i 3937109 ES iM E TI WHOIW “LS 4O ALISHSAINN Ay. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/evolutionoflivindOgooduoft THE PEOPLE’S BOOKS. ft THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS Are EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS BY EDWIN S. GOODRICH, F.R.S. FELLOW OF MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD REVISED EDITION Hondon and Edinburgh: T.C. & E.C. JACK, LTD. | T. NELSON & SONS,LTD. IgIg THE INSTITUTE CF MEDIAEVAL STULIES iO &! SLEY PLE &. TORON: +O 5, ae phe Qn am s 93] a? ko ee » AUG 21 1957 PREFACE Wiruin the limits of this little volume it would be scarcely possible to deal with the vast subject of Organic Evolution from all points of view. That evolution has taken place is now universally admitted by students of Biology. I have, therefore, discussed not so much the evidence for the doctrine of transformation, as the results of modern research on the nature and relative importance of the factors which have contributed to the production of the various forms of life we see around us. No attempt has been made to give an historical account of theories of evolution, and many important point: have been only very briefly treated, owing to lack of space. As far as possible the use of technical terms has been avoided; but if the meaning is to be clear and definite, it must sometimes be expressed in technica language. Such terms are explained in the text, ano the reader will easily find the explanation on turning to the index at the end of the book. EDWIN 8S. GOODRICH. Merton Cotiece, Oxrorp, March 18, 1912. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Tuis second edition has been entirely revised. Although this little book remains substantially the same, yet I hope that the correction of some errors, the removal of some obscurities, and the insertion of some additions, will help to make it a more trustworthy and intelligible introduction to the study of a vast subject of ever-increas-_ ing interest. EDWIN 8. GOODRICH. October 12, 1918. CONTENTS THE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF LIFE . . . THE CELLULAR STRUCTURE OF ORGANISMS: RE- PRODUCTION AND DEATH . ° . : 4 DARWINISM AND HEREDITY ; se s VARIATION AND THE FACTORS OF INHERITANCE: DETERMINATION OF SEX . . . THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE AND NATURAL SELECTION ° ° . . : F ISOLATION AND SEXUAL SELECTION . . . PHYLOGENY AND CLASSIFICATION : . . THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD OF SUCCESS AND FAILURE . . . . . ‘ PSYCHOLOGY AND THE EVOLUTION OF INTELLI- GENCE . ‘ : : ° . . A COURSE OF READING ON EVOLUTION . . INDEX ° : . . . . . . THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS: 4 CHAPTER I THE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF LIFE THE variety of living things is so great, the manifesta- tions of life so diverse and wonderful, that it may seem at first sight impossible to explain them all as the result of the continuous and uniform action of certain funda- mental “natural causes.” Yet this is the ambition of the scientific student of nature. But, before attempting to describe the process of evolution, and estimate the im- portance of the several factors which have contributed to bring about the development of life, let us see what science can teach concerning the physical and chemical properties of living organisms. All living things have certain characteristics in com- mon as regards their structure and composition, their properties and activities. They all feed, grow, and re- produce. But if we say that in the possession of these characteristics living matter differs from non-living matter, we do not mean to imply that the difference is absolute, that a perfectly hard and fast line can be drawn between them, that the gap separating the living from 10 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. the non-living can never have been bridged. On the contrary, although far from being able to give a complete scientific explanation of all the phenomena of life, we have made so much progress towards that final goal of the evolutionist that we seem fully justified in believing that the transition from the non-living to the living has indeed occurred, and even in hoping that some day the very origin of life will be explained. The organisms now living on this earth are known as plants and animals. The study of plants is called Botany, that of animals Zoology ; while Biology is the name given in England to the science of living things in general, including both animals and plants. Now one of the first results of a deeper knowledge of living organ- isms is to show us how much there is in common between them, and how much they differ from their non-living surroundings. There can be no doubt that even the simplest plant or animal now living is the product of a long series of evolutionary changes the initial steps of which have long since disappeared, or are at all events unknown to us. In the first place, all living matter contains substances of peculiar molecular structure and composition, far more complex than any compounds found in inorganic nature. Such complex compounds occur only in living matter itself, or in its products. But the difference between these organic and the inorganic substances is only one of degree, and many of the most characteristic of them have been artificially made in the chemical laboratory. Built up of the ordinary elementary chemical sub- stances of nature, chosen indeed as we might expect from among the commonest elements on the surface of the earth, these organic compounds may be grouped in three classes: carbohydrates (such as sugars, starch, and cellulose), fats, and proteins. Of these the proteins are by far the most important. For while the molecule of fat or carbohydrate consists entirely of various combiua- NATURE AND ORIGIN OF LIFE. 11 tions of the three elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the protein molecule always contains in addition nitrogen and sulphur, and hence can attain a far higher degree of complexity endowing it with many new properties. Small quantities of other elements, such as phosphorus, iron, chlorine, potassium, sodium, calcium, and mag- nesium are also found combined with the five essential elements mentioned above in the protein molecule. So complex are the proteins that the exact chemical formula of even the simplest varieties has not yet been made out. We know, however, that the molecule is very large, containing some hundreds or even thousands of chemical atoms, with certain characteristic groupings of C, H, O, and N. Further, the proteins display several physical properties whieh play an important part in the processes of life. Correlated with this complexity of chemical composi- tion is the most striking and important of all the physico- chemical properties of living matter, namely a capacity for perpetual change. It involves both an exchange of material and a transformation of energy. This funda- menial process, the basis of all vital activities, is called metabolism. Briefly to explain the process it will be best perhaps to take first the case of animals. What is said of metabolism in animals applies in principle to living organisms in general. An animal is perpetually taking in food and oxygen, and perpetually giving off carbon dioxide and waste products. Hence the neces- sity for respiration (oxygen being derived from the air) and nutrition. Now the food consists chiefly of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins ; and since energy has been consumed in the building up of these compounds, it will again be freed if they are broken down or split up into simpler compounds. During their whole life animals perform work, and give off heat; and the energy so spent is derived from the food. The stored-up potential energy of the food is continually being converted into 12 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. kinetic energy (various forms of motion) and heat. The freeing of the energy is brought about by the burning or oxidation of the food materials, which are thus more or less completely broken down from a highly complex state into such comparatively simple compounds as water, carbon dioxide, and urea. Hence the necessity for excretion to remove these waste oxidised substances. In ourselves the urea is passed out by the kidneys, and the carbon dioxide by the lungs. An organism may be compared to a heat engine, which derives its energy from the fuel supplied to it. Throughout the process neither matter nor energy is either gained or lost, but merely changed from one form to another. One of the most important and fundamental generali- sations of biology is that the principles of the conserva- tion of energy and of the conservation of matter hold good in living things as they do in inorganic nature. All the matter which enters an organism as food and oxygen eventually leaves it as waste product, except in so far as it is retained for purposes of growth. Similarly all the energy brought in is balanced by work done and heat given off. Neither new matter nor new energy is pro- duced, although both are undergoing unceasing change. This is the metabolic process in terms of physics and chemistry ; it is quite characteristic of living things. There is no life without metabolism, and no metabolism without life. In the living engine not only is the food consumed, but the machinery itself is involved in the process of change, so that the food material brought in does not for the most part merely pass through as fuel; it serves to build up that complex living substance, or machinery, which is perpetually breaking down again into non-living matter. Chemical instability, a tendency to unite with other substances, or to break up into simpler groups, is manifested by these highly complex protein molecules. There is thus a double process continually going on in NATURE AND ORIGIN OF LIFE. 13 metabolism. A building up or synthesis of substances to form higher and higher compounds in the making of which energy is absorbed—this is the anabolic process; and a corresponding breaking down of these highest compounds into simpler ones, and eventually into waste products, during which energy is freed—called the kata- bolic process. In living substance there are, then, two series of compounds: one leading up to the highest com- plexity, and the other leading down to waste products from which energy is no longer drawn. This mixture of a double stream of substances undergoing these physico- chemical changes is the living matter itself, the very physical basis of life, known as protoplasm. In physical structure protoplasm is a viscid or semi- liquid colourless substance seen under the highest powers of the microscope it appears to be composed of the minutest globules of a more liquid substance enclosed in a meshwork of denser fluid. When dead protoplasm is analysed it is found to be composed of a variety of anabolic and katabolic proteins, associated with water and certain mineral salts. Protoplasm is the essential living substance present in all living organisms, the seat of all their activities. There is no protoplasm apart from life, and no life without protoplasm. Animals have lost the power of building up new proto- plasm from inorganic matter, indeed from any compounds lower than the simplest nitrogen-containing proteins or their immediate derivatives (albumoses, peptones, amino- acids). They inevitably starve sooner or later on a diet without protein, however much fat or carbohydrate it may contain, since they are unable to replace the highest nitrogen compounds which necessarily break down in the metabolism of protoplasm. Speaking generally, animals can build up the most elaborate proteins from the simplest, and fats from proteins or simpler carbo- hydrates ; but the carbohydrates themselves they are in- capable of forming from inorganic matter. Thus although 14 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. they run the risk of starvation if no proteins are avail- able, yet by feeding on other organisms they make use of the best fuel, with the greatest amount of poten- tial energy, and may have large quantities of surplus energy to dispose of—for the amount of energy freed by the breaking down of the food material much exceeds that consumed in the anabolic processes in the ordinary course of life. All animals depend ultimately on plants for their food. Carnivorous live on herbivorous animals, and these in turn on plants, whose powers of synthesis are more complete. Even the ordinary green plants can only build up pro- toplasm from inorganic material in the presence of sun- light. This they accomplish with the help of the green substance, chlorophyll, which decomposes the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, freeing the oxygen, and com- bining the carbon with water to form starch, C,;H,)0,, thus storing up energy from the sun. With the help of inorganic nitrogen compounds derived from the soil, protein can then be formed. Many lower plants have the power of building up pro- toplasm without chlorophyll and sunlight. Fungi can synthesise protein from carbohydrates and inorganic salts of nitrogen, but depend on organic compounds for their supply of carbon. Among the multitude of bacteria which abound in the soil there are many which can build up proteins, and therefore protoplasm, from inorganic compounds alone ; and some indeed which can make use for this purpose of the free nitrogen of the air. All the phenomena of life are associated with the physico-chemical processes of metabolism taking place in protoplasm alone. The three most characteristic properties of living matter: irritability, or the power to respond to stimuli, growth, and reproduction, all depend on metabolism. An excess of anabolic over NATURE AND ORIGIN OF LIFE. 15 katabolic processes leads to increase of protoplasm, to growth, and ultimately to reproduction. An excess of katabolic over anabolic processes leads, on the contrary, to reduction and to death. Like all physico-chemical processes, metabolism is limited by definite conditions. The essential elements must be present, and a sufficiency of food to balance the waste. Water is another essential, since all the chemical reactions really take place in solutions. Free oxygen is also necessary for the burning of the food material, except in the rare case of certain parasitic organisms and bacteria, which can obtain it from com- pound substances. Moreover, metabolism can only take place at all within a somewhat narrow range of tem- perature, the exact limits of which vary with different organisms. No metabolism is, of course, possible at a temperature so high as to coagulate or destroy the proteins, or so low as to stop chemical action. Most, perhaps all, of the processes of metabolism take place with the help of special proteins, known as ferments or enzymes, which have the property of facilitating and hastening chemical actions. Just as a small trace of platinum black will cause an indefinitely large amount of hydrogen peroxide (H,O,) to decompose into oxygen and water, so a small quantity of ferment will cause an inde- finitely large amount of carbohydrate, fat, or protein to break up into simpler substances. Such ferments, which are not themselves affected, which are not involved in the end products of the actions they facilitate, are called catalytic, and play a most important part in the mechan- ism of life. In the foregoing pages we have seen that living organ- isms contain no special vital elements differing from those of non-living matter, and are actuated by no special vital force. From the physico-chemical point of view life is @ process involving perpetual change in a complex of elaborate compounds continually being built up and con- ——— 16 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. tinually being broken down. A stream of non-living matter with stored-up energy is built up into living matter, and again passes out as dead matter, having yielded up the energy necessary for the performance of the various activities of the protoplasm. All the pheno- mena of metabolism on which these activities are based are strictly limited by external conditions and the pro- perties of the material taking part in it. We cannot, therefore, speak of a special living chemical substance. The full attributes of life are only possessed by a mixture of substances, some very complex, others more simple, which make up protoplasm asa whole. The living process forms a chain every link of which is essential. Nosingle link by itself can be said to be living, nor can we really draw a hard and fast line marking off where the life process begins and where it ends. The protoplasm itself contains many substances, such as yolk of starch granules, which are merely materials for future use in the building up of new protoplasm, or again granules of waste products, or special products of decom- position stored for future use (digestive ferments, secre- tions) which may never again enter the life cycle. It was mentioned above that irritability, or the power of responding to a stimulus, is one of the most important characteristics possessed by all living matter. A mani- festation of metabolism, it depends on the fact that the _ material of protoplasm is in a state of unstable equili- brium capable of being disturbed by a stimulus. Stimuli ‘are those things or conditions in the environment which can bring about disturbance or response. Naturally the character and amount of the stimulus has no direct re- lation to the character and amount of the response. Just as the pressure of a button may ring a bell, explode a mine, or start an engine, so a stimulus applied to living protoplasm may cause a plant to grow, an animal te move, or a man to embark on a course of action. The extent and nature of the response depend on the structure (2,081) NATURE AND ORIGIN OF LIFE. 17 of the mechanism stimulated, and on the amount of energy stored init. But the mechanism may be so dis- posed as to vary in its response according to the intensity and duration of the stimulus. An external stimulus fires off, so to speak, an internal metabolic change ; this may give rise to other changes, some of which may react on the first. So the motiun of a mechanism may regulate its own action ; as does, for instance, the governor of a steam-engine. An internal change may become an in- ternal stimulus starting new reactions. But there is no real distinction between internal and external stimuli; what is external to a part may be internal to the whole. We must think, then, of living organisms as marvel- lously complex mechanisms, with their parts so adjusted as to set going, regulate, or restrict each other’s action. A chain of such interactions forms the self-repairing, self-regulating mechanism so essential for the continu- ance of the process of life. It is by means of this fundamental attribute of irrita: bility that protoplasm comes into relation with its en- vironment. It is the secret of adaptation. Of the stimulating factors of the environment some, like tem- perature and water, are of a general nature, ever present and necessary ; others, like sound or light or some par- ticular chemical compound, are more special, and not always essential. When first we approach the problems of evolution we are apt to ask for definitions; to seek for distinctions separating the living from the dead, the organic from the inorganic : we try to discover hard and fast lines between species and varieties, between plants and animals, be- tween the conscious and the unconscious. But as we study the question deeper, and extend our field of vision, we come to recognise that the definitions are usually misleading, the distinctions artificial, the sharp lines arbitrary. The breaks in nature, if breaks there seem to be, are gaps in our knowledge, and diminish in size and 18 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. number as science advances. If we analyse one by one the distinguishing features of living matter, they can all be paralleled in inorganic nature. No one universally present in the first is universally absent in the second. Complex chemical compounds, the properties of which cannot be discovered in those of their component ele- ments, cyclic changes of matter and energy, even self- regulating mechanisms, occur in the non-living world. As the untutored savage explains the movements of a watch by attributing them to a spirit which has entered into it, so many writers hold that the activities of living matter are due to some special and mysterious vital force. They attempt to bridge the gaps in our know- ledge by merely giving thema name. This is no scientific method ; science advances by explaining, that is de- scribing, the unknown in terms of the known. If vital force is merely a general term for those new properties manifested in new mechanisms of increasing complexity, there is no harm in it ; certainly living matter must dis- play properties not found in simpler substances. But it has no intelligible meaning if used to denote some force added, so to speak, from without over and above the ordinary properties, acting on the physico-chemical mechanism but not of it. Like a vortex, the metabolic process in living matter draws in inorganic substance and force at one end, and parts with it at the other ; it is inconceivable that these should, as it were, pass outside the boundaries of the physico-chemical world, out of range of the so-called physico-chemical laws, at one point to re-enter them at another. When we maintain that the physico-chemical processes of metabolism, with which are correlated all the pheno- mena of life, form a continuous series without break, we do not in the least mean to assert that this is a complete and satisfying explanation of life from all points of view. It is only one aspect of the problem, and the psychical is another. Doubtless there are still other aspects within NATURE AND ORIGIN OF LIFE. 19 the wider scope of philosophy. But we hold that the various aspects cannot be described in the same terms, that they neither overlap nor break into each other’s continuity. They are one-sided abstractions based on a reality, with the ultimate nature of which it is not the function of natural science to deal. But, it will be asked, if life is thus correlated with a physico-chemical process, why cannot living substance be made in the laboratory? The answer is that the ex- pectation is premature, perhaps never to be realised. Since we are still ignorant of the intimate structure of the proteins, we can hardly be expected to manufacture them. Moreover, it would not be sufficient to make one or even several such compotnds, but the whole chain of growing complexity. If the machine is to work, the mechanism must be complete. There is, also, a long history behind even the simplest organism found at the present day ; there must be a vast difference between the very simplest of these and the initial stages in the evolution of protoplasm. It would be as absurd to ex- pect an experimenter to build up an organism in a labora- tory as, for instance, to expect a refined civilisation to arise In a day among the savages of Central Africa. Great advances have already been made in the synthesis of organic compounds of carbon and nitrogen; but if any stage in the development of living substance were artificially made, it would probably be so different from the protoplasm of modern plants and animals that we should scarcely recognise it as living at all, even if we had it before us. An attempt to reconstruct in imagination what we believe may have been the history of the origin of living matter may be made not altogether without profit. Before the principle of the continuity of life, to which we shall refer later, was established, it was thought that living things arose spontaneously from organic com- pounds. Moulds, the bacteria of putrefaction and fer- 20 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. mentation, infusoria, and suchlike forms, were supposed to develop de novo in liquids of appropriate composition. But Pasteur and others in the last century definitely proved that such organisms really arise from germs or spores originally present in the liquids; that neither putrefaction nor fermentation will take place, nor organ- isms of any kind appear, in substances which have been thoroughly sterilised, or from which all living germs have been rigidly excluded. So far as we know, living organisms at the present day do not develop spontane- ously, but are all derived from pre-existing organisms. We must, however, suppose that at some period in the earth’s history, when conditions were favourable and perhaps very different from those of the present time, living protoplasm made a first appearance. Possibly these conditions will never be repeated, either in nature or in the laboratory, and the first stages in the evolution of life may never be discovered. The temperature, moisture, pressure, and other conditions must have been such as to allow of the formation of high compounds of various kinds. Many of these would be quite unstable, breaking down almost as soon as formed ; others would be stable, and merely persist and accumulate. Still others might, possibly with the help of some katalytic substance, tend to reform as fast as they broke down. Once started on this track such a self-repairing compound or mixture would inevitably tend to perpetuate itself, and might combine with, or “feed” on, other compounds less complex than itself, as was long ago suggested by Lankester. For any chemical action will continue so long as the conditions are favourable; a trail of gun- powder will inevitably explode from end to end provided it be continuous, and will go on burning so long as powder is supplied. The principle of the survival of the fittest applies with all its force to such initial steps in the evolution of life. The more completely self-regulating mixtures would out- STRUCTURE OF ORGANISMS. 21 last the others. And so we may imagine did the nicely balanced mixture of anabolic and katabolic proteins finally become elaborated into protoplasm. Innumer- able compounds must, of course, have failed to establish themselves in this way owing to too great fixity or too great instability. For many reasons it seems probable that life originated in the sea; protoplasm contains the same elements as sea-water, and in much the same proportions. Speculating further, we may suppose that it became an advantage for some of this vaguely defined metabolising substance to become separated off into individual masses, which came to acquire the structure of cells. From this point onwards we can appeal to known evidence for our history of the evolution of life. CHAPTER II THE CELLULAR STRUCTURE OF ORGANISMS : REPRODUCTION AND DEATH ALTHOUGH all living organisms necessarily contain some protoplasm, yet they are far from being entirely made up of it. All the parts of an organism are not truly alive, but only that portion which is protoplasmic. However, the substances of which it is composed are either about to be assimilated into protoplasm, or are the products of protoplasm. Indeed the great bulk of a plant or animal may be formed of the accumulated products of its past activity. Such, for instance, is the woody supporting tissue of a tree, the skeleton of a coral, the shell of a snail, the bony substance or hair in ourselves. While the living element is continually undergoing change, the dead deposit may continue unaltered during the life of the organism, and even afterwards. A microscopic examination of living organisms teaches 22 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. us that the protoplasm is always present in the form of cells. We now come to another of the great generalisa- tions of biology: the so-called “cell theory,” founded by Schleiden and Schwann more than seventy years ago, and much modified and extended since then. Briefly it may be summed up as follows: The cell is a small mass of protoplasm consisting of a nucleus and surrounding cell- body. All plants and animals are made up of such cells, either singly or in aggregates. Growth is due to the increase in size and multiplication of the cells. They reproduce by division into two, and all the cells of the body of an individual are thus derived from a single original cell. Differentiation in multicellular organisms is related to the progressive division of labour among the cells, comparable to the division of labour among the individuals of a civilised community. The body of a multicellular organism is thus an aggregation, not of separate units brought together, but of a multitude of related cells remaining in association, and building up its tissues. Asarule the tissue-cells remain in actual proto- plasmic continuity; but in animals certain cells may become free and lead a quasi-independent life, as for instance the white corpuscles of the blood. The activity of an organism is the sum of the activities of its com- ponent cells. All living phenomena are ultimately ques- tions of cell-life ; all organic products due to the action of cells (Fig. 1). While the cell-body consists of ordinary granular protoplasm (cytoplasm), the nucleus is formed of special protoplasm differing from it both in structure and in chemical composition. In the nucleus may be distin- guished by appropriate methods, besides a more fluid nuclear sap, a meshwork of substance known as linin, in which are suspended masses of another substance called chromatin, from the fact that it colours deeply with certain stains after having been killed and coagulated with appropriate reagents. STRUCTURE OF ORGANISMS. 