^' *iii,iS4a^g^^BSft r.u'fu.frt* i^^.i-ii'f.'T I ' »¥imiii0tuaip^th*m*mmp0^^i»mmoi'ting permission to course hares or to kill rabbits, then the very instant a stranger takes from their landlord those rights exclusively, and pays for them a heavy rent, war is proclaimed; and in many instances tenants, forgetfully un- grateful of the mere permission they had for some time enjoyed, do all they can to annoy the noAv- comer or tenant of the mansion, and to ^^I'cvent their landlord from obtaining an increase to his income, perhaps really needed, by the letting of his house and his shooting, and his park and grounds. On the other hand, if the landlord had been of the opinion of the Cobbett ^^ gridiron," namely, that farming and the pursuits of agriculture were so interesting and agreeable in themselves '^as to need no other amusement" on the acres, and if he had kept his tenants strictly to their asserted occupations, giving no leave of any kind to sport, then the third man coming in would find all smooth to his taking and to his liking, and it would be his own fault, or the fault of some very VOL. II. D o 4 FACT AGAINST FICTION. litigious tenant, if tilings did not continue happily between all parties. There has been a vast deal of nonsense talked, at farmers' clubs and meetings, about the mischief done by what is called ^'an over-preservation of game." Now, what /.s* really meant by an ^^over- preservation of game?" It is not the mere quantity kept, but the fact that the peoj)le who make the outcry are not themselves allowed to assist in its destruction. Game, that is, pheasants, hares, and partridges, may be present and protected in the strictest manner, and yet not be in anything like such quantities as to overrun or damage the farmer's crops.* Rabbits are not game, but they should always be reserved by the landlord. No landlord with a grain of sense would preserve or encourage too many rabbits, although he would be quite right in strictly protecting from depre- dators such rabbits as were on his manor or lands, so as to keep off illicit company. There is nothing wdiich so tends to misunder- standings an cf ill-will as the assignment of coursing "' The real fact is, that no proprietor can " over-preserve game," for an over-preservation would bring disease, as wo all know, and the winged game would die if increased beyond the natural average. ■ THE RENTED MANOR. ' 35 of haros and killing of rabbits to the tenantry; such liberty is for ever attended with unsatis- factory results. A tenant himself, or his good and valuable farming men, have no time to destroy rabbitSj and rabbits cannot be destroyed except in the woods; the consequence is, therefore, that they, the tenants, assign the killing of the few rabbits really within their power, in banks and hedgerows, to ratcatchers or poaching thieves, who are willing enough to accept a footing on the lands without payment, in order to have opportunities for illegal depredations, and to carry off game as well as rabbits and foxes, leaving with the farmer a few rabbits for eating by w^ay of cloak to the mischief which they have really been doing to all parties. I have seen a great deal of this in instances when I have been asked to re-arrange affairs, and to obviate abuses upon estates left in the possession and under the control of ladies ; and in almost every instance in which farmers have been given the right to the rabbits, and where they had been exercising the right to preserve them under plea of their ^' destruction,'' I have found not only the farmer's crops suffering from D 2 36 • FACT AGAINST FICTIOX. tlie number of rabbits lie himself kept, but even his neighbours were loud in their complaints of the nuisance he, their brother -agriculturist, occa- sioned. To such an extent have I found rabbits preserved by tenant-farmers, when they were given the right to kill them, that in the orchards attached to the farm I have known large log piles built up on purpose for the rabbits to breed in ; and upon notice of a repeal of the permission to kill rabbits, the tenant-farmer has requested me to let him keep his rabbits until the following spring, in order that he riur/kt he ahle to take off the crop of rabbits he had so long fostered ; in fact, the head of rahhits he had been getting vp for years ! I have often stood on a tenant-farmer's devastated field, and wondered to myself what he would have said had his landlord's or my rabbits caused half so much destruction ! Then, again, as to the unrestricted leave to keep greyhounds and to course hares, restricted merely so far that the coursing was to be confined to the proper season, beginning in November and ending on the 1st of March. In such cases, when the hares have been so constantly disturbed as to leave their '^ forms " out upon the fields, I have known the THE RENTED MANOR. 37 tenant-farmer seat himself at dusk mider liis land- lord's wood, and slip his lurching' greyhound as the hares cantered forth to disport themselves on the open downs or fields. Of all dogs there are none so mischievous as a greyhound at large upon a farm during the spring and summer. With a nose equal to any sort of sporting dog, and a speed beyond all other kinds, the greyhound soon learns, when left at large, to become a most crafty and efficient lurcher, killing hares and rabbits by speed, and springing on or chapping hen pheasants on their nests, as well as destroying the young birds even while they are unable to fly, and eating the unhatched eggs. All the most destruc- tive lurchers in the possession of thieves and poachers are thoroughbred greyhounds, with their sterns cut — cut for the now obsolete design of cheating the Excise of the tax on greyhounds, by saying the dog is for sheep. Here let me mention a most erroneous mistake which some game-preserving landlords fall into. They give the rabbits to the keepers* A keeper should look to no perquisites; his wages should be ample, for his is a hard life, if he does his duty, and he should be so well paid by his 38 FACT AGAINST FICTION. employer as to need no aJditions. AVlien the rabbits • arc tlic perquisite of tlie keeper, lie is sure to keep as many as lie can, and tlie tenant is certain to liave tlie dissatisfaction of seeing" damage by rabbits done to liis crops, liis loss giving to his landlord no pleasure whatever. As a renter of manor and game, as it has been my fiite to be for the greater portion of my life, my system is as follows : to preserve all the manorial rights exclusively as they were let to me, to guard all the rights belonging to the estates, and to give the strictest orders to my keepers, by night and day, to protect the farmers' stock, fences, roots, and crops from depredation, and to watch over the herds and flocks, cows, oxen, horses, mares and foals, sheej:), and pigs, as if they were my own, and at once to re]3ort any accident to any of them to the farmer, and to render him all the assistance in their power, night and day, to remedy the evil. I remember more than one instance in which the tenant- farmer over whose land I held the exclusive rights has come to me and coin})laincd of the tresjjassing of the cattle from squatters on tlieir crops by night, purposely turned in upon them by tlieir TIIK RENTED MANOR. o9 more needy neighbours or by tramping gipsies. In reply, I told, tliem, '^ that the remedy was in their own hands, and that they could pound and chari2:c for all cattle so at lar^e." Their answer has been, ^'That is all very well, sir — I know what the law is ; but the first time I put it in force, one of my ricks was fired l^y an incendiary at night ; and I am not going to excite the revenge of tramps or gipsies, nor that of the needy possessors of a hut-kept cow, and so to risk it again." On all the farms over which the exclusive sporting rights are mine, my keepers are strictly charged to prevent, by poundage, the damage arising from stray cattle, and to guard the root crops from molestation. The consequence of this fair conduct is, that the gamekeepers and the tenant-farmers under me have lived happily together, and my men are regarded by them as a most efficient rural police. As to the rabbits, each tenant-farmer is re- quested by me to rej)ort any spot on his holding where he thinks there are too many rabbits. The moment that report reaches me or my head keeper, my men, nets, and ferrets obey 40 t^ACT AGAINST FICTION. the farmer; and if lie wishes to join in the sport, and has not a gun of his own^ I lend him one for tliat occasion^ and thus all parties have ever been contented. As res2)ects the labourers on the farnij and the nests of pheasants and partridges, my system is this : if they iind a nest, and show it to my keepers (the nest is not disturbed, if not too close upon any public footway or road), and when hatched safely off, the farm-labourer who found it receives a shilling ; and if I am 2)leased with the general conduct of the labourers on the farm, I often make a present at Christmas to tlie foreman, for the benefit of all the hands employed. There is one thing, however, which my readers, if in possession of a manor, must guard against, and it is this, that, after a bird has hatched, if the shells of the eggs are left in the nest, it is possible that the eggs of some other known nest may be stolon, and tlic shells of the one that has been hatched put in the place of the stolen ones, so as to get another shilling. The shells should, therefore, (duxiijs he destroyed by the keeper, to prevent this dishonesty. It is also a rule with me^ supposing some THE RENTED MAKOK. 41 man J known to bo dishonesty brings me eggs or a very small leveret (both eggs and animal being useless to him for food or sale), showing thereby a desire to please me, to reward him in return to a far greater degree than any use by him of such things could have won for him ; and I do this to show both rich and poor that it is my wish not to tyrannize over the said-to-be working classes (but often no workers at all), but to teach them to see (to use a homely old saying) upon which '' side their bread is really buttered." By the system wdiicli I have always pursued, the very men who set themselves up against me have in the end, and, after punish- ment, left off their dishonest aggressions, and come to me for both advice and protection, when put upon by others, or robbed and swindled by their own associates. I am perfectly certain that, in sundry vicinitieSj well known to my experience in game-preservingj but for the culpable folly of the magisterial bench at petty sessions in dealing with convic- tions, I could have made many an idle villain support himself, his wife, and children,- by honest means and fair wages, rather than starve, as he 42 FACT AGAINST FICTION. does, botli wife and cliildren by refusing to labour, and by going out at night or in the day to steal game or rabbits, or anything he can lay his hands on, tlie monetary proceeds of which, by all such thieves, being regarded, not as a fund for the support of their families^ but as pochet- money for the man to spend in gamhling or in hecr. As an instance of the culpable leniency in magistrates, I select the following from a vast number of similar cases : — Two notorious thieves went out, one winter morning, at daybreak, on a maiden snowfall, to trace hares and rabbits to their forms in the furze and heather. Both of these men were old offenders, and had been previously convicted in full penalties ; and one of them had treated w^ith contempt in a former case the last simmions served upon him, as well as the warrant issued against him, having frightened away, so it Avas said, two policemen (Avhicli I do not believe) who came to take him, threatening to murder them with a stone hammer. Having been thus left at large, in defiance of summons and warrant, for a considerable time, — but keeping out of the way, of course, — he continued all his misdeeds THE RENTED MANOR. 4o until tlic snowy morning* came wliicli I have pre- viously alluded to. Ho tlicn went forth watli aiiotlier man, who was armed with a heavy bludgeon, amounting to a small tree, and was regarded as an invincible bully by all his confreres. Two keepers (they were mine) fell in with these villains, and took them in the act of poaching and of theft; for dead hares and rabbits are the private property of the owner of the land and manor on which they are found. The champion bully brandished his club, and threatened the brains of any man who attempted to lay hands upon him ; so, thus put to his weapon, the under-keeper at once delivered a blow with his own stick, and broke the cowardly bully's head, wdien he immediately threw down his bludgeon, cried, and surrendered. Upon these thieves were found a net and four dead rabbits. Summoned for this offence before the Bench that same Aveek, these two fellows refused to appear, so of course they were convicted. In what ? Why, in a moiety of the penalty, twenty shillings instead of forty, and that, too, in the face of their previous convictions, and defiance of 44 FACT AGAINST FICTIOX. summons and warrants. On warrants against them being" immediately issued, they ran away on the day of their conviction , Friday ; they stayed away on Saturday, came back on Sunday, and on Monday paid their fines, laughing at the inadequate penalty, which they had not expected when they failed to appear, and borrowing the money to pay the fines from the receivers of stolen game, poulterers and public-liouse kee23ers, under the conditions that by their future depreda- tions and drinking they were to pay off the score. The j^urchasers of the stolen game fix their own price for each head of game, and a far higher rate of interest than usual for the money advanced, as they desire to pay themselves for the risk which they know they run of never seeing their money again* There are a great many beer and public house keepers who receive stolen game in this way, advancing beer at an extortionate price when it is to be paid for in game ; and as a country gentleman and justice of the peace, as well as a game-preserver, I have been and am cognizant of this grievous abuse ; but it is most difiicult to bring home conviction to the villain most deserving THE RENTED MANOR. 45 of punislimcnt, viz., the receiver. The law as it stands, in this instance, as in many others, opens a door hy which the worst criminal can escape detection, crowned by the fact that the great ^^ unpaid'' upon tlie Bench, mostly parsons, inva- riably do all in their power to let off a villain with as little punishment as possible, while they, at the same time, make themselves amusingly remarkable by the funny character they get for impartiality, in committing themselves mucli more frequently than they commit the prisoners brought before them. If we had ^^stipendiary magistrates," as they have in Ireland, tlie laws would be acted uid to (though Ireland is no example for that) and crime of all sorts largely decreased. We see the good effect of a professional judge in the County Courts ; but there again the legislators have stejDjDcd in with a mischievous infliction, called ^'a sj^ecial jury," of five men, selected from much the same class as the thieves and poachers, save that they are ^' householders," and are not absolutely in rags. It is a farce for a gentleman to attempt to defend himself in some localities if charged as a *^ Lord of the Manor" with wrongfully seizing 46 FACT AGAINST FICTION. engines or lurclicrs, illegally used by uncertificated persons for the destruction of game, for tlie jury care nothing for their oaths, nor for the Judge's charge ; they really have made up their minds to find for the plaintiff before they go into Court. Neither do the workino: classes, when addicted to theft, care anything for their oath : they will swear just what they think will save them or their friends from punishment. I have seen a villain let off by offering an aVibl^ bringing three people to swear that he was in their company through- out the entire day of the alleged depredation, and eleven miles from the spot where it was sworn to have been committed. His two com- panions in the attempted theft of game, shooting a partridge without a licence and out of season, were convicted in a mitigated penalty, but so inadequate was the fine, that the Excise was moved to come upon them for the cumulative penalty. When had up by the Excise, the two previously convicted thieves produced their com- panion, who had got off throuyh the ^' alibi ^^ to swear that ^^he really had been with them on the occasion upon which all his witnesses swore he was eleven miles away, and that he could, there- THE llENTED MANOIJ. 47 foro, prove that tlicy did not sJioot a partridcje,'^^ This perjury failed ; yet in this case, as in many otliers, perjury was allowed to go unpunished ; and things have now come to such a pass, that old Mr. Weller's advice to his son Samuel to induce Mr. Pickwick to prove an '^ alibi," in the action of ^^Bardell v. Pickwick," has been adopted by every scoundrel who has become amenable to the law. It is perfectly clear to me that punishment should not only follow close upon the heels of detected crime, but that, upon the first offence j the highest and most severe penalties should be awarded. I am not by any means sure that any good result is obtained by a light punishment for a first offence, for the punishment is often so light that it brings contempt upon the sentence, and hardens, rather than deters, a first offender. The law has very often to deal with juvenile offenders who think a gaol is a fine place, and committal thereto a feather in their caps, — ^making them, so to speak, as good a man as their father, or equal to their brothers, wlio liave been, perhaps, many times under lock and key. As we have seen that whipping deters from murder more than lian<2cinf>' bv the neck, and 48 FACT AGAINST FICTION. that, too, ill offences directed against the life of tlie liigliest person in tlic realm, so a severe and degrading punishment on a first offence would greatly deter from the commission of a second, when carried out in the rural districts against the thieves of game and offenders of any description. I have seen, in the close of the year 18G0, that there have been blatant men at farmers' meetings exclaiming against game and rabbits, the latter as ^^ useless vermin." Game and rabbits are now made to serve as food for the people ; and those dupes of the legislative folly of Mr. Bright, OiTirer, Dodi^'cr, Dilk and Co., would be astonished if they went into statistics, and saw the enormous amount of '^food for the people" sold and given away to them from the warrens and manors, making up an immense weight of food, and obtained at a far lower price than meat sold by the butchers. I never refused rabbits to any honest man who asked for them; and at one of my residences I used to give them frequently to the coast-guard men. I had not done this very long when the men asked me to let tliem buy the rabbits, because, they said, although I was so kind in occasionally giving them THE RENTED MANOR. 49 rabbits, they could not expect mo to do so con- tinually, therefore tliey hoped I would not be offended at their askino; mo to sell them rabbits, for, ''at fourtccn-2:ienco a couple, with the skins," they could give a far better dinner of rabbits to their families than they could get for that sum as meat from any butcher. Tlie endeavour made at these farmers' clubs, to move the Legislature to interfere between land- lord and tenant with respect to game and rabbits, is part and parcel of the old dodge put in force by Mr. Bright in his abortive attack upon the game laws, Avhen he did all in his power to sow discord between landlord and tenant in the counties to suit his parliamentary party, and to obtain votes for those men who have now ruined Ireland. ^'Tenant right" must, and ever will, be based upon the spontaneous act of the tenant, that is, on his accepting terms offered to him by the pro- prietors of the land, without Avliich acceptance the landlord woidd refuse to let his acres. The would- be tenant can refuse the proffered terms if he likes, and the landlord, unless there is a revolution in England as well as in Ireland, can offer what terms he pleases ; and as Mr. Bright has always VOL. II. E 50 FACT AGAINST FICTION. said tliat ^^ the poor man oiiglit to bo allowed to do what lie likes with his own little garden plot/' just so the same right to do what he likes with his larger possession, his larger garden (as much his own as the ^'garden plot" is the poor man's), is justly vested in the owners and lords of estates and manors. If I had a thousand estates, I would not let one farm iipon them on lease. Landed property has drawbacks enough ujDon it, without the owner of the property being saddled with a disagreeable tenant, — a man established close to his own door, who has, perhaps, a temper which is never satisfied except wlien it is in hot water. I have seen as p'ood farmino' done by tenants at will as I ever saw done under a lease ; and, moreover, I have known tenants at will remain on their farms as long and very frequently for a longer period than any lease woidd be ^Tanted. I have known the same family go on from sire to son in the same farm for more than one hundred years, witiiout the slightest approach to ill will between tliem and the landlord ; and I never knew so much ill will arise between landlord and tenant, and so much discomfort exist, as in cases where leases THE RENTED MANOK. 51 had been e^rantcd. A tenant at will can leave a farm if he thinks his landlord is unjust or dis- agreeable, and the land bad ; and the same alter- native is also open to the landlord — he can get rid of a tenant who has rendered himself in any way objectionable. A tenant at will can receive compensation for money expended in improve- ments, and being liable to be turned out of his farm, he is, for that reason, if he likes his position, kept to his good behaviour. I know an instance which occurred in the first Lord Fitzhardinge's time at Berkeley Castle, and which proves the good resulting to the tenant from the system of tenancy at will. A tenant, whose family before him had for years rented under the Castle, came to me to ask me to intercede for him, and to get his landlord. Lord Fitzhardinge, to take the right of killing rabbits away from the keepers. I have already given my opinion respecting the doubtful wisdom shown by a master in granting this perquisite to his keeper. In this instance, the tenant of Lugg's Farm told me, ^^that he would not have cared for tlie damage done to his crops if it had been done e3 52 FACT AGAINST FICTION. through pheasants or foxes, in wliich he knew his lordship had a personal pleasure; but to see his crops eaten down, and to see the keejier carting off the rabbits to market for his (the keeper's) own profit, in addition to his already good wages, was more than he could endure ; and if such a state of things was to go on, he must quit his farm." I did my best to have the abuse altered, but in vain ; as a good tenant, finding himself under a thus disagreeable landlord, he availed himself of his yearly tenancy, and, I am sorry to say, ceased to rent under the Castle. In this instance, then, the tenant found that being a holder at will was advantageous to him ; he knew in his own mind that he intended quitting, and that he could go by giving sufficient notice wlienever he pleased ; he had time at his com- mand to look for another farm, and he was not obliged to make his communication to the steward until he had secured another aoTicultural home. Now, if he had had his farm on lease, I care not what were the stij)ulations contained in that lease as to his farm and the rabbits thereon, the woods being in his landlord's hands, and the keoj^ers having a riglit to protect the grounds from illicit THE KENTED MAN OK. 53 depredators, he would have been without the means of redress, his homestead Avoukl have be- come anything but comfortable, so he was much hetter off by being a tenant at will. We have now before as a pretty plain sample of what tenant-right means in Ireland. Not many years ago, in America, an idea was started, that if a tenant rented a house and land for a certain number of years, and expended toil and dollars upon them, that house and land was then to be lost to the landlord, and to become the property of the tenant. It is much the same in Ireland; agrarian murderers, abetted by a domineering priesthood, have long since driven . many land- ' owners from their estates, and thus created an absenteeism which has ruined the country ; and now the idea has arisen in the naturally shrewd, but, alas ! priest-muddled heads of the people, that '^ Ireland is for the Irish," which, being translated by those who have nothing to lose but ever}^- thing to gain by savage irru^^tion, means tliat tlic '^ Saxon " is to be dispossessed of his property, which he has inherited or bought, as the Irish Protestant Church has been plundered of hers, and that the farms and the large landed estates should 54 FACT AGAINST FICTIOX. 1)0 parcelled off to the labourers — tlie original landlord sent a-begging ! Surely tliat is not a state of things to be desired by the great- body of English, Scotch, and Irish landowners and farmers ; nor ought any of them to allow themselves to be deluded by revolutionists and blatant men, such as Odger, Podger and Co., to whom any sort of political mischief is agree- able ! But I am not without hope that the true yeomanry of England will still cherish and protect that wholesome feeling for their landlords, if I may so express myself, which has so long existed and kept both classes together in one common bond of obligation. But to return to the management of an estate. When the landlord joreserves the game, great care should be taken res^^ecting the characters and habits of the men appointed as gamekeej^ers. A gamekeeper being more out of his master's sight and more his own master than a butler is, should, for that reason, be even more trustworthy in cha* racter than the keej^er of the cellar. A master can count his bottles and keep a cellar-book, and have besides a personal knowledge of the exact quantity of Avine in each bin ; but he cannot count his THE RENTED MANOK. bi> plicasants and liares, nor can lie know what liis keepers are doing both hj night and day ; but liis butler, being always beneath his roof, can at any time be found in his pantry or in the housekeeper's room. • A gamekeeper has it in his power, if he is a rogue, dishonestly to make away with his master's game; but a butler is so near his master, and his truth is so easily tested, that he cannot covertly consume the contents of many bottles Avithout being speedily discovered, that is, if his master makes use of a little precaution. For my own part, I would discharge any keeper on the very first proof of drunkenness, and I should do the same if I ever knew him to go into a public-house for the purpose of drinking. My head keeper also would report his under^men if they transgressed in this particular. If they want beer, they can drink it at their lodges. An habitual drunkard is not fit for any place of trust and when in liquor he is very apt to create ill feehng or discontent with those farmers over whose lands he is supposed to hold supervision. As in the course of my l^ook, and in another chapter, I shall have to allude to gamekeepers, and the choice of keepers, as well as their respec- b(} FACT AGAINST FICTION. tivc duties, I sliall, for tlie present, close my notice of tlie rented manor with the following remarks on passing circumstances of very recent occurrence. Some blatant demagogues, at a late out-door meeting in London, stigmatized the present modi- fied laws relating to the preservation of a pro- prietor's own tldncjs on his own lands as wicked and ^n3loody"; but these Cockney orators, I take it, knew as little about the subject on wdiich they so foolishly descanted as they did of the lunar constellation. Thev threw overboard the fact as to how many thousands of the poor were main- tained the vear throu":hout on wholesome food — upon the millions of pounds of the much-abused rabbit ; and they roared and screamed emphatically against the sin of retaining such expanses of lieaths and moors tenantless and uncultivated, as these bhitant babblers asserted, ''' sim])ly for the preser- vation of game." Xow, I take it on myself to say, that there is not a proprietor in England Avho wotdd not give any just facilities to any rash man or men who would undertake to cultivate and rent) on the most moderate terms, tliose portions of the estates lying idle. ]3ut corn or useful produce of any kind will THE in<:NTEi) manoii. 57 not (jroiu on tliese barren lands, unless you give tliem, so to speak, a subsoil of golden guineas, all of Avliicli gold would vanish with the first crop cut from above it, and the application of gold must, therefore, amount to an annual outlay, which would in no way be remunerated by an annual return. We, as sports- men, would be glad to see these useless acres, as far as game goes, in cultivation; for to the Y)Yo- prietors of heaths and moors, if there are no moor- game, there is no sporting enjoyment save as a snipe, a hare, or rabbit. I should like to lay hold of one of those political bleaters, and set him down on many a heath within my knowledge, and even giving him a sum of money, with good sureties against bolting, tell him to raise crops out of white sand and shingle, with an iron pan beneath it, under which again there was any deptli of sand, sj^arkling Avhen dry like glass, and whiter still than the flints and sand of the superstructure. I think He would be very glad to let such sites return to the state in which they were in when ho lavished on them and their pro- prietors the senseless verbiage of his violent invec- tive, and return to the more lucrative culture to him, but not to the working classes generally, of 58 FACT AGAINST FIOTIOX. imfouiKlecl discontent and dissatisfaction towards tlioso employers under Avliom tliey so long had had their fair share of gain. As long as there are men in this world possessed of evil tongues and no real wish to benefit their fellow-creatures, without one useful quality by which to rise to the notice of their fellow-menj such prating demagogues will, as putridity ever does from the bottom of a river, rise to the surface of the waters, after all to be looked on but as ^^ scum." In Scotland they very often make a great outcry against the game laws and the deer forests ; but there is a fact that has come within my notice, and that is, that a deer forest in Scotland often affords more employment to the labouring classes, in the shape of gillies, than the forest would do if turned into a walk for sheep. All heathery moors and mountains will not carry sheep, but men who know nothing of what they prate about, think that corn and sheep will grow like grass on a moistened piece of flannel. In the course of my experience from among the thousands of mortal-men-bubbles that I have seen force themselves to the surface, and seek some notice from better men than themselves, I have not ^niE KENTED MANOR. 01) seen more tliiiii u very few continue as aqueous blisters on the political surface or become more than a transient bubble. Of these I have seen one or two make themselves so troublesome to the existing Government, that their pretended philan- thropy has been utterly extinguished or bought off by the gift -of place: one or two may have held their own for a time, but all very soon grew stale and unprofitable, or were bribed. We do not meet those men on fair grounds, for having nothing to lose they cannot be assailed by loss ; and besides, there is an old saying as to the consequent defilement on the touch of pitch. The very little they have is in their pocket, — they have no large estates, nor do they labour under difficulties ever attached to landed property : so, like a vernal frog Avho revels in weeds and mud, they can kick up as much dirt as they please, and rise to croak over the filthy confusion they themselves have created. GO FACT AGAINST FICTIOX. CHAPTER III. FAliMING AND ROTATION OF CROPS. Tlie Superintendent should be well acquainted with the Nature of the Soil — Difficulties in getting Remunerative Crops — Remedy for " The Fly" — Wages of Labourers — Piece-work — Employment of Boys never Profitable — Artificial Manures and Farm-yard Manure — Scientific Crotchets — Cows, their Kindly Treatment — Injurious Effect of Artificial Manures on Game — Legal Penalties against Laying Poison — Xew Vegetation which sprang up after the Fire at Alderney Manor — Game Preserver and Farmer. When ladies and gentlemen have farms thrown on their own hands, and are obliged to cultivate them while in search of new tenantry, they arc forced, particularly where there is a landlady only, to call in aid to direct their proceedings over the land; and, in such instances as those I now refer to, they are apt to be taken by some scientific advertisement which may catch their attention, and to call in a periodical supervisor from some distant county, not suited to the occasion nor FARMING AND ROTATION OF CROPS. 61 the soil, and by no means the master of work in hand. Soils are as varied in their exigencies as are the constitutions of men. The requirements of soils are essentially different. What will suit one soil Avill not suit another; and you cannot, with any reasonable liope of success, catch from the northern counties and heavy rich loams, a visiting bailiff, or audit- ing steward, used to, and bred up, say, in York- shire, who will at once understand the poorer, liglit, and stony qualities of Buckinghamshire, portions of Dorsetshire, and Surrey. If I knew any one wanting a supervision over a home bailiff, — sujoposing the caj^abilities of that home bailiff were not deemed sufficient for the assump- tion of exclusive direction, — I should advise a county man to be called in, as the best calculated to know what would be right to do in the locality of his practical experience and exercise of his daily life. Though the steam plough is a most useful invention when well directed and closely looked after by the owner or manager of the estate, yet, if not so looked after, and the depth of its needful action strictly enforced, it is only a G2 FACT AGAINST FICTION. cause of considerable pecuniary loss, and also becomes an unsightly and discordant nuisance. It frightens cattle, drives away game, and at some seasons destroys the nests of partridges and pheasants, while on some soils it simply loosens the flints and immensely encourages the growth of weeds. To send for a stranger, and to ask him what it is best to do for the good cultivation of a farm, is nonsense. There are some farms on which even the tenant of years, born and bred in the vicinity, does not know what is best to be done all over adjoining acres, or the extent to which the soil may differ within the fence of one field. There are some spots, perhaps, on that farm, where you cannot plough too lightly, for if 3^ou go an inch too deej) you give to the sun the dormant seeds that have long been hidden from the light in innocuous obscurity, but, when exposed to vivifying re-action, come forth like giants refreshed, in such quantities as to choke and smother tlie seeds or corn but recently sown. The instance thus referred to is not the only one tliat exists to fetter the designs of husbandry when working l)y tlie plougli. FARMING AND DOTATION OF CROPS. 63 Tlio farmer, not aware of the clanger of the cloceitfiil nature of the acreage on wliieh he lias embarked, perhaps, his all, may think that he will plough beneath tlie latent wild oats, or other seedling obstacles, and, by throw- ing them on the surface, crush them from existence, turning up a better mould that lies beneath. Here, again, a j)an of iron or of conglomerated flint may stop him, and an obstacle is offered to his eyes which holds the water, or, by its dura- bility and hardness, walls him up from further action, while, at the same time, it suggests to him the idea that he must break through the iron pan to attain a better drainage and a better soil. To this end, he goes to the heavy outlay of spade husbandry and double trenching to break up the pan, and to find, what ? Why, that beneath tlie iron or intervening pan there is no other soil — in fact, no soil of a productive nature, but simply fine pulverized sand, of no service to any one save for scouring grates. I enumerate these as facts very well known to myself, and to show how many more difficulties there are in the path 64 FACT AGAINST FICTION. of tlio most industrious farmer than are dreamed of in tlic pliilosopliy of casual observers. You cannot lay down a law to suit tlio varying soils in counties and estates; but a locally practical man is infinitely more capable than is a stranger from a distance to judge of what is necessary or most likely to benefit the land, the uncer- tainty of tlie peculiarities in which he has been conversant wdth all his life. When the difficulties of producing remunerative crops are jmt before us, — entomological, atmo- spheric, and arising from a combination of both, — it is almost surprising that in some counties such a thing as a man seeking to live by farming should exist. To me it is certainly, so to speak, an occupation of great pleasure, when all goes well; but when you see your wheat or corn, of wliatever description, turn from its fresh and vernal green Inie, and, becoming yellow, droop stalk by stalk, and, losing its stamina, fall to the ground, having been eaten from beneath, in its germ of existence, by tlie ^^wire worm," tlicn there is not much that is ^^ beautiful" in thwarted husbandry, and little else than disap- pointment left. FARMING AND ROTATION OF CROP.S. 65 Ag'ain, when tlio expected turnip crop shows its innumerable little green leaves above the ground, and the farmer dreams of one day folding his sheep in turnips two feet high, remarking to himself, on an afternoon, how nicely the turnips are coming up, to go to the spot the next morning, and then to see that the little green spots, that had once so rejoiced his eyes, had in a night, or not much more, totally disappeared, for they had all been devoured by '' the fly." While speaking of ^'the fly," I can most con- fidently recommend a remedy against this devas- tating insect, and that remedy is as follows. Over the newly-sown turnips and rape, put in with a view to '^spring feed," when the seeds are just beginning to appear, let the customary roller be at work, but with this addition. Behind the roller there should be attached a flat light plank or board, protruding from behind tlie roller, I should sa}^, five or six feet on either side. To this board or plank, to its full length, there should be attached a piece or pieces of old sacking or carpet joined together, ill length from the plank about from three to four or iivc feet, and this thickly sprinkled on VOL. IT. F 66 FACT AGAINST FICTION'. its lower side with liquid gas-tar, spread on it with an old broom dipped into an iron kettle hard by. The action of the roller crushes the inequalities of the soil, and dislodges the flies, who, trying to escape to the rear, are caught beneath the tarred sacking, and, stuck by its tenacious qualities, to die from the powerful nature of the texture that holds them. The tar should be sprinkled over the sacking about every twenty miiuites, or as often as the wear and tear of it requires. The very in- telligent farm-servant and shepherd, whom I first saAv using this sim|)le remedy in Surrey, on the property of Lord Lovelace, assured me that it thoroughly answered the purpose to which it had been put. My brother agriculturists may have been previously aware of what to me once was certainly a novelty, but I now tell them in case it should be of service. It certainly is not a costly remedy as against ^' the fly," and it may be most useful to some of my friends who have not money at connnand. The rate of wages in different counties varies very nmch, as also the conditions of ^^j^i^ce^ work." In many instances, among amateurs in agriculture, I have observed that in granting FARMIJs^G AND ROTATION OF CROPS. G7 to a labourer a task to be accomplislied for a stipulated sum, it lias been omitted to tie him down to the time at which this task is to be accomplished. It is, in such instances, in the labourer's power to work or not as he likes, and to keep his 'Apiece-work" in hand, if he leaves or neglects it, for some short and, perhaps, more remunerative job offered him by a neighbour. By this he neglects, at harvest time, the reaping or" mowing, or any other job he has undertaken to do, and loses for his permanent employer the golden opportunity of the sunny day. In ' Apiece- work" the labourer should be tied to time, as much as to the amount of money for which the job is to be done. Again, in some counties, the labourers A^mock off" on a Saturday at four o'clock; but it is perfectly at the employer's option to insist or not on the old system of twelve hom^s' work for a given amount (if pay. In Dorsetshire, in the vicinity of Alderney Manor, the usual amount of wages varies from eight to ten or twelve shillings a week ; I give twelve, but then I insist on twelve hours' actual work each day, and no ^' short time." My servants must work from six till six, Avhen F 2 G8 FACT AGAINST FICTIOK. light enoiigli, with two cessations for breakfast and dinner if I pay them accordingly. To see men, in the midst of harvest, quit their work early on a Satmxlay, when the week's industry requires the most perseverance, in case of a sudden change in weather, in no way meets with my approval; and it is diametrically opjDO- site to the interests of fair play if the labourer undertakes, for a certain sum, to do, by a certain day, what his emplo3"er requires. In piece- work they should be tied to time ; in harvest they should consider the exigencies that might arise to crops that are cut from threatening weather. The worst species of untrustworthy labour that can be employed on a farm, is that which may be expected, but in value is never realized, at the hands of boys. They cannot be trusted, if there is more than one, with horses, cows, pigs, or poultry ; nor with anything like an economical care of corn or food of any • kind. If ladies and gentlemen clioose to employ boys, they ought to have an additional man to every two boys, to look after them. One grown man would do the labour of fom- boys easily FARMING AND ROTATION OF CROPS. 69 and well ; and to tliat amount would the expense of a farm be lessened if none l^ut men Averc employed. I have elsewhere alluded to the fact that an old gamekeeper at Ashdown Park, of the late Lord Craven's, on meeting three boys together, used to draw from his pocket a heavy dog-whip of tlie kind carried by keepers, but wliich ought to be exploded from the annals of dog-breaking, and commence an indiscriminate flagellation of the astounded youths. On my asking his reason for this, to me, apparently unprovoked assault, he invariably replied, — ^^ I always docs it, sir, for, rely on it, you never sees three boys together, but they be bent on some mischief or other, so I likes to 1)e beforehand with 'em." If you employ labour, let the source of it be reliable ; be liberal in the amount of hire, and let there never be any sort of mistake as to what you require for the money you agree to give, or in what tliey^ the labourers, have to do. Uncertainty induces mistake, mistake begets ill- will ; and labour cumbered by dissatisfaction is not worth half its value when thus apjoroached 70 FACT AGAINST FICTION. '^ with tlio Avrono- leg' foremost," and really Le^ comes ^^labom' in vain." In some places, or near largo towns, farmers lose sight of their true interests, — the real well- doing of tlieir meads for hay, — by grazing them with tlieir milch cows too long and too late in spring, and this particularly when near any large or fashionable watering-place, where there is a great demand for fresh butter, milk, and cream. I have also observed, on some large estates, that, because in a particular season hay and straw were short or next to nothing, they, the tenants, were permitted to sell what little hay and straw they had at very high prices, instead of con- suming it on their j^remises, on condition that they would jjurchase and lay out on the farm so much artificial manure. This system is death to the productive quality of the land ; and, though apparently harsh in some* cases to refuse to men who may be, by circumstances, hard pressed for money, still I would prefer an abatement of rent on an individual rent-day, to giving any such joermission as to exporting the hay and straw off tlie acres where it grew. FARMING AND ROTATION OF CROPS. 71 In tlio first place, a tenant lias tlie power to evade tlie (pantity of artificial manure he had promised to expend in lieu of the fodder sold. In the second place, I know to my cost that artificial manure is as liable as other things to vary in strength and quality, and also that a cheap, bad article may bo substituted for a much better one, and superficially cloak a very grievous error. Artificial maimre applied to land reminds me of dram-drinking in man. It is but a short-lived flash of excitement to the one as to the other, —wholesome only for a time when diluted with water, or subjected to rain, and liable to be lost in' too much heat and dust, or too heavy a deluge from storm and cloud. There is nothing like the old-fashioned farm-yard manure. Plant two rows of potatoes side by side. When you dig them, there is still left in the ground, and holding tlie mould together, the remnants of the rotten straw, still pregnant with the nourishment of rich decay, while in the runks that had re- ceived the artificial dust, not one vestige of it remains — it has been washed away, blown away, or been utterly consumed by the crop as a 73 FACT AGAINST FICTION. ^^ pick-mc-iip," leaviiii^ notliino: for cultivation that is to come. I deny that the crops we now see are in any degree heavier, on an average, than those grown by our forefathers under the wheels of their heavy dung-carts, before ^' science," as it is called, had taken the i)lace of well-tried system, and ushered in novelties the success or failures of which no man at the moment knows. It is doubtful to my mind if we have not imported or locally created some of the diseases which had never been lieard of, and were certainly not known, in the United Kingdom when I was a boy. I allude to the ^^ potato disease," to the ^^foot-and-mouth disease," and to the ^^ plague among cattle." Set these new inflictions side by side witli the effects of what is called ^' science," and look at the condition of the farmer and of tlie people, and I question if the world is better off under our l)latant teacliers and would-be scientific men of tlie present day, than it was when agricultural practice kept at arm's-length vain theory and conceited assumptions tliat only tended to disturb the matter-of-fact study of single- purposed men. FARMING AND ROTATION OF CROPS. 