Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Columbia University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/essentialsofhistOOshar HISTOLOGY By the same Juthor. DIRECTIONS FOR CLASS WORK IN PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY: Elementary Physiology of Muscle and Nerve and of the Vascular and Nervous Systems. With 48 Diagrams to shcnu arrangement of Apparatus. 8vo. 3s. net. LONDON : LONGMANS. GREEN & CO. A COURSE OF PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY Containing plain directions for individual work in Histology. 8vo. 7s. 6d. LONDON : SMITH, ELDER & CO. THE essentials''"'*'^ OF IT 1 S T O L O G Y DESCRIPTIVE AND PRACTICAL FOE THE USE OF STUDE.YTS BY E. A. SCHAFER, LL.IX, 8c.D., F.K.t^. PROFESSOR OF PHTSIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH FORMERLY .lODRELL PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON SEVENTH EDITION LEA BROTHERS & CO. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK 1907 Ho7 PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. This Book is written with the object of supplying the student with directions for the microscopical examination of the tissues. At the same time it is intended to serve as an Elementary Text-book of Histology ; comprising the essential facts of the science, liut omitting less important details. For conveniently accompanying the work of a class of medical students, the book is divided into fifty lessons. Each of these may be supposed to occupy from one to three hours, according to the relative extent to which the preparations are made beforehand by the teacher, or during the lesson by the students. A few of the preparations cannot well be made by a class, but it has been thought advisable not to injure the completeness of the work by omitting mention of them. Only those methods are recommended upon which experience has proved that full dependence can be placed, but the directions given are for the most part capable of easy verbal modification in accord- ance with the ideas or experience of different teachers. The present edition has been considerably enlarged, partly by additions to the text — especially that descriptive of the structure vi PKEFACE. of the central nervous system, a proper knowledge of which is essential to students of medicine — partly by the provision of new illustrations derived from many sources. The author desires to express his recognition of the readiness with which other authors have placed illustrations at his disposal. This recognition is especially due to Professor Sobotta and to Professor Ram6n Cajal, the latter of whom was good enough to lend many of his original drawings for reproduction in this work. A new feature is the printing of many of the illustrations in colour, which it is believed will give a better idea of the appear- ance of the stained preparations. To Dr. P. T. Herring, who has read and corrected the final proofs ; and to Professor Sherrington, who has looked through the chapters on the central nervous system, the author begs to offer his grateful acknowledgments. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY. PAGE Enumeration of the Tissues — General Structure of Animal Cells, 1 LESSON I. Use of the Microscope — Examination of Common Objects, . . 24 LESSONS II. and III. Human Blood-Corpuscles — Development of Blood-Corpuscles — Bone-Marrow, . . ' 28 LESSON IV. Action of Reagents upon the Human Blood-Corpuscles, . . 41 LESSON V. Blood-Corpuscles of Amphibia, 45 LESSON VI. Amceboid Phenomena of the Colourless Blood-Corpuscles, . 48 LESSON VII. Epithelium, 52 viii CONTENTS. LESSON VIII. PAGE Columnar and Ciliated Epithelium, 60 LESSON IX. Connective Tissues : Areolar and Adipose Tissue — Retiform Tissue, 67 LESSON X. Connective Tissues {continued) : Elastic Tissue — Fibrous Tissue- Development OF Connective Tissue, ...... 78 LESSON XI. Connective Tissues {continued) : Articular Cartilage — Synovial Membranes, 86 LESSON XII. Connective Tissues {continued) : Costal Cartilage— Fibro- Cartil.\ge, ........... 92 LESSON XIII. Connective Tissues {continued) : Structure and Development of Bone, 96 LESSON XIV. Striated Muscle, 110 LESSON XV. Connection of Muscle with Tendon — Blood- Vessels of Muscle — Cardiac Muscle — Development of Muscle — Plain Muscle, 120 LESSON XVI. Nerve-Fibres, " 128 CONTENTS. ix LESSONS XVII. AND XVIII. PAGE Nerve-Cells — Neuroglia — Development of Nerve-Fibres and Nerve-Cells — Degeneration and Regeneration, . . .137 LESSON XIX. Modes of Termination of Nerve-Fibres, 166 LESSON XX. The Larger Blood-Vessels, 184 LESSON XXI. Smaller Blood-Vessels — Ltmph-Vessels — Serous Membranes. — Microscopic Study of the Circulation — Development of Blood- and Ltmph-Vessels, 191 LESSON XXII. Lymph-Glands — Tonsil— Thymus, 203 LESSON XXIII. Spleen — Suprarenal Capsules — Thyroid Body — Pituitary Body, 213 LESSONS XXIV. and XXV. Skin, Nails, Hairs, etc. — Mammary Glands, 226 LESSON XXVI. Heart, 250 LESSON XXVII. Trachea and Lungs, 254 X CONTENTS. LESSON XXVIII. PAGE Structure and Development of the Teeth, . . . . . 263 LESSON XXIX. Tongue and Mucous Membrane of the Mouth — Taste-Buds — Pharynx and Oesophagus, 275 LESSON XXX. Salivary Glands, 281 LESSON XXXI. Stomach, 287 LESSONS XXXII. AND XXXIII. Small and Large Intestine, : . 295 LESSONS XXXIV. and XXXV. Liver and Pancreas, 309 LESSON XXXVI. Kidney, 320 LESSON XXXVII. Ureter, Bladder, and Male Generative Organs, . . . 328 LESSON XXXVIII. Generative Organs of the Female, 344 LESSON XXXIX. AND XL. Spinal Cord, 355 CONTENTS. xi LESSON XLI. PAOK Medulla Oblongata, 374 LESSONS XLII. AND XLIIL Pons Varolii, Mesencephalon, and Thalamencephalon, . . 390 LESSONS XLIV. and XLV. Cerebellum and Cerebrum, 417 LESSONS XLYI., XLVII. and XLVIII. Eye, 443 LESSON XLIX. Olfactory Mucous Membrane— External and Middle Ear, . 467 LESSON L. Internal Ear, 472 APPENDIX. Methods, 484 INDEX, 501 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY INTRODUCTORY. EX U ME RATION OF THE TISSUES AND THE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF ANIMAL CELLS. Animal Histology ^ is the science which treats of the minute struc- ture of the tissues and organs of the animal body ; it is studied with the aid of the microscope, and is therefore also termed Microscopic Anatomy. Every part or organ of the body, when separated into minute fragments, or when examined in thin sections, is found to consist of certain textures or tissues, which differ in their arrangement in different organs, but each of which exhibits characteristic structural features. The following is a list of the principal tissues which compose the body :— 1. Epithelial. 2. Connective : Areolar, Fibrous, Elastic, Adipose, Lymphoid, Cartilage, Bone. 3. Muscular : Voluntary, Involuntary or plain. Cardiac. 4. Nervous. Some organs are formed of several of the above tissues, others contain only one or two. It is convenient to include such fluids as the hlood and lymph amongst the tissues, because they are studied in the same manner and contain cellular elements similar to those met with in some of the other tissues. All the tissues are, prior to differentiation, masses of cells (embryonic cells). In some tissues other tissue-elements become developed which take the form of fibres. Thus the epithelial tissues are com- posed throughout life entirely of cells, only slightly modified in ^ From tffToy, a web or texture. A THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY, structure, and the nervous and muscular tissues are formed of cells which are greatly modified to form the characteristic fibres of those tissues. On the other hand, in the connective tissues an amorphous material becomes formed between the cells which is termed intercellular substance or ground substance, and in this substance fibres make their appearance, sometimes, as in the fibrous connective tissue, in so large an amount as to occup}' the whole of the intercellular substance, and greatly to preponderate over the cells. This ground substance, by virtue of its containing a certain amount of inorganic chlorides, has the property of becoming stained brown or black by nitrate of silver and subsequent exposure to light, in which case the cells, which remain unstained, look like white spaces (cell-spaces) in the ground substance. When an epithelial tissue is similarly treated, the narrow interstices between the cells are also stained, from which it may be concluded that a similar substance exists in small amount between the cells of this tissue. It has here been termed cement-substance, but it is better to apply to it the general term intercellular substance. The cells of a tissue are not always separate from one another, but are in many cases connected by bridges of the cell-substance, which pass across the intercellular spaces. This is especially the case with the cells of the higher plants, but it has also been found to occur in animal tissues, as in some varieties of epithelium and in cardiac and plain muscular tissue. Occasionally the connexion of the cells of a tissue is even closer, and lines of separation between them are almost or entirely absent. The term syncytium is given to any such united mass of cells. Fig. 1.— Diagram of a cell, highly m.\gnified. p, protoplasm, consisting of hyaloplasm and a network of spongioplasm ; ex, exoplasm ; end, endoplasm, with distinct granules and vacuoles ; r, double centrosome ; n, nucleus ; n', nucleolus. Cells. — A cell is a minute portion of living substance {cytoplasm)^ which is sometimes inclosed by a cell-membrane and always contains a specially differentiated part which is known as the nucleus. The cytoplasm of a cell (fig. \, p) is composed of protoplasm, which consists chemically of proteid or nucleoproteid substances, with which STRUCTURE OF THE CELL. 3 lecithin, a combination of fatty acid with glycerophosphoiic acid, and cholesienn, a monatomic alcohol, having many of the physical characters of fats, appear always to be associated. The protoplasm V w 5 Fig. 2. — Successive changes exhibited by ax amceba. (Verworn.) tends during life to exhibit movements which are apparently spon- taneous, and when the cell is uninclosed by a membrane a change in the shape, or even in the position of the cell, may be thereby produced. This is characteristically shown in the movements of the unicellular organism known as the amceba (fig. 2) ; hence the name Fig. 3. — Protoplasjiic strl'cture in a pseudopodidm of a foraminifer (miliola). (Verworn, after Biitschli. ) amoeboid movement, bj'^ which it is generally designated.^ The proto- plasm often, but not always, contains a fine spongework, which takes under high powers of the microscope the appearance of a network (figs. 1, 3), the remainder of the protoplasm being a clear ^The amoeboid phenomena of cells will be studied later (in the colourless corpuscles of blood). THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. ■•*«-*.- substance which occupies the interstices of the sponge, and may also cover the surface or project beyond the rest of the cell. A granular appearance is often produced by the knots in the network when imper- fectly observed looking like separate granules. The material which forms the reticulum is termed spongioplasni ; the A V'*">."' ':^.f'ti^^t'^^ clearer material which occupies its meshes * ^"^ ;;■* ^''*' ; is hyaloplasm. The protoplasm of some ^ ^: . ,* cells shows a considerable degree of . *'j,. '- differentiation into fibrils which may be W"^ - unbranched or may form a network ^ . „ , within the cell. Some cells exhibit a Fig. 4.— Troi'hosi'()N(jium (canal- isation) WITHIN A GANGLION fine caualisatiou of their protoplasm CELL. . omgren.) ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ according to Holmgren the canaliculi are in many cases occupied by branching processes of other (nutrient) cells, which form what he terms a "trophospongium." Protoplasm often, if not always, includes actual granules of a ,'*^A,' Fig. 5.— Cells from the testicle of the mouse in process of transfor- mation INTO spermatozoa. (Benda.) The "mitochondria" are darkly stained and are seen in the successive stages (a to y) to be arranging themselves so as to constitute the spiral filament of the spermatozoon {h). proteid nature. Some of these granules may be essential con- stituents of the protoplasm (Altmann) ; others are materials which STRUCTURE O?^ THE CELL. 5 have been formed by the protoplasm, and which are in a sense accidental inclusions. That the former are of importance appears to be evident from the fact that many of the chemical changes of cells occur in them. Moreover they are closely associated with the most active part of the protoplasm, the part, namely, in the neighbourhood of the nucleus, and appear to become formed in this part, and from it to extend through the cell. When fibrils are formed in the protoplasm, they are believed to be produced from the granules in question, to which the name mitochondria has been given (Benda), (fig. 5). The mitochondria are sometimes collected into a spherical mass near the nucleus which stains more deeply than the rest of the cytoplasm (fig. 6). To this body the term pam- imcleus has been applied. The granules referred to may be regarded as actual constituents of the cytoplasm, and formed Fig. 6.— Pancreas cells of frog, ■,• ,1 n .. ,1 i • T , SHOWING PARANUCLEUS AXD directly from Its protoplasm. As indicat- choxdromitome fibrils formed ing this close connexion with protoplasm ^^?\ ^"tochoxdria. (Gur- '^ _ '^ '■ witsch, after Matthews.) they may conveniently be termed deufo- plasm. This name has also been used to include materials which are merely included in the cytoplasm and not factors in its constitu- tion, such as pigment granules, fat globules, and vacuoles containing watery fluid, with or without glycogen or other substances in solution. Materials M'hich are thus included in the protoplasm of a cell are either stored up for the nutrition of the cell itself, or are converted into substances which are eventually extruded from the cell in order to serve some purpose useful to the whole organism, or to be got rid of from the body. The term ixiraplasm may be employed to denote any such materials within a cell. Paraplasm is often present in sufficient quantity to reduce the cytoplasm to a relatively small amount, the bulk of the cell being occupied by other material, as when starch becomes collected within vegetable cells or fat within the cells of adipose tissue. It is frequently the case that the para- plasm and deutoplasm are confined mainly to the middle of the cell in the neighbourhood of the nucleus, an external zone of the protoplasm being left clear. The two portions of protoplasm which are thus somewhat imperfectly differentiated off from one another are termed respectively the endoplasm and the exoplasm (fig. 1). They are exhibited in the amoeba (fig. 2), and also in the white blood-corpuscle (fig. 8). 6 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY According to the view advocated by Blitschli the apparent reticulum or spongioplasm of a cell is the optical effect of a soft honeycomb or froth-like structure : in other words, the meshes of the reticulum do not communicate with one another as in a sponge, but are closed cavities as in a honeycomb. Blitschli finds indications of the same alveolar structure in all cells, including nerve-fibres and muscle-fibres, and has devised experiments with drops of froth made up of a mixture of oil and alkaline cai'bonate or sugar solution, which, when examined in water under the microscope, imitate very closely not only the structural appearance (fig. 7) but even the so-called spontaneous Fig. 7. — Comparisox of protoplasm with oil and water emulsiox. A , Protoplasm of Thalassicola. B. Froth-like appearance of a mixture .of oil and cane sugar. (Verwora, after Blitschli.) or amceboid movements of actual protoplasm. It may be stated, however, that although it is a matter of difficulty to determine whether a microscopic reticulum is a sponge-work or a honeycomb, it is probable that neither > in «nsm.^^^^^^ ^^^ separation to Sthe-^L^ghfel nucfe^ rL^^ultf in^a i^dS to one-half the somatic number. 14 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. then a network (fig. 14-, o, p, q) ; passing finally into the typical reticular condition of a resting nucleus. Fig. 17.— Spermocttes of salamaxdra showing V-shaped chromosomes AT THE EQUATOR OF THE SPINDLE. (Wilson, after Drliner. j A, seen in profile ; four chromosomes only arc represented. B, seen end-on. All twenty-four chromosomes are represented ; the fibrils of the spindle are seen in optical section. The splitting and separation of the chromosomes is often spoken of as the- onetaphase {metakinesis) ; the stages leading up to this beiug termed the anaphase and those by which the process is terminated the katapha.se or telophase. The mode of division of the nuclear chromatin above described is frequently spoken of as somatic or orcUna.ry mitosis (fig. 15) to distinguish it from two modes of division which are only seen normally at certain stages of multiplication of the generative cells, and which are known as hetero- typical and homotypical mitosis (fig. 16). In the latter the chromosomes do not undergo the usual longitudinal S23litting, but one half of the total number passes into each daughter nucleu.*, so that the number of chromosomes iu each of these is only one half the usual somatic number. This is termed the reduction-division} Heterotypical mitosis (which immediately precede* the homotypical) is characterised by a peculiar arrangement of the chromosomes, tlie split halves of which, before sejjarating to pass to the daughter nuclei, tend to adhere together in the forul of loops or rings, or in the case of short straight chromosomes into small quadrangular masses (tetrads), all of which are observable in various instances of heterotypical mitosis, (see fig. 19). It is further noteworthy that the generative cells which later undergo the reduction-division above described exhibit either immediately (sperm-cells) or a long while (germ-cells) before the maiotic divisions a remarkable series of changes in their nuclear chromatin ; the chi-omosomes becoming first distinct in place of forming a network, then entangled together at one side of the nucleus (synaptic condition), and finally becoming again distinct, but now arranged in pairs (gemini) which later take various forms, such as double rods, loops, or rings as in heterotypical mitosis, but without forth- with proceeding to nuclear division. The protoplasm of the cell divides soon after the formation of the diaster (fig. 14, m). During division fine lines are seen in the proto- ^ "Maiotic division" or "maiosis" of Farmer, Moore and Walker. DIVISION OF CELLS. 15 plasm, radiating from tlie cetitrosomes at the poles of the nucleus, whilst other lines form a spindle-shaped system of achmnatir Hhi-es ; 1 ^ VI. VII. VIII. Fie 18 -Diagram showing the changes which occur in the centro- ■ SOMES and nucleus OF A CELL IN THE PROCESS OF MITOTIC DIVISION. The nucleus is supposed to have four chromosomes. within the nucleus, diverging from the poles towards the equator (fig. 18). These are usually less easily seen than the chromatic fibres 16 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. or chromosomes already described, but are not less important, for they are derived from the attraction-spheres. These, with their centrosomes, as we have -seen, always initiate the division of the cell ; indeed they are often found divided in the apparently resting nucleus, the two particles being united by a small system of fibres forming a minute spindle at one side of the nucleus (fig. 1). When mitosis is about to take place this spindle enlarges, and as the changes in the chromatin of the nucleus which have been above Fig. 19. — Thkek stages of heterotype mitosis in spermatocyte of TRITON. (Moore.) a, geminal condition of ehroniosomes ; h, gemini arranged in quadrate loops or tetrads ; c, separation of tetrads into the duplex chromosomes of the daughter nuclei. described occur — which changes involve the disappearance of the nuclear membrane — the spindle gradually passes into the middle of the mitotic nucleus, with the two poles of the spindle at the poles of the nucleus, and with the fibres of the spindle therefore completely traversing the nucleus (fig. 18). The spindle-fibres appear to form directing lines, along which the chromosomes pass, after the cleavage, towards the nuclear poles to form the daughter nuclei. In some cells, especially in plants, the line of division of the proto- plasm of the cell becomes marked out by thickenings upon the fibres of the spindle which occur just in the plane of subsequent division, and have been termed collectively the cell-plate (fig. 20). But in most animal cells no cell-plate is formed, the protoplasm simply becoming constricted into two parts midway between the two DIVISION OF CELLS. 17 daughter nuclei. Each chuightcr coll so fonued retains one of the two attraction-particles of the spindle as its centrosome, and when the daughter cells are in their turn again about to divide this centro some divides first and forms a new spindle, and the whole process goes on as before. ^^i_.^' Fig 20. — Cell-plate ix dividing spore-cell of lilt. (Gurwitsch, after Zimmermann.) Fig. 21. — Dividing cell constricted to form two daughter cells each WITH CENTROSOME. (Gebei'g.) The particle at the junction of the daughtei- cells represents a rudimentary cell-plate. Earely the division of a nucleus is into three or more parts instead of two. In such cases the centrosome becomes correspondingly multiplied and the achromatic system of fibres takes a more complex form than the simple spindle. Division of the Ovum. — Usually the two daughter cells are of equal size ; but there is a notable exception in the case of the ovum, which, prior to fertilisation, divides twice (by hetero- and homotypical mitosis respectively) into two very unequal parts, the larger of which retains the designation of ovum, while the two small parts which become detached from it are known as the jyolar bodies (fig. 22). Further, in the formation of the second polar body a redudion-divimm occurs, and the nucleus of the ovum, after the polar bodies are extruded, contains only one half the number of chromosomes that it had previously (e.g. twelve in place of the normal twenty-four in man, and two instead of four in Ascaris megalocephala (var. bivalens), fig. 22, C). Should fertilisation supervene the chromosomes which are lacking are supplied by the male element (sperm-cell), the nucleus of which has also undergone, in the final cell-division by which it was produced, the process of reduction in the number of chromosomes to one half the normal number. The two reduced nuclei — which are formed respectively from the remainder of the nucleus of the oocyte 18 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. (ovum) after extrusion of the polar bodies, and from the head of the spermatozoon, which contains the nucleus of the sperm-cell — are known (within the ovum) as the sperm and germ nuclei or the male and Fig. 22. —Formation of the polar glob- ules AND reduction OF THE NUMBER OF chromosomes in the ovum of ascaris megalocephala. A, B, ovum showing division of nucleus to form first polar globule (Van Gehuchten). m, gelatin- ous envelope of ovum ; m' , membrane dividing the polar globule from tiie ovum ; cs (in A), head of spermatozoon. C, formation of second polar globule (Carney) ; (/I, first ; g~, second polar globule : n, nucleus of ovum, now containing only two chromo- somes ; ns, nucleus formed from head of sper- matozoon. Fig. 23.— Ovum of bat with polar bodies and germ- and sperm-nuclei. (Van tier Stricht.) The development of the sperm-nucleus from the head of the spermatozoon is very evident in this case, because the rest of the spermatozoon happens not to have been thrown off. DIVISION ()F THE OVUM. 19 female pronuclei. When these blend, the ovum again contains a nucleus with the number of chromosomes normal to the species (fig. 24, E). Fig. 24. — Fertilisation and first division of ovum of ascaris megalo- CEPHALA (slightly modified from Boveri and Wilson). A, second polar globule just formed ; the head of the spermatozoon is becoming changed into a reticular nucleus (^), which, however, shows distinctly two chromosomes; just above it, its archoplasm is shown : the egg-nucleus (J) also shows two chromo- somes. B, both pro-nuclei are now reticular and enlarged ; a double centrosorae (a) is visible in the archoplasm which lies between them. C, the chromatin in each nucleus is now converted into two filamentous chromosomes ; the centrosomes arc separating from one another. D, the chromosomes arc more distinct and shortened ; the nuclear meml^ranes have dis- appeared ; the attraction-spheres are distinct. E, mingling and splitting of the four chromosomes (e) ; the achromatic spindle is fully formed. F, separation (towards the poles of the spindle) of the halves of the split chromosomes, and commencing division of the cytoplasm. Each of the daughter cells now has four chromosomes ; two of these have been derived from the ovum nucleus, two from the spermatozoon nucleus. 20 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. When it divides after fertilisation each daughter cell is found to contain the normal or somatic number of chromosomes, derived from the splitting of both male and female elements, half the number from the one and half from the other. Fig. 25. — Human ovum (oocyte) from graafian follicle : examined fresh IN LIQUOR FOLLICULI WITH VERT HIGH MAGNIFYING POWER. (Waldeyer.) The cells which are attached to the outside, and which appear to be joined into a syn- cytium ai'ound the ovum, are follicular cells belonging to the discus proligerus. Within them is the clear membrane of the ovum (zona pellucida). The cytoplasm of the ovum shows a distinction between clear ectoplasm and granular endoplasm : the large granules are yolk particles. The nucleus (germinal vesicle) is clear. The nucleolus (germinal spot) is distinct. Formation of the tissues. — It appears to be established beyond doubt that new cells can only be formed from pre-existing cells. FORMATION OF THE TISSUES. A ^ B 0 21 G FIG. 2fi.-FORMATIOK OF BLASTODERM IN BABBIT BY ^I^I^^Oj;^ J^^^^" '''™ A NUMBER OF CELLS. (Allen Thomson, after E. v. Beneden ) A\c^■R division of ovum and formation of "mulberry mass" : p gl, polar g^o'^i'l^^ ' "V^ ^ '"ceVof primar/division which already show a differon^ of -PPe-aBce Th s a 1 differentiation is not, however, accepted by ""^f „^"^^°"^^„"^^- enucida)!*^ subzonal ovum in subsequent stages, zp, membrane of °^Xiwto the uterSe mucous SKouId be .b»wn in t esteadrng .U rouDd the inner ceU.m,». 22 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. In the early embryo the whole body is an agglomeration of cells. These have all been formed from the ovum or egg-cell (fig. 25), which, after fertilisation, divides first into two cells, these again into two, and so on until a large number of cells (embryonic cells) are pro- duced. These form at first an outer clear stratum lying at the surface (fig, 26 sz) and a darker granular mass attached to this layer at one part, but elsewhere separated from it by clear fluid. Eventually the cells of the inner mass arrange themselves in the form of a membrane {blastoderm) which is composed of three layers. These layers are known respectively as the ectoderm, mesoderm, and en.toclervi. The ectoderm gives rise to most of the epithelial tissues and to the tissues of the nervous system ; the entoderm to the epithelium of the alimentary canal (except the mouth), and the glands in connection with it ; and the mesoderm to the connective and muscular tissues. f7?^f^^^'^M^>7??7?7^'^^ jZ^f^Si 'Ml Fig. 27.— Section of blastoderm showing the commencing formation of THE MESODERM. (Kolliker.) (J), ectoderm ; hy, entoderm ; tm, mesoderm ; ox, axial part of ectoderm with cells under- going division (t). The mesoderm is growing from this part. The tissues are formed either by changes which occur in the inter- cellular substance, or by changes in the cells themselves ; frequently by both these processes combined amongst the cells which are least altered from their embryonic condition are the white corpuscles of the blood, and these may be regarded therefore as typical animal cells. The histogenetical relation between the three layers of the blasto- derm and the several tissues and organs of the body is exhibited in the following table : — .The epithelium of the skin or epidermis, and its appendages, viz., the hairs, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands, and mammarj' glands. The epithelium of the mouth, and the epithelium of the anus and anal canal. The salivary and other glaud.*) which open into the mouth. The enamel of the teeth. The gustatorj' organs. The epithelium of the lower part of the urethra and vagina. The epithelium of the nasal passages, and of the cavities and glands which open Ectoderm -' into them. The epithelium covering the front of the eye. The crystalline lens. The retina. The epithelium lining the membranous labyrinth of the ear. The epithelium lining the external auditory meatus. The epithelium lining the central canal of the spinal cord, the aqueduct of Sylvius, and the fourth, third, and lateral ventricles of the brain. The tissues of the nervous system. ^The pituitary body. The pineal gland. The medulla of the suprarenal capsules. ORIGIN OF THE TISSUES, 23 'The connective tissues. The blood- and lyiniih-corpuscles. The spk'cii aiul other vascular and lymphatic glands. The oi)itbclial lining of the heart, blood-vessels, lymphatics, and serous mcm- Mesoderni. - brancs (endotlielium). The epithelium of the urinifcrous tubules. The epithelium of the internal genenitive organs, and the generative products in both sexes. I, The muscular tissues, voluntary, involuntary, and cardiac. 'The epithelium of the alimentary canal (from the pharynx to the lower end of the rectum) and of all the glands which open into it (including the liver and paiuTcas). Entoderm -i '^'^ epithelium of the Eustachian tube and cavity of the tympanum. ■ "^ The epithuliuin of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, and of all their ramifications. The e|iithuliinn of the pulmonary alveoli. The thyroid body. The thymus gland. ,The epithelium of the urinary bladder and ureters, and of part of the urethra. 1 All the connective tissues, the endothelium (mcsotheliurn) of the vascular system, and the vascular and lymjihatic glands are formed from a special jiart of the mesoderm termed parnhlast or mesenchyme, which consists of a syncytium of branched cells with a homogeneous intercellular matrix. Plain muscular tissue is for the most part also formed from mesenchyme, but in certain situations, as in the sweat glands and muscular tissue of the iris, it is said to be ecto- dermal in origin. 24 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON I. USE OF THE MICROSCOPE. EXAMINATION OF CERTAIN COMMON OBJECTS. The requisites for practical histology are a good compound microscope ; slips of glass technically known as ' slides,' upon which the preparations are made ; pieces of thin glass used as covers for the preparations ; a few instruments, such as a microtome, a scaljael, scissors, forceps, and needles mounted in wooden handles ; and a set of fluid re-agents for mounting and staining microscopic preparations.^ A sketch-book and pencil are also necessary, and must be constantly employed. The microscope (fig. 28) consists of a tube {t t') 160 millimeters (6"4 inches) long having two systems of lenses, one at the upper end tei'raed the 'eye-piece' or 'ocular' {oc), the other at the lower end termed the ' objective ' {ohj). For ordi- nary work there should be at least two objectives — a low power working at about 8 millimeters (^ inch) from the object, and a high power, having a focal dis- tance of about 3 millimeters (^ inch) ; it is useful also to have a lower power (commanding a larger field of view) for finding objects readily, and two or more oculars of different power. The focus is obtained by cautiously bringing the tube and lenses down towards the object by the coarse adjustment, which is usually a rack-and-pinion movement (adj), and focussing exactly by the fine adjustment, which is always a finely cut screw (adj). The stage (st) upon which the prepar- tions ai'e placed for examination, the mirror (?h) which serves to reflect light up through the central aperture in the stage and along the tube of the instrument, and the diaphragm (d) below the stage Fig Diagram of mickoscope. ^ The directions for making the principal fluids used in histological work will be found in the Appendix. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF COMMON OBJECTS. 25 which is used to rej^idate tlie amount of Ijirht thus thrown up, are all parts the einj)loyuieiit of which is readily understood. A substat^e con- denser (not shown in the diagram), which serves to concentrate the light thrown up by the mirror to the centre of the object, is valuable when higli powers and stained preparations are employed. The combinations of objectives and oculars above referred to will generally give a magnifying power of from .W to 400 diameters, and this is sutticient for most purposes of histology. But to bring out minute points of detail in the structure of cells and of certain tissues examination with much higher magnifying powers may be necessary. Objectives of higli power are usually made as immersion -lenses ; i.e. they are constructed to form a proper image of the object when the lowermost lens of the system is immersed in a layer of li(iuid which lies on the cover-glass of the object and has a refractive index not far removed from that of the glass itself. For this purpose either water or an essential oil (oil of cedar- wood) is used. The advantages obtained by the employment of these lenses, especially those for oil-immersion, are : — increased working distance from the object, increased angle of aperture with sharper definition of the object, and increased amount of light traversing the microscope. The best lenses for histological work are made of the so-called 'apochro- matic' glass ; specially constructed 'compensating' eye-pieces are used with these. A scale for measuring objects should be constructed for each microscope. To do this, put a stage-micrometer (which is a glass slide ruled in the centre with lines y\j and too niillimeter apart) under the microscope in such a manner that the lines run from left to right (the microscope must not be inclined). Focus them exactly. Put a piece of white card on the table at the right of the microscope. Look through the instrument with the left eye, keeping the right eye open. The lines of the micrometer will appear projected upon the paper. Mark their apparent distance with jieucil upon the card, and afterwards make a scale of lines in ink, of the same interval apart. A magnified representation is thus obtained of the micrometer scale. Mark upon it the number of the eye-piece and of the objective, and the length of the microscope-tube. This scale-card will serve for the measurement of any object without the further use of the micrometer. To measure an object, place the scale-card upon the table to the right of the microscope and view the object with the left eye, keeping the right eye open. The object appears projected upon the scale, and its size in ^ or Yw ^f a millimeter can be read off. It is essential that the same objective and eye-piece should be employed as were used in making the scale, and that the microscope tube should be of the same length. The lines on English stage-micrometers are often ruled ^j^ and i-jpf^o inch apart.^ Before beginning the study of histology the student should endeavour to familiarise himself with the use of the microscope, and at the same time learn to recognise some of the chief objects which are liable to occur accidentally in microscopic specimens. On this account it has been con- sidered desirable to introduce directions for the examination and recogni- tion of starch-granules, moulds and torulae, air-bubbles, linen, cotton, and woollen fibres, and tlie usual constituents of the dust of a room, into the first practical lesson (fig. 29). 1. Examination of starch-granules. Gently scrape the cut surface of a potato with the point of a knife ; shake the starch-granules so obtained into a drop of water upon a clean slide and apply a cover-glass. With the low power the starch granules look like dark specks differing 1 For the method of measuring with an ocular micrometer, and for determining the magnifying power of a microscope, the reader is referred to the author's Course of Practical Histology. 26 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. m >\ -•#^' /- n ■4^ '.■ \ / \ . 1 y^y^ "^ -i^ Fig. 29.— Objects frequently present in microscopic preparations. 1, starch granules ; 2, a small air bubble and i)art of a large one ; 3, yeast torulaj ; 4, a mould (Aspergillus glaucus) ; 5, linen fibres ; 0, cotton fibres ; 7, wool ; 8, hair, human ; 9, epithelium scales ; 10, micrococci ; 11, bacilli and spores (B. subtilis). Magnified about 250 diameters. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF COMMON OBJECTS. 27 coiisidenihly in size ; iiiuler tlie liii,'h ])()\ver they are clear, flat, ovoid particles (lig. 29, 1), with a sharp outline when exactly focussed. Notice the chanije in appearance of the outline as the microscope is focus-sed up and down. On close examination fine concentric lines are to be seen in the granules arranged around a minute s])ot which is generally placed eccen- trically near the smaller end of the gianule. Sketch two or three starch granules. Notice the appearance of air-bubble.s in the water. If comparatively large they are clear in the middle, with a broad dark border due to refraction of the light ; if small they may look entii'ely dark. 2. Examine some yeast which has been grown in solution of sugar. Observe the yeast-particles or torulw, some of them budding. Each torula contains a clear vacuole, ami has a well-defined outline, due to a membrane. Sketch two or three toruhe. 3. Examine some mould in water. Notice the long branching filaments (hyphiv), and also the torula-like particles (spores) from which hyphse may in some instances be seen sprouting. Sketch part of a hypha. 4. Examine fibres of linen and of cotton in water, using a high power. Compare the well-defined, rounded, relatively straight or but slightly twisted linen, with the longer, broader but thinner, and more twisted cotton fibres. Sketch one of each kind. 5. Mount one or two hairs from the head in water and look at them first with the low, then with the high power. Examine also fibres from any woollen material and compare them with the hairs. They have the same structure, although the wool is finer and is curled ; its structure may be obscured by the dye. Draw one or two of each. 6. Examine a drop of hay infusion, which has been standing a day or two, for bacteria and other putrefactive organisms. The active movements which these exhibit are due to minute cilia or flagella, which can only be made .visible by special staining methods and a very high magnifying power. Any minute inactive particles, organic or inorganic, which occur in this or other fluids may be seen to exhibit a peculiar tremulous dancing movement which is known as the 'Brownian' movement. 7. Examine some dust of the room in water with a high power. In addition to groups of black particles of carbon (soot) there will probably be seen fibres of linen, cotton, or wool, and shed epithelium-cells derived from the epidermis. 28 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSONS II. AND III. STUDY OF THE HUMAN BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 1. Having cleaned a slide and cover-glass, prick the finger above the nail and mount a small drop of blood quickly, so that it has time neither to dry nor to coagulate. Examine it at once with the higli jjower. Note {a) the coloured corpuscles mostly in rouleaux and clumps, but some lying apart seen flat or in profile ; (6) the colourless corpuscles, easily made out if the cover-glass is touched by a needle, on account of their tendency to stick to the glass, whilst the coloured corpuscles are driven past by the currents set up ; (c) in the clear spaces, fibrin-filaments and elementary particles or blood-platelets. Sketch a roll of coloured corpuscles and one or two colourless corpuscles. Count the number of colourless corpuscles in a field of the microscope. 2. To be made as in § 1 , but the drop of blood is to be mixed upon the slide with an equal amount of isotonic saline solution, so that the red corpuscles tend to be less massed together, and their peculiar shape is better displayed. Sketch a red corpuscle seen on the flat and another in profile or (optical section). Also a crenated corpuscle. Measure ten red corpuscles, and from the results ascertain the average diameter of a corpuscle. Measure also the largest and the smallest you can find. 3. Make a preparation of blood as in § 1 and put it aside to coagulate* Keep the edges from drying by placing it in a moist chamber or by occasion- ally breathing upon it. After a few minutes place a drop of 1 p.c. methyl violet at one edge of the cover and allow this to pass in and mix with the blood : it may be drawn through the preparation by applying a small piece of blotting paper to the opposite edge. The dye stains the nuclei of the white corpuscles, the blood-platelets, the network of fibrin-filaments, and the membranes of the red blood-corpuscles. The three preparations just described cannot be kept, but the two follow- ing will serve as permanent preparations of blood : — ■ 4. To fix and stain the coloured corpuscles : — Place upon a slide a drop of 1 p.c. osmic acid mixed with an equal amount of saturated aqueous solution of eosin. Prick the finger, and mix the blood directly with the coloured fluid, stirring them together with a needle. Cover the mixture and put aside for an hour, protected from evaporation ; then place a drop of glycerine and water at the edge of the cover-glass. When this has passed under fix the cover-glass with gold size. 5. To study the granules of the colourless corpuscles and their different reactions to staining reagents, a film of blood is inclosed between two cover- glasses, which are at once separated and the film on each quickly dried in the air. A slide may be used instead of a cover-glass ; the drop of blood is placed close to the ground edge of one slide and this is drawn evenly over the middle of another. The films are fixed by immersion for one hour or more in a mixture of alcohol and ether, equal parts of each. They are then stained by (1) a saturated solution of eosin in 75 p.c. alcohol (three minutes), after which they are rinsed with water, and are then treated with (2) a 1 p.c. sTri>Y OF riiK Hr:vrAN hi.ood-c^orpuscles. 29 Fig. 30. — H-EMacytomkikk si, mi:, ullku in stiUAKKs for the knumkiiation OK BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. Fig. 31.— Oliver's apparatus for estimating the number of corpuscles in blood by means of the opacity method. a pipette for measuring blood ; b, dropper for adding mixing solution ; c, graduated ' tube ; d, mode of observing. a, b, c, natural size. 30 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. solution of metliylene blue (one minute). The film is again rinsed with water, rapidly dried, and mounted in xylol balsam or dammar.^ 6. Mount in xylol balsam or dammar sections of marrow from a long bone of a rabbit fixed with mercuric chloride or forniol and stained with eosni and methylene blue. Observe the fat-cells, the supporting reticular tissue, the proper marrow-cells in this ti.ssue, the myeloplaxes and the erythroblasts. 7. Tease in salt solution or serum some of the red marrow from the rib of a recently killed animal. Observe and sketch the proper marrow cells and look for myeloplaxes and nucleated coloured blood-corpuscles (erythroblasts). 8. Make a film preparation of red marrow by smearing a little upon a cover-glass or slide, allowing it to dry quickly, and placing it in a mixture of equal parts of ether and alcohol. After an hour or more in this, the prepara- tion may be stained with eosin and methylene blue in exactly the same way as a film preparation of blood (see § 5), and mounted in xylol balsam or dammar. 9. Enumeration of the blood-corpuscles. This is done by some form of blood-counter such as the hsemacytometer of Gowers, or the similar apparatus of Thoma. This instrument consists of a glass slide (fig. 30), the centre of which is ruled into ^^ millimeter squares and surrounded by a glass ring j\j mm. thick (in Gowers' instrument, the ruling is into i mm. squares with a ring I mm. thick). There must also be provided a pipette (fig. 31, a) for measuring the blood, constructed to hold about .5 cubic millimeters of fluid ; a dropper (fig. 31, b) to deliver the diluting solution; a small cylindrical mixing- glass, not shown in the figure, with a mark indicating 100 times the capacity of the blood pipette ; a small glass stirrer, and a guarded needle. The diluting solution may either be that of Hayem, viz. distilled water 200 cc, sulphate of soda 5 grms., common salt 1 grra., corrosive sublimate 0'5 grm., or that of Mai'cano, viz. 97 cc. of a solution of sulphate of soda in distilled water of sp. gr. 1020, to which is added chloride of .sodium 1 grm., and formol 3 cc. A little of the diluting solution is put in the mixing vessel, the finger is pricked, and the pipette filled exactly with blood (by capillarity). The blood is then washed out of it with diluting solution, by aid of the dropper, into the mixing vessel, which is now filled up to the 100 mark with diluting solution, and the blood and this are thoroughly mixed. A drop of the mixture is next placed in the centre of the cell, the cover-glass is gently laid on (so as to touch the drop, which thus forms a layer ^'^y mm. thick between the slide and cover-glass), and pressed down by two brass springs. In a few minutes the corpuscles have sunk to the bottom of the layer of fluid and rest on the squares. The number in ten squares is then counted, and this, multiplied by 100, gives the number in a cubic millimeter of the mixture, or if again multiplied by 100 (the amount of dilution) the number in a cubic millimeter of blood. For the enumeration of the white corpuscles the blood is diluted only 10 times instead of 100 times. It is also convenient to use one half per cent, solution of acetic acid just coloured with methyl violet as a diluent (Thoma). This destroys the coloured corpuscles and stains the nuclei of the white. A rapid method of estimating the number of colouVed corpuscles is that devised bj' G. Oliver. The blood is taken up as before in a capillary pipette (fig. 31, «), and is washed out of this with Hayem's fluid by the dropper, b, into a flattened graduated glass mixer, c, the diluent being added until the flame of a small wax candle in a dark room will just show sharply through the mixture, when the vessel is held close to the eye and about ten feet from the candle and so that the light traverses the greater thickness of fluid. The ^ Other stains, such as Elu'lich's tri-aoid and the Ehrlich-Biondi, may also be employed for films. STUDY OF THE HUMAN BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 31 graduations are so arranged that for noinial blood (5,000,000 corpuscles per cub. mm.), the mixture will now stand exactly at the 100 mark : if the blood contain more or fewei- corpuscles than normal, it will re(iuire a greater or less dilution to attain the requisite tianslucejicy, and the mark at which the mixture then stands will indicate the percentage of corpuscles as compared with the normal. Another rapid method of estimating the relative number of blood-cor- puscles is to (ieternnne the corpuscular volume in a known amount of blood. This is done by the use of the lucmatocrit, in which the blood, suitably diluted, is centrifugalised and the volume of corpuscles read off on a scale. The coloured blood-corpuscles. — The coloured corpuscles are com- posed of a delicate colourless highly elastic (1 protoplasmic) envelojye, and coloured Jluid contents, consisting mainly of a solution of haemoglobin. Fig. 32.— Human red blood-corpuscles : Photograph magnified 650 diameters. The existence of such an envelope is shown by the osmotic effect of water upon the corpuscle, which passing in through the envelope, distends, and eventually bursts the corpuscle and sets free the con- tents. The description which is current in many text-books that the red corpuscles consist of a porous solid stroma, permeated with dissolved haemoglobin, is incompatible with this and similar reactions. Moreover, the envelope can be distinctly seen with the microscope, especially in the amphibian corpuscle, and can be stained by reagents. The envelope contains lecithin and cholesterin in considerable amount, and these substances impart a certain greasiness to the surface of the corpuscle. It is in all probability due to such greasiness that 32 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. the corpuscles run together into rouleaux when the blood comes to rest (see p. 43). Under the microscope blood is seen to consist of a clear fluid {plasma), in which are suspended the blood -corjmsdes (fig. 32). The latter are of two kinds : the red or coloured (erythrocytes), which are by far the most numerous, and the white, pale, or colourless {leucocytes). In addition to these more obvious corpuscles, blood contains a variable number of minute particles which were termed by Zimmer- mann the elementary particles of the blood, but which are now more usually known as the hlood-ptlatelets on account of their flattened form. Erythrocytes. — When seen singly the coloured corpuscles are not distinctly red, but appear of a reddish-yellow tinge. In the blood of man and of all other mammals, except the Camelidiie, they are biconcave circular disks. Their central part usually has a lightly shaded aspect under a moderately high po\ver, but this is due to their biconcave shape, not to the presence of a nucleus. They have, as just stated, a strong tendency to become aggregated into rouleaux and clumps when the blood is at re.st, but if it is disturbed they readily become separated. If the density of the plasma is increased in any way, as by evapora- tion, many of the red corpuscles become shrunken and crenated by the passage of water out of the corpuscle. On the other hand, a diminution in the density of the plasma tends to cause the red corpuscles to become cup-shaped, but it is erroneous to describe this as the normal form of the corpuscle. The average diameter of the human red corpuscle is 0"0075 milli- meter^ (about ■3-i>Vo inch), but a few will always be found somewhat larger (0-0085) and a few somewhat smaller (0'0065 mm.).- There are from four to five millions of coloured corpuscles in a cubic millimeter of blood. Leucocytes. — The colourless corpuscles of human blood are proto- plasmic cells, averaging O'Ol mm. (^^oo i"ch) in diameter when spheroidal, but they vary much in size. The}^ are far fewer than the coloured corpuscles, usually numbering not more than eight to ten thousand in a cubic millimeter (about 1 to 600 red corpuscles). Moreover, they are specifically lighter, and tend to come to the surface of the preparation. If examined immediately the blood is drawn, they are spherical in shape, but soon become flattened and ^Also expi-essed as 7 "5 fx or micromillinieters ; a micromillimeter being yJ^jj millimeter. '- The following list gives the diameter in parts of a millimeter of the red blood- corpuscles of some of the common domestic animals: — Dog, 0'0073; rabbit, 0-0069 ; cat, 0-0065 ; goat, 0-0041. LEUCOCYTES. 33 then irregular in form (fig. 33), and their outline continually alters, owing to the amoeba-like changes to which they are subject. In some kinds {phagocytes) the protoplasm tends to take in foreign particles with which the cells come in contact ; in others there seems to be little or no such tendency. Some of the colourless corpuscles are very pale and filled with fine granules, others contain coarser and more distinct granules in their protoplasm ; others again have a hyaline protoplasm without any apparent granules. In some corpuscles {lymphocytes) the protoplasm forms only a relatively thin coating to the nucleus. The corpuscles are classified according to the character and appearance of the nucleus and the nature and staining qualities of the granules in Fig. 33. — Three .vmceboid white corpuscles of the newt, killed by instant.vneous application of steam. a, eosinophil cell ; h, c, polymorphous cells. The nuclei appear multiple, but are seen to be connected with fine filaments of niiclear substance traversing the protoplasm. the protoplasm. Thus some granules are readily stained by basic dyes such as methylene blue, and such granules are accordingly termed basophil. Distinct coarse basophil granules are, however, rare in normal blood, although cells with these granules are normally present in the marrow and in some connective tissues, and make their appear- ance in the blood in leucocythsemia. On the other hand, some granules more readily take up colour from acid dyes, such as eosin, and these have been termed oxi/phil or eosmophil. Other cells possess granules (amphophd) which are stained by both acid and basic dyes ; and others chiefly by neutral dyes {neutrophil). In some cells more than one kind of granule is met with. The protoplasm may also contain clear spaces or vacuoles. Each leucocyte has at least one nucleus, which is difficult to see in a fresh preparation, but is easily seen after the action of most reagents and after staining. There is also a centrosome with attraction-sphere, but special methods of staining are necessary to exhibit these. (See fig. 9, p. 7.) The following are the chief varieties of leucocytes : — 1. Polymorphs. Cells with lobed or multipartite nuclei and a relatively large amount of protoplasm, which is highly amoeboid (fig. 33, h and r). These are often termed multi-(poly-)nuclear, but the nucleus is rarely if ever multiple, 34 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOL(XtY. its several parts being nearly always joined by threads of nuclear substance. The cells in question vary in size, but when spherical are usually not quite 0"01 mm. in diameter. Their protoplasm stains with eosin, this being due to the presence of fine oxyphil granules (Kanthack and Hardy). They are highly amoeboid and phagocytic, and constitute from sixty to seventy per cent, of all the leucocytes of the blood (&g. .34, a). Fig. 34. — Variou.s kixds of colourle.ss corpcscle.s, showing the different CHAR.vcTERS OF THE GRANULES. ( From a film preparation of normal human blood.) Two of each kind are represented. 2. LymphocyteH. — These are small cells, with a very limited amount of clear protoplasm around the nucleus, which is simple, not lobed or divided (fig. 34, hj. The amoiboid phenomena are less marked in them than in the other varieties of leucocytes. The protoplasm stains with methylene blue. They are about 0*0065 mm. in diameter, but some are larger and appear to be transitional between this and the next variety. They constitute from fifteen to thirty per cent, of the total number of leucocytes in the blood. They are relatively more numerous in infancy. 3. Macrocyfes. — Large uninucleated cells similar to the last, but larger, and containing much more protopla-^im (fig. 34, c). Some, however, are smaller and are regarded as transitional forms from the last variety. The nucleus may be spherical, oval, or kidney-shaped. The protoplasm is hyaline : it stains slightly with methylene blue, perhaps owing to very fine basophil granules. These cells are highly amoeboid and phagocytic. Including the transitional forms, they constitute about five per cent, of all the leucocytes in blood. 4. Eosinophils. — These are characterised by their coarse granules, which stain deeply with acid dyes, such as eosin. Their average LEUCOCYTES. 35 diameter in the spherical condition is UOl mm. The nucleus may be simple or lobed (fig. 34, d ; fig. 33, a). They are ameboid, but less actively so than the finely granular cells. They are more variable in number than the other varieties, constituting sometimes not more than one per cent., and at other times as much as ten per cent, of the total leucocytes of blood. 5. Baiiophih. — These are rarely if ever found in normal blood (adult), but occur in children and in certain pathological conditions affecting the bone marrow. Blood-platelets. — In the clear fiuid in which the blood-corpuscles are suspended, a network of fine straight intercrossing filaments (fibrin) Fig. 35.— Network ok fibrin, shown AFTKR W.^SHINCt AW.\Y THE CORPUSCLES FROM A PREFAR.\TION OF BLOOD THAT HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO CLOT ; MANY OF THE FILAMENTS RADIATE FROM SMALL CLUMPS OF BLOOD-PL.\TELETS. Fig. 36. — Blood-corpuscles and elemen- tary PARTICLES OR BLOOD-PLATELETS, WITHIN A SMALL VEIN. (From Osier.) ACi-^v?^;;^, Fig. .38. — Blood-pl.4TELets, highly magnified, showing the amceboid forms which they assume when examined under suitable condi- tions, and also exhibiting the chromatic particle which each platelet contains, and which has BEEN REGARDED AS A NUCLEUS. (After Fig. 37. — A mass of blood-platelets, Kopsch.) FROM HUMAN BLOOD. (Osier.) A few at the edge ai-c detached from the rest. The preparation had been kept in salt solu- tion on the warm stage for some time, thus causing a partial breaking up of the mass of platelets. These will be observed to have filaments attached to them. soon makes its appearance (fig. 35). These often seem to radiate from minute round colourless discoid particles less than one-third the diameter of a red corpuscle, either separate or collected into groups or masses, of variable, sometimes of considerable, size. These are the elementary particles, blood-platelets, or thrombocytes. In the blood-vessels they are 36 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. discrete but immediately clump together in drawn blood (fig. 37). If, however, the blood is examined on agar jelly containing certain salts in definite proportions, the platelets can be kept separate, and may then be submitted to very high powers of the microscope. The result of such examination seems to show that the blood-platelets are not mere inert particles, as has generally been supposed, but that they are protoplasmic and amoeboid, and that each one contains a nucleus (fig. 38), that they are in fact minute cells (Deetjen). Blood platelets vary greatly in number : they are estimated by Brodie and Russell to amount to from 5 millions to 45 millions in the cubic centimeter of blood. Fatty particles, derived from the chyle, may also occur in the plasma. 0^ ^- V<^>,^^ V> ft m: u. Fig. 39. — Development of blood-vessels and blood-corpuscles in the vascular area op the guinea-pig. hi, blood-corpuscles becoming fi-ee in the interior of a nucleated protoplasmic mass. Development of red blood-corpuscles. — In the embryo, the first-formed coloured hlood-corpusdes are amoeboid nucleated cells, the protoplasm of which contains haemoglobin. These embryonic blood-corpuscles are developed within cells of the mesoderm (mesenchyme), which are united with one another to form a syncytium (fig. 39). The nuclei of the cells multiply, and around some of them there occurs an aggregation of coloured protoplasm. Finally the network becomes hollowed out by an accumulation of fluid in the syncytial protoplasm, and thus are produced a number of capillary blood-vessels, within which the coloured nucleated portions of protoplasm are set free as embryonic blood-corpuscles (eri/throblnsts, fig. 39, bl). Within the circulation these multiply by mitotic division, and thus become rapidly more numerous. In later embryonic life, nucleated coloured corpuscles disappear from mammalian blood, and are replaced by the usual discoid corpuscles. Many of these are doubtless derived from the nucleated embryonic DEVELOPMENT OF BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 37 blood-cells, the absence of the nucleus being accounted for either by its atrophy or extrusion from the cell or l>y the separation of a part of the coloured cell-substance. The foetal liver has been supposed to be one of the places of formation of red blood-corpuscles. Erythrocytes are also formed at a somewhat later stage of development within certain cells of the connective tissue (vafidformative cells), a portion of the substance of the cell becoming coloured by haemoglobin, and separated into globular particles (fig. 40, a, b, c), which are gradually moulded into disk-shaped red corpuscles. In the meantime the cells Fig 40.— Blood-corpuscles developing within connective-tissue cells. a, a cell containing diffused haemoglobin ; b, a cell filled with coloured globules ; c, a cell containing coloured globules in the protoplasm, within which also are numerous vacuoles ; d, an elongated cell with a cavitj' in its protoplasm occupied by fluid and blood-corpuscles mostly globular ; e, a hollow cell, the nucleus of which has multi- plied. The new nuclei are arranged around the wall of the cavity, the corpuscles in which have now become discoid ; /, shows the mode of union of a 'haemapoietic' cell, which in this instance contains only one corpuscle, with the prolongation (bl) of a previously existing vessel. become hollowed out, and join -with similar neighbouring cells to form blood-vessels (fig. 40, d, e, f). The process is therefore the same as in the early embryo, except that cell-nuclei are not included in the hsemoglobin-holding protoplasm. ^ ^It has been suggested by some writers that the vasoformative cells con- taining coloured corpuscles in various stages of formation are in reality portions of an already formed vascular network which is undergoing atrophy ; and that the corpuscles within such cells are not in process of formation but of disappearance. But since the appearances in question are seen in parts in which vascular tissues (such as fat) are undergoing not atrophy but formation ; and since, moreover, the h^matoidin crystals and pigment granules which are character- istic of the disintegration of erythrocytes within cells are not present, it seems more reasonable to interpret the appearances as indicative of intracellular de- velopment of blood-corpuscles by differentiation of part of the protoplasm of the vasoformative mesenchyme cell, rather than a degeneration of already formed blood-vessels and blood-corpuscles. 38 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Formation in bone-marrow.— Although no nucleated coloured cor- puscles (erythroblasts) are as a rule to be seen in the blood in post- embryonic life, they are found in the marrow of the bones, and in some animals also found in the spleen. They vary in size, most measuring about "007 mm. (normoblasts), but some being considerably larger (megaloblasts), and others considerably smaller (microblasts). It is probable that the red disks are formed from these nucleated red corpuscles of the marrow by the nucleus disappeaiing and the coloured m' I ^ m! e m to \ M i i i mt'j III m ^ ni c" Fig 4L — Red marbow of tocxg BABBrr. Magnified 450 diameters. e, erythrocytes ; e', erythroblasts ; t", an erythroblast undergoing mitotic division ; /, a polymorph leucocyte ; m. ordinary myelocytes ; m\ myelocytes undergoing mitotic division ; 'o, an eosinophil myelocyte ; 6, a basophil myeloc5i^ ; raeg, a giant-cell or megakaryocyte. protoplasm becoming moulded into a discoid shape. At what time this formation of blood-corpuscles in the bone-marrow begins has not been ascertained, but after it has commenced it continues throughout the whole of life — the red marrow, especially that of the ribs, being especially active in this respect. In mammals the formation of nucleated coloured corpuscles appears to take place within the tissue of the marrow external to the blood-vessels. It is uncertain to what extent the capillary vessels of the marrow are limited by a complete endothelium (see p. 40), but in any case the formed erythroblasts seem to readily pass into the blood stream.^ ^ In birds the erythroblasts are coutined to the large blood-channels of the marrow, and the transformation into erythrocytes occurs within these channels. MARROW OF BONE. 39 The marrow of boiu' is of a yellow colour in the shafts of the long bones of most animals, and is there largely composed of adipose tissue, but in the shafts of the long bones of some animals, and in the cancellated tissue of most, it is usually red, the colour being partly due to the large amount of blood in its vessels. This red marrow (tig. 41) is chieriy composed of spherical cells — the mijelocijtes or marrow-cells — which resemble rather large blood-leucocytes, and, like these, are amoeboid. They also exhibit the same kind of differences as to the character of the granules which they contain, some being oxyphil and others amphophil or neutrophil. But while the blood-leucocytes rarely contain any coarse basophil granules, some k I m 0 p ^ Q ^^ I Si C) ;fXI « Fig. 42. — Cklls of the red marrow of the gdinea-pig. (Highly magnified.) a, a large cell, the nucleus of which apisears to be partly divided into three by constric- tions ; h, a cell, the enlarged nucleus of which shows an appearance of being con- stricted into a number of smaller nuclei ; c, a so-called giant-cell or myeloplaxe with many nuclei ; d, a smaller myeloplaxe with three nuclei ; e-i, proper cells of the marrow ; j-t, various forms of coloured nucleated cells (erythroblasts), some in process of division ; in others the nucleus appears to bo undergoing atrophy. of the marrow-cells contain these in considerable numbers. There are also to be seen mingled with the marrow-leucocytes a number of corpuscles somewhat smaller in size, nucleated, and at least some of them amoeboid, but of a reddish tint (fig. 41, e'). These cells, which are termed erythroblasts, resemble the nucleated coloured blood-corpuscles of the embryo, and are believed to be cells from which the coloured blood-disks become developed. Many of them are in process of mitotic division. Others are seen with the nucleus in a more or less atrophied condition (fig. 42, k) ; from this it may perhaps be inferred that the transformation into a discoid blood-corpuscle is accompanied by the disappearance of the nucleus (Bizzozero). Lastly, the marrow 40 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. contains a number of very large cells, the giant-cells or myeloplaxes of Robin (fig. 41, meg: fig. 42, a-d). These are especially numerous wherever bone is becoming absorbed, but are not confined to such situations, being indeed normal constituents of marrow. Sometimes they possess several nuclei, but most — the so-called megakari/oci/tes— contain but one large nucleus, which has usually an annular form. They are also characterised by possessing a number of centrioles grouped together near the nucleus. Lastly, the existence of cells within the marrow containing blood-corpuscles in various stages of transformation into pigment, similar to those which occur in the spleen-pulp, has been noted (Osier). The marrow is very vascular, the capillaries and veins being large and thin-walled; indeed, according to some authorities, the walls of the capillaries are imperfect, so that there is an open communication between them and the interstices of the tissue, and in this way it is supposed that the coloured blood-disks, which are, it is believed, produced from the coloured nucleated cells (erythroblasts) of the marrow, may get into the circulation. There is not, however, an interstitial circulation of blood in the marrow such as is found in the spleen, nor does injection material such as carmine gelatine pass into the interspaces of the tissue, but remains confined to the vessels, so that the existence of an open communication is doubtful. Development of white corpuscles. — ^The ivhite blood- and lymph- corpuscles occur originally as free cells, Avhich are believed to find their way into the vessels from the circumjacent mesoderm. They do not occur within the first-formed blood-vessels of the embryo nor within the vasoformative cells. In later stages of fcetal life and during the whole of post-embryonic life they become formed in the bone-marrow as well as in lymph-glands and other organs composed of lymphoid tissue, and pass from these directly into the lymphatics and into the blood. It is probable, but has not been ascertained with certainty, that the lymphocytes are all produced in lymph-glands and other lymphoid tissues, and that the macrocytes are formed by enlargement of the lymphocytes. On the other hand, the polymorphs and the coarsely granular oxyphil cells are believed to be formed within the bone marrow, which contains cells of similar character. Cells with well- marked basophil granules are also met with in bone marrow, and sometimes, in abnormal conditions, pass in large numbers into the blood. HUMAN BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 41 LESSON IV. ACTION OF REAGENTS UPON THE HUMAN BLOOD- CORPUSCLES. 1. Make a preparation of luunan blood, and apply a drop of water, at one edge of the cover-glass. Examine at a place where the two fluids are becoming mixed. Notice particularly the first effect of water upon both red and white corpuscles, as well as the ultimate action. Sketch both kinds of corpuscles under the action of water. 2. Repeat on another preparation, using very dilute alkali (0'2 per cent, caustic potash) instead of water. Notice the complete solution first of the white and then of the coloured corpuscles as the alkali reaches them. 3. Repeat on another preparation, using dilute acetic acid (1 per cent.). Observe that the effect of the acid upon the coloured corpuscles is similar to that of water, but that it has a different action upon the colourless corpuscles. Sketch two or three of the latter after the action is completed. 4. Make a prepai'ation of blood mixed with salt solution, as in Lesson II. 2, and investigate the action of tannic acid (1 part tannic acid to 100 of distilled water) in the same way. Sketch two or three coloured corpuscles after the action is complete. 5. Examine blood-crystals of rat, guinea-pig, and squirrel. Preparations of htemoglobin crystals cannot be kept permanently. 6. Prepare hoemin by heating a dry smear of blood on a slide with glacial acetic acid. The crystals of hyemin are permanent. Structure of erythrocytes. — The action of reagents upon the human red blood-corpuscles shows that, although to all appearance homogeneous, they in reality consist of an external envelope of colourless material " '' <' '' <" which forms a thin film inclosing the dis- solved colouring matter or hcenioglobin. Thus, when water reaches the corpuscles, it passes yH .^^ through the film and swells the corpuscle, •'"^'' ' '' • causing it to become globular ; eventually Fig. 43. the film is burst through, and the colouring «-f, successive effects of water upon o ' & a red corpuscle ; /, effect of matter escapes into the serum. The addition solution of salt; V, effect of I tannic acid. of hyperisotonic solution of salt, on the other hand, by increasing the density of the fluid in which the corpuscles float, causes diffusion of water out of the corpuscle, and consequent shrinking and corrugation of the surface, the crenated form 42 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. (fig. 43,/) being thereby produced. The same change is brought about by evaporation of water, if the blood is exposed to air. The separation of hcBmoglobin from the corpuscle can be effected not only by water (fig. 43, a-e), but also b}^ dilute acids, by the action of heat (60° C), the freezing and thawing of blood, the action of ether or chloroform, and the passage of electric shocks. Bile and dilute alkalies rapidly cause the red corpuscles to become spherical and then almost instantly effect their complete solution (haemolysis). The mixing of blood from one species of animal with the blood or serum of animals of other species frequently also has a similar effect. In this case the haemolytic Fig. 44.— Blood crystals, magnified. 1, from human blood ; 2, from the guinea-pig ; 3, squirrel ; 4, hamster. action is exerted by some constituent (hsemolysin) of the foreign blood, which is special for each species and against which the " host " can render itself immune if, prior to any large quantity of the foreign blood or serum being injected, successive small injections be made ; an " antiha^molysin " being gradually produced. This fact is not only of interest as bearing upon the general doctrine of immunity, but also serves to detect the source of a given sample of blood. Tannic acid produces a peculiar effect upon the red corpuscles (fig. 43, g) ; the haemoglobin is discharged from the corpuscle, but is im- mediately altered and precipitated, remaining adherent to the envelope in the form of a round or irregular globule of a brownish tinge (hsematin ?). Some of these reactions occur by a process of osmosis as iu the case of water, but in others a solution of the envelope of the corpuscle is produced HUMAN BLOOD-COEPUSCLES. 43 by the reuneiit, ami the luemo^lobin is thu.s allowed to escape. The lilui or envelope is probably composed of protoplasm contaiuin<,', besides iiucleo- proteids, lecitiiin and cholesterin (myelin), and these are substances which possess many of the physical properties of fats, although of a different chemical composition. If we assume that .such fatty substances form an external film to the corpuscle, the running of the red disks into rouleaux can readily be explained, since it has been shown by Norris that disks of any material, e.g. cork, suspended in a fluid, tend in the same way to adhere in rouleaux, provided their surfaces are covered with a layer which is not wetted by the fluid. We may also explain on the .same hypothesis the fact that no I'ent is ever seen in the envelopes of the red corpuscles even when they appear to have burst after imbibition of water, for, if the film which represents an envelope is myelinic in nature, any rent in it would tend immeil lately to close up again when the opposed edges come in contact. It was also shown by Norris that droplets of fluid encoiupassed by myelin have a tendency to assume a flattened shape. ^ -^ / '^_ L' 1 -^ ^ "*##♦„ ••1^' Fig. 45.— H^min crystals, jiagnifiep. Fig. 4G.— Hjijiatoidin crystals. (Prejer.) (Frey.) The more solid part of the red corpuscle is often termed the stroma., but this name rests upon an entirely false conception of the structure of the corpuscle. In adopting the name, it was supposed that the corpuscle is formed of a homogeneous porous material (stroma — Rollett), in the pores of which the hfemoglobin is contained, but there is no reasonable foundation for this belief, which fails to explain, except on the assumption of a still more complex hypothesis, the well-known osmotic phenomena of the corpuscle ; whereas the supposition that there exists a delicate external film or envelope inclosing a coloured fluid is in accordance with all the known facts regarding the action of reagents u])on these bodies. It is true that in the fresh mammalian corpuscle the envelope is too delicate to be actually observed in the optical section of the corpuscle, but in the blood-corpuscles of amphibia it can be quite distinctly seen, and with any slight increase in density of the plasma it tends to become wrinkled and the creases in it are plainly visible. In these corpuscles also the nucleus becomes readily displaced in drawn blood from its position in the centre of the corpuscle and may lie quite at the side ; this is a clear indication of the fluid nature of the contents of the corpuscle, and by analogy we may fairly assume a similar constitution for the mammalian corpuscle. Lastly, it is possible to stain the envelope of the red corpuscles of a ditterent colour from the remainder of the corpuscle. Blood-crystals — Haemoglobin. — In the blood of many animals (fig. 44), crystals of haemoglobin readily form after its separation from the red 44 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. corpuscles. These crystals are rhombic prisms in man and most animals, e.g. the rat, but tetrahedra in the guinea-pig, and hexagonal plates in the squirrel. In these animals they at once appear on shaking up the blood with chloroform or ether, or even on the addition of water, with or without subsequent evaporation. Hsemin. — This name has been applied to the minute dark-brown rhombic crystals of hydrochlorate of hsematin (fig. 45), which are formed when dried blnod from any source whatever is heated with glacial acetic acid. Haematoidin. — This occui's in the form of brownish yellow crystals (fig. 46). It is found in old blood extravasations and in other places where blood- corpuscles are undergoing disintegi-ation within the tissues. Action of reagents on leucocytes. — The structure of the colourless corpuscles is also brought out by the action of some of the reagents above noticed. As the water reaches them their amceboid movements cease ; they become swollen out into a globular form by imbibition Fig. 47. 1, first effect of the action of water upon a white blood-corpuscle ; 2, 3, white corpuscles treated with dilute acetic acid ; v, nucleus. of fluid (fig. 47, 1), and the granules within the protoplasm can be seen to be in active Brownian motion. Their nuclei also become clear and globular, and are more conspicuous than before. With the further action of the water, the corpuscle bursts and the granules are set free. Acids have an entirely different action upon the white corpuscles. Their nuclei become somewhat shrunken and very distinct (fig. 47, 2 and 3), and a granular precipitate is formed in the protoplasm around the nucleus. At the same time, a part of the protoplasm generally swells out so as to form a clear bleb-like expansion (an appearance which also often accompanies the death of the corpuscle from other causes). Dilute caustic alkalies rapidly cause the complete destruction of the white corpuscles. BLOOD-COllPUSCLES OF AMriilBlA. 45 LESSON V. THE BLOOD-CORPUSCLES OF AMPHIBIA. 1. Obtain a drop of frog's, toad's or newt's blood, and mix it witli a very small quantity of salt solution upon a slide. Examine with the high power. Notice the shape of the colonized corpuscles both wheu seen flat and edge- ways, and the nucleus within each. Measure ten corpuscles (long and short diameters), and from the results obtain the average dimensions of a corpuscle. Notice also the colourless corpuscles, smaller than the reil, but larger than the pale corpuscles of human blood, although otherwise generally resembling these. Sketch two or three red corpuscles and as many white. Be careful not to mistake the rouuded liberated nuclei of crushed red corpuscles for pale corpuscles. Enormous cells and nuclei belonging to the cutaneous glands as well as the granular secretion of those glands may be present in this preparation if it is obtained from the newt's tail. 2. Apply a drop of water to the edge of the cover-glass of the same preparation and notice its action upon the corpuscles. Sketch two or three corpuscles altered b}' the action of the water. 3. Mount another drop of blood, and apply dilute acetic acid (1 per cent.) instead of water at the edge of the cover-glass. Make sketches showing the effect of the acid upon both red and white corpuscles. 4. Examine the corpuscles of newt's blood which has been allowed to flow into boric acid solution (2 per cent.). Notice the effect produced upon the coloured corpuscles. Sketch one or two. 5. Mount drops of glycerine-jelly containing {a) frog's blood and {h) bird's blood, previously fixed by Flemming's solution and stained with picro- carmine. 6. Make a film preparation of amphibian or avian blood as described on p. 28, § 5. The coloured blood-corpuscles of amphibia {fig. 48), as well as of nearly all vertebrates below mammals, are biconvex elliptical disks, considerably larger than the biconcave circular disks of mammals. ^ In addition to the coloured body of the corpuscle, which consists, as in mammals, of haemoglobin inclosed within an envelope, there 1 The following are the dimensions in parts of a millimeter of the coloured coi-puscles of some oviparous vertebrates : — Pigeon, - - . . Pi'og, Newt, Proteus, ... - Amphiuma, - - - - Long diameter. Short diatnetec 00147 OOO60 0 0223 0 0157 0 0293 00195 0 0580 0-0350 0 0770 0 0460 46 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. is a colourless nucleus, also of an elliptical shape, but easily becoming globular, especially if liberated by any means from the corpuscle. The nucleus resembles that of other cells in structure, being bounded by a membrane and having a network of chromatin. It is not very Fig. 48. — Amphibian erythrocytes. (From photographs.) Magnified 450 diameters. A, from the frog. B, from the toad. distinct in the unaltered corpuscle, but is brought clearly into view by the action of reagents, especially acids. The action of reagents upon the red corpuscle of amphibia is otherwise similar to that upon the mammalian corpuscle, water and acetic acid causing it to swell into a globular form and then to become decolorised ; solution of salt causing M^rinkling of the envelope, and so on. As a first effect, water and certain other fluids may cause the hemoglobin to retire from the envelope at the points where the fluid is passing through the membrane : a stellate appearance is thereby often pro- duced (Hiinefeldt, Hensen). Boric acid causes the haemoglobin of the newt's corpuscle to become partially or wholly collected around the nucleus, which may then be extruded from the corpuscle (Briicke). Immediately within the envelope, at the periphery of the amphibian erythrocyte, is a band of fine fibrils which are stained by gentian violet (Meves) and can also be seen cut across in sections of the corpuscles (Bryce). The colourless corpuscles of amphibia, although larger, are very similar to those of mammals. Like them, they are either wholly pale and finely granular or inclose a number of very ULOOD-COPvPUSCLES OF AMPHIBIA. 47 distinct grannies of similar nature to those met with in mammals. These corpuscles vary much in size and in the activity of their amoeboid movements : those which have a nuiltilobular nucleus (fig. 33, b, c) are usually the most active. Reagents have the same eflPect upon them as on those of mammals. The presence of glycogen may be demonstrated in them by its reaction with iodine (port-wine colour). The blood-platelets (thrombocytes) in the frog are fewer in number than in mammals. Many are of a spindle shape. They contain a nucleus-like body and like the blood-platelets of mammals they show amoeboid changes and tend rapidly to clump together in drawn blood. 48 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON VI. THE AMBCEBOID PHENOMENA OF THE COLOURLESS BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 1. Make a preparation of blood from the finger in the usual way. Draw a brush just moistened with ]3erfectly neutral oil around the edge of the cover- glass to check evaporation. Place the jjreparation upon a ' warm stage,' and heat this to about the temperature of the body (38° C). Bring a white corpuscle under observation with the high power, and watch the changes of shape which it undergoes. 'To become convinced of these alterations in form, make a series of outline sketches of the same corpuscle at intervals of a minute. Fig. 49. — Simple warming app.\k.\tus, complete, shown in operation. The simplest form of warm stage is a copper plate of about the size of an ordinary slide, perforated in the centre and with a long tongue of the same metal projecting from the middle of one edge (fig. 49). The copper plate rests upon the stage of the microscope, with a piece of cloth or other non- conducting material between. The preparation is made upon an ordinary slide or on a large cover-glass, which is placed upon the warm stage and AMCEBOID PHENOMENA OF COLOURLESS CORPUSCLES. 