y EVALUATION OF SELECTED BAT HABITAT SITES ALONG THE MAMMOTH-NORRIS GRAND LOOP ROAD CORRIDOR, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, WYOMING, 1997-1998 Prepared for the Montana Natural Heritage Program, The Nature Conservancy, By Sam Martinez U\\ * •- s 599.4 -N11ESBH 1999 1 fl> tX Cofl -« ' Montana State Library 3 0864 1004 7166 6 INTRODUCTION Numerous sites along the Norris Junction-Mammoth Junction road were evaluated for bat use during the summer season in 1997 and 1998. All known case sites were checked and special attention was given to water bodies near the road since these areas are known to draw bats from the surrounding region for feeding and interaction. A total of 33 sites were studied ranging from a known maternity pit cave site to a cold alpine pond. The primarj objective was to identify and document bat presence and activity along the corridor affected by reconstruction of the Grand Loop Road between Norris and Mammoth. Information gathered from field activities would be used to make sound management decisions on protecting the available resources and reducing the impact of construction activities on future projects of this type. Figures 1 through 6 identify the locations of each site studied on a portion of the USGS topographic- quadrangle and Table 2 is a lisimg of the latitude and longitude readings from either the topo map or from GPS instrument readings taken in the field. Although care was taken to get as much information as possible, a wide variety of habitat settings were tested to provide the clearest picture of overall bat activity in the study area. METHODS Bat occurrence and identity were determined in open areas and in probable roost sites located within the road corridor using traditional and low impact methods. Mist netting and subsequent in-hand identification of captured bats was attempted at one or two sites each night, although weather conditions on some nights prevented deployment of the nets. Known caves and other likely roost sites were visited and examined for evidence of bat use and suitability. For three of the caves in the Mammoth area, vertical rope techniques were employed to safely enter the pit entrances of natural caves. For confined spaces in areas where poison gas might be encountered, a gas monitor was used to detect oxygen deficiency and the presence of methane or explosive gases. For a greater number of sites an ANABAT ultrasonic bat detector (Titley Electronics; Ballina, Australia) was used in conjunction with a Titley Delay Switch and cassette recorder to monitor and record bat activity during the nighttime hours. These electronic sensors can successfully record ultrasonic calls over a wide band of frequencies from 20 to 180 kHz without producing any sound of their own and are undetectable by bats. Many bat species can be identified from their recorded calls on the basis of known characteristics and call structures revealed from analysis of the audio recordings. Analysis of the recordings took place at the Montana Natural Heritage office in Helena using an IBM compatible personal computer with ANABAT II zero crossings analysis interface module and software RESULTS Bats of six different species were identified from calls recorded by the Titley Electronics' ANABAT set- up. Table 3 lists those species and their common names. Numerous undifferentiated Myotis were detected but could not be identified to species with certainty because of poor call quality or insufficient duration. Because of the similarity of all Myotis spp. calls, they often cannot be distinguished from each other by analysis of the calls alone, I wo ol the identified bat species are of special