73 I liavo lieavd — I never saw tliem — of wonder- ful crops of corn being produced by circulating liquid manures about their roots ; but it has never been stated by any audacious narrator, in my hearing, that these scientific inventions have made the fortunes of any agriculturist who used them, although they might line the pockets of l)ipe and pottery men to very considerable extent. It is possible, as we all know, to lay out more money on favourite maxims, methods, and pur- suits than can ever be returned again to our emptied coffers, by those favourite mythical speculations. The double fructifying hen's nest at one time suggested to the farmers' wives has for a long time become addled ; but as it is my desire to treat of nothing but what all who run may read and comprehend, the following is a de- scrijDtion of the once boasted nest. The nest for the hen to lay in was made on a curiously contrived and adjusted •sjDring, so nicely balanced that a new-laid egg laid to the lighter nest-egg, induced the nest to slide obliquely be- neath tlie superincumbent fowl. The nest-egg itself was an artificial one, and fixed to its intended place. 74 FACT AGAINST FICTION. TIioii, upon tlie decline of the nest, the fresh egg glided off into a sort of pocket made to receive it, and when thus relieved the nest re-arose to its position beneath the fowl. After a short time s^^ent in clnickling bliss at the supposed fruit of ^'sexual selection," as Darwin has it, the doat- ing mother arose, shook her feathers, and turned round to look with admiring eyes on the pledge she had given that ^^ selection" had born its fruits. When, in astonishment, she saw it not, she deemed- she had made a mistake in ^' counting eggs before they were " laid ; so, to remedy the omission, she resumed her nest, and laid another egg, and thus a double fructuation was sensibly produced. The rumour of this nest came from Essex, but I know not witli what truth. As to cows upon a farm, Avhenever more than one boy is emploj^ed, the cows are always wild, for even the man and the milkmaids don't spare lialf enough of the caresses they bestow upon each other to render the dairy herd affectionately attached to tliem and docile. A cow, and, indeed, all animals, are sensible of kindness when gently and tenderly bestowed ; and all animals, and birds too, liave much more power of tliought and wise FARMING AND KOTATION OF CROPS. 75 tUserlmiiiation than foolish people give them credit for. If I were to see or hear a loud, liarsli word, and a rude blow, administered by a man of mine to any creature under his care, I would not retain him long' in my service. The dog-whip, if so it can be called, that I carry in my pocket, was the thong of her little donkey whip, given to me by a little child who deemed it needful to her quadruped's progression : it Avould not kill a fly on the back of the dog, nor induce anything ap- proaching to a cry of pain, but it is ample as a signal of rej)roof To give a dog or horse a second blow is, for the time, utterly useless. The dog and liorse fully comprehend for why you struck them in the first instance, but if you repeat the punish- ment, all remembrance of the fault is lost in the terror inspired hj the after circumstance : the dog turns the tables and bites at the undiscriminating hand, and the horse meditates the possibility of kicking off his brutal rider, and running away. To a dog, whatever may l^e liis fault, one l)low and have done with it ; to a liorse, one touch of the spur, and let there be an end of reproof, at all events, till dog or horse offend again. Let tlie 7G FACT AGAINST FICTION. wliip be tlie lightest one possible, and the spur tlie least severe, for it is not blood nor weals, severity and pain, that reprove and educate — it is the impression, not on the skin, but on the mind, that achieves the desired consummation. If any- thing I have written induces a hand to withhold a blow, or saves from harsh usage any creature in existence, then my occupation has not been in vain ; and the beautiful, the faithful, and affectionate creatures, the dear companions, as their races have been, of my hapj^iest leisure hours, will not have wasted their gifted powers on my pleasures, but by the knowledge I have gained of them, and their healthful use, they have made me their friend indeed ! As to artificial manures, and regarding . the feathered game on a manor, I am convinced, and so are a great many agriculturists of my acquaint- ance, that artificial manures have a destructive effect on the game. It is difiicult to point out how or wlience this arises, though the fact of the injury to tlie feathered game has been to me very remark- a1jle; but my opinion inclines to tlie lielief that some artificial manures destroy certain insects necessary for the food of game ; and on sites where FARMING AND EOTATION OF CROPS. 77 there are no surface spiingSj brooks, nor rivorsj the artificial comj^osition impregnates tlic stagnant rain or soak water left on tlie surface sufficiently to interfere with the young and tender brood, and to thwart the old birds rearing them to perfection. There is another fact that I have observed in regard to the '' golden plover." I am aware of sites to whicli these birds resorted as sure as the winter came on, for they frequented a farm over which I hold the preservation and killing of the game, and one of its broad fields at certain periods was never without a few golden plover — sometimes more, sometimes less ; but during winter there they assuredly were. Of latter years these birds have been gradually diminishing, and from their numbers becoming less and less, they have at last entirely failed. Again, there is another fact patent to my obser- vation : there are some seeds that the wood-pigeons eat, that when given by the old birds to tlieir young, turns the flesh of the half-fledged birds black, and eventually destroys them. Now, in the earlier parts of my life, this sort of thing never happened; and as nothing can happen without a cause or reason, why is it, in these years of 78 FACT AGAINST FICTIOX. artificial appliances to land, that around mc, in Dorsetshire, black game and wood-pigeons have ceased to breed, and the former have become almost extinct ? I deeply regret to state, that some dastardly villain, occupying land in the immediate vicinity of Wimborne, has poisoned several beautiful and valuable dogs. He has been traced in his purchase of tlie poison of which these dogs died, and I believe that he has disseminated a report that ^'he bouglit it for the destruction of rats." In the interests of humanity I hope that he did so, and that no such dastardly and low villainous implication, as that of j)urposely poison- ing dogs out of revengeful spleen, can be laid at the door of a man claiming the respectable position of a Dorsetshire farmer. Whatever was the design of the cruel poisoner, he would have done well to remember that the law assigns a very heavy penalty against a villain who, under any pretext whatever, lays poison in 2:)laces to which tlie property of iho public can attain to its destruction. The law in such instances, however, does not demand any great amount of jDroof other than circumstantial evidence, for on crime so cowardlyj so cruel, and so villainously destructive to animal^ FARMING AND ROTATION OF CROFS. 70 and, perhaps, as a contingency to Innnan life, justice, sj^eecly and severe, is inclined to set the seal of condemnation, and to brand such cruel miscreants with tliat they so most unquestion- ably deserve. To return to what I believe to ho tlie effects of foreign and artificial manures, I must recur to a disease which has attacked my pheasants — it is nothing more nor less than the foot-rot ; and it has a similar effect on their feet that the foot-rot has with sheep. The toes are affected, they swell at the joints and are very sore, and by degrees the toes rot off; the bird can't walk, the entire limb from foot to hip pines away, and the poor thing dies. The foot-rot in sheep, taken in time, is very easily cured, — the sheep can be caught and the foot sub- jected, to constant dressing; but the pheasants so affected can be taken Avith no sort of certainty, and, therefore, the disease continues its fatal course* Strange to say, the longer we live the less we are able to comprehend the cause of vegetation. In the summer closely succeeding the heavy incendiary fire which consumed the furze, heather, and trees over the greater part of my manor, directly that the ground was l^arc and cased in cinders, up 80 FACT AGAINST FICTION. througli tlic black clust in all directions came tlie potato plant, fresh, green and strong, and in some places miles away from fields that had ever borne such roots. There Avas no potato, even of the size of a pea, beneath the plant — it could only have sprung from seed. The haulm had never shown itself before in the memory of man on these aboriginal heaths, but from some cause or other the seed had been de- posited there, kept from vivifying by the wilder and superincumbent mass. It opens a very good lesson to a man's mind to find himself merely a game preserver, and then to view himself in the double position of game preserver and farmer on an arable farm, adjoining his woods. In my practice in this double capacity, I have been very well enabled to estimate the damage done by rabbits and game, and to observe how much failure of crop is laid to the game, which failure really originated, in effect, from climate, blight, and insect voracity. At one time, on a farm in my own liands, having the shooting, not only did I know very well that the rabbits were reduced within proper limits while the agricultural portion of the acres were in tlie FARMING AND ROTATION OF CROPS. 81 hands of a predecessor; but when tlie farni came into my own hands, I continued, for my own sake, to keep the rabbits down. This gave me very little trouble, for a'j^est settled on the rabbits, and, so to speak, they all died off. Against my will, then, in that spring I had no rabbits, and I narrowly watched the crops. In the corn-fields, not at the sides so much as out in the middle of the field, here and there came the same bare places, the absence of corn on which had invariably been charged against my rabbits. On this particular season crops generally were in- different, and the pest of agriculture, the '^ wire- worm," abundant. I am sorry to say that it has come within my knowledge that tenant-farmers, under a game-pre- server, have refrained from sowing the headlands immediately adjoining the covers, and then, on no crop appearing, charging the deficiency against the game* In other cases, and on poor lands peculiarly prone to the wire- worm, or to fail in very dry seasons, I have observed that a bushel and a half of wheat to the acre, instead of two, was all the light, white gravel and sandy soil received; and then, when paucity of seed, poverty of soil, and the ravages of VOL. II. G 82 FACT AGAINST FICTION. the wire- worm combined to prevcnt;any retmii, the entire deficiency was laid on the rabbits, and the tenant attempted to make property out of the bad name the, in this case, mioffending creatm^es had established for themselves elsewhere. On the subject of farms, game, and rabbits, I will reiterate my advice — never to give the tenant, imder any circumstances whatever, permission to kill the rabbits. It is not in his power to ^' destroy" them, iior can he keep them sufficiently under. The owner of the game and the shooting, with his keepers, alone can effectually accomplish the desired and really needful object ; and I have no hesitation in saying, that it is the duty of the game-2)reserver as carefully to protect the tenant's crops, as it is his pleasurable desire to preserve his own game. ailE THIEF A^■D I'OACHEU. 83 CHAPTER IV. THE THIEF AND POACHER — PRESERVATION OF GAME. Characteristics of the Poacher — Poor Families not thankful for Food, but prefer Money — Mischief of Indiscriminate Charity — Giving Tracts, Anecdote — How to Treat Petitions — Vigilance best tends to the Suppression of Crime — State of things at Alderney Manor when I first took it — Preservation and Non- Preservation— Stump Orators— Strikes— Fair Pvemuneration. Perhaps there is no subject on Avhicli so much nonsense has been talked as on the above, nor any m which so much false sympathy has been set on foot, by way of screening a low villain from the consequence of drur^kenness and crime. What used to be denominated '' poaching," is now regarded by the law as '^ theft," for, the moment game is killed by unqualified or uncer- tificated persons — or, indeed, by any man, without permission, on another man's land — it becomes private property. The fact of private property g2 84 FACT AGAINST FICTION. is determined by death ; and to steal dead game so situated really amounts to felony. With the act of poaching, or theft of game, the love of sport in the rural depredator has no concern wliatever. It used to be the promulgated idea, in the false commiseration of crime, that the thief or poacher, like his betters, had a love for the chase, and could not abstain from gratify- ing it. No such sentiment ever entered the villain's head. His chase of feathered game was carried on by night, when the ^oot creatures Avere asleep, or when pursuing his calling by day he was never on the spot to witness the capture of the creature he sought, save on rare occasions, when with a lurcher he set and then drove to his nets or wires. The poacher slunk, under cover of the night, to shoot the beautiful and unsuspecting pheasant from his perch, or he crept among the paths used by pheasants, hares, and rabbits, to set wire nooses or lay nets to strangle or entangle game after whom he had no exciting chase whatever. Before essaying on his nightly depredations, he and his fellows usually meet in some public-house or beer - shop, Avhere they be- dizen the little brains they had with drink, till THE THIEF AND POACHEK. 85 they reel to the adjacent manor ripe for murder — all going out, in their maudlin phraseology, for ^' death or glory." If the house they thus left was a receiving house for stolen game, and they had not money enough at their command to purchase what is called ^^ Dutch courage," they bargain Avith the publican, rogue, and sinner, for an advance of beer, binding themselves to let him have the proceeds of their thefts in game at so much less than the market price, so as to insure him a considerable per-centage for the risk he ran of losing his money in the event of their being captured, or designedly absconding from the neighbourhood and his claim. The village poacher is always a dirty, idle, drunken, ragged, bad man. He will never do a day's honest work if he can help it ; and his wife and his children, if he has them, are always dirty, illiterate, and half-starved; while the lurcher that follows him, or lies at his cottage- door, is sleek and in fair condition. If he has a successful night or day, and receives any money on tlic immediate transaction, not one farthing of it is expended on his wife and famished 86 FACT AGAINST FICTION. children. He looks on the cash so earned as pocket-mone}^, to be spent in the public-house in gambling and drinking, and a portion of what he has thus to eat is given to the lurcher, to keep the dog in running condition. I com- menced this work by a promise to illustrate my book by facts, and I now offer one to my readers that came immediately within my own know- ledge, in support of the miserable and heartless depravity as so correctly charged against the village poacher. My custom having invariably been to give the little in my power to bestow to some poor person or j)ersons, if they deserved it, in the dead of winter, or at the approach of Christmas, on one occasion I selected three families from the mud huts near me, to whom resj^ectively to assign a dinner for the wives and children. The families consisted of a mother and five children, a mother and three children, and a mother with two, and to these three families I intended to give beef and plum -pudding, &c., according to their number and ages. To this end, the women were warned to come for what I had to give. On being warned, one of them came to me as spokes- THE THIEF AND POACHER. 87 woman for tlie otliers, andj to my utter astonish- ment, asked me ^^ not to (jive them foociy In reply to further questions, she assured me, that ^^if I gave them food, they and their chiklren wouhl be none the better for it, for their three husbands woukl appropriate it all to themselves and take it to the public-house. The larger dinner — the one appropriated to the woman with five children — would be sold for beer, while the two smaller dinners together would make a sufficient repast to accompany the liquor, and afford a public-house jollification, in which neither mother nor child would be permitted to share." — '^ Well, then," I answered, ^^ your husbands I always knew to be bad men, but of you (the Avomen) I have neither heard nor known any harm ; I would aid you and your children if I could, l3ut what you tell me renders it impossible." — '^Give us the money," she replied, ^^the cost of our dinners which you contemplated ; the men will not know how much you give us, and whatever it is we will keep to ourselves." It ended by my giving them some money but whether they (the women) spent it in food or in gin, of course never came to my knowledge. 88 FACT AGAINST FICTION. Ill some places I have known what have been by no means a ^'deserving poor" permitted, without any restriction, to come to the mansion for rabbits. Never many together, but repeated ajiplications by detached old women have been made, until the aggregate of the rabbits thus obtained has l3een considerable. On these occa- sions, no reference was ever made to the head gamekee23er as to the character of the persons or families, or whether or not neglected industry, sickness, or misfortune, had incapacitated them from their usual course of living. On one occa- sion, an old woman came to the house, and applied to the housekeeper for several consecutive rabbits, giving no name, as usual, but simply requesting food, under the plea of her and her family having '^met with misfortin." That ^'mis- fortin " came to light one fine day, through the head keeper having met her leaving the house with a rabbit in her hand, of which he took on himself forthwith to divest her. On the matter being explained, the fact came out that this old Avoman's husband had been convicted of stealing game some little time before, in addition to a former imprisonment THE THIEF AND POACHER. 89 for a felony as to wood, and by these un- restricted and indiscriminate <^ifts of rabbits, the penalty inflicted by an, as usual, too lenient miscalled Bench of Justices^ had been more than paid. There is nothing so mischievous in a parish as indiscriminate charity — it amounts, in fact, to a premium upon vice. I have had a really hard- working labourer say to me, "• What use, sir, is my good character to me, and what good have I done myself in never having had my family chargeable on the parish ? Here is Jack, as lives close to mc, whose family is always a re- ceiving parish relief, and who never does, and never has done, any regular work in his life, and who finds money, someliow^ to get drunk with; he gets as much given to him at the big house, and a Christmas dinner to boot, and broken victuals beside, or even more than I does ; so what 's the use of honesty ? You gets no more by it than if you'd been a dozen times in gaol ; they says, or, leastways, the parson does, as ' virtue is its own reward,' and burn my shirt if he ain't about right, for you never gets any good for it." 90 FACT AGAINST FICTION. Now, these arc facts ; and tliis Is the rustic logic that arises from ajoparently little things. But my experience teaches me that many of those owners of large mansions who like the name or reputation of being '^ good to the poor/' by indiscriminate charity to all evil-disposed persons as well as the really deserving, do in- finitely more harm than good. When the young ladies of the mansions select to run about with or after parsons throughout the parish in which they live, with a big, mysterious bag, and sundry baskets of buns and old clothes, or new clothes made up for the occasion, it has come to my knowledge that the scum of the population tliere- abouts have resorted to all sorts of imposition to arouse pity, — such as tying up a leg or arm, alleging that they had been run over by a waggon, or lost an eye from a supposed blow from the bough of a tree they were sedulously and honestly felling. Xo questions are ever asked as to the truth or otherwise : it is sufficient for the applicant to be in rags ; and the parson of the parish, nine times out of ten, is so soft and easily imposed on, tliat he never makes any effort to direct attention to the only channel in 5 5? THE THIEF AND POACHER. 91 wliicli kindness and reward can be effective. I shall not easily forget the indignation of an lionest ^Har," then in the Preventive Service, when, as he sat on the ste]3s of a bathing-machine ^'look-out" glass in hand, a ^^Drusilla Clack like lady, a miss, though old, and very much amiss in the direction of her parochial preachings, came suddenly upon him and thrust a little book into his hand. The man-of-war's-man saw and recognized the donor of the book, touched his hat, and began to look it over for '^ the picters." In doing so, the fly-leaf of the book escaped his observation, till, having ascertained that there were no '^picters,'' it caught his eye. On it, in large characters, obtrusively written in the lady's hand, were these words — ^^ Sinner , this is for thee." His spell of duty being over, he shut up his glass with an emphatic slap, and, sliding furiously from the steps of the machine into the sand, he strode, or rather rolled angrily away, direct for the front door of the liouse whence this dis- criminating philanthropist had emerged to per- form her so-called Christian duties. Covert ap- proaches and back doors were no longer to be 92 FACT AGAINST FICTION. tliouglit of by tliis lionest fellow; but going at once up to the front cloor, he aclmmisterecl such a tlmndermg knock, that a flunkey came out almost on his nose. ^^Here, guv'nor," said the offended royal and loyal tar, ^'take this here book back to your lady what shoves 'em about, and tell her I won't have it nor none of it ; I never was rated as a ' sinner ' afore by any skipper under whom I sailed, and she 'd no sort of business whatsomever to put me down as sitch in that blessed log of hers." So saying, the mortal breaker, having broken on the philanthropical beach, he receded, and left the flunkey puzzled in the spray. Of such anecdotes as these, if I tliought it would amuse my readers to narrate them, there are many; but as my chief object is, at this moment, to show the extreme mischief occasioned in a rural j)^i'i'*^h by indiscriminate charity, I leave the donors of it and tlie j^retendcrs to extreme godliness, to the oj)inion pronounced by that eminent solicitor, Mr. Bruff, in Wilkie Collins's admirable tale of ^ The Moonstone,' which runs as follows, where the learned gentleman sjoeaks of Godfrey Ablet wliyte : — '' I am told he is an eminent THE THIEF AND POACHEE. 0'> pliilantliroplst, wlilcli is decidedly against liim." I wisli every lawyer was as wise and honest as Mr. Bruff, for philosophers and philanthropists not only very frequently make egregious mistakes, but the latter, in the most uncharitable opinions which they obviously form of all their neigh- bours, forget that it must be decidedly wrong to let boasted religion be a cloak for cruelty, and detraction of character the main staple of all their proceedings. The slap which Wilkie Collins gives to the innumerable ^^ Clacks" and ^'Able- twhytes" that labour to make j^eople miserable, while in the gloomy-looking cells of their own souls they frisk about and kiss each other in all secret levity, is well deserved, and I commend its perusal to a secret Clack and Abletwhyte Society, who at one time used to post to me from South- ampton every month pink salvations in the shape of little books. As long as the papers of these imiDudent intrusions lasted, however, they made, when torn up. and tied to lines, very good '^stojis" for running game. The plan for the owner of a country house and manor, I suggest, is this : it has been my custom 94 FACT AGAINST FlCTIO^^ always to be guided by it. If poor people apply for charity, either by bringing to the door a paper, signed, of course, by the clergyman, alleg- ing the accidental death of cow, horse, donkey, or pig, if the truth of the tale, when inquired into, is found to be correct, — the signature of the clergyman to such a document as this being no sort of guarantee as to its real value, — give in money what is deemed fit, but on no account append your name to the paper, and, if you can stop it, prevent the petitioner from doing so. If you append your name to a paper of this kind, your name and the names of all wlio sign it when that ^^ plaint" is over, may be detached and pasted on to fresh applications, and, by the number and respectability of the signatures, carry with it a weight it in no way deserves. The names in Hudibrastic phrase acting " Like nest-eggs to make clients lay, And on a false opinion pay." In speaking thus of the clergyman's signature, it is not my intention to charge an intentional error against all the gentlemen clothed in black; all I design to attribute to him is a very mis- chievous over-zeal to appear in his parish on the THE THIEF AND rOACHER. 95 side of charity, however misplaced and undeserved any approach to favourable consideration may be. The people in the parish always well know how easy it is to cheat their parson, by ^^ outward and visible signs," into the belief ^^ of the inward and spiritual grace," and on his credulity they endea- vour to trade. As to the good or evil effects of a large preser- vation of game, the real fact stands thus. It is the little amount oi unprotected gci^me that fosters crime. There is just enough on the unprotected lands to promise to a dissolutely inclined man enough illicit game to bring him beer, without the slightest chance of his being taken and punished. On the other hand, where there is a large head of game, it must have many vigilant protectors — capture being almost a certainty if inroads are made on the lands. In addition to this, when there are watchers, the farmer's roots and turnip-tops are safe; his hedges cannot be pulled nor his gates thrown off the hinges without an almost certainty of detec- tion; cattle cannot get cast in ditches, nor sheep in grips ; nor can sheep be stolen, nor corn from the sheaf either, when there is a large preserve of game, and men out night and day to look after it. 96 FACT AGAINST FICTION. Preservation cannot exist without due care, and agrarian crimes of all sorts, from sheep-stealing to robbing hen-roosts, must, by the vigilance of keepers, be considerably curtailed. In fact, if the owner of the large preserve issues proper orders, and his men do their duty, everything on the manor must be held in watchful supervision. In illustration of all these things, I now come to facts brought before me in the place whence I write the present volumes. On leaving Winkton, which I rented under my dear good friend, the late Mr. Weld, of Lulworth Castle, and which the late Mr. Mills, of Bistern, subsequently bought, Itook Alderney Manor. The game on it consisted of three pheasants, some partridges, a few hares, and a great many rabbits — a great many rabbits, of course, as always is the case when the farm bailiff \\^^ what is erro- neously called '^ the keeping of them down," which, being translated, means putting them down his throat, and selling them — the possibility of these two facts, of course, rendering him desii^ous of keeping up a good stock. Tlie very poor, idle, and dissolute squatters in mud huts, who had put up places in which to live, finding a wide stretch of wild heaths, not commons, abandoned to their disposal. THE THIEF AND POACHER. 97 All these men kept lurcliing dogs, and many of tliem liorseSj a cow or two occasionally, and doid^eys, and grazed these animals on the surromid- ■ ing pro2)ertyj they not possessing any other land than the little plot on Avliich the mud cottage stood. Now, I take on myself to say, that every man of these mud huts, not only would not work at any honest labour, but that most of them lived by theft and on the trespass of their cattle. On Sundays, during church-time, they used to assemble on the heaths, every man with his lurcher, and run at rabbits, and at a hare if they accidentally found one, for money to he spent in heer. So habituated had these ^^poor" become to the illegal use of what belonged to other people, that at last they began to think that anybody's property within their reach — from a watch, a fowl, wood, turf, game, or rabbits, by a common right of equality or communism — was theirs. In fact, there had been no gentleman or landed proprietor capable or willing to protect his own, or what was let to him, or kindly assigned him, by other people ; and when timid people, or maudlin men, took some of the lands or the house, to VOL. II. H 98 FACT AGAINST FICTION. pretcud to jn^eserve game on, or to live In, tliey openly lauglied at lils ineffective gamekeeper, and not content with .shooting or snaring the little wild life there was in fur or feather, they absolutely infracted the premises, and stole the barn-door fowls that roosted in his laurels at his door. In short, no one ivould live at what was then called Alder- ney Cottage, until that hapjDy state of things existing in its vicinity w^as broken through by my under-renting it of a Mr. King, who had taken it of Sir Ivor Guest, and kept it in a very neglected state. Here, then, is an answer to the Bright, Ho dger. Dodger, Dilks, and Doddle cry of the harm done by the great, or what these ^^ dodger" people call '' the over-preservation of game." By day nor night was there any proper notice of the lawless state of the district, save such as was confided to the public supervision of the county police, wdio, of course, could not specially absent themselves from the highways to see what w^as going on in more remote places. Tlie tenant- farmers in the vicinity Avere trespassed on by night, and their ricks fired if they tried to j^rotcct themselves. THE THIEF AND POACHEK. 99 And tills because there was no Immediately resident gentleman, and no sort of preservation of game. One miliealtliy state of things induced another. Every idly-inclined and dishonest man, seeing how his fellows could fare, then tried to erect a mud hut, in order to enjoy the illegal pursuits he saw luere not restrained by anj/ exercise of landed power ; and, on the suggestion of the previous squatters before him, he was told '^io bide some high wind setting the desired way towards the fir woods, and then in the nocturnal hours to light a fire" — the habit having been, on occasions of these really in- cendiary fires^ to give the loppings of the dead trees, and the half-charred poles, '-'- to the poor'' — to the very men who purposely set the woods on fire. If this encouragement of the most serious crime is what is termed being ^^good to the poor," why then Heaven, in th.at respect^ make me '^had'' to them for life. If it is ivromj in us, the game-preservers, to keep in our woods a quantity of game, for our anmsement and tliat of our friends, and to the very great employment of labouring men and IT 2 100 FACT AGAINST FICTION. servants, how much more erroneous It niust he, in the eatmg-houses or cook-sliops of the metro- polis, to expose to the London ''poor" all sorts of roast, boiled, and pickled eatables, Avith but the texture of a fragile piece of glass, not the fifteenth part of an inch, between their mouths and the joint they long to dine on. The same may be said of the silversmith and jeweller, and the pastrycook, and even to the man who dares to walk the street Avitli a visible watch or jewel on his person. I had obtained, but at this minute I cannot lay my hand upon it, a computation of the amount of pounds of meat sold by the poulterers of the large cities and towns in wholesome food in rabbits alone to the labour hig classes, and to those who come within the fashionable denomina- tion of '' the poor.''* I think at Southampton fourteen thousand rabbits, or couples of rabbits, sold as food for the people, w^as about the annual numl^er ; so that if you put each rabbit at about three pounds' Avortli of animal food, it would be difficult to include them in the audacious nomen- clature of a blatant farmer or speech-maker at * This shall be appended to the close of this volume. THE THIEF AND POACHER. 101 some of tlie farmers' clul)s, — I think, in the Stour or Avon vales, — wlio in liis wine-ancl-watery wrath clenoimced these creatures to l^c rendered ex- tinct as ^^ useless vermin." I can understand the minds of some tenant-farmers being* ^^ riled," sup- posing them to know the millions of pounds, in the United Kingdom, of rabbits iDought by the poor for their families during the twelve months, in preference to butcher s meat — the poor so ob- taining a hetter dinner for the same amount of money than they could have had if they had gone to lay it out in the butcher's shop. But understanding this, and looking on either side the slice of bread, it does astonish. me to see how completely led astray a vast number of the people are, as well as some of the leading press, by the false abuse lavished on the large estates — lavished, I repeat, for no real object of humanity towards ^'the poor" themselves, but in order to sow dis- affection between landlord and tenant, and to destroy the influence of acres on those wlio in- habit under the lord of a manor. In short, the whole but tried-to-be-disguised object of Codger, Dodger, Snooks, and Noodle, or wlioever the firm consists of, has been, and is, to create disaffection 102 FACT AGAINST FICTION. to the Crown, to the Peers, and to tlie Squire- archy, for political purposes; but, like the moun- tain, if so large a name can he assigned to a conclave of such little molehill men, liaving no mouse, all they could produce, after all their labour, was^ the miserable, half-witted hand of a boy armed with a lockless pistol, and sub- sequently whipped for his folly, Avho endeavoured to frighten the Queen. Labourers, servants of all grades, have been striking for a rise of wages, taught by these Hyde Park bloaters, and tauo-ht to strike as the neo^roes in the West Indies were taught to strike by ^'missionaries," who liad better far been ''cold," — that is, tlie blacks were taught to strike just at some period wlien it Avas ruin to an employer or possessor of sugar plantations to lose all the hands he had. Had I a thousand tongues and a million pens I would stamp those men who counsel such strikes, and the poor classes who thus league together to force the money from their employers, as the lowest villains that disgrace tlie name of English- men, or that over robbed on the high road. If any labouring man, artificer, or farm-labourer, feels that he is aggrieved by liaving less wages THE THIEF AND POACHER. 103 tlian he conceives to 1)0 liis due, let liim go to the face of his master, like an honest, fearless man, and tell him that he will quit his employ unless his place is better. If he feels aggrieved and keeps his grievance smouldering in his breast till he can get others to be as disaffected as himself, and then, leaguing together, he and the rest of his companions wait till the moment when employer, farmer, clothier, or mechanic must be ruined if he does not on the instant, at whatever cost, secure his hands by compliance with any extortion, then I hold such men, in suck a strike, to be worse than the robber who holds a pistol to the head, threatens life, and demands a purse. Worse, because the villains on strike cannot be severely punished for what they do; though, fairly speaking, do they ^^ not take a man's life away," when the}^ seize ^^the means by which lie lives " ? If sugar-canes are not cut the very instant they are ripe, if corn is not similarly disposed of, it deteriorates, and hay the same ; and if not carried when fit to be so dealt with, it becomes worthless, and the loss so occasioned is a scandalous robbery; while, if the owner of lOrt FACT AGAINST FICTION. the goods, wliatever they may he, complies with a demand lie kno^Ys must he his ruin, and which cannot in its extortion continue, why, then he pays his money to men who stand in the position of mean and worthless robbers. It is high time that Peers and Commoners, and all grades of employers, should meet this mischief by a league, — a league not to take from the j^opulation anything, not to extort from them anything, not to force them to accept less wages for their industry tlian they deserve ; but to point out to them that there are two ways of obtaining things in this world, other than by ^^strikes" and robbery; and that they could quit their employer's service at times that would be just to him as well as to themselves, if they could l)ottor themselves 1)y it, and then not put it in the power of any peoples, at home or in foreign countries, to refer to, and liken them to, a nest of predatory villains. No man has spoken more clearly or correctly on this head than the Duke of Buckingham ; and no set of designing, selfish men have over deluded their poor dupes more than the clique of stump- orators who have been permitted to make the THE THIEF AND POACHER. 105 public parks a iiuisancc to all well-disposed and properly-guided people, or to pollute tlie foun- tains in Trafalgar Square witli their pestilential presence. It is farcical to combine two facts that to every thinking mind must 1)0 diametrically ojoposed to each other, and imjDossible of completion. The two facts I allude to are increased wages for less duration of work. Surely, if these deluding slieplierds had intended to gain for their silly flocks the better pay they called for, the}^ ought not to have coupled with that increase of wages a very great diminution of time in which to earn them. They should simply have demanded better pay, if they thought that they could get it for tlie twelve hours' toil — not twelve hours' toil, for from the hours have to be deducted break- fast, ^^ lunch," and dinner. I do not agree that any labourer • on a flirm should have any land to cultivate for himself over and above his sufficient garden or plot. No servant or labourer of any kind should be, or expect to be, remunerated on a system of per- quisites, for that system fosters dishonesty and induces discontent. The labourer of any kind 106 FACT AGAINST FICTION. should be paid every week in hard eash ; he then knows exactly what he lias to trust to, and can lay it out in the way that coincides with his own wishes. There is a vast deal of clap-trap nonsense respecting ^Hlie improvement of the dwellings of the poor." I take it on myself to assure my readers that, if the entire population of the rural classes were polled for and against what is called '^the improvement of their dwellings," there would be an overwhelming number of votes for the old cottages, and an immense chorus would arise of ^' Oh, give us our lowly thatched cottage again." However, ^^to improve the dwellings of the poor" sounds well, and is an ostentatious extra- vagance or showy ceremony, much delighted in bv the rich of the present day. No one can say anything against the abstract fact, but as to its rendering the labouring classes more contented, warmer, and better off as to the cost of living, the improvement of their dwellings has done no such thing. No really usefully-inclined man seems to me ever to ask an honest labourer, i^er se, why he is discontented, and what it is that he wants, or thinks would l)enefit his condition. THE THIEF AND POACHEK. 