Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Mil LITTLE SILVER, N. J. There’s No Priority on Nature... ().. MORALE... our will to win... our determination to retain that which we pos- sess . . . in a free world ... are strengthened by the realization of the beauty of nature that surrounds us. This year, as ever in our more than 60 years of grow- ing experience, you can still buy with confidence . . . with the assurance that you will obtain only TOP QUALITY NURSERY STOCK at prices that permit the usual gratifying profits. (VE NURSERY- INC. LITTLE SILVER, N.J. @ Phone Red Bank 2200 aca ree ON cd Dua eae be Visitors are always welcome at our Nursery. Our location on the Jersey Shore is easily reached from all points, due to splendid highways, and to our cen- tral location between New York and Philadelphia. — LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Hardy Field Grown Roses E are proud to announce that our 1942 Rose Crop promises to be the finest that we have ever harvested. Growing conditions have been well-nigh perfect, and we are confident that our splendid, sturdy plants will prove to be real Money-Makers for our patrons. All are grown on Rosa multiflora japonica under- stocks, unless noted otherwise. Prices mentioned refer to No. 1 grade plants, our price for No. 1% (medium) grade plants being 3314%4% less than our price for No. 1 grade plants. Patented varieties can be supplied in No. 1 grade plants only. Just a few of our well grown roses. Did you ever see healthier, sturdier plants? Hybrid Tea Roses (Everblooming ) oes exquisite colors, delightful fragrance, and ever- blooming qualities of this class combine to make them the most popular of all Roses. Prices refer to No. 1 grade plants, budded on Rosa multiflora japonica. 10 100 Ami Quinard. Blackish crimson buds become sweet- scented flowers of deep velvety maroon. $ 3.50 $ 30.00 2 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Hysrip Tea RosEs—Continued 10 100 Autumn. Firm, full, compact orange buds, stained crimson, turn to stiff- petaled, double Roses of rich bronzeleeds eh: eee Oe pe ee $ 3.50 $30.00 Betty Uprichard. Buds of copper-red and big Roses of delicate salmon, reversed carmine-copper. 3.50 30.00 Caledonia. Flowers white, large, double, high cen- [aS wed Be eR ne ese hae RO See Ae 3.50 30.00 Catherine Kordes. Solid pink leaning to cerise, large bloom deep pink, scented ...................... 4.00 35.00 CHARLOTTE ARMSTRONG (Plant Patent No. 455). Blood-red buds, flowers spectrum red. (The retail price of $1.50 each, 3 for $3.75 must be main- PATE.) Py Sie coke ee ee nc ee eee 7.00 60.00 Condesa de Sastago. Countless globular golden buds, striped brilliant red, turn to big fragrant Roses of copper-scarlet within, reversed pure golden yellow. 3.50 30.00 CRIMSON GLORY (U. S. Plant Patent No. 105). Symmetrical bushes bear many big shapely buds, turning to flowers of a vivid deep crimson, striking- ly beautiful in any surroundings. (The retail price of $1.00 each, $10.00 per doz. must be maintained.) 6.00 50.00 Dainty Bess. Best single pink Rose, with wine-red SAME NS es ee ae ee 3.50 30.00 Dame Edith Helen. Perfectly shaped bright pink. Riiohihyap erin dae. cece meen ees 3.50 30.00 Duchess of Luxembourg. Clear golden in bud and rich yellow in bloom, on a background of coral- pao ee ee ee lle ee 3.50 30.00 Edel. White with ivory shading. .............. 3.50 30.00 Edith Nellie Perkins. Copper-rose on exterior and soft salmon-pink, based gold within... 3.50 30.00 E. G. Hill. Huge, shapely blooms of brightest scar- let, against blue-green foliage. ............ 3.50 30.00 Etoile de Hollande. Very popular, with well-shaped, bright red flowers, sweetly scented, very large, and Unadinganicolotaeee se eee ree 3.50 30.00 Gipsy Lass. Rich scarlet crimson, maroon shadings. 3.50 30.00 GLOWING CARMINE. A Rose we are proud to feature, which bears countless fragrant, shapely blooms of richest carmine-red. ............ 4.00 35.00 GLOWING SUNSET. (Plant Patent No. 104). Dou- ble orange yellow and rose pink. (The retail price of $1.00 each, $10.00 per doz. must be ana 6.00 : Golden Dawn. Straw-yellow buds, suffused old-rose, turn to big shapely Roses, of soft lemon hue. 3.50 30.00 Golden Rapture. One of the best of all pure yellow Roses, with a wealth of fragrant and lasting blooms. 4.00 35.00 GOLDEN SASTAGO. Buttercup yellow, rich rose PRA GTANCE? iciscsieei ostsvcs eee 6.00 50.00 Grenoble. Big, double, red flowers, good for cutting. 3.50 30.00 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 3 Hysrip TEA RosEs—Continued 10 100 Gruss an Teplitz. Countless fragrant, velvety crim- SITING EGS for ater wie ote te ay $ 3.50 $30.00 Heinrich Gaede. Many big double flowers, shapely and fragrant, of richest vermilion shaded golden MORON IMR tc cte ae oe ane cath a ore aes A 4.00 35.00 Heinrich Wendland. Unfading copper-scarlet blooms, reversed deep golden-orange, from maroon buds, POP Mem Ve ULE tauare cccc manrooctccregnnoa scenes sees tere 4.00 35.00 Imperial Potentate. Double, glistening rose pink. 3.50 30.00 Joanna Hill. Orange-yellow buds turn to beautifully formed Roses of deep creamy yellow, tinged salmon- Didi Wastine and Lragranit. so... lsccc.ccse+ess 3.50 30.00 PeeueovWocke, Carmine pink: \..........c.ece00c. 3.50 30.00 Julien Potin. Big double primrose yellow flowers, on long stems with few thorns. ................ 4.00 35.00 Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria. Best of all white ever- PIGOTT AOMINOSES. <2.0.cccacdsevecsoccacesevsessedacsseses 3.50 30.00 Lady Alice Stanley. Huge pale flesh pink Roses, re- MEESCM Maw CED MEOL Al 2c csscvessccsdsssbsaeseeecsetesss 3.50 30.00 Lady Ashtown. Old favorite carmine-pink Rose, ting- CON Cer URS Ce cise se cdsvecdecsshswstccesusuceesesessee’ 3.50 30.00 Leonard Barron. Salmon, tinted amber. 3.50 30.00 Margaret McGredy. Many orange-scarlet flowers, based yellow and beautifully formed. 3.50 30.00 McGredy’s Scarlet. Not scarlet, but vivid deep rose- red, are these many shapely blooms. 3.50 30.00 Mme. Butterfly. Light pink, faintly shaded with gold. 3.50 30.00 MME. COCHET-COCHET. (Plant Patent No. 129). Soft salmon pink with satiny sheen. (The retail price of $1.00 each, $10.00 per doz. must be main- Pre NIHE CG) Peete naar eEC ON Sh gs Caan Soacicvocksebecccese 6.00 50.00 Mme. Edouard Herriot. Large semi-double flowers of bright coral-red, based yellow....... 3.50 30.00 MME. HENRI GUILLOT. (Pat. No. 337). Water- melon pink. (The retail price of $1.25 each must be ARP AMEN AGNES Mes OOM, sere Saeuttranscsass 3.50 30.00 Mrs. Charles Bell. A shell-pink sport of the popular IeaG@ianice Shaded ssa l MOUs ..2222.2sccss-.s0000- 3.50 30.00 Mrs. E. P. Thom. Best yellow Rose, with many big, Sines Gly [0 ia eee Saale eee eee 3.50 30.00 Mrs. Henry Morse. Best light pink ...... 3.50 30.00 MRS. OLIVER AMES. (Plant Pat. No. 497). Mel- low chrome yellow with silvery sheen. (The retail price of $1.00 each, $10.00 per doz must be main- PE TIRIE |.) ccc oR Rae aA a oie ee ee ie 6.00 50.00 PINK DIAMOND. (Plant Pat. No. 516). Brilliant light pink of strong upright growth, very free flowering. (The retail price of $1.50 each, $15.00 per doz. must be maintained.) ............ 10.00 75.00 Poinsettia. Semi-double: bright rich scarlet. 4.50 40.00 4 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Hyerrp Tea Roses—Concluded 10 100 PRES. BOONE. (Pat. No. 314). Deep velvety crim- son, veined velvety black. (The retail price of $1.00 each must be maintained.) ...............00-2. $ 5.50 $50.00 President Herbert Hoover. Many long buds of flame- Scarlet -and cael: wesc ecco eters 3.50 30.00 Radiance. The world’s standard for perfection among pink ; WROSESE” Bess... See ee 3.50 30.00 RAMON BACH (Plant Patent No. 366). Apricot- buff on outside, salmon-pink within. (The retail price of $1.00 each, 3 for $2.50 must be maintained.) 5.50 50.00 Red Radiance. All of the good qualities of Radiance; AudeEep rosy. Tedy COlOn. ee eee ee 3.50 30.00 R. M. 8S. QUEEN MARY. (Pat. No. 249). Rich glowing salmon with pure pink and orange base. (The retail price of $1.00 each must be maintained.) 5.50 50.00 Roslyn. Shapely rich golden yellow flowers. 3.50 30.00 Sister Therese. [ong-pointed chrome-yellow buds, always shapely, turn to open, fragrant flowers. 3.50 30.00 Souvenir de Claudius Pernet. First of the yellow Roses, shapely in bud and flower, fragrant, full and uniadiig? <2228 SA, A ce ee 3.50 30.00 Syracuse. large, scarlet, shapely. ........ 3.50 30.00 Talisman. Orange, gold and rosy red, the most pop- ular cutflower in our country. ............ 3.50 30.00 TEXAS CENTENNIAL. (Plant Patent No. 162). Blood red toning to cerise red in center. (The re- tail price of $.85 each, $8.50 per doz. must be WMIAMTtAaIned sy) Coe e s eee e 4.50 40.00 The Doctor. Glowing rosy pink, satiny pink edges. 5.50 50.00 Ville: desParis: | Clear yellows 4.00 35.00 No insects nor diseases on our Roses. We spray them at least once each week, not to destroy insects and fungi but to prevent occurrence of both insect and fungi attacks. n LITTLE SILVER, N. J. Hybrid Perpetual and Miscellaneous Roses (June Blooming) ALUED alike for the large size and brilliance of their bloom, and their extreme hardiness. Prices refer to No. 1 grade plants. 10 100 Conrad F. Meyer. Pink, shaded smoky carmine. .$ 3.50 $30.00 F. J. Grootendorst. Large clusters of bright orange- red Roses in profusion throughout the season. 3.50 30.00 Frau Karl Druschki. Best white Rose. 3.50 30.00 Gen. Jacqueminot. Scarlet crimson buds, clear red RMT UENA SME Or ots ese och ohne voce ocho cevictoeoreecessesses 3.50 30.00 Glorie de Chedane Guinoisseau. Dark velvety crimson. 3.50 30.00 Henry Nevard. Velvety scarlet flowers throughout HMMS CU SIOIN G tyricc dre cec ace Cescucececccccsheccecovecbocsess 3.50 30.00 Hugonis. Single yellow flowers. Beautiful shrub or [Fy BMGT TRUSS Seen RRO ae S00) 30:00 LIPSTICK. Single, clear cerise, salmon shading. 5:50- «50.00 Magna Charta. Bright pink overlaid carmine. 3.50 30.00 Marshall P. Wilder. Bears great quantity of rich crimson flowers, big, shapely, and highly perfumed. 3.50) * 30:00 Mme. Albert Barbier. Big salmon Roses, tinted yel- low. lnuly everblooming: «...2kn6 sc. 3.50 30.00 Mrs. John Laing. Clear pink, double..... 3.50 30.00 Paul Neyron. Clear pink, huge. ..........4 3.50 30.00 Persian Yellow. Small, double, dark yellow flowers PM EOUIMLEICSS A DUNMGATICC, (;,s.cccccacesercscoeseee 3.50 30.00 Pink Grootendorst. Clusters of double and lasting flowers, a rich Killarney pink. ............ 3.50 30.00 SKYROCKET. Everblooming shrub Rose with a wealth of blood-red blooms from June until frost. 4.50 40.00 Ulrich Brunner. Many big, fragrant, cherry-red Roses: 3.50 30.00 Polyantha Roses (Baby Ramblers) Bek Y and everblooming, these compact plants are extremely popular for edging, or for low, everblooming hedges. Prices refer to No. 1 grade plants, budded on Rosa multiflora japonica. 10 100 Baby Chateau. Large, semi-double, velvety dark red. $ 3.50 $ 30.00 6 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. PoLyANTHA RosEs—Concluded 10 100 CHEERIO. Clear mallow pink 2.2... $5.50 $50.00 Dagmar Spaeth. Pure white flowers produced in SO wiye larOe shistiSSe sameeren ee 4.00 35.00 Else Poulsen. Bright rose-pink. ............ 3.50 30.00 Fluffy Ruffles. Semi-double; silvery-pink, reversed TACIT OSC ire eee eee 4.00 35.00 Gloria Mundi. Perfect bedder—many bright orange- SCarleticINOSCSHA es cts eee ees 3.50 30.00 Golden Salmon. Bright orange scarlet. 3.50 30.00 Gruss an Aachen. Salmon-ycllow and pale flesh flow- CHSEL MCL Vp Wao Che heirs eee ee eee 4.00 35.00 Ideal. Striking dark velvety crimson..... 3.50 30.00 IMPROVED LAFAYETTE. Deep fiery red. 4.00 35.00. Lafayette. Bright cherry crimson. ........ 3.50 30.00 La Marne. White, edged pink, single. 3.50 30.00 Marie Pavie. Countless flesh-pink buds turn to double, SWeet SCemted myinite! INOSGSager.-erere eo 3.50 30.00 Mrs. R. M. Finch. Double rosy pink flowers, in big. ShiOiwiyy ClUSTERS: eee. scese eee eee 3.50 30.00 Orange Triumph. Lovely scarlet-orange flowers in GEECAE GERUSS CS scx ccc cectcrcrecese ence etree ees 4.00 35.00 Pink Charms Doubles deepy pinks = 3.50 30.00 Pink Gruss an Aachen. Rich pink. .......... 4.00 35.00 PINK JEWEL. Double arbutus pink. 5.50 50.00 Pink Lafayette. Clear rose-pink. ............ 4.00 35.00 SPRINGTIME. (Pat. No. 268). Semi-double; pink shade of apple blossoms. (The retail price of 75c each must be maintained.) e-:-.---- ee 4.00 35.00 Rosenelfe. Silvery rose-pink. .....0....0... 3.50 30.00 Triomphe Orleanais. Cherry red. .......... 3.50 30.00 ROSA ROULETTI (Rock Garden Rose) Grows but 6 to 8 inches in height. Ideal for rockery, with small pink Roses. Strong plants. From 134 in. pots ........ $1.50 per 10, $12.00 per 100 roms. in: pots. 2.20 per 10, 18.00 per 100 Climbing Roses OMBINING hardiness and beauty of bloom, these splendid climbers are adaptable for many uses. All are No. 1 grade plants budded on Rosa multi- flora japonica except as noted. 10 100 Albertine. Bright copper salmon-pink. ....§ 3.00 $ 25.00 Alida Lovett. Early-blooming, with big, bright shell- pink Roses, tinted sulphur-yellow at Baa - American Pillar. Huge trusses of dazzling rose-scar- let blooms, centered white, with golden stamens. 2.70 22.50 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. uy CLIMBING RosEs—Concluded 10 100 Bess Lovett. Bright crimson Roses, cup-shaped and ATA AINTSSIN LG RAM Gomes crerecsesaredsterececsvaess snes $3.00 $ 25.00 Climbing American Beauty. Immensely popular, with big buds and flowers of brightest carmine, very PVE lnyemeece ee tece ease cache cache aakdisdeenenavsesdstrs 3.00 25.00 CiiMrs.ok. M. Binch: Rosy pink........ 3.50 30.00 Climbing Roslyn. Rich yellow. ................ 3.50 30.00 Climbing Sunburst. Cadmium-yellow, passing to yel- TERWVEOSATIMON IN. CENEEE. ciccccecccccccstarecceerevqees 3.50 30.00 Dorothy Perkins (Own Roots). Huge trusses of beautiful shell-pink flowers. Good for holding banks. 1.60 14.00 Dr. Huey. Semi-double, large flowers of crimson- WMlALOOMASHAGded: DLACK.. is.c..6.8...scccsseoenoseees 3.00 25.00 Dr. Walter Van Fleet. Pale pink buds and flowers POT POVIEEA CMEC OSWECKS, <..202...cccescseccecsenccoees 3.00 25.00 Emily Gray. Deep saffron-yellow buds turn to frag- rant golden-buff flowers. ..........cc:cccee . 3.00 25.00 Eugene Jacquet. Large clusters of bright cherry- TRE CEMGUCHETINGS OF atsstcsscvees.seusessonsoncveets 1.60 14.00 Gardenia. Most popular of yellow flowered Climbers. 2.00 18.00 Jacotte. Rich copper-apricot Roses from attractive HOM A Coes ee ee nc rR vec cease seceedccscnsboceins 3.50 30.00 Marie Gouchault. Small, light red flowers in great trusses, maturing salmon-rose. ............ 3.00 25.00 Mary Lovett. Best white Climber with big, fragrant BIOGMISHON VON STEMS. shes. si-0.et-ocecesetans 3.30 28.00 Mary Wallace. Very hardy. Big pink flowers witha MATT TETOMIS EAS INEC MI ace e see coose lo Fecclovecteeisseecsdetes 3.00 25.00 Mme. Gregoire Staechelin (Spanish Beauty). Large fragrant pink Roses with curled petals, are followed by big, attractive seed pods. ..............00 3.00 25.00 NEW DAWN (Plant Patent No. 1). Can probably best be described as a truly Everblooming Dr. Van Fleet. (The retail price of $1.50 each, $15.00 per doz. must De maititained:) «.......:.......s00 10.00 75.00 Paul Scarlet. Bright unfading scarlet flowers in loose SUIS POG aie eee CeO ogee ol st eve ncdsantvsabehesekcesees 3.00 25.00 Primrose. Many big double flowers of clear yellow. 3.00 25.00 PROSPERITY. True Everbloomer, with extra large clusters of lasting white flowers, tinted pink in eve 1DCGR” eee ya ee en 3.50 30.00 Roserie. Practically thornless, with loose clusters of VERVE VADITUMeINOSESsiieccvasecs.sccdadsboccesecooncedeee 3.00 25.00 Silver Moon. Long, creamy buds of nankeen yellow turn to gigantic single saucer-shaped, moon-white REORUSE SH ete IANA oo ccicnc¥i coc aver soot decnsiesescevee 3.00 25.00 White Dorothy Perkins (Own Roots). Pure white form of the popular “Dorothy,” and good for con- (BARC, = ih ag ee ee eee ae 1.60 14.00 Wichuraiana (Own Roots). Clusters of white bloom on shiny semi-evergreen foliage. Ideal for cover- UMMA GS cee ods ial e056 taco Dsescndeanceteasensteoces’ 2.00 18.00 8 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. HARDY SHRUBS Evergreen and Deciduous One of our many blocks of shrubs coming 2 years old. wy are Lovett’s Shrubs dependable? They have been carefully grown in wide rows, with plenty of space for their proper development into sturdy, bushy specimens—they are dug with the greatest of care, and are graded up to and above the standards adopted by the American Association of Nurserymen. Special Shrub Offer Our shrub assortments have met with such unanimous approval that we have decided to again list these outstanding bargains. All plants are two years old or older, and can be depended upon to give quick and satisfactory results. All are correctly labeled, and many rare and choice sorts are included. 