the facts that ve occurred on my farm, stand alone. Some er persons are equally convinced of this change other land as well as on mine. But in most cases ere I have made inquiries as to such results, thine decisive had been observed. The hope wt other persons may be induced to observe and ort facts bearing on this important point, has in t caused the appearance of these crude and per- iS premature views. iven if my opinions and reasoning should ap- ar sound, f am aware that the practical appli- jon is not to be looked for soon; and that the eme of using marlin towns is more likely to ‘Met by ridicule, than to receive a serious and entive examination. Notwithstanding this an- mnen, and however hopeless of making con- verts either of individuals or of corporate bodies, I will offer a few concluding remarks on the most obvious objections to, and benefits of the plan. The objections will all be resolved into one—namely, the expense to be encountered. The expense cer- tainly would be considerable; but it would be am- ply compensated by the gains and benefits. In the first place the general use of marl as proposed for towns, would serve to insure eleanliness, and pu- rity of the air, more than all the labors of their Boards of Health and theirscavengers, even when acting under the dread of approaching pestilence. Secondly, the putrescent manures produced ifi towns, by being merely preserved {rom waste, would be increased ten-fold in quantity and value. Thirdly, all existing nuisances and abominations of filth would be at an end, and the beautiful city of Richmond (for example) would not give offence to our nostrils, almost as often as it offers gratifica- tion to our eyes. Lastly, the marl after being used until saturated with putrescent matter, would re- tain all its first value as calcareous earth, and be well worth purchasing and removing to the adja- cent farms, independent of the enriching manure with which it would be loaded. If these advan- tages can indeed be obtained, they would be cheaply bought at any price necessary to be en- countered for the purpese. The foregoing part of this chapter was -first published inthe Farmers’ Register,(for July 1833) and as supplementary to this Essay. ‘That pub- lication drew some attention from others to the subject, and served to elicit many important facts, of which 1 had been before altogether ignorant, in support of the operation of calcareous earth in arresting the effects of malaria, or the usual au- tumnal diseases of the southern states and other similar regions. These facts, together with the result of my own personal experience, extended through two more autumns (or sickly seasons as commonly called here and farther south, ) since the first publication of these views, will now be submit- ted. Most of the facts derived from other persons relate to one region—the “rotten limestone lands” of Southern Alabama: but that region is exten- sive, of remarkable and well known character and peculiarities, and the evidence comes from various sources, and is full, and consistent im purport. ‘The facts will be here embodied, and the more impor- tant statements from which they are drawn, will be presented more fully inthe Appendix. [See N.] The first fact brought out, was, that in the town of Mobile, near the Gulf of Mexico, the streets actually had been paved with shells—thus present- ing precisely such a case as I recommended, though not with any view to promoting cleanli- ness or health. The shells had been used merely as a substitute for stones, which could not be so cheaply obtained. Nor had the greatly improved healthiness of Mobile since the streets were so covered, (of which there is the most ample and undoubted testimony,) been attributed to that cause, until the publication of the foregoing opin- ions served to connect them as cause and effect. This can scarcely be doubted by those who wili admit the theory of the action of calcareous earth —and the remarkable change from unhealthiness in Mobile, to comparative healthiness, is a very strong exemplification of the truth of the theory. But it is not strange, that when so many oiher }causes might (and probably did) operate to arrest 66 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. — disease, that none should have considered the )—and the effect of which, if given its due weigh chemical operation of the shelly pavement as one of them, and still less as the one by far the most important. ‘The paving of streets, (with any material) draining and filling up wet places, sub- stituting for rotting wooden buildings new ones of brick and stone—and especially the operation of destructive and extensive fires—al! we know oper- ate, (and particularly the last,) to improve the healthiness of towns: and all these operated at Mobile, as well as shelling the streets. Neither was the shelling so ordered as to produce its best effect for health. The streets, alleys, and many yards and small vacant lots were covered, and so far the formation and evolving of pestilential ef- fluvia were lessened. But as this was not the object in view, and indeed the chemical action of shells not thought of, the process was incomplete, and must necessarily be less eflectual than it might have been made. The shelling ought to have been extended to every open spot where filth could accumulate—to every back yard, in every cellar, and made the material of the floor of every stable, and every other building of which the floor would otherwise be of common earth. In addition, atier a sufficient lapse of time to saturate with putres- cent matters the upper part of the calcareous layer, and thus to make it a very rich compound, there should be a partial or total removal of the mass, and a new coating of shellslaid down. The value of the old material, as manure, would pro- bably go far towards paying for this renewal: and if it is not so renewed, the calcareous matter can- not combine with more than a certain amount of putrescent matters—and afier being so saturated, can have no farther efiect in saving such maiters for use, or preventing them from having their usual evil course. The burning of towns is well known to be a cause of the healihiness of the places being great- ly improved, and that that eflect continues afier as many buildings, or more, have replaced those des- troyed by fire. Indeed this improvement is con- sidered so permanent, as well as considerable, that the most sweeping and destructive conflagra- tions of some of our southern towns, have been afterwards acknowledged to have proved a gain, and a blessing. The principal and immediate mode of operation of this universally acknowledged cause, is usually supposed to be the total destruc- tion, by the fire, of all filth and putrescent matters —and in a less degree, and more gradually, by afterwards substituting brick and stone for wooden buildings, which are always in a more or less decaying state. But though these reasons have served heretofore to satisfy all, as to the beneficial consequences of fires, surely they are altogether inadequate as causes for such great and durable effects. ‘The mere destruction of all putrescent matters in a town at any one time, would certainly leave a clear atmosphere, and give strong assu- rance of health being improved fora short time afterwards: but these matters would be replaced probably in the course of a few months, by the residence of as many inhabitants, and the con- tinuance of the same general habits—and most certainly this cause would lose all its operation by the time the town was rebuilt. But there is one operation produced by the burning of a town, which is far more powerful—which in fact is indi-‘ rectly the very practice whish has been advocated furnishes proof’ of the theory set forth, by the e: perience of every unhealthy town which has su fered much from fire. If any estimate is made the immense quantity of mild calcareous ear which is contained in the plastering and brie work of even the wooden dwelling houses of town, (and still more from those built of masonm it must be admitted that all that material bein separated, broken down, (soon or late, ) and sprei by the burning of the houses, and pulling doy their ruins, is enough to give a very hea cover of calcareous earth to the whole space land burnt over. Itis to this operation, in a 1 greater degree than to all others, that [ attribt the beneficial effects to health of the burning. towns. I proceed to the facts derived from the extensi body of prairie lands in Alabama which rest a substratum of soft limestone, or rich indurat clay marl. It was from these remarkable sc that the specimens were obtained which were « scribed at page 22. Some of these, indeed that have been examined by chemical tests of 1 high and dry prairie lands, contain caleareg earth in larger proportions than any soils of cc siderable extent in the United States that I he seen or tested. The specimens not containi free calcareous earth are of the class of neut soils; and the calcareous earth, which doubtl they formerly contaimed, and from which they ; rived their peculiar and valuable qualities, may) supposed only to be concealed by the accumulat of vegetable matter, according to the gene views submitted in Chapter VII. The more | descriptions of the soils of this remarkable and || tensive region which will be placed in the App; dix, [at N] render it unnecessary to enlarge mu here. It will be sufficient to sum up concisely ' facts there exhibited—and which agree with rious other private accounts which have been: ceived from undoubted sources of informat} The deductions from these facts, and their acce ance with the theory of the operation of calcare matter, are matiers of reasoning, and as such, | submitted to the consideration and judgemeni readers. : The soil of these prairie lands is very rich, , cept the spots where the soft limestone rises to surface, and makes the calcareous ingredient | cessive: in the specimen formerly mentioned, | pure calcareous matter formed 59 parts in the b) dred of this “bald prairie” land. The soil ge’ ally has so little of sand, that nothing but the | careous matter which enters so largely inte composition prevents it being so stiff and intra’ ble, that its tillage would be almost impractice yet it is friable and light when dry, and eas: till. But the superfluous rain water cannot | and pass off, as in sandy or other pervious la’ but is held in this close and highly absorbent | which throughout winter is thereby made a ¢ mire, unfit to prepare for tillage, and scarcely f; ticable to travel over. This water-holding quit of the soil, and the nearness to the surface of hard marly substratum, deprive the countr! natural springs and running streams: and be! the important discovery was made that pure w might be obtained by boring from 300 to 700) through the solid caleareous rock, the inhabit used the stagnant rain water collected in - PART II—PRACTICE. 67 lich was very far from pure, or palatable. der all these circumstances, added to the rank irbage of millions of acres annually dying and composing under a southern sun, it might have ¥2n counted on as almost certain, that such a “Sintry would have proved very unhealthy: yet ‘l> reverse is the fact, and in aremarkable degree. ne healthiness of this region is so connected with, ‘Wd limited by, the calcareous substratum and soil, iat it could not escape observation: and they have fen considered as cause and effect by those who iid n0 theory to support, and who did not spend ‘hought upon the mode in which was produced | ‘fe important result which they so readily admit- ili. heir testimony therefore is in this respect e more valuable, because it cannot be suspected. jhe intelligent author of the extract from the kiputhern Agriculturist, which will be given in the ‘ijppendix [N] is altogether unknown to me—and | tijis presumed that he had never heard of this es- ‘Wy, nor of these views of the action of calcareous i} Atter deducing the foregoing mass of evidence, ‘Wir which I am indebted to others, it will appear ersonal observation—especially, as the opinion Was been expressed abeve, that the experience of ljay one individual, on any one farm, or in any one llteation, though continued for ten or twelve years, iiast be very insufficient as proof of a permanent dhangve of healthiness, and of the actual causes of yjach changes. But, as in the absence of more iiriking facts, and of practical proofs, my own li- tited experience was formerly brought forward— I is proper here to add, that the two autumns that fave since passed have brought no circumstances #9 Weaken the opinions advanced, and many that itave served, on the contrary, to strengthen them. § On my principal farm, Cogein’s Point, the po- ition of the homestead was always most inconve- liently situated, and became ihe more so as the Wearing and improvement of the poorer and more wemote parts of the land wereextended. for this eason, in addition to others, the farm buildings, ind negroes’ dwellings had been gradually re- moved, as the expense could be best encountered, intil the old homestead was entirely abandoned in 831, for a more eligible location. This would revent the different degree of healthiness found re, before and since marling, from presenting a fair statement or proof. But still, there is no doubt of the general results showing a great and decided improvement in respect to health—and this Was evident, before as weil as since the removal of the dwelling piace of the slaves. The greater number of these had been moved to an interme- diate location, (with a view to health) before these benefits of marling were either felt, or anticipated —where a portion of them remained until within the last few years: and the circumstances attend- ing this location, furnish ground for the opinion maintained, which is not liable to the objection re- ferred to. The poor farm (Shellbanks) which was made a summer residence for my family in 1828 and the two succeeding years, and a permanent dwelling place since 1831, was marled to the extent of 120 acres, including ail the land around the houses, in 1828; and in a few succeeding years, the space marled amounted to more than 300 acres. During this time, the yard was covered heavily with marl —and in 1832, when the approach of Asiatic cho- lera caused such alarm, the floor of the cellar of the house, (which is very damp,) the stable floor, and stable yard, were also covered, and every other vacant spot. In addition, the plan of collecting for manure all putrescent animal matters in a pit and covering or mixing them frequently with marl, has been pursued for several years, though not with as much care and economy as ought to be used. In this pit, fer experiment as much as for profit, the carcasses of animals have been several times placed, and preserved (as before) from giving out any offensive odor, until their very slow decom- position was at an end, merely by the covering of marl. The healih of the family, during the first two or three autumns, was about as good as on what are considered healthy places in the tide-wa- ter region of Virginia—all of which are more or less subtect to bilious disorders in autumn, though deserving well (as indeed does the whole country) to be considered more than usually exempt from all other diseases. We had among the members of a large family, some intermittents, and some more severe bilious fevers during that time. But there has been a still greater and unlooked for im- provement since—and for the last two years, I be- lieve that all residing permanently at this place, have enjoyed as good healih, as could be hoped for in any situation in the United States. Among the domestic servants and their young children, last autumn, there were a few slight agues, (which were attributed to some of those acts of impru- dence to which negroes are so notoriously addict- ed, even if not necessarily exposed,) and which were scarcely worth notice, but as exceptions to the general healthiness. The land not being then tilled, there were no field laborers. Among my own family and other white persons who were | permanent residents, there was not a single ague, or the slightest disease to be counted as one of climate, or proceeding from malaria. But [ repeat, that many such facts are necessary, and much time, and the testimony of many diflerent persons from various places to be brought together, before the eauses can be fully admitted of such myste- rious effects, as disease and its removal. It is to be hoped that the facts and deductions here pre- sented, however defective, may, at least, serve to attract the attention of many other and more com- petent investigators to this highly important sub- ject. CHAPTER XX. FOR DIGGING AND CARTING MARL. DIRECTIONS The great deposite of fossil shells, which cus- tom has miscalled marl, isin many places exposed to view in most of the lands that border on our tide-waters, and on many of their small tributary streams, Formerly, it was supposed to be limit- ed to such situations: but since its value as a ma- nure has caused it to be more noticed, and sought after, marl has been found in many other places. It is often discovered by the digging of wells, but lying so deep, that its value must be more highly estimated than at present, before it will be dug for manure. From ail the scattered evidences of the Coe ee ee ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. | presence of this deposite, it may be inferred, that it lies beneath nearly every part of our country between the sea and the granite ridge which forms the falls of all our rivers. It is exposed, where it rises, and where cut through by the deep ravines of hilly land, and the courses of rivers—and con- cealed by its dips, and the usual level surface of the country. The rich tracts of neutral soil on James River, suchasShirley, Westover, Brandon, and Sandy Point, seem to have been formed by alluvion, which may be termed recent, compared to that of our district in general: and in these, no marl has been found, though it is generally abundant in the adjacent higher lands.* Fresh- water muscle shells are sometimes found in thin layers (from a few inches to two feet thick) both on those lands, and others—but generally near the surface, and always far above the deposite of sea shells, found under the high land. These two layers of different kinds of shells are separated by a thickness of many feet of earth, containing no shells of any kind. From these appearances, it would seem that this tract of’ country was, for ages, the bottom of the sea—then covered by earth— then the bottom of a fresh-water lake—and finally made dry land. Muscle shells are richer than the others, as they contain much gelatinous and en- riching animal matter. On thisaccount, the earth with which muscle shells are found mixed, is a rich black mould. Most persons consider these beds of muscle shells as artificially formed by the Indians, who are supposed to have collected the muscles, for food, and left the shells, where the fish were consumed, There are some strong rea- sons which may be adduced both to sustain and to oppose this opinion. But whatever may be the origin of these collections of muscle shells, it does not affect their qualities as manure for the soils in which they are found, or for others to which they may be removed. Neither the fossil sea shells, nor the earth mixed with them are supposed to contain any putrescent matter—and this manure has been considered throughout this essay as being valuable only as containing calcareous earth. This, no doubt, is the only ingredient of any worth, in the great majority of cases. But sometimes there are other ingredients—-which must be considered merely as exceptions to the general rule. One of these ex- ceptions has already been stated, in the descrip- *It seems however, from facts learned since the pub- lication of the passage above, that marl is, or has been, below these alluvial lands, though only at considerable depths. This does not contradict the opinion express- ed that no marl is to be found in such land. The de- posites referred to were of much more ancient forma- tion, and have been covered by the very different and peculiar bodies of land which now form not only the surface, but a depth as low as the level of the river. Benjamin Harrison, Esq., of Berkley, (a tract of such land as is above described,) has found on the river beach, and dug deeply into, a body of the earth described at page 49, which evidently was once full of shells, though now retaining neither shells nor any trace of carbonate of lime, except some few stony and insulated masses. It has also been very recently stated, that fossil shells have been found at the level of the river at Curle’s Neck in Henrico. These are interesting facts, which ought to encourage searches for such de- posites in every part of the Jow country, tion of gypseous marl, (page 48:) and some othi have been discovered since the publication of thi statement. A kind of earth containing a_ lanl proportion of carbonate of magnesia, as well as¥ carbonate of lime, has been found in Hanoy'f Professor Rogers, of William and Mary Collec} has discovered in many of the marls of Lower V¥ ginia, some proportion of the “ereen sand” of ¢ ologists, or what is itsell’ called “marl,” (anottl misapplication of that name,) in New Jersey, a’ which has there been found highly valuable manure, though containing nota particle of the cif bonate of lime, which constitutes the sole value'f shells and calcareous manures in general. Elf however interesting may be the discovery of the different ingredients, and however valuable thi} may prove as manures, still they are not to be ce sidered as treated of in this essay under any ger] ral observations on marl, which are intended to) applied simply to manure, the only useful ingy) dient of which, is the carbonate of lime. [Appel dix O.] More than forty kinds of sea shells are found the beds of marl that I have worked withe counting any of very small size. Many kin would escape common observation, and still mc would require the aid of a magnifying glass to) distinguished. Generally the shells are whos but are much broken by digging, and the after of| rations. The white shells are rapidly reduce after being mixed with an acid soil—but son gray kinds, as scallop, and a variety of oyster, a’ so hard as to be very long before they ean act | manure. Some beds, and they ave generally ti! richest, have scarcely any whole shells, but a‘ formed principally of small broken fragmeni/ Of course the value of marl as a manure depeni| in some measure on what kinds of shells are mo numerous, and their state of division, as well : upon the total amount of the calcareous ear} contained. The last is however by far the mo‘ important criterion of its value. ‘Phe most ea perienced eye may be much deceived in tl! strength of marl, and still more gross and dange' ous errors would be made by an inexperience marler. The strength of a body of marl ofte! changes materially in sinking a foot in depth—a’ though the same changes may be expected to o// cur very regularly, in every pit sunk through tl! same bed. Whoever uses marl, ought to kno how to analyze it, which a little care will enab) any one to do with sufficient accuracy. TE! methods described in Chap. V. for ascertain! ine the proportions of calcareous earth in soili’ will of course serve for the same purpose wit! marl. But as more minute directions may be ne’ cessary for many persons who will use this me! nure, and who ought to be able to judge of its ve! lue, an additional article on this subject will b given in the Appendix. [See P.] For want of’ attention to this only safe guidd) eross errors are often committed, and losses con! tinually sustained. By relying on the eye only, | have known marl, or rather a calcareous sand, re’ jected as worthless, and thrown off at considerabl) cost of labor, to uncover worse mar! below, wher! whole shells were visible: and on the contrar) earth has been taken for marl, and used as such! which had no calcareous ingredient whatever’ The best marls for profitable use are generally suel) as show the fewest whole shells, or even larg i | I } PANEL LI—PRAC LICH, agments—and would -be passed by unnoticed if some cases, or considered only as barren sand, i equally worthless clay. But even if such mis- ikes as these are avoided, every farmer using arl, without analyzing specimens frequently (pd accurately, will lose by applying it in quanti- es either too great or too small. (a If marl reaches the surface any where, it may be Bost easily found by examining the beds of streams gassing through the lowest land, or deepest ra- james. A few of the smallest particles of shells gund there, will prove that the stream passes ; ough marl somewhere above; and a careful ex- Hmination continued towards the source, will @arcely fail to discover where the bed lies. Its sual direction is horizontal, or very little in- lone the sides of a narrow valley, it may gene- lly be found by digsing on the opposite side, or msewhere not very distant at the same elevation qn the hill-side: and it is always nearer the surface n swells, or convex parts of the hill-side, than j7here it retreats and forms hollows. In the more Wivel parts of the country, the marl sometimes is wery near the surface of the lowest land, and yet } not visible any where. In such situations par- ycularly, a cheap and convenient auger may be sed with much advantage in searching for marl: yodit is also useful to try the depth or quality of bed, even when its surface has been found. his tool may be made by welding a straight stem, #alf an inch square and six or seven feet long, to common screw auger of about one inch and a walf bore. If it has been so much worn as to be iseless as acarpenter’s tool, it will serve for boring jaearth. A cross-piece for a handle should be jexed to slide over the stem, and be fastened by a imallscrew at different elevations, as most con- fenient. Other pieces may be added to the stem, jittached by joints, so as to bore twelve or more get deep. Dr. W. Cocke of Sussex, to whom I indebted for this simple but useful tool, was mabled by its use to find a very valuable bed of marl which was no where visible at the surface, nd which he has since been using to great ex- ent and advantage. By proper examinations marl may be found at r near the surface through avast extent of the ide-water region of the United States, where it las not yet been noticed. But still, under most ands it probably does not approach within twenty- jive or thirty feet of the surface, and if reached by ligging, weuld be covered by water, so as greatly 10 increase the difficulty of obtaining it from such lepths. Will these obstacles always debar from whe benefit of this treasure half the great region ander which it lies? I think not: and though it would be ridiculous now to propose such under- akings, it will at some future time be found profit- uble to descend still greater depths for good marl: and shafts will be sunk and the water and marl lrawn out by horse power, or by steam engines, ind the excavation carried on in the same manner 1S is done in coal mines. _ Our beds of marl are either of a blue, or a yel- owish color. The color of the first seems to have some connexion with the presence of water, as his kind is always kept wet, by water slowly ooz- ng through it. The yellow marl is sometimes wet, but more generally dry, and therefore easier to work.* Unless very poor, all marls are suffi- ciently firm and solid for the sides of the pit to stand, when dug perpendicularly. Where a bed of marl is dry and not covered by much earth, no directions are required for the pit work—except it be, that the pit should be lone enough to allow the carts to descend to the bottom (when finished) and to rise out on a slope sufli- ciently gradual. ‘This will prevent the necessity of twice handling the marl, by first throwing it out of the pit, and then into the carts, which must be done, if the pit is made too short, or its ends too steep, for the loads to be drawn out. No machine or coutrivance will raise marl from the bottom of a pit, or a valley, so well as a horse-cart—and no pains will be lost, in enlarging the pit, and gradu- ating the ascent out of it, to attain that object. As marl usually shows on a hill-side, but little earth has to be moved to uncover the first pit. But the next, and each successive cover of earth, will be more thick, until it may be necessary to aban- don that place and begin again elsewhere. But the quantity of covering earth need not be regarded as a serious obstacle, if it is not thicker than the marl below it. While that is the case, one pit completed will receive all the earth thrown from an equal space, for commencing another. When this proportion of earth is exceeded, it is necessary to carry it farther, by either carts or scrapers, and the labor is greatly increased. For any extensive operation, itis much cheaper to take off a cover of earth, twelve feet thick, to ob- tain marl of equal depth, than if both the covering earth and marl were only three feet each. Wheth- er the cover be thick or thin, two parts of the op- eration are equally troublesome, viz. to take off the mat of roots, and perhaps some large trees on the surface soil, and to clean off the surface of the marl, which is sometimes very irregular. The greater part of the thickest cover would be much easier to work. But the most important advan- tage in taking off earth of ten or more feet in thickness, is saving digging, by causing the earth to come down by its own weight. If time can be allowed to aid this operation, the driest earth will mostly fall, by being repeatedly undermined a little. But this is greatly facilitated by the oozing water, which generally fills the earth lying imme- diately on beds of wet marl. In uncovering a bed of this description, where the marl was to be dug fourteen feet, and ten to twelve feet of earth to re- move, my labor was made ten-fold heavier, by dig- ging altogether. The surface bore living trees, and was full of roots—there was enough stone to *The blue color of marl is not caused by merely the presence of water, or there would be no wet yel- low marl. When both blue and yellow marl are seen in the same bed, the blue is always at bottom—and the line of division between the colovs is well defined, and there is seen no gradual change of one to the other. I have lately observed (in 1834) that as intense and perfect a blue color as marl has ever been known to have, was given to what had been dry yellow marl, by its being used as a thick flooring for a stable yard, and kept covered with the rotting manure, and_ penetrated by its liquid oozings, which the marl was there placed ‘o save. It may be inferred from this fact, that blue marls have received their color from some vegetable extract or other putrescent matter, dissolved in the water passing through the bed. 69 70 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. keep the edges of the grubbing hoes battered— and small springs and oozing water came out every where, after digging afew feetdeep. A considerable part of the earth was a tough, sticky clay, kept wet throughout, and which it was equal- ly difficult to get on the shovels, and to get rid of. Some years aiter, another pit was uncovered on the same bed, and under like circumstances, except that the time was the last of summer, and there was less water oozing through the earth. This digging was begun at the lowest part of the earth, which was a layer of sand, kept quite wet by the water oozing through it. With gravel shovels, this was easily cut under from one to two feet along the whole length of the old pit—and as fast as was desirable, the upper earth, thus under- mined, fell into the old pit: and afterwards, when that did not take place of itself; the fallen earth was easily thrown there by shovels. As the earth fell separated into small but compact masses, it was not much aflected by the water, even when it remained through the night before being shoveled away. No digging was required, except this con- tinued shoveling out the lowest sand stratum, and whether clay, or stones, or roots, were mixed with the falling earih, they were easy to throw off. The numerous roots which were so troublesome in the former operation, were now an advantage, as they supported the earth sufficiently to let it fall only gradually and safely; and before the roots fell, they were almostclear of earth. The whole body o earth, notwithstanding allits difficulties, was moved off as easily as the driestcould have been by digging altogether, In working a pit of wet marl, no pains should be spared to drain it as effectually as possible. Very few beds are penetrated by veins of running water, which would deserve the name of springs —but water oozes very slowly through every part of wet marl, and bold springs often burst out im- mediately over its surface. Alter the form of the pit, and situation of the road are determined, a ditch to receive and draw off all the water, should be commenced down the valley, as low as the bottom of the pit is expected to be, and opened up to the work, deepening as it extends, so as to keep the bottom of the ditch on the same level with the bottom of the marl. It may be cheaper, and will serve as well, to deepen this ditch as the deepen- ing of the pit proceeds. After the marl is uncover- ed the full size intended for the pit, (which ought to be large enough for carts to turn about on,) a little drain of four or five inches wide, and as ma- ny deep, (or the size made by the grubbing hoe used to cut it,) should be carried all around to in- tercept the surface or spring water, and conduct it to the main drain. The marl will now be dry enouch for the caris to be brought on and loaded. But as the digging proceeds, oozing water will collect slowly; and aided by the wheels of loaded carts, the surface of the firmest marl would soon be rendered a puddle, and then quagmire. This may easily be prevented by the inclination of the surface. ‘The first course dug off, should be much the deepest next the surface drain, (leaving a mar- gin of a few inches of firm marl, as a bank to keep in the stream) so that the digging shall be the lowest around the outside, and gradually rise to the middle of the area. Whatever water may find its way within the work, whether from oozing, rain, or accidental burstings of the little surtace drain, will run to the outside, the dip of whie. should lead to the lower main drain. After thi form is given to the surface of the area, very littl] attention is required to preserve it; for if the suc cessive courses are dug of equal depth from side t! side, the previous dip will not be altered. 