—— sear AND INVESTIGATIONS Office of 3 - es : } E DE nt otations, § Le eee CONDUCTED AT THE a é ; . i & } a 6 sapere ateaN ANG AEN TONNE PENNSYLVANIA ISTATE COLLEGE By Pror. W. H. JORDAN, Pennsylvania State College. HARRISBURG, PA.: LANE 8S. HART, PRINTER AND BINDER. 1882. EXPERIMENTS AND INVESTIGATIONS CONDUCTED AT THE PP TUNG Yel V Ac IN 1 AN Pleat, © O Lb Wty ie 1864-2. By Pror. W. H. JORDAN, Pennsylvania State College. 2 Se o Sass HARRISBURG, PA.: LANE S. HART, PRINTER AND BINDER. 1882. MAR 11 1905 D. of A, EXPERIMENTS AND INVESTIGATIONS. EFrecr oF PERiop OF CUTTING AND OF THE SOIL UPON THE COMPOSITION oF TrmotHy Hay. It is generally understood that hay varies in composition, and conse- quently in value, according to the conditions under which it is grown, and the time at which it is cut. Very much has been learned concerning the nature and causes of such variations, and of their effect upon the nutritive value of hay ; but we are still far from possessing the necessary amount of information on some points. To aid in securing the desired knowledge was the aim of this investigation. What is given in the following pages is simply a report of progress,as other samples of hay are to be analyzed. Of course all such work has for its object a better understanding of how to secure the maximum nutritive value in the grass or hay used for feeding, and in order that the utility of the analyses herewith reported, and of those to follow, may be seen, there is given a brief statement of some of the main facts concerning the ingredients of cattle foods, and their relation to animal nutrition, followed by a resumé of present knowledge pertaining to the main points under consideration. The Ingredients of Plants and their Office in Animal Nutrition. All vegetable cattle foods are made up of four classes of substances, viz : Nitrogenous organic substances, (included, heretofore, under the general names of albuminoids or protein,) carbo-hydrales, fats or oils,and mineral substances,and the value of any given food stuff depends upon the relative percentage which it contains of these different ingredients. An animal grows, exercises muscular force, produces milk and young, and keeps up a supply of bodily heat, and these different food elements furnish the means whereby this is done. Moreover, each of these different classes of sub- stances has its own peculiar part to play in maintaining animal life. One class may be able to do what another cannot. PROTEIN oR ALBUMINOIDS.—These terms, sometimes one and sometimes the other, have been used to designate the organic nitrogenous constituents of plants as a class. It has been assumed, until lately, that essentially all of the nitrogen of plants is combined to form true albuminoids, compounds of which muscular tissue, (lean meat,) the white of an egg, the flesh of * For the plans of the experiments and investigations herewith reported, and for the accompanying analyses, I am responsible. For the cireful and patient supervision necessary to the successful prosecution of experimental work, credit belongs to the superintendents of the Central and Eastern Experimental Farms, Mr. W. C. Patter- son and Mr. J. F. Hickman. The work was undertaken and will be continued in the hope that some conclusions will be reached that will prove to be ot advantage to the farmer asa producer. The results here reported may serve possibly to give some idea of what might be accomplished Fy a well equipped experiment station, where land, means, and men should be centralized in one efficient organization. It is but fair to say that the analytical work has been possible through the great pro- gress that has been made in the development at the College of a working chemical laboratory within the past few years, so that analyses can now be executed with toler- able rapidity and according to modern methods. W. H. JoRDAN. 