50 Assorted Shrubs, our choice of varieties, no more than 5 of a kind, at....11c each 100 Assorted Shrubs, our choice of varieties, not less than 15 varieties, at....10c each £00 Assorted Shrubs, our choice of varieties, no more than 20 of a kind, at 9¥4c each 1000 Assorted Shrubs, our choice of varieties, not less than 30 varieties, 4at........ 9c each Please specify when sending in your order whether you prefer a majority of tall growing shrubs, dwarf shrubs, or medium growing sorts; otherwise, you will receive plants of assorted heights. LITTLE SILVER: N.S: 9 Harpy SHRuBS—Continued 10 100 ABELIA grandiflora (Glossy Abelia). 6 to 8 ft. Pink flowers through entire Summer among bright foliage. Not absolutely hardy north of Philadelphia. Vem Eo As hatE Ns gol WEDQEIEN,, sae kcduinadecvdginae en akpas ox $ 5.50 $ 45.00 [Pe ia 0 3) 7 4 Oia a (6 Ble ao Bcd 3 Yee en eo 7.00 60.00 Fee Ree steht RINSE, cdc ena ccnaynnsae>nentenace 9.50 85.00 ACANTHOPANAX pentaphyllum (Five-leaf Aralia). 7 to 8 ft. Highly resistant to the dust and smoke of a city; light gray twigs and deep, glossy green leaves. RES EM TEN vec orv eink i faneesancd Oleveth San eeete’ 2.00 18.00 Bem MTE NL AE U5 Son coesc ucla avoee scab tadciven svete 2.80 25.00 Oy Beas RC ES RG ie ee eee 3.30 30.00 SIMU MEFARMECUMMEL FE. “| GS ans .tsececcteserdseccvecesceesaceesues 4.20 37.50 ACER palmatum (Japanese Greenleaf Maple). 15 to 18 ft. Finely cut foliage, on a gorgeous lawn specimen. AMAR Re TL.5 PERE) sc0c.5.sscpsebseneged ees LODO Ob... ----. EO eeptea Aprenlit tt Bo GLB,. occ. e.ccscsasaeos sos 15000 here ee... Weer Ey ey ta hits 6c By: tbs teiese.cceente ct zscnues ZOO00)) yee... A. palmatum atropurpureum (Japanese Bloodleaf Ma- ple). 8 to 10 ft. Our strain of these specimens, with their finely cut red foliage is the best we have seen. PhS Wilinos cy SraRh a eae 3 cad » gees ee eee ee 15.00 125.00 [hh a ZL oer inl] S38 ee ee Ee WSO! ees as. yey ASE St A Ca 6 eee ea eae oe ZO OO Rae. s:., Pra OR ON gee git 1S OLD 5 ct ceccascdcces socvseeose SOOO Waics csc. =: A. palmatum atropurpureum dissectum (Purple Cut- leaf Japanese Maple). 4to 6ft. True weepers, with deeply cut purple foliage. Heavy specimen plants. SHS HO OE e BN tal 6 ee ieee 65.00) Oe 8 Sy OMe Les, WA SOr ES. 658d Sak esnaewateee ss S000 Mire... PMR CIME ONT f ES GUISE sas... coeustanes eetuces: E2000 2... AMORPHA fruticosa (Indigobush). 8 to 10 ft. Deep purple flowers in June. 2 10 ear) Tt eM oy, whe ee ee yy 2:50 22.00 3 to: 4 1 Rc ean Ate AUR On Mate eons 2.90 26.00 eh EAI Te 8 pA i gia a 3.50 30.00 5 EB (OTC 8 Re ae a 4.00 35.00 ga ake nana. See PRUNUS glandulosa, page 27. ARONIA arbutifolia (Red Chokeberry). 7 to 8 ft. Spikes of white Spring flowers. Big red berries in the Fall. iS. 15 411 7 ane eae an een enn 1.50 12.00 Vc wed (3527S ye) gS a a 2.00 15.00 ch ae By OP ER a a ee 2.50 20.00 RUE MTUET Gs cs ences cnce ec touche teobcccesetecsse 3.00 25.00 A. brilliantissima (Brilliant Red Chokeberry). 6 to 8 a Sake form of Red Chokeberry with brighter re ruits. RR ORLG) RPM ATL ch co ass oth vencthdeeestessecoillesce 1250" 12.00 REE ba 1 TIO 5 cto c df scusku soe) Sects Mee. ccacetens 2.00 16.00 PALES seh e eh cides astinssiemecs ties Wifes. sceh luce 2.60 22.00 A AS Sed ee ee | 3.30 28.00 10 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy SHRuUBS—Continued 10 100 A. melanocarpa (Black Chokeberry). 8 to 10 ft. Vigorous shrub with showy spikes of white May bloom, persistent black berries in the Fall and at- tractive foliage. 15= cto 8 tins eee eee $ 1.50 $12.00 ISS. 40024 | Sink s24 ee ee eee 2.00 16.00 De tOCNS" Shs eS acces ee 2.60 22.00 S Keema 6 Tao! ores (| ee Pg te aN Sl 3.30 28.00 AZALEAS Wee exceptionally fine quality of our Azaleas is well known to our many friends. Our supply this sea- son is larger and finer than it has ever before been our pleasure to offer. We suggest that you place your orders early for these most beautiful of all flowering shrubs! AZALEA amoena (Amoena Azalea). 3 to 4 ft. Among the most popular Azaleas, with conspicuous purplish-red flowers gracing its evergreen leaves in April and May. The foliage turns bronze in Winter, and makes the plant outstanding in any rockery. One of the hardiest of all. 10 100 OD StowlZen Mneaspneads saw jaeer eee $ 7.00 $ 60.00 I2Z35tovl5) “insspread shee . 8.50 75.00 5 “LOM Ss tniaaspreadseb wees ere 11.50 100.00 [S52 to~2Z4> Sine spreadi Sh Bie 16.00 140.00 Z tony, it. spread) Bela. . 20.00 175.00 2Yz tow 3! it: spread) B&B 25.00 225.00 3 tow 4 ft. spread sb wba 40.00 375.00 Azaleas as we grow them. Note ample space allotted each plant for proper top and root development. A. calendulacea (Flame Azalea). 5 to 6 fit. Loveliest of our country’s native Azaleas, this gaudy plant is a riot of burnt-orange flowers in late Spring. 10 100 18% “towZ4s ein oR eB Pea ee ae $15.00 $125.00 2) > ton Batt! “B&B oc ee 22.50 200.00 S87 t0ue4 Hatt OB Bt eee ee 32.50 300.00 AS) COS i EE EOC ieee ee 3345:00 8 40: LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 1] Harpy SHrRuBS—Continued 10 100 A. hinomayo (Hinomayo Azalea). 4to5 ft. Upright; pink May bloom. les) tonto Str) Spread. sab... ccs $11.50 $100.00 Liawtcedie sin. Spread) Beeb ncccccssa: 15.00 135.00 A. hinodegiri (Hinodegiri Azalea). 4 to 5 ft. Un- doubtedly the most popular of all Azaleas with many large, bright scarlet flowers gracing its attractive evergreen foliage in May and June. This is prob- ably the most outstandingly brilliant of all Azaleas. Orpatowios, cin. Spread, (BecBi uv..cc..sce- 5.00 40.00 SeEOLsL, ehis SSP TEAC BGC: ca cc.caseeces 6.50 55.00 HO stone maine spread, 1B éc]8" 2.02005 9.00 80.00 125 tOmbon: . in. vspread, Bazi). .2....30. 12.50 110.00 Pie tOwlic ekesttlerspreads BGzBe ..t.2...s:.0 15.00 140.00 Poms Oe iteSpread: BGeBy sii. 18.00 165.00 vl etoOpe tian. Spread, B&. By’... .c.s.0.0 25.00 225.00 2 tomeo. ite spread, B&B. ........:..... 35.00 325.00 A. indica alba (Snow Azalea). 4 to 5 ft. Best by far of the white flowered evergreen Azaleas with its large snow-white bloom appearing in late Spring. offering a superb contrast to Hinodegir1i. NOpeatCal needs tall< BeBe bcice:.cscsk ted 10.00 90.00 (eeetOn ty erate tall Bee B .28....8.c202k:: 15.00 125.00 eee tOm iG itl taller B62 By .esciccceses ce. 19.00 165.00 NSEC MEAT eIT ee tale ESRB sk ccs cnccccseowcseee ZOO cht. CeentOmen orit.o tall BiGcB 5, vccscccaseotecses BIRO © covseotens A. indica lilacina (Lilac Azalea). 4 to 5 ft. A worthy evergreen Azalea with big, clear lilac flowers in May. LOOM ITI a ES CCE 2.0 coateateestetesteasees 12.50 110.00 1 We) ALES ee TOR lo) oa) Bak eee ee eee 15.00 135.00 MRO amine. IS Or se Be Sess 20.00 175.00 Lh ED ABS, eee Sisal Wee ea eee te 25.00 225.00 A. J. T. Lovett (J. T. Lovett Azalea). 2 to 3 ft. We have long been justly proud of this introduction which will stretch your Azalea season into mid- Summer when it bears its big, attractive, carmine flowers. This spreading evergreen is worthy of a featured place on your customer’s property. Prone in espread, -Be&B. 0.1.00... 10.00 85.00 RONEN Sein iSPEEAG, “BGCB. :.crscc--:.00cs 12.50 110.00 iDpaetone+ Sine spread. “B&cB 2... 17.50 150.00 Peeeias 25) it. spread,. B&B. 2:......05..: 22.50 200.00 EtG os oitesspread.: B&B . «.:.ss.s.tse. 27.50 250.00 A. kaempferi (Torch Azalea). 4 to 5 ft. Orange-red to salmon-pink flowers in late Spring. Very hardy. Pome alone inter tall yB QB is lkdiessc.ccees 13.50 115.00 hoemetoues © inestall B&B’... 082..3:00 17.50 150.00 Zeeomer ett. tall B&B Ai eklincs... 22.50 200.00 A. kurume, Coral Bells. 3 ft. Brilliant flowers of a rich coral-pink stand out against the evergreen toliage in May. fae etoOesGn it! Spread, B&B 2....05.00.. 5.00 40.00 One EGLwose ith. Spread.) B&B sos..:. 4. 6.00 50.00 A. kurume, Flame. 3 ft. Brilliant red with coppery suffusion. Early. ienetOnlo. > in atall, B&eBi tsech.ccccdes. 10.00 90.00 ete Ms tall: B&B: o)...0.6%:... 13.50 120.00 Lous tence: >in. tall; B&B ;...4 Jee 17.50 150.00 Pree tewo0 yin. tall, B&B ils... 22.50 200.00 12 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy SHRuBS—C ontinued AZALEAS—Continued 10 100 A. kurume, Pink Pearl. 3 ft. Large, full flowers of unusual salmon pink, paling towards their centers. Evergreen. 6). tO =O.) lle Splead abi Scla meee eee. $ 6.00 $ 50.00 82)- to 102 in Spread ibe Basa 8.00 70.00 Qt ivoy EA ial, sSjoreeavalh IB 62) By aiospocceenocs 10.00 90.00 12 ton Ss) ths ea daein cel. esisccer ks 14.00 125.00 5) tO BS. erinisss pea). wu aclsn seen er 17.50 150.00 Se “tO 24 ein spread Geis meee ses 22:50 ease Z- to ~2)4 fee spread ec Des. 30100 24255 A. kurume, Salmon Beauty. The bright salmon flow- ers of this variety are “hose-in-hose.”’ a {tow OF ein. spneads als Galbjwer eases. 5.00 40.00 Ome tOnwor walt opread mice caer 6.00 50.00 A. kurume, Snow. 3 ft. A particularly attractive © evergreen sort which bears large clusters of white flowers. 4 tOn) Ole eS prea dak, Walbuyeess eee 5.00 40.00 Oe tOy eS. Ins Spread. HiGabitse.ee 6.00 50.00 A. kurume, Sweetbriar. 3 ft. Clear pink flowerg which do not fade, make this plant a thing of beauty when in bloom in late Spring. Sh to 10s ink spread B&B eee 8.00 70.00 10> towWZy in spreads Bw Bee. 10.00 90.00 12] to 1S ins spread iCal ae ... 14.00 125.00 15) etOML Seen esp rea Gnels Qalseeeeeeee sare: 17.50 150.00 tse = Moy 24 sia youre, (1856) ecanscosen aos. 22.50 200.00 A. ledifolia magnifica (Blush Azalea). 4 to 5 ft. Many big, blush-white flowers sprinkled with conspicuous wine-red dots on the upper petals make this plant a charming sight in late Spring. 12> todo. ins tall sb Ba ee. 9.00 75.00 15) tosis ein: tall, BQ Bice ee cere: 12.50 100.00 1S toy24 ins tally BB sce ces 15.00 125.00 2. tor e224 tall SB Ga were sce esters 17.50 150.00 Ci tOM Seite tall eB eB essen: 20.00 175.00 A. macrantha (Red Salmon Azalea). 4 ft. Quick growing and hardy, with salmon-red flowers very late in the season. 10 to 12>) ins spreads bh wie 9.50 75.00 125 tole, fins spread Bb Gb 11.00 90.00 15) 40,18. ins spreads BeBe 15.00 125.00 18 to 249) ane spread) B CoB eee 17.50 150.00 2 to =2 Avitaspread Geb ameter 25.00 200.00 ZA AO On tt. Spread. wbiGabse nese 27.50 250.00 A. macronulatum (Korean Azalea). 5 ft. Blooming in early Spring, the pale lilac flowers of this hardy Azalea form a beautiful contrast to the yellow blooms of Forsythia. 12. =tooliS: Suingstalee BB cesses 1503 Bee 15: =. tol Siiicineitalle BecBy cee 15:00) ~08%..:. 18 = to 724.4 sinatall BiseBie. eee Z20:00F 25). ton.3.- exit tall eB Oc Bias cee ces 25.008 seo A. maxwelli (Maxwell Azalea). 3 to 4 ft. Very hardy, with huge carmine-red flowers in late Spring. 10 togi2” sins etalle BoB ire. ccce-nree 8.50 75.00 Ze tomlsi (in, tall, BBY eons 11.50 100.00 Loy P togis: vom: tall, BiQBi eae 15.00 125.00 LS ep toe24s in: stall) BeeBy ike. teceszeees 19.00 165.00 Ze AtOe 12a) tte tall BRB Oeste ne. 22,00 fees: EITTEESSIEVER, N: J. 13 Harpy SHRuBs—Continued 10 100 A. mollis (Chinese Azalea). 5 ft. In May and June this showy plant bears big flowers in attractive shades of yellow and orange. 1 to 15 rahe hic) LAMA Sy e's) by Urea fer eee $10.00 $ 90.00 PSerstovlaeiin stall BecBaikckcde. 15.90 140.00 A. Pink Beauty. 4 ft. Big, beautiful single flowers of lovely soft pink. Lae LOM Lon 9% ttincstally EG teh sscatetaacasescs 12.00 100.00 Leer tore le in, vtall B&B i.e 15.00 125.00 21 fomcewrin. tall) BS&2Br ces... 17.50 150.00 Bre wete ou ities tall BOB hn. i tesccces. 20.00 175.00 Sue stosou-vin: tall Be Boo.cltcies 25.00 225.00 A. schlippenbachi (Royal Azalea). 6to7 ft. A gaudy sight in mid-Spring with its big pink flowers stand- ing out against the purplish twigs. DS MAECI LS le PU EXOCES s,s. ecececksssescnsciosees TS:00% <2...283s NA So B01 8 a 20:00" 2: 2 TOS SUL Tek | Bor al 3 Se 25.00 225.00 BOE he etbae EGG BS». sn. .-nsgeaseecescnnseens 30.00 275.00 REM COSA LEO CES. 6. Ss. ccseseevsscssnctess 37.50 350.00 A. yodogawa (Yodogawa Azalea). 3to4ft. An extra hardy sort with many double lavender-rose flowers in May, delicately beautiful. PA LoOml one Dceb) 2k ee 10.00 80.00 PE ELO align tant Bee Bisee Fe. Cilia Sis ncoees 12.00 100.00 HOME TOR CAS settee DOLD Wet BEL. eicniceies 15.00 125.00 ° BLOM aralite iy Bs Ce Dib 0282 su bree cases coavsn hes 17.50 150.00 EAI ay 8 Bie tapd (ase) BY Rae galt ae aa aE 16.00 140.00 C. horizontalis (Rock Cotoneaster). 12 to 18 in. Ideal for rockery. Evergreen leaves like Boxwood, and bright red berries. PR mee Mai ee eS! es ostn ssa dh ccoecaeess 6.00 50.00 2 iy SE St aie > Bt Sal on 8.00 70.00 15 ray Theda 2 BS POO pes ei ey: CYDONIA japonica (Flowering Quince). 4 to 5 ft. Good for border edging, specimen plant, or hedge, with its deep green, dense foliage; a mass of rich scarlet flowers in Spring, followed by small, golden Quince-like fruit, spicily fragrant in the Fall. Pee CLECs OMMMITD 2 fy. Sey scss oDesduetee lecclectebe seeds 1.70 14.00 IIe} ch | fu SES ial a 2.20 18.00 Z EGS "TEs ia CGE a OU“ ata OT oh, a 2.80 23.00 C. maulei (Dwarf Quince). 2 to 3 ft. A low spiny bush with brilliant red flowers in early Spring. LS)’ ee ihe SE ae att 60 RR a 1.60 14.00 Wey jue 22S 51g i i,” eee 2.50 20.00 GS RS Tt Sea ce A, 3.50 30.00 ‘18 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy SHRUBS—Continued 10 +100 DAPHNE cneorum (Rose Daphne). 1 ft. This per- fect evergreen dwarf is rapidly increasing in pop- ularity because of the fragrant and beautiful pink flowers in Spring and Fall. It has also come into great demand recently for forcing under glass. Bushtyae 0) = atom Olam irae $ 4.00 $ 35.00 Bushy. -95 09 ton) sain cpm 5.50 50.00 Bushiys eZ en tomltS eee ial Qalo eee eee 8.50 75.00 Bushy, shoe stom lorena nes call ueeenee 11.50 100.00 Daphne cneorum. Our plants are splendid, compact specimens. D. mezereum (February Daphne). 3 ft. Many fra- grant, wine-red blossoms, very early .in Spring. Bright scarlet fruit, late Summer. 12 - toxlS “inert ee eee 6.00 50.00 ) CaM ca all Che eae neo cl ea aaa eR Ao 8.00 70.00 i Loin 6 RA? SMS G 0 Lach oath ata nan ERs a ik 10.00 90.00 DESMODIUM See LESPEDEZA bicolor, page 22. DEUTZIA gracilis (Slender Deutzia). 2 ft. This dwarf dense, round-topped bush bears many lovely racemes of white flowers in late Spring. COC 12) A eee, ce eet ere ances 1.40 12.00 2) tO OS tines eee RO AU erent 1.80 15.00 15 i. tOd 18" 9 ain eee ee ee 2.50 20.00 WSs = COUZ4s itis Rie ee eens ee ee 3.00° “2 D. gracilis rosea (Rose Panicle Deutzia). 3 ft. Sim- ilar to above but with pinkish flowers. 2. eto IZ4 MES dee eee 3.00 25.00 2h tO 933s) ltl See 3.50 30.00 By LO nud 1. Et. ete eee sce emcees 4.00 35.00 D. lemoinei (Lemoine Deutzia). 4 to 5 ft. White flowers in June in large clusters. TS tow lS | ails Beene ee eee ee 1.60 14.00 1S) Stos 24 Sn Se eek Rise n5 8 eoeeeeneenemeees 2.00 18.00 D. Pride of Rochester. 9 to 10 ft. Most porular of the Deutzias, with countless flower-tassels in late Spring, frequently blushing to a true pink. 2 “tO N86 Siti ek Teer eee 1.80 16.00 Bt OG OEE SS ees See eae 2.50 22.00 AES” ORAS Rb spinssceceis het ee ee 3.20 28.00 Sa tOWMO it Sie Gc eaters are eee 4.00 35.00 G9 COE NS he EOe aioe cee meee 5.00 45.00 Mer LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 19 Harpy SHRUBS—Continued 10 100 D. scabra crenata rosea plena (Double Pink Deutzia). 6 to 8 ft. Beautiful in June, with fragrant pink blossoms. 2 OMS IT [bop oR: Hea BPP Rey MeL Ome te mi $ 1.80 $ 16.00 3 to 4 [I th et Ana aN Ree AN Poe 2.50 22.00 AY Store Pee cae ea eee 3.20 28.00 5 iO, AG) 4 dle 6 oR eet OR a al OO a ea ape eo 4.00 35.00 CUNT eR RE Fe ook os ockenscececdesacecocbeceoebehees 5.00 45.00 ELAEAGNUS angustifolia (Russian Olive). 15 to 18 ft. Orange berries against silvery foliage. Good for seashore. Be EGS Ve ay ae Ops oo 2.20 18.00 Sy HICSS al TaN 1 Ae eae 3.00 25.00 4 tO 5 Nts MOR eo eictas cueatebacw anaes 3.50 30.00 ET) Wal Oe telite thccSac cc cccccecktessacecosossessees 4.50 40.00 Fi HOLS) STIS A SP pk GOO is ieeeccce. cs ENKIANTHUS campanulatus (Red Vein Enkian- thus). 