midis eel teay singe tat a Mt Rees \ f ; ‘ Na ) 4 mi i, i 1 | " ; ; { 7 i by : ; f j t 1 : ’ ai \ ; j + : ? : y 3 Ai { ci } { 7 eae Fi td eee yi ae 4 | a! L, 4 4 al : i ie j a) iy TTA 7 : } 4! : ve! i A ht : j j : : i ‘| | Died | i : . ‘ i\ j ( j 1 You, : i " | ; | | 2: 1 bs f 1 y it | int ' if , i * ; , i i { ae BEOOD- AS: THE RESUET SOR -s<«2 2 ae <===BAD BUSINESS METHODS.=== aa ABOVE TRAGEDY happened in the State of Illinois and is the result of two farmers and neighbors doing a partnership business for several years, buying and selling hogs, cattle, ete. When the day of settlement came, there were no receipts or cerrect business records to show their business relations; consequently a tragedy. A difficulty which could have been avoided by giving and receiving the proper receipts and keeping a correct record of every business transaction. SOUR EE RN bh DLTION THE FARMERS' MANUAL GOMPLETE GOTTON BOOK. NEW METHODS OF PENMANSHIP BUSINESS FORMS AND BUSINESS LAWS. A COMPLETE TREATISE ON Insects Injurious to Vegetation. mwaND How TO Doctor ~~ FLOR OES. Elow: 402bocter: CATELE, HOGS, SHEEP” AND: POULTRY a ; a A Complete Cotton Picker’s and Cotton Seller’s Table. EDITED ee COMPILED BY PROM. Js NLeCrOLS, A Ms Author of “ THE BUSINESS GUIDE," “ THE HOUSEHOLD GUIDE," “SEARCH LiGutTs,” “ SAFE CITIZENSHIP.” Assisted by H. Ht, Fees 'H,, A. M., Attor BE ee w, and other Noted Spec in Every D ae rim REARRANGED AND REVISED UP-TO-DATE A SPECIAL CHAPTER ON THE NATURE OF THE SOIL, BEST METHODS OF AGRICULTURE AND FERTILIZING, By PROF. Soe ne W. CARVER, M. Ag., Six years Under the Tuition of Secretary Wilson, Agricultural Co! , Ames, Iowa, also in ch of Floriculture and Assistant Botanist and Horticulturist. PUBLISHED BY joc NICHONS & Co: NAPERVILLE, ILL. ATLANTA, GA, ' ACENTS WANTED. i8S9s. | ' Copyright, 1898, by J. L. lil Sone Ge Copyright, 1894, by J. L. Nichols. “anny OF COW eae en OP Y. Q 9120 \ ( SEP’ 12 1898) 1896. SSistap 23 C, we PS PEE riIONs =====FOR USING THE FARMERS MANUAL. 1. THE FARMERS’ MANUAL is one of the most complete and practical books ever placed into the hands of the farmer. It will be a safe guide in business and a correct guide in keeping accounts. 2. Penmanship.—The copies of the penmanship department are from the pens of the best penmen in America, They should be carefully studied and used as copies for practice... A few months of faithful work will make a good penman of the poorest writer. 8. Book-keeping.—The sets given in the following pages are to be used as models. The transactions written up are also given in full, so that every student will plainly see the sim- plicity of the arrangement. Book-keeping is an easy study and should be understood by all. Study the transaction first, and then study up the transaction written out in detail. 4. Business Forms.—This department of the work is a new and novel feature. The “business forms” as they occur are taken directly from actual business. They are the same size and the same form. The script type shows what is written in filling out the blank document, and the common type shows the form as printed before it is used in actual business. He who becomes familiar with all the dus¢ness forms in THE Manuva will understand the actual business transactions, 5. Business Law.—This department will speak for itself. All the laws pertaining to the farm and farm business are concisely and correctly given. 6. The Insect Department.—The time for raising fruit and many garden vegetables has gone by, unless some attention is given to the modern system of spraying or other meth- ods of insect extermination. THe Manuat gives all the different receipts for spraying and all modern methods for the extermination of farm and field pests. Every farmer should know some- thing of the habits of insects as well as remedies for their extermination. THe Manuat will give the desired aid. 7. The Horse Department will speak for itself. It is just what every farmer needs and must have if he is a practical man. The best bred horses in America are shown by beau- tiful illustrations, drawn by the best horse artist in America. Every horse is a perfect illustration of the original. The Medical and Training department has been prepared by the highest veter- ary authorities. 8. Useful Tables.—Last will be found a complete wages table, interest table and breeder’s table, etc.; also the most complete and reliable cotton picker’s and cotton seller’s table ever published, which alone is worth the cost of the book. The cotton seller’s table runs by sixteenths and twentieths from 8c up to 10c, and 800 pounds up to 699 pounds. No practical farmer or planter can afford to be without it. 3 | ANIASAL, INSTINCT. WATCHING OVER HER DEAD BABY. THE FARMERS MANUAL,} SAFE BUSINESS METHODS AND GOOD ADVICE. 1. Indifferent or careless methods of business produces trouble between relatives, neighbors and friends; creates dissatisfaction with those with whom business ts transacted ; produces controversy, often blows, and even murder. 2. “Be sure you are right, then go ahead,” should be the maxim of every one who transacts business. 3. Millions of dollars are expended every year in law suits, and lawyers are paid fabulous fees, simply because people do not do business in a business-like way. 4. Anger blows out the lamp of the mind. 5. Keep cool and you command everybody. 6. If we estimate dignity by immediate usefulness, Agrt- culture is, undoubtedly, the first and noblest science. 7. If you keep a bank account long enough, it will one day keep you. 8. The best way to keep good your credit is never to use it. 9. A boy ts better unborn than untaught. Zo. Honor and profit do not lie always in the same sack. II. Conceit may puff a man up, but it will never prop him up. 12. Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never thrown away. 13. A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck. 14. Pile luxury as high as you will,—health is better. 15. Lies exist only to be extinguished. 16, Little things are great to little men. 17. Politeness goes far, yet costs nothing. 18. Who gives a trifle meanly, is meaner than the trifle. 19. The miser robs himself. 20. Moderation is the pleasure of the wise. A“crank” is all right, if you turn him the right way. 22. He that buys what he does not want will soon want what he cannot buy. 23. An obstinate man does not hold opinions, but they hold hint. 24. Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking. 25. Tyranny and Anarchy are twin-sisters. 26. The end of all government is the happiness of the people. 27. A good name is better than bags of gold. 28. The great heroes are the great, brave, patient, name- less people. 29. A bad man becomes a worse man when he claims to be a saint, 2. [5] GETTING ON IN THE WORLD; [THE FARMExs HORACE GREELEY, GETTING ON IN THE WORLD; on, HOW TO SUCCEED. 1. Energy and Success.—This is essential to every moderate success. ‘The man of energy controls circum- stances otherwise unfavorable, and opens up avenues by which he advances to honor and wealth. ‘The reason the sons of so many rich men are comparative failures is the want of energy. ‘They have the ability to succeed as did their fathers, but they lack that stimulus which excites energy and calls into action the full strength of man- hood. Energy is the active principle in man. It is the force which impels over and around all obstacles. The Almighty has planned that success cannot be attained without a struggle, having made an effort. 2. Persevere In It.—Never give up or leave the en-!} terprise you have considerately selected for another that, for the moment, may appear more promising. A busi- ness is not built up in a month norayear. Experienced men tell us that it matters not what a person engages in, by perseverance, he will succeed. Many men have prosecuted with energy and ability some enterprise until just on the eve of success, when, shutting their eyes to the prospects of reward, they abandon the project or sell out their chance to a newcomer, who steps in and enjoys the fruits of their labor, while they, allured by other schemes, start anew at something else which promises speedier results, only to repeat the failure. 3. Be Prompt.—This is a quality of the greatest im- portance to the farmer as well as to the business man. 4 i) \ Depend on strengthening your credit by prompt pay- ment of all engagements rather than by outside display in living, dressing or equipage. If possible, meet all okligations promptly; but this cannot always be done, and in such cases make a plain, straightforward state- ment beforehand, and ask for an extension. ‘To a man who is prompt and business-like almost any creditor will cheerfully grant an extension of time. ‘Those who give credit have no anxiety about such debtors. 4, Knowledge of Human Nature.—This is the abil. ity to penetrate into other men’s minds, to discover their motives and predict their actions. ‘The working of the mind is indicated by the countenance, the tone of the voice or.a tremor of the nerves, and by observation of these we have an indication of what the person’s action will be. ‘The study of these things is said to be the study of human nature, and is of the greatest value in business life. We can readily see the more prominent indications of anger, fear, etc., but to be able to read the - mind and see the inner motives and desires of those with whom we come in contact is one of the most valu- able traits, since it enables us to suit our words and actions to the case. 5. Keep Your Own Counsel.—Learn all you can of what is going on around you, but communicate little Never make a parade of your business, but go about i: quiet’~ .nd transact it in a business-like way. Do not | ee. o>) eee Te t secret. MANUAL.] boast of your profits. Do not go about telling people what you are doing or what ycu propose to do. ‘The successful business man, like the successful general, conceals his plans until he has fully matured and perfected them, and until the proper time for them to be known. Young men in the employ of others should know that their em- ployer’s business is their secret, to’ be kept strictly con- fidential. ‘There are some people who can hardly keep a It rankles and burns their brain, and they have no rest until it is disclosed to some one. Such persons will never attain a high degree of success. 6. Foresight.—The faculty of looking into the future and divining what will come to pass is of supreme im- portance in business life. The greatest success is found where this qualification is greatest. The man of fore- sight has just the articles that are in greatest demand. He owns acres of land now sought at high prices for building lots. Others say he is ‘‘in luck,” but the truth is he foresaw the demand and prepared for it. It was not luck but calculation. 7. Depend Upon Your Own Efforts.—There is no short cut, no royal road to permanent success. ‘Thou- sands have tried to find one; but they have all failed, miserably failed. Not advantages of birth or wealth, neither genius nor opportunity make the man; but his own efforts, his own right arm and manly enterprise— they achieve for him success, and wealth, and renown. Do not be mercurial. Extraordinary success should not unduly elate you, nor, on the other hand, should dis- couragements easily depress you. A varying success is what you may expect ; only do your duty. 8. Business and Society.—Cultivate friends and ac- Quaintances in business. ‘Ihe former are won by years. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Ne eta SHGGGHHGHO GHP SSK Or, HOW TO SUCCEED. ” of honesty and integrity; but the latter are the daily re- ward of a courteous and affable demeanor. You may succeed without giving much thought to the social side of nature, but you will be compelled to labor a lifetime for the same reward you could have obtained in a few years. Enlarge the circle of your acquaintance among those who are so situated in life as to become your customers as far as you can without taking too much time from your business. Do not consider an hour or an evening taken occasionally for social interests as en- tirely lost. On the contrary, you should feel a citizen’s interest in the moral, intellectual and benevolent enter- prises of your neighborhood. The influence of every in- telligent and upright business man in a community is beneficial, and it is your duty to exert this influence for the general welfare, not looking for any reward per- sonally, but accept that compensation which comes from an extended favorable acquaintance. Beware of being drawn into social matters to the ex- tent of causing a neglect of your business. Do not allow yourself to be president of this, secretary of that, and treasurer of the other, so that your time and energy is taken up with these matters to the injury of your business. Do not allow your store or office to become a club-room or a place for political meetings. 9, A True Duty.—Always regard the duty of exact- ness and promptness in fulfilling contracts and promises, no matter how trifling, and uniformly manage your business on these principles, not only strictly carrying them out in your own obligations, but strictly requiring them of others, and you will do much to keep alive and active that high sense of honor in the community which induces a man to consider his word as good as his bond. Sself=-Ma eh i) 8 HOW TO BECOME A PENMAN. eS SS Dy [THE FARMERS INS ow to Become a Penman. HOW TO LEARN TO WRITE, OR BECOME AN EXCELLENT PENMAN. 1. Good Copies.—When you practice, study the copy, sce its harmony, and you will discover more of its beauty and find greater inspiration and interest in practicing. A successful student in penmanship must study the art and cultivate the beautiful, and practice until he can per- fectly imitate the copy. 2. Material_Have good paper. Do not buy a lot of cheap trash because it is cheap, but procure a good quan- tity and quality of paper and plenty of good steel pens. Use Spencerian Pen No. 1, Musselman’s Perfection Pens, and you will also find some good pens among the Ester- brook and Gillott make. First find a pen that suits you best and then procure a box. It is much the cheapest to buy pens by the quantity. 3. Gold Pens.—Do not use gold pens while practic- ing. While learning to write always use a Steel pen. Gold pens are very good after a good hand has been mastered. 4, Correct Position.—When writing sit at the desk or table in a position that is perfectly convenient and comfortable. Sit so that no portion of the body is cramped, and let the arm rest easily upon the table or desk. Do not sit with the feet upon the rounds of the chair. Keep your feet firmly upon the floor. 5. How to Hold the Pen.—Hold the pen so that the holder points over the right shoulder, and do not let the penholder drop below the knuckle joint of the fore- finger. 6. Movements.—Finger movement is the combined action of the first and second fingers and thumb. Fore- arm movement is the action of the forearm sliding the hand on the nails of the third and fourth finger. Com- bined movement is that which is most used in business penmanship. It is a union of the forearm with the finger movement, and possesses great advantage over the other movements in the greater rapidity and ease with which it is employed. Whole-arm movement is the action of the whole arm from the shoulder with the elbow slightly raised and the hand sliding on the nails of the third and fourth fingers, and is used with facility in striking capital letters and in offhand flourishing. 7. Practice.—In learning to write there are three es- sential things. ‘The first is PRACTICE; the second is }| practice; the third is PRACTICE ; and the student who carries out these three things will master an excellent handwriting. The old rule that ‘ practice makes per- fect” is doubly true in learning to write, and is the only principle that will successfully develop good pen- manship. | 4 ‘ E F ro giteraus MAnguaL.! 8. Careless Scribbling.— Careless scribbling tends rather to retard than to improve the writing. Each time a copy has been carelessly repeated it is an injury rather than a benefit; a going backward instead of going for-} ward. When practicing every stroke should mean some- thing and be an effort to improve. accomplish the high ideal. Writing is the result of study combined with practice. 9. Written Copies.—After having once written the copies, criticise your efforts before the next trial. By | thus picking out your faults or errors you are cultivating | the eye as well as the hand. Remember that unknown faults can never be avoided or corrected, and your first study should be to discover errors and faults and then try to mend. 10. Letter Writing.—While learning to write pick up as many correspondents as you can. Cultivate the habit of corresponding with your friends as much as possible. It makes a pleasant source of entertainment as well as excellent practice for the improvement of your penmanship, But be sure, however, and carry out the following principles: forms of letters and words, and then re-write it again. He that is willing to take this rule to himself and faith- Practicing with a| purpose by everlastingly keeping at it will master and) After writing a letter once, look | it over carefully, detect the errors in composition and | spelling, then re-write it again and notice the imperfect | HOW TO BECOME A PENMAN. a 9 fully carry it out in all his correspondence, will become a good penman. 11. Writing Not a Special Gift.—It is often said that writing is a special gift, and only the few can be. come good penmen. ‘This idea is not only fallacious but exceedingly pernicious, as it tends to discourage many pupils who write badly by leading them to believe that it is impossible for them to become good writers. There is scarcely a good penman to-day who is prominent be. fore the people in the perfection of his art, who cannot show penmanship of his youth as poor as the poorest. Practice gives grace; correct form and construction of writing must be learned by study and practice, and the hand that is stiff will become limber and: pliable, and the eye that is uncultivated will soon detect the slightest errors or deviations, and soon, unconsciously as it were, an easy flowing style of penmanship will have been | mastered. 12, How to Practice.—There are various movement exercises that are a help in limbering up a stiff and awk- ward arm and hand. We have given some in the follow- ing pages, but it is a good practice to take a single letter, study its different styles and practice it until improve- ment is evident. Exercises made of small letters and joining them together in a running exercise is an excel- lent practice. 13. The Safe Rule.—Everlastingly keep at it. is THE TRACING PROCESS BY THE TRACING PROCESS. THE TRACING PROCESS. INSTRUCTIONS FOR OUTLINING PICTURES AND LETTERS FOR PEN DRAWING. 1. Tracing.— The Tracing Process has long been known to some of the profession of penmanship, but it has been kept a sort of a secret. Many penman have paid $5.00 for the secret; some as high as $20.00. It is the quickest and best known way to make a fac-simile copy for pen work or pen drawing. It is simple, and a child can make an exact copy of any picture just as well as an older person. 2. Material.—Go to some druggist and ask him for a sheet or two of oiled tracing paper; if he hasn’t it in stock he can send and procure it for you at a small expense. 3. How to Use It.—Take a slip or sheet of transpar- ent tracing paper and place it on the picture to be copied; trace all the outlines that you desire to repro- duce with a lead pencil, and be careful to keep the trac- ing paper in the same position. Use plenty of weight ; hold the tracing paper down so that it cannot move from the position that it was in when you began the tracing. After you have done this, turn your tracing paper over. ‘Then place your tracing paper, blacked side down, on your drawing paper, or where you wish to make your drawing, and take a fine-pointed lead pencil and trace over all the outlines and shadings of the entire picture. Thus you print in peucilings a perfect copy of the entire picture on your drawing paper. Af- ter you have done this it is a very easy matter to finish the picture with the pen and ink by putting ink on in place of the pencilings, and shade according to the original, erasing the pencil marks - MANUAL.] with a rubber after the ink is put on. Tracing over the paper for copy only leaves the marks very light and can easily be covered with pen and ink. 4, Completion.—A fter doing as above stated the work is ready to be completed, which is done by putting in the rest of the shading wherever it may be thought necessary ; of course, it is necessary to run over the work with the pen and cover the lead pencil marks that have been left by tracing. THE TRACING PROCESS. BY THE TRACING PROCESS. a ty Ay My Si Co Uh LLL HH wes S zai oA = rt LP ee, weet eu AL (as, ——4 ¥ | Ye Li Woe Ss \) SS oe Oy x NY ~ is ASS SSNS << SOSA fp WS iM) SG, EXERCISES IN PENMANSHIP. See ee Ds Wy, ‘ Zz Za AA = SS \ . an Hh = oe OK \\ » % <= aN Xe f \y Boy Sa 25 EXERCISES IN PENMANSHIP. (THE FARMERS — Ss) rN ¢ r ead ae eee eae eC aEER On los ae Pe ; a : MANUAL. | EXERCISES IN PENMANSHIP. EXECUTED BY THE TRACING PROCESS. ‘SSa00ad ONIOVAL AHL ADT GALNDAXA [THE FARMERS == = —— << RM Re : ae sy Wy His . ad Ke : Sue ; AAA EPATELI Nae | . x! SS . Ry SSSa_S__TS ‘a8 | & é 3 ee bei a A KI rao: A\\YY f Lert $ VE EH 4 Khe LD gia §: : B ak | : iN 1-$ Pe 14 a VE NAY AAR A Sua. NGANS 4S HANNE RON, ASS See EXERCISES IN PENMANSHI¥ C SS SS 28 MANUAL.) HOW TO KEEP BUOKS, BAP A SMe ae eneaesensen AABaeesnseaeesenesesae ) i a dl De. of. Y Me, Sing ia Cz j | Ll Ld i 1\| Zo Mdse.,| 5|75] 2 By Draft, | 19/5 ov 3|To Rice 5 slay Wash- ‘ Gs Cash, |30/25] 4 Labor, Ae NZ 5| Opium,] ries} || ing, | 5 2 do Q sf Goods, !10/6 1]. Leeks, z}3!| Theft, |x2 “i! Note, |20/50] 6] Order, | Gola Soap, 1| 6] Deceit,| 17 Sunds., A ~ ry ——S——=~—= —= z b Goncee Bal. due, |2 8} 9 l4c 23 Acid, Potash, 2 99: 99 OR. RB SnSUPEREDRDUSERERERSDEROEDEEDEUEEEDEEEDEEED ELSE HENS Hu UN UEOUEDENEBEUNOEERNRERORE Perret ttt ettte tt tS firtrerrrrrr Sovuwsuuvecuucwens mow FO. KEEP BROOKS: <) 1. Great Mistakes.—It is impossible to estimate the money lost annually, directly and indirectly, through careless methods of doing business. More than half the lawsuits are the outgrowth of some neglected or care- lessly kept accounts, and millions of dollars are lost an- nually by the people of this country, because they will not do business intelligently. 2. Important to Farmers.—As arule farmers are the most neglectful of all classes in keeping correct record of their accounts; they trust too much to the merchants and to other parties with whom they deal, or depend en- tirely upon memory, and many find it an expensive way, for they could often hire a bookkeeper for an entire year for the time and money lost in settling up a single diffi- culty, the outgrowth of carelessness. 3. Hired Men.— Few farmers make any account or record of the agreement with hired men. It is a serious neglect and a very unbusiness-like way to do business. 4. How to Write a Contract with a Hired Man. Write the name of the person employed, former resi- dence, the date he begins work, the rate per month, the time for which he is hired and such other conditions as are agreed upon, either in the book for his account or o a) 5. Personal Account.—In dealing with a hired mau debit him or charge him for the amounts paid him and for lost time, and credit him with the wages agreed upon, and when the final payment is made or settlement agreed upon, a receipt should be given in full of all demands to date. 6. A Good Business Principle.—When you pay a bill, always take a receipt for the amount paid and file these receipts away in a safe place. It is a good plan to paste them in an old book, then they can be referred to easily, and you will always have a degree of security about you which may save you from some lawsuit or from paying a bill the second time. 7. Keeping Accounts with Merchants.—If you run a credit account at any store, you should have a small pass-book in which the entries should be made by the merchant. The book should be presented for entries whenever an article is purchased, and the day and date specified and the articles correctly entered. 8. Cash Accounts. — It is a very simple and easy thing for a Farmer or a Mechanic to keep a correct cash account. Place on the debtor side all the cash received On the credit side all the cash paid out. This prin- On paper. It is best to give the person employed a copy of the agreement as written in the account book. ciple of keeping accounts is often one of the safeguards of the family, and many persons of fortune to-day can JAY GOULD. trace their success to their keeping a strict cash account in their first struggles, and knowing where every dollar came from and what became of it. People in order to be successful in business must do business in a business- like manner. Study carefully the ‘Safe Methods of Business.” HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. [THE FARMERS 9. Washington said that agriculture was “the most healthful, the most useful and the most noble employ- ; ment of man.” But this is only true when the soil is suitably cultivated, the seed-time and harvest carefully observed, and when intelligence and energy are mani- fested in every branch of the work. 10. The Sources of Wealth are chiefly agriculture, manufacture, mining and trade. 11. The Means of Wealth are the outlays and re turns made with intelligence, industry and skilled labor. 12. Agriculture is the cultivation of the ground. It includes grazing and the management of live stock. The soil, climate and market will generally indicate the kind of products which will be most profitable. The farm produces chiefly wheat, corn, rye, butter, beef, pork, mutton and poultry. 13. Manufacture changes the raw material into the forms suitable for use ; for example, the flour mill grinds wheat into flour and corn into meal; the shoe factory makes leather into shoes; the cotton factory spins cotton into thread and weaves the thread into cloth, and the starch factory makes starch from corn. ie Di Mg : Arq . MANUAL. ] . iad ” 2 JO mr ” HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. Poe ENE AN EOSa: ACCOMNE: ” L> SA » ; Da WUcse 2f , Toya f y Z A712 tu. Kpeed 1.350 1 /, f : ” Mad ary SS CUM 7.00 GF a y om = , Cy DLL Y Violicng, he: eo ae ee A VT tiia Ae an ed ee Ds Lan aL heat @ 7. Yd tL tho Vea @ 7, 4 gp a ee, fe) Cte, 2 ar oN O00 32 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. [THE FARMERS’ Account with a- Gaim Galois. i. Br, VE We day @ SIE 00 CeO tin Famsofa | sevtet, endear’ fami dali Pel. LO G, Gal poud oe es RE Mateo ths Sarr eu 73 | 00 (Pp. ue CF, ay 1 ben Ce" Wtareh 3 Lad 5 b2 Uh MO day, 6 ”" “Cail: Lee Os ese vealiga ip hatha), eam 30 | 00 Chig AO ” gs JA Od Chig LlW. wee Gi Lh, Le days, o VEZ ; ° : /) Mie Lp OQ Vs Met ss iS beh ? Ya; a WALZ tans 24 Cy tect ad etn fe co. a SGM ee oe age | eles A oft 23 a ashe frwd tH 0707 Ore hey. Sehr Redes. als > AME RNa ie GONVOG Dood F Oly LECTIOC ee meade, Lat! g Cee LYE; teginn Ee IEG 3 Ve GLb: FIGS, @ | SIO. COE LES Se | By 72 month unl @ ) DASA Ces mete 246 | 00 ix DO Da Cape it ees OVE wre die’ Vez0e, LA eZ O00 9/6 \ 00 26 \ 00 Za Getoa| 7 Fo Cash prtid on “new Gp - +--+ == 70100 1\ 4 Gaus Woot tought Jatt th ee aleve Ce oie en Dots sof ls nc Dees 2 2 we Oe 2G bh, BNOG Off.\ 75 \ Sp, poavditn’ Y= ee NAS GO Phay TO Nos? jie ey Clie gon st eves et nae 925 \ 00 Sie ig ag? fou op Aine pune LMbhe ba S9the eset 4 | 00 oy, DINO seateopone (peas Cee eatin eg ene 5|00 Clig.\ 70\ ” CM Ede EEE eee eee KDofoll hehe, ea fone zp rat SEs SSR RC tari ee 2\00 De) 27 \o Sf, Sree hot waged Capp ee Page &\| Dy os Vad i wail @ 20.00 Fe ts nee eal IL0 00 € co Cees CY La Mae aes ne LIT 00 —= £9410\ 00\|\89L0\ 00 MANUAL. ] HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. 33 Accomt of a Cecnpell 0 Ofcl0s. py |, 7898 Chu. | 20 G. Dianisg SEE ae, days @ $2.50 . NS me | 0)" Spooning e SON aoe a a Doay ge Claving, Meee (OO Ae Z Ze 77) Laisower@, PSL PG Oi ape Me eS PS Ot em yy pee ” Protease Pr On eae LOGS Peat GLa. 5 LO day, @4.00 ©. = x ” Oo Golesafe a go” @PF.90) o por | « Gra kx Yo on Ge ee a Chet’ C. OCR OS LN a SO pest Cy Bring DD SO ORS Oe kfyd\ 75| ” oo Al Ontiate: Bee \3ol = Ba oe and Pielling, = Aen 20 GB, Con G Wesevae pe PS: ee @dID¢ - Se oe (20 bs all b Vig Be Gaol BR i » | Be Cxponce Driketing bEOU@ Oe GQ. \ 7 ee is On Qe. A are ; f 4s etal RATE gis NOT cet: Ay ak gn = NE ol OO ais covet ane ebro lg as SGC ed ae Hl Lose off ae hs po pa SR ES CN ae ee Go, Oe Se OR eR er ea Oi Ma oe De baa Be a4 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. [THE FARMERS DWIGHT BAKER’S Ce Divichant. i. CO. ACCOUNT WITH IGG. Soa 3\ Dp 18 ph Chk @ $950 S 22 a | Go 15 te Onl @ 75¢ ~~ - 2-7 + + NS 1125 ” £| Py & yds Cloth © $3.00 , I4\00 NSD Cho LO te. oe 5080¢ $827 ba Wheat of2,f94\ 66\00 og IO Cy te YO ya. GJtustin @ 1G - - We 60 eas 7, Ll xh, 2ce due 7 hoe Vii (C75 edlecedt V3 TS Roce We 25 eae 25 Chae \ 7 ioe ee ec | PIN IE a | g\ ” de as 5g @.GOe ti na ee nee 12 00 Ae F Ga) Vf), yal Sere @ Jo¢ PENT menos Fyre 6 60 Bett Males tea Aa ES; nen @ S71. 95 6| 25 ” NAG a. 10 da f YLeat @ PS LO 74| 00 o 19/\ Cy 72 Hilts se ee ne 3196 ” \80| & Wfacence due fret ill erduta 22) 34 Ree 39\75\ 39\7F Hbay| / Cs Were Nag eer _-| 29/24 ” CONS Le lel Ch redfis @ S750 ------- 6\00 “| $| Gi, Cash, fx Gil verdesed Ops ee 22 \ag “| 4|\ Go 3 tone ray @SI500 ---- S| 00 a G Dy. Ofts. Boveiases 36; My de G&. ye a) 96 CONT 7 a. 185 la. Wee f, @ Ge 1O\ 65 PEO fh Gy IO ya. Ye. atin @ 20¢ : -- -| Tie Pe ee Claes Pvibes nee die foc Wild \ Tadd gc VA O, oA Vip, eich: eS a Saat = By Cb wjibofy Oy. pee S 4 MANUAL.) HOW TO KEEP BOOKS, Flome loeddond in Book-Keeping. —— 9 Practical and Gomplete. t+ A Complete Education.—This is a practical age, and no young man’s or young woman’s education is complete without some knowledge of book-keeping and commercial accounts. Our advice, therefore, is to every young man whether he expects to engage in active business life or not, that he thoroughly master the subject of book-keeping and the science of accounts. Farmer and Mechanic.—The farmer and mechanic have found out, by dear experience, that it pays to keep a correct record of their business transactions instead of SINGLE ENTRY Single Entry Book-keeping is the recording of business transactions with persons only, and the books used in single entry are the Day Book and the Ledger also a Cash Book and Bill Book may be used as a part of a set when deemed necessary. A Single Entry Day Book is the book known in law as the Book of Original Entry and should contain everything that has been done or in other words a com- plete history of the business, 6 trusting entirely to the parties with whom they deal. Every man should know his own account and have a cor- rect record of it. A Great Necessity.—What the public wants is a plain simple style of book-keeping, that will require the the least amount of labor and yet explain in full, the tran- sactions with others. The rules and forms which we give in the following will be not only practical and help- ful to all, but can be safely relied upon as a brief, sys- tematic, comprehensive and correct form. BOOK-KEEPING. A Single Entry Ledger is a Book of Accounts.with persons only. A Ledger proper represents a classifica- tion of accounts. A Cash Book, when kept in single entry Book- /keeping, should contain the items of all Cash received |and all Cash paid out. The Form of the Day Book, is Simple. First give the names of the persons to be debited or credited, whichever the case may be, by placing the words “Debtor” 36 or “Creditor,” (abbreviated Dr. and Cr.) after the name. If a man purchases anything and does not pay for it, he is a debtor and must be debited; and when he pays for the same, he is a creditor and must be credited. In looking over the following set, the student will easily see when the term “ Debit”’ or ‘‘Credit” is applied. Practical Rules for Commencing Book-keeping. First, credit the proprietor with the resources or what he puts into the business. Second, debit the proprietor HOW TO KEEP BOOKS [THE FARMERS with the debts he owes or assumes. Third, personal ac- counts with other persons put into the business, debit the person with the full amount he owes, and credit the pro- prietor with the amount of the indebtedness. Fourth, in the transaction of business always debit the person with what he owes, and credit a person when he pays his account. When loaning a person money, he becomes 2 debtor and is so entered in the book, and when he pays his account, he is credited and is so entered in the book. ARRANGING ENTRIES IN DAY-BOOK FOR POSTING. Debit and Credit Rule for Personal Accounts. Debit the person when they owe you, or you pay them an account. Credit the person when you owe them, or they pay you an account. Buying and Selling on Account.—If you sell on account, debit the person and describe the property sold. If yoa buy on account, credit the person from whom you purchase. Cash or Note.—If you buy or sell for cash, make no Day Book entry, but enter the Cash in the Cash Book; if for note, enter in the Bill Book. Cash in Part Payment.—If you sell property and} receive cash in part payment, debit the person for the full amount sold, and credit him for the cash received, and enter the cash in the Cash Book on the Dr. side. If you buy property and pay part cash, credit the person for the full amount and debit him for the cash paid, and enter the cash in the Cash Book on the credit side. Note in Part Payment.—If you buy property and give your note in part payment, credit the person for the full amount, debit him for the note and enter the note in the Bills Payable Book. If you sell property and receive in part payment a note, debit the person for the full amount sold, and give him credit for the note, and enter it in the Bills Receivable Book. Cash on Account.—If you receive cash of a person on account, give him credit and enter the cash in the Cash Book, on the Dr. side; or if you pay cash on account, debit the person and enter on the Cr. side of the Cash Book. Bank Account.—An account with a bank is consid- ered a personal account. Debit the Bank with the amount you deposit, and credit the Bank when you give acheck upon it. An excess of debit will show balance on deposit; an excess of credit will show amount over- drawn. Drawing a Draft.—The drawer of a draft should credit the drawee when he draws a draft upon him. The drawee of a draft should debit the drawer when the draft is paid on presentation or accepted for future payment. Cash Entries.—-Cash invested in the business, and all cash and checks received, should be entered on the debit side of the Cash Book, and all cash paid out on the credit side. Balance on Hand.—The difference between the debit and the credit side of the Cash Book should equal the balance on hand, as shown by actual count of money on hand. ‘There can never be an excess on the credit side of the Cash Book without error, as we can never pay more than is secured. ‘The Cash Book is closed by enter- ing on the credit side in red ink the excess of the greater with the remark ‘‘ Balance on Hand.” Single rule both debit and credit columns, directly opposite, foot the col- umns and double rule, then bring the red ink entry below in black ink on the debit side, as a balance on hand with which to start the next day. The Sales Book contains a record of all the sates of merchandise and may be used as a principal book from ‘which to post personal accounts to the Ledger, instead of entering the same transactions in the Day Book. An Invoice Book should contain a record of all merchandise received, which-is usually done by posting all the invoice in a blank invoice book and indexing them for reference. ‘The transactions on account may be post- ed directly from this book to the Ledger, the same as the transactions in the Sales Book. Some however prefer to enter them in the Day Book before posting. The Sales Book, Invoice Book, Bill Books, and Book are the same in Double as in Single Entry. Pash MANUAL,J DOUBLE ENTRY Double Entry Book-keeping is the process of re- cording business transactions, so that each eutry shall have a debit and a credit of equal amounts. Accounts are kept with both persons and things. The Principal Books are, the Day Book, Cash Book, Journal, and Ledger. The Day Book is the book in which the entries are first recorded, with the date and in the order of their oc- currence. It should give a complete history of the tran- sactions. The Journal is the book in which entries to be made in the Vedger are arranged. The Ledger is the book of accounts. Rules for Opening a Stock Set of Books.—Debit the resources and credit the liabilities, then debit or credit stock for the difference. If the resources be larger, credit the stock. If the liabilities be larger, debit the stock. The proprietor’s name may be used instead of stock. At Commencing, a credit of stock shows the invest- ment, and a debit insolvency; after the books have been opened, the credit stock shows additional investment or gain, and the debit amount withdrawn or loss. HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. 37 BOOK-KEEPING. When Two or More Persons are doing business as partners, we do not use the stock account, but open a separate account with each of the partners, using their individual names. A Partnership Set is opened the same as a stock set, only that you credit or debit each partner instead of stock. The Debit Side of a partner’s account contains debts assumed, capital withdrawn, and final losses, the same as the debit side of the stock account. The Credit Side of a partner’s account contains all investments, whether original or subsequent, and final gains, the same as the credit side of the Stock account. In a Partnership Business the Loss and Gain ac- count is closed to the Partner’s account, each name men- tioned in Loss and Gain, dividing the gain as per agree- ment. Rule for Journalizing.—Debit what you receive, and credit what you part with; or debit what costs value, and credit what produces value. The Debit and Credit of the Journal should be equal. The Journal should be footed at the bottom of the page. 38 HOW TO KEEP BOOKs. [THE FARMERS THIS SET IS WRITTEN UP, SO EVERY ONE CAN STUDY THE FORMs OF ENTRY FOR EVERY ITEM. & TRANSACTIONS IN SINGLE ENTRY Written Up. Jan. 1, 1894.—J. L. Nichols and F, A, Lueben have engaged in a General Merchandise business. J. L. Nichols invests Cash, $4000; Merchandise, $1750; Notes as follows: One in favor of J. L. N., signed by D. B. King, and endorsed by A. L. Willard, dated Dec. 1, 1893, at 60 days, for $500; and one for $700, an accepted Draft, drawn by L. S. Bliss on H. B. Hamilton, Dec. rr, 1893, at go days’ sight, and accepted Dec. 13,’93. Personal Accounts, as follows: Jacob Jones, $500; Albert Lee, $750; Arthur Cromwell, $go0. F. A. Lueben invests, Cash, $500; Real Estate, $5000. 2.—Sold John Smith, on %, 2 doz. Gents’ Silk Handkerchiefs, 24, at og; 6 pes. eae Sheeting, 130 yds., at ro¢; 4 do, Mixed Cassimeres, 100 yds., at 50¢.— Received Cash of Jacob Jones in full of Y%, $500. — Pag Cash for Stationery and Printing, $30. 3.— Sold A. Thompson on his Note at 30 days, endorsed by Wm. Miller, 1 case Child’s Metallic Tip Shoes, 60 prs. at 50¢; 2 do. Child’s Heel Gaiters, 96 prs., at 63¢; 3 pes. English Tweed, 27 yds., at $1. g.— Sold John Bird, on %, 4 cases Men's Congress Gaiters, 96 prs., at $1.50; 2 do. Gent's Canada Ties, 24 prs. at $1.75. — Sold Peter Carter, for Cash, 1 piece Striped Velvet, ro yds., at $5; 6 do. Paper Cambrics, 72 yds., at 8¢; ro do. Lynn Cotton, 300 yds., at 117. 5.— Paid Cash for Petty Expenses, $3.75. — Sold Wm. H. Albert on his Note at 60 days, 3 pcs. Lancaster Gingham, 125 yds., at rog; 6 do. Scotch Plaid, 240 yds. at 13¢.— Bought of Harvey, Pierce GS Co., invoice of Merchandise amounting to $5000; paid Cash $2500; Note at 6 months, $2500. 6.— Received Cash on Ye of Arthur Cromwell, $500,— Sold Wm. Peters for Cash, 1 case Misses’ Cork Sole Shoes, 60 prs., at 75¢; 1 do. Gent’s Paris Gaiters, 24 prs., at $1.75. — Received Cash for Petty Sales, $25.50. 8.— Sold Jacob Hosig on %, 3 doz. Elastic Hoop Skirts, 36, at $2.50; 1 doz. Empress do., 12, at §f2; 3 pes. Check Marseilles, 30 yds. at 50¢. — Sold Albert Dickson, for Cash, 3 pcs. English Tweed, 27 yds., at $1; 6 do. Corduroy, 250 yds., at 75¢.— Received Cash of John Bird, on ae g50. g.— Paid F. A. Lueben, Cash on Private Y, $100. — Paid Cash for Petty Expenses, $7.50. 1o.— Sold Katie Burke, for Cash, 3 cases Ladies’ Extra Balmoral Boots, r4g prs., at $2; 2 cases Ladies’ Opera Gaiters, 48, at $1.75. r2.—Paid J. L. Nichols, Cash on private %, $75. — Sold Wm. Sheller, on %, 6 pes. Merrimack Prints, 210 yds., at 9¢; 5 do. Union Prints, 150 yds., at 8¢; 7 do. Lancaster Prints, 244 yds., at 8¥4¢; 4 do. Orange Prints, 120 yds., at 8% ¢.— Received Cash for Petty Sales, $10.38. 13.— Received Cash of Arthur Cromwell in full of Y%, $goo. — Sold Hl. Krueger on %, 3 pcs. Lancaster ee 125 yds., at tog; 2 do. French Merino, go yds., at 50%; 5 do. Bar. Muslin, go yds., at 14¢. -5.— Sold Peter Cooper for Cash, 6 pes. Fancy Linens, 36 yds., u $2; 5 do. English Prints, 200 yds., at 20¢ ; 6 ve Parametta (Maroon), 300 yds., at 75¢.— Paid Cash for Repairing Store, $75. 16.— Received Cash of Jacob Hosig, in full of %, $129. — Sold Jacob Jones, on %&, 5 pcs. Amoskeag Stripes, 720 yds., at 12% ¢; 4 do. Pepperell Sheeting, 160 yds., at rog; 4 do. Auburn Sheeting, 120 yds., at 15¢. 17.— Received Cash in full of Albert Lee's YG, $750. — Sold A. N. Walter on his Note at 60 days, 4 cases Men's Thick Boots, 48 prs. at $1.25; 2 do. Double-Soled Boots, 24 prs., at $1.50. 20.