107 111 nine cases out of ten, if this question was put to a union victim, he would make a very natural but stupid reply, and say, ^' more money and less work," the very two things that cannot go together. As to the Improvement of their dwellings, they would ask for some straw to thatch their dwelling, and not for a gaudy stack of chimneys, very necessarily inducing an in- creased outlay of fuel. The really worthy and hard-working labourer, if quietly left to explain himself, would simply ask to 1)e paid in hard cash for his luork, and not to have the amount of that hard cash staved off with very sour cider or other supposed benefits, which really are to the labourer and his family no benefits at all. Whatever mischiefs may have been achieved Ijy these strikes and unions, they must consume tliemselves, from their very want of reasonable or well-arranged foundation. You may, I regret to say, delude the English masses for a time, and induce its component heads ^^ to imagine a vain thing " ; but as the gloss of the false gar- ment thrown over them wears off, the heads will cease to cling to vain, unjust, and sedulously inculcated deceits, and come back once more to 108 FACT AGAINST FICTION. tlio lioncst reality of their position — the fair remuneration of their labour, at shorter pay for lessened work, and to the full pay, say twelve shillings a-week, paid every Saturday, for twelve hours, deducting half-an-hour for breakfast, a quarter of an hour for luncheon, and an hour for dinner, Avliich gives not twelve hours for labour, but ten hours and a quarter for actual industry. With such terms as these, an agricultural labourer would have every reason to be, and ought to be, contented and happy. ON THE THEFT OF LIVE GAME. 109 CHAPTER V. ON THE THEFT OF LIVE GA:\IE. Night Poacliing— How to Defeat tlie Poaclier's Object— Stacks or Feeding-Places to be well Watched— Months in which Poachers are most Active— Game-Dealers and Poachers— How the Thieves Proceed— A London Poacher Caught; what he had in his Pocket— How they Deceive the Keepers— Over-Preservation— Good Sense and Vigilance will get over Difficulties— To take the Wind out of the Sails of the Stump Orators. In describing the various ways of stealing game, perhaps it will be best to begin with night poach- ino-, and the use of the poacher's gun; for as regards this noisy way of depredation, very great mistakes have arisen as^to the nights that arc likeliest for this robbery to be attempted : foolish songs about its being the nocturnal thief's " delight on a shiny night/' whereas a bright moonlight nia-ht would be the furthest off from the thief's selection when contemplating this inroad on private property. Pheasants will not sit to be shot at on 110 FACT AGAINST FICTION. a bright niglit, after the first gun has alarmed the Avood, therefore tlie night selected is generally when there is a bright sky but no moon, and a very higli wind to drown as much as possible the villain guns. If a gang of these rascals have sallied forth half drunk, and for the time being possessed of Dutch courage, gained at the low beer-shop or public-house, they always select some man among them less drunk than the majority to act as leader, and he is generally a well-known thief. If the attack is to be made by the gang on a considerable sized cover, holding many pheasants, these thieves draw up at the verge of tlie cover, and, receiving their orders to keep silence, they all go into the wood together, and proceed in a body through it for a considerable distance. AYlien they have got far enough into the wood, then they halt under some tree or trees where they can see a roosting pheasant ; on that sjDot they leave the first man. The rest of the thieves then retrace their steps, taking up positions under roosting birds, till the last man is posted — all these villains having orders to wait till the last man posted fires ; then all of them have orders to ON THE THEFT OF LIVE GAME. Ill fire and fall back as quickly as they can, shooting on their way back if they pass under a pheasant ; after that they decamp^ if not caught by the keepers, with their booty as fast as they can. Thus, supposing there is no ^^set watch" out, tlie whole thing is over in half-an-hour, and by tlie time that the keeper in bed has got his boots on, the scoundrels" have departed. NoAV, in this hurried attack — for I have insjpected the ground on the following day — there is very seldom a valuable booty obtained; and for this reason — many of the pheasants are, of necessity, at such short distances from the gun, to enable the thief to see them, that they are blown beyond all possibility of sale for cooking, many of them fall into briars .where they are not found, and some of them have life enough left to run away. I have known these gangs to bring a dog with them to find their game, and, if I may judge of the mass of feathers, tails and all, that this dog pulled out, what between the dog and short distances, there could not have been many birds fit for sale. These nocturnal gangs are now very rare since the establishment of the Police Force, and the nidit shooting is generally confined to one or two thieves, 112 FACT AGAINST FICTION. who ^^ listen a bird up," shoot him, unci run away. These are the most difficult of such depredators to catch, as you never know when or where to have them, and they are off at the first alarm. When a keeper knows what he is about, he has it in his power to make his master's well-enclosed woods very dangerous to walk in at night. He has a right to dig holes in his master's woods as deep and as frequent as he likes ; he has a right to strain very small but strong wire from tree to tree, al)out the height from the ground of a middling-sized man's face. A nocturnal villain has no business in that wood, and if he cuts his nose nearly off against a wire of this kind, he has no one to blame for it but himself. Very strong pliant growers may also be bent down, and held down with strong whipcord and a peg to a hole in a strong post, which said growers fly up Avith great emphasis if the peg that holds them is displaced by the foot or leg of a man, and if the grower should catch an intruding chin, a jaw so struck Avill not masticate food for some days. Those excellent but dangerous spikes for men or dogs are said to be as illegal as the spring-gun, so it is best not to set them, and, indeed, without ON THE THEFT OE LIVE GAME. 113 Slid I dangerous things a wood can be made, if well enclosed to keep out cattle, as ineligible a spot for a niidniglit walk as can well be imagined. The owner of a Avood has as much right to put large tenter-hooks in his trees, if he likes it, as he has to put them on the top of his palings or walls ; and if hooks are suspended on stout cords, combined with deeply dug holes and growers to spring up when touched, the wood thus treated will not be much troubled with intruders by night or day. How- ever good it may be to have these adjuncts for the maintenance of privacy, in my own mind there is nothing like a force kept on watch on every succeeding night. Wires set for game must be left, at least for a time, and this, of course, affords the chance of the keepers finding them and being ready for the return of the intruder. AVhere there is game, there are stacks or feeding-places for the pheasants, and at these stacks, during the day, by snares much mis- chief may be done when the ground is badly looked after by the keeper. I have known stacks visited by a poaching thief in the day, and he will very likely lie hidden in the cover till tlie keeper pays a visit, perhaps to VOL. II. I 114 FACT AGAINST FICTION. liancl-feecl in tlie straw wlien tlie stack holds but little corn, and then the intending thief will Avatch the keeper go away. Eonnd the stack he will set snares, — nooses of horsehair or of wire in the pheasants' runs, or even small steel traps, — and then, hiding again in the bushes within ear-shot, he is ready at the first fluttering wing in any of tlie snares to creep out and 2:)ossess himself of the bird. Another plan at the stacks which thieves sometimes resort to is, to lay fish-hooks on short lines, or horse-hair baited with a pea or bean, at times with a raisin, vulgarly called by this class of men a ^^fig"; but the latter is by no means a successful bait, for not one pheasant in a hundred will eat it. To get a pheasant to eat a raisin is to establish in the bird an artificial appetite, and that, after all, is but a waste of time. Hooks with short lines, the fish-hook baited with an acorn, will take a wild duck at some shallow feeding-j^lace, but if there are other wild ducks feeding there, when one is caught by swalloAving the hook, the fluttering of the duck so caught will scare the fowl away from that identical spot for man}' months to come. Neither wild ducks nor pheasants, hares nor ON THE THEFT OF LIVE GAME. llo rabbits, can bo caught as easily as some people siij)pose. A hare or a rabbit won't go through a snare in the hedge, or take the run in the grass Avhere even a wire is set up- wind of them, that is if the hare or rabbit approach with the wind coming from the snare to them. If they come the other way, or down-wind to the snai-e, then they are very likely taken in it, for their nose is the only thing besides the ear which warns them of danger ; their eyes, in this respect, if the danger is stationary, are of no use to them whatever. • The worst season for poaching or thieving game is precisely that when people who know nothing about it suppose that depredations against the game are all over — I, mean the entire months of February and March. It is then that the large game-dealers in London, and all over the country, have a demand for live pheasants. Pro- prietors Avho have over-shot their manors, and renters of manors newly taking possession of them, and finding nothing there but air and exercise, all alike ap^ily to ^Hhe trade,'' and then, in league, many of them, with the local thieves, they send down a man, with a roomy box or well, attached to a sort of mercantile phaeton, I 2 116 FACT AGAINST FICTION. to put himself at once in communication with rural rascality, and to set about stealing the pheasants. Very likely the man from London employs the rural and local thieyes to steal the 2)heasantSj promising to pay the fines for them if they are caught ; but I have kno^^i strangers to set about the act. In that case, however, it is generally when the Avoods are small, and, from some adjacent road, the London thieves can first see how the land lies, and get acquainted with the position of affairs. If there happens to be a gamekeeper a fre- quenter of public-houses, the plan adopted is to get the fool fond of beer drinking, and to ph' him well with liquor, making him safe for a given time. If the woods are small and w^ell- stocked with pheasants, and of the shape which best suits the thieves — that is, narrow, but of a certain length — in the course of an hour, or an hour and a half, a large booty may be caught and carried away. Suppose the cover to be long enough, as well as narrow, for two beats, the poachers go to the middle of it, and set it across in every run Avitli wires, with a knot on them to prevent their drawing tight enough to strangle a bird, and with '' purse nets," made of silk or ON THK THEFT OF LIVK GAME. 117 twine — the silken ones are best. These snares being so set to face one end of the cover, the thieves go to the other end, tap the stems of the trees very cautiously as they come along, and set all the pheasants rmming. They j)i'oceed thus cautiously up to their snares, and take out the pheasants that may be caught; when, revers- ing the position of their purse-nets to make them catch the other way, they then go to the other end of the cover and reverse their beat, con- cluding in the same way. If the covers are narrow, and the pheasants many, this depreda- tion takes up but little time, and the thieves of the game are oflP with their valuable booty before the drimken or neglectful keejDer knows anything of the matter. I remember one of these London men being caught at this work by an old servant of mine, but not then in my employ. He gave chase to the tAvo Londoners, who ran for it, and very wisely selected the man who seemed to have the heaviest pocket. This man^ in jumping the wattled hedge out of the cover, kicked his toe against the top binder, and fell with his stomach against the edge of the ditch in the field. The keeper very wisely 118 FACT AGAINST FICTION. jimiped, and landed with his feet in the back of the thief, and secured him. On searching him, there were live pheasants in his pockets, and one dead cock pheasant, which, no doubt, had been killed in the fall. There was, therefore, a penalty for the trespass, and for the possession of dead game out of season — when, on the magistrate convicting, the thief plunged his hand into his pocket, and flung on tlio table a heap of gold and silver, a game certificate, and a licence to deal in game, and insolently told the magistrate's clerk to take the fine, whatever it was. Taking live game, and stealing the eggs when keepers are slack, are two of the easiest as well as the most mischievous and lucrative manorial aggressions. Thieves, when setting their snares for all or any kinds of game, to be. left down all night, will very often select what they think is the keeper's dinner-liour to go and look at them. Then, if there should 1)0 a head of game caught, they will come to the spot, stoop down over it, make a bundle of their smock-frock or jacket-j^ockets, rise up again, and appear to sneak away. Then, if the keeper is deceived by this, he rushes out from his hiding-plnce, and seizes the supposed delinquent. ON THE THEFT OF LIVE GAME. 119 wlio has no game in his possession, for he only knelt down and pretended to take the game, just to test if there was anybody watching him. The poacher will also make almost imperceptible marks aromid their snares, but at some distance from them, in order to see if since they set them the keeper had been in their vicinity. Keepers ought always to have marks all over their covers, by which they could ascertain if, in their absence, any strange person had been there — a line of worsted, a lightly-twisted bough or bramble, or even a dark thread, would give ample testimony of any- thing of a certain height having passed that way. There is a very vulgar phrase very often in the mouths of men avIio ought to know better, it is ^^the over-preservation of game." Now, there can only be one system of preserving game and prevention of trespass, and that, to be of any good, must be strict and efficient in every respect. To get up a certain amount of game and then only half or inefficiently to preserve it, is to put a temptation in the way of drunken thieves, who will not do any honest work for beer, which is the only thing they live for, and really to make a certain amount of ill-protected game an induce- 120 FACT AGAINST FICTION. inent to rel)el against the law. If by tlie words '^over-preservation of game" is meant an enor- mous amomit of birds and beasts to eat up all the crops, and to do harm in the woods and fields, to arrive at that immense amount of hares, phea- sants, and partridges — rabbits are not game — is, on some manors, totally impossible. On some extra- ordinary land that suits game, it might be done, if the game was not usefully shot for one season ; but when game is so foolishly kept, beyond Avhat the woods and lands will fairly carry, the fault brings its own remedy, for the ground will get what we call '' stained," all sorts of diseases will break out in feather and in fur, and in succeeding seasons there will be very little game of any kind, attempt to preserve it, or what is called '^ over- preserve it," to the fullest extent, as you may. Because things may he done injudiciously, and, in very harsh and mistaken ways, by wrong-headed owners of manors, wdio by injustice and morose- ness make enemies where none need exist, that is no sort of reason why a man with his senses about him, and a wide knowledge of human nature, should not com])letely support his own interests, enjoy them to the full, }'et by tact, resolution to ON THE THEFT OF LIVE GAME. 121 insist on the laws and the rio-ht that the hiw "ives liim, restrain all evil-doers from infractions. Thus showing to the poorer classes that it is the unmistak- able side on which their bread is buttered to serve and to please the man in power, whose hand and heart alike incline him to justice, charity, and good will. On the well-arranged and sensibly-ordered manor, there really is little ill-will and no difficulty. In the first instance, authority, of course, must be manifested and strictly enforced, and the incor- rigible ruffians brought to their senses — made to see that they must either obey the laws, abstain from theft, or suffer the punishment awarded to crime of every description. These incorrigible dwellers in a village will, when they find they can no longer revel in bad beer, bought by the proceeds of worse crime, remove themselves from the locality, and go to sites where there is less^ restriction, or to the purlieus of a royal forest, which really is the recejDtacle for ruffians sped away from places they have made too hot to hold them. In a royal forest in England there are always inefficient keepers or woodmen, and every noble lord and gentleman, during the time that he may have been 122 FACT AGAINST FICTION. Ranger or head of the Office of Woods and Forests, in the event of his having an old servant who, through drinking or other incapacity, he wants to be rid of, has been always inclined to stick him into the hole for which he was totally unfitted, and put him to serve the CroAvn, because he had it not in him to serve anybody or anything else. Those incorrigible ruffians in a village as above alluded to, were best away from the site where they had so long revelled in ill-earned beer and bad example, and, if driven away by the full and fair administration of the law, — whether of the Game Law or any other statute, matters not, — their absence on the surrounding population has a more beneficial effect than their presence. I have, in my time, written so much as to game, tliat I fear to be charged with saying the same thing over again. But silent as I might wish to be, there are so many aggressions now made, at every corner of the land where a ^^ stump" demagogue can get a ragged audience, upon the landed aristocracy, that I must speak up for those who must ever be regarded as tlie brain, and in war as the gallant right-hand of old England in the dangerous hour. ON THE THEFT OE LIVE GAME. 123 Let lis, then, for once, take tlie wind out of tlio sails of the stump and ckih orators, and, after showing them that their cry is really to roh the l^eople of the food— the wliolesome meat from rabbits that they have the power of purchasing at tlie poulterer's, and because they cannot buy butcher's meat at the present prices, — let the landed gentry turn all those wide wastes that the demagogues have alluded to, as being ^^ sinfully kept for private pleasure," netting ^' no food for the people " of any kind, into rabbit-warrens. When it is known, as I will take care that it shall be, how many, many millions on millions of pounds of meat furnished by the rabbits to the working classes, from those wastes so cultivated as warrens, and assigned to the only crop that they can grow, stump orators Avill have to drive another trade. It will afford the means of bringing down the high prices demanded by the farmer and the butcher, prices to which the humblest labourer or artificer cannot at present by the sweat of his brow attain. If it is really desirable to cheaj^en meat food, how is that good to be consummated by lessening the supply by millions on millions of pounds ? 124: FACT AGAINST FICTION. CHAPTER VI. ON THE REARING OF PHEASANTS BY HAND. Mistakes of Keepers — Best Method to Adopt — A Mystery cleared lip — Constant Watchful Attention requisite — Food and Diseases — Minute Insect Food on the Under Side of Oak Leaves — Errors of Learned Men — Protective Laws — Farmers and Ptabbits — Mistakes of Professors — The Wood Duck. As it lias now loecome one of the necessities of the day to provide sufficient sport for the present generation, each gunner armed with three double breech-loaders, and accompanied by no dog, some further remarks on this artificial practice will not be out of place. Perhaps there is no phase of game-preserving wherein so many lords and masters are deceived by their servants as in the asserted number of young birds reared at the coops. The number of young birds hatched out under each barn-door hen or bantam no doubt can be easily ascertained, but then what very often follows ? ON THE KEAKING OF PHEASANTS BY HAND. 125 Some keepers very erroneously mow a swartli in tlic long' meadow grass, and put their coops into it, and never cover up the fronts of their coops at dusk, or before dusk, every evening, as tliey ouglit to do. The consequence of this is, if rain comes on, the young birds get into the grass, and, to use a keeper's expression, get ^^ draggled," and, becoming chilled, never reach the coops again. Or in the long grass, during the day, a stoat, a weazel, or a rat may get hold of them, the A^ermin not visible to the keepers, when, on feeding, if the right immber of young pheasants do not appear at the expected coop, the keeper at once concludes that they have gone and got mixed up with other broods, and takes no more trouble about it. Wlien coops and broods are put out, select as fair and open a piece of short grass as possible, so as to be able with the eye to command every yard of the ground. By way of shade and cover for the little birds, place in the vicinity of each coop scA^eral boughs of trees, laid for sufficient * support, and for the sake of keeping hollow, lapping the one over the other. Furze boughs will answer the purpose of sufficient protection 126 FACT AGAINST FICTION. from the rays of the sun, and for cover for the young birds to run into when the keeper feeds at the coop. They will be content to remain under the boughs till they see the feed put down, and till the consequent call of the lien lures them back. Su23posing that, instead of this, the coops are put by the side of mowing grass, as before alluded to, young pheasants at their earliest period may run into it, and get lost; that accident is com- pletely avoided by having the ground completely under supervision. I know an instance of a keeper losing every day some of his very young birds, and being totally unable to account for it. They were by the side of mowing grass, and he searched every bit of it over Avhen near that particular cooj), but could find nothing to clear up the mystery. He was a painstaking man, so he cut a considerable square patch of grass around the coop, and saw nothing more than what he might have seen anywhere every day, and that was, an open mole's run, or a small orifice in the sujoer- ficial run which moles often make just beneath the surface. He left tlie cooj), and before his re- turn another little bird was missing; so he sat ON THE REARING OF PHEASANTS BY HAND. 127 down to watch, for lie knew not wliat, perhaps because it was a liot day, and he was tired. He had not watched long, when, withm a couple of yards of the coops, on the spot he had newly mown, he thought he distinguished in the short grass a small brown spot, that was not there a moment before, so he sat for a minute or two speculating what it was — whether it might not be a dead leaf that had blown there, or some other accidental thing. The mystery was soon cleared up, for the spot rose to a few inches higher, and the substance assumed two sharp little black eyes, which turned, with the inquisitive head to which they belonged, from side to side, intently surveying the vicinity for danger or for prey. The gun rose slowly to the keeper's shoulder, and with even the cautious motion he adopted, so as the better to escape notice, ^^jjop goes the weasel " out of sight again — as the vulgar song has it — away went the vermin, leaving the keeper possessed of the knowledge he sought, the way his young birds had gone, l)ut tliat was all. However, with that restless curiosity which dwells in some animals as well as in the minds of some women, u}) came the little sharp face of i\\Q weasel 128 FACT AGAINST FICTION. again, to ascertain wlietlier the sliglit motion pre- viously detected originated with an enemj^ or not, and the keej^er, knowing the restless nature of liis foe, having kept the gun to his shoulder, shot the head off before its owner could again take it out of sight. No more birds were there- after lost. When keepers return an estimate to their em- ployers as to ' ' how many pheasants they have at the coops," they give in the number thcu have IDut out J not the number that are still then there, or that may be there at subsequent periods, — that number often much lessened by neglect, by disease, by accidents, or by the ravages of winged or four-footed vermin. A keeper can only know the truth of how many birds he has, by shutting up the face of the coop every evening, and count- ing the young at each coop as he lets them out every morning. Then, as the birds get larger, if some of them stray to other coops, he will be able to ascertain, by the numbers let out at each coop, his exact position. To some men this is too much trouble ; and because it is more trouble than they like, they tell their employer that it is l)est not to shut the young birds in at night. ON TITE REARING OF PHEASANTS BY- HAND. 129 The fact of sliutting tlicm up at niglit necessitates their being let out soon after daybreak in the morningj and that additional trouble to some men is distasteful. When the birds are very young, and the ground at the coords is full of herbage and clear of other impediments, before the very young birds are let out in the morning, it is good with a broom to brush away the dewdrops ; but in rougher ground, or in mowing grass, this cannot be accomplished. The young pheasants should be kept to their coop always, for two or three days, by a ^' crate" in front of it until they are not afraid to take their food from the man in attend- ance. The food should be. varied, every crop and stomach is fond of change, and should consist of hard-boiled egg, finely minced boiled rice, onions chopped as fine as possible, oatmeal rubbed with the egg or barley-meal (the oatmeal is the best), and grits and buckwheat. Fresh watercress, finely minced, and a bunch of the same, pegged to the ground, for them to peck at if they like. A fctu ants'-eggs, once or twice a day; if of the great wood ant, they should be scalded, to kill the hard bitten ant, and to mellow or reduce the strength of the insect eggs. Maggots may also be given, VOL. 11, K 130 FACT AGAINST FICTION. but only when turned reel and in a clnysalis state, on no account when fresh and alive from the carrion in which tliey were bred. The diseases which usually attack the young birds are ^Hhe gapes," ^^the cramp," and a species of '^cholera," accom- panied by blindness — a very strange blindness, for it consists not in the pupil of the eye, but in the closing of the lids. In this case of superficial blindness, the eyes of the young birds must be opened several times a day for them to feed, but usually before they have had time to get a suffi- ciency of food the lids close up again. A weak solution of camphor for the eye, and a camphor pill of about the size of a small pea, are remedies recommended J but I knou: no certain cure for any of these complaints : rue - tea, nettle-tea, alum- water, water imjDregnated with rusty iron, all of these may be given them to drink ; but though some of the patients recover under some of these remedies, all seems to me to depend on efforts of nature better than on outward apj^lication or internal medicine. Of course, if a man recom- mends an hitherto untried remedy, if the young bird in the course of natural effort recovers, the recovery is claimed as proof of a certain cure • ON THE REARING OF PHEASANTS BY HAND. 131 but my readers may take my word for it that life or death hangs on the constitutional power of resistance. Partridges are much more easily reared than pheasants, and may be fed on much the same food, only the smaller ants' -eggs may be given them in greater profusion than to the phea- sants. Black game are the most difficult to rear, and with them the same food will suit, with the addition of some young shoots from the heather ; but there is something which they require more than either pheasant or partridge, the nature of which I have not been able to ascertain. Always let the game-coops be put, if possible, on fresh ground, — never attempt to breed up in consecutive years on the same spot ; if you are obliged to do so, during the intervening winter give the ground a slight dressing of lime or chalk, but on no account whatever have anything to do with gas lime, for it is death to insect life, and baneful to the tender vegetations. The great difficulty lies in giving to the young pheasants a light but strengthening food, such as the mother finds for them in the immense variety of insects scattered over the surface of the lands within her haunt. Every inch of ground, every blade of grass or corn, every leaf, and every K 2 132 FACT AGAINST FICTION. (lead stick, is tenanted by insect life, more or less, Avliicli serves for tlie food of the '' nide." Among different kinds of beetles and grubs, the wire-worm forms a considerable quantity in the daily food. In the crop of one hen pheasant, feeding in a clover lay, and shot from off it, I found nearly half a pint of the wire-worm, which is, in my opinion, the worst enemy the farmer has. To meet this necessity for a mild, but yet a rich or sustaining food, maggots, in the chrysalis state, as before remarked, are good, hard egg, minced rabbit's flesh, but, on no account, the stomach or milky part of an old doe ; and last, though by no means the least, really old, coarse Scotch oatmeal, such as I should give to my foxhounds, together with some fresh-boiled beef or mutton fat, to my mind are the best substitute for tlie insect food sought by the pheasant in field and wood. Good greaves are de- cidedly the best for spare use in a kennel when fresh flesh cannot be obtained, and are much less heating for dogs of all kinds tlian those unwhole^ some cakes of tallow which are usually given* A very little boiled greaves may be used for pheasants. In short, I can lay down no directions as to the ON THE REARING OF PHEASANTS BY HAND. 133 rearing of pheasants which are not to be devi- ated from through circumstantial change ; l)ut much must be left to the watcliful vigilance of the keeper in attendance, and, in fact, there are very few men capable of understanding the re- quirements of the young lives entrusted to their charge. Some people think that if they clothe a man in a shooting-jacket, and put a gun into liis hand, calling him a keeper, he must be able to breed up the most difficult birds to rear that ever came under the liuman hand. For a long time it puzzled me to know how young pheasants of the season, when in the autumn or commencement of winter they had become full-grown, could live when all the corn had been swept from the fields by reap-hook, scythe, the gleaner, and the swine, and there were neither acorns nor beech-masts, nor the little root which in some ^ places is called the pig-nut, of wliich pheasants are very fond. Of course, the one and only way to clear up the point was by examining the contents of the crop, and in each case I found the crop to be full of the habitation of an insect that lives in a little blister-like excrescence which may be found, in l'3i FACT AGAINST FICTION. the fall of the year, on the under side of almost any oak-leaf lying withering on the ground. Some oak-leaves, on closer examination, I found to have some of these excrescences, while others, but only a few, were free from them. The little blisters were cleanly picked off the leaf by the pheasant ; but in no instance; at that season of the year, could I discover the occupant of the little cell. I must not leave this suljject without mention- ing the rule that should ever be kept. The rearer of young game should always keep at hand powdered chalk, and the French prepara- tion of charcoal, for when there is any scouring among the young birds, the use of both of these may be very important. It is very amusing the rearing of young game, and the frustration of vermin, in their attempts to destroy them, both with gun and trap — as amusing, but certainly not so ridiculous, as it is to hear the nonsense talked by bearded men about not destroying certain things, for that we should have much more game, and be all the bettor, in all respects, for keeping up the just balance of nature. Would the world be benefited if Ave patronize vice ? ON THE REARING OF PHEASANTS BY HAND. 135 When people let tlieir tongues run so loosely on subjects tliey can practically know nothing about J and when ''philosophers," or ''professors" — professing a knowledge of things they are obviously unacquainted with — declare we are to jDreserve all things alike, so as to maintain the equilibrium of nature, — predatory, venomous, or otherwise,— they must give to rats, mice, ticks, fleas, and meaner vermin still, the same protec- tion that they assign to hawks, cats, polecats, stoats and Aveasels, kites, crows, jays and magpies. I marvel much if these professors of they know not what, would abstain from activity unto death did they feel a trespass in their hair, or a lively visit to their skins, paid in a hop, step, and a jump, when they supposed them- selves comfortably in bed. A man once claimed to be able to give the Promethean sj^ark of life to a flea he had created out of coral dust, and, I suppose, some other more vivifying ingredient ; and the same man even descended in his claim to be a creator, for he asserted he could trouble the human head of a professor by worse things than fleas, in whose composition, base as the insects were, Avas the dust of diamonds. Such 136 FACT AGAINST FICTION. stuff as the necessity of '^ keeping iqj the balance of nature'- is really scarce worth alluding to, save as it serves to afford a ^^assing derision for those who moot such absurdities. We pass 23rotective laws for sea-gulls, which cannot be made food of for mankind, while we deny protection to the most useful and delicate things we have for the well-arranged table, and also, in a great measure, for the humble tables of the poor. Protection to the pheasant, partridge, grouse, and hare and rabbit, is growled at. They, the first four, may be sought as delicacies for the rich man's table, but the rabbit feeds tJiousands of the poor^ who say that '^ they can get more meat for themselves and children out of a couple of rabbits, at the price they give for them, than they could got for the same sum laid out in butcher's meat, beef, pork, or mutton. It is this^ perha})s, that makes farmers call the rabbits ^^ vermin," for when it is taken into considera- tion how much money I may say a million and more of people lay out annually on the rabbits, which otherwise nuist be laid out on the farmers' stock, wliy, there may he more reasons than one for tlic agricultural abuse sputtered on a j^ortion ON THE EEARING OF PIIEA.SANTS BY HAND. 137 of a people's food, tliat it would bo liarsli ruin to take from tliem. In Southampton alone, — I like to quote some town not far from "the Vale of the Avon," — the annual sale of rabbits, in one winter, to the j^oor, without including the skins, is seventeen thousands of pounds. None but a farmer then, I think, would call the rabbit a '^ useless vermin"; but men abuse things according to their kind, and, therefore, the farmer objects to rabbits because he thinks his crops make them good to eat, and to be sought after by the poor. If he wishes to run a tilt with reason against the rabbit, let him reduce the price of his bullock and his sheep, and put them more within the culinary office of the cottage. It is amusing to hear men talk of things they know not what, — at least, it would be amusing, if their gabble had not a very mischievous tendency. A cannibal, or man of colour witli that aj^petite, provided he is not white, is exalted in rhyme by somebody, who says, "wild in woods the noble savage ran," or he is by other enthusiasts in glaring compassion, said to be a gentleman — I suppose, in all but his chops. In short, led by bleating demo- crats against an imaginary slavery, or by dissenting 138 FACT AGAINST FICTION. stump (n- field, preachers, it has not been deemed imj^ious to clothe that first step to manhood without the tail, — according to Darwin, — the hideous bush- man or the Ashantee with the alles^ed ^' ima^'e of God." While this is done, multitudes of the white poor at home, because they are u'lilte and at home, are neglected. So, in a less degree, do we find that a similar state of things exists as to the birds and beasts of our own country ; laws for the j)rotection of the fish-destroying gulls are made, the gull not being food for the masses, but mas- ticating or swallowing with innnense and quick voracity a vast deal of fish, which otherwise might have gone to supply the different markets. At the same time that this protection is voted by the wise men in Parliament, ^'protection" to the food of the well-to-do man's table, the pheasant, partridge, grouse and hare, and to the wholesome fare supplied by the thirty thousand tons of rabl)it- mcat to the exigent poor, is growled at and sought to be obviated. The rabbits under-sell the farmer, the farmer, therefore, hates them, and so does the l3utclier, who sees the poor pass by his board, and seek the poulterer's shop. If I had time to mark the amazing ignorance of ON THE REARING OF PHEASANTS BY HAND. 139 some aiitliors, and the babbling- nonsense indulged in by sundry professors, I might fill half a volume with their blatant mistakes. Darwin, let alone his daring attack on the historic Deity and origin of man, fails in his mere ornithological lore, and declares that tliat well-known bird, ^' the snipe," ^' never breeds in England." Professor Owen did not know a whale's tooth from the canine fano- of a badger, while other professors have declared that some of the skulls of the Bovine race, in my posses- sion through the kind jDcrmission of his Grace the possessor of Haddon Hall, were the skulls of the Bos longifrons of the ancient Britons. And Avhen I replied ^^ that they ivere not,^^ the answer made was, ^Hliat of course My. Berkeley, as usual, knew better than anybody else." And in this instance so I dldj for the beasts belonging to the skulls had been killed each by a bullet , and gunpowder was aiot a commodity used by the ancients referred to. For my own particular amusement, I had kept the bullet-marks out of sight. Again, Ave have in the work which Yarrell left behind him, a picture of what he called a ^^ rare bird, supposed to breed in Norway or Sweden," to whicli he gave the name of the '^ bimaculated duck." 140 FACT AGAINST FICTION. There was a male specimen of this hybrid, for it is notliing else, in the British Museum ; and in order to prove what the hivd really was, I bred a mate for it in my garden, and sent it also to the Museum, just to upset the dictum of one who, in liis day, was deemed to know much, but many of whose dicta were based on mere hearsay, and whose work noiu stands little more than a milestone (like many otliers of ancient date), left on the old coacli- road of science before the commencement of the better-informed and faster train, simply to show where the public in former times were wont to travel. Before closing this chapter, in passing, let me remark, that of all the amusing birds of the duck tribe, the most beautiful, as well as the most amusing, is the American wood or Carolina duck. The plumage of the male is gorgeous in the ex- treme^ while there is a beautiful simplicity in the female plumage, in hue and neatness, reminding one of a very well-dressed Quakeress, without that worldly tip-t(jp tile of affectation, the ugly Quaker- bonnet. Tlie wood-duck will breed in a tame state, and, if pinioned, reside contentedh^ on any orna- mental water, or on the waters of a decoy for other ON THE REARING OF PHEASANTS BY HAND. 141 fowl ; and certainly for the table, as I have ascer- tained ill tlic Far West, no Avater-foAvl surpasses it in flavour. The time when they are most amusing is when they pair : this often takes place as soon as the young male and female are full-grown ; and once paired, in direct contradiction of Darwin — I mean as to the Darwinian theor/j, not as to his own pro- clivities or inclinations whatever they may be they never desert their first love, but, in spite of other attractions, year by year the pair continues to hold good. The wood-drake is .the only duck that I am aware of who picks up food and gives it to liis mate from his bill ; and it is most interesting to behold, to those amused with ornithology, — and it ought to be to all men icho have paired^ — how sedulously he attends on his mate : how he protects her from and keeps her from contact with the vulgar or designing l^rowd • swimming before her and heading her off from '^ plumps," or utlier fowl ; kissing her cheeks, and murmuring to her of her better course in keeping to herself and his devoted love. The common wild mallard ow^is no such love as this; he pairs with one, or " bides," as the country 142 i^ACT AGAINST FICTION. people say, with one, two, or three, as the case may be, and all that time he is a slave to any momentary whim or passion for the pairs of others that may seize him. Not so the wood-drake, he owns no passion but for the one thing he loves, and if that is taken from him, he will not, for the season certainly, and very likely never, pair again. WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 14:0 CHAPTER VII. THE WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Enormous Acreage of Waste Waters — Lake at Fontliill Towers — Carp, Perch, Pike, Eels — Crosses tried at Taymouth — Large Acreage of Waste Lands — What can they Produce ? — llabbits find a Living on them — Potato Disease, Cattle Disease — Disease among Game — Fish — Steam Cultivated Farms. There has appeared in the Times, newspaper a long discussion, originated, I believe, by Mr. Frank Buckland, in regard to the enormous acreage of water which lies neglected by the proprietors, and returns not a fowl nor a fish for the general amuse- ment or consumption of society. Mr. Frank Buckland is right in liis lamentation over this fact, but scarcely fair to the originator of the idea he has adopted, in not stating from whom he borrowed it. The subject was mooted long ago in one of my works by me, and to some readers Mr. Buckland's suggestion can be nothing new. In the letters on this subject that liave 144 FACT AGAINST FICTION. passed as alluded to, there is only one wliicli deserves much notice, and it is that written by Mr. Vere Fane Benett, of Pyt House, wherein he states, that the club-headed carp he caught in his ponds were utterly unfit for human food ; ' ' nor could he even get their bodies removed as a gift by the labouring poor."* It would certainly not be advisable for any labourer with a fjood appetite and not much time ill his mouth for careful mastication, to be seated with a pond carp, or any carjD, for dinner. Conceive a carp of this description under cottage hands for cooking, boiled with a bit of bacon and some cabbage, perhaps, sent up in greasy, thin gravy. The bacon would give it a savoury smell, and if he, the hungry parent of a family, persisted in eating the mess, two mouthfuls swal- lowed without caution would do the Calcraft's office, and choke him as sure as he was born. Any rash man tvith an appetite, sitting down to the bony fare of a carp, ought to have a surgeon on one side and a parson on the other to minister to his certain agony and probable departure elsewhere. Like the cautious Scotch- ■■■ Mr. Beiiett has since taken some splendid carp from other pools. WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 145 man, who, wlien asked if a man for whom there was an inquiry was ^' still there," gave for the reply, — ^^No, that he was gone.'' ^' Gone I where to ? " was the rejoinder of the querist. ^'I canna tak on myseP just to say whar he's f/one to, but he 's dead,'- was the cautious conclusion to the dialogue. The only way in which we can account for all old ponds, from time immemorial, to have been stocked with that horrible fish, the carp, is, that in days long gone, when there Avere more Roman Catholics and less sea Jish, it was deemed necessary to have something like a fish to put before the poorer ecclesiastics or l^rethren, and perhaps to eat a carp might have been deemed, and very naturally so, a penance for sin. I doubt very much if an abbot, or any soul who had anything else to cat, ever touched that fish for sustenance. This strange love of the carp has been handed down to many unthinking Protestants of the j^rescnt day ; for, with astonishment, I have had the question of ^^Wliat fish were in the ponds I saw?" answered with the unblushing assurance that '' thei/ liad put carp into the ponds, but had never seen them again." VOL. II. . L 146 FACT AGAINST FICTION. ^^ Nor will you," I exclaimccl, ^Hill you let off the water ; yon may occasionally catch a starved, l^nll-headed, scaley ghost, that is not worth 'the worm at one end of the line,' that the creature, rudely called a fool, at the butt-end of the rod can- not eat ; but as the carp stick their heads into the mud to let the lead line of the net draw over them, nothing can ever be made out regarding the contents of tlie pond till you drain off the water, and ruin every other fish there may be in it." The best French cook in the history of kitchens, though he may cover a carj) in a dish with sauce of the most exquisite descrijition, cannot make the flesh on the fish firm, nor can the bones in it be reduced or removed sufficiently to avoid the proximity of a suffocating death. In the corrcsj)ondcnce I have previously noticed, and wherein my friend, Mr. Vere Fane Benett, alludes to great quantities of this horrible fish,* I must observe that there is one use to which these fish can be put, that thus regarding it, may be made useful to the community, or to the poor ■^' He has since discovered much better carp, and sokl them well in London to Jews who, being " unbelievers," disbelieved in bones, and passed them . over as in duty bound. WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 147 distracted child, wliosc tottering ^^Constitution" has so many blatant nurses offering different remedies. If Mr. Eenett, or any other of our landed gentry, have large quantities of these, in all instances, far overrated fish, let him order his teams, with the leave of the surveyors, to collect the heaps of road sand from the sides of the highways, and let him make a heap as large as he likes, or sufficiently large to overpower the smell of, and to absorlD the quantity of carp. Let this heap be turned over at given periods, and the carp thus amal- gamated in its proportions, and as far as that heap goes, he will have the finest manure possible. If his lands are light, let some old thatches that have chanced to he pulled off ricks or cottages, be mixed in this heap also, simply to hold the manure together, and then, I am sure, when Mr. Benett, or any other large proprietor, sees in the following spring the effect upon his crops, he will wish for more carp for that purpose ^ for more carp anywhere, in fact, than in a dish before him. The most extraordinary sight in regard to carp I ever saw, was in a still, liot day in the summer of 1872, in the lake situated in the midst L 2 148 FxVCT AGAINST FICTION. of the lovely woods of Fontlilll Towers, one of the seats of the Dowag'er Lady Westminster. That is a lake, so to sj^eak, of considerable dimensions, and, in places, of very considerable de2)th ; indeed, in spots I am told that it is almost nnfathomable. Besides its volume of still water, it lia,^ its sunny shallows, witli a clear, clean, stony bottom, and everything suitable to many kinds of useful and delicious fish, were they but there. I do not hesitate to say I have seen thousands on tliousands of small carp, with thin bodies and large lieads, basking on the top of the water in hot, still days ; and I have seen them pretend to be trout from very hunger, and rise at and take any fly or moth that accidentally dipped on the surface near them. This wooded lake, so beautifully situated in the Ijosom of mighty trees, is fed by very small springs ; tliose that reach the eye are very scanty, l}ut as the lake always keeps to the brim, I think tliere must be a larger and natural underground supply — a supply which no ^^soak " from adjoining uplands could administer. Here is a ivaste of water, so far as any valuable produce is concerned, for that great, over-grown, and WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. lid now misused baby, the '' constitution" — a waste of water, so far as the English appetite for food is tliought of, but not wasted, in regard to the splendid landscape, and the well kept-up wood- land garden, or the enjoyment of the kind and hos- pitable lady, who so generously and widely really watches over the interest of the working-classes, for slie does enjoy the beauties of her gifted domain. Here is decidedly one of the lakes that does not yield fish or fowl to the larder, but which might yield both. I take this as an instance of the theme under discussion, and I put the ques- tion to myself of how this fine sheet of water could be turned to more useful and enjoyable purposes? The usual remedy, on all occasions put in force for carp, cannot be resorted to, to drain the depths of this lake — must not be thought of: liow, then, are you to get out the pest of carp, and to make room for other fish ? You cannot sufficiently do this with nets, and, there- fore;, there is no visible way, keej^ing an eye to the maintenance of the water and beauty of the woods, by which success can be obtained unless you resort to two remedies which seem to me to be possible — tlie one remedy to follow closely on the other. I w^ould stupefy and take out the loO FACT AGAINST FICTION. carp, and this could be done without in any Avay injuring the purity or healthiness of the water, — at least, such is my present opinion, and I have full belief in its success. The remedy to be resorted to there is no need to dilate on, as it is one that should be publicly referred to as little as possible, though I am well aware that a portion of this remedy for carp is known, and that it has been and is often resorted to by the thieves of fish, and that the fish — the common white fish, chub, roach, and dace — thus taken, have been and are sold for the table by thieves to any customers who will buy them. If, as I believe, the thousands of the larger carp could thus be safely and profitably reduced, into such a lake situated like the one referred to, I would then put as many pike as by possi- bilit}^ could be procured to keep down the carp fry that would be perpetually struggling into existence. The question may here be asked, if those 2)ike are thus encouraged and grow to an im- mense size, as I am sure that in that lake they would, what, then, is to l)econie of the feathered inhahitants of tlic water proposed to be kept on it, for the huge j^ike would destroy their young? My re})]y to tliis is, tliat on a lake of deej) WASTE LANDS AND ^YASTE WATERS. 