20 to 25 ft. Handsome erect shrub of great Ornamental value. Excellent when associated in plantings with broadleaved evergreens. eco S ante BRB stil cece 11.00 95.00 iG) Bika ZEAE sors gc oe na 13.50 120.00 DOM Ai PB REB Ooch oct TPSOi ee, 2p Ae. Gel Sie Sa ae eee 2215 OR en go ig ind Tages eee See S000 nk EUONYMUS alatus (Winged Euonymus). 9 to 10 ft. A lovely sight in the Fall with its red berries contrasting beautifully with the rosy-pink of its foliage. 1 TO ene gh Nee Sa ae ec eee 4.00 35.00 PUREE Cian item act eed ea ok as ls 6.50 55.00 SUE OM RA nara liiee eee os ea i 9.00 80.00 Al Sta Pol) me ePS lak A le a = 13.00 120.00 Sr FUG). "OSG Taeccaeccarna thee ae 15.00 140.00 GEO), wal Seg he a a ee i 17.50 160.00 EXOCHORDA grandiflora (Pearlbush). 6 to 8 ft. Daechae white flowers in May, from buds like pearls. eb 0 apa) IT ES yc each NEES et 2.60 24.00 SOE COME AR areata ee re acaas 3.20 28.00 dhe Tig | Eph ie eae anes Ree 4.00 36.00 RIE CHINN COMMER Diem teeten es ee ee S008 wicee es Os SHO) ESTEE Ee 5 eee nr 6:505. es FORSYTHIA intermedia (Border Forsythia). 6 to 8 ft. A particularly hardy Forsythia with a mass of golden bloom in very early Spring. 480; SAT TANS oS Rene A BR Fea Ee 2.00 18.00 Sy tO) JE APT Cy EERE A A ae oct eee 2.70 24.00 AP Sst) 4) ae i cok a Ae ae aie 3.80 33.00 SME OMMICI REE UPI hc scsdlo wa. e.Sisc-cs HYPERICUM aureum (Golden St. Johnswort). 3 to 4 ft. Brilliant yellow flowers in July and August. Will thrive in a dry rocky place. [EO 5) CU ioe ee ell ae 1.40 12.00 Cp RCN AMR ANIONS, IPCop. aces vosccdiysenctacseotesvie 2.20 18.00 CURE CME REL econ clos on nnnssedesseaccvensesschooses's 2.70 24.00 H. vanfleeti (Van Fleet St. Johnswort). 3 to 4 ft. Golden flowers in mid-Summer form a particularly lovely picture against the blue-green foliage. Leos ko, 2 0g hg a A eae an Se 3.50 30.00 Been Ot MCSA oe S38 toys sccSecdes Sdevsdecsasecs 4.50 40.00 ILEX crenata (Japanese Holly). 8 to 10 ft. Good shrub or hedge plant, with evergreen, boxlike leaves and black berries. MPM ME GI Se EMG, ENGELS. © coccathsccavaielesecatens 10.00 90.00 MEO AT eM Tle: ES OCB. ceces8 tt aacvsbasce cceees 12.00 110.00 PR Reo lL te, | OS OC EY Pade.ccscerecceesooseueds 17.50 165.00 DEEDES ich PNG | I 67 al 3 in ae A250 uh ates, Sa) 2S Sad © ae, SI00) dette, 22 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy SHRUBS—Continued ILE X—Concluded 10 100 I. crenata convexa (bullata). (Convex leaved Holly). 4 to 5 ft. Slow growing, with small box-like leaves. Good for rock-gardens and other low purposes. L5ce to. Scans OB Bec. ccc eee $12:50 oe: RS) toa ane SEB ease cs eee ee 1750. eka I. glabra (Inkberry). 5 to 6 ft. Dark evergreen leaves, turning purplish in Winter. V5. SOS? Weiner ce 1s eee ee cones 15.00 $140.00 1SeAF to 24 Pins BOB GAB) eesesnase toate eee 19.00 180.00 2 £0) 7S. ites Gc Been eer teens 22.50 210.00 3). (tO? 4-2 ie BA Bs ieee eee 31.50 290.00 AS OVD EA Mite MEOCID” eetcssace teeta eer 45:00" 228. I. opaca. See page 54. [. verticillata (Common Winterberry). 6 to 8 ft. A native shrub that carries deep red berries until February. Succeeds in both swampy and dry suil. 18:5 | AO, 24 Su Athge ck cores sabia eee 2.40 20.00 2% COND wel wells Aecce occcasee ten ree eee 3.30 28.00 Sig Oe, TE TR a Soe cue ca seers eee 4.20 38.00 ITEA virginica (Virginia Willow). 3 to 5 ft. Young branches reddish, flowers fragrant June-July. Pre- fers moist good ‘soil. OA tows Ufian ea a eee SOC Tete KALMIA latifolia (Mountain-laurel). 6 to 7 ft. Pink flower clusters in June, and attractive evergreen foliage. ClampsylS) Stolen wins Bcabwee ee 10.00 90.00 Glumps 18) tor2Z4 ine ce bee 13.50 120.00 Glumipsya) 25) tomsie ite cel eeeeee: 19.00 170.00 LESPEDEZA bicolor (Bushclover). 5 to 6 ft. Rosy- purple flowers like Sweet Peas in late Summer. O'vrS:, extra MMOs setseoseress cocci 2.50 22.00 LEUCOTHOE catesbaei (Drooping Leucothoe). 3 to 4 ft. Evergreen. Attractive, white flowers, May. Handsome, lustrous leaves, rich autumn coloring. 12 4odls: in BeBe ee 9.00 80.00 15 to18 in (Bee eee 11.50 100.00 18 to 1240 “in BED. eee 15.00 135.00 2 %o, DAT. BRR Ce ee 19.00 175.00 LIGUSTRUM (Privet) (Best of All Hedge Plants) LIGUSTRUM, or Privet, is the supreme favorite for hedges, due to its extreme hardiness, beauty and adaptability. LIGUSTRUM amurense (Amur River North Privet). 12 to 15 ft. Upright growing, with olive green leaves. Best hedge plant for severe climates, being the hardiest of any Privet. 10 100 #1000 2 yr., ex. fine, 18 to 24 in. $ .80 $ 6.00 $ 50.00 2 yr. expune) 2) to 73 it) 100) 83:00) 65:00 2 yr., ex. fine, 3 to 4 ft. 1.50 10.00 85.00 Silex aRLITIC}u= 3) 1) COA ee ehitn 2-08 2 OO 90:00 3 yr., ex. fine, 4 5 ft. 2.75 20.00 175.00 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 23 Harpy SHRUBS—Continued 10 100 1000 L. ibolium (Ibolium Privet). 8 to 10 ft. The beauty of California Privet, and the hardiness of Ibota, combine to make this an ideal hedge plant. [he Pavel |e ae 05 0 Lo pe $ .70 $ 4.50 $ 35.00 18 to 24 thet eee eee A .80 6.50 45.00 PARTS (OSA Rites eee eo cee L. ibota (Ibota Privet). 9 to 10 ft. A very hardy exceedingly dense hedge plant with black berries. WOES MUOIGA cers Win oon -caestsaeteconeeesstctee 1.00 7.50 65.00 BRMMUOM Og Bake, Seceucse-csoveocosvene dese 1.50 10.00 90.00 SMUG A ceed bsy sepic-Gosecsstveessousere 2.20 16.00 140.00 Miles of our splendid stocky plants of California Privet. L. ovalifolium (California Privet). 8 to 10 ft. One of our most popular specialties, having been intro- duced as a Hedge plant by the founder of our Nursery over a half century ago, and now prob- ably the most popular Hedge plant in our Country. Though we are growing these valuable plants most economically, our stock is all bushy, sturdy, and of the highest quality. CN Cee DE eC a) tOm LO * "ile: 60 4.00 30.00 ZaViE ex DEy A On pr tome 4 IN... 75 5.00 40.00 EA ae ESS, 1D) YA Neen 0 Ses Oh 8 1.00 7.00 55.00 Fey ce Mex DIA Ain tO 4” ites... 1.50 9.00 70.00 SVE eRe 46 tO 2OP >) tte... 2.30 17.50 150.00 Haven hy hone tO. O° Ets: 5.00 40.00 350.00 MVE xanD yam MO. tOn us, * - £t.2.:, 6.00 50.00 450.00 L. ovalifolium aureum (Golden Privet). 10 100 8 to 9 ft. Slow plowing, selden leaved form. ZI MEOMUG EU OTIRGe .rssscrdessecocscocecessseecesessecsesesp 1080. 9 15.00 GMMR ZA OP ITL: cP. ooo ccoccscoSecetaceves Deistcscmeoo. 20:00 7, 13) Sige (a ee Po een pe eee. . 3.00 25.00 he 0 0: Es 3 ae bt ae ee 4.00 35.00 24 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy SHRUBS—Continued Globe or Ball Privet, also Beriaide sas foliage of these splendid, compact plants re- sembles that of finely grown Boxwood. Globe, or Ball California Privet 10 100 155 stosd Se ine es $ 7.50 $ 65.00 1G fas. ZA aaa ceo eee, eee, 9.00 80.00 pA: 0 MM AY 2 oe Ra in te A a 12.50 110.00 2 tO iO) aa re a es eee 15.50 140.00 Wem! 16 wes Ass i De Se ee eR OE gE 18.50 170.00 Pyramids (California Privet) 5 to 6 _ it. h’vy specimens, B&B 65.00 _.......... 6 to 8 _ ft., h’vy specimens, B&B 95.00 _.......... One of our blocks of Ligustrum regelianum. All are stocky plants grown from cuttings. L. regelianum (Regal Privet). 5to6ft. This popular spreading Privet thrives in a city planting, is in- valuable for shrub groupings, or for a low compact hedge. 10 100 1000 12) “tod S) pean ee $ 1.80 $16.00 $140.00 184° 4024. ahs At ee ee 2.50 22.00 200.00 Z. e402 TR eee 3.50 30.00 280.00 2 - : athe) es eee 4.50 40.00 380.00 3. (to) AY At te ee 5.50 50.00 480.00 oe eee baits albida (White belle Honeysuckle). 8 to 9 it. A vigorous grower with many white flowers in early Spring followed by red berries, blue-green foliage on purplish-brown branches. 10 100 2. 10" 5 $ 2.00 $ 18.00 Stored = Ree ek ee ane 2.80 25.00 FRE Dat 2 =~ ae UMN 2 Sah 0 3.50 32.00 Pe an ak a ae ae oS 4.50 40.00 L. fragrantissima (Winter Honeysuckle). 6 to 7 ft. Popular, with highly perfumed white flowers in very early Spring. US fone. SS raseaer sen Ree eee Cee 1.60 14.00 Dy Ba ES i AES pe ee eee ee 2.00 18.00 3 £40574) ee ee eee ee 2.80 25.00 ERETEE SILVER, N.1- 25 Harpy SHRUBS—Continued 10 100 L. morrowi (Morrow Honeysuckle). 7 to 8 ft. Spreading habit, white flowers. May-June, either red or yellow fruits. TE SE see ee Ones 7c eee ae $ 1.60 $ 14.00 2S 95 RB 1S gras 8 ae Oe bo 2.00 18.00 Sh UE ee gage 2 AR 7 aris ce oe en 2.80 25.00 RE AEN BM i ROA SE A ar AS se 3.50 32.00 L. ruprechtiana (Manchurian Honeysuckle). 8 to 9 ft. Creamy white flowers, red berries. June. Se BO): Et ee ee 1.50 12.00 RPMRL CGE NEC ins cna eveccos sh cotentg hs enacaebas 2.00 15.00 See EMME COREL. Dabo teeter ions. 2. Fos enienivasoes 2.50 20.00 SPOMRUPMEMIT IN SEG 5 02h rconceagaSarasarea sdeneo tence 3.00 25.00 SN Ne CS 5 ee 4.00 35.00 L. tatarica rosea (Rosy Tatarian Honeysuckle). 9 to 10 ft. Old favorite, with lovely rosy-pink flowers in May, followed by red berries. Dosh (2 Ey fo 2 Yt Ue Si 1.60 14.00 be Le a A ce Se 2.00 18.00 J Bee BAB A ae 2.80 25.00 PERRYS BLE foe os a= oo van neni go secoewaeseee 3:50) 32.00 ETAT ROE i See PIs. cs Sanseasdereoossv coos 4.50 40.00 L. tatarica rubra (Red Tatarian Honeysuckle). 9 to 10 ft. Lovely red fiowers in May, followed by red berries. MIE SS Se OAD eet ok Fo bance bccdeecastecccees 1.60 14.00 2 ED) Sie 22) a SReee eee 2.00 18.00 Sp BELLE cog 1 Be 8 Jaci i 2.80 25.00 at) 5 BGs CSS ga Lille eae eee 3250 © 32:00 Sp UE) tek 7b BEAR ete ie a 4.50 40.00 L. tatarica siberica (Siberian Honeysuckle). 9 to 10 ft. Very deep pink form of L. tatarica rosea. PN CS Sn 52, 2.2 ycss2-t5_nsecazbcsots 2.00 18.00 Ss rier 22 2 21 ie aa te ener re 2.80 25.00 SEM Des COSINE Ce 288.582 6s dca ai asa MOPS 2 AOS Ty Rae? Bane Siler irae eee ere 2.50 22.00 FEET , Loc iicuttcescncdacaicncosdcdeteesvigtbee 0: 3.20 28.00 SURE REE ie | 2,2. 00 snave niet eradcneeadeetcens 4.00 35.00 26 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy SHRUBS—Continued PHILADELPHUS—Concluded 10 = 100 P. coronarius grandiflora (Big Mockorange). 7 to 8 ft. Biggest flowers of the family. De “Onassis $ 1.80 $ 16.00 3 tO, eA ae Site ee ee ees ee ee ee eer 2.50 22.00 (ses 0 We ne 0 eee ee ee a NT 3.20 28.00 BT a Oa 1 hah bate cece ta een ae ne 4.00 35.00 6 440-785 sieht eee ee 5.50 50.00 P. Mont Blanc (White Mountain Mockorange). 4 to 5 ft. Useful hybrid with dazzling white June flow- ers. A vigorous sort. USE 2° HLOSZA pire ieees Miers aa seen eae tees 2.20 18.00 Ze = COW Mig eaten eit a ie ge Ne ae mo eee es 2.80 24.00 Sr toe “Ane iit seen ore te ee eres 3.80 33.00 P. nivalis (Snowbank Mockorange). 6 to 7 ft. Very much like the Big Mockorange, but denser in growth. Zim itONRO = Tite Nees oe ee cen ee oe eer 1.80 16.00 Be LOR A! a Et yate ceieee «see tenons nee eee 2.50 22.00 GeO} oie SRR ee eet at eee eee 3.20 28.00 Si a tORNO" itieie, ere cecc sree eens 4.00 35.00 Gi FO 8 PES aie si eccbes scatecsesclcoeess 5.50 50.00 P. virginalis (Virginal Mockorange). 7 to 8 ft. Best of the family, with highly fragrant, single and semi- double flowers in large clusters throughout the Summer. 1O3 HOR ZA: On ses ee ee eee 2.50 20.00 Di HOS Se ht Rae er nr eee 3.50 30.00 Be tosh Onn, Aas tie Hacer, Cees ee te cet enema 4.50 40.00 PHOTINIA villosa (Christmas Berry). 12 to 15 ft. Bright red berries among autumnal foliage which is nearly as red. Ds a a3. “at eee kane aes 2.80 24.00 Br tote eit emt ean ten as eee 3.80 34.00 AW VUERSES Es /fthse atta tateeant coe ane 4.80 44.00 PHYSOCARPUS opulifolius (Common Ninebark). 9 to 10 ft. Good in full sun or shade, with creamy June flowers. Des i HO aE bee ee es eee a 1.80 16.00 3 to.0 4s sfte Se eee eee 2.50 22.00 AMS Or 25) SEE ee eee ee 3.50 30.00 Be tO Oe SE caceecnreee cee en 4.50 40.00 GO ton (Se) Hie ee eee eee 5.50 50.00 P. opulifolius aureus (Goldleaf Ninebark). 9 to 10 ft. Flowers like above; but foliage is golden yellow. 2°. toe 3° ) fire eee ee 1.80 16.00 3 tO%-4:, I oe Becereecteiaeee: 2.50 22.00 Al tO), Deh tee ee oess ae, Sea alee 3.50 30.00 SS \aReimts, 20 YM 6 LOO (1. y, SA hie rans BiieNAleN Rta |e 4.50 40.00 Oy 168k Stee ie ee eee 5.50 50.00 PIERIS floribunda (Mountain Andromeda). 4 ft. Evergreen, with its waxy white May flowers out- standing against the background of dark green foli- age. Best in acid soil. 129 “toggle. (ines BB ae ee ee 14.00 125.00 1S StomlS= fin GB CeB eee ee 19:00) 222 1S togZ4. Vink eB wb eee ee ZTESOG. oe. LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 27 Harpy SHRuUBS—Continued 10 100 P, japonica (Japanese Andromeda). 5 to 6 ft. An- other lovely evergreen shrub with pendants of pure white flowers against the shining green foliage in early Spring. omni lon 6 pitts EXGGBY a ccrscctecccecseavtceencs $12.00 $110.00 TiS yyy yo LIES ab 9 een Boll bp a ee er 15.00 135.00 mT AMIN, EXOD ccncsocce cessuscccene oss 20.00 185.00 RTO MEA = Bt DOE. | ccbiscissocaethesssssses 2500 ceeeoc: PRUNUS glandulosa (Double Pinkflowering Al- mond). 5 to 6 ft. Beautiful double pink flowers in early Spring. CMM EIU ae RCVIN occ. sevice -eciiseonceseoncesssanees ose 2.70 24.00 PAE COM TOM LU St Ec coctie ccc ccasedeensveceesvasense 3.70 34.00 RERPRECMPEELU hhc. tei casedhen a -nseenwaceswovevee 4.70 44.00 P. glandulosa alba (Double Whiteflowering Almond). 5 to 6 ft. This is identical to the foregoing only in the color of its exceptionally double pure white flowers. Tee) ol NS 2 SI rE ee a 2.70 24.00 PAO EMEC cos os oo Se cecactinsevee< tect essentese 3.70 34.00 P. triloba plena (Double-flowered Plum). 7 to 8 ft. Bright pink flowers, larger and more colorful than those of the Flowering Almond, are thick on the slender branches in the Spring. ZeatOvs 1 Fes dhe Na 4.00 35.00 Sy HO” GR aR See ee Ee ee 5.00 45.00 Ar tov a5 Tee Se ee ccc he nda 6.00 55.00 Sao! (Ci Ee, yp Re oa oe TSO ete RHAMNUS cathartica (Common Buckthorn). 10 to 12 ft. Dark green leaves, black fruit. Valuable for background planting. Pam OS NONT Ce | Risen) Oi 285 2.20 18.00 Sen CRUE Mma 8 eee beac cceste Netae 3.00 25.00 Sha Cay By VES a A Rls Pik gS A ee Oa MR el 4.00 35.00 By. Kay! . (Se Sie Taare, ce ie a a eR a 5.00 45.00 To iG) 8s) 2 ee ae Ae eat ad 6750 4 R. frangula (Glossy Buckthorn). 8 to 9 ft. Dense, shining foliage and red berries which mature black. yo) SWS) TS) PE i ee 2.50 22.00 Sy UR) AIDS aT ls A eh ea ee 3.20 28.00 RHODODENDRON carolinianum (Carolina Rhodo- dendron). 5 to 6 ft. Floral bells of brightest pink appear in late Spring among the evergreen leaves of this lovely native. MGS EOS a CUNn Sy AGE evi becescdchccccse ee BLES Meee ci 2 10). AVE 5h BY Sal ot ae See ee SOL0OM feet: ZAC OOS Ment bce EOC ES, Wher 2.2.3 500 fend Poses eseese S500 Mae R. carolinianum minus (Dwarf Carolina Rhododen- gon). 3 to 4 ft. A slow growing form of the above. Pee EGBA Me IIIs, IS QEBS Fo5.0.-cecechdesevesdensee 7a A010) RRA Pep REED Oo VLE MOBILES: 03... 0.364 .c5siveacdeneu’ S500) ee: MO PLUG BOBS 2 cs deve duabeneds 40:00)" Bee s..c: R. catawbiense (Catawba Rhododendron). 6 to 9 ft. Big, rosy purple flowers in May and June. is) 0) 72/4 eM ys ORM) Bt al 8 Snape ee ee ISON LES, 5c DEOL elt BS OC! os csticeccesssusscenee ZO-50P a Be LEE SG © Se (eae oy Ca ea. ae ZiloS OR eerie Semaine we ite BOER) 1.0)! cla Aeesscasecs S500) 5.28.03. 28 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy SHRuBS—Continued A few of our Rhododendron Hybrids—Named varieties. RHODODENDRON HYBRIDS. All grafted from choicest named sorts. Album Elegans. White flushed pink. Catawbiense grandiflora. Lavender. Dr. H. C. Dresselhuys. Bright red. Ignatius Sargent. Deep rosy scarlet. Lee’s Dark Purple. Deep purple. Mrs. C. S. Sargent. Pink, yellow eye. President Lincoln. Rich pink. Roseum Elegans. Bright rose-pink. 10 100 15; ton 18) etn GaBie B Wee Ue eee $16.50 $150.00 [ght to 24-0 ins Bee eee 25.00 225.00 Do HOU ttt CBSR ee te) Seen LUA einen DY, AGB ft Bab en NYO), sees ee R. Hybrids. Mixed colors. This is a true bargain of well grown, shapely plants. TS tO: 24 AES COB wes eceeescceeseeces sets 17.50 150.00 Z to 2 it BRB ceeececcesrcseescrs oh 22-30 AOOLOO 2YB tO, SP sits, BeBe eee cn cesccrence 30.00 275.00 Soy tO 24 |) htt IB Cal Wee te ceeeseneecusss. SSO ee R. maximum (Rosebay Rhododendron). 8 to 12 ft. Extra selected, collected plants with a maximum of pink flowers in May and June. 18 10-24 Me a ee 13.00 120.00 2 to 3 TBD ek . 18.50 175.00 3° “to 4 fee Bab: 22 ene Zolo0r 275.00 A. 14 ow SOME & Bou a. ean ane 37500) al, 5s) SOMEONE EATER OD RED Vien, cher ee en WRG Bev Ae ee RHODOTYPOS kerrioides (Jetbead). 5 ft. White May flowers are followed by shiny black berries, persisting until Winter. 18) tOy ZA GAMES Get. ae Seteee eater cole tenes . 