4 fishes, and the gluten of wheat are good examples. It is now known that a portion of the nitrogen may be combined to form compounds not al- buminoid in their character, and to this latter class has been given the term amides. As special interest attaches to the occurrence and properties of these compounds, they will receive fuller mention later. The albuminoids proper are considered to be the most important ingredients of cattle foods. From them alone can be produced the muscular tissue of the animal body, as well as the casein and albumen of milk. Butter fat is, undoubtedly, formed from them, and a portion cf the body fat, and muscular force is somehow dependent upon their presence in the food. While the most important nutritive oflices of albuminoids are indicated above, they probably, at all times, directly aid in keeping the animal warm, and in case the ration is composed entirely of albuminoids, can be made to furnish all the fuel for the maintenance of bodily heat. In short, there is nothing these compounds cannot do in sustaining life, unless it be the supplying of mineral substances. After having gone through the digestive processes, the products of their decomposition make up quite a portion of the fertilizing value of farm manures. Carbo-hydrates includes such compounds as crude fiber (cellulose and lignose,) starch, sugar, gums, &c. ‘hese bodies contain no nitrogen, and, therefore, cannot serve as the source of flesh or the principal compounds of milk. Just what their relation is to muscular force is not yet fully de- termined. Their chief office seems to be to supply fuel for keeping up animal heat, though they undoubtedly aid-in the formation of fat in the herbivora, but not in the carnivora. The fats serve the purpose of storing animal fat, and are also burned to keep the animals warm, one pound of fat being worth, for fat and heat-form- ing purposes, probably not far from two pounds of starch or sugar. The percentages of fat, as given in fodder tables, are too large, owing to the fact that the ether used in extracting them dissolves out other sub- stances. Both the fats and carbo-hydrates have an indirect value in that they serve to protect the albuminoids from destruction, and thus make ereater flesh or milk production possible. Influence of Fertility. Fodder manufactured from the same species of plant does not generally have the same composition in two cases where there has been a difference in the conditions of growth and treatment. Past investigations seem to indicate that the state of fertility of the soil has a prominent influence in determining not only the quantity, but the quahty of farm crops. Shlces- inge* found that the ash of tobacco varied greatly in composition, according to the fertilizer applied. It is a well-known fact that the percentage of sugar in sugar beets can be diminished or increased according to the method of manuring. Ritthausen and Pott, + Krensler and Kern,{ and especially Lawes and Gilbert, have found tbat the application of an abundance of nitrogenous manures to wheat, causes an increased percentage of nitrogen in the grain. Emmerlings§ found that hay grown upon low land of good quality con- tained nearly two per cent. more of protein than hay grown upon poor land of the same general character. Dr. Armsby cites analyses of two samples of hay, one being taken ‘ from * Jahresbericht der Agr., Chem. III., p. 81. { Ibid. XVI. I, p. 304. t+ Ibid. XVIII, I, p. 258. § Ibid., p. 269. ‘| Manual of Cattle Feeding, pp. 289-290. 5 a part of the field which wasin an ordinary state of fertility,” and the other ‘from spots where the excrement and urine of the grazing animals had caused an especial luxuriant growth.” The former contained only eleven per cent. of protein, the latter over twenty per cent. There is found to be quite a difference between American and German hays, the latter being the better. Below is a comparison of the average composition of nine (9) samples of American timothy with the composition of German timothy : Nitrogen, | B E free ex- Water. | Protein. | Fiber. iehatiod Fat. matters. Per cent. | Percent. | Per cent. Per cent. Percent. American timothy, 13.50 6.16 28.94 45 .85 1.68 German timothy, ¢ 14.3 9.7 22.7 45.8 3.0 It is not improbable that the difference seen above is due to the more thorough cultivation practiced in Germany, although a partial cause may be found in climatic conditions. Influence of the Stage of Growth. Hay made from early cut grass differs from that made from late cut, in the following particulars : 1. It contains a larger percentage of nitrogen. Whether this is due to the presence of a greater percentage of albuminoids or not will be discussed later. 