Marine Biological Laboratory Library Woods Hole, Massachusetts Gift of F.R. Lillie estate - 1977 ^ V.Vi^^«. \^ sT V^ \' ■ ru s r-=l = r-q = CD = a I i-q = m I D EVOLUTION AND GENETICS London: Humphrey Milford Oxford Universitij Press EVOLUTION AND GENETICS BY THOMAS HUNT MORGAN PROFESSOR OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY IN COLTTMBIA UNIVERSITY PRINCETON PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS 1925 Based on lectures delivered at Princeton University Under the Louis Clark Vanuxem Foundation February 24, March 1, 8, 15, 1916 COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PUBLISHED OCTOBER, 1916, AS "A CRITIQUE OF THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION' SECOND PRINTING, SEPTEMBER, 1917 THIRD REVISED PRINTING, FEBRUARY, 1919 COPYRIGHT, 1925, BY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS SECOND EDITION, SEPTEMBER, 1925 PRINTED AT PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS, PRINCETON, N.J., LT.S.A PREFACE ^HE third reprinting of the Vanuxeni Lectures . for 1915-16, entitled A Critique of the Theory of Evolution, having been exhausted, the pubhshers have asked for a revised edition. The revision is no less an attemj^t at a critique of the evolution theory than its predecessor, but, as the change in title sug- gests, greater attention is here paid to one of the most debated questions among evolutionists today, namely, the bearing of the recent discoveries in genetics and in mutation on the theory of evolution. While in a general way Darwin's theory of Natu- ral Selection is independent of the origin of the new variations that furnish it with its materials, yet the scientific formulation of the theory is intimately con- nected with the origin and inheritance of suitable vari- ations. For instance, if most of the observed variabil- ity of animals and plants were due directly to the environment, and if the effects thus brought about were not inherited, such variability could no longer be appealed to as material for natural selection. Again, if the variations that aj^pear as mutants are alwaj^s defective types, they could not, even though they are inherited, be appealed to as furnishing ma- terial for progressive evolution. vi EVOLUTION AND GENETICS A discussion of these two problems in their histor- ical setting is one of the princij^al themes treated in the following pages. The four original lectures (chapters) have been subdivided and enlarged into thirteen chapters. Two of these are entirely new, one dealing with the non- inheritance of acquired characters ( copied with slight changes from the Yale Review for July 1924), the other a criticism of the evidence of human inherit- ance. The somewhat acrimonious discussion taking place at the present time concerning racial differ- ences in man, a discussion in which "nature" and "nurture" are often confused, mav furnish an excuse for the addition of this final chapter. T. H. ]\I0RGAN 3Iarch 1925 CONTENTS Preface v I. Different Kinds of Evolution 1 II. The Four Great Historical SjJeculations 7 THE ENVIRONMENT 7 USE AND DISUSE 10 THE UNFOLDING PRINCIPLE 12 NATURAL SELECTION 14 III. The Evidence for Organic Evolution 17 THE EVIDENCE ITIOM COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 17 THE EVIDENCE FROM EMBRYOLOGY 23 THE EVIDENCE FROM PALEONTOLOGY 32 THE EVIDENCE FROM GENETICS 35 IV. The Materials of Evolution 41 V. MendeVs Two Latvs of Heredity 55 mendel's first law 57 mendel's second law 66 • • Vll viii CONTENTS VI. Tlic Chromosoiiies and MendeVs Two Laws 73 THE CELLULAR BASIS OF HEREDITY AND DEVELOPMENT 73 THE MECHANISM OF MENDEl's TWO LAWS 82 VII. Tlie Linkage Groups and the Chromosomes 87 THE FOUR GREAT LINKAGE GROUPS OF DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER 89 VIII. Sejc-Linkcd Inh eritance 101 IX. Crossing -over 111 X. Natural Selection and Evolution 119 THE THEORY OF NATURxVL SELECTION 119 THE MEASUREMENT OF VARIATION 121 SELECTION AND VARIATION 129 PURE LINES 130 GENETIC VARIABILITY 133 CONCLUSIONS 135 CONTENTS ix XI. The Origin of Species by Natural Selection 137 THE DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SPECIES AND THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY NATURAL SELECTION 142 CHANCE AND EVOLUTION 144 PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 148 THE DOMINANCE OF THE WILD TYPE GENES lol XII. TJie N on -Inheritance of Acquired Characters 155 XIII. Human Inheritance 179 GENERAL STATEMENT 179 INHERITANCE OF PHYSICAL DEFECTS 184 THE FOUR BLOOD GROUPS AND THEIR INHERITANCE 194 INHERITANCE OF OTHER TRAITS 198 THE INHERITANCE OF MENTAL TRAITS 200 Chapter I DIFFERENT KINDS OF EVOLUTION We use the word evolution in many ways — to in- clude many different kinds of changes. There is hardly any other scientific term that is used so care- lessly— to imply so much, to mean so little. We S23eak of the evolution of the stars, of the evo- lution of the horse, of the evolution of the steam engine, as though they were all part of the same process. What have they in common? Only this, that each concerns itself with the history of some- thing. When the astronomer thinks of the evo- lution of the earth, the moon, the sun and the stars, he has a picture of diffuse matter that has slowly condensed. With condensation came heat; with heat, action and reaction within the mass until the chemical substances that we know today were produced. This is the nebular hypothesis of the as- tronomer. The astronomer explains, or tries to ex- plain, how this evolution took place, by an appeal to the physical processes that have been worked out in the laboratory, processes which he thinks have ex- isted through all the eons during which this evolution was going on and which were its immediate causes. When the biologist thinks of the evolution of ani- mals and plants, a different picture presents itself. He thinks of series of animals that have lived in the 2 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS past {fig. 1) whose bones and shells have been pre- served in the rocks {fig. 2) . He thmks of these ani- mals as having in the past given birth, through an Ecjuus 'liohippus Nerychippus Mesohippus Orohippus Ppotopohippus Fig. 1. — Outline of horses of different geological periods, showing their relative sizes and the decrease in the number of toes. {After Lull.) DIFFERENT KINDS OF EVOLUTION 3 unbroken succession of individuals, to the living in- habitants of the earth today. He thinks that some of the simpler types of the past have in part changed over into the more complex forms of the j^resent time. Orohippus Miohippus Hipparmn Equus Fig. 2. — Forefeet of horses, showing the progressive loss of the lateral toes. (After Marsh, from Lull.) He is thinking as the historian thinks, but he runs the risk of thinking that he is explaining evolution when he is only describing it. A third kind of evolution is one for which man himself is responsible, in the sense that he has brought it about, often with a definite end in view. His mind has worked slowly from stage to stage. We can often trace the history of the stages through which his creative j^rocesses have passed. The evolu- tion of the steam-boat, the steam engine, paintings, clothing, instruments of agriculture, of manufac- 4 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS ture, or of warfare {fig, 3) illustrates the history of human progress. There is an obvious and striking similarity between the evolution of man's inventions and the evolution of the shells of molluscs and of the IHON HAT 1-iNINO -^•YJ-^ POT THi- pakt.s of a hklaict boo A-jD HELMETS THCIR KIXDS AND DE\ El.OPMENT DURING THE CENTURIES SPANGENHELM A.r> 600 Fig. 3. — Evolution of helmets. {After Dean.) DIFFERENT KINDS OF EVOLUTION 5 bones of mammals, vet in neither case does a knowl- edge of the order in which these things arose explain them. If we appeal to the psychologist he will prob- ably tell us that human inventions are either the result of hapj)y accidents, that have led to an un- foreseen, but discovered use; or else the use of the invention was foreseen. It is to the latter process more especially that the idea of pur pose is applied. When we come to review the four great lines of evolutionary thought we shall see that this human idea of purpose recurs in many forms, suggesting that man has often tried to explain how organic evo- lution has taken place by an appeal to the method which he believes he makes use of himself in the inorganic world. What, I repeat, has the evolution of the stars in common with the evolution of the horse, and what have these in common with the evolution of human in- ventions? Clearly no more than that from a simple beginning through a series of changes something more complex, or at least different, has come into being. To lump all these kinds of changes into one and call them evolution is only to assert that you be- lieve in consecutive series of events (which is history) causally connected (which is science). It is the aim of science to find out ^/^^cZ/zca//?/ what kinds of causes were at work when the stars evolved in the sky, when the horse evolved on the earth, and the steam engine was evolved from the mind of man. Chapter II THE FOUR GREAT HISTORICAL SPECULATIONS Looking' backward over the history of the evolution theory we recognize that during the hundred and odd years that have elapsed since Buff on, there have been four main lines of specuJation concerning evo- lution. We might call them the four great cosmogo- nies or the four modern epics of evolution. The Environment GEOFFROY ST. HILAIRE About the beginning of the last century Geoffroy St. Hilaire, protege, and in some respects a disciple, of Buffon, was interested as to how living species are related to the animals and plants that had preceded them. He was familiar with the kind of change that takes place in the embryo if it is put into new or changed surroundings, and from this knowledge he concluded that as the surface of the earth slowly changed — as the carbon dioxide contents in the air altered — as land appeared, and as marine animals left the water to inhabit it, they or their embryos re- sponded to the new conditions and those that re- sponded favorably gave rise to new creations. As the environment changed the fauna and flora changed — change for change. Here we have a picture of pro- 8 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS gressive evolution that carries with it an idea of mechanical necessity. If there is anything mystical or even improbable in St. Hilaire's argument it does not appear on the surface ; for he did not assume that the response to the new environment was always a favorable one or, as we say, an adaptation. He ex- 2)ressly stated that // the response was unfavorable the individual or the race died out. He assumed that sometimes the change might be favorable, i.e., that certain species, entire groups, would respond in a direction favorable to their existence in a new envi- ronment and these would come to inherit the earth. In this sense he anticipated certain phases of the natural selection theory of Darwin, but only in part ; for his picture is not one of strife within and without the species, but rather the escape of the species from the old into a new world. If, then, we recognize the intimate bond in chem- ical constitution of living things and of the world in which they develop, what is there improbable in St. Hilaire's hypothesis? Why, in a word, is not more credit given to St. Hilaire in modern evolutionary thought ? The reasons are to be found, I think, first, in that the evidence to which he appealed was meagre and inconclusive; and, second, in that much of his special evidence does not seem to us to be applicable. For example the monstrous forms that development often assumes in a strange environment, and with which every embryologist is only too familiar, rarely HISTORICAL SPECULATIONS 9 if ever furnish combinations, as he supposed, that are capable of Hving. On the contrary, they lead rather to the final catastrophe of the organism. And lastly, St. Hilaire's appeal to sudden and great transformations, such as crocodile's egg hatching into a bird, has exposed his view to too easy ridicule. But when all is said, St. Hilaire's conception of evolution contains elements that form the back- ground of our thinking today, for taken broadly, the interaction between the organism and its envi- ronment was a mechanistic conception of evolution even though the details of the theory were inade- quate to establish his contention. In our own time the French metaphysician Berg- son in his Evolution Cr^eat^iee has proposed in mys- tical form a thought that has at least a superficial resemblance to St. Hilaire's conception. The re- sponse of living things is precise, exact, yet not mechanical in the sense at least in which we usually employ the word mechanical. For Bergson claims that the one chief feature of living material is that it responds favorably to the situation in which it finds itself, at least so far as lies within the possible physical limitations of its organization. Evolution has followed no preordained plan; it has had no creator; it has brought about its own creation by responding adaptively to each situation as it arose. But note: the man of science believes that the organism responds today as it does, because at pres- 10 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS ent it has a chemical and physical constitution that gives this response. We find a specific chemical com- position and generally a specific physical structure already existing. We have no reason to suppose that such particular reactions v^ould take place until a specific chemical configuration had been acquired. Where did this constitution come from? This is the question that the scientist asks himself. I suj^pose Bergson would have to reply that it came into exist- ence at the moment that the first specific stimulus was applied. But if this is the answer we have passed at once from the realm of observation to the realm of fancy — to a realm that is foreign to our experience ; for such a view assumes that chemical and physical reactions are guided by the needs of the organism when the reactions take place inside living beings. Use and Disuse FROM LAMARCK TO WEISMANN The second of the four great historical explana- tions appeals to a change not immediately connected with the outer world, but to one within the organism itself. Practice makes perfect is a familiar adage. Not only in human affairs do we find that a part through use becomes a better tool for performing its task, and through disuse degenerates; but in the field of animal behavior we find that manv of the most essen- tial types of behavior have been learned througli HISTORICAL SPECULATIONS 11 repeated associations formed by contact with the outside. It was not so long ago that we were taught that the instincts of animals are the inherited ex^^erience of their ancestors — lapsed intelligence was the cur- rent phrase. Lamarck's name is always associated with tlie application of the theory of the inheritance of ac- quired characters. Darwin fully endorsed this view and made use of it as an explanation in all of his writings about animals. Today the theory has few followers amongst trained investigators, but it still has a j^opular vogue that is widespread. To Weismann more than to anv other single in- dividual should be ascribed the disfavor into which this view has fallen. In a series of brilliant essays he laid bare the inadequacy of the sup23osed evidence on which the inheritance of acquired characters rested. Your neighbor's cat, for instance, has a short tail, and it is said that it had its tail pinched off by a closing door. In its litter of kittens one or more is found without a tail. Your neighbor believes that here is a case of cause and effect. He may even have known that the mother and grandmother of the cat had natural tails. But it has been found that short tail is a dominant character; therefore, until Ave know who was the father of the short-tailed kittens the accident to its mother and the normal condition of her maternal ancestry are not to the point. 12 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS Weismann appealed to common sense. He made few experiments to disprove Lamarck's hypothesis. True, he cut off the tails of some mice for a few generations but got no tailless offspring and while he gives no exact measurements with coefficients of error, he did not observe that the tails of the descen- dants had shortened one whit. The combs of fighting cocks and the tails of certain breeds of sheep have been cropped for many generations and the practice continues today, because sheep's tails are still long, and cocks still grow combs. The Unfolding Princijjle NAGELI I have ventured to put down as one of the four great historical explanations, under the heading of the unfolding principle, a conception that has taken protean forms. At one extreme it is little more than a mystic sentiment to the effect that evolution is the result of an inner driving force or principle which goes under many names such as Bildungstrieb, nisus formativus, vital force, and orthogenesis. Evolu- tionary thought is replete with variants of this idea, often naively expressed, sometimes unconsciously implied. Evolution once meant, in fact, an unfold- ing of what pre-existed in the egg, and the term still carries with it something of its original significance. Nageli's speculation may be taken as a typical HISTORICAL SPECULATIONS 13 case. JVageli thought that there exists in hving ma- terial an innate power to grow and expand. He vehemently protested that he meant only a mechan- ical j^rinciple but, as he failed to refer such a princi- ple to any properties of matter known to physicists and chemists, his view seems still a mvsterious affir- mation as difficult to understand as the facts them- selves which it purports to explain. Nageli compared the process of evolution to the growth of a tree, whose ultimate twigs represent the living world of species. Xatural selection plays only the role of the gardener who prunes the tree into this or that shape but who has himself lyroduced nothing. As an imaginative figure of speech Xageli's comparison of the tree might even today seem to hold if we substituted propagation and variation for "growth," but although we know so little about what causes variation there is no reason for sujjposing it to be due to an inner vague impulse. In his recent presidential address before the Brit- ish Association, Bateson has inverted this idea. I suspect that his effort was intended as little more than a tour de force. He claims for it no more than that it is a possible line of speculation. Perhaps he thought the time had come to give a shock to our too confident views concerning evolution. Be this as it may, he has invented a striking paradox. Evolution has taken place through the steady loss of inhibiting 14 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS factors. Living matter was stopped down, so to s]3eak, at the beginning of the world. As the stops are lost, new things emerge. The germinal material has changed only in that it has become simpler. Natural Selection DARWIN Of the four great historical sj^eculations about evolution, the doctrine of Xatural Selection of Dar- win and Wallace has met with the most widespread acceptance. Later the theory will be examined more critically. Here only its broadest aspects will be considered. Darwin appealed to chance variations as supply- ing evolution with the material on which natural se- lection works. If we accept, for the moment, this statement as the cardinal doctrine of natural selec- tion it may appear that evolution is due, ( 1 ) not to an orderly response of the organism to its environ- ment, (2) not in the main to the adjustment of the animal through the use or disuse of its parts, (3) not to any innate non-physical principle of living material itself, and (4) above all not to purpose either from within or from without. Darwin made quite clear what he meant by chance. By chance he did not mean that the variations were not causal. On the contrary he taught that in science we mean by chance only that the particular combination of causes that bring about a variation is not known. HISTORICAL SPECULATIONS 15 They are accidents, it is true, but they are causal accidents. In his famous book on Animals and Plants under Domestication, Darwin dwells at great length on the nature of the conditions that bring about varia- tions. If some of his views seem to us today at times vague, at times problematical, and often without a secure basis, nevertheless we find, in every instance, that Darwin was searching for the ijhysical causes of variation. He brought, in consequence, conviction to many minds that there are abundant indications, even if certain proof is lacking, that the causes of variation are to be found in natural processes. Today the belief that evolution takes place by means of natural processes is generally accepted. It did not seem probable that we should ever again have to renew the old contest between evolution and spe- cial creation. But this is not enough. We can never remain satis- fied with a negative conclusion of this kind. We must find out what natural causes bring about variations in animals and plants; and we must also find out what kinds of variations are inherited, and how they are inherited. If the circumstantial evidence for or- ganic evolution, furnished by comparative anatomy, embryology and paleontology is cogent, we should expect to observe evolution going on at the present time, i.e., w^e should be able to observe the occurrence of variations and their transmission. This has actu- 16 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS ally been done by the geneticist. Certain kinds of new characters have been seen to arise by a process called mutation and their inheritance is now known to follow Mendel's laws. Chapter III THE EYIDEXCE FOR ORGANIC EVOLUTIOX Four branches of study have furnished the evidence of organic evolution: Com^^arative anatomy; Em- bryology; Paleontology; and Experimental Breed- ing or Genetics. The Evidence from Comparaiive Anatomy When we study animals and plants we find that they can be arranged in groups according to their resemblances. This is the basis of comparative anat- omy, which is only an accurate study of facts that are superficially obvious to everyone. The groups are based not on a single difference, but on a very large number of resem])lances. Let us take for example the group of vertebrates. The hand and the arm of man are similar to the hand and arm of the ape {jig. 4) . The legs of man, monkey, dog, sheep, and the horse are made up of similar bones {jig, 5) . The same parts are found in the leg of the lizard, the frog, and, even though less certainly, in the fins of fishes. Comparsion does not end here. We find similarities in the skull and back- bones of these same animals ; in the brain ; in the di- gestive system; in the heart and blood vessels; in the muscles. Each of these systems is very complex, but the 18 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS same general arrangement is found in all. Anyone familiar with the evidence will, I think, probably reach the conclusion either that these animals have been created on some preconceived plan, or else that they have some other bond that unites them ; for we uo Chfmpanzee Ma.n Fig. 4. — Arm of chimpanzee and of man, drawn to scale. (After Haeckeh) ORGANIC EVOLUTION 19 find it difficult to believe that such complex, yet similar, things could have arisen independently. Because we can often arrange the series of struc- tm-es in a line extending from the very simple to the Me.n Monkey Dog Sheep Horse Fig. 5. — Legs of five mammals, drawn to scale, to show homologous parts. (After Leconte, from Romanea.) more complex, we are Si\)i to become unduly im- pressed by this fact and conclude that if we found the comjilete series we should find all the interme- diate steps and that they have arisen in the order of their comj^lexity. For example, there have appeared in our cultures of the vinegar fly, Drosophila mel- anogaster {fig. 6) over four hundred new types that breed true. Each has arisen independently and sud- denly. Every part of the body has been affected by 20 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS one or another of these mutations. Many different kinds of changes have taken place in the wings and several of these involve the size of the wings. If we arrange the latter arbitrarily in the order of their size there will be an almost complete series begin- FiG. 6. — Male and female vinegar fly, Dro- sophila melanogaster. ning with normal wings and ending with those of aj^terous flies. Several of these types are re^^resented in figure 7. The order in which these mutations oc- curred bears no relation to their size ; each originated independently from the wild type. JNlutations have occurred involving the pigmen- tation of the body and wings. The head and thorax of the wild Drosophila melanogaster are grayish yel- low, the abdomen is banded with yellow and black, and the wings are gray. There have appeared in our cultures several kinds of darker tyj)es ranging to almost black flies and to lighter types that are pale yellow. If put in line a series may be made from the darkest flies at one end to the light yellow flies ORGANIC EVOLUTION 21 at the other. These types, with the fluctuations that occur within each tyj)e, furnish a complete series of gradations ; vet historically they have arisen inde- pendently of each other. JNIany changes in eye color have appeared. As * '« •SLi^ fl "msg^i^^ A -^-m **% ^M^: ' d ¥ -^^*EV- FiG. 7. — Mutants of Drosophila melanogaster, arranged in order of size of wings; rr, cut,; 6, beaded; c, stumpy; c/, an- other stumpy; e, vestigial; j, apterous. many as fifty or more races differing in eye color are now maintained in our cultiu'cs. Some of them are so similar that they can scarcely be separated from each other. It is easily possible beginning with the darkest eye color, sepia, which is deep brown, to 2)ick out a perfectly graded series ending with pure white eyes. But such a serial