49 pressed into loiitact witli it by the brass clips. Heat is applied to the copper ton,i,nie by a small spirit-lamp flame, and a greater or less amount is con- ducted to the warm stage and the superjacent preparation according to the point to which the flame is ap))lied. To ascertain that the riglit temperature is got and maintained, put two pieces of paraffin, one melting at 35" C. {9;")" F.) and another at 38" C. (100° F.), on either side of the preparation. The temperature must be such that the first piece is melted and remains so whilst the second remains unmelted.' 2. Mount a drop of frog's or newt's blood diluted with an equal amount of salt solution, and examine it in the same manner upon the copper stage, at first cold, afterwards warm ; the temperature must, however, be kept l)elow 30' C. Observe the effect of heat in acclerating the auKeboid movements of the pale corpuscles. Sketch one at intervals of a minute (a) in the cold, (b) whilst warmed. 3. Take some yeast which has been mixed with salt solution, and mix a very little of the yeast and salt solution with a fresh drop of newt's blood, .slightly oiling the edge of the cover-glass as before. Endeavour to observe the inception of the yeast-torulte by the white corpuscles. Sketch one or two corpuscles containing toruUe. Milk-globules or particles of carbon or of vermilion may also be used for this experiment, but the process of inception or 'feeding' is most readily observed with the yeast particles. 4. At the beginning of the lesson collect a drop of newt's or frog's blood into a fine capillary tube, seal the ends of the tube, and mount it in a drop of oil of cedar-wood or dammar varnish (or the clot may be blown out into a drop of salt solution on a slide and mounted in this solution). Towards the end of the lesson examine it to see white corpuscles emigrating from the shrunken clot (see fig. 50). 5. To obtain a specimen with the white corpuscles fixed in amoeboid con- dition, make a preparation of newt's blood, mixed with salt solution, and set it aside for ten minutes. By this time the corpuscles will be freely amoeboid, and will probably show well-marked pseudopodia. To fix them in this condition let a jet of steam from a flask or kettle play for two or three seconds upon the covei'-glass. The heat instantly kills the corpuscles, and they are fixed in the form they presented at the moment the steam was applied. They may now be stained by passing dilute hsemalum- under the cover-glass, or by removing the latter and staining with eosin and methylene blue in the manner recommended on p. 28, § 5. If hsemalum is used, the stain is followed by dilute glycerine, after which the cover may be cemented and the preparation kept. The amoeboid phenomena which are exhibited by the protoplasm of the colourless blood-corpuscles consist of spontaneous changes of form, produced by the throwing out of processes or pseiulopodia in various directions. When first thrown out the pseudopodia are quite clear ; they appear to be produced by a flowing of the hyaloplasm (see p. 4). If the corpuscle is stimulated, either mechanically, as by 1 For exact work, an apparatus somewhat more complex than the above is required. For description of such, see A Course of Practical Histolor/y. - Delafield's or P]hrlich's hematoxylin can he substituted for htemalum wherever the latter is mentioned. The water used for the dilution of haematoxylin solu- tions must always be distilled. D 50 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. tapping the cover-glass, or electricall}', the pseudopodia are retracted, the corpuscle becoming spherical. A change of form caused by the protrusion of the pseudopodia maj-, when active, be followed by changes in place or actual locomotion (migration) of the corpuscle. When a pseudopodium, or the external surface of the corpuscle, comes in contact with any foreign particle, the protoplasm tends to flow round and enwrap the particle, which is then drawn into the corpuscle ; particles thus incepted may be conveyed by the corpuscle in its movements from one place to another (fig. 51). This property plays an important part in many physiological and pathological pro- cesses ; thus cells in the spleen resembling large leucocytes — the Fig. .50. — White corplscles of frog's blood iiiGRAXiNG i-rom shrinke.v CLOT WITHIN A CAPILLARY TUBE. (Fi'om Sanderson's Handbook for the Ph_ysiological Laboratorj-.) so-called splenic cells — incept blood-corpuscles, which become broken down within them ; and pathogenic bacteria become taken into the protoplasm of certain leucocytes (on this account termed jyhagoci/tes), there to be destroyed (Metchnikoff). The phagocytic properties of the leucocytes become especially developed as the result of the action upon the bacteria of certain chemical substances which are present to a greater or less extent in blood and which are termed opsonins (Wright). It is probable that particles of organic matter which are taken up by the pale corpuscles may undergo some slow process of intracellular digestion within their protoplasm. AM(Ei;c>ll) IMIENUMENA (>F COLUTRLESS CORPUSCLES. 51 The processes of the granular corpuscles are quite clear at first ; the granules afterwards flow into them. The migration of the colourless corpuscles from the blood-vessels into the surrounding tissues (which especially occurs in inflamed parts), or from a blood-clot into the surrounding serum (fig. 50), is due to these ama'boid properties. The conditions which are favourable to this amoeboid activity of the white corpuscles are (1) the natural slightly alkaline medium, such as plasma, serum, or lymph, or faintly alkaline normal saline solution. Any increase of density of the medium produces a diminu- tion of amreboid activity, whilst, on the other hand, a slight decrease in its density has the opposite eft'ect ; (2) a certain temperature. In Fig. 51. — Changes of form of a white blood-corpuscle sketched at intervals of a few minutes, showing the inception of two small granules and the changes of position these underwent within the corpuscle. warm-blooded animals the phenomena cease below about 10° C. When gradually warmed the white corpuscles become more and more active up to a certain point, the maximum being a few degrees above the natural temperature of the blood. Above this point they become spheroidal and at a somewhat higher temperature their protoplasm is coagulated and killed. Acids at once kill the corpuscles and stop the movements. Xarcotic gases and vapours, such as carbonic acid gas or chloroform vapour, also arrest the movement, but it recom- mences after a time if their action is not too prolonged. 52 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON VII. EPITHELIUM AND SECRETING GLANDS. 1. MorxT a drop of saliva and examine first with a low, afterwards with a high power. Observe the nucleated epithelium-cells, some single, and others still adhering together by overlapping edges. Measure three or four, and also their nuclei. Sketch one or two on the flat and one edgeways. Notice the salivary corpuscles, which are migrated white blood-corpuscles, swollen out by imbibition of water. The preparation may be stained with diluted hsemalum and preserved with glycerine. 2. Put a small shred of human epidermis into a drop of strong caustic potash solution (35 p.c.) for five minutes. Then break it up in water with needles, cover and examine. Observe the now isolated swollen cells. 3. Study the arrangement of the cells in a section through some stratified epithelium, such as that of the mouth, skin, or cornea.^ Notice the changes in .shape of the cells as they are ti'aced towards the free surface. Measure the thickness of the epithelium. Count the number of layers of cells. 4. Make a preparation of the epithelium of the urinary bladder, which may be moderately distended with bichromate of potash solution (1 part to 800 of salt solution), and after an hour or two cut open and placed in moi"e of the same solution. Take a small scraping of the lining epithelium on the point of a scalpel, and break it up by tapping it in a drop of very dilute hsematoxylin on a slide. Put a small hair in the drop and cover. Add a small drop of glycerine at one edge : allow this to difi'use under. Cement next day. Observe the large flat superficial cells, and the pear-shaped cells of the second layer. Sketch one of each kind. The cells will vary greatly in appearance according to the amount of distension of the organ. b. Study the minute structure of epithelium-cells and their nuclei, both at rest and dividing, in sections of the skin of the newt's tail, or in shreds of peritoneum or of epidermis or in sections of the salamander-tadpole. The preparation may, for this purpose, be stained either with ha?matoxylin or iron-hfematoxylin, or with some aniline dye such as saff'ranin.^ Sketch an epithelium-cell with resting nucleus, and others with nuclei in diflPerent phases of mitosis. The simple saccular skin-glands of Amphibia may also be studied in these preparations. An epithelium is a tissue composed entirely of cells separated by a very small amount of intercellular substance (cement-substance) and generally arranged so as to form a membrane covering either an external or internal free surface. The structure of epithelium-cells, and the changes which they undergo in cell-division, are best seen in the epidermis of the newt 1 The methods of preparing and staining sections are given in the Appendix. EPITHELIUM. 53 or of the salamander-tadpole (fig. 52) ; in the latter especially, the cells and nuclei are much larger than in mammals. Structure of the cells. — Each epithelium-cell consists of protoplasm containing a nucleus. The protoplasm may either look granular, or it may have a reticulated appearance, or may exhibit fibrils. The nucleus is spherical or ovoid. Usually there is only one, but there may be two or more. The cell-substance is often modified in its chemical nature; its external layer may become hardened to form a /J? - - - 'H -^ Fig. 52. — Epidermis cells of a lakval salamander. Magnified 400 diameters. (Wilson.) Thi-ee of the cells are undergoing division. The intercellular channels are bridged across by fine fibres. At one place a branched pigment ceU is lying between the epithelium cells. sort of membrane, or the whole cell may become horny (keratinised) ; or there may be a separation of materials (granules) within the cell which are ultimately used by the organism, as in some secreting glands. Classification of epithelia. — Epithelia are somewhat illogically classified partly according to the shape and arrangement of the cells, partly according to their function. Thus we speak of scali/ or pavement, cubical, columnar, glandular, and ciliated epithelium. Most of these are simple epithelia, with the cells only one layer deep. If forming several superposed layers, the epithelium is said to be stratified, and then the .shape of the cells differs in the different layers. Where there are only three or four layers in an epithelium, it is termed transitional. 54 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Stratified epithelium covers the anterior surface of the cornea, lines the mouth, pharnyx (lower part), gullet, anal canal and part of the urethra, and forms the epidermis which covers the skin. The vocal cords are also covered b\' stratified epithelium. In the female it also lines the vagina and covers the os uteri. The cells nearest the C^ / O ■^^^ (^ 3^ '%-m J yj ) ( Fig. 53. — Section of the stratified epithelium covering the front OF the cornea of the eye (man). c, lowermost columnar cells ; p, polygonal cells above these ; fl, flattened cells near the surface. Between the cells are seen intercellular channels bridged over by processes which pass from coll to cell. surface are always flattened and scale-like (fig. 53,/; fig. 54), whereas the deeper cells are polyhedral, and those of the deepest layer some- what columnar in shape (fig. 53, c). Moreover, the deep cells are soft and protoplasmic, and are separated from one another by a system of intercellular channels, which are bridged across by numerous fibres passing from cell to cell ; giving the cells, when separated, the appearance of being beset with short spines (prickle-cells of Max Schultze). These ' bridging fibres ' are not peculiar to stratified epithelium, but occur in many if not in all kinds of epithelia. The deeper cells multiply by mitotic division, the nuclei first dividing in Fig. 54. -Epithelium-scales from the manner already described. The ™I ?«^^^,?^ "^"^ mouth. (Mag- newly formed cells tend as they enlarge nified 260 diameters.) •' -^ ° to push those external to them nearer to the surface, from which they are eventually thrown off. As they approach the surface they become hard and horny, and in the case of the epidermis entirely lose their cellular appearance, which can, however, be in a measure restored by the action of alkalies (§ 2). The cast-off superficial cells of the stratified epithelium of the mouth, which are seen in abundance in the saliva (§ 1), are less altered, and the remains of a nucleus is still visible in them (fig. 54). The stratified epithelium of the human skin (epidermis) shows many peculiarities: these will be considered when the skin itself is treated of. TBANSITIONAL EPITHELIUM. 55 Transitional epithelium is ;i stratified epithelium consisting of only three or four layers of cells. It occurs in the urinary bladder, the ureter, and the pelvis of the kidney. The superficial cells (fig. 55, a) are large and flattened ; they often have two nuclei. Their free sur- face is covered with a euticular stratum (Eggeling), and on their under surface they exhibit depressions, into which fit the larger ends of pyriform cells, which form the next layer (fig. 55, h). Between the tapered ends of the pyriform cells one or two layers of smaller polyhedral cells are found. The epithelium seems to be renewed by mitotic division of these deeper cells ; it is probable that the superficial cells also multiply, but in this case by amitosis. Fig. 5.5. — Epithelial cells from the bladder of the rabbit. (Klein.) (Magnified 500 diameters.) a, large flattened cell from the superficial layer, with two uuclei and with strongly marked ridges and intervening depressions on its under surface ; 6, pear-shaped coll of the second layer adapted to a depression on one of the superficial cells. Simple scaly or pavement epithelium is found in the saccules of the lungs, in the ducts of the mammary glands, in the kidney (in the tubes of Henle, lining the capsules of the Malpighian bodies, and covering the glomeruli), and also lining the cavities of serous membranes (fig. 56), and the interior of the heart, blood-vessels, and lymphatics. When occurring on internal surfaces, such as those of the serous membranes, blood-vessels, and lymphatics, it is often spoken of as endothelium or mesothelium. According to v. Brunn the cells of a serous epithelium may be provided with a striated border on their free surface, somewhat like that which is found on columnar cells. Columnar epithelium and ciliated epithelium are for the most part found covering the inner surface of mucous membranes ; which are membranes moistened by mucus and lining passages in communication with the exterior, such as the alimentary canal and the respiratory and generative passages. The cells of a columnar epithelium form a single 56 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. layer, varying in thickness according to the length of the constituent cells, and when the cells of a columnar epithelium are short, the epithelium is spoken of as cubical, such as that which lines the vesicles of the thyroid gland. Fig. 56. — Pavement epithelium or endothelicm of a sekous membrane. Nitrate of silver preparation. Carmine staining of ndclei. Ciliated epithelium is found in man throughout the whole extent of the air-passages and their prolongations, but not in the uppermost part of the nostrils which is supplied by the olfactory nerves, nor in the lower part of the pharynx, nor in the terminal bronchioles and pulmonary alveoli. It also occurs in the Fallopian tubes and the greater part of the uterus ; in the efferent tubes of the testicle ; and in the ventricles of the brain, and the central canal of the spinal cord. GLANDULAR EPITHELIUM AND SECRETING GLANDS. Glandular epithelium is the essential tissue of all the organs which are known as secreting glands. Glands are of two chief kinds. Those which are best known and which are termed secreting glands proper are furnished with a duct which ramifies in all parts of the gland and by means of which the products of the secretory activity of the gland-cells are brought to a free surface. Such glands have been developed as involutions of the surface upon which they open, and their epithelium is continuous with that of this surface, and is in some cases, especially where the surface upon which the gland opens is covered with columnar GLANDULAR EPITHELIUM. 57 II. Fig. 57.— Various kinds of glands. I. Simple saccular gland from amphibian skin (Flemming). II. Simple tubular gland from intestine (Flemming). III. A small racemose gland with a single duct into which a number of irregularly tubular acini open (Flemming). IV. Part of a tubulo- racemose gland with the acini unravelled (Flemming). V. Wax model of a small tubulo-racemose gland from the epiglottis (Maziarski). 58 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. epithelium, of a similar character to the epithelium of the surface ; in others diiferent in character. In most glands the epithelium alters as we trace the duct back into the recesses or alveoli of the gland, and it is in these that the characteristic glandular cells, which are generally poly- hedral in shape, are found. Every such involution or ingrowth of epithelium to form a gland is, when first formed, of a simple character, Fig. 58. — Simple tubulak glands sekn in a section of the mucous membrane OF THE STOJIACH OF THE KANGAROO. t, epithelium of general surface ; hm, basement membrane ; n, neck or duct of gland ; 6, base or fundus ; yl, glandular epithelium ; It, lymphoid tissue ; mm, muscular tissue of the mucous membrane. shaped like a test-tube or flask and filled with a solid mass of cells, but it presently becomes hollowed out and the cells are left as a lining to the connective tissue membrane which bounds the involution. The gland may remain simple and unbranched (simjyle saccular and simple tubular glands, fig. 57, I. and 11,), or it may branch again and again until a complicated structure, in some cases small, in others of considerable size, is produced (compound tubular and compound saccular (or racemose) gla?ids (fig. 57, III., IV., v.), instances of which are furnished by the kidneys and salivary glands respectively). The cells which furnish the secretion of the gland and which line the secreting parts of the tubules of a tubular SECRETING GLANDS. 59 gland, or the alveolar enlai'gemonts (acini) at the ends of the ducts of a racemose gland, are frequently partly or wholly filled with graiuiles in the intervals of secretory activity, and these granules become discharged or dissolved and pass into the secretion during activity. Secreting glands are always abundantly supplied with blood-vessels and nerves. The former are distributed in the connective tissue which holds together the acini and groups of acini (lobules) of the gland ; the latter are supplied partly to the blood-vessels and partly ramify amongst the secretory epithelium cells. The liver differs from all other secreting glands in being composed of solid masses of cells (hepatic lobules) instead of tubular acini lined by epithelium. It exhibits also other important differences in the nature of its blood-supply and the relation between the blood and the liver- cells. The other kind of secreting glands, known as the internally secreting glands, are not furnished with ducts and are usually described (along with the spleen and the lymphoid structures) as ductless glands. The internally secreting glands are, like the externally secreting organs, composed of epithelial cells, sometimes grouped in solid masses {e.g. suprarenal gland), in other cases disposed around hollow vesicles (e.g. thyroid) which become filled with the material of the secretion. But as in these glands there is no duct the secretion is carried into the blood either directly by the blood-vessels of the gland or indirectly through the lymphatics. The detailed study of the glands and of other epithelial structures may be reserved until the organs in which they occur are described, but columnar and ciliated epithelia will be dealt with in the next Lesson. The hairs and nails and the enamel of the teeth are modified epithelial tissues. They will be described along with the skin and structures connected with the mouth respectively. 60 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON VIII. COLUMXAR ASD CILIATED EPITHELIUM: ACTION OF CILIA. 1. Break up in dilute glycerine a shred of epithelium from a minute piece of the mucous membrane of intestine (frog) that has been treated with 1 per cent, osmic acid for some hours, and has subsequently macerated in water for a few days. The cells easily separate on tapping the cover-glass. Measure and sketch one or two cells. The cover-glass may be at once fixed by gold size. 2 Prepare ciliated epithelium from a trachea that has been in chromic acid solution (1 to 2000 normal saline) for a few days, in the same way as with transitional epithelium (.^ 4, p. 52). Measure in one or two of the cells (a) the length of the cells, (h) the length of the cilia, (c) the size of the nucleus. Sketch two or three cells. 3. Mount in sea-water one or two bars of the gill of the marine mussel (fig. 59). Study the action of the large cilia. Now place the preparation upon the copper warm stage (see Lesson VI.) and observe the effect of raising the tempei-ature. Fig. 59. — Valve of mussel (mttilus edclis) showing Ir, Ir, the expanded GILLS OB BKAXCHI.E, WHICH, OWING TO THE LITTLE BARS OF WHICH THEY ARE COMPOSED, PRESENT A STRIATED ASPECT. ml, mantle ; m, cut adductor muscle ; !, mass of viscera ; the dark projection just above is the foot. Keep this preparation until the end of the lesson, by which time many of the cilia will have become languid. "When this is the case pass a drop of dilute potash solution (1 part KHO to lO'X) of sea-water) under the cover- glass and observe the effect. 4. Cement with sealing-wax a piece of small glass tubing to a slide so that one end of the tube comes nearly to the centre of the slide. To do this effectually the slide must be heated and some sealing-wax melted on to it and allowed to cool. The glass tube is then made hot and applied to the slide, embedding itself as it does so in the sealing-wax. Apply a ring COLUMNAR AND CILIATED EPITHELIUM. 61 of putty or modelling wax (half an inch in diameter and rising above the glass tube) so as to include the end of the tube. Make a deep notch in the ring opposite the tube for the exit of the gas. Place a drop of water within the ring (fig. 60). Fig. 60.— Moist chamber adapted for passing a gas or vapour to a preparation under the microscope. Put a bar from the gill upon a cover-glass in the least possible quantity of sea-water ; invert the cover-glass over the putty ring, and press it gently and evenly down. The preparation hangs in a -moist chamber within which it can be studied through the cover-glass, and into which gases or vapours can be passed and their effects observed. Fig. 61. — Method of subjecting a preparation to a .stream of carbon DIOXIDE. 6, bottle containing marble and hydrochloric acid ; h', wash-bottle, connected by india- rubber tube, t, with the moist chamber, a. Pass C0.2 through the chamber, and after observing the eflfect replace it by air (see fig. 61). Eepeat with ether and with chloroform vapour. Columnar epithelium. — The cells of a columnar epithelium (fig. 62) are prismatic columns, which are set closely side by side, so that when seen from the surface a mosaic appearance is produced. They often 62 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. taper somewhat towards their attached end, which is generally truncated, and set upon a basement membrane. Their free surface is Fig. 62. Fig. 63. Fig. 62.— a row of columnar cells from the intestine of the rabbit. Smaller cells are seen between the epithelium-cells ; these are leucocytes. Fig. 63.— Columnar epithelium-cells of the rabbit's intestine. The cells have been isolated after maceration in very weak chromic acid. The cells are much vacuolated, and one of them has a fat-globule adhering to it near its attached end ; the striated border (.sf;) is well seen, and the bright disk separating it from the cell-protoplasm ; n, nucleus, with intranuclear network ; a, a thinned-out wing- like projection of the cell which probably fitted between two adjacent cells. •■.'t© &■ Fig. 6o. Fig. 64. Fig. 66. Fig. 64. — A columnar epithelium-cell, showing mass of fibrils (cytomitome)' within the cytoplasm. (M. Heidenbain.) Fig. 65. — A goblet or mucus-secreting cell in columnar epithelium. (M. Heidenbain.) The centrosome is in the mucigen-mass. An ordinary columnar cell is also shown. Fig. 66. — Ciliated columnar epithelium, from the trachea of a babbit. 9)ii, m-, m^, mucus-secreting cells in various stages of mucigon formation. The prepara- tion was treated with dilute chromic acid. covered by a thick striated border (fig. 63, str.) which may sometimes become detached in teased preparations. The protoplasm of the cell is highly vacuolated and reticular, and fine longitudinal stride may be COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM. 63 seen in it, M'hich appear continuous with the striae of the free bordei'. Between the striated border and the protoplasm of the cell is a highly refracting disk which contains fine dumb-bell shaped particles set vertically, connected below with the fibrils or striie which run through the cell protoplasm (fig. 64, 65). It has been suggested that these particles are formed by multiplication of the centrosome, but the fact cannot be regarded as established. The nucleus is ovoid and reticular. The lateral borders of the cells are often somewhat irregular or jagged, the result of the presence of amosboid cells, which are generally found between the columnar cells, at least in the intes- tine. After a meal containing fat the epithelium-cells of the small intestine con- tain fat globules, which become stained black in osmic preparations. Columnar epithelium-cells are found lining the whole of the interior of the stomach and intestines : they are also present in the ducts of most glands, and sometiriies also in their secreting tubes and saccules. The epithelium which covers the ovary is also of a modified columnar shape, but cells having all the structural peculiarities indicated above are found only in the alimentary canal and in its diverticula. Goblet-cells. — Some of the cells of a columnar epithelium, and also cells of glandular, ciliated, and transitional epi- thelia, contain mucigen, which is laid down within the cell in the form of granules (fig. 65, fig. 66, w\ «?- ; fig. 67). swell up to form globular masses which may run together and greatly distend the part of the cell nearest the free border. When the mucigen is extruded as mucus the cell takes the form of an open cup or chalice (fig. 66, m^), hence the name. These goblet-cells, or, as they are more appropriately termed, mums- secreting cells, are probably not mere temporary modifications of the ordinary columnar and ciliated cells amongst which they are found, but permanently differentiated cells, which, after having got rid of their mucus by extrusion, again form a fresh supply in the same way as Fig. 67.— Three mucus-secret- ing CELLS FROM THE STOMACH, FILLED WITH MUCIGEN GRAN- ULES, SOME OF WHICH ARE IN PROCESS OF EXTRUSION. (M. Heidenliain.) These granules eventually 64 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. before. In the gastric mucous membrane all the surface epithelium is composed of mucus-secreting cells, and they extend also into the mouths of the glands. In the large intestine also most of the cells both of the surface and in the glands are goblet-cells. According to the observations of Carlier those of the gastric mucous membrane are connected together laterally by protoplasmic fibres. Ciliated epithelium. — The y>\- ^ cells of a ciliated epithelium are usually columnar in shape (figs. 66, 68), but in place of the striated border of the ordinary columnar cell the free surface is surmounted by a bunch of fine tapering filaments {vibratile cilia), which, during life, move spon- taneously to and fro, and serve to produce a current in the fluid which covers them. The border upon which the cilia are set is bright in the living condition : after fixation it appears formed of little juxtaposed knobs or basal particles, to each of which a cilium is attached. In the large ciliated cells which line the alimentary canal of .some molluscs (fig.s. 68, 70), and with less distinctness in the ciliated cells of vertebrates, the knob may be ob- served to be prolonged into the protoplasm of the cell as a fine varicose filament, termed the rootlet of the cilium. .Since the axial fibril in the tail of the spermatozoon (which is commonly regarded as a cilium) is developed in connection with the centrosome, it has been supposed that the cilia of an ordinary ciliated cell may also be outgrowths from the (multiplied) centrosome. But although it may be the case that the basal i^articles are formed by the division of the centrosome of the cell, in which case the rootlets may represent the fibrils of archoplasm which radiate from the centrosome of such a cell as the white corpuscle (fig. 9), it appears not to be true that the cilia are developed from these basal par- ticles, for the cilia sometimes appear before the basal particles. In plant spores, which have no centrosomes, the cilia are developed from amoeboid processes of the ectoplasm of the cell (Strassburger). Similar basal particles and longitudinal fibrils are found in columnar cells (pp. 62, 63), and these are probably homologous with the knobs and rootlets of the ciliated cell, while the bunch of cilia of the latter is represented by the striated border of the columnar cell. Fig. 68. -Four cili.\ted cells. (Lenhossek. ) CILIATED EPITHELIUM. 65 Schuberg has described in the cilia of certain infusoria an end-piece whicli stains ditt'erently from tlie rest of the ciliuni (tig 71). The action of cilia.— When in motion a cilium is bent quickly over in one direction with a lashing whip-like movement, immediately recovering itself. When vigorous the action is so rapid, and the rhythm so frequent (ten or more times in a second), that it is im- FiG. 69.— Columnar ciliated EPITHELIUM-CELLS FROM THE LOWER PART OF THE HUJIAN NASAL PASSAGES. EXAMINED FRESH IN SERUM. (Sharpey.) s %& Fig. 71- — Cilia of frontonia leucas. (A. Schuberg.) Loffler's flagellum stain, x 22.50. Fig. 70.— Ciliated cell, from THE intestine OF A MOLLUSC. (Engelmann.) possible to follow the motion with the eye. All the cilia upon a ciliated surface are not in action at the same instant, but the move- ment travels in weaves over the surface. If a cell is detached from the general surface, its cilia continue to act for a while, but their movement at once ceases if they are detached from the cell. If, however, a portion of the cell protoplasm is detached with them, they will continue to move for a time. The rhythm is slowed by cold, quickened by warmth ; but heat E 66 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. beyond a certain point kills the cells. The movement will continue for some time in water deprived of oxygen. Both CO., gas and ether and chloroform vapour arrest the action, but it recommences on restoring air, if their action is not too prolonged. Dilute alkaline solutions quicken the activity of cilia, or may even restore it shortly after it has ceased. Theories of ciliary action. — Various attempts have been made to explain the manner in which cilia act. One hypothesis supposes that one side only of eacli ciliura is contractile, the other side being elastic, or that there is a more rigid but elastic axis and a contractile covering. This supposition is negatived by the fact that in heat rigor the cilia are not bent over as they would be by the contraction whicli always accomjjanies rigor, but stand up straight. It is moreover impossible to suppose that a soft structure like a ciliiim could be bent over in a uniform gentle curve by contraction along one side ; such contraction could only produce shortening and wrinkling of the cilium, effects which are never observed. Another hypothesis assumes that the projecting cilia are set in action by rhythmic lateral contractions in the protoplasm ; which, by moving the rootlets, cause the cilia to bend over as a whip is bent by movements of the wrist applied to its handle. But this again implies an amount of rigidity wh'ch cilia do not possess, for it must be borne in mind that they have to overcome the resistance of fluid, and of fluid which is in many cases highly viscous. If in our ignorance of the structure of the individual cilia we are to form an idea as to the cause of the rhythmical bending over of these minute cell processes, the simplest hypothesis appears to be to assume that they are curved flattened hollow filaments, the interior communicating with the cell- protoplasm.^ If this is the case, then rhythmical variations of pressure within the cell-protoplasm, which might, as in the case of amoeboid move- ments, be caused by alterations in surface tension, would be transmitted to the cilia and wouM cause the curve to open out, and again to assert itself, according to the degree of tension within the tubular filament. Such action can be imitated with a fine curved and flattened indiarubber tube attached to a pressure bag. Any increase of pressure within the tuV>e causes it to straighten out ; on again decreasing the pressure the tube bends over exactly in the manner of a cilium. This hypothesis has the advantage over the others which have been oflered that it explains the movements of cilia on a theory which is precisely similar to that which gives the most probable explanation of amieboid movements of protoplasm, viz., that they are due to variations in surface tension, and it thus brings these two forms of protoplasmic activity into line with one another. It will presently be shown that the changes which occur in muscle in contraction are suscep- tible of a similar explanation. ^All cilia and cilium-like structures (flagella) which are sufficiently large to show any structural differentiation, exhibit au external membranous covering and a clear and usually structureless contents, but the minute size of ordinary cilia prevents one from determining whether this is also the case with them. THE CONNECTIVE TISSUES. 67 LESSON IX. THE CONNECTIVE TISSUES. AREOLAR AND ADIPOSE TISSUE. RETIFORM TISSUE. 1. Take a little of the subcutaneous tissue or of the intermuscular connective tissue of a rabbit or guinea-pig and spread it out with needles on a dry slide into a large thin film. Keep the centre moist by occasionally breathing on it, but allow the edges to dry to the slide. Before commencing put a drop of salt solution on a cover-glass, and now invert this over the film. Examine with a high power. Sketch one or two bundles of white fibres and also one or two elastic fibres, distinguishable from the former by their sharp outline, isolated course, and by their branching. Sketch also one or more connective- tissue corpuscles, if any such are visible in the clear interspaces. Look also for migratory cells (leucocytes). Ne.Kt carefully remove the cover-glass and replace the salt solution by dilute acetic acid (1 per cent.). Watch its effect in swelling the white fibres and bringing more clearly into view the elastic fibres and corpuscles. Look for constricted bundles of white fibres. 2. Make another very thin film in the same way, but allow to dry com- pletely. Pour over the film a 1 per cent, solution of magenta in 50 per cent, alcohol, to which 1 drop per cubic centimeter of a 1 per cent, .solution of gentian violet in alcohol has just been added. After one minute drain this otf, wipe round the specimen and allow the remainder of the staining solution to dry on the film. When completely dry mount in dammar. The elastic fibres are deeply stained ; the cells are also well shown. 3. Prepare another film of the subcutaneous tissue, including a little adipose tissue. Fix by pouring over it formol (10 p.c.) and leave this in contact with the film for 20 minutes. Wash with water and stain with saturated solution of Sudan III. or Scharlach R. in 75 p.c. alcohol ; wash with 75 p.c. alcohol to remove stain from everything except fat, then wash with water and stain with dilute hsematoxylin. Mount in glycerine and water. Examine first with a low and afterwards with a high power. The fat is well brought out by the Sudan III. or Scharlach R. stain ; if the preparation is from a young animal, fat-cells will be found in process of formation. Measure and sketch two or three of the cells. The fat may also be stained, without prior fixation, by treatment with 1 p.c. osmic acid solution. 4. Spread out another large film of connective tissue, letting its edges dry to the slide, but keeping the centre moist by the breath. Place on its centre a large drop of nitrate of silver solution (1 per cent.). After five minutes wash this away with distilled water, and expose to direct sunlight until stained brown. Now allow the film to dry completely, and cover it in dammar varnish or Canada balsam dissolved in xylol. Sketch the outlines of two or three of the cell-spaces. 5. To display retiform tissue the following method is recommended (Spalteholz). Place a piece of the organ {e.g. lymphatic gland) for twenty- 68 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. four hours or more in alcohol, then overnight at 38° C. in a 1 per cent, solution of carbonate of soda to which a few drops of a solution containing trypsin have been added. Cautiously transfer the semi-digested structure to alcohol again, and leave it for a few hours. Embed in paraffin in the usual way and stain the sections with iron lipematoxylin. The fibrils of connective and retiform tissue are the only structures which have remained undigested and they are deeply coloured by the hasmatoxylin. The connective tissues include areolar tissue, adipose tissue, elastic tissue, fibrous tissue, reticular and lymphoid tissue, cartilage and bone. All these tissues agree in certain microscopical and chemical characters. They, for the most part, have a large amount of intercellular substance in which fibres are developed, and these fibres are of two kinds — white and yellow or elastic. Moreover, there are many points of similarity between the cells which occur in these tissues ; they are all developed from the same embryonic formation, and they tend to pass imper- ceptibly the one into the other. Besides this, the use of these several tissues is similar; they mostlj^ serve to connect and support the other tissues, performing thus a passive mechanical function. They may therefore be grouped together, although differing considerably in external and even in microscopic characters. Of the connective tissues, however, there are three which are so intimately allied as to be naturally considered together, being composed of exactlj^ the same elements, although differing in the relative development of those elements : these are the areolar, elastic, and fibrous tissues. Adipose tissue and reticular tissue may both be looked upon as special modi- fications of areolar tissue. Areolar tissue being the commonest and, in a sense, the most typical, its structure may be considered first. Areolar tissue. — The areolar tissue presents to the naked eye an appearance of fine transparent threads and laminae which intercross in every direction with one another, leaving intercommunicating meshes, or areolae, between them. When examined with the microscope, these threads and fibres are seen to be principally made up of wavy bundles of exquisitely fine transparent fibres {tchite fibres, fig. 73, A). The bundles run in different directions, and may branch and intercommunicate with one another (fig. 75); but the individual fibres, although they pass from one bundle to another, never branch or join other fibres. The fibres are cemented together into the bundles by a clear substance containing mucin, and the same clear material forms also the basis or ground- substance of the tissue, in which the bundles themselves course, and in which also the corpuscles of the tissue lie embedded. This ground- substance between the bundles can with difficulty be seen in the fresh tissue on account of its extreme transparency ; but it can be biought to view by staining with nitrate of silver, as in § 4. The whole of the AREOLAR TISSUE. 69 tissue is thereby stained of a yellowish brown colour, with the excep- tion of the spaces which are occupied by the corpuscles (cell-spaces). Fig. 72. Ground substance of connective tissue stained by silver. The cell-spaces are unstained. From a photograph. Magnified 250 diameters. Fig. 73.— White and elastic fibres of areolar tissue. A, bundles of white fibres partly unravelled. B, elastic fibres. As Macallum has shown, this reaction is due to the presence of chlorides in the intercellular substance, whereas the cell-protoplasm contains none. Besides the white fibres of connective tissue here described, fibres of a different kind (fig. 73, B) may be made out in the preparations; these are the elastic fibres. They are especially well seen after treatment 70 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. with acetic acid, and after staining with magenta, or, in sections, with orcein ; but thej' can be detected also in the fresh preparation. They are characterised by their distinct outline, their straight course, the fact that they never run in bundles, but singly, and that they branch or join neighbouring fibres. If V^roken by the needles in making the preparation, the elastic recoil causes them to curl up, especially near the broken ends. Besides these histological differ ences, the two kinds of fibres differ also in their chemical characters. Thus the white fibres are formed of a material {collagen) which is dis- solved by boiling in water yielding gelatin, and by peptic digestion, but is not dissolved by tryptic digestion ; whereas the substance of which the elastic fibres are composed (elastin) resists for a long time the action of boiling water and peptic digestion, although it is dis- solved by tryptic digestion. Moreover, the white fibres swell and Fig. 74. — A white bundle swollen by acetic acid. From the scbakachnoid TI.SSUE AT the BASE OK THE BRAIN. (Toldt. ) become indistinct under the action of acetic acid ; the elastic fibres are unaltered by this reagent. Elastic fibres appear to have a sheath which is more resistant to reagents than the rest of the fibre. The bundles of white fibres which have been swollen out by acid sometimes exhibit constrictions at irregular intervals (fig. 74). These are in many instances due to elastic fibres coiling round the white bundles. The cells of areolar tissue. — Several varieties of connective tissue cells are distinguished, viz. : (I) Lamellar cells, which are flattened and often branched (fig. 75, c, c') and may be united one to the other by their branches, as in the cornea. Sometimes they are unbranched and may lie along the fibril-bundles and even themselves show a fibrillar appearance. Some authors have inferred from this that these cells are transformed into white fibril-bundles and have termed them " fibroplasts " ; but the fibrillation which tbey exhibit is not of the same character as that of the white fibres, and is pro- bably a form of cytomitome, such as is seen in many protoplasmic cells. In certain situations the lamellar connective-tissue cells THE CELLS OF ARKOLAR TISSUE. 71 Fig. 75.— Subcutaneous tissue from a young rabbit, PREPAREn as directed IN § 1. Highly magnified. The white fibres are in wavy bundles ; the elastic fibres form an open network, p, p, plasma-cells ; g, granule-cell ; c, c', lamellar-cells ; /, fibrillated-cell. Fig. 76. — Epithelioid cells of connective tissue from the surface of AN aponeurosis. (Nitrate of silver preparation.) 72 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY are greatly flattened out, especially when they lie upon the surface of aponeuroses and they are there joined edge to edge like the cells of an endothelium (fig. 76. The apparent cell-spaces in silver preparations have of course in all cases a similar arrangement to that of the cells). (2) Plasma cells (fig. 75, p), which are composed of a soft much- vacuolated protoplasm, rarely flattened, but otherwise varying greatly in shape and size. (3) Granular cells (g) {Mast-zellen of Ehrlich, clasmatocj/tes of Ranvier), usually spheroidal or ovoidal in shape, and formed, like the plasma-cells, of soft protoplasm, but thickly occupied with albuminous granules, which are deeply stained by gentian violet Fig. 77.- -A pew cells from the margin of a fat lobule. Highly magnified. From a photograph. f.g. fat-globule distending a fat-cell ; u, nucleus ; m, membranous envelope of the fat- cell ; c. r. bunch of crystals within a fat-cell ; c, capillary vessel ; )', venule ; c.t. con- nective-tissue cell ; (I, granular cell ; the connective-tissue fibres are not represented. and by other basic aniline dyes. (4) Migratory leucocytes may also be seen here and there in the areolar tissue {wander-cells). (5) In the middle coat of the eye in mammals, and in some parts of the skin, some of the connective-tissue cells are filled with granules of pigment (pigment-cells). These are much more extensively present in lower vertebrates, especially in amphibia and fishes, where they exhibit amoeboid changes which result in the pigment being at one time diffused over a considerable area and at another time restricted to the immediate neighbourhood of the nucleus. The changes thus produced cause alteration in the general colour and shade of the integument, where such pigment cells are very numerous, and serve the purpose of protective adaptation of the animals to their environment. The cells lie in spaces in the ground-substance, between the bundles of white fibres. In some parts of the connective tissue the white THE CELLS OF AREOLAR TISSUE. bundles are developed to such an extent as to pervade almost the whole of the ground-substance, and then the connective-tissue corpuscles become squeezed into the interstices, flattened lamellar expansions of the cells extending between the bundles, as in tendon (see next Lesson). A" nr Fig. 78. — Deposition of f.\t in connective-tissue cells. /, a cell with a few isolated fat-droplets in its protoplasm ; f, a cell with a single large and several minute drops ; /", fusion of two large drops ; g, granular cell, not yet exhibiting any fat-deposition ; c.t., flat connective-tissue corpuscle ; c, c, network of capillaries. The cells and cell-spaces of areolar tissue come into intimate relation Avith the cells lining the lymphatic vessels and small blood-vessels. This connection can best be seen in silvered preparations ; it will be again referred to in speaking of the origin of the lymphatics. Adipose tissue consists of vesicles filled with fat (figs. 77, 79) and collected into lobules, or into tracts which accompany the small blood- vessels. The vesicles are round or oval in shape, except where closely packed, when the}^ become polyhedral from mutual compres- sion. The fat-drop is contained with- in a delicate protoplasmic envelope (fig. 77, m) which is thickened at one part, and here includes an oval flattened nucleus. The fat is stained black by osmic acid ; a deep yellow colour by Sudan IIL ; and an intense red by Scharlach R. Fig. 79. — Fat-cells from young animal (Ranvier.) Osmic acid preparation. Tlie drops of fat are stained of an intense black, n, nucleus ; g, small globules of fat. 74 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The vesicles are supported partly by filaments of areolar tissue, but chiefly by a fine network of capillary bloodvessels. The fat when first formed in the embryo is deposited within large granular cells of areolar tissue (fig. 78) similar in general appearance to the " Mast "-cells of Ehrlich; some authorities regard them as of a specific nature, for they are in certain situations collected into large gland- Fig. -Two STAGES OF FORMATION OF ADIPOSE TISSUE. (H. Batty Shaw. In A the tissue is formed of a gland-like mass of cells, in some of which the cj'toplasm is occupied by fat globules (looking white in the sections). In B the fat fills many of the cells. like masses (fig. 80) abundantly supplied with blood-vessels, which gradually become transformed into fat-cells by the deposition of fat in the cell-protoplasm. Fat is, however, also laid down in ordinary Fig. 81. — Retifoem tissue from a lymph-gland. Moderately magnified. tr, a trabeculum of connective tissue ; r, 7-', retiform tissue, with more open meshes at >• and denser at ■>•'. branched cells of connective-tissue. The fat appears to be produced by a transformation of albuminous granules which the cells con- tain into droplets of fat. As the droplets increase in size they run adh'osk tissue. 7ri together into a larger drop, which gradually fills the cell more and more, swelling it out so that the cell-protoplasm eventually appears merely as the envelope of the fat-vesicle. Fig. 82. — Portion of the .\bove, more highly magnified, showing the continuity of the retiform tissue >■, r, with the connective tissue of a trabeculum, ()•. Fat is found most abundantly in subcutaneous areolar tissue, and under the serous membranes ; especially in some parts, as at the back of the peritoneum around the kidneys, under the epicardium. Fig. 83.— Reticulum of bone-m.'^hkow. (Enderlen.) and in the mesentery and omentum. The yellow marrow of the bones is also princi[)ally composed of fat. There is no adipose tissue within the cavity of the cranium. Eetiform or reticiilar tissue (figs. 81, 82, 83) is a variety of con- nective tissue in which the intercellular or ground-substance has largely 76 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. disappeared or is replaced by fluid. There are very few or no elastic fibres in it, but a dense network of white fibres, the meshes of which vary in size, being very small and close in some parts ; more open and like areolar tissue in other parts. In some places where the tissue occurs the fibres are enwrapped by flattened branched con- nective-tissue cells, and until these are removed it is not easy to see the fibres. Chemical diff'erences between the fibres of retiform tissue and those of ordinary areolar tissue have been described by Mall, but microscopically the fibres of the two tissues are indistinguishable and are found in continuity with one another (see figs. 82, 84). This Fig. 84.— Lymphoid tissue of a lymph-gland. tissue forms a fine framework in many organs, supporting the proper elements and extending into all the interstices between the coarser connective tissue bundles. It can best be shown by dissolving the cells of the tissue by tryptic digestion and subsequently staining the fibres forming the reticulum (p. 67, § 5). In this way it may be demon- strated in lymph-glands, in the spleen, liver, bone-marrow (fig. 83), mucous membranes, and many other parts. Lymphoid or adenoid tissue is reticular tissue in which the meshes of the network are largely occupied by lymph-corpuscles (fig. 84). This is by far the most common condition of a retiform tissue, and BA8KM KNT-MEMBRANES. 77 is met with in the lyniph-i^huids and allied structures, and also in parts of the alimentary nuicous membrane, and in some other situations. Basement-membranes {me inb ranee propriw) are homogeneous-looking membranes, which are found forming the surface layers of connective- tissue ex[)ansions in many parts, especially where there is a covering of epithelium, as on mucous membranes, in secreting glands, and else- where. They are generally formed of flattened connective-tissue cells joined together to form a membrane; but in some cases they are evidently formed not of cells, but of condensed ground-substance, and in yet other cases they are composed of elastic substance ; the name basement-membrane is therefore used to denote structures of an entirely different nature. Jelly-like connective tissue, although occurring largely in the embryo, is found only in one situation in the adult — viz. forming the vitreous humour of the eye. It is composed mainly of soft, fluid, ground-substance, with cells scattered here and there through it, and with a few fibres which interlace throughout the tissue and confine the fluid of the ground-substance within their meshes ; thus conferring upon the tissue its jelly-like character. All embryonic connective-tissue is in the first instance of this jelly-like nature (see p. 82). THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON X. THE CONNECTIVE TISSUES {contimted). ELASTIC TISSUE. FIBROUS TISSUE. DEVELOPMENT OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 1. Tease out as finely as possible a small shred of elastic tissue (ligamentum nuclije of the ox or ligamentum subflavura of man) in glycerine and water, slightly coloured by magenta. Cover and cement the preparation. Note the large well-defined fibres constantly branching and uniting with one another. Sketch a small part of the network. Note the existence of bundles of white fibres amongst the elastic fibres. 2. Examine a thin transverse section of ligamentum nnchge which has been hardened in 2 per cent, solution of bichromate of potash. The section is to be stained with haemalum and mounted in Canada balsam or dammar by the usual process, or simply in glycerine and water. Observe the grouping of the fibres and their angular shaj)e. 3. Pinch ofi" the end of the tail of a dead mouse or rat, draw out the long silk-like tendons and put them into salt solution. Take one of the threads, which should be nearly three inches long, and stretch it along a slide, letting the ends dry firndy to the glass but keeping the middle part wet. Put a piece of hair on either side and cover in salt solution. Observe with a high power the fine wavy fibrillation of the tendon. Draw. Now run dilute acetic acid (0'75 per cent.) under the cover-glass, watch the tendon where it is becoming swollen by the acetic acid. Notice the oblong nucleated cells comiug into view between the tendon-bundles, ^ketch three or four cells in a row. Lastly, lift the cover-glass, wash away the acid with distilled water, place a drop of Ehrlieh's hematoxylin or carmalum solution on the tendons, and leave the preparation until it is deeply stained ; then wash away the stain and mount the preparation in faintly acidulated glycerine. 4. Take another long piece of tendon, and after washing it in distilled water, stretch it upon a slide as before, fixing the ends by allowing them to dry on to the slide. Put a drop of nitrate of silver solution (1 per cent.) on the middle of the tendon, and leave it on for five minutes. Then wash off the silver nitrate with distilled water, and expose the slide to direct sunlight. In a very few minutes the silvered part of the tendon will be brown. As soon as this is the case, dehydrate the tendon with absolute alcohol in situ upon the slide, run ofi" the alcohol, and at once put a drop of clove oil on the preparation. In a minute or two the clove oil can be replaced by xylol balsam or dammar and the preparation covered. 5. Stain, with magenta solution, a thin section of a tendon which has been hardened in 70 per cent, alcohol. Mount in dilute glycerine and cement at once. 6. For developing connective tissue study sections of the umbilical cord at different periods. Fix with formol. Stain -with acid fuchsine and haematoxylin. ELASTIC TISSUE. 79 Elastic tissue is a variety of connective tissue in which the elastic fibres preponderate. It is found most characteristically in the liga- mentum ruicha.' of quadrupeds and the liganienta subHava of the vertebrae, but the connective tissue of other parts may also have a Fig. 85. — Ela.stic fibres from the ligamentum nuch^e of the ox, showing transverse markings on the fibres. considerable development of elastic fibres. It occurs in an almost pure form in the walls of the air-tubes, and uniting the cartilages of the larynx. It also enters largely into the formation of the lungs and of the walls of the blood-vessels, especially the arteries. I,. , Fig. 86.— Cross-section of elastic fibres from the ligamentum NUCHiE OP THE ox. In the ligamentvim nuchae most of the fibres are very large (figs. 85, 86). They often exhibit cross markings or even transverse clefts. When dragged asunder, they break sharply across. They constantly branch and unite, so as to form a close network. In transverse section they are seen to be separated into small groups or bundles (fig. 86) by intervening septa of areolar tissue. 80 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Elastic tissue does not always take the form of fibres, but may occur as membranes {e.g. in the blood-vessels). Sometimes the fibres are very small, but their microscopic and chemical characters are always very marked (see p. 70). Fig. 87. — Section of tendon, human. (Sobotta.) x 32. t, tendon-bundles ; s, septa of areolar tissue ; v, vessels. Fibrous tissue is almost wholly made up of bundles of white fibres running in a determinate direction. These again are collected into larger bundles, w^hich give the fibrous appearance to the tissue. The bundles are constantly uniting with one another in their course, although their component fibres remain perfectly distinct. The interspaces between the larger bundles are occupied by areolar FiniJULTS TISSUE. 81 tissue (fig. 87, fi ; fig. 88, c, d, e) in which the blood-vessels and lymphatics of the fibrous tissue are conveyed. The interstices between the smallest bundles are occupied by rows of lamellar connective-tissue Fig. 88.— Part of a large tendon in transverse section. More highly magnified. a, areolar sheath of the tendon, with the fibres for the most part running transversely ; but with two or three longitudinal bundles, 6 ; I, lymphatic cleft in the sheath ; Immediately over it a blood-vessel is seen cut across, and on the other side of the figure a small artery is shown cut longritudinally ; c, large septum of areolar tissue ; d, smaller septum ; e, still smaller septum. The irregularly stellate bodies are the tendon-cells in section. A £.- Fig. 89. — Tendon of mouse's tail (175 diameters) ; showing chains ok CELLS BETWEEN THE TENDON-BUNDLES. A, stained with hsematoxylin. B, staineil with silver nitrate, showing the cell-spaces. F 82 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. corpuscles {tendon-rdh), which, from being squeezed up between three or more bundles, become flattened out in two or three directions. In transverse section the cells appear somewhat stellate (fig. 88), but when seen on the flat they appear lamellar (fig. 89), and from this aspect their general shape is square or oblong. They lie, as before said, in rows between the tendon-bundles, and the nuclei of adjacent cells are placed opposite one another in pairs (fig. 90). The cell-spaces correspond in general figure and arrangement to the cells which occupy them. Fibrous tissue forms the tendons and ligaments, and also certain membranes, such as the dura mater, the fibrous pericardium, the fasciae of the limbs, the fibrous covering of certain organs, etc. It is found wherever great strength, combined with flexibility, is concerned. It receives a few blood-vessels, disposed longitudinally for the most part, and contains many lymphatics. Both blood-vessels and lymphatics run in the areolar tissue which separates and surrounds the tendon- bundles. Tendons and ligaments also receive nerve-fibres, which, in ^lUg^^^gl^P^^^^P Fig. 90. — Eight cells i'ROM the same tendon' .\s kepresented in fig. 89. (425 diameters.) The dark lines on the surface of the cells are the optical sections of lamellar extensions directed towards or away from the observer. some cases, end in localised ramifications within fusiform enlargements of the tendon-bundles (organs of Golgi), while others terminate in end-bulbs or in simple Pacinian corpuscles. These will be described along with the modes of ending of nerve-fibres. Development of connective tissue. — Connective tissue is developed in and from the cells of the mesoderm (mesenchyme) of the embryo. In those parts which are to form connective tissue, there muy frequently be seen a clear space separating the cell-layers which are already formed, this clear space being permeated with fibres which appear to be produced from the cells bounding the space. Presehtly branching mesenchyme cells, which are derived from the bounding cell- layers, are found forming a syncytium within the clear space (fig. 91, m). In the meshes of the reticular syncytium is a muco-albuminous semi- fluid intercellular substance (ground-substance). The connective-tissue fibres, both white and elastic, are deposited in this ground-substance, the elastic substance appearing in the form of granules (fig. 95, g), which subsequently become connected together into elastic fibres or DEVELOPMENT OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 83 ^V '' « ft Fig. 91.— Developing connective tissue in heart of chick-embuto of 48 HOURS. (Szili.) my, cells forming myocardium ; j, jelly formed of reticulum with enclosed fluid ; <■, endo- thelium (mesothelium) of heart ; m, mesenchyme cells in jelly; bl, blood-corpuscles. K..:S^ ^0 \^^-"''''^^'^- X^'^^ X>^ Fig. 92.— Developing connective tissue from the umbilical cord of A HUMAN EMBRYO 21 MM. LONG. (Minot. ) X 540. 84 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. 0 Al- i, "^ ^ \ 5^ "^t"^/^^ '^^ Wi^'' ''-■-••••■■"'''' ^"-\ Fig. 93.— Developing connective tissue from the umbilical cord of a THREE MO.NTHS' HUMAN EMBRYO. (Minot.) X 511. > .--/ 4 #. « 4. Fig. 94. — Jelly of vvharton from umbilical cord of new-born child. (Sobotta.) x280. /, connective-tissue fibres ; c, cells. DEVELOPMENT OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 86 laminae, as the case may be, the white fibres appearing at first in the form of very fine bundles, which afterwards become gradually larger (fig. 93) ; so that in fibrous tissue the whole ground-substance is eventually pervaded by the bundles, and the cells of the tissue become squeezed up into the intervals between them. Before any considerable development of fibres has taken place, the embryonic connective tissue has a jelly-like appearance ; in this form it occurs in the umbilical cord, where it is known as the jelly of Wharton (fig. 94). There has been always a considerable difference of opinion as to the origin of the fibres of connective tissue, some histologists holding that they are formed within the protoplasm of cells, which gradually lose Fig. 9.5. — Development of elastic tissue by deposition of fine gkandles.. (Kanvier.) g, fibres being formed of rows of ' elastin ' granules ; p, flat plate-like expansion of elastic substance formed by the fusion of ' elastin' granules. their cell-characters as the fibres become developed within them ; others taking the view that the fibres, both white and elastic, are extracellular formations. While there is no doubt that they are produced under the influence of the cells, for they first appear in close proximity to those structures, it seems on the whole probable that the fibres are deposited in the ground-substance and not actually in the cell-protoplasm, so that they are rather to be looked upon, like the ground-substance itself, as formed by a process of secretion than by one of direct cell-transformation. 86 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XL THE CONNECTIVE TISSUES {continued). ARTICULAR CARTILAGE. SYNOVIAL MEMBRANES. 1. Cut two or three very thin tangential slices of the fresh cartilage of a joint, mount them in .salt solution, and examine with the high power. Observe the form and grouping of the cells. Look at the thin edge of the section for spaces from which the cells have dropped out. Measure two or three cells and their nuclei, and sketch one or two groups. Now replace the salt solution by water and set the preparation aside for a little while. On again examining it, many of the cartilage cells will be found to have retracted away from their containing capsules. 2. Make other sections of the cartilage (1) from near the middle, (2) from near the edge. Place the sections for two or three minutes in acetic acid (1 per cent.), wash them with water, and stain with dilute hjemalum or carmalnm solution. When stained mount in dilute glycerine and cement the cover-glass. In (2) look for branched cartilage cells. 3. Study vertical sections of articular cartilage from an end of bone which has been fixed and decalcified, and mount the sections in glycerine and water, or, after staining with ha?malum, in dammar or xylol balsam. Sketch the ai^rangement of the cells in the different layers. 4. Brush a fresh joint with distilled water ; drop 1 per cent, nitrate of silver solution over it ; after five minutes wash away the nitrate of silver and expose in water to direct sunlight. When browned, place in spirit for half an hour or more, and then with a razor wetted with spirit cut thin sections from the surface and mount in xylol balsam or dammar after passing through clove oil. The cells and cell-spaces show white in the brown ground-substance. 5. To study the structure of the synovial membrane mount other slices from the silvered preparation of the joint (§ 4) just beyond the limits of the articular cartilage, and also look for small fringed projections of the membrane. Snip them off with scissors and mount as before. 6. The superficial flexor tendons of the foot of the ox or sheep run in grooves formed by the deep flexors, and these grooves are lined, and the tendons which pass through them are covered by vaginal synovial mem- branes. To show the structure of these treat one of the superficial flexor tendons with silver nitrate in the manner recommended for the joint, § 4, and after hardening in spirit cut sections from the surface and mount them in balsam or dammar varnish. Cartilage or gristle is a translucent bluish-white tissue, firm, and at the same time elastic, and for the most part found in connection with bones of the skeleton, most of which are in the embryo at first repre- sented entirely by cartilage. Three chief varieties of cartilage are CARTILAGE. 87 distinguished. In one, whicli is tei-med liiialinc, the matrix or ground- substance is almost clear, and free from obvious fibres; in the other two, which are tcrined Jihro-cartilage, the matrix is everywhere pervaded by connective-tissue fibres. When these are of the white variety, the tissue is white Jihro-cartiliuje ; when they are elastic fibres, it is yellow or elastic fihro-cariihuic Hyaline cartilage occurs principally in two situations — -namely (1) covering the ends of the bones in the joints, where it is known as articular cartilage ; and (2) forming the rib-cartilages, where it is known ■#■ '^ f-^S' ( (m ^::nM0^''''^''^^-''''^^^^^^^^^-^ ' Fig. 96. — Articular cartilage from head of metatarsal bone of ampu- tated FOOT, HUMAN (OSMIC ACID PREPARATION). THE CELL-BODIES ENTIRELY FILL THE SPACES IN THE MATRIX. (340 diameters.) a, group of two cells ; b, group of four cells ; h, protoplasm of cell, with g, fatty granules ; n, nucleus. as costal cartilage. It also forms the cartilages of the nose, of the external auditory meatus (but not the pinna), most of those of the larynx, and the cartilages of the windpipe ; in these places it serves to maintain the shape and patency of the orifices and tubes. Articular cartilage. — The cells of articular cartilage are generally scattered in groups of two or four throughout the matrix (fig, 96). The latter is free from obvious fibres, except at the extreme edge of the cartilage, where the connective-tissue fibres from the synovial 88 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. membrane extend into it ; and here also the cartilage-cells are often branched, and offer transitions to the branched connective-tissue corpuscles of that membrane {transitional cartilage, fig. 97). By long maceration in brine, however, evidence of a fibrous structure may be ..'/ (v: Fig. 97.— Border op articulak cartilage showing transition of cartil- age CELLS into connective-tissue CORPUSCLES OF SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE. From head of metatarsal bone, human. (About 340 diameters.) a, ordinary cartilage-cells ; h, h, with branching processes. obtained, even in the matrix of true hyaline cartilage. Some his- tologists also describe fine communications in the matrix uniting the cartilage-cells with one another, but these are of doubtful occurrence in vertebrate cartilage, although they unquestionably exist in the cartilage of cephalopods. The matrix immediately around the cartilage-cells is often marked off from the rest by a concentric line or lines, this part of the matrix, which is the latest formed, being known as the capsule of the cell (fig. 98). The cells are bluntly angular in form, the sides opposite to one another in the groups being generally flattened. The proto- plasm is very clear, but it may contain droplets of fat; and with a high power fine interlacing filaments and granules have been observed in it. During life the protoplasm entirely fills the cavity or cell-space which it occupies in the matrix ; but after death, and in consequence of the action of water and other agents, it tends to shrink away from the capsule. The nucleus is round, and shows the usual intranuclear network. Fig. 98. — A group of cartilage-cells SHOWING THE CAPSULAR OUTLINES IN THE MATRIX SURROUNDING THE GROUP. (Rauvier. ) «, nucleolus ; h, nucleus ; c, cytoplasm of a cell ; d, capsular lines in pericellular matrix ; (, fibrils in cartilage matrix. ARTICULAR CARTILAGE. 8!> In vertical section {tig. Di)) the deeper cell groups (c) are seen to be arranged vertically to the surface, the more superficial ones (a) parallel to the surface ; whilst in an intermediate zone the groups are irregu- r i Gs ©(Siea ii Fig. 99.— Vertical section of articular cartilace (ovkkixc; the lower KND OF THE TIBIA, HUMAN. (Magnified about 30 diameters.) a, cells and coil-groups flattened conformably with the surface ; b, cell-groups Irregu- larly arranged ; c, cell-groups disposed perpendicularly to the surface ; d, layer of calcified cartilage ; e, bone. Fig. 100.— Plan of the multiplication of cells op cartilage. (Sharpey.) A, cell in its capsule ; b, divided into two, each with a capsule ; c, primary capsule disappeared, secondary capsules coherent with matrix ; d, tci'tiary division ; e, secondary capsules disappeared, tertiary coherent with matrix. larly disposed (h). In the deepest part of the cartilage, next to the bone, there is often a deposit of calcareous salts in the matrix (calcified cartilage, d). The disposition of the cells of cartilage in groups of two, four, eight, etc., is apparently due to the fact that these groups have originated 90 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. from the division of a single cell first into two, and these again into two, and so on (fig. 100). The division of the cartilage-cell, like that of most other cells, is mitotic. It would seem that the matrix is formed of successive portions, which are deposited around each cartilage-cell as the so-called 'capsules,' each newly formed portion soon blending in its turn with the previously formed matrix, whilst a new capsule is formed within it. The most newly formed portions of matrix stain with haematoxylin more deeply than the rest, and in some cartilages this gives the appearance of rounded balls of darkly stained matter surrounding each cell or cell-group {clwivirin-haVs, Morner). Embryonic cartilage is characterised by the cells being usually more sharply angular and irregular ; they are even in some cases markedly branched, like those which occur at the junction of cartilage and synovial membrane in the adult. The cells are also more closely packed, the matrix being in relative!}' less amount than in later life. Development. — Cartilage is formed in the embryo from mesenchyme similar to that which gives origin to other forms of connective-tissue. Each cell forms a capsule around itself, and the blended capsules compose the first matrix. Cartil- age sometimes remains in this condition throughout life ; it is then termed paren- chymatous cartilage. This can be seen in the mouse's ear : where also the cartilage cells become filled with fat. Cartilage grows at first partly by interstitial expan- sion (accompanied by cell multiplication and by formation around and between the cells of intercellular sub- stance), partly by apposition at the perichondrium, the connective tissue becoming here transformed into cartilage. At a later period of growth the increase in size and change in shape of cartilages are due almost entirely to the agency of the perichondrium. Fig. 101. — Villus OF STXovi.\L MEMBRAXE. (Hammar.) Synovial Membranes. The synovial membranes are often compared with the serous membranes. They are indeed, like the latter, connective-tissue SYNOVIAL MEMBRANES. 91 membranes which bound closed cavities moistened with fluid, but they are not connected with the lymphatic system, nor is the fluid (synovia) which moistens them of the nature of lymph. Moreover, there is either no endothelial lining, or it occurs only in patches, in place of the continuous lining which we find in the serous membranes. Long villus-like projections occur in many parts ; they are often covered by small rounded cells, and probably serve to extend the surface for the secretion of synovia. The blood-vessels of synovial membranes are numerous, and approach close to the inner surface of the membrane. They are well seen in preparations from an injected limb. 92 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XII. THE COS SECT IV E TISSUES (continued). COSTAL CARTILAGE. FIBRO-CARTILAGE. L Make transverse and tangential sections of a rib-cartilage, which may either be fresh, or may have been preserved in spirit or formol. Stain them with hsenialum or carmalum (if fresh, after treatment with acetic acid as in Lesson XL § 2, or they may be placed for an hour or two in "5 p.c. osmic acid), and mount in glycerine. Sketch a part of a transverse section under a low power and a cell-grou^i from one of the tangential sections under a high power. Notice especially the arrangement of the cells, somewhat concentric near the surface but radial near the centre. The co.stal cartilages tend to become ossified near the middle in most animals, but in man when ossification occurs it is the superficial layer which is invaded. 2. Make sections of the cartilage of the external ear (pinna), either fresh or after hardening in alcohol. Mount in dilute glycerine faintly coloured with magenta, or stain with orcein and mount in balsam. If from the ox, notice the very large reticulating elastic fibres in the matrix. Notice also the isolated granules of elastin, and around the cartilage-cells an area of clear ground-substance. If from the mouse or rat there is very little matrix and no elastic fibres, and the cells are almost in contact (parenchymatous cartilage) ; they also contain fat (staining with osmic acid). 3. Mount a section of the epiglottis in the same way. Notice the closer network of much finer fibres in its cartilage. 4. Cut sections of white fibro-cartilage (intervertebral disk or semilunar cartilage of knee), which has been hardened in picric acid, followed by spirit, or in spirit only. Stain the sections with dilute htemalum or carmalum. Mount in dilute glycerine. Observe the wavy fibres in the matrix and the cartilage-cells lying in clear areas often concentrically striated. Look for branched cartilage-cells. Sketch three or four cells and the adjoining fibrous matrix. Costal cartilage. — In the costal cartilages the matrix is not always so clear as in the cartilages of the joints, for it more often happens that fibres become developed in it. The cells are generally larger and more angular than those of articular cartilage, and collected into larger groups (fig. 102). Xear the circumference, and under the perichondrium or fibrous covering of the cartilage, they are flattened and parallel to the surface, but in the deeper parts they have a more irregular or a radiated arrangement. They frequently contain fat. The cartilages of the larynx and windpipe and of the nose resemble on the whole the costal cartilages, but the COSTAL CARTILAGE. 93 study of them may be deterred until the organs where they occur -are dealt with. Elastic or yellow fibre -cartilage occurs in only a few situations. These are, the cartilage of the external ear and that of the Eustachian tube, and the epiglottis and cartilages of Santorini of the larynx. The matrix is everywhere pervaded with well-defined branching fibres, which unite with one another to form a close network (figs. 103, 104). These fibres resist the action of acetic acid, and are stained deeply ;) ■ ■^'>y-/i^ Fig. 102. — Sectiox of rib-cartilage, showing cells and cell-groups ix ax indistixctly fibrous matrix. Two or three empty cell-spaces are seen from which the cells have dropped out in preparing the section. by magenta ; they are evidently elastic fibres. In the ox they are very large, but smaller in man, especially in the cartilage of the epiglottis. They appear to be developed, as with elastic tissue else- where (see p. 82), by the deposition of gi'anules of elastin in the matrix, which at first lie singly, but afterwards become joined to form the fibres. White fibro-cartilage is found wherever great strength combined with a certain amount of rigidity is required : thus we frequently find fibro-cartilage joining bones together, as in the intervertebral disks and other symphyses. But in these cases the part in contact with the bone is always hyaline cartilage, which passes gradually into ^the fibro-cartilage forming the bulk of the symphysis. Fibro- cartilage is often found lining grooves in which tendons run, 94 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. 4.> zap ; \- ^ f Fig. 103. — Section of elastic cartilage of ear, hcmax. (Sobotta.) x2S0. c, cartilage cells ; co.p, their capsules ; in, clear matrix around ceUs and cell-groups ; r", elastic fibres. mM Fig. 104.— Section of the elastic cartilage of the ear. Highly magnified. (R. Hertwig.) Fig. 10.5.— "White fibro-caetilage from an intervertebral disk, human. Highly magnified. The concentric lines around the cells indicate the limits of deposit of successive capsules. One of the cells has a forked process which extends beyond the hyaline area surrounding the cell, amongst the fibres of the general matrix. FIBRO-CARTILAGE. 95 and it may be found in the tendons themselves. It is also em- ployeil to deepen cup-shaped articular surfaces ; and in the case of the interarticular cartilages, such us those of the knee and lower jaw, to allow greater freedom of movement whilst diminishing the liability to dislocation. Under the microscope white fibro -cartilage looks very like fibrous tissue, but its cells are cartilage-cells, not tendon-cells (fig. 105). They are rounded or bluntly angular and surrounded by a concentrically striated area of clear cartilage-matrix. In some parts of the intervertebral disk many of the cells are branched, and may be looked upon as ti'ansitional forms to connective-tissue corpuscles. m THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XIII. THE C02sNECTIVE TISSUES {continued). BONE; STEUCTITRE AND DEVELOPMENT. 1. Ix thin sections of hard bone made by grinding,^ observe the Haversian canals, lamellae, lacunae, canaliculi, etc. Make a sketch first under a low and afterwards under a high power. 2. With fine forceps strip off a thin shred from the superficial layers of a bone which has been decalcified in 5 p.c. commercial sulphurous acid and afterwards washed with water for 24 houi^s. It may be kept in dilute alcohol. Mount the shred in water. Observe the fibrous structure of the lamella;. Look for perforating fibres or the holes from which they have been dragged out. Sketch a small piece of the thin edge of a lamella. 3. Stain with dilute magenta and hremalum solution, or with methyl-blue and eosin, very thin sections of compact bone which has been fixed with 10 p.c. formol (1 to 3 days) and then decalcified in sulphurous acid as above. Mount in dilute glycerine, cementing at once. Look for fibres of Sharpey piercing the circumferential lamellae. The elastic perforating fibres are more darkly stained than the others. Notice the stained nuclei of the bone- corpuscles in the lacunae. In the thinne.st parts of the sections try to make out the blood-vessels and other structures in the Haversian canals. 4. Mount in xylol balsam or dammar a section of a fcetal lower jaw which has been stained in bulk and embedded in paraffin. Find the part where the lower jaw-bone is becoming ossified, and carefully study the appearance which it presents. The bone is prolonged in the form of osteogenic fibres which are covered with osteoblasts. 5. Intramembranous ossification may also be studied in the parietal bone of a foetus which has been preserved in Muller's fiuid. A piece of the growing edge is scraped or brushed free from its investing membranes, and from most of the cells which cover and conceal it, and is mounted in glycerine with or without previous staining with carmalum. 6. Mount in balsam or dammar sections of a fcetal limb (which may have been stained in bulk). The bones will be found in different stages of ossification, those of the digits being least developed. Make sketches illus- trating the three chief stages of endochondral ossification. Notice the peculiar terminal ossification of the third phalanx. Bone i.s a connective tissue in which the ground-substance is impregnated with salts of lime, chiefly phosphate, these salts consti- tuting about two-thirds of the weight of the bone. When bones are macerated this earthy matter prevents the putrefaction of the animal matter. When bones are calcined they lose one-third of their weight, owing to the destruction of the animal matter ; when steeped in acid ^ It is best to purchase these. BONE. 97 the earthy salts are dissolved and only the animal matter is left. This, like areolar and fibrous tissue, is converted into gelatine by boiling. .>P''' Fig. 106.