2. It contains a smaller percentage of crude fiber. 3. It contains larger percentages of fat and of ash. 4. One effect of the above differences in the composition of early and late cut hay, is to render the former more digestible, which is certainly in favor of the early cutting of hay. Whether there are any compensating advan- tages in late cutting remains to be seen. The question of the relative values of early and late cut hay is, at pres- ent, much discussed. The opinion has gained ground somewhat of late that the value of early cut hay has been over-estimated. This opinion has doubtless been strengthened by the claim that in the true grasses quite a percentage of the nitrogen in the young plant is not in the albuminoid form and that the relative percentage of albuminoid nitrogen increases with age. The Occurrence of Amides in Grass, and their Influence upon Nutritive Value. The method which chemists have been forced to take for the estimation o: albuminoids, has been based upon an assumption, viz: That, essentially all the nitrogen of plants exists in the albuminoid form. Acting on this assumption, and knowing that the average percentage of nitrogen in the various albuminoid substances is about sixteen (16) per cent. of the whole substance, it has been customary to determine the amount of nitrogen and multiply this by 6} in order to obtain the amount of albuminoids. Were there no nitrogenous substances in hay or other cattle foods, save albumi- _noids, such a method of determination would probably give quite a close approximation to correct results. Later investigations show, however, that our common fodder plants contain a variety of nitrogenous compounds, some of which are not albuminoid, either in chemical form or in properties. 6 This renders the analysis of cattle foods, and the discussion of their values, more complicated. Dr. H.’P. Armsby,* in connection with an investigation upon the non- albuminoid nitrogen of hay and other food stuffs, has made an admirable review of the whole question, and there is here presented a brief resumé of his very complete article, with an occasional comment. Kinds and Occurrence of Non-albuminoid Nitrogenous Substances. 1. Nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia salts occur in plants, most largely in root crops. [These are in the form of mineral salts, which have no signifi- cance in connection with animal nutrition, and they have to be considered in the analysis of food stuffs. ] 2. The only nitrogenous organic substances, not albuminoid, which oe- cur in sufficient abundance in cattle foods to demand attention, are the so- called amides, a name applied not only to amides proper, but to other bodies closely resembling them. These substances are really organic combinations of ammonia. [Amides cannot be considered so highly organized compounds as are the albuminoids. ] Functions of Amides in the Plant. 1. It is pretty clearly shown that all transfer of albuminoids from one »art of a plant to another is accomplished by their being transformed into amides, in which form the movement occurs, and from which albuminoids are rebuilt where new plant substance is forming. [Inasmuch as amides are soluble and easily diffusible, and as albuminoids possess neither of these properties to any great extent, there is every reason why some such~rans- formations should occur. It is an undoubted fact that the albuminoids in the seeds of grain and hay are formed from similar substances already ex- isting in the plant, and it seems quite probable that nitrogenous substance trav els from the stalk to the seeds in the form of amides. | 2. Amides have, in certain cases, been found to constitute a reserve of nitrogenous plant food, as in the case of fodder beets which have been found to contain quite a large quantity of these compounds. In the second year’s growth, these amides find their way into the stalks and leaves, and are there converted into albuminoids. Occurrence of Amides. From what has been said of