151 water, witlioiit adjoining shallow swamp, Avarmed in its masses by the sun, wild fowl could not breed up their own young, on such an expanse of cold, deep water, ''cramp" must kill them, but their eggs, Avhenever the old birds laid them far and near, could be carefully watched, and taken and put under barn-door hens; the young reared at a distance on the grass, like pheasants, and taken down with their coops and old hens to the margin of the lake when half-fledged and too old for any sized pike to swallow. There would be no objection, by way of experiment, to turn into this lake some large trout, if they could be got, with the pike. The generality of the store pike would be small, and, until the pike grew, the large trout, growing also, would take care of themselves. But in that lake I do not think that trout would breed, for want of the necessary beds of sandy gravel and insufficiency of running streams. Perch might be put in also to any amount, and as many large ones as could be procured. I am certain perch would do there, and they would assist to keep down the carp fry. Perch are the most prolific breeders within my knoAvledge, and there 152 FACT AGAINST FICTION. is thid following fact, and it in all my piscatory experience lias forced itself upon me. In large waters, lakes, or rivers, I have ever caught the finest trout, and perch, and pike, when the stock of fish has been of every sort and kind ; the fact being that they subdue the too prolific progeny of each other, and give the room and food required for each to thrive and come to the best perfection. In the lake to which I have thus particularly referred as a water eaten up by carp, there are eels ; but at present, with the exception of eels and carp, I do not know that there are fish of any other kind; and, of all lakes in the world, the one at Fonthill Towers offers the finest field for the experiments I have suggested. In my visits and travels it is astonishing the enormous tracts of water in the aggregate that I have seen and known to be in the neglected and useless state referred to, affording not a mouthful of food to tlie big, ill-used, over-dosed baby, the '^ Constitution"; nor a delicacy, nor a fowl of any kind to the proprietor s table, nor to his amuse^ nient with the rod or gun. This dearth in amusement and utility extends j more or less, in certain sites, over the United King- WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 153 dom; but in Scotland tliere is a speciality and a Avaste of that excellent fish the eel, for thousands on thousands of tons of eels might be caught with proper ^'stages" on the rivers, near their outlets from the lakes, and, indeed, from their whole river extent, whicli, whatever may be the Scottish dis- taste for that excellent fish, would amply repay the construction of the stages, and, in some places, return a handsome income to the proprietor. Proprietors seem to me to forget (they have always forgotten) that railways noio put fish that are taken in Scotland at once alive and fresh in the London market, as well as in all the nuirkets of all the towns in England ; and that for tlie fish which in Scotland is shuddered at and despised tliere is an immense demand, hitherto to an enor- mous extent not half sup2:)lied, only to be made use of and increased by a little attention and trouble. Years ago, when on a visit to Taymouth, in the late Marquis of Breadalbane's time, some time before his deeply lamented death, I had sug- gested to him the taking of the countless and beautiful eels in his various lakes and rivers, and transporting them at once by rail to the market ■which I knew full well could ])e liad, and he 154 FACT AGAINST FICTION. tlioroughly entered into the idea. We had other plans in regard to the crossing of bison coto with the Scottish bull, which I am sure would have answered admirably; the breed before I got to Taymouth having been made the reverse way, and through that mistake, the bisonic hump nearly cost the life of the mother — a fact that a bailiff with two ideas ought to have foreseen. The offspring, however, of this erroneously arrived at cross, came to the butcher, quicker and fatter than any other beast of the pure breed. We had also a project for ascertaining whether the cross between the male capercailzie and the greyhen were mules or merely hybrids. I sus23ected that they were the latter, and would prove fecun- dite, for capercailzie and black-game are essentially ^^ grouse," and I saw no reason why that cross should not be a perfect success. We mooted also a large cross uf the red deer in park and forest — a fact that is wanted all over Scotland, for, generally speaking, the red deer have terribly deteriorated in size ; but all these curious, useful, and interesting experiments were cut across by tlie death of a nobleman, gentleman, friend, and man, whose likeness I have nevei^ looked on again, WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 155 and do not expect to, were I to reach the ago of a hiuidrcd years. Well, then, in the United Kingdom there is cer- tainly, and to all intents and purposes, ^' a waste of water^'' that might be made advantageous and pleasurable to its possessors; and Avhile they them- selves got pleasure and income out of it, a vast store of wholesome and delicious food might go to fill out the pinafore of the restless baby, the '' Constitution," some of whose pretended nurses in Hyde Park and Trafalgar Square are per- petually sticking pins and needles into its pillows, to make the uneasy bantling call out and cry to them for their removal. But if we agree to the position, and none of us can help doing so, there does extend over tJte United Kingdom a large watery extent that re- turns neither food nor pleasure of any kind, save as a bath, and that the stump-orators of Hyde Park and Trafalgar Square, and other sects, always avoid, what am I to say of the vast portion of waste land which exists, like the water, with very little amusement or food upon it, so loudh^ referred to by demagogues, as sites purposely withheld by peers and large proprietors from 156 FACT AGAINST FICTION. tlie growth of food for the people? It was by the blatant stump men claimed as a visible sin to be laid on an overbearing and cruel aristo- cracy, who, while the ^^Constitution" was starving, kept that wide extent of barren land for their own immediate and selfish pleasure. This is a grave charge, though made by vague minds, and one worth a few moments' serious consideration. Granted, then, in the first instance, that there is a very considerable acreage at present put to no available resources whatever, either as a site for the production of the craving appetite of the '^ Constitution," or for the pleasurable amusement of the proprietors. If a proprietor, or one of the much-abused aristo- cracy, cannot derive any income out of these at present unprofitable acres, surely, in the absence of all derivable income, he has a perfect right to get as much pleasure-profit out of this ^^ waste," so-called, as he can. But, alas ! so desolate and poor are the acres and the soil, and subsoil, that — " Far as the eye could reacli no tree was seen, Earth clad in russet, scorn'd the lively green ; No bird — except as bird of passage — flew. No bee was heard to hum, no dove to coo ; No streams, as amber smooth, as amber clear, Were seen to glide or heard to murmur here." WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 157 111 iiuiny of these sites, air and exercise after a snipe "or two — not the ^^ solitary snipe," for he would be more worth the trouble — are the only solaces to the cruel (so-called) and aristocratic proprietors, who avail themselves of wliat the ^^stumjo" and Cockney orators call ^Hhe bloody Game Laws," though those laws, in this instance, afford scarce any blood at all. Fancy a large landowner retaining a desert under his control for one shot at, perhaj^s, a jack snipe ! Now I. would ask these stump men and ^'hest^^ abusers (I borrow this word, in this instance, from my late friend, the ^^ O'Connell, " as the stump orators l)orrow from liim the scmgninarij name they apphj to the WJdgs, they could not liave invented a strong word themselves) to point out to that universal, and soon to be, if left to them, bandy- legged bantling, the '' Constitution," what is to be, or can l)e, done with the at present unprofit- able land they allude to ? — what ought to be done with it, what can be grown on it, and what manner of produce from it is to fill the poor bantling's stomach ? I ought not to ask tliese restless men this ques- tion before I have described to them the nature 158 FACT AGAINST FICTION. of surface and subsoil as to which they speak, because I venture to say they liave never seen it nor tested it, and that they know very little of rural affairs. To be sure they can know nothing" of things they have never seen, so I am most happy to give them that ^^bolt hole" for escape. In many of these ^^ waste districts" thus claimed as sinfully kept barren for the jDcrsonal joleasure of the aristocracy, and to starve the '' Constitution," the land lies thus. There is a scanty growth of poor heather upon it, drawing its nourishment from a slight covering of its own decayed roots, those roots lying on a white, glassy sand and white flinty gravel on the surface soil. I think I hear some of these self-constitutional nurses (Heaven save the mark!) exclaim, ^^ Oh, aye, but v/liat about the suhsoilV^ Of course they have parroted that word from some market-gardener's discourse over a pipe of tobacco, through the fumes of which he quietly derides his questioners. The subsoil on many of these sites, as examined by me, has l)een white, glassy sand and flinty gravel, and, perhaps, beneath that an iron pan holding unprolific water. WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 159 ^^Well, then," exclaim these markct-garclener- taug'lit professors, ^^ break tlirough the pan, and tlien voii will come to productive soil." Not so, for beneath the pan, of whatever kind that pan may bo, there often is a worse sand and gravelly flintago than there was above in the siiperstructm-e, for luiderneath the pan the sand is quite white, and shines in the sun like pulverized glass, and perhaps below that a rock of stalwart stone or flints. If these stump orators are really anxious to grow food for the tottering ^^Constitution," whose detri- mental limbs they themselves assuredly represent, why do they not take to agriculture ? I will pledge myself to the assurance that they can have large farms of these so-called ^^ waste lands" at a very moderate rent, giving good security for their tenure of course, on which to try to grow anything they like. They will find it a healthful recreation, with as much air and exercise as they can desire, and, iDOsides, it will relieve them from the unpleasant charge of being ^' vox et prceterea nihil,^^ or likened in an unsavoury simile to a young crow, the mean- ing of which reference I leave to their more profound judgment and self-application. If we cannot let these impossible-to-be-cultivated IGO FACT AGAINST FICTION. lands to a tenant-farmerj or grow anything on them ourselves but a jack-snipe, wliat truth or justice is there in charging the landowners with a cruel privation upon the starving poor? The poor, indeed ! Why the poor are really put in want by ^'unions" and ^^strikes/' both of which are advocated by tliese evil and selfish-purposed orators, wlio stump it now in every direction, and do incalculable mischief. If in England we cannot let certain districts, wliy are we not to preserve a jack-snipe, or wild duck or hare, if these are the only products that the land gives us ? If in Scotland we cannot let our rocky moun- tains for agricultural purposes, they will not carry sheep, why not permit us to keep deer, and so employ a vast proportion of the labouring poor in the shape of gillies ? In Wales the same thing would apply in some places ; so, if we cannot get income and a supply of food for ourselves and the public, who can really liave a jusfc quarrel witli us for getting some pleasurable recreation, derived, too, from among the l^urdcns ever attending on landed property? Having thus looked into the real state of the so-called ^^ neglected waste lands," let us now look WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 161 to what available source of })rofit for the owner, and food for the labouring classes, could be got out of them. The only article of food that could be deduced from them is the wholesome meat of rabbits, at present so largely consumed by the labouring classes in cities, towns, and country, and without which food, at the present price at which the farmer and the butcher sell their mutton, yeal, and beef, they and their families must go tcithotit any meat at all. Now this is an incontrovertible fact, and one well worth looking into for many reasons, as a certain class of agricultural orators, if tlieii' speeches deserve that name, essay to fix the name of ^' useless vermin" on the rabbits — on the animal, in fact, which supports millions of poor people, and undersells tJie farmer ! There is, to my mind, a vast deal in this latter fact as to prices of meat, and it is one that legis- lators would do well not to forget when the pretended or mistaken advocates of cheaper food for the people try to take from them that by which so many of them live, and which many farmers dislike, because they knotv that but for VOL. n. M 162 FACT AGAINST FICTION. the rabbits tlio poorer classes would be driven by starvation to the butcher instead of to the poulterer or dealer in rabbits, or they must eke out an existence on potatoes and bread. Now, holding to the theme of the waste lands which the revilers of all that is respectable put forward, I grant that, at the present moment, there is an enormous acreage of hitherto un- productive land — unproductive of food, of pleasure, or of profit that might be turned into sites for warrens^ and by the sites inillions of i)ounds of delicate and wholesome meat might thus be added and made cheaply available to the poor. The skins of rabbits pay well, the meat from the rabbits can always be sold at a remunerative though at a cheaj) price ; and then the paunches of the rabbit can be made to do, — as to my certain knowledge they are at this moment made to do in parts of Ireland, — they will keep a poor man's j)ig till he is " top^Dcd up " witli a little meal for fattening. There are districts in Ireland where the labouring classes are glad to kill the rabbits for a proprietor, in instances where they have increased too nnicli, and tlie proprietor cannot spare the time of other servants to do it; the reward of these labourers WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 1G3 for doing tliis being no more than tlie gift to tlieni of tlie paunclies of the rabbits killed. The rabbit, according to liis size, is as useful as the sheep, and, size considered, can be bought at a much cheaper rate than the farmer or butcher demands for mutton. Well, then, let the proprietors of these so-called ^Svaste or useless lands" grow on them food for the people.* The turning waste lands into rabbit warrens is not expensive, for a mere bank, properly constructed^ will keep the rabbits within the re- quired bounds. Rabbits will live and get fat where nothing else could similarly exist ; and here then I suggest a means of adding to the waist or ^^ waist-belt" of that knocked-about baby, the " Constitution." The late political Gamps, the v^^orst nurses that ever pretended to watch over and guard a ^^Con- stitution,"— the Constitution, that blessed babe of three fathers, the offspring of a ^' Co.," — have destroyed many of the well-aired churches which * If any one doubts the immense quantity of food afforded to the labouring classes in the shape of rabbits, in town and country, let him satisfy himself by calling at the poulterers' shops in his vicinity, and thus ascertain the number of rabbits that each shop annually sells. m2 16-i FACT AGAINST FICTlOX. used to shelter the babe in prayer and good behaviour, and surely now they should aid us, by all just means in their power, and of course without hurting themselves upon tlieir own waste lands, if they have any, in producing more food for the community. Many a noble duke and peer of my acquaintance would be only too happy to get tenants — re- sponsible tenants, of course, — for tlieir waste lands ; but tenants are not to be found who will under- take a too visible failure, and it would be insanity for even stump-orators to urge that the proprietors themselves should attempt to cultivate their wastes, when the said proprietors had ascertained that no useful product except rabbits could be induced to grow. There is another fact that men in their walk through life should have noticed before theij attempt to say what lands could or could not be made to do. There is scarce an extensive heath in England but that a searching eye can discover on parts of it the remains of ridge and furrow. Therefore, some predecessors had attempted cultivation on that spot, and found that it would yield notliing I Depend upon it; in other times of experimental WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 165 liusbancliyj if those lieaths, thus once ploughed up, could have been turned to useful and remu- nerative purposes, they would not now have been permitted to go back to heather and remain abandoned. Alas ! in my opinion, the present generation liave taxed the temper of the earth and of nature far too much. So much have they over-taxed the soil and ^^ quacked" it, that Nature now seems to be kicking against this grasping tyranny, and hurling at the attempts of assuming man all sorts of diseases unknown to this country until the introduction of artificial manure. The potato disease came on the j^ear after the artificial manure came in. This, as before mentioned, has been succeeded by the foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, and, according to Lord Eadnor's statement, it has attacked his hounds. Since the introduction of this dram-like stuff, — for, as far as the interests of land are really concerned, it is but a ^' flash in the pan,"— the featliered game all over the country, particularly the partridge, have been gradually decreasing. I believe my friend Mr. Sturt, of Crichel, has noticed this on his beautiful partridge ground for IGG FACT AGAINST FICTION. many successive seasons^ aud tlie pheasants in many places too have been wasting away. Now — in the autmim of 1872 — there was some disease which none of us ever knew before, utterly devastating the ground of hares ; and the same, but not to so great an extent, with the much- abused rabbit. Disease, or the same kind of malady, had ascended, — by contagious properties, I suppose, in the air, — to tlie ptarmigan on the highest moun- tains of Scotland, and had devastated the black- game and grouse on the hills and lower level. Turkey's on the farms in some places had sickened with it ; and with chickens the e])i- demic terminated in the most fatal case, of the gapes. Those partridges that I ventured to kill merely for the table in my own manor, though to the liand in good condition, when picked were black in the skin, and when roasted for the table, under the hands of a good and careful cook, were as black as tliey looked to be when merely divested of their feathers. So hlacJc did they loolv, tliougli in some instances 2:)lump, that I forbade tlieir l^eing served at table any more WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 167 and on my manor refrained from partridgc-sliooting for the season. If I were to continue to write on these signs of fiiiling times, I would still reiterate to all landed proprietors not to permit the strmo to he sold off their farms, as has been done under a pledge from the tenant to purchase and use so much artificial manure, in place of the straw sold away. Though there may be, and to my certain know- ledge there are, many most honourable men among the yeomen farmers, still tliere may be some who might, for the certain good sold away, the j)roceeds of which were in the vendor's pocket, lay out so7ne money in a stipulated quantity of inferior stuff', for the best worth of artificial manure can be lessened or adulterated to almost nothing. I see the mischief of this mistaken course in farmyard produce and artificial stuff. I see it ir. the amount of grain, and more particularly in the straw. If, with the aid of dishonest farming, — dishonest and unfair to the land and to the landlord, and really to the farmer himself, combined with the frightful diseases with which we are assailed, — a famine, or something 168 FACT AGAINST FICTION. like one, does not visit the land, I am much mis- taken. Distracted, dismiited, disestablished as men and religions have been and are, — truckled to as crime is, and bold as sectarianism has become, what Avith bad government, bad farming, worse speaking, and foreign, plague-like poisonous introductions, which Nature — hitherto dear, prolific, and patient Nature — now seems violently to repudiate, — I hold the United Kingdom to be far from happy, and, indeed, in a dangerous state, out of which it is very difficult for the wisest statesman who has since come to the reins of office to see his way. To return once more to the food that might be grown in the waste waters. I see, in one of the letters published, that the dace is classed as a fish of the same indifferent quality as the roach. Now, the dace is freer from bones than the roach, and a much better flavoured fish. The gudgeon ranks as the freshwater smelt, and the snig is the most delicious of eels — an eel, in fact, in its best season. Chub are much about the same in bones and flavour as the carp, but the chub is not what Ls called ^^ muddy." The bream is a very good fish when in season, and the bony back WASTE LANDS AND WASTE WATERS. 169 can bo avoided by eating only the sides, wliicli are very good indeed. Perch, trout, and greyling there can be no dispute about ; and pike the same, when you know how to dress them. We then come to an excellent fish, of which tliere are millions in some rivers — the lamperne. They abound in the Avon, near Christchurch, and they are found in the sister river, the Stour ; but in that locality these fish, which are prized by us in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire, on the banks of the Severn, as the greatest delicacy when stewed, all but its salmon and shad, are, when caught in Hampshire, thrown away. In Hampshire they are vulgarly called the nine-eyed eel, and people will not eat them. In London, Avhen I rented a fishery on the Avon, at Winkton, I could get no sale for them, so I caught large quantities, and what I did not use at table I turned into manure for the garden and the vines. The lamprey — larger and much more rare than the lamperne — is a most wholesome and delicious fish, but if the great baby, the ^' Constitution," has no stomach for them, what are his nurses to do ? I see that we are invited, through the public press, to visit ''the steam-cultivated farms of 170 FACT AGAINST FICTION. Messrs. Howard, near tlie town of Bedford." To meet the strikes now going on among the agri- oultural population, I would implore all people to do the work that is so wrongfully thrown on their liands, if possible, by machinery. Some great effort will he made to achieve this, if these foolish strikes continue, and thoroughly rejoiced should I be to see the strikers met thus by an enemy of their own creation. SCIENCE OF THE WILDS, POETRY OF SPORT. 171 CHAPTER VIII. THE SCIENCE OF THE WILDS, AND THE POETRY OF SPORT. Presentiment of Impending Evil Manifested by Animals — One Object of this Work to Win Better Care for tlie Brute Creation — Three Cheers for the Prussians — Wounded Wild Ducks — The Gunner not the Sportsman — The true Sportsman finds Inexhaustible Beauty and Interest in Nature — Wheatears — Instant Recognition of the Distant Hawk by Birds — Anecdote of a Lurcher and her Whelps — Lessons to be Learned from the Book of Nature. In the matter under the above head, it will be my endeavour simply to deal, in as plain a narrative as possible, miencmnbered by theories, and void of all assmnption, save where subsequent realities tread so closely on things that have undoubtedly gone before, that an inevitable conclusion awaits upon the simple facts disclosed. In a former work of mine, to which I have pre- viously alluded, ^ Tales of Life and Death,' I had endeavoured to show how much more strange and 172 FACT AGAINST FICTION. wonderful truth was than any fiction that could be composed for the purpose of creating '' sensa- tion." In those tales, instances were given of the mysterious link which occasionally manifests itself as between man, animal, and bird, rendering their lives, to some extent, when least they seem to have anything to do with each other, as curiously and circumstantially conjoined. That narrative of facts thus far has shown liow", at times, some omnipotent will ordains, that when all the ingenuity of the most cunning and experienced men, detectives and others, have failed to bring the hideous crime of murder liome to the guilty hand, some dog or bird, some beast, or an ^^ eagle," as referred to in the tale of ' Tlie Colleen Rhue,' appears on the scene on heavenward wings, points out the murderer, and even soars, a speck in the immeasurable vault above, as if to witness the execution. There cannot be the smallest doubt but that the human race, tliough in occasionally rare in- stances, have felt upon their souls an unaccountable depression, prophesying approaching misfortune or death. No more doubt is there also than that the same occult feeling of pending misery has as fre- quently overshadowed the mind of the sagacious SCIENCE OF THE WILDS, POETRY OF SPOUT. 173 and faithful dog. I have seen it three times in dogs in my own possession : of those, the case of my retriever Diver was the most recent as Avell as the most remarkable. Early in the morning of his accidental death by my hand and gun, he got loose from the house where he was chained on the hiwn, close to the front door ; was seen to pass round by the back door (the front door had always been free to him when at large, but he did not in this instance come near it), thence he left home, and subsequently was reported as lying in the grass by the side of the high road, near some men mend- ing the road, whom at any other time he would have avoided or bitten. Thence he was re-called by the gamekeeper, and, returning with him, seemed for a moment as willing to serve and as affectionate to me as ever, and, as usual, on the sight of the shooting party, ready to do his duty. He did his work that day as well as usual, save that at periods of the morning he seemed dull, which I attributed, at the time, to some slight lameness or passing indisposition. In the afternoon he sprang too quickly from my lieels as I fired the second barrel over a bank ; the charge caught him on the extreme l^ack of the skull^ and killed liim on tlic spot. 174: FACT AGAINST FICTION. Be it remembered J that that dear and faithful dog had never wandered from his home before that morning, and that if ever he escaped his collar and got loose, his invariable custom was to come to look for me at the front door. In this instance he left his long-cherished home, and hid himself in an unwonted place, and near distasteful company, evidently in some inexplicable fear of impending death. It is not ]iow my intention to enumerate all the instances I have seen in beasts, and birds occa- sionally— but more rarely in birds — indicating a connecting link between what is rather arrogantly termed the inferior mind, and the asserted supe- riority of human reason. It will, I hope, suffice to show that I have a better foundation for what some people iiwi/ call my ^' theories," than that most amusingly clever, but in many ways erratic reasoner, Mr. Darwin has, when he tells his talc of tailless growth, and claims a jelly-fisli as the ^re-Adamite parent of tlie apple-tempted joair. One of my great objects in this work, if liot the greatest, is to win for horses, hounds, dogs, and even every other innoxious beast and bird, a better care from man, and to teach man that by restraint of SCIENCE OF THE WILDS, POETRY OF SPORT. 175 Jtl^ own temper, more gentleness and greater limiia- nity, w4iicli costs him nothing, lie himself may be a great gainer by not only rendering the creatm^es that belong to him, or are placed in his care, in- finitely more valuable in the market, but, by gentle- ness and good usage, he may win from them far more and better service than can be brought out by harsh, unappreciating, and foolish conduct. For his own sake, man should be kind and gentle to all things under him — things that can only implore by their speaking eyes and humbleness of action. When opposed in fight personally man to man, or assailing marauding beasts, such as a lion, tiger, boar, or wild bull at bay, then man, in liis unyield- ing animosity, may be as resolutely combative as he likes, for ever remembering that ivitJt- coiKjueat pitij should ever come hand to hand. For myself, save when in following up my game of sport in whatsoever form it may consist, with that, perhaps, thoughtless zeal to which the hunter and the shooter are so prone, if with the gun I wound a harmless creature, my first idea is to spare its life, and to take it home, to cure and tame it. With the combat or the chase should end all harsher feeliiifj ; and under tlie blessing of a sensation akin 176 FACT AGAINST FICTION. to pity sucli as this, I have frequently added to the numbers of pets who feed from and out of my hands — creatures who, in their earlier lives, regarded the human race as paramount beasts of cruelty and objects for terror. While on this topic, a strange fact has been illus- trated in my decoy for wild fowl in the month of November. After the first shooting day (mine at present is a decoy for shooting ^ not for netting) ^ in which five guns obtained in single overhead shots one hundred and seventeen head of duck, besides teal and widgeon, and three snijDcs, — of course some others were wounded and lost, — we shot the various pools on the moors, never disturbing, nor attemjDt- ing to disturb, the fowl massed thickly enough in a pool which is never disturbed, and in which it is my delight to feed the birds myself Apparently, the flocks who were driven over the guns at '^ the gazes" were very wild, and at last so wary that they kept flying round and round their haunts, high enough to be out of reach of any gun or charge. I then went to my favourite pool, called on the birds there, as I had done all through the French Avar, for ^^ three cheers for the Prussians," which they immediately gavCj and SCIENCE OF THE WILDS, POETKY OF SPOKT. 177 ill passing from that valley to another not yet disturbed, fed the fowl as usual, observing that all my immediate 2)ets, as far as I could disceni, were safe. On the following day, when feeding the safety pool, my eyes were oiieUj in case of a wounded bird, when among the ^^ruck" of fowl, say about two hundred in number, I observed three who, though anxious to come to my foot, did not look happy, and at the same time were much disinclined to be pushed about in a scramble for the corn by their fellows. Two of these were wild ducks with broken wings only ; the third was a mallard with a wing badly broken close to the body, and also stricken in the breast by one or more shots. He came at once to my hand, and there being no chance of saving his life, I picked him ujo, feeling like a culprit for doing so, as he had crejot to my foot in confidence for foOd and comfort in his distress. The other two ducks seemed only to have broken wings, so they fed, and on the next day were joined by a third wild duck, disabled also in the wing. These three birds survived and recovered of their wounds. I state this fact to show that even when joined VOL. II. N 178 FACT AGAINST riCTION. to wilder companions, and subject to errant flights, the remembrance of one kind hand, food, and shelter, will be present to tlie recollection of a bird when the hands and gmis of others have scared and wounded, even to a broken limb. There is a little seat by this jDond, on which three wild ducks will jump up and sit beside me, while dozens of their fellows come be- tween my feet and feed, and, inserting their necks into the bags of corn, greedily swallow the contents. It seems to me tliat in all field sports, to render them doubly interesting and variedly beautiful, there should be, to the mind's eye, a combination of events, all adduced by, as it were, the great chess-board of Nature thus laid bare for observation. Yet many there are who think, when out on tlie moors, of nothing but the grouse and tlieir gun. When after partridges, they only see the stubble- fields, turnips, or potatoes, grasp their guns, and hear, alas ! to me, the wretched and mistaken noise of an army of beating feet, tramping, to startle to the wing the bcwihlcred birds. The gunner on tlie moors must shoot to dogs, but tlie ^^ranuin^i'" of and the use of those doors he leaves SCIENCE OF THE WILDS, POETRY OF SPORT. 170 to the keeper. He looks at them only Avhen they point; and let their hehavioiir be good or bad, to use the old, and, in its first instance, misapplied saying, he has not a word — a kind word, '' to throw to a dog." Pie, this' mere gmmer absorbed in his gun and grouse, sees not the loveliness of the scene he wanders over. He takes no heed of the sur- rounding beauty of nature, the blooming blush of her honey-bearing heather reflected back as caught from the mountain brow by the still waters of the placid lake stretched in the vale below ; nor does he care for the painstaking, mysteriously-gifted, and carefully-educated dog, who laljours the day throughout, not to find any- thing that he (in this instance the dog, not the man) can eat, Ijut with an unselfish unweariness which never tires tlie setter or pointer, labours only to please the gun-man and to give him delicacies for his table. Of course I speak of the gunner, I can't call Iiim a sportsman, of the present day. There are some men still in existence, and perhaj)s a few young men coming on, who love tlie poetry of sport; but very few are they wlien com- pared to the headache gaining gunners of mere N 91 180 FACT AGAINST FICTION. slaiigliterors wlio now infest the moor, the stubble, and the cover. AVho, when jDartridge-shooting, noio thinks of the setter or pointer, those gTaceful and grateful companions of the leisure hour? What gunner now cares to pause to snatch a momentary glance at the yellow stubble, the ripened shocks of corn, or the bright green of the fresh and healthily-scented turnips ? The pigeon-educated gunner cares only for the smoke, noise and death, and puts his trust in the tramping men in line to put up the partridges under his feet; or if it is in a country where the red-legged partridge abounds, the gunner seats himself under a hedge, pipe in mouth, to have the birds driven to him. There is no poetry in this — to me there is little enjoyment; but, in my opinion, 'Hhe drive" is infinitely preferable to the tramping up birds in line. To me, on moor, on farm, or in the wood, it is most delightful to have time to pause, and, so to speak, to worship the beauties that surround me. Wliat can be more delicious than on a fine October day, when alone, and wandering for SCIENCE OF THE WlLDS^ rOETRY OF SrORT. 181 a pheasant or two, a wood pigeon, a hare, or rabbit, to call in the obedient and loving spaniel, — I detest the nietaplior of '^the fawning dog," — and to bid him and the retriever to sit by my side, and to. be quiet in their search for death. Then, dm^ing this temporary rest, to see the varied hues on the boughs of the forest trees, to inhale the sweet scent of the earliest withering leaves, and to feel that art lies still, and all else lives to praise creation, and to bless the strange, unexplained, and still promisingly mysterious power, that in some hours of a happy life makes mere existence quite a mortal heaven. What man of any observation is there that has not observed and wondered at the universal mind exhibited from the largest animal, the elephant, down to the smallest ant; if reason — if instinct, still it is mind; and we trace the pervading gift as possessed by everything in life, station, clime, and habits, obedient to a providential will, that prompts the obtaining of food, and teaches the needful attention and care to guard against the dangers of the life into which each living being is called. Strange things meet the eyes of the naturalist 182 FACT AGAINST FICTION. and s23ortsman; there cannot be a good and successful s2)ortsman unless he is fully acquainted with tlic habits of the creature he pursues. Some rules it is impossible for the most studious naturalist to compreliend, and the little and most delicious bird, the wheatear, affords us one of them. To follow the example of Darwin (not a good one) to account for the nervous state of terror in a wheatear at a passing cloud, wliichj when sailing in the atmosphere above him, induces the bird to seek shelter in the nearest hole, w^ould lead a theorist to suppose that in former years, when two-legged beasts of prey w^erc fewer, and eagles and rajjacious foes were many, these pretty, graceful, little birds had been inveterately pur- sured by Avinged tyrants even to the death, and then, from a habit of living in terror of some flying monster, the nervousness had been handed down by '^sexual selection" to the birds of the Sussex Downs. The shepherds on the Downs are so aware of tliis nature in tlie bird, that tliey raise a turf on the short greensward^ Avhich, without artificial means, affords no shelter, to entice the wheatear to seek it, when in terror, from a passing cloud, or from a more real cnemyj SCIKXCE OF Tin: WILDSj rOETKY OF SPOKT. 18o a liawk, and thus tlicy snare thorn with a horse- hair noose for the gourmands of Brighton, or any other neighbouring town. What can be more curious than the knowledge which wild fowl, teal, and ducks sliow of a mere speck approaching from the distant horizon ? Be- " fore the eye of man has power to ascertain the nature of the approaching bird, tlie wi-ld fowl are well aware of tlie foe and his predatory habits. They at once distinguish, when not a hue of feather can be seen, between the falcon and the kite or buzzard-hawk, and act accordingly to their never-failing perception. If it is a falcon that is approaching, they sit still on the Avater, or creep beneath the banks or overhanging willows, because they know the noble falcon will seldom ^^take" but on wing. If it is a buzzard or kite, they take to their own wings, because they know, from the slow flight of the for, as well as from his inclination to '^pick up," that the use of their swifter wings gives them the best chance for safety. Even the flocks of starlings which roost in my laurels around the house, to the great detriment of shrubs and the annoyance of pheasants, afford me a lesson j for by tlicir bearing and flight I know 184 IWCT AGAINST FK.'TIOX. if that very destructive vermin to game, the spaiTowhawk, is on my premises or not. The hawkj aware of tlic many starlings that come into roost, with a quick and noiseless flight slides beneath all boughs, and suddenly ascends to the laurels or ever-green oak, and sits as still as the bough he is on till some restless and chattering starling gets within his reach. The starlings, however, very soon get aroused to tlieir danger, and they keep a watch after they come in, to see what becomes of the liawdc, and by the precaution they adopt they l)ring me as an able ally, with my gun, to tlieir assistance. If it is time for the starlings to be cliattering to each other in tlieir selected bushes for roost, and silence reigns, and they are not there, then they have, by their vigil, been made aware of the pre- sence of the hawk, and, mounting liigli in air, they keejD soaring around in flocks, watching for the hawk to take his departure. It is, of course, impossible to say in which direction the hawk will go, when he has to seek his own roost, so that in aid of the starlings, or rather to be rid of a bad vermin, myself and my men can only post ourselves at a venture, many SCIEXCE OF THE WILDS, rOi:TRY OF SPOIiT. 185 times uiLsuccessfully, but at times we succeed in slaying the depredator. There was a white oayI that used to come by night into the bushes after the starlings, and for a time met with Avonderful sport, for his bag of birds was occasionally so large that he lias brought in and left in a cow-shed, where he never roosted, as many as seven starlings. I liked the owl better than the starlino-s ; but his nocturnal visitations were attended with so much fluttering and noise among the birds, that tlie retriever, in his house on the lawn, Avas perpetually barking at what he supposed was mischief, and arousing me. One anecdote as to the beautiful affection of a lurcher to her whelps, and then to other matters. Had I been aware of this fact in time, there is, or was, a chance of my saddling myself with a colony of lurchers for life, for I must have loved the dam and all her litter.^ One morning, at day-break, one of the keepers found the lurcher caught by the foredeg in a severe steel trap. While in that })Osition she had given birth to a litter of puppies, if I recollect rightly, five in number, two dead and tln-ee alivCi With the poor little paw left at liberty she had 18G FACT AGAINST FICTION. scratcliecl for herself and lier puppies a sort of bed of earth and grass, and, as fiir as the trap Avoukl let her do so, in the cold winter's night and morning, forgetful of her own pain, she had curled herself round her puppies to keep them w^arin. The fact Avas reported to me — I, luckily, saw nothing of it; mother and puppies were re- moved, and I Lelievc that an excitement to haste in this matter arose among my men, from a know- ledge possessed by them that, lurcher or no lurcher, had the natural affection of the creature existing under such difficulties been known to me, not a hair of herself or her puppies would have been injured. On the 3'ounger portion of my readers, then, I would most sedulously endea- vour to impress that it is possible, in som'e degree, to refine the roughest amusement ; gold can be made to shine even in addition to its lustre, and the lily delicately treated, though not ab- solutely ^'painted," will raise her pure head and look UKjre lovely, ere, alas ! like other things, she fades away. Passion of every sort, even the intensity of love, should be governed by a spell that held all else but affection in a bondage irreproachable, and l)ound every thought of man to the interests SCIEXCE OF THE WILDS, rOETP.Y OF SrORT. 187 of the loved one in stronger ties, far, far beyond those inculcated 1)y mere nature. Pity, com- passion, generosity, and forgiveness of attempted ill, should adorn the successful hero, let him kill or conquer what he ma}'. Those feelings should rule in the battle-fields of armies, in arms — yes, in arms of every sort; for, if possible, man should never be over-exalted by any success, nor lose his wits as drunkards do from passing intoxication, which, while it lasted, brutiiied even the beast, and banished the remembrance of every just and generous refinement. For myself, I am arrived at that time of life when summer brings me more enjoyment than winter. The return of spring, wdtli its tuneful and joyous minstrelsy, its budding boughs, its prim- rose, violet, and scented air, though rudely checked by cold as our springs now are, brings to me many memories of happy ^ hours ; and deprived of the glorious steed, as I have been for so long, perhaps that has helped to turn me to seek a quieter field for sylvan recreation. If the loss of my horses has brought or assisted to briiig this about, the gun and rifle have never left my hand yet; still, at tlie present time^ I love more to rear 188 FACT AGAINST FICTION. by I land the rising covey, and to sec tlio wild duck and the pheasant bring out their young, than to pull the fatal trigger. To watch a happy bison calf now in the far West frisking round its cow, w^ould j^lease me more than the chase and combat with the bison bull ; and yet, as to strength and activity, I cannot detect much failing, though the close of a sportsman's life cannot be far off. Of this I am perfectly sure, that year by year, almost hour by hour, the great book of nature yields fresh mysteries to the seeking mind, that seem to have been unaccountably passed over; perhaps in turning the 2)ages the leaves may have adhered together, and thus the information has been lost. If succeeding men, then, really wish to find the truth, if they would divest ancient lore of the tricks of the only men who had the power to hand it down, as what they pleased, or served the priestly purpose, let them seek the rock-bound testimony braced in the bosom of the earth, sealed under the ini])erishable pen of departed worlds : a remaining record of the life that oiice rejoiced in the same sun that Avarms us now. In these terribly tenacious truths the assertions of priests have nu part; tliere is iiotliing there that even SCIENCE OF THE WILDS, POETUY OF SPORT. 