'Th) sides or walls of the pit should be cut somethin) without the perpendicular, so that the pit is mad) one or two feet wider at bottom than top. Th usual firm texture will prevent any danger fro1 this overhanging shape, and several advantage will be gained from it. It gives more space fi work—prevents the wheels running on the lowei| and wettest parts—allows more earth to be dis posed of, in opening for the next pit—and preven that earth tumbling into the next digging, whe; the separating wall of marl is cut away. Th upper drain of the pit, which takes the surface! water, will hang over the one below, kept for thi oozing water. The former remains unaltere} throughout the job, and may still convey the strean when six feet above the heads of the laborers j the pit. The lower drain of course sinks wit} the digging. Should the pit be dug deeper tha‘ the level of the receiving ditch can be sunk, a wai should be left between, and the remainder of th oozing water must be conducted to a little basi near the wall, and thence be baled or pumped inti the receiving ditch. The passage for the carts 1 ascend from the pit should be kept on a suitab), slope—and the marl! forming that slope may t cut out in small pits, after the balance has bee completed. If the marl is so situated that carts cannot tl driven as low as the bottom, then the area mui be cut out in small pits, beginning at the back pari and extending as they proceed, towards the roa: leading out of the pit. On hich and broken land, marl is general] found atthe bottom of’ ravines, and separated fron} the field where it is to be carried, by a high ani steep hillside. The difficulty of cutting roads i) such situations, is much less than any inexpe rienced person would suppose. We cannot ov rid of any of the actual elevation—but the ascerj may be made as gradual as is desired, by a propo! location of the road. The intended course mui be laid off by the eye, and the upper side of th! road marked. If it passes through woods, it wi) be necessary to use grubbing hoes for the digging: With these, begin at the distance of four or fiv) feet below the marked line, and dig horizontal], onward to it. That earth is to be pulled back wit) broad hoes, and laid over a width of three or fov, feet below the place from which it was take a ‘Thus the upper side of the road is formed by eu! ting down, and the lower side by fillmg up, wil! the earth taken from above. FAN LE—PeULIC,. 71 i), The annexed figure will prevent these directions jeing misunderstood. 'The straight line from a to which the whole figure is a section. ‘The upper nd of the dotted part of the line is in the mark pr laying off the upper side of the road. ‘The up- iper triangle is a section of the earth dug out of the will-side, and the lower triangle, of the part formed its removal. ‘The horizontal line is the level mf the road formed by cutting in on the upper, and mdling up on the lower side. Afier shaping the foad roughly, the deficiencies will be seen and may pe corrected in the finishing work, by deepening jome places and fille up others, so as to gradu- jite the whole properly. A width of eight or nine geet of firm road, will be sufficient for carting marl. | My Af the land through which the road is to be cut is wot very steep, and is iree from trees and roots, je operation may be made much cheaper by using whe plough. ‘The first furrow should be run along jphne line of the lower side of the intended road, and yjurned down hill: the plough then returns empty, ijO carry a second furrow by the first. In this qynanner it proceeds—cutting deeply, and throwing ithe slices far, (both of which are easily done on a aill-side,) until rather more than the required iwvidth is ploughed. The ploughman then begins again over his first furrow, and ploughs the whole ver as at first—and this course is repeated per- jaaps once or twice more, until enough earth is cut irom the upper and put on the lower side of the road. #Afier the iirst ploughing, broad hoes should aid and complete the work, by pulling down the earth irom the high to the low side, and particularly in ose places where the hill-side is steepest. Afier the proper shape is given, carts, at first empty, and then with lieht loads, should be driven over every part of the surface of the road, until it is firm. a heavy rain should fall before it has been thus jtrodden, the road would be rendered useless for a considerable time. ( ‘Tumbril carts drawn by a single horse or mule, fare most convenient for conveying marl short dis- tances. Kvery, part of the cart should be light, and the body should be so small as only to hold the load itis intended to carry, without a tail-board. l§) represents the original slope of the hill-side of if load, which advantage will be found on trial much more Important than would at first be supposed. if’ carts of common size are used, the careless la- borers will generally load too lightly—yet some- times will injure the horse by putting in a load much too heavy. The small-sized cart-bodies prevent both these faults. The load cannot be made much too heavy—and if too light, the far- mer can detect it at a glance. Where there isa hill to ascend, five heaped bushels of wet marl is asuflicient load for a horse. 1f the marl is dry, or the road level, six bushels may be put in the same carts, by using tail-boards. Strong laborers are required in the pit for dig- ging and loading: but boys who are too small for any other regular farm labor, are sufficient to drive the carts. Horses or mules kept at this work soon become so tractable, that very little strength or skill is required to drive them. All these hints and expedients, or perhaps bet- ter plans, would occur to most persons before they are long engaged in marling. Still these direc- tions may help to smooth the obstructions in the way of the inexperienced—and they will not be entirely useless, if’ they serve to prevent even small losses of time and labor. My task isat last completed. Whether I shalt be able to pursuade my countrymen to prize the treasures, and seize the profits which are within their reach, or whether my testimony and argu- ments shall be fruitless, soon or late, a time must arrive when my expectations will be realized. The use of calcareous manures is destined to change alarge portion of the soil of’ Lower Virginia from barrenness to fertility—which, added to the advan- tages we already possess—our navigable waters and convenient markets, the facility of tilling our lands, and the choice of crops offered by our eli- mate—will all concur to increase ten-fold the pre- sent value of our land, and produce more farming profit than has been found elsewhere on soils far more favored by nature. Population, wealth, and learning, will keep pace with the improvement of the soil—and we, or our children, will have reason to rejoice, not only as farmers, but as Virginians, This plan enables the drivers to measure every [and as patriots, APPE Part F&F. Most of the articles which will be given in this Appendix, are deemed important to the parts of the Essay to which they refer, as furnishing more full explanation, or proof, of positions there main- tained: but they are not absolutely essential to the text—and have therefore been thrown into this place and form, both for convenient reference, and to avoid interrupting the train of argument, or the connexion of facts, to those readers who may not need views so extended. But, though a regu- lar recurrence to these notes may not be ne- cessary as they are referred to in the foregoing text—and generally had better be postponed for an after and separate reading—still it is believed that most of them will be found either useful or in- teresting to those who may have read with appro- bation what precedes them. This form will be convenient both to those who may choose to pass over, as superfluous, any particular portions, and and to attract tothese notes the attention of other readers, who may want the more fullstatements and proofs offered. ® [NOTE A. Page 9.] THE DIFFERENT IMPROPER SIGNIFICATIONS OF THE TERM “CALCAREOUS EARTH.” The definition of caleareous earth, which con- fines that term to the carbonate of lime, is certainly liable to objections, but less so than any other mode of arrangement. It may at first seem ab- surd to consider as one of the three principal earths which compose soils, one only of the many combinations of lime, rather than either pure lime alone, or lime in all its combinations. One or the other of these significations is adopted by the highest authorities, when the calcareous ingre- dients of soils are described—and in either sense, the use of this term is more conformable with scientific arrangement, than mine. Yet much in- convenience is caused by thus applying the term calcareous earth. If applied to lime, it is to a sub- stance which is never found existing naturally, and which will always be considered by most persons as the product of the artificial process of calcina- tion, and as having no more part in the composi- tion of natural soils, than the manures obtained from oil-cake, or pounded bones. It is equally improper to include under the same general term all the combinations of lime with the fifty or sixty various acids. ‘Two of these, the sulphate, and the phosphate of lime, are known as valuable manures; but they exist naturally in soils in such minute quantities, and so rarely, as not to deserve to be considered as important ingredients. A sub- sequent part of this essay will show why the oxa- NEES. late of lime is also supposed to be higlily valuabl} |as a manure, and far more abundant. Man | 74° . lother salts of lime are known to chemists: bu ‘their several qualities, as aflecting soils, are entire ly unknown—and their quaritities are too small and their presence too rare, to require considera ‘uon. Hf all the numerous different combination of lime, haviag perhaps as many various and ur ‘known properties, had not been excluded by m definition of calcareous earth, continual exception would have been necessary, to avoid stating whe ‘was not meant. ‘The carbonate of lime, to whic [have confined that term, though only one ¢ ‘many existing combinations, yet in quantity anil in importance, as an ingredient of soils, as well ai a part of the known portion of the globe, very fui exceeds all the others. : But even if calcareous earth, as defined an limited, is admitted to be the substance which it i proper to consider as one of the three earths ¢| agriculture, still there are objections to its nanis! which I would gladly avoid. However strict] | defined, many readers will attach to terms gue: meanings as they had previously understood: an: the word calcareous has been so loosely, and ss differently applied in common language, and i/ agriculture, that much confusion may attend if! use. Any thing “partaking of thé nature of lime: is “calcareous,” according to Walker’s Dictionary) Lord Kames limits the term to pure Ame*—Davy, and Sinclair,f include under it pure lime sachet its combinations—and Kirwan,|| Rozier,‘ an Young,§ whose example I have followed, confin the name calcareous earth to the carbonate ¢ lime. Nor can any other term be substitute: without producing other difficulties. Carbonate ¢ lime would be precise, and it means exactly thi same chemical substance: but there are insupera’ ble objections to the frequent use of chemice/ names ina work addressed to ordinary readers, Chalk, or shells, or mild lime, (or what had bee: quicklime, but which from exposure to the air, ha) again become carbonated, ) all these are the sam)’ chemical substance—but none of these name would serve, because each would be supposed t7 mean such certain form or appearance of caleay reous earth, as they usually express. If 1 coul hope to revive an obsolete term, and with som) *Gentleman Farmer, page 264, (2d Edin. Ed.) tAgr. Chem. page 223, (Phil. Ed. of 1821.) 1818.) || Kirwan on Manures, Chap. 1. << Terres”—Cours Complet d’ Agriculture Pratique. | § Young’s Issay on Manures, Chap. 3. aodification establish its use for this purpose, I vould call this earth calz—and from it derive calx- ng, to signify the application of caleareous earth, n any form, as manure. present exceptions to their general rule of the Imost universal diffusion of calcareous earth in oil. But so far as I know, no such exceptions re named in the descriptions of soils in any gene- al treatise, and therefore have not the slightest fect in contradicting or modifying their testimony nthis subject. It is in the description of soils of ardcular farms, or districts, that some such state- gents are made: and even if no such examples fad been mentioned, they would not have been ieeded to prove the existence, in Europe, of some oils like most of ours, destitute of calcareous arth. ‘These facts do not oppose my argument. I lave not asserted, (nor believed, since I have en- leavored to investigate this subject,) that there Vere not soils, and perhaps many extensive dis- Mets, containing no calcareous earth.” My areu- hent merely maintains that these facts would not ie inferred, but the contrary, by any general and ursory reader of the agricultural treatises of Hu- ope, that we are best acquainted with. It has lot been my purpose to inquire as to the existence, tT extent, of soils of this kind in Europe. But udging from the indirect testimony furnished by iccounts of the mineral and vegetable produc- ions in general descriptions of diflerent countries, would suppose that soils having no calcareous ‘arth were lien found in Scotland and the north- ra part-of Germany, and that they were compar- “ively rare in fingland and France. The first two extracts merely state the geologi- ie belief that soils are very rarely destitute of PART IJTI—APPENDIX. velly loam, is a compound soil, consisting of sand or gravel, and clay, with a mixture of cal- careous matter, and in which sand or gravel is dposed by the actual constitution, and number of 793 [NOTE E. Page 18.] DIRECTIONS FOR ANALYZING MARL, AND OTEER CALCAREOUS SUBSTANCES. It is unnecessary here to describe Professor Davy’s apparatus for measuring the carbonic acid gas evolved from any given quantity of calcareous soil, (and of course of marl,) and thus ascertain- ing the proportion of the carbonate of lime con- tained. Without a plate, the description could not be made plain—and the expense of’ the appa- ratus would be a sufficient prohibition of the pur- chase to every reader who cannot, easily refer to the original description in the Elements of Agri- cultural Chemistry. Prof: W. B. Rogers, has recently invented, and has used successfully, a much cheaper apparatus, and which for trials of very small quantities of marl, is also much more correct. His description of’ this apparatus will be copied from the Farmers’ Re- gister, Vol. II. p. 364. “The apparatus which Iam about to describe, is intended to give greater accuracy and facility to the usual process for determining the quantity of carconic acid in marl, orin any of the carbonates. By the common method, the two vessels contain- ing severally the marl and the muriatic acid are placed in one of the scales of a delicate balance, and there counterpoised by weights put into the other scale. ‘The acid is then poured upon the marl, and afier all the carbonic acid has been dis- charged, the equilibrium is restored by adding weights fo one, or abstracting them from the other scale. In principle, this method is entirely free from objection: but as usually conducted, it cannot be relied upon as accurate. This want of preci- sion arises, in the first place, from the escape of aqneous vapor, along with the carbonic acid which is discharged, thus making a greater weight ne- cessary for restoring the equilibrium, than is due to the quantity of carbonic acid which has escaped —and secondly, from the greater weieht of the vessels containing the marl and acid impairing the sensibility of the balance, and thus rendering it impossible -to estimate the carbonic acid to small fractions of a grain. ‘The first of these objections has long been obviated in. the chemical analysis of the carbonates, by causing the gas, asit escapes, to pass through a tube containing dried muriate of lime; and the latter has been in some measure re- moved, by a contrivance of the great »practical chemist Rose; which, however, as it is inconve- nient and uncertain in the manipulation, [ shail not here describe. “The apparatus which I have devised, is, Ithink, free from these objections, and enables the opera- tor to proceed with great accuracy and despatch. It has the advantage of being very easily con- structed, and of being used with a balance that can be procured at a very moderate price. More- over, the quantity of marl which is necessary for experiment in no case exceeding ten grains, spe- cimens for analysis may very easily be forwarded by leiter. “Phe balance which I use with this apparatus, is asmall goldsmith’s balance—such as may be procured for a few dollars in New York. Itis very light, and turns, when unloaded, with the ;4,th of 106 fa grain. My set of weights obtained from Mil- 76 lington in Philadelphia, extends to tenths and hun- dredths of the grain. “The accompanying figure will convey a distinct idea of the apparatus and mode of using it. “One of the scales is removed to admit of suspending the apparatus by a double thread over the hook of the beam. The other is made of something light, asa piece of card. In this way all unnecessary weight upon. the beam is avoided, and its sensi- bility preserved. ist —=—s “A, isalight bulb of glass, blown very thin from acommon piece of tube, and about one inch in diameter. A corkis fitted toits mouth, and threuch | this, the tapered ends of the bent glass tubes, B | and C, are passed air tieht; the extremity of the | latter extending some distance into the vessel. The tube B, through which the gas escapes, is filled with fragments of muriate of lime. The tube C, | which contains the muriatic acid, is furnished with | a light piston of cork or cotton, in the centre of which is fixed a rod or handle, made of a small stiff straw. This instrument, when charged with | marl and acid, does not weigh more than 120 grains. The whole load of the beam is therefore | 240 grains, and it is still sensible to the 2, th of a grain. “The mode of procecding with the analysis is as follows. Five or ten grains of the finely powdered marl is introduced into the vessel A, and then two or three drops of water added, to ass'st the diffu- sion of the acid. The small end of the tube C, new removed from the cork, is dipped into some muriatic acid in a wine glass, and the piston moved backwards and forwards until the necessary quantity of acid has been drawn in. The tube is then replaced in the cork, and in this state the in- sirument is counterpoised by weights in the oppo- sitescale. The piston being then gradually forced in, the acid is injected, drop by drop, upon the marl, and the gas escapes by the tube B, depositing the aqueous vapor in its passage, on the muriate of lime. Allowing the apparatus to rest until the gas has entirely escaped, and the decomposition is complete, the equilibrium is restored by placing weights upon the clear top olf'the cork, or by re- moving weights from the scale. In this way the weight of the disengaged gas is accurately deter- mined, and the proportion of carbonate of lime thence computed. “An analysisof aspecimenof mar! from James City, just completed, will serve as an illustration of the method. ‘Ten grains of’ the finely powdered marl was introduced with a little water into the vessel A, the instrument was then charged and equipoised. The acid being injected, the whole was allowed to rest for an hour. ‘The weight lost was 2.91 grains. Increasing this in the ratio rk, ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. ; chemical terms and -processes. of 44 to 100, gives 6.61 grains of carbonate of lime in the 10 grains of marl—or almost precisely per cent. i “The frequent calls upon me for the analysis 6) specimens of marl, first led me to the construe tion of this apparatus; and I have since found so convenient and accurate, that [can recomme its adoption to such of your readers as may h a taste for chemical inquiries connected with ag! riculture. Any ordinary workeg in glass will cof struct the instrument, and skill in manipulatin with it may be soon and easily acquired. 4 WM. B. ROGERS.” | The principle upon which the apparatus work is the same as that of the more expensive any complicated apparatus of Davy, (described in ht Agricultural Chemistry) which I had previousk considered the best—that is by separating alll ascertaining the weicht of the carbonic acid com} bined wiih the lime of the manure, Every hur! dred grains of calcareous earth or carbonate (} lime, is composed always of similar proportions ( lime and of carbonic acid—which proportions, weight, are 56 parts of lime, and 44 of carbon} acid. Of course, if we know how much weig is lostin 100 grains of earth partly of carbonate t} lime, (as marl,) by driving off its carbonic acit the rule of proportion will show what was th] amount of carbonate of lime contained in the san ple of earth. { When the muriatic acid reaches the earth 1} tie bulb, it immediately combines with the lime bj its greater attraction, and the weaker (carboni¢) acid is disengaged in the form of was, and escape} into the air through the tube containing the dil muriate of lime—which substance attracts mot} ture so powerfully, as to retain all that mig otherwise pass out with the gas. ‘The same mt riate of lime will serve for many experiments, é} by being heated in the tube, its dryness is restore} previous to every trial, This salt is formed by tk} combination of muriatic acid with lime—and thera} fore every experimenter may provide it for himse}} by filtering and evaporating the fluid left in thl process of decomposing carbonate of lime. | Mr. Rogers has since informed me that a smé portion of dry and lightly carded cotton wiil serv} as well as the muriate of lime for arresting th) moisture. The mode of analyzing by solution and precij} itation, though not to be trusted for operation where great exactness is required, and althoug! much more troublesome than the using of eithi Davy’s or Rogers’ apparatus, is sufficiently co rect for testing the strength of marl: and it hig} the advantage of requiring no apparatus, exce ff a glass funnel, some blotting paper, and a set small physic scales and weights—and no oth) tests than muriatic acid and carbonate of potash all of which may be cbtained at any apothecary) shop. The directions which follow, will be give with so much minuteness, that any attentive reai er may both understand and follow them in pra tice, though totally unacquainted previously wi These direction§ also first appeared in the Farmers’ Register, Vi [. p. 609. ; j “Ist. Take alamp of marl, fossil shells, & large enouch to furnish a fair sample of the pai ticular body under consideration—dry it perfectli} near the fire—pound the whole to a coarse poy) der (in a metal mortar,) and mix the whole t | PART III—APPENDIX. 77 ther. Take from the mixture a small sample, hich reduce to a finely divided state, and weigh it acertain portion, say 50 grains, for trial. 2nd. Tothis known quantity ina glass, pour »wly and at different times, muriatic acid diluted th three or four times its bulk of water—(any ccept limestone, or hard water.) The acid ill dissolve all the lime in the calcareous earth, 1d let loose the carbonic acid with which it was eviously combined, in the form of gas, or air, hich causes the effervescence, which so plainly arks the progress of such solution. The addi- on of the muriatic acid, must be continued as ng as it produces effervescence; and but very tle, after that effect has ceased. The mixture ould be well and often stirred, and should have nough excess of acid to be sour after standing irty or forty minutes. (So much of the acid as e lime combines with, loses its sour taste, as rell as its other peculiar qualities.) § 3rd. The mixture now consists of 1. the lime ombined chemically with muriatic acid, forming uriate of lime, which is a salt, and which is dis- cid, mixed with the fluid—and 3. the sand, clay aarl. ‘To separate the solid from the fluid and ‘uble parts, is the next step required. Take a piece of filtering or blotting paper, Gout six or eight inches square, (some spongy nd unsized newspapers serve well,) fold it so as fit within a glass funnel, which will act better “its inner surface is fluted. Pour water first into he filter, so as to see whether it is free from any ole, or defect—if the filtering paper operates well, hrow out the water, and pour into it the whole nixture. ‘The fluid will slowly pass throuch into igiass under the funnel, leaving on the filter all he solid parts, on which, water must be poured mnce or twice, so as to wash out, and convey to he solution, every remaining particle of the dis- solved lime. | 4th. The solid matter left, after being thus washed, must be taken out of the funnel on the aper, and carefully and thoroughly dried—then scraped off the paper and weighed. The weight, say 27 grains, being deducted from the original quantity, 50, would make the part dissolved (50— 27—23,) 54°, of the whole. And such may be taken as very nearly the proportion of calcareous earth (or carbonate of lime) in the compound ex- amined. But as there will necessarily be some loss in the process, and every grain taken from the solid parts, appears in the result as a grain added to the carbonate of lime, it will be right in such partial trials to allow about two per cent. for loss, which allowance will reduce the foregoing state- ment to ;4,4, of carbonate of lime. 5th. But itis not necessary to rely altogether on the estimate obtained by subtraction, as it may be proved by comparison with the next step of the process. [Into the solution (and the washings) which passed through the filter, pour gradually a solution of carbonate of potash, (salts of tartar.) The first effect of the alkaline substance thus add- ed, will be to take up any excess of muriatic acid in the fluid—and next, to precipitate the lime (now converted again to carbonate of lime,) in a thick curd-like form. When the precipitation is ended, and the fluid retains a strong taste of the carbonate of potash, (showing it to remain in ex- Ived in the water—2. a small excess of muriatic | nd any other insoluble parts of the sample of cess,) the whole must be poured on another filter- ine paper, and (as before, ) the solid matter repeat- edly washed by pouring on water, then dried, scraped off, and weighed. ‘This will be the actual proporuon of the calcareous part of the sample, except, perhaps a loss of one or two grains in the hundred. ‘The loss, therefore, in this part of the process apparently lessens, as the loss in the earlier part increases the statement of the strength of the manure. ‘Fhe whole may be supposed to stand thus— 27 grains of sand and clay. 21 of carbonate of lime. 2 of loss. If the loss be divided between the carbonate of lime and the other worthless parts of the manure, it will make the proportions 28 and 22, which will be probably near the actual proportions. The foregoing method is not the most exact, but is sufficiently so, for practical use. All the errors to which it is liable, will not much affect the reported result—unless magnesia is present, and that is not often in manures of this nature. Magnesia is never found (1 believe.) in the col- lections of fossil shells—nor have F known of its presence in any of the earthy manures, except limestone, and the magnesian mat! lately diseover- edin Hanover. If any considerable proportion of carbonate of magnesia should be present in marl tried by the foregoing method, it may be suspect- ed by the eflervescence being very slow, compared to that of carbonate of Jime alone: and the pro- portions of these two earths may be ascertained as follows. ‘The magnesia as well as the lime would be dissolved by the muriatic acid, (applied as above directed, ) but the magnesia would not be precipitated with the carbonate of lime, but would remain dissolved in the alkaline solution, last separated by filtering. If this liquor is peured intoa Florence flask, and boiled for a quarter ofan hour, the carbonate of magnesia will fali to the bottom, and may then be separated by filtering and washing, and its quantity ascertained, by be- ing dried and weighed, This part of the process may be easily added to the foregoing—but it will very rarely be required.” ? If desired; the proportions of silicious and alu- minous earth may be ascertained, with enough truth for practical use, by stirring well these parts (minutely divided,) ina glass of water, and after letting it stand a minute, for the sand to subside, pouring off the fluid into another glass. The sand will be left, and the alaminous earth, or pure elay, pass off with the water—and each may be collectedand dried onfiltering paper, and weighed. =—=5) 05 [NOTE F. Page 27.] PROOFS OF THE EXISTENCE OF ACID SOILS, FURNISHED BY THE RECENT RESEARCHES OF CHEMISTS. The 7'raité de Chimie isa French translation by Esslinger, of the voluminous and_ valuable work of the great Swedish chemist Berzelius. The original work and the French translation were in the course of publication at the same time; and the first volumes of the latter were published at Paris, before the latter volumes of the original 78 ON CALCAREOUS. MANURES. work had been sent to the press at Stockholm. The sixth volume of the French translation, from which the following extract