2.50 22.00 Be ROIS GEE es oie RN ee nee 3.20 28.00 3 PEORIA i ait atte itera ee eae 400) vehes LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 29 Harpy SHRUBS—Continued 10 100 RHUS canadensis (Fragrant Sumach). 4 to 5 ft. Shiny yellow flowers in clusters, followed by coral- red globules in early Summer. Brilliant orange- scarlet Fall foliage, sweetly aromatic. 22. SO NSS eR HR ee OS ane $ 3.50 $ 30.00 PIR LCMMAg Lis | cRisanssnnesadsmsceeararsuvarsbscdnsecs 4.50 40.00 PURO Sh. EE (c. ceded tacthes dacsveedtcyssnesuséeccees 5.50 50.00 R. cotinus (Smoketree). 10 to 12 ft. Purple hairlike flowers in mid-Summer. 1126) Ao HOY CE SS 0 ee 3.20 28.00 PI) PPT Cs ange toa Saket cna Uastoreeksurs 4.20 38.00 EUSP RCH PEE LES foes agnSeconetsswccvesueesecstenenedea 5.60 52.00 ROME MTN Mr RPLEL I Lis cieceise fovsdvnbat os «dechesavndteosce 7.00 65.00 ROSA hugonis (The Golden Rose of China). 5 to 6 ft. Clear yellow flowers cover the handsome shrub in early May. We have, this season, a splendid supply. RTMMMRICIR LRG TT os Ps. sehen sivavvnewkseacoceslecnecscoosee 1.80 14.00 eel hae 254 ELS i ack A 2.20 18.00 PREC M 7oe Mitre note. Len ccecavesteceoccuesesuten 3.00 25.00 Zh 18) eG) te aR el el RR a maenek ey 3.50 30.00 SLOMAN PLP eons cote csc eccesdencchecoovecelocccec 4.50 40.00 R. rubiginosa (Sweeitbrier). 6 ft. Bears a mass of rich, deep pink flowers in June and foliage is highly aromatic. Zao Ome ort «22:5. Bivstsenstueterettosesetrsere, O00 “20.00 St Ome Ape ibe eeiteccsareh seis Sees vesseseeeee 3000 30.00 Some of our 30,000 Rosa rugosa. R. rugosa (Rugosa Rose). 4to5 ft. Resistant to salt air with many single pink flowers throughout the Summer months, exceptionally large and fragrant. Good for hedge. DMG AUZABS Thee ana ete Se RE Si 1.40 12.00 121) yo IG eee hg a ee See 1.80 15.00 MEMEO TG ge VATA ay fo vdaces act scdoossinencsennesseddhes . 2.20 18.00 TS, 1a) 272 BS 0 le A ee” Se .. 2.80 24.00 PME Whe PL ie each taus2csscte tei cvtps scutes teouss 3.50 30.00 30 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy SHRuBsS—Continued ROSA—Concluded 10 - 100 R. multiflora japonica (Japanese Rose). 8 to 10 ft. Good in mass; big clusters of white flowers in June and many bright red berries in Fall and early Win- ter. Best of all understocks for named Roses. US .e4 210" 24s Batita een ee $ 1.50 $ 12.00 Bi EOL 257 oak Oe ee Re Re 2.00 16.00 3 COO AED Ate ae I Tai en saa ee 2510), 22:00 A ROM Se me hte eee 3.50 30.00 Rosa Multiflora Japonica Thorny or Thornless Seedlings, whichever you prefer. We believe these are the finest seedlings available, all carrying good straight stems and all beautifully rooted. 1000 10000 Drei a Us eee eee ee $ 6.00 $ 5.00 per M. S104 AMIN eterno 9.00 8.00 per M. Ast OsOMMMMs Lee 13.50 12.00 per M. 10 #100 R. setigera (Prairie Rose). 8 to 10 ft. Deep rose- colored flowers in early Summer. Good for massing. 1S) St6%2400 Win BE ee 1.60 14.00 Die tO ES h Obs on Lee Nokes eno 2.00 18.00 3 10: B40 ite Se eee 2.70 24.00 An OO) head een cee ae es 3.20 28.00 R. spinosissima (Scotch Rose). 2 to 3 ft. Solitary but numerous flowers, pink, white or yellow. 2 A083) 27 AB ee ee 3.80 35.00 So HORACE, FENG fee oe as on re eee 5.00 45.00 R. Wichuraiana. See page 7. SALIX caprea (Pussy Willow). 15 to 20 ft. Fuzzy gray Spring buds on long, willowy branches. De tO eae ELD eee eee cteseee eeemeee 1.80 15.00 Sul tO ty GES ae eerie eee eet eee 2.50 22.00 Al tO 0 sg ftenanc. hee teewteeeeeees 3.30 30.00 5) tOwlO: © itr eee rete ees 4.50 40.00 SAMBUCUS canadensis aurea (Golden Elder). 8 to 10 ft. Flat white flower heads from golden foliage in the Summer. Di S460 3) Tie ee nee ine 2.00 18.00 Bk tor Aime he eee ee ee le 2.80 25.00 Ad Mito sh 5, Siete eee nn ee tiene 4.00 35.00 S. pubens (Scarlet Elder) 10 to 12 ft. Brilliant red berries in bunches. Very early. 2. t0.~3.., TER oe r-ts.- se shcn=scnsaenes 2.70 24.00 STUN i ENS (2° cp ene Rr 3.50 32.00 A tO SUR eee acs scene esa 4.50 42.00 Bate BONO “EC, whee BO. Sees cence 6.00 54.00 SPIRAEA Anthony Waterer (Waterer Spirea). 3 ft. Flat heads of rosy pink flowers are borne all Sum- mer on these popular compact shrubs. 03 Yl WAM EEE i tiga RAs Ue ae a i 150°" 412700 1D* ORS eit ee ee eee 1.80 15.00 150) OSI R ihiee oe ee 2.40 20.00 18) > 4orZ24) Sink See ee eee 3.00 25.00 ame Cy) aT ee On are 3.50 30.00 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 31 Harpy SHRUBS—Contimued 10 100 S. arguta (Garland Spirea). 5 to 6 ft. An exception- ally beautiful Spirea with a profuse bloom of white flowers in late Spring. 1UtS saga 10-4 SO eb VAR Se Ober ere See -2F ESSE ne $ 1.60 $ 14.00 ERM RENEE sivas ececavvccecersasvsrecacdsvutteuss 2.00 18.00 PP MUPRUCN RT PTC, cccceccesvecpuoranaeccecscaeenaceseindes 2.70 24.00 S. ariaifolia (Ocean Spray). 6to 7 ft. A familiar and beautiful sight on the West Coast with its many big, soft panicles of small, light tan flowers, in early Summer. SSG ro? TOS, hones (tl eee ene ee Se me 6:00) e.ihscecss S. billiardi (Billiard Spirea). 5 to 6 ft. Spikes of fluffy, bright pink flowers from July to October. EAP COME Wi Mage ascnne. ct vavesoncedes Cy Sy en eS ae 4.60 42.00 S. thunbergi (Thunberg Spirea). 4 to 5 ft. White flowers in Spring, and attractive yellow-green lace- like foliage which turns red and orange in the Fall. 1S) eS) Ik SS ba ee ee 1.40 12.00 Me CMM R MITN Bec A Sere ican osohcacs 1.80 16.00 Zo) ae CVE A RN eee eee ee 2.40 20.00 295} THO) AS) he anata eee ae een 3.00 26.00 S. trichocarpa (Korean Spirea). 4 to5 ft. The amaz- ingly beautiful snow-white flowers in late June weight down this spreading bush and make it out- standing in any shrub collection. Lin) ALO) o/s, Sian ey Se 1.60 14.00 UMATOMITOT ee Lt. eed. wascohce ssnceadenecakaos 2.20 18.00 SAE Par EL) a tee canes cacacccevas | 10), 166 Gen. Pershing. Double, light blue. DS EOng Os plies ieee ee ee ae $ 2.50 $ 22.00 Seto) Zar rina ee ee eer ie eee 3.30 30.00 Jan van Tol. Pure white, single flowers in long slender trusses. NS oo stowhS merities. 266s cles nec 2 SO0u22-00 18 TON ABA rash ee eee ee 3:30 ~30:00 Ludwig Spaeth. Single, reddish-purple. iS: SOLO ae ats 2 ee 5 eee 2:50 22.00 US GAO R24 ee ceils Fee eee 3.30 30:00 2) atOn SI te ae oe See 3.80 35.00 D5 “EO mee S dae Lies pene eae ae, te eee tt 4.50 40.00 Mad. Abel Chatenay. Semi-double, yellowish-white. 2152, Stor 1S) ite ent ee 2.50 = 22.00 LS etOUZAS eatiiedercs Rete ear eas 3.30 30.00 Page OMA A RNS i cae, ah A ak oe NC NL ee ke 3.80 35.00 2UZ: Oper. ¢ calipaeee sea nee econ Re nese 4.50 40.00 - Marc. Michel. Double, blue. P53. > HOCH ils eee eee 2.50 22.00 TS" CtOGZA a ane See eee 3.30 30.00 2 LOM (Ci Biel bee ee oe eee 3.80 35.00 2% to 1 Be ee ie ee eh an a? 4.50 40.00 Sree 0) ge en 6 real ee Arde ee Ore ee 5.50 50.00 Aes af Os, 5:5 Sab scwersctsaeetieoet sees ees (OOS See Marie Le Graye. Single, pure white. LS =" taclS. Sint Se eee 250 22:00 Ses *to..24) ise ee eee 3.30 30.00 Zit “tO. “2G 2G ee eee 3.80 35.00 Michel Buchner. Double, clear lilac. [57 stot lS cine ee ee ee 2.50 22.00 TS) 3 30.224 ee eae sone 3.30 30.00 2. S10 g2 Ae eee oe eee 3.80 35.00 2YE AOS AEs ee 4.50 40.00 Be Oe AE ea ce ee ees re ere 55 Oaa Mme. Casimir-Perier. Double, creamy white. 15 to 18 Ms ok ea eee 2:50), =22:00 1S s° StO5 242 Sintec e ee eee 3.30 30.00 2 tO) S2ie i ee ee 5:80 heer Mme. Lemoine. Double, white. Ps “tO clSt eines. ee ee ee 25022200 1S tO 524 Sais ee ee ee eee 3.30 30.00 President Grevy. Double, soft violet. 15 to 18 1S LS ee Roe 2.50 22.00 1Se hol 24s. mitts Sesh cocc ch ceesense sees eaecees 3:30: -30:00 PARTS 0 ORCA Ages 8 ee es Ee Nee es tN 3.80 35.00 ZUG HO: = 3 | Salts vce 4.50 40.00 8 25G > ABE EN) cet etree te eee 5.50 50.00 Rubra de Marley. Single, pale lilac-red. - LS » tOp1S* ghitheesetees.. ata eee es: 2°50 ~-22-00 18 OME eI cca is ae a a gee ee 3.30 30.00 2. tO! 2 Za RRmeee coc on ce2 ee cianoescessicarees 380m a keene Ruhm Von Horstenstein. Single, red to lilac. 5y ckO: AG Sirens tac etr ct ee 2505 -22:00 1S) FOLZARE pit es ee 3.30 30.00 Vauban. Double, lilac. 15. 8Bto LS. Meilio ees oo 2.50 22.00 NS? O24 aT no ee one 3.30 30.00 2D. EEO cL AM. Fcc tn coe cccsta esse cases ete 3.80 35.00 DUOMO 2 EE ees Sore eet ee A505 8 eb. 3° aston SAL Sette? 2h eee eee ee 5/50 wee LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 35 Harpy SHRUBS—Continued 10 100 Volcan. Single, dark rose. PSM EO OLS ITT etext terecesceetescesctecanes $ 2.50 $ 22.00 ARMM OE CAN wlth ook ec me eee nares 3:30. »°30:00 PRIMO AW Lea re ccrv ctise Tnde deus anicsteseesne cK) Aga ae TAMARIX africana (African Tamarix). 12 to 14 ft. Pink flowers in Spring from feathery gray foliage. Good for seashore. em teat Chtewas S)4 Li Lys cacanercccevcnagsoc=docetewuccceseeones 1.80 16.00 BRM HOR DT! WF De a. ccessssccexWianseeceeteteecevert ses 2.50 22.00 RE TOR MROLE TALL Gcccsecscesnnccttoesccerccscosscsesesnes 3.30 30.00 PROTA LCN Re cveccesasestcsoesecesccececassusatsese 4.40 40.00 T. gallica (French Tamarix). 8 to 9 ft. An out- standing shrub with bluish green foliage and light pink flowers in the late Summer. ELSPA aE ETN 0 dee 1.80 16.00 3 to 4 111 = ae eae ot AS A 7 ae a ee 2.50 22.00 ANE T AL Cam OMA aL oe tence oa soak cacaewhe ve veceasoceesdesecoace 3.30 30.00 T. odessana (Odessa Tamarix). 5 to 6 ft. Pink flow- ers in August grace the glaucous foliage of this attractive sort. Zee AU OMEONE SLES GP... ckacesaecsobacctcreesivesvtceventtes 1.80 16.00 RECN Mle BUC cas. seco ees sacs endosociecccesersusees 2.50 22.00 AME UALO MSO EAL Gee ac AL vane. svocneredeseteesede 3.30 30.00 SMM OM Ose Ie pL hoe cece hess 0551 succes sseoeceresseves 4.50 40.00 VACCINIUM corymbosum (Highbush Blueberry). 6 to 8 ft. The clusters of waxy white bell shaped flowers are even more beautiful than is the brilliant Autumnal foliage. Tp OMn ates HCAVY, Beebe ts. cece. 13.50 120.00 Se eto! ey shtee heavy yo Bec. | sicccsse es 19.50 170.00 Tea Otomo me mht ea Va... JB 6c B...cc2ecet: 25.00 225.00 PHM O Mei i ilCA; DOr By Pe .cteshdeoss 35.00) eins. 2. VIBURNUM. americanum (Oxyococcos) (American Cranberry). 10 to 12 ft. Bright scaclet berries per- sist nearly all Winter. ISR RMNC OM ATM UEIEe st 0.82. heditsectiarsckcoceoe sess 2.30 20.00 AML OM OP aLilis, esi cee cron. stde otoserasoscsbeteses 2.80 25.00 Sy Ni Abie Sits a a AMA koe a Rn a 3.80 35.00 Ab oe EG) BY, oy RE IR Sa Oo 5.00 45.00 V. burkwoodi (Burkwood Viburnum). 4to5ft. Very similar to the popular variety Viburnum carlesi, and declared to be more hardy than that variety. INS) 48). IIR" ee ly ie ae a ao 15.00 140.00 ios 0) 722. Ue rin ee ae 17E508 <.0ce: Za eRe er es o.oo cucuahcsssaeo exe 25008. csekis: V. carlesi (Fragrant Viburnum). 4 to 5 ft. Waxy pink, very fragrant flowers appear in small round clusters as the leaves are appearing. Prefers well drained sunny spot. IS) wer TIS) aA ee 13.50 120.00 1s | = 1D). Za) iit SA le an 1G00 S25... V. dentatum (Arrowwood). 10 to 12 ft. White flow- ers in late Spring, and blue-black berries in Sum- mer. Fall foliage is red and purple. WC MMEECIINO Pe EI feos eed, eRe csseecceccoceescceocte 1.80 16.00 PMCOMRTS ar TLE, Fetes cack ce cencehctevessieseceoess 2.50 22.00 Bh Gy NEES oe ed 3.00 27.00 AMT MULES 9 WOR ch de vadan Psa checasisehevanenes 4.00 35.00 58 1) PIG Cok A ene Ss ae 5.00% + A282. 36 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy SHRuUBS—C ontinued VIBURNU M—Concluded ‘10 100 V. lantana (Wayfaring-tree). 15 to 18 ft. White flowers in May and June followed by red berries which slowly turn black. BOS) 8 sR Ae es ee aU Ser aE ape Mow SF 2750" We sca Se COPA # Bite ieee ie eal, ees aaa 3:00 6 4.2 Aeron 85: Fi Re a Le ee ee 4:00" (28-2655 Bhim SEG. Oy, hither ee Ieee hee ee 5°00) fatizee. V. lentago (Nannyberry). 18 ft. White Spring flow- ers; black Summer berries. DELO Wis Ta ee ee IN Salt ons © RATA, 3.50 $ 30.00 3 to 4 | Eliade Rk ee Sm ere eed ne 4.50 40.00 4 tom 5 Lita dP scthre eda te een 5.50 50.00 Bry ALO xO a en peered leet Es eee hte 100s heer Oust HOLS Sit ieee eee ee Nege 10:00: \eoe V.molle (Kentucky Viburnum). 10 to 12 ft. Purple berries, beautiful and lasting, and round deep green . leaves. 2 tos St ate ee ee ee 2. 250 7 2200 Be ES Mee eee See ee 3.20 28.00 Ast = toy eSM eRe ree ite ae te tiers eaten 4.70 42.00 V. opulus (European Cranberry). 8 to 9 ft. Big bunches of sizeable scarlet berries persist all Winter. 2 Ue StOR OS Ra EER occ ee ee 2.80 .25.00 4 to 4 figeels 04.2) orc Oe 3.80 35.00 ACP BOND ws ilitise (eee 99 a de ae 5:00" gee V. opulus sterile (Snowball). 9 to 10 ft. Popular with big, round heads of white Snowball-like bloom in late Spring. 1S es tonZae cinta sec eee ees 2.30 20.00 Zike COWIE! bts lacsdeceeteres, ok eee acamncneeese 2.80 25.00 Si tOuets,. A Litt weirs eee ee men 3.80 35.00 AN oh st@i.1 Ol gh ht eet Be eee he ane, 5.00 45.00 Suu 4 tOlm Ors alia herds 2 CN Sel ed eee 650M eae: V. tomentosum (Doublefile Viburnum). 8 to 10 ft. Flat clusters of white flowers are produced along horizontal branches with distinctive purple foliage. Ze tO er Ohta, yseaten ene: eee ees 3.00 25.00 Bink tO" 4k pital a ewan 2 Be ee ca ree Ae 4.00 35.00 V. tomentosum plicatum (Japanese Snowball). 7 to 8 ft. Showy white snowballs of June bloom. LSiy tom ZAR ae ee Dek er ae eee 2.30 20.00 Zid COM ION Cobban ets eect eters eee ee eee 3.50 32.00 BPO Ay Glas eesatccuaccameaee acess. Sect ks 4506 bene oe VITEX agnus castus (Lilac Chastetree). 4 to 5 ft. Lilac flowers in late Summer from star shaped foliage. 2 £0) 4 Si: - Rees re stcsasichsocsscts. eee DiS Oe tes Se tO: (AL OPE CH Ieee ee. eee Be S50 ores V. macrophylla (Largeleaf Chastetree). 5 to 6 ft. Branching spikes of attractive lavender-blue flowers in late Summer stand out well against the star shaped grayish green leaves. WSs) A OF ZAL id 28 St. csseete essence eaeeeen cee 2.00 18.00 22 HORS | x afittgeteten SEE san eaese ener 2.50 22.00 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 37 laa Harpy SHRuBs—Concluded 10 100 WEIGELA amabilis (Rose Weigela). 7 to 8 ft. The tubular flowers are rosy pink without and paler within produced in profusion in late Spring. Pee Siro We RS lon | pe RUN IP ARS RSE ne eC $ 2.20 $ 18.00 3 to 4 Bt econ te eet acaceteectaes 2.80 24.00 4 tar 5 1 OEP PC Nee OS cide RO OEE 3.60 32.00 Lk oiler Coo WEIR: en SL oer oo ht CB VEY eee W. candida (Snow Weigela). 6 to 7 ft. Best white- flowered sort. Pama Sah L Le! en acs scecensnchecunacestecieswasvo4o es 2.40 20.00 RR SUM oe, Sli is hisacess cbs essence qsetast sub coseesssist 3.20 27.00 APeER LUN POD 0 1 GLE LS cek ccechacecestontcesedagetescsrvswoaces 4.20 38.00 W. Eva Rathke. 4 to 5 ft. Most popular of the family, with a superabundance of rich carmine flow- ers all Summer long. Te ACCP AIGTS eo. folie se lcov cos ohevecbeccocuvaveesooee 2.20 18.00 2 tor3 LiLo 4 RS ROR A ee 2.60 22.00 PIMC EMER 8 cg act iceosl cha cdbecescpsccoSonserevids 3.50 30.00 SMMMENNSMOR TE A. AD. ce Nove. chin ccksoccccecescsoccsdeces 4.50 40.00 Pe ALCh MeO tnt Pensa ccsecchocdovseseconaddocerse 6.00 55.00 W. floribunda (Crimson Weigela). 7 to 8 ft. Many crimson flowers in June. MST OVMRTaGaET TDR a coco oss oevec docs oc aceccducndeeve tone 1.90 16.00 EVEN TOMO OR, Cit Wee Se te ac coeccees 2.40 20.00 Byes GaGS ili A 5 cele aa ae ie tad Ve ep 3.00 26.00 JT TWO TS tenet a ae ee 4.00 36.00 aL Comm COMER LONIN Eo. esos sy otivsatashc 5.00 45.00 W. nana variegata (Variegated Leaf Weigela). 4 to a compact plant. 5 ft. Light pink flowers from variegated foliage on 0 RSTO © RTTIN .c ee eee ne esol Geena ZO00PF eek Zn Sai {0&3} Sp ONE Ba PO De or nae DiS Qier e275 8 SS" HE) | cin ee ei eee ee eRe ee S50 Ro MMR OMM NN Hering to n4, csooldecosasbontiosanemslecs SSO n yak W. rosea (Pink Weigela) . 7 to 8 ft. Very popular with masses of showy pink bloom in June. A vigorous sort. INS) 8 Ye: ZL Sr Ia Seine eo oe a ae 1.40 12.00 Phy NC) SS ok 5 eh amar SUE oan ee 1.80 16.00 Sy uy = Ci het Han pat ME ae ene a eee 2.50 22.00 At toe . 5 | oS a ad le Nar ee Ne aR RR, 3.20 28.00 5 a” S (8S, 7 dere ARR el en 4.50 40.00 5 OEE le SAAT) Set ae ie ee Re 5.50 50.00 W. rosea foliis purpurea (Purpleleaf Weigela). 5 to 6 ft. Bright pink flowers in June and rich bronze- purple foliage. Oe ROCA LIER, 0 5ihs vesses soceek sels veces vanes 2.20 18.00 RM ECM aU I v2 asatsaredicsstareavesssetegeae 3.00 25.00 SIMU She Bib on ecco 2, aan cwdet acesaartasens BOO Patent. YUCCA filamentosa (Spanish-bayonet, Adams Nee- dle). 