ESSAYS ON NUCLEIC ACIDS ESSAYS ON NUCLEIC ACIDS BY ERWIN CHARGAFF tA ELSEVIER PUBLISHING COMPANY AMSTERDAM / LONDON / NEW YORK 1963 SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA AMERICAN ELSEVIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 52 VANDERBILT AVENUE, NEW YORK 17, N.Y. sole distributors for great britain elsevier publishing company limited 12b, rippleside commercial estate ripple road, barking, essex library of CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER 63-8569 WITH 13 ILLUSTRATIONS AND 39 TABLES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS BOOK OR ANY PART THEREOF MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, INCLUDING PHOTOSTATIC OR MICROFILM FORM, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERM ISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS TO THE MEMORY OF MY TEACHER, KARL KRAUS Preface Few recent advances have, for better or for worse, had such an impact on biological thinking as the discovery of base-pairing in nucleic acids. These complementariness principles do not only underlie current ideas on the structure of the nucleic acids, but they form the foundation of all speculations, more or less well- founded, on their physical properties (denaturation, hypochromic- ity, etc.), on the transfer of biological information from deoxy- ribonucleic acid to ribonucleic acid, and on the role of the latter in directing the synthesis of specific proteins. They form the basis of present explanations of the manner in which the amino acids are activated before being assembled to make a protein; they are being invoked incessantly in attempts to unravel the nucleotide code which is thought to be responsible for specifying the amino acid sequence of proteins. It will, perhaps, surprise many readers, into whose ears a different version has been drummed for years, to learn that the first announcement of base-pairing in nucleic acids was made in an article, published early in 1950, which forms Chapter 1 of this book; the statement itself will be found on page 13. Those to whom it may sound unusually modest or restrained are asked to consider that at that time the new science of molecular biology did not yet exist. Chapters 2 to 9 are also drawn from essays published pre- viously at different times and at different places, some not easily accessible. They are all reprinted here without change, with the exception of Chapter 9 which underwent extensive revision. Place and year of publication are indicated in each case; and I VIII PREFACE should like to use this occasion to thank the several publishers for the permission to reprint these articles. The last two chapters, Nos. 10 and 11, have not been pubHshed before and are of an entirely different kind, stepping forth, as they do, without the stately periwig of a list of references. They should be considered as a divertimento, though not without pas- sages in a minor key; specimens of a sort that rarely finds its way into a book dealing with scientific matters. Chapter 10 is a specimen of a recent lecture, as it was prepared for actual delivery, without undergoing the normal editing for publication which consists mostly in the substitution of references to the literature for any critical or unusual remarks that may have been made. Chapter 11 is a specimen of many conversations that I have participated in over the last few years; it is, of course, a composite of many such talks, a collage, as it were: no single person could be so dim. There will be some, I am certain, that will find the application to scientific problems of the means of humor, of satire, and even of puns, these metaphysical hiccups of language, most unbe- coming and frivolous. But there are many levels at which criticism ought to be exercised; and the critique of some of the concepts of modern science, and especially of its aberrations, has virtually disappeared at a time when it is more necessary than ever; at a time when the polarization of science has gone so far that one now "runs" for scientific awards as for a political office; that scientific lectures begin to sound like keynote speeches at political conventions; that scientific reporting has replaced the intimate gossip from Hollywood; that the persuasiveness of truth has been replaced by the strength of the acclamation; in other words, that cliques are surrounded by claques. The emergence of a Scientific Establishment, of a power elite, has given rise to a remarkable phenomenon: the appearance of what is called dogmas in biological thinking. Reason and judgment are inclined to abdicate when faced with a dogma; but they should not. Just as in political life, a stiff upper lip often conceals a soft under- belly. It is imperative that the most stringent criticism be ap- PREFACE IX plied to tentative scientific hypotheses that disguise themselves as dogmas. This criticism must come from within; but it can only come from an outsider at the inside. If the title of the last chapter requires an explanation, I may quote Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary: ''amphisbaena — a fabled serpent with a head at each end, moving either way". Whether strand separation was observed in the Middle Ages, is not recorded. Columbia University Erwin Chargaff New York, N.Y. December, 1962 "^7\ Contents V Preface vii Chapter 1. Chemical Specificity of Nucleic Acids and Mechanism of Their Enzymic Degradation 1 1. Introduction 1 2. Identity and diversity in high-molecular cell constituents . 2 3. Purpose 5 4. Preparation of the analytical material 6 5. Separation and estimation of purines and pyrimidines . • 7 6. Methods of hydrolysis 10 7. Composition of deoxypentose nucleic acids 11 8. Composition of pentose nucleic acids 15 9. Sugar components 18 10. Depolymerizing enzymes 18 11. Concluding remarks 20 References 23 Chapter 2. Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids as Cell Constituents 25 1. Biological significance of nucleic acids 26 2. Deoxypentose nucleic acids 27 3. Pentose nucleic acids 35 4. Final remarks 35 References 37 Chapter 3. Deoxypentose Nucleoproteins and Their Prosthetic Groups 39 1. Introduction 39 2. Deoxypentose nucleoproteins 41 3. Deoxypentose nucleic acids 50 References 60 Chapter 4. The Chemistry and Function of Nucleoproteins and Nucleic Acids 62 1. Introduction 62 2. Nucleoproteins 63 3. Deoxypentose nucleic acids 65 4. Fractionation of deoxypentose nucleic acids 66 S2672 XII CONTENTS 5. Differences between pentose nucleic acids 69 6. Remarks on functions 70 References 75 Chapter 5. The Very Big and the Very Small: Remarks on Conjugated Proteins 77 Chapter 6. Of Nucleic Acids and Nucleoproteins 82 1. Introduction 82 2. The significance of isolated cell constituents 83 3. Two types of nucleic acid 84 4. Deoxypentose nucleic acids 86 5. Pentose nucleic acids and nucleoproteins 92 6. The meaning of regularities 93 7. Remarks on nucleoproteins 96 References 98 Chapter 7. Nucleic Acids as Carriers of Biological Information . 100 1. Is there a hierarchy of cellular constituents? 100 2. On biological information chemically conveyed .... 102 3. Invariability of nucleic acids 104 4. Diversity of nucleic acids 105 5. Regularity of nucleic acids 106 6. Concluding remarks 107 References 108 Chapter 8. First Steps towards a Chemistry of Heredity . . . 109 1. Introduction 109 2. Chemical basis of cellular specificity HI 3. On the alphabet of the cell and some language difficulties 113 4. Biochemical space 115 5. On the code-script of biological high polymers . . . . 117 References 125 Chapter 9. The Problem of Nucleotide Sequence in Deoxy- ribonucleic Acids 126 1. Introduction 126 2. Remarks on the conceptual basis of sequence analysis . . 127 3. Remarks on nomenclature 131 4. Early attempts at sequence investigation 132 5. Sequence studies through differential distribution analysis 134 6. Summarizing remarks 147 References 159 Chapter 10. A Few Remarks on Nucleic Acids, Decoding, and the Rest of the World 161 Chapter 11. Amphisbaena 174 Index 201 CHAPTER 1 Chemical Specificity of Nucleic Acids and Mechanism of Their Enzymic Degradation"^ 1. INTRODUCTION The last few years have witnessed an enormous revival in in- terest for the chemical and biological properties of nucleic acids, which are components essential for the life of all cells. This is not particularly surprising, as the chemistry of nucleic acids represents one of the remaining major unsolved problems in biochemistry. It is not easy to say what provided the impulse for this rather sudden rebirth. Was it the fundamental work of Ham- marsten^ on the highly polymerized deoxyribonucleic acid of calf thymus? Or did it come from the biological side, for instance, the experiments of Brachet^ and Caspersson^? Or was it the very important research of Avery^ and his collaborators on the transformation of pneumococcal types that started the avalanche? It is, of course, completely senseless to formulate a hierarchy of cellular constituents and to single out certain compounds as more important than others. The economy of the living cell probably knows no conspicuous waste; proteins and nucleic acids, lipids and polysaccharides, all have the same importance. But one observation may be offered. It is impossible to write the history of the cell without considering its geography; and we cannot do this without attention to what may be called the chronology of the cell, i.e., the sequence in which the cellular con- * This article is based on a series of lectures given before the Chemical Societies of Zurich and Basle (June 29th and 30th, 1949), the Societe de chimie biologique at Paris, and the Universities of Uppsala, Stockholm, and Milan. (Reprinted with permission from Experientia, 6 (1950) 201-209). References p. 23 2 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS stituents are laid down and in which they develop from each other. If this is done, nucleic acids will be found pretty much at the beginning. An attempt to say more leads directly into empty speculations in which almost no field abounds more than the chemistry of the cell. Since an ounce of proof still weighs more than a pound of prediction, the important genetical functions, ascribed — probably quite rightly — to the nucleic acids by many workers, will not be discussed here. Terms such as "template" or "matrix" or "reduplication" will not be found in this lecture. 2. IDENTITY AND DIVERSITY IN HIGH-MOLECULAR CELL CONSTITUENTS The determination of the constitution of a complicated com- pound, composed of many molecules of a number of organic sub- stances, evidently requires the exact knowledge of the nature and proportion of all constituents. This is true for nucleic acids as much as for proteins or polysaccharides. It is, furthermore, clear that the value of such constitutional determinations will depend upon the development of suitable methods of hydrolysis. Other- wise, substances representing an association of many chemical individuals can be described in a qualitative fashion only; precise decisions as to structure remain impossible. When our laboratory, more than four years ago, embarked upon the study of nucleic acids, we became aware of this difficulty immediately. The state of the nucleic acid problem at that time found its classical expression in Levene's monograph^. (A number of shorter reviews, indicative of the development of our conceptions concerning the chemistry of nucleic acids, should also be men- tioned®-^ ^) The old tetranucleotide hypothesis — it should never have been called a theory — was still dominant; and this was char- acteristic of the enormous sway that the organic chemistry of small molecules held over biochemistry. I should like to illustrate what I mean by one example. If in the investigation of a disac- charide consisting of two different hexoses we isolate 0.8 mole of one sugar and 0.7 mole of the other, this will be sufficient for HIGH-MOLECULAR CELL CONSTITUENTS 3 the recognition of the composition of the substance, provided its molecular weight is known. The deviation of the analytical results from simple, integral proportions is without importance in that case. But this will not hold for high-molecular compounds in which variations in the proportions of their several components often will provide the sole indication of the occurrence of dif- ferent compounds. In attempting to formulate the problem with some exag- geration one could say: The validity of the identification of a substance by the methods of classical organic chemistry ends with the mixed melting point. When we deal with the extremely complex compounds of cellular origin, such as nucleic acids, proteins, or polysaccharides, a chemical comparison aiming at the determination of identity or difference must be based on the nature and the proportions of their constituents, on the sequence in which these constituents are arranged in the molecule, and on the type and the position of the hnkages that hold them together. The smaller the number of components of such a high-molecular compound is, the greater is the difficulty of a decision. The oc- currence of a very large number of different proteins was recog- nized early; no one to my knowledge ever attempted to postulate a protein as a compound composed of equimolar proportions of 18 or 20 different amino acids. In addition, immunological in- vestigations contributed very much to the recognition of the multiplicity of proteins. A decision between identity and dif- ference becomes much more difficult when, as is the case with the nucleic acids, only few primary components are encountered. And when we finally come to high polymers, consisting of one component only, e.g., glycogen or starch, the characterization of the chemical specificity of such a, compound becomes a very complicated and laborious task. While, therefore, the formulation of the tetranucleotide con- ception appeared explainable on historical grounds, it lacked an adequate experimental basis, especially as regards "thymonucleic acid". Although only two nucleic acids, the deoxyribose nucleic acid of calf thymus and the ribose nucleic acid of yeast, had been References p. 23 4 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS examined analytically in some detail, all conclusions derived from the study of these substances were immediately extended to the entire realm of nature; a jump of a boldness that should astound a circus acrobat. This went so far that in some publications the starting material for the so-called "thymonucleic acid" was not even mentioned or that it was not thymus at all, as may some- times be gathered from the context, but, for instance, fish sperm or spleen. The animal species that had furnished the starting material often remained unspecified. Now the question arises: How different must complicated sub- stances be, before we can recognize their difference? In the mul- tiformity of its appearances nature can be primitive and it can be subtle. It is primitive in creating in a cell, such as the tubercle bacillus, a host of novel compounds, new fatty acids, alcohols, etc., that are nowhere else encountered. There, the recognition of chemical pecuharities is relatively easy. But in the case of the proteins and nucleic acids, I believe, nature has acted most subtly; and the task facing us is much more difficult. There is nothing more dangerous in the natural sciences than to look for harmony, order, regularity, before the proper level is reached. The harmony of cellular life may well appear chaotic to us. The disgust for the amorphous, the ostensibly anomalous — an interesting problem in the psychology of science — has produced many theories that shrank gradually to hypotheses and then vanished. We must realize that minute changes in the nucleic acid, e.g., the disappearance of one guanine molecule out of a hundred, could produce far-reaching changes in the geometry of the con- jugated nucleoprotein; and it is not impossible that rearrange- ments of this type are among the causes of the occurrence of mutations.* The molecular weight of the pentose nucleic acids, especially of those from animal tissue cells, is not yet known; and the problem of their preparation and homogeneity still is in a very sad state. But that the deoxypentose nucleic acids, prepared For additional remarks on this problem, compare Ref. 12. PURPOSE 5 under as mild conditions as possible and with the avoidance of enzymic degradation, represent fibrous structures of high molec- ular weight has often been demonstrated. No agreement has as yet been achieved on the order of magnitude of the molecular weight, since the interpretation of physical measurements of largely asymmetrical molecules still presents very great difficul- ties. But regardless of whether the deoxyribonucleic acid of calf thymus is considered as consisting of elementary units of about 35,000 which tend to associate to larger structures'^- '^ or whether it is regarded as a true macromolecule'^ of a molecular weight around 820,000, the fact remains that the deoxypentose nucleic acids are high-molecular substances which in size resemble, or even surpass, the proteins. It is quite possible that there exists a critical range of molecular weights above which two different cells will prove unable to synthesize completely identical sub- stances. The enormous number of diverse proteins may be cited as an example. Duo non faciunt idem is, with respect to cellular chemistry, perhaps an improved version of the old proverb. 3. PURPOSE We started in our work from the assumption that the nucleic acids were complicated and intricate high-polymers, comparable in this respect to the proteins, and that the determination of their structures and their structural differences would require the development of methods suitable for the precise analysis of all constituents of nucleic acids prepared from a large number of different cell types. These methods had to permit the study of minute amounts, since it was clear that much of the material would not be readily available. The procedures developed in our laboratory make it indeed possible to perform a complete con- stituent analysis on 2-3 mg of nucleic acid, and this in six paral- lel determinations. The basis of the procedure is the partition chromatography on filter paper. When we started our experiments, only the quali- tative application to amino acids was known'^. But it was References p. 23 6 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS obvious that the high and specific absorption in the ultraviolet of the purines and pyrimidines could form the basis of a quanti- tative ultra-micro method, if proper procedures for the hydrolysis of the nucleic acids and for the sharp separation of the hydrolysis products could be found. 4. PREPARATION OF THE ANALYTICAL MATERIAL If preparations of deoxypentose nucleic acids are to be subjected to a structural analysis, the extent of their contamination with pentose nucleic acid must not exceed 2-3%. The reason will later be made clearer; but I should like to mention here that all deoxypentose nucleic acids of animal origin studied by us so far were invariably found to contain much more adenine than guanine. The reverse appears to be true for the animal pentose nucleic acids: in them guanine preponderates. A mixture of ap- proximately equal parts of both nucleic acids from the same tis- sue, therefore, would yield analytical figures that would cor- respond, at least as regards the purines, to roughly equimolar proportions. Should the complete purification — sometimes an extremely difficult task — prove impossible in certain cases, one could think of subjecting preparations of both types of nucleic acid from the same tissue specimen to analysis and of correcting the respective results in this manner. This, however, is an un- desirable device and was employed only in some of the prepa- rations from liver which will be mentioned later. It is, furthermore, essential that the isolation of the nucleic acids be conducted in such a manner as to exclude their degradation by enzymes, acid or alkali. In order to inhibit the deoxyribonucleases which require magnesium^'^, the preparation of the deoxypentose nucleic acids was carried out in the presence of citrate ions^^. It would take us here too far to describe in detail the methods employed in our laboratory for the preparation of the deoxypentose nucleic acids from animal tissues. They represent in general a combination of many procedures, as de- scribed recently for the isolation of yeast deoxyribonucleic acid^^. PURINES AND PYRIMIDINES 7 In this manner, the deoxypentose nucleic acids of thymus, spleen, liver, and also yeast were prepared. The corresponding compound from tubercle bacilli was isolated via the nucleoprotein^o. The procedures leading to the preparation of deoxypentose nucleic acid from human sperm will soon be published^i. All deoxypen- tose nucleic acids used in the analytical studies were prepared as the sodium salts (in one case the potassium salt was used); they were free of protein, highly polymerized, and formed ex- tremely viscous solutions in water. They were homogeneous electrophoretically and showed a high degree of monodispersity in the ultracentrifuge. The procedure for the preparation of pentose nucleic acids from animal tissues resembled, in its first stages, the method of Clarke and Schryver-^. The details of the isolation procedures and related experiments on yeast ribonucleic acid are as yet unpublished. Commercial preparations of yeast ribonucleic acid also were examined following purification. As has been men- tioned before, the entire problem of the preparation and homo- geneity of the pentose nucleic acids, and even of the occurrence of only one type of pentose nucleic acid in the cell, urgently requires re-examination. 