is translated into Eng- lish, was printedin 1832. It is not known wheth- er the original work is in this country. The following passages contain the opinions of | Berzelius, and of other chemists, on humin, and humie acids, or as called here, geine and geic acid, and which were rejerred to in the quotation from Rennie, at page 28. It will be left to the reader to decide, how far my views of acid soils are sup- ported by these opinions of chemists, founded upon chemical analyses of the substances in question. It is proper to state, that this new doctrine of geic or humic acid has not passed uncontroverted. It is altogether denied by Raspail, a French chemist, and who is a later writer than Berzelius. Extracts translated from the Trae de Chimie. PRODUCTS OF PUTREFACTION FACE OF Mould [terreau.] AT THE SUR-| THE EARTH. The veectable matters which rot at the surface of the earih, finish by leaving a blackish brown | pulverulent mass, which has received the name of mould, [humus.] All the vegetation of a year, which dies at the arrival of winter, is converted by de- grees to mould, which is mixed-with the earth in which the plant grew: whence it comes that the extreme surface of the earth contains a greater or less proportion of mouid, which serves fur the nu- triment of the succeeding growth of plants. This mould, such as itis found in the earth, is often mingled wiih the products ofa less advanced putre- faction, or even with vegetable paris not changed, principally, a great quantity of small roots. It) we examine the mould, such as it is found in cul- | tivated soils, it is found to be in a mass very much mixed; but it is always possible to extract the parts which characterize mould. Daring the transformation of the vegetable matters to mould, the first portion of their mass is changed into a brownish black substance, which presents all the characters of apotheme,* when we have separated from it the unaltered extract, which the apotheme draws with it. The salts of such | acids as are of oreanic origin, contained in the ve- getable matter, are destroyed, so that the elements of the acid are resolved into water and carbonic acid, whilst the base is combined with the sub- stance analogous to apotheme, which makes part of the mould. The salts of acids of mineral ori- gin are preserved, unless they are soluble, in which case the raincarries them off. In addition, mould contains a substance but slightly soluble in water, | vhich colors the liquid yellow, and acarbonaceous | substance which is entirely insoluble, and which | appears to be one of the products of a destraction, | sfill more advanced, of organic matters. To give an example of a completed formation of a mould of vegetable origin, I shall here state the results of an analysis to which Bracannot sub- mitted some wheat, which had remained during | * What Berzelius calls apotheme, is ‘a deposite slightly soluble in water, produced in an aqueous solu- tion of vegetable extract during slow evaporation, and | form, and the briehtness of their outside skin; /potash lie took up any thing. [similar to apotheme. | names. | soluble in water, and I will give the name of geine*} containing a larger proportion of carbon, than does an egual weight of extract.” ! many centuries ina damp vault, the issues ff which were stopped up by earth, and of whi the existence was forgotten, until by chance it 1 again discovered. The grains had preserved t they were black, and were reduced by the slightest! pressure to a black powder. The water with}! which they were boiled was colored yellow, anda}! lefi, after being evaporated, a saline mass of 7? brownish yellow, which burnt with slight explo sion when heated, and which, besides the sub stance cited, soluble in water, contained nitrate 0 | potash, nitrate of lime, and a Jittle of the muriate of potash and of lime. The nitrates were th result of the oxydation of the nitrogen containee? in the gluten and vegetable albumen, and of thi? combination of the nitric acid thus produced, with the bases previously combined with vegetabk acids. The weight of this mass soluble in water} including the salts and all the other principles, di not exceed 14 per cent. of the weight of the blac ii grain. When the part insoluble in water waif boiled in alcohol, a small trace of a brown subi stance was taken up, which remained after evapo rating the alcohol, and hadthe consistence of wax The mass, exhausted of its soluble paris by boil} ing water and alcohol, was then heated slowly! vith a weak solution of caustic potash, which bed came saturated and colored of a blackish brown and this treatment was continued as long as new) This substance! was precipitated from the solution by an acid: 1 was the body similar to apotheme which has al! ready been mentioned, and of which the weigh amounted to 263 per cent. ‘The portion of matter insoluble in the alkali preserved the same appear ance. ‘This exposed to the action of diluted mu riatic aeid, yielded to it a certain quantity of limes of oxide of iron, and of phosphate of lime. ‘Tha residue was again acted on by potash, which tooh up anew and very large proportion of the bods This was, ailer that, combinec} with lime, and resisted in that state the action of potash. This calcareous combination amountee to 42 hundredths. The 30: per cent. remaining consisted of a black carbonaceous matter, insoluble} in the solvent used. If cultivated soil is treated in the same manner similar results will be cbtained, with this difference that the earthy matter of the soil is found mixed] with the products which are obtained, whilst nej soluble salts are met with, they being generally) earried off by the rains. To describe the constituent principles of mould! it is necessary to designate them by pariiculan I will then call extract ef mould the body! io the matter similar to apotheme, which consti-i tutes the principal mass of mould. As to the coally substance insoluble in water, alcohol, acids and alkalis, 1 will designate it by the name ol carbonaceous mould. Extract of mould. We obtain. this substance by drawing it from the mould by the action of cold water, which be-| comes thereby colored yellow, and which leaves’ afier evaporation, a yellow extract of a bitter taste; and from which some geine is separated when it i *Or humin, as termed by other authors. - PART IIJ—APPENDIX. ae a again acted on by water. If this solution is to evaporate spontaneously, in contact with it becomes covered with an insoluble pellicle, l when a certain degree of concentration has n reached, the liquor becomes turbid. ‘The ution is precipitated by the salts of tin and of 4: after the precipitation, the liquor is without or. According to Korte, the sulphuretted hy- gen gas precipitates it also. This extractive iter is contained in the water of many springs streams. The water of the springs of Poria Westrogotha, contains so great a quantity that colored yellow. When the iron contained in s water-is oxydized {rom the air, the extract of uld is precipitated with the oxide of iron, and | water becomes clear. Geine. his substance has received diflerent names. acannot has given to it the name of win, tor sons which I have exhibited and opposed in a mer part of this work. Dobereiner and Spren- gave toit the name of acid of humus, because sombines with the earths and alkalis. But for )same reason we might give the name of acid more than the halt of all vegetable bodies. yeine does not exist in vegetable earth only; it contains it also, and’ according to Bracannot, 3 formed when the saw-dust of wood is exposed the action of caustic potash. It is almost im- ssible to obtain geine in a state of purity. One tof the geine which is met with in a natural te, is in combination with bases; but when we pmpt to remove these by an acid, the geine abines in part with the excess of acid, and ac- res itself (in part) the property of reddening retable blues. Geine possesses all the proper- s of apotheme, and it is produced like other »themes; that is to say, by the action of the air dissolved extract of mould. In its natural state joes not act chemically, either like the acids or alkalis, nor does it have any effect on the color vegetable blues. It is but sliehtly soluble in ter, which it colors of a pale yellow; is still less ble in alcohol, and insoluble in ether. Hx- sed to the action of heat it takes fire, burns at t with flame, then without flame like spunk, eading a peculiar odor, something like that of Pnine peat. Submitted to dry distillation, it is Homposed, gives half its weight of a charcoal ing a metallic lustre, of empyreumatic oil, an jd water containing acetic acid and sometimes }monia, some carburetted hydrogen, and a little }bonic acid gas. UH geine is held suspended in ter, through which a current of chlorine is pas- }, this whitens it, and precipitates a white resin- e substance. T[odine is without action on it. five add an acid to an alkaline solution of geine, geine is precipitated. Ifthe whole of the Ine is not precipitated, that part which is pre- tated retains in combination a small portion of’ »base, and leaves, when it is burnt, a small intity of alkaline ashes. If; on the contrary, texcess of acid is poured into the alkaline solu- 1, the liquor is discolored, and the precipitated ine strongly reddens vegetable blues, a property hich cannot be removed by placing the geine on Iter, and pouring water upon it. So long as 4 liquor which passes through the filter contains 2 acid, it is not colored; then it begins to be yored, and finally it dissolves as much as two- | geine with a little nitrate of silver. thirds of its weight of the precipitated mass. These acid properties belong in part to the geine, which owes them to the action of the alkali, and which may, in this case, be called geic acid; they ought to be in part atiributed to a combination of the geine with the precipitated acid. According to Minhoff, it is the latter case which is really pre- sented, and the acid cannot be carried off, but with the aid of an alkali. Sprengel, on the other hand, pretends to have freed the geine, by prolonged washing, from the muriatic acid which had served to precipitate it: and to make certain the absence of the muriatic acid, he has mixed the washed After evapo- ration to dryness, and calcination, the residue, treated by nitric acid, was dissolved, without leav- ing any muriate of silver. But as muriate of silver, like the other salts of silver, is reduced to a metallic state by bodies containing carbon and hydrogen, and carbon itself eflects the same change when disengaged along with water, this result proves nothing. In general, in the descrip- tions of @eine, they have attributed the properties of that which has been changed by the action of an alkali, te the geine which has not been altered. The geine which reddens vegetable blues, is the same, whatever may have been the acid which served for its precipitation. Its saturated aqueous solution is of a yellowish brown, and the combi- nation is precipitated anew by acids, excepting the carbonic, and the sulphuretted hydrogen. Col- lected-upon a filter, it is presented under the form of a gelatinous mass, of a taste slightly acid, as- trmgent—and by drying, it contracts strongly, and forms clots of a deep brown, almost black, with a vitreous fracture, and which are not dissolved | again in water after being once compleiely dried. The aqueous solution of the acid geine, is precipi- tated by the salts of lead, of tin, and of iron; but is not disturbed by gelatine, albumen, starch, gum, tannin, or solution-of soap. According to Bracan- not, it is precipitated by a mixture of the solution of gelatine and. gallic acid. ‘Phe dried geine is idissolved with difficulty, and incompletely, in al- coho]. The solution reddens vegetable blues, whilst the part not dissolved is without this power, though it still preserves the property of combining with potash. Geine is destroyed by concentrated acids. The sulphuric acid dissolves it, taking at the same time a black color, carbonizing it, disen- | gaging sulphurous acid gas, and leaving for resi- due the ordinary produets which result from the action of this acid. By the addition of sur-oxide (or black oxide) of manganese, carbonic acid gas is disengaged. The nitric acid dissolves and de- composes geing, with a disengagement of nitric oxide gas, and carbonic acid gas. If the solution is evaporated to the consistence of sirop, and then mixed with water, there is precipitated a peculiar bitter substance in powder, and there are found in the solution, artificial tannin and oxalic acid. Geine forms soluble combinations with alkalis. When an excess of geine is used, the caustic al- kalis are so neutralized by this substance, that they lose their peculiar chemical action and properties. In this respect geine agrees with gluten, vegetable albumen, the brown of indigo, the sugar of liquor- ice, apotheme, and other bodiesnot acid. During the evaporation, the solution furnishes a_ black mass, which acquires lustre by complete drying, and splits, and is easily reduced toa powder. It 80 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. is re-dissolved in water, its taste is weak, bitter and disagreeable. Caustic ammonia gives a like mass, soluble in water, which gives up, during evaporation, the excess of alkali employed. Geine is not dissolved always in alkaline carbonates; when it is so dissolved, these carbonates are trans- formed, half into geates, half into. bi-carbonates. When the solution is boiled, the bi-carbonate is decomposed with diseneagement of carbonic acid gas, and in this manner the geine drives off all the carbonic acid. If a solution of geine in car- bonate of ammonia, is evaporated, a residue is obtained containing neutralized geate of ammonia. The solution of geine in caustic potash in excess, absorbs oxygen from the air, and at the end of some time, the alkati is in part carbonated. Geine forms with the alkaline earths pulverulent combinations but little soluble, which have an ex- ternal resemblance to geine. The best means for obtaining them, is to mix a solution of the geate of ammonia, with the solution of an earthy salt; the combination of the geine with the earth is pre- cipitated, and may be separated by filtration, from the supernatant fluid. Inthe humid state, these compounds are slightly soluble in water. Accord- ing to the experiments of Sprengel, one part of geate of barytes is dissolved in 5200 parts of water, one part of geate of lime is soluble in 2000 parts of | water, and one part of geate of magnesia, in 160 parts of water, cold. ‘These same compounds re- quire for their solution, rather smaller proportions | of boiling water. After having been completely dried. they will no more dissolve. In the air, the base is combined in part with carbonic acid, and the carbonate which results therefrom, remains in the state of mixture with a combination of geine, and of a base analogous to a super-salt. The alkaline carbonates decompose the earthy geates; they dissolve the geine, and leave the base in the state of carbonate. According to Sprengel, the geates of lime and magnesia are dissolved in the caustic fixed alkalis, and in the carbonate of am- monia. Other chemists have not arrived at the same result; and according to them, the geate of potash, acted on by the hydrate of lime, precipi- tates allthe geine. The geate of alumina is pre- cipitated when a solution of alum is mixed witha solution of geate of potash, or of ammonia. ‘This compound is dissolved in 4200 parts of cold water. In the moist staie it is dissolved easily, and in abun- dance, in the alkaline carbonates and hydrates, and even in ammonia. According to Sprengel, it resists the decomposing action of acids, so that it is difficult to extract from it geine exempt from alumine. A combination is obtained having an excess of alumine, by digesting a solution of the geate of ammonia with hydrate of alumina. * Carbonaceous mould. The substance to which this name has been given has been but litthke examined. It is inso- luble in alkaline liquors. Its color is a brown, almost black. Placed in contact with a body in combustion, it takes fire, and burns with- out flame like spunk. According to the experi- ments of Th. de Saussure, carbonaceous mould combines with the oxygen of the air, and forms carbonic acid gas, and when it is left a long time exposed to air and water, 1t becomes by slow de- grees soluble in alkalis. ‘The acids precipitate it from the alkaline solution, in the state of geine. | When cold, the sulphuric acid ha little effect on it. According to Bracannot, nitric acid converts it, at a gentle heat, to a br liquor, in which water produces a precipitate chocolate color, which possesses the propertie acid geine, and is dissolved without residue, in alkalis. 4 j It is the mixture of these several. substane with the upper layer of the surface of the ear which constitutes the vegetable earth, or soil, p) perly so called. Arable land is a bed of this s¢ placed upon a bed of earth which contains” mould. Its fertility depends upon the quantity, mould which it contains. Growing plants e¢ tinually diminish the quantity of geine contair in the soil; and. when the plants are carried | from the soil on which they grew, which happe almost always with cultivated land, it is fina exhausted to that degree as to produce nothiy It is on this account that it is necessary to man) land. The matters discharged and left by anima or the barn-yard manure which is used fort purpose, are by degrees converted into geine, é thus replace the matters dissipated by vegetatit Botanists who have directed their attention to || vetable physiology, have remarked that the pla vegetate well enough without geine, unul © time arrives for them to commence their sex) junctions. But as soon as these are ended, i the fruit begins to be developed, the plants abs: /a great quantity of the nutritive principles ¢ tained in the soil, and if these are not in the s, the flower falls without forming any fruit. T] experiments to which Th. de Saussure has s; initted soil, [terre vegetale] appear to demonstilf that the three constituent principles of mould, ni} |be converted the one to the. other, under alternately preponderating influence of air} water. Water converts to the eatract of mouif part of the insoluble gene contained in the soil, , this transformation extends more -and more, that finally the greater part of the geine becop soluble. In contact with the air, the dissol/f matter passes again to the state of geine. ‘Ff carbonaceous mould which changes a part of) air into carbonic acid, is itself changed by air’ geine, and into the extract of mould, and it is ul this transformation that appear to depend in} the advantages derived from the tillage of the» which is divided by the action of the plough, | exposed to the immediate influence of the air. ff this manner all the parts of the soil contribut/ nutrition; whilst it is probable that the solutio the extract of mould, that of the geate of lil and perhaps also that of the geate of aluminer immediately absorbed by the roots. — Durin; heavy rain, this solution penetrates the inte: and often to very deep beds of the steril earth; notwithstanding that, it is not lost to veget|# life: for the roots of trees seek it, and bring it 1} as matter suitable for their nourishment. Experience has- demonstrated that quickl# and the carbonate of lime, mingled with the? favor the vegetation produced thereon. Chem has not yet explained, in a satisfactory mar the power which lime thus exerts; however, known that when the soil contains this alk Soil [terre végétale.] earth, or, in its place, ashes only, the moul| PART IIT—APPENDIX. 8] uickly consumed, and vegetation becomes more ch in proportion. It has thence been concluded at lime acts, partly in exciting the plant to great- activity, and partly in rendering more soluble Me principles of the soil, which are absorbed by he roots when dissolved in the water which the arth has imbibed. Lime is not then a true [or ‘imentary] manure. It contributes only to pro- rote and hasten the absorption of the principles hich serve to nourish the plant; and that lime ay be serviceable, it is necessary to introduce to the soil, improved by lime, materials proper furnish new quantities of mould. ‘The lime, or ne alkali contained in ashes, acts also in hastening Bie change of organic matters to mould. It is known by experience, that gypsum also uoments the fertility of the earth, especially when ®euminous plants are cultivated. It is not proba- le that this neutral salt acts in the same manner BS lime, and we are ignorant of what is its mode e acting. B Soil [terre végétale] possesses the property of ing able to retain as much as three-fourths of §s weight of water without appearing moist, and e charcoal, it condenses atmospheric humidity. t owes this property to the geine which it con- Bins, which is one of the substances which, of all Bnown, absorbs moisture with most energy. Tould [terreaw] can absorb double its weight of vater, without appearing moist; and after being ried, it draws from the air, in less than twenty- our hours, a quantity of water, which may vary ecording to the humidity of the atmosphere, from 0 to 100 per cent. of its weight. This property epends upon its light and dust-like consistence; nd geine, of which the fracture becomes vitreous om its course of chemical treatment, is deprived this physical property, which is of the utmost mportance to vegetable life. For, in consequence this property, mould retains water in the earth nd obstructs its evaporation; and it is probably ais water which maintains the extremities of the dots in the state to perform their functions. It is usual to divide soil into fertile earth, and cid earth.* The first is very common—the se- ond presents itself but rarely. It produces no- ing, unless it be mosses: it is in marshy places hat it is ordinarily found. It is in general com- osed in the same manner as fertile earth; but vhilst in the latter the geine is united with lime, d perhaps with other bases besides, it is, in the icid earth, combined with acids, which, according 0 Hinhof, are the phosphoric and acetic acids. It s for this reason that it has the property of red- lening vegetable blues, and that it gives, by cal- imation, ashes which contain phosphoric acid. To dry distillation, it yields a great quantity of an *It is not a little strange to say it is ‘‘uswal [dans usage] to divide soils into fertile earth and acid earth,” vhen the acid nature of any, has been treated by Ber- elius as a new discovery, and of which the truth is lot admitted by all of those who had taken the sub- ect into consideration. If this division had indeed een usual, there would have been no want of numer- us authorities (whatever might be their value) for he acidity of soil. ll jacid liquid, containing the acetate of ammonia; and when it is distilled, after having mixed it with water, a liquid product is obtained which reddens vegetable blues, and likewise contains acetate of’ ammonia, In opposition to Kinhof, Sprengel af= firms that the acid geine is produced only for the want of bases, and that its acid action proceeds only from the geic acid which it contains, and not from the presence of a foreign acid. De Pontin has made the analysis of an arid* soil taken from the plain of Eckerud in the government of Elfs- burg in Sweden, and found that the geine had there combined with the malic, acetic, and phos- phoric acids. The dissolving of the soluble prin- ciples of the soil in boiling water, left to be de- posited, when the hydrate of lime was mixed therein, these acids as well as geine, so that there was found afterwards in the water only traces of the acetate and hydrate of lime. But when a current of carbonic acid gas was made to pass through this precipitate steeped in water, the geine remained, without dissolving, in combination with the carbonate of’ lime produced, while there was formed a solution slightly yellowish, which left, after evaporation, a residue of caleareous salts. This residue was treated by alcohol, which took up a ceriain quantity of acetate of lime, and left a salt of lime of a gummy appearance, which was soluble in water, and possessed the properties of the malate of lime. In burning the geate of lime, and taking up the residue by muriatic acid, there was obtained a solution which, when treated by ammonia, gave a small precipitate of phosphate of lime. The greater part of the acid geine was dissolved in the carbonate of ammonia. Hydrate of lime was poured into the solution, which pre- cipitated the geine without leaving in solution a salt of lime. But when after having washed the precipitate, it was calcined, and the residue treated with muriatic acid, there was obtained a solution, which, after the expulsion of the carbonic acid, gave with ammonia an abundant precipitate of the phosphate cf lime. 'These experiments con- firm those given by Kinhof. An arid* soil becomes fertile when there is mixed with it lime, orashes and earth, inasmuch as the soil consists principally of geine. The re- - port of Sprengel, according to which, it [this cha- racter of soil] is produced in consequence of the absence of the bases which are found in fertile earth, is certainly true; but it does not follow from that, that it owes its acidity solely to the acid na- ture of the geine. The ashes of arid* soil always contain a great quantity of silex. *'Phis is still more strange, that so abrupt a transla- tion should be made from acid, to avd soils—and in such manner as to induce the belief that the change was not owing to the author—but to an error of the press. But though this mistake would be as likely to occur in French as almost any other, (only one letter be- ing different in the words acide and aride—) still it is difficult to believe that this same error should have been made and left to stand three times in this and the next page, where “arid” soils are named, and are marked * as above. The French translation is said to contain numerous typographical errors. I leave others to decide whether these are among the number or not. 82 [NOTE G. Page 35.] THE STATEMENTS OF BRITISH AUTHORS ON MARL, GENERALLY INCORRECT AND CON- TRADICTORY. Custom compels me to apply improperly the name mari to our deposites of fossil shells. But as I have defined the manuring by this substance, which is called marling, to be simply making a soil calcareous, or more so than it was before, any term used for that operation would serve, if its meaning was always kept in view. Butthis term, unfortunately, i is of old and frequent use in Eng- lish books, with very different meanings. 'T he existence of these differences and errors , has been generally stated in the foregoing pages of this essay, and I shall here present the proofs. The following quotations will show that the term marl is frequently applied in Britain, to clays contain- ing no known or certain proportion of calcareous earth—that when calcareous earth is known to be contained, it is seldom relied on as the most valu- able part of the manure—and that in many cases the reader is left in doubt whether the manure has served to increase, or diminish, or has not altered materially, the amount of the former calcareous in- gredient of the soil. The passages quoted will exhibit so fully the striking contradictions and ignorance generally prevailing as to the nature and operation of marl, that it will scarcely be necessary for me to express dissent in every case, or to point out the errors or uncertainty of facts, or of reasoning, which will so abundantly appear. 1. Kirwan, on the authority of Arthur Young, and the Bath Memoirs, [1783] states that “in some parts of England, where husbandry is suc- cessfully practised, any loose clay is called marl: in others, marl 2s called chalk, and in others, clay is called loam.”—Kirwan on Manures, p. 4. 2. The learned and practical Miller thus de- fines and describes marl, in the abridement of the Gardener’s Dictionary, fifth London edition, at the article marl. «“Marl is a kind of clay which is become fatter and of a more enriching quality, by. a better fermentation, and by its having lain so deep in the earth as not to have spent or weakened its fertilizing quality by any product. Marls are of different qualities in different counties of England.—” He then names and describes ten varieties, most of them being very minutely and particularly characterized—and ‘in only two of the ten, is there any allusion to a calcareous ingredient, and in these, it is evidently not deemed to constitute their value as manures. These are “‘the cowshut marl” of Cheshire, which— “is of a brownish color, with blue veins in it, and lit- tle lumps of chalk or limestone’’—and “clay- marl; this resembles clay, and is pretty near akin to it, but is fatter, and sometimes mixed with chalk stones. “The properties of any sorts of marls, by which the oodness of them may be best known, are better Judged of by their purity and uncompoundedness, than theircolor: as if it will break in pieces like dice, or into thin flakes, or is smooth like lead ore, and is without a mixture of gravel or sand; if it will shake like slatestones, and shatter after wet, or will tumble ON CALCAREOUS ‘MANURES..— into dust, when it has been exposed to the sun; will not hang and stick together when it is thoroug dry, like tough clay; but is fat and tender, and y open the land it is laid on, and not bind; it may b, taken for granted that it will be beneficial to it.” 3. Johnson’s Dictionary (Octavo edition) de) fines marlin precisely the words of the first sen; tence of Miller, as quoted above. | 4. Walker’s Dictionary (Octavo edition) give) only the following definition—“marl—a kind ¢ clay much used for manure.” 5. d Practical Treatise on Husbandry, (2n% London edition 4to, 1762,) which professes to bj principally compiled from the writings of Duha, mel, Evelyn, Home, and Miller, supplies the fol lowing quotations. «But of all the manures for sandy soils, none is yl good as marl. There are many different kinds ani colors of it, severally distinguished by many writen’ but their virtue is the same; they may be all use! upon the same ground, without the smallest ditferenc) in their effect. The color is either red, brown, yet low, grey, or mixed. It it to be known by its put and uncompounded nature. ‘There are many markst distinguish it by; such as its breaking into little squau, bits; its falling easily into pieces, by the force of | blow, or upon ‘being exposed to the sun and the fras: its feeling fat and oily, and shining when ’tis dry. Bo the most unerring way to judge of marl, and know ) from any other substance, is to break a piece as bigé ‘ a nutmeg, and when it is quite dry, drop it into) glass of ‘clear w ater, where, if it be right, it will diti solve and crumble, as it were, to dust, ‘in a little tima shooting up sparkles to the surface of the water. p- 27. —Not the slightest hint is here of any calcareov ingredient being necessary, or even serving } any manner to distinguish marl. But afterward: in another part of this work, when shell marl! slightly noticed, it is said, | ‘this effervesces strongly with all ae which is pe‘ haps chiefly owing to the shells. There are very gow marls which show nothing of this effervescence: an therefore the author of the New System of Agricultw) judged right in making its solution in water the dil tinguishing mark.”’—p. 29. The last sentence declares, as clearly as ani words could do, that, in the opinion of the authi no calcareous ingredient is necessary, either constitute the character, or the value of marl. Ar though it may be gathered from other parts: this work, that what is called marl generally co! tains calcareous earth, yet no importance seen) attached to that quality; any more than to the pa| ticular color of the earth, or any other accident’ orimmaterial appearance of some of the varietiv described. The “shell marl” alluded to above, without e2) planation might be supposed to be similar to o» beds of fossil shells, which are called marl. TT} two manures are very diflerent in form, appea‘ ance, and value, though agreeing in both bein caleareous. The manure called shell marl by tl work last quoted from, is described there wil sufficient precision, and more fully in several pan of the Edinburgh Farmer’s Magazine,* and | the Memoirs of the Philadelphia Agricultural Ss ciety.