2 to 3 ft. Evergreen, with long leaves and tall floral spikes in early Summer. BERL eA SC SOMUSILDS: sc ccivecs Pvcosvececesoseselavetes 3.00 25.00 Y. filamentosa variegata (Variegated Yucca). Ever- green, with Lilylike creamy white flowers in June and leaves broadly margined yellow. AV TS CLUMPS, 5 ccli6.cceceesc Mseceoess 3.50 30.00 38 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. HARDY VINES OU list of Hardy Vines includes a complete assort- ment for various uses. Many varieties produce blooms of rare beauty, in addition to their attractive foliage. 10 100 #1000 AKEBIA quinata (Fiveleaf Akebia). 15 to 20 ft. Dainty, beautiful vine, purple flowers in May. Deep green leaves, persisting till Winter. Dey Ps. OMe bee ees Re ete eS $2.50 $20.00> 2. AMPELOPSIS quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper). 40 to 50 ft. Of quick growth with brilliant crimson Fall foliage. Doves Niediuwi. =o on ee ee 1.20 9.00 $ 80.00 2 gre (NO wi See ee 1.50 12.00 110.00 Bite Naw wee ee 2.20 18.00 160.00 A. quinquefolia engelmanni (Engelmann Creeper). 30 to 35 ft. Like the above, but with smaller, though equally beautiful leaves. Fall foliage is amazingly striking. Sayre Noe 1 we ee eee eae 2-20) US 00 gee. Stocky vines of Ampelopsis tricuspidata (Veitchii) as we grow them. A. tricuspidata €Veitchi) (Boston Ivy, Japanese Creep- er). 40 to 50 ft. Self clinging and quick growing, with lovely scarlet Fall foliage. Our plants of this most popular of all climbing vines are at their peak this season. 2 yr. tr ns. 9 toma “in: 2 <90 +7:00= (60:00 2 yr. tr’'ns., 122 torls— in’ :> 1:10- 9:00 80:00 2 yr. trns., 18 stouZ4— im. 22. 1:60 -14:00> 120.00 2 yr. tr ns. 2. to oO it. 2 2-002 18:00 165200 ARISTOLOCHIA sipho (Dutchman’s Pipe). 25 to 30 ft. Rapid grower with unusual brownish pipe- shaped flowers on large tropical pale green leaves. ZENO POM Le ae ee ee 4:00 35:00" =. Dee Ome ahh oe Chere SMUD GEOG) xccoskore LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 39 Harpy Vines—Continued 100 1000 BIGNONIA radicans (Trumpetcreeper). 20 to 30 ft. Orange-scarlet floral trumpets in July. PVG ON Gl eatlys cghec race asstce Ka ctusnsitcesencey $ 1.50 $12.00 $100.00 CELASTRUS orbiculatus (Oriental Bittersweet). 15 to 20 ft. Bright orange and scarlet fruits on a rapid growing vine. ARSON Odie) Jb ccc eiaerence cate taae ve snes 1280 s16:00)) o2..--.--- PMERUT SOM INO LLe oho vol cer kca ter acces speaauekis ZSOMZ ZOO cane sceee C. scandens (American Bittersweet). 20 to 25 ft. Fruit of an intense scarlet-orange. PRIUS RNUGHS Villas, scctccrcuc ate ccascctoaccdess sts 1.80 16.00 150.00 ERS i OREL AS ALS C aden. evassevousesenersens 2.50 22.00 200.00 CLEMATIS paniculata (Sweet Autumn Clematis). 20 to 30 ft. Popular spreading vine with a wealth of flowers like tiny white stars in late Summer. BeVES PSEIECECUS aiscs.nccdecnssccdoesesteeees 2:00) 18:00) 22... AVG Some MUNA TIINCE oes. core soccsessssoasees PALA YHA Bare CLEMATIS—Large-flowered All varieties, Strong 2 yrs. selected $4.00 per 10, $35.00 per 100 CLEMATIS henryi. 10 to 12 ft. Large ivory white flowers. C. jackmani. 10 to 12 ft. Most popular of the large- flowered clematis. Bears large, rich violet purple flowers. C. Mme. Baron Veillard. 10 to 12 ft. A late bloomer and strong grower, with large, satiny pink flowers. C. Mme. Edouard Andre. 10 to 12 ft. Large, rosy carmine flowers. C. Ramona. 10 to 12 ft. Large flowers with laven- der-blue petals accentuated by deeper anthers. EUONYMUS radicans coloratus (Purple Sharpleaf Wintercreeper). 3 to 4 ft. Strikingly different, with long narrow leaves tinted purplish red. 10 100 1000 2. SESE, asd cre OO oO pee ERE aS Se2eZ0 BLS sOOl ey eee SORES O C Kaya te 2 oo UsFecccescase vase 200482200)" oe 2.. E. rad. variegata (Variegated Wintercreeper). 3 to 4 ft. Small, glossy green leaves attractively varie- gated white. PROMS ene A CoE ev ie ds ove tc hesacenes Z 20 gS. 00) cs: <- VSS OC y: Mth. 8. Meu wcebo we heos ZAGO 22000 seeeses ce E. rad. vegetus (Bigleaf Wintercreeper). 4 ft. Hardy, eee with showy yellow-podded red Winter ruit. PAS y Rie i ee ee 4.00 35.00 ........ HEDERA helix (English Ivy). 30 to 40 ft. Ever- green, ideal for ground cover in shade, or for a wall. IIR OUIURC MIT: DOES. y.0.ca0..s0s0accccessoacece 90 7.50 $ 65.00 From 3 in. pots, extra fine .... 1.75 15.00 140.00 AU LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy Vines—Concluded | 10 100 1000 JASMINUM nudiflorum (Winter Jasmine). 3 ft. Earliest vine to bloom with its yellow flowers in early Spring. 1S 20°24 ie ee: $ 3:00 $25.00 = 22. B&O" ¢ BU PER ee eR ee 4:00+ '35:00° LONICERA halliana (Hall Japan Honeysuckle). 15 to 25 ft. Popular semi-evergreen vine with ex- ceedingly fragrant buff flowers. Zyvts... Medium eee eee. cee 90 7.00 $ 60.00 2 ytss (NOs SP nec eee eee 1.10 9.00 80.00 3; yrSs @xtra glance wo eke 1.50 12.00 100.00 L. heckrotti “Goldflame” (Goldflame Honeysuckle). 15 to 20 ft. Lovely and fragrant two-toned flowers, bright flame pink without and creamy gold within, ae borne in great quantities from early Spring to rost. 3 VTSsy NOL Bie eee et ee SSO ek) Seon L. sempervirens (Scarlet Trumpet Honeysuckle). 15 to 20 ft. Showy scarlet flowers from July to October. 2: ¥Ts:;(Selecteds) 2s e ce ee 1.60') 14.00) ee: 3 YTS., NAVY: kien ee 2:00: 18:00 > 22452: LYCIUM barbarum (Barberry Matrimony-vine). 10 to 12 ft. Particularly good for seashore planting and perfect for holding banks, with violet June flowers, followed by conspicuous red fruit. 1S. “to?Z4" insye e eeee 4:50; 12.002 2: 6 to-"S.* (fee ee eee 2:00:16:00' =. Sy tor Acs VE pee eer eee 2'50: "22-008 = = POLYGONUM auberti (Silverlace Vine). 12 to 15 ft. Big, foamy sprays of silver-white flowers are produced in unequaled abundance throughout the Summer and Fall. 2) yas. INos det Sots 3.00 26.00 240.00 VINCA minor (Periwinkle). 4in. Evergreen ground cover, best in shade, with delicate lilac-blue flowers in Spring. Brom: 2542 if. pots) a.nsc.ces eens 90 7.00 60.00 From ‘3 “an. .pots -...- ee 1.20 9.00 75.00 WISTERIA floribunda rosea (Pink Wisteria). Clus- ters about 15 to 18 inches long. Blooms profusely. 2e1S5 Old SR ee eee 6:00? 50:00) Fx3.3 W. sinensis (Chinese Wisteria). 40 to 50 ft. Of exceedingly rapid growth with foot-long racemes of soft lavender-blue flowers in May. Splendid vines, grown from cuttings taken from selected, heavy blooming wood. 2 WIS., Te divin eee secs sesoceezenwe 2.00 16.00 140.00 ZYtS., NO. 1c coccsccccsstects 2.50 22.00 200.00 3) “VES SHEA Vays: eset tet tee roe eee 400". 35.00"> x... W. sinensis alba (White Chinese Wisteria). 40 to 50 ft. White flowered form of the above. All grown from cuttings taken from blooming vines. Z,yts. (Medtmi. ee 2:50 122,00). eee. Z Gy RS. IN Ouml Getecee est ae en ee S20 326: 00 Gs... 3: YTS EHV Y terrors eee 5:00, (45.00) 2... LITTLE SILVER, N. J. Al DECIDUOUS TREES ee is with considerable pride that we bring to your attention our present large and fine supply of Shade and Flowering Trees. Never before have we had the good fortune to offer such splendid specimen material, all of which has been frequently transplanted and afforded ample growing space, so as to assure splendid “top” and “root” growth. Please note that when less than 5 trees of a grade are ordered, our price per tree will be 10 per cent above our printed price per tree (our 10 rate). 10 100 ACER dasycarpum (Silver Maple). 70 to 80 ft. Quick growing, graceful shade tree. 10 to 12. ft, 1% to 1% in. cal. ....611.00 $100.00 MiptOl2 1 it... 1354 to 2’ in.°cal..... 13:50 125.00 ieeeeiOel awit. 2 1) to 22 in. cal..... 17.50) , 150.00 oO wien Mie 22 tos inacal. .:.,;22.50 200.00 Poe toe G wit-.3) = tod | ins Calica: 32i50-.-,..ccccsees A. dasycarpum wieri (Wier Maple). 65 to 80 ft. A form of Silver Maple with graceful, drooping branches. Vigorous grower, with attractive leaves, delicately cut. IeeettOwl omer eaeo todd. ftee22; to.3) anscaly=.2 0000] 15 “tomloe Wits tO O22 ine, Cale a7 0l00) ae 152 tollS—. its Zator4 Shinticali=.S0!00 eae 15; - to loot 4 . to tS) uineeales IZ000N a cece: A. saccharum (Sugar Maple). 60 to 75 ft. Most ma- jestic of the Maples with a brilliant range of Autumnal color, from brightest red to orange and yellow. S'.to 10 it, lYato 122 ant call ==, 22-50) -200:00 10 toniZ. tte 132) to 1342 ins cals 25:00 5 8225.00 10” tol2Z. ftjels4*tow2— Ane cally 30:00 12) tomlSe TEZ Sto 234 anicalae. 35:00, 15h On lS. 4 ft ZH tO. Sue fils, Call at 4 500 eee 152 towl’. ft, 3) 40.34 vin. calee 55:00 mee 15 tonic 14S Y4.to 4) snacaly= /5:00ne- 18% topZ0wiit,4— stove eins calle 0000 keene AESCULUS hippocastanum (Flowering Horsechest- nut). 70 ft. Handsome, big white, fragrant flower spikes in June. OX HO> Oh Hibs ee eee 15:00 te So ford -fE ie 8 eee 22350 eee LO: 40512 Sere ee ee 35:00) 2: A. hippocastanum rubicunda (Pink Horsechestnut). 40 to 50 ft. Great trusses of deep pink flowers dec- orate the formal roundish pyramid. SF tone 6 AES Cake ee ee 35005 22. 6°: 40> 8), HE ee eee 45.00) cncee BETULA alba (White Birch). 40 to 50 ft. Valuable because of its distinctive and beautiful white bark. 6) to 88. Tico ee 10:00, 3 8) 40 JOS Ate ee ee 15:00. B. alba fastigiata (Pyramidal White Birch). 25 to 40 ft. Columnar form of the European Birch. Excel- lent where heavy formal effects are desired. Gt to! 18 = Re ee ee ee 20:00) ee 8: to 10) “hte ee ee 35.00 aes B. alba laciniata (Weeping Cutleaf Birch). 40 ft. A drooping fountain of deeply cut leaves; perfect for a lawn specimen. 5. ot tO) Oo a See 10.00 90.00 6 toaes Lt) eee Sie Bees. 13.50 125.00 Se 1 et OG hb iC eee ee ears Piece 225074 B. alba youngii (Young’s Weeping Birch). 8 to 15 ft. Head irregular, drooping branches, of dwarf growth. Set ROM it ae ee ee eee 30:00) =e Gis tOtROl) fb. eee ee eee 45:00 9 ic EFT TLE-SILVER, N. J. 43 Decipuous TREES—Continued 10 100 CATALPA bungei (Umbrella-tree). 10 to 15 ft. Formal straight stems and round heads. 5S to 6 ft. stems, 2 yr. heads. ....§612.50 $100.00 CELTIS occidentalis (Hackberry). 50 to 60 ft. Sim- ilar foliage and habit to Elm, but of slower growth. [rerio es) TE Aloe tO 1S Se itl) Cale vs (OSU) | sttesecns Vaeetauloe itso “tor4 “in. Cail... 45.00 °..:...3.;. CERASUS. See PRUNUS, page 49. CERCIDIPHYLLUM japonicum (Katsura-tree). 20 to 30 ft. Slender when young, but spreading into magnificent symmetry at maturity. Unusual heart- shaped foliage is tinged purple in the Spring and gold in the Fall. MeO, BEB. fc sccosssesesoncssece SOl00Me Demet BRB oe. ccscsescoeecdecses WO COme CORNUS florida (Flowering Dogwood). 20 to 25 ft. lmmensely popular native, with big white Spring flowers, glittering red berries in late Summer, and richly shaded Fall foliage. MAINE ER BD oo, os oo ae 8.0. ssicceces Cracoscetdectes 4.50 35.00 Serta. 4 EGE Rae oer ee 6:50 55:00 MUM E CROMPTON a ticce ocho oe cocckctivcetoscedetes 10.00 90.00 DLC er IOM Pit tases 8. Loe. ciscstcccecoacescteseves 17.50 150.00 Gy SUEG) #2100. GTR Bae aa el Sa ea 25.00 225.00 Sy Te Way LLL) 29" ES ck de ee 40.00 375.00 REL UMUC Ne eS cock oc Saceniebbessodeecine 60.00 575.00 Re MEO al aE bs ese ee occ: heed ee S500F Feet Some of our Cornus florida rubra. Did you ever see better? C. florida rubra (Pinkflowering Dogwood). 15 to 20 ft. Like the above but with deep pink bloom—a gorgeous sight in Spring. boi = via) Stk Si ty ean a 7.00 60.00 i, 5 ol” S\ig eB ee at ee 8.50 75.00 334%4% extra if dug with B&B Sy MS Se bea CaM 8 2) 2 Ua 15.00 135.00 Ae to 5 Depa Es Qe ee ee ee 25.00 225.00 SiG th Cg So Sr 32.50 300.00 SRS goers: Ltteety ts QELS de ccei ce MM ee 47.50 450.00 44 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Dectpuous TREES—C oniinued CORNUS—Concluded 10 100 C. kousa (Kousa Dogwood). 16 to 18 ft. White fiowers in June. Bears conspicuous, cherry-like scarlet fruits, attractive to birds. A tO” Sie SESS Or ne eee S19 00" = 5. to” ©: - RES SBE eens eee Ff (S| iin a 6 te <8 ) TERS ee ey S| as Se C. mas (Cornelian Cherry). 15 to 18 ft. Small yel- low flowers in Spring, and bright scarlet fruit in the Fall. PAM (i Wee Villas 5 1 eae At eee rE Te 4:50) est des 1 5 Sina: eae telly 2S) it oak 0 ceamee Reppert a OO CRATAEGUS cordata (Washington Thorn). 20 to 25 it. White May flowers are followed by bright, lasting scarlet fruits and brilliant Autumn foliage. AS: es), af eM eer area Pat os A 15.00 $125.00 5 Ge. 06 © Ee en ee ee eS 17.50 150.00 C. oxyacantha, Double Pink Hawthorn. 15 to 20 it. The daintily beautiful pinkflowered Hawthorn. 4 fa 5S Sie Se ee 14.00 120.00 Bt. te MO iy eee ee ee ee 17.50 150.00 6 40-88 o fie 2 ee AA | eee a ae C. oxyacantha, Double White Hawthorn. 12 to 15 ft. Double white flowering form of the above. ANS te 25 AE Se ae eee | 140) 5 Be tecuh.) ie. 24 eS ee £72250). 23-2 C. oxyacantha pauli (Paul’s Scarlet Hawthorn). 12 to 15 ft. Most popular of the Hawthorns, with a mass of vivid scarlet June flowers and colorful red fruit in Winter. A 4° 5) OTR ee ee 12.50 110.00 a $090) © CEES cs se eee 15.00 130.00 6; 10. 8°. ia 2 ee 21.00 190.00 FAGUS sylvatica purpurea riversi (Rivers Purple Beech). 50 to 60 ft. Compact lawn specimens with deep purple foliage. Syl tos Oi ato Be 2 eek eee 65:00 2 =: 6 te 2. ft Be a eee 85:00). <2. S sto 10. 40) Bebe 11000 522 10> (ot? i Bebe ee ee 140 06> ee | Ate 0 see fe ge PP SY ral oa ge een Rem oe 17500) (Se GINKGO biloba (Maidenhair-tree). 100 ft. Distinc- tive fan-shaped leaves on this prehistoric Chinese tree, easily transplanted and good in cities. 6° fo8i.. 98 te en eee 1750-2 8. fo 10. fh 1geiet*4 1nveal: 25:00) ¢ wen 10. to 12> Saeieeateel 34 an cal... 35.00) 10 to 12 -42358c3e 2. avek 4500. 2: 12 tol> f° te 24 ae ck. 6750 12. (fo 15. 4a tats Saaveals = 9000” GLEDITSCHIA triacanthos (Honevlocust). 60 to 76 ft. Fragrant white flowers in late Spring. Espec- ially good in gravelly soil. Bon 1On Ba bby coe ee ee 10.00 85.00 5 = AG cL TE | co ee eee ee 15.00 125.00 LOS 40) Pe EE ee ot eee eee 20.00 175.00 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 45 Decipuous TREES—Continued 10 100 G. triacanthos inermis (Thornless Honeylocust). 60 to 70 ft. Ripe LO PCr ccece ots cance eeNancce cceccurves tors $12.50 $110.00 co) eal gil ON Diet MRS arte Gore BE ACEP ere 17.50 150.00 NNO 2s Ma ls caer sccececeseesanactetearecne tennites 22.50 200.00 KOELREUTERIA paniculata (Varnish tree). 25 to 30 ft. Excellent for city conditions with large bunches of bright yellow flowers in mid-Summer. ATS eRe Es 7 Se eee OO A G:00%, s:.0: (ETO Spee 1 tae ye eee a GOOF es: FOE ie GAG 2 eas ge eR ge 1 (7A(0 0 ae ee LABURNUM vulgare (Goldenchain). 30 ft. Most attractive, with its long clusters of yellow flowers like Wisterias. 7 hot Yo ipo ji aS ON oe ARS ag a 11.00 100.00 5 [RON yO) > 0g UC Ray ee ea ae ie ae 13.50 125.00 Rie AEG MIN CEE Se ccc aceceek cadens iocbacconticcececes 16.50 150.00 Pp AUGVANUVERE AE Ge nec oe onc esvcvese coscsecccdacevesesiseeses 2000 ee L. vossi (Voss Goldenchain). 30 ft. A distinct im- provement on the above with much longer clusters of yellow flowers. SURE CHM RM ohn. rasa Sen ncdsnsvedounjacélacedexete 17.50 150.00 PRR OOP UY Se. o5 52 cahons sn Svecugsersnessstasntess ZD-O0 Weieseseee LIQUIDAMBER styraciflua (Sweetgum). 50 to 60 ft. One of the best trees for Autumn color; grows well in moist places. ORME Uae eke ee es 12500 ce Oy. tole TH Layee aE ee OE: A oi tr 1750) vi ees LIRIODENDRON tulipifera (Tuliptree). 60 to 80 ft. A quick grower; yellow, tulip-like flowers in June. EE POE) MET at eee eo oe leocce C° 1 00 Cae RD OMOME ED Three eee Mee abe oreo alone ee P25 Og ot ak MAGNOLIA glauca (Sweetbay). 15 to 18 ft. De- liciously fragrant, large white flowers in May from semi-evergreen, glaucous leaves. PTS SA AT a ae B20 cl 2 ee 17.50 150.00 pei, | 3150) SES RS BSc! BAe 25.00 225.00 Ee MUON Om eli ME OB. 2.4. or0 ate. 32.50 300.00 Ge POmommi tts, Oey tei ccsachesselicevsces AZ 2003) 8 wi teccee. M. halleana stellata (Star Magnolia). 10 to 12 ft. Spreading, shrubby habit, fragrant, semi-double, white flowers appearing long before the leaves. S650) 12a vg od 3 a TROY | Rieck se Thanks very much for the fine plants shipped on former order. S.,— Sussex, N. J. ee 46 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. DeEciDUOoUS TREES—Continued MAGNOLIA—Concluded 10 100 M. soulangeana (Saucer Magnolia). 15 to18ft. Most popular by far of all the Magnolias with its big purplish pink and white flowers in May. 2s LOF SSR Els, nob Webs iiace eee eee eres $17.50 $150.00 Sy toed = tt OB VB eee ee 25.00 225.00 Ae =tO 2D . Hye BOB Pec 37.50 350.00 Rs C0 Yate Cag ce BY Be ee oe 52.50 500.00 6 Jstoe8: 3 tity SB GB tes eee 1000" Se. A block of our well grown Magnolia soulangeana. M. soulangeana alexandrina (Alexander Magnolia). 