Marine Biological Laboratory p . , July 15, 1948 Keceived *^ ' . . , 62131 Accession No. ^, ^ The C. V. Hlosby Co. ^ St. Louis, IIo. (/ Place. \ ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY ESSENTIALS ^ OF ZOOLOGY EMPHASIZING PEINCIPLES OF ANI3IAL BIOLOGY BY GEORGE EDWIN POTTER, Ph.D. Professor of Zoology, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas College Station, Texas SECOND EDITION With 224 Text Illustrations ST. LOUIS THE C. V. MOSBY COMPANY 1948 Copyright, 1940, 1948, By The C. V. Mosby Company (All rights reserved) Printed in the United States of America Press of The C. V. Moshy Company St. Louis DEDICATED TO the late PROFESSOR \V. B. WILSON Ottawa University my former teacher and inspiration in biology PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION The present edition represents a complete editing of the previous edition with some revision and addition of material at certain points. The general form and content of the book have been re- tained. A number of condensed and pertinent tables have been added to the chapter on Physiology, and a new section dealing with the snail has been included in the chapter on mollusca. The author makes acknowledgment here for many valuable suggestions which came from Dr. C. J. Goodnight of Purdue University. Also, appreciation is expressed to Betty Ann Potter for her valuable assistance with the index of this book. George E. Potter. College Station, Texas. PEEFACE TO FIRST EDITION There has come into being a considerable number of relatively short but fundamental zoology courses. Often they are given in a single semester. Such courses usually involve rather intensive lab- oratory study of the systems of one or two vertebrate forms, a few selected invertebrates, and a number of special relationships as para- sitism, reproduction, development, etc. The recitation or theory portion of such a course is ordinarily concerned with some coordina- tion and summary of the selected materials treated in the laboratory, but perhaps more particularly with the lessons in principles which may be drawn from them. It is the presence of this type of course in a number of different zoology or biology departments Avhich has prompted the organiza- tion of the present book. It is the purpose of the author to bring into the book the essential fundamentals which every zoology stu- dent should have, regardless of the length of the course he happens to take. It is likely true that the majority of the students taking elemen- tary zoology will have only that one course in the field and for that reason some emphasis is placed on the economic aspect, on the human relation, and on the principles involved. It is assumed that the teacher will elaborate upon the details of particular topics of interest to the class beyond the limitations of detailed information contained in this volume. The arrangement of the chapters has been placed in an order which seems logical. However, the chapters are written in such a way that the teacher may change the order with no difficulty. Since this is true, the teacher has some option in the possibility of striking a workable combination of 'Hypes" and ''principles" material as well as balance in laboratory -lecture program. The author is indebted to, and extremely grateful for the coopera- tion of, the following who have contributed to the manuscript: J. Teague Self, University of Oklahoma, Earthworm Elmer P. Cheatum, Southern Methodist University, Fresh-Water Clam and Snail Vasco M. Tanner, Brigham Young University, Locust 8 PREFACE 9 Ottys Sanders, Southwestern Biological Supply Company, The Frog Sewell H. Hopkins, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, Animal Parasitisyn Willis Hewatt, Texas Christian University, Animal Distribution A. 0. Weese, University of Oklalioma, The Animal and Its Environ- ment Frank G. Brooks, Cornell College, Genetics and Eugenics Acknowledgment is made to Ivan Summers for the excellent art work he has put into the book. Appreciation is likewise expressed to Dr. Titus Evans, Mrs. Ruth Sanders, Miss Joanne Moore, and Mr. Edward O'Malley, ^vho have prepared certain of the illustrations. Finally, the author wishes to express appreciation to the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, and the staff of its Biology Depart- ment for the cooperation which has made the organization of this book possible. George E. Potter. College Station, Texas. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE Introduction ___-_____---------- 17 Zoology, a Biological Science, 19; The Subdivisions of Zoology, 19; Classification of the Animal Kingdom, 22; Balance in Nature, 24; Vital Relations of Animals and Plants, 26; Zoology as Related to Man, 29; Agriculture and Zoology, 29; Fisheries and the Application of Zoology 30, CHAPTER II History of Zoology _________________ 31 CHAPTER III Protoplasm and the Cell _______________ 39 Living Matter, or Protoplasm, 39; The Cell Principle, 39; General Characteristics of Protoplasm and the Material of the Cell, 41 ; Funda- mental Properties or Activities of Protoplasm, 42; Physical Nature of Protoplasm, 43; Chemical Nature of Protoplasm, 44; Structure of a Typical Animal Cell, 47; Cell Division, 50. CHAPTER IV Metazoan Organization _______________ 54 Cellular Differentiation, 54 ; Cellular Organization, 55 ; Development of Sexual Reproduction, 61. CHAPTER V The Bullfrog as a Typical Vertebrate Animal (Class Amphibia) (By Ottys Sanders) _________----- 64 Habitat of the Bullfrog, 64; External Structure, 65; Digestive System and Digestion, 67 ; Circulatory System, 70 ; The Veins, 73 ; Respiratory Organs and Respiration, 80; Excretory System and Excretion, 81; Skeletal System, 83; Muscular System, 88; Nervous System, 90; The Sense Organs, 93; Reproductive Organs, 95; Embryology, 96; Eco- nomic Importance of Amphibia, 102; Classification of Amphibia, 103; A List of Families of the Amphibia in the United States, 104; Order Caudata (Tailed Amphibians), 104; Order Salientia (Tailless Am- phibians), 105. 11 12 CONTENTS CHAPTER VI PAGE The. Rat, a Representative Mammal ____________ 107 Habitat and Habits, 107; External Structure of the Rat, 108; Skeleton, 110; The Muscular System, 115; Digestive System, 121; Glands Asso- ciated With the Digestive System, 124; Circulatory System, 126; Re- spiratory System, 131; The Nervous System, 132; Excretory System, 140; Reproductive System, 142. CHAPTER VII Chordates in General ________________ 146 Characteristics, 146; Classification, 147; Phylogenetic Advances of Cliordata, 148; Subphylum Hemichorda, 148; Subphylum Urochorda, Molgula, 150 ; Subphylum Cephalochorda, Amphioxus, 152 ; The Verte- brate Animal: Subphylum ^'ertebrata, 157. CHAPTER VIII Physiology ____________________ 166 Support and Protection, 166; Movement and Locomotion, 168; Diges- tion, 168; Functions of the Liver, 173; Absorption and Utilization of Food Materials, 173; Vitamins and Their Functions, 174; Respiration, 176; Circulation, 178; Nervous Function — Reception and Conduction, 180; Functions of the Spinal Cord, 183; Functions of the Divisions of the Brain, 183; Sense Organs and Their Function, 183; Exci'etiou, 188; Kidneys, 189; Reproduction, 191. CHAPTER IX The Endocrine Glands and Their Functions ________ 195 The Thyroid Gland, 196; The Parathyroid Glands, 198; The Supra- renal Bodies, 199; The Pituitary Gland, 201; The Thymus Gland, 203; The Gonads and Sex Hormones, 204; The Pancreas, 205. CHAPTER X Sexual Reproduction and Development of the Individual _ _ _ _ 209 Body Form, 216; Organs and Systems, 217; Nervous System and Sense Organs, 218; Intrauterine Development, 223; Biogenetic Law, or Theory of Recapitulation, 224. CHAPTER XI Animal Anomalies _________________ 226 Causes of Anomalies, 226; Harelip and Cleft Palate, 228; Diaphrag- matic Hernia (Open Diaphragm), 228; Polydactyly (Extra Digits), 229; Conjoined Twins, 230; Hermapliroditism, 233; Cardiac Anom- alies, 234; Abnormalities of Brain and Sense Organs, 234. CONTENTS 13 CHAPTER XII PAGE Genetics and Eugenics (By Frank G. Brooks) _____i___ 235 The History of a Great Discovery, 235; Mendel's Law, 235; Deriva- tives of Mendel's Law, 237; The Physical Basis, 238; Plotting Crosses, 239 ; Complications of Mendelian Inheritance, 241 ; Inheritance of Sex, 245; Linkage, 246; Sex Linkage, 246; Crossing Over, 248; Mutations, 249; Human Heredity, 249; Matings Among Defectives, 252; The Differential Birth Rate, 253; Family Size in Eugenic Groups, 253; Family Size in Dysgenic Groups, 255; What Can Be Done? 256; Some Eugenic Measures, 256. CHAPTER XIII Classification of Animals ______________ 259 Rules of Nomenclature, 260 ; Summary of the Classification of Animals, 261; Phylum I. Protozoa, 261; Phylum II. Porifera, 262; Phylum III. Coelenterata, 262; Phylum IV. Ctenophora, 263; Phylum V. Platvhelminthes, 263; Phvlum VI. Nemathelminthes, 263; Phvlum VII. Annelida, 263; Phylum VIII. Echinodermata, 264; Phylum IX. Mollusca, 264; Phylum X. Arthropoda, 264; Groups of Non- chordates Whose Systematic Position Is Uncertain, 265; Phylum XI. Chordata, 266. CHAPTER XIV Protozoa in General ________________ 268 Characteristics, 268; Classification, 268; Colonial Protozoa, 277; Tropisms and Animal Reaction, 278; Economic Relations of Protozoa, 279. CHAPTER XV Representative Protozoa — Euglena, Amoeba and Paramecium _ _ _ 282 Euglena, of Class Mastigophora, 282; Habitat and Characteristics, 282; Structure, 282; Food and Assimilation, 283; Respiration and Excretion, 284; Reproduction and "Life Cycle, 284; Behavior, 285; Locomotion and Flagellar Movement, 285; Amoeba, of Class Sar- codina, 285; Characteristics and Habitat, 286; Structure, 286; Metab- olism, 287; Reproduction and Life Cycle, 289; Behavior, 291; Amoeboid Movement and Locomotion, 292; Paramecium, of Class In- fusoria, 293 ; Characteristics and Habitat, 293 ; Structure, 293 ; Metab- olism, 295; Reproduction and Life History, 296; Behavior, 299; Locomotion, 302. CHAPTER XVI Hydra, of Phylum Coelenterata ____________ 303 Classification of the Phylum, 304; Habitat and Behavior of Hydra, 14 CONTENTS PAGE 311; External Anatomy, 313; Internal Anatomy, 314; Metabolism, 318; The Nervous System and Nervous Conduction, 319; Reproduction and Life Cycle, 319; Regeneration, 322; Economic Relations of the Phylum, 322; Phylogenetic Advances of Coelenterates, 322. CHAPTER XVII The Flatworm, Planaria, of Phylum Platyhelminthes _____ 323 Classification, 323; Habitat and Behavior of Planaria, 324; External Anatomy, 326; Internal Anatomy, 326; Metabolism, 331; Reproduc- tion and Life History, 331; Regeneration, 333; Economic Relations of the Phylum, 334; Phylogenetic Advances of Platyhelminthes, 334. CHAPTER XVIII The Roundworm, Ascaris, of Phylum Nemathelminthes _____ 335 Classification, 335; Habitat and Behavior of Ascaris, 337; External Anatomy, 338; Internal Anatomy, 339; Reproduction and the Life Cycle, 340; Relations to Man, 341. CHAPTER XIX Earthworm, of Phylum Annelida (By J. Teague Self) _____ 342 Class Chaetopoda, 342; External Anatomy of the Earthworm, 345; Internal Anatomy, 346; Reproductive Organs, 347; Digestive System, 348; Circulatory System, 350; Respiratory System, 351; Excretory System, 351; The Nervous System, 352; Reproduction, 352; Regenera- tion, 355; Importance of Annelids to Man and Other Animals, 356; Phylogenetic Advances of Annelida, 357. CHAPTER XX Starfish, of Phylum Echinodermata, and Other Echinoderms _ _ _ 358 Classification, 358; Habitat and Behavior of Starfish, 361; External Anatomy, 363; Internal Anatomy, 363; Reproduction and Life Cycle, 368; Regeneration and Autotomy, 370; Economic Relations, 371. CHAPTER XXI Fresh-Water Mussel and the Snail, of Phylum Mollusca (By Elmer P. Cheatum) _________________ 372 General Characters, 372; Habitat and Behavior of the Clam, 373; External Features, 374; Internal Anatomy, 375; Digestion, 376; Respiration, 376; Circulation, 377; Nervous System and Sense Organs, 377; Excretion, 378; Reproduction and Life Cycle, 378; The SnaU, 380; Habitat and Behavior, 380; External Anatomy, 383; Internal Morphology, 386; Respiration, 386; Circulation, 387; Nervous System, 388; Excretory, 388; Reproduction and Life Cycle, 388; Economic Relations of the Phylum, 391. CONTENTS 15 PAGE CHAPTER XXII The Crayfish, a Crustacean Arthopod __________ 393 Classification, 393; Habitat and Behavior of Cra\iish, 396; Ex- ternal Structure, 396; Internal Structure, 400; Metabolism, 406; Eeproduction, 407; Regeneration and Autotomy, 409; Economic Re- lations, 410; Characterization of Other Crustacea, 410; Recapitula- tion Theory or Biogenetic Law, 413; Phylogenetic Advances of Arthropoda, 414. CHAPTER XXIII The Locust, a Representative of Insects (By Vasco M. Tanner) _ 415 CHAPTER XXIV Animal Parasitism (By Sewell H. Hopkins; ________ 428 Social Relations of Animals, 428; Origin of Parasitism, 429; De- grees of Parasitism, 429; The Successful Parasite, 430; Means of Infection and Transmission, 433; Parasitism and Host Specificity, 434; Parasites and the Groups in the Animal Kingdom, 435; Some Representative Parasites, 440. CHAPTER XXV The Animal and Its Environment (By A. O. Weese) ______ .457 The Principal Biotic Formations, 462; Adaptation, 465; Succes- sion, 465; Animal Populations, 468; Seasonal Changes, 470; Sum- mary, 471. CHAPTER XXVI Animal Distribution (By Willis Hewatt) _________ 472 Life Regions and Zones of the Earth, 472; Migration of Animals, 477; Means of Dispersal and Barriers, 478; Effects of Man Upon Distribution, 479. CHAPTER XXVII The Theory of Evolution ______________ 480 Colony Formation in Certain Protozoa, 482; Development of the Gastrula, 482; Trochophore Larva, 482; Peripatus and the Worm- like Ancestry of Arthropoda, 483; Echinoderms and Their Larval Relations, 483; Ancestry of the Vertebrates, 484; Basis for the Theory of Evolution, 488. GLOSSARY Glossary ____________________ 510 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY CHAPTER I INTEODUCTION The question, What is Life? is the greatest riddle in the biological world. The term life is an abstraction with no objective reality ex- cept as it is a phenomenon related to the activities of living units. The following statement has been given and is probably as nearly a definition as can be found : Life is a continuous series of reactions in a complexly organized substance, by means of which the organi- zation tends to adjust itself to a constantly varying environment. Numerous attributes of living material may be given. Living mate- rial has the ability to carry on active chemical reactions without losing its body form. It is responsive to changes in the environ- mental conditions; therefore, it is said to be adaptive. Living mate- rial is able to sustain and reproduce itself under favorable conditions. Biology is a word derived from two Greek words, Mos, life, and logos, discourse, and is the name universally applied to the study of living organisms and life processes. Since living things fall largely into two general categories, plants and animals, such a study deals with the forms and phenomena exhibited by both. Nature is ever inviting investigation; her forces are in constant operation about us, but she hides the truth. The biologist looks upon himself as a seeker after truth, as one striving to get a glimpse into the mysteries of life. As he succeeds in obtaining these glimpses, he soon realizes the existence of certain fundamental features common to the structure and function of all living forms. He soon recognizes the oneness of all life, and himself as a part of one great organic system, each unit of which has some relation to the whole. A biological concept may rest upon observations, which may be changed from day to day by the discovery of new facts, but the biologist, like the chemist or physicist, is justified in holding to a theory or hypothesis as long as it provides a true working basis for further investigation. '^Trained and organized common sense" was the definition of science given by Thomas H. Huxley, an eminent English biologist 17 18 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY who lived from 1825 to 1895. That was his way of saying that scientific knowledge is simply an extension and organization of the knowledge based upon common observation and experiment con- cerning the facts of nature. Facts are indispensable building stones of science. Facts must be gleaned from careful observations and experiments which have been rigidly checked and will yield iden- tical results with frequent repetition and by numerous observers. Fig:. 1. — Divisions of study in the field of biology. Science lays its foundation on accurate observations and depends on the ability of the senses to reveal the truth. Established facts represent truth, and the scientist respects truth while to him tradi- tion or mere opinion counts for little as such. Science is, therefore, a changing, increasing body of knowledge which is ever becoming more thoroughly established. INTRODUCTION' 19 Zoology, a Biological Science The name, zoology, which is derived from the Greek words zoos, animal, and logos, discourse on, refers to the study or science of animals. The natural sciences, as distinguished from the social sciences, are conveniently divided into two groups: the physical sciences, such as chemistry, physics, and astronomy, which deal with nonliving bodies; and the biological sciences, such as botany and zoology, which are concerned with living organisms. Zoology and botany together constitute the science of biology. The expression animal biology is often used as a synonym for zoology. A person who specializes in the study of zoology is known as a zoologist. There was at one time an erroneous popular impression that zoologists were simply '* bug-hunters." This conception of the field has been greatly expanded until now it is considered one of the valuable and serious fields of science. The Subdivisions of Zoology Zoology as one of the divisions of the general field of biological science is such a broad field that it is necessary to subdivide it into several subdivisions for convenience in study. It has been a rela- tively short time since all of the know^n biology, geology, and re- lated subjects were studied under the head of natural history. But now the subject matter of zoology alone has grown to such mag- nitude that it has become necessary to divide it into numerous special fields. These subdivisions may be summarized as follows: 1. Morphology is the study of the form and structure of the bodies of animals. It is one of the older fields, and is further divided into several branches. A. Gross anatomy, which literally means cutting up, includes all that may be studied of form and structure of bodies by dissecting them. Human anatomy, which is one of the fundamental subjects of study in the preparation of the medical student, is usually separated from comparative anatomy. The dissection, observation, and study of the parts, form, and relationship of parts of the digestive system of the cat would be a good example of anatomical study. B. Histology or Microscopic Anatomy, is a study of the microscopic structure of the various parts of the animal body. The histologist studies the relationship and arrangement of the cells as they cooper- ate to comprise the substance of the organism. 20 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY C. Cytology is the study of the minute structure of the cells which, we will learn, are the units of structure of all living matter. This field of study has yielded many fundamental concepts of the factors involved in the living process. 2. Taxonomy is the subdivision which deals with the classifica- tion or orderly arrangement of organisms according to their natural relationships. This field is often spoken of as systematic zoology. The number of described species of animals as given by different authorities ranges from 840,000 to well over a million. One well- known writer says there are probably no less than 2,000,000 species of living animals Besides these, there are large numbers of extinct forms. It can readily be seen that a system for putting these large numbers of different kinds of animals into a known order is one of the first prerequisites for dealing with them. On a much smaller scale, the department store is systematized for some of the same reasons. One can see that it would be next to impossible to do business if a company were to provide a large floor space, go out and buy the thousands of different kinds of articles that are handled by a department store, and just throw all of them on its floors at random. The relationships of animals are discovered from similarity of structure, from facts of distribution, from embryological similari- ties, and many other comparisons. A group in which the members are very closely related is likely to be comparatively small. These groups are ranked together according to evident relationships. Zoologists recognize a number of large divisions of the animal king- dom based on certain general characteristics. Each of these divi- sions is known as a phylum and is divided into classes, each class is divided into orders, each order into families, each family into genera, and each genus into species. Taking the classification of man as an example we have : Phylum: Chordata Subphylum : Vertebrata Class: Mammalia Order : Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: sapiens INTRODUCTION 21 The scientific name of man is written, Homo sapiens Linnaeus. Such a name is composed of the genus name and species name, and followed by the name of the person who wrote the first authorita- tive description of the particular species. This always gives a double name to a kind of animal, and for that reason it is the binomial system of nomenclature. This system was originated by Linnaeus. The names are in Latin instead of common vernacular because Latin is a constant and almost universal language. The common names would be almost certain to vary with each different language, but the Latinized form Homo sapiens Linn, is the same in Dutch as it is in English. 3. Physiology is the study of the functions of the various parts of the organism as well as its living process as a whole. It involves a consideration of metabolism, growth, reproduction, sensitivity, and adaptation. In this field is included the study of many special func- tions, such as digestion, circulation, respiration, excretion, glandular secretion, nervous activity, muscular contraction, and others. Many of the processes which occur in the developing embryo are also in- cluded here. Much of the present study referred to as cytology is physiological. Physiology, like morphology, is an old branch of zoology. Physiology depends upon an understanding of physics and chemistry on one hand, and anatomy on the other. 4. Pathology is the study of the abnormal structures and abnor- mal functioning of life processes. It is really the science of disease in all of its manifestations. 5. Embryology is a study of thfe origin and development of the individual and may be spoken of as ontogeny. It usually involves the changes occurring in the organism from the time of fertilization by the union of two cells, one derived from each parent, through the numerous cell divisions, growth, organization, and differentiation leading to the adult condition. 6. Genetics is the division which deals with the study of varia- tions, resemblances, and their inheritance from parent to offspring. Fairly definite laws governing this inheritance of qualities have been established by the geneticists. 7. Phylogeny is a study of the origin and relationships of the different groups and races of organisms. It is based on the results of studies of morphology, embryology, genetics, zoogeography, and paleontology. 22 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY 8. Ecology is a study of the relation of the organism to its en- vironment. Many adjustments in structure and function have been made by animals to bring them into harmony with the conditions of the environment. Such conditions as the relation of the organism to the medium in which it lives to temperature, to light, to food, to competition, to enemies, to mating, and many other factors, all be- come a part of an ecological study. 9. Zoogeography or geographical distribution of animals is con- cerned with the extent of the regions over which species are dis- tributed and the association of species in individual regions. It is concerned with the regions in which species exist and with the factors affecting their distribution. The regional distribution of an animal group is limited in part by the extent and relations of fa- vorable environmental conditions, but no species occupies all of the regions where environment would permit. The point of origin of the group may be cut off from other favorable regions by unsur- mountable obstacles. Conditions which prevent dispersal of animals from one area to another are known as harriers. Oceans, mountains, forests, deserts and land are all barriers to different types of ani- mals. The Starling, which originated in Europe, was not found in America until after it was introduced by man, and in recent years it is becoming a dominant bird. 10. Paleozoology is a study of the animals of the past as they are presented by their fossil remains. Parts of many of the ancient ani- mals are embedded and preserved in the sedimentary rocks. The relative age of the fossils is determined from the depth of the rock strata in which they are found. Many of the probable lines of de- scent of animals have been discovered by studies of the fossils. Much concerning the facts and the fate of extinct species has been learned through this field of study. Classification of the Animal Kingdom Few people realize the number of different kinds of existing ani- mals and their variation in size, structure, and habits of life. The estimated number of kinds is all the way from 1,000,000 to 10,000,- 000. To date, approximate!}^ 840,000 species have been named and described. The entire kingdom is divided into two subkingdoms: Protozoa, or all single-celled animals, and Metazoa, the many-celled animals. INTRODUCTION 23 The secondary groups are phyla, and they in turn are divided into classes. The principal groups subordinate to the class are order, family, genus, and species. Later in the book there is a chapter devoted to the classification of animals but the principal phyla are listed and briefly described here : Phylum Protozoa. — Individuals consist either of a single cell or of aggregates of cells, by each of which are performed all the essential functions of life. They are mostly microscopic in size and largely aquatic in habit. Some live in the ocean, some in fresh water, and still others as parasites in man and other animals. About 15,000 are known. Phylum Porifera (Sponges). — Mostly marine aquatic metazoans which live attached! The body is supported by fibrous, calcareous, or siliceous spicules, and the body wall is perforated by many pores. There are approximately 3,000 known species. Phylum Coelenterata (Jellyfish).— All are aquatic and most of them are marine. They possess radial symmetry, a single gastro- vascular cavity, and tentacles provided with stinging bodies, nemato- cysts. The described species number at least 4,500. Phylimi Ctenophora (Sea Walnuts or Comb Jellies).— Free swim- ming, delicate, marine animals that possess biradial symmetry. They are triploblastic and hermaphroditic. Less than one hundred species are known, and twenty-one of these are American. Phylum Platyhelminthes (Flatworms). — These are flat, unseg- mented, bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic worms. ''Flame cells" are characteristic excretory structures. These animals may be free- living or parasitic. Tapeworms, liver flukes, and the free-living, aquatic Planaria are commonly known. Approximately 6,500 species have been described. Phylum Nemathelminthes (Threadworms or Roundworms). — Un- segmented, bilaterally symmetrical, enlongated worms which possess both a mouth and an anus. Some are free-living, others are parasitic. The hookworm, ascaris, and the ''horsehair worm" are common rep- resentatives. About 3,500 species are known. Phylum Echinodermata. — Marine animals which have a spiny skin and the body wall usually supported with calcareous plates. They are radially symmetrical and have tube feet as organs of locomotion. The common representatives are starfishes, sea urchins, sea cucum- bers, and sea lilies. There are about 4,500 known living species. 24 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Phylum Annelida (Jointed worms). — This group is characterized by segmented body, well-developed body cavity, and nephridia as tubular excretory structures. They live in marine waters, fresh water, and in the soil. The earthworm and leech are well-known examples of the phylum. There are at least 4,500 known species. Phylum Arthropoda. — The group includes crayfishes, lobsters, crabs, centipedes, scorpions, and all insects. Their bodies are seg- mented, and they have segmented appendages. This is by far the largest single phylum. Some authors believe as many as 675,000 species belong to it. Phylum MoUusca. — Unsegmented animals that are usually en- closed in a calcareous shell. The single muscular ''foot" is a char- acteristic structure. Common forms include clams, snails, slugs, and octopuses. About 78,000 species have been recognized. Phylum Chordata. — Segmentally constructed animals with bilat- eral symmetry and an endoskeletal axis or notochord at some stage. Many of our best known animals belong here ; the phylum includes lampreys, sharks, bony fish, frogs, salamanders, alligators, snakes, turtles, rats, birds, horses, sheep, cows, monkeys, and men. Approx- imately 40,000 species have been described in the group. In addition to the above generally recognized phyla, there are several other more or less independent smaller but distinct groups. Most of these groups have certain of the wormlike characteristics. Many authors have dignified each of these as a phylum. They are : Nemertinea — nearly unsegmented, contractile, wormlike forms ; Tro- chelminthes — unsegmented and frequently similar to certain larval stages of annelids and molluscs, rotifers being typical; Bryozoa — colonial, marine, or fresh-water forms, of which there are about 1,750 known species; Brachiopoda — marine animals enclosed in a bivalve shell, the majority of which are fossil ; Phoronidea— sessile marine worms living in chitinous tubes in shallow water ; Chaetog- natha — marine, transparent, carnivorous worms of which Sagitta is an example; Sipunculoidea — unsegmented, elongated marine worms, living either free, in tubes, or in snail shells. A number of these are sometimes described under the phylum name Molluscoida. Balance in Nature The influence exerted by one animal or one group of animals on another can hardly be estimated until one of them leaves the pic- ture. In an established animal community which might be said to INTRODUCTION 25 m s c a; ■>-> ci I 03 0) bi 4-1 bO G o 0} n a C ■4-> M 3 Si V o o CM 01 (M o c P5 at 26 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY be balanced, all groups are held in bounds by their enemies. Bal- anced animal communities can be found the world over, and we are only beginning to get a notion of the extensive ramifications of the forces concerned in maintaining that balance. Quite clearly most animals live in a state of repression because relatively few of them become pests and overrun the country. About eighty-five years ago someone who had admired the remarkable spirit of the English sparrow in its native European home thought this hardy little bird would be a cheerful addition on this side of the Atlantic. Conse- quently, a few pairs were landed in Brooklyn. In the short years that have elapsed, this sparrow has proved so hardy and free of enemies here that it is now our dominant bird. The story of the rabbit in Australia is likewise an interesting example of the effect of balance or lack of it. Not many years ago Australia had no rabbits. It was hoped and intended by English immigrants there, that a few imported pairs of rabbits would in- crease sufficiently so that the old English sport of riding to the hounds might be developed in Australia. To the surprise and dis- may of these people, the rabbits flourished until now they are jeop- ardizing the enterprises of man. Again, we have an example of the effect of the natural agents of repression. The Japanese beetle which was recently introduced in the United States by accident has ravaged the vegetation in several eastern states and threatens other areas. When our investigators went to Japan to study the enemies of the beetle in an effort to find a means of control, they had to search for weeks to find a seriously infested area. So impressed are some biologists becoming with the potential danger of interfering with the natural balance, that even when some irritating pest is under discussion, whose extermination is easily possible, they will advise against it until all phases of the animal's existence are thoroughly investigated. To wipe out this form might remove the check on others that are still more obnoxious. Vital Relations of Animals and Plants , There are certain single-celled organisms that are claimed as ani- mals by zoologists and as plants by botanists. It is difficult to draw an absolutely clear-cut line of distinction. Of course, it is easy to recognize the extremes. Anyone holding a sunflower in one hand and a frog in the other has no difficulty in determining which is animal and which is plant. The distinctly typical animal forms INTRODUCTION 27 Intermedigte decotDposltion products Chlorophyll Sunl'iqbt \ ^uniu qreen plants Respiration \ formaldehyde Livmq ^f Carbohydrates , animals ^ p^ ^5^ (af^d proteins) / Dead orqanisms Pig, 3. — The carbon cycle as it occurs in living organisms. Bacterial decomposition Jn-yj/z^Q^ronfa') (jropn/c i^aoc/ frc/-e^/on fi.n/mho/} (COi) F^M^/on dfecej)^ a An/ma/ >)/ ^^^.fs .f ex. , Fig. 4. — The metabolic processes of plants and animals as well as the foo^ manufacturing process (photosynthesis). (Redrawn by permission from Wolcott. Animal Biology, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.) 28 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY depend on green plants for their organic food. It is derived either directly or indirectly from the process of photosynthesis carried on by green plants to manufacture starch which is stored in plant tissue. Green plants by effect of their chlorophyll (green pigment) >. c a o U w o > « V) u 0) a > O c ^ t. 'S lb 5 c; 8, o to S~J 3 o *h-> =5 <0 ^ J5 ^ ::*. •^ V^JV^fr ^ -rr^-'i. ^ V : VT^ "■ •* -. ' •-.-i^ y^^ : •'■Sv:-', -■^ -^^ y^ \J^ ^ ^^ •^ 0 c a 3 ^ ^ cii "3 ^0 3 •-t- C; Ij to o 1 c; C •^ o +. ^ c^ ^ 3 o u ■+-> ■fl cr ^ <0 to ^ .« ^ -5 k: k: < Levator— one that raises a part, such as the lower jaw. Depressor— one that lowers a part, such as the lower jaw. Kotator — one that rotates one part on another. C > O U CM O CC 0) /l ^ -%' ) m cd o Pi -t-'4-» fc.+J o 0) •" K +j 3 O m — C> C3 S O c! C d 0) oJ ^- 03 %se S" Ha Ch-T I Sh -'03 a, o o .^^-^^ 0) P fe The following table has been prepared to give a summary of pertinent information concerning the conspicuous superficial mus- cles of the rat: 118 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY w W Eh fa O W OS t3 >— I o l-H fa Oh O Eh O o Oi p) •i—s .a o (D Co o <» o Si CO •r-5 0) o l-H m > P^ o -(J o CO ;^H H r-l m ^'^ ^ <^ r- d s i^ s m a OJ " w tn +J O C) -t-i c3 CO P* =H '^H o o PQ^ o 'o S -P o ^ a C^ «H O o • rH ^4 O) -M CO o CO m GO CO a 1h t> CO o P «^ ill u-i — ^- CO rP m •r-( _Q p» CO s a cd ci «H «H O O ;-i t-< o o n3 !=! CO o Ph c6 o o CO O c— I -^ a -1-^ c^ «H O) o2 ^ a CO tH j_^ o O 00 Ph u o d 0} (D c3rT-( 3 '^r^ f^ .)i 'TS <^ 5 03 =! ^ a o O n3 Pi Fh O CO ■ r-l o3 ■ pH o o3 CO g a-g Oho bJD be Oi ^ ^ w o3 c3 |j3 CO CO o o o Ph o QJ 'TIS > CO rt Oj o3 o3 nzira o o CO ,p -t-s O 03 •r-j c3 o ;h O • rH O m 00 'IS CO O _ fin Oi 00 CO ^ u a a ^ Id pCj rid o o bX) bJO .r-C •!-! • rH 'pH o o .— ( r— I GO © PI id Ph m tu PI 03 CO OQ o3 a pi O Ph Ph ce 1— H c3 ;d CO (d Ph o o3 H-l • l-t C) u a w 0) o «H rt n • rH a Ph < GQ o3 ps o3 o o m O a o3 03 >^Ph o ,1-1 o3 CO ■— ! o _o3 00 25 ?^ CO CO > S t> > owe ^ ^ :^ GO Fh a P! en o O) c o3 Id CO «— I o3 • rH O ►-H O CO w P! a t-i (D Ph 0) (D «H O o3 • l-H o CO o3 00 00 o Ph 13 o3 tn O) id o 1— H o3 00 O a !d cr CO • ri X ^ o3 03 r— I a 2-^ t^j o3 CS3 P-i o3 I— H • rH X cS a m ^ 2 ^ Xi 2 «^ St: a PI o3 •rH O bJD-r: o bJD §as a 13 c3 g rt o3 ^1 ^ s '^ pj © o Jd ie ^ PI > <=> o ^H fH 03 .2 g © S P) Q^ -73 • rH o r-*H Ph • rH >< '73 PI 2 ^ *© 'S '^ w 3 Q o3 rt ^H «4-l 03 © "Mm o • fH o o3 o CO o3 X2 a I— I rt • rH to « ^ 4^ Id © o3 O 2 o © PI a *> g' © _g> CO ■^ CO i2 o3 0.^ c3 o Ph a © S-i o > © 13 CO • rH o CO r-l Pi o CO •rH o3 PJ o I — I CO • rH Id o3 '"' Ih •"* P © O p! O ph2 © li QOvJ rJ .rH SO <1> M ^3 ^ Ph 03 O -jH ^ S_, Pi ^H p^^ >• ;h ??.rP. ;-! CO ,-H H-^ >H §•2 i-l © © -M -♦J GO PI o • rH p^ O Pn Qj o c a a CO CO o o © © © © GO =3 • rH © Ph O © CO pl ■ rH Nl © Ph o3 (-1 -t-j O Pl Ph m GO >-< O "^3 CO a • rH 03 00 o3 H o I— t Eh a o ■73 c3 © ® © c3 © © •M OQ O rid © o r£d m RAT, A REPRESENTATIVE MAMMAL 119 m a O en CO in O o ft fl 03 72 O) 02 a o3 03 I— ( o •a o3 n3 f-i <^ a o3 '9 c^ c3 CO >^ o3 "2 M O <« en _2 ^ 03 t> =i o t> o ^ -M o PI a o O. S-i O o 03 o o a o id 03 a 2 s ® m 03 o3 a; -*^ P^ a a o3 o3 > ^ O Ti t-l o pp I— I rP o ■^ p. o3 '^ nd d .1-1 03 ^ •v 13 a Ph d .i-t IT) ^ d ri-i n^ d yj d rt 03 03 rP >^ a ■ pH Fh O o3 03 P^ a 1—1 ;4 03 -M a k4 03 o JP d o d d d o o 03 c^ o3 c^ i-i ^^ ^H ^( ,S O O O rrt Q 03 O ^ l-H 1— I I— ( 03 OOOP^ o3 d 03 03 P^ ^ o3 o 03 02 -fJ d <3J ^a l—H rt 05 r^ P. f-, "p Fh !h crt «H fO « O _ o3 nd -u (D d O) ^ =^ a ^u ^ ^ (M P. o3 o3 O) Ph d 03 ^ 03 O OJ 03 rj |a^ 03 03 bJO d o3 -Td d o3 o C3 o3 o3 d Ph o3 oi o 03 03 o O OJ > d i3 •So a nd d 0) o3 •1—5 -Td o3 d 03 Pi o3 o 03 o3 03 03 f-( -PH O -i-i >.^ o3 ^^ r::3 rP ^3 • r— I o d r— I bX) Td „ d d 2 03 d a> rd fH Pl ^^ ^^ d ^ C^ Td d o o • pH P^ 03 03 03 >>;^^d "XJ Td "^3 o d d d o o o o o o d o3 . . , , o P-l Pl Pl 03 O) Q 03 '^ «« "—I I— I e 03 C3 iTd 03 . d OJ a d .-^ a ^'^'^ nd Td dr^ d p d 9 o S o .?; <:a .pH O) 03 <1> ^ d ^ 03 03 « OJ 03 iTd rS 03 OJ :^ :^ o 03 nd 05 o Tl -tj O • pH a o o d !-i »t^ a Pl <^ 02 5 -M Pl nd d 02 "d 03 d o d bjoj:; d cr o 13 d 03 03 d •pH a o ,p 03 03 d O 03 P=^ « "o , o3 rt -Ci 2 r^ 05 05 O 2 03^^ rt 03 o3 o3 03 Ph P.bX)Sr5 9 d -|J 05 „, .g ^ 45 a s H PP 03 • I— ( p— 1 c3 • p— ( o Fh a "3 2 w "^ -p-l o3 d 03 •':! 05 P-l 05 03 Pl o3 o o O 03 d O) ^ 05 ^ S !^ '^ X ^ P^ '^ ti "Td O o3 'Tq bJD-p^ -PH Ph Ph Jh fH c3 o3 a d f~i o Td 02 _ d •^ o be ^ o xS^ Si o X 05 ^^^ Pm 03 • pH o3 a 13 05 o a o nd <1 a rP 03 ;i5 05 fH Q. a o3 (-1 o 120 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY be cn o SO be c3 CO 2^§ o fl Q^ M bD MM fl rt rt rt rSi ^^ m O) m tn QJ < >< a> O) ^P^;:^ CO m be bJD'S be r— ( *^ r— t «H ''H tH O O O u u u o o o .+J 4-3 -(-J o o o pi 13 3 -• O X -4J -U O O M o o ti «H «H 'rS O O ^ o en II CO be d d 1— I rd d ■^3 d d d d T3 o d ^ d d (— 1 d d d a d "4-1 o a a d a a o d d -t^.s.a d O I— I I— I I— I CO M O) !/J y; t>» t^ rd rd Ph P. a a CO CO • rH CO r— ( d • rH rQrc d d A pHCe ^ CD CO 'r^ ri-! ft d H-> a d d CO ^ o ri CJ a •rH rQ d d d PMO^f^ 1 CO o ?-( Q) r; d ■*"^d -H -rH >^H-^ ■73 d o « • rH Ph d d o Ph CO d --, o d d I— H d rP o r— I d a 0) «H Oi rd «H O CO 'T' d o «d "^ . Ph o O 03 d d ^d^ n3 cd d o «H d ^^ /*i •rH o ® ^ •d rrH ^ o d __ ^H T3 •rH rH r— 1 ^rs >, d n3 d d o • rH P. o d s a ro Cd t^ «H • rH d CQ k1 CO d a • rH d a en d a> +j d d d CO U o a «H DO Ph OJ O PQ o o 03 d d "H d O H-i CO '-j d a 00 d CO o d d rP a a • rH a a: CO • rH fH O a CO ^.-^ Ph 00 " d g tn d be d o i-H o d DO ;:: o • rH rH '^ rS • dS 0<1 CO d d be d a u o o d 13 13 <^ o tH fH d d CO >rH — H d tn d © d o fH 09 d • rH a d "-< O fH d-OrSS OOI'PH a d fH o fH o • rH fH a»- A. p«rma^ic. A. A. Fig-. 41. — Diagram of the arteries of the rat from ventral view. Blood Vessels.— The large artery leaving the left ventricle is the aorta, and it soon branches to supply the principal organs of the body. From its arch arise the innominate, left common carotid, and then 128 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY the left subclavian arteries. The innominate artery then divides quite shortly into the right commo7i carotid and the right subclavian arter- ies. The carotids supply the head and neck; the siibclavians supply External Ja^ulat V. -L . Aa\ \\ar>^ V. -L Subclavian V. Vcvtebral V. L. S up^r io r Vena Cava -R. Atrium -J- \/en1:ric\e Inte*-*©*" Vena Ca\^m ©'*> Wiac V. Fig. 42. — Diagram of the veins of the rat from ventral view. t Ihe shoulders and arms ; the aorta takes a mid-dorsal position and ex- tends the length of the trunk and tail. It is known as the dorsal aorta and from anterior to posterior it gives rise to the intercostal arteries to the ribs; phrenic artery to the diaphragm; celiac artery to the RAT, A REPRESENTATIVE MAMMAL 129 esophagus, stomach, duodenum, liver, pancreas and spleen; superior mesenteric artery to the pancreas, small intestine, cecum, and colon; infer'ior mesenteric artery to the colon and rectum; lumbar arteries, paired to the back; renal arteries, paired to the kidneys; and finally at the posterior, the division into the two common iliac arteries in the pelvic region. These each branch into external and internal iliac ar- teries and supply the pelvis and hind limbs. The aorta proceeds pos- teriorly as the caudal (coccygeal) artery to supply the tail. In the tissues of the organs over the body the arteries continue to branch and rebranch until their diameter becomes small enough to allow them to pass between individual cells. These minute vessels are called capillaries and while in them the blood exchanges oxygen and food material for carbon dioxide and excretory wastes from the cells of the tissues. After passing among the cells of an organ the capillaries converge to form small veins (venules), which join each other in forming the larger ones. The large veins joining the heart have already been mentioned. They are the postcava from the posterior and precavae from the an- terior. The single postcava is formed by the union of the caudal and the paired common iliacs in the pelvis. This vessel lies in the mid- dorsal line, receiving paired renal veins from the kidneys, genital veins from the gonads, and the suprarenal veins from suprarenal glands. At the level of the liver, hepatic veins join the postcava. Anterior to this it enters the right atrium. The blood in the stomach, intestines, pancreas, spleen is collected by the branches of the hepatic portal vein, which delivers the blood to the liver where it distributes through the special capillaries (sinusoids) and is collected by the hepatic veins. The precaval veins are formed one on each side by the subclavian veins from the forelimbs, the internal and external jugular veins from the head and neck, and the vertebral from the brain. The precavae, like the postcava, enter the right atrium of the heart bringing in the venous blood. Blood. — Generally speaking, thirty rats are approximately equal to one human metabolically. If this holds true in regard to the quantity of blood in the body of a rat, it has approximately 170 c.c. of blood since it is held that the human body carries between 5 and 6 liters. Blood is a scarlet substance composed of a fluid in which cells float. Its specific gravity is about 1.055. The liquid basis is called plasma, and the cells are known as corpuscles. Plasma con- 130 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY stitutes approximately 60 per cent of the volume of blood. It is itself about 90 per cent water and 10 per cent dissolved solids, chiefly proteins and salts. Sodium chloride is the most abundant salt here. Calcium and phosphorus salts are present in small proportions but, nevertheless, are very important. An interesting suggestion has even been made: that salts of the plasma are the same in kind and pro- portion as those which were present in the prehistoric sea. The primitive marine animals are thought to have had body fluids based on sea water. Their descendants seem to have carried this composition down through time. However, modern sea water has become about 3 times as concentrated. The plasma carries also carbon dioxide col- lected from tissues, hormones, and antibodies. The hormone materials serve to regulate the metabolism of different tissues over the body, and the antibodies bring about immunity to certain diseases. The corpuscles, or formed elements, as they are often called, are of two classes, the red corpuscles, or erythrocytes, and the white cor- puscles, or leucocytes. The red corpuscles are small, nonnucleated cells measuring about %2oo i^^ch across the face of each in man, and approximately the same in the rat. These cells contain hemoglobin, a red pigment, which is apparent in the mass but not evident in a single corpuscle. Single corpuscles have a greenish amber cast, and are in the shape of biconcave discs. There are about 5,000,000 red corpuscles in each cubic millimeter of blood in the male human (4,500,000 in female). This furnishes an idea of the number which may be present in the rat. Hemoglobin is capable of combining readily with oxygen in such a way that the oxygen may be given up easily to cells with lower oxygen content. Red cells, then, are the oxygen carriers of the blood. In adult animals these corpuscles are formed primarily in the red bone marrow. In earlier life the liver and spleen supplement this. The total surface area of all the red corpuscles in the body of a rat has been estimated as the equivalent of about 3 square rods. The leucocytes are nearly colorless in their natural condition. They are quite variable in size and shape. The majority of the white cells are of the amoeboid type and many have different types of granules in the cytoplasm. These cells are classified according to nuclear condition or shape, size of cell, and staining reaction of these cyto- plasmic granules. These serve the body in devouring foreign mate- rial, including bacteria. In this way they protect the animal's body against toxins and disease. RAT, A REPRESENTATIVE MAMMAL 131 Because of the presence of the substances fibrinogen (a protein), throiJihin, and calcium salts, in the blood, it clots upon exposure to air. The solid fibrous material formed in clotting is fibrin. The thin, watery straw-colored liquid which separates from the clot is sei^um. Lymphatic System. — As the blood passes through the tissues of the various organs, it loses a portion of its fluid base. This liquid which seeps from the capillaries is lymph and is collected in the Ijmiph spaces surrounding the cells in most tissues. It is quite simi- lar to plasma, and it distributes food and other necessities to the in- dividual cells and collects carbon dioxide and other waste products to be returned to the blood when it finally returns to it by way of the thoracic lymphatic duct and the subclavian veins. The thoracic duct, the largest in the body, lies in the dorsal part of the trunk between the dorsal aorta and the vertebral column. It receives the various Ijonphatic vessels. These vessels have ultimately been formed by the union of the lymph spaces between the cells in the tissues. Along the lymphatic vessels at certain points are glandular masses, the lymph glands or nodes. These bodies produce Ij^mphocytes, a type of white cell carried in the IjTnph and blood. In certain portions of the body these glands are abundant, as the inguinal (groin), axillary (armpit), popliteal (knee), cubital (elbow), tracheal, and submaxillary regions. Respiratory System In mammals the special organs of respiration are the lungs, wherein the carbon dioxide is taken from the blood and oxygen is taken from the air by the blood. The nasal passages lead through the nasopharynx to the pharjmx and from here through the glottis to the larynx (voice box), thence by trachea (windpipe) to the bronchi, and into the lungs. The air is warmed as it is passed through the nasal chambers and pharynx. The turbinated bones form extensive convolutions in the lining of the inner surface of the nasal chamber. The tear ducts lead from the eyes into the nasal chamber while the Eustachian (auditory) tubes lead from the middle ear into the naso-pharynx. Air passes from the pharynx, around the fingerlike epiglottis which guards the slitlike glottis lead- ing into the larynx or voice box. The epiglottis closes the entrance of the glottis only during swallowing in order that food or other material may not enter. The vocal cords are located on the inner wall 132 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY of the larynx. They appear as folds of the epithelial lining. The larynx which is similar to a small box continues into the tubular trachea or windpipe posteriorly. The presence of a number of C-shaped cartilages embedded in its wall prevents it from collapsing as air is drawn through. The trachea extends parallel to, and is in contact with, the ventral side of the esophagus. At the posterior end, it bifurcates to form two primary h7'onchi, each of which leads to a lung in which it is partially embedded. The left lung has but one lobe while the right has four, three of which may be seen from the ventral surface. Each lung is completely invested externally by a delicate, though tough, transparent serous membrane called the pleura. This mem- brane is continuous with the lining of the wall of the pleural cavity. The portion adherent to the surface of the lung is the visceral pleura, and the portion lining the inner surface of the body wall is the parietal pleura. Within the lungs the primary bronchi branch and continue to branch as secondary and tertiary bronchi, finally becom- ing small hronchioles which lead into the alveoli, or tiny terminal air sacs. Breathing is affected by increasing and decreasing the volume of the thoracic cavity. To do this the ribs are moved forward and spread by intercostal and other muscles, while the diaphragm which usually arches anteriorly is contracted to a flat position. As the chest cavity is thus enlarged, the internal pressure is reduced, and to bal- ance the pressure, air naturally rushes into the lungs from the out- side. When relaxed, the walls of the thorax and the diaphragm both return to their original positions and expel the air. Drawing air into the lungs is called inspiration, and discharging it is expiration. While the air is in the alveoli of the lungs, oxygen is absorbed from it by hemoglobin in the blood distributed in the capillaries of the pulmo- nary veins embedded just beneath the epithelium here. At the same time carbon dioxide is given up by the blood to the air. The pulmo- nary veins return the oxygenated blood to the heart for redistribution to all parts of the body. The Nervous System In the simple forms of life and in individual cells of the higher forms, the cell membrane is the area where vital reaction takes place. The two fundamental properties, irritability and conduc- tivity, operate to receive the stimuli and conduct the impulses in the KAT, A KKPRESENTATIVE MAMMAL 133 protoplasm. As nervous tissue develops, these properties are spe- cialized, and the efficiency of the organism increases as the awareness of the environment increases. The development of sense organs in- creases and enhances this awareness. Although animals without nerv- ous systems exhibit excitation, conduction, and to some extent cor- relation, these functions expand in range and power when the sense organs and nerve pathways become available. As complexity and range in the mechanism of the nervous system increase, centers of correlation arise for a more precise analysis of the excitation in order that an appropriate reaction will result. Thus, means is provided for the organism to relate itself better to the environment. The fundamental units of the nervous system consist of a sensory neuron and a motor neuron. The neuron (nerve cell with all of its processes) is the unit of structure in nervous systems, from the sim- plest to the most complex, even to include those of rats and men. Two or more neurons may be associated to function as a reflex arc, and this arc rather than the single neuron becomes the functional unit. In higher forms of vertebrate animals there is more and more organiza- tion and concentration of neurons which brings about increasing prominence of the brain portion of the system. In man, cerebral ac- tivity takes a dominant part in the functions of the entire system; however, there has been no loss of significance or extent of develop- ment and activities of the other parts. The entire system controls and coordinates the activities of the other parts of the body. The entire system of the rat and other higher vertebrates is usually divided into four general divisions: (1) central, including the brain and spinal cord; (2) peripheral nerves, including cranial and spinal nerves; (3) sense organs, as eyes, ears, tactile corpuscles, taste buds, and olfactory structures; and (4) autonomic (sympathetic), includ- ing the two trunks of ganglia. Central Nervous System. — The central portion of the system is tubular, having developed as a simple neural tube. This portion of the system is covered by three membranes called meninges. The outer tough membrane is the dura mater; beneath this is the delicate arachnoid layer ; and adhering to the surface of the nervous tissue is the vascular pia mater. The anterior region of this central portion is the brain. It is considerably broadened and thickened, presenting five divisions. From anterior to posterior these divisions are: tel- encephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon and mye- lencephalon. 134 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY The anterior division is the telencephalon, which includes the olfactory lobes and cerebrum. The former are paired lobes at the most anterior end. They are well developed and serve as centers of the sense of smell which is quite specialized in the rat. The cerebrum is divided longitudinally into two hemispheres one on each side of the dorsal median fissure. There are no deep furrows or convolutions in the surface of the cerebrum as is the case in the cat, man, or a number of other mammals. The cerebrum is relatively large and has spread until the two middle divisions of the brain have been covered by it. Between the two hemispheres is a broad band of fibers, the corpus callosum, which connects them. The fornix, anterior commis- sure, and posterior commissure are other bundles of nerve fibers con- necting the two hemispheres. Thus there is coordination of function in the two halves of the cerebrum. This division of the brain serves as the center of voluntary control, correlations, and many associations. The diencephalon or thalamus which is in the anterior portion of the brain stem and is covered by the cerebrum forms the principal connections between the cerebrum and other parts of the brain. In particular there is a relationship between the olfactory lobes and this part. The diencephalon is another important center of the sense of smell. The mesencephalon, or midbrain, is located just posterior to the preceding division and is also covered by the posterior portion of the cerebral hemispheres. On its dorsal side are located the corpora quadrigemina. There are four of these prominences, and they are homologous to the paired optic lobes of the frog and other simpler vertebrates. The ventral portion of the midbrain consists primarily of two large bundles of nerve fibers called the cerebral peduncles. The fibers of these make the numerous connections between the cere- brum and medulla, which in turn leads to the spinal cord. There are visual and auditory centers located in the midbrain. The cerebellum is the convoluted portion of the brain which ap- pears externally, just posterior to the posterior margins of the cere- bral hemispheres. Its position is just posterior to the midbrain also. Its median lobe is the vermis, and at the sides of this are the right and left hemispheres. The large bundles of fibers extending to the ventral side of the brain at this level constitute the pons and repre- sent the only portion of the cerebellum to appear on the ventral side. This division of the brain serves as a center of coordinated movement and is particularly associated with balance. RAT, A REPRESENTATIVE MAMMAL 135 ^ fix c « ^W >—. Is o^ °c o t-. ^1 0) rO = d a tn =1-1 ^ o o c > M I— ( 03 > O • (—( o US or umogast o nd o ^ O (—4 DC (D o pQ d ;3 03 a o <1 Ph <^ o >fii < M > • 1— 1 M > M h- 1 1— 1 > M M • X! o3 O 'bJD o ><1 RAT, A REPRESENTATIVE MAMMAL 139 A summary of pertinent information concerning this group of nerves is organized into the accompanying table. The paired spinal nerves are connected to the spinal cord by a dorsal (sensory) root and a ventral (motor) root. The former trans- mits impulses to the cord, and the latter consists of fibers carrying motor impulses away from the cord. A small ganglion is located in each dorsal root. The two roots forming each nerve join each other while still within the neural canal of the vertebral column, and the nerve then emerges through the intervertebral foramen of that level. Immediately outside the intervertebral foramen each nerve gives off a dorsal branch (ramus) to the muscles of the back, the main ventral branch, and a small connecting bundle (ramus communicans) to the autonomic system. In general, a pair of spinal nerves leaves the spinal cord at each meeting of adjacent vertebrae for most of the length of the vertebral column. In certain regions these nerves anas- tomose (join in a network), forming plexuses. In the neck region is the cervical plexus; in the region of the shoulder and forelimb, the brachial plexus; in the region of the loins, the lumbar plexus; and in the region of the sacrum, the sacral plexus. Sense Orguns. — The organs of sense, or receptors, and specialized peripheral endings of the sensory nerves, are constructed to be par- ticularly efficient in receiving a certain type of stimuli. The eyes, ears, olfactory membrane of the nose, taste buds, pressure and tactile corpuscles are all endings of this kind. The stimuli for the eye are in the form of light waves ; those of the ear are ether vibra- tions ; those of taste and smell are chemical ; and those of touch are pressure and contact. These organs and their function will be dis- cussed in the chapter on Physiology. Autonomic Nervous System. — The mere sight of food to a hungry person causes the flow of both saliva and gastric juice. This activ- ity occurs without conscious control and is one of the multitude of examples of the functioning of the autonomic portion of the nervous system. The principal parts composing this system include two trunks or chains of ganglia, one at each side of the vertebral column on the dorsal wall of the coelome. The anterior extremity of each trunk is the superior cervical ganglion near the angle of the jaw and covered by the submaxillary gland. In each trunk there are cervical (or cranial) ganglia with fibers extending to the ciliary body in the eye, salivary glands, heart, bronchi, stomach, intestines, 140 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY liver, pancreas, kidneys, and spleen; thoracicolumhar ganglia with fibers to muscles of hairs, skin arterioles, eye, viscera, blood vessels, and certain urogenital structures; sacral ganglia with fibers to ex- ternal genital organs, urinary bladder and large intestine. Auto- nomic impulses either stimulate or inhibit action in the organs sup- plied. Each autonomic ganglion is connected to the nerve of its level by a band of fibers called the ramus communicans. Excretory System The principal organs constituting this system are a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, a single bladder and a single urethra. These organs relieve the blood of urea, various salts, excess water, etc., and discharge these substances from the body as urine. The kidneys are bean-shaped structures located dorsal to the peri- toneum in the lumbar region of the trunk. The two kidneys are not exactly opposite each other on the two sides of the midline, the left one being about a half a length more posterior. At the medial side of each kidney is a depression called the liilum where the renal blood vessels and ureter join it. The ureters are tubules leading, one from each kidney, to the urinary bladder. The internal struc- ture of the kidney consists of a more peripheral or outer layer, the cortex, which lies just internal to the capsule, and the inner medullary portion. The cortex contains the Malpighian corpuscles which are essential structures in receiving urine from the blood. The medul- lary portion is composed largely of tubules. These tubules converge in the papillae which lead to the sinus in the hilum. Here the papillae empty into the widened end of the ureter, which fills the renal sinus and is called the renal pelvis. The Malpighian (renal) corpuscle is composed of the inverted, swollen end of a uriniferous tubule and a mass of blood capillaries enclosed by it. The former is known as Bowman's capsule and the knot of capillaries enfolded by it is the glomei^ulus. The urinary bladder is a thin-walled oblong sac in the posterior portion of the abdominal cavity. It receives the urine from the ureters. The narrowed neck which continues from it to the exterior is named the urethra. The urethra becomes tubular, and in the male extends through the penis to its tip, serving both excretory and reproductive functions through most of its length. In the RAT, A REPRESENTATIVE MAMMAL 141 female it is strictly excretory and its aperture is near the clitoris. In passing from the blood to the exterior, urine would follow about the following course: glomerulus, Bowman's capsule, uriniferous tubule, collecting tubule, papilla, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary blad- der, urethra to the external orifice. The urine which is excreted uTeT'ine uTerus uTeteT bladdcT" uTethra--' vaaina--- TecTum- anus— - diabhiagm infeTioT vena cava su[DTaTena! kidneu ureteT ovaTLj with follicles; oviduct ovaiian aiteTu- TecTum Fig. 44.— Female urinogenital system of the rat, ventral view. (From Greene. ^natomy of the Rat, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, Vol. XXVII, 1935.) 142 ESSENTIALS OP ZOOLOGY carries excess nitrogenous materials and must be eliminated. These wastes are principally in the form of urea, uric acid, and creatinin in water solution. The passage of urine from the blood to the uriniferous tubules is a complex process combining secretory activ- ity and osmosis. The kidneys of the rat, all other mammals, birds, and reptiles be- long to the type known as metanephros or true kidney. Fishes and amphibians in adult form have a different kidney structure, called mesonephros. The higher vertebrates possess this as an embryonic structure also. Reproductive System In the early stages of the development of the individual the organs of sex show no indication as to its future sex. The gonads and ex- ternal genitalia of both sexes are similar up to a certain point, and both sets of accessory tubules develop in each individual. At a certain stage in the development of the individual the sex becomes established. The gonads take on characteristics of either ovaries or testes, one set of accessory ducts is accelerated in development while the other is inhibited, and there is a modification in the developing external genitalia in keeping with the sex to be. The manner in which this differentiation occurs is shown in the following table : INDIFFERENT EMBRYONIC CONDITION MATURE MALE MATURE FEMALE Primitive genital gland Testis Ovary Mesonephros Epididymis Epoophoron Paradidymis Paroophoron Mesonephric duct Vas Deferens Disappears Miillerian duct Vestigial appendix of Oviduct, uterus, and testis vagina The principal function of this system is the production of germ cells (sex cells or gametes). Female germ cells are produced in the ovaries and are called ova. The male germ cells are produced in the testes and are called spermatozoa. The Female Reproductive Organs. — Included under this title are external genitalia, two ovaries, pair of oviducts (Fallopian tubes), uterus, and vagina. The external structures are in the perineal region just ventral to the anus. The diminutive clitoris is a fold of tissue here which is terminated by the glans clitoris. The clitoris RAT, A REPRESENTATIVE MAMMAL 143 is homologous to the penis of the male and is similarly erectile tissue which becomes engorged with blood during sexual excitement. The vaginal orifice is immediately ventral to the anus and the urinary aper^ture just ventral to this, being at the base of the clitoris. Internally, the ovaries are located in the pelvic portion of the ab- domen. They are small and flattened. The mesentery which sup- ports each ovary is the mesovarium. The oviducts are rather slender and less than an inch in length. The mouth of each oviduct is near the ovary of that side and is called the ostium. It is funnel-shaped and has a row of fingerlike fimbria around its margin. From this, the tube extends to the horn of the uterus. There is no direct con- nection between the ovary and oviduct, but the ostium usually covers the side of the ovary through which a mature ovum is to rupture in order that the germ cell will be received by the oviduct. In this animal there are two horns to the uterus^ each receiving an oviduct. These horns converge and almost immediately join the vagina which leads to the exterior. Embryos develop in the horns of the uterus. In summary, the germ cells are produced in the ovary, are freed by rupture through its wall, are received by the ostium of the oviduct, are moved through the oviduct (fertilized here, if fertilized) to the horn of the uterus where the fertilized ovum (zygote) becomes implanted and a placenta is formed. If not fertilized, the ovum passes from the uterus to the vagina and out by way of vaginal orifice. The vagina receives the penis during copulation (sexual act), and the spermatozoa are discharged from the penis here. Male Reproductive Organs. — Included here are the penis, scrotum, testes, epididymis, vasa deferentia, seminal vesicle, urethra, prostate glands, and Cowper's glands. The penis is composed of erectile tissue and covered by the integument. The erectile tissue is en- gorged with blood during sexual excitement and causes the organ to become enlarged and rigid. The parts of the penis are the hase or bulb at the proximal end, the body, and the glans or head at the distal end. The prepuce is the loose skin which covers the glans. The scrotum is a prominent sac in the perineal region of the male. Internally it is divided into two pouches which are strictly out- pushings of the coelomic cavity in that the peritoneum continues through each inguinal canal to line each of these pouches. The testes descend from the abdomen to the scrotum during breeding 144 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY season and are again withdrawn following it. The testes are oval in shape, being about twice as long as broad. In large fully matured rats the testis may be two centimeters in length. Associated with the testes, in the composition of what is often called the testicle, supraienal mbaT eTer Inteinal^l^eTmatic common iliac [)T06Tat fjTosTale buiDocaveinosus bulbouT TecTun JDididnmal -TesTiGuIar Ljrn[)hL|5i5 bubi6 cabuT ebidi'dumis Testis ductus dejeiens COT bus ebididumis ij^ididy mis Fig 45. — Lateral view of a dissection showing male urinogenital system of the rat (From Greene, Anatomy of the Rat, Transactions of the American Philosoph- ical Society, New Series, Vol. XXVII, 1935.) is the tubular epididymis. The testis is the reproductive gland. It is composed of seminiferous tubules and interstitial tissue. Sperma- tozoa are shed from the inner surface of these tubules where they RAT, A REPRESENTATIVE MAMMAL 145 mature. With a microscope it is possible to study the different stages of spermatogenesis in the epithelial walls of these tubules. The spermatozoa of the rat are somewhat the shape of diminutive harpoons with a head, middle piece, and tail. The vas deferens leaves the scrotum along with the nerve, artery, and vein as the spermatic cord. It passes through the inguinal canal, then looping anteriorly and dorsally, to pass dorsal to the ureter and return posteriorly to join the urethra (tube from bladder to exterior). The seminal vesicle (vesicular gland) is a conspicuous sac which joins the vas deferens near its point of entrance into the urethra. The seminal vesicle probably does not store spermatozoa in the rat but is thought to produce an alkaline solution which is mixed with the sperm. Partially surrounding the urethra at this point and also on the ventral side of the urinary bladder is the prostate gland. Both parts of this gland empty into the urethra. It has been suggested that their secretion assists in the locomotion of spermatozoa as well as their nourishment in rodents. The urethra leads on through the length of the penis as a common excretory and reproductive canal and ends in a slit in the end of the glans. Rats are sexually mature at two or three months of age. Ovulation (discharge of mature ova from the ovary) occurs at intervals of about three weeks after maturity in the female, except during preg- nancy. This continues until the age of 15-18 months, when ovulation ceases. The stoppage of sexual activity at this time is known as menopause. References Adams, L. A.: An Introduction to the Vertebrates (Chap, on Mammals), New- York, 1938, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Greene, Eunice C. : Anatomy of the Eat, Transactions of the American Philo- sophical Society, New Series, Vol. XXVII, 1935, Philadelphia. Hunt, H. R. : Laboratory Manual of the x\natomy of the Eat, New York, 1924, The Macmillan Company. Metcalf, Z. P.: An Introduction to Zoology, Springfield, 111., 1932, Charles C. Thomas. Stuart, Eichard E.: Anatomv of White Eat, Chicago, 1947, Denoyer-Geppert Co. CHAPTER VII CHOBDATES IN GENERAL Phylum Chordata (kor da' ta, cord) is made up of the group of animals which includes man himself and in general the more con- spicuous, better known animals. There is a rather wide range of variation as to form and size in the group. It includes minute sessile forms, small colonial forms, mud-burrowing forms, and on up to the largest and most complex of living animals. Characteristics All individuals classified in the phylum possess three distinctive characteristics that are most conspicuous in certain primitive forms. The three features clearly distinguish the phylum from all others and bind together individuals which are widely separated in appear- ance but characterized by certain traits peculiar to this group alone. These three characteristics are: (1) notochord, a flexible rod ex- tending from anterior to posterior in the longitudinal axis of the body, lying dorsal to the digestive tube and ventral to the nerve cord ; (2) pharyngeal clefts or gills, a series of- paired slits in the wall of the pharynx and in the body wall of some; (3) dorsally located tuhulai^ nerve cord, extending the length of the body dorsal to the notochord and other organs. The notochord serves as a stiffening rod and is the foundation axis for the endoskeleton. It is present as such at some time during the life of every chordate animal. In the adult vertebrate it is replaced by the centra of the vertebrae. The gill clefts are present at some time in the life of all individuals placed in this phylum. Although the gills become modified to form other structures in the adult terrestrial chordates including man, they have had rather typical ones as em- bryos. The pharyngeal clefts or gills provide a more effective mode of respiration for aquatic animals than that used by most non- chordates because the gills are thus interposed directly in the course of the circulation, and the entire blood supply of the body passes through them. The central nervous system is derived from the ectoderm along the middorsal line of the embryo, first as a plate, then as a groove, and finally a tube which results in the spinal cord and brain. In higher forms the anterior end of the tube be- 146 CHORDATES IN GENERAL 147 comes expanded and modified to form the brain. The continuous tubular nerve cord is at the apex* of the development of centraliza- tion in the nervous system, and allows for an increase in number of nerve cells, increased accessibility, and more intimate association of ganglionic masses to furnish better coordination. These are all advances in both structure and function when compared with other groups. The chordates possess segmentation (metamerism), but it is progressively obscure as one proceeds from simpler to more com- plex forms. There is a tendency toward fusion of metameres and shifting of superficial muscles. The internal skeleton of this group compared with the external one of others to be studied does not give as great a leverage for the muscles, but it greatly increases the mechan- ical freedom allowed and this is a distinct advantage as well as an advance in structure. Classification There are approximately 40,000 different species in this phylum which is divided into four established subphyla as follows : Hemichorda (hem i kor' da, half cord) or sometimes known as En- teropneusta (en ter op nus' ta) includes order Balanoglossida with its four families, ten genera and twenty-eight species, and order Cephalodiscida with its two genera C ephalodiscus and Rhahdopleura. These are all small wormlike animals. TJrochorda (u ro kor' da, tail cord), or Tunicata (tu ni ka' t^) includes the tunicates, all of which are marine and mostly small. Adults show a high degree of degeneration so it is the larvae only that exhibit distinctive characteristics of the phylum. Molgida, Cynthia, Appendicularia, and Salpa are examples. Cephalochorda (sef a 16 kor' da, head cord) includes approximately twenty-eight different species of marine, shore-loving, fishlike forms of which Amphioxus (Branchiostonia lanceolatus) is the most common representative. Vertebrata (ver te bra' ta, jointed) animals with backbone — frog, man. These are the larger, more conspicuous animals. In most recent classifications this subphylum is divided into seven classes ; however, the second is sometimes found as a subclass under the third. These classes are as follows: Cyclostomata (si klo sto' ma ta, circle and mouth). Round-mouthed fish with only median fins, unsegmented notochord, and jawless. Lampreys and Hagfish. 