23 For the life of a cell both body and nucleus are essen- tial. An interchange of material takes place between them; one cannot live without the other. If a cell is divided into halves, only that which contains the nucleus will continue to live, grow, and reproduce. The cell is the smallest known unit of life. In the Bacteria there is no well-defined nucleus, the chromatin being scattered. They probably represent a Fia. 1.—Enlarged view of stained microscopic preparations to show the structure and multiplication of cells and their nuclei in plant tissue A (section through the tip of a root), and in animal tissue B (epi- thelium of the gill of a larval Salamander). a, b,c, d represent successive stages in the divisions of cells. primitive condition before the typical cell-structure was completely differentiated. Among the lowest plants, Protophyta, and the lowest animals, Protozoa, the whole individual consists of a single isolated cell, which consequently has to perform all the functions of life. Such organisms may, nevertheless, become highly differentiated, developing special cell- organs—a mouth for taking in food, motile processes for locomotion, contractile vacuoles for excretion, and so 24 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. forth. But in the multicellular plants, Metaphyta, and animals, Metazoa, where the cells form tissues and organs, starting from primitive cells capable of performing all the essential processes of life (irritable, metabolic, growing, and reproductive) the cells become as differ- entiation advances adept at performing certain functions, but correspondingly incapable of carrying out others. The more they become adapted in special directions, the more they are apt to lose their other powers. So the cells of the alimentary, nervous, muscular, and other tissues of animals can only continue to live in association with each other, supplying each other’s wants. More- over, the specialised cells of differentiated tissues can usually only produce by division cells like unto them- selves, and may lose the power of reproducing at all. Multicellular organisms all start from a cell in a primi- tive undifferentiated condition, rich in unspecialised protoplasm, capable of becoming adapted to perform any of the necessary functions of life. Of such are built up the early embryonic stages, and the actively growing tissues of adults. But soon they become burdened with the accumulated products of their own activities, their potentialities are narrowed down, their irritability re- stricted so as to respond only to special stimuli, their capacity for regeneration exhausted. Speaking generally, the lower the organism the less differentiated are its cells, and the greater are their powers of growth and regeneration. A single cell of the fresh-water alga Vaucheria or of the fungus Mucor will grow into a new plant; the propagation of plants by cuttings is familiar. While the regenerating powers in a man are restricted to the simple growth of tissues, the healing of wounds and so forth, a newt or a crab will re- generate a whole limb ; a worm deprived of its head or tail will replace the missing parts; a fresh-water polyp, Hydra, may be cut into several pieces, each of which can grow into a complete animal. Speaking generally, also, STRUCTURE OF ORGANISMS. 25 the younger the organism the greater are its powers of re- generation. Thus the embryo of a sea urchin, while still composed of only a few cells, say two, four or eight, may be divided into two, four or even eight separate cells, each of which is capable of growing into a complete larva. All that is necessary for complete regeneration to take place is protoplasm retaining its potentiality of develop- ment, and present in sufficient quantity for metabolism to be carried out in full. So soon as the potentiality becomes limited by specialisation the power of regen- eration becomes restricted. We must now return to the consideration of the repro- duction of cells. A unicellular organism does not increase indefinitely in bulk ; when it exceeds that size which is normal for the adult of the species, it tends to divide into two. The nucleus divides first, then the cell-body, form- ing two daughter cells, each with its own nucleus. The daughter cells then separate, growing into adults similar to the original parent. It is the same with the cells of the higher organisms. Each multicellular animal or plant starts life as a single cell, which grows and divides repeatedly. In every case the nucleus divides, each half passing into one of the two daughter cells. But here, instead of the cells separating to lead an independent life, they remain more or less closely associated as parts of a single complex individual (Fig. 1). Thus not only is every cell derived from a pre-existing cell, but every nucleus is formed from a pre-existing nucleus, just as all protoplasm is derived from pre-existing protoplasm. The continuity of protoplasm, of cells, and of nuclei, is one of thé Most important facts established in modern biology. Rarely the nucleus divides “directly,” by simple con- striction into two halves; usually the division is “indirect,” by an elaborate process known as karyokinesis, and taking place as follows. The chromatin gathers together into a coiled thread, the linin network becomes disposed as a 26 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. system of fibres radiating through the cytoplasm from two minute bodies, the centrosomes. Between these centrosomes the fibres join across, forming a spindle. The centrosomes can be seen to originate from the nucleus or its neighbourhood, as a single body which divides, the two halves moving to the opposite sides of the nucleus. The chromatic thread now breaks up into a definite number of separate pieces, the chromosomes, which arrange themselves in a circle round the equator of the spindle. Each chromosome now divides into two halves which travel to the opposite ends of the spindle. There they join together to form a thread; the thread breaks up into granules, the system of fibres disappears, and thus a new nucleus is reconstituted similar to the resting nucleus of the original cell.- A division of the cell-body then yields two nucleated cells (Fig. 1). Asa rule the centrosome persists to give rise to that of the next division. Now it is important to notice the continuity of substance during this process of division. Cytoplasm, linin, centrosome, and chromatin are all parcelled out to the two daughter cells ; above all each daughter nucleus receives the same number of chromosomes, and apparently exactly the same amount of chromatin. The number of chromosomes is approximately constant in each species, but differs widely even among allied forms. Although the process of karyokinesis may differ: in detail in various forms, yet it is essentially the same in all plants and animals. Why, it may be asked, has the cell structure been uni- versally adopted? To this question we can give no more definite answer than this: that there seems to be some proportion of mass to surface, and of nucleus to cytoplasm, within which it is necessary for the protoplasm to keep if metabolism is to be satisfactorily carried out. The size of cells varies considerably ; much more than the size of nuclei. It bears no direct relation to the size or com- plexity of the organism to which the cell belongs. A cell STRUCTURE OF ORGANISMS. 27 may be so small as scarcely to be visible with the high powers of the microscope, or as large as the yolk of an egg, for instance, the greater portion of which is, however, made up of yolk granules. If living organisms did not reproduce, they would sooner or later be extinguished, if not by natural at all events by accidental death. Therefore only those creatures survive which can multiply, and indeed multi- ply rapidly by the separation of some portion of their substance capable of growing into a new individual. This may give rise to a vegetative or asexual mode of reproduction by fission, or by the formation of special reproductive cells, or spores, or cellular bodies (buds). Mention has already been made above of asexual re- production in connection with growth and regeneration. Propagation by shoots developed on runners or on tubers is common among the higher plants, and gemmation or bud-formation is a widely distributed mode of reproduc- tion among animals. It is found not only among lowly organised forms like the zoophytes, and polyps (Ccelen- terata), and sponges (Porifera) ; but even in such highly differentiated groups as the marine bristle-worms (Cheeto- poda), sea-mats (Polyzoa), and sea-squirts (Tunicata), But while in the Bacteria asexual reproduction by fission and by spores is the only known method of propagation, in all other groups of. plants or animals sexual reproduc- tion occurs, though the asexual method may also be retained. The typical sexual reproduction of multicellular plants and animals takes place by means of special cells of two kinds set apart for the purpose, and called the germ-cells or gametes. Each gamete of one kind by fusion with a gamete of the other kind in the process of fertilisation gives rise to a single cell, the zygote, which grows into a new individual. The two kinds of cells have become differentiated along divergent lines, being adapted to the particular functions they have to perform. One, the 28 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. ovum, is quiescent, stored with food-material to provide for the nutrition of the developing embryo, and is gener- ally of large size. The other, the spermatozoon of animals or spermatozoid of plants, is on the contrary small, active, and usually furnished with a vibratile whip- like “ tail,” with the help of which it bores its way into the ovum. The individual bearing ova is of the female sex; that bearing the spermatozoa, of the male sex. But the names male and female are often conveniently extended to the gametes themselves. Hermaphrodites give rise to both kinds of germ-cells. In fertilisation one male gamete fuses with one female ; and not only do the cell-bodies unite, but the nuclei of the cells also combine into one nucleus. Thus the nucleus of the resulting zygote contains chromatin from two in- dividuals, since the cells usually come from different parents. For it is only exceptionally that hermaphrodites are self-fertilising. Unsuccessful male gametes, which do not reach an ovum, perish sooner or later ; and likewise, unfertilised ova die, except in those rare cases where parthenogenesis occurs. Instances of parthenogenetic re- production are the fresh-water stonewort, Chara crinita, of which only females occur in northern Europe, and the plant lice (Aphidse) and certain other insects, which propagate in this manner in the summer. The differentiation of the germ-cells and of sex has had a profound influence on the evolution of organisms. To secure the nourishment, fertilisation, distribution, and survival of the reproductive cells is their chief function ; to this end have been developed that wonderful diversity and elaboration of structure, both bodily and mental, found in living nature. Among the unicellular forms sexual reproduction may be of a much simpler kind than that described above. Often one individual may divide up into a number of small “male” gametes, each capable of fertilising another individual playing the part of a “female” ovum. STRUCTURE OF ORGANISMS. 29 Or, as in many of the lower multicellular algz and in Monocystis, a parasitic protozoon found in the earth- worm, two individuals may each form a set of similar gametes without visible sexual differences, which may fertilise each other. Again, two similar whole individuals may fuse, and subsequently give rise to new cells; a common form of reproduction among fresh-water alge. The infusorian Paramecium merely exchanges cytoplasmic and nuclear material with another individual during a temporary union or conjugation. Although these various simpler modes of fertilisation do not in all probability represent actual phylogenetic stages in the evolution of sex, yet they give us some notion of how sex may have become developed. For its very first origin one must perhaps go back to that early time in the history of protoplasm before definite forms had become differentiated, and when it might have been beneficial for two masses of protoplasmic material, differ- ing slightly in composition, to mix and combine their properties together. But whatever may have been its origin, fertilisation now gives a necessary stimulus to development, and brings about some sort of rejuvenation. Even among those plants and animals which propagate freely asexu- ally recourse is had sooner or later to sexual reproduction. It would seem, as Biitschli maintained, that prolonged reproduction by fission in the protozoa in some way exhausts their vitality. Certain it is that under con- ditions which would lead to their death if unable to con- jugate, they can be seen to start with renewed vigour on a fresh career of growth and multiplication after conju- gation has taken place. It has already been mentioned that in multicellular organisms active growth occurs among the less differen- tiated cells which have retained a primitive richness in protoplasm, an embryonic character. Now the germ- cells, usually produced in enormous numbers, are derived 30 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. from such undifferentiated cells set apart for the purpose of reproduction, sometimes from the very earliest stages of embryonic development. They may be traced back, and occasionally even be distinguished under the micro- scope through an unbroken lineage of embryonic cells to the fertilised ovum. 'Weismann’s famous theory of the continuity of the germ-plasm is founded on these facts. According to it, the germ-plasm, that special protoplasm of the gametes which is handed on by them from genera- tion to generation, and gives rise to new individuals, is in a sense independent of the body or soma in which it develops. Whereas the rest of the multicellular organism, the soma, undergoes differentiation and dies, the germ- cells continue for ever giving rise to new generations, the germ-plasm passing from parent to offspring. This brings us to the consideration of the origin and biological sig- nificance of death. Is death an essential inevitable attribute of life? If by death we mean mere decay, mere katabolic changes, the answer is yes. In this sense we begin to die as soon as we are born. But this is not what is meant by death in ordinary language. We do not speak of death unless there is a corpse. And the question is, putting aside ac- cidental death through violence or disease: does natural death occur always, or does it even occur at all? Would an organism shielded from all unfavourable conditions continue to live for ever, or is it wound up, so to speak, to live for only a limited time? It has already been men- tioned that among the bacteria and unicellular organisms propagation by a process of fission and spore formation may go on indefinitely if the conditions are favourable. True it is that the individual may be said to disappear in the splitting ; but death can have no sting for an organ- ism which divides into two living halves. Even when sexual union is necessary no corpse need be produced. Death, then, appears among living organisms when a soma or body becomes differentiated from the germ-cells. STRUCTURE OF ORGANISMS. 31 _ The soma dies; but the germ-cells live on, passing from one mortal parent to another. As pointed out by Weis- mann, germ-cells, like the unicellular organisms just mentioned, are potentially immortal. Since the first appearance of living substance on this earth death has never interrupted the main streams of life. Death is, so to speak, a by-product of multicellular organisms. But even the soma might conceivably go on living for ever, provided only it continue growing, or the wear and tear of life be perpetually repaired. Weare familiar with plants which can be propagated by cuttings for an indefi- nitely long period, and we know of others, such as trees, which, preserving vigorous embryonic cells at their grow- ing surfaces, may prolong their natural life for thousands of years. Even in the best regulated organism, however, those essential proportions between surface and volume can hardly be so well preserved ; that nice co-ordination of parts, that power of repairing injuries and waste, can hardly be so accurately adjusted as to continue working smoothly forever. Especially is this the case in animals, where both size and shape are almost always definite and limited. If one may be allowed to use metaphorical language—rather than go on resisting the wear and tear of life, nature sacrifices the old and battered soma, and trusts the germ-cells to start a new individual afresh. So the length of life of an organism may become defi- nitely adapted to its needs; as in the case of annual plants and most animals, where the energies of the in- dividual are exhausted in securing the success in life of the next generation. Thus a large number of animals in the colder regions live only for one season, leaving behind them their eggs tosurvive the winter and develop next year. Frequently the male sex dies as soon as fer- tilisation has been accomplished. A definite relation can be traced between the length of life of the individuals of a species and the number of young produced, and the care required to bring them up. 32 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. CHAPTER III DARWINISM AND HEREDITY ScaRcELY more than half a century ago Darwin, in his immortal work on The Origin of Species, first gave a satisfying truly scientific explanation of the evolution of living organisms. Before his time many authors had recognised that the various forms of life have been evolved from one another by gradual transformation. From the earliest times, indeed, philosophers had specu- lated on the possible modification of organisms, laying stress now on external environment, now on internal factors. All such speculations failed to convince, being either obviously inadequate, or calling in mysterious evolutionary forces of which no scientific explanation could be given. Darwin first clearly showed how over- whelming is the evidence that evolution has actually taken place; but his great merit is to have shown that it can be accounted for by the action of “natural causes,” which can be seen at work at the present time, can be tested by observation and experiment, and leave no room for any mysterious governing causes in addition ; that, in fact, a complete scientific aspect of the process of evolution can be described as an unbroken series of “natural” events, a sequence of cause and effect, a series of steps each one strictly determined by that which came before, and determining that which follows after. Darwin and Wallace simultaneously discovered the great principle of natural selection, the keystone of the Darwinian explanation of evolution. Like many great truths, when stated it appears extraordinarily simple and obvious. It can be described in the single phrase: the survival of the fittest in the struggle for existence. If we ask who are the fittest? the answer is—those which survive. This is no mere argument in a vicious circle ; DARWINISM AND HEREDITY. 33 it is the definition of the word fittest from the point of view of the scientific observer. When one organism is said to be more or less fit than another, no aspersion is cast on the moral worth or esthetic beauty of either from a purely human standpoint; but the fact is ex- pressed that in the environment in which they live, one will succeed and the other fail. So when we speak of higher and lower forms in evolutionary series, we have jno desire to made invidious distinctions, but take into account the fact that some organisms are more complex and elaborate in their structure, bodily and mental, than others. According to Darwin, the chief factors which contrib- ute to the process of evolution are, variation, heredity, and the struggle for existence’ He pointed out that man has modified the characters (bodily and mental structure) of domestic animals and plants by continually selecting and breeding from those individuals which varied in directions favourable to his purpose, and gave the name natural selection to the similar process going on in nature. While the doctrine of evolution has been universally accepted, there is still much difference of opinion as to the relative importance of the various factors concerned. The impetus given by Darwin to the study of biology was enormous, especially with regard to variation and heredity, subjects which before his time had received little serious attention. We must now examine more in detail these factors of evolution. However closely related organisms may be, they always differ from each other: parents and offspring, brothers and sisters are never quite alike. The differences between them are called variations. Familiar to us among forms which we know well and observe closely, as for instance individuals of the human species, or our domestic animals and plants, variation is no less universally present among all sorts of living organisms. Variability occurs in vari- ous degrees, in all possible directions, and extends to (2,081) 34 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. every sort of character, structural or functional. Shape, size, colour, scent, number and relative position of parts, are all subject to variation. The most complex capaci- ties, such as fertility, the power of resistance to disease, and intellectual ability are notoriously variable. More- over, variation occurs at every stage of life: the seed, seedling, young and adult plant, the egg, embryo, young and adult animal, all show variations. These variations can often be accurately measured, and the statistical study of variation begun by Quetelet and Galton, and carried on by W. F. R. Weldon, K. Pearson, and others, has yielded many important results. If we took a number of sticks picked up at random, and measured their length, we should find that while sticks of medium length are the most numerous, the sticks become rarer and rarer as they approach the extreme of length and shortness. If the number of sticks be large enough, the length occurring most frequently (the modal value or mode) would be found at or near the mean between the two extremes. In fact the length is, as we say, determined by chance, and the results obey the laws of probability, being due to a number of independent causes acting at random on the individual sticks. It is the same with variations, as shown by the examples on the following page. These results can be graphically represented in the form of a curve, which will be found to agree with a normal curve of error. The vertical passing through the apex of the curve will represent the mode, and the distance from it along the base will give the range of variation.* Asymmetrical or skew curves occur when for some reason the variation is more limited on one side than the other. These, then, are the materials from which natural selection has to choose; but to understand their nature * The reader is referred to Mr. Watson’s volume on Heredity, in this series, for a fuller account of variation and its mathematical treatment. DARWINISM AND HEREDITY. 35 and importance in evolution we must analyse them further in the light of heredity. When the characters of the parent reappear in the off- spring we say in popular language that they are inherited. There is a mechanistic aspect of heredity just as there is of life. Why, we may ask, do the reproductive egg-cells of a snail, a fiy, and a fish, all under the same conditions, and bathed by the same water, reproduce the same bodily structure, the same functional capacities, the same Frequency of different lengths of beans measured by De Vries. bf Lengthinmm. .| 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 4 | 15 | 16 Number of beans. | 1 2 23 | 108 | 167 | 106 | 33 7 1 Frequency of different types of beech leaves measured by K. Pearson. Number of veins |10/11];12] 138; 14] 15| 16] 17} 18] 19} 20} 21 in leaf. Number of leaves of | 1] 71 341]110/ 318 | 479 | 595 | 516 | 307 | 181} 36] 15j 1 each type. psychological powers, the same complex kind of individu- ality as each of the parent forms? The answer is that they are formed of the same protoplasm as the parent ; they are chips of the old block. Both parent and off- spring develop from the same starting-point ; a particu- lar mixture of substances, having a peculiar intimate architecture, or specific structure, and undergoing a particular kind of metabolic change. Under approxi- mately similar conditions they are bound to develop into approximately similar organisms. This particular kind 36 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. of substance and particular association of qualities is transmitted by means of the reproductive cells; hence the importance of the principle of the continuity of living protoplasm established above (p. 25). The direct con- tinuity of living substance, obvious in the case of the unicellular organisms which reproduce by fission, is no less essential in all other modes of propagation. In this way only can the physico-chemical and other properties of one generation pass on to another. The process of metabolic change has continued without interruption since its first appearance from generation to generation. The full importance of heredity is perhaps, even yet, not always appreciated. This or that striking peculiarity reappearing in parent and child is pointed at as having been inherited, as if the countless resemblances in the whole organisation were not also dependent on heredity. Not only the similarities, but all the vast differences which distinguish man from the lowest animal have been built up through heredity. Without it no evolution could take place. For we must think of the continuous stream of protoplasm, the physical basis of evolution, as the means of piling up, so to speak, hereditary differences along diverging lines. In ordinary sexual reproduction, the specific substance containing the essential factors of inheritance must be passed on from one generation to the next in the germ- cells. It forms either the cell as a whole or only its nucleus ; many authors indeed identify it with the chro- matin. Moreover, it is carried in the germ-cells of both sexes, since inheritance is equal from both parents. The eharacters due to these factors usually reappear in the same order in the offspring in which they developed in the parent ; but some of them may remain for ever latent, though capable of reappearing in later generations. Now the older writers on evolution generally assumed that the course of heredity and the progress of evolution- ary change were greatly influenced by the direct action of DARWINISM AND HEREDITY. 