arrangement would 22 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS give a totally false idea of the way the different types have arisen; and any conclusion based on the existence of such a series might very well be entirely erroneous, for the fact that such a series exists bears no relation to the order in which its meni])ers have a|)peared. Suppose that evolution "in the open" had taken place in the same way, by means of discontinuous variation. What value then would the evidence from comparative anatomy have in so far as it is based on a continuous series of variants of any organ? No one familiar with the entire evidence will doubt for a moment that these four hundred races of Dro- sojihila belong to the same species and have had a common origin, for while they may differ mainly in one thino; they are extremely alike in a hundred other things, and in the general relation of the parts to each other. It is in this sense that the evidence from compara- tive anatomy can be used, I think, as an argument for evolution. It is the resemblances that the animals or plants in any group have in common that is the basis for such a conclusion ; it is not because we can arrange any j)articular variations in a continuous series. In other words, our inference concerning the common descent of two or more species is based on the totality of such resemblances that still remain in large part after each change has taken place. In this sense the argument fi'om comparative anatomy. ORGANIC EVOLUTION 23 while not a demonstration, furnishes circumstantial evidence too strong to be disregarded. The Evidence from Emhryology In passing from the egg to the adult the individ- ual goes through a series of changes. In the course of this development we see not only the beginnings of the organs tliat gradually enlarge and change into those of the adult animal, but also see some or- gans appear and later disappear before the adult stage is reached. We find, moreover, that the young sometimes resemble in a most strikin"' wav the adult stage of groups that we place lower in the scale of evolution. Many years before Darwin advanced his theory of evolution through natural selection, the resem- blance of the young of higher animals to the adults of lower animals had attracted the attention of zo- ologists and various views, often very naive, had been advanced to account for the resemblance. Among these speculations there was one practically identical with that adopted by Darwin and the jDost- Darwinians, namely that the higher animals repeat in their development the adult stages of lower ani- mals. Later this view became one of the cornerstones of the theory of organic evolution. It reached its cli- max in the writings of Haeckel, and I think I may add without exaggeration that for twenty-five years it furnished the chief inspiration of the school of 24 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS descriptive embryology. Today it is taught in many textbooks of biology. Haeckel called this interpre- tation the Biogenetic Law. The parallel between the historical development of antlers of deer {fig. 8) and their postnatal development from year to year (fig. 9) is most striking. Historically we may sup- pose that the develojiment was due to the appear- FiG. 8. — Fossil deer antlers. The first two to the left are from the niid-eosine; the third is from the iip})er miocene; the fourth is from the pliocene, as is also the fifth figure. The figure to the right is from the "forest-bed of Norfolk." (After RoTrwnes.) ance of hereditary variations in the germ material. At the present time, the stages in their development are closely correlated with age, size, and especially with the yearly increase in the internal secretion of the testes ; for, after castration the antlers no longer develop. In living deer all the hereditary factors that appeared in the past are present at each stage, but the extent to which the antlers develop depends on the physiological conditions mentioned above. In other words, while there is a close relation in both cases ORGANIC EVOLUTION 25 between the hereditary factors present, the causes that led to the development of the more complicated stages in the past (the accumulation of hereditary factors) are different from the causes that, at pres- 1<"lt«*H^ Fig. 9. — Antlers of stag', showing successive additions of brandies in successive years. (After Romanes.) ent, bring about a similar sequence as the individual gets older. It was early recognized that many embryonic stages could not possibly represent ancestral animals. A young fish with a huge yolk sac attached {fig. 10) could scarcely ever have led a free life as an adult individual. Such stages were interpreted, however, as emhryonic additions to the original ancestral 26 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS type. The embryo bad done sometbing on its own account. In some animals tbe young bave structures tbat attacb tbem to tbe motber, as does tbe placenta of tbe Fig, 10. — Young trout, six days after hatching. {After Zieyler.) mammals. In otber cases tbe ^^oung develop mem- branes about tbemselves — like tlie amnion of tbe cbick {fig. 11) and mammal — tbat would bave sbut off an adult animal from all intercourse witb tbe out- FiG. 11. — Diagram of chick, show- ing relations of amnion, allantois, and yolk. {After Wilder.) ORGANIC EVOLUTION 27 side world. Hundreds of such embryonic structures are known. These were explained as embryonic adaptations and hence falsifications of the ances- tral records. At the end of the last century Weismann injected a new idea into our views concerning the origin of variations. He urged that variations are germinal, i.e., they first appear in the egg and the sperm as changes that later bring about modifications in the individual. The idea has been fruitful and is gener- ally accepted by most biologists today. It means that the offspring of a j^air of animals are not af- fected by the structure or the activities of their par- ents, but tlie gerni material is the unmodified stream from which both the parent and the young have arisen. Hence their resemblance. Now, it has been found that a variation arising in the germ material, no matter what its cause, may affect any stage in the development of the next individuals that arise from it. There is no reason to suppose that such a change produces a new character that always sticks itself, as it were, on to the end of the old series. This idea of germinal variation therefore carried with it the death of the older conception of evolution by sujierposition. In more recent times another idea has become cur- rent, mainlv due to the work of Bateson and of de Vries — the idea that variations are discontinu- ous. Such a conception does not fall easily into line 28 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS with the statement of the biogenetic "law"; for actual experience with discontinuous variation has taught us that new characters that arise do not add themselves to the end of the line of already existing characters but if they involve adult characters they change them without, as it were, passing through and bevond them. I venture to think that these new ideas and this new evidence have played havoc with the biogenetic "law." Nevertheless, there is an interpretation of the facts that is entirely compatible with the theoiy of evolution. Let me illustrate this by an example. Fig. 12. — Diagram of head of chick, A and B, showing gill slits and aortic arches; and head of fish, C, showing aortic arches. {After Hesse.) The embryos of the chick (fig. 12) and of man (fig. 13) possess at an early stage in their development gill slits on the sides of the neck like those of fishes. No one familiar with the relations of the parts will ORGANIC EVOLUTION 29 for a moment doubt that the gill slits of these em- bryos and of the fish represent the same structures. When we look further into the matter we find that Gill slits Fig. 13. — Human embryo, showing gill slits and aortic arches. {After His, from Marshall.) young fish also possess gill slits (fig. 14) — even in young stages in their development. Is it not then more probable that the mammal and bird possess ^-GUl slits - Fig. 14. — Side views of head of embrvo shark, showing gill slits. {After Sedgwick.) this stage in their development simply because it has never been lost? Is not this a more reasonable view than to suppose that the gill slits of the em- biyos of the higher forms represent the adult gill 30 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS slits of the fish that in some mysterious Avay have been pushed back into the embryo of the bird? Many similar examples con Id be given. All can be interpreted as embryonic survivals rather than as phyletic contractions. Not one of them calls for the latter interpretation. The stud}" of the cleavage i^attern of the segment- ing egg furnishes the most convincing evidence that a different explanation from the one stated in the biogenetic law is the more probable explanation. It has been found that the cleavage pattern has the same general arrangement in the early stages of flat worms, annelids and molluscs (fig. 15). Ob- viously these stages have never been adult ancestors, and obviouslv if their resemblance has any historical meaning at all, it is that each group has retained the same general plan of cleavage, possessed by their common ancestor. Accepting this view, does the evidence from em- brvoloffv favor the theory of evolution? I think that it does very strongly. The embryos of the mammal, bird, and lizard have gill slits today because gill slits were present in the embryos of their common ances- tors. There is no other view that explains so well their presence in the higher forms. It may be asked whether this is not all that the "biogenetic law"claims. Has not the old conclusion been reached in a roundabout wav? I think not. To my mind there is a wide difference between the old ORGANIC EVOLUTION 31 statement that the higher animals Hving today have the original adult stages telescoped into their em- hrvos, and the statement that the resemblance be- FiG. 15. — Cleavage stages of four types of eggs; a, Planarian; 6, Annelid; c, Mollusc (Crepidula); d. Mollusc (Unio). tween certain characters in the embryos of higher animals and corresponding stages in the embryos of lower animals is most plausibly explained by the as- sumption that they have descended from the same ancestors, and that their common structures are em- bryonic survivals. 32 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS The Evidence from Paleontology The direct evidence furnished by fossil remains is by all odds the strongest evidence that we have in favor of organic evolution. Paleontology holds the incomparable position of being able to point directly to fossil remains showing that the animals and plants living in past times are connected with those living at the present time, often through an un- broken series of stages {jig. 16). Paleontology has triumphed over the weakness of the evidence, which Darwin admitted was serious, by filling in many of the missing links. Paleontology has been criticised on the ground that it cannot pretend to show the actual ancestors of living forms, because, if in the past genera and species were as abundant and as diverse as we find them at present, it is very improbable that the bones of any individual that happened to be ]3reserved are the bones of just that species that took part in the evolution. Paleontolooists freelv admit that in manv cases this is probably true, but even then the evi- dence is still, I think, just as valuable and in exactly the same sense as is the evidence from comparative anatomy. It suffices that there lived in the past a particular "group" of animals that had many points in common with those that preceded them and with those that came later. Whether these are the actual ancestors, or not, does not so much matter ; for, the view that, from such a group of species, the later ORGANIC EVOLUTION 33 %limf Fig. 16. — Evolution of the horse, showing the changes in the skull and in the bones of the legs. {After Matthews.) 34 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS species have been derived is far more probable than any other view that has been proposed. With this unrivalled material and splendid series of gradations, paleontology has constructed many stages in the past history of the globe. But paleon- tologists have sometimes gone beyond this descrip- tive phase of the subject and have attempted to for- mulate the "causes," "laws" and "principles" that have led to the development of their series. It has even been claimed that paleontologists are in a much better position than are zoologists to discover such principles, because they know both the beginning and the end of the evolutionar}^ series. The reply is obvious. In his sweeping and poetic vision the pale- ontologist may fail completely to find out the nature of the pigments that have gone into the painting of his picture, and he may confuse a familiarity with the different views he has enjoyed of the canvas, with a knowledge of how the painting was done. When the modern student of variation and he- redity— the geneticist — looks over the different continuous" series, from which certain "laws" and principles" have been deduced, he is struck by two facts : that the gaps, in some cases, are enormous as compared with the single changes with which he is familiar, and (what is more important) that they involve numerous parts in manv wavs. Since the paleontologist does not know, and from the nature of the case cannot know whether the differences are a a ORGxWIC EVOLUTION 35 due to one change or to a thousand he cannot with any certainty tell anythino^ ahout the hereditary units which haye made the process of eyolution j)os- sible. Without this knowledge there can be no satis- factory understanding of the origin of new heredi- tary yariations through which eyolution is possible. The Evidence from Genetics In recent years a study of the orioin of new characters has led to the discoyery that sudden a. changes appear at times in the germinal elements — changes that haye an effect on one or more charac- ters of the organism. The ^^rocess by which the change takes place is called mutation, and the new kind of indiyidual it produces is called a mutant. The mutants breed true to the new type. How far, and in what sense, the occurrence of mutants suf- fices to supply the material for eyolution in animals and plants is one of the important biological prob- lems of today. While in a strict sense genetics deals only with the mode of transmission of the hereditary elements (the genes) from parent to offspring, the scientific study of the origin of new yariations is undertaken today almost exclusiyely by students of o^enetics, and is now recognized as a part of their Avork. I shall include, therefore, under the "eyidence from genet- ics" the origin of new characters by mutation. In many groups of animals and plants new kinds 36 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS of individuals have been seen to suddenly appear. The new characters that they show are transmitted ft''' to their descendants. In some cases the new charac- ters depart widely from those of the stock from which the new individual has sprung; in other cases the departure may be very slight and pass unnoticed unless one is very familiar with the parent stock. In fact, it is owing, in large part, to a minute examina- tion of plants and animals, that many of the new characters studied by geneticists have been discov- ered. So small are some of the observed changes that they are not greater than the fluctuating changes due to the environment. The inheritance of the new character, when it is as slight as this, can only be determined by a careful study of successive genera- tions under controlled conditions both genetic and environmental. It is the realization of these require- ments that has enabled genetics to make its contri- bution to the theory of evolution. While it is true that most of these mutant changes have been observed in animals under domestication, or in species that have recently been brought into the laboratory, there is no evidence that they owe ft -^ ft' their appearance to cultivation or to domestication. On the contrary similar mutants have been found in wild species. Cultivated plants and domesticated animals are more familiar to us, and more carefully -^ ft- scrutinized, than are wild species. Hence in large ORGANIC EVOLUTION 37 part the more frequent discovery of new types in these forms. Many, probably most, of the extreme mutant types could not compete with the native types from which they have sprung, and this has been urged as an argument against the view that mutants could furnish the materials for evolution; because, it is said, only better adapted types coidd survive that have an advantage of some sort over the parent types so that they can replace the original types, or else find a new environment to which they are better suited than were the original forms. This ar- gument, if it could be substantiated, would be a fatal blow to the mutation theorv of evolution. It calls, therefore, for careful and impartial consideration. That it is not justified is shown, I think, by the fol- lowing evidence. While it is true that manv of the mutant charac- ters that are preserved by geneticists for a study of heredity are extreme departures from the original type, these are utilized rather than smaller differ- ences because thev are easilv observed and their classification readilv determined. Those characters that depart little from the jjarent type, or are diffi- cult to distinguish from the fluctuating variations of that type, are more difficult to study and are neg- lected. Hence has arisen in some quarters the er- roneous idea that all mutant types are defectives 38 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS and incaj)able of competing with the original form. In this connection it is important to keep in mind the fact that animals and plants are extremely com- plex machines that are highly adapted to the condi- tions of life in which they live. Any change, and especially any great change in them, is far more likely to throw them ont of balance with their envi- ronment than to bring to them an advantage, but it is possible, nevertheless, that some of the changes, however slight, might be beneficial, especially those that add to or diminish slightly some important char- acter or function already present. These changes might furnish materials for evolution. Darwin rested his case for evolution on the ob- served small differences that all animals and plants show. Now, while we realize today that many of these slight differences are not inherited, we also know that amongst them there are some that are inher- ited, and that these, so far as we know, have arisen as mutations. At present there is no evidence that will stand the test of criticism in favor of any other origin than that all known variations owe their ap- pearance to the same process of jiiutation that also produces the larger differences; and, I repeat, that there is much explicit evidence to show that very small differences, that add to or subtract from characters already j)resent, do appear by mutation. Finally there is evidence that the differences shown by individuals in nature are inherited in the ORGANIC EVOLUTION 39 same way as are the observed mutant characters of domesticated forms. While this identity in tlie method of inheritance may not })e a conclusive argu- ment in itself in showing that in both cases the dif- ferences have arisen by the same process, still the probability is so strong that it would be short-sighted to reject it, when the alternative assertion that the differences in the wild form have had a different origin, has nothing to support it. These questions will come up again for further consideration, but enough has been said to show that the discoveiy of the way in which new characters appear and are in- herited marks a distinct advance in our study of the evolutionary process. Chapter IV THE MATERIALS OF EVOLUTION The apparent permanence of the types of animals and plants living at the present time is a common fact of observation. If this were the whole story it would appear that evolution had come to an end. If living things at the present time were really stable, we could give no good reason why it has not always been so in the past. On the other hand, if this stability is deceptive, we might expect to find evolu- tion still taking place at the present time as in the past, and if this is true we might hope by a careful study of what is happening in living things about us to be able to get some information as to the way in which the process has taken place in the past. It is, of course, also conceivable that, even if evolution went on in the past, it has actually come to an end at the present time, or at least, having reached its cli- max, a declining process may be the order of the day — a process the reverse of that by which the up- ward trend of evolution went on in the past. It is also conceivable that the process of evolution is so slow that we may not be able to detect or measure it with means at our disposal. It may be true, further- more, that certain species at least have become so far adjusted to the present conditions of the earth, 42 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS that they are no longer advancing, and that only a few species are producing new or better types. While it is well to keep these possibilities in mind, an appeal to the actual evidence furnishes no grounds for the belief that the process of evolution has come to an end. The conditions of land, water, and atmos- jihere have in all probability changed slowly since life first aj^peared, as they are changing today, and if in the past, evolution has progressed while the ex- ternal world has been so slowly changing, it is a fair presumption that, to some extent at least, we may exjDect to find evolution taking place at the present time. It should also not be forgotten that the re- adjustment of animals and plants to each other may be as important a condition of evolution as their adjustments to the external world. From the latter point of view, the extraordinary complexity of the relation of living things to each other may even seem to furnish ample ojiportunities for further adjust- ments. It is certain, at least, that with the advent of man's interference with the natural conditions es- sential to other animals and plants, widespread changes may be expected to take place in part de- structive but possibly also constructive. His domes- tication of several kinds of j)lants has produced changes in them that are very striking, but whether by the same kind of processes that take place in nature is a matter of dispute. There is then, on the whole, a fair a priori expec- MATERIALS OF EVOLUTION 43 tatioii that evolution may still be taking place, and that it may not be so slow as to be beyond our powers of observation and even experimentation. The study of living things has, I think, confirmed this expecta- tion despite the fact that there exist at present rather wide differences of opinion as to the legitimate con- clusions from the evidence. A great deal of the discussion about evolution has centered about the Ongin of Species. Historically, the question as to what constitutes a species goes back at least as far as Linne (1707-1778) who clas- sified all plants and animals known to him into such groups. The systematic arrangement of living things into species, genera, families, etc., still attracts the attention of a large number of naturalists. JNIany difficulties arise Avhen an attempt is made to arrange animals into groups. It is generally rec- ognized that, in some groups, species have a different value from that in others. While some taxonomists prefer to arrange individuals into large species, other systematists split these large species into sev- eral or many smaller ones, still calling them species. It is generally admitted that the classification into species is often an arbitrary procedure, one that is useful, of course, in order to indicate the resem- blances and differences that a study of animals and plants reveals. A few students of the subject still attempt to arrange their species in such a way as to indicate their relationship by descent, but the at- 44 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS tempt, while desirable from the standpoint of evo- lution, has proven so difficult that it has been tacitly abandoned or ignored by many taxonomists. It is unfortunate, in my opinion, that ever since the time of Darwin the question of the origin of spe- cies has occupied so much of the forefront of specu- lation concerning the evolution of living things ; for if, as I have stated, "sj^ecies" are to a large extent arbitrary arrangements of animals and f)lants — - arrangements that may be essential for the purpose for which they are made, but entirely unsuited for evolutionary study — many unnecessary difficulties may arise in an attempt to explain their origin by natural processes, if some species are only groups of individuals arranged by taxonomists for con- venience. Nevertheless, there are certain important con- siderations connected with attempts to classify liv- ing things into species that cannot be dismissed by the foregoing treatment of the subject. In the first place, experience has shown that most animals and plants do fall into groups that are more like each other than like other grouj^s; and in the second place, that within each group the individuals freely cross and leave fertile offspring, while be- tween most species crossing is rare or impossible, and when it occurs the offspring are generally ster- ile. When two types are infertile with each other they are generally admitted to be "good species" MiVTERIALS OF EVOLUTION 45 and even when they j)i'oduce offspring, if the latter are sterile, the two types are recognized as separate species. It becomes necessary, therefore, to examine further into the significance of these relationships. There are found in nature many interbreeding mdividuals that are sharply defined from other groups. It is convenient to have a name for all of the individuals of such a group, even when, as in the human species, the individuals living in the different parts of the world may present striking differences in structure, color, temperament, and social be- havior. There are other types that are different from all others within a circumscribed region, but in other regions are rej)resented by individuals that show slight but constant differences from the former. Here it becomes a more difficult matter to decide whether to call them all one species or whether to make two species. In ^^ractice it is generally agreed amongst taxonomists to give one specific name to such groups, if intermediate forms between the grouj)S are found, but, if intermediate types are absent, the two separated groups are called differ- ent species. It is obvious, therefore, that tlie dis- tinction between such species is largely arbitrary and artificial, especially since in the great majority of cases no tests of cross-breeding are made to de- termine whether the extreme types will cross and leave fertile offspring, or whether they are infertile or if fertile leave sterile offspring. 