Hundred and Ninety-four Rebuses, Enigmts, Etc., with Answers.



Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN



Book of Puzzles




Everybody's Puzzle Book,


Fabled History of the First Riddle.

The ancients believed that the monster Sphynx was the inventor of riddles. Tho one she proposed for solution is this: "What animal is that which goes upon four legs in the morning, upon two at noon and upon three at night?" Many persons strove to ex- plain it, but failed and were torn to pieces by her. At length CEdipus solved it by say- ing that the animal was a man, who, in in- fancy, or in the morning of his life, creeps upon his hands and feet and so goes upon all fours; in the noon of his life walks on two feet, and in the night of old age requires a Stick and so totters upon three legs

No. 1. Picture Puzzle.


No. 2. Enigma In Rhyme.

Green am I in spring, Late iu summer yellow;

In the autumn red, When the days grow mellow.

You may on me read;

You may on me write; Green, red, yellow, though I am,

I am always white.

Wrinkle not my face;

Let me live in clover; Look, but handle not;

Yes, you may turn me over.

No. 3. Arithmetic Tangle* A countrywoman carrying eggs to a garri- son, where she had three guards to pass, sold to the first guard half the number she had and half an egg more ; to the second, the half of what remained and half an egg beside, and to the third guard, she sold the half of the remainder and half another egg. When She arrived at the market place she had three dozen still to sell; how was this possible with- out breaking any of the eggs?

No. 4.— A Star.

1. A letter. 2. Mamma. 3. Recited. 4. Escaped by stratagem. 5. Relating to the moon. 6. Title of address to a lady. 7. A provider of provisions. 8. A male nickname. 9. A letter.

No. 5. Conundrums.

(a) How do we know that Byron never wore a wig?

(b) "Why is the leaf of a tree like the human body?

(c) Which is the oldest tree in England?

(d) Why are feet like olden tales?

(e) Why is a spider a good correspondent?

(f) Why is a thief, picking a coiner's pocket, reminded of a line in Othello?

(g) Why is an undutiful son like one born deaf?


Everybody s

(h) Why are the pages of a book like the days of a man!

(i) How many sides arc there to a tree!

(j Why is your nose like St. Paul's?

(k) What's that which every living man hath seen, but nevermore wit see again, I ween?

A Metamorphosis.

What a wonderful letter is N. Beside making a window of widow, it metamor- phoses a leviathan into two well known Jews, Levi N-athan ; makes a bungle of a bugle ; Norma, a Norman, and even causes a modest violet to be violent.

One of the nicest uses to put an N to is to change an eclipse into necklips, which charms, on a pretty woman, eclipse many others.

A Riddle Answered. "What is the difference between a widow and a window.'"' You give it up. I knew you •would 1 Well, there is little if any, for the transparent griefs like the transparent panes of the other are Removed in course of repair- ing, and the latter is for mankind to look out of, while the former looks out for mankind.


Some one says that laundresses, like rail- roads, have their irons all over the country, and occasionally do a little mangling; but this, you know, is speaking ironically.

Is anything worse than the Englishman in Paris, who said he guessed a certain French lady to be mad, as her husband continually addressed her as March hare (Ma chere).

Theodore Rook was once asked to review a book called "Three Words to a Drunkard." "That I will do in three words," he said. "Pass the bottle!"

Motto for grocers: "Honest tea is the best policy."

Where is the ruffian who said, "My no- tion of a wife at forty is that one should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two twenties."

Talking of a woman at forty, makes us think how funny it is that a woman who never knows her own age, can tell you in a minute the age of all her female acquaint- ances.

It was the original learned pig who made this observation, when running away from the pork butcher, "Prevention is better

than cure."

Learn in your youth to beehive through life, with the regularity and industry of the bee; and then, as you kettle little holder, you will not get into hot water through bad habit*, and burn your flngera.

Dream Interpretations. One or two dream interpretations that may be useful some day : To dream of a police- man is a sure sign of the "blues." To dream you are a monkey is— to say the least sug- gestive. To dream your head is being punched, and, on waking, to discover that Buch is not the case, is lucky for you. To dream you have eloped with a wicked female ghost is a sure sign you have taken bad spir- its (over night). If a "gentleman of the press" dreams of donkeys, it is called a "ned- dy-torial" vision. To dream of suet shows a fat-uous mind (don't do it again).


L amps in millions, O n the earth

N ever conquered, D ayvlish pleasant, O nly shame 'tis, N oses smell such


L ights on billions, O mnipotent; N ever failing, D em magnificent. O 'er Thames sailing, N asty stiff scent.

No. C. Anagrams.

For the benefit of very j-oung readers we will explain that making an anagram con- sists in forming a new word or words from the letters of other words. An illustration is: Cheer sick lands— the anagram for Charles Dickens. We now invite you, with the per- mission of Good Housekeeping, to an ana- gramatical Dickens party, the guests of which nre prominent characters in Dickens* writings: Blame Crumple; We debtor to toys; Clev-sr fop I did pad; Pair my ages; His by a linen clock; Toy lily blows; Canny Skyes; Mere Walls ; O, feel my corn bed ; We kill red vies; Over it wilts; Bug ran by dear.

No. 7 Enigma.

I am a word of four letters, two of which are of no importance, signifying nought. For myself, I am an article of extended use, and worn by a lady, a friar, a snake, a clergyman, a flower and a bird. I gave a surname to a famous archer who lived about the time of Richard I, and to a poet of the reign of Victoria. My family is large, though I am an orphan, for when I go among them, I can count sisters and brothel's, maid- ens and mothers. I am somewhat addicted to single life, for I dwell with spinsters; yet I am fond of society, for where a great many neighbors dwell together j-ou will always find me. 1 am rather of a monastic turn, too, and have patronized Bo^nines, and Sceurs de Charite, Capuchins and 1' Kings and querns t:ivor »np> when I as-

sume knightly orders, and I flourish highest under their protection. Wherever I am I am at least sure of subsistence. In all prob- ability you have seen my like, but even when you find mo you may be puzzled, fox I of tun show two fact*

Book of Puzzles*

Xo. 8.— A Riddle in Rhyme.

I am borne on the pale in the stillness of night,

A sentinel's signal that all is not ri.uht.

I am not a swallow, yet skim o'er the wave ;

I am not a doctor, yet patients I save ;

When the sapling has trrmvn to a flourishing live

Jt limls a protector henceforward in me?

Xo. 9.— Pictorial Reims.

5fo. 1O. Syncopation*.

Syncopate (by omitting one letter in the middle of the word) to wander, and leave 1o stand still ; to enslave, and leave part of the far : a drink, and leave a ditch ; t > sail near the shore, and leave detriment : livelv, and leave fancy ; to divide and leave a prophet ; lnmulr, and leave part of the face ; to cue1 gel, ami leave to lessen.

1 he syncopated words are all of equal length, and thy litters tak-u f om them, j.lar-tl in

order, name s >:r.cth:ng seldom met with.

Wide Awake.

No. 11. Poetical Charade.

My second sweepeth clean, 'tis said,

When new ; but housewives say That 'tis no good when constant use

Hath worn its strength away. Ah, lazy son, your algebra

You've very badly reckoned: My first shall point my whole for you

In likeness of my second.

No. 12. Connntlrums.

(a) If you had a strong desire to leave some

property to the man in the moon, how would you go about it?

(b) If you tumbled to the bottom of the first

week in April, what sort of a Yankee would you suggest?

{c) What is the difference between a sailor on duty and a sailor discharged?

(d) What is the best way to prevent water

coming into your house?

(e) Why is a butler like a mountain?

(f) Spell auburn locks in two letters.

(g) What is it which occurs twice in a mo-

ment, once in a minute and not once in 1,000 years?

(h) If you suddenly saw a house on fire what three celebrated authors would you feel at onco disposed to name? (i) Whcu is a slug liko a poem of Tennyson's!

No. 13. Charade. The student o'er my first doth pore»

From early morn till night; My next is buried 'neath the earth, And seldom sees the light. ' ,•

My whole a fancy has for books,

Devouring many a line; And now I think you ought to guess

This short charade of mine.

T>y starting at the right letter in one of the above words, and then taking every third letter, a quotation from Shakespeare's plays may be formed. St. Nicholas.

No. 15. An Enigmatical List of Trees. What is the sociable tree (a), and the dancing

tree (b),

And the tree that is nearest the sea (c)?1 The most yielding tree (d), and the busiest tree (e;, And the tree where ships may be (f) ?

The Umg Khing tree (g), the least selfish tree (hX tree that bears a curse (i);


The chr- .nologlst's trre (j), and the fisherman's

t- (k), And the tree like an Irish nurse (1)?

What s the telltale tree (m), the fisherman's


And the tree that is wannest clad (o)? Tu* laymuu's restraint (p), and the housewife's

live i.jl,

And the tree that makes us sad (r)f

No. 10. A Puzzler for Old and Young;

(a) Add an ell to a lady's name, and ye

teeth will chatter as you sit beside h^ What is her name?

(b) What letter will moke a lady fit for re-


(c) Which two will make a chatting lady

very dull?

(d) Add one letter and remove another, and

who becomes a beauty?

(e) Take two letters away, and what lady

becomes very painful?

(f) Who shows bad behavior when half of

her name is lost?

(g) Take away her first letter, and place her

last elsewhere, and she remains what she was before. What is her name?

(h) Take away two letters from both ends of a lady's name, and you make a martyr of her. Who is she?

Halve the lady mentioned, and she bo- comes an inhabitant of the desert. Her name, please?

(i) Add ourselves to the end of a lady's name, and she becomes a village famous in Bible story. What is her name?

(j) Take away the three last letters from a lady's name, and you make her a sacred song. What can it be?

No. 17. The Two Traveler*.

Two poor boys, Tom and Ned, walk be- tween London and Wolverhampton; Tom leaves the latter at 8 o'clock 10 the morning and walks at the rate of thnx; miles an hour without intermission, and Ned sets out at 4 o'clock the same evening and walks for \Vol- verhampton at the rate of four miles an hour constantly. Now supposing the distance be- tween the two places to bj loO miles, and suj)- pose the boys capable of continuing their Journeys, whereabouts on the rood will they in. t. '

No. 18. An 1 nltrma In irose. I am a newsvendor. I tell of births, mar- riages, and deaths. I invite people to din- ner, and carry their refusals. I send people abroad, and order their return. Through me, buying, selling and bartering are fre- quently accomplished. I speak the most poliftbed language and tho roughest tongue, wuitc, of Lou blue, aud

times of the most delicate tints. I am some- times used with care, but more frequently receive little or none, and am often destroyed. I am also heard in the son r of the nightingale and the melody of the blackbird. Musical in- struments are"u«elc<:s without me. and I am the foundation <<f the musician's art.

NO. I '.». « •iiiiiiitli-lim-.

(a) \V!,at sea would a man most like to be in on u \\t't day 'f

(b) \\ hcii i< a Iml.y like a breaHnst cu{> ?

;c) Pray state where that celebrated actor Henry Irving \\ent on liis teuth hiithday.

(d) Why is o the noisiest of the \ u\v els ?

(e) Why is cufft-e like an axe with a dull edge ?

(f) Why are teeth like verbs?

(g) When is money dump ?

(h) How would you express, in one word, having met a doctor of medicine? (i) Why is a vine like a soldier ?

Xo. 2O.— DoiiMe iVord Knlgiua.

In l.<«m rary ; '

In irony ;"

In ra-' t>;iL' :->

In linn! 1 i

In :"

In tearmi.' :"

In sailoi-'.- ili:ty " or "Enip're City.'

In al;no-t eve.-y country,

lit al.iio-t every to'.vii, YII I've he.inl of tin- effn i.tory,

Ami <>:' it- i.riv:it ivuo-.vii : Y..n know tliat T.ITAI. i- a crime.

\\ it!i a <i>ntciii':' the criminal fear* Am1. \\ hen convii t>'.i. -•>. \> * a term

In jiil oi twenty years.— (folilen Day*.

No. 21.— Reims.

I am a word of five letters only; but if yon take a lesson from boll ringers and play the changes upon me, my combinations are infi- nite. My original word as it stands, silled with three i-o.. sonants at1.. I two vowols, signi- fies a veajion fomuTly in great repute, .-mil still of much use with s;iva;v nations. Trans- pose me, and I give you some fruit of a w holt-some and delicious nature, chiefly im- {M.rt.'il fnun < luornsey and Jersey. Cut off one letter, and 1 give you a seed; transpose me, and I cut your corn; again, and I j>eol your fruit. Alter the letter, and I present a large form of the monkey tnl>,' to you, which, if you transpose again, you will convert into a very largely usod leguminous food. Alter the letter again, and you will have the or- gans of a sense ; transpose, and you level me to the ground again, and you mark me with scars. AlU-r my letters again, and I grate for you, when, if you behead me, I become a poisonous reptile. Alter the letters again, and I go upon " 'Change;" transpose me, and

Book of Puzzles.

\ speak to a "medium." Alter me three times more and I become successively the materials for a dress, the blood of a plant, and what you must be. Finally, use my whole five letters once more, and if you are accustomed to the very useful grammatical exercise they show you, I think you ought to be able to make out all my meanings.

No. 22. Wor.l Puzzles.

(a) Name an English word containing eight syllables.

(b) Name an English word in which the letter "i" occurs five times.

(c) Name at least three English words, each of which contains all the vowels, in- cluding the "y."

No. 23. Who Can Tflll?

Twice ten are six of us, Six are but three of us, Nine are but four of us.

What can we possibly be? Would you know more of us? I'll tell you more of us; Twelve are but six of us,

Five are but four, do you see ?

No. 24. Word Square. 1. Strengthens. 3. A ruler. 3. Memor- andum books. 4. The middle. 5. To make dear. 6. Adorned with stars.

No. 25. Charade.

I'll tell you— no, it cannot be

That you should guess my first so pat; I've said it, tho', and so will you.

When you have puzzled long— that's flat. My second is a thing— like a hat :

Like anything you please— depend on it. I've said it twice, so, in a thrice.

Resolve my whole and make an end on it.

No. 20. J'ictorial Proverb.

No. 27.— Enigma.

There Is a certain natural production which exists from two to six feet above the surface of the earth. It is neither animal, vegetable nor mineral ; neither male nor female, but something between both. It has neither length, breadth nor substance; is recorded in the Old Testament, and often mentioned in the New, and it serves the purpose of both treachery and fidelity.

No. 28. Conundrums.

Ca) From a number that's odd, cut oft the head,

It then will even be; It's tail, I pray, take next away, Your mother then you'll see.

Cb) What does man love more than life? Hate more than death or mortal strife? That which contented men desire? The poor have, the rich require? The miser spends, the spendthrift saves? And all meu carry to their graves.

(c) My first makes company; My second shuns company; My third assembles company; My whole puzzles company.

(d) My first is a point, my second a span;

In my whole often ends the greatness of man.

(e) The public credit and the public shame, Though widely different, differ not in name.

No. 29.— Decapitations.

fa) Behead an animal, and leave a grain. CD) Behead a dance, and leave a fish, (o) Behead a gulf, and leave a cave, (d) Be- head part of the neck, and leave an animal, (e) Behead a useful article and leave a beam.

The beheaded letters will spell the a famous American general.

No. 30. The Number Forty-five.

How can the number forty five be divided into four such parts that if you add two to the first part, subtract two from the second part, multiply the third part by two and divide the fourth part by two, the total of the addition, the remainder of the sub- traction, the product of the multiplication and the quotient of the division are all equal §

No. 31. Enigma in Kliyrae. I am a cheerful little thing,

Rejoicing in the heat ; Whether it come from sea coal fire.

Or log of wood, or peat.

Again, I love a sunny day

In park or grassy field, Whom 'neath my banner man and youtb Their utmost prowess wield.

And there they stand with ready arm. Unflinching every one; v


Their only aim to prove themselYW "A Briton to the bonel"

That I abound in man and beast, And also in mankind.

No. 32.— Biddla.

Add 100 and nothing to 10, and 100 and •othing to 1,000, then catch a B and put him at the end of it all, and the whole will pro- duce what you don't want one bit, so perhaps you had better save yourself the trouble of guessing this riddle.

Ns, 23.— A Card Board Puzzle.

2. Cut out of a piece of card, five piece«> similar in shape and size to the annexed figures, viz., one piece of Fig. 1, three pieces of Fig. 2 and one like Fig. 3. These five pieces an- then to be so joined as to form a cross, like that represented by Fig. 4; but, of course, larger in size.

No. 34.— Geographical Emp/ma.

(A city in Australia) and her friend (a city In Montana) went shopping. (A city in Australia) wore an (a county in Ireland) and a (city in the northern part of California) pin. (A city in .Montana) wore a (plateau in Asia) cloth suit and a (bills in Dakota) hat They bought some (mountains in Vermont) dress goods, a (river in Mississippi) ring, a m Florida) picture and some (an island of Scotland) for a dress for (a city in Swe- don). They then went home. Harper's Young People.

No. 35. Charade. My whole's a word of letters five,

I'm found both far and near; Behead me, and I am a Bound

That strike* upon the ear.

My tail cut off, a weight now comes,

Most useful to mankind; Behead again, my tall replace,

A unit you will find.

Curtail once more, and I am left

A >.•!-> little word; A prvpuoition sometimes foi t . 1, An adverb often bear d.

Behead me now, my tail clap on, And then I think you'll lind

No. 36. -Conundrums.

(a) "Why is a game of cards like a timber yard?

(b) Make V less by adding to it.

(c) Why is a widow like a gardener?

(d) W by is a tight boot like an acorn tree!

(e) Why is the largest city in Ireland likely to be the largest city in the world?

(f) Why is a bad epigram like a poor pen- cil?

(g) How do you swallow a door? - - (h) Why is a thump like a hat?

(i) When you go to bed why are your slip- pers like an unsuccessful man?

(j) Why are your nose and chin always at variance?

(k) When may a chair be said to dislike you?

(1) What man never turns to the left?

(in) What is that which is lengthened by being cut at both ends?

No. 37. Rebut.

A churlish Jew, whose bags were mad* to


A noble mind set to ungenial deed ; A knavish peddler, thievish as a pie} A shrew, made gentle by authority; A judge, with a false angel for his mate* A foolish justice, full of idle prate; A shepherd maid, for a great throne more fit ; A chattering constable, of empty wit; A dainty spirit of the air set free; A youthful lover full of phantasy ; One who a mistress wept more sweet than she. These lifelike forms the wondrous master

wrought, With subtle skill and deeply searching

thought; These few just gathered from his bounteous

store Will spell his name, if right thou read them


No. 38.— Illustrated Proverb.

Book of Puzzles.

No. 39.— Anagram.


Like a bright star,

6uidlng Its owner through darkness and llgm% Saving him from the terrible plight

Of being left to his doom

Lost in the gloom.

No. 40. Charade.

O'er distant hills the rising moon The evening mist dispersed;

And, beaming radiant from her throne, She plainly showed my first.

A horseman, now seen by her light, Approached with headlong speed;

And, as he passed, my second said, To urge his foaming steed.

For his lady love still waited, Though the trysting hour was pasft.

My whole she was, in truth, because He was my third and last.

No. 41. An Enigma. I am spelled in four letters, a very small

word, In which only three letters of them seem to

be heard.

I dwell on the tree, on the bush, on the flower, On the top of the cedar, the midst of tbe

bower, I am gold, I am silver, I am black and I'm

white, I am tinged with all colors you see 'neath the


I am thick, I am thin, I am narrow or broaa, I am met on the river, the meadow, the road.

No. 42. Numerical Puzzle.

A man had three daughters of three ages, to whom he gave certain apples to sell. To the eldest daughter, fifty apples ; to the sec- ond, thirty apples, and to the youngest, ten apples, and they all sold the same number for a penny and brought home the same money. How many did each sell for a penny'

No. 43. Conundrums.

(a) Why should a man always wear a •watch when he travels in a waterless desert?

(b) Why is the early grass like a penknife?

(c) What is a bull in a china shop?

(d) Why are clergymen like waiters?

What Is Faith.

A teacher in a school that stood on the banks of a river once wished to communi- cate to his pupils an idea of faith. While he was trying to explain the meaning of the word, a small covered boat hove in sight. Seizing upon the incident for illustration, he exclaimed: "If I were to tell you that there was a leg of mutton in that boat, you would believe me, would you not, without even see-

ing it for yourselves? "Yes, sir," replied the scholars. "Well, that is faith," said the teacher. The next day, in order to test their recollection of the lesson, he inquired: "What is faith?" "A leg of mutton in a boat," was the answer, shouted from all parts of the school. Good boysl

No. 44. An Extraordinary Dinner.

Soups.— (a) To jeer and a kind of clovo. (b) The name of "the piper's son," a letter and part of tho foot.

Fish. (a) Only, (b) To roll, toss cz tumble.

Entree. (a) To cower, served with a phil- osopher, on a sentiment.

Roasts.— (a) A country, (b) An essayist. (c) A tailor's implement.

Vegetables.— (a) A letter, an article and part of the foot, (b) Letters of the alphabet, (c) A watchman's course, (d) A coupe and a generation.

Dessert.— (a) To regret, part of an arrow and a mass of unsorted type, (b) Swimming and what Australia is.

Nuts.— (a) A wooden trunk. (b) Terra firma. (c) On every breakfast table.

Fruits.— (a) The fruit that urges you to travel, (b) The fruit that tells tales, (c) Unites in couples, (d) An anathema, an article and a conjunction.

No. 45. Hollow Square.

When the jiames of the four central ob- jects have been rightly guessed, and arranged like tho black dots on tho edge of the picture (the first and last letters of each word being used twice), a hollow square will be formedL_

Ifo. 46.— Enigma ID Rbym* I'm high and I'm low,

Pm up and I'm down{ I'm uaed by the boy* In country and town,

I mostly em thick;

Very rarely am thlflf Pometim-3 F rralk out;

Sometimes I walk in.

Pm often put on,

And often put off; But hold ! I have done*

I've told you enough.

No. 47.— Puzzler* for Wife Heads. There arc fourteen letters in a very famous book, the name of which you havo to guess by paying duo attention to the following re- marks:

(a) When the first letter goes, a fruit which has it straightway becomes a wide mouth.

(b) By adding tho second to another letter, you get a famous river.

(c) The loss of the third turns, alas! an honest tar's room Into a murderer I

(d) While tho loss of the fourth makes what fa fanciful a bit of wood.

(e) Add my fifth letter twice to a vowel and straightway you havo a lady.

(0 At any time of tho year by adding the sixth to the present moment you get some- thing cold and white.

(g) Take away ray next, and what was made to swim can fly.

(h) The removal of my eighth turns a king's seat into agony.

(i) By the loss of my ninth the name of a person becomes a bird.

(j) The addition to my tenth turns a car- riage into a shell fish.

(k) Take away my nost from an important feature and you get an insect fond of a candle.

(I) Add my twelfth to a coal mine and you get a kitchen utensil.

(m) Add my thirteenth to a domestic ani- mal and you find something to wear.

(n) And fur the want of my last letter a mariner's guide becomes good to eat.

N'<>. 48.— Conundrum*.

(a) When is the soup likely to run out of the saucepan f

(b) How does tho Russian nation resemble the tea?

(c) What Is the di (Terence between a pcr- ton late for the train and a school mistress >

(d) Would you rather an elephant killed you, or a gorilla!

(c) What writer would havo been tho best angler?

Some Good Simile*. AM wet u flmh— a> dry aa a bone:

Aa live u a blrd-oi dead as a rtonej Aa plump aa a partridge— aa poor as a rat) Aa strong aa a horse— as weak as a cat; As hard aa a fllnt^-aa eoft aa a mole; Aa white aa a lily— as black as a coal ; As plain as a pike sufl— as rough as a bear; As tight as a drum— as free as the air; A3 heavy 03 lead— as light as a feather; As steady as time— uncertain as weather; As hot us an oven as cold as a frog; As gay as a lark— as sick as a dog.

"Your horse has a tremendous long bit," said a friend to Theodore Hook. "Yes," •aid he, "it is a bit too long."

No. 40.— Riddle In Terse. If you would travel o'er our land, To Vermont's hills or Georgia's strand.

Or where Maine's breezes blow, Get ia my flrst and you will speed Fur Ja-ster than the swiftest steed,

Where 'cr you wish to go.

Upon my second patriots turn, For it their he::rto with ardor burn,

For It they live and die, For it in toil they spend their years, For it they give their prayers and tears,

For it as captives sijh.

My whole 13 In the pardon found,

When tho cweet summer months come rouarl,

Ai d flowers wake at their call. Yell )w sometime:* and sometimes rose, Snow white, deep red its color glows,

Its perfume pleases all.

No. 50. Word Pyramid.

Arrange the word septuagenarian in a col- nmu of letters thus:

And then tell a story of old age, or make some remarks on old age, 8 BO that tho whole will form a pyra- E raid, with twice as many letters P but ono at the bottom as there are T in tho word itself, namely, twice U fourteen wanting ono, that is, A twenty-coven. Tho letter S must re- O main alone, boiug tho apex ; tho next E letter, E, must have ono letter on N each side of it; P must have two on A each side; T three on each side, and R so on, until you arrive at N, tho last I letter, which must have thirteen A letters on each side of it. The N whole must form a connected sen- tence, having reference, as wo said before, to the condition of old age.

No, 51. Enlsma.

My flrst Is in tadpole, but not in a worm ; My next'a in the tempest, but not in the storm;

My third's in a tunic, yet not in a coat; My fourth's in a bison, but not in a goat; My fifth is in yeliow, but never in blue;

Book of Puzzles.


My sixth is in cinders, yet not in the flue,

My seventh's in the tailor, but not in hit man;

My last's not in kettle, but always in pan.

If you put these together, a bard ycu will eee,

And most people think him the top of the tree.

No. 52. Arithmetical Puzzle.

How many dinners would be necessary for a club of seven persons who had agreed to dine with each other as long as they could be differently arranged whca they sat down at table?

No. 53. Connected Diamonds.

1. A crooked letter. 2. A sweet bread. 8. A sweet substance. 4. Is an animaL 5. The last of a chair.

1. The last of help. 2. A beverage. 3. A kind of fruit 4. A kind of ostrich. 5. The first in sickness.

The centrals read down form the centrals across, which ia turn form a candy.

No. 54. Illustrated Conundrum.

These two peop.e are making the same re- mark. What is it?

No. 55. Hidden Poets.

Find the name of a poet in each of the fol- lowing sentences:

(a) Is martyrdom a thing to desire or notl

(b) Is it better to go to church ill, or stay

(c) Does ever a cow perplex her mind with politics?

(d) "What other animal can kick, eat, strike with her horns, and low?

(e) When a man looks grim, a song will often cheer him up will it not?

(f) How do you like such names as Robert, Philip, Arne, Llewellyn?

(g) Who was best up in daring deeds in the Crimea?

(h) What is the complexion of the Ningpc people?

No. 66.— Conundrums.

(a) What is the difference between a chim- ney sweep and a gentleman who finds that the mourning he has purchased to wear at a friend's funeral fits him exactly?

(b) Why are A, E and U the handsomest ol the vowels?

(c) Why is a worn out shoe like ancienl Greece?

(d) What key is best for unlocking thi tongue?

(c) How can you ask a man if he is ill ir four letters?

No. 57. A Monument. O O








(a) A vowel appearing but thrice in thil


(b) A letter used as a numerical sign;

(c) A quadruped faithful and true untt


(d) A conjunction in use since our languag*


(e) A certain uncertainty next is expressed

(f) Then follow the places we all should

love best ;

(g) Then comes one who works at an arl

that is plastic, (h) And next, passing over, though not a.

"gymnastic," (i) The base is seen lying at length on th«

ground: This done, and the thing you hav«

builded is found.

The central letters read downward give th« inswer.

No. 58. Card Board Puzzle.


A parallellogram, as in the illustration Fig. 1, may be cut into two pieces so that by shifting the position of the pieces two other figures may be formed, as shown bj Figs. 2 and i

No. 50. Historical Knlgma.

My first is what you first Jearn to do ir arithmetic.

My second was the founder of the Norman duchy.

My third is Latin for thou.

My fourth is a great personal ornament.

My fifth is two vowels.

My sixth is a county in Scotland.

My seventh was a heathen goddess named in the Bible.

My eighth is an archangel mentioned bj Milton.

My ninth is tho Greek K.

My t-nth i< a beautiful forest tree.

My eleventh a musical drama.

My twelfth is no ornament to any one'i face.

My thirteenth is two-thirds of a Scotch whaling port.

My fourteenth is the name of a book in thi Bible.

My fifteenth we must all obey, or we shal] catch it.

My sixteenth is a sound in the singing scale.

My seventeenth is anything and every- thing.

My eighteenth is what everything has.

My nineteenth is a favorite musical hano instrument.

My twentieth is what every rnnn would like to be.

My twenty-first is a famous North Ameri- can river.

My hist is often hard to say.

Arrange these words, and tho first letten read downward will describe a great soldier; the last, similarly read, will decribo three of his victories.

No. GO. Ch:irao>. No book without my first is made,

However small or large; A boat my next, which swiftly sails.

And outstrips many a barge. My whole Is used to cut my first

However thick it may be A very useful thing am I,

As quickly you will see.

No. 01. A Few Biblical Conundrum*.

(n) At what time of the day was Adam born?

'!•) U"l: it kind of sweetmeats did the? have in tho arkf

(c) What is the moat unequal contest men- tioned in the Bible I

(d) When did Ruth treat Boaz badly!

(e) Who can be said to be nobody's child?

(f) How many neckties had Job?

(g) Which of the animals took the most into the ark?

(h) Where were walking sticks first intro duced? (i) At what season did Eve eat tho apple?

No. 62. Half Squar*.

(a) A leather bag.

(b) Methods of working.

(c) Settled again.

(d) Elegies.

(e) Things of importance.

(f) Essential oils obtained from roses.

(g) Nails.

(h) Parts of the feet.

(i) Finish.

(j) Of the same kind.

(k) A letter.

No. 63. Poctlc:il Charade.

My lady Jane had called for my first,

And the curtains, cozy and warm, Glowed red in the twilight, shutting out

The sight of the thick snow storm.

Two little boys with my second played,

With the help of my lady Jane And an ivory ball ; and they missed and laughed,

Then tried the trick over again.

But my first is ready, my second waits.

On the ground all the playthings roll, And the children, tired out with their game,

Are taking my first from my whole.

No. 04. A Spring Time Pyratald.

Arrange as a pyramid tho sentence below, and find out tho word which reaches from the point to the foundation stone. It will be found to be a spring tide festival, suitable more or less to the subject of the sentence:

"Sweet spring at last is bursting tho Arctic chains. Genial breezes refresh us sometimes. Tho snow drop is gone. It has given place to the many later favorites, as daffodils and primroses. Birds, such as wo all do love, provide music rare, and we should bo joyful indeed were it not that we know winter de- parts not with the daffodils. Rude blasts have yet to roar around the garden. Fly away, winter! fly away I"

N. B.— Great care must be taken to arrange all tho letters in strictly level lines, and the letters of each line must be exactJy below those of the lino above, and exactly above those in the lines below, or confusion will l>e the result. Tho letter S will, of course, be the highest point of tho pyramid.

No. »;.">. Anagram*.

(a) Got a scant religion.

(b) Shame proud Caty.

Book of Puzzles.

(c) Rare mad frolio.

(d) One-half bias.

(e) Queer as mad,

(f) Mad policy.

(g) Lady mine, (b) Cnesty.

(i) Chasty.

(j) Boy Ned.

(k) Tea slops.

(1) One hug. (m) Norse cat.

(n) City life.

No 66. Arithmetical Fuzzle.

There was a poor man called Johannes Bull, Who children did possess, a quiver full; And who yet managed somehow to scratch on, By the true help of daughter and of son. Six little workers had he, each of whom Earned something for the household at the loom. I will not tell you how much each did gain, For I'm a puzzler, and I don't speak plain; But, as I would you should possess a clew, Home tell tale facts I'll now disclose to you. Week after week, Jane, Ann, Joe, Bet, Rose, Jim, Earn ten and tenpeace, father says, for him, And in this way: The eldest daughter, Jane, Gains seven pcuce more than sister Ann can gain; Ann eiglitpence morn than Joe; while .Too can get By his endeavor.; .- i ','(lian !!>•!;

Bet, not so old, earns not so much as, But by her hands gets fourpeuce more than Rose; Rose, though not up to Jane, yet means to thrive, And every week beats Jim by pennies five.

Now, say what each child worker should receive When father draws the cash on pay day eve?

No. 67.— Pictorial Puzzle.

No. 68. Conundrums.

(a) Old Mother Twitchett she had but one eye, And a very long tail which she always let fly; And every time she went over a gap,

She left a great piece of her tail in a trap.

(b) What ice becomes in the heat of the sun, Is given the soldier by beat of drum.

(c) Black we are, but much admired ; Men seek us out till they get tired; We tire the horse, but comfort man. Tell us this riddle if you can.

No. 6D. Dcoupitntion. Cut off my head, and singular I am ;

Cut off my tail, and plural I appear; Cut off both head and tail, and, wondrous f.-icf , Although my middle's left, there's nothing

there. What is my head?— a sounding sea;

What Is my tail? -a flowing rivor; In ocean's greatest depths I fearless play, Parent of sweet ast sounds, though mute for- ever.

No. 70. Word Progressions.

I am a thing, which once was borne aloft, Over the hill, the woodland, and the croft; Yet I, who thus could rise like any lark. Am now the servant of a banker's clerk.

Add but a litter, or, it may be, twain,

And changes yet more strange shall I sustain,

As thus: ajieap of copper I become,

If c and e are added to my sum;

And if a sacred mount you give to me. Cash am I still, and mount to £ s. d. But pounds and shillings, yea, and pennies fall, If u r y are tacked upon my taiL

No. 71.— Pictorial Proverb.

No. 73.— Acrostic.

(5 letters.)

Anyplace of public contest; to paralyze; fleshy ; a tertiary deposit on the banks of the Rhine; pertaining to a brittle, gray colored metal; to look steadfastly; to follow; tryst; obscure; to sing; an appointed place of meet- ing ; a weapon ; true.

Primals: Excusing.

Third letters dowii: a dependent.

No. 73. Kiiigma In Prose..

I am a word of three letters, an animal's name. Add a planet to me, and you will dis- cover Sirius. Take it away, and replace it with a flower, and you will discover the ex- quisite piak tinted wild rose of the hedges. Change it once more and link mo to another order and you will perceive a purple scent- less blossom. Substitute a fish, and you will find in me one of the lesser shark tribe. Add me. to the 4th of July and llth of August inclu- sive, and I shall represent the hottest season. Add four letters to me, and I will recite the worst of bad verse to you ; replace these by three other letters, and I will show you a stubborn disposition ; alter these to two others, and I represent a tenet. Set mo on fire and I give you an ancient form of grate. In my crude form J ain the recognised emblem of


fidelity, and am monumentally represented so. I am the guardian of your flocks and herds, and of your threshold, under which guise I am represented at Pompeii. I follow your steps with pertinacity, am ofttimes slain in your service, and sometimes by your own hand. I rescue you from fire, water and snow. I get to the lowest depth of weariness in your behalf, and yet your gratitude is evinced by making my name a mere byword of reproach.

No. 74.— Conundrum*.

(a) Why is the nose on your face like v in civility? '

(b) Why is conscience like the check string of a stage?

(c) What snuff taker is that whose box gets fuller the more pinches he takes?

Mi If a tough beefsteak could speak, what English poet would it mention?

(e) What question is that to which you must positively answer "yes?"

(0 Why is an author the most wonderful man in the world?

No. 75.— for WlMt Hearts.

Take twenty lines, and put in the first Fomething hot and comfortable, though dan- gerous.

, In the second write down Abram's home of ol.L

In the third we will have the light of the body.

In the fourth set down a very base word.

In the fifth put what no one likes, or ever will

Jot down for jour sixth word what is on every thorn.

And for your seventh lay down two-thirds of half a dozen.

While three-fourths of an arch shall be your eighth word.

The ninth is the earliest navigator we know of.

The tenth is how best to prosper.

The eleventh is a clang word for something to eat

And the twelfth is our own noble selves.

We ought to eschew the thirteenth.

While the fourteenth wo need not eschew If we are temperate, but it is of ten dangerout like number one.

The fifteenth word is two-thirds of our mother.

The sixteenth is a girl's name.

And the seventeenth a thing's designation,

The «-i^l,t.'.-nth is half a nose.

The nineteenth no man ever saw the end of.

In tho twentieth and last place, or line, write down what you ought never to be— qerer, never, never I

When these are set down one beneath an- other, read the first letters, and you will find tho two great factions, or parties, who di- vided Italy and Germany so much in the Middle Ages ; and by reading the last letters you will find a most useful building, erected by Charles II, where better work is done than slitting throats for barren glory.

No. 76. Word Syncopations. Take an age from to supply with air, and leave a goddess; take a Hebrew measure from a perfumed liquid, and leave a kind of shell ; take edges from to shrink, and leave a plant of the cabbage family ; take an pninml from an assistant and leave a fish.

No. 77.— The Hidden Poet.

My first is in willow, and never in ash; My next is in wound, but not in a gash; My third is in wormwood, yet never in pall : My fourth's in the landlord, but not in his hall; My next's in the throstle, but not in her mate, My sixth's in all women, yet never in Kate ; My seventh's in tho tongue, but it's not in tho head; My eighth is in slumbers, but not in one's bed; My ninth is in scarlet, but not in red cl«-ak ; My last's in a hammer, but not in its stroke. Together, my letters a poet declare, Who once wore the laurel about his white hair.

No. 78. Enigmatical Animal*.

An affirmative and continually. A ma- son's implement an! a morsel. Uninhabited and an old game at ball. A mottled appear- ance in wood and to steep in lye.

No. 79.— Pictorial Rebus.

No. 80.— Riddle*.

(a) How can you spell George with one letter?

(b) Why is S a noisy lettter? Why is love, like a canal boat?

!•!> Why is snuff Uke the letter §?

Book of Puzzles.

(6) What Is the center of gravity I (f) Why la n dentist likely to be a melan- choly manf

Thonghts Wise and Otherwise.

What a distressing thing it is, as soffls ona has said, that there are men who positively can't, any one of them, open their mouths without putting their foot in it.

Some one asks: What is the difference be- tween a coat and a baby? To which the answer has been given : The one I wear, the other I was, A punster adds: That, ah] must be the reason why, ah! ladies like them both, as they are all given to, ah! pet a baby, also, to a(h) ! pet-a-coat.

An Old Proverb Kevisccl. "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!" That's what you say really; well, we're not quite so sura of this, but there is one thing we are quite decided about, namely :

Go to bod late, and get up again early, Makes a man stupid, seedy and surly. It's all right; we've tried it.

Do Yon See ItT

A lady who was often visited by a gentle- man, sometimes at rather unseemly hours even, was asked if ho were ahem! any re- lation. She replied: "That gentleman's mother is my mother's only child." Do you eee it? He was her son her male child— her offspring.

A Specimen of Ciphering. You 0 my 0, I 0 thee; Oh, 0 no 0, but 0 me, And let your 0 my 0 be, ThengiveOOIOthee.

A Cute Customer.

Justice Do you know that yon an charged with the theft of a poor laborer's dinner?

Tramp Yes, sirl

J.— And did you know that yon violated the law?

T. No, sir! It was a case of necessity, and necessity knows no law. Boston Bud- get,

I Answered.

"Have you any data on which to base fl prognostication of the duration of the pres- ent period of excessive caloric in the circum- ambient atmosphere?" asked a young woman with spectacles of a man at the Union station yesterday. "Yes'ra," was tho reply, "the next train for Boston leaves in half an hour * Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph.

Ho Temptation.

"And BO you have brought my beautiful Alphonso home, have you, like an honest man, instead of keeping him yourself, as you might easily have done!" said the delighted lady as she fondled the poodle. "Were you not strongly tempted fro keep the darling creature?"

"No, mum," replied the incorruptible man, as he pocketed the $5 reward. "It weren't no temptation. I couldn't have sold his hido for two bits at this season of the year, mmm" —Chicago Tribune.

No. 81.— Who or "What Was It and WlicreT

God mado Adam out of dust, But thought best to make ino first, Bo I was mode before tho man, To answer God's most holy plan. My body he did make complete, But without Legs or Arms or Feet* I did my Maker's laws obey; From them I never went astray, But God did something in me see. And put a living soul in me, That soul of me my God di J claim, And when from mo that soul had fled, I was the same as when first made, And without hands or feet or soul, I travel now from pole to pole. To fallen man I give great light. Thousands of people, young and old, Jlay, by my death, great light behold; To heaven I can never go, Nor to the grave or hell below.

No. 82. Illustrated Conundrum.

No. 83. Riddle In Prose.

I am the center of gravity, hold a capital situation in Vienna, and as I am foremost in every victory, am allowed by all to bo In- valuable. Always out of tune, yet ever in voice; invisible, though clearly seen in the midst of a river. I have threo associates in vice, and could name three who are In love with me. Still it is in vain you seek me, for I have long been in heaven, and even now lie embalmed in the grave.



No. 84.— Enigma by Cowper.

I am Just two and two, I am warm, I am cold, And the parent of numbers thct cannot be told. I'm lawfully unlawful, a duty, a fault. Exceeding dear, good for nothing when bought, A - extraordinary boon, and a matter of course, A .J yielded with pleasure when taken by force.

No. 85.— Arithmetical Puzzle.

Tho sum of four figures in value will be, Above seven thousand nine hundred aud three; But when they are halved, you'll find very fair The su. i will be nothing, in truth I declare.

No. 86. Enigma. My first is in nun and not in some. My second la in nap and not in fun. . My third is in pay and not in debt. My fourth is in bone and not in bet. My fifth is in love and not in hatred. My sixth is in blue and also in red. My seventh is in boat and not in ship. My eighth is in hand and not in whip. My whole la the name of a great conqueror.

No. 87. Conundrums.

(a) There's a word composed of three letters alon« Which reads backwards and forwards the

MB*. It expresses the sentiments warm from th«

heart, And to beauty lays principal claim !

(b) What word is it which by changing a •ingle letter becomes its own opposite?

(c) When a boy falls into the water what in the first thing be does!

(d) What is that which la pat on the tabl* and cut, but never eaten!

(e) At what time was Adam married?

(0 What is the difference between twic« twenty -two and twice two and twenty?

(g) A room with eight corners had a cat in each corner, seven cats before each cat and a cat on ev, f \ it's tail What was the total Dumber c'. •; ?

(h) Wh:.1 i '. at which the more you take from It the i.r v it growil


Astrono » i derful,

And lull . ..ting, 2; The eart volves around the RUB

Which makes a year 4 you,

Tho moon Is dead and calm. By law of phys 6 great;

It's 7 where the stars alive Do nightly scintU 8.

If watchful Providence be 9 With good in 10 lions fraught,

Di 1 not kwsp up IU grand design, We soon would come to 0.

Astronomy H 1 derful.

But It's 8 80 4 1 man 2 group, and that is wh/

I'd better say no more

No. 88.— A Charade Letter by Charles Fox.

Permit mo, madam, with tho profoundest respect, for once to come uncalled into your presence, and, by dividing myself, add greatly to my consequence.

So exalted am I in tho character of my" first that I have trampled upon the prido of kings, and the greatest potentates up .n earth have bowed doTvn to embrace mo, yet the dirtiest kennel, in tho dirtiest street, is not too foul to have me for its inmato.

In my second, what infinite variety? I am rich as tho eastern nabob, yet poor as the weeping object of your benevolence; I am mild and gentle as the spring, yet savage as tho wintry blast ; I am young, beautiful and blooming, yet deformed and wretched. From tho highest authority, madam, I daro prove I am your superior, though few aro tho in- stances that prove it, and tea thousand the

proofs against it. I am ; but you ore

tired, and wish my reunion; it is done, and my consequence is lost, and I have no other merit than remaining, as at first, your most obedient servant, THE WHOLE.

No. 89. Syncopations.

I am composed of six letters:

Without my 1, 2, 3, I am part of a lock.

Without my 4, I am tho miser's god.

Without my 5, 6, I am a member of th« Roman Catholic church.

Without my 1, 4, 5, 6, I am a preposition.

Without my 2, 3, 4, 5, I am a pronoun.

Without my 3, 4, 5, 0, I am tho initials of one of tho United States.

My whole is an animal of South America.

No. 00.— Hour Glass,

(a) Merchants.

(b) To lift.

(c) Frozen water.

(d) A consonant. (c) A fish.

(f) A stoves

(g) Cut.

Centrals read down— A celebrated English novelist.

Left diagonals— Fell in drops. Right diagonals— Searchers.

No. 01.— Mathematical Puzzle.

An old woman, carrying eggs to market In a basket, met an unruly fellow, who broke them. Being taken before a magistrate, ho was ordered to pay for them, provided the woman could tell how many she had; but •he could only remember that in counting them into tho basket by twos, by threes, by fours, by fives and by sixes there always re- mained one, but by counting them in by •evens there were none remaining. Now, in this caae, how was th« number to be ascer- tained!

Book of Puzzles.

Wo. 02.— Word Building.

Two lines containing a total of sixteen words can be made from the following: Y y uryyubicuryy for me.

Ko. 03. The Grasping landlord.

Suppose a certain landlord had eight ap- ple trees around his mansion, around these eight houses of his tenants, around these ten pear trees-phe wants to have the whole of the pear trees to himself, and allot to each of his tenants one of his apple trees in their place. How must ho construct a fence or kedge to accomplish it?

No. 94.— PI.

Stlrf eth lube dan tehn eth rowshej Stingrub dub, dan slingmi lerwof ; Bkorob tes efre hwit kinglint rign; Drisb oto lufl fo gons ot gins; Bcrip dol seveal tiras hiwt dripe, Weerh eht dirnit stoveli heid Lai hingst darey hwit a ilwl Palir's mognic pu eht lihll

No. 05. Riddle in Rhyme.

Ever running on my race, Never staying at one place, Through the world I make my tour, Everywhere at the same hour. If you please to spell my name, Reversed or forward 'tis the same?

No. 06. Combination Star. 1

4 . . Y. . 5

. . * ••> $ . .




Prom 1 to 2, a braggart; from 1 to 3, mates happy; from 2 to 3, argues rationally; from 4 to 5, the principal gold coins of ancient Greece; from 4 to 6, to satisfy; from 5 to 6, the shortening of a long syllable.

No. 07.— Words Within Words.

(a) An animal in a candle.

(b) A path in a star.

(c) A stream of water in fruit.

(d) A crime in clergymen.

(e) An owl's cry in tree branches.

(f) A sign in a cosmetic.

(g) A propeller in what it was made from.

No. 08.— Charade.

My first from the Greek meaning "love,1 My second's one vowel alone. My third was an oracle famous, My fourth like my second, I own. My whole is a friendly old city, That quite prides itself on its -'tone."

No. 00. Entangled Scissors

This is an old but a capital puzzle. A piece of double twine is fastened to a pair of scis- sors (as shown in the cut), and both the ends aro held with the hand, while some person extricates the scissors from the twine.

No. 100. Beheadings.

(a) Behead a tree, and leave roguish, (b) Behead on high, and leave a gallery in a church, (c) Behead thrown violently, and leave an organ of the body, (d) Behead a preposition, and leave a contest, (e) Behead a pronoun, and leave belonging to us. (f) Behead to efface, and leave to destroy, (g) Behead to reproach, and leave a relative, (h) Behead to annoy, and leave comfort, (i) Behead an occurrence, and leave to give utterance to.

The beheaded letters will spell the name of a famous general, beloved by all Americans.

No. 101. Gentlemen and Their Servants.

Three gentlemen are going over a ferry with their three servants, who conspire to rob them, if they can get one gentleman to two of them, or two to three, on either side of the ferry. They have a boat that will only carry two at once; and either a gentle-



manor ft WfVt&tAUtt bring back the boat each time a cargo of them goes over. How can th« gentlemen get orcr with all their •errant) so as to avoid an attack!

Ko. 1O2.— Hidden Author**

I was sitting Idly in my study, WfoTD A blazing fire, about en Hour before dinner, when, according to my physician's directions, I rang the bell and ordered my tonic, "Yes, sir," answered my old and very valued serv- ant, who had been my cellarmen (a) for years; "how do y>u find yourself, sir?" •'Very well, I thank you, John," replied I; "except for a slight pain in my brow (b), I was never better." "I'm glad of it, sir," he answered, "for Dick is very anxious to know when you intend to resume the chose "Ni-xt week, I IJOJK?," saiil I, "and I hope my old fashioned body dl) is ready for me to wear." "Ay, ay, sir," replied John, "but 'tis looking terribly whitish black (e) at the seams." "Never mind, John," said I, "'tis an old friend. And what's Hannah got for my dinnerP "She has got a leg of young mutton (0, sir," he replied. "Then tell her to cook it in hot water (g)," said I; "and beg her not to forget that I like a slice of dried salt pork (h) afterward, and above all things let lier be quick (i) about it. Just mention to her, by the way, that the shrimp sauce yesterday was rather husky (j)." "Yes, sir," answered faithful John, closing the door. "And now," said 1, poking the cheery flre, "I don't envy even Pio Mono (k) himself, with such a dinner awaiting me, a cozy chair, a good fire and twelve good authors whom 1 have already mentioned tt» keep me company.*

No. 103. Transposition. Read me aright, I'm useful to cooks; But by transposition, draw boys from their


A rain transposed, then me you would shout Most lustily after a thief, I've DO doubt; Transpose but once more, and I may be found la each street of the cily. both steadfast and


No. 1O4. A Doable Arroctio.

mniAUB *5D rtxAi.8. Tbese two disclose an order new

Lately of science born. WnoM eUicU, whether false or true,

Beach us. each ui^ht and morn.


(a) la forest dim. If one this sound should hear, He might in terror fly or crouch In abject fear.