37 the external environment and of the characters of the parents on those of their offspring. It was supposed that the changes directly induced in the body of the parent by such stimuli as temperature, moisture, nutrition, repeated use, or exercise and disuse, are inherited as such, and would reappear in the progeny. The theories of evolu- tion propounded by Erasmus Darwin and by Lamarck were founded on this suppésition ; and even in the time of Darwin it was not yet questioned whether characters thus acquired by the parent in the course of its lifetime are directly inherited. It was not till Weismann criti- cally examined the evidence for “the inheritance of ac- quired characters” that the theory was definitely over- thrown. He showed convincingly that mutilations (such as the repeated cutting off of the tail in dogs), the effects of use and disuse (such as callosities produced by friction, the enlargement of muscles or other organs, the fruits of education, &c.), or any direct modification due to the action of any particular stimulus, have never in any single instance been proved to be transmitted as such from one generation to another, while the evidence that they are not is overwhelming. These conclusions of Weismann, which had been to some extent foreshadowed by Pritchard and Galton, are the most important con- tribution to the science of evolution since the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species. Let us now examine the question more closely, and further analyse the “ varia- tions” dealt with above. Owing to that universal property of irritability or the power of response to stimuli already described, all organ- isms are the result of the interaction of two sets of factors : the factors of inheritance, and the factors of the environment. By factors of the environment we mean all those conditions or stimuli which are capable of in- fiuencing the differentiation, growth, behaviour, or in other words the metabolism of the organism. By factors of the inheritance, on the contrary, we mean that com- 38 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. plex association transmitted from the parents of sub- stances with properties or capacities which make up the specific inheritance characteristic of each organism, and which may be called its assemblage of germinal factors, or its germinal constitution. Not only are organisms as we see them before us necessarily the results of the combined action of these two sets of factors ; but so also is every part of them, every structure, every activity, every organ, every habit. Therefore the characters observed and measured, dealt with in statistics and ex- periments, are likewise their products. The inheritance might be compared to a musical instrument, the stimuli to the player, and the organism and its characters to the music produced. What particular tune is produced will depend on the player; but the range of possible sound will be limited by the structure of the instrument, by the factors which make up its capacity to respond to the touch of the player. In a sense, then, every character, every variation, is partly acquired and partly inherited ; and no character %3 More acquired or more inherited than another. Hence the popular distinction between acquired and not ac- quired characters, between those which have been de-_ veloped in the course of the individual’s lifetime and those which are inborn, is misleading. The very terms involve a fallacy. We cannot point to this or that bodily or mental structure and say this is acquired and that is not. What we see before us is the result of both sets of factors in every case. And yet there are characters which reappear in off- spring and others which do not. The fact is that we must revise the popular conception of inheritance just as we have revised that of “acquired characters.” Obviously if either of the sets of factors be altered the resulting organism will be changed ; variation will occur. What is called the normal mental or bodily structure is that developed under the usual complex of environmental DARWINISM AND HEREDITY. 39 stimuli. Any divergence from this normal structure may be due either to some change in the germinal constitution in a constant environment, or to an altered environment acting on an unchanged germinal constitution. The two results differ to some extent; they should not be called respectively inherited and acquired, the real distinction being that in the one case the new character is called forth by a new stimulus, whereas in the other case the stimulus remains unchanged, but brings forth a new result because it acts on altered germinal factors. This new deviation or change of character, the variation, will reappear in succeeding generations, provided the stimulus be present also. That new character (varzation) which is due to ger- minal change will always reappear in a constant environ- ment, provided the germinal constitution continues the same. The other new character (variation) will never reappear unless the causal stimulus is also present. If the new stimulus be removed the character necessarily goes also. The real difference between characters which always appear and those which do not is that the former depend on stimuli which are always present, while the latter depend on stimuli which may be absent. It follows that there are two quite distinct kinds of variation for which new names must be found. The name “mutations” may be adopted for differences due to the changes in the inheritance, to the alterations in germinal constitution ; and we may call “modifications” those induced by changes in the factors of the environ- ment. The former are transmitted in the germ-plasm, but not the latter. By mere inspection these two kinds of variations cannot, of course, be recognised ; they can only be distinguished by systematic observation and experiment. A few instances will help to make this clear. At first sight nothing could appear more firmly fixed by heredity than the greenness of plants; for countless 40 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. generations green plants have reproduced themselves on earth. Yet take the seed of the greenest plant you like, and grow it in a dark cellar—the new plant will come up not green at all. The stimulus of light has been denied it, so the green “character” does not appear; it is not transmitted. But the capacity to become green is never- theless transmitted, as can be shown at once by bringing the pale seedling into the light, when it will soon turn green. This capacity depends on the factors constituting the inheritance. Just in the same way, if the seed be sown in soil devoid of iron the young plant will not be green, however much light there may be; the stimulus of iron has been removed. Add a trace of iron to the soil, and the plant will turn green. Again, Englishmen in the tropics become sunburnt ; this “character,” dark pigmentation, is due to the interaction between the en- vironmental stimulus, sunlight, and the transmitted germinal constitution. Their children will be likewise sunburnt, provided they are exposed to the rays of the tropical sun. But they will not be sunburnt if they are sent home to England. Once the maximum effect of the stimulus has been reached, once the maximum response has taken place, they will not be increasingly burnt, however many generations of their parents may have lived in the tropics ; and the children, if removed from the action of the sun, will not be sunburnt at all. The negro, on the other hand, will continue to be black and his children will be black, even when he lives in a tem- perate climate among white fellow-men. For the black character of the negro is called forth not by the external stimulus of sunlight, but by some other external or in- ternal stimuli which are not removed when he changes his abode. This example illustrates a most important principle in the evolution of organisms. Obviously those characters will be most constant which depend for their appearance on ever present stimuli. And, except in so far as an DARWINISM AND HEREDITY. 4] organism can choose its environment, the so-called in- ternal stimuli are those whose presence is most assured. An organism, therefore, must have such a germinal transmitted constitution that it can develop fully under the ordinary stimuli of its environment, and it will develop fully with the greater certainty the more it does so with the help of internal stimuli. Hence, in the struggle for existence, those may succeed best which are, so to speak, freed from the dependence on merely ex- ternal stimuli. This explains the importance of self- regulating processes. A familiar instance is that of the warm-blooded mammals. In them has been evolved an automatic mechanism for keeping the temperature of the body at the most favourable point for the carrying on of the process of metabolism, and they have become thus to a great extent independent of the changes in their environment ; while the cold-blooded reptiles and in- sects, for instance, are at the mercy of the surrounding temperature, unable to live an active life except in warm weather. Two more very instructive examples may be mentioned to illustrate our discussion on the factors of inheritance. Many plants live both in the alpine heights and in the low plains, and acquire a characteristic structure in these two different habitats. So different in appearance may the two forms become, that a botanist, not knowing of their common origin, would certainly place them in separate species. Now, the French botanist Bonnier divided a common dandelion (Taraxacum vulgare), and grew one half in the lowlands and the other half in the mountains. While the former grew into a tall and slender plant, the half raised in the alpine heights grew into a plant of very different appearance, with longer roots, much shorter stems, smaller and more hairy leaves, larger and brighter flowers. Each variety will reproduce its like in its own locality ; but seeds of the alpine plant will produce only the lowland form if sown there, and 42 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. vice versa, the seeds of the lowland form will grow into the alpine form in the mountains. Moreover, if either form be transplanted into the other region, it will soon grow into the variety characteristic of its new habitat. This change is accomplished by the new-growing tissues, for the already formed tissues are no longer capable of altering. Once fully differentiated they are “fixed.” So we see that organisms are moulded by their environ- ment ; it is not the developed result which is transmitted, it is not the modification which is inherited, but the capacity for modification in certain directions, the modifiability. The other example is taken from some experiments on Primula sinensis, a well-known garden plant of which there are several constant races or varieties with different coloured flowers. If the variety with red flowers (P. s. rubra) be grown in a hot-house at a temperature of be- tween 15° and 20° centigrade, it will yield white flowers. Brought back to a normal temperature it will again bring forth red flowers. Which modification appears depends on the stimulus. Now, there is another variety (P. s. alba) which has white flowers at any temperature from the normal to 20°. At atemperature between 15° and 20° these two varieties would both bear white flowers, yet they would not be the same; they differ in their hereditary factors, in their modifiability. In one ease the factors are such that they remain unresponsive to change of temperature, in the other case they are responsive. The argument may be briefly summarised as follows : An organism is moulded as the result of two sets of factors: the factors or stimuli which make up its en- vironment, the conditions under which it grows up ; and the factors of inheritance, the germinal constitution, transmitted through its parent by means of the germ- cells. No single part or character is completely “ac- quired,” or due to inheritance alone. Every character DARWINISM AND HEREDITY. 43 is the product of these two sets of factors, and can only be reproduced when both are present. Only those char- acters reappear regularly in successive generations which depend for their development on stimuli always present in the normal environment. Others, depending on a new or occasional stimulus, do not reappear in the next generation unless the stimulus is present. In popular language the former are said to be inherited, and the latter are said not to be inherited. But both are equally due to factors of inheritance and to factors of environ- ment; in this respect the popular distinction between acquired and not acquired characters is illusory. In every case it is the capacity to acquire, to become modified or to respond, which is really transmitted ; the direction and extent of the modification depends on the stimulus encountered. The presence of a given hereditary factor cannot be determined by mere inspection of the characters of an organism ; the factor may be present, but the cor- responding character fail to show itself owing to the absence of the necessary stimulus. On the other hand, dissimilar stimuli acting on different factors may give apparently similar results. Heredity must be defined afresh as the transmission of the factors of inheritance, and not as the reappearance of characters in successive — generations. Modifications, then, are not transmitted as such. They could only be “transmitted” if the new environment produced such a change in the factors of inheritance themselves, that when replaced in the old environment they continued to respond as if the new stimuli were still present. We will not say that such a thing is impossible ; but it is in the highest degree improbable, and it is very difficult to conceive how such a result could be reached. At all events no case of the supposed transmission of modifications has yet been brought forward which could not be explained in other ways. 44 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. CHAPTER IV VARIATION AND THE FACTORS OF INHERITANCE: DETERMINATION OF SEX Let us return again to the consideration of the variation universally shown among all living organisms. Within the range of modifiability of a given organism the modi- fication may vary in amount according to the duration or intensity of the stimulus. Could we obtain a large number of creatures all endowed with the same inherit- ance, and grow them under perfectly uniform conditions, they would give rise to exactly similar individuals— there would be no variation. Grown on the contrary under variable conditions, the resulting diversity would give us a measure of the modification. In the same way with a number of individuals grown under exactly the same conditions, the resulting variation would give us a measure of the hereditary differences. Such simple con- ditions are never quite realised in nature or in experi- ments ; but we can get approximations. Take, for instance, the case of the beans worked out by Johannsen. The flowers of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, fertilise themselves; all the offspring of one bean, then, may have approximately the same hereditary factors. Since the weight of the bean-seeds is affected by various independent environmental factors, such as number and position of the beans in the pod, richness of the soil, light and shade, and so forth, and the particular combinations of favourable and unfavourable stimuli fall haphazard on each particular bean, the variation in weight of the beans of each plant will be found to follow the normal curve of probability {p. 34). The mean weight will be the most frequent, and round it the modifications will fiuctuate in decreasing number towards the two extremes. Now, FACTORS OF INHERITANCE. 45 Johannsen took a number of beans from a large field, and. found that the offspring of each differed to some extent from that of the others in the position of the mean weight. While the whole population of beans varied between 20 and 90 centigrams, the offspring of one bean might vary between 20 and 65 centigrams with a mean of about 50, and the offspring of another between 40 and 90 with a mean of about 60 centigrams. So the curve of varia- tion of the whole population is made up of a number of curves, each of which has its own mean, each of which corresponds to a strain derived from one bean. Each strain, with its own inheritance giving a characteristic mean round which fluctuation may take place, is called a “pure line.” Inheritance is uniform within each pure line, so that light or heavy beans taken from the same line will yield offspring varying about the mean charac- teristic of the line. A bean weighing 55 centigrams might belong to either of the pure lines mentioned above ; to which of them it belongs would only be revealed by the average weight of the beans derived from it. _ If the various strains making up a population were really pure, of uniform inheritance, then under uniform conditions they should yield, not an even curve, but a series of steps—there would be a sudden jump from one strain to the other. It is, therefore, the modifications which smooth down these steps to a graduated curve corresponding to the variation of all the strains com- bined. Pure lines can rarely if ever persist in nature, except perhaps in such forms as Bacteria, where sexual reproduc- tion is not known to occur. Even here inheritance must sooner or later split into new strains owing to some altera- tion in its factors. But practically all organisms repro- duce sexually ; there is a perpetual crossing and mixing of strains, self-fertilisation being quite abnormal. With these few exceptions, factors of inheritance are brought into the zygote by the gametes of two parents. What 46 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. happens in such a case? For an answer we, must turn to the facts and theories of heredity. In his great work, Animals and Plants under Domesti- cation, Darwin brought out the provisional hypothesis of Pangenesis, the first complete corpuscular theory of heredity. He supposed that each cell of an organism gives off a living gemmule or pangene, that the pangenes are collected together in the germ-cells, and that they give rise in the next generation to cells similar to those from which they have been derived. Darwin thus sug- gested a means of transmission both for hereditary factors and for modifications in accordance with the views then prevalent. When Weismann showed that modifications are not transmitted as such, the first part of the hypo- . thesis of Pangenesis became unnecessary, and his elabo- rate theory of inheritance by means of corpuscles, the determinants, is an extension of Darwin’s theory of the distribution of the pangenes from the germ-cells in development. Each independently variable organ or cell is supposed to be represented in the germ-plasm by a separate determinant, itself compounded of several of the hypothetical ultimate units of life, the biophors. These, and the determinants formed of them, are sup- posed to multiply, and to be transmitted along the con- tinuous stream of germ-cells. Ingenious as is the theory, it depends too much on unproved assumptions to carry conviction ; moreover, when applied in detail it soon lands us in a maze of difficulties from which there appears to be no escape. As we pointed out in the first chapter, life is not the attribute of any one special substance, and the conception of unit biophors is not really tenable. Modern theories of the mechanism of heredity, while less comprehensive are more satisfying, because they are based on direct observation and experiment, and depart as little as possible from the conclusions immediately deducible from the evidence. They were founded on the work of Mendel, whose observations and conclusions FACTORS OF INHERITANCE. 47 published in 1866 were not appreciated at that time, and lay neglected and forgotten until again brought to light in 1900 by the botanists Correns, Tschermak, and De Vries. The illuminating researches of Mendel have since been confirmed and extended by a vast number of ob- servers, among whom one may mention Bateson, Punnet, and Doncaster, in this country. The laws of inheritance have been worked out by cross- ing closely allied races of plants and animals differing from each other by certain easily recognisable characters, and observing the results in the subsequent generations. For example, if two individuals of the snap-dragon (Antirrhinum majus) are crossed, one belonging to a con- stant race with crimson flowers and the other belonging to a constant race with ivoryywhite flowers, the hybrid offspring will all bear pink flowers like those of neither of the parents. But if these hybrids are now inbred (crossed among themselves), a second generation will be obtained of mixed character. One quarter of this second generation will bear crimson flowers like those of the © first parent, two quarters (half of the whole number) will bear pink flowers like those of the first hybrid, while the remaining quarter will produce white flowers like those of the second parent. The crimson and the white-flowered plants of this second generation will breed true if crossed among themselves, like the original pa- rental stocks; but the pink-flowered plants will never breed true. On the contrary they will always split, like the original hybrid, into three kinds and in the same proportions (lIn—2n—1n). This example well illustrates the fundamental principle of the segregation of the heredi- tary factors in the gametes of the hybrid individual, which is the foundation stone of Mendel’s theory of heredity. The facts are accounted for as follows: Individuals belonging to each of the constant parent stocks give rise to germ-cells or gametes of similar in- heritance ; all the gametes of the first parent will con- 48 HVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. tain the factor producing the crimson character, all the gametes of the second parent the factor producing the white character. On crossing the two factors will meet in the zygotes giving rise to the hybrid offspring. If both factors were now transmitted to each of the gametes of the hybrid, it would of course breed true. The splitting of the offspring of the hybrids is accounted for on the simple supposition that the factors segregate ; that the crimson-producing factor passes into half the total num- ber of gametes, and the white-producing factor into the other half in each hybrid parent. The gametes are then “pure” in respect to the particular factor. It follows that when the gametes of the hybrids fertilise each other three kinds of zygotes will necessarily result; one half of the total number containing both factors will give rise to new hybrids ; while one quarter with white-producing, and one quarter with crimson-producing factors only will give rise to pure individuals like the parents. Another ease in point is the “Blue” Andalusian fowl, which never breeds true, being a hybrid between the Black Andalusian and the splashed White, both constant races. A cross between these two will always yield “ Blues” only ; while the Blues if interbred always split into In Black, 2n Blue, and 1n splashed White. True-breeding individuals, containing only one kind of gamete, are called homozygotes ; they have grown from zygotes formed by the union of gametes containing the same factors, and give rise to gametes of uniform value. Hybrids derived from mixed zygotes are called hetero- zygotes, and give rise to gametes of different factorial value, each factor or set of factors passing into half the total output of gametes. This conclusion is confirmed on crossing the offspring of the hybrid with the homozygote, when half the resulting generation will resemble the homozygote, the original pure parent, and the others will resemble the heterozygote. Now the hybrids or heterozygotes may be more or FACTORS OF INHERITANCE. 49 less intermediate in appearance between the two parent forms, or like neither of them (as in the case of the Blue Andalusian) ; or again they may closely resemble one of the parents. Indeed the resemblance of the heterozy- gotes to one of the homozygote parents may be so com- plete as to deceive a keen observer. For instance, as shown by Mendel himself, if two races of the common pea (Pisum satwum) be crossed, one being tall and the other dwarf, tne first heterozygote generation will all be tall. These interbred yield one-quarter dwarf plants, and three-quarters tall plants. Of these tall plants one in every three breeds true to tallness, is a tall homozy- gote, while the other two prove to be heterozygotes, splitting again into the three kinds. The character tall- ness, then, always shows itself in those individuals to whom its factor has been transmitted, whether they be homo- or heterozygotes. It dominates over the dwarf character which is suppressed ; and therefore the one is called the dominant character and the other the recessive. From this, and indeed from the whole study of heredity, it follows that we can never judge of the true inheritance or gametic constitution of an individual by mere inspec- tion of its “characters.” Since the phenomena of inheritance are dealt with in a special volume of this series, we will not attempt to give a complete account of the Mendelian interpretations, but will only summarise some of the main conclusions in so far as they affect the doctrine of evolution in general. It is held that in an organism a number of characters may be distinguished capable of varying independently, and of being isolated or followed separately in breeding ex- periments, and each depending on a special transmissible germinal factor or factors. These characters are known as “unit characters,” and the factors which govern them as “unit factors.” The whole inheritance would be made up of the sum of its unit factors. No character appears in an individual unless the corresponding factor (2,031) 4 50 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. has been transmitted to it; yet it may inherit factors which remain undeveloped, and the presence of which may be revealed by their transmission to and effects on later generations. Now when two races are crossed, such as the tall and dwarf peas mentioned above, the two opposed or allelomorphic characters, as Bateson calls them, may be due not to the result of two different factors, in the one case representing tallness and in the other shortness, but merely to the presence in the first of a factor for tallness which is absent in the second. Thus a pure recessive would be without a factor present in the pure dominant and in the hybrid.* Moreover an appar- ently simple character may be due not to a single factor, but to the co-operation of several, which must all be present at the same time and in the same zygote for the character to appear. Yet they are sufficiently independ- ent to be capable of segregation, and to give rise each to some different character. Thus the colour of an animal or plant may be a complex character due toa group of factors transmitted as a whole, and so far constant in the species, but which can be analysed out into a number of separate strains, each breeding true to its own new colour. The grey colour of the wild mouse, for example, has been shown to depend on the co-operation of at least six different factors. Change any one of them and the resulting colour will be changed also. A colour factor may be unable to show itself in the resulting character, unless accompanied in the zygote by an independent colour-developing factor. Thus a white individual may hold colour factors, but appear as an albino because it lacks the essential colour-developing factor ; and there may be as many different varieties of partial albinos as there are colour factors in the species capable of segrega- tion. If crossed they will always breed true to albinism, * This “‘ Presence and Absence theory” is not universally accepted, many authors believing that both allelomorphic characters are i dl ssented in the germ-plasm by factors. FACTORS OF INHERITANCE. 