5. SEPARATION AND ESTIMATION OF PURINES AND PYRIMIDINES Owing to the very unpleasant solubility and polar characteristics of the purines, the discovery of suitable solvent systems and the development of methods for their quantitative separation and estimation-^' ^^ presented a rather difficult problem in the solution of which Dr. Ernst Vischer had an outstanding part. The pyrim- idines proved somewhat easier to handle. The choice of the solvent system for the chromatographic separation of purines and pyrimidines will, of course, vary with the particular problem. The efficiency of different solvent systems in effecting separation is illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. Two of the solvent systems listed there are suitable for the separation of the purines found in nucleic acids, i.e., adenine and guanine, namely (1) n-butanol^ References p. 23 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS I 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the position on the paper chromato- gram of the purines and pyrimidines following the separation of a mixture. A = adenine, G = guanine, H = hypoxanthine, X = xanthine, U = uracil, C = cytosine, T = thymine. The conditions under which the separations were performed are indicated at the bottom: a = acidic, n = neutral, B = n-butanol, M = morphohne, D = diethylene glycol, Co = collidine, Q = quinohne. (Taken from E. Vischer and E. Chargaff24.) morpholine, diethylene glycol, water (column 5 in Fig. 1); and (2) ^z-butanol, diethylene glycol, water in an NH3 atmosphere (column 11). The second system Usted proved particularly con- venient. The separation of the pyrimidines is carried out in aqueous butanol (column 1). Following the separation, the location of the various adsorption zones on the paper must be demonstrated. Our first attempts to bring this about in ultraviolet light were unsuccessful, probably because of inadequate filtration of the light emitted by the lamp then at our disposal. For this reason, the expedient was used of fixing the separated purines or pyrimidines on the paper as PURINES AND PYRIMIDINES 9 mercury complexes which then were made visible by their con- version to mercuric sulfide. The papers thus developed served as guide strips for the removal of the corresponding zones from untreated chromatograms that were then extracted and analyzed in the ultraviolet spectrophotometer. The development of the separated bases as mercury derivatives has, however, now become unnecessary, except for the preservation of permanent records, since there has for some time been available commercially an ultraviolet lamp emitting short-wave ultraviolet ("Mineralight", Ultraviolet Products Corp., Los Angeles, California). With the help of this lamp it is now easy to demonstrate directly the position of the separated purines and pyrimidines (and also of nucleosides and nucleotides^^) which appear as dark absorption shadows on the background of the fluorescing filter paper and can be cut apart accordingly. (We are greatly indebted to Dr. C. E. Carter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, who drew our at- tention to this instrument*.) The extracts of the separated compounds are then studied in the ultraviolet spectrophotometer. The measurement of complete absorption spectra permits the determination of the purity of the solutions and at the same time the quantitative estimation of their contents. The details of the procedures employed have been pubhshed^*. In this manner, adenine, guanine, uracil, cytosine, and thymine (and also hypoxanthine, xanthine, and 5-methyl- cytosine) can be determined quantitatively in amounts of 2-40 jLig. The precision of the method is ±: 4% for the purines and even better for the pyrimidines, if the averages of a large series of determinations are considered. In individual estimations the accuracy is about d= 6%. Procedures very similar in principle served in our laboratory for the separation and estimation of the ribonucleosides uridine and cytidine and for the separation of deoxyribothymidine from thymine. Methods for the separation and quantitative determina- tion of the ribonucleotides in an aqueous ammonium isobuty- rate — isobutyric acid system have likewise been developed^^- 27. * A similar arrangement was recently described^s. References p. 23 10 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 6. METHODS OF HYDROLYSIS It has long been known that the purines can be spUt off com- pletely by a relatively mild acid hydrolysis of the nucleic acids. This could be confirmed in our laboratory in a more rigorous manner by the demonstration that heating at 100° for 1 hour in A^ sulfuric acid effects the quantitative liberation of adenine and guanine from adenylic and guanylic acids, respectively. The liberation of the pyrimidines, however, requires much more energetic methods of cleavage. Heating at high temperatures with strong mineral acid under pressure is usually resorted to. To what extent these procedures brought about the destruction of the pyrimidines could not be ascertained previously owing to the lack of suitable analytical procedures. The experiments sum- marized in Table 1, which are quoted from a recent paper^^, show that the extremely robust cleavage methods with mineral TABLE 1 RESISTANCE OF PYRIMIDINES TO TREATMENT WITH STRONG ACID* Exper- iment No. Acid Heat- ing time (min) Concentration shift, % of starting concentration Uracil Cytosine Thymine 1 HCl (10%) 90 + 62 — 63 + 3 2 lOiV HCOOH [ + 60 4- 3 — 5 0 3 TV HCl (1 : 1) 120 + 24 — 19 0 4 5 HCOOH (98- 100%) 60 120 0 0 — 1 + 2 — 2 + 1 * A mixture of pyrimidines of known concentration was dissolved in the acids indicated below and heated at 175° in a bomb tube. The concen- tration shifts of the individual pyrimidines were determined through a comparison of the recoveries of separated pyrimidines before and after the heating of the mixture. acids usually employed must have led to a very considerable degradation of cytosine to uracil. Uracil and also thymine are DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 11 much more resistant. For this reason, we turned to the hydrolysis of the pyrimidine nucleotides by means of concentrated formic acid. For the Hberation of the purines, N sulfuric acid (100°, 1 h) is employed; for the liberation of the pyrimidines, the purines are first precipitated as the hydrochlorides by treatment with dry HCl gas in methanol and the remaining pyrimidine nucleotides cleaved under pressure with concentrated formic acid (175°, 2 h). This procedure proved particularly suitable for the investigation of the deoxypentose nucleic acids. For the study of the composition of pentose nucleic acids a different procedure, making use of the separation of the ribonucleotides, was devel- oped more recently, which will be mentioned later. 7. COMPOSITION OF DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS It should be stated at the beginning of this discussion that the studies conducted thus far have yielded no indication of the oc- currence in the nucleic acids examined in our laboratory of unusual nitrogenous constituents. In all deoxypentose nucleic acids investigated the purines were adenine and guanine, the pyrimidines cytosine and thymine. The occurrence in minute amounts of other bases, e.g., 5-methylcytosine, can, however, not yet be excluded. In the pentose nucleic acids uracil occurred instead of thymine. A survey of the composition of deoxyribose nucleic acid ex- tracted from several organs of the ox is provided in Table 2 (Ref. 29). The molar proportions reported in each case represent averages of several hydrolysis experiments. The composition of deoxypentose nucleic acids from human tissues is similarly il- lustrated in Table 3 (Ref. 30). The preparations from human liver were obtained from a pathological specimen in which it was possible, thanks to the kind cooperation of Dr. M. Faber, to separate portions of unaffected hepatic tissue from carcinom- atous tissue consisting of metastases from the sigmoid colon, previous to the isolation of the nucleic acids. In order to show examples far removed from mammalian References p. 23 12 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS TABLE 2 COMPOSITION OF DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID OF OX (in moles of nitrogenous constituent per mole of P) Thymus Spleen Constituent T i\>/}r Prep. 1 Prep. 2 Prep. 3 Prep. 1 Prep. 2 Adenine 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.25 0.26 0.26 Guanine 0.21 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.21 0.20 Cytosine 0.16 0.18 0.17 0.15 0.17 Thymine 0.25 0.24 0.25 0.24 0.24 Recovery 0.88 0.94 0.94 0.84 0.88 TABLE 3 COMPOSITION OF DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACID OF MAN (in moles of nitrogenous constituent per mole of P) Constituent Spi ?rm Thymus Liver Prep. 1 Prep. 2 Normal Carcinoma Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine Recovery 0.29 0.18 0.18 0.31 0.96 0.27 0.17 0.18 0.30 0.92 0.28 0.19 0.16 0.28 0.91 0.27 0.19 0.27 0.18 0.15 0.27 0.87 organs, the composition of two deoxyribonucleic acids of micro- bial origin, namely from yeast^^ and from avian tubercle bacilli^^, is summarized in Table 4 (Ref. 31). The very far-reaching differences in the composition of deoxypentose nucleic acids of different species are best illustrated by a comparison of the ratios of adenine to guanine and of thymine to cytosine as given in Table 5. It will be seen that in all cases where enough material for statistical analysis was available highly significant differences were found. The ana- lytical figures on which Table 5 is based were derived by com- paring the ratios found for individual nucleic acid hydrolysates of one species regardless of the organ from which the preparation DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 13 TABLE 4 COMPOSITION OF TWO MICROBIAL DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACIDS Constituent Yeast Avian tubercle bacilli Prep. 1 Prep. 2 Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine Recovery 0.24 0.14 0.13 0.25 0.76 0.30 0.18 0.15 0.29 0.92 0.12 0.28 0.26 0.11 0.77 was isolated. This procedure assumes that there is no organ specificity with respect to the composition of deoxypentose nucleic acids of the same species. That this appears indeed to be the case may be gathered from Tables 2 and 3 and even better from Table 6 where the average purine and pyrimidine ratios in individual tissues of the same species are compared. That the isolation of nucleic acids did not entail an appreciable fraction- ation is shown by the finding that when whole defatted human spermatozoa, after being washed with cold 10% trichloroacetic acid, were analyzed, the same ratios of adenine to guanine and of thymine to cytosine were found as are reported in Tables 5 and 6. It should also be mentioned that all preparations, with the exception of those from human liver, were derived from pooled starting material representing a number, and in the case of human spermatozoa a very large number, of individuals. The deoxypentose nucleic acids extracted from different species thus appear to be different substances or mixtures of closely related substances of a composition constant for different organs of the same species and characteristic of the species. The results serve to disprove the tetranucleotide hypothesis. It is, however, noteworthy — whether this is more than accidental, cannot yet be said — that in all deoxypentose nucleic acids examined thus far the molar ratios of total purines to total pyrimidines, and also of adenine to thymine and of guanine to cytosine, were not far from 1 . References p. 23 14 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 53 "Q s: a 1^ .c ^ 5; a c ^ a St 5 "^ g ^ a ^ it 2 "^ II o ex ^ 5^ s: Tf r-- On Tf T-I ^ ^' d vo «o r^ »-i m 00 ^ O < S O .2 ^ -a "" S I T3 *^ 5 ^ CO .2 q 2 > c .5 a o .5 22 u, C o •S > •a .> -O C3 (U B I ^ o > J3 73 c« "3 2i c« a >» •o c cd 03 O a u On ££ PENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 15 TABLE 6 MOLAR PROPORTIONS OF PURINES AND PYRIMIDINES IN DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS FROM DIFFERENT ORGANS OF ONE SPECIES Species Organ A/G T/C Thymus 1.3 1.4 Ox Spleen 1.2 1.5 Liver 1.3 Thymus 1.5 1.8 Sperm 1.6 1.7 Man Liver (normal) 1.5 1.8 Liver (carcinoma) 1.5 1.8 Abbreviations: A = adenine, G = guanine, T = thymine, C = cytosine. 8. COMPOSITION OF PENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS Here a sharp distinction must be drawn between the prototype of all pentose nucleic acid investigations — the ribonucleic acid of yeast — and the pentose nucleic acids of animal cells. Nothing is known as yet about bacterial pentose nucleic acids. In view of the incompleteness of our information on the homogeneity of pentose nucleic acids, which I have stressed before, I feel that the analytical results on these preparations do not command the same degree of confidence as do those obtained for the deoxy- pentose nucleic acids. Three procedures, to which reference is made in Tables 7 (Refs. 25, 28) and 8, were employed in our laboratory for the analysis of pentose nucleic acids. In Procedure 1, the pentose nucleic acid was hydrolyzed to the nucleotide stage with alkaU, at pH 13.5 and 30°, and the nucleotides, following adjustment to about pH 5, separated by chromatography with aqueous ammonium isobutyrate-isobutyric acid as the solvent. Under these conditions, guanylic acid shares its position on the chromatogram with uridylic acid; but it is pos- sible to determine the concentrations of the two components in the eluates by simultaneous equations based on the ultraviolet References p. 23 16 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS TABLE 7 COMPOSITION OF YEAST RIBONUCLEIC ACIDS (in moles of nitrogenous constituent per mole of P) Preparation 1 Preparation 2 Preparation 3 Constituent Proc. Proc. Proc. Proc. Proc. Proc. Proc. Proc. Proc. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Adenylic acid 0.29 0.26 0.26 0.11 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.24 Guanylic acid 0.28 0.29 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.28 0.26 Cytidylic acid 0.18 0.17 0.24 0.20 0.21 0.21 Uridylic acid 0.20 0.20 0.08 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.25 Recovery 0.95 0.92 0.84 0.90 0.92 0.97 absorption of the pure nucleotides^^' ^^. The very good recoveries of nucleotides obtained in terms of both nucleic acid phosphorus and nitrogen show the cleavage by mild alkali treatment of pentose nucleic acids to be practically quantitative. In Procedure 2, the purines are first Uberated by gaseous HCl in dry methanol and the evaporation residue of the reaction mixture is adjusted to pH 13.5 and then treated as in Procedure 1. In this manner, uridylic and cytidylic acids, adenine and guanine are separated and determined on one chromatogram. The determinations of free purines and pyrimidines in acid hydrolysates of pentose nucleic acids, following the methods outlined before for the deoxypentose nucleic acids, are listed as Procedure 3. It will be seen that it is mainly uracil which in this procedure escapes quantitative determination. This is due to the extreme refractoriness of uridylic acid to complete hydrolysis by acids, a large portion remaining partially unsplit as the nucleoside uridine. As matters stand now, I consider the values for purines yielded by Procedures 1 and 3 and those for pyrimidines found by Procedures 1 and 2 as quite reliable. A survey of the composition of yeast ribonucleic acid is pro- vided in Table 7. Preparations 1 and 2, listed in this table, were commercial preparations that had been purified in our laboratory and had been subjected to dialysis; Preparation 3 was isolated PENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 17 from baker's yeast by Magasanik in this laboratory by procedures similar to those used for the preparation of pentose nucleic acids from animal tissues and had not been dialyzed. It will be seen that the results are quite constant and not very far from the proportions required by the presence of equimolar quantities of all four nitrogenous constituents. An entirely different picture, however, was encountered when the composition of pentose nucleic acids from animal cells was investigated. A preliminary summary of the results, in all cases obtained by Procedure 1, is given in Table 8. Here guanylic acid was the preponderating nucleotide followed, in this order, by cytidylic and adenylic acids; uridylic acid definitely was a minor constituent. This was true not only of the ribonucleic acid of pancreas which has been known to be rich in guanine^^-^^, but also of all pentose nucleic acids isolated by us from the livers of three different species (Table 8). TABLE 8 COMPOSITION OF PENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS FROM ANIMAL TISSUES Constituent Calf liver Ox liver Sheep liver Pig liver Pis pancreas Guanylic acid 16.3 14.7 16.7 16.2 11.$ Adenylic acid 10 19 10 10 10 Cytidylic acid 11.1 10.9 13.4 16.1 9.8 Uridylic acid 5.3 6.6 5.6 1.1 4.6 Purines :pyrimidines 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.1 2.3 In the absence of a truly reliable standard method for the isolation of pentose nucleic acid from animal tissue, generali- zations are not yet permitted; but it would appear that pentose nucleic acids from the same organ of different species are more similar to each other, at least in certain respects {e.g., the ratio of guanine to adenine), than are those from different organs of the same species. (Compare the pentose nucleic acids from the liver and the pancreas of pig in Table 8.) References p. 23 18 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 9. SUGAR COMPONENTS It is deplorable that such designations as deoxyribose and ribose nucleic acids continue to be used as if they were generic terms. Even the "thymus nucleic acid of fish sperm" is encountered in the literature. As a matter of fact, only in a few cases have the sugars been identified, namely, J-2-deoxyribose as a constituent of the guanine and thymine nucleosides of the deoxypentose nucleic acid from calf thymus, D-ribose as a constituent of the pentose nucleic acids from yeast, pancreas, and sheep liver. Since the quantities of novel nucleic acids usually will be in- sufficient for the direct isolation of their sugar components, we attempted to employ the very sensitive procedure of the filter paper chromatography of sugars^^^^^ for the study of the sugars isolated from minute quantities of nucleic acids. It goes without saying that identifications based on behavior in adsorption or partition are by no means as convincing as the actual isolation, but they will at least permit a tentative classification of new nucleic acids. Thus far the pentose nucleic acids of pig pancreas^^ and of the avian tubercle bacillus^^ have been shown to contain ribose, the deoxypentose nucleic acids of ox spleen^^, yeast and avian tubercle bacilli^^ deoxyribose. It would seem that the free play with respect to the variability of components that nature permits itself is extremely restricted where nucleic acids are con- cerned. 