(b) lie bids adieu to comforts, friends and home, Through arctic saows and deserts drear to

(d) A homely crop, though vef? good, And used by man and beast for food.

(e) Behold my fifth's a woman's name, Which, back and forth, Is spelled the same.

(f) Aloft on craga Trhlch join the skies,

This home may greet your searching eyes, (f) What we all seek and pray that Heaven may

eend, Alas! we rarely find It till the end.

No. 105. The Carpenter's Puztle.

(c) A poet of Italy 1 1 hero,

WbuM name ut uuaic to the «ar.

A ship having sprung a leak at sea, and be- ing in great danger, tho carpenter could find nothing to mend it with except a piece of wood of which the accompanying cut is a correct representation. The black dots in it represent holes in the wood, thus apparently preventing him from cutting out of it the sized piece he wanted, which was exactly one- fourth of its own size, having no holes in it Can you tell how the square piece was cut from the board*

No. IOC. Charades.

(a) My first's a prop, my second's a prop and my whole is a prop.

(L) What 1 do, what I do not and what yon are.

(c) My first Is equality, my second inferi- ority, my whole superiority.

(d) He can, seldom obtain my first, who labors for my second, and few like to do my whole,

(e) My first Is wise and foolish, my second the physician's study, my whole the pleasant- est ornament of a house.

(f) My whole is under my second and sur- rounds my first.

(g) When you stole my first, I lost my second, and 1 wish you may ever possess my •whole.

(h) My first dreads my second, for my second destroys my first, while many delight In my wuol*.

Book or Puzzles.

No. 107.— Enlgraa.

Things In my first ore always told. My second smacks of matters old. My third is ever bought and sold In shops or in the market cold.

Or, If you like it, on a stalk,

When in the summer fields you vralk.

My first you'll notice, ripening fast;

My next's an adverb of the past:

My third in mart or ware house sfanda,

And is forever changing hands;

My whole it has a luckless lot,

It almost always goes to pot.

No. 108. Half Square.

Foreshown; displaced; a symbol; pertain* Ing to the sun; to declare; a jewel; a nick- name; a consonant.

No. 109.— A Riddle iii Rhyme.

We are little airy creatures.

Each have different forms and features;

One of us in glass is set.

Another you will find hi Jet;

A third, less bright, is set in tin,

A fourth a shining box within;

And the fifth, if you pursue,

It will never fly from you.

No. 110. A Remarkable Monogram.

You are requested to state what word It Is, of only three syllables, which combines in it twenty-six letters. While you are consid- ering an answer to this conundrum, your at- tention is called to the picture above, of the gentleman with the parasol and hand port- manteau. It presents a monogram of the twenty-sir letters of the alphabet,

none of which are turned backward. To a quick mind it also suggests a reply to the opening query.

No. 111. Two Diamonds 1. A consonant. 2. A garden tool 3. Parts of speech. 4. The terminus. 5. A con- sonant.

1. In chest. 2. A beverage. 3. Shelters. 4. Consumed. 5. In chest.

No. 112. Conundrums.

(a) What letter in the Dutch alphabet will name an English lady of title?

(b) What word of six letters contains six words beside itself, without transporting a letter?

(c) Is there a word in the English language that contains all the vowels?

(d) Why is quizzing like the letter D on horseback?

(e) What Christian name, besides Anna, reads the same both ways?

No. 113.— Enigma.

I may be either alive, dead, or inanimate. In the first case I can be either curved, straight, or crumpled; in the second 1 may bo of any form, but especially hollow; in my last my appearance is rather circumscribed, but it is the most pleasing of my forms I wear no coat, yet sometimes 1 have a but- ton, and a cape is named after me. I have no head, but am possessed of a mouth, and sometimes of a tongue, and can give utter- ance to sounds without the latter; and, truly, I must bo a poor one of my kind if I cannot speak. In one sense I am generally in pairs, and in another never can appear in more than twenty-six weeks of the year. I can, when alive, inflict severe wounds, and when inanimate, in bad hands, can cause pain (to the ear). In one sense I give light, in an- other I protect it I am not averse to gayety, for I used of ten to appear at festive boards; no band is complete without me, and I am often mentioned in connection with plenty. But for all this, in my natural state 1 am sometimes rough, always sharp, and have been the death of several people, and a place merely bearing my name seemed to have such terrors as to cause a gallant captain to desist from his voyage.

No. 114.— Transformations.

[Change one letter each move, the substi- tute retaining the same relation to the other letters in the word, and giving a legitimate word still Example Change Wood to Coal in three moves. Answer Wood, Wool, Cool, Coal]

(aj Change White to Bl§ck In eight isaTgS,



(b) Chang* 5eat to Prim In eight moves.

(c) Change Hat* to Ix>ve in three moves.

(d) Change Saxe to I'ope in live moves.

(e) Change Hand to Foot in six moves.

(f) Change Blue to Pink in ten moves.

(g) Change Hard to Cosy in five moves. (h) Change Sin to Woe in three moves.

No. 115 Anagram*. (•) Spare him not (b) March on. (O Golden land.

(d) Nine thumps,

(e) Best in prayer.

(f) Nay, 1 repent it

(g) Rare mad frolic, (h) To love ruin.

(i) Great helps.

No. 110. A Transposition, A gentleman who was paying his addresses to a lady, at length summoned up sufficient courage to ask if they were agreeable to her, and whether he might flatter himself with a chance of ultimate success. The lady replied, "Stripes!" telling the gentleman to transpose the letters so as to form out of them another word, which word was her answer. The reader who can find out the word needs never fear being nonplused by a lady; those who cannot must either persist till they overcome the difficulty or may give up all thoughts of wooing.

No. 117.— Ea/iy Word Squares.

(a) A narrow road; a plane surface; close to; pans of the body.

(b) Not any; across; not far away; strayi from the right.

Ko. 118.— Floral Puzzle*.

» y w.rd.

iie» of twelve flowers or plant* uiy direction one square at a 1 same square only once In each

No. 11D.— TTord Building. I am a dog, a dog of lowr degree; There is, I'm told, no noble blood in me; Bo, settle that much in your mind, my boy, Then puzzle out the name that I enjoy.

To aid you in your labors, let me say, Add e, and every sickness flies away; Turn e to I, aud then at once you'll see What the waves do when winds blow fresh

and free.

If you remove them both, and add a few, It brings a bell of eventide to view; Or if, instead, you do append an ate, A clergyman appears as sure as fate. If you would turn me into cheese, add d, If you would shorten me, 'tis done with t. If you're a horseman, 6 will help you guide The gallant quadruped which you bestride. More I could say, no doubt, but I refrain; I've said enough to make my secret plain.

No. 120. A Box Puzzle.

A boy made a box and divided it into sev- eral compartments. The sides and partitions were alike, the floor was different. The cover was decorat/'il with a pii-turo repre- smting the shore of a certain tropical onni- try. The boy painted the box the color of his own eyes. He put in it a common table luxury, a summer garden vegetable, fruit of a foreign tree, and a very bitter substance. What nuts are represented by the box, ita aides, picture, color and contents?

No. 121.— Illustrated Rebus.

No. 122. A Transposition.

I am a word of letters six,

"Pertaining to tho mind;" Turn me around, and I will "grieve,"

Because you are- unkind; Turn just once more, and you have mad*

"A cloak" of mo, you'll find.

No. 123.— Dropped Syllables.

Example: Drop a syllable from an event, tod leave to mark, Answer,

Book of Puzzles.


(a) Drop a syllable from a kind of needle- work, and leave a mineral

(b) Drop a syllable from threatening, and leave the cry of an animal.

(c) Drop a syllable from an absconder, and leave an animal.

(d) Drop a syllable from a place of refuge, and leave a salt.

(e) Drop a syllable from a meeting, and leave to come in.

No. 124.— Kiddle.

Pour people sat down in one evening to play; They played all that eve and parted next day. Could you think when you're told, as thus

they all sat, No other played with them nor was ther«

one bet;

Yet when they rose up each gained a guinea, Though none of them lost to the amount of a



Great K, little K and K in a merry mood will show you two islands and a continent: Major-ca, Minor-ca and Ameri-ca.

What a pity it is when lovers fall out, isn't It? To think that hot words should produce a coolness! But, you know, everybody ia liable to the unpleasant vicissitudes of life. Even an oyster, which is one of the most placid of creatures, is liable to get into a Btew. Ah I it's stew terrible to even think of.

We remember once meeting a man who had just escaped by a miracle from being run over; he couldn't speak; his heart was . . in his mouth, and he didn't appear to like it. We met him again a week after, and he told us that for the future he intended, when he got to a crossing, to ... run over himself. Poor fellowl we trust it is still well with him.

Like which four letters of the alphabet is a honey producing insect when in small health? Like A B C D (a bee seedy).

[Therefore, not so much of A B C B (a busy bee) as usual. Poor little insect, what N-R-G it has in working; what X-L-N-C has not its hom y ; and as for its N-M-E's, they ought never to be X-Q-Z, but to find out the P-I-K-C of its sting.] No. 125. The Bishop of Oxford's Puzzle.

All of the following are in the human body. Tell us what these may be:

I have a trunk with two lids.

Two musical instruments.

Two established measures.

A great number of things a carpenter can- not dispense with.

Have always a couple of good fish and a number of small ones.

Two lofty trees.

Two fine flowers.

Two playful

With a number of smaller less tame breeds.

A fine stag.

A great number of whips without handles.

Some weapons of warfare.

A number of weathercocks.

The steps of a hotel.

A wooden box.

The house of commons on the eve of divis- ion.

Two students.

A number of grandees to wait upon them.

Two fine buildings.

A piece of money.

The product of a caoutchquer (camphor) tree.

Two beautiful phenomena.

An article used by Titian.

A boat in which balls are held.

An article used for crossing rivers.

A pair of blades without handles.

A letter finished off with bows.

Secure fastenings for the whole.

No. 126. An Ocean Wonder.

In the ocean's depths profound, Where is heard not human sound, Where the briuy monsters play, I am buried night and day.

Like a master working soul, Who can myriad minds control, Like the planets in their course, I contain a hidden force.

'Tis the modern men of thought That the fleeting secret caught; When a captive it *vas made, For its guidance I was laid.

Swifter than the flight of time Flashes it from clime to clime; Quick the distant nations hear What you whisper in my ear.

No. 127. The Square and Circle Puzzle.

Get a piece of cardboard, the size and shape of the dia- gram, and punch in it twelve circles, or holes, in the po- sition shown. The puzzle is to cut the cardboard into four pieces of equal size, each piece to be of the same shape, and to con- tain three circles, without getting into any of them.





0 0 O 0





No. 128. Anagram.

Each anagram contains but a single word, (a) Tame cats, (b) Master hope, (c) Rosa white, (d) Lovely tin, (e) As rag man. CO Lisping Fred.


Everybody s

No. 129. ESS Enigma. Three boys, all prone to roguish jest, Drove a hen from off her nest; The eggs they stole, and home they hied, Resolved the plunder to divide. First, half of all and half an egg Was "portioned to the greatest wag; The next got half of what remained, And half an egg he, too, obtained ; The third got half of what was left And half an egg; yet none was cleft, And now to tell the poet begs, I pray you divide poor Partlett's eggs.

One Way to Light a Candle. To light a candle without touching the wick, let the candle burn uutil it has a good long snuff, then blow it out with a sudden puff, a bright wreath of white smoke will curl up from the hot wick. Now if a flame be applied to this smoke, even at a distance of two or three inches from the candle, the flame will run down the smoke and rekindle the wick in a very fantastic manner. To perform this experiment nicely, there must be no draught or "banging" doors while the mystic spell is rising.

No. 13O. Author'* Enigma.

(a) A lion's house dug in the side of the hill where there is no water.

(b) Belongs to a monastery.

(<•) What nn oyster heap is apt to b*

(d) Always youthful you see; lint between you and me

Ho never was much of a chicken.

(e) Is any range of hills containing a cer- tain dark treasure.

(0 Humpbacked, but not deformed.

U) Brighter and smarter than the other*.

(h) I do for information,

I do for recreation,

It can music awaken,

But is easily shaken.

(i) Put an edible grain 'twixt an ant and a bee,

And a much loved poet you'll speedily


(j) Pack very closely, never scatter,

And doing so you'll soon get at her. (k) Oliver Twist's importunate demand. (1) The witches' salutation to Macbeth. Cm) A slang exclamation.

No. 131.— Heheiulmcnt ami < urtailiuenU Cut off my hcud, and singular I am; Cutoff my tail, mid plural 1 u|,| Cut off both head and tail, and, wondrous

fact. Although my middle's left there's nothing

there, ^fbat is my hea/1 f-a ioiyidlnf M^

What is my tail ?— a flowing river; In ocean's greatest depths I fearless play, Parent of sweetest sounds, though mute for ever.

No. 132. A Square.

Snows or hails with a mixture of rain. A small European singing bird. Complete. A puzzle. Named. Bedsteads.

No. 133.— A Pictorial Charade.

My first if 'tis lost music's not worth a straw ;

My second's most graceful (?) in old age or law,

Not to mention di- vines; but my whole cares for neither,

Eats fruit and scares ladies in fine summer weather.

No. 134.— Au Old Proverb.

A well known and very true proverb is contained in these stars. You will observe it has twenty-five letters. Two letters are given twice over in the lowest line to assist the sorely puzzled wise heads.


Now fill up the top line with the guest whom some superstitious people don't like to have at dinner.

Put in the second line what all like on a winter day.

In the third line set down what a book is called when the sheets on which it is printed are folded into eight leaves apiece.

In the fourth what a person is who wean a mask at a ball

In the fifth a part of speech.

In the sixth a delicious wall fruit.

In the seventh what you have who ar« guessing my riddle.

In the eighth what Dover is.

If you rightly guess these eight, Ii00 will be (IJled up at a

of Pushes,

Jfo. 135. -Word Progression,

By substituting » new letter for one already In the word, make a newwordt and thus pro- graa from word to word until the desired answer ts fOtind.

Examples: Progress from Dcg to Foi in two moves; dog, fog, fox.

Progress from Dog to Man in threo moves.

Progress from Ape to Man in two moves.

Progress from Skate to Coast in seven moves.

Progress from Boy to Man in thfee moves.

Progress from Bock to Read in four moves.

No. 130.— Poetical Charade.

My first she was a serving maid She went to fetch some tea;

How much she brought my second tells As plainly as can be.

Now when the answer you have found,

Name it to others too; My whole is just the very thing,

In telling them, you'll do.

No. 137. An Enigma In Prose.

I am such an indispensable part of your being that a mortal creature cannot exist without me. Yet I am not exclusively of an animal nature, for the earth owns me as well. I am to be met with at Vesuvius and Etna, only yon would never be able to ap- proach near enough to see me. So you must look for me in rivers, where you will always discover me (just where you will not find me in the animal kingdom), the farthest from the head. I dwell in all caves of the earth, and in all pits, whether of coal or ore. Not even a cannon is made without me, for I am where men seek the "bubble reputation." I am large and long in the shark and alligator, small in the crab and caterpillar, deep and wide in jar and jug, long and elliptic in the human race, round in the ray and the skate, and triangular in the leech. With all the animal race I am movable, generally noisy, and can open or close at will, but in inani- mate nature I am generally noiseless and perpetually open. I dwelt in Venice, and through my means the secret messages to the Inquisition passed! I was in Egypt with Memnon, making musio when the sun touched me. In short, if the eyes are called the windows of the soul, I may be very justly considered as its portal.

No. 138.— Divided Words.

EXAMPLE: Separate a certain kind of cloth, and make a humble dwelling and a measure. Answer, cot-ton.

1. Separate a cloister and make to study and a small aperture. 2. Separate a very hard •ubstance, and make a masculine name and an insect. 3. Separate an ornament, and

make part of a bottle find a delicate fabric. 1 Separate the corner of a leaf in a book, turned down, and make certain animals and epikes of cofn. 5, Separate a city in British India, and make fortune and at this time. 0. Separate a certain part Of tile day, and male? tmooth and current. 7. Separate ftii island in the North Atlantic, and mako fashioned and a masculine name. 8. Separate reci- procal succession, and make to change and a people. 9. Separate renders keen, and mako acid and entity.

The initials of the first words will spell the name of a religious festival celebrated on Feb. 2. The initials of the second words will spell the name of a saint whose festival oo curs on Feb. 14.

No. 139. Bcheadment and Curtailment.

There is a little third, his name is discontent.

Who second through the world, On mischief ever bent.

Few totals of trne pleasure,

In busy hours or leisure,

But troubles without measure Have we when by him rent.

140. Cardboard Puzzle.

Take a p<ece 01 cardboard or leather of the shape and measurement indicated by the diagram. Cut it in such a manner that you yourself may pass through it, still keening it in one piece.

No. 141. An Arithmetical Problem.

Add the figure 2 to 191 and make the an- swer less than 20.

No. 142. Conundrums, (a) What kin is that child to his own father, who is not his own father's son? (b) When did Moses sleep five in a bed? (c) How many Bof t boiled eggs could the giant Goliath eat upon an empty stomach?

No. 143. Quaint and Curious.

(a) I only knew she came and went,

(b) Like troutlets in a pdol ;

(c) She was a phantom of delight,

(d) And I was like a fool.

(e) One kiss, dear maid, I said, and sighed, If) Out of those lips

Everybody s

(g) She shook her ringlets round her head (h) And laughed in merry scorn.

(i) Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky;

(j) You heard them, O my heart ;

(k) Tis twelve at night by the castle clock,

(1) Beloved, we must part.

(m) "Come back, come back P she cried In


fn) My eyes are dim with tears— H Row shall I live through all the days! (p) All through a hundred years?

No. 144. Double Acrostic

Tropical fruits; to infuse; a sirn of the Zodiac; a feminine name; a carnivorous ani- mal found in Java.

Primals, a part of the body.

Finals, a weight.

Connected, a brown stone.

No. 145. An Easy Charade My first is a little bird. My second is a large bird. My whole combines the two.

No. 140. A Diamond.

A letter; a Spanish coin formerly current In Ireland; currency; dyed; an order of plants; scolded; a part of Arabia; performed; a letter.

No. 147.— A Picture Puzzle.

No. 14». The Famous Forty-fire. How can number 45 be divided Into four •och part* that if to the first part you odd a, from tlio second part you subtract 2, the thir'l |>art you multiply by 2 and the fourth part you divide by 2, the sum of the addi- tion, the remainder of the subtraction, the

product of the multiplication and the quo- tient of the division be all equal?

No. 149.— Enigma.

In carpet, not in rug; In fish, not in bug; In fry, not in bake; In itch, not in ache; In come, not in sent; In take, not in lent: My whole is a continent.

No. 150.— Tangle for Sharp Wit*.

My first is a thing that a tailor oft uses; A cart cannot go when my second it loses; The pauper complains that he has not my next, And is deep In my fourth, and so sorely perplext; Jly fifth's half amused, and that's better tbao

weeping: My sixth throuen a great Russian city goes


My next is a tree by King Solomon prized; My eighth a grand virtue to which we're advised; My ninth's an old weapon— not sword, shield or

lance; My tenth is three-fifths of the first stream In


My next brings a Mush to an Austrian's face, And my last's a Spring dose, very good In iU


Arrange all these doze^as well as you can, And the first letters show an effeminate man; The last gives the name of a Sunday that's dear To every good child in the spring of the year.

No. 151. The Three Jealous Husbands. Three jealous husbands, A, B and C, with their wives, being ready to pass by night over a river, find at the water side a boat which can carry but two at a time, and for want of a waterman they are compelled to row themselves over the river at several times. The question is, how those six per- sons shall pass, two at a time, so that none of the three wives may be found in the com- pany of one or two men, unless her husband be present?

No. 152. A Plebeian Waltzer.

I gayly danco with my thousand feet. Making the home a place more neat; When my partner sings 'tis a waltz complete.

Sometimes I suddenly stand on my head; The spider beholds this caper with drra.l, For destruction upon his work 'twill shed.

When the dance is done and the fun fs o'er, My partner leads me behind the door, Where I wait till called again on the floor.

No. 153. A Diamond.

1. A consonant 2. A constellation. 3. A weapon. 4. Her pile of hay. 5. A vegeta- ble. 0. A,unit 7. A consonant

Read up and down and across through thf

Book of Puzzles.

center of the diamond and find the name of an English poet.

No. 154. Anagram.

N. B. Gain ten. Steve Burd. Can I let Maud? Chain me pets. M.

No. 155. An Enigma.

My first upon my second's deck "Departing, waved his hand. Ijcried, "My first, if 'scaping wreck,

My second reach the land, Wherein your future lot is cast, Know that till death my whole shall last!"

No. 156.— Illustrated Rebus.

Anecdote of a Bishop's Wife.

Have you heard the tale of the bishop's wife, who, when she had been shopping, had her purchases put into her carriage, and was going away without paying until stopped by the counter gentleman. "Do you know who I am?" indignantly asked she; "I am the bishop's lady." "Can't help that mum," re- plied the counter gent, "you couldn't have 'em without paying for 'era if you was hia wife!"

Small but Troublesome.

My first is a bit of butter.

My next a bit of mutton, My whole a little shutter, Put on to pinch a glutton.

A but-ton.

Now, what is a button? A small event that is always coming off.


A monitor which most folk prize, W hoso precepts all too much despise; A racer set 'gainst time to run, T hat beating is itself outdone; C hained or tied, yet night and day H astening wherejlt should not stay

No. 157. Poetical Conundrum.

I paint with colors, I fly without wings,

I people the air with most fanciful things;

I hear sweetest musio where no sound ia heard,

And eloquence moves me, nor utters a word.

The past and the present together I bring,

The distant and near gather under my wing.

Far swifter than lightning my wonderful flight,

Through the sunshine of day, or the dark- ness of night;

And those who would find me, must find me, indeed,

As this picture they scan, and this poesy read.

No. 158. Literary Anagrams. In the first column are found the names of ten books; in the second column the namea of their authors:

(a) Serablis Meles,

(b) Four drum,unite al,

(c) Nee them cows,

(d) Povit L'academ,

(e) Nox's cat,

(f) Hove in a

(g) Pery in hoi


be halt,

(i) Let retta rhelect's, (j) Vest wil riot,

(a) Touch Vigor,

(b) Nickdes,

(c) Harat Cyke,

(d) Lambwck,

(e) T. Welly Rubton,

(f) Wits rest car lot,

(g) Go fowl, Nell, (h) Grown vin hit in


(i) Hot war hen, (j) Di-Necks.

No, 159.— Pictorial Proverb.

No. ICO. Double Acrostic.

My first is a very common two wheeled ve- hicle.

My second is an ancient city, captured "by Joshua.

My third is a king, rather mad, but made worse by the unkindness of his children,

My fourth is a sound in the singer's scale.

My fifth enters into every agreement that if made.

My sixth is the sign of the genitive case.

My last is found plentifully in the woods. Take the first letters, and they form thj


Everybody s

name of a flat bottomed vessel, generally used as a bomb ship against forts or bat- teries erected on the coast Take tho lost Mini, and they form the name of a singular quadruped.

No. 101. An Enigma. My first in bill, but not in check. My second in build, but not in wreck. My third in love, but not in hate. My fourth in line, but not in bate. My fifth in sandal, but not in shoe. My sixth in yellow, but not in bluo. My seventh in tiger, but not in bunny. My whole is a writer, baldheaded and funny.

No. 162.— Kiddle*.

(a) Who had the first entrance into a the- atre?

(b) What is that which denotes the state of tho mind and the body?

(c) Why are stout gentlemen prone to melancholy?

(d) Why is a joke like a chicken?

(c) Why is it almost certain that Shake- speare was a broker?

(f) When is a fast young man nearest heaven?

(3) What is it wa all of ten say we will do and nobody has ever yet done?

(u) Why do little birds in their nests agree?

(i) When is love deformed 1

(j) When does a fanner double up a sheep without hurting it?

(k) Why is a kiss like a rumor?

(1) What confection did they have in tho ark?

(m) I live upon my own substance and die when I have devoured myself.

(n) Why is a dog biting bis tail like a good manager?

To Stand an Egg Upright.

Tho unceremonious manner in which the great navigator performed this feat by breaking one end of the egg, is familiar to all who have read the anecdote of Columbus and the egg. Evidently at that time it was considered impossible to stand an egg on its point But a modern genius declares it may may bo done thus: Take an egg (a long one IB best), shake it well so as to break tho yolk and mix it with tho white; then with a "steady band'' balance it on its broad end upon a smooth, even surface, glass or slate being best.

No. 163. A Showman'* Cemetery.

(Many animals collected from all parts of the globe are buried here. Find them.)

To a drama reader, Mine Heir; You being A bachelor of Oxford, I Infer, retarded "E'er

True," or attempted, on Keystone's denounce ment of it, to squelch or secrete a famous effort But I, German that 1 am, cannot be arbitrarily crushed by your bulldoze, but will seize bravely my opportunity, and Abel Kasson & Co. will produce my musical farce, with sceuio attractions, on the Buck- ingham stage. All amateurs, able critics, here or o'er the sea, love to applaud my In- do-English artistic effects. My partner, Lovejoy a kinsman of mine— emulating Nueland, has sold, in the boxes, his wines, lo 1 these many years, and each eve, we, as elder brothers, share the spoils.

O. 164. A Charade for Young Folks.

The roseate clouds drift through the sky*

The sun goes down; And soft tho total's gentle cry

Sounds through the town

A second is he, wise and old,

So people say; Who carries with him, I've been told.

First, white and gray,

To sprinkle on all wakeful eyes

Black, bluo or brown ; As on his busy round ho hies

Straight through the town.

."so. 165. A Diamond

(£) ,A letter, (b) A preposition, (c) Inner parts of things, (d) An instrument used by dentists, (e) A fine kind of chinaware. (f) To choose again, (g) Interval (h) To rest (i) A letter.

No. 166.— A Rlddlo In Rhyme. I'm the offspring of shame, by modesty bred,

I'm the symbol of virtue and vice; Neither written nor printed, yet constantly

red; A critic discerning and nice.

I'm a marplot, and terribly self willed withal,

I'm not to be argued or tasked; And although I obey not a positive call,

I. come when not wanted or asked.

xso. 167. Problem of Money.

Place ten half dimes in a row upon a table. Then taking up any ono of the series place it upon some other, with this proviso, that you pass over just one dime. Repeat this till thcro is no single half dimo left

No. 168. Beheadings.

(a) Behead to impute, and leave a Jewish

r of the law.

(b) A premium given for a privilege, and leave tho burden.

Book of Puzzles.

(B) An arch on a beam, and leave a car- bonaceous mineral, highly electrical and gen- erally transparent.

(d) The plain part of a column, and leav» trouble.

No. 169. Pictorial Decapitation*

Behead the first word in each lino to find the second ; then behead the second to find the third.

Several Swallows.

The proverb says ''One swallow does not make spring," but the proverb is certainly wrong when the swallow is one gulp at a big boiling hot cup of tea in a railway station, as, if that one swallow docs not make one spring, wo should bo glad to hear what does.

A traveler writes from Naples: "Standing on Castle Elrno, I drank in the whole sweep of the bay." What a swallow the writer must have.

But perhaps tho queerest feat In the eating and drinking line ever recorded is that of a man who commenced by boltiug a door, after which he threw up a window, aiid then sat down and swallowed a whole story I

Varieties in Prose.

A cannibal's favorite soup is a "broth of a boy."

A pretty, well made, fashionable girl and a thrifty housekeeper are alike; for each makes a great bustle about a small waist.

When a man attempts to jump a ditch and falls, he is likely to miss the beauties of sum- mer. Because the fall follows right after the spring, unless he makes a summer set be- tv. it'll them.

No. 170.— Enigmatical Writeiw

My first was famed for beauty; My second bids you seek ; My third, a brave old soldier, For tariff bold did speak. My whole, a noble woman With earnest mind, essayed To ask for justice to a race Whom man for greed betrayed.

No. 171. Anasram of Authors, (a) Tell Mary Bill can win.U. (b) Reient her blow, (c) We rule a tobogin. (d) Ben, M'O cry hard here, (e) Then lames her. (f) Call her verse, (g) Vowing I shant grin, (h) Trace one whine, (i) See my nag fling Ma, (j) Clare L. Wilton, (k) Hear Jo roar gilt. (1) Join the left rear wing, eh? (in) Father Bert (n) So dace cured her. (o) Old Jay Gould rares. (p) W. D. Howells, Lawn Forge, Troy, N. H.

No. 172. Word Rebus. Not long ago I saw a man

Who looked to me peculiar; His left hand held a cobbler's tool

With which we are all familiar. And a cutting tool was in his right

Well known to many nations; But all at once the scene was changed

To useful publications.

No. 173. A Figurative Epitaph.



0 2 80 4 1 2 8

0 2 45 4

The above verse, said to have been trans- scribed from the grave of a soldier during the lato war, expresses in tho alternate lines, in poetical antithesis, tho hardships endure. 1 by tho campaigner during life, contrasted with the peacefulness of his state in death. The -«nt indicates Hibernian origin.

No. 174. Beheadings.

(a) Behead to bruise, and leave to hurry, (b) Behead a fastening, and leave a poison- ous serpent (c) Behead a stone, and leave an entrance, (d) Behead a grain, and leave a summer luxury, (e) Behead solitary, and leave a numeral. (0 Behead a kind of wood, and leave lean, (g) Behead to vibrate, and leave part of a fowl (h) Behead a track, and leave a generation, (i) Behead to com- ply, and leave a personage in high authority. (j) Behead to reckon, and leave a paint.

The beheaded letters will spe.l the name of a well known city.

Everybody 's

No. 173.— Octagon Puzzle.

I have a piece of ground which is neither

square nor round, But an octagon;

and this I Lave

laid out In a novel way,

though plain in

appearance, aim

retain Three posts Jn each


but I doubt

Whether you discover how I apportioned it, e'en tho'

I inform you 'tis divided Into four. But If you solve It right, 'twill afford you

much delight And repay you for tho trouble, I am sure.

No. 170.— Numerical Enigma. The 5, C, 2, 1, 37, 23, is an idea. The 21, !3, 1>, 2D, 12, 14, SJ, 31 is defamed, The 4, 28, 29, 33, 35 is an animal The 8, 7, 22, is a heathen goddess. The S3, 13, 10, 11, 17 is to portion. The 25, 39, 15, 10, 40 is to steal The 27, CO, 34, 10 is recent The 30, 18, 24, 38 is a necessity. Tho answer, composed of 40 letters, Is a beautiful and well known quotation.

It matters not if he has twelve OT one;

But has he daughters?— then 'tis plainly

shown That I to them am seldom but a loan.

No. 177.-Qnlbblcs.

(a) I can stretch my hands apart, having a coin in each band, and, without bringing my hands together, I can cause both coins to come into the same hand. How is this to be done!

(b) Place a candle in such a manner that every person shall seo it, except one, although be shall not bo blindfolded or prevented from examining any part of tho room, and the candle shall not bo hidden.

No. 178. Enigma.

Enigma guessers, tell me what I am. I've been a drako, a fox, a hare, a lamb. Yon all possess mo, and in every street In varied shape and form with me you'll


With Christians I am never singly known, Am green, or scarlet, brown, white, gray or

' : ••.

I dwelt in Paradise with Mother Eve,

And went with her, when she, alas! did


To Britain with Caractacns I cam<«, And made Augustus Caesar known to fame, The lover gives me on bis wedding day, The poet writes me in bis natal lay; {fa* f*Lher aiwajs gives me to each son.

No. 179.— Illustrated Puzzle.

All of the ten objects may be described by words of equal length. When these have been rightly guessed and placed one below tho other, one of the perpendicular rows of letters will spell tho name of a famous battle fought in July.

No. 180. Tho Landlord Tricked.

Twenty-one persons sat down to dinner at an inn, with the landlord at the head of the table. When dinner was finished it was re- solved that one of the number should pay the whole score, to bo decided as follows: A per- son should commence counting tho company, and every seventh man was to rise from his seat, until all were counted out but one, who was to lx* tho individual who should pay tho whole bill One of tho waiters was fixed upon to count tho company out, who, owing his master a grudge, resolved to make him the person who should have to pay. How must he proceed to accomplish this!

No. 181. Double Acrostic.

My initials a term for tho east will name, My finals a word expressing tho same. CROsswonos.

(a) At operas 'tis often found.

(b) It has a certain lawlike sound.

(c) A beauteous queen of ancient clime.

(d) A fruit abundant in our clime.

(e) A woman who tho world would shun,

(f) Life of tho world since time begun.

No. IS*. Geographical Pnzzlc. An old man gave a dinner, which was not rery elaborate, for he only had (first half of a city in Germany), (a country in Europe), •fid a [first half of a city in lUJj)

Book of Puzzles.

Sis wi?e belonged to a sewing (islands In the Pacific ocean). The old man was on the (cape off North Carolina) for the (other islands in the Pacific ocean) members of his wife's club. In the evening they had a foot (cape off Newfoundland) on a (island on the eastern coast of the United States) course. Then they said (cape of Greenland), and went home.

No. 183. The Two Drovers. Two drovers, A and B, meeting on the road, began discoursing about the number of sheep each had. Says A to B: "Pray give me one of your sheep and I will have as many as you." "Nay," replied A, "but givo me one of your sheep and I will have as many again as you." How many sheep had each?

No. 184. Enigma. In rat, but not in kitten;

In oar, but not in sail ; In gloves, but not in mitten ;

In pitcher, but not in pail; In trumpets, but not in tune; The whole appears in June.

No. 185— Acrostic.

In the lamp globe my first is, but never In


In the anchor my second, yet not in the fleet; My third's in all ropes, yet it's not in a ship; In no faces my fourth, still 'tis ever in lip; My next's in all bakers, yet not in one man, And my sixth's in the pot, but it's not in the

pan; My seventh's in the thoroughfare, not in the


My eighth's in the mower, but not in the hay; My ninth's in the jury, but not in their box; My tenth's in my stockings, but not in your

socks, And my last's in the harbor, but not in the


An English soldier in this puzzle lies, A general famous for his victories ; Some judges think all other captains yield To this man's prowess in the battle field.

No. 18G.— Word Dissection.

Take away my last seven letters, and I am a useful article. Without my first three and last four, I am the noblest animal. Take away my first six letters, and I am an ar- ticle of commerce. Minus my last four I am a desirable thing. Without my first seven, I am a portion of the body. My whole is an Important branch of education.

No. 187.— Familiar Quotations.

(a) Twas in the prime of summer time,

(b) She blessed me with her hand;

(c) We strayed together, deeply biest^ 4dJ Into thff dreaming 1ni"j_

(e) The laughing bridal roses blow,

(f) To dress her dark brown hair;

(g) My heart is breaking with my woe. (h) Most beautiful 1 most rare I

(I) I clasped it on her sweet, cold hand, (j) The precious golden link I (k) I calmed her fears and she was calm (1) "Drink, pretty creature, drink 1"

(m) And so I won my Genevieve, (n) And walked in Paradise; (o) Tho fairest thing that over grew (p) Atween mo and the skies I Each line of the above is a poetical quota- tion. Can you name the authors?

No. 188.— Pictorial Proverb.

No. 189.— Word Building.

My first syllable implies equality; my sec- ond is tho title of a foreign nobleman; my wholo is asked and given many times a day with equal indifference, and yet it is of so much importance that it has saved the lives of many.

No. 190. Conundrum in Rhyme.

I'm strangely capricious, I'm sour and I'm


To housewives I'm useful, to children a treat; I freely confess 1 more mischief have done Than anything else that is under the sun.

No. 191. Word Puzzle.

A whole is in all vessels found, That captains may not run aground.

Cut off ray hoad, and you will see That I am where the roe rnns free.

Behead again, and I am still What Webster will define as skill.

Transpose, and In a vessal's hold. I ofttimes mak* myself quite bold.


Again transpose, and in the cracks And Hams of ships I stick like was. Except when suns of warmth profuse Come out and make me run Like juice.

Ko. 199.— Concealed Animal*, Four animals are to be found in each sen-

(a) 1 saw Eli on the sofa when I came later In the evening; be seemed to suffer at times from a severe cat and the doctor thought he would have to trepan the right sido of tho boys' bead, (b) Do not disturb earnest scholars or repel ambitious ones; do not be harsh or severe with dullards or pronounce them beyond help.

No. 103.— Five hundred begins it, five hundred ends it,

in the middle is seen; The first of all letters, the first of all figures,

Take op their stations between. My whole was a king of very great fame; If you wish to know who, you hero have his

Wo. 104.— A Hidden Adae»

Ko. 10X-nair Rqnare. II'- Mght a Containing ochre.

R. One who changes. 1 Too variations which verbs undergo for the indication of time, 5. Priism «. Spawn of fishes. 7. A knot in wood. & A Iloman coin. 0. A letter.

No. I o«.— A Charad*.

A plunge Is beard. will drown, b* will


Ho calls for my first Oh. haste to the brink.

ut this moment appear* in •. Mjr •ronod U tb-ri. arooag the craw.

The man is saved, and at once doth exclaim l "Ah, my whole will rejoice to embrace me


For she's a companion whom ever I find, In joy or iu sorrow, most loving and kind,

No. 197.— Arithmetical Nut. From six take niiie; from nine take ten; from forty take fifty, and have six left.

No. 108. Conundrum. Thero is a noun of plural number, Foe to peace and tranquil slumber; But add to it tho letter s, And wondrous metamorphosis- Plural is plural now no more, And sweet what bitter was before.

No. 199.— Riddles.

(a) How wcro Adam and Eve prevented from gambling!

(b) Why do wo buy shoes?

(c) Why is a Jew in a fever like a diamond?

(d) What musical instrument invites you to fish?

(e) Why is a person who never lays wagers as bad as a regular gambler?

(f) Why is it dangerous to take a nap on a train?

(g) What thing is that that is lower with a head than without one?

(b) Why is the soul like a thing of no con* sequence?

(i) Why is a nail fast in the wall like an old man?

(j) Why does an aching tooth impose si- lence on tho sufferer?

Thoughts \VU« and Otherwise.

When one receives a letter which is dull he should file it

A man with a cork leg ought to have a springy step.

"Most people neglect the eyes," says a mod- ical paper; but very few neglect the I.

Driving a street car is not a very high call- Ing, but it can scanx-ly bo classed as among tho lower walks of life.

A man is said to be personally involved when ho is wrapped up in himself.

A hungry sailor should wish for a wind that blows fowl and chops about

A five dollar note is more valuable than five gold dollars, because when you put it in your jKK-ket you double it, and when you toko il out again you see it increases.


The real "home rul«" Curtain lectures. The best early closing movement Shutting your eyes when you go to bed early.

Book of Puzzles.

The sort of paper to write love letters on— Foolscap.

Kitchen dressers Swell cooks.

A simple fraction Breaking a plate

Better than a "promising" young man A paying one.

Book markers Dirty thumbs.

Forced politeness Bowing to circum- stances.

Quick consumption— Bolting one's food.

The greatest curiosity in the world A woman's.

No. 2OO.— Double Acrostic.

Two words are here to be found out, Both you have heard of, I've no doubt; One is a thing that gives its aid To ships engaged in peaceful trade. The other thing is often found To war's chief weapon closely bound. These stars replace with letters true, And both the things will look at you. In the first letters, downwards read, Is that by which the vessel's sped ; And in the last, if downwards spelt, That which adorns the soldier's belt

* * * * *** * *• ***** * *

***** * * * *

1st line— What a bull does, if he can. 2d line What is the most beauteous span. 8d line Hog in armor is my third. 4th line Boy in barracks often heard. 5th line What the street boys often run. 6th line What gives light, not like the sun. 7th line— What makes doctors oft despair. 8th line— What is black, with curly hair. 9th line— What is very hard to bear.

No. 201.— Burled Citlea.

(a) To baffie the mob, I let him out by a secret door.

(b) They built a mole, and thus made the harbor safe.

(c) They say I cannot do it; but I can and I will succeed.

(d) The Gauls said that Ariovistus was mad, rash and cruel.

(e) I made the child take a nap, lest she should fall asleep during the service.

(f) What, for three thousand ducats kill a manl

(g) When the sense demands a colon, do not use a period.

(h) { consider the pasha no very great sight

(I) I can see the red berries of the sumac on the hills.

(j) Where are the barbarian tribes of yoref The Goth, the Hun, the VaudaL I ask in vain.

(k) They offered up a horrible holocaust in that hotel.

No. 202.— A Trick Puzzle.


Golden Days, which is responsible for the puzzle here illustrated, gives the following directions: Copy this diagram, and, after cutting it into the fifteen small squares which we have marked out, lay the pieces back in the position they occupy in the en- graving. Now move them, cue piece nt a time, like the movements in the famous fif- teen puzzle, and when you get them in a cer- tain succession, you will find a representation of a president with only one ejje.

No. 203. Word Building.

My first is a sailor; my second is used by sailors; reversed, I am a uozious animal twice over ; and my whole is looked upon aa an ugly party to meet

No. 204.— Mutation.

Two women meet, they nod and smile;

They stop, shake hands and chat awhile;

They treat each other with complete,

And outwardly seem glad to meet.

YET SCOUR from off them the false coat

Which all demands, and you will note That other thoughts are cherished there, And for each other naught they care.

No. 205. rnljpnas. (a) I'm slain to be saved, with much ado and

pain, Scattered, dispersed, and gathered up

again, Withered, though young; sweet, yet un-

perfumed, And carefully laid up to be consumed.

A word of one syllabi*, easy and short, ' Which read* backwards and forwards

the same; It expresses the sentiment* warm from

., And to beauty lays principal claim,

Soon as I'm made I'm sought with care; one whole year consulted; time elapsed, I'm thrown aside, Neglected and insulted.

No. tOO.— Illustrated Central Acrostic.

The nine words of this acrostic are pictured Instead of described. When the words are rightly goessed and placed one below the other in the order in which they are num- bered, the central letters will spell the name of a famous sorereign of ancient history. 81 Nicholas.

Xo. 107.- A Wild Flower of Autumn. My 1, 3, 3, 4 many seek until th.-yYe 2, 3,9, Aw.l i.,, 1, a, 8, 4, if so they do m-

..:. .

A color bright is 7, 5, 4-1 cannot tell you

If yon can rucss my mnanlng just please to 0,8,4

Ho. «0«.— A Disserted Word.— beur.. , tree)

eurUil me, and I am small but useful ; behead

me again, and you will find me at hornet again curtail me, and you will find myself.

No. 209. Anagram*.

(a) Arma on, (a) Laiik hec Jones,

(b) Kos fownd toll, (b) Mows rest,

(c) Ao vow if fried kale, (c) D'log miths,

(d) Tiny Faviar, (d) Kacho tray,

(e) Holrait, (o) Earl Siid,

(f) Col rate Frebrn. (f) D Carnal gond. In the first column are tho names of books,

and opposite each, in the second coluiuu, the name of i; .. author.

No. 210. Compound Acrostic.

Words of eight letters: (a) Deposited by water, (b) A variety of cauliflower, (c) To curb, (d) Pertaining to the sense of hearing, (c) Unto this, (f) Be- longing to au artery, (g) Tho highest point. Whole was a president

Of these United States; Ho ruled in troubled times, 60 history relates.

No. 211.— Quibbles.

(a) If you cut thirty yards of cloth into one yard pieces, and cut one yard every day, how long will it take!

(b) A person tells another that he can put something in his right hand which the other cannot put into his left.

(c) A person may, without stirring from tho room, seat himself in a place where it will be impossible for another person to do so. Explain this.


Broken bones begin to make thentselvei useful wheu they begin to knit.

Two people may be said to be half witted when they have an understanding between them.

Many people in China must be obliged to travel on foot because there is but one Cochin-China (coach in China).

Common pins undergo a strange trans- formation when they fall to the earth and be- come terra-pins.

The last day of February would hardly be thought to resemble one of Shakespeare's plays, yet it i* winter's tail (Winter's Tale).

People traveling in tho Sahara should never bo hungry, because of tLo sandwiches -and which is there).

There is a simple thing which is above all human ini]>erfections, und yet shelters the t as well as the wisest of mankind. It is a hat.

Ho. 81V.'. Word Syncopations.

(a) Takean ,>f land from a coin, and leuve utter musical bound*.

Book of Puzzles.


flb) Take the conclusion rrom an aromatic plant, and leave a washing utensil.

(c) Take an animal from a muscle of the lower jaw that assists in chewing, and leave a measurer.

(d) Take a period of time from relating to an opera, and leave relating to sight.

No. 213. Proverbs AVithin a Maze.










































































































































































This is a sort of maze. You should find the first letter of the first word, and then follow on till you have solved the secret. You may read from one letter to the next, north, south, east or west, but never in a northeasterly, northwesterly southeasterly or southwesterly direction. You will find here a small bundle of proverbs which, if attended to, will be as useful to you as they have been to others.

No. 214.— A Bill of Fare.

(a) Take u one, I two, n one, o two, i one 6


(b) Of I one, a two, s two, c one, b two, to

one; (c) Of o three, c two, w one, fc one, d one;

(d) Of e three, / one, t one, fc one, b one, *

one, a one;

(e) Of h one, b one, d one, a three, g one, r

two, m one, e one ;

(f) Of r one, s two, a one, p two, n one, e or

t one;

(g) Of c two, o one, m one, r one, a three, n two, s one, e three, d ono, 7i one, i one;

(h) Of o two, t two, p one, c one, e one, a

one; (i) Of u one, c two, s two, o one, h one, £ ona,

a one; (j) Of i one, e two, I one, m one, p ona, o ona,

n one; (k) Of r three, a one, c one, s one, 6 one, *

one, i one, e two;

Q) Of a two, p two, d two, g one, u one, o Qua, o one, t one, i two, n oca;

(m) Of r one, a one, i one, n one, c one, «

two, g one, o one;

(n) Of a one, r one, n one, f two, s two; (o) Of 7<i one, d one, s one, I one, o one, a one,

n one.

Good Ilouselieeping provides the above bill of faro. These dishes are represented by one, two and three words.

No. 215. Poetical Enigma. I have but one eye, and that without sight, Yet it helps me whatever I do; I am sharp without wits, without senses Tm


The fortune of some and of some the delight, And I doubt not I'm useful to you.

No. 21G. Pictorial Conundrum.

No. 217. Yagarie*.

(a) Add one to nine acd make it twenty.

(b) Place three sixes together so as to make •even.

(c) What Is the difference between six dozen dozen and half a dozen dozen?

(d) A room wit'.i eight corners had a cat in each corner, seven cats before each cat and a cat on every ca'-'s tail What was the total number of cats?

(e) Prove that seven Is the half of twelve.

No. 218. Charade.

My first is a revolver, though Others with it roundly go, Circles making one by one, Ending where it first begun; Ever turning, never changing, Steadiest when widest ranging; Recipient of mighty shocks, Secret home of cunning fox. My second makes the spirits flow Through its lengthy windings slow; Like a serpent twisting round Circled cylinders 'tis found; Creeping up at eventides, My whole in silence slowly glides.

1'iuzlo.s .c


No. tlftX— Bonawmy Letter*.

This little girl cannot learn her lesson in time and is crying about it The letters fly- in; around her bead are telling her what to da What do they say f

No. 220.— OmlMlons. Fill the second blank with the same word ax the first, omitting the first letter.

that wealth must be bydili-

He found growing In the , of

rare beauty.

I should like to hare seen the on board

the .

He a mountain whose top

with mam throughout the year.

No. ttl.-Macte Sqnarrm.

:mbcrsfrom ItoSl so that the whole will make a magic square having the sum of iu lines, flies and diagonals tho some. Rcmorethe marginal numbers and •till bar* a magic square, and repeat the same proem with like results until but one bomber remain*, which will be tho greatest common dirlsor of the sums of tho several


(a) Behead a town of Russian Toorkistan, •*t» a Jewel (b) Behead a t< h Burmah. and leave a city of I «r> DebMd an isUmnu near the Malay ,

' -"'•• l- !•««

«f Australia, abd leave to be In debt. (, j

Behead a river of West Australia, and leave pale. (0 Behead an Island in the Malay archipelago, and leave a city of Tndia. (g) Behead a town of British India, and leave a girl's name, (h) Behead a fortified town of Spain, and leave a girl's name, (i) Be- head a large river of Europe, and leave a •tone used for sharpening instruments.

No. 223. Enigma In Rhyme.

Places of trust I oft obtain,

And protect the house from vermin; I act as shepherd on the plain,

And at fairs I'm shown for learning; In northern climes a horse I'm seen, And a roasting jack I, too, have been; Strange as it seems, it's no less true, That I eat on four legs and beg on two,

No. 224.— Riddles.

(a) Why is an elephant like a brick? (b) "Why is the death of Socrates like a garret? (c) Why are weary people like carriage wheels! (d) What musical instrument should we always distrust? (e; Why are some great men like glow worms? (f) Why are potatoes and corn like certain sinners of old? (g) In case of an accident what is better than pres- ence of mind? (h) Of what trade is the sun? (i) What is queen of the rose, and why? (j) An old woman in a red cloak was crossing a field in which a goat was feeding; what strange transformation suddenly took place? (k) Why is a widower like a house in a state of dilapidation? 0) If tue g°°d all die early, why are the bad like tho pupil of the eye? (n) When do two and two make rnoro than four?

No. 223. The Unlucky Hat tor. A traveler passing through a town bought a hat for $8 and gave in payment a $50 bill. The Latter called on a merchant nearjby, who changed the bill for him, and the traveler having received his $42 change went his way. Next day the merchant discovered the note to lie counterfeit, and called upon tho hatter, who was compelled to borrow $50 from an- other friend to redeem it with. On turning to search for the .traveler he had left town, so that the note was useless on the hatter's bands. What did tho hatter lose by the transaction?

No. 220. Prefixes.

Trrflx a letter to a word, And make a common cry a bird, A maid a fish, a beast a bound; A stone a pest, a count a sound.