189 points to Adam or to one great deluo'e, nor that reveals a vestige of fossilized man. The longer we live, the wider the boasted good of education, and the much-lauded increase of civilization and learning, tlie more schism and dissent and discontent increase, till where there was one seceder from what was once called ^' the established faith," dissent now numbers many thousands. The schoolmaster has certainly been abroad, l3ut he is all abroad now, for his teacli- ing has taught hypocrisy, and, with a certain class, utter contempt for the oath sworn on what used to be called the Holy Bible. As a county magistrate, I am most reluctantly forced to confess that the working-classes, generally, — that is, the lowest class of labouring men and women, — set no more store by an oath, when they wish to prove an aliJji for a friend in trouble, than they do by the sighing of an idle wind. 190 FACT AGAINST FICTION, CHAPTER IX. DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. Two Kinds of Decoy— Description of tlie Ancient Decoy, for Taking — Decoys at Berkeley Castle — Birds do not distinguish Friend from Foe by Scent — Their Keen Discrimination of Sound — Modern Decoy for the L'se of the Gun — Decoys at Alderney Manor — Ducks Taught to Obey the Word of Command — Method of Forming and Sheltering the Decoy Ponds — Bearing from Wild Ducks' Eggs — How to Proceed with the Old and the Young Birds — Curious Incident — Decoy Ducks — Attachment to Place — Feeding — Friendsliip with Birds — My Friend the Black Cock — Wire-Fenced Pool for Teal — Extermination of House Bats — Creatures most Destructive to Wild Fowl — Poison should Never be L^sed. The decoy, tlioiigli in former times an appendage to most large domains, lias been for many years almost entirely neglected, save in some few comities, where it has still been retained or flirmed for the supply of the public market. Wander where you will over most of the English counties, you frequently stumble on the remaining marks of an ancient decoy, the same as you do on the DECOYS roil WILD FOWL. 191 little mound denoting the spot of the vilhigo cock-pit. There are two sorts of decoys; the ancient, and by far the most profitable in a pecuniary point of view, and for which a protective law by tlie l^egislature was j^rovided and is still unrepealed, is that for the ^Haking " of wild fowl; the more modern decoy pool, or, properly speaking, pools, is simply a breadth of water kept quiet and provided with pinioned decoy birds, for the purpose of collecting fowd sufficient for the 1)ag to be made by the gan. The decoy for faJcinr/ fowl is the first to which I will invite the reader's attention. In the olden time these decoys generall}^ con- sisted of an artifi(3ial piece of water, from one to two acres in extent, square in shape, with four pipes leading from the four corners, to suit, as the old boys used to say, the four different points of the wind, as it Avas a supposed matter of neces- sity for the decoy man to keep down wind of the ducks, lest they should '^ smell him out," and be scared by their noses from the pool ! Some of the smaller decoys were made with one, two, or three pij^es, according to the con- 193 FACT AGAINST FICTION. venience of cost attending tliem ; but the full-sized old decoy liad generally the four pipes, for the reason I have stated. The entrance to each pipe was commanded by the broad water, so that the collected fowl should be able to see the decoy dog, as he passed through the several holes along the small bank, or sitting that was made for that purpose within the fence of the decoy. Each time that the dog came through one of the lioles and went out again at another, and so on, he got nearer to the entrance of the net, and at last within or beneath the front entrance to tlie pipe, when, if the ducks followed him out of curiosity, or from an inclination inherent in all birds to ^^ mob a vermin," the deco3^man '' showed " behind them, through oblique gaps made for the purpose in the screen of tlie decoy, and by a suddenly created panic drove the scared birds completely up the ^'pipe," till, by the decrease of the hoops that supported the net, tliey all fluttered in a helpless mass, one upon the other, in a termination not much more extensive at tlie end than a very large cabbage- net. Extracted one by one at the end, their necks were broken without the displacement of Di:COYS FOR ^^'1LT) FOWL. 103 a fcatlicr. Tims duck and fowl, and every sort of the connnon and lesser Avild fowl, as well as tlie rarest kinds, were taken in any quantity. I believe it is on record that one decoy in one season, in Lincolnshire, captured as many as fourteen thousand head. No wonder, then, that in those blessed and blissful days of more ducks than men, enactments were made for their protection, and guns on adjacent land to a decoy were forbidden to be fired. It will be understood by the reader that the entrance to the pipes commenced with very high hoops to support the net, and that the water at the entrance was the breadth of a small brook, diminishing gradually both as to height of net and breadth of water, until terminating in the large cabbage-net — I use that expression to suit the knowledge of my reader — into wdiicli the scared fowl were ultimately driven. All round, or all on one side, the broad Avater of the decoy, there should be what is termed a '^ sitting.". A sitting is a bank abutting on the screen or felice of the decoy, and extending six or eight feet from it to the edge of the water. It should be raised above the level of the pool, say VOL. II. o 104 TACT AGAlNSr FICTIO^T. about six Inches, so that the fine level turf with which the sitting sliould be covered, could be kept jDcrfectly dry as well as smootli, and be easily ascended to by the kixuriously inclined water- fowl, who appreciate a dry warm place for their feet when not upon the water, and they Avill not haunt a decoy permanently unless this luxury is provided. The slanting ^^ shows," when the decoy man suddenly lets himself be seen by those ducks who follow the dog to the entrance of the pipe, are so contrived bv the slant in the screen, that the body of the fowl left on the pool that have not followed the dog do not sec the decoy man while he scares his intended catch, and tlie further the frightened birds go towards the end of the pipe, the more they are out of sight and hearing, the curve of the pipe taking them well distant at the back of the screen, and out of all earshot of the broad water. Little ^^ gazes" are made in tlie screen of the decoy for the man to look througli, to see what fowl he has on the water ; these places are termed by some decoy men ^^squinnie holes," derived, perhaps, from '^squinting" through; and it is one of these DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 195 gazes wliicli enables tlie first man to see if the fowl follow the clog to tlie pipe within taking distance, and then, if they do, he makes a sign to the man who works the dog, to '^show'^ behind the fowl at the rio'ht moment. Sometimes the a ducks are sleepy and too idle to be decoyed; sometimes, from some reason or other, they are shy and too wary ; sometimes they are slack, and come a little w^ay and pause. In the latter case, the man at the squinnie hole makes a sign to the man w^orking.the dog, and the dog is made to repeat his first entrance before going on for another, until the birds come on or decline to do so altogether. If no fresh fowl, or ^^ foreign flights," happen to be on the pool at the time at which ^^a take" is designed; those that are there may consist of some of those ducks who have not gone in with tlie rest far enough up the pij)e to be captured, but who have had time to turn back in the face of the man attempting to scare them. These ducks may remember the dog as the cause of their being frightened, and decline to follov/ him. I remember one day returning from hunting at Berkeley Castle by the ^^old decoy" (the then o2 i06 FACT AGAINST FICTION. existing Lord Fitzliardingo had two decoys in full work), and we dismounted to see some ducks taken. The usual Avell-trained little cur-dog was shown through the accustomed holeSj but not a duck would follow him, there being no strange birds there, or, if there were a few, they were so few that they w^ere kept back by the wary flock, and failed to come on. Having a fox's brush in my pocket, I tied it to the cur-dog's tail, and put him through again. This appendage was a novelty to the birds — a novelty there, but a sight they were, no doubt, well acquainted with elsewhere, for the Vale of Berkeley was full of foxes, and all the ducks without further hesita- tion came after the fox's brush up to the pipe, and we made a very good caj^ture. To do the thing well by these '^ taking deco}^s," the fowl should be regularly fed with barley; the corn put in every night while the ducks were out. In times of hard frost, the ice on the pool should always be broken some little time before daylight, time enougli to complete the w^ork Avell before a symptom of the dawn, so as to receive the ducks on their return, and then, when the fowl arc in any quantity, they will keep the water DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 197 sufficiently open to tlieir selection and use all day. There is an expression very commonly used, it consists in the word ^^ decoy-duck." I believe such birds so-called were used by the ancients in decoys, because I have found birds so called kept by some old decoy men in the present day ; but in the decoy for taking ducks there should he no decoy hircl, nor half-tame birds whatever. It is best to be without them. In the olden time, men were not so wise in some things as they are now, though in many they might be infinitely more jolly than they are at present; and they used to attribute to ducks less sense or cunning than they really possessed, and more natural gifts than Nature ever gave them. Thus they attributed to waterfowl the keenest possible sense of smell, and thought they could wind or scent humanity when behind the screen of the decoy, if the wind blew from the man towards the fowl. It was this erroneous supposition that induced the ancients to have four pipes to tlieir decoys, as before explained, so as to suit each wind. This power of smelling was a myth, like many of the dicta of the ancient writers on natural 198 FACT AGAINST FICTION. • lilstorvj as ducks do not use the olfactory nervej if tliey have it, for any purpose of guidance whatever. Neither does the pheasant, nor any bird with the habits of which I am acquainted. But in times of danger, they have, particularly the waterfowl, and ducks especially^ the keenest sense of lieariiuj. If in a decoy the most minute sound up-wind of them comes on the favouring air, the ducks will at once take wing ; and it is this fact that makes uneducated men, with hearing less acute, and prone to disturb profound silence even with a yawn or a hasty breath, or even an exudation of tobacco, attribute the disturbances of the ducks to the wrong cause. , I remember going one day, when at Combe Abbey, with the late Lord Craven,— whose death to this hour I have never ceased most deeply to deplore,' — to take some fowl in his decoy. We were accompanied by the young ladies, who wished to see how the pool was managed ; and when we reached the screen, the old decoy man approached us with pieces of dry turf or jocat, one end of which he lit before putting it into our hands, — • this he did by the young ladies as well as by Lord Craven and myself, and then took the same DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 199 precaution in regard to his own piece of burning peat ; so, knowing that this jpeat affair was of no sort of use, I winked at Lord Cravenj and we both put our fires out, kiughing, at the same time, to ourselves when we did so. When these burnino- pieces -of peat were given to us, I remember whispering to my host, that if, as he (the decoy man) said, ^^ the smoking turf was to prevent the ducks from smelling our breath," we were all expected to hold the burning peat close to our lips ; if the young ladies were to have one con- siderable sized piece, I supposed the old decoy man would put his own head into a 2^eat stack, as there must be degrees of offence in which the breath should assail the birds ; so the whole affair was nonsense from one end to the other. It was a funny idea, I thought, to see these j^retty faces inhaling smoke, and no more smoke than that old man, the sigh from one lip and the rude breath from the other deemed, even in their terrific effects, to need no more disguise the one than the other. The end of this peat-smoking farce was, that we caught some ducks with all our artificial fumes frustrated by common consent. In lying by moonlight under a very little bank, 200 FACT AGAINST FICTION. tlie wind setting direct from me to the water, I have had wild ducks come swimming and feed so near me, that I coidd have touched them with the barrel of my gmi. To illustrate the fact that birds of any kind distinguish neither friend nor foe by scent, I take the pheasant, — as all sportsmen of any knowledge must have remarked, that if they are in ambush, and completely hidden from sight, and not making any noise while a cover is being driven towards them, pheasants, up-wind or down-wind, will come running to pass within two yards of them, and not be in the least aware of man's immediate- presence. Not so the hare and rabbit ; if they come hopping by up-wind of the gun, even if the man stands against a tree, fully confessed, if the man stirs not hand nor foot, the hare and rabbit having no appreciation of dangerous proximity but by motion and their noses, will pass as if the entire coast was free. But, on the other hand, let man be ever so masked by ambush, ever so completely hidden, if the hare or rabbit comes down-wind of him, the instant they catch the tell-tale current of air, they stop, look bewildered, DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 201 liastily turn back, or bolt off in some contrary direction. Nothing more is needed than this fact to prove tlie fallacy of supposing* that birds have the faculty of sniffing the approximation of a foe. Immense care must be observed, in a decoy for taking fowl, to keep the paths by the ''screen" a couple of inches or more deep in the atoms of tan from a tan-yard, or with sawdust, or very fine sand ; for ducks can hear with the keenest discrimination of sound, and if down- wind of the decoy man, of course they hear much better than if they are iip-unnd ; and this it is that has led to the delusion in vulgar minds that the birds smell the men out, wdiile really they have dis- tinguished some almost impalpable sound, that has not been noticed by the man from Avhom it proceeded. If in a decoy you take a duck once called a decoy bird, the tamer the decoy-duck is, the sooner he comprehends man's trick, and ''turns up an eye " at it for the future when needed to lead to the pipe again. These decoy-ducks, tlius awake to the place of capture, will, by keej^ing away themselves, prevent more ignorant birds from 202 FACT AGAINST FICTION. following the clog, and utterly mar success. The easiest and the largest takes are invariably the strange and wildest birds ; and I would sooner have to do with a foreign flight just arrived, than with ducks indigenous to the surrounding country. It is my intention, the first opportunity I have, of arranging a 'taking decoy," to do away with the use of the dog, and, in place of the dog, to substitute stuffed animals of different kinds and colours, such as the fox, the polecat or ferret, the stoat, and various coloured cats, so that there should be no sameness in the decoying object. A stout wire running clean round through the first two holes, and tlie same to the next two, and so on, will enable the stuffed decoy to pass round the two holes, and appear at the first hole again if the ducks have hesitated to come on. Or if the first represented ^^guy" does not draw, then it can be changed to another till the desired effect is produced. A few rollers for the wire to run on would suffice, and the guy could be attached by small clasps, whicli would allow of its being taken on and ofi". Thus, with this wire so made to DECOYS rOK WILD FOWL. 203 every two holes, whatever guy was first put on could be used at all the holes throughout. This, I believe, would be a complete novelty in decoys, and, properly contrived, the effect of it would be immense. The cost, trouble of training, and imcertainty of behaviour in the dog, would be done away with, and the object sought com- pleted to much better purpose. And now to the decoy for the use of the gun. In many estates there are wide tracts of moor and bog of no use whatever. In their present state they return no income^ and are fallow as to profit or pleasure, their only occupant, perhaps, a snijDC. They may be impossible to the j)urposes of culti- vation ; and if there is a considerable l)og, in nine cases out of ten it is not merely occasioned by surface Avater, termed a '^soak," but there is sure to he a spring, and, perhaps, in a s]3ace, many springs, that hithertx) had been hidden by superincumbent moss, or the constant growth and decay of vegetation. Many of the sites of such bogs as these that I allude to lie between narrow hills, and often being out of the way of receiving any artificial drainage from higher lands, tliey are not subject to floods other than such as 204 FACT AGAINST FICTION. may bo easily regulated by a very simple method. The manor which I hold while writing this, had two of these narrow bogs,, that suited the purpose I liad in view. There were other bogs, but tlicir position was wider of the most retired places than those selected for my decoy, and hence, in my own mind, the matter was resolved. The bog in question, now called ^^ the home decoy," had been drained to the last dregs of moisture, as if the former occuj)ant, wlio had under- leased it to me, had been querulously afflicted with hydrophobia. If this utterly superfluous drainage had been done with a view to cultivate the ])og, then I can understand it, because the stone wall of impos- sihle cultivation would have been uncovered, and the white shingly sand made manifest, so as to j^ut an end to the attempt ; and the state in which I found matters would have been sufficiently explained. But if it never had been the intention to attempt the cultivation of sucli white sand and shingle mixed with very poor and scanty peat, why take all the trouble of these drains, the bog itself being so very low that no other drainage to the DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 205 useful lands above was needed? All superfluous water from tlie higher level went to the bog, and ran off in a little stream to the sea by natural position. The moment I set my eyes on this bled-to-death useless waste, — several little natural springs asserting their impossible-to-be-exhausted presence by trickling into the main deep drain, — I imagined my present shooting decoy. The place was let to me for its shooting, with the house in a very bad state of repair, and im- furnished, save one old carpet, no bells in the house, and a roof letting in any amount of wet in rainy and windy weather. The ' shooting consisted of two pheasants ; I bestowed on each a Christian name, for I soon got to know them by sight, the one from the other; and, finding themselves no longer shot at, they very soon became tame to me, and took up their residence in tlie laurels round the house. I do not think that on the land let to me for shooting purposes there was more than a brace of hares ; but there was a fair show of partridges on the distant farms, and in the Pinaster Woods, close home, any amount of rabbits, as you in- variably find, if tliey are tacitly or otherwise let 20G FACT AGAIKST FICTIOK. to be the perquisite of a mere farm-labouring bailiff, who told a master, incapable of judging of the matter liimself, just what suited his purpose. There were also a few black-game, hitherto always shot down on the 20th of August, under the Cockney term of '' heath-j^oults," at a time when the male birds Avere not distinguishable from the hens.* As to snipes, there were some at times ; and but one duck was all I saw on the moors within the first twelve months. In one of the lower home-fields there was a small circular pond, perhaps a little over ten yards across it either way ; and this was fed by a beautiful little rill that rose in the upper part of the same long field. This I at once surrounded with rabbit wire-netting, leaving a margin for sittings, and planting some cover in the way of shelter; and into this were put some pinioned fowl, some of them of the rarest and most beautifid kind. The American wood-duck, tlie little Pernam- buco goose, less in size than a duck, the j^intail, and, above all, the Bahama drake. This lovely little bird was given to me by Lady Winchelsea. ^' The blackgame in the New Forest and in Dorsetshire arc three weeks behind the northern birds in coming to perfection. DECOYS FOR WILD F()^yL. 207 The Pernambuco gander, for it was not a goose, attaclied himself to me, and after a time became perfectly tame ; and the gander held me in high repute as the only creature that could talk to him, by imitating his call, among the ducks with wdiom he was associated. This bird lived with me about nine or ten years, and then died. While speaking of the attachment of a gander, my foes cannot call him ^^a goose for his pains"; but I wish some of the featherless bipeds of my acquaintance would obtain ganders and geese of that kind, for fowl capable of greater domestication I never saw. The round pond, after being thus dealt with, was enlarged, and now it is the key to the whole decoy. Never shot in, and never disturbed, and, since the Franco-Prussian war, for my amuse- ment, and to the muttered consternation of the ignorant boors, and in an ornithological attempt to glorify the greatest nation now known, I have taught the throng of birds in that pond, whenever I call on them from a distance to do so, to give " three cheers for the Prussians." They never fail to reply, and the shrill Avhistle of the Pernambuco gander used to lead them all, like a toast-master calling on a company ^^to charge tlieir glasses." 208 FACT AGAINST ITCTION. Wlicn three or four liunclrecl ducks all sliout a prolonged quack togetlier, if tlic wind sets that way down the hollows of the moors, it can be heard two miles off. One day a Bournemouth inhabitant Avas riding through the village of Kinson, and pulling up his horse by a cottage garden hedge, he asked tlie labourer digging his potatoes, ^^What extraordinary noise that was coming down the wind ? It sounds, my friend, as if all the ducks on earth were gone mad ! but it must be something; else." '^ 'Tain't," replied the matter-of-fact rustic ; '^ 'tis his honour's, Mr. BurJcly^Sj ducks a cheering for the Proosians." The rustic never raised his head in making this reply, and his equestrian querist rode on, muttering to himself that '' the man was mad ! " To dam successfully across narrow valleys is not difficult, if }'ou can get a sufficiently stable foundation ; giving a slanting and an ample back, so as to hold up a sufficient front to sustain the collected weight of water. Some peoj^le say that the supporting back should have the same amount of slant behind and before ; but that course I did not pursue, because I expected a consider- D1::C0VS FOli WILD TuWL. ' 209 able amount of cluck-traffic on and over the banks to })ools below, and I desired to give no hold to the nails of the ducks' feet so as to wear away the bank, but to force tliem to hop or wing up to its summit. Though I knev\' that no great landward floods were to be apprehended, in one of the dams, however, I had not provided a sufficient ^^esca^ie" in the right place, when the springs were caused to be in partial flood. The con- sequence of this was, that in a ^iavt of the dam where the chief weight of water rested, near where I had made the escape, tlie escape was overpowered, and, giving way itself, the rush of water beneath cut the dam completely in two, carrying aw^ay great blocks of earth more than a hundred yards towards another pool. The dam of that pool, however, held good, and no further damage was ex|)erienced. This was a lesson to my ^engineering skilly and I there and then made all the escaj)es on the hard, imbroken gravel at the end of the dam at the foot of the hill ; and these have answered their purpose, and all holds good, and has held good for several years under this precaution. I have constructed them so that in summer, and VOL. II. p 210 FACT AGAINST FICTION. moderate wet weatlier in winter, I can keep the pools up to their brim, with about from three to four bricks. If there is the chance of a flood mastering the usual confines, the removal of two or three bricks opens a valve to entire safet}^ The wet weather over, the bricks are replaced, and all becomes full as usual. AVillows of anv kind will not o^row on these peaty-flavoured banks, even when the banks are artificially made, and, of course, their roots always moist — not even the common copse willow, which was recommended some time ago in the Fidd as a nevv^ sort, under the denomina- tion of the '' bitter willow." I saw specimens of this Fleld-hovii '^new willow'' growing in the garden of a most intelligent tenant of Mr. Vere Fane Benett's, of Pyt House, where the tenant assured me that his cattle Avould not touch it. In texture, twig, and growtli, in my own mind, I recognized it as the common copse willow, and being well aware of the occasional impositions practised by some designing corre- spondents through the public press, against which sufficient authority is not interposed, I asked my friend to give me a few cuttings to take home DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. *211 for investigation and experiment. This new- fangled AvilloWj as I expected, proved to be nothing more than the common copse willow, Avliich game will very seldom interfere with. On this slight contingency there was attempted to be built up a W'ide, and, perhaps, to one a lucrative, Ijut to the public a most mischievous, conclusion. I thought that in my long experi- ence I had come to the end of hearing ignorant assertions in regard to wild fowl and game; but such is not the case. I was told by one gentleman that he had lately been instructed by another gentleman that if he wished to have some snipe shooting he need but flood a coarse and almost useless piece of ^^ grass land," called a Avater meadow. All he had to do was to plough it up and sow it wath barley. Snipes w^ere so fond of the grain. ^' it Avould attract them in any number." My dear reader, fancy a snipe hored with grains of barley which he could not eat if he tried, and essaying to swallow them instead of horimj the moist sands after worms and the larvse of the insect tribes, that sort of soft diet being readily sworn to by the nature of his bill. Soft heads in the human race can often be detected. 212 FACT AGAINST FICTION. not by tlieir long noses, but still by their hills. In this anatomical reference I intend no insult to the snipe, for his bill was handed to him from his birth. We make our bills some time after we have run away from our mother's leading- strino^s ! If it can be so managed in regard to a larger space necessary for the shooting decoy as com- pared with the one for taking fowl, that also should be sheltered by willows and trees as well as banks. There should be, however, a succession of pools of broad waters for the shooting wliere there are no lakes nor rivers, so that the fowl may fly from pool to pool, and each pool thus afford a succession of sport, the fowl flying either way, thus permitting the beat to be reversed. In some situations gazes may be made for each gun. Gazes are small huts of v»'attled hurdles, or of boughs and furze, and tlie fowl may be driven over these gazes when the guns cannot approach them on tlie water. Ducks are more easily directed b}' the driver than teak When Lords Malmesbury and Ashley shot my decoy with me during the winter of 1870, though there were from three to four liundred teal on DKCOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 213 the water, we only killed one. The ducks having come over the guns first, the teal refused the line, and kept flying hack into the driver's face Ijcfore they took their departure for the sea, and thus we only got one. The bag picked up on the spot was fift}'-one wild ducks at single over-liead shots, and one teal ; in all, fifty -five ducks were killed, the additional four retrieved when the day was over. Lord Malmesbury had thirteen ducks down around him before he left his first gaze. We then beat a little, straggling, scanty cover, and got nineteen pheasants, a w^oodcock, and a cou2:)le of rabbits, which, collectively, made a very nice day. We lunched within thirty yards of the little home or round pond where nothing is ever shot at, and while at lunch I called for ^^ three cheers for the Prussians," which was instantly complied with by all the ducks within hearing, though among them there were two wounded mallards and a duck who had escaped thus hurt from the other pools. I mention this to exhibit the correctness of my narrative, and to show the truth of w^hat I say. While at lunch, and while the keepers at a 214 FACT AGAINST FICTION, little distance were having something to eat, I heard one say, after tlie three cheers were given, ^'Well, I'm blessed if I should be in a hmnour to cheer, after having had such a bucketting as those ducks have had to-day." Since the shooting day above mentioned, the next bag consisted of one hundred and seven- teen head of fowl, duck, and teal. In every part of a shooting decoy there should be made varied ^' sittings " for the ducks. The larger and more important ones should face the east and south-east, to catch the first rays of the morning sun; for the ducks just then come home from their night flights and feedings, and want to dress and dry their feathers, just as much as we should do on retiring to our firesides. They like nice dry, short, velvety turf to do this on, it being comfortable to their feet, and of a texture that will not dirt nor stick to their breasts ivhen in a recumbent posture — a sheltering bank of three feet in height behind them, as before alluded to, and tlie sittings in width of from three to six feet, so that there may be room for all and no o^uhhing of tails against the back of the sitting, for that is a contingency ever DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 215 slumnocl by every bird in existence, sitting- on the ground or on a tree. I had to make all my pools ; but from knowing the humom^s and necessities of wild fowl, great care was taken to meet all peculiarities attached to their very little understood nature. When I say ^^very little understood," I speak of the surface sportsman or mere gunner. I always loved to study the nature of wild things, and now am happier in their happiness than in their death ; and I love preservation and the more genial sun of the breeding season better than the ^Mjag" and frost and snow. A young sportsman one rainy day, or day not comfortable for shooting in (wet covers spoil pheasants in their death as well as sport), kept teasing his host to go out, so there was a con- sultation as to whether the cover should be beaten or not. If I mistake not (I was not present), a noble lord, much this young man's senior, at length stepped in with this pertinent question, — imper- tinent by some it may be deemed, but with the causticity of it I most heartily agree, — ^^ Is it not possible," said the elder of the two, ^^for you 216 FACT AGAINST FICTION. to pass one day of your useless life without Jdlllncj something?'''^ Many, many montlis, weeks, and days of my I hope not useless life, are passed in liappy and trusted friendship with the birds and beasts around me, watching their curious and varied luibits, studying" their natures, and endeavouring to obtain their confidence instead of rousing their fears. There is scarce a bush on my manor which does not hold a friendly robin. The l^ird comes to meet me at my approach, sits close to my foot, with its little brightly shining black eye, and craves by look and a sujDpressed warble for the crumbs in my shooting-jacket pocket. If by chance my crumbs for tlie birds have l)een exhausted, which is seldom the case, it makes me quite unhappy to read the disa2)20ointment even a robin can exhibit in the poor little eyes, when I walk close-fisted, but still, I trust, open-hearted, from the solitary bush which never fails to shelter thus even the smallest creature under heaven. But to return to the shooting decoy. After my line of pools had l)een estal)lished, the few passing wild fowl, who at flight time, or soon after dusk, used to be attracted bv DECOY« roll WILD FOWL. 217 the sig'lit and call of my pinioned birds in tlie home 2^ond, and occasionally drop in to pay them a passing visit, began to use the new- made pools, where they were for some time never disturbed. At first that most objectionable jiopping at the distant rifle-range, when tlio wind set towards the l)irds, annoyed them ; but they very soon got used to it, and now care nothing for the distant noise. Teal, duck, and widgeon began to drojD in the moment the breed- ing season was over, and very soon '' a lead," as decoy men call it, was established. All this time, too, I took such wild ducks' nests as I could find, however near to my pools, and reared them sometimes under their mothers, when they could be caught and put into coops, or under hens. When I first commenced rearing fowl for the decoy, of course it was necessary to take as many wild ducks' eggs as possible, and breed them up under hens, and this led to a fact which, in succeeding seasons, puzzled me for some time. It was this. About the second or third season, being short of hens for pheasants and ducks, I 218 FACT AGAINST FICTION. * caught all tlie old wild ducks that would bo caught, as described, at the moment they hatched out, for the purpose of cooping them with their young. But these wild ducks so caught, and taken in mucli the same wild districts, were as unlike each other in their tempers when caught as black is to white. Some of them flew at and beat themselves against the bars of the coops, frightening and trampling to death their own young, while others remained perfectly contented and docile in their coop, ^' hived" or nursed the brood, and did very well. Everything is, can be, or ought to be, accounted for. So to unravel this mystery for the future, I ordered all young ducks from the sea district and wildest ground, when hatched under hens, to he marked. By this we should know in catch- ing old ducks from their nests, or in the bag after shooting, Iioav they came to hand, whether known to us before or not. The mystery of the different tempers when cooped was at once ex- plained. Those wild ducks that had been reared in a coop, wlien brouglit back to it, took to it at once again, while those wild ducks that liad never been in a coop flew at the bars and re- DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 219 sistccl all detention, even to forgetfulness of their young. If a cluck can be found, and her time and method of sitting on her nest watched, and she is visited just about the time when she is hatch- ing, her nest will generally be far from any water, and in the heath or furze. When first alarmed by the approach of man, she will flutter along the ground in an attemjot to lead the sup- 2^osed pursuer from, her young. Before she is dis- turbed, two or three purse-nets should be set in low places, or in such positions as she would be likely to cross in her designing retreat, and into one of these, if properly set, she is almost sure to go. Having taken her thus alive, at a time when maternal affection is at the ftill, pull out the flight feathers from one wing to prevent her flying away, if by any chance she should escape her coop, and then put her into a cooj) narrowly barred to prevent her squeezing through, and put a board or ^^ crate" in a square in front of the coop, fitting close at both sides. A crate a couple of yards long, by the breadth of the cooj) wide, and a foot high; is quite suflicient to j^i'cvent the 220 FACT agaiNkSt fiction. escape of the yoimg brood. A disli of water at the bars of the coop, and food within reach of it for the old as well as the young birds, is then all that is required. The old wild duck, as pre- viously explained, who has never been in a coop, will not do, but the old bird, who was herself reared from it, she never loses her interest in her brood, nor her remembrance of her artificial rearing; and her young ones, not feeding from the bill, as the young of the landrail and moor- hen do, will, the very day of their confinement, learn to feed themselves; very small seeds of any kind, buck- wheat, &c., grits, and little pieces of worm and finely-chojDped white of boiled egg, should be put in their dish of loater. They soon will recognize their feeding place, and when the food is mingled witli very small bits of thickly-kneaded meal, then the young birds will begin to thrive. Barley or maize should also be placed in the water for the old duck, who will be sure to drink, for ducks are '' thirsty souls," and will discover that tliere is a dinner too for her. In less than a week the crate may be removed, for by that time, if cautioudjj approached, and DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 221 never frig-litenccl, tlic little clucks are tame, and will run to meet tlie hand that has always fed them. As soon as the young ducks are strong, then shift them, old one, coop and all, to some little, Avarmly-sheltered shallow pool — on no account to deep water; and then, when they begin to get well into their first plumage, let the old duck out. Her wing by that time will have begun to re-moult the pulled-out flight feathers, and she will soon fly as well as ever ; but she w^ill not desert her brood, when there are plenty of pools to hold them. Deep water always kills the greater number of the wild-bred young broods upon it. They are seized with and die of cramp, or Avhere there are pike, they are eaten. In the first instance, take all wild ducks' nests, however near the newly-made decoy ponds, for the following reason. The old duck never had looked for water where the new pools w^ere, but, when she w^as a wild bird, she took her brood to the harbour some two miles ofi", or to some swamps in the tidal way near it, where everything was instantly destroyed by what the Glohe news- paper so properly termed the invading '^scamps'' of the vicinity. 222 FACT AGAINST FICTION. How I came to tlio knowledge of tliis want of trust in, or ignorance of, my pools, was thus. In one of my bogs, not where my best decoys are now, I had, in the first instance, made a small pool, surrounded by an aboriginal swamp, and there in two instances I had dropped mallards to my gun. In each case, as there were one or two other mallards flying round, I crouched, with my retriever at my heels, in tlie hope of another shot. When the birds on wing had disaj^peared, the re- triever was sent for the mallard that had fallen. The dog had seen the bird fall, and went immediately to the sjDot, but was, for an instant, misdirected in his search in the water by a rabbit. The dog, however, soon set himself right, and returned to where the mallard had fallen ; and then, to my surprise, instead of continuing in the shallow water and rushes, adjoining the deeper pool, he set off on dry land over the heather up the hill, stern down and head in air, and was liidden from further obser- vation by the rising brow. '' That nmst be a hare or rabbit," I thought to myself; but as a tried retriever, knowing well what he had to do, had a better facult/j to judge hy than I had, as is my invariable custom, I let tJie DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 223 dog alone. When once sent upon a difficult cluty, in wliicli a man cannot direct liis dog, man should be silent and stilly and interfere no more. In a very short time my dog came over the liill with the winged mallard alive in his moutli. The bird, as he could not fly, was walking off straight in the direction of the river Stour, nearly two miles off, and leaving a couple of acres of water behind him, into the edge of which he had fallen. This made an impression on me, but shortly after, at the same place, the thing occurred again. A w^inged mallard who had fallen, in a second instance, instead of seeking the pool to dive in which was close to him, also set off on foot, in hope to reach the accustomed and well-remembered river. This suggested to me that all wild ducks, nesting, as they always do, far away from waters of their haunt, would not. come with their young to the new sites opened out to them, but go to tho.se they had been accustomed to, at whatever distance. My conjecture was right ; so, following it up, an opportunity occurred by hand-rearing to make tlie rising generation of fowl learn that the safest place of all Avas the ^' tarn," or the ponds 224 FACT AGAIXttT FICTION. within my manors or in .some preserved })ortion of the rivers. In 23assing, let me remark that the method of the duck in takin^u' her l}rood, just out of the egg, over a stretch of country of two miles or more, is most sagacious and curious. She is a perfect mis- tress of her geographical position, and has a thorough knowledge of the country, generally moving from the nest at night. She well knows in what direction ditch, path, and cart-wheel tend, and is sure to select the shortest road. Into the cart- wheel track she gets, with her j^Tctty little dappled brood clustered in a lively heap at her tail, and on she waddles at a surprising pace, cleaving the air before her as she would do the Avater, making a vortex to suck the little fleet in the rear the more closely to her, and trusting the side of the cart-rut to keep them Avell together. Few men, perhaps, have seen this; but I have seen it in a wild duck escaped from her coop, as also in a duck with lier young hatched wild ; and it is astonishing the pace that they go, as well as the straight line that they ado2)t as the most con- venient to take them to the desired water. One of the first things to do in preparing to DiX'OVs Foi: \vn>D fowl. 225 establisli a sliootiiig decoy is, to obtain tlirco or four wild mallards pinioned, and then to put them in a fenced-in pond with some tame hroiun ducks — tame, but of the wild colour, putting in two tame ducks to each mallard. They will breed thus in the first season that they are together ; but the earlier in winter they are so confined the better. Hatch their e^^xa under hens, or let the ducks hatch them, and breed them up in cooj^s. At flight time, in the evening, these half-bred ducks Avill fly as well as wild ones; but theij have this virtue — tlteir tame hlood invariahlij attaches them, however scant the water, to tJte spot or liome where they were reared, and though flying as strongly, and mingling with the wild flights, nothing can seduce them to stray from their first home, or from that attachment so localized and strong. There is a small white Dutch duck, named, because it makes an everlasting noise, the '' call- duck." This bird for the table is worth very little — it is foisted on would-be sportsmen, who are, in fact, mere owners of estates, as a ^^ decoy bird," sure to ^' call the wild ones down." This is an utter imposition, for to attract wild birds by call, as well as l)y appearance, this little duck is of no VOL. II. Q 220 FACT AGxVINST FICTION. use ivhatever. The best dccoy-cluQks to begin with are the half-bred ones before alluded to; they, or ducks reared by hancl^ are mentioned in a clever Avork (^ Notes on Fields and Cattle/ by the Eev. W. H. Beever), Avhich every farmer ouglit to have. If I recollect right, Mr. Beever alluded to his ducks as being from eggs of the wild sort, but reared in the farmyard by hand. Birds so reared and bred will at times be localized, but they are apt to be led away by Avild ones ; and to 7naJce store oftuhat is wanted, let the ducks at hrst be half-bred. They will go on and on breeding among them- selves, and crossing with the wild birds ; but the attachment to place, however remote the strain may become, never leaves the ducJcj whose origin was as I describe. On each succeeding ^^ear I breed up hundreds of ducks by hand, and thougli the wild ^^lead" to my decoy Is established, I shall continue to do so with (dl first nests. My reason for this is that the first nests in February, March, and April, come out in such cold weather, that in my mineral impregnated springs, or, indeed, anywhere else, on deep water, the young ducks, unassisted by man, can- DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 227 not live. I tlierefore take the first nests, and deal with them artificially. If the hatches arc small in nmnber, one duck, or one hen, accord- ing to the size of the latter, will take two or three broods, if of the same age or within a day or tw^o of the age of her ow^n, and the other ducks so deprived of their young, their flight feathers in one wing extracted, are put into a small pool enclosed with wire. If this were not done, they Avould go to the coop, if within their reach, and call away the young ones from the bird appointed to bring them up. To prevent this, they are put into what I term ^Hhe prison." In no very long time they forget tlieir young, and re-moult tlie extracted, not ciitj flight feathers. The mallards have had free access to them, they are impregnated, and when of themselves they fly out of prison, they are prepared for a second nest. I have been all my life, or the greater part of the last years of it, trying to teach this to my friends who have estates and manors, and width of acres, moss, or moors, at the present time lying- fallow from all that is either useful, remunerative, or amusing. Somehow or other, ^^ they don't seem to see it," and somehow or other they dont alivays Q 2 228 FACT AGAINST FICTION. understand it, or tliey leave it to, or tliey listen to, tlieir keepers, wlio, being ignorant and averse to any additional trouble, set tliem against it, or raise ridiculous and unfounded difficulties, which scare their employers from any such undertaking. There is scarcely a so-called keeper that under- stands the requirements of birds at their appointed feeding-places ; and though they, the keepers, find it requisite to have for tlieir own benefit at least two meals a day — breakfast and dinner — they deem that the birds under their very questionable care can live and remain contented with one. If you do not feed pheasants twice a day, morn- ing and afternoon, the first food you give them may just as well be sacrificed to pigs. If they find, Avhen they are hungry, that at breakfast they had eaten all the food, and that there was not any put for them for dinner, of course they must go further for their last food, and wander to look for it, — too far, perhaps, to think of coming Ijack for breakfast. With ducks in the liome decoy, where they are never dis- turbed, they, too, should always be fed twice a day, morniiKj and evenimj. I have them fed three times a day in one pooh In tlie other DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 229 pools which arc shot in, and where tlie wild flights, on account of the greater breadth of water, mostly haunt, they need only be fed at night, after flight-time has well begun, and the ducks are all away. On their return in the morning, they find a welcome repast ; and by tliis ]nanagement the keeper taking down tlie food in no way disturbs the fowl. The home- reared ducks seldom go far aw^ay at night, at least, never so far as salt water; but the wild flights always do^ as they feed on the muds of the harbour. So the former require food twice a day or more in their own unscared decoy, and when the keeper goes to feed them it matters not if he puts up any strangers, as they only go to the larger pools and mingle with their fellows. In feeding pheasants as well as ducks the moment of feeding should be rigorously kept, and then all birds so fed will be found collected at the right time, and it is fatal to the object in view ever to disappoint tJiem. And now as to the disturbance caused by the report of a gun: all birds, j^heasants in tlieir covers, and home-bred ducks in their decoy joool, can be made steady to fire when they are on 230 PACT AGAINST FICTION. tlic spot where tliey are never molested. Thus at my romicl pond or home decoy in smiimer, even when many ducks are there, I can with my gun pick off a house-rat in the evening, and send my retriever over the wire to fetch it without putting one bird to wing.* In fact, as I am the only gunner who shoots frequently at rabbits out at feed, my home-bred ducks know that luJiere that gun is I cwij and that ivliere I am there is always a pocketful of Indian corn. At times, even in the woods, I shall scarce have re-charged my gun, when there is the whistle of a wing in the air, and a duck lights doAvn by my foot. In the fields far from the decoys, — I never saw him in the woods, — during summer, a splendid old pin-tailed drake, caught in and sent me from a decoy in the North, and never pinioned, tlie moment he hears the gun he comes with a little Bahama duck, with whom for the last three years he had selected to pair, and they settle down together at my foot, and will follow me about the field. All this comes from method and knoAvledge of how " The same decoy is wired in, not covered in, because at times there are curious and costly birds there from foreign parts, who must be pinioned and scientificall}' cared for. DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 231 to wgratiate yourself witli timid creatures. It is impossible to teacli tlie method to anybody, because everybody who had tried to learn it hitherto lias been certain to leave out something which seems trivial in itself to him, but which, in fact, may occasion ally he the key to ultimate success. It is no use to make decoy pools without well selected sittings. It is no use to send me foreign game birds, however carefully the box is made in which they come across the sea, or liowever well they may be fed and watered, — if a supply of fine gravel or sand is omitted. Food costs money, but the fine sand and gravel, which costs nothing, and ought to be an inch deep in the bottom of the box, and without which a bird for any time can't live, is regarded by superficial observers as of no con- sequence whatever. It costs nothing. It has not to be paid for, but nevertheless it is the hey stone of the ivhole venture. Never go among your wild fowl when in peaceful guise, unless you wear the same dress you have always worn, and in which they first saw you, or a new dress exactly like it ; for if you do, tliey will riot recognize their friend, but be seized with a panic and fly away in dismay. 