10. DEPOLYMERIZING ENZYMES Enzymes capable of bringing about the depolymerization of both types of nucleic acids have long been knovv'n; but it is only during the last decade that crystalline ribonuclease^^ and deoxyribonu- clease^^ from pancreas have become available thanks to the work of Kunitz. Important work on the latter enzyme was also done by McCartyi^. We were, of course, interested in applying the chromato- graphic micromethods for the determination of nucleic acid DEPOLYMERIZING ENZYMES 19 TABLE 9 ENZYMIC DEGRADATION OF CALF THYMUS DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID Distribution Composition of fractions Diges- Dialysis of {molar proportions) tion {hours) {hours) fractions - {%of original) A/G T/C A/C Pu/Py Original 0 0 100 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.2 Dialysate 6 6 53 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 Dialysis residue 24 72 7 1.6 2.2 3.8 2.0 Abbreviations: A = adenine, G = guanine, T = thymine, C = cytosine, Pu = purines, Py = pyrimidines. constituents to studies of enzymic reaction mechanisms for which they are particularly suited. The action of crystalline deoxy- ribonuclease on calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid resulted in the production of a large proportion of dialyzable fragments (53% of the total after 6 hours digesdon), without liberarion of ammonia or inorganic phosphate. But even after extended digestion there remained a non-dialyzable core whose com- position showed a significant divergence from both the original nucleic acid and the bulk of the dialysate. The preliminary findings summarized in Table 9 (Ref. 40) indicate a considerable increase in the molar proportions of adenine to guanine and especially to cytosine, of thymine to cytosine, and of purines to pyrimidines. This shows that the dissymmetry in the distribution of constituents, found in the original nucleic acid (Table 2), is intensified in the core. The most plausible explanations of this interesting phenomenon, the study of which is being continued, are that the preparations consisted of more than one deoxy- pentose nucleic acid or that the nucleic acid contained in its chain clusters of nucleotides (relatively richer in adenine and thymine) that were distinguished from the bulk of the molecule by greater resistance to enzymic disintegration. In this connection another study, carried out in collaboration with Zamenhof, should be mentioned briefly that dealt with the References p. 23 20 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS deoxypentose nuclease of yeast cells^^-^^ xhis investigation af- forded a possibility of exploring the mechanisms by which an enzyme concerned with the disintegration of deoxypentose nucleic acid is controlled in the cell. Our starting point again was the question of the specificity of deoxypentose nucleic acids; but the results were entirely unexpected. Since we had available a number of nucleic acids from different sources, we wanted to study a pair of deoxypentose nucleic acids as distant from each other as possible, namely that of the ox and that of yeast, and to investigate the action on them of the two deoxypentose nucleases from the same cellular sources. The deoxyribonuclease of ox pancreas has been thoroughly investigated, as was men- tioned before. Nothing was known, however, regarding the exist- ence of a yeast deoxypentose nuclease. It was found that fresh salt extracts of crushed cells contained such an enzyme in a largely inhibited state, due to the presence of a specific inhibitor protein. This inhibitor specifically inhibited the deoxypentose nuclease from yeast, but not that from other sources, such as pancreas. The yeast enzyme depolymerized the deoxyribose nucleic acids of yeast and of calf thymus, which dif- fer chemically, as I have emphasized before, at about the same rate. In other words, the enzyme apparently exhibited inhibitor specificity, but not substrate specificity. It is very inviting to as- sume that such relations between specific inhibitor and enzyme, in some ways reminiscent of immunological reactions, are of more general biological significance. In any event, a better under- standing of such systems will permit an insight into the delicate mechanisms through which the cell manages the economy of its life, through which it maintains its own continuity and protects itself against agents striving to transform it. 11. CONCLUDING REMARKS Generalizations in science are both necessary and hazardous; they carry a semblance of finality which conceals their essentially provisional character; they drive forward, as they retard; they CONCLUDING REMARKS 21 add, but they also take away. Keeping in mind all these reser- vations, we arrive at the following conclusions. The deoxy- pentose nucleic acids from animal and microbial cells contain varying proportions of the same four nitrogenous constituents, namely, adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine. Their composition appears to be characteristic of the species, but not of the tissue, from which they are derived. The presumption, therefore, is that there exists an enormous number of structurally different nucleic acids; a number, certainly much larger than the analytical methods available to us at present can reveal. It cannot yet be decided, whether what we call the deoxy- pentose nucleic acid of a given species is one chemical individual, representative of the species as a whole, or whether it consists of a mixture of closely related substances, in which case the con- stancy of its composition merely is a statistical expression of the unchanged state of the cell. The latter may be the case if, as appears probable, the highly polymerized deoxypentose nucleic acids form an essential part of the hereditary processes; but it will be understood from what I said at the beginning that a decision as to the identity of natural high polymers often still is beyond the means at our disposal. This will be particularly true of substances that differ from each other only in the sequence, not in the proportion, of their constituents. The number of pos- sible nucleic acids having the same analytical composition is truly enormous. For example, the number of combinations ex- hibiting the same molar proportions of individual purines and pyrimidines as the deoxyribonucleic acid of the ox is more than 10^^, if the nucleic acid is assumed to consist of only 100 nucleotides; if it consists of 2,500 nucleotides, which probably is much nearer the truth, then the number of possible "isomers" is not far from lO^^^^^. Moreover, deoxypentose nucleic acids from different species differ in their chemical composition, as I have shown before; and I think there will be no objection to the statement that, as far as chemical possibilities go, they could very well serve as one of the agents, or possibly as the agent, concerned with the transmis- References p. 23 22 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS sion of inherited properties. It would be gratifying if one could say — but this is for the moment no more than an unfounded speculation — that just as the deoxypentose nucleic acids of the nucleus are species-specific and concerned with the maintenance of the species, the pentose nucleic acids of the cytoplasm are organ-specific and involved in the important task of differen- tiation. I should not want to close without thanking my colleagues who have taken part in the work discussed here; they are, in alpha- betical order, Miss R. Doniger, Mrs. C. Green, Dr. B. Magasanik, Dr. E. Vischer, and Dr. S. Zamenhof. CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 23 REFERENCES 1 E. Hammarsten, Biochem. Z., 144 (1924) 383. 2 J. Bracket, in Nucleic Acid, Symposia Soc. Exptl. Biol, 1 (1947) 207; cf. J. Brachet, in Nucleic Acids and Nucleoproteins, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol, 12 (1947) 18. 3 T. Caspersson, in Nucleic Acid, Symposia Soc. Exptl. Biol., 1 (1947) 127. 4 O. T. Avery, C. M. MacLeod and M. McCarty, J. Exptl. Med., 79 (1944) 137. 5 P. A. Levene and L. W. Bass, Nucleic Acids, Chemical Catalog Co., New York, 1931. 6 H. Bredereck, Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstoffe, 1 (1938) 121. 7 F. G. Fischer, Naturwissenschaften, 30 (1942) 377. 8 R. S. TiPSON, Advances in Carbohydrate Chem., 1 (1945) 193. ^ J. M. Gulland, G. R. Barker and D. O. Jordan, Ann. Rev. Biochem., 14 (1945) 175. 10 E. Chargaff and E. Vischer, Ann. Rev. Biochem., 17 (1948) 201. 11 F. ScHLENK, Advances in Enzymol., 9 (1949) 455. 12 E. Chargaff, in Nucleic Acids and Nucleoproteins, Cold Spring Har- bor Symposia Quant. Biol., 12 (1947) 28. 13 E. Hammarsten, Acta Med. Scand., Suppl. 196 (1947) 634. 14 G. Jungner, L Jungner and L.-G. Allgen, Nature, 163 (1949) 849. 15 R. Cecil and A. G. Ogston,7. Chem. Soc, (1948) 1382. 16 R. CoNSDEN, A. H. Gordon and A. J. P. Martin, Biochem. J., 38 (1944) 224. 17 F. G. Fischer, L Bottger and H. Lehmann-Echternacht, Z. phy- siol. Chem., Hoppe-Seyler's, 111 (1941) 246. 18 M. McCarty, J. Gen. Physiol, 29 (1946) 123. 19 E. Chargaff and S. Zamenhof, J. Biol. Chem., 173 (1948) 327. 20 E. Chargaff and H. F. Saidel, J. Biol. Chem., Ill (1949) 417. 21 S. Zamenhof, L. B. Shettles and E. Chargaff, Nature, 165 (1950) 756. 22 G. Clarke and S. B. Schryver, Biochem. J., 11 (1917) 319. 23 E. Vischer and E. Chargaff, J. Biol Chem., 168 (1947) 781. 24 E. Vischer and E. Chargaff, /. Biol Chem., 176 (1948) 703. 25 E. Chargaff, B. Magasanik, R. Doniger and E. Vischer, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 71 (1949) 1513. 26 E. R. Holiday and E. A. Johnson, Nature, 163 (1949) 216. 27 E. Vischer, B. Magasanik and E. Chargaff, Federation Proc, 8 (1949) 263. 28 E. Vischer and E. Chargaff, /. Biol Chem., 176 (1948) 715. 29 E. Chargaff, E. Vischer, R. Doniger, C. Green and F. Misani, J. Biol Chem., Ill (1949) 405. 30 E. Chargaff, S. Zamenhof and C. Green, Nature, 165 (1950) 756. 31 E. Vischer, S. Zamenhof and E. Chargaff, J. Biol Chem., Ill (1949) 429. 24 CHEMICAL SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 32 E. Hammarsten, Z. physiol. Chem., Hoppe-Seyler's, 109 (1920) 141. 33 p. A. Levene and E. Jorpes, /. Biol. Chem., 86 (1930) 389. 34 E. Jorpes, Biochem. J., 28 (1934) 2102. 35 S. M. Partridge, Nature, 158 (1946) 270. 36 S. M. Partridge and R. G. Westall, Biochem. J., 42 (1948) 238. 37 E. Chargaff, C. Levine and C. Green, /. Biol. Chem., 175 (1948) 67. 38 M. KUNITZ, J. Gen. Physiol., 24 (1940) 15. 39 M. KUNITZ, Science, 108 (1948) 19. 40 s. Zamenhof and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 178 (1949) 531. 41 S. Zamenhof and E. Chargaff, Science, 108 (1948) 628. ^2 S. Zamenhof and E. Chargaff, /. Biol. Chem., 180 (1949) 727. CHAPTER 2 Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids as Cell Constituents'^ It is safe to say that living systems require the presence of both types of nucleic acid or, in the case of parasitic systems, the presence of at least one. If, to use a designation of Schr6dinger\ one refers to the chromosomes as "the hereditary code-script", the great biological importance of all components of these nuclear structures, viz., nucleic acids, proteins, and, perhaps, lipids, is obvious, unless one assumes that one or the other of these com- ponents has been added by nature as a meaningless and purely decorative flourish. This is, however, not likely. In animals and higher plants the deoxypentose nucleic acids (DNA) are exclusively or almost exclusively situated in the nucleus. Pentose nucleic acids (PNA) are present in the nucleoli and the various cytoplasmic elements, e.g., the mitochondria, submicroscopic particles, etc. Recent work with Elson^ on the nucleotide composition of PNA in different fractions of rat liver cells has provided preUminary evidence of differences in com- position between nuclear and cytoplasmic PNA. It is not yet known whether this will be generally true; but results, recently reported by Magasanik^, seem to point to the presence in pig liver PNA of two differently composed fractions. Whether DNA really is hmitedto the nucleus is not entirely certain, since the available cytochemical or cytophysical methods presumably require the presence of a compact mass of DNA and may not reveal its occurrence in a diffusely distributed form, as could be the case in the cytoplasm of egg cells (c/. Ref. 4). * Reprinted with permission from Federation Proc, 10 (1951) 654-659. References p. 37 26 NUCLEIC ACIDS AS CELL CONSTITUENTS The bacterial cell represents a special case. Whether the micro- bial nucleus is the sole repository of DNA in microorganisms cannot yet be decided with certainty. 1. BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF NUCLEIC ACIDS The discussion of the biological significance of a ubiquitous cell constituent is, strictly speaking, superfluous. But there exist a few important instances pointing to a direct involvement of nucleic acids; and some of them will be listed here briefly. All virus preparations so far described are, or contain, nucleoproteins (cf. the recent survey of Davidson^). The same seems to be true of intracellular parasites, such as rickettsiae^- '^ or paramecin^. Specific DNA preparations are known which are able to in- duce the transformation of bacterial types. This extremely im- portant phenomenon, first discovered in pneumococci®, has later been shown to operate also in E. coli^^ and in Hemophilus injluenzae^^ {cf. also Ref. 12). The possibility that reactions of this kind are of more general biological importance and not limited to the field of bacterial transformations cannot be reject- ed. What appears particularly remarkable is that it is here the free nucleic acid and not a nucleoprotein (as in the case of viruses) that is able to impose its own synthesis on the receptor cell, whereas in general nucleic acids seem to occur in cells only in the form of conjugated nucleoproteins. The mechanisms through which these transformations take place and the chemical features distinguishing these biologically active DNA specimens are com- pletely obscure. There is, however, httle doubt that it is the bacterial DNA itself, or a particular DNA fraction present in the transforming preparations, which is the carrier of activity. Recent work on the agent operative in the transformation of H. influenzae has shown that highly purified DNA preparations from two types are active in extremely low concentrations: 0.0004 //g of DNA per ml in type b; 0.01 /^g in type c^^. The investigation of the relative efficiencies of different wave- DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 27 lengths of ultraviolet light has yielded curves closely resembling, but not entirely identical with, the UV absorption spectrum of nucleic acids. This work, mainly due to Stadler and Uber, Hol- laender and Emmons, and Knapp and Schreiber, has been reviewed by Lea^^. A certain degree of constancy, within the same species, of the DNA concentration per diploid nucleus, and of roughly one-half this amount per haploid sperm nucleus, has been discovered by Boivin and his collaborators*- ^^' ^^ and confirmed in other labo- ratories^^- ^^. DNA is in its composition identical in different tissues of the same species^^. Moreover, in the few cases where comparison was possible, no chemical differences have been observed be- tween the composition of the DNA from the sperm cells and from differentiated tissues of the same species, in contrast to the very different composition of nuclear proteins in such instances. 2. DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS All DNA preparations that have been studied in detail have several features in common. They are asymmetrical molecules of high molecular weight (around 10^), yielding extremely viscous solutions. They appear to contain the same deoxy sugar, namely 2-deoxyribose. They contain two purines, adenine and guanine, and two or three pyrimidines, viz. thymine and cytosine, and in several cases^^ also 5-methylcytosine. The deoxyribonucleotides released enzymically from calf thymus DNA appear to be the 5'-phosphates-i'^2^ The conclusions to which our work has led us have been sum- marized recentlyi^' 2^, and I shall limit myself here only to the main points. a. DNA is in its composition characteristic of the species from which it is derived. This can in many, but not in all, cases be demonstrated by determining the ratios in which the individual purines and pyrimidines occur. There will, however, be very many borderhne cases in which such differences in composition References p. 37 28 NUCLEIC ACIDS AS CELL CONSTITUENTS are not sufficiently significant to permit their use as the sole criterion of differentiation. The most important question of the sequence in which, in a particular nucleic acid, the nucleotides follow each other has so far barely been approached. The elaboration of methods for sequence analysis is, perhaps, one of the most urgent problems in nucleic acid chemistry, since differences in nucleotide sequence may very well be among the determinants of chemical and biological specificity. b. No differences in composition have so far been found in DNA from different tissues of the same species. This provisional conclusion refers only to the over-all composition. It is in this connection noteworthy that no chemical differences appear to exist between the composition of DNA from normal human tissue^* and that of preparations from human cancer tissue^s. c. The tetranucleotide hypothesis is incorrect. d. There exist a number of regularities. Whether these are merely accidental cannot yet be decided. In almost all DNA preparations studied until now the ratio of total purines to total pyrimidines never was far from 1 . Similarly the ratios of adenine to thymine and of guanine to cytosine were near 1. e. There appear to exist two main groups of DNA, namely the "AT type", in which adenine and thymine predominate, and the "GC type", in which guanine and cytosine are the major constituents. The latter has so far been found only in certain microorganisms^^. Data to support these conclusions have, in the main, been presented in previous publications and were summarized recent- lyi9,23 J should like to limit myself here to the discussion of a few as yet unpublished results. The study of the composition of the DNA of salmon sperm^^ has brought out some of the regu- larities mentioned before particularly clearly (Tables 10 and 11). This substance belongs to the "AT type". Another investigation, undertaken in collaboration with G. Brawerman, deals with the DNA of wheat germ and the course of its degradation by crystalline pancreatic deoxyribonuclease. Previous work in our laboratory on the enzymic disintegration DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 29 TABLE 10 SALMON SPERM DNA; PROPORTIONS (in moles of nitrogenous constituent per mole of P in hydrolysate) Constituent Mean proportion Standard error Adenine 0.280 0.005 Guanine 0.196 0.004 Cytosine 0.192 0.006 Thymine 0.274 0.005 TABLE 11 SALMON SPERM DNAl MOLAR RELATIONSHIPS Adenine to guanine Thymine to cytosine Adenine to thymine Guanine to cytosine Purines to pyrimidines P accounted for as percentage of P in hydrolysate Average number of gram-atoms N per mole constituent Atomic N : P ratio in DNA preparations 1.43 1.43 1.02 1.02 1.02 95.8 (± 1.6) 3.7 3.6, 3.7 TABLE 12 WHEAT GERM DNA; INTACT PREPARATION AND ENZYMICALLY PRODUCED CORES (in moles of nitrogenous constituent per mole of P in hydrolysate) Constituent Intact DNA 19% core 8% core Adenine 0.27 0.33 0.35 Guanine 0.22 0.20 0.20 Cytosine 0.16 ^ 0.12 0.10 5-Methylcytosine 0.06 0.04 0.04 Thymine 0.27 0.26 0.23 Total purines 0.49 0.53 0.55 Total pyrimidines 0.49 0.42 0.37 Recovery 0.98 0.95 0.92 References p. 37 30 NUCLEIC ACIDS AS CELL CONSTITUENTS .1 ^ cog o t-( ?^ X •i: . a\ (N On ^OOsOONOOO^OsO OO'-HfNlt^O'-'OSOOvoON OOa\OCT\(N|ONONOOOOO o o OOOOOOOOOOv'-^ mu-)0\moofN|'^>o -5 -^ C3 ^ '(73 -2 ^ ■(-« 00 3 •- C 9 C "-M O OS c0 Tf O O ^ o o r-^ o o '-H >o O On r-^ so" so O O ^ o o \0 so t^ o o ^ o «o '^ vq vo" o o >o o oo O O l-H o «o 'I ^ c 8.S I »o On so o O '— I O »0 so -^^ T^*" so" 'oo o O C (^ > W -3 o o ^ ^ a o '^ tH 4) O o s u o s a £2 O S 6 ^t3 (S .2 •;: o 5; 2 ^OOOOOOOOON qpoooopppp 0000000000 «o 00 ra O ON ^ ,J, d> ^ T- 1 ^— I rn ^ "^ ^ "^ 00 o\ On r^ rj (S o vd (Ni r-; vo p r4 00 fvj r^ ^ T^ r-I r-^ «o Ov "-J -^ >o «o •^ ra«or^>o«^pr-4(vjp^ vdlO^t^ONONONOOOO r-r-~oo»nc<^t-;«na\ 10 »o '^ "^ ^ ooooodooo ^ a 5 > > > > > f2 O o o 03 (J cu •a >; Oh -J PENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 69 5. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS The demonstration of clear-cut analytical differences in pentose nucleic acids has met with greater difficulties than was true of the deoxypentose nucleic acids. This was in part due to their greater lability, which rendered many of the results obtained on highly purified specimens doubtful, but it was also due to the fact that the spread in individual nucleotide proportions is by no means as great in PNA as in DNA. That there existed great dif- ferences between the ribonucleic acids of yeast and those of pan- creas or liver had, however, been recognized early. The entire problem has been reviewed^. I shall limit myself here to quoting a few typical results from a recent paper in which total pentose nucleoprotein fractions were analyzed under conditions that could not have led to fractionation^. These results will be found in Table 19. A comparison between pentose nucleic acids from different TABLE 19 NUCLEOXroE RATIOS IN PENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS* Source Pii Py A-\-U 6- Am G + C 6-K Ox liver 0.80 0.63 1.04 Rat kidney 0.96 0.66 1.00 Cytoplasm of rat liver and kidney 0.99 0.62 0.93 Paracentrotiis lividus, eggs and embryos 1.08 0.77 0.99 Wheat germ 1.07 0.76 1.00 Yeast 1.00 1.12 0.93 E. coli 1.18 0.87 1.00 M. phlei 1.06 0.73 0.93 * Taken from Elson and Chargaff^, with the exception of the results on wheat germ PNA which are taken from Lipshitz and Chargaffio. — Ab- breviations: A, adenylic acid; G, guanylic acid; C, cytidylic acid; U, uridylic acid; Pu, purine nucleotides: Py, pyrimidine nucleotides; 6-Am, A + C; 6-K, G + U. References p. 75 70 NUCLEOPROTEINS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS Species and tissues and from different locations within the cell has, moreover, demonstrated that while the differentiation between species and organs on analytical grounds meets with dif- ficulty, differences between nuclear and cytoplasmic nucleic acids can be shown^^. 6. REMARKS ON FUNCTIONS The spectator who has followed the development of our knowl- edge of nucleic acids in the past few years cannot help feeling that the stage is set for a grand finale. Many an acrobat has an- nounced the salto mortale to a gasping audience (hoping to change it into a salto immortale); and though often only a grace- ful pirouette could be seen, tamen est laudanda voluntas. But I beUeve that the deeper we get, the darker it becomes. It is true, the temptation is almost overwhelming to pour all into one pot: growth, and its change from benign to malignant; bacterial trans- formations; the transmission of hereditary properties; the multi- plication of virus and phage; the synthesis of inducible enzymes; the differentiation of tissues; the formation of antibodies — every- where an interplay between nucleic acids and proteins, a spin- ning wheel in which the thread makes the spindle and the spindle the thread. But if it is hard to recognize the similarities between what is ostensibly dissimilar, it is even more difficult to make out the differences between what appears so similar; and moderation still is among the tools of our science. Brushing past, therefore, the heralds of immediate glory and convinced, as I am, that we are not obliged to solve the secret of life in 1955, I must conclude that the actual and established evidence on direct biological functions of the nucleic acids is rather meager. I should, furthermore, question whether a search for functions, at any rate in the narrowly anthropomorphic framework of a vulgar teleology, is what we need most at the moment. The relevant information on the biological roles of the deoxy- pentose nucleic acids^^ and the pentose nucleic acids^ has been REMARKS ON FUNCTIONS 71 reviewed recently. I shall list here only briefly what to me ap- pears most significant. (a) The nucleic acids are ubiquitous and presumably indis- pensable constituents of living matter. Autarkic entities (cells and cell communities) appear to require the presence of both types of nucleic acid, parasitic entities (viruses, phages) the presence of one. It must be considered as highly important that the transfer of biological information can be effected, or aided, either by pentose nucleic acids (plant and, probably, animal viruses) or by deoxypentose nucleic acids (bacteriophages). Against the argument of omnipresence the objection could be raised that this hardly distinguishes the nucleic acids from other plastic components of living matter, e.g., the proteins or the Upids, though it is doubtful whether the latter are required by parasites. (b) The most direct evidence of an involvement of poly- nucleotides of the deoxy series in the genetic apparatus of the cell is due to the epochal work of Avery and his colleagues on the phenomena of bacterial transformation. There can be little doubt that our present understanding of the mechanisms that are brought into play during transformation is at a most rudimentary stage, but even less doubt that this discovery will be marked as an important date in the history of biology. (c) The investigation of the mutagenic action spectrum of ultraviolet radiation has yielded curves that closely resemble the absorption spectrum of nucleic acids. Certain chemicals known to react with nucleic acids exhibit mutagenic effects^^ and others known to be cytostatic or cytotoxic have been shown to be in- corporated into nucleic acids^^. (d) Boivin and his colleagues, pointed out that the deoxy- pentose nucleic acid content of a diploid nucleus is constant for a given species and twice the amount found in the corresponding haploid nucleus^i. (e) Many lines of evidence suggest a role of pentose nucleic acids in protein synthesis and in morphogenesis^. The relation- ship has, however, remained purely formal and generic; no cor- References p. 75 72 NUCLEOPROTEINS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS relation between specific sequences in the nucleic acid and specific synthetic capacities has been established. (f) The fact that the nucleotide distribution in deoxypentose nucleic acids is characteristic of the species, and unchanged in different tissues of the same host, must be contrasted with the far-reaching changes undergone by the proteins. But an old question must be asked before many of these ar- guments: What is a cause, what is a symptom? Are nucleic acids different because they come from different cells, or is this very difference one of the causes of biological specificity? We seem to have lost the ability to say "We don't know". But this is a privilege that I still wish to retain. We may draw the following preliminary conclusions from the work on the chemistry of the nucleic acids. There exists a very large number of differently composed individuals which are distinguished by differences in the sequence of their component nucleotides; for we must remember that different composition signifies different sequence. No perceptible periodicity, nor a repeating unit, can be claimed; but the distribution does not ap- pear to be random. In calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid the purine nucleotides have a greater chance to be next to, or near, other purine nucleotides than next to pyrimidine nucleotides, and the converse must be true of the latter^^. Similar conclusions can be drawn from our older work on ribonucleic acids-^, when ac- count is taken of what is now known about the specificity of pancreatic ribonuclease-^. Yet, deoxyribonucleic acids, whether the whole or the sub- fractions, all show the impressive regularities that I have men- tioned before in Section 3; and most ribonucleic acids appear to exhibit at least one regularity (Table 19). There may be some that will ask whether there is any sense in chasing such regular- ities or even whether, in view of the mischief worked by the now defunct tetranucleotide hypothesis, a search for such norms is not outright deplorable. If this represented an esthetic quest for pre-established harmony or the music of the spheres, such ob- jections would, perhaps, be justified. But quite apart from these REMARKS ON FUNCTIONS 73 observations having grown out of experiments, we should not forget that regularities of this sort may be the best, or only, means of recognizing the existence of systems concerned with the preservation, or the transfer, of information: tasks that we should like to assign to the nucleic acids or, more probably, to the nucleoproteins. A man standing at the street entrance of a subway station may notice that the efflux of passengers, in contrast to their inflow, showed a very marked periodicity or regularity; he would rightly conclude that the trains operated according to a schedule, and this might be the only way in which he could reconstruct a timetable: the information was conveyed to the observer by the imposition of a regularity of which the pas- sengers themselves could have been unaware. In the speculations on the biological role of the nucleic acids the nucleoproteins usually are neglected. I believe this to be a mistake. There is Httle evidence that the nucleic acids occur in living matter in the free state. Though it is possible that the conjugated proteins in which nucleic acids are found represent artifacts resulting from fortuitous combination, this is not likely. One could, in fact, assume that if specific nucleotide sequences are the actual genetic determinants, they could give rise, in com- bination with proteins, to unique geometrical shapes, so that — through the association of a specific polynucleotide and a specific polypeptide — another dimension, as it were, is produced. I may refer to a discussion of some of these problems in which the inheritance of geometrical peculiarities was considered in anal- ogy to problems in topology ^^. In any event, there can be little doubt that methods for the sequence analysis of nucleic acids are most urgently needed. We are still very far from it; we cannot yet say whether a nucleic acid molecule should be considered as the carrier of the infor- mation assigned to one gene or whether — and this appears more likely to me — one and the same molecule represented a string carrying multiple potential information, similar to the knot writing of ancient Peru, the quipu. The copying mechanism suggested for deoxyribonucleic acid^^ References p. 75 74 NUCLEOPROTEINS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS provides an example of a system through which information is preserved. Our recent suggestion^, in which the regularity ob- served in ribonucleic acids, namely, the equality in the propor- tions of 6-amino and of 6-keto compounds (compare Table 19), is translated into a relationship with protein, whose regularly oc- curring peptide bonds could, through hydrogen bonding, impose this regularity upon two polynucleotide chains, is an example of a system through which information is transferred. I believe, however, that while the nucleic acids, owing to the enormous number of possible sequential isomers, could contain enough codescripts to provide a universe with information, at- tempts to break the communications code of the cell are doomed to failure at the present very incomplete stage of our knowledge. Unless we are able to separate and to discriminate, we may find ourselves in the position of a man who taps all the wires of a telephone system simultaneously. It is, moreover, my impression that the present search for templates, in its extreme mechano- morphism, may well look childish in the future and that it may be wrong to consider the mechanisms through which inheritable characteristics are transmitted or those through which the cell repeats itself as proceeding in one direction only. With these words I have perhaps again tied the knot that I tried to open in the beginning, since it may be that the first causes themselves are subject to a random priority. NUCLEOPROTEINS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS 75 REFERENCES 1 E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vols. I and II, Academic Press, New York, 1955. 2 J. N. Davidson and E. Chargaff, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 1. 3 E. Chargaff, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 307. 4 B. Magasanik, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 373. 5 J. Brachet, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 475. 6 D. Elson and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 17 (1955) 367. 7 G. H. HOGEBOOM AND W. C. SCHNEIDER, in E. ChARGAFF AND J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 199. 8 E. Chargaff, Symposia Soc. Exptl. Biol., 9 (1955) 32. [See Chapter 3 of this book.] 9 C. F. Crampton, R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, /. Biol. Chem., 206 (1954) 499. 10 R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 19 (1956) 256. 11 D. M. Brown and A. R. Todd, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 409. 12 J. Baddiley, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 137. 13 E. Chargaff, C. F. Crampton and R. Lipshitz, Nature, 111 (1953) 289. 14 C. F. Crampton, R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, /. Biol. Chem., 211 (1954) 125. 15 P. Spitnik, R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 215 (1955) 765. 16 G. L. Brown and M. Watson, Nature, 111 (1953) 339. 17 J. A. Lucy and J. A. V. Butler, Nature, 174 (1954) 32. 18 D. Elson, L. W. Trent and E. Chargaff, Biochim. B'ophys. Acta, 17 (1955) 362. 19 R. D. HoTCHKiss, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 435. 20 G. B. Brown and P. M. Roll, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 341. 76 NUCLEOPROTEINS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS 21 R. Vendrely, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 155. 22 C. Tamm, H. S. Shapiro, R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 203 (1953) 673. 23 B. Magasanik and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 7 (1951) 396. 24 G. Schmidt, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 555. 25 E. Chargaff, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol., 12 (1947) 28. 26 J. D. Watson and F. H. C. Crick, Nature, 111 (1953) 964. CHAPTER 5 The Very Big and the Very Small Remarks on Conjugated Proteins'^ It is an old experience in the natural sciences that what is poison for one generation often is honey for the succeeding one. Whether this indicates, in a given case, the dawn of a better era or an inurement by frequent exposure to sublethal doses of truth often cannot be decided without the perspective of centuries. There are important exceptions, but in general a scientific truth fades every 30 years, to be replaced by another equally evanescent. A well- designed and well-constructed chair lasts longer. It is not very long ago that the extreme contempt for the amorphous and intractable, felt by generations of organic chemists (or at least by the second-rate specimens), has made room for the realization that there is little sense in treating living and growing tissue merely as the starting material for the isolation of well-behaved crystalline substances. In recent times, the respect for nature and its multiform manifestations (as such a very healthy sign) has, in fact, sometimes assumed exaggerated proportions; and it is occasionally necessary to point out that the living cell is not simply a macromolecule with a skin, or the bacteriophage a nucleoprotein with a tail. So-called model ex- periments often are carried to incredible lengths, prompting one to say that confusion superimposed on complexity may produce papers, but not results, and that a skunk dipped into chlorophyll is not yet an apple tree. The secret of the organization of the cell will not be found by a clever sleight of hand. * Reprinted with permission from S. Graff (Ed.), Essays in Biochemis- try, Wiley and Sons, New York, 1956, pp. 72-76. 78 CONJUGATED PROTEINS It is, however, becoming clear that organization, as observed on the macroscopic and microscopic levels, must be matched, on the submicroscopic and molecular levels, by the existence of pat- terns in which the varied arrangement of a limited number of constituents serves to impress individuality and specificity on cells or cell communities. One could venture the opinion that biochem- ical evolution is accompanied, or indeed caused, by the for- mation of macromolecules of ever-increasing complexity com- posed of an ever-diminishing number of constituents. One mechanism by which this may be accomplished is that of conjuga- tion. Many different conjugated proteins are being recognized, such as the nucleoproteins, the lipoproteins, the mucoproteins, or the chromoproteins; many enzymes that carry cof actors, dis- tributed in specific positions on the protein molecule, belong to one or the other of these groups. But we encounter also lipopep- tides, mucolipids, etc.; and many more unrecognized compounds of this type must daily be going down the drains of our labora- tories than repose in the graveyards of our scientific journals. When I am sometimes told that biochemistry has "run out of good problems", I shudder and reply: "Biochemistry has not even begun!" The general aspects of the problem of conjugation have rarely been formulated clearly. This is perhaps not surprising, for this class of substances has long found itself between two chairs, as it were: too big to be handled conveniently by the chemist; too small to be seen consistently by the morphologist. The chemist strove for the isolation of the smallest unit endowed with homo- geneity; the biologist attempted the recognition of the simplest structure endowed with function. The prize went to the loudest prophet with monomaniac intent. Since scientists in our time have, on the whole, lost the ability to say "We don't know", it is usually the man with the premature explanations that brings home the bacon; and by the time he has been found out he will have devoured it. Another obstacle to the recognition of the biological impor- tance of the conjugated proteins may be seen in their being CONJUGATED PROTEINS 79 usually considered apart from each other under the headings of their respective prosthetic groups. I am aware of only one in- stance, namely, in a symposium held some time ago (1953) at Rutgers University, in which an attempt was made to consider the conjugated proteins as a family of substances having more in common than the small print that they occupy in the current textbooks of biochemistry. But there can be little doubt that many, if not all, hfe processes take place on what may be con- sidered the surfaces of conjugated proteins. It is, perhaps, not uninstructive very briefly to compare two groups of conjugated proteins on which my laboratory has spent some effort, viz., the nucleoproteins and the lipoproteins. As concerns the nucleoproteins, a strict distinction must be made between the complexes containing deoxypentose nucleic acids and those in which a pentose nucleic acid acts as the prosthetic group. When the conjugated proteins associated with the same type of nucleic acid are compared, it will be noticed that their properties are governed by the type of protein they contain rather than by the composition of their nucleic acid moiety. This is undoubtedly due to the ability of proteins to differ much more from each other in their chemical and physical properties than do the nucleic acids. The deoxynucleoproteins are, in many cases, complexes whose protein moiety is repre- sented by a protein of markedly basic properties, such as a histone or a protamine. Although it is inviting to consider such compounds as salts between the cationic protein and the anionic nucleic acid, this would be wrong. It is, for the moment at any rate, much safer to regard the nucleoprotamines and the nucleo- histones as specifically conjoined complexes of a complicated and, thus far, little-understood geometry to which both electro- static and secondary valence bonds contribute. What all these compounds, however, appear to have in common is that they are readily dissociated by high electrolyte concentrations and that under conditions permitting the removal of the protein moiety, by precipitation or denaturation, the nucleic acids are liberated. Occasionally deoxynucleoproteins are encountered in micro- 80 CONJUGATED PROTEINS organisms that are exceptional in resembling the ordinary pentose nucleoproteins rather than the nucleohistones. On the other hand, certain plant viruses represent exceptions to the behavior of the most commonly found pentose nucleoproteins. Of the latter, as they occur in the microsomes and the nucleoli, it may be said that they exhibit less of an electrostatic character than the deoxy- nucleoproteins. The bonds holding the ribonucleic acid to the protein are broken with much less ease; and one gains the im- pression that in this case the structure of the prosthetic group is inextricably associated with the structure of the entire conjugated protein. Whereas the dissociation of a nucleohistone may be com- pared to the removal of branches from the trunk of a tree, the separation of the ribonucleic acid and protein moieties of a ribonucleoprotein resembles much more the disentanglement of the warp and the woof of a fabric. All nucleoproteins share, however, one important feature: they are combinations of two types of giant ampholytes, each of which can, and undoubtedly does, exhibit innumerable specificities as regards shape and constituent sequence. Their combination