— Sold John Simon, for Cash, 2 cases Women’s Walking Shoes, 120 prs., at 50¢; 2 do. Jenny Lind Gaiters, 24 prs. at $1.15; 2 do. Opera Gaiters, 24 prs., at $1.75.— Paid Clerk hire in Cash, $65. 22.— Received Cash of Jacob Jones, in full of %, $479. Inventory + Merchondise on hand - - - - - = = $4500. att ih MANuAL.] 4 4d 4 47 eo - oe ake 47 */ 4/ HOW TO KEEP BOOKS, PALLY - BOO rk: =) fo Wp FLUE Cove £4 i CI Jn lars oe ees p /, aled ad fre Sip ioZ7 os By 1D CS ee Zi. a ye () Cath Pept My hee Siac TIO Litt Cuniwit ; Lif 7. VA Le Vay fy Dy Ce ae et olla. Ze A Weoal Citate y PS acot fone, GB, LD (A AY EGY) fo VA laa Ga Datance, fr? YF S ; y 300 LP ip f é a, Ga CLS fr! yf ge ff Vj = bbws OFLA CYsd 47> os Jo f we eI eS eS CZ pee fro of ey CA Hhichots, % “I~ ). , yeas 4 Dod daz. ants Jild Dib, 94, ator, -. 960 ” O pros. Clposteag Siecling, 130 yh. @7O¢ = f200 ot x A Print? Loe 100 LOAD SOG Me OOO. 73\ Co 40 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. ¢ [THE FARMERS DAY BOOK, 4/ ve 47 4/ 7/ 4/7 YA. fy ey, ys L ea WHiid SB Ze: ocd Wome Conbinse OP attag, GC pis. @1. 50, 8744.00 LIAL Fert’ aes ade Cee 2h i @7.72, 43.00 186 N AD S- AY f (/ AS : ( eo foil neat’ Arnsegs Lhicp~ LEENA BS LGN NEED LDP Lay LO fe bgt 4 ‘ Ya Se doz. Otashie Aloopy Ay vi Li, I6, @ 2. "4" Ompuate 0 "AD @2 ag a Lcd, Cb Pprassoihs I04 ys. @® J 0, » $90.00 \ [Meee ak Ot lee OCA 129 4) Cig a) // VSG ow) BLE COD) Do o : My Gash rete aig A Oe J0 y 2 AY LD g oe, LL Bewetent G A) GPa Caste ffas fovuale tube FD Tie See py nr a aR ga 700 ey oD 4 Cz jd \Z Le Pa Cy 4 Ls Vi L ale Use” Mspacdy che al SYS nea One ae oot pe a Vi) “| None Biablaz Dig Lf ( : (fa O focs Ptevsin SKE Gi} te 4, 210 yds. @S Ye, Tag, BIE 90 a on iaA OS, 4/ L450 Ae @ Fe, Sh 42. OO 7 i yt Aes 7 ILL “/ @ Phe, - 20.74, o) rn te x bs Ce or fe S Di se @ Fhe, = 10.20 67 : i i ‘ 3 : 3 a a ee ee ee ee Ty MANUAL.J HOW TO KEEP BOOKS, 41 DAY BOOK. a a 3 - , BN ZO Af yy SS ey = 4) SY : Aye, 5 4 ee “ f 2S ee Sa J foes. Bev nernilel TS 3 Lealeatit, IDS yl. @ LC gf, 2) APD. IO 77 7) ut Pen BS Liees bet 40 Za @ SO¢, IO. 00 » § ” Gu Puil 90” @74¢, 72.60\|| Z5\76 @, : ey hod, lobes Loth feagy Ei hijh fee Ay, ye @ Z Do ¢, gp Wo. OO e iy us Gppudl Hating, 166 “ @d40¢, 76.00 Le Mee deri “ 130" @454, 4€00\ go 2 Sie Dae Or" ve, ZL SEF OE) - GL Coul Lyf a7 ie he hE SRN ners acy Leak ecm oe 70 ve. 7 CO VAs is Td. Ci fs j 29 VE fait, Cry Vay Cash in fall of Se ald Dh soe ip am eit 2 Tot ale ae Pm pw aie he 49 42 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. (THE FARMERS’ CASH BOOK. gi @ —, Via) oy, or {| Clnount invested ty fe Bh: (Yliohot |SL000 ( A OE ga) 7 VA MC wy wu CO F, th Cae tae ae I00 Poy aie a Si Goececued Leg on fuls SPE, Y rites J00 Faid f Dieting ae ee FO Va A MG CZ G > / CCttt of Gelet On bes vs Ons Mie. Sea FF . 6 Vi, z LO “fay Os ne Beseeg (Gg 1 , OH Dike - 2500 7 @& Ge: ved p74 Wiz wn, E y. Cbd Meds Tie eae JT Su Oaks Cute we LHL % Sa she eis ALY, LA fo Cty (ale Ree MY ail oe patie Me B= 25) 50 of Oi bate pela Nod. - .\ 974\ 50 ian Pied: on Shee | JO Gz AGG ie aps ees = 400 “os 1 lly Copenses - ve 7\b0 Wo cceri ee es Wiha ire 579 Cid x See E Je Weececved gos Golly eee 40| 3P Ls fp fil Lottt Fie. 4 pllfir 5 L400 ue Suac Cpr E4zZ : JIT Gai ov oo aig Stow’ Beh aie Jo Gfersived of pect J asi lly ee Us eee, Li yee Vil é ee ee ELCLAL x . Gc i, Vas sie tee ake s542 7 F142 Ve | — ie Je SR te Be SAE pa Pa ay eas eS | DOVWO°E f An Out” eu Cab “E4I TY) SELF}, 2 *UW yy Y “) 14 V4 fk LOLS LOQL MAD “40 GaSOdSIQ MOP] ANY NAH AA ‘INDOWY |'SNQ NIHM| ‘“WuaL ‘aALVd ANVIL UO AAMVUC = |'AaSUOGNY yuo uMMVUC | “LVHM AOA Nana ON HIAV Ac Site dO: Sao) 00\90 |fE «| OWS» | "YY, Dy fO py, \uhn \P v LY Ys L 4 2 A © ALY] * 2 ff a: VA LZ ay) 4 gt G a 7OYL, [EP w/ ) TU) iG Za V (Ge) @ LLL NG Piyfp\ uv OF punge uapyfuoy fr ) HD) Wi iy) “Hy "PU yy elee eae LC ti Wa HI TC (A; y GOL/ OO GOL. W wy 4 OL Va 4 YD SPV CiL7e Jog. “ “/ “ Loe 6G , 2-9\* ‘ f— UD a OVAIOBD ree Vey GOLL i el el 7 2 J hae sf ie , OO OSL CJ "dO GaSOdSI(T MOH ANV NUH A “LNOOWY “ANd NAHM “WUAL “ALVCd “UANVIL HO AAMVUCT “MASUOGN YT WO VAMVUC “LVHM WOW NAHM ‘ATAVAIHOWNN SII WO SALON ‘SOC heel as \\ 5 9 eh nuziniaiall 44 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. [THL FARMERS” j Uo Gs Bis) GSS a | ee Fe GBY. ee a Oy g weucstment G100 Vl 7 x W Vi fo oa YY Dy Wade ee C0 ie a IF |S ly Gow ofonn Grid. TIGL. hae tc 759 4. 4 Wy / a) 4 = / o, _— oy (EZ g og Y GF 2 ip dae. 4d a os an.| &\G Fy C nthe 2 $ Z D. Jf ie IT fs Gialan Ce’ Vise ey gk ohucet Nosy. IEG U. 1EG 4 ov F G. Video: 129 Pe 16 Thy Case q \Q Li . QS 45 16 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. [THE FARMERS’ EEG Pix. 159 4. ae IEG 4. Jr 2\o Vedser C/| Ef \\|_ fon. |37 | Cy Catance | €/| 2% Lapa po\(F Pedeer 45\10\\| fox] 3/| Cp Catance |) 45\70 ( | | | MANUAL.] HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. 47 Sa ee bie HE results of the foregoing record will be found condensed and classified in the Statement which follows. A Statement showing the condition of a business must of necessity exhibit its property and debts, or, as usually expressed, its resources and liabilities. The sources from which these facts are obtained in the present instance, so far as the record goes, are the Ledger, the Cash Book, and the Bill Book. The Ledger gives the debts due to and from the concern, the Cash Book gives the amount of Cash in possession, and the Bill Book gives the Notes and Bills Receivable and Payable. ‘The value of unsold goods has to be obtained from actual inventory and appraisement, as is the case in any system of Bookkeeping. VGesowtees. Yio Ld edges Clann COs cae feo nee ee. Cesk Hick Gul nos > /E ae > ve 3 Grom Wile Wok Loe Bio ae be Grom One “y. SG teh estes oe dened 6 aS: Cie NGS ea Ee. Se Leatibetics, 7. Grom GE Weck —~ Vote, fave LL, vey E stce Ye Pl Val i _—_——— Hass ot Gan. SP GD Aechol’ (Ppt Oriiss ith, sate es ER LESS ve ae FE a bet ee ae ee, Writl Dig tee Frias 2 ee 48 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS, [THE FARMERS’ TRANSACTIONS---DOUBLE ENTRY. THIS SET IS WRITTEN UP. Feb. 1, 1894.—Commenced business with the following resources and liabilities: RESOURCES—Cash, $1822.20 5 Bills Receivable, $171.50; Robert Baker's Account, $350; Charles Marshall's Account, $222.50; Edward Drager’s Account, $186.00; Samuel Peter's Account, $293.75. — LIABILITIES—Our Note in favor of A. C. Bond, for $2500. Bought of Swinger & Williams, on Y, 20 bags Rio Coffee, 1670 lbs., @ 156; 15 tierces Rice, 7500 lbs., @ 4f + 15 hhds. Cuba Sugar, 14,000 lbs., @ 5¢. - 2—Bought of Harvey & Co., for Cash, 12 hhds. N. O. Molasses, 720 gals. @ go ; 20 boxes Soap, 1450 lbs., @ 8 + zo bbls. Pork, 2000 lbs,,@ rog. 3.—Sold A. N. Farlow, on Ye, 30 lbs. Coffee, @ 18¢; 20 lbs. Rice, @5¥a¢; 100 lbs. Sugar, @ 6¢.— Received Cash of Robert Baker, in full of Ye, Boss 3-—Paid Cash for Stationery and incidental expenses, $20. 5.—Sold Amos Yorgery, on%, 1 bag Rio Coffee, 80 lbs. @ 18¢; 20 gals. N. O. Molasses, @ 50¢; 30 lbs. Rice, @ 5%4¢.— Bought of Henry Albert, for Cash, 300 lbs. English Dairy Cheese, @ 20¢; 250 lbs. Butter, @ 18f.— Sold D. D. Meyer, on his Note, at 30 days, 5 boxes Soap, 350 lbs., @ 10g; 6 bags Rio Coffee, 485 lbs., @ 16. 6.—Bought of Chicago Tea Co., on our Note at 10 days, go hf. chests Y. H, Tea, 2356 lbs., @ 35¢.— Sold James Armstrong, for Cash, 10 hf. chests Tea, 580 lbs.. @ 38¢; 100 lbs. English Dairy Cheese, @ 22f. 9.—Svld Samuel Davison, for Cash, 50 lbs. Butter, @ 20¢; 50 lbs. Coffee, @ 18¢; 30 gals. Molasses, @ 50f. 10.— Sold Aaron Masters, for Cash, 30 gals. Molasses, @ 50¢; 10 lbs. Rice, @ 6; 1 box Soap, 75 lbs., @ 10g. 12.—Paid Clerk's Salary in Cash, $15.— Bought of Alvin Simmons, on G, 15 bbls. Crushed Sugar, 2520 lbs. @ ro¢. 15.—Received Cash, on G of Charles Marshall, §r00.— Sold Alfred Gibson, on, 5 hf. chests Tea, 275 lbs., @ 5063 50 lbs. English Dairy Cheese, @ 23¢; 25 lbs. Rice, @ 5¢.— Sold Charles Marshall, on Y , 20 gals. Molasses, @ 5063 3 boxes Soap, 210 lbs., @ rog. 16.—Received Cash, in full of Ye of Edward Drager, §......— Sold F. A. Lueben, for Cash, 2 bbls. Crushed Sugar, 330 lbs.. @ 17g. ; 17.—Sold A. N. Farlow, on %, 50 lbs. Rio Coffee, @ 20¢; 100 lbs. Crushed Sugar, @ IT f. 19.—Paid Cash, in full for our Note, favor of Chicago Tea Co., dated Feb. 6, and due this day, $824.60. 20.—Sold Warren Spencer, for Cash, roo lbs. Crushed Sugar, @ 11¢.— Received Cash of Charles Marshall, full of Ye, 8153-50. 22.—Paid Alvin Simmons, Cash in full of YW, $252. — Sold Samuel Barton, for Cash, 4 hf. chests Tea, 225 lbs., @ 50g. 23.—Sold Alfred Gibson, on Ye, 50 lbs. English Dairy Cheese, @ 25¢; 75 lbs. Crushed Sugar, @ 1 fs 15 lbs. Cof fee, @ 20¢; 2 boxes Soap, rgo lbs., @ ro”. 24.—Sold Amos Yorgery, on G, 2 hhds. Cuba Sugar, 1850 lbs.,@ 6¢. — Received Cash, in full of B. Burton's Note of the 3rd ult., $96.50; also for E. Carroll’s Note, $75. Total $1717.50. 28.—Paid Cash for Store Rent, $roo. Inventory :—Merchandise on hand, $2500. ~~ a — MANUAL.] V V eee 90 te Se pic Coffee 1670 ve , @ 754, AD: leetces Hens Me PENG Sa Pm ERS Hit 300.00 Yi ded Cute Bag ye Laie Oe 700.00 a} V | Gee gh of A ise 3 Co. ee Ve 5 his G Co. Aeotaten, 790 gel, @4/ . SIPL O00 20 baves (Leaf, EOE ce an ee 116.00 Uae Oi 2000 Vs 109, we Pe 200.00 DP V |G 0 Cf Gash on % 30 Ls Cif e/g es Fe Lees 8 ne eee ae fEL0 DCG Sup ho Ht a eee 110 De Gp a 600 Coes enced t. Meciide will Wee laten foom firewivut Body tl. HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. Pp AS "Es GCL. Gaba Luly 4, yt, 7594. Ce ae att Le, Sere ma gk anton A Shoo Wining: eee ok ong Ren mit ey SOO Wercer: oe ioe Ces, Grats, ele. , Vielal Crahes's Clean Crs Vea ow) Gig 0 Coast On et Ss Some Ou B ae ee ye ee Sor ayatle Aeétes cuilandiig, Siete ep ae ime OYJ, ied DIL % folles vii tedouices and Ve Le 4 $950.50 49 JOLI\GS IZOO I230\50 12\30 50 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. Gobuary 3 Vi | Aorcetodd of Woalal Coates én fOE Ee VA Eoid Cosh fu Sidney and et fil Oo fersee V oe Chaves Gru pe OH Ye, de tag Sis fee aS A, G7 2 eee SIL L0 90 Ly, 36 Abclatsn, @ 504, --+--- 10.00 JO Ge Deven, @ oe = sis epee ay mere ata etal atari Ris alte 168 V | Beagle of, Huy Cat 1 fae Cash, Sy te. @ Efld Drirg Cheese, @ 204, ---- $60.00 LE (oat eon ROA oe tye ee hon ee oe 43.00 V/ Cl G G Ay tt, On, Yip note al 3O deaips, ] a ee Ae MSG S07 es ae P3500 6 tags fie Coffee LS a AO) Senge ett iL, S Plu ight of Chioage Gen €. ., Of ot pole atl 10 da Ld, CY, ae. CEL 9256 te, @ 2&8, fe SO ge, Sie VY Veoh Md a LIE LOM Ve jf" ar ha I a De $920.10 is Wi Onglah OZ Gi. @ 29¢, Se hy) ics oe: OO G ————————— ee G jeA f GH (Os fj" Ca yi V SOUL. Till, CTE Bape onion hedgers Me a0) $10.00 50" a, LG Tig SR ee 9.00 FO gike A. Gina O90 gee o> =) ee ie ae 15.00 [THE FARMERS’ JIO COS 172 \60 &24\ 60 249\40 eS Se eee eye eens ee Ee Te ee ee a ela ei QB ’ é MANUAL.] HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. Bobruary LO. VAC LL Lien Prasts, jf" ern 2) ie fb suns QO Ch aan Se ab ce: oe J15.00 OE Nive, ROS ee GRE po eed eee We es ay 75 te, OPAL i BEI te 7.50 72 Be Oo ly Cad Va Plough of oe (Ee LIL tonnbont, DHL Ye, Ve ed pe DDO DLE FO) YS VA Norceivld Cea on Y% Fela Pash SIS Moe tec V LY Affed Sihen, OWL %, Baad Cen 275 S0fj. = AE $187.50 S0 Ye Ong tah Beary Cos Oi 2 2 eee 17.30 LYS ree Gi, (ONT ee on Pik Coa eee MMe ie tere, Te) i ADS V oS Pie Drath EE OF. %, 2 ad. Noob dia, @ SO, ---- +--+ = $70.00 oS ioe es Soap, IL0 the a@ LOE, ap eS me aA OO 16 V Cae, ee ie fl of, Celvatd Draper's Y, = van ia a Gh es V|AAG L. Gaaten, for Cash, y iA, De PEEP MG IO ks OETA Gi eS ee er ee V Ch lA G. Dies Gf : 50 ta. Ce fe (Oy Grp eae ee eee 10.00 Ze One Cushed agar, ONG 6 tae em See fare hy sr ee 44.00 51 1IO \ IS 52 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. 3 [THE FARMERS’ GP 7 Ged. u i p VA G. 5 s rit laa SOG, ee hy oe Ue fet fs Lied notes favel fp Ce £0 CE es dtl? Ob 6, dis this days ee oe he | | 20 G GHA 4 CALL Vou CAtLE8 Vigil cet; Lat Cush, 400 te oy ees OAKES eee WH, a y tty Z fo GY Fee Cus. of Cae QYpawh lt pg. 0 Y “a, Sp Rey cna Aa ere mak Log ae gigs eae Gi ee Sia Lid Ve GF immeons, Cusy tne full Bf Tee TN pas ee GEO Stell | Fam tee, a Lor fut ea, 4 Uf, ches een, 995 Se CGO Oe NE 2g 2 WTA Sw 4/7 CT LtbAd ( = LE. BEG DH Ve - oh ‘Daris ie @ Ig, Taice es ae he p 2 & SY NS NOS ee GE at ce fod Fae t, @ 47 £, AD erase eit Sargeras o. («Coos Obi Ege aa 2 saves /oafe, LL0 Me, @ 70%, ite St ie eh VL. OO 27\ 75 vy, 7 \7 law, oe od Gu pet, OM %, ai tetedbe Us Ode Lagu 4E50 ld. , @, by, SC ha eae meek eet ee hhh / lecevued Cash, Ze dd of ‘GP ine gole of We Bid wll, | due Dato oe Mean Sas ints aoe iar pee 0 Pa SGC. 50 the Va on Coie nole, die Parch 7, Oana home Sie Be J 2.00 ae yy, Cosh fos S/o Di ihe DS Aa rae L100 470 \ 50 > ee” oe No MANUAL.] HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. ily a ae Get. 1, 1894. ‘Al oe y vA Gill Wecocv n bie ce) ON eco RES a OR eH Ot V ae bl Wah ev oi ee Sele eae ea mle) mam oe has VG Vetted Veushea =f Sia? ai Kee eT = tty tne Nie Vv Ge. ep ager - AR a5 Fy ae ot eat al | to ahvoras oY akin ee pce oe" V le 4] , (Cc iW Wisc indie saa ee EG Q Ag S Ry Noe LY Q \ A N Faas =~ Wy, > = ; We (a } Say, Ye. ff | Da PGuti yet F Y thlitiwid - - ie ip /. Letchandise MS See oe pe ; a ; CY Pet chanddise V G. Necbet GF be LITA AEST MAS cs. ye ee Ley & oO V Ozfense =) ee ee aes V LY” Ce Vi (Da Cash a We Dre, i CBIAOI Cfoigety Pit EN at = = 4 e ue 4 2 4 yy, : V Coa Plterchan dite vr ee) II00 eS 20 IO IO IO IO 54 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. [THE FARMERS V\ Sie Gfrceiuable Cia eet Ae 4 Sie Se eho ig VA CE Dict 172\ 60 i Glirsd etic pa eines coe Stee PIS a OAS ee tale ee ee FIL WE g G pees. ee ren it rc MEI S Tete fih Sc JL LO a GR ee a as an IF\70 CO Pi Loe 93\70 SD a a ae V Cp IA Tabet Sear tea ie Se Tym CRTC abies Wat Bay nl ere ILQ V G, ie Gf, UG COFUE a IS. peer S er een V\ Cash - - - Meee Neil vies ren 100 Vv a. Chat oA View pee Sa ee eee L00 Vo Cited a ay Ey das = 0 Ne ape mea h Neate ban) Doreen eee i a GdbO\ G5 Va CE PL Ee) Seaplane eae a 150 Do VA Chou Drashall ee ee Rohs ee hte Pe Ree YO Ci gyi VY Os Dade e a ee Y ee ee V\ Cash aOR Gols Os 3 aaa a eke aaiee Ses 166 VY a Otis Hage ee 166 ie Nil al a a dae =e ee ee ee es ee ee ee ee | MANUAL.] HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. VY CL, Ypeveh odie ae VCR Gobu sy tS Se ahs aaa V Ct Git nde” By ie v. GG, Cha Med Jie By i aid a ESS emnvars Ne a V Go ef J / ej) is Da oe ee - TE ees Vv Ofped Baton - Cig 5 ats Vv Cem Qf Lhe x (NS ee eee yp Vv Pe : Wis Petz Ge B = ae ota ee Vv Dy cof. CLF ehise V\ Gash - A Vv Oe Sets bats = = = X My = > S = = “t o. Vv Ce Cade - 47 L79\ FO F7\72 A447 LG T, IO De rb NS ASS C Ss 47 479\ 50 Yh J1\30 100 50 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. [THE FARMERS’ 1 OT Gre EX: Bee S04: 15G 4. Gel| 7 I. @ Cpe, Bry Loi IIOO Get.) 7 EG, Uy KD undiies JOLI\GS = LD Aas. 2 7a 2 y Wag “-|9F| ”% Gtesent fo On oe 6 236 IO ioe ” fist G SE Ee, 290 JID 15G4 hreceen BE ay ed an NGF s Kitch AEIIQ\ 20 Gk BY, Bry Docks fa hi ake We hi Z Tak Cl" BIN we J. YZ Ope JE om 6 ts, Plodve ae) LO fe ro ae Node ” aes yy hn We NL on hewke Afi] AIGA ReneS 4 1G A Gi: BA (IE. { > utes LO tH NAO 1 Oe QDage LEC PENS Ce Oz tense j & 2 2 5 é J 6 JO fi £6 Gein Viger Vann 7 2 Deh (77 Vis / Wa 5 - “lo | » Ces Ppashdlé\ 158) 50 “199)\ ¢ Gfedbe. G12 50 SD ie Oe LL. A 2g Ae SE ee, 47 Tq oO IDL FO =—_ |——— —_———_ |) —<<—]} ——_ S—S———=—=_—_—— Gil Weeveival be Ly AT é QZ\7OW A & = by fH4 ae ie, ge Chas Drashe LY L100 “6 ee) <% LESSEE fy ALY o\ el Pde 159 4. ee x z 7 1894. Chek. rh a Eh loch, 477 IO Gel IL ey Views yale Piihe. hy) Co “9G Se ae 284 \ 40 MANUAL.] 1874 pte eé\ 4\ Gs Stok —S | Seg Vas : ek a CE [Fo r/, 4A db ’ O yp } 159 4. Get\ 1\ CG, Lek HOW TO KEEP BOOKS.— LEDGER. Kobo! Baker. 189 4. Ue ey FIO Gel. F Diy Cash Cnattes Matshatl 1577 ; AVA Toy Cask IEC Camu Cele. 1894. 293 | FINGeb. 26 Yay Calanee ayy | 29.3\78 ——— es 58 HOW TO KEEP BOOKS.— LEDGER. [THe Farmers’ OL Sitts Pieyalle, Ce 184 18G 4. Gel VG & ees Bs 7 Wy KLlach IZO0 ee Die i Gort: Vee <4 6 , Yodie S24, 0 3824\ 60 1$94 ie Seb NPRLawingetVellamd 1250 si Sed\ 3\B, OR Garten | 72\50 Cae Co4 Nr eae ee, argery 26\ 05 Ta Mets 105 “|| « G2UuDeciralt\ 7739\ 60 Gila fayatle | 6241608 ” | 6 ” Cush 242\ Lo Ko ‘ > ‘“ “ q ¥ BY Ss N Ny Zi as fer | aes LE pie eae OKI BQ Ze G LU, “ IL ” IF wt oe Bb Grin 49S 5 tol Za L0\ 7 93 LO GEA is leat Epler 150\95 TaN ae 7 Che ds. Ppearsherld aS » || « Exaah 3C| 80 “Viel » LD Gahu | 97 ~ \99\ ” Cot 47 wo |92| Mg Lil srl7s oS IL 44 Chrn08 Ygey 447 H De NDecfale 04 Chive wloly IZ00 WA ILON 15 LON 45 Diinget F bl Mians. 184. ae ; Il 904. 4L\9¢| Go CWirlence L250\ S0ONGeL\ 7 Toy Vide 1950\ 30 MANUAL] HOW TO KEEP BOOKS.— LEDGER, 59 On A. A. Sattow. Cv 1874, =, 184; a fet| 3| OG. Veda 12) 50|| Get 25| Cy Ce lanee 33| 50 wt Lif 7a ” I ie 33|50 33| 50 Cupense. 189 4. 2> 189 4. ; y &et| 3| J. Cash 90| L299 Sy Lie F Gain) 735 Za VAY) 7 ” 45 S Boe 2” 100 Voie) VIS Amos Yeiget W 189 4. ot 1894. ee Let\ 5\ Ge Yiedeo 26 | 0s et|20| Cy Calance 187 | 08 eee: i 417 4 4 IT 029 49 Ws OF Ci BQimmeons. 189 4. ips 1SG 4. , Let\ 99| J. Cash 952| WSet|72| Sip Dede 959 60 a HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. — LEDGER, [THE FARMERS’ QE ; ON Yled lion. Cv 189 4. Ly 15\ Ge Wade 180\ 95 ay IF Toy Pir tence LEF\00 ” @Y Be 174 7a 4 Wie v A 4EFF\O0 4EFF\ 00 189 4. eS 189.4. Gt\28| Jo Expense 135\ VBeelae Gy Weds $9585 Pe Res 290\ 85 4IQ5\ 8S 425\ 85 G2, antes. GSatance. GL od. 1894. ey 18G4. GA I\Fs Cash 1821 |GONGeb\ IF G, Gli G. cyelie aS Sa a Git Woovirabe I72 60 ie ees WW ona L950\ 50 | cee eed Virdse 2500 Lamy ies pe VA a2 we 4S emul O lta IGP Je vu lala ££ PO Guhu \ 33\50 “le | + Bros Gag oa 139\ 08 } £4 Ae “ Mfued Letson LEE 4L5EEO| FO a MANUAL. ] HOW TO KEEP BOOKS.— LEDGER. 61 I Sage ? pein On Giitat Ciatance. G Bt (Cir FACE OF A " Be of FACE OF sen DIFFERENCES ae LEDGER ACCOUNTS. iene DIFFERENCES 2500 Seed ty ae Aree. 5 lig aber acs Um a Oe JOLINGI| IZI\GS, FILZQ\5O| - - - Cash ee Sate nt aoe 1920 \60 BINA 2 3. GLd Corcionto 170 \ 50 FIO ae Woatet Poh AE ten JI0 BIIEON 5s Che Vrruk gl Wome lee DEON NA 8 Otter Grape > ve 166 OG als = Gemiad Of de 024\60| --: Dla Vayal.---- 3324 | 60) 2500 SUSb Fal os torches ie ai GO1 \45 ee Sainger Vloms- - -\ 1250\50\7250\ 50 G\NOON- ~~ - LO Guhu eee Zo 253s Ofat SES.) =) s See Met Gerke V7 GON ei o=. = Cae Zargery ms imate de 259 2 Clin mmond = + - W969 “6\ | --- Cffed Belem -- ~~ - a (O~ fi VA aac O\LINAITIE ZA Se Cyuctelideon re ee a eg 11706 70 L996 45 YY) SS €2 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 7. Mar. 8. Mar. 9. Mar. rr. Mar. 73. Mar. r4. Mar. 16. Mar. 77. Mar. 19. Mar. 21. Mar. 22. Mar. 22. Mar. 24. Mar. 25. Mar. 26. Mar. 26. Mar. 27. Mar. 28. Mar, 28. Mar. 29. Mar. 29. Mar. 30. Mar. 31. Sh aS HOW TO KEEP BOOKS. [THE FARMERS’ A TRANSACTION, TO BE WRITTEN UP. C. E. Kelley commenced business this day with a cash capital of $2000. Paid cash for rent of store in advance, 6 months, @ $75, $450. Bought of J. D. Field & Co., on my Note at 30 days, 8% interest, 50 bbls. Minnesota Flour @ $6, $300. Bought of Wheeler & Andrews, for Cash, 5 sacks Rio Coffee @ $12.50, $62.50; ro boxes Boston Crackers @ $7.60, $16; 5 bbls N. O. Sugar @ $22.50, $112.50; 8 bbls. N. Y. Salt @ $2.50, $20. Total Sarr. Sold to W. Hunter, on account, 20 bbls. Minnesota Flour @ $6.75, $135. Sold Stephen Whitney, 3 bbls. N. O. Sugar, @ $26.25, $78.75. Received in payment his Draft on #1. Williams at zo days’ sight. Bought of S. A. Maxwell & Co., for Cash, set of Blank Books for Store, $18.50. Bought of W. H. Southard, 200 bbls. Winter Apples, @ $2.50, $500. Gave in payment my Note at 30 days for $200; Cash $200 ; balance on account, $.... Sold Louis Stinson, roo bbls. Winter Apples, @ $2.75, $275. Received in payment 200 bu. Potatoes,@75f, $7150; his Note at 15 days for balance, $.... C. E. Kelley has received a legacy from a deceased relative, consisting of 10 shares Illinois Central Railroad Stock, @ $108, $ro80; Cash, $rooo. Total $2080, which he has invested in the business. Sold J. I. Hollister, Moline, Ill., on account, 3 sacks Rio Coffee, @ $14, $42; 5 boxcs Boston Crackers, @ $7.80, $9. Total $s5r. Paid Cash for Postage Stamps $5. Sold Geo. Keller, on his Note at 60 days, 50 bbls. Winter Apples, @ $2.80, $r4o. Received Cash of W. Hunter, on account, $75. Paid W. H. Southard, on account, Cash, $60. Received Cash of H. Williams for Stephen Whitney's Draft on him at ro days’ sight, $78.75. Bought of James Berry, 15 boxes German Soap, 600 lbs., @ 7¢, $425 ro coils Inch Rope, 800 lbs., @ 4f, $32; 5 bbls. Cider Vinegar, 150 gals., @ 25¢, $37.50; 15 chests Y. H. Tea, 675 lbs., @ 45¢, $303.75. Total, $415.25. Gave in payment Geo. Keller’s Note of the roth inst. at 6% discount. Face of Note $7rgo; discount off, 58 days, $1.35; my Note at 30 days for $150, Cash $roo; balance on %, $...... Sold to W. D. Waller, on account, ro bbls. Minnesota Flour, @ $6.75, $67.50; 50 bbls. Winter Apples, @ $2.80, $140; 3 bbls. Cider Vinegar, 90 gals., @ 30¢, $27; 5 coils Inch Rope, goo lbs., @ 5¢, $20; 100 bu. Potatoes, @ $1, $100. Total, $354.50. Drew at ro days sight on J. L. Holister, Moline, Ill.,and discounted Draft at First National Bank. Face of Draft $51. Discount off, 25¢. Net proceeds received in Cash, $50.75. Sold for Cash, Postage Stamps, $1.80. Sold J. R. Wheeler, 50 bu. Potatoes, @ 85 ¢, $42.50; 3 bbls. N. Y. Salt, @ $2.80, $8.40 ; 5 coils Inch Rope, goo lbs., @5¢, $20. Total, $70.90. Received in payment his Note at 30 days for $50; Cash for bal- ance $.. Received ih a W. Hunter, to apply on his account, $25. Received Cash for 6 per cent. Dividend on ro shares Illinois Central Railroad Stock, $60. Paid my Note, favor J. D. Field & Co., before due ; also interest on same to date. Face of Note, $300 ; interest on same, 26 days, at 8%, $1.73. Total, $301.73. Gave in payment Sight Draft on W. D. Waller for $200; Cash for balance, $.. Sold A. J. Bailey, 2 bbls. Cider Vinegar, 60 gals: @30¢, $18; 5 bbls. N. Y. Salt, @ $2.75, $13.75; ro bbls. Minnesota Flour, @ $7, $70; 5 chests Y. H. Tea, 225 lbs., @ 60¢, $135. Total, $236.75. Received in payment, Cash, $100; his Note at 30 days for balance, with 6% interest added. Balance of Bill, $136.75; interest added, 75¢ Face of Note, $137.50. Received of W. D. Waller, on account, his Note at 30 days for $75; Cash, $60. Total, $135. Louis Stinson has paid his Note and interest thereon in Cash. Face of Note, $125; Interest, 18 days, at 8%, 50¢. Total, $125.50. 1 i j 4 f 3 7 F 3 MANUAL.) (TRANSACTION TO BE WRITTEN UP, INVENTORY OF PROPERTY UNSOLD, zo bbls. Minnesota Flour, - 2 bbls. N. O. Sugar, - - 50 bu. Potatoes, - - - <5 boxes German Soap, 600 lbs., 5 boxes Boston Crackers, + Io chests Young Hyson Tea, 450 lbs., 2 sacks Rio Coffee, - - ro shares Illinois Central R. R. Stock, 5 months Rent of Store, paid in advance, HOW TO KEEP BOOKS, Continued.) RESULTS FROM THE LEDGER. Cash on hand, - - - Bills Receivable on hand, - Bills Payable unpaid, - - Personal Accounts owing me, - Personal Accounts I owe, - C. £. Kelley's Net Capital at closing, $ 420.00 1060.00 375.00 - $2451.47 - 262.50 - 350.00 , 5450 ° 66.60 - 4206.87, 63 64 FORMS OF NOTES. [THe Farmers’ HOW TO: WRE-LE ALL MINDS @reNOTEs: 1. THERE IS NO EXCUSE for any one not to be able to write a Note or fill out a printed form. Every- body should be familiar with the common form. It takes but little study and little practice to attain that accom- plishment to be able to write a note correctly. It is one of the most common and simple business papers. 2. FORMS.—In the copies which follow there are all the different kinds of forms used in business; also all the different forms of Indorsements, and further on in this work will be found the law explaining all the dif- ferent forms of business papers arranged for ready ref- erence. COMMON FORM OF NOTE. Form |. Qo Op OL, p QYpurdel V6, Whe FD ; FP fA, Pie Chie tie) ( ye Spor wand P of / WG. LCE LEO Zs YL Cis The above Note is a form commonly used in almost all business transactions where an ordinary form is required. Most all printed forms are similar to this. Manuat.] FORMS OF NOTES. 65 A NOTE BY A PERSON WHO CANNOT WRITE. Form 2. GZ. ru lhe oldel 4 Cue G at es es atl ae free cont Yotue Received The above Note is given by a person who cannot write. All that is necessary is for Mr. Thompson to make the ‘‘mark”’ or simply touch the pen while the mark is being made, and it becomes a legal Note and has as much ‘prce as though he had been able to write his name himself. It must, however, be witnessed and the name ¢f yitness written at the left, as in the above copy. On lg Bhaja ON DEMAND. Form 3. RET Sa Sa ae —— Hl Maud, at Ca fee. CEF See date. Value Véccetved. j Ya Y Q Oba We This Note answers the same purpose as a Note written One day after date, and is payable whenever presented, it on the very same day it was given. enh. ies 66 FORMS OF NOTES. (VHE FARMERS” Form 4. Acpeorville, Wh, Pie 10, 1894, Aine eA aH Let date, of fr avurte Co Wiad lo fen 904 G Chechs OL otdet, Gaus CI Pe, and Cghly. Gre Qi heu, oe tntetesl atl er Chet cond, fet UVM, Vid. Lecevued. pub Poottinglam, op PAYABLE AT BANK. Form 5. S045 C0. ht eu. Yrinn., Agust 20, SEG4. Chie ts fom date, O pram otse to poy pom tb COM Cog ee tdet, CA we Youdi? Foity five Qh sand aol Coe. atl be® Dpeck mira’ (Pprtiomal Bunk. ae SEUCIL fet cont tnt QVrhee tececuert ‘ Ze (SS JOINT AND SEVERAL NOTE. Form 6. di00 Le (Ppatehes, Choe Cor Beh IEG 4. hee monthe oft ate, fo ew te tececucdl, we, ecBbe off 18, frome. lo FEL Aeay (on Rings oe Cight Bkendied (600) Obs, UH Se al seven ({/) fe cont. Vlas BMbMMNH, : Oz wd AIMACLOW, Qphud Ypcthead MANUAL. ] FORMS OF NOTES. o7 ; JUDGMENT NOTE. Form 7. ZY ( lay) 7 36m fear _ is date Ey f" Poe oe Aecevued, | LVL ee va the otdet o CBhom COD O' Deaths z Gu O Gate fet BIMMUWE ig, Ys LILLE Ee And to secure the spent of said amount is hereby authorize, irrevocably, any attorney of any Court of Record to appear for zeze in such Court, in Term time or vacation, at any time hereafter, and confess a judgment without process in favor of the holder of this Note, for such amount as may appear to be unpaid thercon, together with costs, and 20,28 Dollars attorney’s fees, and to waive and release all errors which may intervene in any such proceedings, and consent to immediate execution upon such judgment, hereby ratifying and confirming all that #zs said attorney may do by virtue hereof, ee “Cath refer tel. = This is a Judgment Note. In order to collect this Note it is not necessary to sue it, as Judgment and Attor- ney’s fees are provided for. It is the strongest form of Note now in use, and is mostly used by banks and money loaners. A CORPORATION NOTE. Form 8. Sef oe cuted CLPLTLIL Chmelican Luck Ce. The Note of a Corporation or Company should always be signed by the Corporation or Company name first, and then by the President and Secretary. By this means the officers individually will avoid personal responsibility. They will only be held as officers of the Company and not as individuals. Great care should be used in making one of the above Notes. 10 8 FORMS OF NOTES, [THE FarMERS JOINT NOTE. Form 9. Of, ny: | Chas. PUNE ee OF ae a Ee Ley =.of let dete Ve Ms be tomtse pay bo the otdet J Dri Ge z gp -——— Give Se, and no L100 al seven pee cont tntetest fret AMUN. Gulu CGeceried. | Denes “Dopainé se POE. Ss If the above Note had been written We or either of us promise to pay David Davis etc., then one or both could be sued for payment; but as it is written “We”, both must be sued jointly in case a forced collection should be necessary. COLLATERAL NOTE. ; Form 10. fit date, ae _fomese lo LY lo dL atdet aa pS el Obs, BE fae it fen we tecet ued Having deposited a Note and Mortgage of the nominal value of Grea Ota, Modders, which A authorize the holder of this Note, upon the non-performance of this promise at maturity, to sell, either at public or private sale, without demanding payment of this Note or debt due thereon, and without further notice, and apply the proceeds, or as much thereof as may be necessary, to the payment of this Note, and all necessary expenses or charges, holding WY responsible for any deficiency. This Collateral Note is a note of very strong conditions. It is used where a person demands some other secue rity than personal security, and as in the above case, the Mortgage and Note are assigned, and they can be sold in case the claims of the Note are not met. A Collateral Note may represent a note, or mortgage, or bonds, or several notes without mortgage, or most any paper can be put up as collateral security. MANUAL. ] FORMS OF CHECKS, HOW TO WRITEAND FILL OUT ALL KINDS OF ZHEE The First Nationall Bank OF NAPERVILLE, PAY TO THE ORDER OF A common Check, such as is used by almost all Banks. Must be indorsed—party identified before payment. Form 2. Y f v/a ae, La Bouthein fatital Gas and (4 “Company, fi )) 7 4 q Vay VA rn Cae ye (LA ea e/a United Security Life Insurance and Crust Company of Pennsylvania, 603 & 605 Chestnut St., = 9) ea a , CL C’ Oueiell, ct oa ‘ Mol littd. Chit Yh, A Company’s Check, payable to order or bearer. Must be indorsed by A. O. Everett when paid, yet identifi cation is not necessary. 70 FORMS OF CHECKS. [THE FARMERS’ Form 3. Naperville, Ill... Z4 76,1894, - Witctarp Scott « Co., BANKERS. ESTABLISHED 1854. PAY TO THE ORDER OF This Check is the common form and does not require indorsement. It is drawn by Mr. Jordan himself for the purpose of drawing money out of the Bank for his own use. Form 4. Titwauhee, Spine VELA 189 oe 2 YA ye | CLisconsin PRatine y Git0e Hus. Cn, Viank, 7 s0e wt wide B CG 7 Men Lf A) Yf;, We Cer CS GF? Gig Lo 19 / Docaig y P lal ‘4 Y 4 VA He, bali 5 / “P sae De is : oe %, 7 - J eee Sa This Check is not only a payment of $65.00, but it also represents a settlement for all demands. The words are placed on the lower left hand corner, and are a receipt for full payment and settlement of account. — This is a very good way to record a settlement or give the purpose of check. — The next form (5) is payable to Mr. Hitch- cock or ‘‘bearer”’. Form 5. . Franklin. National Bank; ZY; ADS cs, f fp Ot sim CAilcheock, ot Le Vee ee q 4 | 3 MANUAL. ] FORMS OF DRAFTS. 71 Form 6. Hational Bagh, ——— DUPLICATE UNPAID. eas Chwea,..! unde oe eas and 1M iyyy ey PSL ae ee Dollars. Yo Importers’ & Traders’ oe Bank, ~~sC New York City. d YW YW Vrbevorth The above Draft is the common form and has been received by Milton Everett. He can present the same at the Bank and receive the money, by being identified as Milton Everett and indorsing the Draft on the back by signing his name. Form 7. eZ pli - Yf; ieee . Cb 24, wa lyf and SE, This is a Sight Draft, and is used where one person, as the above Theodore Saunders, draws on Dwight Perry for $130.25, to be paid to William Aldrich. Now Mr. Saunders must have some right or claim upon Dwight Perry before drawing the Draft and sending _ it to William Aldrich. A Sight Draft is simply a demand for payment of a certain sum of money. Form 8. th otdet 7 Selb Gz LL This is a Time Draft and payable in thirty days from date of acceptance. It is not in so general a use as the Sight Draft, as it represents a time payment without any provision for interest. They are, however, generally precetved. at a discount. a 72 FORMS OF DRAFTS. (THE FARMERS Form 9. o=s~ CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT. casa Pua Bank WANDA MINN ss tas deprasited in jita Wnde Cait ynidad ined Ce, $00 por able an eurenty nds Ao... ee ee ae Let’ date’ ow Nhe Aelutn yo this Costifpoale pe sesly cenlessed, wth inteatat th 2 vaalicef fut, het cont for annurny Le dueQy INTEREST TO CEASE AFTER TWELVE MONTHS. This is a Certificate of Deposit used by Banks to accommodate those who desire to use the Bank as temporary security for money or for interest, as the case may be. Where a Certificate of Deposit is given, the holder cannot draw the amount out by issuing Checks, bnt the Certificate itself has to be presented for indorsement. Form 10. ‘he Uermay fmericay Bagh, -Pollars, IN CURRENT FUNDS. To NATIONAL BANK OF ILLINOIS, | CHIGAGO, ILL. Cashier. 5) This is a Bank Draft issued by one Bank upon another. These Drafts are used for sending money to some party at a distance. They are bought at the Bank, inclosed in a letter and sent to destination by mail. It is always best, however, to have the draft made out in your name and indorse it in favor of the person to be sent to, before sending it. It is the safest way. ee eee ak ~ MANUAL. ] FORMS OF RECHIPTS. 73 RECEIPT FOR SETTLEMENT OF AN ACCOUNT. (Received ./ hein F. + Ope Me ys 100 ae Bite and no 400 | The above form of Receipt is used to represent a settlement, and whenever a settlement is made, it should always be specified on a receipt. RECEIPT IN FULL OF ALL DEMANDS. So. GP Gliv This Receipt is similar to the first one and does not represent a long account, but simply a single transaction. RECEIPT FOR RENT. Dain, Cova, , Mgatoh 16, 1895. “Feceived 4 WA @ Cited ea Give and ne TO. Ae bh Cfo, C. 74 FORMS OF RECEIPTS. [THE FARMERS RECEIPT FOR A NOTE. ived bes Wlheone & Giths thes ae L/ CAE and HO oe RR eceibed # _F ae ee. Gu’ Pe Da La, At, av detucced Ao date, IOI Ee RECEIPT FOR BORROWED MONEY. — ye Dised 6 te Cae and no 100~ While this is a Receipt in form it is a Note in fact, and is one of the best papers to have a party sign when they borrow money for a short time. It not only makes a memorandum of the transaction, but it makes a legal and negotiable paper and will hold the party responsible for the amount borrowed with legal interest. MANUAL.] FORMS OF RECEIPTS. 75 RECEIPT FOR PROPERTY. 4 ff fp, = : Veatsh att, Gfinn., Chay. LO, 1593. eecetved f G i Chik # flowing Se ee Ae by Ay ae a We ey) Ly fy pp / LD at tim, and telutned on es demand : Sue ce ali Yeiteh, and one Gromes- (7), Hy 2 Li) fp mies 1C Late Aaleo Tay 20; 76905, Eo by Boy’ Hy aid da due 4127 | WOH) ths Liom dat () YO SG pO 2b. S (fhomasz. RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT BY THE HAND OF A THIRD PARTY. Yee Ve VA J VA f eye ie ees of. Cnet He ay och , by. the hand ee Cy ee ) Sari LE, Alife (ferncecdls off ce, Aeock, a é Ll Vays 90 ae TFG. This Receipt represents money paid by a third party for another, and it may be for the payment of a Note, or the payment of an Account, or for Rent, or for proceeds of a Sale, the same as the above form. It is a very simple document, and no money should be pcid by a third party without demanding this form of receipt for their own protection. RECEIPT FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT OF AN ACCOUNT. re) 9 LE G \EU Haven, Gnd, Ofug. 4K 1895. Veecevued of Giz Stlev Grndetson, Gilly He dint, le pifly cn fis account pee CG ewlon. 76 FORMS OF RECEIPTS. [THE FARMERS’ RECEIPT FOR THE PURCHASE OF A HORSE. He who buys horses will find many times the value of this book in this receipt. This receipt holds the seller responsible to the conditions of the receipt, and when a horse is purchased from a responsible party, the value of this receipt will become self-evident. Never purchase a good horse without demanding this form of receipt, which not only is a receipt, but also a warrant that the horse is what he is represented to be. RECEIPT FOR A LOST OR DESTROYED NOTE. Gow Lah, Ws., Get 28, 1095 \W HKecetved fp Boo. VE Witchet Ga CL iondid and'no Te Gb, inifull payment fatraleevtati Deeterof and fw ty said Cz Ge eg dated Foph 90,15, calli for Five randisd Qallas, hich said Pate yr dstiay lO amistaid, endl tas tarp poovantecagainst futuro demands eo CL; Giemizg The above Receipt is a very practical kind of paper to be used in case a Note is lost or destroyed by fire. But great care should be taken in the payment of a Note which has been destroyed. If the party who owned the Note and lost it is responsible, it is all right to pay the Note by receiving the above Receipt. But if the party who lost the Note is irresponsible, then he should be made to give security, in case the Note should turn up in the hands of some other party. Manvat.] FORMS OF ORDERS AND DUE-BILLS, 77 ORDER PAYABLE IN CASH. ps5 2 Ca (Dp GD, On Io) 1593. Dyeters YX J Dp Ys will please. fray te on QV Miler ot teately Dhisly fase Qrhew wn ee. ond chatgehatsame fimyaccountp Chagust Grbew ORDER FOR GOODS. Ox Pees, C n, pany Ssh IEGQS. Cp UY Gx RAeinegev : CLL, ye per fev healt; Awa tach, of ath and aliige Yous oe tubo, S20 Gee ORDER FOR GOODS TO COLLECT ON DELIVERY. Nyanga, We., Oot 9, 1095 SL op an Panning ten (2), Goose send to my tesrdence, 44 Weeupaca WUE. , Cus UL! Ypinnatole Glu, 40 Ue Cn pete and & tas ground, AVA Coffe. (CO. GS) and oblige, Youu Gpuspoot haga, pb on Vs 78 FORMS OF ORDERS AND DUE-BILLS. [THE FARMERS” ; ORDER TO BE PAID IN MERCHANDISE. LG) = SE D is SIE Cin oa eee IEG E. 3 7 Vi, “4 Long ue Mor WCHL" iC hex Ls te leven ae tel, ope vs Siz. LUL4 vE such good aE 4G he ti si ULF nt, lo W tie amour ee cts Leen Op Lhas L$, CLILeE 1 cheige the: / l 7p Lf), pret G; CU ba ott) same to we. DUE-BILL PAYABLE IN CASH. Argdan, hte, Men. 13, 1898 Qhe Cs LO, Pestle. f' eae tecetved, OQhe Lato Gy y J OMA A ET atetest. oS bn € OO. Cheb. DUE-BILL PAYABLE IN MERCHANDISE. ' 500, Mes Es ape: CO“, ee 20, ISOS. be G Ce Gage on li. Ls, at? attest, Give ado CLS poryebiean Ci ee CLE) One Little 2) fepeecaiestllen 21 isis Ed MANUAL.] SWINDLING SCHEMES Fis De Vou hear ¢-= Mc Me Soe > So aenem a ever sien a Pater FOr a olranger: _ E a (26) 7O\ JIN AN THE FAMOUS SWINDLING NOTE. oe — < > a fae Fats ~ 4 / | Y \) = (A, dy, OY, 1) 4 yay) é lafictuct Lez tls. , Uet, Z, LEGS. jada 7 ei = = if = Lies J ae My 4) . = 7 = = laas = a9 — 7, a os bet Nay One year after date, I promise to payed SF. Dau or bearer Ten Qollars, when I sell by 7 sy Se Rass) ~~ Oho ee Pe, Day! + fe Frits fa) SALE t Lian, Penner VAST77. order Four Hundred and Seventy-Pive @ollars ($475.00) worth of Patent Fanning Mills c i o/ Py I ay 7 ee ia = BA = Dee > nyt ye ilioay Dallas Ae =e ,. or Vaiue Received, at Ten per cent. .ver annum. - - - Said Ten Qoillars when due is J > ah as payasle at Auafrerartie, Mernecs. YP BD yy =e 5 G @ OQ. E W teHESS S HS. Y eyeta a= ZBetthr, Agent for Fred. G. Davis. F 1. Although-the above scheme of the confidence man has been exposed time and time again, yet it still con- tinues to add yearly to its list of victims. A paper is drawn up wherein a farmer agrees to pay ten or twenty dol- lars when he has sold goods toa given amount. By tearing off the right-hand end of this paper, what is apparently an agreement for a small amount becomes a Promissory Note for a considerable sum. ‘This Note is sold at a Bank, thereby becoming the property of a third and innocent party, and the signer of the agreement is called upon to pay the Note. 2, NEVER SIGN A PAPER without carefully reading and examining the same. It is dangerous to sign a paper for an unidentified stranger. THE LIGHTNING-ROD SWINDLE. NOAA MCAS a) WOME contract. Qpepurntl, Mh, Hug. 2, sph B28 2 » aS ae 2 =D Mr, BS Pech leld, please erect at your earliest convenience your Lightning Rods Ease = On my Howse, according to your rules, of which said Acute Tam the owner, Jor which zt > ae = Lagreet0 pay yous... 220s cents per foot and $3.00 for each point, $4.00 each for vanes, 8 25 5 » $5.00 each for arrows, $1.50 each for balls, and $2.00 for braces, cash when completed, or ges D a note due on the first day of Le biveat y= next, 1595. G XK See ee ieelnstheblank fomcents=.— n. , the canvasser or agent puts in some single figure, say 7, that being understood te be the reg- | ular price per foot ; but after the contract is signed, the agent at his leisure quietly inserts a-6 before the 7, or some other figure, | making the amount 67 cents per root, instead of 7 cents as signed and agreed upon. ; 2. A swindling note is generally obtained, and the contract kept in the background ; but when the collector comes along and pre- sents the note backed by the contract in plain figures, the tarmer sees that he Azmse/f has been struck by lightning while trying to protect his house. y 3. The note is generally in the hands of an innocent party, and according to law may be collected. 