148 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Elasmobranchii (e las mo bran' ki I, metal plate and gills). Fish with jaws, cartilaginous skeleton, persistent notochord, and placoid scales. Sharks, Rays, and Chimaeras. Pisces (Pis' es, fishes). True fish with bony skeleton, gill respira- tion, with jaws and paired lateral fins. Catfish, Perch, Bass. Amphibia (am fib' i a, both lives). Cold-blooded, nonscaled aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates with five-fingered, paired appendages. Most of them breathe by gills in the larval stage and by lungs in the adult. Toads, Frogs, and Salamanders. Reptilia (rep til' i a), crawling). Cold-blooded forms which are fundamentally terrestrial, usually possessing a scaly skin and breath- ing by lungs. Turtles, Lizards, Snakes, and Crocodiles. Aves (a'vez, birds). Warm-blooded, erect forms possessing feath- ers. The forelimbs have become wings. All birds. Mammalia (ma ma' li a, mammary or breast). Warm-blooded ver- tebrates with hair and with mammary glands for suckling the young. Cats, Men, Monkeys, W^hales, Seals, Bats, etc. Phylogenetic Advances of Chordata (1) Notochord and endoskeleton, (2) pectoral and pelvic girdles with limbs, (3) development of dor sally located nerve cord with anterior brain, (4) development of five senses, (5) pharyngeal gills and lungs for respiration, (6) voice production, (7) specialization and coordination of muscles. Protochordata (lower chordates). Until relatively recent years the two subphyla, Hemichorda and Urochorda, were not classified as Chordata ; the former was with Annelida and the latter was inde- pendent. With the exception of the value as biological specimens and the use of amphioxus as food by Chinese, this group is of no economic importance. Subphylum Hemichorda Dolichoglossus, kowalevskii is the common example studied. It is a wormlike animal which burrows into the mud and sand along the seashore. They range from 6 to 10 inches in length. Others of the genus may be as short as one inch or still others as long as four feet. The three portions of the body are proboscis, a ringlike collar, and a segmented trunk. The proboscis, as well as the collar, is hollow and serves as a water chamber. The cavity of the proboscis is filled CHORDATES IN GENERAL 149 with water which is drawn in and expelled through a proboscis pore or vent located on its dorsal side and just anterior to the collar. Sup- porting the base of the proboscis is a short skeletal process which is stiff and extends anteriorly from the roof of the mouth region and assists in burrowing. This process, called the diverticulum, is usually referred to as the rudimentary notochord. However, it is very poorly developed and in a peculiar position. Nevertheless, it has the rela- tionship to the digestive tube which is characteristic in the embry- onic development of the notochord for certain higher chordates. Fig. 46. — External features of Dolichoglossus kowalevskii. Geppert Company.) (Courtesy of Denoyer- Apical plate Mouth [V Proboscis ix :'/ coelum Anus Fig. 47. — Tornaria larva of Hemichorda. (From Hegner, Collerje Zoology, The Macinillan Company, after Metchnikoff. ) The mouth opens on the ventral side just anterior to the collar and leads into the straight alimentary canal which extends to the pos- terior end of the body and ends in the anus. Like the earthworm, this animal utilizes the mud in which it lives for food, absorbing the organic matter from it as nutriment. Balanoglossus has numer- ous paired gill slits, located in the lateral walls of the anterior (sup- posedly pharyngeal) position of the digestive tube. In some of the other representatives the gills are much reduced in numbers or are lacking. Where gills are present, water is passed through them for 150 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY respiratory purposes, oxygen being absorbed and carbon dioxide be- ing discharged from the blood here. There is no differentiation of a distinct pharynx. The nervous system is composed of a dorsal cord which is tubular in the region of the collar and extends the length of the trunk, a more or less concentrated center of nerve cells in the collar, and a ventral cord running longitudinally on the floor of the trunk. The ventral cord certainly is not a chordate characteristic, but the domi- nance and hollow structure of the anterior portion of the dorsal one represent features which are homologous to the central nervous system of higher chordates. These animals are dioecious, with gonads in the form of a genital ridge extending lengthwise along each side of the anterior portion of the trunk. The mature germ cells escape through the body wall, are fertilized in the water, hatch out and become tornaria larvae, which are globular in shape and form a pattern of ciliated bands over the body. In this respect and in habit of life these larvae re- semble the larvae of the echinoderms. On this basis a theoretical relationship has been proposed. Until relatively recent times this larva was mistaken for a form of adult nonchordate animal and went under the genus name of Tornaria. Balanoglossus and other representatives of its subphylum, though lacking in complete conformity to chordate characteristics, are classi- fied here because of the diverticulum supposedly representing a imdi- mentary notochord, the gill clefts in the alimentary canal, and the dominance and grooved structure of the dorsal nerve cord. Subphylum Urochorda, Molg^la Subphylum Urochorda includes a number of common represen- tative marine forms, such as Salpa, Cynthia, Ciona, Clavelina, As- cidia, and Molgula. The latter genus represented by M. manhattensis will be given particular consideration here. This animal is commonly known as sea lemon, sea peach, or sea squirt. The body of the adult is saclike and averages about one inch in diameter. In this condition it would be an outcast among chordates because as an adult it has no notochord, and no dorsally located, tubular nerve cord. How- ever, it does present pharyngeal gill slits. M It is saved to the chordates by the presence of all three of the characteristic features in the larval stage. The larva is free-swim- ming and shaped like a tadpole, while the adult is globular and sessile CHORDATES IN GENERAL 151 in most of the common forms. Some are brilliantly tinted with color. The adult is covered externally by a cellulose coat or tunic (test), which is secreted by the cells of the underlying mantle. Inside the mantle is the extensive atrial cavity. On the dorsal (unattached) side of the body are two funnellike siphons. The anterior one is the branchial siphon (oral funnel or incurrent siphon or mouth) and the other is the atrial siphon (atrial funnel, excurrent siphon, or atrio- pore). When the tunic of Molgula is removed, one may see most of the internal organs through the transparent mantle. These animals are hermaphroditic or monoecious. Each has two compound sets of gonads, one on the left side in the loop of the intestine and the other on the right side of the body. Some of the Incurrent siphon Excurrent siphon II Mantle Tunic r¥\ Qonqlion -Anus -^^ Genital duct ^'%--- Ovary T^\~~ 0\qestive glands " — tsophaqus — -\ntest\m - -^stomach — branchial fold - - Endostyfe - /Atrium - - Phar^r)K Fig. 48. — Diagram of Molgula manhattensis from the left side to show the struc- ture with the courses of water and food indicated by arrows. sessile tunicates, as Molgula, reproduce by budding. The life history of the tunicate is one of interest. ^Cross-fertilization is the rule; that is, spermatozoa from one individual usually fertilize ova from another; however, there may be exceptions to this. The fertilization occurs in the water outside the body. The eggs hatch to produce larvae somewhat similar to amphibian tadpoles which are free-swim- ming. The larva possesses the typical notochord, gills, and nerve cord of Chordata. For some reason it then settles on the bottom and attaches itself by adhesive papillae located in the anteroventral position. Some authors express it by saying this larva settles on its 152 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY *'chin. " It now undergoes regressive changes involving loss of tail, notochord, and posterior portion of nerve cord. The anterior por- tion of the cord becomes a simple ganglion. The paired eyes and otocysts (ear structures) also disappear. This process of meta- morphosis has caused an active respectable chordate to become a lazy, stationary form which is not much more than a water-bag whose level of development has degenerated almost to that of a sponge. In a few instances tunicates reproduce one generation sexually, and the next is produced by budding (asexually). This alternation of generation is another retrogressive feature. Subphylum Cephalochorda, Amphioxus There are usually listed twenty-eight species in this group which are rather locally distributed over the world. There are four species on American shores : Branchiostoma virginiae, B. floridae, B. hermu- dae, and B. calif orniense. Amphioxus or the lancelet, Branchiostoma lanceolatus, the European form, is an admirable representative of the subphylum and has become classical in its use. However, it is likely that B. virginiae or B. floridae is more commonly studied in the United States. It is a small, fishlike, marine animal whose aver- age adult length is about two or three inches. In its adult form it represents clearly the distinctive characteristics of the phylum in a simple condition. It is usually referred to as a close ancestral rela- tive of the Vertebrata. Habitat. — It is found in shore water and on the sandy beaches of the subtropical and tropical portions of the world. These animals are found along our Atlantic Coast as far north as Chesapeake Bay, at certain points in the Gulf of Mexico, and on the southern Pacific Coast. They may be found along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the Indian Ocean, and along the southern coasts of China. Habits and Behavior. — It burrows rapidly, head first, in the sand by means of a vibratory action of the entire body, but comes to rest with the anterior end exposed to the water. At' times, partic- ularly at night and during breeding season, the animal leaves the burrow and swims about like a fish by means of lateral strokes of the posterior portion of the body. External Structure. — The body of this animal is shaped like a small lance, the tail being the point. In general, it is similar to a small fish, but it does not have a distinct head. The mouth opens CHORDATES IN GENERAL 153 Cerebral vesicle i^j Oral cirri ■ Velum Velar tenia- ' cles Zndostyle \ i r GlHslit Pharynx ^^. Atrial ." cavity >« ."'7 ' r 1' w Liver Gonad ■- — Notochord -"-Meta pleural fold ^ Spinal cord Atriopore Intestine Ventral fin m Anus Caudal fin «.. «. Diagram of ^"Phloxu^s^^^^^^^^ ,„m the right side. 154 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY on the ventral surface of the anterior portion of the body. There are no clearly defined lateral fins, but a pair of skin structures, the metapleural folds, extending along the anterior two-thirds of the ven- tral surface of the body are thought to be their forerunners. The ventral and dorsal fins are supported by small vertical rodlike fin rays. On the ventral side, just posterior to the metapleural folds, is an opening, the atriopore, and beside the ventral margin of the caudal fin is the anus. The segmental divisions of the muscles are apparent on the body wall, and they are known as myotomes. The myotomes on the two sides are not paired, but alternate with each other. Adja- cent ones are separated by a myocomma or myoseptum. Dorsal fin Fin ray Epidermis 5pinal nerve Nerve cord - -Nobocliord Myofco.'ne musde tiyocomma Dorsal Aortxj -Epibranchial qroove — Nephridium — AtriaKavity ^ -.QUI slit Liver Fig. 50. Neurocoele .^^^^s?:. Notocbordol- sheath Coelom j Atrial cavity- Pharynx Gill rod Gill bars Qonad Ventral aorta . ':l;^.Jiypohrorich\al qroove 0i E ndostyle U4 Coelom _ ^ _ Metapleural fold -Cross section of Amphioxus through the level of the posterior portion of the pharynx. Internal Structure and Metabolic Activities. — The notochord ex- tends the length of the body as a slender rod of vacuolated cells which are filled with fluid to give it turgor or stiffness. Immediately dorsal to this rod is the nerve cord, which also runs the length of the body. It has a small central canal or neurocoele extending length- wise through it and is dilated at the anterior end to form the cerebral vesicle or rudimentary brain. A mass of dark pigment is located at the anterior end which is known as the eyespot. There are smaller CHORDATES IN GENERAL 155 Buccalcim QUI slit in wall J)f pharynx Afferent branch- Jal arteries I Ventral aorta Dorsal aorta Notochord Spinal cord -. Distribution throuqh iver r Hepatic V. ^ubintestinal vein .Atriopore :vi" Ventro-'intestinal V. Dorso-ints5tinal A. rP • rH Pi •rH -♦^ f— H Pl CO 0 PI pi «H 0 P, w CO pi • rH Ph •rH Opposite or blanching effect produced by adrenalin Hypofunction during infancy pro- duces cretins; excessive growth of the gland due to iodine deficiency causes goiter o < a 1=1 •r-l c> • rH -rH «H O (D N CC DC 'o ^H § • vs. 1 § X °^ g§ "tf 'TIS 3 9 C3 C 00 CD 'd rH rH -^ 0 0 CO CO pi a pi • rH 0 0 0 PI 0 C3 rH 0 4-> 0 Pi • rH 0 '0 r^ CO ^co •T! ^ rP a '0 ^ ■§.§ rP 05 i^ Pi "a bjD 5oa w o P Q O Ph 0 • rH PI <1 cS "Ph rH • rH -t-< PS • rH Ph ?H 0 • rH r-t CO 0 pi • rH Ph ® •pH a 0 1— 1 PI 0 "— ^ 05 0 rd rj- ^- (LI 03 O ca o K o o B O OJ Is c^ .„ o 2 ©is a • ° =^ . fl « r" ;::3 w ;h % t zj 0 • - ^ •rH a -2 9 a h- 1 0 'p. P 0 r-l 0 • rH Pi 0 t-i -M PI Oi S-( 1 0 1 be 0 PJ a 0 •rH bJD 0 Pi rH PJ CO CO 0 ?-l rH T3 0 a rH a; 5 rH X 0 ENDOCRINE GLANDS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS 207 a ,1', t3 "3 CO 3 .2 ^ « o cS o O ^ ° S tn en o .? rt O -r-l (X) .rt Q. C > ^ w o M m o i=l o a^ be a P-l Fh o 0) o d 0 0 -^i '^ X! d 'C 0 -< 0 ci nd d c^ GO 0 0 d £ a2 0 1X3 q; • r-^ 0 -t-* -Ir^ ^H O! C3 •PH 0 *■§ s d '^ "= ^ a> • r-. 02 +^ 02 ofunc own > .i-; di « Or- -^ 0 ^ 4J d -M 0 !» «H ,^H u 0 »-( v. ^ 0 ® d C3 a 0 &I O 02 a; i-rt (D oj J:; ^'^ c^ Ph rri 1^ •2-2 « 3 ? =^ 0 d Ph crj i; «w d 0 >> 0 0 -*j d 0 -t-- cS T3 0 C3 :c Oh ^ s 'd bJD Pi a CO •rH 'o rP d • rH 00 too C3 wo uj Jr. bio O Pi a Ph'^ OJ ^ CO d M d o d o f^ o i:^ ^H +j d o Pi d O ^ o CQ d -M 03 o3 -" d o -^ ^ r— ' c^ >-H 0 a 0 Qfi 0 0 pQ 'TJ o3 • r-( •^ Fh 0 d ^ »— t d 0 pd . 0 0 f—i 1— H o3 ^ a 3 CO -M T3 0 0 fl C7 H-) •— ' rH en &s 0) d P. m d pH o3 +^ d 'I— I o3 d o3 P( CD Fh 00 o CO 03 CD d ^ ^ rd -d ^ .a s ^H d bX) 00 ^ ;^ d d PH "PH C3 ZJ 'r^ 0 «H 0 rd >. ^ 0 03 > 0 03 0 03 -M ^ 0 r'-* 0 • rH P-H <.; • rH «H rH 1— t +j is d a d Pi CO d d • rH m > DO d a 0 Ph 0 «H 1 ^-t =H 0 0 0 d d d o d O o3 p. d o ©•a C3 pH C3 d o O d d o ^ d a o3 o Z\- Fig. 62. — Cleavage in the embryo of Asterias (starfish). 1, fertilized ovum (zygote); 2, two-celled embryo following first cleavage division; 3, the four-cell stage; J,, the eight-cell stage; 5, the sixteen-cell stage; 6/morula stage (solid); 7, blastula stage (hollow) ; 8, early gastfula stage (infolding of cell layer at one side) ; 9, later stage of gastrulation. The infolded layer is the endoderm. (Drawn by Titus C. Evans.) smaller parts. This process provides for the rapid increase in the number of cells and growth of the embryo which is necessary before any special parts can be formed. Cleavage has been described briefly in an earlier chapter under the discussion of the development of the frog. As divisions proceed, a Uastula is formed by the development of a cavity (blastocoele) within the spherical mass of cells, the wall of 214 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY which is now a single layer. The formation of the blastula, which usually comes at the sixty-four-cell stage or later, marks the end of cleavage. The blastula stage of an animal like a starfish or a frog resembles somewhat a hollow rubber ball whose wall is made up of a large number of pieces cemented together. nut. bid. GASTRULATION IN FORM WITH ISOLECITHAL EGG HAVING ALMOST NO YOLK— AMPHIOXUS. ea. :— - blp. GASTRULATION IN FORM WITH TELOLECITHAL EGG CONTAINING MODERATE AMOyNT OF YOLK— AMPHIBIA. ent gastrocoele GASTRULATION IN FORM WITH TELOLECITHAL EGG CONTAINING LARGE AMOUNT OF YOLK— BIRDS. Fig- 63.— Gastrulation in three types of embryos. Each type begins with the late blastula at the left, blc, blastocoele ; bid., blastoderm; bZp., blastopore; ect., ecto- derm; ent., endoderm; mit, cells undergoing mitosis. (From Patten. Emhryoloay of the Chick, by permission of P. Blakiston's Son and Company.) SEXUAL REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL 2l5 As cell divisions continue in the blastula, a gastrula is finally formed. The blastula does not simply increase in circumference, but there comes a time when the wall on one side pushes in (in- vaginates), finally meeting the wall of cells from the other side. This gradually crowds out the cavity and forms a wall of two layers of cells. The outer layer is known as the ectoderm (outer skin) and represents the portion of the wall of the blastula which has not folded in. The inner layer, or that resulting from the infolding of the wall of the blastula, is called endoderm (inner skin). As divi- sion of cells in this wall proceeds and the infolding continues, the two margins of the infolded part come nearer and nearer each other. This gradually encloses an outside space which is lined by the endoderm and represents the primitive digestive tract or archenteron. This is the beginning of the two primitive genu layers, ectoderm and endoderm. In sponges and coelenterates development stops here. In higher forms, immediately following gastrulation, a third germ layer, the mesoderm (middle layer), is organized from cells usually contributed by one or the other or both of the other germ layers. In some cases it arises as two saclike outgrowths from the endoderm, one on each side in the gastrula. These pouches push into the remains of the blastocoele. In other cases separate cells are shed from ectoderm or endoderm or both, or from an undifferentiated portion to organize as a distinct layer between the other two. The position of the mesoderm is external to the' endoderm and internal to the ectoderm. It nearly encircles the endoderm. Sooner or later a space forms within the mesoderm, causing the outer limb of it to join the ectoderm and the inner to join the endoderm. This cavity is the coelom or future body cavity. From each of the germ layers, particular parts of the body are derived. The fate of the geryn layers is determined as cell division and development continue. Cell division proceeds at different rates in different regions and at different times, resulting in various infold- ings, outpushings, and extensions which finally bring about the formation of all parts of the mature individual. The ectoderm gives rise to the external surface cells or epidermis of the skin and to the nervous system ; the mesoderm furnishes the muscles, skeleton, circulatory system, blood, excretory, and reproductive systems be- sides nearly all connective tissue ; and the endoderm produces the internal linings of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, and such outgrowths as the liver and pancreas 216 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY ,Body Form Since the development of the frog has been discussed briefly in the chapter dealing with the bullfrog, it will not be included here. In a developing chicken, which is easily studied, the head fold ap- pears in a fertile egg that has been incubated about twenty hours. The neural groove (primitive spinal cord) begins its formation at about this time. At about twenty-one or twenty-two hours of incuba- tion, there appear on each side of midline and lateral to the neural area opaca vitellina proamnion ectoderm of head mesench5nne neural fold neural groove notochord border of fore-gijt subcephalic pockct margin of ant. intestinal portal area pellucida .unsegmented mesoderm border of mcsodcrtn Fig. 64. — Dorsal view of entire chick embryo of about 24 hours of incubation. Notice that the fourth pair of somites is almost developed. (From Patten, Em- bryology of the Chick, P. Blakiston's Son and Company.) groove blocklike thickenings in the mesoderm. These are somites, and thej^ are paired opposite each other, marking segmentation in the body. At twenty-four hours of incubation there are four pairs of these somites, and they increase with growth until at thirty-six hours there are fourteen, at sixty hours thirty-two, and approximately forty at four days. Similar somites develop in a somewhat similar way in other vertebrates including mammals. Rabbit, cat, rat, calf, or man is no exception. In a pig embryo 6 millimeters long there SEXUAL REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL 217 are thirty-two somites and the body form is becoming defined. The human body can barely be discerned in embryos of one month, and the embryo must be nearly two months of age before it can be identi- fied definitely as human on the basis of morphological features. The younger embryos of different groups of vertebrate animals are so similar that it is impossible to distinguish them from each other. The illustrations in Fig. 203 in a later chapter will bear this out. At a stage early enough, the embryos of the human being, the pig, the rat, the rabbit, the alligator, the salamander, and the fish all ap- pear very similar. The gill slits and segments are conspicuous on all of them. Much later, the limbs develop from lateral limb buds in the mesoderm. The hind limb buds develop first, and the front ones follow. Organs and Systems After the three germ layers, ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm, have been established in the embryo, the next step is the differentia- tion of these layers each in various ways for the formation of par- ticular organs and systems of organs. The development of the typical vertebrate systems is generally similar in all of the different classes of this group. The development of the different organs in the body is often referred to as organogenesis. Digestive System. — This system takes its beginning in the arcJien- teron which is formed as a new cavity at the time the endoderm be- comes differentiated from the germ plate of cells. The endoderm becomes the lining of the alimentary canal and its outgrowths, with exception of the mouth and anal cavity. And the splanchnic portion (medial sheet) of the mesoderm comes in to cover it. The muscles, connective tissue, and blood vessels in the wall of the canal are pro- vided by this mesoderm sheet. Immediately posterior to the mouth is the pharynx, which has lateral gill pouches or pharyngeal pouches. In the higher vertebrates there are typically five pairs of these pouches. In fishes and amphibians these pouches break through to the exterior, forming gill clefts. In higher forms these pouches are transient structures which remain to call attention to existence of .functional gills in their phylogenetic ancestors. Certain adult struc- tures do arise from these pouches even in mammals. Such structures as the middle ear. Eustachian tube, hyoid, thyroid, thymus, tonsil, and others are products of these pouches. The tubular canal is inflated and curved in the formation of the stomach some distance posterior to the pharynx. The small and the 218 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY large intestines develop from the posterior portion of this origi- nally straight tube with relatively slight modification. The liver appears as a tubular outgrowth from the duodenum as likewise does the pancreas. The Respiratory System. — The trachea develops as a posterior ex- tension of the pharynx, which is separate from the esophagus. It begins as a groove, extends posteriorly, and soon bifurcates, forming the bronchii from which the two lungs develop. This original struc- ture, therefore, is endoderm, and the internal lining of the adult trachea and lungs is the portion derived from this. Again, the splanchnic mesoderm has contributed the muscle and connective tis- sue outside of the lining. Nervous System and Sense Organs At the end of gastrulation the ectoderm has become a distinct layer. The portion of it which will become the mid-dorsal area of the body thickens to become the neural plate. This plate sinks, forming a neural groove with a neural fold as each lateral boundary of it. The groove deepens, and the folds grow to meet each other over the cavity thus forming the neural tube. This tube is the fore- runner of the spinal cord and brain. The Brain. — The anterior end becomes swollen and thickened for the development of the brain. This brain structure divides by con- strictions into the anterior forehrain (prosencephalon), midbrain (mesencephalon), and the posterior hind brain (rhombencephalon). Later, the forebrain divides into two regions, the anterior cerebral hemispheres (telencephalon) and the posterior diencephalon. The midbrain, or mesencephalon, remains undivided to become optic lobes and related structures. The hind brain divides to furnish the cere- bellum (metacephalon) from its anterior portion and the medulla ob- longata (myelencephalon). During the time of this development the brain becomes bent or flexed ventrally on itself so it becomes short- ened and compact. Sense Organs. — These organs all develop from the ectoderm. The organs of four of the principal senses develop from the peripheral ectoderm, but those of the fifth, the sensory portions of the eyes, are essentially processes of the ectoderm wall of the brain. The sensory portions of the eyes form as hollow evaginations (out- growths) from the sides of the forebrain (diencephalon portion) growing laterally toward the peripheral ectoderm of the head. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL 219 These expanded outgrowths are known as optic vesicles and the nar- rowed connection of each to the brain is an optic stalk. The lateral wall of the vesicle inverts into its cavity. The indented portion thus forms the optic cup, the internal lining of which becomes the retina. Slightly later, the crystalline lens is formed by a thickening of the peripheral ectoderm which covers the optic cup. Along the ventral side of the optic stalk is a furrow, the choroid fissure in which blood myclencephalon visceral arch III bulbo-conusarteriosus auditory vesicle , / endolymphatic duct ganglion IX/ / ganglion VII-VIII atrium ventricle liver prominence hyomandi bular cleft mandibular arch ganglion V antenor appendage bud i^ omphalo- mesenteric vein . meten— cephalon mesen- cephalon optic cup lens diencephalori epiphysis telencephalon olfactory pit "S — omphalo- mesenteric artery. allantois Fig. 65. — View of right side of entire chick embryo of about four days of in- cubation. Heart, brain, sensory organs, gill slits, and appendages are in the process of development. (From Patten, Embryology of the Chick, P. Blakiston's Son and Company.) vessels and the optic nerve will later lie. The choroid, sclera, ciliary process, and muscles all develop from surrounding mesoderm, just a little later. Olfactory organs begin as two areas of thickened ectoderm on the head, anterior to the oral aperture. The plates of ectoderm sink to form olfactory sacs which later open through to the mouth cavity, or pharynx in higher vertebrates. The walls of the chamber thus 220 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY formed become deeply folded, and sensory cells are distributed in the epithelial lining. The ear originates in the individual as a thickened plate of periph- eral ectoderm on each side of the hind brain region of the head. These plates invaginate (fold in), forming an auditory vesicle or sac on each side and are later freed from the external ectoderm. Each becomes a membranous lahy7^inth of the inner ear, which includes the sensory cochlea and the semicircular canals. The middle ear develops later from the first gill pouch forming a tympanic cavity. The ossicles or ear bones follow later from the mesoderm. The connection of this pouch to the pharynx is retained and becomes the Eustachian tube on each side. The tympanic membrane develops as the meso- dermic sheet between the outer extremity of the gill pouch and the depression of the external cleft, which becomes external meatus. The external ear arises as a mesodermal outgrowth beneath the skin. The taste-buds develop in the epidermis of the tongue and else- where in some forms. Thus they are ectodermal. Circulatory System. — This system develops in the mesoderm. The formation of the earliest blood vessels has not been studied in man because they have already formed in the earliest embryos critically studied. But in cats and other vertebrates they are formed from small spaces which develop among the mesenchymal cells. These spaces extend and fuse, usually developing along the longitudinal axis. The heart develops as a pair of amnio-cardiac vesicles in the mesoderm, one on each side of the wall of the foregut, which at that time has not closed vent rally. As the digestive tube closes ventrally, the vesicle from each side moves ventrally until it meets its fellow. By this time each vesicle has extended lengthwise to become a tube which is the omphalomesenteric vein. The anterior portions of these two cavities join to form the tube which is the primitive heart. This tube then bends on itself with one limb of the fold becoming the atrium, which receives blood from the veins, and the other limb of the fold becoming the ventricle and bulbus, which deliver blood to the arteries. This represents the primitive condition as found in the two-chambered heart. As development progresses a septum forms in the atrium dividing it into right and left chambers and similarly an interventricxdar septum forms to produce right and left ventricles. These septa are completed at about the time of birth. In the embryo, the gill arches are supplied with branches of the ventral aorta, which leads anteriorly from the heart. These branches SEXUAL REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL 221 extending through the gill arches are called aortic arches (Fig. 204). The typical number of these arches in the vertebrate is six, but in the embryos of most higher vertebrates the fifth one is quite transitory. The first and second pairs degenerate, except for remnants which unite with the third in forming the carotid arteries. The fourth pair of arches becomes the systemic arteries in amphibia and reptiles, but in birds only the right side of the arch persists while in mammals only the left. The sixth pair of arches give rise to the pulmonary arteries. Myc. A Bui. Vent. S.K Tr.Ari. Tr. Art. At.J.. Fig. 66. — Ventral view of the development of the heart of the pig-. The stages shown bring out the changes involved in converting the primitive tubular vessel into a four-chambered heart. A, from 7 somite embryo ; ^, 13 somite embryo ; G, 17 somite embryo ; D, 25 somite embryo ; E, from embryo 3.7 mm. in length ; F, from 6 mm. embryo. At, atrium (r, right; I, left) ; Bid, bulbus arteriosus; Endc, endocardial tubes; Myc, cut edge of epimyocardium ; S. V., sinus venosus ; Tr. A7-t., truncus arteriosus ; V. ao. r., ventral aortic roots; Vent., ventricle (r, right; Z. left) ; V. O. M., omphalo- mesenteric veins. (From Patten, Embryology of the Pig, P. Biakiston's Son and Company. ) . Urogenital System. — It is convenient to present the excretory and genital systems under one head because certain parts are developed in common and others in close relation to each other. The principal 222 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY structures of this system arise from the middle portion (mesomere) of the mesoderm germ layer. This portion of the mesoderm de- velops as a fold of tissue just lateral to the midline on each side, extending from the thorax to the pelvis and projecting down into the body cavity slightly. The earliest and most anterior part of this fold is the pronephros. In higher vertebrates this is strictly an em- bryonic structure, though it does develop some Malpighian corpuscles which exist for a time. The pronephric duct which develops and leads from the pronephros to the cloaca persists, later becoming the Wolffian duct. Next follows the mesonepliros, which is more elaborate and really functions as a kidney for a time in the embryo of reptiles, birds, and mammals, and throughout the life of fishes and amphibia. It partially overlaps the posterior portion of the pronephros and ex- tends several segments farther posteriorly. The collecting tubules, which receive urine from the Malpighian corpuscles, reach the surface of the mesonephros and join the pronephric duct leading to the cloaca. In the reptiles, birds, and mammals, the permanent kidney arises from still a third development, the ynetanephros. This is formed at the free end of the metanephric duct which is an outgrowth of the pronephric duct near the cloaca. The metanephros overlaps the pos- terior portion of the mesonephros. There are numerous Malpighian corpuscles in the tissue of this body, and the metanephric duct be- comes the ureter. The Wolffian duct becomes the vas deferens of the male but degenerates in the female except for a vestige. The urinary bladder develops as a ventral do^vnpushing from the cloaca. A genital ridge develops along the ventral margin of each meso- nephros before it degenerates, and from this fold a gonad arises. Regardless of future sex, there develops also in each individual, a Miillerian duct from the ventrolateral portion of the mesonephric body. This duct becomes the functional oviduct of the female, but it degenerates in the male except in animals like the leopard frog. The ovaries develop in their permanent location, but the testes of most male mammals are derived from the mesonephros in the dorsal part of the body cavity and at a certain age descend through an inguinal canal to the scrotum which is outside the body Avail. The external genital organs develop as general structures with no distinction as to sex until about the end of the second month in the human being. At that time the penis takes form from the phallus or genital tubercle, if the individual is to be male. In the female SEXUAL REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL 223 the clitoris, a relatively small body of erectile tissue, which develops ventral to both the genital and urinary apertures, is homologous to the glans portion of the penis. The labia, which are folds of tissue at each side, are homologous to the scrotum of the male. Intrauterine Development There are several groups of animals, particularly among chordates in which the zygotes are retained within the uterus for a consider- able portion of the embryonic and fetal development. In such chordates as some of the common sharks ; a few of the bony fishes, as Gamhusia the mosquito minnow; certain snakes and lizards; and in all mammals except the lowest group, the Prototheria, there is some form of intrauterine development. In the groups mentioned, other than the mammals, the egg bears an abundant supply of yolk, and the developing embryo, although retained in the uterus for protection, depends on the yolk supplied by the egg for nourishment. In mam- mals, including the human being, the egg has a very meager supply of yolk. It becomes attached (implanted) in the epithelium lining the in- ternal surface of the wall of the uterus, which is highly vascularized. In all forms where intrauterine development occurs, as well as in many others, the ovum is fertilized within the genital tract of the female by introduction of spermatozoa in the act of copulation or coitus. Among the mammals the penis of the male is well developed as an intromit- tent organ which is received in the vagina of the female where the semen, carrying spermatozoa, is discharged. The motile spermatozoa swim up the oviduct and meet the ovum shortly after it enters. Fer- tilization occurs here, and the zygote moves down the oviduct, de- veloping as it goes. By the time it reaches the uterus the embryo is in the gastrula stage of development. The embryo is attracted to the wall of the uterus, where it is partially embedded and attached. This procedure is knoAvn as implantation. Due to the influence of a sex hormone, the uterus becomes highly vascularized and increases in size. The extra-embryonic membranes develop rapidly to cover the embryo. These embryonic membranes unite vdth the epithelial lining of the uterus at the point of contact to form the placenta. The uterine portion of this membrane receives an abundant supply of maternal blood, while the embryonic portion receives a rich supply from the embryo by way of the umbilical vessels which pass through the um- bilical cord. In some mammals the layers of the placenta con- tributed by parent and embryo become inseparably fused, but in 224 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY others, las for example the pig, they separate and only the embryonic portion is shed at time of birth. In the other forms, some of the uterine portion is shed along with the embryonic, and together they are known as ** afterbirth. " The circulation of blood in the placenta is by distinct maternal and embryonic vessels which do not join each other. The materials in solution in the blood of either can reach the other by diffusion only, as the vessels and sinuses come in intimate contact in the membrane. The embryo then does not receive the mother's blood as such, because there i* not a direct connection between the two systems. The em- bryo, or later the fetus, receives its nourishment and oxygen through diffusion in the placenta and disposes of carbon dioxide and nitrog- enous wastes by similar diffusion in the opposite direction. The time elapsing from time of conception, or fertilization, to time of birth is called the gestation period. In the human being this period is of nine months' duration. In the female mammal there is a definite cycle of changes which occur in the uterus, in other sexual organs, and in physiologic rela- tions of the body. This cycle is called the oestrus cycle. In the human being the period required for this complete cycle averages twenty-eight days. At one point in this cycle there occurs rather severe degeneration of the uterine lining and some bleeding. This period in the cycle is known as menstruation period. It was thought earlier that the ovum was discharged from the ovary at this time and entered the oviduct, but at present it seems to be more commonly accepted that ovulation occurs during the 13th to 15th day following the onset of menstruation. The length of the oestrus cycle varies widely in different mammals. In most of them the female will mate only at a certain period in the cycle. This is designated in common terms as the ''heat" period. Biogenetic Law, or Theory of Recapitulation It is almost impossible to study the embryology of vertebrate animals of the different classes without observing some features of the apparent progressive development in regard to particular or- gans and systems. In a number of respects the more highly de- veloped forms seem to recapitulate or pass through the stages Avhich existed through the long history of their ancestors. The appearance of gill arches and even part of the slits in certain stages in the em- bryonic development of mammals indicates that these animals pass SEXUAL REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL 225 through a stage comparable in this respect to adult fish. There are many examples of such comparisons among animal groups. It is not likely that any animal in its development repeats every stage in its racial development or phylogeny, because many are fused and new ones are introduced. In general, however, the statement, ''On- togeny recapitulates phylogeny/' is recognized as having some appli- cation. Ontogeny refers to the embryonic development of the in- dividual. Homology. — The principle of homology is another concept which is employed in studies of development as well as in taxonomy and anatomy. Structures are said to be homologous when they have simi- lar morphological nature and similar embryonic origin. For example, a pectoral fin of a fish, the wing of a bird, and the arm of the human are homologous. The eye of the fish and that of man are homologous, but the eye of a crayfish is analogous rather than homologous to these. Its function is similar but its structure and embryonic origin are different. Theory of Metabolic Gradients (Axial Gradients). — In connection with the orientation and polarity of developing embryos, there is definite and normal order in the physiological phenomena involved. Dr. C. M. Child has related this to regions along the principal axis in forms which possess one. He holds that there is a relative meta- bolic dominance of certain regions of such a body over succeeding regions with a center or centers of high rate of metabolism and a gradation to lower rates as progressing away from the center. The animal pole of the embryo is such a center; this area sets the pace in the development. In vertebrates the head structures develop most rapidly and tend to dominate the developmental activity pos- teriorly along the axis of the body. The posterior portions are slower to develop. According to this theory, the organization and orientation of developing parts are determined by the interaction of chemical substances of cellular origin, with the rate of metabolism as the most important factor in infiuencing the sequence of appear- ance of parts. References Arey, Leslie B.: Developmental Anatomy, Philadelphia, 1934, W. B. Saunders Company. Richards, A.: Comparative Embryology, New York, 1931, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Wieman, H. L. : An Introduction to Vertebrate Embryology, New York, 1930, McGraw-Hill Book Company. CHAPTER XI ANIMAL ANOMALIES It is rather generally understood among students of biology that no two animals, even of the same species, are exactly counterparts of each other. There is a certain normal range of variation in size and structure as well as in functional efficiency. Any variations beyond these rather fixed limits are classified as malformations or anomalies. A study of such abnormalities is known as teratology. Abnormalities may occur at almost any stage in the life of the individual, but a large majority result from abnormalities in the process of develop- ment. Many are due to failure of development and some to over- development. In turn, much of this is due to malregulation resulting from failure of balance in the functioning of the endocrine system. The occurrence of striking malformations in newborn human babies is in approximately the ratio of one to 165. Fortunately, many of the most grotesque anomalies do not reach full development and the mon- sters are born dead. Causes of Anomalies. — There are both internal and external agen- cies which bring about malformations in the individual. Both em- bryology and pathology contribute to the explanation of the causes of these abnormal conditions. The development may be perfectly normal and a subsequent disease may be the cause of striking ab- normality. On the other hand, certain diseases of the parent will influence the normal development of the fetus. Even twinning by itself is an abnormal process in most animals. It, however, is not usually thought of under the title of anomaly, except when they are physically connected or the individuals are otherwise malformed. The causes of anomalies mav be summarized as follows : 1. Internal Causes. a. The germ plasm carries hereditary causes for some, and these characteristics are transmitted as are normal traits. Color blind- ness and hemophilia (bleeder condition) are examples. b. Diseases which cause abnormal growths and conditions, as elephantiasis. 226 ANIMAL ANOMALIES 227 c. Unbalancing the chemical regulators (hormones) which are produced by the endocrine glands. (Overactivity of the hypophysis causes gigantism; cretinism, a dwarf condition, results from deficiency in thyroid activity.) d. Fortuitous abnormalities whose causes are not apparent or are influenced by certain variations in other organs. Such anomalies show up most frequently in the circulatory and nervous systems. Venous or nervous connections to organs are often modified. Another example is the rearrangement brought about by diaphragmatic hernia. 2. External Causes. a. Environmental agencies may affect almost any individual whose development occurs outside the body of its parent. Exposure to radium or x-ray radiation, sharp variations in temperature, exces- sive salt content, or contact with toxic substances may all be respon- sible for various degrees of abnormality. The same factors are also effective, if present, in the uterine environment of the placental type of animal. Fig, 67. — Grasshoppers at time of diapause, showing some of the abnormalities which very infrequently occur in their natural development. 1, Normal embryo : 2, embryo with two extra heads and mouth parts ; 3, embryo with lateral twin joined at the abdomen ; ^, almost complete twins back to back ; 5, embryo with a double abdomen. (From Evans, Effects of Roentgen Radiation, Physiol. Zool., Vol. X.) b. Mechanical factors, such as abnormal pressure, blows, and falls, may cause some abnormalities. c. Abnormal implantation in the wall of the uterus resulting in deficiencies in nourishment and support of the fetus. d. Such diseases as syphilis, which may be transmitted from mother to offspring, are responsible for some types of defects, as impaired vision. e. Developmental inhibition or arrest brought about by deficiencies in metabolism at a time when the rate or efficiency should be high. 228 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY The work of several embryologists seems to indicate that the pro- duction of twins either as normal individuals or otherwise is re- lated to this condition. Harelip and Cleft Palate These two defects are related and are sometimes found together. The lateral palatine processes may fail to complete growth and unite properl}^, thus leaving a gap in the roof of the mouth which opens directly into the nasopharynx above. Fig. 68. — A case of harelip due to arrested development. Harelip (cheiloschisis) is a very common defect and is due to the failure of union of the nasal and maxillary processes. There may be double harelip or single harelip. In connection with double hare- lip it sometimes happens that the premaxilla projects beyond the outline of the face to form what is called luolf-snoiit. Harelips are frequently remedied by a surgical operation early in life. Diaphragmatic Hernia (Open Diaphragm) An extreme case of this was found in a cat which was being used for dissection purposes in Baylor University. The animal had lived an apparently normal life and had been killed for laboratory study without showing evidence of its abnormality until dissected. From ANIMAL ANOMALIES 229 all appearances the diaphragm had not completed its development, but had formed a fringelike projection which reached inward about half an inch from the thoracic wall and extended the entire cir- cumference of the inside of the thorax. The aperture in its center measured one and three-fourths inches in diameter. Due to this condition the arrangement of several visceral organs was greatly affected. The thorax was somewhat elongated, and the right side of the cavity comprised about two-thirds of the space of the chest. The mediastinum (supporting median mesentery of heart and lungs) had its attachment more than half an inch to the left of the midline. Almost the entire liver was turned forward to occupy the right two-thirds of the chest cavity, and this placed the gall bladder at the level of the junction of the auricle and ventricle of the heart. Approximately half of the spleen, the pyloric portion of the stom- ach, and a large portion of the omentum had been drawn through the aperture in the diaphragm. The right lung was extremely crowded and small. Polydactyly (Extra Digits) There are numerous abnormal variations in the number and ar- rangement of digits, ranging from a stumplike structure of no digits through the ''lobster claw" condition of two or three, to as many as two more than normal. The polydactylous condition is rather Itl 1*l:;l. •# Fig. 69. — Front feet of a half-grown kitten with six digits. The claws are pro- tracted on the left foot and retracted on the right. There were five toes on the hind feet of this cat. frequently found in cats. In fact, Wilder once reported that pos- sibly 25, per cent of the cats of the vicinity of Ithaca, N. Y., possessed an extra digit on each foot. The forefeet shown in Fig. 69 are from a living cat in Waco, Texas, which came from a litter of four. 230 ESSENTIALS OP ZOOLOGY two of which showed these complete characteristics on all feet, one of the litter had only an extra toe on one foot, and the fourth was normal. Both hind feet of this animal had five well-developed digits instead of the usual four. This condition is a hereditary one and is brought about by partial duplication of elementary structures. Conjoined Twins Instances occur in which individuals of about equal size or of unequal size are fused together. If this occurs at the hips with dorsal sides together, the condition is usually known as Siamese '=»f__,,'.*^r- ^% 4^ Fig. 70. — Conjoined twins of cat showing single head, but double trunk and ap- pendages. twins. There are a number of different varieties of fusion, includ- ing the head region, chest region, or complete fusion of trunk into a single body with two heads and vice versa. A chicken with two ANIMAL ANOMALIES 231 pairs of legs and wings, two backs, and a single head has been dissected and described by Dr. F. L. Fitzpatrick. The feather tracts were double on the neck and trunk. Internal dissection showed the single digestive system to extend between the two necks, follow through the combined body cavity with some modifications, and Fig. 71. — Conjoined human twins showing- single hips but double trunk and head. (Redrawn and modified from Arey, Development Anatomy, W. B. Saunders Company. ) empty into the cloaca of the right back region. No cloaca was pres- ent in connection with the left back. There was a single heart, two very unequal lungs, two pulmonary arteries and veins to the larger lung, while there was only one common carotid artery, that being 232 ESSENTIALS OP ZOOLOGY the right. Two trachea were present, the right being rather nor- mally developed while the left was rudimentary. The brain was normal, but joining the medulla were two separate and complete spinal cords, one passing to each back region. Most of the internal organs ''favored" the right side, except the lungs, of which the left was much more developed. Dr. F. L. Fitzpatrick reports upon the anatomy of a double pig also. This freak had two tracheae leading to two sets of lungs. The brain consisted of a three-lobed cerebrum, two cerebellums, Trunh from other heart — R. subclavian- R. carotid L. carotid -L. subclavian Ductus arteriosus Parietais- Dorsal aorta Porietals Allantoic- (lef t back) Renal -Utero -ovarian ^ External ill ac -'"^^'^ Allantoic r left) Caudal Fig. 72. — Dorsal aortae and branches in embryo pig which had a single head and two bodies. (After Fitzpatrick.) and two medullas. There was a spinal cord in each of the two backs. A third or median eye was present on a ventral stalk beneath the third or transverse lobe of the cerebrum. Two pairs of kidneys, two bladders, four ovaries, double sets of oviducts and uteri, as well as a double cloaca, were present. There was a single but modified heart and two aortas leaving it. Externally the animal had two sets of limbs, two tails, two sets of mammae, two anal apertures, and two urinogenital openings. ANIMAL ANOMALIES 233 It is suggested that such individuals have developed from a single zygote which underwent an abnormal cleavage. Examples of these conditions are shown as they occur in cats. Similar fusions occur in human beings as is illustrated in the accompanying diagrams. Hermaphroditism There are abnormal cases of sexual development in A^ertebrates, including man, in which the organs of both sexes are combined in one individual. In true cases there are present both ovaries and testes in the one individual, but no cases are known in which both have functional capacity. The external organs are partly male and partly female, and the secondary sexual characteristics, such as voice, mammae, stature, and beard, may be of a mixed nature. Hermaphroditism is the normal condition in the coelenterates, flat- worms, annelid Avorms, and mollusks. Here both sets of organs are capable of function. Birds and mammals are rarely subject to this condition. A condition spoken of as false hermaphroditism involves the pres- ence of gonads of one sex but the secondary sexual characteristics and external genitalia of the other. In masculine hermaphroditism testes are present but not usually descended into the scrotum, while ""he external genitalia and secondary characteristics are those of the female. In feminine hermaphroditism ovaries are present, even descended into a scrotum in rare cases, but the clitoris is enlarged and labiae are fused to resemble the penis of the male. In some instances the lips of the slitlike urinogenital aperture on the under side of the penis fail to fuse. There is a very close homology in the organs of the two sexes. The external genitalia are indifferent or sexless until the end of the seventh week of embryonic development in human beings. Then the determination comes, causing normally the modifications of de- velopment to form the organs of one sex or the other. The develop- ment of the external organs of the two sexes is strictly parallel. It is likely that this development is controlled by hormone rela- tionships, and it is in cases in which this balance is disturbed that hermaphrodites occur. There is still much to be learned concerning the causes of this condition. 234 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Cardiac Anomalies Transposition of the heart to the right side of the midline of the body is known as dextrocardia and occurs rarely. It is usually asso- ciated with displacement of other visceral organs. Due to faulty development, an incomplete interventricular septum is occasionally found in the four-chambered hearts. The failure of complete development of the septum between the auricles to close the foramen ovale is a more common anomaly. It has been reported that this occurs in some degree in one case in four for the human being. Actual mixing of auricular blood sufficient to interfere with normal function is much less common, however, because of the over- lapping of the membranous walls which are pressed together by the pressure of contraction. In a small number of human cases the aerated blood and unaerated blood from the two auricles do mix and produce a purplish colored blood which in turn affects the color of the skin. Such a case is known as a ''blue hahy'* and often leads to early death. Abnormalities of Brain and Sense Organs Encephalocoele is due to the protrusion of a sac of the meninges and part of the brain through a defect in the roof of the cranium. An abnormally large brain, which is usually associated with the distention of the cranium by superabundance of cerebral fluid, is known as hydrocephalus, or the size may be macro cephalus. The opposite extreme in which the head and brain are abnormally small due to failure of development is known as microcephalus. There are cases of cleft nose in which the nostrils are in inde- pendent projections. This condition is usually associated with hare- lip and cleft palate. With regard to the eyes there are several possible abnormalities. Cyclopia is a condition in which there is a single median eye like that of the Cyclops instead of the usual paired arrangement. In such cases the nose is usually at the base of the forehead, above the eye, and cylindrical in shape. Failure of complete development of the iris or chorioid, thus leaving a gap or open sector in the margin of the pupil, is known as coloboma. il CHAPTER XII GENETICS AND EUGENICS (By Frank G. Brooks, Cornell College, Iowa) The History of a Great Discovery Like father like son" is a very ancient adage. Since man has been able to think, he has pondered the problem of heredity. Al- though very early he had observed evidence of the inheriting of parental characters by the offspring of the various forms of life with which he was familiar and was convinced by these observations that heredity did take place, he has not known the ''how" or ''why" of it until recently. The science of heredity, therefore, is very new. The fundamental law on which it is based was announced by Gregor Johann Mendel in 1866. However, Mendel, an Austrian monk, pub- lished his discovery in an obscure journal and it did not receive general recognition until its rediscovery in 1900. Mendel's success in finding the underlying principle of heredity was due, in part, to his choice of an experimental unit. Instead of following the usual trend by considering how a parent conveys his various traits to his offspring, thus making the individual the unit of observation, he chose a definite inheritable character and considered how it was transferred from many parents to all their offspring. In addition to this wise choice of an investigational unit the patience, mathematical ability, skill as a gardener, and analytical insight of the investigator contributed also to the success of the research. Mendel chose the garden pea as the material for his work. This was a fortunate choice for, although the law that he was to discover underlies practically all inheritance, it is not always as free from complications as it is in the case of those traits of the pea which he investigated. Mendel's Law For one of his projects he planted seeds from stock that had been known to produce nothing but tall plants for many generations. He planted also seeds from stock that had produced nothing but dwarf plants. When the two types of plants were in blossom, he transferred the pollen from the stamens of the one to the stigmas of the other. The seeds that resulted from the cross were collected and planted. 235 236 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY To the amazement of the investigator they produced nothing but tall peas ; peas as tall as the original tall parents. Dwarf ness seemed to be lost and tallness was certainly dominant. A less thorough investi- gator might have called his experiment finished and have proclaimed as a rule, the fact that a trait can disappear when it is crossed with its opposite. But not so with the patient monk. He pollinated these plants with their own pollen and planted another generation. This time three-fourths of the plants were tall and one-fourth of them were as short as the original dwarf parents. Not being ready even yet to formulate a law, he self -pollinated his plants for several more generations and got results that required his best mathematical skill to interpret. The dwarf peas produced only dwarf peas. Of the tall 0 0 0J0 0 0 TT Td Td dd Fig. 73. — Diagram to show the result of crossing- tall and dwarf peas, TT, at upper left, is an individual which is pure dominant for tallness. At upper right, dd is pure recessive for dwarfness. When two such individuals are bred together, or crossed, all of their offspring will carry both characters, but appear tall, smce tallness is dominant. The Td individual in the upper middle is representative of this generation, which is the Fi (1st filial). W^hen two of these mixed, Td individ- uals are crossed, the offspring (F2 or 2nd filial generation) present what is known as the 1:2:1 ratio, i.e., one pure tall (TT) individual (at left), two mixed (Td) in- dividuals (in center), and one pure dwarf individual (dd) at right. The bottom and next to bottom rows show (at left) continued generations of crossing pure tall TT with TT to consistently produce pure tall offspring. The middle of the rows shows the consistent production of the 1:2:1 ratio when the mixed Td individuals are crossed. The pure dwarf individuals dd at the right in these lower rows show suc- ceeding generations of breeding together to produce all pure recessive dwarf (dd) offspring. GENETICS AND EUGENICS 287 peas, one-third of them (constituting one-fourth of the whole num- ber) produced tall peas without deviation, but the other two-thirds (half of the whole number) produced stock that repeated the produc- tion of tall and dwarf peas in the same proportion as did the preced- ing generation. Here, then, was a definite ratio of 1 :2 :1. Mendel tested his findings with six other traits of the pea and with more than a dozen other kinds of plants, and after verifying his results he was able to announce the following law : When mernhers of a species hav- ing contrasting characters are crossed, all the immediate 'Offspring will show the trait that is dominant, hut if the members of this gen- eration are bred to themselves, one-fourth of the offspring will show the dominant trait and breed true for it; one-fourth will shoiu the recessive trait and breed true for it; the remaining two- fourths of the offspring will show the dominant trait, but will reproduce the contrasting characters in the same proportion as did their immediate parents. Derivatives of Mendel's Law From the fundamental law which Mendel discovered, several cor- ollaries can be drawn, based on factors responsible for the distribu- tional behavior of inheritable characters. These corollaries are : Principle of Dominance. — The determiner for one member of a pair of contrasting characters (which we shall call an allelomorph) may take precedence over the other member when the two have been brought together in a cross between unlike parents. Which trait is dominant and which is recessive can be determined only after a cross has been made, and the determination holds only for the species ob- served. Thus, tallness may be dominant over dwarfness in one species of plant and recessive in another. In many cases, dominance is not complete, and in a few classic instances it is lacking altogether. These cases will be discussed later in this chapter. Independence of Unit Characters. — The determiner for any given character acts as an independent hereditary unit as it is passed along from generation to generation. In each generation it may have a different set of associates, but its associations in one generation do not affect the company it may keep in the next. Thus tallness in peas may be associated with yellow pod and with wrinkled seed coat in one generation, but it may form a combination with green pod and smooth seed coat in the next. This important principle is responsible for the great variation we find in plants and animals and makes it possible 238 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY for a breeder to bring about any desired combinations of the traits possessed by the species of plant or animal with Avhich he is working. Thus the modern Shasta daisy has a combination of the three impor- tant characters, size of flower, gloss of petal, and prolific growth, each of which was procured from an original variety having one, but not the other two, of these traits. Principle of Segregation. — Since unit characters are independent, it follows that they can go into various combinations and are free to segregate out again. This was illustrated by dwarf ness in Mendel's peas which went into a cross with tallness, but segregated out again to form peas that were as consistent for dwarfness as was the orig- inal dwarf stock. To illustrate both the principles of unit characters and the related phenomenon of segregation we might use an analogy. If a gallon of white marbles were mixed with a gallon of black marbles, they would make a mass of marbles that, at a distance at least, would look gray. But the mixture is not irrevocably gray as would be the case if a gallon each of black and white paint had been mixed. The white marbles and the black marbles can be segregated out again if it is so desired and either variety can then be put into combination with marbles of any other kind. Inheritable traits, like marbles, can make various combinations which last for one generation only, after which they can make new combinations with other traits. The Physical Basis With the simple facts in mind of how heredity works, it is desirable to consider the germinal background of the laws governing it. The tiny sperm cells of both plants and animals and the egg cells which, deprived of their food-containing yolk, are almost equally small, contain within them something that determines all the traits which the individual resulting from their combination will develop. In fact, the body of the sperm cell and the nucleus of the egg con- tain little else than a material that carries the combined inheritable traits of one generation over to the next. This important material is called chromatin and during mitosis it becomes arranged in series of hereditary units called genes. Each gene has a definite causal rela- tionship to an inheritable trait. Both the sperm cell and the egg cell contain a complete gene complex, and each, under favorable conditions, could produce a complete individual. When the two totipotential gametes are brought together at fertili- zation, the resulting zygote contains two genes for each allelomorph. GENETICS AND EUGENICS 239 When the two genes are for the same trait, the resulting individual is said to be homozygous for that trait and, of course, shows it. When each of the two genes is for a different member of the allelomorph, in which case we use the term Jieterozygous, one gene takes precedence over the other, but the recessive gene is in no way destroyed; it sim- ply lies dormant and bides its time. How these genes are arranged into a limited number of packages called chromosomes and how chromosomes are distributed in the process of sperm and egg forma- tion have been explained in a previous chapter. Plotting Crosses The Monohybrid Cross. — When the genetic constitution of paren- tal stocks is known, it is possible to plot out the results of various kinds of crosses. The checkerboard is the simplest device for such T d TT Td Td dd Fig. 74. — The outcome of a monohybrid cross between two heterozygous (Td) individuals is according to the ratio 1:2:1, i.e., (TT), (Td), (Td). (dd). T d n dY Tg dg g Fig. 75. — The checkerboard may be used to determine the possible gene combina- tions in the ova and sperm of a possible dihybrid cross. A tall green-podded pea (Tg) is crossed with a dwarf yellow-podded pea (dy). computations. The genetic constitution of the various kinds of male gametes is set down along the ordinate and that of the various kinds of female gametes along the abscissa. These values are then copied into the squares horizontally and vertically and their sums give the values of the various kinds of gametes that will result from the cross. In the Fg (second filial generation) cross of Mendel's experiment 240 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY with tall and dwarf peas, half of the male gametes and half of the female gametes contained a gene for tallness (T) and half in each case contained a gene for dwarfness (d). The outcome, therefore, is shown in Fig. 74. The Polyhybrid Cross. — It is often desirable to know the outcome of a cross in which two or more characters are considered together as in the case of crossing a tall, green-podded pea (Tg) with a dwarf, yellow-podded pea (dY) (Fig. 75). The determination of the pos- sible kinds of gametes may be simplified by first making a small checkerboard for them. Thus we find that there are four kinds of male gametes and four kinds of female gametes which may be listed as TY, Tg, dY, dg. Now we make a checkerboard of sixteen squares and proceed as we did before. Ty Tg dY dg TY Tg TY dY TY dg TY TY Tg Tg Tg dY Tg dg Tg TY dY Tg dY dY dY dg dY T5f dg Tg dg dY dg dg dg TY Tg dY dg Fig. 76. — The outcome of a dihybrid cross between two heterozygous individ- uals is according to the ratio of 9 :3 :3 :1. The four kinds of male and female gam- etes, tall yellow (Ty), tall green (Tg), dwarf yellow (dy) and the recessive dwarf green idg) are employed as they would combine in this ratio. The computation of the dihybrid cross (Fig. 76) indicates that nine-sixteenths of the progeny will show the two dominant traits. Three-sixteenths will show the dominant trait of the first allelomorph and the recessive trait of the other. Another three-sixteenths will show the recessive trait of the first allelomorph and the dominant trait of the second. One-sixteenth of the offspring will show both recessive traits. It will be noticed, however, that the nine squares showing indi- viduals that will be tall and yellow vary with each other in regard to their entire content. Further examination of the squares will indicate GENETICS AND EUGENICS 241 that there are nine different combinations of letters and that in only one case as manj^ as four are exactly similar. Individuals whose genes cause them to look alike are called phenotypes ; those whose genes are exactly alike are called genoty,pes. A trihybrid cross, such as one between a tall yellow-podded pea with a wrinkled seed-coat (TYw) and a dwarf green-podded pea with a smooth seed-coat (dgS), can be plotted by using a checkerboard of sixty-four squares. There are eight different kinds of male and female gametes found in this arrangement. The ratio of phenotypes of a tri- hvbrid cross is 27 :9 :9 :9 :3 :3 :3 :1. TT TT Td Td Td Td dd dd Fig-. 77A. Fig. TIB. Fig. nA. — A cross between heterozygous (Td) and homozygous tall peas (TT) produces a 2:2 ratio. The resulting individuals are two pure tall (TT) and two phenotypically tall or mixed (Td). Fig-. 77B. — A cross between heterozygous tall (Td) and homozygous dwarf peas (dd) also produces a 2:2 ratio. The resulting individuals here are two pure dw.arf (dd) and two phenotypically tall or mixed (Td). The Back Cross. — The checkerboard is also useful in computing the results of a cross between a heterozygous and a homozygous in- dividual as would be the case in which the offspring of a cross between a homozygous dominant and a homozygous recessive individual is bred back to either of the parental stocks, a procedure often followed in practical animal and plant breeding. When such a cross is made to the homozygous dominant stock the results, in terms of pea traits, are TT, TT, Td, Td. When the heterozygous stock is bred back to the homozygous reces- sive parental stock a 2 :2 ratio is also produced, but between heterozy- gous and homozygous recessive individuals as : Td, Td, dd, dd. Complications of Mendelian Inheritance If all inheritable characters followed Mendel's law in as simple a fashion as do the pea traits that Mendel first investigated, the science of genetics would be much more elementary. Unfortunately this is not the case. Although Mendel's law is found so consistently as the 242 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY underlying principle of heredity that it can be said to be practically universal in its application, it is often modified and complicated in various ways. Multiple Allelomorphs. — Instead of the allelomorph consisting of the usual two factors, a larger number of alternatives sometimes ap- pear. Dominance in these cases occurs in a graded series, each mem- ber, between the extremes, being dominant to the lower members and recessive to the higher members of the series. A simple case of mul- tiple allelomorphs is found in the inheritance of color in rats where there are three factors ; namely, ordinary pigmentation, ruby-eyed dilution, and albinism. In a cross betw^een heterozygous parents any two of the three factors may be brought together in the offspring. If ordinary pigmentation is present with either of the other two, it will determine the color, since it is first in the series of dominance. If the other two are the ones present, the color will be ruby-eyed dilution, the second member of the series. A large series is presented by eye color in the common fruit fly, BrosopMla inelanog aster, in which case there are eleven members which are, in the order of their dominance : red, apricot, coral, ivory, ecru, buff, tinged, blood, cherry, eosin, and white. Each parent may have any two of these in its germ plasm and transmit either of them to the offspring. Plural Genes.* — Several cases formerly interpreted to be simple blending inheritance not conforming to Mendel's law have been ex- plained by the discovery that there can be more than one allelo- morphic pair concerned with the inheritance of the trait. Thus, in- stead of there being one gene located at some definite place on a chromosome, there are two or more genes variously located. Cases of plural genes fall into two categories. In the one, each gene inherited as a dominant, produces part of the result, and the effects are cumula- tive. In the other type of case, the inheritance of one dominant gene produces the entire effect. A common example of the cumulative type is the inheritance of skin color in man. It has long been known that a cross between a white man and a negro produces offspring of a medium shade called mulatto, and that a cross between two mulattoes will produce offspring with a range of color varying from intense black to a shade that may allow ♦Other names used for this are multiple factors and duplicate grenes. I avoid the first term because it is lil^ely to be confused by the beginning student with the term multiple allelomorph and I object to the second because of the connotation of only one repetition. GENETICS AND EUGENICS 243 the person to pass for white. This is explained by the fact that there are two allelomorphic pairs concerned with the inheritance of color, the dominant of either of which will produce a certain amount of pig- ment per square millimeter of skin surface. The negro of pure skin inheritance is homozygous for both pairs. Using P and P' to repre- sent the dominant factors of these two allelomorphs and p and p' the recessives, the homozygous negro would have PPP'P' while the ho- mozygous white person would have ppp'p' and the mulatto resulting from the first cross would have PpP'p'. The cross between two mulat- toes would be a dihybrid cross which could be plotted by a checker- board similar to that of Fig. 78. The accompanying summary shows that there caij be four, three, two, one, or no dominant factors present, thus accounting for the series: ''negro," ''chocolate," "mulatto," "quadroon" and "pass for white." ppt Ppt ppt ppt ppt ??• negro PP' ppt choc. pPt ppt choc. PP* ppt mulat ppt choc. Pp' mulat pP» mulat ppt quadr ppt pP» choc. Pp» PP' mulat pPt pP' mulat pp» pP» quadr ppt PP* Imulat Pp' pp» Quadr pP» PP' quadr pp' pp» white ppt Pp pp PP* Fig-. 78. — The inheritance of color by children of mulatto parents can be shown by the checkerboard for a dihybrid cross. The other type of case in which plural genes occur is exemplified by a certain brown-seeded variety of oats in which there are two pairs of genes concerned with the determination of color. Here the pres- ence of the dominant gene of either pair produces the entire effect. This case, too, can be plotted on the dihybrid checkerboard, but the result is a 15 :1 ratio, for fifteen of the sixteen squares would show at least one dominant gene. Crosses between a red and a white variety of wheat in which there are three pairs of genes for color, produce a 63 :1 ratio. This is a trihybrid cross in which each dominant gene can produce the entire effect. 244 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Complementary Genes. — In a number of cases color is produced by two genes, the dominants of which must react on each other to produce the color effect. In the sweet pea, if the dominant factor of the red allelomorph (Rr) is acted on by the dominant factor of the color allelomorph (Cc), then red is produced. If either of these dominant genes is present without the other, white flowers are pro- duced, and if two white-flowered plants of the genetic constitution Re and rC are crossed, a part of the progeny will be red. A student familiar with elementary chemistry may understand this better if he thinks of the red factor as being represented by a colorless solution of phenolphthalein and the color factor as a colorless alkaline solution. When both solutions come together, red is produced, but neither can produce the color without the other. Supplementary Genes. — But sometimes purple sweet peas appear when two white varieties are crossed or when a red variety is crossed with a white variety. Purple is produced by a third gene for blue which intensifies red if it is already present, but has no effect unless the RC genes are likewise inherited. Thus we find that its effect is to supplement that of the two genes R and C which are complements to each other in the production of red. The accompanying list shows some of the surprising crosses that may be made with sweet peas. Of course the combination of genes shown in the last column is not the only one that will come about in each of the various cases, but it is the one that emphasizes the point desired. White + White = Purple RcB + rCb = RGB Red + White = Purple RCb + RcB = RCB Purple + Red = Red RCB + RCb == RCl) Purple + White = Purple RCB + rcb = RCB Purple + White = White RCB + rcb = rcB Purple + White = Red RCB + rcb = RCb Lack of Dominance. — In several classic cases, some of which are among plants and others among animals, neither factor of an allelo- morph is dominant over the other. In the Fj generation, these cases seem to produce perfect examples of blending inlieritance, but the F2 generation exemplifies the 1 :2 :1 ratio so beautifully that these ex- ceptional cases are often used to explain Mendel's law to beginning students. The Andalusian breed of chickens includes both black and white individuals. When black fowl are crossed with white fowl, all the off- GENETICS AND EUGENICS 245 spring are of a slate color technically known as ' ' blue. ' ' When a blue chicken is crossed with another blue chicken, one-fourth of the progeny is black, one-fourth is white and the remaining two-fourths are blue. The blacks and the whites are homozygous for their respective colors while the blues are heterozygous. The inheritance of color in short-horn cattle, and of the color in the four-o'clock flower are also examples of this. In still other cases in which there is not neutrality of dominance, the dominant effect may not be complete. Very often the heterozygous individuals can be picked out from the homozygous dominant ones by casual inspection. Inheritance of Sex In certain lower animals and in the early embryos of mammals, both male and female reproductive systems are present in each individual. ^ — ■ Fig. 79. — Diagram to show the combinations in an XY sex chromosome pattern. Half of all possible fertilization combinations of sex chromosomes will be male (Xy, at left) and half will be female iXX, at right). Typically in higher forms, one of these systems is repressed, and we speak of the individual as being either male or female. The deter- mination of whether the male or the female system will develop is an inherited trait. The chromosome that carries the gene of sex deter- mination has come to be designated , as the X-chromosome. In typical cases, the female has in each of her germ cells, two of these X-chromo- somes and the male has only one. Therefore, when, in the process of spermatogenesis, the chromosomes match with their homologous chro- mosomes and separate again to give each of the resultant cells one complete set of chromosomes, the X-chromosome cannot pair with an- other like itself, and when the chromosomes are distributed in sets, half the sets will lack an X-chromosome. The sperm cells that do not have an X-chromosome will produce males while those that have such a chromosome will produce females. 