the functions of amides, we should expect to find them in greater abundance in young plants, which, according to the results of the investigations of Kellner, seems to be the case. T he riper the plant, the larger the proportion of albuininoid nitrogen according to Kellner. Dr. Armsby found amides in all of twenty-one samples of coarse fodder, varying from 8.93 per cent. to 39.60 per cent. of total notrogen. [So far as can “be judged from the dates of cutting, the hays from ‘the youngest grass, do not, in Dr. Armsby’s analyses, show a very much larger percent- age of amides than does the later cut hay. Six samples cut before July 1 gave an average of only two per cent. more of nitrogen combined as amides than the average of twelve samples cut after that time up to as late as Au- gust J5. All the samples were cut in Connecticut and New Hampshire. ] Malt sprouts, wheat and rye bran, lupines and beans, roots, and potatoes, have all been found to contain considerable non-albuminoid nitrogen. Only a small portion of the nitrogen of cereal grains is in the amide ‘form. *Report of Conn. Expt. Station, 1879. T Relation of Amides to Animal Nutrition. It is of course important to know what is the office of amides in sustain- ing or building up the animal body. 1. Certain experiments seem to show that amides can cause an increase of flesh in the animal, but this fact cannot be fully affirmed. 2. It is more probable that amides act as a protection to prevent albu- minoids from oxidizing, thus allowing more of the latter to take part in flesh formation, and so, in an indirect way, are as valuable as albuminoids. The laws of nutrition and scientific feeding standards as experimentally determined, are in no way invalidated by the discovery of this new class of compounds in cattle food. Composition of Samples of Hay Grown on the Central Experimental Farm, under Different Conditions of Fertility, and Cut at Different Periods of Growth. On the 10th of May there was applied to a few square feet of grass land a mixture of dissolved bone, muriate of potash, and sulphate of ammonia, a complete fertilizer, containing all the ingredients which any soil would be likely to need in order to grow a luxuriant crop of grass. The grass growing on the spot fertilized was almost all timothy. The general condi- tion of the land was such as to produce about one ton and a half of timothy hay per acre, being the limestone clay so common in Centre county. The fertilizers being applied liberally, \though but once,) the grass made very luxuriant growth, certainly more than double that of the adjoining grass where no fertilizer was applied. In rapidity of development there seemed to be very little difference, the period of bloom being reached at about the same time in the two cases. Samples of both the grass fertilized and that immediately adjoining which was not, were taken at three periods of growth, as follows,* (all pure timothy :) 1. June 6. Heads just appearing. 2. June 23. Just beginning to bloom. 3. July 5. Somewhat past full blossom. . The samples were weighed green immediately on cutting, were quickly and carefully dried, and stored in paper bags. In the following table are given the weights of the different samples when green, and of the dry hay as analyzed, with the percentage of water dried out: WITH FERTILIZERS. WITHOUT FERTILIZERS. PERIOD OF 7 = GROWTH. “Weight of | Weight or | Percent. of || weight of | Weight of | Pet cent. of grass taken, | air dry hay. arated P grass taken. , air dry hay. arated is grams. grams, grams. graros, TSS tom ara e oik .