4. The agent canvassing the victim generally promises that the rodding of the house shall not cost over $28.00 or $35.0c. But that man, however, never appears on the scene again. . : 5. Never deal with irresponsible persons. If you desire rods, employ your hardware merchants; or if you desire anything in the machinery line, patronize honest and trusted dealers, and take no chances of “ being taken in.” 80 FORMS OF INDORSEMEN‘s. [THE FARMERS HOW TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF INDORSEMENTS, SAME AS USED IN ACTUAL BUSINESS. = ae BLANK INDORSEMENT. .' S ; . This is a blank indorsement of the Note Form 1. (See Notes.) This form of indorsement holds the indorser responsible for the payment of the Note. and it is the common way of indorsing commercial paper when it is trans- ferred, unless other forms are specified and agreed upon INDORSEMENT IN FULL. e= ho Vey te tararderief,, oe A Geet Sut. This form of indorsement is what is called an Indorsement in Full, and is Form 1, indorsed in favor of J. J. Pool, who now becomes the specified owner of the Note, and if not paid by the maker he can call upon Furbush to pay the Note. The liability is the same as in blank indorsement. a MANUAL.] FORMS OF INDORSEMENTS., 81 INDORSEMENT WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY. Lin rho. VWtheut eon This in law is called a Qualified Indorsement, and releases the indorser from all responsibility. If Isaac Will- jams, Form 3 (see Notes), fails to pay the Note, no action can be brought against Harrison Trinkner. This form of indorsement is always a matter of agreement between the contracting parties, and the commen form is always used, if nothing is said to the contrary when a Note or other negotiable paper is purchased or transferred. INDORSEMENT BY AN AGENT. oh LE. Wichols, by oh (L, Hertel, his agent, This indorsement is only legal in case J. A. Hertel has a Power of Attorney from J. L. Nichols, fully authorizing him to make indorsements on Notes, etc. A Power of Attorney must be broad enough in its scope of authority to cover the transfer of negotiable paper, or such transfer would not be legal. Great care and caution is necessary in accepting paper indorsed by un agent. A RESTRICTIVE INDORSEMENT. This form is rarely used, as it ties up the paper, and rarely a condition of business occurs that warrants the use of the above form of indorsement. [THE FARMERS so paar ——— ern ear 3&2 FORMS OF INDORSEMENTS. MONEY INDORSEMENTS. wo - — SS —— = Seas ore a ap | Sf N NEN Sl ON en or No NG See oe i oe LS WER ro 6 YS eG + XS See QV? S59 ad MRO eS AS Sa Y Be aN . Awe Y aN LWA QC -S N RA En Sates we Neos . SSNs wos Y WY SIS Nee NY a Q » NS INN XS = » S ww 7S aN NS ANS : ¥I@ EN Ler SSS ‘ ) as Ss DANS \ yy & KO) Q SEN & v : —_ Ss 4) & aN s NN Money indorsements should be made in the presence of the party paying the money. a receipt for money paid on a Note. The title of the above Note passes from John Hoffman to Andrew Jay. paid to Andrew Jay, providing the Note was not due when transferred. debtor on Note can refuse to pay the new holder of Note, but the original owner John Hoffman can collect Note if he again secures possession of it. ‘This form of indorsement holds the indorser responsible, if he is properly notified when the Note becomes due. Tn Illinois and some other States notice of non-payment is not necessary, but it is always best to notify indorsers o; non-payment as soon as demand is made. LG, : x ~~ ~ IRS » Bis) AY Q Q ANY =~ \ N Pw << XS =~ Q (i 2D KG It is best always to take It is the only safe way. i A TRANSFER OF NOTE WITH INDORSEMENTS. The balance due on Note must be If Notes are transferred after maturity the . aS 1 SoS eS x | a w® S| f Js 8 ; Ns . Q & \\ N XS é —S) \ ~ \ & N : SINISE as N SX 4 NEN ree a y ‘3 C 4 / SD, Nie - = WAN S& NN XS Q NY \ j x \ S ANAS 8 eX \) ; INE NE SSS SN SSF } SS Se EN ; C8 REA S Qr NN 3 f eS ® x Ye PS : be OCA eG i : GUARANTY OF PAYMENT. UAL - , ogy Z A DZ Vash; C All guaranties must be in writing and specify value received. Manuat.] FORMS OF BILLS. 83 HOW TO WRITE ALL THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF BILLS. tf fp. Gs Cet La f Loa Zoe CYpG C heyenmne Os. , +e Leth, GY bat ch 70, 5G 2. “ Wi. Cranic Blips ee A. Moore, DEALER IN PA Wena. @ PLO a oe 4 | 60 Gi | 40 ) Ppavoh 7 oP IF ” 7 wel of gee es ae Oe Maa OP ON LD) CZ VA a ) CC Gy C ash’ RE ae Loy to ha Se hts eee. 70 “$e Jags 3 Ja 16 yd of Le Oi. p IS Cs pe Sf Np LA LG Ui c ] a = Lf a Ce 90 Wed. Ch, (@ 206 By Age SH eee Bre 6 LO Go“ LE dae mipiete ie! 27 L0 GPEeoee ued Gas Z | ma tie Pree Le, Qpay 90,405 f ‘ 4 | | Sm ~ ~, yn BE es ¢ . 4 > poy ZC DIY yh. Ontos, OTOL ee Nh a eat ts | 84 FORMS OF BILLS. (Tue Farmers A BILL FOR WORK. Aaplee, UY Qz., ow 1, 1895. CZ Wei Cathe Sinrtth, ae CL Do frames Zi Vewcomt, Ga P clays! wit ihig Sa @ S125, Lae ee ly Take tas ers ian p7l. CO C/EB ey aynen tD A BILL FOR THRASHING. Grand Giedge, Dh, Oot 9, 1665. fone Cdpell, OL | Ge Ones Bfuchey, Ga. La Bhahig G00 the Oho 6 $20.00 “ ” 'ON0. 72-2 Yat GeT VG, . hae ease ep 10.00 ” a AEO> cee Vee, @ 34 Pet oo een oe C7 a Manuva] FORMS OF LEASES, 85 HOW TO WRITE ALL KINDS OF LEASES. A LEASE FOR RENTING A HOUSE. Gja . . ) ff his th C0 Coitijy, Ghat O have ths Seat day of Zep VA WA =, ve VEE IEG 4, bel’ and tented unto Andew fay LIL touse_and gfetemeses, Yd 449 ORL CIEE Dheet, tH Gee Tee of Foes and Hale ofp y, Chua, with Mey wdbeva He du tH betrrifiled Mdse_ an A wccupation’ Maeef fav and “A 4 VA y)} 1 f ware Co commence Me fast day off Yay nect at Me! month tent B G, iy, Ls t J wenty QD beus pnyatle’ tn _advanteD a hg tase (Voor ‘ V lied mney hand and seat y, Monty . Killing ea SHORT FORM OF LEASE. Gufs Gk aa to Gray Othe us, Adnglen, Mh wis, Piss. Se, a on Gui CSavct, on ceyrment off len SS monthly Qatid this 1 day off Gobruary, 1595. CE tufus Cathe. 86 i A LEASE FOR CASH RENT. : [THe Farmers’ POUR aON gee Ce yo “ip Chis | This Tndenture, sues F220 4 Jory wp ms | Made this Dondf2 day of Vee) 1975, UEPWEES asi! > La at, JPY. : c pone Ou Aileip } nf 5 Vatenags : Vets County, AIL: J Katoh Ce ae td, Wi f L party of the first part, and Ase Four fers y ee Ye ese party of the second part, IV77NESSE TH: That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the covenants of the said party of the second part, hereinafter set forth, does by these presents lease to the said party of the second pa the following eset ribed property, to wit: CE senshi Lie 4 Ly Give / 2: bas Penge & Ven ee on al of De Mh Pia P)/ vA feat LLeeidian, eee tH A O; 726 Aun HE Lied, CLG a ely (VCO) ZO W204 a we ded. LES &, Ki z sane (Doves oy ope Lob pie euginad (ery. 7 hi Lea of Y, abit? Ya Se. 7 nly Gp f oy and } op le of, Hoansas. Ls Vanes 4, TO HAV i AND TO HOLD Re same to the said party of the second part, from the G Pislp day of Porch 1893, to the CZ Gat day of Ppasch, 1890, And the said party of the second part, in consideration of the leasing of the premises as above set forth, covenants and agrees with the pay of the first pane to pay the said party of the first part, as rent for the same, the sum of hi te Bland ed QM red | Ti L090 ly A. LAD, ONES payable as follows, to wit: os as Cus Bhunie2 9 Doleais te z (Gy vial day Uy of. Lople V2 fet 15G 3, C. e Yinddd } Op dass. the , Dial day YZ ie ECEPO MY, Uf ee, TLIC ad the Ce Ltenane: CL. e Chey pas Tes ati LE EE ee the Bens TL 4, ve fies ah 16. yf G, We We 7090 The said party of the second part further covenants with the said party of the first part, that at the expira- tion of the time mentioned in this Lease, peaceable possession of the said premises shall be given to said party of the first part, in as good condition as they now are, the usual wear, inevitable accidents and loss by fire excepted; and that, upon the non-payment of the whole or any portion of the said rent at the time when the same is above promised to be paid, the said party of the first part may, at 42 election, either dis. train for said rent due, or declare this Lease at an end, and recover possession as if the same was held by forcible detainer; the said party of the second part hereby waiving any notice of such election, or any demand for the possession of said premises. FaUNIO DIES ES FURTHER COVENANTED AND AGREED, Between the parties aforesaid, eal te said Doodsioh will Mrteel al Us neds lege as el Gr ass, ot! alles noxious sweedy, and. fain the land in good, weikmantibe manne Gye satd Gu if “thes pred lo eee 27 poceieaty tn fetovements abel foemests, Aeofi oe free: ele., th said Galtiig) te fanish we oer ania townie. Vue The covenants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors and administrators of the parties to this Lease. Witness the hands and seals of the parties aforesaid. 2 fers Q. Cluling {Seat} Meing oo EID) ere } Gie' (fp, the. Nast F SOUT a3 iA W), Ys VG Gig. Baventy.! P,, oa | MANUAL] — ~ FORMS OF LEASES. A LEASE FOR SHARE RENT. il 1S Jn den bu re Ces pea and entered into this Proetictl de a ae We Vp ef, G2, BETWEEN eM roi cll, Ke Pree ‘eden, Chea: BA, We vets, of the first part, and Cee, he Lipide Ct Lf Od tle, Li: 77014, Of the second part, Witnesseth: That the party of the first part has this day DEMISED, LEASED AND TO FARM LET, and by these presents hath DEMISED, LEASED AND TO FARM LET, to the party of the second SES au the HONORE described land, to-wit: Sx. | Poot VWr,z | D ees i. YD Onl of DECRIED oe oe To Have and to old the same from the CELLS day of Arimanten A. D. 18 93, to the ~ REDS 73, mN é Fees oe J. Wf ae 27, Sawnstife TOs party of the second part for and during the term of Gre (Gears from said date; And the party of the second part covenants with the party of the first part, to pay him as rent for said premises One- Hag part of all the Corn, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Potatoes, and all and every kind of grain or produce raised upon said land; Cre- Hag part of the wild Hay, Ce part of the tame Hay raised or grown upon the said premises. And the said party of the second part covenants with the party of the first part, to farm Le fond tw goed, wokmantse IA 72724, hecfe ows att tus, Wistles, ce abew porous aveeds, ic ef We FI7AdeM«LE, teee/s forces £72 god: Lefract, and ase AD) AO Gere onfercvements ateul the fureniises, the VES aed ts feanithe tie waatatielid.| Leiden. The party of the second part covenants to deliver the rent as aforementioned to the party of the first part, or Aad agent, at Yrere C22, licen , the Corn to be delivered in the ear between the fifteenth day of November, 1876, and the twenty-fifth day of December, 18g, and the small grain to be delivered at the same place during the Fall of the year 18¢6, in good merchantable order; the Hay of all kinds to be divided in the stacks on the premises on demand of the party of the first part, or his agent, or if desired by sath \Aoisvedt Ha Chet elas att hay A es net fave Ties Por aflet cudiing dave le wnate olivate ihe . The said party a the second part hereby covenants and agrees, th at he will deliver the share of the Corn as stated above to be paid to the said first party, before any other share, part or portion of the said crop shall have been gathered; and also, to divide the said crop of Corn by the rows standing in the field, in a just, fair and equitable manner. The party of the second part further covenants to pay, on the Girsl day of | Yarcte 1876, the sum of Gifly (60) Dollars to the party of the first part, as rent for the use of CE Pe The party of the second part also covenants, to properly cultivate and care for the hedges, trees and shrubbery of all kinds that may be now on, or hereafter be put upon said premises; to keep the ditches cleared out and free from obstructions, and destroy the weeds along line of ditches during month of June; to haul and spread all the manure that may accumulate upon said premises, and to destroy all kinds of burs that may be upon the premises before they form seeds or are stricken by frosts, during the term of this Lease. Lh sacd Berd t farther agiecs La ee BLA plewing ee other auch ta de dene ov sate farm dang the Gall of he laid yeat cy feed oe ty sack BMormell ot hed agent In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and seals, the day and year first above written. # Eariae fecal] Giedeteck’ Ge OZ, oe 3 tv’. fSEAL! SBOE oe HOW TO WRITE ALL KINDS OF MORTGAGES. [™****s A MORTGAGE ON PERSONAL PROPERTY. CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Know All en by Jhese Presents, ra PF Y PRumard, of the oe f elarea, in the County of ys athe and State of Meso ots, in consideration of eae CL edad Dollats to hom paid by Peotge Bony Greynot of the County of CZ Chie and State of Ge irate, the eee whereof is feeebe clcuiwledeed: dors hereby grant, bargain, and sell unto the said Goo CH Wayne, and to se heirs and assigns forever, the following tee aad chattels, to wit: Oe Otte Lhaashe 1p Degchins disse’, One Cameo Dloam Cngine; Gun Cay Proares, se y eats ee. Gaur Pear a “eds Laas BLD, Be elas Let hogs Ye ae C.. Le ig Galiing , deven yeatd TAS Sie We): and) eR, fr" 3 yeas old TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the goods and chattels unto the said Mortgagee herein, and £4 heirs and assigns, to their sole use and behoof forever. And the Mortgagor herein, for fem and for 44 heirs, executors and administrators, does hereby covenant to and with the said Mortgagee and hid heirs and assigns, that the said Mortgagor teing lawfully possessed of the said goods and chattels as of fis Own property; that the same are free from all incumbrances, and that A#e’ will warrant and defend the same to £242 the said Mortgagee, and #s heirs and assigns, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. PSOE OEE nevertheless, that if the said Mortgagor shall Vi ay a cetbatn fironiessoty” wale’ GYiardiid Qos, de L th 0 162 CUEH UL dito Qtlats, tentirg CUEKE date weds ce ys piven for C= Tort, at C:: ight feo cent. tnletest, af this Lio to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that until default be made by the said Mortgagor in the performance of the condition aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for 4... to retain the possessiomof the said goods and chattels, and to use and enjoy the same; but if the same, or any part thereof, shall be attached or claimed by any other person or persons, at any time before payment, or the said Mortgagor, or any person or persons whatever, upon any pretense, shall attempt to carry off, conceal, make way with, sell or in any manner dispose of the same, or any part thereof, without the authority and permission of the said Mort- gagee, or 4s heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, in writing expressed, then it shall and may be lawful for the said Mortgagee, with or without assistance, or 4 agent or attorney, or heirs, executors or administrators, to take possession of said goods and chattels, by entering upon any premises wherever the same may be, whether in this County or State or elsewhere, to and for the use of said Mortgagee, #z heirs and assigns. And if the moneys hereby secured, or the matters to be done or performed as above specified, are not duly paid, done or performed at the time and according to the conditions above set forth, then the said Mortgagee, or 4z attorney or agent, or 4s heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, may, by virtue hereof, and without any suit or process, immediately enter and take possession of said goods and chattels, and sell and dispose of the same at public or private sale, and after satisfying the amount due, and all expenses, the surplus, if any remain, shall be paid over to said Mortgagor, or 4 heirs and assigns. The exhibition of this Mortgage shall be sufficient proof that any person claiming to act for the Mortgagee is duly made, constituted and appointed agent and attorney to do whatever is above authorized. In Witness Whereof, the said Mortgagor haz hereunto set wpe hand and seal, this ee J pont | day of Jena! Va in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Aively. Ga Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of — ee Ss a 5 ie Gp / grace For Certificate of Acknowledgment, see Form 1, Page ¥1. : MANUAL. ] FORMS OF MORTGAGES. 89 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. The Mortgagor, &- rhoas J Anak, ana itis, hes jute, the Ce of Abound We. tavue, in the County of ag, :lon, and State of Co viwtots, MORTGAGEZ and WARRANTS to ee Qplb ues, of the Ciy of ee County 6 7 Cvaases “Stat of Uf cc onvigdl © reece thet pagtiedtron « Dhemissary One least evan dale hasewith fas the sum off One Qihausand Gise nade Glu, poyalle, te tthe ord! ofl said CL CC Vil -user, with interest al Ue vate of seven (7) ft cont fet annum, pryelle annual the following described Real Estate: he Sell Yist Qa LEY Vy Z of Leolion numbes pie Ce CO ccch he. nimble’ or ty Give (95) Chautl of Vie Tange Be Scke (12) see f the Lit Cionespal Vtevidian ey Oe (tii Wicd dumbe Chis 5) f the G. Cee f SE CLE ee es ee situated in the County of audtan, in the State of Vr gask, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption laws of this State. Ze DATED this Gentil day of Jenna, A. D. 189d. Gate y DHCicehtet. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of op ; Hire, GE hicchles, LC sasse, Was For Certificate of Acknowledgment, see Form 2, Page 91. gO MORTGAGE ON REAL ESTATE—LONG FORM.— : [THE FARMERS” @his aa entire WITNESSETH, That the Mortgagor, F CA Wot, am oh i, = Panny € Go Ged, de Vets 2 fo of the Fis, ge “Pag serueille, in the County of @.. Gage and State of | PEC Mortgage and Warrant to C bs Docyes, of the City ¢ og Le Bika County of ey: a ipjde and State of Wp ts COWL, to secure the payment of. wa rete orca issory note executed ey GF We Vir Cb; ¥ bearing ev en date herew ith, Pay able to the order of sated LO 7} y C. ©. Dee re fe bee PULITL of 3 Ad «| e7 it ndito G, ee f Lyn Mie few Te fr ive! es le hey Wi Wt eee a ale Ve Ges pen TL J Et ee CVGMTPIML, 4G Via 004 Lf, Agee wally, the following described real estate, to cue eran Ve SEAL. |} voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of homestead, Given under my hand and seal this 20th day of April, 1895. E. M. SCHWARTZ, Notary Public. IMPORTANT POINTS ON MORTGAGES. 1, Chattel Mortgages must be Executed and Acknowl- edged.—It should be remembered that chattel mortgages are required in all states to be executed and acknowledged in strict conformity with the statute of those states. Any material devia- tion from the provisions of the statute rendering the mortgage bad as against creditors and subsequent purchasers without notice. In some states, as in Illinois, chattel mortgages on household goods must be signed and acknowledged by the wife of the mortgagor, and such mortgages can only be foreclosed by a court proceeding. 2. Notes Secured by Mortgage.—In some states also, as in Illinois, the notes which are usually secured by the mortgage must show upon their face that they are so secured or they are void, and in some states notes secured by a chattel mortgage are not governed by the same rules which control other negoti- able papers, the laws of such states allowing any defense to be made against a note so secured in the hands of a mortgagee which could be made against the note in the hands of the original payee. 3. Real Estate Mortgages.—The same strictness is not required in mortgages of real estate, although they should be siened and acknowledged with as great care as deeds, but mis- takes made in real estate mortgages do not have so serious con- sequences as those made in chattel mortgages. 4. A Criminal Offense.—It is a criminal offense for a person who has given a chattel mortgage on personal property to sell said property without notice, 92 LAND CONTRACT. —— A FARM HOME —— LAND CONTRACT. his Fgreement, made and entered into at Dunkirk, N. Y., this fifth day of March, 1895, provides as follows: That in the consideration of the sum of Two Thousand ($2000) Dollars, to be paid as hereinafter specified, Joun Brown, of the city of Dunkirk, N. Y., agrees to convey, by full Warranty Deed, to Norman C. STULL, of the city of Buffalo, N. Y., the Forty Acre tract of 1and lying four miles west of the city limits of Dunkirk, and known as the Lewis Shuman Estate. It is further provided, that the land described shall be conveyed as agreed, on or before April Ist, 1895, and that said Stull shall, on receiving from said Brown the deed of conveyance as mentioned, together with a full and complete Abstract of Title to date of conveyance of said land, pay to said Brown the purchase price in full. This Contract shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, | fob tee Witness, CLLR re C. Gill Signed, FORMS OF WARRANTY DEEDS. HOW TO WRITE A DEED. SHORT FORM. WARRANTY DEED. Lhe Grantor, Jpn od Cterhatd, and Felly Clethatd, hes wife, of the Geum Oa Mousten, in the County of Mousten, and State of Minnesta, for and in consideration of Yea Gfeusand and Youe Munited dears, in hand paid, CONVEY and WARRANT to Jjitn ‘F Moff €, of the Gown of Mund DPraiue, County of Mousten, and State of Winnesla, the following described Real Estate, to wit: Yhe Bith Cast Guatie fc SAME Uy) pf Section numnla Twenty- ML ie 26), tn Tounstijp numlee uctee WIe7, Vetth f Yonge numlees Yijleen Ve 73 / 7 Ey of the Duis Punapal Meridien, containing One Mun- died and Siaty WOES ty Gooeinment sulecy. Mio Mouse and but numles Yue (2, | tx Bleck nunlel Six ie O y Ve Perwet Side Addition ta the Teun ve Mieusten, ZA ES. ie SI a eae oe Rn : situated in the County of Meousten, in the State of MWMinnesle, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption laws of this State. Sn Wines Wiheseof, the sal Jin Soh Clethatd and tis aie Telly heteunta td thus hands and sels, f oT sa Daten this Ventith day of Sis AS Dies YI. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in Presence of Jotn ae Qrnet, y, CU Cl Chehatd TRound Pravue, Gall Clethatd, Bf sen Es Wann. ate For Certificate of Acknowledgment, see Form 4, Page 91. 94 FORM OF A WARRANTY DEED. : p> @ is [nde nture, Made this CS of Cit in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and ninety-~zve7 BETWEEN De Lae Vi Musi atin of la) lay yy (UY Ay) Uy, Z j Doay OO VrHbouser, ap Me City f Veapenilee Countyof DuPage, and | Be J GZ G gm J ff Leateof Mees, poly of the first part, and on Chit. 2 he Cty of : Yi, “Caz Yio Winona, aH LS tof Wenn esola, Ase of the second part, WITNESSETH : “That the said party of he first part, for and in consideration of the sum of f jag) Ge Vi Gheutand DOLLARS, in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, haze GRANTED, BARGAINED AND SOLD, and by these presents do GRANT, BARGAIN AND SELL unto the said party of the second part, cz fis heirs and assigns, all the following described loty, piece or parcel of land, situated in “He Geren off Lisd, in the County of Ge Fage, and State of Ilinois, to wit: [13),1» Geunship, numba Greeny (90) ath, off Geange numba Droon- by. Grove (25) Vast, ofthe Giflla Gineipal Beaidian, emtuiniiy One LOS, and isly (60) lie gote ob ae ML, Gti numba Civ (2) and’ eve 5) in Cece numbed inne (i) of he auth Adeition te te Cily off Veapaville . pa TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title interest, claim and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, «z fis heirs and assigns, FOREVER. And the said CH i Metlheuser and aevfe, party of the first part, hereby expressly waive, release and relinquish unto the said a) ed party of the second part, az Wee heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this State pertaining to the exemption of homesteads. ..» And the said CLES AN Mirceuser and seufe, party of the first part, for Uarntelved, and heck heirs, executors and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, fit heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, Shey ate well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inherit- ance in law, and in fee simple, and haze good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of what kind or nature soever; and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, a2 hud heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said party of the first part haze hereunto set Uéecr hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of of. CF. (Ptlhauser. § SEAL | YC Gran | = FORM OF A BILL OF SALE. 95 — —_ | now All Men by These Presents, col SP?) tf - ? p> Vi, Py s -— SG A) U Mr. £, CxZD —t Vy THAT (C Y chhatd Lilt of the ( (EC fo y, Va fret le, in the County of Du Ga ba i and State of Whos th, oe of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Cp eB Lada /, p “500 ae) Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to we in hand Y ; ae paid, at or C7 the ensealing and delivery of these Presents, by Nene Nodyces cave f Adace, Sf f party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have Granted, Bargained, Sold and Delivered, and by these Presents do Grant, Bargain, Sell and Deliver, unto the said party of the second part, all the following GOODS, CHATTELS AND PROPERTY, to-wit: C... € Lh Deuba oe One Guy “i pire Go Vis srs Wf), GZ, y, Pte Ves, Win E, (ows, one OA Cheggy ie Diu oe of Yin CO. Ly Cighteen icky We. Ge Jae OS VR Se Vie "Ap Ls os GE ‘ote Olea, and HE oe of awe, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Goods, Chattels and sees unto the said party of the second part, Zz heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to and for 72s own use and behoof, forever. And the said party of the first part dorzz vouch 4 Deas the true and lawful owner of the said Goods, Chattels and Property, and haz in We, full power, good right ae lawful authority to dispose of the said Goods, Chattels and Property, in manner as aforesaid; And 7% te does, for Pe heirs, executors and administrators, covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part, to WARRANT AND DEFEND the said Goods, Chattels and Property to the said party of the second part, hed executors, administrators and assigns, against the lawful claims and demands of all and every person and persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, el have hereunto set 77 yy hand and seal, the ay ott day of Cae. fei in the year One thousand eight hundred and heey foe VA Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Castliceh. Vital Boott. [oul 2 96 FORM OF A WILL. Tie [ast Will and “[estament Of Aeaac’ We Voaymond, of the CAS of Yau. LL in the County of Chane and State of . Disiucts, made and published the Druenly fast day of Vea in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Viinely. Ghve ; IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, J, Ghaae er Dicaymond, of the Ce of Vea feole in the County of Chane and State of Ppinesols, of the age of sick, - Gove years, and being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make, publish and declare this my LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT in manner following, that is to say: FIRST—It is my will that my Funeral Expenses and all my just Debts be fully paid. SECOND—I give and legueat to my es Bey C. Vay mond, Cighby (0 p aoves of. Mand, danuntand desoriler as fallaus: he Cust One Gan (E12) the Dal Wet Qeateel PWN of’ rotion evten (16) in. Dazanihe Choon (10), Teange kictuon (40), Ont of the Sheard @inoiteat Dinter Ve Cosondy J Oe ey f Voici ue de eg ee Cat ws s La Vig Wa sestet, Dtary ie Vivay mond, Cz DLiousandB OLS £1000), within ene your ofles my dealhy on payment of thes amount ba hate be given the tithe I ye Ve jor woe femoany nee at my! Metis. °F mop on lous Ut Wigmore, Opin tel Aauaath Bis ie Qelas(S8000), te te paid one year afer my deniis, fom Ue notes and mot. cj ae her foeisonal paprtly in my pevssesicon hg demtse, ee fe pee provided t. Ge mydeughls Deay Chine Vaymend, O give and tegueath Gree Siisiud Qelia) $2000); Claro yeas fu my te jor my hae jt aflet WA 27 ferourswan ws fetoudéd jf Diey spe Caw Le 2 pepe Pi Si Ly S ofmy Ce Gaim of ao ae aly Kibo) a frcprorty, fier: eat: and were Uf fun lhe Bae ferourswans off m will arcsaliffed, and Ms ee. benefels and fccceds ft Me slook, Wee 2 ee 5 Lioduce, ev frewonal ppiepetty” s eee x Ee ee eee Oe, ee ee ee a ee ere. FORM OF A WILL CONTINUED. 97 Sea A ap LE ae oe age oe Chih the gratin, Se ot othet frsonal Git hea ufon said estate, nol otewiie prowided for, LA undet fet full contol and devolé” sollly lo hea ows twdse and desfeosction whi) he natual tifa Of th death of my vile Cee Viaymend, ale Mhe popetly Ue ed feainel, ofliv the selllement mad fragment y if ae of tet Ap and faneial expenses, Yes deviled eguallyamong all my We oe his ile el ee fay by Met OWELO Lamy sons would buy the Lee LOt2 Me the y J joy? 1 / / A ? 5 j LASTLY—I hereby nominate and appoint Ay if Gatat i Vicaymend, and ny som Bony : Viraymond, to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. Loe , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the Daoenty fast day of Aeay > ZA, in the year of our Lord: One Thousand Eight Hundred and (Vinaty. Five KOE SD ii <4 (OVC) ae Chaac Ee. Aaymend. Zac a The above Instrument, consisting of (Jan sheets, was now here subscribed by ‘SZaae Ti. Cay. mond, the Testator, in the presence of each of us; and was at the same time declared by a to be Ve Last Will and Testament, and we, at 1S request, sign our names hereto in Me presence as attesting witnesses. Loay Shetlt of Dray feeld QDVriwn Baaige Gus ce’, of " N. B.—It is always necessary in a Will to have two or more witnesses. LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS. [THE FaRrMERrs' LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS. A COMPLETE COMPENDIUM OF _ egal and Business Instructions. 1. What is Law ?—Law is a rule of action, or in other words, it is a direction from the governing power of the country telling us what we must or must not do. 2. Its Necessity. — Law in some form is necessary, until people become so perfect, so wise and so good, that they need no restraint whatever. 3. Sources of Law.— The Law-making power and other sources of law are: first, the United States Consti- tution; second, Laws of Congress; third, State Constitu- tion; fourth, Statutes of the State; fifth, the Common Law. 4. Business Laws.—The State Statutes and the com- mon law are most used in connection with business amatters. 5. The Common Law.—The Common Law consists largely of unwritten rules and law, and not enacted by representative bodies, but established long ago in England, by long custom and usages, and adopted by the different States, as a body of law. The Statutes of the State or of the United States are of higher authority than the common law, and the common law must always give way to the statutory whenever there is a confliction. 6. Ignorance of the Law.—lIt is a universal rule that the ignorance of the law excuses no one. No one ean go into the court room and say he was ignorant of the law. The laws are supposed to be common property and are supposed to be understood, and any violation, ig- norantly or intentionally whatever the case may be, must be punished according to the terms of law. 7. Municipal Law.—Municipal Law is, therefore, ‘a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power of a State, commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong.” 8. Rights and Wrongs.—The subjects of Civil Law are Rights and Wrongs; and these are divided into two classes, private and public. It is the duty of the constituted government to defend rights and redress wrongs, whether they are public or private. 9. Civil Injury.—The wrong done to an individual, as the breaking of a contract, is called a CivilInjury. A wrong done to the State for which the law prescribes a punishment, is called a Crime or Misdemeanor. 10. Plaintiff and Defendant.—When one seeks re- dress through the courts, he is said to “bring a suit,” and is called “The Plaintiff.’ The Party against whom a suit is brought is ‘‘The Defendant.” He who seeks redress for a wrong suffered must him- self be innocent. 3 Manual] LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS. THE WRITING AND TRANSFERRING OF ALL KINDS OF NOTES. 1. Definition.—A note is a written promise, signed by the person promising to pay a certain sum of money at a certain time, to a person named, or to his order, or to the bearer. 2. Two Kinds.—There are two kinds of notes, those payable to order and those to bearer. (See Forms) 3. Time of Payment.—A note payable at a future time is not due until the third day after the specified day of payment. The three days of extension are called by universal custom “‘ Days of Grace.” ‘The day of payment is generally called the day of maturity. 4. Parties to a Note—vThe man who signs the note is called the maker, and the party in whose favor the note is drawn is called the payee. 5. Maker’s Responsibility.—The person who signs a note is under legal obligations to pay the note either to the person in whose favor the note is drawn, or any person he may transfer the note to before maturity. 6. Requisites of a Note.—The five things neces- sary in a note to make it negotiable are: First, that the date of payment be certain to come; second, that it have one of the two words, order or bearer; third, that the amount be specified and certain; fourth, that it be pay- able in money only; and fifth, that it be an unconditional promise. 7. Endorsement.—Paper payable to bearer may be transferred by delivery, but paper payable to a certain person or his order, must be endorsed. 8. Promissory Notes..—Promissory notes can be transferred after maturity, but are, however, subject to any defense which might have been made against the original pavee. 14 9. Forgery.—Any person whose name is forged to a Note, Draft, or any other commercial paper, is not responsible, and the paper cannot be enforced against him. 10. Fraud.—A person who signs a note and is not aware that he signs his name to an agreement that he is to pay a specified sum, notwithstanding this ignorance can be held for the amount, provided the note is in the hands of an innocent party. For instance, if a swindler obtains a persons signature and afterwards writes a note above it and sells the same to a banker or other party who knows nothing about the circumstances, the party whose name appears upon the note, though he wrote nothing but his name on a blank piece of paper can be compelled to pay the note, because it has been trans- ferred into the hands of an innocent party. 11. Knowledge of Defects.—No one who receives a note or other commercial paper knowing at the time certain invalidating defects, gets no better right to col- lect it than the one from whom he received it. 12. Lead Pencil.—A note written with a lead pencil is good. 13. Persons Who Cannot Write.—A note given by a person who cannot write must be witnessed, and the person giving the same must make his mark, or touch the pen while it is made. (See Form.) 14. Negotiability is that form of commercial paper which permits to be transferred to another party, and the party thus receiving it has the right to collect it and receive all the benefits of its promises. 100 LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, ORDERS, DUE-BILLS. [THE FARMERS’ THE LAW OF WRITING AND TRANSFERRING CHECKS AND DRAFTS. 1. Drafts.—A draft is a written order, signed by one person, ordering another person, to whom it is directed, to pay a certain sum of money, at a certain time, to a third person, or to his order, or to bearer. 2. Checks.—A check is an order on a bank, or banker, to pay another person, or to his order, a certain sum of money, immediately. 3. Difference between Checks and Drafts.—A check is always drawn upon a bank or some person who carries on a banking business, and it is always made pay- able immediately, by a simple order. A draft may be drawn on a bank or on a private party, and may be made payable on demand, or a certain number of days after date, or after sight. 4. Days of Grace.—A draft payable at a future time is not due until the third day after its specified day of payment. These additional three days are called “Days of Grace.’’ Drafts drawn at sight, or on demand, and checks, have no Days of Grace. They are payable when presented. 5. Acceptance of a Draft.—When a draft, payable at some future time, is presented to the person on whom it is drawn, before it is due, and he agrees to pay it when it becomes due, he writes the word ‘accepted,’ and the date, and signs his name in red ink across the face of the draft. The draft then is often called an acceptance. 6. Certified Checks.—Where a bank has funds on hand to meet the check, and the holder does not desire immediate payment, the bank will certify the check. ‘This is done by the president or cashier by writing the word “good”? or “certified” across the face, with his sig- nature. ‘This gives the holder a claim against the bank, and makes the bank responsible. 7. Negotiability.—Checks and drafts, in order to be negotiable, must be made payable to order, or bearer, the same as a note. 8. Transferring Drafts and Checks.—Drafts and checks may be transferred the same as notes. If made payable to order, they must be indorsed, either in full or in blank. If payable to bearer, they can be transferred without indorsement, although it is customary and desirable to obtain the indorsement of every holder. 9. Presentment for Payment.—A check should be presented for payment at the bank as soon as possible after its receipt. It is unsafe to delay, as in case the bank should fail, the holder would have no right to demand payment of the maker, if he failed to present it at the bank within a reasonable length of time. THE LAW AND RULES GOVERNING RECEIPTS. 1. The Importance.—Thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars are annually spent in law-suits, because people will not do business in a proper manner. There are many estates tangled up in difficul- ties, because when money was paid, or other business transacted, the proper receipts were not given or preserved. Many lives have been lost through the careless methods of transacting business and not hav- ing the proper receipts to show for it; consequently difficulties, feuds, bad blood, and even murder ensued. Never pay money unless you have the proper receipt to show for it. 2. Definition.—A receipt is not a contract, it is only evidence. ‘Thus if a receipt should be given when there was no payment really made, it would have no effect; the debt would still remain. One is always at liberty to prove the truth in spite of a receipt. 3. Mistake.—If the receipt has been made for a greater or less amount than the bill or debt, adequate proof of the error is all that is necessary, and the receipt will be set aside. 4. The Important Feature.—If payment is made on account, or for a special debt, or in full, it should be so stated in the receipt. 5. Payment of Note or Check.—It is not neces- sary to take a receipt on the payment of a note, check, or draft, because the instrument itself becomes a re- ceipt. THE RULES AND LAW GOVERNING ORDERS AND DUE-BILLS. 1. Orders.—Orders are negotiable, but the person on 2. Due-Bills.—A Due-Bill is not generally payable to whom they are drawn is not under obligation to pay| order, nor is it assignable by mere indorsement. It is sim- them, unless they have been accepted, for an order par-| ply the acknowledgment of a debt; yet it may be trans- takes the nature of a draft. ferred. Due-Bills do not draw interest, unless so specified, CE MAnvaL.) LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—FORGERY; WARRANTIES. IOL FORGERY. 1. Definition.—Forgery is the fraudulently making or altering a written instrument. Forgery is more com- monly committed by making a check, draft or note and signing the name of some responsible person. It is sometimes done by raising the amount, or by erasing the amounts that are on the note, check or draft, whichever the case may be, and putting in larger amounts. 2. Not Commercial Paper.—A forged instrument is not commercial paper. Being false, it represents neither contract nor property, and any person holding or buying forged paper has no power to collect it. 3. One Whose Name is Forged, Cannot be Made Responsible.—The act is not his, and one cer- tainly should not be held responsible for another’s acts, which are entirely unauthorized. Thus ifa note is forged in my name as maker, or a draft forged in my name as drawer, or the acceptance forged in my name as acceptor, or my indorsement forged upon any paper, I do not make the contract and therefore cannot be made to fulfill it, that is, to pay. So if my name is forged as the drawer of a check, and the bank believing it genuine pays it, the bank must lose rather than I. It makes no differ- ence how careful or honest one is who takes forged paper; he must always take the risk of its being a forgery. 4. Payment Under Mistake.—But the rule goes still further. One whose name is forged, not only need not pay, but even if he should be himself deceived by the skillfulness of the forgery, and should pay, neverthe- less, he may recover his money from the one to whom he paid it. This is but one case of the general principle that Money Paid Under a Mistake must be Refunded. Thus, even if the supposed maker, or drawer, or indorser should, after a careful examination, admit his signature to be genuine and should pay, yet the one to whom he paid would have to refund if the signature turned out to be forged. 5. Transfer of Forged Paper.—The transfer of forged paper adds no validity to the paper, as it is noth- ing more or less than a piece of waste paper. ‘The re- sponsible party who transferred it is responsible for the amount, but the paper itself is worthless. If a person buys a forged note for $100 and sells it to another for $100, and the latter finds it to be forged, then the first one will have to lose the amount. 6. Raising Amount.—Paper is sometimes forged by erasing the amount named in a genuine instrument and putting in a larger amount. It is then perfectly valid as to the original sum, but wholly void as to the excess. Even though it is accepted or certified after being raised, the acceptance or certification does not make the acceptor or the bank responsible for any more than the original sum. And if the excess should be paid it could be re- covered. 7. Practical Suggestions.—The business suggestion to be gained from all these rules about commercial paper is, that in buying it, unless we are absolutely certain that it is genuine and a valid contract in every respect, we should be careful about those from whom we buy it, so as to have some one responsible to fall back upon if it turns out invalid. THE LAW AND RULES GOVERNING WARRANTIES. 1. Expressed or Implied.—A warranty may be either expressed or implied that a certain thing when sold is or shall be as it is promised in the agreement. For _ example, a seller may warrant a horse sound, gentle, and safe to ride or drive. 2. The Condition of the Warranty.—If the goods or articles purchased are not what they are war- ranted to be, the purchaser may take back the goods and receive back the money paid, or he may claim damages. 3. Buying Goods.—There is no implied warranty of the quality of goods which can be inspected by the buyer at the time of purchase, but the rule is that the buyer must himself take care not to be deceived concerning their quality. 4. Articles Made to Order.—Where an article is ordered to be made for the buyer for a special purpose, and the buyer relies on the skill and knowledge of the maker to provide him with a suitable article, there will ean implied warranty that the article shall be reasona- bly adapted to its intended use. 5. Goods Must be Like Sample.