51 since they are devoid of the necessary factor for the pro- duction of their colour. In certain cases whiteness seems to be due not to the absence of a factor, but to the presence of an inhibiting factor. Such a white race can behave as a dominant. A cross between a dominant white and a recessive white fowl will yield some coloured offspring in the second generation. So the factors may influence each other’s results when meeting in a zygote, may interact in such a way as to produce characters differing more or less completely from those produced by any of them separately. We have seen that when two varieties are crossed differing in the presence or absence of one hereditary factor, as with the tall and skort peas, a dominant and a recessive form result in the second generation, in the pro- portion of three to one. If, now, the varieties differed by two factors, as for instance tall purple-flowered and dwarf white-flowered peas, the hybrid would show both the dominant characters, would be tall and purple, and would give rise to four kinds of gametes in equal propor- tions. One might contain both factors, one the factor for tallness, one the factor for purple, and one neither factor ; the gametes would appear in equal proportions, since the factors segregate independently by “ chance.” The product of random fertilisation among these gametes will yield zygotes in the proportion of nine with both factors, three with the factor for tallness only, three with that for purple only, and one with neither, the pure “extracted recessive.” The number of possivle combi- nations increases rapidly with the number of factors. The most complete analysis of the factors of inheritance yet made is that of the fruit fly (Drosophila ampelophila), recently worked out by Prof. Morgan and his pupils. By breeding experiments about 125 different factors have been distinguished, the eye-colour alone being influenced by some 30. Moreover, it has been shown by ingenious experiments that these factors are carried 52 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. in sets by individual chromosomes in the gametes, and further it is claimed that the actual position of the factors in the chromosomes can be determined. The conclusion is that the total inheritance transmitted in a gamete may be interpreted as made up of definite independent unit factors contributing to the develop- ment of corresponding characters. While the factors are either entirely absent or present, the characters due to them may be more or less developed according to inter- action with other factors of inheritance and with factors of the environment. The origin of at all events the majority of domestic races of animals and plants is ac- counted for on the theory that the complex of factors of inheritance possessed by the primitive wild form has been split up among a number of races, each distinguished by the loss of some factor or set of factors belonging to the original stock. The various domestic races of pigeons, fowls, sweet-peas, and so forth, would differ from each other in holding a different selection from out of the whole number of available original factors. If this were true we might expect to be able to bring together again the separated fragments of inheritance and reconstruct the complete set by crossing various races with the neces- sary elements. And this can indeed be done, giving rise to “reversion,” the reappearance of an ancestral com- bination of characters. Thus the original wild form of sweet-pea found in Sicily can be reconstructed by cross- ing the “Bush” and the “Cupid” domestic varieties. The “ Agouti” colour of the wild rabbit reappears on crossing a yellow with a Himalayan variety ; and the plumage of the wild “blue rock pigeon” (Columba livia) can be reproduced on crossing certain very unlike domestic races. But do all factors of inheritance “mendelise”? In answer to this question it may be said that the law of segregation, the law of Mendel, appears to hold good with all sorts of characters and in all sorts of plants and FACTORS OF INHERITANCE. 53 animals. No ‘thoroughly established case has yet been brought to light in which the factors have been proved not to segregate. Many of the supposed instances of blended inheritance, with the formation of series of inter- mediates, have been shown to be due not to failure of segregation, but to incomplete dominance, multiplicity of factors, direct effect of environment, and other com- plications which blur the result. Yet there are still some cases known, such as the colours of human races, which have so far defied analysis into segregating factors ; and it seems possible, in the light of recent work, that the rule is not universal, and that segregation may sometimes be incomplete or even not occur at all. Now most of these experiments have been made on domestic varieties, differing,from one another by only a few well-marked unit characters ; differences due prob- ably to the dropping out of certain hereditary factors, to “retrogressive mutations.” We may now inquire what happens if two natural “species” are crossed. This is a most interesting question, and one directly affecting the general problem of evolution, since the experiment might possibly reveal some hidden but genuine distinction between a “species” and a “variety.”. The variety might mendelise but not the species; as, indeed, was suggested by De Vries. Such, however, does not appear to be really the case ; but the problem is much compli- cated owing to the large number of factors of varying importance which may distinguish two even closely allied natural “species.” In so far as some of the unit characters are conspicuous and dominant, it may be possible or even easy to trace out the segregation in later generations; but the task may become too difficult if the distinguishing characters are small and very numer- ous. In such a case thousands of “intermediate” heterozygotes may be produced, each with its particular inheritance, and a bewildering number of intermediate forms result. This is after all perhaps not a matter of 54 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. great general importance, since hybridisation, or the crossing of different “species,” can play but a small part in evolution, and need hardly be considered as a factor at all. The term “unit” character is apt to be misleading. For practical purposes it is convenient to fix the attention on some conspicuous result, such as the colour of a flower or the height of a plant, but it must always be remem- bered that the influence of the factor may—possibly always does—extend over the whole organism. In Chapter ITI. it was shown that two kinds of varia- tion can be distinguished : modifications and mutations. The latter alone are due to changes in the inheritance, and may be further classified into retrogressive mutations, due to the loss of some factor, and progressive mutations, due to the gain of some factor.* Of the origin of progressive mutations we know practi- cally nothing. So far as experiment has shown, the multi- tudes of domestic varieties of our plants and animals are all, or almost all, of a retrogressive kind ; that is to say, are due to the separation and rearrangement of the factors of inheritance already present, not to the addition of new factors. New characters may thus come out, but the unit factors remain the same though apparently reduced in number. Similar retrogressive mutations are known to occur in nature. Common instances are albino animals and white- flowered plants. The botanist De Vries, who has made a special study of these variations, has collected and studied a large number of cases. But it cannot be that all mutations are of this negative nature. All the differ- ences that distinguish man from the primitive stock whence arose the whole animal kingdom can hardly be * Mutations, whether progressive or retrogressive, are not necessarily related, as might be supposed, to the complicated changes undergone by the chromatin in the maturation of the germ-cells, since they occur in the Bacteria, and among other forms which reproduce asexually. FACTORS OF INHERITANCE. 55 due to man having lost certain factors which this early ancestor possessed, or to the factors being shuffled. At some period in evolution new factors must have been in- troduced into the inheritance, and the process is presum- ably still going on. Speculating as to the possible origin of mutations we are inevitably led to the conclusion that any transmis- sible differences arising between two originally identical germinal constitutions formed of the same factors of in- heritance must come from the environment; for any closed system must reach a state of equilibrium, and con- tinue unchanged unless influenced from without. Muta- tions, then, are produced by the addition to, subtraction from, or alteration in, the faptors of inheritance already present. This whole system of factors may appear to the reader somewhat artificial; yet it is the legitimate deduction from facts for which no other explanation can at present be given. What the factors are we can only surmise. They are not distinct corpuscles of living matter like the hypothetical gemmules of Darwin or biophors of Weis- mann, representing separate cells or parts of the organ- ism. Rather should they be conceived as definite chemical substances forming part of, or entering into, the chain of metabolising compounds and thereby in- fluencing the course of metabolism in such a way as to bring about a certain definite result. If such a substance is destroyed, or fails to pass into the gamete, a retrogressive mutation arises. If the physico-chemical structure of a factor is altered by the shifting and rearrangement of the chemical atoms, for instance, a mutation may result. A truly progressive mutation would be produced when new atoms or com- pounds become permanently involved in the metabolic cycle of the germ-plasm. One must be careful not to assume that because a character appears to vary independently it is necessarily 56 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. represented by a separate substance, present from the be- ginning in the germ. Such a supposition would soon lead us into that tangle of difficulties which have proved fatal to the corpuscular theories of heredity. It is the old controversy between the supporters of “epigenesis” and “evolution” in development (evolution being used here in the restricted sense of an unfolding during ontogeny of parts already present on a small scale in the germ). While the latter held that the parts of the adult are de- veloped by the mere unfolding of corresponding elements preformed in the germ, the “epigenetists” held that they are formed de novo in every embryo from an un- differentiated substance. In modern language we should say that the structure of the adult is gradually developed by a series of epigenetic changes, each one of which is strictly determined by the stage preceding it, and strictly determines that which follows it. So every feature of a landscape, every detail of a melting view, is doubtless strictly predetermined by the nature of the geological strata and the surrounding conditions, but cannot be said to have been preformed in previous geological epochs. If every separately variable character had to be repre- sented by a separate unit the number of units in every gamete would become fantastically large. Moreover, characters are variable independently at different stages of growth—not the butterfly only, but the chrysalis, the caterpillar, and the egg may vary ; must there be a unit for every stage of every character? Again, it is difficult to account for the marshalling and development of all these units in proper order without calling in the aid of some mysterious governing force. These are some of the difficulties which have led to the downfall of the corpuscular theories of heredity. Great as has been the advance in our knowledge of the inheritance of characters through breeding experiments conducted on mendelian lines, there is some danger of the factorial theory becoming a mere formal explanation FACTORS OF INHERITANCE. 57 of results. So far we are presented with a picture of independent particles without any clue as to how they co-operate or succeed in producing the finished result. Students of genetics are apt to overrate the importance of an explanation of the mere mechanism of transmission. Not until the factors have been brought into relation with the general metabolism, with growth and repro- duction, will the theory of heredity approach com- pletion. It is not possible as yet to describe scientifically the process of embryonic development, but some sort of epigenesis there must be. All we need assume is that there are factors enough in the inheritance to produce a certain definite result. When, under the same conditions, the results come to differ, when a mutation arises, no doubt some corresponding change must have taken place in the inheritance, some alteration in the composition and properties of what we vaguely call the factors (p. 52), A consideration of the changes undergone by complex chemical compounds may give us some notion of what the factorial changes may be. The student of Organic Chemistry is familiar with long series of closely allied compounds, formed of molecules often containing vast numbers of atoms. The properties of these compounds all differ from one another, owing to the elements not being the same, or to their not being present in exactly the same proportions, or again to their being differently grouped within the molecule. The properties may be altered at will by removing this or that atom, by intro- ducing a new element, by substituting one group for another, or by merely shifting the grouping within the molecule. The resulting changes will be definite, will appear large or small, important or not, according as they strike our senses. In some such fashion do we imagine the changes occur in the factors of inheritance. Mutations are generally said to arise spontaneously ; this, of course, is only another way of saying that we do 58 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. not yet know what causes them to appear. Darwin be- lieved that great and sudden changes in the environment increased variability, a conclusion which is probably well founded, but is difficult to prove, since we know so little about. the range of variability in nature under usual and unusual conditions. Some recent experiments seem to have clearly established the most interesting fact that mutations can be brought about by altering certain stimuli in the environment. But it must not be for- gotten that the experimental conditions may only have favoured the survival of pre-existing mutations, and not actually caused their first appearance. The American investigator Tower, experimenting on the Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa), found that on exposing some in- dividuals at a certain stage and for a certain time to extremes of heat and dryness there appeared in their offspring beetles differing remarkably from the parents in colour and pattern. That these new forms were real mutants, and not modifications, was proved by their breeding true under normal conditions, and when crossed with the parent form giving the proper mendelian pro- portion of parent and new types in the second generation. Similar results have been obtained by Morgan with the fly Drosophila, and by others with plants. For factorial ehanges of this kind to produce lasting results, constant inheritable mutations, they must of course be persistent. It is a mistake to confuse, as is often done, such changes brought about by the direct effect of external or internal stimuli on the germ-plasm with alleged cases of the so- called inheritance of acquired characters. These artificial mutations are all of the retrogressive kind, and the mutants, the new forms, are all recessives. So that the result of the experiment is the loss or suppression of one or more of the factors of inheritance. But we may look forward to the possibility of being able some day to produce progressive mutations in any desired direction ; a discovery of such immense practical value FACTORS OF INHERITANCE. 59 that it would eclipse even such triumphs as the practical application of electricity, or the use of steam power. A word may here be said about the determination of sex, although space will not allow us adequately to discuss this most interesting and important problem in evolution. _ What determines that a given individual shall be male, female, or hermaphrodite? Since, in the vast majority ~ of cases, when the sexes are separate, they appear in equal numbers, it might seem that here is an excellent instance of mendelian segregation. We may suppose, as Geoffrey Smith suggested, that one sex is a homozygote and the other a heterozygote for sex-determining factors. The heterozygote parent would then yield male-producing and female-producing gametes in equal numbers, and the sex of the offspring would bé determined at fertilisation. Working on quite different lines, M‘Lung, Wilson, and others have shown that in certain insects there are two kinds of spermatozoa, one with the normal number of chromosomes, and the other with one of these reduced in size or absent. These observations have been extended to other forms, and it is now established that in, at all events, a large number of organisms, the egg develops into a male or a female according as it is fertilised by a male-producing or female-producing gamete. Sex, then, would in these cases be determined from the first by the presence of the necessary germinal factors. Yet there are undoubted instances where the sex of an animal is influenced by the environment. In the case of the spider crab, IJnachus, attacked by the parasitie crustacean Saceulina, not only does the male undergo “parasitic castration,” and acquire the external characters of the female, as shown by Giard, but, as Geoffrey Smith proved, on recovery from the attack the male crab develops ova as well as spermatozoa. This seems to show that one sex may really carry the factors for both, a conclusion borne out by the well-known fact that female birds often in old age acquire the secondary sexual characters of the 60 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. male. Further, Balzer has recently given evidence that the larve of the strange worm-like animal Bonellia become either female or male according as they live an inde- pendent life or become parasitically attached to their mother. The difficult problem of the determination of sex cannot yet be considered as solved. The evidence seems to show that the sex of an individual is fixed in different ways and at different times. Some animals lay male-producing and female-producing eggs; among the Hymenopterous insects, such as the bee, the egg produces a female or a male according as it is or is not fertilised ; while in other cases, as mentioned above, sex is deter- mined by the kind of gamete which fertilises the ovum. Moreover, although in the vast majority of cases the sex of an individual appears to be irrevocably fixed at or before fertilisation, yet there is evidence that in certain cases it is influenced by environmental conditions. CHAPTER V THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE AND NATURAL SELECTION Or all the primary factors of evolution the struggle for existence is that which lends itself least to controversy. When once stated and understood it must be recognised. Unfortunately, it is not always understood. The phrase is a metaphor to express the undeniable fact that more organisms are born into the world than can survive in it. As Darwin says, unless “the truth of the universal struggle for life be constantly borne in mind the whole economy of nature, with every fact on distribution, rarity, abundance, extinction, and variation, will be dimly seen or quite misunderstood.” The enormous rate at which even the most slowly reproducing creatures are capable of increasing is not always fully realised. Organ- é THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. 61 isms have a tendency to increase in geometrical ratio; consequently their powers of multiplication are prodi- gious. To take an instance quoted by Wallace, a single pair of flies (Musca carnaria) produce 20,000 carrion- eating larve, which will hatch out into flies ready to re- produce in about a fortnight, giving rise in turn to some 200 million hungry larve. Linnzus did not exaggerate when he said that a dead horse would be devoured by flies as quickly as by a lion. The fertility of parasites is proverbial: the eggs of tapeworms and other such internal parasitic worms may be counted by the million. Among the vertebrates the fish are the most prolific—a single cod can lay over nine million eggs, though of course they may not all be fertilised? Equally remarkable is the power of reproduction in plants. It has been ealculated | that a single cholera bacillus would give rise to sixteen hundred trillions of bacilli in a day if propagating freely, forming a solid mass weighing 100 tons. Doubtless, such unrestrained reproduction rarely if ever occurs; but every organism is, so to speak, ready to seize the opportunity of spreading to an indefinite extent and is trying, as it were, to extend its range, to colonise fresh regions. Every available spot, from the top of the high- est mountain to the lowest depth of the sea, is invaded, every possible mode of life is adopted, as far as adapta- bility will allow. The various organisms are packed as tight as possible, exerting mutual pressure. If any one increases, it is at the expense of some other. So the fauna and flora of an old established district are made up of a multitude of interdigitating species, availing them- selves of all the resources of the region, fitting close to- gether like the stones of a mosaic, and each occupying that place for which it is best suited. Under ordinary conditions a balance is soon struck, a state of unstable equilibrium established, in which the surviving forms have reached an average number of individuals about which they fluctuate within comparatively narrow limits. 62 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. The severity of the struggle may vary according to age and the surrounding conditions, but it is never quite absent. Besides the competition for food, for light, for water, for space generally, and the unceasing struggle against unfavourable conditions of climate, there is the never-ending war against enemies, parasites, and dis- eases. All these factors contribute towards the death- rate of the species. How great are the possibilities of increase and how much they are kept in check under ordinary conditions, is seen when the balance of factors restraining it is in any way disturbed, as for instance owing to some change in the climate or the intervention of man. The occasional immense swarms of locusts, of butterflies or other insects, of lemmings, the great epidemics of diseases, are ex- amples of the temporary removal of barriers to repro- duction. Similar expansion of some one species at the expense of others is continually taking place on a small scale even in the most stable fauna and flora. The ex- traordinarily rapid increase of horses and cattle intro- duced by the Spaniards in South America, of rabbits in Australia, of terrible insect pests like the Phylloxera which attacked the vines in Europe, or the European gipsy moth (Lymantria dispar) which destroys the forest trees in North America, the spread of the watercress (Nasturtium officinale) blocking the rivers of New Zealand, or the American water-weed (Hlodea canadensis) filling the rivers of western Europe, these are only a few of hundreds of similar cases of the possible result of in- troducing a species into a new country where it does not meet with the ordinary checks occurring in its native habitat. Individuals of similar habits stand most in each other’s way ; therefore, competition is often more severe between closely allied than distantly related forms. It is most severe within the limits of the species itself, between individuals, families, tribes, and social aggregations. THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. 63 The intensity of the struggle may be judged by the death-rate. In a region where the population has reached a stationary state, the number of each species remains approximately the same. On the average, then, only one out of the whole progeny can survive to repre- sent each parent individual of the previous generation. All except these fortunate individuals are destroyed sooner or later before they have succeeded in leaving offspring to perpetuate their kind, or in securing the success in life of any of their progeny. The greatest amount of destruction takes place when the organisms are still quite young. The struggle for existence, natural selection, and adap- tation, are so intimately connected, that it is scarcely possible to treat of one of these without at the same time dealing with the other two. While the struggle may be considered as the primary factor, to the action of which the selection is due, it is also the very means whereby adaptation is brought about. The transmission of heredi- tary factors is, of course, necessary for the selection to be effective. Obviously natural selection acts merely as a sieve, separating individuals so formed as to survive in the struggle for existence, from others which are not. It may be represented equally well as a survival of the fit, or as an elimination of the unfit. This point is worth insisting on, because, strangely enough, it has been often brought forward as a serious criticism that natural selec- tion is, after all, merely a process of elimination. In the long-run those organisms less well adapted to survive will have less chance of leaving successful off- spring behind them, will be crushed out in the struggle, will be eliminated. The only difference between the well adapted and the badly adapted in a given environ- ment is that in the first case the total inheritance, the hereditary mechanism or factors, react to stimuli in such a way as to lead to success, while in the second case they do not. Selection, therefore, is between that kind of 64 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. organisation which responds in the right way, and that which does not. If one may be allowed to speak meta- phorically, the problem before the organism is to acquire such an organisation that under given conditions it will react in the right way. Therefore, those individuals which vary in their hereditary organisation in the right direction necessarily have a better chance of succeeding. Success in the struggle is the only criterion of “right” and “wrong” in variation. The action of selection, it must be remembered, on the hereditary factors is in- direct, since it only acts on the combined product of these and the environment (see p. 38)—on the characters of the organism as presented to it. It is these characters and their variations which pass through the sieve. The scope of the selection is limited to the variations pre- sented ; its direction is determined by the environment. This direction will always necessarily be towards better adaptation ; adaptation is the keynote to evolution. If the right kind of variation does not occur the organism runs the risk of death, and will inevitably be exterminated if the struggle is severe enough. When the history of Biological Science in the last fifty years comes to be written, we fancy that the impartial historian will not dwell with much pride on the account of the criticisms of Darwinian doctrines, The violent attacks of theologians, based for the most part on ignor- ance and prejudice, may be forgiven and forgotten ; but many of the criticisms from the pens of the biologists themselves are scarcely better founded. It is often said that of late years Darwinism has lost ground, and that natural selection can no longer be regarded as a satisfyin explanation of, or even as an important factor in, the process of evolution. Doubtless there is some truth in the saying, at all events in so far as it appears that the doctrine is not what some misguided enthusiasts may have represented it to be, that it does not explain every- thing, that many problems remain unsolved. Yet the THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. 