No. 217. Hour Glasses. 1. A city, 12. Dun. 3. Duration. 4. A

ft. Crafty. 0. Turns. 7. Bravery. i a !.-> read down a poetess.

Book of Puzzles.


1. A vessel and a plant. 2. An author. 8. Single. 4. A letter. 5. Biting. 6. A prefix and a hint. 7. An obstruction of stones.

Diagonals read down from left to right a poetess; from right to left a preacher; cen- trals a general.

No. 228.— A Riddle.

"We travel much, yet prisoners are,

And close confined to boot; We with the swiftest horse keep pace,

Yet always go on foot.

No. 229. The Square Puzzle.

Cut out pieces of card board In the shape here indicated and arran ;e these pieces so that when set close together they shall form a perfect square,

No. 230. A Problem of Numbers.

A poor woman, carrying a basket of apples, was met by three boys, the first of whom bought half of what she had and gave her back 10; the second boy bought a third of what remained and gave her back 2; the third bought half of what she now had left and returned her 1, after which she found that she had 12 apples remaining. IIow many had she at first?

No. 231. Numerical Enigma.

My 10, 11, 8, 9 is a handle. My 7, 1, 15, 5 is a side glance. My 4, 2, 3, 6 is to mend. My 12, 13, 14, 16 is the Scriptures. My whole of 16 letters is a name given to part of the United States.

No. 232.— For Sharp Wits.

(a) What pleases in the air, and what a horse docs not like, gives tho name of a flower.

(b) Half a carman, and a whole country, will form the name of a beautiful flower.

(c) My first is a lady, uiy second a noble- man and my whole a blunder.

(d) My first is a prop, my second is a prop, my whole is a prop.

(e) My first is useful to the earth, my sec- ond is worn by ladies and my whole is seen In the sky.

(f) My first is an animal, my second an article, my third should be used every day and my whole is a place for the dead.

(g) My first is a weapon used in war, my second lives in the sea, my whole is a species of fish found in warm climates.

(h) My first is a vehicle, my second a prep- osition, my whole is a part of a ship.

(i) My first is to spoil, my second is a vowel, my third is a precious metal, my whole is a flower.

(j) My first is a human being, my second is to walk, my whole is an Indian fruit.

No. 233.— A Charade. My first's a precious stone,

My next a well known tree; Or call my first a fruit,

The next a thong will be. Whichever way you choose

This puzzle to divide, You still will find my whole A powder will abide.

No. 234.— Word Squares.

1. A gem. 2. A girl's name. 3. A part. 4. Borne aloft. 5. Affected smiles.

1. A poet 2. A lady's name. 3. Ancient. 4. Rows. 5. An herb.

No. 235.— Hidden Birds.

No. 236. Geographical Conceits.

What river is able to catch its own fish? What city to eke out your lunch do you wish? What city will never be apt to rebel? What city could printers work through very mill

C 2

Everybody s

What lake most enticing to your thirsty


What city rnfvt surely a curtailing needs? What city sin >ui<l quickly be put into stays? What city still bankers for sports and for


What cape do all people frequently meet? What city should be of deep thinkers the

seat? In what place should all people feel somewhat

at home? What city is far the most likely to roam?

No. 237.— Compound Acrostic.

Words of eight letters : (1) Made moist. (2) An offer. (3) A screen from the boat or rain. (4) A note payable at a bank, (5) To tear in pieces. (C) To expose to injury or loss.

Primals: Twofold. Finals: Oue who deals. Combined: A tricky person.

Ko. 238.— Kiddle.

No rose can boast a livelier hue Than I can when my birth is now; Of shorter life than that sweet flower, I bloom and fade within an hour; Like Marplot, eager to reveal The secret I would fain conceal I

Mysterious Substructure. Forty-flve is subtracted from forty-five, and leaves forty -five as a remainder, thus: 9, 8, 7, 0, 5, 4, 8, 2, 1-45. 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-45.

8, 0, 4, 1, 9, 7, 6, 8, 2-45.

No. 239.— Crosa Word Enigma. My first is in lame, but not in pain, My second is in mind, but not in brain, My third is in twice, but not in one, My fourth is in wit, but not in fun, My flfth is in string, but not in cord, My sixth is in tribe, but not in horde, My seventh is in strong, but not in weak, My eighth is in look, but not in seek, My ninth is in light, but not in dork, My tenth is in hawk, but not in lark, In my whole you'll find a great man'a name. One who by playing has gained his fame.

No. 24O.-A Dinner In Anagrams.


One solid lamb; Ripe clams shaken. Thin crow cake; Try our steak. Paste too sweet; Iced boiler. Racers sweet; Steamed or tossed. Open lime; Mucer's cake. Toe sure salt roc; Naples pip*.

No, 241.— Charade.

A printer'* term you'll find my flnt|

Of mixed up things it is the worrtt Second a fellow of low degree; Or, on mischief bent, a child may be. My whole, a thing of novel make By Indians used on stream or lake.

No. 242.— Kibbon Rebus.

Each of the pictures on the spiral ribbon represents a word which contains within it another word represented by the picture im- mediately below, on the upright ribbon. The initials of the four inside words on the upright ribbon arts found half hidden in the landscape below. The Duals of the four in- side words are hidden in the name 01 the two weapons at the bottom.

Each word on the spiral contains five let- tors. Each word on the upright ribbon con- tains three letters.

No. 243. Word Squares.

(a) Tracts of land. An emblem of mourn- ing. To elevate. A famous racing ground in England. Appears to be.

(b) The college of the Turkish hierarchy, composed of three classes. Loaded. Pre- pares for publication. Measure. A poose.

No. 244.— A Mathematical Nat. A piece of marble, weighing 40 pounds, falling upon the j'.-iwnieut was, by a most •incular accident, broken into four pioccs of

Book of Puzzles.

inch varying weights that by means of them neighboring groceryman was able to weigh Rrticles of any integral weight from 1 to 40 pounds. Required, the weights of the four pieces.

No. 245. Conundrums.

When is a dog like a wandering minstrel!

Why is a buckwheat cake like a cater- pillar?

Why is human life the riddle of all riddles?

Why does a duck go into the water?

Why is a quiet conscience like a fit of in- digestion?

What is that which never asks questions yet requires many answers?

No. 240. Charades.

(a) My first I may in truth declare— Its name and nature both is air; My second is a perfect bore,

Yet makes sweet music evermore; My whole in many a crowded street Lies in its bed beneath your feet.

(b) At evening by my whole you'll think Of days gone by, and never reckon That by my second my Grst is made, And by my first my second.

No. 247. A Picture Puzzle.

The> above cat describes in KC'vi'ii v.orcis a very familiar object. Wliat is the description and what is the object?

No. 248. Numerical Enijpna.

I am composed of 13 letters, aud am a popular novelist of the day.

My 10, 3, 9 is a conveyance. My 12, 3, 1.1, 5 is to bo convcj-ed. My 1, 11, 'J is uu old woman. My 7, 5, 12, 5 is at this place. My 1, 5, 11, 4 is an important part of a man. My 6, 8, 2, 5 is precious. My 7, 11, 2, 13 is diCa- cult to penetrate.

No. 240. Articles of Furniture, (a) A treatise and a box.

(b) To watch over, and a gown.

(c) A marsh and not to yield.

(d) Very, and a musical syllable.

No. 25O. A Geographical Acrostic-

(a) An Asiatic country.

(b) A Spanish river.

(c) An Italian river.

(d) A Russian province.

(c) An American territory. (0 A Chinese city.

Initials and finals name two cities of Eu- rope.

No. 251.— The Knight's Puzzle.
































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A knight (chess man), in moving from square to square over the board, converts these dis- jointed syllables into a verso of poetry. What is the verse ?

No. 25!?.— Proverbial "Pi." Aa c oeeff hh iiii i mnnoooprr B s 1 1 1. Out of these letters form a truthful proverb*

No. 253. Reversible Words.

(a) Read forward, I arn to wind ; road back- ward, I am to look obliquely, (b) Read for- ward, I am the faco of a time piece; rcit.l backward, I am set down, (c) Head for- ward, I am a number; read backward, I am a snare, (d) Read forward, I am a rosinous substance; read backward, I am a small ani- mal.

No. 254. Quibbles.

(a) IIow must I draw a circle around a person placed in the center of a room so that he will not bs able to jump out of it though his legs should bo free?

(b) If five times four are thirty -three, what •will the fourth of twenty be?

v (c) What is the difference between twict twenty -five and twice flve and twenty!

Everybody s

No. 255.-£nlgmaticAl Birds, (a) A Teasel (b) Separate a bill (c) To •brink, (d) An officer.

No. 25G.— Crow Word. First in coast, second in j:

Third you will find in execute; Fourth in boat, fifth in i\

And sixth is ever in constitute; Seventh in blue, eighth in true,

And whole, my friends, is a fruit

No. 257. Rclu-adins*.

L Behead a valley, ami leave a beverage. 1 Behead a fruit, and leave to roam. 8. Be- head close, and leave part of the head. 4. Behead to degrade, and leave the lower part of a column. 5. Behead said, and leave ven- erable. 0. Behead a kind of wood, and leave emaciated. 7. Behead a largo basin, and leave to assert. 8. Behead a frolic, and leave an ancient ship. P. BcLcad public, and leave an iuolosuro.

The beheaded letters will spell the name of g^cat Italian sculptor.

No. 258.— A Rhomboid.

Across: 1. To fix firmly. 2. Descended. S. Entangled. 4. Struck with something thrown. 5. A gleaner. 6. Walked about

Down: 1. A letter. 2. A musical syllable. 8. A basket 4. A tract of low land 5. Not well founded. 0. Made fleshy with food.

7. To make different in sumo particular.

8. A carriage or vehicle moved on runners. 0. To spread (local). 10. A printer's meas- ure. 1 1. A letter.

No. 250.— Tho Divided Garden.


A person lit Ln li.m«. to several inmates «od, having a cordon attached to the 1 be wished to divide it among them. There were ten trees in the garden and he desired to divide it so that each of the five inmates •boold hare an equal share of garden %n^ two trees. How did do ill


What must be done to conduct a newspaper right? Write.

"What is necessary to a farmer to assist him? System.

What would give a blind man the greatest delight? Light

What is the best advice to give a justice of tho peace? 1'cace.

Who commit tho greatest abominations! Nations.

Who is the greatest terrifier! Fire.

An Easy Translation.

Yyuryyubicuryy for me? This look meaningless; but in fact it is a pointed little couplet:

Too wise your are, too wise you be,

I eso you are too wise for me.

No. 2GO.— Hidden Animals.

Tho rabbi's only chauco for escape lay in flight

As down the street I gaze Llewellyn ap- pears.

I saw "Xeino" uso his pen writing puzzles.

Tho anchor securely held us fast

No. 2G1. Word Dissection.

Complete you'll own I commonly am seen On garments new and old, the rich, the mean; On ribbons gay I court your admiration, But yet I'm oft a cause of much vexation To those on whom 1 make a strong impres- sion;

The meed full oft of folly and trangression. Curtail me, I become a slender shred, And 'tis what I do before I go to bed ; But on excursion am without my head. Again complete me, next take off my head, Then will be se^n a savory dish instead; Again behead me, and, without dissection, I'm what your fruit is when in full perfection. Curtailed, tho verb to tear appears quite

plain; Take head and tail off I alone remain.

No. 202.— Literary Riddles.

Answers to the following questions are notable characters in Dickens' novels:

(a) Who was always waiting for something to turn up?

(b) Who threw his boots at his wife because ho caught her "flopping again f"

(c) Who was always looking for an enemy rouii:! the corner?

(il) Who lost a shoo while on on errand of mercy ?

(e) Who was always exhorting people to make an effort?

(0 With whose head dress did DickSwivel- ler have a friendly custom of wiping off the wluUgw panel - -

Book of Puzzles.


(g) WEo was nearly betrayed by her ihadow?

(h) Who used to say: ''When found make a note off

(i) Who used to eat his boiled eggs shell and all?

(j) Who maddened every one around him by playing on the flute, in bed, cue tune, "Away with melancholy," all night after bearing of his sweetheart's marriage?

(k) Who was the master of the unfortunate "native?"

(1) Who was "the man of teeth?"

(m) Who were hidden in the orgau loft at Bella Wilfer's wedding?

(n) Who was called "the old soldier?" No. 263. Curtailments.

Curtail a liquor and leave a stigma; again and leave the husk.

Curtail a girl's name and leave a country; again and leave a foreign coin.

Curtail a fireplace and leavo the inner part: again and leave to understand.

Curtail a good time and leave a title of no- bility; again and leave the organ of hearing.

Curtail a small candle and leave a narrow strip; again and leave to touch lightly.

No. 264. Numerical Enigma. The popular name of a city of Ohio. 7, 3, 14, 10 is a festival. 5, 4, 11, 8 is a water lizard. 13, 2, 13, 14 is fat of a beast. 1, 2, 6, 8, 9 is to say.

No. 265. Illustrated Central Acrostic.

The eight words of this acrostic are pic- tured instead of described. When the words are rightly guessed and placed in the order in which they are numbered, one below the other, the central letters will spell the name of one of the United States. St. Nicholas.

No. 266. Concealed Poets.

Ho broke his ax easily. They followed the scow persistently. We may reach the car yet. Are advertisements in order? I saw Ilusted Manning today. The man said he should go. Do not show rancor; better for- give at once. I wonder where Will is going. Messrs. Brown, lugersoll and others were there. He has good ales and wines.

No. 267. A Combination Puzzle.

The words whose definitions are given in the first column are to bo altered to .those given in the second by changing the central letters:

1. Rescued. 1. Satisfied.

2. An animaL 2. Different.

3. To berate. 3. To burn.

4. Volumes. 4. Tunes.

5. Breeds. 5. Farmer's tools.

6. A select assembly. 0. Pies or tarts.

7. A consumer. 7. Anxious.

8. To trace. 8. To deceive?.

9. A horseman. 9. A body of water.

10. Meager. 10. Part of a church.

11. Waistcoats. 11. Passages. 13. A river in Italy. 13. An animaL

The central letters in the second column of words, read down, will give the name of a festival in which Good Housekeeping playa an important part.

No. 268.— Riddle,

Those who take me improve, be their task

what it ma}*; Those who have me are sorrowful through

tho long day;

I am hated aliko by the foolish and wise, Yet without me none ever to eminence rise.

No. 269. Enigma.

My first is a dye, my next you drink dry, and my whole is a fly.

Varieties In Prose.

The oldest lunatic on record— Time out of mind.

A man who is more than one man— One beside himself.

The superlative of temper Tempest.

The best prescription for a poet A com- posing draught.

The difference between a spendthrift and a


pillow— One is bard up, the other soft down.

The imallest bridge in the world— The bridge of your nose.

The herb most injurious to a lady's beauty Thyme.

The best day for making pancake— Fry- day.

The best tind of agricultural f*ir— A farav er's pretty daughter.

N->. 270. Poetical Enijjma. I wave o'er mast, end fort, and tower, O'er royal home, from island bower ; Pm known and feared o'er land and wave. The hope of*freedo:n to the slave! Yet changed to stone b?hold me I Oft 'neath your foot am made to lie. Sometimes iny home is in the stream, Where my gay yellow blossoms gleam. When dried, my withered form they take, And into mats and baskets make. Four letters mine; cut off my head, Loitering and slow becomes my tread.

No. 271. -Chan Sln;; the Middle Letter. A change of the middle letter Makes a detective subtlo. Makes a beverage high. Makes a fish complete. Makes a mimic reverence. Make* a parent obscure.

No. 272.— An Easy One.

A thing which printers hate to sea, Although they all good livers bo, Add then an article quite small An interjection ends it alL

No. 273.— Round the World Riddle*. Name me the mountains that are nearly half


Name me the river that reminds of a kettle; What town do you t'aiak is sweetest of all? What city will to the most likely to fall? Tell me what mountains are likely to slide, Tell me the river most likely to hide, Mention the lake that should take the ad- vance,

Mention the city that owes most to chance; Tell mo what city is foremost in fashion, Mention a town always In a passion ; Tell us what river ranks next after third, Tell us what river is named for a bird.

No. S74. A Hidden Proverb. His parents were a worthy pair,

II" honored them as well he should, LI'- li^btly trod UJK):I the stair;

Bo understand that ho was good. Upon the gate hasp oil he'd IHJUI-,

That QO!M mizbt not awaken them.

Could other children well do more! In each line is one word of a common proverb.

No. 275. Th« Puzzle of Fourteen.

Cut out of cardboard fourteen pieces of the samo shape and relative sizo as those shown in the design, and then form an oblong with them.

No. 270.— Enigmatical Cities.

Hastily turning round. Dwells on the western prairiet. An open plain. Highly prized by tbo smoker.

No. 277. Anagram.

OHE, BAD PET 'FORE ALL GRIEF! Ye, who aro haughty and are proud, Aud boast of ancestry aloud, Should bear in mind the saying old, This anagram will now unfold.

No. 278. Word Square* 1. To divulge, 2. Baser. 8. An oar. 4.

Pertaining to the Andes. 5. To laud again.

6. Stretches. 1. Pertaining to the back. 2. A compound

of oleic acid with a salifiable base. 3. To

narrate. 4. A mariner. 5. To expiate. G.

Looked obliquely.

The Dice Guessed Unseen.

A pair of dice being thrown, to find the rumber of points on each die without seeing them: Tell tho person who cast the dice to double tho number of points on one of them and add 5 to it; then to multiply tbo sura pro- duced by 5, and to add to the product the number of points upon tho other die. This being done, desiro him to tell you the amount, an 1, having thrown out 25, tho remainder will be a number consisting of two figures, tho first of which, to tbo left, is tbo iiumlxrr of points on tho first die, r.iul tbo second figure, to tho right, tbo number on tbo otber. Thus: Suppose tho number of points of tho first dio which comes up to bo 2 uud that of tho other 3. Then if to 4, tho doubl* of the points of the first, there be added Q

Book of Puzzles.

ana tue sum produced, 9, be multiplied by 5, the product will be 45; to which if 3, the number of points ou the other die, bo added 48 will bo produced, from which, if 23 bo substracted, 23 will remain, the first figuro of which is 2, the number of points on the first die, and the second figure 3, the number on the second die.

No. 279. The Calculating Teacher. A teacher having fifteen young ladies under her charge, wished them to take a walk each day of the week. They were to walk iu five divisions of three ladies each, but no two ladies were to be allowed to walk together twice during the week. How could they be arranged to suit the above conditions?

No. 280.— An Oditty.

Fifty is my first, nothing is my second,

Five just makes my third, my fourth's a vowel reckoned ;

Now, to fill my whole, put all my parts to- gether;

I die if I get cold, but never mind cold weather.

No. 281. Concealed Birds.

How loiig is that small ark? Can deep love receive this wan face? I hope wit will be re- warded. Bravo not the storm, for not a star lingers in the sky. Does Parr owe Rob in- stead of Joe? Oh, pshaw! rent or sell at once.

No. 282. Pictorial Diamond.

No. 283. Double Word Enigma.

In "winds" that whistle round my door;

In "rose and rue" that grow together; In "boom" of breakers of the shore;

In "whisperings" of summer weather.

The one that lay upon tho ground,

Ono sunny day has wholly banished, And totals in its place aro fountl, All two'd by April ere she vanished.

No. 284. Anagrams.

(a) Norse cata, (f) There we sat.

(g) Into my arm. (h) Real fun. (i) Nay, I repent it.

(b) Mad policy.

(c) 'Tis in charity.

(d) Nino thumps.

(e) Go aurse.

(j) Terrible pose.

No. 285. Beheading*,

Find first a fairy's magic spell, Behead it, and 'twill not work well, Again— there Vulcan's strength did dwell

No. 286.— Cross Words.

My first is in shark, but not in whale. My second is in head, but not in tail. My third in even and not in odd. My fourth is in river and not in sod. My fifth is in isle and also in mountain. My sixth is in dale though not in fountain. My seventh is in army uud also in camp. While my eighth is in candle, but not in


My whole is a soldier, brave and bold, Whose laurels of fame will never grow old.

No. 287. Conundrums.

(a) Spell "blind pig" in two letters.

(b) Spell "evening" in three letters.

(c) Which are tho two most disagreeable letters, if you get too much of them?

(d) Why is the letter W like scandal?

(e) Why are two T's like hops?

(f) What is that which is always invisible yet never out of sight?

(g) Which of the feathered tribe can lift the heaviest weights?

(h) What pious work do railroads do? (i) What is the best kind of agricultural fail-?

Arrange tho words in their order. The names will form a diamond. Read either down or across.

A Simple Elision.

The following letters were written over the Ten Commandments in a Welsh church: PRSVRYPRFCTMN VRKPTHSPRCPTSTN

This looks as if it might be Welsh or any other strange language. But if you will put in the vowel "e" as many times as is neces- sary, you will find you have a couplet con- taining advice appropriate to the place in which the inscription was written.


Comparisons In Rhyme. As slow as the tortoise as swift as the


As true as the Gospel— as false as mankind; As thin as a herring— as f:it as a pig; As proud as a peacock as blithe as a grig; As savage as tigers— as mild as a dove; As stiff as a poker— as limp as a glove; As cool as a cucumber— as warm as a toast; As flat as a flounder as round as a ball ; As blunt as a hammer— as sharp as an awl. No. 288.— Tangled Verse.

Ohtu tar bet rats atht usgedi em

Lagno e ill's odbetlur ase;

Heanvevt tfea tbdeeis em

Hsti rctha iltls stnru to hete;

Ety od ton nhkti I otbdu ehet,

I okwn j-th tturh iaersnm,

I lilw otn eliv ttwhuoi teen

Rf o lal bet dwlor scntnoio.

No. 289.— A Basket of Flowers.

(a) "The fateful flower besido the rilL"

(b) This will bring to mind "Thoughts of Heaven." Tis also a gomo of this season.

(c) Precise, and "tho queen of flowers."

(d) A vehicle, a people, and tho whole is a color.

(e) Artificial fireworks.

(f) A part of speech, a vowel and a nega- tive.

(g) A summons, a goddess, a consonant and a little girl.

(h) A verb in tho present tense and an in- sect

(i) "Oh, a rare old plant is tho green."

0") One of a royal house, a letter and an ornament.

(k) A town in England and a hollow me- tallic vessel.

(1) First, a sphere, and, second, "tho fair- est, freshest and choicest part of anything. "

(m) A sport and an incentive.

(n) A bird (in tho possessive) and a part of tho same.

No. 20O.— Hetagram. Whole, I am a small nnimnl, Change my bead, and I become in succession, regard, food, excellent, to cut, venture, naked.

No 301. Numerical Enigma. My whole consists of letters six, Without me you aro In a fix ; My 1, 2 and 3 a conjunction shows, Reversed, 'tis used for washing clothes. My" 4, 5 and C la a weight you'll see, Reversed, a negative it will bo; Atui lastly, to conclude, I'll add My whole has eras, but Its sight la bad.

No. 202.— A Riddle— Old but Good.

A box has nine oars of corn in it A squir- rel carries out three ears a day, and It takes him nine days to carry the corn all out How k this explained t.

No. 203.— Word. Wlthta Words.

Affirmation— A girl's name.

Things of little value— A kind of firearm.

A bank officer— A tree.

Small wheels— A handsome flower.

A frolicsome leap— An animal.

A game bird— To pinch.

A gambling scheme— A carnivorous otjoatic tat-


A number— An excrescence. An article of def ensivo armor A female relative.

No. 204.— An Arithmetical Mystery. Thirteen commercial travelers arrived at an inn and each desired a separate room. The landlady had but twelve vacant rooms, which may bo represented thus:

1 2 3 4 51 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

But sho promised to accommodate all ac- cording to their wishes. So sho showed two of the travelers into room No. 1, asking them to remain a few minutes together. Traveler Jib. 3 sho showed into room No. 2, traveler No. 4 sho showed into room No. 3; traveler No. 5 into room No. 4; traveler No. G into room No. 5, and so on until she had put the twelfth traveler into room No. 11. Sho then went back to where sho had left tho two travelers together, and asking the thirteenth traveler to follow her led him to No. 12, the remaining room. Thus all were accommo- dated. Explain tho mystery.

No. 295. Two Diamonds and a Word Square.

First diamond— A consonant; to place; without noise; a beverage; a letter.

Second diamond— A letter; part of the face; a boundary; a hole; a letter.

Word square Fearless; a root; to fit; a \ind of snake; over and above.

No. 290.— A Fish Puzzle.

Each of the little pictures in tho above rep- resents the name of a flsh.

Book of Puzzles.


No. 297. A Journey.

I was awakened this morning by a roaring water south of Conn. Running to the win- dow to capo of the U. S. I saw it was a lake In N. A. and the roaring a bay in Mich. I hastened to river in Europe, my clothing, and then built a fire of an island in the Gulf of Mexico. Feeling mountains in N. J. I found a bottle, drew a city of the British empire and swallowed a river of the U. S. of a department of France. Going outside I found it was not only a cape of the U. S. , but also a country of S. A. On looking round I saw the large body of water in British A. had broken loose, was circling and rushing around and likely to do damage. It occurred to me that I could stop the trouble with a lake of the U. S., and Euro enough I soon had him a river in Ken- tucky and led him to a town in Mass. I then had a large city of England in a town of Minnesota, and just as I emerged from the latter heard the blowing of a South Ameri- can cape. Knowing it to bo a lako of Africa our South American river of all work, calling to breakfast, I hurried a river in Germany.

No. 298. Puzzle Picture.

Find the animals that are concealed in the wood.— Golden Days.

No. 299. An Octagon.

(a) A very small draft.

(b) A firm, heavy and hard substance, shin- ing, opaque and f usiblo by heat.

(c) Many, (d) To repeat, (c) Assembled, (f) More recent. (£) Conducted.

No. 300. Easy Rebuses, (a) LE (b) DTRD

ora 8

No. 301. Mlssins Vowels.

Hxrx rxsts hxs hxxd rpxn thx Ixp xf rxrth.

X xiilh tx fxrtxne md tx fxmx un- known.

Fxxr scxxncx frxwnrd nit xn his hxmblx brrth.

Xnd Mxlxnchxlx mxrkxd hxm fir hxr zwn.

No. 302. A Charade.

It seems to be In nature's plan The first should cover every man;

Last is a common stono

Found anywhere, and whole is ons On money making so intent, He'd first my last to make a cent.

No. 303. Decapitations.

Whole. I am a thunderous noise; Beheaced, more like headstrong boys; Beheaded again, I'm sure you'll agree That now I'm a useful forest tree.

No. 304. Familiar Flowers Described.

(a) A cross monster, (b) A great pi ague to unmarried men. (c) An hour of tho day. (d) A missile in which boys delight, (e) A kind of confectionery and a protuberance of some soft material, (f) A woman and an article of her attire, (g) An edible substance and something to put it in. (h) Important organs of speech.

The name of a flower will answer (in sound) each of the descriptions given.

No. 305. Geographical Hourglass. 1, a city in Scotland; 2, a state of Ger- many; 3, an island in the Mediterranean sea; 4, three-fifths of atlas; 5, a letter in Paris; 6, a capo on the coast of New Jersey trans- posed; 7, a gulf south of France; 8, a south- ern state; 9, a city in Texas. Centrals spell the name of a city in Maryland.

No. 30G. Anagrams of Notable Women.

(a) Races halt not much.

(b) Write each bee shorter.

(c) A black wool dove.

(d) Get a chin lino for Glen.

(e) Damo Sara be wild.

(f) Clip a later hue.

(g) They need a wild tin, (h) Us both as nanny.

(i) Let Clius land on our home.

No. 307. A Curious Menagerie.

(a) When Snip, the younger tailor, set up for him- self.

An Unanswerable Conundrum.

There is no answer to the following conun- drum. No one has ever been ablo to find one. Perhaps you may be more lucky. It ought to bo good:

A Landless man had a letter to write, 'Twos read by one who had no sight; Dumb was be who spoke tho word, And deaf was he who listened and heard. Pity there's no answer. Ask it to people and pretend there is an answer make 'em miserable.


He found his way smoothed by this comical elf. CD) In the kitchen these live with Biddy the cook, CO And this with his eyes his lady love took.

(d) This In the laundry you surely will find,

(e) And thi« on a turn out Is mounted behind. CO This in a baby's robe, daintily dressed.

Stands a fair flower of beauty confessed. Cg) These once were in fashion to dress ladies'

hair, 00 And these on her hearthstone were always a


CD What a great sheet of paper that artist requires,

This answers his purpose and this bo admires.

CD Chink 1 chink! tho' not silver, 'tis certainly

r •: !,

Triumphantly leading the Romans of old. Ck) If Franklin were hero with aerial sail

! my to his grandson, "Thereby ban js a taiL" CD Did this ono "die happy," when he saw tha

French runT

Cm) They coll this a dipper or heavenly spoon. Cn) Hero It a fellow who never leaves home

Without toi-ing with him a fashionable comb.

Ni>. 30S.— Drop Letter Puzzle. A-t-t-h-n-i-c-a-c-n-n-o. Supply missing letters and find a common

No. 3OO.— niddles.

(a) What may a hen bo said to bo doing when sho cackles after producing an egg?

(b) What word becomes shorter by adding a syllable)

(c) What four letters would frighten a thief?

(d) Why aro the bund the most compas- sionate of people?

(c) What is it that a dumb man can't crack*

No. "10. illustrated Conundrum.

Ono man b ordered to eat eggs because they aro nutritious, and another is cautioned toleavo thorn alone because they produce

"This is a sort of topsy-turvy world. No one seems to be satisfied. Ono man is strug- gling to gee justice and another is flying fronzit

Robinson takes a glass of sherry to give him an appetite, while Brown, who has a wino cellar, can't touch a drop jpn account of his apoplectic tendencies.

Ono man keeps a pistol to protect himself against burglars, while his neighbor doesnt keep ono for fear of shooting some member of his family by mistake,

Ono rich roan wears poor clothes because ho is rich and can do anything, while a poor man wears fine clothes because ho is poor and wants to create tho impression that ho is not

No. 311.— A Bottle.

A verb; noise of a frog; a tribe of Indians; a covering for tho hea<l ; not now ; a small animal; hollow cylinders; awakening from sleep; ono who tends horses; woven together; moving with rapidity; larger; a girl's name; making firm ; thoroughfares.

Tho words placed in tho order suggested above give tho form of a bottle.

No 313.— Charade.

My first is what all do after sleeping, my second is a plot of ground, my whole is a town in Massachusetts.

No. 313.— n<-:>ns.

The picture represents two word1 from Uje What aro iUey j

Book cj Puzzles.


No. 314.— A Tangle.

Daruno em hslal verho, Ni dasesns ro lege, Lilt silfe' rdaems eb vero, Wseet memrieso f o ethe.

No. 315. Letter Enigma. My first is in jackal, not in ox. My second is in bear, not in fox. My tliird is in deer, not in gnu. My fourth is in ibcz, and in zebu." My fifth is in dormouse, also in hog. My sixth is in jaguar, not in dog. My whole is a quadruped.

No. 310. Acrostic.

The initials compose tho namo of the last Aztec emperor of Mexico.

1. A famous Portuguese navigator. 2. A famous Seminolo chief. 3. Pertaining to a nation, 4. A playvrritten by Shakespeare. 6. A king who was called the "Unready." G. A queen of Palmyra. 7. All tho heavenly bodies. 8. The messenger of tho gods. 9. A native of a certain province north of Greece.

No. 317.— Mutation.

An energetic band are we, To publish is our theme,

And we'll always delighted be To hear of some new scheme.

Like unto tho cruel spider, We spare not great or small,

Whether roguo or peace abider, Who in our clutches fall.

Although some people like us not,

A deal of good we do, By giving hero and there a dot

Of something that is new.

No. 318. Decapitation.

A massacre or a loss of life Attending war or deadly strife, Is first, and, if beheaded be, Result of mirth we quickly see.

No. 319. Numerical Enigma.

My 8 and my 9, 13 and 16, defineth exceed- ingly bright;

My 10 and my 4, and my 15 and 8, is seen in tho still summer night;

My 1, 7, 4, and my 9 and my 3, may always bo found in tho depths of tho sea ;

While my 3, 2 and 14, and likewise my 9, Is where "all roads lead" you'll doubt- less agree.

My 11, 12, 9, is an article small ; its import- ance you surely have guessed !

While my 5 is a letter the English misuse, and my 6, by an hundred tunes ten, is expressed.

My whole is a part of a proverb most true ; It's meaning self evident must be to yon..

A Hibernian Epitaph.

She gently strode into the dark cave of eternal night at six and a half o'clock in the morning.

A Puzzler.

A man has advertised for "A boy to open oysters with a reference." We don't believe it can bo done.

No. 320.— A Charade for Little Folk.

In winter's time my FIRST is seen,

When the weather is very cold;

And is formed into my SECOND

By children young and old.

And if my WHOLE you wish to find.

My FIRST and SECOND must be combined!

And then by looking you will see,

A winter favorite in me.

No. 321.— Hidden Birds.

(a) Mark 1 It excites the baby to make that noise, (b) The vine on Clarke's trellis was broken down, (c) Alfred started to go home, (d) Sorrow leaves us sad. (e) The mud was deep, (f) The host, richly dressed, did ap- pear, (g) How rents have gone up. (h) They played polo on the ball ground, (i) Tho scared otter elevated itself on its hind legs, (j) In tho heavens a bright star lin- gered.

No. 323.— Mutation.

You'll have ne'er a tussle

In solving this puzzle When you bear it in mind that IT STOOPS so RUjrl


With a twist and a flop, It turns and reverses, and changes again.

No. 323. Anagrams from Scott.

In each of tho following may be found the namo of a character prominent in one of the "Waver ley novels:

(a) Mind and not die.

(b) Oval from Rica.

(c) In a big bursted

boiler, 'd) Lady Drew, we

rave, (e) Nan drove In a.

(f) His is a perfect


(g) Mr. T. oils a gun. (h) A very lame it.

(i) Wo first razed

Ulam. (j) Say ripe hemp.

No. 324. Doable Acrostic.

(a) A conical shellfish.

(b) An affirmation, with an appeal to God as witness of its truth.

(c) A fascinator.

(d) A military instrument.

(e) A product of the earth.

(f) A genus of flowering plants.

Initials form the name of a large cityi finals the river on which it is.


7f ; wy body's

No. 323.— A Problem for Sharp YTiU.

A former having a certain number of eggs, gave them away in this wise: To A he gave half the eggs ho had and an additional egg; to B, half bo had remaining and an additional egg; to C, hah! the eggs he had remaining and an additional ogg. This closed out his stock. How many had he to commence with)

No. 320. The Yankee Square.

No. 330.— A lor* AfflOr.

Cut as many pieces of each figure in card- board as they have numbers marked on them, then form these pieces into a square,

No. 327. Conundrums.

(a) Why is a wise man like a pin?

(b) Why is a palm tree like a chronologerf

(c) Why is a poker like an angry word!

(d) Why is a telegram like a river?

(e) Why is a. Damascus blado like a good natural man?


A pig was never known to wash, but a great many people have seen the pig iron.

Pipes aro all humbugs— the best of them are but mecr-shams!

Books aro your best friends; for when they bore you you can shut them up without of- f | \

When a man goes out of the poultry bus- iness he "tears tho tattered hen sign down."

Curiously enough, after the purchaser had paid for his gun, ho said he would like to nave it charged.

No. 328.— The Graces and the Mtuec.

The three Graces carrying each an equal number of oranges were met by tho nine Moses, who asked for some of them. Each Grace having given to each Muso tho same number, it was then found that they had all equal shares. How many had tho Graces at first?

No. 320.— A Square and a Diamond. 1, an animal; 2, avast body of w:ii< r oppose by argument; 4, to treat wit

i- •• ' •.'•.• in.

> animal ; 3, a fruit ; 4, a tree ; 6, a letter.

No. 331. Transposition.

Behead my first and find at sight The time at which these lines I write; Transpose me, and I am not lost While, whole, I follow autumn's frost. My second is where wealth is found. Though in no mine within tho ground. My first last comes on wintry days, And far into the spring it stays.

No. 332.. Acrostic.

Tho initials compose the name of a cele- brated prima donna.

1. A Roman general of renown. 2. A character in "Idyls of tho King," noted for beauty and a sad fato. 3. A modern con- queror. 4. A natural philosopher. 5. A poet whoso works few young people read. 6. A great pianist and composer. 7. A Spanish queen. 8. An American patriot of revolu- tionary famo (initial of his Christian name). 0. An interesting personage in mythology.

No. 333. An Easy Anagram.

Ah mo 1 A horrid shriek I heard

Within tho dark and dismal night; A wholo flew by mo like a bird— A ghoul IT RAN and vanished quite. No. 334. A Hi. Men Proverb. Select rightly one word from each of the following quotations and the whole will form a very common proverb:

Book of Puzzles.


"Prove all things; hold fast that which is pod."

"Oh, a dainty plant Is the ivy green 1" *Be wisely worldly; be not worldly wise." "For me the gold of France did not seduce." "Iwill know your business that 1 will." "Tie field yet glitters with the pomp of

No. 335.— A Cross Word Enigma. My first is in hamper, but not in basket; My second is in battle, but not in fight; My third is in piano, but not in music; My fourth is in muffin, but not in crumpet; My fifth is in tarragon, but not in chervil; My whole is a thing you will find in every greenhouse.

No. 336.— Pictorial Enigma for Little Folk.

Arrange the letters that form the names of the small pictures in the order shown by the figures and you will find three things that every boy and girl likes.

No. 337. A Curious Menagerie.

Take t.hia menagerie for what it is worth; I am sure you will find it "the greatest on earth:"

(a) When coid springs are over and season*

are fine, This of real summer is always a sign.

(b) And this is as certain the winter to show, When cutters with merry bells glide o'er

the snow.

(c) Here's a kind nurse, our hospital queen!

(d) And here are some gloves, for a dude it

would seem. (B) A wife, it is said, put this In a peck

Whenever her husband she wanted to check.

(f) These on his cloak a soldier should wear;

(g) This carries a vessel right over the bar. (h) Here are four castles, each ready to fight

To preserve for their king his legitimate

right. (0 With this the Black Prince' <used ,to cover

his face; Beau Brummel touched his with most

exquisite grace.

No. 338. Behead and Curtail.

(a) I am a fireplace curtail me, and I am the fireplace of the body; curtail me again, and I am to distinguish sounds; behead me, and I am that which distinguishes sound.

(b) 1 am to detest curtail me, and I am unwilling ; behead me, and I am a vow ; cur- tail me, and I am a grain; behead, and I am a preposition.

No. 339.— Original Arithmetic.

Example. What number becomes even by subtracting one? Answer. S-evetu

(a) What number, by adding one, becomes sound? (b) \Vhat number, by adding one, becomes isolated? (c) What number, by in- serting one, becomes finely ground meal? (d) What number, by subtracting one, be- comes a vegetable growth? (e) What num- ber, by subtracting one, becomes a preposi- tion? If) What number, by subtracting one, becomes an exclamation?

No. 340. A Charade.

Tis as a name for a thief that our first will


Or a pickpocket sly, if you should prefer; Next's congenial, of the same nature or kind, While the whole's a small cup f or _you to find.

No. 341.— Conundrums.

(a) What is that condition of life from which if you take all trouble there will yet remain some?

(b) What was it that Livingston had once, Lincoln twice and Longfellow three times, and yet each had about him all his lifetime?

(c) When does the rain become too familiar to a lady?

(d) Why may carpenters reasonably believe there is no such thing as stone?

The """i who said he was down on geese must have a very small opinion of himself.


No. 34».-Alddle, I went Into a tent,

And father staid outside, When suddenly the whole thing changed,

And a sfcfc person I espied.

No. 843.— A Few Birds. 00 A rude bird, (b) A "tough" bird. «J) A boasting bird, (d) A dishonest bird, (e) An untruthful bird, (f) A "cabinet" bird, (g) A cowering bird, (h) A cheating bird, ft A low spirited bird.

No. 344.— Poetical PL

•'1st' na lod zamim ni bet cboloss, Ahtt y'aflettr's eht of do fo lofos; Ety won nad neth rouy enm fo twi Liwl acendoccnd ot kate a tib."

No. 345.— An Inverted Pyramid. Across— L Exemplified. 2. Confuted. 8. Read. 4. To prevent. 5. Expressions of in- quiries or slight surprise. G. A letter.

Down— L A letter, 2. An abbr. & Part of the face. 4. Employed. 5. A merry frolic. 6. Verified facts. 7. Rosettes, a To declare. 9. To spread. 10. A boy's nick 1L A letter.

Wo. 340.— Letter 1 —••• C




(c) Hbag.

Ho. 347.— Word Making. I am an evil thin?. Impure, untrue, But if to me you add what sounds like you, I bring much strength. If only g you add, I am what, well done, makes a bearer glad; And If an o you tack on after g, Why, then, 1 scorch, so much it alters me.

With g I sweetly sound, with o Fm dumb, A geometric line I then become; Ole makes mo lonesome, widower or unwed, X sends me down just like a lump of lead. With c e Joined on 1 go into the post, And with on added r e I honest am at last

No. 348.— Anagram. When hungry flames your homes will devour, Why Dot take that which "Cures in an1' hour?

No. 340.— A Rhomboid. ACBOSa

1. Flavor. 2. Actuated, a To hinder. 4 To make new. & An iron pipe in a forgo.


L A consonant 2. A verb. ft, A cap-

sule of legumes. 4. Above. 6. Let again. & A native of Denmark, 7. A tree. 8. A pfO- noun. 9. A Roman numeral

Ho. 350.— One Line— One Counter Puzzle.

A JB CO £ r .

Place six counters on the dotted angles of any of the squares in the diagram so that no two counters shall be in the some line, either straight or diagonal Unless the counters ore very small, it will be advisable to rule a larger diagram before placing them.

No. 351. The Knowing Shepherd. A shepherd was going to market with some sheep when he met a man who said to him, "Good morning, friend, with your score." "No," said the shepherd, "I have not a score; but if I had as many more, half as many more, and two sheep and a half, I should have just a score." How many sheep had hef

Tfo. 352. Cross Word Enigma.

My first is In bottle,but not in cork.

My second in polka, but not in York.

My third is in watch, but not in clock.

My fourth is in schooner, but not in dock,

My afth is in tree, but not in bush.

My sixth is in wren, but not in thrush.

My seventh is in navy, but not in ship. .

My eighth is in tongue, but not in lip.

My ninth is in river, but not in lake.

My tenth is in biscuit, but not in cake.

My whole is a favorite out door game,

The winners of which procure great fame.

No. 353. A Zigzag.

Each of the words described contains the Huno number of letters. When thece have been rightly guessed and placed one below the other, the zigzags (beginning at the upper left hand corner) will spell a famous battle that took place about twenty -eight years ago.

Book of Puzzles.


Crosswords; (a) An obstruction, (b) Much tued in hot weather, (c) A wager, (d) The goddess of revenge, (e) To saunter, (f) A retreat, (g) The fifth sign of the zodiac, (h) Frequent. tf) To request, (j) To placa (k) Forty-five inches. (1) A quadruped with palmate horns, (m) A covering for the floor, (nj To drone, (o) Part of a fish.

No. 354.— American Fl. These lines are from a famous American poet:

Ltel em ont ni rufmloun bunresm

File si ubt na pymet edmar; Rof eth usol si ddae taht sublemsr, Nad gshnit ear ton thaw eyht ernes.

No. 355.— An Old Saying Illustrated.

No. 356. A Double Diagonal Square.

An eighth of a mile; to shine brightly; management of any undertaking; a small pickled cucumber; to impose upon; certain kind of reptiles; the nymph or chrysalis of aa Insect. My diagonals, read downward from right to left and from left to right, name two states.

No. 357. A Defective Proverb.

Th.tL.db.c.m.s l.ght th.t .s ch..rf.Uy b.rn. .

No. 358. A Charade. When o'er the western hills at close of day

The sun is shedding a departing ray. He paints my first in glory on the skies

In all the splendor of celestial dyes.

My second, fitting emblem of the tomb, Pursues his sinuous way through paths of gloom

Clothed hi sad colors, yet at man's behest He causes man to be more richly drest.

My whole, soft beacon of the summer night. Through darkness sends a beam of purest light!

Be who would find It Deed not gate Ob high, Or search with curious eyes the starlit sky.

No. 330.— Riddles.

(a) When does love become a pitched battle!

(b) What is that which the more it is cut the longer It grows?

(c) What is that which though always in- visible is never out of sight?

(d) When does a ship become a horseman?

(e) When you put on your slipper why do you always make a mistake?

No. SCO. A Problem of Number*.

Old General Host

A battle lost, And reckoned on a hissing,

When he saw plain

What men were slain, And prisoners and missing.

To his dismay

He learned next day What havoc war had wrought;

He had, at most,

But half his host Plus ten times three, six, ought.

One-eighth were lain

On beds of pain, With hundreds six beside;

One-fifth were dead,

Captives, or fled. Lost in grim warfare's tide.

Now, If you can.

Tell me, my man. What troops the general numbered,

When on that night

Before the fight The deadly cannon slumber'df

No. 361. Double Central Acrostic.

All of the words described contain the same number of letters, when these words are rightly guessed, and placed one below another in the order here given, one row, reading downward, will spell typography and another row will spell devised.

Cross words: L To murmur. 2. A large strong wasp. 3. To quaka 4. Dogmas. 5. A common plant somewhat like mint 6. The shop of a smith. 7. Upright 8. A city, famous in ancient times, founded by Alman- zor.

No. 363. Noted Women.

(a) She whose shadow the soldiers kiss.

(b) She who first realized her beauty was fading when the street sweepers no longer turned to look at her.

(c) The beautiful empress who was an ex- ample of woman's devotion,

(d) The distinguished lady who would glad- ly have exchanged her talents for beauty.

(e) She who wept to wear a crown.

(f) The captive queen of the City of the

(g) The Scandinavian songstress.

(h) The originator of the massacre of St. Bartholomew.

(i) She who lighted the fires of Smithfield.

(j) The queen who won a greater victory by her charms than by her armies.

(k) The queen whose wisdom was seen in her counselors.

(1) She whose children were her jewels. Good Housekeeping.

No. 363. Diamonds.

(a) A consonant; a verb; a fruit; an ad- verb; a consonant. Whole spells the name of a f nut.

(b) A letter ; a luminary ; tasteful ; a planet ; medicine; three-fourths of deep; a letter. Whole spells the name of the largest planet

No. 364.— Illustrated Zigzag.

In the accompanying illustration each of the numbered object* may be described by a word of flvo letter* When these are rightly guessed and placed one below the other, the rigzag, beginning at the upper left hand cor- ner, will ipell the name of a famous American artist of the early part of this century, some- time* called the "American Titian. "

No. 365.— A Mathematical Nat.

Four things there are, all of a height, One of them crooked, the rest upright; Take away three and you will find Exactly ten remains behind. But if you cut the four in twain, You'll find one-half doth eight retain.

No, 366.— An Enigmatical Insect. My first is to ramble; my next to retreat; My whole oft enrages in summer's fierce heat.

A Pastime for Winter Evenings.

The "Flour Merchant" is the name of one of the many conversational games that are so convenient for whiling away an evening by the fireside, because they are not noisy and require no special appliances.

One who personates the flour merchant will try in every way to dispose of his stock by asking questions of the others, who must in their answers be careful not to use the words "flour," "I," "yes" or "no." For instance, the merchant says:

"Any flour to-day P

"There is none required."

"Let me persuade you to take some."

"That is impossible."

"Why so? It is excellent flour."

"You have my answer."

"Havel? Will you please repeat itP

"My answer was 'Not any.' "

"But the price is reasonable."

"1 will not take any."

The flour merchant, having succeeded In making her say "I," proceeds on his way.

No. 367. Charade.

In every gift of fortune I abound, In me is every vice and virtue found ; With block and blue and green myself I paint, With me an atheist stands before a saint.

Far before nature I make art precede. And before sovereigns give the poor the lead; Many who bear the name of learned and wise, Did I not help them, you would oft despise.

Nay, more; within my grasp, together bound. The king, tho beggar and the noble's found. In one thing I excel the proudest lord— You always may depend upon my word.

No. 368.— Easy Word Squares.

(a) L A grain, 2. A chill 8. A cluster. 4. Collections.

(b) L A puppet 2. A river In North America. 3, An animal 4. Forsaken.

(c) L A burden. 2. A river in England. 8. Beg& 4. A piece of furniture.

Book of Puzzles.

No. 369. The Maltese Cross Squared.

Divide a Maltese cross, by two straight cuts, Into four pieces so that the pieces when put together will form a square.

No. 370.— A Curious Collection of Keys.

Example A Spanish grandee. Answer— Don-key. (Partly by sound.)

1. A failure, 7. To frustrate.

2. A hunch. 8. Obscurity. 8. A celibate. 9. A frolic.

4. Liable to careen, 10. Tending to darkness.

6. Hazard. 11. A plant.

& To sweep. 12. Unsteady motion.

No. 371.— Charade,

My first is darkness.

My second is a proposition.

My third is a plant growing in bogs.

Whole is the name of a bird.

No. 373.— A Tangle.

Yam ehret eb stju guehno cludos ni ruyo elfi ot rofm a blufetaiu ntuesa.

No. 373.— A Mystic Cross.

This consists of four diamonds of five words each, so placed that when joined by central letters they form a cross.

Top Diamond, A letter; queen of the fairies; a title applied to women; wicked; a letter. Right Hand Diamond. —A letter; past tense of a verb meaning to possess; a transparent fluid; a cave; a letter. Bot- tom Diamond. A letter; to strike; close; an article; a letter. Left Hand Diamond. A letter; a fruit; a flower; a metal; a letter. Centrals, from center to top, a male sheep; from center to right, crude; from center to bottom, a small animal ; from center to left, a quick blow; from top to center, to deface; from right to center, open hostility; from bottom to center, a resinous substance; from left to center, equal value.