18 to 20 ft. Quite similar in general appearance to the Saucer Magnolia, but the flowers appear a little earlier and are of a rosy color. 18: to 24 2a, BBV eae 17.50 150.00 2 Oto. Oy Fits PRG Bie cre eee 20.00 175.00 M. soulangeana lennei (Lenne Magnolia). 15 to 18 ft. Rich, deep purple flowers in April. 18° 40°24, (ane, BER Se P7502 4! 2 tO. 3: tht. Gabe pet ee eee 20:00 = M. soulangeana nigra (Purple Lily Magnolia). 15 to 18 ft. A mass of deep brownish purple flowers open continuously until early June on this rapid growing tree. WS t09Z4 eat BW ee eer 17.50 150.00 ZY. to”. 13). (hts pg RaB ess eee Besa 22.50 200.00 3. .tors4, fee ReRs 2 Uo susstocpseonendee 27.50 250.00 4. tO 5S Gree ooo oe cecevectesecees FOO cn ccenc ss MALUS atrosanguinea (Carmine Crab). 10 to 12 ft. Many single red blooms in late Spring. y ME 1c YR SMS 8 en ees Oe BURL EN - S00) 62223: BS tORO 4 TES A eee eet eee 1 O'OD HF ees 6 to. 8h ait Dene eR ANS pare. <1 5.001 le M. baccata (Siberian Crab). 15 to 20 ft. Round headed, with big white flowers in late Spring fol- lowed by red and yellow fruit. 4 Ho! 3D: ke eee Bee 7.50 65.00 5 OS ZO) Si ee eee ee 10.00 90.00 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 47 DecipuouS TREES—C ontinued 100 M. coronaria (Wild Sweet Crab). 15 to 20 ft. Blush pink flowers in April, double and highly fragrant. Bo Soop irs A718 ie A ha ee $ 6.00 $ 50.00 4 tes.9 i oer CRE oO le «ne Re ea nr 7.50 65.00 eH ot Toy ae UL Oot eh) dy PO Pn a Ae 10.00 90.00 (i) Ee PEL PETIT PR LINO “ae NE eae ee een W250 ek: M. eleyi (Redleaved Crab). 10 to 15 ft. Purple-red foliage and purple flowers in Spring and early Summer. 3, Sato, nc ie Wes et anne ee eae C¥(0(0))) see a chy CD Bl Sai ee ae TOO nese FS aay (cc RN a I a a O000 aise (SSS a talc te 2 12-505) 9 ceckicvces iS ALTO OSS 2 oi Nn 7250) ecceceeees M. floribunda (Japanese Flowering Crab). 10 to 15 ft. Covered in April with rosy flowers, followed by yellowish fruits. 3 a oe ee 6:00), o.2....-5 PPM oe ols gis ack tees econo seoc (cc oadshoedescaneses MOORS Sookie M. floribunda purpurea (Purple Crab). 10 to 15 ft. A very attractive, purple-foliaged type of the above. Si GT, Gy ai ees ia a 9.00 80.00 6 TOUS 1E( fey, “OES, Weta EAD aN OS 11.50 100.00 2). pita) 1G)” 2 eae, “en ene serene ee 17.50 160.00 M. halliana parkmani (Parkman Crab). 12 to 15 ft. Semi-double, bright pink flowers among irregular, crooked branches. BE HOS Co TTR 2 aS Olas eee At 2 ey: Sy Paes COR RIN CE ana ae lee a LOLOOW4 sass. Fe 10). LOY 4 Salt eeea tr copie sai Ai alee ee P25 Ob Eon THOS SR eT aR a el a a ea ASO Eek: M. Hopa (Red flowered Crab). 12 to 15 ft. Rosy red flowers, red fruit, and attractive purple foliage. GG RS ae oe a TL 2RSO RS wees eh M. ioensis plena (Bechtel Flowering Crab). 10 to 15 ft. vos popular; big, double, fragrant pink flowers in ay. Peat Cee hte Well, WNeadediss.cuc.s..c-0.04. 5.50 45.00 Se tours eit. cwells headed! oo i.....02.05. 7.50 65.00 AS tOmno) ee iits well-headed: ..:..23...c0-.-. 11.00 100.00 SentGunG sate well” headed. |.....c5.0.0. 15.00 125.00 Gan tousse at-sawelll headed ’«.2...:...0%.. 20:00 | ee M. niedzwetzkyana (Redvein Crab). 15 to 20 ft. Red in branches, fruits and flowers; a gaudy lawn specimen. 5 US UE) NG, Sean eee ee see ee 10:00 6 to 8 1 LE hao Ms cel a Sigel NR a a 12.50 115.00 Si + Seay Waste © iment ee a WTS O's, wisec0esés M. scheideckeri (Scheidecker Crab). 10 to 15 ft. Strik- ing clusters of double pink bloom, and yellow fruits. Aes ta” 5 111 ay se pel a es ea ek 8.00 70.00 5 c(h) (5 acl ahy oP aM | Sa ec 10.00 90.00 Ge tor.28 RRR 7 tS tens tse et 13.50 120.00 Se SUG, oD Tae Se ee ee eS 1S O07 Ves 48 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Decipuous TrEeEsS—Continued 19 100 MORUS alba pendula (Teas Weeping Mulberry). 8 to 10 ft. Most popular small weeping tree for the lawn. 2 yi. Meads.) 5) tocOmity stemsGny ee $15:00 (>. 6 yr. heads, heavy specimens ............ 30.007 ti OXYDENDRUM arboreum (Sourwood). 30 to 35 ft. Handsome tree with vivid scarlet Fall foliage and long racemes of white Summer flowers followed by conspicuous gray fruits. Z tO7 eS Fi Ob nthe ini Oe ag Teh esd Sa 2 5.50 $ 45.00 3 POC AAR Beh Aa amet Swett eat 2 Ruane is eer 8.00 70.00 Boa HOR Sie Site neni See ae Sai pha ae 10.00 90.00 5 {Ow Oris SEs et ee ee ee ate 16.50 150.00 GREO MOU Ue ite teen ree ean St aseme 20008 PLATANUS occidentalis (American Plane Tree). 100 ft. Seems to prefer a river bank or moist place, where the towering white trunk with its ragged gaunt branches typify independence. OF S2EO PS ERR es ee eee a coer 10.00 90.00 8 eto 10 its eA tow ley ingicale et 2550911500 105 =toM2 ft. 1 to 1 ens cal 920:00) 185.00) P. orientalis (Oriental Plane). 70 to 80 ft. Rapid growing, this tall shade tree is immensely popular for street and seashore planting. Sito 10° ite eA to eZine calle l00 65:00 10> tov 12 tte IA toms im aealee- 22-50) 210500 3 Zs i gAlTlMCAle ce 20) Pees 12? tol 155) sits. 2 ato 22Gein. calieess 5 00m 3 inecal.: ce T4S00K ee See tOntGh (iit (6. 4 tool Mile kCcaleese05.00hm eee 5 tony tos Zatord ansicaly 25S 5:00 15 StoulSie it. 4 0) ton on wins. Cal sn 20 OOnmaesees POPULUS bolleana (Bolleana Poplar). 50 to 60 ft. Leaves white underneath; similar columnar char- acter to Lombardy Poplar. G0 FEOS AS 2, WHEE cee eae eee ak ees 6:00: he Si toelOe itso re Oe een 8.00" 7 2s LORE EOT 2 ee ee PS ae omen 14.000 Vee P. eugenei (Carolina Poplar). 75 to 90 ft. Good native shade tree, succeeding in dry spots. Oi tO ae Sa Melt, eis ee ee eee 3.50 25.00 8 to lO ft eye toe ins calles 6:00! 250100 LOS tot 27 tt le tonsa Calas: 00 0:00 10) toelZ ote 1a7toy Ze anecals 10: 00R 1 90500 2 toa, fite Ze toy ce ineacala 1 500m so.00 P. nigra italica (Lombardy Poplar). 75 ft. Quickly becomes a tall, narrow spire of light green leaves. Most useful for screening or for tall accent trees. Be Ott Oia) Ta teaeaerete cath toe aie ie Nemtears EY + ay Fs) 6 Ft0 Sh | Vitis eee cetera 2.75 22.50 8). « ORION. fhe eee tees 4.50 35.00 10%, tocl2o. Pit cco eh i oe Seen 6.50 55.00 12) to 14. $6 37 to 2 eae toon t00%G0 145 oto 16saeit., Ze ntOVc ain Calis 50 0-00 16" S40 18) ft °27 to Saint cals ey 24:00 2 1'5:00 PEELE SILVER. N. J: 49 Decipuous TREES—Continued 100 PRUNUS bleriana (Pink Flowered Plum). 12 to 15 ft. Fragrant double pink flowers stand out well against the purple leaves in early Spring. APTI Oe ABNER, Socks cc catcsaaneat eres «arhcantene tie “toPlsy Gate 12) Sto 15) sts. to 15. stows] fo... «6 in. cal. ....$25.00 $225.00 ins cak...: S0:00., 275:00 in: cal. ..°40:00 375.00 in. cal... 56:00— .475:00 im. cal... 7500" 4.2 incall) 16000. 2 in-seal.h 15600. ~ e bet GINS bens bod iva) Ss cor (@) ON Ut ya Go IO DO ~~ SS Q. rubra (Red Oak). 75 to 85 ft. Most rapid grow- ing of Oaks; an ideal shade tree that is best in full sun. 10: “to 12 ft,<2%4 to 194 ink Cale..<3 55:00) aoe ee {0 40 12. this te 2 in. cal... 4000 128 toby ett ceo 2y, incal! 2 SOO ee 12) t0.4152- ft t2 te: 3) ine eal® 900007 imo cals —.3,90:00) === inocals 2135.06) 3 {5 ste AS — ft Sesto 15 tools tt G42 sto ont SALIX babylonica (Babylon Weeping Willow). 50 to 60 ft. Appropriate for waterside planting with its long, pendulous branches. 5 oe G: yer peace aie eee ee 5.00 40.00 6 “4OR (8) 2h ee ee ee 7.00 60.00 $.. te: dO) (its tee ce ee eee 9.00 80.00 10, to 1l2 ft, U4Ato2 miszeal, <... 18.00, 165.00 12- to. 1S, ftye2 - to.2 in. call e225 eee S. pentandra (Laurel Willow). 30 to 40 ft. A quick growing tree whose rich shiny green foliage makes it perfect for a background planting. 5. bOe O) Tea ee oe eee eee 5.00 45.00 G8, FOR xOi 5 pike =e Ais eo gee aes 7.00 60.00 8 tol! fea eee O.50) ees SORBUS aucuparia (European Mountain-ash). 25 to 30 it. Great clusters of orange-scarlet berries make this tree ideal for the small lawn. 5 fOr 0. tie ee ee 8.50 75.00 6. “tO. 38 “FEES ee ee ee ee ee 11.00 - 95.00 8 to 10 | Ba ge ete oN ee A SE 15.00 135.00 10S: tome ies 2 ee + eee eee 22.50 200.00 STYRAX japonica (Japanese Snowbell). 18 to 20 ft. In July the wide spreading branches are closely strung with nodding pure white bells. Better as specimen or lawn plants. 3. tO 74S eI oes ee 10022 4 to 5 {Siege fe ee 20,005 hee: TILIA americana (American Linden). 80 to 90 it. Large limbed round topped tree, handsome in its dress of great heart shaped leaves, in June, when the fragrant flowers attract bees. 6. 4 townie OEE ns eee 6:50. 5.2822- S. bOI o chie eo a ee eee P00 6s s22 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 51 Decipuous TrEES—Concluded 100 T. cordata (Littleleaf European Linden). 70 to 100 ft. Ideal tree for street or lawn planting, tall growing but low headed, with heart-shaped leaves. CN hak okt halla 1 age Mer eA Re Re mE OS SIZESOR ee 8 to 10 11) UMN es Sn aC a SS 7e8Or. Ret JC). gett oa BBS 1 Pi As era Scent oR 25000) tor T. platyphyllus pyramidalis (Bigleaf European Lin- den). 40 to 50 ft. Upward growing branches cov- ered with heart-shaped foliage render this ideal as an accent tree or to border a narrow drive. 8 to 10 ft., selected specimens .. 35.00 $325.00 10 to12_ ft., selected specimens .. 45.00 425.00 [Ae oto lutte selected specimens .. 60:00 .......... ULMUS americana (American Elm). 80 to 100 ft. Noblest of our native landmarks. NOm mtOmlemette 105 to- 2. in. Cal..:.. 17.50) ...3..:.:. IQ owe tase tO 224 in. cal. 2%., 22:50) ...cc5.... eetO loner ite o0tOn >. in. cal>...:.:35.00'. .......... Lees ent aeoe 1tOn4d = An: Cal.” 679.00) © a..ccc..0 PopetOne Omari 4. * to. 5) an: ‘cali: 90.00. ...:....-. ReettoacO tts: OneetorO- in; cal. =..120.00 _........:. U. americana (Moline Type). 80 to 100 ft. Rapidly becomes compact and upright, like a Sugar Maple. POMOC metas. to.2yo an. calle .c35.00.- 33... AQ Ome mentite > tOn So) In 4Cales..< 45.00% ' s.c25.3: Ve ttOne mer tine Oi tO. 4* in. cal.<:...- 65:00" \..25..... U. pumila (Siberian Elm). 70 to 80 ft. Most rapid growing of shade trees; graceful, with dense foliage. GPE OMENS ae Slaten cot. Soecnas cide eet sive cvs 8.00 70.00 SS) TES) SLD! Ts 2A Bees eo Pen 12.50 100.00 LUMetOMiceattent 2 tor. in, cal.<2:: 20:00 175.00 IZeeetOml eee ies, = to, 22" in.}cal....2.30:00 > ......:... Po metOm Omer sit.. 2a tOno. itla Gal..s.2. 40.00) * 3.2.0. eeetOmlcmerit. goes tor ~ in: cal. ..2° 50:00" iL... omeLONcUne a iierater. to..on-\. in cals... 80:00 .......... NOTICE We offer in this Trade List only those trees, shrubs, and plants that we can supply in fairly large quantities. If you need some sorts which are not listed here, or some larger specimen trees, please write to us for special quotations. Better still, visit our nursery and make your own selection. Personal inspection of our stock and service is invited and welcomed. 52 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. EVERGREEN TREES Fok many years we have specialized in the success- ful production of this class of material. Our trees have been sheared and transplanted frequently, and given the best of growing care. They are graded according to standards adopted by the American Association of Nurserymen, and we are sure you will be delighted with the shapely specimens which we offer. All prices of Evergreens quoted in this trade list refer to extra selected specimens, carefully dug with balls of earth encased in burlap or similar material. ABIES concolor (White Fir). 75 to 85 ft. Good specimen trees, lovely blue-gray foliage. 10 100 3p LO; @Gi. + hie ei, eee ee ete $60:00! 94.222 agin, 2 oiee | (aa | comb et a Resa pee ea nots Cee an 90:007 5 oe. 1 Fah (a ‘Stel ARMs 5 eh ona Penn RIB ERIn cat I A 12000 — fe ae Zs EOS 8 ihe ee en So, Be 150.00.) ge Oral te Nib ene tne coc ek eee ee 200:00) (2. A. veitchi (Veitch Fir). 50 to 60 ft. A narrow pyra- mid of soft green, with needles silver on their undersides. eam Cs 8 | MRP: 3 2B Sep s epen ee rae epee 8 100-00) ..2.-2.... TO), GeGRUS, SER ak nce evecare tee 1350.00" - 223. | 24a CN Naa ciu drtere een ine sera katana 200.00-. 2 ee: Biota or. aurea nana. of which we have over 40.000 specimens. ‘BIOTA or. aurea nana (Kerckman’s Golden Arbor- vitae). 3 to 4 fit. Compact ovals of golden Spring foliage, and reddish brown, tipped gold, in Winter. Among the most popular of all Evergreens. Mime recta || Weise rhein cs Sees eed Me eee 4.50 $ 40.00 10: Spee aa ee oe ee. 6.00 50.00 12 to 15 Eas Ae hE ea eer caren ee tee 8.00 70.00 15 £6) US,» eit ee ek 10.00 90.00 18. teh Aan oe ee ee ee 14.00 125.00 2 640-0290 Thy eee ee ei Bee, 20.00 175.00 EERELE SIEVER, N.: J 53 EVERGREEN TREES—Continued 10 100 B. or. aurea nana globosa (Berckman’s Golden Globe Arborvitae). 2 ft. Slow growing, compact globes of golden foliage, valuable for formal gardens or rockeries. Saha 1a ged ge 0 es eee re OECD ren Dem ge Mae $ 6.00 $ 50.00 110 seg CO" es 7a tb 1 ERROR REE BREE ep eRe ee 7.50 65.00 Ree Peels PRAYED 8 x eee ee aie soncee soon 9.00 80.00 Meee GIS io Who UR on, cacti eas cee casted deat esaseets 12.50 110.00 B. or. aurea pyramidalis compacta (Compact Golden Pyramidal Arborvitae). 10 to 12 ft. Similar to, but better than B. or. conspicua. 4 a RS 5 acre ae CR bt tee LR SOO) ee ersoces. PPC INOUE ES, ses scli tsa vecessucstoavetheseedbenviees S000) 5.0220.% B. or. bakeri (Baker Arborvitae). 6 to 8 ft. Compact green columns, lemon yellow in Spring. Good for accent plants. [Ss as 9 SifaY 11S 2 OT ES er ee ee oe ee Ore 7.00 60.00 1S) CREM S S R H A Sa 8.00 70.00 PMCS Tbs GOAT sou Wise ceocoashsogeseeedeveueeess 10.00 90.00 Prem M Le rota bats. ceee Biter een cree 275008 2h ILEX opaca (American Holly). 30 to 40 ft. The familiar Holly trees of Christmas. 18) “tol2¢ ins) BEB ae 10.00 90.00 2 ite Se Aafte Bec ee eee ae 16.00 145.00 BPs te ade. =i Gx Bea alice nee ene 25.00 225.00 A> Ttogr 8!) ite Bee Aieee ein Ae 35.00 325.00 Bel tOWNO, iets MG Big ee een te 50.00; JUNIPERUS chinensis alba variegata (White Leat Chinese Juniper). 8 to 10 ft. A stocky pyramid of blue-gray foliage, with creamy white branchlets intermingled. 12) ton: eine ee ee eee 7.00 60.00 VS> to TOs: in ee Benes tore eer 8.50 75.00 18. 3tosZ4 11. Seen ee een eres 10.00 90.00 J. chinensis columnaris glauca (Blue Column Chinese Juniper). 15 to 20 ft. Tall narrow spires of deep gray-green. 2° to 2Y, fits tla kay aoe 15.00 140.00 2% to er ane men 20.00 185.00 Sto i Bt is Seepage 2 Ee ecee ener ee 215020 eee Bist HOR GO a ee) cog tiad Rese eee 35:00 2 J. chinensis columnaris viridis (Green Column Juni- per). 15 to 20 ft. Light green form of the above. DEMOK LIS NE Cer ee ee eee 15.00 140.00 2% to 3 Pts: J ccuehee Skceeeee eeeee 20.00 185.00 Be tO. 16 kta ek ee eee eee A500 séccevaets 6x BtOC Bao Ee eee ee eee eee 60:00) 2.08: J. chinensis fortunei (Fortune Juniper). 10 to 12 ft. Broad pyramids of gray-green foliage. ZL PRO OP tees Sen ncn cee tees 90:00; >. fog 1Oo TEA e ae eee en 125.00.- cskcee J. chinensis pfitzeriana (Pfitzer Juniper). 5 to 6 ft. Best vase-shaped Juniper, adaptable to soil and climate and resistant to city dust and smoke. Feathery, gray-green foliage. Highly popular. 12. to 15. . 1ngispmeadeet« tee 7.50 65.00 15: to: 18: Sneiispreads ccs. 2a eeee es 10.00 90.00 18.40.24. Ainisgspreadiitts. sickens 15.00 140.00 2.4. tOn) 2 attosspread erence eee 21.50 200.00 ZYp On Ot ts SP led Geren tc meee ee 27.00 250.00 Br. tO.” Et usp hea Cmcmee nee ceee een 32.00 300.00 A UO. 5S), Ets Sspreadirac a eee 45.00 425.00 5 to.On . at. “Spreadhese ey ten ete 65:00 7 G6" tomiSee “ft spread ti eee 90.00 bake. LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 59 EVERGREEN ZTREES—C ontinued 10 100 J. chinensis pfitzeriana compacta (Compact Pfitzer). Compact form of the Pfitzer Juniper. Remains bushy and compact. (5) seal SS ot 9 eee ge ete Shee ah Ree ar cE $13.50 $120.00 1 realm 1 ON, 62-02 CER hc Ieee eon ee eae re 18.00 165.00 RMR OY EWA Loft Lite circa coectadeeceeseheecosseoudessusseats 25.00 225.00 BEBO TOMAS wails rtecckstuasint swinetietee coves ete votes SOOO) aae..s.. J. communis aurea (Golden Juniper). 1 to 1% ft. Low and spreading, with bright golden foliage. Good in rockery. POM tO eade. SIN ¢SPRCAG! ia. tec ccsessdesveesssoess L250 Se... Bee LOW Bia ielits. SPTGa divas icssicsectisseonseostss W750) 2.5.2 AO EOMe papas bist SPT CAG svselssncateestvecedeesees 2500) CPicccc J. communis depressa plumosa (Plumed Spreading Juniper). 1 ft. Intense reddish-purple Winter foliage. ROEM ORTO Mate MITIEMSDTECAG | c..5.ss.qreccsseosacacsee 11.00 100.00 Pe RLOMED Orit SDLCAG” <..ssccesescssseesseeedeee 13.50 125.00 DOO TUBS DI CAG” scecsieedoccessseteescosee 20.00 175.00 Ge aLOME MeO EES SP ECA "akc. cs ccetisecoosccecets 25.00 225.00 Heme OMe TAS CAG! vec. s.ceck evden deveh ceases 80:00" * cc... J. communis hibernica (Irish Juniper). 