— Section of a decalcified human radius. (Sobotta.) x48. periosteum ; pi, periosteal bony lamellae ; p'V, deeply seated lamellas parallel with periosteal surface; H, Haversian systems; tr, tr, trabeculae of spongy substance; rrd, lamellae bounding medullary spaces. Bony tissue is either compact or cancellated. Compact bone is dense, like ivory ; cancellated is spongy with obvious interstices. The outer layers of all bones are compact, and the inner part is generally G 98 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. cancellated, but the shaft of a long bone is almost entirely made up of compact substance, except along the centre, which is hollow and filled with marrow. The interstices of cancellated bone are also occupied by marrow. Externally bones are covered except at the joints by a vascular fibrous membrane, the jjeriosteum. True bone is always made up of lamellce, and these again are com- posed of fine fibres lying in a calefied fjround-mhstance. Between the lamellae are branched cells, the bone-corpuscles, which lie in cell-spaces or lacunm. The ramified passages which contain the cell-processes are termed canaliculi. ^l^iM'^ // ^A^~x*'^yA ' ' Ui£jSk A- Fig. 107. -TRAN.SVERSE SECTION OF COMPACT TISSUE (OF HUMERUS). Magnified about 1.50 diameters. (Sharpey.) Tliree of the Haversian canals are seen, with their concentric rings ; also the lacunae, with the canaliculi extending from them across the direction of the lamellae. The Haversian apertures had become filled with air and debris in giinding down the section, and therefore a]>pear black in the figure, which represents the object as viewed by transmitted light. In cancellated bone the blood-vessels run in the interstices supported by the marrow. In compact bone they are contained in little canals — the Haversian canals — which everywhere pervade the bone. These canals are about 0-05 mm. {-g^Q inch) in diameter, but some are smaller, others larger than this. Their general direction is longi- tudinal, i.e. parallel to the long axis of the bone, but they are constantly united by transversely and obliquely running passages. In a section across the shaft of a long bone they are seen as small rounded or irregular holes (fig. 106). When the section has been made by grinding, the holes get filled up with air and debris, and they then look black by transmitted light, as do also the lacunae BONE. 99 and canaliculi (fig. 107). Most of the lamelhie in compact bone are disposed concentrically around the Haversian canals ; they are known as the Haversian lamellw, and with the included canal form what is known as a Haversian system. The lacunae of a Haversian system communicate with one another and with the Haversian canal, but not as a rule with the lacunae of adjacent Haversian systems. The angular interstices between the Haversian systems are generally Fig. 108.— Transverse section of decalcified human tibia, from near the surface of the shaft. H, H, Haversian canals, with their systems of concentric lamellas ; in all the rest of the figure the lamellae are circumferential ; jt, ordinary perforating fibres of Sharpey ; e, e, elastic perforating fibres. Drawn under a power of about 150 diameters. occupied by bony substance which is fibrous but not lamellar. Besides the lamellae of the Haversian systems there is a certain thickness of bone at the surface, immediately underneath the periosteum, which is composed of lamellae arranged parallel with the surface ; these are the circumferential or periosteal lamelhe (fig. 106, pi). They are pierced here and there by simple canals for blood-vessels, the so-called Volhnann's canals, which are proceeding from the periosteum to join the system of Haversian canals, and also by calcified bundles of white fibres and by elastic fibres which may also be prolonged from the periosteum. These are the per forating fibres of Sharpey (fig. 108). 100 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The lamellfe of bone are fibrous in structure. This may be seen in shreds torn off from the superficial layers of a decalcified bone (fig. 109). The fibres {decussating fibres of Sharpey) often cross one another in adjacent lamellae, and in the Haversian systems they run in some lamellae concentrically, in others parallel with the Haversian canal. In shreds of lamellae which have been peeled off" from the surface the perforating fibres ma}^ sometimes be seen projecting from the surface of the shred, having been torn out of the deeper lamellae Fig. 109.— Lamellae torn off from a decalcified human parietal bone at SOME DEPTH FROM THE SURFACE. (Sbarpej'.) a, lamellie, showing decussating fibi-es ; b, i, thicker part, where several lamellae are superposed ; c, c, jierforating fibres ; the fibrils which compose them are not shown in the figure. Apertures through which perforating fibres had passed are seen, especially in the lower part, a, of the figure. Magnitude as seen under a power of 200 diameters, but not drawn to scale. (From a sketch by Allen Thomson.) (fig. 109, c, c). When tendons or ligaments are inserted into bone, their bundles of white fibres are prolonged into the bone as perforating fibres. The lacunae are occupied by nucleated corpuscles, which send branches along the canaliculi (fig. 110). They have a special lining layer different in chemical composition from the rest of the bone, being much more resistant to the action of strong chemical solvents such as hydrochloric acid (Neumann). The dentinal tubules of the teeth have a similar lining layer. The Haversian canals contain one or two blood-capillaries and nervous filaments, besides a little connective tissue ; and the larger ones may also contain a few marrow-cells. There are also cleft-like lym- phatic spaces running with the vessels, their cells being connected BONE. 101 through canaliculi with branches from corpuscles within the neigh- bouring lacunae of the osseous substance (fig. 111). The periosteum may be studied in torn-off shreds, in preparations stained in situ Avith silver nitrate, and in stained sections from an unmacerated bone which has been decalcified. It is a fibrous membrane composed of two layers, the inner of which contains many elastic fibres. In the outer layer numerous blood-vessels Fig. 110.— a bone-cell isol-^ted and highly magnified. (Joseph. ) a, proper wall of the lacuna (Neu- mann's layer), where the corpuscle has shrunken away from it. Fig. 111.— Section of a haversian canal, SHOWING ITS CONTENTS. (Highly magnified.) a, small arterial capillary vessel ; v, large venous capillary ; 71, pale nerve-fibres cut across ; I, cleft-like lymphatic vessel; one of the cells forming its wall communicates by fine bi-anches with the branches of a bone-corpuscle. The substa,nce in which the vessels run is connec- tive tissue with ramified cells ; its finely gi-anular appearance is probably due to the cross-section of fibrils. The canal is sur- rounded by several concentric lamellaj. ramify and send branches to the Haversian canals of the bone. The periosteum ministers to the nutrition of the bone, partly on account of the blood-vessels and lymphatics it contains, partly, especially in young animals, on account of the existence between it and the bone of a layer of osteoblasts or bone-foj-ming cells, a remainder of those which originally produced the bone. It also serves to give attachment to muscular fibres. The marrow of bone has been already studied (pp. 38, 39). DEVELOPMENT OF BONE. True bone is essentially formed in all cases by an ossification of connective tissue. Sometimes the bone is preceded by cartilage, which first becomes calcified, and this is then invaded, and for the most part removed, by an embryonic tissue which re-deposits bony matter in the interior of the cartilage. This is intracartilaginous or endochondral ossi- fiadion. At the same time layers of bone are being formed outside the 102 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. cartilage underneath the periosteum. The whole bone thus formed is termed a cartilage-hone. Sometimes the bone is not preceded by carti- lage, and then the only process which occurs is one corresponding to the subperiosteal ossification of the cartilage-bone ; the ossification is then known as intramemhranous, and the bone formed is a membrane-bone. Fig. 112.— Section of phalangeal bonk of hdman fcetus at the time of COMMENCING OSSIFICATION. (From a prepaiation bj- F. A. Dixey.) The preparation was stained in bulk with magenta. The drawing is made from a photograph, and is magnified about 75 diameters. The cartilage cells in the centre are enlarged and separated from one another by stained calcified matrix ; im, layer of bone deposited underneath the periosteum ; o, layer of osteoblasts by which the layer has been formed. Some of the osteoblasts are already embedded in the new bone as lacun*. The cartilage-cells ai-e becoming enlarged and flattened and arranged in rows above and below the calcified centre. At the ends of the cartilage the cells are small, and the groups are irregularly arranged ; the fibrous periosteum is not sharply marked off from the cartilage. Ossification of cartilage.— This may be described as occurring in three stages. In the _^rs; stage the cells in the middle of the cartilage become enlarged and arranged in rows radiating from the centre OSSIFICATION OF CARTILAGE. 103 (fig. 112), and fine granules of calcareous matter are deposited in the matrix. Simultaneously with this the osteoblasts underneath the periosteum deposit a layer or layers of fibrous lamella? upon the surface of the cartilage, and these lamellae also become calcified (fig. 112, im). As they are formed, some of the osteoblasts (o) are included l)etween them and become bone-corpuscles. Fig. 113.— Section of part of one of the limb-bones of a fcetal cat, at a more advanced stage of ossifi- cation than is represented in fig. 112, and somewhat more highly magnified. Drawn from a photograph. The calcification of the cartilage- matrix has advanced from the centre, and is extending between the groups of cartilage-cells, which arc arranged in characteristic rows. The subperiosteal bony deposit (im) has extended pari passu with the calcification of the cartilage-matrix. The cartilage cells in the calcified part are mostly shrunken and stellate ; in some cases they have dropped out of the spaces. At ir and in two other places an irruption of the subperiosteal tissue, composed of ramified cells with osteoblasts and growing blood-vessels, has penetrated the subperiosteal bony crust, and has begun to excavate secondary areolaj or medullary spaces ; p, fibrous layer of the periosteum ; o, layer of osteo- blasts, some of them are em- bedded in the osseous layer as bone-corpuscles in lacuna;. The blood-vessels are occupied by blood- corpuscles. Beyond the line of ossific advance the periosteum may be noticed to be distinctly incurved. This incurvation is gradually moved on, the carti- lage expanding behind it until the head of the bone is reached, when it forms the periosteal notch or groove represented in figs. 116 and 119. In the second stage some of the subperiosteal tissue eats its way through the newly formed layer of bone and into the centre of the calcified cartilage (fig. 113, ir). This is freely absorbed before it (fig. 115), so that large spaces are produced which are filled with osteoblasts, and contain numerous blood-vessels which have grown in at the same time. These spaces are termed medullary spaces, and this second stage may be termed the stage of irruption. 104 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. In the third stage of endochondral ossification there is a gradual advance of the ossification towards the extremities of the cartilage, and at the same time a gradual deposition of fresh bony lamellse and spicules on the walls of the medullary spaces, and on the surface of the new bone under the periosteum. The advance into the cartilage always takes place by a repetition of the same changes, the cartilage-cells first enlarging and becoming arranged in rows, the matrix between the Fig. 114. — Part of a longi- tudinal SECTION OF THE DEVELOPING FEMDR OF THB RABBIT. (Klein.) (Drawn un- der a magnifying power of 350 diameters. ) a, rows of flattened cartilage-cells ; b, gieatly enlarged cartilage-cells close to the advancing bone, the matrix between is partly calcified ; c, d, already formed bone, the osseous trabeculte being covered with osteoblasts (() except here and there, where an osteoclast (/) is seen eroding parts of the trabe- culfe ; g, h, cartilage-cells which have become shrunken and irre- gular in shape. From the middle of the figure downwards the trabecular, which are formed of calcified cartilage-matrix, are be- coming covered with secondary osseous substance deposited by the osteoblasts. The vascular loops at the extreme limit of the bone are well shown, as well as the abrupt disappearance of the cartilage-cells. rows becoming calcified, and then the calcified cartilage becoming excavated from behind by the osteoblastic tissue so as to form new medullary spaces (fig. 114). The walls of these are at first formed only by remains of the calcified cartilage-matrix (fig. 114, c), but they soon become thickened by lamellae of fibrous bone which are deposited by the osteoblasts, and between which bone-corpuscles become included, as in the case of the subperiosteal bone. The latter advances pan passu with the endochondral calcification, but beyond this the uncalcified OSSIFICATION OF CARTILAGE. 105 cartilage grows both in length and breadth, so that the ossification is always advancing into larger portions of cartilage ; hence the endochondral bone as it forms assumes the shape of an hour-glass, the cylindrical shape of the whole bone being maintained by additions of periosteal bone to the outside (see fig. 116). The absorption of the calcified cartilage-matrix appears to be effected, as is the case with absorption of bony matter wherever it occurs, by large multi-nucleated Fig. 115.— Longitudinal section through part of a phalanx of a six months' human embryo. (Kolliker. ) The calcified cartilage is completely absorbed almost to the limit of advancing calcifica- tion. The osseous substance on either side is periosteal bone. The embryonic marrow has shrunk somewhat away from it. cells (fig. 11-i, /, /) which are termed osteoclasts. They are cells of the same nature as the myeloplaxes of the marrow, and are found on surfaces where absorption of bone is taking place, whereas the osteoblasts are always found covering surfaces where bony deposit is proceeding (fig. 117). The bone which is first formed is more reticular and less regularly lamellar than that of the adult, and contains no Haversian systems. 106 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The regular lamellae are not deposited until some little time after birth, and their deposition is generally preceded by a considerable Fig. 110.— Longitudinal sec- tion THROUGH THE UPPER HALF OF THE DECALCIFIED HUMERUS OF A FCETAL SHEEP, AS SEEN UNDER A M.\GNIFY1NG POWER OF ABOUT 30 DIAMETERS. , the part of the shaft which was primarily ossified in cartilage ; what remains of the primary bone is represented dark, enveloped by the clear secondary deposit. The areolae of the bone are occupied by embryonic marrow with osteo- blasts, and blood-vessels variously cut. One long straight vessel (pv) passes in advance of the line of ossification far into the cartil- aginous head, most of the others loop round close to the cartilage. At one or two places in the older parts of the bone elongated groups of cartilage-cells (er) may still be seen, which have hitherto escaped absorption, m, the part of the bone that has been ossified in membrane, that is to say, in tlie osteoblastic tissue under the periosteum. It is well marked off from the central portion, and is bounded, peripherally, by a jagged edge, the projections of which are indistinctly seen to be prolonged by bunches of osteo- genic fibres. A row of osteoblasts covei-s the superficial layer of the bone. The subperiosteal layer is prolonged above into the thicken- ing {p) which encroaches upon the cartilage of the head of the bone, and in which are seen amongst numerous osteoblasts and a few blood-vessels, the straight longitudinal osteogenic fibres («/'), and some other fibres (pf) crossing them, and perhaps representing fibres of Sharpey. The calcareous salts having been removed by an acid, the granular ossific deposit passing up between the rows of cartilage-cells is not seen in this specimen ; it would have extended as far as a line joining the marks X X. ObseiTe the general ten- dency of the osseous trabeculse and the vascular channels between them to radiate from the original centre of ossification. This is found to prevail more or less in all bones when they are first formed, although the direction of the ti-abeculie may afterwards be- come modified in relation with varying physiological conditions, and especially as the result of pressure in different directions. amount of absorption. It is about this time also that the medullary canal of the long bones is formed by the absorption of the bony tissue which originally occupies the centre of the shaft. OSSIFICATION OF CARTILAGE. 107 \\ \ After a time the cartilage in one or both ends of the long bones begins to ossify independently, and the epiphi/se.^ are formed. These are not joined to the shaft until the growth of the bone is completed. Cxrowth takes place in lemjth by an expansion of the cartilage {inter- mediate cartilage) which intervenes between the shaft and the epiphj^ses, and by the gradual extension of the ossification into it ; in midth entirely by the deposition of fresh bony layers under the periosteum. In the terminal phalanges of the digits the ossification starts, from the middle of the cartilage, but from its distal extremity (Dixey). For the regeneration of portions of bone which [have been removed by disease or operation it is important that the periosteum be left Y not Fig. 117.— Boxy trabecul,e from the DEVELOPING LOWER J.\W OF A CALF, SHOWING OSTEOCLASTS .\T THE EX- TREMITIES WHERE ABSORPTION IS PRO- CEEDING, AND OSTEOBLASTS COVERING THE SIDES WHERE DEPOSITION OF BONE IS GOING ON. (Kolliker. ) Fig. 118.— Transverse section of a developing bone, showing the periosteal layer becom- ing formed from osteogenic fibres. cb, cartilage bone ; pb, periosteal bono ; sp, bone spicules prolonged by osteogenic fibres ; p, periosteum ; hi, blood-vessels ; c, remains of the calcified cartilage ; o, osteoblasts forming bone upon this. Fig. 119.— Section of the ossi- fication GROOVE IN THE HEAD OF A LONG BONE. c, cartilage ; p, periosteal tissue with osteogenic fibres and osteo- blasts. This tissue occupies the "groove." 108 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Intramembranous ossification. — In this A-ariety of ossification (fig. 120), the bone is not preceded by cartilage at all, and therefore no endochondral bone is formed, but the calcification occurs in a sort of embryonic fibrous tissue which contains numerous osteoblasts and blood-vessels. The fibres of this tissue (osteogenic fibres), which, like those of fibrous tissue, are collected into small bundles, become inclosed in a calcareous matrix, produced by the deposition of lime salts in the ground-substance of the connective tissue : and as the fibres grow, the calcification extends further and further, so that bony Fig. 120.— Part of the growing edge of the developixg parietal boxe of A fcetal cat, 1| inch long. sp, bony spicules, with some of the osteoblasts embedded iu them, producing the lacunM ; of, osteogenic fibres prolonging the spicules, with osteoblasts {pit) between them and applied to them ; a, granular calcific deposit occurring in the ground- substance between the fibres ; c, union of two adjacent spicules. spicules are formed, which, as they become thickened, run together to form reticular layers, leaving spaces filled with osteoblasts around the blood-vessels. The osteogenic fibres are covered with osteoblasts, and as the bone forms, some of these become left as bone-corpuscles within lacunae. Thus in every particular the development of these bones resembles that of the subperiosteal laj-er of endochondral bone ; which is also to be considered as an instance of intramembranous ossification, although taking place on the surface of cartilage. More- over, it is the same subperiosteal tissue which, in endochondral ossification, deposits the true or secondary bone upon those parts of OSSIFICATION IN ^lEMBRANE. 109 the calcified cartilage-matrix which have escaped absorption; and this must also, therefore, be reckoned as developed according to the same type. In fact, even in intracartilaginous ossification, very little of the calcified cartilage-matrix eventually remains ; this being almost wholly absorbed and either replaced by true or fibrous bone which has been formed by osteoblasts, or swept away to form the medullary and other cavities. "With reference to the origin of the osteoblasts, it has been thought by some authors that they are derived from the blood-vessels, and are in fact leucocytes whicli have wandered out of the vessels and have taken on the special osteogenic function. Another and a more proljable view regards theru as niodi6ed connective tissue cells formed within the periosteum and merely accompanying the vessels into the interior of the ossifying cartilages. They have also been thought to be formed by division and alteration of the cartilacre-cells. 110 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XIV. STRUCTURE OF STRIATED MUSCLE. 1. Take a shred of muscle from a recently killed mammal, and on a dry slide carefully sepai'ate long pieces of muscular fibres (single fibres if possible) and stretch them out, keejjing them moist during the process by breathing on the slide. Put a drop of serum on the cover-glass before placing this over the preparation. Study first with a low, then with a high power. Sketch all the apj)earances to be seen in a small piece of a fibre, focussing carefully the most superficial layers. Notice the oval nuclei immediately under the sarcolemiua. Then allow a little dilute acetic acid to run under the cover- glass and watch its effect. 2. Prepare some fibres of frog's nmscle in the same way, but mount in salt solution instead of serum. Notice the muscular substance shrinking away here and there from the sarcolemma, which then becomes distinctly visible. Sketch a piece of sarcolemma bridging across an interval thus produced. 3. Study transverse sections of muscle which has been hardened in alcohol or formol and stained. Mount in dammar varnish or xylol bals^am. Examine the section of a fibre first with a low and then with a high power. Sketch the appearances which are seen. In each of the above preparations measure the diameter of some of the fibres. Sections of muscle-spindles may be searched for in the transverse sections of muscle. 4. Place in 1 per cent, osmic acid a small shred of mammalian muscular tissue which has been stretched upon a cork. After '24 hours, when it will be deeply stained, wash it in water and with needles break the fibres up in glycerine as finely as possible. Cover and examine with a high power. 5. Cut off the head of a small garden beetle or wasp, and bisect the trunk with scissors so as to expose the interior. Notice two kinds of muscular tissue, the one belonging to the legs greyish in colour, the other attached to the wings yellowish. Preparations of both kinds of muscle are to be made in the same way as living mammalian muscle (i$ 1), but it is better to mount them in a drop of white of egg. In both jn-eparations the dark-looking air-tubes or tra<-he:e form prominent objects ramifying amongst the fibres. Observe the structure of the two kinds of muscle so far as it can be made out in the fresh ])reparation. If the preparation is made quickly, waves of contraction will probably be observed passing along the fibres. 6. Make another preparation of the leg-muscles, mounting the muscle in vinegar. (Alcohol-hardened muscle of insect or crab may be used for this purpose.) Notice that the muscular substance swells up somewhat and becomes clearer, whilst the sarcoplasm-network, with its lines and dots, comes more distinctly into view. In a well-teased preparation of alcohol- hardened muscle, the fibres will be frequently found breaking across into disks. Make careful drawings from this preparation. 7. Rollett's method. Cut off" the head of an insect (wasp, small beetle), bisect the trunk and- place in 90 per cent, alcohol for from 24 to 48 hours STRUCTURE OF STRIATED MUSCLE. Ill or more. Then take a small piece of each kind of muscle, and place in strong glycerine for some hours. Wash thoroughly with water and transfer to I per cent, chloride of gold solution : leave the pieces of muscle in this from lo to 30 minutes according to their size. From the gold solution tliey are transferred to formic acid (1 part of the strong acid to 3 of water), and kept in the dark for 24 hours, but they may be kept longer without disadvantage. The muscle is then teased in glycerine. Some of the fibres will be found after this method to have their sarcoplasm darkly stained, and to show, therefore, the appearance of a network both in longi- tudinal and transverse view : others, on the other hand, liave the sarcous elements of the fibrils or sarcostyles stained, whilst the sarcoplasm has remained colourless. Voluntary muscle is composed of long cylindrical fibres, measuring on an average about 0-05 mm. in diameter (^i^y inch) in mammalian Fig. 121. Fig. 123. Fig. 121. — S.\rcolemma of mammalian muscle highly magnified. The fibre is represented at a place whei-e the muscular s\ibstauce has become ruptured and has shrunk away, leaving the sarcoleninia (with a nucleus adhering to it) clear. The fibi-e had been treated with serum acidulated with acetic acid. Fig. 122. — Muscular fibre of a mammal examined fresh in serum, highly magnified, the surface op the fibre being accurately focussed. The nuclei are seen on the flat at the surface of the fibre, and in profile towards the edge. Fig. 123.— Portion of a medium-sized human muscular fibre, showing the INTERMEDIATE LINE (DOBIE's LINE) MENTIONED IN THE TEXT. (Sliarpey.) muscles, and often having a length of an inch or more. Each fibre has an elastic sheath, the sarcolemma, which incloses the contractile substance. The sarcolemma is seldom distinct, unless the contained substance becomes broken (fig. 121). 112 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The contractile substance of the fibre is characterised by the alter- nate dark and light stripes which run across the length of the fibre ; hence the name, cross-striated or striped muscle. On focussing, it can be seen that the stripes pass through the whole thickness of the fibre ; they may therefore be looked upon as representing alternate disks of dark and light substance. If the fibre be very carefully focussed, rows of apparent granules are seen lying in or at the boundaries of the light streaks, and very fine longitudinal lines may, with a good microscope, be detected uniting the apparent granules (fig. 122). These fine lines, with their enlarged extremities the granules, are more conspicuous Fig. 124. — S.mall portion of .\ mdscle fibre of cr.\b split- TING UP INTO FIBRILS. (FlODl a photogra])li. ) Magnified 600 diameters. Fig. 125. — Section of a muscdlar fibre, showing areas of cohn- HEIM. Three nuclei are seen lying close to the sarcolemma. in the muscles of insects. They indicate the divisions between the longitudinal elements {fibrils or sarcosti/k.<) which compose the fibre, and in preparations treated with dilute acid they appear to form part of a fine network, which pervades that substance, and serves to unite the granules both transverseh" and longitudinally. This network, which is sometimes very distinct in preimrations of muscle treated with chloride of gold, is, however, a network in appearance only : in reality it is the optical expression of the interstitial substance which lies between the fibrils. This substance is termed sarcoplasm. On examining the transverse section of a fibre with a high power, it is seen to be subdivided everywhere into small angular fields, Cohnheim's areas (fig. 125), which are themselves again divided up. The smallest divisions represent sections of the fibrils of which the fibres are composed, and into which they may be split after death, especially after being hardened in certain reagents, e.g. chromic acid VOLUNTARY MUSCLE. 113 or osmic acid. The larger areas represent groups of fibrils. These areas of Cohiiheim are usually polyhedral, but they may be elongated, and disposed either radially, or concentrically with the circumference of the section. The interstitial substance or sarcoplasm lies between them and can l)e made visible by treatment with dilute acid or by staining with chloride of gold (figs. 127, 128, and 129). It is some- times in relatively large amount, but in most muscular fibres is I'educed to a very fine interstitium. An ill-defined clear line is sometimes seen running trans versel}'' across the fibre in the middle of each dark band. This is termed Hcnsen's line. If instead of focussing the surface of the fibre it be observed in its depth, an appearance different from that shown in fig. 122 is frequently visible, namely, a fine dotted line {Dobie's line), bisecting each clear stripe (fig. 123); this appearance is often considered to represent a membrane {Krause's membrane), which subdivides the fibrils at regular intervals (see p. 116). But the membrane of the individual fibrils or .sarcostyles is rarel}^, if ever, visible in an intact mammalian fibre, and it is certain that the appearance of such a line in the middle of the clear stripe of an intact fibre is in most cases due to interference, caused by the light being transmitted between disks of diff"erent refrangibility. Haycraft ha.s suggested that the cross-striation of voluntary muscle is due to refractive effects produced by a varicosity of the component fibrils, basing his view upon the fact that in impressions of the fibres made in soft collodion all the cross-striations which are observed in the fibre itself are reproduced. Theie is no doubt that a well-marked cross-striated appearance can be produced in homogeneous fibrils by regularly-occurring varicosities, and many of the appearances observed in muscle may, as Haycraft contends, be referred to this cause. But even when a fibre or fibril is stretched so that it exhibits no varicosities, the cross-striations are still perfectly distinct. Moreover, in view of the entirely different manner in which the substance of the dark and clear stripes behave to many staining reagents, and especially to chloride of gold when applied as directed in § 7, the fact being that very definite structural appearances can under these circumstances be made out, the homogeneity of the muscle-fibinl cannot be admitted. This inference is strongly confirmed by the microchemical work of A. B. Macallum, who has shown that the j^otassium salts of the muscle are mainly accumulated in the sarcous elements. Nuclei. — Besides the sarcolemma and striated substance, a muscular fibre also exhibits a number of oval nuclei which have the usual structure of cell-nuclei: their chromatin often has a spiral aixangement. Sometimes there is a little graimlar substance (protoplasm) at each pole of the nucleus ; each nucleus with the adjacent protoplasm has then been spoken of as a inuscle-corpusde. But the protoplasm which is adjacent to the nuclei is in all probability continuous with the 114 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. sarcoplasm between the fibrils ; both being the remains of the original undifferentiated protoplasm of the cells from which the muscular fibres are developed. In mammalian muscle the nuclei usually lie imme- FiG. 126.— Living muscle of water-beetle (dttiscus marginalis.) (Highly maguified.) s, sarcoloiuma ; a, dim stripe ; h, bright stripe ; c, row of dots in ijright stripe, which seem to be the enlai-ged ends of rod-shaped paiticles, d, but are really expansions of the interstitial sarcoplasm which appear in the living muscles as fine dark lines with dot-like enlargements upon them. Fk;. 127. — Portion of leg-muscle OF insect treated with dilute ACID. S, sarcolemma ; V. dot-like enlargement of sarcoplasm ; K, Krause's membrane. The sarcous elements are dissolved or at least rendered invisible by the acid. liiiir .Jim iiiiii llpiSH liliiliiiiiJiB) ^iffiTm\ \\^' Fig. 128. Fig. 129. Fig 128. — Transverse section of leg-muscle fibre of an insect, stained with gold chloride The sarcoplasm is here stained, and appears in the foroi of a network, in the meshes of ■which He the sections of the fibrils. Xotice the mottled appearance of the sections of the sarcostylcs or fibrils, indicating a porous structure, as in the wing fibrils (see fig. 132). The central protoplasm (with a nucleus) is also evident. (From a photograph.) Fig 129. — Leg-muscle fibre of insect treated with dilute acid, showing a tendency to break across into disks. The sarcoplasm is in the form of fine lines. The ordinary dark stripes of the fibre have disapi>eared in the acid. A, a disk seen partly in section and exhibiting the reticular an-angement of the sarcoplasm ; B, longitudinal view of fibre. VOLUNTARY MUSCLE. 115 diately under the sarcolemma (figs. 121, 122, 125), in frog's muscle they are scattered throughout the sul)stance of the fibre ; in insect muscle they occupy the middle of the fibre, embedded in graiuilar protoplasm (fig. 128). Some animals, such as the rabbit, have, besides muscles of the ordinary type of structure, which in this animal are pale in colour, others of a deep red colour. These red muscles were found by Kanvier to exhibit certain differences both in structure and function. One difference of structure is that the nuclei, which are numerous, are not confined to the surface, but are scattered throughout the substance of the fibres. The fibres in question also contain more sarcoplasm than the ordinary fibres, and their blood- vessels have a peculiarity of structure % which will be afterwards noticed. Here ! ,^._ | and there, in all mammals, amongst the )••••:'>•• = .-.^ — K ordinary fibres are some in which the ' „ j nuclei are distributed through the thick- ! . ; ..i^-^- ness of the fibres; this is the case also, \iniTi . . , . . ; ..' as just remarked, with all the muscular ["['"'^^"['"""""^X fibres of the fros;. In muscles which are ! , in constant activity, such as the dia- s '"i": i : r, -^ phragm and the dorsal fin muscles of TT- ,1 ^ 1 / Fig. 130.— Leg-muscle fibre of Hippocampus, the protoplasm (sarco- insect, st-^ined with gold plasm) of the fibres is present in rela- chloride by rollett's method. , , . , , . . , A', line formed by membranes of tively large proportion, and this is also Kiause; S.E., dark stripe formed , •.■I ^1 ■ -I n by sarcous elements. The sarco- the case with the wing muscles OI pksm has the appearance of longi- , tudinal lines. insects. The transverse section of a muscle shows the fibres to be nearl}'' cylindrical in figure. Between the fibres there is a certain amount of areolar tissue, which serves to support the blood-vessels and also unites the fibres into fasciculi ; the fasciculi are again united together by a larger amount of this intramuscular connective tissue (endo- mysium.) Ordinary or leg-muscles of insects. — In the muscles of insects the stripes are relatively broad, and their structure can be more readily seen than in mammals. In the living fibres from the muscles which move the legs, the sarcoplasm presents a striking appearance of fine longitudinal lines traversing the muscle, and enlarging within the light stripes into rows of dots (fig. 126). This is still better seen in fibres and portions of fibres which have been treated with dilute acid (fig. 127). In separated disks produced by the breaking across of muscle-fibres, the surfaces of the disks show a network with poly hedral meshes in some insects (fig. 129, a), one formed of lines radiating 116 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. from the centre of the fibre in others. The nuclei, with some inclosing protoplasm, lie in the middle of the fibre. Wing-muscles of insects. — The wing-muscles of insects are easily broken up into fibrils (sarcostyles), which also show alternate dark and light striiB (fig. 131). The sarcostyles are subdivided at regular intervals by thin transverse disks {membranes of Krause) into successive portions, which may be Fig. 131. — Fibrils of the wi.ng-muscles of a wasp, PREPAREn by kollet's METHOD. Highly magnified. (From photographs.) A, a contracted fibril. B, a stretched fibril, with its sarcous elements separated at the line of Hensen. C, an uncouti-acted fibril, showing the porous structure of the sarcous elements. termed sarcomeres. Each sarcomere is occupied by a portion of the dark stria of the whole fibre (sarcous element) : the sarcous element is really double, and in the stretched fibre separates into two at the line of Hensen (fig. 131, b). At either end of the sarcous element is a clear substance (probably fluid or semi-fluid) separating it from the membrane of Krause : this clear substance is more evident the more the fibril is extended, but diminishes, even to complete disappearance, in the contracted muscle (fig. 131, a). The cause of this change is WING-MUSCLES OF INSF.CTS. ir explained when we study more minutely the structure of the sarcous element. For we find that each sarcous element is pervaded with longitudinal canals or pores, which are open in the direction of Krause's membranes, but closed at the middle of the sarcous element (fig. 132). In the contracted muscle, the clear part of the muscle-substance has disappeared from view, but the sarcous element is swollen and the sarcomere is thus shortened: in the uncontracted muscle, on the other hand, the clear part occupies a considerable interval between the sarcous element and the membrane of Krause, the sarcomere being / I Fig. 132. — Isolated sarcous elements OP A wing-muscle, showing the TUBULAR OR POROUS STRUCTURE. (Magnified 2300 diameters.) Some are seen in profile ; others on the flat. S.E.- Fig. 133. — Diagram of a sarcomere in a moderately extended condition, a, and in a contracted condition, b. K, K, membranes of Krause ; H, line or plane of Hensen ; S.B., poriferous sarcous element. lengthened and narrowed. The sarcous element does not lie free in the middle of the sarcomere, but is attached at either end to Krause's membrane by very fine lines, which may represent fine septa, running through the clear substance (fig. 133); on the other hand, Krause's membrane appears to be attached laterally to a fine membrane which limits the fibril externally. The planes of sarcous elements set side by side in a muscle-fibre form the dark stripe (the so-called principal disk) of the muscle- substance of ordinary muscle-fibres (fig. 130). But in the wing-muscles of insects the sarcous elements of the fibrils less constantly lie in continuous planes, and the whole fibre is therefore very indistinctly and irregularly cross-striated, although each individual fibril is markedly so (fig. 131). As already stated, the sarcous elements are remarkable for containing a large proportion of potassium salts (Macallum). Sometimes in the ordiiiar\' (leg) muscles of arthropods what look like detached dot-like portions of the sarcous element are seen within the clear stripes, lying usually near Krause's membrane. The rows of such dots liave been termed accessor^/ disks. Most muscles show no accessory disks, but the sarcoplasmic enlargements between the fibrils (fig. 127, d) are often mistaken for them. 118 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Muscle in polarised light. — When muscle-fibres are examined with polarised liglit between crossed Nichol's prisms, the sarcous elements (which form the dark stripe) are seen to be doubly refracting (anisotropous), while the clear substance (forming the light stripe) is singly refracting (isotropous). In contracted parts of the muscle the (anisotropous) sarcous elements are seen to have increased in bulk, while the isotropous substance of the clear stripe has correspondingly diminished in amount (fig. 134, b). Fig 134— Leg-muscle fibre of chbysomela coerulea with (fixed) con- traction WAVE photographed UNDER POLARISING MICROSCOPE.l A, with uncrossed Nichols ; B, with crossed Xichols, F. Merkel described a reversal of the stripes during contraction, i.e. a transference of the anisotropous substance of the dark stripe from Hensen's line to Krause's membrane, the place of the dark stripes thus becoming occupied by clear material, that of the light stripes by dark. He further described this condition as being preceded by an intermediate stage in which the fibril shows homogeneity of shading. No doubt in the ordinary muscle- fibres of arthrojjods, when we observe the so-called ' fixed ' waves of con- traction, there is an apparent blurring of the cross-striation of the fibre just where the muscle is passing from extension to contraction, but this appear- ance is explicable by the unequal pull of the contracted parts of the fibrils upon those which are not yet contracted. The contraction in each fibre starts from the nerve-ending, which is at one side of the fibre, and spreads first across the fibre and then tends to pass as a wave towards either end. But the one side always has a start in the progress of this wave, and the fibrils must thus receive an unequal pull, so that they are shifted along one another and the liue of cross-striping is broken up. That no transference of anisotropous substance really occurs is at once clear from the appearance 1 1 am indebted to Professor Engelmann for these two photographs. MUSCLK IN POLARISED LIGHT. 119 of the contracting fibre under jjolaiised linht (fi,t^. 134, h), nnd the study of the isolated (ibrils of winy;-niuscle gives no support to the tlieory of reversal, although it is widely held by (xerinan authors. That the apparent reversal is not real is also illustrated by fig. 135, which represents a leg muscle fibre of an insect in process of contraction. The dark bands of the ct)ntraction-wave are seen to be really due to accumulations of sarcoplasm. These accumulations appear as dark lines which obscure the continuity of the fibrils, and by contrast cause the whole of the sarcomeres between them to aiipear light. "Mechanism of contraction. — Comparing the structure of the sar- comere with that of the protoplasm of an amteboid cell we find in both a framework (spongiopiasm, sub-' stance of sarcous element) which incloses in its meshes or pores a clear, probably fluid substance (hyaloplasm, clear substance of sarcomere). In both instances also the clear substance or hyaloplasm, when the tissue is subjected to stimulation, passes into the pores of the porous substance or spongio- piasm (contraction), whilst in the ab.sence of such stimulation it tends to pass out from the spongiopiasm (formation of pseudopodia, resting condition of muscle). The effect of stimulation appears in both structures to be the production of a change in surface tension (perhaps between the hyaloplasm and spon- giopiasm) ; this change being de- monstrably accompanied in muscle by a ditference in electric jJotential. In all probability such an electric change occurs in all protoplasm. Thus both the movements of cell-protoplasm and those of muscle seem brought about by like means, although at first sight the structure of muscle is cjuite dissimilar from that of protoplasm. We have already noticed that the movements of cilia are susceptible of a somewhat similar explanation. Fig. 13.5. — "Wave of contraction passing over a leg-muscle fibre of dytiscus. Highly magnified. 120 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XV. CONNEXION OF MUSCLE WITH TENDON; BLOOD-VESSELS OF MUSCLE; CARDIAC MUSCULAR TISSUE; DEVELOPMENT OF MUSCLE; PLAIN MUSCULAR TISSUE. 1. To study the connexion of muscle with tendon, a frog is killed by destruc- tion of the brain and spinal cord, and placed in about a litre of water raised to a temperature of 55° C. It is left in this for 15 minutes, the water gradually cooling. It is then easy to dissociate the muscular fibres in large numbers. To obserA^e their attachment to the tendon-bundles a fine longi- tudinal shred must be snipped off with scissors at the tendinous attachment^ and dissociated upon a slide in a drop of water. It will usually be found that the muscular substance is retracted from the end of the sarcolemma tube, which is firmly cemented to the tendon-bundle. The structure may be brought more distinctly into view by adding to the dissociated fibres a drop of a weak solution of iodine in salt solution or iu serum (iodised serum).' 2. The blood-vessels of muscle. These are studied in longitudinal and transverse sections or in flattened-out pieces of injected muscle. It will be noticed that the capillaries are very numerous, and form a network with oblong meshes. In the red muscles of the rabbit, small dilatations are seen on the transverse cords of the network. 3. The muscular tissue of the heart is studied in sections of that organ (see Lesson XXVII.) and also in teased preparations. To prepare the latter, place a small piece of heart-muscle in 33 per cent, alcohol for a few days ; stain in picro-carmine solution for some hours or days ; and tease in dilute glycerine. 4. Tear off a small shred of the muscular coat of a piece of cat's intestine which has been for 48 hours or more in J per cent, bichromate of potash solution or in 33 per cent, alcohol. Hold the shred with forceps in a drop of water and fray it out with a needle. In this process many cells will be set free and can be found with a low power. The preparation may then be covered and examined with a high power. Sketch one of the cells. Then allow dilute hfematoxylin solution to pass under the cover-glass and lastly a drop of glycerine. Sketch another cell after staining. Measure two or three cells and their nuclei. Ending of muscle in tendon. — A small tendon-bundle passes to each muscular fibre and becomes firmly united with the sarcolemma, which extends over the end of the fibre (fig. 136). Besides this immediate attachment, a further connexion is established by the 'This method is the one given by Kanvier (Traite Technique, p. 395). The nuiscle-endings may also sometimes be well seen at the extremities of the tendons which are removed from the mouse's tail in the manner described in Lesson X. BLOOD-VESSELS OF MUSCLE. 121 fact that the areohir tissue between the tendon biuuUes is continuous witli that which lies between the muscular fibres. Blood-vessels of muscle. — The capillaries of muscular tissue are very numerous. They run, for the most part, longitudinally, with transverse branches, so as to form long oblong meshes (fig. 137). Ho blood-vessels ever penetrate the sarcolemma. In the red muscles of the rabbit, the transverse capillaries have small dilatations upon Fig. 136. — Termination of a mus- cular FIBRE IN TENDON. (Ran- ^'^^^•) Fig. 137.— Capillary vessels of 7)j, sarcolemma ; s, the same membrane MUSCLE, passing over the end of the fibre ; p, , extremity of muscular substance, c, retracted from the lower end of the sarcolemma-tube ; t, a tendon-bundle passing to be fixed to the sarcolemma. them (fig. 13S). Associated with this and other peculiarities of structure (see p. 115), it is found that the red muscles have a much slower rate of contraction, and a much longer period of latency than the ordinary muscles. Lymph-vessels, although present in the connective-tissue sheath (perimysium) of a muscle, do not penetrate between the component fibres. The motor nerves of voluntary muscles pierce the sarcolemma 122 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. and terminate in ramified expansions knovvn as end-plates or motor end-organs ; the sensoiy nerves end in groups of specially modified muscle fibres known as mnsde-spiiulles (see Lesson XIX.). Development.— Voluntary muscular fibres are developed from em- bryonic cells of the mesoderm (muscle-plate), which become elongated, and the nuclei of which become multiplied, so as to produce long slender multi-nucleated fusiform or cylindrical embryonic fibres. According to most recent authorities the embryonic fibres are not formed by the growth of a single cell, but by the joining together Fig. 138. — Vascular network of a red muscle (semi-texdixosus) ok the RABBIT. (Ranv'ier. ) o, arteriole ; v, v, venules ; n, dilatation on transverse branch of capillaries. end to end of a number of cells of the muscle-plate (or even of more than one muscle-plate), so as to prbduce a syncytium, within which the striated fibrils make their appearance. These appear at first along one side of the fibre, the change gradually extending around the circumference and also penetrating towards the centre ; but the protoplasm at the middle of the fibre, to which the nuclei are presently confined, and at the side opposite to that at which the diSerentiation began, remains for some time unaltered in character (fig. 139). Eventually the change in structure extends to these parts also, and the nuclei pass gradually to occupy their ordinary position under the sarcolemma, which has by this time become formed. The sarcolemma is "believed to be produced, not by the muscle-fibre itself. BLOOD-VESSELS OF MUSCLE. V23 but b}' the mcsench3'iue or connective-tissue cells between the fibres, since it is directly continuous with the connective-tissue bundles of the tendon and of the interstitial tissue. Fig. 139. — Developing muscular fibres. A, elongated cell with two nuclei. A striation is beginning in the protoplasm along one .side of the cell ; from fcetal sheep. (Wilson Fox.) B, from human ffetus of two months. (Ranvier.) p, central protoplasm with several nuclei, ii, scattered in it ; s, commencing sarcolemma, with striated muscular sub- .staiice developing immediately beneath it. C, from human foetus uf three months. (Ranvier.) The contractUe substance, s, f, now almost incloses the unaltered protoplasm, g ; only one nucleus, n, is represented. CARDIAC MUSCLE. The muscular substance of the heart is composed of transversely striated muscular fibres, which differ from those of voluntary muscle in the following particulars, viz. :— their striations are less distinct ; they have no sarcolemma, although there is a thin superficial layer of non-fibrillated substance ; they branch and unite by their branches and also at the side with neighbouring fibres, and their 124 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. nuclei lie in the substance and often near the centre of the fibres. In man and many mammals the fibres are marked off" into a series of short cylindrical cells (figs. 140, 141) joined together end to end and side to side, each corresponding to one of the nuclei. The junctions of these cells may be seen in longitudinal sections appropriately stained ; they come also distinctly into view in sections of the fresh tissue stained with nitrate of silver. They appear to be bridged across by fine fibrils, continued into the cells above and below the lines of junction (fig. 143). These lines have usually been regarded as intercellular spaces separating the constituent cells of the tissue from one another f ii Fig. 140.— Muscular fibres from the heart, magnified, showing their cross-stri.e, divisions, and junc- TIONS. (Schweigger-Seidel.) The nuclei and cell-junctions are only repre- sented on the right-hand side of the figure. Fig. 141. — Six muscular fibre-cells FROM THE HEART. (Magnified 425 diameters. ) a, line of junction between two colls; 6, c, branching of cells. (From a drawing by J. E. Neale.) (Schweigger-Seidel). But recent authorities (Przewosky, v. Ebner, M. Heidenhain) are inclined to regard the cardiac muscular tissue as forming a syncytium, the cells being all continuous both laterally and longitudinally, and the apparent intercellular lines being special diff"erentiations. These, according to v. Ebner, are due to localised con- tractions, but, according to Heidenhain, represent portions of the fibres at which growth in length occurs (analogous to the suture-lines between the flat bones of the cranium). As against this view of the structure of the heart-muscle, and in favour of that of Schweigger- Seidel, must be set the silver-staining of the supposed cell-junctions, and the fact that it is easily possible in some animals to separate the fibres after maceration into short uninucleated fragments as in fig. 141. CARDIAC MUSCLE. 125 The short non-nucleated lengths of fibres (fig. 142), which Heidenhain regards as fatal to the cellular theory, may be parts of cells lying in other planes of the myocardium, which are inserted between those belonging to the plane included in the longitudinal section. On the other hand, the continuity of the muscular fibrils within the masses of Purkinje's fibres under the endocardium in the sheep, the fibrils around one cell being freely continued around the neighbouring cells (see fig. 304, p. 252), is in favour of the syncytial theory. Further, Fig. 142. — Diagram of segmextatiox OF HEART JIUSCLE. (M. Heidenhain.) Parts op the segments coxtaix one OR TWO nuclei, but SOME ABE QUITE SMALL AND XON-NUCLEATED. , iM fmrnm $\m^- Fig. 143. — Portiox of cardiac muscle EXHIBITING continuity OF FIBBILS ACROSS JUNXTIONAL LINE. (Przewoskj.) Highlv ma^uified in many vertebrates, including some mammals, no cell-territories can be made out in the myocardium, whilst in others, and especially in man and some mammals, although definite cell-territories can be shown to exi.st in the adult condition, they are absent in young animals. We must therefore conclude that both conditions may occur. The explanation of these diff'erences appears to lie in the fact that in all heart-muscle at a certain period of development the cells form a syncytium within which the contractile fibrils are developed, and only in mammals is a differentiation of the syncytium into cells produced ; the lines of junction being even here bridged across by the muscle-fibrils. 126 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Non-striated, Smooth or Plain Muscle. Involuntary or plain muscular tissue is composed of long, somewhat flattened, fusiform cells (fig. Hi), which vary much in length. Each cell has an oval or rod-shaped nucleus, which shows the usual intra- nuclear network and commonly one or two nucleoli. The cell-substance A, Fig. 144.— Muscular fibre-cells from the muscular coat of the small intestine, highly magnified. A, a complete cell, showing the nucleus with intra-nuclear network, and the longitudinal fibrillation of the cell-substance, with finely vacuolated protoplasm between the fibrils ; B, a cell broken in the process of isolation ; a delicate external layer projects at the broken end a little beyond the striated substance of the cell. Fig. 144. Fig. 145.— Muscle-cells of intes- Fig. 146.— Plain muscle TINE. (Szymonowicz.) Magnified 530 diameters. The fibres are represented in longitudinal section ; and the interstices between them are seen to be bridged across by fine fibrils, i, interstice ; n, nucleus. FIBRE, SHOWING NU- CLEUS, centriole, .\Nn CYTOPLASM WITH FIB- RILS. (Lenhossek.) is finely fibrillated, but does not exhibit cross-strise like those of voluntary muscle. There appears, as in cardiac muscle, to be a delicate non-striated external layer, probably a stratum of undifferen- tiated protoplasm, certainly not a true sarcolemma. Next to this, in some smooth muscle, is a layer containing coarser fibrils (boundary fibrils of M. Heidenhain). There is a little intercellular substance PLAIN MUSCLE. 127 which can be stained by nitrate of silver, and which is Imdged across liy Hlaments passing from cell to cell (fig. 145). Some authorities, however, deny that the involuntary cells are thus connected, and hold that the appearance of bridging fibres is due to intercellular connective tissue. It is however difficult to understand how the contractions are propagated from cell to cell if there is no sort of continuity between the cells. Plain muscular tissue is found chiefly in the walls of hollow viscera ; thus it forms the muscular coat of the stomach and intestine.s, and occurs abundantly in the muscular coat of the gullet, although it is here intermixed with cross-striated muscle ; it is found also in the mucous membrane of the whole alimentary canal from the oesophagus downwards ; in the trachea and its ramifications ; in the urinarv l)ladder and ureters; in the uterus and Fallopian tubes; in the prostate; the spleen and lymphatic glands ; the muscle of Miiller in the orbit, and in the ciliary muscle and iris. The walls of gland-ducts also contain it : and the middle coat of the arteries, veins and lymphatics is largely composed of this tissue. It occurs in the skin, both in the secreting part of the sweat glands, and in small bundles attached to the hair- follicles ; in the scrotum it is found abundantly in the subcutaneous tissue (dartos), and it also occurs in the areola of the nipple. Development. — According to the observations of C. M'Gill, the smooth muscle of the alimentary canal (pig) is developed from the syncytium of mesenchyme cells which surrounds the entoderm. Some of these cells become elongated and spindle-shaped while retaining their inter-connexion. Myofibrils are developed in their protoplasm. These are not confined to the limits of a single cell, but extend over two or even a large number of cells. The myofibrils are of two kinds, coarse and fine, varying in relative number in different parts. The distinction is seen even in the fully formed muscle, which retains its syncytial character, and is not formed of completely separated cells. In certain situations smooth muscle is formed from epithelium, as with the muscular tissue of the sweat glands (Ranvier) and that of the iris (Xussbaum, Szili). 128 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XVI. STRUCTURE OF NERVE-FIBRES. 1. Tease a piece of fresh nerve rapidly in salt solution (or by the method of seniidesiccation, afterwards mounting in salt solution), injuring the fibres as little and obtaining them as long and straight as possible. Study the medul- lated fibres, carefully noticing all the structures that are visible — viz., nodes of Ranvier, nucleus of primitive sheath, double contour of medullary sheath, medullary segments, etc. Measure the diameter of half a dozen fibres. Draw a short length of a fibre very exactly. 2. Prepare a piece of sympathetic nerve in the same way. The nerves passing to the spleen are well adapted for the study of non-medullated fibres. They may also be found amongst the medullated fibres of the ordinary nerves. The nuclei may be stained by gentian violet. 3. Separate (in dilute glycerine) into its fibres a small piece of nerve or nerve-root that has been twenty-four hours in 1 per cent, osmic acid. The nerve should have been moderately stretched on a piece of cork by means of glass pins before being placed in the acid. Keep the fibres as straight as possible and only touch them near their ends with the needles. Sketch two portions of a fibre under a high power, one showing a node of Ranvier and the other a nucleus of the primitive sheath. Look for fibres of Remak. Measure the length of the nerve-segments between the nodes of Ranvier. 4. Mount in xylol balsam or dammar sections of a nerve which has been hardened in picric acid and alcohol, or fixed with osmic acid and hardened in alcohol. The sections may be stained with picro-carmine or hsematoxylin. The nerve should be pinned out straight upon a cork with glass pins before being placed in the hardening solutions. Examine the sections first with a low and afterwards with a high power. Notice the lamellar structure of the j^erineurium, the varying size of the nerve-fibres, the axis cylinder in the centre of each fibre, etc. Measure the diameter of five or six fibres, and sketch a small portion of one of the sections. 5. Study sections of splenic nerve placeil as soon as possible after death in Flemming's solution. 6. Teased })reparations and sections from nerves which, some days pre- viously, have been cut nearer the spinal cord. The nerves should have been prepared with osmic acid, as in ^ 3. Notice the breaking up of the myelin of the medullary sheath, varying in degree according to the length of time the section has been made previously. In pre])arations from the central cut end of the nerve prepared by Cajal's reduced silver method ^ new fibres may be seen budding from near the extremities of the undegenerated fibres of the stump. Nerve-fibres are of two kinds, medullated and non-medtdlated. The cerebro-spinal nerves and the white matter of the nerve-centres are ^ See Appendix. STRUCrrUKE OF NEUVK-FIBRKS. 129 composed of medullated fibres; the sympathetic nerves near their peripheral distiibution are largely made up of non-medullated fibres. Fig. 147. —"White or medullated nerve-fibbes, showing the sinuous outline and double contours. Fig. 148.— Portions of two nerve- fibres STAINED with OSMIC ACID, FROM A YOUNG ANIMAL. (Diagram- matic.) i?, R, constrictions of Ranvier, with axis- cylinder passing through, a, neurolemma of the nerve ; c, opposite the middle of the segment, indicates the nucleus and proto plasm Ij-ing between the primitive sheath and the medullary sheath. In A the nodes are wider, and the intersegmental sub- stance more apparent than in B. mm Fig. 148. The medullated or white fibres are characterised, as their name implies, by the presence of the so-called medullar!/ sheath or white substance. This is a layer of soft substance, physically of a fatty 130 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY". nature, which encircles the essential part of a nerve-fibre, viz., the axis-cylinder. Outside the medullary sheath is a delicate but tough homogeneous membrane, the primitive sheath or nucleated sheath of Schicann, but this is not present in all medullated fibres, being absent in those which are within the nerve-centres. The primitive sheath is known as the neurolemma?- ifeStri ii'i Fig. 149.— a small part of a ^iedullated FIBRE. (Highly magnified. ) The fibre looks in optical section like a tube— heuce the term tubular, formerly applied to these fibres. Two partial breaches of continuity (medullary clefts) are seen in the medullary sheath, which at these places exhibits a tendency to split into laminfe. The primitive sheath is here and there apjiarent outside the medullary sheath, and the delicate stria? which are visible in the middle of the fibre indicate the fibrilla- tions of the axis cvlinder. w. Fig. I.'jO. — Two portions of medul- lated NERVE FIBRES, AFTER TREAT- MENT WITH O.SillC ACID, SHOWING THE AXIS-CYLINDER ANI; THE MEDULLARY AND PRIMITIVE SHEATHS. (Kej and Retzius. ) A, node of Ranvier. B, middle of an inter- node with nucleus, c, axis-cj'linder pro- jecting ; p, primitive sheath, within which the medullary sheath, which is stained dark by the osmic acid, is broken away for a short distance. The medullary sheath is composed of a highly refracting fatty material (myelin), which gives a characteristic dark contour and tubular appearance to the nerve-fibres (fig. 147). It afiords a continuous investment to the axis-cylinder, except that, as was shown by Ranvier, in the peripheral nerve-fibres it is interrupted at regular intervals. At these places the neurolemma appears to produce a constriction in the nerve-fibre, and the interruptions of the medullary sheath are accordingly known as the constrictions (Ranvier) or nodes (figs. 148, 151), the latter term being applied from the resemblance which they bear to the nodes of a bamboo. It is, however, uncertain whether the constriction is 1 Often termed "neurilemma," a name formerly applied also to the sheath of Henle (see p. 136). NERVE- FIBRES. i:il entirely occupied by the neurolemma itself or partly by a special band (constricting band of Ranvier) of a material which resembles intercellular substance in its reaction to nitrate of silver (fig. 16"J). The length of nerve l)etween two successive nodes is termed an inter- node ; in the middle of each internode is one of the nuclei of the Fig. 151. — Nerve-fibre prepared with osmic acid. (Szymonowicz.) 6, constriction of Rauvicr. The intervals between the modulliuy sognicnt.s appear as clear oblique lines, «, a. neurolemma. Besides these interruptions the medullary sheath shows a variable number of oblique clefts (Lantermann) (figs. 149, 151), sub- dividing it into irregular portions, which have been termed medullary segments ; but there is some reason to believe that the clefts are artificially produced. At the clefts there is an appearance of spiral fibres in the medullary sheath, especially after treatment of the nerve Fig. 152. — Spiral and reticular fibrils ix the sheath of a nerve- fibre, (fiolgi.) with certain reagents (Golgi) (fig. 152); it is, however, possible that this appearance does not represent any pre-existing structure. A reticular appearance has also been described in the medullary sheath (neurokei'aiin network of Kiihne), and can be readily seen in nerve fibres fixed in alcohol and treated with ether, but it varies greatly in aspect, and is perhaps produced by the action of the reagents Fig. 153.^Recticular aitearance in the medull.vry she.\th of a nerve-fibre. (Gedoelst.) (From the guinea-pig. ) employed to show it (figs. 152, 153). By other modes of fixation {e.g. picric acid) the medullary sheath seems to have a rod-like structure (fig. 155) ; this again may be due to the manner in which certain of its constituents are coagulated by the reagent. Osmic acid stains the medullary sheath black (figs. 151, 154, 156). 132 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The axis-ci/linder, which runs along the middle of the nerve-fibre, is a soft transparent thread which is continuous from end to end of the nerve. On account of the peculiar refractive nature of the medullary sheath it is difficult to see the axis-cylinder in the fresh nerve except at the nodes, where it may be observed stretching across the interruptions Fig. 154. — Longitudinal .\xd transverse section of medullatkd nerve- fibre OF FROG (osMic ACID AND ACID fuchsine). (After Biedermaiin. ) The longitudinal section shows one node of Ranvier and two of Lanterniann's clefts. The fibi-illar structure of the axis-cylinder is shown in both longitudinal and transverse section. /^^>X in the medullary sheath ; it may also sometimes be seen projecting from a broken end of a nerve-fibre. It is longitudinally striated, being made up of exceedingly fine fibrils {nenro-fihrils, fig. 154). They are readily seen at the terminations of nerves as in the cornea and are also visible in the section of a nerve- fibre as fine dots (fig. lo-t), which sometimes appear to have a clear centre (fig. 155), as if the fibrils were tubular. Staining with nitrate of silver produces a curious trans- versel}" striated appearance in the axis-cylinder (Fromann) (fig. 162, c), but this is due to the precipita- tion of chlorides, and does not indicate a pre-existing structure (Macallum). Medullated nerve - fibres vary greatly in size (figs. 155, 156), but may be classified as large, inter- mediate, and small. The largest are those which are passing to the skin and to the voluntary muscles : the smallest are those which are distributed to the viscera and blood- vessels by way of the autonomic nerves. ^ As shown by Gaskell, the 'This term has been introduced by Laugley to include both the nerves of the sympathetic system and also the analogous nerves which proceed from the cranial and sacral regions for the innervation of certain involuntary muscles and secreting glands. Fig. ICio. FIBRES. -Section across five nerve- (Magnified 1000 diameters. ) The nerve was hardened in picric acid and stained with picro-carmine. The radial striation of the medullary sheath is very apparent. In one fibre the i-aysare broken by shrinkage of the axis-cylinder. The fibrils of the axis-cylinder appear tubular. (From a photogi-aph.) NERVE-FIBRES. 133 anterior roots of the last one or two cervical nerves, of all the thoracic, of the first and second lumbar, and of the second and third sacral nerves contain besides the ordinary large medullated fibres a bundle of very small medullated fibres which are destined for the Fig. 1.56. — Section of the sciatic nerve of a c.\t, showing the vakiations IN SIZE OF ITS constituent FIBRES. (Magnified ;W0 diameters.) The nerve was fixed with osinic acid. viscera and blood-vessels, and which for the most part pass to the sympathetic system. The roots of some of the cranial nerves (the spinal accessory, vagus, glossopharyngeal, and facial) contain similar fine medullated fibres. Non-medullated fibres. — Intermingled with the medullated fibres there may always, even in the cerebro-spinal nerves, be found a certain Fig. 157. — Non-medullated nekve-fibres. (Magnified 400 diameters.) number of pale fibres devoid of the dark double contour which is characteristic of the presence of a medullary sheath. These are the grey OT non-medullated fibres, also called, after their discoverer, ^5re5 of Remak (fig. 157). They frequently branch, Avhich the medullated 134 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. fibres rarely do except near their termination, and they are beset with numerous nuclei which perhaps belong to a delicate sheath, but this is not certain, and undoubtedly both in longitudinal view and in cross section the nuclei seem to lie in the substance of the fibres. The sympathetic nerves, as they approach their peripheral dis- tribution, are largely made up of fibres of this nature, but man}?^ of the fibres contained in the sympathetic nerves possess a thin medul- lary sheath, and have the usual structure of medullated fibres. Structure of the nerve-trunks. — In their course through the body the nerve-fibres are gathered up into bundles or funiculi, and the funiculi are again united together to form the nerves which we meet with in dissection. The connective tissue which unites the funiculi and invests the whole nerve, connecting it to neighbouring Fig. 158. — Section across non-medullated fibres from the splenic nerve OF THE OX. (Tuckett.) Fig. 1.59. — Section op part of a nerve-trunk fixed with osmic acid. (From a photograph.) Magnified 40 diameters. Three small funiculi and a small part of a larger funiculus are shown. The fat-cells in the epineurium are stained black by the osmic acid. parts and conveying to it blood-vessels, lymphatics, and even nerve- fibres destined for its coats, is termed the cfineurium ; it frequently contains fat-cells. That which ensheaths the funiculi is known as the perineurium (figs. L59 to 161). It has a distinctly lamellar structure (fig. 160), the lamellae being composed of connective tissue covered by flattened epithelioid cells (fig. 162, a). Between STRUCTURE OF NERVE-TRUNKS. 135 the lamellae are clefts for the conveyance of lymph to the lymphatics of the epineurium. The delicate connective tissue which lies between the nerve-fibres of the funiculus is the endoneurinni. It assists in r ' igment near the nucleus. Observe the fibrillation of the cell-processes. Many axis- cylinders will be seen in this preparation deprived wholly or partially of their medullary sheath, and their fibrillar structure can then also be well seen. C'arefiilly sketch these appearances. To keep the methylene blue preparation the stain must be fixed with picrate of ammonia, after which a mixture of glycerine and pici'ate of ammonia may be used for mounting. If picrocarmine is used the specimen is simply preserved in dilute glycerine. Similar preparations may be made from the grey matter of the cerebral cortex and cerebellar cortex. 138 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. 6. Examine sections of s])iiial cord, medulla oblongata and brain stained by methylene blue (Nissl's method), to exhibit the angular particles within the nerve-cells. 7. Examine sections of parts of brain, spinal cord and ganglia jirepared by Cajal's method, to exhibit the neuro-fibi'ils in the cells and cell-processes. 8. Examine the nerve-cells and neuroglia-cells in sections from the spinal cord, cerebrum, or cerebelluru of a small animal, e.g. young rat or kitten, pre|)ared by Golgi's method. The sections must be mounted in thick xylol balsam or dammar varnish, without a cover-glass, and dried lapidly on a warm plate. 9. Examine sections of spinal cord (lumbar enlargement) and correspond- ing spinal ganglia from an animal in which the sciatic nerve had been cut about three weeks before it was killed. The sections are to be stained by Nissl's method. Many of the anterior horn nerve-cells and of the ganglion- cells on the side of the lesion will exhibit the chromatolysis or breaking down of the Nissl granules, which is characteristic of cells the axons of which have been severed. They may be compared with the normal cells on the intact side. Nerve-cells, neurocytes or neurones. — Nerve-cells occur in the grey matter of the nerve centres, and in little groups on the course of certain of the peripheral nerves, these groups often causing nodular enlargements of the nerves, which are knoAvn as (janglia. The most conspicuous ganglia are those which are found vipon the posterior roots of the spinal nerves, upon the roots of some of the cranial nerves, and upon the trunk and principal branches of the sympathetic nerve. Minute ganglia are also found very numerously in connection with the nerves which are supplied to glands and involuntaiy muscular tissue, as in the salivary glands, heart, alimentary canal, bladder, uterus, etc. Nerve-cells A^ary much in size and shape ; many are large, some being amongst the largest cells met with in the body, but others are quite small. All nerve-Cells possess at least one process, the axon, which becomes either a non-medullated fibre or the axis- cylinder of a medullated fibre. If other processes are present they are always branched almost from their commencement at the cell-body, and they are therefore termed dendrons (dendrites). The nucleus is generally large, clear, and spherical, with a single large and distinct nucleolus ; there may also be a network of chromatin, but this is not always to be seen. The cj^toplasm is tibrillated, the fibrils passing into the processes; they are known as neuro-fibrils (p. 132), and are believed to be the actual conductors of nerve-impulses. It also contains peculiar angular particles {Nisd granidcs) staining deeply with methylene blue, but the size, number, and arrangement of these in different cells vary greatly (fig. 163). The granules also vary in number and size with the physiological condition of the cells ; thus it is found i NERVE.CELLS 139 Fig. 163.— Multipolar and unipolar types of nervk-cell. A, Large pyramidal cell of cerebral cortex, human. Nissl method. (Cajal.) a, axon ; h, cell-bodj^ ; c, apical dendi-oii ; d, placed between two of the basal dendrons points to the nucleus of a neuroglia cell. B, Unipolar cell from spinal ganglion of rabbit. Nissl method. (Cajal.) a, axon ; b, circumnuclear zone, poor in granules ; c, capsule ; d, network within nucleus ; e, nucleolus. 140 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. that nerve-cells which have been fatigued by prolonged activity (fig. 164), and also those the axis-cylinder process of which has been cut (fig. 165), show the Nissl granules becoming disintegrated ; they may even disappear for a time from the cell. A similar result is found to occur after the action of poisons which especially affect the nervous system. The Nissl granules of the nerve-cell appear to consist chemically mainly of nucleoproteid ; they contain organically combined iron (Macallum). Many nerve-cells have also a clump of pigment- granules, containing lecithin, at one side of the nucleus. This is especially marked in certain locali- ties (locus coeruleus, locus niger), and is more frequent in man than in the lower animals. The pigment also tends to increase in amount as I Fig. 164. -Two MOTOR NERVE-CELLS FROM THE DOG. a, normal ; b, after a period of prolonged activit}'. (Photographed from preparations age advailCCS. by Dr. Gustav Mann.) ° As already stated, the body of every nerve-cell is traversed by fine fibrils (neuro-Jibrils) continuous with those in the axis-cylinder of the issuing nerve and with similar Fig. 165. — Chromatolysis of nerve-cells, produced by severance of axon. (Diagrammatic.) A, Nissl granules normal ; B, commencing chromatolysis, the cell and nucleus swollen and the granules beginning to disintegrate (the nucleus is usually close to the periphery at this stage); C, advanced condition of chromatolysis, the cell and nucleus shrunken. NERVE-CELLS. 141 fibrils in their dendrons. They were noticed by Max Schultze, but their course and connections were first accurately described by Apathy in the nerve-cells of certain annelids. They can be seen without any difficulty in the nerve-cells of vertebrates (fig. 166) by the employ- FiG. 166. — Neeve-cells of kitten (froji the anterior corpora quadrigemina) SHOWING neuro-fibrils. (Cajal.) II, axon ; 6, c, d, various parts of the intracellular plexus of fibrils. ment of the silver reduction method of Cajal. The neuro-fibrils are said to present variations in thickness according to the condition of activity of the animal at the time of death. Most, if not all, nerve-cells show a delicate superficial reticulum (fig. 167), described by Golgi, which is generally regarded as composed of neuro-fibrils, but, according to J. Turner, may be an investment derived from neuroglia-cells. Golgi has also described another network 142 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. of fibrils with somewhat larger meshes {deep reticulum of Golgi) (fig. 168) in the deeper parts of the cell. According to some authorities both &^ Fig. 167. — Superficial network of golgi .surrounding two cells from the cerebral cortex of the cat; ehrlich's method. (Cajal.) A, large cell ; B, small cell, a, a, folds in the network ; b, a ring- like condensation of the network at the poles of the larger cell ; c, spinous projections from the surface. Fig. 168. — Nerve-cell from spinal ganglion, showing NETWORK around THE NUCLEUS. (Golgi.) ill Fig. 169.— Axis-cylinder PROCESS of a nerve- cell FROM THE SPINAL CORD. (M. Schultze.) X X , portion of the cell-body, out of which the fibrils of the axis-cylinder process, o, are seen to emerge. At «', this process acquires a medullary .sheath. (Highly magnified.) NERVE-CELLS. 143 superficial cand deep networks are in continuity throughout the cell, and receive and are prolonged from the neuro-fibrils of an entering axon on the one hand, and with those of the axis-cylinder process of the nerve-cell, and also of the dendrons, on the other hand. Other authorities regard these networks as distinct from the neuro-fibrils, which they suppose to run independently through the nerve-cell body, entei-ing it by way of the dendrons and emerging in the axon. Trophospongium of NERVE-CELi.s. — Entirely distinct from the fibrils is a system of fine canaliculi, which has been described by E. Holmgren, permeating the cytoplasm of the nerve-cell body for the purpose of subserving its nutrition by conveying plasma into its substance (see fig. 4, p. 4). These channels are stated by Holmgren to be occupied by branching processes of other (connective-tissue or neuroglia) cells. In the very large nerve-cells from which the nerves of the electric organs of Malapterurus arise blood-vessels penetrate into the cytoplasm. Fig. 170.— Two bipolar g.-^nglion cells (fish). (Holmgren.) In B the medullar}- sheath is continued as a thin layer over the oell-hody. Processes of nerve-cells. — As already intimated the processes are of two kinds. The first is that known as the axis-cylinder process (Deiters) or nerve-fibre process, so called because it becomes the axis-cylinder of a nerve-fibre (fig. 169 a, a); in the case of the non-medullated fibres, it becomes the nerve-fibre itself. It is also termed the neuraxon or simply the axon. Probably no nerve-cell is without this process. The place where it arises from the body of the nerve-cell {cone of origin) is marked off from the rest of the cell-substance by absence of Nissl granules (see fig. 163). The other processes of the nerve-cell are those which were termed by Deiters the protoplasmic processes ; they are now usually termed the 144 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. dendrons or dendrites and are generally multiple, whereas the axon is generally single. The dendrons are characterised by the fact that as soon as they leave the cell they begin to branch dendritically, whereas the axis-cylinder process does not branch until near its Fig. 171. — Vakiods forms of pericellular ending of entering nerve fibres IX THE TRAPEZOID NUCLEUS OF THE CAT. (Edinger, after Veratti. ) termination, with the exception of a few fine lateral offshoots, which are sometimes given off in its course. Dendrons may be absent ; the cell is then adendric. Most nerve-cells have only one nerve-fibre process (unipolar), but some have two or more (bipolar, multipolar). The dendrons contain Nissl's granules, but the axons do not. PROCESSES OF NERVE-CELLS. 145 The shape of the cell depends largely on the number of processes, and the manner in which they come off from the cell. If there is but one chief process the cell is generally nearly spherical. This is the case with most of the cells of the spinal ganglia (fig. 163, B) ; in these the single process, after a short course, divides into two fibres, which pass the one centrally the other peripherally (fig. 178). When there are two main processes from a nerve-cell they often go off in opposite directions from the cell, which is thus rendered somewhat spindle-shaped (fig. 170), but occasionally they emerge at the same part. When there are three or more processes, the cell becomes irregularly angular, as in the motor-cells of the spinal cord and the pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex. In some cases where there appear to be two fibres connected with a cell, one of them is derived from another nerve-cell elsewhere, and is passing to end in a ramification which envelops the cell-body. In certain situations the ramification is coarse and forms a calyx-like investment to the cell-body : this investment may be so intimately united to the body of the second cell that it appears to be rooted into the external layer (fig. 171); in other places the pericellular fibrils are very fine and form a felt-work over the cell-body (fig. 172), the fibrils coming in contact with the surface of the cell and sometimes ending in small button-like enlargements or varicosities. In preparations made by Golgi's chromate of silver method the nerve cells and their processes are coloured black by a deposit of reduced silver, so that the processes can be traced for a considerable distance from the body of the cell, in fact in many instances as far as their remotest ramifications. It is found by the employment of this method that the axis-cylinder process is not always an unbranched process, as was formerly supposed, but that it usually, if not invariably, 1 1 am indebted to Dr. J. Turner for the drawing here reproduced. Fig. 172. — Pericellular neuro-fibbils around a large pyramidal cell of the human cortex cerebri. ^ Methylene blue preparation. 146 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 173. -a pyramidal cell of the cobtex cerebri of the rabbit. (Cajal.) a, basal dendrons ; p, apical dendron ramifying near surfeoe ; e, axon ; c, its collaterals ; 6, fibres of white matter of biam. PROCESSES OF NERVE CELLS. 147 Fig. 174. -Cell op type II. of Golgi, with short axon ramifying in thi ADJACENT GREY MATTER. Fig. 175. — Synaptic connections of sympathetic cells from the SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION OF MAN. (Cajal.) The cells (A, B) show well-marked intracapsular dendrons. C, D, synapses between dendrons outside the cell-capsules ; E, a fibre, which is itself surrounded by a fine spirally wound fibril, passing to a cell and forming a synapse with the cell-dendrons within the capsule, a, a, axons ; b, c, d, e,f, extra-capsular dendrons. 148 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. gives off fine lateral branches (collaterals), which themselves tend to ramify in the adjacent nerve-substance (fig. 173). And although the main part of the axis-cylinder process usually passes on and becomes part of a long medullated nerve-fibre (cell of type I. of Golgi, fig. 173), this is not always the case, for in another type of nerve-cell within the nerve-centres (cell of type II. of Golgi, fig. 17-i) the axis-cylinder pro- cess breaks up almost immediately into an arborescence. Moreover, the long process of type I. (which becomes the axis-cylinder of a long nerve-fibre) ulti- mately ends in a similar manner, that is to say, in a terminal ramification or arborescence, as will be seen in study- ing the endings of nerve-fibres, and the structure of the central nervous system. Neurone theory. — Each nerve-cell is generally regarded as an anatomically independent element (nerve-unit, neurone), and the connection of one nerve-cell with another is believed to be effected through the medium of the terminal arborisations of the dendrons or axons. Such arborisations from different cells may interlace with one another (as in the olfactory glomeruli, in the retina, and in the sympathetic ganglia) (fig. 175), or a terminal arborisation from one cell may embrace the body or the cell-processes of another cell; as with the cells of the spinal cord (fig. 176) and the cells of the trapezoid nucleus of the pons Varolii (fig. 171) and in many other places. The term neuro-synapse may be applied to these modes of junction. By them nerve-cells are linked together into long chains of neurones, the physiological path being uninterrupted, although the anatomical path is, as above indi- cated, believed to be interrupted at the synapses. Fig. 176.