46 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS That the visible structural differences between groups of individuals is not a safe guide on which to construct a real distinction, is exemplified by numer- ous cases in which groups may exist side by side, that are so closely similar that only an expert can sep- arate them, yet are either infertile when crossed or else leave offspring that are sterile. For example, two species of Drosophila, often found together, are so similar that complete separation is extraordi- narily difficult. They can be made to cross only after many matings, but the offspring are completely sterile. With this information at hand no one would hesitate to call them different species, while without it the two would be placed in the same species. It is true, in general, that the more "different" in structure two groups are, the smaller the chance that they will be found to cross, and still smaller the chance that they will have fertile offspring. This brings us back to the second question concerning the relation of infertility between species and the sterility of species hybrids. The infertility may ap- pear at first sight to be due to the observed differ- ences, but there mav be some other less obvious relation that is responsible for their failure to pro- duce offspring. Darwin was familiar with this prob- lem and has written about it extensively. He pointed out that there are no sharp lines with respect to infertility between species, and gave many exam- MATERIALS OF EVOLUTION 47 pies, especially in plants, in which cross fertilization between individuals belonging to groups, unmis- takably species according to ordinary standards, takes place. Darwin was also impressed by the fact that even self-sterility often occurs in hermaphro- ditic sjDecies, not only because self-fertilization is often made difficult in one way or another, but also because it does not actuallv occur even when the spenn has access to the egg, as has been sho\^^l by suitable tests. Darw^in was also familiar with the sterility of hybrids from species-crosses, and here again he em- jjhasized the lack of any sharp distinction; for in some cases the sterility is complete, in others partial, and in still others it is not present. All this is in har- mony with his conception of the gradual breaking vip of a species into new groups or varieties which as they become more and more different may show, when crossed, various degrees of fertility, and of sterility in their offspring. Since Darwin, the subject has not advanced much further, although genetics has contributed a little more information and holds out promise of furnish- ing more. It has been shown in one or two hermaph- roditic species that genetic factors are present that are concerned with self-sterilitv, and in a few other cases it has been shown that similar conditions are explicable on the assumption of more than one such 48 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS factor. It has been found both hi plants (tobacco) and in one animal (Ciona) that the failure to self- fertilize is not due to incompatibility of any sort be- tween the egg and the sperm, but to a physiological block to the penetration of the sperm into the egg. It has also been shown in the case of several marine animals (sea urchins and fishes) that the eggs may be entered by spermatozoa of widely separated spe- cies— belonging even to different families — and start development. The failure to produce a normal embryo is due in some cases to the failure of the sperm to develop normally in the foreign egg; in other cases to the failure of the chromosomes derived from the two sources to become normallv distributed in the cleavages of the egg, and in still other cases to the inability of the introduced chromosomes to function in the cytoplasm of the foreign egg. All this is satisfactory and carries us a step fur- ther in an understanding of the problem of the infer- tility between species. We may add a further con- sideration in line with what genetics and embryology lead us to exjiect, namely, that the genetic factors present in the chromosomes of the fertilized egg derived in part from the egg, in part from the sperm, are acting on the cytoj)lasm throughout the process of development. So long as these jDairs of factors are alike or identical (one maternally derived, one pater- nally) the course of development runs smoothly, but if one member of the pair acts in a different way MATERIALS OF EVOLUTION 49 from the other member it is easy to see why sooner or later the result is disastrous owing to a conflict of competing factors. The egg's cytoplasm that has been formed under the dual influence of the maternal set of chromo- somes appears to determine the early stages of de- velopment so that even if the sperm introduces factors that w^ould act disastrously on these stages their influence does not at first show itself, but as development proceeds the influence of the paternal chromosomes comes more and more into play and further progress is arrested. This is, in fact, what is seen, in a way, when widely different species of echinoderms or of fish are crossed. The earlv stages of cleavage run smoothly and follow the maternal type, but as the embryo develops further, irregulari- ties and delays occur that bring progress to an end. Thus while some advance has been made in the study of infertility between species, the other prob- lem, namely the sterility of the hybrids, when such are produced between species not too different, is not so well understood, but in some cases at least the immediate cause of the sterility has been found. It has been shown, in recent vears, to result from changes that take place in the ripening of the germ- cells. There comes a time when the pairs of chromo- somes unite throughout their length and subse- quently separate to go into sister cells. This is the so-called conjugation process. Now in certain hy- 50 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS brids, the mule for example, it has been shown that the maternal and paternal chromosomes fail to pass successfully through this ordeal with the result that later they are separated very irregularly. In conse- quence the germ-cells contain all kinds of assort- ments of the chromosomes and become abnormal. The result is that the individual is sterile. While these observations do not explain why the chromosomes fail to unite, thev do account for the sterility of the hybrid. Until we learn more concern- ing the conditions that bring about the union of the chromosomes, it may be unsafe to offer any expla- nation of the process ; nevertheless, for the present at least, it is not irrational to ascribe the failure to the differences in the hereditary factors carried by the chromosomes of the two species. Now while all this will, I think, be conceded as theoretically possible, the fact remains that in no case has a mutant type been seen to arise that has produced individuals that are fertile inter se, but sterile with the parent species.^ Bateson has recently emphasized this point and has insisted that until it can be met we are not justified in assuming that new species are formed by mutation. He says: "The production of an indubitably ster- ile hybrid from completely fertile parents which have arisen under critical observation from a com- 1 Plough has recently reported a case that comes very near to fulfilling these conditions. MATERIALS OF EVOLUTION 51 mon origin," — this "is the event for which we wait." Bateson has worded his requirements in such a way as to render the demonstration well-nigh im- possible, but a somewhat different view, of the origin of species through mutation may put the j)roblem in another form where theoreticallv at least the diffi- ft culty is lightened even if not entirely removed. Suppose on Bateson's supposition that a germ- cell has been produced in a male or in a female that contains a single mutant gene having the required property of forming a sterile hybrid. In order to perpetuate itself, this germ-cell would have to meet a normal germ-cell. The single individual that re- sulted would by the very conditions imposed be itself sterile ; for, since there are no other individuals of the kind in existence there would be no means of finding out that the single individual would have been fer- tile with one of its kind. It would, therefore, be lost because of its sterilitv. ft' The possibilities are not much better even if we assimie that the mutation occia-red early in the ft' germ-track, so that several or many germ-cells came to contain the mutant gene. When crossed back to the parent stock several sterile individuals would appear, which brings the experiment to a disastrous end as before. If on the other hand two such individ- uals should by chance mate then a new race miffht be started which tested to the original race would be found to produce offsj^ring that are sterile. Here the 52 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS conditions are fulfilled, but the chance of recording such a result at the time would be small indeed unless the sterile gene itself carried with it some other landmark, some new character, that would direct attention to it from the beginning. Something of the sort apj^ears, in fact, to have happened in a stock of Drosophila studied by Plough where a new race appeared whose individuals are more fertile inter se than with the parent stock. The conditions for producing a hybrid sterile race may appear more favorable in a monoecious form, as in a plant with stamens and pistils in the same flower. While a mutation in a single germ-cell would again not improve the situation, yet if mutation occurred early in the germ-track, and both pollen grains and ovules came to contain the gene, self- fertilization would start a race that fulfils the re- quirements. These if inbred would then be found to be fertile infer se and produce fertile offspring, and with the parent type they would produce sterile hybrids. • It is obvious, as I have said, that tlie chance of detecting such a mutant type would be veiy small unless its mutation involved some other character than the one under discussion so that it could be at once recorded. The necessity of putting the Mutation Theory to the test that Bateson calls for, seems to me very doubtful, for while this is one of the possible ways in MATERIALS OF EVOLUTION 53 which a mutant type might spht off at once from tlie parent type it is by no means the only way, or even, I think, the most j^robable way in which species have become separated. I ventiu'e also to question the imj^ortance ascribed to the sterility of the hybrid as a criterion of the origin of species. The test is arbitrary and not called for by the evidence at hand relating to sterile hybrids between species. There are no such sharj) distinc- tions, as implied in the test, between groups found in nature that are called species. The interpretation of the infertility between spe- cies and the sterility of hybrids that seems to me more j^robable is very different from that suggested by Bateson. Both phenomena, as I interpret them, are the result of many kinds of differences that have arisen in two species that have been separated for a long time. Each has taken on new characters due to mutational changes of different sorts. There is no one problem of infertility of species and no one problem of the sterility of hybrids, but many prob- lems, each due to differences that have arisen in the germinal material. One or more of these dif- ferences may affect the mechanism of fertilization or the process of develof)ment, producing some incompatibility. In order that a species may split up into one or more new species in the way suggested, isolation is implied. Isolation may be due to difference in local- 54 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS ity, but it may also come about by individuals within the same area ripening their germ cells at different times, etc. If species arise in this way we avoid the difficulty raised by Bateson concerning the origin of sterilit}^ of hybrids w^hose parents have arisen through muta- tion. Moreover the difficulty is not one 23eculiar to the mutation theory, but applies in large part to any theory that postulates the origin of one species from another. If then we dismiss the problems that have grown out of the historical definitions of species, and turn directly to an examination of the origin of new vari- ations we shall find that some progress has been made since Darwin wrote, and that this new knowl- edge supports Darwin's view that the variations shown by animals and plants furnish materials for a theor}^ of evolution. There is evidence that new characters suddenlv arise bv mutation both in do- mesticated and in wild types, and that these varia- tions are inherited in the same way as are the differ- ences present in wild tyj^es that distinguish them from one another. In addition there are variations (fluctuations) due to the action of the environment on the developing individual. These are not inherited and cannot therefore take part in evolution. These statements will be discussed in later chapters after Mendel's laws, and some other laws of hereditv dis- covered since his time, have been examined. Chapter V MENDEL'S TWO LAWS OF HEREDITY Gregoe Mendel studied the heredity of certain characters of the common edible pea, in the garden of the monastery at Briinn. In the account of his work pubhshed in 1865, he said: It requires indeed some courage to undertake a labor of such a far-reaching extent ; it apj^ears, how- ever, to be the only right way by which we can finally reach the solution of a question the importance of which cannot be over-estimated in connection with the history of the evolution of organic forms. He tells us also why he selected peas for his work : The selection of the plant group which shall serve for experiments of this kind must be made with all possible care if it be desired to avoid from the outset every risk of questionable results. The exjDerimental plants must necessarily 1. Possess constant differentiating characters. 2. The Iwbrids of such plants must, during the flowering period, be protected from the influence of all foreign pollen, or be easily capable qf such protection. Mendel succeeded not only because of his fore- sight in planning the experiments, and in keeping 56 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS an exact record of the numbers of individuals of different kinds that ajDpeared in the second and third generations, but also because of his insight in inter- preting the results that he obtained. Others had made crosses before Mendel. In fact, a great deal of work had been done in making crosses between wild species and also between cultivated varieties. We realize today that the earlier crosses between species failed to reveal the laws of heredity because so many characters were involved that the relationship of contrasted characters was obscured, and that the crosses between domesticated varieties failed either because the materials were not well chosen, or else because the numerical relations in the second generation were not observed. Some of the earlier hybridologists, who worked before Men- del's time and at about the same period, had ob- served that the parental types may reappear in the second and later generations. ISTaudin (1863, 1868) had even suggested that this reappearance is due to the separation of the parental types in the hybrid but he failed to detect the numerical relations in- volved and he did not make out the independent inheritance of the members of different pairs of characters. About twenty years after Mendel's results were first announced, but before his results became gen- erally known, Galton (1889-) formulated several laws of inheritance based in part on data from plants MENDEL'S TWO LAWS 57 and animals, and also from man. He studied the problem from a statistical standpoint, as Mendel had done, but in the material that Galton used, the effects due to the environment were not separable from those due to inherited factors. Moreover he did not give sufficient weight to the fact that the character of an individual is not a suitable index of its hereditarv constitution. The latter difficulty was present in Mendel's material also, and one of his chief merits is that he detected this fact by making tests which revealed the hereditary constitution of each individual. Mendel deduced two laws of heredity that may be called the Law of Segregation and the Law of Free Assortment. Menders First Law Mendel's first law can be more strikingly illus- trated today by examples other than those he gave. The inheritance of the red and white colors of the flowers of the common garden plant Mirabilis ja- lapa or four o'clock furnishes an excellent example. If the pollen from a plant with white flowers is placed on the pistil of a plant with red flowers, the seeds that are produced give rise to a plant with pink flowers {jig. 17). The hybrid may be said to be intermediate in the color of its flowers between the two parents. If the hybrid is self-fertilized it produces white-, pink-, and red-flowered plants in 58 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS the proportion of 1:2:1. All of these had the same ancestry, yet they are of three different kinds. If we did not know their history it would be quite im- possible to state what the ancestry of the white or of r 9' Vr "'A- Fic. 17. — Inheritance of color in the four o'clock (Mira- hilis jahipa). The figure above and to the left stands for a red flower, that above and to the right for a white flower. The next two generations are shown below. the red had been, for they might just as well have come from pure white and pure red ancestors re- spectively as to have emerged from the j^hik hybrids. Moreover, when w^e test them we find that they are as pure as are white- or red-flowering plants that MENDEL'S TWO LAWS 59 have had all white- or all red-flowering ancestors. Mendel's Law explains the results of this cross as follows: The egg-cell from the white parent carries a fac- tor for white, the pollen-cell from the red parent carries a factor for red. The hybrid formed by their union cames both factors. The results of their com- bined action is to produce flowers intermediate in color. When the hybrids mature and their germ-cells (eggs or pollen) ripen, each carries only one of these factors, either the red or the white (fig. 18) , but not both. In other words, the two factors that have been brought together in the hybrid separate in its germ- f<39S • O Pollen 9-^6 r. ^9 • o o o o Fig. 18. — Diagram illustrating the transmission of the factors for red color (here black) and for white (here the open circles) in a cross between red and white flowered four o'clocks. 60 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS cells. Half of the egg-cells are white-bearing, half red-bearing. Half of the pollen-cells are white- bearing, half red-bearing. Chance combinations at fertilization give the three classes of individuals of the second generation. The white-flowering plants should forever breed true, as in fact they do. The red-flowering j)lants also breed true. The pink-flowering plants, having the same composition as the hybrids of the first gen- eration, should give the same kind of result. They give, in fact, this result, i.e., one white-, to two pink-, to one red-flowered offsj^ring (fig. 18). Another case of the same kind is known to breed- ers of poultry. One of the domesticated breeds is known as the Andalusian. It is a slate-blue bird shading into blue-black on the neck and back. Poul- try men have known for a long time that tliese blue birds do not breed true but ^^roduce white, black, and blue offspring. The explanation of the failure to produce a pure race of Andalusians is that they are like the pink flowers of the four o'clock, i.e., they are a hybrid type formed by the meeting of the white and the black germ-cells. If the whites produced by the Andalusians are bred to the blacks, all the off- spring will be blue (fig. 19) . When two such blue colored hvbrid birds are bred to each other, chance fertilization of any egg by any sperm (fig. 20) will give one pure white, to two hybrid blues, to one pure black. MENDEL'S TWO LAWS 61 w if w ^S7 /; ■^ft.* Fig. 19. — Cross between s])lashed white and black fowls, giving in F ^ blue Andalusian. In F., there is one splashed white, to two blues, to one black. In the two cases just given the character of the hybrid is intermediate between the two contrasted characters of the parents ; but in the seven pairs of contrasted characters studied bv INIendel the char- acter of the hybrid is hke that of one of the parents. This character is said to be dominant. Two of Men- del's cases will serve to illustrate this relation. If a tall pea is crossed to a short pea the offspring are tall [fig. 21), i.e., not intermediate in height. If 62 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS Fig. 20. — Diagram to show the distribution of the genes for white and for blaclv in the Andalusian cross. (See iig. 19.) these hy'brids self -fertilize (or are bred to each other) there are two kinds of offspring, tall and short, produced in the ratio of three to one. The short peas, if self-fertilized, breed true {jig. 22), but if the tall peas are self-fertilized they are found to be of two kinds — one-third of them breed true and two- thirds of them produce three tall to one short off- spring {jig. 22) . It is obvious that here, as in the four o'clock and in the Andalusian fowl, there are pres- ent in the second generation three kinds of offspring in the proportion of one j^ure tall, to two hybrid tails, to one pure short. It is the discovery by Men- del of the existence of these three kinds of indi- viduals in the second generation that enabled him to deduce his first law. He discovered that there MENDEL'S TWO LAWS 63 S^ort Q Q Fig. 21. — Diagram to illustrate the inheritance of tall and short, edible peas. The small letter, s, stands for the short-producing gene. The large letter, 8^ for its normal allelomorph or tall. Only the first and second generations are here shown. The second and third genera- tions are shown in fig. 22. 