— It is still more unlike marl properly | * See Farmers’ Register, Vol. I. p. 90. t Vol. 3. p. 206. alled, than any of the substances described under vat name, in the foregoing quotations. This vanure is almost a pure calcareous earth, being med of the remains of small fresh-water shells eposited on what were once the bottoms of lakes, ut which have since become covered with bog or at soil. If I may judge from our beds of mus- le shells, (to which this manure seems to bear ost resemblance, ) much putrescent animal mat- ris combined with, and serves to give additional alue to these bodies of shells. This kind of ma- ure is sold in Scotland by the bushel, at such | rices, as show that it is very highly prized. It | eems to be found but in few situations, and | hough called a kind of marl, is never meant vhen that term alone is used generally. The opinions expressed in the foregoing ex- racts, prove sufficiently that it was not the 1gno- ‘ant cultivators only, who either did not know of, pr attached no importance to the caleareous ingre- lient in marl: and it was impossible, that from ny number of such authors, an American reader sould learn that either the object, or the effect of arling, was to render a soil more caleareous—or {hat our bodies of fossil shells resembled marl in character, or in operation, as a manure. Of this, the following quotation will furnish striking proof —and the more so, as the author refers frequently o the works of Anderson, and of Young, who treated of marl and calcareous manures, in a more scientific mannerthan had been usual. This au- hor, Bordley, cannot be justly charged with inat- tention to the instruction to be gained from books: for his greatest fault, as an agriculturist, is his ondness for applying the practices of the most improved husbandry of England, to our lands and situations, however different and unsuitable— which he carries to an extent that is ridiculous as theory, and would be ruinous to the farmer who should so shape his general practice. 6. “I farmed in acountry [the Eastern Shore of Maryland] where habits are against a due attention to manures: but having read of the application of marl as a manure, I inquired where there was any in the ee ipsule of the Chesapeake, in vain. My own farm ada grayish clay, which to the eye was marl: but ‘because it did not effervesce with acids, it was given bup, when it ought to have been tried on the land, es- pecially as it rapidly crumbled and fell to mud, in wa- ter, with some appearance of effervescence.’’—Bord- ley’s Husbandry, 2nd ed. p. 55. | “That peninsula, through which Mr. Bordley in ‘vain inquired for marl, has immense quantities of ‘the fossil shells which we so improperly call by ‘that name. But as his search was directed to marl as described by English authors—and _ not to cal- careous earth simply—it is not to be wondered at ‘that he should neither find the former substance, nor attach enough importance to the latter, to in- duce the slightest remark on its probable use as manure. 7. ‘The Practical Treatise on Husbandry, among the directions for improving clay land, has what follows. “Sea sand and sea shells are used to great advantage as a manure, chiefly for cold strong [i. e. clay] land, andloam inclining to clay. They separate the parts; and the salts which are contained in them are a very great improvement to the land. Coral, and such kind of stony plants which grow on the rocks, are filled + with salts, which are very beneficial to land. But as PART ITI—APPENDIX. 83 these bodies are hard, the improvement is not the first or second year after they are laid on the ground, be- cause they require time to pulverize them, before their salts can mix with the earth to impregnate it. The consequence of this is, that their manure is last- ing. Sand, and the smaller kind of sea weeds, will enrich land for six or seven years: and shells, coral, and other hard bodies, will continue many years long- er. “Insome countries fossil shells have been used with success as manure; but they are not near so full of salts, as those shells which are taken from the sea shore; and therefore the latter are always to be prefer- red. Sea sand is much used as manure in Cornwall. The best is that which is intimately mixed with coral.”"—p. 21. Afier stating the manner in which this ‘excellent manure” is taken up from the bottom, in barges, its character is thus continued: “it [i. e. the sea sand mixed with coral, as it may hap- pen,] gives the heat of lime, and the fatness of oil, to the land itis laid upon. Being more solid than shells, it conveys a greater quantity of fermenting earth in equal space. Besides, it does not dissolve in the ground so soon as shells, but decaying more gradually, continues longer to impart its warmth to the juices of the earth.” Here are described manures which are known to be calcareous, which arestrongly recommended —but solely for their supposed mechanical effect in separating the parts of close clays, and on ac- count of the salts derived from sea water, which they contain. Indeed, no allusion is made to any supposed value, or even to the presence of calca- reous earth, which forms so large a proportion of these manures: and the fossil shells, Gn which that ingredient is more abundant, more finely re- duced, and consequently more fit for both imme- diate and durable effects,) are considered as less efficacious than solid sea shells—and inferior to seasand. All these substances, besides whatever service their salts may render, are precisely the same kind of caleareous manure, as our beds of fossil shells furnish in a different form. Yet nei- ther here nor elsewhere, does the author intimate that these manures and marl have similar powers for improving soils. a The foregoing quotations show what opinions have been expressed by English writers of repu- tation—and what opinion would be formed by a general reader of these and other agricultural works, of the nature of what is called marl, in England, as well as what is so named in this part of our country. I do not mean that other authors have not thought more correctly, and sometimes expressed themselves with precision on this sub- ject. Mineralogists define marl, to be a calcareous clay*—and in this correct sense, the term is used by Davy, and other chemical agriculturists. Such authors as Young, and Sinclair, also could not have been ignorant of the true composition of marl—yet even they have used so little precision or clearness, when speaking of the effects of marl- ing, that their statements, (however correct they may bein the sense they intended them, ) convey no exact information, and have not served to re- move the erroneous impressions made by the ereat body of their predecessors. Knowing as Young did [see first quotation] the confusion in * Cleaveland’s Mineralogy. aa = 5 i RI yy b> by CLO hos Ye wy I Sos which this subject was involved, it was the more incumbent on him to be guarded in his use of terms so generally misapplied. Yet considering his practical and scientific knowledge as an agricul- turist, his extensive personal observations, and the quantity of matter he has published on soils and calcareous manures, his omissions are more remarkable than those of any other writer. In such of his works as [ have met with, though full of strong recommendations of marling, in no case does he state the composition of the soil, (as respects its calcareous invredient,) or the propor- tion added by the operation—and generally no- tices neither, as if he viewed marling just as most others have done. These charges are supported by the following extracts and references. 8. Young’s Farmer's Calendar, 10th London edition, page 40.—On marling. ‘Through nearly four pages this practice is strongly recommended —but the manures spoken of, are regularly called “marl or clay,” and their application, ‘“‘marling or claying.” Mr. Rodwell’s account of his practice is insertedat length. On leased land he ‘“‘clayed or marled” eight hundred and twenty acres with one hundred and forty thousand loads, and ata cost of four thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight pounds—and the business is stated to have been attended with great profit. At last, the author lets us know that it is not the same substance that he has been ealling “marl or clay” —and that the mar! effervesces strongly with acids, and the clay slightly. But we are told nothing more precise as to the amount of calcareous ingredients, either in the manures, or the soil—and even if we were informed on those heads, (without which we can know little or nothing of what the operation really is,) we are left ignorant of how much was clayed, and how much marled. It is to be inferred, how- ever, that the clay was thought most serviceable, as Mr. Rodwell says— *clay ismuch to be preferred to marl on those sandy soils, some.of which are loose, poor, andeven a black sand.” 9.. Young’s Survey of Norfolk, (a large and closely printed octavo volume, ) has fourteen pages filled with a minute description of the soils of’ that county—but without any indication whatever of the proportion, presence, or absence, of calcareous earth in that extensive district of sandy soils, so celebrated for their improvement by marling—nor in any other part of the county. ‘The wastes are very extensive: one of them (page 385) eighteen miles across, quitefa desert of sand, ‘‘yet highly improveable,”’ Of this also, no information is given as to its calcareous constitution. 10. The section on marl (page 402, of the same work) gives concise statements of its appli- eation, with general notices of its effects, on near fifty different parishes, neighborhoods, or separate farms. Among all these, the only statements from which the calcareous nature of the manure may be gathered, are, (page 406) of a marl that “ferments strongly with acids’—another, (page 409,) that marling at a particular place destroys sorrel—and (page 410) that the marl is generally calcareous, and that that containing the most clay, and the least calccreous earth, is preferred by most persons, but not by all. Young’s General View of the Agriculture of Suffolk, (an octavo of 432 pages of close print,) | singular body of cockle and other shells, found in in the des¢ription of soils, affords no informa as ta any of them being calcareous, or otherwis yet the author mentions (page 3) having analyze some of the soils, and reports their aluminous and} silicious ingredients. Nor can more be learned, in this respect,in the lone account afterwards given of the ‘marl’ which has been very exten-jy sively applied also in the county of Suffolk. We may gather however from the following extracts,) ” of Suttolk, is generally that the “marl or clay calcareous, but that this quality is not considered the principal cause of’ its value—and further, thay) crag, a much richer calcareous manure, (which seems to be the same with ourrichest beds of fos« sil shells, or marl,) is held to.be injurious to the}, sandy soils, which are so generally inproved by§, what is there called marl. | 11. “Claying—a term in Suffolk, which includes marling; and indeed the earth carried under this term is very generally a clay marl; though a pure, or near- ly a pure clay,is preferred for very loose sands.”—-§ Young’s Suffolk, p. 186. 12. After speaking of the great value of this! manure on light lands, he adds— | ‘but when the clay is not of a good sort, thatis, wher there is really none, or scarcely any clay in it, but is an imperfect and even a hard chalk, there are great doubts how far it answers, and in some cases has beer}, spread to little profit.””—p. 187. 13. ‘‘Part of the under stratum of the county is : ereat masses in various parts of the country, from! Dunwich quite to the river Orwell, &c.”—‘‘I havejf seen pits of it to the depth of fifteen or twenty feetif from which great quantities had been taken for the) purpose of improving the heaths. It is both red ane white, and the shells so broken as to resemble sand On lands long in tillage, the use is discontinued, as it isi] found to make the sands blow more.” [That is, to belf moved by the winds.]—p. 5. ; 1 13. The Zssay on Manures by Arthur Young, fon, which the author was honored with the Bedfore medal, speaks distinctly enough of the value o marl being due to its calcareous ingredient, (as this author doubtless always knew, nv the looseness of most of his remarks on this head—} but at the same time he furnishes some of the; strongest examples of absurd inferences, or 0) gross ignorance of the mode in which calcareous; earth acts as an ingredient of soil, and the pro-| portion which soils ought to contain. ‘These are his statements, and his reasoning thereon: | “It is extremely difficult to discover, from the knows ledge at present possessed by the public, what ough} to be the quantity of calcareous earth in a soil. The’ best specimen analyzed by Giobert, had 6 per cent. by Bergman, 30 per cent.; by Dr. Fordyce, 2 per cent. | a rich soil, quoted by Mr. Davy, in his lecture at the Royal Institution, 11 per cent. This is an inquiryy concerning which I have made many experiments: and on soils of the most extraordinary fertility. Ir) one, the proportion was equal to 9 per cent.; in ano- ther, 20 percent.; another, 3 per cent.; and in a speci} : men of famous land, which I procured from Flanders) 17 per cent. But the circumstance which much per-) plexes the inquiry is, that many poor soils possess the! same or nearly the same proportions, as these most fer-/ tile ones. Toattain the truth in so important a point) induced me to repeat many trials, and to compare eve: ry circumstance; and Iam disposed to conclude, tha! the necessity of there being a large proportion of calcas reous earth in a soil, depends on the deficiency of organt — ie ne PART IJI—APPENDIX. 85 v " ». vegetable or animal] maticr; of that organic mat- which is [partly] convertible into hydrogen gas. If farmer finds, by experiment, that his soil has but a Jl quantity of organic matter, or knows by his prac- that it is poor, and not worth more than 10s., 15s. or -an acre, he may then conclude that there ought to be er cent. of calcareous earth in it; butif, on the con- yy, it abound with organic matter, and be worth in etice a much larger rent, in that case his marl cart / not be called for, though there be but five per cent. -ven less, of calcareous matter.””— Young’s Essay on ures—Sect. 2. 't is scarcely necessary to show, that the opin- of calcareous matter, being needed in larger ntities in proportion te the deficiency of pu- cent matter, is directly opposed to the reasoning this essay. If a poor soil were made to contain mty per cent.of calcareous matter, by applying e, chalk, or marl, the quantity and the expense uid be so enormous as not to be justified by any ‘sible return—and in truth, would lessen, rather ‘n increase, the product of a poor soil. The fact ned as strange, by Young, that some rich soils itain very small, and others very large propor- as of calcareous earth, is easily explained. Ifa ural soil contains any excess of calcareous earth, hn though but one per cent., it shows that there that much to spare after serving every purpose neutralizing acids and combining with putres- it matter. If there were twenty per cent. more balcareous matter, it would be useless, until met 1 an additional supply of putrescent matter. ming’s statement that some poor soils agree pre- ely with other rich soils, in their contents of cal- ‘eous earth, does not necessarily contradict my ‘trine that a proper proportion of calcareous ‘th will enable any soil to become rich, either in state of nature, or under mild cultivation— d for the following reasons: 4. Ist. The correctness of Young’s analyses may well doubted——and if he used the then usual cess for separating calcareous earth, he was figed to be incorrect, on account of its unavoida- h imperfection, as has been already explained at we 18. 2d. It cannot be known positively hat was the original, state of fertility of most {tivated soils in England, nor whether they were jected to exhausting or improving cultivation, f centuries before our information from history Igins. 3d. Lime has been there used for a long ie, and to great extent; and chalk and marl we applied as manures during the time of the yman conquest, as stated by Pliny, (say 1700 ars ago)—so that it cannot be always known nether a soil has received its calcareous ingredient m nature, or the industry of man. 4th. It is own that severe cropping after liming, and also tcessive doses of caleareous earth, have render- Jand almost barren: of which the following ex- iets offer sufficient proof:— jBefore 1778, [in East Lothian] the outfield did not seive any dung except what was left by the animals fazed upon it. In many cases, outfield land was ned; and often with singular advantage. The after ‘agement was uniformly bad; it being customary to ‘op the limed outfield with barley and oats successive- 1, so long as the crop was worth cutting. In this way jmerous fields suffered so severely as to be rendered inmost steril for half a century afterwards.” Farmer’s agazine, p. 53, Vol. 12. \ An overdose of shell marl, laid perhaps an inch ick, produces for a time large crops. But at last it re renders the soil a caput morluum, capable of neither corn nor grass; of which, there are too many exam- ples in Scotland, &c. Gentleman Farmer, p. 378. 15. Yet the last writer (Lord Kames) elsewhere states, (at page 379) that as mutch clay marl as contains 1500 bolls, (on 9900 bushels) of pure cal- careous earth to the acre, is not an overdose in Scotland. 16. “Marl. Of this substance, there are four sorts, rock—slate—clay—and shell marl. The three former are of so heavy a nature that they are seldom conveyed to any distance; though useful when found below a lighter soil. But shell marl is specifically lighter, and consists entirely of calcareous matter, (the broken and partially decayed shells of fish,) which may be applied as a top dressing to wheat and grass, when it would be less advantageous to use quicklime.” [This is the kind of manure referred to in extract 5, and there more particularly described.] ‘In Lancashire and Cheshire, clay, or red marl, is the great source of fertilizatio, &c.”,—“The quantity used is enormous; in many cases about three hundred middling cart loads per acre, and the fields are sometimes so thickly cover- ed as to have the appearance of a red soiled fallow, fresh ploughed.’’—WSinelair’s Code of Agriculture, American Ed. (Hertjord) p. 138. This account of the Lancashire improvements made by red clay marl, closes with the statement that ‘the effects are represented to be beneficial inthe highest degree” —which is fully as exact an account of profit, or increased production, as we can obtain of any other marling. Throughout, there is no hint as to the calcareous constituents of’ the soil, or the manure, or whether either rock, clay or slate marls generally, are valuable for that, or for other reasons; nor indeed could we guess that they contained any calcareous earth, but for their being classed, with many other substances, under the general head of calcareous manures. 17. “The means of ameliorating the texture of chalky soils, are either by the application of clayey and sandy loams, pure clay, or marl.”—*The chalk stratum sometimes lies upon a thick vein of black tenacious marl, of a rich quality, which cught to be dug up and mixed with the chalk.’’— Code of Agricul- ture, p. 19. 18. Dickson’s Farmer's Companion.—The au- thor recommends “argillaceous marl” for the im- provement of chalky soils: and for sandy soils, ‘where the calcareous principle is in sufficient abundance, argillaceows marl, and clayey loams,” are recommended as manures. 19. “Chalky loam. The best manure for this soil is clay, or argillaceous marl, if clay cannot be had; because this soil is defective principally in the argilla- ceous ingredient.”—Kirwan on Manures, p. 80. The evident intention and effect of the marling recommended in all the three last extracts, is to diminish the proportion of calcareous earth in the soil. 20. In a Traveller's Notes of an agricultural tour in England,in 1811, which is published in the third volume of the Edinburgh Farmer’s Magazine, the following passages relate to Mr. Coke’s estate, Holkham, and to Norfolk gene- rally. «Holkham.—The soil here is naturally very poor, being a mixture of sand, chalk, and flint stones, with apparently little mixture of argillaceous earth—the subsoil, chalk or limestone every where.” Page 486. 86 Se Se ee Le! ws cee ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. «As the soil of the territory [of Norfolk generally] through which I passed, seems to have a sufficient mix- ture of calcareous earth naturally, | learn they do not often lime their lands; but clay marl has been found to have the most beneficial consequences on most of the Norfolk soils.””—p. 487. 21. “In Norfolk, they seem to value clay more than marl, probably because their sandy soils already contain calcareous parts.” —Kirwan on Manures, p. 87. From this and the preceding quotation 1t would follow, that the great and celebrated improvements in Norfolk, made by marling, had actually ope- rated to lessen the calcareous proportion of the soil, instead of increasing it. Or, (as may be deduced from what will follow,) if so scientific and diligent an inquirer as Kirwan, was deceived on this very important point, it furnishes additional proof’ of the impossibility of drawing correct conclusions on this subject from European books—when it is left doubtful, whether the most extensiye, the most profitable, and the most celebrated improvements by “marling,” in Europe, have in fact served to make the soil more or less calcareous. Most of the extracts which I have presented, are from British agriculturists of high character and authority. If such writers as these, while giving long and (in some respects) minute state- ments of marl, and marling, omit to tell, or leave their readers to doubt, whether the manure or the soil is the most calcareous—or what proportions of calcareous earth, or whether any, is present in either—then have I fully established that the American reader who may attempt to draw in- struction from such sources, as to the operation, effects and profits of either marl or calcareous ma- nures, in general will be more apt to be deceived and misled, than enlightened. I have now to refer to an author, whose works, well known as they may be to others, had not come under my view until afier the publication of most of the foregoing extracts. Otherwise, Marshall would have been stated as an exception to the general silence of British authors as to the true and pre- cise nature of what they treated of as marl. But though he has not been, like others, so faulty as to leave in doubt what was the character and value of the marls, of which he spoke, and the nature of their operation on the soils to which they were applied—still no other writer furnishes stronger proof of the general ignorance and disregard of the nature of marls and calcareous manures, and of their mode of operation; and even the author himself is not free from the same charge, as will be shown. I shall quote more at length from Mar- shall, because he presents the strongest opposition to what I have stated as to the general purport of publications on marling: and also, because, whate- ver may be their character, there is much to in- terest the reader in his accounts of the opinions and practices of those who have used calcareous manures longest, and most extensively, although without knowing what they were doing. In his Rural Economy of Norfolk, the ‘“marls” and “clays” most used in the celebrated improve- ments of that county are minutely described, and the chemical composition stated—showing that both are highly calcareous. Of the “marls,”’ or chalks, most used for manure in Norfolk, he analy- zed three specimens, and one of clay, and found the proportions of pure calcareous matter as fol- lows: Chalk marl of Thorp-market, contained, Soft chalk of Thorp-next-Norwich, | Hard chalk of Swaffham, almost pure— . Clay marl of Hemsby, a 22. Of these he spoke previously and in gene) terms, thus: “The central and northern parts of the dist| | abound, universally, with a whitish-colored chalk me while the Flee Hundreds, and the eastern coast, i} equally fortunate in a gray-colored clay marl. I “The first. has, in all probability, been in use as} manure many centuries: there are oaks of considera, . size now going to decay in pits which have obviou\} been heretofore in use, and which, perhaps, still remy in use, as marlpits. | “The use of clay marl, as a manure, seems to b much later discovery; even yet, there are farmers w are blind to its good effect; because it is not marl, |} “clay;’’ by which name itis universally known. «The name, however, would be a thing of no impe) were it not indiscriminately applied to unctuous earthi§ general whether they contain, or not, any portion of ¢ careous matter. Nothing is ‘‘marl”’ which is not whi; for, notwithstanding the county has been so long ano largely indebted to its fertilizing quality, her husbadf men, even in this enlightened age, remain totally 7 norant of its distinguishing properties: through wh want of information much labor and expense is if quently thrown away. | «One man seeing the good effect of the Fleg chi for instance, concludes that all clays are fertile, || finding a bed of strong brick earth upon his farm, f} to work, at a great expense, to “‘claying:’”-—while » other observing this man’s miscarriage, concludes t all clays are unprofitable; and, in consequence, is ati expense, equally ill applied, of fetching ‘marl’ fron ereat distance; while he has, perhaps, in his own fai if judiciously sought after, an earth of a quality equi fertilizing with that he is throwing away his time his money in fetching. Marshall’s Norfolk Vol.) p. 16. Yet it is remarkable, that Marshal] should | have intimated whether the Norfolk scils w naturally calcareous, (as the two writers just j fore quoted declare,) or not—and therefore we } still left to guess whether these manures serve increase the calcareous quality of soils alre: possessing that quality in a high degree—or) give it to soils devoid of it before. ther passages will now be quoted from same, and from other similar works of Marsha: to show the prevailing ignorance of the ingredie\ and operation of the marls sometimes prizj and sometimes contemned, with as little reaso) the one case as the other, by farmers in vari parts of England, 23. «The principal part of his estate, however, | a much shallower soil, not deeper than the plough g§ and its present very amazing fertility he ascribes :@ great measure, to his having clayed it. Indeed to ] species of improvement the fertility of the Fleg El dred is allowed to be principally owing. “Mr. F. gave me an opportunity of examining’ clay pit, which is very commodious; the uncallo is trifling, and the depth of the bed or jam he has not bay able toascertain. Itis worked, at present, about) or twelve feet deep. “The color of the fossil, when moist, is dark brejft interspersed with specks of white; and dries color lighter than that of fuller’s earth; on being posed to the air, it breaks into small die-like pict” | “From Mr. F’s. account of the manner of its acij and more particularly from its appearance, I judg) a PART III—APPENDIX. | 87 »e a brown marl, rather than a clay; and, on trying in acid, it proves tobe strongly calcareous; effer- icing, and hissing, more violently than most of the site marls of this neighborhood: and what is still re interesting, the Hemsby clay is equally turbu- t in acid as the Norwich marl, which is brought by ter forty miles into this country, at the excessive bense of four shillings a load upon the staith; be- Bes the land carriage. [The strength of this Hems- clay is stated above. ] ‘Itis somewhat extraordinary that Mr. F., sensible 1 intelligent as he is, should be entirely unacquaint- @with this quality of his clay; a circumstance, how- ®r, the less to be wondered at, as the Norfolk farmers, general, are equally uninformed of the nature and Poperties of marl.” Marshall’s Norfolk, Vol. I, page 2. he following is a remarkable instance, ina par- Gular district, of a clay, very poor in calcareous utter, being considered and used as valuable ma- re, and avery rich marl equally accessible, being Yemed inferior. 24. ‘The marl is either an adulterate chalk, found ar the foot of the chalky steeps of the West Downs, §ing between the chalk rock and the Maam soil, par- fing of them both—in truth, a marl of the first qual- ij; or a sort of blue mud, or clay, dug out of the area of Hs district, particularly, I believe, on the south side the river. This is said to have been set on, with od effect; while the former is spoken of, as of less va- ; whereas, the white is more than three-fourths of it #lcareous; while the blue does not contain ten grains, §rcent., of calcareous matter.”? Marshall’s Southern yunties, Vol. p. 175. |The greater part of whatare called marls in the jllowing extract, and used as manure, contain so jtle calcareous earth, that whatever power they jay exert, must be owing to some other ingre- fent. Yet without Marshall’s analysis, they. would » considered to deserve the character of calca- re as much as any others before ued. ‘5. ‘The red earth which has been set upon the lands of is district, in great abundance, as ‘‘marl,””"—is much /it ina manner destitute of calcareous matter; and, peeourse, cannot, with propriety, be classed among jarls. )Neverthless, a red fossil is found, in some parts of poet which contains a proportion of calcareous atter. (“The marl of Croxall (in part, of a stonelike, or faty contexture, and of a light red color) is the ichest in calcareosity: one hundred grains of it afford tly grains of calcareous matter; and seventy grains [ fine, impalpable, red-bark-like powder.* | “And a marl of Elford (in color and contexture va- jous, but resembling those of the Croxall marl) affords jear twenty grains: , “Yet the marl of Barton, on the opposite side of the rent—though somewhat of a similar contexture, but / adarker more dusky color—is in a manner destitute f calcareosity! one hundred grains of it yielding little ore than one grain—not two grains of calcareous atter. Neverthless, the pit, from which 1 took the * This marl is singularly tenacious of its calcareous matter; ‘ssolving remarkably slowly. One hundred grains, roughly dunded, was twenty-four hours in dissolving; and another hun- ed, though pulverized to mere dust, continued to effervesce velve hours; notwithstanding it was first saturated with water, ad afterward shook repeatedly. The Breedon stone, roughly [i dissolved in half the time; notwithstanding its extreme ardness, 5 specimens analyzed, is an inmense excavation, out of which many thousand loads have been taken. “And the marls of this neighborhood (which mostly differ in appearance from those described, having gen- erally that of a blood-red clay, interlayered, and some- times intermingled, with a white gritty substance) are equally poor in caleareosity. One hundred grains of the marl of Statfold (which I believe may be taken as a fair specimen of the red clays of this quarter of the district) afford little more than two grams of calcareous matter.* Yet this is said to be ‘‘famous marl;”’ and, from the pits which now appear, has been laid on in great abundance. “IT do not mean to intimate, that these clays are alto- gether destitute of fertilizing properties, on their first application. It is not likely that the large pits which abound, in almost every part of the district, and which must havebeen form ed at a very great expense, should have been dug, without their contents being productive of some evidently, or at least apparently, good efiect, on the lands, on which they have been spread. I confess, however, that this is but conjecture; and it may be, that the good effect of the mars, first de- scribed being experienced, the fashion was set; and, the distinguishing quality being unknown, or not at- tended to, marls and clays were indiscriminately used.” Marshall’s Midland Counties, Vol. I. p. 152. 