246 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY In other cases that include man and Drosophila, the X-chromosome will pair with a Y-chromosome which has been described as ' ' an empty case " or a ' ' ghost chromosome. ' ' In cases in which a Y-chromosome is present, we cannot say that the male has one less chromosome than the female, but it practically amounts to that since the Y-chromosome seems to contain not more than a few genes (Fig. 79). Linkage Since the number of inherited traits of an animal or plant is very great while the number of chromosomes is quite small, it is apparent that a single chromosome must contain many genes. This being so, there is not absolutely free assortment of traits as they are passed from parent to offspring, but rather the offspring must inherit his traits in groups that are not, ordinarily, broken up. Therefore, when two genes, A and B, are on the same chromosome of one of the par- ents, if the offspring inherits gene A, he must inherit gene B. In Drosophila we know that the gene which determines whether or not the wing will be fringed occurs on the same chromosome as the one that is responsible for the body being or not being black. Now if one of the parents is fringed-winged and black-bodied, the offspring will have to inherit both these traits from that parent if he receives either one of them. This phenomenon is called linkage. Sex Linkage Since there are other genes than those concerned with sex on the X-chromosome, it is to be expected that their inheritance will differ somewhat in the two sexes. This is strikingly illustrated by certain abnormalities of man in whom the abnormal condition is inherited as a recessive ; for example, color blindness, blindness resulting from atrophy of the optic nerves (Leber's atrophy), and hemophilia or bleeder's disease, in which great loss of blood occurs even from slight wounds because clotting will not take place. Since the abnormality is a recessive trait produced by a gene on the X-chromosome, its effect can be offset by a dominant for normal in the female, but not in the male, because in the latter case there is not another X-chromosome present. Therefore, the daughter of a color-blind father will not show the defective trait but may pass it to her son. Fig. 80 shows a cross between a color-blind father and a normal mother. Two kinds of male gametes are produced, half of which carry the father 's gene for color blindness on the X-chromosome, and half of GENETICS AND EUGENICS 247 which, have no X-chromosome and therefore, have no such gene. All female gametes have one X-chromosome bearing a gene for normality. The various possible combinations of the two kinds of sperm with the single type of egg will produce two types of offspring; namely, sons who will be strictly normal in regard to the trait in question and daughters who will inherit the gene, but who will not show the trait because its effect will be overcome by the presence of a gene for nor- mal. Therefore, the daughters will be heterozygous for the trait and might be spoken of as carriers. Fig. 81 shows a cross between such a daughter and a normal male. Fig. 80. — In the cross between a color-blind male (at left) and a normal female (at right) the results (N, cb), (N, cb), (N), (N) indicate that all daughters, being heterozygous, will not show the defect though they might transmit it to their off- spring, while the sons are entirely free from it. iV2V=normal female individual ; cb = Color-blind individual ; and N, c&=normal function but carrier of the color- blind gene. Fig. 81. — Results (N, N), (N, cb), (N), (cb). In a cross between a normal male (at left) and a female who is heterozygous for color blindness (at right), half of the sons will be normal and half will be color-blind. Half the daughters will be homozygous for normal and half will be heterozygous. Inspection of this figure will show that such a cross will produce four types of offspring; namely, normal daughters, ''carrier" daugh- ters, normal sons, and color-blind sons. Thus, we see that half the grandsons of a color-blind man will receive the trait through their mothers, and that all daughters and half the granddaughters of the color-blind male will be carriers of the trait, but will have normal 248 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY color vision. Of course, from the mating of such a person with a color- blind man, all the sons and half the daughters will be color blind, but a young woman who is used to having her father buy orange-colored neckties, thinking they are blue, is not likely to marry a man similarly defective. Crossing Over Genetics might be defined as an exact science which has exceptions to many of its rules. A previous paragraph describes the principle of linkage which provided for the inheriting as groups of those traits whose genes occur together on a chromosome. Certain gametogenetic accidents bring about occasional exceptions to this principle. It will A C A B C A D D B D B Fig. 82. — Crossing- over occurs when chromosomes break apart after synapsis. AB and CD are the original chromosomes while AD and CB are the chromosomes resulting from the cross-over. be remembered (Fig. 60) that at synapsis the chromosomes pair and the homologous chromosomes become loosely attached to each other. At times, the pairing chromosomes will even twist around each other. When they come to separate in the maturation division, instead of making a complete separation they sometimes break off at some point So that a part of each will be joined to a reciprocal part of the other, as is shown in Fig. 82. Thus, as a result of crossing over, in- stead of traits A and B, and C and D being associated in the offspring as they were in the respective parents, A will be associated with D, and C with B. Crossing Over, a Useful Tool. — The process of crossing over has proved to be a valuable means of determining something of the nature GENETICS AND EUGENICS 249 of genes and chromosomes and, especially in Drosophila, it has enabled us to locate the positions of many of the genes on their respective chromosomes. If two linked traits are separated every time crossing over occurs, it is obvious that their genes lie at opposite ends of the chromosome, but if they are separated only half the times, it is ap- parent that half the length of the chromosome lies between them. Therefore, by computing the percentages of such separations and noting which traits are affected, it has been possible to make chromo- some maps showing the positions of the various genes and the distances separating them. The chromosome maps for Drosophila are quite complete. Mutations When chromosomes separate from each other at synapsis, aside from breaking so that a piece of one will adhere to the correlative piece of the other, various additional ''chromosomal accidents'^ will occur which change the organization of the chromosome. A piece of chro- mosome, for example, might break off from the end of one chromosome and adhere to the end of its homologue. Any disarrangement of the genes of a chromosome results in structural or physiological changes in the organism into which it goes. Such changes are inheritable and are called mutations. Since there are places on the chromosomes where these accidents occur more frequently than at other places, there is a tendency for certain mutations to occur with fairly determinable regularity, say once in every hundred thousand cases. Some mutations are useful and are preserved to the species to such an extent that De Vries believed they were the principal factor in bringing about evolu- tion. Other mutations are a disadvantage to the species, and the or- ganisms possessing them are eliminated in Nature's fierce struggle for existence unless they are saved from that cruel fate by man's interference. Human Heredity Man, very naturally, is interested most in the heredity of man. In spite of this supreme interest, his knowledge of his own heredity is much more limited than his knowledge of inheritance in any of a num- ber of other organisms. There are two reasons for this : namely, he is not free to experiment with his own kind; and, as would be expected, the application of Mendel's law to inheritable traits in this, the most complex of all living forms, is correspondingly complicated. Although there are cases in which the 1 :2 :1 ratio occurs in as simple a form as 250 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY in Mendel's peas, there are many more cases in which the Mendelian principle is manifested as multiple allelomorphs, plural genes, modi- fying factors, complementary factors, incomplete dominance, change- able dominance, etc. There is a tendency among some to depreciate our knowledge of human heredity on the ground that there is so much that we do not know. It is scientific to admit the extent of our lack of knowledge, but it is wise to give proper credit to our present store of information and to take cognizance of the rapidity with which the gaps in our knowledge are being filled in. One by one the complicated problems of human heredity are being solved by patient investigators, and by putting what we already know to use, we stimulate the acces- sion of more data. Some Cases of Human Heredity. — To give a complete summary of our knowledge of human heredity would be beyond the scope of this chapter. The accompanying table gives some of the data that have been accumulated: Data on Human Heredity TRAIT HOW INHERITED DOMINANCE General Physique and Skeleton Stature A composite Many genes for shortness character are dominant Body build Plural genes, two Factors for stoutness are or more pairs dominant of factors Polydactyly (extra digits) Simple Abnormality dominant Brachydactyly (short digits and Simple Abnormality dominant limbs) Symphalangism (fused fingers and toes) Zygodactyly (webbed fingers and toes) Lobster claw (split hands and feet) Simple Abnormality dominant Simple Abnormality dominant Simple Abnormality dominant Exostoses (outgrowths of long bones) Simple Abnormality dominant Abnormal fragility of bones Simple Abnormality dominant Amputation (entire absence of hands Simple Abnormality dominant and feet) Skin and Hair Simple. Lethal Ichthyosis (scaly skin) when homozy- gous Abnormality dominant Keratosis (thickened skin on palms Sex-linked Abnormality dominant and soles, suggestive of hoofs) Normal pigmentation Plural genes Cumulative Piebald (spotted skin) Simple Piebald dominant Premature grayness Simple Abnormality dominant Blaze (a white forelock) Simple Blaze dominant Epidermolysis (excessive formation Simple Abnormality dominant of blisters) GENETICS AND EUGENICS 251 Data on Human Heredity — Cont'd TRAIT Skin and Hair — Cont'd Albinism (lack of pigment in skin, eyes, and hair) Beaded hair Ovoid hair form (kinky or wavy) Alopecia (baldness) Hair color (brunette or blonde) Eed hair Eyes Eye color Hereditary cataract Color blindness Night blindness Atrophy of optic nerve Large, irregular pupils Ear Structure and Hearing Complete absence of external ears Cup ears (small, deformed, inverted pinnae) Otosclerosis (progressive hardening of ear drums) Nervous System Feeblemindedness Amaurotic family idiocy Huntington's chorea Manic depressive insanity « Dementia praecox (schizophrenia) Dipsomania Diseases and Diatheses Hemophilia Allergy (predisposition to hay fever, asthma, eczema, migraine, etc.) Gower's muscular atrophy Diabetes insipidus (excessive produc- tion of urine) HOW INHERITED Simple Simple Probably simple Sex-linked Plural genes, probably two pair Probably simple Modifying fac- tors and varia- tion in domi- nance Simple Sex- linked Sex-linked Sex-linked Simple Simple Simple Simple Can be simple Simple Simple Plural genes Plural genes, 32 pair Probably simple Sex-linked Simple Simple Simple DOMINANCE Recessive to all types of pigmentation Abnormality dominant Partial dominance Dominant in men Recessive in women Dark shades dominant Red pigment dominant Dark shades tend to be dominant over blue Abnormality dominant Abnormality usually recessive Abnormality usually recessive Abnormality recessive Abnormality, an irregu- lar dominant Abnormality dominant Abnormality dominant Abnormality dominant Abnormality recessive Abnormality recessive Abnormality dominant Abnormality chiefly dom- inant Abnormality seems to oc- cur as an incomplete recessive Abnormality recessive Abnormality recessive Abnormality dominant Abnormality recessive Abnormality dominant 252 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Matings Among^ Defectives It is obvious that persons who have inherited scaly skin, lobster claws, amputated hands and feet, exostotic bones, or who might have any of many other inheritable defects that incite pity or repulsion Avill find difficulty in securing mates. When these abnormalities occur as mutations, the afflicted persons are not likely to marry on their own social level, but will probably mate with others who are of lower Fig. 83. — Family from Brazil showing hereditary absence of hands and feet. The man at the right rear is the uncle of the children shown. The father, who is dead, had the same deformity. Of the twelve children born, six were normal and six were deformed. (From Holmes, Human Genetics and Its Social Import, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.) grade mentally or who have other abnormalities that make them ob- jectionable to normal people. Thus there is a tendency for defective- ness to be precipitated to a social group that can clearly be called dysgenic. By her process of eliminating the unfit who could not sur- vive the fierce struggle for existence. Nature formerly kept this group at minimum size. Today its numbers are being added to, not only by recruits from higher groups who have a poor heredity either by un- fortunate segregation of undesirable genes or by the occurrence of GENETICS AND EUGENICS 253 such mutations as have been mentioned, but also by increased repro- duction by the members of the dysgenic group itself. The Diflferential Birth Rate Nature keeps her creatures fit by giving reproductive advantage to the best members of each species. Various dioecious animal forms produce from dozens to millions of young per pair from which, on an average, two individuals are selected to replace the parents. As a rule, the two selected are the ones that are strongest and the most free of defects — these are usually the ones that are best adapted to their en- vironment. Man has, in the case of his own kind, preserved the weak and defective individuals that Nature would have eliminated had it not been for the application of medical science, together with public health and other measures that have come with the development of a humanitarian consciousness. Nothing but praise should be given to an altruism that saves lives and relieves suffering, but the effect on our race of man's present practice of preserving individuals that Nature would have destroyed, without safeguarding the reproductive advan- tage of the fitter group, is worthy of consideration. It has been shown by Lorimer and Osborn* that certain large groups are increasing so rapidly while others are so diminishing, that the surviving children of a million women of reproductive age of the first category will be twice as numerous as the surviving children of a similar group of women of the second classification. Carried on at the same rate for three generations (which is only a long lifetime) the descendants of the first groups will be sixteen times as numerous as those of the second groups. Casual observation will make evident that such grouping is likely to be on a basis of eugenicity and dysgenicity. A number of studies have been made of the reproductive rate of groups classified by voca- tion. These studies reveal that passing from the professional and suc- cessful business classes through the various occupations to that of the unskilled, transient, agricultural laborer, the number of children per family rises steadily. Family Size in Eugenic Groups The vocational group made up of college teachers might be taken as an example of a profession whose members have a low reproductive ♦Lorimer, F., and Osljorn, F. ; Dynamics gf Population, Macmillan. 254 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY rate. A recent study made by Kunkel* shows that 4,567 college teach- ers have 5,932 living children, an average of 1.3 children per teacher. Dividing the teachers surveyed into three groups according to age, he found that in the oldest group there is an average of 1.6 children, the middle group averages 1.42, and in the youngest group, which consists of those less than forty-three years of age, there are 0.86 children per teacher. Since the families of this last group are not complete, the average of the other two groups, or about 1.5 children per family, might be taken to indicate the reproductive rate of college professors. A correspondingly low birthrate is found among other groups whose members would be expected to possess traits that should be preserved for our race. Cattell reports that the average number of children in the families of the persons listed in American Men of Science is 1.88. But small families are not limited to college professors and scientists, for those distinguished people whose names are recorded in Who's Who in America have families averaging only slightly more than two. Since the families from which college students come can reasonably be taken as a eugenic group, several studies have been made of the sizes of the families represented on the campuses of various American colleges and universities. The author kept a record for a ten-year period of the sizes of the families represented by the students of a city university of the Southwest. The average number of children in those families was found to vary from year to year from slightly under to slightly over three. Since there were no childless families represented, these figures are high for the social stratum concerned. What effect college education may have on familj' size may be inferred from other studies. Harvard graduates whose year of graduation would give us reason to suppose that their families are complete, have produced 1.9 children per married alumnus ; allowing for the members of the group who did not marry, the average falls to 1.6 children. Corresponding averages for Yale are 1.9 and 1.5, for Swarthmore 2.15 and 1.9, and for Vassar 2.15 and 1.25. A false sense of eugenic security might be prompted by the belief that the figures exceeding two in the foregoing citations indicate that the parents are being replaced and that any residual value represents a gain. But in the cases of two-child families, what assurance have we that those children will live to reproductive age, that they will marry, and if they marry that they in turn will have children? Considering ♦Kunkel. B. W. : A Survev^ of College Faculties, Bulletin of the Association of American Colleges 23: No. 4, Dec, 1937. GENETICS AND EUGENICS 255 these possibilities, it is evident that fertile families must provide for more than replacement if the group to which they belong is to be per- petuated. Various computations have been made of the average num- ber of children per fertile family necessary to maintain the numerical strength of a group. These estimates range from 3.1 to 4. Consider- ing that the current incidence of childless families in America is 20 per cent, probably the higher number is more nearly correct, and it is not safe to place the figure at less than 3.5. Family Size in Dysgenic Groups Various studies have shown that larger families occur among people who have but a poor store of those qualities of intelligence, stability, and physical traits that go to make up racial excellence. o 11 III 6 m LEGSND o Uale without trait Female without trail IT o o o VaIo and female with trail; Sex unknown; ? inheritance unlSOVIL Pig-. 84. — Standard pedigree chart. Charts such as this can be used in tracing a trait through several generations of a family. This particular chart shows the inheritance of a dominant trait starting with a cross between a male who was heterozygous for the trait and a female in whom it was homozygously recessive. 256 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Lorimer and Osborn found in their study of the school children of selected eastern cities that children with the lowest intelligence scores (I.Q. below 60) came from families that averaged nearly six chil- dren; that those with medium scores (I.Q.'s 90 to 110) came from families averaging less than four; and that the children of superior intelligence (I.Q.'s 140 and over) came from families that averaged less than two and a half children. The author's study of nearly a thousand improvident families of a type well known to the social workers of southwestern cities revealed that in this group the number of births occurring in completed fam- ilies averaged 7.9 and the average number of children born to mothers of all ages was 5.7. The average number of surviving children of the two groups was 6.1 and 4.6 respectively. The significance of these data in comparison with those concerned with the size of the families from which college students come can be realized from the fact that if the reproductive rates in these two groups continue for ten genera- tions, the descendants of one hundred families of the dysgenic group will number more than twenty-eight thousand, while in the same gen- eration, one hundred families of the present-day college-student group will be represented by eleven persons. What Can Be Done? It must be admitted that the present racial situation has been brought about through the advance of humanitarianism and science. The cure for the situation must come through the application of greater humanitarian and scientific measures. The many corrective panaceas that have been suggested must be tested carefully and ap- plied cautiously. Some reforms can be applied at once and are being applied today to some degree; others must wait until the time for their application is more opportune. Some Eugenic Measures The step that would be most fruitful of racial betterment is general education along eugenic lines. If a sufficient number of thoughtful citizens were informed about racial trends, a eugenic consciousness would be developed that would cause every proposed social or eco- nomic change to be considered from the standpoint of its genetic significance. The marriage and divorce laws of the various states should be uni- fied and rewritten along eugenic lines. They should provide for ad- GENETICS AND EUGENICS 257 vance notification of applications for marriage licenses as is provided for by the California laws, and should contain provision for health examinations as already enforced in Illinois. The latter practice should be extended to include the examination of family histories. Many positive measures have been proposed for granting aid of \^arious kinds to large families. At the present time most of these proposals are impractical, but we might look forward to wage adjust- ment to family size starting with government employees, and rental rates of government-owned houses based on a fixed percentage of the family income regardless of the size of the house required. It has been proposed that those who are clearly unworthy of parent- hood should be segregated in colonies of their own sex. The expense of this as well as the probability of many social and other problems that would arise in such a situation challenges the wisdom of such a measure beyond the degree it is now being practiced in our eleemosy- nary and punitive institutions. Twenty-nine of our states have adopted laws providing for the eugenic sterilization of such persons as those who have been committed to sanitaria for mental cases because of an inheritable type of insanity and who are to be returned to their families. A few states provide also for such sterilization of habitual criminals and those who are clearly feebleminded. Eugenic sterilization consists of vasectomy and sal- pingectomy— operations that bring about sterility without interfering with endocrine function or normal sexual reactions. Over twenty- five thousand such sterilizations have been performed under the present laws. It is evident from the data previously discussed that family limita- tion is being practiced by the eugenic group. It is suggested by many who are facing squarely the problems of racial welfare that those who are mentally and in other ways far below the majority of our people should have made available to themHhe means of similarly limiting the sizes of their families. The number of clinics where such measures are made available to persons who will make proper use of them al- ready number in the hundreds. Some of these eugenic measures are questioned on the grounds that they violate human rights. We should also be considerate of the rights of the unborn. It is reasonable to say that every child that is to be born into this world has : The right to he horn with a sound mind. 258 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY The right to he horn with a strong and normal hody. The right to he horn into an environment in which his inherited po- tentialities will have a fair chance to develop. References Baur, E., Fischer, E., and Lenz, F.: Human Heredity, New York, 1931, The Macmillan Company. Bowen, E.: An Hypothesis of Population Growth, New York, 1931, Columbia University Press. Castle, W. E.: Genetics and Eugenics, Cambridge, Mass., 1930, Harvard Univer- sity Press. Holmes, S. J.: Studies in Evolution and Genetics, New York, 1923, Harcourt Brace & Company. — : Human Genetics and Its Social Import, New York, 1933, Harcourt Brace & Company. Lindsey, A. W.: A Textbook of Genetics, New York, 1932, The Macmillan Company. Newman, H. H.: Evolution, Genetics, and Eugenics, Chicago, 1932, University of Chicago Press. Popenoe, P., and Johnson, R. S. : Applied Eugenics, New York, 1933, The Mac- millan Company. Shull, A. F.: Heredity, New York, 1931, McGraw-Hill Book Company. Sinnott, E. W., and Dunn, L. C: Principles of Genetics, New York, 1932, Mc- Graw-Hill Book Company. Walter, H. E.: Genetics, New York, 1930, The Macmillan Company. CHAPTER XIII CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS For practical reasons it is necessary to classify the animals of the animal kingdom, listing and arranging them in a definite, orderly, systematic fashion in order that they may be recognized and named. Since there are at least 840,000 different species of animals already described and more being added continually, this becomes signifi- cant. In addition to the matter of convenience in cataloguing ani- mals, our present system of classification, which is based primarily on structures, brings to light many of the phylogenetic relations between groups. The study of classification is called taxonomy, of which some mention has already been made in the introductory chapter. The usual method of classification of animals originated with Lin- naeus who lived from 1707-1778. He recognized groups of four dif- ferent values : class, order, genus, and species. Since his time several other divisions of the classification have been added, as the phylum, subphylum, subclass, suborder, family, subfamily, subgenus, and sub- species. The Linnaean system designates the species by two Latin or Latinized names ; the first is the generic name and the second is the specific name. For example, we have Rana catesheiana, the bullfrog, and Rana pipiens, the leopard frog, as two species of frogs belong- ing to the same genus. Because of the necessity for two names for the designation of each species this is known as the binomial system of nomenclature. In cases where subspecies or varieties have been recognized, the genus, species, and subspecies names all are used, making the arrangement trinomial instead of only binomial. The basis for our present classification is largely relationship of structure with groups formed because of genetic relation and descent from common ancestry. Animals whose characteristics are similar and whose relationship is evidently very close are placed in the same species. Species which are quite similar are placed in the same genus. Families are each composed of genera which resemble each other in certain respects much more than they resemble other genera. Orders are composed of related families, classes of related 259 260 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY orders, and phyla of related classes. These groups are regarded as having arisen from successively more remote ancestors. To the ex- tent that evolution has proceeded in the different groups, this sys- tem of classification carries a fairly accurate outline of the phylo- genetic background of any modern animal. Forms possessing ho- mologous structures (structures of similar form and similar em- bryonic development) are described as of close relationship. Since similarity in embryonic development is regarded as most important evidence of homology, the theory of recapitulation (individual in its life lives over the history of its race) enters strongly in determining relationships of animals and animal groups. Chordata (Frog) Annelida {lumbhcus) Bryo^oa (Bugulaj Rotifera Platyhdminthei {Tapeworm) Arthropoda (Crayfish) MoUusca (Snail) Ecblnodermata (Jtarfiih) Nemathelmintbe5 (Ascans) Per if era (icypha) Coelenteraba (Hydra) Ctenophora (Beroe j sea walnut Protozoa (ParameciurT)) ANIMAL KINGDOM Fig. 85. — Phylum relations in the animal kingdom. Rules of Nomenclature In order that each kind of animal may have a valid and recognized scientific name, and not several different names, and also that two different animals will not have the same name, some definite rules of nomenclature have been organized into a code. The code which is most generally used is the hit er national Code of Zoological Nomen- clature. It was adopted by the International Zoological Congress and is administered through a Commission on Nomenclature. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 261 Some of the important rules embodied in this code are given below : 1. The first name proposed for a genus or species prevails, provided it was published along with ample description or definition and the principles of binomial nomenclature have been applied. This is known as the law of priority. 2. The author of a genus or species is the one who first publishes the name in connection with the description, definition, or in- dication of the organism referred to, and his name appears in full or abbreviated as a part of the name. An example would be Rana pipiens Schreber. 3. In citations the generic name of an animal is written with the initial letter capitalized, while the initial letter of a species name or sub..pecies name is not. 4. If a species is transferred to a genus other than its original one, or if the name of a genus is changed, the author's name is in- cluded in parentheses. 5. One species constitutes the type of the genus, it serves as being typical for the genus. One genus constitutes the type for a family or a subfamily. The type is indicated by the describer, or, if not, it is done by some other author. SUMMARY OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS^^^ Below is given a classification of the principal groups of animals from phylum through orders. Phylum I. Protozoa (Single-Celled Animals) Class I. Mastigophora Subclass A. Phytomastigina Order 1. Chrysomonadia — Synura uvella Order 2. Cryptomonadia — Chilomonas Order 3. Dinoflagellata — Ceratium Order 4. Euglenoidia — Euglena viridis Order 5. Phytomonadia — Volvox glohator ^ Subclass B. Zoomastigina Order 1. Pantastomatida — Mastigamoeba Order 2. Protomonadina — Codosiga (clioanoflagellate) Order 3. Polymastigina — Trichomonas Order 4. Hypermastigina — Trichonympha campanula Class II. Sarcodina (Khizopoda) Order 1. Amoebina — Amoeba proteus Order 2. Heliozoa — Actinophrys •Modified with permission from Shull. Principles of Animal Biology, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company. Subclass A Order 1. Order 2. Order 3. Subclass B. Order 1. Order 2. Subclass C. Order 1. Order 2. ass IV. In Order 1. Order 2. Order 3. Order 4. Order 5. 262 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Order 3. Foraminifera — Glohigerina Order 4. Eadiolaria — Thalassicolla Order 5. Mycetozoa — Mucilago Class III. Sporozoa Telosporidia Coccidiomorpha — Eimeria stiedae Gregarinida — Gregarina blattarum Haemosporidia — Plasmodium vivax Cnidosporidia Myxosporidia — Myxobolus Microsporidia — Nosema Acnidosporidia Sarcosporid ia — Sarcocystis Undemanni Haplosporidia — Ichthyosporidium fusoria Holotrichida — Paramecium caudatum Heterotrichida — Stentor coeruleus Oligotricha — Halteria Plypotricha — Stylonychia Peritricha — Vorticella Class V. Suctoria — Podophrya gracilis Phylum II. Porifera (Sponges) Class I. Calcispongiae (Calcarea) Order 1. Homocoela — Leucosolenia Order 2. Heterocoela — Scypha (Grantia) Class II. Hyalospongiae (Hexactinellida) — Euplectella aspergillum Class III. Demospongiae Order 1. Tetraxonida — Geodia Order 2. Monaxonida — Spongilla Order 3. Ceratosa — Euspongia (bath sponge) Order 4. Myxospongida — Ealisarca dujardini Phylum III. Coelenterata (Jellyfishes) Class I. Hydrozoa Order 1. Anthomedusae — Hydra Order 2. Leptomedusae — Obelia Order 3. Trachomedusae — Trachynema Order 4. Narcomedusae — Cunocantha Order 5. Hydrocorallinae — Millepora Order 6. Siphonophora — Physalia Class II. Scyphozoa Order 1. Stauromedusae — Tessera Order 2. Peromedusae — Periphylla Order 3. Cubomedusae — Chiropsalmus Order 4. Discomedusae — Aurellia Class III. Anthozoa Subclass A. Alcyonaria Order 1. Stolonifera — Cornulariella Order 2. Alcyonacea — Alcyonium Order 3. Gorgonacea — Corallium Order 4. Pennatulacea — Eenilla CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 263 Subclass B. Zoantharia Order 1. Edwardsiidea — Edwardsia Order 2. Actinaria — Metridium Order 3. Madreporaria — Astrangia Order 4. Zoantliidea — Zoanthus Order 5. Antipathidea — Antipathes Order 6. Cerianthidea — Cerianthus Phylum IV. Ctenophora (Sea Walnuts) Class I. Tentaculata Order 1. Cydippida — Fleurolrachia Order 2. Lobata — Mnemiopsis Order 3. Cestida — Cestus Class II. Nuda — Beroe Phylum V. Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) Class I. Turbellarla Order 1. Rhabdocoelida — Stenostomum Order 2. Tricladida — Planaria Order 3. Polycladida — Planocera Class II. Trematoda Order 1. Monogenea — Gyrodactylus Order 2. Digenea — Fasciola Order 3. As^idoaotylesi—Coty lapis Class in. Cestoda Order 1. Bothriocephaloidesi—Diphyllolothrium Order 2. Tetraphyllidea — Crossohothrium Order 3. Cyclopliyllidea — Taenia Order 4. Trypanorhyncha — Ehyncolothrus Class IV. Nemertinea — Cerehratulus Phylum VI. Nemathelminthes (Roundworms) Class I. Nematoda Order 1. Ascaroidea — Ascaris Order 2. Strongyloidea — Necator Order 3. Filaroidea — Filaria Order 4. Dioctophymoidea — Dioctophyme Order 5. Tricliinelloidea — Trichinella Class II. Gordiacea (Nematomorplia)— G^or^Zms Class III. Acanthocephala — Echinorhynchus Phylum VII. Annelida (Segmented Worms) Class I. AvchiSinne\id2i.—Polygordius Class II. Chaetopoda Order 1. Polychaeta — Nereis Order 2. Oligochaeta — Lumlricus Class III. Hirudinea — Hirudo Class IV. Gephyrea (Frequently classified as independent groups) Order 1. Echiuroidea — Echiurus Order 2. Sipunculoidea — Sipunculus 264 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Phylum VIII. Echinodermata (Starfish, Sea Urchin, Etc.) Class I. Asteroidea Order 1. Phanerozonia — Astropecten Order 2. Spinulosa — Solaster Order 3. Forcipulata — Asterias Class n. Ophiuroidea Order 1. Ophiurae — Ophioderma Order 2. Euryalae — Gorgonocephalus Class III. Echinoidea Order 1. Cidaroida — Eucidaris Order 2. Centrechinoida — Arhacia Order 3. Clypeastroida — Clypeaster Order 4. Spatangoida — Moira Class IV. Holothuroidea Order 1. Actinopoda — Thyone Order 2. Paractinopoda — Leptosynapta Class V. Crinoidea — Antedon Phylum IX. MoUusca (Clams, Snails, Etc.) Class I. Amphineura Order 1. Polyplacophora — Chiton Order 2. Aplacophora — Neomenia Class II. Pelecypoda Order 1. Protobranchiata — Nucula Order 2. Filibranchiata — Mytilus Order 3. Eulamellibranchiata — Lampsilis Order 4. Pseudolamellibranchiata — Ostrea Class III. Gastropoda Order 1. Prosobranchiata — Helicinia Order 2. Opisthobranchiata — Aplysia Order 3. Pulmonata — Helix Class IV. Scaphopoda — Dentalium Class V. Cephalopoda Order 1, Tetrabranchiata — Nautilus Order 2. Dibranchiata — Loligo Phylum X. Arthropoda (Insects, Crustacea, Etc.) Class I. Crustacea Subclass A. Branchiopoda Order 1. Phyllopoda — Branchipus Order 2. Cladocera — Daphnia Subclass B. Ostracoda — Cypris Subclass C. Copepoda — Cyclops Subclass D. Cirripedia — Balanus Subclass E. Malacostraca Order 1. Nebaliacea — Nehalia Order 2. Anaspidacea — Anaspides Order 3. Mysidacea — My sis Order 4. Cumacea — Diastyli,$ CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 26f5 Order 5. Tanaidacea — Tanaia Order 6. Isopoda — Oniscus Order 7. Amphipoda — Gammarus Order 8. Euphausiacea — Euphausia Order 9. Decapoda — Cambarus Order 10. Stomatopoda — Squilla Class II. Onychophora — Peripatus Class III. Myriapoda Order 1. Pauropoda — Eurypauropus Order 2. Diplopoda — Julus Order 3. Chilopoda — Lithohius Order 4. Symphyla — Scutigera Class IV. Insecta Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Class V. Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order 1. Thysanura — Lepisma 2. Collembola — Sminthurus 3. Ephemerida — Ephemera 4. Odonata — Lihellula 5. Plecoptera — Pteronarcella 6. Embiidina — Emhia 7. Orthoptera — Melanoplus 8. Isoptera — Termes 9. Dermaptera — Anisoldhris 10. Coleoptera — Lachnosierna 11. Strepsiptera — Xenos 12. Thysanoptera — Thrips 13. Corrodentia — Atropos 14. Mallopliaga — Menopon 15. Anoplura — Pediculus 16. Hemiptera — Eeduvius 17. Homoptera — Cicada 18. Neuroptera — Corydalis 19. Trichoptera — Enoicyla 20. Lepidoptera — Pieris 21. ^Mecoptera — Panorpa 22. Diptera — Musca 23. Siphonaptera — Pulex 24. Hymenoptera — Apis Araclmida 1. Scorpionidea — Hadrurus 2. Pedipalpi — Admetus 3. Phalangidea — Phalangium 4. Palpigradi — Koenenia 5. Araneida — Aranea 6. Acarina — Sarcoptes'^ 7. Solifugae — Bhagodes 8. Chernetidia — Ohisium 9. Xiphosura — Limulus 10. Eurypterida (Extinct) — Eurypterus Groups of Nonchordates Whose Systematic Position Is Uncertain Group 1. Nemertina — Cerehratulus Group 2. Cliaetognatha — Sagitta Group 3. Kotifera — Philodina Group 4. Bryozoa — Bugula Group 5. Plioronidea — Phoronis Group 6. Brachiopoda — Magellania 266 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Phylum XI. Chordata (Man, Etc.) Suljphylum I. Enteropneusta (Hemicliorda) Order 1. Balanoglossida — Dolichoglossus Order 2. Cephalodiscida — (None in America) Sutophylum II. Tunicata (Urochorda) Order 1. Ascidiacea — Molgula Order 2. Thaliacea — Salpa Order 3. Larvacea — Oikopleura Subphylum III. Cephalocliorda Subphylum IV. Vertebrata Class I. Cyclostomata Subclass A. Myxinoidea — Myxine Subclass B. Petromyzontia — Entosphenus Class II. Elasmobranchii Subclass A. Selachii Order 1. Euselacliii — Car char odon Order 2. Cyclospondyli — Squalus Order 3. Batoidea (Kaji) — Kaja Subclass B. Holocepliali — Chimaera Class III. Pisces Subclass A. Teleostomi Order 1. Crossopterygii — Polypterus Order 2. Chondrostei — Polydon Order 3. Holostei — Lepidosteus Order 4. Teleostei — Ameiurus Subclass B. Dipnoi — Protopterus Class IV. Amphibia Order 1. Caudata (Urodela) — Necturus Order 2. Salientia (Anura) — Bana Order 3. Apoda — Ichthyophis Class V. Reptilia Order 1. Testudinata — Pseudemys Order 2. Rhynchocephalia — Sphenodon Order 3. Crocodilia — Alligator Order 4. Squamata — Phrynosoma Class VI. Aves Subclass A. Archaeornitlies (Extinct) — Archaeornis Subclass B. Neornithes Order 1. Hesperornithiformes (Extinct) — Hesperornis Order 2. Ichtliyornithiformes — Ichthyornis Order 3. Strutliioniformes — Struthio Order 4. Rheiformes — Bhea Order 5. Casuariiformes — Casuarius Order 6. Crypturiformes — Tinamus Order 7. Dinornithiformes (Extinct) — Palapteryx Order 8. Aepyornithiformes (Extinct) — Aepyornis Order 9. Apterygiformes — Apteryx Order 10. Sphenisciformes — Spheniscus Order 11. Colymbiformes — Gavia Order 12. Procellariiformes — Diomedea Order 13. Ciconiiformes — Botaurus Order 14. Anseriformes — Anas CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 267 Order 15. Falconiformes — Cathartes Order 16. Galliformes — Gallus Order 17. Gruiformes — Fulica Order 18. Charadriiformes — Oxyechus Order 19. Cuculiformes — Geococcyx Order 20. Coraciiformes — Ceryle Order 21. Passeriformes — Passer Class VII. Mammalia Subclass A. Prototheria Order 1. Monotremata- -0 rnithorhynchus Metatheria Marsupialia — DidelpJiis Eutheria Insectivora — Scalopus Dermoptera — Galeopithecus Cliiroptera — Eptesicus Carnivora — Felis Pinnipedia — Callorhinus Primates — Homo Edentata — Dasypus Rodentia — Battus Lagomorpha — Lepus Artiodactyla — Sus Perissodactyla — Equus Proboscidea — Elephas Hyracoidea — By rax Pholidota — Manis Tubulidentata — Orycteropus Sirenia — Ealicore Odontoceti — Phocaena Mystacoceti — Balaena References Comstock, J. H.: The Spider Book, Garden City, N. Y., 1912, Doubleday Page Company. Comstock, J. H., and Comstock, A. B. : A Manual for the Study of Insects, Ithaca, N. Y., 1930, Comstock Publishing Company. Dickerson, Mary C. : The Frog Book, Garden City, N. Y., 1906, Doubleday Page Company. Ditmars, R. L. : The Reptile Book, Garden City, N. Y., 1908, Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. Jordan, D. S.: A Manual of the Vertebrates, New York, 1929, World Book Company. Pratt, H. S.: "A Manual of the Common Land and Fresh-Water Vertebrates of the United States, Philadelphia, 1937, P. Blakiston's Son & Company. — : A Manual of Common Invertebrates, Chicago, 1937, A. C. McClurg & Co. Subclass B. Order 1. Subclass C. Order 1. Order 2. Order 3. Order 4. Order 5. Order 6. Order 7. Order 8. Order 9. Order 10. Order 11. Order 12. Order 13. Order 14. Order 15. Order 16. Order 17. Order 18. CHAPTER XIV PROTOZOA IN GENERAL The animals included in this group are usually said to be the first to have existed on earth and, therefore, they are considered the oldest. Being single-celled, they are usually referred to as the simplest known animals, although many of them are perhaps more complicated than numerous many-celled or metazoan forms because of the extensive modifications of the one cell. Protozoa are universally placed first when animal groups are placed in the order of complexity, begin- ning with the simplest. It has been supposed, and with reasons to support the supposition, that modern Protozoa have descended, with- out changing their single-celled candition, from primitive organisms that were also the ancestors of Metazoa. Characteristics The great majority of Protozoa are microscopic creatures. Most of them live in water, while a few live in the body fluids of other animals. Certain types are found living rather abundantly in the soil water. They are found in almost all conceivable shapes. Some have irregular, changing shapes; others are nearly spherical, oval, spindle-shaped, cylindrical, and vase-shaped. Most Protozoa exist singly as an independent cell, but some are organized into groups called colonies. A few are encased in hard coverings or shells which are made up of a secretion from the cell alone, or of a combination of such a secretion with a foreign material like sand. With the exception of one class the Protozoa have characteristic locomotor organs. Classification This group is often spoken of as a subkingdom as well as the first phylum of the animal kingdom. In spite of the exceedingly large number of species and microscopic size, the phylum has been quite systematically classified and is divided into classes, orders, families, genera, and species. The phylum is usually divided into four classes, each characterized by a distinctive locomotor structure or by the total lack of such features, as in one of the classes. 1. Class Mastig-ophora (mas ti gof 6 ra), Avhich means whip bear- ers, includes forms that possess one or more whiplike extensions of the cytoplasm, or flagella. The number of flagella is limited, and 268 PROTOZOA IN GENERAL 269 they serve the animal as its means of locomotion. In some species they serve the organism in feeding. The flagellum is a contractile structure. There are some species in which exist both flagellate and amoeboid stages. This seems to show a rather close relation of this class to the next. The class also has a close relationship with plants in that many of its representatives possess chlorophyll. These forms are frequently classified as plants by botanists. The class Mastigophora is divided into two groups: (a) the animal-like forms which may be holozoic, saprophytic, or entozoic, and (b) those more plantlike forms which may be holophytic, saprophytic, Cercomonas Monoaiga Chilomoms Codorjosi'ga. i^^^ Phaous Trachelmonas Peranema Maatigamoeba jPig. 86. — Group of representative Mastigophora. (Reprinted by permission from Curtis and Guthrie, Textbook of General Zoology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) (Figure of Chilomonas modified.) or entozoic. Holozoic refers to forms which ingest and digest food material. Saprophytic refers to the habit of absorbing nonliving organic matter in solution directly through the surface of the body. Entozoic is a name applied to forms which live within the body of other animals, as in the intestine or the blood stream. A large number of Mastigophora live in quiet streams, ponds, lakes, and in the ocean. Euglena is a very commonly studied fresh-water form. Noctiluca is an interesting marine form which is pelagic (lives at the surface) in its habits and appears as a thick, creamy scum. 270 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY This soupy mass of organisms may cover an area of hundreds of square rods. When stimulated, these animals are luminescent and at night frequently give out an attractive greenish or bluish white light; Uroglena is a fresh-water form which is often found in water supply basins and causes a pungent, oily odor and unpleasant taste in the water. Giardia, Trichomonas, Chilomastix, Retortamonas and En- teronomas are all genera with representatives occurring in the diges- tive-tract of man. 2. Class Sarcodina (sar k6 di' na, fleshy) or Rhizopoda (ri zop' 6 da, root foot). — A distinctive feature of nearly all species of this class is the capacity to form protoplasmic processes called pseudopodia (false feet) which are temporary structures and can be withdrawn. The animal is able to accomplish locomotion by extending the proto- plasm into these pseudopodia. The representatives of this class Dijflugia Arcella Actinophrys Fig. g7. — Group of typical Sarcodina. (From Curtis and Guthrie, Textbook of Gen- eral Zoology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) include many free-living forms as well as numerous parasitic ones. A number of the representatives of class Sarcodina secrete an ex- ternal shell of lime, silicon, chitin, cellulose, or some bind in sand or other solid substances with one of the secretions. The class is com- monly divided into five orders, (a) Amoehina are irregularly-shaped forms with lobelike pseudopodia. Some of the species are naked, and others are covered by a shell. Amoeba proteus is the free-living naked form which is commonly studied. Endamoeha histolytica is the most common parasitic form. Arcella, which secretes its shell, and Diffliigia, which constructs its shell of sand cemented together by a secretion, are two of the most commonly observed shell-bearing forms, (b) Foraminifera is an order of shelled forms whose pseudo- podia are very slender and reticular. The pseudopodia are extended through small pores in the shell. Only a very few of this group live in fresh water. The vast majority are marine, and Glohigerina PROTOZOA IN GENERAL 271 is a typical example. The disintegrating calcareous shells of this or- ganism constitute a great mass of material on the bottom of the ocean which is known as globigerina ooze and from which chalk is formed, (c) Mycetozoa are characterized as being able to produce enormous Plasmodia containing hundreds of nuclei and contractile vacuoles, as well as having ability to reproduce by spore formation. They live quite commonly in masses of decaying vegetable material upon which Fig. 88. — Shells of different Foraminifera. A, Rhabdamina abyssorum (X4.5) ; B, Nodosaria hispida (Xl8); C, Globigerina buUoides (X55). (From Borradaille and Potts, The Invertebrata, The Macmillan Company.) they feed, (d) Heliozoa is a group with thin, radially arranged, threadlike, unbranched pseudopodia. Actinophrys sol is a common one found in fresh-water streams and ponds, (e) Radiolaria is a marine group with fine, raylike pseudopodia and a shell composed largely of silica. The pseudopodia extend through the relatively large apertures in the shell. 272 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY 3. Class Infusoria (in fii so' ri ^, crowded). — This group includes those single-celled animals covered with small hairlike, cytoplasmic processes known as cilia. They occur in both fresh and marine waters as free-swimming organisms. There are a few parasitic forms, notably Balantidium coli. Paramecium, Stentor, and Yorticella are the commonly studied Infusorians. The class may be divided into two subclasses, Ciliata and Suctoria. The first, Ciliata, is composed of Coleps Bidimum STEHTOK VOI^TICCLLA. Fig. 89. — Group of typical Infusoria. (Courtesy of General Biological Supply House. ) 0 four orders (or five by some), (a) Holotrichida possess cilia of equal length over the body, or they are restricted to particular regions in specialized forms ; a cell-mouth is present in most forms. Paramecium is our most common genus living in fresh water. Didinium, Frontonia, Chilodon, and Coleps are other common forms. Opalina is a well- known parasitic genus which inhabits the large intestine of the frog, (b) Heterotrichida possess a well-developed undulating membrane in the cytopharynx. The body cilia are small or partially absent, PROTOZOA IN GENERAL 273 but the cilia of the oral region are well developed. In some forms this oral region possesses membranelles. Stentor, Halteria, and Bursaria are common fresh-water genera while Balantidium is a parasite in the intestine of man and some other mammals. This order is often divided into two orders, forming a second by the name of Oligo- trichida, of which Halteria is typical, (c) Hypotrichida possess cirri or structures formed by fusion of cilia ; these are found principally on the ventral side. The cell is flattened dorsovent rally and most of the genera use creeping as their means of locomotion. Stylonychia, Prorodoti Fronton I a I '5 :i BiplGtes Stylonyohk I- -f / ,'.•/• lacrymaiia Fig. 90. — Representatives from class Infusoria. (Reprinted by permission from Curtis and Guthrie, Textbook of General Zoology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) (Figure of Frontonia modified.) Oxytricha and Euplotes are common fresh-water genera. Kerona is parasitic and is often found creeping over the external surface of fresh-water Hydra, (d) Peritrichida is an order composed of seden- tary ciliates with a whorl of oral cilia continued into a depression in which are located the oral spot and aperture of the contractile vacuole. At the base of this depression is located the mouth. There are no body cilia in certain phases of the life history. These forms are typically attached by stalks. Vorticella is probably the most common living genus. Epistylis and Carchesium are well-known 274 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY colonial genera. Vorticella and Carchesium have contractile stalks while Epistylis is attached by noncontractile branching stalks. The second subclass, Suctoria or Tentacnlifera, as it is sometimes called, includes animals that are not ciliated, except during a free- swimming stage which may occur following division or encystment. These are attached forms with protoplasmic projections which are used in the capture of food. Most of them are marine, but Podophrya is an example of a fresh-water genus. This subclass is frequently given the standing of a class, giving the phylum five classes. 4. Class Sporozoa (spo rO zo' k, seed animal). — These protozoans in their early stages are often amoeboid, but in the completed life history locomotor structures are wanting. During the life cycle there is a spore stage. The animals of this class are entirely parasitic and they are usually transmitted to other animals in the spore stage. They often pass from one host in its feces and enter another in contaminated food or drink; or they are drawn from one host by a blood-sucking animal and transmitted to the blood of another. All Sporozoa reproduce by sporulation in which asexual, multiple fission is followed by gamete formation, and the gametes fuse to form a zygote. The spores are produced by the parent animal dividing into fragments while it is encysted. These little cysts, which are secreted by the protoplasm of the animal, are protective and enable them to withstand adverse conditions. The cyst is dis- solved upon entrance to a host and liberates the organisms. This class of Protozoa is among the most widely distributed of the animal parasites, and their life cycles are often quite compli- cated. There are three subclasses of the class, and each of these is divided into some orders. The first subclass is Telosporidia in which the spores produced have neither a polar capsule nor polar filament. In this group are three orders, (a) Gregarinida, commonly called gregarines, inhabit the cells (cystozoic) of earthworms, cockroaches, other insects, and occasionally vertebrates in their early stages, but later they may become free in the cavities of the host. They may attain considerable size, (b) Coccidia are minute monocysted forms which are permanent intracellular parasites of molluscs, arthropods, and vertebrates, including man. The life history involves a period of asexual reproduction (schizogony) and a period of so-called sex- ual reproduction which ends in spore formation (sporogony). (c) Haemosporidia. The representatives of this order live chiefly in the PROTOZOA IN GENERAL 275 red blood corpuscles of vertebrates. Again the life cycle involves both schizogony and sporogony. The former occurs in the blood of the vertebrate and the latter takes place in such hosts as insects, leeches, and ticks. The malaria parasite and the causal agent of Texas fever in cattle ar^ the most important forms. Cnidosporidia is the name of a second subclass, the spores of which contain from one to four polar capsules each with a coiled polar fila- ment. There are two orders: (a) Myxosporidia are found chiefly as fish parasites, but occur occasionally in reptiles and amphibia. The gall-bladder, uriniferous tubes, and urinary bladder are usual seats of infection for the free forms, while the gills and muscles of the fishes are choice tissues for the cysts. Myxidium and Myxoholus are characteristic genera, (b) Microsporidia have in each spore a single polar capsule. This group is parasitic chiefly in arthropods, and occasionally in other invertebrates, fish and amphibia. Ep'itheUam Early sta^e ^.HOOr-C .Intermediate sta^c haturc Sta^e Fig. 91. — Gregarina attached to an epithelial cell of a host's intestine. Other stages of its development are shown within adjacent cells. The third subclass Acnidosporidia includes forms which produce simple spores. Again there are two orders: (a) Sarcosporidia. As the name infers, these occur in muscles of several mammals. The encysted forms attain a length of several millimeters, and ultimately each becomes a mass of sickle-shaped spores. The complete life cycle is not known, but the saclike, encysted form in muscles of mammals is known as Miescher's corpuscle, (b) Haplosporidia are single cells, each with a single nucleus, and they have a relatively simple struc- ture. Individuals of this order parasitize fishes and certain insects, notably the cockroach. Plasmodium, the malaria parasite, is one of the H aemosporidia, and its life cycle will be given to illustrate the intricate life history 276 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY of certain of these forms. Life cycles in which there are primary and intermediate hosts are quite common among parasites. This example will illustrate also the relationship of insects to disease- producing organisms. There are three species of human malaria- causing organisms: (a) Plasmodium vivax, which causes tertian fever, is characterized by an attack each forty-eight hours, (b) Plas- modium malariae, which causes quartan fever, is characterized by an attack every seventy- tw^o hours, (c) Plasmodium falciparum, caus- ing estivo-autumnal or subtertian fever, the attacks of which recur each day, or there may be a somewhat constant fever. The parasite (see Fig. 176) may live in the blood of man by a series of asexual generations which may continue throughout the life of the person. The parasite, while in the spore stage, invades the red corpuscles, where it reproduces by a sort of multiple division called sporulation, in which there are numerous nuclear divisions before the mass of cytoplasm divides. The new individuals (merozoites) are freed by destruction of the corpuscle and almost immediately enter new cor- puscles where repetition of events occurs. Some of these merozoites become sexual cells (gametocytes). Part of the gametocytes develop into macrogametes, spoken of as female, and others become micro- gametes which develop from the male gametocyte. If a female Anopheles mosquito bites and sucks blood from this person, the mos- quito becomes infected with gametocytes of the Plasmodium. A union of the flagellate microgametes with the egglike macrogametes takes place in the stomach of the mosquito. The union is commonly called fertilization, and a fused cell or zygote thus formed soon becomes a motile, wormlike form, known as an ookinete. This ookinete enters the wall of the mosquito's stomach where it encysts in the form of a ball with a shell, and is now called an oocyst which grows at the ex- pense of the adjacent tissue. This cyst protrudes like a little wart on the outside of the wall of the stomach. Inside of the oocyst the nucleus divides repeatedly, forming sporohlasts. These enlarge and coalesce, while slender, spindle-shaped sporozoites develop within, each with a chromatin dot as a nucleus. The capsule of this oocyst is crowded full of these sporozoites which may number 10,000 or more, and there may be 500 capsules in one mosquito. Depending somewhat on the temperature, it requires twelve days or more for this development to go on in the mosquito. These little parasitic sporozoites make their way to the salivary gland of the mosquito PROTOZOA IN GENERAL 277 where they may remain for weeks. When this mosquito bites a man, some of the saliva with sporozoites flows into the wound, and the process of asexual multiplication begins over again in the red cor- puscles of this person as a new host. Colonial Protozoa There are some species of Protozoa in which the individual cells exist in groups called colonies. This formation frequently results from incomplete separation of the cells following division. In some of these forms only two cells adhere, but in others the cells may Codoposi^a fandonna Carchejium Fig. 92. — Different types of colonial Protozoa. Eudorina, a simple colony ; Pandorina, a colony within a gelatinous capsule ; Ceratium, a linear colony ; Carchesmm, a stalked infusorian colony ; Codonosiga, a stalked flagellate colony. (Drawn by Joanne Moore.) remain attached after many divisions, with the result that thou- sands of cells are built into the group. In some species there is a jellylike, spherical envelope inside of which the colony of ceUs remain. In certain species the cells are stalked, and the new cells remain attached to the stalk, giving a branching colony. Pan- dorina and Eudorina are typical examples of the former, while Epistylis and Carchesium are typical examples of the latter. These types of colonies are known as spheroid and arhoroid or dendritic respectively. Colonies like that of Ceratium with individuals ar- ranged in a line form a linear one, and colonies of irregular arrange- 278 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY ment are spoken of as gregaloid. The difference between these colonial Protozoa and simple Metazoa is a difference in the relation- ship of single cells to the group as a whole and not a simple difference in numbers of cells. In the colony each cell is an independent or almost independent individual so far as the functions of living are concerned. In metazoa, the cells are specialized and distributed, so that certain groups carry out a definite portion of the entire metab- olism. They are classified into general body (somatic) cells and reproductive (germ) cells. Certain of the spheroid colonies, such as Volvox, have a rather striking resemblance to the blastula stage in the early development of metazoans. Both are spherical organi- zations of cells. Tropisms and Animal Reaction Organisms, whether plant or animal, of all degrees of complexity respond to various kinds of stimuli. The important stimuli which call out immediate or direct response by the animal are light, bodily contact, chemical change, temperature, gravity, mechanical currents, and electric currents. The response to a stimulus may be either positive or negative. Tropism, which means turning, refers to the reaction of an organism to a stimulus. Taxis may also be used here if the response involves the movement of the organism as a whole. Tropisms are named with respect to the stimulating agent, and the common ones usually recognized are : a. Phototropism, response to light b. Thigmotropism, response to contact c. Chemotropism, response to chemical changes d. Thermotropism, response to temperature e. Geotropism, response to gravity f . Rheotropism, response to mechanical currents g. Electrotropism or galvanotropism, response to electric currents If the animal is attracted to the source of the stimulation and turns toward it, the response is said to be positive. If the organism is repelled by the stimulus, the response is negative. It has not been thoroughly determined why an animal responds to a specific stimulus in a certain way. The minimum strength of stimulus which is neces- sary to get a response is known as the threshold. The simpler ani- mals under a given set of conditions respond to these stimuli in a PROTOZOA IN GENERAL 279 certain way not because of power of choice, but because they cannot behave in any other way. The Protozoa are controlled in their be- havior largely by tropisms. Economic Relations of Protozoa Man has not yet found a way or need to eat Protozoa directly as food material, although he does draw on it indirectly by a food chain including water fleas, larger crustaceans, and fish. Too, the protozoans are not classed as predators on man as would be the lion, but many of them are parasites. Many diseases of man and animals are caused by Protozoa. Most of the diseases oi this origin are more prevalent in the tropical and subtropical regions of the earth. Such diseases may attain sufficient importance to render large portions of continents uninhabitable by man; for example, much of northern South America and Central America was, at one time, ruled by yellow fever and malaria, and the same applies for sleeping sickness in Africa. There are other Protozoa that render water unfit for drinking or help fertilize the soil. Amoebic Dysentery. — Ulcers on the inside of the walls of the intestine of man are caused by this disease. There results from this, severe diarrhea and dysentery. From the intestine the infection, if allowed to continue, will be carried to the liver where serious ab- scesses are formed. The infection is usually obtained directly through drinking water or eating food which has been contaminated with the encysted organisms from fecal matter. About 10 per cent of our population are said to be carriers of these organisms. The causal agent is one of the Amoebae, Endamoeha histolytica (see Fig. 174), and it can be rather successfully eliminated from human beings by use of such drugs as emetine, carbarsone, and chiniofon, administered by a physician. Some other Amoebae have been found in human be- ings, but, so far as known, they are not pathogenic. Endamoeha coli, Endolimax nana, and Endamoeha gingivalis are such examples. Foraminifera, which is an order in class Sarcodina, has some eco- nomic importance because of the limestone which is formed by the concentration of the material of the dead tests or shells. A genus by the name of Glohigerina is one of the best known members of the group. It is about the size of a pinhead, and as it dies, it sinks to the bottom of the ocean where the mass forms the globigerina ooze which hardens into solid chalk. 280 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Kadiolaria is another order in the same class. Each of its repre- sentatives has a complicated skeleton of silica. From their skeletal remains comes an ooze on the sea floor sometimes hundreds of feet deep. From this is formed quartz or flint. African Sleeping Sickness. — This malady is the most important disease of man caused by flagellate Protozoa. Technically the dis- ease is called trypanosomiasis for the genus name of the animal that causes it, Trypanosoma gamhiense or Trypanosoma rhodesiense. These organisms are transmitted by the tsetse fly, Glossina palpalis, and the disease is limited to that area in Africa where this fly is found. The organisms (Fig. 181) live free in the blood and collect in the lymph glands, spleen, liver, and other organs. In final phases it collects and attacks the brain.' The infection will bring about loss of appetite, severe emaciation, extended coma, which ends in death usually within three or four months, or it may be extended into years. Such animals as antelope, cattle, and some wild game are susceptible to the disease and may serve as carriers. This com- plicates the control of it. The disease has been considered abso- lutely fatal, but recently a drug, arsphenamine, an arsenic com- pound, has been tried with partial success. Chagas' Disease. — A closely related flagellate, Trypanosoma cruzi, causes this disease in Central and South America. It is transmitted through the bite of Triatoma, one of the true bugs which is closely related to our common blood-sucking form, the '' kissing bug." Chagas' disease affects dogs, monkeys, guinea pigs, armadillos, as well as man. The symptoms are continued fever; swollen lymph glands, liver, and spleen; anemia; and disturbance of the nervous system. Malaria. — The life history of Plasmodium, the sporozoan which causes this disease, has already been discussed under the general topic of Sporozoa. The disease is one of the oldest and most widely dis- tributed among men. It was the flrst disease proved to be directly caused by a protozoan parasite. As early as 1718 a worker by the name of Lancisi ventured the statement that mosquitoes or gnats might transmit malaria ; however, it was not until about the opening of the present century that this relationship was understood. In 1881, Dr. Laveran found a curious parasite in the blood of malaria pa- tients. Several years later Laveran and Manson independently sug- gested that the organism might be transmitted by some blood-suck- ing insect. After several years more of investigation, Major Ronald PROTOZOA IN GENERAL 281 Ross, an Englishman, was able to prove that the female Anopheles mosquito is responsible for the transmission of malaria. If houses are screened to keep out mosquitoes at all times, or if all malaria patients or carriers are thoroughly screened in, or if all mosquitoes and mosquito breeding places are destroyed, the chain of necessary relations for production of the disease is broken. Mos- quitoes are destroyed by draining swamps which serve as breeding places, by placing mosquito fish (top minnows) in the pools to eat the larvae, or by covering the water with a film of oil which keeps out air and smothers the larvae as well as discourages females from laying eggs in such water. Another means by which the chain may be broken is to cure the carriers by killing all of the Plasmodia in their blood by use of quinine, properly administered under a physi- cian's direction. Quinine is a specific drug for this disease. Texas Fever. — The small sporozoan, Babesia higemina, causes this disease in cattle by destroying red blood corpuscles. The red cor- puscle count of the host may be reduced from an average of 7,000,000 per cu. ml. to less than 1,000,000 per cu. ml. The disease is trans- mitted from cow to cow by the cattle tick and its young. Nagana, similar to African sleeping sickness in man, dourine, a sexual disease of the horse, and surra are all diseases of domesticated animals and are caused by trypanosomes. In some parts of the world they have considerable economic importance. There are many other diseases that are rather similar to the above which may be caused by Protozoa, although the organisms have not been specifically isolated. Such diseases as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, transmitted by the Rocky Mountain spotted fever tick and fatal to man; dengue or breakbone fever, a very unpleasant and un- comfortable disease, transmitted by the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes^ Stegomyia) ; as well as perhaps rabies, scarlet fever, typhus fever, smallpox, and trachoma should be Considered with this possibility. The cost of the above-mentioned and other Protozoa to man throughout the world in money, loss of time, and suffering is almost inestimable. A good protozoologist is one of our most valuable eco- nomic assets. Reference Calkins, Gary N. : Biology of Protozoa, Philadelphia, 1926, Lea and Febiger. CHAPTER XV REPRESENTATIVE PROTOZOA— EUGLENA, AMOEBx\ AND PARAMECIUM EUGLENA, OF CLASS MASTIGOPHORA Habitat and Characteristics The most common species are Euglena viridis and Euglena gracilis which are found abundantly in fresh water. This genus is also quite well represented among marine animals ; many of the Euglenae possess chloroplastids which give them the possibility of photosynthesis. They are usually found living in the surface waters of ponds, sluggish creeks, and lakes. Euglenae are sometimes classified as plants by botanists because of the presence of chlorophyll. Euglena is a form which illustrates certain plant characteristics and animal character- istics in the same organism. Structure The microscopic, single-celled body has about the shape and pro- portions of a cigar with a blunt anterior and a sharp posterior end: At the anterior end, attached near the mouth, it bears a very slender, almost transparent, whiplike filament, the flagellum. This is an ex- tension of the cytoplasm. The superficial layer of the cell or ectosarc (ectoplasm) is covered by an extremely thin portion, the cuticle. Most of the eugienoid forms have spiral markings (striations) on the surface of the body. The mouth of the cell is near the anterior end, and extending inward from it is the gullet or cytopharynx. Beside the cytopharynx is the reservoir or large vesicle. Just anterior to this is the stigma, which is red in many individuals of E. viridis. Bodies of collected protein material may be seen in connection with most of the chloroplasts which are distributed through the cytoplasm. These bodies are called pyrenoid bodies. Within the inner portion of the cell or endosarc (endoplasm) is located the nucleus. It is usually obliterated from view by the abundant chloroplasts. Small contractile vacuoles empty from the endoplasm into the reservoir. 282 EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM 283 Food and Assimilation The food problem among Euglenae as a group is interesting from the biological standpoint. It seems that some Euglenae are able to ingest other small organisms through the mouth and cytopharynx to be digested in a vacuole within the endoplasm; this has been called holozoic nutrition as typical of animals. E. viridis probably does not possess this possibility. Others, like E. gracilis, are able to CONTRACTILE VACS: RESERVOIR CHROMATOPHORES _jJw»T-ai f- ^^.- „^ CUTICLE- ^^S-d^^i%l^ MUCLEU3 Fig. 93. — Euglena viridis, a chlorophyll-bearing flagellate. (From Parker anil Clarke, Introduction to Animal Biology, The C. V. Mosby Company.) assimilate dissolved nutriment by absorption through the general cell surface (saprophytic nutrition). In fact, this species has been main- tained for more than two years in a nutrient solution in darkness. Those forms like E. viridis that are abundantly endowed with chloro- phyll obtain their food largely by photosynthesis as does the green plant. This process utilizes water, carbon dioxide, dissolved mineral salts, and with the aid of light and chlorophyll builds up organic food substances. The final stage of the carbohydrates formed by this 284 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY process is paramylum, a granular substance much like starch. Grains of this substance may be observed throughout the endoplasm of these Euglenae when living in favorable conditions. It is not likely that all three of these fundamental types of nutrition are found in any one species of Euglena, but all are represented in closely related species of these flagellates. Respiration and Excretion Respiration is carried on through the general surface of the cell membrane. There may be some utilization of the carbon dioxide pro- duced in the metabolic activity by the process of photosynthesis in forms where it exists. Likewise, some of the excess oxygen produced by photosynthesis may be used in metabolism. Water and waste products collect in the several small contractile vacuoles which empty into the reservoir, a permanent vesicle communicating with the exterior. Reproduction and Life Cycle Binary longitudinal fission is the common means of reproduction. This division occurs only in the motile state (or active phase) in some species, in a quiet but not encysted condition in other species, and in a few others, fission occurs only while encysted (encysted phase). E. viridis may divide by longitudinal binary fission in either the motile or encysted condition. According to some authors the original flagellum is retained by one-half, while a new flagellum is developed by the other, but there is also some rather authentic work which shows that the old flagellum entirely disappears during divi- sion, and a new one is developed in each daughter cell. During ad- verse conditions, such as drought or increased chemical concentration, Euglena becomes encysted. In this condition it becomes spherical in shape, nonmotile, and secretes a thick gelatinous envelope about itself. During the encysted phase, division takes place. There may be a single division or there may be several. Upon the return of normal, favorable conditions these cells emerge from the cyst and assume the active phase. Some observers have reported as many as thirty-two young flagellated individuals coming from a single cyst. On rare occasions two individual Euglenae come together side by side and fuse permanently into a single cell. This is somewhat similar to the zygote formation in sexual reproduction. EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM 285 Behavior Euglena usually lives near the surface of the water if the light there is not too intense, and when in the active phase swims about. This animal displays positive phototropism and is easily stimulated by changes in intensity of light. If the light is too intense, there will be a negative response. A medium light is optimum for it. There is naturally an attraction to light in those forms which utilize it in the manufacture of food by photosynthesis. Direct, intense sunlight, however, is injurious to them. When Euglena swims through the water, its anterior end with the flagellum goes foremost and is first to reach any injurious or distasteful environment. When it encounters such a condition in the medium, it stops and turns sharply in another direction and attempts to move out of danger. This is known as the avoiding reaction. In these and other reactions this cell exhibits the irritability that is characteristic of all protoplasm. Locomotion and Flagellar Movement Contractions and expansions take place in Euglenae when they are not actively moving about. These movements resemble waves of contraction (peristaltic contraction) passing over the cell. Some of the larger species move about in a crawling fashion by taking advan- tage of this movement. This activity is known as Euglenoid move- ment. The chief method of locomotion is swimming by means of the whiplike movements of the flagellum through the water. A spiral path is followed due to the continuous turning of the body. The flagellum is made up of an elastic outer sheath which encloses an axial filament composed of one or more contractile fibrils. AMOEBA, OF CLASS SARCODINA It is likely that no microscopic organism has attracted so much attention and popular interest as Amoeba. Amoeba is recognized by the public generally as a simple and low form of life. Even the writers of fiction speak of the range of the span of complexity of animal life as extending ''from Amoeba to Man." The pedigree of Amoeba is probably as long as that as of any of the animals we know and involves hundreds of times as many generations as many of the common animals; yet Amoeba remains in a relatively primitive and simple state. Little or nothing is known about the real an- cestry of Amoeba. There are many kinds or species of Amoeba, 286 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY some simpler and some more complex than Amoeba proteus. Chaos diffluens is a very desirable species for study. Recently Chaos chaos Schaeffer has been rediscovered. It is enormous in size and can be seen with the unaided eye. Characteristics and Habitat The many kinds of Amoeba live in fresh water, marine water, soil, or as parasites in the fluids of the visceral organs of higher types of animals. Amoeba proteus may be collected in a variety of places where conditions of water, temperature, and organic food are favorable, such as debris from watering troughs, bottoms of ponds, spring pools, drain ditches, abandoned tanning pits, in streams where the water runs over rocky ledges, and wherever there is abun- dant aquatic vegetation. It is often found on the surface of sub- merged lily pads. A mass of pond weed may be brought into the rooo VACUOL.E CONTRACTIL-E VACUOL- E NUCL.EUS ENOOPL,ASM ^ PSEUDO PODIUM ECTOPL-ASM Fig. 94. — The structure and appearance of living Amoeba proteus. laboratory in some of the pond water and allowed to stand in the container a few days. If amoebae are present, they will likely be in the brown scum which forms, or in the sediment at the bottom. The general appearance of this animal is that of a slate-colored, lustrous, irregular mass of gelatinlike substance with slowly-moving, fine particles within. When it is active, the outline is constantly changing. Structure Amoeba proteus is one of the largest of the fresh-water forms. Its average diameter is about %oo inch (0.25 mm.), while its ex- treme diameter is %o inch or barely visible as little specks to the unaided human eye. The animal owes its irregular shape to the fact that protrusions of its own substance are formed at its surface. EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM 287 These are known as pseudopodia, and they are constantly changing in shape in the active animal by the flowing of the protoplasm. Under favorable conditions the protoplasm can be differentiated into two portions. The firmer, somewhat tougher outer portion, the ectosarc (ectoplasm), is nearly homogeneous and includes the plasma membrane (or plasmalemma) : the more fluid inner portion, endosarc (endoplasm), is much more granular and contains the cyiosome, cell inclusions as well as the nucleus. The larger bodies in the cytosome are food vacuoles, single, shiny, contractile vacuoles containing watery fluid and varying in size ; water vacuoles ; various granules ; mitochon- dria; fat globules; and crystals. Some authors distinguish two types of protoplasm in the endosarc; the inner more fluid, plasmasol, in which the streaming movements take place and, surrounding this a more viscous, passive portion, the plasmogel. The nucleus usually appears somewhat dense and granular, and is located in the portion away from the end which is advancing in a moving specimen. Metabolism This refers to the constant building up (anabolism) of living pro- toplasm and its concurrent oxidation (catabolism). It includes all activities necessary for maintenance of itself and its race. These phenomena are the same as those found in the highest forms of life but reduced to very simple terms. Here we may study the entire metabolic cycle in progress within the conflnes of a single cell. Its phases are as follows: Food. — Its prey consists chiefly of smaller Protozoa, small single- celled plants, such as diatoms and desmids, and portions of filamen- tous algae. Bacteria may be used to some extent and rotifers (small Metazoa) are sometimes devoured. Ingestion. — ^Amoeba has no definite mouth but the food is taken into the body by engulfing it at any point that comes in contact with it. A pseudopodium is formed at this point, and the end of it flows around the food particle until the particle is entirely enclosed. A droplet of water is included with the food to form what is called a food vacuole. These vacuoles move about in the endoplasm. Digestion. — The food gradually disintegrates and much of it goes into solution in the fluid of the vacuole. The function of digestion is to convert complex materials into a soluble, absorbable form. It is assumed that the surrounding cytoplasm secretes enzymes into the 288 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY food vacuoles of Amoeba to perform this function, since enzymes serve this purpose in larger animals where exact study can be made on the process. A circulatory system is not necessary since the vacuoles with the food in the process of digestion circulate so widely in the endoplasm that all parts of the cell may receive nourishment by direct absorption. Egestion. — Indigestible material or debris that has been ingested with the food is carried to the surface of the cell and cast out or egested by simply being left behind as the animal moves away. Assimilation. — This is the process of transforming the digested food material into protoplasm. In Amoeba the digested food mate- rial is absorbed directly from the food vacuoles by the surrounding liio'^ Eosjfion 'etion 1. Excretion Fig. 95. — Diagram showing the phases of the metabolic process as it occurs in amoeba. (Redrawn by permission from Wolcott, Animal Biology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.) cytoplasm. Since the vacuoles move rather generally through the endosarc, most of the protoplasm of the cell is in rather close con- tact with the dissolved food. Respiration. — This is a process whereby the gas, carbon dioxide (CO2), leaving the protoplasm, is exchanged for oxygen (O2) en- tering it. Such a process is essential to all living protoplasm. In Amoeba this exchange is carried on primarily through the general body surface. The water in which the animal lives must contain dissolved oxygen in order that this diffusion may go on. Amoebae, however, are able to and do live in rather foul water where the oxygen content is rather low and the carbon dioxide high because EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM ' 289 of the decaying vegetation present. Amoebae may live several hours in water from which the oxygen is removed before asphyxiation occurs. The contractile vacuole likely assists in discharging COg. Catabolism or Dissimilation. — The chemical union of the oxygen with the organic substance of the protoplasm liberates kinetic energy and heat. This is known as oxidation and is a burning process which goes on within the protoplasm. Water, some mineral matter, urea, and carbon dioxide are residual products of this process. Excretion. — These by-products of metabolism in the form of waste liquids must be disposed of. They cannot be allowed to accumulate beyond certain limits in the living organism if life is to continue. Urea and uric acid, which are protein by-products, excess water, and salts, are discharged from the body of Amoeba by way of the con- tractile vacuole along with some carbon dioxide. The contractile vacuole is formed by the union of small droplets of liquid under the plasma membrane. It fills out with liquid which is forced out through the membrane as the vacuole disappears. Its location ap- parently is not fixed in the cell but is often near the nucleus. The contractile vacuole is absent in some forms, and in such cases, ex- cretion occurs only by diffusion through the cell surface. There is likely some excretion by this means in all Amoebae. Growth. — If there is increase in the volume of a body, this is spoken of as growth. In all living organisms. growth is accomplished by addition to the protoplasm. If food is plentiful, more material is added to the protoplasm than is used up in the oxidation which pro- duces active energy. In other words, growth occurs when the rate of anabolism exceeds the rate of catabolism in the organism. Reproduction and Life Cycle The life history of the many-celled animals to be studied later includes a series of changes from q^^, through embryo state, to adult. In Amoeba the cycle is likely only partly known, because it is difficult to maintain cultures in perfectly normal conditions for sufficiently long periods to get this complete story. Ordinarily, the animal grows when conditions are favorable until it attains a cer- tain size; when this limit of size has been reached growth ceases. Why does the cell cease to grow? Why should it not attain the size of a man? Or why should a tree not continue to grow until it reaches the sky, or a man take on the proportions of an elephant? 