—In a sale by sample the seller impliedly warrants that the bulk is like the sample; and, if the seller is the maker or producer of the goods, that the goods have no secret imperfections. But it must be a sale strictly by sample; where the buyer still intends to examine the bulk, it will not create any implied warranty. The buyer has a right to examine and return the goods, if they are not the same as the sample. 102 LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—CONTRACTS, [THE FARMERS’ HOW TO WRITE A CONTRACT. RULES AND LAW GOVERNING CONTRACTS. 1. How to Write a Contract.—It is a prevailing opinion that only lawyers can write contracts; but this is an erroneous idea, for the legal phrases or learning of a lawyer is not at all necessary in order to make a con- tract legal and binding upon its parties. A person who can write a letter can write a contract, hence a contract is simply a written statement in plain lan- guage what two or more persons agree to do or not to do. A bare statement of facts and the proper signatures make a contract as binding as though forty lawyers united to write it. He who can write a note can just as easily write a contract, for a note is nothing more or less than the simple form of a contract. A plain state- ment of facts is as easily written as the terms and condi- tions of a note. 2. Errors.—If there are any grammatical errors or misspelled words, it will not affect the legal force of the contract in the least. The intent and purpose of the parties when writing the contract will be the interpreta- tion placed upon it by the court, in case any legal ques- tion should arise. 3. Definition.—A contract is an agreement between two or more persons to do or not to do a certain thing. The fundamental rule of law in regard to contracts is that every one must fulfill every agreement that he makes, unless a new agreement has changed or set it aside. Every person must keep his promise, or pay the penalty or damages for not doing so. 4. Two Kinds of Contracts.—Contracts are either written or oral, but it is always best to have a written contract, as the subject matter is definite matter, so no question can arise as to the intentions of the parties when the contract was written. 5. Oral Contracts.—Oral contracts are given by word only, and are either expressed or implied. An ex- pressed contract is one definitely expressed in words An implied contract is one implied from all the circum- stances of the transaction. 6. Implied Contracts.—Implied contracts are quite common and we shall meet them frequently. They arise in those cases where, though there are no words of agree- ment by either party, such as “I agree,” or “I will,” or “T promise,’ yet something is said or done which in re- ality amounts to an agreement. Thus, if I buy goods in a shop, I am compelled to pay for them, though nothing is said about paying or the price, for my being there, asking for the goods, and taking them away, are equiva- lent to my saying, “I will pay for them.” My actions say what my tougue does not. One is considered as having agreed to whatever he knowingly leads to believe he has agreed to. 7. Gratuitous Services give no Claim to Com- pensation.—There is no implied contract, because the services were not requested. Were this not so, any one might force upon us, and force us to pay, what we did not want. But if the benefit of anything gratuitously done, is retained when it could be refused, there arises an implied contract to pay. ; 8. Who can Make Contracts.—All those under twenty-one years of age are called minors, and cannot make a contract except for the necessaries of life, school books, and things of that character. Contracts are not good when made with a person of unsound mind. ‘ 9. Consideration.—Every contract must have a con- sideration, in order to make it good. A consideration i» the thing which induces anyone to enter into a contract Manvav.] LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—CONTRACTS. or an agreement, to do or not to doacertain thing. The consideration therefore must be an inducement or benefit, or an equivalent in some way for the things to be done) or not to be done. One party must promise to do some- thing as an equivalent to the other’s promise. ‘The fact that the consideration is not sufficient, does not, as a rule, affect the binding qualities of the contract. For instance, a party may sell his property for as little as he pleases, but he cannot afterward enter suit for its recovery. 10. Subscription.—A subscription to a church or a charity is generally a promise without a consideration, and cannot be enforced against the subscriber if he de- clines to fulfill it. If, however, he has signed a subscrip- tion paper in which the subscription of each person is made the consideration of the others, the contract is valid and he may be compelled to pay, as in the case of any debt. 11.. Consent.—No contract is good without the con- sent of both parties. They must mutually agree to the terms of the contract. Their minds must meet on the agreement. 12. Performance.— The conditions of the contract or agreement must be performed by one party in order to eompel the other party to perform his part. Every party to a contract must perform his part, or be willing to per- form it, in order to compel the other party or parties to perform their part or pay damages. 13. Breach of Contract.—For the breach of a con- tract the remedy is generally an action at law for dam- ages. The measure or amount of damages to be given is a fair compensation for the injury done. If no actual loss is incurred, only nominal damages, as six cents, can be recovered. In some cases where the amount of dam- ages may be uncertain, the parties often agree on a specified sum to be paid by one party to the other, if the contract is broken. ‘This is called “liquidated damages.”’ If the amount of damage is certain, however, the parties cannot fix upon any sum in excess of the real damage asa penalty. The penalty will be reduced to the amount of the real damage. * 14. Gambling Contracts.—Wagers or bets depend- ing on chance, as a race, a game, or a lottery, or any contingent event, are unlawful, and all contracts on ac- count of money wagered are void. This is generally the law throughout the United States, but the laws of the various States differ very much. 15. Sunday Contracts.—All contracts made on Sunday are void, except contracts which concern what are known as ‘‘works of charity and necessity.” It is perfectly lawful to sell food and medicine on Sunday, for these are necessities, but not other articles which may just as well be sold any other day. Contracts of sale of *Deeds and notes made on Sunday are valid in Illinois and some other en Sunday are valid and can be enforced. 103 such articles are void, and if the purchaser refuses to pay | for the goods, he cannot be sued for the contract price, but only for the reasonable value, which may be and often is much below the price. * Deeds and notes made on Sunday are void. This may sometimes be avoided by dating the document ahead, as on Monday. * 16. Bribery.—Any contract, which directly or indi- rectly tends to corrupt legislation, is absolutely void. A lobbyist, even if successful, cannot recover the promised reward from his employer, much less a Senator, or a member of Congress or. of a State Legislature, who is promised a money or other valuable consideration, for his influence or vote. Such a contract, moreover, is a criminal offence for which a legislator may be im- peached, and for which any person concerned may be indicted and punished. 17. Felony.—Any person who agrees to take money or value for refraining from exposing, accusing, or | prosecuting another person who has committed a felony, such as murder, or theft, or seduction, is guilty of a crime. All such contracts are absolutely void. 18. Disability.—Incapacity is never presumed in cases of contracts; but if it is alleged it must be proved by the party making the allegation. 19. Natural and Artificial Incapacity.—Incapa- cities are natural, or artificial. Absolute duress, insanity and imbecility, are examples of the first class; while mar- riage and servitude are of the latter kind. Natural inca- pacity is recognized, not created, by law. The incapa- city of an infant, or an idiot, cannot be imposed upon, or removed from, any one, by legislation. On the contrary, the legal ‘infant’? of twenty years, and the married woman, having unquestioned natural capacity, are dis-~ abled only by positive law. 20. Contracts Governed by the Law of the State in which they are made.—lIf one goes from a State where he is under an artificial legal disability, into a State where no such disability is imposed, th: dis- ability is removed while he remains, and contracts he executes there, could be enforced against him. Every contract is to be construed according to the law of the place where it is made. 21. Impossibility of Performance.—This is an- other defence in an action for damages, for breach of a contract. Ifa promisor is prevented from performing his part, either by an act of God, or an act of a public enemy, or an act of the promisee, he is not liable to re- spond in damages. The performance must be rendered absolutely im- possible; for the endurance of a mere hardship or difficulty would not suffice. An act of God, in legal states. The Supreme Conrt of Llinois has recently held that contracts made 104 meaning, is an act, or event, over which man has no control,—neither power to cause nor prevent. 22. Impossible in Its Nature.—lIf one promises to do that which is naturally and obviously impossible, as if one promised to tunnel a range of mountains in a day, for the passage of railroad trains, the contract must be void from its inherent absurdity. 23. Partial Payments.—In applying payments on debts drawing interest, it is safe and equitable to follow the rule that payments will first be applied to cancel the interest due, and then to diminish the principal. If a LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—CONTRACTS; LEGAL GIFTS, [THE FARMERS’ payment is made when no interest is due, then apply it to cancel a part of the principal and the interest accrued on such part. This will make it equally desirable for the debtor to make payment, and the creditor to receive the same. If it is stipulated in the contract that ‘interest is payable annually,” and payment is made and accepted when no interest is due, then in such case the payment should diminish the principal. And if the interest is not paid when it becomes due, it should also draw interest; but a contract for compound interest is never legally presumed. LEGAL * 1. Who Can Make Gifts—Any person legally competent to transact business, may give whatever he, or she, owns, to any other person. A gift by a minor, a married woman, an insane person, or a person under guardianship, or under duress, would be void, or void- able, according to the circumstances. 2. Delivery of Gift Necessary.—A gift must be consummated, that is, the thing given must be delivered before any legal right rests in the grantee. A promise to give is not binding, as it is supported by no considera- tion. Delivery may be actual or constructive. 3. Cannot Be Revoked by Donor.—A Gift made perfect by delivery, cannot be revoked by the donor; but if it prejudices the rights of existing creditors, it is void as to them. It is not, however, void as to future credi- tors, unless made under actual or expective insolvency, or with a fraudulent purpose. 4. Gifts Because of Expected Death Revoka- ble.— Gifts because of expected death are revokable by the donor if life is continued; even after delivery and acceptance. Such gifts are held to have been made be- cause death was supposed to be at hand; and if it does not ensue, the gift is defeated, as the death, which was the cause of the gift, has not taken place. 5. Possession.—In order to make a gift absolutely good, possession should be given when the gift is made, and thereby no change of mind or subsequent prejudice can change or revoke the transaction, if made in good faith and without deception. SP, GIFTS. They made him a Present and sent him away. we B — Manuat.] ENGAGEMENTS TO MARRY: 1. Contracts to Marry in the Future.—Mutual promise by a man and a woman to marry at some future day, constitute a valid contract. 2. A Marriage Contract.—A marriage is a civil contract, and is entered into by the mere consent of the parties. If the man says to a woman, “ Will you marry me?” or words to that effect, and she says ‘ Yes,” or words that imply an affirmative answer, it is by law an agreement or promise of marriage, and both parties are legally held to carry out in good faith the promises thus made. 3. Breach of Promise.— If either party refuses to carry out the contract, he or she is guilty of breach of promise, and may recover damages of the other party. It is not very often, however, that the man sues the woman, though he has the right to do so if she fails to make good her promise. 4. Necessary Proof.—Generally in case of a law- suit for breach of promise, there are no direct witnesses, as people generally become engaged without the presence of a third party, but the engagement may be implied by the conduct of the party sued. 5. Implied Evidence.—The promise of marriage is implied from circumstances, such as constant visits, pres- ents, or open declarations of the parties, the reception of parents or friends, as an engaged couple, without any ob- jections from the party accused. There are many ways of expressing serious intentions without an open declara- tion in words. Conduct speaks louder than words. 6. Excuses for Breaking the Promise.—A re- fusal may be justified on the ground of the bad character or conduct of the other party; poor health of either party is sometimes a good excuse, but not generally. If the woman were a widow or divorced, and concealed this fact from the man, this justifies a refusal to marry on his part. 7. Time of Marriage—When a man promises to marry a woman without stating any special time, the law holds him guilty of breach of promise, unless he is ready to fulfill his engagement within a reasonable time, five years was held by law as being an unreason- able time. 8. When a Promise is Not Binding.—If either party is under twenty-one years of age, he or she is not bound by promise to marry, and the law will excuse them any time from making good the promise; but, if the man is over 21 years of age, he can be held, and must make his promises good or pay the damages. 9. Seduction.—Seduction of a woman of lawful age under promise of marriage and subsequent refusal to LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—MARRIAGE CONTRACTS. or, MARRIAGE CONTRACTS. POPPING THE CUESTION. marry on his part, while not a crime, subjects the per- son so doing to heavy damages ina civil action for a breach of promise to marry, the seduction being used in aggravation of the ordinary damages allcwed in actions for breach of promise to marry. 10. A Cowardly Act.—A young man who makes promises of marriage to a young lady, or gives her reason to believe that he is sincere in his visits and intentions, and then without excuse or cause devotes his attentions to another, commits a cowardly act. No honorable young man will do it. No young man has a right to demand a young lady’s exclusive company, without some definite under- standing, and a young lady is very injudicious, if not foolish, if she receives the attentions of a young man, who claims her entire society, without some understand- ing or promise of sincerity. When the promise of mar- riage has once been made, it should be kept in good faith, unless both parties mutually agree to dissolve. The law always requires the promises of marriage to be met in good faith. 106 1. Ancient Authority.—In past ages the father was by custom considered as absolute monarch of the home. In the oriental countries of to-day, the same custom still prevails; modern progress, and modern ideas, how- ever, have changed old customs, and the authority of the parent in civilized countries has been considerably limit-. ed by law. 2. Rights of Parents.—The parent has control of his minor child, and has all reasonable authority to en- force obedience. As long as the parent treats his child properly, no one has a right to interfere with his author- ity, or take the child away and retain him against the wishes of the parent. 3. A Runaway Child.—A child has no right to leave home without permission of the parent, and should a child run away he can be brought back by force. If rel- latives or other parties keep him and refuse to give him up, the parent by legal process can obtain possession of his child, unless it can be shown that the father is brutal, or is not capable on account of drunkenness or other zauses to take proper care of his child. 4. Adoption.—Any child, whether its parents are liv- ing or not, may be adopted. In that case the parent is no longer entitled to the custody, but the adopting person is. The child cannot be adopted without the consent of its parents, if they are living, but the consent having once been given, cannot be revoked. If the child is over fourteen years of age, it must also consent to the adop- tion. Under any circumstances the court has the right to refuse to permit the adoption if it considers that the person petitioning is not a proper person to have the custody. 5. Method of Adoption.—Application must be made at the county court, and the judge will consider the application and will pass upon it. 6. Punishment of Children.—A parent has a right to punish his minor child, providing he is not guilty of cruelty. Brutality is a crime, punished by severe legal penalties. The parent must be reasonable in his punish- ment, leave no bruises or in any way injure the health of the child. 7. Right to Harnings.—A parent is entitled to all the earnings of his minor child. Ifthe child should re- fuse to turn over his earnings to the parent, the employer of the child may be notified, and be compelled to pay the parent only. 8. Special Rights.—The parent may, however, make free his child from all obligations to himself and allow the child to collect his own wages and do for himself. LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—RELATION OF PARENT AND CHILD. THE LAW GOVERNING THE RELATION OF PARENT AND CHILD. [THE FARMERS’ When a parent thus makes public such a declaration, he cannot thereafter collect the child’s wages. 9. The Property of the Child.—A parent may control the earnings of the child, yet he has no control of the property belonging to the child, either acquired by gift, legacy or any other way. Ifa parent should appro- priate his child’s property, it would be just as criminal in the eyes of the law as stealing any one else’s property. 10. Parents’ Obligation to Support.—Parents are legally held for the swpport of their minor children. If a child has property, it does not relieve the parent from the support of his child; he however can apply te court and get permission to use a part, or all of the income of the property for the child’s support. 11. Illegitimate Children.—lIt is a parent’s duty to support even an illegitimate child. Such a child has legally no father, but his putative father, as he is called, may be compelled by the overseers of the poor to fur- Manua..] ; ish the child with reasonable support, so that it shall not | All children born, in | become a “burden on the parish.” wedlock are legitimate, unless it is proved that the hus-| and could not possibly be the father. The adultery of | the wife cannot affect the legitimacy of the child. He| is conclusively presumed to be the child of the husband- | It makes no difference how soon after the marriage the child is born. riage, if subsequent to the ceremony, is legitimate, pro-| vided there is good reason for believing that the husband | is the father. 12. Effect of Illegitimacy.— An illegitimate child cannot inherit from its father, but may inherit from its mother. It may take a legacy under the will of its. LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—PARENT AN) CHILD; RENTING LAND. A child born the same day as the mar-|~ putative father, but if thereis no will it can only inherit 107 from its mother. 13. Children’s Obligations.—Where the parents are unable to support themselves, the child is legally held for their support and care, but it must be first shown that the parent, or parents, are unable to support them- selves. 14. Crimes.—The parent cannot be held for crimes committed by his minor child. If a child commits a premeditated crime, he is personally liable. 15. Guardian.—If a child has no parents living, a | guardian may be appointed, or he may appoint his own guardian, who will in a legal sense exercise the preroga- | tive of a parent. RENTING.« LAND, THE LAW OF LEASES AND TENANTS. 1. Definition.—A Lease is a contract by which the temporary usé and possession of lands and buildings is granted by one person to another. 2. Parties —The owner or the party making the lease is the lessor or landlord; and he to whom it is made js the lessee or tenant. The charge, which the landlord makes for the use of his property, is the rent. 3. Oral or Written.—A lease must be in writing if the property is to be let for more than one year. An oral lease of land for the period of one year is good and binding on both parties, but otherwise it creates only a tenancy at will. A lease is usually made for a certain Jength of time, with, perhaps, a privilege of renewal at the end of the lease. Dwelling houses are usually rent- ed for a year, with the rent payable quarterly. 4. Things Implied.—A lease will carry with it to the tenant everything belonging to the landlord which is necessary for the proper use and enjoyment of the prop- erty leased. Thus, the words “house,” “farm,” “store,” etc., unless they are specially defined in the lease, pass everything to the tenant usually meant by them. *5. Form of a Lease and What It Should Spec- ify.—tLeases, especially for terms of any length of time, should be executed under seal, as are other conveyances of real estate. Such a lease should recite the names of the parties, the date for beginning the lease, and the title which the landlord has in the property. It should next state the consideration, which is usually the rent. Then follow the words, which give effect to the lease, ‘grant, demise and farm-let” being the words commonly used. They are accompanied by a description of the premises to be leased. 6. Covenants of a Lease.—Most leases contain cov- enants setting forth the agreements of the two parties in regard to the payment of taxes and insurance, renew- als of the lease, modes of cultivation (if it is a farm), fixtures, etc. A lease should also provide for a forfeiture of the lease on a non-payment of the rent, or a breach of a covenant. ‘This will enable the landlord to re-enter and eject the tenant in case of a breach of covenant or a failure to pay the rent when due. * 7. Leases That Must Be Recorded.—Leases for a long period of years must be recorded to insure their validity against other parties without notice. Ordinarily this is so of leases for more than seven years; but in some States leases for a less number of years, or even for one year, should be recorded. 8. Implied Covenant.—In all leases under seal there is an implied covenant that the lessor has a good title to the property leased. In all leases there is an implied covenant that the tenant shall have undisturbed posses- sion of the premises. 9. Renewal.—If a landlord covenants to renew the lease upon its expiration, he must renew it on the same terms as before. But this covenant will not become a part of the new lease, so that the landlord will have to renew it also, unless it clearly appears that the renewals were to continue indefinitely at the desire of the tenant. 10. Repairs.—A landlord is not under obligation to re- pair the premises, unless it is so expressly agreed. Even LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—RENTING LAND. [THE FARMERS though the house becomes dilapidated and even uninhab- itable, the landlord is still not bound to make repairs. There is also no implied covenant that the premises are suitable for the purposes for which they are leased. 11. Taxes.—A landlord is bound to pay the taxes, unless the tenant covenants to do so. 12. Provision to Re-enter and Hject Tenant.— Unless there is a covenant allowing the landlord to re- enter and eject the tenant on his failure to pay the rent when it is due, he has only his remedy as for any other debt. If such a provision is inserted in the lease, the landlord must make a proper demand on the exact day the rent is due, in order to ensure his right to enter. 13. A Tenant’s Duties.—Except by express agree- ment, he is not bound to make repairs. In general, however, he is bound to leave the premises wind and | water tight at the end of the lease. He must therefore, make any repairs necessary to preserve the house from actual injury, for instance, by shingling, replacing bro- ken glass, etc. If he chooses to make other repairs, he cannot enforce a claim against the landlord to repay him for such repairs. 14. Payment of Rent.—A tenant is, of course, bound to pay his rent promptly as it becomes due. 15. Return the Premises in Good Condition.— If a tenant covenants to return the premises in good re- pair, reasonable wear and tear excepted, he is bound to rebuild in case they are injured or destroyed by fire. Even if there is no such covenant in the lease, he is still bound to pay rent, though the building is destroyed. Therefore, a lease should provide that, if the premises become wholly or in part untenantable by fire, the rent should cease or abate proportionably; and that the premises shall be returned in good repair, except in case of injury by fire or other unavoidable accident. Statutes have made a similar provision in a number of States. F 16. Cultivation of Land, and the Harvesting of Crops.—A tenant of a farm is bound to cultivate it in such manner as good husbandry requires. If his lease is for an uncertain period, or if it is at will, and is ter- minated by his landlord, he has a right to harvest such annual crops as he has planted and are growing at the time his lease is ended. 17. Tenant May Under-let.—A tenant may under- let, unless there is an agreement that he shall not, but he is still personally bound to the landlord for the rent. He may also assign the whole lease, unless there is att agreement to the contrary. He should notify his land- lord of the assignment. 18. Transfer of a Whole Lease.—The transfer of a whole lease is an assignment, and is entirely distinct from the transfer of any part less than the whole, or an under-lease. Therefore, a covenant not to do one of these two things, will not prevent a tenant’s resorting to the other. Any express covenants made in the lease can still be enforced against him by the landlord; but im- plied covenants pass with the assignment. 19. Termination.—When a lease is for a definite period, the tenant must leave at the end of this period, or the landlord has a right to turn him out. 20. Tenant at Suffrance.—If a tenant holds over at the end of a lease, or if he is an under-tenant, and holds over after the lease of his landlord has expired, without the original lessor’s consent, he becomes a ten. ant at suffrance; and the landlord can turn him out with- out giving him notice to quit. A tenant at suffrance is not liable for rent. 21. Tenant at Will.—But where a lease is created orally, or where a tenant holds over, after his lease has _ some formal instrument showing SS= MANUAL.] expired, with his landlord’s consent, he is a tenant at will, that is, the lease may be terminated at the will of either party. A tenant at will, however, must have due notice to quit from his landlord, and give due notice of his intention to quit, before he can be turned out or leave. 22. Notice to Quit.—This notice to quit must be length of time as the period between rent days. The notice should also terminate on a rent day; but if the rent is in arrears, notice may be given at any time, and may be for a shorter time, usually fourteen days. ‘The laws in the different States, in regard to notice, are not at all uniform, however. The notice should also be in writing, and should specify the day on which the tenant is to leave. 23. Tenant’s Intention to Quit.—A tenant’s notice of his intention to quit is in general subject to the same rules as the landlord’s notice. It should be given to the one to whom he is liable for his rent, or to his authorized agent. The death of a tenant at will, or the assignment of his lease, would terminate it, though the landlord might treat the assignee of a tenancy at will as a tenant at will. 24. Tenancy From Year to Year.—In most States | a tenancy from year to year has grown out of the tenancy at will. a lease for a year which can only be terminated at the end of the year, by a notice given six months in advance. It is a general lease made orally, where rent is| paid yearly, or at equal parts of a year, and is considered | LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—RENTING AND SELLING. { | 109 If the tenant is allowed to hold over into the second year without notice, he will be considered as holding for this second year; and so on from year to year, until either party terminates it by giving the proper notice. ‘The notice probably need not be for so long a period as six months in some States. Ifthe oral lease was made for a | definite length of time, it terminates at the end of that given in advance, and usually must be of the same) time without notice, but may be continued as a tenancy at will, or from year to year. A tenancy from year to In Massachusetts and Maine ten- ancies from year to year are not recognized. 25. Fixtures.—Those things which are attached to the premises by the tenant, with a clear intention to year may be assigned. | remove at the expiration of his lease, may be taken away by him when he leaves. But those things which have been permanently attached, cannot be taken away. ‘The intention of the parties, however, is to govern these re- movals, especially if that intention is expressed in the lease. . 26. What Can be Removed.—There are several tests which indicate, in a general way, what may be re- moved by atenant. One test is, if the things are fastened with screws, or in-any other way, so that they can be read- ily removed without injury to the premises. Another test is, if by the removal of the fixtures, he can still re- store the premises to the condition in which he found them. It should be said that the law is lenient to tenants, so long as they follow these reasonable rules. Fixtures used in trade or manufacture may almost all be removed, so long as the premises can be substantially restored. THE LAW AND RULES’ GOVERNING SALES. 1. A Bill of Sale.—A Bill of Sale is not a document necessary toasale. A Bill of Sale is used when it is thought best to have the transfer, as where one sells \& his business and his stock in trade toanother. Theinventory would be on another sheet and enumerate all the articles in detail and should be signed. 2. A Sale is an Agreement to Exchange Prop- erty for Money Only.—If it is an exchange of prop- erty for property, it is a trade or barter and not a sale. 3. Requisites of a Sale.—There are certain condi- tions that must exist before a sale can take place. First, the property must be in existence; secondly, it must belong to the seller; thirdly, a particular property must be referred to or set apart. 4. Delivery.—Delivery is not essential to complete a sale, as between the buyer and seller, for the buyer has a right to take the goods when he pays for them, but not until then. 5. Quality.—If there was no " express agreement as to quality or fitness, the buyer must take the risk and he is bound to keep the goods he purchased, unless he can show fraud or misrepresentation on the part of the seller. 6. The Sale of Land.—All contracts or agreements for the sale of land must be in writing, and some part or portion of the money must be paid as a consideration in order to hold both parties to the conditions of the con- tract. Contracts relating to real estate are of a different character from those concerning personal property. By 110 the Statute of Frauds, no agreement concerning thesale of real estate, or any interest therein, is valid unless im- mediately executed, or some note or memorandum of the same be made in writing and signed by the party to be charged, or by his authorized agent. ‘The delivery of the deed of conveyance, duly executed, is a conveyance of the title. 7. A Distinction Between a Contract of Sale and a Contract to Sell.— There may be a binding contract between two parties, one agreeing to sell a given thing for a given price, and the other agreeing to buy that thing and pay that price; but still no prop- erty is transferred by that contract. Such a contract is executory, and may be entirely valid, even if it relates to the sale of goods not yet manufacture: 9%r of produce not yet existing. If I contract to sell the orn I expect to harvest next year for so much per bushel, I am bound to do as I promise, if I have a consideration for that promise; but evidently no title passes to a purchaser, for I as yet have no corn to which I can give a title. This is of the same nature as any other executory contract. 8. Grain and Vegetables.—Grain and vegetables cannot be sold or a Chattle Mortgage given on them until the grain is sown or the vegetables planted. 9. The Seller’s Lien.—The seller has a lien on the goods for the price, and may refuse to deliver them until that is. paid. But if it was agreed that credit should be received for the goods, the purchaser may de- mand them without tendering the price. In the case of sale for immediate payment, (which is understood if there is no agreement to the contrary,) and the price is not paid by the buyer, the seller may either rescind the sale, or sell the goods under his lien and look to the purchaser for the balance of the price, if they do not bring the LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—SALES ; CHATTEL MORTGAGES. [THE FARMERS” amount; or if they bring more than the price agreed to be paid, he, selling under the lien, must pay over the surplus to the buyer. 10. Buying by Sample.—lIf a thing is sold by sam- ple, it is warranted as good as the sample. If the buyer has an opportunity to examine the thing and does not, neither gets an express warranty, he takes the risk and should not afterwards complain. If there is some hid- /den defect known to the seller, he must disclose it, or at |least not conceal it if inquired after by the purchaser. If he diverts attention and evades, and thus deceives the buyer, it is a fraud and would be ground of avoidance. 11. The Buyer’s Caution.—In a word, whatever is the subject of a sale, whether real or personal property, the rule ‘‘Let the purchaser beware”’ applies. No one should be influenced by the puffs of owners, the opinion of outsiders, or flattering guesses of anybody. If you have any doubts, demand express warranties in a form to be proved, and if they are refused, then keep your money. 12. No Title.—If a person buys goods of any party, and these goods prove to be stolen goods, the purchaser has no title whatever. If a purchaser buys land, and finds that the seller did not own it and had no claim upon it, the purchaser has no title whatever. Great care should therefore be exercised in buying real estate, and see that there is a good title to it. A few dollars expend- ed in this way may save hundreds. i3. A Sale of Notes, Mortgages, Htc.—Notes may be sold by.their proper assignment, provided the notes have not matured. Mortgages can be sold by fill- ing out an assignment, and go before a Notary, and have it acknowleged. Mechanics liens, or any other liens upon property may be sold by the assignment of the claim. THE LAW AND RULES GOVERNING CHATTEL MORTGAGES. 1. Definition.—A Chattel Mortgage is a sale of per- sonal property as security for some debt or other obliga- tion, on condition that if the money is not paid with interest as agreed upon, the Chattel Mortgage becomes a valid sale of the property which it represents. 2. How to Write a Chattel Mortgage.—The form of a Chattel Mortgage is very simple. A blank may be procured and filled out as shown in this book. But any writing covering the conditions as given in the form is just as good. * 3. Chattel Mortgages Must be Filed.—The Mortgagor or seller usually retains the property mort- gaged in his possession. ‘Therefore, in order to protect the mortgagee’s or buyer’s interest from creditors of the mortgagor or subsequent purchasers from him, the mort- gage must be filed in the office of the town or county clerk, according to the statute laws of the place where they are given. 4. Equity of Redemption.—The statutes always provide that the mortgagor shall have a further time after ee ' 3 MANUAL. | the debt is due, in which to redeem the property. This is called an ‘Equity of Redemption,” and is commonly fixed at sixty days. At the end of this time, the mort- gagor loses all right to the property. But Chattel Mort- gages almost always contain a power of sale, by which the mortgagee may take the property immediately if the debt is not paid at its maturity, and sell it at public auc- tion, or at private sale if the mortgage so provides. If there is a surplus from such sale after payment of the| debt and expenses, it belongs to the mortgagor. | | Ay \ LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—MORTGAGES., SLI 5. Stcck of Goods.—A merchant cannot mortgage a stock of goods if it is the intention of the parties that he may sell and replace the same in the usual course of business as against creditors. Such a mortgage is good between the parties. 6. Assigning Interest in Mortgaged Property.— The mortgagee may assign his interest inthe mortgaged property, and his assignee then acquires all his rights | and duties. The mortgagor may alsoassign his interests in the property, that is, his equity of redemption, subject of course to the rights of the mortgagee. JOHN, IF YOU HAD NEVER SIGNED THAT MORTGAGE, WE WOULD NOT BE IN THIS CONDITION TO-DAY, 1. Definition.—A mortgage is a convevance of real -estate as security for a debt or other obligation, that be- comes void if the debt is paid or the obligation for which it was given is performed. 2. Mortgagor and Mortgagee.—The party giving r=) “he mortgage is called the mortgagor, and the one to} whom it is given, the mortgagee. 3. Form of Mortgage.—A mortgage is, in form, a deed; and all the formalities of signing, sealing, witness- ing, acknowledging and recording are necessazy te its validity to the same extent as is in case of a deed. A mortgage, however, contains a clause, providing that on payment of the debt with interest, or performance of the obligation on or before a certain date, the conveyance shall be defeated. 4. Foreclosure.—In case the mortgage is not paid, a | proceeding may be begun to foreclose, that is to cut off jthe right of redemption. 1902) MORTGAGES.—LEGAL PRINCIPLES OF LAW. 5. Different Methods of Foreclosure.—There are many different methods in the different States, of enfor- cing a mortgage, and obtaining a foreclosure. Perhaps the most common mode is by bringing a bill in a court of ‘equity to obtain a decree of the court, that, if payment is not made within a certain time (often a period fixed by statute), the property shall be sold publicly and the pro- ceeds applied to the payment of the debt and the costs of the sale. The surplus, if any, then belongs to the mortgagor. * 6. A Power of Sale.—In order that the security mey be enforced more promptly than by means of a foreclosure, it is now quite common to insert in mort- (THE FARMERS’ gages a power, by which, if the debt is not paid or the obligation performed when it becomes due, the mort- gagee may, after a certain number of days, sell the prop- erty at public auction. After reimbursing himself and paying the costs of the sale, the surplus, if there is any, then belongs to the mortgagor. 7. Assigning a Mortgage.—A mortgage may be assigned, and the purchaser or the assignee takes the same interest in the property as the mortgagee had, sub- ject to the mortgagor’s rights. An assignment should be executed, delivered and recorded in the same manner as a deed. THE LEGAL PRINCIPLES OF LAW. 1. Definition.—A mortgage on real estate is nothing more nor less than a sale of the land on certain condi- tions. But the sale is not complete if the money is paid for which the mortgage was given. Mortgages are always security for some debt or liability. 2. Parties.—Parties signing and giving a mortgage are called the mortgagor. The parties in whose name the mortgage is given are called the mortgagee. 3. Redemption.—When the debt for which the mort- gage is given is paid, the mortgagor has his rights restored. This right is called the right of redemption, and cannot be taken away without a judicial sale or by the mortgagor's consent. The right remains, with cer- tain limitations, after default in payment of the debt as expressed by the mortgage; and the failure to perform the obligation is compensated by interest. 4. Foreclosure.—The cutting off of all the rights to redeem the property is called foreclosure. ‘This can only take place in case the mortgagor fails to meet the pay- ments or agreements of the conditions stated in the mortgage. ‘The Statutes of the State must be strictly followed, or the sale made under foreclosure will not be good. 5. Deficiency.—When the mortgaged property is sold by foreclosure and the amount is not sufficient to pay the debt, then suit can be brought against the party for deficiency. The mortgagor’s signature on a note secured by a mortgage, does not relieve him from paying the full amount of the note if the property mortgaged is not suf- ficient to pay it. 6. Part Payment.