65 Darwinian theory still stands unassailable as the one and only rational scientific explanation of evolution by “natural” forces, whose action can be observed, tested, and measured. Nevertheless, the critics are quite right in demanding convincing evidence for every step in the argument. . The modern developments of the study of heredity and variation on mendelian lines, far from weakening the case for natural selection, seem to have definitely disposed of the only rival theory, the doctrine of Lamarck founded on the supposed “inheritance of acquired characters.” Fortuitous changes in the inherited organisation are left as the only elements of primary importance, the only stones of which the edifice is built. Misunderstanding lies at the root of many of the ob- jections urged against Darwinism. For instance, almost every detractor of natural selection has brought forward with wearisome reiteration the criticism that the theory does not account for the origin of variations. Of course it does not; it was never meant to do so. No one has tried to drive this point home more persistently than Darwin himself: “Some have even imagined that natu- ral selection induces variability, whereas it implies anty the preservation of such variations as arise ;” . . . “un. less such occur natural selection can do nothing” (Orzgin of Species). What selection alone can do is to preserve these variations, and to pile one individual difference on the top of another in the direction of adaptation, leading to ever increasing changes along divergent lines. Another “criticism” is that natural selection is nov the means whereby adaptation is brought about because organisms must have the desired structure before they are chosen, must be preadapted. But if by adaptation we merely mean the appearance of a favourable variation, the statement amounts to an obvious truism. Further, if by adaptation we merely mean that an organism has such a structure that it will live, all living things are (2,031) 66 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. necessarily adapted—viability is the first test they have to pass. Any that fail to satisfy it are eliminated at once. But organisms in competition are further tested in par- ticular directions, and when we can see both the advan- tage gained and the means whereby it is obtained, the special structure evolved, we speak of it in teleological language as adapted for this purpose. Thus a sense organ becomes specially adapted to receive only certain stimuli; a flower is adapted to be fertilised by insects. Now each step in the formation of such a structure, each fortuitous favourable variation selected to build it up, may, in a sense, be said to have been preadapted. But the word adaptation also implies just that process of gradual building, that continued selection of variations in a particular direction from among variations in all other possible directions, which is represented in the elaborated organ, yet cannot in any intelligible sense be said to be present in each individual step. To prove that natural selection is a real working principle, it must be shown that the death-rate is selective. Unfavourable conditions, diseases, enemies of all kinds, dog the path of every individual from birth to death ; the death-rate is consequently enormous, as was shown above. But is it really selective? Are, for instance, the two flies which alone survive out of every 20,000 (p. 61) different on the average from those 19,998 which perish ? That is the important point now to be considered. Doubtless in many cases the death of organisms is due to pure “accident,” causes which exterminate without selective action, as for instance in the wholesale destruc- tion brought about by some natural cataclysm; but such eases must be comparatively rare, and may be neglected. Death of this kind simply fails to select; it does not prevent: it merely delays the work of selection. The survival of the fittest, the elimination of the unfit, is easy enough to prove in the case of well-defined races, species, and larger groups, and has been eloquently described by THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. 67 Darwin, Wallace, and others. Every observant naturalist now realises how intense is the struggle, how rapidly one species can be replaced by another, how completely the geographical distribution, the abundance or rarity, or the extermination of an organism is dependent on the success of its competitors. It is the selective action of this competition, combined with the selective action of the inorganic factors of the environment, which regulates the distribution of living things and the diversity in the fauna and flora found in different regions. If this selec- tive action could be stopped, the whole fauna and flora would soon become almost uniform throughout the world. The well-known instance of cats and clover, quoted by Darwin, well illustrates the extraordinarily complex interrelationship between different organisms of most diverse structure and most distant affinity. Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is almost exclusively fertilised by humble-bees, and the abundance of bees in a district is much influenced by the number of mice, which destroy their nests and eggs. Now since the number of mice depends to a great extent on the abundance of cats, these animals will affect the distribution of the red clover in the neighbourhood. So the goats introduced into St. Helena, by eating up the seedling trees, not only destroyed the forests, and greatly altered the general flora and fauna of the island, but have actually changed the climate itself. The notorious tse-tse fly (Glossina morsitans), carrier of the deadly disease germ (7rypanosoma Brucet), renders certain districts of South Africa uninhabitable for im- ported dogs, horses, and cattle; while the distribution of man himself has been greatly intluenced by the mos- quito Anopheles, and the malaria parasite which it trans- mits. But the continuous steady struggle which goes on between more closely allied forms is perhaps best seen in the case of plants. It can be watched in the forest and on the mountain slope, in the desert and in the tropical 68 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. swamp. The survival of some forms, the extinction of others less well adapted, the alternate spread of one species and retreat of another as the climatic conditions oscillate from dryness to dampness, from heat to cold, these are familiar to every botanist. We need not.dwell longer on this aspect of the question. These and similar facts are not ignored by the most sceptical of the opponents of Darwinism; nor is their significance denied. But they will say—“Granted that the great gaps between the widely divergent forms have been produced by the extinction of the intermediate ones, granted that the struggle between differing species leads to the selection of the best adapted, these well-marked ‘species’ were already present. Show us,” they will ask, “selection between varieties differing but little from each other, and between the individual variations them- selves.” Instances of the success of mere “varieties” are not unknown. Of late years it has been observed that dark varieties of various moths have tended to increase in northern England, aud may even have superseded the original pale forms, as in the case of the peppered moth (Amphidasys betularia). Familiar to us all, though per- haps rarely understood, are the constant struggles be- tween the various races of mankind, which have played and still play so large a part in the history of the world ; here there is ample material for the study of the selective value of all sorts of racial characters. More difficult is it to demonstrate the action of selection among individuals, and to express the result in statistical form. Only on rare eecasions can we directly compare the eliminated individuals with the survivers. One good example we owe to the American zoologist Bumpus. After a severe storm he ¢ollected 136 injured specimens of the common sparrow (Passer domesticus); and out of this number 72 revived, while 64 did not recover. On measuring all the birds, and comparing the dead with the survivors, it was found that the former on the average were THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. 69 heavier and larger than the latter; but significant also was the discovery that the range of variability was dis- tinctly smaller among the survivors than the eliminated, thus proving that those individuals which departed least from the “ideal type” had on the whole the best chance of surviving. Weldon has also shown, in the case of a terrestrial mollusc, Clausdia laminata, that extreme vari- ations tend to be eliminated. Selection of this kind pre- serves the mean character of the race. Tower obtained the same results on comparing Chrysomelid beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) before and after hibernation ; the extreme variants died off, and the survivors ap- proached nearer to the mean. The fact that many commonly occurring mutations, such as albinism or variegatéd leaves among plants, fail to establish themselves is also clear evidence that con- stant elimination of these variations must take place. Of all the agents of elimination among human beings disease is the most potent in modern times, as Reid and others have well shown. Some notion of the death-rate and its causes in the human species may be gathered from the official government reports. Im the year 1909 there died in England and Wales 518,000 individuals (in round numbers), of whom 100,000 were infants under one year of age. Some 18,000 persons were killed by violence or accident, while the remaining 500,000 died of disease. Of these tuberculosis carried off 55,000, pneumonia 36,000, cancer 32,000, measles 12,000, diarrhcea 10,000, influenza 9000, whooping-cough 7000, diphtheria 5000, scarlet fever 3000, enteric fever 2000, and other diseases smaller numbers. This death-rate is selective in so far as it affects the fertility and prevents the reproduction of susceptible individuals. The germs of most of these diseases are so widespread that infection cannot be avoided; therefore a constant elimination takes place of individuals unable to resist their attacks. If the resistance to a particular dangerous 70 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. disease is “natural,” that is to say depends on characters developed in the ordinary environment, then natural innate immunity is soon established by selection, and the disease is eventually stamped out, only immune indivi- duals surviving. But if resistance depends partly or entirely on “acquired immunity,” developed only under the stimulus of the disease itself, then the disease will persist, but become less dangerous as the capacity to resist it is increased by selection of the individuals who recover most easily. How effectually selection acts is realised on observing the rapid and fatal spread of in- fectious diseases imported by one race into a region in- habited by another race where they were not previously prevalent. Unless the invaded race happens by chance to be preadapted to resist the new disease, it falls an easy victim. Naturally each race is only adapted by selection to resist the diseases of its own habitat; town life is as fatal to the prairie Indian as winter frost to the tropical plant. Disease has played a most important part in the evolu- tion of the human races. It is not so much by acts of violence that the Spanish and other invaders of America or the European colonists of Australasia have conquered and almost exterminated the native inhabitants of those countries, as by the introduction of diseases the natives were unable to withstand. Small-pox, measles, and tuberculosis have almost cleared the fine indigenous races from off the North American continent, severely handicapping them in the struggle against their Euro- pean rivals. This is merely another instance of the con- stant struggle between species or varieties which we have discussed above. There can be no doubt, then, that the death-rate is selective. The next point we have to deal with is the part played by selection in the process of evolution. What — will be the effect of selection on succeeding generations ; or, in other words, what will be the combined effect of THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. 71 elimination and inheritance? It has been far too easily assumed by Wallace, and other writers, that the result of the continued selection of any character must neces- sarily lead to its gradual increase. For instance it was supposed that if, out of a number of birds varying in ' wing-length from 5 to 7 inches, with a mean of 6 inches, individuals with a wing-length of 7 inches were chosen for breeding, the mean length of the wing of the offspring would be raised. And that if for a number of generations the parents were always selected from among the birds with greatest wing-length, the average wing-length of the progeny would be gradually raised from 6 to 7 inches, from 7 to 8 inches, and so on indefinitely, so long as the selection continued. But Ahis is not necessarily the case. * . In the first place, if the variations selected are modi- fications induced by the environment in individuals endowed with the same hereditary factors, no cumulation at all will take place, however much the selection may be prolonged. Thus the selection of individuals which have become immune to a disease in the course of their life- time will not increase that immunity, nor free the pro- geny from the necessity of becoming immune, unless the capacity to acquire immunity itself varies and is selected. To take a simpler case—that of the beans mentioned on p- 45. Selection of the heaviest bean-seeds from any one strain or pure line of uniform hereditary capacity will not alter the mean weight of seeds within that strain ; the offspring of such a selected bean is no more likely to be heavier than is that of any other bean from the same strain. But if heavier beans are selected from the whole group of strains, differing in their hereditary capacities, * Whether the direction of variation is influenced by selection, whether the continued selection of a character, and indirectly of its germinal factors, encourages their further development, is indeed a most funda- mental question. At present, however, it cannot fully be answered, since the evidence is quite uncertain. On the whole, current opinion is agai the view. © = = {LIBRARY 72 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. then the mean weight of the offspring will be raised, and raised rapidly to the highest possible level—that of the strain with the highest mean weight. For since there are more heavy bean-seeds among those belonging to the strains with the higher mean, they will have a better chance of being selected. The offspring of lines with lower mean weight will be gradually eliminated, and at last only those of the strain with the greatest mean weight will remain. Obviously the same result would be reached at once if this strain could be distinguished at the beginning of the experiment, and alone chosen for pro- pagation. Moreover, the effect of selection will come to a stop as soon as this highest point is reached ; unless in the meantime new changes have arisen in the hereditary factors, leading to further possible increase in weight. This limitation is a necessary consequence of the sieve- like action of selection—it can only select what is already there. It must also be understood that the modifica- tions due to the environment do not materially alter the results of selection, which acts only by the indirect choice of particular hereditary constitutions. Cumula- tion of results can only take place in so far as new mutations occur in the required direction. The same conclusions have been reached on statistical grounds, and may be expressed as follows. Comparing the characters of offspring with those of parents, grand- parents, and great-grandparents, it is found that the resemblance decresses rapidly; so that the “correla- tion” with parent: is about } or ‘5, with grandparents ‘3, with great-grandparents ‘2, and so on. The “correla- tion” is the ratio expressing the deviation of each genera- tion from the mean of the species. This is the “law of ancestral inheritance” worked out by Galton and modi- fied by Pearson. Pearson has defined it as a rule for predicting the average value of a character in the off- spring from the value of that character in.the ancestors. From this point of view, therefore, the contributions to THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. 73 inheritance from distant ancestors are negligible, and selection through very few generations is sufficient to yield a practically pure and constant race. As was long ago pointed out by Darwin, the method and results of natural selection are quite comparable to the methods used and the results obtained by man in artificial selection. The wonderful diversity of domestic races of plants and animals, showing all sorts of new developments in size, shape, and colour, in function, habits, and mental qualities, is due to the selection of individual variations in this or that direction. One mutation after another is isolated and bred from, and so almost any desired form is obtained. _ Now it is often maintained that these domestic varie- ties are not of the same value as natural 1aces; that if allowed to roam wild, or if selection be relaxed, they re- turn to their original condition, degenerate, or regress. This conclusion is, however, mostly based on misconcep- tions. There is no good reason to believe that domestic races are fundamentally different from or inferior to natural races, either in mode of formation or in con- stancy when formed. If they are generally unable to compete with wild races when let loose, it is because they have not been selected with this end in view. If they appear to degenerate when removed from the care of man, it is because they no longer enjoy the exceptionally favourable conditions of abundant nutrition, protection from enemies, and so forth. Those domestic races which fail in the struggle for existence among wild competitors are like natural species which, when introduced into a new country, fail to establish themselves because the conditions are unsuitable. But what, it may be asked, is the effect on domestic races of mere relaxation or cessation of selection? The race will probably tend to regress, that is to say, to ‘return to the original form from which it was selected. There is true regression and false regression. The latter 74 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. is brought about by the crossing of the new variety with the original species with which it may now come into contact. This kind of regression by hybridisation, as De Vries has shown, is very difficult to prevent with plants fertilised by wind or by insects. It leads to the forma- tion of intermediate forms ; but the new hereditary con- stitution can never be quite suppressed. True regression is due to the tendency of the offspring of parents which deviate from the mean to return to that mean of the race ; it is the inevitable consequence of the interbreeding of individuals endowed with unequal inheritance. If the race is quite uniform, composed of homozygotes with the same hereditary factors, there can naturally be no re- gression ; this has been well established by numerous and prolonged experiments. But if there is inequality of inheritance ever so slight, regression will take place on the cessation of selection. It is a universal phenomenon common to all impure races, whether artificial or natural. In the foregoing chapter it has been shown that natural selection acts by eliminating the unfit and so leaving the fit to continue the race ; that this selection is effective not only between widely divergent forms, but also between individuals differing from one another by ordinary variations; and lastly, that the process of natural selection is strictly analogous to that of artificial selection practised by man. But some important points still remain to be discussed. Are variations continuous or discontinuous is a ques- tion which has given rise to much controversy. Con- tinuity here means gradation of variation from one ex- treme to another, so that, with regard to the measurement of a particular character, the individuals of a race could be arranged in a series leading gradually from those having the character developed to its greatest extent to those in which it is least developed. The more gradual the transition, the more perfect the continuity, the more even would be the curve formed by the ascending series. THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. = 75 We have already seen (p. 34) that when dealing with large numbers of individuals most characters conform to this rule and vary continuously. On the other hand, discontinuous variation would give rise not toa graduated curve but to a series of steps or jumps, from one stage to the next above. A tendency towards discontinuity is shown in “meristic” variation. Thus, a cell will either remain single or divide into two, the antenna of an insect may have four, five, or six joints, the number of dorsal vertebree in a mammal may vary from twelve to thirteen, or from thirteen to fourteen, and so on. But even meristic variations need not be discontinuous, and seldom is gradation more perfectly shown than in the variation of segmental nerves in the plexus supplying the limb of a vertebrate (pp. 93, 107). The whole subject has been greatly confused by the failure to distinguish between continuity in the variation of characters and continuity in the changes of hereditary factors. Modifications vary continuously, because the incidence and quality of the factors of the environment are due to chance. Mutations may be discontinuous if the changes in the factors giving rise to them are sudden and large enough. But the variation of characters due to mutation may also be more or less continuous, owing for instance to their reactions being modified by other factors, as in incomplete dominance (p. 49). Again an apparently simple character may become more and more pronounced when it is really a complex character, de- pending on the co-operation of a number of separate factors reinforcing each other—as with the red colour of wheat studied by Nilsson-Ehle, which develops only to ts full extent when three factors are all present. The gradation in the mean weight in the different strains of the beans already so often mentioned (pp. 45, 53, 71) is perhaps also due to the co-operation of several factors. Moreover, it is possible that the factors themselves may show grades of strength and development; certainly if 76 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. the presence and absence theory is correct, the character of the heterozygote in the case of the ‘blue Andalusian fowl (p. 48) may be explained on the supposition that ' the single dose of a factor in the heterozygote does not produce the same result as the double dose in the homo- zygote parent or offspring. Here may be mentioned the recent researches of Jennings on the Protozoon Difflugia, of Castle on rats, and of Morgan on Drosophila, all of which yield incon- trovertible evidence of the occurrence of “continuity” in mutation—that is to say, of the possibility of isolating strains differing from each other by quite small characters or in the degree of development of some one character. But while Morgan would interpret the gradation as due to the cumulative effect of numerons modifying factors brought to bear successively on the unit factor of the character, Castle maintains that this unit factor itself undergoes gradual change. Variations, then, may be continuous or discontinuous, and there is no hard and fast distinction between the two kinds (pp. 57, 93). An interesting question we have now to consider is whether large or small variations are the more important in evolution. Darwin was uncertain on this point, but finally came to the conclusion that natural selection dealt chiefly with the smaller. Certainly they are the more numerous, and considering how severe may be the struggle for existence, it can hardly be doubted that they greatly influence the death-rate. The attempts which are sometimes made to fix an arbitrary limit to the “selection value” of a character are futile ; it all depends on the intensity of the struggle at any particular time. A character, useless during the greater part of the life of an organism, may prove of vital importance on a par- ticular occasion. The slightest difference in weight between two seeds carried by the wind may decide that the one will reach a favourable spot and not the other ; the smallest inferiority in powers of resistance may cause THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. 77 one man to perish of a disease while another recovers. Nevertheless, selection is of course ready to avail itself of large variations or sports, if they are in the right direction. However, it has been shown above (p. 68) that extreme variations seldom succeed, doubtless because they tend to upset that nice adjustment of parts, that harmony of function so essential in competition. Indeed, we can hardly imagine that the complex adaptations so com- monly found, the marvellous cases of protective resem- blance between organisms and their surroundings, and similar developments, could have arisen otherwise than by the accumulation of small differences step by step. For it must never be forgotten that variation is not itself adaptive. Obviously iff it were adaptive, a species would never become extinct, since the right kind of varia- tion would then always be presented to meet the demand. Variation, on the contrary, is blind, fortuitous, but takes place in many directions. Great as may be the number of possible directions, it is not infinite. In a sense, variation is limited; for all changes in the hereditary constitution are, in the end, due to additions to, subtrac- tions from, or rearrangements in factors already present. Therefore, new developments are greatly influenced by the general hereditary constitution of the race, and, we may add, some sorts of mutation are liable to occur more often than others, and repeatedly in the same or even in different groups (albinism, &c.). The next point to consider concerns the usefulness of characters. It is often urged against the theory of natural selection that many characters are useless. Now, we have just maintained that variations are not adaptive—they may be useful, harmless, or harmful. But this does not invalidate the Darwinian doctrine; on the contrary, if variations were always useful selection could not take place. But if it could be shown that a cumulation of harmful or even useless variations had occurred, we should have a serious difficulty to deal with. 78 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. Darwin used to say that a single instance of such useless evolution would be fatal to his whole theory: it need hardly be added that none has ever been found. Natural selection can never be prophetic ; organs can- not be developed before they are needed. Certainly organisms may on rare occasions by chance, so to speak, find themselves ready adapted to meet new conditions ; so protoplasm may possess properties which have never yet been made use of in the struggle for existence—as, for instance, the power of responding to galvanic stimuli. But every step in the process of evolution by selection must of necessity be useful, must lead to survival. Apparent exceptions to this rule may be due to corre- lation. Factors of inheritance are able to affect not one but several characters, or even the whole organism, so that alteration of a character by selection may lead to correlated alterations in other parts. Thus changes may be brought about not for their own sake, and characters useless or even harmful may be developed, so long as the advantage gained is not counterbalanced. Correlation plays an important part in evolution. It. has been elaborately studied mathematically by Pearson and others, and has been proved to occur extensively, and often in most unexpected directions. At the same time, the tendency shown by the detrac- tors of Darwinism to assert that this or that character is useless, because they cannot find a use for it, is strongly . be deprecated. Every day naturalists are discovering the functions of the most insignificant-looking organs. Little importance can be attached to the statement often made that the characters which distinguish nearly allied species are of no value to them; in fact no character should be accepted as useless until it has been definitely proved that it exerts no influence on the death-rate. Some few years ago it might have been held—indeed it was held—that such organs in man as the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, the suprarenal glands, and others, THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. 