— Arborisatiox of col- laterals FROM THE POSTERIOR ROOT-FIBRES AROVN'I) CELLS IN THE POSTERIOR HORX OF GREY MATTER. (Cajal.) A, fibres of posterior column derived from posterior root ; B, collaterals ; C, D, iiurve-cells in gi-ey matter sur- rounded by the arborisations of the collaterals ; E, an arborisation shown separately. The doctrine of the anatomical independence of the nerve-cell is known as the "neurone-theory " (Waldeyer). It is supported by the appearances of chromate of silver preparations of nerve-cells. In these the reduction of the silver is strictly confined to single cells, which become stained with all their NEURONE THEORY. 149 ])rocesses ; and these processes, wlien demonstrated by this method, are never found in continuity either with the processes or with the bodies of other nerve-cells. Moreover many of the facts relating to nerve-degeneration can be more readily interpreted by this theory than by one which assumes the existence of direct continuity between the nerve-units. But it has been .shown by Apathy that in annelids (the nervous system of which was formerl}' supposed to offer a typical example of isolated, linked "neurones"), the fibrils are in fact continuous from cell to cell and are not interrupted at the synapses ; it is therefore possible that the same may prove true for vertebrates also, in which case the doctrine of independent units would require modification. We may at any rate assume the truth of the hypothesis so far as the nutrition of all the processes of the nerve-cell to their remotest termination is concerned, independently of the question whether there is or is not anatomical continuity of nerve-fibrils from one unit to the other ; for there are many examples in both animal and plant cells of such interdependence by means of fibrils, combined with trophic independence. STRUCTURE OF GANGLIA. In the ganglia (fig. 177) each nerve-cell has a nucleated sheath which is continuous with the neurolemma of the nerve-fibre with which the Fig. 177. — Longitudinal section through the middle of a ganglion on THE posterior ROOT OF ONE OF THE SACRAL NERVES OF THE DOG, AS SEEN UNDER A LOW MAGNIFYING POWER. o, nerve-root entering the ganglion ; h, fibres leaving the ganglion to join the mixed spinal nerve ; c, connective-tissue coat of the ganglion ; d, principal group of nerve- cells, with fibres passing down from amongst the cells, to unite with the longitu- dinally coursing nerve-fibres by T-shaped junctions. cell is connected. In the spinal ganglia, and in many of the corre- sponding ganglia on the roots of the cranial nerves of mammals and of most other vertebrates, the cells have only one issuing process, the axis-cylinder process, which soon acquires a medullary sheath and then passes with a somewhat convoluted course to some little distance from the cell-body, where, still within the ganglion, it divides into two, one fibre passing to the nerve-centre, and the other towards the periphery. loO THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLrXxY, The branching is T-shaped or Y-shaped, and always occurs at a node of Eanvier (figs. 178, 179). The neuro-fibrils of the central and peripheral branches retain their individuality in the common trunk and are traceable into a neuro-fibril network within the cell-body. These spinal ganglion-cells have, as a rule, no dendrons, but some show Fig. i: -Two SPECAL GAXGLIOS-CELLS, SHOWING BIFCECATIOX OF THEIB XERVE-FIBRE PBOCES.SES. (Ranvier.) n, nuclens of one of the cells ; n, nuclei of capsules; «", nuclei of Schwann's sheatli; c, c, e', c', constrictions of Ranvier. short dendrons terminating in bulbous enlargements (fig. 182) either within the cell-capsule or immediately outside it (Huber, Cajal). The origin of the axon is not always simple, but may be multiple, the several parts forming at first a plexus close to the cell, eventually joining to produce a single axon. This multiple condition tends to become accentuated with age (fig. 183). The intracapsular dendrons also occur in sympathetic ganglia (Cajal) (figs. 175, 185). Two chief types of cells occur in the spinal ganglia, one large and clear, the other small and staining almost uniformly dark (fig. 179). As was first shown bv Dogiel, the cell-body of the spinal gangliou-cell is partially Invested by the convolut+^.d ramifications of a fine afferent uerve-fibre, derived either from one of the other cells of the same ganglion or from a cell in a neighbouring sympathetic ganglion (fig. 180). Similar afferent ^bres forming pericellular plexuses als) occur in the sympathetic ganglia (fig. 186). In the sympathetic ganglia the nerA-e-cells usually have several dendrons and one axon ; this usually becomes a non-medullated nerve- STliUCTUKE OF GANGLIA. 151 Fig. 179.— TY^^:-^ m- ckkebko-spinal ganglion-cells, from vagus ganglion OF CAT. (Ehrlich's method.) (Cajal.) A, B, large cells with much convoluted commenceraent of axon ; C, D, smaller cells ; E, F, smallest cells, staining darkly and without convolutions. Fig. 180.— Pericellular arborisations in spinal ganglion-cells. (Cajal. In A the arborisation extends over the cell-body ; in B it is limited to the axon. a, b, c, d, afferent fibre. 152 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 181. — Diagram showing some of the cells of a spinal ganglion AND THEIR CONNECTION WITH NERVE-FIBRES. (Dogiel.) a, p, anterior and posterior root of spinal nerve ; n, an issuing nerve bundle ; sy, fibres from sympathetic ; x , a cell, the axon of which ends in ramifications around the cell-bodies of the ordinary ganglion-cells. Fig. 182. — Cerebro-spinal ganglion-cells, man. (Cajal.) o, 6, intracapsular dendrons, with knobbed extremities. SYMPATHETIC GANGLIA. 15^ ribre, but is occasionally liiiely medullatcd. In certain animals (rabbit, hare, guinea-pig) the sympathetic cells have each two nuclei (fig. 184). In the frog they are unipolar, but sometimes with a second spiral fibre winding round the issuing axon. ■J -^ •._■;■. ^ , -^ - Fig. 183. — Senile type of cerebro-spinal ganglion-cell. (Cajal.) o, issuing axon ; b, part of pericellular plexus ; c, pericellular loops. Fig. 184. — A sympathetic nerve-cell. (Ranvier.) nn, nuclei of cell ; /,/, pale fibres issuing from cell ; n', )i", nuclei on fibres. The cells of ganglia are disposed in aggregations of different size, separated by the bundles of nerve-fibres which are traversing the 154 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. ganglion (fig. 177). The ganglion if large is inclosed by an investing capsule of connective tissue which is continuous with the epineurium and perineurium of the entering and issuing nerve-trunks. Fig. 185.— Two sympathetic cells, man. (Cajal.) rt, a, axon ; 6, c, intracapsular deudrons ; d, knob-like ending of an intracapsular dendron. DEGENERATION AND REGENERATION OF NERVE-FIBRES AND NERVE-CELLS. Since each nerve-fibre is the process of a nerve-cell, when a nerve is cut, the separated part degenerates. Its axis-cylinder becomes broken up and disappears, the nuclei of the neurolemma multiply, and the medullary sheath undergoes a process of disintegration into droplets of fatty substance which stain intensely like fat itself in a mixture of bichro- mate of potash and osmic acid Avhich does not stain the medullary sheath of normal fibres. The change which results in the fibres was described by A. Waller in 1850, and is known as Wallerian degeneration (fig 187, A to c). In man and mammals these changes begin 24 to 48 hours after section of the nerve, and proceed rapidly, so that by the DEGENERATION OF NERVE-FIBRES. 155 third day the nerve-tibres cease to conduct impulses. When a peri- pheral nerve is cut, all the nerve-fibres distal to the point of section must degenerate, because all have grown from and are processes of nerve-cells in or near the nerve-centre — the afferent fibres from the cells of the ganglion on the posterior root, the efferent fibres from the cells of the anterior horn of the spinal cord. Fig. 186. — Two cells from a sympathetic ganglion of man showing the TERMINATION OF AFFERENT FIBRES WITHIN THE CELL-CAPSULE. (Cajal.) A, large ; B, small cell, a, b, afferent fibres surrounding a dendron and passing into capsule. Waller supposed that no changes are produced centrally to the injury when a nerve is cut, nor indeed is there any obvious immediate alteration in the nerve-fibre itself between the injury and the cell- body, although it is stated that the fibrils of the axis-cylinder dis- appear for a time. But it was found by Nissl that degenerative changes occur in the cell-body of every cell, whether motor or sensory, the axis-cylinder of which has been severed. ^ These changes become ^ But section of the posterior root-fibres central to the ganglia does not entail <3egeneration of the ganglion cells from which they arise. Nor does section of a spinal nerve always entail degeneration of the anterior horn cells from which its motor filires arise (Van Gehuchten). Why these apparent exceptions occur is not understood. 156 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY apparent a few days after section of the nerve-fibre and consist in a disintegration of the chromatin granules, associated at first with a general swelling of the cell-body and nucleus, which passes to the periphery of the cell. After a time the disintegrated chromatic substance becomes in great measure removed and the cell-body and Fig. 187. — Degexeration and regeneration of nerve-fibres in the rabbit. (Ranvier.) A, part of a uerve-fibre in which degeneration has commenced in consequence of the section, fifty hours previously, of the trunk of the nerve higher up ; ni>/, medullarj- sheath becoming broken up into drops of myelin ; p, granular jirotoplasmic sub- stance which is replacing the myelin ; n, nucleus ; g, neurolemma. £, another fibre in which degeneration is proceeding, the nerve having been cut four days pre- viously ; p, as before ; cw, axis-cj-linder partly broken up, and the pieces inclosed in portions of myelin, mu. C, more advanced stage of degeneration, the medullary sheath having almost disappeared, and being replaced by protoplasm, p, in which, besides drops of fatty substance, /;<, are numerous nuclei, n", which have resulted from the division of the single nucleus of the intemode. Z>, commencing regener- ation of a nerve-fibre. Several small fibres, f , t", have sprouted from the some- what bulbous cut end, b, of the original fibre, t ; a, an axis-cylinder which has not yet acquii-ed its medullary sheath ; s, «", neurolemma of the original fibre. A, C, and D are from o,smic preparations; B, from an alcohol and carmine pre- paration. nucleus become shrunken in volume. This process of disintegration and disappearance of chromatin may be termed AHssl degeneration : it DEGENERATION OF NERVE-FIBRES. 157 is also known as chromatoli/sis. It is brought about not only by section of the axon, but also as the result of excessive fatigue of the intact cell (fig. 164), and of the action of a large number of drugs and poisons. The chromatolysis may be persistent or may be recovered from. Sometimes it is followed by almost complete atrophy of the cell- body, and when this is marked there may be a secondary Wallerian degeneration of the part of the nerve-fibre still attached to the cell. The chromatolysis is accompanied by changes in the neurofibrils of the cells, which stain differently and become granular (Marinesco). Regeneration. — After a certain lapse of time, especially if the cut ends of the nerve are in apposition, continuity between them may become re-established. But when such regeneration takes place in the cut nerve, it is effected not by a re-establishment of connection between the degenerated fibres and the fibres of the central stump, but by an outgrowth of new fibres from the stump (figs. 187, D; 188), which endeavour to find their way to the periphery along the course of the degenerated fibres. If they succeed in doing so, the continuity and conducting power of the nerve become ultimately restored. This may not happen for three months or more, according to the length of nerve cut off and the nature of the severance, although the process begins within a few days of the injury in man. Some investigators have attempted to show that regeneration may take place independently in the peripheral part of the cut nerve, but the evidence oflfered is not conclusive, although changes occur in the peripheral part pre- paratory to the down-growth of new fibres into it (Mott, Halliburton -and Edmunds). There appears, however, to be no union of the down- growing fibres with regenerated fibres in the peripheral part. The recent investigations of Cajal have shown conclusively that whenever con- tinuity is re-established it is invariably due to the growth of fibres from the central stump of the cut nerve. These down-growing fibres are usually terminated by a button-like swelling similar to that which characterises the growing fibres of the embryonic nerves (incremental ■cone), and they may also exhibit numerous lateral ramifications (figs. 188, 189). Even when the cut central stump is turned backwards and fixed amongst the muscles or under the skin a certain number of newly-budded fibres may find their way from it into the degenerated peripheral part of the nerve. If regeneration fail to establish itself, the central end of the cut fibre and the cell-body from which it takes origin undergo slow atrophic changes resulting from disuse. These atrophic changes may ultimately extend to other links in the cell-chain, so that even 158 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. remote cells in the same physiological path may eventually become atrophied {Guddevh atrophy). a e ^1 .ii^y Fig. 188.— Fibres from the central CUT end ok sciatic nerve (of YOUNG KABBIT) CUT 10 DAYS BEFORE DEATH. (Cajal.) A, fibi-cs showing down-gi'owth of axis-cylin- ders (6) which are hivested by flattened nucleated cells ; s, prolongation of primitive sheath or neurolemma passing towards the outer part of the core ; c.f, axis-cylinder passing through the core as the central fibre ; •=, some of the inner tunics of the corpuscle, en- larged where the\- abut against the canal through which the nerve-fibre passes — the dots within them are sections of the fibres of which they are composed ; n, nuclei of the tunics ; »>.', nuclei of the endoneuriuni-cells, continued by others in the outer part of the core. Fig. 209. -Pacinian corpuscle from the cat, stained with SILVER nitrate. on both surfaces with a layer of flattened epithelioid cells (fig. 209), and here and there cleft-like lymph-spaces can be seen between them like those between the layers of the perineurium. Pacinian corpuscles occur in many parts, e.g. in the deeper layers of the skin of the hands and feet, in the periosteum of some bones, in the neighbourhood of tendons and ligaments, in the connective tissue 172 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 210. — Section of pacinian corpuscle. (Szymonowicz.) f , one of the layers of epithelioid colls ; n, nucleus of epithelioid cell. It is seen that the tunics are very closely packed around the core, in the middle of which the axial-flbro is cut across. .^^^^'^^^H,- •^ Fig. 211.— Herbst corpuscle of duck. (Sobotta.) x380. 11, nieduUated nerve-fibre ; a, its axis-cylinder, terminating in an enlargement at end of core ; c, nuclei of cells of core ; t, nuclei of cells of outer tunics ; t', inner tunics. PAC;iNIAN CORPUSCLES. 173 at the back of the abdomen, oiid (in the cat) very numerously in the mesentery, where they are most easily got for observation, A simple form of Pacinian corpuscle with fewer tunics and a core formed of regularly arranged cells occurs iu birds {roi-pusclea of Herhst, fig. 211). Although most of the nerve endings in connective-tissue structures are enclosed within lamellated capsules, nerves are found to end in some situations in arborisations between the bundles of connective- tissue fibres. This has been shown by Dogiel to occur in intermuscular Fig. 212.— TERnriNAL arborisation from the intermuscular co.nnective TISSUE OF THE RECTUS ABDOMINIS OF THE RABBIT. METHYLENE BLUE preparation. (Dogiel.) ,-j*^^^^ Fig. 213. — Terminal arborisation from the superficial layer of the peritoneum of the rabbit. Methylene blue preparation. (Dogiel.) a, medullated fibre ; b, fibre connecting the arborisation with another one not here represented. connective-tissue septa (fig. 212); and in serous membranes (fig. 213); in the latter such arborisations may be quite superficial and placed just below the endothelium. Organs of Ruffini. — These, which resemble long cylindrical end-bulbs, are composed of connective-tissue bundles, within which the axis- cylinders of the nerves ramify, and end in flattened expansions. They 174 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. occur commonly in the subcutaneous tissue of the human finger (fig. 214). Other encl-bulb-like organs, spheroidal, oval, or cylindrical in form, have been described by Ruffini under the name of Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles ; they appear to be varieties of the ordinary end-bulb of W. Krause. They occur in tendons and in the subcutaneous tissue of the pulp of the finger. Fig. 214. — A nerve fibre is shown dividing into seven secondary fibres TO WHICH are attached FIVE ORGANS OF RUFFINI. (Barker, after RufEni. ) Organs of Golgi. — A special mode of nerve-ending is met with in many tendons, near the points of attachment of the muscular fibres. The tendon-bundles become somewhat enlarged and split into a number of smaller fasciculi, and the nerve-fibres — one, two, or even more in number — pass to the enlarged part, and penetrating between the fasciculi of the tendon lose their medullary sheaths, while the axis- cylinders end in a terminal arborisation, beset with irregular vari- cosities. The structure (fig. 215) is enclosed within a fibrous capsule continuous with the areolar tissue covering the bundles of the tendon ; and between the capsule and the organ proper is a lymph-space, similar to that which is found in the muscle-spindle (see p. 179). Free nerve -endings. — When sensory nerve-fibres terminate in epi- thelium, they generally branch once or twice in the subepithelial connective tissue on nearing their termination. The sheaths of the fibres then successively become lost, first the connective tissue or perineural sheath, then the medullary sheath, and lastly the neuro- lemma, the axis-cylinder being alone continued as a bundle of primitive fibrils (fig. 216). This branches, and with the ramifications of the axis-cylinders of neighbouring nerve-fibres forms a primary plexus. FREE NERVE-ENDINGS. 175 Fig. 215. — Organ of golgi from the human tendo achillis. Chloride OF GOLD PREPARATION. (Ciaccio.) m, muscular fibres ; t, tendon-bundles ; G, Golgi's organ ; n, two nerve-fibres passing to it. Fig. 216. — Plexus of nerve fibres in the rabbit's cornea : Methylene blue. (Cajal.) A, trabecula of primary plexus ; B, secondary plexus ; C, intraepithelial fibrils. 176 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. From the primary plexus smaller branches come off, and these form a secondary plexus nearer the surface, generally immediately under the epithelium if the ending is in a membrane covered by that tissue. Finall}', from the secondary plexus nerve-fibrils proceed and form Fig. 217. — Vertical section of corxe.\ stained with CHLORinE of gold. (Ranvier. ) n, r, primary plexus In connective tissue of cornea ; o., branch passing to subepithelial plexus, s ; p, intraepithelial plexus ; b, terminatioiis of fibrils. terminal ramifications amongst the tissue cells (fig. 217, p, h), the actual ending being generally in free varicose fibrils (h). This mode of ending is characteristically seen in the cornea of the eye, but can also be rendered evident in other epithelia (fig. 218). The fibrillar Fig. 218. — Intra-efithelial nerve-terminations in the larynx: GOLGI method. (G. Retzius. ) On the left the epithelium is stratified and on the right ciliated columnar. /I, nerve-fibres in corium. Structure of the ramifications of the axis-cylinders is very apparent in some of the preparations figured. In some situations the nerve-fibrils within a stratified epithelium terminate in flattened or crescentic expansions which lie in the inter- stices of the deeper epithelium cells, to some of which they are applied. FREE NERVE-ENDINGS. 177 These expansions are known as tactile disks ; they are character- istically developed in the skin of the pig's snout (fig. 210), and are also found in the outer root sheath of hairs and in the deeper parts of the epidermis in various parts. With appropriate treatment it may be shown that they consist of a fine network of neurofibrils (fig. 220). cc — =-, ^, — Fig. 219.— Ending of nerve in tactile disks in the pig's snoct. ( Kanvier. ) 71, meduUated fibre ; m, terminal disks or menisci; e, cells of the Malpighian layer of the epidermis ; o, somewhat modified cell to which a tactile disk is applied. Fig. 220. — A nerve-fibre ending in a number of tactile menisci FROM A TACTILE HAIR, RABBIT. (C'ajal and Telle. ) a, point of ramification of axis-cylinder of nerve-fibre; B, isthmus between two menisci ; C, terminal meniscus ; D, large meniscus at branching of sevei'al divisions of the nerve-ending. Sensory nerves of muscles. — The sensory nerves of muscles end in peculiar organs which were termed by Kiihne muscle-spindles. Their structure has recently been specially investigated by Eutfini, M 178 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Huber, and Dogiel ; and also by Sherrington, who has shown that the large medullated nerves which they receive (about three H f*««ii Fig. 222. Fig. 221. Fig. 221.— Nerve-exdixgs upox the intrafusal mi'scle- fibres of a muscle-spindle of the rabbit; moder.atelt MAGNIFIED. METHYLENE BLUE PREPARATION. (Dogiel.) o, large medullated fibre coming off from • ' spindle " nerve and passing to end in an annulo-spiral termination on and between the intra- f u.sal fibres ; h, a fine medullated fibre coming off from the same stem and dividing. Its b\-anches, c, pass towards the ends of the muscle-fibres and terminate in a number of small localised arborisa- tions, like end-plates. Fig. 222.— An annulo-spiral ending of intrafusal fibre; HIGHLY magnified. METHYLENE BLUE PREPARATION. (Dogiel.) MUSCLE-SPINDLES. 179 or four such fibres entering each spindle not far from its equator), are derived from the posterior root-ganglia. The muscle-spindle is a fusiform body, from 075 to 4 mm. long, and from 0-OS to 02 mm. in diameter; it lies parallel with the general direction of the fibres of a muscle. It consists of a lamellated connective-tissue sheath externally, within which is a bundle (intrafusal bundle) of from two to twelve peculiar muscle-fibres. These form an axial mass with some connective tissue and the nerve-fibres ; between this axial bundle and the .sheath is a lymphatic periaxial space, bridged Fig. 223. — .Sensory xekve terminatixg ix arborisatioxs around the ENDS OF MUSCLE-FIBRES. (Cecchcrelli.) across by filaments of connective tissue. The intrafusal muscle-fibres are somewhat like embryonic fibres in appearance, being smaller than the ordinary fibres of the muscle and having a relatively large number of nuclei with surrounding protoplasm, as in the red variety of muscle. At the proximal end of the spindle they are usually only two or three in number, but they become cleft as they pass through it ; at the distal end they may terminate in tendon bundles. The nerve-fibres which pass to the spindle are mostly of large size : they divide after reaching the intrafusal bundle, but retain their medullary sheath for a time, although eventually terminating as axis-cylinders merely, which wind in a spiral manner around the intrafusal muscle fibres (figs. 221, 222), 180 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. which they clasp by flattened encircling branches {annulo-spiral endings). Other, much finer, medullated fibres also pass to the spindle and termi- nate in neighbouring parts of the intrafusal bundles in flower-like or plate-like expansions (fig. 221). According to some observers these fine fibres are prolonged from the annulo-spiral endings of the coarser fibres ; but Dogiel states that they may run independently to the intrafusal bundle. No motor nerve-fibres appear to pass into the spindles, unless the fine fibres above mentioned are to be so regarded, nor do the muscle-fibres of the spindle undergo atrophy on section of the motor nerve-roots, as is the case eventually with the ordinary muscle-fibres. It is not uncommon to find two or three spindles close together or even B Fig. 224.— Nerve-ending in muscular fibre of a lizard (Laceita viridis). (Kiihne.) A, end-plate seen edgeways ; B, from the surface ; .«, s, sarcoleinma ; p, p, expansion of axis-cylinder. In B the expansion of the axis-cylinder appears as a clear network branching from the divisions of the medullated fibres. inclosed in a common sheath. Muscle-spindles are few in number in the eye-muscles, and have not yet been found in the muscles of the tongue, but otherwise their occurrence is general. In the frog both motor and sensory nerves may teimiiiate in and between the same muscle-tibres, but at diflerent parts of the fibre. It is not known whether the muscle-tibres of the spindles also receive motor nerves in mammals. Another kind of ending of sensory fibres in muscle has been described by Ceccherelli, in the form of an arborisation of nerve-fibrils around the ends of the muscle-fibres which are inserted into tendon (fig. 223). Ending of motor nerves. — The motor nerves to muscles terminate in fine ramifications of the axis-cylinder ; in striated (voluntary) muscles the lamification is localised in special organs termed motor end-organs, or, less correctly, end-plates. ENDING OF MOTOR NERVES. 181 /y£^'tH« Fig. 225. — Motor nerve-endings in the abdominal muscles of a rat. Gold preparation. Magnified 170 diameters. (Szymoiiowicz. ) Fig. 22G. — Motor end-organ of a lizard, gold preparation. (Kiihne. ) n, nerve-fibre dividing as it approaches the end-organ ; r, ramification of axis-cylinder upon, 6, granular bed or sole of the end-organ m, clear substance surrounding the ramifications of the axis-cylinder. 182 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. In voluntary muscle, the nerves, which are always meduUated, terminate, as just stated, in special end-organs (figs. 224 to 226). A medullated fibre will branch two or three times before ending, and then each branch passes straight to a muscular fibre. Having reached this, the neurolemma of the nerve-fibre is continued into the sarcolemma of the muscle, the medullary sheath stops short, and the axis-cylinder ends in a close terminal ramification with varicose expansions upon its branches. This ramification is embedded in a layer of granular nucleated protoplasm (sole) (fig. 226, b), probably a development of the sarcoplasm of the muscle. In some cases the ramification is restricted to a small portion of the muscular fibre, and forms with the granular bed a slight prominence (eminence of Doyhre). This is the case in insects Fig. 227.— Ending of motor nerves in rabbit's muscle. Reduced SILVER METHOD. (Cajal.) a, axis-cyliiidur of entering nerve ; h, c, d, parts of terminal ramification showing network of neuro-fibrils., aud mammals. In the lizard the ramification is rather more extended than in mammals, whilst in the frog it is spread over a considerable length of the fibre. The ramification shows a fibrillar structure (fig. 227), which is especially evident at the enlargements. In mammals there appears to be only one end-plate to each fibre, while in reptiles there may be several. The endplate is covered, externally INVOLUNTARY MUSCLE. 1^3 to the sarcolemnia, by an expansion of the sheath of Henle of the nerve-tibre {fclohmnut). In involuntary muscle, both plain and cardiac (fig. 228), the nerve- fibres, which near their termination are entirely non-medullated, end in plexuses. The primary plexuses are generally furnished with ganglion- cells in abundance. Such gangliated plexuses are best developed in Fig. 228. — Ending of nervefibkes in CARniAC muscle. (Smirnow.) connection with the intestine. From the cells of these plexuses other nerve-fibres pass which form secondary plexuses and terminal ramifica- tions amongst the contractile fibre-cells, to the surface of which the endings of the branches, often slightly enlarged, are applied (Huber and de Witt). 184 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XX. STRUCTURE OF THE LARGER BLOOD-VESSELS. 1. Sections of a medium-sized peripheral artery and vein, e.g. popliteal or radial. In this preparation the limits of the vascular coats can be well seen and also the differences which they present in the arteries and veins respec- tively. The sections may be stained with hiemalum and eosiu or with orcein, and mounted in dammar or xylol balsam. 2. Mount in xylol balsam or dammar a thin slice cut from the inner surface of a large artery which, after having been cut open longitudinally and washed with distilled water, has been rinsed with nitrate of silver solution and then with distilled water and exposed to the sunlight. The vessel should then be hardened in alcohol, or it may be exposed in this to the light. This preparation will show the outlines of the epithelium-cells which line the vessel. A similar preparation may be made from a large vein. 3. A piece of an artery which has been macerated for some days in 33 per cent, alcohol is to be teased so as to isolate some of the muscular cells of the middle coat and portions of the elastic layers (networks and fenestrated membranes) of the inner and middle coats. The tissue may be stained cautiously with diluted htemalum, and glycerine afterwards added. The muscular cells are recognisable by their irregular outline and long rod- shaped nuclei. Sketch one or two and also a piece of the elastic network or of fenestrated membrane. The fenestrated membrane is best obtained from one of the arteries of the base of the brain ; it is also well seen in the arteries within the kidney. 4. Transverse sections of aorta and carotid. Notice the differences in structure between these and the section of the smaller artery. 5. Transverse section of vena cava inferior. Notice the comparatively thin layer of circular muscle, and outside this the tliick layer of longitudinal muscular bundles in the adv^entitia. Make sketches from 1, 4, and 5 under a low power, from 2 and 3 under a high power. An artery is usually described as being composed of three coats, an innei- or elastic, a middle or muscular, and an external or areolar (fig. 229, h, c.'d). It is, however, more correct to describe the wall of an artery as being mainly composed of muscular and elastic tissue, lined internally by a pavement epithelium (endothelium), and strengthened externally by a layer of connective tissue {adventitia). The inner coat {tunica intinvx) is lined by a thin layer of pavement epithelium {endothelium), the cells of which are somewhat elongated in the direction of the axis of the vessel (fig. 230), and form a smooth lining to the tube. After death they become easily detached. STRUCTURE OF ARTERIES. 186 The endothelium is the essential layer in all blood-vessels. It is always the first part to be developed, and in some it remains as the only layer of the vessel. This is the case with all true capillaries and with certain veins, .^S^j^^^Sgr.:^ Fig. 229. — Transverse section of part op the wall ok the posterior TIBIAL ARTERY. (75 diameters.) a, epithelial and subepithelial layers of inner coat ; 6, elastic laj-er (fenestrated niom- braae)of inner coat, appearing as a brifjfht line in section ; c, muscular layer (middle coat); d, outer coat, consisting of connective tissue bundles. In the interstices of the bundles are some connective-tissue nuclei, and, esisecially near the muscular coat, a number of elastic fibres cut across. and also with the lacunar spaces or sinusoids, which, as Minot has pointed out, take the place of capillaries in certain ])arts (e.fj. in the liver, the medulla of the suprarenal capsules and the Wolffian body of the embryo) ; Fig. 230. —Epithelial layer lining THE posterior TIBIAL ARTERY. (250 diameters.) Fig. 231.— Portion of fenestrated membrane of henle from an ARTERY. (Toldt. ) it is also true of the sinuses of erectile tissue, as well as the sihus-Iike blood-vessels which are met with in invertebrates. In some structures the endothelial layer of the blood-vessels is imperfect, viz. : in the capillaries and 186 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGy. blood-sinuses of the spleen, the placental mucous membrane of the pregnant uterus, and probably the sinusoids (capillaries) of the liver : in these places t Fig. 232. — Elastic xetwokk of Fig. 233.— McscrLAK fibre-cells from ARTERT. (Toldt.) SUPERIOR thyroid ARTERY. (340 dia- meters.) Fig. 234. — Section of the llngcal artery. (Griinstein.) ■a, epithelium and subepithelial layer of inner coat; 6, its elastic layer; c, c, d, inner- most and outermost layers of middle coat, -with elastic fibres passing obliquely to join the elastic layers which bound that coat ; (, innermost part of outer coat or adventitia, showing many elastic fibres cut across ; /. outer part of adventitia. STRUCTURE OF ARTERIES. 187 the blood finds its way into the interstices of the organ and conies in direct contact with the tissue-cells. Next to the endothelium comes an elastic layer in the form either of elastic networks (fig. 232) or of a, fenestrated membrane (fig. 231). In some arteries there is a layer of fine connective tissue intervening between the epithelium and the fenestrated membrane {suhepithelial layer). The middle coat (tunica media) consists mainly of circularly disposed plain muscular fibres, but it is also pervaded in most arteries by a network of elastic fibres which are connected with the fenestrated 4S?yfe:'^ '>-:^^^^^^ ^V"-^ ^'^ Fig. 235.— Section of thoracic aorta as seen under a low power. (Toldt.) a, the inner coat consisting of three layers, viz. : 1. Epithelium seen as a fine line. 2. Subepithelial layer. 3. Elastic layers. In the outer part of the inner coat, at its junction with the middle, a layer of longitudinal muscular fibres is represented as cut across. 6, middle coat with alternating layers of muscle and elastic mem- branes ; c, outer coat with two vasa vasorum. membrane of the inner coat and are sometimes almost as much developed as the muscular tissue itself. This is especially the case with the larger arteries, such as the aorta and the carotid and its immediate branches, but in the smaller arteries of the limbs the middle coat is composed almost purely of muscular tissue. The muscular fibres are comparatively short, with long rod-shaped nuclei, and are often irregular in shape (as in fig. 233), especially if the middle coat contains much elastic tissue. The Older coat is formed of connective tissue with a good many elastic fibres, especially next to the middle coat. The strength of an artery depends largely upon this coat ; it is far less easily cut or torn 188 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. than the other coats, and it serves to resist undue expansion of the vessel. Its outer limit is not sharply marked, for it tends to blend with the surrounding connective tissue ; hence it has been termed tunica adventitia. intima< adventitia/ _ Fig. 236.— Section of aorta more magnified. (Griinstein.) a, epithelial and subepithelial layers of inner coat; 6, c, outer layers of inner coat containing many fine elastic fibres ; d, e, parts of outer coat. STIUTCTUKE OF AUTERIES. 189 Variations in structure. — The aorta (fis^- 235, 236) differs in some respects in striuture from an ordinary artery. Its inner coat contaiuvS a consideral)le thickness of sube})ithelial connective tissue, but the elastic layers of this coat are chiefly composed of fine fibres, ami are not especially marked off from those of the middle coat, so that the inner and middle coats appear blended with one another. On the other hand, there is a very great develop- ment of elastic tissue in the middle coat, forming membranous layers which alternate with layers of the muscular tissue. A good deal of connective tissue also takes part in the formation of the middle coat, making this coat unusually strong. The inner and middle coats constitute almost the entire thickness of the wall, the outer coat being relatively thin. The other variations which occur in the arterial system have reference chiefly to the development and arrangement of the muscular tissue. Thus in many of tlie larger arteries there are a few longitudinal muscular fibres at the inner boundary of the middle coat, and in .some arteries amongst the circular fibres of the middle coat. This is the case in the aorta. In the part of the umbilical arteries within the umbilical cord there is a complete layer of longitudinal fibres internal to the circular fibi'es and another external to them, wdiilst the amount of elastic tissue is very small. Longi- tudinal fibres are also present in some other arteries (iliac, superior mesentei'ic, splenic, renal, etc.), external to the circular fibres, and therefore in the outer coat of the artery. \'^,> V Fig. 237. — Transverse section of part of the wall op one of the POSTERIOR TIBIAL VEINS (man). About 200 diameters. a, epithelial, and 6, subepithelial layers of inner coat ; c, middle coat consisting of irregular layers of muscular tissue, alternating with connective tissue, and passing somewhat gradually into the outer connective tissue and elastic coat, d. The veins (fig. 237) on the whole resemble the arteries in structure, but they present certain differences. In the internal coat the same layers may be present, but the elastic tissue is less developed, and may be quite inconspicuous ; it seldom takes the form of a complete membrane. The epithelium cells are less elongated than those of the arteries. The middle coat {c) contains less elastic tissue and also much less muscular tissue, being partly occupied by bundles of white 190 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. connective-tissue fibres. These are continuous with those of the external coat, which is relatively better developed in the veins than in the arteries, so that, although thinner, their walls are often stronger. Many of the veins are provided with valves, which are crescentic folds of the internal coat strengthened by a little fibrous tissue : a few muscular fibres may be found in the valve near its attach- ment. The layer of the inner coat is rather thicker and the epithelium-cells are more elon- gated on the side which is subject to friction from the current of blood than on that which is turned towards the wall of the vessel. Variations in different veins. — The veins vary in structure more than do the ai'teries. In many veins longitudinal muscular fibres are found in the inner part of the middle coat, as in the iliac, femoral, umbilical ; the umbilical vein witliiu the umbilical cord having three muscular layers like the correspond- ing arteries ; it has a well-developed internal elastic layer. In other veins, longitudinal fibres occur ex- ternal to the cii'cularly disposed fibres, and may be described as belonging to the outer coat. This is the case with the abdominal and especially the hepatic portions of the inferior vena cava (fig. 238), and to a less extent with the hepatic veins and the portal vein and its tribu- taries. In the superior vena cava, in the upper part of the inferior vena cava and in the jugular, subclavian and innominate veins muscular fibres are almost entirely absent in the middle coat, and there are but few in the adventitia. The veins of the pia mater, brain and spinal cord, retina, and bones, and the venous sinuses of the dura mater and placenta have no muscular tissue. It is only the larger veins, especially those of the limbs, that possess valves. They are wanting in most of the veins of the viscera (although occurring abundantly in some of the tributaries of the portal vein), in those within the cranium and vertebral canal, in the veins of the bones, and in the umbilical vein. Fig. 2:^.— Transverse section of the inferior vena cava of the dog. (Szymonowicz.) Magnified 150 dia- meters. a, intima ; b, thin layer of circular muscle ; c, thick adventitia with longitudinal muscu- lar bundles ; d, a vas vasis. SMALLER BLOOD-VESSELS. 191 LESSOX XXI. SMALLER BLOOD-VESSELS AND LYMPH-VESSELS. SEROUS MEMBRANES. MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF THE CIRCULA- TION. DEVELOPMENT OF BLOOD-VESSELS. 1. Take a piece of pia mater which has been fixed with 2 per cent, bichromate of potassium and stained with hismatoxylin, and separate from it some of the small blood-vessels of which it is chiefly composed. Mount the .shreds in dilute glycerine, or after dehydrating with alcohol and passing through clove oil they can be mounted in dammar or xylol balsam. The structure of the small arteries can be studied in this preparation, the nuclei of the epithelium and of the muscular coat being brought distinctly into view by the stain. The veins of the pia mater possess no muscular tissue. Capillary vessels which have been dragged out from the brain in removing the jjia mater may also be seen in this preparation. Sketch two small arteries of different sizes, giving also their measurements. 2. Mount in dammar or xylol balsam a piece of the omentum of the rabbit, stained with silver nitrate. The membrane should be stretched over a cork or a ring of wood or vulcanite, rinsed with distilled water, treated for five minutes with 1 per cent, nitrate of silver solution, again washed and exposed to sunlight in spirit. When stained brown, the preparation is removed from the light and placed in oil of cloves. Pieces may now be cut off from the membrane and mounted in balsam or dainraar ; they should include one or more blood-vessels. This preparation is intended to show the epithelium of the smaller blood- vessels and accompanying lymphatics, and also the epithelium of the serous membrane. Sketch a small piece showing the epithelium of the vessels. 3. Mount in balsam or dammar a piece of the central tendon of the rabbit's diaphragm which has been prepared with silver nitrate, the pleural surface liaving been first brushed to remove the superficial epithelium and thus enable the nitrate of silver more readily to penetrate to the network of underlying lymphatic vessels. Observe the lymphatic plexus under a low power ; sketch a portion of the network. If the peritoneal surface is focussed, the epithelium which covers that surface will be seen, and oppo- site the clefts between the radially disposed tendon-bundles stomata may be looked for in this epithelium. 4. Examine sections of the thoracic duct. These may be made in the same way as sections of the blood-vessels. 5. Open the abdomen of a freshly killed frog, preferably a male, and remove the abdominal viscera, taking care not to injure the membrane or septum at the back of the abdomen, which lies over and between the kidneys and separates the peritoneal cavity from the cisterna lympliatira magna, a large lymph-space in which the aorta and vena cava are contained. Cut out the kidneys along with as much as possible of the above septum ; rinse with distilled water ; and place in a watch-glass of 1 per cent, silver nitrate for 5 minutes. Rinse again in distilled water and expose in tap water to the light. When slightly browned snip oflF a portion of the mem- branous septum, float it flat on a slide, drain ofl' the superfluous water and 192 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. allow it to dry ; then add a drop of xylol balsam or daTumar and cover the preparation. 6. Kill a frog by destroying the brain, and study the circulation of the blood in the mesentery. It can also be studied in the web of the frog's foot, and in the lung and tongue of the frog or toad, or in the tail of the tadpole or of any small fish. But for observing the phenomena attending com- mencing inflammation ami the emigration of leucocytes from the vessels, the mesentery is the most convenient object. The frog can be immobilised with curari or by placing it in water in which chloroform or ether has been shaken up : a lateral incision is made in the abdominal wall, a loop of intestine drawn out, and laid over a ring of cork which is fixed to a glass plate and covered with a thin piece of glass. The membrane must be kept wet with salt solution. ^ The coats of the small arteries and veins are much simpler in structure than those of the larger vessels, but they contain at lirst all (■ A h '-(J a b B h Fig. 239. — Small artery, A, with correspondixg vein, B, treated with ACETIC ACin. (Kolliker.) (Magnified 350 diameters.) a, external coat with elongated nuclei ; h, nuclei of the transverse muscular tissue of the middle coat (when seen endwise, as at the sides of the vessel, their outline is circular) ; e, nuclei of the epithelium-cells ; <.!, elastic laj'er of the inner coat. the same elements. Thus there is a lining endothelium and an elastic layer, the two together forming an inner a at ; a middle coat of circularly disposed plain muscular tissue ; and a thin adventitia. The same differences are found between the smaller arteries and veins as with the larger, the walls of the veins being thinner and containing far less muscular tissue (fig. 239), and the lining epithelium-cells, much ^ For details of the methods of studying the circulation and also of injecting the blood-vessels, see A Course of Practical Histology. SMALLER BLOOD-VESSELS. 193 elongated in both vessels, are far longer and narrower in the small arteries than in the corresponding veins (fig. 241). In the smallest vessels it will be found that the elastic layer has entirely disappeared in the veins, and the muscular tissue is consider- ably reduced in thickness in both kinds of vessel. Indeed, it is soon represented by but a single layer of contractile cells, and even these no longer form a complete layer. By this time also, the outer coat as well as the elastic layer of the inner coat have disappeared both from arteries and veins. The vessels are reduced, therefore, to the condition of a tube formed of pavement-epithelium cells, with a partial covering of circularly disposed muscular cells. Fig. 240. -Transverse section of a small artery and vein. Magnified 250 diameters. Even in the smallest vessels, which are not capillaries, the differences between arteries and veins are still manifested. These differences may be enumerated as follows : — The veins are larger than the correspond- ing arteries ; they branch at less acute angles ; their muscular cells are fewer, and their epithelium-cells less elongated ; the elastic layer of the inner coat is always less marked, and sooner disappears as the vessels become smaller. Capillary vessels. — When traced to their smallest branches the arteries and veins eventually are seen to be continued into a network of the smallest blood-vessels or capillaries. The walls of these are composed only of flattened epithelium-cells (fig. 242) continuous with those that line the arteries and veins ; these cells can be exhibited by staining a tissue with nitrate of silver. The cell-outlines are not shown in developing capillaries; in these, silver nitrate stains the whole N 194 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. wall. This is the case also with the capillaries of the villi, those of the choroid coat of the eye (Eberth), and those of the kidney-glomeruli (Eanvier) : in all these places the walls are formed of a syncytium. Fig. 241. — A small aetkky, A, and vein, V, from the subcutaneous con- nective TISSUE OF THE RAT, TREATED WITH NITRATE OP SILVER, WITH subsequent STAINING OF NUCLEI. 175 diameters. «, o, epithelial cells with b, b their nuclei ; m, m, transverse markings due to staining of substance between the muscular fibre-cells ; c, c, nuclei of connective-tissue corpuscles attached to exterior of vessel. The capillaries vary somewhat in size and in the closeness of their meshes ; their arrangement in different parts, which is mainly deter- mined by the disposition of the tissue-elements, may best be studied in injected preparations, and will be described when the structure of the several organs is considered. In the transparent parts of animals, the blood may be seen flowing c;apillary vessels. I9r» through the cinuHary network from the arteries into the veins. The current is very rapid in the small arteries, somewhat less rapid in the veins, and slow in the capillaries. The current is fastest in the centre of the vessels, slowest near the wall (inert layer). In this layer the leucocytes are carried along by the stream and may be observed — especially where there is commencing inflammation of the part, as in Fig. 242. — Capillary vessels from the bladder of the cat, mag- NIFIED. The outlines of the cells are stained by nitrate of silver. Si:^*^^ t^^ Fig. 243. — Blood plowing through a SMALL VEIN OF THE FROG's MESENTERY. The mesentery had been exposed for a short time, so that there was commencing inflammation and many of the white corpuscles are observed sticking to and even passing through the vas- cular wall, a, central rapid layer containing the coloured corpuscles ; b, outer slower layer (inert layer) containing the white corpuscles. Fig. 244. — Ending of sensory nerve-fibres in arborescences in the WALL OF A SMALL ARTERY. (Dogiel. ) The endotheliumcells of the vessel are outlined by dotted lines and the outlines of the muscular fibres are faintly indicated. the mesentery in consequence of exposure — to adhere to the inner surface of the blood-vessels, and here and there to pass through the coats of the small vessels, and appear as migratory cells in the surround- ing connective tissue (fig. 243). The blood-platelets are also to be seen in the inert layer, and show a tendency to adhere to the wall and to one another in commencing inflammation. 196 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Vessels and nerves of the blood-vessels. — The larger arteries and veins possess blood-vessels {vdsa vasorum) and lymphatics, both of which ramify chiefly in the external coat. Nerves are distributed to the raascular tissue of the middle coat, after forming a plexus in the outer coat. Most of the nerves ai'e non-raeduUated. But there are a certain number of meduUated fibres intermingled with the non-niedullated and passing to end in localised arborescences (fig. 244) partly in the adventitia, partly in the intima. These nieduUated fibres are doubtless aff"erent ; the majority of the non-medullated are probably efferent (vaso-motors). In the aorta of man and in some of the larger trunks Pacinian corpuscles are here and there met with. The capillary vessels also receive nerve-fibres, which form a fine plexus of fibrils in close contact with the endotheliura-cells of which the walls of these vessels are composed. Small cells are found at intervals in connection with tliese plexuses, but whether they are of the nature of nerve-cells or not is uncertain. Development of the blood-vessels. — The blood-vessels are developed in the connective tissue or in the mesenchyme which precedes it, the first vessels being formed in the vascular area which surrounds the early embryo. Their development may be studied in the embryo Fig. 245. — Isolated capillary network formed by the junction op a hollowed-out syncytium, containing coloured blood-corpuscles in a clear fluid. c, a hollow cell the cavity of which does not yet communicate with the network; J), p, pointed cell processes, e-vtending in different directions for union with neigh- bouring capillaries. chick or mammal, in the omentum of the new-born rabbit, or in the serous membranes and subcutaneous connective tissue of foetal animals. They are originally developed from cells (vaso-furmative cells or angiohlads) which become hollowed out by vacuolation : coloured blood-corpuscles may be formed within them (see Development of Blood-corpuscles, Lesson IL). The cells branch and unite with one another to form a syncytium, and their cavities extend into the branches. In the meantime their nuclei multiply and become dis- tributed along the branches, cell-areas being at a later stage marked out around the nuclei. In this way intercommunicat- ing vessels — capillaries containing blood — are produced (fig. 245). DEVELOPMENT OF BLOOD-VESSELS. 197 These presently become connected with previously formed vessels, which extend themselves by sending out sprouts, at first solid, and afterwards hollowed out.^ Even the larger blood-vessels appear first to be developed in the same way as the capillaries, in so far that the epithelium is first formed and the muscular and other tissues are subsequently added ; but whether they are formed as clefts in the mesoblastic tissue, which become bounded by flattened cells, or whether as a hollowed-out syncytium has not been definitely ascer- tained. VCL Jnt V Ar Fig. 246. — Diagram to illustrate the development of blood-capillaries (right side), and sinusoids (left side) respectively. (F. T. Lewis.) Int, intestinal entoderm -with outgrowth ou the left to form the liver and gall-bladder, and on the right to form the pancreas. V.C.I. , vena cava inferior ; V.P., vena portse; v., vein and Ar, artery supplying pancreas. It is seen that the sinusoids or apparent capillaries of the liver are formed by the breaking up of a large blood-space into channels by the growth into it of cell-columns derived from the hepatic outgrowth of the entoderm. Sinusoids. — These are sinus-like blood-spaces between the cells of a tissue, which may when fully developed bear a superficial resemblance to blood-capillaries, but which differ essentially from them both in their mode of development and in their relationship to the connective tissue, as well as to the tissue-elements of the organs in which they occur. Whereas capillary blood-vessels are developed amongst and between the tissue-elements and are connected with and grow from neighbouring capillaries which are themselves surrounded by areolar tissue, sinusoids make their first appearance in the form of comparatively large blood- spaces connected with the venous (or arterial) system. Into these, the walls of which are formed only of a single layer of endothelial cells, the tissue-elements of the developing organ (Wolffian body, liver, suprarenals, blood-glands, etc.) grow, invaginating the thin wall and forming cell-trabeculse within the sinus (figs. 246, 247), so that ^ Many authorities consider that new blood-vessels are exclusively formed by sprouts from pre-existing vessels, and regard the appearances above described as being due to retrogressive development of an already formed vascular net- work (see footnote, p. 37). 198 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. the cells of the organ are directly in contact with the invaginated endothelium, and are only separated by this from the blood contained within the sinus. But the connection may become yet closer than this, for, as happens in the liver, the invaginated endothelium may x300 Fig. 247. — Liver of embkyo-chick of eleven days. (C. S. Minot.) /i.e., hepatic cylinders; Si, sinusoids. become defective, so that the blood within the sinus comes into actual contact with the cells of the organ, and runs into the interstices between them. As development proceeds these interstices may come to resemble blood-capillaries in general arrangement and shape ; but the resemblance is only superficial, and the intimate relationship between the blood and the tissue-elements, which are both enclosed within the original sinus, is usually maintained. The distinctive character of sinusoids was first recognised by Minot. LYMPHATICS OR LYMPH-VESSELS. To the lymphatic system belong not only the lymphatic vessels and lymphatic glands, but also the cavities of the serous membranes, which are moistened with lymph and are in open communication with lymphatic vessels Avhich run in their parietes. The larger Ijnnph-vessels somewhat resemble the veins in structure, except that their coats are much thinner and valves much more numerous. In lymphatics of smaller size, the wall of the vessel is formed, first, by a lining of pavement-epithelium cells (lymphatic endothelium), which are elongated in the direction of the axis of the vessel ; and, secondly, by a layer of circularly and obliquely disposed muscular fibres. In the smallest vessels (so-called lymph-capillaries, which are generally considerably larger than the blood-capillaries). LYMPH-VESSELS. 199 Fig. 248. — A small part of the lymphatic plexus of the pleural layer OP the diaphragm. Magnified 110 diameters. (Ranvier.) I, lymphatics with cliaracteristic epitheUuni : c, cell-spaces of the connective tissue here and there abutting against the lymphatic. / i. Fig. 249.— Nerves of a lymphatic vessel, shown by methylene blue, (Uogiel.) «, a, non-medullated fibres passing to the vessel ; h, part of their terminal ramification. 200 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. there is nothing but the epithelium remaining, and the cells of this are frequently not more elongated in one direction than in another, but have a characteristic wavy outline (fig. 248). Fig. 250.— Lymphatic plexus of cextral tendon of diaphragm of rabbit, PLEURAL SIDE. (Klein.) a, larger vessels with lauceolate cells and numerous valves ; 6, c, lymph-capillaries with wavy-bordered cells. The lymphatics receive numerous nerve-fibres, which are non- medullated, and which end in a ramification of the finest fibrils, which are distributed to the coats of the vessel (fig. 249). LYMPH-VESSELS. 201 Lymphatics begin either in the form of plexuses, as in serous mem- branes (fig. 250), or of lacunar interstices, as in some of the viscera, and all transitions occur between the two. In order to show their structure, it is usual to stain a tissue vnth. nitrate of silver ; for exhibiting their distribution they may be injected by sticking the nozzle of an injecting cannula into any tissue which contains them, and forcing coloured fluid under gentle pressure into the interstices of the tissue. In silver preparations it may be observed that the lymphatics always appear in the form of clear channels in the stained ground- substance of the connective tissue, and that their walls are in close connection with the cells and cell-spaces of that tissue (fig. 248). But, except in the case of the serous membranes, no open communication is observable between the lymphatic vessels and the interstices of the connective tissue, although from the readiness with which they can be injected from the latter there must be a ready means of passage of the interstitial lymph into the commencing lymphatics. The lymphatic vessels were originally described by Klein, and more recently by Retterer, as being developed from hollowed-out cells in the same manner as the blood-vessels, and by Gulland as becoming formed at the periphery as clefts in the connective tissue, which later form a connection with the venous system. But the investigations of Eanvier, recently confirmed by Lewis and others, tend to show that the lymphatic trunks grow out from the venous system, and gradually penetrate into the peripheral parts of the embryo. Serous Membranes. The serous membranes, which may be conveniently studied in connection with the lymphatic system, are delicate membranes of connective tissue which surround and line the internal cavities of the body, and are reflected over many of the thoracic and abdominal viscera; in passing to which they form folds (such as the mesentery), within which blood-vessels, lymphatics, and nerves are conducted to the viscera. The inner surface is lined by a continuous layer of 'pavement- epithelium {endothelium) (fig. 251), which is very distinct in nitrate of silver preparations. In some places there are apertures in the epithelium which lead directly into subjacent lymphatic vessels. These apertures are called stomata, and are sometimes surrounded by special cells (fig. 251, J?). They are numerous upon the peritoneal surface of the diaphragm, but are present in most serous membranes. They are nowhere better studied or more easily seen than in the peritoneal membrane at the back of the abdominal cavity in the ^02 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. frog. This membrane lies between and at the sides of the kidneys, and serves to separate the peritoneal cavity from the large lymph- space just behind it. If the membrane is prepared by the nitrate of silver method the stomata and the cells which surround them on either side of the membrane are well shown. The pavement-epithelium of the serous membrane rests upon a homogeneous basement-membrane, which is especially well marked [\ 1- -sh- y^ IE:-: V Fig. 251. 1. Epithelium from the posterior part of the prog's peritoneum, showing THREE stomata LEADING INTO THE CISTERNA LYMPHATICA MAGNA. (v. Ebner, after Schweigger Seidel and Dogiel.) 2. A PORTION OF EPITHELIUM FROM THE PERITONEAL SURFACE OF THE RABBIT's DIAPHRAGM. THREK PORES ARE VISIBLE BETWEEN THE EPITHELIUM CELLS. (v. Ebner, after Ludwig and Schweigger Seidel.) in the serous membranes of man. The rest of the thickness of the membrane is composed of connective tissue, with a network of fine elastic fibres near the inner surface. The cavities of the serous membranes are originally formed in the embryo as a cleft in the mesoderm (pleuro-peritoneal split, coelom) which becomes lined with epithelium, outside which the coelomic wall eventually becomes differentiated into the serous membrane. LYMPH-GLANDS. 203 LESSON XXIT. LYMPH-GLANDS. TONSILS. THYMUS. 1. Sections of a lymph -inland which has been hardened either in formol or potassium bichromate, or in chromic acid or picric acid followed by alcohol, stained in bulk, and embedded in paraffin. Or the sections may be stained with luematoxylin and eosin. Notice (1) the fibrous and muscular capsule, with trabecular extending inwards from it through the cortex and anastomosing with one another in the medulla, (2) the dense lymphoid tissue (adenoid tissue of some authors) forming large masses in the cortex (cortical uoilules) and rounded cords in the medulla (medullary cords). Notice also the clearer channel or lymph-sinus which everywhere intervenes between the fibrous tissue and the lymphoid tissue. Observe the fine fibres and branched cells which bridge across this channel. Make a general sketch under a low power of a portion of the cortex together with the adjoining part of the medulla, and under a high power drawings of small portions of cortex and medulla. The retiform tissue of the lymph-glands has already been studied (p. 75). 2. Sections of a In^mal lymph-gland. These may be readily found in the neck of the ox, in the neighbourhood of the large blood-vessels. Stain with eosin and htematoxylin or with eosin and methylene blue. Notice that the channels around the lymphoid nodules (or some of them) contain blood instead of lymph. 3. In sections of tonsil prepared similarly to those of the lymphatic gland, notice the large amount of lymphoid tissue, partly collected into nodules. Observe also that the stratified epithelium, which covers the mucous membrane here as elsewhere in the mouth, is infiltrated with lymph- corpuscles. The tonsil is beset with pit-like recesses, with mucus-secreting glands opening into the pits. 4. Lymphoid nodules of mucous membranes. In other mucous membranes besides that of the back of the mouth and pharynx, collections of lymphoid tissue occur which resemble those of the tonsils ; such nodules form the solitary glands of the stomach and intestines and the agminated glands of the small intestine, and are also found in the trachea and bronchial tubes and in the oesophagus. They may be studied later in sections of those parts. 5. Sections of the thymus gland of an infant or young animal. Notice that the masses of lymphoid (?) tissue which form the lobules of the gland are separated by septa of connective tissue, and that the lobules show a distinc- tion into two parts, cortical and medullary. There are no lymph-paths. Observe the differences of structure of the cortex and medulla, and especially notice the concentric corpuscles in the medullary part. Make a sketch of one of the lobules under a low power and of a small part of the medulla under a high power, including one or two concentric corpuscles. Measure the latter. Lymph-Glands. Structure of a lymph-gland. —A lymph-gland (lymphatic gland) is composed of a framework of fibrous and plain muscular tissue, which 204 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. incloses and supports the proper glandular substance, but is everywhere separated from it by a narrow channel, bridged across by cells and fibres, which is known as the lymph-channel. The frameu-ork consists of an envelope or capsule (fig. 252, c), and of trabeculce (tr), which pass at intervals inwards from the capsule, and after traversing the cortex of the gland, divide and reunite with one another to form a network of fibrous bands. At one part of the gland there is usually a depression {hilus), and at the bottom of this the medulla comes to the surface and its fibrous bands are directly continuous with the capsule. Fig. 252. — Diagrammatic section of lymph-glaxd. (Sharpey.) a.l. afiferent, e.l. efferent lymphatics ; C, cortical substance ; M, reticulating cords of medullary substance; l.h. lymphoid tissue; l.s. lymph-sinus; c, capsule sending trabecute, tr, into the substance of the gland. The proper glandular substance {l.h.) is composed of lymphoid tissue, i.e. a fine reticulum with the meshes thickly occupied by lymph- coi-puscles. It occupies all the interstices of the gland, forming com- paratively large rounded masses in the cortex (lymjihoid nodules, C), which may be two or three deep, and smaller reticulating cord-like masses (lymphoid cords, M) in the medulla. The cells which bridge across the lymph-channel in the medulla (fig. 254, c) are branching nucleated cells which often contain pigment, so that this part of the gland has a dark colour. Some may contain disintegrating erythrocytes. The lymph-channel is bridged across not only by these branched cells, but also by fibres derived from the LYMPH-GLANDS. 205 capsule and trabeculse, which pass to the lymphoid tissue and become lost in its reticulum. But the fibres are often completely concealed by the cells. Afferent lymph-vessels (fig. 252, a.l.) enter the lymph-channels after ramifying in the capsule, and the lymph is conveyed slowly along the channels of the cortical and medullary part towards the hilus, taking up many Ij'mph-corpuscles in its passage. At the hilus it is gathered up by an efferent vessel or vessels (e.l.) taking origin in the lymph-sinuses of the medulla. Fig. 253. — Sectio.v of .\ ltmph-gl.\nd from the neck of an eight year OLD CHILD, (v. Ebner.) x 13. c, capsule; c.n, cortical nodules, some witts germ-centres; l.c, lymphoid cords of medulla (dark); l.p, lymph-path (light); s, cortical sinus; t, trabeculae; r, vein; I, eflferent lymph-vessels, accompanying and partly surrounding blood-vessels, 6^ The efferent lymphatics always contain many more lymph-corpuscles than those which enter the gland, for lymph-corpuscles are constantly being formed by mitotic division of the pre-existing cells in the glandular substance, especially in the clearer centre of each cortical nodule {germ-centre of Flemming) ; they gradually find their way into the lymph-channel. The leucocytes of the germ-centres frequently show in sections peculiar darkly-coloured bodies — the staiaable-bodies of Flemming — the origin of which has not been determined. 206 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. An artery passes into each gland at the hilus ; its bi-anches are conveyed at first along the fibrous cords, but soon become surrounded by the lymphoid cords, where they break up into capillaries (fig. 254, d). The blood is returned by small veins, which are conducted along the fibrous trabecula3 to the hilus. Fig. 254. — Section of the medullary substance of a lymph-gland. 300 diameters. (Recklinghausen.) a, a, a, lymphoid cords ; c, lyniph-sinu.s ; b, b, trabeculas ; d, d, capillary blood-vessels. In some lymph-glands the fibrous trabeculse are very slightly de- veloped, so that the gland seems in section to be almost uniformly a mass of lymphoid tissue, pervaded by lymph-channels and with clearer rounded nodules (germ-centres) scattered about, especially in the cortex (fig. 253). This is the case with most of the lymph-glands of man and some other animals. In other animals, such as the dog and ox, the trabecule are very well developed and contain much muscular tissue. Nerve-fibres pass to lymph-glands and appear to be distributed chiefly as non-medullated fibres to the plain muscular tissue of the blood-vessels and trabeculse. Ordinary lymph-glands are confined to mammals, biit Vincent and Harrison have found hsemal lymph-glands in birds. Haemal lymph-glands. — In many animals a certain number of lymph- glands are observable which have a red colour. Some of these on H^MAL LYMPH-GLANDS. 207 section show that what corresfjonds to the peripheral lymph-channel in ordinary lymph-glands is in them occupied by blood. Others have the greater part of the interior occupied by large sinuses filled with blood ; but some parts have the ordinary structure of a lymph- gland. The names hcemal glands and hcemal lymph-glands (Robertson) have been given to these organs. The blood passes into the sinuses from the arterial capillaries, which probably, as in the spleen, become incomplete, and open into the tissue interstices, from which at other Fig. 255. — Section through one of the crypts of the tonsil. (Stohr.) «, e, stratified epithelium of surface of mucous membrane, continued into cr3'pt ; ./; /, follicles or nodules of the lymphoid tissue, which is elsewhere diffuse ; some show clear " germ -centres " ; opposite each nodule numbers of lymph-cells are passing through the epithelium ; s, masses of cells which have thus escaped from the organ to mix with the saliva as salivary corpuscles. parts the small veins in like manner arise. Like the spleen these haemal glands show cells (phagocytes) which contain red blood- corpuscles in various stages of transformation into pigment. Some haemal glands are said by Weidenreich to have no lymph- channels, but this statement requires confirmation. The Tonsils. The tonsils are two masses of lymphoid tissue placed one on each side of the pharynx, into which they project. They are covered on the free surface with the stratified epithelium of the mucous membrane. 208 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 256.— Lymphatics of a peyee'.s patch, injected with silver nitrate; CAT. (Kolliker.) Magnified 8.5 diameters. /, a lymphoid nodule or follicle \ j' , its base, resting upon the muscular coat, m ; i.m., submucosa ; I, lymph-vessels ; «, sinus-like enlargement of lymph-vessel surrounding follicle. Fig. 257. —Developing lymphoid nodcles from the gcineapig's omentum. (Klein.) A perilymphatic nodule ; a, lymphatic ; c, its endothelium ; e, lymph-coniuscles ; 6, ' accumulation of lymphoid tissue on one side of it ; d, blood-capillanes withm this. B endolymphatic nodule consisting of an enlarged lymphatic vessel, d, within which ' is a capillary network c, c, an artery, h, and a vein, a ; «, lymphoid tissue within the lymphatic, its branched cells being joined to and derived from the lymphatic endothelium/. THE TONSILS. 209 and this surface is pitted with apertures which lead into recesses or crypts in the substance of the organ (fig. 255). These recesses are all lined by a prolongation of the stratified epithelium, and into them the ducts of numerous small mucous glands open. The tonsils are composed almost entirely of lymphoid tissue, which, besides being diffused over the whole organ, is at intervals aggregated into nodules, in which the lymph-cells are more closely arranged than elsewhere. In the clear centre (germ-centre) of some of these nodules active multiplication of the lymph-cells by mitosis is constantly proceeding, and is, in fact, the cause of the formation of nodules in the tissue, as in other organs in which lymphoid tissue occurs. Even the epithelium which covers the tonsils is infiltrated with lymph-corpuscles (Stohr), and these mav also wander out on to the free surface, and become mingled with the saliva as salivary corpuscles. The lymphoid tissue is highly vascular, and contains many lymphatics. The mucous membrane of the neighbouring part of the pharynx and of the back of the tongue and that of the upper part of the pharynx near the orifices of the Eustachian tubes shows crypts and masses of lymphoid tissue similar in structure to those of the tonsils. Other Ly3iphoid Structures. Lymphoid tissue occurs in many other parts of the body in addition to the lymphatic glands and tonsils, although it may not, as in these structures, constitute the bulk of the organ. Thus it is found in many mucous membranes, such as those of the intestine and of the respiratory tract, both in a diffuse form and also collected into nodular masses which are like the cortical nodules of a lymphatic gland, and may, like these, be partially surrounded by a lymph-sinus. In the intestine such nodules constitute the so-called solitary glands and Peyefs patches. The lymphatics form plexuses of large sinus-like vessels which to a large extent enclose the nodules (fig. 256). In the spleen a large amount of lymphoid tissue is found etisheathing the smaller arteries, and also expanded into nodular masses [Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen). All these structures will be studied subse- quently. Lymphoid tissue also occurs in considerable amount in the serous membranes, especially in young animals ; in the adult it is here mostly replaced by adipose tissue. Development of lymphoid tissue. — Lvmph-glauds are developed in connection with plexuses of lyiuph-vessels, an accumulation of retiform tissue and lymph-cells taking place either external to and around the lymphatics {perilymphatic formation) ; or some of the lymphatics are dilated 0 210 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. into a sinus or sinuses and the formation of lymphoid tissue occurs within it {endoli/mph/jtic formation) (fitf. 257, a and b). When there is a develop- ment of lymphoid tissue outside the lymphatic vessels this may form a considerable accumulation before the foin)ation of lymph -paths within the tissue. Blood-vessels are early developed amongst the lymphatic plexuses, and by these, according to GuUand, the first lymph-corpuscles of the lymphoid tissue are brought to the gland. Tlie marginal sinus is produced by the fusion of a number of lymph- vessels which surround the accumulation of lymphoid tissue, while in the situation of the future hilus other lymph-vessels grow into the glandular substance and form channels which subdivide it up into cords and nodules (Kling). The branched cells of the lymph-path are said to be derived from the lymphatic endothelium. The axillary glamls were found by Stiles to increase in number and size during lactation, diminishing again after lactation has ceased. In the developing tonsils GuUand occasionally found nests of epithelial cells detached from the surface epithelium, .somewhat like tho.se found per- manently in the thymus. Thymus. The thymus gland is an organ which in man is found only in the embryo and during infancy. It is composed of a number of lobules (fig. 258) varying in .size, which are separated from one another by septa of connective tissue, along which the blood-vessels and lymphatics pass to and from the lobules. Each lobule shows // ''^' ' ' ^^W '-'-^^ — c \. V H ■ % \ ''<^^>?*. Fig. 2.58. — A lobcle of the thymus ok a child, as seen under a low poweb c, cortex ; c, conceutric corpuscles within medulla ; 6, blood-vessels ; tr, trabeculae. plainly, when examined with a low power, a distinction into an outer cortical and an inner medullary portion. The cortical part of the lobule is imperfectly divided into nodules by trabeculae of connective tissue. It is highly vascular, and is superficially similar in structure to the lymphoid tissue of the lymph-glands and tonsils, with which it also agrees in exhibiting numerous indications of indirect cell- THYMUS. 211 division, l)ut without definite germ-centres. Besides leucocytes it contains a number of peculiar granular cells. The medulla is more open in its texture, and its reticulum is formed by large transparent, branched cells (fig. 259), which are sometimes massed together and then resemble epithelium-cells. The medulla contains fewer lymph- corpuscles than the cortex and has a clearer aspect. Connective tissue fibres are not wholly absent from it. Within the medulla, but not i.m'W ' fiG. 259. — Section of medulla of thv.mcs, showing br.^nched (epithelial) CELLS OF RETICCLUM AND A CERTAIN NUMBER OF LYMPHOID CELLS IN THE MESHES. (Hammar.) in the cortex, are found peculiar concentrically striated bodies (the concentric corpuscles of Hassal, figs. 258, 260), which are " nests " of flattened epithelial cells arranged concentrically around one or more central cells, which have often undergone a degenerative process. Sometimes these corpuscles are compound, two or three being grouped together and similarly enclosed by flattened cells. They represent part of the remains of an epithelial tube, which forms the thymus rudiment of the early embryo and is derived from certain of the branchial clefts. According to the observations of Hammar the reticulum of the gland is also derived from this epithelium, and Stohr believes that the apparent lymphoid cells of the gland have a similar origin. The inference drawn by J. Beard from his observ- ations in Elasmobranchs that the thymus is the original seat of 212 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. formation of leucocytes in the embryo, appears from more extended investigations to be incorrect. Nucleated red blood- corpuscles (erythroblasts), similar to those found in red marrow, have also been described in the thymus (J. Schaffer), and occasionally cysts lined by ciliated epithelium are found. In some animals islands of striated muscular cells are seen in the medulla. Multinucleated giant-cells are also found (Watney). ,^ The lobules, the cortex especially, are abundantly supplied with capillary blood- vessels. In man the arteries penetrate to the junction of cortex and medulla, and give off most of their capillaries radially into the cortical nodules. Veins pass away both from the surface of the lobules and to a less extent directly from the medulla. The mode of distribution of the lymphatics has not been definitely ascertained, but none are seen within the lobules. Nevertheless, large lymphatic vessels, containing many lymphocytes, issue from the interstitial connective tissue of the thymus, but in what way they are connected with the lobules has not been ascertained. In the human subject the thymus gland undergoes after childhood a process of retrogression, its lobules ceasing to grow and becoming surrounded and concealed by a c|uantity of adipose tissue which develops in the interstitial connective tissue of the gland. Eventually the lobules atrophy. Fia. 200. — Elements of the THYMUS. 300 diameters. (Cadiat.) a, lymph-corpuscles ; b, cou- centric corpuscle. STRUCTURE OF THE SPLEEN. 213 LESSON XXIII. STRUCTURE OF THE SPLEEN, SUPRARENAL CAPSULES, THYROID BODY, AND PITUITARY BODY. 1. Sections of the spleen hardened in Mliller's fluid or formol and stained with hjeniatoxylin and eosin. Notice the trabeculse extending into the substance of the oroan from the capsule. Notice also that the glandular substance is of two kinds, (1) lymphoid tissue accumulated around the small arteries and here and there massed to form h/mphoid nodules — the Malpighian corpuscles — and (2) a tissue — the red pulp — consisting of a reticulum of fibrils and branching cells : this tissue contains blood in its interstices. Sketch part of a section under a low power and a small portion of the pulp under a high power. 2. Sections across a suprarenal capsule hardened in 2 per cent, bichromate of potassium. In sections not otherwise stained, notice the deep brown coloration of the medulla (action of the chromic salt). Stain other sections with eosin and hematoxylin. Examine first with a low power, noticing the general arrangement and extent of the cortical and medullary parts of the orgari, and making a general sketch which shall include both. After- wards sketch carefully under the high power a group of cells from each part of the organ. 3. Sections of the thyroid body stained with eosin and lipematoxylin. Notice the vesicles lined with cubical epithelium and filled wnth a "colloid" substance which becomes stained with hsematoxylin. Sketch one or two vesicles. Measure several vesicles. The sections will probably also include one or more parathyroids. 4. Sections (antero-posterior) through the pituitary body. Notice the (epithelial) anterior lobe separated by a cleft from the (nervous) posterior lobe. (The anterior part of the posterior lobe is also covered by an epithelial layer.) 5. Injected preparations of these organs may also be studied : the spleen is usually naturally injected with blood. The Spleen. The spleen is the largest of the so-called ductless glands. It appears to be functionally connected with the blood, white blood-corpuscles being formed and coloured blood-corpuscles being submitted to destruc- tion within it. Like the lymph-glands, the spleen is invested with a tibrous and muscular aipsule (fig. 261), which is however stronger and has far more plain muscular tissue ; outside the capsule is a covering derived from the serous membrane. The capsule sends bands of trabecule Sl4 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. into the organ, and these join with a network of similar trabeculae which pass into the gland at the hilus along with the blood-vessels. In the interstices of the framework thus constituted lies a soft pulpy substance containing a large amount of blood, and therefore of a deep red colour, dotted within which are here and there to be seen small round bodies, whiter than the pulp in the fresh organ but darker in Fig. 261. — Vertic.vl section of a portion of the monkey's spleen, as seen with a low power. stained sections, the Mulpighian corpuscles of the spleen. These are composed of lymphoid tissue which is gathered up into masses which envelop the smaller arteries, whilst the red pulp which everywhere surrounds them and which forms the bulk of the organ is composed (Carlier) of a close network of connective tissue fibrils (fig. 262), partly covered by flattened and branched cells (fig. 263). Passing into the pulp and communicating with its interstices are capillary blood- vessels which are connected with the terminations of the arteries ; whilst in other parts venous channels — characterised in the human spleen by an encirclement of reticulum-fibres, possibly of an ela.stic nature (fig. 264), and by the presence of a layer of highly characteristic, STRUCTURE OF THE SPLEEN. 