290 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY We have not been able to put our fingers on any one factor that completely controls growth. We do know of certain relationships that influence it. It will be recalled that all materials used by a cell must pass through the cell membrane, and likewise all waste substances must be discharged in a similar manner. Mathematics states that the volume of a cell increases according to the cube of its diameter; while its surface increases only according to the square of its diameter. In other words, the amount of material in Nucleus Contractile iracaole Fig. 96. — Binary fission in amoeba. A, Beginning of the process; B, nearing the completion of two new cells. (Drawn by Joanne Moore.) New cells huclear fragment Fig. 97. — An amoeba encysted and undergoing the process of sporulation. (Drawn by Joanne Moore.) a growing cell increases approximately twice as fast as the plane surface needed to surround it. It is logical, then, to assume that a point may be reached when the surface area will not be sufficient for the passage of necessary materials into and out of a cell. There is, however, considerable variation in the size of cells; hence it seems there must be other factors besides volume and surface rela- tion in operation. Modified surface and difference in the rate of metabolism certainly would be factors affecting the size of the EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM 291 organism. When Amoeba reaches the limit of size, a division oc- curs. Binary fission, by which two new individuals are produced, has been definitely established, and some other methods of reproduc- tion have been presented. Calkins, an authority on the Protozoa, states that Amoeba starts out as a tiny pseudopodiospore Avhich has only one pseudopodium. It then passes through a growth period and increases in complexity until it reaches the full-grown condition. It then divides by binary fission into two daughters. When each daugh- ter has grown to nearly twice its original size, fission is repeated. Environmental conditions and the variety of Amoebae determine the number of times this phase is repeated. Occasionally the fission seems to be an amitotic one. At the close of the fission phase, there is a period of encystment and subsequent sporulation. During the en- cystment the protoplasm undergoes several divisions to produce the several pseudopodiospores which later break from the cyst as infant Amoebae. It is felt that the complete details of the life cycle of many common Sarcodina are not yet available. Behavior All of the activities of an animal which come in response to in- ternal or external stimuli make up the ''behavior." The activities of the animal under discussion include the formation of pseudo- podia, ingestion of food, locomotion, and others. Amoeba proteus exhibits either positive or negative reactions to various stimuli. An environmental change to which an animal reacts is known as a stimulus, while the reaction of the animal is called the response. The movements made by an animal in response to stimuli are called tropisms. Amoeba exhibits all of the tropisms discussed in Chapter XIV. To physical contact, it responds positively if the impact is gentle ; otherwise the response is negative. It responds negatively to strong light and finds its optimum in a moderately reduced light. When some part of the body surface of this animal comes quietly into contact with food, there is a characteristic response. This part of the protoplasm stops flowing while other parts continue, thus form- ing a pocket around the particle of food. The edges of the pocket fold in, meet, and join so as to enclose the object. This attraction to food is likely a positive chemotropism. Amoeba reacts negatively to concentrated salt, cane sugar, acetic acid, and many other chemi- cals which have been tried. Amoebae have an optimum tempera- ture range between 15° and 25° C. Temperatures approaching the 292 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY freezing point inactivate the animal, while temperatures above 30° C. (86° F.) also retard their activities and may soon become fatal. A weak electric current has an effect on the physical condition of the protoplasm on the side nearest the cathode. The tendency is toward the sol state here, hence the animal turns toward the cathode. According to Jennings, who has done extensive research on be- havior of Protozoa, these activities are ''comparable to the habits, reflexes, and automatic activities of higher animals." He also feels that Amoeba probably experiences pain, pleasure, hunger, desire, and the other simple sensations. Amoeboid Movement and Locomotion The flowing or streaming of the protoplasm and extending the cell in some direction by the formation of pseudopodia is usually called amoeboid movement. It is so named from the perfect exemplification of such activity by Amoeba. Locomotion is accomplished by the ~" "^ Particle - "" Pseudopodtum Fig. 98. — Successive positions in the movements of an amoeba viewed from the side. Notice the formation of new pseudopodia and the engulfing of the particle on the surface. (Modified from photographs by Bellinger, 1906, Journal of Experi- mental Zoology.) pseudopodia, and the process of their formation in most Amoebae. Successive pseudopodia are formed in the moving Amoeba proteus as it goes in a given direction. The pseudopodia are temporary loco- motor structures. Most zoologists explain this movement as being due to the contraction of the more viscous ectoplasm, particularly in the ''posterior" region. This brings about a forward movement in the more fluid endoplasm (plasmasol) which causes an outflow at points where the ectoplasm is thinnest, or where surface tension is lessened. As this plasmasol approaches the advancing tip of the pseudopodium, it turns to the sides and changes to more solid endo- plasm (plasmagel). This process continues, pushing the advancing tip farther and farther forward. At the opposite side, the plasma- gel continues to become plasmasol to provide for fluent material. At the side of the animal away from the advancing pseudopodium, the cell membrane (plasmalemma) moves upward and over the up- EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM 298 per side of the body ; it continues to move forward to the tip of the pseudopodium where it dips down and is laid on the substratum over which the animal is moving and becomes a part of the station- ary portion. If the specimen has several pseudopodia, one or more may be developing while others are receding. In the latter, the flow of plasmasol is back through the centers of the pseudopodia toward the main mass. Temperature and other environmental fac- tors affect the rate of locomotion. Dillinger mounted some of the animals on the edge of a slide in a groove formed by the projecting edges of two cover glasses and observed their movement from side view by tilting the microscope to a horizontal position. He describes their movement as a sort of walking on the progressively forming pseudopodia. The new pseudopodia are formed at the advancing margin of the cell. PARAMECIUM, OF CLASS INFUSORIA This animal has been the subject of much study and the victim of considerable experimentation. Paramecium caudatum is probably the species most commonly studied. It is easily available and is large in size, ranging between 0.2 and 0.3 mm. in length. Characteristics and Habitat Paramecium is an active cigar-shaped animal, just about large enough to appear as small white specks in the water. It has a definite axis and permanent anterior and posterior ends, but it is asymmetrical in shape. Paramecia are easily cultured by collect- ing some submerged pond weeds and allowing them to stand in a jar of the pond water for several days. Or some natural creek or pond water may be placed in a jar with some old dry grass or cabbage leaves and allowed to stand about ten days. These animals occur abun- dantly in any water which contains^considerable decaying organic mat- ter. They thrive in all streams, creeks, or ponds polluted by sewage. They tend to congregate at the surface and particularly in contact with floating objects, where they frequently form a white scum. This animal is a great favorite in zoology laboratories. Structure Paramecium is sometimes described as being slipper-shaped. The anterior portion, which is blunt but generally narrower, represents 294 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY the heel part ; while the posterior portion, which is generally broader but pointed, represents the sole portion. At one side is a depression, the oj^al groove, which passes diagonally from the anterior end to about the middle of the body. It is broad and shallow anteriorly but it becomes narrow and deeper as it ends in a mouth, which leads to the gullet. The groove usually extends CIUI A CON T R ACTlt_e VACUOLE ORAU GROOVe MACRO— nucl.e:us MICRO- Nuci_eus MOUTH SUL.t_ET FOOD VACUOl-E ANAL. PORE CO NT R AC T I 1_'e VACUOLE TRICHOCYSTS PELLlCue Fig. 99. — Paramecium, much enlarged to show structure. Evans. ) (Drawn by Titus C. obliquely from right to left in P. caudatum as the animal is viewed from the oral side. Occasionally cultures are found in which the majority of the individuals show the groove extending from left to right from this view. The body is covered with fine hairlike cilia which are of even length except in the oral groove and at the pos- terior extremity, where they are noticeably longer. The cilia within EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM 295 the gullet are fused together into a sheet, forming the undulating membrane. The cell is divided into the outer, tough, nongranular ectosarc which is composed of ectoplasm. The outer surface of it is a thin, elastic cuticle or pellicle which is marked in hexagonal areas by the distribution of the cilia. The cilia are direct outgrowths of the ecto- sarc. There are a great many spindle-shaped cavities located in the ectosarc with their long axes perpendicular to the surface. These structures, trichocysts, are filled mth a semifluid substance and each opens to the outside through the pellicle. The endosarc, composed of endoplasm, is within. It contains food vacuoles, two contractile vacuoles, macronucleus, and other granular masses. The numerous food vacuoles are formed, one at a time, at the inner end of the gullet by a mass of food material coming in with a droplet of water, a process similar to that described in Amoeba. The vacuoles circulate through the endoplasm in a rather definite course. This activity is called cyclosis. The contractile vacuoles are located near each end of the animal. Each vacuole has several radiating canals entering it. These vacuoles expand and contract alternately. The macronucleus is located slightly posterior to the center and somewhat beside the mouth. It is relatively large and rather bean-shaped. The micro- nucleus is located in the curved surface of the macronucleus and is much smaller. P. aurelia, another species, ordinarily has two micro- nuclei instead of one. Metabolism The same general outline of activities as described in Amoeba and others occur, differing only in certain details. These same vital functions must take place in all living things (organisms). Food. — Smaller protozoans, bacteria, and particles of debris con- stitute the principal items on the menu for Paramecia. Ingestion. — This animal hunts its food, and when it locates a re- gion where food is abundant, it settles down and becomes relatively quiet. The food is swept through the oral groove by the beating action of the cilia, and carried back through the mouth into the gullet. Finally it passes by means of the action of the undulating membrane into the endoplasm in the form of one food vacuole after another. These food vacuoles move in a definite course through the endoplasm. Since this course is in the form of a cycle, the circula- tion is known as cyclosis. 296 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Digestion, Assimilation, Respiration, and Catabolism or Dissimi- lation all occur in a manner very similar to that described for Amoeba. Egestion occurs at a definite anus. Excretion of the waste products of metabolism in solution is by means of the alternate filling and expelling of fluid by the two con- tractile vacuoles, or it may occur to some extent by diffusion through the entire cell membrane. Growth occurs as it does in Amoeba and in all other organisms. Under favorable conditions the storage of nutrient materials, like starch and fats, occurs in the cytosome. Nutrition in this animal is holozoic, and its living process is essentially like that of all higher forms of animal life. Reproduction and Life History The actual reproduction is by transverse binary fission which in itself is asexual. The cell divides transversely into individuals, and this is repeated for long series of generations, one after another. During this division process in P. caudatum, both the macronucleus and the micronucleus divide, the old gullet divides into two, and two new contractile vacuoles are formed by division of the old ones. The micronucleus divides by mitosis, but the division of the macronucleus is not distinctly so. The time required for the completion of a divi- sion ranges between thirty minutes and two hours, depending on en- vironmental conditions. Division is repeated at least once each twenty-four hours and under especially favorable conditions, twice a day. It has been estimated that if all survived and reproduced at a normal rate, the descendants of one individual over a month's time would number 265,000,000 individual Paramecia. P. caudatum is a conjugating form of Paramecium, while P. aurelia and others seem not to conjugate. Conjugation is a temporary union of two individuals with exchange of nuclear material. Calkins car- ried some cultures of P. caudatum through a long series of genera- tions and observed that conjugation occurs at intervals of approxi- mately every two hundred generations. When two Paramecia are ready to conjugate, they come in contact, with their oral surfaces together, and adhere in this position (as A and B in Fig. 100). A protoplasmic bridge is formed between the two individuals. This union resembles a sexual act and has recently been described as such. The conjugants are usually small, rather unhealthy appearing individuals. Shortly after the adherence of the conjugants the EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM 297 (U »y4— MICRONOCLEOS MEGANUCLEUS Cy -FUSION NUCLEUS Fission FUSION NUCLEUS FISSION "C"cONJUGANT CARRIES ON MMMAL OmmiN* OF C Fig. 100. — A series of diagrams to show the progressive changes involved in con- jugation in Paramecium caudatiim. The process begins as shown in the upper lett of the illustration and follows down the column and then to the top of the next column. (From Parker and Clarke, Introduction to Animal Biology, The C v. Mosby Company.) 298 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY nuclei of each undergo changes. The micronucleus enlarges and divides, forming two micronuclei, while the macronucleus undergoes disintegration and final disappearance. Each of these two new micro- nuclei again divides to form four, three of which disintegrate, but the fourth divides again, forming one large and one small micro- nucleus (as in those at the top of the 2nd column in Fig. 100). Some- times the smaller of these nuclei is spoken of as the **male" nucleus and the larger, as the "female." In each animal the smaller nucleus moves across the protoplasmic connection to the other ani- mal and fuses with the larger nucleus there. Each individual now has a fusion nucleus. The two conjugants now separate, and very shortly the fusion nucleus of each divides by mitotic division (C of the illustration) ; these divide, forming four nuclei in each ani- mal, and these four divide to form eight. The descriptions of the subsequent events vary somewhat. At least it is known that four of the eight nuclei enlarge and become macronuclei; three of the others degenerate, and one remains as a micronucleus. This micro- nucleus divides, and almost immediately the entire animal divides by binary fission with two macronuclei and one micronucleus going to each cell. These daughter cells then divide to produce a total of four Paramecia which have the typical number of one micronucleus and one macronucleus of the active phase. Following this comes the long series of generations formed, one after the other, by transverse binary fission. The whole series of changes involved in conjugation has been compared to maturation of germ cells and fertilization in sexually reproducing metazoans. The degeneration of the three micronuclei is compared with reduction division in maturation, and the fusion of the small ''male" micronucleus with the larger ''female" micro- nucleus of the other conjugant is compared to fertilization. A phenomenon, known as endomixis, has been found occurring in P. aurelia by Woodruff. It occurs in a single individual. This species has two micronuclei and one macronucleus. At regular in- tervals of about every forty or fifty generations, the macronucleus disintegrates, and the micronuclei undergo two divisions which pro- duce a total of eight. Six of these disappear, and then the cell divides; one of the remaining micronuclei goes to each. This nucleus then undergoes two divisions. Two of these four become macronuclei, and two remain as micronuclei. The micronuclei then divide again as the entire cell divides to form daughters, each with EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM 299 two micronuclei and one macronucleus, the typical condition for this species. Endomixis may occur in P. caudatum also. Endo- mixis seems to have about the same effect as conjugation. There is still difference of opinion as to the exact function of con- jugation and endomixis, but the chief result of the processes seems to be the reorganization of the nuclear substance. This may allow for variations in the fundamental constitution of the race. Accord- ing to some authors these processes rejuvenate or renew the vitality of the individuals. Very recently, not only sexual reproduction but also distinct sexes have been described for Paramecium.* These results are all possibilities. Behavior This animal is an active swimmer and necessarily shows ready response to environmental factors. Its behavior consists of its spiral course in locomotion, avoiding reactions, responses to food ' ' . ' • ■.♦*•. . . .. '• A. * : ' ' ^ . : -• L. B. Fig. 101.— Reaction of paramecia to a drop of 0.5 per cent NaCl. A, Introduction of the drop beneath the cover glass; B, four minutes later. (From Jennings, be- havior of the Lower Organisms, The Columbia University Press.) material, contact and other minor reactions. Its reactions to stimuli are somewhat similar to those described for Amoeba; however, it ♦Sonneborn, Science News Letter, Aug. 21, 1937. 300 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY seems not to be affected by ordinary light. It reacts either posi- tively or negatively to contact, change of chemical constitution, change in temperature, to gravity, and to electric current. The re- sponse to contact is positive, negative to ultraviolet light, negative to sodium chloride, positive to weak acetic acid, and positive to th« negative pole of a weak, galvanic electric current. The optimum temperature for Paramecium ranges between 24° and 28° C. (71° F.). Gravity causes the anterior end to point upward, and when placed in moving water, the animals will swim upstream. If Para- mecium comes in contact with a solid object when it is moving, it will back away, swing on its posterior end to a slightly different ■ a .. -»•« ^-X-- ,_-H/ X*- »«/,/ '.'»%»"• '•* ♦''. ,' » l-x~. >.*••- X ' • * •' . ' » - T ' • • * ;;.. •..•.--,'..■•,;.-;,;,-.-;-/:•.-:•.•,;-: ' '. . . ^ - ' . / • . - . '^ .^ X - «" . X , N , X ' , \ - . » 19' 19' ■ ■ I 26' " — JS- c 10' 25' Fig. 102. — Reactions of paramecia to temperature, a, Paramecia in a trough with a uniform temperature of 19° C. The animals are evenly scattered through the water. In &, the temperature is held at 26° C. at the left end and 38° C. at the right. The animals are congregated at the end of the lower temperature. In c the temperature is 25° C. at one end and 10° C. at the other and the animals have all collected in the region of the higher. An optimum temperature for these animals is evident. (From Jennings, Behavio7' of the Lower Organisms, The Columbia Univer- sity Press.) direction and try again. This may be repeated, and is known as the ''avoiding reaction." Such a reaction really involves simply one or more negative responses. These animals are constantly sam- pling the water and avoiding the conditions which are least favor- able. This may be repeated in all directions. The same type of persistence is practiced in attempting to surmount a solid barrier. Such successive attempts to gain the result desired constitute what is kno^vn as the *' trial and error'' mode of behavior. EUGLENA, AMOEBA, AND PARAMECIUM 301 ^?^^» W^ Fig. 103. — Diagram of the course and movement of Paramecium through the water. Notice the spiral path. (From Jennings, Behavior of the Lower Organisms, The Columbia University Press.) 302 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY In an effort to defend itself when severely irritated, Paramecium will discharge the contents of the trichocysts, which harden on con- tact with the water and form a mass of fine threads. These threads will entangle many of the aquatic enemies of these animals. Locomotion The beating action of the cilia against the water serves as the principal means of locomotion. The stroke of the cilia is rather oblique and this coupled with the increased length of the cilia along the oral groove causes the body to turn on its long axis while swim- ming. The total effect of these activities causes the course followed through the water to be that of a spiral. Paramecium may reverse the direction of the stroke of the. cilia and thus move backward just as a car can be thrown in reverse. The cilia are contractile outgrowths of the ectosarc. Each has an elastic sheath and a fibrillar core. Contraction of the protoplasmic substance on one side, bends the cilium in that direction. The re- verse stroke is much more passive. The movement of one tier of cilia seems to stimulate the adjacent ones to bring about coordi- nated, rhythmic ciliary activity and movement. References Hegner, E. W., and Taliaferro, W. H.: Human Protozoology, New York, 1924, The Macmillan Company. Kudo, Richard R. : Handbook of Protozoology, Springfield, 111., 1931, Charles C. Thomas. Marshall, C. E.: Microbiology, Philadelphia, 1926, P. Blakiston's Son & Company. CHAPTER XVI HYDRA, OF PHYLUM COELENTERATA The phylum name, coelenterata (sel en ter ata), means ''hollow intestine," and all of the representatives bear this out by possess- ing a single large cavity in the body. There is a single opening to this cavity, and it functions as both mouth and anus. There are two general types of coelenterates ; the polyp form and the jellyfish form. They are all modified gastrulas, have radial symmetry, and possess tentacles with ''sting bodies" or nematocysts. Most of the species are marine, but there are a few fresh-water forms. The body wall is composed of two layers of cells, and for that reason they are said to be diploUastic. These two layers are the outer ectoderm and inner endoderm. Most of the representatives do not develop skeletal structures, but coral polyps produce hard, cal- careous cases around themselves. In several species there is the typical alternation of generations of attached and free-living forms. Most coelenterates are attached or very sedentary for at least a part of the life span. The radial symmetry is correlated with an attached habit of life. A good many of the attached forms look much like plants and were so described for a long time. The digestive process is principally extracellular, being accom- plished by enzymes which are secreted by special cells of the endoderm into the internal or gastrovascular cavity. A limited amount of the digestion, however, takes place within the endoderm cells after par- ticles of partially digested food have been engulfed by these cells. This is called intracellular digestion. Excretion and respiration are carried on by the general surfaces of the body. Asexual reproduc- tion is accomplished by budding and fission. Sexual reproduction, involving production of ova and spermatozoa and their union in fertilization, occurs here too. The group is considered among the simplest of metazoans and shows, in a simple way, typical features of this great division of the animal kingdom. Hydra will be studied in detail, because it is readily available, easily collected and handled, and is representative 303 304 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY of multiceUular animals of simple formation. The study of Hydra as a simple metazoan will go far in giving insight into the much more complex make-up of the body and life of man. Olassificatioii of the Phylum The phylum is divided into three classes, each with three or four orders. Class Hydrozoa. — These are typical polyp forms, many of which produce medusae forms by budding. The group includes marine, colonial polyps, or hydroids, floating colonial hydroids, such as Portuguese man-of-war, one special group of corals, some smaller jellyfish es, and the fresh-water polyps. Fig. 104. — Gonionemus. ad. Adhesive pad ; g, gonads ; li, lithocyst ; m, mouth ; mn, manubrium ; n, nematocyst ; ra, radial canal ; re, ring canal ; st, stomach ; t, tentacle; ve, velum. (From "White, General Biology, The C. V. Mosby Company.) Order Leptolina (may be divided into Anthomedusae and Leptome- dusae) — a group which has a sedentary or sessile polyp stage. Such examples as Hydra, Ohelia, Gonionemus, Campanularia, Tuhularia, and Craspedacusta are well-known forms. Gonionemus is a small jellyfish form, measuring about a centi- meter across, and is found in the pelagic waters along our eastern shores. Its shape reminds one somewhat of an umbrella with a fancy fringe but with practically no handle and made of clear cello- phane. The exumbrella is the convex upper, or aboral side while the subumbrella is the concave, lower, oral side. A short stalklike part, the manubrium, hangs down from the center of the subumbrella. At HYDRA 305 Obella hab'ib Mouth ^ Hydrotheca — . Coelenteron '- intodeirn) ictode rm Qonotheca MedusQ'bud Bla5to^ty/e - Radiol canah, Reptoduciive Ofgan--- Houbh #^^;; Jtatocyjfc— - Tentacles- hledusa Obelia Fig. I05.-Ohelia, hydrozoan colonial coelenlerate f owing ^se^usA gneratjon :ual generation (medusa), structure, and h.-ibit of life. (Courtesy ot c^enerai sexual generatio Biological Supply House.) 306 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY its distal end is the mouth, bordered by four oi^al lobes. The mouth is the aperture leading into the internal or gastrovascular cavity which has four radial branches or canals. Obelia is a marine, colonial type resembling a branched plant in appearance. The individuals are attached to each other in the colony, and it is fastened to a rock or other substratum by a root- like hydroi^hiza. They are distributed in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico out to forty fathoms in depth. The colony begins Medusa Mature (jonancjium. Position of. mai sjtion Of rture colony //ew colony Sperm from another medusa (o^^_ .Terbilijed ecja V i^ycjote) \^ ^ ^^> Cleovacfe Blastula.^ '^ \arva ^ Fi,?. 106. — Life cycle of Ohelia, illustrating polymorphism and metagenesis. Adult hydroid colony with mature gonangium gives rise to sexual medusa which is pro- duced in the gonangium and set free in the water. Germ cells produced by the medusae complete the cycle. Blastula and planula stashes are free swimming. (Re- drawn and modified from Wolcott, Animal Biology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.) as a single individual which buds, but they do not separate from the preceding or parent generation. This may continue for several gen- erations. The reproductive cycle is both sexual and asexual, alternating between the sexually produced polyp or hydroid generation and the asexually produced sexual generation, the medusa or jellyfish form. The medusae arise as buds from the special individuals, HYDRA 307 blastostyles, escape through the distal pores, and develop to sexual maturity as free-swimming individuals. The sexes of these are separate; some produce eggs, and others, spermatozoa, which are discharged into the water at maturity and unite to form zygotes. The zygote develops into the free-swimming, ciliated planula stage which soon attaches and develops into a polyp from which a new colony arises. After producing a generation of medusae, this colony Fig. 107. — Physalia, the Portuguese man-of-war, a floating colonial coelenterate. (From Hegner, College Zoology, The Macmillan Company.) disintegrates, and after producing germ cells, the medusae die. This process, involving alternation of generation, is called metagenesis. Order TracJiylina. — This order includes two suborders of hydro- medusae which come from the egg directly with no polyp stage. Trachynema, Campanella, and Liriope are generic examples. Order Hydrocorallina. — This group resembles the corals by produc- ing strong calcareous skeletons. They have extensive, branched hy- 308 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY drorhiza and powerful nematocysts (stinging bodies). Millepora, the staghorn or stinging coral, as it is called, is a good example. Order SiphonopJiora. — This is a pelagic order of colonial coelen- terates with extreme polymorphism. A common tube of the coenosarc unites the five kinds of individuals of the colony, and this cavity is continuous from one individual to another. The blind end of the coenosarcal tube is an air-filled, bladderlike float (pneumatophore) with a superior crest. The polyps hang down into the water beneath this float. Most of the individuals are specialized to such a degree that they care for only limited functions. This specialization and diversity of forms is such that the entire colony appears as a single individual. Physalia, the Portuguese man-of-war, is a typical ex- ample. Its sting is quite poisonous; bathers coming in contact with the trailing tentacles, which bear batteries of nematocysts, suffer severe pain. Class Scyphozoa. — The coelenterates belonging here are large jellyfishes having an alternation of generation in which the medusa form is dominant. There are records of individuals of this group twelve feet in diameter, and possessing tentacles one hundred feet in length. Order Stauromedusae. — Conical or vase-shaped medusae which visu- ally lack marginal sense bodies (tentaculocysts). Tessera, Lucernaria, and Haliclystus are usually cited as examples. Order Peromedusae. — These are cup-shaped, free-swimming forms with four interradial tentaculocysts. They occur in the open sea. Pericolpa and Periphylla. Order Cuhomedusae. — Forms which have rather cubical shape, four perradial tentaculocysts, interradial tentacles, and are chiefly tropical. Chiropsalmus and Charyhdea are examples. Order Discomedusae. — Scj^hozoa whose medusae are dominant, saucer-shaped and almost transparent. Some of them are more than seven feet in diameter. Tentacles are usually present also on the margin of the bell. This is the most numerous and extensively distributed group of Scyphozoa. Aurellia and Stomolophus are com- mon examples. Aurellia* is the typical example, and, like most jellyfishes, is composed largely of water. This is a common one and ranges from •This spelling is according to Mayer's monograph. The generic name first pro- posed by Peronas Le Sueur was so spelled. HYDRA 309 New England to the Gulf of Mexico. It may reach a foot in diam- eter and has the appearance of a transparent umbrella. Many of these animals produce a calcareous external skeleton called coral. Both sexual and asexual reproduction are common. Class Anthozoa. — This class, of the polyp form, has two subclasses. The group includes the corals and sea anemones. - Subclass Zoantharia. — This group has numerous paired septa, typically occurring in multiples of six, and plain tubular tentacles. It includes sea anemones and corals. CiJitsutiacQ. of body wall Stomach Qonad Sab-qenital p]t -\ Upper portion of manubrium r — Lateral mouth r^; Radial canal - - Jcib-umbrcl/a space — Circular muscle t^anubriurr)'" (cut surface) Central mouth Oral tentacles Fig. 108. — Cabbage-head jellyfish, Stomolophus, a very common form in the Gulf of Mexico. Bisected to show internal structure. Order Actinaria. — These anemones are usually solitary polyps; they have many complete septa and numerous tentacles but no skeleton. Sagartia, Ceria7ithus, and Metridium are common examples. Metridium usually lives attached to rocks or to solid bodies in the water near shore, even in tide pools. They average about three or four inches in height and two or two and a half inches in diam- eter. The free end of the jar-shaped body is covered with tentacles which are provided with nematocysts. The entire body can be 310 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY expanded and contracted, and it can change its location by ''scooch- ing" on its basal disc (attached end). The mouth is located in the center of the crown. Asexual reproduction by budding from the margin of the basal disc is practiced by this animal. Occasional lougitudinal fission may occur. The gonads develop on the edges of the lower part of the septa to provide for sexual reproduction. The sexes are distinct. Mature ova and spermia are discharged into the water of the cavity and escape through the mouth to unite in fertilization outside. P«riit< MoutK p T«nttcle« Tertiary Mesentery Conad Primary Meaeniery B Meienterial filament 5econdary Meientery Cincladc. vrith Acontium protrudiftf- Stereogram of Anthozoan Polyp Meaenterie fiUmeni Doraal 5)pKo no glyph £:amo(laeum Primary Mcaenleriea Seedndary .Mesenteriea Tertiary **Mcacnterict ...-. Hollow Tent* da ' Sphincter Diagrammatic T. S. of Anthozoan Polyp ^t level A*A Endoeoel. chamber between two metenteriet of « the tame pair ^ Csoeoel. chamber between paira ^ of meacntcrica *^ Di raciivca (Ventral 5cr of Primsry Mcaenlen^a) ** Meientefie , filament Seeonilafy , Mesentcrica ^ Primary " Mocntcriea **«^ Terli«ry Metcnteriea Diagrammatic T 5. of Anthozoan Polyp at fevel B-B Fig. 109. — Diagrams showing structure of the anthozoan. Metridium, (Courtesy of Pacific Biological Laboratories.) Order Madreporaria. — The representatives of this order secrete an external limestone skeleton; most of tliem are colonial. Astraiigia, Madreporay and Oculina are examples. Astrangia is the common coral polyp, and it is quite similar to a small sea anemone to which calcium carbonate has been added by secretion from the ectoderm cells as well as having budded to form a colony of numerous individuals. In time continually growing colo- HYDRA 311 nies of these animals can produce enormous stony barriers (reefs) in the sea. Many corals are of beautiful colors. Order Antipathidea.— An order composed of branching colonies whose individuals are joined by a branched tubular axis which is covered by an epidermal layer. Cirripathes and Antipathes are typi- cal examples. Many authors recognize Zoanthidea, C erianthidia, and Edwardsi- idea as orders in this subclass also. Subclass Alcijonaria.—The features of this division include eight hollow, feathered tentacles, eight mesenteries, and one siphonoglyphe. Colonial and polymorphic forms are not uncommon. Order Alcyonacea. — A colonial group which has calcareous spicules but lacks an axial rod. Body walls of individuals fuse together as one. Organ pipe coral belongs in this order. Another order, Stolenifera with Cornulariella as an example, is frequently set apart. Order Gorgonacea.— This is another colonial coral which is sessile and has a calcareous axial rod. The common sea fan. Gorgonia, as well as the precious Corallium ruhrum are well known examples. Order Pennatulacea. — Another colonial form whose body is modi- fied so that one portion is submerged in the substratum. The colony takes a bilateral form, and the individuals are born on a disc or axial stem which is supported by a hard skeleton. Renilla and Pennatula, sea pens and sea feathers, are typical examples. Habitat and Behavior of Hydra Hydra (ChloroJiydra) viridissima is likely the most common hydra available. It is the small green hydra which is very active and has short tentacles. Most of the hydras are found in cool fresh water, attached to the surface of plant leaves, smooth sticks, debris, or even the surface film of the water. The brown hydras, such as H. americana, H. carnea, and Pelmatohydra oligactis, are sluggish and have longer tentacles than the green ones.* Hydra is a sedentary kind of animal and may remain stationary for a considerable period of time if living conditions are uniformly good. When the environmental conditions are changing, and the animal is in need of food, it becomes quite active, moving about ♦Recent taxonomic information concerning Hydras of the United States may be found ?r the papers of Libbie H. Hyman. published in the Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Vols. 48, 49, and 50. 312 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY from place to place. It keeps the tentacles extended, ready to grasp any food which may come into its reach. Nematocysts or sting bodies are discharged when the tentacle comes in contact with potential food, and if it chances to be a small animal, it will likely be paralyzed by the toxin which is injected by the nematocysts. The prey is then carried to the mouth and tucked into it by the tentacles. Frequentlj^ hydra is able to stretch its body over articles of food which are actually larger than the hydra usually is in nor- mal condition. Hydra will eat only when it is hungry and will not react to food at other times. It is more sensible than many people in this respect. On the other hand, it has been authentically re- ported that a hungry hydra will perform the characteristic feeding movements when only beef extract is in solution in the water. Thus it responds to a chemical stimulus alone, but it will not respond to a mechanical stimulus only. These animals show response to a number of environmental con- ditions. Any sudden change is likely to bring about a negative response. If the stimulus is of a general nature and of considerable intensity, the animal will contract all of the tentacles, and the body also. If the stimulus is restricted to one locality and is not too strong, the animal will contract in the affected area, by the with- drawal of one tentacle. The common tropismSj which have been described previously, are present in hydras. They respond to light and will find an optimum intensity which varies with the different species. Green hydras react positively to sunlight and withstand moderate temperature; hence they are adapted to the Southwest. They likewise possess an optimum for temperature and prefer relatively cool water. As pointed out previously above, both chemotropism and thigmotro- pism are concerned in food-taking. Contact stimuli are of consider- able significance in a sedentary animal like this. It remains at- tached in contact with some solid body most of the time. Sudden mechanical stimulation like stirring the water or jarring the attach- ment of the animal will cause it to contract vigorously. Locomotion is accomplished in at least four ways. Gliding from one point to another by partially releasing the basal disc and slipping it to a new location is common. Or the animal may bend over and cling to the substratum by the tentacles, release the basal disc, then draw the body toward this point of the tentacles, where the basal disc HYDRA 313 is reattached. This process is consecutively repeated and is called '^ looping." Occasionally the animal bends over, holds by the tentacles, then turns a ''handspring" or ''somersault" to attach the basal disc beyond the attachment by the tentacles. The fourth means by which locomotion is effected is by dropping to the bottom, then secreting a bubble of gas at the basal disc and floating back to the top on that. FI&. 110. — Locomotion in hydra. Succes'sive positions taken when progressing by somersaults. (From Jennings, Behavior of the Lower Organisms, The Columbia University Press.) External Anatomy Hydra is a macroscopic animal, but it is relatively small. Its body is quite contractile, being able to extend from a contracted length of two or three millimeters to a length of eighteen or twenty milli- meters. The column or body is a tubular, cylindrical trunk which ordinarily stands in a vertical position. In some forms the distal 314 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY (free, oral, or anterior) end of the column is much stouter than the proximal (attached, aboral, or posterior) end, but in H. viridis- sima there is only a slight tapering toward the basal end. Attached around the free end of the column is a circlet of from four to seven fingerlike tentacles, which extend free in the water. Tentacles may- stretch out to be slender threads five to seven centimeters in length. They are very useful either singl}^ or as a group in capturing and delivering food to the mouth. The mouth is located in the center of the distal end of the column and is surrounded by the tentacles. This conical elevation between the bases of the tentacles in which the mouth is located is called the hypostome. The mouth when closed and viewed from the top looks something like an asterisk. From the side it appears simply as an indentation or notch in the conical end of the hypostome. The proximal or attached end termi- nates in a basal disc or foot, w^hich secretes an adhesive substance which helps the animal in attaching to objects. From one to several huds are often found on the sides of the trunk, and these occasion- ally bear buds before the first is separated from the original parent. Buds are lateral outgrowths of the column and are found when the animal has favorable living conditions. Budding usually occurs at about the middle of the body in //. viridissima. Occasionally there may be observed rounded projections on the side of the column which are seasonal reproductive organs. Both ovaries (female gonads) and testes (male gonads) may be formed on a single individual, but they are usually seen on separate individuals. If these projections are conical and located nearer the tentacles, they are testes or sper- maries; if they are more nearly knoblike and are located nearer the base, they are ovaries. This animal possesses radial symmetry. Sedentary and sessile animals very commonly have radial symmetry, while the motile or free-living organisms tend toward bilateral sym- metry. Internal Anatomy Another feature of the organization of this animal is the diplo- blastic structure which consists of two layers of cells or the germ layers surrounding an internal space, the gastrovascidar cavity or enteron. These are studied on stained sections. The outer one is the ectoderm, which is thinner and is composed of four types of cells. The most numerous ones are typically cuboidal in shape and serve both as contractile units and as the general external surface of the HYDRA 315 body; they are appropriately called epitheliomuscular cells. Each of these cells consists of a polyhedral outer or epithelial portion and a basal portion which is drawn into one or two long, slender fibrils extending in a direction parallel to the length of the animal. These cells contract to shorten the length of the animal. Interspersed occasionally among these cells are the larger cnidohlasts in which develop the nematocysts, stinging cells or nettle cells. These are dis- tributed over all the body except the basal disc, but they are much TENTACLE MOUTH TESTI S GASTRO- VASCUI_AR CAVI TV ECTODERM MESOGUOEA EINDODERM OVARY Fig. 111.- -Diagrammatic longitudinal and typical cell layers. BASAI_ DISC section of hydra, showing mature gonads (Drawn by Titus C. Evans.) more numerous near the distal part of the column and on the ten- tacles. The nematocysts are usually ^contained in little raised tuber- cles in the ectoderm. Each tubercle contains a large barbed one and several of a smaller variety. Four different kinds have been de- scribed. Since the lar^ge barbed type is the most conspicuous, it will be described here. Within the cnidoblast it is principally a sac of fluid within which is inverted a stalk with some barbs and a coiled thread attached. Projecting out of the superficial surface of the cnidoblast is a triggerlike process called the cnidocil, which when chemically stimulated causes the cnidoblast to discharge the nemato- 316 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY cyst. Chemicals, such as weak iodine, acetic acid, or methyl green, when added to the water, will bring this about. Contact will not. In this reaction the stalk and thread are everted, probably by de- velopment of pressure. This type of nematocj^st produces a hypno- toxin which anesthetizes the animals into which it is discharged. In another form the sac is small, the stalk is barbless, and the thread is elastic; it becomes coiled around the object against which it is dis- charged, and thus impedes locomotion of the victim. Cnidocil Filament Nemotocyst Nucleus 3 Barb Stalk -- Bag Bemq'ins of Cnlaoblasb Barbless nematocyst Fig. 112. — Nematocysts and their function. A, Cnidoblast containing an undis- charged nematocyst, after Schneider ; B, nematocyst everted and extended but still held in the cnidoblast, after Schneider ; C, portion of tentacle, after Jennings : D, In- sect larva attacked by hydra, after Jennings ; E, leg of small aquatic insect with barbless nematocysts on its spines, after Toppe. (Redrawn and modified from Wolcott, Animal Biology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.) The cnidoblasts are produced by a third type of cell, the interstitial cell, which is small and rounded. These are formative cells about the size of the nuclei of the epitheliomuscular cells and quite densely granular in nature. They crowd in between the other cells, especially near their bases. As a nematocyst is discharged, the entire cnido- blast is replaced by an interstitial cell migrating into position. A damaged or spent cell of the body may be replaced from the inter- stitial cell. Besides these three types, there are the scattered, ir- HYDRA 317 regular, slender, neuro-epithelial cells which are joined into a net by intercellular processes. These cells fit between the others and are either sensory or motor in function thus receiving external stimuli and also causing contraction of the contractile cells at proper times. Beneath the ectoderm and embedding the bases of the cells is a very thin layer of noncellular substance called mesogloea. It is produced by the cell layers and serves as attachment for them, par- ticularly for the fibrils of the epitheliomuscular cells. In some of the other coelenterates, this layer is exceedingly thick and heavy. EPITHEL_IO- MUSCUL.AR CEt_l_ I MTER- STITfAU CEl_l_ NEMATOCYS" CfMIDOBl-AS" MESOC31_OEA DIGESTIVE CEUUS C3l_ANO CEl_U Fig. 113. — Cross section through the column of hydra. The central space is the gastrovascular cavity. (Drawn by Titus C. Evans.) The inner, thicker cell layer of the wall is the endoderm which lines the lumen of the gastrovascular cavity. The most conspicuous cells here are the nutritive-muscular cells which are long, vacuolated struc- tures attached to the mesogloea by fibrils Avhich extend in it parallel to the circumference of the animal. By contraction these cells in- crease the length of the animal by reducing its circumference. These cells often possess flagella at the free margin and at times enguK particles of partially digested food like an amoeba. It is seen then, that they serve both as muscles and as digestive cells. Glandular cells are also present in this layer. Being slender, they wedge them- selves between the nutritive-muscular cells and secrete what is probably a digestive fluid into the gastrovascular cavity. Neuro- epithelial and interstitial cells are also interspersed among the 318 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY other cells of this layer. The general morphology of the adult animal is very similar to the gastrula stage of the developing embryo of more complex metazoans. Metabolism The food of hydra consists of small insect larvae, minute worms, small bits of organic matter in the water, water fleas, and other small Crustacea. Ingestion of the food has been described already. Upon entering the mouth the morsel of food is moved some distance down in the cavity by successive wavelike contractions of the column progressing from distal to proximal. Such serial contractions are usually called peristaltic contractions. Here in the upper half of the enteron digestion takes place. The wall possesses many more of the gland cells in the endoderm, and the food material disintegrates into smaller particles here in this region. The digestion which occurs here is spoken of as intercellular digestion and is brought about by enzymes produced by the secreting cells of the endoderm. The dis- solution of the food by the enzymes is augmented by the churning effect of the contractions of the body. The flagella present on the nutritive-muscular cells create currents of water which also hurry the process. The dissolved material is presumably adsorbed by the cells of the endoderm, and by diffusion the nutrient solution reaches the ectoderm cells just outside. Small particles of the partially di- gested substance are engulfed by the free ends of many of the nutritive-muscular cells by virtue of their amoeboid activity. These particles are taken in food vacuoles, and the digestion is completed there just as it is in an amoeba or Paramecium. This illustrates something of the primitive organization of Hydra as a metazoan. As will be remembered, this process of converting the digested food into an integral part of the protoplasm is known as assimilation. The food is distributed to all parts of the enteron, which extends into the tentacles and buds, by the action of the flagella and by bodily contractions. There is no separate system of transportation or circulation of nutriment. This dissolved material reaches the remote parts of the protoplasm by diffusion through the membranes and protoplasm generally. The gastrovascular cavity has the dual function of digestion and circulation. Many of the animals used as food have hard skeletal parts that will not digest. These indigestible portions are ejected from the cavity through the mouth by reverse peristalsis, and the process is HYDRA 319 known as egestion. Respiration furnishes the necessary exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide by diffusion through the plasma mem- branes. The dissolved oxygen in the water in which the animal lives is the source of this element. Catabolism or dissimilation takes place in the protoplasm and involves the union of oxygen with the substance of the protoplasm to transform potential energy there to kinetic energy and heat. Accompanying this oxidation there are produced several waste by- products in solution including urea, uric acid, and water which must be expelled from the body. In Hydra this excretion is accom- plished by diffusion through the general surface of the body. There is some indication that there may be accumulation of waste prod- ucts in endoderm cells as cytoplasmic granules, which finally escape through the gastrovascular cavity and mouth. It will be noticed that these phases of metabolism are, in general, very similar to the comparable processes in Protozoa and the same similarity will be noticed when they are compared later with the higher forms of animals, because the protoplasmic requirements are the same in all animals. The Nervous System and Nervous Conduction The neuro-epithelial cells are distributed among the other cells of the germ layers. There is a greater abundance of them on the hypo- stome, basal disc, and tentacles than along the length of the column. The greatest concentration of these cells is in the hypostome around the mouth, which makes this region in a sense comparable to a primi- tive brain. These cells all over the body are in contact with each other by means of their processes forming what is called a nerve net. When one sensory cell is stimulated, all of the sensory cells seem to be stimulated in some degree. A sufficiently strong stimulus affecting any sensitive point will stimulate the entire body. This is a definite organized type of nervous system but not a very efficient one. Reproduction and Life Cycle Reproduction is both asexual and sexual. Asexual reproduction is accomplished very efficiently and quite rapidly. This process is essentially reproduction by somatic cell division. The bud first ap- pears as a slight superficial bulge. The cell division at this point is very rapid, involving considerable activity in interstitial cells. An 320 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY extension of the enteron extends into the bud, which is essentially an outgrowth of the body wall. Tentacles appear as outpushings of ectoderm and endoderm, and in the terminal position a mouth is developed. After the bud has attained some size, a constriction oc- curs between it and the parent, finally separating the two to form a free individual. Sexual Reproduction. — During the summer and fall particularly, hydra reproduces sexually. This involves the production, matura- tion, and union of germ cells. Testes may appear first and ovaries later on the same individual or both gonads may be present at the Embryo HydrAr <§exu&l i^production Fig. 114. -Methods of reproduction in hydra. (Courtesy of General Biological Supply House.) same time in which case self-fertilization is possible. As a rule, these animals are hermaphroditic or monoecious as suggested before, but it has been reported that individuals of separate sex (dioecious) have been found. The germ cells or gametes develop from inter- stitial cells which accumulate at a certain place between the ectoderm and endoderm, where they multiply by division to form oogonia in the female gonad and spermatogonia in the male. All phases of maturation (gametogenesis) may be observed in the testis and ovary. The testis produces large numbers of motile spermatozoa, which when mature emerge periodically from an opening in the tip of the testis and are discharged free in the water. In the ovary a single egg HYDKA 321 develops at the expense of the other oogoiiia, which are engulfed bodily and used for food. This one cell grows rapidly, and when mature it fills the ovary. Fertilization is accomplished by the en- trance of spermatozoa through a rupture in the overlying ectoderm and cross-fertilization usually prevails. A single sperm unites with the mature ovum, and this zygote undergoes the total and equal divisions of cleavage here in place. The process continues until a hollow hlastula of many cells is formed. Then follows the formation of the gastnda by a shedding of cells into the cavity (blastocoele) Fig-. 115. — Development of hydra. 1, Fertilized ovum ; 2, two-cell stage ; S, blastula stage; 4, gastrula, showing ectoderm (ec) and endoderm {en) ; cc, cleavage cavity (blastocoele); m, cyst; p.b., polar bodies. (After Tanreuther, Biological Bulletin, Vol. 14.) .^ from the inside of the original layer of cells. These new cells on the inside become organized as an endoderm layer, while the original outer layer is now known as ectoderm. Further changes involve the secretion of the thin mesogloea which seals the two layers together. In the meanwhile a shell is produced about the outer surface of the embryo, and this encysted body falls from the parent to the bottom. If conditions are favorable for development, :t increases in length within the cyst; when it has attained some size it breai^s out, after 322 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY which tentacles and a mouth appear at one end, while the enteron develops within the endoderm. This individual steadily grows and soon attains adult condition. When the zygote is formed in the fall, the embryo does not emerge from the cyst until spring. Regeneration As is the case in many invertebrate and a few vertebrate animals, Hydra is able to replace mutilated parts or an entire animal from a portion of one. Complete animals may be formed from very small pieces (% mm. in diameter) of a hydra. This process is known as regeneration, and while it is not normally a method of reproduction or multiplication, it is of great advantage to the animal. This phe- nomenon was first discovered in animals from studies on Hydra in 1744 by Trembly. Economic Relations of the Phylum The entire group is not worth much in dollars and cents to man directly. A number of different ones are made use of as food by some of the useful fish. The corals are of importance both posi- tively and negatively. Many of them are valuable as ornaments, while the large coral reefs are very costly to navigation of marine waters. Many corals are quarried for building stone, and in some instances they protect the shore from being washed by the waves. f Phylogenetic Advances of Coelenterates (1) Definite organization of diploblastic condition; (2) well- defined gastrovascular cavity with one opening, the mouth; (3) presence of tentacles with (4) nematocysts or sting-bodies ; (5) continuance of sexual reproduction; (6) distinct radial symmetry; and (7) a nerve net. References Hegner, E. W.: Invertebrate Zoology, New York, 1933, The Macmillan Company. Hickson, S. J.: Coelenterata, Cambridge Natural History, New York, 1906, The Macmillan Company. Ward, H. B., and Whipple, George C: Fresh-Water Biology, New York, 1918, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CHAPTER XVII THE FLATWORM, PLANARIA, OF PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES The representatives of Phylum Platyhelminthes (plat i hel min' thez, broad worm) are usually called flatworms and in many ways show considerable advance over the coelenterates. Some of the species are parasitic, and the remainder of them are free-living. The common fresh-water Planaria is an example of the free-living type; while the parasitic flatworms are known as flukes or trematodes and tapeworms or cestodes. All of these worms are bilaterally sym- metrical and triploblastic. The nervous system in the free-living forms is of the "ladder-type," and centralization is developed. They possess a fairly well-differentiated mesoderm, and along with it have developed some systems of organs. The alimentary cavity functions as a gastrovascular cavity and has only one opening (the mouth) to the exterior. The excretory sj^stem is composed of a pair of longitudi- nal tubules, branch tubules, and ''flame cells." The gonads are within the body and are connected with the exterior by accessory organs. There are definite muscle cells, and excretory, and reproductive sys- tems composed of the new mesoderm layer. The representatives of the two parasitic classes have, for the most part, quite complex life histories and special adaptations. They are very important economically because of their injury to man and the domesticated animals. Classification There are four recognized classes in the group. Class Turbellaria (ter be la' ri a— little stirring).— This class consists of a group of soft-bodied, elongate and usually free-living forms. There are both land and water forms. Four orders (may be combined into three) are known: Acoela, Rhabdocoelida, Tricladida, and Polycladida. Planaria and Stenostomtim are examples. Class Trematoda (tre ma to' da — having pores). — These animals, commonly called flukes, have no epidermis but a thick nonciliated cuticle. This entire class is parasitic, and the immature stages fre- 323 324 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY quently make use of snails and crabs as hosts for a phase of their life history. This group is divided into only three orders : Monogenea, Digenea, and Aspidocotylea. CoUjlapsis, Paragonimus, Clonorchis, Fasciola are genera representing the class. Class Cestoda (ses to' da — girdle form). — This group is also char- acterized by a heavy cuticular cover, and a long, ribbonlike body divided into sections called proglottides. These tapeworms each have a knoblike ''head" or scolex on the anterior proglottid. This structure is supplied with suckers for at- tachment and sometimes has hooks. There is no alimentary tract, and the group is parasitic. A developmental stage of the life history is the bladder worm or cysticercus which lives embedded in the muscular tissue of several different animals. The class includes four orders : Bothriocephaloidea, Cyclophyllidea, Tetraphyllidea, Trypano- rhyncha. Taenia, Diphyllohothrium, Hymenolepsis are examples. Class Nemertina. — It seems difficult to know where to classify this group since some systematists give it the rank of phylum while others give it lower ranking. The Nemertinea (nem er tin' e a — unerring) as individuals, are unsegmented "band worms." Most of them are free living and marine. A long proloscis, the newly developed blood vascular system, the alimentary canal, two apertures, and cilia over the body are all characteristic of this type. There are present a mesoderm, nervous system, and excretory system, but there seems to be no coelom. The animals feed on the bodies of other animals and on certain types of general organic matter. They usually live in burrows in sand or mud or beneath solid objects. The larger ones reach a length of ninety feet. The animals are fre- quently brightly colored. There are numerous mucus glands in the skin which may produce a tubelike dwelling for the worm. The larva is usually called pilidium. Prostonia, Cerehratulus, Tetrastema are representatives. Habitat and Behavior of Planaria This free-living, fresh-water, flatworm thrives beneath the rocks, logs, leaves, algae, or debris at the bottom of shallow spring-fed brooks and pools. They must have pure, clear, cool water. These animals are rather gregarious and when at rest will group together beneath objects where the light is not intense. They respond nega- tively to bright light. They usually feed upon minute plants and FLATWORM (pLANAKIa) 325 animals, dead animal bodies, and living forms, such as small arthro- pods and molluscs. Planaria partially encompasses the food with the body, while the pharynx is protruded to eat it. If tiny scraps of meat are placed in a dish with hungry planarians, they will form a wad of living protoplasm about it. The mouth is located at the middle of the ventral side of the body, and the pharynx is everted through it as a proboscis which is used to draw food within. It is interesting to watch these animals passing the proboscis about over the surface of fresh meat, apparently sucking up the nourishing fluids from the meat. If very minute quantities of meat juice are liberated in the water at specific points, the planarians are attracted to those points. The locomotion is accomplished in an easy gliding fashion by the action of the beating cilia and muscular contractions of the body. The ability to move along in this way is enhanced by the secretion of slippery mucus w^hich essentially lays a smooth track for the Rye Genital pore Side of head • v„„ Ji, Proboscis Pharynx sheath Fig. 116. — Entire planaria with pliarynx extended in position for feeding. (From Hegner, College Zoology, The Macmillan Company, after Shipley and McBride. ) moving animal. It glides over a surface, even the under side of the surface film of water, and adjusts itself easily to any irregularities because of the soft, flexible nature of the body. The ciliary action and muscular contractions are both rhythmic and progress in waves from anterior to posterior. The behavior of this animal is of a reflex or automatic type. The receiving or receptor sensory cell transfers the impulse produced by a stimulus to a ganglion cell or adjustor in the central nervous sj^stem which in turn transmits an impulse to an efferent cell carrying it to a muscle qr gland. The planarians respond to several tropisms. They possess negative phototropism and thermotropism (as regards high temperatures). They react positively to contact (thigmotropism) and water currents (rheotropism). The responses to chemicals are positive in case of food juices and the like; while they are negative to alkalies, acids, strong salts, alcohol, etc. The common species are Planaria maculata, P. agilis, and P. dorotocephala. 326 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY External Anatomy The body is elongated, flat, broadly wedge-shaped at the anterior and tapering to a point at the posterior end. It is triplohlaslic since the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm are all differentiated and present in a clear-cut fashion for the first time in our studies so far. The symmetry is distinctly bilateral. In Planaria maculata there is considerable pigment in the skin ; while in Dendrocoelum lacteum there is much less. On the dorsal side of the anterior region are two pigment bodies called eyespots which are sensitive to light. At each side of the ''head" region is a pointed, sensitive extension of the epidermis in the form of a lappet or ''ear," called an auricle. These are sensitive to touch and chemical stimulations but not to sound. The mouth is located in the midventral portion of the body. The pharynx may be protruded through the mouth in the form of a long, trunklike proboscis which is used in feeding. Posterior to the mouth is a small, constricted, scarlike aperture, the genital pore. Externally the epidermal cells are soft and the general surface is nearly covered with patches of cilia which are cytoplasmic extensions of these cells. These cilia along with muscular contractions accom- plish locomotion. The average length of fully developed active P. maculata is about three-fourths of an inch. Internal Anatomy The ectoderm covers the outer surfaces of the body and composes the nervous system ; the endoderm lines the intestine and its branches ; while the mesoderm constitutes the muscular, excretory, and repro- ductive systems. The undifferentiated mesoderm lying outside the intestine is composed of a meshwork of large cells and is called mesenchyme or parenchyma. Many of the structures of the animal, which have been observed in none of the forms previously studied, have come into existence with the development of mesoderm. The digestive system is composed of a mouth in the midventral position; a prehensile pharynx held in the pharyngeal chamber or buccal cavity which it nearly fills; a three-branched enteron or in- testine, which branches immediately from the anterior end of the pharynx into an anterior trunk ; and two lateral trunks that turn posteriorly, one along each side of the pharynx, and extend nearly to the posterior end. The pharynx is in the form of a cylindrical fold FLAT WORM ( PLAN ARIA ) 327 projecting through the full length of the pharyngeal chamber. It is attached only at its proximal or anterior end and is perfectly free otherwise. When it is extended or protruded through the mouth opening which it fills, it forms a proboscis whose length may be as great as, or greater than, that of the entire body. The trunks of the nc ex A. B. Fig. 117. — Structure of planaria. A, Digestive and excretory systems; B, nervous system; 6r, cephalic ga iglia (btain) ; ex, excretory pore; int, intestine;, longi- tudmal nerve; mo, mouth;, opening of pharynx; /j/i, pharynx. (From Parker and Haswell, Textbook of Zoology, The Macmillan Company.) 328 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY enteron have many lateral, blind extensions or pockets called diver- ticula which greatly increase the surface exposure of the organ and project among most of the other tissues of the body. The whole arrangement represents a complicated gastrovascular cavity whose wall is endodermal. The excretory system is new to our study and is composed of a set of tubules which relate themselves to all parts of the body. There are two principal, longitudinal, coiled tubules, one along each side of the body, which receive many small branches and open by minute pores located just posterior to the eyespots, and by several other pores along the length. All of the smaller branch-tubules have at their blind ends a flame cell which is hollow and contains a mass of Nucleus Cilia ^^ Excretory tubule Pig. 118. — Flame cell of planaria. long cilia that are continually beating in a direction toward the tubule, the movements appearing something like a flickering flame. The cellular walls of the tubules as Avell as the flame cells arise in the mesoderm. Under strict definition, some authors object to calling this arrangement a system. Another mesoderm organization is the muscular system. It is com- posed of an outer circular layer just under the epidermis ; an outer longitudinal layer just medial to the circular layer ; oblique bundles of fibers; and at the medial margin of the mesoderm is another ir- regular, internal, longitudinal layer just medial to a circular layer. By the alternate activity of these layers the animal is capable of great extension and contraction, FLAT WORM (pLANARIA) 329 Another advanced development is the ''ladderlike" nervous system which consists of two contiguous lobes of nerve cells just ventral to the eyespots, two ventrolateral longitudinal nerve cords, transverse commissures, branch nerves, and sensory end areas of the epidermis. The double ganglion at the anterior is the central portion of the system. It is known as the cephalic ganglion and gives branches to sensory areas of the head, auricles, etc., besides joining the longitudinal nerve cords. The transverse commissures connect the two longitudinal cords at from 15 to 20 points like the rungs of a ladder. At each point where a transverse commissure meets a longitudinal cord, is a small ganglion composed of a few nerve cell bodies. The branch nerves extend to the surrounding tissue from these points. The reproductive system is fairly well developed in most species except P. dorotocephala which rarely develops sexual organs. Its reproduction is entirely by asexual fission. The sexual reproduction of other planarians is hermaphroditic, which is rather characteristic of sedentary animals. The male organs consist of numerous globular testes located in the parenchyma through most of the length of the body. Vasa efferentia are slender, thin-walled ducts leading from • the testes to two larger, longitudinal ducts, the vasa deferentia. These in turn lead posteriorly, enlarge to become seminal vesiclies, and converge to form the penis or cirrus, the copulatory organ. This opens into the common cavity called the genital atrium or genital cloaca, which opens externally at the genital pore. Some authors describe glands which pour a seminal fluid into the system. The female organs in the same animal consist of two ovaries located well toward the anterior, a tubular oviduct leading posteriorly from each to join the genital atrium at a common point near its posterior end by way of the vagina. There are numerous yolk glayids joining each oviduct along its length; a glandular structure of questionable func- tion, in the form of a blind tube with an inflated end, is connected with the genital atrium. It has been suggested that the fertilized eggs accumulate and are retained here for a time. The system is notably quite elaborate, and it is found generally that the flatworms have a highly specialized reproductive system. The planarian worms and the representatives of this phylum pos- sess no skeletal system, no respiratory system (it breathes through its skin); no coelom or body cavity; and no circulatory system; 330 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY this function, however, is performed by the branched enteron. It is significant that the reproductive system upon which the continuance of the race depends is highly specialized, this succeeded by the diges- tive system responsible for nourishment of the individual, and this followed by the nervous system which relates the organism to its surroundings. Aurick CerebraL (janglion Lonqibudinal nerve cord Testis Vasa X-? efferentia interal nerve Vas deferens Mouth \-^^^ Seminal vesicle Sewlnaf {receptacle _\ Ovary ^^Yolkcjlands Lateral nerve Jniestine Diverticula ophagecc/ aterus oyanes CJtcretort/ p/?ari/nx fer?iCa/ pore //7C>e3C/r7e, docfi/ iva// a/9a^ 0)^/CfiJCt oyar^ uterc/5 va^/rfoc pseuotocoe/ teatM cte/ctas ofeferc/7S sem/ncf/ ves/ch e/aca/atorf/ dc/ct cat/c/e ] tntesUne, pseudocoeJ ep/oferm/e\ bod^ ivcr// y77a3c/e ) ^c/7?