—The holder of a mortgage can- not be compelled to take payment for part of the mort- gage when it is all due. 7. Transfers.—Whatever transfers the title to the debt, will also transfer the title of the mortgage, which is the security of the debt. 8. Assigning Mortgages.—The proper mode of as- signing a mortgage is by endorsing the assignment or transfer upon the mortgage, or by a writing referring to and describing it. If the purchaser has no such writing, he cannot forclose under the power of sale, but he can have the same remedies in equity by way of court proceedings. As a general rule, the assignee of a mortgage becomes owner in all the rights of the mortgaged premises which the assigner possessed as mortgagee. 9. Renewing the Notes of a Mortgage.—If the mortgage is given to secure the payment of certain promissory notes, and the notes are renewed and the time of payment thereby extended, such renewal is not a satisfaction of the original debt, of which the notes are only the evidence, and that to take a new or substituted note does not pay the debt. 10. Execution.—The mortgage should be signed by the mortgagor and witnesses the same as a deed and delivered to the mortgagee. 11. Acknowledgment.—It should be acknowledged as a deed is, and with the same formality. ‘The acknowl- edgment of a mortgage is made for the same purpose as the acknowledgment of a deed; that is, to put the instru- ment in a condition for record. 12. Recording.—The mortgage must be recorded in the county where the real estate is situated. Otherwise it is not good. A recording is not necessary as between the two parties who make the contract, but in case of transfer, or loss of papers or burning of the mortgage it is always best to have it recorded. ’ t (MANUAL. | LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—EXEMPTIONS. 113 PROPERTY THAT CANNOT BE TAKEN FOR DEBTS. — rule, keep as much personal prop- erty exempt as the head of a family. 1. Liabilities for the Debts. — A cer- tain amount of prop- erty is now, by the ? provisions of the stat- , utes of the various States, exempt from the liability for the debt of the owner, and cannot be taken by the Sheriff on execu- BE tion. The amount = WN ES varies greatly, some States being much more liberal than others. 9. Homesteads.—If such property consists of real estate, it is called a “‘homestead.” The value of a home- stead is usually limited to a certain amount, as $1,000, for the purpose of exemption. If the land is worth more, jt is sold by the Sheriff; $1,000, or whatever the amount limited by law may be, is paid to the debtor, and the surplus goes to the creditor. 8. Owner Must Be Head of Family.—In order to be entitled to claim a homestead in land, the debtor, in most States, must be a resident householder and the head of a family. An unmarried person with no family cepending on him for support is obliged to give up all his land tor the payment of his debts, and cannot, as a A\ kK Vy md Y he GAM WE fi” 4. Family of Deceased Debt- or May Claim.— If any debtor dies, leaving a wife or children, or both, these persons may claim the =| same exemption of homestead and | personal property as that to which the debtor was entitled. A policy of insurance on the life of the debt- or in favor of the wife or children, cannot be claimed by the creditors, but the insurance money must be paid to the wife or children only, and is free from all debts. 5. Taxes.— All kinds of prop- erty, real and personal, including homesteads and exempt property, can always be seized and sold for the non-payment of taxes, assess- ments, or any claim of the State or the United States. 6. Debt for Purchase Money.—A homestead or any article of personal property, otherwise exempt, cav always be taken on execution When the devi is for the purchase money of the land or article. *7. Record of Notice of Homestead Claim.—It is generally necessary to file a notice or deed, or paper of some kind claiming the land as a homestead, in the office of the county where the records of deeds are kept. The word “homestead” entered on the margin of the record of the deed is sometimes sufficient. If this is not done, the debtor is supposed to have waived his right to claim the exemption. Such a notice is not necessary as to personal property. 8. Consent of Wife to Sale.—After the homestead is so claimed or designated, it cannot be sold or mort- gaged by the owner, if married, without the written con- sent of his wife. She must sign the deed or mortgage with him. In States where the law requires it, her formal acknowledgment must be taken separate and apart from her husband, and she must say that she ex- ecutes the paper without any fear or compulsion on his part. 9. Personal Property Exempt.— Besides the home- stead, if the debtor owns one, there is certain personal property which cannot be taken away from him by his creditors in payment of his debts. This consists gener- ally of. wearing apparel, household furniture, family *No notice of the claim of homestead needs to be filed in Illinois and some other states. Occupancy of the property as a homestead being sufficies $n order to entitle it to be exempt. 124 books and pictures, a certain number of domestic ant- actually purchased. 10. Wages.—The wages of laboring men, earned by them within a certain period prior to the levy by the Sheriff, usually sixty days, whether paid to them or still in the hands of the employer, cannot be taken by the creditor. 11. Tools of Trade.—The tools, instruments and) implements of trade, by which a person earns his living, LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—EXEMPTIONS; WILLS. [THE FARMERS’ [are usually exempt, as to take them away from him. mals, provisions and food for the family, which has been would deprive him of the means of a livelihood, or frons earning any money with which to pay his debts in the future. The libraries of ministers, lawyers and physicians are exempt for the same reason. 12. Insurance.—Insurance on homestead and exempt property is for the benefit of the debtor alone, and in case of loss the money must be paid to him, and he cas hold it exempt from execution. THE LAW CONCERNING WILLS. 1, Definition.—A will is a disposition or gift of prop- erty, usually in writing, by the owner, to take effect after his death. The person making the will is called the testator, or if a women, the testatrix. The persons to whom personal property is willed are know as lega- tees, and those to whom real estate is donated are known as devisees. 2. Form of Will.—No exact form of words is nec- essary to make a will good at law. Use simple language, and state fully and plainly all the particulars concerning every provision or condition of the will. 3. Who Can Make a Will.—All persons of sound mind and memory, and of the requisite age, may make a will. The age at which a person is competent to dispose of his property in this way varies greatly in the different States, but it is usually twenty-one. Citizens of another country, resident in the United States, may make wills, but they cannot dispose of land by gift of will in many States. 4. Who Cannot Make a Will.—Persons of un- sound mind, idiots, insane from disease, even those afflicted with a derangement of a single faculty of the mind with bright intervals, are not considered able to makea will, and the will if drawn up is void. The will of a deaf and dumb cr a blind person, however, is good and valid; so is that of a person given to drunkenness, unless he was not in possession of his faculties when the will was made. If the testator is able to understand the nature and amount of his property, the claims of others on the same, and make up his mind as to the disposition of it without prompting, he is considered of sufficient mental ability to dispose of it by will. 5. Must Be in Writing.—Wills must be in writing, but it is not necessary that the testator should himself write the body of the will. Wills that are wholly in the handwriting of the testator, are in a few States valid without witnesses, if found among the valuable papers of the testator after his death. 6. Signing.—The testator must sign his name to the will, in order to make it valid. If he is unable to write, he may make his mark. If he is unable to read, the wilf must be read to him before he signs it. 7. Witnesses.—The testator must sign the will in presence of witnesses, or if made elsewhere, he must acknowledge to them that it is his signature, and declare that the instrument is his will. The number of witnesses required differs in various. States; some require two, others three, and one as many as five THE DUTIES OF EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. 1, The Executor.—The executor is a person ap- pointed by the maker of a will to take charge of the property at his death and to carry out the conditions and instructions of the will. 2. The Administrator.—The administrator is a per- son selected by the court to take charge of the estate of a deceased person who has left no will, and to distribute the property to the heirs according to law. 3. Duties.—The duties of executors and adminis trators are substantially the same. There are some points of difference: An administrator has only possession and control of the personal property of the decedent. The real estate goes to the heirs at once. An executor generally is entitled to the possession cf all the property of the testator. ee MANUAL. ] 4. Bonds.—Administrators are compelled to give bonds for the faithful performance of their duties. The bond is in the amount of double the value of the property left in their hands for their disposal. Executors are often compelled to give bonds, but provision is usually made in the will. If any one, however, is interested in the will, they can compel the executor, if he is not considered re- liable or responsible, to give sufficient bonds for the faithful execution of the will. 5. Who Can Be an Executor.—In order to be qual- ified to become an executor, a person must be of full age and in the possession of all his faculties. No person incapable of making a contract can be an executor. A person uuder twenty-one years of age, or a citizen of another country, not residing in this country, or one who has been convicted of an infamous crite, such as murder or theft, or any one who is guilty of habitual drunken- ness, or dishonesty, or improvidence, or is wanting in mental capacity, is incompetent to serve as an executor. If any such person is named as executor in the will, he will not be allowed to qualify or take possession of the estate. 6. Who May Be an Administrator.—The same qualifications are necessary for administrators as in the case of executors. Certain persons are entitled to admin- ister on the property of the decedent in preference to all other persons; and they must be appointed, unless some valid objection can be urged against them. 7. The First Duty of an Executor.—The first duty of an executor is to present the will to the proper court for probate. These courts are usually held at the county seat. The executor applies for and obtains a writ known as a citation, a paper in the nature of a subpcena. This citation dernands the presence of the legatees and next of kin in court on a particular day. Copies are served on all persons interested in the will. *s. The Authenticity of the Will—The executor subpcenaes the witnesses to the will, to appear and testify as to its execution. If they are dead, witnesses who are familiar with their handwriting must appear and testify as to its genuineness. If no objections are made to the authenticity of the will, it is admitted by the Judge or Surrogate te probate, and is transcribed upon the records of the court. trust and taking the oath to faithfully carry out the trust. Letters testamentary, as they are called, are then issued by the court to the executor. of the executor, appraisers are appointed-to estimate the value of the estate. Notice must be given to all the in- LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—WILLS. The original will be returned to the exec- | utor. The executor must then qualify by accepting the ‘are entitled to compensation for their services. 115 terested parties. An inventory of all the personal prop- erty is then drawn up. Property exempt from execution is included in this inventory, though it is not liable for the testator’s debts. All debts due the estate, bonds, mortgages, notes, accounts, money, etc., must be specially mentioned and described. ‘The inventory is signed by the appraisers and returned to the office of the court. The course to be followed is the same as in the case of administrators. 10. Payment of Debts.—The executor or adminis- trator should then give notice, by publication in the newspapers, for all creditors to present their claims against the estate of the deceased in writing. In addi- tion to this, copies of the notice should be sent by mail to all known creditors. ‘The creditors must obey this notice within the time limited in the notice, or they can not complain in case the executor or administrator has paid over all the assets of the estate to those who have presented their claims. 11. Order of Payment.—The funeral expenses ot the deceased are to be paid first. Then all taxes due te the United States, and debts which have a preference by the laws of the United States. Then, taxes due to the State. Then, judgments in the order of their priority. Then, bonds, sealed instruments, notes, bills, and all or- dinary debts, in full if the assets are sufficient, otherwise in proportion. 12. Powers of Executors and Administrators.— If there is not enough money to pay the debts and lega- cies, the executor may sell sufficient personal property to raise the money to do so. The real estate must be sold if necessary. ‘The sale must generally be public—at auc- tion. ‘The will, however, frequently confers the right of private sale on the executor. An executor or adminis- trator has no right to carry on the business of the tcs- tator. If he does he is personally liable for the debts contracted in the business. 13. Should Not Sign Notes.—Negotiable paper should not be issued by an executor or administrator in the name of the estate. He is personally liable on such paper if the assets of the estate are not sufficient to meet it. ‘To relieve himself of this liability he may add to the note the words ‘if assets are sufficient.” He is then not liab!e, but such a note is not negotiable. 14. Compensation.—Executors and administrators They are generally given, in most States, a commission, though ithe heirs and the administrator or executor may agree 9. Appraisement and Inventory.—On application | upon a certain stipulated amount. But more commonly a rule prevails, that the amount of commission he fixed by law. *In Mlinois original wills are required to be filed and remain with the clerk of the county or probate ccurt, and some other states have the same statute, 16 116 LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—HIRED HELP. [THE FARMERS THE LAW ON HIRED HELP. HOW TO WRITE CONTRACTS AND MAKE AGREEMENTS WITH HIRED MEN. 1. Form of Contract :— [fiis oN sreement, Made this First day of JZarch, 1894, between Jacob Barnes, of the Town of Hub- burd, Dodge County, Wisconsin, of the first part, and Samuel Jones, of the same place, of the second part, witnesseth as follows: ‘The first party hereby agrees, to employ the second party to work for him, as daborer, for Aight months, from and after A/ay rst, 7894, for the sum of $78 per month, and to furnish him, the second party, board, lodging, etc. The second party agreeing to work faithfully for the first party during the time and upon the terms above mentioned. Q j (ip piok Ge awened. Witness our hands, this rst day of March, 1894. GE Pamucl jones 2. Importance.—A great deal of trou- ble is often developed, by not having a definite and plain understanding with the hired man; when the agreement is made, either the time for which he is hired is not certain, or the specific terms of the agree- ment are not definitely made, or fully un- derstood by both parties. 3. Written Contract.—A written con- tract with a hired man is not absolutely necessary, but it is always best. To make a bargain orally in the presence of a dis- interested party, so that no difficulty may arise in reference to the agreement, is the next best way. An oral agreement made without a witness is always to be con- demned. 4. A Written Account.—Always have a regular account of a hired man, keeping record of the time he begins work, and the date and amount of money drawn, time Jost, etc., and in case of any question as to the settlement, the account book then can be taken into court as evidence. When opening an account with hired men, always state the terms of the contract; state plain- ly the time for which he is hired, the amount per month, and the date that he begins work; and have the hired man sign it or get him to acknowledge it in the pres- ence of some one, not your wife. 5. Non-Performance.—If a man is hired for nine months or for a year fora specified sum, he will be compelled by law to serve his full time, unless he can show MANUAL.] good reasons for not doing so. If he can prove that he kas been ill-treated, or the party for whom he works has not properly performed his part of the agreement, then he may stop work at any time and collect the full amount of his services for the time which he has worked; other- wise, if the hired man should leave before he has served his full time on his own responsibility and without good cause, he could not collect wages for the time he has served. But most of the statutes in the different Sistes provide that the laboring man may collect his wages, no matter what the agreement as to time of service might be, but the amount of damages that can be proven against him are taken out of the amount of money his due. Ifa hired man leaves the man for whom he is at work at a disadvantage, the hired man must pay whatever damage can be proven by his employer. 6. Hiring by the Month.—If a man is hired by the month, without any definite time specified, he can quit work at the end of any month and collect the amount his due to date. Forinstance: If A hires out to B for $20a month and no specified time is stated as to how long he shall serve, A can st6p at the end of any month and col- lect compensation for the full time he has served. 7. Compensation for Full Time.—If a man kas been hired for nine months in some certain line of em- LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—HIRED HELP. by 117 his time expires, he can collect wages for the entire time for which he was hired. No hired man can be discharged without good cause. It must be shown that he has been unfaithful and failed to meet the terms of the agreement. Unless good cause can be shown he is entitled to the full amount for the entire time he hired out, but he must offer his services and be willing to go on and perform his part of the agreement. 8. Safe Rule.—Law-suits are expensive. It is always best to make an agreement in such a way so that no complication can arise between employer and employed. If you hire a man and he is not satisfactory, pay him for what he has done and discharge him, and settle the mat- ter at once and for all time. If a hired man is discon- tented and does not care to serve out his time, it is best to compromise and pay him off and let him go. The service of a discontented man is never satisfactory, and he who insists on keeping a man against his will is losing money every day. Ifa man is not willing to perform his part of the agreement, he is not a safe and successful man to keep upon the premises. Ship him without delay and get rid of him at all hazards. 9. Hire Good Men.—Hire good men and pay good wages. It is always the cheapest in the end. 10. Receipts.—When settling with a hired man or ployment and he is discharged without good cause before, with any of your neighbors, always take a receipt in full. Take one hundred of our most noted men, and select one hundred of our most popular millionaires, and you will find, almost without an exception, that forty years ago they began life without a dollar, and worked as hired men to earn their first start in life. 118 LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS. [THE FARMERS® THE LAW OF HIRING, LENDING AND BORROWING. 1. Bailments.—Bailment is a legal term applied to almost anything that may be borrowed, or loaned, or hired, or placed in trust for other parties. The person delivering the goods is called a bailor, and the party to whom they are delivered or loaned is the bailee. Real estate cannot be brought under this head. 2. In Trust.—Goods must be delivered in trust in some form, in order to come under the head of bailments. 3. Delivery.—If a horse be borrowed and used, and returned with or without compensation for use; or to be kept and returned at a given time, or when required ; or to be shod for the owner; or to be trained or treated for disease, is in law called a bailment. Delivery of a book to be read, or bound, or cleaned, or trimmed, or stored; or the delivery of a watch to be repaired ; or the loaning of a wagon, a sleigh, buggy, or any other personal prop- erty, are all examples of bailments. Hence the delivery of goods of any kind for any purpose where the party re- ceiving them is not the owner, is a case of bailments. 4, Required Care.—The care of borrowed or hired articles that come under the law of bailments are divided into three degrees, as follows: First, Slight care, or that degree of care which a heed- less man exercises over his own things. A failure to ex- ercise this care is gross neglect. Second, Ordinary care, or that degree of care which one of ordinary prudence takes of his own things. A failure to exercise this care is ordinary neglect. Third, Extraordinary care, or that degree of care which a very careful man, one of more than ordinary prudence and caution, would exercise concerning his own things. A failure to exercise this degree of care is slight neglect. 5. Care and Neglect.—The lines between these dift ferent degrees of care and neglect are by no means easily drawn. What is ordinary care, for example, will depend upon the circumstances of each individual case; and whether the bailee or borrower has failed to exercise that care required of him, is a question of fact for a jury to de- cide according to the evidence. It is plain that the care which would be ordinary if exercised concerning a bag ‘of gold or case of jewelry, would be very extraordinary if exercised toward an iron kettle; and the extraordinary care of a barrel of salt might be very gross neglect of a package of money, if both salt and money were the ob- jects of the same care. : 6. A Deposit.—Any one who is the owner or lawful possessor of goods may deposit the same, and demand them again; but the owner always has a right to demand and receive them by whomsoever they may have been deposited. If goods are deposited by one legaily incom- petent to bind himself by contract, the deposit is not good. It must be remembered that in all contracts the legal competency of the parties is essential. All persons under age are not qualified to make a contract. But if they make a deposit of money or property, their parents or guardians can secure the same for them. 7. The Depositary.—The person receiving goods on deposit is bound to exercise slight care only if he is not benefited by the deposit, and the benefited party is re- quired to sustain most of the risk; he is liable, however, for gross negligence only. 8. Delivery on Demand.—The deposit must be de- livered up when demanded, and if the delivery is refused, the depositary is immediately responsible for its safety, and may be required to pay for it on charge of appropri- ating the property. But if he has been subjected to the payment of expense for the safety of the deposit, he is entitled to reimbursement before delivering up the same. For example, a cask of oil or other liquid is the subject- matter of a deposit, and the hoops had to be renewed to save it from loss. The person in whose care it was placed is entitled to receive the amount of his outlay for repairing the cask. 9. Loan for Use.—Loan for use is a bailment of a thing to be used by the borrower without paying for the use of it. In this case of bailment the bailer is called the lender, the bailee is the borrower, and the bailment is called the loan. 10. Conditions of the Loan.—First, there must be a thing which lent being personal property. Second, it must be lent gratuitously ; for if any compensation is to be paid it is another kind of bailment. Third, it must be lent for use and for the use of the borrower. 1l. Rights of the Borrower.—The rights of the borrower are strictly confined to the use actually or im- pliedly agreed to by the lender and cannot lawfully be exceeded. The use may be for a limited time or for a time indefinite. 12. To Be Specifically Returned.--The property must be lent to be specifically returned to the lender when the bailment is determined. It is certain that where a thing is “loaned” for coisumption, such as flour, it is not a bailment, but a gift or a trade, the equal amount to be returned. 13. Barter.—Barter is the exchange of one commodity for another; and the bread that in common language is “borrowed” is really exchanged for other bread which is “; vi MANUAL.) to be delivered at a future time. not to be returned. 14. Time and Purpose.—In general the borrower has the right to use the thing during the time and for the purpose named by the parties, but he must not go beyond or outside that intention in any degree or he makes himself liable. If a horse is borrowed or hired to go to a certain town, no other place may be visited with- out liability for damages. 15. Cannot Lend to a Third Party.—A gratuitous loan is a strictly personal trust, unless from other circum- stances a different intention may fairly be presumed. The borrower cannot lend to a third party. If he bor- rows a horse to ride he must not permit others to ride it. The lender may be willing to entrust his horse to the borrower, but may not feel disposed to entrust it to an- other party. 16. Liability.—The borrower is under obligations to take proper care—extraordinary care—of the thing bor- rowed; to use it according to the intention of the lender; to restore it at the proper time, and restore it in proper condition. Slight neglect will make him liable, as he alone is benefited by the bailment. He is generally ex- empt from liability for loss from inevitable accidents, and such as human prudence by extraordinary care could not guard against, such as tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. That specific article is 17. Recovery Before the Expiration of the) Time Loaned.—A question now arises whether the lender could demand and recover the thing loaned before the expiration of the time for which it was loaned. The general rule may be stated to be, that as the bailment is without compensation, the lender may terminate it whenever he pleases; but if he does so unreasonably, and it occasions auy loss or injury to the borrower, the latter may, perhaps, have a suit for damages where the object of the bailment has been partly accomplished. 18. Returning Things Borrowed.—The borrower must return the thing borrowed at the residence or place of business of the lender where he obtained it, or where it naturally belonged. If the lender had in the mean- time removed, the borrower would not be required to follow him to return it unless the difference in distance was only trifling. : 19. Must be Returned in Good Condition.—The thing loaned must be returned in good condition as it was when borrowed, the natural wear excepted. If it were returned very materially damaged the owner may refuse to receive it; but it is otherwise if the damage is inconsiderable. Where the acts causing damage amounts to a wrong done and conversion of the property, the Owner may refuse to receive it, and recover the full value of it in an action. LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—HIRING, LENDING AND BORROWING. 11g 20. Expenses.—The borrower will be entitled to re- cover for extraordinary outlay to preserve or repair the property. If a coach required a new wheel it would be an unusual expense, and would be charged to the lender; while feeding or shoeing a team is an ordinary expense The borrower has a lien upon the thing until these extraordinary expenses are paid. The lender could not excuse himself from payment by refusing to receive the property; nor by the subsequent destruction of it; nor by a restitution of it by the borrower without insisting upon payment. 21. Contract of Hire.—Contract of hire is a bail- ment in which the bailee is to use the thing bailed, or to do service about it, for a compensation. ‘The bailor is called the ‘‘letter to hire,” and the bailee is called “the hirer.” By these names we shall distinguish them here- after. 22. Essentials of the Contract.—The essentials of the contract are as follows: There must be the thing in existence which is the subject-matter of the bailment; it should be a thing capable of being let; the bailee should have aright to use, enjoy and possess it during the period for which it was let; there should be a price for the hire; and a contract possessing legal obligations between the parties. 23. Ordinary Care.—As the parties are mutually benefited, the borrower is to exercise ordinary care, and would be answerable for ordinary neglect only, as he pays for the use of the article, ordinary care only is necessary. 24. Must Not Be Prohibited by Law.—The bail- ment must be such as is not prohibited by law; as those against sound morality, against public policy, or those positively forbidden. If a locksmith lets tools to thieves and burglars to enable them to enter houses for the pur- pose of stealing goods, the bailment would have no legal force or existence. ‘The principles governing contracts can be applied here in this case. 25. The Hire of Things.—The letter is obligated to deliver the thing to the hirer; to refrain from every ob- struction to the use of it by the hirer, during the period of the bailment; to do no act which shall deprive the hirer of the thing; to warrant the title and right of pos- session to the hirer; to warrant the thing free from any fault or defect inconsistent with the proper use of it; and to keep it in repair for the purpose of the bailment. 26. The Obligations of the Hirer.—The hirer is obligated to use the thing for the purpose of the bail- ment, and that only; to take ordinary care of it while the bailment continues; to return it when the bailment expires, in as good a condition as when he received it, natural wear excepted; and to pay the stipulated price, and must be borne by the borrower. 120 LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—DISSOLUTION OF CONTRACT. or a reasonable price if none was agreed upon. The hirer is not presumed to break, or injure the thing by using it for purposes contemplated by the parties, with ordinary care unless it was defective. If by the hirer’s fault the injury is done, he is to repair it; otherwise not. 27. Dissolution.—The contract of hire is dissolved by the expiration of the time, or the accomplishment of the thing for which the contract was made; by the loss, or destruction, of the thing by inevitable casualty; by a voluntary dissolution by the parties; by operation of law,—as where the hirer became the proprietor by pur- chase, gift, or inheritance. When this contract is dis- solved from any cause, it does not affect the obligation already incurred, but only those that might otherwise be incurred in the future. THE FARMERS” 28. The Hire of Labor and Services.—The par- ties are called employer and employee. The employer is, in general, obligated to pay the compensation ; to pay for all proper new and accessorial materials; to do all on his part to enable the workmen to execute their engage- ment, and to accept the thing when it is finished. 29. The Employee.—The employee is obligated to: exercise the skill in any given case required; to perform the labor well and by the time stipulated, or if no time was agreed upon, then in a reasonable time; if materials are put into his hands, to guard them against ordinary hazards, and to exert himself to preserve them from any unusual or expected danger; to deliver the thing about which the service is done, when the same is completed, and in all respects fulfill his legal agreements which may have been made on the premises. SSA SS WS THERE IS ALWAYS PROFIT IN GOOD FARMING. MANUAL.] LAW WITHOUT LAWYERS.—ARBITRATION. A LAW-SUIT IN PROGRESS.—This iliustrates the Principles and Philosophy of a Law-suit. The two contestants are pulling with all their strength to gain the case, while the lawyer gets all the benefit that is in the trial. The contestants simply hold the cow while the lawyer does the milking. STOP AND THINK BEFORE YOU SUE YOUR NEIGHBOR. ARBITRATION.—or, HOW TO SETTLE DIFFICULTIES WITHOUT GOING TO LAW. 1. Litigation.—It is always best for people to avoid and discourage litigation. Law-suits are an expensive luxury, even though the suit is won. 2. Arbitration.—When persons refer any matter or controversy to the decision of one or more disinterested persons, it is called arbitration. This act of referring it to other persons is called submission, and the person or persons to whom the matter is left are called arbitrators, and the decision made by them after due consideration is called an award. 3. Form of Submission.—Anything may be the subject of arbitration which is not criminal. Criminal acts cannot be settled by arbitration. The best way to settle difficulties between two parties is for each to ap- point one disinterested person, and then the two thus selected appoint a third party, and the three then consider the statement of the contending parties and their wit- nesses, if any, and after hearing both sides of the case they then can decide upon the terms of an award. 4. Conditions.—A court of equity will not compel any person to carry out an agreement to submit the diff- culty to arbitrators, but when the difficulty has been once submitted for settlement by mutual consent of both con. tending parties, the decision of the arbitrators will be held as good and binding, unless some fraud or mistake has entered into the decision. 5. Compulsory Performance.—TIf either party, after the terms of settlement have been announced by the ar- 122 bitrators, refuses to perform his part, then by law he can be made to carry out the conditions of the award or pay damages for non-performance; and the suit, if brought into court, must be on the non-performance, and not on the original claim. The original claim cannot be tried. 6. Save Money.—Do not go to law because you have a little difficulty with your neighbor. Make a proposi- LEGAL RIGHTS AND WRONGS. THE FARMERS’ tion to him to leave it out to disinterested parties, and if he will not settle upon these terms, then you have no other redress but a court of justice. But very few men, if they are approached properly, will refuse to leave the points of controversy to disinterested parties, and thereby much time and much money will be saved, and many hard feelings avoided. wn = aie Sais ae aed i fies = =e asia He iil eee i AFTER THE LAW-SUIT-—The lawyer takes both the cow and the milk, and leaves the two contestants to fight it out among themselves. LEGAL RIGHTS AND WRONGS. 1. Judge Made Law.—The decisions of our highest courts of final resort are evidences of the law, for there is no such thing as “judge made law.”’ ‘The courts cannot make the law; they simply expound what they find to be law. 2. The Boast of the Law.—lIt is the boast of the law that every wrong has its redress, and this redress is worked out through the agency of implied contracts. If one construction of an implied contract would be frivo) ous and the other reasonable, the reasonable construction is the one the law would take. ‘The general rule of law is, that no implied meaning will be given where an ex- pressed one has been made. 3. Gift of a Promissory Note.—If a father were to give his promissory note for five hundred dollars to his son on account of his great affection and regard for the MANUAL.] son, this note in the hands of the son could not be col- lected in any court of justice against the father, because the note, being an executory contract, was not based up- on a valuable consideration, and therefore was invalid; but if the son were to sell it to an innocent third person, for value, such innocent purchaser for value, could en- force collection against the father. 4, Place for the Signature.—The party’s signature is usually written at the close of the memorandum, but not necessarily so. It may be placed anywhere; at the end, in the middle, (except in a State where the statute requires the word subscribed instead of signed, as in New York), and, indeed, it may not necessarily be his name written in full, but his initial or any mark that he may recognize as his signature. A written offer, verbally ac- cepted, is binding upon the signer, but not upon the party who does not sign. 5. A Guaranty.—Where there is a special promise to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another person, this too, must be in writing. This promise is commonly called a guaranty. In this there is no partic- ular change from the common law, beyond the fact that the contract must be in writing. 6. Object of the Law.—The law vouchsafes to every man life, liberty, and the consequent pursuit of happi- ness. True liberty consists in a man’s doing whatever he pleases to do, so long as he does not please to en- croach upon the rights of other persons. 7. Intention of the Parties.—Where there is a) doubt as to the principal meaning of the contract, the court, if possible, will follow the acts of the parties them- | selves in determining the meaning. If words are inten- tionally made ambiguous, and the court discovers that it was done for that purpose, the parties so offending will not be benefited by it. The true principle of ethics is not to encourage such wrong-doing. LEGAL RIGHTS AND WRONGS. 128 8. Presumption of the Law as to Damages.— When a contract has been fairly entered into, each party is legally bound to perform his part of the contract; or. to answer to the other for damages, according to the na- ture of the failure of the performance. Since the law presumes that every man intends to perform his obliga- tion, it follows that if he does not do so, he must pay damages; for the language of the law is: ‘“‘ Perform your contracts or pay damages.” 9. To Be Determined with Fairness.—The dam- ages naturally, therefore, will be determined with all fairness to both parties; the law fully investigating the nature of the non-performance, whether it result- ed from gross carelessness, or indifference, or whether it was a case of absolute necessity. The law, in no instance, however, will allow oppressive or vindictive damages. 10. Contracts for the Performance of Personai Service.—If an employer should dismiss or discharge his employee without a just cause or provocation, the employee so discharged has a right to recover damages for whatever loss he may sustain by such discharge and the consequent lack of employment. 11. Flooding Adjacent Lands.—Damages are also awarded to persons for injury to their real property as well as to their personal property. For instance, the backing up of water by raising embankments, levees or dams, or anything of that nature, and thus flooding adja- cent lands and rendering the location unhealthy, besides producing malaria and other bad effects. In all such in- stances damages are awarded commensurate with injury brought to the property of the said plaintiff. 12. The Effect of Part Payment.—All actions on book accounts can be brought for indebtedness within the terms of limitation under the statutes of the State where the suit is brought. RULES FOR BUYING REAL ESTATE. land furnish the abstract. the abstract. abstract that he has furnished. S of a notary. the land; the recording of 5. Taxes.—lIf a purchaser buys land after the same has 1. Abstract.—Demand a complete Abstract of Title. Make the party selling the 2. Have the Abstract Examined.—Secure a good competent lawyer to look over Make a contract with the party selling the land to pay for looking over the abstract. The party selling the land or real estate, should pay all expenses for mak- ing the abstract and for examination. 3. Putting on a Mortgage after Abstract Has Been Given.—Sce that the party selling the land does not put on a mortgage on the property after the date of the Every seller of real estate can secure an abstract, and the next day record a mortgage against the property. 4. Signing of Deed and Expenses.—Every deed must be signed by the party selling the land, and if he is married also by his wife. The expense of making out a the deed is, however, always at the expense of the purchaser. This must be done in presence deed, etc., must be paid by the party selling been assessed, then the taxes must be paid by the seller. If the land is purchased before the taxes are assessed or levied, then the taxes must be paid by the purchaser. conveys all the fences standing on the farm, but all might not think it also includes the fencing stuffs, posts, rails, etc., which had once been used in the fence, but had been taken down and piled up for future use again in the same place. But new fencing material just bought and never attached to the soil would not pass. So piles of hop poles stored away, if once used on the land, and intended to be again so used, have been considered a part of it; but loose boards or scaffold poles merely laid across the beams of the barn and never fastened to it, would not be, and the seller of a farm might take them away. 2. Standing Trees. — Standing trees, of course, also pass as part of the land; so do trees blown down or cut down, and still left in the woods where they fell, but not if cut and corded up for sale; the wood has then be- come personal property. 