232 FACT AGAINST FICTION. Never approach any wild thing in startlinxj haste, but let them see and hear your quietly spoken word and advancing step, tliat they may have time to recognize their friend, and not be seized with panic. I remember to have seen, in the Fields a cor- respondent asking '' if any one could tell him wh}^ tlie cast of hawks he had bred up and been trying to train, after an absence of a few days vrere afraid of him." In his letter he described his return and '^ sudden rush to see his darling birds." I could have told him that, on his return, instead of '^ rushing in " to see his favourites in his holiday attire, he should have waited to divest himself of his travelling or '^courting garments," as labouring people sometimes call their best clothes, and have put on the shooting jacket and attire, such as it usually was, and, going in quietly, the hawks would then have welcomed liis return, instead of being scared by an unwonted appearance ; Init these things are not known to every one, and it is not every one tliat can be taught. To conclude my remarks on this head, what will the reader say to a wild blackcock and myself DECOYS FOK WILD FOWL. 233 having •scraped into Mich a state of acquaintancG, familiarity, and friendship, that, liwiving where I lived, he would come in sprimj to my door, not only on my little lawn, but ahsolutely to the door, and ^'curl" at the breakfast-room window, — his wings down, his cheeks and ears red, his horns up, his tail spread like a flm over his back till it touched his head, and, stamjnng round and round, throwing out the soft sort of tremulous ^^ coo "in tone resembling that of a Avood-pigeon ? He was very civil to all the hen pheasants, but he permitted no cock pheasant to be on the lawn while he was there. He fed on barley thrown from my hand, but he liked oats best ; and I often invited my neighbouring brother sportsmen to see this strange friendship between me and an old wild blackcock of the moors. Alas ! that dear mysterious king of the wastes at last died, very near ni}^ house, stricken by a disease in this vicinity that so constantly carries off both old and young of his kind. I have three blackcocks still who know me ; they are always bolder than the grey hens. One of them, an old, rusty-plumaged bird, that I have known for years, will let me pass within forty yards of him when 234 FACT AGAINST FICTION. feeding at the pheasant-stacks, but as yet I can incline liim to no greater fiimiliarity.* In arranging decoys for tlie collection of wild fowl for the gun, let me add, that it is necessary to liave a smaller pool here and there in the midst of the larger ones, wired in with rabbit wire- netting, in which to keep teal by way of decoy birds for their fellows. In such cases, there should be a bank around the sides of the pool about four feet high, so as to give shelter from any wind that I3I0WS, as well as to catch the beams of the morning particularly, as well as the afternoon sun, and to afford the sun's warmth to the birds on the sittings at the foot of the bank and on the edge of the water. The wire around these little ponds should not he itprigJit, but one-half of it should stand on the bank, and the other project horizontally over and above the sitting. This method of wiring -in a small decoy pool keej^s the pinioned birds safe within their desired location, while, at the same time, it affords a facility for any pinioned birds that may have escaped or strayed to walk over the ■■" The black game in my vicinity, by the spring of 1874, became extinct, and I have none left. DEC0Y8 rOK WILD FOWL. 235 wire, and, by so doing, capture tlicmselvcs ; and, in tlie same wa}^, it permits any birds that arc pinioned by the gun, and for the time lost, to come where they can be taken and killed, or fed luitil they recover. A porid, if thus wired-in with wire of a small mesh and with due care, also acts as a trap for vermin, as, though they can leap in very easily, they cannot jump out, nor get out, unless they burrow through the bank, which they never have the patience to do in any one place long enough to compass a sufficient hole by wdiich to escape to the wilder lands. In these small decoy ponds for teal, there should always be made a feeding-place for those delicate little fowl. Supj^osing there to be from two to three couple of pinioned teal, a feeding- house should be made for them of very fine wire, the lower part of this wire^ amounting to a sort of small iron rod, to bear the stress that in two places would be continually laid upon it by the passing in and out of the teal, and the attempts to force their way in of the larger wild ducks outside. This Avire feeding-house should have four sides, one side being made by the upright Ixink, the 236 FACT AGAINST FICTION, other side by the wire netting, and the two ends of much closer and stifFer wire. The feeding- l)lace for the teal should be on the sitting, and in a wet place, for all water-fowl like to feed over their feet in water. A yard-and-a-half, or twice tliat length if desired, for the feeding- house, would suffice, and the two ends might be in breadth about a couple of feet, or a yard, according to the space to sjDare, with an opening just sufficient for teal to pass through, but which would keep out a duck. In course of time, the wild teal also will fnid out the food and the way to get at it, and it serves its especial purpose admirably. "Wlien these feeding-houses for teal are made, the barley and ]3oiled rice should be put into them only after dark, so as not to disturb the fowl, and but once in the twenty-four hours. The keejDcr must be watcliful as to the presence of eitlier the house or water rat, as botli these cunning animals will l)e aware of the hour of feeding, and, day or night, close in on the food at once. Their presence can always be noticed by the impressions of their feet in tlie nuid, and if permitted to live and to resort to these 2:)ools, DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 237 tliey will not only starve tlic teal to death by quickly consuming their food, but the house- rat, not the luater-rat, will often vary his repast by killing" the teal themselves. I would, for the sake of demonstration, permit any man, even in summer, when the house-rat most frequents his watering - places, to search the sides of my ponds, and to find, If he could^ the track of a house-rat. I have them exterminated by trap and lightly-loaded gun, for there are some practised old crafty liouse-rats who cannot be taken in any kind of trap whatever. At the dusky hour of a calm, hot summer's evening, however, if the whereabouts of these old rats has been by their track discovered, they cannot resist coming out for a walk in that deep stillness ere the night sets in, and then it is that the lightly-loaded gun insures their death with very little noise. If these cunning old house-rats find out the coops where young ducks are being reared by hand, there is a method that often succeeds in their capture by trap, and it is this* Put in the water near the coop a small square, made by rabbit-netting, of the larcjest 'mesh ; the house- rat can get througli this and so can the young •238 FACT AGAINST FICTION. ducks; tliG trap for tlie time unset, and the food for the latter may be dropped Avitliin this wired space, and both ducks and rats, at dif- ferent times, be attracted by it. Anybody ^Y]io understands the safe rearing' of ducks will hare a board to fit the cooj), to shut in the brood with the old bird as soon as it is dusk. Then, when the young ducks are safely shut in, lift up the little square enclosure of wire, and set heneath the water, within the circumference of the wire, the steel rat-trap or gin, and put the wire over it in the usual place, dropping a little more food, that will sink on and around the trap. The water prevents tlie scent of the human hand from animal detection, and use induces the rat to seek boldly on the same spot the same food he has so often revelled in. The trap needs no peg nor other fastening, for it is too large to be pulled through the Avire, and the rat will be found drowned on the following morning when tlie yoiuuj ducks are let out. Care must be taken to make this little square pound for the trap wide enough for its dimensions to keep the snare out of the reach of old ducks, who might be stretching in with the whole lengths of their bills and necks DF.COYS FOK WILD FOWL. 239 ill an endeavour to get at tlie food tliey knew to be there ; the size of tlie pound, therefore, ne- cessary to exckidc tlie old ducks who are at hirge from danger can, to a certainty, be very easily ascertained ; of course, the wire pound must be kept from being put out of place by external pressure by a peg or two inserted on either side. Water-rats can be taken in the same way, ])ut the best trap for them is an old single-entrance wire eel-trap, its end immersed in water, while the entrance is kept by a slanting position within reach of the victim it is intended to destroy. The only damage the water-rat does is by eating the corn put down for the fowl. The same rat is detrimental to w^illows, or to any succulent plants or herbs in the vicinity of the water; but, other than this, to animal or bird life, this often unjustly persecuted creature is perfectly innocuous. During summer the old viciously predatory house-rat seeks the water, as the biped rats from the Commons House of Parliament, and the in- habitable towns and cities of the world, flock to places situated on the sea. There the biped people game, intrigue and bathe, sw4m, fish, flirt and frolic, precisely as the viciously inclined quadruped 240 FACT AGAINST FICTION. rats do wlion tlicy resort to the pond or river. The steady-going, constant residents of the one l^lace, householders and water-rats, get turned out of the quiet routine of their existence, and either let at remunerative rents tlieir houses for a time, or desert their domiciles, to escape the contami- nation of gamblers, impostors, or cliaracters un- desirable as acquaintances for the rising genera- tion. The water-rats, in much the same position, yield up tlieir holes in the banks to the vicious foe, who, if they did not do so, would kill and eat them. In these holes the house-rats, for "the season," breed and live, adopting precisely the habits, in all hut appetite j of their predecessors; and thus, because the superficial observer sees a rat on the mill or duck pond swim after and catch young ducks, he immediately charges the mis- chievous fact against a poor creature who never destroyed anything alive in its life. When decoys have to be made u}) by dams to keep back the water, and to throw it into 2)ools or lakes, the water-rats, and the moles also, will do a great deal of damage by 2)erforating the banks beneath the surface of the higher water. DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 241 Water is ever on the watch, when penned back, for any illicit escape that may offer, and once let it find a hole, however small, there it will rmi or trickle through, till, by degrees, if not im- mediately stopped, it wears for itself a passage of exhaustive dimensions. For the above reason, I would recommend pools to be dug out three or four feet below the level of ground and Avater, and the earth so removed to be placed on two sides of the water as a shield against prevailing winds, and as comfortable backs to catch the morning and afternoon sun, and reflect the warmth so caught upon the nicely turfed sittings. Or an island may be thrown up from the material dug out. ^Vlien this plan is adopted, it puts an end to the constantly to be repaired dams, and does not cost so much as tlie latter. All work so occasioned should be let out to the labourer as '^ piece-work," binding the labourer or labourers down to comjjlete the job in a given time. If the latter is not done, when once they begin the task, they will be in no sort of hurry to finish it ; but looking on it as a job in hand to fall back on when they have nothing else to do, the work may be protracted for any amount of time, VOL. II. R 2^2 FACT AGAINST FICTION. and the ground around disturbed, to the ruin of the rest of the decoy. The worst vermin that will, if they are per- mitted to do so, haunt and be destructive to the decoy and to the fowl who breed in the vicinity, are the carrion crow, the moor falcon, or hen harrier, the magpie and the house-rat, the stoat and the weasel. The latter, the weasel, in a decoy is the least destructive of the lot. A fox is also most destructive to wild fowl ; but I do not look on the fox as a ^S^ermin," but simply as a creature that repays the mounted sportsman tenfold for any mischief lie has occa- sioned to the man who walks. I have observed in my decoy that though I have destroyed every carrion crow in the vicinity, and not seen one for five months, no sooner are their eggs laid about the moors and the deco}', than several carrion crows put in an appearance. Some of these old thieves may probably be those who, in the last breeding season, had left a leg or foot in some of my traps, and who re- turned to their old hunting-grounds well aware of the purposely- put temptations as well as the danger tliat awaited them. I liavc seen tliese DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 24 o rusty old rascals (some of them wlien old assiuiic a very rusty appearance), in winging tlieir search- ing- flights about six or seven feet above the heath, come upon one of my traps, — the bait a dead rabbit or eggs, as the case might be, — I have seen them then pause in tlieir flight, hover or dwell over the spot where the trap was, and then cry out as if in loud derision, winging their way on and resuming their flight of search in other places. Where there are old crows of this description haunting the vicinity of a decoy, they can often be taken thus. Ducks, when they first begin to lay, will drop their eggs occasionally about, not in nests, and often in shallow water. These chance eggs in the eyes of a crow don't look like purposely-placed baits; therefore a bait of this sort can be Avith success adopted in very shallow water — w^ater enough to cover the egg, and yet let it be visible to a bird's quick eye. Around this egg, and beneath the Avater, — for the Avater that covers the one Avill be deep enough to conceal the more flat proportions of the other, — the traps should be set. CroAvs and moor-falcons Avill both Avalk in Avater up to their hocks if after eggs, and they are sure to step into one trap or the other. R 2 244 FACT AGAINST FICTIOK. I have in this way taken these birds when proof against any other attraction. These traps are dangerous to ducks as well, and small, shallow pools of water, as much removed from the haunts of fowl as possible, should be selected. There are more sure ways of destroying the carrion crow and magpies than those by trapping ; but as it involves the use of strychnine, I ever set my face against it. It can be used by a careful hand with apparent safety, by poisoning a slightly broken egg and placing it on a pollard tree or stump of a tree, or on an island where nothing else but wings are likely to reach it ; but under Jio circumstances do / advocate its use. There is also, I deeply regret to say, a method of poisoning foxes, which will confine the lamentable death by strychnine to the fox ; for when the poison is put into the carcase of a hoffse-rat. nothinir but a fox will eat it. Not the vxiter-rat, but the house-vat; and, curiously enough, a fox will ])refer a dead house-rat to a rabbit ; and this latter fact or preference I have ascertained in feeding litters of foxes when I kept foxhounds. Poison should never he used in any case* DECOYS FOR WILD FOWL. 245 Surely tliere arc ways enougli of destroying vermin without resorting to tlie use of drugs, that if by chance they find their way to man, woman, or cliikl, may be fatal to all alike. The law against the sale of deadly poison is too easily avoided, — in fact, tliere is no effective law in respect to it; and of this, two instances have very lately been brought to my notice. The one was that several valuable dogs in Dorsetshire had been poisoned by strychnine said to have been bought by a tenant-farmer for rats. The other was in the deaths by poison administered by thieves, commonly called poachers, to the valuable pigs of the owner of a large estate, because some low beerhouses, where thieves did congregate, and labouring men got drunk witli the money they ought to have spent in main- taining their wives and children, were abolished l)y the lady of the mansion and manor. We greatly need a revision of the law against the almost unrestricted sale of poison, and were I ever in either House again, it should be my endeavour to effect it, 2-:l:6 FACT AGAINST FICTION, CHAPTER X. EELS AND LAMPEPtNES. — THE MYSTERY OF FISHES. Generative History of the Eel — Appearance as they Ascend and Descend the Pavers — Pond-Bred Eels — Traps for Eels — Baits — Lampernes — How to Catch them — Shoals of Lampernes — Caught by the Piats — Used as Manure — A Table Delicacy — Bait for Pike — Lampernes full of Spawn when Ascending from the Sea — They Breed at an Early Age — The Lamprey — Use to which the Lamprey puts his Wide Mouth — The Old Angler at Cranford. Having read some time ago, in Belcjravia (see page 158, vol. vi.), a very well-written and interesting accomit of the ^^ whitebait," from the pen of Mr. J. G. Bertram, perhaps it will not be deemed amiss to offer to the reader some practical observations on that mysterious inhabitant of the waters, the eel. To begin Avitli the generative history of this, at present, little understood creature, it certainly is not thoroughly ascertained whence, where, or how the generative process is acliievcd. Wliethcr EELS AND LAMPERNES. 247 the eel is produced by ova^ or by any other known process, certain we are that no roe has ever been detected. Writers on the history of the eel content them- selves, but no one else, with the assertion that eels seek the tidal waters and margin of the sea for tlie purpose of procreation, but we are completely puzzled to ascertain how the eels which inhabit small ponds in the midland counties, without the remotest access to ditch, brook, or river which would conduct them to the supposed scene of their operations, get there. In my practical experience and investigation of tlie habits of the eel, I have emptied, or ^Haved," small ponds of inland descrij)tion, and found the usual complement of eels embedded in the mud. That in certain rivers and streams debouching into the ocean the eels annually seek the tidal water of the harbour, there can be no doubt ; and this they do with the first autumnal inland flood. My practical experience of the river Avon, whicli empties itself into Christchurch Harbour, has shown me the extent of the autumnal emigration of these fish, from my having swept from my eel stage, during a flood, sixteen hundred-weight of eels in 248 FACT AGAINST FICTION. the space of three or four hours, all on their down- ward jiassagc to the sea, the mills above me and the mill below me reaping a similar harvest of this particular fish. Then, at a certain time of year, during the summer, the return along the edges of the river of countless millions of the little elvers, supposed to be tlie offspring of the eels, sufficiently accounts for the descent and purpose of their progenitors. These little eels are as delicious, or nearly so, as whitebait, when dressed in the same fashion. This enormous amount of descending eels being thoroughly ascertained, it is natural to look for a return of the same fish when the duties of procre- ation are over ; but unless they return in some other guise or condition than that in which they ^' run,'- or in which they went down, those millions of fish are lost to further observation. This brings us to the next question — of the eel and snig. The eels seek the sea, as I have previously said, with the first flood of autumn. We Avill assign that flood, tlien, to the month of September, and they continue to descend during October, and even into November, of course diminishing in quantity flood by flood. EELS AND LAMPEliNES. 249 111 the first approach of Avarm weatlicr in tlio early siaring, thero then ascends, or seems to ascend, iho river Avon and the Stour, a vast num- ber of eels called snigs. The traps, pots, or wires placed in the river for the capture of these snigs, which are then in the most delicious condition, are set with their mouths, or entrances, down the stream, as these fish invariably ascend, and continue to do so throughout the summer, up to the first flood in autumn, when the great descent of eels, changed in condition, and not good to eat, ])efore alluded to, commences. The condition of the ascending and descending eels is very remarkable. Those that are descend- ing are much more slimy to the touch, and hard, and so rich when dressed for table, that it is almost impossible to eat them ; the ascending snigs, or eels, on the contrary, are most excellent, and so mild and sweet in flavour that they make the best white soup. The hue of the descending and ascending fish is also different, as the belly of the descending fish is of the most white and silvery character, while that of the ascending snig is tinted with shades of the brightest gold. Locally speaking, the snigs which are caught are 250 FACT AGAINST FICTION. of a much smaller description than the generality of descending eels; but this, according to my experience, apparently arises from the fact that nothing but the smaller kind of eel-pots are set to catch the fish, which precludes the possi- bility of catcliing the larger fish. That they are to be caught, I have proved by capturing, among others, one snig that weighed four pounds and a quarter. During the summer I have caught large snigs and large eels on night-lines ; and then the eel, though it had not donned the golden hue, had entirely lost the richness and ill flavour of the descending fish; but whether or not he would have attained the colour of the snig by a pro- longed summer residence in the river, I cannot precisely say. After the descent of the eels in autumn, I have followed them up with a spear, to ascertain, if I could, as immediately as possible on their descent, which class of fisli remained in the river mud, whether snig or eel. Those I found were chiefly eels in their descending condition, mixed lierc and there with the snig. The question then oc- curred to me whether or not the snigs so found EELS AND LAMPERNES. 251 were not iisli not yet arrived at the '^running'," or general condition of the others. I am dealing with facts as they occurred under my own ob- servation, leaving the question open as to whether it is condition alone which makes the diiferonco between the eel and the snig. It is true that, in many instances, the head of the snig has a more pointed nose and a smaller jaw than the accredited eel ; but if we are to pronounce as a distinct species on a physiognomy so trifling, we of the Vale of Berkeley, and our noble neighbours on the Cotswolcl Hills, our re- spective noses being widely different, aquiline and snub, may be quoted as distinct species of the genus man I Anatomists and naturalists often assume to distinguish new species by dissection and colour; thus, an additional bone or varying vertebrae in beast or fish, or in the plumage of a bird, is seized upon by anxious discoverers of mares'-nests to denote a new species, as in the dun and fawn coloured whole snipe, whose different hue, in my opinion, arises from accident. That the change of plumage does not of necessity define species, is proved by the ruff and ree, of whom scarce two species are clothed alike. The fact, 352 FACT ACxAINST FICTION, tlien, as regards the eel, and its enormous autumnal migration to the sea, unless they re-ascend the rivers in the condition of a snig, cannot be ac- counted for; they are lost entirely to our know- ledge. In 1871 I knew of a fresh-water eel being taken in a sprat-net four miles out at sea. It is the custom, in some places, to call any little eel a snig, and lience arises the term ^'sniggling for eels"; but, in my opinion, the snig, or the eel in snig condition, is found in rivers only, and does not exist in inland brooks, stagnant waters, or in isolated ponds fed by springs. There are innumerable small ponds within my knowdedge, and in those ponds there are eels that never leave them ; therefore it is too sweeping an assertion to say that all eels proceed to the sea for breeding purposes. To my certain knowledge, there are pond-bred eels, as well as eels l^red in the tidal w^aters of the ocean harbours, and by way of meeting the partly true assertion that eels will travel througli the dewy grass, I affirm tliat no one ever detected the elver in a similar question- able position ; yet in an isolated pond I liave found the young of eels, and an elver in the water in St. James's Park. ' EELS AND LAMrERNES. 253 There are four different traps wliicli may Le set for eels, — the wicker snig-pot, the wicker " hiillie/' the thief, or hoop net, and the wire eel-trap. All of these are effective if properly set and baited. All fishermen, however, would do Avell to remember this fact, that no fresh-water fish, not even the abused eels, supposed to fill the ^^joockets" of '^drowned sweeps" in Hyde Park, will enter a trap netted with twine, if the string is allowed, by continuance in the water, to get sour, nor will they touch a stale bait. This objection of the eel to the sour twine does not apply so much to the iron wire ; it exists in the greatest degree as regards string. Traps made of twine, therefore, should be taken out of the water every morning, and washed, and then left to dry upon the bank before they are again submerged ; but the wire need only be rinsed out, and at once returned to the water. And now, as to the appetite and nature of the erroneously blamed eel* We liave heard of de^ mented Avidows, whose piscatory tastes have been somewhat epicurean, on the dauiji remains of the dear departed being recovered from its humid resting-place, witli pockets, as reported^ replete 264: FACT AGAINST FICTIOIS^ ^yitli eels, to order the body to be re-set in the mud for further capture ; and, as I mentioned before, we have heard of the body of a sweep, in the Ser2)entine, Avho drowned himself for love of beer, not woman, having been fished up, alive with slimy parasites ! All such reports^ whether of the ^'widow's mite" or of the sooty suicide, are utterly ridiculous and untrue ; there is not a cleaner feeder beneath the waters, salt or fresh, than the conger, the snig, or fresh-water eel. I remember, as a child, seeing my father take up what he called his ^' eel-wheels," made of wicker, in the tidal brook around the walls of Berkeley Castle, and, so to speak, he never caught anything. In after-life, my experience as a man explained this failure; the bait put into those wheels was the entrails of a chicken. A more fetid, nasty-smelling bait, when it became stale and soddened, cannot be conceived. The only bait that Avill entice a conger eel or snig is fresh fish, or in regard to the fresh- water eels or snigs, similarly, fresh worms. The charge against the method of feeding of the eel as being unclean in simply false and absurd. Having discoursed respecting the maimers and EELS AND LAMPERNES. 255 customs of tliG eel, I now proceed to deal with a fisli almost as mysterious in its habits, but not so generally known — I mean the lampcrne. This fish, as far as my experience goes, is found in any quantities only in the mouths of rivers where tiie freshets seek the sea. In the Avon, near Christ- church, in spring, they ascend in continual shoals of countless multitudes. So thick and phalanxed is their line of aqueous march up the river, that you may stand on the bank with a common minnow-net suspended from a pole when it is dark, and lift them from the river as fast as you can put the net in and pull it out again. In a similar way you may set eel-nets, wire traps, if made close enough to retain the lesser lamperne, without bait, the mouths of the traps being set down stream, as if for snigs, and close to the bank in the line of the ascending shoals. In the upper weir on the Avon, when I lived at Winkton, these curious fish came most within my command. They came to ascend the weir so massed together, that from the weight of the pressure from without, the fisli next to the bank were driven, forced into, and wedged up in the rats' holes that were beneath the surface of the 256 FACT AGAINST FICTION. water. So well was tliis annual fact known to the vermin in tlie neiglibourliood, that the house- rats from every homestead^ Larn, and cottage gathered together by night at this weir for the purpose of a piscatory harvest. In the mornings beneath every available spot on which there was any cover, such as a few boards, an old hurdle, or a hollow stone, more than a bushel of these fish might be found secreted, all of them caught by the rats during one night, some being dead, some still alive, but all of them marked more or less by the teeth of the spoiler. After I had taken possession of the Winkton fishery, and came to live at Winkton House, on my visiting the place one day, I found my punt, which was moored to the gravel-walk in the garden, with a great many lampernes still alive in an inch or two of water that tlie punt con- tained. This made me demand of the man in charge wIkj it was that had dared to fish in my absence with my boat. He replied, that no one had done so; to which I ansAvered, '^Tlien how comes it to be full of live fish ? " To this he rejoined, ^^ that the fish liad been left there by the house-rats.'^ In order to utilize the spoils EELS AND LAMPERNES. 257 thus obtained, I manured the roots of the vines at the grapery, and many of the wall fruit trees ; to the vines first and last I laid the lampernes nearly half a foot deep as fish manure. Although in the Severn we deem the lampernc one of its greatest delicacies, as well as the shad, which we think second only to the beautiful salmon of the same river, in the vicinity of Christ- church, and on the banks of the Avon, the lam- pernes, locally known by the name of '' nine-eyed eels," when accidentally caught, meet with no sale, and are thrown away. Of course, with my Severn proclivities, lampernes were properly stewed and served to table. As the lamperne season begins before the pike are out of season^ I used them as bait for my trolling rod, and found them, while they lasted, the most killing bait of all. While mentioning bait for pike fishing, next to the lamperne comes the eel or snig; and in addition to its tempting nature, one eel bait for pike will often last an entire day. The shape of these fish (the lamperne and eel) enables you to place them on tlie hooks so. as to spin to perfection; and if the eels should be longer than you desire, you VOL. II. s 258 I^ACT AGAINST FICTION. can cut off a portion of the tail till you reduce your bait to the desired length. Supposing the pike fisherman goes on a visit to strange waters, or to friends who have not the means of pro- curing good bait, he should take with him three or four small eels, salted, in a box, which will keep perfectly sweet, and enable him to fish in any water which may be put at his command. But to return to the lamperne. All these fish, in the instance alluded to, were ascending, from the direction of the sea, to breed, in the same enormous multitude that the eels descended in for the same purpose ; only, in the instance of the lamperne, we have direct evidence of their especial purpose, for, unlike the eels, the fish are full of ova, or spawn. Thinking that, perhaps, in London I should be able to find a sale for lampernes, I caught, and kept alive, an immense quantity of them, putting tliem into a pound with a stream running through it, which I kept for eels at the lower weir. I could, however, obtain no demand for these fish in London, and they were useless to me, excc2)t for my own table, or for burial at the roots of trees. One other peculiarity which I observed with regard to these lampernes was, that though con- EELS AKD LAMPEKNES. 259 fined in a clean stone pound, with from two to tln-ee feet deptli of water, and a stream from tlicir native river running through it, they coukl not, or would not, relieve themselves of their spawn, and, after a few weeks, they were sure to die. It would appear, from observations made by me in the small brooks of the New Forest, and other little streams which I have visited, that the 1am- l^ernes ascend all the lesser water-ways which lie at their command, and that they breed at a very early age ; for I have seen them making places for the reception of their ova, and moving and carrying small pebbles for that purpose ; and the parent fish, while so engaged, have been but from three to four inches long. I have also, in the neigh- bourhood of Avon Tyrell, when, in comjDany with Mr. Frederick Fane, in search of trout for store, discovered a small sand-bank, mixed with gravel and mud, perfectly full of little lampernes, from an inch to two inches long, though neither gamekeeper nor labourer in the vicinity ever saw, to their knowledge, a lamperne breeding in that little brook. As to the larger fish of this species, the lamprey, — of a surfeit of which, it is said, one of our royal s 2 2 GO FACT AGAIXST FICTION. Hemys died; but whether the surfeit arose from the cook or the fish has always been a matter of some doubt in my mind, — with this larger kind of river-frequenting fish I am less acquainted. At all events, by ocular observation, and, for the time, most clear and close inspection, I have arrived at a certain and distinct knowledge of the use to which the lampreys turn their enormously wide and sack-like mouths. One day in summer, I was fishing for perch in the river Stour, in Hampshire, when my servant, who was idling along the bank above me, and looking in the deep, clear water for a shoal of perch, called out that he could see ^Hwo large eels feeding in the bottom of the river." Upon this rather strange report, it being the middle of a hot day, and the sun shining very brightly, I hastened to the spot to ascertain what it was that the man really saw. The river, at that particular turn of its course, swept with a very brisk current over a clear bottom of clay, without any weeds. On arriving at my servant's side, I could very clearly descry two large lampreys, very busily employed, though their occuj^ation had nothing whatever to do with food. So intent were they on the duty EELS AND LAMPERNES. 261 they were performing, that they took not the slightest notice of us. Clear and transparent as the water was, in depth, perhaps, about five feet, not a motion nor an act of the fish escaped my deeply-interested study. Their occupation was as follows : — They were boring a hole in the clay, as I supposed, to dejDOsit their ova, but that is simply conjec- ture on my part. First one fish and then the other seized hold of the clay with its round, extended, and sack-like mouth, and then twisted round and round for a considerable time, as fast as a carpenter could use a gimlet ^^ bit-and-brace." When the then considerably extended mouth and throat had bored . from the bottom of the river a large, round pellet of clay, the fish turned about, and, descending the river for some three or four feet, he deposited his burden, and was immediately succeeded at the hole he had left above by the second fish, who in its turn descended to deposit the clay, while the former fish again returned and continued the ojieration. Having watched this '^ division of labour" for a considerable time, I resolved to attempt the capture of the fish. Taking off the single perch hook, I added to my line a brace of snap-hooks for pike, putting 262 FACT AGAINST FICTION. a small rifle bullet about four feet above the hooks, so as to sink the line in the swift current, and to act as a mark to enable me, before it could be carried away, to see the exact position at the bottom that the hooks would take. My object Avas to get the fish on my side of the snap-hooks, so that, by a sharp snatch of the wrist, I should strike the hooks against them. I cast my line in two or three times before I could correctly ascertain how far the force of the current would sway down the line. During this operation the lampreys took not the least notice of me, nor did the first two attempts I made to strike them, both of which failed, disturb them in their occupation. On the third attempt, while the fish was screwing out the clay, I struck it in the side, and landed a splendid lamprey, — lifting it at once, and as carefully as I could, from the bottom of the river, lest I should disturb its companion, who Avas, at the moment, depositing the clay it had taken at the usual spot where both fish had placed tlieir former loads. The lamprey tlms bereft of its companion seemed not in any way to notice the fact, nor even to miss its fellow-labourer, but returned to bore out EELS AND LAMPERNES. 2G3 the clay, when, at the first attempt, I also struck that fish, and landed it upon the bank by its comrade. Deeming that Lord Malmesbury, on whose fishery this capture took place, would be more abstemious in his diet than England's glutton king, or had a safer cook, I sent the two fine lampreys at once to him, as a trophy from his river, and one very seldom obtained. The united weight of these two fish was over three pounds. To vary this somewhat trite discourse upon fishes, in passing, I will narrate my first act in conservation of manorial rights and rivers. There is at Cranford, in Middlesex, a widened pool in the course of the Crane, near the bridge that spans the little stream, and carries over it the great high road. Though very young, and not a strong boy of my age, I had, when about twelve years old, taken upon myself to act as a conservator of the manor, and however I might have failed in muscular power, my resolution was to prevent all aggression and infraction of my mother's jointure rights. Strolling down one sunny Sunday afternoon in summer, just as I had surmounted what was then called '' Little Common Bridge," and had come into full view 26-1 FACT AGAINST FICTION. of the bofore-montioncd pool, then called by the somewhat questionable name of ^''' Muddy Reach," to mv intense diso'ust I saw the tall fio-ure of a man standing by the side of the road, and fishing in that, to me, sacred water. In my mind's eye I see him now, so keen is my remembrance of first impressions. lie was an old man, and of rather a spare habit of body; his nose was long, and his face of mild aspect, — none of the ferocity about it which tliat featm-e, the nose, seems to assume when snubbed in its lofty proportions, while his eyes beamed mildly through his spectacles, and spoke of a sweet and affable S2)irit. Over these featiu-es, and above what appeared to be the edges of a flaxen Avig, there l^resided rather a broad-brimmed hat, suggestive of the simplicity claimed by Quakers, but some- what repudiated by them when ascending to the Britjliter scenes of the House of Commons. Striding up to the side of this mild and gentle-looking fisherman, I rather startled him from the contemplation of the nibble beneath his float by peremptorily demanding ^'what right he had to lisli there." He turned his eyes slowly upon me, his questioner, pushing u]) his EELS AND LAMPERNES. 265 S])ectaclcs to the verge of his flaxen wig — a thhig wliich, ill after -life, I have frequently seen men do when intending to take a more distinct measure of their antagonist, although they liad previously asserted that they wore glasses to better their vision. We confronted each other thus for a moment, like Puck and Bottom, though there was no Titania to add a lustre to the scene. On my again demanding '^ by wdiat right he fislied there,'' coupled with the command '^ to desist," he replied in a mild tone of voice by asking the question, ^^ What harm am I doing by angling in this water ? " To this I angrily replied, that ^^no one was allowed to fish there; and that I should insist uj^on his immediate departure." A bob or two at his float then withdrew his gaze from me, and fixed his attention on the water ; when, on the activity of his' fishing-gear ceasing, he again regarded me, and, in a mild, firm, but gentle voice, said, ^^My boy, I am doing no harm here, and I shall not go " ; and then, re- adjusting his s|)ectacles, and gazing at his float, he seemed to subside into that mild, sweet, and peaceable spirit which Izaak Walton claims to 26G FACT AGAINST FICTION. liavG felt when impaling' on his barbed liook a livln^^, writliing, and .sciuciddng frog* ! 1 Ills a(]dr(\ss, In wliat, wlicn tlio ^^ young licart was liot and restless," seemed to nie to be delivorcd in a cabn, (jouteniptuous manner, made me at once consider tlie chances of personal collision. In strength he could master me, no doubt, unless by some cunning and unexpected blow I could reduce liis power to a more even footing witli mine, or make liim, by breaking his spectacles, pay a penalty for the infraction of the water right. Scanning his person narrowly, from the protuberance of liis fob beneath his waistcoat, and tlie dangling of a cliain and several large seals, I felt convinced tliere was a large watch tliere with its glass face outermost; so to assure myself of being able to obtain damages, I con- templated taking u}) a stone and assailing tlic exact spot where I thought the watch must be ; but, on second tliouglits, I deemed tliat the butt of his rod being in dangerous proximity to my shoulders. It would ])e better to abandon the idea of '^personal" attack, and cast about for a more advantageous site for active aggression. Retracing my steps over Little Connnon Bridge, EELS AND LAMPERNEH. 267 I attained an island wliicli, by the bougli of one of the oak trees upon it^ by climbing, again afforded me a descent to a lesser island, on the other side of which, from the mainland, he was fishing. I have since seen many a gentle face suddenly hurt or painfully astonished by the rude incidents of life, but I never saw the repose of an elderly figure so completely broken up as it was on this occasion, when the first heavy stone flung by me from my previously charged j^ocket knocked over his float and dashed the water into his face. Without any apparent loss of temper, this old man called out to me to desist. The only reply which this evoked from me was stone after stone into the water in the vicinity of his float, driving all fish away, and rendering piscatory or contemplative success impossible. ^^ Are you going to continue this annoyance, my little man?" he mildly inquired. ^^ Yes," I replied, '^you old interloper, if you continue your tresjDass upon our water ; " and then followed stone after stone, to prove my obdurate resolution. On this, after regarding me attentively, and making a sort of plaintive chuckle as if of pity, the old gentleman drew his line from the water. 268 FACT AGAINST FICTION. and proceeded to take to pieces and put up his neat little rod. At first I watched him doing this, proud of my prowess and of the battle I had won, and thinking of the pleasure it would give me to tell of the victory to my hrothers. Someho^y or other, however, there was an impressive grace and quietude about the old man's hands, as ho arranged his neat and nicely kept fishing-tackle, which won upon my hot heart, and induced me to think that I was a tyrant, and tliat in this instance my acts were harsh and unkind ; and when, Avithout another word, he turned to pro- ceed in the direction of the old Cranford Bridge Inn, perhaps for one evening to relieve himself from his laborious work in London, so calm, so quiet, and so ill-used, but forgiving, did his re- treating form appear, that I was seized with a choking sensation, as if I should burst into tears. The oak bough from which I had drojDj^ed, was too high for me to attain again, so I spattered through the water over a gravelly shoal, and was soon in full chase of the receding figure. Ap- parently he had forgotten all about me, and perhaps forgiven me, for he rather started as my KELS AND LAMrERNES. 