215 Fig. 262. — Reticulum of spleen, golgi method. (Oppel.) a, Malpighian coi-p>iscle ; b, part of its reticulum : c, condensed reticulum at its margin ; d, more open tissue next to this ; e, wall of arteriole ; /, capillaries of Malpighian corpuscle ; g, reticulum of arteriole expanding into that of the Malpighian corpuscle. Fig. 203. — Small veins of spleen pulp with reticular tissue. (Hoyer. ) The veins, which are invested by encircling fibres, show gaps in their walls whereby they communicate with the interstices of the pulp. 216 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. comparatively thick and prominent endothelium-cells, ■which exhibit a longitudinally striated structure — course through the pulp and bring the blood which has passed into its interstices from the arterial capillaries towards the larger veins of the organ, which run in the trabeculse, and are by them conducted to the hilus. The arteries, which are also at first conducted from the hilus along the trabeculae into the interior of the organ, presently leave the trabeculse, and their Fig. 264. — Venous spaces of spleen pulp, showing the encircling fibres IN THEIR walls. Man. (v. Ebner.) cv, capillary veins ; p, pulp (the tissue elements are not represented). external coat becomes gradually converted into a thick sheath of lymphoid tissue which invests them in the remainder of their course, and in places becomes swollen into the Malpighian corpuscles already mentioned. The small arteries distribute a few capillaries to the Malpighian corpuscles, and then break up into pencils of capillary vessels which open into the interstices of the pulp.^ The Malpighian corpuscles frequently but not always show a clearer central nodule or gerin-centre, characterised b)^ the presence of numerous mitoses ; and the stainable bodies of Flemming (see p. 205) are also seen in them. ^It is right to state that many authorities hold that the arterial capillaries open into the venous sinuses and that the blood-sj'stem of the spleen is there- fore a closed one, the blood-corpuscles passing into the pulp-interstices by diapedesis. STRUCTURE OF THE SPLEEN. 217 fl» ^.^1? 9 Fig. 265.— Thin section of spleen-pulp of child, highly magnified, SHOWING the apparent MODE OF ORIGIN OF A SMALL VEIN IN THE INTERSTICES OF THE PULP. Magnified 400 diameters. a, blood in pulp ; a', blood in vein ; 6, phagocyte in vein ; c, branched cell of pulp ; d, splenic cell. Fig. 266. — A giant cell from the SPLEEN OF A KITTEN. Magnified 400 diameters. Fig. 267. — A vertical section of the suprarenal body of a fcetus, twice the natural size, showing the distinction between THE medullary AND COR- TICAL SUBSTANCE. (A. Thomson.) V, issuing vein ; r, summit of kidney. 218 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The special cellular elements of the spleen-pulp are of three kinds, viz. (1) peculiar, large, amoeboid 2>hagocytic cells, (2) megakaryocytes or giant cells, and (3) branched and generally flattened cells which assist in forming the spongeworlc. The pulp also contains all the corpuscular elements of blood. The phagocytic cells are frequently found to contain coloured blood-corpuscles in their interior in various stages of transformation into pigment. They occur both in the interstices of the pulp and in the venous sinuses and veins, where they are often filled with erythro- cytes (fig. 265). The giant cells are most frequent in young animals (fig. 266) : their function has not been ascertained. The branched cells of the spongeworlc are probably of the same nature as the endothelium cells of the terminal capillaries and veins of the pulp. They are connected with one another and with the endothelial cells of the small vessels by branches. The phagocytic spleen cells are perhaps derived from them. Nucleated coloured corpuscles are found in the embryo, and occasionally after birth, in the spleen-pulp. The blood of the splenic vein is very rich in leucocytes. The lymphatics of the spleen run partly in the trabeculse and capsule, and partly in the lymphoid tissue ensheathing the arteries. They join to form larger vessels which emerge together at the hilus. There are no lymphatics in the spleen pulp. The nerves, which are numerous and mostly non-medullated, are distributed to the muscular tissue of the arteries and to that in the capsule and trabeculre. Mall states that tlie distribution of the trabeculcB and of the blood-vessels within the spleen is such as to indicate a differentiation of the pulp into divisions which he tenns "spleen lobules," each of which has its own arteriole and venule, and in which' tlie pulp is arranged in columns or cords surrounded by venous spaces. It must, however, be understood that there is nothing of the nature of partitions separating such lobules : to all appearance the pulp is in continuity throughout the organ. The Suprarenal Capsules. The suprarenal capsules (adrenals) belong to the class of bodies known as ductless glands, but they are entirely different in structure and function from the spleen and lymphatic glands. A section through the fresh organ (fig. 267) shows a cortex which is striated verti- cally to the surface, and of a yellowish colour, and a medidla which is soft and highly vascular, and of a dark-red colour. The whole organ is invested by a fibrous capsule which sends fibrous septa inwards through the cortical substance (fig. 268, a), subdividing this for the most part THE SUPKAKKNAL CAPSULES. 219 into columnar groups of cells {.:onaf((scicvhif(i, r). Immediately under- neath the capsule, however, the groups are more rounded, and the cells tend to assume a columnar form (zotui glomerulosa, b), whilst next to the medulla they have a reticular arrangement (:on(i rHimlarU, d). hf ( ivi Fig. 268. — Vertical .section of cortex of suprarenal of dog. (Bohm and V. Davidoff). Magnified about 1.50 diameters. [a, capsule ; b, zona glomerulosa ; c, zona fasciculata ; d, zona reticularis. The cells which form the cortical substance are, for the most part, polyhedral in form ; each contains a clear round nucleus, and there are often yellowish oil-globules in their protoplasm. No arteries and veins penetrate between these cell.<=!, both these and the lymphatics of the cortex running in the fibrous septa between the columns of cells, which they surround with a capillary network. In the zona reticularis the capillaries widen out and occupy the spaces between the cell-- columns (fig. 268, d). The lymphatics communicate with fine canals between the cells of the cortex. 220 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The cells of the medulla (fig. 2G9) are more irregularly disposed. They are supported by a network of elastic fibres. They lie in very close relation to the large capillary blood-spaces (sinusoids) \vhich f^j^ .■du '} €> fs,^ 0 @ <£} & 3^^^JL*%'*J*Jsi^:.s.&^:^Js'.i Fig. 270. — Srction of human thyroid. (Szymonowicz. ) Magnified about 180 diameters, a" vesicle occupied by colloid, which has partly shrunk away from the epithelium ; 6, epithelium of a large vesicle ; c, c, epithelium of vesicles which are cut tangen- tially ; d, interstitial connective tissue. with cubical epithelium-cells ; these often contain granules of a fatty character. The cavities of the vesicles are usually occupied by a peculiar viscid liquid (colloid) which is coagulated by alcohol and which then becomes stained with hsematoxylin. A similar material 222 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. has been found in the lymphatics of the gland, and may often be detected also in the interstices of the connective tissue. The bloodvessels of the thyroid are numerous and give a deep red colour to the organ. The capillaries form close plexuses round the vesicles (fig. 271), and even extend between the lining epithelium cells. Parathyroids. — In close proximity to or embedded in the substance of the thyroid are always to be found four small glandular organs :iir*^v Fig. 271. — Thyroid of dog injected. Fig. 272.— P.akathyroid of monkey. (Vincent and Jolly.) 'I, paratJiyroid tissue; h, blood-vessels; c, connective tissue ; d, junction of para- thyroid with thyroid ; c, thyi-oid vesicles ; «', colloid. of different structure from the thyroid proper, although somewhat resembling its embryonic condition (fig. 272). These bodies, one of which usually lies on the lateral and one on the mesial surface of each lateral lobe, are formed of columns of granular epithelium-cells, with a very vascular connective tissue between the columns. If left after removal of the thyroid, they are stated to undergo hypertrophy, and to develop a vesicular structure (Vincent and Jolly). Besides these bodies, there is also frequently to be found in connexion with the thyroid a small mass of lymphoid tissue which resembles the thymus tissue in structure, and, like it, contains concentric corpuscles. CAROTID AND COCCYGEAL GLANDS. These are minute glandtilar orgaiis without ducts, lying respectively at the bifurcation of the carotid artery and in front of the apex of the coccyx. They are composed of polyhedral cells, with numerous blood- capillaries between them. In the carotid gland the cells are collected CAROTID AND COCCYGEAL GLANDS. ft 223 Fig. 273. — A clump or cell-ball from the carotid gland, injected. (Schaper.) a, arteriole ; r, venules ; c, sinus-like capillary within nodule ; gl, group of gland cells ; c, boundary of nodule surrounded by lymph space ; d, inter-nodular connective tissue of gland. Fig. 274. — Section of coccygeal gland. (Walker.) 1, blood-spaces; 2, epithelium; 3, connective tissue. 224 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. into spheroidal clumps, in the coccygeal gland into irregular nodules. The blood-vessels, at least in the coccygeal gland, have a sinusoidal character (Walker). Amongst the cells are some which stain dark brown with chromic acid like those of the medulla of the suprarenal capsules (chromophil cells). A certain number of such cells occur also, according to Kohn, in sympathetic ganglia. The Piti'itaey Body. The pituitary body or gland (hypophysis cerebri) is a small reddish mass which lies in the sella turcica, and is connected with the third ventricle by the infundibulum. It consists of two lobes, a larger anterior and a smaller posterior (fig. 275). The anterior lobe is Jhrs post ![^^.'^.,','^.-%.j; Pars one '-r - -^Yj^- Cranium "" Fig. 275.— Section thbough hypophysis. (Ediuger.) ■4 ,1 ■ - - n^' Fig. 27.5a.— Skctios of akteriob lobe of hypophysis of ox. (Dostoievsky.) W, blood-sinuses ; c, cell-strands containii g clear cells ; d, strands of darker granular cells. Other strands contain both kinds of cell. ' THK PITUITARY BODY. ' 225 originally developed as a hollow protrusion of the buccal epithelium. It consists of a number of tubules, which are lined by epithelium and united by connective- tissue. In some of the tubes the epithelium is ciliated, and occasionally a colloid substance is found in them, but for the most part the lumen of the tubules has become obliterated in the adult, and they present the appearance of solid cell-masses between which are numerous large venous capillaries, perhaps sinusoids. Some of the cells arc clear, others darkly granular in appearance (fig. 275 a). The 'posterior lobe of the pituitary body, which is developed from the infundibulum of the third ventricle, consists chiefly of vascular connec- tive tissue and neuroglia, but it also includes masses of cells of an epithelial character {pars intermedia), which are continuous with those of the anterior lobe. It is partly separated from the 'anterior lobe by a cleft-like space containing glairy fluid. In man the posterior lobe is stated to contain no cells in the adult of distinctly nervous character, but it receives many nerve-fibres which arise from large cells in the grey matter just behind the optic chiasma, some of which penetrate into the glandular substance. 226 • THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSONS XXIV. AND XXV. THE SKIN. 1. Sections of skin from the palmar surface of the fingers. The skin is hardened in picric acid or formol, followed by alcohol. The sections are made vertical to the surface, and should extend down as far as the sub- cutaneous tissue. Notice the layers of the epidermis and their different behaviour to staining fluids. Notice also the papilloe projecting from the corium into the epidermis and look for tactile corpuscles within them. In very thin jjarts of the sections the fine intercellular channels in the deeper parts of the epithelium (see Lesson VII.) may be seen with a high power. The convoluted tubes of the sweat-glands are visible here and there in the deeper parts of the corium, and in thick sections the corkscrew-like channels by which the sweat is conducted through the ejjidermis may also be observed. Make a sketch showing the general structure under a low power, and other sketches to exhibit the most important details under a high power. Measure the thickness of the epidermis and the length of the papillse. 2. Sections of the skin of the scalji, vertical to the surface and parallel to the slope of the hair-follicles, and others parallel to the surface, and therefore across the hair-follicles. Stain and mount in the same way as in the last preparation. Examine also the structure of the hairs. In these preparations the details of structure of the hairs and hair-follicles, together with the sebaceous glands and the little muscles of the hair-follicles, are to be made out. 3. Vertical sections of the nail and nail-bed. To cut such hard structures as the nail it is best, after fixing with picric acid or formol followed by 75 p.c. alcohol, to soak the tissue in strong gum arable for a few days, then place it in an appropriate position upon a cork or upon the object-carrier of a microtome, and plunge the whole into 70 per cent, alcohol. This renders the gum hard, and enables sections to be cut of sufficient fineness. A plane iron should be used with the microtome, since the hardness of the nail will turn the edge of a razor. To remove the gum the sections are placed in water for a few hours ; they may then be stained and mounted. Notice the ridges (not papillae) of the corium, projecting into the epidermis. Observe also the distinction of the epidermis into Malpighian layer and nail proper. 4. Mount a section from a portion of skin in which the blood-vessels have been injected, and notice the distribution of the capillaries to the sweat- glands, to the hair-follicles, and to the papillary surface of the corium. 5. The cells which compose the nails and hairs can be isolated by warming a small piece' of nail or hair in strong sidplmric acid ; after this treatment they are readily separated from one another by piessure upon the cover- glass. 6. Sections of mammary gland during lactation. The gland may be fixed in Zenker's fluid (see Appendix) and the sections stained with ha^matoxylin and eosin. The skin is composed of two parts, epidermis and cutis vera (fig. 276). The epidermis, or scarf skin, is a stratified epithelium (fig. 277). It is composed of a number of layers of cells, the deeper of which are THE SKIN. 22 ^ soft and protoplasmic, and form the reie mucosurii of Malpighi, whilst the superficial layers are hard and horny, this horny portion sometimes ^t^^- ) i >) It \ >-^,-^ stratum corneuin . rete mucosum -cutis vera fS^^ - • ',% ^ ^ ^d L-^,' • " 'M- : %^\ ■•: ^/ \>-\ -. - - " "S* -'vj/ . K-: . sweat glands adipose tissue Fig. 276.— Vertical section thkodgh the skin of the sole of the foot. Magnified about 2-5 diameters. constituting the greater part of the thickness of the epidermis. The deepest cells of the rete mueosum, which are set on the surface of the cutis vera, are columnar in shape. In the coloured races of mankind 228 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. these cells contain pigment-granules. In the layers immediately above them the cells are polyhedral. Between all these cells of the rete mucosum there are fine intercellular clefts which separate the cells from one another, but are bridged across by fibres which pass from cell to cell, and also through the substance of the cells (Ranvier, Delepine). The intercellular channels serve for the passage of lymph, !^-«f:- stratum corneum stratum lucidum stratum icranulosum ^ ^ P^-'^ rete mucosum -*^i -cutis vera Fig. 277.— Vertical sectiox through the .skix of the p.\lmar side of the finger, showing two pafill.e (oxe of which coxtaixs a tactile CORPUSCLE) AXn THE DEEPER LATER OF THE EPIDERMIS. Magnified about 200 diameters. and within them occasionally lymph-corpuscles may be found, often haA^ng a stellate figure from becoming shaped to the interstices. The superficial layer of the rete mucosum is formed of somewhat flattened cells filled with granules or droplets of a material (eleidin) which stains deeply with carmine and haematoxylin (stratum granulosum, fig. 277; fig. 278). This is not sharply marked off" from the cells of the rete mucosum which lie next to it, for many of these show similar granules, although they less completely fill the cell. THE SKIN. 229 Superficial to the stratum granulosum is a layer in which the cell- outlines are indistinct and the cells contain flakes or larger droplets of a hyaline material (kerato-hyalin), which stain less intensely than the granules in the last layer, and which tend to run together. This layer has a clear appearance in section, and is known as the stratum lucidum. Immediately superficial to the stratum lucidum is the horny part {stratum corneum) of the epidermis. It is composed of a number of layers of epithelium cells, the nuclei of which are no longer visible. These cells near the surface take the form of thin horny scales Fig. 278.— Portiox of epidermis from a sectiox of the skix of the finger, COLOURED WITH picrocarmixe. (Ranvier.) a, stratum corneum; b, stratum lucidum with flakes of kerato-hyalin; c, stratum granulosum, the cells filled with drops of eleidin ; d, prickle-cells ; e, dentate projections by which the deepest cells of the epidermis are fixed to the cutis vera. which eventually become detached (fig. 279, .s). In certain parts which have a thick epidermis and are not covered with hair {e.g. the palms and soles), the superficial part of the epidermis is a layer mainly formed by a number of greatly swollen cells {sw), forming collectively what has been termed the epitrichud layer. In the embryo in the second and third month of intrauterine life it covers the whole body, but is thrown off where hairs are developed. The growth of the epidermis takes place by a multiplication of the cells of the deeper layers. The newly formed cells, as they grow, push towards the surface those which were previously formed, and in their progress the latter undergo a chemical transformation, which converts their protoplasm into horny material : this change seems to occur just at and above the stratum granulosum (see fig. 278). The granules which occupy the cells of the stratum granulosum are composed, as already stated, of a substance termed eleidin, which according to 230 THE ESSENTIALS OF HI^OLOGY. Kanvier becomes chemically altered and transformed into the keratin of the more superficial strata. No blood-vessels pass into the epidermis, but it receives nerves which ramify between the cells of the rete mucosum in the form of fine varicose fibrils (fig. 279). In some parts these are enlarged at their extremity and along their course, into menisci which lie between fir (i ^ ^- , -- ■: - ■A Fig. 279. — Sectiox of epidermis. (Ranvier.) s, superficial homy scales; sio, swollen li6my cells; $.L, stratum lucidum ; p, prickle- cells, several rows deep ; c, elongated cells forming a single stratum near the coriuni ; $.pr, stratum granulosum of Langerhans, just below the stratum lucidum. Part of a plexus of nerve-fibres is seen in the superficial layer of the cutis vera. From this plexus fine varicose nerve-fibrils may be traced passing up between the epithelium- ceUs of the Malpighian layer. the deeper epidermis cells. Such terminations are seen in the skin over the pig's snout (fig. 219) and in the root-sheaths of hairs. They also occur in the skin in the neighbourhood of the entrance of the sweat-ducts into the epidermis (Ranvier) (fig. 280). The cutis vera or corium is composed of dense connective tissue, which becomes more open and reticular in its texture in its deeper part, where it merges into the subcutaneous tissue. It is thickest over the posterior aspect of the trunk, whereas the epidermis is thickest on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The superficial or vascular layer of the corium bears microscopic papillos, which project up THE SKIN. 231 into the epidermis, which is moulded over them. These papillae for the most part contain looped capillary vessels, but some, especially those of the palmar surface of the hand and fingers, and the corresponding part of the foot, contain tactile corpuscles, to which medullated nerve-fibres pass (fig. 277). In some parts of the body (scrotum, penis, nipple, and its areola), involuntary muscular tissue occurs in the deeper portions of the cutis vera, and, in addition, wherever hairs occur, small bundles of this tissue are attached to the hair-follicles. fi.Kf^FMNSKl Fig. 280. — Section of the skin of the pulp of the finger of a child, stained with gold chloride, showing nerves terminating in an ivt-like arborkscence at the surface of the cutis vera and in the DEEPEST PART OF THE EPIDERMIS. (Ranvier.) p, p, outlines of iiapillse ; vi, n', nerve-fibres in cutis vera ; m, tei'minal menisci ; If, duct of a sweat-gland. The blood-vessels of the skin are distributed almost entirely to the surface, where they form a close capillary network, sending up loops into the papillae (fig. 281). Special branches are also distributed to the various appendages of the skin, viz. the sweat-glands and hair-follicles, with their sebaceous glands and little muscles, as well as to the masses of adipose tissue which may be found in the deeper parts of the cutis. The lymphatics originate near the surface in a network of vessels, which is placed a little deeper than the blood-capillary network. They receive branches from the papillae, and pass into larger vessels, which are valved, and which run in the deeper or reticular part of the corium. From these the hmiph is carried away by still larger vessels, which course in the subcutaneous tissue. The appendages of the skin are the nails, the haiis, with their 232 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. sebaceous glands, and the sweat-glands. They are all developed as thick- enings and downgrowths of the Malpighian layer of the epidermis. The Nails. The nails are thickenings of the deeper part of the stratum corneum developed over a specially modified portion of the skin (fig. 282), which r.m. Fig. 281. — Duct of a sweat-gland passing through the epidermis. Magnified 200 diameters. (Heitzmann.) J), papillae with blood-vessels injected; r.m.., rete mucosum Vjotween the papillse ; c, c, stratum corneum ; s.g., stratum granulosum ; d, d, sweat-duct passing through epidermis. is known as the bed of the nail, the depression at the posterior part of the nail-bed from which the root of the nail grows being known as the nail-groove. The part of the bed which occupies the inner or central portion of the groove is termed the nail-matrix, since it is from this part that the growth of the nail proceeds. The distal part of the nail forms the/jre border, and is the thickest part of the body of the nail. The substance of the nail (fig. 283, N) is composed of clear horny cells, each containing the remains of a nucleus ; it rests immediately upon a Malpighian layer {B) similar to that which is found in the epidermis generally, but destitute of a defined stratum granulosum. Never- theless, in the more superficial cells both of the bed and matrix there are a large number of granules to be seen, which appear to represent those of the stratum granulosum of the epidermis. These granules are, however, not composed of eleidin, but of a material {onychogenic substance, Kanvier) which stains brown instead of red with carmine ; a similar material occurs in the cells which form the fibrous substance and cuticula of the hairs. The corium of the nail-bed i THE NAILS. c d 233 Fig. 282.— Longitudinal section thkough the root ok the nail and its MATRIX. Magnified about 10 diameters. o, root of nail ; h, Malpighian layer of matrix ; c, ridges in dermis of nail-bed ; d, epitrichial layer of epidermis ; e, cponychium ; /, bone (termijial phalanx) of finger. Fig. 283. -Section ACiiosb the nail and nail-bed Magnified 100 diameters. (Heitzmann.) P, ridges with blood-vessels ; B, rete mucosum ; N, nail. 234 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. is beset with longitudinal ridges instead of the papillae which ai'e present over the rest of the skin ; these, like the rest of the superficial part of the corium, are extremely vascular. The nail-bed also receives many nerve-fibres, some of which end in Pacinian corpuscles whilst others ramify in the ridges of the corium, and others again penetrate amongst the deeper epithelium cells. The nails are developed in the foetus at about the third month, the groove being formed at this time in the corium, and the nail rudiment appearing in it as a thickening of the stratum lucidum, which lies over the bed. It becomes free in the sixth month, its free end being at first thin, but as it grows forward over the bed it receives additions on its under surface — at least in the posterior part of the bed — so that after a time the distal end becomes thicker. The epitrichial layer of the cuticle which originally covered the developing nail becomes detached after the fifth month, and, after birth, only remains as the narrow border of cuticle (ejwnychiurn) which overlies the lunula at the root. Hairs. The hairs are growths of the epidermis, developed in little pits — the hair-follicles — which extend downwards into the deeper part of the corium, or even into the subcutaneous tissue. The hair grows from the bottom of the follicle, the part which thus lies within the follicle being known as the root (fig. 285). The substance of a hair is mainly composed of a pigmented, horny, fibrous material (fig.284, /), which can be separated by the action of sul- phuric acid into long tapering fibril- lated cells, the nuclei of which are still visible. The fibrous substance of the hair is covered by a layer of delicate imbricated scales, termed the hair-cuticle (c). In many hairs, but not in all, the centre is occupied by an axial substance {medulla, m), formed of angular cells which contain granules of eleidin, and frequently have a dark appearance from the presence of minute air-bubbles. The latter may also occur in interstices in the fibrous substance. When they are present, the hair looks white by reflected light. The root has the same structure as the body of the hair, except at its extremity, which is enlarged (fig. 285) ; this enlargement is com- FiG. 284. — Piece of human hair. Magnified. A, seen from the surface ; B, in optical section, c, cuticle ; /, fibrous sub- stance ; in, medulla, the air having been expelled by Canada balsam. THE HAIRS. 235 posed mainly of soft, growing cells, and fits over a vascular j^o^pi^ld, which projects up into the bottom of the follicle (fig. 287). Structure of hair-follicle (figs. 28.5 to 288). — The follicle, like the skin itself, of which it is a recess, is composed of two parts : one epithelial, and the other connective-tissue. The epithelial or epidermic part of the follicle closely invests the hair-root, and is often in great part dragged out with it ; hence it is known as the root-sheath. It consists of an outer layer of soft columnar and polyhedral cells, like the eijidermis junction of inner and outer root-sheaths medulla fibrous substance Fig. 285. papilla blood-vessels -Diagram to explain the formation of a hair. (Maurer.) Malpighian layer of the epidermis, but without stratum granulosum — the outer root-sheath ; and of an inner, thinner, horny stratum next to the hair — the inner root-sheath. The inner root-sheath itself consists of three layers, the outermost being composed of horny, fibrous, oblong cells the nuclei of which are obscure and difficult to make out (Henle's layer), the next of polyhedral nucleated cells containing eleidin {Huxley's layer), and the third — the cuticle of the root-sheath — a layer of down- wardly imbricated scales, which fit over the upwardly imbricated scales of the hair itself. In the more superficial part of the hair-follicle the layers of Huxley and Henle are indistinguishable, the cells of both 236 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. being clear and keratinised ; even lower down where distinguishable they show a tendency to dovetail into one another. At the bottom of the follicle no differentiation into layers can be made out in the root-sheath, which is here formed by a uniform mass of soft cells surrounding the papilla. hy. - //.:■ .--iv Fig. 286.— Sfx'tions acros.s hair-follicles from the scalp of an infant. I. Through papilla. II. Just above papilla. III. About middle of follicle. IV. Near outer part of follicle. In I. :—p, papilla ; c, eiiithelium .surrounding papilla, with pigment in cells ; A?/, hyaline layer of dermic coat with thin outer root-sheath just within it. In II., III., IV. :— o, outer root-sheath; i' , layer of Ilenle and i", layer of Huxley of the inner root-sheath ; c, cuticle of root-sheath ; h, hair. In the greater extent of the follicle the outer root-sheath is several layers deep, but as the bottom of the follicle is approached it becomes thinner and is finally reduced to a single stratum of cells which becomes flattened out into a very thin layer in the papillary part (fig. 286, I.). The connective tissue or dermic part of the hair-follicle is composed internally of a vascular layer, which is separated from the root-sheath THE HAIES. 237 by a basement-membrane termed the hyaline layer of the follicle. This inner vascular layer corresponds to the superficial layer of the cutis vera. Its fibres and cells have a regular circular arrangement around Fig. 287.— Longitudinal section of a hair-follicle. Magnitied 200 diameters. 0, outer; i, inner root-sheath ; /;, hair ; x, part shown magnified in fig. 28S. the follicle, the cells being flattened against the hyaline layer. Exter- nally the dermic coat of the follicle has a more open texture, correspond- ing to the deeper part of the cutis, and contains the larger branches of the arteries and veins. In the large tactile hairs of animals, the 238 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 288. — A small portion of the section shown in fig. 287 enlarged TO exhibit the structure of the several layers. h, hair ; c", its cuticle ; <;', cuticle of root-sheath ; i", Huxley's layer ; i', Henle's layer ; o, outer root-sheath ; hy, hyaline layer ; d, dermic coat ; J] fat-cells. Fig. 289. — Nerves and nerve-endings in the skin and hair-follicles. (G. Retzius.) list, horny stratum ; rm, rete Malpighii ; c, superficial nerve-fibre plexus in the cutis ; 71, cutaneous nerve ; is, inner root-sheath of hair ; as, outer root-sheath ; h, hair ; dr, sebaceous glands. THE HAIRS. 239 veins near the bottom of the follicle are dilated into sinuses, so as to produce a kind of erectile structure. The hair-follicle receives nerve-tibres which pass into the papilla, and others which enter the root-sheath. These last are derived from the supei-ficial nerves of the corium and form ring-like arborisations in the upper part of the hair follicle. They are especially well developed in the large tactile hairs (whiskers) of animals (figs. 289, 290, 291). Fig. 290. — From a section of skin pbbpared by the chromate of silver method, showing the upper part of two hairs and the terminal arborisations of nerve-fibees in their root-sheaths. (van Gehuchten.) The hair grows from the bottom of the follicle by multiplication of the soft cells which cover the papilla, these cells becoming elongated and pigmented to form the fibres of the fibrous substance, and other- wise modified to produce the medulla and cuticle of the hair and the several layers of the root-sheath. The cells which form the medulla of the hair and the inner root-sheath are filled with granules of eleidin, but those which form the fibrous substance and cuticula of the hair have granules which stain brown with carmine, and appear similar to those which are met with in the corresponding cells of the nail-matrix (Ranvier) (see p. 232). On the side' to which the hair slopes a small patch of richly innervated thickened epidermis is usually to be found, developed over an enlarged papilla of the cutis vera : while on the opposite side of the hair is a flat area of skin with thickened scale-like ejiiderniis, which may repres^ent a vestige of the rej3tilian scale (Pinkus). 240 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The hair germs when they first appear (as at a, fig. 293) are singularly like certain tactile patches which are found in the skin of amphibia and some reptiles, and it is possible that hairs have become developed phylogenetically .from these patches. It is well known that the tactile sensibility of many parts of the skin is intimately associated with the hairs, where these occur, although parts devoid of hairs mav also have a highly developed sense of touch. Besides the hair-follicles already described, which are provided with a papilla, from the cells on the surftice of which the hair and its inner root-sheath grow {growing hairs, pupillated hairs, hairs with hollow bulb), u. Fig. 291. — Nkrve ending in outer root-she.'^th of t.\ctile hair ov e.vbbit. (Ranvler.) n, nerve-fibre ; m, tactile meniscus ; o, outer root-sheath ; i, inner root-sheath ; h, hair ; hy, hyaline membrane. there are many hairs which are unprovided with a papilla and the follicle of which ceases at the level of attachment of the arrector pili muscle {dub-hairs, non-papillated hairs, hairs with solid bulb). These are hairs which have lost their papilla and have ceased to grow ; they are more easily eradicated than the growing hairs, and tend to fall out spontaneously after a time. In their follicles the whole of the lower part, including the original papilla and the soft growing cells which cover it, have entirely disappeared, the hair being now attached at its sides and below to the root-sheath. A hair which has thus ceased to grow eventually becomes lost, but its place is presently supplied by a new hair, which becomes developed in a down-growth from the bottom of the follicle, a new papilla becoming formed at the extremity of the THE HAIRS. 241 down-growth (fig. 292). If not previously detached, the old hair is pushed out from the follicle by the one which replaces it. The detachment of the non-papillated hairs is preceded by an absorp- tion of the root of the hair and of the investing inner root-sheath. ] * >j.-< ^ '2 *c,^ Fig. 292.— Loxgitudinal section through the follicle of a hair which HAS ceased to grow AND THE ROOT OF WHICH IS UNDERGOING ABSORP- TION. Magnified 200 diameters. This absorption appears to be effected by the cells of the outer sheath, which multiply at the expense of the keratinised parts of the hair root and thus undermine its attachment to the follicle (fig. 292). The hairs are originally developed in the embryo in the form of small solid down-growths from the Malpighian layer of the epidermis (fig. 293). The haii'-germ, as it is called (although it gives rise not only to the hair proper but to the epithelium-cells of the hair-follicle 242 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. also), is at first composed entirely of soft growing cells, the outermost and deepest having a columnar shape : but presently those in the centre become differentiated, so as to produce a minute hair invested by inner root-sheath, its base resting upon a papilla which has become inclosed by the extremity of the hair-germ and which is continuous with the connective tissue of the corium (figs. 294, 295). As the minute hair grows, it pushes its way through the layers of the epidermis, w^hich it finally perforates, the epitrichial layer being thrown off (p. 229). At the same time the follicle grows more deeply into the cutis vera, carrj'ing the papilla down with it. Fig. 293.— Hair-germs ix a .section of the .scalp of a HUJtAX fcetus. (Szymonowicz.) Magnified 230 diameters. a, commencing down-growth of epidermis ; 4, further stajje of down-growth ; c, connec- tive-tissue cells beginning to accumulate to produce the dermic coat of the follicle ; d, hair-follicle more advanced in development ; e, section of a blood-vessel. The hair-rudiments begin to appear at the third or fourth month of foetal life ; their growth is completed about the fifth or sixth month, and the fine hairs which they form constitute a complete hairy cover- ing termed the lanugo. This is entirely shed within a few months of birth, the neAv hairs being formed in down-growths from the old hair- follicles in the manner already mentioned. Hairs grow at the rate of half an inch per month. They are found all over the surface of the body except on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, and on the distal phalanges of the fingers and toes. They usually slant, and in the negro the hair-follicles are even considerably curved. On the scalp they are set in groups, as is well seen in a horizontal section. The hairs of animals are often curiously marked by the arrangement of their medulla, the markings being characteristic of particular species. In some animals, e.g. the mole, the hairs have a varicose form with alter- nate enlargements and constrictions. In human hair tlie disappearance of GROWTH OF THE HAIRS. 243 the papilla is preceded by its <,a-adiial diiiiiimtioii in size, and during this period the root of the hair is becoming gradually more slender' (Ranvier), so that when sucli a hair is pulled out it appears to be of least diameter near the bulb, instead of being largest there, as is the case under ordinary circumstances. Muscles of the hairs. — A small muscle composed of bundles of plain muscular tissue is attached to each hair-follicle {arredoi- pili) ; it passes from the superficial part of the corium, on the side to which the hair slopes, obliquely downwards, to be attached near the bottom of the follicle to a projection formed by a localised hypertrophy of the outer root-sheath. When the muscle con- tracts, the hair becomes more erect, and the follicle is dragged upwards so as to cause a prominence on the general surface of the skin, whilst the part of the corium from which the little muscle arises is correspond- ingly depressed ; the roughened con- dition known as ' goose skin ' being in this way produced. There is always a sebaceous gland in the triangle formed between the arrector pili, the mouth of the hair-follicle, and the epidermis, so that the con- traction of the arrector generally causes the secretion of the gland to be extruded. Glands of the Skin. Fig. 294.— Developing hair from humax embryo of 4^ months. (Ranvier. ) The sebaceous glands (fi^. 285) are P, Papilla,/, hair-rudiment; ^ cells from .jv^uu.'^v^^/u^ e,xuu.u» \"o- - "/ ""-^ which the inner root-sheath is becom- small saccular glands, the ducts from which open into the mouths of the hair-follicles, but they are also found in a few situations which are devoid of hairs (margin of lips, labia minora, glans, and prepuce). The Meibomian glands of the eyelid may also be regarded as modified sebaceous glands. Both the duct and the saccules are lined by epithelium, which becomes charged with fatty matter. This sebaceous matter is ing formed ; k, keratiiiised part of inner root-sheath, uncoloured by carmine ; o, outer root-sheath ; 6, epithelial projec- tion for insertion of arrector pili ; s, sebaceous gland ; t, sebaceous degenera- tion of cells in the part which will become the neck of tlie follicle. This forms a channel for the passage of the hair-point through the Malpighian laver. 244 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. discharged into the cavity of the saccule, probably owing to the disintegration of the cells within which it is formed. There may be more than one sebaceous gland attached to each hair-follicle. The sebaceous glands are developed as outgrowths from the outer root-sheath (figs. 294, 295, s). [: WM$M ^^h I ^.-• Fig. 295.— Loxgitudixal sectiox of a haik with its follicle from a six-JiON'THs' HCMAX EMBRYO. (Szymonowicz. ) Magnified about 150 diameters. p, papilla ; h, young hair ; ;', inner root-sheath ; d, dermic coat of follicle ; o, outer root- sheath ; «, sebaceous gland rudiment ; 6, projection for insertion of arrector pili. The sweat-glands are abundant over the whole skin, but they are most numerous on the palm of the hand and on the sole of the foot. They are composed of coiled tubes, which lie in the deeper part of the integument and send their ducts up through the cutis SWEAT-GLANDS. 24r to open on the surface by corkscrew-like channels in the epidermis (tigs. 276, 281). The glandular or secreHng tube is a convoluted tube composed of a basement-membrane lined by a single layer of cubical or columnar epi- thelium-cells, and with a layer of longitudinally or obliquely disposed tibres between the epithelium and basement-membrane (fig. 296). These fibres are usually regarded as muscular, but the evidence on this point is not conclusive. The secreting tube is considerably larger than the efferent tube or duct, which begins within the gland and usually makes several convolutions before leaving the gland to traverse the cutis vera. ^ Fig. 29G. — Section' of a sweat-glaxd in the skin of man. a, a, secreting tube in section ; h, a cuil seen from above ; c, c, efferent tube ; d, intei-tubular connective tissue with blood-vessels. 1, basement-membrane ; 2, muscular fibres cut across ; 3, secreting epithelium of tubule. The efferent tube has an epithelium consisting of two or three layers of cells, within which is a well-marked cuticular lining, but there is no muscular layer. The passage through the epidermis has no proper wall, but is merely a channel excavated between the epithelium-cells. Very large sweat-glands occur in the axilla. The ceruminous cjlavds of the ear (fig. 297; are modified sweat-glands. The secretion is of a sebaceous nature, instead of being watery like that of the ordinary sweat-glands. The sweat-glands are developed, like the hairs, from down-growths of the Malpighian layer of the epidermis into the corium. They are distinguishable from the hair-germs by the fact that the cells of the outermost layer are not columnar in shape, but spheroidal or poly- 246 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. hedral. The sweat-gland germs which are thus formed become eventuall}' coiled up at their extremities and converted into hollow tubes. The muscular fibres of the tubes as well as the secretin "• epithelium- cells are ectodermic structures. The sweat-glands receive nerve-fibres, and each gland has a special cluster of capillary blood-vessels. Root-sbeatb of 1 folUcle. / Root of hair. Sebaceous glands. Hair-follicle. Cenimiijous gland. Fig. 297.— Section of skin of acditoby meatt.s, ixclcdixg two hair- follicles WITH THEIK .SEBACEOUS GLANDS ANT) TWO CEKUMINOCS GLANDS. (Griiber.) The MAinLVRY Gl.a:nd.s. The mammary glands are compound racemose glands which open by numerous ducts upon the apex of the nipple. The ducts are dilated into small reservoirs just before reaching the nipple. If traced backwards, they are found to commence in groups of saccular alveoli (fig. 298). The walls of the ducts and alveoli are formed of THE MAMMARY GLANDS. 247 Fig. 298.— Section of mammary gland of woman during lactation. (Testut, after de Sinetv.) a, lobule of gland ; 6, acini lined by cubical epithelium ; c, duct ; t, connective-tissue stroma. .,..f;^^^''^, Fig. 299.— Section of jiammart gland, human, in full activity. (v. Ebner. ) x 110. a, a', a", alveoli variou.sly cut, and distended by secretion ; g, if , commencing ducts ; i, connective tissue. 248 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. a basement-membrane lined by a simple layer of flattened epithelium (fig. 299). Milk globules may be seen within the alveoli and ducts, and at the commencement of lactation amoeboid cells containing fat-particles appear in the secretion {colostrum corj)usdes). These are N^^ Fig. 300. — Ax alveolus with fat-drops ix cells, (v. Ebner.) x360. <, cells of alveolus ; k, cells forming basket-like basement membrane, wt ; i, connective tissue. Fig. 301.— Sectiox from the same gland as that shown in fig. 299. (v. Ebner. x 110. b, connective tissue ; d, undeveloped alveoli ; d', partially developed alveoli ; g, blood-vessels ; m, portion of larger duct with two-layered epithelium. MAMMARY GLANDS. 249 probably emigrated leucocytes similar to the salivary corpuscles of saliva, but some have been looked upon as epithelium-cells or portions of epithelium-cells which have become detached from the general linins; of the alveoli. Fig. 302.— SeCTIOX of DKVELOPING JrAMilART GL.iXD OF HORSE. (C. Hamburger.) V, bloo(J-ve8sels ; s, sebaceous glands. Development. — The mammary glands are developed in the same manner as the sweat-glands, excepting that the secreting part does not become convoluted and tubular. In the virgin mamma they show A'ery few and small groups of alveoli, but as pregnancy advances the gland ducts bud out extensively, and many more alveoli are formed and undergo enlargement, until the greater part of the connective tissue in the mammary region is permeated by them. In sections of the gland they may be seen in various stages of development (figs. 299, 301). After lactation is over they undergo a process of retrogres.sion. 250 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XXVI. STRUCTURE OF THE HEART. 1. In sections through the wall of the auricle note the relative thickness of the epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. Observe the blood-vessels and nerve-fibres under the epicardium, often embedded in fat ; here and there a ganglion may be seen under this membrane. Notice also the elastic networks under both the pericardium and endocardium. Make a general sketch from this section. 2. In sections through the wall of the ventricle the same points are to be noticed. The muscular fibres are variously cut. In those which are cut longitudinally, the branching of the filires and their union both laterally and by their branches may be seen. Notice also that although the fibres are cross-stiiated this is less distinct than in voluntary muscle, and that the nuclei lie near the centre of each fibre. Transverse markings may also be seen passing across the fibres between the nuclei ; this is usually taken as indicating a division into cells. The endocardium is very thin, especially over the columnse carnepe. 3. Section through one of the valves of the heart. ^ 4. If a portion of endocardium of the sheep's heart is spread out on a slide and examined in salt solution, a network of large beadetl fibres may be seen with a low power or even with a lens ; they are also well seen in sections. These are the fibres of Purkinje ; they are formed of large, square-looking cells, usually containing two nuclei, and having striated muscular substance at their periphery. The fibres of Purkinje may also be seen in sections. 5. The lymphatics of the heai't may be injected with Berlin blue by sticking the nozzle of the injecting syringe into the muscvdar substance, in the interstices of which the lymphatics arise. These commencing lymphatics lead to efferent vessels which pass undei' the epicardium towards the base of the heart. 6. The epithelium which covers the epicardium, and that which lines the endocardium, may be studied in preparations of the fresh organ which have been well rinsed with distilled water ; tlien treated with nitrate of silver, again rinsed, and subsequently exposed to the light and hardened in alcohol. Surface sections are to l^ie made and mounted in xylol balsam or dammar. The muscular tissue of the heart {myocardium) forms the main thickness of the ventricles and also of parts of the auricles. It is composed of a network of fibres which are formed of uninucleated transversely striated cells, the structure of which has already been studied (Lesson XVII. p. 124). ^ The appearances which are to be studied in sections 1, 2, and 3 can all be obtained in one preparation, viz. a vertical section including a portion of auricle and ventricle and a flap of the intervening auriculo-ventricular valve. STRUCTURE OF THE HEART. 251 In the interstices ot" the muscular l)uiulle3 there is a little areolar tissue in which run the very numerous blood-capillaries and the lacunar lymphatics. 7C/ h-^'m Fig. 303 a, b. Fig. 303 c. I Fig. 303 a, b. —Section" of the right auricle. A, Epicardium and adjacent part of the myocardium, n, serous epithelium in section; b, connective-tissue layer ; c, elastic network ; d, subserous areolar tissue ; e, fat ; ;■, section of a blood-vessel ; tj, a small ganglion ; k, musculajr fibres of the myocardium ; i, intermuscular areolar tissue. B, Endocardium and adjacent layer of the myocardium, a, lining epithelium ; 6, con- nective tissue with fine elastic fibres ; c, layer with coarser elastic fibres ; d, sub- endocardial connective tissue continuous with the intermuscular tissue of the myocardium ; h, muscular fibres of the myocardium ; m, plain muscular tissue in the endocardium. Fig. 303 c— Section through one of the flap.s of the .\ortic valve, and PART of the CORRE-SPONDING SINU.S OF VALSALVA, WITH THE ADJOINING PART OF THE VENTRICULAR WALL. (Horslej.) a, endocardium, prolonged over the valve ; 6, sub-cndocardial tissue ; c, fibrous tissue of the valve, thickened at c' near the free edge ; d, section of the lunula ; e, section of the fibrous ring ; /', muscular fibres of the ventricle attached to it ; g, loose areolar tissue at the base of the ventricle ; s. V. sinus of Valsalva ; 1, 3, 3, inner, middle, and outer coats of the aorta. 252 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The myocardium is covered externall}^ by a layer of serous mem- brane— the epicardiuin (cardiac pericardium fig. 303,^) — composed, like other serous membranes, of connective tissue and elastic fibres, the latter being most numerous in its deeper parts. Underneath the epicardium run the blood-vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels of the heart embedded in areolar and adipose tissue, this tissue being con- tinuous with that which lies between the muscular bundles ; the free surface of the membrane is covered by serous epithelium. The endocardium (fig. 303, B) has a structure not very unlike the pericardium. It is lined by a pavement-epithehum (endothelium), like that of a serous membrane, and consists of connective tissue \y\l\\ Fig. 304.— Fragment of the xetwork of Purkixje's fibres from the VENTR1CUL.\R EXDOCARDIUJI OF THE SHEEP. (Rauvjer.) c, clear cell bod}-; n, nuclei; /, striated fibrils. elastic fibres in its deeper part, between which there may, in some parts, be found a few plain muscular fibres. Fat is sometimes met with under the endocardium. In some animals, e.g. the sheep and ox, large beaded fibres are found under the endocardium. These are formed of clear cells joined both end to end and laterally, and generally containing in their centre two nuclei, Avhilst the peripheral part of the cell is formed of cross- striated muscular tissue ; the chains of cells form the fibres of Purldnje (fig. 304). They appear to be cardiac cells which have undergone differentiation into striated muscle substance only at their periphery, the non-difterentiated part of the cell having continued to grow until it has attained a considerable size. In man distinct fibres of Purkinje are not seen, but the innermost muscular fibres of the ventricles are larger than those which lie more externally : they also undergo development somewhat later (J. B. MacCallum). A muscular bundle which shows less differentiation than the rest of the cardiac muscle has been described by Stanley Kent, His and others, running STRUCTURE OF THE HEART. 253 in the septum and affonling a bridging connexion between the muscle of the auricles and that of "the ventricles. This bundle is commonly believed to serve to propagate the contractions of the auricles to the ventricles and thus to maintain their regularity of ihythra ; and it is stated that when the bundle in question is severed experimentally or by disease this propagation is no longer possible, and the ventricles in consequence beat with a much slower rhythiu than the auricles. The accuracy of this statement is, however, denied by Kronecker, who regards the regularity of the cardiac contractions as a function, not of the muscular substance of the heart, but of the nerve- fibres, which are distributed to every part of the myocardium. The valves of the heart are formed of folds of endocardium strengthened by fibrous tissue (fig. 303, C). This tissue forms a thicken- ing near the free edge of the valve (c). At the base of the auriculo- ventricular valves the muscular tissue of the auricle may be found passing a short distance into the valve. In the foetus these valves are at first entirely muscular. The nerves of the heart are seen in sections underneath the epi- cardium of both auricles and ventricles ; in the former situation they are connected at intervals with small ganglia (fig. 303, A, g]. Their branches pass to the muscular substance, and after dividing into fine fibrils, these end in enlarged extremities, which are applied directly to the muscular fibres (Ranvier). Other nerve-fibres, which are probably afferent, terminate in complex ramifications in the endocardium in connection with small masses of nucleated cells, forming a kind of end- plate (Smirnow). The blood-vessels of the heart are very numerous, and the veins thin- walled, retaining the capillary structure (endothelium only) in vessels of as much as 0-25 mm. in diameter. They are accompanied by numerous lymphatic vessels, which also form plexuses under the cardiac pericardium and endocardium. The lymphatics appear to be in free communication with the spaces of the interstitial connective tissue between the muscle-fibres. I 254 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XXVII. THE TRACHEA AND LUNGS. 1. In sections of the trachea and larynx, notice the epithelium, the basement- membrane (of some thickness in the human trachea), the lymphoid tissue of the mucous membrane, the elastic tissue external to this, and, lastly, the fibrous membrane containing the cartilages. In the mucous membrane and submucous areolar tissue look for sections of mucous glands, ducts of which may be seen opening on the surface. At the back of the trachea notice the plain muscular fibres transversely arranged ; there may be larger mucous glands external to these. 2. In sections of lung notice the sections of the alveoli collected into groups (air-sacs). Find sections of bronchial tubes, some cut longitudinally and passing at their extremities into the alveolar passages, others cut across. In each tube notice the ciliated epithelium internally. Next to this the mucous membrane containing numerous elastic fibres and often thrown into folds ; then the layer of circular muscular fibres, and, outside this, loose fibrous tissue in which in larger bronchial tubes pieces of cartilage may be seen embedded. Small mucous glands may also be obsei'ved in the fibrous tissue sending their ducts through the other layers to open on the inner surface. Notice that the section of a branch of the pulmonary artery always accom- panies a section of a bronchial tube. In the sections of the alveoli observe the capillary vessels passing from one side to the other of the intervening septa ; and in places where the thin wall of an alveolus is to be seen in the section, the network of blood-capillaries upon it. Notice within the alveoli nucleated corpuscles which frequently contain dark particles in their protoplasm. They are amoeboid cells which have migrated from the blood-vessels and lymphatics, and have taken in inhaled particles of carbon. They may pass back into the lung tissue, for similar cells are seen in this. Make a sketch of part of the wall of one or more bronchial tubes and of one or two of the alveoli. ;, 3. In sections of a fresh lung the air-cells of which have been filled with a mixture of gelatine and nitrate of silver solution, the epithelium of the alveoli may be studied. The sections can be made with the freezing microtome, and mounted in glycerine, which should be warmed after the cover-glass is applied in order to melt the gelatine. 4. Mount a section of lung in which the pulmonary vessels have been injected. Study the general arrangement of the vessels with a low power, and the network of capillaries of the alveoli with a high power. Observe that the veins run apart from the arteries. Sketch the capillary netwoi'k of one or two adjoining alveoli. The Trachea. The trachea or windpipe is a fibrous and muscular tube, the wall of which is rendered somewhat rigid by C-^haped hoops of cartilage thp: tracihea and lungs. 255 which are embedded in the fibrous tissue. The muscuhir tissue, which is of the plain variety, forms a flat band, the fibres of which run trans- versely at the back of the tube. The trachea is lined by a mucous membrane (fig. 305, a to d), which has ciliated epithelium upon its inner surface. The epithelium-cells, which have been already described (Lesson VIII.), rest upon a thick basement-membrane. The corium of 0^ 'i0 1^, ^« a^s^i»#io ^MMoWWMm%i '90% Fig. 305.— Longitudinal section of the human trachea, including portions OF TWO CARTILAGINOUS RINGS. (Klein.) Moderately magnified. a, ciliated epithelium ; 6, basement-membrane; c, superficial part of the mucous mem- brane, containing the sections of numerous capillary blood-vessels and much lymphoid tissue ; d, deeper part of the mucous membrane, consisting mainly of elastic fibres; f, submucous areolar tissue, containing the larger bIood-ves.sels, small mucous glands (their ducts and alveoli are seen in section), fat, etc. ; /', fibrous tissue investing and uniting the cartilages ; g, a small mass of adipose tissue in the fibrous layer ; h, cartilage. the mucous membrane consists of areolar and lymphoid tissue, and contains numerous blood-vessels and lymphatics. In its deepest part is a well-marked layer of longitudinal elastic fibres {d). Many small glands — mucous and mixed mucous and serous — are found in the wall of the trachea. They may lie either within the mucous membrane or in the submucous areolar tissue {e) or, lastly, at the back of the trachea, outside the transverse muscular fibres. The two divisions of the trachea, the hronchi, are precisely similar in structure to the main tube. 256 THE ESSENTIALS UF HIST(jLOGY. The larynx is also very like the trachea so far as the structure of the mucous membrane is concerned. It is lined by ciliated epithelium, but over the true vocal cords and upon the epiglottis, as well as here and there in the part above the glottis, stratified epithelium is found : and taste-buds may occur in this epithelium, except over the vocal cords. The nerve-endings in the epithelium are shown in fig. 218, p. 176. The lymphoid tissue is especially abundant in the mucous membrane of the ventricle of Morgagni (fig. 306, d). and a large number of mucous glands open into this ca'vity and into that of the sacculus. ^^ - ■ 1 \ '--'-'.^ d f^ Fig. 306. — LoxGrrcDHfAL SEcnox theocgh the ve>teicle of the laeyxx OF A CHILD. (Klein.) a, true vocal cord ; 6, false vocal cord ; c, nodule of cartilage ; d, ventricle of Morgagni ; I, lymphoid tissue ; m, thyro-arytenoid muscle. The true vocal cords are composed of fine elastic fibres. The cartilages of the trachea and the thyroid, cricoid and arytenoid cartilages of the larynx are hyaline ; all these are liable to ossify as age advances. The epiglottis and the cartilages of Santorini and of Wrisberg are composed of elastic fibro-cartilage. This is also the case with the uppermost part of the arytenoid and the tip of the vocal process. The Lungs. The lungs are formed by the ramifications of the hronchicd tubes and their terminal expansions, which form groups or lobules of sacculated THE LUNGS. 257 dilatations (air-sacs, infundibula), beset everywhere with small irregu- larly hemispherical or cubical bulgings, kno^\^l as the air-cells or pulmonart/ alveoli. The bronchial tubes (tigs. 307, 308, 309) are lined (except the Fig. 307. — Portion" of a traxsverse section of a broxchial tube, hum ax, 6 MM. IX diameter. (F. E. Schultze. ) Magnified 30 diameters. a, cartilage and fibrous layer with mucous glands, and, in the outer part, a little fat ; in the middle, the duct of a gland opens on the inner surface of the tube ; h, annular layer of involuntary muscular fibres ; c, elastic layer, the elastic fibres in bundles which are seen cut across ; d, columnar ciliated epithelium. -^r-^^. Fig. 308. — Section op part of a bronchial tube. Magnified 200 diameters. a, ciliated epithelium ; 6, basement membrane ; c, superficial part of mucous membrane, with fine elastic fibres ; d, deeper part with numerous coarser fibres ; e, plain muscle of bronchus ; /, duct of gland passing through mucous membrane. R 258 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. terminal bronchi) by ciliated epithelium which rests on a basement- membrane. External to this is the corium of the mucous membrane, containing a larsje number of longitudinal elastic fibres and some Fig. 309.- -Section of a small bronchial tube, human. (Sobotta.) The elastic fibres of the mucous membrane are stained. x280. Fig. 310.— Cast of lobule of dog's lung showing a single infundibuluji OR AIR-SAC. (W. S. Miller). A, atrium; r, vestibule or alveolar duct leading to atrium (seen in section); 8, air-sac (infundibulum) ; P, section of the neck of a second air-sac (cut away). The irregular projections on the atrium and air-sac are the alveoli. lymphoid tissue. Outside this again is a complete layer of plain muscular fibres encircling the tube. Next comes a loose fibrous layer in which, in the larger tubes (fig. 307), small plates of cartilage are embedded. Mucous glands are also present in this tissue. THE LUNGS. 259 The extremities of the bronchial tubes expand into passages, the respiratory bronchioles, which give off branches, termed alveolar duds or terminal bronchioles. The walls of these are beset with alveoli. The terminal bronchioles lead through nearly spherical alveolated dilata- tions (the atria) into a number of blind and often funnel-shaped -Section of cat's lung, outlined with camera lucida. (W. S. Miller.) The shading indicates the position of plain muscular tissue. V, pulmonary veins ; A, atria ; A. S, air-sacs ; T. B, terminal bronchioles or alveolar ducts ; B. R, respira- tory bronchioles ; B, small bronchus. diverticula completely covered with alveoli ; these are known as the infunclibula, alveolar sacs or air-sacs (Waters). The arrangement of these parts, according to the investigations of AV. S. Miller, is as follows : — Two or more air-sacs, or groups of alveoli, open into a common chamber (atrium), and three to six atria into an alveolar duct or tcrrnincd bronchiole. The latter open into the respiratory bronchioles, which are expanded continuations of the smallest bronchi. All of these, except the last named, are beset with alveoli. The epithelium changes in character in the alveolar ducts ; from 260 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 312.— Diagram of the ending of a bronchial tube. (W. S. Miller.) B, terminal bronchiole ; V, vestibule ; A, atrium ; S, air-sac (inf undibuluni) ; C, air-cell (alveolus) ; P, ending of pulmonary arteriole ; T, commencement of pulmonary venule. Fig. 313. — Section of part of cat's lung, stained with nitrate of silver. (Klein.) Highly magnified. Both the cubical and the large flattened cells of the alveoli are shown. In the middle is a section of a lobular bronchial tube, with a patch of cubical epithelium cells at one side. THE LUNGS. 261 columnar and ciliated it becomes cubical and non-ciliated, and there are patches of the respiratory epithelium (see below) not only in the alveoli which beset the ducts, but also elsewhere in their wall. The plain muscular tissue of the bronchiole is continued on the walls of the alveolar ducts, but not on those of the atria, although some occurs round the mouths of the atria and even of the alveoli. The alveoli are lined by large irregular flattened cells (fig. 313), which form an extremely delicate layer (respiratory epithelium), separating the blood-capillaries from the air within the alveoli. Amongst the flattened cells are here and there groups of smaller and thicker (cubical) epithelium-cells. The capillary network of the alveoli Fig. 314. — Section of injected lung of kabbit. including several con- tiguous ALVEOLI. (Szymonowicz. ) Magnified 300 diameters. is very close (fig. 314), and the capillary vessels of adjoining alveoli are in complete continuity, the vessels passing first to one side and then to the other of the septa which separate the adjacent alveoli. Outside the epithelium a thin layer of connective tissue (basement membrane 1) forms the wall of each alveolus. Elastic fibres are numerous around the mouths of the alveoli, and a certain number course over the wall of each alveolus. Blood-vessels. — Branches of the pulmonary artery accompany the bronchial tubes to be distributed to the capillary networks upon the alveoli, from which the blood is returned by the pulmonary veins. An arteriole runs with each terminal bronchiole, and, dividing into as many branches as there are atria, is distributed to the capillary net- works of all the air-cells with which the bronchiole is connected 262 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. (Miller). From these networks one or two venules collect the blood, usually coursing (independently of the arteriole) on the outer border of the group of infundibula, and unite with other venules to form efferent veins. The venules of the superficial lobules are connected with a vascular network at the surface of the lung underneath the pleura. The veins, pursuing a separate course through the tissue of the lung, join with others to form larger vessels which pass to the root of the lung. Branches from the bronchial arteries are distributed to the walls of the bronchial tubes, and to the connective tissue of the lung. Bronchial veins accompany the bronchial arteries to the larger tubes, but most of the blood brought to the lungs by the bronchial arteries is returned by the pulmonary veins. Connective tissue intervenes everywhere in small quantity between the infundibula (interstitial tissue), and forms a distinct layer, containing much elastic tissue, covering the surface of the lung underneath the serous membrane (subserous tissue). In some animals {e.g. guinea-pig) the subserous layer contains plain muscular tissue, which is especially developed near the lung-apex ; it has not been detected in man. The lymphatics of the lung accompany the bronchial tubes, the branches of the pulmonary artery, and the branches of the pulmonary vein ; and they also form a network in the pleura. The atria and air-sacs have no lymphatics in their walls (Miller). The bronchial lymphatics are less superficial than the corresponding blood-vessels. The larger tubes have two plexuses, one within the other outside the cartilages. The smaller have only one set. The lymphatics of the bronchi are connected with those of the arteries and veins by lateral branches curving off at the divarications of the tubes ; at these points there is usvxally an accumulation of lymphoid tissue. The larger arteries and veins have two accompanying lvm})hatics, the smaller only one. All the lymphatics tend towards the hilus, and enter lymphatic glands at the root of the lung. Those in the pleura have been said to communicate, by means of stomata between the epithelial cells of the serous membrane, with the cavity of the pleura, but this connexion is denied by Miller. The lymphatics of the pleura are furnished with numerous valves. The pleura, which covers the surface of the lung, has the usual structure of a serous membrane. It is provided with a special net- work of blood-vessels, which is supplied from the pulmonary vessels of the superficial lobules. THE TEETH. 263 LESSOX XXYIII. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMEST OF THE TEETH. 1. Study first with the low power and afterwards with the high power a longitudinal section of a human tooth which has been prepared by grinding. It is better to purchase this specimen, for the process of preparation is difficult and tedious without the aid of special apparatus. Examine care- fully the enamel, the dentine, and the cement. The dark appearance of the dentinal tubules is due to their containing air in the dried specimen. Measure the diameter of the enamel prisms and of some of the dentinal tubules. Make sketches from each of the tissues. 2. Section of a tooth in situ, which has been decalcified after fixation, and stained. In this section the mode of implantation of a tooth, as well as the structure of the pulp, can be made out. Make a genei'al sketch under a low power, and under a high power draw a small piece of the pulp showing the processes of the odontoblasts extending into the dentinal tubules. 3. The development of the teeth and the formation of their tissues are studied in sections made across the snout and lower jaw of fcetal and young animals. The preparations may be stained in bulk or the individual sections mav be stained. The Teeth. A tooth consists in man of three calcified tissues ; the enamel, which is of epithelial origin, the dentine, and the cement or cruda jiefrosa. The dentine forms the main substance of a tooth, the enamel covers the crowni, and the cement is a layer of bone which invests the root (figs. 315 to 317). Enamel is formed of elongated hexagonal jmsms (figs. 318, 319), which are set vertically, or with a slight curvature, upon the surface of the dentine. They are marked at tolerably regular intervals with slight transverse shadings producing an indistinct cross-striated appear- ance. Sometimes coloured lines run through the enamel across the direction of its prisms. The enamel prisms have when first laid down a fibrous structure, but this becomes obscured after their calcification is complete. C. Tomes has shown that the enamel of the fully-formed tooth contains only an extremely minute proportion of animal matter : practically it is wholly composed of earthy matter (lime salts). Dentine is constituted of a hard dense substance like bone, but containing no Haversian canals or lacunae. It is pierced everywhere by fine canaliculi {dentinal tubules, fig. 320), radiating outwards from a 264 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. central cavity which, during life, contains the pulp. The tubules branch at acute angles as they pass outwards ; their branches become gradually finer towards the periphery of the dentine. The dentinal tubules are occupied by processes of the odontoblasts (p. 268). Fig. 315. — Vertical section of a tooth in situ. (Waldeyer. ) c, is placed in the pulp-cavitj^, opposite the cervix or neck of the tooth ; the part above is the crown, that below is the root (fang). 1, enamel with radial and concentric markings ; £'', dentine with tubules and incremental lines ; 3, cement or crusta petrosa, with bone corpuscles ; I,, dental j^eriosteum ; ;', bone of lower jaw. The tubules have a proper wall of their own, which can be isolated by steeping a section of tooth in strong hydrochloric acid. In the living tooth they are occupied by protoplasmic fibres (Tomes' fibres), which are prolonged from the superficial cells of the pulp. The intertubular substance appears for the most part homogeneous, THE TEETH. 265 but here and there indications can be seen in it of a globular forma- tion. This is especially the case near the surface of the dentine, where tiie globular deposit and the interglobular spaces may produce X^^N.. / A '^' \ 1 // D Fig. 316.— Section of molar tooth. (Sobotta.) x8. E, enamel ; D, dentine ; C, cement ; P, pulp cavity. 266 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. a granular appearance {granular layer, fig. 317, g), and also in the course of certain lines or clefts which are seen traversing the dentine across the direction of the tubules {inter glohular spaces, incremental lines, Fig. 317.— Cross-sectiox of root of canine tooth, human. (Sobotta. ) X 2.5. D, dentine ; G, its granular layer ; C, cement ; P, pulp cavity. fig. 31.5, shown magnified in fig. 322). After decalcification the dentine can be separated into lamellae along these incremental lines. The animal matter of dentine resembles bone and the connective tissues generally in having its ground-substance pervaded by fibres which yield gelatine on boiling. These fibres, which have been THE TEETH. 267 especially investigated by v. Ebner and by Mummery, are difficult of demonstration in the fully calcified dentine; but in developing dentine and in tlentine which is attacked by caries they are more easily shown. '-'r!i::Hi.l|/|.|:j-p' /, ()) Vil.l\ , , ■ mmiii:. ■I W^''^' Fig. 318.— Section through the e.vamkl op a tooth. Magnified 200 diameters. (Rauber.) a, projection of dentine, showing some of its tubules, b, penetrating into the enamel; c,c, enamel fibres cut longitudinally; d, d, prisms cut transversely e, cuticle of the enamel. •' ' Fig. 319.— Examel prisms. Magnified 350 diameters. (Kolliker.) A, Fragments and single fibres of the enamel, isolated by the action of hydrochloric acid. a, surtace of a smaU fragment of enamel, showing the hexagonal ends of the fibres. 268 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The pulp (fig. 323) consists of a soft, somewhat jelly-like, connective tissue, containing many branched cells, a network of blood-vessels, and many nerve-fibres which pass into the pulp-cavity along with the blood- vessels by a minute canal at the apex of the fang. The superficial Fig. 321. Fig. 320. Fig. 322. Fig. 320.~Section of fang, pae.\llel to the dentinal tubules. Magnified 300 diameters. (Waldeyer. ) 1, cement, with large bone lacunas and indications of lamellas; 2, granular layer of Purkinje (interglobular spaces) ; 3, dentinal tubules. Fig. 321. — Sections of dentinal tubules. Magnified about 300 diameters. (Fraenckel.) ft, cut across ; b, cut obliquely. Fig. 322. — A small portion of dentine with interglobular spaces. Magnified 350 diameters. (KoUiker.) c, portion of incremental line formed by the interglobular spaces, which are here filled up by a transparent material. cells of the pulp form an almost continuous layer, like an epithelium (fig. 323, Od, OcV). They are known as odontohlasts, from having been concerned in the formation of the dentine. The nerve-fibres are said to pass eventually between the odontoblasts and to end in arborisa- THE TEETH. 269 tions close to the dentine, but they have not been followed into the dentinal tubules. The crusta petrosa (fig. 317, 320) is a layer of laraellated bone, including lacunie and canaliculi, but without Haversian canals, at least normally, in the human teeth. It is covered with periosteum (dental periiisfeum), which also lines the socket, and serves to fix the tooth securely. Od' Fig. .323.— Section across the eoot of a youxg tooth showixg the pulp IN siTC. (Rose.) P, pulp ; V, V, veins ; A, A, A, arterioles ; N, nerve bundles ; O'l, columnar odontoblasts still depositing dentine ; Od', flattened odontoblasts which have ceased to form dentine. Formation of the teeth. — The teeth are developed somewhat similarly to the hairs. A continuous thickening of the epithelium occurs along the line of the gums, and grows into the corium of the mucous membrane {common dented germ or (hnfal lamina, fig. 32-1:, a). At regular intervals there is yet a further thickening and growth from the common germ into the tissue of the mucous membrane, each of these special rudi- ments, which are ten in number, swelling out below into a flask-shaped mass of cells, the special dental germ (fig. 324, b) of a milk tooth. The intermediate parts of the dental lamina long remain, forming a common epithelial strand uniting the several special dental germs to one another and to the epithelium covering the gum (fig. 324, C, D,/). A vascular papilla is continued from the corium into the bottom of each special 270 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. germ (fig. 324, C, D, p) : this papilla has the shape of the crown of the future tooth. Each special dental germ, with its included papilla, B A 6- / :WM^^ d'Y ■H c f f:im0& Fig. 324. A. SECTIOX ACBOSS the CPPEB jaw of a FCETAL sheep, .3 CENTIMETERS LONG. (Waldeyer. ) 1, common dental lamina dipping down into the mucous membrane where it is half sur- rounded hy a horsc-hoe-shaped more den.se-looking tissue, the germ of the dentine and dental sac ; 2, palatine process of the maxilla. B. Section' from fcetal calf similar to that shown in A, but passing through ONE OF THE SPECIAL DENTAL GERMS HERE BECOMING FLASK-SHAPED. (Rose. ) a, epithelium of mouth, thickened at b, above special dental germ ; c, papilla ; d, special dental germ ; -:, enamel epithelium ; /", dental sac. C AND D. Sections at lateb stages than A and B, the papilla having BECOME FORMED AND HAVING BECOME PARTLY SURROUNDED BY THE EPITHELI.\L GERM. (Kolliker. ) c, epithelium of gum, sketched in outline ; /, neck of dental germ ; f, enamel organ ; e, its deeper columnar cells ; e', projections into the corium ; p, papilla ; j*, dental sac forming. In D, the dental germ (jp) of the corresponding permanent tooth is seen. FORMATION OF THE TEETH. 271 presently becomes almost entirely cut ofl" from the epithelium of the mouth, and surrounded by a vascular membrane — the dental sac. The papilla becomes transformed into the dentine and pulp of the future tooth, and the enamel is deposited upon its surfece by the epithelial cells of the dental germ. The root of the tooth, with its covering of cement, is formed at a later period, when the tooth is beginning to groAv up through the gum, by a gradual elongation of the base of the papilla. The shaping of this into the form of the root is wl e" UK J'^tained with hsematoxylin-eosin or with iron lijema- toxylin by Heidenhain's method. Notice the acini filled with clear (mucus- secreting) cells, the nuclei of which usually lie near the basement-membrane. Notice here and there, outside the clear cells, demilunes or crescents of small darkly stained granular-looking (albuminous i cells. Ob.serve also the sections of the ducts with their striated columnar epithelium. If possible find a l)lace where one of the ducts is passing into the alveoli. Sketch under a high power. 2. Study sections of the parotid and sublingual glands prepared in a similar way, and notice the diflferences between the three glands. 3. Examine small pieces of both submaxillary and parotid gland of the dog fresh in 2 per cent, salt solution. In the submaxillary gland notice that the alveolar cells are swollen out with large granules or droplets of raucigen, which swell up in water to form large clear vacuoles. Dilute acids and alkalies produce a similar change but more rapidly. The cells of the parotid gland are also filled with granules, but they are smaller. The granules are also swollen up and dissolved by these fluids. Make a sketch from each preparation under a high power. 4. To study the changes which the alveolar cells undergo during secretion, pilocarpine is administered to an animal in sufficient amount to produce copious salivation ; after half an hour the animal is killed and its salivary glands are examined as in preparation 3. The granules are not seen in pre- parations that have been in alcohol, but osmic acid preserves them moderately well ; they are well seen in sections stained by Muir's eosin-methyleue blue method (see Appendix). The salivary glands may be looked upon as typical of secreting glands in general. They are composed of a number of lobules bound together loosely by connective tissue. Each small lobule is formed of a group of irregularly saccular or tubular alveoli or acini from which a duct passes, and this, after uniting with other ducts, eventually leaves the gland to open upon the surface of the mucous membrane of the mouth. The alveoli are inclosed by a basement-membrane, which has flattened branched cells on its inner surface, next to the epithelium (fig. 340). It may be shown by teasing the fresh gland substance in water (Langley). This basement-membrane is continued along the ducts. Within it is the epithelium, which in the alveoli is composed of polyhedral cells (fig. 341, a), but in the ducts is regularly columnar. 282 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. except in that part of the duct which immediately opens into the alveoli (junctional part) ; in this it is flattened (d'). The columnar epithelium of the ducts is peculiar, in that the cells show a distinction into two unequal zones, an outer, larger, striated zone, and an inner, smaller, granular one (fig. 341, d). Fig. 340. — Membrana propria op two alveoli, (v. Ebner. ) x600. The preparation is taken from a mucous gland of the rabbit. The cells of the alveoli diff"er according to the substance they secrete. In alveoli which secrete mucus, such as all the alveoli of the dog's submaxillary (fig. 341), and some of the alveoli of the same gland in ^-s^fe- Fig. 34 L— Section of the submaxillary gland of the noG, showing the COMMENCEMENT OF A DUCT IN THE ALVEOLI. (Magnified 425 diameters. ) o, one of the alveoli, several of which are in the section shown grouped around the com- mencement of the duct d' ; a' , an alveolus, not opened by the section ; b, basement- membrane in section ; c, interstitial connective tissue of the gland ; d, section of a duct which has passed away from the alveoli, and is now lined with characteristically striated columnar cells ; s, semilunar group of darkly stained cells at the periphery of an alveolus. man (fig. 344), the cells, if examined in normal saline solution or after hardening with alcohol, are clear and swollen. But if examined rapidly in serum, or in solutions of salt of from 2 to 5 per cent., THE SALIVARY GLANDS. 283 they are often seen to be occupied hy large and distinct granules (Langley). These granules can also be rendered visible by certain methods of staining, when it is apparent that they are not present as such in all the cells, but have in many cells become clear and swollen, and converted into a substance which is known as mucigen (fig. 346, a). Fig. 342.— Section of a dog's submaxillary, after a prolonged period of REST. (Ranvier.) I, lumen of alveolus ; (j, mucus-secreting cells ; c, crescent, formed of albiiiwinous cells. Similar granules are seen also in the cells lining the gland ducts ; here also they are found to vary in size and number with the condition of activity of the gland (fig. 348). The mucigen is dissolved out of the cell and discharged as mucus into the lumen of the alveolus and ',' ^f^ Fig. 343. — Submaxillary of dog, after a period of activity. (Ranvier.) The mucus-secreting cells, g, have discharged their secretion, and are smaller and stain better ; the albuminous cells of the crescents, c, are enlarged. into the ducts, when the gland is stimulated to activity. The cells are known as mucous cells. But in most alveoli there are some cells which do not contain mucigen, but small albuminous granules, and these often form crescentic groups which lie next to the basement- membrane (figs. 341, s, 342, c). These are the so-called crescents of 284 Fig. 344. —Section of part of the human submaxillary gland. (Heidenhain.) To the right of the figure is a grouj) of mucous alveoli ; to the left a group of serous alveoli. Fig. 345.— Alveoli of a serous gland. A, at rest. B, after a short period OF activity. C, after a prolonged period of activity. (Langley.) In A and B the nuclei are obscured by the granules of zymogen. Fig. 346. —Mucous cells from fresh submaxillary glands of the dog. (Linjgley.) o, from a resting or loaded gland ; b, from a gland which has been secreting for some time ; a', b', similar cells which have been treated with dilute acid. THE SALIVARY GLANDS. 