26. “On the southern banks of the Anker, is found a grey marl; resembling, in general appearance, the marl of Norfolk, or rather the fuller’s earth of Surray. In contexture, it is loose and friable. ‘This earth is singularly prodigal of its caleareosity. The acid being dropped on its surface, it flies into bubbles as the Norfolk marl. This circumstance, added to that of astriking improvement, which I was shown as being effected by this earth, led me to ima- gine, that it was of a quality similar to the marls of Norfolk. «But, from the results of two experiments—one of them made with granules formed by the weather, and collected on the site of improvement, the other with a specimen taken from the pit it appears that one hundred grains of this earth contain no more than six grains of calcareous matter! the residuum a cream colored saponaceous clay, with a small proportion of coarse sand.” Marshall’s Midland Counties, Vol. I. p. 155. The last extracts suggest a remark which ought to have been made earlier. When there is so much general ignorance prevailing among prac- tical farmers as to what they call marl, itcannot be expected that the most intelligent writers can be correct, when attempting to record their practices. When Arthur Young, for example, reports the effects of marl in fifty different localities, as known from the practice of perhaps more than several hundred individuals, it must be inferred that he uses the term generally, as they did from whom his information was gathered—and in very few cases, if at all, as learned by his own analyses. Therefore, it may well be doubted whether the uncertainty as to the character of marl does not extend very generally to even the most scientific writers on agriculture. As the foregoing exhibits the use of ‘‘marls” destitute of calcareous earth, so the following shows under the name of sea sand, a manure which is in its chemical qualities a rich marl (in oursense) or calcareous manure. 27. “Sea-sand. This has beena manure of the district beyond memory, or tradition. j ‘“‘There are two species still in use: the one bea‘ing the ordinary appearances of sea sand, as found at the * Lodged not in the substance of the elay; but in ifs natural cracks or fissures. 88 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. _ ove mouths of rivers; namely a compound of the common sand and mud: the other appears, to the eye, clean fragments of broken shells, without mixture; resemb- ling, in color and particles, clean-dressed bran of wheat. ‘« clayey; and therefore, judgement is more or less fecessary to adaptit tothe nature of the soil. Some ave recommended it chiefly for wet and cold soils, and any farmers have observed that it is most useful when lixed with rich manures. Neither of these observa- ons, however, seems to be correct; buta due care should e taken that this manure be adapted to the soil on thich it is laid.’ [NOTH G2. Page 36.] ‘HE EARLIEST KNOWN SUCCESSFUL APPLI- “CATIONS OF FOSSIL SHELLS AS MANURE. The two old experiments described at page 36, hough the only applications of fossil shells known 9 me, previous to the conmencement of my use ‘this manure, were not all which had been nade, and which being deemed failures, had been bandoned and forgotten. Another, within a few niles of my residence, was brought to light and lotice afterwards, by an old negro, who was per- aps the only person then living, who had any mowledge of the facts. Atter I had found enough juccess in using this manure to attract to it some ittention, Mr. Thomas Cocke of Aberdeen was me of those who began, but still with doubt and lesitation, to use marl to some considerable ex- ent. One of his early applications was to the yarden. The old gardener opposed this, and told as master that he knew ‘the stuff was good for tothing, because when he was a Boy, his old master (Mr. Cocke’s father) had used some at Bonaccord, and it had never done the least good.” Being asked whether he could show the spot where this trial had been made, he answered that le could easily, as he drove the cart which carried gut the marl. The place was immediately sought. if was on the most elevated part of a very poor jeld, which had been cleared and exhausted fully 1 century before. ibout half an acre) though still poor, was at least Wice as productive as the surrounding land, hough a slight manuring from the farm-yard had geen applied a few years before to the surround- ng land, and omitted on this spot, which was sup- yosed to have been, from its appearance, the site f some former dwelling house, of which every idence had disappeared except the permanent ae of the soil usual from that course. The marled space (a square of A close examination showed some fragments of the hardest shells, so as to prove that the old man had not mistaken the spot. This, like other early applications, had been made on a spot too poor for maul to show but very small early effects—and as only one kind of operation of any manure was then thought of, (that which dung produces, ) it is not strange that both the master and servant should have agreed in the opinion that the appli- cation was useless, and have remained under that opinion until almost all remembrance of the expe- riment had been lost. There were also successful and continued uses of this manure in James City County, if Virginia, made earlier than mine; and still earlier by the Rev. John Singleton, in Talbot County, Mary- land. It appears that the early (though chance directed) combination of putrescent manures with marl in both these places, served to prove the va- lue of the latter, and perhaps to prevent it being there also abandoned as worthless, as in other cases. But though the application was continued, and with great success and profit, the knowledge of these facts, and the example, extended very slowly: and the then want of communication among farmers, for years kept all ignorant of these practices, except in the immediate vicinity of the commencement of each. I have since en- deavored to ascertain the time of the first applica- tions in James City, and have been informed that it was in 1816. Mr. Singleton’s, in Maryland, were begun as early as 1805. His own account of his practice (which will be annexed entire, as an interesting statement of the earliest profitable use of this manure, ) was first published in 1818, in the 4th volume of the Memoirs of the Phila- delphia Agricultural Society, (page 238.) The date of his letter is Dec. 31, 1817. My first ex- periment was made the following month (Jan. 1818,) but more than a year before I met with Mr. Singleton’s publication, or had heard of any application of fossil shells, except the two failures mentioned in page 36. But however beneficial may have been found the operation of marl in Talbot and in James City, it is evident, from Mr. Singleton’s letter, and from all other sources of in- formation, that the mode of operation remained altogether unsuspected by those who used it: and this was perhaps the principal cause why the practice was so slow in spreading. It is now thir-_ ty years since the first proofs were exhibited on the land of Mr. Singleton: yet, according to the report of the geological survey of the lower part of Maryland, (submitted to the legislature of Mary- land at its recent session of 1834-5,) it appears, that though the value of marl is well understood, and much use of it made in Talbot county, and part of Queen Anne’s, it also appears that almost no use has been made of it on the other and much more extensive parts of the Eastern Shore of Ma- ryland—and none whatever west of the Chesa- peake in that state, where it is found in abun- dance. Such at least are the inferences from Mr. Ducatel’s report, though in part drawn from indi- rect testimony, more than direct and particular as- sertions. The slight, and almost contemptuous manner, in which marl is mentioned by so well informed an agriculturist as Taylor, as late as 1814, when his Arator was published, (and which remains un- altered in his 3d edition of 1817,) proves that al- 90 most nothing was then known of the value ofthis manure. All that seems to relate to our fossil shells is contained in the two following passages : «Without new accessions of vezetable matter, suc- cessive heavy dressings with lime, gypsum, and even marl, have been frequently found to terminate in im- poverishinent. Hence it is inferred, that minerals ope- rate as an excitement only to the manure furnished by the atmosphere. From this fact results the impossibility of renovating an exhausted soil, by resorting to fossils, which will expel the poor remnant of life; and indeed it w hardly probable that divine wisdom has lodged in the bowels of the earth, the manure necessary for its sur- Sauce.” —Arator p. 52, 2nd Ed. Baltimore. “Of lime and marl we have an abundance, but ex- perience does not entitle me to say any thing of either.”’—p. 89. From the Rev. John Singleton, tothe Hon. Wm. Tilghman. * * * * * “Your first question is, ‘whether what I use be marl,or soil mixed with shells?’ «Whether it be marl or not, I will not pretend to deter- mine, as I have seen nodescription of marl that answers exactly to it; but Mr. Tench Tilghman informed me, he had seen a description of marl used in Scotland, ex- actly similar to what I use on the farm on which I re- side, and which is the improved land you mention. I have not seen the account myself. However, this, and all mixtures of broken marine shells, of which there is a great variety, are now denominated marl, here. What I consider the best, and which I most use, is composed of small parts of marine shells, chiefly scallop shell, about one-eighth of an inch square, or somewhat | longer or smaller, with scarce any sand or soil with it: some of itseems to be petrified, and is dug up in lumps, like stone, from four or five, to forty or fifty pounds in weight, hard to break even with the edge of an axe, and will remain for years, tumbled about with the plough, before it is entirely broken to pieces, and mix- ed with the soil; indeed you may observe it in some parts of the bank, where the soil has been washed from it, appearing like rock stone; but if broken and pulver- izeda little, iteffervesces very much with acids. Itlies from three to five and six feet deep, from the surface of a light or sandy soil, on the banks of the cove; but how deep the marl, or bed of shells goes, we cannot ascertain, having never dug through it. When we get from two to four feet deep into it, the water springs, | so that we have never gone deeper, but fill up the hole with the surface soil, and open another. It does not lie level, but waving, sometimes dipping so deep that we lose it; nor is it of one color, but some white, like dry mortar, some the color of yellow ochre, some red, like red ochre, and some blueish: but I do not know any difference in the quality, from the color. In dig- ring, it is generally loose and crumbly, but mixed with pie lumps as above described: we find sometimes whole shells of scallop, oyster, and barnacles. The kind I estimate most, is of the foregoing description, and I am of opinion it lies at different depths, under the whole of this peninsula, which has been gained from the water, and that the shells are of the diferent kinds of fish which inhabited the waters while they covered the land. In some places, at heads of coves, I have traced the shells by cutting a ditch from three to five feet deep, down the valley, and even through the marsh, till I came to tide water; butin this kind of low ground there were more whole, and large shells, and ‘none of the large stone-like lumps above mentioned. It appears as if it had been the bottom of the creek, and as if covered by the water more lately than the first described. All these are on this farm. At my other farm, where my uncle formerly lived, and which is at the head of this creek, I find it by digging deep into the ditches, in the meadow ground, which empty into the head of the creek: but that kind differs from’ what | * ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. Thave here; as, besides the scallop shells, which ar, not so much reduced as here, there is, for perehe} together, the clam shell, perfectly whole, but so sof jj that when thrown out of the ditch and exposed to thif air, they soon fall away to powder: but the scallolfy shell seems most abundant; and of this kind of shel hy fish we have no knowledge. The beds of shell are 4 be discovered in many places, on the edges of th} creek, and even out into the water; and are foun] throughout the county, in most places where carefu sought for, but generally, I believe, a good deal mixe} with sand. However,I have no doubt they may ajk be usefully applied as improvers of the soil: they anfy now coming into the use of many persons in fl county, who have discovered them on their land, a have adopted a regular system of manuring. of soils, an}, «Your next question is, ‘to what kind how it is applied; as a top dressing or ploughed in ‘T have applied it to all the soils on my farm, som; of which is a cold white clay, and wet; others a ligt] loam, and sandy, I find it useful to each kind, anh manure my land all over with it, without distinction, and to advantage; putting a smaller quantity upon thik looser soils. J have applied itas a top dressing on elt ver, and also where clover has not been sown, withif, view to improving the grass, and also to be satisfielh, whether it would not be best for the ground, to let it hij spread on the surface, for a year before the ground wal, put into cultivation. But it has not answered my expee tation. Icould not perceive any advantage from tha mode of application. I now constantly apply it 1h the ground cultivated in corn; carting it out in the wit, ter and spring, and putting on from twenty to fort), cart loads per acre, according to the ground, and thf previous quantity that had been put on, in former cw}, tivations, dividing each load into from four to eighf small heaps, for the greater ease in spreading, accore ing tothe size of the load. Some is put on before, ar some after the ground is broken up, but it is all workel, into the soil by the cultivation of the corn, and it neve} fails of considerably improving the crop of corn, if} also the ground wherever the marl is, especially 3 largest quantity. There isa small green moss, aril black meist appearance, on the surface of the erouni| I when not cultivated; as you perceive about old walliff and in strong ground. Though the preceding is tk common mode in which I use the marl, I do not thin) it the best; I mix some in my farm yard, with the far, yard and stable manure; and would prefer mixing ar applying all that I use thus mixed, but for the labi ot deuble cartage, which I cannot as yet accomplish manuring so largely as Ido. I cultivate one hundre acres yearly, and constantly manure the whole of wh! I cultivate; employing only four earts, and four hang) with the caris, which do all the manuring and cartin( on the farm. | “Yournext question is, ‘what has been my rotation « crops, and mode of cultivating, since I have used thi] manure?” ‘Since I began to use the marl, and bend my atte1 tion to improvenrrent by manure, I have cultivated onl} corn and wheat, sowing my ground in clover, an) using the plaster. Instead of cultivating all my grou in corn, and sowing wheat on it as heretofore, I divide my cultivation into two parts, of fifty acres each, pu ting one part into corn, which I was able to accomplis: manuring time enough for the corn, and making a fa low of the other part, manuring as much of it as could accomplish before the time for sowing whea and disregarding. in a degree, ajl smaller crops, whic I could not attend to, as an object, without increasit | my number of hands, and interfering with the ma, business. I went onin this manner, till I found I cou. easily accomplish manuring one hundred acres and uj, wards, per annum. Having got my ground to that sta that I can risk making a crop without manure, I ai” now about discarding fallow, being able to manure m) whole hundred acres time enough for cropping in th PART Ii—APPENDIX. ng, by beginning to manure for the next year as nas the spring manuring ts finished. I shall in fu- re have no wheat in fallow, but sow it after corn and ner crops, {rom which jam satisfied I canmake more m my ground than by naked fallow, which I always nsidered unprofitable, though you made more wheat, leept for the advantage of having more time to ma- re. ‘Ine standing annual force on my farm is eight nds, (men,) with one hired by the month.Of these Inds four are employed with the carts; two in plough- z, harrowing, &c. for the cultivation of the crop; the other two or three, as may be, do the black- ith’s and carpenter’s work, as also the fencing and her work necessary on a farm: the six hands employ- _with the carts and ploughs, are not taken oti for her business, except in the time of harvest, and sow- = wheat, when they are probably stopped. fork so mucn with the plough as formerly, but more ith the harrow, which lessens and quickens the labor cultivation, keeps the ground cleaner, and, I think, | better tilth. Occasionally I hire or employ some omen, for hoeing work and spreading manure. I sh my ground in large Jands, and harrow and roll as may require; then, instead of listing, as common, iark it out each way with a plough, very shoal, so as ot to disturb the grass ploughed down, and after drop- ng the corn, cover it with the plough or harrow, and mediately pat in the harrow, keeping it going, as je weather will permit, till just before harvest, hen we plough the ground, and finish the culti- tion with the harrow, except something should cur, making it necessary to plough again after arvest. ‘This ] have found the best mode of cultiva- on for corn. _ J plant my corn about four feet apart ach way, and have from three to five stalks in a hill, r cluster, for | endeavor to keep down the hill, and ave the ground as levelas possible. In saving my orn crop, I cut it up, without pulling it from the stalk $s usual, and cartitin all together, then husk it out, eaving the husk to the stalk: flay these near my feed- ag yard, and throw them into it twice a day: this gives isa large quantity of strong healthy food for the cattle, ich serves them all winter, and keeps them in good fondition without any other food; makes a large quan- ity of excellent manure, and a fine dry feeding yard. S$ opportunity can be found, we cart marl, fuller’s arth, clay. and any good soil that is convenient, into this | ard, which being mixed with the stalks, and straw, or | A iny thing else, penning the cattle on it through the Winter-and summer, instead of penning on the field, nthe common way, we have a large quantity of ma- hure to go out in the fall,and next winter; it is put into ine field, in the intermediate rows, between the rows mafl,as far as it will go, and they will get mixed {a the cultivation. pur ditches, the head-lands of the fields, and all waste- uad that we can, into manure, by carting litter from he woods, yard manure, or litter, &c. &c. and mixing with them; so that I can nearly, or quite, now, accom- lish making farm-yard and this kind of manure, suf- ficient to go over my whole hundred acres, annually. For the two last years, I have made more manure than t could accomplish or effect carrying out, though I have manured from ten to twenty acres more than my hundred, each year, with part marl and part farm-yard, but notthe whole with both, as I hope to be able to flo in future; but it will be necessary to increase my carling force to effect it, and I clearly see, I can raise sufficient manure for the purpose; heretofore I have manured my corn-ground, fifty acres, with marl, and my fallow with part farm-yard manure, and part marl, as mentioned before; so that you wiil perceive the im- provement made onmy soil has not been effected by marl alone, but in conjunction with farm-yard manure, Clover and plaster, and by making it a point to manure with something all the ground I put into cultivation; so that every time I cultivated a field, that field was im- proved, and not in any degree impoverished by the cul- I do not | We also convert the scouring of tivation. By this means, and the divine assistance, I have effected that improvement of my farm, which is so very striking to the observation of every person ac- quainted withit. I cansay nothing as to the compari- son of crops, before and since my improvement: it has been a progressive thing for many years, and, till I adopted the present plan, I was an experimental farm- er, trying every thing J met with in books, or heard of; so that there is scarce any rotation of crops, or mode ol cultivation, but what I have tried. ‘This I believe, will answer all your questions, ex- cept as to the time when I began to use the marl, and how soon I experienced the beneficial effect of it?— being your fourth question. “In August, 1805, in digging down a bank on the side of a cove, for the purpose of making a causeway, I observed a shelly appearance, which it struck me might improve clay soil; [ took some of it immediately to the house, and putting it into a glass with vinegar, found it effervesced very much; this determined me to try it as a manure; accordingly, in September, I carted out about eighty cart loads, and putit on apiece of ground, fallow, preparing for wheat, trying it in dif- ferent proportions, at the rate of from twenty-seven to about a hundred loads per acre, and the ground was sown in wheat. I could not, myself, be satisfied that there was any difierence through the winter and spring, although general Lloyd, who was viewing it with me in the spring, thought he could perceive some ditier- ence, in favor of the marl; but at harvest time, the wheat, though not more juxuriant in growth, or better head, was considerably thicker on the ground; and after the wheat was taken otf, the ground where the marl had been put was set with white clover, no clover be- ing on the ground on either side of it. The next year, 1506, I discovered it in the drain into the head ot the cove, which I immediately ditched, and from the ditch put out seven hundred loads, on the fallow ground. The effect, as to the wheat and clover, was the same, (this was put, for experiment, at the rate of from forty to a hundred and twenty cart-loads per acre,) though the marl was not of the same kind as the other, but mere mixed with sand and surface soil, being taken from the low ground, by ditching, and all mixed together. I also tried it on corn ground, spread out as above men- tioned, and found the etfect immediate, as to the corn; and in the same manner as above described, as to the wheat sown on the corn ground. This induced me to persevere in the use of it, which I have done ever since, | adopting the mode I mentioned before, and putting it at first from forty toseventy loads per acre, till I have now come down as low as eighteen or twenty loads per acre, going the third time over the ground with it. «J believe I have now answered all your inquiries, as well as I can, except as to the average comparison of the past and present crops, which 1 cannot well do, for the reasons above given, and also that my fields are entirely changed, neither containing the same grounds, nor the same quantity of ground ineach; but] believe 1 shall not be much out of the way, if Isay, that I think the soil now capable of producing between two and three times as much, per acre, asit would before I be- gan to use the marl; and though the marl has not solely produced the improvement, yet the improvement would have been far short of whatit is, if it had not been for the marl, which has contributed, in a very large degree, towards it; and no small matter in favor of the marl is, that, by the blessing of God on my endeavors, I have, in twelve years, been enabled to improve three hundred acres of ground, to the pitch that these are, and am now ina fair way of increasing in the same ratio thata snow- ball increases as it is turned over. “I fear you will not be able to read, and hardly to understand, this tedious letter,in many parts;if you can, and itis in any degree satisfactory to you, I shall be compensated, and will cheerfully answer any 1n- uiries, in future, that you may wish to make. The first favorable opportunity, which may probably be by 92 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. some friend, in the spring, I propose sending you a small bag of marl, which may be more satisfactory than any description. JOHN SINGLETON. Talbot County, Md. Dec. 81, 1817. [NOTE H. Page 49.] GYPSEOUS EARTH OF JAMES RIVER, AND THE GREEN MARL OF NEW JERSEY, BOTH BE- LONGING TO THE “GREEN SAND FORMA- TION.” Tke passage in the text describing generally the gypseous earth of Prince George county, is left as it stood in the first edition, though much more full developements have since appeared. The first piece on the subject, to which the read- er is referred, commences at page 207 Vol. I. of Farmers’ Register. It is a full and minute ac- count of the beds in my neighborhood of what I have called gypseous earth, and the reasons stated at length for believing it to be the same earth known in New Jersey under the name of marl. At that time I had never met with a specimen of the latter substance, and only inferred its qualities and its chemical constitution (in certain respects) from the loose and general, and very unsatisfac- tory statements previously published respecting that earth, Other subsequent notices in the Far- mers’ Register, at pp. 272, 572,) present addition- alfacts or reasons in support of the identity of these formations, Afterwards Professor William B. Ro- gers discovered what geologists call green sand, intermingled with many of the bodies of marl near Williamsburg, and in an interesting communica- tion to the Farmers’ Register, page 129, Vol. IT. in which this discovery is announced, he shows what the green sand is, and that it constitutes the valuable portion of what has been erroneously called marl in New Jersey, Mr. R. had not then seen my earlier account of g@ypseous earth—but reasoning upon geological grounds he inferred that the true green sand formation would probably be found higher up the country. He has since visit- ed and examined the bed of what I had called gypseous earth, at Coggin’s Point, Tarbay, and Evergreen, (in Prince George county,) and has found it to be the green sand formation, as was an- ticipated, and at the same time, confirmed my opinion of the identity of this earth with the New Jersey “marl,” 'The green sand however in Vir- ginia, so far as yet exposed to examination, is not to compare in richness with the best of New Jer- sey. ‘The very little as yet known of the practical use, or measure of the value of this earth as ma- nure, is in the paper first referred to above. The length of that piece and of Mr. Rogers’, and their having been already published in the Farmers’ Register, forbid their being again presented in this place: and in addition, it is expected that Mr. Rogers’ more recent examinations will enable him to lay before the public a more correct and full ac- count, which will of course be more interesting than the early views taken when the existing facts were but partially known—and so far as my own invesfigations went, were known to one who had nothing of the geological knowledge necessary to make proper use of the facts observed, [NOTE I. Page 50.] THE CAUSE OF THE INEFFICACY OF GY PSU} AS A MANURE ON ACID SOILS. | I do not pretend to explain the mode of opera; tion by which gypsum produces its almost magi benefits: it would be equally hopeless and ridicu lous for one having so little knowledge of the sue cessful practice, to attempt an explanation, ij which so many good chemists, and agriculturist) both scientific and practical, have completely fail} ed. There is no operation of nature heretoforj less understood, or of which the cause, or agentj seems so totally disproportioned to the effect, as thi) enormous increase ef vegetable growth from || very small quantity of @ypsum, in circumstance} favorable to itsaction. All other known manures whatever may be the nature of their action, re| quire to be applied in quantities very far exceed ing any bulk of crop expected from theiruse. Bu one bushel of gypsum, spread over an acre ¢j land fit for its action, may add more than twentj times its own weight to a single crop of clover. However wonderful and inscrutable the fertil)p izing power of this manure may be, and admittin: its cause as yet to be hidden, and entirely beyonif our reach—still it is possible to show reasons wh) gypsum cannot act on many situations, where aj experience has proved it to be worthless. Tf thii only can be satisfactorily explained, it will removy much of the uncertainty as to the effects to be ex} pected: and the farmer may thence learn on whe} soils he may hope for benefit from this manure—f on what it will certainly be thrown away—and b: what means the circumstances adverse to its acif tion may be removed, and its efficacy thereby sej cured. This is the explanation that I shal! ati tempt. If the vegetable acid, which I suppose to exis in what I have called acid sels; is not the oxalia (which is the particular acid in sorrel,) at leas every vegetable acid, being composed of differen proportions of the same elements, may easil, change to any other, and all to the oxalic acid This, of all bodies known by chemists, has th strongest attraction for lime, and will take it fron; any other acid which was before combined with i —and for that purpose, the oxalic acid will let oj any other earth or metal, which it had before hel) incombination. Let us then observe what woul\ be the effect of the known chemical action of thes: substances, on their meeting in soils. If oxalilj acid was produced in any soil, its immediate efiec would be to unite withits proper proportion of lime? if enough was in the soil in any combination what ever. If the lime wes in such small quantity aij to leave anexcess of oxalic acid, that excess woul! seize on the other substances in the soil, in the or der of their mutual attractive force; and one o more of such substances are always present, ay magnesia, or more certainly, iron and alumina’ The soil then would not only containsome propor} tion of the oxalate of lime, but also the oxalate ¢) either one or more of the other substances named) Let us suppose gypsum to be applied to this soil). This substance, (sulphate of lime) is composed 9 sulphuric acid and lime. It is applied in a finely) pulverized state, and in quantities from half: bushel to two bushels the acre—generally no| more than one bushel, As soon as the earth ij PART ITI—APPENDIX. 