2G9 hasty steps approached his side, hut, turning round, he stood and intently regarded me. ^^ Sir," I exchximed, and I was ready to cry, 'Svill you forgive me for wliat has passed, and heHeve that I shall now be very ha23py to see you fish in my mother's river ?" After a short pause, in which he still regarded me, — ^' Yes," he said, ^' I do believe you, my young friend, and I will fish again, for your amusement, I am sure, as well as mine." The rod being again put together, I showed him the best perch holes and gudgeon shallows, all of which were well known to me, and saw him, at half-past eight that evening, proceed to his inn with a very good dish of fish for supper. I did not tell this story to my brothers^ for I thought that perhaps some of them would deride my conduct on tliis occasion, and laugh at me. Long years have passed over my eventful life since then, but I scarce know any one of my boyish actions which, on reflection, gives me so much pleasure as this: perhaps it promoted some of the better phases of action, and suggested to a generous heart, which ought ever to be in the breast of a soldier and gentleman, that on every 270 FACT AGAINST FICTION. event in this world, whether in love or war, when man is successful, faith to the death, if the fair fame of w^oman requires it, and generosity and almost love for a fallen foe, should be the at- tributes of that man who dares to refer the dog to a lower order of creation than himself. CHANGE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 27l CHAPTER XI. CHANGE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. Strikes — AVest Indian Blacks — Protection of Wild Birds — Change in the Habits of Birds — Decreasing Numbers of many Species — Advantage of the Gun Tax — Change in the Seasons — Nests of Eggs Destroyed by Spring Frosts — Confiding Friendliness of Small Birds — Decreasing Numbers of Pheasants and Partridges — Political Change — Thunder Storms more often Fatal in their Effects — How to Meet the Change as regards Game — Geological Evidence of Change. It must be, or it ouglit to be, evident to us all that tlie times — I mean the acje^ not its leader- are changing fast in various directions, and that this is not a time Avhen any person or any subject whatever can be allowed to stand still. The Communists, the political prattlers, the mischievous men inconsistently termed liberal, fol' they are liberal only with other men's possessions — these and their like have rendered the working population dissatisfied with their wages and their 272 FACT AGAINST FICTION. employers, and set tliem against those under wliom their forefathers for centuries had lived contentedly and remuneratively, and, in many cases, dying rich for their calling' in life. All the activity, all the feverish demand for change, has been on one side, and it seems as if the other side stood still, in an apathetic attitude, leaving any fool or dangerous dema- gogue to grasp the rudder of the national craft, to roar and lie his full without contra- diction, and to give the ship of Great Britain, in the trade winds, as little way as possible. Among what once Avas called 'Hhe industrious population," there are now nothing but '^strikes." In a strike every idle and ill-disposed labourer is sure to join, because mischievous iniions in other quarters advance money; and the idle drunkard, of course, would sooner be kept on bread and water, with a drop of gin, when he had the power to pilfer, and a possibility to steal and sleep ^ than work and eat and drink good meat and beer. The Avorst, the weakest, and the most mis- chievous tiling that master-men could do, was, in the first instance, to give in to a strike, and a robber-like demand for liigher wages, to men CHANGE or SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 273 extortionate and — wlio sought tliem by villainous and really unconstitutional means. I use the term 'Villainous/' for that man is a villain, as vile as the robber on the highway, who, with a power in his hands which the villain uses as the highwayman uses his pistol, forces the farmer or the artificer to pay him money through the exigencies of crop, manufacture, and season, and without which compliance the farmer and manufacturer, of whatever description, must be ruined, or, so to speak, resign his life. The labouring classes here in England, sorry am I to say it, have been and . are following, in a dishonest course, the exam23le which, on my West India property, some years ago, was set them by the blacks. The emancipated slaves came to the local attorney, and said, — '' Your sugar-canes are ripe for cutting; if they are not cut on the instant they are ripe, you will lose the crop ; and we will not cut them unless you give us a bonus (a very large one) in addition to the wages we have been and are receiving." Fearing to lose the crop, the attorney complied, but, unhappily, complied, as many farmers and VOL. II. T 274 FACT AGAINST FICTION. artificers in England have clone, without making any stijouhitions for the future. These blacks, then, who were certainly ^' brothers " in spirit to Messrs. Ogger, Poclger, Badlaw, Dilk, and Dodger, and similar misleaders of deluded labourers, after they had cut the crop, very well knew that the croj) must perish if not immediately made into sugar; so they went to the attorney again, with an increased and impossible demand for a further bribe, so large in amount, that the attorney feared to comply without first obtaining the sanc- tion of his employer, who Avas robbed just as much as if he had been stopped on the highway and his purse taken from him, not by a single footpad, but by a force of footpads which rendered resistance unavailing. Those who yield to strikes in the first instance by their own cowardice, entail upon others a terrible misfortune. Though the work I am now writing is not a political work, I cannot help making this allusion to the times political before I go on to notice the change in the seasons^ and in the habits and interests of beasts and birds. CHANGE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 275 Binding my narration, as far as I can, to or- nithological notes, who ever suspected (I am sure I did not) that a graceful and ijvotective measure for wild and beautiful birds should have cnui- nated from the Gladstone Government, or, at all events, from its mistaken supporters? yet I find myself hand and heart with the protective Wild Birds' Bill, brought in, to my surprise, by Mr. Auberon Herbert, and afterwards dealt with by Lord Malmesbury. The next thing in the change going on that I might expect to find, would be a Bill brought in by my former antagonist, Mr. John Bright, for the better protection of rabbits against the political plotting of some tenant farmers, and this he might honestly do on the score of an increase of food for the people ; but in that instance there would not be quite so muclij^eason for astonishment, as it is now known what a vast amount of the poorer population in the United Kingdom subsist on rabbits — the dealers in them, under-selling the butcher, and tlierefore raising the tenant farmer's wrath.* * In this allusion to tlie "Tenant Farmer," I merely mean to attach to some few of them, but by no means to the majority, a t2 276 J^ACT AGAINST FICTION. Well, I begin to regard myself as a mile -stone left on the side of tlie political highway. I commenced life as a Whig, or, as we were then called, a '' Liberal," but the drivers of coaches to consecutive Governments either forgot to give me a lift, or I fell asleep among the primroses by the road side, where I seem to have taken root, until the coach of Liberality, by employing coachmen of too levelling a laxity, has been driven into a sort of slough, whence none of the passengers seem able to escape in any direc- tion, and all seem bent on pulling eacli other to the bottom of the bog, in the hope of standing higher on each other's heads. -* At one moment Members of tlie House of Commons, inclined to sedentary or predatory habits, — politically they often go together, — assail protection when it is extended to the beautiful pheasant, partridge, grouse, the deer, the hare, and rabbit ; at another time they in* stitute new laws for the protection of gulls and owls, and other obscenities. Therefore, in passing on to the change of climate and the alteration blame arising from their after-dinner speeches, though in tkei?' wine there was 710 truth. CHANGE OF SEASONS JmD OF THE TIMES. 277 of tlio liabits of creatures existing in it, it is well to liave given Darwin's jDolitical ^' Apes'' a short notice, if but to sliow that the world is still in a state of transition, as proved from the fossil age down to the present political hour and the revelations of the London clay. For very many years I have remarked that a change has been taking i^lace in the habits of birds. There was a time when that merrily chirping little bird, a summer visitant, the house-martin, used to awaken, of a summer morning, the soundly- sleeping child with its lively twitterings from its clay-built nest above the bed-room Avindow. In that spot whence those sounds proceeded, no bird now welcomes the dawn of the summer day, or speaks of health and innocence to the slumbering child, for with father, mother, brother, and sister in many instances, the bird seems to have fled the ancient roof, a sad reminiscence only lin- gering still. Observant of birds as I have been all my life, I have no hesitation in saying that, where the house-martin numbered thousands, there exist now but very few, and those few decrease as the seasons pass. It is not so yet with the sand-martin, swallow, and 278 FACT AGAINST FICTION. swift, — at least, not yet perceptibly so ; but I fear the diminution now extends to fieldfare, redwing, and even to the lark. That partridges, grouse, and blackgame are decreasing, I have no sort of doubt, and pheasants are kept up by artificial breeding. The common pewit, too, is falling off, and no wonder, as every idle man's hand is raised against its life and eggs but for the j)reservation of game on some manorial lands. When I first came to my present residence, on the neglected heaths around it there was scarcely a pewit, and certainly on my own lands not an egg procurable for my table. Now, from the strict preservation of the few pewits there were, I have many pewits, and from their first nests a very good supply of eggs, the rule being not to interfere with the second nest, but to let them hatch and rear their young. The taking of plovers' eggs should be restricted, so that the gourmand's supply might nevertheless satiate the appetite, while, after the feast, the second nests should fare better. I would bar the taking of plovers' eggs after a certain day. Since the gun-tax, every class of birds has felt the wisdom of it, and the harmony of the woods CHANGE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 279 and hedges has been increased. Within tlie last six years, from the preservation of game, and destruction of what were really vermin around me, and the consequent prevention of trespass for birds' - nesting among the idle classes, every sort of inno- cent, l)eautiful, and harmonious bird has increased ; or, in fact, as on my lawn, they have aj)peared where they never were before. Regarding the country from the widest point of view, there will be found to have been fewer accidents from fire-arms since the gun-tax has shelved the old fowling-pieces in the cottages, with their not trustworthy cocks and triggers, than there were before ; and now a very good tax might be imposed, as in France, on the possession of gunpowder. Here let me again impress on my readers that the cartridges for the breech-loaders, when boys or beaters bear the open cartridge-bag in attendance on the gun, should bo under lock and key, like the bag made for me by Stephen Grant, in St. James's Street ; for to my certain knowledge a system of theft on a large scale, by boys and men, has been estab- lished, simply for the powder and shot in tlie cartridges, — the boys stealing the cartridges for the sake of periodical explosions, or to give to the 280 FACT AGAINST FICTION. illicit destroyers of game, the men taking them to serve their own poaching purposes, as need might be. The seasons have changed, and with the seasons, of course, will change the ornithological world. What has become of the once genial and ^^ merry month of May"? when London 'prentices and the London labouring population used to sally forth, as it was then expressed, '^ a-maying," gathering the white blossoms of the whitethorn ; in lieu of which, oftentimes, did they seek them now, they would shake down on their heads the whiter snows of lagging winter. Eooks may have been seen in what was the very earliest of the spring, bluffed out on the top boughs of rookeries, as if they had put great- coats on, gazing on their snow-iilled nests, and wondering over their chilled eggs, as if in anger that one sunny day had induced them to deposit hopeful sources for maternal care. Wild ducks' nests, old birds and all, to my certain knowledge, have been buried in snoAV ; but on one occasion, some years ago, the fall of deep snow happening in the night, when some of tlie ducks had begun to sit, the eggs, from being j)i'otected by the double cover. CHANQE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 281 Ing of snow and duck, were not hurt, and the duck found licr way back to the nest by the track in the snow she had made in leaving it. Other nests of eggs also, when the duck did not sit, Avere in that year not harmed because the covering the duck herself had put on her eggs, as Avell as the snow, served for a sufficient pro- tection ; and besides this, the fall of snow was not accompanied or followed by much frost. In other instances, the change of season, has worn a much more difficult aspect. The frost has come with wet, but without much snow, and with such unusual severity for the time of year, that the cold, of course acting on every humid thing, absolutely froze the vivifying principle in the eggs of all kindsj but seized particularly on those laid in damj) places, whether the old duck, in the case of ducks, was on the eggs or not — even the duck's dowiiy breast could not save the eggs; but the wet she carried on her breast from the pools or rivers, so necessary in genial weather to the perfection of hatching, added to the power of the frost. In the same way, I have known the earliest nest of the pewits de- stroyed. A frozen egg will not boil hard; so, for 282 FACT AGAINST FICTION. many reasons, the beautiful, the living world of innocent and graceful things, demands greater care not only from the legislature, but more abstinence in man from his predatory habits, — protection at the hands of man, instead of increased destruction. Late frosts, embittered by high cold winds, with sleet, hail, and rain, not only destroy the eggs when laid, but they absolutely stop the course of successful incubation in the old birds, and they cease for a time to produce eggs, or, at all events, to lay them in the nests. As a proof of this, in cold springs the wild ducks in my vicinity averaged no more than from five to seven or eight eggs in a nest, and at times not more than three. Not a young wild duck hatched in March by its immediate parents could endure the cold and live ; and those that were under foster - mothers, to be reared by hand at the coojds, with the coops and mothers to shelter them, the back of the coops to the wind, and constantly fed with the most nourish- ing food, not even these young ducks could with- stand the frost, wind, and wet. My keeper and his men had to carry the coops to barns, stables, and sheds, and even then some of the CHANGE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 283 yoimg" ducks, between the delay of carrying coop by coop, were killed by the inclemency of the weather. The same cold weather also drove, within my immediate supervision, three song-thrushes from their nests, after each had laid only three eggs, or two short of their average complement. There was also another contingency, and that was, the scarcity of worms, grub, or insect food, and this most likely also arose from cold ; and nothing could illustrate this scarcity more than the fact that those birds who had been fed on the window- ledge by me, but had left me with the earliest song of sjoring, came back to me, in that beautiful reliance which it is my great pleasure to establish between myself and every bird ; and remembering where their friend through the winter lived, they tapped with their beaks against the window, and scarcely fled when I opened it to give them the wished-for food. Among them they numbered the blackbird and song-thrush, the chaffinch and yellow- hammer, the blue titmouse, the hedge-sparrow, and, of course, the robins. The house-sparrow came, whether I liked it or not, and snatched pieces of food, but fled away when he heard me rate him. 284 FACT AGAINST FICTION. as I do not regard that bird as an object for charity. The sparrows know this, and when, from my breakfast-table, I objurgate their presence on the window-sill, they fly off, but always with their mouth full, while not one of the other guests are the least daunted by the gruffness of the tone of voice. The thrushes and the blackbirds, during that cold spring, for a time left off singing; but as soon as a more genial warmth came, and they left the window, they sang more than ever, and had nests full of young, their restful or brilliant harmony received by me as thanks for my kind- ness, or as payment for the fruit they intended to take from my garden in the time to come. • In regard to pheasants and partridges, there is much to be inquired into. In years gone by, a bad pheasant season was rare, and a very bad partridge season a thing that did not often vex us; but now, with the change in the seasons, and the introduction of artificial manures, breech- loaders, &c., bad seasons for game are consecu- tive, while, at the same time, the numbers of game certificated men increase, — I will not call them all sportsmen, — and the method of the discharge of the gun, as well as the charging of it, [is fifty CHANGE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 285 times more rapid than it used to Be. Breech- loaders do not kill so far as muzzle-loaders, but from the increased and increasing number of gunners, the fact of two guns or more being per- mitted to each person, and scarce anything that arises escaping a shot at it, there is more game in quantity killed and more cripjDled than there was in former times, and consequently less game left for the following year. When you couple with this another fact, which, like a great many other things, originated in ignorance and folly, — I allude to the wholesale destruction of hen pheasants as well as cocks, — the decrease of game cannot be wondered at. I have often asked the giver of the shooting day what game he will have left to breed on his lands the next season, if he and his friends shoot every hen that rises. The reply to this invariably has been, — '^Oh, they don't breed much in a wild state, I dejoend on my aviaries and hand-reared birds." And, with a blush, he might have added, '^I hu/j my neighbours' eggs." Very well, then, artificial manure, change in the seasons, and neglect of the gamekeepers in the time when birds are laying (where any hens 286 FACT AGAINST FICTION. are left to lay) to protect the eggs from being stolen to sell to other aviaries, that may militate against the wild breed, and so may the mihealthful natm'c of some soils; but as men canH lay their own eggs, and the hen pheasant is the only bird that can furnish the required hrood, how foolish it is to destroy the source whence tlie best eggs come ! You can have only a certain or limited number of birds in an aviary, whereas a man with a large manor can have as many as his acres and wilds will heathfully carry; and if the soil is not favourable for pheasants, he can take better eggs from his own wilds than any he can buy, and breed them up in addition to those in the aviaries, leaving the old birds" to help his stock if they can with a second nest. I have des- canted on this matter before, but it cannot be too much impressed on the sj)orting reader. Wlien, as a boy, I began shooting, a bad par- tridge season was scarcely or never known. Now bad seasons follow each other. I have seen, in August, pairs of old birds packed together, and known of coveys the number of whose young daily diminished. If in August you sluing a covey, and in flying over the standing corn you see CHANGE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 287 some young birds drop mucli sooner tlian others from inability to continue a consecutive flight, that is a sure sign that disease is doing its office, and tliat disease and death will decimate, if not utterly destroy, the entire nide. Ere these gradual changes in the seasons commenced, we used to think that partridges, being later in nesting than the pheasants, escaped all damage from frost. But in this change of season they have no longer that advantage ; while grouse, in the higher and more northern latitudes, are even still more exposed to changeful vicissitude. It is in my remembrance, that if any man found a woodcock's nest in England, it was chronicled as a curious fact by the public press. Of late years woodcocks breed very largely in England. In the New Forest I knew of nine woodcocks on their nests at the same period, and I have, in that ill-used forest, seen their young of all ages. Snipes, that used always to breed in England, in spite of DarwiiVs erroneous assertion that ^^they never did, and do not do so now,'-' breed here more than ever, and in great nmltitudes. I have, if my memory serves me rightly, some nine or ten years ago, made a bag of full-grown snipes 288 FACT AGAINST FICTIOK. of twenty couples, with some old ones intermixed, in one day in AiigiiKst, wlien I rented Winkton and its fishery of the late Mr. Weld, of Lulworth Castle ; and now they frequently sell snipes' eggs among the plovers' eggs to the London dealers and chance customers, and it is almost impossible to detect the one egg from the other. The colour of the shell is exactly the same ; the shape is much the same ; and when boiled, the white in the egg of each is similarly clear. If possible, the snipe's egg is the better of the two, only not quite so large, and at times inclined to be more pointed at the lesser end. If birds hitherto deemed to be more hahituated to colder climes than ours come to this country thus to breed, that certainly is a sign of change in the times. If wild geese, wild swans, and other rarer water-fowl, do not come to us as much as they used to do, that does not in any way tend to shake my position, because where man increases, and drainage of particular sites pre- dominates, there are some birds who would not be attracted by a habitation foreign to their nature ; and, besides this, all wild and beautiful things invariably decrease as the human race C11A^GE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 289 comes on, or as crime increases with learning among the lower orders of the present clay, or schism and dissent from orthodox doctrine increase pre- cisely with the increase of the churches erected for the so-called established religion. If false doctrine, heresy, and schism cannot ^^ be gagged or prevented, — if we are to support self-styled Liberal Governments, who lust for dis- ruption and office, and care not for the Consti- tution, who court the murderer, as in Ireland, and set tlie Fenian and traitor free, with punish- ment cravenly commuted, — why, then, if such a . course of communism were permitted to continue, there would be ^' a political aspect in the times" both marked in its changes and in its ruinous results too terrible for calm contemjjlation. ^^ . In all the action of the visible world, from the lightning above to the increase of crimes below, there is a change going on. Every thunder-storm has become more or less fatal to living things, and trees are oftener struck by tlie electric fluid than they used to be. So rare were the accidents at one time, that they were alluded to as facts for wonder ; now, we only wonder if a tlnmder- storm lias burst without a consequent loss of life. VOL. II. U 290 FACT AGAINST FICTION. I have lately liacl a fir-tree smitten by the lightning, and, curious enough, after running from tlie top of the tree to the bottom, and severing the bark, the lightning glanced off, but, not entering the ground at the foot of the tree, passed down the carriage-drive close to a boy, and exj^loded with a noise like a gun on the ground very near the house. The electricity in the same storm struck so near to a coop containing a barn-door hen and a brood of young pheasants, that, without absolutely touching either, it killed some of the young birds and prostrated others, though several of the latter recovered. Change, except in Parliament, where all has seemed convulsive, comes on gradually, — so much so as to be almost imperceptible to the human eye and brain, because the mind of man gets used to succeeding novelties, and aA^oids surprise through the means of an almost imper- ceptible gradation. To return to the ornithological tlieme, and to the interests of the birds of game as well as to that of the proprietor of the manor, the following facts ouglit to be taken into con- sideration. Witli this change from succeeding CHANGE OF SEASONS AXD OF THE TIMES. 291 good seasons to succeccliiig bad ones, more hen birds should be S23ared. The mischief of mowing machines, too, sliould be thought of, the increased number of gunners, and tlie rapidity of fire, all should be taken into consideration, and a greater stock of feathered game increasingly protected. The most mistaken custom of permitting keepers to save themselves trouble in protecting the eggs in the wild nests, by having all the birds the gun spares in an aviary, should be done away with. The eggs of the wild birds may be collected, and the birds left for a second nest, and thus the stock might be kept up without the deplorable custom of purchasing some of your own eggs and many of your neighbours'. It is strange, but men of the present day seem to think that there can bo good eggs independent of the male birds, and that they cannot kill too many cocks. Through this strange error, a friend of mine had on his manor about five hundred bad eggs, which, of course, though put under hens, came to nothing ; and, in a second instance, a similar thing happened on a manor with which I am well acquainted. u 2 5 9 2 FACt AGAINST FiCTION. Foolish gamekeepers hate a hxrge stock of male birds, simply because theij think their crowing when they go to roost attracts the poaching thief. They also hate to have many cocks in smnmer, because the crowing of the male bird indicates the where- abouts of the female's nest. All cock pheasants crow in summer, master birds and younger birds, and the more there are, the more deluded as to the spot of a plieasant's nest the intending thief will be. Some 2)eople, masters and keepers, dislike white or pied pheasants, because they think tliat ''they attract thieves." If I thought they did, I would tie a lantern to the bird's tail, if I could catch him, to add to the attraction, for then the capture of a 2)oaching thief would be more easily effected than it is now. I recommend a larger stock of both hen and cock pheasants to be kejDt on the lands than is absolutely needed for breeding purposes, because then if it is a bad season, as it so often is now, you have some- thing in hand to shoot at. As to partridges, I have heard lords of manors say, '' It is no use hand-rear- ing partridges, for they pack, and in the shooting season you can't get near them." So much the better then ; you can shoot liarder on the wild-bred CHANGE OF SEASONS AND OF THE TIMES. 293 birds, knowing* that for eggs you can fall back on those round the house, for wild though those hand- reared birds may be in the shooting season, they will return, as spring approaches, to the spot where they were reared, and be certain to give you a good stock at home. It is possible to kill too many partridges on a given site, just as it is possible to kill too many of any other kind of birds ; therefore, to all my brother sportsmen I recommend judicious moderation and circumstantial guidance. We are attached to the scene of the home where we were born, w^e love our old play-grounds, and there is in every man's breast, more or less, an attachment to the site of his birth, which years of joy or misery elsewhere cannot obliterate. The heart of a bird beats in a similar direction, and, though gifted with wings, the bird never entirely forsakes the field or wood that first met its eyes when peeping, from the brooding breast of its mother, at the first glories of the rising sun. It would be well, as the change in ^^ the times" continues, and as change has for once had the better of position now, to seek that mysterious throne of truth, the cavcrned breast of ages gone, whence facts indisputable are handed down to man if he will 294 FACT AGAINST FICTION. only seek for tlicm, in a handwriting on a wall of imperishable rock, that does not and cannot vanish. Bcncatli the walls of the modern Babylon, below the fomidations of palace and prison, in the truthful clay beneath London, lie secrets that tell us that the climate of our little isle and of the continent was then far colder than it is even yet become; that races of reptiles, huge animals, and birds have passed away, and made room for those with which we now are conversant. If we go further into the congealed trutlis locked up in the cabinets of creation, we find irrefragable proof that climates have changed altogether; that those animals which were once the inhabitants of hot and sultry climes lie now beneath a colder hemisphere ; and that the elephant, which, within the memory of man, is only to be found beneath a torrid zone, had been clothed, in times long gone by, with a rough, shaggy coat, to protect him from a polar winter. THE LOVES OF THE INSECTS. 295 CHAPTER XII. THE LOVES OF THE INSECTS. Harmonious Amusement — Wonderful Intelligence shown by a Beetle — Interrupted by a Butterfly — Fleas — Loves of the Dragon-Fly — A AValk Round the Water — Water Newts — A Hard Struggle for Victory — Insect Food found in the Crop of a Pheasant — Angry Ants — Ant Tramps — Human Tramps. At the commencement of this chapter, let it be understood, not only by the scientific and general reader, but by all his sul)ordinates in letters, with or without purchase of my Avork, that I do not profess to be an entomologist. It is in my family to be so, for my brother, the present Earl of Berkeley, when a boy, left off birds'-nesting, and sought the humbler nest of the wild bumble bee, his (my brother's) proclivities being operatic, for he cared nothing for the habits of insects, their honey, nor how much he thwarted them, but his delight was in their angry ^^mm." Often and often have I seen him seated, meditatively. 296 FACT AGAINST FICTION. on the gTound, a small straight twig from a nut bush or some other tree in his hand, twirling it round, as if, according to a fabulous power of a ^'rod divining" the site of water, but in reality in the enjoyment of a stifled chorus of angry bees beneath him, on the orifice of whose homestead he had securely and safely seated himself, having first stirred up their angry notice by an insertion of the enlivening twig. The bees couldn't come out, and, for a time, he dared not get up, or, as Burns says, — " The bees would have flown out wi' angry fyke. When men so seated closed their byke." Had my brother risen from his melodious posi- tion before the wearied bees had come to the not honeyed conclusion that the world had turned upside down, and that they must try an exit from the other side of their home, he, in all probability, would have paid dearly for his harmonious pastime. Darwin on ^ Crustaceans ' (pp. 33-4 and 335, vol. i.), asserts, ^Hhat the mental powers of these ^ creatures ' are probably higher tlian might have been expected." But I do not see why we should, under existing circumstances, attribute less intelli- THE LOVES OF THE INSECl'S. 297 gence or mental action to the crab than we know to he exhibited by various insects — the bee, the ant, the hornet, wasp, and spider. Mr. Gardner's observation on the ^^ shore crab" and the shells, shows in the crab a reasoning ijower based on a necessity for precautionary measures in regard to moving other shells to a distance because one had ftillen into the hole that the crab was making. Leaving out the wondrous instincts and almost reasoning powers exhibited by the insects I have named, I will match their actions and those of all the crustaceans put together by what I myself witnessed on the heath near Bournemouth while watching a beetle. I am not entomologist enough to name the beetle, but he was nearly as long as a moderately- sized was}), but thinner, and his sides were red, his shoulders of a brownish black, and the portion of his figure below his waist was of a brownish grey. Lying down on the heath above Bourne- mouth, and resting on folded arms, my face to the heather, I saw this beetle carrying that which, from their relative sizes, seemed to me to be a heavy burden, with great sjoeed and curious care ; so I watched his proceedings with interest, 298 FACT AGAINST FICTION. under an impression that lie was about carrying a large, cloublecl-ii]), dead spider, wliicli I made it out to be, to liis home. There was much that was clever in the way he held the spider, for ho never let it impede his way by coming in contact with the ground, and, by deviations, he prevented it striking against the stalks of heather and heath grass that closely neighboured him on either side. In his progress, he obviously paused slightly at the foot of an occasional stalk of heather, which at first I set down to his considerino; how to avoid contact ; but it was no such thing ; the rea- soiling insect had a purpose beyond mere instinct, which at first I did not dream of. On he went till he arrived at another heath-stalk, then he paused a little longer, and, having dej^osited his burden at the foot of it, he proceeded to climb deftly, what to him must have been a consider- able tree. Arrived at the summit, he examined the small forks and fibrous formation of his lofty position with considerable care, and then descended to where he had left his spider, which he again took up and carried off as before. In a little while the same thing was enacted again, and, setting his burden down, he ascended another THE LOVES OF THE INSECTS. 299 stalk of iieatlier, returning, after some research, to resume liis burden, and to resume his earthly progress. I Avas more than once obliged to shift ni)^ position to keej) him in view. For the third time he did the same as to leaving his dead game, ascending the heather-stalk, to him a tree, and looking at its formation ; but when he came down again it was, on this occasion, not to re- sume his game and to carry it further on, l3ut he picked it up and climbed with it into the io\) of the heather, which at last he evidently had found suitable to the object he had in his veasonmg mind. Then, in a fork of the heather, which he had previously and of aforethought ascer- tained to be shaped in the desired way, he safely deposited, or, as we should say, hung up his dead game out of harm's way, when, leaving it there, and coming again to the ground, he commenced ranging his forest at much greater sjDced, and mucli in the way that my Irish setters quarter the ground when ranging the stubbles for partridges, or the moors for snipe. Alas ! I could have continued this entomological research into succeeding hours, for the beetle had fascinated me, and I wanted, with the longing of 300 FACT AGAINST FICTION. a huntsman, to see him find and kill the fresli game he was evidently beating for ; alas ! — '' There are bucks and raes, On Billliope braes, There 's a herd in Shortwood shaw ; But a lilyvvhite doe in the garden gaes, An' she 's fairly worth them a'.'' A butterfly J we will call it so, then came over the brow of the moor, so modestly gay, so winsome of flight, so gracefully afoot, and so attractive to my chivalrous proclivities, that the beetle and his sporting attributes were eclij^sed, and, applying to myself the words of the song, " Poor insect, what a little day is thine," I set about dedicating to the butterfly that high- souled lofty homage which beauty ought ever to command. Well, then, to descend from heaven to earth, or, at all events, from the regions of air to the more lovely things that, each a lesson in itself to boastful man, wend their way through life's intricacies. Wherever we look we see, or we ought to see, that after all instinct is really more or less reason, and an object can dwell in tlie brain even of tlie flea and the New Forest fly, beyond the love of THE LOVES OF THE INSECTS. T^Ol blood. It is not mere instinct that leads a flea to ascertain the only spot in the frame of the dog whereon he can enjoy complete freedom from distm^bancOj and obtain rest, and not hopeless but hopless sleep. There is a philosopher very aptly named for the theme on which he cleverly descants, ^ Hunt on the Skin ' ; and any observant person may see the dog closely nibbling with his teeth to catch his tormentors, or scratching vigorously at them with his hind toe-nails, pursuing Ids '^ hunt on the skin" in all parts of his person save the rearmost portion of his loin, where it closely abuts on the root of the stern or tail. ^ To that spot he cannot attain^ and at that spot^ not deviating an inch beyond this Alsatia, do the dog's fleas resort; they go there for rest, — it is only for refreshment that they wend to otlier districts. This same anatomical reason is possessed by the New Forest fly ; he is different from all otlier forest flies. His powers are so great, that he can unseat a regiment of dragoons if they cross his wilds, and an army dare not picket by night in his vicinity, or all the horses Would break loose. He feasts on blood, but Nature, for some occult 302 FACT AGAINST FICTION. reason of mlscliicf, lias armed his legs with a poAver to ticklcj or perhaps to wound, so that his assaults are unbearable to animals not bred in his vicinity. No blow from a tail can crush him, not even a cow's head, when she flings it back upon her shoulder; and the only certain way of putting him to death is to pull him in two. All day long he pesters and feeds on and all over the cattle ; but as night approaches, the forest flies gather together in a black mass in the comfortable sweet hollow that lies be- tween the root of the tail, the hip, and back- bone of kine. The cow cannot reach them there, nor does she desire to do so, for they all seek the spot to go to bed together, and to cease from their daily toil, to alee]) and get up early for further mischief. We will now refer to that little noticed, and seldom descanted on theme, the loves of the dragon- fly. In this there is much that is curious, and, as far as I can ascertain, a vast deal that is not accounted for, both in their loves, incubation, and action in depositing their eggs. If the Rev. J. G. Wood, M.A., F.L.S., &c., who, according to Messrs. Routledge & Co., LOVES OF THE INSECTS. 303 translatcclj revised, and edited the well-known French author, Alphonse Karr's ' Tour round my Garden,' has not taken great liberties with the matter he had in hand, I feel disposed to rebel furiously against the French action as imputed to men in regard to '^ making love." But let us quote the exact words, as revised, and, perhaps, altered by the reverend gentleman, Mr. Wood ; and for myself let me, at least, hoj^e that if he (Mr. Wood) is married, he neither forced himself by '^annoyance" into holy matrimony, nor '^ rushed" towards his bride and ^'carried her off by the throat." These are his words: — ^^ Their manner (the dragon-flies) of making love is singular for insects, although hi/ no means uncormnon luith men ! It is by perseverance and the annoyance they cause by an almost hostile assiduit}^, that the males succeed in seducing the beauty that has won their hearts, generally from the middle of September till the middle of October." Alphonse Karr, or his translator, then goes on to say, — ^^ The female glitters coquettishly in the sun ; a blue male per- ceives her ; he rushes towards her, seizes her by the throat, and carries her off through the air, and 304 FACT AGAINST FICTION. will not let her go till slie lias consented to ^e^ya^cl his flame.'' Now, let the clergy speak for themselves, and not attribute to us, the laymen, even an approach to any such violent method of making love. Among us, the laymen, it is very uncommon to win, or to seek to win, by ^^ annoyance," or seizing girls with whom we are in love by the ^' throats," what- ever tlie clergy may do. On the part of those beautiful insects, the dragon-flies, who take their mates, not in the autumn, '^ Sej^tember and October," but more often in the hottest and calmest days of midsummer, double instances of courtship onaij be seen, very contradictory to the position of the translator or author. I positively repudiate the notion of any rude '^ seizure," such as the reve- rend divine suggests. The poor dear things have no hands ; they can't go forth in the summer-day arm-in-arm like I thought that clergymen did ; but in all amiable felicity and gentleness, having no hands, the male fixes his tail in the back of the head of the female, as the handiest part for transportation, and then, making use of their light wings in unity, not the least objection on either side, and by loving and common consent. LOVES OF THE INSECTS." od^) tliey may ho seen hovering over tlie lucid pools, or rej^osing on tlic leaf of the water-lily, or on the forget-me-nots on the Lank of the stream or pool. When the female lays her eggs, — and this fact is an extraordinary one, as eggs generally are a scquiter to bliss, — the two dragon-flies thus happily conjoined may be seen hovering over a spot above the still water, using their powers of flight in unison, the male kindly consenting to a continuance of dips at the water to enable the tail of the female to touch and drop her eggs upon the surface, when, by the laws of gravity, they sink to the bottom. There is no rudeness, no persecution, in this, — no abrupt seizure or forcible detention. In truths such a method of love-making as that described would, according to any experience of mine, be ''espe- cially tmcomnion among men." So for the laity, as well as for the poor dear insects, I repudiate in gentle, 1)ut firm terms, the allegations of the reverend Mr» Wood, and his friend, Al2:)honse Karr. Now, kind reader, — as it is the fashion to call every " reader," though some of them sit down to the work they are perusing with bitter wishes and a gibing pen, — come with me, not for " a Avalk round my garden," but for a walk with me ''round the VOL. II. X 30G FACT AGAIIXST I^ICTION. water," and let us look at the curious habits of the clragon-flies. There tliey are, some of them conjoined in pairs, as before described, di})ping' up and down over a given spot for the tail of the female at intervals to toucli the water. Look at that appa- rently heavy dragon-fly, who wings by with rather laborious action ; there is not one fly, but two, only the female needs repose ; and for this purpose, while the loving male still holds to the back of her head, she doubles herself beneath him, and, passing between his legs, aflixes her tall to his chest or throat, thougli not in savage guise, thus comfortably assisting him to hold her weight without additional assistance from her passive wings, they proceed to rest in each other's embraces on some broad leaf above the Avater. Among the dragon-flies their colours differ greatly. They are blue, red, and variegated^ but occasionally may be observed, in single in- stances only, according to my experience, a huge and brilliantly-beautiful specimen of this genus j ncjt only about the water, Ijut at great distances from it, wlio seems always to be in search of something, or to have an inordinate aj^petite for the sport of devouring small flies. He, she, or it, whichever it is, is so large, that the wings LOVES OF THE INSECTS. 307 make an almost jiDgling* noise ; and one day one of these gigantic dragon-flies came into my drawing-room, through the open window, and hovered over our heads. We named liim the soul of a discarded lover, for there was no other lover there but me. What with farming, fishing, shooting, and hunting, thank Heaven ! I have much sylvan and rural felicitv, — still I have but little time to look closely into the more minute details of creation, and to study insect and reptile life as closely as I could otherwise find it amusing to do ; yet with eyes always open, as I have said before, I read a lesson everywhere — and a lesson, too, that a long life does not get to the end of while life lasts. Now for the little Avater-newt, and the poor pool of his selected habitation. I was in the woods one day, spade in hand, digging out a swamp to bare or expose the water that percolated beneath the moss, for the en- couragement of fowl. In one s})ot, about two delves of the spade had opened out a little shallow pool, and at this point of my labour I sat down to my sandwich and flask of sherry. On return- ing to the spot thus alluded to, the water had x2 oOS FACT AGAINST FICTIOX. filled in ])erfectlj clear, to tlie depth of about six inclics, and tlic following aquatic scene in insect and reptile life presented itself. The spade had divided a largish wornij and two large water- newts had swallowed either end of one portion of it as far as they could get it down their throats, and were angrily pulling the one against the other, in the hope of a substantial meal, and the possession of a treasure. Neither could gain any advantage, for the two ends of the coveted morsel were jammed into their jaws, and, besides this, each held fast in order not to lose the prize. Assembled around them were six or seven lesser water-newts, and a flock of nasty-looking black water-beetles, all deeply interested in the struggle, and all, no doubt, though afraid to interfere, ready to seize on any crumbs that might fall from the great newt's table. This struo^f^-le amused me for a con- siderable time, and, though I transferred my attention and labour to other places, when I left off work the two combatants had still hold of cither end of the worm, while the expectant or observant snuiller fry had considerably dispersed, as if they thought the battle, unlike the worm, would never have any end. LOVES OF THE INSECTS. 309 In the ^ Tour round my Garden,' the editor, or author, describes an insect on the ^^leaf of a 2:>each-trec of the size of a grain of millet-seed," page 208, from which source he deduces a would- 1)0 illustration of ^'what the Romans required of woman, to spin her wool and keep her house"; but such references in purple, to my mind, are beside the mark, and I will not be led to follow the reverend reviser into the outward and visible signs of scholastic study, — mine is an unvarnished tale, and I only speak of what / hiow. On one occasion I had shot, quite on the outside of tlie manor, a fine cock pheasant, in splendid condition, and the bird was known to have haunted that spot for some time. I had not fed artificially in the places of his resort, alid it was too late in the winter for there to be any superfluous grain left about the arable lands ; there were no acorns in the vicinity, nor beech-masts, yet still tlie bird was fat. There did not seem to be much of anything in his crop, and what tliere was seemed soft to the touch — not like grass nor turnips, but clammy, and of a close substance. On inspecting the crop, it contained tlio small, very small, blister-looking spot that may be found 310 FACT AGAINST FICTION. cliirino^ tlio winter on the lower side of the fallen oak-leafj and which little kind of blister, about tlie size of a threepenny piece, or not so large, generally contains a minute white maggot. This spot, with its inhabitant, the pheasant pecks from the leaf, and on this the pheasants maintain themselves in good condition. I have not time to investigate the interesting insect to which this tiny maggot l3elongs. It only came within my observance within the last year or two, but no doubt the author of ' A Tour round my Garden ' will deduce from it some intimate con- nexion with tlie inhabitants of mighty and departed nations, and leave us to digest the dilemma of wliat the one can by any possibility have to do with the other. Darwin, thouo^h with an imagination wild and daring in its flights, i.