No. 374. Enljrma.

I am quite a useful article,

And found in many a form; I am seen upon the ocean,

In sunshine and in storm; The doctor prescribes me

When your stomach isn't right; When the settler builds his cabin

I help to make it tight; Tm scarce upon the prairie,

But in the forest found, And I am quite abundant, too,

Where little dogs abound.

No. 375.— Riddles.

(a) A word of three syllables seek till you find

That has in it the twenty -six letters combined. Cb) There was a man who bought a thing;

The thing he bought he did not want;

The man who sold it could not use it;

The man who used it did not know it

No. 370. Quizzes.

What is short when it is long?

What gives weakness when 'tis strongT

What painful loss can make us glad?

What risks more heights than any lad?

What is it that is always tired—

When there is strength for work required?

What thing to live must lose its head?

And what from too much breath lies dead?

What while running always lies?

What is a disregarded vice?

What book still lives when robbed of leaves?

And can you name the unseen thieves?

No. 377. A Simple Charade.

Take half of what is needful for the dead, What helps physicians to their daily bread; Join these together, bright and clear, And drink for breakfast without fear.

No. 378. Beheadings.

A Bound in kitchens often heard;

Behead, a foolish act inspired ; Behead again, its leaves are stirred

Once more and silence is required.

No. 379.— Pied Cities. 1. Plevoliro. 2. Mr. Latiboe. a Dr Seend. 4. Las Mesrile. 5. Tanhes. G. Glareis. 7. Vanaha. 8. Vanhsana,

No. 380. Anagrams Lame Jim Deels. Ah, Normal Drain. It's to maul coaL Clare L. Wilton. Who will see mad Allin Liar, send checks.

of Popular Authors.

Nab through door. Will likes coin. Ah, Cyril Macey. Leave tho trader wed, Tarent, tho boss. A deep city main ran.

No. 381. A Word Puzzle.

From these letters form one word: D O N W O E R.


No. 382.— rictorliU Proverb.

No. 383.— Concealed Birds.

LevI bisected the obtuse angle. Why Is the omnibus tardy today? Ezra ill treats his little brother. Jane must return home at once. This place must be Oretna Green. Kate always has fashionable company. Miss KMriilgo nines very sweetly

No. 384. Decapitations.

First. It Is very easy to see through me. Because I think you do It every day;

Decapitate me and I will be A pretty little girl at play.

Behead again, and It appears to your ey» What a strikingly queer quadruped am L What's left of me— It's for you to know, I'm nothing but two consonants though.

No. 885.— A Tangle of Wise Words.

How setakdenur nyara nitsgh ta noco dem- •ol sedo hantgyni lewL

>o, 88O.— Illustrated Numerical Enigma.

Every word that is represented by figure* Is a noun, and all are pictured in the accom- panying illustration.

Though your ambition soar like a 81 -6-1-40, unless you climb the 50-23-84-5, or take the 8U-29-5-44, or man the 20-17-3IV24-42-34, or wield the 16^7-30- 13-41, or seize the 11-3-33, or guide the 14-34-25- 13-15-8, or work the 14- 27-19-87-24, or handle the 22-51 -4-5-21, or try ttwtt-8MMMS-4a,or string the 34-32-52-43, or strike the 31-26-10, or ply the 28-46-15-5, or win the honor of a 8MS-4S-7-2-3S, you will prove the truth of the whole quotation, which IB from Shakespeare.— St. Nicholas.

3Iodern Proverbs.

Decorations of the golden grain

Are set to allure the aged fowl in vain.

Cryptogamous concretlon'never grows On mineral fragments that decline reposft.

It is permitted to the feline race To contemplate even a regal face.

Observe yon plumed biped flnel

To effect bla captivation. Deposit particles saline

Upon his termination.

Teach not a parent's grandmother to extract The embryo juices of an egg by suction;

That good old lady can the feat enact, Quite irrespective of your kind instruction.

Pecuniary agencies have force

To stimulate to speed the female horse.

The earliest winged songster soonest sees And first appropriates the annelides.

No. 387. A Marine Square. This is composed of words of seven letters each. The first word represents tho name of the beam or timber upon which tho broadest part of a vessel is formed. The second, a spear used in capturing largo fish. The third, "havens." The fourth, "the act of reaching a place from a distance." The fifth, "a small anchor with four or live flukes." The sixth, "a steamship." The seventh, "a traveler." The diagonal from upper left to lower right corner represents "a seaman."

No. 388. Easy Rebus. My 1, 2, 3 across tho Innd

My 4, ft, 6 doth carry. On 1 to 6 we both will stand

The day we both shall marry.

No. 389.— Rarled Birds. (Two birds are concealed in each sentence.) ta) Wo saw, on our tour, a company of gyp- sies wandering about.

(b) Ned caught a rat In a mouse trap— in UuJ first it was, tool

Book of Puzzles.


to) She began nettling me, else we wo _-^ have had a word.

(d) Yes, he is a very sharp young fellow, and

very smart in his way.

(e) It is seldom a visitor uses such awkward


(f) Mr. Jones will not rebuild his wall, owing

to the high rate allowed masons.

No. 390.— Pie.

ONUBRSCOSRNEIO. Arrange the above letters aright, and the name of a tale well known to children will appear.

No. 391.— Odd Enigmas.

Write one hundred and add one,

And then with five unite; When one and fifty you have joined.

You'll have what is polite.

If. to one thousand you add one.

Then fifty and five hundred. You'll have what's gentle, good and kind.

Or else 1 must have blundered.

No. 393.— Riddle. I've hands and feet and features flue, To you 1 often tell the time; I'm sometimes seen upon the moon. The cattle seek me oft at noon. Around each house 1 creep at night, From me the guilty hastes his flight; I help to prove the earth is round; I swiftly move without a sound. I walk with you each pleasant day; I chase the children when at play— They cannot catch me if they try, Yet they are as fleet of foot as L I am not light, I'm sure you'd say, And yet 'tis true I nothing weigh. Whene'er the morn is clear and bright, My form towers to a wondrous height; But when the dinner hour is nigh. More broad and short and thick am L If before you I proceed, And if you wish to take the lead. Then turn and go an opposite way, Or wait till a different time of day.

No. 393.— Single Acrostic.

1. One of the Great Antilles. 2. One of the Shetland islands. 3. The largest island in the world. 4. A group of islands in the In- dian ocean. 5. An island group in the South Atlantic ocean. 6. The island prison of a great general 7. The sight of the fifth won- der of the world. 8. Two islands in the Arctic ocean which are separated by a very narrow strait 9. One of the British West Indiea 10. A large island in the Atlantic ocean. 11. A British West Indian island. 12. One of the Aukland islands. 13. An isl- and on tho east coast of Africa,

The initial letters of each of the islands de- tcribsd wtlj spell the tuyne of an island which

Is supposed to be the scene of a very famous story.

No. 394. Transpositions.

The first I will tell you

Is a kind of waterfowl. Transposed now, I'm a story

That will often raise a howL Again, now, I'm behind time,

Like many a belated train. A foreign coin you now will get,

If I am transposed again.

No. 395.— A Reversion.

If a time of day you will turn around The time will just remain the same.

No. 39G.— A Pictorial Proverb.

No. 397.— A Charade.

My first of anything is half, My second is complete;

And so remains until once more My first and second meet.

No. 398.— Two














































The stars aro letters, and the figures mean The alphabetic gaps that are between; Betwixt that A aud R, that C and E, Two horrid monsters very huge there bo. Reader, 'tis mine to hide, 'tis thine to find, go set about it with au active mind.



Chinese Tea Sons.

If the reader studios this attentively, he will gee how easy it is to read Chinese : Ohc ometo th ete asho pwit fame,

Andb uya po undo f thebo st. T willpr oveara ostex cellentt ea,

Itsq ua lit yal Iwl lla at to st, Tiso nlyf oursb 1111 nps apo und, Soc omet othe teama rtan dtry, Nob etterc anel sewh erebefou nd, Ort hata nyoth er needb uy

No. 300.— Meheadmento and Curtailments.

(a) Behead and curtail a substance made from cloth or rice or straw, and have an ani- mal of the genus Quadrumana,

(b) Behead and curtail a cut of meat and have a beverage.

(c) Behead and curtail "an avenue through a town," and have the largest division of the vegetable kingdom.

No. 4OO. An Ea«ter E«j<j to Crack.

This rebus, when deciphered, will give a sentence appropriate to the season.

No. 401.— Anagrams— Men of the Day.

(a) N. B. Jane rain or shine, (b) No limp voter, (c) The moon's a dias. (d) Big Jane's lama (e) Kill a brave, mild twin, (f) Sear real gulls, (g) Never clod gravel (h) If my A. C. will da (i) We care in danger, (j) Bone battle, (k) Lone Tom and I call. (1) Why more at rent (m) I will whine "my cat" (n) W. R. M. lives at Lima, (o) Ma, tune m B sharp, (p) Note who bid. (q) James II. Hornn,

No. 403. Central Acrostic.

1. A privilege or grant 2. Restored, 8. Luxuriously fed. 4. Is very plentiful 5. Benevolence. 6. Pavements on which fires are built 7. Heavenly. 8. An instructor. 9. A plume. 10. A tropical plant whose oil is much used for perfumery and flavoring. 11. Cases of larvae. 12. A passage.

Centrals, downward, the future state which Easter celebrates.

No. 403.— Cross Word Enigma, In happy, not in sad. In hopeful, not in mad. In earth, not in space. In tooth, not in face. In coming, not in gone. In chant, not in song. In chin, not in liver.

The whole is a historic river of the United States.

No. 4O4. Decapitations.

(a) First, the voice of a fowl; Behead and have a riot.

(b) Something in a raw state is my flrst; Behead, and to be very coarse.

No. 405. A Square and a Diamond.

Square— A forest tree; part of a woman's apparel, haughty; a small insect; finished.

Diamond— A letter; to anoint; languishes; a field; a letter.

No. 400. Metasram.

fa) I run, but without any exertion on my part (b) Behead me, I am a bird, (c) Change my head, I am a servant (d) Change my bead again, behold.

No. 407.— An Hour Glass.

1, A public declaration; 2, advantage; 8,

to examine; 4, consumed; 5, a vowel; 6, a

girl's name; 7, an attempt; 8, a public sale;

9, suffering for truth. Centrals spell gayety.

No. 408. Conundrums.

(a) Why is i the happiest vowel!

(b) Where are the vegetable and animal kingdoms united!

(c) Passing a farm house I saw in the yard four domestic fowls; they were neither hens, ducks, geese nor turkeys. What were they!

No. 400. Charade.

My first denotes a brilliant place,

Where belles and jewels shine; My next transports the merchant's stores,

Or produce of the mine; Sweet pleasures in my whole abound,

Apart from worldly strife; By nymphs and swains it's always found

The happiest part of life.

Book of Puzzles.


No. 410.— A Proverb In Numbers.

I am composed of 38 letters, and am a Dan- ish proverb, signifying there is no contenting discontented-people.

29, 8, 20 is an eel like fish.

7, 13, 23, 5, 10 is nn American singing bird.

17, 28, 8, 18, 37, :», 38 is a Brazilian bird, having an umbrella like crest of feathers above the bill

25, 30, 4, 32, 19, 6 is the Solan goose.

26, 15, 3, 23, 22 is a marine bird expert at diving.

35, 2, 24, 27, 31, 8, 4, 20 is a gallinaceous bird found wild in Europe.

34, 12, 27, 14, 15, 36, 1 is a small passerine.

11, 21, 3, 8, 7, 1, 27, 20, 22, 15 is a web footed marine bird, allied to the gulls.

9, 23, 16, 11 is a gen us of grallatory birds.

No. 411.— Letter Rebuses.

X 8 C T ing

(a) (b) (c)

IT 10 A Th

No. 412. Flower Enigmas. The names of flowers are here enigmatical- ly expressed. The first is of three syllables; the others of two each.

(a) To spoil ; a pronoun ; a precious metaL

(b) To break ; a fabulous monster.

(c) A small singing bird ; a snag.

(dj The first part of the day; high honor.

No. 4J3. Geometrical Puzzle.

A man has a square of land, out of which he reserves one-fourth, as shown in the cut, for himself. The remainder he wishes to di- vide among his four sons so that each will have an equal share and in similar shape with his brother. How can he divide it?

No. 414. Syllabic Decapitations.

(a) I am a kind of wood ; deprived of my first syllable, I am wood still.

(b) I am intellectually deep; deprived of my first syllable, I am discovered.

(c) I am an undergarment without sleeves; deprived of my first syllable, I am an outer garment with sleeves.

No. 415. Numerical Enigmas.

lly whole, consisting of nineteen letters, is the name of a great American authoress;

My 8, 19, 9, 11, 1 is an American forest tree.

My 12, 17, 4, 15, 13 once in the west roamed wild and free.

My 18, 3, 5, 16, 10 when I went to school I had to do.

My 7, 2, 14, 6 is a weed that must be known to you.

No. 41 C. TJeheadings. (a) I am a grain, (b) Behead me, I am a force or principle in nature, (c) Behead me again, I devour, (d) Behead me once more, I am now but a preposition, (e) Behead me yet once more, I am at the end of feet.

No. 417.— Pictorial Conundrum,

No. 4J8. Historic Men.

(a) The royal cake baker.

(b) He who left a throne for a foreign workshop.

(c) The great genius in architecture, paint- Ing, sculpture and poetry.

(d) The Guide of the Rocky mountains.

(e) "Poor Richard."

(f) The first gentleman of his age and the meanest man.

(g) The "Addisou" of American literature.

No. 419. Curtailment.

Complete can be found along the great sea, Near rivers and brooks it also may be; Curtail, then a planet comes to your sight That's seen from above on a clear, starry night; Again curtail, a word you will see Which means to impair; you'll agree with me That another curtailment shows you a word That's a nickname for mamma, in fond homes 'tis heard.

No. 420. Easy Squares.

(a) L A crippled. 2. Hot and dry. 3. A deposit of mineral 4. Paradise.

(b) L An article of food that appears early on the bill of fare. 2. To glance sideways. 8. A Turkish soldier. 4. The plural of an article used in writing.


No. 491.— A Diamond. 1. A letter In "Methuselah." & A precious atone possessed by few. 8. Danger, hazard an-l risk. 4. A title Kentuckians adcra

6. He nocturnal music doth contrive. & "An act beyond the human power.'

7. A largo spoon.

81 A general born in Virginia state. & A letter in "Southern,"

No. 483.— Geographical Charade. My first is candid, also a boy's name. My second is a fortified place. My whole is the name of the capital of one of the United States.

No. 423.— A Quaint Puzzle. I am composed of six letters, Now you must break my fetters. My 4, 8, 2, you must not drink ; My ft, 1, 2, you won't have to think. Our president is of them one; My 4, 0, ft, 1, we'll have for fun. This enigma is wholly 5, 3, 2, 1, You will solve it in a short time.

No. 424.— Hidden Animals.

(a) The flowers are called "Love-liea-a- bleeding."

(b) She is either pretending or ill and indif- ferent.

(c) She brought Jack a linen ulster.

(d) The mosquito is a pest that is hard to endure.

(e) The man was paid in gold for his goods.

No. 425.— The Unfair LMvinlon. A gentleman rented a farm and contracted to give to his landlord two-fifths of the prod- uce, but prior to the time of dividing the corn the tenant used forty-five bushels. When the general division was made, it was proposed to give to the landlord eighteen bushels from the heap, in lieu of his share of the forty-five bushels which the tenant had used, and then to begin and divide the re- mainder as though none had been used. Would this method have been correct!

No. 430.— A Concealed Proverb.

Take one word from each of the following proverbs and form another proverb of the eliminated words:

1. Three removes are as bad as a fire.

21 De that is of a merry heart hath a con- tinual feast.

8, When in Rome you should do as the Romans da

4 Make hay while the sun shines.

& Every dog must have his day.

ft. Least said is soonest mended.

7. It's a long lane that has no turning.

No. 427.— Letter

(&) Ing (bi C

bl T

No. 428.— Small Diamonds.

(R) A letter; the cry of a sheep; a sweet- meat; a girl's name; a letter.

(b) A letter; cured meat; a boy's name; an abbreviation, a letter.

No. 480.— An Oddity.

Take a thousand and one, add flfty twice—

Tio where things coarse are made flue In & triCa.

No. 430.— A Man of Letters.

A quaint alphabetical tnonojjrammarlan

hi this illustration you see, A sort of a letter press ty|x> of barbarian

Whose parts are from A unto Z. (All the letters of the alphabet are to be found in this figure.)

No. 431.— Central Deletions.

1. The slope of a tool, and leave to free from water.

2. A fruit, and leave a triumphal song.

3. To condescend, and leave to obstruct

4. Part of a flower, and leave a loud sound. & An opaque substance, and leave food

taken at once. The deleted letters name a poet

No. 432.— A Double Acrostic. 1. A resting point for a lever. 2. A river in South America. 8. The plural of a small quadruped. 4. Sincere or ardent*

Book of Puzzles.


Primals, In advance; finals, in tho greatest quantity; primals and finals connected, in the first rank.

No. 433. Conundrums.

(a) Why would a drummer make a good cable car conductor?

(b) Why is a watch dog larger at night than he is in the morning?

(c) What relation is a door mat to a door!

(d) What color is a field of grass when cov- ered with snow?

(e) Why does a fish caught in a net act wildly?

(f) What did the teakettle say when tied to the little dog's tail?

No. 434.— A Charade.

Sflenoe Is golden, yet I am not gold, But rather a silvery hue have, I'm told; 1 live but a month, yet I rapidly grow, And reflect in a manner that often I throw Upon subjects beneath mo a beautiful light, And am steady, although often out late at night. As of all the things said of me, that the worst, You surely can guess what 1 mean by my first.

My second Is used In all buildings, I ween, And likewise ou steamboats, in action, I'm seen. The yachtsmen discourse of my breadth in a way That is apt to lead dwellers on land quite astray. I'm found in the forest, I'm seen on the seas, And likewise am sought for inside of tall trees.

My whole Is a something transcendently light; 1 hide from the sun to appear in the night, No chemist can weigh me, I scoff at his scales. Mow all try and guess me, and notice who fails

No. 435. Pictorial Conundrum.

Why should this man be able to tell just how heavy the ox is?

were to be thrown overboard during a gale. They consented to being placed in a row, and that every ninth person should bo sacrificed, the count to begin with the first and con- tinue round and round again. The captain desired to so place them that the unlucky vic- tims should all be Turks. How was this ac- complished?

No. 437.— An Hour Glass. 1, a large temple or edifice; 2, to cut; 3, frequently; 4, a letter; 5, a lyric poem, 6, visitant; 7, brava Centrals, an unbeliever.

No. 438.— Enigma.

Fm more than one thing, that Is very certain ; Sometimes I'm chafed at by the rising tide, Then I'm a cozy room from behind a curtain. And then a place where criminals are tried ; Then, on an oaken door, or garden gats, Planted, I give intruding rogues checkmate.

Such am I— add but d to my short name.

Then starts a poet up, his eyes aflame;

Or, if a simple e to me you add,

I'm what you'd be if you'd lost all you had.

Give me but k, and I will cross the sea,

Or n, and I a place of store will be;

With m I help the brewer of the beer.

1 pick up on, and find myself a peer.

Would you know more? With ter I sell and b'iy,

With ge I carry coals ; then who am I ?

No. 439. GeojjrapWcal Pyramid.






The single ring represents the initial letter of a sea port in Georgia. The ro'v of three, a cape at the southern extremity of New Jer- sey. The row of five, a bay in Florida. The row of seven, the capital city of Ontario. The row of nine, the Dutch name of the island on which New York city is located. The central vertical of five, a geographical name which is just now figuring extensively in the newspapers.

No. 436. The Unlucky Turks.

Half a ship's crew, consisting of thirty per- loua Christians and Turks in equal numbers

No. 440. Historic Americans.

(a) A small inclosuro for animals.

(b) A king of England in whose reign the Bible was translated, and a capital city of the United States.

(c) The author of tho Declaration of Inde- pendence and a strait of North America.

(d) A laborious occupation and a hpavy weight.

(e) To the name of the king who died on Flodden Field add a kind of bonnet.

(f) What a toper said when a half glass was given Lim.

(til The saceof Moiiticello,


(E) The CEHstlan name of the author of the Marble Faun, and the imperial color of the ancient Mexicans.

A Catch for the Unwary. "Why does a pail of water with a live fish in it weigh no more than the same pail of water without the flshT This perplexing problem is said to have puzzled that august body, the Roman senate, long years ago, and many were the ways in which its members accounted, each to his perfect satisfaction, for the singular circumstance, until one, wiser than the rest, weighed a pail of water with and without the fish, and it is needless to mention the result.

No. 441. Enigma. It's round and square, it's short and long,

Of many shapes and sizes, In it you'll sit to bear a song, It guards the richest prizes.

It makes your garden trim and neat,

No house can be without it, On railway journeys you'll it meet,

And porters never scout it.

I gave it to a man one day, He thanked me fair and roundly;

Then gave it to a friend in play, \Vho forthwith thrashed him soundly.

It screens the soldier in a storm,

It holds the sailor's kit; Behind four horses when 'tis warm

1 like on it to sit

No. 442. Anagrams.

(a) Treason. (d) Hangings.

(b) Pursuer. (e) Imprecates.

(c) Stagnation. (f) Stipulated.

No. 443.— An Egg Problem.

A woman has a basket containing 150 eggs. For every 1% goose eggs in her basket she has 2>< duck's eggs and 3}£ ben's eggs. How many of each kind has she?

No. 444. A Unlqne Window.

The following has puzzlrvl many wise heads In it* time and doubtless will do tho same for many more: How can n window, having a h. i-!it equal to its width, bo made twice as large without increasing its height or width! Impomihle? Oh. no!

No. 445.— Eiwy Hoar Glaus.

The control letters, reading downward, §]K-11 a word moaning to concede.

Cms Words— 1. To penetrate, 2. Buper- ciliou*. 3. A unit 4. In hour glass. 6. lie- & A law 7.

No. 440.— The Puzzle Wall*



o O o

o O

Suppose that four poor men build their houses around a pond, and that afterward four evil disposed rich men build houses around the poor people, as shown in tho cut, and wish to have all the water of the pond to themselves. How can they build a wall so as to shut the poor people off from the condl

No. 447. Decapitations. I am a title of courtesy applied to a French lady. Behead me and I am a lady of any nation. Remove my final, and I am the father of the human race. Behead me, and I am an obstructioa Behead mo again, and I am a part of a verb. Beheaded again, I am a consonant.

No. 448. A Numerlc.-v Puzzle.

1. Behead a number, and have "smooth," "equal."

2. Curtail a number, and have "forward." 8. Curtail a number, and transpose, and

have a verb.

4. Syncopate a number, and have a very large plant.

5. Syncopate a number, and have an excla- mation of contempt.

fl. Transpose a number, and have a mater- ial for bags.

7. Behead a number, and have a possessive pronoun.

8. Transpose a number, and have a German word of negation.

9. Spell a number backward, and have "a snare."

10. Syncopate a number twice, spell back- ward, nnd have "to fasten."

A Clever Calculation. One person tells another, older than him- self, that ho can discover the difference in tli. ir nges. It can bo done by the following ingenious rule: Let the younger take as many nines as there are figures in the num- ber representing his age and, from the num- ber thus formed, subtract his aca, U#

Book of Puzzles.


Should then ask the older 'person to add this difference to his own age, then to take away the first figure of the amount and add It to the last figure. The result will be the difference in their ages.

Suppose Harry, 12 years old, tries it with his Uncle John.

There being two figures in 12, Harry starts with Oy, from which 12 being taken there re- mains 87.

Supposing that Uncle John Is 40, and fig- ures honestly, he will calculate as follows: 40 added to 87 equals 127. Removing the left hand figure, 1, and adding it to the last fig- ure, 7, the result is 28 tho difference in their ages. If to 28 is added 12, Harry's age, we have 40, the age of the older person.

No. 440. A Puzzle of Sevenths.

One-seventh of currant, one-seventh of rhubarb, one-seventh of apricot, one-seventh of peaches, one-seventh of quinces, one- eevciith of oranges, one-seventh of bananas, combined, will yield tho plural of a dried fruit which is a general favorite, and adapted to a variety of purposes.

No. 450.— Crossing the Klver.

Three Englishmen traveling in Africa with three native servants come to a river which must bo crossed in a canoe that will hold but two persons. Tho travelers suspect tho fidel- ity of their servants, who have secretly agreed to kill them whenever there should happen to be three natives alone with two Englishmen, or two natives to one English- man. How do they manage to cross without giving the desired opportunity to the treacherous servants?

No. 451.— A Bird Puzzle.

No. 453.— Easy Charade.

My first is the opposite of night. My second is a weight. My whole is a city in Ohio.

No. 453.— Letter Rebuses. M STAND c

No. 454. Enigmatical Trees.

Tell the tree that will fight,

The tree that obeys you, And tho tree that never stands still;

The tree that got up,

The tree that was lazy, And the tree neither up nor down hill;

The tree to be kissed,

Tho dandiest tree, And what guides tho ship to go forth;

Tho unhealthiest tree,

Tho tree of the people, And the tree whose wood faces the north.

No. 455. Anagram.

If you wish to go by rail,

Hasten to the station, With "Train on Time" you will not fail

To reach your destination. No farther clew than this I lend ;

You'll find the answer in the "end."

No. 456. Double Acrostic.

Words of six letters:

1. A rascal. 2. An armed fleet. 8. A small bird. 4. A voracious jumping insect. 5. To emit. 6. At a distance within view. 7. Uses profane language.

Priinals, low places; finals, rags.

Each little picture in the above represents a kind of bird.

The BlagJc of Figures.

Ask a friend to open a book at random and select and mark any word within the first ten lines and within tho tenth word from tho end of tho line. Now, letting your companion do tho figuring, proceed to discover tho word through "the magic of numbers." Ask him to double the number of the page and multi- ply the sum by 5, and then add 20.

Then to add the number of the line.

Then to add 5.

To multiply this sum by ten.

To add the number of the word in tho line.

To subtract from this sum 250, and tell you the result.

The remainder will Indicate in tho unit column the number of the word; in the 10 column the number of tho line, and tho re- maining figures tho number of page.

Though you may not bo able to explain this curious calculation it will always come out correctlY.


Everybody s

No. 457.— Beheadinc*.

An English word, 1 mean to crush| My bead cut off, I am to bruise; Cut off again, and then I'll be A wood that carpenters much UML

No. 468.— Conundrum*.

"What musical instrument should always be dih trusted I

How can a tall man bo made short!

Why is a dog biting his own tail like a good manager!

Why does a sailor know there is a man in tbemoonf

Why ia a camel the most irascible animal in tho world)

Where can happiness always bo found!

What belongs to yourself, but is used more by your friends than by yourself!

1*0. 459.— Mathematically Described.

A triangle having three acute angles sup- ported by elongated sides; a circle minus a slight arc; two right angles formed by a per- pendicular and a horizontal; a line; an acute angle; a plumb; a horizontal bisected by a perpendicular, forming two rectangles, and an acute angle supported by an upright. The whole will represent a word applicable to the mental state of the solver of this problem.

No. 4CO.— Anagram— A Mystic Rird. Many men of many minds. Many birds of many kinds; Borne are dun and some are gay Which is this one! tell me, pray. He is often seen where tho river winds, But seldom found among the "pines."

No. 4C1.— Enigma. My first is in a can of "ale," My second is in every "dale," Myt third's in "egg," My* fourth in "beg," And like an earwig iu a "rail" My Gfth. My next is in the "mud," My seventh is found in King "Ehud," My eighth's in "ram," My ninth in "Cam," My tenth in sweet Miss "Maidenhood," My last In neither "bod" nor "good," ^ow for my whole. Conceive a crowded


Lit op with candles to expel the gloom A stage, on which our dazzled eyes we fix, A clever man who shows diverting tricks— And you will hare a very curious skill, That has been used for cuds both good and ill

No. 463. —Drop Letter Puzzle, A-l-d-n-h-h-n-t-w-r-h-w-t-t-e-u-h. Supply rniHsing letters and find a very coo>- provorb.

No, 463. Charada.

As I went out among the men,

I saw a boy whose name was :

And while I stood and watched them hay, I saw a bird, it was a ^; I also saw a pretty wren

Come out and linger with tho :

I turned my steps to the forest, where

AmonK the hazel I saw a ;

And close to the border I did espy

A larReand beautiful field of ;

But night was coming, I had to run

To reach my home ere the setting »

Now put together all these tilings, And a noted man before you spring*.

No. 4G4.— Crossette.




Start frcm any circle, and, counting that circle "1," count the next "3," the next in the same direction "3," and tho next "4."

Cross out the circle counted "4."

Start again from any circle not crossed out. Count QS before either in the same or in the reverse direction, and cross out the circle counted "4."

Crossed circles, though not to be started from, aro to be included in tho count of four, and are not to bo passed over because crossed out.

Continue to count four from any circle not crossed out, and to cross out the fourth, until all tho circles but one are crossed out.

No. 4G5.— Transformations.

Change one letter at a move so that there will still remain a legitimate word. FIT ex- ample, hato may bo changed to love in three moves: Hato have lave love.

Change Hard to Rosy in five moves.

Change Sin to Woo in three moves.

Change Neat to Prim in eight moves

Change Saxe to Pope in five moves.

Change Hand to Ftxit in six moves.

Change Blue to Pink iu ten moves.

No. 400.— Kiddles.

Why is the letter D like a squalling child? What is tho best plan to prevent crying when your tooth u extracted!

Book of Puzzles.


Wtoen to a young lady like an acrobat! Why Is a man who never lays a wager as bad as u regular gam bier f

No. 467.— What Is It?

I am the center of gravity, hold a capital position in Vienna, and as I am foremost in every victory, am allowed by all to be inval- uable. Always out of tune, yet ever in voice. Invisible, though clearly seen in the midst of a river. I have three associates in vice, and could name three who are in love with me. Still, it Is in vain you seek me, for I have long been in heaven and even now lie em- balmed in the grave.

No. 4C8.— A Clever Puzzle.

A hundred and one by fifty divide, And next let a cipher be duly applied ; And if the result you should rightly divine, You'll find that the whole makes but one out of nine.

No. 469. The Ingenious Servant. A gentlemnu having bought twenty -eight bottles of wine and suspecting his servant of



tampering with the contents of the wine cellar, caused

these bottles to be

0 », 0

0 0 0 0

arranged in a bin in such a way as to count nine bottles

on each side of the

0 o



bin. Notwithstand- ing this precaution, the servant in two

successive visits stole eight bottles, four each time, rearranging the bottles each time so that they still counted nine on a side. Ilow did he do it?

No. 470. Enigma.

I am neither fish, Uesh nor Cowl, yet 1 fre- quently stand upon one leg; and if you be- head mo, 1 stand upon two; what is more strange, if you again decapitate mo I stand upon four, and I shall think you aro related to me if you do not now recognize me,

No. 471.— Chanules.

(a) My love for you will never know My first, nor get my second ;

Tis like your wit and beauty, so My whole 'twill aye bo reckoned,

(b) My first is a circle, my second a cross, If you meet with my whole, look out for a toss.

(c) My first we all possess;

My second we all should gain; My whole you'll surely guess: Tis one of Flora's train,

No. 472.— Single Acrostic*.

Cross words: 1. Epochs. 2. A cellar. 8. Javelins. 4. Farming utensils. 5. A song of triumph. 6. The chief officer of a municipal corporation.

When these words have been rightly guessed, and placed one below the other, one row of letters will all bo the same, and the row next to it will form the name of an ex- tensive country.

rno. 473. Beheadings.

L Behead a metal, and leave not out.

2. Behead a breakfast dish, and leave a tree.

3. Behead a holy day, and leave a flower.

4. Behead a quadraped, and leave a part of the body.

5. Behead a species of antelope, and leave to disembark,

6. Behead to stagger, and leave a fish.

7. Behead to slay, and leave unfortunate.

8. Behead an odor, and leave a coin.

9. Behead a stag, and leave dexterity.

10. Behead a model of perfection, and leave to distribute.

No. 474. Beheaded Rhymes.

(ai sailing long in many

Wise shipmen use the juice of

(b» She glared on him in feeble

For he had stepped upon her

(a) The barber took his painted

And struck thereon one raven

No. 475. Numerical Enigma.

My 45, 31, 16, 2 are all the same vowel My 8, 3ti, «, 51, 22 is a color. My 34, 4'.), 54 is the sound made by a cannon ball passing through the air. My 43, 89, 20, 53 is a fight. My 47, 4S, 24, 20, 19, 25, 37, 13, 9, 15, 55 is an ally. My 18, 27, 35, 52, 21, 37, is the surname of a presi- dent of the United States. My 40, 8, 19, 50, 83, 42, 5(1 was the scene of a battle Deo. 2H, 1777. My 14, 30, 23, 32, 5 48, 7 is the name of the secretary of war during Lincoln's admin- istration. My 11, 42, 2S, 5, 1, 12, 41, 41, H5, 10 is the name of a place near Wilmington that was raptured on Jan. 15, 18<>5. My 54, 33, 17, v», 4<5, 4, 20, 29 is the name by which the first battle of Bull Run is sometimes called.

My whole, of 5(5 letters, forms a sentence from a famous eulogy.

No. 476.— Hidden Motto.



Insert in their proper places seven "a's,n six "e's," two "iV and six "o's," and you will have a couplet from Shakespeare which no coward would adopt as a motto.


Everybody s

No. 477.— A Dat« Puzzle. X X X X

The first Is one-half of the fourth. The fourth is one-half of the second. The first, second and fourth lack two of equaling the third. The second and fourth lack three of equaling tho third. The fourth is the square root of the second.

The third minus the first gives the cube of the fourth.

The whole is an important date in Ameri- can history.

No. 478. A Pyramid.

Across— L A letter. 2. A bud (hot.). A reward. 4. Later. 5. A seabird.

Down— L A letter. 2. A preposition. 3. To injure. 4. A bud. 5. A city of Japan. 6. A Scotch word, meaning in greater quan- tity. 7. A meadow. 8. An abbreviation. 9. A letter.

No. 470.— Double Diamond.


From the ten objects here shown, construct a "double diamond;' which is one that will read differently across and up and down. The two central words ore shown by the two largest object*,— tit Nicholas.

No. 480. Two Easy Word Squares.

(a) Anxiety ; sour ; a kind of groin ; the first home of Adam.

(b) An apology , to jump, in a state of rest; the plural of an animal

No. 481. Kiiigma. When green, I'm good to eat

That is, if cooked with skill; When blue and pink, I'm very sweet,

And nosegays help to fill ; But sweeter far it is to view me "When c and e ore added to me.

Yes, though I'm good to eat,

With r I'm sweeter still, With c and h am yet more sweet.

With k I top the hill Add to mo but a single 1, Then rolls tho thunder, sounds the bell.

Yes, though I'm food, you see,

Changes soon come across A little edible like me,

For t makes me a moss; And if r 1 to me draw near, I am a gem, fit for my lady's ear.

Flower Lore.

What plant is always a secret? A woman's sage.

What is the flower for the poor! Any- money.

What is the flower for a Chinese woman? Pick-her-tea.

What flower is the emblem of truth? The lie-lack.

On what plant does a whole garden depend for cultivation? Thyme.

What is the flower for a teacher? The verb- ena.

What vegetable induces asphyxia? The artichoke.

No. 482. A Pleaaiug FUK/I. •-

1. X drxwnxng mxn wxll cxtch xt x strxw,

2. Thx xthxr pxrtx xs xlwxys xt fxxlt. 8. X grxxt cxty xs x grxxt sxlxtxdx.

4. Ilxmxn blxxd xs xll xf xnx cxlxr.

5. Hx thxt cxnvxrsxs uxt knxws nxthxng. 0. Ilxnxy xn thx mxxth sxvxs thx pxrsx.

7. \Vxtxr rxu by wxll nxt txrn thx rnxlL

8. Drxnk xs thx xshxr xf dxxth.

9. Thx prxxf xf thx pxddxng xs xn thx


10. Gxvx thxt whxch yxx xffxr.

11. Gxxd wxrds cxst nxthxng bxt xrx wxrth


12. Fxncy mxy bxlt brxn xnd thxnk xt

flxxr. 18. X kxnd wxrd cxsts nx mxrx thxii a

crxss xnx J4. Lxng xs thx xrm xf thx nxxdy.

Book of Puzzles.

15. Mxrx hxstx Ixss spxxd.

Insert a vowel wherever there is an x in the fifteen sentences above. When they are complete select a word of five letters from each sentence. When these fifteen words are rightly selected and placed one below the other, the central row of letters, reading downward, will spell what June is often called.

No. 483. The Maltese Cross.

The walks in a certain garden were laid out in the form of a Maltese cross. Four per- sons started at noon for a walk from the house which stood at the center. Each per- son walked around a different triangle, the mother at the rate of two miles an hour, the daughter at the rate of three miles an hour, the father at the rate of four miles an hour, and the son at the rate of five miles an hour. It was agreed that they should go in to dinner whenever all four should meet for the third time at the house. The distance around each triangle was one-third of a mile. At what time did they go into dinner?

No. 484. Transpositions.

My first's a simple piece of wood, Which hath the farmer's herd withstood.

Transposed a little coin of Spain, Which would add little to your gain.

My third's a coin of Italy, Which little more in value see.

My fourth, for fear of being caught. The tiger in the jungle sought.

If you were called fifth to your face You would esteem it a disgrace.

No. 485. The legacies.

Near to my house there lived a bachelor, Ueputed rich, and servants three ho had: A valet trim to shave his lather 'd jaw,

A buxom maid and a mlschlevouslad. Now, on a day, my friend was taken ill, And sent for me; said he, "I'm going to die, Bring pen and paper here and make my will." I did as I was bid, then, by and by, He whispered, "I must add a codicil." This, too, was done, and fourteen ten pound notes Were left, and justly, to the servants three. He who had folded up his master's coats, And brushed his hat, had twice as much as she Who buttered muffins for his worship's tea: And she had thrice as much, had buxom Ann, As the young scapegrace who errands ran. And now 'tis plain to every thinking head What legacy each servant pocketed.

No. 486. A Hollow Square. O o o O O o O

The upper horizontal, "notes taken at a meeting." The right vertical, "a few." The lower horizontal, "the seed of the flax plant." The left vertical, "to speak oratorically."

Some Ages of Man.

The infant's age Cribbage. The collector's age Dunnage. The minister's age Parsonage. The cabman's age Cabbage. The broker's age Bondage. The lawyer's age Damage. The lover's age Marriage. The cashier's age Shortage. The deadhead's age Passage. The plumber's age Leakage. The coal dealer's age Tonnage. The doctor's age Pillage. The butcher's age Sausage.

No. 487.— Hidden Fruits.

Go range through every clime, where'er

The patriot muse appears ; He deeds of valor antedates,

His ban an army fears.

By midnight lamp each poet soul Is plumed for flight sublime;

Pale Monarch Moon and shilling stars Witness his glowing rhymel

Incited by the muse, man goes To j;i'apple with his


The poet cares not who makes laws, If ho may make the songs.

No. 488.— A Geographical Puzzle. In a state bordering on the Mississippi may bo found, among the names of counties, one i.f the early explorers of this country; an ally of the colonists; one of the bravest sign- ers of the Declaration of Independence; one of the framers of that paper; a naval hero; the hero of Stony Point; a president of th« United States; a statesman; a capital city; the capital of a country; a celebrated philos- opher ; the author of a famous almanac ; a novelist and poet; an Indian; a flower; a fish; a home for rabbits; a precious stone; a kind of molasses cake; an artisan; an un- comfortable thing in a house or an umbrella; "friendship;" and places dear to almost every heart.

No. 480. The Crown Problem.

First place ten checker men in a row, thu» 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10. Now, the problem Is to lift a man up and passing over two men at a time, neither more nor less, to crown the next man, continuing in this fashion till all are kings. lu passing over a man already crowned, it is to be reckoned as two men. No. »:><>. Beheading*.

Behead "to carry" and have a verb.

Behead "to cripple" and have "a high stan- dard."

Behead a number and have a possessive pronoun.

Behead "single" and have a number.

No. 491.— Transposition*.

Trawpow the letters in tho names of these object*, taken at random, and supply the mixing words in tin- f >11( . wing sentences:

J'.hll M.'IS to ROt it.

The bridge rests on four .

. Uuw Uio laiuba 1

Mosquitoes are great •.

Hear the wind .

(Jet the and put out the fire.

The is a very small insect.

They are scarce, and he has none to

No. 493.— Proverb Making. A*8UBE**

A pretty word for kind.

A pair of eyes.

A round building, as the Pantheon.

Always in drops.

Not enough.

One of the four cardinal points.

The arrows of heaven.

A burglar.


Fill up the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth lines. Take care that the first letters of each jvord lie exactly between the letter A in the top line and the first star in tho bottom line. Take care also that the last letters of each word lie exactly between the last stars in the top and bottom lines, and then, if you get the words rip;ht, you cau easily insert letters in place of stara and read a well known proverb around the edge of the figure. The words are of un- equal length.

No. 493.— Enigma.

A hundred and fifty, if rightly applied, To a place where the living did once all reside; Or a consonan* joined to a sweet singing bird, Will give you a name that you've oftentimea

heard, Which, 'niong your friends, at least one person

owns; It's the rival of Smith, and as common as Jones.

No. 494.— Riddles.

Why is a thought like the seal When does a black and tan dog change color?

Why is the letter K like a pig's tail? When is coffee like the soil? Why is a shoemaker like a true lover? Why is green grass like a mouse?

Progressive Memory. In this simple parlor amusement sharp eyee and a good memory are needed. A tray is brought in containing about twenty articles, such as a ring, fork, bit of ribbon, an apple, etc. Tho tray is placed on the center of the table for fifteen seconds, and then removed out of sight. Each one must now give a list of tho articles on tho tray, and tho one giving tha longest list scores one point. This is re- peated six times (the articles being changed each time) ami th» highest number of points wins. Any article named which is not on the, tray takes two off tho score.

Book of Puzzles.


A Coming Congressman.

Omaha Youth Pa, do you know I made a discovery?

Pa No, my son; what have you found!

O. Y. Well, I have discovered that an •gg is in one respect like the Englishman's country.

Pa Well, really, my boy, how is that?

O. Y. The sun never sets on it.

No. 495. A Recent Novel Craze.

In earnest, not In Jest. In worst, not in best. In black, not in wulto. In loose, not in tight. In short, not in long. In right, not in wrong. In loose, not in taut. In cold, not in hot. In this, not in that. In slim, not in fat. In crooked, not in straight. In early, not iu late. IB ten and in one. Whole Is a late and noted work of fiction.

Ko. 406. Illustrated Rebus.

The answer to the accompanying rebus is a proverb referring to the possible weakness of that which seems strong. St. Nicholas.

No. 497. The Prisoners in the Tower.

An old king, a beautiful princess and a page were imprisoned in a high tower to which there was but one opening, a window 150 feet above the ground. The only means of escape was afforded by a rope which passed over a pulley fijed to the outside of _the tower^ jmd

on eacn ena or wnicn nung a basket. W hen- ever one basket was at the window the other was on the ground below the tower. The rope itself was inclosed in such a way that a person iu one of the baskets could neither help himself by means of it nor receive help from the other prisoners. In short, the only way the baskets could be used was by placing a heavier weight in the one than in the other.

Now, the old king weighed 195 pounds, the princess 105 pounds, the page 90 pounds, and they found in the tower an iron chain weigh- ing 75 pounds. The weight in the descending basket could not exceed that in the ascending basket by more than 15 pounds without caus- ing a descent so rapid as to be dangerous to a human being, although such a speed would of course not injure the chain. Further- more, only two persons, or one person and the chain, could be placed in the same basket at the same tune.

How did the party manage to escape and take the chain with them?

No. 498.— A Perfect Diamond.


"if W :'»•«»*


* * *

The single stars represent the same conso- nant. The row of three, "the topmost point." The row of five, an ornament of precious stones worn upon the head. The row of seven, a precious stone noted for its brilliancy. The row of five, that which people often are who possess the row of seven. The row of three, a conjunction. The vertical row of seven, a precious stone noted for its hardness.

No. 499. Charade.

A worthless first I do despise, And ev'ry one I would advise

To make them last. The whole was heard in olden time, As it pealed forth the evening chime,

That day is past.

No. 50O. Beheaded Animals.

Behead an animal and leave part of a flower.

Behead an animal and leave part of your- self.

Behead an animal and leave a propeller.

Behead an animal and leave a parlor orna- ment.

Behead an animal and leave a fluid.

Behead an aud leave a Mexican tree,

Puzzles D




It Ls the late cat that catches the early boot- jack.

It was too many Roman punches that did the business for Julius Caesar.

When trains are telescoped the poor passen- gers see stars.

A little enlightenment is more to be desired than a big gas bill

The best way to make the hours go fast is to use the spur of the moment

Ko. .-.01. Enigma— A Rural Preacher.

My Chrisian name is very plain,

And not at all befitting A. position which but few obtain,

And none would think of quitting.

I am a minister of fame,

My sermons are quite racy, And though you may not like my name,

You'll feel their efficacy.

If you should to the bottom go, And taste their pungent flavor,

You'll then admit their strength, I know, And say there's no palaver.

No other pulpit in the land

Can be of mine equal Within I stand, both tall and grand,

And care not for the sequel

No. 603.— Historical Puzzle. I am composed of nine letters.

1. My first and fifth are the initials of a noted reformer.

2. My fourth and second the initials of a favorite story teller.

8. My seventh the initial of a famous scold.

4. My sixth the initial of a courageous and strategic king of an eastern country who lived many years ago.

5. My eighth tha initial of a living mon- arch.

6. My ninth the initial of a Hebrew pro- phet

7. My third the initial of a renowned em- peror.

My whole is a famous date in American history.

No. 503.— Letter Rebuses, (a) D I 8 (b) O

8 T

Va. S04. Motto Enigma. My 3, 88. 15, 20 is paradise. My 18, 19, 8, 1, 23, 8 la to hurry. My 2, 5, 10, 0, 10. 21 is oue who lives se-

35, 27, 13, 12 is value.

14, 4 is a large vessel My 11, 10,7, 17 sand.

No. 505. A Transposition.

A rich fruit and how we would like to buy it, are expressed by the same letters.

No. 6O6.— A Trick for Clever Pencils.

Starting at A, make this figure with one continuous line, without taking the pencil from the paper or going over any line twice,

finishing at B.

No. 507.— A Scottish TanBle. Ho! awd meos worpe het fitgie ge su Ot ese relssou sa theirs ees us.

No. 508.— An Oddity. I have no tongue, and yet I talk,

Though first my words are few; I have no feet, I cannot walk,

Yet run I can and do. In figures I am posted well;

I'll point them out, their names I'll telL My face— you often on it gaze ;

My hands I often upward raise In truth I never lifted one

But what I told you when twas dona.

No. 509. Word Transformation.

Find a body of men commanded by a colonel; curtail, and leave orderly govern- ment; curtail again, and leave administra- tion; curtail and transpose, and make to sully deeply; behead, and leave frost; re- verse, and make a military commander; transpose, and make deep mud ; curtail and reverse, aud leave a margin.

No. 51O.— Arithmetical Nut.

From 0 take 9, from 9 take 10, from 40 take 60, and have C left.

No. 511. Hidden Authors. A ten footer whose name begins with fifty. A brighter and a wiser than the other. A very vital part of the bcniy. Worker in precious metal*. Ladies' garments. Comes from a \>i^.

Is a chain of hills containing a dark treas- ure

Book oj Puzzles.

An American manufacturing town. Humpbacked, but not deformed. An internal pain. Value of word.

No. 512.— Riddle. I am a creature of creation, Used by the English speaking nation; And nearly every one in the land Has me at his own command. I am like a long and jointed worm With six-and-twenty parts, And permeate our literature, Our sciences and arts. As strange a creature as I am, One eye alone have I ; And yet I see from another place Which is as good as an eye. My different parts can be transposed, And an infinite number of forms disclosed; Or you some parts can disconnect, Yet over me it shows no effect. Guess me now, whoever can, For I am used by every man.

No. 513. The Card Square.

With eight pieces of card or paper of the shape of Fig. a, four of Fig. b, and four of Fig. c, and of proportionate sizes, form a per- fect square.

No. 514.— PL


Out of these letters form a sentence con- taining some financial advice given in Shake- speare's "Othello."

No. 515. Cross Word Enigma.

In even, not in odd. In husk, but not in pod. In willow, not in yew. In plenty, not in few. In soul, but not in mind. In angry, not in kind. In loosen, not in bind. My whole, I need not say, You'll find a bird of prey.

No. 51G. Numerical Enigma.

My 1, 2, 3, 4 is a small body of water. My 4, 7, 3, 5 is a perfect tense of a verb. My 6, 2, 9, 5 is a beautiful flower having a polypetalous corolla.

My 4, 7, 2, 6 is an opening into a house. My 4, 2, 9, 5 is a portion of medicine taken at once.

My 6, 7, 1, 5 is a large cord. My 6, 7, 2, 4 is a crucifix. My 9, 7, 8, 6 is to become acid. My 1, 2, 9, 5, C is that which puzzles. My 6, 7, 8, 9, 5 is to stir up. My 6, 7, 8, 3, 4 is to make circular. My whole is heavy.

No. 517. Tempting Fruits.

The letters in each of the following sen- tences may be transposed so as to spell the name of a fruit.

1. Song era. 2. One law term. 3. In a center. 4. Mop, eager ant. 5. 'T is a crop. 6. Plain peep. 7. Rich seer. 8. A speech. 9. Ere brass writ. 10. Brier scaner.

No. 518. Drop Letter Proverb. A-L-O-K-N-N-P-A-M-K-S-A-K-D-L-B-Y. Supply missing letters and find a wel] known proverb.