61 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS were three such kinds of second generation indi- viduals by following them into the next (third) gen- eration. Had he been fortunate enough to have worked with a form like the four o'clock where the 1:2:1 ratio is apparent in the second generation this relation would probably have been seen without carrying the experiment one generation further. T.ll Tall Fig. 22. — Diagram illustrating the results of self-pollination of the F^ plants of fig. 31, The results show that one of the tall F., plants is pure for tall (tall-tall), that two of them are hybrid or heterozygous, and that one is pure for short (short-short). Mendel also crossed yellow and green peas (fig. 23 ) . He crossed a plant belonging to a race having yellow peas with one having green peas. The hybrid plants had yellow seeds. These hybrids inbred gave three yellows to one green seed. The explanation of the results with peas is the same as that given for the MENDEL'S TWO LAWS 65 four o'clock. In the germ-cells of the hybrid — the so-called first fillial generation, or Fi — the elements (or factors) that come from the two j^arents separ- rate and half of the egg-cells come to carry one of Fig. 23. — Diagram of cross between a yellow and a green pea. the original elements and half the other element. Chance fertilization of any egg by any sperm (pol- len) gives the numerical relation j^resent in the next generation. These four cases serve to illustrate an important fact. The character of the individual is not a measure of the nature of the mature germ-cells that it will 66 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS produce. The pink J^i hybrid four o'clock, that is intermediate, in a sense, between the white- and tlie red-flowered parents produces only white- and red- bearing germ-cells; and the yellow Fi hybrid pea, w^hose color is exactly that of one of the parents, also produces two kinds of germ-cells in equal numbers, yellow- and green-producing. It is obvious from this that the character of the individual is not a reliable index of its ancestry, or of what it transmits to the next generation. MendeVs Second Law Besides his discovery that members of each pair of elements disjoin in the germ-cells of the hybrid (law of segregation) Mendel made a second dis- covery (the law of free assortment) which also has far-reaching consequences. The following case il- lustrates this second law. If a pea that is yellow^ and round is crossed to one that is green and wrinkled {jig. 24), all of the off- spring are yellow and round. Inbred, these give 9 yellow-round, 3 green-round, 3 yellow-WTinkled, 1 green- WTinkled. All the yellows taken together are to the green as 3:1. All the round taken together are to the wrinkled as 3:1; but some of the yellows are wrinkled and some of the green are round. There has been a recombination of characters, w^hile at the same time the results, for each pair of characters taken separately, are in accord witli ]Menders Law MENDEL'S TWO LAWS 67 of Segregation. The second law of JNIendel may be called the Law of Free Assortment of different character pairs. A character from one organism can, as it were, be transferred to a different organism. The numerical results obtained, when two pairs Fig, 24. — Diagram to show cross between a round-yellow and a green-wrinkled pea. of characters are, as here, involved in the same cross, may be accounted for as follows. The element for green color may be represented by g and its con- trasted color vellow by G, and the element for wrinkled by w and its contrasted character smooth by W. The egg of the yellow round parent pea is GW and the pollen of the green wrinkled pea is gw. The fertilized egg, that becomes the hybrid 68 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS (Fi), contains both sets of these elements; it is GgJVw. These represented in pairs are: G W g w Now when the germ-cells of this hybrid mature the members of one of the pairs behave independently of the members of the other pair. Consequently four kinds of germ-cells are possible, namely, GW , Gw, gJVj gw {fig. 25) . There will be four kinds of egg- Yellov/ Round green wrinkled Yel]ow(^reen) Round(wrinkled) .o. 0 Yellov/ green Round wrinkled 01* Yellow green wrinkled Round o Q Fig. 25. — Diagram to shoM- the independent segregation of the two pairs of factors, yellow-green and rouncl-wrinivled. cells in the hybrid and four kinds of f)ollen grains. Chance fertilization of any egg-cell by any pollen grain will give sixteen classes of individuals, as show^n in figure 26. There will be, as inspection of the table shows, 9 MENDEL'S TWO LAWS 69 kinds of individuals that contain at least one G and one W ; 3 kinds that will contain at least one G and two w's ; 3 kinds that will contain at least one W and two (/'s ; and one kind that will contain neither G nor /^ GW G w gW gw / GV Gw p- gw W Fig. 26. — Diagram to show the sixteen combinations in 7^, when two pairs of factors are involved, namely, green, ^, and yellow, G \ wrinkled, w, and round, W. W but two ^'s and two w's. Since yellow {G) domi- nates green {g) , and round {W) dominates wrinkled ( to ) there will be 9 yellow-round : 3 yellow- wrinkled : 3 green- round : 1 green-wrinkled. '0 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS vv EE VV ee /^ ^A^ ^ Fig. 27. — Diagram to show the indejiendent inheritance of two pairs of factors, namely, gray (EE), vestigial (vv), and ebony (ee), long (T^l"). The lower group of 16 flies represents the 16 recombinations in the second, F.„ generation, in the ratio of 9:3::3:1. MENDEL'S TWO LAWS 71 Thus the independent assortment of the mem])ers of the two pairs of elements in the hybrid accounts for the kinds of individuals that appear in the next generation and also the proportion in which they occur. Another illustration of Mendel's second law — ■ one from the animal kingdom — is given in figure 27, for the vinegar fly. xVn ebony colored fly (e) with long wings (F) is crossed to a gray colored fly (E) with vestigial wings (v) . The offspring (F^) are gray flies with long wings, EeVv. If two of these hybrids (jPi's) are mated they f)roduce 9 gray- long: 3 ebony-long: 3 gray-vestigial : 1 ebony-vesti- gial. The explanation (fig. 28) is the same as in the ^ggs VE Ve vE ve sperm VE VE VE Ve VE vE VE ve VE Ve VE Ve Ve Ve vE Ve ve Ve vE VE vE Ve vE vE vE ve vE ve VE ve Ve ve vE ve ve ve Fig. 38. — Diagram to show the composition of the IG clashes of individuals represented in F^ of fi(/. 27. 72 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS peas when two pairs of contrasted characters are present. The possibihty of interchanging characters might be illustrated by hundreds of examples. It holds not only for two pairs of characters but when three, four, or more enter the cross. It is as though two individ- uals were taken apart and their characters were put together again by substituting one part for another. Not only has this power to make whatever com- binations we choose great practical importance, it has even greater theoretical significance; for it fol- lows that the individual is not in itself the unit in heredity, but that within the germ-cells there exist smaller units concerned with the transmission of characters. The older mvstical statement of the individual as a unit in heredity has no longer any interest in the light of these discoveries, except as a past phase of biological history. We see, too, more clearly that the sorting out of factors in the germ plasm is a very different process from the influence of these factors on the development of the organism. There is today no excuse for confusing these two j^roblems. Chapter YI THE CHROMOSOMES AND MENDEL'S TWO LAWS The discoveries that ]Mendel made with peas have been found to ap2)ly everywhere throughout the plant and animal kingdoms — to flowering plants, to mosses, to insects, snails, Crustacea, fishes, amphi- bians, birds, and mammals (including man). There must be something that these widely sepa- rated groups of plants and animals have in com- mon— some simple mechanism perhaps — to give such definite and orderlv series or results. There is, in fact, a mechanism, possessed alike by animals and plants, that fulfils the requirements of ^lendel's principles. The Cellular Basis of Hereditij and Development In order to aj^preciate the full force of the evi- dence, a few familiar facts, that became known be- fore the discovery of the mechanism in question, may be briefly reviewed. Throughout the greater part of the last century, while students of evolution and of hereditv were engaged in what may be called the more general aspects of the subject, there existed another group of students who were engaged in working out the minute structure of the material basis of the living 74 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS organism. They found that organs such as the brain, the heart, the hver, the lungs, the kidneys, etc., are not themselves the units of structure, but that all these organs can be reduced to a simpler unit that repeats itself a thousand-fold in every or- gan. We call this unit a cell. The egg is a cell, and the spermatozoon is a cell. Fertilization is the union of two cells. Simple as the process of fertilization appears to us today, its dis- covery swept aside a vast amount of mystical specu- lation concerning the role of the male and of the female in the act of procreation. Within the cell a new microcosm was revealed. Every cell was found to contain a spherical body called the nucleus {fig. 29). Within the nucleus is a network of fibres ; a sa^) fills the interstices of the Fig. 29.— Diagram of a "typical cell," showing cell-wall, cytoplasm (with solid and fluid inclusions) and centrosome witli astral rays (doubtfully present in resting stage). In the center is the nucleus with its network of chromatin, and its nuclear sap. THE CHROMOSOMES 75 network. The network resolves itself into a definite number of threads or rods at each division of the cell {fig. 30). These rods we call chromosomes. Each- species of animals and plants possesses a character- istic number of chromosomes which have a definite size, and sometimes a specific shape, and even char- acteristic granules at different levels. Beyond this point our strongest microscopes fail to penetrate. *A *v~. « Fig. 30. — Diagram, slightly modified from Agar, to show a ty])ic'al cell division (lvaryo] @ Fig. 31. — Diagram to show stages in fertilization of an egg by a spermatozoon. The three polar bodies lie at one pole, and the spermatozoon is represented as entering near the opi^osite side of the egg in 1 and 2. The head of the sperm swells up and moves towards the egg-nucleus, that has reformed after the polar bodies have been given off. A centrosome forms near the sperm-nucleus. It divides into two centrosomes, which begin to se])arate as a central spindle appears between them. Around each centrosome astral rays develop. The two nuclei come together in the middle of the egg to become the segmentation nucleus. A sjDindle develops around the nucleus. THE CHROMOSOMES 77 some; for, the niiniber of chromosomes is hmited while the nmiiber of independently inherited char- acters is large. In Drosophila melanogaster it has been demonstrated not only that there are exactly r Fig. 32. — Diagram showing the segmentation of an egg into two, four, eight cells, etc. The cells become arranged over the surface of a sphere whose interior is filled with fluid. (After Selenka.) as many groups of characters that are inherited to- gether as there are pairs of chromosomes, but even that it is possible to locate the hereditary elements in particular chromosomes and to state the relative position there of the factors for the characters. If 78 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS the validity of this evidence is accepted, the study of the cell leads to the ultimate units about which the whole process of the transmission of the hereditaiy factors turns. Before considering this somewhat technical mat- ter, certain facts, which are familiar for the most part, should be recalled, because, on these, rests the whole of the subsequent explanation. The thousands of cells that make up the cell-state that we call an animal or plant come from the fer- tilized egg (fig. 31) . An hour or two after fertiliza- tion the egg divides into tw^o cells (fig. 32). Then each half divides again. Each quarter next divides. The j^rocess continues until a large number of cells is formed and, out of these, organs mold themselves. At every division of the cell the chromosomes also divide. Half of these have come from the mother, half from the father. Every cell contains, therefore, the sum total of all the chromosomes, and if these are the bearers of the hereditary qualities, every cell in the body, whatever its function, has a common inheritance. At an early stage in tlie development of the ani- mal certain cells are set apart to form the organs of reproduction. In some animals these cells can be identified early in the cleavage (fig. 33). The reproductive cells are at first like all the other cells in the body in that they contain a full comple- ment of chromosomes, half paternal and half mater- THE CHROMOSOMES 79 nal in origin. They divide as do the other cells of the body for a lonff time. At each division each chromo- some splits lengthwise and its halves migrate to op- posite poles of the spindle. ^«- cMp cR •cad Fig. 33. — o, Section of egg of Calligrapha bigsbyana, showing "germ-cell determinants" (granules), g c d, at posterior end of egg; b, posterior end of a later stage of same, showing primordial germ-cells; c, Sec- tion of egg of Miastor, showing single primordial germ-cell at posterior end. (After Hegner.) But there comes a time when a new process ap- pears in the germ-cells {jigs. 34 and 3.5). It is essentially the same in the ^gg- and in the sperm- cells. The discovery of this process w^e owe to the laborious researches of many workers in many coun- 80 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS Fig, 34. — Diagram illustrating the two maturation divisions of the germ cells in the male. In a the chromosomes appear as thin threads (leptotene stage). These conjugate in pairs, b, beginning at the two ends of each loop. The threads contract, and a spindle appears, d, near the nucleus. The conjugating chromosomes enter the spindle, d. There they separate, e, moving to opposite poles of the spindle. The cell pro- toplasm begins to constrict, /. The chromosomes may without entering upon a resting nuclear stage pass onto a new spindle that has de- veloped by the division of each of the centrosomes of each daughter cell, g. Each chromosome now splits throughout its length (equational division) ; half of each goes to one or the other pole. The two daughter cells then divide, giving four cells, each of which differentiates into a spermatozoon. THE CHROMOSOMES 81 tries. The chromosomes come together in pairs (fig. 34^). Each maternal chromosome conjugates with a paternal chromosome of the same kind. Then follow two rapid divisions (fig. 34, e-i) . At one of the divisions the double chromosomes separate (fig. 34, d-f) so that each resulting cell comes to con- tain some maternal and some paternal chromosomes, i.e., one or the other member of each pair. At the other division each chromosome simply splits as in ordinary cell division. In the male four sj)ermatozoa &' M^r - -^-^ ' ia ■'. :V-^l:?-' x?i1^ -feii?^ \\-^m fe-;-- ••'-■■ ■■■;'■■'■■■'■:' ^;v ^W r- d A)°tf ■•■"s5J*.-N; ■- '•:~'5<^ •■^."Ji &■•:■■■.■■ Fig. 35. — Diagram illustrating the two maturation divisions of the egg. In a the polar spindle is present at the periphery of the egg. The three pairs of chromosomes (bivalents) are represented in black and white; the white being the paternal and the black the maternal. In b the conjugating chromosomes have separated and are moving to the poles. In c the first polar body has been given off, leaving three single chromosomes in the egg. In c these have split lengthwise and lie off the equator of a new spindle. In e the daughter chromosomes have sepa- rated and moved to opposite poles. In / the second polar body has been given off and the first polar body has divided. Three single chromosomes are left in the egg. 82 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS are produced (by these two divisions) from each cell of the testis {jig. 34, i) . In the female the two divisions of the egg-cell are very unequal {jig. 35), although the chromosomes are distributed equally to all the cells. Thus at the first division one cell is very small {jig. 35, c) and is called the polar body. At the next division the polar body divides again, and at the same time the egg divides again also, producing another polar body {jig. 35, d, e, /) . The three polar bodies and the egg- cell are equivalent to the four spermatozoa, but only the egg-cell undergoes further development — the polar bodies disappear. Although only one cell sur- vives, nevertheless there will be as many kinds of mature eggs as there are kinds of sperm cells (with respect to the distribution of the chromosomes), if, as we now know to be the case, the distribution of the chromosomes in the two final divisions (matura- tion divisions) are the same in the eggs and in the sperm-cells. When the eggs are fertilized, each by one spermatozoon, the whole mimber of chromo- somes is restored. The 3Iechanis?}i of McndeVs Two Laws The behavior of the chromosomes at the time of maturation of the egg- and sperm-cells furnishes a mechanism for ^lendelian hereditv if the chromo- somes are the bearers of the hereditary elements, and if they maintain their integrity both during the rest- THE CHROMOSOMES 83 iiig stages of the nucleus and during their period of active division. There is a great deal of evidence from direct observation in favor of this view and there is more evidence from the modern work in hereditv that points in the same direction. This evidence can not be considered here, but if it is granted that these relations hold, then the behavior of the chromosomes during maturation furnishes, as stated above, an ex- planation of Mendel's laws. An example will illustrate this statement. If in the four o'clock the elements for red flower color are carried in the red parent by the two members of the same pair of chromosomes and the elements for white flower color are carried in the white parent by two members of the same pair of chromosomes, the germ-cells (ripe egg- and sperm-cells) will each carry one of these chromosomes {fig. 36) . If the red plant is crossed to the white, the pink hybrid will have a red- and a white-bearing chromosome. When in the hybrid the germ-cells ripen, these two chromosomes, being mates, will come together as a pair and then separate at one of the two matura- tion divisions, and half of the eggs will contain the red-bearing chromosome and half will contain the white-bearing chromosome. Similarly for the pollen grains. Chance fertilization of any egg by any sperm will give the combinations of chromosomes that JNIendel's law of segregation requires. In other words the known behavior of the chromosomes is 84 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS exactly the same as Mendel's postulated elements. Mendel's second law for the inheritance for two or more characters also finds its explanation in the behavior of the chromosomes, provided the members Red II Parents White I Germ cells of parents 10 Hybrid (F^) Sperm (Fp) red wnite Fig. 36. — Diagram to illustrate the distribution of the chromo- somes in a cross between a red and a white four o'clock (see fig. 17). The chromosomes that carry the gene or factor for red are here black, and those that carry the gene for white are w^hite. of the pairs of chromosomes are sorted ont indepen- dently of each other (fig. 37). For example, in the cross between yellow-round and green-wrinkled THE CHROMOSOMES 85 peas, if one pair of chromosomes in the hybrid (Fi) carries the contrasted elements yellow and green and another pair of chromosomes of the same hybrid carries the round and wrinkled elements, then, if these chromosomes at the maturation period behave inde- pendently, there will be four kinds of germ-cells pro- duced. These four kinds will carry a yellow-bearing and a round-bearing chromosome, or a yellow-bearing and a w^rinkled-bearing chromosome, or a green- bearing and a round-bearing chromosome, or a green-bearing and a wrinkled-bearing chromosome. Yellow pound 00 II \ I Po^rents Gpeen wrinkled OO Germ cells O Fig. 37. — Diagram to illustrate the distribution of two pairs of chro- mosomes carrying two pairs of Mendelian factors, namely yellow-green and round-wrinkled. The chromosome carrying the gene for yellow is a black rod, that for green is a white circle; that carrying the gene for round is a circle with a dot, that for wrinkled is a circle without the dot. 86 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS Only these four kinds of germ-cells are possible on the chromosome mechanism. Self-fertilization of such a hybrid will give the same recombinations of chromosomes that Mendel's second law requires for the hereditary elements. Chapter VII THE LINKAGE GROUPS AND THE CHROMOSOMES If the hereditary elements, the genes, are carried by the chromosomes and if the chromosomes are per- sisting structures, there should be as many groups of hereditary characters as there are kinds of chro- mosomes. In only a few cases has a sufficient number of characters been studied to show whether there is any correspondence between the number of heredi- tary groups of characters and the number of chro- mosomes. In the yinegar fly, Drosophila, there are about four hundred characters that fall into four groups. On page 88 {fig. 38) some of these are giyen arranged according to groups. The charac- ters are arranged in four grou2)s, Group I, II, III and IV. Three of these grou23S are equally large or nearly so; Group IV contains only three characters. The characters are put into these grou2)s because, in heredity, the members of each group tend to be in- herited together, i.e., if two or more enter the cross together they tend to remain together through sub- sequent generations. On the other hand, any mem- ber of one group is inherited entirely independently of any member of the other groups ; in the same way as Mendel's yellow-green pair of characters is in- herited independently of the round-wrinkled pair. 88 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS n mi; 0.0 ^ YELLOW 1.5 -- WHITE 6.6-- ECHINUS 7.5^^ RUBY 13.7 - - CROSSVNL'SS 14.0 20.0 -: CUT 27.5 - ■ TAN 33.0 3a 1 44.4 56.5.. 57.0'' 65.0 ■ 68.0 - CO - - STAR 9.0 - - TRUNCATE 29.0 - - DACHS VERMIUON MINIATURE 4a0-- SABLE GARNET ,F0RKED 'BAR CLEFT BOBBED 650 70.0 735 \ 0.0 + ROUCHOID 0.0.,; 0.5' 0.9 STREAK 25.3 SEPIA 25.8 = =''hAIRY 465 -■ ' BLACK 524 - - PURPLE 38.5 42.0 455 54.0 59.0 4- CLASS 635-1- DELTA VESTIGIAL 655-- HAIRLESS 67.5 i EBONY LOBE 720+ WHITE-OCELLI CURVED 97.5 -ARC 95.4 A / 985-- PLEXUS 103.0 ■ : BROWN 105.0 * SPECK ^BENT \SHAVEN EYELESS DICHAETE SCARLET PINK SPINELESS 865 - - ROUGH CLARET 95.7== MINUTE 101.0 -- MINUTE-G Fig. 38. — Chart of the genes of the chromosomes of Drosophila. The genes are arranged in the four linkage groups, I, II, III, IV. The name of the gene is given to the right of its locus, and the distance of the loci from one end of the chromosome is indicated bv the numbers to the left of each locus. The "distance" gives the cross-over value for the genes corrected for double crossing-over. LINKAGE GROUPS 89 In the chromosome group of Drosophila melano- gaster {fig. 39) there are four pairs of chromosomes, three of nearly the same size and one much smaller. Xot only is there agreement between the number of hereditary groups and the number of the chromo- FEMALE MALE IV / r Fig. 39. — Female group and male group of chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster. somes, but even the size relations are the same, for there are three large groups of characters and three pairs of large chromosomes, and one small group of characters and one pair of small chromosomes. The Four Linkage Groups of Drosophila Melanogaster The following description of the characters of the wild fly may be useful in connection with the account of the modifications of these characters that appear in the mutants. The head and thorax of the wild fly are grayish- yellowy the abdomen is banded w4th alternate stripes of yellow and black. In the male {fig. 6, left) , there are three narrow^ bands and a black tip. In the female 90 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS there are five black bands {fig. 6, right) . The wings are gray with a sin*face texture of such a kind that at certain angles thev are iridescent. The eves are a deep, brick-red. The minute hairs that cover the body have a characteristic arrangement that is most ob- vious on the head and thorax. There is a definite number of larger hairs called bristles which have a characteristic position and are used for diagnostic purposes in classifying the species. On the foreleg of the male there is a comb-like organ formed by a row of bristles ; it is absent in the female. The comb is a secondarv sexual character. Some of the characters of the mutant types are shown in figures 40, 41, 42, 43. The drawing of a single fly is often used here to illustrate more than one character. This is done to economize space, but of course there would be no difficulty in actually bringing together in the same individual any two or more characters belonging to the same group (or to different groups) . Without colored figures it is not possible to show many of the most striking differ- ences of these mutant races ; at most, dark and light coloring can be indicated by the shading of the body, wings, or eyes. GROUP I The hereditary elements of this group are carried bv the A^- chromosomes. The characters are said to a. be sex-linked. LINKAGE GROUPS 91 111 the six flies drawn in figure 40 there are sliown five different wing characters. The first of these types (a) is called cut, because the ends of the wings look as though they had been cut to a point. The an- tennae are displaced downward and appressed and their bristle-like aristae are crumpled. The second figure (h) represents a fly with a notch in the ends of the wings. This character is dominant, but the same factor that produces the notch in the wings is also a recessive lethal factor; because of this latter effect of the character, no males of this race exist, and the females of the race are never pure but hybrid. This same figure (b) is used here to show two other sex-linked characters. The ^»VK 0:^ ^ tS v; y \ 0i^ r'^ I Fig. 40. — Some of the charaeters of the first chromo- some of Drosophila melanogaster. See text. 92 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS spines on the thorax are twisted or kinky, which is due to a factor called "forked." The effect is best seen on the thorax, but all spines on the body are similarly modified; even the minute hairs are also affected. The lighter color of the body and antennae is intended to indicate that the character tan is also present. The tan flies are interesting because they have lost the positive heliotropism. As this peculiar- ity of the tan flies is inherited like all the other sex- linked characters, it follows that when a tan female is bred to a wild male all the sons inherit the reces- sive tan color and indifference to light, while the daughters show the dominant sex-linked character of their father, i.e., they are "gray," and go to the light. Hence when such a brood is disturbed the females fly to the light, but the males remain behind. One of the first mutants that appeared was called rudimentary on account of the condition of the wings (c) . The same mutation has apj^eared indepen- dently several times. In the drawing (c) the dark body color is intended to indicate "sable." In the fourth figure (d) the third and fourth lon- gitudinal veins of the wing are fused into one vein from the base of the wing to the level of the first cross-vein and in addition converge and meet near their outer ends. In the fifth figure (e) the wings are shorter and more pointed than in the wild fly. This character is LINKAGE GROUPS 93 called miniature. The light color of the drawing may be taken to represent yellow body color. In the last figure (/) of "club," the wings are pads, essentially in the same condition that they are in when the fly emerges from the pupa case. Not all the flies of this stock have the wings in this condition ; some have fully expanded wings that ap- 23ear normal in all respects. Nevertheless, about the same percentage of offspring show the pads irrespec- tive of whether the parents had pads or expanded wings. The flies of this stock show, however, another character, which is a product of the same factor, and which is constant, i.e., repeated in all individuals. The two bristles on the sides of the thorax are con- stantly absent in this race. There are many different eye colors in Group I, ranging from a pure white eye to vermilion, which could be shown onlv bv the use of colored drawings. GROUP II The hereditary elements of members of Group II are carried by one pair of the two large bent chromosomes. In the first drawing (a) of figure 41 which contains members of Group II, the wings are almost entirely absent or "vestigial." This condition arose at a single step and breeds true, although it appears to be influ- enced to some extent by temperature, also by modi- fiers that sometimes appear in the stock. 