concern, Townsend's big-eared bat, Corynorhinus towruendii, and the fringed myotis, Myotis thysanodes. Table 1 lists the results of from each site and provides a summary of numbers of calls during each hour time period from dusk until dawn. Devils Kitchen: This is a known maternity site for bats in the Mammoth area Historically, it is well known for Townsend's big-eared bats, hut it also provides roosting for other species in an area where a variety of bat species have been captured and recorded. On September 27, 1997, a descent was made into the cave to document bat activit) and environmental conditions. A partial SUTVe) was made to record the dimensions and identity rOOSting areas important to bats observed at that time. Approximately 86 feel of passage were surveyed with about 40 more feet left to be included. Five Corynorhinus townsendii were observed on the ceiling of the cave, 25 or 30 feet above the floor of the passage. One was at the NW end of the entrance room and the other four were near the eastern extreme of the cave, in a dome area about 28 feet high. Our proximity did not disturb them and although they were aware of our presence they did not become agitated. Ambient temperatures in the cave were quite warm. At the bottom of the entrance drop T^ Bulb equalled 77°F and TWel Bulb was 65°F. Toward the east end of the cave, near the floor, the temperature was much warmer and the air seemed stuffy. More of the bats were in this area of the cave and some packrat litter was scattered across the passage floor. Measurements at this end of the cave found T^ Bulb was 83°F and TWet Bulb was 72°F. Air monitoring for oxygen depletion found no bad air anywhere in the cave. Two hot spring pools are located in the floor of the cave about 9 feet apart. Their temperatures were warm and both had thick crusts of calcite raft deposits floating on the water surface. The eastern pool measured 7'/2 feet long and up to 3 feet wide, at 94.2°F. The western pool was at about the same water level, measuring about 3'/2 feet long by \lA feet wide, at 85°F. No bubbling was observed in either pool. ANABAT recordings outside the entrance identified four bat species in the vicinity. These included Corynorhinus townsendii, Eptesicus fuscus, Lasionycteris noctivagans, and some undifferentiated Myotis spp. Pinion Terrace site: Jeweled Cave and the other large cave here were monitored for bat activity without success. Interior examination of these and the other small caves on Pinion Terrace found a few traces of bat guano but no large colonies. One Myotis spp. bat was observed in the crack-like cave near the edge of the terrace. Due to the vertical nature of this cave, a close examination of the bat could not be made. All the caves on this terrace have normal interior temperatures. Thermal activity at this level on Terrace Mountain has been dormant for hundreds of years. Air quality is also excellent. Mammoth Hot Spring Reservoir, Joffe and Africa Lakes: The area around these small lakes had more bat activity than any other. These small ponds offer an excellent foraging area and also provide open water free of hot spring discharges. These ponds present the closest large, open stretches of water to the rocky cliffs in Glen Creek canyon and the caves and shelters of the upper Mammoth Hot Springs terraces. Five cr more species of bat were detected here, including Corynorhinus townsendii, Eptesicus fuscus, Lasiurus cinereus, Lasionycteris noctivagans, and one possible Myotis thysanodes. Two of these species, C. townsendii and M. thysanodes, are species needing special management consideration because of intolerance to disturbance and declining population. Myotis