7 to 8 ft. Narrow, dense, stitf columns of blue-green foliage. 15) EO) SIs Seas tae a a A I 7.00 60.00 ME OE oe PMN Rca ceo oss tiessacoct ieee cucheceentes 8.50 75.00 ZR MLOPEE UA ht ie, ee ih eens 11.50 100.00 DMT OM te meth tte © Secon s oeossidakocetbeseie. 14.00 125.00 cA) A Tee ek, tO a One tee a 19.00 175.00 AM MEAL REE TAR BEEN fs co0o, cece scccxk soosvsodeecaotaesace 25°00" 223.503 Juniperus com. Hibernica; Retinosporas in rear. J. communis Kiyonoi (Compact Columnar English Juniper). Very narrow and compact. 2» AO) TERE Capi SAE k RE EE U3 SO VE SG o Bh 9 MT ee ee i TG:50%, acs 3) 0 i) a eae Fee eS s' ZO OO) bests eds 56 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. EVERGREEN TREES—Continued JUNIPERUS—Continued 10 100 J. communis oblongo (Oblong Juniper). 7 to 8 ft. A broad, irregular pyramid of feathery, gray-green branches. Wo COS, OTE eee ee eee $90.00". 8 COrSLO ! REG eee ce ee {Pst Gee I 125.00). 2 10 it PorslkZ: tte ee ea eee ae 165.00) 3 J. communis oblongo pendula (Weeping Juniper). 6 to 7 ft. An attractive ,eeping type of the above Juniper. Bi Oy A tity oe ccekstee BL rene Renee 29.00) ee ss A”: CONRAD khphee Mee fs. scat k hse tie eceees, eee 3900 pe: Diet at A Oy ARES bee Recenter, coset hewes ee SOIG0 (ee: J. communis prostrata (Prostrate Juniper). 1 ft. Adapted to rockeries, with branches spreading along gruund. Se = tows wines pneads aye eee 14.00 $125.00 Zo) to: (24 it. spread -cmieeeceses 4-001 00:00 2 town tea spread cesses: sesseeeee 2290 200.00 3° ton, eae we hte Sphea dans sere eee 30:00. "ees. J. communis prostrata glauca (Blue Creeping Savin). 1 to 1% it. An improvement upon the green type, both in neatness and coloring. Blue-gray in Sum- mer, purple in Winter. 2). otows2Z4 ft spread scarce O00 eee ZIA6 tO: S35 bts OSPreads ye eee Senses we DsOOK ieee. oot oF doy eA. Gitsaspreads 6... eee 52200), ess J. communis suecica (Swedish Juniper). 20 to 25 ft. Quick growing, narrow, upright pyramids, densely foliaged gray-green. Se OBIS). ean ese cee ee 7.50 65.00 ES om COs CAS hy Hs eee te a ea a ee 9.00 80.00 DG 2b: Te Scene Se ee 1200512 ere: LYE CONS 3 EE eee 14°50) 22225 2 tOe, cbs 2 Btes eee ee Ge een ene 20.003) Some of our Juniperus excelsa stricta. LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 57 EVERGREEN TREES—Continued 100 J. excelsa stricta (Spiny Greek Juniper). 4 to 5 ft. Compact pyramids of stiffly erect, gray-green foliage. 3) haa) Tota Fe ims bn eee eo eke oe er $ 6.00 $ 50.00 12 tas Vide Reyer ee ech asters reek sey bs ee 7.00 60.00 LS ore COVE) sy” IAG I lg Re eee ee 10.00 90.00 11S dE ae 27 Neale ef eae aR 17-95) ee eae J. sabina (Savin Juniper). 3 to 4 ft. Spreading sort; dense, deep green foliage. Papeete pl oeGenitl, ISPREAG. s.:s.s.0k cease Noes: 9.00 80.00 MEOW OMIT. -SPLECAG: cAic..cesrcserssaectecese 12.50 115.00 Pee REG MAM CeeIN IS SPT CAG) *o.cssehee ccesesseseccdes 15.00 140.00 POLE. SPECAG ..s-.0cssccseisavedeoeses 2000) .2s2.%: J. sabina tamarisifolia (Tamarix Savin Juniper). 1% to 2 ft. Queer and fascinating in its wide spreading growth and blue-green feathery foliage. DA COM ae FIT SDHEAG: Saisccccs-cslecccssestsses 1000); Se.28 PSM LOMO MERI USPHCAG \..c0slccsc.sesbscdacssecs VS:O0 oie. css POM ALO ZA INS SDT CAC) siscesccscecccscooccosees 20:00 ©) sikh ce PERCENT ME tAMSPECACS ‘cccvcnncsvevececcsacsocses 25-00) J. squamata Meyeri (Meyer Juniper). 6 to 8 ft. Gray blue foliage, very dwarf. LE oF TSS RS Seg] ae ee Se ee es 8.00 70.00 Sey PML CMMI MPMI ae cor aa occ seca soacecda dasbcececeses 12.50 110.00 Tesh PG) ZV ho Tn eg ea rm ESO} ince. oe: J. virginiana (Redcedar). 35 to 50 ft. Our native evergreen, all nursery grown. Compact in growth, pyramidal in shape, and with bright green foliage, purplish in winter. Useful in formal work, or mixed plantings. A TAB: PACS (a et ci RR Re oe 12.00 110.00 (BUR NUCY Tn Pease dks oA AA Lies 14.50 135.00 BVO MRE ace moc ct chs sci 5s. tive sho dtnesccnoo tas 19.00 175.00 Aye EY US STE Rs a i ae oa eee 74c\ (i). Ra ee eae J. virginiana albospica (Variegated Redcedar). 12 to 15 ft. Silvery white sprays are fairly evenly inter- spersed among the dark green foliage, a surprising effect. (Hh XS Lay 5 dan TS00 ME Lei. CIMCON Rime Lib nes besee cere oie ah t ccs cSdesasenene 100.00 _.......... J. virginiana burki (Burk’s Juniper). 10 to 12 ft. Bright silvery blue. : 2 UO. | Leas ee aa 13.50 125.00 2p Liles eee Reet tasks lok dove conestad TSeSO ee a: J. virginiana cannarti (Cannart Redcedar). 12 to 15 ft. Dense, blackish-green columns with Fall berries of steel-blue. EARS) Gt At Sg Se a cr 20:00 ie eese Sy ME COUR AML oo 02 coc vesaccussecScssesadepSeovarcs ZO OON ee ee e..: NTN Eee 5 7 On ie oe S500 a tte: 5 1G) Cae ne a ne S000 ei ee3..520 J. virginiana elegantissima (Gold Tip Redcedar). 12 to 15 ft. Pyramids with branches tipped bright 1 pe ee A ree 22.50 200.00 |i DELS a Ae | eee 26.50 240.00 58 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. EEO EVERGREEN TREES—Continued JUNIPERUS—Concluded 10 100 J. virginiana glauca (Silver Redcedar). 15 to 20 ft. Tall, narrow columns of blue-gray foliage. SMI 0 hate! Oars Rs Seen ARC Le seer Aut. wb 1 6A. $4500) 2) ee GEOR Se RE ee wee ie mene arena 65:00" 2222: So ac tous) wt ae cee ieee eee 85:00. eee J. virginiana globosa (Globe Cedar). 4 to5 ft. Needs no trimming to keep it dwarf and compact. In- teresting shapes are assumed, as the plants mature. PS! tO” Se Saoirse carehene. bed Meee VSO poy cess cis TSG Zon ZAC itaity Poesia Mia ee ee nae 20:00 2. nn. De sn C2 ty D0 habe esl, Gee VE 5 ea NOE 2520038 Rete: J. virginiana keteleeri (Keteleer Cedar). 18 to 20 ft. An upright evergreen of broad pyramidal form. Deep green scale-like leaves. ZI RO: ZU BUy Re, Mieco eee aren ee enna 15.00) xe ZA tO" 3) Pits Ree Oe eee ee 20003 eee PICEA canadensis (alba) (White Spruce). 50 to 60 ft. Slow growing and exceptionally shapely with dense silvery foliage. 15 CO NLS ani eae eee A een eens © 8.00 $ 70.00 18) toW24 init ta sine Bae Meera ae slow 10.00 90.00 ARMIES Ue AIS 8b He Men ca ei ear aah EA 13.50 120.00 3. 90." ATG ites Mee nena ese nore enn: 19.00 175.00 Ai tO ein hte Wate eee nese ee 7EAUY: creer P. excelsa (Norway Spruce). 80 to 90 ft. The popular Christmas tree. 1S Mtoe irine eee, nee tee iene 9.50 85.00 VAP AIG 6 ae Voie CAN oh R NS RUAN a ae Nn Se os Rt 13.50 120.00 P. excelsa conica (Arrowhead Norway Spruce). 12 to 15 ft. A slow growing, compact, pyramidal, cone-shaped evergreen. Goi to ni8:: ite Geos ei ee ee GO:00 Ne 8 sto 10) focits, 2c ee eee 80:00) 5c. P. orientalis (Oriental Spruce). 80 to 90 ft. Graceful pyramids of dark green. 10.) 46112) i tegaaerte e e 115000), eee 12° to. US: ite >. Gon Seit a es ee 55.00 525.00 8 4010: iti. 2 eae eee S000 ne 10 tower ee ee 100.00) i 12. towlsyreittnc = eee eee 140000 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 59 i EVERGREEN TREES—Continued 10 100 P. pungens glauca (Blue Colorado Spruce). 60 to 80 ft. A true lawn specimen with horizontal branches which are covered with attractive thick needles of rich, steel-blue. PAILS AER OM coli co soc seer vas) agate Fence sa des ou dans'es S2ZI50N ate 3 LONGER MU bem Sate t hes cM ctcors cc sebovicasesees 30.00 $275.00 Ane tO Aiba mrete tee ee heen cacetatttece cians 40.00 375.00 5 (io ee OR Vig (crea oR ee a 50.00 475.00 6 to 8 1 Rit Ria ee So es ee 75.00 725.00 SAO oe A Tee iy rile ae 100;00: dec. 10 towl2Z Titties ee Nc et cakdouasesaae 125300) > 2. AAU OMI REL Ge cccceas codvesscséssesScgsdssvesdeeceonse T7500 eee: P. pungens kosteri (Koster Blue Spruce). 65 to 75 ft. Bluest of all blue Spruces. AW TOMB OS PEE Ecce ORG alin ssevedessoocgseetectoes IG 5200% Matix: Sr enh ove “(0h om (se ee Bs ene Reed oe Peet .. 85.00 800.00 6 to 8 11, SNe eat gl Irae eae ot ee 150.00 1350.00 (Shine 1000) 110) R8 8 oe oe a 235.00 2200.00 IO) Eo y 74S a 8 ele ad Be a 325.00) ses. PINUS montana mughus (Mugho Pine). 3 to 4 ft. The popular round-topped dwarf evergreen. NOR et ONOUZ emit’ SPTAC. 22... 200s cessecdecess . 9.00 80.00 COW LO a eI SP REAG, (4..6.-2ccce.cscsss acd 11.50 100.00 LEON Ser Ata SPEEA Gy .ceccecceshsseasteasecess 16.50 145.00 NSE Maat O24 eemmlilteS RCAC 22. cecocsctesesksaoedsous 23.50 215.00 P. nigra (austriaca) (Austrian Pine). 60 to 70 ft. Stiff, deep green needles on upward curving boughs. ZR NO BA SR A A ee ee SR 16.00 145.00 Sy LS) y Gi apt RO RO ee RE me 27.50 250.00 Sum COMME ML Ctr ences rs sce. A seaecheretet ocak of AOLOO) iis ccess es P. resinosa (Red Pine). 75 ft. Glossy green needles contrast with the reddish brown bark. Zment Ome oe itoes:.c... eae aE EIN es ... 13.50 125.00 Seve OM Asem Ce eee a ei 24.00 225.00 Ah Ste) ot Sl 4 9 cage oe era i ad ea ..... 34.00 325.00 SER MRL OPM Omer hte ih. osheaal eee. soceosheccs A500) si cccierss One of our blocks of Pinus resinosa. 60 LOVETT’S NURSERY? Inc: EVERGREEN TREES—Continued PIN US—Concluded 10 100 P. sylvestris (Scotch Pine). 60 to 70 ft. Blue-green, twisted needles. je Pato. 4 FE Er Cae ee ees $20.00 $190.00 Ae Og ie a eect a Oe aoe eee tee oats 30.00 275.00 LPs 0 Mile 6 JMR (| ater eens OR Ia ee 40.00 375.00 Ga EOP WO hur Sie sar ere 55.00 525.00 PSEUDOTSUGA douglasi (Douglas Fir). 70 to 80 ft. Hardy, gray-green pyramids, improving with age. Z tons 1 Eade Pee ce eR pet Pele De a 11.00 125.00 3 ton 4 1H Se ene gee Re PE arm RORY In ie Ya Ee 19.00 175.00 Yas 0) cop Bm si ig ae nent meets eae x 2 SO: ay ete Bn 40) 2 Gagehtsir sree acces 31250 Wass: RETINOSPORA (cupressus) Lawsoniana (Lawson Cypress). 80 to 90 ft. Glaucous green foliage in vertical rows. 1Se 3t0824 SBI ee 10.00 90.00 2 ADAYA ALY ene ee 13.50 120.00 2 tO} GOR ta kba Oconee ee 17.50 160.00 ee EOL AY on SEE sae ee ees eee ee 25.00 225.00 4.¢ tot Se Ei eee 35:00 3 3... R. obtusa compacta (Football Cypress). 3 to 5 ft. Dwarf, compact, rich green foliage. 12). > topdSk vanes eee ees 9:00), Si-te: (Si). fowls. inh. ae eee 11.004 [ee 18) 4 346224 Vinh ee ee 13:50. eee. R. obtusa nana (Dwarf Hinoki Cypress). 2 ft. Beauti- ful dark green foliage. 18 40 240° ine 3a eee 30:00 =e Zi tOs, 2B sta: ease eee eee Ei) Ue Res ee 2a 40, 43 00 FED fest ee eee 50:00" 222 R. pisifera (Sawara Cypress). 25 to 35 ft. Loose. broad pyramid of lacy green. 18° to.-24. Soins, ee eee 9.00 80.00 Zz to: =2YB i eee ee ee 12.50 110.00 2 tO. 6344S. ee eee 13.50 125.00 Sie tO. 64 tt eee ee ee 19.00) > eee Ax 40% 65." sEte eee et oe ee ee es 30:00) 5 4Or Oo Urit. eee se ee 42.50) Teese 6), 340° ABS 4b. See eee 57-50. ee R. pisifera aurea (Golden Sawara Cypress). 25 to 35 ft. Goldenleaved form of above, especially bright in Spring. 18 to 24 1) Ceeoreen Men ane renee is ere 1B rhs 9.00 80.00 Zi. “WORN Zs Ete bat Be eee, en he 12.50 110.00 2-165 3) TO Shue Ae eee 13.50 125.00 3 tO24 Eth eA eek ee oe POUOO Ns ise 4 £0, 95 1] Ae RN ere RAE oe, S000 2- > 5 > tO:-) Gingy ies eer ae 42°50:0 Bee 6 to, “S| die es ee 57.50 550.00 R. pisifera filifera (Thread Cypress). 15 to 20 ft. Green foliage droops on threadlike branches. 15 tO “TS se ee 9.00 80.00 1S.) 4OAZAe sii ee ee a ae 2:50) eee; 2 PEO eC OEE pete Eo: en ee ee 17.50 ices 2B OK re, ES cee eee 22:50 ee 3. tOetd © fig ee eee eerie 30:00 22s: R. pisifera filifera aurea (Goldenthread Cypress). 10 to 12 ft. Ideal specimen evergreen, slower in growth than above. Golden foliage. 15: 2) tol teins =, 21 eee ee ee 15008 oes LSS 40224" in. oe ee eee 20:00 2. 46 tee lis tit ee ee eee Ag | Re sai 2YAAtO 293% MER ae ee ee ee ee SOOO! Sees eccse LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 61 EVERGREEN TREES—Continued 10 100 R. pisifera plumosa (Plume Cypress). 25 to 30 ft. Soft feathery pyramids of fernlike foliage; good for a hedge. [ray LUCY SACD eae See $ 7.50 $ 65.00 SMR RECI ee MAR Po cece cts occas cevailcadeccasesecsivess 9.00 80.00 12 TE GST apes 8 Bae a 11.50 100.00 tS GLa AST SS | a ee 14.00 125.00 3 to 4 Tie ec URSA ns i 19.00. 175.00 4 to,.5 |i ES oe a OU as SR 30:00) “S55. EE ePRU GND (N's eMC lc se oe ccc Ait ee sie cacsecasToevssseuscees 40°00) “Sec: SAS) ESM tt 9 Onan or BOLO Weseseceses R. pisifera plumosa aurea (Golden-plume Cypress). 20 to 30 ft. Warm golden plumes, easily trimmed. US Sh asia) od Gon Se op pl 8.50 75.00 18 to 24 rit Rp eee Eo Ee COR Na 10.00 90.00 Zz OSS ay 11 ON 12.50 110.00 ty ML NM BE a Aca lacvaseudesssseds 16.00 145.00 SPER LCN EOE LE Os ec eoil cc ske hoconSeceSusecesesene 20:00" #22058; ail Suey Gy, iin Fess ie a en ne 30:00) 225.524. Some of our compact specimens of Gold Dust Cypress. R. pisifera plumosa aurea lovetti (Gold Dust Cypress). 20 to 25 ft. Best of all Evergreens for a lawn speci- men, with apparently a sheen of purest gold dust overlying its graceful plumes of foliage. Js IEG) ASN eb ee A 9.00 80.00 LS), Cid. LAS PS Re SOR ae oe i pte ae 10.00 90.00 RAMECL OMAN TIN fed. S280 35, Fula cdoovetcedavoenseses 12.50 110.00 Je ARETE 2g” 14 pa 16.00 140.00 PNM OMEL oor. SPN Cov. cc sckce. santo souesi SE odores 19.00 180.00 ERO eRe hi ccccSeaset ectoctigntacholsevaeees Za-00)) Paxcrescctss R. pisifera plumosa lutescens (Dwarf Yellow Plume Cypress). 3 ft. Round-topped bush, low and broad, with bright sulphur tipped branches. CSI IED oa coco sok cssecec tates ces Races dss 5.00 40.00 S00 ito, 7 aS bs i a | a 6.00 50.00 TS” ua RS 0 he a ea A 7.50 65.00 SLD MGS (ime 1 En 9.00 80.00 MM pem CME ORI ITT 3 52.5 sd Riess sede hee oasesedetanessnens 11.00 100.00 62 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. EVERGREEN TREES—Continned RETINOSPORA—Concluded 10 100 R. squarrosa veitchi (Moss Cypress). 25 to 30 ft. Distinctly different, with soft blue-green foliage, dense and feathery. Broadly pyramidal. 2c ORO So iiars eure ees ale eee ee u Ae $ 65.00 See FOROS Uta i Dy Bee ere. tinea. ea ae 0:00) | 2e2e55 A BAERL OER WAS Atm G Mi ORE PN ie tsa alae nee SIVAN | ios oa eas 20 tO) Ee ee ne eee 15:00). 23. CON SEE HE eer Se ei Oe ear 25.00. eee. PI 0 LANs um MRD TNR Nee aM te hg lel 35:00") 2o Bo ROT Oe eek Cai tena, coe Nat one ccee 45.00 ow. Gi LOR GE tee ee ne ae 65.00: 2308 8 Sto 510) Ghteci a ee Seti s eee en 90.00) SCIADOPITYS verticillata (Umbrella Pine). 60 to 70 ft. Good specimen pyramids of dense, shining green needles arranged like umbrella ribs about the branches. BEYLetOh SOTA BEL AT Uae nee nena cere mai 45.000 ues SZ RON, AG ER UUs Neaa a lteel ceeRsOm eee 60.00 sects. Ys re ON es ieee Ne eyieita a Bvt pe eek 80.00 .......... Bid HEOEN OM 1 Ge elena tar tN ime anette entree 100.00... OX HOR Be ER Pek atulaa sae ee earn me ceied 150:000 a TAXUS baccata repandens (Spreading English Yew). 18 to 24 in. Evergreen. Spreading, horizontal branches, dark blue-green foliage. Valuable for low planting. 12% “toa 15s, in Spreadic acces. cere 12:50 ee 15) to 18) vine ispreadtancee. eee 1750). eee LSotonZ4 AS ink spread eee eens 25:00), Veeee T. cuspidata (Japanese Yew). 10 to 12 ft. Most enduring is this spreading, bushy Yew with its dark green leaves covered with bright crimson fruits in the Fall. IZ atoms Pimaspreadieer a cee 15.00 135.00 15°) tonl8), tiny spreadgen steers 19.00 170.00 LS. to 24° inks Spreadieesccce:s. wesc 23.50 220.00 Z, tO ZIG it, sSpreadl ecweae nec nee 32.50 300.00 ZY tOm sy a ahts (Sp hea des es eee ceeoree: 37.50 350.00 Ba), tOl Fam CN Spea dha ec. wetness 50.00) ee: 4. tOn a: . bt. i spread arene aa en 10:00) nee: Su 8 to 6 oft. spreadi yuan 125.00 ees 6 to." Si sitispread gn: cae ee 150:00)) 2.2%. 8 stosl0e “itvrspread = ane 200.00 _.......... T. cuspidata capitata (Treeform Japanese Yew). 25 to 30 ft. A beautiful and symmetrical pyramid of darkest green. Zo LOM C aoa Lt err ah cakes een owa wenence aeeaee ee 30.00 275.00 ZAG tO Gis Tha Ace areata ete eter tans ee etal 35.00 325.00 SVE EO POU SEE etaae enna tn ere Mam aie: 42.50 400.00 STB tO AS, Et. Pee eran a Le Sa Shee 52.50 500.00 TTS ORME EIS GOR osc scchonabo onan CRG se! 70.00 650.00 RE CORE MIRE 8 3 \Ssccoocoon bbe eae EMER MeRRPECeee 95:00)%) cece T. cuspidata intermedia (Hybrid Yew). 12 to 15 ft. Deep waxy green foliage, on a shapely, compact plant. AAR a8 a/R 6 9 Poeaiins aes, rd SOROS R ROR tb ca 15.00 135.00 USP CORBUSTR iag tient teat. slink ee at nt ene 20.00 175.00 TS" BtOwZ A ian Ate he eee net ee mada 25.00 225.00 2 tO M20 Sty eek ee NS eine tene ni 35.00) T. cuspidata nana (brevifolia) (Dwarf Japanese Yew). cae 3 ft. Slow growing, deep green foliage. COSA: AINAY ote te ee matee uh eae. 11.50 100.00 U8 TORUS as alte (Oma ase an neuen comeene 17.50 150.00 15S) POR MUS it tiseete Yoel ice nate aeee ache hemes 22.50 200.00 VOR “tORZA ss Genin ys react ce aver rate cre scuaenees: 322500 (ot. LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 63 EVERGREEN TREES—Continued Just a few of our Taxus Media Hicksi. 