//7(y/ yes/b/e cut/cJe Inteet/ne' Gxcretoru cana/ pert/cff o\r/duct 5e^Jae" seta/ sac rectu/r? oyar^ ner/e cord ar?c/i s Pig. 124. — Internal anatomy of Ascaris lumhricoides. A, Diagram showing lateral view of dissection of female ; B, cross section through the mid-region of the body of the female ; C, longitudinal section of the posterior portion of the male ; D, reproductive system of female; E, reproductive system of male. (From Curtis and Guthrie, Textbook o/ General Zoology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., modified from Leuckart.) Reproduction and the Life Cycle The animals copulate, and this time the spermatozoa are intro- duced into the vagina of the female to fertilize the mature ova in the oviducts. A mature female may contain as many as 27,000,000 eggs. These eggs pass from the host with the feces. Some workers have reported that each female worm in an infected host may pro- duce a crop of eggs in excess of two thousand per gram of feces. Based on this figure, the daily production is computed to be some- ROUNDWORM (aSCARIS) 341 thing like 200,000 eggs. These eggs are so resistant that they can be successfully cultured in 1 to 2 per cent formalin, and they may be stored successfully for four years in a refrigerator. The life history is completed only in case the eggs are swallowed by a sus- ceptible host. They hatch in the small intestine of the host and then go on a ten-day journey by way of the blood stream to the liver, thence to the heart, and thence to the lungs. By burrowing out from here, these larvae make their way to the throat, esophagus, and back to the stomach and intestine. After reaching the intestine, the larval worms, 2 to 3 mm. long, grow to maturity in two to two and one-half months. They likely live a little less than a year in the host. Relations to Man Heavy infestation in man may cause severe hemorrhages and set up pneumonia that is often fatal. Anemia is often the result of such infection; in certain cases the organisms may even tangle in masses and block the intestine until surgical operation is necessary to remove them. The toxic substances from these parasites may bring on coma, convulsions, delirium, nervousness, and other similar symptoms. Drugs like chenopodium, santonin, and hexylresorcinol have been used successfully under physicians' directions as a cure. Effective sanitary disposal of fecal material is the most successful preventive. References Chandler, A. C. : Introduction to Human Parasitology, New York, 1940, .Tobn Wiley & Sons, Inc. Faust, E. C. : Human Helminthology, Philadelphia, 1929, Lea & Febiger. CHAPTER XIX EARTHWORM, OF PHYLUM ANNELIDA (By J. Teague Self, University of Oklahoma) The Phylum Annelida (a nel' i da, form of a little ring) comprises an extremely large group of worms characterized by (1) the pres- ence of a coelom surrounded by two layers of muscle, (2) metameres or segments, (3) a ventrally located segmental nervous system, (4) segmented, nonjointed, chitinous appendages in most cases, (5) an excretory system composed of nephridia, and (6) a nonchitinous cuticle covering the body. These worms are found in almost every type of free-living habitat where moisture is present. There are many forms which live in the ocean, either swimming freely, bur- rowing in the sand, or living in especially prepared tubes. Fresh- water streams and ponds are inhabited by numerous forms of an- nelids, and moist soil is usually alive with terrestrial earthworms. From this it is evident that the phylum as a group has become adapted to many varied living conditions and comprises one of the large groups of the animal kingdom from the standpoint of num- bers. In the process of adaptation the annelids have become diver- sified in their anatomical features until only a very few characters, such as those mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, are com- mon to the entire phylum. Even then, these distinguishing features are sometimes modified until only an expert can recognize them. The Phylum Annelida may be divided into four classes : Class I. Chaetopoda Order 1. Polychaeta Order 2. Oligochaeta Class n. Archiannelida Class III. Hirudinea Class IV. Gephyrea Order 1. Echiuroidea Order 2. Sipunculoidea Class Chaetopoda (ke top' 6 da, hair and foot). — This class in- cludes the most commonly known forms of the phylum. There are marine, fresh-water, and terrestrial forms ; and they all possess setae 342 EARTHWORM 343 (chaetae), or bristlelike appendages on the body segments. The setae are chitinous and are embedded in pits of the integument. They bear muscle attachments which make them movable and there- fore useful in locomotion. The coelom, which surrounds the straight digestive tract, is divided between the segments by partitions known as septae. Typically, each coelomic space possesses a pair of nephridial tubules which communicate with the coelom at one end by means of a ciliated, funnellike opening, the nephrostome. The other end opens to the outside by means of a nephridiopore. The nephridia remove nitrogenous waste materials from the coelomic cavities and from the blood. The inner body wall of each segment is made up of an inner longi- tudinal layer and an outer circular layer of muscle. Segmental nerves which are derived from segmental nerve ganglia innervate the meta- meres and coordinate the movements of the body. The segmental ganglia communicate with each other through connections extending from one segment to the other. At the anterior end is the brain, which is composed of a supra-pharyngeal and a subpharyngeal gan- glion joined together by a pair of commissures. The brain, however, has little to do with the coordination of different parts of interseg- mental and intrasegmental reflexes, so that the stimulation in one segment automatically stimulates the adjoining ones. Reactions which require immediate coordination of the whole body are controlled by three giant nerve fibers which run through the entire length of the nerve chain. The primary function of the suprapharyngeal and sub- pharyngeal ganglia is to relay sensory impulses. The principal vessels of the circulatory system are a dorsal one, through which the blood moves forward, and a ventral one, through which the blood moves posteriorly. These are connected in the an- terior region of the body by a varying number of paired, segmental hearts gr connectives. The dorsal ^vessel exhibits wavelike contrac- tile movements (peristaltic contractions) which force the blood an- teriorly. The latter passes through the hearts, which also pulsate, then backward through the ventral vessel to the skin, intestine, and other organs. Hemoglobin is suspended in the blood plasma of some Chaetopoda; in others, a green pigment known as chlorocruorin is found ; in still others no known blood pigment occurs. The principal vessels and hearts have valves on their inner surfaces which prevent the blood from flowing in the opposite direction. 344 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY The class Chaetopoda may be divided into two orders; namely, (1) the Polychaeta and (2) the Oligochaeta. Order Polychaeta, — The polychaetes (many bristles) are typically marine Chaetopoda. One of the most widely known forms of this group is Nereis virens or the clamworm. It possesses many setae (chaetae) located in fleshy parapodia. In this case the parapodia with their setae constitute the segmented appendages. The parapodia are used principally as locomotor and respiratory organs. The head of Nereis seems to have resulted from the fusion and specialization of the anterior segments. It is composed of a prosto- mium, which bears a pair of tentacles, a pair of palps, and two pairs of eyes. The peristomium constitutes the first segment and bears four pair of cirri or tentacles. The pharynx is equipped with muscles by which it can be everted, and a pair of chitinous jaws which protrude when the pharynx is extended. The jaws serve in capturing small organisms and crushing anything which is to be swallowed. The suc- ceeding segments are all alike except the posterior one which bears a pair of ventral cirri extending posteriorly. The circulatory system is composed principally of a dorsal and a ventral blood vessel joined in each segment by a pair of connecting vessels. The blood is forced anteriorly through the dorsal vessel and passes posteriorly through the ventral one. Its movement is effected by wavelike contractions in the walls of the dorsal vessel. Each segment of the body except the peristomium has two nephridia (excretory tubules) opening directly from the coelom to the outside. The nephridia serve to convey the excretory products to the outside. The sexes are separate and there are gonads in all the segments except those in the anterior end of the body. The sex cells arise from the walls of the coelom and when ripe pass to the outside, fertilization taking place in the water. The fertilized egg develops into a trochophore larva, which metamorphoses into the adult animal. In the central nervous system there are two suprapharyngeal gan- glia dorsal to the pharynx. These are connected by means of com- ynissures to the suhpharyngeal ganglion ventral to the pharynx. A nerve chain, composed of segmental ganglia joined by intersegmental connections, extends posteriorly on the ventral side of the body to the anal segment. Lateral nerves from the ventral nerve chain in- nervate the various organs of the worm. Order Oligochaeta.— The best known example of the order Oligo- chaeta is Lumhricus terrestris, the common earthworm, which is used EARTHWORM 345 almost universally as a laboratory specimen. Lumbricus is not as common in the Southwest as are other large forms of earthworms, but is used here as an example because it is so well known and because its features represent so well those common to the entire order. External Anatomy of the Earthworm The body of Lu7nhricus varies from six to fourteen inches in length and gives the appearance of a series of rings joined in a Prosforrn'um X3cvr-' XXXE-i xxxvu- oTOviducf !.. ..., 1. . -HL !.. .-4 1 \, ..11 Br. . 01^ f,, . , 4 ^Opefiit70 (rf yens cfeferens "Sem/nctf CI/^e//urrf 'Sefcne Anus Fig-. 125. — External anatomy of earthworm, ventral view, segments numbered in Roman numerals. (From Wolcott, Animal Biology, McGraw-Hill Book Com- pany, Inc.) linear arrangement. The rings are the body segments, or meta- meres, and vary in number up to 150. In the adult the number of segments from the anterior end to the posterior end of the clitellum 346 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY remains constant, while the number posterior to this varies. This is because growth is accomplished by the addition of segments pos- terior to the clitellum. The peristomium is a sort of knoblike lobe at the anterior end, projecting out over the mouth. It is not considered a true meta- mere. The first segment is incomplete due to the opening of the mouth through its ventral side. The openings of the oviducts through which the eggs pass to the outside are seen as minute pores, one on each side of segment XIV. The pores of the seminal receptacles occur in pairs, one pair in the groove between segments IX and X, and one between X and XI. The openings of the vasa deferentia (sperm ducts), which convey sperms to the outside, are located, one on each side, in the anterior part of segment XV. In sexually mature worms, segments XXX, XXXI, or XXXII to segment XXXVII are swollen to form the clitellum, a sort of saddle-shaped structure, the function of which is to secrete the cocoon in which eggs are de- posited during reproduction. Each segment, except the first and last, bears four pairs of chitin- ous setae, which are fine, stiff bristles. They are moved by pro- tractor and retractor muscles and serve to help the worm move through the soil. A pair of nephridiopores (the external openings of nephridia) is situated on the posterior ventral side of each seg- ment except the first two or three. The body of the earthworm is covered by a thin, transparent cuticle which is secreted by the epidermal cells just beneath it. It serves as a protection against physical and chemical injury to the animal's body and as a respiratory membrane. Internal Anatomy The body of the earthworm is in the form of a tube within a tube, the digestive tube being the inner one and the body wall the outer one. The space between them is the coelom. The constricted regions dividing the segments on the outside correspond to the positions of the septae which divide the coelom into separate segmental com- partments. These coelomic divisions communicate with each other by means of pores in the septae so that the clear fluid which fills the coelom can circulate freely. The septae are absent between segments I and II and incomplete between segments III and IV, and XVII and XVIII. The walls of the coelom are lined by a thin layer of cells known as peritoneum (mesothelium). EARTHWORM 347 Reproductive Organs The earthworm is hermaphroditic, the organs of both sexes be- ing present in every animal. The seminal receptacles, oviducts, and ovaries are female organs, and the testes and seminal vesicles are male organs. The seminal vesicles are three pairs of light-colored bodies located in segments IX, XI, and XII. In sexually mature individ- uals they may extend back through the septae as far as the fifteenth segment. If their contents are examined with a microscope, they nn ^i^'tu,? ^~^^?''°^^^/^^'® organs and nervous system in segments VIII to XV of nnH YT f^ I^*,^ portion of the seminal vesicles has been removed in segments X ova rvV: o^ disclose the testes and sperm funnels, es. egg sac ; nc, nerve cord ; ov, Hpf^ro«5^ ' semmal funnel; sm, septum between two somites: Sji, sperm duct (vas vAcfJiJ^ f openmg in the fifteenth somite r sr, seminal receptacle; sv, seminal C? V Mosby Com ^ oviduct. (From White, General Biology, published by The are seen to contain the various stages of developing spermatozoa coming from the sperm mother cells. The testes are the two pairs of very minute bodies projecting into the seminal vesicles in seg- ments X and XI and cannot be seen without first removing the dorsal part of the seminal vesicles. The union of the vasa efferentia coming from the vesicles on each side forms a single pair of vasa 348 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY deferentia in segment XII. The seminal receptacles are pairs of small white bodies located in segments IX and X. The ovaries are two minute bodies located one on each side of segment XIII. Digestive System The mouth cavity extends through segments I to III and leads into the bulbous, muscular pharynx which extends through segment V. The pharynx plays the part of a sucker in securing food for Fig. 127. — Dorsal dissection of an earthworm in the region of segments I to XXL be, buccal cavity ; eg, calciferous glands ; cr, crop ; dv, dorsal blood vessel ; eo, esophagus ; g, gizzard ; n, nephridium ; sb, subpharyngeal ganglion ; st, intestine ; pe, peristomium ; II-XXL somites; ph, pharynx; p, prostomium. (From White, General Biology, The C. V. Mosby Company.) the animal. The esophagus is a straight narrow tube extending from the pharynx through the fourteenth segment. In segments X to XII three pairs of yellow lateral pouches open into it. These are the calciferous glands, the secretions of which help to neutralize the acid organic matter taken as food. The esophagus opens into the ci'op, EARTHWORM 349 a larger, thin- walled structure, which extends through segment XVI. This is followed by the muscular gizzard in segments XVII and XVIII. A thin-walled intestine extends to the anus, which opens to the outside through the last segment. The intestine is not a simple tube but has a large fold, the typhlo- sole, protruding into its lumen from the dorsal side giving it more absorptive surface for the assimilation of food. The coelomic side of the intestine is covered with a layer of brown cells, known as cliloragogen cells, whose function is doubtful. They are generally be- lieved, however, to play a part in the excretion of nitrogenous wastes. dv n^ Fig. 128. — Cross section of an earthworm through a posterior segment, ch, chloragogue cells ; cir, circular muscle fibers ; coe, coelom ; cu, cuticle ; dv, dorsal blood vessel ; ep, epidermis ; int, intestine ; la, lateral neural vessel ; Id, parietal vessel ; Ion, longitudinal muscle fibers ; n, nephridium ; nc, nerve cord ; sb, subneural blood vessel; se, seta; Ty, typhlosole ; vv, vejitral blood vessel. (From White, Gen- eral Biology, The C. V. Mosby Company.) The food of the earthworm consists of almost any kind of organic matter which may pass through its digestive tract. The animals remain in the soil during the daytime and work their way through it by passing it continually through the digestive tract. At night they come to the surface of the ground, usually remaining partly within or very near the burrow, and feed on dead organic matter, such as leaves. Food is drawn into the mouth by suction produced 350 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY by the muscular pharynx. In the pharynx it receives the secretions from the pharyngeal glands and is then passed on through the esophagus, where it receives the secretions from the calciferous glands. It is then passed into the crop and is stored there long enough for the secretions of the calciferous glands to neutralize the organic acids which may be present in the food. It is then passed into the gizzard, where it is ground by contractions of the muscular walls of that organ. This process is aided by sand grains which are swallowed along with the food. From the gizzard the food is passed into the intestine where digestion is completed and the absorption of digested mate- rials is accomplished. Circulatory System The blood of the earthworm consists of a liquid plasma in which there are numerous colorless cells. The red color of the blood, as seen in a living specimen, is due to a pigment known as hemoglobin Beart :^-Dorsal vessel Intestlno-tegumeatai7 - — vessel .-Ventral vessel Sub-neural vessel Septa Dorsal vessel Septa j^ Intestino-tegumentary vessel VIII Dorsal vessel CEsopbagus Ventral vessel 6ub-neural vessel B Efferent Intestinal vessel Nephridium Lateral-neural vessel D Ventral vessel Sub-neural vessel Afferent intestinal vessel Dorsal vessel Typblosolar vessel Ventral vessel Sub-neural vessel Parietal vessel Fig. 129. — Circulatory system of the earthworm. A, Longitudinal view of vessels in somites VIII, IX, and X : B, transverse section of the same region ; C, longitudinal view of the intestinal region; D, transverse section of the same region. (From Hegner, College Zoology, The Macmillan Company, after Bourne, after Benham.) EARTHWORM 351 suspended in the plasma and not in the corpuscles as is the case in many animals. A complicated system of blood vessels makes up the circulatory path of the blood. The principal ones are: (1) the dorsal blood vessel, (2) the paired hearts (usually five) in segments VII to XI, (3) the ventral blood vessel, (4) the subneural trunk, (5) the parietal vessels, (6) the typhlosolar vessel, and (7) the intestino- integumentary vessels. The dorsal vessel conveys the blood an- teriorly and forces it along by wavelike contractions. The paired hearts receive the blood from the dorsal vessel and by pulsating move- ments force it into the ventral vessel which distributes it to the body wall, the nephridia, and the intestine. In the intestine food is taken up ; in the skin gaseous exchanges are made with the water in the moist soil ; and in the nephridia the nitrogenous wastes are removed. The lateral neural vessels receive freshly oxygenated blood from the skin; hence the nervous system receives the most highly oxygenated blood. From the lateral vessels it passes into the subneural, where it flows posteriorly, and then returns to the dorsal vessel by way of the parietal connectives. The blood flows from the intestine through the typhlosole into the dorsal vessel by dorso-intestinal vessels. An- terior to the hearts the dorsal vessel carries the blood posteriorly and the ventral vessel carries it anteriorly. The circulatory system is equipped with numerous valves which keep the blood from flow- ing in the wrong direction. Respiratory System Respiration in the earthworm is carried on through the skin which is well supplied with blood. Since the animal always lives in a moist environment, this type of respiration is possible. Excretory System The function of excretion is cared for principally by the paired nephridia, which are found in each segment except the first two and the last one. A single nephridium consists of a ciliated funnel (the nephrostome) , a thin coiled tube, and a nephridiopore. The cilia of the nephrostome create a current which takes the fluid containing nitrogenous wastes from the coelom into the tubule where it can pass to the outside through the nephridiopore. Also the wastes in the blood are excreted by way of the nephridial tubules. The nephro- 352 p:ssentials of zoology stome is located in the posterior part of the segment and leads into the tubule of the segment just posterior to it. The nephridium coils two or three times before reaching the nephridiopore. The Nervous System The brain of the earthworm consists of the suprapharyngeal (janglion, two cirmimpharyngeal connectives, and the suhpharyngeal ganglion. The ventral nerve cord extends posteriorly the length of the bod}^ with a ganglion and three pairs of nerves in each segment. Each ganglion is really the fusion of two, a deviation from the con- dition found in many annelids and arthropods where there are two ganglia in each segment and the nerve cord is double. The supra- pharyngeal ganglion lies dorsal to the pharynx in the third segment and the subpharj^ngeal ganglion lies ventral to the pharynx in the fourth segment. Nerves from these two ganglia innervate the first three segments and the prostomium. Stimuli are received by sensory cells and are passed into the ventral nerve ganglia by the afferent nerves. The stimulus is modi- fied in the ventral ganglia and sent to the responding organs by efferent neurons. Nerve impulses then have the nature of a simple reflex except that the ventral ganglia are connected by association neurons which conduct stimuli from one to the other. Because of this arrangement a stimulus applied to any part of the body will cause responses to occur in a wavelike manner in both directions from the point of stimulation. Located in the dorsal part of the nerve cord are three giant fibers which serve as the sole means of conducting an impulse directly from one end of the body to the other. By this means the worm can contract its entire body at one time. Reproduction As has already been described, the earthworm is hermaphroditic. Self-fertilization does not occur, however, each egg being fertilized by a sperm from another individual. In reproduction two animals come together with their anterior ends pointing in opposite direc- tions and the ventral surfaces of their bodies in close contact from the anterior end to the clitellum. With their bodies in close contact a closed passage is formed between the genital openings of the two in- dividuals. Sperms pass from the testes out through the seminal EARTHWORM 358 vesicals and vas deferens to the dosed passage and move through it to the seminal receptacles of the mate, where they are stored. In the meantime, the clitellum of each individual secretes a band which binds them together at these two points. After each has received sperms from the other, they separate by working themselves through the bands secreted by the clitella. This leaves each animal with a band which is gradually worked off toward the anterior end. As the band passes over the openings of the oviducts, eggs are released into it, and as it passes the openings of the seminal receptacles, sperms, which came from the reproductive mate, are released. fipertures of flpertare of • Seminal receptacles Vas deferens CliteUam Seminal droove Pore of ovidact Dorsal blood vessel Body wall Intestine 3en?ina/ groove Band of macus secreted by a clitellum Fig. 130. — Reproduction in earthworm showing copulation and cocoon. A, Two worms enclosed in bands of mucus during copulation ; B, transverse section show- ing the seminal grooves ; C, cocoon. Both ends of the band close, forming a cocoon in which fertiliza- tion and development take place. Cleavage in earthworms is of the unequal holoblastic type. Soon after the segmentation cavity is formed, a certain cell, known as the mesohlast cell, is set off, and the cells resulting from its divisions move into the cleavage cavity, and will form the mesoderm. As the mesoblast cells move into the cleavage cavity, gastrulation occurs by invagination to form the endoderm and ectoderm. The gastrula elongates and the archenteron opens at both ends to form the mouth 354 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY and anus. The mesodermal cells which fill the space between the ectoderm and endoderm develop segmental cavities which are the coeloms of the metameres. This constitutes a tube within the worm from which eventually develop the organs of the adult individual. Blastocoe/ flesob/ast cell tl^soblast tissae hesoblast cell Ectoderm A fndoderfT)' flesob/ast cell Unas . Ectoderm Endoderfi) Ectoderm Coelom Hesoblast Cijme 3of7)atic esoderm EododeriT). Coelom Splaachnk mesodau) Ectoderm Have cord Endoderm Coelom'ic cavities hesodermk tissue Ectoderm i^noatl? Fig. 131. — Development of the earthworm. A, Blastula, surrounded by a mem- brane ; B, section of a blastula showing blastocoele and one of the mesoblast cells (primary cell) of mesoderm layer; C and D, showing- stages in the beginning of gastrulation ; E, side view of gastrula showing invagination ; F, section of gastrula along a line to show polar cells, mesoderm layers on each side of them and the archenteron ; G, later stage showing cavities in the mesoderm ; H, gastrula in cross section ; /, longitudinal section of a young worm after formation of the mouth and arms ; J, same as I but in cross section ; K, cross section of later stage. (After Wilson, Embryology of the Earthworm, Journal of Morphology, 1889.) EARTHWORM 355 Regfeneration Earthworms have been used extensively in regeneration experi- ments because they possess the ability to regenerate lost parts. It has been demonstrated that when the anterior end is cut off, in front of the eighteenth segment, the segments from one to five will be regenerated. If the cut is made posterior to segment eighteen a new anterior end will not regenerate on the tail half, but instead another tail will develop from the cut surface. This produces an animal with two tails and no head, and death from starvation re- sults. When any part of the tail region is cut off, the lost parts readily regenerate. Numerous grafting experiments have also been performed on earthworms. Almost any part of an individual grafted to the cut surface (if properly located) of another will fuse to it and grow. In this way numerous unusual forms of earth- worms have been produced. Class Archiannelida (ar ki a nel' i da, first Annelida). — This class includes numerous small marine forms which resemble Chaetopoda in a number of ways. It is now believed that they have been de- rived from that group by changes usually involving the reduction or loss of certain structures. They are very small and lack both setae and paropodia. Internally they are very similar to the earth- worm. The best known example of this group is Polygordius, which has a long cylindrical, segmented body with a pair of tentacles on the prostomium. Two ciliated pits are present as a retention of juvenile characters. The trocJiophore larva is common to the entire group. Class Hirudinea (hi ru dm' e a, leech). — These animals are com- monly known as the leeches. They are usually flattened dorsoven- trally, possess both an anterior sucker and a posterior sucker, have characteristically thirty-two segments and possess no external ap- pendages. The anterior sucker is fprmed from the prostomium and first two segments, and the posterior one comes from the last seven. Each segment shows externally a variable number of annuli or rings, making the animal appear to possess more segments than are really present. Leeches are commonly parasitic and live by sucking blood from other animals. In a typical leech, of which Hirudo medicinalis is a good example, there is a muscular pharynx, a short esophagus, midgut or crop, intestine, and ectodermal rectum. Blood which is sucked from an- 356 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY other animal receives a ferment from the salwary glands of the pharynx, which prevents it from coagulating. It is then stored in the diverticulae of the crop. The animal is capable of ingesting three times its own weight in blood, and, since several months may elapse before it is all digested, frequent feedings are not necessary. The coelom is very much reduced due to the excessive development of the mesodermal tissue. Each animal is hermaphroditic. Sperms are placed on the skin of another leech, and they apparently work through it into the ovaries, where fertilization occurs. Development takes place in a cocoon produced by the clitellu7n. Two nephridia are pres- ent. The nervous system is typical of the annelids. Class Gephyrea (je fi re' a, bridge). — This class is a group of marine annelids which are nonsegmented, have no appendages, and possess a trochophore larva. They are usually comparatively large and live in shells, crevices, and such other places as will afPord pro- tection. In this class, the representatives of order Echiuroidea have a well-developed prostomium, used in capturing prey and in loco- motion. In Bonellia, the female is the normal individual, while the male has no proboscis, is ciliated, and lives as a parasite on the pro- boscis of the female. Representatives of the order Sipunculoidea have no prostomium in the adult. Importance of Annelids to Man and Other Animals Even though no casual observer would consider that annelids have any important relationship to other living organisms, they have been found to be of great importance in a number of ways. Darwin concluded from some forty years of observation that the earthworms in an acre of ground could bring to the surface in one year as many as eighteen tons of feces, known as castings. This in- dicates without doubt that these animals are of great value, because in stirring the soil they cover up objects, causing them to decay. Their continuous burrowing through the soil also makes it porous, a necessary condition for plant growth. Earthworms have also less desirable qualities. They serve as secondary hosts for parasites of several animals. Most of the para- sites having the earthworm as a secondary host live as adults in birds, pigs, and other animals which use the worms as food. They have created a serious problem in some of the. irrigation districts of the Southwest by burrowing through levees until they EARTHWORM 357 are too porous to hold water. Before irrigation was started they did not appear to be at all numerous, but with the presence of water they have become very abundant. The medicinal leech was once used in the bleeding of individuals as a treatment for various ailments. Various forms of leeches live as parasites on turtles and other forms of animal life in the water. They are not at all averse to attacking human beings when the opportunity presents itself; however, they cause no great injuries and are important only as pests and as secondary hosts for some parasites, thus spreading certain diseases. Marine annelids are important only as food for larger forms. In many regions the burrowing forms along the tide levels literally form a good grazing ground for fishes. The fish swim along, biting off that part of the worms protruding from the mud or sand. In- stead of dying, the injured worms simply regenerate one or more new heads and go about their business. Phylogenetic Advances of Annelida (1) Segmentation, (2) coelom, (3) alimentary canal with defined parts, (4) closed circulatory system, (5) excretory system of nephridia, (6) muscular system, (7) concentrated mid-ventral nerve cord connected to a dorsal pair of suprapharyngeal ganglia. References Beddard, F. E.: Earthworms and Their Allies, London, 1901, Cambridge Uni- versity Press. Borradaille, L. A., and Potts, F. A.: The Invertebrata, New York, 1932, The Macmillan Company. Hegner, E. W. : Invertebrate Zoology, New York, 1933, The MacMillan Company. Parker, T. J., and Haswell, Wm. A.: Textbook of Zoology, Vol. I, New York, 1930, The Macmillan Company. Olson, Henry W. : The Earthworms' of Ohio, Ohio Biol. Survey Bull. 17, Vol. IV, No. 2. CHAPTER XX STARFISH, OF PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA, AND OTHER ECHINODERMS The Echinodermata (e kl no dur' ma ta — hedgehog skin) consti- tute a rather backward phylum of animals which are thought to have undergone a certain amount of retrogression in structural features. That is, -they seem to have a lower level of organization than that possessed by some of their ancestors. The modern echinoderms, as the group is commonly called, possess several distinctive charac- teristics. Some of these characteristics are as follows: skin cov- ered with spines; lack of segmentation; triploblastic radial sym- metry, subduing a primitive bilateral symmetry; water vascular or ambulacral system and tube feet; circumoral nerve ring and radial nerves; a calcareous skeleton composed of plates; pedicellariae ; and a coelom. The external opening into the water vascular sys- tem is called the madreporite. It is located on the dorsal or aboral side, at an interradius between arms in such a position that a line drawn through it and on through the radius of the opposite ray, will divide the body into two similar halves. There will be a half ray and two complete rays in each half of a five-rayed animal divided in this way. Classification In earlier classifications as in the case of Cuvier, this entire group was included along with coelenterates in a group called Radiata. The basis for this was the apparent similarity of radial symmetry. It was later discovered that the coelenterates have a typical primi- tive radial symmetry while the Echinodermata have only a second- ary radial symmetry which is derived from a bilateral condition. This is indicated quite definitely by the fact that the larvae of echinoderms have a typical bilateral symmetry. The change which occurs seems to be an adaptation to a sedentary habit. This phylum is usually divided into five classes of modern forms including such common animals as starfishes, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucum- bers, and sea lilies. Class Asteroidea. — The general features of the body include a central disc usually with five arms or rays radiating from it. There 358 STARFISH AND OTHER ECHINODERMS 359 are some species which do not adhere to this pentamerous condition and have up to forty rays. The rays are not usually sharply con- stricted from the central disc. Asterias, Astropecten, SolasteVy Greas- ier and Echmaster are representative genera. Class Ophiuroidea. — Brittle stars and serpent stars. There is a small central disc with five long, slender rays which are clearly marked off from the disc. The rays are lacking in ambulacral grooves. The tube feet do not serve in locomotor functions but are tactile only. Both the madreporite and mouth are located ventrally. The ability of autotoimj (self -mutilation) is so well developed here that arms will become detached by merely grasping them. Ophioderma, OpMura, Ophiothrix and Gorgonocephalus are common Atlantic and Gulf genera. Fig. 132. — Oral view of a basket star belonging to class Ophiuroidea. (By courtesy of General Biological Supply House.) Class Echinoidea.— Sea urchins and sand dollars are representa- tives of this group the members of which have lost the rays but still retain the pentamerous (five division) condition of the body. The sea urchins are globular or hemispherical, while the sand dol- lars are disc-shaped. The skeleton or test is composed of five rows of closely fitting plates which are usually arranged into five pairs of inter-ambulacral rows. The position and condition of these rows of plates can be compared to a starfish with its arms turned up over its body until the tips all touch each other. The surface of the skeleton bears processes which support movable spines. Tube feet may be thrust out through perforations in the plates of the ambu- 360 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY lacral rows. These rows correspond in position to the ambulacral grooves of the starfish. The mouth of this type of animal is located ventrally (orally), and it is guarded by five projecting skeletal processes called teeth. These converge over the aperture and are set in a skeletal case which is composed of many hard ossicles and contains the muscles for moving the teeth. The teeth are used in Madreportfe 7 p/afes ppp^ Afrfbu/crcraf p/afes Fig. 133. — Dried test of the sea urchin, Arbacia. A, Shows arrangement of the plates on the aboral side; B, oral view showing mouth and perioral area. (From Wolcott, Animal Biology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.) removing algae from rocks for food. This arrangement constitutes Aristotle's lantern, and the esophagus leads internally from its aboral part. The principal organs of respiration are the interradial pouches and the tube feet. The nervous system is composed of a circumoral ring with radial cords extending into the ambulacral STARFISH AND OTHER ECHINODERMS ii6J areas. Strongylocentrotus, Arbacia, Trip7ieustes, Clypeaster, and Echinarachinus (sand dollar) are representative genera of the gronp. Class Holothurioidea. — The echinoderms of this class have only an incomplete skeleton, the body is^elongated, the mouth surrounded by tentacles is located at one end and the anus is at the other. These animals are called sea cucumbers because of their shape and color. There is some remnant of the pentamerous condition in that there are five double rows of tube feet extending lengthwise on five sides of the body of some forms, others have less or none. The expanded body of a holothurian is soft like a bladder partly filled with liquid and the body wall is very muscular. Representative genera of this class include Thyone, Holothuria, Cucumaria, Lepto- synapta, Aphelodactyla and Caudina. Fig. 134. — Thyone, the common sea cucumber. Class Crinoidea. — Most of the sea lilies live attached by long stalks, but a few are free. At the free end of the stalk are located the five, many-branched arms. The mouth is located in the upper- most center of the calyx and is surrounded by the anus. The anus is also to be found on the oral side within the enclosure made by the arms. Neocomatella, Pentacrimis, Rhizocrinus, Metacrmus and Ante- don are representative genera. Habitat and Behavior of Starfish The starfish lives along the shores and in the shore waters (to a depth of over 125 feet) of our stony coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific, with scattered ones occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. A few 362 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY scattered individuals may be found on muddy or sandy shores, but they are quite scarce. They are often found clinging to pilings, old boats, and other objects in the water. By action of the tube feet they are able to cling very tenaciously to almost any solid object. At low tide they may be found under the rocks, out of the sun, where they are protected from the heat and drying. Due to a food relationship they are usually found in the same area with marine clams, oysters, and rock barnacles. During the day they Fig. 135. — The ochre starfish, Pisaster ochraceus, an abundant form along the Pacific coast. (Johnson and Snook, Seashore Animals of the Pacific Coasts The Macmillan Company.) are rather inactive, but at night they are much more active and respond to such stimuli as light, temperature, contact, and chemicals. It has been demonstrated experimentally that starfishes may form habits. They ordinarily live and move about with the oral side next to the substratum, and if turned over, will right themselves in the same way time after time. If the arms which are habitually used for this are incapacitated, they will acquire the habit of using another combination of rays in this act. STARFISH AND OTHER ECHINODERMS 363 . External Anatomy The body is composed of a central disc and some (usually five) radiating arms or rays. The mouth is located in the center of the under or oral surface while the upper or aboral surface is covered with spines of various lengths. On the arms these spines are ar- ranged somewhat in rows. Between the spines the exposed skin is extended into projections known as papula or dermal branchiae. There are some small pincherlike structures, called pedicellariae, arranged around the bases of the spines, which serve to keep the surface of the exposed papulae clear of debris and foreign material. The pedicellariae are composed of two jaws or blades and a basal plate with which the jaws articulate. There are large and small pedicellariae. In an eccentric position on the aboral side of the central disc is found the calcareous, sievelike madreporite. The portion of the central disc and two rays adjacent to the madreporite constitute the bivium. The other three arms and their adjacent por- tions of the central disc compose the trivium. On the oral side sur- rounding the mouth is a perioral membrane or peristome. An ambu- lacral groove, containing rows of tube feet, radiates from this along the oral side of each arm. A reddish pigment spot in the end of each arm is called an eye. The spines are longer and stronger around the mouth and along the margins of the ambulacral grooves than elsewhere. Internal Anatomy The body wall is relatively strong and hard without being per- fectly rigid. This condition is due to the presence of the calcareous skeletal plates throughout, which are bound together by connective tissue and muscular fibers. These plates are often called ossicles. They lie in a flat position in the aboral portions of the body wall. The skeleton of the ambulacral grooves consists of four rows of articulated, oblong ossicles in each arm. These ossicles are arranged with the flat sides together, like cards in a filing case. The two middle rows of ossicles are called ambulacral plates. Ambulacral pores, through which the tube feet project, are located between these plates. The outer rows of plates, forming the margin of the groove, are shorter and are known as adambulacral plates. Five flat oral ossicles surround the mouth. Within the body wall and extending into the arms is a large coelom which is lined by a peritoneum and filled with coelomic fluid. In 364 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY this cavity are located the organs of most of the systems. The digestive system is a modified tube extending vertically from the mouth on the oral side to the minute arms at the aboral surface. From the mouth a short esophagus leads to the double-pouched stomach. The larger cardiac portion (or pouch) receives the esopha- Fig. 136. — Dissection of the starfish, Asterias. The aboral wall has been re- moved from the trivium and a portion of the central disc. One ray of the bivium has been turned to expose the oral surface and tube feet. The organs have been removed from one ray of the trivium to expose the skeleton. Avi, ambulacral groove; cs, cardiac stomach; D.B., dermal branchiae; E, eyespot ; G, gonads; M. madreporite ; Os., ossicle ; P, pedicellariae ; P.C., pyloric caeca ; Py, pyloric sac ; R, rectal gland ; Sp., spine ; T.F., tube feet ; T.F.z, arrangement of tube feet in skeletal ray. (From White, Genera? BioZofiry, The C. V. Mosby Company.) STARFISH AND OTHER ECHINODERMS 365 gus and is separated aborally from the pyloric portion by a marked constriction. A large pair of branched glandule structures, known as hepatic or pyloric caeca, is located in each arm, and each pair joins the pyloric pouch by a duct which seems to be a continuation of this pouch. These glands and possibly the pyloric pouch pro- duce digestive enzymes in solution. The fluid secreted by the wall of the cardiac portion probably does not contain enzymes. A short rectum or intestine leads aborally from the pyloric pouch to the pore- like anus at the exterior surface of the central disc. Two brown, branched pouches arise from the rectum. These are known as rectal caeca or glands and probably have excretory function. In feeding, the starfish catches its bivalve prey in the five arms and humps over it. The tube feet are attached to the shells, and, by coopera- tive activity, an enormous pull is exerted on the valves of the shell. After the shell is open, the stomach of the starfish is everted Fig 137. — Longitudinal section through the central disc and one ray of a star- fish, a, Anus ; am, ampulla ; car, cardiac stomach ; coe, perivisceral coelome ; ey, eyespot ; hca, hepatic caeca ; i, intestine ; m, mouth, mth madreporic plate ; nr, nerve ring ; oe, esophagus ; os, ambulacral ossicle ; Py, pyloric sac ; 7'a, radial canal ; re, ring canal ; rca, rectal caeca ; rn, radial nerve ; Sc, stone canal ; sp, spme ; tf, tube feet. (From W^hite. General Biology, The C V. Mosby Company.) through its mouth and is spread over the tissues of the prey. An abundance of digestive fluid secreted over the food causes it to be digested in its own shell, and it is then taken into the stomach of the starfish. It is reported that between four and five dozen clams may be eaten by a single starfish in a week. It has also been shown that a starfish may survive after months of fasting. After feed- ing, the stomach is withdrawn into the body cavity by five pairs of retractor muscles, one pair extending from the pyloric portion to the ambulacral skeleton of each arm. The branched, treelike gonads fill the remaining space in each arm and the external pores from them are located in the crevice between adjacent arms. The water-vascular system is composed of the madreporite, stone canal, circumoral or ring canal, radial canals, Tiedemann's bodies, lateral canals, ampullae, and tube feet. Water is taken- in through 366 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY the sievelike madreporite on the aboral side of the central disc and is conducted by the S-shaped, calcareous stone canal (hydrophoric canal) to the ring canal, which encircles the mouth. The movement of the water through the madreporite and stone canal is accomplished by the action of cilia, which line them. On the medial surface of the ring canal are nine small Tiedemann's (racemose) bodies, the stone canal joining the ring canal where the tenth might be expected. These bodies produce amoeboid cells. The five radial canals extend distally, one in the roof of the ambulacral groove of each ray. Numerous paired lateral canals arise along the length of each radial canal. Each ends shortly by connecting with its ampulla and tube foot. The ampulla is bulblike and is located above the roof of the Radial canal Madreporite Stone canal Tiedemann's body Ci ream -or a canal Tube foot Fig. 138. — Diagram of water-vascular system of the starfish. ambulacral groove in the coelom. It is connected through its ambulacral pore with the contractile tube foot which hangs down into the ambulacral groove. The distal or free end of the foot has a slightly inverted, suckerlike shape. The proximal pair of ampullae in each arm of some starfish lack the tube feet and are sometimes erroneously called Polian vesicles. Alternate tube feet are farther from the radial canal than the others on each side. The ampullae and tube feet function effectively in locomotion, the am- pullae contracting to force water into their respective tube feet to extend them. The walls of both ampullae and tube feet are mus- cular. In large starfish the tube feet may be extended an inch or two. The sucker ends of these tube feet work like a vacuum cup STARFISH AND OTHER ECHINODERMS 367 and will adhere effectively to surfaces over which the animal is drawing itself. When the pressure is released by the ampulla, the tube foot contracts and draws the animal forward. When water is again forced into the tube, it releases its grip and is again ex- tended. By alternation of the activity of tube feet in different parts of the body the animal is able to move itself from one place to another. The entire water vascular system is a modified part of the coelom. A thin-walled system of vessels running parallel to the water vascular is the circulatory system. It is enclosed in a perihemal space. In addition to this the coelomic fluid, which occupies the coelom and bathes all of the organs, serves as a circulatory medium Fig. 139. — Starfish "walking" on glass. Viewed from the oral surface. Notice the extended tube feet. (Courtesy of General Biological Supply House.) in that it absorbs the digested food and distributes it. This fluid bears amoehocytes which are cells capable of picking up particles of waste material and carrying them to the dermal branchiae, where they pass through the membrane to the exterior. These dermal branchiae are pouches of the coelomic wall which extend outward between the skeletal plates and have the additional function of respiration. When these pouches are completely extended, they nearly cover the exterior surface of the animal, and thus expose an enormous area to the water for respiration. Excretion is carried out in part by the amoebocytes which have been produced by the Tiedemann's bodies and have migrated to the coelomic cavity. The rectal caeca serve in respiration to some 368 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY extent also. There is a certain amount of diffusion of dissolved wastes through the dermal branchiae and the walls of the tube feet. The nervous system is radially arranged about the oral ring which encircles the mouth just orally to the ring canal. From the oral ring, a radial nerve extends the length of each arm and ends in the pigmented eyespot. These nerves lie in the roof of the ambulacral grooves. The aboral surface is supplied by a less conspicuous aboral nerve which extends from an anal nerve ring. Branches of these nerves extend to the numerous nerve cells distributed in the epi- dermis above the nerve cords. The pigmented eyespots at the tips of the arms are photosensitive and sensitive to touch. The pedi- cellariae and tube feet are also sensitive to touch. There is little centralization except in the oral ring and radial cords, still there is sufficient centralization for the necessary coordination exercised by the animal. Reproduction and Life Cycle The starfish is dioecious; i.e., the sexes are separate. The repro- ductive systems of the two are similar and each consists of five paired gonads lying in the cavity of the rays beside the pyloric caeca. They open to the exterior by pores in the angles between arms. Mature eggs produced in ovaries of females and mature spermatozoa discharged from testes of males are freed in the ocean water where they unite in fertilization. Total, equal cleavage is the type of division which follows fertilization, and this finally gives rise to the many-celled, free-swimming, ciliated hlastula. The wall of this infolds to form a gastrula. Following this the rounded body becomes somewhat elongated and lobed. Ciliated bands develop over its sur- face and it is known as hipinnaria. This larval stage has bilateral symmetry, and the larva swims about near the surface for weeks by the aid of its ciliated bands. A later modification of the bipin- naria in which there are several extended symmetrical processes, is known as the hrachiolarian stage. Following this condition is a metamorphosis during which many processes are formed, and the radial symmetry superimposes the bilateral. The presence of the bilateral symmetry in these larval stages seems to indicate that the ancestors of echinoderms were likely animals with this type of symmetry. TaA. t). Fig. 140.— Development and metamorphosis of the starfish. A, J^°^!,al vie\v of early%iliated larva, showing ciliated bands and coelomic pouches ;Bvgitral^^^^^^^ of bipinnaria larva showing the extension of the left and ^ightcoelomic pouches . G, dorsal view of the same larva showing the left j^^dreponc pore and water t^^^^ aAd the fusion of the left and right coelomic Pouches to fo^^l^fi^^i'/.^f'^^bes f?Sm D, dorsal view of an older larva showing the budding of the ^ve water tubes trom the left coelom; E, view of left side of a stijl older larva showing the water a^^^^ lar system developing from water tubes, and the rays of the adult starfish develop ing on the dorsal side; P, Brachiolaria. larva . in the Profess of metamorphosis The larva has settled on the preoral region which is g^^eatly shortened G.aboral view of a young starfish showing the developmg sP^^es; a anus ac, anterior coelom; ad, anterodorsal arm; b, brachiolar arms ; cj, amoral ciliated band cij-, dorsal surface developing rays ; es, esophagus ; /, point of fixation tnf, i^^stine . I, lateral arm; Ic, left coelomic pouch; m mouth ; md, median doisa arm n^^^^^ madreporic pore and water tube; vd, posterodorsal arm; ^'o- Po^toral ^liated band pr, preoral ciliated band ; re, right coelomic pouch ■ sp, sPines;sf stomach to, five water tubes of water vascular system. (Modified from Wilson and McBride. Ke produced by permission of The Macmillan Company.) 370 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Regeneration and Autotomy Regeneration is the name applied to the power some animals have to replace mutilated or lost parts. The starfish has this phenomenon quite well developed with regard to its arms. Any or all of the I Madreporite Reqeneratinq rctj Fig. 141. — Regeneration in the starfish. Above, a starfish regenerating part of the central disc and three arms ; below, arm of starfish regenerating the remainder of the body. arms of the starfish may be lost and the missing parts regenerated. An arm with a small portion of the central disc will regenerate the missing parts under favorable conditions. A mutilated arm or one caught in the grip of some enemy may be cast off by breaking loose STARFISH AND OTHER ECHINODERMS 371 at the constricted point wkere it joins the central disc. This ability of self-mutilation is known as autotomy. Following autotomy there is regeneration of a new part. Economic Relations Compared with many other animals the echinoderms are relatively unimportant economically. The sea cucumbers of several different species are used as food by the Chinese and other oriental people. The larger animals, some of them two feet long, are eviscerated, boiled, soaked in fresh water, dried or smoked and sold under the name of heche-de-mer or trepang. This dried product is semileathery and gelatinous. It is quite expensive and is usually served as a very palatable soup. The chief fisheries are found along the shores of China, the East Indies, Australia, and the Philippines; some, how- ever, are taken in California, Hawaii, and the West Indies. Sea urchins of several kinds furnish a sort of caviar known as ''sea eggs." The egg masses are taken from the sexually mature females and are eaten either raw or cooked. Each specimen con- tains a considerable quantity of roe at the season just before spawning. Production of ''sea eggs'' has become quite an industry in the Orient, Italy, and the West Indies. The Barbados are particularly noted for their production of this commodity. Perhaps the starfish is the most important, of the group, but its relationship is almost entirely of negative importance. It is one of the worst enemies of clams, oysters, and snails. The starfish grows in enormous numbers around the oyster beds of the Atlantic, attacks the oysters, and feeds on them, leaving only the empty shells. A single starfish may eat as many as two dozen oysters in a day. Oyster hunters formerly attempted to protect the oysters and clams by dragging "tangles" made of frayed rope over the beds, catching large numbers of starfish, breaking them in two, and dumping the scraps back into the water. The futility of this was realized when their power of regeneration was learned, so at present they are usually dropped into boiling water or thrown on the bank to dry. Salted or smoked starfish roe (eggs) are considered a de- licious food by many people. The brittle stars and crinoids have little value except as geological indices and biological specimens. Their skeletal parts contribute to the formation of limestone. CHAPTER XXI FRESH-WATER MUSSEL AND THE SNAIL, OF PHYLUM MOLLUSCA (By Elmer P. Cheatum, Southern Methodist University) GENERAL CHARACTERS The phylum Mollusca includes such familiar animals as the snails, clams, oysters, and cuttlefish. Even though they appear different externally, all are soft-bodied, unsegmented, usually bilaterally symmetrical, and most of them produce a shell composed princi- pally of calcium carbonate. A muscular foot is present which may be modified for different functions. In the snail it is used for creeping; in the clam for plowing through the substrate, and, in the nautilus or squid for seizing and holding prey. Covering at least a portion of the body is a mantle or dermal fold, the outer surface of which secretes the shell in most species. Between the mantle and main body is a mantle cavity which is usually either provided with gills or modified into a primitive pulmonary sac for use in respira* tion. Jaws are present in the snails, slugs and cephalopods. Within the mouth cavity of many species is the radula, which is an organ composed of fine chitinous teeth arranged in rows and used in rasp- ing food. Approximately 78,000 species of moUusks have been described, hence they constitute one of the largest groups of animal life. With very few exceptions they are sluggish animals and occupy a diver- sity of habitats, occurring abundantly on land, in fresh water, and in the sea. Although most of the species live in moist surroundings, a few inhabit arid regions. Some species, such as the cuttlefish, are strictly carnivorous; many of the snails are herbivorous, and. others feed as scavengers. The oyster and other species that are attached during adulthood feed on the floating organisms in the sea. From the standpoint of their ancestry, the veliger larva of vari- ous marine forms bears close resemblances to the trochophore larva of the annelids. Whether or not they are direct descendants of the annelids is a matter for conjecture since some morphologists regard 372 FRESH-WATER MUSSEL 373 this similarity in larval forms as an example of adaptive parallelism in a similar type of environment. Certainly, morphological evidence shows a close relationship. Classification of this phylum is based on the nature of the foot, and respiratory organs; shape and structure of the shell; arrange- ment and structure of the nervous and reproductive systems. Class I. Amphineura Includes the Chitons, vvliich are found abundantly on rocks between tide marks along the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. Bilaterally symmetrical body; tentaculess head, eyes absent; shell, if present, consists of eight overlapping plates. Most species have a flattened foot but other species are slender and wormlike. (Ischnochiton conspicuus.) Class II. Pelecypoda Includes the bivalve mollusks, such as the oysters, clams, scallops, and cockles. More than ten thousand species have been described, of which approximately four-fifths live in the ocean. Division of the class into orders is based on gill characters. (Clams.) Class III. Gastropoda Includes the snails and slugs. Approximately fifty-five thousand species have been discovered and described. Shell, if present, univalve. (Snails.) Class IV. Scaphopoda Marine. Mantle edges grown together along ventral side forming tube, with a shell of same shape and open at both ends. Commonly known as tooth shells. Approximately 300 known living species. (Dentalium.) Class V. Cephalopoda Marine. The most highly organized of the mollusks. A definitely formed head is present which bears a pair of eyes that superficially resemble the eyes of vertebrates. The foot is modified into arms or tentacles. They are carnivorous animals and many of them are used as food by man. (Nautilus, LoUgo, Polypus.) Habitat and Behavior of the Clam Mussels or clams are usually found partly buried in the mud, sand or gravel of ponds, lakes, or streams. By means of the mus- cular foot which is protruded from between the two valves at the anterior end of the shell they plow their way slowly through the -stream or pond bed, feeding on the microscopic organisms in the 374 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY water. At the posterior end of the shell are two openings: the ventral siphon which pulls in food and water, and the dorsal siphon through which wastes and deoxygenated water are eliminated. Movement is varied among the pelecypods. Scallops may move rapidly by suddenly contracting the valves, thus ejecting a jet of water. Oysters are motile in their larval stages but in the adult stage are attached to rocks and other objects. Many marine mus- sels are attached to objects on the bottom or along the shore. At- tachment is made possible by the dissolution of a part of the under valve and adherence of a portion of the body thus exposed. Anodonta Jtewort/ana Quadrula forsheyi Proptera purpurakQ Amblema costata Leptod(?a fracjilis- Canjnculina ^Musojlium texasensis remssi Fig. 142. — Some common fresh -water bivalves. The life span of clams may be relatively long. It has been esti- mated that Anodonta, one of our common genera of fresh-water clams, attains its maximum growth in twelve to fourteen years. External Features Shell. — Unlike the snail whose shell is of one piece, the clam shell is composed of two parts called valves (hence, bivalves) which are attached together at the dorsal surface by a hingelike ligament. The oldest part of the shell is the umbo which is usually a rounded protuberance near the top of the valves and is frequently eroded FRESH-WATER MUSSEL 375 due to carbonic acid in the water. Extending out from the umbo on each valve in a concentric manner are the growth lines of the shell, evidenced as slight, medium, or heavy ridges. The shell is covered by a horny, pigmented periostracum. Under- lying this is the prismatic layer composed of carbonate of lime. The inner mother-of-pearl or nacreous layer consists of many thin, usually smooth plates, that in reflected light produce an iridescence in many species. Ligamentous hinqe Umbo .^jQrowihlims Ventral siphon I Dorsal siphon Expanded ^°^^^fee'^'^"'^l_----^^^^C l^r^^nor cdduztor ■^^-a^0K:k J:' r'^ir/ protractor ''^'^^■^.:^:0:.i^:^^py& retractor muscle Pallial Unz Q Fig. 143. — Exteinal (A) and internal {B) shell features of Lainpsilis anodontoides. Internal Anatomy (Detailed description based on Lampsilis) The valves are held together by two powerful transverse muscles, the anterior and posterior adductors. Upon cutting these muscles the shells gape open, exposing the underlying organs. The valves are lined with a mantle which secretes the shell. On the inner sur- face of each shell may be seen the curved pallial line which extends between the two adductor muscles and indicates the partial attach- ment of the mantle. Teeth which strengthen the closure of the shell may be present where the two valves come together. Between the two walls of the mantle is the mantle cavity which contains the leaflike gills, the foot, and visceral mass. 376 kssentialS of zoology Digestion During the activity of the clam a constant current of water is maintained in the mantle cavity. Food material is circulated for- ward to the mouth which lies between ciliated labial palps. Upon entering the mouth, food is passed through a short esophagus into the saclike stomach. Here it comes in contact with a digestive fer- ment produced by the digestive gland which is discharged into each side of the stomach through ducts. The crystalline style, a diverticulum of the intestine, and found only in mollusks, produces an enzyme mixed with the stomach content which undoubtedly Mantle cut frco. Pericardial cavity Rectum Auricle Ant. retractor Anterior i adductor • Post, retractor Post. adductor I tx.slpbon Foot' Protractor txt. labial palp Left gill plate in. siphon "wffljfeii^- Fig. 144. — Lampsilis anodontoides with the left mantle partially removed and turned back to expose the underlying organs. facilitates the digestion of carbohydrates. The food, having been mostly digested and partly absorbed in the stomach, is passed on into the intestine which makes one or more loops in the foot, passes through the pericardium and terminates in the anus near the dorsal siphon. Respiration Respiration is carried on through two pairs of vascularized gills which hang down into the mantle cavity on each side of the foot. Oxygenated water drawn in through the ventral siphon is passed through a rather complicated series of water tubes in the gills. FRESH-WATER MUSSEL 377 Oxygen is absorbed by the capillaries and carbon dioxide passed into the water where it is discharged to the outside through the dorsal siphon. Circulation The heart which is composed of a ventricle and two auricles lies in the pericardium. The ventricle, a muscular organ, surrounds the rectum and drives blood forward through the anterior aorta and backward through the posterior aorta. Both aortae give off arteries which ramify all parts of the body. Most of the returning blood is carried to the kidneys by means of the vena caval vein. Within the latter, nitrogenous wastes are removed, and the blood then flows to the gills through afferent branchial veins; after puri- fication in the gills it is returned to the auricles by way of the efferent branchial veins. The blood is colorless and contains several types of white corpuscles. Nervous System and Sense Organs Situated on each side of the esophagus is a cerebropleural gan- glion, the two ganglia being connected by means of a cerebral com- missure which passes above the esophagus. Each ganglion gives Vertical ^'^^^- oddacbor M water tubes \ Hidnoy Exholant Siphon Arjus Pericardial wall Reno -pericardial pore Post, aorta ! Ventricle j Excretory pore Auricle I | Ant.aorta Liver I ! 1 Stomach \ cerebral I I j I ; commissure I I I ' i; Ant. adductor muscle Inhalant siphon Visceral Q. Qonod \ } root '. ^°"^^ Intestine Pedal Q. Cerebro pleural &, Fig. 145. — Internal anatomy of Lampsilis anodontoides. 378 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY off two nerve cords, one of which passes ventrally and posteriorly to the pedal ganglion situated at the junction of the visceral mass with the foot. The other nerve cord extends backward, terminating in a visceral ganglion which is usually located just ventral to the posterior adductor muscle. The visceral as well as the pedal ganglia are united. The sensory organs of the clam are primitive. Covering each visceral ganglion is a patch of sensory epithelium called the os- phradium, the function of which may be to test the purity of the water brought in through the respiratory system. A short distance back of each pedal ganglion is a statocyst which functions in equi- librium. It is composed of a small calcareous concretion, the stato- lith, which is surrounded by sensitive cells. In addition to the sensory organs named there are many sensory cells distributed along the mantle edges and elsewhere which probably react to light and touch. Excretion Paired kidneys lie on each side of the body just below the peri- cardium. Each consists of a glandular portion which excretes waste, and a thin-walled bladder that is connected with an excretory pore through which wastes are discharged to the outside. Reproductioii and Life Cycle The small bivalves belonging to the family Sphaeriidae (Sphae- rium) are hermaphrodites, but in the larger ones the sexes are usually separate. The paired gonads are situated in the foot; the testis is usually whitish in color and the ovary reddish. A short duct leads from the gonad and opens just in front of the excretory pore. Sperm are passed to the outside through the dorsal siphon and enter the female clam through the ventral siphon. The ova, having been discharged through the genital apertures, become lodged in various parts of the gills, depending upon the species. Within the gills the eggs are fertilized. Thus, the gills serve as brood pouches or marsupia and may become greatly distended due to the tremen- dous number (as many as three million) of developing embryos. The small bivalve larva, which ranges in size from about 0.05 to 0.5 millimeter in diameter, is called a glochidium and has a single adductor muscle for closing the valves which may or may not be ] hooked. Extending out from the center of the larva is a long secre- FRESH-WATER MUSSEL 379 3 c o O C o t- o o o o 53 H y >t: o c *- >*7 >- — ^ g O O § y t3 >t: d ^.i2 !2'^ ^-O Cl Ox: O ^ -- "^ M ii Pi '-J 69 to o HO o '« o •«» 09 a. e ►^ o CO a; bo iil'llM S\M 380 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLCKiY tory thread, the byssus. In most clams the glochidia are discharged to the outside through the dorsal siphon. They fall to the floor of the river, pond, or lake, and lie with their jaws agape, or snap their jaws on any object. If the soft filament of a fish's gill or a fin of the fish comes in contact Avith the glochidium, it will close down upon it and remain attached if the fish is the suitable host for the particular species of clam. The tissues injured due to the attachment of glochidia produce by proliferation new cells which group up around and eventually cover the parasites. Thus a cyst is produced about the glochidium and within this structure the larval clam undergoes metamorphosis. It shortly breaks loose from its host, drops to the stream or pond bed, and leads an independent life. The rapid dissemination of mussels in a river system can be accounted for by the movements of tfeeir fish-hosts. THE SNAIL Habitat and Behavior Snails occupy a variety of habitats. They occur abundantly in fresh water, salt water, brackish water, and thermal springs; they live in the arid sections of the country and occur abundantly in the tropics where certain arboreal forms are found. Some species belong- ing to the genera Caecilianella and Helix live underground, feeding on roots of plants ; many other species live deeply embedded in moist humus. Certain species, such as Helix hortensis and Helix aspersa, excavate holes in rocks and live in them. Although most snails are not tolerant to extremes of cold, Vitrina glacialis lives in the Alps above the timberline where the rocks are covered with snow most of the year; even some of our fresh-water snails in this country, such as Lymnaea palustris, Physa gyriym and Helisoma trivolvis, when frozen gradually, can live at least several weeks in solid cakes of ice. Land snails are most active either during a light rain or immedi- ately following. In heavily shaded woodlands where surface moisture prevails, snails are active during the day as well as at night. The same species of snail that exhibits both diurnal and nocturnal ac- tivity in the woodland may show only nocturnal activity in an open, exposed habitat. Movements of most land snails appear to be co-* incident with moisture rather than darkness. Preceding prolonged periods of cold, land snails may move to protected places, such as beneath dead logs, dense mats of humus, crannies in or under THE SNAIL 381 rocks, and there begin their period of hibernation. During this condition of torpidit}- the body of the snail may be well protected by one or several thin parchmentlike membranes called epiphragms which are stretched across the shell aperture. When warm weather arrives, the membranes are broken and the snail resumes its activities. Water snails are active all four seasons, provided open water is available. Naturally their movements are slow^ed down in the winter due to cold, but when the pond or stream is frozen over, the move- ments of Lymiiaea, Physa, or Helisoma may be observed through the ice. During periods of dry weather when ponds and creeks dry up, snails embed themselves in moss and mud, and in this manner are able sometimes to survive long periods of drouth. During this con- dition epiphragms may be formed in certain species (Lymnaea palustiis), the same as in land snails; these structures probably func- tion in retarding water loss. hesodermal band npical or^an Zye E^opha§ Head kidney. Qtoc/st he^enchyme Stomach Pre oral ciliated rin§ Blastocoef'z Anal vehicle Apical or^an Endoderm Embryonic muf'CiC Prototrocb f'l&soderm Telatroch Fig. 147. — A, Trochophore larva of Eupomatus (a polychaete annelid), side view. (After Shearer.) B, Veliger larva of Patella (a marine snail) frontal sec- tion. (After Patten.) (Drawn by Joanne Moore.) At least a few species of land snails possess a homing instinct. Helix aspersa, H. po7iiatia, and Polygyra roemeri have all been ob- served to occupy as ''home" a definite place and go out from this ''home" on nocturnal foraging trips, then return by sunrise the next morning. The life span seems to vary considerably in snails; some of the aquatic genera, such as Lymnaea and Helisoma may live two to four years whereas some species of Helix may live to be six or eight years old. Parasitism and commensalism are both exemplified by certain species of snails. A commensalistic relationship exists between the rare mollusk Lepton sqiimnosiim and the crustacean Gebia stellata. 382 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY b/mnoeQ buUmoides techella Physa humeroso Tropicorbis liebmanni Lymnaea . stagnalis [Lymnaeidae) Physa , anatina ( Physidae) Menebus dllatatus Lymnaea palusbris /""^ Ferrissia excentrica (Ancylidao) Helisomo trivolvis lentum (Planorbidae) Fig. 148. — Some common fresh watei- pulmonate snails. humboldUona chisosensis Potyqyra roemen Bulimulus dealbatus li^Qbilis Fig. 149. — Common terrestrial snails. ,Ruwlna decollata THE SNAIL 383 The former feeds on secretions produced by the latter. A few species of sponges, echinoderms, annelids, and mollusks are parasitized by various species of mollusks. (Detailed Description, based on Helix.) External Anatomy Shell. — The shell of the snail may be in the form of a low, broad, or flattened spiral (Humholdtiana chisosensis and Polygyra roemeri)^ or a long, tapering spire {Lymnaea stagnalis) ; on the other hand, some shells are shaped like house rooms {Patella that lives in the sea Po\yqyra , Polyqyra texasiana dorfeuilUana Helicina orhiculata tropica Retinella indentata pauc/llrata _ .... Euconulas Zonjtoides chersinus arboreus trochulus Strob]]ops (^asbrocopta labyrinthica armifera texQsiono Succinea Zuqiandina Pupoides Philqmycu^ Q\/ara sincjleyana. marqinatus carolinensis Fig. 150. — Common terrestrial snails. or Ferrissia, a fresh-water form). The worm shell {VermeUis spiratus) is so loosely coiled that it superficially resembles a worm. Some shells, such as those belonging" to the genus Miirex, may have long peculiarl}^ curved spines extending out from the main shell body that give to the shell a grotesque appearance. In the sea and land slugs the shell is either rudimentary^ internal, or absent. If the shell is held with the aperture toward the observer and the aperture is on the left, the shell is said to be sinistral; if on the right, the shell is dextral. Most species are normally dextral, but occa- sionally a reversal occurs which has been found to be inherited. 384 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY The shell which is largely composed of carbonate of lime is secreted by the mantle and usually consists of three layers. Em- bedded within the latter may be pigments that give the occasional brilliant colors to certain species. The thickness of the layers is dependent on the richness of lime salts in the environment; thus, Wrrnetus spiratms (Worm shell) - Limacina australb (Ptcropod) Murex tzmispina (Venus's comb) , Urosalpinx. (Oyster dnll) . Aeolis (Sea slug) Teredo naval is. (Ship worm) Fig. 151. — Marine mollusks. snails living in an acid bog have thin transparent shells, whereas the same species inhabiting an area rich in lime salts have thicker, perhaps opaque shells. Certain species, such as Polygijra roemeri, P. albolahris and P. teooasiana are capable of repairing broken shells if the damage is not too severe. THE SNAIL 385 Body. — The body of the snail consists of a head, neck, foot, and visceral hump. The head of a land snail {Helix) has one pair of true tentacles which are probably sensitive to contact and smell, and a pair of stalked ^'eyes" which can possibly detect different light intensities, but are not sight organs. Our common genera of water Respiratory apertum Velum I A I I » GQnital aperture ' ^V^, Tentacle Mouth Respiratory aperture &qe of mantle Foot — - stalked eye I I 'Tentacle -Mouth Genital aperture Fig. 152. — Fresh-water and land snails with bodies expanded. A, fresh-water snail, Lymnaea; B, land snail, humboldtiana. snails {Lymnaea, PJiysa, Helisoma) have their eyes situated at the base of the tentacles. Just in front of and below the tentacles is a mouth. Located on the side of the head is the genital pore. The broad muscular foot is covered with a mucus-secreting integument. 386 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Just ventral to the moutli is the opening of the pedal gland which deposits a highway of mucus over which the snail usually glides; the gliding movements are scarcely perceptible. In some marine snails the surface of the foot is covered with cilia, the latter facili- tating movement. The visceral hump, which encloses the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, and reproductive systems, is protected by the shell which is lined with the mantle. A thick collar is produced where the mantle joins the foot, and just beneath this mantle-collar is the respiratory aperture; back of the latter is the anal opening. Internal Morphology Digestion.— Just within the mouth of a snail is a rounded organ known as the buccal mass. The latter is composed of a ribbon of minute recurved teeth, the radula, supported and moved by con- nective tissues and muscles. On the roof of the mouth is a horny jaw which pulls food into the mouth cavity. It is then rasped by the radula into fine particles and mixed with saliva which flows into the buccal cavity from salivary glands that lie on each side of the crop. The masticated food is then passed into the esophagus which widens, forming the crop. Here the food may be mixed with a brown liquid produced by the digestive gland which occupies most of the visceral hump. Enzymes produced by this gland con- vert starches into glucose, and, in the case of HeliXy the ferment is powerful enough to dissolve the cellulose of plant cells, thus releas- ing the protoplasm so that it may be utilized. From the crop, food enters the stomach and is passed on into the intestine where absorp- tion takes place. Feces are discharged to the outside through the anus. Respiration Land and most fresh-water pulmonate snails breathe by a fold of the richly vascularized mantle which has been modified into a primitive lung, whereas the branchiate snails breathe by true gills. In all probability pulmonate snails that inhabit the deep water of lakes use the pulmonary sac as a gill and breathe like the bran- chiates. When the water is cold, it is not necessary for aquatic pul- monate snails to make periodic trips to the surface in order to re- new their air supply, but when the water becomes sufficiently warm, cutaneous respiration alone is inadequate and the snail must come to the surface to get additional oxygen. The pulmonary sac THE SNAIL 387 of aquatic pulmonates. not only serves in the capacity of a gill or lung but also may serve as a hydrostatic organ, thus enabling snails to ascend to the surface by flotation. Such movements are prob- ably made possible through contraction of the mantle walls, thus decreasing or increasing the volume of air. Most of the marine species arc gill breathers, and some, such as the sea slugs, have external feather-like gills. Fig. 153. — Arrangement of teeth in the radula of a snail. -Hermaphroditic Duct '' ^.O^ofesf-is ,'i5emino/ Pecepfac/Q ///nfestine / 'Albumen G/anc/ Vas Defer Sac CIojtk una ivar^ C/anc/ 7/}/s Anterior /Tenfaclz —Pharynx --Mouth ^^^ "Cerehral Gono/ion ^5afi>'ary Over Fig. 154.