probably does add a new dimension; but each partner is, in itself, fully competent to maintain a specific pattern and to convey intricate information. Of the lipoproteins, on the other hand, it could be said that it is only through the attachment of the monomeric lipids to a protein that a specific pattern of lipid arrangement becomes pos- sible. It is not improbable that the future will show that certain lipids can exist in the cell in a polymerized form capable of exhibiting sequential specificity. But up to the present the lipids seem to be the only bulk components of tissues that must be as- sumed to exist principally in a monomeric form. If the establish- ment of specific arrangements is considered as an attribute of cellular organization, the formation of specific lipoproteins is one of the ways in which the lipids can take part in such specific patterns. Certain lipids probably are attached to the proteins by a combination of electrostatic and hydrogen bonds; others may occur as solutions in the lipid moieties of lipoproteins. CONJUGATED PROTEINS 81 There is little evidence of the existence of covalent links between lipid and protein. The two types of conjugated protein considered here very briefly are, to a certain extent, representative of conjugated proteins in general. The prosthetic group may be soluble or in- soluble in water; it may be a monomer of comparatively simple structure, a mixture of monomers, or a macromolecule having itself a complicated structure and being capable of an intricate sequential specificity. As may have been gathered from what I said before, I consider the principle of conjugation as the main process through which nature makes big things bigger and small things big. Size, in compounds participating in the Hfe of the cell, is probably not an accident. Moreover, such processes of pre- determined aggregation may be one of the ways in which what sometimes is stupidly referred to as the "assembly line" is realized in the living cell. The models of which we can conceive are probably no more than an absurd caricature of the synthetic mechanisms, a multiplicity of templates in space and templates in time, through which the organism maintains patterns of this high degree of complexity, unless we assume (and there is no reason for that) that what is duplicated is not really a duplicate. Romantic deduction has done much harm in the sciences. But the use, the almost unpredictable use, of iniagination is an es- sential element in the operations of the human mind. The injunc- tion not to be astonished — nil admirari — is one of the most stupid legacies of antiquity. When we consider this ever-repeated giant throw of dice, this internally regulated cataract of reactions, sequences, and products, our first response must be a deep astonishment at a chaotic regularity which has thus far defied our understanding. Eternal surprise is the engine that drives the searching intellect. Let us hope that the coming generations will not have lost the ability to wonder about the many meanings of these palimpsests of nature. CHAPTER 6 Of Nucleic Acids and Nucleoproteins^ That each from other differs, first confess; Next, that he varies from himself no less. POPE I EPISTLE TO COBHAM I 19-20 1 . INTRODUCTION A speaker before a group such as I have the honor of addressing today has one of two choices: he can say very much about very httle or very little about very much. There are, of course, two more choices possible; but the usual lecturer — grown fat in, if not from, the pursuit of science — will be too conceited to admit the one and too modest to consider the other. In any event, though it would be nice to be able to say very much about a very important matter, the title of my talk must have told you that nothing of the kind is contemplated. In fact, as I go on I may give the impression of asking questions rather than giving an- swers. I can only hope that I shall not find myself in the position of the Indian conjurer who after having fixed the traditional rope in the air climbed up to hang himself with it. We live in a time that is drunk with experiments. Dubious results, dubiously paralleled, serve to estabhsh so-called facts with a celerity that would make a monkey blush. A scientific Rip van Winkle, were he to return from only a few weeks' sleep, would find that in this short time ten people have described a "system that makes RNA" and ten, a "homogenate that makes DNA"; and twenty others have even "synthesized protein in vitro'\ But when he takes a closer look at the sort of RNA and DNA and protein that have been produced, he may decide to go back to sleep. Perhaps Aristotle would have felt at home, but would * Reprinted with permission from Harvey Lectures, 1956-1957, 52 (1958) 57-73. ISOLATED CELL CONSTITUENTS 83 Plato, would Socrates? What Heraclitus would have said, I know. He would have said: "You do not make the same mess twice". For, really, our entire conception of the meaning of isolated cell constituents and of their action under the artificial conditions of customary experimentation is due for a revision. I, for one, would not be astonished if thirty or fifty years hence most of the terms and conceptions with which our science — perhaps then known as baroque biochemistry — has made us familiar would be deader than phlogiston is today. 2. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ISOLATED CELL CONSTITUENTS Now, let us ask a very silly question*. Can we be sure that the substances that we isolate from the cell exist in the living cell? I should say, the answer will have to be: They do and they do not. A simple monomer — a fatty acid, a sugar, etc. — which we find in a cell probably has not been produced de novo in the course of the devastating processes known as careful isolation. Even in such cases, to decide whether these substances occurred in the free state is a difficult matter. It becomes immensely more so when we come to high polymers often endowed, as in the case of proteins or nucleic acids, with a multiplicity of charges. I have little doubt that the physical description of the molecular ar- rangement of such complicated compounds, which must be drawn, quartered, pickled, or embalmed in order to be studied, defines the pleasing shape into which they can be put rather than the form in which they exist in life. For this reason, I look with esthetic pleasure but with the utmost diffidence and mental reserve on the various structural models and spiral contortions — beautiful examples of non-representational sculpture — that have been proposed for the nucleic acids. I should advise to wait and see. Models — in contrast to those who sat for Renoir — improve with age. * "The 'silly question' is the first intimation of some totally novel development." L. Price, Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (Mentor Book Edition, New York, 1956, p. 145). References p. 98 84 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS The organic chemist, the biochemist, the crystallographer, the biologist often look at the same object and they may even use the same term, but they mean different things. Our natural sciences, which once could find room in a single brain, have grown diffuse and multilingual. We are faced with a real problem of translation: from the molecular to the submicroscopic level; and then, in turn, to microscopic structures, morphological units, organelles, cells and cell communities. Where and when shall we find the dictionary that could help us in these translations? I should say, probably not before biochemistry has earned the first half of its name. It is, of course, not surprising that such a term as "nucleic acid" does not carry the same connotation in the several disciplines. A sculptor and a tailor naturally have dif- ferent ideas of what makes a man: one looks at the torso, the other at the pants. Nevertheless, we must be content with avoiding the avoidable and use the means that our science has given us. It is time for me to speak of nucleic acids. 3. TWO TYPES OF NUCLEIC ACID You all know that the convenient slang terms DNA and RNA stand, respectively, for deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids*. If this were a more strictly chemical talk I would point out that the sugars have been identified in only a few cases and that a more neutral designation, such as deoxypentose and pentose nucleic acids, would be safer. But tonight we may disregard that, as the nature of the sugars occurring in the nucleic acid speci- mens of which I am going to speak has in almost all cases been verified. When about ten or eleven years ago my colleagues, first of all * The following abbreviations will be used: DNA, deoxypentose nucleic acid(s); PNA, pentose nucleic acid(s); A, adenine; G, guanine; C, cytidine; MC, 5-methylcytosine; T, thymine; U, uracil (or the corresponding nucleo- tides); Pu, purines; Py, pyrimidines; 6-Am, adenine + cytosine; 6-K, guanine + uracil. TWO TYPES OF NUCLEIC ACID 85 Dr. E. Vischer and Mrs. C. Green, and I embarked on the study of the chemistry of nucleic acids, the main known facts were based principally on the fundamental work of Miescher, Kossel, Levene, Steudel, Feulgen, Thannhauser, Hammarsten, Jorpes, Caspersson, Brachet, Bawden, Pirie, Stanley, Avery, and their collaborators^'-. At that period, "the present stage of our knowl- edge of nucleic acid chemistry could perhaps be compared to that in which protein chemistry found itself at the beginning of this century"^. The composition of only two nucleic acid prepa- rations, the deoxyribonucleic acid of calf thymus and the ribonu- cleic acid of yeast, was more or less completely known, and this only qualitatively. Although nucleic acids, at any rate calf thymus DNA and the pentose nucleic acids of plant viruses, were known to exist as high polymers, although viruses had been recognized as nucleoproteins, although the principle active in bacterial trans- formation had been identified as deoxypentose nucleic acid — and I could go on listing a few more disconcerting facts — it was almost generally assumed that nucleic acids were relatively simple compounds composed of a series of "tetranucleotides". As no methods were available to test this structural hypothesis, this simpUfication contributed considerably to the peace of mind of the chemist; and it continues to have this soothing effect on many investigators even now. We approached the study of nucleic acid chemistry in the belief that the nucleic acids were complicated macromolecules, comparable to the proteins in their intricate and specific struc- ture^. It was evident that for a discussion of the chemical specific- ity of the nucleic acids to become possible, one question had to be answered first: How much of what do they contain? This required, first of all, the elaboration of precise micromethods for both the qualitative and quantitative determination of all nucleic acid components — procedures that because of the strong ultra- violet absorption of the purines and pyrimidines were based on filter paper chromatography and spectrophotometry in the ultra- violet^-^. The principal nitrogenous constituents of the nucleic acids are References p. 98 86 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine in DNA, and the first three and uracil in RNA. DNA appears somewhat more varied in the array of its constituents than RNA; sateUites such as 5- methylcytosine or 6-N-methyladenine are found occasionally, and in the even coliphages 5-hydroxymethylcytosine occurs instead of cytosine. What should be borne in mind is that, in general, there are two purines and two pyrimidines and that one member of each of these two groups carries, in its 6-position, an amino group, the other a hydroxyl or, tautomerically, a keto group. 4. DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS a. Composition and regularities As early as in 1949, our studies had led to the conclusion that there existed a very large number of different deoxyribonucleic acids: different as regards the proportions, and therefore the sequence, of their component nucleotides, but of a composition characteristic of the species, though not of the tissue, from which they were derived^- ^' ^^. These conclusions have received ample confirmation since that time^^-^^. In Table 20, I have selected a few analyses from our own work^^- ^^"^^ in which DNA specimens from various sources, easily seen to be different in composition, are listed. The examples have been so chosen as to comprise the entire spread in divergences found so far. The dissymmetry ratio, i.e., the ratio of the sum of adenine + thymine to that of guanine + cytosine + methylcytosine, ranges from approximate- ly 1.9 to 0.4. We have referred^^ to deoxypentose nucleic acids with a ratio above 1 as the AT type, to those with a ratio below 1 as the GC type; the latter appears to occur only in several micro- organisms. Escherichia coli belongs to an intermediate class with almost equal quantities of all components. It is, of course, not always possible to distinguish between nucleic acids of very different origin through a study of their total composition. Two examples of analytically indistinguishable preparations^^' 20 are listed in Table 21. In such instances, it is necessary to resort to other methods of differentiation; I shall DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 87 refer to them later. But one thing should be stressed here. Some people are bothered by such similarities as I have shown in Table 21, and I have heard it said, and also read it in one of the reviews of the recent treatise on nucleic acids^ that there is no convincing TABLE 20 COMPOSITION OF SEVERAL TOTAL DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACIDS Dissym- Moles per 100 gram -atoms P metry ratio A G C MC T No. Origin {A-\-T)l {G + C + MC) 1 Paracentrotus livid us 32.8 17.7 16.2 1.1 32.1 1.85 2 Man 30.4 19.6 19.2 0.7 30.1 1.53 3 Ox 29.0 21.2 19.9 1.3 28.7 1.36 4 Wheat germ 28.1 21.8 16.8 5.9 27.4 1.25 5 E. coli (K-12) 26.0 24.9 25.2 — 23.9 1.00 6 Avian tubercle bacillus 15.1 34.9 35.4 — 14.6 0.42 evidence that the deoxypentose nucleic acids of mammaUan tis- sues differ from one species to another. I should, however, like to submit an entirely opposite proposition, namely, that once it is shown that there exist different nucleic acids (Table 20), it is safer to assume that all nucleic acids are species- specific. For we TABLE 21 EXAMPLE OF TWO DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID SPECIMENS INDISTINGUISHABLE ANALYTICALLY Moles per 100 gram-atoms P Dissymmetry ratio Origin A G C T (A + T)/{G + Q Sheep liver Salmon sperm 29.3 29.7 20.7 20.8 20.8 20.4 29.2 29.1 1.41 1.43 References p. 98 88 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS must remember that the minimum estimate^ of the number of possible permutational isomers in which a substance of the com- position of calf thymus DNA could exist is phantastically high, namely 10^^^^. Actually, this number will be even much larger, as a molecular weight of 750,000 for DNA, used in these com- putations, is too low. How then expect two different organisms that cannot make identical proteins to be able to dupUcate this enormous throw of dice? If we take it for granted that there exist a very large number of different nucleic acids — a number presumably much larger than can be shown merely by analysis — we may go on to ask: Are there any principles that unify what appears so disparate? No simple or recognizable repeating unit can be made out in these giant polynucleotide chains; they do not seem to possess a perceptible periodicity. But we became aware very early in our work^ of several remarkable regularities apparently characteristic of all deoxypentose nucleic acids. They are as follows: (a) The sum of the purine nucleotides equals that of the pyrimidine nucleotides, (b) The molar proportion of adenine equals that of thymine, (c) The molar proportion of guanine equals that of cytosine (+ methylcytosine). (d) The number of 6-amino groups (adenine + cytosine + methylcytosine) equals that of 6-keto groups (guanine + thymine). These regularities may be consid- ered as well established. (See Table XVII in Ref. 13.) Polynu- cleotide fragments produced by the enzymic degradation of DNA do not show these regularities^^, a finding that will have to be taken into account should well substantiated deviations from these pairing principles be discovered. b. Fractionation Having plunged into a whirlpool, though decorated with har- monious surface ripples, we proceeded to make it even more chaotic. We asked a question. Granted, we said, that the DNA of a given species represents a completely arrhythmic, highly polymeric nucleotide chain, should we consider it as strictly homogeneous or as consisting of a bundle of different chains, dif- DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 89 fering from each other in the patterns of nucleotide sequence? I asked this question in our first paper on the chemistry of DNA^; but for several years I was resigned to there not being an answer, for there is nothing more difficult at the present stage of our knowledge than the fractionation of a family of closely related polyampholytes of a very high molecular weight. Fortunately, I had started — first together with Miss Lipshitz and later also with Dr. Crampton — on a study of calf thymus nucleohistone: its chemical properties and its behavior on dissociation in strong salt solutions--. We found that the extent of splitting of the conjugated protein into nucleic acid and protein was a function of the electrolyte concentration. When the DNA portions removed by fractional dissociation were analyzed, they were found to exhibit a curiously graded composition^^. The stepwise extraction of nucleohistone or of artificially prepared nucleates of pro- teins^'''' ^^' -^ or polylysine-^ with salt solutions of increasing strength under conditions favorable for the denaturation of the protein moiety yielded a series of nucleic acid fractions with diminishing concentrations of guanine and cytosine and rising concentrations of adenine and thymine. The equimolarity of each pair of constituents and of total purines and pyrimidines was, however, fully maintained in all fractions^^. The weighted average composition that could be computed from all fractions cor- responded very closely to that found for total DNA preparations of the same species. One may conclude that the DNA of a cell comprises an entire spectrum of differently constituted individuals; a spectrum, how- ever, with "bands" of different position and intensity in different species. It is not inconceivable that no two nucleic acid molecules, within the same nucleus, are entirely identicaP^: a prospect that would seem to condemn us to forced statistics for life. c. Structure and sequence The existing evidence makes it appear likely that the nucleic acids are chains in which nucleosides are linked to each other by phosphoric acid diester bridges between the 5'- and 3 '-positions-'^. References p. 98 90 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS The "backbone", therefore, is represented by a regularly con- structed polydeoxyribophosphate; and it is in the "superstruc- ture" of purines and pyrimidines, linked glycosidically to V of the sugar, that the differences between nucleic acids must reside (Fig. 8). An alphabet of four or five letters may look meager, but if the words which these four letters spell out are 25,000-letter words, the result may be oppressively informative. Even if we had a rigorously homogeneous nucleic acid and procedures for its stepwise and orderly dismemberment, it would be hopeless to undertake the decoding of its nucleotide sequence. By the time the cryptographer had completed his task and written down the entire arrangement, evolution would probably have overtaken him and he could start over again. A strict sequence analysis is, therefore, not only unattractive, but probably impossible, at any rate in DNA; an assay of the distribution density of individual components, i.e., a survey of tendencies in nucleotide sequence, could, however, be considered. By survey I mean an attempt at crudely mapping the order in which the mononucleotides are aligned in a given nucleic acid chain. If this alignment does not take place at random, prefer- ential arrangements discovered in the various preparations may furnish a means for their differentiation in addition to what total analysis may reveal. We have attempted to achieve this in three independent lines of investigation, based on the vertical or the horizontal degradation of the nucleic acids (p. 338 of Ref. 13) or on both. D A n p A A ■ A Fig. 8. Schematic representation of a DNA segment. The