79 are useless structures, functionless vestigial remnants. They are now known to be of the greatest importance, altering the composition of the blood or secreting sub- stances essential for the regulation of the processes cf metabolism. He would be a rash man indeed who would now assert that any part of the human body is useless. The same may be said of the coloration of organisms, and the rash statements so frequently made as to the uselessness of the differences in colour which so often distinguish species from each other. Doubtless colour variations are not adaptive, and the colour differences between species are not necessarily adaptive either. Yet many possible uses of coloration have been brought to light by the labours of Bites, Fritz Miiller, Wallace, Poulton, and others, showing that it may often be of the greatest importance in the struggle for existence ; as in the case of the protective resemblance to surroundings enabling an organism to escape from its enemies or to approach its prey unnoticed ; of warning colours exhibited by animals well able to defend themselves with poisonous weapons ; of mimicry where a species gains advantage by acquiring a resemblance to some distasteful or dangerous form ; of recognition marks or sexual ornaments which serve to bring the sexes together. An interesting ex- periment on the selection value of colour differences was performed by Di Cesnola on the praying mantis (Mantis religiosa). This insect occurs in Italy in two varieties, a green and a brown, adapted for concealment on green or brown surfaces ; and it was found that green speci- mens placed in brown surroundings and brown specimens placed in green were invariably eaten by their enemies, while individuals on a background which they matched frequently escaped destruction. There was a difficulty much felt by the early advocates of natural selection which has been removed now that the process of inheritance is better understood. It was 80 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. thought that a variation which appeared in one or even in several individuals of a species would have little chance of establishing itself, since it might be reduced and finally swamped by constant interbreeding with the more numerous individuals of the species not possessing it. Such a swamping by intercrossing, however, does not occur. We have already seen (p. 52) that factors of in- heritance are as a rule transmitted complete ; even when the appearance of the character to which it gives rise is subject to various inhibiting influences, it is liable at any time to reappear in full force, as is seen in: reversion. Characters due to factors of inheritance will persist. un- less eliminated by variation and selection, as can be shown by experiments and by mathematical reasoning. The relative scarcity of the mutation at the start does not prevent that a number of individuals interbreeding at random, some with and others without a certain factor, will give rise to a population of impure hetero- zygotes and pure homozygotes in which the proportion of the three classes will be in equilibrium so soon as the square of the number oi heterozygotes equals the number of pure “dominants” multiplied by the number of pure “recessives.” If this proportion is not already present at the beginning it will soon become established, and will continue, provided there is no selection to disturb the equilibrium. In fact a species of interbreeding indi- viduals of unequal hereditary constitution soon reaches a state of stability. CHAPTER VI ISOLATION AND SEXUAL SELECTION FR&E intercrossing can only mix hereditary strains, hence the necessity for isolation if divergence along various ISOLATION AND SEXUAL SELECTION. 81 lines of adaptation is to take place. .The importance of isolation has been variously estimated by different authors; but it must not be forgotten that it plays a subsidiary part in evolution, and can do nothing with- out selection and variation. Selection without isolation may give rise to evolution in a straight line ; combined with isolation it may lead to divergence into as many lines as there are groups of individuals isolated. There are several kinds of isolation: geographical, “ physio- logical,” and isolation due to the adoption of different habits and modes of life. Means of dispersal are various. Some organisms are borne passively by the wind, as seeds and microscopic plants and animals, others by water currents, and still others by their own activity“move from place to place. In one way or another species are always trying, so to speak, to spread over a wider area. Land organisms become geographically isolated by the formation of barriers such as deserts, or mountain ranges, or by the separation of parts of a continent as islands. Marine organisms may be divided by the uprising of dry land, and the inhabitants of fresh water by the separation of river basins. But whatever may be the barrier which cuts off more or less completely a number of individuals from the main stock, the result is the same—they tend to diverge from the parent species. This divergence is due to differences in the environment directly or in- directly modifying the individuals, to the new fauna and flora with which the isolated specimens come into contact altering the course of selection, and lastly to the appear- ance of new mutations. So many local races or species become differentiated ; and when a number of closely allied forms occupy neighbouring regions, they are more unlike, generally speaking, the further they have strayed from the original centre of distribution. The more com- plete and the older the barrier the greater will be the divergence. Thus the marine and littoral fauna on the (2,031) 82 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. opposite coasts of the isthmus of Panama differ con- siderably, but differ far less than does the fauna of the Mediterranean from that of the Red Sea, these seas having been separated for a much longer time. In the Sandwich Islands there are some 300 species of the genus Achatinella, almost every valley having its own peculiar form of this mollusc. A similar variety of structure has been described by Sarasin among the land molluscs of the island of Celebes, where species become subdivided into an astonishing number of local races still united by transitional forms. Islands afford excellent illustrations of divergence through isolation. While their fauna and flora bear a general resemblance to those of the nearest mainland, each island or archipelago usually acquires a remarkable number of peculiar forms. For instance. almost everyone of the West Indian islands has its repre- sentative species of the golden oriole. The Galapagos archipelago has its own reptiles, insects, and land mol- luscs; out of some thirty species of land birds about twenty-eight are peculiar: while each one of these islands has developed its own race of the gigantic land tortoise. Another kind of isolation is that brought about by parasitism. Since every parasite tends to restrict itself to one particular kind of host, being often actually trans- mitted from one individual to another, a parasitic species becomes split up into as many divergent races as there are varieties of host, until finally each host may acquire its own peculiar species of parasite. A somewhat similar subdivision and specialisation takes place in plants fer- tilised by insects. The flowers tend to become special- ised in structure and colour to attract particular kinds of insects, while the insects undergo a corresponding specialisation in order to derive nourishment from the flowers. Physiological isolation may result from incompati- bility of habits or temperament, or from sterility. ISOLATION AND SEXUAL SELECTION. 83. Closely allied rival forms often meet or overlap in some region, yet interbreed little, or not at all, although quite capable of forming a fertile union and of producing fertile offspring. A familiar instance is that of the negroes and whites in America. Sterility in one form or another is the most important physiological barrier, and may be due to many different causes. For instance, sterility may result from variation in the structure of the copulatory organs, as in numberless kinds of insects ; or merely in their size or shape. Intercrossing may also be prevented if sexual maturity is reached at different times of the year ; and self-fertilisation is made impossible for most hermaphrodites by the spermatozoa developing either before or after the ova in the same individual. Lastly, isolation may result*from some variation in the germ-cells themselves, causing fertilisation to be imper- fect or sterile even if it take place; this may be called true sterility. Further, the zygotes when formed may fail to develop normally, or even if viable the hybrid offspring may themselves be sterile. This form of ste- rility is common among plants and animals; the mule- produced from a cross between the horse and the donkey is the most familiar instance. In these various ways, then, divergences inevitably arise among groups of organisms originally alike, and evolution in its course moves along ever branching paths. If a higher organism is to succeed in the struggle for existence it must reproduce itself sexually ; hence the importance in evolution of the various adaptations for securing the fertile union of the sexes. The differences. between the two sexes, other than those of the repro- ductive organs themselves, are known as secondary sexual characters. Many are of such a kind as to enable them to find and recognise each other, and to accomplish the act of copulation. To this class belong the diverse organs developed in all sorts of animals for grasping the female, the call notes of many insects, birds, and mammals, 84 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. and the strong scents given off by female hawk-moths, male musk-deer and stags, and other animals at the time of maturity. Conspicuous sexual differences are often produced by the development im one sex of special organs to receive stimuli from the other, as for instance in the Crustacea and Insecta, where the olfactory organs, the antenne, may be greatly enlarged and modified in the males. But there are many other secondary sexual characters the use of which is by no means so obvious—such as the beautiful patterns and colours developed in male butter- flies and other insects, the marvellous wealth of orna- mental colours and plumage in birds, and offensive weapons like the antlers of deer—and it is one of Dar- win’s greatest triumphs to have g*’ea us in the theory of sexual selection a rational expianation of the evolu- tion of these apparently useless characters. No hard and fast line can be drawn between natural and sexual selection. Sexual selection may be considered as sub- ordinate to natural selection, as a special kind of natural selection taking place within the limits of an interbreed- ing set of animals or “species.” It is due to the com- petition between individuals of one sex for the possession of the other. Almost always it is the males which com- pete for the females, either because they are more numer- ous or because they are polygamous. This kind of selec- tion takes place only among highly organised animals, and is almost entirely restricted to the vertebrates and arthropods (insects and spiders) It has been aptly called the struggle for wife as opposed to the struggle for life ; but failure means, in the end, extinction in the one case as in the other. Darwin has convincingly shown how severe is the com- petition between the rival males, how universal is the law of battle, leaving the most agile the strongest and the best-armed in possession of the field. The general superiority of the male sex in strength, pugnacity, and ISOLATION AND SEXUAL SELECTION. 85 fighting weapons, such as the large canine teeth of male mammals and the antlers of stags, is accounted for by the survival of variations leading to victory in the fierce struggles which take place between the males at the breeding season. The correctness of this view can hardly be doubted; but there is great divergence of opinion when the principle of sexual selection is applied to the more purely ornamental secondary sexual characters. These characters are very commonly developed among the higher animals, and one may mention as examples the mane of the lion and bison, the ornamental patches of colour and hair in monkeys, the beard in man; the brilliant wattles and plumage in numberless birds, such as the gorgeous feathers of pheasants, peacocks, birds of paradise, and humming birds; the ornamental colours in many fish, butterflies and spiders, the horn-like pro- cesses of beetles, the attractive scents of butterflies, the vocal sounds emitted by insects, frogs, and mammals, and the beautiful song of birds. Darwin pointed out that these brilliant and striking characters appeal to the senses of the female, and are deliberately displayed to her at the breeding season. Courtship with these animals is often a lengthy and elaborate business, during which the male may perform a regular dance and strike attitudes to display himself to the best advantage. The more attractive male will thus secure his mate more rapidly and certainly than the less happily endowed, or, in the case of polygamous species, will be followed by a greater number of females. Even if the less successful males eventually manage to pair, they will not have such good or so many chances of leaving offspring. A small percentage of. advantage in this respect is sufficient to bring about a selective result. Now it is characteristic of such structures and colours that they develop only in one sex and generally only at ma- turity ; frequently, as in birds, they are periodically renewed at each breeding season. Moreover, they 86 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. ‘appear only on those parts which are displayed’ in courtship. Much scepticism has been shown concerning the efii- cacy of sexual selection as a factor in evolution, chiefly on the ground that the theory seems to presume an esthetic taste and power of choice in the female. But this criticism is due, at all events to a great extent, toa misunderstanding of the metaphorical language in which it is convenient, if not necessary, to describe such facts. Strictly speaking, “choice” and “taste” are but words to express the fact that the female is more stimulated by one kind of form, colour, scent or sound than by another. In physiological language it is all a matter of stimulus and response ; those males will succeed best which most effectually stimulate the females. Doubtless in many cases, here as elsewhere, the facts are but incompletely known ; but in others the evidence is convincing enough. We will here mention only one instance, that of the spiders of the family Attide, so thoroughly studied by Mr, and Mrs. Peckham. These very competent observers show clearly, that when the sexes are differentiated the males are the more brilliantly coloured ; that the young male resembles the adult female, and that it is the male that has departed from the ordinary ancestral colouring ; that the male colours are visible and displayed during courtship ; that the females pay attention to them and exercise a “choice”; and lastly, that the more brilliant males may be selected again and again. Moreover, it must be remembered that sexual selection is known to occur in the pairing of the human species, and that its selective value has been statistically estimated. Wallace has pointed out that natural selection must often compel the female to keep to a more modest and protective type of coloration than the male; for, until she has laid her eggs or reared her young, a female may be more essential for the propagation of the race than a particular male; and there can be no doubt that pro- PHYLOGENY AND CLASSIFICATION. 87 tective coloration or structure, mimiery, polymorphism, and other such factors, greatly complicate the problem of the evolution of secondary sexual characters. CHAPTER VII PHYLOGENY AND CLASSIFICATION Ir is the task of the anatomist and systematist to study and compare the structure of adult organisms (Compara- tive Anatomy or Morphology), and also their develop- ment (Embryology), in order to make out their affinities, to discover the lines of descent which connect the various diverging branches of the genealogical tree. These branches are called Phyla, and Phylogeny is the name given to the study of the pedigrees of organisms, the tracing out of their blood-relationships. A true natural classification is based on phylogeny. Much valuable evidence for this science can be derived from Palon- tology, the study of fossil extinct animals and plants, which may reveal the actual ancestral forms or their near relatives ; but a great deal can be gathered also from a knowledge of the structure and development of the living. Since forms which differ widely in the adult condition often resemble each other much more closely in the young or embryonic stages, by observing their develop- ment affinities can sometimes be discovered which would not otherwise be suspected, or at all events would be very doubtful. Familiar instances are those of the Tunicates and Cirripedes. The former are the Sea Squirts, seden- tary animals for the most part, which have undergone degeneration owing to their peculiar mode of life. The adult lives fixed to the sea bottom, and is of very simple structure, showing little resemblance to an ordinary 88 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. vertebrate, yet the young free-swimming larva has all the characteristics of the Vertebrate phylum, with /its dorsal central nervous system, gill-slits, axial skeletal rod or notochord, and tail. The cirripedes or barnacles likewise have taken to a fixed habit in adult life, and have lost almost all resemblance to the Crustacea from which they have been derived, as is shown by the larval stages typically crustacean. Other common instances of de- generation are afforded by parasites. Often they be- come simplified beyond recognition, but betray their true affinities in their development. Many parasitic crustacea of the order Copepoda lose practically all trace in the adult condition of the characteristic appendages used in the normal free-living forms for locomotion or for seizing and cutting up their food. Indeed, parasitic animals, able as they are to absorb the nourishment directly from their host, generally tend to lose not only organs of loco- motion and of special sense, but even the alimentary canal, and spend all their energies in producing enormous numbers of young to infect new hosts. The loss of the organs of flight in flightless birds and insects, and of the eyes in animals living in caves or the dark depths of the ocean is also due to degeneration. Degeneration, in fact, is a widespread phenomenon among animals and plants, and leads to the loss of any special structures mental or bodily which the organ- ism no longer needs in the particular environment for which it has become adapted. It is a return from a com- plex to a simpler organisation ; but not to a truly primi- tive or ancestral condition, for the path of retrogression is generally very different from that followed by the original progressive evolution. Now it is one of the great merits of the doctrine of evolution by natural selection, that it accounts for this simplification as easily as for the development of complexity. For both progressive and retrogressive mutations occur. Variation takes place both in the + and inthe — direction, and selection of the PHYLOGENY AND CLASSIFICATION. 89 one may be as advantageous as selection of the other. Which will be chosen depends on the needs of the organism at the time. On the other hand, it is very difficult to see how any theory of evolution based on some supposed internal perfecting force could possibly be reconciled with these facts. Strewn along the path of evolutionary change are thus left derelict organs once of vital importance, but now no longer of use, or at all events of less consequence in the struggle for existence, owing to some change in habit and environment. Such organs are known as vestigial ; and unless they are turned to some new purpose, that is to say, unless they vary in such a way as to become adapted to fulfil some new function, they are apt to dis- appear. The exact process“of disappearance is difficult to describe, is in fact not thoroughly understood. If an organ thrown out of work is an actual burden on the organism, it will tend to become eliminated by selection of retrogressive variations, and will also be apt to develop incompletely in the individual. owing to disuse. But if merely useless, it may remain indefinitely as a vestigial structure. Such, for instance, are the vestigial hind limbs in the dugong and in whales, and the teeth in em- bryo baleen whales, the much reduced wing in flightless birds like the emu or the apteryx, or the extinct moas of New Zealand. It would be rash, however, to take it for granted that even in these cases the vestiges are alto- gether without function (p. 79). But it is far more common for the apparent disappear- ance of an organ to be due to its alteration and adapta- tion to some new function. And this brings us to another objection often urged against Darwinian doctrines. If natural selection cannot be prophetic (p. 78), if organs cannot develop before they are called into use, how can one account for the initial stages in their development ? Of what use can a complex organ be before it is com- pleted? But this objection loses its force when it is 90 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. remembered that organs rarely if ever can be said to “begin.” Entirely new functions and entirely new organs are not suddenly developed. All are evolved by the gradual transformation of, addition to, or subtrac- tion from something already there. The wing of a bird, unique as it is, has had nosudden beginning—it has been gradually transformed from the fore-limb of the reptile. The extinct Archeopteryx from the Jurassic strata has a modified limb in a beautifully intermediate state. The one-toed hoof of the horse is not a new organ; it is derived from an ordinary five-toed foot by the gradual loss of the lateral digits. Almost every stage of its history can be traced in the fossils. What more complex or useful organ than the human eye? Yet it is merely an instance of the extreme specialisation of the property of response to light generally distributed over the surface of the body in the lowest forms. In the evolution of an organ by selection every stage must be useful, and it is often diffi- cult to picture the intermediate conditions; but we must not jump to the conclusion that they could not have existed. The heart of the amphibian has one ventricle, in which the venous and arterial blood become more or less mixed ; that of the bird has the ventricle completely subdivided into two chambers, so that the venous is kept quite separate from the pure arterial blood. Now if reptiles were unknown, we could well imagine an op- ponent of the theory of natural selection stating dog- matically that the intermediate steps in the formation of the dividing septum could not have been useful, and therefore could not have been selected. To be effective at all, he would say, the septum must be complete from the beginning ; if the venous is to be separated from the arterial blood an intermediate stage would be of no use. Such arguments are constantly heard. Fortunately, in this case, we can point to the reptilia, where these very intermediate steps occur, and the incomplete septum can be shown actually at work. — PHYLOGENY AND CLASSIFICATION. 91. As a rule, evolution leads to specialisation and differ- entiation along the ever diverging and forking branches of the phylogenetic tree. Usually the more diverse organisms become the more successful they are in the struggle for existence, since they interfere less with each other owing to their adoption of different modes of life and different feeding habits. On a given plot of ground more individual plants can live if they belong to several Fie. 2.—Convergent evolution. Salamandra (1), 2 normal Urodele Am- phibian ; and Siphonops (2), a legless Amphibian ; Agama (4), a nor- mal Lacertilian; and Amphisbena (5), a legless Lacertilian. (2) and (5) being adapted to a burrowing life have come to resemble the Earth-worm (3) and each other. species adapted in different ways, than if they belong to one species only. But occasionally evolution leads to convergence in function and structure. Organisms and their parts may then come to resemble each other, an- alogies are developed. Thus a burrowing snake like Typhlops, a burrowing lizard like Amphisbzena, or amphibian like Siphonops, acquire a resemblance to an earthworm (Fig. 2); or again, among the Mammalia, the “fiying ” squirrel, Pteromys, and the “flying” phalanger, 92 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. Petaurus, have become remarkably alike. Very striking also may be the analogous resemblance between two organs of different origin, but fulfilling the same definite function, as the eyes of Polychsete worms, of Molluses, and of Vertebrates. Mimicry and protective resemblance also are special examples of convergence. Yet however close the resemblance may be, it is generally essentially superficial, and the separate origin of two structures is usually betrayed not only by fundamental differences, but also by innumerable details. Just as the expert can often detect a forged antiquity by careful inspection, so the comparative anatomist distinguishes analogies from true homologies. It is worth insisting upon this subject, because the French philosopher Bergson has recently, we think, greatly exaggerated the extent and somewhat mis- represented the significance of convergence. Coming now to classification, it is the sorting out of organisms into groups according to their natural affini- ties. Individuals are grouped into species, species into genera, these again into families, orders, classes, and phyla, divisions of increasing size and importance. Before the doctrine of evolution was accepted, it was thought that these groups had definite limits based on some separately created and fixed unit. At one time it was supposed that the comparatively large genus was the unit of creation, the species and varieties within it be- ing merely fluctuations caused by external influences. Linnzus maintained that the smaller group, the species, is the originally created unit, and succeeded in establish- ing his views so firmly that they grew into a dogma from which the systematist even of the present day has not entirely freed himself. But the consistent evolutionist recognises that so-called “species” are merely closely allied individuals descended from a common ancestor, which normally interbreed, and are sufficiently alike to be conveniently called by the same name. All sorts of vain attempts have been made to draw up stricter PHYLOGENY AND CLASSIFICATION. 