9^ EVOLUTION AND GENETICS In the second figure ( b ) the wings turn up at the end. The mutant is called jaunty. In the third figure (c) the wing is long and nar- row and sometimes bent back on itself, as shown here. In several respects the wing resembles strap (d) but seems to be due to another factor, called antlered. In the fourth figure (d) the wings are long and narrow and several of the veins are unrepresented. This character, "strap," is very variable. On the thorax there is a deep black mark called trefoil. In the '^h^ "■^^^'ft-- 1 r¥K \ ' fB Fig. 41. — Some of the characters of the second chromo- some of Drosophila melanogaster. See text. LINKAGE GROUPS 95 wild fly there is a three-pronged mark on the thorax present in many individuals. Trefoil is a further development and modification of this mark and is due to a special factor. The fifth figure (e) is called dachsoid; the body is shortened and the wings are broad and held out. The legs are short. The absence of cross-veins in the wings is characteristic. In the sixth figure (/), apterous, the wings are entirely absent, not even the base remaining as in vestigial. The apterous flies are almost completely sterile. The seventh figure (g) shows the wings "curved." In addition there is j^resent a minute black speck at the base of each wing, due to another factor called speck. In the eighth figure (k) the wings are arched. The factor is called arc. The dark color of the body, and especially of the wings, indicates the factor for black. There are also a number of different eye colors in this group — one of which, brown, is darker in old flies than the red of the wild type. GROUP III The hereditary elements of Group III are carried by the other pair of large bent chromosomes. In figure 42 (a) , a mutant type called bithorax is shown. The old metathorax is replaced by another 96 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS mesothorax thrust in between the normal meso- thorax and the abdomen. It carries a pair of wings that do not completely unfold. On this new meso- thorax the characteristic arrangement of the bristles is shown. Thus at a single step a typical region of the body has doubled. The character is recessive. In the second figure ( h ) the dark color of the fly is due to a factor called ebony. The size of adult flies varies according to the amount of nourishment obtained by the larva. After the fly emerges its size remains nearly constant, as in many insects. Two races have, however, been sepa- rated that are different in size as a result of a genetic factor. The first of these, called dwarf, is represented by figure 42 (c). The race is small but variable in size, depending on food and other conditions. The same figure shows the presence of another factor, "sooty," that makes the fly dark. In the fourth figure (d) another mutation in size is shown. It is called "giant." The flies are twice the size of wild flies. In the fifth figure {e) the mutant dichaete is shown. It is characterized bv the absence of two of the bristles on the thorax. Other bristles may also be absent, but not so constantly as the two just men- tioned. Another effect of the same factor is the spread-out condition of the wings. In the sixth figure (/) the wings are curled up over the back ; the character is called curled. LINKAGE GROUPS 97 In the seventh figure {g) the wings are beaded, i.e., the margin is defective at intervals, giving a beaded-Hke outhne to the wings. This condition is very variable and much affected by other factors that influence the shape of the wings. There are many eye colors in this Group — one of \ / -*«*% ^ eS^^ b y % Q ^ ;d; '4^:^^'' v\\ n f Fig. 43. — Some of the characters of the third chromo- some of Drosophila melanngaster. S€e text. these, sepia, becomes very dark in old flies. Pink and peach eye colors are modifications of the same gene (a case of multiple allelomorphs). Two other eye colors in this group, scarlet and cardinal, are almost indistinguishable, but the genes for these characters lie in quite different parts of the chromosome. 98 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS GROUP IT The hereditary elements of Group IV are carried by the pair of very small chromosomes. Only three mutants have been obtained. One of these, called "eyeless" (fig. 43 a, a"), is variable — the eyes are often entirely absent or represented by a few or by several ommatidia (h, h') . On the sides of the head '^j 1-* a a w Fig. 43. — The three characters of the foiirth chromo- some of Drosophila melanogaster. See text. where the normal eve lies there is, in "eyeless," a corresponding empty area in the more extreme con- dition {a, a^) , and even when a piece of the eye is present it lies in this area but failing to fill all of it, the outline of the full sized eye is, so to speak, still present. These parts of eyes {b, h') might be spoken of as rudimentary organs. LINKAGE GROUPS 99 Drawing (c) in figure 43, represents "bent," so called from the shaj^e of the wings. This mutant is likewise very variable, often indistinguishable from the wild type, yet when well developed strikingly different from any other mutant. The third mutant (d) is called shaven. The bristles and hairs are extremely short, and the thorax esj^ecially, appears as though shaven. This brief account of a few of the mutant races that can be most easily represented by uncolored figiu'es will serve to show how all parts of the body may change, some of the changes being so slight that they would be overlooked except by an ex^^eii:, others so great that the characters affected depart far from the original one. It is important to note that the m utant genes in the X -chromosomes are not limited to anij part of the body, nor do theg affect more frequently a particu- lar part. The same statement holds equally for all of the other chromosomes. In fact, since each factor may affect visibly several parts of the body at the same time there are no grounds for expecting any specicd relation between a given chromosome and special regions of the body. It cannot too insistently be urged that when tee say a character is the product of a particular factor uce mean no more than that it is the most conspicuous effect of that factor. If, then, as these and other results to be described 100 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS point to the chromosomes as the bearers of the JNIen- delian factors, and if, as has been shown, these fac- tors have a definite location in the chromosomes, it is clear that the location of the factors in the chromo- somes bears no spatial relation to the architecture of the body. Chapter VIII SEX-LIXKED IXHEKITAXCE When we follow the history of pairs of chromo- somes we find that their distribution in successive generations is paralleled by the inheritance of ]Men- delian characters. This is best shown in the sex chromosomes (fig. 44) . In the female of Drosophila there are two of these chromosomes that are called Diploid Nuclei XX Gametes X Y Fertilization Zygotes Fig. 44. — Diagram showing the di.stri])uti()ii of the sex chromosomes from parents to off- spring. X-chromosomes ; in the male there are also two, but one differs from those of the female in its shape, and in the fact that it carries none of the ordinary genetic factors. It is called the K-chromosome. The inheritance of a pair of characters whose genes lie in the A^-chromosomes is shown in figures 102 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS 45 and 46, illustrating crosses between a white-eyed and a red-eved individual. The first of these represents a cross between a white-eyed male and a red-eyed female {fig. 45, top row) . The X-chromosome in the male is represented by a bar, (w), the I^-chromosome is bent. In the fe- male the A"-chromosomes are W and W. Each egg of such a female will retain one X (with W) after the polar bodies have been thrown off. In the male there are two classes of sperm — the female- producing, carrying JT (with w) ; and the male- producing, carrying the I^-chromosome. Any egg fertilized by an X-bearing sperm w^ill produce a female with red eves, because the A"-chromosome (W) from the mother carries the dominant fac- tor for red. Any egg fertilized by a I^-bearing sperm will produce a male with red eyes because he gets his X-chromosome (W) from his mother. When these two Fi flies (second row) are inbred the following combinations are expected. Each egg will contain a red-eye producing X, ( W ) , or a white-eye producing X, (w) , after the polar bodies have been extruded. The male will produce two kinds of sperms, of which the female-producing will contain a red-eye producing X. Since any egg may by chance be fertilized by any sperm, there will be the four classes of individuals shown in the bottom row of the diagram. All the females will have red eyes, because irrespective of the two kinds SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE 103 Fig, 4-5. — Cross of a red-eyed female and a white-eyed male of the vinegar fly, showing sex-linked inheritance. 104 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS of eggs of the female, all the female-producing sperm carry a (w) X, Half of the males have red eyes, because half of the eggs had each a red-producing X-chromosome. The other half of the males have white eyes, because half of the eggs had each a white- producing A^-chromosome. Evidence from other sources shows that the I^-chromosome of the male is indifferent, so far as these Mendelian factors are concerned. The reciprocal experiment is illustrated in jigure 46. A white-eyed female is mated to a red-eyed male (top row) . Each of the mature eggs of such a female contains one white-producingX-chromosome, represented by the open bar in the diagram. The red- eyed male contains female-producing X-bearing sperm, that carry the factor for red-eye color, and male-producing I^-chromosomes. Any egg fertilized by an A"-bearing sperm will become a red-eyed female because the X-chromosome that comes from the father carries the dominant factor for red eye color. Any egg fertilized by a I^-bearing sperm will become a male with white eyes because the only X- chromosome that the male contains comes from his mother and is white-producing. When these two F^ flies are inbred (middle row) the following combinations are expected. Half the eggs will contain each a white-producing X-chromo- some and half a red-producing. The female-producing sperms will each contain a white X- and the male- SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE 105 producing sperms will each contain an indifferent I^-chromosome. Chance meetings of eggs and sperms will give the four F2 classes (bottom row) . These w w w • Fig. 46. — Cross of a white-eyed female and a red-eyed male of the vinegar fly, showing sex-linked inheritance. 106 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS consist of white-eyed and red-eyed females and white-eyed and red-eyed males. The ratio here is 1 : 1 and not three to one (3:1) as in other Mendelian cases. But Mendel's law of segregation is not trans- gressed, as the preceding analysis has shown; for, the chromosomes have followed strictly the course laid down on Mendel's principle for the distribution of factors. The peculiar result in this case is due to the fact that the F^ male gets his single factor for eye color from his mother only, and it is contained in a body (the X-chromosome) that is involved in sex- determination, while the mate of this body, the Y- chromosome, is indifferent with regard to these fac- tors. In human inheritance there are characters that show this same kind of transmission. Color-blindness, or at least certain kinds of color-blindness, appears to follow the same scheme. A color-blind father transmits through his daughters his peculiarity to half of his grandsons, but to none of his grand- daughters {fig. 69). The result is the same as in the case of the white-eyed male of Drosophila. Color- blind women are rather unusual, which is expected from the method of inheritance of this character, but in the few known cases where such color-blind women have married normal husbands all thel^i sons inherit color-blindness from the mother (fig. 70). Here again the result is the same as for the similar combination in Drosophila. SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE 107 In man the sex formula appears to be XX for the female and XO or XY for the male, and since this is essentially the same as that in Drosophila, the ex- planation of sex-linked inheritance is the same. Ac- cording to de Winiwarter there are 48 chromosomes a '4 ■' V . 0 Fig. 47. — a, speniiatogonimn cell of white man, showing 48 chromosomes, including the small F-chromosome; 6, same of negro; c and d. Primary spermatocytes, side views, showing X- and F-chromosomes. {After Painter.) in the female and only 47 in the male, the I^-chromo- some being absent. After the extrusion of the polar bodies there should be 24 left in the e^^. In the male 108 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS at one of the maturation divisions the single X- chromosome passes to one pole. In consequence there are two classes of sperms in man ; female-producing containing 24 chromosomes, and male-producing containing 23 chromosomes. If the factor for color- FiG. 48, — Primary spermatocytes of man, side views of spindle. The X- and the F-chromosomes are separating in advance of the others. {After Painter.) blindness is carried by the X-chromosome its inher- itance in man works out on the same chromosome scheme and in the same wav as does white eve color SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE 109 (or any other sex-linked character) hi Drosophila, for the O-sperm in man would be equivalent to the I^-sperm in the fly. Painter's later evidence {fig. 47), showing that there is a small I^-chromosome in the male that acts as the mate of the A"-chromosome {fig. 48), is very convincing. Whether in man the male is XO or XY the explanation of sex-linked inheritance is the same since the factors involved are carried bv the X- chromosomes. Chapter IX CROSSIXG-OVER If the linkage were never broken we should expect to find that groups of characters would be inherited together. There would be as many such groups of characters as there are pairs of chromosomes. To a certain extent this is true, but the study of the inher- itance of two or more characters in the same linkage group has revealed a further fact of great interest, namely, that there takes place an interchange at times between the two members of the same linkage group, and, it may be added, only between members of the same linkage group and never between different linkage groups. This interchange gives rise to a new phenomenon in inheritance that is called crossing- over, which may be illustrated by a few typical ex- amples from Drosophila. There are two mutant characters, black body color and vestigial w^ngs, whose genes lie in the sec- ond chromosome. If a fly having these two charac- ters is crossed to a wild type fly with normal color and long wings {jig. 49) the offspring are like wild type flies, because normal dominates black and long wing dominates vestigial wing. If one of the daughters (i^i) from this cross is now mated to a male with black color and vestigial wings (both recessive characters) the offsj^ring are 112 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS of four kinds. Two of these are like the grand- parents, one black-vestigial, the other normal-long, but the other two kinds have, as it were, interchanged Fig. 49. — Diagram to illustrate crossing-over. The two mutant characters, black and vestigial, are linked, as are their normal allelomorphs, gray and long. A black vestigial male is mated to a gray long female. The F^ female is back -crossed to the double recessive type, black vestigial. Four kinds of offspring are produced. CROSSIXG-OVER 113 these characteristics. One kind is black-long, the other normal-vestigial. These four kinds do not appear in equal numbers, but 83 per cent are like the grandparents and 17 per cent are the cross-overs. The result may be stated in another way. The mutant characters that went in together, black-vestigial and normal-long, liave remained together (linked) in 83 per cent of the grandchildren, while in 17 per cent of the grandchildren there has been an interchange or crossing-over. The results may be represented in terms of chro- mosomes as follows. The gene for black is represented by b and its normal partner by B ; the gene for ves- tigial by V and its partner by V (fig. 49) . Black (b) and vestigial (v) are represented in the figure as contained in the same chromosome (here a rod) in one parent, and gray (B) and long wing (F) by the corresponding chromosome in the other parent, here b}" the all-black chromosome. The daughter contains one of each of these tw^o chromosomes. When her eggs mature these two chromosomes separate and some of the eggs contain one, some the other chro- mosome. These two kinds of eggs as the sequel shows represent 83 per cent of all the eggs. But in 17 per cent of the cases there has occurred in some way an interchange between these two chromosomes with the result that the genes for black and long come to be in one chromosome and normal and vestigial in the 114 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS other. The genes for black and normal may be said to have crossed over. When such a female is mated to a black-vestigial male, whose spermatozoa contain the chromosome with black and vestigial, four combinations are formed. Remembering that normal dominates black, and long dominates vestigial, it will be seen {fig. 49) that four kinds of offspring are expected. A second case of crossing over, here in the X- chromosome, is illustrated in figure 50. If a female with white eyes and yellow wings is crossed to a wild male with red eyes and gray wings, the sons are yellow and have white eyes and the daughters are gray and have red eyes. If two Fi flies are mated they will produce the following classes : Yellow Gray Yellow Gray White Red Red White ]Vot only have tlie two grandparental combina- tions reappeared, but in addition two new combina- tions, viz., gray-white and yellow-red. The two original combinations far exceed in numbers the new or exchange combinations. If we follow the history of the A^-chromosomes we find that the large?' elasses of grandchildren can be explained if A^-chromosomes are transmitted in their entirety from one generation to the next. CROSSIXG-OVER 115 The smaller classes of grandchildren, the ex- change combinations or cross-overs, can be explained by an interchange taking place between the chromo- somes in the hybrid (2^^i) female. This is indicated in the diagram. Non-cros5-overs 98.5 «^ Cross-overs 1.5 <^o Fig. 50. — Cross of a female vinegar fly that has white eyes and yellow wings to a wild type male with red eyes and gray wings, illustrating crossing-over. 116 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS The explanation of crossing-over rests on the assumption that members of the same pair of chro- mosomes may at times interchange. If the chromo- somes are the bearers of the genes there can be no doubt from the genetic evidence that such an inter- change takes place. When we turn to the known behavior of the chromosomes in the ripening of the germ cells we find certain stages where such a pro- cess may seem possible. At the ripening period of the germ cell the mem- bers of each pair of chromosomes come together. In several forms they have been described as meeting at one end and then progressively coming to lie side by side as shown in figure 51. At the comj^letion of Fig. 51. — Conjugation of the chromosomes in Batracoceps. (After Janssens.) the process they appear to have united along their length. It is always a maternal and a paternal chro- mosome that meet in this way and always two of the CROSSING-OVER 117 same kind. It has been observed that as the members of a pair come together they occasionally twist aromid each other (fig. 51). If where they overlap thev should break and the ends uHite with the cor- responding ends of the opposite chromosomes (fig. 52), the conditions of crossing-over would be ful- filled. Fig. 52. — Diagram to illustrate crossing-over of two con- jugating threads. Unfortunately the evidence that crossing-over takes place at the time of maturation, as the result of overlapping of the chromosomes, is very meagre and by no means conclusive, nevertheless, as far as it goes, this evidence is favorable for such an interpre- tation of genetic crossing-over as that given above. From the genetic evidence for crossing-over it is possible to determine the relative location of the genes in the chromosomes. The method can not be given here in detail but the general point of view 118 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS may be stated. If the genes lie along the length of the chromosomes and if crossing-over is as likely to occur at one level as at another, then, the nearer together two genes lie the less likely is a break be- tween them, or conversely the further apart in the chromosome they lie the more likely is crossinc^-over to take place. In other words the percentage of crossovers is an index of the distance apart of the genes. On this basis the location of the genes, as shown in figure 38, has been determined. From such a chart one is enabled to calculate what the inher- itance of any gene will be with respect to any other gene in its group provided its relation to two other genes is known. The theory of crossing-over enables the geneticist to predict the results of a given experiment with the same precision that Mendel's two laws allow predic- tion for a single pair of characters in the same chro- mosome pair, or for two or more pairs of characters in different chromosome pairs. Chapter X NATURAL SELECTION AND EVOLUTION Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection still liolds today first place in every discussion of evolution, and for this reason the theory calls for careful scrutiny ; for it is not difficult to show that the expression "natural selection" is to many men a metaphor that carries many meanings, and sometimes different meanings to different men. While I heartily agree with my fellow biologists in ascribing to Darwin himself, and to his work, the first place in evolutionary philosophy, yet recognition of this claim should not deter us from a careful analysis of the situation in the light of all that has been done since Darwin's time. The Theory of Natural Selection In his famous book on the Origin of Sjjecies, Dar- win tried to do two things: first, to show that the theory of evolution furnishes an adequate explana- tion of the facts. No such great body of evidence had ever been brought together before, and it convinced most thinking men that the theory of evolution of living things furnished a rational explanation of what is known about their relationships and past history. Darwin also proposed several theories as to how 120 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS evolution has taken place. He pointed to the influ- ence of the environment, to the effects of use and disuse, and to natural selection. It is to the last the- ory that his name is especially attached. He appealed to a fact familiar to everyone, that no two individ- uals are identical and that some of the differences that they show are inherited. He argued that those individuals that are best suited to their environment are the most probable ones to survive and to leave offspring. As a consequence, their descendants should in time replace through competition the less well-adapted individuals of the species. This is the process Darwin called natural selection, and Spen- cer called the survival of the fittest. Stated in these general terms tliere is nothing in the theory to which anyone is likely to take excep- tion ; for, it may appear little more than a truism to state that the individuals that are the best adapted to survive have a better chance of surviving than those not so well adapted to survive. But Darwin did much more than appeal to any such generality. He pointed out that variations occur in all directions; that at least some of these variations are transmitted; and that on an average more offspring are produced by each pair than survive. He appealed directly to a large amount of biological evidence in support of his theory. Since 1859 a great deal of work has been done that bears on the interpretation that Darwin placed on NATURAL SELECTION 121 the facts to which he appealed. Before deciding on the merits of natural selection this evidence must he examined. The Measurement of Variation If we measure, or weigh, or classify any character shown hy the individuals of a po^mlation, we find much variahilitv some of which we ascrihe to the varied experiences that the individuals have encount- ered in the course of their lives, i.e., to their environ- ment, hut we also recognize that some of the differ- ences may he due to individuals having different inheritances. A few familiar examples will help to hring out this contrast. If the leaves of a tree are arranged according to size {fig. 53), we find a continuous series, hut there Fig. 53. — Series of leaves of a tree arranged according to size. (After DeVries.) are more leaves of medium size than extremes. If a lot of beans be sorted out according to their weights, and those between certain weights put into cylinders, the cylinders, when arranged according to the size 122 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS of the beans, will appear as shown in figure 54. An imaginary line running over the tops of the piles will give a curve (fig, 55) that corresponds to the curve of probability (fig. 56). Fig. 54. — Beans put into cylin- ders according to size of beans. The cylinders are arranged ac- cording to the size of the con- tained beans. (After DeVries.) If we stand men in lines according to their height we get a similar arrangement. The differences in size shown by the individual beans or by the individual men are due in part to heredity, in part to the environment in which they have developed. This is a familiar fact of almost every-day observation. It is well shown in the fol- NATURAL SELECTION 123 lowing example. In jigiire 57 the two boys and the two varieties of corn, which they are holding, differ in height. The pedigrees of the boys {fig, 58) make it probable that their height is partly inherited, and Fig. 55. — A curve resulting from arrangement of beans according to size. (After DeVries.) ^26 -2(5 -<5 0 +6 +2(5 +3d Fig. 56. — Curve of probability. (After Johannsen.) 