purines are represented by black, the pyrimidines by white, symbols. There is an equal number of black and white squares and of black and white triangles. The dissymmetry ratio of squares to triangles is 1.5. DEOXYPENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS 91 These are the three lines of attack; but I shall deal only with the third in some detail, (a) The action of crystalline pancreatic deoxyribonuclease on DNA shows a characteristic trend in the composition of small fragments formed at different periods; in addition, it brings about the formation of larger fragments ex- hibiting a distortion in the original internucleotide ratios^^-^^-^^. I beheve it was through these studies that the arrhythmic charac- ter of nucleotide sequence in DNA was first recognized, (b) A partial horizontal degradation of deoxypentose nucleic acids leads to the class of compounds designated as apurinic acids, first studied with Drs. Tamm and Hodes^^. Their formation is based on the great lability of the glycosidic link of the purines. Apurinic acids may be considered as large polynucleotides, of at least 60 sugar phosphates and nucleotides in a row^^, that have been deprived of their purines without distortion of the original inter- pyrimidine ratios*. Such products are much more labile to chem- ical, though not to enzymic^^, attack than intact DNA; and the study of their degradation by alkali led to the conclusion that calf thymus DNA is rich in chains in which tracts of pyrimidine nucleotides alternate with stretches in which purine nucleotides predominate^^. Similar conclusions could later be drawn with respect to other deoxyribonucleic acids^''^. (c) The third approach to the problem of nucleotide arrangement undertaken in col- laboration with Dr. Shapiro^'* (and in part unpublished) has to do with the production of pyrimidine nucleoside diphosphates. It was known since the early work of Levene and Thannhauser, and has also been confirmed more recently^^, that the acid treat- ment of DNA leads to the formation of some 3',5'-diphosphates of deoxycytidine and thymidine. The mechanism of this reaction and its significance were, however, left in doubt. Kinetic studies on the breakdown of small oligonucleotides prompt the con- clusion that the first release of nucleoside diphosphates (30 min at 100° and 0.1 M H2SO4) is due to the liberation of those * If in Fig. 8 the black symbols are taken to represent purines, the apurinic acid yielded by this sequence would contain deoxyribophosphate units in positions 1, 3, 8, 9, and 10. References p. 98 92 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS pyrimidine derivatives that were flanked on both sides by purine nucleotides, whereas more prolonged treatment affects poly- pyrimidine stretches, with the glycoside fission of cytidine more readily brought about than that of thymidine. It was possible to develop methods for the quantitative estimation of the diphos- phates and other small fragments of degradation. Table 22 gives a selection of some of the results. It is clear that this sort of study may be a powerful tool in bringing out variations in the nucleo- tide arrangement of different nucleic acids; it is possible to distinguish between specimens that cannot be distinguished by the total analysis of their constituents. It may be concluded that the nucleic acids listed in Table 22 represented chains consisting predominantly of polypurine and polypyrimidine units and that the arrangement of constituents was far from random. 5. PENTOSE NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS In glancing, more briefly, at the composition of various pentose nucleic acids^^ one has to state that nothing much could have been stated as long as isolated preparations were compared. The TABLE 22 DEOXYCYTIDINE AND THYMIDINE 3 ',5 '-DIPHOSPHATES FROM DNA* <^0.65 ^0.7 ^t Oq.Io ^1.0 ^''2.6 Molar ra^io^in DNA ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^3^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^3 mole%'o?totalT 23.5 12.8 15.4 15.9 19.9 16.0 pCp** mole % of total C Molar ratio pTp/pCp 10.8 6.00 9.70 9.20 6.30 14.0 2.24 2.68 2.16 2.58 4.77 1.80 * 30 min, 100°, 0.1 M H2SO4; DNA preparations from ox = O, man = M, Arbacia = Ar. Subscripts: t = total DNA; the others indicate NaCl molarity at which fraction was obtained. ** pTp and pCp denote the 3 ',5 '-diphosphates of thymidine and cytidine. THE MEANING OF REGULARITIES 93 more rigorously purified the specimens were, the less constant was their composition, even when material from the same source was compared. In Table 23, a few examples have been chosen from our own work"^"^' ^^. A complete compilation of analytical results has appeared recently^^. No generally applicable regularities in composition seem to impose themselves from such a survey. TABLE 23 COMPOSITION OF SEVERAL PNA PREPARATIONS FROM YEAST AND LFVER* Ade- Giia- Cyti- Uri- nylic nylic dylic dyl ic Source No. acid acid acid acid PulPy 6-Aml6-K Yeast 1 30 30 19 21 1.5 1.0 2 30 28 22 20 1.4 1.1 3 26 28 22 24 1.2 0.9 4 26 27 21 26 1.1 0.9 5 21 30 23 26 1.0 0.8 Pig liver 1 16 38 33 13 1.2 1.0 2 19 36 29 16 1.2 0.9 * In moles per 100 moles nucleotide. It was only after Dr. Elson in our laboratory undertook the study of the ribonucleotide distribution in extracts of the total PNA without further purification^^"^^ that one striking regularity emerged^^' ^^. Whereas none of the other regularities listed before for DNA applied to PNA in a general fashion, one persisted with very few exceptions, namely, the equality of constituents having 6-amino groups (adenylic and cytidylic acids) and of those carry- ing 6-keto groups (guanylic and uridylic acids): 6- Am = 6-K. (Compare the frequency distribution of nucleotide ratios in 104 PNA samples^^ illustrated in Fig. 9.) I show some typical results in Table 24 compiled from several recent papers^^' ^^' ^^' ^*. 6. THE MEANING OF REGULARITIES I hope I have shown that there is one regularity that almost all nucleic acids, deoxypentose and pentose nucleic acids, appear to References p. 98 94 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS have in common, namely, the presence in them of an equal num- ber of nucleotides carrying an amino group in 6-position and of those having a 6-keto group. Clearly, if this contention is correct there must exist an agent imposing this regularity on the poly- A + U G + C 40 - J 6Am - * - j A/U 6/C FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS OF NUCLEOTIDE RATIOS IN TOTAL PNA 104 samples I j-a. L -.i L-T-H ABSCISSAS' VALUE OF RATIO CRDINATES: FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2,0 arrow indicates mean Fig. 9. Frequency distribution of various nucleotide ratios in 104 PNA analyses, based on the data of Elson and Chargaff^s. The symbols are explained in the footnote on page 84. TABLE 24 NUCLEOXroE RATIOS IN PENTOSE NUCLEOPROTEINS Source PulPy {A + U)/{G + Q 6-Am/6-K Ox liver 0.80 0.63 1.04 Rat kidney 0.96 0.66 1.00 Cytoplasm of rat liver and kidney 0.99 0.62 0.93 Paracentrotus lividus. eggs and embryos 1.08 0.77 0.99 Wheat germ 1.07 0.76 1.00 Yeast 1.00 1.12 0.93 Escherichia coll 1.18 0.87 1.00 Mycobacterium phlei 1.06 0.73 0.93 Azotobacter vinelandii 1.21 0.78 1.00 THE MEANING OF REGULARITIES 95 nucleotide chains. It must select, by attracting or by rejecting, those components that fit, out of the surplus of innumerable me- tabolites being offered in the course of the life of the cell. The screen, the sieve, the template: how many mechanomorphic con- trivances could one not think of! I believe, however, that this is a riddle that will not be solved through allegory. It is quite possible that our biochemical thinking will have to acquire an entire new dimension before we shall stop talking complete nonsense. But I hope I shall not be accused of preaching metabiochemistry. There will be many among us who, having learned from the often experienced defeat of easy or premature generalizations in biochemistry, are allergic to attempts to bring order to the seem- ing chaos of the living cell. They may rightly ask: Is there any sense in looking for regularities in composition, such as I have discussed before; to apply interior decoration to a continuum? They are, of course, correct in protesting against the dictatorial sway of half-baked hypotheses. But there will always be a time in the natural sciences — and it will always be too early — when a summary, a provisional and tentative summary, must be drawn up. As long as we realize that the experimental sciences operate under an unwritten statute of limitations, no harm will result. In the case of the nucleic acids it is particularly important to ascertain whether any unifying principles governing their con- struction can be discerned. They are considered by many people to be the carriers of biological information. This rather ill-defined notion views the DNA as the holder of the majority vote in the transmission of hereditary properties and the RNA as the Execu- tive Vice-President in charge of protein production. Be that as it may — and there may be some surprises around the corner — bio- logical information must be preserved; it must be transferred; and, in the case of mutations, it must be changed. An incredible amount of male handicraft is being wasted on information models. But if there is any meaning to the concept of biological infor- mation, the existence of regularities of the sort pointed out by me before may furnish us the only chemical clue to systems through which information is preserved or — and this is more important — References p. 98 96 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS transmitted. Compositional regularities in themselves are not suf- ficient for an explanation; but they will, I believe, have to be taken into account in any eventual solution of this problem. You may not be able to reconstruct an animal from its tracks; but you may succeed in identifying it through its footprints. 7. REMARKS ON NUCLEOPROTEINS During my entire talk this evening, there has loomed in the background, without ever making a real appearance, the second half of my title, the nucleoproteins. Immanently, they must be present in all our thinking on nucleic acids, for there is little evi- dence that nucleic acids occur in the free state in the living cell. If they ever disrobe, it is only temporarily; for the most part they appear dressed decently in a coat of protein. Why not, therefore, consider the whole thing, the conjugated proteins; the more so since there is much evidence of the close connection between nucleic acid and protein synthesis? In reality, we are not ready for it despite the merry voices of innumerable biochemical boy scouts who have pitched their hasty tents all over the field. But it is probably not an accident that nucleic acids and proteins are so closely associated in nature. It is hard to believe that the proteins, in all their variety, have only the function of an ornament or wrapping material. Even in the plant viruses, I do not find it easy to entertain the Cytherean vision of a nucleic acid resting in a merely protective shell of protein. I have no time to go into all that and can only refer to a few recent discussions^^- *^-^'^. But I should like to repeat one sugges- tion^^, namely, that the regularity in PNA, and perhaps also in DNA, of which I have spoken, 6-Am = 6-K, could be imposed by an extended polypeptide chain bonded to two polynucleotide chains so that each peptide carbonyl is linked by a hydrogen bond to the 6-amino group of adenine or cytosine and each peptide amino group to the 6-keto group of guanine or uracil. It is rather unhkely that such nucleoproteins will be found easily^^; the en- forcement of this stoichiometry may be an essentially dynamic NUCLEOPROTEINS 97 process that cannot be tested by the static means of isolation. Other ways may have to be sought. If I have touched so Ughtly upon so few aspects of an important problem, I must apologize; and I must apologize even more for dealing only with matters with which my colleagues and I have been directly concerned. But what sense would there have been in trying to outrun a mastodon in two volumes?^ What such a treat- ment loses in validity, it may gain in intensity. For if there is one thing that I have learned during a life in science it is that even in the tiniest splinter there may mirror itself an entire world. References p. 98 98 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS REFERENCES 1 E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vols. I and II, Academic Press, New York, 1955. 2 J. N. Davidson and E. Chargaff, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 1. 3 E. Chargaff and E. Vischer, Ann. Rev. Biochem., 17 (1948) 201. 4 E. Chargaff, Experientia, 6 (1950) 201. [See Chapter 1 of this book.] 5 E. Vischer and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 168 (1947) 781. 6 E .Vischer and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 176 (1948) 703. 7 E. Chargaff, B. Magasanik, R. Doniger and E. Vischer, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 71 (1949) 1513. 8 B. Magasanik, E. Vischer, R. Doniger, D. Elson and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 186 (1950) 37. 9 E. Chargaff, E. Vischer, R. Doniger, C. Green and F. Misani, J. Biol. Chem., Ill (1949) 405. 10 E. Vischer, S. Zamenhof and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., Ill (1949) 429. 11 E. Chargaff, J. Cellular Comp. Physiol, 38, Suppl. 1 (1951) 41. 12 E. Chargaff, Federation Proc, 10 (1951) 654. [See Chapter 2 of this book.] 13 E. Chargaff, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 307. 14 E. Chargaff and R. Lipshitz, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 75 (1953) 3658. 15 E. Chargaff, R. Lipshitz and C. Green, J. Biol. Chem., 195 (1952) 155. 16 B. Gandelman, S. Zamenhof and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 9 (1952) 399. 17 M. E. HODES and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 22 (1956) 348. 18 R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 19 (1956) 256. 19 E. Chargaff, S. Zamenhof, G. Brawerman and L. Kerin, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 72 (1950) 3825. 20 E. Chargaff, R. Lipshitz, C. Green and M. E. Modes, J. Biol. Chem., 192 (1951) 223. 21 S. Zamenhof and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 187 (1950) 1. 22 C. F. Crampton, R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 206 (1954) 499. 23 E. Chargaff, C. F. Crampton and R. Lipshitz, Nature, 172 (1953) 289. 24 C. F. Crampton, R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 211 (1954) 125. 25 P. Spitnik, R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 215 (1955) 765. 26 E. Chargaff, Symposia Soc. Exptl. Biol., 9 (1955) 32. [See Chapter 3 of this book.] REFERENCES 99 27 D. M. Brown and A. R. Todd, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 409. 28 E. Chargaff and H. S. Shapiro, Exptl Cell Research, Suppl. 3 (1955) 64. 29 M. E. Hodes and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 22 (1956) 361. 30 C. Tamm, M. E. Hodes and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 195 (1952) 49. 31 C. Tamm and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 203 (1953) 689. 32 C. Tamm, H. S. Shapiro and E. Chargaff, /. Biol. Chem., 199 (1952) 313. 33 C. Tamm, H. S. Shapiro, R. Lipshitz and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 203 (1953) 673. 3-i H. S. Shapiro and E. Chargaff, Federation Proc, 15 (1956) 352. 35 C. A. Dekker, a. M. Michelson and a. R. Todd, J. Chem. Soc, (1953) 947. 36 B. Magasanik, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 373. 37 E. Chargaff, B. Magasanik, E. Vischer, C. Green, R. Doniger and D. Elson, /. Biol. Chem., 186 (1950) 51. 38 B. Magasanik and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 7 (1951) 396. 39 D. Elson and E. Chargaff, Phosphorus Metabolism, Johns Hopkins Univ., McCollum-Pratt Inst., Contrib., 2 (1952) 329. 40 D. Elson, T. Gustafson and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 209 (1954) 285. 41 D. Elson, L. W. Trent and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 17 (1955) 362. 42 D. Elson and E. Chargaff, Nature, 173 (1954) 1037. 43 D. Elson and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 17 (1955) 367. 44 A. Lombard and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 20 (1956) 585. 45 J. Brachet, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. 11, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 475. 46 E. Chargaff, Rend. ist. lombardo sci., 89 (1955) 101. [See Chapter 4 of this book.] 47 R. D. HoTCHKiss, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 435. 48 E. Chargaff, D. Elson and H. T. Shigeura, Nature, 178 (1956) 682. CHAPTER 7 Nucleic Acids as Carriers of Biological Information"^ 1. IS THERE A HIERARCHY OF CELLULAR CONSTITUENTS? Our time is probably the first in which mythology has penetrated to the molecular level. I read, for instance, in a recent article by a very distinguished biologist: ". . . In the early phases of the molecular stage of evolution, only simple molecules were formed . . . Later more complex molecules, such as amino acids and perhaps simple peptides, were formed. "In the more advanced phases of this period it is believed that there appeared a molecule with two entirely new properties: the ability system- atically to direct the formation of copies of itself from an array of simpler building blocks, and the property of acquiring new chemical configurations without loss of ability to reproduce. These properties, self- duplication and mutation, are characteristic of all living systems and they may therefore be said to provide an objective basis for defining the living state. "Evidence is accumulating that the nucleic acids of present-day organisms possess these two properties, and it is perhaps no longer useless to speculate that the first "living" molecule might have been a simple nucleic acid, perhaps protected by an associated simple protein . . ." Thus, what started cosmically with beautiful and profound legends has come down to a so-called "macromolecule". If poetry has suffered, precision has not gained. For we may ask whether a model that merely provides for one cell constituent continually to make itself can teach us much about life and its origins. We may also ask whether the postulation of a hierarchy of cellular constituents, in which the nucleic acids are elevated to a patriar- chal role in the creation of living matter, is justified. I believe * Reprinted with permission from "The Origin of Life on the Earth", I.U.B. Symposium Series, vol. 1, Pergamon Press, London, 1959, p. 297. HIERARCHY OF CELLULAR CONSTITUENTS 101 there is not sufficient evidence for so singling out this particular class of substances. We know that autarkic entities (cells and cell communities) require the presence of a very large number of different com- pounds, foremost among which are the ubiquitous plastic con- stituents, namely: (1) nucleic acids (both of the deoxypentose and pentose types, DNA and PNA); (2) proteins; (3) lipids; (4) polysaccharides. Parasitic systems (viruses, phages) apparent- ly require the presence of nucleic acids (DNA or PNA) and protein. But such a generic statement probably is no more meaningful than if we were to say that all machines consist of iron, copper, nickel, etc. For neither the knowledge of quantity nor that of quality alone can satisfy our inquiry; and for an understanding of what is meant by organization an entirely new dimension will have to be added: a dimension of which barely the foundations are discernible at present. Moreover, to return to the example of the machine, it is not likely that we could learn much about the "origin of the automobile" from an inspection of the parts of a present-day car; nor could such an examination help us to decide whether there did not once exist an automobile made of glass, though we may conclude that, at any rate under present conditions, it would hardly have survived as the fittest means of locomotion. In any event, even if we commit the oversimplifying fallacy of postulating a virus-like structure as the first "living" molecule, we are still left to deal with a nucleoprotein: a singular that conceals a multitude of possible structures. If scientific facts were subject to a vote, the majority opinion would probably place the nucleic acids at the top of the hierarchy and let the proteins fol- low; something like this: DNA -> PNA -» protein. But in my opinion it would be more honest to confess that we know very little indeed about these things and to say that the road to the future should not be uselessly cluttered up with shoddy, and often entirely baseless, hypotheses. It may, however, not be un- instructive to