93 definitions of a true species. Mere likeness counts for little: males and females may often differ very consider- ably from each other, and in polymorphic forms the off- spring of the same parents may be of several different types. Sterility has often been held to form a definite barrier distinguishing true species from mere varieties (p. 83); but there are all degrees of fertility, and crosses between forms which no systematist would hesitate to call species often yield offspring. Sterility is a character variable like any other ; it occurs even between members of undoubtedly the same species, as we know in the case of our own. It is true that De Vries has recently tried to define “elementary species” as forms produced with a new progressive mutation, due to the acquisition of some new factor. Such forms, if they really occur suddenly, could certainly be considered as definite discontinuous steps in evolution. Especially among plants there are many widely distributed “species” containing a large number of local races or subspecies, each breeding true and ap- parently differing from the others by one or perhaps a few “unit characters.” Of the whitlow-grass (Draba verna) some two hundred constant races have been dis- tinguished by Jordan; and similar subdivisions of the species of Viola, Helianthemum, &c., are known. But the evidence as to the sudden origin of the mutations is weak ; and, at all events, it is by no means yet established that new factors may not appear gradually in increasing intensity, so that discontinuity becomes negligible, and the new characters develop in steps small enough to satisfy the most exacting selectionist (p. 76). The diver- sity of variation and the smallness of the steps in muta- tion are well illustrated in the case of the hawkweed (Hieractum) and the dandelion (Taraxacum), which re- produce parthenogenetically ; as in the Bacteria, there may be differentiated as many “pure lines” as there are parents, and a bewildering number of races results, 94 EVOLUTION OF LIVING GRGANISMS. each distinguished by some small constant variation in character. Indeed, it is the universal experience of naturalists engaged in the classification of quite modern closely allied “species,” that the great difficulty of the work is due to the fact that it is usually scarcely possible to find any character at all sufficiently conspicuous and constant to distinguish them from each other. Sudden Species Species oN Ve Species Genus Pe Order Fic. 3.—Diagram to illustrate the principles of classification. mutations and sharp distinctions would be welcomed by all systematists. The only “fixed points” in a phylogenetic system of classification are the points of bifurcation, where one branch diverges from another (Fig. 3). It is here that our divisions should be made; and our generic, family, and ordinal distinctions naturally come at each fork farther and farther down the stem of the phylogenetic tree. The phylogeny of organisms, however, is but incompletely known ; and often the actual point of diver- THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 95 gence or origin of a group may be but vaguely inferred, so we have to compromise and adopt divisions which only indicate progressive grades of structure. There is one more consideration to be borne in mind when dealing with species. The living species around us represent the extreme tips of the branches of the phylo- genetic tree, which have succeeded in the struggle for existence. If their ancestors are extinct these living twigs become isolated from each other, and so real limits become established, which of course would disappear if the complete series of extinct forms were discovered. It is the inevitable result of evolution by the elimination of the less well-adapted that ever widening gaps come to separate the diverging living representatives of the various branches derived from a common stem. CHAPTER VIII THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD OF SUCCESS AND FAILURE EVOLUTION is too often represented as a history of success and progress; it is also one of extinction and failure. Authors, seeming to forget that for one line of develop- ment that succeeds there are a hundred that fail, are fond of invoking some mysterious guiding principle, some in- ternal perfecting agency—an élan vital, or what not—to account for evolution; but there would appear to be little scope for such mysterious forces in a world where the majority of individuals are crushed out, where most lines of development fail hopelessly to establish them- selves. What guiding principle there may be behind the whole of creation is a subject outside the scope of Natural Science, and on which it can express no opinion. It cannot even prophesy whether man or the bacillus will eventually triumph in the struggle for existence ; indeed, 96 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. both would seem to be doomed to destruction in the end by an unfavourable environment when this earth becomes too hot or too cold to support life. In the meantime, it is the great merit of the Darwinian principles of evolu- tion that they account for the failures as well as for the successes. The elimination of the unfit, leaving the better adapted in possession, is a necessary part of the process. The living organisms of to-day show us the types which have succeeded ; for the failures we must appeal to the record of the past as revealed by a study of fossil remains. This record, in spite of its incompleteness, has much to teach. Every theory of evolution must be tested by the results of paleontology ; no conclusion can be accepted which is inconsistent with them. In the first place, the conviction derived from a study of living forms is confirmed, that evolution does not pro- ceed along continuous straight lines, but, on the contrary, along a multitude of diverging branches. Just as indi- viduals are found to vary in all directions compatible with their structure and composition, so groups become differentiated in various directions, each adapted to a particular mode of life. Having reached a certain favour- able combination of characters, they start on this new plane of structure to diverge, according to the principle of adaptive radiation, as it has been called by Osborn, many instances of which are found in the history of the land vertebrates. Derived from some fish-like aquatic ancestor in Devonian or pre-Devonian times, the land vertebrates appear in Carboniferous strata as clumsily-built Am- phibia with four walking limbs. Like their modern representatives, they spent their early life in water, breathing by means of gills, and made use of lungs for respiration in adult life on land. These primitive amphibia soon diverged in various directions. Some acquired a large size and formidable dentition, like the THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 97 Labyrinthodonts ; others remained small, and were prob- ably harmless herbivores; some became elongated, lost their limbs, and were adapted to an eel- or snake-like mode of progression (Aistopoda); while others (Bran- chiosauria), losing the original scaly covering of the fish- like ancestor, gave rise to the modern groups (the frogs and toads, or Anura, and the salamanders and newts, or Urodela). These latter are all specialised forms, the existing Urodela being only the degenerate remnants of a once flourishing class which have become more or less completely readapted to an aquatic life. In fact, the Anura are the only order which has succeeded and ex- panded in recent times. The Amphibian was the dominant type in Carbonif- erous times; it now occupies a very subordinate place. But from some unspecialised branch of it arose the more thoroughly terrestrial Reptilia towards the end of the Carboniferous or beginning of the Permian epoch. The class Reptilia reached a higher grade of structure, and soon almost completely superseded the Amphibia on dry land. So successful were the reptiles that already in Permian and Triassic times they had spread over the whole earth, becoming adapted in various directions to all sorts of life (Fig. 4). The earliest reptiles known so closely resemble the primitive Amphibia that it is difficult to say where one class begins and the other ends; but these undifferentiated reptiles soon gave way to more specialised successors. The Theromorpha gave rise to remarkable forms: some with large fiat grinding teeth (Placodontia) ; others active, vigorous creatures with a formidable carnivorous dentition (Therocephalia and Therodontia) ; while the highly-specialised Dicynodontia retained only two huge tusks. None of these specialised reptiles survived beyond the Trias. Other lines of dif- ferentiation lead toward a return to aquatic life. Plesiosaurs and Ichthyosaurs quite independently took to marine life, and their limbs became transformed into (2,081) 7 "QT “(aT AJoUpOIN} J) IMVsO1}q 6 PT “TMBSOTSe[ * ST ‘rmesoAyyyoyT { (suanesop[sy,) ZL ‘ydiomouoyys gt ? SULIOs au, ‘(WOpoueNS[ snosoalqsoy) TI ‘(SULOY oATsuesop YIVA sdozwssdi1y, sNOIOATGIOY) OT ‘(SNOOpoydIq snorOATqiey) 6 (snamesoyeiag snoroatureo) g—sinesoulg ‘1 ‘epypooorg ¢(as}0q10, juvyderq) 9 ‘UvIMOTEYyQ ‘f(exsug puoWIq) g ‘asIpIydg {(UIYgG peoj-e011[}) F ‘SQUAT, TVIST4sSea YIIA UvITAONT * g ‘YdromorOYy, ‘(uopousydg) Z ‘uejsydesoyousyy ‘$] ‘weLMeseforeg OATpUNg ‘ajT] JO SOpOUL SNOLIVA 0} UOLVe}epe UT BITdoY ss¥IQ 944 UL WOPJNOAD yuEesIOAIq—'"p “Hy THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 99 swimming-paddles. Neither group persisted beyond the Cretaceous epoch. Among the most interesting extinct reptiles are the Dinosauria. First appearing in the Tri- assic, they flourished in the Jurassic and Cretaceous, but became extinct before the beginning of the Eocene epoch, Often of gigantic size—as for instance Cetiosaurus and Diplodocus—these remarkable animals were the lords of the earth in later Mesozoic times. Some were adapted to a herbivorous vegetable diet, like the huge Iguano- don; while others were aggressive carnivores, like Ceratosaurus and Megalosaurus. But in spite of every effort, so to speak, to succeed in all possible directions, in spite of elaborate adaptations, terrible weapons, formidable defensive bony plates, horns, and spines, these splendid Dinosaurs all filed in the struggle for existence by the end of the Cretaceous epoch (Figs. 4 and 5). Some se rtadttatives of the large order Crocodilia still persist in the tropics; but the Rhynchocephalia survive at the present day only in the single species Sphenodon punctatum, preserved by special legislation on certain small islands off the coast of New Zealand. The Ptero- sauria, admirably specialised for flight as they appear to have been, had but a short success in later Mesozoic times. On the other hand, the Chelonia (tortoises and turtles), modestly taking refuge in their bony shell, are fairly flourishing in warm countries even at the present day. But of the vast array of reptilian forms the Lacertilia (lizards) and Ophidia (snakes) are the only two orders which have really increased and spread in recent times. A few other orders linger on in reduced numbers ; the majority have failed altogether (Figs. 4 and 5). Bat although the reptilian type, once so successful and widespread, has failed so signally in the struggle for existence, it has given rise to other types which have replaced it. The birds are doubtless descended from “eryrydony oy} Ul UOT}OUTXe pu ‘[eATAIns ‘UOTINIJOA JuoZI0A Ip ‘AudZopAY oy} Suyeaysniyy wesserq—'g ‘ory ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ iid eee,“ snousasiInos¥YD ‘ { ! ' ' Ll i \ ' \ ivy 2 viuNvsSoudIN ail L L ex - ‘ sy 3 ~ aS { \ *< ag =! \ NWIWYad 4 an. Pi L if l a ’ ' . Pa J vf / ' is , ' Rod ek 4 j ' oso es WHIYOWONIHL |” ' Wes r ‘ . ' ” A ron rr emerrs mae * th \ ‘. oi “ ake \ » ~ 7 a ie’ \ ‘ / N ‘ ‘ ‘ “. Pil \ ‘ dissvunr ae : x ‘ / ; / / rT \ { wiunwsoisaid \ vIuNvsouaid / VINNWSOAMLHO! VHddOW ’ ‘ : - snogzovsayud / ONOWLAd : viNNvsoNia ‘ ‘ ¢ / H “ T ’ ' / ; (gua0u0 d ONTAIAUNS) sauie 1N39034 epee VINO13HD vITILYaOWT SIVAN WYN wioneo vit1go0204uD VITWHAJDOHINAHY THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 101 some primitive reptile allied to the Crocodilia and Dino- sauria. The avian branch has undergone comparatively little pruning. Quickly supplanting the Pterosauria after the Jurassic epoch, they radiated along all sorts of adaptive lines, most of which survive to the present day. The beautifully adapted organisation of birds, with warm blood, efficient lungs, sharp senses, quick movements, and light feathers, has secured them a supremacy in the air which has hardly been challenged even by the mammals. The Mammalia, that class of vertebrates to which we ourselves belong, arose earlier than the birds, probably from some primitive reptilian stock in Permian times. Indeed, the Theromorph reptiles of the Trias so nearly approach the mammalian typé of structure in the char- acter of the skull, palate, lower jaw, and other important points, that they are now generally held to have been, if not the ancestors themselves, at all events closely allied to them. Quite independently of birds, and on different lines of specialisation, the Mammalia have acquired a four-chambered heart, completely separating the arterial blood from the venous, and a self-regulating mechanism, keeping the blood at a constant high tem- perature, independent of that of the surrounding environ- ment (p. 41). Of very adaptive build, the mammals soon diverged from the primitive ancestral egg-laying type now almost extinct, but still preserved in the archaic Monotremes living in Australia, the famous Ornithorhynchus, and Echidna. Adopting the advan- tageous method of nourishing their young during early _ life in the mother’s womb, the placental mammals spread rapidly over the earth, ousting the lower reptilian type of organisation, and diverging in various adaptive direc- tions, they became the dominant group in Eocene times (Fig. 6). The mammals have, however, suffered severely in the struggle. Large groups have vanished altogether, while others are on the verge of extinction. The Mar- ~ auqURT) © cooatit fog toquy THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 108 supials, once widely distributed, remain only in Aus- tralia, where they have escaped from competition with the more advanced Placentalia, and as scattered genera in America. The Dugong and Manatee are now the only representatives of the order Sirenia; while the Edentata, including the gigantic ground Sloths (Mega- sherium) and Glyptodonts, once all-powerful in South America, are reduced nowadays to a few highly-special- ised tree-sloths and armadillos (Fig. 6). Most instructive is the history of the large order Ungulata, which includes all the hoofed herbivorous mammals. Starting in Eocene times from primitive forms about the size of a fox, with complete unspecialised dentition and five-toed feet, known as the Condylarthra, and long ago extinct, the Ungulates branched out into a number of sub-orders (Fig. 7). The Amblypoda de- veloped into huge creatures, like Dinoceras, with large tusks and four horns on the skull, but did not survive beyond the Eocene age. A somewhat similar but quite distinct group of massively-built herbivores, the Titano- theria, lasted only into the Miocene, while the bighly- specialised and aberrant sub-order Ancylopoda occurs up to the Pliocene epoch. Two South American groups, the formidable rhinoceros-like Toxodontia and the more horse-like Litopterna, have left no descendants. The Hyracoidea survive at the present day only in the little coney, Hyrax, and a closely-allied genus; and of the Proboscidea, including mastodons, mammoths, and elephants, a large group once widely distributed over both the Old and the New World, there persists but one species in Asia and one in Africa. Even the large sub. order Perissodactyla (the odd-toed Ungulates), although still represented by a few rhinoceroses, tapirs, horses, and asses, is by no means as widespread or successful as it once was. The even-toed Artiodactyla are at present the most flourishing group, with a large number of genera and species of deer, antelopes, sheep, and oxen. But > ys ws y™ dnois posite VWEHIUMNAONOD a — (ae a f “y ‘qsud orf} UT UCT PoINGIAASIP ATEpIA pu snoroUINU ss2] Av] ov Lep quosaad ay} 4B BATAINS YOTYAr osoy} JO Ysou puv “yourZxe ogInb arv seyouvaq jo Jequinu esie, WY “aus00q O44 UT (wAYyqav[ApUO;) a8 BN Oreyote UB WO’ UOTYVIpeA oAIdepy soy} Sutmoys vyv[nSuy oyy jo AusSojAyg ayy Jo wesviq—") ‘sy ’ | f ‘\, a » & say, 9nN3503 oe Ee ¥ ¢s ‘ oa we \ rs vaodA1E WY \ , ’ J winaHe Sg \ ! -1ONISUY VINIHLONAd { ‘ Ht 3N3900/90 H ‘ i ' i % / r Sek | ys ' \ vaodO1AINY ' ‘ WINIHAON Wit 2N3D0IW VILNOGOKOL vuzido.y | " anz30IW vinoao3ue \ ‘ BVOIRVWLOd Oddi (sasous @voiAoe avaIAuse ONIAIAUNS) aVOINSVOOTILNY VIDIOOVHAH svaridave avaing 4N9934N vaal oy va0lOuldy. veoos ESTEEOR ONS nna avainoa s yNIINOVES Caine Scesseeanaecb memes VIGIOLONIZONINY VWOOdO TAL wadiOddiv THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 105 the pig-like forms, or Suina, have not been very suc- cessful; the hippopotamus is nearing extinction, the Tylopoda (camels) are but the isolated relics of a not very flourishing division, and many allied families have failed altogether. Thus we see that the existing families of Ungulates are but the scattered remnants of a far larger number of groups which flourished more or less successfully in the past (Fig. 7). And the same may be said of the history of all organisms, whether vertebrates or invertebrates, whether animals or plants. Many are the forms developed, few are those which survive. Those who believe in a guiding force directing the course of evolution must admit that it has been singularly blind and inefficient, leading more often to destruction than to success, A Still, it is sometimes argued, organisms seem to get into a groove of specialisation, to pursue a road along which they can no longer stop, to become overspecialised by virtue of some sort of momentum driving them over the limits of usefulness to inevitable destruction. Thus over and over again we see, in the record left by fossils, animals acquiring a larger and larger size, and then sud- denly dying out. The large Amphibia of the Carboni- ferous, the monster Dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous, the gigantic Moas (flightless birds of New Zealand), and among the mammals the huge Amblypods and Titanotheres, the giant sloths, and others, are all extinct. Again, some animals develop certain organs to an excessive extent, as, for instance, the canine teeth in the extinct sabre-toothed tiger (Machairodus), or the monstrous antlers of the extinct Irish elk. Now it is quite probable that these animals died out owing to over- specialisation, a narrow adaptation to a particular en- vironment accompanied by a corresponding loss of power of accommodation to changed circumstances ; but it is a mistake to assume without clear proof that the course of their evolution can have been useless. Variation (p. 77) 106 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. may be useless or harmful, and doubtiess these unsuc- cessful forms may have got into grooves of variation ; but variation is not evolution. And seeing that natural selection looks not to a distant future but to the immediate advantage, there is nothing in the history of these animals which cannot be explained as due to the ordinary action of selective elimination. We have every reason to sup- pose that every step in increase of size gave some advan- tage to the giant forms over their competitors. To assume the contrary would be as wise as to argue that the huge modern Dreadnoughts are useless ships of war because they may possibly be driven off the seas by the relatively small submarines and flying machines, or to deny that the progressive stages in the development of these men- of-war must each have surpassed in usefulness those which went before. This brings us to another interesting subject on which palzeontology can throw some light—namely, the rate of evolutionary change. Some organisms have changed _very little through long geological periods. The mol- luscan genus Nucula, and the genus Patella, which in- cludes our common limpet, date back to the Silurian epoch ; the Silurian scorpion (Palzeophonas) differs little from modern forms; the Brachiopod Lingula has changed very little since the Ordovician; and many Protozoan skeletons are found in Cambrian rocks which differ but little from those of the present day. There can be no doubt, then, that the rate at which the various branches of the phylogenetic tree have grown varies very much. Presumably the persistent types have been sufficiently well adapted to keep their own place against competitors, though perhaps only where the struggle has not been very severe. The fact that they have changed little does not in the least prove that they have not varied, but merely that the divergent variations have not been selected. If variations are eliminated as fast as they occur, an organism may continue unchanged for THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 107 an indefinitely long time. Change is no exact measure of variation. It is sometimes objected that phylogenies are insecure speculations, that they are made up of series put to- gether according to preconceived theory, that the con- clusions have often proved erroneous. As the gaps become more completely filled up, certain forms are found to have been placed in the wrong order or to belong to diverging branches rather than to the same stem. But there can scarcely be any doubt that in the main these phylogenies represent the real course of evolution, and such mistakes in details do not shake our faith in the correctness of the conclusions as a whole. : . Very important also is the evidence. of palzontology, concerning the gradual character of the transition from -one form to the other. We need not describe in detail the case of the horse, which is familiar to all, but shall only mention that it can be traced from an unspecialised comparatively small Eocene ancestral mammal, with five digits on each foot, a normal short skull, and the full complement of short rooted teeth. The complex pattern on the grinding surface of the teeth can be seen to evolve by almost insensible steps from the origina! six-cusped form, just as the lateral digits gradually become reduced on the feet. Exactly how gradual these transitions have been we cannot often yet say, but the more complete the evidence the smaller appear to have been the steps. Wonderfully gradual are the transitions described by Beecher in Trilobites and Brachiopods, by Hyatt and others in Ammonites, and in numberless other cases, Neumayer has traced the gradual evolution of Paludina neumayri, found in the lowest Pliocene deposits of Slavonia, into P. Hoernesi of the uppermost layers. Hoernes has shown that the Pliocene Cancellaria cancel- lata is intermediate between the Miocene and the recent forms of the same species, while Hilgendorf has followed i08 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. the transformation of Planorbis through the successive geological strata of Steinheim. In this record of the past we read the work of natural selection, the drastic action of elimination, and see on a large scale what is happening to-day not only among the competing groups of organisms, but among the struggling individuals. From the record we also learn that evolu- tion does not proceed along an even course such as we might expect to see pursued owing to the pressure of some internal or external directive force. On the con- trary, it is the rule that groups quickly expand, radiat- ing in various directions of adaptation. This specialisa- tion leads to a certain rigidity, a loss of adaptability in other directions, and sooner or later to a failure to meet new conditions, while some obscure side branch com- mitted as yet to no special line of adaptation acquires some advantageous combination of characters, enabling it to compete successfully with the dominant race. Evolution does not move along a straight line from one dominant specialised form to another, but by the con- stant uprising of new forms which supplant the old ones. The evidence of Paleontology is all against the theory of orthogenesis (the transformation of one group into nother along a straight line in ladder-like fashion). Adaptive radiation, a perpetual tendency to branch off in various directions, and founded on individual varia- tions of indeterminate character, is seen in the history of all groups of organisms. The number of possible lines of development is indefinitely great; the external en- vironment decides which, if any, shall succeed. So it is not from the specialised Amphibia that the reptiles have been developed, but from some early un- differentiated form ; neither is it from specialised Rep- tilia that the Mammalia have been derived. And among the mammals themselves, the Carnivora, Ungulata, _Cheiroptera (bats), the Cetacea (whales), have not de- scended the one from the other; but all have diverged EVOLUTION OF INTELLIGENCE. 109 from some primitive adaptable ancestor. Man himself preserves many archaic anatomical characters, and the order Primates, of which he is the highest member, although its history is still imperfectly known, can be traced back to primitive Eocene forms. Extreme specialisation may secure temporary triumph, and in very uniform conditions even lasting success, but adapta- bility is the most precious possession, and it is the crea- tures most ready to meet new and changeable conditions which have the future before them. CHAPTER IX rd PSYCHOLOGY AND THE EVOLUTION OF INTELLIGENCE WE have just seen that adaptability is one of the most useful attributes an organism can possess. In plants it may be highly developed, but along comparatively simple lines of direct response. Here adaptability is shown in the power to respond in different ways to a variety of stimuli, The case of alpine and lowland forms has already been mentioned (p. 41), and many others are familiar to botanists. For instance, the plant Ranun- culus acquires a very different shape and internal struc- ture according as it grows on dry land or in water, and the terrestrial or aquatic form can be developed in the same individual, by parts above and below the surface of the water. Also plants which in a normal climate develop ordinary stems and leaves may in dry or desert regions assume a very different form ; the stems become succulent for storing water, and the leaves become re- duced, spines being ‘often developed in their stead, thus diminishing the surface whereby water is lost in tran- spiration. Now these and similar changes are useful responses enabling the plant to accommodate itself to varying conditions. This manifold adaptability is not 110 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. due, as is so often assumed, to some mysterious power of automatically responding favourably to stimulus, but doubtless to the survival of those organisms which re- spond in the right way. To some extent this power of adaptation is possessed by all organisms, and by varia- tion and selection may lead to the establishment of definite series of responses in several possible directions. Potentially dimorphic and polymorphic species are thus produced both in the animal and in the vegetable king- dom, but while the accommodation of plants is of this simple and direct character that of animals is usually far more complex. On the dangers attending specialisation we have al- ready dwelt (p. 108). Advantageous as it may be to acquire a special structure adapted to fulfilling a certain end with rapidity, sureness and precision, yet animals have, so to speak, found it more profitable still to avoid overspecialisation in one or even two or three directions ; to develop a readiness to respond to all sorts of stimuli, and a power of storing up the impression of past responses so as to benefit by “experience”—in animals has been built up a system of “behaviour” of such a kind that the character of the final response to the initial stimulus depends on the number and quality of the responses previously called forth. This power has been acquired with the development of elaborate discriminating sense organs, and a complex conducting and co-ordinating nervous system. Now this consideration brings us to the threshold of the vast domain of Physiological Psychology, which we cannot fully explore in this little volume. Yet something must be said about Instinct and Intelligence from the point of view of a scientific explanation of Evolution, while taking care not to trespass into the region of Philosophy.