< 598.4 136.5 77.2 723.4 188.8 73.9 MeECOnNd, «<2 «= 241.5 79.5 67.1 295.1 98.7 66.6 PRTC) sits) es ee 151.8 63.3 58.3 132.7 57.2 | 56.9 a , ! * The weights of samples taken have no reference to the yields of grass in the several cases, The hay was much drier when analyzed than it would have been if kept under ordinary conditions, having been stored in a dry room for about three months. Two facts only are to be noticed in connection with the above table, viz: (1.) The youngest samples of grass lost seventeen to * Owing to absence on a vacation, a fourth sample was not taken when the grass was nearly ripe. 8 nineteen per cent. of water more than the oldest, and (2) the grass fertil- ized, and making the largest growth, lost the most water in every case, The relative yields of grass were not taken into account, as other investi- gations on that point will be reported later. The following table shows the composition of the several samples of hay, the first column giving the water content when analyzed, the remaining columns showing the composition of the water-free substance : , OT | WITH FERTILIZERS. WITHOUT FERTILIZERS, 100 parts water-free sub- | 100 parts water-free sub- stance contained. stance combined. EE —- 20 PERIOD OF GROWTH. : {3 a 3 Ae reg ha i eal Pe = S 5 se 3 o ae > q 2 3 r= = 3 2 = ey 3S oy aes 2 Ss |/3a/oFl . E 2/2 |2 | 8 | 3°) 3 lg a) Ss ee =I Fl qidliols |e iE | 4} 44 co tee % | % | %| %'\ %| || %| %| 1%! | % June 6, | Heads just appearing, [10.86 | 8.48 17.37 2913 40 67 | 4.35 10.11 | 6.56 9.63 28.78 51.17 | 3.86 June 23, | Just beginning to bloom| 7.75 | 6.41 11.00 34.33 45.69 | 2.57 || 7.44 | 5.32 , 6.39 32.51 58.20 | 2 58 July 5, | Somewhat pastfull blos- | | | \ | BOM, sates) ec 6 6 nie 7.388 | 5.74 | 7.50 ee 68 mae 1.98 || 6.89 | 5.19 | 5.00 33.86 53.81 | 2.14 | I . In the above tables, the albuminoids are estimated in the ordinary way, 2. e., by multiplying the total nitrogen by 6.25. As has before been stated, not all the nitrogen of hay exists in the albuminoid form. An estimation of the albuminoid and amide nitrogen, according to the method suggested by Dr. H. P. Armsby,* gave the results that are seen in the next table: WITH FERTILIZERS. WITHOUT FERTILIZERS, a Ba = aa A q ae x: | $= TIME OF 5 aa ibe 8 5 | Soe ) , r=) | Boerne: PERIOD OF GROWTH. we | Ss BS Bel hu Be tebe o | %S8 = o* = + HS tH o* x - wo = Bg a Som = Es A #05 = = Aoe <= = =e) =| r= A o OSD A & 2 o oT Z =O = |°S3ll 3 Bo = Soe Sees 8 | $ae8 S =p) = Sae@ a < < Oy H < 4 a % | % % % % % June6, .. Heads just appearing, ... 2.78 | 2.00 0.78 28.06 || 1.54 1.20 0.34 22.08 June 23, . ..| Just beginning to bloom, . .| 1.76] 1.34 0.42 23.86 1.023 | 1.835 | 0.188 18.38 July 5, .. .{|Somewhat past full blossom, | 1.20] 0.883 0.317 | 26.41 || 0,801} 0.612 | 0.189 23.37 AM EEARETlisieraievess ow awermiieve-e erica (eles Cel ees EE 0.50 26.11 |} 1.12 0.88 0.24 21,28 * Calculated on a water-free basis. Considering the percentages of the various forms of nitrogen of the hay from grass not fertilized as each equal to 100, we have for the percent- ages of nitrogen in the hay grown with fertilizers, the following relative quantities : Without With Fertilizers. Fertilizers. EO PLA LUNOP OO iy aos Ma bielise a) 05 Seeiies kencate eres vemmene we 100 170 PLL MOAUTON TAGFOR EN, 0. vis a avis. 1-0) sides) 6 Bre Suse aah ws 100 160 PATTON MUCOMELIS cg ox. ty. Je Ceesic vl peeis ees, etree eee uc, Seen 100 208 * Report Conn. Experimental Station, 1879, p. 109. 9 The average percentages of total nitrogen, in the amide form, have, for the two cases, the following ratio: Without fertilizers, 100; with fertil- izers, 141. Additional Amalyses.* Since the publication of the above, analyses have been made of four other samples of hay cut at different periods of growth. On both the Eastern and Central experimental farms experiments have been conducted for the purpose of gaining more information as to the advisability of let- ting grass stand much beyond the period of bloom before cutting. The samples of hay analyzed in connection with these experiments, were cut at the period of bloom, and when nearly ripe. They were pure timothy, as were the fields of grass experimented upon. Below is given the composition of four samples, two being taken from one farm, and two from the other. They were selected in each case by taking a little hay here and there from the loads at the time of weighing, and are believed to be a fair average of the fields of grass from which they came. At the time of analysis, the hay had been stored for some time in paper bags. 100 PARTS WATER-FREE, SUB- || & STANCE CONTAIN 3 i iS - oe a TIME OF CUTTING. © Eo ot 2Q S lo) : ¢ a q 3S =| — [<) io] mH o) A 3) re = o) aa ee, | ete ie = <{ py 'S fo) ae |e! : % % % % % Eastern farm, June 22, in bloom, . 