say a few words about the chemical connotations of the concept of biological information. References p. 108 102 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION 2. ON BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHEMICALLY CONVEYED A biochemist, when asked to consider this problem, probably would first of all translate it into the concept of chemical speci- ficity— with which I have dealt in more detail on several oc- casions^-^— and think of a substance of an elevated molecular weight, built of a number of chemically different monomers and possessing chemical or physical features which are preserved without change within the species, but which serve to distinguish the particular substance from analogous ones produced by other species. Specific polysaccharides, specific proteins, specific nucleic acids are the type of compounds that will come to mind immediately; and the immunological specificity exhibited by many representatives of the first two groups perhaps is their most striking property. The recognition of the existence of specific nucleic acids required much more time; but their specificity, too, can now be taken to be an established fact on both chemical and biological grounds^-^. It is, indeed, only in the fourth group of principal cell constituents, namely the lipids, that difficulties with respect to the occurrence of species specificity still are en- countered. As I have pointed out recently^, one way in which the cell may be able to render lipids specific is in their arrange- ment as prosthetic groups of lipoproteins. But there exist in- dications that nervous tissue contains complex mucolipids of high molecular weight which could very well exhibit species speci- ficity 6. A warning is, however, in order. We cannot yet answer the question: How identical is identity? In considering cell repUcation, we hke to assume that the complex and specific cell constituents are reproduced so as to give entirely invariant structures, with the hundreds or even thousands of different amino acids or nucleo- tides always arranged in an unchanged sequence. Actually, very little is known; the extent of play that nature may allow itself cannot yet be gauged. It is, in any event, safe to assume that the real specificity of a given cell resides in the nature of its plastic constituents rather BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION CHEMICALLY CONVEYED 103 than in that of its catalytic components, which latter probably are a symptom rather than a cause. But there is a giant step from the establishment of sequential specificity in proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides to the formulation of the manner in which the "information" stored in them is not only preserved, but also transferred from one class of components to the other. The polysaccharides and lipids cannot at all be fitted into what little we know. As regards the nucleic acids and proteins, however, it would appear to me safer, instead of postulating a hierarchy, to envisage a triangular relationship, e.g., as follows: 1 DNA / \ PNA Protein 2 3 No arrows have been placed in this diagram, for their direction may conceivably be different in different systems; so that, for instance, in a plant virus the relation is between 2 and 3, in bacteriophage duplication and in bacterial transformations between 1 and 3, in autarkic systems between 1, 2 and 3. It is, moreover, quite conceivable that the transfer of information often can proceed in either direction and that the prevailing impression that it invariably flows from the nucleic acids to the proteins is mistaken. We may not yet have learned how to isolate suitable protein preparations; I should not be surprised if it were found eventually that both halves of a plant virus, the PNA and the protein, may be "infective". It was, therefore, not without pur- pose that I used the plural above in speaking of "life and its origins". One could, however, ask: Is th^e cell really nothing but a system of ingenious stamping presses, stencilling its way from life to death? Is hfe itself only an intricate chain of templates and catalysts and products? My answer to these and many similar questions would be No; for I beHeve that our science has become too mechanomorphic, that we talk in metaphors in order to conceal our ignorance, and that there are categories in biochemis- References p. 108 104 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION try for which we lack even a proper notation, let alone an idea of their outlines and dimensions. Regardless, however, of whether we accept the currently fash- ionable template hypothesis, we must assume that there exist agents or complexes of agents in the cell that preside over the selection and specific arrangement of the constituents of all cell- specific polymers: proteins, nucleic acids, blood group substances, bacterial polysaccharide antigens, etc. These agents must be able both to preserve and to transfer whatever codes are stored in the constituent sequence and the specific physical shapes of these compounds. How these agents operate is not yet within our power to describe; but there exists some evidence that the nucleic acids, both DNA and PNA, are concerned in these operations. It lies within the scope of these remarks to inquire whether there are any outstanding features that are common to all nucleic acids, for this may be of value for our understanding of the chemical characteristics of such information systems. In dividing the rest of the discussion under the headings of invariability, diversity, and regularity, it will be apparent that the first two quahties probably are common to all specific cell constituents, whereas the third is a most unusual feature of the nucleic acids which ap- parently is not shared by the other plastic cell substances. 3. INVARIABILITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS This is a property that is, often by tenet rather than by experi- ence, held to be common to all macromolecular cell components. How limited our knowledge is, I have already emphasized before; but it is, in general, assumed that a given protein or specific polysaccharide or nucleic acid is invariable in structure in a particular species. Although, as I shall mention below, there exists impressive evidence that the nucleic acids of a cell com- prise an entire series of different individuals, the constancy, with respect to characteristic base composition, of total deoxy- pentose nucleic acids appears well established^; a constancy that seems to apply to preparations from all tissues of the same DIVERSITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 105 host' or from different variants of the same microbial species^. As concerns pentose nucleic acids a decision appeared more difficult for some time owing to the unsatisfactory nature of isolated PNA preparations. When methods were developed per- mitting the analysis of total PNA without previous isolation, essentially in the form of nucleoprotein, it could, however, be shown that the nucleotide composition of the total pentose nucleic acid of a given cell also is nearly constant^- 1^. In more recent experiments on the pentose nucleic acids of Azotobacter vine- landii^^ and of E. coli^^ this remarkable invariability of PNA could also be demonstrated, in the latter case even under a variety of conditions, for instance, the presence or absence of simul- taneous protein synthesis and with and without the addition of an excess of a single nucleoside. 4. DIVERSITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS Long before detailed chemical analysis had become possible the existence of many different proteins and polysaccharides had been recognized, often through their antigenic or other biological properties, characteristic physical qualities or some outstanding chemical components. The specific enzymic properties of many proteins also were noted very early. Direct biological tests are not often applicable to nucleic acids. The activity of specific deoxypentose nucleic acids in bacterial transformations is well estabhshed. The demonstration of the exclusive role of nucleic acids in virus growth and enzyme induction is, in my opinion, as yet far from unequivocal. But on the whole there surely exists enough evidence to speak of a diversity of nucleic acids on biological grounds. The chemical diversity of DNA, as shown by widely different proportions of the constituent nucleotides in different specimens, has, since the time of its first discussion^- 1^, been demonstrated in very many instances^. Of more recent date is the discovery that a total DNA preparation can be fractionated into a whole series of differently composed, but regularly graded, fractions^^. The References p. 108 106 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION distribution of these fractions in a given cell must, however, be constant within narrow limits, as shown by the invariability of total DNA mentioned above. The variation in the composition of different PNA prepa- rations is marked, though perhaps not quite as striking as in DNA^^. In addition, there is some evidence of the existence of different pentose nucleic acids in the same cell; e.g., the nuclear and the cytoplasmic PNA of rat liver differ in composition^^. A reliable chemical fractionation of PNA has, however, not yet been achieved. 5. REGULARITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS As I have mentioned before, this is perhaps the most unusual property distinguishing the nucleic acids from other cell-specific high polymers. In saying this, I am not referring to the regular position of the phosphodiester bridges connecting the nucleo- sides in the nucleic acid chain: they are assumed to be generally 3 ',5 '-bridges; for the regularity of the links holding the monomers together is common to most biological polymers. What is so peculiar is the remarkable balance between the several constitu- ents noticed in all deoxypentose and in almost all pentose nucleic acids: a type of equipoise that I am not aware of ever having been encountered in other mixed polymers that do not contain simple repeating units. There are several regularities of which three are characteristic of only DNA^'^. They are: (1) The molar quantity of adenine equals that of thymine. (2) The molar quantity of guanine equals that of cytosine (+ methylcytosine). (3) The sum of the purine nucleotides equals that of the pyrimidine nucleotides. The fourth regularity, finally, applies to nearly all nucleic acids, DNA and PNA^O; it is: (4) The molar sum of nucleotides carrying 6-amino groups (adenylic, cytidylic acids) equals that of nucleotides having 6-keto groups (guanylic, thymidylic or uridylic acids). In considering these regularities one must take into account that the nucleic acids are devoid of any perceptible periodicity or of CONCLUDING REMARKS 107 repeating sub-units larger than a mononucleotide. They are com- plicated high polymers of a largely arrhythmic nucleotide sequence which, however, does not appear to be fortuitous^^. 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS It is inviting to assume that the special biological functions of the nucleic acids are reflected in those chemical features that distinguish them from other high-molecular cell components, namely, in the unusual regularities in nucleotide composition mentioned above. In which way these functions are exerted cannot yet be said; but I already have pointed out before that in my opinion the nucleoproteins rather than the separate moieties of the conjugated proteins will eventually be found to be the oper- ative units. A detailed inquiry into the mechanism of this conjunction of protein and nucleic acid, let alone the construc- tion of a reasonable model or the attempt at unraveUing the information code of the cell, is premature; for no truly homo- geneous nucleoprotein has yet been discovered of which it could be said that the particular nucleic acid molecule contained in it, with its unique nucleotide sequence, has given rise to the particular protein, with its equally unique amino acid sequence, or vice versa. In other words, we are still lacking the Rosetta stone of biochemistry. It is not profitable to speculate on the direction in which the ancestral roles of the nucleic acids could be approached. But it can be predicted that further investigations along the following lines will be of value: (a) virus nucleoproteins; (b) mechanism of enzyme induction; (c) mechanism of antibody production; (d) role of priming substances in .the enzymic synthesis of high polymers. References p. 108 108 ^fUCLEIC ACIDS AND BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION REFERENCES 1 E. Chargaff, Experientia, 6 (1950) 201. [See Chapter 1 of this book.] ^ E. Chargaff, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 307. 3 R. D. HoTCHKiss, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 435. 4 J. Brachet, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson (Eds.), The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, 1955, p. 475. 5 E. Chargaff, in S. Graff (Ed.), Essays in Biochemistry, Wiley and Sons, New York, 1956, p. 72. [See Chapter 5 of this book.] 6 A. Rosenberg and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 21 (1956) 588. 7 E. Chargaff and R. Lipshitz, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 75 (1953) 3658. 8 E. Chargaff, Symposium sur le metabolisme microhien, Congr. intern. biochim., 2. Congr., Paris, (1952) 41. 9 D. Elson, T. Gustafson and E. Chargaff, J. Biol. Chem., 209 (1954) 285. 10 D. Elson and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 17 (1955) 367. 11 A. Lombard and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 20 (1956) 585. 12 A. Lombard and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 25 (1957) 549. 13 E. Chargaff, E. Vischer, R. Doniger, C. Green and F. Misani, J. Biol. Chem., \11 (1949) 405. 14 E. Chargaff, C. F. Crampton and R. Lipshitz, Nature, 172 (1953) 289. 15 D. Elson, L. W. Trent and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 17 (1955) 362. 16 H. S. Shapiro and E. Chargaff, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 23 (1957) 451. CHAPTER 8 First Steps towards a Chemistry of Heredity"^ 1. INTRODUCTION An observer of our biological sciences today sees dark figures moving over a bridge of glass. We are faced with an ever ex- panding universe of light and darkness. The greater the circle of understanding becomes, the greater is the circumference of sur- rounding ignorance. But as our sciences expand, their specific gravity appears to become lower. Out of swimmers we have all turned into floaters. A unified and consistent vision of nature has become impossible in our days, at any rate for working scientists. Ironically enough, the only universal scientists left are the publishers of scientific books or the writers of science fiction. Each science protects itself from its neighbors by a cordon of slogans and catchwords; and fashion dictates whether this year we are featuring enzymes or proteins or nucleic acids and whether we wear the molecules long or short. New journals are bom every day by Caesarean section performed by skilful publishers; and as new disciplines are formed, so are new and mutually un- inteUigible languages: a Tower of Babel made of paper. The feeling of discouragement before the seemingly chaotic wave of nature, before this self-duplicating cataract, is not new. Long before the unjustly famous "Ignorabimus" of Du Bois- Reymond, innumerable mournful voices could be heard, the most intense, the most heart-rending, being that of Pascal; for here is * Reprinted with permission from Intern. Congr. Biochem., 4th Congr., Vienna, Austria, 14 (1958) 21-35. References p. 125 110 FIRST STEPS TOWARDS A CHEMISTRY OF HEREDITY a Moses who must curse the Promised Land*. One later citation may stand for many. When "in the late evening of an eventful life" one of the last, and one of the greatest, of universal scien- tists, Alexander von Humboldt, published his Kosmos, he had sworn off the vitalism of his youth. He wrote in his introduction: ". . . Die Mythen von imponderablen Stoffen und von eigenen Lebens- kraften in jeglichem Organismus verwickeln und triiben die Ansicht der Natur. Unter so verschiedenartigen Bedingnissen und Formen des Er- kennens bewegt sich trage die schwere Last unseres angehauften und jetzt so schnell anwachsenden empirischen Wissens. Die griibelnde Vernunft versucht muthvoll und mil wechselndem Gliicke die alten Formen zu zer- brechen, durch welche man den widerstrebenden Stoff, wie durch mecha- nische Constructionen und Sinnbilder, zu beherrschen gewohnt ist. Wir sind noch weit von dem Zeitpunkte entfernt, wo es moglich sein konnte alle unsere sinnlichen Anschauungen zur Einheit des Naturbe- griffs zu concentrieren. Es darf zweifelhaft genannt werden, ob dieser Zeitpunkt je herannahen wird. Die Complication des Problems und die Unermesslichkeit des Kosmos vereiteln fast die Hoffnung dazu. Wenn uns aber auch das Ganze unerreichbar ist, so bleibt doch die theilweise Losung des Problems, das Streben nach dem Verstehen der Welter- scheinungen, der hochste und ewige Zweck aller Naturforschung . . ." A. V. Humboldt, Kosmos, 1 (1845) 67. The continuous struggle between vitalists and their adversaries was built on a solid rock of ignorance of what they really were fighting about. The best scientific discussions often take place in a thick mental fog. There can be little doubt: the ever renewed waves of vitahsm have been repelled successfully; but so many victories have left our science short of breath. We shall not be searching here for a quaintly monistic "vital force". But just as much philosophy was necessary to dispose of the "philosopher's stone", much life will still have to flow past us, before we begin to understand what Life is. For have we really come nearer to the solution of the problem if the age-old question "What is life?" is replaced by an inquiry into the meaning of the organi- zation of the cell? And if we no longer accept the God of Laplace, that most International of all Business Machines, are we so much better off babbling of "feedbacks"? We laugh at La Mettrie's * See Pascal on the "vanite des sciences" in Pensees (Brunschvicg, No. 67, 74, 144, 604). CELLULAR SPECIFICITY HI "L'homme machine"; but "La cellule machine" could be a con- temporary title. The old anthropomorphism* of the sciences has been replaced by a streamlined mechanomorphism, with some sort of "templates" made of stainless protoplasm. But we may ask: Was this change really beneficial? "Lasciate ogni speranza" is, however, hardly a motto that would appeal to the munificence of research foundations and government agencies; and a moderate optimism, intimating more than it ever promises outright, is the fashion of the day. We shall not dare transgress it, though no immediate vistas of roseate finality will be painted. The title I have chosen for my talk is at the same time bold and modest. It should indicate how great the goal is and how far we are from it. But, as I recently said on another occasion^, "there will always be a time in the natural sciences — and it will always be too early — when a summary, a provisional and ten- tative summary, must be drawn up. As long as we realize that the experimental sciences operate under an unwritten statute of limitations, no harm will result". I shall first consider in what manner the phenomena of heredity may be subject to chemical research and what could be said to be the chemical basis of cel- lular specificity. 