3. Manure.—lIf there be any manure in the barnyard, or in the compost heap on the field, ready for immediate use, the buyer ordinarily, and in the absence of any con- trary agreement, takes that also as belonging to the farm, though it might not be so if the owner had previously sold it to some other party, and had collected it together, in a heap by itself, for such an act might be technical severance from the soil and so convert real into personal estate, and even a lessee of a farm could not take away. the manure made on the place while he was in occu- pation. 4. Growing Crops.—Growing crops also pass by the deed of a farm, unless they are expressly reserved; and when it is not intended to convey these, it should be so rtd WHAT A DEED TO A FARM INCLUDES. A FARM INCLUDES. (YHE FARMERS ) OS SE ; y Sa \; Hy My | / My = Sa 4 H The United States Supreme Court Room. stated in the deed itself; a mere oral agreement to that effect would not be in most States valid in law. Another mode is to stipulate that possession is not to be given until some future day, in which case the crops or manure may be removed before that time. 5. Buildings on the Farm.—Buildings on the farm, though generally mentioned in the deed, it is not abso- lutely necessary they should be. A deed of land ordi- narily carries all the buildings on it belonging to the grantor, whether mentioned or not; and this rule in- cludes the lumber or timber of any old building which has been taken down or blown down, and packed away for future use on the farm. AGRICULTURE AND FERTILIZING By Pror. G. W. 1. Agriculture—There is probably no subject in which so many people are alike interested, as that of Agriculture; and no problems more vexing than those which relate to the how, when and what kind of fer- tilizers to apply, their retention and utilization after application. This applies particularly to the South, as many thousand dollars are expended every year for some form of fertilizer, a large percentage of which is carried away by our frequent heavy rains, which are assisted in their work of destruction by the improper preparation of the seed bed, bad planting and wrong cultivation. With the rapid decomposition of organic matter, {vegetable matter), physical and mechanical condi- tions of the soil, heavy rainfall and the great multi- ' plicity of insect and fungus diseases, with which we must combat, I am fully convinced that it requires more brains to farm successfully in the South than it does in the North, East or West. I think, however, there is no section in the United States that possesses more natural advantages, such as an equitable cli- mate, unusually responsive soils, beautiful natural shrubbery, and a location so varied that the most fas- tidious home seeker may be suited. 2. Fertility of the South.—For many years after the settlement of the South it was recognized as one of the most fertile spots known to the new world, which was doubtless true, but the exhaustive system of cul- tivation, (or rather the lack of system) for the many years which followed has not only left the soil chem- ically poor, but physically as well. The all absorbing question now is, how may we bring back or restore this virgin fertility? The farmer who is so skeptical as to think that this cannot be done, is not fit to hus- band one of God’s greatest blessings to man. 3. Vital Principles—There are a few vital principles évery farmer must know if he expects to be the Most progressive, viz; The condition of the mar- kets in order to dispose of his products to the best advantage; he must also know something about the laws governing plant growth; why one thrives in Sunshine, another in shadow; why some require a great deal of moisture and others so little, The rational feeding of animals must not be over- looked. As he must know just the kind, quantity and CARVER, M. Ac. quality of food required to form fat, heat, milk, bone, hair, wool, and muscular tissue. 4. Farming a Profession.—With the myriads of insect enemies and plant diseases, with which he must fight, the study of entymology (the science and description of insects) and botany must not be neglected. Farm- ing is a profession and means progress in almost every manipulation; the agriculture of today is no more to be compared with the agriculture of one hun- dred years ago, than the tallow dip candle, of about that age, is to be compared with the present electric light, and we dare not even conjecture the develop- ments of another century. Farming, then, is really a scientific study, one in which the natural historian delights to revel. An- other element that greatly retards our progress is the old and popular notion that “Any fool can farm.” Now, this is wrong; no fool should be asked or ex- pected to go out and perform successfully a task re- quiring so much active brain power. 5. Unfruitful Soil—_The lapse of time and methods of cultivation has rendered much of our soil physic- ally and chemically unfruitful, not because the ele- ments of fertility are wholly gone, but in a state or condition that the plant cannot use them, hence we shall now discuss the ways and means of overcoming these difficulties. With every rain a certain amount of plant food, or- iginally contained in the soil or applied in the form of fertilizers is brought into solution, if such food is ready to be taken up by the plant. This is frequently carried away and lost because the soil is not in the proper condition to absorb and retain these liquid substances. The retention of these substances is accomplished in several different ways, but I will give only the three most simple and practical: First, by rendering the soil porous by deep plowing which should be done as a rule only in the preparation of the seed bed. Second, by the introduction of organic matter (vege- table matter) into the soil which acts much as a sponge in the presence of moisture, rapidly absorbing it, and of course, all fertilizers held in solution. In this way large quantities of plant food is held ready for use that would otherwise be washed away and lost. [125] CHEMICAL 126 Son Clover Third, chemical fixation; by this we mean that certain chemical substances which are very soluble in water, when mixed with other substances form a compound that is not nearly so easy to dissolve in water, but quite fast enough in the soil for the use of the plant. 6. Von Liebig’s Laws.—Heat, light, air and moisture are essential to the development of all agricultural plants. A little more than fifty years ago the illus- trious German chemist, Justus VonLiebig, set forth four laws that form the basis of modern agricultural practice. They are as follows: First, “A soil can be termed fertile only when it contains all materials requisite to the nutrition of plants, in the required quantity and in the proper form.” Second, “ With every crop a portion of these ingredients are removed. A part of their portion is again added from the inexhaustible store of the at- mosphere; another part, however, is lost forever if not replaced by man.” “Third, “The fertility of the soilremains unchanged if all the ingredients ofa crop are given back to the land. Such a restitution is effected by manure.” Fourth, “The manure pro- ~ duced in the course of husbandry is not sufficient to maintain permanently the fertility of a farm; it lacks the constituents which are annually exported in the shape of grain, hay, milk and live stock.” In these four laws of Liebig we have a clear state- ment of the fundamental principles governing the use of fertilizers. It is not sufficient to merely read the laws over once or twice, but they must be studied carefully if the greatest good is to be derived. Fur- \ These figures show the little nodules highly magnified. ELEMENTS THAT CONCERN THE FARMER. Cow tea thermore it is highly important that we know some- thing of the constituents of plants and their relation- ship to both the air and the soil. 7. Chemical Elements that Concern the Farmer.— Of the seventy chemical elements of which all matter is composed more or less, there are only fourteen of special interest to the farmers, as the others seem in no way to be essential to plant life. These elements are divided for convenience into two great groups, elements or substances derived from the soil and elements derived from the air. Of the first group we: have:—Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium,, Iron, Chlorine, Silicon, Manganese, Sulphur and Cal- cium. Of the second group we have:—Nitrogen,, Oxygen, Carbon, and Hydrogen. Of all these constituents nitrogen is the most ex- pensive—costing from r14c to 163c per pound, and is. difficult to hold in the soil, owing to the readiness with which it is dissolved by water. Since nitrogen is such a necessary element of plant growth, so diffi- cult to retain in the soil and a matter of so much financial importance, we need to look more deeply into its sources and methods of retention. We find it combined with various substances forming nitrates, such as nitrate of soda, nitrate of potash, etc., also in ammonia which is formed when any animal or vegetable substance containing nitrogen decomposes. There are other forms of nitrogen in both plant and animal substances, but the three just mentioned represent the forms it must assume before the plant. can use it as food. APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER. 127 Out of those three different sources two must be bought, the other may be had by planting a class of plants which have the power to draw this nitrogen from the air and store it away in specially arranged bodies found on the roots of nearly or quite all plants belonging to the peas, vetches, clovers, beans, alfalfa, etc. All such plants are called leguminous and bear little swellings on the roots, called nodules, in which this nitrogen is stored ready for use by the plant. (See Fig. No. 1.) The wise and progressive farmer ceases to buy such large quantities of these expensive nitrates, but plants his leguminous crops, permitting them to bring this to him, and at the same time reap a valuable crop in the way of fodders, seed or green manure. I know a piece of land owned by the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute—a very light sandy soil, underlaid by red clay sub soil, which was too poor to grow peas upon—in 1897 crimson clover was planted. It did fairly well in spots only. In 1898 (March 28th) they cut 1150 pounds from one- fourth of an acre. In about 3 weeks it will be ready to cut again, then plowed under and followed by cow peas. Inavery short time, by this method, corn or cotton might be raised without additional nitrates of any kind. This clover was fed to the dairy herd which in- creased in milk nine gallons and in a superior quality of butter contents ten pounds. This class of plants will do much toward the redemption of our Southern soil. 8. Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash are the three substances for which we make the greatest an- nual outlay, and are divided into three great classes. 1. Available or soluble. 2. Nonavailable or insoluble. 3. Citrate soluble. When solubility is referred to water is always meant, unless otherwise stated. When we say a fertilizer is available we mean that it dissolves easily in water, like salt, sugar, etc., and is therefore ready to be taken up by the plant. Non- available, just the opposite. By citrate soluble we mean that the fertilizer in question will not dissolve in water alone, but will yield readily to citric acid or weak vinegar. *Consid- erable thought is used in the preparation of these fertilizers, hence one must use much wisdom in their selection and application. The farmer who is more or less nomadic, moving from place to place every year, cannot afford to buy anything but readily available plant food, so as to get results the first year. 9. Application of Fertilizer—The character of the jand as well as the nature of the fertilizer should gov- ‘ ern its application. Much of our soils are in the same condition as that shown in Fig.2. Here the soilis simply sandy all the way down to the water table, hence much decayed vegetable matter should be worked in and the allotted amount of fertilizers not put on all at one time, but in two or three appli- cations, as the case demands, lest much of it leach through and be lost forever. Vegetable matter in the soil acts much as a sponge in the presence of water, absorbing it and of course the fertilizer con- tained therein, rendering them less liable to be washed away by frequent heavy rains. Fig. 3 shows a soil underlain with a clay subsoil. This is the most desirable, as the clay structure will hold the fertilizer and capillary attraction (the upward movement of water) will bring them within reach of the plant again. Before applying any manure the ground should be turned over in the fall to the depth of six or eight inches, just as soon as the crops can be gathered from it, for the following reasons:—1. To kill injurious insects, weed seed and fungus diseases. 2. To put the grass and debris under the ground to decompose and become ready for plant food in the spring, 3. To let the air and frost into the soil, the securing of a better seed bed; the building up of the soil; and the bringing back of some of the fertilizer that has sunken below the agricultural depth. An igeat Sotl c. Top soil or homus. d. Clay subsoll, e. Sand. b and f. Water table. A 800r AY Soil a. Sandy soil highly magnified. 10. The Successful Farmer must be a careful student of the soil. There is only one way fora petson to become master in any profession, and that is by earn- est study and close application. This is doubly true of the farmer; he must learn to look and prescribe for his plants with as much certainty as a skillful physician prescribes for his patients; he must learn when the physical and mechanical conditions of the soil are good and the plants continue pale green in color nitrogen is needed. 2. If vigorous in growth of leaf and stem, leaves deep green, etc., nitrogen is not needed. 3. If such crops as turnips, cabbage, collards, potatoes, grasses, cane, corn, etc., show a 128 fine healthy growth, sufficient potash is present in the soil. 4. Unusually large stems and leaves, with few flowers, imperfect fruit low in flavor, and if root crops, such as potatoes, you only harvest small and inferior tubers with poor keeping qualities, then too much nitrogen is present in proportion to the other fer- tilizing ingredients. 5. The office of phosphoric acid seems to be that of perfecting the seed, or grain, and when the seed appears plump and vigorous the above element is not wanting in the soil. 6. Potash, though essential to the highest development of all agricul- tural plants, it occupies first place in the develop- ment of all those producing sugar. 11. Sandy Land and Hot Climate——Our extremely sandy land and hot climate has made the subject of green manuring or the plowing under of green crops, such as peas, clovers, etc., of considerable anxious comment. Some have gone so far as to recommend their discontinuance altogether, the souring of the land being the objectionable claims. This is quite true, as all plant juices, with but few exceptions, are acid and hence impart this to the soil when turned under. This may be readily overcome by a light ap- plication of lime scattered broadcast at the rate of twenty to thirty bushels per acre, according to the nature of the soil; it should be thoroughly air slacked, spread evenly and burrowed in if the crop is to be put upon it at once; otherwise it may be spread on freshly burned and serves to render available potash, soda, etc., that are unavailable, besides assisting in the decay of vegetable and animal matter that may be present in the soil. It is not good economy to plow under a great crop of green forage when the land is fairly well supplied with vegetable matter, as it is worth so much more for food. Millions of dol- lars in food stuffs might be saved every year, the soil physically, mechanically and chemically improved, were the destructive forest fires held in check which devestate our woodland and fields every year and their vegetable matter on tillable lands plowed un- der in the fall and permitted to convert itself into plant food for the next year’s crop, besides giving to the land valuable vegetable absorbants to hold what fertilizers we are obliged to apply. True, burning this matter returns a little potash to the soil, but this potash can be bought and applied for about one- twentieth the cost of other valuable materials we de- stroy. Should the farmer burn a brush heap and find that vegetation is ranker and better there than else where, it indicates that potash is needed. The above mentioned fires are among the greatest curses to South- ern agriculture and should be speedily remedied. 12. Useful Tables and Suggestions,—I submit the fol- SANDY LAND AND HOT CLIMATE—USEFUL TABLES. lowing compilation of tables and suggestions with no small amount of apprehension, lest the careless, blun- dering reader will interpret them wrongly. They are not infallible rules, but in a very general way ap- ply to all ordinary soils. Particular ones must be studied and their wants supplied according to their several deficiences, and the special demands of the crop to be grown upon them. These tables all represent per centage and mean so many pounds of the fertilizer in question, as indi- cated per figure, in every 100 pounds of the substance; thus, cotton seed meal containing six per cent nitro- gen=,06x100 pounds=6 pounds nitrogen. Some of the principal materials containing nitrogen, approxi- mately given are as follows: MATERIAL. PER CENT NITROGEN. Cottonseediemealirracce-c.e seis 6to7 Dried sbloodiic wis. cusysyenen iste chee ase retary to to 15 Dried fishers. oe smh ee dean ae steiee 8 to 9 LATS) Ae cre aor ae CO es Oe OEE 14 to 16 Eorniandshooridistiems ame eerie cine 10 to 15 Leather meal#andsserapa)\:1)eicere 7 to8 INGitrO men COWS |S WanMmOSi. ler. «et cerei-revere tee 7 to8 Wooldwastel (82s incor tie nae eens 6 to 7 Ammon ass uli phate ws svererke aya ieeostoetelaes 20 to 21 Nita tevomsSOd dlrs miate/ny-jeceniaet meters 154 to 16 Potassmime mitra terme sts see serereite 13 to 14 Mariateiof sammionials yet y-socrrl se 254 to 26} Sources of phosphoric acid approximately given, only the availabe or soluble forms are here mentioned: MATERIALS, PER CENT. Bone meal) (dissolwed))iyy wits ects 12 to 18 Bone meal (from glue factories)........ 6 to 8 Thomas slag (American) ............- 7 to 74 South Carolina rock (dissolved)..... 12 to 12} Peruvian and Mona Island guano...... 7 to 8 Keystone concentrated phosphate....35 to 40 Sources of potash approximately given: SUBSTANCES. PER CENT. Murate of potash (high grade)....... 50 to 53 High grade sulphate of potash....... 48 to 52 Low ¢rade of tthe samen sean- ere caer 29 to 30 Waste from powder works........... 16 to 18 Unileachediwjoodrashes.-.)-)anctias pee 5 to8 Same leached ee eran samen eee 1 to 33 ee babheactae ie ike tary acme roan ah Bd UeraiC 12 to 14 Niitratevonypotasinvee iu meetin ckraoeee 43 to 44 13. Barnyard Manure.—I feel that too much empha- sis can hardly be placed upon this most important topic. From Farmer Bul. 21, U.S. Dept of Agricul- ture, we clip the following statement: “Aside from the mechanical benefits to the soil barnyard manure, according to Prof. Roberts’ conservative estimate, is worth $250 for every small farm carrying 4 horses, 20 COWS, 50 Sheep and ro pigs.” We can safely assume that one-third of the manureal "TEN eee BARNYARD MANURE—FERTILIZERS RECOMMENDED. 129 STABLE MANURE. An average tenant’s stable and his method of saving manure. All the fertilizing properties are being washed away. value of our home product is lost by bad management. Accorbing to Prof. Roberts’ figures the annual loss for each farm would be $8 2.22 Pehrere ly POUNDS PER TON. PRODUCTS. NITROGEN.|PHOS. ACID.| POTASH. Cotton Seed Meal...} 136.65 29.2 56.2 Conia heen 33-6 11.8 7-4 Clover Hay 2.52... 40.16 Th Ke 2 36.6 Any one can build a rude shed. The piles of manure should be given only water enough to rot the heap. According to Armsby, the farmer who sells one ton of cotton seed meal from his farm sells the following amount of fertilizing ingredients: VALUE PER TON. MANURED TOTAL. VALUE OF NITROGEN.|PHOS. ACID.| POTASH. $10 WORTH 23.06 $2.04 $2.25 $27.35 $10.12 5.62 0.83 0.30 6.75 3.78 6.83 0.78 1.46 9.07 9.07 From the above figures we see that he who sells a ton of cotton seed meal sells nearly or quite twenty- eight dollars worth of fertilizer. Every farmer should set about at once to save this enormous waste of valu- able plant food. The average barn yard manure is found to vary about in this proportion: ONTERO GO CME Es! aerate isslo\« Se 0.4 tO 0.75 per cent. Phosphoric acid........ oy2stO: To:4oa4 FEEDING BEES. Should the weather be favorable, every stock should be examined about the first of February. Should any one bein want of food it should be supplied. If ina box or gum hive, thin pieces of white sugar candy can be slightly pushed betweenthe combs through an open- ing on the top. Honey or good sugar syrup should be given by means ofa saturated sponge or comb, filled with honey placed at the opening on top, being careful} to cover with a box to keep out outside bees. In mov-~ able frame-hives, frames of honey from other hives having it to spare is most convenient, and any required quantity can be given to the various feeders through the honey board. REARING OF QUEEN BEES. Premising that you use movable frames, make number of small frames, as near four or five inches. square as may be, to just fit inside one of your large. ones. Fill with clean worker comb—that which has: been frozen is the best, because the eggs of the moth will have been destroyed—and put the large frame containing these small ones in the middle of some stock with a fertile queen from which you wish to breed. Provide also some small boxes on the plan of: a simple movable frame-hive, with loose top and rab- beting for the frames and just the size to accommodate. three cr four of them. When eggs have been depos- ited in the combs, set up one of your small boxes with, them as a hive in miniature and confine it between a pint and quart of bees. They will immediately con- struct queen bees, and may then be opened. In this, way any number of queens may be provided. Ni My) Nan AM H AN Ait id Hella TH ees ame mn 5 itci> My bill Sern nga CATERPILLAR AND MOTH. A CompLeTe [NSEC | Department. ee ee INSECTS INJURIOUS TO VEGETATION AND NEW AND SCIENTIFIG METHODS FOR THEIR EXTERMINATION. <2: INSECTS AS: OUST E Reise... New Receipts and New Remedies. : . , 4 ‘ | 7 ] Se ee ee ee a a eee ee *TANUAL.] BIRDS AND INSECTS. SAVE THE BIRDS AND BANISH THE HUNTERS! THE EXTERMINATION OF BIRDS MEANS THE INCREASE OF INSECTS. 3. The Farmers’ Friends. — The farmer rarely ever gets any direct benefit from the game which flourish on his prem- ises. [he majority of our grain pro- ducers scarcely ever realize what protection is furnished by the birds during the spring and early summer. At that season of the year the fowls of the field and the birds of the air feed almost entirely upon worms and other in- sects, and one insect destroyed the first of the season may be equal to millions destroyed } in the fall. 4. A Dollar a Head.—It is no doubt a well established fact that every quail, every partridge, every prairie chick- en, every grouse, every pheas- ant, and the like, are worth a dollar a piece to every farmer. ‘The insects which they destroy in the early sea- son is worth three or four times more to the producer than the highest market price ever paid for these birds as game. 5. Save the Birds. — If farmers EVERY QUAIL AND EVERY PRS'RIE CHICKEN IS WORTH $1.00 A PIECE TO EVERY FARMER. would unite and would protect the birds 1. Increase of Insects.—It is a fact well established that insects are annually increasing and their ravages upon vegetation are more wide-spread and disastrous every year. New precautions, new remedies, and new experiments are continually necessary in order to protect our trees, fruit and vegetation. The outlook for fruit is becoming more and more alarming. 2. Extermination of Birds.— All the old settlers realize the vast difference between the number of birds twenty years ago and now. Millions of our song birds are slaughtered annually to satisfy the whims and follies of fashion. While quails, prairie chickens, partridges, grouse, pheasants and various other birds, that are the friends of the farmers, are almost exterminated in order to satisfy the passion for sport. Were it not for birds no fuit or grain could be raised. upon their farms, and keep off the hunters, it would be worth thousands of dollars to the country. It is difficult to estimate the value. Let farmers unite and keep out hunters, sports and dogs from their fields, and thereby protect their crops. 6. Wholesale Cruelty and Slaughter of Small Birds. — Some one has said, if women could only know of the destruction of bird life that their love of finery oceasions, they would make it unfashionable to wear the feathers of murdered birds. In 1886, 5,000,000 birds were required to fill the demand for ornamenting ladies’ hats. Forty thousand terns were killed in a single |season on Cape Cod; 1,000,000 reed birds (bobolinks) in a single month near Philadelphia. The swamps and marshes of Florida are well known to have become depopulated of egrets and herons, and the Siate at large BIRDS AND INSEC'IS. |THE FARMERS’ ? So TH apr DEAD BIRD. has become a favorite slaughter ground for milliners’ emissaries. Seventy thousand birds were killed in a small village on Long Island in a short space of four months. A lady in Florida heard the mournful notes of some birds in small cages. They were blind. ‘Their eyes had been put out. The cages were hung in trees smeared with tar. The birds sing and attract other birds, who get stuck in the tar. They are caught and their eyes put out. 7. Follies of Women. — The little tufts of feathers which have been so much worn are taken from the beau- tiful egrets or small herons, who have them only during the breeding season. The bird is shot while trying to protect its young ones, and is easily caught on that account, and the young birds are left to starve. Many of the most useful and beautiful species of the birds are becoming extinct. 8. A Plea for Birds, Grain, Fruit and Humauwity, —An extract from a letter from Michigan gives some idea of the complaint made by farmers: “’The destruction of birds has been carried on to such }an extent that it is hardly possible to raise any kind of fruit, even the grapes as well as the apples getting too wormy to use.” 9. $100,000,000. — It is estimated that they save $100,000,000 annually to the farmer. Michelet, the great French authority, says: “There could be ne vegetation, and therefore no life, if the birds were ali destroyed.” 10. Let Every Man Frown upon Women wearing feathers of birds, and they will soon give up the fashion. In fact, we ought to look upon a lady with a feather or bird upon her hat as lacking in sensibility and refine- ment. wf ANUAL.] INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. 137 Insects Injurious to Vegetation and Remedies for their Extermination. PECULIARITIES OF INSECT LIFE. The insect world is more wonderful and beautiful than the animal world. ‘The illustrations below show the forms and proportion of insects as they appear under a powerful microscope. Insects are a charming study, and he who has the Op- portunity to secure a good microscope and make the examination, will find great in-- terest and many surprising results. Those who desire to become efficient and effective in the destruction of injurious insects must study the subject carefully and make many investigations. Secure a few works on in- sects, and great pleasure will be found perusing this subject. THE GOAT MOTH. The Goat Moth is a well-known insect, with a short body and large and broad wings of a pale browning white color, marked with short wavy lines. The caterpillar of this insect is flesh or wine colored, and has a few hairs upon it; and a faint and disagreeable smell is evolved from it, which is left behind upon the wood over which it has recently crawled. ‘This larva gnaws the old trunks of LEGS OF A CATERPILLAR. willows and elms, and by excavating large galleries in the trees, it often destroys some of the largest and finest. Lns 6 ; The Digestive Organs of an Insect. a, head, jaws, etc. ; b, oeso- phagus; c, crop; d, gizzard; e, chylific stomach; f, biliary vessels; @, intestine ; h, sécret- ing organs. DIGESTIVE ORGANS OF INSECTS. The digestive system of in- A sects is quite complicated. It Dig consists of a mouth variously modified in the different groups, a pharynx, a gullet, a first stomach or crop, a second stomach or gizzard, a small in- testine, etc. In some kinds the mouth parts are modified for biting and chewing pur- so modified as to be adapted \ f voses; in others they are ‘or Sucking organs. Names of All the Parts of an Insect. Labium,. Blasillaseso==nonnnnnenennnnennensnne- GY y oo Fete Mouth-parta. Mandible. ---=+------------------------- Gy Pa) Labrum, «---2ceces----~-----2n2- oo nee ee GS Ware k ene Antenna, -------. -------n----2----22-5 Pa DONG Ceci anno ann meer waa mh me mae ip sex sheen anne en naan eenwenenen eens Head. lytron, op first : wing, =a eaewennenne "Ur Second leg, ------------- =e pee + 8 OR art enna ee Metathoraz. —_— mt anl Jcond wing. -/———S— 7— | Third legyrer-~---~- 22 een nnenn---- { SECTIONAL PARTS OF INSECTS. [THE FARMERS SKELETON OF AN INSECT. Fic. 368. st, spiral tongue; Ip, mouth; ac, stomach and intes- tine; ns, main portion of nervous system; nw, nervous threads going to the wings; dv, heart; r, reproductive organs. The Breathing Apparatus of a Bug. av HEAD, HOW INSECTS BREATHE. THORAX. The breathing apparatus of insects generally con- sists of a system of air tubes, which branch in every direction throughout the body. ‘These tubes receive the air through little air holes called stigmata, aad are arranged along the sides of the lower portions of the body. Some insects, however, breathe by a sort of rude lungs or cavaties located in the inner portion of the body. - -H MANUAL. ] THE INSECT WORLD, 4°) PoP THE INSECT WORLD. 1. The Digestive Appa- ratus is commonly quite com- plicated, their being three stomachs—one to correspond to the crop of birds, another to the gizzard, and the third re- ceives the food after it has been softened and ground in the oth- ertwo stomachs. Thusec,dand e represents the three stomachs in the above illustration. 2. Forms of Feet.—The feet of insects are in conform- ity with their modes of life. Some have claws or hooks; some have a kind of a suction cushion by which they can adhere to the surfaces; some have fringed feet to enable them to swim; and some have d, Second Stomach. their fore feet shaped for dig- e, Third Stomach. ging, like the mole’s, or rats. 3. Wings.—The wings are generally made very much like that of a Bat—they consist of a sort of a membrane extended over a slender frame-work. ‘The wings of a moth, however, are covered with sort of a dust; when put under the microscope they are found to be made up of reg- ularly formed scales truthfully and systematically analyzed. c, First Stomach, 4. Laying Eggs.—With very few exceptions insects are oviparous, that means that they lay eggs. Some lay their eggs in Autumn and hatch them in the Spring; they are deposited in the earth, sometimes under the bark of trees, in rotten wood, or on or under leaves, etc. 5. Insects are commonly exceedingly prolific. The female White Ant produces fifty million eggs in a single year. The queen of the Honey Bee is supposed to lay over that number of eggs annually, and the Plant Louse is supposed to lay a trillion. pels IMAGO, OR THE PERFECT INSECT. 6. Metamorphosis.—Almost every insect undergoes a certain change, which is called metamorphosis. In the first state the insect is a caterpillar, or a worm. In the second state it is wrapped up in a covering which is called a cocoon, or lies buried in the earth, and for some time remains in a sort of a sleep. When this is completed, it becomes a perfect winged insect, and generally ready for flight. LARVA, OR MASKED STATE. PUPA, OR BABY STATE. 7. Three Stages.—An insect goes through three dis- tinct stages. The first is called the Larva, which is the Latin word for mask; the insect is not in its true state or character, consequently it is called the Larva, or masked state. The second state is the sleeping state, when it is wrapped in a cocoon, or is going through its transforma- tion in some other form, it is called the Pupa, the Latin word for baby, because it commonly appears something like a baby, helplessly sleeping in its bed, until the devel- oped or waking time arrives. The next state is called the Imago, or perfect state, because it is now in the image of perfection, or complete development. Thus Larva represents the worm or caterpillar, Pupa the cocoon or sleeping period, and Imago the winged or perfect state. 8. Reproduction.—The Larva is produced from an egg, and the egg is laid by a perfect insect. When the Larva is first hatched it is very small, but it grows very rapidly and eats ravenously. The common fly is first a maggot, and then develops into a common fly. 9. Pupa State.—An insect undergoes many changes in developing from a worm into a butterfly. Insects in the Pupa state eat no food. 10. In the Image State the insect eats but little, as it has reached its growth and requires but. little nourish- ment. 140 SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF INSECTS SIMPLIFIED. THE FARMERS SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF INSECTS SIMPLIFIED. Fruit growers, or at least a great many of them, have taken up the study of insect life more from necessity than choice, and it has always seemed to us that one reason for this aversion to Entomology has been the many scientific names which are necessarily used, and also from the fact that entomology has only of recent years become an art— of every-day practical appliance—as well as a science. Science in itself means a systematic classification, and the science of insects is in this respect no more difficult than the science of flowers or any form of life. As with flowers so with insects. Commencing as far back as the division of Arthopoda (from the Greek, meaning jointed legs), we find that this division includes INSECTS, ARACHNIDA (from a Greek word, meaning sfider,) PYCNOGONIDA (from the Greek, meaning ¢hick or crowded knees or legs) and CRUSTACEA (from the Latin, meaning vizd or shell). We are only interested now, however, in the first named of the preceding, viz: INSECTS. ‘These, we find, are divided into MyRIAPODA ~ Wp THE HAIR SPIDER. x \ A Hag worms, Millipeds, etc. The most of our pets are found among the TRUE INSECTS or HEXAPODS, and are charac- terized by having the body distinctly divided into three parts, viz: the Head, the Thorax or Chest, in which the Heart and Lungs are situated, and the Abdomen or Stomach. ‘These true insects also have, as a rule, three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. Going still further in the classification, we find that the Hexapodus are di- vided into eight different orders. BOT FLY. First come the Aymenoptera or Order JI. ‘These (named from Greek words, meaning membrane-winged, have a mouth organ developed for biting, and also as a BEE FLY. HORSE FLY. sucking tube. Their wings are small, transparent, and with few nerves or veins. Familiar examples of this Order are Bees, Ants and Sawflies. The next three Orders have mouths develeped simply as sucking tubes, the difference in the Orders depending upon their wings. Order IT. are the Lepidoptera (from the Greek, meaning scaly wings or feathers) and their distinguishing feature is that the wings are covered with minute scales, such as butterflies and moths. Order III. are the Diptera (from the Greek, meaning two wings) or with only one pair, and these are transpar- (from the Greek, meaning xaumberless legs) and the HEXA-|ent and with few veins; the Housefly and Mosquito are PopA (from the Greek, meaning six-leg ged). Pops are the less common of the two classes, and include as their names imply, such animals as Centipedes, Galley- | La/fwinged). The Myria-|examples of this Order. Order V. are the Hemiptera (from the Greek, meaning Those belonging to this Order have trans- ein aa MANUAL.] parent wings more or less veined, or the upper ones are developed half way as a leathery shield; examples of this Order are bugs, lice, locusts, etc. ‘The preceding SEVENTEEN YEAR LOCUSTS. three as noted have their mouths developed as sucking tubes; the next four, on the contrary, have their mouths developed for biting, and in order to preserve this classi- fication we have placed Order IV. out of its regular position. Order IV. is Coleoptera (from the Greek, meaning sheathed-winged). In these the upper wing is a horny convex shield, the under wings being membraneous and folding upon a hinge, such as beetles. Order VI. is Orthop- tera (from. the Greek, meaning strazght wing- ed). In these the up- per wings are straight, being leathery or mem- braneous, and the under wings fold like a fan, such as Crickets and Grasshoppers. : Order VII. is the Neuroptera (from the Greek, meaning zerved or veined winged). ‘These have thickly veined transparent wings, and Dragonflies are an example. = Order VIII. and the last, is the Thysanura (0 the Greek, meaning frizged fail). These have no wings, but the stomach is furnished with more or less rigid bristles. ‘These are very small animals, sageateet tay as the Bristletails and Springtails. The above eight orders are, therefo:2, the main divi- sions of Entomology, and it may be well for those inter- ested in bug life either from a liking of the subject or SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF INSECTS SIMPLIFIED. ;remember them, 141 through force of circumstances, to master these hard names, trying to if possible, by themselves, or better from an what they mean. ZS Perhaps later we > >=. may have something to say about t in these various orders, though it would be impossible for us to go further than tie fami- lies without writing a regular book on the subject. For, re- member, in each family is a long list of Genera (plural of Genus) with an unlimited number of Species under each Genus. In giving the scientific name of the insect, and a great many ~ have no other, the first word is the Genus, and the second the Species. There are, as a rule, eS he families comprised many species in each genus, a number of generea in each fam- ily, anumber of families in each order, a number of orders in each class, and so on up to THE SCORPION. The Archnida is an order of insects which have the body divided into two well marked regions—the head and hind body. They have simple eyes and four pairs of legs, they have no antennae nor wings, and they do not change their forms after they are hatched from the egg. From the egg to maturity they change their skin six times. The bite or sting of some spiders are very poisonous, espe- cially the Tarantula, which often causes death. The Scorpion is very dangerous, and requires immediate medical attention. the last division, ending in the Animal Kingdom, each order, class or division containing less divisions than the preced- ing.—Orange Judd Farmer. se 142 INSECTICIDES. (THE FARMERS FEEDING THE SUFFERERS OF THE GRASSHOPPER RAID. THE PRINCIPAL INSECTICIDES, AND HOW TO USE THEM. 1. Care.—The most important substances for spray- ing are poisons, and great care should be exercised in the use of any prepared combinations of Arsenic, Paris Green, and London Purple. 2. The Most Common Kinds.—The most common insecticides are Paris Green, London Purple, Slug-shot, White Arsenic, Hellebore, Pyrethrum, Kerosene Emul- sion, Carbolic Acid, Tobacco, Bisulphide of Carbon, Benzine and Gasoline, and Coal Tar. 3. Paris Green Spray.—For Fruit and Shade Trees use one pound of poison to 250 gallons of water, and keep well stirred; smaller quantities in proportion. ‘The chief objection to Paris Green is, that it is so heavy that it settles quickly to the bottom of the vessel—very much more quickly than London Purple. It is also more ex- pensive. 4. London Purple.—London Purple is a little more injurious to the foliage than Paris Green, but keeps in solution better, as it does not settle to the bottom so quickly. It should never be applied to foliage easily injured, like peach and plum trees. For general spray. ing use three ounces in sixty gallons of water. Smaller quanties in proportion, 5. White Arsenic.—White Arsenic should be ham dled with great care, as it is liable to burn the foliage. 6. Hellebore.—Use a tablespoonful to a pail of water and sprinkle the foliage with it. It will generally kill the worms found on currants, gooseberries, and the like. 7. Kerosene Emulsion.—Kerosene Emulsion is pre- pared by adding two parts of kerosene to one part of a solution made by dissolving half a pound of hard soap in one gallon of boiling water, and churning the’ mixture through a force pump with a rather small nozzle until the whole forms a creamy mass, which will thicken into a jelly-like substance on cooling. The soap solution should be hot when the kerosene is added, but of course must not be near the fire. The emulsion thus made is to be diluted, before using, with nine parts of cold water. This substance destroys a large number of insects, such as the Chinch Bug, Cabbage Worm, and White Grub; and is a comparatively cheap and effective insecticide. 