93 ade wet enough for any chemical decomposition take place, the oxalic acid must let go its base of n, or alumina, and seize upon and combine with e lime that formed an ingredient-of the gypsum. he sulphuric acid lelt free, will combine with the ¥)n, or the alumina of the soil, forming copperas the one case, and alum in the other. Zhe gyp- im no longer exists—and surely no more satisiac- ry reason can be given why noeflect from it ould follow. Thedecomposition of the gypsum s served to form two or perhaps three other sub- ances. Oneof them, oxalate of lime, I suppose ‘be highly valuable as manure: but the very “@#nall quantity that could be formed out of one or ‘iven two bushels of eypsum, could have no more llfisible effect on a whole acre, than that small 1antity of calcareous earth, or farm-yard manure. lithe other substance certainly formed, copperas, is nown'to be a poison to soil and to plants—and ‘lum, of which the formation would be doubtful, I ifslieve is also hurtful. In such small quantities, Mfowever, the poison would be as little perceptible ‘ils the manure—and no apparent eflect whatever yuld foliow such an application of @ypsum to an tid soil. So small a proportion of oxalic acid, or y oxalate other than of lime, would suffice to ecompose and destroy the gypsum, that it would ot amount to one part in twenty thousand of the il. ’ Why gypsum sometimes acts as a manure on id soils, when applied in large quantities for the ace, is equally well explained by the same theo- lif. If a handful, or evena spoonful of gypsum is ton a space of six inches square, it would so ‘ihuch exceed in proportion all the oxalic acid that would not be decomposed—and the part that-con- Rnued to be gypsum, would show its peculiar pow- }rs perhaps long enough to improve onecrop. But Ws tillage scattered these little collections more ifqually over the whole space—or even as repeat- #d soaking rains allowed the extension of the at- active powers—applications like these would also ive destroyed, afiera very short-lived and limited ).ction. lp Soils that are naturally calcareous, cannot con- ain oxalic acid combined with any other base than me. Hence, gypsum applied there, continues wo be gypsum—and exertsits great fertilizing pow- | ir as in the counties of Loudoun and Frederick. But liven on these most suitable soils, this manure is said viot to be certain and uniform in its effects—and of ourse more certain results are not to be looked for | (vith us. TI have not undertaken to explain its oc- #hasional failures any more than its general success, | yn the lands where it is profitably used—but only } tvhy it cannot act at all, on lands of a different | xind. / The same chemical action being supposed, ex- Mains. why the power of profiting by eypsum thould be awakened on acid soils after making them calcareous—and why that manure should ieldom fail, when applied mixed with very large Juantities of calcareous earth. [NOTE K. Page 61.] STIMATES OF THE COST OF LABOR APPLIED ai TO MARLING. _ Before we can estimate with any truth the ex- nense of improving land by marling, it is neces- sary to fix the fair cost of every kind of labor ne- cessary for the purpose, and fora length of time not less than one year. We very olten hear guesses of how much a day’s labor of a man, a horse, or a wagon and team, may be worth—and all are wide of the truth, because they are made on wrong premises, or no premises whatever. ‘The only correct method is to reduce every kind of labor to its elements—and to fix the cost of every particu- lar necessary to furnish it. This Ishall attempt: and if my estimates are erroneous in any particu- lar, others better informed’ may easily correct my calculation in that respect, and make the necessary allowance on the final amount. ‘Thus, even my mistakes in the groands of these estimates, will not prevent true and valuable results being derived from them. The following estimates were made in 1828, ac- cording to the prices of that year. I shall make no alteration in any of the sums, because there is no considerable difference at this time, (January 1832, ) and the least alteration would make it ne- cessary to change the after calculations founded on them. But no one estimate will suit for years of different prices. If any one desires to know the value of labor when corn (for example) is higher or lower, he must ascertain the difference in that item, and add or deduct, so as to correct the error. Cost of the labor of a negro man in 1828. Hire for the year, payable at the end, - $38 00 Food—194 bushels of corn at 40 cents, - - 7 80 Add 10 per cent. for waste in keeping, 73 Meat and fish, &c. 9 00 $17 58 Interest for one year on $17 58, paid for food, - - 1 05 18 63 Clothing—6 yards coarse woollen cloth, at 50 cents, - $300 12 yards cotton, for sum- mer clothes and two shirts, at 12 cents, - 1 44 Blanket at $1 50, once in two years—yearly, - 75 Shoes and mending, - 2 50 dale Taxes—State, 47 cents—county 47 —poor 33—road, suppose 1 dollar, - - = bp Diba His share of expense of quar- ters, fuel, and sending to mill, - - - - 4 50 Nursing when sick, (exclu- sive of medical aid,) = 50) 8 27 $72 09 Add 20 per cent. on the whole of the above for cost of superintendence, waste, wanton damage to stock, tools, &e., and thefts, 14 41 Total expense per year, $86 50 Time lost—Sundays and holydays, Bad weather and half ho- lydays, Sickness, 58 days 20 10 From 365, deduct 88, leaves 277 working days; 94 | NNN SS 8SSSSS$$$8555§5§5§5§868686—s0a00 SoS SoS SSS eee whichmakes the cost of each working day 31} cents. Remarks. The hire was fixed at the average price obtain- ed that year for ten or twelve young men hired out at the highest bids, for field labor. According to our established custom, all the expenses of medical attendance, and loss of time from the death of a slave occurring when he is hired, are paid, or deducted from the hire by the owner— and therefore are oriitted in this estimate. By supposing the slave to be hired by his employer, instead of being owned, the calculation is made more simple, and therefore more correct. Cost of ihe labor of a negro woman. Hire for the year, - - - ee 00 Tood, - - - - 12 95 Clothing, blanket, and shoes, - iS 6 50 Taxes, quarters, fuel, mill, nursing, &c,. 7 18 Add 20 per cent. as before, for superinten- dence, &c., - - - 7 53 Total yearly cost, $44 67 Suppose lost time, 108 days, leaves working 257, at 174 cents for each. days Nearly all the women who are usually hired out, are wanted by persons having few or no other slaves, as cooks, or for some other employment at which they are more useful than at field labor | —and their price is nearer fifteen dollars in these cases. But when there is no demand for such pur- poses, women for field labor wil not bring more than ten dollars. A boy of thirteen or fourteen would hire for more than the foregoing estimate of the hire of a woman, but would not lose half the time from sickness and bad weather, and therefore may be supposed to cost the same per day, or seventeen and one-third cents. A girl, fifteen or sixteen years, for similar reasons, may be put at the same price. Cost of the labor of a horse. First cost of a good work horse, #80 00 —supposed to last five years at work, makes the yearly wear, - - $16 00 Interest for one year on $80 ee RET 80 —tax, 12 cents, - - - 4 92 20 92 20 bbls. of corn at $2 00—8,590 Ibs. of fodder at 50 cents the hundred, - $57 50 Add 10 per cent. for waste in keeping, 5 75 ——-- 63 25 Interest on $63 25, for one year, - $3 79 Share of yearly expense for corn-house, 47 —--- 4 26 Total yearly cost, se 44 Lost time, 93 days, leaves 267 working days, at 33 cents. A mule eats less corn than a horse, but more hay, and lives idered as costing one- fifth eae yearly cost—$70 00— and. daily, 263 cents. A tumbril for marling, will cost when new, $25 00 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. It will last two years, or (what is the same thing) if that sum will pay for all repairs, for two years—its wear per year, is Interest on $25 00 for a year, Cost per year, And at 267 working days—cost per day five cents. In the estimate of the cost of horse labor, charge is made for attendance, because that } part “of the labor of the driver, and forms part f his expense. No charge is made for grazing, bi cause enough corn and “hay are allowed for evel} day in the ‘year—and when grass is part of hij food, more than as much in value is saved in hi dry food. No charge is made for stable or litte as the manure made is supposed to compensa’ those expenses. It may be supposed that the prices fixed f cern, and fodder or bay, are too low for an averag Such is not my opinion. The price is fixed at tl | beginning of the year, when it is always compari tively low, because it is too soon for purchasers ; keep shelled corn in bulk, and the market is glu ted. Besides, the allowance for waste during th) year’s use (0 per cent.) makes the actual pri equal to two dollars and twenty cents on July Is’ The nominal country price of corn in January, | almost always on credit—and small debts for co are the latest and worst paid of all. The farm: |who can consume any additional portion of hi crop, in employing profitable labor, becomes |} own best customer. ‘The corn supposed to }} used, by these estimates, is transferred on the fin} of January, without even the trouble of shellir! or measuring, from A. B. corn-seller, B. marler, and instantly paid fer. per barrel at that early time; and obtained with ij little trouble from any purchaser, would be a bett regular sale, than the average of prices and pat ments have afforded for the last eight years. COST OF MARLING, Founded on the foregoing estimates of the cost . labor. From the beginning of November 1823, to tll | 31st of May 1824,a Tegular force, of two horsy and suitable hands, was employ ed in marling ¢ Coggin’s Point, on every working day, unless pr vented by bad weather, wet and soft roads, , some pressing labor of other kinds. The sani two horses were used, without any change, ar indeed, they had drawn the greater part of “all th marl carried out on the farm, since 1818. TI) best of the two was seventeen years old—both middle size, and both worse than any of my oth horses, which were kept at ploughing. The following estimates were made on a co: nected portion of this time and labor, and upc my own personal observation and notes of t]| work, from the beginning to theend. It was ve: desirable to me, to know the exact cost of son} considerable job of marling, attended with certa/ known difficulties, and on any particular mode | estimating the expense: for although the san’ degree of difficulty, and of cost of "labor, migy never again be met with, still, any such estima would furnish a tolerable rule, to apply, ina moc| fied form, to any other undertal cing of this kin "PART IJI—APPENDIX. 95 ese estimates may be even more useful to other rsons—as they will serve gencrally to prove at the greatest-obstacles to the execution of this iprovement, are less alarming, and more easily ercome, than any inexperienced persons would ppose. Both these jobs were attended with uncommon ficulties, in the unusual thickness of the super- cumbent earth, compared to that of the fossil ells worth digging, and on account of the dis- nee, and amount of ascent to the field. The st job was so much more expensive than was ticipated, that it may perhaps be considered asa ilure—but as the account of its expense had ren kept so carefully, it will be given, just as if lore success and profit had been obtained. ‘This ork was commenced April idth, 1824. ‘The bed ‘marl for the upper six feet of its thickness, is ry and firm, though easy to dig, andrich. It has h average strength of ;4°—the shells mostly filverized, and the remaining earth more of' clay van sand. After being carried out, the heaps ppear, to a superficial observer, to be a coarse fose sand. Below six feet, the marl became so or as not to be worth carrying out, and was not sed except when the distance was very short. Its rength was less than 5. ‘The bed at first was cposed on the surface, near the bottom of a steep IL-side—but as a large quantity had been taken yit, and several successive cuts made into the ice of the hill, some years before, the covering darth was increased, on the space now to be clear- Ii, soas to vary between eight and sixteen feet, dad I think averaged between eleven and twelve. Whe sifuation of the marl and road required that a wear cartway should be made as low as the in- gnded digging: and therefore nearly all of the firth was to be moved by a scraper, and was Atrown into the narrow bottom at the foot of the gl. ‘This earth served thus to form an excellent fiuseway across the valley, which made part of he road in the next undertaking. All this marl ms horizontally, and the layers of different qual- ies are very uniform in their thickness. The jreater part of the covering earth is a hard clay, timpure fuller’s earth, which was difficult to dig, ad still more so for the scraper to take up and re- ove. Part was thrown off by shovels, and Prved to increase a mound made by former ope- | Labor used in digging and removing earth. « f days’ labor of 9 men, at31}centseach, - 11 25 6 women, iL 2 boys, } at 174 cents, - 5 58 1 young girl at 15, and 1 old man at 25, - - - 1 60 8 oxen, (the scraper being drawn by 4 half the day, which then rested and grazed while the others worked the other half of the day,)—at | 20 cents each, - 4 80 jidd 80 cents for wear of scraper, hoes, and gy) shovels, - - = = 3 = 80 i = | Total, $24 03 The price allowed for the oxen is much too high r the common work, and so much rest allowed: ut they work so seldom at the scraper, that both | the men and the oxen are awkward, and the labor is very heavy, and even injurious to the team. Labor of digging and carrying out the Marl. Three tumbrils were kept at work on this job and the next, a good mule being added to the reg- ular carting foree—and no time was lost from April 20th, to May 31st, except when carts broke down, (which was very often, owing to careless driving, and worse carpentry.) or when bad weath- er compelled thislabor to stop. One man dug the marl and assisted to load; another man loaded, and led the cart out of the pit, until he met another driver returning from the field, to whom he deliver- ed the loaded cart and returned to the pit with the empty one. Of the two other drivers, one was a boy of sixteen, and the other twelve years old— the youngest only was permitted to ride back, when returning empty. The distance to the near- est part of the work (measured by the chain, ) was nine hundred and two yards, and the farthest one thousand and forty-five: adding two-thirds of the difference to the nearest for the average dis- tance, makes nine hundred and ninety-seven yards. The ascent from the pit, by a road formerly cut and well graduated, for marling, was supposed to be twenty-five feet in perpendicular height—and every trip of the carts, going and coming, crossed a valley, supposed to be fifteen feet deep, and both sides forming a_hill-side of that elevation. When only four and a half’ feet of the marl had been dug, a large mass of earth fell into the pit, covered entirely the remaining one and half feet of marl, and stopped all passage for carts. To clear away this obstruction would have cost more labor than the remaining marl was worth,and there- fore this pit was abandoned. This happened on May 10th, when six bundred and ninety-nine loads had been carried out, and the work done was equal to thirty-six days’ work of one cart (by adding together all the working time of each)— which was nineteen and a half Joads for the aver- age daily work of each cart, or fifty-eight for the three. The average size of the loads, by trial, was five and a half heaped bushels—and the weight, one hundred and one pounds the bushel. It was laid on at one hundred and four loads or five hundred and seventy-two bushels the acre. Labor employed, for 699 loads, or 3680 bushels. 2 men at 31} cents, - - - 624 2 boys at19 cents, - - - 38 2 horses at 33 cents, - - - 66 1 mule at 265 cents, - - - 264 3 carts at 5 cents— tools at 3 cents, - - - 18 Daily expense, or for 58 loads, $2 11 Digging and carting 699 loads at the saine rate, - - - - - $25 25 Add the total expense of removing earth, 24 28 $49 03 Spreading at 314 cents the 100 loads, - Zee lo Total expense, $51 47 Which makes the cost per bushel, 1 34-100 cents. per load, (54) 7 36-100 per acre, of 572 bushels, $7 66. ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. This marl was laid on much too thick for com- mon poor land, and one-fourth of the body un- covered was tost, by the falling in of the earth. one-fourth of' the expense of uncovering the marl, was deducted on account of this loss, it would re- duce the whole expense eciah one- eight h. As soon as the carts were stopped in the work just described, they were employed in moving earth from similar marl, across the ravine. The thickness, strength, and other qualities of the marl, on both sides, are not perceptibly different. A large quantity had also been formerly dug on this side, but the land being lower, the covering earth was not more than ten feet w fee thickest, and the average was eight and ahalfor nine feet. To make room for convenient working, and a large job, an unusual space was cleared, ten to fourteen feet wide, and perhaps fifty or more long. The shape of the adjoining old pits, compelled this to be irregular. The greater part of the earth was of the same hard fuller’s earth mentioned as being on the other side—and the upper part of this w as still worse, being in woods, and the digging ob- structed by the roots and trees. Labor used in digging and removing the earth. : sate z days, at 314 cents, #8 433 5 women 5 1 woman 1 at 174 cents, 6 24 2 boys 5 1 old man 2 25 cents, 50 2 girls 6 15 cents, 1 80 8 oxen, for the scraper, as before, each team at rest half the cay, 5 days, s, at 20 cents, - - - 8 00 3 horses and carts, dar, 8, oe 38 cents a yal Add for damages to uae and other utensils, 80 Total cost of moving earth, $27 483 Enough of the earth was carried by the carts to the dam ¢ crossing the ravine, to raise the roads as high as the bottom of the intended pit. The balance was thrown into the valley wherever most conve- nient. Only a small proportion, perhaps one- third, could be thrown off, without being carried away by the carts, and scraper. The loads were carried to the same field, and by the same road as from the former digging. The first hundred and ninety-one loads served to finish the piece begun before, of which the average dis- tance was nine hundred and ninety-seven yards: all the balance was carried to Jand adjoining the former, eight hundred and forty-seven measured yards from the pit. The loads were ordered to be increased to six bushels, which was as much as the carts (with- out tail-boards) could hold, without waste, in as- cending the hills: but as the loaders often fell be- low that quantity, I suppose the average to have been five and three-fourths heaped bushels, or five hundred and eighty-one pounds. The tumbrils were kept constantly at this work, except when some of the land was too wet, or for some other unavoidable cause of delay. All the space which the old pits occupied, and over which the road passed, being composed of tough clay thrown from later openings, and which had never become solid, was made miry by every heavy | rain, and caused more loss of time than would usu- ally occur at that season. The same four laborers, If 23d, Sunday. 24th, 1 “ at other work. | 25th, 3 ‘ again marling, - - 74 26th, 3 <* - - - - - Zithy,.<3s) oS - - - - - 72 DS tiny ese - - - - - 72 29th, 3 “* (shafts of one broken and repaired, ) - - - 64 30th, Sunday. 8ist, 3 “ until rain at 4 P, M. =intoe — 511 702 loads, but consider all as if carried only eight hui and two horses, and one mule, employed as be fore—and their daily work was as follows :— —o5 May 13th, Began the new pit 13th, 2 carts all the day, and 1 for 2 hours only, (aiterwards otherwise ployed,) - - - 47 loads. 14th, 2.“ halt the day, then employ- ed other Maro 1 horse idle) 21 loth, 3“ - - - - 61 16th, Sunday. 17th, 3 finished most distant work with - - - - 62 — 191 and began nearest with 4 18th, 3 “ for 4 hours Bee iee 2 oe WY rain, ) 22 19th and 20, 8 carts at work elocwtiedes on drier land, 21st, 3“ again marling, - - - 75 22d, rain—no work done by horses. After this stoppage, the horses were put 1 Plouenae the COED, that the cultivation might Ef vest, Son began on the Lith of June. As neeft as I could determine by inspection, and a roug; cubic measurement, about one-half of the uncoy ered marl was then dug and carried out. As th! remainder was not dus” until August, when I wef! absent from home, I have no more correct mean}! of ascertaining these proportions; and shall ag ; cording to this suppesition charge “half the actuil) cost of the whole uncov ering of “earth, to this su posed half of the marl which formed this last oj eration. | The list of days’ work shows that the averag| number of Joads per day, at eight hundred ar forty-seven yards, was twenty- -four and a half fi each cart, which made twenty-three and aha miles for the day’s journey of each horse. TI} first four days’ work finished the farthest piece, — which the average distance was nine hundred ar ninety-seven yar rds—but this part of the work wi! on the nearest side of that piece, and at less tha that average distance. I shall not make any sej arate calculation for these hundred and ninety-onj dred and forty-seven yards. The daily cost of the laboring force, 2 men, 2 boys, 2 horses, and 1 mule, was before esti- mated at $2 11—which served to carry out 734 loads, or 422 bushels. Atthat rate, (to May aist,) 702 toads: or 4036 bushels, cost, - - $20 15) Add half the expense of uncovering, (half the marl still remaining not dug,) - 13 74 For spreading, at 315 cents per hundred loads, - - - - j 7 I 2° 18 $36 07'| Total cost of 4036 bushels laid on, Which makes the cost per bushel, 9 mills nearl) PART IJI—APPENDIX. 97 $5 344 400 bushels, which would have been a d per acre, at 104 loads, or 598 bushels, $3 STA §In 1828, at Shellbanks,a very poor, worn, and ly farm, [ commenced marling, and in about ar months, finished one hundred and twenty and half acres at rates between two hundred and itty and two hundred and eighty bushels per re. The time taken up in this work, was five ys in January, and all February and March, th two carts at work—and from the 5th of Au- ‘stto the 27th of September, with a much strong- force. I kepta very minute journal of’ all these erations, showing the amount of labor employ- ®, and of loads carried out during the whole time. would be entirely unnecessary to state here any ng more than the general amounts of labor and expense, after the two particular statements just mitted. At Shellbanks, the difficulties of open- pits were generally less—the average distance orier, and the reduced state of the soil, and the rength of the marl, made heavy dressings dan- ‘rous. ‘These circumstances all served to dimin- the expense to theacre. The difficulties, how- er, at some of the pits, were very great, owing the quantity of water continually running in, rough the loose fragments of the shells—and al- ost every load was carried up some high hill. aking every thing into consideration, I should ppose that the labor and cost of this large job of arling will be equal to, if not greater, than the rerage of all that may be undertaken, and judi- sulficient, and much safer dressing - ously executed, on farms having plenty of this eans for improvement, at convenient distances. Cost of marling 1203 acres at Shellbanks. ‘eparatory work, including uncovering marl, cutting and repairing the necessary roads, and bringing corn for the team— Digging, earrying out, and spreading 6892 loads (44 heaped bushels) of marl, - - $250 38 t the average rate of 574 loads, or 259 bush- els per acre, the average expense was, to the acre, - - - - - 2 08 To the load, - - 3 cents and 63-100ths, And to the bushel, - 0 83-100ths. [NOTE M. Page 62.] STIMATE OF THE EXPENSE OF WATER-BORNE MARL AND LIME, FOR MANURE. The following extracts from different communi- tions to the Farmers’ Register present interest- @ and valuable facts, which show the actual gst incurred in procuring and applying water- orne marl, and comparisons of the cost, and of re- ims, of the use of marl and lime. To those tho know the two gentlemen whoselettersare here published, it is surperfluous to say that on none ught more reliance to be placed as farmers of ‘ood judgement. Both have had much expe- lence of the use of oyster-shell lime as manure, nd none value it more highly. To the Editor of the Farmers’ Register. | Charles City, December 2d, 1833. _“f am sorry to have delayed sending you the es- imate pees of the cost of applying oyster CG —= shell lime as a manure: it was however unavoid- able. I might have given it before this, on my own responsibility; but preferred to have others of as much experience to assist me in making it. In the first place then, the cost of shells brought to our landing places, is per hogshead of eighteen bushels, 624 cts. To cost of getting them from the craft, ; if very convenient for landing, 2h To cutting wood, allowing 12 cords for f one hundred hogsheads, 3 To hauling shells to the wood, or wood to the shells, as may be most conve- nient, hauling out the shells after burning, slaking, scattering, &c. 32 100 Thus making the sum of one dollar the hogshead. To afford then five hogsheads to the acre after burning, (which has been the quantity applied by myself and my brother, on very stiff land,) one third more must be added, as the loss by that pro- cess; and I am inclined to the opinion that a frac- tion more may be added, which will make seven hogsheads, the cost of which I have shown above to be seven dollars. On a lighter soil, four hogs- heads are deemed sufficient, which will diminish the expense one dollar. If there is any error in this estimate, Iam satisfied that it isin the low rate of charges: and I am confirmed in this opinion. by one of my tenants, who is a man of considera- ble experience, having refused to accept the offer of thirty-five cents per hogshead, as full compen- sation for all the trouble and expense of liming, save the purchase and delivery of the shells. Charles City Jan. 1, 1834. *‘T arm now enabled to complete the comparative estimate of the expense of lime and water-borne marl, for manure, which you requested me to fur- nish. If the statements submitted are not full in every respect, they may at least be relied on so far as they go. “T commenced regularly to work about the 15th May to transport marl from Coggin’s Point to my farm, a distanee of fifteen miles by water, and ended on the 25th of December, a period of seven months. I had engaged inthe business three hands, two of them at eight dollars per month, and the other a boy worth about two dollars and_ fifty cents. I purchased a craft, and when provided with all the necessary fixtures for commencing work, the cost was three hundred dollars. Onthe supposition, that this craft will at the end of ten years be entirely worthless, I will estimate the “wear and tear’ or loss of capital therein, at thirty dollars per annum, the average annual re- pairs at thirty dollars more, and the expense of provisions for the hands at ninety dollars for the year. With these preliminaries, J think I may now fairly make out my account for the transpor- tation of the marl, as follows: To cost of vessel, in “wear and tear’ for seven months, To average expense of repairs, To average interest on $300, for seven months, G17 50 17 50 10 50 ——- 45 50 98 Amount brought forward 45 50 Hire of three hands for seven months, 122 50 Provisions for seven months, 52 50 Paid for uncovering marl, and for putting on board a part of the whole quantity, 70 00 290 50 CR. By 15,000 bushels of marl, at 1}4 cents the bushel (very nearly,) 290 50 “This makes the whole cost of the marl, put out at my landing, less than two cents the heaped bushel. The estimate for hauling, scattering, &c. I will leave for you to add; that depends however on the distance; and I can only say, that a single horse cart was fully sufficient to keep way with the crafi, a distance of one thousand yards. I think I can safely say, that no one can meet with more difficulties than I have myseli encountered in this undertaking; my landing place being so bad, that I have known the hands frequently en- gaged for a whole week in unloading the craft, because of very low tides; when if the water had been sufficient to admit then: to the wharf, they | might easily have accomplished the work in half’ the time. I feel also perfectly justified in saying, that had I been so situated as to have the advan- tages of a landing place which no tide could inter- fere with, that five thousand bushels more of’ mar! could have been brought during the seven months. C. H. MINGE.”’ “The foregoing estimate may be implicitly relied on, so far as it rests on actual expenditures and operations—and in the items which are necessarily conjectural, we have every assurance of correct- ness, that can be furnished by the practical and business-like habits which characterize the writer. But as the estimate is not completely carried out, we will attempt to supply the deficiency, and will add some observations on the comparative ex- pense of water-borne marl and lime. According to the estimates of the cost of labor used for marling given in the Essay on Calcareous Manures, A horse for a year’s work, and in- cluding every expense, costs $88 44 Boy to drive, 44 67 Cart and tools, 14 00 $147 11 ‘At which rate, the carting of 15,000 bushels of marl 1,000 yards, from the landing to the field, in seven months, cost $85 81 Spreading the loads, in the field, at ten cents the 100 bushels. 11 50 $97 31 Cost of transportation, &c. before stated, 290 50 Whole expense of applying 15,000 bu- shels, $387 81 Or rather more than 23 cents the bushel. ‘This estimate includes no charge for the marl, asnone had been made. If half acent was added ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. | for this, it would increase the cost to about. thri cents the bushel. On the other hand, the,priif! paid for hire was unusually high, as free han} only were employed, and only such as could} relied on. The difficulty of obtaining this me! was very considerable, on account of the grel}! thickness of superincumbent earth to be remove! Many other causes of difficulty and loss were ell countered by Mr. Minge (all serving to increa'f! his estimate to what it exhibits, ) on account of F : having commenced a perfectly new business, } every part of which, he and his laborers we t alike strangers. But without making any dedu tion for any of the peculiar difficulties which ¢!! tended the operations, and supposing half a ce} a bushel, a fair price to pay the owner of the mail the entire cost will be counted at three cents ti}! bushel. By the preceding estimate the entire ce of lime, at #1 the hogshead of shells was 544%, si 53} cents the bushel. Now we will compa values. f “Oyster shells are not pure carbonate of limi They contain a portion (how much we know ne} of animal matter, destructible by fire, and whi'p is entirely lost in burning the shells. Whatever! this proportion of animal matter, it ought to # deducted from the weight and value of the sheb' but not knowing this proportion, the shells will here estimated as if they consisted of pure carbl nate of lime. The marl, carefully averaged, a) analyzed, was found to contain 61 per cent. of ce! bonate of lime. “A peck measure of oyster shells, which h: been well washed and dried, heaped about inches, (supposed to be fully equal to selling mei sure,) weighed 163 pounds. The marl (an avp rage of the whole thickness of the bed,) dried pe fectly over the fire, and pounded, and pressed the hands only in the same peck measure, weighif 204 pounds, even, and 24 pounds heaped. Tif measure and weight were supposed to be fixed | correct instruments—but the same were used, a) at one time, so that the relative weights, at lea# are correct. {i | One hundred bushels of oyster shells, weighing 4 Ibs.