10 100 T. media hicksi (Hicks Yew). 8 to 10 ft. Narrow, columnar form, perfect for an accent plant. 11f8).. Rye) U2 TTR Peg $20.00 $175.00 Js WO) OBB OR eee Re ee ae ee 27.50 250.00 MBE SHO) Sine SAC sn Peak ie eRe ene ee . 37.50 350.00 BAL AWoy SWAN, saci oe an ee gen 45.00. BYE, Ri GO Sb a mei ia eee en et PI 5 9000 eae. T. media kelseyi (Kelsey Yew). Slow growing up- right bush. Dark green, dense needles of the brevifolia type. Bright red fruits. I ZeeLOM Oe itis eae of EES Ree 16.50 150.00 1S Met Oars ait eet... ONE heey 2Es80. 200.00 eM COIN AUN ID ecco Fars eo eec ses hcaccscccete: EC OO.s cvscccoens T. media vermeulen (Vermeulen Yew). Very compact and dense upright grower. Broad base and nar- row top. Beautiful pyramid heavily interspersed with red berries. A se tiroy WE Se Sie eee ai Pi Piao 16.50 150.00 IE) sre) LI Th a sessseseeeeee 22250 200.00 Baler CO Ae ITI eee CM och caleabcewaeed ZIESOW Nees... THUJA occidentalis (American Arborvitae). 20 to 30 ft. These broad based trees with their soft flexible deep green foliage turning bronze in Winter are equally good as windbreaks or for an evergreen hedge. ROMTOMC Cun mi Oe eee Me ak 8.50 75.00 ID SO ECR UE, NaI RR a SA OR a 11.00 95.00 VE Nie SN ORS A es med On A 15.00 130.00 SALE, GPM T ie I A i el a 19.50 175.00 URAL Oe MON Ce eo ect ccs cesoneschceoncs 7 Ai | 0 a a de PCCOMORE Hite td A eit ec eceeccs SOOO ay ee G0) * tee S000) «e858 T. occidentalis compacta (Parsons Arborvitae). 3 to 4 ft. Bright green, nearly globular; good in formal garden. Si S00 lc Ce ae ee ee 5.50 45.00 Lee 508 1 ene ee a 7.50 65.00 WE CSE TG s....c sce, Pt Pe, ea TO SO es, 64 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. EVERGREEN TREES—Continued THU JA—Continued 10 100 T. occidentalis elegantissima (Yellow Column Arbor- vitae). 10 to 15 ft. Perfectly gorgeous columns of foliage tipped golden in Summer and Fall. 1 EON QA 5) Te ee oc ee ee $11.00 $ 90.00 Det ae fs Psa eG oi eet 13.50 120.00 2% to 1H ee aOR SS ers. ABE Re re: Nera ae 16.50 150.00 3 to ; Ptsag hci en en een ee 24.00 220.00 AS SEG SE acek (tg Reels eee ek eee eee Se 30:00) oe: SRE 3 FIN OLE Cec ane yee, Sane ween Elegie 2 40:00.) 2 T. occidentalis globosa (Globe Arborvitae). 2% to 3 it. Perfect globes of dense, light green foliage. Qiile EO ZS eas ccs. see te eevencasosetecncn chee nte eee 5.50 45.00 | Wapato 0.20 Co Padua | CIS ueeR eneerierrs NeSU ASSET nee A 7-30, (65:00 US HOVIS atic seee ee eeeceee eee eceseoees 9508 22. ee T. occidentalis lutea (George Peabody Arborvitae). 10 to 12 ft. Conspicuous golden columns. DUE EO Ss Sink arse ee ERS ty SOM eee Beto tn eh ee es eee 22:50 Ree ANS AOU Sie Usha et ee eee eee 30:00) Bier OU AGS | EY Re ee ee ee eee 31:50)» see 64) tO (Si fty ee eee ee eee ATISO > ne 8) = to lOh fe we ee ee eee 65:002 77.2202: T. occidentalis pyramidalis (Pyramidal Arborvitae). 20 to 30 ft. Best by far of upright Thujas. These narrow green columns are splendid for formal accents. De | £ORZY oe ORY icceceecneemeretare ee eee 13.50 120.00 2s tO. Sis EES ccuternckteeeecee eee ee 17.50 150.00 Bo HO AS ity vce te eee eee 21.50 190.00 Ai FORMS» GELS Bisvee seems ates Meccan cee eee 27.50 250.00 SN COLE OME 4 PEE AIO Ce CNS 40:00); fe.5. ce: 6.2 tO SY Etee ek ee 53.007 prec T. occidentalis rosenthali (Rosenthal Arborvitae). 6 to 10 ft. Rugged, deep green, dense columns, im- proving with age. 18 Sto, 24 nh! OLR oe eer eee 11.00 95.00 Zs bOD fesse I. (56.2 RL cc teesesotetas 1.50 12.00 Pyramid. Double; indigo blue. .......... 1.20 10.00 Stella. Single; violet, veined white. ... 1.50 12.00 Subotai. Single; a fine dark rosy-red..... 1.80 15.00 Templeton. Shapely and double flowers of reddish VOLE auta tr ple ca awihiiten se seenes see: 1.50 12.00 Thomps Lovett. Violet with gold band at base. 1.80 15.00 {RIS kaempferi (Japanese Iris). Mixed. A superb com- bination of the finest blood in the Iris family. Per 1000, $50.00 .80 6.00 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. at Harpy PERENNIAL PLANtTS—Continued 10 100 I. laevigata (Rabbit-ear Iris). 18 to 20 in. Six petals of deep blue and white grace this Iris in mid-June. (120) AI ST a oe eS SeoOOL tte 3 I. pseudacorus (Yellowflag Iris). Tall, with golden MEMO LOWES Atl JUTE. ..cc6t seccuecunceeorstecas 1.00 $8.00 I. pumila (Crimean Dwarf Iris). Blue Jay. Clear deep blue. (R). .......... .90 7.00 Canary Bird. True canary yellow. (R). .90 7.00 PIRES LUG s. C1 (HERG) fe ansitecnccectesocatacezactah sacceuvss .90 7.00 ETAT SUES (CLN6) (Sec. oksedstacsccheaecectesseasaereetveccecseve .90 7.00 I. ochroleuca (Yellowband Iris). 3 ft. For early cut flowers, these lovely Iris produce flowers in June on tall stems.—Cream, white, canary-yellow EMIT PERNGC SAK cis cc. oxcucs vasssavadctococsooeneesessss 1.80 15.00 . Shilka. Amazingly hardy and beautiful with a dozen or more lovely flowers at one time on the same long slender stem. Mildly fragrant of orchid blue and cream. We are proud to feature Shilka Iris SINMONEN Fe GO LLECLION: neccvesacs.ocesscceoosccesvenseseseoces 1.50 12.00 . Sibirica (Siberian Iris). Blue King. Large, rich blue flowers... 1.10 9.00 Orientalis. Violet-colored blooms. .... .90 7.00 Snow Queen. Snowy white, shapely. 1.10 9.00 LATHYRUS latifolius (Perennial Sweet Pea). 8 to 10 ft. Prostrate plant bearing large racemes of rosy purple: flowers ally Summer. ....-:.......0-00. BOQ ert cecaec. L. White Pearl. White flowered form of the above. 1.20 weer eeseee i oe | LIATRIS pycnostachya (Cattail Gayfeather). 4 to 5 fee urple: Watee Summers. s..s.yseccress 1.00 8.00 L. scariosa (Showy Gayfeather). 4 to 5 ft. Startling purple flower heads in August and September. 1.20 10.00 L. September Glory. 4 to 5 ft. Purple. Extra long SHES ANTI GHH OED tay coll ccishodes. chdceves otteecveodes 1.50 12.00 LILIUM henryi (Henry Lily). 5 to 6 ft. Yellow. NOAM STAIMUIAMS Ts 5 sce cei tace ccbtnecoah sdicessoswreder ZSO ee scess L. regale (Royal Lily). 4 to 5 ft. White, pink shades. EAPO MOS MIAME sce saecatedatesaiiss sactedducsessactecs 1.50 12.00 L. umbellatum (Sweet Orangecup Lily). 18 in. Bears many pale red-orange flowers in May and June. 2.50 20.00 LINUM perenne (Blue Flax). 15 in. Blue. Sum- amet. (ARSON a Ae ae er 1.00 8.00 L. perenne album (White Flax). 15 in. White. Sum- PREFS to CPA) oi RN 1.00 8.00 LOBELIA cardinalis (Cardinalflower). 2% ft. Red. ESE CIA TT TUES ge no ee 1.20 10.00 LUPINUS polyphyllus (Blue Lupine). 3 to 4 ft. EMIS ee VUAY MAING 9) UTC Hy, socecascceoSvarcalcovene 1.20 10.00 L. polyphyllus albus (White Lupine). 3 to 4 ft. White. VNU yea ATCA CAN 2 odes cece ocd os ode cedcsetenegcveeces 1.20 10.00 L. polyphyllus moerheimi (Pink Lupine). 3 to 4 ft. Em EAV MATIC! ANUIINEY Wiese. codecesdeetesecces 1.20 10.00 L. Russell Hybrids. 4 ft. Hest of all hybrid Lupines. with an unprecedented range of color. 1.50 12.00 LYCHNIS chalcedonica (Maltese Cross). 3 ft. Scar- MEENA TRIGT 394 /. Bi saisinocessectaceasis seteeetes 1.00 8.00 L. viscaria fl. pl. Long narrow foliage with ver- ATOMEDEUWLO WEES. ‘iicevccstcvoscscssdSbansesscnses ESO}: a osccst toed. 78 LOVEATT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy PERENNIAL PLAnNTsS—Continued ONS = 100 LYSIMACHIA clethroides (Clethra Loosestrife). 2 ftee NWWilate. 6 AIS maniacs $ 1.10 $ 9.00 LYTHRUM roseum superbum (Rose Loosestrife). ASO) Dette ROSY pllples mOtImMaMei yee = 1.10 9.00 MONARDA didyma rosea. Flowers of an attractive rose shade. fee ee eee 1250512200 M. didyma splendens (Blazing Beebalm). 2 to 3 ft. Grimson: (ates Summeny 1.20 10.00 MYOSOTIS pal. semperflorens (Forget-me-not). 4 {6 SiR CRAM a oe ee ee 1.10 9.00 OENOTHERA Missouriensis (Ozark Sundrops). 6 to 8 in. Many big yellow blooms on a prostrate plant.) VGRv)io..c.See seater ee ose eee 1.20 10.00 10 100 1000 PACHYSANDRA terminalis (Japanese Spurge). 6 to On: Hyergneens mat, (RR): 200 a7-00un [gamayaah (74 shale, DXONESo..» coc bosecoesocacoossbete 80 6.50 $ 55.00 FOr Sy ciilyat POESH pete ee 1.00 8.00 75.00 10 100 PAPAVER nudicaule (Iceland Poppy). 1 ft. Orange to whites: Barly Sunmicr..) (R)me $ 1.10 $ 9.00 P. orientale (Oriental Poppy). 3 to 3% Bi Scarlet. blackicenterm) Maysand tunes 1.20 10.00 P. or. Golden Surprise. Golden yellow. 2.50 _.......... P. or. Hercule. Immense flowers of true scarlet. L SO spas P. or. Jeanne Mawson. 3 ft. Sparkling geranium- DIT See sc ere ee e e 2.20 18.00 P. or. “Mrs. Perry”. 3 ft. Many big apricot-rose POPDIeSiy gers Bee ree 15 Oeen2-00 P. or. Perry’s White. Fine satiny white, with a crimson -maroon blotch at base of each petal. 1250. cae P. schinxianum (Schinx Poppy). 2 to 2% ft. Rich orange Poppies, centered green. ........ 2.20 18.00 PENTSTEMON barbatus torreyi (Torrey Pentste- MON). 9/4 tt... Scanlet. | OumMmer ie ee 1.00 8.00 P. digitalis (Foxglove Pentstemon). 2 to 3 ft. Purple BanlyaSuntm etso 2. eee 1:20) -10:00 PAEONIA (Peonies) 810 Aft, Mey and June. Always popular, always adaptable, always beautiful. Albatre. Pure white, crimson flecks at center. 1.70 14.00 Alexander Dumas. Brilliant pink, interspersed with salmon, white and chamois. Early..... 2-007 15:00 Avalanche. Blush white; late. .................. 2.00 15.00 Baron Rothschild. Pale lilac-rose. .......... 2.00 15.00 Couronne d’Or. Large white; late. ........ 1:80) thee: Delachei. Dark purplish crimson. .......... ZOO 5200 Duchesse de Nemours. White, light yellow center: CAG y oe LS. ee ee cn eee ee 1.70 14.00 Edulis Superba. Mauve pink, silvery reflex; early. 1.70 14.00 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 79 Harpy PERENNIAL PLANTS—Continued PAEONIA—Concluded 10 100 Eugene Verdier. Large pale hydrangea pink, outer Metaissilace white, Wate sa .-.cccsc.oe $ 2.00 $ 15.00 aS ee yCranmed. Pity -.s.y 1.00 8.00 Res Tides ITIP OLSE. © cas ccccssbateresgesscaecicousshecese 1.20 10.00 S. spectabilis, Brilliant (Showy erongenen) 18 in. Brilliantered.. Pall HOwWerS. ........ccecesuccess 1.20 10.00 S. spectabilis variegata (Variegated Stonecrop). 15 to 18 in. Deep old rose flowers from highly attractive BNA ee aOR By si vp casks esoeaceseee 1.80 15.00 S. spurium coccineum (Scarlet Running Stonecrop). 6 in. Crimson flowers, flat evergreen foliage. (R). PUG OMMM POLS: oe0ous e502. ocec.es.5sfosevsvessestocnsibs 1.00 8.00 S. stoloniferum (Running Stonecrop). 6 in. Like the above, with pink flowers. (R). From 2 in. pots. 1.00 8.00 SEMPERVIVUM alberti (Albert Houseleek). 1 ft. Big yellowish June flowers. (R). From 2 in. pots. 1.00 8.00 S. atlanticum (Atlantic Houseleek). 6 in. Pink flow- Crs si iiey (kee Prom: 20in.! Pots, sacs. 1.00 8.00 S. doellianum (Doell Houseleek). 4 to 6 in. Red flow- ers from hairy, red tipped rosettes of foliage. (R). [E TAGE E( 25) TWD (5 Rote are eae peso ee 1.00 8.00 S. globiferum (Globe Houseleek). 1 ft. Pale yellow flowers from yellow-gray foliage; early Summer. Ghee anor IfiseDOtS....2 3c b2cc.<3.b cece 1.00 8.00 82 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. Harpy PERENNIAL PLANTS—Concluded 10 100 SPIRAEA palmata (Crimson Meadow-sweet). 3 ft. Crimson-purple flowers on purple stems. $ 1.50 $ 12.00 S. palmata elegans (Meadow-sweet). 3 ft. Pale pink. Early fume hen cee eco ase 1.80 15.00 STACHYS lanata (Woolly Betony). 4 in. Pale pur- ples silveny: foliage (IS)ecccsscccccoe cere 1.00 8.00 STATICE latifolia (Sea-lavender). 12 to 18 in. iLaven- der-blue flowers in late Summer. ........ 1.00 8.00 STOKESIA laevis (Cornflower Aster). 18 in. Pale blue. Late Summer. ........... 1.00 8.00 THALICTRUM adiantifolium (Maidenhair Meadow- rue). 2 ft. Small white June bloom from foliage like the aiardenlvatm fern) ss.cc-ctecsssee cree Vi20 ee: THYMUS serpyllum (Mother-of-Thyme). 6 to 8 in. Fragrant foliage and purple-lilac flowers in early Siuaber a RAE wee, Seen Pee ee 1.00 8.00 T. serpyllum coccineum. Dark red flowers. 1.20 10.00 THERMOPSIS caroliniana. Yellow pea-like flowers tid whl RED OY Shey 01(6 Ue) 160 es ceprcccacnacscsodseeononccdocaocces 1.80 15.00 TRADESCANTIA, Blue. Flowers of a rich blue. 1.50 12.00 TRITOMA Hybrids. Mixed shades..... 1.00 8.00 T. pfitzeri (Bonfire Torchlily) (Red Hot Poker). 3 to 4 ft. Bright flame-orange. Aug. to Oct. 1.20 10.00 TROLLIUS ledebouri. Very deep orange color. Warteaahl Owe tell me. eerste eee eee 1.80 15.00 TUNICA saxifraga (Tunicflower). 6 in. Light pink flowersrall) Summier) (GR)yi eee 1.20 10.00 VALERIANA coccinea (Jupiter’s Beard). 2 ft. Old- TOSE..2 UNE) TOO CE i ccon ec cee 1.00 8.00 V. officinalis (Hardy Heliotrope). 3 to 4 ft. Rosy whites) June iand J uly. cc: 1.20 10.00 VERONICA amethystina (Speedwell). 8 to 10 in. Bilneseanlye Sumac GR)eie eee .80 6.00 V. Bluespire. 2 ft. Lovely cut flowers in spikes of deep blue in mid-Summer. ..............006 1.20 10.00 V. incana (Woolly Speedwell). 1 ft. Blue. Mid- Summers. (OR) rtorticteeccteete eee 1.00 8.00 V. longifolia subsessilis (Clump Speedy 2.4. Breht) blues) Alle Sammer ccs 1.50 12.00 V. pectinata rosea (Rosy Comb Speedwell). A creeper with gray foliage. Bears rose colored flowers in late Spring, and is showy even when not in bloom. 1.20 10.00 V. spicata (Spike Speedwell). 18 in. Violet-blue. June and +. Jatly:.. sc cee es tscoessecelesucccnscotvactettoss .90 7.00 V. spicata alba (White Spike Speedwell). 15 ite Pure white Jame=J lye) ot eae eocco rece eet 10.00 VIOLA Double Russian. Many big, Aetae deep purple flowers in early Spring; very fragrant. (R). . 1.50 12.00 V. Governor Herrick. 12 in. Lovely violets for early Gane GRY EE ee 1.00 8.00 V. Jersey Gem. 6 to 8 in. Rich violet. May to Oct. TR) avn fbces boas Sa suth cuchavasls codec eee ee eee 1.20 10.00 V. Rosina. 6 in. Rosy pink, fragrant. Spring and PallectGR)n ee eee ae ee ee 1.20 10.00 V2 "Snowflakes “Rure whites 1.50 12.00 LITTLE SILVER, N. J. 83 FRUIT TREES Apples Sturdy trees in the following varieties: Baldwin Northern Spy Banana R. I. Greening Delicious Rome Beauty Duchess Stayman Grimes Golden Wealthy Hyslop (Crab) William’s Early Red Jonathan Yellow Delicious McIntosh Yellow Transparent York Imperial 10 100 2 years old, 3 to 4 ft., % in. to %& ATMEL INTE: Gc es eisvoksonsesnecansaseevsccsoutes $ 2.50 $ 22.00 2 years old, 4 to 5 ft., in. to#4 MEMORMNS UMP Cee a See ee coc sasncncecensesccuseoeteces 3.20 28.00 2 years old, 5 to 6ft., 4 in. and up..... 4.00 35.00 Pears Anjou Clapp’s Favorite Bartlett Kieffer Seckel HN TES CRASS EERE GS tien i cae ae scores sonccagelcecnateoce 4.50 40.00 Sweet Cherries Black Tartarian Schmidt’s Bigarreau Governor Wood Yellow Spanish Lambert Bnest-elassstrees: Z.years! olds sict:..0...4: 5.50 50.00 Sour Cherries Montmorency LEN PS iC BISIS ie SEg eee er Re 4.50 42.00 Peaches Belle (Belle of Georgia) Hiley Carman Iron Mountain Elberta J. H. Hale Golden Jubilee Rochester South Haven Bright trees, qe itl. to yg in. s...0s.h.ceseee. 1-50» 11:00 Bright trees,.7@ in. to 3% in. wo. 2.00 15.00 i ME GOES, re 11 ATCO UD. ©...20c2-leesecs sees 2.50 20.00 Plums Abundance Italian Prune Bradshaw Japanese Gold Burbank Red June [EVISTA IIBISS) TERE Ss Gee aa 5.00 45.00 Quince Orange. seirst-class. trees.) \...2.ccncciee.. 5.00 45.00 Mulberry Downing. Best black fruited variety. BE Gay 1 et 5 ia ge a 6.00 50.00 Apricot Mandarin. Large rich yellow fruit of high quality. Sie FUG ye 9 2 pam le ae 4.50 40.00 84 LOVETT’S NURSERY, Inc. GARDEN FRUITS Blueberries Huckleberries Earot Earliest, heavy crop of large, delicious blue ruit. Concord. Ripens with Pioneer, bearing large fruit with excellent flavor. Jersey. New variety, ripens with Rubal, with large, well flavored, attractive berries. Pioneer. Ripens early in the season with spikes of very blue berries. Rancocas. Ripens just before Rubal, with heavy yield of tasty berries. Rubal. Latest and heaviest bearing of all. Best for canning. 10 100 2s, GLOGS i 11g eee eee recone eae $ 5.00 $ 40.00 18>“ toe24 Cin. Bee ees 6.00 50.00 Raspberries We offer Strong, Heavy, Transplanted Plants, marked Tr., and Selected Suckers, marked S. S., and Strong Tips, marked S. T. Our Raspberry plants have all been carefully examined and found to be free of mosaic. 10 100 1000 Chieti Early, red(S.°S)) cco $) 5ON9 00M: Chief.(Tr:): nce eee ee ay AUBREDR G0), cxleseeae Columbian..Best pusple)(S. 22) =) 507 3:00) 2 Columbianés (Cl) ess.) thas cecscse OM S200 5 ee ss Cumberland. Best Blackcap (S. T.) .40 2.50 _......... Cumberland. (Gitta ies