285 Gianuzzi ; their constituent cells are known also as nuirginal or serous cells. Special diverticula pass from the lumen of the alveoli between the mucous cells to penetrate to the crescents and to branch amongst and within their constituent cells ; these diverticula are best shown by i''"£)..^ "•-.*»>'' Fig. 347. — Submaxillary gland of rabbit. (E. Miiller.) The cells, which are all serous, are in different functional states, as indicated by the condition and staining of the granules. «, cell filled with darkly staining granules ; b, clear cell ; c, secretory canaliculi penetrating into the cells. the Golgi method of staining (figs. 349, 350). They also occur in the purely serous alveoli (fig. 347), in which none of the cells secrete mucus, but watery or albuminous saliva. In these when the gland has been long at rest the cells are filled with granules, which do not swell with water Fig. 348. — Cells from duct of parotu). a, prior to secretion ; B, after secretion (Mislawski and Smirnow). nor form mucin; they appear to be albuminous in nature, and prob- ably yield to the secretion of the gland its ferment (ptyalin) and its albumin. The granular substance within the cell is not the ferment, but the ferment is formed from it when the secretion is poured out. Hence it has been termed zymogen (mother of ferment). As Langley 286 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. showed, the outer part of each cell becomes clear and free from granules after secretion (fig. 345). Ill nearly all animals the parotid glands are composed of purely serous alveoli : in man and most animals the submaxillary and sublingual glands have both serous and mucous alveoli or "mixed" alveoli, i.e. alveoli con- taining both serous and mucous cells. The smaller detached anterior parts of the sublingual gland have purely mucous alveoli. Fig. 34;). — Alveoli of human scblin- gttal glakd prepared bv golgi METHOD. (E. Miiller. ) I, lumen stained, with lateral diverticula passing between mucus-secreting cells ; fi, longer diverticula penetrating into the "crescent " cells. Fig. 3.50. — Alveoli of the submaxil- lary GLAXD OF THE DOG. (G. Retzius. ) Golgi method. The extensions of the lumen into the crescents of Gianuzzi are shown, and also the endings of nerve-fibrils. The largest ducts have a wall of connective tissue outside the basement>membrane, and also a few plain muscular cells. The blood- vessels of the salivary gland form a capillary network around each alveolus. The lymphatics commence in the form of lacunar vessels between the alveoli. Lymphoid nodules are occasionally found in the interstitial connective tissue. The nerve-fibres, which are derived both from the cerebro-spinal nerves and from the sympathetic, pass through ganglia before proceeding to their distribution. They ramify as fine varicose fibrils amongst the alveolar cells (fig. 350), and many are distributed to the blood-vessels. The salivary glands are developed as buds from the epithelium of the buccal cavity, at first solid but becoming gradually hollowed out. To begin with they are simple, but undergo ramification as they grow into the mucous membrane and submucous tissue. THE STOMACH. 287 LESSON XXXI. THE STOMACH. 1. Vertical longitudinal sections through the cardia, including the lower end of the oesophagus and the adjacent cardiac portion of the stomach. These are intended to show the abrupt transition of the sti'atified epithelium of the oesophagus into the columnar epithelium of the stomach, and also the character of the gastric and oesophageal glands in the immediate neighbour- hood of the cardia. The sections may be stained with hsematoxylin and eosin. 2. Sections of the fundus of the stomach, cut perpendicularly to the surface of the mucous membrane. In these sections the general arrangement of the coats of the stomach is to be studied. Sketches are to be made under a low power illustrating this arrangement, and others under a high power showing the structure of the glands of the mucous membrane. Measure the whole thickness of the mucous membrane, the thickness of the muscular coat, the size of the columnar epithelium-cells of the surface, and that of the cells in the deeper parts of the glands. 3. Sections of the mucous membrane of the fundus, cut parallel to the surface. These sections will show better than the others the arrangement of the cells in the glands. 4. Vertical sections of the mucous membrane from the pyloric region of the stomach. If the section is taken longitudinally through the pylorus, the transition of the gastric glands into the glands of Brunner of the duodenum will be made manifest. Make a sketch under a low power of one of the glands in its whole length, filling up some of the details with the high power. 5. Study the arrangement of the blood-vessels of the stomach in vertical sections of the wall of an organ the vessels of which have been injected. I The wall of the stomach consists of four coats, which, enumerated from without in, are as follows, viz. : serous, muscular, areolar, or sub- mucous, and mucous membrane (fig. 351). The serous coat is a layer which is derived from the peritoneum. It is deficient only along the lines of the lesser and greater curvatures. The muscular coat consists of three layers of plain muscular fibres. Of these the bundles of the outer layer run longitudinally, those of the middle layer circularly, and those of the inner layer obliquely. The longitudinal and circular bundles become thicker and stronger towards the pylorus ; at the pylorus itself the circular layer is greatly thickened to form a sphincter muscle. The oblique fibres are only present over the fundus. The areolar or submucous coat is a layer of areolar tissue, which serves- 288 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. to unite the mucous membrane loosely to the muscular coat ; in it ramify the larger branches of the blood- vessels and lymphatics. The mucous membraue is a soft thick layer, generally somewhat corrugated in the empty condition of the organ. Its inner surface is covered by columnar- shaped epithelium cells, all of which secrete mucus. They are prolonged into the ducts of the glands, but when these divide to form the tubules the cells be- - "^^ come cubical, and lose their mucus- secreting character. The thickness of the mucous membrane is due to the fact .. ^^ that it is largely made up of long tubular \ glands, which open upon the inner sur- ^_ face. Between the glands the mucous -^ membrane is formed of retiform with fc. y" some lymphoid tissue. Externally it is ^^1 ' : - J bounded by the vuKCuIaris mucosce, which &:';.- - ' ' consists of an external longitudinal and S^_ \ \c.n.. an inner circular layer of plain muscular J^- V '- - - fibres. Wt-" ' :. Gastric glands. — These are formed of a J '■'■ basement-membrane lined with epithelium. %-- ; Each gland consists of secreting tubules from |i ^-m. one to four in number, opening at the surface into a larger tube, the duct of the ' '" ' '" "' — -'—^^^=^^- gland. The duct is in all cases lined by %'hhS^ ^f^c^AxT oT™f"^"C"««ecreting epithelium of the same STOMACH. (Mall.) character as that which covers the inner m, mucous membrane ; e, epithelium ; n c ai i -l ^ ii. rf, orifice of gland-duct ;/».,/(., muscu- surtace ot the mucous membrane, but the laris mucosa;: sm., submucosa : cm.. -.it i? ^i i.- j. i_ i circular muscular layer ; Lni./longi- epithehum Ot the SCCretlUg tubulCS IS tudmai muscular layer; ., serous different from this, and also differs some- what in the glands of diti'erent regions of the organ. The following varieties of gastric glands are met with : — (1) Glands of the cardia. — These are found in man close to the oeso- phageal opening or cardia ; they are of two kinds : (a) simple tubules, very similar to the crypts of Lieberkiihn of the intestine and (b) small tubulo-racemose glands (fig. 353). The secreting tubules of the race- mose glands are lined by cells which are granular in appearance and of -a short columnar form, and of the same nature throughout the length THE STOMACH. '289 of the tubule, except near the orifice (duct), where they give place to columnar mucus-secreting cells. Occasionally one or two oxyntic cells may be present in their tubules. (2) Ghouls of the fundus (oxi/ntic glands) (figs. 354, .355). — In these glands the tubules are long and the duct short. The epithelium of the tubules is composed of two kinds of cells. Those of the one kind, ^^^Hf" Fig. 352. — Section of the junction of the (esophageal and gastric mucous MEMBRANE OF THE KANGAROO. (135 diameters.) S, stratified epithelium of tesophagus abruptly discontinued at S' ; c, columnar epi- thelium of gastric mucous membrane ; d, orifices or ducts of cardiac glands ; m, corium of oesophageal mucous membrane sending papillie into the eijithelium; rn', corium of gastric mucous membrane. which form a continuous lining to the tubule, are somewhat poly- hedral in shape, and in stained sections look clearer and smaller than the others, but in the fresh glands, and with certain methods of staining, it can be seen that they are filled with granules (fig. 355). The granules are most numerous at the inner part of the cell, an outer zone being left clear. After prolonged activity this outer zone increases in size while the granules diminish in number as T 290 . THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. in the analogous cases of the pancreas and parotid glands (Langley). The cells are believed to form pepsin, and are termed the cMef cells of the cardiac glands, or from their relative position in the tubule immediately surrounding the lumen, the central cells. Scattered along the tubule, and lying between the chief cells and the basement-mem- brane, are a number of large spheroidal or ovoidal cells. These are the parietal or ozyntic cells} Each parietal cell is surrounded and .-t:^^ ' ^5 -iscs^ms^-- FiG. 353. — Section of human STO^rACH near the cardia. (v. Ebner, after J. Schafifer.) x4o. c, cardiac glands ; d, their ducts ; cr, glands similar to crypts of Licberklihn, with goblet cells; inm, mucous membrane; ia, muscularis mucosae; !«', muscular tissue within mucous membrane. penetrated by a network of minute passages, communicating Avith the lumen of the gland b}^ a fine canal, which passes between the central cells (fig. 356) ; but in the neck of the gland the parietal cells abut against the lumen, being here wedged in betAveen the mucus-secreting cells (fig. 354, A). (3) Glands of the pyloric canal (fig. 357). — In the glands of the pjdoric canal the ducts are much longer than in those of the fundus, and the secreting tubules possess cells of only one kind.- These correspond to ^ So called because they are believed to produce the acid of the gastric secretion. - In man it is only quite near the pylorus that oxyntic cells are altogether absent. GASTRIC GLANDS. 291 t Fia. 354. — Sections of the mucous membrane ov the fundus of the dog's STOMACH passing ACROSS THE LONG AXIS OF THE GLANDS. A, Section close to but not quite parallel with the surface, and including on the left the gland ducts and on the right the commencing gland tubules. Notice the oxyntic cells beginning to appear between the columnar cells of the ducts. B, Deeper part of the same section, showing the lumina of the gland tubules sur- rounded by chief cells, with the oxyntic cells altogether outside them. 292 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. the chief cells of the fundus glands, but are not quite identical with them in appearance, the granules being much less distinct. The cells are of a columnar or cubical shape, and in the fresh condition of a granular appearance ; quite unlike the clear columnar epithelium of the Fig. 355. Fig. 356. Fig. 357. Fig. 355. — A fundus gland of simple form from the bat's stomach. Osinic acid preparation. (Langlej*.) c, columnar epithelium of the surface ; n, neck of the gland witli central and parietal cells ; ./', base, occupied only by principal or central cells, which exhibit the gi'anules accumulated towards the lumen of the gland. Fig. 356. —A fundus gland prepared by golgi's method, showing the MODE OF communication OF THE PARIETAL CELLS WITH THE GLAND-LUMEN. (E. Muller.) Fig. 357. — A pyloric gland, from a section of the dog's stomach. (Ebstein.) in, mouth ; n, neck ; tr, a deep portion of a tubule cut transversely. surface, which is formed, as elsewhere, of long tapering cells, the outer part of which is filled with mucigen. At the pylorus itself the gastric glands become considerably lengthened and enlarged, and are continued into the submucous tissue, the muscularis mucosae being here deficient ; they thus GASTRIC GLANDS. 293 Fig. 358.— Section through the pylorus, including the commencement of THE duodenum. (Klein.) r, villi of duodenum ; /), apex of a lymphoid nodule ; c, crypts of Lieberktilin ; s, secreting tubules of Brunner's glands ; d, ducts of pyloric glands of the stomach ; g, tubes of these glands in mucous membrane ; (, deeper lying tubes in submucosa, correspond- ing to secreting tubules of Brunner's glands of duodenum ; m, muscularis mucosae. I'' if) iYmTt7«rTf4iU,\ ;y, ) h , Fig. .359.— Plan of the blood- vessels OF THE STOMACH. (Modified from Brinton. ) a, small arteries passing to break up into the fine capillary network, d, between the glands ; b, coarser capillary network around the mouths of the glands; c, c, veins passing vertically downwards fron^ the superficial network ; e, larger vessels in the submucosa. Fig. 360.— Lymphatics op the human gastric MUCOUS membrane, injected. (C. Lov^n.) The tubules are only faintly indicated ; fi, muscularis mucosas ; b, plexus of fine vessels at base of glands ; c, plexus of larger valved lymphatics in submucosa. 294 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. present transitions to the glands of Brunner, which lie in the sub- mucous tissue of the duodenum (fig. 358). Scattered amongst the ordinary secreting cells of the pyloric glands, cells are seen here and there which stain differently from the rest, and probably have a different function (Stohr). Occasionally oxyntic cells are met with in the pyloric glands and even in Bruinier's glands in the duodenum (Kaufmann). The blood-vessels of the stomach are very numerous, and pass to the organ along its curvatures. The arteries traverse the muscular coat, giving off branches to the capillary network of the muscular tissue, and ramify in the areolar coat. From this, small tortuous arteries pierce the muscularis mucosae, and break up into capillaries near the bases of the glands (fig. 359). The capillary network extends between the glands to the surface, close to which it terminates in a plexus of relatively large venous capillaries which encircle the mouths of the glands. From this plexus straight venous radicles pass through the mucous membrane, pierce the muscularis mucosae, and join a plexus of veins in the submucous tissue. From these veins blood is carried away from the stomach by efferent veins, which accompany the enter- ing arteries. The lymphatics (fig. 360) arise in the mucous membrane by a plexus of large vessels dilated at intervals, and looking in sections like clefts in the interglandular tissue. From this plexus the lymph is carried into large valved vessels in the submucous coat, and from these, efferent vessels run through the muscular coat to reach the serous membrane, underneath which they pass away from the organ. The muscular coat has its own network of lymphatic vessels. These lie between the two principal layers, and their lymph is poured into the efferent lymphatics of the organ. The nerves have the same general arrangement and mode of distribu- tion as those of the intestine (see next Lesson). THE SMALL AND LARGE INTESTINE. 295 LESSONS XXXII. AND XXXIII. THE SMALL AND LARGE INTESTINE. 1. Sections of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, vertical to the surface. The three parts of the intestine may be embedded in the same paratfin block, anil the sections stained and mounted together. Choose a part of the ileum which includes a Peyer's patch. Observe the nodales of lymphoid tissue which constitute the patch and which extend into the submucous tissue. Observe the lymphoid cells in the superjacent epithelium. Notice also the sinus-like lymphatic or lacteal vessel which encircles the base of each nodule. In the duodenum study the glands of Eruuner in the submucous tissue. Make a general sketch of each section under a low power and draw a villus under the high power. The general arrangement and structure of the intestinal wall is to be studied in these sections. 2. Sections parallel to the surface of the intestine, and therefore across the long axis of the villi and glands of the mucous membrane. In order to keep the sections of the villi together so that they are not lost in the mounting, it is necessary either to embed in ceiloidin or, if paraffin be used, to employ an adhesive method of mounting. In this preparation, sketch the transverse section of a villus and of some of the crypts of Lieberklihn. 3. To study the process of fat-absorption, kill a fi'og two or three days after feeding with bacon fat. Put a very small shred of the mucous mem- brane of the intestine into osmic acid (0'5 per cent.) and another piece into a mixture of 2 parts Miiller's fluid and 1 part osmic acid solution (1 per cent.). After foity-eight hours teased preparations may be made from the osmic acid preparation, in the same manner as directed in Lesson VIII., § 1. The piece in MLiller and osmic acid may be left for ten days or more in the fluid. When hardened, sections are made by the freezing method and mounted in glycerine. 4. Sections of small intestine the blood-vessels of which have been injected. Notice the arrangement of the vessels in the several layeis. Sketch carefully the vascular network of a villus. 5. From a piece of intestine which has been stained with chloride of gold tear ofi" broad strips of the longitudinal muscular coat, and mount them in glycerine. It will generally be found that portions of the nervous plexus of Auerbach remain adherent to the strips, and the plexus can in this way easily be studied. From the remainder of the piece of intestine tear off with forceps the fibres of the circular muscular layer on the one side, and the mucous membrane on the other side, so as to leave only the submucous tissue and the muscularis mucosae. This tissue is also to be mounted flat in glycerine : it contains the plexus of Meissner. Sketch a small portion of each plexus under a high power. The plexuses can also be studied by the methylene-blue and reduced silver methods (see Appendix). 6. Sections of the large intestine, perpendicular to the surface. These will 296 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. show the general structure and arrangement of the coats. Sketch under a low power. 7. Sections of the mucous membrane of the large intestine parallel to the surface, and therefore across the glands. Sketch some of the glands and the interglandular tissue under a high power. 8. The arrangement of the blood-vessels of the large intestine may be studied in sections of the injected organ. The wall of the small intestine consists, like that of the stomach, of four coats (fig. .361). The serous coat is complete except over part of the duodenum. gmy gls mm rm Fig. 361. — Diagram of sjxtion of aliment-^ry tube. (Sobotta.) Z, lumen ; rjini, glands of mucous membrane ; tp, epithelium ; gls, glands in subniucosa ; mm, muscularis mucosse ; sm, submucous coat ; ria, circular muscular layer ; Im, longfi- tudinal muscular layer ; s, serous coat ; ss, mesentery ; gray, ganglion of plexus inyentericus ; gsm, ganglion of plexus submucosus. The muscular coat is composed of two layers of muscular tissue, an outer longitudinal and an inner circular. Between them lies a network of lymphatic vessels and also the close gangliated plexus of iion- medullated nerve-fibres known as the plexus myentericus of Auerbach. The ganglia of this plexus may usually be seen in vertical sections of the intestinal wall (in figs. 365, 369), but the plexus, like the one in the submucous coat immediately to be described, can only be THE SMALL INTESTINE. 297 properly displayed in preparations made with chloride of gold (fig. 362) or methylene blue or by Golgi's method. The subimccous coat is like that of the stomach ; in it the blood-ve-ssels and lacteals ramify before entering or after leaving the mucous mem- brane, and it contains a gangliated plexus of nerve-fibres — the plexus of Meissner — which is finer than that of Auerbach and has fewer Fig. 362. — Auerbach's plexds, from the muscular coat of the intestine. (Cadiat. ) ganglion cells (fig. 363). Its branches are chiefly supplied to the muscular fibres of the mucous membrane, but also to the glands and villi (fig. 364). The mucous membrane is bounded next to the submucous coat by a double layer of plain muscular fibres {muscularis mucosce). Bundles from this pass inwards through the membrane towards the inner surface and penetrate also into the villi. The mucous membrane proper is pervaded with simple tubular glands — the cri/pfs of Lieberkichn (figs. 365, 366, 369) — which are lined throughout by a columnar 298 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 363. — Meissner's plexus from the submucous coat. (Cadiat.) a, gauglion ; b, b, nervous cords ; c, a blood-vessel ; d, an entering lymphatic nerve. Fig. 364. — Nerves of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. (Cajal. M, part of Meissner's plexus ; n-f, small nerve-cells and nerve-fibres in the tissue of the mucous membrane and villi. THE SMALL INTESTINE. 299 epithelium, with scattered goblet cells, like that which covers the general surface aiul the villi. At the fundus of each crypt are a few cells containing well-marked granules (Paneth). The cells of the glands show frequent mitoses, and it is believed that the epithelium of A'.l^iiii* musculans muscosa ubimtcosa --•---■ -;^ layer of circular muscular fibres ;^: intermuscular layer layer of longitudinal muscular fibres Fig. 365. —Section of the small intestine (jejunum) of cat. (Magnified about 40 diameters.) the general surface becomes regenerated from them (Bizzozero). The mucous membrane between these glands is mainly composed of reticular tissue, which contains here and there nodules of lymphoid tissue. These nodules constitute when they occur singly the so-called solitary glands of the intestine (fig. 368), and when aggregated together 300 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. form the agminated glands or patches of Peyer (fig. 374). occur chiefly in the ileum. The latter Fig. 367.— Cross-section ok a small fragment of the mucous membrane of the intestine, including one entire crypt of lieberkuhn and parts ok THREE OTHERS. (Magnified 400 dia- meters.) (Frey.) a, cavity of the tubular glands or ci-ypts ; 6, one of the lining epithelium-cells ; c, the inter- glandular retifurm tissue ; 0., lymph-cells. Fig. 366. — A crypt of Lie- BERKUHN FROM THE HUMAN intestine. (Flemming.) Fig. 368. — Section of the ileum through a lymphoid nodule. (Cadiat.) n, middle of the nodule with the lymphoid tissue jiartly fallen away from the section ; b, epithelium of the intestine ; c, villi : their ei^ithelium is partly broken away ; d, crypts of Lieberkiihn ; e, /, muscularis mucosas. TEE SMALL INTESTINE. 301 The glands of Brumm; which have been already noticed (p. 294), occur in the duodenum. They are small tubulo-racemose glands of inds of unner sabmucoso. circular muscular layer **,— '-~^'*'''*S.'^~»« Fig. 369. — iSKCTiox ok duodenum ok cat, showing Beunnee's glands. (Magnified about 60 diameters.) serous character, situated in the submucosa (fig. 369) ; they send their ducts to the inner surface of the mucous membrane either between the crypts of Lieberkiihn or into them. 302 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The villi with which the whole of the inner surface of the small intestine is closely beset are clavate or finger-shaped projections of the mucous membrane, and are composed, like that, of retiform tissue covered with columnar epithelium (figs. 370 to 372). The characters of this epithelium have already been described (Lesson VIII.). Between and at the base of the epithelium-cells many lymph- corpuscles occur, as well as in the meshes of the retiform tissue. li I ?v Fig. 370. — Longitudixal section of a villus from a kat killed three hours after feeding with bread and water. The columnar epithelium shows numerous lymph-corpuscles between the cells ; I, lacteal, containing lymph-corpuscles, c, some partly disintegrated. The epithelium rests upon a basement-membrane. In the middle of the villus is a lymphatic or lacteal vessel which may be somewhat enlarged near its commencement, but the enlargement is replaced in some animals by a network of lacteals. Surrounding this vessel are small bundles of plain muscular tissi;e prolonged from the muscularis mucosae. The network of blood-capillaries (figs. 370, 373) lies for the most part near the surface within the basement-membrane; it is supplied with blood by a small artery which joins the capillary network at the base of the villus ; the corresponding vein generally arises near the extremity. THE SMALL INTESTINE. 303 ■/" — /> Fig. 371.— Transverse section of x villus, man. (v. Ebner.) Magnified 530 diameters. a, basement-raeinbrane, here somewhat shrunken away from epithelium ; 6, goblet- cells ; c, cuticula ; «/, lacteal ; c, columnar epithelium ; /, leucocytes in epithelium ; r, leucocytes below epithelium ; /", large leucocytes ; g, blood-vessels. Fig. 372.— Part of a section through a villus op the dog, highly MAGNIFIED. (R. Heidenhain.) jii, plain muscle ; I, V, I", leucocj'tes, which are seen in large numbers in the interstices of the reticular tissue ; hi, vessels ; c, connective-tissue cells, covering the fibrils of the reticulum. The epithelium of the villus is not represented. 304 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The lymphatics (lacteals) of the mucous membrane (fig. 374), after receiving the central lacteals of the villi, pour their contents into a plexus of lai'ge valved lymphatics which lie in the submucous tissue and form sinuses around the bases of the lymphoid nodules (fig. 256, Fig. 373.— Small intestin'e (vertical transverse section), with the BLOOD-VESSELS INJECTED. (Heitzmanii. ) F, a villus ; G, glands of Lieberkuhn ; M, muscularis mucosse; A, areolar coat ; R, circular muscular coat; L, longitudinal muscular coat; P, peritoneal coat. p. 208). From the submucous tissue eff"erent vessels pass through the muscular coat, receiving the lymph from an intramuscular plexus of lymphatics, and are conveyed away between the layers of the mesentery. Absorption of fat. — In order to study the process of fat transference in the intestine, it is convenient to stain the fat with osmic acid, which ABSORPTION OF FAT. 305 ^ A r' ML Fig. 374.— Vertical section of a portion of a Peyer's patch, with the LACTEAL VKS.SELS INJECTED. Magnified 32 diameters. (Frey.) The specimen is from the lower part of the ileum ; a, villi, with their lacteals left white ; 6, some of the tubular glands ; c, the muscular layer of the mucous membrane ; d, cupola or projecting part of the nodule ; e, central part ; /, the reticulated lacteal vessels occupying the lymphoid tissue between the nodules, joined above by the lacteals from the villi and mucou.s surface, and passing below into .a, the sinus-like lacteals under the nodules, which again jmss into the large efferent lacteals, (f ; i, part of the muscular coat. Fig. 375.— Section of the villu.s of a r.\t killed during fat-absorption. ep, epithelium ; .s(r, striated border ; c, leucocytes ; d , leucocytes in the epithelium ; i, central lacteal containing chyle and disintegrating leucocytes. u 306 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. colours it black. It can then be observed that in animals which have been fed with food containing fat, particles of fat are present (1) in comparatively large globules within the cohxmnar epithelium-cells ; (2) in fine granules in the interstitial tissue of the villus, but often confined to the amoeboid leucocytes, which abound in this tissue ; (3) in fine granules within the central lacteal of the villus. The leucocytes are present not only in the reticular tissue of the villus, but also in con- siderable numbers between and at the base of the epithelium-cells ; and they can also be seen in thin sections from bichromate-osmic prepara- tions within the commencing lacteal ; in the last situation they are undergoing disintegration (figs. 375, 376). These observations are easily made in the frog. Fig. 376. — Mucous meiibr.\ne of frog's intesti.ne during fat- absorption. ep, epithelium ; sir, striated border ; e, leucocytes ; I, lacteal. Since the leucocytes are amoeboid, it is probable from these facts that the mechanism of fat-absorption consists of the following processes — viz. (1) absorption or formation of fat in the columnar epithelium- cells of the surface ; (2) ejection of fat-granules from the epithelium into the tissue of the villus; (3) inception of fat by leucocytes, these taking it up after it has passed out of the epithelium-cells ; (4) migration of leucocytes carrying fat particles through the tissue of the villus and into the central lacteal; (5) disintegration and solution of the immigrated leucocytes, and setting free their contents. Since fat-particles are never seen in the striated border of the columnar cell it is probable that the fat first becomes saponified by the action of the digestive juices, and reaches the epithelium-cell in the form of dissolved soap ; the fat which is seen and stained by osmic acid within the cells having become re-formed by a process of synthesis. In some young animals (puppy, kitten) the fat which is undergoing absorption is seen not only in the epithelium-cells and leucocytes, but also in the form of streaks of liquid, stained black by osmic acid, in the interstices of the reticular tissue of the villi. It has probably passed THE LARGE INTESTINE. 307 k-.^siS^^ -r:i&«^"»% ^^^- . ~%J 7k,' Fig. 377.— Glands of the large inte.stine of child. (300 diameters.) A, in longitudinal section ; B, in transverse section. 308 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. out from the epithelium in a dissolved condition by a kind of reversed secretion. The migration of leucocytes into the lacteals of the villi is not a special feature of absorption of fat, but occurs also when absorp- tion of other matters is proceeding (fig. 370) ; the transference of fat-particles is merely a part of a more general • phenomenon of migration of leucocytes which accompanies the process of absorption. The large intestine has the usual four coats, except near its termina- tion, where the serous coat is absent. In man the mnscular coat is peculiar in the fact that along the ca?cum and colon the longitudinal muscular fibres are gathered up into three thickened bands which produce puckerings in the wall of the gut. The mucous membrane of the large intestine is beset with simple tubular glands somewhat resembling the crypts of Lieberkiihn of the small intestine, and lined by columnar epithelium similar to that of the inner surface of the gut, but containing many more mucus-secreting or goVjJet-cells (fig. 377). The blind extremity of each gland is usually slightly dilated. These glands of the large intestine are not strictly homologous with the crypts of the small intestine, for whereas the latter are developed as depressions in the general surface between the villi, the glands of the large intestine are formed by the growing together of villus-like projections of the surface. The interglandular tissue is a reticular tissue and is beset here and there with solitary glands, especially in the ca;cum. The mucous membrane of the vermiform appendix is in great part of its extent packed full of lymphoid nodules. The arrangement of the blood-vessels and lymphatics in the large intestine resembles that in the stomach. The nerves of the large intestine also resemble those of the stomach and small intestine in their arrangement. At the lower end of the rectum the circular muscular fibres of the gut become thickened a little above the anus to form the internal sphincter muscle. In the anal region there are a number of compound racemose mucous glands opening on the surface of the mucous mem- brane (anal glands). The anus has a lining of stratified epithelium continuous with that of the skin. THE LIVER. 309 LESSONS XXXIV. AND XXXV. THE LIVER AND PANCREAS. 1. Sections of liver are to be studied carefully. They may be stained with eosiu and hasmatoxylin ; or by eosin and niethyleiie-blue after Muir's method (see Appendix). Sketch the general arranoement of the cells in a lobule under the low power; Hud under the high power make very careful drawings of .some of the hepatic cells and also of a portal canal. If from the pig, the outlines of the lobules are observed to be very well marked. Notice that the hepatic cells are in intimate contact with rhe blood-capil- laries or sinusoids. Some cells may be found to contain red blood-corpuscles ; many are filled with eosinophil granules. Notice in the sinusoid capillaries the large partly detached endothelial cells (cells of Kuptfer). These also frequemly contain erythrocytes, which ajjpear to be in process of destruction. 2. To observe the glycogen within the liver-cells, kill a rabbit or rat (pre- ferably about six hours after a full meal of carrot), and at once throw a thin piece of the liver into 9(5 per cent, alcohol. When well hai-dened the piece may be embedded in paraffin in the usual way, or sections may be cut with the free hand without embedding. Some of the sections so obtained are to be treated with a 1 per cent, sulution of iodine in potassium iodide for five minutes ; they may then be mounted in a nt-arly saturated solution of potas- sium acetate, the cover-gl;i.ss being cemented with gold size. 3. Presence of iron. Other sections of alcohol-hardened liver are to be treated first with potassium ferrocyanide solution and then with hydrochloric acid and alcohol (1 to 10), passed through absolute alcohol into xylol, and mounted in dammar ; in these many of the pigment granules will be stained blue (Prussian blue). Or the sections may simply be placed in an aqueous solution of hsematoxylin (1 to 300), with or without previous treat- ment with alcohol containing 10 parts per cent, hydrochloric acid (to set free organically combined iron), after which they are mounted in the ordinary way (Macallum's method). ■ 4. Study, first with the low power and afterwards with the high power, a section of the liver in which the blood-vessels have been injected. Almost invariably the injection will be found to have penetrated into canaliculi within the liver-cells themselves. Make a general sketch of a lobule under the low power and liraw a small part of the network of blood-vessels and intracellular canaliculi under the high power. 5. Take a small piece of liver which has been several weeks in 2 per cent, bichromate of potassium solution or Mliller's fluid and plunge it in 1 per cent, nitrate of silver solution, changing the fluid after half an hour. Leave the piece of liver in the silver solution overnight. It may then be trans- ferred to alcohol, and after complete dehydration embedded and cut in parafiin in the usual way and the sections mounted in dammar. In many parts of such sections the bile-canaliculi are stained. They can also be brought to view (at the periphery of the lobules) by injection with solution of Berlin blue from the hepatic duct ; or, throughout the whole of the lobule, by injecting about 60 c.c. of saturated sulphindi- gotate of soda solution in three successive portions, at intervals of half an 310 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. hour, into the blood-vessels of an anj&sthetized cat or rabbit. Two hours after the last injection the animal is killed, and the blood-vessels washed out with saturated solution of potassium chloride. The organ is then fixed with absolute alcohol. But the chromate of silver method is easier and surer than the injection methods. 6. Tease a piece of fresh liver in serum or salt solution for the study of the appearance of the hepatic cells in the recent or living condition. 7. Stained sections of pancreas from a gland which has been hardened in alcohol, or in formol followed by alcohol. The sections may be double stained with eosin and hsematoxylin or with eosin and methylene blue. Notice the islets of Langerhans between the alveoli ; largest and most evident in animals which have been long fasting and also very well marked after the gland has been stimulated by secretin. Make sketches under both low and liigh power. 8. Tease a small piece of fresh pancreas in serum or salt solution. Notice the granules in the alveolar cells, chiefly accumulated in the half of the cell which is nejirest the lumen of the alveolus, leaving the outer zone of the cell clear. Sketch a small portion of an alveolus under a high power. 9. The ducts of the pancreas, and the termination of nerve-fibres in the alveoli may be seen in preparations made by the Golgi method. THE LIVER. The liver is a solid glandular organ, made up of the hepatic lobules. These are polyhedral masses (tig. .378) about 1 mm. {^-^ inch) in Fig. 378. — Diagrammatic representation of two hkpatic lobules. The left-hand lobule is rejii-esented with the intralobular vein cut across ; in the right- hand one the section takes the course of the intralobular vein, p, interlobular branches of the portal vein ; /(, intralobular branches of the hepatic veins ; s, sub- lobular vein ; c, capillaries of the lobules. The arrows indicate the direction of the course of the blood. The liver-cells are only represented in one part of each lobule. diameter, composed of cells, and separated from one another by connective tissue. In some animals, as in the pig, this separation is complete, and each lobule is isolated, but in man and mo.st animals it is incomplete. There is also a layer of connective tissue underneath THE LIVER. 311 the serous covering of the liver, forming the so-called capsule of the organ. Each lobule is penetrated by a fine network of reticular tissue which helps to support the columns of cells within the lobule (fig. 379). The afferent blood-vessels of the liver (portal vein and hepatic artery) enter it on its under surface, where also the bile-duct passes away from the gland. The branches of these three vessels accompany one another in their course through the organ, and are inclosed by loose connective Fig. 379. —Reticulum of a liver-lobule. (Oppel. V.C.., central vein ; i, interlobular interval. tissue (capsule of GUssm), in which are lymphatic vessels, the whole being termed a portal canal (fig. 380). The smaller branches of the vessels penetrate to the intervals between the hepatic lobules, and are known as the interlobular branches. The blood leaves the liver at the back of the organ by the hepatic veins ; the branches of these run through the gland unaccompanied by other vessels (except lymphatics) and can also be traced to the lobules, from each of which they receive a minute branch (central or intralobular vein) which passes from the centre of the lobule, and opens directly into the (sublobular) branch of the hepatic vein. Each lobule is a mass of hepatic cells pierced everywhere with a 312 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. network of sinusoid blood-vessels, the so-called hepatic capillaries (fig. 378), which at the periphery of the lobule receive blood from the interlobular branches of the portal vein {p), and converge to the centre of the lobule, where they unite to form the intralobular branch of the hepatic vein. The interlobular branches of the hepatic arteries join this network a short distance from the periphery of the lobule. The blood-capillaries are in direct contact with the liver-cells ; indeed, it would appear as if the endothelium is deficient, for artificial injections are seen to be in contact with the cells and even pass between their interstices and run into canaliculi within their protoplasm. The endothelium of the blood-vessels (or sinusoids) is in part at least Fig. 380.— Section of a portal canal. a, branch of hepatic artery ; v, branch of portal vein ; d, bile-duct ; /, /, lymphatics in the areolar tissue of Glisson's capsule which incloses the vessels. represented by certain conspicuous cells which occur at intervals on the wall of the sinusoids, and lie in contact with the liver cells. These cells were described by Kupffer. They are phagocytic, like the endothelial cells of the blood-sinuses of the spleen, and ingest erythrocytes, which can be seen within them. The hepatic cells, which everywhere lie between and surround the capillaries, are polyhedral, somewhat granular-looking cells, each containing a spherical nucleus. The jDrotoplasm of each cell is pervaded by an irregular network of fine canaliculi (fig. 383), which in preparations of injected liver become filled with the injection material, w^hich has passed into them from the blood-vessels (Herring and Simpson). They thus form a system of intracellular canals which probably receive the blood-plasma directlj^ from the vessels. Such canals were conjectured to exist by Browicz, who showed that under THE LIVER. 313 certain circumstances not only hsemoglobin but whole red blood- corpuscles, and even groups of blood-corpuscles, which are in process of breaking down, are to be found in the interior of the hepatic cells. In the dog's liver both haemoglobin and bilirubin may be fouiul in the form of crystals within the nuclei of the liver-cells (Browicz). It is easy to inject these minute canals from the blood- vessels, and they are clearly .shown filled with the injection mass in the preparation of injected liver of rabbit shown in fig. 384. Besides these plasma-channels, the liver cells may show fine, short Fig. 381. — Sectiox of babbit's liver with the intercellular network of BILE-CANALICCLI INJECTED. Highly magnified. (Hering.) Two or three layers of cells are represented ; 6, blood-capillaries. canals which communicate with the intercellular bile-ducts (see below) and generally commence within the cell by a dilatation (secretion- vacuoles). After a meal many of the liver cells may contain fat, and masses of glycogen can also be seen within them (fig. 385) if the liver be hardened in alcohol and treated in the manner described in section 2. The cells also contain pigment-granules, many of which are stained by potassium ferrocyanide and hydrochloric acid, or by pure hsematoxylin (presence of iron ^). The ducts commence between the hepatic cells in the form of inter- cellular bile-canaliculi, which lie between the adjacent sides of the ' The iron which is in organic combination can be set free by treatment for a short time with alcohol to which 10 p.c. hydrochloric acid has been added. 314 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. cells, and receive the contents of the secretion-vacuoles above mentioned. They form a network, the meshes of which correspond in size to the cells (fig. 381), and at the periphery of the lobule they pass into the interlobular bile-ducts (fig. 382). In many animals the network of bile-canaliculi is incomplete (G. Retzius). Fig. 382. — Lobule of rabbit's liver : vessels and bile-ducts injected. (Cadiat.) a, central vein ; '/, 6, peripheral or Interlobular veins ; c, interlobular bile-duct. The liver-cells are not represented. The bile-ducts are lined by clear columnar epithelium (fig. 380, d). Outside this is a basement-membrane, and in the larger ducts some fibrous and plain muscular tissue. Many of the large ducts are beset with small blind diverticula. The gall-bladder is in its genei-al structure similar to the larger bile-ducts. It is lined hy columnar epithelium, and its wall is formed of fibrous and muscular tissue. THE LIVER. 315 The lymphatics of the liver have been described as commencin<< as perivascuhir lymphatic spaces inclosing the capillaries of the lobules (MacGillavry), But this cannot be so, since there is no space between Fig. 383. Fig. 384. Fig. 383. — A cell fkom the human liver, showing intracellular CANALICULI. (Browicz.) Fig. 384. — From a section of rabbit's liver injected from the portal VEIN, showing intracellular CANALICULI COMMUNICATING WITH THE INTERCELLULAR BLOOD-SINUSOIDS. Fig. 3S.5.— Liver cells containing glycogen. (Dunham, from Barfurth.) the liver-cells and the sinusoid capillaries with which they come into immediate relationship (Herring and Simpson). All that can be posi- tively asserted is that there are numerous lymphatics accompanying the branches of the portal vein, and others, less numerous, accompanying 316 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. the tributaries of the hepatic veins, but so far as can be ascertained no direct communication exists between the two sets of lymphatics within the lobules, although they communicate freely near their exit from the liver. Most of the lymph passes out by the portal lymphatics. Nerves are described as distributed both to the blood-vessels and to the liver-cells. THE PANCREAS. The pancreas is a tubulo-racemose gland, resembling the salivary glands so far as its general structure is concerned, but diifering from 6-;- Fig. 386. — Section Of human p.^nckeas. (Bohm and v. DavidofF.) ^p. a, group of cells in interstiti.al tissue (islet of Langerhans) ; 6, connective tissue ; c, larper duct ; d, d, alveoli with centro-acinar cells ; c, small duct passing into alveoli ; /, inner granular zoue of alveolus. them in the fact that the alveoli are longer and more tubular in character. Moreover, the connective tissue of the gland is somewhat looser, and there occur in the glandular sub.stance here and there small groups of epithelium-like cells unfurnished with ducts {islets of Langerhans) (fig. 386 a ; fig. 387), which are supplied with a close network of large convoluted capillary vessels (fig. 388). Their function is unknown, but their presence is very characteristic of the pancreas. They increase in size during starvation and also as the result of increasing the activity of the gland by injection of secretin (Dale), apparently at the expense of the proper glandular alveoli. The degeneration which they sometimes undergo in cases of diabetes THE PANCREAS. 317 mcllitus seems to suggest that they are concerned with the influence exerted by the pancreas on the metabolism of carbohydrates. Fig. 387— Section of pancreas of armadillo showing several alveoli AND A large interalveolar CELL-ISLET. (V. D. Harris.) The cells of the alveoli are shruukeii, but they show markedly the two zones, the outer or nou-graiuilar stained deeply by haematoxj-lin. The cells which line the alveoli are columnar or polyhedral in shape. When examined in the fresh condition, or in sections stained by certain methods, their protoplasm is seen to be filled in the inner two-thirds with granules, but the outer third is left clear or; is Fig. 388. — Injection of blood-vessels of an "islet" of the pancreas. (Kiibne and Lea.) Striated (fig. 390, A : fig. 386). After a period of activity the clear part of the cell becomes larger, and the granular part smaller (fig. 390, B). In hccmatoxylin-stained sections the outer part is coloured more deeply than the inner (fig. 387). 318 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Pancreas cells frequently exhibit a rounded mass of granxiles or fibrils (mitochondria) near the nucleus, which is known as the para- nucleus (Nebenkern) : this is probably related to the secretory activity of the cells (see p. 5). Fig. 389. — From a section of human pancreas, (v. Ebner.) Magnified 530 diameters. a, a, outer zones of alveolar cells witli striated appearance ; h, inner granular zones ; ))i, rnembrana propria ; c, centro-acinar cells, here occurring in unusuall}' large amount; d, junctional part of duct; its epithelium is continuous with the centro- acinar cells. In the centre of each acinus there may generally be seen some spindle-shaped cells {centro-acinar cells of Langerhans — fig. 386, (/), the nature of which has not been definitely determined ; but they appear to be continued from the cells which line the smallest ducts (fig. 386, e) Fig. 390. — Part of an alveolus of the rabbit's pancreas. A, at rest; B, after active secretion. (From Foster, after Kiihne and Lea.) a, the inner granular zone, which in A is larger and more closely studded with fine granules than in B, in which the granules are fewer and coarser; h, the outer trans- parent zone, small in A, larger in B, and in the latter marked witli faint striae ; c, the lumen, very obvious in B, but indistinct hi A ; d, au indentation at the junction of two cells, only distinct in B. Sometimes they are much more conspicuous and fill the parts of the alveoli which are nearest to the duct (fig. 389) ; in these cases the mass of cells which they form is liable to be mistaken for a Langerhans' islet. THE PANCREAS. 319 Diverticula from the lumen of the alveolus penetrate between the alveolar cells (tii;-. 'M)\), as in the salivary glands (j). 'JSfj). The pancreas has many nerves, with numerous small nerve-cells distributed upon Fig. 391. — A duct of thk pancreas with lateral diverticula into the alveoli; golgi method. (E. Miiller.) In A the duot i.s shown out longitudinally and giving off ductules, m, to the alveoli, where they extend between the cells (0- In B the details of their termination are shown more highly magnified. their course ; the nerve-fibrils end by ramifying amongst the cells of the alveoli, as in the salivary glands. In the cat, which has Pacinian bodies in its mesentery, these terminal organs are also found numer- ously in the substance of the pancreas (V. D. Harris). 320 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XXXVI. STRUCTURE OF THE KIDNEY. \. Sections passing thiough the whole kidney of a small mammal, such as a mouse or rat. These sections will show the general arrangement of the organ and the disposition of the tubules and of tlie Malpighian corpuscles. 2. Thin sections of the kidney of a larger mammal, such as the dog or cat, may next be studied. In some the direction of the section should be parallel with the rays of the medulla, and in others acro.ss their direction. The characters of the epithelium of the sevend parts of the uriniferous tubules and the structure of the glomeruli are to be made out in these sections. 3. Separate portions of the in-iniferous tubules may be studied in teased preparations from a kidney which has been macerated in diluted hydro- chloric acid (1 to .') water). This renders it possible to unravel the uriniferons tubules for some distance. 4. Thick sections of a kidney in which the blood-vessels have been injected. Examine these with a low power of the microscope. Follow the course of the arteries — those to the cortex sending their branches to the glomeruli, those to the medulla rapidly dividing into pencils of fine vessels which run between the straight uriniferons tubules of the boundary zone. Notice also the efferent vessels from the glomeruli breaking up into the capillaries which are distributed to the tubules of the cortical substance. The kidney is a compound tubular gland. To the naked eye it appears formed of two portions — a cortical and a mechdlary. The latter is subdivided into a number of pyramidal portions {pyramids of Malpighi), the base (boundary zone) of each being surrounded by cortical substance, while the apex projects in the form of a papilla into the dilated commencement of the ureter (pelvis of the kidney).^ Both cortex and medulla are composed entirely of tubules — the uriniferons tubules — which have a straight direction in the medulla and a contorted arrangement in the cortex ; but groups of straight tubules also pass from the medulla through the thickness of the cortex (medullary rays). The uriniferous tubules begin in the cortical part of the organ in dilatations, each inclosing a tuft or glomerulus of convoluted capillary blood-vessels (corpuscles of Malpighi), the dilated commencement of the tubule being known as the capsule (fig. 396, 1). The glomerulus is 1 In many animals (e.g. dog, cat, rabbit, most monkeys) the whole kidney is formed of only a single pyramid, but in man there are about twelve. UKINIFEKOUS TUBULES. 321 lobulated (figs. 394, 395) ; the lobules being united by the afferent and efferent vessels and covered by a syncytium reflected from the Fig. 392.— Diagram of the course of the tubules in a uxipyramidal KIDXET, such as THAT OF THE RABBIT. (Toldt.) 'I, Malpighian bodies ; h, first convoluted tubule ; c, d, looped tube of Henle ; e, second convoluted ; f, collecting tube ; g, ducts of Bellini. Fig. 393.— Section through part of DOG'S KIDNEY. (Ludwig. ) p, papillarj', and g, boundary zones of the medulla ; /-, cortical layer; h, bundles of tubules in the boundary layer, separated by spaces, 6, containing bunches of vessels (not here represented), and prolonged into the cortex as the medullary rays, III ; c, intervals of cortex, composed chiefly of con- voluted tubules, with irregular rows of glomeruli, between the medullary rays. epithelium lining the capsule. The glomeruli near the medulla are larger than the rest and have more lobules. The capillary-wall in all the glomeruli is a syncytium, showing no cell-outlines in silver pre- parations (Drasch). L 322 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. The tubule leaves the capsule by a neck (2), which is rarely narrower than the rest of the tubule in mammals, but in some animals (e.r/. frog) Fig. 394.— a malpighian corpu.scle from the kidney of the momkey. (Szj-monowicz.) Magnified 3-50 diameters. ft, a, sections of convoluted tubules ; «', comniencenient of convoluted tube from capsule b, capsule ; c, afferent and efferent vessels of glomerulus. Fig. 395. — Model of a glomerulus. (Johnson. a, afferent ; c, efferent blood-vessel. URINIFEROUS TUBULES. 323 is long, and has ciliated epithelium ; the tubule is at first convoluted (first convolaled tubule, 3), but soon becomes nearly straight or slightly spiral only {spiral tuhuU; 4), and then, rapidly narrowing, passes down Fig. 39fi.— Diagram of the course of two urixiferous tubules. (Klein.) A, cortex ; B, boundary zone ; c, papillary zone of the medulla ; a, a', superficial and deep layers of cortex, free from glomeruli. For the explanation of the numerals, see the text. into the medulla towards the dilated commencement of the ureter as the desrendinrt tubule of Henle (5). It does not at once, however, open into the pelvis of the kidney, but before reaching the end of the 324 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. papilla it turns round in the form of a loop {hop of Henle, 6) and passes upwards again towards the cortex, parallel to its former course, and at first somewhat larger than before, but afterwards diminishing in size {ascending tubule of Henle, 7, 8, 9). Arrived at the cortex it approaches close to the capsule from which the tubule took origin, but at a point opposite to the origin, viz. near the afferent and eft'erent vessels of the glomerulus (Golgi). It then becomes larger and irregularly zigzag {zigzag or irregular tubule, 10), and may again be somewhat convoluted (second convoluted tubule, 11), eventually, however, narj-owing into a small vessel {junctional tubide, 12), which joins a straight or collecting tubule (13). The last-named unites Avith others to form large collecting tubes which pass through the medul- ^■---^ lary substance of the kidney (14) to open at the apex of the papilla as the ducts of Bellini (15). The tubules are throughout bounded k by a basement-membrane, which is fc_ ■ lined b}' epithelium, but the characters W:J. of the epithelium cells vary in the ^' • different parts of a tubule. In the capsule the epithelium is flattened and "" '■■■*"■'"' — i-^— -^ is reflected over the glomerulus. In Fig. 397.— Section- of a coNvoLrTED some animals {e.g. mouse) the granular TUBULE OF THE RABBITS KiDXET, epithclium of the couvoluted tube is SHOWING THE STRUCTURE OF THE ^ EPITHELIUM. (Szymonowicz.) (Mag- prolonged a little way into the capsule. nified 1100 diameters.) t^t."!^^ 7jj i ■ i i i i In the nrst convolutect and spiral tubules the epithelium is thick, and the cells are markedly granular, with a tendency for the granules to be arranged in lines perpendicular to the basement-membrane (rodded or fibrillar appearance, fig. 397). The granules of the cells are particularh'^ well displaved in sections stained by Muir's method ; they are eosinophil, like the granules of secreting cells generally. They often exhibit a brush of cilium-like processes projecting into the lumen (figs. 397, 400), but these are not vibratile in mammals. In the narrow descending limb of the looped tubules, and in the loop itself, the cells are clear and flattened and leave a relatively large lumen ; in the ascending limb they again acquire a granular structure and may nearly fill the lumen. The arrangement of the cell-granules in lines perpendicular to the basement-membrane is still more marked in the zigzag tubides, and a similar structure is present also in the second convoluted tubules, into which these pass. On the other hand, the junctional tidtule has a large lumen and is lined by clear flattened cells, and the collecting tubes have also a very URINIFEROUS TUBULES. 325 distinct lumen and are lined by a clear cubical or columnar epithelium (tiff. 398, a). Fig. .398.— Section across a papilla of the kidney. (Cadiat.) a, large collectiug tubes (ducts of Bellini) ; h, c, d, tubules of Henle ; e, .r, blood-capillaries. The following gives a tabular view of the parts which compose a uriniferous tubule, and the nature of the epithelium in each part : — Portion of TuBrLE. Xatlre of Epithelium. Position of Tubcle. Capsule First convoluted tube . Spiral tube . Small or descending i tube of Henle . . ■ Flattened, reflected over glomerulus, where its cells form a syncytium. Cubical, granular, with appearance of fibrillation ("redded '"), the cells interlocking ..... Like the last ..... Clear flattened cells .... Loop of Henle Larger or ascending tube of Henle . Zigzag tube . Second convoluted tube Junctional tube . Straight or collecting tube .... Duct of Bellini Like the last Cubical, granular : the cells some- times imbricated .... Cells strongly '" rodded '"' : varying height, lumen small Similar to first convoluted tube, but cells are longer, with larger nuclei, and they have a more refractive aspect ...... Clear flattened and cubical cells Clear cubical and columnar cells Clear columnar cells .... Labyrinth of cortex.^ Labyrinth of cortex. Medullary ray of cortex. Boundary zone and partly papillary zone of medulla. Papillary zone of medulla. Medulla, and medul- lary ray of cortex. Labyrinth of cortex. Labyrinth of cortex. Labyrinth passing to medullars ray. Medullary ray and medulla. I Opens at apex of I papilla. 1 The part of the cortex between and surrounding the medullary rays is so named. 326 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Blood-vessels. — The renal artery divides into branches on entering the organ, and these branches pass towards the cortex, forming incomplete arches between the cortex and the medulla (fig. 399, a). The branches of the renal vein form similar but more complete Fig. 399. — Vascular supply of kidney. ' (Cadiat.) Diagrammatic, a, part of arterial arch ; 6, interlobular artery ; c, glomerulus ; d, efferent vessel passing to medulla as false arteria recta ; e, capillaries of cortex ; /, capillaries of medulla ; g, venous arch ; h, straight veins of medulla ; j, vena stellula ; i, interlobular vein. arches (g). — From the arterial arches vessels pass through the cortex (cortical oi- interlobular arteries, b), and give off at intervals small arteri oles (afferent vessels of the gl'>meruli), each of which enters the dilated commencement of a uriniferous tubule, within which its capillaries form a glomerulus. From the glomerulus a somewhat smaller efferent vessel passes out, and this at once again breaks up into capillaries, which are BLOOD-VESSELS OF KIDNEY. 827 distributed amongst the tubules of the cortex (e) ; their blood is collected by veins which run parallel with the cortical arteries but not in juxtaposition with them : these veins join the venous arches between the cortex and the medulla ; they receive blood from certain other veins Avhich arise by radicles having a somewhat stellate arrange- ment near the capsule {vence dellvlce, j). The medulla derives its blood-supply from special offsets of the arterial arches, which almost immediately break up into pencils of fine straight arterioles running in groups between the straight tubules of the medulla. These arterioles supply a capillary network with Fig. 400. — Nerve fibrils ending over capillary blood-vessels and AMONGST THE EPITHELIUM CELLS OF A CONVOLUTED TUBE OF THE FROG'S KIDNEY. (Smirnow.) elongated meshes which pervades the medulla (fig. 399,/), and which terminates in a plexus of somewhat larger venous capillaries in the papillce. From these and from the other capillaries the venules of the medulla collect the blood, and pass, accompanying the straight arterioles, into the venous arches between the cortex and medulla. The groups of small arteries and veins (rasn recta) in the part of the medulla nearest to the cortex alternate with groups of the uriniferous tubules, and this arrangement confers a striated aspect upon this portion of the medulla {houndanj zone, fig. 39-3, g). The efferent vessels of those glomeruli which are situated nearest to the medulla also break up into pencils of fine vessels {false vasa recta) which join the capillary network of the medulla (fig. 399, (/). Between the uriniferous tubules, and supporting the blood-vessels, is a certain amount of connective tissue (fig. 400), within which are cleft-like h'mphatics. Nerve-fibrils are described as ramifying amongst the epithelium-cells of the tubules (fig. 400), but most of the nerves to the kidneys are distributed to the blood-vessels. 328 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XXXVII. STRUCTURE OF THE URETER, BLADDER, AND MALE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 1. Section across the lower part of the ureter. Another section may be taken across the upper part near the pelvis of the kidney. 2. Section of the urinaiy bladder vertical to the surface. In the sections of the ureter and of the urinary bladder, notice the tran- sitional epithelium resting on a raucous membrane, which is composed of areolar tissue without glands (in most animals), and the muscular coat outside this. In the ureter there is a layer of connective tissue outside the muscular coat, and at the upper part of the bladder a layer of serous membrane covering the muscular tissue. 3. Section across the penis (child or monkey). The blood-vessels of the organ should be injected with the hardening fluid .so as the better to exhibit the arrangement of the venous spaces which constitute the erectile tissue. Notice the large venous sinuses of the corpora cavernosa and the smaller spaces of the corpus spongiosum, in the middle of which is seen the (flattened) tube of the urethra. 4. Section across urethra and ])rostate gland (child or monkey). Notice the glandular tubes and the plain muscular tissue of the prostate, and the character of the urethral epithelium. 5. Section of testis and epididymis. The sections may be made from a rat's testis which has been hardened in alcohol ; they can be stained with iron-hsematoxylin. In these sections notice the strong capsule sur- rounding the gland, the substance of which consi.sts of tubules which are variously cut ; and the epithelium of the tubules, which is in different phases of development in different tubules. Observe the strands of poly- hedral interstitial cells, much more numerous in some animals, lying in the loose tissue between the tubules ; also the lymphatic clefts in that tissue. Notice in sections through the epididymis the epithelium of that tube. Sketch carefully under a high power the contents of some of the semini- ferous tubules to illustrate the mode of formation of the spermatozoa. 6. Examination of spermatozoa. Spermatozoa may be obtained fresh from the testicle or seminal vesicles of a recently killed mammal and examined in saline solution. Their movements may be studied on the warm stage ; to display their structure a very high power of the microscope is necessary. They mav be preserved and stained as " fllm " pi'eparations, as with marrow (P-30). " The ureter (fig. 401) is a muscular tube litied by mucous membrane. The muscular coat consists of two layers of plain muscular tissue, an outer circular, and an inner longitudinal. In the lower part there are some longitudinal bundles external to the circular. Outside the muscular coat is a layer of connective tissue in which the blood-vessels and nerves ramify before entering the muscular layer. THE BLADDER. 329 The mucous membrane is composed of areolar tissue and is lined by transitional epithelium (fig. 402). The urinary bladder has a muscular wall lined by a strong mucous membrane and covered in part by a serous coat. *i>.. i'£. gn-ia&JEK^ i) e"^' l^^#% SF%> %, ^.i^'>: ^ill^ % ig?--.i Fig. 401. — Section across the upper part of the oketer. (v. Ebner.) Magnified 14 diameters. e, epithelium ; «, mucous membrane ; I, longitudinal muscle ; r, circular mu.scle. Jio."^" -.-- d Fig. 402. —Section of the mucocs jieiibrane of the bladder to show its epitheliuji. (Sz\-monowicz. ) a, h, superficial epithelium-cells ; c, leucocyte ; d, areolar tissue of mucous membrane. The muscular coat consists of three layers, but the innermost is incomplete. The principal fibres run longitudinally and circularly, and the circular fibres are collected into a layer of some thickness which immediately surrounds the commencement of the urethra. The mucous membrane is lined by a transitional stratified epithelium like that of 330 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. the ureter. The shape and structure of the cells have already been studied (p. 5.5). Many of the superficial cells have two nuclei. The nerves to the bladder form gangliated plexuses, and are dis- tributed to the muscular tissue and blood-vessels, but some are said to enter the epithelium. The penis is mainly composed of cavernous tissue which is collected into two principal tracts — the corpora cavernosa, one on each side, and the corpus spongiosum in the middle line inferiorly. All these are bounded by a strong capsule of fibrous and plain muscular tissue, con- taining also many elastic fibres and sending in strong septa or trabeculse Fig. 403.— Section of erectile tissue. (Cadiat.) a, trabeculse of connective tissue, with elastic fibres, and bundles of plain muscular tissue, some cut across (c) ; 6, venous spaces. of the same tissues, which form the boundaries of the cavernous spaces of the erectile tissue (fig. 403). The arteries of the tissue run in these trabeculse, and their capillaries open into the cavernous spaces. On the other hand, the spaces are connected with eflferent veins. The arteries of the cavernous tissue may sometimes in injected specimens be observed to form looped or twisted projections into the cavernous spaces {helicine arteries of MuUer), into which they may open directly. The integument of the penis and clitoris, especially that of the glans, contains numerous special nerve end organs of the nature of end- bulbs (see p. 169), and Pacinian bodies are also found upon the nerves. Lymphatic vessels are numerous in the integument of the organ and also in the submucous tissue of the urethra. THE URETHRA. 331 Urethra.— The cross-section of the urethra appears in the midHle of the corpus spongiosum in the form of a transverse cleft. It is lined in the prostatic part by transitional, but elsewhere by columnar epithelium, except near its orifice, where the epithelium is stratified. In the female urethra it is stratified throughout. The epithelium rest? upon a vascular mucous membrane, which contains longitudinally disposed plain muscular fibres, and in the membranous urethra, cir- cularly disposed cross-striated fibres. Outside the mucous membrane is a coating of submucous tissue, with two layers of plain muscular fibre — an inner longitudinal and an outer circular. Outside this again '■<£^_ Fig. 404. — Seciiox of prostate. (Heitzmann.) il, muscular tissue ; E, epithelium ; C, concretions. is a close plexus of small veins which is connected with, and may be said to form part of, the corpus spongiosum. The mucous membrane of the urethra is beset with small mucous glands, simple and compound (glands of Littre). There are also a number of oblique recesses termed lacunce. Besides these small glands and glandular recesses, two compound racemose glands open into the bulbous portion of the nrethra (Cowpers glands). Their acini are lined by clear columnar cells which yield a mucus-like secretion. The prostate, which surrounds the commencement of the urethra, is a muscular and glandular mass, the glands of which are composed of tubular alveoli, lined by columnar epithelium, with smaller cells h'ing between them and the basement-membrane (fig. 404). Their ducts 332 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. open upon the floor of the urethra. In old subjects the tubules often contain colloid or calcareous concretions. The muscular tissue is of the plain variety. Blood-vessels and nerves are numerous. The nerves are provided with small ganglia and are distributed partly to the muscular tissue, partly to the glands, and others (sensory) to the capsule, and to the wall of the urethra. The sensory nerves end in plexuses and in peculiar terminal corpuscles like simple Pacinian bodies (Timofeew). a h Fig. 405. — Sectio.\ of humax testis and epididymis, somewhat magnified. (Bohm and v. Davidoff.) a, glandular substance divided into lobules by septa of connective tissue ; b, tunica albu- ginea ; c, head of epididymis ; d, rete testis ; c, middle part or body of epididymis ; /, mediastinum giving oi-igin to the septa ; rj, sections of the commencing vas deferens. The testicle is inclosed by a strong fibrous capsule, the tunica alhug'mea (tig. 405, h). This is covered externally with a layer of serous epithelium reflected from the tunica vaginalis. From its inner surface there proceed fibrous processes or tmhecuke, which imperfectly subdivide the organ into lobules, and posteriorly the capsule is prolonged into the interior of the gland in the form of a mass of fibrous tissue, which is known as the mediastimm. testis (fig. 405, /). Attached to the posterior margin of the body of the gland is a mass (epididymis) which when investigated is found to consist of a single convoluted tube, receiving at THE TESTICLE. 333 its upper end the rj/nrnf ducts of the testis and prolonged at its lower end into a thick-walled nniscidai' tube, the vas deferens, which conducts the secretion to the urethra. The glandular substance of the testicle is wholly made up of canvoluted tubules, which wlien unra\elled are of very considerable length. Each commences near the tunica albuginea, and after many windings terminates, usually after joining one or two others, in a Fig. 406. — Passage of convoluted seminu-'erous tubules into straight TUBULES AND OF THESE INTO THE RETK TESTIS. (Mihalkowicz. ) (1, seminiferous tubules ; 6, fibrous stroma continued from the mediastinum testis ; c, rete testis. straight tubule, which passes into the mediastinum, and there forms, by uniting with the other straight tubules, a network of intercom- municating vessels of varying size, which is known as the rete testis (fig. 406). From the rete a certain number of efferent tubules arise, and after a few convolutions pass into the tube of the epididymis. The straight tubules which lead from the convoluted seminiferous tubes into the rete testis are lined only by a single layer of clear flattened or cubical epithelium. The tubules of the rete also have a 334 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. simple epithelial lining; both in these and in the straight tubules the basement-membrane is absent, the epithelium being supported directly by the connective tissue of the mediastinum. The efferent tubules which pass from the rete to the epididymis are lined by columnar ciliated epithelium In man their lumen is irregular in section, and the inner surface pitted with depressions (intra-epithelial glands) lined by short clear non-ciliated cells (J. Schaffer). The tube of the epididymis is lined by long columnar cells having at their bases ,'y^ a 5? J I \il\ Fig. 407. — Section of the TinK oi' the epididymis. (Szymonowicz.) (MagniHed oUO diameters.) (t, blood-vessel ; b, circular muscular fibres ; r, epithelium. smaller cubical cells with spherical nuclei (fig. 407). The columnar cells are provided with what appear to be bunches of cilium-like fibrils pro- jecting into the lumen of the tube. These apparent cilia are, however, not vibratile as was formerly supposed, and are therefore not true cilia (Neumann, Myers-Ward). They appear to vary in development in different cells, and are probably connected in some way with the formation of the secretion of the epididymis and its extrusion into the lumen of the tube. The epididymis cells exhibit canaliculi in their cytoplasm, which according to Holmgren, communicate with the exterior at the attached border of the cell (fig. 408). The tube of THE 'rKSIMCLK. 335 the epididymis has a considerable amount of |)laiii iniiseulai- tissue in its wall (fig. 407). The ras deferens (fig. 109) is a thick-walled tube, formed of an outer A!^A '■'^^mk Fig. 408.— Cells of epididymis, showing canalization of the cytoplasm. (E. Holmgren.) Fig. 409.— Section across the commencement of the vas deferens. (Klein.) a, epithelium ; b, mucous membrane ; c, d, e, inner, middle, and outer layers of the muscular coat ; /, bundles of the internal creniaster muscle ; g, section of a blood- vessel. layer of longitudinal bundles of plain muscular tissue; within this an equally thick layer of circular bundles of the same tissue, and within this again a thinner layer of longitudinal muscle. There is a good deal of connective and elastic tissue between the muscular bundles. The 336 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. tube is lined by a mucous membrane, the inner surface of which is covered by columnar non-ciliated epithelium. The ampullcB of the vasa deferentia, and the vesiculce seminales, are in structure similar to the vas deferens, but their corrugated walls are much thinner and less muscular. The connective tissue between the tuljules of the testis is of very loose texture, and contains numerous lymphatic clefts, which form an intercommunicating system of commencing lymphatic vessels. Lying in this intertubular tissue are strands of polyhedral epithelium-like Fig. 410. Fig. 411. Fig. 410. — Section of parts of three semixiferous tubules of the rat. n, with the spermatozoa lea.st advanced in development ; 6, more advanced ; r, containing fully developed spermatozoa. Between the tubules are seen strands of interstitial cells with blood-vessels and lymph-spaces. Fig. 411.— Human spermatozoa. J-^^. (G. Retzius.) 1, in jirofile ; 2, viewed on the flat ; b, head ; c, middle jiiece ; d, tail; e, end-piece of the tail, which is described as a distinct part by Retzius. cells {interstitial cells, see fig. 410) of a yellowish colour; they are much more abundant in some species of animals (cat, boar) than in others. They accompan}' the blood-vessels before these break up to form the capillary networks which cover the walls of the seminiferous tubules. The interstitial cells contain in many animals yellowish-brown fat- globules (staining with osmic acid); and also sometimes needle-shaped crystals (proteid). Similar fatty globules may occur in the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules (see above), and have been thought to be derived from those of the interstitial tissue. THE SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES. 337 Structure of the tubules. — The seminiferous tubules are formed of a thick basement-membrane, and contain several layers of epithelium- cells. Of these Wers, the one next to the basement-membrane is a Fig. 4r2.— HcjrAX spekmatozoa ox the flat and in profile. (Bramman.) Those on the right still show protoplasm adhering to them. Only the commencement of the tail is represeutftd in the two which are shown in profile. Magnified 2500 diameters. stratum of clear cubical cells {spermatogonia or spermagons, figs. 410, 414, a), the nuclei of which for the most part exhibit the irregular network which is characteristic of the resting condition, but in certain tubules show indications of division. Here and there between the spermatogonia 338 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. some of the lining epithelium-cells are enlarged, and project between the more internal layers, being connected with groups of developing spermatozoa. The.se enlarged cells are the cells of Sertoli (fig. 414, ((^, a" ; fig. 417). Next to this lining epithelium is a zone of larger cells (spermatocytes or spermocytes, fig. 414, h), the nuclei of which are usualh^ in some stage of hetero- or homo-typical mitotic division; these cells may be two or three deep (as in a, fig. 410). Next to them, and most internal, are to be seen in some tubules (fig. 410, h and c) a large a (I d S 9 Fig. 413. — Different forms of spermatozoa. (From Verworn.) a, of bat ; 6, c, of frog ; t?, of finch ; c, of ram ; /, j/, of boar ; A, of a jelly-fish ; i, of a monkey ; ?, of crab ; k. of round- worm. number of small protoplasmic cells with simple spherical nuclei {spermatids or spermids, fig. 414, c). In other tubules the spermatids are elongated, and the nucleus is at one end, and in others again these elongated cells are converted into evident spermatozoa, which lie in groups : their heads projecting between the deeper cells and connected with one of the Sertoli cells of the lining epithelium, and their tails emerging into the lumen of the tubule (fig. 410, b). As they become matured they gradually shift altogether towards the lumen, where they eventually become free (c). During the time that this crop of spermatozoa has been forming, another set of spermocytes has been produced by the division of the spermogonia, and on the discharge of the spermatozoa the process is repeated as before (see diagram, fig. 414). The spermatozoa. — Each spermatozoon or sperm consists of three parts, a head, a middle part or body, and a long tapering and vibra- tile tail (figs. 411, 412). In man the head is of a flattened oval shape, somewhat more flattened anteriorly : in some animals it bears a small barb-like projection at its extremity, but this appears to be THE SPERMATOZOA. 339 Fig. 414.— Diagram exhibiting the cycle of phases of spermogenesis (rat). o, lining epithelium-cells or spermatogonia, seen dividing in 6 ; a', a", Sertoli cells ; b, spermatocytes, with skein-like nuclear filaments. These cells are seen actively dividing in 5. c, spermatids, forming an in-egular column or clump in 6, 7, 8, and 1, and connected to an enlarged Sertoli cell, a', of the lining epithelium in 2, 3, 4, and 5. In 6, 7, and 8 advanced spermatozoa of one crop are seen between columns of spermatids of the next crop. «', parts of the spermatids which disappear when the spermatozoa are fully formed ; s, seminal granules. Fig. 41.5.— Spermatozoa from the rat in different stages of develop- ment. (H. H. Brown.) 1-6, developing spermatozoa from the testicle ; 7, a mature spermatozoon from the vas deferens. The remains of the protoplasm of the cell, which is seen in 6 still adhering to the middle piece of the sijermatozoon and containing a number of chromatin granules, appears to be thrown off as the spermatozoon matures. 340 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. absent in the human spermatozoon. The apical part is covered by a cap of a somewhat different appearance from the rest — the head-cap. The jiiiddle-jyiece is in man short and cylindrical, and has a spiral fibre passing round it. An axial fibre, itself fibrillated, passes from a knob close to the head right through the body and tail. The tail is the longest part of the spermatozoon, and when examined with the micro- scope in the fresh condition is seen to be in continual vibratile motion, the action resembling that of a cilium. The extremity of the tail {end-piece) forms a distinct part of the spermatozoon, and in some 10^ s Fig. 416. — Changes in the spermatids in the course of form.\tion ok THE SPERMATOZOA. (Niessing.) The tail filament is seen (iu a and e) to extend from the centrosome, which lies close to the nucleus. The head-cap (.shown in c)is produced by a transformation of part of the archoplasm which becomes vacuolated (6, c, (0- animals may split into two or three fibrils ; these can also sometimes be traced along the whole length of the tail. Human spermatozoa are about 0*05 mm. (^i^ inch) long, the head and middle-piece each measuring about yV^^ ^^ ^^^^ amount. In diff'erent animals the shape of the head and the extent of middle- piece and tail vary greatly (fig. 413). In the rat (fig. 415, 7) the head is long, and is recurved anteriorly ; it is set obliquely on the middle- piece, which is also of considerable extent, and which has a closely wound spiral filament encircling it (H. H. Brown). In the newt the head is long and tapering, and the tail has a membranous expansion, attached in a spiral manner along its whole length. This has also been SPERMOGENESIS. 341 described in the human spermatozoon, but its existence here is doubt- ful. In decapods, which possess no cilia, the spermatozoa are stellate and motionless (fig. 413, /) ; in nematoid worms they are amoelioid (fig. 413,^-). Sometimes two distinct kinds of spermatozoa are met with in the same species of animal, one kind being far the larger in size (giant spermatozoa) but much less numerous. Such giant spermatozoa have been observed in man. Although the tail of the spermatozoon is usually classed with cilia, it is obvious that it exhibits far greater complexity and is a much more highly differentiated structure. Spermatozoa also difier from cilia in being highly resistant to putrefaction and to chemical reagents, even including the strongest acids and alkalies. Spermogenesis. — The spermatozoa are developed from the small cells (spermatids) which form the innermost stratum of the seminal epithelium, and these are themselves produced by the division of the large spermocytes of the second layer. It is probable that fresh spermocytes are formed by division of some of the lining epithelium- cells or spermogons. The cycle of changes therefore which takes place is as follows: — 1. Division of a lining epithelium-cell or spermogon into two, one of which grow\s larger ("growing cells " of H. H. Brown), becomes a spermocyte, and passes into the second layer, while the other remains in the first layer. 2. Division of the spermocyte. 3. Further division of the daughter-spermocytes thus produced. The four cells (spermatids) which result from this double division possess only one-half the somatic number of chromosomes in their nuclei, "reduc- tion" having been effected in the final cell-divisions by which the spermatids are produced (see p. 14). 