=6,700 lbs. making of carbonate of lime the same, One hundred bushels. of dried marl, weighing 96 lbs. = 9,600 Ibs. and con- tain of carbonate of lime, Ibs. 5,8% Ibs. 6,7) Thus the marl which costs only a small fracti! over one-half as much as the total expense of t shells, contains about 6 sevenths as much of pu calcareous matter. “But one of these manures is applied mild, or the form of carbonate of lime, and the other: caustic, or quicklime: and some may doubt whet} eran additional value is not gained by the burni) of the latter. This, we leave to others to decic| In most cases, in this climate, we should consic the causticity of lime as more likely to be injurio| than beneficial. The minutely divided state’) quicklime, however, certainly enables every par! cle to come into immediate operation; whereas) might require two or three years before the fi benefit of marl could be obtained. This som) what slower action at first, is the only reason w// marl should not be rated, according to its prope tion of calcareous matter, full as high as lime. | ‘These results, which we have arrived at " ite a different route, do not differ materially from se obtained by Wm. B. Harrison, Esq. (No 7, 396, Farm. Reg.) from his practice and expe- nce. He applied burnt but unslaked shells, at the te of seventy bushels, and mar! at 140 bushels the #re; on adjoining and equal land, and found the ps of the firstand second years equally increased both manures, but that of the third year much itter on the marled part. To make seventy shels of burnt and unslaked shells, 108 would be quired, (according to Mr. F. Lewis’ estimate, l. f.p. 19, Farm. Reg.) so that according to the egoing mode of calculation, Mr. Harrison’s ap- ications were at the rate of 108 bushels of oys- r shells to the acre, and 140 of marl. His mar! as from a bed of quality similar to that used by r. Minge, but was mixed with much worthless rth, and was transported at heavier expense. “This comparative estimate of values, has been ade to apply to a particular body of marl, be- iuse the actual labor was there employed, and it as desirable to estimate as much as possible by cis, rather than on conjecture. But there are Pubtless many bodies of marl on tide-water, ther richer, or more accessible, or perhaps pos- ‘ssing both those advantages in a higher de- ree.’ — Ed. Farm. Reg. Jharles City County, Feb. 4th, 1835. “T have delayed much longer than I intended, giving you an estimate of my last year’s work ithe transportation of marl. siness which is usual with me at the commence- 1ent of every year, must be my apology. farch, and ended on the 24th December, a period eight months. The labor employed was the me as the preceding year two men and a boy, rith the exception of the first two months, when le assistance of the boy was unavoidably with- rawn. The wages of the men were eieht dol- rs per month, and the boy’s three dollars and ity cents. The quantity of marl transported was eventeen thousand bushels. Our business was ecessarily suspended for twenty days in repair- @ our frail bark, in the month of October. The istance is fifteen miles. JT shall not attempt to live any estimate of the expense of hauling from ay landing, and scattering the marl, as you have t already at hand, and can easily add it if you ink it necessary, To hire of laborers, Shy Hie $152 50 Food for laborers, = - = 60 Repairs of vessel, - - 40 Interest on first cost and fixtures, 18 a @270 50 y 17000 bushels of marl 2 B at 1 5° cents per bushel, § * el See me . 1 50 “Thus showing that the expenseof transportation vione falls under one cent and six-tenths per yushel. It seems to me wonderful, that so much preference should be given to oyster shells, by hose convenient to water. I have used both, and greatly prefer the marl; first as being the cheapest —and secondly, as yielding a more immediate return for the labor, which is one of the most desirable objects to be attained in all improvement. PART II—APPENDIX. | Er ee The pressure of “Our work began on, or about, the 25th of -99 I am still laboring under great disadvantage in regard to the landing of the marl on my shore. Nearly one-third of each load requires to be shift- ed to a smaller vessel, to enable the larger one to reach the wharf with the remainder, which still convinces me that the digging and water carriage could be reduced, under more favorable circum- stances, to one cent per bushel. C. H. MINGE.” ‘According to the previous estimate of the cost of the preceding year’s labor, the carting of these 17,000 bushels of marl from the landing to the field, (1000 yards) and spreading, would amount to $110 28—to which add the cost above stated for digging and water carriage $270 50, and it appears that the total cost was $380 78, or not quite 24 cents the bushel. These facts well de- serve the attention of all land-holders on naviga- ble water, who have not mar! on their own farms. The marl this year was brought from a different bed (in Surry) recently bought by Mr. Minge and others, to obtain marl for transportation, but at as great a distance as that which he worked in 1833.” —Ed. Farm. Reg. Upper Brandon, Prince George Co. Va., Nov. 1, 1833. “The two following experiments to test the comparative value of lime and marl, were made on adjoining pieces of land of the same original quality, and previously manured from the same heap. ‘The soil on which the first experiment was made, was a fine loam, rather stiff! I applied seventy bushels of unslacked lime per acre, and one hundred and forty of the marl, or two mea- sures ior one. ‘The land was put in corn, succeed- ed by wheat, and is now in clover. The two former crops were equally and manilestly benefit- ed by the caleareous matter, but the clover exhi- bits a much more flourishing appearance on the marled part, although it is very fine where the lime was applied. “The land on which I tried the second experi- ment is now in corn. The soil is light. The quantities of lime and marl, and the previous im- provement the same as before. The corn on the marled part is equally as good as where the lime was used, and strikingly better than on the ad- joining land which had received the same dressing of putrescent manure. ‘The mail used was brought by water 12 miles; and I applied only 140 bushels per acre, because the cost of this quantity, and of 70 bushels of un- slacked lime, was found to be nearly the same, and from the tried efficacy of the lime, I well know, that, if the effect proved to be equally great, I could extend the use of it to great advantage. Contrary to my expectation, the results of the ex- periments stated, fully establish the fact that the 140 bushels of marl are at teast as efficacious as half the quantity of lime. You ask how much the crop was increased by *the marl? I regret that I did not ascertain by measurement, and can- not therefore say precisely—but it may be confi- dently affirmed, that the increase of the first crop of corn and wheat will repay the whole cost of ithe marling, and the land will be left permanently improved. ‘ WM. B. HARRISON.” ‘ 100 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. [NOTE N. Page 65.] PROOFS OF THE EFFECT OF CALCAREOUS EARTH IN PREVENTING DISEASE. «The perusal of the “Supplementary Chapter’’ to the Essay on Calcareous Manures, (in No. 2 of the Farmers’ Register,) and the inquiry with which it closes, as to the efiects of marl in purifying the air and contributing to healthfulness, induces me to mention a case somewhat in point. If I can give you no very satisfactory information, I may be the cause of elicit- ing it from others. “The streets of Mobile are generally unpaved, and as a substitute for stone or gravel, which are not to be ob- tained, shells, (which have long been untenanted,) are strown over the carriage ways and side walks to the depth of several inches. These soon become a firm mass, and form a smooth surface, so as to resemble a Macadamized road. The streets have a remarkably neat and clean appearance, and are much more plea- sant than the paved ones. «The shells, which are of various kinds, generally small, are raked up in great quantities in the shal- low lakes, and brought to the city in large light- ers. ‘Mobile is much more healthy now than it was be- fore this plan of improving its streets was adopted. It was proposed to “‘shell” some of the streets of New Orleans, but whether it was carried into effect, 1 am unable to inform you. The suggestion you have made may call the attention of its citizens to the subject. Mm,” Farmers’ Register, Vol. p. 152. «In the 3d No. of the Register, a writer, under the signature of ‘‘M,’’ has told us, that since the town of Mobile was paved with shells, it has become much more healthy. This is strong probable testimony in favor of the principles advanced. A few days ago, and before I saw the third No. of the Register, I saw a near connexion, who has just returned from a settle- ment which he has made on the Black Warrior, about 50 miles below Tuscaloosa. He spoke of the fact that Mobile had become much more healthy within a few years, without, however, assigning any cause. He also represented a very large portion of that country, between Tuscaloosa and Mobile, as calcareous, and abounding in shell marl, [or softlimestone.] He says, the country, if not more healthy, is certainly not more sickly than this part of Virginia,* and that it appears to be generally understood there, that the marl pre- serves it from disease. As one evidence of the fact, that the country owed its healthiness to the marl, he stated that the more northern parts of the state, where that deposite was not found, the country was more | siekly,’’-—Iarmers’ Register, Vol. I. p. 214. | lime rock in lumps, which, on calcination, makes ex “The fine rich prairie soil is calcareous manure it- self, tempered by nature with the most happy combi- _ nations of silicious earth and vegetable mould: and the quality of the soil rises just in proportion to the just- ness of these combinations. In some places the calca- reous formation approaches quite to the surface, and makes what are called “bald prairies.’ These sometimes cover as muchas an acre, perhaps more, perfectly white and thick; but they are rendered productive by the addi- tion ef sand, and by ploughing—(being eenerally soft enough to yield to the plough—) and as soon as grass and | weeds, or a crop of corn or cotton can take root, and eave a vegetable deposite, these bald plains grow black, or at least of a much darker shade. It is as- tonishing with what facility vegetable substances are decomposed in the prairies, and rendered subservient to the improvement of the soil. There is another fact | connected with this part of the subjeet, that strongly | * Nottoway county—part of the middle and hilly region of | Virginia. | large timber. | rust. corroborates your views regarding the healthy actio i) of calcareous earths on putrescent matter, containe fl in a “Supplementary Chapter,” on that subject, in tt second No. of the Farmers’ Register, This fact ip that the prairies have proven to be the healthiest paryfi of the state—notwithstanding the water is to all apf pearance bad, and is unquestionably very unpleasaiil to the taste of those most used to it. The caleareouyp formation forms a substratum for the whole extent «ji the prairie country, and is accessible at the banks «ft every creek and gulley, and I have discovered it ip various places at considerable distances from the praii ries. In most instances it is white as chalk—someli times it is blue—and in all cases it abounds with small sea shells almost decomposed. By cutting it with \\ saw and planing it, (as is often done tor building pug poses,) you see the lines, or sections, of the shells: bifi breaking it, you often see the impression of the sui faces of the shells. It grows harder by dry exposurif but it is not very good for building. It absorbs mueffi water and scales by freezing. With sufficient heat, jf turns to lime, which is good for building, but is tei coarse and dark for plastering. The best lime is macift from that which has been exposed perhaps for ages itt the action of the sun and air; and that kind presenip itself in various places, and in large tracts, exhibitini avery singular, craggy appearance, resembling largi bones of animals, and other grotesque shapes.” —Faik mers’ Register, Vol. I. p. 276. Ef |i Extract from the Southern Agriculturist of Aug. 1833.) “I have only seen the prairies of Alabama, in ttl} counties of Montgomery and Lowndes, and have triej to ascertain the composition of the soil, and the efiecd produced on it by heat, drought, and moisture, so fil as connected with their productions. The prairicj mean the lime lands, and cover a large portion of thf surface of the middle parts of that State, and are dd vided into the wooded and bald, (or unwooded prairie which are so interspersed, that in one thousand acre) together of the most wooded, there will be from one third to one-fifth of bald prairie, and in the most bali a similar proportion of wooded prairie. ‘To speak gi! nerally, the prairies are healthy, high, dry, and ver) undulating, presenting but few levels and no savan nals; the hills bald or unwooded, and covered with || dense growth of grass and weeds, furnishing coars]} but excellent pasturage; the sides of the hills, begit] ning at about one-half of their declivities, with the in) tervening valleys (there called slues) wooded, wit! the soil of jet black color, which sometimes extenc over the whole hill, though very often the bald par] are the color of lime; the crown of many of the hil! to the space of half an acre, covered with the pun cellent lime, and in great abundance, The sides «| the hills and slues are very properly considered the be; lands as to fertility, durableness and exemption fro): The black soil, and that growth which show rich land here, is considered the best, and the close ¢ stiff soils, if such a term can properly be applied | lands so very loose, are to be preferred as being mot, certainly free from the rust, a disease to which cottc: is very liable in the bald, and in some kinds of tk! wooded prairie, afterlong use. “There are also some prairie swamps, or levels ( considerable width, very rich indeed, and very closel covered with a dense growth of canes, (much of thei) more than thirty feet high) and a heavy growth 1 These lands, as wellas some other! often present uniform inequalities over their gener) levels, resembling the lairs of large animals. The Ih) dians say they are buffalo beds; they are called th) hog-bed lands, and are considered the evidence of st perior quality. But small portions of these lands hav) fallen under the stroke of the axe, from their difficult of clearing, and being liable to be overflowed by th | PANT MI—APPENDIX, uantity of water which is precipitated on them from ‘“@he very broken country about them, ') «This embraces the general character of the surface \§f the country. The soil presents on and below its @urface, oyster and other sea-shells, and the petrified \@>mains of fish, and shows evidently that it was once @overed by the ocean. Itis for many feet in depth a ‘@nass of rotten limestone, in all the various situations li. which it has been placed by the chemical action oi eat and moisture, and by the decomposed vegetable latter. Those soils are best where there is the most legetable matter: hence the woodlands that pay for l@ieir tenancy in the soil the annual contribution of Wneir leaves, are better than the bald prairies which re- eive only a scanty contribution from their decayed li@rasses. ‘The soil is a powder which dries quickly on ‘Ws surface for an inch or two, and in dry weather is all ver in small cracks, and looks very dry and husky and infit for vegetation; but below its surface two inches, ir below where. the plough has reached, there is a per- iWetual moisture. The soil works up under the fingers Without grit,and very much like putty. From a asual observation of the black light inland swamps of ne lower country of this state, I would say, there was uch resemblance between them as to appearance, ut to appearance only. This quality in the soil auses the prairie to bear drought surprisingly, and food crops of cotton and corn are made on them, in easons that cut short the product of other lands. “This fineness of soil prevents the percolation of auch water through it: hence, in the rains of winter, vhen but very littie evaporation is going on, it makes he worst roads imaginable; so much so, that it isa aaterial deduction from the value of any plantation, at should be more than ten miles from navigation. _ “This fineness of soil, which prevents its absorp- ton of water to any depth, I think the cause of ano- jher mischief. It prevents the gradual feeding of the ells and springs, and in dry summers they go dry to jn extent on soine few plantations, to require water to ve hauled to the people in the fields, and in extraordi- lary years to be hauled to their settlements. It is rery common for stock to suffer much for the want of ater. So soon as the warmth of spring is felt, and ‘vaporation begins, the roads improve surprisingly and yecome good, and the lands become dry; and when nee well ploughed up in the spring, become as light is an ash-heap, or as lime itself, which it is, and no jubsequent weather ever puts them out of order, ex- sept for a day or two, from some greatrain. You can enerally plough the day aftera hard rain. “The soil being so loose and light, makes it very lia- ale to run its surface off with every rain, and I do not ak that horizontal ploughing would save it, nor the eans usually considered etfectual here. I have tried totton stalks, and bushes, up a slope without effect, that would have been sufficient here.* You cannot ditch with the spade in the prairie: you would make as much and very similar progress in a barrel of pitch. With all this liability of your lands to wash, it will be a long time before you will lose its soil, for it is very deep. I find the opinion entertained by intelligent gentlemen, that the fertility may be restored by the shemical action of the sun and air without putting ve- zetable matter there. This looseness of soil and want yf retention of moisture at the surface, during the crop season, makes the prairies the kindest and the easiest and to work. I would prefer to make a crop on them nan ordinarily good year, to preparing for one here.* You can very well cultivate one-fifth more land to the aborer, and gather two-thirds more of cotton. The reason why you can gather more, is, beeause the cotton 90d in that soil and climate matures perfeetly, and ypens so wide, that the whole contents of the boll somes out ata touch of the fingers; when here, it is irawn out at two pulls, and sometimes a third; another reason is, that you commence picking about a fortnight earlier than here, and this time in the long days of Au- gust, is equal to one bale, of our Weights, to each la- borer: and yet another reason is, that knowing that the amount of the crop depends on the gathering, all other works are so arranged as not to intertere with it. “1 think the country more healthy than this, owing in part to its being more high, dry, and broken, and more under the strong influence of the trade winds; but there must bea iarther reason, because I have seen local causes enough to produce sickness here, in spite of the general causes of salubrity, that did not produce it there. Families reside with security on their prairie plantations allsummer, in the midst of ex- tensive clearings of rich land. I think it must come {vom some purification of atmosphere arising trom the immense quantity of lime on and near the surtace of the soil. ‘he other lands in that country under similar circumstances, are net more healthy than here.* The waters on the prairie do not corrupt; it is disagreeable to the taste, and both cathartic and diurectic in its ef- fects on anew settler, but aftera few weeks he be- comes reconciled to its taste, and many prefer it to other good water.” Mobile, Aug. 28, 1833. “Agreeably to my prémise, 1 proceed to detail to you some particulars about the former situation and present condition of this place, in regard to its health, as connected with the system of shelling the streets, and in support of the position assumed in a ‘Supplc- mentary Chapter to the tussay on Calcareous Manures,’ recommending calcareous earths as promotive of health aud cleanliness in cities and towns—(p.76, Farmers’ Register, No. 2.) “*f settled in Mobile in 1819, and have resided here ever since. Mobile is situated at the head ot Mobile bay, just where the river of the same name enters it. The plain on which the city stands extends back five miles, and covered by a pine forest. The region of hilly pine woods then sets in, and atiords fine healthy summer retreats. Summer retreats have been formed over the plain, quite from the city to the hill land; and they prove to be healtiiy. In 1819, Mobile wasa small wooden built town—the streets narrow and deep with light sand, except under the bluil, (which was eight to twelve feet above the level of the river,) where the streets were muddy—the tide ebbing and flowing over a margin of marsh from 4 to 600 feet wide, the edge of the marsh next the bluif at all times wet springy land. The rapidly increasing trade of the place, ear- ly drew those engaged in it towards the river, and soon covered the flat with store-houses, built on lots so badly filled up, that water stood under all of them, without exception—under some 6 inches, some 1 to 2 feet: and encroachments were made quite into the water, by laying timbers horizontally, to give sufficient elevation. High tides brought in floating logs—marsh grass—and all small substances that were borne on the waves, depositing them in the streets and over the flat. There were only one or twostreets at all filled in this flat, and they were very partially done. My first visit was in July, 1819, about the middle of the month: then it was healthy. About the last of that month, a violent S. E. storm cast animmense quantity of trash and filth over the flat, and a long drought followed, with prevailing north winds, which kept the water of the bay unusual- ly low. The place that summer was visited with the yellow fever, to the extent of a pestilence. In 1820, there was no prevailing epidemic, though the place could not be said to be healthy; perhaps there were some cases of yellow fever. I was absent three or four months this year on business. In 1821, there was less sickness than the previous year. That year, the gov- ernment sold the site of fort Charlotte, (now near -*In South Carolina. . *In South Carolina. S MANURES. —eeaes=@»aqeqquouonan eS SSS ij the centre of the city,) and the citizens thus came in possession of an immense quantity of material for fill- ing up. The ifort was a very strong Spanish built one, with walls 20 to 25 feet high, and 15 to 18 feet thick, made of brick and stone, strongly cemented with mortar of shell lime. Ithad an outer wall, and a glacis sur- rounding the whole, of pure earth. All this, during the latter part of 1821, and in 1822 and 1823, was carted and spread over the flat, together with an immense quantity of earth taken from the back parts of the town, which went very far towards filling up the flats above high water. But this filling was put in the streets and lots, and the foundations of houses already built, were thus made lower than the surrounding land. In 1824, similar improvements were carried on, and up to (and including) that year, there was no epidemic diseases: but bilious fevers were common, and tiie place was counted unhealthy. “In 1825, similar improvements went on, and the place was healthy up to the 25th of June, when a wet spell occured that lasted through the most of July— showery, with intervening hot suns. That year, the old burying ground, which is now in the heart of the city, and interinents in which had been discontinued the previous year, being the property of the Catholic Church, was laid oif in building lots, and let out on long leases; and many who had friends and relatives buried there, were permitted to disinter them, and re- move them to the new grave yard. This operation was carried on during the months of June and July, aod the old graves were left open to the influence of the rain and hot sun, to evolve the noxious efiluvia that had | ben engendered by the decomposition of the bodies they had contained. Most of the subjects that were re- moved were of those who had died in 1819 and sub- sequently; and I doubt not the miasmata that were ex- hated partook of the nature of that which produced the disease of which the subject died—it may be it was identical. This year the yellow fever raged again like a pestilence, and, unless I have already assigned the real cause of the fatal sickness of this year, Iam at a loss how to account for it from any local cause that would not have operated as powerfully any previous or subsequent year, anterior to the shellingsystem. It is to be admitted, that the deep loose sandy streets, and back yards, would serve as recepticles for an immense amount of animal and veg2table matter, thrown out from kitchens and shops, which, in a dry time, was trodden in and hid, and yet the substance remain to be operated on by heat and moistnre: and that the effluvia taus created would co-operate with the cause before as- signed, ‘There is another collateral cause worthy of notice, that exposed many a poor creature to the influ- ences of the general causes of sickness, and no doubt accelerated its progress. That year is rememberedas the “gambling year.” The legislature, by careless legislation, ina very laudable zeal to suppress that per- nicious vice, by a sweeping clause so framed a Jaw, as that it admitted a construction to license gambling, in- stead of suppressing it. Many gambling houses were opened under a $1000 license, as public as taverns; and such scenes of dissipation have rarely been witnessed in any country: Exposure to night air, loss of sleep, loss of fortune, loss of character, drunkenness and de- bauchery, (all fruitful exciting causes,) no doubt had their full eitect in swelling the listof mortality. “In 1826 and 1827, many brick buildings were in progress, and the sites of them exposed by removal of the old wood buildinys. This, with the general ab- sence of cleanliness produced by the capacity of sandy streets to retain filth, as remarked above, caused sick- ness these two years. There were several cases oi yellow fever in both years; but nothing to be com- pared with 1825. In October, 1827, a fire occurred that swept the whole business part of the town, aad hardly left a house standing, wood or brick, in all the flat below the bluff. he legislature, at the next ses- sion, which commenced soon afterwards, passed a law prohibiting the building of any other than fire-prog buildings within certain limits that included the busi ness part of the town; and here begins a new erai. the history of Mobile. In 1826, a brother of mine§? who is aphysician, then residing here, urged the im] © portance of improving the health of the city, (whie. he deemed perfectly practicable,) both through th] J medium of the press, and in conversations, upon ai};| suitable occasions. Nothing was done while he reside fyi) here; but his opinions took root, and were finally acte/}), on. The shelling the streets was the prominent mean with various details regarding police and individual atifi, tention to cleanliness of yards, &e. Since 1827, thi]” improvements in filling up, building, graduating, an) shelling the streets, and paving the side-walks, hay gone on so rapidly as to dety details; but the effect o the comfort and health of the place is abundantly ob vious. In 1822, the first brick tenement was erectee and most of those that were afterwards built prior t 1827, were then burnt down. Now there are betwee 300 and 400. One entire new street in front has bee: made, having encroached on the river to the depth ¢ six or eight feet of water: and from thence back to thi bluff, the ground is well filled up—every street shelle —all the alleys—many of the yards—all the publil warehouse yards, and the tavern yards, are shelled- everal of the streets are shelled for half a mile back and one that meets a leading road is shelled over’ mile—many of the cross streets are shelled, and eri long, every street in the city will be shelled—it is, ini deed, the settled policy, and without any constitutione| bar to its exercise. Mobile has been uniformly health since 1827—and I have been particular in my details! that you might the better judge whether it resulted from the shelling system. You will, no doubt, giv) due weight to the circumstances of all the flat beini well filled, and mostly covered with fine brick build! ings. Last fall and this summer, while the choler! raged so fatally in New Orleans, Mobile was visite: with very few cases, and they excited little or m alarm. In the first instance, nine or ten cases were re ported: the deaths were four or five. In the last in! stance, no public reports were deemed necessary, anii/\y I cannot say, with any precision, how many cases ool}, curred. I heard of some few deaths among the black! —and the city continues perfectly healthy up to thi) time. The shells that are used are cockle, or sea mus) cle, as some call them. They are the size of a hail). dollar, to that of a dollar, of the form of a clam shell)/ and they are pretty thick and solid. They aboun about the shores of the bay, and are contained i large banks upon the marsh islands opposite and abov the citv; perhaps having been the nuclei upon whic) those islands were formed. ‘The shells are brought i) § large lighters, as your correspondent ‘M.’ informs you) | [Farmers’ Register Vol. I. No.3, p. 152.] When th!’ street is graduated after the manner of turnpiking, th! shells are carted and spread over the street to thi depth of four or five inches. The spreading hardl) forms a moment’s obstruction to the passage along th street: as soon as they are spread, which is done b! scattering them with a spade, carriages and horses pas) over them, and they very soon form a crust, so we cemented asto be difficult to dig up with a pickax« They wear out, by very constant use on the most fre’ quented streets, but, by a little attention to’ breaks ani thin places, when astreet is once shelled, it is ver! easily kept in repair. «J have been informed the shelling system has bee: attempted in New Orleans; but it will not answer fe that place, owing to the ground being so much saturate: with water as not to sustain the shells. Ilearn that. is difficult to make the deepest paving stand well, fron that cause. If it will answer. I doubt not that Nev Orleans would find its account in covering every inc) of its whole area. H.’°—Sarmers Register Vol. I. Nb D> DP. 2tae | tt PART III—APPENDIX. 103 NOTE O. Page 68. ISCOVERY OF MAGNESIAN MARL IN THE of the subject, and obtained very nearly the same proportions of thesecarbonates. From sixty grains of earth he obtained of GRANITE AND COAL REGION oF virGINIA |Carbonate of lime, 31 grains | = per cent. f O13 Carb. of magnesia, 18 te 30 The magnesian marl of Hanover was discover- ee . . : she Lge 163 ed by John H. Steger, Esq. in 1833. Very mi- L reel whe | ; ute accounts of its appearance, and of its chem-| 40S : . yep 1% ical composition, were given soon afterwards in ae Phe Farmer’s Register, Vol. I. pages 424, 425, 60 100 462. It had the appearance of a hard chatk, ex- zept in color, which was ash color when wet, and a dark or dirty white when dry. No shells, nor The locality of this earth was as singular as its composition. According to the account furnished of its discovery, (by Dr. Meaux, in the Farmers’ any appearance of their having been present, could Register, Vol. I. p. 424,) Bear Island, where the fbe seen. but a fossil tooth, of the kind called the fshark’s, was found, which directed to the discove- bed was found, “‘lies between the first branches of Pamunky River in Hanover county,” and “is sit- iry, and sufficiently attests the marine formation of|uated on the first bed, and within a short distance jthe bed. With muriatic acid its eflervescence was jso uncommonly slow, as to induce, at first, the be- llief that its caleareous proportion was very small— and upona more full trial, this circumstance caused e to suspect the presence of carbonate of mag- esia, (which had not been met with in any other fearth,) and which, in fact, was found, to the amount of thirty-one per cent., besides the very Harge proportion of fifty per cent. of carbonate of jlime. ithe same specimen, by a different and more accu- frate process, as well as with far more knowledge of the first out cropping of granite, in ascending the Pamunky, and is pretty clearly in the same geological range that the Chesterfield and Henrico coal mines are, being ina northeastwardly course from them, and showing thin strata of coal in a bluff of free-stone which overlooks Little River, a tributary of the Pamunky, and is the northern boundary of the [Bear Island] tract.” No late information has been received, showing Mr. Rogers afterwards analyzed part of|whether any use has since been made of this earth as manure, or whether further discoveries of the extent of the bed have been made. A TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF SPACES CONTAINED IN AN ACRE OF LAND, AT VARIOUS GIVEN DISTANCES. } The following table will be found useful for fixing the proper distances to place marl, lime, or other ma- ‘nures,so as to give any desired quantities to the acre. The last table though not relating strictly to the sub- ject of manures, is convenient for fixing proper distances for planting, and other operations. Abridged from the American Farmer of 1820. Feet Ft. Ft. Ft. it. Et. Ft. 40 by 40 27) 20 by 16 136/96) by? “43 $86°/°15,- “hy. 13, "938 139 & 39 28 | do & 15 145 | do “ 12 | 2011} do «“ 12 | 242 438 ‘“ 38 30 | do ‘ 14 155 | do ‘6 11 220 | do ‘6 11 | 264 137 ‘“ 37 31 | do & 13 167 | do ‘“ 10 242 | do ‘“ 10 | 290 136 “ec 36 33 | do ‘ 12 181 135 ‘e 35 35 | do ‘“ 11 1985) ae | Bye. 1s 150 | 14 ‘“ 14 | 292 £34 6“ 34 37 | do ‘6 10 217 | do “ 16 160 | do ‘ 13. | 239 133 ‘“ 33 40 do ‘“ 15 170 | do ‘“ 12 | 259 1 32 6 32 42| 19 ‘“ 19 120 | do ‘< 14 180 | do ‘ 11 | 282 131 « 31 45 | do ‘6 1d 127 | do ‘ 13 197 | do ‘“ 10 | 311 / 30 ‘ 30 48 | do “ 17 134 | do «“ 12 213 {29 & 29 51 | do ‘ 16 143 | do & 11 232 | 13 ‘“ 13 | 257 28 “ 28 55 | do é 15 152 | do ‘ 10 256 | do ‘“ 12 | 279 1 27 “ 27 59 | do ‘ 14 163 do cc 11 | 304 96 “« 696 64 | do ‘< 13 176 | 16 ‘“ 16 170 | do ‘“ 10 | 335 195 «“ 25 69 | do « 12 191 | do ‘< 15 181 } 24 ‘ 24 75 | do ‘“ 11 208 | do ‘< 14 194 | 12 ‘6 12 | 302 23 ‘“ 23 82 | do 6“ 10 229 | do ‘“ 13 209 | do ‘ 11 | 330 | 22 “ 8699 90 do ‘“ 12 | 2261 do ‘6 10 | 363 (21 & 21 98 | 18 ‘ 18 134 | do ‘“ 11 247 a ; 20 ‘sc 20 108 | do ‘6 17 142 | do ‘“ 10 | 2721 11 &“ 11 | 360 , do &< 19 114 | do &< 16 151 do sc 10 | 396 , do ‘ 18 121 | do ‘ 15 161} 15 ‘“ 15 | 193 do ‘ 17°! 