— Internal anatomy of Helix. Shell removed. Circulation The blood of the snail consists of a plasma which is usually color- less, but in Helisoma, hemoglobin is dissolved in the plasma, thus giving it a red color, and in Lymnaea and some species of Helix the 388 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY blood has a bluish tinge due to the presence of a copper-containing pigment, hemocyanin. In the plasma, float the colorless corpuscles. The blood serves as a transporting medium whereby digested food, excretions, secretions, and gasses may be carried from one part of the body to another. The heart, which consists of an auricle and a ventricle, lies in the pericardial cavity. Blood is pumped from the ventricle through a common aorta which divides into two branches, one of which supplies the head and foot, and the other carriCvS blood to the visceral hump. The terminal branches of these arteries com- municate with a hemocoele or series of sinuses. Veins carry the blood from the hemocoele to the mantle walls where it is purified and then passed through the pulmonary vein to the single auricle and on into the ventricle. Nervous System Encircling the esophagus is a ring of nerve tissue which includes three pairs of ganglionic swellings: the cerebral grmglia, situated above the esophagus, supply nerves to the anterior regions of the body; the pleural, pedal, and visceral ganglia lie below the esopha- gus and are connected to the cerebral ganglia by commissures. From them, nerves extend out to the visceral hump and basal parts of the body. The arrangement of ganglia and their connectives is of taxonomic importance. Excretory The Mchiey is a yellow gland situated near the heart. Its ureter, a thin-walled tube, parallels the rectum and opens near the anus. Reproduction and Life Cycle Most fresh-water and terrestrial pulmonate snails, as well as the sea slugs, are hermaphroditic. The majority of the marine shelled gastropods and our fresh-water branchiates, such as Pleurocera, Goniohasis, and Amnicola are unisexual. The reproductive system of a unisexual snail is relatively simple but is exceedingly complex in the hermaphroditic species. In bisexual (hermaphroditic) snails cross-fertilization ordinarily occurs. The ova, as well as spermatozoa, are produced by the ovo- testis. Some snails are protogynous, since the ovotestis functions first as an ovary and later as a testis; others are protandrous, since male gametes are first foi-med, followed by the production of ova. THK SNAIL 389 Spermatozoa pass from the hermaphroditic duct into the sperm duct, and enter the vas deferens which terminates in a muscular penis. By means of the latter organ sperm are transferred into the seminal receptacle of another snail. Ova are passed from the ovo- Albumin qtand -t^ DVer hermaphroditic qtand Crop f^it Oviduct r-JI Oart sac Wf- MucotAS qlands — . bfZ Pig. 155. — Genitalia of Helix aspersa; act of union. (Modified, after Cooke, Cam- bridge Natural History. By permission of The Macmillan Company.) testis into the hermaphroditic duct, and from there into the oviduct which terminates in a thick-walled muscular • vagina. During this journey the ova are fertilized by sperm from the seminal receptacle and coated with albumin from the albumin glands. Both the penis and vagina have a common genital opening to the exterior. 390 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY B D E F Fig. 156. — Egg masses of common snails. A, Lymnaea (fresh-water; gelatinous mass); B, Heliosoma (fresh-water; gelatinous mass); C, Physa (fresh-water; gelatinous mass) ; D, Pleurocera (fresh-water branchiate; tough gelatinous mass) ; E, Polygyra texasiona (terrestrial; eggs in cluster) ; F. egg capsules of Busycon. Qoniobasis comQlenjiS (Pleuroceridae) Cowpeloma decisurr) (Viviporidac) (§ (^ ^ Amnicoia comalensls Cochliopo teKona (AmnicolidQe) Fig. 157. — Some common fresh-water branchiate snails. FRESH-WATER MUSSEL AND THE SNAIL 391 Most of the fresh-water snails deposit eggs in clear gelatinous masses on submerged objects, such as twigs and rocks. The land snails usually deposit their eggs singly or in cltfsters in well-pro- tected places, such as in rooten wood or beds of humus. The eggs are covered with thin shells which i^revent undue water loss. In some marine snails, such as Busycon, eggs are deposited in disc- shaped capsules which are spaced equally apart and held together by a tough band. Some snails, such as the fresh-water Campeloma, have a brood pouch in which eggs are deposited and the young are born alive. The latter is ovoviviparous reproduction in contrast to oviparous reproduction, as described in Helix. Economic Relations of the Phylum Mollusks have been used as food by man from the beginning of civilization. Oysters, clams, scallops, snails, and the arms of cuttle- fish are found in the menus of peoples all over the w^orld. It has been estimated that the oyster industry along the Atlantic Sea- board approximates 40,000,000 dollars annually. Along the Texas coast alone, Federal statistics show that 51,719 barrels of oysters were sold in 1932. Buttons are made from the shells of the large heavy river clams and along the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi rivers the button industry amounted to 5,000,000 dollars in 1931.- Within some of the clams are found pearls which are formed by some irritating particle, such as a parasite or sand grain that be- comes lodged between the mantle and the shell. Iridescent protec- tive layers of mother-of-pearl are deposited around the foreign par- ticle, thus producing the pearl. The Japanese have been success- ful in artificiall}^ stimulating pearl production by planting small objects, such as pieces of mother-of-pearl, between the mantle and shell of pearl-oysters. Pulverized clam shells are also -^being used as a calcium supple- ment to chicken feed. Shells have also been used as a medium of exchange. The wampum of the eastern coast of North America consisted of strings of cylindrical beads made from brightly colored clam shells. Shells have alwavs been and still are used for orna- mentation. Crushed shells are used in road construction. Some mollusks are injurious to human interests. Among these might be mentioned the marine snail, Urosalpinx cinerea, which drills into and feeds on oysters and other pelecypods; the common 392 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY shipworm, Teredo navalis, attacks the wood of ships and pilings, making extensive excavations. Certain species of snails serve as the intermediate host of parasitic flatworms or flukes. The liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) whose intermediate host is the small fresh-water snail, Lymnaea bulimoides, causes the disease, liver rot in livestock, particularly in the sheep. Since shells are easil}^ fossilized they serve as excellent guides to the geologists in determining the type of rock formation and relative age of the strata. References Baker, F. C. : The Fresh Water Mollusca of Wisconsin, Madison, 1928, Wisconsin Geol. & Nat. Hist. Survey. Morris, Percy A.: A Field Guide to the Shells of Our Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, Boston, 1947, Houghton Mifflin Co. Tryon, G. W., and Pilsbry, H. A.: Manual of Conchology, 1885 to date, Acad. Nat. History, Philadelphia. Ward, H. B., and Whipple, Geo. C. : Fresb-Water Biology, New York, 1918, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CHAPTER XXII THE CRAYFISH, A CRUSTACEAN ARTHROPOD Arthropoda (ar throp' 6 da, joint iootj is the name of the largest known phylum of animals, and the crayfish is a member of this group. As the name implies, all representatives of the phylum have paired, jointed appendages and a definite tendency toward specialization of them. Their bodies are triploblastic, segmented, bilateral, and covered by a chitinous exoskeleton. The coelom is modified by a marked re- duction as a result of specialized vascular spaces. The segmentation or metamerism of the body is expressed in a high degree in this phylum and there is a definite relation of appendages to segments. The segments have undergone greater specialization and greater regional differentiation than was the case in annelids. In forms where there is little or no differentiation of segments, the condition is re- ferred to as homonomous, while a highly differentiated condition of segments as found in most arthropods is spoken of as heteronoynous. This group has fairly distinct head, thorax, and abdomen. The ap- pendages on various segments are typically homologous with each other. Some are modified as sense organs, others as mouth parts, others for walking, swimming, and reproduction. The skeleton is entirely exoskeletal, composed of chitin, and fits exactly the shape and contour of the body. . Since it is fairly un- yielding to growth, it becomes necessary for the arthropod to shed the skeleton periodically during its growing periods. This molting or ecdysis, as it is called, is quite characteristic of many of the divi- sions of this phylum. The circulatory system is of the open type, since there are large sinuses or spaces surrounding most of the organs instead of a con- tinuous circuit of blood vessels. The nervous system is of a modified ladder type with a ventrally located cord. The digestive system shows specialization in that it is divided into distinct regions as an adai^tation to special types of food which require mastication. Classification This phylum is divided into two sections and at least five classes; some authors recognize as many as eight. The sections are deter- mined according to the means of respiration. 393 394 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Section I, Branchiata (bran ki a' ta, gill) gill-breathing, aquatic forms for the most part. Class I. Crustacea, crayfish, crab, pill bug, barnacle, water flea, etc. 73 O O >> CO r >, ■M o5 £o 2^ c c H '^ .2 3 ^>> :< Jy^'i ^n:a?\i ?4 U; ^ Proximal retinal pigment cells ------ Rhabdome ■ M a Basement — membrane - ^ -(- — -Nerve fibers '- Fig. 164. — Longitudinal section of ommatidia from eye of crayfish, a. Position of pigment when iiglu is present : b, position ui pigmeni when in iIil- dark. i\u«.iee tliat in tlie latter the dis al pigment is in the outward position and the proximal pigment is concentrated inwardly. (From Hegner, College Zoology, The Macmillan Company, after Bernhards. ) Metabolism The crayfish ingests principally flesh from bodies of fish, snails, tadpoles, insects, and other animals, some caught alive and others found dead. The maxillae and maxillipeds hold the morsels while CRAYFISH 407 they are crushed by the mandibles. Mastication continues in the cardiac chamber of the stomach and chemical digestion begins in the pyloric portion. The digestive juices possess enzymes which convert the food into soluble form, and as it passes along the in- testine, it is absorbed by the blood and distributed to the tissues over the body. This conversion of food material into protoplasm is assimilation. The external phase of respiration has put oxygen in the blood, and it is distributed throughout the protoplasm of the cells. The energy stored in the food material is released or converted to kinetic form by union with the oxygen (oxidation) in the proto- plasm. From this union there is excess heat produced. Mechanical and chemical activity is the result of the harnessing of this energy. As a by-product of this cataholism, excretory materials, such as excess water, urea, uric acid, and other substances are formed in solution and are collected by the blood. The green glands relieve the blood of these and deliver them to the exterior. Of course growth results when excess food materials are built into the cells at times when the rate of anabolism exceeds that of catabolism. Reproduction These animals are dioecious (sexes separate) and the mating takes place either in the spring or fall or perhaps both. The spring hatch become well developed before winter. The eggs fertilized in the fall may not be laid before spring. In the case of Camharus clarkii the adults retire to holes or bur- rows at the water's edge during the summer. It is here that the eggs are laid and carried by the female until after hatching; then the young cling to her swimmerets. In late summer or fall, soon after the young hatch, the adults become very migratory at night, particu- larly in rainy weather. In this way they help to distribute the young to new water holes. The feynale reproductive organs are composed of a bi-lobed ovary located beside the pyloric chamber of the stomach and beneath the pericardial sinus. During development the eggs appear in the ovary. Two oviducts lead, one from each side of the ovary, to a genital pore in the coxopodite of the third w^alking leg (pereiopod) of each respec- tive side. The ova develop in follicles in the ovary. The maturation divisions (oogenesis) take place here and, when mature, the eggs break into the central cavity of the ovary, from which at the time of 408 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Pi. H. M Pi. B. D. Fig. 165. — Development of the crayfish. A, Young crayfish clinging to swini- niereis of mother. B, Second larval stage {2) attached by its chelipeds to hairs (PIH.) on swimmeret (PI.) of the parent. The molted shell of the first larval stage (i) is clinging bv chelipeds. A portion of the egg-membrane (m) and shell (Sh.) are still attached to the swimmeret by a stalk (St.). When the first larva hatches it remains attached to the shell by a filament (Tf). The second larva is similarly attached to the molted shell of the first by filament Af. By means of these filaments the young remain fastened to the mother during development. C, first larva hatching through shell. D, the second larva. (Reprinted by permission aftt-f Andrews, 1916, Smithsonian Contributions, Vol. 35.) CRAYFISH 409 laying, they pass out through the oviducts. The male reproductive organs are composed of the bi-lobed testis located dorsal to the pyloric stomach and ventral to the heart. Spermatogenesis takes place here and mature spermatozoa are shed. The tubular vasa deferentia ex- tend posteriorly and ventrally to open externally on the coxopodite of each fifth walking leg. During copulation (mating) the sperm cells are transferred by the two pairs of anterior swimmerets (pleo- pods) of the male from the apertures of the vasa deferentia to the annulus (seminal receptacle) on the ventral side of the thorax of the female. When the mature eggs are later laid, they are likely fertilized as they pass posteriorly in the groove between the legs on the two sides of the body. The fertilized eggs are cemented to the swimmerets hy a secretion and appear much as small bunches of shot-sized grapes hanging there. The later development continues here, and they are aerated by movements of the swimmerets through the water. Cleavage divisions follow over the surface of the egg and the em- bryo develops on one side of the mass. The body form with segments and limb buds appears, and hatching occurs in from five weeks to two months. The larvae grasp the swimmerets with their chela and re- main with the mother for about a month. Two or three davs after hatching they pass through the first molt or ecdysis; that is, they shed the outer cuticle. This is repeated seven or eight times during the first season to allow for growth. The average life span of the crayfish that reaches maturity is about four years. Regeneration and Autotomy This power is limited to the appendages and eyes in this animal, but it is quite well developed in these parts. The possibilities and rate of regeneration are greater in younger animals. Mutilated or lost legs or mouth parts are readily restored. The genus Cambarus has the ability to allow a walking leg to break off at a certain line or joint if it is caught or injured. A new leg will develop from this stump. This phenomenon is called autot- omy. There are special muscles to help in this and a membranous valve stops the passage of blood through the leg, thus preventing ex- cessive bleeding. Bleeding will stop more quickly if the break oc- curs at such a point than it would otherwise. Autotomy often makes it possible for the animal to sacrifice a leg to save its life. 410 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Economic Relations Crayfish and the entire class Crustacea, are of considerable im- portance to man. The crayfish, lobster, crab, shrimp, and others are used directly as food to the extent that it is an industry valued at several million dollars annually in the United States. The nviinerous smaller genera, like Daphnia, Cyclops, Cypris, Gammarus, Aselhis, and Euhranchipus, comprise a large part of the food of many of our food fish either directly or indirectly. The more minute ones also feed many clams and oysters and finally end in human consumption. The shrimp and crab fisheries are the most important ones concerning Crustacea on the Texas coast of the Gulf of Mexico. In the Mississippi Valley and on the Pacific Coast the crayfish is used ex- tensively as a food. It becomes a serious pest in the cotton and corn fields of Louisiana, East Texas, Mississippi, and Alabama. They fill the swampy land with their burrows where they come up to the surface and eat the young plants. Frequently their burrows do serious damage to irrigation ditches and earthen dams. Crayfish also capture numerous small fish which are either immature food fish or potential food of such fish. Characterization of Other Crustacea Besides crayfish the order Decapoda includes lobster, shrimp, and crab. They all have ten walking legs, for which they are named. The crayfish and lobster are very similar except in size. The shrimps and prawns are marine and resemble the crayfish except that they do not have the great pinchers (chela) and the abdomen is bent sharpl}^ downward. The crabs are quite dilferent in shape in that the cephalothorax is broader than it is long, the abdomen is poorly developed, and folded sharpl}^ beneath the thorax. Crabs of different kinds vary in diameter from a few millimeters to several inches. There are four species of swimming crabs in the Gulf of IMexico, of which the hhte or edible crab (Callinectes sapidus) is the most important and best known. The lady crab and calico crab are also interesting species. When the blue crab is captured at molting time it is called the soft-shelled crab. At other times it is the hard-shelled crab. They may be caught in baited nets or on pieces of meat on a line with which they are brought to the surface and lifted out in a dip-net. The hermit crab (genus Pagurus) is smaller and lives in empty gastropod shells by backing into the shell CRAYFISH 411 and carrying it around. Dae to the cramping and inactivity the ab- domen has become soft and partly degenerate. The fiddler crab (genus Uca) is another very abundant form found on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere. These are small semiterrestrial crabs which burrow in tunnels, and may thus honeycomb large areas of salt marshes. They can run quite rapidly, often moving side- wise, and they are peculiar in that one pincher of the male, usually the right, is much enlarged. This gives the appearance of a fiddle and the other, reduced pincher resembles the bow. The large pincher is used in a nuptial dance, and occasionally a large number of these little crabs will be seen raising and lowering these enormous pinchers in concert. Asellus commu7iio is a common fresh-water form found in streams and pools. A salt-water genus, Idotea, is found in the ocean. The pill Fig-, 166. — Asellus, a common fresh-water crustacean. (Courtesy of General Biological Supply House.) bug (Armadillidiun) and the sow bug (Oniscus asellus or Porccllio) are terrestrial, living in damp places under logs, stones, or heavy vegetation, and in cellars or greenhouses. Their legs are arranged in two groups, which point in opposite directions. Respiration is carried on by gills on the ventral ,side of the body and for this reason they must live in moist places. They are a garden pest in that they eat leaves of delicate plants. There are a number of aquatic forms which are parasitic on fish and others, such as the gribble (Limnoria), which tunnel in submerged wood. The amphipods are sand and beach dwellers which may be found burrowing or jumping around on the seashore or walking around on the bottom in fresh water. Gammarus is the best knoAvn fresh- water form. The legs of representatives of this order are divided 412 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY into two groups, with the legs of each group pointing toward each other. These are of particular value as fresh- water fish food. Entomostraca as a group is composed of many smaller crustaceans occurring in great numbers in both marine and fresh waters. The fairy shrimps (Euhranchipus) are delicate, transparent and feathery appearing. They are about three-fourths of an inch in length. They swim with the ventral side up and their long, leaf-life appendages hang from the body. These appendages serve also as respiratory organs. They live in cool streams in the spring and fall, but the summer is passed in the egg, which can withstand complete dryness. Many of them are parthenogenetic, hence, males are rare. The com- mon marine form is Artemia, often called brine shrimp. The water fleas including Daphnia of order Branchiopoda, Cyclops and Diaptoynus of order Copepoda and other small Crustacea con- stitute an important common group. Daphnia is one that is en- closed in a delicate bivalve shell. The second pair of antennae are very large and are used in swimming. The shell is beautifully marked and terminates in a caudal spine. They are only about one-tenth of an inch in length. Cyclops is another common fresh- water form with the antennae shorter than the cephalothorax whose body length is also about one-tenth inch. It has a single median eye, and the females frequently are seen with a pair of egg sacs attached at the base of the abdomen. Diaptomiis, another Copepod, is a common form of about the same form and size as Cyclops, except that the antennae are nearly as long as the body. Arguhis is a genus of Copepods w^hich is parasitic on fish, and the individuals are called fish lice or carp lice. They are flat creatures and are found running around over the scales of their hosts. Some of the other forms are parasitic on the gills and fins of fish and their bodies be- come greatly modified. The ostracods are small, swimming, bivalve forms that are some- times called swimming clams. This group has beautifully marked valves; in fact, these animals are the most beautiful found in the plankton. Adult barnacles of order Cirripedia bear so little resemblance to other Crustacea that they are usually overlooked as such by the layman. They are completely encased in. a thick shell of several sections and have the general appearance of an oyster or clam. They are sessile in habit as adults, though free-sv/imming in the larval stage. Their entire life is spent in marine waters. There CRAYFISH 413 are several characteristic barnacles, rock barnacles on rocks, whale barnacles from ships and pilings, and gooseneck barnacles of the stalked type. After attachment, the legs become modified into feather- like bristles which are used in gathering food. SaccuUna is a genus related to true barnacles which has gone parasitic on crabs and has lost all resemblance to animal form. It settles on the body of a crab, makes its way to the interior and there becomes a branched mass of tissue which penetrates by roots to all parts of the body of the crab. After a time a baglike portion forms and projects externally on the ventral side of the abdomen of the crab. Recapitulation Theory or Biog-enetic Law A statement of this idea, which was developed by von Baer, Haeckel, and others, and is so well illustrated by the comparison Fig. 167. Meg^IopiS Fig. 168. iSchizopod Fig. 169. (Courtesy of General Rinfrlfi^o-^^o^^'^^T^T^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ the barnacle, Balanus. Biological Supply House.) theS^staJesTn °Hfpir^!^l.i^^^^^°P.^ ^.V'^^^^ ^^ developing: Crustacea. Crabs include mese stages in their development. (Courtesy of General Biological Supply House.) in tv^if; 169.— Schizopod or mysis stage through which the shrimp and lobster pass in their development. (Courtesy of General Biological Supply House ) '"^^^^^^ ^^^^ of the phylogenic and embryonic stages of certain Crustacea, may well be mentioned again at this point. This theory maintains that certain developmental stages or structures of the individual are re- 414 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY lated to ancestral conditions. That is, the individual in its develop- ment tends to repeat in an abbreviated fashion the history of the development of the race. Briefly stated ontogeny recapitulates 'phy- togeny. There is still some doubt as to the validity of this generali- zation in direct application. A classical example Avhich is frequently cited is that of the devel- opment of the shrimp, Penaeus, which hatches out as a nauplius larva, having a single median eye and only three pairs of appendages. Following the molt, this nauplius changes to become the Prozoea stage, possessing six pairs of a])pendages. The next molt brings on segmentation and some change in form. This stage is called the Zoea and resembles very closely the adult Cyclops of modern Copepoda. The Zoea transforms during further molts and growth to a stage with thirteen segments and a distinct cephalothorax which resembles the adult Mysis and therefore is called the Mysis stage. Gammarus is also in about this category of phylogenetical development. Follow- ing the next molt the mysis stage becomes a juvenile shrimp with nineteen segments. The life history of the barnacles and Sacculina has illustrated quite forcibly the possibility of such a relationship. There are extinct forms also whose adult condition was that of one of these developmental stages. This idea generally has served as a great stimulus to the study of embryology and the theory of evolution as well as serving to establish natural relationship of animal groups. Phylogenetic Advances of Arthropoda (1) Greater specialization of segments, (2) paired, jointed ap- pendages, (3) chitinous exoskeleton, (4) gill and tracheal respira- tion, (5) dioecious reproduction, (6) development of eyes and other sense organs, (7) green glands and ^lalpighian tubules (in- sects) as excretory organs, (8) organization of social life. References Greaser, E. P.: Decapod Crustaeeans of Wisconsin, 1932, Tr. Wisconsin Acad. Sc, Arts, and Letters, No. 27. Hay, W. P.: Crustacea of Indiana, ISOH, Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. Hegner, R. W. : Invertebrate Zoology, New York, 193.'}, The Macmillan Company. Ward, H. B., and Whipple, Geo. C. : Fresh- Water Biology, New York, 1918, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CHAPTER XXIIl THE LOCUST, A EEPRESENTATIYE OF INSECTS (By Vasco M. Tanner, Brigham Young University) Insects are the most abundant creatures on the earth today. There is said to be over 650,000 living species, many of which have never been seen by the great majority of mankind. This, no doubt, is because insects exist in every type of habitat known. They are found in sea water along the shore; in fresh water that ranges in temperature from 50° C. to ice cold; in the soil; in dry desert con- ditions; on the vegetation of plain and sw^amp; from the tundra of the north to the tropical pampas ; in trees ; on and in animals, as well as irian, many of which are carriers of disease. They ravage our crops and damage guv stored foods. In short, we may say that insects are omnipresent. One noted entomologist has said that this is an age of insects, and to this we may add that every man's farm is ''no man's land" and that the contending forces are insects and man. This great class Insecta of the Phylum Arthropoda has been upon the earth from the Pennsylvanian times, of the late Paleozoic era, to the present. This means that for probably one hundred million years these arthropods have been adjusting to a changing environ- mental complex, and the success with which they have met the chal- lenge is quite evident today. Aside from the chitinous exoskeleton, other distinctive character- istics, such as power of flight, which is possessed by no other in- vertebrate animal; a tracheal system, which keeps the hemolymph or blood from becoming impure; and finally their great variability and power to reproduce, have made the insects, no doubt, the suc- cessful creatures they are today. This leads us to wonder how successful man will be in his evolution during the next fifty million years. Will he be able to meet the demands of a changing environ- ment as the insects have? Insects are Arthropoda in which the body is divided into three regions, the head, thorax, and abdomen. The head, whiqji consists of six segments, bears a single pair of antennae, the eyes, and the mouth parts; the thorax consists of three segments and is the re- 415 416 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY gion which bears three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings, when they are present in the nymphs and adults; the abdomen bears a variable number of segments in the various groups of insects, ^also the genital apertures which are situated near the anus at the pos- terior end of the body. • ■•^, '^ro*^/^;- ^iijljrM "*^ Fig. 170.— V^estern lubber grasshopper, Brachypephus magnus. .^'^^}^'^9^ B, female. This form is found on the plains. (Photographed by Leo r. Murray. ) The Locust or grasshopper is one of the most common insects, being known to practically all people, because very few boys and girls grow up without having some experience with a grasshopper. They are widely distributed throughout the world, living on grass t^ocasT 417 and low-growing plants of the fields and open country. In the United States many destructive species are found. As early as 1743 Mr. Smith reported the damaging activities of Melanoplus atlanis in the New England states, and from 1855 to 1877 many outbreaks of grasshoppers were reported in the western United States. Even today the national government is expending large sums annually to keep down the activities of the many destructive species. The grasshopper is a typical insect, and may serve to illustrate the general structure of the class Insecta. 13 1.4 15 16 Fig-. 171. — External features of a grasshopper. 1, maxillary palp.; 2, mandible; S, labrum ; .',, clypeus ; 5, f rons ; 6, compound eye; 7, ocellus; 8, vertex; .0, antenna; 10, gena ; 11, pronotum ; 12, wing, mesothoracic ; IS, spiracle, thoracic; U, spiracle of first abdominal segment; 15, auditory apparatus; 16, wing, metathoracic ; 11, supra-anal plate; 18, podical plate; 19, cercus ; 20, ovipositor; 21, labial palp; S2, femur of prothoracic leg; 23, coxa of metathoracic leg; 2Jf, trochanter; 25, femur; 26, tibia; 27, tarsus; 28, femur of metathoracic leg; 29, spiracle; 30, sternum; Si, tergum. (Courtesy of General Biological Supply House.) The insect body is divided into a series of rings, or segments, and the segments are made up of hardened plates. These plates are known as sclerites, and the depression between the plates is called a suture. The hardness of the plates is due to the deposition of a horny substance called chitin. In many places two or more of these rings have grown together, or are fused. Again, in certain regions 418 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY of the body, parts of the segments may be lost. Regardless of the amount of variation in this respect, we lind that the segments are always grouped into three regions, Imown as the head, thorax, and abdomen. The head is made up of a number of segments, which are fused together, forming a boxlike structure known as the epicranium. This boxlike piece which surrounds the eyes and forms the basis of attachment for the movable parts of the head extends down the front of the head, between the eyes, to the transverse suture, and down the sides of the head to the base of the mouth parts. The sides of the epicranium below the compound eyes are known as the genae, or cheeks, Avhile the front of the head between the eyes is called the frons. The grasshopper has both compound and simple eyes. The com- pound eyes are situated upon the upper portion of the sides of the head, and are large, oval areas with smooth, highly polished sur- faces. If the eye is examined wdth a dissecting microscope, the surface will be seen to be made up of a number of hexagonal areas, which are known as facets. The simple eyes or ocelli consist of three small, almost transparent, oval areas. One of the ocelli is situated on the front of the head, just below the margin of the impression which contains the bases of the antennae, and in contact with the upper portion of the compound eye. The antennae or feelers are two threadlike processes situated median to the compound eyes. Each consists of about twenty-six segments. On the front of the head there is a short rectangular piece, called the clypeus, which is attached by its upper edge to the epicranium, and on the lower edge to the labrum. The mouth parts consist of a number of separate parts attached to the ventral region of the epicranium. The first noticeable part is the lahrum, or upper lip, a flaplike piece attached to the lower edge of the clypeus. The free edge is deeply notched on the median line. Just beneath the labrum are the mandibles, or first pair of jaws. Each mandible consists of a single piece which is notched on the inner grinding surface to form a number of ridges or teeth. A second pair of jaws, the maxillae, may be exposed by the removal of the mandibles. Each maxilla is composed of a number of parts, consisting of the cardo or proximal hinge part of the structure; the stipes, the lacinia, a sclerite which bears some teeth on its terminal Mg'^- »»■'"■■ '.""■■■' ii- i.e. Q,.-A\ .^^ IScnf .tMA,V. ^v §«..-„4:- 'SZIS^ X. 1ni\a'v\ Fig. 172. — 1, The external structure of the grasshopper, Dissosteira spurcata. al., Hind angle of lateral lob ; on., eresc ol the luatazune . c.p., crest of the i luzun*,* ; g., gena ; g.g., genal groove ; I.e., lateral carina of the matazone ; yn.p., maxillary palpus; t.i., transverse Incision. 2, Front view of the head of the grasshopper, Dissosteira spurcata. a.g., Antennal groove ; ant., antenna ; c.c, lateral carina ; c.e., compound eye ; c.f., central foveola ; e.g., carina of the antennal groove ; cl., clypeus ; c.o., central ocellus; fas., fastigium of the vertex; f.c, frontal costa ; g., gena; la., labrum ; I.e., lateral carina of the fastigium; l.p., labial jalpus ; man., mandible ; m.c, median carina of the fastigium ; m.p., maxillary palpus ; O.C., ocellus ; s.c, sulcation of the frontal costa ; t.f., tempora, temporal foveola ; ver., vertex. (From Henderson, by permission of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. ) 420 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY end ; the outer lobe or galea; and the maxillary palpus. The caudal part of the mouth parts is the lower lip or labium, which is composed of the suhmentu7n which acts as a hinge on the epicranium above; a mentum; labial palpi, and two large outer flaps, the ligulae. The prothorax is the segment to which the head it attached. It may be divided into two regions, the dorsal part known as the pronotum and the ventral portion known as the sternum. The pronotum is a saddle or bonnetlike piece extending over the dorsal and lateral regions of the prothorax. It is made up of a fusion of four plates, which are indicated by the transverse sutures. The sternum or ven- tral side of the pronotum is also made up of separate plates, or sclerites. The anterior sclerite bears a spine on the median line. The next two segments, the mesothorax and metathorax, are made up of sclerites that are intimately associated. Their structure will be discussed together. The mesothorax is joined to the pro- thorax by a membrane which permits of more or less movement. Posteriorly the metathorax is joined immovably wdth the first ab- dominal segment. The mesothorax and metathorax form a strong, boxlike structure for the support of the w^ing and leg muscles. Like the prothorax these segments are made up of separate plates, held together by a tough, connecting membrane. These plates may, how- ever, be divided into three groups : the tergum, or dorsal region ; the sternum, or ventral region; and the pleuron, or lateral region. On the dorsal and ventral regions of the body the sutures separat- ing the mesothorax from the metathorax are not very distinct. On the sides of the body, however, there is a very distinct line, or suture, running from the posterior border of the attachment of the second pair of legs toward the dorsal part of the body. This suture divides the mesothorax from the metathorax. The pleura of each of the posterior thoracic segments are again divided by transverse sutures, so that each pleuron consists of two sclerites. A pair of legs arises from the lateral and ventral portions of each of the segments of the thorax. Each leg is composed of five parts. The coxa is the first segment and is attached to the thorax by a tough elastic membrane. The next segment, the trochanter, is a very short piece which is hard to distinguish except in the first pair of leers. The femur is the third and largest segment of the leg, and in the case of the metathoracic leg contains the muscles used in jumping. The fourth segment, the tihia, is slender, but about the same length LOCUST 421 as the femur. The last division of the leg is the tarsus, which is made up of three segments, each movable with the other. The segments bear a series of pads, which terminate on the last one in a large suckerlike disc known as the pulvillus. There are two pairs of wings. The first pair, or wing covers, also called tegmina, is attached to the dorsal region of the mesothorax. They are leathery in texture and do not fold fanlike over the abdo- men. They are strengthened by many veins and cross veins. The second pair of wings is attached to the metathorax. They are mem- branous, with many veins to strengthen them, and fold fanlike over the abdomen when not in use. The metathoracic wings are used in flight. The last main division of the insect body is the abdomen. It is composed of eleven segments. The seven anterior segments are similar in both the male and female. In the male the first abdominal segment is made up of a curved dorsal shield, the tergum, which terminates just above the attachment of the third pair of legs. This piece partially surrounds the tympanic membrane, or ear, which is a large, crescent-shaped area covered with a semitransparent mem- brane. The ventral part of the first segment, the sternum, is not attached to the tergum, owing to the large size of the attachment of the legs. The pleura are entirely absent. The second to the eighth segments are all quite similar, consisting of a dorsal tergum, which extends laterally to near the ventral part of the body, where it joins the sternum. The pleura, or side pieces, noted in connection with the thorax, have been inseparably fused to the tergum. In the ninth and tenth segments the terga are partially fused together, the union of the two being indicated by the presence of a transverse suture. The sterna of these two segments are entirely fused and much modified, forming a broad, platelike piece. The eleventh segment is represented only by the tergum, which forms the termi- nal, dorsal, shield-shaped piece. The cerci constitute a pair of plates attached to the lateral posterior border of the tenth segment, and extending back, past the end of the eleventh tergum. The podical plates lie directly beneath the cerci and ventral to the eleventh tergum. The anus opens between these plates, and the genital chamber lies directly below them. Attached to the ninth sternum is the suhgenital plate which forms the most posterior ventral plate of the body. 422 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY "O m cj ..c '6 2^ ^• = o n s — +-> 5^ 2fl a • fcfl ='•5 0) • -rt ve be n s. third 3 «^ +-> ^ >> c J3 = c §^ S (V d S c (V -4-> ri c ,-1-' u S 1-1 = C o a; u 3^ o 8 ro-A e o -fe. o •• - a sCcJ o := •-4 — ^ 3 p a^ "3 3 M P O 1^ o *" 2.0 d 0 '^'2 0) H ;h :j ^ Oc3 3 M^.r •> i— o o 3 ^^ ?i £ '3 05 4-> • •> CO X r- - 3 5^ o 2c TO -M ■4-> C > -•R. Fig. 174. — Digestive system of Rhomaelia microptera. A, anus ; C, crop ; Co., colon; G.C., gastric caeca; Int., intestine; M, mouth; M.2\, Malpighian tubules; Oe., esophagus; R, rectum; Sal., salivary glands; St., stomach. (From White, General Biology, The C. V. Aiosby Company,, -TK, \— Ab v/\ ~~7/\ Fig. 175. Fig. 177. Fie 175— Nervous system of Rhomaelia microptera. Ab., A^'st abdominal g-an- C. V. Mosby Company.) ,„ * * it rt Fig. 176.— Male reproductive organs of ie?^omaeZ{amicropier-a ^e.; tes^e^ ; V.JJ„ vas deferens. (From White, General Biologu, The C. V. .viubb> Company.) ! deterens. (.i^rom vviiiLe, ixe/n:'/ i^t jj^^^^i/ nf - — ~-. . - „ Fig. 177.-Female reproductive organs otRnomaeliami^^Vtera.C^^^^ „•• O T., ovarian tube with eggs; Ov., oviduct; Ya., va^ma. (i. latum, though it ANIMAL PARASITISM 435 finds its optimum conditions in the human intestine, is adaptable enough to survive under the very different chemical conditions found in the dog, while Taenia saginata is usually unable to survive under these conditions. PARASITES AND THE GROUPS IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM What kinds of animals are infested by parasites? Not only all phyla and classes, but all known species and probablj^ all individuals of higher forms serve as hosts for some kind of parasite. Even in Fig. 180. — Giardia lamblia, an intestinal flagellate. A^ face view ; B, semiproflle view ; C, cyst. (Reprinted by permission trom Introduction to Human Parasitology by Chandler, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) the microscopic Protozoa many individuals harbor still smaller proto- zoans. For example, several species of parasitic Protozoa are found in Amoeba proteus. To which of the main groups of animals do parasites belong? All animal phyla, except Echinodermata, include some species which lives as parasites, but the great majority of parasites belong to one of these four phyla: Protozoa, Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, and Arthropoda. Protozoa. — Of the four classes in this phylum, one, Sporozoa, is entirely parasitic; the other three (Sarcodina, Mastigophora, In- 436 ESSENTIALS OF ^iOOLOCY fusoria) also contain a number of parasitic forms. Examples of parasitic Sarcodina are the three common human amoebae, Enda- moeha histolytica, which invades and destroys the intestinal lining, 7b cerebrospinal ffuld causing sleeping sickness and death - Transmission by bite of tsetse fJLy. 4^ Man, Antelope, etc. Trypanosomes in human blood causing Trypanosomc jz>/zr- Transmission by btbe of tsetse f>y. Tsetse Fly Forms in salivary glands ready for re. infection. \20'''-30*'^ day) Crltbidial /brms ia salivacy jglands (2. or o doya later) Forms in mtdgut,(VSM after infective lyieal). newly arrived form in ;3afivar;y aland. iJ'tol5*''days) Fig. 181. — Life history of Trypanosoma gatnhiense. (Reprinted by permission from Introduction to Human i^arasitologii by Chandler, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) thus causing amoebic dysentery ; Endmnoeha coli, a harmless com- mensal in the intestine ; and Endamoeba gingivalis, a very common parasite in the human mouth, usually harmless but sometimes ap- parently injurious to the gums. Examples of parasitic Mastigophora ANIMAL PARASITISM 43- are the human intestinal flagellate, Giardia lamhlia, and the blood- inhabiting trypanosome, Trypanosoma rhodesiense, causative agent of African sleeping sickness which is carried by the tsetse fly. Ex- amples of parasitic Infusoria are the human intestinal ciliate, Balan- tidium coli; the various species of Opalina, and related genera found in the excretory bladder or cloaca of frogs and toads. Of the thou- sands of species of Sporozoa, all of which are parasitic, probably the best known are the three species of the genus Plasmodium, which cause human malaria, and Babesia higemina, which produces Texas tick fever of cattle. Fig. 182. — Tsetse flv, Glossina, the transmitting agent for trypanosoma. which causes African sleeping sickness. (Reprinted by permission from Introduction to Human Parasitology by Chandler, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) Platyhelminthes.— This phylum also contains four classes, two of which, Trematoda (flukes) and Cestoda (tapeworms), are all para- sitic, while the other two, Turbellaria and Nemertinea, are mainly free-living but contain some species which are parasitic on aquatic invertebrates. Among the best known examples of Trematodes are Fasciola hepatica, the sheep liver fluke; Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese human liver fluke ; and Schistosoma haematoUum, one of the three species of human blood flukes. Probably the best known tape- worms are Taenia saginata, the beef tapeworm. Taenia solium, the pork tapeworm and DiphyUohothrium latum, the broad fish tape- worm, all three common parasites of the human intestine, and Echino- 438 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY COCCUS granulosus, a dog and wolf tapeworm whose larval stage is the cause of a horrible human disease. Nemathelminthes. — The single class Nematoda includes at least 95 per cent of the species in this phylum ; most of them are free- living, but there are also thousands of parasitic species. Examples of parasitic species are the human hookworms, Necator americanus, the American hookworm, and Ancylostoma duodenale, the Old World hookworm ; Ascaris lumhricoides, the large intestinal roundworm of hog and man ; Dracunculus medinensis, the Guinea worm, often over a yard long, which crawls around under the human skin (believed by some to be the ''fiery serpent'' mentioned in Exodus) ; Trichinella spiralis, which causes the often fatal human disease, trichinosis, when Fig. 183. — Balantidium coli, an infusorian parasite of the intestine. Active form from intestine. c.v., anterior contractile vacuole; cyt., cytostome ; f.v., food vacuole; n, nucleus. (Reprinted by permission from Introduction to Human Para- sitology by Chandler, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) its larvae, encysted in pork, are eaten by man; and Wuchereria han- crofti, the filaria which is injected into the human blood by certain tropical mosquitoes and causes elephantiasis, a disease in which the infected limbs may become larger than the body of the victim. Onchocerca volvulus, transmitted by certain biting flies, is a com- mon cause of blindness in some parts of Mexico. Besides the human nematodes there are thousands of others parasitizing lower animals, both vertebrates and invertebrates. . The other two classes of the phylum Nemathelminthes are entirely parasitic ; the Acanthocephala, or thorny-headed worms, are common intestinal parasites of many vertebrates, including the hog and occasionally man ; the Gordiacea ANIMAL PARASITISM 439 or horsehair worms are parasites of insects until nearly mature; they crawl out of their insect hosts when the latter fall into water, be- come sexually mature, and lay their eggs. Arthropoda, — All of the classes in this phylum are predominantly free-living, but several classes also include parasitic species. The class Hexapoda or Insecta contains, besides several hundreds of B Fig, 184. — Elephantiasis, some extreme cases. A, of legs and feet; B, of scrotum ; C, varicose groin gland ; D, of scrotum and legs ; E, of mammary glands. ( Re- printed by permission from Introduction to Human Parasitology by Chandler, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. A and B sketched from photographs from Castellani and Chalmers ; C, D, and E from Manson. ) thousands of free-living insects, the parasitic fleas, lice, and bedbugs ; the class Arachnida, characteristically free-living, contains the para- sitic ticks and mites, and the class Crustacea, though mostly- free- living, includes a number of species parasitic on fishes and other aquatic animals. While most of the parasitic arthropods are ectopara- 440 ESSENTIALS OP ZOOLOGY sites, there are also a few endoparasitic species. For example, the horse bot, Gastrophilus, which is the larva of a fly, is parasitic in the stomach of horses ; long wormlike arachnids known as Linguatulids or tongue worms are found in the intestines of some reptiles and mammals ; and Sacculina, a crustacean, parasitic on crabs and lobsters, sends rootlike outgrowths all through the body of its host, although the saelike bodj^ remains on the outside. Some Representative Parasites Protozoa. — The very small amoeba-like protozoans of the genus Endamoeha are examples of parasites only slightly modified for parasitic life. There are two distinct stages in the life cycle, the ... V- - •■•SlSB '••■.•. .••'•••■.'>l!T"Sl -•••'••'.•. V'..'- - ■---nb.c. ■ V-;.r cVtr.W- "^^Mi. vi ^^■■■■ ■"-n. Fig. 185. — Amoeba histolytica, one of the important protozoan parasites. It is the causal agent of amoebic dysentery. A, Stained vegetative amoeba ; B, cyst with four nuclei ; n, nucleus, showing peripheral chromatin granules and central karyo- some ; r.b.c, ingested red blood corpuscles ; chr.b., chromatoid body. (Reprinted by permission from Introduction to Human Parasitology by Chandler, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., after Dobell. ) active form being much like a small amoeba except that the pseudo- podia are shorter and move more slowly; these active forms iinaJly round up and become surrounded by a semirigid, resistant cyst wall. In this encysted condition the Endamoeba is passed from the host with the feces or other body excrements. While in the encysted con- dition the parasite divides b}^ binary fission into first two, then four, and finally (in E. coli) eight little amoebae. If the cyst is swallowed by another host, the cyst wall is dissolved and the four or eight young amoebae come out to begin the active stage again. The com- mon Endamoebae of man are E. gingivalis which lives in the mouth ANIMAL PARASITISM 441 and is usually transmitted by kissing, and the two intestinal species E. coli (nonpathogenic) and E. histolytica. The latter species breaks down the cells of the intestinal lining by means of enzymes which it secretes, and then ingests the broken cells in the same way that the common free-living amoebae take in their food. The disease caused by E. histolytica is kno^vn as ''amoebic dysentery." Infection occurs as the result of eating food or drinking water which has been con- taminated by the feces of infected people, as in the case of the Chicago hotels where contamination of drinking water by water siphoned up from the toilet drains into the water pipes caused a serious outbreak in 1933. Fig. 186. — Endamoeba coli. A, stained vegetative amoeba; Bj cyst with eight nuclei ; n., nucleus, showing coarse peripheral chromatin granules, chromatin granules in "clear zone" between periphery and karyosome which is eccentric in position; chr.b., remnant of chromatoid body. Numerous food vacuoles in vegeta- tive form. (Reprinted by permission from Introduction to Human Parasitology by Chandler, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., after Dobell. ) The malaria parasites, of which there are three species infecting man (Plasmodium vivax, P. falciparum, and P. malariae, each caus- ing a different form of malaria), are Protozoa belonging to the class Sporozoa, and are very highly modified for parasitic life. The adapta- tions for parasitism and for transmission from host to host involve a very complex life cycle. The two main phases of the life cycle are the vegetative or schizont stage (merozoites) and the sexually repro- ductive or sporont stage. The biology of this parasite has been dis- cussed in the earlier chapter on Protozoa under class Sporozoa and Economic Relations of Protozoa. 442 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY I • I rt o t- t V. O -"^ •" " o o o ''^ « a Mg o ri be.. mA o-'5ci' Oa;.^ xl aJ ^- "2 ^ c ,- P M 1^ u ■' c M bx) ™ - cj oS P* 3 ftoj 3 O m O CM £° = -~ O oj 3g^P^ E?;- 3 O.^ 3 rt W « >> I*--, c; a> o •C 3 C t- o B o s c 2 «w b c 0) > z; s- 3 o «5 . o m ^ o o o .3 V .3 "e ANIMAL PARASITISM 443 Nematodes. — Of the thousands of species of parasitic nematodes, space permits mention of only a few which are particularly impor- tant because of their danger to man. Hookworms. — In the United States the most important human nematode parasite, from the public health viewpoint, is the American hookworm, Necator americanus. Although called the ''American hook- worm" this species probably came originally from Africa and was introduced into America by the negro slaves. The pioneer work on hookworm in the United States was done by Dr. Charles W. Stiles in 1901. Hookworms are slender threadlike nematodes about one- half inch long; the females are tapered to a point at each end, while the slightly smaller males have on the posterior end a fanlike ex- pansion, the copulatory bursa, with curved riblike supports. Both sexes have a large mouth containing hooklike chitinous teeth by means of which they tear holes in the walls of the intestine and start blood flowing from the w^ounds. A muscular esophagus leading back from the mouth cavity gradually broadens into a large muscular bulb ; by means of rhythmic contractions and expansions of the bulblike esoph- agus blood is drawn into the mouth and forced down into the straight intestine where some of it is digested and the rest passes on through and out of the anus near the posterior end. Because of the large number of worms present there is a serious loss of blood, resulting in anemia and lack of energy ; in children the growth is stunted or re- tarded by hookworms, and often there is also a lack of proper mental development. Individuals, very heavily infected during childhood and early youth, may fail to develop sexually. Treatment is fairly easy, hookworms being easily killed by doses of anthelmintics, such as carbon tetrachloride and hexylresorcinol (which are poisonous and should be taken only under doctor's supervision). Each female hookworm produces -9,000 eggs per day; these eggs pass out with the feces of the host ; if the infected person defecates on the ground, the eggs hatch and the larvae crawl around in the soil; there they develop into infective larvae w^hich live for several months on the surface of the ground. If bare human skin comes in contact with these microscopic worms they bore through it to the blood vessels, are carried by the blood to the lungs, then migrate up to the trachea and pharynx, into the esophagus, then down through the esophagus and stomach to the small intestine, meanwhile increas- 444 ESSENTIALS OP ZOOLOCJY iiig in size, so that on arrival in the small intestine they are ready to attach themselves to the wall of the intestine, feed on the blood of the host, and become adults. Since the larval hookworms must go through part of their develop- ment in the soil, and a person can become infected only by direct contact with contaminated soil, the distribution of hookworm in the United States is determined by the following factors: (1) freezing of soil in winter (kills the larvae) ; (2) texture of soil (hookworm larvae live best in light, sandy loams) ; (3) moisture (hookworm larvae can live only in damp soil) ; (4) customs of the people in dis- posal of feces; the bad hookworm districts are sections in which sani- tation is very primitive and sanitary toilets are not in universal use; deposit of feces on the ground is particularly conducive to spread of these animals. i From the public health standpoint hookworm disease is a social problem rather than a medical problem. Few if any people are killed by hookworm, and infected individuals are easily cured if they go to a physician for treatment. On the other hand, such a large pro- portion of the population, in hookworm territory, are kept in bad health and a listless condition that the social welfare of the whole community is injured. Prevention of hookworm disease is theoreti- cally easy: hookworms could be killed out of a community in a few months if everyone would defecate only in sanitary toilets, if every- one would take treatments for hookworms at the same time, or if everyone would wear good shoes ; but so far, it has been impossible to get the cooperation of all the people in hookworm districts. The work of the medical profession, with the help of certain state agencies, has reduced hookworm disease in the United States, but there are still considerable districts in which over 20 per cent of the population are infected. In parts of East Texas 33 per cent of the people examined have hookworm, even now. Trichina. — Trichinella spiralis, commonly known as Trichina, is an example of a nematode with an alternation of hosts and a passive means of transmission. The microscopic larvae are encysted in the muscles of various meat-eating animals, being particularly common in hogs and rats ; within the cyst, the larva is coiled in a tight spiral, which gives the species its name. If pork containing trichina cysts is eaten by a man, the cysts are digested off in the stomach, the larvae become active and penetrate the mucosa of the small intestine to Fig-. 188. — Ancylostoma duodenale, female and male, with head of Necator americanus drawn to same scale, an., anus ; h, bursa ; b.c, buccal capsule ;, cement gland ;, cephalic gland ;, cervical gland ; cerv.p., cervical papilla ; cL, cloaca ;, caudal spine ; ex.d., so-called excretory duct ; int., in- testine ;, nucleus of cephalic gland ; n.7\, nerve ring ; oes., esophagus ; ov., ovary; ovej., ovejector ; sp., spicules; t, testes; ut., uterus; vag., vagina; v.s., yesicula seminahs. (After Looss from Chandler, Hookworm Disease. Reprinted by permission from Chandler, Introduction to Human Parasitology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) 446 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY moult. They soon become full grown, sexually mature adults, some- times beginning copulation only forty hours after being swallowed. The adult worms are short-lived and are not harmful to the host, but each fertile female, about a w^eek or ten days after the infected meat was swallowed, begins to produce thousands of microscopic larvae which she deposits in the walls of the intestine, usually directly into a lymph vessel or blood vessel. The larvae are carried by the blood or lymph to the heart, and from there they are carried by the blood to all parts of the body. The larvae w^hich reach voluntary muscle Fig. 189. — Larvae of Trichinella spiralis, encysted in voluntary muscle. The adults are parasites in the intestine, (Photomicrograph by Albert K. Galigher, Inc.) enter the muscle fibers and coil up into spirals, grow rapidly to a length of about 1 mm., and in a few weeks become enclosed in a cyst of connective tissue which grows around them. Trichina larvae are likely to be most abundant in active muscles, such as the diaphragm, the intercostals, and the muscles of the larynx, tongue, and eye. The symptoms of trichinosis (the disease caused by trichina worms) vary according to the stage of the infection. In the first week, when the adult females are burrowing into the walls of the intestine to de- posit their larvae, the symptoms are so much like those of typhoid ANIMAL PARASITISM 447 fever that many cases are diagnosed as typhoid by good physicians. Nine or ten days after the beginning of infection, when the larvae are migrating to the muscles, there are severe muscular pains and aches (sometimes diagnosed as rheumatism), and the inflammation of the muscles used in breathing, chewing, etc., may interfere with these functions. As the parasites become encysted, about six weeks after infection, pains become worse and swelling of the infected parts occurs, accompanied by anemia and skin eruptions. If the victim survives this period he usually recovers, as the parasites are now walled off by cysts of connective tissue formed by the host ; later calcium carbonate is deposited in these cysts, walling off the parasites so completely that they die, but the calcified cysts remain as hard grains in the muscles and may cause some rheumatic pains for years. Until the worms are completely walled off fever is caused by poison- ous substances produced by the larval worms. Recent studies of the cadavers used in medical schools have revealed that about 20 per cent of the American population probably have cases of trichinosis in some degree at some time during life, since about this proportion of the cadavers had trichina cysts in the muscles. All danger of trichinosis can be avoided by cooking pork thor- oughly before eating it, as the larvae are killed by a temperature of 55° C. (131° F.). Investigations of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, in which the author assisted, indicate that pre- pared sausages seldom contain living worms, most of them being killed by the salts and seasoning or by long-continued cold storage ; the greatest danger is from fresh pork. Contrary to popular im- pression. Federal inspection does not guard against trichina, as there is no effective way to inspect meat for trichina on the large scale that would be necessary. Trematodes. — Schistosoma haematobium, a Human Blood Fluke. — The blood flukes (Family Schistosomatidae) are distinguished from all other trematodes by having separate sexes. The male has a thick body with the lateral edges bent ventrally, thus forming a long groove on the ventral surface, the gynecophoric canal. The female is long and slender, almost threadlike in some species; when an adult male and female happen to come in contact, the male folds his body around the female so that she is held fast in the gynecophoric canal, and the pair begin copulation. After once becoming paired they remain in copula during the rest of their lives. Three species of the genus 448 ESSENTIALS OK ZOOLO(JY Schistosomurn are human parasites: Schistoso7na mansoni, found in Africa and the tropical parts of the New World, 8. japonicum of Japan and China, and S. haematobium, the Egyptian blood fluke found in north Africa and southwestern Asia. Schistosoma haema- tobium is a parasite in the large blood vessels of the rectum and urinary bladder. The female lays an enormous number of eggs, which collect in the capillaries of the bladder and intestinal walls and block the flow of blood, causing the infected parts to become swollen and ulcerlike. Eventually the eggs are released into the lumen of the rectum or bladder and pass out of the host's body in the feces and urine, along with considerable quantities of blood from the torn tissues. Aside from the pain caused by the egg-filled swell- ings, the loss of blood is the most serious effect of blood-fluke infection. Infected individuals are kept in a run-down anemic condition. The parasite is a serious public health problem in Egypt, where 80 per cent of the population of the Delta region is infected. The egg must fall into water for the embryo to develop into a ciliated larva, the miracidium. When the miracidium is fully de- veloped, the cap or operculum on the end of the egg shell is pushed open and the liberated miracidium begins to swim around in the water. Certain species of snails seem to emit a chemical which at- tracts schistosome miracidia; if a snail of the right species is in the vicinity, the miracidium swims to it and enters its body. If no suitable snail is available, the miracidium dies after swimming a few hours. After penetration into a snail the miracidium loses its cilia and de- velops into a long sausage-shaped sac, the sporocyst, without any recognizable organs. Germ cells within the sporocyst develop into a number of young sporocysts, which escape from the mother sporocyst into the tissues of the snail, grow to full size, and then in turn give birth to a new generation of sporocysts, or, under some conditions, these sporocysts may give rise to a different kind of larva, the cercaria, which has a. long, forked, muscular tail, a pair of eyespots, two suckers (one anterior and one midventral), and a rudimentary digestive system. When fully developed, the cercaria forces its way out of the snail and begins to swim through the water. If unsuccess- ful in finding a host, the cercaria dies in a few hours, but if it comes in contact with the skin of a man, or any other mammal, the cercaria enters the skin, with the aid of glands in the head region which seem to be used in digesting or destroying the skin tissues. After pene- trating the skin the cercaria soon finds its way into a blood vessel ANIMAL PARASITISM 449 and begins a voyage through the circulatory system, carried along by the current of the blood stream, meantime growing into an adult fluke. The mating of males and females usually occurs in the larger veins, and the pair moves to the veins in the walls of the rectum and bladder, where egg-laying begins. Irrigated districts, such as the Nile Delta, are especially favorable for the development of blood flukes because the eggs have more chance of getting into water and because the field workers often get into the water while working around the irrigation ditches. The chances of infection are increased by the customs of defecating and urinating into the water, and using water from irrigation ditches for drinking and washing. In Japan the number of human blood fluke cases has been greatly decreased by improved sanitation and by killing the host snails. In Egypt, public clinics (by injecting fuadin Fig-, 190. — GlonorcMs sinensis. Oriental human liver fluke, showing male and female reproductive organs. (Photomicrograph by Albert EJ. Galigher, Inc.) into the blood) treat thousands of cases of this disease, but it will probably remain a public health problem for years because of the refusal of the Egyptian peasants to change their old customs. Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese Liver Fluke. — This is an impor- tant human parasite in parts of the Orient. Clonorchis sinensis also occurs in other fish-eating mammals, including dogs, cats, and pigs. The adult worm lives in the bile passages of the liver. In man it often causes enlargement of the liver, diarrhea, jaundice, anemia, and extreme weakness, sometimes resulting in death. Hundreds of worms may be found in a badly infected man. The eggs laid by the adults pass from the liver to the intestine of the host by way of the bile duct, then pass from the body in the feces. Snails probably be- come infected by swallowing the eggs, while feeding on fecal matter in the water. After hatching, the miracidia migrate into the lymph spaces of the snail and develop into elongated sporocysts, each of which gives birth to a number of redia (differing from sporocysts by 450 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY possessing a pharynx and a rudimentary gut). Each redia gives birth to six or eight cercariae, which emerge from the snail and swim around in the water by means of a very large, undivided tail. When a cerearia comes in contact with a fish, it enters the skin and encysts either in the skin or in the muscles just below the skin. It is now called a metaceixaria, or agamodistoynum. Man becomes infected by eating these metacercariae in poorly cooked fish. When swallowed, the cysts are dissolved by digestive juices of the host, the larva escapes into the duodenum, migrates up the bile duct to the liver, and there develops into an adult. There is evidence that the adult Clonorchis may live as long as twenty years in the liver of man. Treatment of clonorchiasis is not very satisfactory. Prevention is simple : avoid eating fish which are not thoroughly cooked. It will be noted that the Clonorchis life cycle involves three hosts : a mammal as the final host, a snail as the first intermediate host, and a fish as the second intermediate host. Infection of the fish is by active invasion of the cercariae, and infection of the final host is passive. Other Trematodes. — One of the best known parasites of domestic animals is the sheep liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, which occurs in all sheep-raising countries in which wet pastures are common. It is also a common parasite of goats and cattle. Like Clonorchis, Fasciola lives in the bile passages, and its eggs pass out with the feces of the host, but unlike Clonorchis, the eggs hatch in water and the free-swimming miracidium actively seeks and penetrates the snail host. Sporocysts in the snail give rise to rediae which produce cercariae, but the cercariae encyst on any surface, including grass blades and even the surface film of the water. Sheep become infected by eating grass bearing encysted larvae or by swallowing floating cysts while drinking water. Fascioloides magna, the large liver fluke of cattle and sheep in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas, is very similar in structure and life history. Other important flukes are the human intestinal fluke, Fasciolopsis huskii, which is common among the Chinese, who become infected by eating the cysts on various aquatic food plants; the human lung fluke, Paragonimus westermanii of eastern Asia, where the natives become infected by eating the encysted larvae in fresh-water crabs and crayfishes; C otyloplioron cotylophorum, a stomach parasite oi cattle in Louisiana, and Dicrocoelium lanceatum, a common liver fluke of herbivorous mammals in Europe and Asia. ANIMAL PARASITISM 451 Numerous ectoparasitic trematodes, of the Subclass Monogenea, occur on the skin and gills of fish and are often of economic im- portance because they kill goldfish and other aquarium fishes, and also young fishes in state fish hatcheries. Proboscis (extruded) Nerve-ganglion Egg 7ol]c-cell8 .< Intestine -Genn-celte Cercarl» Vectnl sucker. Mephridium 'Genn>eellf spoSfyst^-^Vfn^H^ ;iwLi^o^%-^"''^^^ Tiepaftca. A, egg; B, miracidium ; C, l^SSt^fkn^^^.iJ'r^'^?'^< ^^^"^^^^^ '.y' ^"cy«ted stage- i/, adult (showing dWf^Qfivo orwi ^AC^r' '^"''^^' ^\'^d,ija,; tr, eiicystea stage; ±t, adult (showing Company ^^^^^^tory systems). (From Hegner. College Zoology, The Macmillan 452 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY The Tapeworms (Class Cestoda). — Cestoda differ from Trematoda in the complete lack of a digestive system. In fact, cestodes never have any sign of a digestive organ at any time during life; they receive their nourishment by absorbing through the surface of their bodies the food already digested for them by the host. Most cestodes Fig. 192. — Life history of the liver fluke. Fasciola hepatica. A, adult in liver of sheep ; B, freshly passed egg as it leaves the body of the host ; C, developing embryo, ready to hatch in the water ; D, ciliated miracidium einbryo in the water and about to enter the pulmonary chamber of snail E ; F, sporocyst containing rediae ; G, redia containing daughter rediae ; H, redia of the second generation contain- ing cercaria ; /, cercaria ; J, same having emerged from snail into water ; K, cercaria encysted on blade of grass : L, cercaria liberated from cyst after ingestion by sheep ; M, young fluke developing in liver of sheep. (Reprinted by permission frorn Chandler, Introduction to Human Parasitology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.;) ANIMAL PARASITISM 453 also differ from trematodes by having the body divided into a series of segments, one behind the other, each segment having a complete set of reproductive organs. This structure characteristic of tape- worms is usually referred to as segmentation of the body, but it is N^whM******* '■C-'f !>>^JSa.«S' ■M ^t^ Fig. 193. — Structure of tapeworm to show different stages of maturity. At lower left, Taenia pisiformis scolex with hooks and sucker discs. At lower right, mature proglottids. Above, scolex and proglottids of three ages. The reproductive organs and pore are shown in most proglottids. (Courtesy of Ward's National Science Establishment, Inc.) 454 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY probably more correct to consider a tapeworm as a linear colony, in which the segments are really individuals in various stages of maturity. Taenia solium, the pork tapeworm of man, may be taken as an example to illustrate the structure and life history of a cestode. The adult tapeworm consists of a scolex or head provided with four mus- cular suckers and a snoutlike 7'ostellum surrounded by a row of chitinous hooks, which serve as means of attachment to the wall of the human intestine; a narrow unsegmented neck behind the scolex, and then a series of several hundred proglottids (the segments) be- coming progressively larger as they get farther from the scolex. The AC D Fig. 194. — Development of tapeworm. A, six-hooked embryo ready to become embedded in muscle ; B, cysticerus, or bladder worm as encysLCd ; C, section tlirou^^h developing scolex in cysticercus ; D, later stase ; E, scolex everting as it protrudes from bladder ; F, extension of scolex from bladder ; G, later stage ; H, formation of proglottids. (From Parker and Haswell, Textbook of Zoology^ The Macmillan Company, after Jijima and Hatschek.) whole chain of proglottids is called the strohilus. New proglottids are constantly budded off from the neck; consequently, the youngest proglottid is the first one back of the neck and the oldest one is the one at the end of the strobilus farthest from the scolex. The youngest proglottids contain no recognizable structures, except the paired longitudinal nerve cords and longitudinal excretory vessels ANIMAL PARASITISM 455 which run the full length of the strobilus, and a transverse excre- tory vessel in each proglottid. As the proglottids become older and are pushed farther away from the scolex, the reproductive organs begin to develop; each proglottid develops a complete set of both male and female reproductive organs; when these become mature and ready to function, the proglottid is a mature proglottid. Each mature proglottid is capable of copulating with itself, by bending the cirrus down into its own vagina, or it may copulate with another mature proglottid of another tapeworm if one is present close by. Head iHa*.*i:urc seginen-fcs vr^«*»*; r.*7,ir ti"^*' M ■ViV ^V^ Fig. 195. — Common tapeworms, showing different regions of the body. At the left above — scolex of Taenia saginata, beef tapeworm : left below — pro ilottlds of Moniezm, sheep tapeworm ; middle — scolex and proglottids of Taenia solium, pork tapeworm ; right — scolex and proglottids of Dipylidium caninunxt a dog tapeworm. (Courtesy of General Biological Supply House.) After copulation the male organs begin to degenerate, the uterus becomes filled with fertilized eggs and takes up more and more space, then the ovaries, vitellaria, and other female organs degen- erate and leave the uterus to occupy nearly the whole proglottid; in this condition the proglottid, now hardly more than a sack of eggs, is called a gravid proglottid. The gravid proglottid at the ex- treme end of the strobilus breaks off and passes out of the host's 456 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY intestine with the feces. It continues to live and crawl slowly through the feces like an independent animal for a few hours, then usually dies, but the embryos within the proglottid remain alive much longer. If gravid proglottids or separate eggs are eaten by a hog, the six-hooked hexacanth larva hatches in the hog's intestine, bores through the intestinal wall, and migrates to other parts of the body where it changes into a bladder- worm or cysticercus, which is a saclike larva with an inverted scolex. The cysticerci remain in the flesh of the hog until the pork is eaten by man; under the influence of human digestive juices the cysticerci become everted so that the scolex is on the outside of the saclike part, then the scolex attaches itself to the wall of the human intestine, proglottids begin to bud off from the neck, and an adult tapeworm is formed within a few weeks. Taenia saginata, the beef tapeworm, has a similar life history, but uses cattle instead of hogs as intermediate hosts. Taenia serrata, a common dog tapeworm often used as a laboratory specimen, is very similar to the two human species in structure and life cycle. Other important cestodes are Hymenolepis nana of man and mice; the broad fish tapeworm, Biphyllohothrium latum, which man gets by eating raw or poorly cooked fish ; the peculiar Echinococcus granu- losus, adult in dogs, whose cysticercus stages are dangerous parasites of man (man being the intermediate host in this case) ; and many tapeworms of domestic animals, such as Dipylidium caninum of dogs, Thysanosoma and Moniezia of sheep, goats, and cattle, and many others. References Chandler, A. C. : Introduction to Human Parasitology, New York, 1940, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ewing, H. E. : Manual of External Parasites, Springfield, 111., 1929, C. C. Thomas. Faust, E. C. : Human Helminthology, 1929, Lea & Febiger. Riley, W. A., and Christensen, R. B. : Guide to the Study of Animal Parasites, New York, 1930, McGraw-Hill Book Company. CHAPTER XXV THE ANIMAL AND ITS ENVIRONMENT (By A. 0. Weese, University of Oklahoma) Ecology is that division of biology which has to do with the rela- tions between organisms and their environment. The environment of an organism, for convenience, may be divided into two parts, the nonliving, including physical, chemical, and climatic factors, and the living, including other organisms of the same and of different kinds. The science of ecology, in a sense, is as old as man, because from the very beginning of his conscious existence it was necessary that man take cognizance of the fact that his environment was made up in part of plants and animals and that these organisms in turn had relations to their environment. It was not until comparatively recently, however, that ecology came to be recognized as a separate department of biology. Modern ecology may be said to have begun with the recognition of the community. Plants and animals are distributed as they are over the surface of the earth, not because of any chance coincidence, but because of a combination of circum- stances, one of which is the fitness of the physical environment for the proper completion of their life histories and another of which is the presence of such other organisms as are necessary to furnish food and to provide other requisite conditions. We can think of a community of organisms in much the same way as we think of a community of human beings. The analogy cannot be followed too closely, for, after all, human beings are much alike while the organ- isms in an ecological community are of many different kinds, having different requirements in detail as- to food and environmental con- ditions. We shall arrive at a better concept if we think of a human community as made up, not only of butchers and bakers and candle- stick makers, each with their particular functions as producers and as consumers, but also of the domestic animals which furnish mate- rials for food or clothing or which perform labor, the household pets and pests, the cultivated plants which are utilized in the manu- facture of food, clothing or shelter, and the host of wild animals and plants which enter into some relation with those previously 457 458 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY mentioned. The characteristics of such communities vary from time to time and from place to place. A difference in climate may be sufficient to change almost every component of the community. The domestic animals and plants associated with man in the tropics are quite different from those in arctic regions. Perhaps one species, the dog, almost as adaptable as man himself, might be considered as a member of both communities. The removal of a single species or the addition of a new one may alter profoundly the aspect of the community. Consider, for example, a human society from which Fig. 196. — Diagram to show food relations in a hypothetical prairie community. (Redrawn and modified from Shelf ord. Animal Communities in Temperate America, University of Chicago Press.) all cows were removed, or the changes made in the life of certain sections of the United States with the introduction of the cotton boll weevil. Some idea of 4:he complexity of the relationships involved in a community of organisms may be gained by citing Charles Darwin's example of the dependence of clover on cats, or Thomas Huxley's extension of the chain of cause and effect to the responsibility of the old maids of England for the supremacy of that nation on the ANIMAL AND ITS ENVIRONMENT 459 seas. Obviously, since old maids are fond of cats, the number of the latter is greater when old maids are numerous. Cats eat field mice, which in turn prey upon the nests of bumblebees. Thus, a large cat population is favorable for the development of clover which is fertilized by the bumblebee. Clover is fed to cattle and it is well known that Britain's sea power is due to ''the roast beef of old England." Most of the relationships suggested in this series have to do with food. It is often possible to gain a better idea of relations within a community by the use of a diagram indicating the more obvious influences. The accompanying figure, modified from Shelf ord (Fig. 185), represents food relationships only in a hypothetical prairie community and may be called a "food chain diagram." Many very obvious food chains are omitted in order to avoid a complexity "--Lithosphere"' ---Hydrosphere - - ---Atmosphere - - Fig-, 197. — Diagram to show the relationship of the general areas of our planet. too great for easy reading, and, of course, any real community would include many more kinds of animals. The chart is very in- complete, also, in that no relations other than those directly con- cerned with food are indicated. Life exists on the earth only in a relatively very limited space. We might represent the relationship of the various parts of the planet on which we live by a series of concentric circles, the area within the inner circle corresponding to the ''solid" portion of the earth, the lithosphere. If the lithosphere were uniform in diameter, it would be covered by a layer of water, the hydrosphere, which is in turn surrounded by a gaseous layer, the atmosphere. It is only where the components of these three layers interact that life is pos- sible. Living organisms cannot exist in the lithosphere without the presence also of water, and of oxygen from the atmosphere. Simi- larly life in water is possible only where it contains in solution both 460 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY solids and oxygen. Air is habitable only temporarily and animals spending time there must return frequently to water or soil. Free interaction between the three components of the earth is made pos- sible by the fact that the lithosphere is not of exactly uniform diameter so that certain portions project above the hydrosphere, forming continents (and islands). These elevated areas constitute a rather small proportion of the whole surface of the earth, but it is with these areas that we shall be concerned, not because there Fig. 198. — Distribution of "precipitation effectivity" on an ideal continent. (Modified after Thornthwaite. Drawn by Edward O'Malley.) is no life in the submerged areas, but because the space available in this chapter is too small for us to consider the great subject of marine ecology. The inclination of the earth's axis of rotation to the plane of the earth's orbit about the sun and the relative positions of the conti- nents are factors which influence the distribution of climates. The two principal climatic factors are, of course, temperature and mois- ture. If the effect of altitude is not considered, the former is distrib- uted rather uniformly, so that the familiar torrid, temperate, and ANIMAL AND ITS ENVIRONMENT 461 frigid zones express rather well the comparative temperature con- ditions on a continent. Many factors, however, operate in the con- trol of the amount of precipitation and its distribution. In general, the distribution of available rainfall on an ''ideal" top-shaped conti- nent without mountain ranges might be expected to follow the plan of Fig. 198, in which the darker areas indicate maximum rainfall and the unshaded areas represent very arid regiqns. Each climatic type makes possible the occupancy of the region concerned by a [m P<>>itt»i>n UA t-IVlL ALi»ise ^' HUOSONIAH 12- CANADIAN TRANSITION "* 10- 9- »- 7* 6- 5- 4- J- 2- 1- Fig. 205.