9.53 || 5.03 | 8.06 | 36.89 | 47.57 | 2.48 9 July 14, nearly ripe, ae air 9.46 || 3.68 | 5.68 | 35.73 | 52.54 | 2.37 10 Central farm, June 30,in bloom, . .| 10.27 || 4.80 | 5.83 | 37.71 | 49.39 | 2.27 7 July 13, nearly ripe... .....{ 10.00 || 4.08 | 4.74 | 35.58 | 53.37 | 2.28 || 8 In the above table the “ protein” represents the sum of the albuminoid and amide nitrogen multiplied by the factor 6.25. A determination of the albuminoid nitrogen gave the following results: 3 Dek oO = g (fe) et = oH g ea GH os ov na woe og ake = & Sms TIME OF CUTTING. = ea Seq © & go: ‘So 4 tS Ba toes ve Bosse Ay O Ay a Eastern farm,in bloom, . 1.289 .942 B47 26 .93 Nearly ripe, .... sph siss .909 .668 241 26.51 Central farm, in bloom, .. .933 691 .242 .25 .94 INGABEVSTIDE he.) 50S) elie .758 , 567 SGM .25.19 The analyses of the ten samples of timothy hay as stated in the previous tables, simply gives the water content, and the percentage composition of * All that precedes was published in the college report for 1881. 10 the dry substance of the hay. Ix the following table is shown the compo- sition of the ten samples calculated with a uniform percentage of water, such as approximates very closely to the average water content of hay as stored in barns. ed ' orn - 2 = & ms 2 & a pid Bsa] % * ae 8 STAGE OF GROWTH. : 8a & it = = $4 a “3 5 = o ye £8 2 : ae22 = = 3 om a ° = cd Sart asect eo 5 ge” | eee = 4 |e < A z a a ite Lbs Lbs. | Per ct 1879, | July 1,.| Beginning tobloom. .| 3,444 | Winter, .| 2,760 19.6 | Timothy. 1879, | July 11, .| Seed beganto mature, .| 4,263 | Winter, .| 3,538 17.0 | Timothy. 1880, | June 30, .| Headedout,...... 3,035 | Winter, .| 2,351 22.5 gir (some 4 clover. : 41880, | July 9,.| Fallbloom, ...... 3,585 | Winter, .| 2,673 25.4 Timothy. 1880, | July 19, .| Seedsforming, ....]| 4,555 | Winter, .| 38,386 25.6 | Timothy. 1880, | July 9,.| In bloom, ....... 3,470 | Winter, _| 2,324 33. Timothy. 9 1880, | July 19,.| Seedsforming, ....| 4,530 | Winter, ./ 2,928 35.8 | Timothy. PESOS | RE Lagi) cw 0) Maiatis (0-0 6 sels *, @ 4,875 | Winter, .| 3,600 26.1 | Clover mostly. BBO. sth eh ul ys iy) iis ca ce tw BU Je .| 4,825 | Winter, .| 3,707 22.9 | Clover mostly. 1879, | June 14, .| Timothy shooting. ‘Clo- ver full head, .. . 800 | Dee. 31, . 680 15. | Timothy and clover. 1879, | June 19, .| Timothy, half blossom. Clover not half dead, 800 | Dec. 31, . 632 21. | Timothy and clover. 1879, | June 24, .| Timothy, full blossom, | Clover half dead, . . 800 | Dee. 31, . 530 | 33.8 | Timothy and clover. 1879, | June 30, .| Timothy outof blossom, Clover nearly dead, . 800 | Dee. 31, . 704 | “12. | Timothy and clover. ——1881, | June 22,./ Inbloom, ....... 3,634 | Winter, . 2,307 36.5 | Timothy. HSB, | wuly 14, . |) Nearly ripe,. ... . 4,234 | Winter, .| 3,390 19.9 | Timothy. 1881, | June 30,.| Inbloom, ...... 5,000 December 3, 922 21.6 | Timothy. 1881.) wnly 18, .'“Nearly ripe;. 9... . . 5,270 ' December’ 4,035 23.4 | Timothy. be es SINGLE ANIMAL. Le a ie a > = @. 1) ee. | 8 = g 3 oh aay ge = g alle. | eae = Eastern Farm. 5.) Gornfodder,......... 6.2 tbs., 5.27 07 2.29 | .02 SC OrnemMeals)'., sets hs.. «cs cote.) 248,59 || 082) 0) pee ee ee (Glevcauvoys ts ere) mee =o eRe 6.5 tbs., 5.52 .072 2.40 .02 Ga Ormemenlant. «. sites seis 9.9 ibs., 8.80 72 6.44 Al Cotton seed meal, ...... 4 tbs., 3 60 1.46 75 .58 Peles. Se CEOS Er. We Sea ee 18.01 || 2.25 9.59 | 1.01 1: 5.4 Central Farm. weCorniodder, 3. ; . ius? . 5 ths. | 4.25 06 1.85) 1 PS MConniioals hr... keane 15.7 tbs., | 14.0 1.31 10.2 64 bial hoch ey entrees, tea nw 18.25 || 1.87 | 12.05 | .66 || 1:10. Gomitoddere «3 i by dosha: 8:5. Ihs., | 27:03 || 09) aktay Phos Sa OGenemeal were nin iets «te 8 ibs., oul .67 5.20 03 Cotton seed meal, ...... 4 Ibs., 3.69 1.46 0.75 .58 Tier aie A a 17.88 || 2.22 | 9.09| .94/| 1: 5.1 In another table let us place together the total quantities of digestible nutrients fed per day and per animal to each of the eight lots of steers, as shown in the two previous tables; also the nutritive ratios and the gain per day, so that we may discover, if possible, what the relation is between gain and food. S DIGESTIBLE. 3 = S eh S | 2 e b oa ' a © 5 Mere es a a Oo és 3 |ca|&e8el|ae] & = S Ay Or le w A a Z 6 é Lbs. | Lbs.