128' do « 14 172 | do ‘“ 14 | 207! 10 ‘“ 10 | 435 104 ON CALCAREOUS MANURES ' Oe? Oo— Table of planting distances. 4 a4 _ Ft. In. aa 9 9 -in. Benhen : do “ 8 aa BG). by: 3, 9.) 2112 Ft In. Ft. In. | do & 05 | do rf OWN Ma Pet 5 oer ; 7 3 6 | 2262 y 2 0) 4840 Ft. In. | do 6c 691 | do 3 262 |ilo a; Fins Haak ae a, oe ge De See go. mee rare laa Raed 22 4194 8 ‘ 5 968 | do tc 3 0 | 2640 |do 6c ; 6| 6453 |do IT; 99 4818 do & 680 | do “ 2 9 | 2880 |do « 1 3} 7744 |do Ts 26 sa do “ 7 777 | do ce 26/3168/43 « 0} 9680 |do ne on 5361 do E 905 | do ‘ 2 3 | 3520 |do 3 4 3} 2411 |do 6c 20 | do ce S 1089 | do &c 2 0 | 3960 | do ‘6 ako 2562 | do “ 1 6701 do ‘ s 1361 | do « 1 9 | 4525 |do “ 3 9} 2733 |do “ a ia 7 3 | 1815 | d i | soee laa staat HOS! 2 Rees Ne aie 16| 8938 « 7 0| 888 | do “1:3 | 6336 ic 3313153 ldo 1 3 | 10722 do “ 6 6.| 957 do & 10 pane - 66 3 0] 3416 | 3 ‘ 1 0 | 13403 = ‘6 6 0 | 1037 # éc BO lsagee ao é Soh erayiee 3 20 | 46m oe 6 56} 1131 His “ 49 1934 o 9 6| 4099 Ido : 29 5989 ee ene te meee lage do 2.3) 4555 Jdo 26| 5808 cae gaol Meee reece 49: VoRne Lad ae oe cheeses \ae ae 2.3 |. 64ag A 4 0 | 1555 | d 40/2178 |do | ot bake a a 0| 7260 e 66 3611777 66 39 | 9393 4G . 1 6| 6832 |do i 19| 8297 a i 3 0 | 2074 ote 3 3 6 | 2489 io 1 3] 8199 |do # 16] 9680, pee sine |assalian 84 SG ger ace Dee vo te | eee ae 13 | 11616 - op lee Fe RR aaah Ge at ahuignn a9 \o9 « ap 14520 29 | 316 9| 29 60 ry ae ee ae Soa Nice Mumene Ser baa crannies 6336 (ye 66 (aah = “c 2 3| 9979 oO ts 3 | 3350 |d 7 23} 704 do & 6 0 | 1116 oN “ 2 0 | 4956 do “ 3 0| 3630 ae : 301 79261 Berke ge geen Tare aes meee do) 2 0) ae ae 19| 9051 de &< 5 0 | 1340 a Pa 1 6 | 5808 |do be 2 6| 4356 |do tc 1 6 | 10560 GOB cence OH mee ete. Oe help we ee ee 1 3 | 12676 do cc 40/1675|;49 « 1 0 | 8712 |do 6s 20} 5445/26 “* 1 0 | 15846 Gin io Sig Bal BONE 0. oct £9 Vee Nee rae ieee eee 26| 6966] eta a0 2233 |do « re 9037 do « a 7260 ie ee a 2 6 | 2680 2157 712 | zo ae there 3350 = | #0) 2292 ie aaa sip 10890 je ee 9956! do 5 I 6 | 4467 | do : 39 | 2445 |do cc 3.9} 3097 |do 66 1 6 | 11616) Fs ee ali a ett Be © 36 | 2620 |do 3 6| 3318 ldo 1 3| 13936! ia 1 ite 60/1210} do « 33/9821 ldo « 33| 3574/23. « 1 0| 17424 do &< 5 9 | 1262 | do Me 3 0 | 3056 |do :e 3 0| 3872 |do i 23} 8604) 1 5 6 | 1320 | a 2 9 | 3334 |d 29| 4994 |do 20} 9686 Cre caer uly ABD ee A ey Mae do.” So) pees) Abb idee 1 9| 11069 6 | 1613 4075 3| 5162 |d vs do ce do &c do “ oy) 1 40 | 1815 2 0 | 4585 20) 5808 3 3 | 15488) a ea UL ae eae eee Mi for) geet oO ee 19366 0 | 2420 6113 6| 7744 |d i; do “ do “ do “ a 1 ] 2 6 | 2904 1 3 | 733 1 3/ 9272 |« ie g | 1244 lorem Pea yarn) Mee SL Be 78 /ieae 6| 4 2 55 24 Bae peer 0 eet ak ae Se Ate eee 3608 dey mentioned, but also to the extensive calcareous formation of our lower counties. Besides the practical importance of this investi-— gation to the agriculture of alarge district of the | state, in a purely geological aspect, it was calcula-_ ted to excite the highest interest. In the vast re-_ gion of our tide-water country, at farthest, only two members of the tertiary group of forma-_ tions had been hitherto discovered, and no decided | indications of a secondary deposite likely to prove interesting to men of science, had been found. | At the mouth of the Potomac, and at some other points, a deposite had been detected by Mr. Con- rad of Philadelphia, which from the great pre- dominance of shells of existing species, was re- garded by him as belonging to the upper or newer tertiary. 'The same eminent conchologist by an ex- amination of numerous fossils from York town, — Suffolk, the James River, near Smithfield, and other localities, had clearly proved that this por- tion of the teritary series was of greater antiquity than the former, and accordingly he has recently | applied to it the title of middle tertiary—which, as some geologists in Europe divide the tertiary group into four periods, would include both the | second and third of these subordinate formations. | The lower tertiary, which Mr. Conrad had so | successfully investigated in Alabama, had not as yet been brought to light within the limits of Vir- ginia. Thus, therefore, these inquiries appeared | fraught with the lively interest of scientific discov- | ery, while at the same time they inspired the ani- mating hope, that in some of their results, they might eventually be found conducive to the inter- ests of an important district of the state. From the great extent of the middle tertiary of Lower Virginia, it was to be expected that, — notwithstanding the diligence and learning of those who had visited several of its interesting localities, with the view of studying its fossil contents, an ex- tensive field of future discovery would be opened to the scientific explorer—and a wath: variety of new and peculiar fossils would be To acertain extent this anticipation has been re- alized; and the occasional examinations which I rought tolight. have made in this vicinity, and at some remote | points, have been rewarded by an extension of the list of fossils, and the discovery of a number of new and interesting species. To the readers of the Register, generally, the details of these ob- | servations would appear. unimportant, if not use- less, and must therefore be omitted. At the same time, I may be allowed to add, that such facts are frequently invested with a practical interest, by the aids which they furnish to other and more impor- PART IJI—APPENDIX. tant discoveries; and that, however little value, in the abstract, would attach to an enumeration and description of the shells, zoophytes, and other re- mains of our marl banks, they are absolutely es- sential in studying the physical history of this por- tion of the globe, and may prove of some assist- ance not only in guiding the researches of the farmer after marl, but in directing his choice of cal- careous manure, when various deposites of’ this substance are offered for his selection. Of the latter point, several striking illustrations might be adduced—but I shall content myself, for the pre- sent, with the statement of'a single fact. A small shell of rough exterior, and rather irregular form, aspecies of chama, is frequently found in very extensive beds in this vicinity and at other points, forming nearly the entire calcareous portion of the deposite. From its peculiar form and friable “character, it is most generally in a condition to be eminently serviceable as a manure. As the strata both above and below are often of a very differ- ent texture, though perhaps nearly equal to it in regard to their caicareous contents, a choice is at once presented to the farmer, in which, he will be euided even more by the nature of the shell em- bedded, than by the comparative abundance of earbonate of lime. But so little attention has been paid to the characters of the fossils contained in our marl-banks, that even in places where the manure has been longest and most successfully in use, a less valuable stratum is sometimes selected in preference to one of superior fertilizing power. A more minute observation of such particulars, can scarcely be expected, in the absence of some popular guide, in the form of delineations and de- scriptions of the more prominent shells, exempted as much as possible {rom technical or merely scientific phraseology. Some such illustrations may hereafier be furnished in a cheap form in the progress of a geological examination of the east- ern region of our state. Since the publication of my former paper, a great number of additional observations have been made with regard to the green sand contained in our ordinary middle tertiary marl. Its uniform presence in this deposite, in a greater or less pro- portion, seems now to be sufficiently established. That itis generally present insufficient quantity to enhance in any important degree the agricultu- ral utility of’ the manure, it would be going much too far to assert; but thatin many cases the propor- tion is such as cannot fail of producing highly beneficial effects upon vegetation, would seem to be demonstrated not only by the long experience of the farmers of New Jersey with the green sand estates in this vicinity, are peculiarly rich in this ingredient, and are hence, as well as from their fri- able texture, generally selected in preference to all others. Insome of these deposites, as large a proportion as thirty, and in some specimens forty per cent., has been found; and in cases like this, if we are to trust tothe experience of New Jersey, a very marked addition to the fertilizing power of the marl must be ascribed to the presence of this ingredient. In alluding thus to the influence of the green sand as an auxiliary manure, the inquiry naturally arises, to which of its ingredients are its meliora- ting effects to be ascribed, or do they arise from the conjoint action of the potash and oxide of iron which it contains? To this inquiry, perhaps, it would be premature to attempt to respond. At all events, the rationale of its action cannot be given with that certainty, which in such matters, itis desirable to attain. As stated in the former communication, its components are protoxide of iron, potash andsilex; the latter ingredient appear- ing to act, as it is known to do in many rocks, in the capacity of an acid. In virtue of the potash contained in the green sand, we would naturally infer an agency in neutralizing acids, similar to that of lime, or its carbonate—and the extent to which the manure possesses this property, must appear still further increased when we advert to the chemical nature of the protoxide of iron. Tron, like most other metallic bodies, combines with oxygen in more than one proportion. ‘These compounds, or oxides as they are termed, are two in number, and in accordance with the general rule adopted by chemists in designating this class of substances, that which contains the least propor- tion of oxygen, is called the protoxide--that contain- ing the most, the peroxide. The rust of iron, and the red coloring matter of ochreous clays, and of bricks and tiles, are impure specimens of the per- oxide of iron. The protoxide is never found in an uncombined condition; and such is the avidity with which it imbibes an additional quantity of oxygen, or unites with carbonic and other acids, that it undergoes a rapid change whenever disen- -gaged. Hence, under favorable circumstances, a strong neutralizing action might be anticipated from this ingredient of the green sand. We may therefore, for the present, rest our explanation of the agency of this manure upon the alkaline pro- perties of these two constituents, the potash and the protoxide of iron. But in suggesting this ex- planation, it must be freely confessed that, espe- cially as relates to the action of the protoxide of iron, it must be looked upon as problematical, itself, but by the observations of individuals; and requiring for the establishment of its truth, an amongst ourselves who have been in the habit of ;experimental knowledge of the influence of this applying a calcareous marl in which this sub- stance is peculiarly abundant. In the vicinity of Williamsburg, almost every variety of the com- mon marl may be found; but that which has been observed to produce the most striking effects as a manure, has uniformly yielded to chemical exam- ination a comparatively large proportion of the green sand. When therefore, it is in the power of the farmer to make the selection, such marl substance upon the growing vegetable, of which nothing has as yet been positively determined. As already indicated, when these inquiries were entered upon, and at the time when my first communication appeared in the Register, the ex- istence of a lower tertiary deposite in Virginia had not been ascertained. The industry of Mr. Conrad had brought to light a formation of this nature in Alabama, and had led to the probable in- should be chosen, as, along with a large propor-| ference that it existed at Fort Washington in Ma- tion of ; calcareous matter in a suitable state of|ryland. Moreover one ortwo of the fossils obtain- subdivision, contains also as great an amount as|ed from the editor of the Register encouraged the possible of this auxiliary manure. The beds of| hope that it might be found in our own state. The chama aed referred to, as abounding on some! observations of that gentleman respecting the gyp- AB : 114 seous earth of James River* had appeared some time before, and though nothing positive could be gained from them, in relation to the geological character of the deposite, to which he affixed that name, they threw out the important and saga- cious sugeestion, that this earth was the same with the green sand of New Jersey, or atleast a substance of analogous character. We shall in the sequel, learn that though geologically the two formations belong to periods which are distinct, the gypseous earth contains a large proportion of that particular ingredient, (the green silicate of iron and potash,) of which the Nev Jersey de- posite almost exclusively consists. We are there- fore indebted to the editor of the Register, for the announcement of the important fact, that the green sand, or a substance analogous to it, existed in certain localities on the James River. Following up the suggestions of geological analogy, alluded to in my first paper, and stimu- lated by the observations and statements of Mr. Ruffin, [ have been enabled by personal inspec- tion, and through the kindness of correspondents, to ascertain with certainty, the existence of a lower tertrary deposite, throughout an extensive district of Eastern Virginia, and moreover to deter- mine what is far more important to the agriculture of this region, that the deposite in question com- prises immense strata of green sand, perhaps near- ly equal in value to that which is in use in New Jersey. The reader, however, is by no means to infer from the existence of the green sand so abundantly, both in this lower tertiary and in the New Jersey formation, that. the two deposites be- long to the same geological era. I have already stated that the New Jersey green sand, is a se- condary deposite—and of course anterior to the _formation here designated as lower tertiary. The shells and other fossils, entombed in the two de- posites are strikingly different, and characteristic of difference of geological antiquity. As it is desira- ble that clear ideas should be entertained, in rela- tion to the distinction here drawn, I would claim the indulgence of the reader, in presenting such explanations, and illustrations, as are calculated to throw light upon a subject in which, at least in some particulars, all are obviously interested. The term primary having been adopted by geo- logists as designating that extensive class of rocks which from various indications, appeared in gene- ral to have originated first, and which are destitute of all traces of animal or vegetable existence— the title of secondary, was of course appropriated to aclass, apparently of more recent origin, usu- ally overlying the former, and in which, in many cases, an enormous accumulation of organic re- mains had been discovered. A minute examina- tion of these remains, consisting of shells, the bones of animals, &c., disclosed the curious fact that they belonged to races of beings of which, at present, there are only very few living represen- tatives, Subsequent observations, first systemati- cally made by Cuvier and Brogniart in the vicini- ty of Paris, further demonstrated that overlying the secondary formation of that region, there ex- isted an extensive series of deposites of great thickness, the fossil contents of which were, on the whole, very dissimilar from those of the form- er—not only all the species, but many of the most * Article on ‘“‘Gypseous Earth,” page 105. ON CALCAREOUS MANURES. remarkable animal and vegetable forms being dis- tinct, while at the same time many of the species were observed to be identical with others now alive. The difference thus marked between the two se- ries of deposites, uniformly prevailing wherever they were observed, led to the introduction of the term tertiary, to designate the upper and more re- cent. By scrutinizing in detail the tertiary series, it was soon discovered to consist of several dis- tinct subordinate formations, characterized by pe- culiar fossils, and becoming more assimilated in their organic contents to the existing living world, in proportion as their position in the series ap- proached nearer and nearer to the surface. The most recent systematic writer on geology, and one of the most learned and able geologists of the day, has distinguished four subordinate formations in the tertiary series—and has given to each a specific name, expressive of its relative period of deposition. Though unwilling to perplex the reader with the terms of science, 1 may perhaps be excused on this occasion for introducing the names here referred to, on the ground that they are likely to be met with frequently hereafter in geological descriptions of the tertiary deposites of this country—and as they are distinctive of things which are characteristically different, and which have received no other denominations so appropri- ate, they have a just claim to be received. The terms thus employed by Mr. Lyell, the distin- guished geologist above alluded to, are— Ist. Pliocene, indicating a majority of the con- tained fossils to be recent, and divided into newer and older Pliocene. Under this head are com- prised some of the shell deposites near the mouths of our rivers. Qnd. Miocene, indicating a minority of the con- tained fossils to be recent. ‘To this formation be- lone most of our calcareous strata which have previously been referred to under the title of mid- dle tertiary. 3rd. Eocene, signifying the dawn; indicating the presence of a few fossils analogous to living species, or in other words a dawning of that condi- tion of the animated world which now prevails. Examples of this are furnished in the lower ter- tiary of Alabama, and the lower tertiary here al- luded to as recently discovered in Virginia. The nature of the materials in which the fossils of these different deposites are embedded is very various. Sometimes the formation is a soft sand or clay—sometimes a sandstone or limestone of comparative hardness. In some cases the deposi- tion appears, from the nature of the fossils, to have been made beneath the ocean—sometimes at the bottom of an extensive lake. In the vicinity of Paris, there are three marine formations alter- nating with two of fresh water or lake origin; and from one of the latter, the celebrated gypsum or plaster of Paris is extensively quarried. In Virgi- nia, no traces of afresh water tertiary have as yet been discerned. The general direction of the deposite is horizontal, and the whole appears to have been formed at successive eras beneath the waters of the ocean. ‘ From what has now been said, it will at once appear that strong features of resemblance are presented in the geology even of the more recent formations in this country ant Europe. The most striking similarity exists between the secondary of New Jersey and that of many places in Europe— cle ad EEN ORT) Ta ooOoOOOOOOOOOOOoOeeeaneneaeaeaeneaes=—e—SSMajM{(——0959559595950CwO”W«Ww————wuauqQQquqQuqu6( ow 0} as faras fossil contents are concerned. Butin Eu- rope a great proportion of these fossils are embed- ded in chalk; whereas, in New Jersey, no chalk has been discovered, and its place is occupied by green sand, very similar to that, which, in the for- mer localities, alternates with the layers of chalk. The lower tertiary or eocene of Virginia is found in a band of variable, and as yet unascertained breadth, traversing the state nearly in a direction from north to south. It makesits appearance on both sides of the Potomac, in a line a little east of Fredericksburg. It then crosses the Rappahan- nock near Port Royal, the Pamunkey probably: near Piping Tree, and the James River at Coggin’s Point. ith regard to its course further south, though its existence is probable, additional data are required. In general character, this formation may bethus described. At the base of the cliff or bank, there usually exists a stratum of what at first sight ap- pears to be a blue or black clay, but which, on fur- ther examination, is found to consist principally of particles of the silicate of iron and potash, which when dried, becomes of a lively green color. Mingled with this substance are portions of com- mon clay and sand, and numerous minute shining scales of mica. Hmbedded in the mass, and usu- ally ina very friable condition, numerous shells chieily of small dimensions will be found. Some- times however, the matter of the shell has entirely disappeared, leaving a distinct cast or impression in the earth, by which its specific character may often be ascertained. Immediately above this stratum is a heavy deposite of what Mr. Ruffin has described as gypseous earth.* Large masses of crystalized gypsum, and sometimes the most beautiful groups of perfect crystals of this sub- stance, are disseminated throughout this layer. It was this portion of the formation which Mr. Ruf- fin conceived to be identical with the green sand of New Jersey. In color, this stratum varies from a greenish yellow to a brown. Besides a considerable proportion of green sand, it contains, in addition to the crystalized gypsum, a notable amount of this substance ina subdivided state, and seemingly occupying fhe place of the shells which were formerly present, and have been de- composed under the chemical agency of some substance which filtrated in solution through the mass. Incumbentupon this bed is a thin layer of very pure wiiite clay, of a texture which would recommend it to various useful purposes. Over- lying the clay in some places, is a stratum of shell marl in a very subdivided state, containing masses of casts and shells approaching to the hardness of rock. ‘This is the uppermost layer of the eocene * The term “gypseous earth,” used in the article re- ferred to above, was applied not to a part, (as here sup- >) but to the whole of that formation which Mr. ogers has since shown to be of “green sand.” But it was also stated, that by the general application of that term to the extensive beds which seemed to have had a common origin, (and formerly, the same chemi- cal composition,) it was not intended to convey the opinion that all this earth contained sulphate of lime, either in crystals, or finely divided. On the contrary, that ingredient. was said not to be present, in any per- ceptible quantity, in but very few parts of the great _ body of what was there called “sypseous earth.””—See _ Farmers’ Register, Vol. I. p. 208.—Ep. or lower tertiary formation. Yet at some points a stratum of the ordinary middle tertiary marl rests almost immediately upon the former, and would not by an ordinary observer be recognized as dis- tinct. At Tarbay, where this succession of strata was observed, a thin and scarcely distinct lay- er of small brownish red pebbles intervenes be- tween these two layers of shells, seeming to mark a comparatively violent action of the wa- ters in the interval of the two deposites. But an examination of the shells, in these two contigu- ous strata, affords abundant evidence of their belonging to distinct geological epochs. In the upper stratum the large scallops, the common oys- ter of our marl, and all the usual ingredients of our middle tertiary or miocene formation, may be recognised. Inthe lower bed few or noneof them exist, but certain characteristic shells belonging to the eocene period are entombed. Similar fossils appear below, in the green sand beneath the gyp- seous earth; and here a great variety of beautiful specimens may be discerned. An enumeration of these fossils in this place would of course be at- tended neither with utility nor interest, and in- deed, were it advisable in the present stage of the inquiry, it could not be made, on account of the necessity of comparing the specimens with shells from other localities in Europe and this country, in order to identify species, and to decide upon those which are new, or peculiar to our own for= mation. That many such exist, I have every rea- son to believe, and with future leisure it is hoped that they will be named according to the fashion of the day, and described in the appropriate place. It will however be of real value to the reader, in any inquiries which he may institute, in reference to this formation, to obtain some general idea of the characters of two or three of the more conspic- uous and characteristic shells. The observer will perhaps be able to recognize the following:— Ist. The cardita planicosta. This shell is of various sizes, rarely however equalling that of the clam. In form it bears some resemblance to that shell; but on the convex sidea number of flattened ridges run from the knobbed extremity near the hinge, spreading from each other and enlarging as they approachthe margin. The hinge part of the shell is very thick. This shell, occurs abundantly in the eocene or lower tertiary of Europe, and al- so in that of Alabama. 2nd. Ostrea selleformis, or saddle-shaped oys- ter. ‘This shell is very peculiar, having, when full grown, such alateral extension on each side as to present, when the hollow of the shell is turned down, a very distinct resemblance to asaddle with its two depending flaps. It is found abundantly in the eocene of Alabama. 3rd. Fusus longaevis, a small shell less than an inch in length, and resembling in general form, those which are commonly called conchs. It is however flattened down on one side as if it had been subjected to pressure. This shell occurs abun- dantly in the eocene of Europe—but I believe has not until now been discovered in the corresponding formation of this country. These three fossils, which are all found in great numbers in such of the eocene localities in Vir- ginia as [ have examined, are sufficient to iden- tify the formation wherever they may be discov- ered. But as already indicated, they are accom- | panied by a variety of other shells, a large pro- 110 portion of which, would appear to be peculiar to this particular region. It would seem that the eocene of Virginia though agreeing in most re- spects with that of Alabama, contains some fossils found also in the Paris eocene, and which are absent from that of Alabama. In most of the specimens of mar! from this re- gion hitherto examined, besides a large amount of; green sand, I have found a considerable propor- tion of gypsum, and in some of them as much as forty or fifty per cent. of carbonate of lime. Spe- cimens received from Dr. Corbin Braxton, at the Piping Tree, were found to contain, along with much green sand, a great amount of the carbo- nate of lime, and some gypsum. Judging from its composition and texture, it must be looked up- on as a very valuable manure. At Coggin’s Point, the lower stratum before described, contains from sixty to seventy per cent. of the green sand, with a small proportion of carbonate of lime, and occasionally a little gypsum. The next deposite above, (the gypseous earth) abounds in gypsum, but contains less ¢feen sand than the former. Of this ingredient, however, it still possesses a very considerable proportion. In alluding to the power- ful effects of the gypseous earth, in a trial which he made, the author of the Zssay on Calcareous Manures describes them as much greater than could be accounted for by the proportion of gyp- sum present, and hence throws out the suggestion ihat some other fertilizing ingredient was contain- ed in the earth. This additional effect must doubt- less be ascribed to the presence of the green sand. In prosecuting the geological survey of Ma- ryland, Professor Ducatel has been enabled to ascer- tain the existence of a green sand deposite through- out an important district of that state. Of its ex- istence on both sides of the Potomac I was al- ready fully aware—and it affords me much satis- YUN LALUARHOUS WANURES, \ faction to find that the suggestions based Sponi| general geological considerations, which were. presented in my former paper, edand diligent observer. Of the identity of some | of the green sand deposites described in his report, with that now ascertained to exist in the eocene. of Virginia, Tam as yet by no means convinced; but a minute geological examination, such as that. already instituted in Maryland, and that which is _ looked to with some interest in Virginia, cannot fail to throw very useful light on this, as well as all the other important deposites in the tide-water region of the two states. Mutual benefit would arise from the co-operation of surveys, conducted | at the same time in the two adjoining territories, and in this way the interests of the states, as well as those of science, would be most eflectually“and speedily promoted. t To the very meagre details, in relation to the green sand, presented in this communication, I may hope ere long to be enabled to add the results of extensive and minute personal observation in the interesting region in which the eocene forma- tion has been detected. In the mean time, the have already been | so actively and ably followed up by this enlghten- } progress of inquiry may be greatly furthered by the friendly aid of those who, from their residence | in the region in question, will have itin their pow- er readily to collect specimens of shells or earth, | and to transmit them to me for inspection. £ would therefore, earnestly solicit assistance of this kind, and in return, I will gladly communicate the results of any observations I may be thus enabled to make. To urge the importance of this, and — other similar inquiries, would now-no longer seem | to be necessary—since a large portion of the in- telligence and enterprise of our state appears prompt to recognise their value, and interested in furthering their active and successful prosecu- tion. ; WM. B, ROGERS, ERRATA. Page 4, in date of preface, for “1834” read ‘1832.7 5, at the end of the advertisement to 2d ed. insert date, “April 1835.77 19, col. 1, 14th line—for “forty-seven” read “fifty-seven.” 49, col. 1, line 47, after “Appendix H.?? add “and S.?? 68, col. 2, line 60, for ““.Appendiz P.” read “Appendix E.* 81, col. 2, 1st line of the note—for “‘translation,”’ read “‘transition.”? Ff mi i nou27be3s17? ®