— Diagrammatic sections of the Grand Canyon and San Francisco peak showing the vertical life zones. (After N. N. Dodge and Merriam. ) 1. The Alpine zone (usually above 10,500 feet) is the area above the timber line. This highest zone is represented in the Southwest on the top of San Francisco Mountain in Northern Arizona and in the Sangre de Cristo range of the Rockies in Northern New Mexico. This zone is characterized by the presence of few plants, such as saxifrages and dwarf willows. Among the fauna are found the golden eagle, some weasels, and mountain sheep. ■ 2. The Hudsonian zone (9,000-10,500 feet) consists of a forest of spruces and some firs, and harbors the dusky horned owl, bears, shrews, and red squirrels. The Hudsonian zone is found in the same region as the Alpine zone. 3. The Canadian zone (8,000-9,000 feet) is distinguished by the presence of the Douglas fir and the aspens. Common animals of this zone are the three-toed woodpecker, one species of shrew, and two 476 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY species of field mice. This zone is found in the Rockies as far south as southern New Mexico. There is some evidence of Canadian fauna in the Chisos Mountains of Texas. 4. The transition zone (7,000-8,000 feet) is found in the same regions as the above zones. It is also found in the Davis and Chisos and Guadalupe Mountains of Texas. It is covered with pine trees Fig-. 206. — Map of the vertical life zones of Texas and adjacent areas. (Aftej- Bailey. ) (mainly Pinus ponderosa). Abert's squirrel is found in the Transi- tion zone as is one species of horned lizard. 5. The Upper Sonoran zone (6,000-7,000 feet) is the pifion belt distinguished by the nut or pifion pine and cedars. The zone extends from western Texas through New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and into southern California. Characteristic animals are the piiion jay bird, and the large rock squirrel. ANIMAL DISTRIBUTION 477 6. The Lower Sonoran zone is less homogeneous in its flora and fauna than are the other zones. In the Southwest it includes most of Texas, Oklahoma, southern New Mexico, southern Arizona, and southern California. The eastern third of Texas is typical of the lower Sonoran of the southeastern states which are characterized mainly by long-leafed pines, magnolia, and live oaks. Some animals of the eastern portion are mockingbirds, painted buntings, and wood rats. The western lower Sonoran is inhabited by typical desert and semidesert flora and fauna. 7. The Tropical zone is of very little significance in the south- western United States, but many tropical plants, such as the Texas ])alms and bananas, grow in a narrow strip of the lower Rio Grande Valley. Migration of Animals The migrations of many animals are not well understood but in most cases they involve breeding habits, food, or shelter. Most of these migrations are seasonal, but many permanent changes of loca- tion have been made by groups of animals as a result of permanent changes of climate on the earth. The seasonal migrations of the North American caribou and the bison are among the most noted examples of migrations of animals which move about in search of food. The caribou migrate south- ward in Canada during the winter and follow the melting snow northward in the summer. The remarkable migrations of the eels of the Mediterranean area and of the eastern coast of the United States are among the best known examples of breeding migrations. The eels from the rivers of these two regions migrate into the Caribbean Sea and spawn. Although the two spawning territories overlap, the young eels of each species journey hundreds of miles back to the rivers inhabited by their ancestors. A great many species of birds migrate from the tropics and semitropics and breed in northern regions. The scarlet tanager spends the winter in northwestern South America and mi- grates across the Gulf of Mexico into northeastern United States and southern Canada and breeds during the summer months. The upland plover is familiar in the Southwest, since it migrates through this region twice each year on its journeys between Argentina and British Columbia. 478 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Means of Dispersal and Barriers The wide distribution of species of animals on the earth depends largely upon their means of dispersal or means of being carried from one place to another and upon the barriers which they encounter. Among the members of a species as well as among the related and nonrelated species of animals there is a continuous struggle for existence. Those forms which, by some means, are able to enter new environments where competition is less severe will have the better chance at survival. In practically all marine organisms there exists a means of loco- motion during some stage of the life history. In a great number of the forms, especially those which are sessile in the adult stage, there is a free-swimming larval stage: planula larva of the coelen- terates ; trochophore larva of annelids ; and the various free-swim- ming larvae of mollusks, echinoderms, and crustaceans. The plank- tonic larvae and adults, i.e., those which swim or float free of the bottom, depend greatly upon oceanic currents for their wide dispersal. The dispersal of oceanic animals is also greatly enhanced by the large numbers of eggs and larvae produced by these forms. For example, one investigator found that a **sea hare," a marine gas- tropod, deposited 478 million eggs during one four-month spawning period. The eggs were laid at the rate of 41,000 per minute. Marine animals are limited in their distribution by such barriers as temperature, land masses, and salinity of the water. The marine animals on each side of the narrow Isthmus of Panama are entirely different. The extreme changes in temperature prevent most of these species going around the southern tip of South America. Lit- toral animals are often limited in their distribution by large river mouths which empty great quantities of fresh Avater into the oceans. Only specially adapted forms can live in these brackish waters. Fresh-water faunas are restricted in their distribution by land barriers which usually separate the bodies of Water in which they live. These forms depend mainly upon other animals, such as birds and insects, for the dispersal of their eggs and dormant stages. Many fresh-water animals, such as snails and clams, attach them- selves to the bodies of birds or insects and are carried into new habitats. Among land animals the birds and flying insects appear to be least restricted in their ranges. Even these, however, are often ANIMAL DISTRIBUTION 479 limited by mountains, deserts, and large rivers which act as the most effective barriers to the wide distribution of land animals. Many of the birds and mammals found on the south rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River are not able to reach the north rim of the Canyon. For example, the Abert squirrel is found in New Mexico and Arizona, south of the Canyon, while the Kaibab squirrel occurs only north of the Canyon. Small islands, which are located great distances from the mainland, are often inhabited by small mammals and reptiles similar to those found on the mainland. Such forms have probably reached the islands by way of floating rafts of vegetation, and hollow trees which are known to be carried several thousands of miles by oceanic currents. Wind currents may carry birds across the Atlantic Ocean. It is not uncommon for American birds to land on the coast of England after severe storms. These same currents also carry spores of Pro- tozoa, small insects, and the eggs of many invertebrates. Effects of Man Upon Distribution The advent of man upon the earth and the development of his more efficient means of travel have greatly enhanced the wide dis- tribution of many species of animals. Marine invertebrates attach themselves to the bottoms of ships (ship fouling) and are carried to practically all parts of the earth. Rodents and insects are acci- dentally distributed from one country to another by ships. During the past man has purposely transported animals from one country to another. In some instances the animals multiply more rapidly in the new environment than they did in the original habitat. English sparrows were introduced into North America in 1859, and since that time they have become so numerous as to be a great pest in this country. The starling, which was introduced at about the same time, is rapidly increasing in numbers and in recent years has been reported as far south and west as Central Texas. By cultivat- ing extensive prairie lands, man has created insurmountable bar- riers to grazing animals which once roamed these areas. Deforesta- tion of wooded regions has destroyed the shelter necessary for such animals as deer, foxes, wolves, bears, and many others. References Newbingin, Marion: Animal Geography, London, 1913, Oxford University Press. 8charf, R. F.: Origin and Distribution of Life in America, London, 1911, Con- stable & Co., Ltd. CHAPTER XXVII THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION It is likely that no student of modern biology has gone far before he has realized something of a progressive relationship between the various groups of animals in the animal kingdom. Phylogeny refers to the background of what has gone before in producing a race or phylum and incorporates the thought that different species have arisen from common ancestors. The general idea of it, as now ac- cepted by most biologists, is that all living organisms have been derived through normal reproduction and variation by adaptation from simpler, more generalized ancestors. Phylogenetic relation- ships of organisms and the origin of species have long been topics of exceptional interest to biologists. Two questions which have intrigued the thought of many are : first, whence came living ma- terial? and second, what has been its course of events since the time of origin? The theory of organic evolution provides the his- tory of living things as interpreted by the biologist. The observations and thought of Charles Darwin gave the first substantial support to the idea of all modern species originating from preexisting organisms. Results of his careful studies were presented in 1859 in his book The Origin of Species, which is now a classic in the field. There is still lack of agreement among scien- tists concerning the details of origin of life and species, but there seems to be little doubt that species, genera, and even larger groups have progressively developed since life originated on earth. The ideas of continuity, development, and differentiation of living organ- isms are quite generally accepted by those who have studied these problems. The lines of kinship of animal groups are traced only through common ancestry, and it is not ordinarily assumed that direct relationship exists between representatives of modern groups. Sources of evidences of relationships are quite widespread, coming from such studies as zoogeography, comparative anatomy, embry- ology, physiology, paleontology, and even others. By combination of information gained from such sources much has been learned of the past history of many groups of organisms. Even these available 480 THEORY OF EVOIiUTION 481 sources give incomplete and sometimes inconclusive evidence of the history of any particular organism. The individuals are recognized as being only points on a long line of modifications. The two ends of this progressive line are seldom recognized with any finality. Darwin, and many others since his time, recognized three funda- mental facts that bring about a progressive continuity among living things : heredity, with the tendency for organisms to resemble their parents; variation, in that no two organisms are exactly alike, hence the resemblance between parent and offspring is not absolute; and constant production of more offspring than can survive. The phylo- genetic relations of animals show all indications of having been brought about by the operation of the above-mentioned factors in an orderly, evolutionary progress. Variation is one of the most obvious facts and consistent phe- nomena in the animal kingdom. Darwin held that variability is axiomatic among living things. As long as differences among indi- viduals of a group are minor or are irregularly distributed, the group is likely to be considered a species. However, the species is not rigidly bounded, and it must be remembered that continuous variation is in progress within this group as one generation follows another. It is becoming apparent to man that new groups have arisen and are arising within old groups of animals, also that old groups have broken up, some to become new ones and others to be- come extinct. These new groups were separated by small differ- ences at first but gradually they attained greater and greater diver- gence from the common form. This is particularly likely where the different groups have become widely separated geographically or exist under distinctly different conditions of life. Frequently, it is only the widely separated extremes of the group which carry on the posterity, the intermediate forms having died out. In this way rather widely separated specieg may have arisen from common stock, and the lack of intermediate forms may accentuate the wide divergence between them. During the millions of years which life has existed on earth, it seems evident that this process of divergence between groups has been in operation until there now exist many definable groups with distinct lines of relationship. Our natural system of classification is based on the relations and differences established for the different animal groups. Comparative studies of numerous animal groups will help to show some of the relationships. 482 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Colony Formation in Certain Protozoa Due to incomplete separation of cells following division in Pro- tozoa, colonies are begun. In some instances groups of cells in some such colonies, e.g., volvox, become specialized as gametes for repro- ductive purposes and the other cells remain as somatic cells. Be- cause of the similarity between various mastigophoran colonies and blastula stages in metazoan development, this group has frequently been cited as the predecessors from which Metazoa at some time originated. Development of the Gastrula The primitive gastrula is thought to have had its origin from a spherical colony of Protozoa by a more rapid growth of the cells at one pole which brought about an infolding or invagination to produce a new cavity from the exterior. This development estab- lishes a body composed of two general layers. Modern adult coe- lenterates, like the hydra, and others demonstrate precisely this condition today, with the outer ectoderm and the inner endoderm, each composed of cells serving vital general functions. This allows all cells surface exposure either directly on the exterior or to the cavity. By this means larger and more complex organisms were developed and have lived. Trochophore Larva In Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Molluscoidea, Trochelminthes and Mollusca there occur larval forms of the trochophore type. Al- though the surface ciliation and some other superficial features differ somewhat, a direct relationship among these forms is trace- f^esode band rma Head kidn Qtocyst hesenc f or^an Stomach Pre oral ciliated rin$ Blastocoele ">5 . , vesicis Apical or^an Endoderm Embryonic mu<^cle Prototroch f'lesoderm Telatroch Fig. 207. — A, Trochophore larva of Eupomotus (a polychaete annelid), side View. (After Shearer.) B, Veliger larva of Patella (a marine snail), frontal section. (After Patten.) (Drawn by Joanne Moore.) THEORY OF EVOLUTION 483 able til rough the larva. The fundamental morphology of the cteno- phore is similar to that of the trochophore larva, and the Platy- helminthes are generally thought to have been derived from Cteno- phores. The regular arrangement of gonads and the even, orderly distribution of the diverticula from the intestines of the flatworms are interpreted by many to indicate preparation for segmentation as it appears in annelids. Peripatus and the Wormlike Ancestry of Arthropoda Peripatiis, the only representative genus of class Onycophora, was considered a segmented worm for a long time because of its shape, its even, conspicuous segmentation, and possession of nephridia for ex- cretion. But later it was discovered that the respiration is carried on by tracheae, and the body cavity serves as a blood space, both of which are typical arthropod features. In addition, the paired legs are jointed, although similar in appearance to paropodia of Annelida. There are two jointed antennae on the head and some Fig. 208. — Peripatus capensis. Natural size. (After Moseley from Folsom's EntovioLogy. Redrawn by Nelson A. Snow.) jawlike plates in the mouth. Situated as it is, midway between annelids and arthropods, this form seems to show an immediate transition from the one group to the other. Upon this basis it is usually held that the arthropods have a wormlike ancestry. Interestingly enough, there exists another idea of arthropod an- cestry from the fact that all of the lower forms of Crustacea pass through a characteristic stage known as the Nauplius (Fig. 167). This larva does not correspond very closely to any strictly annelid stage, but with its short body and three pairs of appendages it re- sembles a modified trochophore larva. The nauplius larva has some features in common Avith the rotifers which authors feel may have arthropod tendencies. Echinoderms arid Their Larval Relations Although the adult echinoderms possess radial symmetry, that seems not to have been in the immediate phylogenetical background. 484 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY The larvae of all echinoderms possess bilateral symmetry. These larvae all have definitely arranged bands of cilia over the body. Embryologists have pointed out the fact that these larvae are not directly related to the trochophore. They show more resemblance to the Tornaria larva of Balanoglossns than to any of the nonchordate forms. Ancestry of the Vertebrates The establishment of relationships between the chordate and non- chordate animals has been one of the perplexing problems in the study of phylogeny. Different students of this problem have in- vestigated the possible relationships of such nonchordate groups as the flatworms, nemertine worms, annelids, arachnids, insects, and echinoderms. Their investigations have resulted in the formulation of a number of theories putting forth the various ones of the above- mentioned groups as the progenitors of, or claiming common an- cestry with, chordates. Some authors insist that the chordates have arisen from some segmented form ; others conclude from their evidence that this is not necessarily true or essential. All of the theories establish their relationships to the vertebrates through the protochordates, which are represented by Amphioxus, the tunicates, and Balanoglossns. Each of these has been considered as ancestral stock, which has contributed to the origin of vertebrates. It is usually conceded by authorities in this field of study that Amphioxus is a modified an- cestor of the vertebrates, due to the clear-cut and well-defined con- dition of the distinctive characteristics of the chordates and the presence of a midventral endostyle. Next in the line of thought would come the possibilities of ancestors of Amphioxus. The tuni- cates have been given this distinction by some. The adult has lost most of its typical primitive characteristics, but the larva possesses the distinctive characteristics of chordates and also the ventrally located endostyle, very similar to these structures in adult Am- phioxus. It has been suggested that probably the adult tunicate once existed as an animal similar to its larva of today, and that its forebear was not only the ancestor of modern tunicates but also the form from which the Amphioxus group has descended. Balanoglossns, which is usually considered the most primitive of chordates, is regarded as a possible ancestor of, or as possessing common ancestral stock with, tunicates and Amphioxus. As will THEORY OF EVOLUTION 485 be remembered from the previous study of Balanoglossus, it possesses gill slits, a support in the base of the proboscis which may be homologous to the notochord, and four longitudinal nerve cords of which the dorsal is the most highly developed. The above proto- chordate relations are rather generally conceded, but there is much less agreement concerning their origin, and several theories have arisen of which the following are important. Annelid Theory. — The segmental condition of this group, the re- lationship of the digestive system to other circulatory and nervous systems, and presence of the coelom with related nephridia, present a close comparison to what is found in the embryonic development of the vertebrates. It has been suggested by some scholars that by inverting the body of the nonchordate annelid, the fundamental systems are brought to resemble their relative locations in verte- brates. A fibrous cord has been found in some groups of the an- nelids, and this structure is held to take the place of a notochord in function and position. These fibers are found just dorsal to the chain of ganglia in the annelids. Arachnid Theory. — Such forms as scorpions, Limulus, and other arachnids have been favorably compared to vertebrates. By com- parison of these arachnids with the extinct, fishlike ostracoderms, an elaborate theory of the possible origin of the vertebrates from this ancestry is derived. Echinoderm Theory. — This theory of vertebrate descent goes again to the Balanoglossus. The developing egg of this animal becomes a larva known as Tornaria (Fig. 47), which floats in marine waters, has bilateral symmetry, is almost transparent, and possesses bands of cilia used in locomotion. This larva is almost exactly like that of the starfish and other echinoderms which live in the same habitat (Fig. 140). The close correspondence of features of these two groups of larvae has suggested the conclusion that these two types of ani- mals have descended from a common ancestor which was similar to these larvae. The line of descent of one branch of this stock has presumably passed through Balanoglossus, Tunicata, Amphioxus, and Vertebrata. The nonchordate ancestors are not yet conclusively determined, but the foregoing theories suggest the thinking and evi- dence along that line. Within the class Vertebrata the relations are somewhat more evi- dent, but the phylogenetic sequence is rather obscure at some points. 486 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY Cyclostomes, the simplest vertebrates, are most closely related to Amphioxus, Avhich has been suggested as the protochordate most similar to vertebrates. These very primitive fish have an eellike body without paired fins and without jaws. They have from seven to fourteen branchial (gill) apertures in different species, and all of them possess skeletons composed of cartilage. The cartilaginous skull is not entirely closed dorsally but resembles a trough with bars over the roof. The anterior end of the nerve cord has expanded to become a brain. Next in order of complexity are the Elasmo- branchii, which possess well-developed, paired appendages (fins) and jaws. They also have a cartilaginous skeleton, but the skull is much more complete dorsally. The number of gill arches is re- duced to five, but the apertures are uncovered as in cyclostomes. The number of aortic arches has been reduced from the sixty to ninety pairs of Amphioxus or seven pairs of lamprey to five pairs. The group of ganoid fishes, which was the dominant Devonian ani- mal, is generally conceded to have Elasmobranch ancestry. Most ganoids have more or less cartilage along with the bony structure of the skeleton. Their gills are covered with an operculum, and there are only four aortic arches. The bony ganoids are usually thought to be the ancestors of true bony fish. There is an extinct form of Amphibia, Stegocephalia, which shows relations to the ganoid fishes and for this reason the ganoids are usually named as ancestors of Amphibia. Some authors hold that the lungfishes, which represent an independent branch of the Elas- mobranch group, are the ancestors of Amphibia because of their ability to breathe air and live out of water.' However, the former view of the phylogenetic relation between fish and amphibia is most commonly held. Amphibia have well-developed bony skeleton with paired appendages for locomotion on land. Lungs have appeared as a means of aerial respiration, and the aortic arches have been reduced to three. Reptiles are supposed to have descended from Stegocephalia also, with most modern reptiles coming by way of Rhynchocephalia which is represented by one living species, Spkenodon punctatum. The snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and the extinct dinosaurs have probably branched frODi this group, while the turtles are thought to have descended through Therornorpha, another extinct branch of Stego- cephalia. The dinosaurs are credited with the ancestry of birds by THEORY OF EVOLUTION 487 way of a toothed, feathered, extinct form known as Archaeopteryx. It was essentially a flying reptile. The mammals probably descended from the reptilian group Tlieromorpha by way of our modern mono- tremes which lay eggs, hatch them out, and then suckle the young with milk from mammary glands. The marsupials, such as kan- garoos and opossums, are next in order, and from these it is thought the Placentalia have arisen. Within this group some authorities hold the view that the Primates, the order including man, have arisen from Insectivora. The apes and monkeys belong to the Pri- mate group, and there has been some misunderstanding among lay- men generally in regard to the possible relationship of man and the apes. Most people have the misconception that this is a linear descent in which the most advanced member of the lower group represents the immediate ancestor of the next higher group. As a matter of fact, the theory is not that the higher monkeys are in the process of becoming apes and the higher apes becoming men, but that all three of these groups have had origin as different lines from a common primitive form. Recapitulation Theory. — In the early part of the nineteenth cen- tury von Baer observed that the early stages of vertebrate embryos of different classes had a very close resemblance to each other. He did not subscribe, however, to the recapitulation theory when it was formulated later. Haeckel, coming a little later, became con- vinced that the developing embryo lives over again the stages through which its whole race has passed, and he formulated the recapitulation theory or biogenetic law from this idea. In other words, the organism in its individual life tends to recapitulate the different stages through which its ancestors have passed in their racial history. Briefly this same statement is, ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. The rehearsal of the phylogeny is in rather slurred form in some details, but the basis for the idea is readily seen. In brief, the theory is applied by comparison. Nearly all metazoan organ- isms begin life by the union of the two germ cells to form a single- celled zygote which is the new organism. At this time it is com- parable to the Protozoa. During the ensuing cleavage divisions a colonial form is represented. Following this, when one side infolds to form a gastrula with two germ layers, the embryo is almost identical to the diploblastic coelenterates as represented by Hydra. Following this, the third germ layer forms between the others and results in the triploblastic metazoan. 488 ESSENTIALS OP ZOOLOGY Basis for the Theory of Evolution One who lias thoughtfully studied the field of zoology soon realizes many relationships or homologies in structural make-up of certain different groups of animals ; much similarity of embryonic develop- 2iental processes, and fundamental coincidences in physiological activities in all living material. Too, it is recognized that fauna and flora are not the same in all parts of the earth at the present, and have not been the same in the past as now. These realizations and other similar ones have been based on scattered sources of evi- dence, much of which is indirect. The evidences which have been discovered, however, have led to the formulation of the theory of evolution and its rather general acceptance as a working hypothesis among biologists. There has been confusion regarding this subject through failure to distinguish between the existence of progressive evolutionary changes, the course of these changes, and the cause of such a progressive series of events. The latter point has been the basis of most of the questions concerning the whole idea, and it is the most speculative of the three. These three are separate though related factors. In general, scientists are convinced, according to the evidence they have examined, that organic evolution exists in the form of a progressive change, which has generally proceeded from simpler to more complex organization through a long period of time. Although some sections of the course of this series of developmental events cannot be charted as completely as a ship's course at sea, numerous landmarks serve to indicate what has taken place. Biologists are free to admit that the causes of this process are not understood, and treat it strictly as a scientific problem. Most estimates of the time when living organisms first came into existence range between 60,000,000 and 1,200,000,000 years ago, coincident with Pre-Cambrian deposits. The manner of origin of protoplasm is purely hypothetical. It is suggested that when con- ditions became suitable, as to chemical elements present, tempera- ture, pressure, etc., a relatively simple colloidal, protoplasmic mix- ture arose, having properties of life though perhaps in a very ele- mentary way. It is assumed that all organisms which have lived are descendants of this simple origin. Cellular organization, with division of labor between nucleus and cytoplasm, is taken to be a first step in the development of protoplasm. It is the simplest vital THEORY OF EVOLUTION 489 unit now recognized. If this speculation is followed further, it may be supposed that the unicellular organisms of modern times have descended from such early cells without changing from the simple- celled state, but have developed many specializations as individual types, while metazoans have advanced from certain of these simple forms to a more complexly organized cellular condition. From the nature of protoplasm and from the evidence in the geo- logical records, it is usually assumed that organisms first appeared in the water near the shores of the primitive oceans. Presumably the first oceans were boiling hot, and the land at that time was a molten volcanic mass. If this is true, there must have been a long period after the formation of the atmosphere, seas, and land before protoplasm, as we know it, could have existed. After these cooled and became favorable for life the seas are thought to have supported an abundant life before the land became suitable for its existence. Along with these several speculative aspects of the subject there have been offered several forms of evidence to support the existence of an evolutionary progress of development in organisms. Geological Evidence. — Paleontology is the study of fossil remains of organisms deposited in the strata of the earth's crust. Shells and other hard parts are mineralized or petrified; in other cases mud impressions, or tracks, or pitch-preserved individuals, such as insects, and a few frozen forms constitute the majority of fossils. It must be kept clearly in mind that the geologist is able to deter- mine quite accurately the sequence of time or chronological suc- cession of the layers of the earth's crust. The geological time scale shows a long period before any life existed, then the appearance of unicellular plants, then unicellular animals, then colonial forms, simple many-celled forms, and then the more complex ones. Such a timetable estimates the relative period of time during each era and shows some fusion and overlapping of certain types of life. Certain types of unicellular forms are continuous through the en- tire scale. The principal facts shown by the fossil record may be summa- rized: (a) The fossil forms are not strictly identical with any living species, and the remains of plants and animals of each geologic stratum are at least specifically different from the forms in any other stratum, but they may belong to the same genus; (b) the oldest strata containing fossils have represented in them most of 490 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY o ? » AGE OF MAN ^ QUARTERNARY MILLIONS ' 1 OF < ^ o c . i >g< AGE YEARS ■ < jOu OF UJ TERTIARY 1 0 >■ MAMMALS o • o o UPPER lOO- o CRETACEOUS < 180,000, ARS AGS OF o o N 0 REOOMIN ER LIFE LOWER CRETACEOUS (COMANCHEANl • o REPTllJES U) Ul JURASSIC ARY P FORMI 200" 4 •- U. , TRIASSIC 5 o ' ee i^a P o o o AGE OF o s 3 PERMIAN ' OSED SE SECOND :;t EviDE PENNSYLVANIAN (UPPER CARBONIFEROUS) AMPHIBIANS o »- lETAMORPH IGNEOUS SSILS OIRE( MISSISSIPPIAN (LOWER CARBONIFEROUS) U 400> d O O O o n Aoe OF risHES N O 111 3 < o fsi O 5 o s DEVONIAN HIEFLY UNIv TOMBED FO SILURIAN cl C U Z ^ t (ft "» 0 u ^ 600. 5 OROOVICIAN U H 1^ o < E Aoe OF s a INVERTEBRATES >■ «oo< 2 CAMBRIAN MILUONS • KEWEENAWAN OF u VEARS p -» O if 6 1° ANIMIKIAN TOO- N 0 E2 Ul 0> e < eVOLUTION OF INVERTEBRATES Ul 2 HURONIAN DOMINA IE. AND ILS SCA >■ o: o ALCOMIAN ui; in (t 0 1/) 800' O o o oe ee < tal 0. 7 0 Z ti. 2 (K "J d o s ^ 6UDBURIAN 0-t o d ™ Id iS5 o 1- z o Qifl o: M u^O o in2u. 000. N O K S Z < z < UJ I u LAURCNTIAN ETAMORPHO CONDARY. LI VIDENCE OF eVOLUTION q: ^S^ 1000' £ a s UNICELLULAR UFC < 5>S -icca 0 2^£ < u u e 0 U Z o Z lil z N 0 W 2 - & UJ U) Ul = 1100' w < I il ^ < OneNVILLB (KEEWATINI (COUTCHICHINO) 1200 L IT >) o O o tS3 to Si S o CO Q >.^ o o o <— < L. <-:> -M O rt o o >, CM c r-1 ri Q. 4-> r; m oJ O 0) :; •"^ -M n rt rt »— < u "^ Ol r" > n o o ri o S -u 'O E u u I/^ i2 lU o O CO o bo 494 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY from the preceding by a continued adaptation to the changing con- ditions of life. The horse's pedigree is essentially similar to that of numerous other forms, such as the elephant, camel, and certain birds, which have been worked out. The Rise of Man.- — The human group constitutes one of the groups of the class Mmnmalia along with many of the common larger ani- mals which are well known. In fact, all of the vertebrate animals which have hair and mammary glands fall in this same class. Man is classified in the order Primates in which is grouped also the apes and their relatives. There can be no question but that the structure of the human body is that of a mammal or even a Primate. The suborder is AntJiropoidea ; the family, Hominidae; the genus, Homo; and the species, sapiens. According to studies and discoveries com- ing from many parts of the earth, it seems quite evident that there has been a long progressive development of manlike animals for hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of years to produce the being known as modern man. The oldest known representative of the human family is Sinan- thropus pekinensis (Peking man). His remains were found in a cave of Pleistocene times approximately forty miles from Peiping, China. A complete cranium of this form Avas found in 1929 and since that time parts of approximately a dozen others have been lo- cated. They are always found along with the remains of the type of elephant, rhinoceros, horse, saber-toothed tiger and others of the Pleistocene epoch which is estimated to have been between 500,000 and 1,000,000 years ago. Anthropologists have agreed that this ehinless apelike skull with a receding forehead, heavy brows, and heavy jaw, belonged to a primitive man who could use tools and build fires. Another important discovery was made in Java in 1891 when a skull, a jaw bone, a few teeth, and a femur were found. This specimen is now known as Pithecanthropus erectus (Java man), and from the shape of the femur, it is definitely indicated that he walked erect. The brain cavity is intermediate in size between that of the largest apes and savage man. It is estimated that this form is somewhat less than a million years old. In 1907 a jaw bone found near Heidelberg, Germany, was determined as having come from a primitive man. A few years later, in England, the remains of Eoanthropus dawsoni (Piltdown man) were discovered. The brain cavity was larger than that of Java man and the forehead was THEORY OF EVOLUTION 495 wider and higher. The Heidelberg and Piltdown men are considered as contemporaries of about 500,000 years ago. A more recent type of European man is known from remains (skullcap and several long bones) found near Dusseldorf, Germany, about the middle of the last century. A rather complete collection of the skeletal parts has since been made. This form is called Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthal man) and is thought to have de- scended from the Heidelberg man. There is division of opinion as to destiny of this man. One group holds that he became extinct sometime between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago, during the Great Ice Age in Europe. Another group of anthropologists contends that the negroid and Australoid races of men are the descendants of this man. There is a more recent Asiatic group known as the Cro-Magnon man dated with the Old Stone Age of perhaps 40,000 years ago. Some students of early man hold that modern races have originated from this group. Some even suggest that Eskimos may be rather direct descendants. There are fewer of the apelike features in this type than in any of the others and apparently there have been no striking changes in human features since the time of this group. From the paleontological evidence which remains, it seems in all probability that the more primitive prehistoric man was apelike. Too, it seems likely that men and apes have originated from a com- mon ancestor. The heavy jaws, receding forehead, strong orbital ridges over the eyes, pointed ears, presence of hair over the ears and parts of the body are exhibited in some groups of modern primi- tive men. There is a close resemblance between the skeleton of the gorilla and the human skeleton. Other notable features of compar- ison may be seen in that the arms of the human infant are propor- tionally long and the grasp of the hand is exceptionally strong. Also the large toe is freer and more prehensile in the infant human than in the adult. Man is a rather generalized type of animal as compared with some other mammals. Most of the parts of the body have remained relatively unspecialized, and as a result there is a high degree of adaptability, making it possible for men to live under many diverse conditions and climates. However, man has advanced among ani- mals to a greater degree than others because of the development and use of intelligence. This development of the brain and its func- 496 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY A. ms 212— A Face and skull of Pithecanthropus erectus. B, Face and skull of Eolnfkrlfus dat^sSS ^Udapted from McGregor Fr^m r^^e ^^oZugou Earth and Man, edited by G. A. Baitsell and published by Yale University Fress.) THEORY OF EVOLUTION 497 A. Fig. 213. — A, Face and skull of Homo neanderthalensis. B, Face and skull of Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon man). (Adapted from McGregor. From The Evolu- tion of Earth and Man, edited by G. A. :p£|,itsell ^.nd published by Yale University Press. ) 498 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGTY tions has even given man the advantage of being able to make use of other animals for his own needs. The use of fire, tools, weapons, clothing, shelter, and storage of food is all contemporary and corollary to the development of the human brain. As development along this direction progressed, the power of speech and later the ability to write have become exclusively human traits. Through the development of intelligence the human kind has been able to control certain forces in nature to his own advantage. This superiority of brain and intelligence is man's direction of specialization, and it distinguishes him from the other animals. The molluscan, echinoderm, and arthropod fossils give similar stories among invertebrates. The numerous fossils of fish. Amphibia, Reptilia, particularly dinosaurs, and birds with the famous Arche- opteryx, all have their testimony to contribute. Distributional Evidence. — The paleontological distribution of ani- mals is considered vertically while geographic distribution is in horizontal plane. It is impossible to separate these two completely. The study of geographical distribution gives essentially a cross section of the vertical distribution, thus giving a sort of ''still pic- ture" of the complex developmental relations of animal groups at one moment in geologic time. In studying this subject, it is neces- sary to have in mind two fundamental conceptions. The first is that the ancestors of related genera first appeared or originated in a locality which is designated as the common center of origin. A sec- ond conception is that as the ancestral form became established and multiplied, migration in search of food and more suitable conditions occurred. Barriers, many of w^hich were geographic, determined the direction and extent of this migration. Large bodies of water blocked the passage of terrestrial animals, as of course land was a barrier to aquatic animals. High mountains or deserts were barriers to all animals unable to withstand low temperatures and altitudes on the one hand, or high temperature and dryness on the other. These forces, and others, are believed to account for the natural distribution of animals. There are the cases of the camel group, originating in North America, migrating to South America and Asia by the land connections of the Eocene to Pliocene epoch, and the tapirs, which are represented by distinct species in two widely sepa- rated regions, South Asia territory, and the Central America-South American territory. Here again paleontological data show that in THEORY OF EVOLUTION 499 the Pliocene epoch tapirs were distributed over nearly all of North America, Northern Asia, and Europe. Following that time they were gradually decreased due to discontinuous distribution until the one-time world-wide distribution is now isolated in two widely separated regions. Long isolation of genera in different environ- ments will bring about definite specific differences. As an example, a litter of foreign rabbits was introduced to the islands of Porto Santo during the fifteenth century and by the middle of the nine- teenth century the descendants had become so distinct from the original ancestors that they were described as a new species. There are numerous instances of this effect, demonstrated by isolation on ocean islands. The islands are either continental, with fauna similar to those of the nearby continent from which the animals have come, as the British Isles, or they are oceanic, with a very bizarre assem- blage of animals which have either drifted in or have been carried there, as the Haw^aiian Islands. Many of the animals on these oceanic islands are peculiar and are found nowhere else on earth. Australia has a group of animals which are very different from those of Asia because the two have been so long separated. Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America have been connected with each other by land bridges in recent- enough times that the mammals show simi- larity. The distribution, of the species of a genus often radiates from the more generalized species which occupy the center of the range of the genus, and the more specialized species are found in the scattered outskirts of the range. From the preceding statements concerning distribution it seems that any given species originates in a definite locality, that it multi- plies there and migrates in all possible directions. It modifies as it goes in response to the various new conditions prevailing and becomes divided into local varieties which in the course of time become species. Thus the working- method of animal distribution, as it has been presented, is the principle of dtscent from preceding generations with modification. Morphological Evidence. — Classification of the animals shows in fact something of the morphological evidence, since current classi- fication is based chiefiy on anatomical features and comparative anatomy. The groups of the classification are established largely on anatomical similarities. The differences existing among the rep- resentatives of all the classes of vertebrates are relatively slight 500 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY when set over against the fundamental similarities. Closely related groups show numerous similarities in the form of homologies. The flipper of the whale, the wing of the bat or the bird, the foreleg of the cat and the arm of man all show the same general type of struc- ture in spite of certain specific differences. There is seldom any question of their phylogenetic relationship. The presence of series of similar parts on different segments of the same animal and the various specializations of these parts show a progressive development. The highly specialized walking legs, uropod, claws, and feelers of crayfish, for example, have all devel- oped from the simple swdmmeret type of appendage. They form a serial homology and are also homologous to the appendages of all other Crustacea a^ well. In higher forms of animals, such as man, there are numerous struc- tures which seem to be useless and are even harmful in some in- stances. These are spoken of as vestigial structures. Such parts correspond in structure and plan to functional parts in other re- lated forms, but are reduced morphologically and without the origi- nal function. In man, one probably thinks first of the vermiform appendix of the colon as such a structure. This is apparently func- tionless in human beings and can be removed with no loss, but this same organ in rabbits, some birds, and other animals is an extensive and functional digestive organ. Man has a coccyx or vestigial tail, and the frog has the urostyle. Pythons and porpoises, neither of which has the least use for them, have vestigial hind limbs similar to the functional ones of their relatives. The salivary glands of certain snakes have become adapted as poison glands, certain sweat glands have become milk glands, and gill arches have become sup- porting structures of the tongue, larynx, and throat of adult ter- restrial animals. The blood supply and nerves both follow the phylogenetic changes of these organs. Most animal types seem not to have originated in their present forms, but they seem to have undergone changes through the long periods of geologic history. The explanation offered by modern biologists for the anatomical relations and resemblances between animals is that the individuals in any group have inherited a similar plan of structure from the ancestors which were common to all mem- bers of the group. In a group, such as the vertebrates, there have been numerous modifications of various fundamental structures in THEORY OF EVOLUTION 501 different subdivisions in relation to the particular habits of life ; still they remain fundamentally alike because they have developed from the underlying plan of organization found in the ancestors. The seal and the bird, although quite different, show similarities in habits and otherwise because of common ancestry long ago. The conclu- sion of biologists of today is that all of the animals in a group, such as the vertebrates, have arisen by descent with change from a primi- tive organism which possessed the fundamental organization as shown from cyclostomes to man. Embryological Evidence. — Evidences from this field really con- tinue directly from the previous discussion. The animal is to be thought of as an individual from the single-celled zygote stage to the mature stage of old age, no matter what its complexity is. Intimately related types of animals parallel through a large portion of their development to diverge somewhat in adult condition, more remotely related forms take separate developmental courses rather early in life, and unrelated forms may be different almost from the beginning. In numerous instances the developing stages of more advanced forms resemble very closely the mature stages of the less advanced types in a serial fashion. The history of the individual animal often corresponds in a general way to the history of the advances of the animal kingdom, up to its state of development. This apparent repetition of the ancestral development in individuals was what led Haeckel to formulate the recapitulation theory, ex- pressed briefly: ontogeny repeats or recapitulates phylogeny, as has been discussed earlier in the chapter. In the vertebrate group these apparent relations are much shown. Most of the embryos of this group are so similar that it is nearly impossible to distinguish them. They pass through the identical stages of development. Systems, such as the circulatory, nervous, digestive, and respiratory, follow the same course of development in all of the vertebrates, no matter how simple or complex. In earlier stages the similarity is strikingly close. The course of development and the modifications shown in the aortic arches or main arteries leaving the heart and passing through the gill regions is a specific example of the manner in which a spe- cific set of structures follows out a repetition of ancestral stages in the development of the individual. Fig. 204 show^s a comparison of the arrangement of the branchial (aortic) arches from the primi- 502 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY ■ p^*¥»-* ' U^^ J ..V ^^^'' ■Y I . 1 r\ At *. 11 II n ■^''£il \ \' / "^^ j ■"Si '^ A ^/h\ ■■■vh 'S< III ni . ^^^^ P^ c>rrc)< Fig 214.— The development of several vertebrate animals shown in three parallel stages. Notice the close similarity of the first two stages tor all the species shown. (From Romanes, Darioin and After Darivin. Open Court Publish- ing Company.) THEORY OF EVOLUTION 503 W ^if*"^ V. J f-' '% /., IE '^. I ^ ,-* \ IE B ^ ^ :^ ;^^ '' / \ ^ ^. 1 ^^7/ .^^- ; w ^\/ '■' 'A' d ^ in X . / (See opposite page for legend.^ 504 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY tive set of six through the fishes, Amphibia, reptiles, to the birds and mammals, with a modified condition of three arches. Along with the aortic arch situation are other examples of similar stages of development in all forms of the group. Gills are present in all chordates at some time. In the primitive ones the gills are functional throughout life; in the more advanced types they are Fig. 215. — Diagram to show the modifications of aortic or branchial arches in different vertebrate types. A, primitive scheme ; B, lungflsh ; C, primitive amphibian (urodele) ; D, frog; E, snake; F, lizard; G, bird; H, mammal, ec, ic, external and internal carotids ; va, ventral aorta ; da, dorsal aorta ; db, ductus Botalli ; p, pul- monary artery; s, subclavian; c, coeliac. Vessels carrying venous blood are black; those with mixed blood are shaded ; those which disappear are dotted outlines. (After Boas, Reprinted by permission from Kingsly, Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, P. Blakiston's Son and Company.) only transitory gill structures. In frogs and toads, the tadpole stage is essentially fishlike, and they become amphibian at metamorphosis. The notochord is a definite structure throughout the life of the THEORY OF EVOLUTION 505 primitive chordates, but is present as such in only the embryo stage of all Others. The development of the heart from the tubular con- dition through the two-chambered, three-chambered, and finally four- chambered condition, illustrates the same progressive development. Physiological Evidence.— The fact that all protoplasm possesses the same set of fundamental properties or capacities as contractility, irritability, metabolism, etc., is in itself a definite indication of rela- tionship of all organisms, since they are all composed of protoplasm. Too, all protoplasm acts under similar lav7S and conditions. Such natural substances of animal bodies as the hormones, or anti- bodies or even enzymes are almost universal in their reactions among chordates and even among nonchordates. Most of them are inter- changeable from one animal group to another. A deficiency of pep- sin or adrenalin in man may be supplied from a cow, a hog, a cat, a rat, or a dog. The blood of all vertebrates has certain physiological similarities and some specific differences. The blood of large groups of human beings will mix without agglutination and is said to ''match." Other individuals' blood may not ''match" in this type but will mix with blood from another group. The agglutination (clumping of red corpuscles) when blood from two individuals is brought together is due to the reaction of two substances produced by the corpuscles in one or both of the blood samples. The designation of the blood groups depends upon the presence or absence of one or both of these substances. One blood group (0) contains neither, another (A) contains one substance, a third (B) the second substance only, while a fourth group (AB) contains both substances. Serum of the first group will agglutinate corpuscles when mixed with any of the other three. The groups with the single substance will agglutinate cor- puscles in blood having only the other substance or blood with both substances. The serum from blood with both substances will not cause agglutination in any of the others. In lower mammals some similar blood groups have been found, but it is only in the apes that the groups correspond to those in the human being. This is an indication of the rather close relationship of these animal groups. In the human being and in other animals, this blood characteristic is permanent in the individual, and it is hereditary. Serum (blood minus corpuscles and fibrinogen) studies also estab- lish certain relationships among animals. If small quantities of 506 ESSENTIALS OP ZOOLOGY human blood serum are introduced at intervals into the blood stream of a rabbit, in time there will be developed in the blood of the rabbit a substance (antibody) which, when mixed with normal human blood will cause precipitation of the proteins here. Serum from such a rabbit is called antihuman serum. When this serum is mixed with serum in a certain dilution taken from human, chimpanzee, gorilla, or monkey, it will cause precipitation. If the dilution is increased, there is no precipitation when mixed with monkey serum; at still higher dilution there is no precipitation when mixed with gorilla blood; and higher none for chimpanzee blood, until finally none for human blood. On the basis of these sera precipitation tests the chim- panzee is closest in its relationship to man, then the gorilla, and then the monkeys. ' In making similar tests on other vertebrate groups, it is found that crocodiles are more closely related to birds than are the other reptiles ; also among reptiles, that snakes and lizards are more closely related to each other than to turtles. Too, crocodiles show a closer relation- ship to turtles than to the other groups of reptiles. Blood studies of the various groups of vertebrates indicate that there is more similarity in blood of closely related forms than of others. At the same time, it is seen that a chemical relationship persists in the blood throughout the chordate phylum. The breeding of plants and animals through long series of genera- tions of domestication and laboratory experiments has yielded much information concerning the ways of adaptation and phylogenetic development. A significant result is the demonstration of changes occurring in animals and plants. From such studies it seems quite obvious that organisms now living have come to be what they are by gradual change from generation to generation through a course of descent from preexisting and varied ancestors, rather than by a sudden and completely new development. Most of the various breeds of cattle, chickens, dogs, horses, sheep, crops, etc., have been developed in each case from a preexisting common ancestor. Darwin and Studies of Evolution. — Most discussions of organic evolution usually begin with mention of Darwin's monumental work on this subject, and difficult it is to get away from his fundamental basic thinking on the subject. He was the first to survey thoroughly the fields of morphology, embryology, and paleontology, and to re- late logically the data found there to the theory of evolution. From THEORY OF EVOLUTION 507 his studies, many of which were done along the east and west shores of South America while he was naturalist of a British Naval ex- pedition on the ship Beagle, Darwin formulated a clear-cut and definite argument for evolution on the basis of natural selection. Be- ginning with Malthus' law of population, published in 1838, which stated that since man reproduces in a geometric ratio, the earth would be overpopulated in a few generations except for such checks as the arithmetic ratio of increase in food production, disease, war, flood, earthquake, fire and other natural catastrophes reducing population, Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection. This theory in- cludes among other things the application of Malthus' law to all living organisms. The four basic points on which this theory is developed may be named in order as follows: (1) overproduction, (2) struggle for existence, (3) variation and heredity, and (4) survival of the fittest (natural selection). Overproduction is in operation in all thriving normal species. A single codfish will produce several million eggs in one season. If every codfish egg were to be fertilized, to reach maturity, and to re- produce with no loss from one generation to the next, it would not be more than a dozen years until the entire face of the earth would be covered with codfish and all other animals would be crowded out of existence completely. Even a form like the elephant, which lives to be ninety or a hundred years of age and averages only six progeny, could soon occupy all of the standing room on the face of the earth. Beginning with one pair of elephants and providing every individual lived and reproduced even at the slow average rate mentioned above, 19,000,000 individuals would be produced in 750 years. If every elephant alive today were to enter into a program like that, both food and space would become quite scarce before "many generations. How- ever, this doesn't happen on a large scale. All plants and animals tend to produce more offspring thafi can ever reach maturity and reproduce. The struggle for existe^ice is ever present because there are more individuals produced than the habitat will support. The two most fundamental needs for which organisms struggle are (1) food and (2) opportunity to reproduce and rear young. Of these two, the struggle for food is very immediate and the food supply is an important limiting factor on population from season to season. Since the food supply, on the average, remains quite constant, it is evident that 508 ESSENTIALS OF ZOOLOGY only a limited number of the increase in individuals can be sup- ported in a particular habitat ; thus a struggle ensues with each in- dividual attempting to secure the necessities of life. Not only is there a struggle for food but also with many factors in the environ- ment like climate, geographic changes, etc. Survival of the fittest was the outcome which Darwin saw resulting from such a struggle. Those individuals which were best adapted to the environment into which they were born have been the ones to win out in the struggle and leave offspring for a future generation. The inheritance of favorable or unfavorable pharacters influences very strongly the success of the individual in maintaining itself. The sur- vivors in any generation are those which inherit the most favorable combination of variations. Many variations, both favorable and un- favorable to the success of the individual, are hereditary. When changes in environment come and bring about new living conditions, the animals in the particular habitat must either meet these changes, be able to migrate, or perish. The standard for fitness has changed under such circumstances, and animals with somewhat different characters and adaptations may now be the ' ' fittest. ' ' The individuals whose variations have brought them to most nearly fit the requirements for life in their particular habitat will be the ones most likely to obtain sufficient food supply and adequate provision for reproduction to increase their population rapidly. As one group is able to do this, it invariably reduces or perhaps entirely eliminates other species in the locality. Evolutionary changes result from sur- vival of the fittest, since those individuals which succeed have done so because of an accumulation of favorable variations in each of suc- cessive generations. Those individuals or races which have not been as well adapted to conditions of the habitat have become inconse- quential or extinct. The appearance of characters in an animal is a matter of chance as far as the individual is concerned. Natural selection may act as an eliminating agent and may determine whether the character or trait shall survive after it appears. Mutation Theory. — Hugo de Vries is the name most prominently connected with the origin of this theory. He was a Dutch botanist and in 1886 found some evening primrose plants (Oenothera lamarki- ana) which exhibited discontinuous variation or sudden appearance of new characters. These sudden, sharp variations came to be known as mutations. There are two types of variations which have been THEORY OF EVOLUTION 509 recognized : ( 1 ) continuous or fluctuating variation, such as height of individuals of a species where they are expected to fall within a nor- mal range thus allowing a degree of variation among individuals of the species, and (2) discontinuous or sport variation (mutation) where the variation falls outside the normal range of variation and not connected with it by intermediate changes. In the course of seven generations of this primrose and involving approximately 50,000 individuals, six different mutations were found. The new characters which appeared were quite different from those of the typical species and were hereditary as well. Since this was the case, de Vries concluded that he was observing the origin of new species. He was sufficiently convinced of this to discount Darwin's conception of the development of new species by the gradual accumulation of continuous variations through natural selection. He pointed out that mutations are due to changes occurring in the germ plasm while the continuous variations, individually, are due to changes in somatic cells. Following de Vries' work there has been much study of mutations, and numerous ones have been found in nature. Too, it has been found that spontaneous mutations could be produced in Drosophila (fruit fly) by x-ray radiation. It is thought that mutations come as the result of physiological changes in the chromosomes or genes. While this mutation theory of origin of new species has prompted much study and thought on evolution it seems not to have displaced Darwin's general conception of the origin of new species. So far as Darwin's theory is concerned, the occurrence of mutations only hastens the process of evolution since they produce quick, abrupt variations instead of the slower, smaller, continuous variations. Natural selection will operate with either. Biologists now consider both small and large variations as mutations, and have turned back to Darwin's idea of natural selection as the most likely explanation of the development of new kinds of animals. References Lindsey, A. W.: Problems of Evolution, New York, 1931, The Macmillan Company. Lull, E. S. : Organic Evolution, New York, 1929, The Macmillan Company. Newman, H. H. : Evolution Yesterday and To-day, Baltimore, 1932, Williams & Wilkins Company. Wilder, H. H.: History of the Human Body, New York, 1909, Henry Holt & Company, Inc. GLOSSARY* Abdomen (ab do'men), the portion of the trunk posterior to the thorax of an animal. Aboral (ab 6'ral), opposite the mouth. Absorption (ab sorp shun), the process of taking in soluble foods by the circu- latory medium or by the protoplasm directly. Accommodation (a kom 6 da'shun), the power of adjustment of the eye to near and far objects. Acetabulum (as e tab'ti lum), the socket in each side of the innominate bone of the pelvic girdle into which the femur fits. Achromatic figure (ak ro mat'ik), the mitotic figure without chromosomes. Aestivation (es ti va'shiin), state of torpidity induced by heat and dryness. Allelomorphs (a le'16 morfs), a pair oi corresponding genes in homologous chromosomes, but each produces a different character. Allergy (al'er ji), acute sensitiveness to a foreign substance, as foreign protein in the body. Alternation of generation (al ter na'shun of jen er a'shun). (See Metagenesis.) Altricial (al trish'al), in reference to birds which are hatched without feathers and in a helpless condition. Alveolus (al ve'6 ICis), a small cavity or pit, such as the air sacs in the lung of a higher vertebrate. Ambulacral (am bu la'kral), area of echinoderm related to tube feet. Amino acids (am'i no), organic acids with a (NHj) radical, and derived from complex proteins. Amitosis (amito'sis), direct cell division, occurring without chromosomal ac- tivity. Amnion (am'ni on), inner embryonic membrane of terrestrial vertebrates. Amoeboid movement (a me'boid), the streaming of protoplasm in a cell to ex- tend the cell in some direction with the formation of pseudopodia. Amphiaster (am'fi as ter), the complete mitotic, figure of a dividing cell. Amphiblastula (am fi blas'tu la), the free-swimming larval form in sponges. AmpMmixus (am fi mik'sis), union of nuclear material from two different cells, as in fertilization. Ampulla (am pul'a), a bulblike dilatation. Amylopsin (am i lop'sin), a pancreatic enzyme capable of converting starch into sugar. Anabolism (an ab'6 liz'm), the building up of living protoplasm. Analogous (a nal'o gus), differing in structure and origin, but similar in func- tion. Anaphylaxis (an a fi lak'sis), acute reaction of the body to foreign protein materials which have a toxic effect; this may be an increased sensitivity to the material because of previous contact with it. Anatomy (a nat'6 mi), the science that treats of the structure of organic bodies. Anus (a'nus), the posterior opening of the alimentary canal. Appendicular skeleton (ap en dik'u lar), skeleton of the paired fins of Pisces. Archenteron (ar ken'ter on), the cavity of the gastrula which is the primitive digestive cavity. Artery (arteri), the larger blood vessels leading away from the heart. Asexual reproduction (a sek'shu al), reproduction without sex cells. Assimilation (as sim i la'shun), the transforming of digested food into proto- plasm. Asymmetry (a sim'et ri), a condition in which the two sides of an animal are dissimilar. •Phonetics according to Webster's New International Dictionary. 510 GLOSSARY 511 Autonomic nervous system (6 to nom'ik), that portion of the nervous system controlling the involuntary muscles. Autotomy (otot'omi), self -mutilation. Axial gradient (ak'si al gra'di ent), the graduation of the rate of metabolism along the principal axis of an axiate animal. Axone (ak'son), a nerve liber serving to conduct impulses away from a nerve cell body. Barrier (bar'i er), any physical, chemical, or biological obstruction that pre- vents migration of animals. Benthos (ben'thos), life of the deep sea bottom. Binary fission (bi'na ri fish'un), division of a cell into two daughter cells. Biramous (bi ra'mus), a two-branched condition. Bisexual (bi sek'shob al), a condition in which both male and female organs are present in one individual. Bivium (biv'ium), one side of an echinoderm including a pair of ambulacra. Blastocoele (blas'to sel), the cavity present in the blastula stage of develop- ment; also cleavage of segmentation cavity. Blastomere (blas'to mer), one of the segments first formed by the division of the ovum. Blastula (blas'tu la), a sphere of cells with a hollow cavity resulting from cleavage of the zygote. Blepharoplast (blef'a ro plast), the body in a cell from which a flagellum arises. Brachium (bra'ki um), arm. Branchial (brang'ki al), pertaining to gills or branchiae. Buccal (buk'al), pertaining to the mouth cavity. Budding (bud'ing), reproduction involving the branching of new individuals from the external surface of the old one. Byssus (bis'us), a tuft of fiberlike threads which attach certain mussels to the substratum. Caecum (se'kum), a blind pouchlike p6cket of the intestine; usually at the junction of the small and large intestines. Calcareous (kal kar'e us), composed of lime or calcium salts. Calciferous (kal sif'er us), glands which are thought to secrete an alkaline secretion into the esophagus of the earthworm. Canaliculus (kan'a Hk' u lus), one of the tiny canals extending from lacuna to lacuna to distribute nutriment in bone. Capillary (kap'i ler i), a microscopic branch of an artery which extends into a tissue and finally joins a small vein. Carapace (kar'a pas), shell-like external covering. Carbohydrate (kar bo hi'drat), organic compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, such as starch or sugar. Cardiac (kar'di ak), pertaining to the heart. Carnivorous (kar niv'6 rus), flesh eating. . Caste (kast), any group of distinct forms within a species, as found in some insects. Catabolism (ka tab'o lizm), process of oxidation or break-down of protoplasm; destructive phase of metabolism; dissimilation; the oxidation of organic substances of the body to release kinetic energy and heat. Catalysis (ka tal'i sis), the initiation or acceleration of a chemical reaction by the presence of a substance which itself does not enter into the reaction, as an enzyme. Caudal (ko'dol), pertaining to the tail. Cell theory (sel the'6 ri), the theory that all living things are composed of cells. Centimeter (sen'ti me'ter), one-hundredth of a meter and the equivalent of 0.393 inch; or 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters. 512 GLOSSARY Central nervous system (sen'tral), that portion of the nervous system composed of the brain and the spinal cord. Centriole (sen'tri 61), a small granule within the central part of the aster in the mitotic figure; also known as centrosome. Centrolecithal (sen'tro les i thai), refers to the type of egg with the yolk mass in the center, as the egg in insects. Centrosome (sen'tro som), usually considered synonymous to centriole. Cephalic (se fal'ik), pertaining to the head. Cephalothorax (sef'alo tho'raks), a fusion of the head and thorax or chest, as in crayfish. Cerebellum (ser e bel'lum), the large lobe of the hind brain, in front of and above the medulla. Cerebrum (ser'e brum), the anterior division of the brain. Cercaria (sur ka'ri a), a tailed larval stage of the liver fluke. Ctenoid scale (te'noid), a type of fish scale with spines at the free margin. Cervical (sur'vi kal), has reference to the neck region. Chaeta (ke'ta), one of the bristlelike structures in the body wall of many annelids, used as organs of locomotion. Chelicera (ke lis'er a), an anterior pair of appendages in arachnids. Cheliped (ke'li ped), most anterior thoracic leg of crayfish; large pincher. Chemotropism (ke mot'ro piz'm), response of an organism to chemical changes. Chlorophyll (klo'ro fil), the green coloring matter in plants and a few ani- mals which is active in photosynthesis. Chromosomes (kro'mo somz), bodies formed in the nucleus during mitosis which constitute the physical basis of inheritance. Chitin (ki'tin), the hard material composing the exoskeleton or shell of Crustacea, insects, and others. Chloragogue cells (klo'ra gog), compose the outer layer of the intestine of the earthworm. Chondrin (kon'drin), the material of which cartilage is composed. Chorion (ko'ri on), the outer embryonic membrane of mammals. Chorioid (ko'ri oid), middle or vascular coat of vertebrate eyeball. Chromatin (kro'ma tin), dark-staining substance of the nucleus of the cell. Chromatophore (kro'ma to for), a colored pigment cell. Chromidia (kro mid'i a), scattered chromatin granules through the cytoplasm of some cells. Chromonemata (kro mo nem'ata),' threads of chromatin distinguishable within chromosomes during mitosis; seen in the resting phase of some. Chyme (kim), artially digested food material which is in semiliquid con- dition. Cilia (sil'ia), hairlike cytoplasmic processes, used by certain protozoans for locomotion. Cirrus (sir'iis), a bristlelike appendage. Cleavage (klev'ij), the cell divisions changing the zygote into an organism of many cells. Clitellum (klitel'um), a broadened area in the earthworm about one-third of the length of the body back from the head. It is glandular and serves in producing the cocoon. Cloaca (klo a'ka), the common chamber into which the intestine, and urinary and genital canals discharge in some forms. Cnidohlast (ni'do blast), the type of cell of the coelenter^te in which the sting cell or nematocyst develops. Cochlea (kok'le a), a coiled structure of the inner ear in which is located the sensory ending of the auditory nerve. Cocoon (ko kobn'), a covering which protects a larva, pupa, or even the adult stage of certain animals. Coelohlastula (se 16 blas'tii la), blastula having a hollow center. Coelom (se'lom), or coelome (se'lom), the space between the walls of the body and the inclosed viscera. GLOSSARY 513 Commensalism (ko men'sal izm), an association of different species of ani- mals in which at least one benefits without injury to the other. Commissure (kom'i shobr), a strand of nerve fibers or nerves joining two cen- ters or ganglia. Conditioned reflex (kon dish'iind), a reflex action which is modified or estab- lished by previous experience. Conductivity (kon'duk tiv'i ti), the power of conducting or of receiving and transmitting. Congenital (kon jen'i tal), conditions existing at birth. Conjugation (kon job ga'shiin), a temporary union of two individuals with ex- change of nuclear material. Copulation (kop fi la'shun), union of genital regions of two individuals during which spermatozoa are transferred from one to the other. Corium (ko'ri um), the deeper layer of the skin or dermis. Cornea (kor'nea), transparent coat of modified epithelial tissue over the front of the eye. Cortex (kor'teks), superficial portion or outer layer, as of the brain or kidney. Cranial (cra'jiial), pertaining to the portion of the skull enclosing the brain. Cretin (kre'tin), a defective individual due to abnormality of the thyroid gland. Cutaneous (ku ta'neus), pertaining to the skin. Cuticle (ku'tikl), the outer surface of the skin of many animals. Cycloid scale (si'kloid), a scale which is thin and shows concentric lines of growth without serrated margin. Cyclosis (siklo'sis), the rotation of the endoplasm of protozoan forms. Cyst (sist), an organism enclosed by a resistant wall. Cysticercus (sis ti sur'kus), the bladder worm or encysted stage in the life history of the tapeworm. Cytology (sitol'o ji), the science that treats of the minute structure of cells. Cytopharynx (si to far'inks), channel from surface to endoplasm in Euglena. Cytoplasm (si'to plaz'm), the protoplasm of the cell not including the nucleus. Dactyl (dak'til), refers to finger. Daughter cells (do'ter selz), the two cells resulting from a division of one cell. Delamination (delami na'shun), the formation of a new layer of cells parallel to the old by the division and migration of cells of the primary germ layers. Dendrite (den'drit), a nerve fiber which carries impulses toward the nerve cell body. Dermis (dur'mis), same as corium. Dialysis (dial'isis), separation of dissolved materials in crystalloids and colloids by means of semipermeable membrane. Diaphragm (di'afram), a muscular partition between the abdominal and thoracic cavities in mammals. Diastase (di'astas), the class of enzymes capable of bringing about conversion of starches to sugars. Diencephalon (di en sef'alon), a region of the brain just posterior to the cerebrum. Differentiation (dif er en shi a'shiin), the formation of special parts, tissues, or cells from the primitive unspecialized layers. Diffuse (dif us'), to mix with or to spread through completely and thoroughly ' another substance. Digestion (di jes'chun), the conversion of complex unabsorbable food materials into a form capable of bodily absorption. Dihyhrid (dihi'brid), progeny or offspring of parents differing in two charac- ters. Dominance (dom'inans), a condition in which one of two characters present in the individual appears to the exclusion of the other. 