* * The Mechanistic explanation here adopted should not be confused with Materialism, a discredited system of Philosophy which denies the existence of anything bui the material or physical. EVOLUTION OF INTELLIGENCE. ill It was maintained above (p. 18) that the physico- chemical processes of life form an unbroken series of changes ; to these correspond the chain of mental pro- cesses. And we believe that to every mental process, whether of the “highest” kind in the mind of man or of the “lowest” in that of the most primitive organism, there corresponds some physico-chemical change. How intimately connected are the two sets of processes is matter of common knowledge. The slightest disturbance or interruption in the metabolism of the brain, due to an injury, an anzesthetic, a poison, will have its echo in a disturbance of the mental processes. The gradual] elabora- tion of the sense organs and nervous system found in the evolutionary series from the lowest forms up to man we judge to be accompanied “by a corresponding develop- ment of mental powers. So far as we know, neither the mental nor the metabolic processes can take place without the other. Yet, indissolubly bound together as they are, the one is certainly not the product of the other, nor can it interfere with the continuity of the other (p. 18). The mental and the physical series can- not break into each other’s continuity because they are not independent of each other ; what exactly isthe nature of the connection between them Philosophy may attempt to define, but Science is not called upon to describe. We may point out, however, that they appear to be two aspects of one and the same series of events; one seen from within and the other from without. It is the artificial separation of these two abstractions, body and mind, from the reality that has led to endless contro- versies about the possible action of one on the other. So in attempting to give a scientific explanation of evolution we can neither speak of mental processes as produced by or guided by physico-chemical processes, nor of meta- bolism as directed along its course by mind. Several theories of evolution seem ito fall into this error, notably the “Mnemic” theory recently supported by Semon. 112 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. Now, if we only knew the whole series of physico- chemical changes which correspond to the mental pro- cesses, the whole story of evolution could be told from beginning to end from the point of view of the scientific abstraction as an unbroken chain of metabolic changes. But unfortunately we are still very far from having obtained this complete knowledge, except perhaps in the case of plants; and so, in describing the behaviour of animals, we constantly pass over from the physico- chemical to the psychological side, and describe be- haviour in terms of mental processes we know only in ourselves, but infer from external evidence to take place in animals also. The gaps in the physico-chemical description are thus filled in from the other series. The physiologist is, however, daily extending our knowledge of the metabolic processes, and as fast as he advances he discards the psychical “explanation.” But in doing so he often ignores the passage from one abstraction to the other, and erroneously concludes that mental pro- cesses are insignificant, superfluous, or non-existent. He imagines he has reduced them to mere physics and chemistry ; an error into which we must be careful not to fall. If the whole chain of physico-chemical meta- bolic processes going on in even the human body and brain be some day discovered, the mental processes will still remain untouched and incapable of being described in the same terms. The current method of dealing with mental processes, even morals and emotions, in a scientific description of evolution is then a makeshift, a provisional but con- venient method ; so the words feeling, memory, choice, and will, constantly creep into our descriptions of animal behaviour—no harm is done so long as their foreign origin is recognised. Since the two sets of processes correspond, we need not be astonished at finding that the “laws” of variation, inheritance and natural selection hold good in mental as in material evolution. EVOLUTION OF INTELLIGENCE. 113 Having thus cleared the ground it may at once be pointed out that instincts correspond to simple adapta- tions fixed in definite directions ; they are formed of a series of responses which must succeed each other when a particular stimulus is applied and reach a predeter- mined end, as surely as the piece of chocolate is yielded up by the penny-in-the-slot machine when the right coin is dropped in. We may pass from the simplest “reflex action, such as the contraction of a muscle on the application of a stimulus to the skin, to the most elaborate instinct found in bees and other social insects, along a series of such direct chains of reactions of gradually increasing complexity. The scientific analysis of the behaviour of animals has only begun, and as a rule we“can trace but very incom- pletely the actual physico-chemical processes which underlie it. But important advances have lately been made in this direction, chiefly by J. Loeb, who has sug- gested a physico-chemical explanation of the tropisms. Tropism is the name given to those simple instincts, the material out of which the behaviour of the lower animals is to a great extent composed, which appear as direct responses to external stimuli. Thus when a moth flies towards a flame, or a fly to a lighted window, it is said to be positively heliotropic (or phototropic); when a worm moves away from the light it is said to be negatively heliotropic. Similarly Chemotropism leads animals to move either away from or towards certain substances of particular chemical composition, as for instance food and water ; and Geotropism leads them to move either with or against the force of gravity. Stereotropism is the name given to the peculiar instinct shown by certain animals to place as large a part as possible of the surface of their body in contact with foreign objects, and so induces them to creep into narrow chinks and crannies. Now although these tropisms may be built up and specialised by selec- tion into elaborate instincts, adaptations for special (2,031) 114 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. purposes, they are really not primarily dependent on specialised sense organs and nervous systems, but are fundamental properties of protoplasm common to all animals and plants. They depend on the universal irritability of protoplasm, based on the instability of the complex compounds of which it is composed, and their capacity for being broken down, modified, or raised up by the action of external stimuli; or, in physiological language, they depend on changes in the metabolism (p. 11). A protoplasmic connection between the various parts of the mechanism, irritability and conductivity (which is only a special form of irritability), are the only essentials in the process. Tropisms have long been known to occur in plants. Thus shoots being negatively geotropic grow upwards, while the positively geotropic roots grow vertically down- wards, A negatively heliotropic plant grows away from the light, and a positively heliotropic plant towards it, and so on. These results are brought about by differ- ences in the metabolism due to the unequal action of the stimulus on the two sides of the plant structure. In the case of heliotropism, for instance, the side away from the source of light grows quicker than that towards it ; thus curvature is caused, which ceases when the grow- ing apex points directly to the source of light, and both sides are equally affected. Exactly the same thing happens with fixed anima: like zoophytes. Now Loeb, with great ingenuity, has applied the same explanation to the behaviour of free- moving animals, which turn their head towards or away from the source of a stimulus. For instance, in bilater- ally symmetrical heliotropic animals the symmetrical points on the right and left side are equally sensitive to light ; and when light falls more on one side than on the other there will be greater chemical activity on one side than on the other, and the muscles on one side will be more stimulated so as to move the head round towards or EVOLUTION OF INTELLIGENCE. 115 away from the source of light. This inequality of muscular action will last until the animal is so situated as to point directly to or from the source of the stimulus. Thus when a moth tends to fly straight into the flame of a candle it is driven by its mechanism, not by an interfering emotion or will. If one eye of a moth is darkened, the insect will be unable to fly straight, but will continue to move in a circle. Animals are more or less heliotropic according as they possess more or less chemical substance capable of being decomposed by light, and their susceptibility will vary greatly according to temperature and other conditions which hasten or retard the action. A weak acid added to the water containing small Crustacea, like Cyclops, can increase their heliotropigm, or even change the heliotropism from negative to positive. Another important element in the behaviour of organisms is known as “differential sensibility,” or the reaction to sudden and marked changes in the strength of the stimulus. A shadow passing across a worm will cause it to contract; other instances easily suggest themselves. In the lower animals, as in plants, behaviour can be almost completely analysed into manifestations of tropisms and differential sensibility. Their general — motions when seeking food; their habit of gathering together in dark, warm, or damp places; their sexual instincts; their instincts connected with reproduction (the laying of the eggs on appropriate substances for the young to feed on, and so forth), can all be interpreted as corresponding to metabolic changes, though all the steps in the physico-chemical processes are not yet known to us. Interesting is the “instinct” shown by the plant Limaria cymbalaria. At first positively heliotropic, it becomes negatively heliotropic after pollination, and so pushes its fruits into dark crevices, lodging them in places favourable for the subsequent germination of the seeds. | 116 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. Instincts, or mental adaptations, are “hereditary ” in the popular sense (see p. 42); that is to say, will reappear in succeeding generations under normal con- ditions, since they correspond to metabolic processes which depend on the interaction of certain constant. factors of inheritance with certain factors present in the environment. They vary, and in all probability are built up and preserved by natural selection according to their usefulness in the struggle forexistence. But simple reflexes and tropisms need not be useful; on the con- trary, as in the case of variation generally (p. 77), they may be useless 6r even injurious. Moreover, a tropism which is useful in the normal environment may be fatal under other circumstances—e.g. the moth and the candle. In so far as they have been built up by selection, in- stincts. will be found to be advantageous. Apparent exceptions may be due to their being relics of past adaptations fallen into disuse, or to some change in the environment. What we have said in previous chapters about. the development of the structural characters of organisms applies equally to the evolution and specialisa- tion of the metabolic processes to which the mental characters correspond. Sequences of interlocking and co-ordinated reflexes, each one of which sets off the next, give rise to the most complicated instinctive behaviour, as we see in the actions of our own internal digestive organs; but in the more elaborately differentiated. mstincts of animals yet another element can be found, known as “ associative memory.” For example, the homing instinct of insects, enabling them to find their way back to the nest from a distance, has been shown to be due to the retention of effects produced by previous responses. to visual stimuli. This lasting and cumulative effect. of responses to stim- ulus enters very largely into the behaviour of the higher animals and of man, but we know very little indeed of the corresponding physico-chemical processes in such cases. EVOLUTION OF INTELLIGENCE. 117 This cumulation of the effects of previous responses, this formation of internal stimuli reacting on the be- haviour is, of course, no new factor in the development of organisms (p. 56). It is the epigenetic factor, the means of differentiation in the ontogeny of the individuai. Thus an organism will respond differently according as it is starved or well-fed. The storage of nutriment in the tissues of a plant provides an internal stimulus affecting its response ; so a hungry animal will behave differently from one that is satiated. In fact, the whole behaviour of an organism is determined by the condition of the mechanism at the time the stimulus is received, and this again depends on the responses previously called forth. It should never be forgotten, that an organism reacts as a whole, each response beitfe closely or remotely related to every other and to the entire organisation of the organism, Intelligent behaviour, from the physiological point of view, is prompted by indirect responses. Influences are brought to bear on the course of metabolic changes diverting them in this or that direction, in a manner which cannot be foreseen by an outside observer who is not acquainted with the entire past history of the animal. The final response may then appear to be spontaneous, and even unrelated to the initial stimulus. The influences above mentioned are, besides the external stimuli or factors of the environment, either due to the transmitted factors of the inheritance or the internal stimuli caused by the lasting effects of previous responses. Lastly, we are still in the dark as regards the evolution of consciousness, the highest stage in the development of the mental processes, for our knowledge of the ana- tomical structure and physico-chemical processes which accompany it is still too incomplete to enable us to de- termine when it first made its appearance in the animal series. We can tell approximately at what stage in the ontogeny of individuals of our own species consciousness 118 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. begins to manifest itself as the tissues become differen- tiated, but as to its phylogenetic origin, we can only say that it appeared when the cerebral hemispheres reached a high state of development. Too often the Darwinian doctrines are represented as teaching that success in the struggle for existence is obtained only by tooth and nail, by blood and iron. This is a very mistaken view. Brutality, fraud, greed may secure temporary success; but the triumph of the human race over the lower organisms, and again of the lower civilisations over the higher, has been brought about, on the contrary, through mutual help, co-operation, self-sacrifice. These are the very bonds which hold societies together. Religion, art, and science all play an important part in evolution ; and morality appears not as an external force working against a ruthless and unmoral Cosmic Process, but as a prcduct of that very process, and an all-important factor in its development. In the iong run, it is those civilisations which are founded on justice and liberty, on law and order, which will succeed best and last longest. Man has conquered in the struggle for existence not so much because his body is more powerful, his movements quicker, or his senses sharper than those of other animals, but because of his great capacity for retaining the im- pressions of past responses, and for bringing them to bear on the response to new stimulations. To this he owes his marvellous powers of adaptation to new and varying conditions. And this great development of associative memory has been accompanied by a corre- sponding enlargement of the brain, especially of the cerebral hemispheres. There can be little doubt that the giant mammals of past ages failed, in spite of their formidable offensive and defensive weapons, partly be- cause their nervous system was not sufficiently de- veloped. Their brain was absurdly small as compared with that of ordinary mammals of to-day; indeed, it EVOLUTION OF INTELLIGENCE. 119 was often scarcely larger than the brain of the gigantic reptiles which preceded them. It need hardly be pointed out that man owes his mastery of the world to brain-power, not brute force. Most of the peculiarities in the structure of the human body are closely related to the immense development of the brain. The size and shape of the brain-case has greatly influenced the de- velopment of the skull; and even the erect attitude and consequent modifications of the hind limbs, vertebral column, and cther parts are probably an adaptation for supporting the heavy weight of the brain. In other respects the structure of man is not very specialised, and differs but little from that of his nearest allies, the anthropoid apes. ; Evolution from the scientific point of view, as it ap- pears to an outside observer, may be represented as a vast and continuous series of changes in a continuous stream of living matter. Each stage in the process is determined by that which precedes it, and determines that which follows. The scientific generalisations based on the observation of non-living matter, the “laws” of physics and chemistry, hold good when applied to the changes in living matter. There is no special living element, no mysterious life-force ; but life, scientifically described, is a physico-chemical process taking place in the complex compounds of the ordinary elements which make up the protoplasm of living organisms. Meta- bolism, as this process is called, is due to the instability of these compounds, to the fact that external conditions or stimuli applied to them may alter their structure and composition. All the manifestations of life thus corre- spond to metabolic processes. From the very first origin of living protoplasm there has been an unbroken continuity of living processes and substance. The living organisms of the present day are the descendants of those of the past, and all the various forms of life are but the divergent streams from the original source of metabolism. 120 EVOLUTION OF LIVING ORGANISMS. Variation is due to change in the metabolism; all organisms are the products of the interaction of trans- mitted factors of metabolism (the factors of the in- heritance) and factors of the environment. The ever changing and continuous stream of living matter is diverted into this or that channel of differentiation and specialisation by the environment through natural selec- tion. The environment moulds the organism, and the organism reacts on its environment, until in the case of man he seems to have become master of it and to shape his own destiny. A COURSE OF READING ON EVOLUTION BzsipEs the standard works of Darwin, The Origin of Species, The Descent of Man, and Animals and Plants under Domestication, the reader may be recommended to consult the following books from among the vast number written on the subject : For the treatment of the evolution of organisms in general: A. R. Wallace, Darwinism, 1889 ; A. Weismann, The Evolution Theory, 2 vols. 1904. For metabolism and general physiology: M. Verworn, General Physiology, 1899; and for the cell-theory, E. B. Wilson, The Cell, 1900, in addition. For a short general study of variation : H. M. Vernon, Variation in Animals and Plants, 1903; and for the statistical treatment of variation and hered- ity, F. Galton, Watural Inheritance, 1889; and K. Pearson, The Grammar of Science, 1900. For mendelism : W. Bateson, Mendel’s Principles of Heredity, 1909 ; and R. C. Punnett, Mendelism, 1911. For animal tropisms, instincts, and intelligence: J. Loeb, Comparative Physi- ology of the Brain, 1905; and C. Lloyd Morgan, Animal Behaviour, 1900. Further, the student should read P. Geddes and J. A. Thomson, The Evolution of Sex, 1889 ; T. H. Morgan, Experimental Zoology, 1907 ; H. de Vries, The Mutation Theory, 2 vols. 1910-11; A. Reid, The Principles of Heredity, 1906. E. B. Poulton, Essays on Evolution, 1908 ; and Sir E. Ray Lankester, The Advance- ment of Science, 1890, and The Kingdom of Man, 1906, which contain discussions of many important problems in Evolution. 11 x iy : A WARP RR rt a \ 4 Wel gpukout : yt iia Rawat Sinica FO a Nea * xi ee She INDEX ACHATINELLA, 82. “‘acquired characters,” 37. adaptation, 64, 77, 110. adaptive radiation, 96, 108. Agama, 91. albinism, 50. Allelomorphic characters, 50. Amphibia, history of orders, 96. Amphidasys betularia, 68. Amphisbzna, 91. anabolic processes, 13. ancestral inheritance, 72. Andalusian fowl, 48, 76. Anopheles, 67. Antirrhinum majus, 47. Archzopteryx, 90. associative memory, 116. Bacteria, 23, 45. 9. Bateson, W., 46, 50, 121. Beecher, 107. behaviour, 112, and sequel. Bergson, 92. Biology, 10. Bonnelia, 60. Bonnier, 41. Botany, 10. Brachiopods, 106-107. Bumpus, 68. Biitschli, 29. CARBOHYDRATES, 10. Castile, 76. Celebes, 82. cell, the, and the cell-theory, 22-27. —— division, 25. Cesnola, Di, 79. characters, eMac o —— acqui 7. — allelomorphic, 50. chlorophyll, 14. chromosome, 26. chromatin, 22, 25. Cirripedes, 87. Clausilia laminata, 69. classification, 92, and sequel. Comparative Anatomy, 87. #| consciousness, 117, conservation. of energy and of matter, 12. continuity of protoplasm, etc., 25. convergence, 91. correlation, 72, 78. Correns, 47. Cyclops, 115. Darwin, Ch., 32, and sequel, 46, 55, 60, 65, 67, 73, 76, 84, 121. Darwin, Erasmus, 37. Darwinism, 32, 37, 63. —— criticism of, 64, and sequel, 89. — 80: selective death-rate, 66, 0. degeneration, 87. ‘Dinosauria, 99. disease, 69, and sequel. domestic races, 52, 73. dominant 1a WAR 49, Doncaster, 46. Draba verna, 93. Drosophila, 58. ELIMINATION, 63, 95, 108. —— selective, 63, 68. Elodea canadensis, 62. Embryology, 87. energy of life, 11. epigenesis, 56. evolution as unfolding, 56. Factors of environment, 37, 41. —— of inheritance, 37, 42, 55. fats, 10. ferments, 15. fertilisation, 28. 123 124 GALAPAGOS, 82. Galton, F., "34, 37, 72, 121. gametes (germ- cells), 27 : Geddes, P., and Thomson, J. A., 21 gemmation, 27. germ-cells, 27, 29. germ-plasm, 30. Giard, 59. Glossina morsitans, 67. green-plants, 14. HEREDITY and inheritance, 35, and uel. —— theories of, 46, and sequel. hermaphrodite, 28, heterozygote, 48. Hieracium, 93. Hilgendorf, 107. homozygote, 48. Hyatt, 107. Hydra, 24, Tamuoniry, 70. Inachus, 59. instincts, 113, 115. intelligence, 117. intercrossing, eyeupoe by, $0. irritability, 14-17, islands, fauna of, "32, isolation, geographical, 81. —— physiological, 82. JENNINGS, 76. Johannsen, 44. Jordan, 93. KARYOKINESIS, 25. katabolic progesses, 13. LAMARCK, 37, 6. Lankester, E. R., 20, 121. Leptinotarsa, 58, "69. life and living matter, 9, and sequel. — conditions, 15. —— nature of, 15. ——- artificial, 19. —— origin of, 19. —— length of, 31. Linnzus, 61, 92. Loeb, J., 113, 124, 121. Lymaniria dispar, 62. MAMMALTA, 101. —— origin of and orders, 101. man, 109, 118. INDEX. Mantis religiosa, 79. Mendel, 46, 49. mendelism, 46, andjsequel. mental processes and mind, 110, and sequel. metabolism, 11, and sequel. Metaphyta, 24 Metazoa, 24. mimicry, 91. modification, 39. —— not transmitted, 30, and sequel. Monocystis, 29. Morgan, C. Lloyd, 121. Morgan, T. H., 58, 76, 121. morphology, 87. Mucor, 24. Miller, Fritz, 79. Musca carnaria, 61. mutation, 39, and sequel. —— retrogressive, 53. —— progressive, 54. —— origin of, 55. Nasturtium officinale, 62. natural selection, 63, and sequel. Neumayer, 107. Nilsson-Ehle, 75. nucleus, 22. Nucula, 106. OSBORN, 96. > 20s PALZONTOLOGY, 87, 95, and ‘sequel. Paludina, 107. Pangenesis, 46. Paramecium, 29. parasitism, 82, 88. parthenogenesis, 28, Passer domesticus, 68. Pasteur, 20. Patella, 106. Pearson, K., 34, 35, 72, 78, 121. Peckham, 86. Petaurus, 91. Phaseolus vulgaris, 44, Phyla and Phylogeny, 87. Phylloxera, 62. Pisum sativum, 49. Planorbis, 108. Poulton, E. B., 79, 121. Primula sinensis, ‘42. Pritchard, 37. proteins, 10. Protophyta, 24. protoplasm, 13. —— formation of, 13-16. ee “oan eS INDEX, | 125 Protozoa, 24. psychology, 110. Pteromys, 91. Punnett, R. C., 46, 121, pure lines, 45, 71, 93. QueTeLer, 34. Ranuncuuus, 109. recessive character, 49. reflex action, 113. regeneration, 24. regression, 73. Reid, A., 69, 121. reproduction, 27, and sequel. —— asexual and sexual, 27. —— of cells, 25. Reptilia, higtony of orders, 97. SAccuLINA, 59, Salamandra, 91. Sarasin, 82. segregation of factors, 48. selection, 70, 73. —— value, Semon, 111. Sex, 2 27, and sequel. ae determination of, 59. sexual characters; secondary, 83. —— selection, 84, and sequel. Siphonops, 91. soma, 30. specialisation, 24, 105, 110. species, 92, —— ee 93. Smith, G. W., spontaneous Petiin 19. sterility, 83, 93. stimuli, or conditions of environ- ment,, 16, 37: struggle for existence, 60, and sequel. TARAXACUM, 415, 93: pti’ 58, 69. rifolium pratense, 67. Trilobites, 107. tropisms, 113. Trypanosoma Brucei, 6% Tschermak, 47. Tunicates, 87. Typhlops, 91. UNGULATA, 163, unit characters, 49, 54. —— factors, 49, 54. VARIATION and variability, 33, and sequel. —— continuous: and: discontinuous, » 93. Vaucheria,. 24: Verworn, M., 121%, vestigial organs, 83. Vitalism, Vries, De, 35, 47, 54, 93, 127. Wauvacr, A. B.,, 32, 61, 67, 71, 79, 86, 121. Watson, J., 34: Weismann, 30, 37, 46, 55, 121, Weldon, W., F. R., 34, 69. Wilson, EB. B., 59, 121. ZooLoey, 10. Zygote, 27. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE PRESS OF THE PUBLISHERS. ‘* We have nothing but the highest praise for these little books, and no one who examines them will have anything else.” — Westminster Gazette. Xe » PENA S YP: 39. M 40. 4I. 42. i PH 46. 47> ns 4 53- 54- sé 57> Dante e . t . Zoology: The Study of Animal Life 2 pene A Chemistry’ ‘ . Organic Chem . The Principles et Ele | The Science of the Stars. . The Science of Light . ‘ . Weather-Science ' - pnotism and Self-Education By A. M. Hutchison, M.D. Rane Philosop . Christianity and Sr Ensita Science THE PEOPLE’S BOOKS The Foundations of Science . . By W.C. D. Whetham, M.A., F.R.S. Embryology—The Bom enings of Life . By Prof. Gerald Leighton, M.D. Biology ‘ ° Fe S . By Prof. W. ist Henderson, M.A. ~*~ ae E. W. MacBride, M.A., Botany: The Modern Study of Plants. By i C. 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QH The evolution of living G55 organisms. a+ 1 E = pexestre ste sit = 3: teases Sa5ts APES : = Sra = : seyistteseeten: sts PS oS Pete eee + “Seo erataeeest ay brats met gt 334s = ee aI ae ener =3 = 4 < ——- ee oe oe ee Seren a3 RAG eS Sas aS <—e, ete Tet Stceatstts ana == ae kh =i San SS Sao = eet SiS 7 a = SSeS : = ee ha = area uy sS Axa