4. Elongation of the spermatids and their gradual conversion into spermatozoa. As they undergo this conversion their grouping becomes more evident, and each group is found to be connected with a cell of Sertoli (figs. 414, a, 417), which probably ministers to their nutrition. This cell undergoes a gradual process of elongation so that the spermatozoa by the time they are fully developed are brought to the lumen of the tube, in which they then become free. In the meantime other alternate groups of spermatids from which the next crop of spermatozoa will be derived are being formed in the same manner, passing through the same cycle of changes. So that in a longitudinal section even of the same tubule, different phases of development may be observed, and in different tubules of the same testicle every phase may be traced. The accompanying diagram (fig. 414), which is constructed from drawings by H. H. Brown, illustrates the cj^cle of changes above, described : it is divided into eight parts, each of which shows 342 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. the condition of the epithelium of a seminiferous tubule at a particular stage. Each spermatid becomes converted into a spermatozoon in the following manner (figs. 415, 416, 418). The nucleus forms the chief part of the head, while the tail develops as an outgrowth of the centrosome and cytoplasm. The tail-filament appears within the protoplasm, growing out from the centriole of the cell which lies close Fig. 418. Fig. 417. — A cell of Sertoli with which the spermatids (three of which ARE shown) ARE BEGINNING TO BE CONNECTED : HUMAN. (Bramman.) The cell contains globules (of nutritive substance) staining with osmic acid, and similar but smaller globules are also seen in the spermatids. The " ring" formed around the tail filament by one of the particles uf the centrosome (see text) is shown in each of these spermatids close to the " head.'' Fig. 418.— Stages of spermogenesis, with transformation of the granules OR mitochondria of the spermatid into the spiral fibre of the middle PIECE: MOUSE. (Benda.) to the nucleus (fig. 416). The centriole is double, and one of its two particles forms an annular expansion or ring which, as development proceeds, moves down the tail-filament until it reaches the place where this leaves the cytoplasm : here it ultimately forms the limit of the body or middle piece of the spermatozoon. The archoplasm (see p. 8) assists in forming the head of the spermatozoon ; a portion (the idiozome of Moves) at an early stage separates from the rest, lying apically to the nucleus. Within this portion vacuoles form (fig. 416, b, c, d) which presently run together into a clear non-stainable SPERMOGENESIS. 343 glol)ule wliieh tluttons out over the nucleus and forms (fig. 416, e) the head-cap of the spermatozoon ; as development proceeds, this may become indistinguishable from the rest of the head. The spiral fibre of the middle piece is developed from mitochondria (see p. 5) in the spermatid (Benda) (fig. 418). A portion of the protoplasm of each spermatid containing a number of chromatin-particles (seminal granules) becomes detached and disin- tegrated before the spermatozoon is fully matured (fig. 414, s, .s'). A few spermocytes undergo incomplete division, and the resulting spermatids are large (giant spermatids) and contain either one large nucleus or two or more nuclei which ultimately blend to form the head of the spermatozoon. In these cases there are a corresponding number of centrosomes, from each of which a tail-filament may become developed. 344 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XXXVIII. GENERATIVE ORGANS OF THE FEMALE. 1. Sections of the ovary of the non-pregiiaut rabbit or cat. (If from a pi-egnant animal the organ may be largely occupied by luteal tissue.) Study the sections with a low power, observing the small and large Graafian follicles, each inclosing an ovum, scattered through the stroma. Measure some Graafian follicles of different sizes ; make a general sketch of a section under the low power. Then sketch carefully two or more of the follicles with their contents under a high power. 2. Sections across the Fallopian tube. Sketch a section under the low power. 3. Section across the body of the uterus, or across a cornu of a bicorued uterus. Observe with the naked eye the thickness of the muscular and mucous coats respectively. Notice the ciliated columnar epithelium lining the organ and extending into the glands of the mucous membrane. Draw a part of the section under the low power. 4. Section of the mucous membrane of the vagina. Notice the stratified scaly epithelium which lines it and which is continued over the projecting part of the os uteri. 5. Take the fresh ovary of a recently killed animal aud with a needle or fine scalpel-point prick one of the largest and most prominent of the Graafian follicles. The organ must be held just over a slide so that on pricking the follicle the fluid contents may spui't out on to the glass. E.xamine tlie drop of liquor folliculi with a low power for the escaped ovum, which will be surrounded by follicular cells. When found place a piece of hair in the drop, cover with cover-glass and examine with high ])ower. THE OVARY. The ovary is a small solid organ, composed of a stroma of fibrous tissue, with many spindle-shaped cells, and also containing, near its attachment to the broad ligament, a large number of plain muscular fibres. It is covered by a layer of small columnar epithelium-cells {germinal epithelium, fig. 420, a), between which may here and there be seen a few larger spheroidal cells, with large round nuclei. In the young subject the epithelium occasionally dips down into the subjacent stroma. The stroma is beset wath vesicles of diflferent sizes, the smallest being near the surface of the organ, the larger ones placed more deeply in the stroma, although, as they increase in size, they extend towards the surface. THE OVARY. 346 These vesicles ave tlie Graafian foJlides. Each Gruafiaii follicle has a proper wall (theca follicuU) formed of a layer derived from the stroma, and a special inner layer containing large cells : both are highly vascnlar. Each follicle contains an ovum and epitheliiun. In the smallest follicles the ovum is small, and the epithelium of the follicle is formed of a single layer of cells, which may be flattened against the ovum (fig. 421). In somewhat larger follicles the epithelium-cells are in two layers, and these are columnar in shape (fig. 423, E). In still larger ones, each of these two layers is formed of several strata of cells, and fluid has begun t-o collect between the layers at one part. Of the two layers, the one which lines the cavity of the follicle is termed the memhrana granulosa, while the mass of cells which more immediately surrounds the ovum is known as the cumulus or discus proligerus. Fig. 419. — Section of the ovary of the cat. J. (Schron.) 1, outer covering and free border of the ovary ; 1' , attached border ; 2, tlie central ovariau stroma, showing a fibrous and vascular structure ; 3, peripheral sti-oma ; U, blood- vessels ; 5, Graafian follicles in their earliest stages Ij'ing near the surface ; 6, 7, S, more advanced follicles which are embedded more deeply in the stroma ; 9, an almost mature follicle containing the ovum in its deepest part ; 9' , a follicle from which the ovum has fallen out in preparing the section ; 10, coi-pus luteum. In the largest follicles the fluid has much increased in amount, so that the follicle has become gradually larger and more tense. Finally it reaches the surface of the ovary, and projects from that surface, where it eventually bursts, and the liquor folliculi, with its contained ovum, is set free. This event is believed to occur usually at some time during menstruation. Some of the Graafian follicles do not burst, but, after attaining a certain stage of maturity, undergo a process of retrograde metamor- phosis and eventually disappear. The ovarian ova or ovocytes are large spherical cells (fig. 424), about 0 2 mm. {^\-g inch) in diameter. When fully formed, as in the 346 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. largest Graafian follicles, each ovum is surrounded by a thick trans- parent membrane {zona pellucida). Within this is the protoplasm of the ovocyte (vitellus), filled with fatty and albuminous granules (yolk granules). Lying in the vitellus, generally eccentrically, is the large Fig. 420.— Section of the ovary of an adult bitch. (Waldever.) a, germ-epithelium ; h, remains of egg-tubes ; c, small follicles ; d, more advanced follicle ; e, discus proligerus and ovum ; ./; second ovum in the same follicle (this occurs but rarely); g, outer tunic of the follicle; h, inner tunic; i, membrana granulosa; k, collapsed retrograded follicle; I, blood-vessels; in, m, longitudinal and transverse sections of tubes of the parovarium ; y, involuted portion of the germ-epithelium of the surface ; z, place of the transition from peritoneal to germinal or ovarian epithelium. clear round nucleus {germinal vesicle), which may show an intranuclear network, and invariably has a well-marked nucleolus {germinal spot), sometimes more than one. Oogenesis. — Both the ova and the epithelium of the Graafian follicles THE OVARY. 347 originate from the germinal epithelium of the embryo. This forms at first a simple layer covering the stroma, but later becomes thickened and multiple. After a time rounded cords of epithelium-cells {pjjfj- tiibes of Pfliiger ; fig. 423, A), i^row down into the stroma, whilst this TJ- '.jv ij-r\r'i:i^/j i \<=' iyTT^HT'.rr/z/:. ,_ w.< yM^^^- Fig. 421. — Section of part of human ovary sHowiNd small Graafian FOLLICLES IMBEDDED IN A FIBRO-CELLCLAR STROMA. (Sellheim.) Fig. 422.— a moderately large Graafian follicle from the human ovary, showing ovum surrounded by '"discus proligerus " and wall of follicle LINED BY "MEMBRANA GRANULOSA." BETWEEN THEM IS AN ACCUMULATION OF LIQUOR FOLLICULI. (Sellheim.) 348 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. at the same time grows into the epithelium. The cords presently become broken up by ingrowths of stroma into small isolated nests of Fig. 423. — Figures showing various stages in the developjient of the Graafian follicles of the rabbit. A, from ovary of young rabbit, showing " egg-tubes " of Pfiiiger gi-owing iu from germinal epithelium ; some of the tubes contain primitive ova ; b, pi-imitive Graafian follicles formed from the breaking up of an egg-tube ; c, a young Graafian follicle, with a single layer of follicle-epithelium ; D, a somewhat older follicle, with the second layer forming within the first ; e, a more advanced follicle, showing two complete layers of columnar epithelium surrounding the ovum within the follicle. epithelium-cells, each of which may represent a Graafian follicle. To form the ova, some of the cells become enlarged (primitive ova), and usually there is one such enlarged cell in each of the isolated THE OVARY. 349 nests.^ The remaining cells form the- epithelium of the follicle (see fig. 42'S, B, g). It is stated that the protoplasm of the ovum remains connected with the cells of the discus proligerus by fine processes 0\^\\\ 'r Fig. 424.— Human ovum; highly magnified. (Wakleyer.) The zona pellucida is surrounded by cells of the discus proligerus, which are adherent to it. which pass through pores in the zona pellucida, and on the other hand, the epithelium-cells of the follicle are themselves inter-connected by protoplasmic bridges, so that the whole forms a syncytium. 1 The nuclei of the primitive ova pass through the pre-inaiotic changes mentioned on p. 14. 350 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY The stroma of the ovary contains, besides the spindle-shaped con- nective-tissue cells and plain muscular fibres already mentioned, a number of epithelium-like interstitial cells. Some of these are derived from the germinal epithelium, and appear capable of developing into ova and follicle epithelium-cells (Lane-Claypon) ; others have originated from cells of corpora lutea. These last are large yellow Fig. 425. — Three stages ix the for- mation' OF THE CORPUS LCTEUM IN THE MOUSE. (Sobotta.) A. The follicular epithelium, fe, is hyper- trophied, and vascular processes, a, of the theca, th, or wall of the follicle are growing into it. The epithelial mass is now subdivided into loVjule-like masses, /, of luteal cells by the thecal ingrowths ; e, epithelium of surface of ovary. C.' There are now very numerous thecal septrt. or trabeculaj, and the columns of luteal cells are much narrower. A central cavity is still seen. nodules which are developed out of the Graafian follicles after the ova have been extruded (figs. 425, 426). They consist of columns of large yellowish cells {luteal cells), with intervening trabecul^e of vascular fibrous tissue, which converge to a central strand of connective tissue occupying the axis of the nodule (fig. 426). The columns of cells are not unlike those of the cortex of the suprarenal capsule. The corpus luteum is derived from the wall — probably in the main from the epithelium — of the follicle, which becomes thickened and folded by multiplication and hypertrophy of its cells ; between the folds THE OVARY. 351 connective tissue and blood-vessels grow in from the theca towards the centre of the follicle ; in this way the columnar arrangement above mentioned is produced. After persisting for a time the corpus luteum gradually disappears, its tissue becoming merged in the surrounding stroma. Corpora lutea grow much larger and remain much longer persistent in the event of pregnancy supervening. \ Fig. 426. — Corpus lcteum of jiocse. (Sobotta.) This figure shows a more advanced stage of development, the luteal tissue being now vascularized and the central cavity obliterated. The use of the corpus luteum is not known certainly, but it has recently been suggested that it may yield an internal secretion, the effect of which is to produce the fixation of the fertilized ovum in the uterine mucous membrane (Born). In confirmation of this, experiments seem to indicate that gestation does not supervene in animals whose corpora lutea have been destroyed (Fraenkel and Cohn), or from which the ovaries have been removed during the first stages of pregnancy (Marshall and Jolly). The blood-vessels of the ovary are very large and numerous, and are especially distributed to the walls of the Graafian follicles, over -which they form a close network. THE FALLOPIAN TTBES AND UTERUS. The Fallopian tubes are lined by a very vascular mucous membrane which is covered with ciliated epithelium, and has numerous longi- tudinal folds (fig. 427). Externally they are covered by a serous coat, within which is a thin longitudinal stratum of plain muscular 352 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. fibres overlying circular fibres of the same tissue, but these layers are not distinctlj' marked off" from one another. The human uterus is composed of two parts, the body and cervix. The body of the uterus is formed of the following layers : L A seroua layer, derived from the peritoneum, which covers the greater part of the fundus. 2. A muscular laiier, which is of considerable thickness and is formed of plain muscular fibres disposed in three, more or less blended, strata. Of these the outer has its fibres arranged partly longitudinally, partly circularly. The middle muscular layer, on the other hand, is thick ; Fio. 427.— Section across the fallopian tcbe. (Diagrammatic.) its fibres run in different directions, and it contains the ramifications of the larger blood-vessels. The inner layer, again, is thinner and has both longitudinal and circular fibres, many of the latter being pro- longed internally into the deeper part of the mucous membrane ; the extremities of the uterine glands extend between and amongst its fibres. 3. A mucous membrane, which is ver}' thick and is composed of soft connective tissue containing a large number of spindle-shaped cells. It is lined by ciliated epithelium and contains long, simple, tubular glands, which take a curved or convoluted course in passing through the membrane (fig. 429). Their (ciliated) epithelium is continuous with that which covers the inner surface of the mucous membrane. In the cervix the mucous membrane is marked by longitudinal and oblique ridges, and the glands are shorter but more complex than those of the THE FALLOPIAN TUBES. 353 Fi( Sii !•)> MX'TION OF MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF HUMAN UTERUS DURING MEN- STRUATION, SHOWING MASSES OF BLOOD WHICH HAVE ESCAPED PROM RUPTURED CAPILLARIES INTO THE INTEKGLANDULAR TISSUE, AND HAVE AT ONE PLACE (*) BROKEN THROUGH THE SURFACE EPITHELIUM. (Sellheim.) Fig. 429. — Section of a cornu of the babbit's uterus. serous layer; l.ni., longitudinal muscular fibres; cm., circular muscular fibres of the muscular coat ; (i, areolar tissue with large blood-vessels; m.m., muscularis mucosie ; iH, mucous membrane. Z 354 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. body of the uterus, and are lined by columnar mucus-secretin cells. Near the os uteri the epithelium becomes non-ciliated columnar, and at the margin of the os uteri this passes into a stratified epithelium which overlies vascular papillae of the cerium. The mucous mem- brane is very vascular, and it also contains a large number of lymph -vessels. In many animals the uterus is composed of two long tubes (cornua uteri) : the arrange- ment of the muscular tissue in these is simpler than in the human uterus, which has been formed by the fusion of two such tubes. Fig. 429 exhibits the structure of a cornu of the uterus of the rabbit. At each menstrual period the mucous membrane of the uterus undergoes a partial process of disintegration accompanied by an escape of blood from the capillaries of the membrane (fig. 428). This is succeeded by a rapid renewal of the disintegrated part. Should gestation supervene, the process of renewal results in the formation over certain parts of a greatly thickened mucous mem- brane, with long convoluted glands, which is then known as the decidua. The muscular layer also becomes enormously hypertrophied, this hypertrophy being produced by the Fig. 430. — Muscular enlargement of the individual muscle cells FIBRES (a) FROM NON- . a\ PREGNANT, (6) FROM PREG- (fig. 430). NANT UTERUS, DRAWN TO THE SAME SCALE. (Sell- heim. ) THE SPINAL CORD. 355 LESSONS XXXIX. AND XL. STRUCTURE OF THE SPINAL CORD. ]. Sectioxs of the spinal cord from the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar regions. If the human spinal cord cannot be obtained sufficiently fresh, that of a dog, cat, or monkey may be used. It is to be hardened by suspending it immediately after removal from the body in a tall jar of formol (10 per cent, solution). After a few days it may be transferred to alcohol. Sections are to be made either by the paraffin or celloidin method : the former is prefer- able for small cords. The sections may be stained by Nissl's method, which brings to view the nerve-cells and also stains the axis-cylinders of the nerve- fibres. If it is desired to stain by the Weigert-Pal method, which colours the medullary sheaths of the nerve-fibres, the pieces of cord should be placed in 2 per cent, bichromate of potassium solution or Miiller's fluid (either at once or after formol) and should be left for about a month, after which they are cut by a freezing microtome. (For the details of these methods see Appendix.) Carminate of ammonia or thionin may also be employed to stain the nerve-cells and axis-cylinders. Notice the relative extent of the grey as compared with the white matter in the different regions of the cord. Sketch a section from each region under a low power. Sketch also a small portion of the white substance, two or three nerve-cells, and the central canal with its lining epithelium and surrounding neuroglia under the high power. Measure the diameter of some of the nerve-fibres in the anterior columns, in the lateral columns, and in the posterior columns. 2. Tracts in the spinal cord. The conducting tracts of the spinal cord may be studied in two ways, viz. : (1) by preparing sections of embryonic cords (from the 5th to the 9th mouth), the sections being stained by the Weigert-Pal process (Flechsig's method) ; (2) by preparing .sections from the cord of an animal in which either a complete section or a hemi-section has been performed about 15 days before the animal is killed, and staining thin pieces of the cord from below and from above the section by placing them in a solution consisting of two parts of Miiller's fluid and 1 part of 1 per cent, osmic acid (Marchi's method). The cord must first be partly hardened by placing it for a few days in Miiller's fluid. The spinal cord is composed of grey matter in the centre and of white matter externally. It is closely invested by a layer of connective- tissue containing numerous blood-vessels {pia mater), and less closely by two other membranes (fig. 431). One of these is an areolar mem- brane, resembling a serous membrane in general structure, but non- vascular and more delicate in texture {arachnoid). The other, which lines the vertebral canal, is a strong fibrous membrane known as the dura mater. At the middle of the anterior and posterior (ventral and 356 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. dorsal) surfaces the pia mater dips into the substance of the cord in the anterior and j^osterior median fissure.^, so as to di\'ide it almost completely into two lateral halves. These are, however, united by an isthmus or bridge, which is composed anteriorly of transversely crossing white fibres (white or anterior amwmsure), posteriorly of grey matter {grey commissure), in the middle of which is a minute canal lined by ciliated epithelium (central canal). Each lateral half of the spinal cord contains a crescent of grey matter, which is joined to the corresponding crescent of the opposite side by the grey commissure. Of the two horns of the crescent the posterior or dorsal is the narrower and comes near the surface of the 3^ Fig. 431.— Section of the spinal cord within its IIEMBRANES. (Key and Retzius. ). II, duva luater ; b, arachnoid ; '•, .septum of arachuoid ; d, e, tr.iliecula; of arachnoid ; g, ligamciitum denticulatum ; /, bundles of posterior root ; h, bundles of anterior root ; k, I, subarachnoid space. cord ; close to it the bundles of the posterior nerve-roots enter the cord. The Ijundles of the anterior nerve-roots emerge from the anterior horn. According to Ingbert about 1,300,000 nerve-fibres enter the cord by the posterior roots, and about one-tliird that number leave it by the anterior roots. The posterior root-fibres are derived from the cells of the spinal ganglia, which lie out.side the cord; the anterior root-fibres from cells v^ithin the grey matter, cliiefly from cells in the anterior horn, but also from some cells in tlie middle and posterior parts of the grey matter and (especially in tlie thoracic region) from cells in the intermedio-lateral tract (lateral horn). The latter probably furnish the autonomic (sympathetic) fibi'es of the anterior roots, while the cells of the anterior horn furnish the fibres which are distributed to the voluntary muscles. The v}iite matter of each half of the cord is subdivided by the approach of the posterior horn to the surface into two unequal columns — antero-lateral and posterior. A distinction is sometimes drawn between anterior and lateral portions of the antero-lateral THE SPINAL CORD. 357 pustero-lateral fissui postcro-inusial column postero-niediau fissur postcridi- root-bundl posterior colmiii subst. gelat. of post, liurn ^'■' tractof Fluclisiu J lat. pyram. tr _j form. retic._ lateral liorii _ central canal - aut. commissun anterior horn — ant. median fissure Fig. 432. — Section of human .spinal cokd from upper cervical region. (Photograph.) Magnified about 8 diameters. f.a • e • s>^ . ^, . « • Fig. 433.— a small portion of a transverse section of the human spinal coRu in the region of the lateral column, to show the superficial neuroglia. a, a, s\iperficial neuroglia ; b, b, transverse section of part of the lateral column of the cord, in which the dark points are the axis-cylinders, and the clear areas the medullary substance of the nerve-fibres. The superficial neuroglia is seen to exhibit the appearance of a fine feltwork in which numerous nuclei and one or two corpora mw/iacea, c.a., are embedded, and to extend inwards (c, c) among the nerve-fibres. 358 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. column, although there is no line of demarcation between them. In the upper part of the cord the posterior column is subdivided by a septum of connective tissue into two — the poster o-mesial column or funiculus gracilis, and the postero-lateral column or funiculus cuneatus. The white matter is composed of longitudinally coursing medullated nerve-fibres, which in sections stained with carmine or thionin appear as clear circular areas with a stained dot, the axis-cylinder, near the middle (fig. 433) ; while in sections stained by the Weigert-Pal method they appear as black circles with a clear centre. The nerve-fibres vary in size in different parts ; on the whole those which are nearest to the surface of the cord are larger than those nearest to the grey matter, but there is a bundle of very small fibres (at M, fig. 434) opposite the tip of the posterior horn. The medullated fibres are supported by neuroglia, which is com- posed of fibrillated neuroglia-cells (fig. 192, p. 161). The neuroglia is accumulated in greater amount at the surface of the cord, underneath the pia mater (particularly in the human cord, near the entrance of the posterior roots (fig. 433)), and it extends into the grey matter, in which it is especially accumulated in the substantia gelatinosa at the apex (caput) of the posterior horn and around the central canal. The grey matter, besides neuroglia, contains an interlacement of nerve-fibres and the arborisations of the nerve-cells which are embedded in it. Characters of the spinal cord in the several regions (figs. 434, 439). — In the cervical region the white matter, especially that of the lateral columns, occurs in largest proportion. The grey matter in the cervical enlargement is also in considerable amount, and it encroaches, especi- ally in the U[)per part of the region, in the form of a network (foimatio reiimlaris) upon the adjacent part of the lateral white column (fig. 432). The anterior horns are thick and the posterior slender. The postero- mesial column is distinctly marked off. In the dorsal region the grey matter is small in amount, and both horns are slender. The whole cord is smaller in diameter than either in the cervical or lumbar region. The columns of nerve-cells known as Clarke's column and the intermedio lateral tract are well marked. In the lumba.r region the crescents of grey matter are very thick, and the white, substance, especially the lateral columns, relatively small in amount. The isthmus lies nearly in the centre of the cord, whereas in the cervical and dorsal regions it is nearer the anterior surface. In the part of the spinal cord from which the sacral and coccygeal nerve-roots take origin the grey matter largely preponderates, the THE SPINAL CORD. 359 / Fig. 434. — Sections of human spinal cord from the lower cervical (a), mid-dorsal (b), and mid-lumbar (c) regions, showing the principal groups of nerve-cells, and on the right side of each section the conducting tracts as thky occur in the several regions. 6, c, groups of cells of the anterior horn ; (7, cells of the lateral horn ; (', middle group of cells ; ,/, cells of Clarke's column ; g, cells of posterior horn ; e, c, central canal ; a.c. anterior commissure ; m, marginal bundle of Lissauer ; p-ra, septomarginal tract. POSTERIOR ROOT BUNDLES 360, THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. crescents form thick irregular masses, and the grey isthmus is also of considerable thickness. TRACTS OF NERVE-FIBRES IN THE WHITE COLUMNS. The course of the nerve-tracts in the spinal cord, and in other parts of the central nervous system, can be made out by the method of Flechsig, which involves the study of sections of the developing cord ; for it is found that the formation of medullary substance occurs sooner in some tracts than in others, so that it is easy to make out the distinction between them. Thus, the peripheral nerves and nerve- roots become myelinated in the first half of the fifth month of foetal life. Of the tracts of the spinal cord, those of Burdach and Goll (see below) are the first to be myelinated, then the tracts of Flechsig and Gowers, all of these being sensory or centripetally conducting, while the pyi-amidal tracts, which are motor or centrifugally conducting, do not receive their myelin sheath until after birth. ^ Another method (that of A. Waller) consists of investigating the course which is pursued by degeneration of the nerve-fibres in consequence of lesions produced accidentally or purposely. Those tracts in which degeneration of fibres occurs below the lesion are termed "descending" tracts ; those in which it occurs above the lesion are termed "ascending." The cells whence the fibres of any tract arise can be identified after a lesion of the tract by the chromatolysis or degeneration of Nissl which nerve-cells undergo after section of their axons (see pp. 154 to L59). Tracts of the posterior column. — 1. Trad of Goll. - The fibres of the poster o-mesial colnmn belong to a tract which is known as the tract of Goll (fig. 435, 6). This consists of fibres derived from the posterior nerve-roots of the sacral, lumbar, and lower dorsal nerves, which, after having entered the posterolateral columns, pass, as they ascend, towards the posterior median fissure aud form a distinct tract, which is marked off from the rest of the posterior column in the cervical region by a slight furrow and a septum of pia mater (fig. 432). This tract ends amongst the cells of the nucleus gracilis of the medulla oblongata. 2. Tract of Burdach. — The paste ro-lateral column (tract of Burdach) is also composed of fibres of the posterior nerve-roots, which all run for a certain distance in it before entering the grey matter of the cord or of the medulla oblongata. As each mass of posterior root-bundles ^ Flechsig finds that the fibres of the posterior roots are myelinated in at least three stages, and that the postero-lateral tract shows a corresponding differentia- tion into three chief parts: the xx'ntral, middle and dorsal root-zones. He suggests that this differentiation corresponds with functional differences of the fibres. THE SPINAL CORD. 361 s^L enters the column close to the apex of the posterior horn it, so to speak, pushes the root-fibres which have already entered nearer to the median fissure ; hence those which are derived from the lowest nerve-roots are nearest that fissure (in the tract of (tIoII), while those which are derived from the highest remain near the posterior horn (in the tract of Burdach). Many of the fibres of both tracts pass into the grey matter either immediately on entering the cord or in their course upwards ; the rest are continued into the medulla oblongata and those of the tract of Burdach end by arborising amongst the cells of the nucleus cunenhis. 3. Comma trad. — Besides the tracts of Burdach and Goll, which are wholly composed of long " ascending " fibres having their cells of origin Fio. 435.— Diagram showing THE A.SCENniNG (RIGHT SIDE) AND DESCENDING (LEFT SIDE) TRACTS IN THE SPINAL CORD. 1 , Crossed pyramidal ; 2, direct pyramidal ; 3, antero-lateral de- scending ; 3a, bundle of Helweg ; 4, prepyramidal ; 5, comma ; 6, postero-mesial; 7, postero-lateral; 8, tract of Lissauer ; !', dorsal cere- bellar ; 10, antero-latei-al ascend- ing or ventral cerebellar ; s-m, septo-inarginal ;s.;)./.,superficiai postero-lateral fibres (dorsal root zone of Flechsig) ; a to i>5, groups of cells in the anterior horn ; (, intermedio-lateral group or cell- column in the lateral part of the grey matter ; p, cells of posterior horn ; rf, dorsal nucleusof Stilling or cell-column of Clarke. The fine dots indicate the situation of "endogenous" fibres (arising in grej' matter of cord) having for the most part a short course. in the ganglia on the posterior roots, there are a few fibres which have a shorter "descending" course in the posterior column. These are believed by some authorities to arise from descending branches of the posterior root-fibres, by others to arise from cells in the grey matter of the cord. They form the so-called com ma tract (fig. 435, 5). Proprio-spinal or endogenous fibres of the posterior column. — There are a few fibres (septo-marginal), chiefly accumulated near the median fissure (oval bundle) and near the posterior surface (median triangle bundle), but also scattered in other parts of the column, which are derived from cells in the grey matter of the cord itself. These take a "descending" course in the postei-ior column; while others which arise in the grey matter and have an " ascending " course arc especially numerous in the ventral part of the column. Descending tracts of the antero-lateral column. — 1. Pyramidal or corticos/iinal tract. — At the posterior part of the lateral column there is a tract of moderately large "descending" fibres (intermingled with 362 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. CEREBELLAR HEMISPHERE Fig. 436.— Diagram showing the course, origin, and termination of the fibres of the principal tracts of the white matter of the spinal CORD. (The numliers in this diHgram refer to fibies of the tracts showa with correspondiiig numbers in fig. 435.) " Descending" tracts :— In, a fibre of the crossed pj-ramidal tract ; lb, an uncrossed fibre of the pyramidal tract passing to the lateral column of the same side ; S, a fibre of the dii-ect pyramidal tract; 5, a fibre of the anterolateral descen'iing tract ; i, a fibre of the prepyramidal tract; 5, fibres of the comma tract. "Ascending" tracts:— 6. a fibre of the postero-mesial tract ; 7, fibres of the postero lateral tract ; 9, one belonging to the dorsal cerebellar ; 10, a fibre of the ascending antero-lateral or ventral cerebellar tract. Also, )k, motor nerves ; s, sensory (afferent) nerves. THR SPINAL CORD. 363 smaller fibres) which are found to run in the lateral column of the spinal cord from the opposite side of the brain, after having for the most part crossed at the decussation of the pyramids of the medulla oblongata (cro.tsed lateral pyramidal trad, fig. 435, 1 ; fig. 436, la)- Intermingled with the fibres of the crossed pyramidal tract in the lateral column are a few fil)res of the pyramid which have not crossed in the medulla oblongata, and which are therefore derived from the cerebral cortex of the same side (uncrossed lateral pyramidal fibres, fig. 436, lb). The large fibres which lie in the anterior columns next to the anterior median fissure, which are especially numerous in the upper part of the human coid, also l)elong to a portion of the same tract which has not undergone decussation {direct pyramidal tract, figs. 435, 436, 2). The direct pyramidal tract is only found in man and the anthropoid apes ; in some individuals it is absent, and it varies considerably in extent. The pyramidal tracts are composed of " descending " fibres, which have their cells of origin in the cerebral cortex (ascending frontal and paracentral gyri) and end by arborisations in the grey matter at the base of the postei'ior cornua of the spinal cord. In some mammals (rat, mouse, guinea pig, sheep, kangaroo, squirrel, etc.), the pyramidal tracts are situated in the posterior columns of the cord, in others, including the monkey, dog, cat, and rabbit, they run in the lateral columns The pyramidal tracts are very small in the lower mammals, and are not found at all in vertebrates below mammals. It has been calculated that there are about 80,000 fibres of the pyramidal tract in each half of the human cord. The pyramidal tracts are generally regarded as the paths along which volitional impulses are conveyed from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord. But experiments have shown that they are not the only cortico-spinal paths nor even the most important in many animals, for the paralysis which results from their section is .soon recovered from in most animals, whereas that resulting from section of the anterior column and adjacent part of the lateral column may be more marked and permanent. In man it appears to be the finer and more delicate movements which are permanently lost when the pyramidal tract is affected by disease. 2. Tract of Loewenthal. — Besides the pyramidal tracts there are four other "descending" tracts of fibres in the antero-lateral column. One of these (the anicro-lateral descending tract or tract of Luewentluil, figs. 435, 436, 3) lies on the side of the anterior median fissure, and extends along the margin of the cord in the "root" zone, even reaching the anterior part of the lateral column. These fibres are continued down, chiefly from the posterior longitudinal bundle (vestibulo- 364 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 437.— Diagram showing the course of the tr.\cts of Flkchsig and of gowers in the spinal cord and their continuations to the cere- bellum, corpora quadrigemina, thalamus and cortex cerebri. a, posterior root-fibres ; h, tract of Flechsig, passing at b', by the restiform body to the cerebellar vermis ; c, tract of Gowors ; rf, passage of most of its fibres along the superior peduncle to the cerebellum ; c, fibres to the corpora quadrigemina, «' ; /, others to the thalamus ; g, fibres from thalamus to cerebral cortex. THE SPINAL CORD. 365 ^inal fiJyres) of the nicdulhi o])longatti aivd pons Varolii, partly from other sources which will l)e afterwards referred to. They end by arborisations in the anterior horn. Similar arborisations pass from the posterior lotii^itudinal bundle to the nuclei of the motor cranial nerves. This tract is mainly uncrossed. 3. Rubrospinal trad. — Another "descending" tiact in the antero- lateral column lies just in front of the crossed pyramidal tract. This is the prepijramidal or ruhrospinal trad (figs. 435, 436, .4); its fibres end by arborising in the grey matter of the middle of the crescent ; the situation of its cells of origin is the red nucleus of the tegmentum in the mid-brain. This tract is also known as Monukow's trad. Some of its fibres are stated to be derived from cells in the reticular formation of the pons and medulla oblongata. 4. Tedu-spimd fibres. — Intermingled with the fibres of the rubro- spinal tract (but far fewer in number in man) are fibres derived from the quadrigeminal bodies of the opposite side. These fibres form a part of the tcdo-spinal trad. Another part of this tract passes into the anterior column of the cord in the tract of Loewenthal above mentioned. 5. Olivospinal trad. — Lastly a small triangular group of "descend- ing" fibres traceable from the neighbourhood of the olive in the medulla oblongata, and passing down the cervical cord in the anterior part of the lateral column (fig. 435, Sa), (the exact origin and destination of the fibres is unknown) is termed the bundle of Hehceg or olivosjmial trad. Ascending tracts of the antero-lateral column. — 1. Trad of Fledisig. — This is a well-marked tract, which is however only distinct in the cervical and dorsal regions, where it lies external to the crossed pyramidal tract. It consists of large fibres which are derived from the cells of Clarke's column (fig. 434, /) and which pass up into the cerebellar vermis by way of the inferior peduncle of the same side {dorsal spina-cerebellar bundle or dired cerebellar tract of Flechsig, fig. 434; figs. 435, 436, 9 ; 437, b, U). 2. Trad of Gowerc. — This is situated more anteriorly, lying in front of the crossed pyramidal and direct cerebellar tracts in the luml)ar region ; while in the dorsal and cervical regions it forms a narrow band of fibres curving round close to the external surface of the cord, and extending even into the anterior column. It was termed the aidcro-lutcral ascending trad by Gowers (figs. 43r), 436, 10). Its fibres are intermingled with those of the antero-lateral descend- ing tract. Most of the fibres of the tract of Gowers are con- nected with the vermis of the cerebellum, constituting the ventral 366 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. spino-cerebellar hindle, which passes to that organ over and parallel with the superior cerebellar peduncle (fig. 437). According to Van Gehuchten, confirmed by Collier and Buzzard, the tract of Gowers gives oflp a few fibres to enter the opposite cerebellar hemisphere by the middle peduncle. Some of the fibres of the antero-lateral ascending tract {spino-tedal fibres) are continued up to the corpora quadrigemina. Others pass into the tegmentum of the crus cerebri, where they can be traced as far as the lower part of the thalamus (spino-thalamic fibres). The cells from which the fibres of Gowers' tract take origin are not certainly known, but it is probable that they are cells situated in the middle and posterior parts of the grey crescent, partly on the same but chiefiy on the opposite side of the cord. The latter is almost certainly the case with the cells from which the spino-thalamic fibres arise. 3. Trad of Lissauer. — Lastly, there is another small tract of fibres which undergoes degeneration above the point of section. This is the marginal bundle of Lissauer (marked M in fig. 434). It is formed by fine fibres from the posterior roots. Other portions of the antero-lateral columns near the grey matter which are difterentiated by the method of Flechsig are probably short tracts uniting adjacent portions of the grey matter of the cord. Proprio-spinal or endogenous fibres of the antero-lateral column. — Sherrington has shown that in the dog the lateral column in the dorsal region of the cord contains a certain number of long fibres which take origin in the cervical, dorsal and upper lumbar segments and are traceable down to the lumbo-sacral enlargement. These must serve ' to convey excito-refiex impulses from the upper to the lower parts of the body. Probably similar fibres arise all along the cord from the cells of the lateral column and pass upwards as well as downwards. A tract of endogenous fibres has been observed in man close to the anterior median fissure lying amongst the fibres of the direct pyramidal tract. This is known as the anterior sulco-marginal trad of Marie. The antero-lateral column contains also many endogenous fibres, both ascending and descending, derived from cells in the grey matter of the cord, which have only a short course, serving to connect adjacent segments. GREY MATTER OF CORD. The nerve-cells which are scattered through the grey matter are in part disposed in definite groups. Thus there are several groups of large multipolar nerve-cells in the anterior horn in the cervical and THE SPINAL CORD. 367 in. VII. VIII. Fig. 488. — Diagram of sections of the spin.al coed of the monkey show- ing THE POSITION OF DEGENERATED TRACTS OF NERVE-FIERES AFTER SPECIFIC LESIONS OF THE CORD ITSELF, THE EFFERENT NERVE-ROOTS AND OF THE MOTOR REGION OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX. (The degenerations are shown by the method of Marchi.) The left side of the cord is at the reader's left hand. I. Degenerations resulting from extirpation of the motor area of the cortex of the left cerebral hemisphere. II. Degenerations produced by section of the posterior longitudinal bundles in the upper part of the medulla oblongata. III. and IV. Result of section of posterior roots of the first, second, and third lumbar nerves on the right side. Section III. is from the segment of cord between the last thoracic and first lumbar roots ; section IV. from the same cord in the cervical i-ogion. V. to VIII. Degenerations re.sulting from (right) semi-section of the cord in the upper thoracic region. V. is taken a short distance above the level of section ; VI., higher up the cord (cervical region) ; VII. , a little below the level of section ; VIII. , lumbar region. 368 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY Sacr.l Sacr.3 Fig. 439.— Diagram of sections of human spinal cord at different LEVELS. (Edinger. ) The names refer to the origin of the corresponding nerve roots. The relative shape and size of the cord and grey matter, and the relative amounts of gi-ey and white matter, and the principal cell-gi-oups are shown. THE SPINAL CORD 369 lumbar enlargements (fig. 435), although in other regions of the cord the number of groups in this situation is reduced to two, a mesial and a lateral. The larger groups in the enlargements correspond with segments of the limb (Van (Tehuchten) ; thus there appear to be groups associated with foot, leg, and thigh, and with hand, arm, and shoulder movements respectively. The groups from which the motor nerves to the shouldei' and arm muscles arise appear in somewhat b a u t ? Fig. 440.— Diagram showing the probable relations of some of the CELLS OF the CORD TO THE WHITE COLUMNS. On the left side the col- laterals from the fibres of the white columns are shown passing into the grey matter. (Cajal.) a, b, fibres of posterior column sending collaterals into the grey matter ; c, d, fibres of posterior root entering posterior column ; c, /", collaterals passing from lateral and anterior columns into grey matter ; .a, h, i, fibres of white commissure ; j, anterior root-fibre springing from Ic, cell of anterior lioi-n ; I, m, n, other cells of grey crescent sending their axons into the white matter ; o, axon of cell of Clarke's column passing into the dorsal cerebellar tract; p, axon of cell of substantia gclatinosa ; g, fibre of dorsal cerebellar tract ; r, fibre of posterior root passing to tract of Lissauer ; s, t, cells of substantia gelatinosa ; u, cell of Clarke's column. higher segments of the cervical cord than those belonging to the hand muscles. The same holds good, mutatis mutandis, for the lumbar cord in relation to the leg and foot. Further, the larger groups show subdivisions which may be related to particular movements, i.e. to particular groups of muscles. In the case of the diaphragm there is a special cell-group or cell-column in the cervical cord (anterior horn) from which the fibres of the phrenic nerve arise, so that in this case a cell-group is set apart for a special muscle. The axis-cylinder processes of the anterior horn cells mostly pass out into the corresponding anterior nerve-roots (fig. 436, m ; fig. 440, j), but a few send their axons to the anterior column of the opposite side through the white commissure (fig. 440, m) or to the anterior or lateral column of the same side {I, n). It is noteworthy that in birds a few 2a 370 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. cells of the anterior horn send their axons into the posterior roots. A well-marked group of large rounded nerve-cells, best marked in the thoracic region, lies at the base of the posterior horn (nucleus of Stilling, Clarke's column, fig. 434, /; fig. 435, d ; fig. 440, u). The cells of Clarke's column send their axis-cylinder processes into the dorsal cerebellar tract (Mott), and if this tract V)e cut experimentally, the Fig 441.— From a LOxcrruDiNAL sec- TIOX OF SPIXAL CORD, SHOWING THE ENTRANCE OF POSTERIOR ROOT-FIBRES. (Cajal.) A, A, fibres entering the postero-lateral column, and bifurcating into an ascending and descending division ; B, C, collaterals passing from them into the grey matter ; E, other fibres of the posterior white columns also giving off collatei-als. Fig. 442. — Arbori.sation of col- laterals FROM THE POSTERIOR ROOT- FIBRES AROUND CELLS IN THE POS- TERIOR HORN OF GREY MATTER. (Cajal.) A, fibres of posterior column derived from posterior root ; B, collaterals ; C, D, nerve- cells in grey matter surrounded by the arborisations of the collaterals ; E, an aiborisation shown separately. large cells of Clarke's column on the same side below the section undergo Xissl degeneration and eventually atrophy. There are, how- ever, a few small cells with short axons in Clarke's column which do not undergo this change. THE SPINAL CORD. 371 Another group is seen on the outer side of the grey matter lying in a projection which is sometimes known as the lateral horn {lateral cell-cohuiin, inter media-lateral column, figs. 434, d ; 435, i). This is most distinct in the dorsal I'ogion (as far up as the second thoracic segment). The axons from its cells for the most part leave the cord along with the anterior roots, and probahly furnish the outgoing visceral and vascular fibres. Another group {middle cell-column) lies in the middle of the crescent (fig. 434, e). The cells of the posterior horn (cj) are very numerous hut are not collected into definite groups. Those of the substantia gelatinosa of Rolando send their nerve-fibre processes partly into the lateral, partly into the adjacent posterior columns (fig. 440, s, t). The cells which seud their axons into the adjacent parts of the white columns but not into any sjDecial tract are sometimes termed the " cells of the white columns." Connection of nerve-roots with spinal cord. — The anterior roots leave the anterior horn in a nunil)er of bundles. Most of their fil^res are directly continued from the nerve-cells in the anterior and lateral horns, and according to Golgi in part also from cells in the posterior horn. These cells, from which the anterior root-fibres arise, are surrounded by an interlacement of ramified nerve-endings, which are derived from various sources, especially the axons of cells of the posterior horn, from collaterals of the posterior root-fibres (see below), and from those of the fibres of the adjacent white columns. The fibres of the posterior roots originate in the cells of the posterior root ganglia and pass into the posterolateral column (see diagram, fig. 436), but the smallest fibres enter the marginal bundle of Lissauer, and some pass directly into the posterior horn of grey matter. On entering the spinal cord the fibres bifurcate (fig. 441), one branch passing upwards, the other down- wards. Both from the main fibre and from its branches collateral fibres pass at frec^uent intervals into the grey matter, and end in arborisations of fibrils which ^'^-^if'-^^^Z ?HE™fpZ. envelop the nerve-cells both of the cord of a child, showing , „ , ■ y ,n ITS CILIATED EPITHELIUM AND posterior and of the anterior horn (hg. the surrounding central 442) and in the dorsal region the cells of Su """■ ^^^""^^'^^^^^ "'^' Clarke's column and those of the inter- medio-lateral tract. Many of the main fibres also ultimately end in a similar manner in the grey matter, some after a short course only, but 372 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 444.— Part of epithelium of central canal of new-born child, STAINED BY GOLGl'S METHOD. (Sobottfl.) X 120. ep, epithelium ; ng, neuroglia celLs in adjacent grey matter. I Fig. 445. — Section of cord of embryo, showing some of the ependyma cells DETACHED AND BECOMING CONVERTED INTO NEOROGLIA-CELLS. (L^nllOSSek.) THE SPINAL CORD. 373 others after a longer course. But a considerable number of fibres pass upwards in the postero-lateral and postero-mesial columns (in the latter especially those of the lower spinal nerves), until they arrive at the medulla oblongata, where they end in terminal arborisations around the cells of the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus. The central canal of the spinal cord is lined by columnar ciliated epithelium-cells {ependyma), which arc surrounded by a quantity of neuroglia. The cells are best seen in the spinal cord of animals and in the child (figs. 443, 444) ; in the human adult they have frequently become proliferated, and their cilia are no longer visible. In the early embryo their fixed extremities extend through the whole thickness of the cord to reach the pia mater. This condition is permanent in the cord of many of the lower vertebrata. Blood-vessels of the spinal cord. — The blond-supply of the grey matter is derived mainly from a series of arterioles, which come oil' from the mesially- situated anterior spinal artery, pass into the anterior median fissure, and at the bottom of this divide each into two branches, one for the grey matter of each lateral half of the cord. In the grey matter is a very close capillary plexus which is supplied not alone by the vessels just mentioned, but also by small arterioles, which converge from the small arteries of the pia mater, passing through the white matter, and supplying this as they pass through it. These arterioles are branches of the above- mentioned anterior spinal artery and of the posterior spinal arteries (which run on each side along the line of the posterior roots). The capillary plexus of the white matter is far less dense than that of the grey matter. It forms longitudinal meshes. The veins of the spinal cord accompany the arteries. Two longitudinal venous vessels, accompanying corresponding anastomotic arterioles, are seen, one on either side of the central canal, in most transverse sections of the cord. 374 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSON XLI. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. Sectioxs of the medulla oblongata (made in the same way as with the spinal cord) : (a) at the level of the decussation of the pyramids, (6) just above the decussation, (c) opposite the middle of the olivary body, and, (c/) either through the uppermost part of the olivary body, or just above it. The brain consists of three great morphological divisions associated with the three primary cerebral vesicles of the embryo; they are termed respectively the hind-brain, mid-brain, and fore-brain. The hind-brain is formed of the parts around the fourth ventricle, viz., the medulla oblongata or spinal bulb (myelenceplialon), and above this the pons Varolii with the cerebelhim (metencephalon) : the region of the corpora quadrigemina forms the mid-brain (mesencephalon) ; the parts immediately above that region, and centring around the third ventricle, including the optic thalami, form the thalamencephalon ; and the corpora striata and cerebral hemispheres constitute the telen- cephalon. The structure of the medulla oblongata or spinal bulb can best be made out by the study of a series of sections taken from below upwards, and by tracing in these the changes which occur in the constituent parts of the spinal cord, taking note at the same time of any parts which may be superadded. A section through the region of the decussation of the pyramids (fig. 446) has much the same form as a section through the upper part of the spinal cord, and most of the structures of the cord can be easily recognised. A considerable alteration of the grey matter is, however, produced by the passage of the large bundles of the crossed pyramidal tract from the lateral column of the spinal cord on each side through the root of the anterior horn and across the anterior median fissure to the opposite anterior column of the medulla oblongata, where, together with the fibres of the direct pyramidal tract, they constitute the prominent mass of white fibres which is seen on the front of the bulb, on each side of the middle line, and which is known as the pyramid. By this passage of fibres through the grey matter the tip of the anterior horn is cut off from THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 375 the rest and becomes pushed as it were to the side ; part of it appears as an isolated mass or masses of grey matter, one of which becomes known as the lateral nucleus. In sections just above the decussation of the pyramids a wavy mass of gi-ey matter makes its funiculus gracili.H post, modiaii fissure - ,/ '^ funiculus cuneatus nucleus gracilis ^ *;■ 7^^^' _.4 r./ll rj desc. Vth 4r bundle from fun. cun. - ' " ' ' — subst. gelat. Rol.- tract of Flechsig pyramidal ti-act bundle.' \ :■ *: decussation of pyramids anterior horn \ ant. median fissure ■., pyi-amid / Fig. 446.— Section aceoss the lower part of the medulla oblongata in THE region of THE DECUSSATION OF THE PYRAMIDS. (Magnified 65 diameters.) appearance on the lateral aspect of each pyramid, corresponding with a prominence on the surface which is known as the olive. The wavy or plicated grey matter is termed the olivary nucleus (figs. 447 to 449). The pyramids (anterior pyramids) of the medulla oblongata are formed of fibres which originate in the motor region of the cerebral cortex, and which can be traced from the axons of large cells in the grey matter of that cortex through the white matter of the hemisphere, through the middle third or more of the internal capsule and crusta, through the pyramid bundles of the pons Varolii and into these structures (pyramids) of the bulb. As we have just seen, they pass at the lower limit of the bulb chiefly to the opposite or crossed 376 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. lateral column of the cord, but partly to the lateral column of the same side, and, in man and anthropoid apes, partly to the anterior column. They collectively constitute the p/fvcmiidal trad, which is smaller in the medulla oblongata than in the pons Varolii, since many of its fibres have left the main tract whilst within the pons and have passed across the middle line towards the grey matter on post, median fissure nucleus gracilis — funiculus cuneatus nucleus cuneatus' desc. root of otl central canal substantia Roland:' central fibres of Vtl int. arcuate fibre; tract of Fleclisig'^ tract of Gowersv raphe accessory oliv. nucl. siliqua oliva; olivary nucleus' pyramid arcuate nucleus^ Fig. 447. — Section taken immediaj'elt above the decussation of the PYRAMIDS. (Magnified 6g diameters.) the dorsal aspect of the pons and medulla oblongata. Sometimes such a bundle of fibres, after passing towards the sensory nuclei in the lateral part of the medulla oblongata, does not end in them, but again comes ventral-wards and joins the main or central part of the tract near its decussation (Imndle of Pick). It is not a little remarkable that although the fibres of the pyramidal tract give off numerous collaterals to the grey matter of the cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia of the cerebrum, the substantia nigra of the mid-brain, the nuclei pontis of the pons Varolii, and the base of the posterior horn of the spinal cord, no collaterals are seen to leave them in their course through the medulla oblongata, except a very few to the olivary nuclei. Various observers have described collaterals and terminations of the pyramidal fibres THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 377 as passing to the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves as well as to the anterior horns of the spinal cord, but statements to this effect must be received with caution for although current in most text-books, they have not been sub- stantiated by accurate observations. It is certain that most if not all of the fibres of the pyramidal tract end not in the ventral but in the dorsal part of the grey matter of the cord. A change also occurs in the posterior horn in consequence of the increased development of the posterior column of white matter. This causes the posterior horns to be pushed towards the side, the V which they form with one another being thus opened out ; at the .same time the tip of the hoi'u swells out and causes a prominence upon the surface of the medulla oblongata, which is known as the tubercle of Rolando. Its grey matter forms the prolongation of the sensory nucleus of the fifth nerve. On its outer side and partly embracing it is a bundle of fibres seen in every section of the medulla oblongata, and traceable up to the pons Varolii. This is the inferior or descending root of the fifth nerve — formerly kno^vn as the "ascending" root. Its fibres extend down as far as the upper cervical region of the spinal cord. Grey matter also soon becomes formed within the upward prolongations of the gracile funiculus (postero-mesial column), and of the cuneate funiculus (postero-lateral column) appearing at first as thin strands in the middle of the columns, but rapidly increasing in thickness so as eventually to occupy almost the whole of them, and forming the nucleus gracilis and the micleus cuneatus respectively. It is in these nuclei that the fibres of Goll's and Burdach's tracts, which are continued up from the posterior columns of the spinal cord, find their ultimate ending in complicated arborisations amongst the cells of the nuclei. These nuclei do not, however, receive all the ascending branches of the posterior root fibres, for a considerable number of these have already disappeared by entering the grey matter of the cord, in which they also end by arborisation amongst its cells. The cells of the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus are small or of moderate size with long dendrons. Their axons pass as internal arcuate fibres through the reticular formation into the inter-olivary layer, cross the median raphe dorsal to the pyramids (fig. 447), and then turn upwards, constituting the tract of the fillet. This tract, which in its lowest part is thus formed by the nerve-fibres which belong to the second relay (or second neurones) of one of the sensory spinal paths, is reinforced in the higher regions of the medulla oblongata and in the pons by fibres derived from cells of the sensory nuclei of the cranial nerves. The majority of its fibres end in the lateral nucleus of the thalamus, but some pass to both the anterior and posterior corpora quadrigemina. 378 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. According to Van Gehuchten the fibres of the fillet which are derived from the nucleus cuneatus lie dorsally to those which are derived from the nucleus gracilis. The continuation of the central canal of the spinal cord is still seen in the lower medulla oblongata (figs. 446, 447), but it comes nearer to the posterior surface and eventually opens out at the point of the calamus scriptorius of the 4th ventricle (fig. 448). The grey matter which nucleus gracilis funiculus cuneatus' nucleus cuneatus fasciculus solitarius, dorsal nucleus of Xth desc. root of Vth nucleus of Xlltli, subst. gelat. Roland traot of Flechsig. int. arcuate fibres rubro-spinal tract issuing fibres of Xllth, tract of Gowers siliqua olivft' olivary nucleus ext. arcuate fibres pyrau 1 id arcuate nucleus Fig. 448. — Section across the medulla oblongata at the point of the CALAMUS SCRIPTORICS OF THE 4th VENTRICLE. (Magnified 65 diameters. ) surrounds it contains two well-marked groups of nerve-cells ; tlie anterior (ventral) of these is the lower part of the nucleus of the hypoglossal or twelfth nerve, the posterior (dorsal), with smaller cells, that of the vago-accessori/ or tenth and eleventh. But most of the grey matter of the crescent becomes broken up, by the passage of bundles of nerve-fibres through it. into a reticular formation the production of which is already foreshadowed in the upper part of the spinal cord. Instead of the comparatively narrow isthmus which joins the two halves of the spinal cord, a broad raphe now makes its appearance ; THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 379 this is formed of ol)li([uely and antero-posteriorly coursing fibres, together with some grey matter containing nerve-cells. In the section at about the middle of the olive (fig. 449), it will be seen that a marked change has been produced in the form of the medulla oblongata and the arrangement of its grey matter, by the opening out of the central canal into the fourth ventricle. This causes the grey vestibular nucleus i, Sylvian aqueduct. ^B) containing many and various nerve cells, amongst which the termi- nations of the optic nerve (h, h) ramify ; below this the optic nerve layer (C), which is formed of antero-posteriorly running fibres derived from the optic tract, and ending as just stated for the most part in the grey layer. This layer also contains some nerve-cells. Lastly there is a deep white layer, the so-called deep meilulla, of transversely disposed fibres (D) derived partly from the fillet, but comprising many fibres which are derived from the cells of the colliculus itself, and a few which 408 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. are continued up from the antero-lateral ascending tract of the spinal cord. This deep layer also contains a number of large dendritic cells amongst the fibres. The superior corpora quadrigemina receive through their brachia many of the fibres of the optic tract, which in mammals enter the grey matter at the middle of its thickness and traverse it from before back, so that in transverse sections of the mid brain they appear cut across. In liirds they form a superficial white Fig. 467. — Di.^gkam showing the ch.^kacters of the cells in the grev MATTER OF THE ANTERIOR CORPORA QUADRIGEMINA. (Cajal. ) M, portion of dorsal median groove; A, superficial white layer; B, grey cap; C, optic fibre layer (upper grey-white layer) ; D, layer of the fillet (lower grey-white layer). «, a', marginal nerve cells : their axons are not represented ; b, V , horizontal spindle- shaped cells of Golyi's type II. ; c, c', small cells with much branched dendrons and an axon extending to the optic fibi-e layer ; d. e. e', spindle and stellate cells of the grey cap, and /, /', cells of the straturu opticum, sending their axons into the stratum lemnisci; j/, ) parallel with the laiuinte. 2. Sections across the whole of one hemisphere of the cerebrum of a monkev passing through the third ventricle. 3. Vertical sections of the cerebral cortex : — one across the ascending frontal and ascending parietal gyri, another fi'om the occipital lobe (calcarine region), another across the superior temporal gyrus and island of Eeil, and one across the hippocampal gyrus and hippocampus. 4. Transvei"se sections of the olfactory tract and bulb. In all these preparations make sketches under a low power of the general arrangement of the grey and white matter, and also of the nerve-cells in the grey matter. Sketch some of the details under a high power. The preparations are made in the same way as those of the spinal cord. Other preparations should be made by the Golgi method to exhibit the relation of the cells to one another. Such preparations have been already partly studied (Lessons XVIL and XVIII). The Cerebellum. The cerebellum is composed of a white centre, and of a grey cortex. Both e.xtend into all the folds or laminae, so that when the laminae are cut across, an appearance is presented of a white arborescence covered superficially by grey matter. The white matter is in largest amount in the middle of each cerel)ellar hemisphere. There is here present a peculiar wavy lamina of grey matter, similar to that in the olivary body, and known as the nucleus dentatus (fig. 473, n.d.). This receives numerous nerve-fibres from the cells of Purkinje of the cortex, ■which end by arborising around its cells. The latter give off axons Avhich become the fibres of the superior cerebellar jjeduncles, and for the most part end in the opposite red nucleus, but some pass beyond this into the subthalamic region. The dentate nucleus also receives collaterals from fibres of the inferior peduncle (Cajal). Other isolated grey nuclei lie in the white matter of the middle lobe ■over the roof of the 4th ventricle and constitute collectively the nuclei of Stilling. The most important of these appears to be the niideiis tecti {s. fasfigii) (fig. 473). This receives many of the ascending fibres of the vestibular nerve (p. 385) and collaterals from the spinocerebellar tracts, and gives origin to a bundle of fibres which crosses to the opposite side •2d 418 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. and descenfls in the mesial part of the restiform body to the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata (Risien Russell). The grey matter of the cerel)elluni appears essentially of similar structure throughout the whole extent of the cortex. It consists of two layers. The inner one (that next to the white centre) is composed of a large number of very small nerve-cells intermingled with a few larger ones and some neuroglia-cells {granule layer, fig. 474, d). The outer one is thicker, and is formed chiefly of fine nerve-fibres (fig. 476, A) Choroid g/^i^,^ jji-ex-us SI Fig. 473.— Section across the cerebellum and medulla oblongata SHOWING the position OF THE NUCLEI IN THE WHITE CENTRE OP THE- CEREBELLUM. (Stilling. ) n.d., nucleus dentatus cerebelli ; i.c.-p.^ fibres of superior peduncle; com, com', com", commissural fibres ; A', rootlet of vagus ; XII, rootlet of hypoglossal nerve. with small nerve cells scattered through it {molecular layer, fig. 474, h). Into its outer part processes of the pia-mater conveying blood-vessels pass vertically, and there are also in this part a number of long tapering neuroglia-cells, somewhat like the Miillerian fibres of the retina (fig. 479, gP. See also fig. 191, p. 161). Lying between the two layers of the grey matter is an incomplete stratum of large flask-shaped cells (fig. 474, c) {cells of Fnrkinje, fig. 475). Each of these gives off" from its base a fine process (axon), which becomes the axis- cylinder of one of the medullated fibres of the white centre, while from the opposite pole of the cell large ramified processes (dendrons) extend into the superficial layer of the grey matter. THE CEREBELLUM. 419 The (loiidroiis of the cells of I'nikiiijc spread out in planes trans- verse to the direction of the lamellae of the organ, so that they present a different appearance according to whether the section is taken across the lamella- or along them (compare figs. 476 and 477). These dendrons are invested at their attachment to the cell, and Fig. 474. — Section of cortex of cerebellum. (Sankey.) a, pia-mater ; b, external layer; c, layer of corpuscles of Purkinje ; (', inner or granule layer ; f, medullary centre. for some extent along their branchings, by basket-works formed by the terminal arborisations of certain fibres (climbing or tendril fibres) of the medullary centre (fig. 479, cl.f.). The body of the cell of Purkinje is further invested by a felt-work of fibrils formed by the arborisation of axis-cylinder processes of nerve-cells {basket-cells) in the 420 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. outer layer of the grey matter (figs. 478 ; 479, /'). Each cell has therefore a double investment of this nature, one covering the dendrons, the other the bod}^ of the cell and extending along the commencement of the axon. Fig. 475.— a cell of pcrkinje of the cerebellum, shown by golgi's METHOD. (Cajal.) a, axon ; h, collateral from axon ; c, d, arborisation of dendrons. The granules of the inner layer of grey matter are mostly small nerve-cells, each with a few dendrons penetrating amongst the other granules, and an axon which is directed between the cells of Purkinje into the outer layer. After penetrating a variable distance into this layer it bifurcates, and its two branches pass in opposite directions at right angles to the main stem, and parallel to the direction of the lamella (fig. 476). What ultimately becomes of the branches is not known. In sections cut across the lamella the cut ends of these fibres give a finely punctated appearance to the outer layer (fig. 477). THE CEREBELLUM. 421 Figs. 476 and 477.— Sections of cortex cerebelli stained by golgi's METHOD. (Oajal. ) Fio. 476.-Section made in the direction of the lamina. Fig. 47r.-Section taken across A, outer^or'molecular layer ; B, inner or granule layer ; C\ medullary centre n cormiscles of Purkinie • b, small granules of inner layer ; c, a protoplasmic process ' 7de dron) of a gran le ; -' nerve-fibre process of a granule passing into the molecular ayer, -^ere it^bifurcates and become^s a longitudinal fib,^ ^"^ f^-^Aj^f^J?T^ tudinal fibres are cut across and appear as dots) ; e, bifurcation of another fibre , g, a granule lying in the white rentre. Fig 478 —Basket-work of fibres around two cells of pdrkinje. (Cajal.) a axis-cylinder or nerve-fibre process of one of the corpuscles of Purkinje ; b, fibres ' prolonged over the beginning of the axis-cylinder process ; c, branches of the nerve- fibre processes of cells of the molecular layer, felted together around the bodies of the coi-puscles of Purkinje. 422 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Some of the cells of the granule layer are far larger than the others, and send their much-branching axons amongst the smaller granules (cells of Golgi, fig. 479, G). Besides these, other large "granules" have Fig. 479.— Diagrammatic section of cerebellum to show the characters AND relations OF THE CELLS AND FIBRES MET WITH IN THE SEVERAL LAYERS AS EXHIBITED BY THE CHROMATE OF SILVER METHOD. (After KolHker.) P, a cell of Purkinje ; G, a cell of Golgi ; h, a basket-cell ; m, m, other cells of the molecular Ltyer ; gr, granules ; p, a nerve-fibre of the white substance derived from a Purkinje cell ; m.f., " moss "-fibres ; cl.f., a climbing fibre ; nl^, gl-, gP, types of neurogUa-ceUs. been noticed by Cajal, occurring both in the granule layer and in the white centre, with long axons passing into the white matter of the cerebellum. These are, however, only rarely met with. Ramifying amongst the cells of the granule layer are peculiar fibres derived from the white centre, and characterised by having pencils of THE C'KREI^KLLUM. 423 fine short bmnches at intervals like tufts of moss (fig. 479, iiif). These have been termed by Cajal the moss-fibre.■?«■ •"^"^'jr^ri t< *!.. Fig. 489. Dg^)^. ::V / i\ - /-.'' Fig. 490. Fig. 488. — Calcarine (visual) cortex of man. (Cajal.) Nissl's method. 1, plexiform layer; 2, small pyramids; 3, medium pyramids; 4, large stellate cells (characteristic of this part of the cortex) ; .5, small stellate cells; 6, a deep plexiform layer, containing some small pjramids ; 7, large pyramids ; 8, layer of small and medium pyramids with bent ascending axons ; H, fusiform cells. Fig. 489. — Sectio.n' of first temporal gyrus (acou.stic cortex of man), STAINED BY NiS.SL'S METHOD. (Cajal.) 1, plexiform layer ; 2, layer of small pyramids ; 3, superficial medium pyramids ; 4, large pyramids ; 5, small stellate cells (granules) ; 6, deep medium pyramids ; 7, fusiform cells. Fig. 490.— Section of the fir.st temporal gyrus (man), stained by "Weigert's method. (Cajal.) 432 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. whilst others again, especially those of the largest pyramidal cells, extend downwards through the corona radiata and internal capsule. These include the projection-fibres of the pyramidal tract and of the cortico-pontine tract. As the projection fibres pass through the grey and white matter of the hemisphere they give off collateral fibres to the adjacent grey matter, to the corpus callosum, and to the corpus striatum and optic thalamus, and some probably end in these masses of grey matter. According to Cajal, in the brain of man as compared with the lower mammals, there is a marked preponderance of cells of Golgi's type II. (with short axis-cylinder ramifying near the cell body). Such cells are most numerous in the layer of stellate cells and in the laj^er of small pyramids. Special features of certain parts of the cortex. — There is, as already stated, a great amount of variation met with in the relative extent of development of the above layers. This is exemplified in the accom- panying drawings by Cajal (figs. 48-5 to 488) of certain convolutions in the human brain. From these it will be seen that smaller-sized cells prevail in some regions of the cortex (occipital, temporal) ; larger and fewer cells in others (frontal, parietal, limbic). Nests or groups of very large "giant" cells are characteristic of the "motor" region (ascending frontal gyrus and paracentral lobule in man and anthropoid apes) ; these cells give oingin to the fibres of the pyramidal tract, and undergo Nissl degeneration when these fibres are severed. The occipital region (in man, the neighbourhood of the calcarine fissure) is especiall}^ characterised b}'- the great numbers of small stellate cells and by the presence in the layer superficial to them of a stratum of very large stellate cells with long spreading dendrons (fig. 488, 4) : amongst these stellate cells (small and large) the optic fibres from the lateral geniculate bodies ramify. A preponderance of small stellate cells is also seen, but to a less extent, in sections of the temporal lolje ; to a still less extent in the prefrontal and parietal regions. The first temporal gyrus is characterised by the presence in nearly all the layers, but especially the deepest, of special large cells with widely-spreading dendrons and an axon passing towards the white substance but giving off" many collaterals in the grey matter. There are also very many cells of Golgi's type II. with axis cylinder ramifying in a most complex manner near the cell-body, mainly in a plane vertical to the surface. The cortex of the insula has special cells similar to those in the first temporal gyrus, and is further characterised by the peculiar spindle-shape of many of the large pyramids. The size and ruimber of the medullated fibres vary in different THE CEREBRAL CORTEX. 433 regions. In some they are large and numerous (motor {)art of ascending frontal, calcarine area, hippocampal area), in others fine and much less conspicuoiis (g3'rus fornicatus, temporal area, parietal area, prefrontal area, insula and lobus pyriformis), whilst an intermediate condition Fig. 4i>l. — .Superficial layers of motor cortex of child, Golgi method. (Cajal.) A, B, C, cells of Cajal in plexiform laj'er ; D to K, cells of type ii. of Golgi (with axons ramifying near cell-body); H, J, "double-brush." types of celL presents itself in the occipital area (except the calcarine region), the transverse temporal gyri and superior temporal gyrus, the part of the frontal immediately in front of the motor region and the ascending frontal. These differences have been employed by Campbell in attempting to diff'erentiate the functions of the various cerebral regions by a comparison of their structure. THE KHINENCEPHALON. The rhinenceplialon (olfactory region of the telencephalon), on account of the peculiarities of its structure, its importance in most a.ninials, and the fact that it has been the part of the telencephalon to 2e 434 THE .ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY appear first in phylogenetic development (archipallhim of Elliott-Smith) merits a special description, although in man and primates general!}', and in some other (microsmatic) mammals, it is reduced to a compara- tively rudimentary condition. On the other hand, in the so-called osmatic (macrosmatic) mammals there is a large hollow olfactory bulb forming the anterior termination of a thick olfactory lobe which broadens out behind, where it is continuous with the hippocampal gyrus and hippocampus. The whole forms a pyriform mass, which is separated from the rest of the cortex {neopallium) by a well-marked fissure — the limbic fissure — and has special connections through the anterior commissure and fornix with other parts of the brain on the same and on the opposite side. In man the rhinencephalon consists anteriorly of the small olfactmy bulb from which the thin olfactory tract extends backwards to the grey matter at the base of the brain and to the hippocampal region. Posteriorly the cortex of the rhinencephalon is doubled in so as to form a projection, the hippocatiipus inajor, into the descending cornu of the lateral ventricle : its edge here thins ofl" and is continued merely as an epithelial covering to the choroid plexus of the pia-mater, which is invaginated into the ventricle. At this thin edge the white matter comes to the surface as the fimbria (which is continuous with the fornix) ; lying along this is the small and half-concealed dentate gyrus, which is formed by the sharp bending of the grey matter, and which is traceable round into the hippocampus major (from this it is separated by the hippocampal fissure), while this again is directly continuous externally with the gyrus hippocampi. The olfactory lobe (tract) is- connected directly with the hippocampal region by its lateral root, whilst a mesial root passes into the anterior commissure and connects it with the rhinencephalon of the opposite side. The structure and con- nections of all these parts as they occur in man may be briefly alluded to. In the region of the hippocampus major (figs. 492, 493), the cortex is simpler in structure than elsewhere, and in the hippocampus major itself, which is an infolded part of the cortex, the pyramids are reduced to a single layer of large cells lying in the deeper portion and sending their apical dendrons as long fibres into the plexiform layer. The plexiform layer and the superficial white stratum which overlies it are both very strongly marked, the plexiform layer having a distinctly reticular aspect, due partly to neuroglia cells, partly to the arborescence of the dendrons of the pyramids : the plexiform layer is here termed stratum laciniosura ; internal to it near the dentate gyrus is a layer of closely packed small cells termed stratum granulosum. The pyramidal cells lie close to the white layer known as the alveus. This is the part THE RHINENCEPHALON. 4:$-) of the hippocampus seen within the ventricle, and represents the white matter of the hemisphere. The alveus is prolonged externally into the Jiiiihria, in which its fibres become longitudinal in direction and are continued into part of the fornix. Fig. 492.— Section across the hippocampus major, dentate fissure, DENTATE FASCIA AND FIMBRIA. (W. KraUSe.) D, fascia dentata, or dentate convolution ; F, fimbria, composed of longitudinal fibres here cut acro.ss ; H, medullary centre of the hippocampal gyrus prolonged around the hippocampus, as the so-called alveus, into the fimbria; 1, layer of large pyra- midal cells; -2, their processes (stratum radiatum); 3, stratum granulosum ; 4, plexiform layer (stratum laciniosum) ; 5, superficial white layer ; 6, nerve-cells of fascia dentata ; 7, stratum granulosum of fascia dentata ; S, plexiform layer of the fascia dentata. In the dentate gyrus (fascia dentata, figs. 492, 493, d) the pyramidal cells (6) are arranged in an irregularly radiating manner, occupying the centre of the convolution, and surrounded by a ring of closely packed small cells {stratum granulosum, fig. 492, 7). External to these is a thick plexiform layer, occupied by interlacing fibres (stratum laciniosum). The anterior part of the hippocampal gyrus, which is known as the lobus pyriformis, and receives the lateral root of the olfactory 436 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. tract, is characterised by the presence in the plexiform layer of peculiar nests of nerve cells. The cells in these nests are of two types, viz., large polymorphous cells and small pyramidal cells, each being confined to its own nest. This part of the cortex is regarded by Cajal as the true olfactory region. In some animals the anterior Fig. 493. — Hippocampal kegiox, Golgi method. (Cajal.) A, B, hippocampal gyrus ; C, hippocampus major ; D, dentate gj-rus ; E, fimbria ; F. white matter of hippocampal gyrus ; G, lateral ventricle ; H, fibres of corpus callosum. «, efferent fibres of hippocampal gyrus ; h, afferent fibres of hippocampal gyrus ; c, afiferent fibres of hippocampus and dentate gyrus ; d, others perforating K^G. r^LPON or The \ A'O HASENOLA a^^ ^ i. Fig. 496. — Diagram of the olfactory path in the brain. To simplify the diagram the various divarications of the olfactory path have been represented by branchings of individual fibres, although in some cases the divarication is brought about bj' the turning aside of bundles of entire fibres. THE OLFACTORY BULB. 439 of the large cells of this layer (fig. 495, 7n.c.) it has been termed the " mitral " layer. These cells send their axons upwards into the next layer, and they eventually become fibres of the olfactory tract and pass along this to the base of the brain, giving off numerous collaterals into the bulb as they run backwards. 3. The lai/er of olfadori/ ghmervU (fig. 494, 7 ; fig. 495, fjl.). This consists of rounded nest-like interlacements of fibrils which are derived on the one hand from the terminal arborisations of the non-medullated olfactory fibres which form the subjacent layer, and on the other hand from arborisations of dendrons of the large "mitral" cells of the layer above. There are also a few small nerve-cells immediately external to and extending within the glomeruli (periglomerular cells). These belong to Golgi's type II., and appear to connect neighbouring glomeruli. 