No. 519. Conundrums. Why Is the letter Q like 12 o'clock p. m,! When is hay like a good cat ? When you toss your baby boy above your head what foreign drink does he represent?

A Few Riddles Solved.

Feet have they, but they walk not stoves.

Eyes have they, but they see not potatoes.

Teeth have they, but they chew not saws.

Noses have they, but they smell not tea- pots.

Mouths have they, but they taste not rivers.

Hands have they, but they handle not clocks.

Ears have they, but they hear not corn- stalks.

Tongues have they, but they talk not— wagons.

No. 62O. Metagram.

Six letters constitute the whole;

Draw hither, welcome friend ; Here cluster all our househeld joys,

And pleasures have no end. Remove one letter, head or foot,

In either case the same; If head, it leaves you all the world,

If foot, the sacred flame Of life is kept aglow, by this,

Its courage, purpose, love; And listen, for I bid you to

When the next foot you remove. You 're deaf? Would'st have me lend an ear?

D 2



I will, behead again; Replace a foot, behead once more, And "science" will remain.

No. 521.— Double Acrostic.

My primals and finals are the same as the first cross word.

CrossWords: 1. A castle In Spain. 2. The quantity contained in a ladle. 3. A convul- sive sound which comes from the throat. 4. The same as the first cross word. 5. A spar by means of which the mainsail of a small vessel is extended. 6. An organization for playing the national game. 7. One who en- rolls or records. 8. The same as the first cross word.

No. 622. Curtailment.

Astronomers can clearly prove My whole is ever on the move. The word curtailed, beyond dispute A joiner's tool will constitute. Curtailed again, and then, I ween, A form or model will be seen.

No. 523. Numerical Enigma.

My 4, 2 is a personal pronoun. My 3, 5, C, 7 is a verb meaning to labor. My 1, 2, 3 is an adjective meaning not old. My 4, 5, C, 7 is a county in England. Whole is the name of a large city in the United States.

No. 524.— Rebus for Boys and Girl*.

No. 625.— Tangled \VUdom.

Ihts drowl si ont os adb a lordw Sa mosc doulw kilo ot kame ti,

Tub threwhe ogdo ro hethrew dbs Spended no who ew kate ti.

No. 526. Charade. My first Is oft a kind of exercise, From which a serious second may arise. My third, to hunt, the prey is in the air. My first again, a mineral, far from rare;

My second also means a sort of series; My third sometimes a busy mason wearies. My first is found on every ship that floats; My second, sailors do, in smaller boats. My third is done by peddlers to sell goods. My first-second flees unto the woods, When chased by its enemy, my third, Which the whole names in full ; it's a bird.

No. 527.— Nuts to Crack.

When asked how many nuts he had in hla basket, a boy replied that when he counted them over 2 by 2, 3 by 3, 4 by 4, 5 by 5, or 6 by 6, there was 1 remaining; when he counted them by 7s there was no remainder. How many had he?

No. 528. Letter Rebus. C C

tenti tr

No. 529. An Enigmatical Feast.

Each of the following phrases represent something to eat or drink.

1. What a gambler risks. 2. The cursed son. 3. An American general's and four- tenths of a British general's name. 4. The destroyer of our race. 5. A letter of the al- phabet. 6. Resting place for a bird. 7. An island. 8. A color. 9. An emblem of inno- cence. 10. What a French town is noted for. 11. A tailor's implement. 12. A country.


Unseemly conduct— That of a wife who will not sew. Cut glass— Glaziers. A stern command— "Port your helm." A spirit painting A red nose. No quarter Twenty cents. A backward spring A somersault Moral furniture Upright colonial chairs. Usually make a good impression— Molders. Regulated by the weather— Thermometer* A brilliant subject— The electric light. Overdoing the thing— Roofing the house. A staple article— The hook on a gate.

No. 630.— Enigma In Rhyme, rm heard In halls of festivity.

I'm heard In the house of prayer; and so on the fluid of battle.

You will also find me there; I've charms to soothe; I'm called divine; I'm the deepest utterance of feeling sublime; fho sweetest sound to mortal ears, Ind the silver key to the fountain of tears.

Book of Puzzles.


No. 531.— Word Square.

1 A city of Anatoli, Asia Minor. 8. Gives rigor to. 3. Young plants. 4. To do too much. 5. To give up. 6. To range in classes.

1. A shepherd. 2. Habit. 8. Sluggish. 4. The tip or end of the toe. 6. A bird allied to thrush. 6. To ransom.

No. 632— The Magic Octagon.

Upon a piece of cardboard draw

The three designs below; I should have said of each shape four,

Which when cut out will show, If joined correctly, that which you

Are striving to unfold An octagon, familiar to

My friends both young and old.

No. 533. A Remarkable Journey. In a journey around the world I saw and heard many strange things. I saw a moun- tain of Massachusetts followed by a large in- •ect run across two of the southern states. I saw two nations hurling an Ohio town at each other. I saw a bay of England hung up to dry. I saw a city of Germany crawl- ing along the ground. I saw one of the Brit- ish isles, with a cape of North America, sit- ting by a bay of Africa eating towns of New Jersey and a city of Asia. I saw two capes of the Atlantic coast so badly injured while playing with a river of North America that it was necessary to send for a lake of the came region to attend them. I heard the savage Shetland island of the North Ameri- can river and the roar of an Austrian town. But when I returned to my home and told my friends of these things, they said my •tory was a group of islands off the coast of Great Britain. Can you show that it was not?

No. 534. Double Acrostic.

My primals name a certain kind of puzzle ; my finals name riddles.

Cross words: 1. An impressive command. 2. Concealed. 3. Graduates of a college. 4. Mounting. 5. A place of refuge. C. A large and beautiful flower. 7. Frames for holding pictures.

No. 535. The Puzzling Pearls. A lady sent a cross of pearls to be repaired by a jeweler. To provide against any of |he pearls} being stolen, she observed that,

counting rrom rne Dotcom ol tne crow up- ward, in any direction, the number of pearl* was nine, as follows, each figure representing a pearl:



7 9870789






But the jeweler cleverly abstracted two of the pearls and rearranged the remainder so that they still retained the original form and counted nine as before. How did be do itf

No. C38.— Decapitations.

1. Decapitate a digest of laws and leave a lyric poem.

2. Decapitate a greater quantity and leave a metal.

i 8. Decapitate the fruit of the cedar and leave unity.

4. Decapitate to choose and leave the same meaning.

5. Decapitate a tool used for splitting and leave a rim.

6. Decapitate the act of betraying and leave to discuss.

No. 537. A Curious Conversation.

(Read by sound and find the names of eleven public speakers, showmen and musi- cians.)

Tom and I went to the menagerie last Sat- urday, and on the way home we had a miser- able time. Reuben's tiny little dog followed us. We had just started for homo when a hard shower came up, and the lightning al- most made us blind. Tom and I ran for a street car. We overtook Madge, and just as Tony passed her she stepped on his fore paw and hurt him so that Tom had to carry him. It was horrid in the car, cold as a barn, um- brellas dripping all over us, and then the harness broke. The driver had to slop the car, buckle up the harness :is \vi-ll us In- muld and drive on. 1 thought we would .not get home at all. Madge got on board, too, and the lovely bird Etta gave her for her hat \v;i.s all soaked with the rain. I never saw the clouds deliver more rain in half an hour than they did that afternoon. Grandpa Paulson is old weather authority, and ho never su\v n. harder storm. Isn't this street marked Wayne street? It is, and I must get out. Good by.

No. 538. Transformations.

I am a word and mean to shrink ;

To watch, read backward I will be; Curtail me and hostility

Will mrely be the word you'll sea.

Everybody s

Read backward once again and find Unfinished, then behead and pluc«

One little letter to my tail ; A sharp tool stares you in the face.

No. 539.— Riddle. Two sisters on one day were born, Rosy and dewy as the morn, True as a sailor to his lass, Yet words between them often pass; At morn they part, but then at night They meet again and all is right ; What seldom you in nymphs discover, They're both contented with one lover.

No. 540. Illustrated Rebus.

No, 541.— Cross Word Enigma.

My first is in cotton, but not in silk ; My second in coffee, but not in milk ; My third, is in wet, but «04 iu dry; My fourth is in scream, but not in cry; My fifth is in lark, but not in sparrow ; My sixth is in wide, but not in narrow; My seventh in pain, but not in sting; My whole is a flower that blooms in spring.

No. 542.— The Nine Digits. Place the nine digits (that is the figures un- der 10) in three rows in such a way that, add- ing them together either up, down, across or from corner to corner, they shall always make 15.

No. 043. Geographical Skeleton*.

1. i— a; a city in Peru.

2. i e; a river in Africa.

3. —a— a— a; a country in North America.

—a; a city in Switzerland.

—a; a capital city in the United


5. (rates.

6. « a o; a mountain in Syria.

No. 544. Letter Rebuses.

Ac Bolt

(a) (b)



No. 545. Charade.

My first is dark. My second is a preposition. My third is a storm.

My whole la a bird famous for its vocal fewer.

No. 646. Weather Wise.

1. Behead "frozen rain" and have "to affect with pain or uneasiness either physical or mental."

2. Behead "watery particles congealed into white crystals'" and have "the present time."

3. Syncopate "a violent disturbance of the atmosphere," transpose, and ha^e "great- est."

4. Syncopate "a fall of rain of short du- ration," and have "one who scatters."

A Pleasing Kind of Subtraction.

How can you take 45 from 45, and let the remainder be 45? Thus:

98765432 1=45. 12345078 9=45.

86419753 2=45.

No. 647.— What Are They?

We travel much, yet pris'uers are, And close confined to boot;

We with the swiftest horse keep pace, Yet always go on foot.

No. 648. The Three Travelers. Three men met at a caravansary or inn in Persia. Two of them had brought their pro- visions with them, according to the custom of the country, A having five loaves and B having three. C had not provided anything, but all three ate together, and when the loaves were gone C paid A and B eight piece* of money as the value of his share. How many pieces were A and B each entitled tot

No 549. An American Author.

No. 550.— Charade.

My first, how many hopes attend

The breaking of its seal 1 What more can test a seeming friend

Than what it will reveal!

My aecond soon we all shall be, Though lofty bo our grade i

Book of Puzzles.

And those who live shall surely see My whole above us cast Its shad*.

No. 551. Changes.

1. Change salty into foreigners. 2. Change wrinkled into a bird. 3. Change a filament Into scarcity. 4. Change pieces of meat into a vessel for holding coal. 5. Change a kind of plunger into sharp ends. 6. Change a kind of plum into wanderers; again, into atoms.

No. 552. Word Squares.

1, an instrument for printing; 2, belonging to the country ; 3, to rub out ; 4, a sluice or sieve ; 5, to take rest.

1. Formed. 3. To change places. 3. A charm worn to prevent evil. 4. A city in Illinois. 5. Happenings. 6. To hate ex- tremely.

No. 553.— A Quaint Puzzl*. Write a cipher, Prefix fifty, To the right place five; Then add one fifth of eight. The whole will be the sum of human happi- ness

No. 554. Double Acrostic.

Words of seven letters: 1. A man of high rank. 2. A long heavy sword. 8. Lodgings. 4. Bold. 5. A town of Sicily. 6. An infant. 7. Called, named.

Primals and finals, two foreign countries.

No. 655. Enigma.

From rosy gates we issue forth, From east to west, from south to north, Unseen, unfelt, by night, by day, Abroad we take our airy way. We foster love and kindly strife, The bitter and the sweet of life; Piercing and sharp we wound like steel, Now, smooth as oil, those wounds we heal Not strings of pearl are valued more, Nor gems encased in golden ore; Yet thousands of us every day Worthless and vile are cast away. Ye wise, secure with bars of brass The double gates through which we pass; For, once escaped, back to our cell, Nor art, nor man, can us compel.

No 550. Octagons.

I. 1. A couch. 2. Harmonics. 3. A clum- sy workman. 4. To form by means of in- cisions upon wood. 5. Detained. 0. To sep- arate. 7. A color.

II. 1. Performed. 2. Decreased in size. 8 One who hangs about others. 4. An un- grateful person. 5. Tarried. 6. To hinder. 7. A color.

No. 557. —Historical Character*. Example: Who asks for admittance? An- swer, John Knox.

1. Used by potters.

2. A kind of stove.

8, One who dresses queerly, and a fur bear- ing animal.

4. A kind of nut Is inclosed in it.

5. A military title, and the plural of a lady's garment.

No. 558.— Riddle*.

What is that of which the common sort U the best?

Why should a parfumer be a good editor?

Why is a man like a green goosebarry?

What is the color of a grass plot covered with snow?

Why ought a greedy man to wear a plaid waistcoat?

When was B the first letter in the alphabet?

Which is the longest letter in the alphabet?

No. 539. Ilroken Word*.

Example: Break a pardon and make a preposition and to bestow ; answer, for-give.

1. Break a bird, and make to fold over and part of an army. 2. Break to perform to ex- cess, and make above and a division in a drama. 8. Break one of the same name, and make to nominate and purpose. 4. Break a name sometimes given to an emigrant, and make a color and a musical instrument. 5. Break the end, and make part of a fish and a verb. 6. Break delight, and make part of the head and a case of boxes. 7. Break a fa- miliar piece of furniture, and make observing and a brittle substance. 8. Break the pole star, and make burdens and a sailor. 9. Break a Grecian theatre, and uvike a short poem and upon. 10. Break to separate chaff with wind, and make to gain and the present time.

When these words have been rightly guess- ed and written one below the other, the in- itials of the first column of words will spell the name of a famqus post born in February, and the initials of the second the nam3 of a famous statesman and soldier born in Febru- ary-

No. 500. Character 1'uza.le.

X-X-D A K-*-*-500-50-Y II-& & G-l-E O- O-0-500 \V-O-R-.WS 'J H-*-30-P T-*-» 3-*- 600 & P-O-O-R 2 50-1- V-E.

No. 501. A Diamond.

1. A letter. 2. A common garden plant 8. Leans. 4. Noting glands near thu ears. 5. Having six eyes. 6. Harmonized. 7. Quartz. 8. A vulgar name for a parent. 9. A letter.


No. 562. A Doable Acrostic. Words of seven letters— 1. Base. 2. A round building. 8. A province of Canada. 4. Beyond. Primals, a bird. Finals, to •kip. Connected, a wild flower.

No. 663. Transformation Puzzle.

But Las he daughtersT— then His plainly sho? That I to them am seldom but a loan.


Plant these six bits of paper three at depth A and three at depth B— and you will get a vegetable. Plant them a second time and get an animal.

564. An Eggs-act Answer Wanted. "Twice as many eggs as you I'll eat, If of yours you will give me two." "An equal number we will get If two eggs I may have from you."

Twas thus two hungry men conversed;

How many eggs had each at first?

IS'o. 503. Anagrams. Each anagram represents one word a com- mon noun.

1. To run at men. 4. Gilt trash.

2. Made moral. 5. I sent love, 8. Guess then our line. G. A nice pet.

No. 606.— Word Changes.

(1.) Find a certain tree, transpose and make ran ; again, and make was inclined ; add a letter and make frightened ; transpose and make holy ; behead and curtail and make a portion of laud. (2.) Find an old game at cards, curtail and leave a kind of type; again, and leave to charge with powder; again, and leave precise; curtail once more, transpose, and make to cut off; behead and reverse, and make what printers make only accidentally.

No. 667. Enigma.

Enigma guessers, tell me what I am. Pve been a drake, a fox, a hare, a lamb- Ton all possess me, and in every strtt-t In varied shape and form with me you'll meet; With Christians I am never single known, Am given, or scarlet, brown, white, gray or stout. I dwelt in I'ani'Jiso with Mother Eve, And went witli her, when she, alas! did leave. To Britain with Caractacus I came, And made Augustus drear known to fame. The lover gives me on his wedding day, The poet writes me In his natal lay; The father always gives me to each BOO, qpt tf_hj. fagi ^rjly jor ooj^

No. 568.— Rose Puzzle.

Each of the nine small pictures suggests th» name of a rose. St. Nicholas.

No. 669. Half Square and Diamond.

Half Square : 1 , a dipper ; 2, a passage into a bay; 3, to cloy; 4, to learn; 5, a pronoun; 6, a letter.

Diamond: 1, a consonant; 2, three-sevenths of sassafras; 3, a rock; 4, a kind of clay; 5, a email bird; 0, three-fifths of enemy; 7, a voweL

No. 570.— Voltaire's Riddle.

What is the longest and yet the shortest thing in the world; the swiftest and the most slow; the most divisible and the most extended; the least valued and the most re- gretted; without which nothing can be done; which devours everything, however small, and yet gives life and spirit to all things, how- ever great!

No. 571.— Charade.

Industrious's my first I ween, In households where 'tis often seen; And when the wrong you may pursue, My first you then should quickly do; Second ami third no'er brings success, Nor power does it e'er possess; Homeless and friendless in the street, My total you often chance to meet.

Good Housekeeping.

No. 579. A Poet Transformed. First, a veritable poet; transpose, and JKW may fry him for breakfast] tr

Book of Puzzles.


ana He is a wager ; again, ana ne De«omes a winter pleasure; behead him next and he is a girl's name; transpose, and be is to assume; again, he is a tree; curtail, and he is a decoc- tion; transpose, he is to consume; again, and he is consumed; curtail once more, and he ia near, to.

No. 573.— The Row of Figures. In what manner can a person reckon up how much the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, G, etc., up to 60 amount to, without adding them up, either in your head or upon paper?

No. 574. Conundrum.

John Smith, Esq., went out shooting, and took his interestingly sagacious pointer with him. This noble quadrupedal and, occasional- ly, graminivorous specimen went not before, went not behind nor on one side of him. Then where did the horrid brute go?

No. 575. Hidden Authors.

1. What a rough mannered man said to his son when he wished him to eat properly.

2. Is a lion's house dug in the side of a hill where there is no water.

3. Pilgrims and flatterers knelt low to kiss him.

4. Makes and mends for first class customers.

5. Represents the dwellings of civilized man.

6. Is a kind of linen.

7. Is worn on the head.

8. A name that means such fiery things can't describe their pains and stings.

9. belonging to a monastery.

No. 576.— How la Your Head? A common English word of five letters, de- noting the condition in which the sea is, and the heads of everybody ought to be, may b* written in this form:

* * * * *

* * * *

* * *

* * * *

So that forward, backward, downward, upward or diagonally the orthography is the tame.

You whose heads are in that condition can readily demonstrate the proposition.

No. 577.— The Riddle of Riddles.

The riddle of riddles— It leaps and it skips: Tis seen in the eyes, and it cheats on the lipa; It seldom ia found, though oftentimes read; Tis sometimes a feather, and now and then lead If it meets with its match, 'tis happily caught; If money can buy it, 'tis not worth a groat.

No. 678. Knlgma. We are of many shapes and shades,

We've a language all our own ; We flourish 'round the humble cot

As well as the palace home. We are used to deck the happy bride

When to Hymen's shrine she's led; We're placed upon the lowly grave

As tribute to the dead.

No. 579.— Rebus. Lao. 10.

Dear solvers, your thoughts turn to me, A synonym for brevity.

No. 580.— Rhomboid.

Across 1. Searched. 2. Set sail 8. Charged with powder. 4. Roman magis- trates (Rom. ant.). 5. To appreciate the worth of. 6. The cerumen. Down— 1. A letter. 2. A personal pronoun. 8. Woolly or villous surface, as of cloth. 4. To weary. 6. To cut off, as a syllable. 6. Death. 7. A tract of land in the form of the Greek letter A. 8. A ruminant quadruped. 9. To fasten together with thread. 10. A relative. 1L A letter.

No. 581.— Rebus for Little Folk.

No. 583. Wood Squares.

1. To devastate. 2. A stage player. 8. A gem. 4. A medicine. 5. Upright.

L To bite into small pieces. 2. Caprice. 8. To entertain. 4. A famous law giver. &. To urge.

No. 583. Hidden Flowers.

1. It is more difficult to read poetry than prose.

2. Mr. Jarousky declares that he will never be naturalized.

8. I found a broken cup in Kate's cup- board.

4. That is a lovely blue crape on your bon- net.

No. 684.— Crossword Enigma. In oats, no^ ip corn;



In hoof, notlnhorti; In waiter, not In cook 5 In button, not in book; In crescent, not in moon ; In rabbit, not iu coon, My tfhole is an eastern country.

Klaw ni eth rttrf dan outh lasht < Het herot erev lowlof eeth.

No. 583. A Knotty Problem.

Place six straight lines in a row, thus: I I I I I. Now add to them five straight liues and have only nine.

No. 586.— Charade.

My first I hope you are, My second I see you are, My whole I know you are.

No. 587. Curtailment.

A stranger comes from foreign shores,

Perchance to seek relief; Curtail him, and you find his tale

Unworthy of belief; Curtailed again, you recognize

An old Egyptian chief.

Some Good Anagrams.

The pith of a good anagram is that it should In some way relate to the meaning of the original word. Here are some excellent speci- mens: |

Astronomers No more stars or moon starers.

Impatient Tim in a pet.

Punishment— Nine thumps.

Matrimony Into my arm.

Revolution To love ruin.

Sweetheart There we sat.

Telegraphs Great helps.

Parishioners I hire parsons.

Radical reform Rare mad frolic.

Presbyterian Best in prayer.

Misanthrope Spare him not.

Catalogue Got as a clue.

Elegant Neat leg.

Ni.. 58r.— What Is My Name? Come, guess n i name, I ask you all ! I'm sometime! Jarge and sometimes small. Three inches q jw is all my size; Again, to man;' feet I rise. Sailmakers u.ii me, and, though It seems


I'm part of tl /> horns of a full grown deer; With an and IT far down in the ocean I go, Yet triumph jnd victory often I show. And every po rson in the land Holds me alw j.ys in his hand.

No. 580.— A Pretty Tangle.

Thraigst si eht nile fo tudy, Vurced si eht nile fo teauby;

No. BOO.— A Tale of the Lights.

The answer to this rebus is a little story about the object which is pictured seventeen times in the illustration. St. Nicholas.

No. 591.— Cross Word Enigma.

In stable, not in house ;

In rat, not in mouse;

In grass, not in hay ;

In June, not in May;

In zebra, not in horse;

In gain, not in loss;

In flour, not in grain;

In hail, not in rain. My whole is a game better liked by most

boys Than all the mechanical wonders and toys.

No. 592. Beheadings In Rhyme.

The ship rode in an ******* bay; Asleep *»**»* the master lay ; A ***** and rugged man was he, And like * * * * at home at sea; He like the * * * swooped on his prey, Whene'er the- * * came- his way. But now while * the needle kept, Forgetting all he lay and slept. Behead the first word indicated by stars to

make the second, the second to make the

third, and so on.

No. 593. A Transformed fttonster. Oh, how many tales of me could be told By the poor and the rich, the young and old; For I never do good wherever I am, Although I have been from creation of man. No legs have I got, yet how swift do I go, And often I cause the blackest of woe; But if yo" transpose mo a man's name I show, A scriptural one I would have yoi* * '--•TR

Book of Puzzles.


No. 604.— A Presidential Puzzle.

One-eighth of the name of the bachelor president; one-fifth of the name of the hero of the civil war; one-eighth of the president who was assassinated in ths Baltimore depot at Washington ; one-sixth of a vice president who became a president; one-seventh of a president who had been a rail splitter; one- fifth of a president whose election was dis- puted; one-seventh of a president who was impeached ; one-ninth of the president during whose term two great commanders of the late war died. The fractions combined give the name of another president.


No. 595. Syncopation*.

1. Syncopate "residence" and have cultural implement."

2. Syncopate "frolic" and have "to re- quite."

8. Syncopate "a hoop of iron to save wheels from wearing" and have "a bond."

A Mean Insinuation.

Wife (at Niagara Falls) How grand and awe inspiring it all is, John.

Husband (drawing a long breath) Yes, but don't talk, my dear; I want to listen to the roaring of the waters.

Good Mottoes.

For retired authors Above proof. For carpenters Cut your stick. For cobblers Stick to your last. For shepherds— By hook or by crook. For glaziers Diamond cut diamond. For cooks Onion is strength. For auctioneers Sold again. For undertakers Always say die. For tailors True as the needle. For thieves True as steel. For water carters Down with the dust. For opticians Mind your eye. For old maids Marry come up. For hair dressers Two heads are better than one.

No. 596. Unfinished Verses.

One day in sunny June I sailed upon the ,

My heart was full of sadness, there was no song for .

But when my boat approached the *

I saw anotber on the .

Another b?at which came from > Its figurehead was one "lone »**

A stranger asked me of my ,

He proved himself my long lost .

Bo now I sail my bonny boat upon the self same But my heart is full of gladness, my song Is full

From what state of our Union did the figurehead show the boat had sailed?

No. 597.— A Slippery Sprit*. In the center of fashion, I am ever at home, Though nsver in Paris, ti London or Rome. I shun every city, every village and town, But reign in a hamlet like a queen oa her throne. I lead every herald, but ne'er trump my own


For I am so lisping I am always In shame. And I speak but in whispers of gentlest breath; And when honor is uttered I am silent as death. I am heard in the mansion, and seen In the hall. And often am heard when ne'er seen at all. I have one seat at home and two in tho church, And here I'll bo found at tho end of your search.

No. 593.— An Hour Glass.

1. Tedious. 2. A very light fluid. 3. A kind of grain. 4. A consonant. 5. A small drinking cup. 6. A large, showy bird, native of the warmer parts of America. 7. A privy council room at Westminster.

Centrals read down— A prominent charai>- ter in one of Shakespeare's plays.

No. 599. Arithmetical Problem.

John, James and Harry have $4.80 which they wish to divide equally among them. To do this, John, who has the most, gives to James and Harry as much as they already have. Then James divides by giving John and Harry as much as they have after John's division. Harry then divides with John and James in the same way, and it is found that they have equal sums. How much had each at first!

No. 600.— Rebus for Little Folk.

No. 601. A Wonderful Animal. There escaped from a menagerie a fierce animal which was caught and dissected. Within him were found a tile, a rail, a rat, a nail, a grate, a pig, a gilt bar, a leg, a rib and an entire girl. What was he I

No. 602. Charade.

My "first" ascends on soaring wing

To "heaven's gate," And hails the coming of the spring,

lp notes etet*


My "second" shines on knightly heel,

In battle won, A token that its wearer's steel

Has prowess done. My "whole," beside his lady's bower,

In varied hue, In stately pride, unfolds Its flower,

Pink, white or blue.

No. 6O3.— Hidden Nets. What net's a bird with sweet toned voice! What net our tuneful grandma's choice? What net is found a kind of goose? And what a Spanish beast of use? What net holds many a lovely face! What net a fowl of song and grace? What net an ornamental stone? What net must by the mouth be blown! What net is that of fourteen lines? And what a poisoning spear confines?

No. 604.— A Riddle. A sailor launched a ship of force, A cargo put therein, of course; No goods had he he wished to sell; Each wind did serve his turn as well; No pirate dreaded; to no harbor bound; His strongest wish that he might run agroundt

No. 605.— Two Wise Little Maids.

Two little girls were on their way to school together. Remembering the arithmetic les- son she had just learned, one of them said to the other: "If you will give me one of your nuts I shall have as many as you." But the second wise little maiden, grasping her trea- sure closer, said: "Oh, no I give me one of yours, and I can then divide equally with brother Bill and will still have as many aj you." How many nuts had each?

No. 606. Ten Tribei of Indians.

1 2

of as many different tribes of American In- dians.

No. 607. Hour Glass.

Central letters read down, a queen of Egypt, famed for beauty.

1. Needlework. 2. A circular motion. 8. A metal. 4. An act of respect. 5. A letter. 6. A bank to confine water. 7. The adver- sary of man. 8. An American general. 9. An escape from danger.

No. 608. Poetical Tang.e. Otdn eb ni oto chum fo a ryhur

Ot direct thaw hoter sofkl sya; Ti kates tub a lights tillet ruflyr

Ot bowl allnfe sleave arf wyaa.

No, 609. Numerical Enigma.

My whole of 15 letters is the name of an authoress beloved by young people, who died not long ago.

1, 2 is an exclamation.

4, 5 Is a verb.

12, 10, 14 a domestic animal.

8, 7, 9 a character in one of the best works of my whole.

6, 11, 15, 8 a popular edition of books.

11, 13, 3 a girl's nickname, probably some- times applied to the whole.

No. 610. The Puzzle Board.


























The ten small pictures represent the names

These disjointed syllables can be converted Into a familiar stanza of poetry. The player may move in any direction over the board and pass over as many squares at a time he likes.

No. 611. Enigmatical Bird*. To peddle; a color; a linen ornament; a toy; a kind of type; to defraud; a fruit j peaceful.

No. G12. Uebua.

A simple word, "to Join" it means; Of this there is no doubt.

Book of Puzzles.


Why use five letters In spelling it! The above just makes it out

No. 013.— Word Changes. Behead a fruit, and have a seed fed to birds; behead again, and have an animal; transpose, and have a vegetable.

No. 014. Conundrums.

Why is there no such thing as a whole day?

What kind of cloth was most abundant during an earthquake?

Why is a mirror like a great thinker?

To what business man should you never confide a secret?

No. 015. A Clover Puzzle.

One of the cleverest puzzles that has been Invented in a long time is the 1888 1889 puz- cle:

1. "Why was 1888 so short?"

2. "Why is 1889 shorter?"

This is a good one to pose your sharp witted friends with.

No. 010. Double Acrostic.

My first, a blossom white as snow

With pistil all of gold; My next an overcoat will show.

For keeping out the cold ; My third, if you are in a fright,

Will overspread your cheek ; The laundress keeps my fourth in sight,

The first of every week ; My last a bird you surely know—

A near relation to the crow.

My initials, unless I'm mistaken, Will show you a tricksy wight

Who always is plotting some mischief; My finals, his weapon of might.

No. 017. Remarkable Rivers.

What's the river that's verdant; the river that'* fine;

The river that's juicy and round; The river that swindles; the river that chokes;

And the one that is tracked by the hound t

What's the one that's a schoolboy; one a wild


The one that joins while it divides; What's the one that is stony; the one that is


And silently through the grass glides? All these rivers are found in the United States.

No. 018. A Problem to Solve.

Place a hundred at each end, with a five in the

middle, And a one on each side of the five; then will the

riddle Solved be. when you flnd £at leas$ BO says the ditty)

'Tertalnlng to a citizen," and also "to a city."

No. 010. Easy Word Squares. 1. A journey; seldom seen; a metal; con- fined.

3. An animal; among; mature; a garden. 8. A fowl; thought; natural; a valley.

No. 020.— The Parallelogram Puzzle.

A parallelogram, as in the first figure, is to be cut into two pieces, so that by shifting the position of the two pieces they will form the other two figures shown in the cut.

No. 021.— Letter Rebus. Er Bl

I am a careless, stupid fellow, Always mixed in grievous error.

No. 022. Numerical Enigma. "A precious stone" the total is, And any 4 to 1 1 wis Would 7, 5, 6 one, if it Would her engagement finger fit

No. 023. Concealed Cities.

L Bring us a lemon or two, Carrie!

2. Is that silk handkerchief orange or yel- low, Ellen?

3. I am afraid you will rub a thin place through that paper.

4. The best way to stop a rising quarrel is to show your enemy a kindness.

5. Please examine that barometer, Fanny.

6. Would you prefer a vanilla cream, or a lemon ice?

7. Years sit lightly on some, but not on me.

8. When is Mr. Jones going to send thai rent on to New York?

No. 024.— Riddle.

I seldom speak but in my sleep; I never cry, but sometimes weep Chameleon like, I live on air, And dust to me is dainty fare.

No. 025.— Anagrams.

Transpose the letters of the following words, to form the names of well known novels: 1. Nod quiet ox. 2. Visiting near II. 8. Earning my gun. 4. Lord Poicy is south. 5. But no nice clams, Q. I hem where I wank

Everybody s

to. 7. It is of papa's homeay Ted. 8. It we have Lined a cork.

No. 626.— Bebu*— A YFonder of the Skle*.

The pbflosophical plant (7), the Kb rinklng plant (5),

The sleepiest plant of the lot (9) ; The alphabetical plant (10), the oldest plant C11X

And the plant that is always hot (12).

No. 627.— A Den of \Vlld Animals, o o o o o o o


o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o

The row of large rings represents the name of an animal "furnished with spines or quills upon the body, covered with sharp prickles, a native of Africa, Asia and Italy. The left vertical row of seven rings, a species of deer of elegant shape, though one of the smallest kind. The next row of seven, the plural of an nnimil allied to the weasel, inhabiting the northern portions of Europe and America. In winter the fur is white, but the tip of ths toil is intensely black throughout the year. Third row, the plural of an animal of the cat kind, found in Mexico. Fourth row, a large animal found on our western prairies. It has been BO much hunted and killed that it is feared it will become extinct Fifth row. an anim*1 of several species found in North and South America. An artifice it employs in •elf preservation is to feign itself dead. Sixth row, a strong, fierce animal of the cat fam- ily, destructive to lambs, poultry and the like. Seventh row, an *n'"i>0 of tropical America, living on ant*.

No. 028. Knlgmntlcal Tree* and Plant*. The respectable tree (1). and the hero's tree (2),

And the tree that •hake* your hand (3); The coldest tree (4). and the ugliest tree (5),

And the tree that givee word of comman

No. 629.— Biddies.

Why is the root of the tongue like a de- jected man?

Why are fowls the most economical thing a farmer can keep?

What is the keynote to good manners?

Who had the first free entrance into a theatre?

What trees has fire no effect uoonl

AVho \Veara the Ring?

A neat trick, requiring no apparatus be- yond a piece of paper and a pencil, is the fol- lowing:

The number of persons participating in the game should not exceed nine. Some one of the company is selected unknown to you to put a ring on one of his fingers. You now say you will tell (1) who wears the ring, (3) the hand it is on, (3) the finger of the hand, and (4) the joint of the finger.

The company being seated in regular order, the persons must be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. The thumb must be termed the first finger, the forefinger being the second. The joint nearest the extremity must be called the first joint; the right hand is one and the left hand two.

These preliminaries arranged, leave the room in order that the ring may be placed unobserved by you. Suppose that the third person has the ring on the right hand, third finger and fi rst joint. Your object is to dis- cover the figures 3,131. Returning to the room, ask one of the company to perform se- cretly the following arithmetical operations:

1. Double the number of the person who has the ring; in the case supposed this will produce I

8. Add5 11

a. Multiply by 5 63

4. AddlO 03

5. And the number denoting the hand. G8

0. Multiply by 10 COO

7. Add the number of the finger CCS

a Multiply by 10 6,030

9. Add the number of the joint 0,031

10. Add35 C,CCfl

Lie must apprise you of the figures pro- duced, 6,000. You will then, in all cases, sub- tract from it 3,535. In the present instance there will remain 3,lol, denoting the person No. 8, the hand No. 1, the finger No. 3, and the joint No. 1.

No. G3O. Charade. If my first is my second, 'tis sure to be fleet, If my second's my first, It is not fit to eat; And what Ls my whole will depend upon whether My second and first you fit rightly together.

Book of PuZzles.

If my second cornea flrst, tla an animal; but If my second cornea second, why then It Is nut So If it's an animal, then you may back It; But supposing it isn't, I leave you to crack It.

No. C31. Numerical Enigma.

I listened 1 , 2, 3 a very long time, but heard nothing to lead me to believe the 4, 5, C was being drawn down to the street, and as I 7, 8, 9 my lunch I thought myself 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9 for not having depended upon its ar- rival

No. 032.— Can You Name Him?

A certain man should happy be, Though hungry, cold and wet,

For untold wealth his may be, And profits all are net.

No. 633. Drop Letter Quotation.

To supply every alternate letter and find a Bible verse:

W a s e e t— y a d i d t t d , d— i— w— t^t-y— i— h— .

No. 634. Diamonds.

A consonant; an accompaniment to a fire- place; a gentleman who carries arms; "just from China;" a consonant.

A letter; a part of the mouth ; an animal; vessel ; a letter.

No. 633.— Rebus— Wise Words.



The author's name Is in the lower right hand corner of the rebus.

No. 636. Selections. From a word of six letters, the name of common article of domestic use, select

1, 2, 3 and 4, a small luminary.

2, 3, 4, a resinous substance.

8, 4, 5, 6 an architectural form. 8, 4, 5, part of a circle.

5, 6, 3, 4, 2, a sort of map.

6, 3, 4, 2, a kind of vehicle. 6, 3, 4, 2, an animal.

5, 6, 3, 2, small talk.

6, 3, 2, apparel for the head.

0, 3, 8, a domestic animal. 4, 3, 2, a rodent.

No. C37.— A Poetical Maz«.

































0 IJ




8 O













































































A sentence in poetry is here written, the letters forming which are in close order. You may go up or go down ; you may move backward or forward, but you must never go in a slanting or diagonal direction that LJ, you are not allowed to pass from letter to let- ter through the corner of a square, but al- ways through one of the sides. The object is to find the first letter and then unravel the whole. The last word, denoted by the star, must be supplied.

How to Tell a Tcrsou's Ape.

Among many ingenious schemes for telling a person's age this is one of the easiest and best. Let the person whose age is to be dis- covered do the figuring. Suppose, for ex- ample, if it is a girl, that her age is 15 and that she was born in August.

Let her put do\vu the number of the month In which she was born and proceed as follows:

Number of month. 8

Multiply by 2 10

Add 5 Cl

Multiply by 50 1,000

Then add her a;*e, 15 1.00")

Then subtract 305, leaving 700

Thenaddll5 810

She then announces the result, 815, where- upon she may be informed that her age is 15 and August, or the eighth month, is the month of her birth.

The two figures to the right in the result •will always indicate the age and the remain- ing figure or figures the month the birthday comes in.

This rule never fails for all ages up to 100. For ages under 10 a cipher will appear pre- fixed in the result, but no account is taken of this.


No. 640.— ninatrmted Proverb.

The familiar advice here illustrated Is often given to procrastinating people.

No. 641. Cross Word Enigma. My first is in tart but not in cheese, My second is in butter but not in peas, My third is in gravy but not in lamb, My fourth is in buckwheat but not in ham, My fifth is in coffee but not in tomato, My sixth is In honey but vot in potato, My whole is a thing that little boys eat, It is always a bird and has lots of good meat.

No. 642.— PL

Cotrebo gornnim ! woh het uns Sligertt no noglwig kosch dan feash{ NO pelap scrip tiwh lemowl dogL

No nodrew-dinteap'fleal Tercobo geevnin ! kolo, eth nomo, Keil noe ni yarfildan neighdebtl Tou-rodos kajc trofs sibet parsh; nlwthl—

Dogol rou trifs reif si dilgethl

Nn. 643. A Word Puzzle.


I was a president of the United States. In my name find a river of Asia, the names of five girls, the nicknames of five boys and the name of one boy, the name of a kind of drink, "to fasten," "a low place between hills," "the home of wild beasts," "to give up," "a narrow passage," "to loan," "to raise and make light," "a young boy," "to go be- fore," "a kind of fish," "to bathe," "a meas- ure of different lengths" not much in use now, "to be clad," "a kind of meat," "to go on shore," "a tribe," "to dig," "then-," "to part," a conjunction, "a reed," "to purify," "a weathercock," "a native of Denmark," Mto adhere," "a valley," "to distribute," "a •word sometimes used for 'one1," "an Imagi- nary being," "a brief visit," "an Instrument by which to find a horizontal line," "a ravine," "to finish" and other words.

No. 644. Flowers and Frnlt.

Here's the sweetest flower (1), the joyous

flower (2),

The flower that blooms In May (3), The hollowest flower (4), the trickiest

flower (5), One that tells the time of day (6).

The wealthiest fruit 03), the treacherous

fruit (14),

The fruit that is slow or spry (15), The sprightliest fruit (16), and the married

fruit (17), One that bids you never die (18).

No. 645.— Delect Ions,

1. Take a verb from a small can and leave a moderate gallop.

2. Take a verb from a voucher and leave a hardened protuberance on plants.

i 3. Take a prong from a kind of cloth and leave perched.

4. Take an animal from a thick mat and leave a part of an animal.

5. Take a couple from mended and leave a rustic pipe.

Sage Reflections.

Who Is the owner of the cow, where Is the cow put out to grass, that provides the milk of human kindness; and does the calf get the best part of the milk, judging by the amount of kindness one receives? i Did the horseman who "scoured the plain" use soap?

What does this "continual feast" that a contented mind is said to enjoy consist of?

When a man, through being pressed, eats more dinner than he wants, may he not be said to be stuffed with forced meat? j i If it takes nine tailors to make a man, how many sailors does it take to make a buoy?

Do the "roots of words" produce "flowers of speech f

i Who can "smell a rat" the quickest, the man who knows the most, or the man who has the most nosef

No. 646. Charade.

I went to the barn this morning,

And what do you think I found? A poor little first with a broken leg, A cross old hen and a broken egg. And Neighbor Nesbit's bound.

I went to the garden this morning, And what do you think I found? A bold little second yes, one, two, three. Just where I wanted them not to be. With their heads well up from the ground,

I looked about in the garden,

And what do you think I found? Borne whole— and 'twas spreading here and there,

Book or Puzzles.


For It wouldn't grow straight into the air, liut crept along on the ground.

No. 647.— A Hollow Square. * * * *

* * * *

The upper horizontal of four stars repre- sents the plural of a vessel used for drinking. The left vertical, reading downward, a fa- vorite domestic compound. The right verti- cal, reading upward, the fruit of certain trees. The lower horizontal, reading from right to left, an adjective applicable to any of the other three.

No. 648. An Anagram. Why it is so I do not know,

Tell me the reason if you can ; But when "a shrew" I have in view

I think about a TARGET MAN!

No. 649. A Poser.

I am with the farmer in his barn, cattle, garden, wheat, oats, barley, hay and wagon, but not In his horse or buggy. I am with the mechanic and the laborer. I am with the dead, not the living. I am with the saints and the angels, and Satan also has a claim on ma

No. 650.— Illustrated Rebus.


No. 651. Doable Acrostic.

1. An herb. 2, The cutting off of a vowel at the end of a word. 8. One who denies the existence of God. 4. Prosperity.

Primals: Certain plants and their fruit. Finals: Certain insects. Combined: A class of people.

Rhymed Comparisons.

As slow as the tortoise as swift as the wind;

As true as the Gospel— as false as mankind;

As thin as a herring— as fat as a pig;

As proud as a peacock— as blithe as a grig;

As savage as tigers— as mild as a dove;

As stiff as a poker— as limp as a glove;

As blind as a bat as deaf as a post;

As 'cool as a cucumber— as warm as toast;

As flat as a flounder— as round as a ball ;

As blunt as a hammer— as sharp as an awl;

As red as a ferret— as safe as the stocks;

As bold as a thief— as sly as a fox;

As straight as an arrow— as crook'd as a bow;

As yellow as saffron— as black as a sloe;

As brittle as glass— as tough as is gristle;

As neat as my nail— as clean as a whistle;

As good as a feast as bad as a witch;

As light as is day as dark as U pitch;

As brisk as a bee as dull as an ass;

As full as a tick as solid as brass. >o. 062. The Legacy. Au Arab sheik about to die called his sons to him and bequeathed to them his herd of camels in the following fashion: To his eldest eon, one-half the herd; to his second son, one- fourth, and to the youngest son, one-fifth. As soon as the last honors had been paid to the old chief the sons hurried to share the legacy; but as there were 19 animals in the herd (a number not divisible by 2, 4 and 5), they were unable to agree, and finally re- ferred the matter to the cadi or judge, who Immediately made the division to the satis- faction of the three, each of whom went away driving with him his camels. How did the cadi do it?

No. 653. Beheadings.

1. Behead a Latin word of three letters often used by English speakers, and have "to depart."

2. Behead "to raise, to exalt," and have "tardy."

8. Behead a "property which a person pos- sesses," and have "condition."

No. 654. Enigmatical Rivers.

What's the river that's a jolly boy; one that

is good; What one's a jewel that is worn by the

fair; What's that one that's somber and dark ; and

that one That seme drink when they get on a tear?

No. 655. Rhyming Square. Showers and early flowers on the river's


Cessation proceeding from doubt, I think; A silver coin of Russia is here seen; An island, large or small, I ween; To lose, an obsolete word, I confess; These make a word square. Can you guess f

No. 656.— Riddles.

Name me and you destroy me. Why is it absurd to ask a pretty girl to candid?

What weed la most like a rent In a gar- ment f

What is that, although black itself, yet en- lightens the whole world?

At what time of life may a man be prop- erly said to bo a vegetable f

No. C57. Cross Word Enigma, Jn dive, not in swim, In branch, not in limb, In safe, not in lock, In fowl, not in hawk, In low, not in high, In glad, not in cry, In rain, not in snow/ In lark, not in crow. A flower.

No. C58. Missing Letters. What two letters, prefixed to each of these words, will make other words) Aught, one, edge, own, awl, ought,

No. 659.— Quartered Circles.

From 1 to 4, a narrow way ; from 5 to 8, harness; from 9 to 12, one of the constella- tions; from 13 to 10, quickly; from 1 to 5, dilatory; from 5 to 9, to defraud; from 9 to 13, a town founded by Pizarro in 1535; from 13 to 1, the victim of the first murder on record; from 2 to 6, dwelt; from 6 to 10, in- gress; from 10 to 14, to long; from 14 to 2, a famous op«ra; from 3 to 7, a state; from 7 to 11, one who dwells; from 11 to 15, a famous bridge in Venice; from 15 to 8, the king of fairies; from 4 to 8, one who has the right of choice; from 8 to 12, to retain; from 12 to fl, oriental; from 16 to 4, ingenuousness.— St. Nicholas.

No. GCO.— The Philosopher's Puzzle. A philosopher had a window a yard square. It let in too much light. He blocked up half of it, leaving a square hole a yard long and a yard wide. How did he do it!

No. 661.— Charade.

My first, when we travel, as useful we deem: Though drawn, as times alter with lifa'i

changing scheme, By man, electricity, horses or steam.

My second's a parrot, a dog, or a cat; But never a hornet, hyena, or bat, And seldom a mouse, or a fox, or a rat.

My whole, a convenience and comfort we call] A luxury surely, except spring and fall, When the housekeepers make it a trial to all.

No. 66«.— A Star. 1


4 •»•*••

* * * * * *

* * * *

* *


1 to 2, one who does things clumsily ; 1 to 3, combats; 2 to 3, dried grapes; 4 to 0, morose- ly; 5 to 6, garden plant; 4 to 5, musical com- positions.

No. C63. Transposition.

If an island's end

You'll place before, You'll get "a young bear,"

And nothing more,

No. CC4.— Word Squares.

1. A heathen. 2. Unextinguished. 8. Scoffs. 4. To turn away. 5. Abodes.

1. To tinge. 2. A fruit 3. A kind of cloth. 4. Public. 5. Leases.

No. OG5. Numerical Enigma.

My 1, 2, 7 means through. My 3, 4, 5, 7 gives a favorable expression In the face.

My 5, 2, 3, 1, 4 is In heaven. My 4, 5, C, 7 is the earth. My whole is a country in Europe.

No. CCO. Decapitations.

1. Behead "to wander from a direct course" and have "a flat, broad vessel upon which articles are carried;" again, and have "one of a number of lines diverging from a com- mon point;" again, and have "yes."

2. Behead "a long, narrow division of any- thing different from the ground work" and have a kind of food; again, and have "ready for reaping."

8. Behead "a long, narrow strip of leather" and have "to ensnare;" again, and have "• •harp, quick blow."

4. Behead "inordinate self esteem" and have "to be carried on the back of an ani- mal"

Book or Puzzles.

No. 607. A Wonderful Puzzle.

I have no feet, and yet with hands,

I never cease my tireless run; I work in all the climes and lands,

In Arctic zoae and tropic sun.

Pinions I have, yet cannot fly, Altho' "good time" I always makes

I wear a cap, but wear it sly, And wear it sleeping or a \vaka.

No coffin Ud shall hide my form-

And yet beneath a lid I live, Defying dust, and rain, and storm

Prepared the best of work to giva.

I never had a case at law—

And yet without a case, I fear I should possess a monstrous flaw—

And life would be a thing most drear.

Of Jewels, I have ample store Fine jewels, too, that please the eye?

I would not, could not wish for more, Tho' I possessed the means to buy.

I have no head, but have a face— A face that's looked ateverywhere—

No woman, with her charms and grace. Receives a greater meed of care.

No. 668. Numerical Enigma. My 11, 6, 1, 14, 10 are winter garments. My 14, 3, 4 is part of a church. My 9, 12, 19, 15, 17, 13, 10 is a disease. My 16, 7, 8 and 20 is an animal My 5, 18, 2 is a boy's nickname. My whole is a housekeeper's proverb.

No. 669.— A Half Square.

O 0 O

O o o

O o o o

O o o o o

The single ring represents a consonant. The row of twoYings, "mother." The row of three, "an individual of the human race." The row of four, "the long and heavy hair flowing from tho upper side of the neck of some quadrupedal animals." The row of five, "a Hebrew weight used in estimating the quantity of gold and silver, being 100 shekels of gold and 60 shekels of silver. "

No. 670. Easy Rebus for Little People.

No. 671. Anagrams. A "lonely man" who lives in quiet Would never lead in A SLY RIOT

In a LAWN PIJ>, ye solvers, find A wading bird of plover kind.

In a SORB TIME the word we see Exhausting to the strength may ba.

No. 673.— Letter Rebus.

This my rebus solved Will bring to mind

What delights the heart Of human kind.

No. 673. Conundrum*. Why Is B like a hot fire? Why is D like a squalling child? Why is L like giving a sweetheart away? Why is Q rather impertinent? Why is S like a smart repartee? Why is T like an amphibious animal?

No. 674. Enigmatical Trees.