thysanodes may also have been recorded at other sites, however, most species of Myotis are difficult to distinguish from their calls. Many of the sites sampled had calls identified as Myotis spp. because a definitive identification could not be made. Indian Creek Campground Bridge: Thirty-eight Myotis calls were recorded here on 12 Aug, 1997, along with seven other unidentified calls. Sample sites both up and down stream of the bridge (sites 12 and 14) recorded no calls. Willow Flats at Moose Exhibit: A large number of bats were observed feeding over the river here. Eptesicus fuscus were identified, but most were undifferentiated Myotis spp. making multiple passes through the meadow. The rest of the sites produced few or no recorded calls, as can be seen from Table 1 . In many cases, site characteristics were similar or the same as those found at the very active sites. Weather conditions on some nights may have suppressed activity. On September 5 in particular, moderate rain and high winds lasting all night filled the recording tape with storm noise and probably prevented bats from leaving their roosts. Additional monitoring would prove valuable in obtaining an accurate assessment of bat use through the summer season. DISCUSSION Visual inspection of known caves and analysis of ANABAT recordings revealed that bats were not evenly distributed along the road corridor and that they were more likely to be found close to historic structures and in areas known to contain established roost sites. Only one cave site, Devil's Kitchen, contained more than one or two bats. Five were observed and a few more were suspected. The most productive recording sites were found at lower elevations, near Mammoth, and may have reflected the greater abundance of preferred roost sites in those areas. Summarizing the detection results from all sites, bats were detected at 19 (55.9%) locations, with data unavailable for one additional site. Fourteen sites (41.2%) had no bat detections. ANABAT instruments detected few bats around water bodies near active hot springs or in the Norris area. Reasons for the lack of bat activity are not known. Moths and other flying insects were observed at all the sample sites. This aspect of bat distribution needs more study to understand why bats are selectively avoiding certain areas. It is unlikely that all species avoid thermal areas, since there is a well known colony site in a very active thermal area south of Norris Junction. The Hoodoo area in particular was disappointing for its lack of recorded activity. This location should have produced numerous bat calls because of the large number of small caves and roosting spots available. Weather conditions spoiled the opportunity to record bat activity and there was insufficient time available to repeat the sampling. Other sites were skipped or dropped because of time or equipment limitations in favor of covering the most territory within the area of interest. Previous bat studies in the Park have involved visual observation of flying individuals or hand counts of known colonies. These methods impose severe limitations and require an unreasonable commitment of time and manpower. Employing the ANABAT instrument with recording capability greatly increases the efficiency and productivity of the scientific effort and produces reliable data over a large geographic area with a modest investment of time and physical effort. Sam Martinez Montana Natural Heritage Program 1515 East 6th Avenue Helena. Montana 59620 voice: (406)444-0917 FAX: (406)444-5612 e-mail: samm@state.mt.us »t . . -•*. TABLE 1 ANABAT SURVEY RESULTS YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK - GRAND LOOP ROAD CORRIDOR # Site Date Species'" Hourly Group Starting Time/Individuals 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 Site Totals 1 "Africa Lake" - Mammoth Junction 13Aug97 EPFU 1 1 LAC1 1 1 MYSP 35 113 148 UNKN 3 20 23 38 135 173 2 Devils's Kitchen (Portal) 12Aug97 COTO 1 5 6 EPFU 4 5 2 11 LANO 6 33 1 40 MYSP 1 5 5 11 UNKN 10 4 14 11 54 I? 82 5Sept98 None 6Sept98 COTO 1 1 MYSP 2 1 1 1 5 UNKN 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 8 3 Pinion Terrace site 13Aug97 None 4 Grand Loop Road near trail head to upper terraces 20Aug98 EPFU 1 9 1 1 3 15 MYSP 5 4 5 2 2 6 24 UNKN 2 1 1 1 5 1 14 6 5 3 1 1 3 6 4 44 5 "Africa Lake", below Grand Loop Road and above Mammoth Hot Springs water supply reservoir 20Aug98 EPFU 11 5 16 LACI 1 1 LANO 1 1 MYSP 14 1 1 1 1 2 2 22 UNKN 3 3 13 22 1 1 1 1 2 2 43 6 Mammoth Hot Spring water supply reservoir 6Sept98 EPFU 1 1 LANO 1 2 3 MYSP 10 48 : 1 61 TABLE 1 W \B.\T SURVEY RESULTS YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK - GRAND LOOP ROAD CORRIDOR 1 Site Date Species'" Hourly Group Starting Time/Individuals 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 3 1) (1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 (i 0 0 4 1 1 0 5 0 0 Site Totals I'NKN t 7 11 15 58 2 1 76 Joffe Lake dSepl'IS COTO 1 '•'' 1 BPFU 2 3 10 9 () 1 31 [ \M I 4 1 5 MYSP 5 9 : 3 3 1 3 26 MYTH 1 1 I'NKN : 6 7 2 2 1 20 14 19 19 14 11 4 3 84 s ■! -ndoos 5Scpt98 None ') Upper Hoodoos 5Scpt98 None 11) Glen Creek Bridge (Culvert) 13Aug97 MYSP 1 I'NKN 3 4 11 Pond located east of Swan Lake Rats 20Aug98 None 12 Shccpcalcr Cliffs at Gardner River 20Aug98 None 13 Indian Creek Campground Bridge 12Aug97 MYSP II 21 4 2 38 UNKN 2 2 1 2 7 13 23 1 6 2 45 20Aug98 EPFU 1 1 1 1 14 upstrejm of Indian Creek Campground Bridge l2Aug97 None 15 Willow Mats at Moose Exhibit 22Aug98 EPFU | I MYSP 5 27 1 35 I'NKN - 7 9 7 37 3 47 TABLE 1 ANABAT SURVEY RESULTS YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK - GRAND LOOP ROAD CORRIDOR # Site Date Species '" Hourly Group Starting Time/Individuals 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 Site Totals 16 Lilypad Pond, north end 4Sept98 None 17 Beaver Lake, north end 22Aug98 None 18 Solfatara Trailhead 22Aug98 MYSP 2 2 2 2 ' 19 Grizzly Lake Trail transect (data not available) ■7 ? 20 Grizzly Lake Trailhead 4Sept98 None 21 Roaring Mountain - across Grand Loop Road 22Aug98 EPFU 1 1 1 1 22 North Twin Lake 4Sept98 LANO 1 1 UNKN 1 1 1 1 2 23 South Twin Lake 22Aug98 LANO 5 5 MYEV 2 1 1 1 5 MYSP 3 28 42 6 5 5 3 3 1 96 UNKN 1 5 1 7 3 34 49 7 6 6 4 3 1 113 24 Nymph Lake 21Aug98 None 25 unnamed pond west of Grand Loop Road, South of Nymph Lake, 2 miles North of Norris Junction 21Aug98 None 4Sept98 None? 26 Large unnamed lake East of the Grand Loop Road, located north of Norris Campground - east end 21Aug98 None? TABLE 1 ANABAT SURVEY RESULTS YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK - GRAND LOOP ROAD CORRIDOR 1 Site Date Species'" Hourly Group Starting Time/Individuals 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 Site Totals 27 Large unnamed lake East of the Grnn 1 located north of Noms Campground - north side 4Sept98 MYSP 1 1 1 1 28 Large unnamed lake East of the Grand Loop Road, located north of Norris Campground - near west end and west of marsh 4Sept98 None 29 bank of Gibbon River below Noms Geyser Basin overlook pullout 4Scpl98 ! NKN 1 1 1 1 30 Noms Campground, site B-43 4Sept98 UNKN 1 1 1 1 ?! Gibbon River Bridge. Grand Loop Road at Noms Campground l3Aug97 None'' :; \ ■!