4. The layer of olfactory nerve-fibres (fig. 494, 8 ; fig. 495, olf.n.). These are all non-medullated, and are continued from the olfactory fibres of the olfactory mucous membrane of the nasal fossae. In this mucous membrane they take origin from the bipolar olfactory cells which are characteristic of the membrane (see Lesson XLV. fig. 528), and they end in arborisations within the olfactory glomeruli, where they come in contact with the arborisations of the mitral cells. The relations of the olfactory cells and fibres to the mitral cells, and the continuation of the axis-cylinders of the latter upwards and back- wards in the olfactory tract, are shown in the accompanying diagrams (figs. 495, 496). Besides these centripetal nerve-fibres there are a certain number of centrifugal fibres which end by ramifying in the olfactory bulb amongst the mitral cells. As is seen in fig. 496, many of the fibres of the olfactory tract pass to the hippocampal region of the brain, terminating by arborescence in the grey matter (molecular layer) of the base of the olfactory lobe in the region of the anterior perforated space, as well as in that of the uncus and the hippocampal gyrus. Fibres are also given off from the olfactory tract to the anterior commissure which proceed to the oppo- site tract and bulb. Besides these the anterior commissure contains many fibres which are passing from the hippocampal region of one side to the corresponding region on the opposite side of the brain. From the p3'ramid -cells of the base of the olfactory lobe and hippocampal gyrus fibres pass to the grey matter of the hippocampus, and from the pyramid-cells of the hippocampus others proceed by way of the fimbria and fornix to the hippocampus of the other side, to the sub- callosal gyrus and septum lucidum, to the ganglion of the habenula, and finally by the anterior pillar of the fornix to the corpora mammillaria. 440 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. CORPUS STRIATUM. Besides the grey matter of the cerebral cortex the cerebral hemi- spheres conceal in their deeper parts certain other masses of grey substance (fig. 497). The principal of these are the corpus striatum {nucleus caudatus, n.c, and nucleus lenticularis, n.l.) and optic thalamus (th.). Between them run the bundles of white fibres which are passing downwards to the crus cerebri, forming a white lamina termed the internal capsule. Above the level of these nuclei the internal capsule expands into the medullary centre of the hemisphere. Below the optic thalami are the prominent ganglia known as corpora albicantia or mammillaria. Of these the optic thalami and corpora mammillaria have already been described. The nucleus caudatus of the corpus striatum is composed of a reddish- grey substance containing cells some with long, others with short axis- cylinders ; some of the former being very large. It receives fibres from the part of the internal capsule which separates it from the nucleus lenticularis, and next to the lateral ventricle it is covered by a thin layer of neuroglia, and over this by the epithelium of the cavity (ependyma). The nucleus lenticularis, which corresponds in position internally with the island of Reil externally, is divided by two white laminse into three zones. It is separated from the nucleus caudatus and optic thalamus by the internal capsule (fig. 497, i.e.), which consists of the bundles of medullary fibres which are passing between the white centre of the hemisphere and the crus cerebri ; it receives on its inner side many white fibres from the capsule, and these impart to it a radially striated aspect. Many of the nerve-cells of the nucleus lenticularis contain yellow pigment. The fibres of the ansa lenticularis appear to arise from some of them, but the exact course and destination of these fibres is not known. The internal capsule (fig. 497), which is continued below into the crusta (pes) of the crus cerebri, consists mainly of projection-fibres, which are derived from the cortex cerebri, and are passing down to the thalamus, mid-brain, pons, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord. A horizontal section across the internal capsule shows it to be bounded laterally by the lenticular nucleus, mesially by the caudate nucleus, the stria medullaris, and the optic thalamus. Its section shows a sharp bend — the genu. The fibres from the motor region of the cortex (pyramidal tract) pass down in the part of the capsule extending from the genu as far as the posterior limit of the lenticular nucleus. In this area the fibres for the head and eyes are massed INTERNAL CAPSULE. 441 chieHy in the anterior part : those of the lower liml) in the posterior part, and those of the face, arm, and trunk occupy intermediate posi- tions from before backward, in the order named (Bcevor and*fHorsley), but without beino; strictly confined to definite zones. Fig. 497.— Horizontal section through the optic thalamus and corpus STRIATUM. (Natural size. ) V.I., lateral ventricle, its anterior cornu ; c.c, corpus callosvim ; s.l., septum lucidum ; a./., anterior pillars of the fornix; v3, third ventricle; th., thalamus opticus; St., stria medullaris; nc, nc'., nucleus caudatus, and nl., nucleus lenticularis of the corpus striatum ; i.e., internal capsule ; g, its angle or genu ; me'., tail of the nucleus caudatus appearing in the descending cornu of the lateral ventricle ; cl., claustrum ; /, island of Reil. The fibres from the cortex to the thalamus lie mainly in the anterior limb of the capsule, while the afferent fibres from the thalamus to the cortex occur in the posterior part of the posterior limb, but extend forwards so as to mingle with the descending fibi-es just referred to as belonging to the pyramidal tract. The membranes of the brain are similar in general structure to those of the spinal cord. The dura mater is, however, more closely adherent to the inner surface of the bony enclosure than is the case in the vertebral canal. The arachnoid is in many places close to the dura mater, and separated by a wide subarachnoid space (which is bridged 442 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. across by finely reticulating bands of areolar tissue) from the pia mater. In the vicinity of the longitudinal sinus, small rounded elevations (arachnoidal villi, Pacchionian glands) project into the dura mater, and even Vjecome embedded in the skull itself. The pia mater is closely adherent to the surface of the brain, and dips into all the sulci, but without forming actual folds (Tuke). In it the blood-vessels ramify before passing into the substance of the brain, and they are accompanied, as they thus enter the cerebral substance, by prolonga- tions of the pia mater, which do not, however, closely invest them, but leave a clear space around each vessel, presumably for the passage of lymph (perivascular space). The capillary network is much closer in the grey than in the white matter. THE EYELIDS. 443 LESSOXS XLVI., XLVIL, and XLVIII. STRUCTURE OF THE EYELIDS AND OF TEE FARTS OF THE EYEBALL. 1. Sections of the eyelid vertical to its surfaces and transverse to its long axis. Notice the long sacculated Meibomian glands lying in dense connective tissue close to the conjunctival surface, their ducts opening at the margin of the lid. External to these the small fibres of the orbicularis palpebrarum are cut across ; a few of the fibres of the muscle lie on the conjunctival side of the duct. A short distance from the Meibomian gland may be observed a tolerably large sebaceous gland ; outside this again are the eyelashes. In the skin covei"ing the outer surface of the eyelid a few small hairs may be seen. At the attached part of the eyelid are some bundles of involuntary muscular fibres cut longitudinally in the section, and in the upper eyelid the fibrous attachment of the elevator muscle may be observed attached to the dense connective tissue. Make a general sketch under a low power. 2. Sections through the posterior part of an eyeball. These sections will show the relative thickness of the several coats and the layers of which each coat is formed. Sections which pass through the point of entrance of the optic nerve will also exhibit the manner in which the nerve-fibres pierce the several coats to reach the inner surface of the retina. The modifications •which are found in the neighbourhood of the yellow spot may be made out in sections through that region ; but they must be taken from the human eye, or from that of the monkey. 3. Sections of the anterior half of an eyeball. Tliese sections should pass through the middle of the cornea. The lens may be left in situ, but this renders the preparation of the sections and the mounting of them diflicult on account of the extreme hardness which is imparted to the lens-tissue by alcohol.^ In these sections make a general sketch under a low power, showing the relations of the several parts one with another ; and study carefully, and sketch in detail, the layers of the cornea, the junction of the cornea and sclerotic, the ciliary muscle, the muscular tissue of the iris, the mode of suspension of the lens, and the pars ciliaris retinai. 4. Mount in glycerine thin tangential sections of a cornea stained with chloride of gold by Cohnheim's method ; if from the frog, the cornea can be torn with fine forceps into thin lamellte, which are mounted whole. Sketch three or four of the connective-tissue cells (corneal corpuscles) The arrangement and distribution of the nerve-fibres and their termination amongst the epithelium-cells as shown in chloride of gold preparations have been already studied (Lesson XIX., p. 176). ^The celloidin method of embedding is well adapted for preparations of this kind. 444 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. 5. Mount in dammar sections of a cornea wliicli has been stained with nitrate of silver. Notice the branched cell-spaces corresponding with the connective-tissue cells of the last preparation. [This preparation is best made by rubbing the surface of the cornea of a recently killed animal with lunar caustic, after scraping off the epithelium with a scalpel. After ten minutes (by which time the nitrate of silver will have penetrated the thickness of the cornea) the eye is washed with distilled water, and exposed to the light. When brown, tangential sections may be made, for which purpose the stained cornea may be hardened in spirit.] 6. Eemove the sclerotic from the anterior part of an eye which has been preserved in Miillers fluid, and tear off thin shreds from the surface of the choroid, including amongst them portions of the ciliary muscle. Stain the shreds with hsematoxylin and mount them in glycerine. Sketch the branched pigment-cells, the elastic network, the mode of attachment of the fibres of the ciliary muscle, etc. 7. Injected preparation of choroid and iris. Mount portions of the choroid coat and iris from an eye (preferably of an albino animal), the blood-vessels of which have been filled with coloured injection. Make sketches showing the arrangement of the capillaries and Aeins. 8. Teased preparation of human retina. Break up with needles in a drop of glycerine a minute fragment of retina which has been placed in 1 per cent, osmic acid solution for some hours, and has subsequently beeu kept in dilute glycerine. Complete the separation of the retinal elements by tapping the cover-glass. Draw carefully under a high power some of the isolated elements — e.g. the rods and cones with their attached fibres and nuclei, the inner granules, the ganglion-cells, the fibres of Mliller, hexagonal pigment- cells, etc. In some of the fragments the arrangement of the elements in the retinal layers may be made oiit even better than in actual sections.^ Measure the length and diameter of some of the cones, the length of the cone-fibres, and the diameter of some of the outer and inner nuclei. 9. Teased preparation of frog's retina. To be prepared in the same way as 8. Notice the very large rods, their outer segments breaking up into .disks, and the relatively small cones. Also the pigment extending between the rods, the distance varying according as the eye has been kept in the dark or in the light. A fresh frog-retina should also be teased in salt solution. 10. Sections' of retina of ox or dog, which have been prepared by Golgi's method. A curled-up piece of fresh retina is placed in osmium-bichromate mixture and is subsequently treated with nitrate of silver solution. - IL Teased preparation of lens. Separate in Avater the fibres of a crystalline lens which has been macerated for some days in bichromate of potassium or dilute formol solution. Sketch some of the fibres, together and separate. The eyelids (fig. 498) are covered externally by the skin, and internally or posteriorly by a mucous membrane, the conjunctiva, which is reflected from over the globe of the eye. They are composed in the main of connective tissue, which is dense and fibrous under the conjunctiva, where it forms Avhat is known as the tarsus. ^ The distribution of the nerve-fibres and cell-processes within the retina can only be made out satisfactorily by the employment of Golgi's silver chromate method (see § 10). ^ See Appendix. Cajal's reduced silver method may also be employed. THE EYELIDS. 445 Embedded in the tarsus is a row of long sebaceous glands (the Meibomian glands, /), the ducts of which open at the edge of the eyelid. The rest of the thickness of the eyelid is composed of a somewhat loose connective tissue, and contains the bundles of the orbicularis Fig, 498. — Vertical sectiox through the upper eyelid. (Waldejer. ) a, skin ; i, orbicularis ; h' , ciliary bundle ; c, involuntary muscle of eyelid ; d, con- junctiva ; (', tarsus vfitli Meibomian gland ; f, duct of the gland ; , ganglionic cells, with axons passing into nerve-fibre layer. THE RETINA. 457 a fino axis-cylinder process proloiii^ed into a fil)re of the layer just noticed, and a thick branching process, the ramifications of which terminate in the next layer in flattened arborisations at different levels (fig. 015, A, B, C). The inner si/n(q)fi^ 1 '■^HH Fig. 520. — A. Part of a section of the retina feoji the eye of a fkog WHICH HAD BEEN KEPT IN THE DARK FOR SOME HOURS BEFORE DEATH. (v. Genderen-Stort. ) The pigment is collected towards the outer ends of the rods, which were red, except the outer detached rod, which was green. The cones, which in the frog are much smaller than the rods, are mostly elongated. B. A SIMILAR SECTION FROM A FROG WHICH HAD BEEN EXPOSED TO LIGHT. The pigment is extended between the rods, and is accumulated near their bases. The rods were colourless. All the cones are contracted. The pigmentary layer forms the most external part of the retina. It consists of hexagonal epithelium-cells (fig. 519), which are smooth externally where they rest against the choroid, but are prolonged internally into fine filaments which extend between the rods. The pigment-granules, many of which are in the form of minute crystals, lie in the inner part of the cell, and after prolonged exposure to light they are found extending along the cell-processes between the rods (Kiihne), their function being probably connected with the restoration of the purple colouring matter which has been bleached by the light. This extension of the pigment is accompanied by a shortening of the cones (Engelmann) (fig. 520). 462 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fibres of 31uller.— The fibres of Miiller (fig. 516, /, and fig. 521) are long stiff cells which pass through several of the retinal layers. Commencing at the inner surface of the retina by expanded bases which unite with one another to form the so-called internal limiting- membrane (fig. 522), they pass through all the layers in succession, until they reach the outer granule layer. Here they branch and m.l.e. m.l.i. Fig. .521. KiG. 522. Fig. 521. — A fibre of mullek from the dog's RETINA, GOLGI METHOD. (Cajal.) 1, nerve-fibre layer ; 2, nerve-cell layer ; 3, inner molecular layer ; 4, inner ftranule lajer ; 5, outer molecular layer; 6, outer granule layer ; b, nucleus of the fibre ; a, a process extending into inner molecular layer ; m.l.i,, membrana limitans interna ; m.l.e., membrana limitans externa. Fig. 522. — Intern.\l lijiiting membrane of retina treated with silver nitrate, showing the out- lines of the b^\ses of the fibres of muller. (G. Retzius. ) expand into a sort of honeycomb tissue which serves to support the fibres and nuclei of the rod- and cone-elements. At the bases of the rods and cones, this sustentacular ti.ssue ceases, being here bounded by a distinct margin which has been called the external limiting membrane (fig. 521, m.l.e.), but delicate sheaths pass from it around the bases of the rods and cones. Each Miillerian fibre, as it passes through the inner granule layer, has a nucleated enlargement (b), indicating the cell-nature of the fibre. The fibres of Miiller represent ependyma THE RETINA. 463 cells or perhaps long neuroglia-cells such as are found in some parts of the nerve-centres, e.g. the cerebellum (see fig. 479, (jl^). There are two parts of the retina which call for special description. The macula lutea (yellow spot), with its central fovea, is the part of the retina which is immediately concerned in direct vision. It is characterised firstly by its greater thickness (except at the middle of the fovea), secondly by the large number of its ganglion-cells, which are rounded or conical, and thirdly by the large number of cones Fig. 523. — Section through the central part of the fovea centralis. ''f-^. (From a preparation by C. H. Golding-Bird.) M, bases of Miillerian fibres; c.h., nuclei of inner granules (bipolars) ; c.n., cone-fibre nuclei ; c, cones. it contains as compared with the rods. In the central fovea itself (fig. 523) there are no rods, and the cones are very long and slender, measuring not more than 2/^ in diameter ; all the other layers become gradually thinned down almost to complete disappearance, so that the middle of the central fovea is the thinnest part of the retina. Since there are fcAv rods, the outer granule layer loses in great measure its appearance of being composed of closely packed nuclei, and the cone-fibres are very distinct, forming the so-called fihrous layer. The direction of these fibres is for the most part very oblique in this part of the retina. 464 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Fig. 525. — Section through the mar- gin OF THE babbit's LENS, SHOWING THE TRANSITION OF THE EPITHELIUM OP THE CAPSULE INTO THE LENS- FIBRES. (Babuchin.) Fig. 524. — A small portion of the ciliary PART of the retina. (KolUker. ) 3.50 diameters. 1, pigment-cells ; ~, columnar-cells. Fig. .526.— Fibres of the crystalline LENS. (350 diameters.) A, longitudinal view of the fibres of the lens from the ox, showing the serrated edges. B, trans- verse section of the fibres of the lens from the human eye. C, longitudinal view of a few of the fibres from the equatorial region of the human lens. Most of the fibres in C are seen edgewise, and, towards 1, present the swell- ings and nuclei of the ' nuclear zone ' ; at 2, the flattened sides of two fibres are seen. A and B from KoUiker ; C from Henle.) THE LENS. 465 The pigmentar}^ layer is thickened over the fovea, and there is also a thickening in the choroid coat here, due to a large accumulation of capillary vessels. The pars ciliaris retinae, which commences at the ora serrafa, where the retina proper abruptly ends, is composed of two epithelial layers (fig. 524), and has no nervous structures. Of the two layers, the external is a thick stratum of pigmented epithelium formed of rounded cells and continuous with the pigmentary layer of the retina on the one hand, and with the uvea of the iris on the other ; the inner is a layer of columnar cells, each containing an oval nucleus. They probably represent the Mtillerian fibres of the retina. Fig. 527. — Cells of vitreous. (Schwalbe.) a, (!, without vacuoles ; h, c, e, jt, g, with vacuoles. The retina contains but few blood-vessels. The central artery enters and the vein leaves it in the middle of the optic nerve. The larger vessels ramify in the nerve-fibre layer, and there are capillary net- works in this layer and in the inner nuclear layer. There are peri- vascular (lymph) spaces around the veins and capillaries. The sensory epithelium receives no blood-vessels, but is nourished from the vessels of the choroid. The lens. — The lens is a laminated fibrous body inclosed by a trans- parent elastic capsule to which, around the circumference, the fibres of the suspensory ligament are attached (fig. 508). Immediately within the capsule, in front and at the sides, there is a layer of cubical epithelium termed the epithelium of the capsule, but at the margin of the lens the cells become longer and pass by a gradual transition into the lens-fibres (fig. 525). The fibres which compose the lens are long and riband-shaped, with finely serrated edges (fig. 526, A) ; in transverse section they appear prismatic (B). Many of the superficial fibres are 2g 466 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY, nucleated (c), the lens-fibres having originally been developed by the elongation of epithelium-cells. The vitreous humour. — This is composed of soft gelatinous tissue, apparently structureless when examined in the fresh condition, but containing fibres and a few scattered cells, the processes of which are often long and varicose, and the cell-bodies distended by large vacuoles (fig. 527). The hyaloid memhrane, which invests the vitreous humour, is homogeneous and structureless except in the region of the ciliary processes, where it is fibrous in structure, forming the zonule of Zinn and spreading out into the suspensory ligament of the lens (fig. 508). This part of the hyaloid membrane is connected with a circular fibrous portion of the vitreous humour which serves to give addi- tional firmness to the attachment of the fibres of the suspensory ligament of the lens (Anderson Stuart). OLFACTORY MEMBRANE. 467 LESSON XLIX. STRUCTURE OF THE OLFACTORY MUCOUS MEMBRANE AND OF THE EXTERNAL AND MIDDLE EAR. 1. Vertical sections of the nasal mucous membrane. The sections may be carried either across the upper turbinate bone, after decalcification or across the upper part of the nasal septum. Make a sketch under the low power. Notice the difference in the character of the epithelium in the olfactory and respiratory parts of the membrane. 2. Teased preparation of the epithelium of the olfactory mucous membrane. A piece of the membrane is placed quite fresh in osmic acid (1 per cent.) for a few hours, and is then macerated for two days or more in water. The epithelium is broken up in dilute glycerine ; the cells easily separate from one another on tapping the cover-glass. Notice the two kinds of cells. Sketch some of the cells under a high power.^ 3. Sections of the external ear (these have been already studied for the cartilage, Lesson XII.). 4. Sections across the cartilaginous part of the Eustachian tube. Sketch under the low power. 5. Preparation of the membrana tympani. A piece of the membrane, stained with magenta and gentian violet (see Lesson IX., ^ 2), is mounted flat in xylol balsam or dammar. Determine the composition of the membrane — i.e. the several layers com- posing it — by focussing carefully with the high power. THE OLFACTORY MUCOUS MEMBRANE. The olfactory region of the nasal fossae includes the upper and middle turbinate processes and the upper third of the septum. It is covered by a soft vascular mucous membrane of a yellow colour in man. The epithelium of the olfactory mucous membrane (figs. 528, 529) is very thick and is composed of long cells, set closely side by side and bounded superficially by a cuticular lamina, through which the free ends of the cells project. The cells are of two kinds: 1. Long narrow spindle-shaped or bipolar nerve-cells consisting of a larger part or body (h), containing the nucleus, and of two processes or poles, one (c) straight and cylindrical and extending to the free surface, the other (d) very delicate and varicose, looking not unlike a nerve-fibril and ^ The connection of the olfactory cells with the olfactory nerve-fibres is displayed in embryos, the method of Golgi being employed. 468 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. extending down towards the corium. The position of the nuclear enlargement varies, and with it the relative length of the two processes. The distal or free process terminates in a small clear projection, which passes beyond the cuticular membrane ; in amphibia, reptiles, and birds, and perhaps also in mammals, it bears fine stiff hairlike fila- ments. The proximal or varicose process becomes lost amongst the plexus of olfactory nerve-fibres at the base of the epithelium ; it is connected with one of these fibres, and ultimately passes through the Fig. 528. — Cells and terminal nerve-fibres of the olfactort region. (Highly magnified.) 1, from the frog ; .' and 3, from man. In 1 and ;.' : -a, epithelial cell, extending deeply into a ramified process ; b, olfactory cells ; c, their peripheral rods ; e, the extremi- ties of these, seen in 1 to be prolonged into fine hairs ; d, their central filaments. In 3 : — k, hairlets ; c, free border of cell ; p, peripheral process ; b, body of cell ; }(, nerve-fibre. 1 and ;,' from M. Schultze ; .> from v. Brunn. cribriform plate of the ethmoid to end in an arborisation within one of the olfactory glomeruli (see diagram, fig. 495, p. 438). These cells have been termed the olfactory cells. 2. Long columnar epithelium cells {(i), with comparatively broad cylindrical nucleated cell-bodies placed next to the free surface, and long, forked, and branching tail-like pro- cesses extending down to the corium. These are regarded not as sensory epithelium-cells, but merely as serving to support the proper olfactory cells. They are the columnar or sustenfacular cells. 3. Taper- ing cells are present, at least in some animals, in the deeper part of the epithelium. They rest by their bases upon the corium, and project between the other cells, which they assist to support. OLFACTORY MEMBRANE. 469 The corium of the olfuctory mucous membrane is also very thick (fig. 529). It contains numerous blood-vessels, bundles of the olfactory nerve-fibres (whioh are non-medullated), and a large number of serous glands known as Boiiman's glands (h), which open upon the surface by ducts which i)ass between the epithelium-cells. Fig. 529. — Section of olfactory mucous membrane. (Cadiat.) n, epithelium ; b, glands of Bowman ; c, nerve-bundles. THE EXTERNAL AND MIDDLE EAR. The external ear proper (pinna) is composed of elastic fibro-cartilage, invested by a thin closely adherent skin. The skin 'is covered by small hairs, and connected with these are the usual sebaceous follicles. In the lobule there is a considerable amount of adipose tissue ; and voluntary muscular fibres are in places attached to the cartilage of the pinna, and are seen in sections. The external auditory meatus is a canal formed partly of cartilage continuous with that of the pinna, partly of bone. It is lined by a prolongation of the skin and is closed by the membrana tympani, over which the skin is prolonged as a very thin layer. Near the orifice the skin has hairs and sebaceous glands, and the meatus is also provided throughout the cartilaginous part with small convoluted tubular glands of a brownish-yellow colour, which yield a waxy secretion (ceruminous glands). They appear to represent modified sweat-glands. They are represented in fig. 530. The tympanum is lined by a mucous membrane which |is continuous through the Eustachian tube with the mucous membrane of the pharynx ; it is also prolonged into the mastoid cells. The epithelium 470 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. is columnar and ciliated in some parts, but in others — e.g. roof, promontory, ossicles, and membrana tympani — -it is a pavement- epithelium. The membrana tympani is a thin membrane formed of fibrous bundles which radiate from a central depression (umbo). Within the radial fibres are a few annular bundles. Coverincr the fibrous Hair. Sebaceous glauds. Root-sheath of 1 follicle. / Root of hair, -'-.y, <^: Fig. 530. — Ceruminous glaxds and hairs of the extekxal ear. (Griiber.) membrane externally is a thin layer continuous with the skin of the meatus ; covering it internally is another thin layer, derived from the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity. Blood-vessels and lym- phatics are distributed to the membrane chiefly in the cutaneous and mucous layers. The Eustachian tube is the canal leading from the tympanum to the pharynx. It is formed of bone near the tympanum, but below, THE EUSTACHIAN TUBE. 471 near the pharynx, it is bounded partly by a bent piece of cartilage (tig. 531, 1, 2), partly by fibrous tissue. The' latter contains numerous Fig. 531.— Section across the caktilaginous part of the eustachian TUBE. (Riidinger.) 1, 2, bent cartilaginous plate ; 3, muse, dilatator tubse ; to the left of i, part of the attachnient of the levator palati muscle ; 5, tissue uniting the tube to the base of the skull ; e and 7, mucous glands ; S, 10, fat ; 9 to 11, lumen of the tube ; 12, connective tissue on the lateral aspect of ttie tube. mucous glands (6, 7), which open into the tube, and on the outer side a band of muscular tissue (3) which joins the tensor palati. The epithelium is ciliated. 472 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. LESSOX L. THE IXTERXAL EAR. 1. SECTION'S across one of the membranous semicii-cular canals of a fish (skate). 2. Longitudinal sections through the ampulla of a semicircular canal (skate). 1 and 2 may be hardened in chromic and osmic acid (see below under .5) and embedded in celloidin. The semicircular canals and their ampulke may also be seen cut across in sections of the petrosal of the guinea-pig or other mammal. 3. Golgi preparations of the macula of the utricle from the skate. 4. Teased preparations of the auditory epithelium of an ampulla or of the macula of the utricle, from the skate. 5. Vertical sections through the middle of the cochlea of a mammal (guinea-pig). The cochlea is put quite fresh into 0"2 per cent, chromic acid containing one-fifth its volume of 1 per cent, osmic acid, or into Flemming's solution, or 10 per cent, formol. The decalcification can be effected by the use of the phloroglucin-nitric acid fluid, or by sulphurous acid.^ When decalcified, the preparation is well washed, and then transferred to alcohols of gradually increasing strength. In preparing sections of the above three preparations it is advisable, in order that the epithelium should be kept in position, to embed in celloidin. If the paraflin method of embedding be used, the sections are fixed to the slide by an adhesive process. The organ should preferably be stained in bulk. 6. Teased preparations of the epithelium of the organ of Corti from the guinea-pig. Both 4 and 6 are made from osmic preparations. Make sketches from all these preparations under the high power.^ The labyrinth, which is the essential part of the auditory organ, consists of a complex membranous tube lined by epithelium and filled with endolymph, contained within a bony tube — the osseous labyrinth — of corresponding complexity of shape (figs. 532, 533). The mem- branous labyrinth does not wholly fill the bony cavity ; the rest of the space is occupied by perilymph. The membranous labyrinth (fig. 532) is composed of the utricle (u), and the three semicircular canals (each ^ See Appendi.v. -For details of the methods of obtaining the various parts of the labyrinth for microscopical examination, the student is referred to the author's Course of Practical Histology. THK LABYRINTH. 47* with an enlargement or ampulla which opens into it), the saccule (s), and the canal of the cochlea {ex.). The branches of the auditory nerve pass to certain parts only of the membranous labyrinth, viz. the maculae of the utricle and saccule, the cristjie of the ampulla^ and along the whole length of the canal of the cochlea (the shaded parts in fig. 532). At these places the lining epithelium is specially modified to form a sensory or nerve-epithelium ; elsewhere it is a simple pavement- epithelium. The membranous semicircular canals and the utricle and saccule are composed of fibrous tissue, which is adherent along one side to the Fig. .^32.— Pl.\n of the bight mem- branous LABYRINTH VIEWED FROM THE MESIAL ASPECT. y- v., utricle, with it.s macula and s.s.c, p.s.c, and e.s.c, the three semicircular canals with their ampulla!; s, saccule; aq.v., aquseductus vestibuli ; s.e., saccus endo- lymphaticus; c.r., canalis reuniens ; c.c, canal of the cochlea. Fig. .533. —View of the interior of- the left osseous labyrinth. The bony wall of the labyrinth is removed superiorly and externally. 1, fovea hemi- elliptica ; -2, fovea hemisphasrica ; 8, com- mon opening of the superior and posterior semicircular canals ; 4, opening of thfr aqueduct of the vestibule ; 5, the superior, 0, the posterior, and, 7, the external semi- circular canals ; S, spiral tube of the coch- lea ; 9, scala tympani ; 10, scala vestibuli. endosteum of the bony canal ; from the opposite side bands of fibrous tissue pass across the perilymph (fig. 534). Within the fibrous mem- brane is a thick clear tunica propria, which, in the semicircular canals, may form papilliform elevations in the interior of the tube (fig. 535). The places of entrance of the nerve-fibres are marked in each ampulla by a transverse, inwardly projecting ridge (crista), in the saccule and utricle by a thickening of the tunica propria (macula). The epithelium at these places is formed of columnar cells (fig. 536), which are surmounted by long, stiff, tapering hairs {auditm-y hairs, fig. 536, li). Around these hair-cells the axis-cylinders of the nerve- fibres ramify (fig. 538) ; they are therefore — like the gustatory cells of the taste-buds — sensory epithelium cells. Between them are a number 474 TEE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY of thin and somewhat rigid nucleated cells {fibre-cells of Retzius), which rest upon the basement-membrane, and are connected at their free extremity with a cuticular membrane, through which the auditory hairs project. The auditory hairs do not jut freely into the endolymph, but into a soft mucus-like substance, of a dome-like form in the ampulhie {cupula cL. end Fig. 534.— Section of .v semicircular canal, new-born child. (Sobotta.) X 55. c.t., connective tissue strands, between membranous canal and endosteum of bony canal ; III, membranous canal ; ?<, wall of bony canal ; c, remains of fiKtal cartilage ; end, endosteum ; r, blood-vessels. terminals, fig. 536), and which in the saccule and utricle has a mass of calcareous particles {otoliths) embedded in it. The cochlea consists of a bony tube coiled spirally around an axis THE COCHLEA. 475 Fig. 535. — Sectiox of membranous semicircular canal. (Riidinger.) (More magnified.) 1, outer fibrous layer ; 2, tunica propria ; 3, 6, papilliforin projections with epithelial covering ; 5, fixed side of the canal, with very thin tunica propria without papilla? ; 7, fibrous bands passing to periosteum. Fig. 536. — Longitudinal section of an ampulla through the crista ACU.STICA (diagrammatic). urap., cavity of the ampulla; sec, semicircular canal opening out of it; c, connective tissue attached to the wall of the membranous ampulla and traversing the perilymph ; e, f , flattened epithelium of ampulla ; 7i, auditory hairs projecting from the columnar cells of the auditory epithelium into the cupula, cap.Urm ; i-, blood-vessels ; n, nerve- fibres entering the base of the crista and passing into the columnar cells. 476 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. which is known as the columella (fig. 539, 540). The tube is divided longitudinally by a partition which is formed partly by a projecting lamina of bone {spiral lamina), partly by a flat membrane {basilar ep m^^^:^ Fig. 537. — Section of macula acustica, cat. (Sobotta.) x 120. ep, epithelium ; n, n, fibres of vestibular nerve. Fig. 538. — Neeve terminations in macula, golgi method. (Barker, from Lenhossek. ) membrane), into two parts or scalce ; the upper (supposing the cochlea resting base downwards) being termed the scala 'vestibuli, the lower scala tympani ; the latter is closed near its larger end by the membrane of the fenestra rotunda. The scalte are lined by endosteum, and are filled with perilymph, continuous with that of the rest of the osseous THK (X)CllLEA. 477 labyrinth at the commencement of the scala vestibuli ; they communi- •cate at the apex by an opening, the helicotrema. The scala vestibuli does not occupy the whole of that part of the bony tube of the cochlea which is above the partition. Its outer and str.v. w a Fig. 539. — Section through the cochlea of the cat. (Sobotta.) x 25. dc, duct of cochlea ; scv, scala vestibuli ; set, scala tympani ; w, bony wall of cochlea ; C, organ of Corti on membrana basilaris ; mR, membrane of Reissner ; n, nerve fibres of cochlear nerve ; gsp, ganglion spirale ; str.v., stria vascularis. lower third is cut off by a delicate connective-tissue membrane {membrane of Reissner, fig. 541, E), which springs from near the end of the spiral lamina, and passes upwards and outwards to the outer wall, thus separating a canal (d.c.) triangular in section, which is lined by epithelium, and represents the membranous labyrinth of the cochlea {dud or canal of the cochlea). 478 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. canal of scata membrane of the cochlea vestibuli Reisstier gan- glion gan- membrane of glion Reissner membrana iectoria Fig. 540. scala basilar tympan i membrane -Vertical section through the middle of the human cochlea. (Diagrammatic.) Fig. 541. — Vertical section of the first turn op the human cochlea. (G. Retzius.) s.v, scala vestibuli ; s. t, soala tympani ; d.c, canal or duct of the cochlea ; sp.l, spiral lamina ; n, nerve-fibres ; <..; 5), in which case it may be saturated with eosin, and used for fixing and staining at the same time. An immersion of 5 minutes is sufficient. 486 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Many tissues can be instantly hardened by being plunged for a minute into boiling water and then placed in alcohol : this is not, however, a good method for glandular organs. For tissues that are to be hardened in chromic acid an immersion of from seven to fourteen days is generally necessary ; they may then, after washing for some hours or days in tap-water, be placed in alcohol for preservation and to complete the process of hardening. The alcohol should be changeil once or twice. Organs placed in bichromate of potassium or Midler's fluid are ready for section in a fortniglit or three weeks ; they may, however, be left for a much longer time in those fluids without deterioration. With picric acid the hardening process is generall} complete in two or three days ; the organs may tlien be transferred to alcohol, which ought to be frequently changed. The hardening of the brain and spinal cord in Mliller's fluid takes fiom three weeks to as many months. It can be hastened by warmth, and -by the addition of acetic acid, or by placing small pieces in Marchi's solution (see below), after they have been a week or ten days in Midler's fluid. Tissues containing calcai'eous matter, e.g. bone and tooth, may be rapidly decalcified in a .solution made by dissolving, with the aid of heat, 1 grm. phloroglucin in 10 c.c. nitric acid, and filling up to 100 c.c. with water, to which more nitric acid may be added if desired. Another rapid decalci- fying fluid is commercial sulphurous acid solution. If it is desired to preserve the soft parts within the bone, it should first be placed for a few hours in 10 per cent, formol. For decalcifying more slowly a 1 to 5 per cent, solution of nitric acid in water or alcohol, a saturated solution of picric acid containing a superabundance of crystals, or a 1 per cent, solution of chromic acid are employed. Embedding of hardened tissues, and preparation of sections.— Sections are most advantageously made with some form of microtome. It is generally needful to support the hardened tissue whilst it is being cut, and with this object it is embedded in some substance which is applied to it in the fluid condition and becomes solid on standing. The embedding substance can either simply inclose the tissue, or the tissue may be soaked in it ; the latter method is the one commonly employed. The embedding substance chiefly used is paraffin of about 50" C. melting point. Embedding in paraffin. — Before being soaked in melted paraffin, the piece of tissue may be stained in bulk ; it is then dehydrated b\' ;i, .series of alcohols (50 per cent., 75 per cent., 95 per cent.), finishing up with absolute alcohol; after which it is soaked in cedar-wood oil, xylol, or chloroform. It is now transferred to molten paraffin, which should not be too hot, and is soaked in this for one or several hours, according to thickness. Very delicate objects are sometimes passed thi^ough a solution of paraffin in chloroform. When thoroughly impregnated with the paraffin the object is placed in a mould or glass which has been smeared with glycerine, and is covered with molten paraffin which is APPENDIX. 487 allowed to (.ool quickly. A .s(iuare block of the paiattiu containing the tissue is then fixed in the desired position on the microtome, thin sections are cut and fixed to a slide (see below), the parafKn dissolved out by turpentine or xylol, and the sections mounted in Canada balsam or dammar. If it be desired to cut a ril)and of successive sections, and the paraffin used prove too hard for them to stick to one another at the edges, a })arafiin of lower melting point (40° C.) is smeared over the opposite sides of the block ; the sections then adhere together as they are cut. Preparatinn of frozen sections. — The bichromate solutions and formol are the best fluids to use for preserving tissues which are to be frozen in place of being embedded. The tissue requires to be soaked in gum-water before being placed upon the freezing microtome. A thin syrup of either gum arable or dextrin may be used. Embedding in ceUoidin— The piece to be embedded is dehydrated by alcohol, and is then placed over night in a solution of celloidin in alcohol and ether similar to ordinary collodion, and afterwards in collodion of double strength. After twenty-four hours more it is removed from the celloidiu (collodion) and placed upon a wood or metal holder. When tlie celloidin is set by evaporation of its ether the holder is plunged in alcohol (85 per cent), and after a few hours sections may be cut with a knife wetted with spirit of the same strength. The sections are placed in 95 per cent, alcohol ; then passed through cedar-wood oil or bergamot oil into xylol balsam. They must not go into clove-oil, nor into absolute alcohol. The advantage of the method is that the celloidin, which is quite transparent, need not be got rid of in mounting the sections, and serves to keep the parts of a section together ; it is thus very useful for friable tissues or for large sections. The tissue may either be stained in Itulk liefore embedding, or the sections may be stained. Microtomes. — A section-cutting apjsaratus or microtome is essential for histological work. Useful instruments for students are the Cathcart micro- tome for freezing and the tripod microtome for objects which have been embedded in paraffin. The tripod microtome is a simple and efficient little instrument, and has the advantage of being inexjjensive. It consists of a metal frame (fig. 548) in which the razor is fixed, provided with a micrometer screw by which the height of the razor-edge is adjusted. The paraffin block containing the tissue is fixed by the aid of heat on a fiat piece of glass over which the tripod slides. The razor-edge is lowered after each successive section. In the Cathcart freezing microtome (fig. 549) the tissue, after being soaked in gum- water, is placed on a metal ])late and frozen by playing an ether- spray on the under surface of the plate. The plate is moved upwards by a finely-cut screw, and the knife or plane used to cut the sections is guided over the plate by passing over glass slips. In the Williams microtome the freezing agent is ice and salt mixture. In using any freezing microtome, especially for the nervous system, it is important not to freeze the tissue too hard, or the section will roll up. 488 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. Somewhat more expensive and complicated, but also more efficient, instru- ments are tlie rocking microtome of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company and the microtomes designed by C. S. Minot and by Delcpine. The Fig. .548.— Tripod microtome. (Birch's pattern.) Fig. 549. — Cathcart freezing microtome. APPENDIX. 489 actimi of all of these is automat if. For example, with the rocker microtome every to-and-fro movement of the handle, ii, not only cuts a section of the tissue of delinito thickness, Imt also moves tlie parallin block forwards in readiness for the next section. And by employing a rectangular block of Fig. 550. — Rocking microtome. Fig. 551.— Minots automatic kotary mickotome. 490 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. paraitiii of the proper consistency, a long series of sections of the same object, of equal thickness, can be obtained and made to adhere together in a riband (as shown in fig. 550). The sections can be kept in series upon Fig. 552.— Minot's pkecfsion microtome. This is especiall\- adapted for large sections. Fig. 553. — Inclined plane microtome. APPENDIX. 491 the slide bv the eniplo>'inent of some adhesive method of mounting tlie riband. For eelloidin-embedded prepaiations it is necessary to cut the sections with a knife kept wetted with sjnrit. For this purpose a sliding micro- tome, in whicli tlie knife or razor is moved liorizontally over the tissue, with the edge obliquely inclined to the direction of movement, is the most useful. The best instrument for this purpose, especially for large sections of brain, is one in which the celloidin-soaked object is imniersetl in spirit during the actual process of making the sections. It is all-important for every kind of microtome that the knife should be in perfect order. Methods of mounting in xylol balsam or dammar.— Individual paraffin- cut sections or ribands of sections, such as are cut with the rocking and other microtomes, are fixed to a slide or cover-glass — preliminary to being treated with stains and other fluids— in the following way : — The slide (or cover-glass), after having been carefully cleaned, is smeared very thinly with fresh white of egg : this can be done with the finger or with a clean rag, and the slides may be })ut aside to dry, protected from dust. It is con- venient to prepare a large number of slides at a time in this way, and to keep them at hand in a suitable receptacle. When required for use a little water is poured on to the slide and the riband of sections is placed on the water, which is then warmed on a hot plate or over a small flame until the paraffin becomes flattened out, without actually melting. The water is then di'ained oft', the slide put in a warm place for the remainder of the water to evaporate (this will take from half an hour to an hour according to the size of the section and the temperature at which it is kept), and then heated sufficiently to melt the paraffin. It is next immersed in xylol to remove the paraffin, aftei' which the sections may, if already stained, be mounted at once in xylol balsam or dammar ; if not stained, treat, after xylol, first with absolute and then witli gradually lower grades of alcohol, then water, and then stain and finall}' pass through water, alcohol (in grades), clove-oil, and xylol, into xylol balsam or damniar. For many sections some of the grades of alcohol can be omitted, but it is always best to jalace in 50 per cent, between water and absolute alcohol. A simpler method, but one which, in most cases, answers tlie purpose peifectly well, is to place the riband or the individual sections cut from paraffin on the surface of water in a basin, just sufficiently warm to flatten out the paraffin, but not to melt it, then pass a perfectly clean slide under the surface of the water and float the sections on to it ; remove, drain off the water, and put the slide and sections aside for one or more hours until all the water has evaporated. The sections ai'e found to have adhered firmly to the slide (they may, if desired, be yet more firmly fixed by drawing a brush moistened with solution of celloidin in oil of cloves over them). The paraffin can now be removed by washing the slide with xylol or immersing it in xylol. If not previously stained they can then be passed through alcohols and stained and mounted as just described. It is con- venient to keep the several solutions which are required in cylindrical tubes or grooved glass receptacles in a regular row upon the working table, 492 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. and transfer the slide from one to the other in succession. Tluis such a series wouhl be (1) xylol ; (2) absolute alcohol ; (3) 75 per cent, alcohol ; (4) 50 per cent, alcohol ; (5) distilled water ; (6) staining solution ; (7) tap water ; (8) distilled water ; (9) 50 per cent, alcohol ; (10) 75 per cent, alcohol ; (11) absolute alcohol ; (12) clove oil or xylol. The changes can also be effected by pouring the solutions over the sections and draining off, but this is less satisfactory. The following table shows the methods which may be adopted fcjr the treatment of paraftin-cut sections or libands of sections : 1. Place on a slide or cover-glass in a drop of tap-water : the glass may previously have been smeared with egg-white : warm gently. 2. Drain off water and allow to dry completely. i .3. Warm until paraffin is just melted. I 4. Dissolve paraffin away with xylol. If tissue is already stained in bulk. If tissue is not already stained. I ~ i Mount in xylol balsam or dammar. 5. Absolute alcohol. 6. Descending grades of alcohol. 7. Stain. For sections out by tiie J'reezi?ig \ or celloidin methods, if the 8. Water. tissue has already been stained | in bulk, the sections need only 9. Ascendirg grades of alcohol. be put through the ascending | grades of alcohol and bergamot 10. Xylol or bergamot oil or oil, and then mounted in creosote or clove-oil. dammar. If the tissue has | not already been stained, begin Mount in xylol balsam or at No. 7. dammar. Staining of sections. — The fluids most commonly employed for the staining of sections are : — (1) Solutions of ha^matoxylin and alum ; (2) solutions of carmine with or without alum ; (3) certain aniline dyes. The time of immersion in the staining fluid varies according to the strength of the fluid and the mode by which the tissue has been hardened. The necessity of staining sections may be avoided if the tissue is stained in bulk before embedding. For this purpose a piece of tissue is left to stain for twenty-four hours or more in a moderately diluted hsematoxylin solution or in carmalum or borax carmine, and is then embedded and cut into sections by the paraffin or freezing methods. If the latter be employed the sections are thoroughly washed with tap-water, dehydrated by alcohol, and passed through clove-oil or xylol into xylol balsam or dammar. For some purposes (e.g. the study of ossifying cartilage) an alcoholic solution of magenta is useful for staining in bulk ; from this the tissue goes direct into a small quantity of oil of cloves, and after being soaked with this it is passed into molten paraffin. Sections may also be stained whilst still infiltrated with paraffin by floating them on to the surface of the staining solution, which APPENDIX. 493 limy be geiitlv warmed (but not enough to melt tlie paraffin). They generally require far longer exjjosure to the stain. The subsequent treat- ment is quite sini|)le, for they neeil only be transferred to warm water, floated on to a slide and allowed to dry. The parattin is then melted, dissolved away with xylol, and the sections are mounted in dammar. The following are some of the principal staining solutions and methods of staining for special purposes : 1. Delafield's hcematoxi/lin. — To 150 ciil)ic centimetres of a saturated solution of potash alum in water add 4 cubic centimetres of a saturated solution of hsematoxylin in alcohol. Let the mixture stand eight days, then decant, and add 25 cubic centimetres of glycerine, and 25 cubic centimetres of methylic alcohol. The solution must stand a few days before it is ready for use. To stain sections add a few drops of this solution to a watch-glassful of distilled water. If overstained the excess of colour can be removed by alcohol containing 1 per cent, nitric or hydrochloric acid. With long keeping this solution becomes red instead of blue ; a trace of ammonia will restore the blue colour. 2. ElviiicKs hoimato.vylin. — Dissolve 2 grammes luematoxylin (or, better, hfematein) in 100 cubic centimeti'es alcohol ; add 100 cubic centimetres water, 100 cubic centimetres glycerine, and 10 cubic centimetres glacial acetic acid : add potash alum to saturation. This solution will keep almost indefinitely : it is valuable for staining in bulk, as it tloes not easily overstain. For staining sections it is best to dilute the solution either with distilled water or with 30 per cent, alcohol. After the sections have been stained they must be thoroughly washed with tap-water. This develops the blue colour of the hjematoxylin. 3. Kultschitzky^s hceinatoxylin. — Dissolve 1 gramme hfematoxylin in a little alcohol, and add to it 100 cubic centimetres of a 2 jjer cent, solution of acetic acid. This solution is valuable foi- staining sections of the nervous system (see Weigert-Pal process). 4. Ucemalum. — Hsematoxylin-alum solutions acquire their colouring properties only as the hsematoxylin on keeping becomes converted into hseraatein. The latter substance may, therefore, as recommended by Mayer, be used advantageously in place of hpematoxylin if the stain is required immediately. The following mode of preparing the solution may be adopted : — Dissolve 50 grammes of ammonia alum in 1 litre of water, and 1 gramme of hsematein in 100 c.c. of rectified spirit. Add the hsematei'n solution gradually to the alum. The mixture is ready for staining at once, either as it is or diluted with distilled water. A small piece of thymol or a little carbolic acid should be added to prevent the growth of moulds. 5. R. Heidenhain's method. — After hardening in alcohol, or in saturated solution of picric acid and then in alcohol, place the tissue from twelve to fourteen hours in a ^ per cent, watery solution of hematoxylin, and then from twelve to twenty-four hours more in a h per cent, solution of yellow chromate of potash, which may be changed more than once. Then wash in water, place in alcohol, pass through xylol, and embed in paraffin. 494 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. 6. J/. HeidenhaMs method. — Harden in sublimate, followed by alcohol ; fix sections to slide by water method ; treat with iodised alcohol, transfer to 2"5 per cent, iron-alum (solution of sulphate (or tartrate) of iron and ammonia) and leave a quarter of an hour or longer ; rinse with distilled water; place in 1 to 0'5 per cent, pure hoematoxylin in water containing 10 per cent, alcohol for a few minutes ; wash with water ; differentiate in the iron and ammonia solution until nearly decolorised ; wash for fifteen minutes in tap- water ; dehydrate and mount in the usual way. This method is especially adapted for exhibiting the centrosomes of cells. It is also useful for retiform tissue and glands. Both the process of mordanting with iron-alum and the subsequent staining with luematoxylin may be considerably prolonged with advantage for some tissues. 7. Carmalum (Mayer). — Useful either for sections or bulk-staining. If the sections are subsequently passed through alcohol containing picric acid in solution a double stain is produced. Carminic acid, 1 gramme. Ammonia alum, - - - - - - - 10 grammes. Distilled water, 200 c.c. Boil together, allow to cool and filter. Add thymnl or a little carljolic acid to prevent the growth of moulds. 8. Canninate of ammonia. — Prepared by dissolving carmine in ammonia, and allowing the excess of ammonia to escape by slow evaporation. The salt should be allowed to dry and be dissolved in water as required. 9. Picric acid. — A saturated solution of picric acid in spirit may be used as a second stain after htematoxylin or carmine. Any excess of picric acid is dissolved o\it by rinsing with strong spirit. This form of double stain is valuable for exhibiting keratinised tissues and muscle-fibres. 10. Picro-carminate of ammonia, a double stain. a. Ranvier's picro- carmine. — To a saturated solution of picric acid add a strong solution of carmine in ammonia, until a precipitate begins to form. Evaporate on the water bath (or, better, allow it to evaporate spontaneously) to one half its bulk ; add a little carbolic acid to pievent the growth of moulds ; filter from the sediment. /3. Bourne's picro-carmine. — " Add 5 c.c. of ammonia to 2 grammes carmine in a bottle capable of containing about 250 c.c. Stopper, shake, and put aside till next day. Add slowly, shaking the while, 200 c.c. of a saturated solution of picric acid in distilled water. Put aside till next day. Add slowly, constantly stirring, 1 1 c.c. of 5 per cent, acetic acid. Put aside till next day. Filter ; to the filtrate add four drops of ammonia, put back in the stoppered bottle " (Langley). 11. Bora.v-ca)')7une.—D\ssolve 4 grammes borax and 3 grammes carmine in 100 cubic centimeti-es of warm water. After three days add 100 cubic centimetres of 70 per cent, alcohol, let stand two days and filter. This solution im])roves on keeping. It is useful for staining in bulk. After staining with borax-carmine, the tissue should be placed in 70 per APPENDIX. 495 cent, alcohol coiitaiuini;' T) drops of hvdrocliloric acid to 100 cubic centi- metres. 12. Aniline dyes. — These are used either in aqueous solution (which may contain O'Ol per cent, of caustic potash) or in water shaken up with aniline oil, and it is usual to overstain a tissue with them, and subsequently to decolorise with absolute alcohol containing \ its bulk of aniline oil (from which the sections can pass directly into xylol) or with acid-alcohol (1 to 10 per 1000 hydrochloric acid) followed by absolute alcohol and this by xylol. Those most employed are the " basic " dyes — methyl-blue, methylene- blue, gentian-violet, toluidin-blue, thionin, saffranin, and vesuvin ; and the "acid" dyes — eosin, erythrosin, acid magenta or acid fuchsin, and orange G. A double stain is obtained by combining eosin with methylene blue or toluidin blue, the sections being first stained for ten minutes in I per cent, aqueous eosin and then, after rinsing with water, for twenty minutes in 1 per cent, of the blue solution, after which they are decolorised by absolute alcohol or absolute alcohol and aniline oil. The decolorisation is arrested by xylol. Other good double stains are the eosin-methyl blue mixture devised by G. Mann ' and Jenner's stain, which is made by dissolving in pm-e methyl alcohol the precipitate which is produced w^hen eosin solution is added to methylene blue solution. Jenner's stain is valuable for blood films. For the same purpose Ehrlich's triple stain is also used. This is formed by mixing together aqueous solution of orange G., acid- fuchsin, and methyl-green in certain proportions.- 13. Eosin. — A 1 per cent, solution in water may be used. The sections are first stained deeply with lipematoxylin and rinsed with water. They are then stained with the eosin solution, passed through 75 per cent, alcohol, and then through strong spirit — which is allowed to dissolve out some but not all of the eosin stain — into clove-oil : tliey are finally mounted in xylol balsam or dammar. Eosin stains hajmogiobin of an orange red colour ; so that the blood corpuscles are well shown by it when fixing fluids have been employed which do not remove the haemoglobin from them (such as mercuric chloride, bichromate of potassium, and formol. 14. Muir's method of douhle-stainiiig ivith eosin and methylene blue. — For staining haemoglobin and oxyphil granules in cells the method devised by Richard Muir will be found valuable. It consists in staining the sections of formol-hardened tissue (which are fixed on a slide) with saturated solution of alcohol-soluble eosin crystals dissolved in rectified spirit. This solution is poured over the section.s, and evaporated over a flame until the alcohol is driven off, leaving only a watery solution. Rinse with water, place in saturated solution of potash alum for three minutes, and wash again. Decolorise with alcohol rendered very faintly cdkaline with ammonia. Wash. Stain with saturated water-solution of methylene blue ; wash with water; dehydrate and mount in usual way. 15. Acid fxichsin. — A 1 per cent, solution in 50 per cent, alcohol (to which > See Methods of PhiisioJogical Histology, p. 216. - It is best to purchase this solution ready-made. 496 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGr. 1 drop of 1 per cent, alcohol-solution of gentian-violet may be added per cubic centimetre), is an excellent stain for connective tissue (see p. 67). It may also advantageously be used for developing bone and tooth and for lymph-glands. The piece of tissue is left for several days in a 1 per cent, solution in 95 per cent, alcohol and is then placed direct in a small quantity of clove-oil for a few hours, after which it is transferred to molten paraffin. 16. Orcein. —DissoWe 1 gi'amme orcein in 100 c.c. absolute alcohol con- taining 1 c.c. hydrochloric acid. Place the sections in some of this solution in a watch-glass and warm slightly, allowing the fluid to nearly evaporate to dryness. Dehydrate in alcohol, which removes the excess of stain ; pass through xylol into dammar. Orcein stains especially the elastic fibres. 17. Flemming's method for karyokinetie nuclei. — This is especially valuable for staining cell-nuclei in mitosis. The tissue having been appropriately fixed, small shreds or thin sections are placed for two days in saturated alcoholic solution of saffranin, mixed with an equal amount of aniline- water. They are then washed with distilled water and decolorised in aniline-alcohol or in alcohol containing 1 per 1000 hydrochloric acid until the colour is washed out from everything except the nuclei. They are then again rinsed in water and placed in saturated aqueous solution of gentian-violet for two hours, washed again in distilled water, decolorised with aniline-alcohol until only the nuclei are left stained, then transferred to berganiot oil or xylol, and from this are mounted in xylol balsam or dammar. Gentian-violet and several other aniline colours may be employed in place of saff'ianin from the first. Delafield's hsmatoxjdin (followed by acid), or Ehrlich's h^ematoxylin also stain the mitotic figures well. 18. Staining with nitrate of silver (Recklinghausen). — Wash the fresh tissue with distilled water ; immerse in ^ to 1 per cent, nitrate of silver solution for from one to five minutes ; rinse with distilled water and expose to bright sunlight either in water, 70 per cent, alcohol, or glycerine. The tissue, which is generally a thin membrane, may either be mounted in glycerine, or it may be spread out flat in water on a slide, the water draiued off, the tissue allowed to dry completely, and then dammar added. This method is used to exhibit endothelium, and generally to stain intercellular substance. It depends upon the fact that the chlorides of the tissues are almost exclusively confined to the intercellular sub.stance. The following methods are esjiecially useful in investigations relating to the nervous system : 19. Marchi's solution. — This is a mixture of Miillers fluid (2 parts) with 1 per cent, osmic acid (1 part). It is of value for staining nerve-fibres in the earlier stages of degeneration, before sclerosis sets in (especially a few days after the establishment of a lesion). All the degenerated medullated fibres are stained black, whilst the rest of the section remains almost unstained. It is best to put thin pieces of the brain or cord to be investi- gated singly into a large quantity of the solution (after previously hardening for ten days in MUllei-'s fluid), and to leave them in it for a week or more ; but if necessary sections can be stained ; in tins case the process is more APPENDIX. 497 complicated.' In either case they are fixed on a slide and mounted by the usual process in xylol balsam or dammar. 20. Weigert-Pal method. — This method is chiefly used for the central nervous system. By it all medullated nerve-fibres are stained dark, while the grey matter and any sclero.sed tracts of white matter are left uncolnured. The following modification of the original method can be recommended : Pieces which have been hardened in Miiller's fluid and afterwards kept a short time in alcohol (without washing in water) are embedded in cel- loidin, and sections are cut as thin as possible. Or sections may be made by the freezing method direct from Miiller's fluid, if the tissue is first soaked in gum-water for a few hours. In either case they are placed in water, and from this are transferred to Marchi's fluid (see above, § 19), in which they are left for a few hours. They are then again washed in water and transferred to Kulschitzky's hsematoxylin (see above, § 3). In this they are left overnight, by which time they will be completely black. After again washing in water they are ready to be bleached. This is accomplished by Pal's method as follows : Place the overstained sections, first in J per cent, solution of potassium permanganate for five minutes (or for a longer time in a weaker solution) ; rinse with water and transfer to Pal's solution (sulphite of soda 1 gramme, oxalic acid 1 gramme, distilled water 200 cubic centimetres), in which the actual bleaching takes place.^ They are usually sufiiciently diff"erentiated in a few minutes: if not, they can be left longer in the solution without detriment. If after half an hour they are not differentiated enough, they must be put again (after washing) into the permanganate for some minutes, and then again into Pal's solution. After difi'erentiation they are passed through water, alcohol (with or without eosin), and oil of bergamot (or xylol), to be mounted in xylol balsam or dammar. The advantages which this modification has over the original method are (1) even the finest medullated fibres are brought to view with great surety ; (2) the staining of the fibres is jet black, and offers a strong contrast to the colourless grey matter ; (3) the sections are easily seen and lifted out of the acid hsematoxylin, which has very little colour ; (4) it is diflScult to overbleach the sections ; (5) the stain is remarkably per- manent. Asa modification of the above, Bolton recommends to harden with formol, place the sections for a few minutes in 1 per cent, osmic acid, stain for two hours in Kulschitzky's hsematoxylin at 40° C, and then proceed with the bleaching process. 21. Staining loith chloride of gold. — a. Cohnheim's method. — Place the fresh tissue for from thirty to sixty minutes in a i per cent, solution of chloride of gold ; then wash and transfer to a large quantity of water faintly acidu-, lated with acetic acid. Keep for two or three days in the bght in a warm place. This answers very well for the cornea. If it be principally desired to stain the nerve-fibrils within the epithelium, the cornea may be trans- ferred after twenty-four hours (the outlines of the larger nerves should be 1 See Hamilton, Brain, 1897, p. 180. 2 Diluted sulphurous acid solution may be employed instead of Pal's solution. 2l 498 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. just apparent to the naked eye) to a mixture of glycerine (1 part) and water (2 parts), and left in this for twenty-four hours raore (Klein). /?. Loicifs method. — Place small pieces of the fresh tissue iu a mixture of 1 part of formic acid to 2 to 4 parts of water for one- half to one minute ; then in 1 per cent, chloride of gold solution for ten to fifteen minutes ; then back again into the formic acid mixture for twenty-four hours, and into pure formic acid for twenty-four hours more. After removal from the gold, and whilst in the acid, the tissue must be kept in the dark. This method is especially good for motor nerve endings iu skeletal muscle. y. Rayiviei^s method. — Immerse in lemon-juice for five to ten minutes, then wash with water and jilace in 1 per cent, gold-chloride solution for twenty minutes. Then treat either as in Cohnheim's or as in Lowit's method. 22. Golgi's ehromate of silver methods. — These are chiefly employed for investigating the relations of cells and fibres in the central nervous system. Two methods are mostly used, as follows : a. Very small pieces of the tissue which has been hardened for some weeks in 3 per cent, bichromate of potassium or Miiller's fluid are placed for half an hour in the dark in 075 per cent, nitrate of silver solution, and are then transferred for twenty-four hours or more to a fresh quantity of the same solution (to which a trace of formic acid may be added). They may then be placed in 96 per cent, alcohol (half an hour), and sections, which need not be thin, are cut either from celloidin with a microtome or with the free hand after embedding (but not soaking) with parafliu. The sections are mounted in xylol balsam, which is allowed to dry on the slide : they must not be covered with a cover-glass, but the balsam must remain exposed to the air. /3. Instead of being slowly hardened in bichromate, the tissue is placed at once in very small pieces in a mixture of bichromate and osmic (3 parts of 3 per cent, bichromate of potash or of Miillers fluid to 1 of osmic acid). In this it remains from one to eight days, a piece being transferred each day to 0'75 per cent, silver nitrate. The subsequent procedure is the same aa described under a. For some organs it is found advantageous to repeat the process, replacing them for a day or two in the osmic-bichromate mixture after silver nitrate and then putting them back into silver nitrate (Cajal's double method). This method is not only more rapid than that in which bichi'omate of potassium alone is used, but is more sure in its results. 23. Ehrlich's methylene-blue method. — This method is one of great value for exhibiting nerve-terminations, and in some cases the relations of nerve- cells and fibres in the central nervous system. For its application the tissue must be living : it is therefore best applied by injecting a solution of methylene-blue (1 part to 100 of warm saline solution) into a vein in an anaesthetised mammal, until the whole blood is of a bluish colour ; or the injection may be made through the vessels of the part to be investi- gated, immediately after killing an animal. But fairly good results can also be obtained by immersing small pieces of freshly-excised living tissue in a less concentrated solution (0"1 -pQV cent.), or, in the case of the central APPENDIX. 499 nervous syetem, by dusting the raethylene-blue powder over a freshly-cut surface, allowing some time for it to penetrate, and then treating it with picrate of ammonia and Bethe's solution. In either case the tissue should be freely exposed to air; the blue colour then appears in the nerve- cells and axis-cylinders, even to their finest ramifications. It does not however remain, but after a time fades from them while other tissues become coloured. To fix the stain the tissue is taken at the moment that the nerve-fibres are most distinctly seen and is placed for an hour or two in saturated solution of picrate of ammonia, after which the preparation can be mounted in glycerine containing picrate of ammonia. But to allow of sections being made from it for mounting in balsam or dammar, it must, subsequently to the treatment with picrate of ammonia, be placed for some hours in Bethe's fluid, viz. : Molybdate of ammonia, 1 gramme. Chromic acid 2 per cent, solution, - - - - 10 c.c. Distilled water, 10 c.c. Hydrochloric acid, --.-.-- 1 drop. This renders the colour insoluble in alcohol. 24. Sihler's method of stainmg nerve-endings in muscle and blood-vessels. — Macerate the tissue for eighteen hours in the following solution : Ordinary acetic acid, - 1 part. Glycerine, 1 part. 1 per cent, chloral hydrate solution, . - - - ti parts. From this transfer to glycerine for from one to two hours ; then unravel somewhat with needles and place for from three to ten days in the following : Ehrlich's hsematoxylin, - 1 part. Glycerine, - . 1 part. I per cent, chloral hydrate solution, ... - 6 parts. It may then be kept for any desired time in glycerine, which should be changed several times. Preparations are made by careful dissociation with needles. If over- stained they may be differentiated by acetic acid until the dark-blue colour is changed to violet. The muscle spindles and the end-plates are well shown by this method. 25. Nissl's method of staining the chromatic granules in nerve-cells. — This is a method of overstaining with methylene blue and subsequent differ- entiation with alcohol (see § 12). Nissl recommended 90 per cent, alcohol as the hardening agent, but both formol and corrosive sublimate followed by alcohol may be employed also. Toluidin-blue (Mann) may be used in place of methylene-blue. The sections may first be stained with 1 per cent, aqueous solution of eosin, and then, after rinsing in water, with 1 per cent, methylene-blue solution : they are best differentiated in aniline-alcohol. The effect of heating the solutions to about 70° C. is to accelerate and accentuate the staining, which will then take only a few minutes, 2i2 500 THE ESSENTIALS OF HISTOLOGY. A Nissl , stain may also be obtained by placing thin pieces of the fixed and hardened. nervous tissue in 1 per cent, solution of thionin for several days ; after which the tissue is dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. 26. CajaVs reduced silver method for exhibiting netirofibrih within nerve-cells and -fibres. — A small piece of the tissue (brain, spinal cord, ganglion, etc.), not more than 4 mm. thick, and preferably from a young animal, is placed in 50 CO. of rectified spirit to which 5 drops of ammonia are added. After twenty-four hours in this, rinse with distilled water and place in a large quantity of 1 per cent.- solution of silver nitrate, which is maintained at a temperature of about 30° C. After being five or six days in this solution, the piece is removed, mixed for a few seconds in distilled water, and transferred for twenty-four hours to the following solution : Hydrokinone (or pyrogallic acid), - - - - 1 to 1*5 grammes. Distilled water, 100 cub. cent. Formol, 5 to 10 cub. cent. Rectified spirit, 10 to 15 cub. cent. The addition of alcohol to the above is not indispensable, but favours penetration. The piece is then washed in water for some minutes, trans- ferred to alcohol, embedded in celloidin, and sections are prepared and mounted in the ordinary way. INDEX. 601 INDEX. ACH Achromatic spindle, 7, 31. Achromatic substance, 8. Adenoid tissue, 76. Adipose tissue, 73. Adrenals, See suprarenal capsules. Air-bubbles, 27. Ameloblasts, 271. Amreba, 3. Angioblasts, 196. Ansa lenticularis, 415. Aorta, structure of, 189. Appendix, •IS-i. (See also verniiforni.) Archoplasni, 8. Areolar tissue, 68. cells of, 70. fibres of, 68. Arrector pili, 243. Arteries, nerves of, 196. — structure of, 184. — variation in structure of, 189. — and veins, smaller, structure of, 192. Articular cartilage, 87. — corpuscles, 169. Attraction sphere, 7. Auerbach, plexus of, 296. Autonomic nerves, 132. Axon, 138, 143. Bacteria, 27. Baillarger, lines of, 428. Basilar membrane, 479. Basement membranes, 77. Bechterew, nucleus of. See nucleus. Bellini, ducts of, 324. Bile-ducts, 313. Bladder, 329. Blastoderm, 22. Blood-corpuscles, action of reagents upon, 41, 44. — of amphibia, 45. — coloured, 31, 32, 41. — colourless, 32. amoeboid phenomena of, 48. granules of, 33. migration from blood-vessels, 51, 72. varieties of, 33. — development of, 36, 40. — enumeration of, 30. — structure of, 31. CEL Blood-crystals, 43. Blood-film, 28. Blood-platelets, 35, 47. Blood-vessels, development of, 36, 196. — structure of, 184, 192. Bone, 96. — development of, 101. — lacuna; and canaliculi of, 98. — lamella of, 98. — marrow of, 38. Bowman, glands of. See glands. — membrane of, 447. Bronchi, 255. Bronchial tubes, 257. Brain. See cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, mesenceph- alon, pons Varolii. — divisions of, 374. — membranes of, 441. Brunner, glands of. See glands. Burdach, tract of. See tracts. Bundle. See tracts. Calleja, islands of, 396. Capillaries, 193. — circulation in, 194, Carotid gland, 222. Cartilage, 86. — articular, 87. — costal, 87, 92. — development of, 90. — embrj'onic, 90. — hyaline, 87. — ossification of, 101. — parenchymatous, 90. — transitional, 88. — varieties of, 86. Cartilage-cells, 87. — capsules of, 88. Cajal's method of staining neuro- fibrils, 499. Celloidin for embedding, 487. Cell-plate, 16. Cells, division of, 10. amitotic, 10. reduction, 14. — embryonic, 1. — membrane of, 8. — nucleus of, 8. — structure of, 2. 502 INDEX. CEM FIB Cement. See crusta petrosa. Central fovea of retina, 463. — tendon of diaphragm, 191. Centriole, 7. Centrosome, 7. Cerebellum, 417. — peduncles of, 398, 402, 424. superior, 398, 411, 424. inferior. See restiform body. middle, 390, 424. Cerebrum, 424. — basal ganglia of, 440. — cortex of, 424. — — structure of different parts, 432. — peduncle of, 405. Chondrin-balls, 90. Choroid coat of eye, 451. Chromatic substance, 8. Chromatolysis, 140. [224. Chromaffin or chromophil cells, 221, Chromosomes, 9, 12. Cilia, 64. — action of, 65. theories regarding, 66. Ciliary muscle, 452. Clarke, column of, 370. Claustrum, 426. Coccygeal gland. See glands. Cochlea, 474. Cohnheim, areas of, 112. — method of staining nerve-endings, 497. Collaterals, 148. Colostrum-corpuscles, 248. Comma tract, ^ee tracts. Commissures of cerebrum, anterior, 439. posterior, 410. — of spinal cord, 356. Conjunctiva, 444. Connective tissue, cells of, 70. development of, 82. fibres of, 68. jelly-like, 77. — tissues, 68. Cornea, 447. — nerve endings in, 176, 449. Corpora albicantia {mammillaria),414. — geniculata, 412. — quadrigemina, 406. Corpus luteum, 350. — striatum, 440. — subthalamicum, 415. Corti, organ of, 479. Cotton fibres, 27. Cowper, glands of. See glands. Crusta, 405. — petrosa, 269. Cutis vera, 230. Cytomitome, 7. Cytoplasm, 2. Deiteks, cells of, 481. — nucleus of. See nucleus. Dendrons, 138. Dentine, 263. — formation of, 272. Descemet, membrane of, 449. Deutoplasm, 5. Dilatator pupillaj, 454. Dobie, line of, 1 13. Doyere, eminence of, 182. Dust, 27. Ear, 469. Ebner, glands of. See glands. Ehrlich's methjdene-blue method, 498. Elastic tissue, 79. Eleideu, 228. Embedding, methods of, 486. Enamel, 263. — formation of, 271. — organ, 272. End-bulbs, 168. Endocardium, 252. Endomysium, 115. Kndoneurium, 135. Endoplasm, 5. Endotheliu!)!. 55. End-plates, 180. Ependyma, 373, 389. Epicardium, 252. Epidermis, 226. Epididymis, 334. Epineurium, 134. Epiphysis cerebri. See pineal gland. Epithelium, 52. — ciliated, 55, 64. — classification of, 53. — columnar, 55, 61. — glandular, 56. — nerve endings in, 174. — pavement. 55. — stratified, 54. — transitional, 55. Epitrichial layer, 229. Erectile tissue, 330. Erythroblasts, 36. Erythrocytes. See blood-corpuscles, coloured. Eustachian tube, 470. Exoplasm, 5. Eye, 443. Eyelids, 444. Eye-piece, 24. Fallopian tubes, 351. Fat. See adipose tissue. — absorption of, 304. — in cartilage cells, 90, 92. Fenestrated membrane, 187. Fibres. See connective tissue, muscle, nerve, etc. Fibrin, 35. INDEX. 503 KIB Fibro-cartilcige, elastic, 9.S. — white, 93. Fibrous tissue, 80. Fillet. See tract of tillet. Fimbria, 434. ■ Flechsig, method of, 360. — tract of. See tracts. Flemming, germ-cent reof,20o,201),216. — stainable bodies of, 'JOi), 216. — method of staining nuclei, 4Sn. Forel, decussation of, 4U3 (footnote). Freezing method for preparation of sections, 487. GAr.L-lSL.VDDKK, 'M4. Ganglia, 138. — cells of, 14<». — development of, 162. Ganglion of cochlea, 38.5. of glossopharyngeal, 384. Scarpa, SSo. — — of vagus, 383. — Gasserian, 395. — geniculate, 393. — of habenula, 405, 414. — interpeduncular, 405. Gas-chamber, 60. Genital corpuscles, 169. Gennari, line of, 428. Germ-centre, 205, 209, 216. Germ-nuclei, 18. Gianuzzi, crescents of, 283. Gland or glands. — agminated, 209, 300. — anal, 308. — of Bowman, 469. — of Brunner, 294, 3(il. — carotid, 222. — ceruminous, 245, 469. — classification of, 56. — coccygeal, 222. — of Cowper, 331. — ductless, 59. — of Ebner, 276. — gastric, 288. — haemal, 207. — internallj' secreting, 59. — lacrymal, 446. — of Lieberkiihn, 279. — of Littre, 331. — lymph, 203. — mammary, 246. — Meibomian, 445. — Pacchionian, 442. — pineal, 415. — pituitary, 224 — racemose, 58. — saccular, 58. — salivarj', 281. — sebaceous, 243. — secreting, 56. HEN Gland or glands, secreting, varieties of, 58. — serous, 276. — solitary, 209, 299. — sweat, 244. — thymus, 210. — tubular, 58. (ilisson, i:apsule of, 311. (Jlomeruli of kidney, 320. — olfactory, 439. Glycogen in colourless blood-cor- puscles, 47. — in liver cells, 313. Goblet-cells, 63. Gold-methods of staining nerve- endings, 497, 498. Golgi, organs of, 174. — cells of, 418. — methods of preparing the nervous system, 498. — reticulum of, 141, 142. — types of nerve-cells, 148. GoU, tract of. 6'ee tracts. Gowers, tract of. See tracts. Graafian follicles, 345. Grandry, corpuscles of, 169. Grannies of protoplasm, 4. — of colourless blood-corpuscles, 33. Ground-substance of connective tissue, 2, 68. Gudden, atrophy of, 158. — bundle of. See tracts. — commissure of, 410. Gullet. See oesophagus. Gustatory cells, 278. — pore, 278. H.tMAL glands. See glands. Hpematoidin, 44. Hctmin, 44. Ha;moglobin, 43. Hsemolysis, 42. Hair-cells of internal ear, 473, 480, 481 . Hair-follicle, structure of, 235. Hairs, 27, 234. — development of, 241. — muscles of, 243. Hassal, concentric corpuscles of, 211. Haversian canals, 98. — systems, 99. Haycraft, views of, on muscle struc- ture, 113. Heart, 250. — muscle of, 123. — nerves of, 253. — valves of, 253. Helweg, bundle of. See tracts. Henle, fenestrated membrane of, 187. — looped tubules of, 324. — sheath of, 136. Hensen, line of, 113. ^04 INDEX. HEP Hepatic lobules, 310. — cells, 312. Herbst, corpuscles of, 173. Hippocampus major, 434. His, bundle of, 252. Histogenesis, 20. Histologj', meaning of term, 1. Hyaloplasm, 4. Hj'pophysis cerebri. See pituitary body. Idiozome, 342. Internal capsule, 440. Intestine, large, 308. — small, 296. Iris, 453. Jelly of Wharton, 85. Karyokine.sis, 10. Kei'ato-hj'aline, 229. Kidaey, 320. — bldod-vessels of, 32(i. Krause, membi'ane of, 113, 116. Labyrinth of ear, 472. of kidney, 325. Lacteals, 304. Langerhans, islets of, 316. — centro-acinar cells of, 318. Lanugo, 242. Larjnx, 256. Lens, 465. Leucocytes. {Set blood-corpuscles, colourless). Lieberkiihn, crypts of, 297. Linen fibres, 27. Lissauer, bundle of. See tracts. Littre, glands of. See glands. Liver, 310. — blood-vessels of, 198, 311. — cells of, 257. — ducts of, 313. — lobules of, 310. — lymphatics of, 315. Loewenthal, tract of. See tracts. Lung, 256. — alveoli of, 261. — blood-vessels of, 261. — Ijmph-vessels of, 262. Lymph-glands or lymphatic glands, 203. haemal, 206. Lymph-vessels or lymphatics, 198. — connection with cells of connective tissue, 73, 201. — development of, 201. — nerves of, 20