What's the Tree that with Death would unit*

you, (1)

The Tree that your wants would supply. (2) The Tree that to travel invites you, (3) And the Tree that forbids you to die? (4)

No. 675. A Seasonable Acrostic.

All of the words described contain the same number of letters. When rightly guessed and placed one below the other, in the order here given, the third row (reading downward) will spell what we all should give at the time named in the sixth row of letters.

Crosswords 1. Vigorous. 2. Entwined. 3. An ensign of war. 4, Filtered. 5. Assault- ed. 6. Disperses. 7. Forebodes. 8. Any system of faith and worship. 9. Survives. 10. Providing food. 1L A two masted ves- BeL 12. A word corresponding with another. 13. To reflect. 14. A vessel for holding ink. 15. Not retarded.

o. 676. A Word Square.


o o o o o o o o o o o o

The first row of four rings represents the name of a city famous for its art. The sec- ond row, a precious stone regarded as un- lucky. The third row, "to beat." The fourth row, a girl's name.



No. 677.— Hidden Word*.

Timid ana tremoung, gentle ana ruae, Hallowed, dewy, loathsome and good, Just the oddest of compounds, ever the Earn* Since the dawn of creation. What is my nam«f

Find the names of these objects, write them down in the order in which they come, and then find hidden words to supply those miss- ing in the following sentences:

The should give to the poor.

What color did he itf

How that twinkles 1

John can a boat.

Boaz let Ruth in his field.

Go to the pasture, Charles, and get tha >

This is a good of water.

The guest was grateful to his

the door.

No. 678. Beheadments. As a whole, I am single, 'tis true; Behead me, I am single, too; Behead again, the same is true. Behead again, a direction get; Behead again, a direction yet; Away with this and nothing is met.

No. 670. Charade.

When the sunshine and the shadows,

In the prime time of the year, Are flitting o'er the meadows,

My first you always hear. When man is softly sleeping,

And every care seems sped, My second, darkly creeping,

Oft fills his soul with dread. My whole's what we despise or shun, Or a delusion sprung from hate or fun.

No. 680.— TVhat My Name?

Of nothing I'm made, but when complete. Too' oot to bo eaten, I taste very sweet; None erer beheld me, yet often I'm sought, But never yet bandied after I'm caught. I'm affectionate, balmy, lingering and long, Proud rind haughty, tender and strong, Forced and unwilling, frigid and cold, Treacherous and false, yet pure aa gold, Tempting and fragrant, sacred, divine, Soothing and rapturous, delicious as wins.

No. 681. Numerical Enigma. I am composed of seven letters and my whole is a plant My 1, 2 is a preposition. My 4, 5, 8 is a kind of carriage. My 3, 2, 7, 1 is to wear. My 6, 7 means partnership.

No. 682.— An Easy Riddle. I am a little word composed of five letters. My 1, 2, 3 make about half of the human race; my 4, 2, 3 make so small a number that it can be represented by a single letter; my 8, 2, 4 make an article very useful to many persons; my 1, 2, 4 means encountered, and my 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 names a city noted for it* fortress and as being the place where print' ing was invented.

No. 683. Conundrum*.

Why are cashmere shawls like deaf per- sons f

Why is a nail, fast in the wall, like an old man?

Why are washerwomen the most inconsist- ent of persons?

When a boy falls into the water what U the first thing he does?

What is the difference between killed sol- diers and repaired garments?

No. 684. A Word Puzzle.

1. A measure, area of land. 2, An Irl defr cent lihing of a certain shell 3. Transpose, a wading bird. 4. Behead and transpose, and get "that which is adjacent" 5. Behead and transpose again and obtain a division of time. 6. Curtail and find in error. 7. Curtail one* more and "a direction" remains.

No. 685.— Acrostic.

The father of the Grecian Jove,

A little boy that's blind; A mighty land in all the world,

The mother of mankind; A poet whose love sonnets

Are still very much admired; The initial letters will declare

A blessing to the tired.

No. 686. A Diamond and a Half bqnar*.

1. A letter; to drink; to hold back; a num- ber; set free; displayed; estimated; guided; a letter.

2. Not having wings, as insects; those who smooth with a plane; idle talk; a passage; to depend upon; unrefined metal; a pronoun; a letter from Washington.

Book of Puzzles.

No. 687. Geographical Enigmas.

Example: A month and a vowel. Answer, Augusta,

1. An animal and dexterity. 3. Yeast and value. 8. A master and a weight, 4. Fresh and an old boat. 5. Base and a measure. 6. Swarthy and a church. 7. To hold fast and to disembark. 8. A jump and a meadow. 9. Fresh, a conjunction, and inclines. 10. An animal and a crossing. 1L. A feminine name, a garment and bounds. 13. A human being, a box, and to sin. 13. A toy, to knot, and a statesman. 14. A feminine name and a Bphera 15. A masculine nickname, a vowel, a person, and to strike gently.

No. 688. Arithmetical. Put down 101, divide by 50, and add a ci- pher. Result, 1 taken from 9.

No. 689. Crossword Enigma.

My first is in nun and not in some. My second is in nap and not in fun. My third is in pay and not in debt. My fourth is in bone and not in bet. My fifth is in love and not in hatred. My sixth is in blue and also in red. My seventh is in boat and not in ship. My eighth is in hand and not in whip. My whole is the name of a great conqueror.

No. 690. A Poetical Quotation.

No. 691.— What Is It?

My head and tail both equal are.

My middle slender as a bee; Whether I stand on head or heel,

'Tis all the same to you or me; But if my head should be cut off,

The matter's true although 'tis strange, My head and body severed thus,

Immediately to nothing change.

No. 692. Curtailments. Complete, I am a useful grain ; One letter off, there will remain An agent in producing growth; Once more behead, what few are loth To do, is seen; curtail again A preposition will remain.

No. 693. Easy Word Square*.

1. A place of sale; to assert; a town of Ne- Tada; stepped.

2. Departed; a large lake; bites; a trial.

No. 694. Central Acrostic.

Centrals, a large city of the United States. 1. Running matches. 3. Made of ash wood. 8. During. 4. Walks slowly. 5. A movable seat. 6. To cause to be produced. 7. Re- duced to pieces.

No. 695. Beheadings.

Behead solitary and leave a single thing.

Behead to abbreviate and leave a structure over a river.

Behead to apprehend evil and leave a part of the body.

No. 696. Geographical Biddies.

1. What mountain is a. covering for the nead?

3. What river in Africa Is a juicy fruit?

8. What river in the western part of the United States is a serpent?

4. What one near it is a fish?

5. What cape of Florida is an animal?

6. What cape in North America breathes a parting benediction?

Appropriate Mottoes.

For gunners Off like a shot I For violin players Feedle-de-dee. For pork butchers The whole hog or none. For betting men Where's the odds? For unsuccessful poets Hard lines. For bakers Early to bread and early to rise.

No. 697. Numerical Enigma.

I am composed of 19 letters.

My 13, 6, 3 is a personal pronoun.

My 8, 19, 3, 4 is a wild animal.

My 15, 5, 16 is an active verb.

My 16, 18, 17 is a numeral.

My 15, 7, 14, 13, 16, 11, 1 is to expand.

My 8, 19, 6, 16 is a vegetable.

My 15, 9, 3 is a body of water.

My 15, 6, 11, 4, 10, 7 is something unknown tr hidden.

My whole is a well known American au- thoress, whose most celebrated story has been translated into many languages, and as a play is received with unfailing popularity.



No. 60S. Hidden Word*. In the name of one of the plants proposed for a national flower may be found a range of mountains sloping toward both Europe and Asia, a meadow, a verb, "an epoch," "a snare," a king whose name is the title of one of Shakespeare's plays, a girl's name, a cloth measure, "true," a part of the head, every- thing.

No. 609.— Illustrated Proverb.

*ae curtailed letters form a word meaning "liability," "obligation," "dua"

No. 7OO.— A Charade.

Little Tom and his sister went fishing,

Their ages were seven and five; They returned all elated and smiling,

Declaring they'd caught some alive, Triumphant they opened their basket,

To let mamma see their grand prize, "Why, these are not fish, they are one twos,

You silly young ones, see their eyes?" The children looked sore, disappointed,

And Tom laid bis two on the floor. Deciding he didn't like fishing,

And was sure he'd not go any more.

No. 701.— Croas Word Enigma. My first is in water, but not in land; My second in foot, but not in hand; My third is in lark, but not in wren; My fourth is in five, but not in ten; My fifth and last in eagle you'll see My whole a general brave was he, Who died in the moment of victory.

No. 702.— Drop Letter Proverb. -E-L -I-H-U- -N-W-E-G- I- -H- -I-T-B -F

No. 703. Curtailment*.

Curtail "old," and have "generation."

Curtail "mature," and have "to tear a •earn."

Curtail "a line used for measuring," and have a kind of fruit

Curtail "• number of ships together," and h»y« "to run *waj."

No. 7O4.— Charade.

Here's a man eager for my first ;

Strange what a most decided thirst

Some men have for what is found

In this, my whola The crackling sound

Of second being folded, greets

The ear at home and on the streets.

No. 705.— A Concealed Quotation.

In the following paragraph the curious and diligent seeker may find a familiar quotation from "Romeo and Juliet:"

"What sin have I committed?" said an American girl to her lover, when she sat on his best hat which he had left on the sofa, He handed her a wet calla and arose to take his leave. His hobby was botany, but not hers, for she was an American schoolgirl. "I would prefer as mellow a pear as you can give me, Leonidas," she said, "to this wee thing you call a flower."

No. 706.— Easy Riddle.

I am a little word composed of only five letters, yet so great is my weight that strong men have been crushed by me, and I have been known to destroy life by pressing too heaviiy upon those with whom I came in con- tact I am of the plural number, yet by add- ing the letter S I become singular. If, before adding the letter S, you cut off my head and tail, what remains is a verb implying exist- ence; if, instead of thus mutilating me, you place my second letter before my first, I am changed into what will make a poor man rich. My 3 2 1 4 is that in which many strive, but only one wins; iny 51234 means to alarm ; my 5 4 2 3 is to burn ; my 1 2 3 is very necessary in large cities; my 5 4 2 is enticing to many; my 2 I 4 u oue; my 23 1 is not complete; my 4 2 3 is of wonderful and deli- cate construction ; my 1254 is visited very frequently by a physician, who frequently has more 12345 than a follower of any other profession.

No. 707. A Wise Saying. I am composed of 30 letters. My 27, 13, 24, 9, 4 are invariably quacks. My 18, 25, 1, 17, 3, 14, 26 are dear to me. My 2, 16, 2, 7, 2, 20 is in your eye. My 15, 29, 19, 8, 18 is what we all high for. My 30, 10, 5, 24 are used in games of chance. My 11, 28. 12, 3 is a small boy. My 5, 19, 30, 13, 14 goes through the press. My 15, 7, 11, 20 is frequently presented, My 25, 22, 5, C is part of a foot. My wb,ole is a wise saying.

Book of Pussies.

Ko. 708.— A Stitch Puixl*.

Our girl readers will be the first to solve this rebus, which recently appeared in St. Nicholas. In the picture are suggested the names of fourteen different stitches used by needlewomen. What are they?

No. 709.— An Hour Glass.


o o o O o o o

o o O o o

o 0 o


o O o o o O o o o o o 0 o o o ooooOoooo The central letters, reading downward, name one of the United States. The cross- words: 1 "One who throws, twists or winds Bilk." 2. "Educated," "directed." 3. "Ce- lerity of motion," "speed," "dispatch." 4. "Concreted sugar," "water in a solid state." 5. In "Ohio." G. "Termination." 7. "An adhesive combination of flour and water," or "earth and water as prepared by the potter," etc. 8. "Dexterity," "an artful trick per- formed by jugglers." 9. "Severity, harsh- ness."

No. 710. A Pleasure Excursion.

My (island near Maine) (city in North Carolina) :

I have been (city in Pennsylvania), but now will tell you about our trip. Wo went to see (city in Switzerland). There was (city in New Jersey), (city in Arkansas), (moun- tain in California), (city in Pennsylvania) and myself. (City in New Jersey), wore a (river in Utah), (animal in South America), (city in Arkansas) wore (city in China) flan- nel I had to (point in Alaska) a (mountain in Oregon) and wore a (hills in Dakota) dress. We got an early (point in England). We went over a very (mountains in United States) fetatein United Statesi. (City in Switzer-

land) had been on the (cape near North Caro- lina) for us. As you must know (city in Switzerland) Is very (mountains in West Vir- ginia), and her floors were covered with (city in Europe) carpet She showed us a (cape in South America) basket she made, also her lovely (river in Switzerland) pet cow. We staid over (strait in East Indies) and then came home. My (city of Nabraska), 1 must close. 1 (cape in North Carolina) wo will get a (town of Wisconsin). (Cape of Green- land.) City of Kansas.

No. 711. Palindromes.

A palindrome is a word which reads the game backward and forward, as for example, "madam."

Here are some easy ones: 1. Part of a ves- sel. 2. An infant's garment. 3. A devout woman. 4. Treated like a God. 5. Certain songs. 6. A traveling conveyance. 7. A small animal 8. Doctrine. 9. A legal docu- ment.

No. 712. A Question of Slaking Change. A man purchased groceries to the amount of 34 ceuts. When he came to pay for the goods he found that he had only a one dollar bill, a three cent piece, and a two cent piece. Th3 grocer, on his side, had only a fifty cent piece and a quarter. They appealed to a by- stander for change; but he, although willing to oblige them, had only two dimes, a five cent piece, a two cent piece and a one cent piece. After some perplexity, however, change was made to the satisfaction of every one concerned. What was the simplest way of accomplishing this?

No. 713.— A Pictorial Rebus.

No. 714.— Double Central Acrostic.

To arrange; a woman lacking in neatness; certain kinds of puzzles; a figure of three angles; a wooden plate; neglected; taken what is offered ; obtained the use of for a time; certain vegetables.

The fourth row of letters, read down, de- fines unknown persons.



The fifth row of letters, read down, define* a small post.

No. 715.— Coins to Market. One day I went into a store

To buy some groceries, But when I reached my home I found

The p r was half peas;

The g r, too, was strong of gin,

And the r e was filled with ice;

The s p contained the blood of a sire,

And the ice was in the sp ;

A sod was discerned in the s a

And the c s looked queer, for per- chance The blood of a cur was spilt therein,

And the food was tilled with ants; The o o was well seasoned with sage,

And the canned s h was half tar ;

And strange to say, the s r contained

The stump of a nasty cigar. I was well worked up, and felt rather sore, But I never again returned to that store.

No. 710.— What la It? A friend to all the human race,

From emperor to peasant; There's none more missed when not in place,

Or of more use when present. Obedient to my patron's will,

I yield to their control; Yet every one is trying still

To "put me in a hole."

No. 717. Anagram*

These anagrams represent the names of three noted historians and three favorite American authors:

Ward De Thaeta Revel Bertha C. DeCarl-ScoA

Jan Dry. the famous


It is Carl P. Wheltom. Roger L. Wainn goes.


Tom Sejia.

No. 718. A Drop Letter Saying. -*-e -h- g-e-t-s- s-u-d.

No. 710.— PI of the Season. Bredmece clesos no eth ceena

Dan hwta prapea bet mothsn nogo stapf Btagmerfn fo meti wichh cone heav benel

Desucingce lowlys, Ifed oto fats! Thire mienuts, shour, dan sayd pareap

Livewea ni halt malls tinop, a ryea.

No. 720. A Charade. Lord Ronald burned the famed Yule log

With wassail in his hall, And first was wreathed in many a fold

Where the Christmas moonbeams fall. He poured the second in a glass,

And pledged the Christmas glow;

Vnd the whole in the garden lay dead

Under the gleaming snow.

No. 721. Cross Word Enigma. My first is in March but not in Spring, My second in Eaglo but not in Wing ; My third is in Power but not in Strong, My fourth in Warble but not in Song; My fifth is in Rose and also in Leaf, My sixth in Summary, not in Brief; My seventh is in Summer but not in Joy, My eighth in Golden but not in Toy; My ninth is in Apple but not in King, My tenth in Whisper but not in Sing. I come from the woods, if there you espy A flower or a bird that is sweeter than I, I give you permission in April weather To serve me on snow and eat me together.

No. 722. Easy Transpositions. Transpose a part of a musical instrument into a stain; also into cooking utensils; also into the highest parts; also into a place.

No. 723.— Mental Arithmetic.

No. 724.— A Riddle. I sing in the woods a gentle song; I lurk in the glens, or the brook along. I give to the sparkling stream a hue That artists would love to paint so true. And in the student's den I dwell, While o'er the boy I cast my spelL The scholar loves my soberest face; The artist paints my prettiest grace. Tm black and white— yellow and gold— Maybe red or green, maybe gray and old.

No. 725.— How Is This?

In a stage coach on the way to a Christmai gathering at the old homestead were 1 grand- mother, 3 mothers, 2 aunts, 4 sisters, 2 broth- ers, 4 daughters, two sons, 5 cousins, 3 nieces, 2 nephews, 3 grand-daughters and 2 grand- tons. How many persons were there!

Book of Puzzles.


No. 726. Numerical Enigma.

My whole, containing 22 letters, is an old Baying often heard by girls.

My 16, 15, 2, 10 is huge.

My 3, 4, 9, 13 is a prong.

My 18, 6, 22, 21, 3 is odor.

My 17, 1, 2, 5 is one of the points of th« compass.

My 14, 7, 13, 12 is one of Noah's sons.

My 6, 8, 16, 11, 6 is relating to a city.

My 20, 19 denotes position.

No. 727. Reverse*.

1. Reverse a luminous body, and have the plural of an animal.

2. Reverse "a conflict," and have "un- cooked."

3. Reverse a boy's name, and have the home of a wild beast.

4. Reverse a vegetable which grows within the earth, and have a month.

5. Reverse the plural of a kitchen utensil, and have "to break with a quick sound."

6. Reverse a kind of weed, growing near the water, and have an animal.

No. 728.— Enigma: A Little Fairy. Within my walls of silver

A little fairy lives, Whose presence in a household

Great joy and comfort gives.

She sows no tares of anger, And ugly weeds that spoil,

But to sew tears in garments She willingly will toil.

Now, name this useful fairy.

Her shining palace, too, Her clever, nimblo sisters,

Who all her bidding do.

No. 729.— A Cat Up Puzzle.

First cut out, with a penknife, In pasteboard or card,

The designs numbered one, two and three- Four of each— after which, as the puzzle is bard.

You had better be guided by me To a certain extent; for in fixins take care

That each portion is fitted hi tight, Or they will not produce such a neat little square

Aa they otherwise would if done right.

No. 730. Beheadings Transposed.

Each word contains five letters. The be- headed letters form the name of a famous naturalist

Behead an extensive mountain range, and transpose the remaining letters to make a word meaning the objects aimed at.

Behead imposing; transpose to make to mend.

Behead to diminish; transpose to make a stroke.

Behead to strike down; transpose to make opportunity.

Behead possessing flavor; transpose to make settled.

Behead a reflection ; transpose to make a contest.

Behead an animal; transpose to make an animal.

No. 731.— A Charade.

My first, like a laggard, Is always behind.

In the form of one thousand my second you'll

find. And yet, for my whole should you search the

world round.

In the morning or evening, 'twill never be found. No. 732. A Rhyming Numerical Enigma

1. A word in much demand, tis true, Is this little word, 5, 1, 2.

2. A well known foreign plant youTI see, Is spelled by using 5, 2, 3.

8. This very morn I found alive

In my new trap a 4, 3, 5. 4. If you would hoar a little more.

You must lend your 2, 3, 4. 6. "There is nothing new under the sun,"

Is said on 2, 3, 4, 5, I.

6. Because my boy fell on the floor, Fell many a 5, 2, 3, 4.

7. A statement 'gainst which none will strive, All have a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

No. 733.— A Riddle.

Back and down trodden is my line,

Yet you may not despise, For surely I was made to shine

Before admiring eyes. Of all my wanderings o'er the earth,

Though lightly you may talk, Your understanding owns my worth

And blameless daily walk.

No. 731. An Animal in Anagram.

I saw on the street a descendant of Ham, Not ill o' disease, but "ill o' a dram,"

This anagram straightened you've seen, I

suppose, In pictures, and, mayhap, in animal shows;

And if you have seen it you're noticed the lack Of even & semblance of fur on its Knflr

Everybody s

Jfo. 735.— A Palindrome.

Long years ago, the Portuguese In me rode over stormy seas, Held on my course 'inid pirates bold, Who sought to seize my freight of gold, Sailed on until I reached the shore Of India, famed in ancient lore. Then back I sailed, and in the hold Were richest spices wealth untold Which netted to the captain brave All riches that his heart could crave. Now this I'll tell : Scan well my name, Backward and forward I'm the same A palindrome, no more or less, So use your wits my name to guess.

> ... 730.— A Word Square.

o o o o o

o o

o o

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The first row of five represents a word meaning "empty,"' "void of intelligence." The second row, the post at the foot of the stairca-e. The third row, " to adjudge," " to determine." The fourth, ''to give vigor," "a sinew." The fifth, an American shrub having broad umbels of white flowers and dark red berries. The blossoms and berries are n^ed in medicine. It grows wild usually, but is sometimes seen in gardens.

Wo. 737 Charade.

" Mother dear, please say I may Go down and skate upon the buy."

" My little son, you cannot go Upon the ice in the bay below. This very morn did your father say, Ere to his whole he went away. John must keep first the second to-day.' "

Jlo. 73S. Xnmerlral Kiilgina. My 4, 1, 9 is small in number. My 3, 2, 7 is appropriate. My 6, 5, 10 is a sheltered place. My 1 1, 8, 9 is a riotous n<> My whole is a renowned structure of recent date.

Th«- Magic Dance.

An entertaining electrical experiment can be performed by the young folks on clear, o-l,l winter evenings, as it succeeds best when the atmosphere is very dry. The apparatus in simple. Two large books and a pane of gla*n, »ay 10 by 12 inches ii. come firdt. The ends of the glass an pit. between the leaves of the books, so as to the gliM Aboot i; inch above the Ml.!.-. Then take tissue paper and cut u.a uny figure thut fancy

prompt, not to be over 1 inch or 1| inch in length.

The^e figures are to be laid upon the table under the glass, and the experiment is ready to be put into practical operation. The next ftep is to take a silk handkerchief and rub the top of the glass with a quick circular motion. The result is to bring the figures into active life, their antics being amusing beyond description. Be oaref ul not to touch the glass with the hand or finger during the movement of the figures, for it will stop them at once.

•in. 739.— A Zoological Acrostic.

0 O 0


0 O O

oooooooo o o o

O 0 O O 0 O 0

o o o o o o o The inner vertical represents the name of an animal. It is of a yellow or fawn colour, with rose-like clusters of black spots along the back and sides. It is found in Africa and India. The row of three, a quadruped of the stag kind, with wide, spreading horns. It is found in Europe and North America. The row of eight, a quadruped intermediate be- tween the deer and goat. Its horns are al- most always round and ringed. It is found from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast, and in the Easfern continent. The row of three, an animal that burrows in the earth ami is remarkable for its cunning. The row of eight, a quadruped of the tribe of pachy- derms of two living species. It is found in Africa and India. It is vei y intelligent, but sometimes exceedingly ferocious. The row of three, a small rodent mammal. The row of seven, a little well-known hound, remark- able for going into the ground after animals that burrow. The row of seven, an animal of the cat family, fierce and strong.

Wo. 74O > ii in. -i i- .1 i Enigma.

A Spanish soldier, having straggled from the main body of troops, was overtaken by a shower of rain. As protection from the storm, he donned a large 1. 2. :*. 4, whileover his arm hung a 1. '2. :<. 4 in which he expected shortly to 1. !'.:>. I quantities of 1. '2. :<. 4, when he and his comi>anions should 1 . the town they were approaching.

Coming unexpectedly upon a 3, 2, 1,4 of 1. 2. :<. 1. he greedily imbibed a large draught, at'tt-r which he thus paradoxically apo>tn>- phised it : " You are wet, you are dry. So likewise was I. I drank of you. and you qu«'ii"heil my thirr-t. You would greatly aid my e<>mpanions and me in the work be- fore us. but the 1. '_'. .'?. I in which you are is too unwieldy for ine to carry, and being

Book of Puzzles.

wet you cannot be transferred to the 1,2,3.4 on my arm ; therefore, most reluctantly I leave you. with the assurance that your in- fluence will go with me."

JTo. 741.— Charade.

They say my first is very bright,

And what they say is true ; But only in my second can

My first be seen by you. My second would without my first

Be far from being bright ; My whole is what the working man

Welcomes with great delight.

Xo. 742.— Word Sqnarea.

1. To delight ; a room where meat is kept; mistakes ; accommodate s ; a long seat ; re- moves.

2. Cleanses ; a bloodvessel ; tempests ; a recluse ; an animal ; method.

>O. 743. rni^iii.i ,

With thieves I consort. With the vilest, in short,

I'm quite at my ease in depravity ; Yet all divines use me, And savants can't lose me.

For I am the centre of gravity.

No. 744. Letter Reunaea.

Rosam G C

D nor E D


Make V (five) less by adding to it. IV (four).

From a number that's odd cut off the head, it then will even be ; its tail, I pray, next take away, your mother then you'll see. Seven even— Eve.

What must you add to nine to make it six .' S. for IX with S is six.

Which is the greatest number, six dozen dozen or half a dozen dozen .' Why six dozen dozen, of course.

What is the difference between twice twenty-two and twice two and twenty .' One is 44 and the other 24.

When do two and two not make four ? When they stand for 22.

A Puzzle of tlie Antipodes.

You don't know what the exact antipodes to Ireland is .' You mean to say you don't .' Nonsense ! Why. suppose we were to bore a hole exactly through the earth, starting from Dublin, and you went in at this end, where would you come out ? Why, out of the other end of the hole, to be

><». 745.— Easy Beheadings.

1. Behead dingles, and leave beverages.

2. Behead to expect, and leave to attend.

3. Behead a useful instrument, and leave a tuft of hair. 4. Behead informed, and leave merchandise. f>. Behead a retinue, and leave to fall in drop?. G. Behead fanciful, and leave to distribute. 7. Behead to suppose, and leave to languish. 8. Behead at no time, and leave always.

The beheaded letters will name what chil- dren most enjoy.

> ». 746.— A Pyramid.


o O o

0 0 O ° 0

o o o O o o o ooooQoooo The solitary ring represents a consonant. The row of three, '• the home of wild beasts." The row of five, " a noisy collision of two or more bodies." The row of seven, " to eluci- date." The row of nine, " to wrongly em- ploy." The vertical of five. " kingdom."

Xo 7i7.— A Riddle.

You may find me there before you at any- body's door, In the palace of the rich or the cottage of

the poor ; You may find me in the earth and air, but in

the mighty sea, Would surely be a place, my friends, you

need not look for me. I've lived out in the country, and I've lived

within the town, And moved so oft from house to house I

long to settle down. Both men and women shun me, the youthful

and the old, (But oh ! how glad to grasp me when I am

made of gold). How often on the doorstep, I fain would

enter in. when Betty spied my presence and sent me off

again. Men hate me and they scorn me, and they

throw me here and there ; You may see me lying helpless in the gutter

-on the stair. You may see me where they throw me, so if

you'll look again, Can't you see me in the eyes of some simple

guileless men ? I hate the winter's ice and snow and hate to

have it rain ; I'm very fond of travelling and always on


ffo. 74S.— An Anagram.

(' nne tell me, soldier, old and gray, What is this curious riddle, pray '

Everybody s

The bravest army in the field Without me to the foe must yield. F..r man .-ind horse I food provide Ami see th.-ir daily wants supplied ; Yet while I'm cursed by rank and file They love me, though they call me vile.

The soldier heived a gentle sigh And said : " Oh, miss, a cart am I."

J(o. 749.— Double Acrostic.

My primals and finals each name a famous geologist.

Cross words (of equal length) : 1. An iron block upon which metals are hammered. 2. A short prayer. 3. An Athenian. 4. A Tolley. 5. Slaughtered. 6. A mass of un- wrought metaL 7. A plain face or plinth at the lower part of a wall.

Ho. 75O.— Cross Word.

My first is in cat, but not in kitten.

My second is in glove, but not in mitten.

My third is in rat, but not in mouse.

My fourth is in cottage, but not in house.

My fifth is in draught, but not in drink.

My whole is a conveyance, I think.

Ho. 751.— A Xoted Bntllc.

Behead the words defined in the firsfr column to get those in the second. The de- capitated letters in order will spell a decisive battle.

1. To vacillate, 1. To assert.

2. Foreign, 2. A legal claim, 8. Vestige, 3. Lineage,

4. Conclusion, 4. A small aperture,

6. To send back, 5. To eject,

6. A mechanical power, fi. Always,

7. Public, 7. A green colour,

8. To suppose. 8. A tree.

Ho. 75*.— Arithmetical.

Place four nine* BO as to equal one hund iv:l.

A duck before two ducks, a duck behind two duck* and a duck lie' ween two ducks how many ducks were there in all .'

Ho. 723.— Enigma.

The whole, composed of 4 1 letters, is. an old axiom.

The ! is to defraud.

The :.. •„'*. 7. -.".I. It, 10 is to obstruct.

The 8, 11, 17, 41. IT,, 2:1, is a covering for the head.

The U. U. 16, 1... II, 1- is changeable.

The :»v -Jl. BO, n. -'1. in is a theme.

The 20. L'7. H7, :tr,. :t:,. :u is pushed.

Th. . ttin for bone.

The :.'•;. :ii>. :<'.», 33 is a hood.

No. 754.— Historical Anagram*.

" TELL ON WING" his fame and glory,

Hero great of English story.

For himself "NUIIUM; WAS." For '.

land all in all. It he saved from oppression, from bondage

and thrall. " A SCARE'' he would give us if living to

day, For he conquered all nations that came in

his way. '• GREET THE PATER" of his country, who

for it was not afraid To lay aside his rank and title and incog, to

learn a trade. "GREAT THE RADIUS" that he conquered,

stretching out from sea t< Kind his heart, though strong his hand was

for he set God's people free.

Ho. 755. Enigma.

Alone, no life can be without me ; With C. I hold the widest beast ; With G. I measure land and sea : With P. I serve the nobleman ; With R, I rave with passion dread ; With S. I know the depths of wisdom ; With W, I earn my daily bread.

JSo. 7.1O.— Hour <41a*ses.

I. The central letters reading downwards will spell the surname of a very famous American.

Cross Words: 1. Vexing. 2. To dress for show. 3. Single. 4. A letter in Publi- cola. 5. To bend. 6. A Hungarian dance. 7. Part of the day.

II. Centrals downwards, the name of a famous Italian poet.

Cross Words: 1. A company of pilgrims travelling together. '2. Worth. 3. Energy. 4. In Publicola. 5. A small serpent. 6. An aquatic animal. 7. A bigot.

Jfo. 757.— Charade.

A messenger, my whole, who carries grief and joy.

My whole is second, too ; but not a frolic- some liuy.

Of stone or wood my first ; and yet it spans the globe.

With messages untold, for palace and adobe.

N... :.-,s. \ Faithful Guide.

A pleasure party roaming Now hither and now there

Found, when came on the gloaming, They were, they knew not where.

Then some began a-wailing, They were so sore affright,

But tears were not availing, And on apace came night.

Book of Puzzles.


Then one produced a finger,

That anyone might own, Aiid bade them not to linger

While pointing to their home.

This faithful little trembler, That tells the truth alway,

Shames any false dissembler Who leads the lost astray.

><>. 759. --Comparisons.

1. Positive, an insect ; comparative, a beverage ; superlative, an animal. 2. Posi- tive, a coxcomb ; comparative, an annoy- ance ; superlative, to vaunt. 3. Positive, a reward ; comparative, awe ; superlative, a banquet. 4. Positive, to travel ; compara- tive, to stab ; superlative, a spectre. 5. Positive, a deer ; comparative, to bellow ; superlative, to parch.

Wo. 70O.— A Queer Conceit.

Two patient creatures and a preposition, Produce a monster worthy of perdition.

Wo. 761. Geographical Anagrams.

1. I Begin R-A-T rat. 2. Date it sunset. 8. A rails at U. 4. Scold Nat. 5. 0 ! nine mate. 6. Philip had ale.

Wo. 768. Conundrums.

Why have domestic fowls no future state of existence 1

What is the difference between a baby and a pair of boots .'

Why is a plum cake like the ocean ?

In what colour should a secret be kept ?

Appropriate Epitaphs.

A good epitaph for a cricketer " Over." For an auctioneer " Gone." For a billiard-marker " The long rest." For a drowned boat's crew " Easy all."

Wo. 763.— Belieadiiign.

Behead an animal and leave to follow closely ; a bird and leave twice ; the channel for a rapid current of water and leave a par- ticle ; a name sometimes given to plumbago and leave to increase ; to connive at and leave a wager ; to disembark and leave a con- junction : nice perception and leave to feign ; a delightful region and leave a haunt ; a float and leave astern ; a Scandinavian legend and leave a Turkish title ; to confine and leave to grow old ; to comply with and leave a Turkish governor ; a crutch and leave a unit ; a company of attendants and leave to be in trouble.

The beheaded letters form the name of a famous writer.

Wo, 964 Charade.

You'll find my first a wild, shrill cry ;

My whole is often called a hue. My hist is never loud nor high,

And yet it is to bellow, too. Do my whole you never could ; Be my whole you never should ; Wear my whole you often would.

Wo. 765.— An Enigmatical Quartet.

A thousand one gentle name needs for a start,

Just a unit of that I can count. The next neighbour claims but a twentieth part,

And the next one has half the amount. We are gentle folk all, by the spell of the whole,

Be our wealth in a mint or a dime. Its charm is kind manners and calmness of

And these will most truly refine. [soul,

Wo. 766.— A Pretty Puzzle.

Insert a vowel wherever there is an X in the ten sentences which follow. When they are complete, select a word of five letters from each sentence. When these ten words are rightly selected and placed one below the other, the central row of letters, reading downward, will spell the names of certain missives, very pleasant to receive :













Wo. 707— Word Sqnarcs.

Not rough, a rainbow, a number, a Scripture name.

Not dim, to depart, edges of a roof to ward off, pauses.


Wo. 70S Conundrum*.

Why are horses in cold weather meddle ome gossips .'

Why is a specimen of handwriting like a dead pig ?

Why is a ten cent piece like a cow 1

When is water like fat?

A Few Conundrums Answered.

Can you till why the giant Goliath was very much a-stone-ished when David hit


Everybody ±

him with a stone ? Why, because such a thing had never entered his head before.

A prize toy should be given to the child who guesses the following : What kin is that child to its own father, who is not his own father's son .' His daughter.

W hen does a son not take after his father .' When his father leaves him nothing to take.

Why is it easy to break into an old man'? house .' Because his gait is broken and his locks are few.

What Egyptian official would a little boy mention if he were to cill his mother to the window to see something wonderful .' Mammy look !— mameluke.

;>eg leave to ax you which of a car- penter's tools is coffee like .' An ax with a dull edge, because it must be ground before it can be used.

769.-A Checkered Square.

O o O

o o

O o O

o o

O o o

O o O

0 O

O o O

o o

O o O

O o o ° O ° O

The upper horizontal of seven and the left vertical, reading downward, a word of seven letters, f-ignifying "a large ship with three or four decks, formerly used by the Span- iards as a man-of-war, as in the Armada, and also in commerce, as between Spain and her colonies in America." The lower horizontal and right verticil, another word of seven K-tu-rs, "beginning to exist or grow" : in chemistry, " in the act of being produced or evolved, as a gas." The second horizontal and second vertical. " spirits or ghosts of the departed," '• hobgoblins." The third, "an ornament of ribbons," " a tuft of feathers, diamonds, etc., in the form of a heron's crest"

Ho. 770. Acroftfir Riddle.

O o o o O o o o O o o o o o O o o o

I watched my first in lofty flight. With sweetest «>ng till out of fight. My peoond, flying low, I found With wings that did not leave the ground. My third. \vho*e win^s we cannot see, ••t t ik«- flight fiom you or me.

•h destitute of wings, Flies high aloft but never sings.

if my first you rightly name. You'll fin 1 my initial^ H|x-ll the same

N... 771.— letter F.nlgnta.

In grape but not in plum. In gross but not in sum. In baize but not in wool. In calf but not in bull. In meat but not in chop. In break but not in lop. In mute but not in loud. In laugh but not in cloud. In Xacre, also in relation. My whole is a constellation.

JTo. 77«.— Hidden Reptile*.

Of a good little boy who aspires to the name

Of Roger Newton, I now write : His kinky- haired pate is quite unknown to


But his friends think him clever and bright.

His naked feet dance to a dear little song, As he jumped every morn from his bed ;

He can make a salmon, and ere very long He thinks he can stand on his head.

The years drag on slowly with him, for he


Every day of " when he is a man," And regrets that his mother his progress e'er

balks, And keeps him a child while she can.

>"«> 773. A Tramp's SI rntagrm.

Four tramps applied at a farm house for alms. '• Well," said the farmer, " I have a piece of work that will require 200 hours' labor. If you want to do it, I will pay you $20, and you can divide the work and the money among yourselves as you see fit."

The tramps agreed to do the work on these conditions : " HOW, l>oys," gaid one of the tramps, who was at the same time the laziest and the most intelligent of the four, "there is no use of all four of us doing the same amount of work. Let's draw lots to gee who fhall work the most hours a day and who the fewest. Then let each man work as many days as he does hours a day.''

The plan being agreed to, the lazy tramp took good care that chance should designate him to do the least number of hours of work. Now how were the 200 hours of work allotted so tluit each tramp should work as many hours a day as he did days, and yet so that no two tramps should work the same number of hours .'

Tfo. 771.- In my Garden.

I planted me a garden ;

Like Hetty Prince's pig, It was not very little.

Nor was it very big ;

Book of Puzzles.


But' 'twas the funniest planting ;

I'll tell the story, mind, But what I planted brought to me

I'll leave for you to find.

Wall Street I scattered duly ;

A mourning Cupid's dart ; The mouths of Xed and Flora ;

Good deeds heralded not ; An ancient pair of bellows ;

A secret hid from view ; The filmy web of spiders ;

A cough that's bad for you.

What Adam lost in Eden ;

A patient man's grief sign ; The headgear of a friar.

And a regret of mine ; An uncanny woman's colour ;

A certain shade of blue ; A wish to aid a venture,

And surgeon's business too.

Ho. 775.— An Enigma.

An article which a drummer must use is formed by adding nothing to a treasury of knowledge. It is a source of profit to pub- lishers, indispensable to bankers, contains officers of courts and legislative assemblies, and brings to mind forests in summer.

Jlo. 77O.— Phonetic Charade.


He is smart, he is fine, and oh, what a shine !

In cities he's quite often seen, And I very well know, though you did not say so,

You have noticed the fellow I mean.

SECOND. In the dusky shade of the forest glade

I lie in wait for food : I watch and spring, and the murdered thing

Never dares to call me rude.

WHOLE. In the meadow land 'mid the grass I stand,

My bonny bright mates and I ; Then s^me day, little maid,I growhalf afraid,

And far, far away I fly.

Tto. 777. ?fu:iierical Enigma.

I am composed of nine letters.

My 3, 4, 7, 8 is to jump.

My 6, 7, 3, 8, 9 is a proper name.

My 5. 7. :<, 4 is what sailors dread.

My 1,2, 7 is a beverage.

My whole is a rapid transmitter of news.

Jfo. 779.— DeJphlnlsed Poetry.

The following may be turned into a familiar rhyme for young folks:

I cherish much affection for diminutive grimalkin ; her external covering is well adapted to check radiation of heat ; and provided I refrain from inflicting pain on her, she will commit no act injurious to myself. I will neither protract forcibly her caudal appendage, nor inimically banish her from my presence ; but my feline friend and I, mutually will indulge in recreation. As she takes sedentary repose in proximity to the ignited carbon, I desire vehemently to present her with a modicum of aliment ; and the subject of my lines shall have no option but to entertain tender regard for me, on account of my admirable behaviour.

>«>. 7SO -Enigmatical Birds.

Part of a fence. A distant country. A seventy gun ship. Spoil at core. A colour (firit syllable) and a beginning (second syll- able). To lay partly over and a part of a bird. A small block put on the end of a screw to hold it in place and a small fire- work.

fio. 781. Geographical Conundrums.

1. What country expresses sorrow 1

2. What land expresses keen resentment 1

3. What land does a small child of five wish to be in ]

4. What country would a hungry man relish 1

.". What country would a miser like as a present I

fi. What land is travelled over most in winter .'

Sfo. 7S».— Who am I t

I am seen in the west and felt in the east ; You'll find me wherever there's pleasure or

feast ; In the evening I'm present and ready for

tea ;

With dinner or breakfast I always make free. I am constant at chess, piquet, or ecarte, Tho' you never will meet me at ball or at


A gentleman cannot be seen without me ; A sailor will find me whene'er he's at sea. A schoolboy will catch me at cricket or race, And at Epsom, or Derby, or Leger I've place. Now, surely by this my name you can tell, Unless that, like truth, I am hid in a well.

Jfo. 778.— Pled quotation*.

1. "Sword thouwit ghoutsth renev ot vhenea og."

2. " Owlkneedg dan sodwim raf morf gineb eon evah tafnietis on cootinceun.'1

Xo 783. Phonetic Charade.

Tinkling softly down the lane, Brindle's coming home again ; Stretched before the firelight's glow Tabby's ringing soft and low ; The poet rests, his task is o'er Who can tell ti*°. name he bore '



5fo. 784.- Floral Anagram.

Untouched by art, no grace we crave, Save what the soil and nature gave ; Empiric skill would dim the fair Pure colour pained of Nature's care ; Ambitious human creatures try, Illusively, with Nature vie ; Not we with artful daub attaint, To nature true, we ne'er use paint.

!fo. 7*5. -TTnmerloal F.iiigiiia.

3, 11,7, 9, 2, 6, is the name of a man re- nowned for his strength.

12, 8, 13, 5, 1, is an evergreen tree, produc- ing long, flat, brown-coloured pods, filled with a mealy, succulent pulp, which in times of scarcity have been used for food, and called " St. John's bread." It is a native of Spain. Italy and the Levant.

1<>. H, 4, is •' fixed," to " appoint," " to as- sign." "a number of things of the same kind, onlinarily used together." The whole, of 14 letters, is a leading event in American his- tory, ab mt the time of the Revolution.

JSo. 7S«. < i I.--. \\ ord.

My first is in snow seen, but never in rain, While lake, but not pond, doth my second


My third is in pitcher ; in bowl it is not ; My fourth is in kettle, though absent from

pot ; My fifth is in straight, but is no part of

sound. In all of these places my whole may be found.

Xo. 7*7.— Beheading*.

1. Behead " beyond the bounds of a conn- try" and have " wide"; again, and have "an open way or public passage."

•_'. I'.ehead 'a small shcot or branch," and have '• to petition"; again, and have •' a line of light" ; again, and have " yea," " yes."

3. Behead " worthless matter," and have "precipitate" ; again, and have the name of a genus of trees common in our latitude. There is a mountain species.

> .. 7SS A Riddle.

A cavern dark ard long, \Vhrmv is-ue wail and song; A red bridge moist and strong, Where white-robed millers throng

Wo. T»» A Poellral KfTu-i,.,,

Dols. 0 20

Shirt* .........



Jfo. 79O. Decapitation.

In the skies, a bird, I soar

High above the ocean's roar.

If my head you heartless take,

As on the crags the billows break,

I rise again above the rock

That stands unshaken by the shock.

Again beheaded, and I moan

The words breathed out with many a groan

Of shipwrecked souls, fcehead once-more,

I am a fish that shuns the shore.

Apply the guillotine again,

And loud assent I give : Amen I

Total dm- .................. DolB. 1 13

>'• 791.— Diagonal*.

The diagonals, from the upper left hand corner to the lower right hand corner, will spell the name of a little cripple figuring in one of Dickens' stories.

Cross Word-— 1. Affliction. 2. The small- est kind of type used in English printing. 3. The owner of a famous box which is fabled to have been bestowed l>y Jupiter. 4. A man who attends to a dray. 5. A large artery. 6. Conciliatory. 7. A reward or recompense.

Ho. -•>: \ Puzzling Problem.

A sailor had on board thirty men, fifteen white and fifteen black. It becoming neces- sary to lighten the vessel, he wished to throw overboard the black ones. It was agreed that he should count out fifteen men by tens every tenth man to be thrown over. How must he have placed the men so that the lot would not fall on any white man .'

Tfo. 793.— A Diamond.

1. A letter. 2. A film. 3. Decreased. 4. One who is unsteady. 5. A producer. 6. Chided. 7. To retard. 8. A twig. 9. A letter.

Xo. 701. One of \atui-f'- IVonder*. 'Neath ocean's foam I make my home ;

About me much is said. Sometimes I'm white or very light,

And sometimes I am red. Thro' many years, as it appears,

Millions of insects small Their lives laid down my fame to crown,

All glory to them all. But greedy man my form will scan,

And tear me from my home. Thro' stranger lauds in golden bands

I'm sometimes forced to roam. The ladies fair. neck, arms and hair

Witli me will oi't adorn, Nur think tint \vue my heart would know

Had 1 a heart to mourn. By nature's Innd I'm rough as sand,

I'.ut man will interfere. An 1 change me so I scarcely kuow

Myself, I feel

Book of Puzzles.




L Picture puzzle Why is a conundrum like a monkey? Answer: It is farfetched and troublesome.

2. Enigma A leaf.

3. Arithmetical tangle It would seem at flrgt view that this is impossible, for how can half an egg be sold without breaking any of the eggs? The possibility of this seeming im- possibility will be evident, when it is con- sidered, that by taking the greater half of an odd number, we take the exact half plus %• When the countrywomen passed the first guard, she had 29o eggs; by selling to that guard 148, which is tho half plus } ._,', she had 147 remaining ; to the second guard she disposed of 74, which is the major half of 147; and, of course, after selling 37 out of 73 to the last guard, she had still three dozen remaining.

4. A Star—









5. Conundrums (a) Because he speaks of his corsair, (b) Because it has veins in it. (c) The elder tree, (d) Because they are leg- ends (e) Because he drops a line at every post, (f) Because he ''who steals his purse, steals trash." (g) Your voice is lost on him. (h) Because they are all numbered, (i) Two; tho inside and the outside, (j) Because it is flesh and blood, (k) Yesterday.

No. 6.— Anagrams: Caleb Plummcr; Bet- sey Trot wood; David Copperfield; Sairey Gamp; Nicholas Nickleby; Tilly Slowboy; Nancy Sykes; Sam Weller; Florence Dom- bey; Dick Bwiveller; Oliver Twist; Baruaby Rudge.

No. 7.— Enigma: Hood.

No. 8.— Riddle: Bark.

No. 9. Pictorial rebus: When a man eats honey with a knife he cuts his tongue.

No. 10.— Syncopations: St(r)ay; ch(a)in; mo(r)at; co(a)st; pe(a)rt; se(v)er; no(i)se; ;>a(s)te Rara Avis.

No. 11.— Poetical charade: Birch broom.

No. 12. Conundrums: (a) With a will (b) Down Easter, (c) One goes to sea the other ceases to go. (d) Don't pay your wat r rates, (e) Because he looks down on the valley (valet). (OSandY. (g) The letter M. (h) Dickens— Howitt— Burns, (i) When it's in a garden (Enoch Garden).

No. 13. Charade: Book- worm.

No. 14.— A Letter Puzzle: "Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just." King Henry VI. Part 2; Act 3; Scene 2.

No. 15. Enigmatical List of Trees: a, pear tree; b, caper tree; c, beech tree; d, cedar (ceder) ; e, medlar (meddler) ; f , bay ; g, pine; h, service tree; i, juniper tree; j, date: k, box; 1, honeysuckle; m, peach tree; n, codling; o, fir tree; p, birch; q, broom; r, bleeding heart cherry.

No. 10. A Puzzler for Old and Young: a, Alice all ice; b, Violet violent; c, Rose proser; d, Ellen— belle; e, Rachel ache; f, Gertrude rude; g, Bertha— earth ; h, Ara- bella—Abel—Arab; i, Emma— Euunaus; j, Caroline carol.

No. 17.— The Two Travelers. 69-37 miles from Wolverhampton.

No. 18. Enigma in Prose. Note.

No. 19. Conundrums: a, Adriatic; b, When it is a tea-thing (teething); c, Into his eleventh year; d, Because all the rest are in audible; e. Because it must be ground before it is used; f, Because they are regular, irreg- ular and defBctive; g, When it is due (dew) in the moruii ;j and missed (mist) at night; h, Metaphysi ian; i, Because it is listed and trained and has ten drills and shoots.

20. Double Word Enigma Highway Rob- bery.

21. Rebus Spear: Pears; Rape; Reap; Pare; Apes; Peas; Ears; Rase; Sear; Rasp; Asp; Par; Rap; Rep; Sap; Arc; Parse.

2L'. Word Puzzles a, Incomprehensi- bility; b, Invisibility; c, Revolutionary; Elo- cutionary, Unquestionably.

23. The number of letters contained in each numeral.

24. Word Square



BRACES REGENT AGENDA CENTER ENDEAR 8 TARRY 25. Charade No-thing. •M.— Pictorial Proverb— A bird in the bond is worth two in the bush.

Knigma— A kiiJ.

28.— Conundrums— , a Seven; b, Nothing; c, Conundrum; d, Dotage; e, Stocks.

29.— Decapitation: Grant, (a) G-oat. (b) R-eeL (c) A-den. (d) N-ape. (e) T-ray.

80.— The number forty-five: The first is 8, to which 2 being added makes 10; the second from which 2 being subtracted leaves 10; tho third is 3, which being multiplied by 2 produces 10; the fourth is 20, which being divided by 2, the quotient is 10. ::i.— Enigma in rhyme: Cricket 82L-Riddle: COXCOMB.