■_■•'■. UNKN 1 1 : 1 1 2 M Nuphar Lake - west end 21Aug98 UNKN 1 1 1 1 J3 area between bookstore and Norm Museum 6Sept98 None 34 Area, on bank of Gibbon River • SepWS MYSP 1 1 I 1 Code* fnc bat ipecie< jjc Identification not certain COTO | = | f.miw»:niii VmutndH EPH. | = | Epltsicus fiucui LAC1 1=] Lajiurus cintrtus LANO |=| Lasionyatni noenvaganj MYEV [ = | Myotti rvortj MYSP [=| Uyedt spp MYTH |=| Uyotli IhysanoJri UNKN |>i unknown TABLE 2 ANABAT SURVEY SITE LOCATIONS YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK ■ GRAND LOOP ROAD CORRIDOR # Site Date GPS Rover File Latitude (N) Longitude (W) 1 "Africa Lake" - Mammoth Junction 13Aug97 2 Devils's Kitchen (Portal) 12Aug97 5Sept98 R090602A 44°57'56.2" 110°42'41.4" 6Sept98 R090617A 44°57'56.1" 110°42'41.3" 3 Pinion Terrace site 13Aug97 4 Grand Loop Road near trail head to upper terraces 20Aug98 R082101A 44057'31.8" 110°42'45.3" 5 "Africa Lake", below Grand Loop Road and above Mammoth Hot Springs water supply reservoir 20Aug98 R082101B 44°57'1.7" 110°42'46.8" 6 Mammoth Hot Spring water supply reservoir 6Sept98 R090616A 44°56'55.5" 110°42,15.5" 7 Joffe Lake 6Sept98 R090615A 44°56'53.8" 110°42'3.3" 8 Lower Hoodoos 5Sept98 R090601A 44°56'37.2" 110°42'53.3" 9 Upper Hoodoos 5Sept98 R090600A 44°56'39.3" 110°43'8.3" 10 Glen Creek Bridge (Culvert) 13Aug97 11 Pond located east of Swan Lake Flats 20Aug98 12 Sheepeater Cliffs at Gardner River 20Aug98 R082102A 44°53,30.8" 110°43'45.8" 13 Indian Creek Campground Bridge 12Aug97 20Aug98 R082102B 44°52-56.5" H0°44,5.4" 14 upstream of Indian Creek Campground Bridge 12Aug97 15 Willow Flats at Moose Exhibit 22Aug98 R082302B ? 7 16 Lilypad Pond, north end 4Sept98 R090515A 44°50'9.1" 110°43'48.8" 17 Beaver Lake, north end 22Aug98 R082302A 44°49'3.3" H0°43-44.2" 18 Solfatara Trailhead 22Aug98 R082301B 44°48,25.0" 110°44,3.8" 19 Grizzly Lake Trail transect ? 20 Grizzly Lake Trailhead 4Sept98 R090514D 44°47'55.9" H0°44'44.4" 21 Roaring Mountain - across Grand Loop Road 22Aug98 R082301A 44°46,44.9" 110°44'31.6" 22 North Twin Lake 4Sept98 R090514B 44°46,32.9" 110° 44' 14.6" 23 South Twin Lake 22Aug98 R082300A 44°46'21.2" 110°44'4.9" 24 Nymph Lake 21Aug98 R082200A 44°45,10.2" 110°43-30.5" 25 unnamed pond west of Grand Loop Road, South of Nymph Lake, 2 miles North of Norris Junction 21Aug98 R082200B 44°44'59.7" 110°42,56.4" 4Sept98 R090514A 44°44'59.7" 110°42'55.9" 26 Large unnamed lake East of the Grand Loop Road, located north of Norris Campground - east end 21Aug98 R082200C 44°45'3.8" 110c>42,44.2" 27 Large unnamed lake East of the Grand Loop Road, located north of Norris Campground - north side 4Sept98 R090513A 44°44'38.7" 110°42'30.0" 28 Large unnamed lake East of the Grand Loop Road, located north of Norris Campground - near west end and west of marsh 4Sept98 R090513A (part 2) 44°44,36.5" 110°42'14.4" 29 bank of Gibbon River below Norris Geyser Basin overlook pullout 4Sept98 R090513C 44°44'17.3" 110°42'40.6" 30 Norris Campground, site B-43 4Sept98 R016014A'7 9 1 31 Gibbon River Bridge, Grand Loop Road at Norris Campground 13Aug97 TABLE 2 ANABAT SURVEY SITE LOCATIONS YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK - GRAND LOOP ROAD CORRIDOR # Site Date GPS Rover File Latitude Site 6 is WO1 i < i ' /' ---' G faltf . . ■ ■■■ 'i j» f Figure 1: Location Map of ANABAT/Mist Net Sites 1 through 9, Yellowstone National Park, 1998 B»ie m«p from USGS 7V4* topographic qiudranjle, "Mimmolh. Wyoming MotiUru (1<>86 Provmorull" ^) r*Wr^ Figure 2: Location Map of ANABAT/Mist Net Sites 10 through 12, Yellowstone National Park, 1998 Base map from USGS 714" topographic quadrangle, "Mammoth, Wyoming-Montana (1986-ProvisionaI)" Figure 5: Location Map of ANABAT/Mist Net Sites 18 through 23, Yellowstone National Park, 1998 Base m»p from USGS T/i' topographic quadrangle. *Obtiduui Cliff, Uvoming (1986-ProvmotuuV