8. Benzine and Gasoline.—These may be set undet the bushes or foliage where insects are destructive, and the gas rising will either destroy or drive away the insects. 9. Coal Tar.—This is used along the side of ditches, to keep chinch bugs from migrating into other fields. MANUAL.] NEWLY DISCOVERED INSECTICIDE. 143 is the liability of using an over-dose, and thereby injur- ing the foliage of the plants sprdyed. With the arsenate of lead, it can be used, if necessary, in the proportion of 25 lbs. to 150 gallons of water, without injury to the foliage. Prof. Fernald advises the addition of two quarts of glucose, or if that cannot be obtained, two quarts of molasses to each 150 gallons of water, used for the pur- pose of causing the insecticide to adhere to the leaves. Experiments havé shown that the insecticide will remain on the trees for a long time, evén after heavy rains, and we infer, prove effective. The cost of these chemicals is given as 8¢ per lb. for arsenate of soda and 14¢ > per Ib. for acetate of lead, at wholesale. It should be borne in mind that these substances are all poisonous, and should be handled with proper care. + y A MOTH. A NEWLY DISCOVERED INSECTICIDE. Thought to be More Desirable than Paris Green. j A new and important discovery in the domain of pom- ology has been made by F.C. Moulton, of the gypsy moth commission, Malden, Mass. Arsenate of lead was the substance used, which was prepared by dissolving eleven ounces of acetate of lead and four ounces of ar- senate of soda in 150 gallons of water. These substances quickly dissolve and form arsenate of lead, a fine white powder, which is lighter than Paris green, and while be- ing fully as effective in its operation in destroying insect life, is far preferable for several reasons: If by any means the mixture happens to be used stronger than necessary to destroy insect life, even three or four times the neces- sary strength, it in no wise injures the foliage of the plants upon which it is sprayed. This is greatly in its favor, for often in using Paris green for Potato beetle larvee and for the codlin worms, as much injury results from the poison burning the foliage as would result from the insect if let alone. This is a better insecticide than Paris green under all circumstances and for all insects, says Prof. Fernald. It has the advantage of being readily seen on the leaves, so that one can tell at a glance which have and which have not been sprayed, which is often of great convenience. Being lighter than Paris green, it does not settle so quick- ly, and as a result can be distributed more evenly over the foliage. A great objection to the use of Pavis green ANTS BRINGING HOME THEIR CAPTIVES. INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. [The FARMERS HOW TO SPRAY FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBS; —_-OR———_ HOW TO RAISE PERFECT AND WELL DEVELOPED FRUIT EVERY YEAR. 1. Farmers and gardners must come to it. Every year’s experience shows conclusively that our fruit is not only becoming more imperfect, but is decreasing in quality and quantity. 2. Farmers must meet the new conditions, be prepared for new duties, or they will soon lose their beautiful fields and fruit gardens. 3. Spraying is no longer an experiment, but a science, and but few men who keep a fruit orchard, potato field, grape vineyard or cotton field, hop field or tobacco field, must resort to spraying at the proper time. 4. To show the benefit of spraying select a portion of your'trees or shr:.bbery, and carry out the instructions and receipts given, and you will demonstrate to your own satisfaction in a single season the wonderful benefit of spraying and protecting your fruits. INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM, 145 making a house for itself upon the cloth upon which it lives, its cuts its way in various directions through the cloth and drags its case after it. As the weather gets warmer the little worm closes its case at the ends and in three weeks the perfect moth will make its appearance. REMEDY. Beat the garments well early in the Spring and occasionally during the Summer. It is better to keep the articles ina large paper bag. Occasional airing is good. For clothes packed in boxes or trunks, puta little oil of cedar on a piece of paper and roll up and wrap with other paper to avoid soiling the garments, and put several of these rolls into each box or trunk. Carbolic acid, turpentine or benzine is equally good, used in the same manner. Black pepper, a piece of camphor gum, or a hand- ful of snuff wrapped up with the clothes is excel- lent. Caution. Camphor should never be used in keeping sea! skin, as it takes the color out of the fur. THE FIELD CRICKET. The crickets are noctttrnal insects, whose colors are dark and of brown and gray tints. They have all long and slender organs of sensation, and legs adapted for jumping. The males have a large musical apparatus, and the females possess an elongated ovipositor. These insects live very solitary existences, except when they are disposed for that society which they suppose they can obtain by their everlasting chirp. Each of them digs a hole, and does not leave it except during the night, and children in the fields, who know this, can often catch _a field cricket by poking straws down cracks in the ground. HOW TO DESTROY CLOTHES MOTHS. One of the greatest enemies of the housewife is the clothes moth. It is very small and makes its way through the smallest crevices. "The female moth finds its way in early Summer among the clothes and furs, suitable for food for its young. and there deposits about fifty or more eggs. In about a week the eggs hatch and the young worms begin to eat upon the cloth upon which the eggs were laid. It spins a sort of case which it lengthens and enlarges. Not content with eating and \ A close closet lined with tar paper is the best for furs. It is also excellent for clothes. Whole cloves are now used to exterminate moths, and some say they are much better than tobacco, camphor, or cedar shavings. HOW TO DESTROY COCKROACHES (Blattide). The cockroach does not, like most insects, pass through several distinct changes. It sheds its skin several times and develops into a full-grown insect. The female carries her eggs with her in a little sack. When the eggs are ready to hatch the case is dropped. The young are white after being hatched and change for a dark brown color. They shed off five or six times before maturity. Cockroaches are very troublesome, eating everything that comes in their way. They havea strong and disa- greeable odor. Another species of the cockroach known as the ‘Water bug” is very common in New England. Its habits and manner of development are about the same as the regular cockroach. HISTORY. +3..| 146 RemeEpDy. ‘Thirty-seven parts of borax, nine parts of starch and four parts of cocoa sprinkled around the haunts will usually exterminate them in a few days. Other receipts. such as a tablespoonful of red lead and Indian meal mixed with enough molasses to make a thick batter used for a few evenings, will also produce fatal results. Insect powder does not kill them, but stupefies them so they can be swept up and destroyed. Pouring hot water on them where it can be done, is a sure remedy. A VEGETABLE CATERPILLAR. Attention has been called to the Aweto of New Zealand as one of these puzzling products of nature. In the early stage of its growth it is a perfect caterpillar; growing to] the length of three and a half inches. It is always found in the neighborhood of the Ratatree, a large scarlet-flow- ered myrtle, and habitually buries itself a few inches under ground. When the Aweto is fully grown, it undergoes a won- derful change. The spore of a vegetable fungus fixes itself directly on the caterpillar’s neck, takes root, and grows like a diminutive bulrush, frem six to ten inches high, without leaves, and with a dark-brown head. The singular stem penetrates the earth over the cater- pillar and stands up a few inches above the ground. The root grows at the same time into the body of the insect, exactly filling every part without altering its form in the slightest degree. It simply substitutes a vegetable for an animal substance. As soon as this process is completed, both the caterpil- lar and fungus die, and become dry and hard, and the thing is then a wooden caterpillar. ‘ INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. [THE FARMERS ALL KINDS OF RECEIPTS FOR SPRAYING PLANTS, TREES AND SHRUBBERY. Insects Which Sting the Fruit and Devour the Foliage. Use Paris Green or London Purple in proportion of one pound to 250 gallons of water, and apply just after the bloom has dropped, then once or twice thereafter, ten days apart. For Insects like Plant Lice. Make a kerosene emulsion of one-fourth pound of soap, one pint of kerosene, two quarts of hot water. One quart of this mixed with twelve quarts of water and spray as soon as the first broods appear. GRAPES. The grape vine flea beetle, and the grape phylloxera can be destroyed by spraying with the kerosene emul- sion. The former can ‘also be destroyed with London Purple or Paris Green. For Mildew or Black Rot use a solution of potassitina sulphide—one ounce to five gallons of water. Spray aiter leaves begin to start; again just before blooming; thenve once in two weeks until fruit is of good size. MANUAL.) - ~~ Er For Fungus Attacks, Such as Mildews, Rots, Scabs, Etc. Receipt: Dissolve six pounds of sulphate of copper in sixteen gallons of water, four pounds of lime in six gallons of water. Apply to grapes early in the season, other fruit after bloom. Second Receipt: 'Three ounces carbonate of copper in one quart of ammonia, and diluted in twenty-five gallons of water. The two above receipts are effective for grape rot, apple and pear scab, and leaves no coloring upon the fruit. Apply before any foliage appears and then after the foliage is out, and fruit formed, three to six times according to the season. The Vermorel Nozzles are best, they throw a fine spray and use less material, and for high trees only a little longer hose is necessary. Spray Pump. CABBAGE. To destroy the cabbage maggot, spray the roots with two ounces white hellebore in three gallons of water. Kerosene emulsion is also recommended; in either case the earth should be pushed away by hand and the liquid forced about the roots. To destroy the cabbage worm, spray with hot water at 130 degrees Fahrenheit, or with kerosene emulsion. The green cabbbage worm can be destroyed by spraying with pyrethum, two tablespoons to two gallons of water. PLUMS. Destroy the aphis with kerosene emulsion and a fine spray nozzle. The curculio can be destroyed by spraying with three ounces Paris green to forty gallons of water. First application should be made as soon as blossoms have fallen, and repeat at intervals of a week or ten days. Four applications should be sufficient. Other | 1emies of the plum will be destroyed by this method, but in all cases be particular to keep the poison and water con- stantly stirred. 20 INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM, 147 STRAWBERRIES. Leaf blight can be prevented by the use of the Bordeaux mixture, applied with a spray pump once in two weeks; first application must be made early in the season. Destroy the crown borer by spraying with Paris green, three ounces to forty gallons of water, as soon as the new leaves open, again just before the first blossoms unfold, and again after August rst. PEARS. The pear slug can easily be destroyed by spraying with Paris green, four ounces to fifty gallons of water, or kero- sene emulsion as soon as it begins operations. The pear- leaf mite can be destroyed by spraying with kerosene emul- The codling moth and curculio should be treated the same as recommended for apple trees. sion. Hop Plant Louse. This insect appears in June or early in July, and is very destructive. Spray as soon as the pests appear with kerosene emulsion. This is guaranteed to kill the lice in thirty minutes after application. For roses use hellebore. water. Small fruits and bushes can be sprinkled with a bucket sprinkler. A tablespoonful in a pail of 148 INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM, [THE FARMERS attacks the peach, tn which case spray with Paris green, two ounces to fifty gallons of water; be sure to keep it well stirred, and use with caution. Never use London purple on peach trees. CHINCH BUG ON CORN. Can be destroyed with the kerosene emulsion. Every farmer should learn to make this emulsion, as it isa most useful insecticide. It is especially valuable for killing lice on cattle and hogs. Paris green will not kill chinch bugs. Apply the emul- sion with a spray pump. CURRANTS AND GOOSEBERRIES. To destroy the worms spray with powdered white hellebore, one ounce in three gallons of water, as soon as the worms appear. ‘To destroy the yellow aphis, spray with kerosene emulsion early in the season. ‘To prevent mildew use one- half ounce potassium sulphide to one gallon of “water. 52 i 7 my ee < Sark: 3! ¥ Cat Tt es if) THE SEVENTEEN-YEAR LOCUST. The Locusts deposit their eggs in the earth, and close them up in a kind of tunnel, and the young ones are born without wings, which become developed as they grow older. TOMATOES. The green tomato worm can be destroyed by spraying with London purple, one-fourth pound to sixty gallons of water. This should not be used after the tomatoes have begun to ripen. The spray pump can be used for washing buggies with PEACHES. good advantage. After washing the buggy, wipe dry Peaches if attacked by the black peach aphis, spray | with a chamois skin or soft rag and then apply a little with kerosene emulsion. The plum curculio frequently | kerosene oil and lampblack with a small sponge. rs ae ia =e MANUAL, | INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. 149 the emulsion, and apply to the cotton with a “Vermorel” nozzle; this extract kills by contact, and though destructive to insect life, is not in the least injurious to those handling it. MEAT OR FLESH FLY. The Flesh Fly and the Blue Bottle are very useful, or as they are called, Gentles, for they devour dead bodies of all kinds. The curious legless maggots are well known, and so are the egg-shaped, dark-brown pupz. ‘The mag- gots, which at first are called “fly blows,” increase in size with very great rapidity if they have sufficient food ; and there is some truth in the saying that a pair of maggots will eat up a carcass as soon as a lion, for the reproduc- tive powers of the female are enormous. COTTON. The Arkansas Industrial University at Fayetteville says, the following is one of the most efficient, inexpen- sive and harmless remedies for the destruction of the enttou wom: Two and one half pounds pyrethrum, and one and one-half gallons of kerosene oil, and one pound soap. Dissolve the latter in one gallon of boiling water, and to this hot mixture add one gallon of the above ex- tract (pyrethrum and kerosene), and mix thoroughly with atorce pump; dilute with water 450 parts to one part of | HOW TO PROTECT APPLE AND CHERRY TREES. For the prevention of leaf blight spray as soon as the leaves are full grown with Bordeaux mixture or Ammonical carbonate of copper. To destroy the codling moth, canker worm and cur- culio, spray with Paris green or London purple, one-fourth pound in forty or fifty gallons of water, soon after the blossoms fall, and again two weeks later. To destroy the aphis or plant lice, spray with kerosene emulsion as soon as the pests appear. To destroy the web worm spray with London purple or kerosene emulsion about August rst or roth, or as soon as they appear. This application should be made during the middle of the day, when the worms are out of their webs and feeding on the leaves. 150 INSECTS, LOCUST OR GRASSHOPPER. The locusts or grasshoppers deposit their eggs in the earth, and close them up in a kind of tunnel, and the young ones are born without wings, which become developed as they grow older. THE APPLE MAGGOT. 1. Apples are usually injured by a codling moth, who works about the core, but the apple maggot feeds all through the apple, as shown in the following illustration. It ruins, when it once enters, the entire apple, as no part of it can be saved. 2. The Apple Maggot is a two-winged fly, seen early in Summer, and deposits its eggs under the skin of the young apples early in the season. In the course of a few days they [THE Farmers’ develop into maggots, and permeate the fruit in all directions. In six weeks they develop into full size of a whitish or greenish-white color. They then make their appearance on the surface, drop te the ground, and penetrate the soil to the depth of about an inch, where they will remain until the following Summer, when they come out as full- fledged flies. 3. Remedies.—As yet there are no remedies that will produce the desired result. The only system of extermination is to collect all the wind- falls and destroy all the apple pomace, so there will be no sources for their development. Only a few States are suffering from this insect, and great caution should be exercised against its spread- ing by vigilantly using the above precautions. COMMON INSECT PESTS. Good, Tried Remedies— Patent Insecticides More Dangerous Than Home-Made. Bulletin No. 24 of the Colorado Experiment Sta- tion is devoted to “A few Common Insect Pests,” by Prof. Gillette, and includes a discussion of the “Imported Cabbage Worm,” the “ Southern Cab- bage Butterfly,” the “Cabbage Plusia,” the “Cab- bage Plutella,” “Flee Beetles,’ and ‘Onion Thrips.” Several species of parasites on the cab- MANUAL. ] bage worm are mentioned, but it is stated that remedies should be resorted to without expecting these natural enemies alone to keep the insects in check. "The methods of treatment deserve repetition, and it may be remembered that these, given for the imported Cabbage Worm, are al- so the most efficient for the Southern Cabbage Worm, the Cabbage Plusia and the Cabbage Plutella: ‘As the eggs are deposited on the outer surface of the leaves, and the worms feed for some time before reaching the head, these insects may be nearly all destroyed by the prompt application. of any one of several good remedies. Among the cheapest, most easily applied, and to my mind the best of the remedies to destroy cabbage worms, are the arsenites—London Purple or Paris Green. I have given abundant proof of the harmlessness of such applications to those who eat the cabbages, in Bulletin 12 of the Iowa experiment Station. Some of the Remedies. “Thoroughly mix one ounce of the poison in six pounds of flour, and dust it very lightly over the plants from a cheese-cloth sack, in the evening or early morning, when a little dew is still upon the leaves. Make the first application soon after the plants are set out. Certainly no one can think that there would be the slightest danger in giving such treatment up to the time that the heads begin to form. After the heads have formed, the poison ean be applied mostly to the outer leaves; but if any is put upon the head itself, it is almost impossible that it should do harm, as the surface leaves of the head are not eaten, and these leaves in a growing cabbage are contin- ually spreading and becoming outer leaves. Neither ean the poison be washed by rain into the cabbage, for the outer leaves do not run into the head. I should not think it advisable to apply the poisons. nearer than 7 to 10 days to the time of harvesting the cabbages, and it would never be necessary to do so. Patent insecticides, such as Slug Shot and Oxide of - Silicates, have been much used by gardeners for the de- struction of cabbage worms. ‘The poison in these insect- icides is Paris Green, but no one ever heard of a person being poisoned from eating cabbages thus treated. These patent insecticides are much more dangerous to use than ene a person prepares himself, for he is usually ignorant as to the composition of patent compounds, and is more lable to be careless with them. For those who prefer not to use the arsenites, there is probably no better rem- edy than Insect Powder, or Buhach. This substance kills by coming in external contact with the worms, and is best applied by means of a blower that-sends the parti- Ny y INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. 151 cles of dust down between the leaves of the plants. This powder is not poisonous to man, and hence is very safe to use or to have in the house. to.this substance is its expense. light, and a pound will treat a large number of plants. A remedy much recommended by Dr. Riley is hot water. Water may be poured boiling hot into a watering-pot and applied at.once to the caterpillar, and, if the plants are not too thoroughly drenched, the latter will not be harmed, while all the worms touched by the water will be destroyed. Worms that are protected upon the under side of the leaves cannot, of course, be treated. Kero- sene emulsion, if applied in extra strength and with con- siderable force, will also kill many of the worms, but I have not found this substance of much value in destroy- ing the larvee of Pieris rape.” The chief objection The powder is very APPLE TREE BORERS. Signs.—The indication of apple tree borers are that they make their appearance, especially in young trees, by a sort of a sawdust being pushed out of the openings in the bark. The discoloration of the bark of the apple tree also shows where the grubs are at work. APPLE TREE BORERS. Remedies.—Apply on the first of June a solution of soft soap and crude carbolic acid, and two weeks later make another application. The Mixture.—One and one-half quart. of soft. soap or one and one-half pound of hard soap mixed with two gallons of boiling water and one pint. of crude carbolic acid. Mix thoroughly. It is.a good plan, late in the Fall, to go over the young orchard and examine the trees, and see if there are any indications.of borers or eggs; they can be easily destroyed with the knife. The Bark Louse represents a sort of whitish or yel- lowish scales, and in the fall they increase in size, and by. the end: ef the season the.tree has a sort of a scaly 152 covering. They are apparently fast to the tree, and are parasites feeding on the sap, and not a part of the bark, as many suppose. Remedy.—Scrape off the tree with a dull knife or hoe as much as possible. Young trees should be scraped very carefully, then scrub with a broom and apply the soap emulsion, used for apple tree borers, double strength. In June spray the trees with kerosene emulsion. S > 4, Sa 2 INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. [THE FARMERS it, and apply a shovelful of the powder to each hill; after each rain renew the application. The results are excellent. Tobacco acts both as a mulch and a fertilizer, and is an excellent thing for cucumbers and melons, aside from its beneficial effects in keeping off the cucumber beetle. Another Method. Place over each hill a thin piece of cheese-cloth about two feet square, and fasten the edges down by loose earth. A little twig may be bent in the form of a curve and stuck into the ground to keep the cloth from the plants, though this is not necessary. ThetLarge Squash Bug.—They have a strong odor like a bed bug. It is a terrible enemy to the squash and pumpkin vines. ‘The only remedy is to tear off the part of the leaf where the young cluster, and crush them under foot and to catch the old ones and destroy them. Appli- cation of hot water 150 degrees (Fahr.) will destroy them. eS SS en : eager SOS THE POPLAR BUG. Poplar trees are frequently much damaged by this insect. The grown bug is of a green bronze color; the larva is red and is spotted with brilliant black. The larva destroys the foliage and does great injury. Remedy: Spray with kerosene emulsion. A New Way to Protect Cucumbers, Melons, and Squash Vines. The worst enemy of these vines is the little striped yellow bug. It first appears as a little tiny worm, and in almost two weeks casts off its skin and acquires its per- fect form. Remedy.—The best way to raise vines which these insects feed upon, is to get eight inch tile, cut them in two in the middle, or have it done at the tile factory, and set into the earth several inches, plant the seeds inside the tile, and keep it covered with a window glass until the vines are beyond the reach of the bugs. The glass draws the heat and makes the growth thrifty and rapid. The Ohio Experiment Station recommends the follow- ing: Take the refuse of a cigar factory, dry it and powder THE SEXTON BEETLE. The above engraving represents a small dead animal which is beginning to disappear of the consequences of the beetles having dug beneath it. ‘These insects are a sort of scavengers and not injurious, and should not be molested, because they do more good than harm. HOW TO KILL THE PLUM WEEVIL. 1. Pick up carefully every day all the withered plums that fall prematurely from the trees and burn them. : 2. Pasture hogs in a plum orchard and the results are generally very good. No other remedy has ever been successfully tried. MANUAL,) | THE SUCULLIA MOTH. The Cucullia has some very pretty moths and caterpillars. The moths have long, pointed wings, long bodies, and a sort of hood to their thorax, and are called Sharks. hey feed upon flowers and plants, and can be easily destroyed by picking them off by hand, as they can be easily picked up; or, if they are very numerous, they can be destroyed by spraying with kerosene oil. HOW TO DESTROY PLANT-LICE. There is scarcely a tree, bush or herb that grows in our gardens or fields, that is not infested with some species of plant-lice. Their manner of living, and of reproduction, has attracted much interest. They both deposit their eggs and bring forth their young alive, a peculiarity which does not take place in any of our four-winged insects. Their multiplication is immense, and ‘vere it not for their numer- INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. 153 ous enemies, all our vegetable preducts would be consumed as fast as they grow. Remedy. When the plant lice get too numer- ous take a little flower of ulphur, and mix it with How to Kill the Orchard Caterpillar. The Appletree Caterpillar during the month of May forms large cobweb-like nests in the forks of the limbs of the apple and cherry trees. Remedy. ‘Take a long pole and tie a large rag in the shape of a bail on the end of it; then saturate the rag with kerosene oil and light it and hold it, for a second only, under the nest. It destroys the It takes but a-short time to go over the orchard, and it saves the fruit as well The same remedy will ap- ply to other trees, such as walnut, etc. nest and worms at once. as the life of the trees. How to Destroy Currant and Gocege- berry Worms. Take a tablespoonful of hellebore and stir it into a pail of water, and apply to the bushes with a One or two applications will generally be sufficient. A little care in watching the bushes is necessary. ‘The worms generally begin at the bottom, and are not noticed until the bush is nearly sprinkler. destroyed. THE VINE MOTH. The Vine Moth is very common in some sections of the country, and is very injurious to vines. ‘The moths fly in the month of July, and soon lay their eggs on top of the vine leaves, where they are readily seen. During the month of August the little caterpillars are hatched, but they do not begin to eat. Soon each one hangs itself on a silken thread, waiting to be moved to and fro by the breeze until it touches the wooden prop of the vine, or the stem of the plant, and then enters the cracks of the wood or beneath the bark until late in the Spring, and remain in a perfectly sleepy and quiet state. When the hot weather commences again, they climb up the tender shoots and devour everything that comes in their reach. Whole vineyards are often destroyed. Remedy: Spray with a strong kerosene emulsion when they first make their appearance. How to Exterminate the Strawberry Worm. Mow the strawberry plants close to the ground while the worm is among the leaves. Let them dry a short time and pile them up with a little straw and burn them. It is also recom- mended to burn them right over the roots of the plants. can be done without much injury to the strawberry plants. INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. This | | [THE FARMERS’ HOW 70 DESTROY GARDEN INSECTS. The Cut Worm.—A great enemy of garden plants is the larva of the dark colored miller or moth that enters our dwellings in the evening when the lamps are first lighted. This worm will cut off the plant close to the ground. It is usually done at night, and the next morning the grub can be found just beneath the surface and easily destroyed. Remedy: Place a lighted lamp or torch in the garden in the early part of the evening, and a pan of water well whitened with milk near by, ,.and many of the moths will fall victims. THE SCREW WORM. Its Ravages on Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Etc. DESCRIPTION AND CURE. The mature insect is a fly (Fig. 2.) a little larger than a common housefly, and lays its eggs in wounds, sores, and in the natural openings of man and animals. Young calves are almost in- variably affected in the naval, and frequently in the mouth, causing the teeth to fall out. Young colts are often affected in the same way. Barb wire injuries to horses and cattle are the most common sores in which the screw worm is found. Hogs are very liable to become affected by castra- tion and other wounds. History. After the egg is laid it becomes a small maggot, which soon burrows itself in the flesh of the wound. ‘The maggot grows steadily in size, and eats more and more every day of the soft flesh around the wound or sore. The worm MANUAL.] INSECTS AND HOW is full grown in about a week. They then leave the sore and fall to the ground, and in about 12 days become flies. SymptToms.—A swollen, gaping condition of the wound, and the constant discharge of blood. While the sore is unhealed new eggs are constantly being laid, and if the worms are not destroyed, they eat deeper and deeper, and often kill the animal. REMEDY. Cresylic ointment, calomel, chloroform or a little carbolic acid in water. In some cases bandages are useful. In others the sores can be filled with okum and a few stitches taken. All treatment should be supple- mented by daubing the margins of the wound with pine- tar to ward off the fly. The Protection of Birds means the Destruction of Insects. THE ENEMIES OF THE FARM AND GARDEN. | There is a vast variety of insects that injure or destroy the flowers, vegetables, and shrubbery of our fields and gardens. Many of these insects are preyed upon by native birds, and it is strange that so few of our gardeners are familiar with this fact. Many of them, while they are in the gar- den or field battling with the destructive insect, their sons, with air gun or sling, are destroying their best friends. Birds are the friend of the farmer and gardener, and should be protected against the ruthless onslaught of truel and thoughtless boys. Many farmers kill the robin and other birds on ac- count of the few berries or cherries they eat, but they ig- norantly destroy their friends instead of their enemies. The Principal food of birds is insects, and the truly | wise farmer should protect his birds, quails and prairie thickens just as much as he does his domestic fowls TO DESTROY THEM. 5 MIOSQUITO JUST TAKING WING. (GREATLY MAGNIFIED.) The Mosquito family is remarkable in many respects. The eggs are deposited on the surface of stagnant water, about three hundred of the eggs are fastened together in the form of a sort of a raft, which floats upon the surface of the water until the mosquito is hatched out. ‘The mosquito, when first hatched, is called a Wriggler, and lives in the water exclusively. It is not, however, like a A BODY OF MOSQUITO EGGS GREATLY MAGNIFIED. fish, it has no gills, and therefore has to come to the sur- face to breathe. When the Wriggler develops, it comes to the top with its back upward, which breaks open and a full-winged mosquito appears, the same as seen in the cut above. It rests upon its cast off skin for a short time, and then un- folds its wings and flies. Remedies for Mosquito Bites.—If mosquito bites are irritable, apply a little soda or saleratus water, or a little lime slacked in water will likewise have the desired effect. How to Destroy Tobacco Worms. The tobacco worm, or horn caterpillar, is the chief pest of the tobacco field. The moths appear in June and | July, and the female at once lays eggs on the upver sur- |face of the leaves; these hatch in about twenty-four hours, and the worms at once*begin to eat. Can be de- stroyed by spraying with Paris green or London purple, one-fourth pound to fifty gallons of water. 156 “INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. A Remedy for the Harvest Mite, commonly known as Chiggers or Jiggers. 1. These little mites cause about the same irritation of the skin as the itch mite, and are only found in the south- ern half of the United States and Mexico. 2. They get on the lower limbs and work their way up- ward on the body. They cut and dig their way into the skin, causing great irritation and annoyance, sometimes swelling and inflammation. 3. REMEDY. Mix equal parts of powdered sulphur and fresh lard, and apply as often as necessary. Also kero- gene oil will destroy the insects and allay inflammation. How to Destroy Cabbage Worms. The cabbage worm has been very troublesome of late years, but is easily got rid of. Our plan is to go over the patch in the morning and sift a little fresh Persian insect powder over the heads while the dewis on. This will kill every worm it touches in less than five minutes, and it is but a short job to treat over five hundred heads if a common pepper-box, such as ground pepper comes in, is used to hold the powder. One shake on a calm morning before the breeze starts up is sufficient for a head, and it can be done almost at a walk. This operation should be repeated at least onde a week as long as the millers are seen flying around. The insect powder is entirely harm- less, and is only poisonous to insect life. Hor WATER.—Hot water is also an excellent remedy. Apply at about 150 degrees Fahr. No injury to the cab- bage will result. bore and sprinkle the bushes thoroughly. tion will generally be sufficient. How to Kill Worms on Rose Bushes. Take a pail of water and stir in a tablespoonful of hele One applica. FOOT OF A FLY. MANUAL.] GON \i \\ THE STAG BEETLE. The Stag Beetle is a very popular bug. It has been known to gnaw its way through lead pipe. It is a very strong beetle the larvee of which penetrates wood, and is generally found in rotten portions, and is sometimes very destructive to younger | trees. HOW TO EXTERMINATE SPIDERS. Take a small common kerosene lamp and light it, and late in the afternoon or early in the evening look over the corners and | places where spiders are commonly found, and when one is | seen hold the lamp chimney directly beneath it, and it will fall at once into the chimney and be instantly destroyed. It is not INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. T9/, difficult in this way to destroy all the spiders in the house in a few evenings. It avoids killing them by sweeping them down and staining the walls and carpet. Early in the evening is the best time. HOW TO PRESERVE BOOKS FROM BOOK MOTHS. The little Bristle Tail or Silver Fish has a little long, slender body covered with a delicate silver scale; it has no wings and passes through no changes. It feeds on the paste of the binding of books, devours leaves, eats off the labels in Muses ums, and is generally destructive to both books and papers. Books are also eaten by the larva of a little bug that produces a ticking sound like a watch — it is called the ‘‘Death Watch,” as it is usually heard in the night ticking like a watch. RemEpy. A little rag saturated with benzine of carbolic acid placed along the back of shelves will clear the library of all insects. Insect Powdef# sprinkled over the books will destroy the little “S# ver Fish” insect instantly. A CURE FOR BEE AND WASP STINGS, SPIDER BITES, Etc. 1. The cure for insect stings is very simple. Sci- entists have found that the poison injected by the in- sect is an acid, and hence any alkali is an excellent remedy. 2. REMEDY. Apply ammonia or common soda and water. If there is inflammation and redness, apply a solution of borax and warm water. Apply with a rag saturated with the solutier much GNATS. The natural history of the gnats is full of interest, and even the common gnat is well worthy of study; and we almost wonder at finding such a bloodthirsty and annoying being in so delicate and fragile a body. The gnat has a very elabo- rately constructed offensive weapon in its mouth, the structures of which, although excessively delicate, can do their perforat- ing duty perfectly. All the pieces of the mouth are free, and the jaws are in shape of sharp blades, toothed on their margins. Gnats abound in marshy districts, and where there is stagnant water, for their larva are in the water, but cannot live in running streams. ‘They are very fond of such places as water tubs in gardens, and it does not much matter if the water is not quite fresh. HOW TO KEEP OUT MOSQUITOES. If a bottle of the oil of pennyroyal is left uncorked in a room at night, not a mosquito, or any other blood-sucker, will be found there in the morning. HOW TO DESTROY ANTS ON THE LAWN. Boiling water, kerosene, or a solution of fresh insect powder in water, poured into the hill, will destroy the inhabitants at once. Where the nests are outside of the house this is a sure remedy INSECTS AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. A BOX OF SPONGES. A NEW WAY OF TRAPPING ANTS. 1. Ants are very difficult pests to expel from the house. ‘There have been many receipts and experi- ments tried, but without any satisfactory results. 2. The ants that infest our houses live only in rotton wood, either in the decayed sills of the house or in rotten timbers and old fences near by. It is best to remove all such hiding places if possible. 3. RemEpy. Ants are very fond of sugar, and anything containing it will attract them. Sweeten a pan of water to a thin syrup, and then dip a large sponge into it, and wring it out. Place the sponge where the ants can get at it; it will soon be filled through and through with ants, then take it up carefully and plunge it into boiling water, and again set it by, saturating it with the thin syrup. A few days’ trial will, for a long time, exterminate the annoying pests. This is the only successful experiment ever tried. 4. A trap more simple but not so effectual is a plate covered with a thin layer of lard and placed where the ants can easily get at it. This trap is more to destroy the little yellow ant than the larger species. Bass & G; 2 HOW TO DESTROY ALL KINDS OF HOUSE INSECTS. 1. Insects do not grow by imperceptible increase in size asa bird or cat. All insects pass through several changes from the egg to the perfect state. The horrid caterpillar that crawls in our path to-day will soon be seen flitting among the flowers in the form of a beautiful butterfly. 2. To destroy house pests successfully, the his- tory of the insect, from the egg to the perfect state, MANUAL, ]} must be well known. The successful housekeeper may always be a close observer and a careful student in order to keep her house free from noxious insects. HOW TO AVOID FLEAS. 1. There are no human fleas in North America. The dog and the cat flea are the only species that annoy us. 2. The eggs of the flea are very small, white and oblong, and are laid on the dog or cat, and, being sticky, adhere to the hair until they are ready to hatch, when , they fallto the ground. They hatch in about a week and in less than two weeks attain their growth. They then pass through a pupal stage, and in two weeks more the perfect flea appears. They flourish best in sandy soil. 3. REMEDY. Put olive of/ on the dog or cat or both, as the case may be, and rub it into the hair thoroughly, and after a few hours wash out with warm water and soap. 4. Dalmation Insect Powder rubbed into the hair and sprinkled around the dog’s kennel or the cat’s sleeping place is also a good remedy. A DOMESTIC REMEDY FOR DESTROYING FLIES. % tablespoonful black pepper, in powder, 1 teaspoonful brown sugar, 1 tablespoonful cream. Mix them well together, and place them in the room on a plate where the flies are troublesome, and they will soon disappear. HOW TO EXTERMINATE THE CARPET BUG. The Carpet Bug (Anthienus Scrophulanee), or Buffalo Bag, as it is sometimes called, was first noticed in the city of Buffalo, New York. | INSECTS AND HOW TOC DESTROY THEM. The grub which does the damage is about one-fourth | of an inch in length. It is covered with hair, as shown! in the above illustration 4. It spits no cocoon like the| 159 caterpillar, but when full grown the skin splits on the back and shows the insect. A few weeks later the skin bursts again, and the perfect little bug, as shown in a, appears. It is marked with red, black and white spots, and is less than one-eighth of an inch in length. REMEDY. When once in a carpet it isa very difficult insect to destroy. used, as they are eaten as fast as they can be put down. In some houses carpets cannot be Tallowed paper placed around the edges of the carpet is a very good preventive. When a carpet is cut as if with scissors following the seams in the floor, the simplest and safest remedy is to pour benzine in very small quantities along the seams; also running a hot flat-iron over along the seams of the carpet is very destructive to both the insect and the eggs. Sprinkling the paper with benzine before the car- pet is tacked down is an excellent precaution. HOW TO GET RID AND KEEP RID OF BEDBUGS. 