-^ the only author I have ever read who knows anything of the loves of the draffon-flv ; but, as tlie history of its affections, of its methods and its manners, may be studied by the water-side anywhere on any warm and windless summer-day, or by tlio side of w\\ pools upon the moor, if a student — or, better, a stu- dcntess — likes to walk with me to investigate LOVES OF THE INSECTS. 311 the mysteries of nature, tliey can look on that picture (the ^ Tour round my Garden ') and on this, and then form their own conclusions. Anybody wisliing to amuse an idle quarter of an hour may make himself some entomologic fun hy going to one of the large wood-ants' nests, and, with a stick, putting aside the top of it, and stirring up the crater of the living little Vesuvius. Then, the crater of the nest thus hollowed out and exposed, without touching tlie nest, he can lean over it, and put his arm and bare hand, without getting near enough to the sides for the ants to touch him, and then let him feel their assaults and watch their actions. Every ant will man, as it were, the sides of his infracted fort, and every ant will he on his hinder legs or haunches, and the aggressive hand of man will feel just as if it Avas being slightly iced, or put into an ice - pail without contact with the frozen contents. The position assumed by the outraged ants is thus accounted for, — they sit up to spit at the intruder. After the hand is withdrawn, it will have a decided smell upon it, as of having been in contact with vinegar. It is very curious to watch these 312 FACT AGAINST FICTION. ants wlion climbing tlio trees or crawling along boughs in search of food. A solitary ant, when wending Ju's waij iij), if he comes to a spot where two or three l)rahches diverge, will pause, and seem to hold communion with himself This pause is necessary to him ; for in its short duration ho makes out which course had been pursued by some other ant beating the beat before him, and he takes care not to go over the same track, — just as a man would do, if there was an earlier shooter on the ground before him. I made this out b}^ watching several ants in their ascent of trees, and always discovered that one would not follow another if he could help it. These ants reminded me of tramps and gipsies, 'as well as of sports- men; ''poor insects," indeed! '' what a little day" it is that is assigned to all of us I Tramps, when more rife than they are now, — except on a tramp preserve of a parson near me, who, though a nmgistrate, assigns them land to halt and live on, in spite of law and the orders of the police to move them on, — never would follow the beiTirinu' or thievin<2r line of each other. So, there being '^ honour among thieves," the preceding tramp or family of tramps, when country roads LOVES OF THE INSECTS. olo or lanes divergoci at particular points, always left a mark hj the road-siclc to sliow which way the preceding tramp or tramps had gone. The marks w^ero very trifling, and scarcely noticeable, except to a practised eye. The first I fomid I mistook for a poacher's mark opposite a '^ muse'' in the hedge, to denote the position of his snare ; now I am more alive to the arts of the tramping world, and am down on a good many of their dodges, as the divine before alluded to keejos me in practice. The marks these tramps put on entrance-gates or gate-posts arc slight enough to look at, but still ample to warn beggars of the different receptions they are likely to meet with if they touch on the forbidden ground. 314 FACT AGAINST FICTION. CHAPTER XIII. ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. Demolition and its Consequences — Agitation — Cobden's Prognos- tications, and what they have come to — Peace and War — ■ Increasing Supply of the ]\Iaterials of War — Crime on the Increase — Justices of the Peace and Rural Criminals — Uncer- tainty of Conviction, It is very curious^ in this world of change, self- seeking, and sedition, to watch, from the retirement of private life, the throes of the disaffected in their endeavours to pull down the temple, which when, if ever, it falls, is sure to crush them in its ruin, — to crush the demaoroo^ue and self-asserted Man of tlie People out of all shape and feature, while at the same time tliere will arise from the debris of destruction the honest and capable politician. Like the growth of some sylvan shruh beneatli an avalanche from tlie hill-side, the really useful patriot will rise again and ascend above the shape- less mass, his stepping-stone the skeleton of decay. ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, 315 Agitation for no o'ood end seems, in Imndreds "o of cases, to be the Ijlatant food on wliicli some men live. They can't be quiet nor let others be contented, but advocate strikes, leagues, and unions for mischief, of course craving imder false pretences for subscriptions, that they may keep the caldron of cavil boiling, in order that its steam may attract the unwary, and prompt to robbery, hope for food and an impossible comfort which never comes. According to the late Mr. Cobden, — who, I sincerely believe, was a conscientious pleader for impossibilities, — when the law of free trade passed, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and France, were to be '' crumpled up like a sheet of waste paper," if any of those nations dared to disturb the general peace. Swords Avere to be turned, by the action of free trade, into hoes and harrows — bows and arrows would have been far more likely, if we had been in iirnorance of the bettor munitions of war; war- liorses, no longer wanted for the big guns, were to be harnessed to the plough, cannon turned into culverins for sewers, and soldiers into milkmen and mowers for tlie rural harvest of those expected peaceful times. If Cobden could look from his grave and see 316 FACT AGAINST FICTION. tlie result of liis prognostications, his ^'unadorned eloquence," what would he behold, now? Free trade refused in America and France, and objected to more or less all over the world, more murderous artillery invented than ever, better-drilled soldiers of standing armies, some of them, too, of all arms, and those mighty nations which, by the ascend- ancy of industry among tradesmen, farmers and lienwives, were to have been crumpled up if they presumed to frown at each other, in a very few years engaging in fight, with results more san- guinary, more terrible, and fraught with graver consequences, than had ever been thought of in Mr. Cobden's time. The study of each nation, in spite of free trade, now is to produce the best system of soldierly drill, and to invent the most powerful cannon for the destruction of man. At sea, in the fortress, in the field, nations now vie Avith each other in the invention of deadly mischief to the foe. Practice has proved that tlie Ijcst - drilled army, the largest and most lieavy artillery, and the readiest sword to fly from the scabbard, have a million-fold more power to keep the peace, tlian all the corn-oTowinf2r maudlin cono-rcsses i:>'athered ox VAKTOrS STTB.TFXTS'. *)17 togetlier by any eloquence, adorned or unadorned^ that ever was listened to in tlie House of Commons or elsewliere. Directly on this peace-asserting free trade J we have had certainly three of the most bloody wars that ever raged between the nations of the earth. In that mis-called centre of a boasted freedom, America, men in civil war murdered each other with a ferocity scarcely equalled ; England, France, and Sweden had before assaulted Russia. Prussia then marched over Austria, and afterwards crushed the floAver of the chivalry of France, the cry of '^ a Berlin" circumstantially adhered to by French prisoners going to Berlin on coercion, instead of conquest. To them a sad reverse to their desires. This ^-crumpling up of nations" with the mills of free trade, then, was an ^^ unadorned" mistake; a ''mill" of more combative grind took the place of grain, and garnished Imperial halls witli trophies of anything l3ut universal peace. It is an egregious fallacy to suppose that men, that nations, can be kept from fighting. Com- bativeness is as much the gift of Em^jerors, as mischief is the ruling passion of demagogues, or theft the motive of the tliief. Nothing that human 'il8 FACT AGAINST FICTION. ingenuity can devise, either by education^ exten- sion of cottage comfortSj religious example, or clmrcli discipline, will make a population any better than it is their gift to be. I have watched what is termed the progress of learning and reli- gious education, as it is fondly called, step by step, year by year, for half a century, and at the end of tliat half century for the life of me I cannot see that the population is one bit improved, that crime has become less frequent or less villainously vile, or that murder has shrunk from its sanguinary pur- pose. Let us look the facts in the face, and not shrink from an unpalatable truth. Wife-murder, child-murder, assaults on women and children, have increased, and not increased in merely the same ratio as the growth of the popula- tion, but hand-in-hand, numerically speaking, crime and education have advanced side by side; of tlie two, crime has outstripped the schoolmaster. If my readers doubt this, let them search the statistics of the Police. The real fact is, that the la^vs of the country do not now speedily and sufficiently punish evil-doers, — tlie murderer, the thief, and the A'ilest offenders. They execute the foul murderer as if they, the ON VARIOU-S SUBJECTS. 310 officers of justice, were asliamed of their appointed duty, and the press of the day speak of the nio.'st unmitigated rascals who were about to he hung with deep interest and commiseration, and inform their readers what an appetite the biped brute had on the eve of death, how calmly he slept, and how cordially he shook hands with the sheriffs and the chaplain, after eating a very hearty breakfast. Why let such a biped brute have luxuries that many other biped brutes would commit murder for, if they were sure of getting them ? Why, if you want to decrease the parochial expenditure, do you permit thieves and vagabonds, who will not do any honest labour, to enter and throng the unions, and do as they did at the Brentford Poor- Law Union, swill wine, spirits, porter, and beer to such an amount that it made it difficult for any looker-on to deem otherwise than that the imion officers, nurses, and paupers all got in* toxicated together ? Our prisons and our Poor Law Unions are mad(*. so much more comfortable to their inhabitants than tlie arches under the railway and similal' dark dens can be, that the villains and villainesses commit small crimes on purpose to escape honest '>20 FACT AGAIXST FICTIO^^ labour, to p;ct liousecl for tlic winter by committal, and to drink as they did at Brentford. I speak as a Justice of Peace of very long standing, and also as a Foreman of Grand Juries, and I know that for a man of the working classes to call on God to witness, by his oath, the truth of what he says, is no more binding to his, the swearer's, conscience than if he had sworn, as actors in a theatre do, by the large centre chandelier. The entire working population seem to consider direct perjury as the best means of defence. To prove an alibi, by sending to the nearest low beer-house, the resort of tramps, who are just at that time passing by, and will be off the next day, is the, constant habit of the accused. Tliere they can always obtain well got-up men and women to attend at the Petty Sessions, who, one and all, having consulted beforehand together, swear to the same lie, and before a bench of magistrates at Petty Sessions, if there are Parsons there, they are sure to be believed. Of course^ it is impossible to rebut their false testimonyj save by the oath of the prosecuting witliess, and it is Ciuious to see how a bench of magistrates will cling to tlie defence made by non-resident and ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. o2i unknown witnesses when placed side by side with the sworn accusation of one or two honest and responsible men.* I have seen a magistrate, a clergyman, having to do with one of these false witnesses, after the witness, by a low attorney, had been examined in chief, and then cross-examined by the prose- cutor, recur to tliat witness again, and take a further examination of him while he stood behind the bar, in the company of his fellows. I have seen a magistrate allow a headborough, who had been summoned and fined for committing an offence, on his application, half-a-crown for serving tJie summons on himself; I have heard a Chairman of Petty Sessions very properly rebuke another magistrate, who was a clergyman, for gross and illegal conduct on the Bench : and with such examples as these, and many others that could be adduced, there are people still who set their faces against the abolition of the Justices of the Peace, and tlie substitution for that body of a paid Judge, on the plan of the County Court. '" If testimony on oath from either side clashes, then it becomes a question which is the most reliable source whence it comes, and decision should be arrived at accordingly. VOL. II. Y 322 FACT AGAINST FICTION. There can be no sort of doubt that if a magis- trate was not deemed, by the Legiskitnre, judge enough to act in petty cases in his own house, Avhere, if they applied for it, any portion of the public might have been admitted, the same class of judicial functionaries had better not be called on to legislate in a conclave held in open court. Lord xilbemarle attempted a most excellent remedy when he moved this consideration in the Peers ; but he was in error in urging as one of the reasons that it was wrong to entrust the decision of cases to gentlemen who often owned the property against which the crime had been com- mitted, because they, the magistrates, on account of their position, would have a strong bias against the accused. This is not so ; it is precisely the other wa^^ Benches of magistrates are so nervously afraid of being charged with a partiality for conviction in poaching cases and other rural thefts and mis- demeanors, and they are, so to S2)eak, such very impartial judges, that they commit themselves much more frequently than those who are brought before them. The Bench, as at present constituted, puts clergy- ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 323 men, when placed on it, in a very disagreeable, as well as mischievous position ; for, wishing to cuny favour, perhaps, with their parishioners, and lean to the sinner, or what they call the side of mercy, as they invariably do, — perhaps on the score of charitable feelings, perhaps because the thief or sinner is a liypocrite, and goes to church, and is immensely loud in his responses and aniens, in order to gull the parson, as he very often does, — all clergymen shrink from being useful to the community in a judicial position. For myself, as a game-preserver and as a farmer, if I catch j^eople within the bounds of a borough offending in any way against the laws, short of compounding a felony, I religiously abstain from proceeding against them, for it is utterly hopeless to obtain justice from a Bench so circumstanced. Even in the County Court, presided over by an excellent public Judge, if the accused prays a jury, consisting, in all probability, of five men the colleagues of the poacher or the thief, who are permitted to form the jury, not being jocr- sonally or by character known to the side having a right to object, the Judge of the court, whatever his charge may be, is set at defiance, and a V ^ o^^ r^ACT AGAINST FICTION. verdict returned utterhj at variance luith the evidence. Some legal interference ought to be allowed with juries thus constituted, for, in a borough, if a gentleman brings a case before the tradesmen- magistrates, among whom there is very often a great jealousy, if the gentleman resident near the town wlio comes before the County Court happens to deal with a man not a magistrate; and ihere is a tradesman of the same calling who is a magistrate, the latter will set his flice against the gentleman because he has not dealt with him. You may make what are called improvements in the dwellings of the poor, but 3^ou cannot make the poor think them improvements. You may teach boys at school to know that theft is called a crime, but you cannot make them refrain from stealing apples or other property. Theft and a tendency to all sorts of crimes are, in a portion of the lower classes of the population, born, and bred, and grown to maturity, in their breasts, and not all the j^i'cachings of all the parsons in the world, nor all tlie rods of schoolmasters, will lead or scare them from it. The highest and most honourable feelings of ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 325 county magistrates, soldiers, and gentlemen, — men wlio would risk death at tlio cannon's moutli, — Avill shrink from tlioir duty to some extent, rather than let vulo-ar thieves or low attornevs charge them with pa>rtiality, groundless and uncalled-for as such a charge may be. A ■public Jadije^ paid to administer the laiv, is not thus hampered. He has a task to perform com- pletely indej^endent of any local bias of any sort or description, and he will fearlessly, and according to the exact letter of the law, do his duty. The time 'will come when the petty juris- diction will be thus provided for, and a very great boon it will be to the community, and immense in its effects on the suppression of crime. 326 FACT AGAINST FICTION. CHAPTER XIV. THE SPORTSMAN IN RETIREMENT. — RURAL LIFE, AND FOOD FOR THE POOR. Acclimatization Society — Alderney Manor — Pairal Life and its rieasures— The Lark— Tench— The Mole— The Water-Rail— Mistaken Accusation against the Bullfinch, Goldfinch, and other Small Birds — Mistakes of the same kind as to Game — Food for the Poor — Conclusion. There have appeared in the Times newspaper occasionally letters suggesting a ^'National Accli- matization Society," as a means for introducing more food for the communit}^, rich and poor, in the shape of birds, beasts, and fishes. There can be no doubt but that if the Govern- ment would patronize an association of that sort, taking example from the success achieved in Australia, that much good might remotely result from it ; but to send for, to import, and then to naturalize living things to a change of climate, jnust meet with many failures, and be a work THE SPORTSMAN IN RETIREMENT. 827 of time. What we need is an additional supply of food novj and at once, with as little delay as possible. The late Marquis of Breadalbane and myself, as President and Vice-President, set on foot an Acclimatization Society, and the first meeting to promote the question was held at the office of tlie Field newspaper. There could not have been a nobler or a better President, fond as ho was of natural history, and lord of an enormous territory, containing lakes and rivers, as well as tracts of rich cultivation, forests, woods, and moors. He introduced and acclimatized on his wide domains the capercailzie, or '^cock of the Avoods," and the bison from America, and reared there the cross between the capercailzie and the ^ blackgame, the bison and the Ayrshire cow. As far as my limited power went, I acclima- tized, and in England bred and reared the prairie 2:rouse, crossed the American dusky duck with the English wild duck ; and, had the Acclimatiza- tion Society acted in the honest sjoirit of its formation, sundry noble lords and large proprietors had promised me their landed influence on which to introduce experiments. 328 FACT AGAINST FICTION. The very indifferent leg tlie Society lialted on was this. Of course, to manage the business of the Society and its foreign correspondence, it was necessary to aj^point ^^a quorum" to act during winter, when the owners of manors, gentlemen sportsmen and fishermen, were at their country- seats, or, so soon as Parliament was up, pursuing their amusements elsewhere. This quorum, or these quorums, completely mis- managed everything. The funds of the Society were most injudiciously squandered, public money was wasted on private premises and on individual amusement ; the splendid donation given by the then Miss Burdett-Coutts, of five hundred pounds, and other subscriptions were squandered away ; and, seeing how matters were going, and that it was impossible to rescue the state of affairs from very questionable management and bad hands, all the landed proprietors, noble lords, and others, myself among them, took our names out of the Society, and very soon after it collapsed. From the very first, when I saw some of the men who somehow or other got tlieir names on the list, — men Avho had never belonged to THE SPORTSMAN IN llETmEMENT. 329 any association in tlicir lives tliat came to any good end, — I was fearful of the result, and expressed my doubts on the matter to many of my friends. The result proved the correctness of my anticipation, and the way in wliicli tlie last public dinner of the Society was conducted opened everybody's eyes to the speedy break- ing-up of the affair, as one no longer to be tolerated. Well, then, unless the Government would take importation and acclimatization in hand, there is no sort of chance of any leading noble lords and gentlemen belonging to it. We would not again trust a quorum of men whom Ave knew nothing of, or, indeed, if what we might knoAV of tliom was not invariably in their favour; and then, who could be found to attend to the public in- terest, when approved men were not on the sjDot to undertake the task of revision and correction of abuses ? It is, then, useless, at ijvesent^ to talk of a ^' National Acclimatization Society," but it is by no means useless for us all ^^to put our shoulders to the wheel " of the cart tliat really needs our aid, and which would directly and at once im- 380 FACT AGAINST FICTION. mensely increase, not only tlie annual amount of food for the people, but, at the same time, acid to the beauty of the domain and the amusements of the lord of the manor. I allude to a subject on which I have long written and for many years advocated — I mean '^ the cultivation of the waste lands and waters." ^' Mv shoulder " has lon^: been ^'at the wheel" of what might be a well-filled cart, and on my coming to Alderney Manor I at once cast all theory aside, and set about establishing an example that any one asking my permission might insjDCct, and assure himself, as years went by, of the results or failure of my endeavour. The miserable-looking, brookless, pondless waste bog, far below any needed drainage, for cultiva- tion and utterly useless and devoid of life, as I found it, now oflPers to the sun a little ri2)pling brook of beautiful water from the hitherto hidden springs, capacious pools for wild fowl and hsli ; and my improved waste, that never held anything but snakes, lizards, and adders, has been made to offer continuous sport to myself and to my friends with the gun and witli rod and line. On the wastes there is every sort of wild fowl, and in the THE SPORTSMAN IN RETIREMENT. 381 waters there are trout, perch, eels, gTidgoons, dace, roacli, and mmnows. Thus, tlien, as far as my efforts to increase ilie food of the community, combined with my own amusements, liavc gone, they have been crowned with success. I have not been the vox et prceterea nihil that many writers on this subject have been and still are ; and, with little or no aid from the public press, the fact, as it stands, is known to a vast round of my acquaintance. Three pheasants,- and no wild ducks, was all I found on the estate, save a snipe and a sprinkling of partridges and liares ; now I am able to give sport to my immediate friends who shoot with me, and game to those who do not shoot. I have plenty for my own consumption during the autumn and winter, and game, wild fowl, and rabbits even to give away, or to sell to the game salesman and poulterer, Mr. Briggs, of Bournemouth, who readily buys all I have to offer for public use. During spring and summer I can fish in ponds created by myself, and study the breeding habits of the fowl who still at that time haunt the waters, look at the brooding snipe in her nest at my foot, induce 832 FACT AGAINST FICTION. the pewits not to be much afraid of me when I approach their nests or their young; and thus I liave turned a miserable waste of l^lack, bad, and unburnablc peat into that which, by comparison with what it was before, has become, so to speak, ^'a garden of Eden" — -at' least it is so, in my retired way of living, to me. It is not until May, or ^ ' the merry month of May," as it has long been called, that the English sportsman can 1)e said to rest from the saddle, although tlie gun and greyhound ought to have been laid aside on or after the 1st of February. The death of a May fox should be the signal for preparing to ^^summer the hunter" and rest the hounds; and up to the 1st of May, though many packs of foxhounds ]iad ceased to hunt, the salmon rod always affords occupation of the most brilliant piscatory kind. Well, then, all sport but fishing being over, let us see the sort of life that can be led by a liard rider and a good sliot when the horn, tlie cheer, and the breech-loader are Inished, and lie no longer cares for, or has not money at command to enjoy, the London season. The sweet violets have long perfumed the air; THE SPORTSMAN IN RETIREMENT. 833 tlic primroses, succeeding to the empurpled violet queen, liave clothed the ground beneath the trees in the woods ; while pale gold, dear, beautiful cows- lips deck the sweet meadow-grass. Every male bird is singing to the partner of his nest. When the sun shines bright, all nature seems in love, and dark and dismally unfeeling is the heart and soul of that man who cannot turn in . thankful- ness to God for the mere gift of warm existence. To hear the pheasants crowing and the birds singing around the bed-room window ere the day has scarcely broken, is amply enough to call the sportsman and naturalist from his couch with a joyful spirit to share in the gladdened world; and Avhen, in the midst of such harmony of scent and song, the casement is thrown open, and the warm fresh air enters the lips and breathes on the breast of man, why he really needs not hound nor dog to lure him forth, for Nature herself to him is all in all. If he has a farm in his occupation, there arc the crops up fresh and green to greet him, with that sweet leader of Nature's orchestra of the fields, the skylark, ascending thankfully to heaven higher and higher, but still immediately over the O'li FACT AGAINST FICTIOX. little nest upon the groimd, as if to bear from above a dewclrop on his Aving to 2)ay his loving homage to his brooding mate. This rm-al life, so loved and followed, pm-sued imder judicious guidance, and the close study of every living thing, puts me in possession of many little facts, small in individuality, but large in the aa^2:reo:ate, which seem never to have been known to the old and now obsolete naturalists. I can at once answer the question of what led to the vulgar error, by one of our old poets poetically used, as to the ' ' tench being the phy- sician of the waters," other fish seeking to ^' rub aofainst his healinsr sides." A casual observer might be inclined to that poetical delusion by seeing two tench, male and female, in the act of spaAvning. If the surface weeds in the water had been cut and removed, the tench would seek the brink of the shore, and the overhanging grass that depends from the bank to the surface, at some little depth in the water, and there may be seen two backs, one slightly below the otlier, swimming, and gliding, and floundering along in contact, tlie one, from its position, being more visible than the other. These fish are both tench, The sportsman in retirement. 385 and it lias been this incident tliat led casual observers into the mistake. Carp spawn on the surface weeds, and so do tench, but if you put them to it, the tench wdll seek the grass that is pendent in the waters. Now there are very few people who know why the mole makes so many hills ; but if they will take the trouble to beat about as many mole- hills as I have done,— it is excellent exercise for the arms, the biceps muscle, and the chest, when no other exercise is at hand, — they will have ocular demonstration of the following fact. The mole will go on making his ^^run," and move an infinity of mould from side to side, Avith those wondrously adapted claws of Jiis, without being necessitated to lift it to the surfece. In his bur- rowing progress, however, he is often stopped by a stone ; of this impediment he has but one way of ridding himself, and that is to get it to the surface. In beating the molediills about in one field, this circumstance will very often be found to occur, but not always; and in nine cases out of ten, or thereabout Sj a stone will be found in every molehill, not quite on the top of the molehill, but above the middle of it, and this in fields where 336 FACT AGAINST FICTIOX. stones, at tlic depth at v.-liich the mole works, are very rare. For some time I was in doubt whether this stone was not wedged in by the mole when he had done heaving up, to prevent the fall of the hill, but since then I incline to the idea that the stone is there to be rid of its obstruction. Among the more recent wild birds that liave become attached to me is a Avater-rail. The rail comes to the whistle for the ducks to feed, and eats barley in close approximation to man, and in full confidence in the safety he affords. Superficial observers, by confidently pronouncing their casually or ill-considered opinions, very often do much harm, and create for many a poor little innocent creature an enmity undeserved — thus, in the beautiful bullfincli, and goldfinch as well, be- cause the birds are seen to pick off and apparently eat some buds from fruit-trees ; none of these mis- observers permit what maij he inside the bud, and already destroying the possibility of perfection, to enter their minds. Tlic}^ buiki their opinion on one visible sign, and tarry not to ascertain if there is not another lurking behind it, which is really the sole source of the mischief they observe. Tims, THE SPORTSMAN IN RETIREMENT. '387 the filiclics seek the hidden grub, and thus the moles industriously work beneath the perishing corn, already fading in its blades from the briglit green hue of spring to the sear and yellow tint, and really devour in thousands the wire-AVorm already devastating the crop. Before any one ventures on an opinion concern- ing the habits of anytliing in Heaven's creation, however humble its little life, he should first gather correct information, not only for his own guidance, but for the guidance of other people. A lie in ijrintj to speak plainly, gathers, from the type and colour it assumes, a shade of truth, like many a weak and erroneous falsehood when founded on the merest circumstance, and these mistakes are often the most difficult of all to set right. Thus, in the very erroneous, inicharitable cry that the Communists and Eed Eepublicans, and blatant men who have no just means of rising into ])ublic notice, have made against the Game Laws, we therein find them charging the lesser lives with mischief they do not do, and with devouring corn at seasons of the year when Nature gives them no appetite for it. If a hare or rabbit's ears apjoear from among the green and growing crops, the VOL. II. z 338 FACT AGAINST FICTION. animals are set down as eating nothing but the blades of corn, whereas I have shot them at all seasons for the purpose of investigation, and found that a short green grass was among the roots of the young wheat, and that was the food thc}^ chiefly sought, and Avhich accounted for the disappearance of their ears, and their heads being so low down while in the act of feeding'. By this it is by no means my intention to say that hares and rabbits will not eat the blades of corn ; I merely desire to show that their appetite is not confined to what Avould become the food of man, and that the purposed blame heaped on them by false demagogues is, to an immense extent, undeserved. Pheasants and partridges through the spring and summer are 2Der23etually among the green corn as well as among and beneatli the .full-grown crop ; but they can only eat the corn for a few da}'s just when it is sown, and not afterwards till the grain is quite ripe : unless laid by storms, it is out of their reach. The hare and rabbit only casually eat the corn when in its fresh, green, and unripened state. Of this I am })erfectly sure, that all the means for in* creasing the food for the people, suggested by that THE SPORTSMAN IN RETIREMENT. 339 mistaken and miscliievous clique^ that are so fond of croaking and making nuisances in Hyde Park, and suggesting the most absurd things to our gracious Queen, are totally worthless and irapracticahle ; and that feeding the labouring classes has no more to do with their real intentions than the love of a Chinaman for a dead and putrid ])ig has to do with the probability of his desire to keep a clean stye for a fattened hog. We find these demagogues, as I have previously said, trying to deprive the people of the annual supply of tliirty thousand tons of rabbit food, without one avail- able suo:2restion from them as to how so liiY^jrc a deficiency of meat was to be met. In fact, there exists no immediate way of meeting a deficiency so establislied. To take an idea from ' Guy jMannering,' when Meg Merrilies tells Dirk Hatteraick, in the cave, that he ^' will be hung," and lie replies that '^ the hemp is not grown that will do it," — an assertion met by her '' that it {6- sown, it is grown, it is hacked, and it's mown," — so with Meg Mer- rilies we cannot say of the meat that is to take the place of the rabbits. We, if we ever could do it, should have to l^reed more largely, and to await the z2 3.1:0 FACT AGAINST FICTION. births of calves, lambs, and little pigs, many of wliom miglit never come, and to wean and tarry for years for the growtli of calves ere they could be dignified with the name of beef, or be fit for the general consmnption. It reminds me of the dog who snapped at the shadow of the meat he lield in his mouth reflected in the water, and by that act lost the substance his jaws contained. Better let things be, than condemn them without reason. Better that blatant tongues should be still, than mislead the over-credulous, or, by false- hood, seek a selfish aggrandisement — not an aggran- disement in the end, but a mere time-serving and time-sought popularity, personally desired, its pre- mises laughed at, and its mischief, in the end, despised. Having lived long enougli now to look on this side and on that, ^' the heart" no longer hot and restless, but '^ subdued and slow," it is not without some reason that I attempt to win for every living thing, from tlie giant to the lesser life, more kindliness at tlie hands of man ; and both for man and animal the best and gentlest care of all — that of woman. THE SrORTSMAN IN RETIREMENT. 341 If I acliiovo one particle of tins, if I have succeeded in my endeavour to win for any life 2)rotection, faitli, and charity, or attained any good for those whose origin is so mysterious, and whose licreafter is so veiled, then I shall not have written in vain ; and when the time comes — the sad, but not the dreaded time — when I must resign the saddle, lay down the otter-spear, the salmon-rod, the rifle, and the shot-gun, as I have already put by the quarter-stafP, single-stick, and boxing-gloves, tlien my heart, with unrepining resignation, will meet the ^^ common fate" from wliich none can escape, and bow before that high behest which neither gives nor seeks a challenge, nor owns a call from man. '342 FACT AGAINST FICTION. CHAPTER XV. nature's school-room. Where, in tliese days of tyrannical wliipjoings, mortal rods, and coersive laws all running against the natural and growing grain, and getting at anything but the bottom of mischief, shall we find a better school than that so long' ordained by a creative power wdiich passes all compre- hension, and sits enthroned, in contemptuous silence, far, far above the puny efforts of ^'the feeble tenants of an hour," or the struggles of ^^the degraded mass of animated dust," whicli seeks to cover its own liideousness with a veil of liypocrisy more easily seen through than a London mist ? Vast, unapproachable, and mysteriously beautiful, some strange j^ower presides, awfully and mightil}^ magnificent in the frozen iceberg as in tlie splendour of the glorious sun, yet none can tell nature's school-room. 348 with any certainty what that power is or when the last curtain over it will fall, what fate it really is that awaits the insects who claim themselves an exclusive heaveuj or whether or not ^'clust and ashes " are to be the final meed of Vice and Virtue, and thus that ^^ Chaos" shall be king again. Among the splendid places which so lavish their charms in tlie varied sites of the United Kingdom, I scarce know where to select one which would best illustrate the lesson to be seen and read in the months of April and May ; but as it has so liappened that in this, the spring of 1874, I have again had leisure to study and dream in the beautiful wilds of England, ^^ the vale where the wild waters meet" and the mountains and lakes of Ireland and Scotland, with all tlieir far-famed grandeur and grace, must be left untouched, and niy pen must once more dwell on the tranquil scene set before me 1)}' the lake and woods of Grichel. It is a curious study afforded by the almost domesticated wild fowl, who, sheltered there unmolested all tlio winter, are induced, numbers of them, to stay on throughout the summer, and to lay bare their 044 FACT AGAINST FICTION. habits and their nests in conscious freedom from any fear of closely observant man. To an admirer of Nature, of scenery, and the habits of wild birds, there is no place, — I had nearly sung, ^^ There is no place like home," but what I do sing is, ^' tliere is no place like Crichel," the beautiful residence of Mr. Sturt, wherein can be studied the habits of the rarest and wildest water-fowl from the very midst of their happy congregation. I take the scene as set before me in a still sunny day of the middle of April, and select the locality for observation the green turf of the park on the edge of the clear water of the lake. On the opposite bank is a large wood, the tall trees in which verge upon the water, and in places dip their gracefully drooping boughs as if to kiss the source of that strength that has enabled them so far to out-top even the oaks and elms in the furtlier park. Grown up between the stems of the larger forest trees are the rhodo- dendrons, tlie laurels, birch, and willows, all close to the clear water, but leaving sheltered little spots here and' there for tlie repose or rest of tlie n(iuatic tril)es wlio frequent tills hospitable reghm in summer and winter for food, for rest, and love. r^'w. NATURE S SCHOOL-ROOM. 3-15 With Sir Walter Scott, I can, at tlio moment, while viewing this graceful scene, say, — " The blackbird and the speckled thrush, Good-morrow gave from every bush ; In answered covert the cushat dove, In notes of peace, of rest, and love." For, indeed, the ^'cushats," or ^^ ring-doves," are answering each other from every fir-tree top, while the less musical mmmurs of the blue-rock jDigeons seem like a subdued accompaniment as they sigh their nesting hope to the mate on her eggs in the hollow tree, or, perhaps, in some rabbit's hole at the foot of it. High up, — always on the highest branches that the tallest trees, of whatever description, afford, — there sit the brooding herons, on their large but slovenly-looking nests, their crested lords either standing erect, like soldiers at attention, by the nest, or soaring just above, in that smooth, graceful way that the wide span of^ their pinions so silently affords. To quote from Sir Walter Scott again, ^Hlie smooth lake's level brim" is dim2)led all over with every species of wild fowl, save the gadwall, — and I hope to see that added l)efore long to the list, — diving, pairing, washing, or pluming their glossy wings, as if they owned the water and the 846 FACT AGAINST FICTION. woods instead of their lios2)itablc host, and that I sat so near them as their guest, instead of as a visitor at the kindly mansion. Close to me glide upon their happy way (or chase each other on wing just above the water) pairs of teal. A little further off the pochards play, the red heads of the male birds coming out warmly as against the darker shades, while the brilliant shelldrake, the goosander, the widgeon, the golden-eye, the baldcoot, the lesser grebe, and the moor-hen, all join in this scene of luippy life, or add to the chorus of wild cries, while my presence, or what, in other places, would be the dreaded presence of tyrannical mortality, creates neither terror nor distrust. I seem to sit among the Ijirds as a sort of invited guest, to love, to watch, and still to learn, the wondrous and beautiful secrets of Natural History. The flocks of swans around me — even their pugnacity to other aquatic birds is, in this happy scene, completely laid aside; they are all over tlie lake, as if standing on their heads, while bending beneatli the surface of the water to pick tlie newly-springing tender weeds. Here and there on the banks arc sitting, on their coarse. nature's SCIIOOL-ROO.M. o47 open, and uncomfortable-looking' nests, many female swans, and various sorts of geese; and in tlieir vicinity tlie old male swans kce]) perpetu- ally ^'pushing" after tlie cygnets of the previous year, if tliey dare to look even in the direction of the brooding mate. KSuddenly a heavy sound of collective large Avings beats the quiet air, and the young swans rise and fly from one end of the lake to the other, to attain the lower or more distant stretch of the lake, and happier riddance from the spotless lords whose mates are every- where thus jealously protected. The flights of these young swans are often joined by the different tribes of wild geese, who scream their delights at any confusion that may arise, mingled, in some instances, with jealous ideas that some one of the passing flight might designedly drop by the nest of their happy expec- tations. Every gander or goose, except man, cares for his offspring when they are hatched, still adores his wife or mate, Avhatever be the number of her family, and never deserts his rising young. I never knew a feathered goose in this respect to 1)0 disgracefully unkind or jealous, but I have 348 FACT AGAINST FICTION. lieard that a swan was miserably astonished and disgustingly angered by a servant boy or page, Vv^ho took from the swan's nest the lawful eggs, and put in their place those of an old grey goose. When the mule swan saw the horrible distor- tion of his graceful hope, he stood erect Avith half- spread wings, and hissed for hours ; but the poor gander, much less keen in his percejotion, doatod on the brood of swans presented to him, suspected nothing, and in his farm-yard never became a '^ goose of sorrows," and thus escaped an ^^acquaint- ance w^ith grief." I must not omit to add that all around mo crowed the splendid pheasant, the partridge called, and the willow-wrens, the redstarts, and the fly- catchers, chimed in, and, with the brisk tomtits, common and crested wrens, sky and wood larks, chafiiinch, green-finch, and yellow-hammer, all added to Nature's harmony, in spite of the mischievous daws and starlings, who clamoured for roguery inharmoniou.sly, as some as foolish daws in human shape chatter at the opera. I remember to have written long, long ago, that when the thews of limb and strength begin nature's school-room. 340 to decline, what a liappy tlioiiglit it was to know tliat the Avcaiy head could ever find on the breast of beauteous and bountiful Nature a sweet and indulgent resting-place, on which to escape the pangs which the loss of other enjoyments seemed to inflict. Let the inquiring glance of man turn which way it will, there is a lesson of love, a song of liap})i- ness, a something that is sweet and to be admired, in every nook and corner, meadow, bank, or bush. There, in yonder fresh, green bank^ nestles the modest primrose, as if she wooed a protecting breast to shield her loveliness and to save her from the luscious bee ; thickly spread on the mead beyond, her sister flower, the lowly but scented cowslip, in thousands, decks the grass, while the gold and green marshmallow, — or '"mashmallow," as it is more commonly called, — adds lustre to Nature's carpet, but honeyless tries in vahi to attract a passing wing. To vary the lesson Nature yields from above, let us now give freedom to the cormorants, to issue from their Avooden houses, and to disport them* selves in that portion of the clear and swiftly- o'lidino; trout stream allotted to their food and 350 FACT AGAINST FICTION. liealtliful recreation. Unless Nature had spread before ns tlie page of this aquatic lesson, who would have been able to judge of the rapid evolu- tions of so large a bird beneath the water with or against the rushing stream, and its power to turn and cope Avitli the swiftest fish that swims, either the strong bright dace or the pliant eel? Yet here we see that these hsh have no chance to outstrip their foe; and that if they evade him by suddenly availing themselves of a crevice in the bank, at full speed the cormorant's sea-green eye can detect their ambush, and seize them with his mierring bill. Then, when the cormorant thus shows to us the strange and admirable appliances with whicli pre-observant Nature has supplied him, it is tliiis that we become aware of tlie destined purpose the bird is Bent to enact, and then, to me, at least, occurs the doubt of a similar pre-observant wisdom existing elsewhere, or as Ave are supposed to believe that it does exist ; and I cannot drive this question from my mind — If it Avas by some all-Avise and powerful will destined that the lamb and the lion Avere aliva/js to lie doAAm peacefully side by side, why Avas tlie lion formed to be carnivorous, and nature's school-eoom. '^51 why or how came he to be trusted with his terrible teeth and claws ? Nature is in itself a beautiful, and, perhaps, a terrible study. The bowels of the earth contain truths as mysterious as they are opposed to all mortal doctrines in regard to sundry beliefs. A terrible destruction and the most violent changes, where floods (not one flood) and fires have caused disruption, dissolution, and partial decay, — all this is visible, — then who or where is the man or con- clave of men who shall dare to make sure of the future ? THE^ END. LONDON : PRINTED BY EDWARD J. FEANCIS, TOOK's COUliT, CHANCERY LANE, E. WabGtar Family Library cf Velerlrfary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 WestDoro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 '*^*W''**MM*tP**MMMHMI|^MMH