124 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS the two races of corn are known to belong to a tall and a short race respectively. Here, then, the chief effect or difference is due to heredity. On the other hand, if individuals of the same race develop in a Fig. 57, — A short and a tall boy, each holding a stalk of corn. The short boy holds a stalk of a race of short corn, and the tall boy one of tall corn. (After Blakeslee.) NATURAL SELECTION 125 favorable environment the result is different from what their development would be in an unfavorable environment (fig. .59) . Here to the right the corn is crowded and in consequence dwarfed, while to the n-r<3 n-T-o DtO SlOi £4' &r EjM, M-. 6'0 D-riJ. UrrO,. 58 ] U U-.: *-«*Pt Fig. 63. — Evolution of elephant's trunk; above Maeritherium, in the middle Tetrabelodon {After Lancaster) ; below African elephant (After Gambier Bolton). 150 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS long would be in proportion to the length of the trunks already present and to the number of indi- viduals in which such a character might appear. In other words, evolution once begun in a given direc- tion is in a favorable position to go on in the same direction rather than in another {fig. 64) , so long as Fig. 64. — Evolution of elephant's trunk. (After Lull.) the advance does not overstep the limit where fur- ther change is advantageous. The duality of the evolution process from the point of view of natural selection has not always been sufficiently emphasized. A series of events that can be given a stricth^ causal interpretation leads ORIGIN OF SPECIES 151 to the occurrence of a new individual, which, through other properties inherent in living matter, can re- produce a grouj) of individuals like itself. Another and entirely unconnected series of events in the outer world has produced another situation as when the land w^as lifted above the water. If the new type happens to come into relation with the new world it may perpetuate itself there. This is adaptation — the fortuitous coming together of the results of two processes that have developed independently of each other. The fitness of the animal or plant to an en- vironment that it finds existing, gives the false im- pression that its relation to the environment, its adaptation, has come about through a response to the environment. The central idea of natural selec- tion, as generally understood at the present time, is that the relation is purely fortuitous. The organism has been produced by one series of events, the en- vironment by another; the relation of the two is secondary. The Dominance of the Wild Type Genes The genes that arise by mutation have been found to be largely recessive to the genes already present in the original type which are said, therefore, to be dominant to the new genes. If the original genes also arose by mutation there is no obvious reason why new genes are not as often dominant as recessive to the original ones. It may be frankly admitted that 152 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS at present we cannot give a satisfactory explanation of this relation if we assume that evolution has come about by the same kind of processes that we observe today when new mutants arise. There are, however, certain considerations that put the situation in a somewhat different light. In the first place there is no such sharp contrast as imjDlied in the statement just made between domi- nant and recessive genes. Many genes classified as recessive produce some effect in hybrid combination on the character most affected. In the second place if recessive mutant genes may sometimes revert to the original type (for which there is some evidence at present but not enough perhaps to be entirely convincing) it follows that there may be no essential difference between the kinds of genes in question. In the third place it is possible that some or even many of the commonly observed mutant genes rep- resent degradation products of the old genes (that is, simjiler chemical bodies) that are more frequently produced than more com^ilex bodies. Even if this is true it does not follow that more complex genes may not also arise by mutation and some of these might be dominants to the old gene. At present, however, this is purely speculative. In the fourth place it is known that new domi- nant genes do arise. There need be no necessary re- lation between the dominance of a gene and an ORIGIN OF SPECIES 153 increase in the character affected. In fact, while some dominant mutants add something to the original character (size or complexity), others diminish the same character. In the fifth place it is possible that under natural conditions dominant advantageous characters have a far better chance to become established than reces- sive advantageous characters, because, by definition, they produce a greater or less effect on the hybrid and give it an advantage from the start. Tempting as is such a suggestion, it would be hazardous at present to use it to exj^lain the observed dominance of many of the characters of the wild types as com- pared with the recessiveness of many of the new mutant types that aj)pear or are preserved under cultivation. Chapteh XII THE NON-INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED CHARACTERS^ For more than a hundred years the question has been discussed as to whether habits and physical characteristics acquired by an individual during its life are transmitted to its children. Lamarck's theory of evolution rests on the assumption that adapta- tions in the animal kingdom are brought about in this way. Although Darwin once referred contemp- tuously to Lamarck's nonsense, which he understood to imply that adaptation results from the slow will- ing of animals, he later accepted a view that is in all essential respects really the same as Lamarck's. In fact, Darwin went even further than Lamarck in attempting to explain by means of his hypothesis of pangenesis how changes in the body might be trans- mitted to the reproductive cells and reap2:)ear in the offspring. Despite the high authority of Darwin's name there has been a steady falling away from this belief amonff biologists trained in modern methods of ex- perimental research. It is true that among stock breeders and farmers there has always been, and there is still, a widespread conviction that acquired 1 From The Yale Revieio, July 19:24. 156 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS characters are transmitted, and in the folklore, both ancient and modern, of many peoples there are myths that turn on a belief in the inheritance of such characters. Phaethon driving the chariot of the sun over Africa lost control of his father's horses and coming too near the earth, "it is said the people of Aethiopia became black because the blood was called by the heat too suddenly to surface," and they are black to this dav. The palaeontologist Cope, an ardent Lamarck- ian, relates a storv "from that keen observer" Pro- fessor Eugene W. Hilgard, describing the origin of the twisted tails of the cats in his neighborhood. A female ("and very prolific") cat when half-grown met with an accident that produced a compound fracture. Her kittens inherited the maternal twist and found favor in the eyes of their master, described as "my Chinaman." Cope also relates the following anecdote on the authority of an educated and reliable breeder of game fowls : "A game-cock, in his second year, lost an eye in a fight. Soon after, and while the wound was very malignant (it never entirely healed) , he w^as turned into a flock of game hens of another strain. He was otherwise healthy and vigorous. A very large proportion of his progeny has the corre- sponding eye defective. . . . The hens afterwards produced normal chickens with another cock. Both strains had been purely bred for ten or more years. ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 157 and none of the fowls has been bhnd unless from fights." The myths relatmg to prenatal impressions are the most pathetic of all the inventions of human credulity, and the}^ are as old and as widespread as the inheritance myths to which they are closely re- lated. Jacob's slippery trick with the rods will be long remembered. "And he set the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink that they should conceive when thev came to drink. And the flocks conceived before the rods and brought forth cattle ring-streaked, speckled, and spotted." The world is today filled with old wives' tales of pre- natal influences. These mysteries, the ill-begotten offspring of ignorance, have contributed their bane- ful share to the social inheritance. It is a strange commentary that, while zoologists have never met with much success in their endeavors to trace the origin of structural changes to the in- heritance of acquired characters, numerous j)i'0" posals have come from physiologists and psycholo- gists. There was some consternation in 1923 when the great Russian physiologist, Pawlow, reported the results of experiments that go far beyond what most Lamarckians have dared hope. Pawlow's con- clusions— and as yet we have only his conclusions — are very surprising. They can best be given in his own words : 158 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS The latest experiments (which are not yet fin- ished) show that the conditional reflexes, i.e., the highest nervous activity, are inherited. At present some experiments on white mice have been com- pleted. Conditional reflexes to electric bells are formed, so that the animals are trained to run to their feeding place on the ringing of the bell. The following results have been obtained : The first generation of white mice required three hundred lessons. Three hundred times was it neces- sary to combine the feeding of the mice with the ringing of the bell in order to accustom them to run to the feeding j^lace on hearing the bell ring. The second generation required, for the same result, only one hundred lessons. Tlie third generation learned to do it after thirty lessons. The fourth generation required only ten lessons. The last generation which I saw before leaving Petrograd learned the lesson after five repetitions. The sixth generation will be tested after my return. I think it very probable that after some time a new generation of mice will run to the feeding place on hearing the bell with no previous lesson. Until we have a full account of Pawlow's meth- ods it msLj be safer to wait before interpreting his results ; but this is by no means a new topic, for al- ready the effects of training and its possible inherit- ance had been examined bv three American investi- gators who used the most approved methods that experience has taught are essential in obtaining data ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 159 of this sort. ]Miss Vicari' has carried out for two years a careful set of experiments with mice, extend- ing over four generations. The records of each indi- vidual and its pedigree were kept. The outcome shows that no such effects as those reported hy Paw- low appeared. INIacDowelP also carried out at Cold Spring Harhor extensive experiments on the possi- hle effects of alcohol in inheritance as tested by ability to learn a maze, and, as a control, kept records of related rats that had been trained by the same tests used for the alcoholics. His data, recently published, show no improvement in the offspring of trained individuals over those not trained. Halsey Bagg^ has published significant data on mice tested in a maze, data that cover three generations, and here too there is no evidence of improvement resulting from training. It may be objected that the methods employed were not the same as those used by Pawlow, and, that we must wait for his evidence. This is not to be denied; but, on the other hand, the American data warn us not to generalize as to the inheritance of training. Our human experience, too, teaches cau- tion; for how simple would our educational questions become if our children at the sound of the school bell learned their lessons in half the time their parents 2 Science, Vol. LIX, 1934, p. 303. 3 Science, Vol. IJX, 1924, p. 30-2. ^Archives of Psychology, Vol. XXVI, 1930. 160 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS required! We might soon look forward to the day when the ringing of bells would endow our great grandchildren with all the experiences of the gen- erations that had j)receded them. The attempt to identify heredity w4th memory has been made over and over again. The most bril- liant and irresponsible undertaking of this kind was that of Samuel Butler in his books on Life and Habit and on U7ico7iscious Memory. His contention was, however, neither the first suggestion of the sort, nor was it to be the last. A few years before him a German physiologist, Hering, had elaborated this idea. Today this question has more than an historical interest, since the memory-heredity theory has never been without an advocate. Books continue to be writ- ten about it. Orr in this country advocated something of the kind, but was rather vague in his applications. Semon in Germany invented a full terminology, for his Mneme. Rignano in Italy attempted to give it a more physical expression, as indeed had Haeckel much earlier. Ward in England has spoken as a philosopher in its favor, and Bernard Shaw as a dramatist. The comparison between heredity and memory has taken protean forms ; none of its advocates being able to do more than throw out suggestions as to what sort of "identity" they were talking about. Fantasy rather than prosaic science is the character- istic feature of all these theories. ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 161 That these speculations have produced ahiiost no effect on present biological thought is not surpris- ing, for a moment's consideration will show that, at best, the basis for the comparison between memory and heredity rests only on a vague analogy. In each case something appears and reappears. In the one case, a memory of the past in the brain as we say; in the other case, a repetition of a similar type of behavior in successive generations. It is tacitly im- plied that because memory is a familiar process to us we must know more about it than about heredity. The fact, however, is that memory is one of the many obscure fields of human j^sychology. It is today more obscure to us than is heredity itself. Are we not jus- tified, therefore, in looking askance at attempts to account for a phenomenon taking place in one realm of observation by an appeal to another, less w^ell understood? It is not an exaggeration to say that some of those who have propounded memory the- ories of hereditv have never been in close touch with the facts of heredity and development that are fami- liar to students of these subjects. Our present knowl- edge of the relations of parent to offspring is so different from anything ever imagined by the mem- ory advocates, that their speculations a^^pear to the zoologist as crude as they are often grotesque. During the last quarter of the last century, one of the most important branches of biology came to frui- tion. The microscopic study of cells and eggs and 162 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS their relation to development and inheritance, made great advances and cleared up many obscure ques- tions. These observations were carried out in com- plete independence of the speculations concerning heredity that had gone before ; and the outcome has furnished a starting point for further interpreta- tions that have led in our own time to far reaching discoveries. It is not possible to give here even a summary of the evidence, because its understanding requires familiarity with microscopic observations covering a very wide and unfamiliar field. But, in general, I may state that the work has led to the conclusion that the properties of the reproductive cells which are responsible for the characters of the body, are inherent in these cells ; and that the trans- mission of these properties is independent of the body-cells, and calls for no interference from them. This is summed up in the phrase "the isolation of the germ-plasm." The principal idea that this familiar phrase is intended to convey is exactly the opposite of that implied in the inheritance of acquired char- acters. The individual starts as an ^^^ which is itself a cell. The ^^^ divides and ^^roduces a vast number of cells essentially like itself. ]Most of these cells be- come changed, as development proceeds, into the tissues and organs of the body, but a few of them remain as the reproductive cells of the individual in which they live. Here they multiply to become each in turn the beginning of a new individual with its ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 163 contained eggs. In a word, the egg produces the body — not the body the egg. All this is now conceded by everj^one familiar with the evidence ; but two further points are open to dis- cussion. The first of these involves the possibility that the germ-cells may be affected by the vicissi- tudes of the body-cells, so that when their turn comes to produce a new individual they reflect in some way the changes that have been impressed on the body- cells. If this takes place, the inheritance of acquired characters would not be incompatible with the cell theory although extraneous to the theory. The sec- ond point relates to the possibility that the changes in the external world that affect the body may pro- duce a corresponding change in the germ-cells. No amount of argument or a priori reasoning is likely to settle these problems ; but fortunately there is at the present time a large body of evidence, and some of it experimental evidence, that is significant, and, I think, convincing. Here, if anywhere, we may hope to find proof on which to base a reasonable judgment of the situation. To this evidence, then, I propose to appeal. The evidence is of various sorts, and mav be roughly grouped under several headings. First, that of the supposed inheritance of use and disuse. This takes us back to Lamarck, but while he rested his case on generalities that were often fantastic, such as the origin of the giraffe's long neck, there is now a 164 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS good deal of evidence that is significant and un- favorable. Darwin explained the eyeless condition of many cave animals as a result of disuse. Recently Pa3aie has bred fifty generations of flies in total darkness and has found that their reaction to light had been in no way impaired. Darwin suggested that the wingless condition of some insects living on islands was due in part to disuse. Now, there have appeared in our laboratory cultures of flies raised in milk bottles, of three different kinds having no wings. These appeared as single individuals with the wings entirely absent, from j)arents whose wings had not decreased visibly in size in their long con- finement. Each of the new types arose by a muta- tion; and the inheritance of the wingless condition shows that they owe their peculiarity to a change in a single hereditary element, and are, in this respect, comparable to the four hundred other mutant types that have also arisen, whose new characters have no conceiA^able relation to their confinement. It is more difficult to obtain definite information as to whether or not the use of a part that increases its size or improves its functions is inherited. Imagi- nary cases of this sort are abundant, but since other explanations will cover them they do not serve our present j^urposes. There are no measurements, so far as I know, to prove or to disprove the claim that the children of blacksmiths have stronger arms ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 165 than other children, or that the children of football players have bigger legs. William Brewer suj)j)osed that the speed of trot- ting horses was due chiefly "to better training but also in part to special exercise of function." Later Caspar Redfield insisted that the wisest sons have been born to the more aged fathers, and that the rec- ords of racing horses show that the fastest colts have come from parents that have been trained for rac- ing; but his statistics will not stand the scrutiny of an actuary. Pearl has shown the fallacies that lie concealed in his premises. The loss of a part is supposed in popular tradi- tions to lead sometimes to its absence in the off- spring. The typical example is that of the cat whose tail was pinched off by a closing door. Her kittens were tailless. There are, I believe, authentic cases of this sort, but it is also true that unpinched cats often have tailless kittens. In fact there is a special breed of these cats which when crossed to other cats transmit their peculiarity, and since from the nature of things the paternity of cats in general is always 023en to suspicion no great weight is to be attached to an oc- casional accident and the occurrence of tailless kit- tens— except in so far as it illustrates a curious faculty of the human mind to draw f)remature in- ferences. In rebuttal to the cat anecdotes it should be pointed out that some races of dogs and sheep 166 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS have had their tails removed for generations and that puppies and lambs are born still with tails. Both Cope and Weismann cut off the tails of mice for sev- eral generations without producing bobt ailed mice. We do not have to go to the lower animals to get evidence. The several kinds of mutilations and re- movals that man has practised on his own body for centuries have left no permanent record on the race. From removals to distortions is a distinct step, since it has been said by some of the Lamarckians when pressed for evidence of the inheritance of loss of parts, that, after all, the part is gone, and could not be supposed to transmit its absence. This eva- sion does not cover the case when a distortion is in question. The stock case is the flat fish, which, ac- cording to Cunningham, owes its asymmetry to the habits acquired by its ancestors that came to lie on their sides at the bottom of the sea. One eve was thereby put out of commission, but, as a result of the muscles pulling it over so that it could peep around the corner of its own head and look up, the eye slowlv shifted "in time" until todav it too lies on the side of the head that is upj)ermost — otherwise, of course, it would have been expected to degenerate. We do not have to go to Eocene times for evi- dence. Chinese women of high caste have had their feet bound and deformed for many generations, and now that the custom is being abandoned the children do not appear to have feet different from those of ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 167 other Chinamen. Nearer home we do not observe the effects of the corsets of our grandmothers on the size of the waists of our children. Several years ago a famous French physiologist, Brown- Sequard, described some interesting facts about epilepsy and malformations in guinea pigs that he interpreted as due to the inherited effects of surgical operations. At the time, these experiments aroused great interest, and were much discussed, by zoologists at least. The operations have been re- peated on rather a large scale and offspring ob- tained, but with results so inconclusive that Se- quard's work is largely forgotten, and not often quoted by those who themselves have new^ claims to bring to the attention of the public. If we turn now to the experimental evidence of more recent date, we shall find several instances where induced changes have led to deformities and malformations which may "reappear" in the next generation, and hence may be said, in a sense, to be inherited. But the storv they tell leads to a very dif- ferent interpretation from the popular one of the inheritance of acquired character ; and while it is not entirely clear sailing, yet the general trend of the work is instructive and furnishes, I think, more than a hint as to the way in which some of these results ft'' may have been produced. I refer to the experiments of Stockard on the in- fluence of alcohol, of Guyer on the influence of anti- 168 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS lens serum ; of Griffith and Detlef sen on the effects of long continued rotation; of Bagg and Hanson and Little on some of the effects of radium and of X-rays. To give a fair treatment of the interesting results that have come out of this work would re- quire a detailed account of the special conditions involved in each case. To make a generalized state- 'ment that would cover them all would undoubtedly mislead the reader. I shall attempt, therefore, a com- promise between these extremes. JNIany of the facts can be accounted for on the view that the reproductive cells have been directly injured by the treatment, and since there is evidence that the chromosome mechanism is the basis for the transmission of the hereditary elements, one may even go further and suggest that the chromosomes have been altered. Xow, embryologists have been familiar for a good many years