2. CHEMICAL BASIS OF CELLULAR SPECIFICITY Let us start with a dictionary definition. "Heredity — 3. Biol. The property of organic beings, in virtue of which offspring inherit the nature and characteristics of parents and ancestors generally; the tendency of like to beget like. (Often spoken of as a law of nature.)" Thus the great Oxford^ Dictionary (Vol. V, p. 238); and it is interesting to note that the term is not very old, the first example of its use dating from 1863. It is the sum of all the characteristics of a given cell which could be defined as cell specificity. But even if we are agreed that life at one level must * "II ne faut pas juger la nature selon nous, mais selon elle." Pascal, Pensees (Brunschvicg, No. 457). References p. 125 112 FIRST STEPS TOWARDS A CHEMISTRY OF HEREDITY be all chemical, just as on another plane it is all physical, the translation of the concept of specificity into the terms of our science remains extremely difficult. If we compare a Staphylococcus with an E. coli cell or a sea urchin egg with a mammalian ovum, comparative biochemistry would probably tell us that many of their metabolic reactions, many of their enzyme systems, are quite similar. Yet, how dif- ferent is the whole! It must be confessed that there does not yet exist a good and all-embracing biochemical explanation of speci- ficity. If we look at a cat and a mouse, we know that they are dif- ferent— and they themselves certainly know it even better. But when we start to analyze them, we shall find much that is similar and so very little that is different. It is almost as if we tried to get at the meaning of "time" by taking apart a clock. There can be little doubt that comparative biochemistry is barely in its beginning and that, if it has difficulty in defining the differences between genera, let alone species, it is hardly equipped to deal with the distinction of individuals^. The biology^ and immunology of individuality^ are much further advanced. It would be nice if this were merely another way of saying that we shall have to descend into nature by a few more decimals. But I am not certain whether a radical change in the direction of our efforts will not be necessary. In any event, a biochemist meditating on the chemical basis of cellular specificity will be led directly to the concept of chemical specificity. He will assume — and I believe correctly — that dif- ferences in the observable behavior of cells must rest on differ- ences in their chemical make-up and in the relative location of the interlocking cellular elements within the meshwork of the cell. As concerns the plastic constituents of the cell (proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, lipids), the existence of important specificity characteristics within the groups of proteins and polysaccharides had been revealed by immunological studies long before organic chemistry had advanced to a point where chemical differentiation became possible. It took even longer for the chemical distinction of nucleic acids of different origin to become ALPHABET OF THE CELL 113 feasible^. The lipids had to wait longest. Whereas the existence of many different tissue lipoproteins had been recognized for quite some time^, it is only recently that the occurrence of specific lipid polymers is being discussed^- *. Which types of compounds then, we could ask, are responsible for the specific character of a cell? The answer is obvious. If we assume that all chemical and physical features of the cell are preserved without change within the species, but serve to distin- guish the particular cell from that of other species, we must say that it is the aggregate of all cellular constituents that defines chemical specificity. But this does not mean that all substances are equally decisive in maintaining hereditary continuity; some may be causes, others merely symptoms. There is much reason for the assumption that the directive influence on the mainte- nance of cell specificity must be sought within the class of highly polymerized plastic constituents, at any rate, the proteins and the nucleic acids. 3. ON THE ALPHABET OF THE CELL AND SOME LANGUAGE DIFFICULTIES When a science approaches the frontiers of its knowledge, it seeks refuge in allegory or in analogy. The latter attempt — and I consider it preferable to the first — has enlisted the support of modern disciplines, such as cybernetics or information theory^. A subordinate analogy to the maintenance of cellular specificity, but one, perhaps, more easily grasped, is that of the manner in which communication is brought about through language. This should not be taken to mean that I consider the cell as a system of phonemes; for we have no right to introduce such concepts as intelligence or mind into the working of the cell. But the com- parison with communication through words will, at least, serve to explain the meaning of a term much used in these days, namely, biological information. I have dealt with this problem before^^' ^^ and can be brief here. A very tentative definition of biological information could describe it as the aggregate of all References p. 125 114 FIRST STEPS TOWARDS A CHEMISTRY OF HEREDITY the signals — summa cellulae — that preside over the maintenance of the hereditary processes, ensuring the unaltered transfer of all specificity characteristics of the mother cell to the daughter cells. We could then ask, but without much hope of an immediate and decisive answer: What is the content of biological information and what are its carriers; how is it preserved and how is it trans- ferred; and what are the agents of such information transfers? If we knew the answers to these questions, we should have made more than the first steps towards a chemistry of heredity. If, on the other hand, we continue the criminal nonsense of filling our world with ever increasing quantities of ionizing radiation, we may soon be able to speak of the last steps towards a chemistry of heredity. Lipid Polysaccharide Fig. 10. As to the content of biological information, the answer will depend upon whether the assumption I made a few minutes ago proves correct, namely, that the nucleic acids and the proteins, especially the conjugated proteins^-, are the principal, or even the sole, agents directing the maintenance of cellular specificity. In statements of this kind, allowance must be made for the neces- sity that we shall look as stupid to our successors of 2058 as our predecessors of 100 years ago look to us. In other words, we may be able to run away from our past, but never from our future. The other questions are even more difficult to answer, for they refer to what may be called the flow of biological information; and it is here that our real language difficulties begin. There must exist in the cell a system of extremely rigid controls that supervise BIOCHEMICAL SPACE 115 the inviolate reproduction of all relevant constituents; a system presumably indispensable for the cell to maintain itself in a state of specificity. But the search for the nature of these controls has been largely unsuccessful. It has, however, led to the construction of many, often pretty, models which lately, since they are now made of transparent plastic, have gained much in astral beauty. Our only refuge can be in vagueness, for instance, by pro- posing some scheme of triangular relationships which may take the childishly geometrical form shown in Fig. 10. This is, of course, only one of many possible schemes for the interrelation of the plastic cell constituents. No arrows have been placed quite on purpose^^; and some of the soUd lines should probably be broken lines or omitted entirely. The central role of ribonucleic acid is based on what is now beginning to be known of the metaboUc functions of certain conjugated ribonucleotides. One of the main difficulties in all such schemes is that we do not yet know whether the same agent is concerned with the selection and alignment of the monomers and with the activation of their linking into polymers. 4. BIOCHEMICAL SPACE When we speak of the "flow" of biological information^^ or of the "movement" of a given precursor, such as an amino acid or phosphoric acid, into the various polymers^^- ^'^ found in the several cellular elements, such as nuclei, mitochondria, micro- somes, etc., we adhere subconsciously to a concept that, I believe, is seldom formulated properly, namely, that of biochemical space. It is probably a thankless job to estabUsh oneself as the Pindar of negative attributes; but there are many things in nature that are better described by a No than by a Yes. The cell, we might say, is not a machine. It is not a mixture of soUds or even crystals. It is not a system of solutions. Even in describing it as an organized community of interfaces, of boundaries, we ap- proach only a corner of the truth. What would be necessary for an understanding of biochemical References p. 125 116 FIRST STEPS TOWARDS A CHEMISTRY OF HEREDITY space? We are all familiar with the four coordinates that define the space-time continuum. It is curious that in biochemistry the time coordinate is the one most easily defined, since through the use of isotopic tracers the dating of a polymer often can be achieved. But we know very little of the spatial conditions under which the cell manufactures its constituents. It is even pos- sible— and this should not be forgotten in all the talk about ''templates" — that we may be dealing with templates in time rather than space and that as yet undefinable time sequences regulate the replication of cellular polymers. What I mean in speaking of the movement of precursors can, perhaps, best be illustrated by an example relating to the for- mation of protein and ribonucleic acid in rat liver^^- ^^ which is shown in Table 25. It will be seen that in experiments of short TABLE 25 UPTAKE in vivo OF RADIOACTIVE LEUCINE BY THE PROTEIN AND OF RADIOACTIVE SODIUM PHOSPHATE BY THE RIBONUCLEIC ACID IN CYTOPLASMIC FRACTIONS FROM RAT LIVER» Relative specific activity^ Protein Ribonucleic acid^ Fraction Minutes after injection 5 20 5 20 120 1440 Cytoplasmic supernatant fluid 1 Microsomal ribonucleoprotein particles'^ I 4 II 6 1 2 2 11 1 9 20 1 1 7 10 1 1 1 1 o The values are adapted from recent datai^, i4, ^ In each column the fraction having the lowest specific activity was taken as 1. ^ The specific activities of the nucleic acid samples were computed through the summation of the weighted specific activities of the 2' -f 3' nucleotides produced by alkaUne hydrolysis. ^ This represents the microsome portion insoluble in deoxycholate; the protein fraction I is insoluble at pH 13, fraction II insoluble at pH 6 (Ref. 15). CODE-SCRIPT OF BIOLOGICAL HIGH POLYMERS 117 duration the protein precursor appears in the microsomal proteins before it is found in the supernatant fraction, whereas the op- posite is true of the ribonucleic acid precursor. I have condensed the data and rounded off the figures for the sake of simplicity. If, in addition to the supernatant fraction (Sp), the microsomal portion soluble in deoxycholate (DS) and the two distinguishable protein fractions of the deoxycholate-insoluble microsome portion (RNP I and II) are surveyed, the movement of leucine into the proteins can be described as follows: RNP II -> RNP I -^ DS -> Sp. An inverse, but probably correlative, direction is found for the movement of inorganic phosphate into the ribonucleic acids, namely, Sp -^ DS -^ RNP. The importance of such find- ings will emerge more clearly if we consider that not only the pro- teins, but also the nucleic acids, of the different cell fractions may be presumed to differ with respect to composition and function. 5. ON THE CODE-SCRIPT OF BIOLOGICAL HIGH POLYMERS If you permit me to take a bird's-eye view — even if it is the view of a very shortsighted bird — I could ask: What is the immediate contribution that chemistry can make to an understanding of heredity? (Please notice that both here and in the title of my talk I used the word chemistry, not biochemistry.) I believe, I have already indicated that in my opinion this contribution must be sought in the complex of problems that has to do with the preser- vation, the transfer and the flow of biological information, and also with what could be called its geometry. We must gain a clearer understanding of the manner in which the ability to send the signals that direct the replication of macromolecules is embed- ded in the very structure of the various high polymers of the cell. I have often said that I do not believe that there exists a hier- archy among the cellular constituents; so that we should not say that, for instance, the nucleic acids or the proteins are more im- portant than the lipids or the polysaccharides. But we can say that the minimum of viable organization is represented by a nucleoprotein, as in the viruses, and the minimum of signaling References p. 125 118 FIRST STEPS TOWARDS A CHEMISTRY OF HEREDITY potential by a deoxypentose nucleic acid, as in the transforming principles. Neither the nucleoprotein nor the nucleic acid can, of course, stand alone; they require the background of complete cellular organization. But at least the first step is indicated to us: we must attempt to read the code of the high polymers, first of all of the nucleic acids and the proteins. That this cannot take the shape of a legerdemain, of clever prestidigitation, is obvious. Little will be gained if the products formed in an uncooked meat extract or in a so-called homogenate are termed biosynthetic. But the search for the chemical structure of the decisive polymers, for the alignment, the sequence of their monomeric components is open to us. The sequential analysis of the proteins and the nucleic acids will in itself not be sufficient; the less so, since no nucleoprotein has so far been isolated of which it could be assumed that the protein and nucleic acid moieties of the conjugated protein ex- hibited a direct relationship as of cause and effect. "We are still lacking the Rosetta stone of biochemistry^^" But such studies may indicate the direction that our future efforts are to take. As concerns the proteins, they will be discussed at this congress by more competent voices than could be mine. But since it has come to be that my laboratory has probably been among the first to place the structure of the nucleic acids into the context of modern biochemistry, you will permit me to devote most of the rest of my talk to this subject. As I mentioned before, there exists some evidence that the nucleic acids, both the deoxypentose and the pentose nucleic acids, are concerned in the operations that have to do with the selection and the specific arrangement of the constituents of many, if not all, cell-specific polymers, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and perhaps even blood group substances and bacterial and other polysaccharides, etc. What then, could we ask, are the outstanding features that are common to all nucleic acids, but absent from other specific cell substances? This consideration may be of immediate importance for an understanding of the chemical characteristics of the information systems to which I CODE-SCRIPT OF BIOLOGICAL HIGH POLYMERS 119 have alluded before. In all our following discussions we must keep in mind that the nucleic acids are devoid of any perceptible periodicity or of recognizable repeating subunits. They are high polymers of a largely arrhythmic nucleotide sequence which is, however, not random. Until our first results were pubHshed in 1948 and 1949 (Refs. 16, 17) the nucleic acids, within their two known sugar categories, were considered as analytically indistinguishable; the problems posed by their analysis were not even seriously dicussed. Now, the great diversity in the composition of the nucleic acids is recognized generally. I limit myself here to two exam- ples (Tables 20, p. 87, and 26). Although occasionally nucleic acids from widely distant cellular sources are encountered that cannot be distinguished by constituent analysis, it is safe to assume that different species never produce identical nucleic acids. But do the same cells always produce the same nucleic acids; in other words, do the nucleic acids exhibit the property of TABLE 26 NUCLEOTIDE RATIOS IN RIBONUCLEOPROTEINS* Source PulPy {A + U)l iG + C) 6-Aml 6-K Ox liver 0.80 0.63 1.04 Rat kidney 0.96 0.66 1.00 Cytoplasm of rat liver and kidney 0.99 0.62 0.93 Nuclei of rat liver 0.66 0.81 1.06 Paracentrotus lividus, eggs and embryos 1.08 0.77 0.99 Wheat germ 1.07 0.76 1.00 Yeast 1.00 1.12 0.93 Mycobacterium tuberculosis (bovine) 1.06 0.65 0.98 Mycobacterium phlei 1.06 0.73 0.93 Azotobacter vinelandii 1.21 0.78 1.00 Escherichia coli 1.27 0.83 1.06 * Taken from previous papersi8-22^ Abbreviations: A, adenylic acid; G, guanylic acid; C, cytidylic acid; U, uridylic acid; Pu, purine nucleotides; Py, pyrimidine nucleotides; 6-Am (6-amino nucleotides), A + C; 6-K (6-keto nucleotides), G + U. References p. 125 120 FIRST STEPS TOWARDS A CHEMISTRY OF HEREDITY invariability within the species? This is apparently the case with respect to the total deoxypentose nucleic acid of a species, and also with respect to the total pentose nucleic acid of unicellular organisms. Many examples can be found in the literature-^- ^^' ^^. The two properties I have mentioned, namely, diversity in composition with regard to different species and invariability of composition within the same species, are not unique with the nucleic acids; they are probably shared by all highly polymerized cell constituents, although it may be possible to distinguish between a direct, gene-controlled specificity (nucleic acids, proteins) and a reflected specificity (polysaccharides, lipids) which latter is mediated through specific enzymes that are them- selves subject to control by the genes. But the nucleic acids show, in addition, a third, most unusual characteristic which distinguishes them from other cell-specific high polymers. I am referring to the well-known compositional regularities^ ^ i^. These are, in the case of deoxyribonucleic acids: (a) the molar sum of the purine nucleotides equals that of the pyrimidine nucleotides; (b) the molar proportion of adenine equals that of thymine; (c) the molar proportion of guanine equals that of cytosine (+ methylcytosine); (d) there is the same number of 6-amino nucleotides (adenylic, cytidylic acids, etc.), as of 6-keto nucleo- tides (guanylic, thymidylic acids). For most of the ribonucleic acids only the last regularity holds: the molar sum of adenylic and cytidylic acids equals that of guanylic and uridylic acids. This remarkable balance between the several nucleic acid constituents represents a type of equipoise that I do not believe has ever been encountered in other mixed polymers that do not contain simple repeating units. That some of the principal beneficiaries of these discoveries have acknowledged them with great reluctance is a phenomenon not unusual in the history of the sciences. One of the greatest discoveries in biology that I have had the good fortune to witness, namely, the recognition by Avery* and * In the two recent textbooks of genetics that I have among my books the name of Avery does not appear. "Habent sua fata" not only the "libelir but also what they leave out. CODE-SCRIPT OF BIOLOGICAL HIGH POLYMERS 121 his collaborators of a specific deoxypentose nucleic acid as the agent responsible for bacterial transformation^^, has placed the nucleic acids, or at any rate the deoxypentose nucleic acids, very near the gene of the geneticist. If then these nucleic acids are, indeed, the genetic determinants, or form part of these systems, one could ask in what manner their biological functions can be translated into chemical structure, for translation there must be. Two possibilities suggest themselves. (1) Each nucleic acid chain, containing, perhaps, 10,000 or more nucleotides in a row, carries many single determinants. But then each gene could hardly be represented by a simple oligonucleotide sequence, say, a tri- or tetranucleotide, since it is highly improbable statistically that such sequences could be unique. (2) Less implausibly, each gene is represented, or determined, by a separate nucleic acid which is a distinct chemical entity, the quite well established constancy of composition of the total deoxyribonucleic acid of a cell being merely the statistical consequence of the unchanging character of the cell. In this case, a genetic determinant, defined by a characteristic chemical structure, would be unique if no two nucleic acid molecules, within the same cell, were identical. I have mentioned this possibility of nonidentity before^^, and it actually is not such an unreasonable assumption: a haploid nucleus containing, let us say, 3 • 10— ^^ g of deoxypentose nucleic acid^^ would carry 300,000 molecules of nucleic acid of molecular weight 6-10^ and correspondingly fewer if a higher molecular weight is taken. The great difficulty in such speculations is to reconcile the position of people for whom the gene is like a state of mind with that of others for whom it is a substance. Who would ask himself how many memories he has of the same event? It has, in fact, been possible, first in our laboratory^^, to frac- tionate total deoxyribonucleic acid preparations into a series of regularly graded fractions of decreasing guanine and cytosine, and rising adenine and thymine contents, but all showing the pairing principles that I have mentioned before. The method used by us was the fractional dissociation, under special con- ditions, of nucleohistones or histone nucleates. If a preparation References p. 125 122 FIRST STEPS TOWARDS A CHEMISTRY OF HEREDITY IS 5 ° S 2 S o Q f^ ^l o ^ a- ex ex C ~ s^ O -^ ■|fi||.2| ^ s ?s ^.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ «u "o .c s ^ w o •2 5 1 2i 1^ •S 5 5 i § e? "^ o ^ s <4J -« ^ 00 'O