S3.— Card board puzzle: A simple ;<>n of the annexed figure will show bow the pieces must be ar- ranged to form the

IT' '^.

34.— Geographical Enigma: Adelaide and II«T friend Helena went shopping. Adelaide wore an ulster and a crescent pin. Helena wore a Thibet cloth suit and a black hat, They bought some green dress goods, a pearl ring, St. John's pirturo and some mull for a drees for Christiana. "St.— Charade: Stone.

Conundrums: (a) Because there are always a great many deals in it. (b) IV. (c) Because- she tries to get rid of her weeds, (d) Because it produces a corn (acorn), (e) Be- cause every year its doubling (Dublin), (f) Because it has no points, (g) Bolt it. (h) Be- •ause they are put off the next day. (j) Because words are con- i th.-m. (k) When it Ixjar you. (1) A wheelwright (in) A ditHi.

No. 87.— Rebus : Shy lock; Ilamlot; Au-

.;!'."•; lYr-

<l-ti. ; ! -niiia; SHAKE-


: lustratod Proverb: "When th« OfttS away the mice will play." No. 80.— Anagram: Light of a lantern. No. 40.— Diac-oii-so-late (disconsolate).

No. 41. A prose enigma: A leaf.

No. 42. Numerical puzzle: The youngest sold first 7 for a penny, and the other two sisters sold at the same rate, when the eldest sister had 1 odd apple left, and the second sister 2, and the youngest 3 apples. Now, these apples the buyer liked so well that camo again to the youngest sister, and boughl of her 3 apples at 3 pence apiece, when she had 10 pence ; and the second sister thought she would get the same price, and sold her 2 apples for 3 pence apiece, when she had 10 pence; and the eldest sister sold her 1 ap- ple for 3 pence, when slie had 10 penoe. Thus they all sold the same number of apples for a penny, and brought home the same money.

No. 43. Conundrums: a, Because every watch has a spring in it; b, Because the spring brings out the blades; c, A pieeemaker; d, They both wear white ties aiid take orders.

No. 4-i. A n E xt raordiuary Dinner : Soupi a, mock turtle; b, tomato. Fish: a, sole; b, flounder. Entree: Quail with bacon, on toast. Roasts: a, turkey; b, lamb; c, goose. Vegetables: a, potato; b, peas; c, beets; d, cabbage. Dessert: a, rhubarb pio; b, float- ing island. Nuts: a, chestnut; b, ground- nut; c, butternut. Fruits: a, orange; b, peaches; c, pears; d, bananas.

No. 45. Hollow Square: Spade, easel, level, spool.

No. 46. Enigma in Rhyme: Highlow.

No. 47. Robinson Crusoe: a, grape— gape b, po; c, cabin Cain; d, ideal deal; e, nun f, snow— no\v; g, boat— bat; h, throne- throe; i, dark— lark; j, crab— cab; k, mouth moth; 1, spit— pit; in, coat cat; n, beacon- bacon.

No. 48. Conundrums: a, when there's t loiik in it ; b, because her nobles are, tremen df'tis swells and her people, only serfs; c, out - tin* train and tho other trains Mil misses: d, would rather the elephant killed tho gorilla; e. '-tho judicious Hooker."

No. 49.— Riddle in Verse: Carnation.

No. 50.— S

w K n


i N u s'U N r. n a

S'W I T H'A C n E 8'A


8 L Y'S A D'H E'l F'W E A K'H

A 8'H I S'B O N N Y'D A U O n T E

R'A N D'll I S'U n A V K'S O N'T G'C A


SEC ITS O'll E A V Y'l N H I S'F E E B L E R'

s T A T E'u r/n A s-i. n A n N r. I>-T o-n E'g u i K

T'A N D'R E 8 I li X E l)'A X D'T O'D E'P E A C E F U L

No. .11. Enigma: TonnvMin.

No. 52.— Arithmetical Puzzle: The num. ber of dinners is 5,040, and thirteen years anc more than nine months would be tho space OJ time in which tho club would cat tho din, oers.

Book of Puzzles.


53.— Connected Diamonds:






No. 54.— Illustrated Conundrum: "Now for a good lick."

No. 55.— (a) Smart, (b) Churchill, (c) Cow per. (d) Keats, (e) Mason, (f) Parnell. (g Pindar, (h) Pope.

No. 56.— Conundrums: (a) One Is blacl with soot and the other suited with black (b) Because you can't have beauty withoul them, (c) Because it once had a Soloi (sole on), (d) Whisky, (e) R U C D (areyo seedy) ?


A little child observed the other day Some youthful porkers frisking at their play; And thus she thought: Since men on these do


Surely some solemn thoughts befit these swine 5 ' Her confidence in grunters greatly shaken, Said she "I wonder if pigs know they're Bacon T

No. 57. A Monument: A M

D o a


D o u B T





No. 58. Cardboard Puzzle:

Divide the piece of card into five steps, and by shifting the pieces the desired figures may be obtained.

No. 59.— Historical Enigma: Arthur, Duke of Wellington. Douro, Salamanca, Water- loo.

(1.) Add. (8.) Uriel. (16.) La.

(2.) Rollo (!).) Kappa. (17.) It.

(o.) Tu. (10.) Elm. (18.) Name.

(4.) Hair. (11.) Opera. (19.) Guitar.

(5.) U o (i:J.) Frown. (20.) Tall.

(6.) Ross. (13.) Wic k. (21.) Ohio.

(7.) Diana. (14.) Ezra. (22.) No.

(15.) Law.

No. CO.— Charade: Paper Cutter.

No. 01. Biblical conundrums: (a) A little before Eve. (b) Preserved pears. (c) When a little mustard seed sprang up and iraxed a great tree, (d} When sha pulled h,'s ears and trod on his corns, (e) Joshua '.he son of Nun. (f) Ho had three

miserable comforters and they were all \\orsh\l. (<r) The elephant, for he c:irri«-d his trunk with him. (h) When K\v pn-.-rnt d Adam with a little Cain (cane), (i ) Early in the Fall.

Appropriate Mottoes.

Here are a few appropriate mottoes it will be well for you never to overlook, and you can quote them in a Solomonesque manner to your friends:

For opticians Mind your eye.

For old maids Marry come up.

For hairdressers— Two heads are better than one.

For cooks Onion is strength.

For auctioneers Sold again.

For thieves True as steel.

For retired authors Above proof.

For cobblers Never too late to mend.

For surgeons Go it, you cripples.

For cabmen Hire and hire.

For milkmen Chalk it up.

For postmen— True to the letter.

For ugly people The plain truth.

For editors Follow my leader.

For jewelers— All is not gold that glitters.

And, lastly, for everybody Mind your own business.


Whoever wrote this will kindly accept our congratulations on hishappygram: "The bells are all ringing for parsons to


How delightful to Christians the fact is! Oh I when will the peals my sad tympanum

reach, Of bells for the parsons to practice?"

Key to th« Puzzler.

No. 62.— Half Square:












No. 63.— Poetical Charade: Tea cup. No. 64.— A Spring Time Pyramid: Septua- gesima Sunday. No. 65. Anagrams:

(a) Congregationalist. (h) Scythe.

(b) Pachydermatous. (i) Yachts.

(c) Radical reform. (j) Beyond.

(d) Fashionable. (k) Apostles.

(e) Masquerade. (1) Enough.

(f) Diplomacy. (m) Ancestor.

(g) Maidenly. (n) Felicity.

E 2


Everybody s

ito. CO.— Arithmetical Puzzle:

Jane earns 3s. 3d. per week. Ann earns 2s. 7d, per week. Joe earns Is. lid. per week. Bet earns Is. 5d. per week- Rose earns Is. Id. per week. Jim earns 8d. per week. No. 67.— Pictorial Puzzle: Why is a man running in debt like a clock? Answer Bo- cause he goes on tick.

No. 68.— Conundrums: (a) A needle and thread, (b) Not-ioe. (c) Coals.

No. CO.— Decapitation: Cod. No. 70. Word Progression: Pen, Pence, Pension, Penury.

No. 71.— Pictorial Proverb: "Care killed oat" Ko. 72.— Acrostic:

A r E na P a L sy

0 b E LoEss OsMic OlOat E n S ue T i- Y st

1 n N er C li A nt Aril u\v LoYal

Apologctical. Eleemosynary.

No. 73 —Enigma ii. Prose: Dog. No. 74. Conundrums: (a) Because it Is between two eyes. (l>) Because it is an in- ward check on tlie outward man. ((.•) The tSnufTer. (d) Chaucer, (e) What does y-o-s (poll? (f) Because a toil (tale) comes out of bis head.

Na 75.— For Wise Heads: Guelphs and Qulbelines. Greenwich Observatory. (1.) Grog. (8.) Arc(h). (15.) Ev(e)

(.'.) Ur. (9.) Noah. (16.) Laura.

V.) Eye, 00.) Do. (17.) It.

(t.) Lie, (11.) Grub. (18.) No.

(5.) Pain. (12.) Us. (19.) Ever.

|8.) Haw. (13.) Ire, (20.) Surly.

(7) 8i(x). (14.) Boer.

Na .7(1 —Word Syncopations: A-era-to. Co-log-ne. Col-la ps-e. Co-ai-d.

No. *7.— The Hidden Poet— Wordsworth,

Na 78. Enigmatical Animal: Aye-aye, rabbit, wild cat, roe buck.

No. 79.— Pictorial Ilebus— As busy as a hen with one chick.

No.80.— Conundrums: (a)GorG. (b) Because It makes even cream •cream, (c) Because it's »n eternal transport (d) Because it is at the J^glnnlna ol sneezing, (e) The letter r. <f) ifec&iis* he always looks down In the mouth.

No. bl.— Who or what was it aud whora—

No. 83. —Illustrated Conundrum: When may the farmer and his hens rejoice to- gether? Answer: When their crops are full

No. 83.— Riddle in Prose: The letter V.

No. 84. Enigma by Cowper: A kiss.

No. 85.— Arithmetical Puzzle: The four figures are 8888, which being divided by a line drawn through the middle become eight O's, or nothing.

No. 86. Enigma: Napoleon.

No. 87. Conundrums: a, Eye; b, United- untied; c, he gets wet; d, a pack of cards; e, upon his wedding eve; f, one is 44 and tbe other is 24; g, eight cats; h, a hole.

No. 88.— Charade Letter, by Charles Fox: Footman.

No. 89. —Syncopations— Monkey. No. 90.— Hour Glass:








Na 91.— Mathematical Puzzle: This Is the Bamo as to find a number, which being di- vided by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, there shall remain 1, but i eing divided by 7, thero shall remain nothing; aud the least number, which will answer the conditions of the questions, is found to be 301, which was therefore the number of eggs the old woman had in her basket. Na 90.— Word Building:

Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you aro too wise for No. 93.— The Grasping Landlord:

No. 94. -Pi:

First the blue and then the shower; Bursting bud, and smiling flower; Brooks set free with tinkling ring; Birds too full of song to sing; Crisp old leaves astir with pride. Where the timid violets bide All things ready with a will- April's coming up the hill! Na W. -Riddle In Kbyme: Noon,

Bovk of Puzzles.


No. 06.— Combination Star: From 1 to 3, boaster; 1 to 3, blesses; 2 to 3, reasons; 4 to 5, Btaters; 4 to G, satiate; 5 to 6, systole. En- closed D'i -nond: 1. T. 2. Mad. 3. Tares. 4. Den. 5. S.

No. 97.— Words within Words: a, T-ape-r; b, p-lane-t; c, p-run-e;cl, p-arson-s; e, s-hoofc-s; f, 1-amen-t; g, b-oar-d.

No. 93.— Charade: Philadelphia.

No. 99.— Entangled Scissors. The scissors may be released by drawing the noose up- ward through the eye of the scissors and passing it completely over them.

No. 100. Beheadings: Lafayette; a, 1-arch; b, a-loft; c, f-lung; d, a-bout; e, 7-ours; f, e-rase; g, t aunt; h, t-ease; i, e-vent.

No. 101. The Gentlemen and Their Serv- ants: Two servants go over first, one takes back the boat; two servants go over again, and one returns with the boat; two gentle- men go over, a gentleman and a servant take back the boat ; then two gentlemen go over, and a servant iakes back the boat, brings over one of bis dishonest friends, and then returns for tha c^her.

No. 102.— Hidden Authors: a, Butler; b, Temple; c, Hunt; d, Spencer; e, Grey; f, Lamb; g, Boyle; h, Bacon; i, Swift; j, Shel- ley; k, Pope.

No. 103.— Transposition: Pots— tops; stop post.

No. 104. Double Acrostic: Primals and finals— Weather prophet.

(a) W arhoop P.

(b) E xplore R.

(c) A riost O.

(d) T urni P,

(e) II anna H.

(f) E yri E.

(g) R es T.

No. 105.— The Carpenter's Puzzle:

Magic Figures.

Put down iu. figures the year in which you were born; to this add 4; then add your ago at next birthday, providing it comes before Jan. 1, otherwise your age at last birthday; multiply result by 1,000; from this deduct G77,42i>; substitute for the figures corres- ponding letters of the alphabet, as A for 1, B for U, C for 3, D for 4, etc. The result will give the name by which you are popularl7 known.

Trv it and you will be surprised.

No. 106.— Charades: (a) Footstool. (b) Lovely, (c) Peerless, (d) Restore. ie) Book- casa (f) Waistcoat (g) Heartsease, (b)

Verbal Jugglery.

Ho took C from chair, and made ic hair, Ho put this C on ape, and it became cbpc; He took cur, and by adding E ir>ado it euro; From Norfolk he took II, and made it No-folk; Ho transposed Cork, and made it rock; He emitted E from plume, and made it plum.

No. 107.— Enigma: Ear then ware. No. 108,-Half Square:


No. 109.— A Riddle in Rbyme: Vowels. No. 110.— A Remarkable Monogram: Al- phabet. No. 111.— Two Diamond*:





S 8

No. 112. —Conundrums: a, Dutch— S: b, Herein he her - bere ere rein— in ; p. Yes, unquestionably; d, It is deriding (D riding), o, Hannah.

No. 113.— Enigma: Horn.

No. 114. —Transformations: (a) White, while, whale, shale, stale, stalk, stack, slack, black; (b) neat, seat, slat, slam, slum, glum, grum, grim, prim; (c) hate, have, lave, love;

(d) saxe, sale, hale, hole, pole, pope; (e) hand, hard, lard, lord, ford, fort, foot; (f) blue, gluo, glnm, slum, slam, slat, seat, peat, pent, pint, pink; (g) hard, card, cart, cast, east, easy ; (h) sin, son, won, woe.

No. 115.— Anagrams: (a) Misanthrope; (b) monarch; (c) Old England; (d) punishment;

(e) Presbyterian; (f) penitentiary; (g) radical reform; (h) revolution; (i) telegraphs.

No. 116. Transposition: Stripes— Persist.

No. 117.— Easy Word Squares:

(a) L A N E (b) N 0 N B





Everybody s

Ho. lia— Floral Puzzle:

18, 26, 82, 24,

25, 53, 84, 28,

35, 23, 27, 21,

31, 82, 25, 24, 18,

16, 10, 13, 17, 24, 80, 81,

82, 31, 23, 16, 15, 22,

15, 16, 9,

23, 15, 8, 1, 9.

8, 15, 23, 22, 29,

4, 10, 11, 13, 28, 25, 18, 12, 5, 6,

7, 6, 13, 14,

8, 10, 2, I,













No. 110. Word Building: Cur. Cure. CurL Curfew. Curate. Cur>L Curt Curb. No. 120.— Box Puzzle: Chest-nut, Wal(l)- nut, ground-nut, beech-nut, Brazil-nut, hazel- nut, butter-nut, pea-nut, cocoa-nut, gall-nut. No. 121.— Illustrated Rebus: W-hat IS •auee for the goose IS sauce for the gander. No. 122.— A Transposition: Mental— lament mantle.

No. 123.— Dropped Syllables: (a) Em-broid- ery, (b) Low-er-ing. (c) Dc-sert-er. (d) A-sy-lum. (e) En-coun-ter. lv>. 124.— Riddle: Four merry fiddlers played all night

To many a dancing ninny, And the next morning went away, And each received a guinea.

No, 125.— Tho Bishop of Oxford's puzzle: Eye. Drums. Feet. Nails. Soles. Muscles. Palms. Talips. Calves. Hares. Heart (Hart). Lashes. Anns. Vanes. Instep. Chest. Ayes & Noes. Pupils. Tendons. Temples. Crown. Gums. Eyes. Pallett-e, Skull Bridge. Shoulder-s. L. Bows. Cords.

No. U!G.— An Ocean Wonder: Submarine * cable.

No. 127.— Square and Circle Puzzle:

0 9

o o








•) 0

No. 128. Anagram: (a) Masticate, (b) At- nxwpbere. If) Otherwise, (d) Violently, (e) Anagrams, (f) Springfield.

No. 1 i Kni^Mia:

The boys that robbed Dame Partlett's nest

Had only seven eggs at best

The greatest wag of all took four;

The second two in order bore;

The la*t with one away was packed—

And so your good egg-nigma's cracked.

No. 130.— Authors' Enigma: a, Dryden; b, Prior; c, Shelley; d, Young; e, Coleridge; f, Campbell; g, Whittier; h, Reade; i, Bryant; J, Stowe; k, Moore; 1, Hale; m, Dickens.

No, 131.— Beheadmcnt and Curtailment: Cod.

No. 182.— A Square: 8 L E N T I



8 T E A D S



No. 133.— A Pictorial Charade: Ear-wig. No. 134.— An Old Proverb:

Too many cooks spoil the broth. 1.) Thirteenth. (5.) Adverb.

(2.) Overcoat (G.) Nectarine.

(3.) Octavo. (7.) Youth.

(4.) Masquerader. (8.) Cinque Port

No. 135. Word Progression: Dog, don, dan, man. Ape, map, man. Skate, slate, slant, sloat, gloat, goats, coats, coast Bay, boa, ban, man. Book, rook, rood, road, read.

No. 136. Poetical Charade: Ann-ounce,

No. 137. An Enigma in Prose: Mouth.

No. 138. Divided words: Candlemas, Valentine. 1. Con-vent 2. Adam-ant 3. Neck-lace. 4. Dog's-car. 5. Luck-now. G. Even-tide. 7. Made-ira. 8. Alter-nation. 9. Sharp-ens.

No. 139. Beheadment and Curtailment: Glimpse limps— imp.

No. 140. Cardboard Puzzle:

Double the cardboard or leather length- ways down the middle, and then cut first to tho right, nearly to the end (the narrow way), and then to the left, and so on to the end of tho card ; then open it, and cut down tho middle, except the two cuds. Tho dia- gram shows'tho proper cuttings. By open- ing tho card or leather, a person may pass through it A laural leaf may bo treated in tho samo manner.

No. 14l.-Anthm3tical Puzzle: 19^.

No. 143.— Conundrums: (a) His danshter.

(b) When ho blept with his forefathers.

(c) One, after whijh his stomach w-s not •mpty.

Book of Puzzles.


No. 143.— Quaint and Curious: a, Powell; b, Hood; c, Wordsworth; d, Eastman; e, Cole- ridge; f, Longfellow; g, Stoddard; h, Tenny- son; i, Tennyson; j, Alico Gary; k, Coleridge; 1, Alico Cary; m, Campbell; n, Bayard Tay- lor: o, Osgoocl; p, T. S. Perry- No. 144. Double Acrostic: L ime S I mmi T V irg O E lie N R ass E

No. 145.— An Easy Charade: Sparrow- hawk.

No. 146.— A Diamond: M









No. 147.— Pictiire Puzzle: Old King Cole Was a merry old soul, And a merry old roul was he; He called for his pipe, And he called for his bowl, And he call&d for his fiddlers three. No. 14d— The Famous Forty-five:

Ths Jst is 8; to which add 2, the sum is M

The '.'d is 12; subtract 2, the remainder Is.10 The 8d is 5; multiplied by 2, the product is. ,.U The 4th b 20; divided by 2, tha quotient ia. . . 10


No. 149.— Enigma: Africa.

No. 150.— Tangles for Sharp Wits: Sarda- BApalus— Septuagesima.


A x 1 E

R a Pv

D e b T

A m II sed

N o v A

A 1 m u G

.Pa ti o ncE


\L o I re

tU 1 M '


No. 151.— The Three Jealous Husbands: This may bo effected in two or three waj-s; the following may bo as good as any: Let A and wife go over— let A return— let B's and C's wives go over A's wifo returns B and C go over B and \vifo return, A and B go over C's wife returns, and A's and B's wives go over then C comes back for his jBimjple as this Question may appear,

it Is found In the works of Alcnln, who flourished a thousand years ago, hundreds of years before the art of printing was invented. No. 152.— A Plebeian Waltzer: A Broom. No. 15o. A Diamond: H







No. 154.— Anagrams: Benignant, Sub- verted, Calumniated, Impeachments. No. 155.— Enigma: Friendship. No. 156.— Illustrated Rebus: T read O Na worm 'Andy T Will T urn. Tread on a worm and it will turn.

No. 157;— Political Cor.undrum: Imagina- tion. No. 158. Literary Anagrams:

(a) Les Miserables. (a) Victor Hugo.

(b) Our Mutual Friend, (b) Dickens.

(c) The Newcomes. (c) Thackeray.

(d) Madcap Violet (d) William Black, (c) Caxtons. (e) Bulwer Lytton.

(f) Ivanhoo. (f) Sir Walter Scott.

(g) Hyperion. (g) Longfellow.

(h) The Alhambra, (h) Washington Ir-


(i) The Scarlet Letter, (i) Hawthorne, (j) Oliver Twist. (j) Dickens.

No. 159.— Pictorial Proverb: Badd Wo'erK men COM plane of T-hair Two Ls. Bad workmen complain of their tools.

No. ICO.— Double Acrostics: GiG; Al; LeaR; LA; IF; OF; TreE. Initial Letters: Galliot; finals, Giraffo.

No. 1C1.— An Enigma: Bill Nye.

No. 1G2. Riddles: (a) Joseph, when ha was taken from the family circle and put into the pit. (b) The tongue, (c). fee cause they are men of size (sighs), (d) Be- cause it contains a merry thought, (c) Be- cause no one has f urnishcJ as many stock quotations, (f) When on a lark, (g) Stop a minute, (h) For fear of falling out. (i) When it is all oa one side, (j) When ha folds it. (k) Because it goes from mouth to mouth. (1) Preserved pears (pairs), (m) A caudle, (n) Because ho makes both ends meet.

No. 163. A Showman's Cemetery: Toad, ram, mare, ermine, fos, es, ferret, deer, rat, donkey, ounce, horse, mouse, tiger, bear, bull, zebu, zebra, elk, cow, calf, cat, buck, stag, llama, sable, roe, seal, doe, hart, yak, emu, gnu, eland, ass, swine, sloth, ewe, weasel, hare.

No. 164.— Charade for Young Folks: Sand



, 163.— A Diamond i










No. 1G8.— A Riddle in Rhyme: A blush. No. 167.— Problem of Money: I, 2, 3, 4, 5, fl, 7, S, 9, 10 half dimes. Placo 4 upon 1, 7 upon 9, 5 upon 0, 2 upon C, and 8 upon 10.

No. 1GS. Beheadings: A-scribo. B-onus, D-ada

No. 169.— Pictorial Decapitations: Wheel, heel, e*l; brace, race, ace: scowl, cowl, owl; •tone, *x>n«, one.

No. 170.— Enigmatical Writer: Helen Hunt Jackson.

No. 171. Anagram of Authors: (a) Will- lam Cullen Bryant (b) Robert H. NowelL (c) Albion W. Tourgee. (d) Henry Ward Beecher. (e) Helen ilathcr. (0 Charles Lever, (g) Washington Irving, (h) Cath- arine Owen, (i) May Agnes Fleming, (j) Will Carleton. (k) Horatio Alger, Jr. (1) John Qrecnleaf Whittier. (m) F. Bret Harte. (n) Horace E. Scudder. (o) Doug- las JerroliL (p) Henry Wadsworth Lous- fellow.

No. 172. Word Rebus: A wl-man-ai— al- manacs. No. 173.— A Figurative Epitaph:

0 4128 Nought for one to ate: 04120 Nought for one to sigh for (cipher) ;

02 80 4128 Nought too weighty for one to ato;

0 2 45 4 Nought to fortify for. No. 174.— Beheadings: Charleston, (a) C- rusli. (b) H-asp. (c) A-gato. (d) R-ieo. (c) L-ono. (0 E-bony. (g) i>-wing. (h) T-raco. (i) O-bey. [j] N-uiaber. No. 173.— Octagr>?i

No. 178.— Numerical Enigma: "It is not all of life to lire nor all of dea:h to die."

Quibbles: (a) Placo the coin on a table, then, turning round, take it up with tLo other bond, (b) Place the candle on hi* bead, taking caro there la no mirror in the room.

Magical Increase.

Tak9 a large drinking glass of conical form, that is small at the- bottom and larg« at tho top, and, having put into it a quarter, fiii it about half way up with water; then place a plate upon tho top of tho glass and turn it quickly over, that the water may not escape. A piece of silver as largo as a half a dollar will immediately appear on the plato and, somewhat higher up, another piece the size of a quarter.

No. ITS.— Enigma: A name.

No. 170.— Dlustrated Puzzle: Gettysburg. 1, faGot; 2, spEar; 3, alTar; 4, otTcr; 5, drYad; 6, buSts; 7, EaBot; 8, frUit, 'J, cuRvo; 10, paGes.

No. ISO.— Tho Landlord Tricked : Begin to count with the sixth from the landlord.

No 1S1.— Double Acrostic:




N u H

T n o u o H T

No. 182. Geographical Puzzle: Ham (Hamburg); Turkey; Leg (Leghorn); So- ciety; Lookout; Friendly; Race; Long; Farewell

No. 183.— The Two Drovers: A had seven •beep and B had five.

No. 184. Enigma: Roses.

No. ISo. Acrostic: Marlborough.

No. 186. Word Dissection: Penmanship.

No. 187.— Familiar Quotations: (a) Hood, (b) Iloyt. r) Edwards, (d) Cornwall (e) Patmoro. (f) Bayard Taylor, (g) Tennyson, (h) Read, (i) Browning, (j) Smith, (k) Coleridge. (1) Wordsworth, (m) Coleridge, (n) Uervey. (o) Wordsworth, (p) Os^ood.

No. 188.— Pictorial Puzzle: Awl— IS— knot G-old— THAT— G-litt. rs.

No. ISO.— Word Building: Pardon.

No. 1DD. Conundrum in Rhyme: An ap- ple.

No. 191.— Word Puzzb: Chart; hart; art; rat; tar.

No. l'J2. -Concealed Animals: (a)Lion,camel, rat. panther, (b) Bear, larub, horse, ounce.

No. li)3.— Enigma: DAVID.

No. 194,— A Hidden Adage: On ST is the best Poll I see. Honesty is the best policy

No. 105.— Half Square:


o c ii i: u o u 8

C H A N 0 E B


U R 0 E 8

E O B 8



No. li)C.— Cliflrade: Helpmate.

Book of Puzzles.


Ko. 197.— Arithmetical Nut I BIX IX


8 I . X

No. 193.— Conundrum: Cares— caress.

No. 190.— Riddles: (a) Their pair o' dice (paradise) was taken away, (b) Because vre cannot get them for nothing, (c) Decause be is a Jew-ill (Jewe1)- W) Castanet, (c) Eo- cause he Is no better, (f) Because it ahvays runs over sleepers, (g) A pillow, (a) It is immaterial, (i) Because it is infirm, (j) Be- cause it makes him hold his jaw.

No. 200.— Double Acrostic: Trade wind sword knot.

Cthline. Wick. 7th " Inflammation, 8th " Negro. 8th " Debt.

1st lino. Toss. 2d " Rainbow. 8d " Armadillo. 4th " Drummer. 6th " Errand.

No. 20L— Buried Cities: a, Mobile; b, Olean; c, Utica; d, Madras; e, Naples; f, Catskill; g, London; h, Hanover; i, Macon; j, Vandalia; k, Austin.

No. 203.— A Trick Puzzle:

No. 203.— Word Building: Tar— tar— rat —rat. Tartar. No. 204. Mutation: Courtesy,

No. 205.— Enigmas: (a) Hay; (b) Eye; (c) Almanac.

No. 200.— Illustrated Central Acrostic: Cle- opatra— L danCers; 2. vioLets; 8. pigEons; 4. corOnet; 5. sliPper; 0. pyrAmid; 7. hunTers; 8. actRess; 9. cavAlry.

No. 207.— A Wild Flower of Autumn j Golden Rod.

No. 20S.— A Dissected Word: O-pin-«.

No. 209. Anagrams:

(a) Ramona, (a) Helen Jackson.

(b) Old Town Folks, (b) Hrs. Stowo.

(c) Vicar of Wakefield. (c) Goldsmith,

(d) Vanity Fair. (d) Thackeray.

(e) Lothair. (e) D'Lsroelt

CQ Robert Falconer, (f) Q. Macdcnald.

Ko. 210.— Compound A'cfostlc:





No. 211. Quibbles: (a) Twenty-nine days; (b) The last person's left elbow; (c) The first person setts himself iu tL e other's lap.

No. 212.— Word Syncopations: (a) S(hill)- ing. (b) Lav (end) er. (c) M(ass)eter. (d) Op (era) tic,

No. 213.— Proverbs Within a Maze: Com- mence at A, the central letter. These pro- verbs are here contained.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

A live dog is more to be feared than a dead lion.

You cannot cat your cake and have it.

Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war.

No. 21-1.— A Bill cf Fare: (a) Bouillon, (b) Black bass, (c) Woodcock, (d) Beefsteak. (e) Graham bread. (0 Parsnips, (g) Mac- aroni and cheese, (h) Potatoes, (i) Succo- tash. (j) Lemon pie. (!:) Cranberries. (1) Tapicca pudding, (in) Orange ice. (i.) Rai- sins. (o) Almonds.

No. 215. —Poetical Enigma: A needle.

Ko. 210.— Pictorial Conundrum: "Why i3 a barber goina from his own shop to that cf another barber like cno who sails around the wcrldP Because he goes from pole to pole.

No. 217.— Vagaries: (a) IX; cross the I, it makes XX; (b) G G-G; (c) 79.2, six dozen dozen being CG4, and half a dozen dozen being 7~; (d) Eight cats; (e) Place tho Roman flgurca on a piece of paper and draw a line through the middle of them and the upper half will beVIL

No. 218.— Charade: Earth worm.

No. 219.— Runaway letters: Try, try c^ain.

No. 2:^0. Omissions: Learned— earned, Ravine— a vino. Cargo— Argo. Discov- ered — is covered.

No. 221. Magic squares:
















































































Sums: 123, 205. 287, 8C9. Ceqter. 41.



No. 222.— Geographical Beheadings: (a) K-opaL (b)P-rone. (c) K-raw. (d) H-owe. (e) B-wan. (0 J-ava. (g) T-anna, (h) P-alma. (i) R-hono.

No. 223.— Enigma In Rhyme: A d<->~.

No. 224.— Riddles: (a). Because neither of them can climb a treeey (b) Because it is cm ottic story, (c) Because they are tired, (a) A lyre, (o) Because it must be dork •when they shine, (f) Because having eyes they see not, r ad ears they hear not (g) Absence of body, (h) A tanner, (i) The rose of the watering pot, because it rains over them all. (j) The goat turned to butter and the woman into a "scarlet runner." (k) Because he wants repairing. (1) Because they die kite (dilate), (in) When they make 23.

No. 225.— The Unlucky Hatter: In almost every case the first impression In regard to this question is that the hatter lost $50 be- side tho hat, but it is evident he was paid for the hat, and had ho kept tho $8 dollars he needed only to borrow $43 additional to re- deem the note.

No. 230.— Prefixes: (a) S-mew; (b) S-Kate; (c) B-ounce; (d) B-ore; (e) T-one. No. 227.— Hour Glasses: HALIFAX POTHERB







No. 22a— A Riddle: A pair of spurs. No. 229.— The Square Puzzle:

No, 230.— A Problem of Numbers: Prom the remaining 12 deduct 1, and 11 is the num- ber the told the last boy, which was half of what the had; her number at that time, therefore, wat 23t From 23 deduct 2, and

tho remaining 20 was two-thirds of her prior stock, which was, therefore, [SO. From SO deduct 10, and tho remaining 20 is half her original stock. Sho had, therefore, at first 40 apples.

No. 231.— Numerical Enigma: Garden of the world.

No. 232.— For Sharp Wits: (a) Lark-spur; (b) Car-nation; (c) Miss-count; (d) Foot- stool; (e) Rain-bow; (f) Cat-a-comb; (g) Sword-fish; (h) Cab-in; (i) Mar-i-gold; (j) Man-go.

No. 233.— A Charade: Pearl-ash or pear- lash. No. 234.— Word Squares:






No. 235.— Hidden Birds: Spoonbill lark, linnet, sparrow, nut cracker, kite, cockatoo, kingfisher, bobolink.

No. 236.— Geographical Conceits: Seine, Bologna, Lisle, Reims, Neagh, Toulon, Tou- lonse, Joliet, Disappointment, Conception Natal, Wheeling. No. 237. Compound Acrostic: DAMPENED OVERTURE UMBRELLA BANKBILI, LACERATE ENDANGEB No. 238.— A Riddle: A blush.

No. 239.— Cross Word Enigma: Edwin Booth.

No. 240. A Dinner in Anagrams: Oyster soup, boiled salmon, Spanish mackerel, roast chickens, roast turkey, boiled rice, sweet potatoes, water cresses, dressed tomatoes, lemon pie, cream cakes, Charlotte Russe, pineapples.

No. 241. Charade: Pirogue.

No. 242. Ribbon Rebus: Gape-gap, race- ace, meat-tea, bears-ear, gate; spears.

No. 243.— Word Squares: (a) ACRES (b) U L E M A





No. 244.— Mathematical Nut: Tho weight* aro 1, 8, 0 and 27 pounds.

No. 245.— Conundrums: When ho is a rover. Because it is the grub that makes the butter fly. Because wo must all give it up. For divers reasons. It is tho fruit of good living. A door bell.

No. 246.— Charades: (a) Gas-pipe, (b) Fire-

Book of Puzzles.


wo. 247.— A Picture Puzzle: Black, white and red (read) all over a newspaper.

No. 248. Numerical Enigma: H. Rider Haggard.

No. 249.— Articles of Furniture: (a) Book- case, (b) Wardrobe, (c) Washstand. (d) Bofa.

No. 250.— Geographical Acrostic: (a) Ben- gal (b) Ebro. (c) Rubicon, (d) Lapland, (e) Idaho, (f) Nankin. Initials, Berlin; fi- nals, London.

No. 251.— The Knight's Puzzle: Better to die with harness on In smoke and heat of battle Than wander and browse and fall anon

In quiet of meadow land cattle. Better to gain by arm or brain Chaplet of laurel or myrtle Than bask in sun With work undone And live one's Ufa Like a turtle.

No. 252.— Proverbial "Pi": "Procrastina- tion is the thief of time."

No. 253.— Reversible Words: (a) Reel-leer. (b) Dial-laid, (c) Ten-net, (d) Tar-rat.

No. 254.— Quibbles: (a) Draw it round hia body, (b) 8%. (c) Twice twenty-five is fifty; twice five, and twenty, is thirty.

No. 255. Enigmatical Birds: (a) Frigate, (b) Partridge, (c) Quail, (d) Adjutant. No. 256. Cross Word: Cocoa-nut. No. 257. Beheadings: D-ale. 0-range. N-ear. A-base. T-old. E-bouy. L-aver. L-ark. 0-pen. D-onatello. No. 258.— A Rhomboid:


No. 260.— Hidden Animals; Bison; gazelle; mouse; horse.

No. 261. Word Dissection: Stripe-strip- trip ; stripe-tripe-ripe-rip-I.

No. 262.— Literary Riddles: (a) Mr. Mi- cawber. (b) Jerry Cruncher, (c) Diogenes, (d) The Marchioness, (e) Mrs. Chick, (f) Miss Sally Brass, (g) Nancy Sykes. (h) Capt. Cuttle, (i) Quilp. (j) Dick Swiveller. (k) Maj. Bagstock. (1) Mr. Carker. (m) Mr. and Mrs. Boffin, (n) Mrs. Bagnet.

No. 263.— Curtailments: Brandy; Frances; Hearth; Early; Taper.

No. 264. Numerical Enigma: Queen of the West.

No. 265. Illustrated Central Acrostic: L steAmer; 2. spaRrow; 3. masKers; 4. car A van; 5. spiNner; 6. whiStle; 7. speAker; 8. parSnip.

No. 266. Concealed Poets: Saxo, Cowper, Gary, Read, Stedmaii, Hemans, Corbett, Willis, Browning, Goodale.

No. 267.— A Combination Puzzle:

1. Saved. * 1. Sated.

2. Otter. 2. Other. 8. Scold. 3. Scald.

4. Tomes. 4. Tones.

5. Races. 5. Rafres.

6. Party. 6. Pastry

7. Enter. 7. Eager.

8. Track. 8. Trick.

9. Rider. 9. Rirer. 10. Spare. 10. Spire. 1L Vests. 11. Vents. 13. Tiber. 13. Tiger.

No. 268.— Riddle: P.iins.

No. 269.— Enigma: Blue-bottle.

No. 270.— Poetical Enigma: Flag.

No. 271.— Changingthe Middle Letter: Spy —sly. Ale ace. Whale whole. Ape- awe. Dam— dim.

No. 273.— An Easy One: Pi-an-o.

No. 273. Adirondacks; Potomac; Kandy; Kiel ; Coast ; Fox ; Van ; Lucca ; Alton ; Angra ; Forth; Owl.

No. 274. Hidden Proverb: Spare the rod and spoil the child.

No. 275.— The Puzzle of Fourteen:



No. 27C.— Enigmatical Cities: W neeung, Buffalo, Savannah, Havana.

No. 277.— Anagram: Pride goeth before a fall No. 278.— Word Squares:


No. 279.— The Calculating Teacher:


b c'» d e a k n a e 1 a h o a f p a i m d o f,b o L b I o b f m b i p b d ii b g k

§h Ic m re f i'c p n c d K c h Iceo I ro;f k od hmd i oe m ne i k d 1 p a o i i I t.o g i> h k i«.f g l\g m o,h t o No. 280.— Au Oddity: LOVE. No. 281. Concealed Birds: Owl, lark, plover, swan, pewitt, raven, starling, epar- row, robin, wren. No. £82.— Pictorial Diamond:






Na WS.— Double Word Enigma: Snow- drop.

I'o. £54. Ar.agrams: (a) Ancestors, (b) Diplomacy, (r) Cliristianity. (d) Punish- ment. (•;) Burg con. (f) Sweetheart, (g) Matri- mony, (ii) Faasrul. (i) Pern tent i:iry. (j) Sir Bobert Pool

No. 2S5. Btbc3ilingsi Cliarm, barm, arm. Ko. 2?G.— Cross Word: Sheridan. No. 237. Con^n-lrmns: P - g— a pi.~ with- out an L (b)NilE. (c)KN. (•]) Bcjauso it makes ii], will (ili will), (e) Because they make beer better, (f) TL 2 letter S. (g) Tbo cr:«r.o. (h) Dittribute u-acL-3 (ti-acts) all over tlw couatry. A A tormcr'o p. ctCj- daughter.

No. 288.— Tangled Verso:

Thou crt the star that guides m* Along lifc'a troubled sea; Whatever fato betides mo, This heart ntiil turns to theo. Yet, do uot think I doubt thec;

I know thy truth remains; I will not livo without theo

For all tho world contains. No. 289.— Basket of Flowers: (a) Daffodil;

(b) snow ball; (c) prim-rose; (d) car-nation;

(c) rockets; (if) verbena; (g) call-io-p-sis; (h) catrh-f]y; (i) ivy; (j) prince'-s-feather; (k) Canterbury bell; (1) sun-flower; (m) lark- spur; (n) cock's-comb.

No. 290. Motogram: Ilarc, care, fare, rare, pore, dare, bare.

i'.-al Enigma: Button. .-.".. Ili.Mlu: Tlio squirrel takes out each day ono ear of corn and uia own two

No. 293.— "Words Within Words: Dechirar tlon, Clara; Ti'ifles, rifle; Cashier, ash; Cas- ters, aster; Capei', ape; Snipe, nip; Lottery, otter; Twenty, wen; Gauntlet, aunt.

No. 294. An Arithmetical Mystery: The man whom the landlady put into Room No. 13 was traveler No. ii, and No. 13 remained still unprovided for.

No. 2i)5. Diamonds and Word Square:






No. 290.— A Fish Puzzle: 1. Sword fish, a Horn fish, 3. Star fish. 4. Bill fish. 5. Cat-fish. G. Frog fish, 7. King fish, & Rudder fish. 9. Log-fish. 10. Drum fish. 11. Dog fish. 13. Saw fish. 13. Roso fish. 14, Parrot fish. 15. Pipo fish.

No. 297.— A Journey: Sound, lookout, rain, thunder, don pine, bluo, cork, big horn, cham- pagne, foul weather, Chili, bay, salt, licking, barn-stable, bath, stillwater, horn, Albert, negro, inn,

No. 298.— Picture Puzzle: GiiafTo. Lion. Camel. Elephant. Hog. Horse-. Bear. Hound. No. L99.— An octagon:








No. 300.— Easy Rebuses: (a) Leonora, (b) D. T. Ro o'er 8 (Deteriorate). No. 801. Missing Vowels. Ilcro rests his head upon tho lap of earth,

A youth to fortune and to fame unknown; Pair Science frowned not on his humblo birth,

^nd Melancholy marked him for her owu. Ko. 302.— A Charade: Skin-flint.

No. 303.— Decapitations: C-r-ash. No. 804. Familiar Flowers Described: (a) Snap dragon ; (b) Bachelor's button ; (c) Four o'clock; (d) Snow ball; (e) Candy tuft; (f) Lady slipper; (g) Buttercup; (h) Tulips. No. 805. Geographical Hourglass: ED INBURGII B A V A R I A MALTA A T L






No. 306.— Anagrams of Notable Woment

(a) Charlotte Cushman. (b) U. rri- ( I'.ixxher

Book oj Puzzies.

Btowe. (c) Belva A. Lockwood. (d) Flor- ence Nightingale, (e) Amelia B. Edwards, (f) Lucretia P. Hale, (g) Adeline D. T. Whit- ney, (h) Susan B. Anthony, (i) Louise Chandler Moulton.

No. 807. A Curious Menagerie: (a) Goose. (b) Spiders. (c) Sheep. (d) Horse, (e) Tiger, (f) Cow. (g) Rats, (h) Dogs, (i) Elephant. 0') Eagle, (k) Kite. (1) Wolf, (m) Bear, (n) Cock.

No. SOa— Drop Letter Puzzle: A stitch in time saves nine.

No. 809.— Riddles: (a) Chanting her little lay. (b) Short-er. (c) O I C U— Oh, I see you! (d) Because they "feel" for others, (e) A joke.

No. 810.— Illustrated Conundrum: Why is waiter like a race horse? Answer Because he runs for cups and plates.

No. Sit— A bottle:

ATE CROAK U T E HAT OLD RAT TUBES ROUSING HOSTLER BRAIDED RUNNING GREATER PRANCE 8 BRACING STREETS No. 812.— Charade: Wakefield. No. 813. Rebus: A-pct-he-carries (apothe- caries) weight. No. 814: Tangle:

Around me shall hover,

In sadness or glee, Till life's dreams be over,

Sweet memories of thec. No. 315. Letter Enigma: Jerboa. No. 816.— Acrostic: Magellan, Osccola, Na- tional, Tempest, Ethelred, Zenobia, Universe, Mercury, Albanian. Initials Montezuma. No. 817. Mutation: Newspaper editors. No. 318. Decapitation: Slaughter Laugh- ter.

No. 819.— Numerical Enigma : Worth make* the man.

No. 820.— Charade for Little Folk: Snow- ball

No. 821.— Hidden Birds: (a) Kite, (b) Kes- trel, (c) Redstart, (d) OwL (e) Emu. (f) Ostrich, (g) Wren, (h) Loon, (i) Dotterel, (j) Starling.

No. 322.— Mutation: Transposition.

No. 323.— Anagrams from Scott: (a) Dan- die Dinmont. (b) Flora'MacIvor. 'c) Brian de Bois Guilbert. (d) Edward Waverly. (e) Diana Vernon. (f) Sir Piercio Shaf ton. (g)

Magnus Troll, (b) MaryAvenel. (1) Waiae- mar Fitzurse. (g) Mysio Happer.

No. 824.— Double Acrostic: (a) LimpeT. (b). OatH. (c) NubiA. (d). DruM. (e) OrE. (0 NarcissuS. Initials— London. Fin- als—Thames. <

No. 325— A Problem for Sharp Wits: Four-- teen eggs.

No. 820.— Tho Yankee Square:


No. 327. Conundrums: (a) He has a bead and comes to tho'point. (b) Because it fur- nishes dates, (c) Becausa it stirs up a smol- dering fire, (d) Because it owes its motion to a current, (e) Because it baa a flae tem- per.

No. 323.— Tho Graces and the Muses: The least number that will answer this question is twelve; for if wo suppose that each Grace gave one to each Muse, the latter would each have three, and there would re- main three for each Grace. (Any multiple of twelve will answer the conditions of the question.)

No. 329.— A Square and a Diamond: HORSE A




Z N T E R E,

No. 330.— A Love Affair:

I saw Esau kissing Kate.

The fact is all three saw 5 I saw Esau, he saw me,

And she saw I saw Esau. *-Na 831. Transposition: Now-won-snow* bank Snowbank. No. 832.— Acrostic:

J ulius Caesar. L Istz. E laine. I sabella.

N apoleon. N athan Hale.

N ewton. D emeter.

Young. No. 333.— An Easy Anagram: Train.



Every Day Puzzlet.

One man escapes all tho diseases that flesh la heir to and is killed on the railroad ; an- other man goes through half a dozen wars without a scratch and then dies of whooping cough.

Good people die and bad people live. The man who is fat with health can't get employ- ment, and the man who is making money hand over hand has to give up his business on account of ill health.

You will sometimes see a man planting trees around his place for shade ; and, at the game time, you will see another cutting down all tho trees around his house because they produce too much moisture.

No. 834.— Hidden Proverb: All is not gold that glitters.

No. 835.— Cross "Word Enigma: A plant. No. 830. Pictorial Enigma for Young Folks: Candy, nuts and oranges.

No. 837.— A Curious Menagerie: (a) Lion, (b) Buffalo, (c) Nightingale, (d) Kids, (e) Hen. (£) Frogs, (g) Camel (h) Rooks, (i) Beaver.

No, 838.— Behead and Curtail: (a) Hearth —heart hear ear. (b) Loathe loath oath —oat— at

No. 839.— Original Arithmetic: (a) T-one. (b) L-ona (c) F-l-our. (d) T-h-ree, (e) T-w-o. (f) Fi-v-e.

No. 840.— A Charade: Nipper-kin. No. 841.— Conundrums: (a) Troublesome. (b) Tfco letter L. (c) When it begins to pat her (patter) on the back, (d) Because they never saw it.

No. 843.— Riddle: Pa-ti(e)nt No. 843.— A Few Birds: (a) The mocking bird; (b) The jay; (c) The crow; (d) The robin; (e) The lyre bird; (f) Tho secretary bird; (g) The quail; (h) Tho gull; (I) The blue bird. No. 844.— Poetical Pi:

" Tis an old maxim of the schools That flattery's tho food of fools; Yet now and then your men of wit Will condescend to take a bit" No. 845.— An Inverted Pyramid: ILLUSTRATED DISPROVED PERUSED DETER E II 8

B No. 840. -Letter Rebuses: Contrary (C-on-

trary) ; (b) Condone (C-on-d-on-e) ; (c) Hand- bag (H and bag).

No. 847.— Word Making: Sin— Sinew. Sing. Singe. Sine. Single. Sink. Since. Sincere.

No. 848.— Anogram: Insurance, No. 849.— A Rhomboid: SAPOR MOVED DELAY RENEW


No. 850.— One Line— One .Counter Puzzle; Place the counters at E 1, C 2, A 3, F 4, D 5 and B a


No. 851.— The Knowing Shepherd: Ho had 7 sheep; as many more, 7; half as many more, m\ and 2%; making in all 20 sheep.

Professional Advice.

"Where would you advise mo to go, doo- tor? I suffer so from insomnia," "You'd better go to sleep."

No. 853.— Cross Word Enigma: Lawn ten- nis.

No. 853.— A Zigzag: Battle of- ^BuU Run. Cross Words: (a) Bar. (b) fAn. (c) beT. (d) aTe. (e) Lag. (f) dEn. (g) loO. (h) oFt (i) Beg. (j) pUt (k) elL. 0) eLk. (m) Rug. (n) hUm. (o) UN. No. 854.— American Pi: Tell mo not in mournful numbers

Life is but an empty dream, For tho soul is dead that slumbers,

And things aro not what they seem. No. C55.— An Old Saying: A crooked stick casts no straight shadow. (A crooked— stick caste— nose T R 8 shadow).

Book of Puzzles.