with the injurious effect of alcohol, of X-rays, and of radium on the chromosomes in causing irregularities in their dis- tribution, and with the consequent injurious effects on the developing embryo, so that one need not go far afield to find evidence in support of the view that injuries produced on the germ-cell may affect the individual that comes from it. How far the injuries induced by these agents are sj)ecific, and how far general is difficult to state at present ; but since, as Stockard has pointed out, the organs affected are ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 169 just those that are most subject to injury when eggs are treated by many kinds of reagents it appears that the results are general rather than sj^ecific. The organs affected are the most delicate j^arts or the parts that require in their develo23ment the most per- fect adjustments. I am also inclined to favor such a view, which, if established, may explain why alcohol, and X-ravs, and radium show their effects most often in the malformations of the eve. The more difficult task remains to attemj^t to ap- praise those results in which a highly specific effect is claimed to have been produced. Guyer's experi- ment easily comes first in this respect. He removed the lenses from the eyes of rabbits, crushed them, and injected the mash into fowls. After a time the blood of these birds was injected into pregnant rabbits. The lenses of the offspring were often opaque and other abnormalities also appeared in their eyes. The effects were transmitted to later generations both in the male and female line. Here we have apparently a straightforward case of specific inheritance, unless, indeed, the injected serum is supposed to have af- fected not only the eves of the embryo but their germ-cells also. Crucial experiments w^ould settle this point, but as yet they have not been forthcom- ing. Guyer's experiment has been recently repeated by Finlev and also by Huxley and Carr- Saunders with entirely nee^ative results. We can safely w^ait, 170 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS therefore, until further and more critical evidence is obtained as to the nature of the effect, if any, that was induced in Guyer's experiment. The next best case is that of Griffith and Detlef- sen. Rats were rotated for several months in cages. Some of the young born outside the cage showed irregularities in their gait, and when tested gave a different and specific response according to whether their parents had been rotated to the right or to the left. Detlefsen states that the disequilibrated rats showed frequent pathological sequelae, such as dis- charges from the ears; and this, he says, raises the question "whether Griffith has not merely presented us with numerous specimens of some vertebral dis- ease." The disease once begun might be contagious, but he adds, "It is difficult to compromise this hy- pothesis with Griffith's contention of specificity." This brings us finally to a point where something more definite may be said and therefore said briefly. Blakeslee and Belling have shown that if, during the maturing of the reproductive cells of a flowering plant, the common jimson weed, the jDlant is sub- jected to cold, the germ-cells may be so affected that the distribution of the chromosomes is on rare oc- casions altered, and a jDlant may be produced that has double the normal number of chromosomes. This change carries in its wake some corresponding changes of character. Changes of both these kinds often take place when the egg is not treated, and ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 171 thev are transmitted in the same wav, so that, at best, the special environment inducing them can only be said to make their occurrence more frequent. Finally there is a considerable body of evidence showing that characters, whose development is known to be affected by environmental influences (which therefore might be supposed to be the very best kind of material to exhibit the effect of acquired characters) are not affected by the changes induced in their parents by the environment. There are sev- eral striking cases of this kind that have been met with in the course of our experiments with vinegar flies. There is a race of these flies that have been long inbred, in order to make them uniform in a genetic sense, in w^hich the eves are entirely absent in most individuals, but occasionally one or both eyes may be present much reduced in size. If the flies that have these small eves are bred to each other they arive exactly the same results as when their eye- less brothers and sisters are bred together. As each stock culture gets older, more and more of the flies that emerge have eyes, and, towards the end, an in- creased number of the flies have both eyes present and almost full size. If some of these are used as the parents of a new generation, the results obtained are precisely the same as when eyeless flies are used. What better evidence could we hope to obtain to show that the presence of a character in the individ- ual has no influence on the reproductive cells i This 172 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS case does not stand alone but is duplicated by simi- lar evidence from other characters subject to en- vironmental changes in these flies, namely, bar eyes, abnormal abdomen, and extra legs, all of which are greatly affected by the environment, but the effects are not transmitted. Is it surprising, then, in the light of these detailed and controlled data that we should look askance at claims which pretend to demonstrate the inheritance of acquired characters from observations that are in most cases inadequate to prove the point at issue ? The experiments that Kammerer has carried on for several years relate, for the most part, to the kind of characters which I have just mentioned. He finds that salamanders spotted with black and yel- low change to more black or more yellow individuals if kept on a black or a yellow background. Their off- sj^ring reared on a neutral background show, he be- lieves, some influence of the effects produced on their parents, and so on. Until these results are repeated on material that is more thoroughly controlled, or on material where the effect produced can be stated in measurable terms and not by pictures of selected material, it is in my opinion better to suspend judg- ment in respect to their interj^retation. The careful work of Herbst that was undertaken to check up Kammerer's evidence has so far found no justifica- tion for Kammerer's conclusion. ^luch of the otlier work that Kammerer has brought forward as evi- ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 173 dence of the inherited effect of the enviroiiiiieiit is open to the same objection — the inheritance of color changes in hzards, the change in the breeding habits of the midwife toad, and the development of horny pads on the thumbs of the male. That the environ- ment causes changes in some of these characters need not be questioned, but that the effects produced are transmitted to the next generation, through the bodily changes produced, may be questioned, both because of the inadequacy of the evidence and also because in other cases where the materials are suit- able for making such tests there is no evidence that such influences produce such results. Perhaps the most careful and thoughtful piece of analytical work that has been done in this field is that by Sumner, extending over five years, on the effect of heat and cold on the length of the tail, ears, and feet of white mice, as well as on the increase in the thick- ness of the hair in the cold. Some of the mice were reared from birth in a cold room, others in a warm room. The average difference in temperature was eighteen degrees centigrade. The tails of the mice in the warm room series were longer than the tails of those in the cold, for mice of the same body length. The length of the feet and of the ears was also greater in the warmer room, al- thouerh the effect of the cold on the ears was incon- stant. These two kinds of mice were then brouglit together in a common room of intermediate tem- 174 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS perature, where each series was bred separately, and measurements were made of the offspring when the mice were full grown. It was found that the tail, foot, and ear length were greater in the mice of warm-room jDarentage than that of cold-room par- entage but the difference was not so great as that between their parents. This may be interpreted to mean that the smaller increase shown by the tails of these mice of the sec- ond generation from warm-room parents was due to the intermediate temperature in which they were reared, while their length, which was greater than that of the mice of cold-room parentage, was in- herited from the warm-room parents. But how? Was it the effect of cold on the germ-cells, or did it come from the longer tails of their parents? It is not easy to imagine that the effect was due to the direct influence of the cold on the germ-cells since mice are warm blooded and maintain a nearly constant body temperature when adult, and as young mice they were kept warm in the nest and by the brooding of their mothers. JMust we then conclude that the germ- cells are so sensitiye to slight differences in the size of the organs of the body that the effects are shown in the next generation? If so, might we not expect that all individual differences would reappear in the characters of the offspring? But this question, at least, has now been settled by Johannsen's brilliant analysis on the non-inheritance ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 175 of individual differences that are called forth hv the environment. His experiments were carried out on material that was adequate to give a crucial answer to the question involved. In support of Johannsen's conclusion there is an extensive hody of genetic evi- dence which can he interpreted as meaning that while much individual variability is due to minor genetic factors, and this is inherited, some individual variability is due to the environment and this is not inherited. Is it possible, then, that Sumner's results were due to chance, in the sense that the two series happened to give the averages shown ? It does not seem prob- able that this w^as so, but we can never be certain until the experiment is re23eated on material that is first made pure for factors involving the length of the parts to be studied. Sumner is himself very cau- tious in his interpretation of his results. He says, "At no time have I declared my results to be proof of, or even evidence for, the inheritance of acquired characters. Indeed, I have insisted that in the pres- ent state of our problems this latter expression has become ho^^elessly obsolete. As regards the various possible interpretations of my own results I have always expressed indecision." Castle and Phillips j^erformed an experiment on guinea pigs that w^ould be exj^ected to show the in- fluence of the body on the germ-cells if such effects are 2)ossible. The ovary from a black female was 176 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS transplanted into a white female whose ovary had been removed. After the transplanted ovary had established itself, the white female was bred to a pure white male. The offspring were black, although the mother and the father were white. The eggs had not been affected by their sojourn in the body of a white individual. It is not as widely known as it should be that most of the assumptions of the Lamarckians contra- dict the fundamental principles of JNIendel's law of heredity. Mendel's law of segregation states that the hereditary elements received from the parents separate in the germ-cells of the offspring without having affected each other, and, hy implication, without having been affected by the character of the individual in which thev were contained. An ex- ample will make this statement clearer. Suj^pose a white mouse is bred to a wild gray mouse. The hy- brid offspring will be gray. If two such hybrids are bred together they give rise to gray and to white offspring in the ratio of three grays to one white. This ratio is understandable if in the hj^brids half of the reproductive cells carry the element for gray and half that for white. Thousands of instances of this sort are known today. To reject the evidence would be scientific suicide; to refuse to accept the theorv would be to throw reason to the winds. Men- del's j^ostulates concerning the clear separation of the elements of heredity mean that the white-producing ACQUIRED CHARACTERS 177 elements in the gray hybrids have been unaffected by the gray color of the hair of the animal that car- ries them. JNIan}^ similar tyjjes of inheritance in man tell the same story. A blue-eved man marries a brown- eyed woman, and if she has come from a race pure for brown eyes, all the children will have brown eyes. If an individual of this parentage marries an- other with a similar parentage their children will be brown-eyed and blue-eyed as three to one. Still an- other case may seem more impressive since the char- acter involved is one that dominates the normal and may appear therefore as something more positive in its nature. There is a tyj^e of malformed hand in which the middle segment of each finger is missing. If a short-fingered man marries a normal handed woman half of the children will have short-fingered hands and half of them will be normal. The expla- nation here is the same as before. The man was a hybrid (his father had short fingers and his mother was normal) , hence he produces two kinds of repro- ductive cells. When he marries a woman w^hose re- productive cells are normal, two kinds of offspring are expected and two kinds are found. It may be added that the normal children show no trace what- soever of the influence of the hand of their short- fingered father and never transmit this deformity to their descendants — the separation of the elements in the dominant parent has been clean. 178 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS It is scarcely necessary to elaborate this theme. The facts are not disputed by any student of genet- ics who is familiar with the evidence ; and they fur- nish, in my judgment, convincing disproof of the loose and vague arguments of the Lamarckians. The "will to believe" in the inheritance of ac- quired characters is widespread and an interesting feature of human behavior. The eagerness with which each new claim is listened to is only too fa- miliar to those who concern themselves with evolu- tionary controversies. The willingness to listen to every new tale that furnishes evidence of the inheritance of acquired characters arises perhaps from a human longing to pass on to our offspring the fruits of our bodily gains and mental accumulations. While every scien- tific investigator has sympathy for this human weak- ness, he cannot allow it to influence him in his exami- nation of the facts as they actually exist. In our •- «■' hope for the best we forget that we are invoking a principle that also calls for the inheritance of the worst. If we cannot inherit the effects of the train- ing of our parents, we escape at least the inheritance of their misfortunes. A receptive mind may be a better asset for the child than a mind weighted down from birth with the successes and failures of its ancestors. Chapter XIII HUMAX IXHERITAXCE A LARGE number of malformations in man have been shown to be inherited. In the medical literature there are hundreds of family pedigrees in which one or an- other defect appears in successive generations, espe- ciallv when the stock has been rather closely inbred, or where the defect is a dominant one. The few books in which these cases of human inheritance have been collected may give the impression that our knowl- edge of man's heredity is mainly concerned with the transmission of his defects. The eugenic programme or recommendations with which these treatises usu- ally wind uj) may give the impression that our chief concern with human inheritance relates to the elimi- nation of the defective materials (cacogenics) that have become incorporated in the s^^ecies, rather than with the discovery of superlative human materials, their preservation and perpetuation (eugenics) . All this calls for comment. General Statement In extenuation of the depressing effect of such literature it may be said that malformations are util- ized for genetic work not because of their intrinsic interest — although to the pathologist they are in themselves important — ^but because, as in other 180 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS species, they furnish clear-cut characters that are sharply separated from normal structures, and hence can be traced through successive generations. It may properly be claimed that in studying the inheritance of each defect we are also studying the inheritance of a normal character that forms the other member of the contrasted pair. This statement, however, calls for an important reservation ; for, all that we mean by such a contrast is that the "normal" is not the ab- normal. We do not in reality know anything more than this. This relation is, however, inherent in all Mendelian contrasted character-pairs, unless mem- bers of an allelomorphic series are somewhat more specific. The presence of malformations of the body in human stocks is not supposed to be due to a greater tendency in the human species than in other species to produce, de novo, defective mutants, but rather to be due in man to the preservation of individuals having such characters and allowing them to marry, or at least not preventing them from mating. The higher ethical standards of man lead him to preserve human life, and in the absence of severe competition (through which the maladjusted would go under) the defective child reaches maturitv. If the new character is recessive its gene may become widely disseminated in the human germ- material before two individuals each with the reces- sive gene mate. One-fourth of their offspring will HUMAN INHERITANCE 181 then show the defect. Bv the time this has occurred the gene may have become so widely spread that the most that can be done — if something is to be done — is to discourage the defective individuals that have reappeared from further contamination — a council of perfection that may not be appreciated. When the defect is dominant it will appear in half the offspring^ if marriage with a normal person oc- curs. The other half of the children that are normal do not transmit this dominant defect, and have, so to speak, escaj^ed entirely from the inheritance. There are, however, a number of cases where the defect is not perfectly dominant. This means that its variabilitv is so wide that a few individuals that carry the gene may fail to show it, or show it to such a small degree as to escape casual examination. There are, apj)arently, cases of this sort which have been utilized by the opponents of the modern the- ory of heredity as justification for the statement that such a character does not show "strictlv ]Men- delian inheritance." Unless suitable tests are made it is not possible to claim that extreme cases of this sort are exceptions to Mendelian inheritance, for, similar cases are known in other animals, and have been shown not to be exceptions, but due to the wide variability of the hybrid character. Aside from the major physical defects there are manv smaller ones that do not interfere seriouslv 1 Assuming the parent is heterozygous for the character. 182 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS with the welfare of the individual, or which can he corrected by modern appliances or operations. We have far less information concerning the inheritance of these blemishes, and at present can seldom be certain that they are inherited or how they are in- herited. Only by comparison with the better-known cases can we surmise that inheritance may play a role in many of them. Since the disadvantages that follow are slight, or can be corrected, these defects have little practical importance, which need not, however, detract from their theoretical interest. Other ways than elimination by means of artificial selection have been found to standardize individuals that show these slight dej^artures. Corrective surger}^ has proven a more efficacious remedy in man than the slow process of selective breeding. In genetic work each mutant type (defective or otherwise ) is contrasted with the original type from which it came, sometimes called the normal type. In man and in some of the domesticated animals there is no standard or original type with which to make such a comparison ; and opinions may even differ as to what is to be regarded as a normal type, each race having probably a standard of its own. The situation is the same in several domestic races of animals and garden plants. In some, the new mutant genes have entirely replaced the original genes, i.e., the race has become pure for certain mutant genes. Whenever the original genes have been replaced byinutant genes HUMAN IXHERITAXCE 183 it is not possible to recover the old ty2)e, but if two races have independently arisen from the same orig- inal wild type, and have accumulated different sets of mutant genes, it is still possible to obtain the orig- inal type by crossing in so far as each has retained some of the original genes. For example, there are two white breeds of fowls which when crossed pro- duce offspring show^ing the colored plumage of the wild jungle fowl. Similarly there are two white races of sweet peas which if crossed give the color of the purple Sicilian w41d pea from which our cultivated forms are said to have come. Some of the races of mankind have been long separated. It might seem possible to recover the type from which they have departed by crossing them. Racial crosses have been made frequently, and the hybrids described, but there is no way of determining how far the outcome represents in certain respects the common ancestral type, and how far it is due to the interacting domi- nant factors of the combination. Possibly it might be supposed that the mulatto, w4th a yellow skin, that results from the white-negro cross represents the type of skin color from which both white and the negro races have diverged. If so, a yellow race breeding true to that color might be obtained after the white and the black genes had been replaced by the original yellow genes. As yet there is no certain record of such a consummation, although the defi- ciency of white-skinned and black-skinned offspring 184 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS from mulattos of later generations might in some few cases be accounted for in this way. On the other hand the intermediate color of the mulatto of the first generation might be due to the interaction of the incompletely dominant genes of the two parents, and in later generations it might not be possible to distinguish by inspection alone such a condition from that due to the restoration of the original normal genes. It would require elaborate genetic tests to settle such a question. Meanwhile we shall have to rest content with the admission that there is no single type of human nor- mal individual with which to standardize the differ- ent racial tj^pes. At best, cases of human atavism produced by crossing, would be expected to go no further back than the race to which the modern types of men converge, and from an evolutionary point of view this is a very recent event. We should antici- pate, therefore, that all the races of mankind have an enormous number of genes in common and only few that are different. The latter produce the rela- tively slight structural differences that are found in different races. The Inheritance of Physical Defects A few examples of the inheritance of physical characters in man will suffice to show that in his in- heritance man conforms to the same laws that regu- late the inheritance of other animals and plants. HUMAN INHERITANCE 185 Fig. 65. — Two Brachydactyl hands. (After Farabee.) Fig. 66. — An X-ray photo- graph of the hones of a Brachvdactvl hand. There is a rare abnormalitv of the hand and foot known as brachydact^dy, or short-fingeredness {figs. 65, 66). Farabee has recorded the history of an 186 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS American family of this sort, and Drinkwater that of a British family, and later of a second family that migrated from America back to England. As seen in figure Qo, the fingers of the brachydactyl hand are short owing to the absence of the middle segment of each finger. The fingers are about half normal length. A short-fingered man marrying a normal woman transmits the defect to half of the children. The character is dominant {jig. 67). There are no recorded cases of the marriage of two short-fingered persons and the pure (or double) dominant char- acter is unknown. There is a possibility that such an individual might not be viable. OB ^ t^~i I S^ I II III cS^rtrt^mMl V Fig. 67. — Pedigree chart of the inheritance of Brachydactyly. {After Farabee.) Drinkwater has also recorded other cases of minor brachydactvlv in which the finoers are less short- ened. Several other cases in which one or more of HUMAN INHERITANCE 187 the fingers are short have been descri})ed. One such case — also a dominant — has been traced by JNIohr and Wriedt through six generations which carries the pedigree to the year 1764. Here the shortening involves mainly the forefinger (fig. 68) . Fig. 68, — Four pairs of hands showing a shortened condition of the fore-finger. {After Mohr and Wriedt.) Color-blindness is a sex-linked recessive character in man. A color-blind man married to a normal woman has only normal daughters and sons; all of the daughters, however, transmit color-blindness to half of their sons (fig. 69) . Color-blind women are rare, because they can never arise unless a color-blind man marries a w^oman who is color-blind, or else marries a normal 188 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS woman who had a color-bhnd father, or had a mother heterozygous for color-blmdness {fig. 70) . The pedigrees of color-bhnd famihes — and they are many — leave little doubt as to the mode of in- heritance of this character {fig. 71). Accepting this evidence as on the whole satisfac- XX? XY(/ XI? XYc/ Fig. 69. — Diagram to show the inheritance of color-blindness in man. The eye that can distinguish red from green is here half black, half barred, while the color-blind eye is stippled. A color- blind man mates with a normal woman. The sons and daughters are normal. Two individuals of such i)arentage give three nor- mals to one color-blind individual in l\. The color-blind indi- vidual is always a male. tory, there is still something more to be said. As is well known, there are many grades of color-blindness. We do not know whether these grades are due to individual, non-genetic, variations — assuming it to HUMAN INHERITANCE 189 be due to one gene; or whether there are several genes that differ in the degree to which they produce the defect. We know of a good many cases in other animals where there are several mutations of the same gene. For instance, in Drosophila there is a I? XYc/ Fig. 70. — The designations as in fig. 69. Here a color-blind woman mates with a normal male. All of her sons are color-blind, her daughters have normal vision (but carry a factor for color- blindness). In the F.