| Lbs. | Lbs. Lbs. 1. Ration containing early cut hay, . . 18.64 | 1.10 10.68 -41 | 1:10.6 1.57 2. Ration containing late cut hay, . . 18.14 .88 10.60 40 | 1:13.2 1.20 3. Ration containing early cut hay, . 18.01 ahd 10.09 31 | 1:13.9 1.0 4. Ration containing late cut hay, ....| 14.51 57 8.27 -28 | 1:15.8 | 0.42 5. Corn eS without cotton seed,. .. . 18.59 | 1.32 12.04 64 | 1:10.3 1.35 6. Corn meal with cotton seed, ..... 18.01 | 2.25 92598) COL Saito: 1.95 7. Corn meal without cotton seed,. ... 18.25 | 1.37 12.05 -660)) 2:10 1.04 8. Corn meal with cotton seed, ..... 17.83 | 2.22 9.09 94; 1: 5.1 1.55 The German standard, per 1,000 pounds REVO WOU MT ia tayesrhs) isivicetes tice, char arte 26.0 | 2.5 15.0 0.50 | 1: 6.5 * These figures refer to the gain of single animals weighing throughout the experi- ments an average of about a thousand pounds, the first two lots weighing a little less, and the last two a little more. 29 One main and important difference to be noted in the above rations, is the relation between the quantity of digestible protein, and of the digesti- ble carbo-hydrates. It is seen that in rations six and eight, there is only the equivalent of a little over five pounds of digestible carbo-hydrates to each pound of digestible protein, while in rations two, three, and four, the ratio is very different, the digestible carbo-hydrates being present in nearly three times as large a relative quantity. Not only the relative but the ab- solute quantities of digestible nutrients differ very much in the various methods of feeding in the experiments, in one ration there being only about 0.6 pounds of digestible protein, and in others as much as 2.25 pounds. The variations in the amounts of digestible carbo-hydrates are very much less. It remains for future investigation to determine whether the increase in gain, that in these experiments has accompanied an increase of nitro- genous material in the food, is accidental or not. All present well-sub- stantied theories indicate that production, whether of meat, milk, or work, is largely dependent upon the so-called protein of the food, and that the relation in amount of this protein to the amount of other nutrients deter- mines largely the profits of feeding. The position taken is, that if too lit- tle nitrogenous material is contained in the combination of food stuffs used, it would be necessary to feed more than the animals could possibly consume in order to furnish sufficient protein to do the desired work, while if the ration be too highly nitrogenous, a waste of material occurs, and the ani- mal fails to use the nutrients given for the purposes of growth or produc- tion of milk. In the rations discussed here there is in no case, probably, an excess of protein, while in some cases it seems as if there was a defi- ciency. We believe that the question of the use of the nitrogenous waste pro- ducts, offered for sale in our markets,is one of great importance. It would be well for farmers to consider whether they cannot often realize a greater profit by purchasing these and selling the products of the farm, than by feeding the latter. ae in ‘ 4 5 aay a shay? oe Seen bel ree boy : ia s } " i a id) » a temas ocd, Mare a ee a. ks rh Bs a | Bit. his ajarvah? LE an ; | es Mort t ay: on se Ud Bae 3 MT pba i | ea r E sie oe ay iaiie ry | Oe ht nas Ths UE cai iD i ate ie . ALY tani ia 7 eWay pros? oe 1 nile, af Fi ating . eee 40 Shae ee + aa ewe ot! | : : Lins ee ee ty Pa a 5 ag Baers the | "tone ia ay UPS 2a an J a Tt #4 mig?” bi ‘Teaane Tar th fi. eee BU : s. - "dee A a ei vin fet Lar ise id O15) OLA Gee ee at e Mp Oy eh: ri BL — ’ A« 3 oe wink oe . ‘ae — Paneer ee ALD. oY rt igs Lie (ay F 5 as al Bruen * > cp A aes rene ae SITY Tey) a —aoue : ois waa My vider: ee at ine ed, Lig bie helen ea aby ar a pee ; ; ; \ ye ey Ged ahi et uF aie rbot iatused ete Ty ee » Paty) RASA)? OSU SHE (Uae ("a4 " Thai der : i in - 1 * { vay ey pha bh ANAS ; <7 ti jl. > % : i aery 2 _. A OF . | i pas ity fd Test 1 eS eer en ee 68 a eee ees i re a 9 os ’ : 1 : j ine Se iW ni) ’ iA H Ay * roy oe i ie ht . BE I Wah tll ne ; : ; 4 1 + } b = ; a4% ° . %*¢ WA shaker N LIBRARY OF CONGRESS il,