No. 336.— A Double Diagonal Square: FURLONG GLITTER ECONOMY Q H E B K I N BEGUILE Li Z A R D S A U R E L I A No. 357.— A Defective Proverb: That load becomes light that is cheerfully borne. No. 858.— A Charade: Glow-worm. No. 859.— Riddles: (a) When it comes to on engagement, (b) A ditch, (c) The letter I. (d) When it rides at anchor, (e) Because you put your foot in it

No. 860.— A Problem of Numbers: The ge» era! had an army of 24,000 men. No. 86L— Double Central Acrostic: r e P I n e h o R N e t B h I V e r t e N E t B c a T N i p s m I T h y h o N E s t b a G D a d

No. 362.— Noted Women: (a) Florenc* Nightingale, (b) lime. Recamier. (c) Jose- phine, (d) Mme. De StaeL (e) Lady Jane Grey, (f) Zenobia. (g) Jenny Lind. (h) Catharine de Medici, (i) Bloody Mary, (j) Cleopatra, (k) Elizabeth. (1) Cornelia. No. 363.— Diamonds:








No. 864.— Illustrated Zigzag: Washington Allston. Cross words.—!. Wheel. 2. bAton. 3. baSin. 4. nicHe. 5. alibi. 6. proNg. 7. waGon. & aTlas. 9. Olive. 10. aNgle. 1L plAte. 12. sheLL 13. coraL. 14 flaSk. 15. m'Tre. 16. mOuse. 17. Notes.

No. 865.— A Mathematical Nut: XIII— VIIL No. 860.— An Enigmatical Insect: Gad fly.

No. 867.— Charade: A dictionary.

No. 868.— Easy Word Squares:

(a) OATS (b)DOLL (c)LOAD




No. 869.— The Maltose Cross Squared: Make the cuts as shown in tho diagram.

Join to form a square as below.

No. 870.— A Curious Collection of Keys:

1. Flunk

2. Hunk

3. Monk

4. Crank

5. Risk

6. Whisk



7. Balk a Dark 9. Frisk

10. Dusk

11. Musk

12. Jerk No. 371.— Charade: Nightingale.

No. 372.— A Tangle: May there be just enough clouds in your life to form a beautiful sunset. No. 373.— A Mystic Cross:














I 12

Everybody s

Na 874. —Enigma: Bark.

Na 875.— Riddles: (a) Alphabet (b) Coffin.

Na 87ft. Quizzes: L Life. 2. Strong drink. 8. A bad tooth extracted. 4 A lad- der. 6. A wheel Ot A match, 7. A secret. a A falsehood. 9. Ad-vice. 10. The book of natural 1 L The- winds.

JIo. 877.— A Simple Charade: Cof-fee.

N<x 8?a— Beheadings: Crash— rash— ash—


>Na 879. -Pled Cities: Liverpool Balti- more Dresden. Marseilles, Athens. Al- giers. Havana. Savannah.

Ma 880. —Anagrams of Popular Authors: James De Mille, Rhoda Brougbton,

Marion Harland, Wilkio Collins, Louisa M. Alcott, Mary Cecil Hay, "Will Carleton, Edward Everett Hale,

Win. Dean Hovrells, Hesba Stretton, Charles Dickens, Capt Mayno Reid.

Na SSL— A Word Puzzle: One word.

No. 8ta -Pictorial Proverb: Old birds are not to be caught with chaff.

Na 88a— Concealed Birds: Ibis, Bustard. Rail Emu. Egret. Teal Missel

Na 884.— Decapitations: Glass— lass— ass— ts.

Na 885.— A Tangle of Wise Words: Who undertakes many things at once seldom does anything well

No. 880.— Illustrated Numerical Enigma: "The nighty purpose never b o'ertook, unlesi the deed go with it."

Na 387.— A Marine Square:


HARP o o N

HARBORS ARRIVED GRAPNEL 8 T E A 11 K R VOYAGER Vo. SSS.— Easy Rebus: Car-pet Na 889.— Buried Birds: (a) Touraco. swan. (b> Tinamou, pintail (O Gannet, daw. (d) Harpy, mania, tei Mavis, hawk, if) Swal- low, teal

Na 880. PI: Robinson Crusoe. Na SOL— Odd Enigmas: CIVIL. MILD. Na 893.— Riddle: A shadow. Na 81O.— Single Acrostic: L Jamaica, a Unst 8. Australia. 4. Nlcobar. 6. Falk- land. 6. Elba. 7 Rhodes, a Nova Zem- bls, 9. Antigua. 10. Newfoundland. 1L Dominica. 14 Enderly Island, la Zanzi- bar. Initials— Juan Fernandez.

Na KM.— Transpositions: Teal— tale— late tacl

Na 80S.— A Reversion: Noon. Na 80a-Pictorlal Proverb: Tune works era (w under s). 897.— Charade : Semi Clrcje,

808. -f IV 6 Hidden AnimalB: A C



1 0



T 1



No. 899.— Bcheadments and Curtailments:

(a) P-ape-r. (b) 8-tea-k. (c\ S-tree-t

No. 400.— An Easter Egg to Crack: A long and fortunate career to him who in loving deeds on_this Easter excels.

Na 401. Anagrams Men of the Day: (a) Benjamin Harrison, (b) Levi P. Morton. (c) Thomas A. Edison, (d) James O. Blaine. (e) William K. Vanderbilt (f) Russell A. Alger. (g) Grover Cleveland, (h) William P. Cody, (i) Andrew Caruegia (j) Leon Abbett (k) Col Daniel Iwunont. (1) Henry Wattersoa (m) William C. \\Tiitney. (n) William M, Evarts. (o) Phlneas T. Barnum, (p) Edwin Booth, (q) John Shernv Na 40a— Central Acrostic:


(b) Crude rude.

Na 405.— A Square and a Diamond: MAPLE P





Na 406.— Metagram: Brook— rook— cook- look. Na 407.— An Hourglass:






EVA T K I A L A U C T ION MARTYRDOM KA. 4C8»— Conundrums: (a) Because it is In the center of Bliss, whQe e Is In Hell and all the rest are In Purgatory; (b) in hash; (c) a hen, a duck, a goose and a turkey.

Book of Piizzles.

No. 409.— Charade :"; Court-ship.

No. 410.— Proverb in Numbers: "Where It rains porridge the beggar has no spoon."

No. 41 L— Letter Rebuses: (a) Extenuate, (b) Over act (over ACT), (c) Thundering.

No. 412.— Four Flowers: (a) Mar-i-gold, (b) Snap-dragon, (c) Lark-spur, (d) Morn- ing-glory.

No. 413.— Geometrical Puzzle:

No. 414.— Syllabic Decapitations: (a) Log- wood, (b) Pro-found, (c) Waist-coat.

No. 415.— Numerical Enigma: Harriet Beecher Stowe. No. 416.— Beheadings: (a) Wheat; (b) heat;

(c) eat; (d) at; (e) t

No. 417. Pictorial Conundrum: Why is an angry man like a loaf? Answer Because he is crusty.

No. 418.— Historic Men: (a) King Alfred, (b) Peter the Great (c) Michael Angelo.

(d) Fremont, (e) Benjamin Franklin, if) Chesterfield, (g) Irving.

No. 419.— Curtailment: Marsh; Mars; Marj Ma.

No. 430.— Easy Squares: (a) LAME (b) S 0 U P ARID OGLE



No. 421.— A Diamond: S





Ml R A C L E




No. 423.— Geographical Charade: Frank- fort.

No. 423.— A Quaint Puzzle: Enigma. No. 424.— Hidden Animals: (a) Sable, (bt Gorilla, (c) Jackal (dj Ape. M Dingo.

A FCTV Tilings to Think Of.

If a pair of glasses are spectacles, is one a spectacle? And if not, why not?

Can a glazier give a window a glass too much?

When a Daniel comes to Judgment, Is the latter glad to see him ?

Is "stealing a march" worse than taking a walk?

If "to be or not to bef1 fa the question, what is the answer?

When wo say "It's as broad as it is long," may we safely conclude that it is all square?

Whether a good view Is to be had from the top of the morning.

No. 425.— The Unfair Division: The land- lord would lose 71-5 bushels by such an ar- rangement, as the rent would entitle him to 2-5 of the The tenant should give him 18 bushels from his own share after the division Is completed, otherwise the landlord would re- ceive but 2-7 of the first 63 bushels.

No. 426.— A Concealed Proverb: As mer- ry as the day is long.

No. 427.— Letter Rebuses: (a) Bl(under)- Ing; (b) C(over)t; (c) C(on) junction.

No. 428.— Small Diamonds: taj C (b) H





No. 429.— An Oddity: Mill No. 430.— A Man of Letters: AlHhe letter* of the alphabet. No. 431. —Central Deletions: BASIL PECAN STOOP PETAL METAL No. 432.— Double Acrostic:

Fa 1 o r u M Orinoco RabbitS E a r n e s T

No. 433. Conundrums: (a) Because ne is used to the "grip." (b) Because he is let out at night and taken in in the morning, (c) A step father (farther). (Oj Invisible green, (f) Because it is insane (in seine), (g) "After youl"

No. 434. Charade: Moonbeam.

No. 435. Pictorial Conundrum: Because ha sees it wade (weighed).

No. 430.— The Unlucky Turks: The arrange- ment was this: 4 Christians, 5 Turks, 2 C., 1 T., 8 C., 1 T., 1 C., 2 T., 2 C., 8 T., 1 C., 2 T., » C,, 1 T.


iio. 137.— An Hour Glass:





ODE QUEST GALLANT Na 4.1&— Enigma: Bar— bard— bare— bark barn— barm— baron— barter— barge. No. 439.— Geographical Pyramid. 8 A M







No. 440.— Historic Americans: (a) Penn. (b) James Madison, (c) Jefferson Davis, (d) "Washington, (e) James Polk, (f) Fillmoro. (g) Thomas Jefferson, fli) Nathaniel Greene,

No. 441.— Enigma: Box.

Na 443— Anagrams— (a) Senator, (b) Usur- per. (c) Antagonist (d) Gnashing. (e) Spermaceti, (f) Platitudes.

No. 443.— Egg Problem: 80 goose eggs, 50 duck's eggs, and 70 hen's eggs.

No. 444.— A Unique Window: In the first instance it is shaped like a diamond; then it is changed to a square.

Na 445.— Easy Hour Glass: Centrals, Con- sent Cross words: 1. disCern. 2. prOud. 3. oNe. 4. 8. 6. nEw. 0. caNon. 7. Con- Tent

No. 44&— The Puzzle Wall.

No. 447.— Decapitations: M-adamo;a-dame; a-dum ; d-am ; a-m.

No. 448. A Numerical Puzzle: Seven, even; One, on; Six, is; Three, tree; Five, fle; Two, tow; Four, our; Nine, nein; Eight, ti*.

No. 449.— A Puzzle of Sevenths:' C U R U A R H U B A APRICOT

nit. •• ;


No. 450.— Crossing the River: An English- man and a servant go over, the Englishman comes back with the canoe. Two servants go over, ono servant comes back. Two Eng- lishmen go over, an Englishman and a ser- vant come back. Two Englishmen go over and a servant comes back. Two servants go over and a servant returns. Two servants then go over together, Other solutions are possible.

No. 451.— A Bird Puzzle: L Frigate bird. 2. Butcher bird. 3. Weaver bird. 4. Snake bird. 5. King bird. 6. Bell bird. 7. Cedar bird, a Catbird. 9. Tailor bird.

No. 452. Easy Charade: Dayton.

No. 453.— letter Rebuses: (a) An M on E —Anemone, (b) I understand, (c) C on figure 8 Configurate.

Na 454.— Enigmatical Trees: Box, Dog- wood, Aspen, Rose, Sloe, Plane, Tulip, Spruce, Elm, Sycamore, Poplar, Southern- \rood.

No. 455.— Anagram: Termination,

Ka 450.— Double Acrostic:

V a r 1 e T


r m a d A i n n e T

L o o a B T E v o 1 v E Y o n d e B SwearS

No. 457. Beheadings Smash mash ash.

Nu. 453. Conundrums: Lyre. Try to bor- row five dollars of him. Because he makes both ends meet He has been to sea (see). It always has its back up. In the dictionary. Your nama

No. 459 —Mathematically Described: AC- TIVITY.

No. 460.— Anagram: A Mystic Bird: Snipe.

No. 461. Letter Enigma: Legerdemain.

No. 463.— Drop Letter Puzzle: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

No. 463. Charade: Benjamin Harrison.

No. 464.— Crosctte:

P E A C H E 8 Q U I N 0 E 8 ORANGE B

Book of Puzzles.

Having crossed out one circle, miss the next three, and begin counting again from the fourth, and so on round and round. Missed circles are to include those already crossed out. Thus, if the circle marked 1 is started from, scratch out the unnumbered circle. Miss three circles, and begin counting again from 3. This count will bring the player to the circle numbered 1, which is to be crossed out. Missing three again (including the cir- cle already crossed out) begin counting from 8, and cross out 2; and so on, until all the circles except tbe one numbered 9 have been crossed out.

The general rule for any number of circles, counting any number each tune, is always to miss the number that will bring the next count to the circle previously started from. Thus, if there are eleven circles, and the count is five, miss two each time; if there are eleven circles, and the count is four, miss four.

This will solve all the possible cases, but some numbers do not admit of a solution, such as ten circles counting five. The reason for this is that the number of circles, and the number of the count minus one, have a com- mon factor.

No. 4G5.— Transformations: Hard, card, cart, cast east, easy. Sin, son, won, woe. Neat, seat, slat, slam, slum, glum, grum, grim, prim. Saxe, sale, hale, hole, pole, pope. Hand, hard, lard, lord, ford, fort, foot. Blue, glue, glum, slum, slam, slat, seat, peat, pent, pint, pink.

No. 466. Riddles: Because it makes ma, mad. Hold your jaw. When she shows her slight of hand— by refusing you. Because he's 11 o better.

No. 467.— What is It?— The Letter V.

No. 4CS.— A Cfcver Puzzle: CI, CLI, CLIO (one of the nine Muses).

No. 469. The Ingenious Servant.

o»: - o ' po 0


» ss

4 A A 0

°0 ** «°



0 e 6 o oo, ,o' oo



eo oo

No. 470. Enigma: Glass, lass, ass.

No. 471.— Charades: (a) End-less. (b> OX. (c) Heartsease.

No. 472.— Single Acrostic: Turkey. Cross- words—L daTes; 2. vaUlts; 8. daRts; 4. iraKes; 5. paEan; 6. maYor.

No. 473.— Beheadings: L Tin— In; 2. Hash ash. 8. Easter— aster. 4. Bear ear. 5 filand— land. 6. Reel— eel 7. Kill— ilL & Bcent— cent. 9. Hart— art. 10. Ideal— deal.

No. 474.— Beheaded Rhymes: (a) Chimes —lines, (b) Scorn corn, (c) Block— lock.

No. 475. Numerical Enigma: First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen. No. 47(5.— Hidden Motto: I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none. No. 477.— A Date Puzzle: 1493. No. 478.— A Pyramid: Y





No. 479.— A Double Diamond:




No. 480.— Easy Word Squares: (a) CARE (b)PLEA




No. 481. Enigma: Pea, peace, pear, peach, peal, peat, pearl.

No. 482.— A Pleasing Puzzle: The month of roses.

No. 483. Maltese Cross Puzzle: At one o'clock, P. M.

No. 4S4. Transpositions: Rail, rial, lira, lair, liar.

No. 485.— The Legacies: Valet, £84; Maid, £4:2; Boy, £14. No. 480.— A Hollow Square: MINUTES I E






No. 487. Hidden Fruits: Orange, pear, date, banana, peach, plum, lime, lemon, man- go, apple.

No. 488. A Geographical Puzzle: Missis- sippi, Do Soto, Lafayette, Carroll, Jefferson, Lawrence, Wayne, Monroe, Calhoun, Madi- son, Washington, Newton, Franklin, Scott, Choctaw, Sunflower, Pike, Warren, Jasper, Bolivar, Smith, Leake, Amity, Holmes.

No. 489.— The Crown Problem: Place the 4th on the 1st, the 6th on the 9th, the 8th upon the 3d, the 2d on the 5th and the 7th on the 10th.

No. 490.— Beheadings: Bare are; maim aim; four— our; lon$— one.


No. 401.— Transpositions: Nest— «ent; slat* —•teal; table— bleat; steps— pests; bowl- blow; ihoe— hoee; leaf— flea; pears— spare.

No. 482.— Proverb Making: A bird in the haad w irorth two in the bush.




THUNDERBOLT HOUSEBREAKER HANDISWO No. 493.— Enigma: Clark; C-lark. No. 494.— Riddles: Because it's a notion (an ocean). When it turns to bay. Because it is the end of pork. When it is ground. Bo- cause he is faithful to the last. Because the cafll (cattle) eat it

No. 495.— A Recent Novel Craze: Robert Elsmere.

No. 496.— Illustrated Rebus: A chain's no stronger than its weakest link.

No. 497.— The Prisoners in the Tower: The chain was sent down, bringing up the empty basket Tho page went down, bringing up the chain. The chain was removed, and the princess went down, bringing up tho page. The chain was sent down alone. Tho king went down, bringing up the chain and the princess. The chain was sent down alone. The page went down, bringing up the chain. The princess removed the chain, and went down, bringing up the page. The chain was §eut down alone. The page went down, with the chain as counter weight The chain came down of its own weight No. 498.- A Perfect Diamond:








No. 499. -Charade: Curfew. No. 500.— Btneaded Animals: Panther, an- ther; bear, oar > boar, oar; weasel, eesel; mink, Ink; mule, ule.

No. 501. Enigma— A Rural Preacher: Jack in tho Pulpit

No. 503.— Historical Puzzle: L M L, Martin Luther. 5. V, Victoria. *. C D, Charles Dickens. 6. I, Isaiah 8. X, Xanthippe. 7. C, Charlemagne

4. A, X.-rxea,


No. 503.— Letter Rebuses: (a) Dishonesty, (b) Converse.

No. 5(M. Motto Enigma: The pen is might- ier than the sword.

No. 505.— A Transposition: Peach— cheap.

No. 500.— A Trick for Clever Pencils:

No. 507.— A Scottish Tangle:

Oh wad some power the gif tie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us. No. 508.— An Oddity: A clock. No. 509.— Word Transformations: Regi- ment; regimen; regime; grime; rime; emir; mire; run- No. 510.— Arithmttical Nut:


8 IX

No. 511. Hidden Authors: Longfellow; Whittier; Harte; Goldsmith; Saxe; Bacon Coleridge; Lowell; Campbell; Akenside; Wordsworth.

No. 512.— Riddle: The English alphabet No. 513.— The Card Square:

No. 514. Pi: Put money in thy purse.

No. 515.— Cross Word Enigma: Vulture.

No. 516. Numerical Enigma: Ponderous.

No. 517.— Tempting Fruits: 1. Oranges. 3. Watermelon. 3. Nectarine. 4. Pomegran- ate. 5. Apricots. 6. Pineapple. 7. Cherriea. 8. Peaches. 9. Strawberries. 10. Cran- berries.

No. 518.— Drop Letter Proverb: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Book of Puzzles.


Wo. 519. Conundrums: Because it come* In the middle of night. When it is a good mouser (mow, sir). Young Hyson. Puniaua.

Motto of ragpickers "By hook or by crook."

How to raise the wind Use a fan.

Hump themselves over the desert Camels.

An ale-ing nation The English.

An old, well known club man Hercules.

Boards of charity Station house bunks.

A wedding present The clergyman's fee.

A "private" residence Military barracks.

Key to the Puzzler.

No. 520.— Metagram: Hearth, earth, heart, hear, ear, art. No. 521. Double Acrostic:


No. 523. Curtailment: Planet plane plan.

No. 523. Numerical Enigma: New York.

No. 524. Rebus for Boys and Girls: Boy and girl readers of the puzzle column should strive to do what they can't understand.

No. 525.— Tangled Wisdom:

This world is not so bad a world As some would like to make it, But whether good or whether bad Depends on how wo take it.

No. 526. Charade: Sparrow hawk.

No. 527.— Nuts to Crack: 301 nuts. The least commou multiple of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0 being 60, it is evident that if Gl were divisible by 7 it would answer the conditions of the ques- tion. But this not being the case, let CO mul- tiplied by 2 and increased by 1 be tried ; also 60 multiplied by 3 and 1 added, and so on, •when it will be found that 5 times GO, plus 1, or 301, is divisible by 7. If to 801 we add 420 (the least common multiple of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) the sum 721 will be another answer, and by successive additions of 420 we may obtain as many answers as we like.

No. 528. Letter Rebus: Contention is con- troversy.

No. 529.— An Enigmatical Feast: 1. Steak. ft Ham. 3. Green Corn (wallis). 4. Apple. 5. T(ea). 6. Perch. 7. Madeira. 8. Claret. 9. Lamb. 10. Champagne. IL Goose. 13. Turkey.

£o. §§9.— Enlemjaln Rhymo: Musio.

No. 531.— Word Square:






No. 532.— Magic Octagon:

No. 533. A Remarkable Journey: Tombig- bee, Defiance, The Wash,Worms, Man, Bald- head, Table, Oranges, Candy, Charles and Henry, Powder, Surgeon, Yell, Indian, Guns, Scilly.

No. 534. Double Acrostic: Primals, Cha- rade; finals, Enigmas. Crosswords: 1. Charge. 2. Hidden. 3. Alumni 4. Rising. 5. Asy- lum. 6. Dahlia. 7. Easels.

No. 535. The jeweler arranged the pearls thus:

9 8

98789 6 5 4 3 2 1

No. 536. Decapitations: C-ode; m-ore; c-one; s-elect; w-edge; t-reason.

No. 537. A Curious Conversation : Reuben- stein, Blind Tom, Tony Pastor, Forepaugh, Barnum, Ar buckle, Talmage, Burdette, Livermore, Patti, Mark Twain.

No. 538. Transformations: Draw; ward; war; raw; awl.

No. 539.— Riddle: A lady's lips. No. 540. Illustrated Rebus: Sin has many tools, but a lie is a handle that fits them all. No. 541. Cross Word Enigma: Cowslips. No. 542.— The Nine Digits: £16 7 3

10 19 19



No. 543.— Geographical Skeletons: 1. Lima. 2l Nile. 8. Canada. 4 Geneva, 5. Helena. & Lebanon.

No. 544.— Letter Rebuses: (a) Anaconda; (b) Thunderbolt.

No. 645.— Charade: Night-in-gala

No. 546.— Weatherwise: H-ail; S-now; Storm-most; S(h)ower.

No. 547.— What Are They! Spurs. No. 648.— The Three Travelers: A, 7 pieces; B, 1 piece. At first sight it would seem that A should have 5 and B 3 pieces; but as the three persons ate 8 loaves, each one ate 2% loaves of the bread he furnished. This from 5 would leave 2^ loaves furnished the stran- ger by A, and 3— 2%^% of a loaf furnished by B; hence 2>£ to }£, or 7 to 1, is the ratio in which to divide the money.

No. 649.— An American Author: Bayard Taylor.

No. 550. Charade: Wil-low. No. 551. Changes: 1. Saline, aliens. 2. Rugose, grouse. 3. Thread, deaf th. 4. Cut- lets, scuttle. 5. Piston, points. C. Damson, nomads, monads. No. 553.— Word Squares: PRESS FRAMED






No. 553.— A Quaint Puzzle: LOVE. No. 554. Double Acrostic:

Q r a n d e E E s p a d o N Room i n G Mart i a L A r a g o n A N e- w b o r N Y c 1 e p e D No. 555.— Enigma: Words. No. 650.— Octagons.: L 1 . Bed. 2. Tunes. 3. Jungler. 4. Engrave. 6. Delayed. 0. Sever. T. Red. IL 1. Did. 2. Wanted. 3. Dangler. 4. Ingrate. 5. Delayed. 0. Deter. 7 Red. No. 657.— Historical Characters : 1. Clay. 2. Franklin. 8. Guy Fawkes. 4. Burr. 6. Marshall Saze.

No. 659.— Riddles: Sense; Because he is ac- customed to make elegant extracts; Because a woman can make a fool of him; Invisible green; To kaep a check upon his stomach; In the days of 20 A (Noah) ; An L (ell).

No. 559.— Broken Words: 1. Lap-wing. 2. Over-act. 8. Name-sake. 4. Green-horn. 5 Fin-U. 6. Ear-nest (this was a little "off") T. Looking-glass, a Loads-tar. 9. Ode-on! 10, Win-now. Longfellow, Washington.

No. 560.— Character Puzzle: Ex-ten-d a kin-d-ly h-and and g-iv-e Goo-d wor-d-s to he-lp the sa-d and poor to


No. 561.— A Diamond: S









No. 562. A Double Acrostic: CAITIFF R o T u N D O ON T A B i O


No. 563. Transformation Puzzle:

Plant the pieces as shown in our picture. You get "Pea," a vegetable. Transpose and you get "Ape," an animal.

No. 564. An Eggs-act Answer Wanted: One had 14 eggs, the other 10.

No. 565. Anagrams:

1. Tournament. 4. Starlight.

2. Melodrama. 5. Novelties.

3. Unrighteousness. 6. Patience. No. 666.— Word Changes: 1. Cedar, raced,

cared, scared, sacred, acre. 2. Primero, primer, prime, prim, rip, pi. No. 567.— Enigma: A Name. .

No. 568.— Rose Puzzle: 1. Musk. 2. Tea. 3. China. 4. Dog. 5. Field. G. Moss. 7. Indian. 8. Cabbage. 9. Dwarf. No. 569. Half Square and Diamond:







No. 570.— Voltaire's Riddle: Time. No. 571. Charade: Mendicant mend-l- eant.

No. 572.— A Poet Transformed: Keats— steak— stake skate Elate— take— teak— tea eat ate at. No. 678.— jThe Row of Figure; The

Book of Puzzles.


and last or these numbers, 1 find 50, make 51; and the second and last but one of these numbers, 2 and 49, make 51, and so on through the whole row of figures. Alto- gether, therefore, there aro 25 times 51, which makes 1,275. |

No. 574.— Conundrum: Why, on the other ride of him, of course 1 I

No. 575. Hidden Authors: 1. Chaucer. 9. Dryden. '6. Pope. 4. Taylor. 5. Holmes. fl. Holland. 7. Hood. 8. Burns. 9. AbbUt ; Fu ni an a.

The proper costume for an elopement A cutaway jacket.

A timely warning Cucumbers.

A heap of trouble A siugle hair.

In high spirits Alcohol.

Hard to beat A boiled egg.

Forced politeness Bowing to necessity.

Key to the Puzzler.

No. 576. How is your head? Level. No. 577.— The Riddle of Riddles: The heart No. 578. Enigma: Flowers. No. 579. Rebus: Laconic. No. 580.— Rhomboid: HUNTED SAILED PRIMED EDI L E S E S T E E M


No. 581.— Rebus for Little Folks: Years fly on tho wings of time. No. 588.— Word Squares: WASTE CHAMP





No. 583.— Hidden Flowers: 1. Rose. a. Verbena. 3. Pink. 4. Peony. No. 584.— Cross Word Enigma: Thibet. No. 585.— A Knotty Problem: NINE. No. 586.— Charade: Wei-come. No. 587. Curtailment: Alien— a lie— AIL No. 588.— What is My Name)— Palm. No. 589.— A Pretty Tangle: Straight is the line of duty, Curved is the line of beauty ; Walk in the first and thou shalt see The other ever follow theo. No. 590.— A Tale of the Lights: A polite acolyte with a slight blight to his eyesight, Bang in tho twilight, "Let there be light." In this plight, he saw with delight the flight of an aerolite enlighten the starlight like the daylight and, alighting on an electric light, put out the light quick as lightning:.

JNo. 591.— Cross Word Enigma: Baseball. No. 593. Beheadings in Rhyme: The ship rode in an eastern bay; Asleep astern tho master lay; A stern and rugged man was he, And, like the tern, at homo at sea; He, like the ern, swooped on his prey, Whene'er the R. N. came his way. But now, while N. the needle kept, Forgetting all, he lay and slept. No. 5'J3.— A Transformed Monster: Lie- Eli

No. 594.— A Presidential Puzzle: 1. Bu- c(h)anan. 2. Gr(a)nt. 3. Ga(r)field. 4. A(r)- thur. 5. L(i)ncoln. 0. Hayc(s). 7. John- s(o)n. 8. Clevela(n)d. Harrison.

No. 595. Syncopations: Ho(us)e. P(l)ay. THrte.

No. 596.— Unfinished Verses: Sea, me. Land, sand. Far, star. Mother, brother. Sea, glee. Texas.

No. 597.— A Slippery Sprite: The letter H. No. 598.— An Hour Glass:






0 O C K P I T

N). 599.— Arithmetical Problem: John, $2.ft); James, $1.40; Harry, 80 cents.

No. 600.— Rebus for Little Folk: Japan produces good tea.

No. 601.— A Wonderful Animal: A Bengal tiger.

No. 602. Charade: Larkspur.

No. 603.— Hidden Nets: Lin-net. Spi-net. Gan-net. Jen-net. Bon-net. Cyg-net. Gar- net. Cor-net. Son-net. Hor-net.

No. 604.— A Riddle: Noah.

No. 605.— Two Wise Little Maids: One had 5 nuts; the other, 7 nuts.

No. 600.— Ten Tribes of Indians: 1. Sacs and Foxes. 2. Arapahoes. 3. Chickasaws. 4. Pawnees. 5. Mandans. 6. Seminoles. 7. Diggers. 8. Cherokees. 9. Tuscaroras. 10. Blackfeet.

No. 607.— An Hour Glass.












The Clever Plf.

"Haf" said the pig to the boy who cut off It* tail, "You can't do that again.1'

No. 008.— Poetical Taiigle: Don't be In too much of a hurry To credit what other folks say: It takes but a alight little flurry

To blow fallen leaves far away. No. 609.— Numerical Enigmas: Louisa May Alcott

No. 610.— The Puzzle Board: Oft, In the stilly night,

Ere slumber's chain has bound me, Fond memory brings the light

Of other days around ma No. Gil.— Enigmatical Birds: Hawk— ca- nary — ruff kite pica rook penguin halcyon.

No. 612—Rebus: Annex (an X). No. 613. Word Changes: Grape rape— •pe,pear.

No. 614,— Conundrums: Because each day begins by breaking. Crash. Because it U a reflector. A Teller.

No. 615.— A Clever Puzzle: 1. Because it began on Sunday and ended en Holiday. 2. Because it begins and ends on Tuesday.

No. CIO.— Double Acrostic: Primala Cu- pid. Final*— Arrow. Cross words: CallA— UlsteR— PalloR-IndigO-DaW.

No. 617.— Remarkable Ilivers: Green, Grand, Orange, Cheat, Neuse, For, Tombig- bee, Bear, Connecticut, Rocky, Snake. No. CIS.— A Problem tD Solve: CIVIC. No. C19.— Easy Word Squares: TRIP HARE BIRD RARE AMID I DBA IRON RIPE REAL PENT EDEN DALE No. C20.— The Parallelogram Puzzle:

In what vehicle did the man ride who was "driven frantic?" When a man revolves much in his mind, does it make him dizzy! If all things are for the best, where do tha rations for the second beet come from?

Divide the piece of card into five steps aa shown in tho cut, and shift the two pieces to form tho required figures.

No. 621.— Letter Rebus: Blunderer.

No. 622.— Numerical Enigma: Diamond.

No. 623.— Concealed Cities: Salem, Lowell, B*th, Paris, Rome, Nice, Lyons, Trenton.

No. GH.— Riddle: Tho nose.

i'^.— Anagrams: 1. Don Quixote. 2. The Virginians. 3. Guy Manuering. 4. Old Curtly Eh., p. 5. Uncle Tom's Cabin 0 The Woman iu White. 7. The Last Days of FompeiL a Tho Vicar of Wakefleld.

No, 620.— Rebus: Bonn- times a shooting comet flaming goes around the sun.

No. C27.— A Den of Wild Animals:


E M E P O L T B I L F S D B U N O A S C E C E T L U A A K S S O M T R No. 628.— Enigmatical Trees and Plants: The elder tree; O, Leauder; palm; Chili tree; plane; mango. Sage; sensitive plant; lettuce; tea; thyme; peppergross.

No. 629. Riddles: Because it is down In the mouth. Because for every grain they give a peck. B natural. Joseph, when he got into the pit for nothing. Ashes, because whf»n hnrned they are ashes still. No. 630.— Charade: Horse-chestnut. No. 631. Numerical Enigma: Fortunate. No. 632. Can you Name Him: Fisherman, No. 633.— Drop Letter Quotation: "What- soever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might." No. 634.— Diamonds:






No. 635.— Rebus— Wise Words: "Civility costs nothing and buys every thing. "—Mary Wortley Montague.

No. 63<x— Selections: Starch. Star, tar, arch, arc, chart, cart, hart, chat, hat, cat, rat. No. C37.— A Poetical Maze:

O'er the placid ocean,

Merrily vrt> glide; Zephyrs' gentlest motion Fans the rippling tide; Blue the sky above us, Blue the wave below, Borrow cannot move us. " Na 640.— Illustrated Rebus: Take time by the forelock.

No. 641.— Cross Word Enigma: Turkey. No. G42.— Pi:

October morning! how the sun Glitters on glowing shock and sheaf : On apple crisp with mellow gold,

On wonder painted leaf 1 October evening!— look, the moon, Like on* in fair viand benighted!

Book of Puzzles.


Out doors Jack Frost bites sharp; within- Good! our first fire is lighted.

No. 643.— Word PuzjJe: Cleveland.

No. 644— Flowers aai Fruit: Candytuft, gladiolus, trailing arbutus, tuberose, Venus' fly trap, four o'clock, plum, peach, currant, caper, pear, olive.

No. 645.— Deletions: Can(is)ter; war(ran)t; •a(tine)t; H(ass)ock; re(pair)ed.

No. 646.— Charade: Chick weed.

No. 647.— A Hollow Square: CUPS

E c I N

No. 648.— An Anagram: Termagant No. 649.— A Poser: The Letter A. No. 650. Illustrated Rebus: If a man does his best, what more can wo expect from him I No. 651.— Double Acrostic:




S U C 0 E 8 8

No. 652.— The Legacy: The cadi loaned a camel to the brothers, making 20 camels, which he bade them divide. The eldest son took one-half, or 10 camels; the second, one- fourth, 5; the third, one-fifth, 4, making 19 camels among the three brothers and one left to be returned to the cadi.

No. 653. Beheadings: E-go; e-lato; e-state.

No. 654.— Enigmatical Rivers: Merriinac, St. John, Pearl, Black, Brandywine.

No. 655. Rbvming Square: APRIL PAUSE RUBLE ISLES L E E S E

No. 666. Riddles: Silrnce. Because, how- ever frank, she cannot ba plain. A tare. Ink, At seventy, because long experience makes him sage.

No. 657. Crossword Enigma: DaffodQ.

No. 658.— Missing Letters: Dr.

No. 659. Quartered Circles: From 1 to 4, lane; 5 to 8, gear; 9 to 12, lyre; 13 to 1C, anon; 1 to 5, long; 5 to 9, gull; 9 to 13, Luna; 13 to 1, Abel; 2 to 6, abode; 6 to 10, entry; 10 to 14, yearn; 14 to 2, Norma; 3 to 7, Nevada; 7 toll.abider; 11 to 15, Rial to; 15 too, Oberon; 4 to 8, elector; 8 to 12, reserve; 12 to 1(3, east- ern; 16 to 4, naivete.

No. 660.— The Philosopher's Puzzle: The philosopher blocked up each corner of his window in such a way as to leave a diamond shaped opening of the same width and length as the original window.

no. 661. --Charade: Carpet. No. 663,- -A star:









No. 663. Transposition: Cuba a cub. No. 604.— Word Squares:






No. 665. —Numerical Enigma: England. No. 666.— Decapitations: Stray, tray, ray, ay. 2. Stripe, tripe, rije. 3. Strap, trap, rap. 4. Pride, ride.

No. 667.— A Wonderful Puzzle: A watch. No. 668. Numerical Enigma: A new broom sweeps clean. No. 669.— A Half Square:






No. 670.— Easy Rebus for Little People: Stop not to idle.

No. 671. Anagram: Solitary. Lapwing. Tiresome.

No. 672.— Letter R2bus: Largess (large S). No. 673. Conundrums: Because it makes oil boil. Because it makes ma mad. Because it makes over a lover. Because it is always in inquisitive. Because it begins and ends in sauciness. Because it is found in both earth and water.

No. 674. Enigmatical Trees: ?.. Ash tree. 2. Bread fruit. 3. 0-ra»ga ». O-live.

No. 675.— A Seasonable Acrostic: Third row, Heartfelt Thanks; sixth row, Thanks- giving Day. Cross Words: L Athletic, 2. Wreathed. 8. Standard. 4. Strained. 5. Attacked. 6. Diffuses. 7. Presages. 8. Re- ligion. 9. Outlives. 10. Catering. 11. Schoo- ner. 12. Analogue. 13. Consider. 14. Ink- stand. 15. Unstayed. No. 676. A Word Square:


No. 677.— Hidden Words: Names of Object*

—Trowel, lady, eagle, antelope, nest, arch,

ostrich, box, engine. Hidden Words: Rich,

dye, star, row, glean, oxen, well, host, open.

No. 678. Beheadments: Lone one N. E.



No. 879.— Charade: Hum— bug. No. 680.— What is My Name! A kiss. No. 68L— Numerical Enigma: Tobacco. No. 683.— An Easy Riddle: Mentz. No. 683. Conundrums: Because we cannot make them here (hear). Because it is in firm (infirm). Because they put out tubs to catch •oft water when it rains hard. He gets wet The former are dead men and the latter mended (men dead).

No. 684.— A Word Puzzle: L An acre. 2. Nacre, a Crane. 4. Near. 5. Era, 6. Er in error. 7. R (east).

No. 685. Acrostic: Saturn. Love. Eng- land. Eve. Petrarch. Initials: Sleep. No. 6S6. Diamond and Half Square:



No. 687. Geographical Enigmas: 1. Cats- kill 2. Leavenworth. 3. Boston. 4. New- ark. 5. LowelL 6. Dunkirk. 7. Cleveland. 8. Springfield, 9. New Orleans. 10. Hart- ford. 11. Saratoga Springs. 12. Manches- ter. 13. Baltimore. 14. Hannibal 15. Wil- limautic.

No. 688.— Arithmetical: C, I, one hundred and one; L, fifty, dividing it gives C LI; cipht/r, 0, added gives CLIO, one of the nine

'- No. 6S9. Crossword Enigma: Napoleon. No. GOO.— A Poetical Quotation: Oh, what a tangled web we weave When first wo practice to deceive! No. C91.— What Is It» The figure 8. No. 092.— Curtailments: Wheat— heat— eat No. 033,— Easy Word Squares:





No. CM.— Central Acrostic:

B A C K 8 A 8 H E N W Q I L E


BEGET B O K E 3<x <&— Hfthax-linga; L-oue. A-bridge,

Not «06. -Gee-graphical Riddle*: Hood. Snake. Salmon. Sable, Farewell.

A Riddle in Rhyme. Two brothers we are; great burdens we bear;

By some we are heavily pressed. We are full all the day, but in truth I may say

We are empty when we go to rest

A pair of shoes.

No. 697. Numerical Enigma: Harriet Beecher Stowe.

No. 698.— Hidden Words: Laurel; Ural, lea, are, era, lure, Lear, Ella, ell, real, ear, all.

No. 699.— Illustrated Proverb: Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

No. 700.— A Charade: Tad-pole.

No. 701.— Cross Word Enigma: Wolfe.

No. 702.— Drop Letter Proverb: Zeal with- out knowledge is the sister of folly.

No. 703.— Curtailments: Age-d; rip-e; plum-b; flee-t Debt

No. 704.— Charade: Newspaper.

No. 705.— A Concealed Quotation: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

No. 706.— An Easy Riddle: Cares.

No. 707.— A Wise Saying: Speech is silver, but silence is gold.

No. 70S.— A Stitch Puzzle: 1. Arrow stitch. 2. Hem stitch. 3. Running stitch. 4. But- tonhole stitch. 5. Feather stitch. 6. Lock stitch. 7. Star stitch. 8. Cat stitch. 9. Cross stitch. 10. Back stitch. 11. Briar rtitch. 12. Chain stitch. 13. Outline stitch. 14. Rope stitch.

No. 709.— An Hour Glass:



H A 8 T K







No. 710.— A Pleasure Trip:

MY DEAB CHARLOTTE— I have been read- ing, but now will tell you about our pleasant trip. Wo went to see Geneva. There were Elizabeth, Helena, Whitney, Chester and my- self. Elizabeth wore a green merino, Helena wore Canton flannel 1 had to borrow a hoo*d, and wore a black dress. We got an early start We went over a very rocky road. Geneva had been on the lookout for us. As you must know, Geneva is very rich, and her floors were covered with Brussels carpet. She showed us a horn basket she made; also her lovely roan pet cow. We stayed over Sun- day, and then came home. My friend, I must close. I fear we shall get a hurricane. Farewell FLOBBBCE,

Book of Puzzles.


An Alphabetical Wooing. Let others talk of L N"s eyes,

And K Ts figure, light and free, Bay L R, too, is beautiful—

I heed them not while U I O. U need not N V them, for U

X L them all, my M L E. I have no words when I would tell

How much in love with U I B. So sweet U R, my D R E,

I love your very F E G; And when you speak or sing, your voice

Is like a winsome L O D. When U R I-C, hope D KX

I am a mere non-N T T. Such F E K C has your smile,

It shields from N E N M E. For love so deep as mine, I fear,

There is no other M E D, But that you love mo back again

O, thought of heavenly X T Cl So, lest my M T heart and I

Should sing for love an L E O, T's me no more B Y's, B kind,

O, M L E, U R, I 01

St Nicholas.

No. 711. Palindromes: Poop, bib, nun, deified, solos, gig, pup, tenet, deed.

No. 712.— A question of making change:

The grocer gave his quarter to the by- stander, and his fifty cent piece to the pur- chaser.

The bystander gave his two dimes and his one cent piece to the purchaser, and his five cent piece and his two cent piece to the grocer.

The purchaser gave his one dollar bill and his two cent piece to the grocer, and his three cent piece to the bystander.

Thus, with the fewest possible changes, each man received the exact amount he was entitled to.

No. 713.— A Pictorial Rebus: One day in paradise is worth a thousand years on earth.

No. 714.— Double Central Acrostic:


No. 715. Going to Market: Pepper, gin- ger, rico, syrup, spice, soda, currants, sau- sage, starc-h, sugar.

No. 716.— What Is It: A button.

No. 71 7. —Anagrams. Historians: James Anthony Fronde, William H. Prescott, George Rawlinson. Authors: Edward Ever- ett Hale, Charles Egbert Craddock, Jamea Otis.

No. 718.— Empty vessels make the greatest sound.

JTo. 719.— Pi of the season:

December closes on the scene, And what appear the months gone past1

Fragments of time which once have been I Succeeding slowly, fled too fast!

Their minutes, hours, and days appear Viewless in that small point, a year.

No. 720. -A Charade: Hollyhock.

No. 721. Crossword Enigma: Maple Sugar.

No. 722. Easy Transpositions: Stop spot pots— tops post.

No. 723.— Mental Arithmetic: Three In 9, three times.

No. 724.— Riddle: A leaf.

No. 725.— How Is This? There were in the coach an old lady, one of her daughters with two daughters, another daughter with two sons, and the daughter of an absent daughter. Total, eight persons.

No. 726.— Numerical Enigma: A stitch In timo saves nine.

No. 727.— Reverses: 1. Star, rats. 2. War, raw. 8. Ned, den. 4. Yam, may. 5. Pans, enap. 6. Reed, deer.


No. 728.— Enigma— A Little Fairy: The road up to the palace

Toward a thimble wends; The fairy and her sisters

You've at your fingers' ends. No. 729. -A Cut Up Puzzle:

No. 730. Beheadings Transposed:

A— ndes-ends

0 rand -darn

A bate- beat

8— mite-time

S— apid-paid

1 mage-game

Z ebra-bear

No. 731.— A Charade: Afternoon. No. 732. Rhyming Numerical Enigma! Heart.

No. 733.— A Riddle: A shoe. No. 734. An Animal in Anagram: Arma- dillo,


7.T">. A Palindrome : Carac. No. 736.— A Word Square :



No. 737.— Charade : Off-ice.

738. Numerical enigma : , Eiffel Tower.

::$9. Zoological Acrostic :









WILDCAT 1". -N americal Enigma : Sack. . 1 1. Charade : Sun-day. No. 742.— Word Squares :

P L E A s I. L A R D K li ERRATA A D A 11 T S

- i. i T i; i: i: K A a i: -


N«>. 743.— Enigmi : The letter V.

No. 74 1. Letter Rebuses : Rosamund, Governor Covered.

rr.. -Easy Beheadings : Vacation. 1. Vale*. 2. Await. 8. Cl->ck. 4. Aware. i>. Train. 0. Ideal. 7. Opine. 8. Never.

No. 740. -A Pyramid :






No. 747.— A Riddle : Dust.

No. 748. An Anagram : Commissariat.

7i'.i. Double Acrostic: Primal*, Agasnz ; finals, Le Conte. Cross Woru I . Anvil. 2. GracK. X. AttiC. 4. SalvO. 5. SlaiN. 6. IngoT. 7. ZoclE.

No. 750.— Cross Word : Coach.

No. 7.M. A Noted Battle: Waver-aver, Alien-lien, Trace-race, Event-vent, Remit- tmit, Ltver-cvrr, Over-vert, Opine-pine ; Waterloo.

No. 752.— Arithmetical : 99 9-9. 3 ducks. \niii. nral Enigma: The cham- ber of sickness is the chapel of devotion.

No. 764.— Historic*] Anagrams: Welling- ton, Washington, Cajsar, Peter the Great, Darius the < .

No. 756. Hour Glasses

G A L L I N ( i














No. 7,") 7. Charade : Post-man.

No. 758.— A Faithful Guide : The Needle of the Compass.

No. 7 .v.i. Comparisons! 1. Bee, boor, beast. 2. Beau, bore, boast. 3. Fee, fear, feast. 4. Go, gore, ghost. 5. Roe, roar, roast.

No. 760. A Queer Conceit : Assassin.

No. 761. Geographical Anagrams : 1. Great Britain. 2. United states. 3. Australia.

4. Scotland. 5. Minnesota. 6. Philadelphia. No. 762. Conundrums : Because they have

their next world (necks twirled) in this. Oiic is what I was, the other what I wear. Because it contains many currants (currents). Inviolate (in violet).

No. 763. Beheadings : S-tag, I-bis, R-ace, W add, A-bct, L-and, T-act, E-den, R-aft, S-aga, C-age, 0-bey, T-ace, T ail ; Sir Wal- ter Scott.

No. 764.— Charade : Yel-low.

No. 765. An Enigmatical Quartet: MILD.

No. 7C6.— A Pretty Puzzle: 1. All covet, all lose. 2. You dig your grave with your teeth. 3. We hate delay, yet it makes us wise. 4. Better half a loaf than no bread.

5. Penny wise, pound foolish. 6. A drown- ing man will catch at a straw. 7. Two ill meals make the third a glutton. 8. Honey in the mouth saves the purse. 9. Spare to speak, spare to speed. Id. Haste makes waste. Valentines : coVet, grAve, deLay, brEad, peNny, caTch, third, hoXcy, spEak, haSte.

No. 767. Word Squares :


No. 768. Conundrums : Because they are the bearers of idle tails. Bc;:au.*e it is done with the pen. 1 1 has a head and a tail and two sides. When it's dripping. No. 769.— A Checkered Square : « A I. L K O H


1. E M U » E «

L U E 0



W A 8 C K N T

Book of Puzzles.


No. 770. Acrostic Riddle: Lark. Army. Riches. Kite.

No. 771. Letter Enigma : Great Bear.

No. 772. Hidden Reptiles : Asp, frog, newt, skink, snake, toad, salamander, dragon.

No. 773.— A Tramp's Stratagem : The lazy tramp worked 2 days, at 2 hours per day ; the second tramp, 4 days at 4 hours ; the third, 6 days at G hours ; and the fourth, 12 days at 12 hours ; total, 200 hours.

No. 774. In my Garden : Stock, Love lies bleeding, Tulips and Orchis, Heartsease, Wind-flower, Mist- tree (mystery), Catch- fly, Hardback. Inn-cence, Job's Tear, Monks- hood, Rue, Witch Hazel, Violet, Speedwell, Boneset.

No. 775. An Enigma : Blank-book.

No. 776. Phonetic Charade : Dandelion.

No. 777. Numerical Enigma : Telegraph.

No. 778.— Pied Quotations : 1. - Words without thoughts never to heaven go." 2. " Knowledge and wisdom, far from being one, have of ttimes no connection."

No. 779. Delphinised Poetry:

I love little pussy,

Her coat is so warm ; And if I don't hurt her

She'll do me no harm. I will not pull her tail,

Nor drive her away ; But pussy and I

Together will play. As she sits by the fire

I will give her some food, And pussy will love me,

Because I'm LO gocd.

No. 780.— Enigmatic*] Birds : Rail. Tur- key. Man-of-war. Mar-ten. Red-start. Lap-wing. Nut-cracker.

No. 781. Geographical Conundrums : 1. Wales. 2. Ireland. :?. Lapland. 4. Tur- key. 5. Guinea. 6. Iceland.

No. 782.— Who am I ? The letter K.

No. 783. Phonetic Charade : Cowper.

No. 784. Floral Anagram : Petunia.

No. 785. Numerical Enigma : Boston Massacre.

No. 781).— Cross Word : Water.

No. 787.— Beheadings : 1. A— B— road. 2. S— P— R— ay. 3. T— R— ash.

No. 788.— A Riddle : The mouth, with tongue and teeth.

N<-. 78'J. A Poetical Effusion : Ode (owed) to a washerwoman.

No. 790.— Decapitations : 0-S-P-R-ay.

N<>. 791.— Diagonals: Tiny Tim. Cross Words: 1. Trouble. 2. Diamond. S.Pan- dora. 4. Drayman. 5. Carotid. 6. Pacific. 7. Premium.

-N'<>. 792.— A Puzzling Problem : Fifteen white and fifteen black.

OO OOO ••••• OO •• OOOO O ••• O •• OO No. 793. A Diamond :


W I. j:







R No. 794. One of Nature's Wonders : Coral.

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