^ generation, half the daughters and half the sons have normal eyes and half are color-blind. series of ten such multiple allelomorphs for eye colors that range from pure white to deejD wine-red. There is still another possible interpretation of the different kinds of color-blindness — one which a priori would seem to be the most probable — 190 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS namely, that the differences are due to other modi- fying genes that affect the extent to which the character develops. mo 1 i 1 i L, oAii « DtO ChO i^i aioinii t^ Fig. 71. — Two pedigrees for color- blindness. {After Lenz.) Blue eyes in man behaves as a recessive to brown eyes. Two blue-eyed parents have only blue-eyed children {fig. 72). Pure brown-eyed individuals HUMAN INHERITANCE 191 have only brown-eyed children {fig. 72), but a brown-eyed mdividual, one of whose parents had blue eyes, married to a blue-eyed individual has both blue- and brown-eyed children in equal numbers ac- cording to Mendelian expectation. In recent years a Pi brbf Fig. 72. — Diagram to illustrate the inheritance of blue eyes (to the left), and of brown eyes (to the right). few cases have been recorded where two blue-eyed parents have had some brown-eyed children, and this has furnished the opponents of Mendelian inheritance with an argument against the general application of Mendel's theory. Such cases are, how- ever, only an argument against an overstatement of that theory as always applying to apparently blue-eyed individuals. It is known that occasionally blue-eyed individuals have only a speck of brown pigment in their eyes. They may then produce some brown-eyed children. In other words, the hybrid brown eye-color is variable in extent, and at one ex- treme shows almost no brown color or possibly none at all, and yet is genetically brown-eyed. That this is the true explanation is shown by the pedigree of 192 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS these genetic browns, for, so far as recorded they have had at least one brown-eyed parent. In other words, in extreme and exceptional cases possibly due to weakness or disease the brown eye-color may not develop in an individual that is genetically a brown hybrid. This failure of the somatic character does not affect the brown-producing gene, for, such individuals behave in inheritance as hybrid brown- eyed individuals. Albinism in man has been known for a long time and the earlier records of white Indians seem, in the light of recent discoveries, not to be mythical. In all races, including negros, albinos are known. It has been estimated that this occurs once in 5,000 to once in 30,000 individuals. It is possible that there is more than a single kind of albino due to mutation in different genes or to allelomorphic mutations that give different degrees of deficiency of pigment. Albinism is a recessive character. A few cases are on record where two albinos have had only albino children. In true albinos the brown pigment is ab- sent from the skin, hair, and iris. Its absence in the iris gives the eye a pink color due to the blood in the back of the eye, showing through the semi- transparent iris. A defect in vision known as stationary night- blindness has been shown by Nettleship to be a dominant Mendelian trait {fig. 73) . In one locality HUMAN INHERITANCE 193 (near Montpellier in France) it has been traced to the year 1637 and hence has been handed down for about two hundred and fifty years. There are other types of night-blindness that have a different in- heritance not entirely made out. Haemophilia in man has been shown to be trans- T , , • Fig. 73. — Diagram to show the inheritance of night-blindness. (After Nettleship.) mitted as a sex-linked character {fig. 74) . The blood of affected individuals fails to coagulate quickly when exposed to air, hence there is danger of the individual bleeding to death. Several pedigrees have been made out. It is a recessive character whose gene is carried by the A^-chromosome. It appears in any male whose single A^-chromosome carries the gene for haemophilia. Its relative infrequency in women is explained on the grounds that it can appear in them only when the father and mother both possess the character or when the mother herself has had a haemophilic father — in other words when both X- chromosomes carry the gene. 194 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS The Four Blood Groups and their Inheritance One of the most remarkable cases of heredity in man is found in the so-called blood groups. As first shown by Von Dungern and Hirschfeld in 1910 the inheritance of the four blood groups conforms to I II III IV V VI VII mo Dt6 OtOO iiP ko 6n666a6 it^hi ^6hn6hni^^ ma 5a5^ d DiO iiiii tin Fig. 74. — Diagram to illustrate the inheritance of bleeding or haemophilia. {After Bulloch and Fildes.) Mendel's laws. So consistent is this relation that, as Ottenberg pointed out in 1921, the evidence might be used in certain cases to determine the par- entage of the child. The presence of two pairs of factors will account for the results. Thus if one pair of genes be represented by A and a and the other pair by B and h, and if an individual with the ge- HUMAN INHERITANCE 195 netic constitution AaBh be mated to another indi- vidual of like constitution (AaBb), then each will contain four kinds of germ cells, viz., AB, Ah, Ba, and ah. The sixteen possible combinations formed, if any sperm may fertilize any egg^ are shown in figure 75. These sixteen individuals fall into four groups according to whether they have both A and B, or Mating of blood group AaBb to same AaBb Ege= AB a B Ab a b jeTTa AB aB Ab ab AB AB a B aB m. aB a m Ab AB a b aB IE a b a b Fig. 73. — Diagram illustrating the sixteen classes of indi- viduals when two members of the blood group AaBa mate. There are four classes of individuals produced, indicated by the circles, lines, squares, and absence of A and B. 196 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS only A, or only B, or neither A nor B (i.e., ah) in the proportion of 9AB:3A:3B:lah. These four genetic classes correspond to the four recognized blood types IV, II, III, I, as indicated in the diagram. Now these sixteen kinds of individuals are found in all populations, so far studied, although in some- what different proportions in different "races." It is very simple to tell what the kinds of genetic offspring will be when any one of these sixteen indi- viduals marries any other one. These possibilities are summarized in the following statement taken from Ottenberg : Unions of I and I give I I "1 I II II II) ' ^ "M I III III III ) ^' ^^^ Unions of II and III give I, II, III, IV IV I I, II, III, IV IV II I, II, III, IV IV III I, II, III, IV IV IV I, II, III, IV Two actual pedigrees, one of them carried throiigh three generations, will serve to illustrate particular cases (fig. 76). HUMAN INHERITANCE 197 From a knowledge of the blood group to which the child belongs it is possible to predict to what groups its parents may have belonged, and in certain cases it is possible to state that an individual of a cer- ab aB m iB Fig. 76. — Two pedigrees showing tlie inheritance of two blood groups. See text. tain group could not have been the parent of a par- ticular child. In the transfusion of blood from one individual 198 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS to another, that is sometimes necessary, it is essen- tial that the blood corpuscles of the donor are not agglutinated by the serum of the recipient. Thus it is a matter of great importance to select a donor that does not bring about such a catastrophe. The simple rules are that individuals belonging to the same blood group (I, II, III, or IV) do not agglutinate each other's blood, but the blood corpuscles of an indi- vidual represented hj AA or A a will be precipitated if the donor contains the agglutinin represented by aa, and similarly the blood corpuscles of an indi- vidual represented by BB or Bh will be precipitated if the donor contains the agglutinin represented by bb. Inspection of the diagram will show that group II (with serum bb) precipitates III and IV, and group III (with serum aa) precipitates II and IV. Further, the serum of group I (aa bb) precipitates all of the other groups; while the serum of group IV precipitates none of the others. Inheritance of Other Traits There are numerous other physical characters of man that are evidently inherited but where the num- her of factors involved is uncertain or entirely un- known. Some of these characters are present in all races. Others to some extent are racial characters. Thus height in man is a very variable character. It is obviously a complex of several or many elements little understood. Differences in length of legs, or HUMAN INHERITANCE 199 of body, or of neck, and of different combinations of these may be present. Height is a growth phenome- non depending amongst other things on the time at which the growth of the bones, especially the long bones of the leg, stops, and this in turn is, to some extent at least, connected with the time of sexual maturity, which depends again on the time of func- tioning or the amount of secretion ^^roduced by some of the glands of internal secretion (testes or ovary, thyroid, pituitary, etc.). These inter-relations have made the study of growth very difficult especially when the determination of the rate of growth or its cessation is connected with internal organs that are seldom seen or measured. Nevertheless there is nothing in these complications that precludes the possibility that the ultimate source of the variability is due to genetic factors. There is little accurate information at present as to the number of factor differences that are involved in the inheritance of hair color in man. The changes in color that take place during the life of the indi- vidual renders its study difficult. An individual child may start with flaxen hair, later have brown hair, and in old age become white-headed. Three genera- tions living at the same time may show these differ- ences. A complete record would then have to extend over several years; for, hearsay evidence as to the color of the hair of the grandparent when in middle age may be inaccurate and the futiu'e color of the 200 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS hair of a child would be largely guessing. Data col- lected by the questionnaire method, that has been used in the study of the inheritance of hair color, can not be relied upon without some more definite stand- ard than popular designations of shades of color. The Inlieiitance of Mental Traits Man's success as a social animal depends as much on his mental qualities as on his physical character- istics. No one will deny, I suppose, that men behave in different ways, but who can say how far differ- ences in human behavior depend on the physique of the individual, how far on his early experiences and training, and how far on differences in his sense organs and central nervous system? Until some of these questions are better understood it is impossible to know how far observed differences are innate and how far acquired. Here again, as in the case of man's physical de- fects, there are a few extremely abnormal conditions where the evidence indicates that something is in- herited, but even here there is much that is obscure. The case most often quoted is feeble-mindedness that has been said to be inherited as a Mendelian re- cessive, but until some more satisfactory definition can be given as to where feeble-mindedness begins and ends, and until it has been determined how many and what internal physical defects may produce a general condition of this sort, and until it has been HUMAN INHERITANCE 201 determined to what extent feeble-mindedness is due to syphilis, it is extravagant to pretend to claim that there is a single JNIendelian factor for this condition. Family pedigrees in which an unusual number of individuals below par are present undoubtedly give the impression that something is inherited, but until all the social conditions surrounding the childhood of the individual are examined and given proper weight, serious doubts will arise as to what form of inheritance is producing the results. It is quite prob- able that there are extraneous factors involved in such pedigrees. There is no a priori objection to the assumption that different sense organs and different brains react as differently as do other organs of the l)ody. Those that react below some selected standard might be called feeble-minded; but there are no grounds for assuming that the results are due to one particular defect in the nervous system, and in fact a critical study of the cases shows that they are probably not all due to a single factor difference or even to the same ones. The pedigrees that have been published showing a long history of social misconduct, crime, alcoholism, debaucherv, and venereal diseases are open to the same criticism from a genetic point of view^; for it is obvious that these grouj^s of individ- uals have lived under demoralizing social conditions that might swamp a family of average persons. It is not surprising that, once begun from wliatever 202 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS cause, the effects may be to a large extent communi- cated rather than mherited. It is quite possible of course that an inherited de- fective dominant character might furnish the start- ing jDoint for these histories, but that the subsequent events are all due to "bad blood" or "defective germ- plasm" remains to be shown. "Insanity" is another "psychological trait" that is said to be inherited and the numerous pedigrees that have been collected showing that certain types of insanity occur more frequently in certain fami- 1 ii^ ^T Fig. 77. — Chart showing; the inheritance of Huntington's chorea. (After Davenport.) lies than in others seem to furnish evidence in sup- port of such a claim. This is particularly the case in Huntington's chorea {fig. 77) a type of insanitj^ often leading ultimately to suicide, that does not appear as a rule until middle life or later. Since it apj)ears to be dominant, its history is more easily followed than in most other cases where the domi- nance or recessiveness is in question. Huntington's chorea has been traced in a limited group of indi- HUMAN INHERITANCE 203 vidiials. The background of its expression appears to be connected in some way with the sex organs but what this connection may be is imknown, for it appears in both sexes which makes it difficult to ac- count for the disturbance on the basis of a sex endocrine. At best one can say, perhaps, that in certain strains and perhaps under certain conditions mental disorders appear, but so long as neither the physio- logical background of insanity, or the external agents, that are contributory, are known, its genetic relations must remain obscure. If these "best cases" are so far from being estab- lished on a scientific footing, it is not particularly profitable to discuss the many claims that have been set up for other mental traits, even though it must be conceded that defective characteristics might be the ones, judging by analogy with mutant phys- ical defects, that would be more likely to furnish evi- dence of Mendelian inheritance than the less extreme differences that distinguish "normal" individuals. The important point, however, to be urged is that the "mental traits" in man are those that are most often the product of the environment which obscures to a large extent their inheritance, or at least makes very difficult their study. While the inheritance of disorders relative to human behavior are of importance to the pathologist and to the penologist, the inheritance of individual 204 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS differences that fall within what would be called the "normal" is more important from the point of view of human evolution. Here also we are on very du- bious grounds when we discuss the inheritance of individual mental peculiarities, and in still greater danger of error if we attempt to discriminate be- tween racial complexes. The similarity in behavior or in "temperament" or mental qualities of identical twins might be expected to furnish important infor- mation as to how much is acquired and how much inherited. The very close physical similarity of twins of this kind might make such material favorable for study. There are, however, even here two serious drawbacks that complicate the results. In the first place unless the twins had been separated in very early childhood it would be difficult to decide how much is due to similarity of nature and how much to nur- ture. A comparison with other children in the same family may be helpful but is not decisive, for the ex23erience of each child from successive births is affected by older and younger children in the family. In the second place the so-called standard tests may measure training rather than constitutional factors. Until these difficidties can be overcome, the manv anecdotes of the close similarity in temperaments, or abilities, of identical twins do not supply the needed evidence. We can, by artificial selection, eliminate struc- tural defects from a race of animals or plants and HUMAN INHERITANCE 205 by j^roper breeding make the race more uniform and maintain it at or near a chosen standard. Since we have many good reasons to think that man's physical inheritance conforms to the same jDrinciples that apply to other animals, it follows that by elimination and suitable mating man too could be standardized. How far one might have to go in order to carry out this reformation is a matter of opinion. If too strenu- ous standards were set up the human race might be exterminated before the reformation began. Genetic reformers and racial propagandists do little more than recommend cutting off a few of the most de- fective individuals. But it is not so much the physic- ally defective that appeal to their sympathies as the "morally" deficient and this is supposed to apply to mental traits rather than to physical characters. Ruthless genetic (?) reform here might seem too drastic and might be retroactive if pressed too far. Social reforms might, perhaps, more quickly and efficiently get at the root of a part of the trouble, and until we know how much the environment is respon- sible for, I am inclined to think that the student of human hereditv will do well to recommend more en- lightenment on the social causes of deficiencies rather than more elimination in the present deplorable state of our ignorance as to the causes of mental differences. Lest it appear from what has been said that I have too little faith in the importance of breeding 206 EVOLUTION AND GENETICS for mental superiority I should like to add that I am inclined to think that there are considerable indi- vidual differences in man that are probably strictly genetic, even though I insist that at present there is for this no real scientific evidence of the kind that we are familiar with in other animals and in plants. I will even venture to go so far as to suppose that the average of the human race might be improved by eliminating a few of the extreme disorders, how- ever they may have arisen. In fact, this is attempted at present on a somewhat extensive scale by the seg- regation into asylums of the insane and feeble- minded. I should hesitate to recommend the incar- ceration of all their relatives if the character is suspected of being recessive, or of their children if a dominant. After all, these segregations are based on humanitarian principles, or for our i^rotection rather than for genetic reasons. How long and how exten- sively this casual isolation of adults would have to go on to produce any considerable decrease in defec- tives, no informed person would, I should think, be willing to state. Least of all should we feel any assiu-ance in de- ciding genetic superiorit}^ or inferiority as applied to whole races, bv which is meant not races in a biological sense but social or political groups bound together by physical conditions, by religious senti- ments, or by political organizations. The latter have their roots in the past and are acquired by each new HUMAN INHERITANCE 207 generation as a result of imitation and training. If it is unjust "to condemn a whole iieople' meaning thereby a political group, how much more hazardous is it, as some sensational writers have not hesitated to do, to pass judgment as to the relative genetic in- feriority or superiority of different races. If within each human social group the geneticist finds it impossible to discover, with any reasonable certainty, the genetic basis of behavior, the problems must seem extraordinarily difficult when groups are contrasted with each other where the differences are obviously connected not only with material advan- tages and disadvantages resulting from location, climate, soil, and mineral wealth, but with tradi- tions, customs, religions, taboos, conventions, and prejudices. A little goodwill might seem more fitting in treating these complicated questions than the attitude adopted by some of the modern race- proj^agandists. INDEX ACQUIRED characters, 155-78 albinism, 191 Andalusian, 60, 61 antlered, 94 antlers, 34, 25 apterous, 95 arc, 95 Bagg, 159, 168 bar eyes, 172 Bateson, 13, 27, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 beaded, 97 beans, 121, 122, 132 Belling, 170 bent wings, 99 Bergson, 9, 10 biogenetic law, 24 bithorax, 95 black body-color, 95, 111-4 Blakeslee,' 124, 125, 170 blood groups, 194-8 blue eyes, 177, 190, 191, 192 Bolton, Gambler, 149 brachydactyly, 185, 186 Brewer, 165 brown eyes, 95, 177, 190, 191, 192 Brown-Sequard, 167 Buffon, 7 Bulloch, 194 Butler, Samuel, 160 CACOGEXICS, 179 caligrapha, 79 cardinal eye-color, 97 Carr-Saunders, 169 Castle, 134, 135, 175 chance, 144 chart of chromosomes, 88, 118 chick, 26, 28 chorea, 202 chromosomes, 73-89 ciona, 48 cleavage, 31 club wing, 93 color blindness, 106, 188 conjugation of chromosomes, 116, 117 Cope, 156, 166 corn, 124-5 crossing-over, 111, 116, 117, 118 Cunningham, 166 curled wing, 96 curved wing, 95 cut wing, 91 DACHSOIDj 95 Darwin, 8, 11, 14, 15, 23, 32, 38, 44, 46, 119, 120, 126, 127, 128, 129, 134, 135, 139, 140, 147, 148, 155, 164 Dean, 4 Detlefsen, 168, 170 dichaete, 96 disuse, 120 dominance, 151 Drinkwater, 186 Drosophila, 19, 20, 22, 46, 52, 87, 89, 140, 189 von Dungern, 194 dwarf, 96 EBOXY, 71, 96 elephants, 148-50 embryology, 23 eugenics, 179 evolution, 1-5, 12, 41-54, 119-35 eyeless, 98, 164, 171 Farabee, 185, 186 feeble-mindedness, 200, 201 Fildes, 194 Finley, 169 fishes, 28 forked bristles, 92 four o'clock, 57, 58, m^ 83 fused, 92 Galtox, 57, 128 giant, 96 210 INDEX gill slits, 28, 29 Goldschmidt, 136 Griffith, 168, 170 Group I, 90-3 Group II, 93-5 Group III, 95-7 Group IX, 98 guinea pigs, 175, 176 Guyer, 167, 169, 170 Haeckel, 23, 24, 160 haemophilia, 193 haircolor in man, 199 Haldane, 142 Hanson, 168 Hegner, 79 height in man, 199 heliotropism, 92 Herbst, 172 Hering, 160 Hesse, 28 Hilgard, 156 Hirschfeld, 194 His, 29 horse, 2, 3, 33 human inheritance, 106, 179-206 Huntington's chorea, 202 Huxley, 169 INHERITANCE of acquired characters, 155-78 insanity, 202 Janssens, 117 jaunty wings, 94 Jenkin, Fleming, 139, 140 Jennings, 133 Johannsen, 123, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 174 Kammerer, 172 Lamarck, 10, 11, 12, 155 Lancaster, 149 leaves, 121 Lenz, 190 linkage, 87-100, 111 Little, 168 Lull, 2, 3 MacDowell, 127, 159 map of chromosomes, 88, 118 Marshall, 29 Matthews, 33 maturation divisions, 80, 81 memory, 160, 161 Mendei, 55, 56, 57, 64 Mendel's laws, 55-65 miastor, 79 mice, 173, 174, 176 miniature wing, 93 Mirabilis, 57, 58 Mohr, 187 mutation, 35-7, 52, 129, 141 Nageli, 12, 13 natural selection, 14, 119-35, 137-53 Xettleship, 192, 193 night-blindness, 192, 193 notch wings, 91 ORIGIN of species, 43, 119, 137-53 Orr, 160 Ottenberg, 194 Painter, 109 jialeontology, 32 Paley, 145 Pawiow, 157-8, 159 Payne, 164 peach, 97 Pearl, 133, 166 peas, as, 61-9, 85 Phaseolus, 130, 131 Phillips, 175 j^ink eye-color, 97 Plough, 52 pure lines, 130 radium, 168 rats, 170 Kedfield, 165 Rignano, 160 Romanes, 24, 25 rudimentary wings, 92 SABLE bodv-color, 92 St. Hilaire, 7, 8, 9 scarlet eye, 97 INDEX 211 Sedgwick, L'9 selection, 1:29 self sterility, 47 Semon, 160 sepia eye-color, 97 sex-chromosomes, 101 sex in man, 107-9 sex-linked inheritance, 101-6, 107, 193 shaven, 99 Shaw, Bernard, 160 sooty body-color, 96 species, 43, 44, 46, 14;2, 143 Spencer, 120 sport, 129 sterility, 47 Stockard, 167, 168 strap wing, 94 Sumner, 173, 175 sweet peas, 183 TAX body-color, 93 tobacco, 48 twins, 304 USE, 120 VARIATION. 139 vestigial, 71, 93, 111-4 Mcari, 159 vinegar fly, 71, 87 de Vries, 27, 121, 122, 123 Wallace, 14 Ward, 160 Weismann, 10, 11, 27, 166 white eve, 114-5 Wilder,' 26 deWiniwarter, 107 Wriedt, 187 X-CHROMOSOME, 90, 114 X-rays, 168 YELLOW wings, 114-5 ZlEGLEHj 25