514 • , GLOSSARY Dimorphism (di mor'fizm), difference of form between members of the same species. Dioecious (die'shus), the male and female germ cells being produced by dif- ferent individuals. Diploblastic (dip 16 blas'tik), composed of two germ layers. Diploid (dip'loid), having the base number or double number of chromosomes, as in somatic cells. Dissimilation (disinii la'shun). (See Catabolism.) Diurnal (diur'nal), active by day. Diverticulum (di ver tik'u Mm), a blind tube branching out of a larger one. Duodenum (du 6 de'niim), the part of the small intestine between the stomach and the jejunum. Ecdysis (ek'disis). (See Molt.) Ecology (ekol'oji), the science of the relation of an organism to its environ- ment. Ectoderm (ek'to durm), the outer cell layer of the wall of a gastrula and its later derivatives. Ectoplasm (ek'to plaz'm), substance of the outer layer of cytoplasm or ecto- sarc of a protozoan animal. Ectosarc (ek'to sark), the superficial layer of cytoplasm of a single-celled animal. Egestion (ejes'chun), the casting out by the body of indigestible food ma- terial. Electrolyte (e lek'tro lit), a substance whose molecules dissociate into ions. Electrotropism (elek'trot'ropiz'm), response of an organism to electric cur- rents. Embryology (em bry ol'o ji), the science of the origin and development of the individual. Endocrine system (en'dokrin), a system including those ductless glands which secrete hormones. Endoderm (en'do durm), the inner cell layer of the wall of the gastrula and its later derivatives. Endomixis (en do mik'sis), nuclear reorganization within a protozoan which does not involve conjugation. Endoplasm (en'do plaz'm). (See Endosarc.) Endopodite (en dop'6 dit), the internal or principal branch of a biramous ap- pendage of Crustacea. Endosarc (en'do sark), the area of cytoplasm within a cell which is surrounded by ectoplasm; substance of this is endoplasm. Endoskeleton (en do skel'e tun), the bony, cartilaginous, or other internal frame- work of an animal. Endothelium (en do the'li um), the mesodermic lining layer of such closed spaces as blood vessels and lymph spaces. Enteric (en'terik), adjective form of enteron. Enterocoele (en'ter 6 sel), a portion of the coelomic cavity that arises by out- growth from the enteric cavity. Enteron (en'ter on), a digestive cavity or tube. > Entomology (en'tomol'd ji), the branch of zoology that deals with the study of insects. Entozoic (en'to zo'ik), forms which live within the bodies of other animals. Enzymes (en'zimz), substances that bring about chemical transformation. , Ephyra (ef'i ra), tlie free-swimming larval form of the Scyphozoa. Epiboly (epib'oli), posterior growth of a fold of the blastoderm over the sur- face of an embryo in the formation of the enteron during gastrulation. Epigenesis (ep i jen'e sis), the conception that the parts of the organism arise from an undifferentiated germ cell. Epithelium (ep'i the li um), a sheet of cells covering an internal or external surface of the body. GLOSSARY 515 Equatorial (ekwa to'ri al> plate, the platelike arrangement of chromosomes lying in the plane of the equator of the mitotic spindle during cell division. Erepsin (erep'sin), an intestinal enzyme which splits peptones into amino acids. Estivation (es ti va'shun), a dormant condition adopted by certain animals during summer. Eugenics (u jen'iks), the science of genetics applied to human kind, usually for the purpose of improvement. Euglenoid (u gle'noid), resembling a Euglena, as euglenoid movement. Eustachian (usta'kian) tube, the tube extending from the middle ear to the pharynx. Evagination (e vaj'i na'shun), the unequal growth outward of a surface layer, one of the processes by which , differentiation of organs is produced. Eviscerate (e vis'er at), to remove or cast out the internal organs. Exopodite (eks op'o dit), the external branch of the appendages. Exoskeleton (ek so skel'e tun), the hardened parts of the external integument of an animal. Expire (ek spir'), to expel water or air in the process of respiration. Factor (fak'ter), one of several interacting elements in a complex process. Agency influencing the development of an individual, as those carried in the genes of chromosomes. Fauna (fo'na), a term referring to animal life. Feces (fe'sez), the indigestible portion of the food which passes through the alimentary canal and is discharged by way of the anus. Fertilization (fur tili za'shun), the union of a mature ovum and a mature spermatozoon to produce a zygote. Fetus (fe'tus), an advanced stage of the embryo of a mammal before birth. Fibrin (fi'brin), the fibrous material in a blood clot; formed when fibrinogen of the blood is exposed to air. Filtrable virus (fil'trab'l vi'riis), an organism too small to be seen with the microscope and usually within cells of other organisms. First filial (furst fil'i al) generation, the individuals arising from a particular mating. Fission (fish'un), division of an organism into approximately equal parts. Flagellum (flajel'um), a whiplike locomotor structure of a cell or single-celled animal. Follicle (fol'ik'l), a cellular sac or pocket. Fragmentation (frag men ta'slmn), a process by which individuals of certain Protozoa and simple Metazoa may divide internally to form several new- individuals. Freemartin (fre'mar tin), a modified female member of a pair of cattle twins which shows certain male features. Gametes (gam'ets). (See Germ cells.) Gametogenesis (gam e to jen'e sis), the series of cell divisions in the develop- ment of germ cells. Ganglion (gang'lion), a group of nerve cell bodies outside the central nervous system. Ganoid scale (gan'oid), rhombic in shape, composed of an inner layer of bone and outer layer of enamel. Gastrula (gas'trob la), the two-layered stage in the development of an embryo. Genes (jenz), the units of material which function in the transmission of char- Jictcrs in liGrGQitv. Genetics (jenet'iks), the science that treats of variation, resemblances, and their inheritance from parent to offspring. Genotype (jen'otip), the genetic constitution of genetically identical organisms. Genus (je'nus), pi. Genera (jen'era), a division of the classification, a sub- division of a family, and is divided into species. 516 GLOSSARY Geotropism (je ot'ro piz'm), response of an organism to gravity. Germ cells (jerni) (gametes), cells specialized for reproduction. Germ layer (jerm), one of the primary cell layers in an embryo. Germ plasm (jerm plazm), the hereditary material of an organism, the chromatin. Gills (gils) (pharyngeal clefts), a series of paired slits in the wall of the pharynx and body. Gonads (gon'ads), reproductive organs. Gonophore (gon'ofor), a reproductive individual which bears gonads, as in Hydroids. Glochidlum (gl6 kid'ium), tlie larva of a fresh-water clam. Glomerulus (glo mer'u lus), a body of capillaries enclosed at the end of eacli kidney tubule of the mesonephric and metanephric types of kidneys. Glycerol (glis'erol), one of the alcohols which enters into the composition of fats; glycerin. Glycogen (gli'ko jen), a form of carbohydrate food material as formed and stored by the liver. Habitat (hab'i tat), the place or area in which an animal or species lives. Haploid (hap'loid), the reduced or half number of chromosomes of the mature germ cells. Heliotropism (he li ot'ro piz'm), a response of an organism to light. Hemoglobin (he mo glo'bin), a protein pigment substance of the blood which is capable of absorbing oxygen and is red when combined with it. Hemolysis (he mol'i sis), disintegration of red blood corpuscles. Hepatic (hepat'ik), pertaining to the liver. Herbivorous (hur biv'6 riis), herb- or plant-eating animals. Hermaphroditic (hur maf ro dit'ik) (monoecious), having both male and female germ cells produced in one individual. Heterozygote (het er 6 zi'g5t), an organism which is carrying sets of unlike char- acters in its genetical constitution. Hibernation (hi ber na'shun), the cessation of activity or dormancy of an animal during the winter season. Histogenesis (his to jen'esis), the development and differentiation of tissue cells. Histology (histol'oji), the science that treats of the microscopic structure of the various parts of the animal body. Holoblastic (hoi 6 blas'tik), having the type of egg structure in which cleavage divides the entire egg. Holozoic (hdlozo'ik), the animal nutrition, the ingestion and digestion of or- ganic material. Homoiothermal (h6 moi'6 thur'mal), having a temperature regulation. Homolecithal (ho mo les'i thai) (isolecithal), eggs having a uniform distribution of the yolk. Homologous (homorogus), similar in structure and origin, but different in function. Homonomous (ho mon'6 miis), slight or no differentiation of body segments. Homozygote (homo zi'got), a zygote or resulting organism in which the corre- sponding genes are alike. Hormone (hor'mon), the essential substance of an internal secretion which serves to help in metabolism regulation. Produced by endocrine glands and carried by the blood. Hyaline (hi'alin), semitransparent or glassy. Hybrid (hi'brid), a cross, or offspring of parents differing in genetical con- stitution. Hydrolysis (hi drol'i sis), chemical rearrangement of a substance by combining with water. Hydrostatic (hi dro stat'ik), a type of organ which regulates the specific gravity of an aquatic animal. Hypertonic (hi per ton'Tk), possessing greater osmotic pressure than some related substance. GLOSSARY 517 Hypostome (hi'po stom), a conical projection around and below the mouth in coelenterates. Hypothesis (hi poth'e sis), an idea as it first develops as the result of prelimi- nary observation and experiment. Ileum (il'eum), the posterior and longest part of the small intestine. Ilium (il'ium), dorsal bone of pelvic girdle of terrestrial vertebrates. Immunity (i mu'ni ti), freedom of susceptibility to disease. Ingestion (in jes'chiin), the taking in of food material by an organism. Insectivorous (in sek tiv'6 rus), insect-eating animals. Inspire (in spir'), the drawing in of water or air in the respiration. Instar (in'star), the period between molts in insect development. Insulin (in'sti lin), a hormone produced by the pancreas and essential to the proper metabolism of carbohydrates. Integration (in te gra'shun), development and correlation to give unity in an organism. Integument (in teg'u ment), the outer covering of the body. Intracellular (in tra sel'u ler), within the cell. Intracellular differentiation (in tra sel'u ler dif er en shi a'shun), the presence of a variety of cells within one l^ody. Invagination (in-vaj i na' shun), the unfolding process by which the primary endoderm is withdrawn into the blastular cavity and becomes enclosed by the primary ectoderm. Irritability (ir i ta bil'i ti), the capacity of protoplasm for responding to changes in environmental conditions or to external stimuli. Isolecithal (i so les'i thai). (See Homolecithal.) Isotonic (isoton'ik), possessing the same osmotic pressure in related substances. Jejunum (je jobnum), the middle division of the small intestine, between the duodenum and the ileum. Karyokinesis (kar i 6 ki ne'sis), mitotic cell division. Karyolymph (kar'i o limf), the more fluid material of the nucleus. Karyoplasm (kar'i 6 plaz'm), the protoplasm which constitutes the nucleus. Karyosome (kar'iosdm), a -''net knot" or a part of the chromatin which forms a distinct body in the nucleus. Katabolism (ka tab'6 liz'm). (See Catabolism.) Keratin (ker'atin), a nitrogenous substance forming the chemical foundation of hair, horn, feathers, nails, claws, etc. Kinetic energy (ki net'ik), energy inherent in motion of a body. Labium (la'bium), posterior boundary or lower lip of an insect's mouth. Labrum (la'brum), the exoskeletal anterior boundary or upper lip of the insect's mouth. Lacrimal (lak'rimal), pertaining to tears. Lacteal (lak'teal), pertains to milk; refers to lymphatics of the intestinal region because of their light colo"!* following absorption of fat. Lacuna (lakii'na), a cavity or space, particularly that of bone, which contains the bone cells. Lamella (la mel'a), a thin layer or plate. Larva (lar'va), the young stage of an animal, which changes form during life. Larynx (lar'inks), the expanded upper end of the windpipe or trachea; voice box. Lethal (le'thal), capable of producing death. Leucocyte (lu'kosit), a white blood corpuscle. Ligament (lig'ament), a band of white fibrous connective tissue connecting structures other than muscles; particularly joining bones at the joints. Limpet (lim'pet), a small type of gastropod (Mollusca) with a simple uncoiled shell, 518 GLOSSARY Linin (li'nin), the delicate threadlike structure which supports the chromatin granules in the nucleus. Linkage (lingk'ij), the constant association of particular genes in certain chromosomes. Lipase (li'pas), a fat-splitting enzyme. Lipin (li'pin), fatty substance. Lipoid (lip'oid), fatlike substance. Lophophore (lo'fofor), a disc which surrounds the mouth and bears the tenta- cles of the Bryozoa. Lumbar (lum'ber), pertaining to the region usually known as the small of the back. Lumen (lu'men), internal cavity of a tubular duct, gland, vessel, etc. Luminescence (lu mi nes'ens), the emission of light from the body. Lymph (limf), the blood plasma and white corpuscles in the lymph spaces about the tissues. Lymphatic (limfat'ik), a vessel which carries lymph. In general, pertaining to lymph. Macronucleus (mak ro nu'kle us), the large nucleus of certain protozoans sup- posed to control vegetative functions. Madreporite (mad're p6 rit), the strainerlike external aperture of the water- vascular system of echinoderms. Malpighian (malpig'ian) body, a structure in the cortex of the kidney, com- posed of a glomerulus and Bowman's capsule which serves to take urine from the blood. Mantle (man't'l), a fold of the body wall which partially envelops the body; present in most mollusks and here secretes a shell. Marsupial (mar su'pi al), having a pouch for carrying the young. Marsupium (mar su'pi um), an external pouch used in carrying the young, as in the kangaroo or opossum. Matrix (ma'triks), the mother substance, such as that which encloses anything; the intercellular material of cartilage or other sustentative tissue. Maturation (mat u ra'shun), the series of changes occurring in the development of germ cells before fertilization, including a reduction in the number of chromosomes in the cells. Maxilla (maksil'a), the major bone of the upper jaw of vertebrates or the accessory mouth part just back of the mandibles in many invertebrates. Medulla (medul'a), posterior portion of the vertebrate brain; also the median area of many organs. Medullary (med'ii ler i), pertaining to the medulla. MeduUated (med'ii lat ed), term used in reference to a nerve fiber which pos- sesses a fatty or myelin sheath. Medusa (medii'sa), a free-swimming individual coelenterate, such as a jelly- fish. Meiosis (mi 6'sis), the reduction division in maturation of germ cells. Meridional (me rid'i o nal), a condition in which planes extend from pole to pole of a spherical body. Meroblastic (mer 6 blas'tik), having the type of egg structure in which cleavage is only partial, owing to the accumulation of yolk in the egg. Mesencephalon (mes en sef'a Ion), the third region of the vertebrate brain, com- monly called midbrain. Mesenchyme (mes'eng kim) (Parenchyma), undifferentiated mesoderm composed of large cells. Mesoderm (mes'odurm), the middle germ layer and its later derivatives. Mesoglea (mesogle'a), a jellylike substance found in Coelenterata between the ectoderm and endoderm. Mesonephros Cmes 6 nef'ros), the vertebrate kidney of forms from lamprey to amphibians inclusive. Mesorchium (me sor'ki um), the mesentery or membrane supporting a testis. GLOSSARY 519 Mesothelium (mes 6 tlie'li um), the mesodermic, membranous lining of the peri-" toneal cavity. Mesovarium (mes 6 va'rium), the mesentery in which the ovary is suspended. Metabolism (me tab'6 liz'm), the building up of living protoplasm and its con- current oxidation. Metagenesis (met a.ien'e sis), an alternation of sexual and asexual generation in the life cycle of an organism, Metameres (met'a mers), one oi a series of similar parts that follow one another in a vertebrate or articulate animal. Metamerism (me tam'er iz'm), serial symmetry or succession of segments. Metamorphosis (met a mor'fo sis), the transformation of one developmental stage into another without intermediate steps. Metaphase (met'a faz), the phase of mitosis involving the longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes on the equatorial plate. Metazoa (met'a z5 a), animals whose bodies consist of few or many cells func- tioning as a unit. Micronucleus (mi kro nu kle us), the small nucleus of certain protozoans sup- posed to control reproduction. Micropyle (mi'kropil), the small opening in the egg where sperm enter in cer- tain forms of animals. Milt (milt), the light-colored spermatic fluid of male fisli. Miracldium (mi ra sid'i fim), the early larval stages in the flukes. Mitochondria (mit 6 kon'dri a), small structures in the cytoplasm of animal cells; their significance is not entirel}^ understood. Mitosis (mito'sis), indirect cell division, involving the formation and splitting of chromosomes and their equal distribution to daughter cells. Molt (molt), a complete or gradual shedding of the outer covering. Monodelphia (mon 6 del'fi a), having a placenta. Monoecious (mone'shiis). (See Hermaphroditic.) Monohybrid (mon 6 hi'brid), an offspring of parents which differ by only one character. Morphology (mor fol'o ji), the science that treats of the form and structure of the bodies of animals. Morula (mor'ula), a type of blastula characterized by the absence of a seg- mentation cavity. Mucosa (miiko'sa), a cellular membrane lining such cavities as those of the digestive tract. Mucus (mii'kus), a viscous secretion which contains mucin (mu'sin). Mucous is the adjective form. Mutation (muta'shun), a heritable change in an organism due to changes in one or more genes of germ cells. Mutualism (mu'tii al iz'm), animals of different species associating together for the mutual advantage of each. Myelencephalon (mi e len sef'alon), the fifth or most posterior division of the vertebrate brain; the medulla oblongata of the adult. Myelin (mi'elin), fatty substance surrounding the axone in medullated nerve. Myoneme (mi'onem), contractile fiber or strand in the cytoplasm of certain protozoans. Myotomes (mi'otoms), segmental divisions of the muscles. Nares (ua'rez), the openings into the nasal cliambers in vertebrate animals. Nauplius (no'plins), a larval stage of certain Crustacea. Nekton (nek'ton), the pelagic aquatic animals which are independent of the effect of wind and waves. Nematocysts (nem'a to sists), stinging bodies found in the tentacles of certain coelenterates. Nematode (nem'a tod), a roundworm belonging to class Nematoda of phylum Nemathelminthes. Neoteny (neot'eni), the indefinite persistence of the immature condition of an animal. 520 GLOSSARY Nephridium (ne frid'i um), a form of excretory organ, as found in the earth- worm. Nephrostome (nef'ro stom), the funnel-shaped aperture at the medial end of a nephridium. Neural (nu'ral), pertaining to the nervous system or to a nerve. Neurilemma (nu rilem'a), the membranous outer coat of a nerve fiber. Neurold transmission (nu'roid), primitive transmission of impulses from cell to cell. Neuron (nu'ron), a nerve cell together with its processes. Notocliord (no'tokord), a flexible rod extending anterior to posterior in the longitudinal axis of the body dorsal to the digestive tube and ventral to the nerve cord in chordates. Nocturnal (nok tur'nal), reference to night. Contrasted to diurnal which per- tains to daytime. Nodes of Ranvier (ranvya'), constrictions in meduUated nerve where the myelin sheath is interrupted. Nomenclature (no'men kla ttir), a system of naming objects or ideas. Nondisjunction (non dis jungk'shun), the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate after synapsis and both go to one daughter cell with none to the other. Nucleolus (nu kle'6 Ids) (Plasmosome), a body within the nucleus containing material that is not chromatin. Nucleus (nti'kleus), a typically spherical body within the cell that contains the chromatin. Nymph (nimf), the larval stage of an insect which undergoes incomplete meta- morphosis; also the larval stage of a few vertebrates. Ocellus (6 sel'us), a simple type of eye, as in some insects. Ommatidium (6m a tid'i um), one of the numerous rodlike units of the com- pound eye. Ontogeny (ontoj'eni), the entire development and life history of an individual organism. Oocyte (o'o sit), the female germ cell before maturation is completed. Oogenesis (o 6 jen'e sis), the maturation of the female germ cell. Oogonium (6 6 go'nium), the female germ cell during the multiplication and growth stages of maturation. Operculum (6 pur'kuliim), a fold of skin, bone, and scales, which covers the gills of fishes and certain Amphibia; also the bony structure closing the aperture of certain snail shells. Organ (or'gan), an arrangement of two or more tissues as a part of the body which performs some specific function or functions. Organism (or'gan iz'm), any independent living being. Orthogenesis (or tho jen'e sis), the theory which holds that animals tend to develop along lines leading constantly in the same direction because they are determined by internal factors. Osmosis (osmo'sis), diffusion of substances dissolved in fluid, through a semi- permeable membrane. Ossicle (os'ik'l), a small bony structure. Ostium (os'tium), a mouthlike opening or entrance. Otocyst (o'tosist), the primitive organ of hearing. Ova (6'va), mature female germ cells. Sing., ovum (o'vum). Ovary (6'vari), the female gonad. Oviduct (6'vidukt), the duct for the passage of ova from the ovary to the exterior of the animal. Oviparous (6 vip'a riis), pertaining to those animals which lay eggs that hatch after exclusion from the body. Ovipositor (o vi poz'i ter), an organ of female insects and others which serves in helping to deposit the egg. GLOSSARY 521 Ovoviviparous (6 v6 vi vip'a ids), a condition of retention of the. egg in the mother's body where It is nourished by the yolk of the egg. Ovulation (o vu la'shun), the process of discharging mature eggs from the ovary. Oxidation (ok si da'shiin), a chemical combination of oxygen with another element. Paleozoology (pale 6 z6 ol'o ji), the science that treats of the animals of the past as represented by fossil remains. Parasite (par'asit), an organism that lives on or within and at the expense of another organism. Parenchyma (pa reng'ki ma). (See Mesenchyme.) Parietal (pa ri'e tal), pertaining to the walls of the coelom. Parthenogenesis (par the no jen'e sis), the development of an egg without fertilization. Pathology (pathol'oji), the study of abnormal structures and abnormal func- tioning of life processes. Pedal (ped'al), pertaining to the feet. Pedicellaria (ped i se la'ri a), pincherlike structures found over the surfaces of sea urchins and starfishes. Peduncle (pedung'kl), the stemlike attachment of certain shells and barnacles to other objects. Pelagic (pelaj'ik), floating near the surface of water. Pericardial (peri kar'di al), situated around the heart. Periosteum (per i os'te um), the membranous covering of bone. Peripheral nervous system (pe rif'er al), that part of the nervous system ex- clusive of the brain and spinal cord. Peristaltic (per i stfil'tik), forcing the food along the intestine by rhythmical contractions of the intestinal wall. Peritoneum (per i to ne'um), the membrane that lines the coelom of vertebrates. Phagocyte (fag'osit), a white corpuscle which engulfs and destroys bacteria and other foreign material. Pharynx (far'ingks), the region between the mouth and the esophagus. Pharyngeal (fa rin'je al), pertaining to the pharynx. Phenotype (fe'no tip), a type of organism possessing a complex of characters in its external features. Phenotypic (fe no tip'ik), pertaining to phenotype.' Photosynthesis (fo to sin'the sis), the process by which green plants manufac- ture starch from raw materials. Phototropism (fo tot'ro piz'm), response of an organism to light. Phylogeny (filoj'eni), the study of the origin and relationships of the different groups and races of organisms. Physiology (fiz i ol'o ji), the study of the function of the parts of an organism as well as its living processes as a whole. Pia mater (pi'ama'ter), the membrane which is the immediate covering of the brain and spinal cord. Pilidium (pilid'ium), helmet-shaped larva of certain forms. Pineal (pin'e al) body, a dorsal projection from the diencephalon and thought to be the vestige of a third or me'dian eye in vertebrates. Pituitary (pi tu'i ter i) body, a glandular structure attached to the neutral side of the diencephalon of the vertebrate brain. It is an endocrine organ. Placenta (plasen'ta), the vascular membrane which connects the embryo with the parent. Placula (plak'ula), a type of blastula in which the animal and vegetative halves are somewhat compressed toward each other. Plankton (plangk'ton), the small pelagic organisms which are at the mercy of the waves. Plasma (plaz'ma), the fluid portion of the blood. Plasmagel (plaz'ma jel), the viscous 'or semisolid portion of protoplasm. Plasmasol (plaz'ma sol), the more fluid phase of protoplasm. 522 GLOSSARY Plasmosome (plaz'mo som). (See Nucleolus.) Pleural (pidbr'al), pertaining to the cavity which contains the lungs. Plexus (plek'sus), a network. Polar (po'ler) body, a small nonfunctional cell or oocyte produced during the maturation divisions of the female germ cell. Polarity (polar'iti), referring to a condition in which points or poles of con- centration or dominance are established in a body. Polocyte (po'16 sit), a technical name for a polar body. Polyandry (pol'i andri), the practice of one female mating with several males. Polygamy (p6 lig'ami), having more than one mate at the same time. Polygyny (polij'ini), the practice of one male mating with several females. Polymorphism (pol i mor'fiz'm), the occurrence of two or more forms of indi- viduals within a species. Polyp (pol'ip), the attached phase of the life history of a coelenterate animal. Precocial (pre ko'shal), type of bird which leaves the nest and has downy cover- ing at time of hatching. Predaceous (pre da'shus) animal, one which preys on others. Predatism (pred'a tiz'm), the practice of one animal preying on another. Primordial (pri mor'di al), the first or primitive form. Proboscis (probos'is), an extension of the head or mouth parts. May be nose, as in elephant; mouth parts, as of moth; or pharynx, as of planaria. Proctodeum (prol: to de'um), the pocket in the ectoderm ventral to the posterior part of the enteron of the embryo; primordium of the anus. Proglottid (pro glot'id), one of the sections or individuals of the chain making up the body of a cestode, such as the tapeworm. Pronephros (pro nef'ros), the first kidney structure to form in the developing vertebrate. Pronucleus (pro nu'kle us), one of the two nuclei within a fertilized egg before cleavage occurs. Propagation (prop a ga'shiin), the production of new individuals. Prophase (pro'faz), the preparatory stages of mitosis during which the forma- tion occurs of spindle, spireme, and chromosomes. Proprioceptor (pro prio sep'ter), the receptor or end organ of the nervous sys- tem located within a certain tissue receiving stimulations in reference to bodily position or orientation. Prostate (pros'tat) gland, one of the male reproductive organs producing part of the semen. Prostomium (pro sto'mi iim), portion of the anterior segment of annelids which overhangs the mouth. Protein (pro'tein), one of the organic compounds found in protoplasm. It con- tains the elements carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Protoplasm (pro'to plaz'm), the living matter of which all organisms are com- posed. Protopodite (pro top'o dit), the proximal section of the crustacean appendage. It includes coxopodite and basipodite. Prototroch (pro'to trok), the band of cilia extending around the equatorial region of trochophore larva. Protrusible (pro trob'si b'l), the ability to be put out or extended from the body. Proventriculus (pro ven trik'ulus), the anterior, secretory portion of the stom- ach in certain animals, as the bird. Pseudopodia (su do po'dia), protoplasmic processes (false feet) formed by cer- tain protozoans and used for locomotion. Ptyalin (tl'alin), the starch-digesting enzyme of saliva; a diastase. Pupa (pu'pa), the encased, inactive stage between the larva and adult condition in many insects and other animals. Pyloric (pilor'ik), pertaining to the pylorus. Pylorus (pilo'rus), the junction of the posterior portion of the stomach with the small intestine. GLOSSARY 523 Radial symmetry (ra'dial sim'etri), applied to a body that can be equally divided by several radial planes. Radiant energy (ra'di ant ener ji), inherent power or energy transmitted through space, as that from the sun, radium, or x-ray. Radula (rad'ula), the sheetlike rasping structure of the mouth of gastropods; used in mastication of food. Recessive (reses'iv), in reference to a gene which is carried in the cell without expressing its character unless there is absence of its dominant mate. Recapitulation (re kapit u la'shun), repetition in development of an individual organism of its phylogenetic history. Redia (re'di a), second phase of the life history of the fluke. Reflex (re'fleks) action, automatic reaction to a stimulus from a receptor neuron and passed on to an adjustor neuron; performs an involuntary, appropriate act. Regeneration (re jen er a'shun), the replacement of mutilated parts or an entire animal from a portion of one. Renal (re'nal), pertaining to the kidney. Rennin (ren'in), an enzyme constituent of gastric juice of mammals and capable of coagulating the protein portion of milk. Reproduction (re pro diik'shun), the production by an organism of others of its kind. Respiration (res pi ra'shim), the exchange within an organism of oxygen enter- ing the protoplasm and carbon dioxide leaving it. Response (re spons'), the reaction of an organism to a stimulus. Rete (re'te), a limited meshlike arrangement or network. Reticulum (re tik'u lum), a fibrous or tubular network. Retractile (re trak'til), that which can be withdrawn. Retrogression (ret ro gresh'un), going behind or moving backward. Rhabdites (rab'dits), special structures found interspersed among the epidermal cells of flatworms. Rheotropism (re ot'ro piz'm), response of an organism to mechanical currents. Roe (ro), ovary and eggs of fish. Rudiment (roo'di ment), partially developed or embryonic structure; usually without function. Rugose (rob'gos), possessing many ridges and folds. Ruminants (rob'mi nants), animals which chew the cud. Saprophyte (sap'rofit), an organism which absorbs nonliving organic matter in solution directly through the surface of the body. Sarcolemma (sar ko lem'a), the delicate membrane immediately enclosing the striated voluntary muscle cell. Sarcoplasm (sar'ko plaz'm), the cytoplasm of muscle cells exclusive of the sar- costyles or fibrils. Sarcostyles (sar'ko stils), cytoplasm fibrils in the structure of cytoplasm of voluntary muscle cells. Schizogony (ski zog'6 ny), asexual reproduction. Sclerotic (skle rot'ik), the dense fibrous outer coat of the vertebrate eye. Scolex (sko'leks), knoblike "head'.' on anterior proglottid of cestode. Scute (skut), a plate on the ventral side of the body of the snake. Sebaceous glands (seba'shus), small subcutaneous glands, usually connected with hair follicles. Sedentary (sed'en ter i), unattached forms which remain in one place. Semen (se'men), fluid which carries the spermatozoa in the males of most animals. Seminal (sem'inal), pertains to semen. Semipermeable membrane (sem i pur'me ab'l), one which permits the passage ot solvents through it but not solutes, unless they dissolve in the membrane. Senescence (senes'ens), period of old age and its effects. Septum (sep'tum), a wall dividing two cavities. 524 GLOSSARY Serial homology (ser'i al ho mol'o ji), presence of structures of similar origin and form in different segments of the same animal. Serosa (sero'sa), membrane covering peritoneal surface of internal organs; one which secretes a watery fluid. Sertoli cells (ser t5'le sels), modified, supporting or nurse cells for forming spermatozoa in the testes. Serum (se'rum), the fluid part of the blood which remains after clotting. Sessile (ses'il), attached directly and incapable of locomotion. Seta (se'ta), hairlike spine or bristle, found in animals. Sinus (si'nus), a cavity in a bone or other part, or a dilated vessel or canal. Siphon (si'fon), a canal or passageway, as the waterways in clams or tunicates. Somatic cells (somat'ik), the cells of the body exclusive of the germ cells; body cells. Somites (so'mits), segments of the body of a segmented animal. Spermatogonium (spur ma to go'nium), a male germ cell during the period of multiplication and growth in maturation process. Spermatocyte (spur'ma to sit), the male germ cell before its maturation is completed. Spermatogenesis (spur ma to jen'e sis), the maturation of the male germ cells. Spermatozoa (spur ma to zo'a), mature male germ cells. Sphincter (sfingk'ter), a muscular band surrounding a tube or aperture which, by its contraction, closes the lumen. Spicule (spik'ul), one of numerous needlelike, solid structures found supporting the tissues in the body wall of sponges. Spiracle (spir'ak'l), openings of air tubes in insects, or modified opening of first gill slit of certain fish. Spireme (spi'rem) thread, the coiled bead-like string of , chromatin material that appears during the prophase of mitosis. Splanchnic (splangk'nik), has reference to the visceral organs. Spongin (spun'jin), the skeletal material of a sponge. Sporulation (spor u la'shun), production of spores by division of a protozoan while encysted. Statohlast (stat'6 blast), an encased, asexual winter bud of a bryozoan. Statocysts (stat'6 sists), sense structures assisting in maintaining equilibrium in certain forms. Steapsin (steap'sin), one of the pancreatic enzymes which is capable of chang- ing fats to fatty acids and glycerin. Stereohlastula (ster e o blas'tu la), a blastula in which all the cells are in close contact and no blastocoele is formed. Stigma (stig'ma), a sensitive pigment spot of Protozoa or the opening of a spiracle of insects. Stomatodeum (sto ma to de'um), the opening of the developing alimentary tract in an embryo. Stratum (stra'tum), a layer of a series. Striated (stri'ated), a type of muscle with more dense areas across the fibers. Strobila (strobi'la), a series of individuals produced by linear budding, as cer- tain Scyphozoa and tapeworms. Succession (suk sesh'un), the successive occupation of a given area by several species, either hourly, daily, or seasonally. Sustentative tissue (sus'ten ta tiv), binding together or supporting the various parts of the body. Suture (su'tur), to sew together; a line of junction. Symbiosis (sim b! 6' sis), the living together of two organisms for their mutual benefit. Synapsis (sinap'sis), the pairing of the chromosomes in the germ cells at one stage of maturation. Syncytium (sin sish'i dm), a mass or layer of protoplasm with numerous nuclei but without distinct cell boundaries. GLOSSARY 525 Syngamy (sin'ga mi), union of mature gametes to form a zygote. System (sis'tem), an aggregation of organs to perform some general function of life. Taxis (tak'sis), a tropismal response involving movement of an organism as a whole. Taxonomy (taks on'6-mi) (systematic zoology), the classification or orderly ar- rangement of organisms according to their natural surroundings. Tegumentary (tegumen'ta ri), referring to the skin. Telencephalon (tel en sef'a 15n), the anterior division of the vertebrate brain. Telolecitlial (tel 6 les'i thai), type of egg with abundant yolk unequally dis- tributed. Telophase (tel'o faz), the final stage in mitotic divisions. Tentacle (ten'tak'l), flexible, armlike extension of the body of many non- chordates. Terrestrial (ter res'tri al), a land form; living on or in the ground. Testis (tes'tis), male gonad. Thermotropism (ther mot'ro piz'm), response of an organism to temperature. Thigmotropism (thig mot'ro piz'm), response of an organism to contact. Thoracic (tho ras'ik), of or pertaining to the thorax or chest. Thorax (tho'raks), the middle region of the body. Threshold (thresh'old), the minimum strength of stimulus necessary to get a response. Thrombin (throm'bin), the substance of the blood which plays an important part in clotting. Thyroxin (thi rok'son or -sin), the hormone which is produced by the thyroid body. Tissue (tish'ii), an organization of similar cells into a layer or group for the perfoi'mance of a specific fifnction. Toxin (tok'sin), any poisonous substance. Trachea (tra'kea), the windpipe or a tube for conveying air to the lungs; air tubes in insects. Trichocyst (trik'6 sist), saclike structure in the ectosarc of Paramecium. Triploblastic (trip 16 blas'tik), composed of three germ layers. Trivium (triv'ium), the three anterior ambulacra of Echinodermata, collec- tively. Trochophore (trok'o for), a semispherical type of larva with cilia; found among flatworms, annelids, mollusks, etc. Tropism (tro'piz'm), the movements of an organism in response to a stimulus. Trypanosome (trip'a no s6m), genus of parasitic Protozoa (Mastigophora) in- cluding the causal agent of African sleeping sickness. Trypsin (trip'sin), a pancreatic enzyme which converts proteins to amino acids. Tsetse (tset'se) fly, a species of fly which serves to transmit the causal agent of African sleeping sickness. Tundra (tobn'dra), level plains region of the arctic region. Tympanum (tim'paniim), cavity of the" middle ear or more generally any organ serving to receive sound waves. Umbilical (umbil'ikal) cord, the cordlike connection between the fetus and the placenta. Umbilicus (iim bil'i kus), the navel or the point of attachment of the umbilical cord to the abdomen. Uncinate (lin'sinat), in the shape of a hook. Ungulate (img'gulat), hoofed. Unguiculate (un gwik'lat), having claws. Urea (iire'a), a nitrogenous compound which is produced as a protein by- product in metabolism. Ureter (iire'ter), the duct which conveys urine from the metanephric kidney to the cloaca or bladder. 526 GLOSSARY Urethra (ure'thra), the duct which leads from the urinary bladder to the exterior of the body. Uropods (u'ro podz), the sixth pair of abdominal appendages of a crustacean. Vacuoles (vak'uolz), small cavities in a cell filled with water, gases, or oils. Vagina (vaji'na), the cavity between the uterus and the external genital aperture of the female in many animals. Vascular system (vas'kuler), the circulatory system. Vascular tissue (vas'kuler), fluid tissue consisting of cells known as corpuscles in a fluid medium, plasma. Vein (van), the larger blood vessels leading to the heart. Ventral (ven'tral), side away from the back; literally belly; opposite to dorsal. Villus (vilTis), a fingerlike, vascular process of the internal lining of the small intestine. Vitamins (vi'tamins), substances which occur in small amounts in numerous foods and are essential regulatory substances for the animal body. Vitelline (vitel'lin), the outer membrane of an egg. Vitreous (vit'reus), glassy in appearance. Viviparous (vi vip'a rus), the retention and development of the egg in the mother's body and nourishment of the embryo from the blood of the mother. Volant (vo'lant), able to fly. Zoogeography (z6 6 je og'ra fi), the study of the geographical distribution of animals. Zoology (zo ol'o ji) (animal biology), the study of the science which treats of animals. Zygote (zl'got), a fertilized egg, or embryo, after fertilization. Zymogen (zi'mojen), a pre-enzyme; a substance which is produced in a gland cell and becomes an enzyme when it is discharged and activated by some other substance, perhaps another enzyme. INDEX • A Abducens, 92 Abducent nerve, 137 Abnormalities, 226 of brain, 234 Absorption of food materials 69, 173 Abyssal zone, 474 Acanthocephala, 337, 430 Acetabulum, 87, 115 Acnidosporidia, 275 Acoela, 323 Acromegaly, 202 Actinaria, 309 Actinophrys, 271 Adaptation, 465 Adrenal glands, 199 Adrenalin, 199 Adrenin, 199 Aedes, 281 Afterbirth, 224 Agamodistomum, 450 Agassiz, 35 Agriculture and zoology, 29 Alcvonacea, 311 Alcyonaria, 311 Alisplienoid, 110 Allelomorphs, 237 multiple, 242 Alpine zone, 475 Alternation of generation, 63 Alveoli, 80, 132 Amblema, 374 Ambulacral groove, 363, 366 Amino acids, 46, 171, 172 Amitosis, 50 Amnio-cardiac vesicle, 220 Amoeba, 285 Amoebic dysentery, 279 Amoebina, 270 Amoebocytes, 367 Amoeboid movement, 292 Amphiaster, 50 Amphibia, 148 classification of, 103 economic importance of, 102 families of, 104 Amphineura, 373 Amphioxus, 147, 152 circulatory system of, 156 habitat of, 152 in evolution, 484, 485 reproductive system, 157 respiratory system, 157 structure of, 152 Amphiplexus, 193 Amphipods, 411 Amylase, 69 Amylopsin, 69, 125 action of, 171 Anabolisni, 166 Analogous structures, 399 Anaphase, 51 Anastomosis, 57 Anatomy, gross, 19 Ancestry of vertebrates, 484 Ancylostoma, 427, 438-445 Andalusian chicken, 244 Androgen, 207 Androgenic hormone, 204 Androsterone, 204 Anemia, 341 Annelid theory, 485 Annelida, 23, 342 Annelids, importance of, 356 Annulus, 355, 397 Anodonta, 374 Anomalies, 226 cardiac, 234 Anopheles, 276, 281 Antebrachium, 109 Antedon, 361 Antelope, 464 Antennata, 395 Antennules, 398, 399, 401, 404 Anthelmintics, 443 Anthozoa, 309 Anthropoidea, 494 Antibodies, 180 Antigen, 180 Antipathes, 311 Antipathidea, 311 Antihemorrhagic vitamin, 176 Antineuritic vitamin, 174 Antipellagric vitamin, 175 Antirachitic vitamin, 175 Antiscorbutic vitamin, 175 Antisterility vitamin, 176 Antixerophthalmic vitamin, 174 Anus, 109 Aortic arches, 221 development of, 501, 504 Appendages, 109 of crayfish, 397 Appendicular skeleton of frog, 86 Aqueduct, cerebral, 136 of Sylvius, 136 Arachnid theory of vertebrate ancestry, 485 527 528 INDEX Arachnida, 395 parasitic, 439 Arachnoidea, 395 Arbacia, 361 Arboroid colony, 277 Arcella, 270 Archaeopteryx, 487, 498 Archenteron, 100, 215 Archiannelida, 355 Argulus, 394, 412 Aristotle, 31 Aristotle's lantern, 360 Armadillidum, 411 Artemia, 412 Arteries, afferent branchial, 156 of rat, 127 Arthrobranchiae, 400 Arthropod parasites, 431 Arthropoda, 23, 393, 415 parasitic, 439 phylogenetic advances of, 414 Arthropodial membrane, 397 Ascaridia, 335 Ascaris, 23, 335, 337, 420, 438 Ascaroidea, 335 Ascorbic acid, 175 Asellus, 411 Aspidocotylea, 324 Assimilation, 27 in Amoeba, 288 Asterias, 359, 364 cleavage, 213 Asteroidea, 358 Astrangia, 310 Astropecten, 359 Atmosphere, 459 Atriopore, 154 Atrium, 219, 220 Attributes of life, 24 Auditory capsule of frog, 94 meatus, 109 nerve, 137 vesicle, 220 Aurellia, 308 Auricles, 126 Auriculo- ventricular aperture, 77 Australian region, 473 Autonomic nerves, 93 Autotomy, 359, 371 in crayfish, 409 Aves, 148 Avoiding reaction, 285 Axial gradient, 225, 326, 333 skeleton of frog, 83 Axone, 57 Axons, 137 Babesia, 437 bigemina, 281 4fi Back cross, 241 Balance in nature, 24, 25 Balanoglossus, 148 in evolution, 484, 485 Balantidium, 437, 438 coli, 272, 273, 437 Bali island, 473 Band worms, 324 Barnacle, 394, 412 Barriers, 22, 478, 498 Basipodite, 397 Basisphenoid, 110 Basket star, 359 Bass, 148 Bathymetric distribution, 456, 472, 474 Beagle, the ship, 507 Beche-de-mer, 371 Beetle, Japanese, 26 Behavior, Amoeba, 291 Belfrage, 38 Beri-beri, 175 Bile, 173 duct, 125 Binary fission in Amoeba. 290, 291 Binomial nomenclature, 35 system, 259 Biogenetic law, 224, 413 Biological sciences, IS Biome, 462 Biotic formations, 462 regions, map, 463 Biotin, 175 Bipinnaria, 368 Birth rate, 253 Bivalve, 374 Bivium, 363 Bladder worm, 324, 454, 456 Blastocoele, 99 Blastomeres, 98 Blastopore, 99 Blastula, 213 of frog, 99 of hydra, 321 Bleeders, 180 Blending inheritance, 244 Blind spot, 186 Blood, coagulation of, 180 cells, characteristics, 179 matching and evolution, 505 Body form, 216 Boll, Jacob, 38 Bonellia, 196, 356 Bot fly, 440 Bothriocephaloidea, 324 Bowman's capsule, 140 Brachial plexus, 93 Brachiolarian larva, 368 Brachiopoda, 24 Brachium, 109 Brachypephus, 416 INDEX 529 Brain, development, 218 functions of, 183 Branchial chamber, 400 Branchiata, 394 Branchiostegites, 397 Branchiostoma, 147, 152 Branchipus, 394 Breeding and evolution, 50(j Bronchi, 132 Bronchioles, 132 Brooks, Frank G., 235 Brown, Robert, 40 Brownian movement, 43 Bryozoa, 24 Buccal cavity of frog, 67 Buffon, 36 Bulimulus, 382 Bullfrog, arteries, 72 circulatory system, 70 digestive system, 67 excretory system, 81 external structure, 65 habitat of, 64 heart, 76 respiratory organs, skeletal system, 83 80 veins 73 Bursaria, 273 Busycon 390, 391 C Caeca, hepatic, 365 pyloric, 365 Caecilianella, 380 Caecilians, 64 Calcaneum, 115 Calciferous glands, 348 Calcium metabolism, 198 Callinectes sapidus, 410 Calorie, 173 Cambarus, 395 Campanella, 307 Campanularia, 304 Campeloma, 390, 391 Canadian zone, 475 Canal, ring, 366 Capillaries, 70 Carapace, 396 Carbohydrates, 45 Carbon cycle, 27 tetrachloride, 443 Carchesium, 273, 277 Cardiac anomalies, 234 Cardo, 418 Caribou, 462 Carotene, 174 Carotid arch, 71 common, of rat, 127 Carpals of rat, 114 British Navy, of rat, 128 50 316 39 Carpus, 109 Carriers, 247 Cartilage bones, 110 Casein, 122 Catabolism, 166 in Amoeba, 289 Catalyst, 46 Cats, bumblebees, and 458 Cattle, short-horn, 245 Caudata, order, 104 Caudina, 361 Cecum, 124 Celiac artery Cell division, interstitial, principle. Cell theory, 35 typical animal, 47 Cells, chloragogen, 349 daughter, 51 epitheliomuscular, 315 flame, 23, 188, 323, 328 germ, 54, 209 nutritive-muscular, 317 size of, 47 somatic, 54 Cellular differentiation, 54 organization, 55 Centipedes, 23 Central nervous system of rat, 133 Centrosome, 48 Cephalic ganglion, 329 Cephalization, 158 Cephalochorda, 147, 152 Cephalodiscida, 147 Cephalopoda, 373 Ceratium, 277 Cercaria, 448, 450 Cerci, 421 Cerebellum, 91, 134, 218 Cerebral hemispheres, 218 peduncles, 134 vesicle, 154 Cerebratulus, 324 Cerebrum, 134 Cerianthidia, 311 Cerianthus, 309 Cervical enlargement, 136 groove, 396 plexus, 139 region, 109 Cestoda, 324, 452 Cestodes, 323 Chaetognatha, 24 Chaetopoda, 342 Chagas disease, 280 Chalones, 196 Chambers, Robert, 49 530 INDEX Chaos chaos, 286 drffluens, 286 Charybdea, 308 Cheatum, Dr. Elmer P., 372 Checkerboard, 241 Cheiloschisis, (Harelip), 228 Chela, 399 Chemotropism, 278 Chenopodium, 341 Chevron bones, 110, 113 Chick embryo, 216 Child, Dr. C. M. 225, 332 Chilodon, 272 Chilomastix, 270 Chilomonas, 269 Chimaeras, 148 Chinese liver fluke, 449 Chiropsalmus, 308 Chisos mountains, 476 Chitin, 56, 393, 417 Chitons, 373 Chloragogen cells, 349 Chlorocruorin, 343 Chlorohydra, 311 Cholesterin, 173 Chondriosome, 48 Chordata, 24 characteristics of, 146 classification of, 147 phylogenetic advances of, 148 Chordates in general, 146 Chorioid plexus, 92, 136 fissure, 219 Chromatin, 49 Chromatophore, 283 Chromonemata, 49 Chromosomes, 239 Chyme, 69, 122 Ciliata, 272 Circulation, function of, 178 of mammal, 162 Circulatory system, development, 220 of rat, 126 Circumoral canal, 365 Circumpharyngeal connectives, 352 Cirri, 344 Cirripathes, 311 Cirripedia, 412 Cirrus, 329 Cisterna magna, 81 Clams, 23, 373 Classification of animals, 259 Clavicle, 114 Cleavage, 213 in crayfish, 409 in frog, 98 Cleft palate, 228 Climax community, 466 Clitellum, 345 Clitoris, 142, 223 Cloaca of frog, 67 Clonorchis, 324 sinensis, 437, 449 Clypeaster, 361 Clypeus, 418 Cnidoblasts, 315 Cnidosporidia, 275 Coccidia, 274 Cochlea, 164, 187 Cocoon, 356 of Planaria, 332 Codonosiga, 269, 277 Coelenterata, 23, 303 phylogenetic advances of, 322 Coelom, false, 339 Coitus, 193, 223 Coleps, 272 Colloidal emulsion, 42 Coloboma, 234 Colon, 124 Colonial protozoa, 277 Colony formation, 482 Color blindness, 246 of children, 247 Comb jellies, 23 Commensalism, 428 Conception, 224 Conductivity, 43, 132 Condylarthra, 492 Condyles, 115 Coniferous formation 462, 463 Conjugation, 296 Conjunctiva, 184 Continent, ideal, 461 Contractility, 43 Contractions, peristaltic, 318 Conus arteriosus, 76 Convolutions, 134 Coordinated movement, 183 Copepoda, 412 Copulation, 223 Coracoid, 87 Coral, 310 Corallium rubium, 311 Cornea, 94 Corneagen cells, 405, 406 Corpora quadrigemina, 134 Corpus callosum, 134 Corpuscle, Miescher's, 275 Corpuscles, 130, 161, 179, 351 Cortex, 140 Corti, organ of, 164, 187 Cortin, 200 Cotylapsis, 324 Cotvlophoron, 450 Coxa, 417, 420 Coxopodite, 397, 399 Crab, 394 edible, 410 fisheries, 410 INDEX 531 Cranial nerves of frog, 92 Cranium, 83 Craspedacusta, 304 Crayfish, 23, 394, 395 development, 407 habitat and behavior, 396 internal structure, 400 Creosote bush-kangaroo rat biome, 464 Cretinism, 197 Crinoidea, 361 Crocodiles, 148 Cro-Magnon man, 479, 495, 497 Crop, 348 Cross-fertilization, 331 Crosses, 239 Crossing over, 248 Crura cerebri, 91 Crystalline cone, 405, 406 iens, 219 style, 376 Ctenophora, 23 Cubomedusae, 308 Cucumaria, 361 Cuvier, 35 Cycle, nitrogen, 28 Cyclophyllidea, 324 Cyclopia, 234 Cyclops, 394, 412 Cyclosis, 178, 295 Cyclostomata, 147 Cynthia, 147 Cypris, 394 Cysticercus, 324, 454, 456 Cytology, 19 Cytopharynx, 282 Cytoplasm, 48 Cytosome, 287 D Daphnia, 394, 412 Darwin, Charles, 36, 480 and evolution, 506 Darwin, Erasmus, 36 Davis Mountains, 476 Decapoda, 410 Deciduous formation, 464 Deer, Virginia 464 Deltoid ridge, 114 Dendrites, 137 Dendy, Arthur, 492 Dental formula, 112 Dentalium, 373 Depressor, 11 Dermal branchiae, 363, 367 Dermatitis, 175 Desert formation, 462, 464 Development, intrauterine, 223 of aortic arches, 501, 504 of crayfish, 407 Development — Cont 'd of different vertebrates, 502 of individual, 209 deVries, Hugo, 508 Dextrocardia, 234 Diabetes, 208 insipidus, 203, 206 Diaphragmatic hernia, 228 Diaptomus, 412 Diastase, 125, 169 Diastema, 112 Diastole, 180 ~ Dicrocoelium, 450 Didinium, 272 Diencephalon, 90, 218 Differential birth rate, 258 Difflugia, 270 Digenea, 324 Digestion, as function, 168 in clam, 376 in frog, 69 gastric, 170 intestinal, 170 Digestive enzymes, 169 system, development, 217 of rat, 121 of vertebrate, 159 Digits, 109 extra, 229 Dihybrid cross, 240 Dilator, 116 Dillinger, 293 Dioctophyme, 337 Dioctophymoidea, Dioecious organisms, 62 Diphyllobothrium, 317, 324, 434 latum, 434, 437, 456 Diploblastic 303 Diploid, 210 Dipylidium caninum, 455, 456 Discomedusae, 308 Dispersal of animals, 478 Distribution, animal, 472 bathy metric, 472, 474 effects of man upon, 479 geographic, 472 of biotic communities, 461 vertical, 472, 474 Diverticula, 328, 356 Diverticulum, 149 Dolichoglossus, 148 Dominance, lack of, 244 principle of, 237 Dominant factor, 237 Dorsal aorta of rat, 128 Dourine, 281 Dracunculus, 438 Drosoyhila, 30, 242 Duct, Wharton's, 125 Wolffian, 222 532 INDEX Ductus eholedoclius, 125 Dujardin, 39 Duodenum, 124, 160 of frog, 67 Dura mater, 92, 133 Dwarf, 201, 206 Dysentery, amoebic, 279 Dysgenic, 252, 255 E Ear, development, 220 Eardrum, 187 Earthworm, 23, 342 development, 353, 354 Ecdysis, 393, 409 Echinarachinus, 361 Echinaster, 359 Echinococcus granulosus, 437, 450 Echinoderm theory, 485 Echinodermata, 23, 358 Echinoderms, larval relations, 485 Echinoidea, 359 Echiuroidea, 356 Ecology, 21, 457 Economic importance of Amphibia, 102 relations of starfish, 371 Ectoderm, 215, 314 Ectoparasites, 430 Ectosarc, 282 Edwardsiidea, 311 Eel worm, 335 Elasmobranchii, 148 Electrotropism, 278 Elephantiasis, 439 Embryo, chick, 216 Embrvological evidence of evolution, 501 Embryology, 21, 209 of frog, 96 Emulsoid, 42 Encephalocoele, 234 Endamoeba, 440 coli, 279, 418 gingivalis, 279, 436 histolytica, 270, 279, 436 nana, 279 endocrine glands, 195 Endoderm, 215, 296, 310 Endolimax nana, 279 Endolymph, 95 Endomixis, 298 Endoparasites, 430 Endopodite, 397 Endosarc, 282, 287 Endoskeleton, 110, 167 Endostvle, 156 Enterobius, 335 Enterobinase, 171 Enteron, 326 Enteropneusta, 147 Entomostraca, 412 Environment, animal and, 457 Enzymes, 45, 122, 167 Eoanthropus skull, 494, 496 Eocene epoch, 498 Eohippus, 492 Epicranium, 400 Epididymis, 142, 144 Epiglottis, ]22, 131 Epinephrine, 199 Epistylis, 272, 277 Epitheliomuscular cells, 315 E'poophoron, 142 Equatorial plate, 51 Equilibrium, 188 Equus caballus, 492 Erepsin, 125, 171, ♦172 Erythrocytes, 57, 70, 130 Eskimos, 495 Esophagus, 122 Estrogen, 205, 207 Ethiopian region, 473 Ethmoids, 112 Eubranchipus, 410, 412 Eudorina, 277 Eugenic measures, 256 security, 254 Euglena, 275-282 Euglenoid movement, 285 Euplotes, 273 Eupomotus, 464 Eustachian tube, 94, 131, 183, 220 Evolution and blood matching, 505 and breeding, 505 and serum, studies, 505 and vestigial structures, 500 annelid theory, 485 arachnid theory, 485 echinoderm theory, 485 embryological evidence, 501 geological evidences of, 489 morphological evidence, 499 of the horse, 492 physiological evidence of, 505 theory of, 480 basis for, 489 Excretion, function of, 188 Excretory system, of bullfrog, 81 of rat, 140 of vertebrate, 162 Exopodite, 397 Exoskeleton, 167 Expiration, 132 Exumbrella, 304 Eye, muscles of, 185 structure and function, 185 Eyes, 218 of crayfish, 405 of frog, 93 INDEX 533 Facets, 418 Family size, 253 in dysgenic groups, 255 Fascia, 88, 121 Fasciola, 392 hepatica, 437, 450, 451 Fascioloides, 450 Fasciolopsis buskii, 450 Fat bodies, 9(1 Fats, 45 Fatty acids, 125 Fauces, 122 Femur, 88, 115, 420 Fenestra oralis, 187 Fertilization, 211 membrane, 98 Fetus, 224 Fibrin, 79, 180 Fibrinogen, 131, 162, 180 Fibula, 115 Fiddler crab, 411 Filaria, 336 Filaroidea, 336 Filum terminale, 136 Fimbria, 143 Fisheries and zoology, 30 Flagellar movement, 285 Flagellum, 282 Flame cells, 23, 188, 323, 328 Flatworms, 23 Flemming, 50 Flukes, 323, 447 Food in assimilation in Euglena, 283 chain, 25, 459 relations in prairie community, 458 Foramen magnum, 83 of Monro, 136 ovale, 234 Foiaminifera, 270, 279 Forebrain, 218 Fox, Arctic, 462 Frenulum, 121 Frog {see also Bullfrog) later development, 101 Frons, 418 Frontonia, 273 Fruit fly, Mediterranean, 30 Fulcrum, 117 Fundus, 122 G Galea, 420 Galen, 32 Gametes, 61, 209 Gametocytes, 276, 442 Gametogenesis, 209 Gammarus, 394, 411 OAO 314 Ganglia, 163 sacral, 140 Ganglion, cephalic, 329 cervical, 139 Gasserian ganglion, 137 Gastric digestion, 170 glands, 125 mill, 402 Gastrophilus, 440 Gastropoda, 373, 380 Gastrovascular cavity, Gastrula, 157 development of, 482 of hydra, 321 Gastruiation, 99, 213, 214, 215 in earthworm, 353 Gebia, 381 Geiser, Dr. S. W., 38 Gel state, 42 Genae, 418 Gene, 238 Generic name, 259 Genes, 49 complementary, 244 pleural, 242 supplementary, 244 Genetics, 21 and eugenics, 235 Genotype, 241 Geobios, 474 Geographic distribution, 472 Geologic evidence of evolution, 489 time scale, 490 Geotropism, 278 Gephyrea, 356 Germ" cells,- 54, 209 layer, theory, 35 layers, 215 Gestation, 224 Giardia, 270 lamblia, 437 Gill pouches, 217 Gizzard, 349 Gland, parotid, 124 sublingual, 125 submaxillary, 124 Glands, calciferous, 348 " ductless, 195 of internal secretion, 195 Glans, 109, 143 Glenoid fossa, 114 Globigerina, 270, 279 Glochidium, 378 Glomerulus, 190 Glossary, 510 Glossina, 437 Glossopharyngeal nerve, 92, 137 Glottis, 80, 122, 131 Glucose, 45, 170, 171 Glycogen, 45, 161 534 INDEX Glvcogenase, 173 Goiter, 197 Golgi elements, 48 Gonad, 209 Gonads, 55 and hormones, 204 Gonangium, 306 Goniobasis, 390 Gonionemus, 304 Gordiacea, 337, 438 Gordius, 336, 337 Gorgonacea, 311 Gorgonia, 311 Gorgonocephalus, 350 Gradient, metabolic, 333 Granulocytes, 79 Grass-bison biome, 464 Grasshopper, 415 external features, 417 internal structure, 423 Grassland formation, 404 Gray matter, 136 Gregaloid colony, 278 Gregarina, 275 Gregarinida, 274 Growth, 210 Guinea worm, 438 Gynecophoric canal, 447 H Haeckel, Ernst, 35 Haemosporidia, 274 Haliclystus, 308 Halteria, 273 Haploid, 211 Haplosporidia, 275 Harelip, 228 Harvey, William, 32 Heart, development of, 220 of bullfrog, 70 of rat, 126 Heat, 224 Heidelberg man 495 Heliozoa, 271 Helisoma, 380 Helix, 380 Hemichorda, 147, 148 Hemispheres, 134 Hemocvanin, 178 Hemoglobin, 45, 79, 130, 179, 343, 350 Hemolymph, 178 Hemophiliacs, 180 Hepatic portal system, 75 vein, 129 Heredity, human, 250 physical basis of, 238 Hermaphroditism, 192, 233 Hermit crab, 410 Hernia, diaphragmatic, 228 239 Heterodont, 113 Heterotrichida, 272 Heterozygous individual, Hewatt, Dr. Willis, 472 Hexylresorcinol, 341, 443 Hilum, 140 Hind brain, 218 Hippocrates, 31 Hirudinea, class, 355 Hirudo, 355 Histology, 19 History of zoology, 31 Holothuria, 301 Holothurioidea, 361 Holotrichida, 272 Holozoic, 269 Homo, 20 neanderthalensis skull, 495, 497 sapiens, 494, 497 Homologv, 225, 399 serial, 399- Homonomous, 393 Homozygous individual, 239 Hooke, 39 Hookworm, 23, 438, 443, 445 treatment of, 443 Hopkins, Dr. Sewell H., 428 Hormones, 195 gonadal, 204, 207 Horse bot, 440 evolution of, 492 Horsehair snake, 335, worm, 23 Hudsonian zone, 475 Human heredity, 250 Humboldtiana, 383 Humerus, 114 Humor, aqueous, 94 vitreous, 94 Huxley, Thomas H., Hyaloplasm, 48 Hydra, 303 external anatomy, Hydrobios, 474 Hydrocephalus, 234 Hydrocorallina, 307 Hydrolysis, 170 Hydrorhiza, 306 Hydrosphere, 459 Hydrozoa, 304 Hymenolepsis, 324, 456 Hyoid, 217 Hyperbranchial groove, 156 Hyperthyroidism, 198 Hypnotoxin, 316 Hypobranchial groove, 156 Hypoglossal nerve, 137 Hypophysis, 91 Hypostome, 314 Hypotrichida, 273 336 17 313 Index 1335 Ileocolic valve, 124 Ileum, 124 of frog, 67 Ilium, 87, 115 Implantation, 223 Incisors, 112 Incus, 187 Infusoria, 293 class, 272 Ingestion, 287 Inguinal canal, 145 Inheritance of sex, 245 Innominate bone, 115 Insect catch, average, 468 Insecta, 395 Insects, 23, 415 Inspiration, 132 Insulin, 205, 207 Integument, 158 Intelligence quotient, 256 Intercalary disks, 57 Interventricular septum, 220 Interzonal fibers, 51 Intracellular digestion, 303 Intrauterine development, 223 Invertase, 171, 172 Inverting enzymes, 169 Iodine, 197 Iris 94 Irritability, 42, 132 Ischium, 115 Ischnochiton, 373 Itch mite, 431, 432 Java man, 494 Jellyfish, 23 Jellyfishes, 303 Jennings, 292 K Karyolymph, 49 Karyoplasm, 49 Karyosomes, 49 Kerona, 273 Kidneys, 140 function of, 189 Labrum, 418 Labyrinth, membranous, 220 Lacinia, 418 Lactase, 171, 172 Lacteals, 79 Lamarck, 35 Lampsilis, 375 internal anatomy, 375 life history of, 379 Lancisi, 280 Land habitat, 474 Langerhans, islands of, 205 Larva, hexacanth, 456 tornaria, 485 trochophore, 344, 355, 482 veliger, 372, 482 Larval echinoderms, 483 Larynx, 131 Laveran, Dr., 280 Law, Mendel's, 235 Leber 's atrophy, 246 Leech, 23 Leeuwenhoek, 34, 39 Lepton, 381 Leptolina, order, 304 Leptosynapta, 361 Leucocytes, 57, 70, 79 Levator, 110 Levers in body, 116 Life, 24 origin of, 488 regions, 473 zones, 475 Lincecum, 38 Linin net, 49 Linkage, 246 Linnaeus, 20, 34, 259 Lipase, 69, 169, 170, 171 Liriope, 307 Lithosphere, 459 Littoral area, 474 Liver fluke, 23 Chinese, 437 oriental, 449 functions of, 173 of rat, 125 Lizards, 148 Locomotion, 168 Locust, 415 Loligo, 373 Lombok island, 473 Louse, body, 431 crab, 431 head, 431 Lubber grasshopper, 416 Lucernaria, 308 Lumbricus, 344 Lung fluke, 450 Lymnaea, 380, 381, 382, 385, 390, 392 Lymph glands, 131 nodes, 131 Lymphatic system of frog, 79 of rat, 131 Lymphocytes, 79 Lynx, Canadian, 464 536 INDEX M Macrocephalus, 234 Macrogametes, 276 Madrepora, 310 Madreporaria, 310 Madreporite, 358, 363 Malaria, 280, 441 Malformations, 226 Malleus, 187 Malpighian corpuscles, 140, 190 tubules, 189 Malpighi, 32, 39 Maltase, 125, 172 Malthus' law, 507 Maltose, 170, 171, 172 Mammalia, 148 Man, Cro-Magnon, 495, 497 Heidelberg, 495 Java, 494, 496 Peking, 494 Piltdown, 494 rise of, 494 ,, Manson, 280 Mantle, 151 Manubrium, 114, 304 Manus, 109 Marsupials, 487 Mastigophora, 268, 282 Matings among defectives, 252 Maturation, 210 Maxillae, 112, 399 Maxillipeds, 399 Means of dispersal, 478 Meatus, 220 Meckel's cartilage, 85 Mediastinum, 229 Medulla oblongata, 91, 136 Medusa, 305, 307 Medusae, 63 Megalops, 413 Meiosis, 211 Meiotic division, 210 Meissner's tactile corpuscles, 184 Melanophore, 66 Melanoplus, 417 Membrane bones, 110 Membranous labyrinth, 94 Mendel, Gregor J., 37, 237 Mendel's law, 237 Meninges, 133 Menopause, 145 Menstruation, 224 Mentum, 420 Merozoites, 276, 441 Merychippus, 492 Mesencephalon, 134 Mesenchyme, 326 Mesoblast cell, 353 Mesoderm, 215 formation in frog, 100 Mesoglea, 317 Mesohippus, 492 Mesomere, 222 Mesonephric duct, 81 Mesonephros, 142, 222 Mesorchium, 95 Mesothelium, 346 Mesothorax, 420 Mesovarium, 143 • Metabolic gradient, 225 processes, 27 Metabolism, 43, 166 in Amoeba, 287 in crayfish, 406 in Hydra, 318 in Paramecium, 295 in Planaria, 331 Metacarpals, 114 Metacercaria, 450 Metacrinus, 361 Metagenesis, 63, 307 Metameres, 147 Metamerism, 157 Metanephros, 142, 222 Metaphase, 51 Metapleural folds, 154 Metathorax, 420 Metazoa, 22 Metazoan organization, 54 Metridium, 309 Microcephalus, 234 Microdissector, 49 Microsporidia, 275 Midbrain, 134 Miescher's corpuscle, 275 Migration of animals, 477 Millepedes, 395 Millepora, 308 Miracidium, 448 Mitochondria, 48 Mitosis, 50 Mitral valve, 126 Molars, 112 Molgula, 147, 150 Mollusca, 23, 372 classified, 373 economic relations of, 391 Molluscoida, 24 Molt, 409 Monecious organisms, 62 Moniezia, 455, 456 Monocytes, 79 Monogenea, 324, 451 Monohybrid cross, 239 Morphologic evidence of evolution, 499 Morphology, 18, 19 Mosquito, 442 Mother-of-pearl, 391 INDEX 537 Movement and locomotion, 168 Mulatto parents, 243 Miiller, Johannes, 35 Murex, 383 Muscle, striated, 121 voluntary, 115 Muscles, action of, 115 Muscular system of frog, 88 of vertebrate, 159 Mussel, fresh-water, 372 Mutation theory, 508 Mutations, 249, 508 Mutualism, 428 Mycetozoa, 271 Myelencephalon, 218 Myocomma, 154 Myofibrils, 121 Myology, 116 Myosepta, 154 Myotomes, 101, 154 Mvriapoda, 395 Mysis, 413, 414 Mystacial vibrissae, 108 Myxedema, 198 Myxidimn, 275 Myxobolus, 275 Myxosporidia, 275 N Nagana, 281 Nares, 122 Natural selection, theory of, 507 Nauplius, 413, 483 Nautilus, 373 Nearctic region, 473 Necator, 438 americana, 443 Negro, 243 Nemathelminthes, 23, 335 Nematocysts, 23, 308, 315 Nematoda, 438 Nematodes, 443 Nemertina, 24, 324 Neocomatella, 361 Neotropical regions, 474 Nephridia, 23, 157, 189, 343, 351 Nephridiopore, 343, 346, 351 Nephrostome, 80, 343, 351 Nereis, 344 Nerves, cranial, 137 peripheral, 137 Nervous conduction, 182 functions, 180 system, development, 218 of frog, 90 of rat, 132 of vertebrate, 163 Neural groove, 100, 216 Neural — Cont'd plate, 218 tube, 100, 218 Neurites, 137 Neurocoele, 92, 136, 154 Neuro-epithelial cells, 181 Neurone, 57, 133 Neurones, 181 Nicotinic acid, 175 Nicitating membrane, 66 Nipples, 109 Nitrogen cycle, 28 Noctiluca, 269 Nomenclature, 259 binomial system, 35, 259 Notochord, 146, 154 rudimentary, 149 Nuclear sap, 48, 49 Nucleus, 48 discovery of, 40 O Oak-deer biome, 464 Obelia, 63, 299, 304, 305, 306 Occipital condyle, 84 Ocelli, 418 Ochre starfish, 362 Octopus, 23 Oculina, 310 Oculomotor nerve, 92, 137 Oenothera, 508 Oestrin, 205 Oestrus cycle, 224 Olecranon, 114 Olfactory epithelium, 93 organs, development, 219 Oligochaeta, 342 Ommantidium, 405, 406 Omphalomesenteric vein, 220 Onchocerca, 438 Oniscus, 411 Ontogeny, 21, 225, 414 Onychophora, 395, 483 Oocyst, 276 Oocyte, 210 Oogenesis, 209 Oogonia, 210 Ookinete, 276 Opalina, 272, 437 Operculum, 448 Ophioderma, 359 Ophiothrix, 359 Ophiura, 359 Ophiuroidea, 359 Optic chiasma, 90 cup, 219 lobes, 91 stalk, 219 vesicles, 219 538 INDEX Oral groove, 294 ring, 368 Orbicularis oris, 116 Oreaster, 359 Organ, 58 Organogenesis, 217 Organs and systems, development, 217 Oriental region, 473 Origin, common center of, 498 of species, 37, 480 Orohippus, 492, 493 Osphradium, 378 Ossicles, 356, 384, 187, 220, 363, 402 Osteomalacia, 175 Ostium, 143 Ostracods, 412 Otocysts, 152 Ova, 55, 142, 209 Ovaries of frog, 95 Overproduction, 507 Oviducts, 96, 143 Oviparous animals, 193, 391 Ovipositor, 423 Ovulation, 145, 224 Oxidase, 169 Oxyhemoglobin, 176, 179 Oxytricha, 273 Oyster, 373 drill, 391 Pagurus, 410 Palaearctic region, 473 Palate, cleft, 228 Paleozoology, 22 Pancreas, 124, 205, 207 Pancreatic juice, 171, 172 Pandorina, 277 Pantothenic acid, 175 Papillae, adhesive, 151 Papula, 356 Paradidymis, 142 Paragonimus, 324, 450 Paragordius, 337 Paramecium, 293 Paramylum, 284 Parapodia, 344 Parasite, the successful, 430 Parasites, accidental, 429 facultative, 429 infection and transmission, 433 obligate, 430 perfect, 433 permanent, 430 protozoan, 435, 440 representative, 440 temporary, 430 Parasitic Arthropoda, 439 Nemathelminthes, 438 Platyhelminthes, 487 Parasitism, and host specificity, 434 animal, 428 degrees of, 429 factors of, 435 origin of, 429 Parathormone, 198 Pal-athyrin, 198 Parathyroid glands, 198 Parenchyma, 326 Parietal connective, 351 Parthenogenesis, 62, 193 Pasteur, Louis, 37 Patella, 115 Pathology, 21 Pectoral girdle, 86 Pedal ganglia, 388 Pedicellariae, 358, 363 Pedigree of horse, 492 Peking man, 494 Pelecypoda, 373 Pellagra, 175 Pellicle, 295 Pelmatohydra, 311 Pelvic girdle of frog, 87 of rat, 114 Penaeus, 414 Penial setae, 339 Penis, 109, 143, 222 Pennatula, 311 Pennatulacea, 311 Pentacrinus, 361 Pepsin, 69, 122, 169 Peptones, 122, 171 Perch, 148 Pereiopods, 397, 398 Peribranchial grooves, 156 Pericardial sinus, 402 Pericardium, 76, 126 Pericolpa, 308 Perineal region, 109 Peripatus, 395, 483 Periphylla, 308 Peristalsis, 159 Peristaltic contractions, 318 Peristome, 363 Peristomium, 344 Peritoneum, 69 of earthworm, 346 of starfish, 363 Peritrichida, 273 Perivisceral sinus, 403 Peromedusae, 308 Phagocytosis, 180 Phalanges of rat, 114 Pharyngeal clefts, 146 Pharynx, 122 Phenotypes, 241 Phoronidea, 24 Photosynthesis, 28 Phototropism, 278, 325 INDEX r):]9 Phylogenetic advances of Annelida, 357 development of horse, 492 relations, 480 Phylogeny, 21, 225, 414, 487 Phyrone, 201, 206 Physa gyrina, 380 Physalia, 307, 308 Physiologic evidence of evolution, 505 Physiology, 21, 166 Pia mater, 90, 92, 133 Pigworm, 335 Pilidium, 324 Pill bug, 394, 411 Pineal organ, 90 Pinna, 108 Pinworm, 335 Pisaster, 362 Pisces, 148 Pithecanthropus skull, 494, 496 Pituitary gland, 91, 201, 206 Pituitrin, 202 Placenta, 143, 223 Placentalia, 487 Planaria, 23, 323 reproduction, 329 Plantigrade, 109 Planula, 306, 307 Plasma, 57, 70, 129, 350 membrane, 48 Plasmalemma, 287 Plasmasol, 287 Plasmodium, 275, 280, 441 falciparum, 276 malariae, 276 vivax, 276 Plasmogel, 287 Plasmosomes, 49 Platyhelminthes, 23 phylogenetic advances, 334 phylum, 323 Pleopods, 397 Plethodontids, 64 Pleural ganglia 388 genes, 242 Pleurobranchial, 400 Pleurocera, 388 Pleuron, 397, 420 Plexus, cervical, 139 lumbar, 139 sacral, 139 sciatic, 139 Pliny, 31 Pliocene epoch, 498 Pliohippus, 492 Pneumatophore, 308 Podical plates, 421 Podobranchial, 400 Podophyra, 274 Polar body, 210 Polychaeta, 344 !3 Polycladida, 32.' Polydactyly, 229 Polygordius, 355 Polygyra, 381 Polyhybrid cross, 240 Polyp, 303 Polypus, 373 Pons, 134 Population, seasonal changes, 470 Populations, animal 468 Porcellio, 411 Porifera, 22 Porospora gigantea, 47 Portuguese man-of-war, 307, 308 Postcava, 74 of rat, 129 Potomobius, 395 Precipitation effectivity, 460 Prepuce, 109, 143 Presphenoid, 110 Primrose, evening, 508 Proboscis, 148, 324, 325, 327, 337 Progeny, 240 Progesterone, 205, 207 Proglottids, 324, 454 Prolan, 202, 206 Pronator, 116 Pronephros, 222 Pronghorn, 464 Pronotum, 420 Pronucleus, 211 Prophase, 50 Proptera, 374 Prosencephalon, 218 Prostate gland, 145 Prostomiuin, 344, 345 Prostonia, 324 Protandrous condition, 388 Proteases, 169 Proteins, 45 Prothorax, 420 Protochordata, 148 Protogynous condition, 388 Protoneurones, 181 Protoplasm and cell, 39 characteristics of, 41 chemical nature, 44 physical nature, 43 properties of, 42 Protopodite, 397 Prototracheata, 395 Protozoa, 22 colonial, 277 economic relations, 279 in general 268 representative, 275 Protractor, 116 Prozoea, 414 Pseudopodia, 287, 292 Pseudopodiospore, 291 540 INDEX )2 Ptarmigan, 46i Ptyalin, 125, 172 Pubis, 115 Pulmocutaneous arch, 73 Pulmonary veins, 76 Pulvillus, 421 Purkinje, 39 Pylangium, 77 Pyloric caeca, 365 valve, 160 Pyrenoid bodies, 282 Pyridoxine, 175 Quadroon, 243 Quadrula, 374 Q R Radial nerve, 368 symmetry, 303 Radiata, 358 Radiolaria, 271, 280 Radula, 386, 387 Ramus communicans, 140 Ranacatesbeiana, 65 grylio, 65 Rat, 107 external structure, 108 muscular system, 115 reproductive system, 142 Rattus alexandrinus, 107 norvegicus, 107 rattus, 107 Ray, 34 Rays, 148 Recapitulation theory, 163, 224, 413, 487, 501 Recessive, 237 Rectal caeca, 365 Rectum, 124 Rectus abdominis, 90 Redia, 449 Reduction division, 210 Reflex, 325 arc, 133, 182 Regeneration in crayfish, 409 in earthworm, 355 in Hydra, 322 in Planaria, 333 in starfish, 370 Regions of life, 473 zoogeographical, 472 Relations of animals and plants, 26 Remak, 50 R-enal pelvis, 140 portal system, 7(5 Renilla, 3il R^nnin, 122, 169 Reproduction, Ascaris, 340 bisexual, 192 Reproduction — Cont 'd development of sexual, 61 function of, 191 Hydra, 319 in Amoeba, 289 in crayfish, 407 in earthworm, 352 in Euglena, 284 in Paramecium, 290 of starfish, 368 sexual, 209 Reproductive system of frog, 95 of rat, 142 of vertebrates, 164 Reptilia, 148 Respiration, aerial, 177 as function, 176 external, 160, 177 in Euglena, 284 internal, 160, 177 Respiratory system, development, of vertebrate, 161 Resting cell, 50 Retina, 94 Retinula, 405 Retractors, 116 Rhabdocoelida, 323 Rhabdome, 405, 406 Rhabdopleura, 147 Rheotropism, 278, 325 Rhizopoda, 270 Rhomaelia, 422 Rhombencephalon, 218 Rhynchocephalia, 486 Riboflavin, 175 Ribs, false, 114 true, 113 Rickets, 175 Rise of horse, 492 man, 494 Rodentia, 107 • Roe, 371 Ross, Major Ronald, 280 Rostellum, 454 Rostrum, 397 Rotifers, 24 Roundworms, 23, 335 Rumina, 382 S Sacculina, 413, 440 Sacculus, 94 Sagartia, 309 Sagebrush formation, 464 jack rabbit biome, 464 Sagitta, 24 Salientia, order, 105 Salivary glands, 124 Salpa, "147 Salts, inorganic, 47 218 INDEX r,4i Sand dollars, 359 Sanders, Ottys, 64 Santonin, 341 Sarcode, 39 Saroodina, 270, 285 Sarcolemma, 121 Sa re op] asm, 121 Sarcosporidia, 275 Scallops, 374 Scaphognathite, 399 Scapliopoda, 373 Scapula, 86 Schistosoma haematobium, 437, 447 Schizogony, 274 Schizont stage, 441 Schizopod, 413 Schleiden, 35, 40 Schneider, 50 Schneiderian membrane, 184 Schwann, 35, 40 Sciatic plexus, 93 Sclera, 185, 219 Sclerite, 417 Scolex, 324, 454 Scorpions, 23 Scrotum, 109, 143 Scurvy, 175 Scyphozoa, 308 Sea cucumber, 23, 361 eggs, 371 urchin, 23, 359 walnuts, 23 Secretin, 69 Sedge-musk ox biome, 462 Segregation, principle of, 238 Self, Dr. J. Teague, 342 Semicircular canals, 94, 164 Semilunar valves, 73, 77, 126 Seminal receptacles, 347 vesicle, 145, 347 of frog, 95 Seminiferous tubules, 144 Sense organs, development, 218 function of, 183 of frog, 93 of rat, 139 of vertebrates, 164 Septa, 343, 346 Serial homology, 399 Serous membrane, 132 Serum, 162 and evolution, 505 antihuman, 506 Setae of earthworm, 346 penial, 340 Sex, inheritance of, 245 linkage, 246 Sexual reproduction, development of, 61 Sharks, 148 Sheep tapeworm, 455, 456 Shipworm, 392 Shrimp fisheries, 410 Siamese twins, 230 Sinanthropus pekinensis, 494 Sinu-auricular aperture, 76 Sinus venosus, 74 Siphon, atrial, 151 branchial, 151 Siphonoglyphe, 310 Siphonophora, 308 Sipunculoidea, 24, 356 Size, family, 253 Skeleton, appendicular, 114, 159 human, 158 Skull, 159 Sleeping sickness, 280 Slugs, 23 Snails, 373, 380 Social relations of animals, 428 Sol state, 42 Solastar, 359 Somatic cells, 54 mesoderm, 100 Somatoplasm, 55 Somites, 216 Sonoran zone, lower, 477 upper, 476 Sparrow, English, 26 Spermatheca, 427 Spermatic cord, 145 Spermatids, 210, 211 Spermatocytes, 210, 211 Spermatogenesis, 210, 211 Spermatophores, 331 Spermatozoa, 55, 142, 209, 211 Sphaeriidae, 378 Sphenodon, 486 Spheroid colony, 277 Spicules, 339 Spinal cord, functions of, 183 ganglion, 93 nerves of frog, 92 Spiny-headed worms, 337 Spiracles of grasshopper, 423 Spiral valve, 77 Spireme, 50 Spleen of frog, 69 "Bponges, 22 Sporoblasts, 276 Sporocyst, 448, 449 Sporogony, 274 Sporont stage, 441 Sporozoa, 274 Sporozoites, 62, 276 Sporulation, 276, 291 Spruce-moose biome, 463 Stalk, optic, 219 Starfish, 23, 358 reproduction, 368 Starling, 479 542 INDEX Statocyst, 404 Stauromedusae, 308 Steapsin, 69, 125, 169, 171 Stegocephalia, 486 Stegomyia, 281 Steu-mother, 62 Stenostomum, 824 Stenson's duct, 124 Stentor, 272 Sternebrae, 114 Sternum, 114, 397, 420 of frog, 86 Stiles, Dr. Charles W., 44?, Stipes, 418 Stolenifera, 311 Stomach, cardiac, 122 pyloric, 122 Stomolophus, 308, 309 Stone age, 495 canal, 366 Strobilus, 454 Strongylocentrotus, 361 Strongyloidea, 336 Strongyloides, 335 Struggle for existence, 507 Styloid process, 114 Subclavian artery of rat, 128 Subgenital plate, 421 Sublingual gland, 125 Sublittoral area, 474 Succession, 465 Succus entericus, 171 Suctoria, 274 Suprapharyngeal ganglion, 352 Suprarenal bodies, 199 Surra, 281 Survival of fittest, 508 , Suture, 110, 417 Swimmerets, 397 Symbiosis, 428 Symmetry, bilateral, 326 Sympathetic nerves, 93 Symphysis, pubic, 115 Synangium, 77 Synapse, 57, 182 Synapsis, 210 Syngamus, 336 Syphilis, 434 Systemic arch, 71 veins, 74 Systems, 59 Systole, 126, 180 T Tadpole, 101 Taenia, 324, 434 pisiformis, 453 saginata, 434, 455, 456 solium, 434, 454 Tanner, Dr. Vasco M., 415 Tapetum, 185 Tapeworm, 23, 452 economic relations of, 334 of sheep, 455, 456 Tarsus, 88 Taste buds, 164, 220 Taxis, 278 Taxonomy, 19 Teats, 109 Teeth, deciduous, 112 permanent, 112 Tegmina, 421 Telencephalon, 134, 218 Telophase, 51 Telosporidia, 274 Temporal, 110 Tendons, 56, 115 Tentacles, 314 Teratology, 226 Teredo, 392 Tergum, 420 Tessera, 308 Test, 359 Testes, 144 of earthworm, 347 Testicle, 144 Testosterone, 204, 207 Tetany, 198 Tetrastema, 324 Texas fever, 281 Thecodont, 113 Theelin, 205, 207 Theory, mutation, 508 of natural selection, 507 of recapitulation, 224, 487 Therm orpha, 487 Thermotropism, 278, 325 Thiamin, 174 Thigmotropism, 278, 325 Thoracic basket, 159 lymph duct, 131 Thorny-headed worms, 438 Threadworms, 23 Threshold, 278 Thrombin, 131 Thrombocytes, 70 Thymus gland, 203 of frog, 70 Thyone, 361 Thyroid, 217 gland, 196 of frog, 70 Thyroxine, 197 Thysanosoma, 456 Tibia, 115, 420 Tiedemann's bodies, 365 Time scale, 490 Tissues, 55 epithelial, 55 muscular, 56 INDEX r)4r{ Tissues — Cont'd nervous, 57 sustentative, 56 vascular, 57 Tocopherol, 176 Tongue, 121 Tonsil, 217 Tornaria larva, 150, 484 Toxocara, 335 Toxopneustes, 212 Trachea, 131, 218 Tracheata, 394 Trachylina, 307 Trachynema, 307 Transition zone, 476 Transverse septum, 76 Trematoda, 323 Trematodes, 323, 429, 437, 447 Trembly, 322 Trepang, 371 Treponema, 434 Triatoma, 280 Trichina, 444 Trichinella, 438, 444 Trlchinelloidea, 337 Trichinosis, 438 Trichocysts, 295 Trichomonas, 270, 434 Tricladida, 323 Trigeminal nerve, 137 Trigeminus, 92 Trihybrid cross, 241 Triploblastic structure, 326 Trivium, 363 Trochanter, 115, 420 Trochelminthes, 24 Trochlea, 114 Trochlear nerve, 137 Trochophore larva, 344, 355, 365, 372, 382, 464, 482 Tropical zone, 477 Tropicorbis, 382 Tropisms, 278, 312 Trypanorhyncha, 324 Trypanosoma, 437 cruzi, 280 gambiense, 280 rhodesiense, 280, 437 Trypsin, 69, 125, 169 Trypsinogen, 171 Tuberosities, 114 Tubularia, 304 Tundra formation, 462 Tunic, 151 Tunicata, 147 Turbellaria, 323 Twins, conjoined, 230 Tympanic cavity, 220 membrane, 109 Tympanum, 66 Typhlosole, 349 Typical animal cell, 47 U Uca, 411 Ultramicroseope, 43 Umbo, 375 Undulating membrane, 295 Unit characters, 238 Urchins, sea, 359 Urea, 69, 81, 173, 191 Ureter, 140, 190, 222 Urethra, 140 Urinary bladder, 140 Urine, 191 Uriniferous tubules, SI, 190 Urochorda, 147 Urogenital system, development, 221 Uropods, 397 Urosalpinx, 391 Urostyle, 85 Uterus, 143 Utriculus, 94 Vacuoles, contractile, 289 food, 287, 294, 295 Vagina, 143, 223 Vaginal orifice, 109, 143 Vagus, 137 Valve, bicuspid, 126 semilunar, 126 tricuspid, 126 Variation, 481 continuous, 509 discontinuous, 509 Vas deferens, 145 Vasa efferentia, 95 Veliger larva, 372, 381, 482 Velum, 156 Ventricle, fourth, 136 third, 136 Vertebral column of frog, 85 of rat, 113 Vertebrata, 147, 157 Vertebrates, ancestry of, 484, 485 Vesalius, 32, 33 Vesicle, amnio-cardia, 220 optic, 219 Vestibule, 121 Vestigial structures and evolution, 500 Vibrissae, 1 08 Virchow, 53 Visceral skeleton of frog, 84 Vitamins, functions of, 174 Vitelline membrane, 97, 211 Vitrina giacialis, 380 Viviparous animals, 193, 391 544 INDEX Vliet, 38 Vocal cords, 80, 131 Von Baer, 487 Von Mohl, 39 Vorticella, 272, 273 W Walker, 38 Wallace, Alfred Russell, 37, 472 Wallace's line, 473 Water, 46 flea, 394, 412 habitat, 474 -vascular system, 365 Webb, 38 Weese, Dr. A. O., 457 Wharton 's duct, 125 Wolf-snout, 228 Wolffian duct, 222 Worms, spiny-headed, 337 Wuchereria, 438 X X-chromosome, 246 Xerophthalmia, 174 Xiphoid process, 114 Y-chromosome, 246 Yolk plug, 100 Zoantharia, 309 Zoanthidea, 311 Zoea, 413, 414 Zones of life, 475 Zoogeography, 21 Zygapophyses, 86, 113 Zygote, 61, 211, 223 Zymogen, 169