1. The eggs of the bedbug are white in color and oval The young resemble the parents, and it takes Like reptiles, Mr. Geeze, of without a in shape. about eleven weeks to get its full growth. they can live many years without food. Germany, has kept them six years in a bottle particle of nourishment of any kind. 2. Keep the bedding and bedstead perfectly clean is the best preventive. 3. RemEpy. Pour hot water into the crevices and then apply benzine to the different parts of the bedstead. 4. Unpurified petroleum mixed with a little water is also a sure remedy. Corrosive sublimate is a very good, but a very poisonous cure. il — il : 4 Hi ROY WILKES. 2 GtTeNenasmesnenen Mh yatta iy pee SE ad a ae Hrs tees ean OS. DIRECT, 2 THE PACING STALLION CHAMPIONS. :08. ONLINE, 2:11. STORM, 2 161 iS POrRey 5 es hie FIRST TROTTING IN AMERICA: Until 1823 we have but little authentic information that regular trotting courses were established, and not until 1830 were fast trotting courses established. ‘The first public trotting in America for a stake was a match) Pp g against time for $1,000. In 1524 A. M. Giles trotted his horse twenty-eight miles in one hour and fifty-seven seconds. ‘The same year Topgallant and Betsy Baker were matched to trot three miles in a harness for $1,000 a side. The race was won by Topgallant by forty yards in 8:42. ‘Topgallant also trotted twelve miles on the road in thirty-nine minutes. The “Albany Pony” did a mile in 2:40. Treadwell mare did one mile in 2:34, and Boston Blue trotted eighteen miles within an hour. Boston Blue is reported to have been the first horse that trotted a mile in three minutes, it having been done in 1818, so that! it will be seen that the Treadwell mare in 1824 had seduced that time to 2:34. Yet for many years after _a 2:40 horse was considered extraordinary, as also ‘was any horse capable of going on the road in three minutes. In 1827, on the Hunting Park Association of Philadel- phia, Screwdriver won two heats at two miles, beating Betsy Baker in 8:02 and 8:10, the two best times on record. Dutchman afterwards ey the same dis- tance in 7: 3234, and Lady Suffolk in 7: 401% In 1840, on the Long Island course, ee eat Ww hale- bone in a three-mile trotting race, in 8:23 the first heat, and 8:15 the second. ‘The best time for two-mile heats that year was 5:22, 5: 21 — for three miles, 8:26, 8:27, 8:41, 8:56. Ata long distance Sweetbrier accomplished six miles in 18: 52. In 1834, Edwin Forrest, as yet an unentered horse, trotted his mile in 2:3114, beating Sally Miller. The course was one mile ten yards in length. In 1835 Dutchman made four miles under the saddle in rr:19 and 10:51, and Dolly five miles to a wagon, carrying two men, weighing 310 pounds, in 16:45, and immediately was started again to do ten miles more, Sich she accomplished in 34:07. Are CIS The | The same year the} | horse Daniel D. Thomkins, under the saddle, trotted three-mile heats in 7:59 and 8:10. In 1842 Ripton beat Lady Suffolk at two miles in harness, in 5:07 and’5: In 1843 Lady Suffolk made mile heats 2:28%4, 2:28, 2:28, 2:29 and 2:32, which was not again equaled until 1854, when this record was covered by Tacony. In 1844 Cayuga Chief made the first half-mile in a race in 1:15, the fastest yet made in public, and Fanny Jenks accomplished roo miles, in harness, in nine hours, thirty- eight minutes and thirty-four seconds. ‘The slowest mile was done in 6:25; the fastest in 4:47. At the end of ithe race the mare was driven an extra mile in 4:23. In 1849 Lady Suffolk trotted nineteen times and won twelve, beating Gray Eagel and Mac twice, Pelham five times, Lady Sutton twice, Trustee four times; also beat Black Hawk, Gray Trouble, Plumbay and other horses. This year a Canadian mare, Fly, is said to have been driven from Cornwall to Montreal, ninety miles, in eight hours and fifteen minutes. Fanny Jenks made 100 miles in nine hours, thirty-eight minutes, and thirty-four sec- onds. Fanny Murray trotted 1oo miles in nine hours, forty-one minutes and twenty-three seconds. In 1852 Tacony won twelve races, beating all the fast horses of the day, making a single mile in 2:26, two miles in 5:02, and was beaten only twice. As a three- year-old, Ethan Allen trotted this year in 3:20. Flora Temple this year won her first purse, on the regular turf, in 2:41, In 1853 the entire sporting interest was centered in Flora Temple and Tacony. Flora this year beat all the best horses of the day, winning seventeen times. Her best time at mile heats was 2:27, 2:28, and at two-mile heats 5:01%4, 4:59. This year Tacony trotted a mile in 2:25%. In 1856 the contest lay principally between Flora Temple and Lancet. Flora made eleven races, winning nine, beating Lancet four times in harness, Tacony going under the saddle. This year Flora Temple lowered the one mile record to 2: 24%. 2 17. in 4, 1 4/7 9? LN la) ~— — =—* ea MANUAL.) HOW TO TRAIN COLTS. 162 HOW TO BREAK AND TRAIN COLTS. -_—_ eg A COLT’S FIRST LESSON IN TROTTING. 1. It can be truly said that assoon as a colt is weaned his training begins, or should begin, for I hold that it is the early handling which makes him a tractible and do- mestic animal. It is education and not hereditary influ- ence that man has had over him for thousands of years that makes him submissive. It is known that when a young white child, one whose parents have led a civilized life for a thousand years or more, has been stolen and reared to manhood by wild Indians, that the only differ- ence between him and his adopted parents is color. The horse, dog and hog I know from personal observation will turn out the same way. Hence I say that it is very important that colts should be handled early. In fact, I believe they should be broken to the halter before they are weaned. 2. Feeding. Several months before weaning, the mare should be fed on or near the ground where the foal can have access to the feed-box; then when taken -from his dam he will not fret, and instead of running around looking for her, he will go to his feed-box and console himself by eating oats. All through the first winter, the colt should be provided with good, comfortable quarters at night, and turned out in the pasture or large field during the day, so that he can take his exercise, which is indispensable to good health. 3. Bridling and Driving. After the colt is halter broke, slip on the bridle and back saddle, and after the | colt is used to this rigging drive him around with the) lines until he learns to go straight, back and turn. Now | begin his primary trotting lessons by putting him along- | 22 snap the lead strap, about two or three feet long, to the shaft near the girth and have a long rein leading from the other side. Then take your seat and start the pair. It is surprising how quickly the colt learns to fall in line with the movement of the mare. After awhile put on the breeching and traces, fasten them securely tight on the girth and have a ring in it near the shaft-bearer; buckle a strap ten or twelve inches long, with a snap on the other end, to the shaft of the vehicle and snap it to the ring in the colt’s girth. Now use a pair of long reins on the colt, and so permit the free use of his head. He has no weight to draw and will soon drop into a steady stride, and unwittingly grow way-wise. Presently his muscle and strength are sufficient to enable him to go alone.. About the first of the year try him to a light cart or sleigh. Begin with slow, short lessons. This is the critical period of the colt’s career. With proper handling he may become a race horse or a plug; all de- pends upon the breaking. 4. Intelligence of Horses. — Trainers, jockeys, and many owners must know that the colt is a very poor reasoner. Mentally he is the weakest of all our do- mestic animals except the sheep; therefore, when once he is taught a trick or is allowed to do a certain act not wanted of him, it is with great difficulty that he can un- learn what he has already learned, on account of his mental weakness. A horse kicks his master to death when turned upside down with foot in stirrup, because in that position the horse does not know what his master is, and suffers from imaginary fear. He kicks the shafts of a buggv until his legs are broken, because he does not know that the shafts are harmless and that he himself is doing the damage. He runs away under the saddle orin the harness, because he hasn’t sense enough to know better. I heard a man, and one who claimed to be a horseman, say, not long ago, that a certain horse has more sense than the average boy. I saw the same horse shortly afterward nearly turn a buggy over, trying to get away from a piece of paper that was fluttering across the road. I asked this gentleman the following question: “Suppose a boy should butt his brains out running away from a piece of paper, what would you think of him?” ‘Why, he would be an infernal fool.” “And so is a horse,” said I, “who frightens at nothing.” It is our love and admiration which makes him so smart and beautiful in our eyes, like the woman and her babe, always the brightest and the prettiest. Affection warps pide a steady-going old mare to cart or sleigh. Simply | the judgment. 164 HOW TO TRAIN COLTS. BREAKING A VICIOUS COLT. Tie a Rope with a Slip-Noose on Lower Jaw, then Bring It Over the Neck as Above. 5. Ignorance of Drivers. — When trainers and jockeys once fully understand the horse, then training will become more perfect than it is now. ‘There is too much superstition and not enough intelligence among the average trainers at the present! time. They often do things without knowing why they do so. All follow each other without investigation or inquiry. ‘Training has improved by slow degrees, because the trainer’s mind heretofore has groped in the midnight of ignorance. For years they sweated the horse to death, yet they could not give any suitable reason for their practice, and to-day they follow many practices which are not sound. For instance, when a horse is to be given a trial he will be [THE FARMERS’ galloped, say a mile and a half or two miles, and the last quarter the horse will be sent along at nearly and some- times full speed; after a breathing spell and a little rubbing he is sent on his trial. Often a horse is given a sharp run just before he starts in a race. Both of these practices are against reason and common-sense. A horse should never be speeded just before a race. It would be just as proper to have a fighter make four or five rattling rounds with some one just before going into the ring to fight for his life. The ordinary gallop of the horse in condition is sufficient for a warming up, and fast work just before a race is a waste of force. THE DESERTED LAND | ee ee ee ee NT ee ES | a ae ' “"GOOMSAY NOIMTVIS ONILLOUL AVG FHL G “Ol “pS LNOWT38 30 NOS ‘9SZ---G00MT1134 4a at LRN ] = A a ng I | HATA i | | WAI Wl NANNY Hh ] Hl | HII HTT } MH i HN HH } | i iil CM y lil 166 PRACTICAL RULES FOR BUYING HORSES. [THE FARMERS’ JAY EYE SEE. HOW TO TELL A GOOD HORSE, AND PRACTICAL RULES FOR PURCHASING. 1. In a good horse the ears must be small and pointed and wide between. The eye must be large and full and stand out prominently. 2. An intelligent horse must have considerable width between the eyes. The nostrils must be large and thin, neck long and tapering, with stout heavy muscles on the top and thin through the middle. 3. A good horse must always have a short back, broad and long hips, and close jointed. A good traveler must have proper proportions, namely: the withers should be exactly midway between his ears and the coupling of the hip. From the point of the withers to the shoulder should be just as long as from the coupling over the kidneys to the point of the hip by the tail. 4. A horse which has thick ears; small, flat, sunken eyes; small, thick nostrils, and is narrow between the eyes and ears, with a thick, clumsy neck or a curved nose, is a horse that is liable to be vicious, clumsy, awk- ward or balky, and never can be taught anything. 5. The first thing for the purchaser to observe are the eyes. 6. If the eyes are clear and full and brilliant, the horse possesses good sight; but when the eyes are flat or sunken and have a dead and lifeless look, the horse will probably lose his sight in the course of a few years. 7. The iris or circle that surrounds the sight of good eyes should be distinct and of a pale cinnamon color. 8. The teeth should be sound and as to age, see Teeth in another part of the book. -g. The feet should be smooth and tough, of a middle size, without wrinkles ; the frogs horny and dry. ro. A good horse for traveling or service must be wide across the chest. 11. The back should be straight or have only a mod- erate sinking below the withers. The ribs should be large, flanks smooth and full. A horse for strength and durability should have considerable width across the hips. 12. A broken-winded horse pinches in his flanks, with a very slow motion, and drops them suddenly. A horse with the heaves can be easily detected by noticing the movement of the abdomen in breathing. Always have the horse travel by walk, trotting and running, to see that there is no lameness. E 13. A horse that travels with his feet very low is very apt to be a stumbler. See that the horse lifts his feet well in taking a step. To remedy the difficulty of stumbling put on heavy shoes, it will make the horse lift his feet higher. See that the horse is gentle by placing your hand on different parts of the body. 14. Remember that he who buys a horse needs a hun dred eyes. ’ > MANUAL.] j HORSE BUYER'S RECEIPT. 167 NEAL whe NUNN GANTIQSER CANN i ANH URI EADS oN ay Mi x THE STANDARD BRED TROTTER CLONMORE, No. 5288. Clonmore is by Cannaught, 2:24, a Son of Wedgewood, 2:19. His Dam, Hopeless, is by Hermes, 2:27}2. BUYER’S RECEIPT. The buyer in the purchase of a horse should always demand the following receipt : $200 22. Byacuse, Mo Y, May 7, 1575 Keccived of pour D. Motehouse, Sie Hundied DQoliats, ZOl ath. ticwn Mite, VL cal AZ pows MA sound, flee Via ete, and gue le tude and dtve. Shiedetich 6. G mldsn. -N. B.—He who uses this receipt will never be swindled in the purchase of a horse. 168 AS Five Years’ Teeth. The only way to determine a _ horse's age is by the appear- ance of the teeth. They undergo certain changes, which any careful observer wili easily notice. A horse has 40 teeth—24 grind- ers, 12 front teeth and 4 tusks. A mare has 36 teeth—24 grinders, Two Years’ Teeth. Three TO TELL THE AGE OF A HORSE. NY Eight or Nine Years’ Teeth. 12 front teeth, sometimes tusks, but not often. 1. Eight to fourteen days after birth, the first middle nippers of the set of milk teeth are cut, four to six weeks afterwards the pair next to them, and final!y, after six or eight naonths, the last. 2. All these milk teeth have a well defined body and neck, and a slender fang, and on their front surface grooves of furrows, which disappear from the middle nippers at the end of one year, from the next pair in two years, and from the incisive teeth (cutters) in three years. years. Six Years’ Teeth. 3. A New Method.— 14 days old, 4 nipper teeth. 3 months old, 4 middle teeth. 6 months old, 4 corner teeth. I year, cups leave nipper teeth. 2 years, cups leave middle teeth. 21% years, sheds nipper teeth. 3 years, full size nipper teeth. 3% years, sheds middle teeth. 4 years, full size middle teeth. 4% years, sheds corner teeth. 5 years, full size corner teeth. 6 years, large cut in corner teeth, small in middle teeth, and still smaller in nipper teeth. 7 years, cups leave nipper teeth. 8 years, cups leave middle teeth. 9 years, cups leave corner teeth. IO years, groove in upper corner teeth. 15 years, half-way down upper corner teeth. 20 years,.at the bottom corner teeth. 4. The teeth grow in length as the horse advances in But at the same time his teeth are worn away by use about one-twelfth of an inch every year, so that the - black cavities of the center nippers below disappear in the sixth year, those of the next pair in the seventh year, Seven Years’ Teeth. Manvat.] THE TEETH.—HOW and those of the corner teeth in the eighth year. Also the outer corner teeth of upper and lower jaw just meet at eight years of age. 5. At nine years old, cups leave the two center nippers above, and each of the two upper corner teeth has a little sharp protrusion at the extreme outer corner. 6. At the age of ten, the cups disappear from the ad- joining teeth. 7. At the age of eleven, the cups disappear from the corner teeth above, and are only indicated by brownish spots. TO TRAIN HORSES. 169 8. The oval spots become broader, and change, from the twelfth to the sixteenth year, more and more into a triangular form, and the teeth lose, finally, with the twentieth year, all regularity. 9. The tusks, or canine teeth, conical in shape, with a sharp point, and curved, are cut between the third and fourth years, their points become more and more rounded until the ninth year, and after that, more and more dull in the course of years, and lose, finally, all regular shape, Mares have, frequently, no tusks, or only very faintly indicated ones. HOW TO TRAIN, DRIVE AND BREAK HORSES. See ae ea THE FAVORITE DRAUGHT-HORSE. TEACHING TEAMS TO PULL. It is a real pleasure to have a team that can be relied aipon to pull whenever wanted to doso. Any team, if not of a too highly nervous temperament, may be trained to perfect reliability. We need first of all and forever after to recognize that the horse has a mind and at least the mental qualities of memory and affection. The con- sideration of paramount importance, this matter, according to the view of a writer in National Stockman, is to develop the team’s confidence in themselves and in their driver. It is just as true of a horse as of man, that he will not exert himself greatly over what he has no hope of accomplishing. But different from man, the horse thinks of previous loads instead of the one to which he is attached. This is the reason a balky horse is apt to refuse to pull a very light load. He has no way of es- timating his load only by pulling upon it. Hitch a horse to a very heavy load, let him pull upon it, then transfer him to any empty wagon and start him. You will see him gather himself for a heavy pull. He has in mind the heavy load. Had the horse been stalled with a heavy load, and whipped until the driver and horse were both certain he could not pull it, you would have a horse thoroughly broken not to pull. This writer says: “Let me impress the truth of this by calling to mind another illustration of the result of similar treatment. I have seen men who had horses given to pulling upon the halter, put one on them they were confident the horses could not break, and then whip them over the head in order to make them pull. Nearly always when a horse finds he can not pull loose he will walk up to the hitching post. I have heard men argue that a horse could be so thoroughly broken in this way that a tow-string would hold him. There is some truth in it, though not all horses are to be managed in the same way. A horse of nervous temperament should never be excited. They will always do their best ina perfectly calm state of mind. “The drivers of fast trotters have taught us this. They have also learned that to keep the horse calm all men in attendance must remain so. No passionate, profane man ever developed great speed in a horse nor trained a powerful pulling team. With these general principles in view, and proper attention to details, any team may be trained so that it will be a delight to work them. “Have a definite and small vocabulary to use with your team, and always use the same word for one pur- pose. Keep the same two horses working together, and always on the same side. Use open bridles, so that the team can see what is going on around them. Keep all attachments strong, that your team will not be in fear of straining themselves through something breaking. Use close-fitting collars and harness, and never allow a horse to become sore from any part of the harness. Teach your team to start together. Keep them strong and in good spirits by good and regular feeding, and good care in every particular. Let them come to heavy pulling gradually, and not at all until their bones are weil matured.”’ recone rym rt TETTHTT f rt MTT “i . 7 1 STATA AUTTTAEDA TTI sere NTAL IH SERN TSE PEL AT Hi Hi i} } MH WA TAN ] He ie MH HAGA | | il iM HH WANNA NAAN iH AVATAR i NANI MN ! \ i al Wi i I i | | i | NA MII Hi IN MWAH WH A ii TT i iM f AY | ul} AH et { i Hii | AAW i} ii] i| i ATA Mi ee Nii Mii Wi = 1 al | ACR HANA Mii h i ATA AN HA i SAA : ANNI Mi} AAA pull i Wi HA) IN ‘i Hi il] 1 i: 1 I} ‘| Naish if iI! Wi i! i i) } i AAT {i i i i STA GAA al : ATA AAA i ; i | i i WNT i HATTA i il HAA AAA AN Weta HH | | I i HN A A Mit IA AAG | A : i Milt Mii Aes ah NAAN hi WANT | Wt i i SAAT AAA ih i i i i | i i} i 11H if i} 2 | | h 1 j Ha HW WN i | SANSA i A AAA AAG HN i | j ! iat al ta Hi | AAA SAAT AR ge Hath Li ' Mi h i NANI ANA WIM A qt 1 vii HI i ., Hh Ne Wii ] | i a i ii A hi IN} til ile NN WTA | il at ti NI Hl Hilt He ah ‘ AAU HU i i Hq { tei zt 7 | | | MM Hi a i {i i hi i i A nh IN Ah Ni nM ih Hy a I A i mi ‘a ili a Hi il ‘ie A HAC HN ie IAN i NAIA Hi li ny Nihil Uri} IN ih i ANTE MH ll, THE BAY PACING STALLION “ONLINE.” fy SuapeUand ONWARD. YRIANUAL.) TROTTING HORSES.—DISPOSITION GF HORSES, 17 i HOW TO PICK OUT A TROTTING HORSE. Horses for speed must conform to the following pro- portions. No noted trotter has ever varied to any extent Al 66 inches, from the following figures: INCHES. = tr. elehtabtiwithers and) Croup... 2-1 63 Length from shoulder-point to quarter.......... 66 From the lowest part of the chest to the ground.. 36 From the elbow-point to the ground............ 39 From the withers to the pole, just behind the ears, UILORS LU UU UL LLILE We tavehe sell Tey ai ackie, tie), vale elevarole tole ters 30 The same measured along the crest............. 32 Menothtot head sy Aechmea cona recess kel 22 Width: across thesforelicadie scr iuiedeletists serene 9% Bromiethe = withers, tO) CMesbip se ate eta ale sl etoee es 22 From the stifle to the point of the hock, in the attitude shown inthe plans. ai a2: 7. -\ ne 28 From the root of tail to stiflejoint............ 26 From the point of the hock to the ground........ 221% Girth varies from 76 to 8o. Circumference of arm just below HOW TO TELL THE SISPOSITION 1. Every one should remember that a horse can not understand all language or words of command, except so far as he is taught to associate them with m actions, consequently a horse can not know what to do until he is taught. If a man were to sit on a block and simply read the word “whoa toa horse, he imght do it indefinitely without teaching him its meaning; but if a horse were moved, set in moderate motion, and immediately after command the reins were pulled, he would soon be taught to stop. The same performance is necessary in teaching a horse to back. For the same reason the team ona street car Starts and stops at the sound of the bell; it is because fase they have become accustomed to being started and a stopped at that time 2. Victousness.—To a certain extent some horses are vicious, but the fault is not so much in the horses, as in the fact that they have not been properly handled or carefully trained. * Many bad dispositions in horses have been brought on Re by the bad disposition of those who had them in charge. A STUBBORN AND MULISH HORSE. the elbow, 161% to 18 inches. OF A HORSE. Some horses are dull while others intelligent ; some are more easily frightened are than others, con- sequently great care and judg- ment should al- ways be exer- € cised in training the horse. For good training largely makes the horse. A VICIOUS HORSE, Fig. 3 is an animal that will tax the strength of his owner in order to keep him He in proper subjection. is full of life and excitable, and is liable to be very skittish, and will run away at any opportunity without considering the interest of the owner. AN EXCITABLE HORSE. lo DISPOSITION OF HORSES.—-USE / Fig. 4 represents a very intelligent horse, kind and quiet to ride and ing a full degree He is a horse that can be of spirit. trained to be a fa- vorite, and will also appreciate good } ig NY H AN INTELLIGENT HORSE. care. INTELLIGENCE.—There is just as much difference in intelligence of a horse as there is difference in men. Some horses can be taught most anything, while others are apparently without any faculty of intelligence. The horse in Fig. 5 requires a gentle but strong hand in order to get the best possible re- sults. He is high strung and nervous and will never un- der any circumstan- ces bear the use of the whip. He will go until he falls in his tracks. A HICH STRUNG HORSE. THE USE AND ABUSE UNNATURAL. NATURAL. It is nothing but cruelty to animals and ought to be prohibited by law. rein may be used and that is to compel a horse to keep his head off the ground, and then it is not necessary to An overdrawn check-rein should never be used. here is only one purpose for which a check- AND ABUSE OF CHECK-REINS. {THE FARMERS” Fig. 6 represents one of those indifferent specimens of horses, heavy, dull and stupid. He can be driven, but his gait makes it an annoyance rather than a pleasure, for it is almost an impossibility to get him to go faster than a the patience of a saint, whem behind time for a train. Fig. 7 repre- sents a horse that is difficult to manage. He not vicious, but very nery- ous and exitable, and when prop- erly handled will become subdued and kind; but unless properly trained he is liable to kick with his hind feet and strike with his forward feet, and will bite if an opportunity is offered. He is what may be called an untrustworthy horse, but the law of kindness will subdue him, but when in the harness proper vigilance must always be taken. is A NERVOUS HORSE. = OF THE CHECK-REIN. be tightly drawn. A trotting horse can be steadied by it, but keeping a horse’s head drawn up ina strained posi- tion all day is nothing but cruelty. The effect can easily be illustrated by a person having his head thrown back in this manner for hours at a time. The pain caused by a check-rein ought to create some sympathy for the poor dumb animals, who have not only to endure the pain for hours, but for days and weeks in succession. A horse of style will show his natural condition without fastening his head in an unnatural position. Let us re- member that the poor brute which cannot speak for itself is dependent entirely upon the mercy of man, and the torture which we inflict upon the suffering animal will sometime, no doubt, be meted out to us in some other way. walk. He is a horse that tries. Sis MANUAL.] REMEDIES FOR KICKING HORSES. HOW TO SHOE A KICKING HORSE. The dangerous work of shoeing a kicking horse can be made very easy. ‘Take a small bolt or wooden pin five inches long, and double the horse's tail over it and tie it firmly; then buckle a strap around the hind feet below the fetlock joint having a ring in the strap; then tie a rope over the pin and run the end of the rope through the ring on the hind foot, and with the end in hand hold the rope tightly a little distance from the horse; then say to the horse; “Lift up your foot,” and tighten the rope at the same time. After a few efforts to release himself he will give up all resistance and will soon be perfectly cured. The horse with kicking habits while being shod can be easily managed. Place the rope as shown in the above illustration, and recollect that kindness and gentleness in training a horse is the only method that will overcome the horse's fault. STRENGTH OF HORSES DRAWING A LOAD. What one horse can draw on iron rails on a level road, it will take five horses to draw the same load on ordinary HOW TO SHOE AND BREAK KICKING HORSES.—EUREKA BRIDLE. I THROWING THE HORSE. HOW TO BREAK A HORSE FROM KICKING. In the above illustration you will find a common method for throwing a horse. Put on a strong bridle so that the horse can be easily held, and attach the ropes, as shown in the above cut. After throwing the horse a few times, each time letting him rise at his own pleasure, at the same time speaking gently and handling him as much as may be deemed necessary, the horse will soon become exhausted, and most anything can be placed at his heels, and he will not make any effort to kick. The ropes attached will keep him from extending his legs, and by that means he wil] |soon learn to stop making the effort. One lesson a day, for one week, will cure the most vicious horse. PROF. GLEASON’S EUREKA BRIDLE. (FOR SUBDUING VICIOUS HORSES.) This is one of the most successful bridles ever applied for the management of vicious horses, or for the purpose of doctoring the eyes or making surgical operations. It is made as follows: Take a small but strong piece of cord ten feet long and about one-eighth of an inch in diameter, with a slip noose in one end. To put on the bridle, first slip the noose around the neck, pass it through the mouth over the tongue, from the off side; then through the noose on the near side, and pull forward firmly; next over the head just behind the ears, from near side; then under upper lip, above upper jaw from off side, pass stone pavement, seven on good cobblestone, twenty on|through second cord, and fasten firmly in a bow-knot. ordinary earth road, and forty on a sandy road, This bridle will hold any horse under any circumstances. PULLERS AND LUGGERS.—HALTER How to Drive Pullers and Luggers on the Bit. 1. Professor Gleason, the most noted horse tamer on the continent, if not in the world, recommends the follow- ing two methods for horses that pull and lug on the bit: Take a strap and buckle around the neck with a ring underneath the neck sewed on to the strap; now take the reins and pull through the bit rings and buckle into the ying on the strap that is around the neck. Here you have a purchase on the horse’s lower jaw, that will enable you to hold the worst puller with ease. 2. The second method is as follows: Take a strap about an inch wide and eighteen inches long, with a ring one and one-half inches in diameter sewed on to each end Take and place the middle of the strap directly under the horse’s lower jaw and bring the ends through the mouth from opposite sides. Buckle the reins into the. larger rings and the check pieces of the bridle into the smaller and two smaller rings running loose on the strap. ones. for a puller that can be used. 7 \ | THE SAFEST How best to tie the it may be, is shown halter, strap or rope, or whatever in two cuts herewith. The first shows the first stage. The knot is completed by pulling on the loop until the knot is tight. ‘Then pull on the free end of the strap B, until the loop is just large enough for B to pass through it. Pass B through and draw it through as far as possible. The horse cannot possibly get this knot open; and the harder he pulls the safer the knot. ‘To untie the knot, draw B from the loop, and then a sharp pull on B will open the knot. A is the halter end of the strap. TIEING.—BALKY AND PAWING HORSES. This makes one of the most effective appliances | [THE FARMERS HOW TO MANAGE A BALKY HORSE. A balky horse is generally the result of a balky driver. A high-spirited horse with bad management, is liable to become balky. REMEDY.—Lead the horse kindly about with a halter, petting him occasionally, and let him know that no harm is awaiting him. ‘Then put on a harness and drive him, being very careful to have him observe every command, at the same time doing it very gently. Then hitch him into a light buggy and drive him awhile. By careful treatment in this way he will sooon be taught to draw steadily and strongly at any load. The trouble with balky horses is that a driver will soon become provoked, and by slashing and cracking the whip, and abusing the animal, it strengthens the bad habit instead of overcoming it. There is no such thing as a balky horse, if kind and proper treatment is administered. HOW TO KEEP A HORSE FROM PAWING IN THE STALL. Some horses have the habit of pawing in the stall, yet a simple remedy will break up the habit in a few nights. Take a small strap and buckle around the horse’s leg above the knee; now take a small piece of rawhide and tie it to the strap which is buckled around the horse’s leg above the knee; on the other end tie a small block of wood, say six inches long and about three inches square, and let it hang down about seven inches, so that every time the horse paws, the block will strike its shin; it will be harmless but it will remind the horse that there is trouble, and a few nights will completely cure the nttisance. ‘ Bae sie i - cause him to lie down. MANUAL.} HOW TO TEACH HOW TO TEACH HORSES TRICKS. 1 It is an excellent practice to teach a horse a few An intelligent horse will learn very easily and It will create more affection and in- Most of the tricks are very simple tricks. will enjoy training. terest for the horse. and easily taught. 2. To make a Bow.—Take a common pin and prick him in the breast very lightly. The horse will move his head up and down the same as he would in brushing a fly from his breast. Repeat this until the horse will move his head up and down at the slightest movement of the hand, and ina few lessons he will make a bow whenever spoken to. 3. To lie down.—To make a horse lie down, use the strap as shown in “Controlling Vicious Horses,’ and throw the horse or colt quickly, at the same time telling him to lie down, but be sure and always speak the words emphatically fo “ie down as you throw him. Use any of the common methods for throwing a horse. 4. How to sit up.—First put a bridle on the horse and Then step behind him and place the right foot on his tail, keeping the reins in your hands and by standing up on the horse’s tail and pulling the bridle rein tightly you can teach an intelligent horse to sit up quite readily. 5. To shake hands.—Place a strap around the horse’s leg next to the hoof, and stand directly in front. ‘Then say shake hands, at the same time pulling the strap and pulling his foot forward. He will soon learn to do this without the strap if the necessary patience is applied. 6. To say no.—Stand at the side of the horse, holding a pin in your hand, and prick him lightly in the withers | and the horse will shake his head as though he were | driving away a fly. this so nicely that he will shake his head at the word of eommand. You can soon train your horse to do} HORSES TRICKS. 175 7. Various Tricks.—A horse may be taught to do many things, if patience and perseverance is practiced on the part of his trainer. A colt may be taken when very young and taught many interesting and amusing tricks. A horse can be taught to be driven without bridle or lines, or to jump over a pole or fence, and many other interesting and amusing things. Patience, perseverance and kindness will do most anything with an intelligent horse. HOW TO MAKE A HORSE LIE DOWN. Fasten the fore-foot of the horse as shown in the above illustration. Then put a surcingle around his body and fasten one end of a long strap around the other fore-leg, just above the hoof. Place the other end under the sur- cingle, so as to keep the strap in the right direction. Take hold of it with your right hand; stand on the left side of the horse; take the bit in your left hand, pull steadily on the strap with your right; bear against his shoulder till you cause him to move. As soon as he lifts his weight, your pulling will raise the other foot, and he will have to come on his knees. Keep the strap tight in your hand, Hold him in this position and turn his head towards you; bear against his side with your shoulder, kindly but steadily, and in abors ten minutes the horse will lie down perfectly conquered. Then take off the strap ; straighten out his legs; pet him for a few minutes, and then let him rise. Repeat this about twice a day for a few days, and the horse will lie down whenever the proper signs are given him. If the horse has fought hard in going down he will usually lie very still, and you can scrape the sweat off and rub him down and he will lie perfectly quiet. In this position you |have the opportunity of making him perfectly familiar with you, and the more you fondle him and reconcile him to you, the better. A vicious horse is thus conquered, land an intelligent horse is made to perform a convenient so that he can not straighten his leg. land pleasant trick. I MH mi He Hl HANH | Tt a (uu MT } i 09. DRINEN BY HIS OWNER, G. H. NELSON, WATERVILLE, WAINEB- THE EX-CHAMPION TROTTING STALLION NELSON, 2 Known as “THE NORTHERN KING,” a MaruaL.j HOW TO BREED AND 1. Ifa horse shows signs of blind-staggers or megrims, give it doses of epsom salts and bran mashes and exer- cise. 2. Castor oil rubbed on warts will often cause them to disappear. 3. Do.not breed unsound mares. ‘The colts will not pay. 4. Don’t put a tight check on the horse. It is not a thing of beauty, but of cruelty. 5. If you think it isa trotter, sell it at the first good offer. 6. A fretting mare will produce a fretting colt. 7. Disposition is a great deal in breeding animals. 8. The farmer with only one team should have the| colts come in the autumn. g. Linseed meal acts as a digester. It is an excellent | food to open the pores, hence a good spring food. 10. If the horse bloats and has colic it is a sure sign of indigestion. A very little magnesia and a little salt mixed with its grain, would help to correct the flatu- lency. 11. A horse will not eat out of a sour trough. 12. Do not think of using a common stallion because | he is cheap. His get will be cheap to sell and dear to rear. 13. Carrots and bran mashes will help the mother when the little foal comes. 14. Feed the horse which is inclined to the heaves very little hay, and always wet this, and wet the grain. Ifthe case is bad, cut the hay and mix it wet with the grain. The heavy horse should never be fed more than five or six pounds of hay a day. A half pint of raw linseed meal | put into the feed, if the horse will eat it, will do it good. | BREEDING AND CARE OF HORSES, recovery. 15. A horse should be thoroughly groomed every day. It improves the health as well as the looks. CARE FOR HORSES. —S>— = BREEDING HORSES. Future Is Encouraging for Those Who Employ Right Methods. The mare has generally been overtaxed. One colt in It should be sufficient, as a rule, in the case of extra choice mares. two years is enough for ordinary stock. The anxiety to breed a span that shall be “full brothers” may be in some instances pardoned where this rule is disregarded. ‘Then, however, two seasons of rest could be taken to good advantage. There is a fair profit in extra good colts when a very choice mare produces eight or ten of them in a life-time. A painstaking stockman who looks after details carefully need seldom fail in ob- taining regular results in alternate years. ‘The man who has irregular breeders and is careless about details might as well continue the sickly effort yearly, as his returns will be below the average of the one who breeds only in alternate years. The 12-year-old mare that has produced regularly the past five years, or the six-year-old that has her second or third youngster this spring should surely have arest. The vitality of the older dam needs recruit- ing, and the checked growth of the younger one needs Better go 20 miles at a $20 fee and $5 more for expenses, than Of course, use a very choice stallion. to use a poor stallion with free service. The offspring of the one will be prized and cared for, while that of the other will not be in demand. If possible, encourage some horseman in the community to buy a rare stock horse, Give him a written promise of patronage for three years, and don’t disappoint him if he does his part. A good | : | colt this year means a good horse four years hence. t78 ARTIFICIAL HORSE BREEDING. A Method Rapidly Coming into General Use. Artificial impregnation, while yet a comparatively new subject in this country, has received considerable atten- tion from French veterinarians who pronounce it a great success. ‘Throughout the horse-breeding countries of the world this subject is now prominent, and in our own country it is no longer an experiment. Repiquet, the well-known equine authority, says: “The method can profitably be employed for the following purposes: ARTIFICIAL BREEDING. UT AU [THE FARMERS’ 1. As aremedy against certain cases of sterility. 2. In order to impregnate several mares at one time. In this way the greatest possible use is made of a valuable stallion. The requisite amount of fluid is trans: ferred from the mare covered by this stallion to the othe mares. ‘The reasons for bringing artificial impregnation into general use are: First, service of valuable aged stallicn can be utilized for twice the usual number of mares. Second, the getting power of a stallion can be preserved unweakened for a longer period. Third, since the number of foals got by a sure stallion can be doubled, or even trebled, the gains of breeders can be increased. Fourth, mares which bear with difficulty can be brought to foal with almost infallible certainty. In practice, the fourth heading is of great importance. It is well-known to every breeder that there are a number of brood mares, which, after foating a number of times, often remain un- impregnated. ‘The reason for this frequently is that the margin of the mouth of the womb has been injured at the last birth, and in healing has given rise to a growth which prevents the necessary fluid from entering the womb, In artificial impregnation, however, the nozzle of the im- pregnator can be inserted into the mouth of the womb. wu THE FATHER OF. TROTTERS GEO. WIEKES: HAI Hin —= — BAY MARE ELLA BROWN. 2:11 non a %, PACING. OL Pe rd ria tea id ay ae i BY PRINCE PU 180 THE DISEASES OF THE HORSE. [THE FARMERS’ — - 7 THE DISEASES OF THE HORSE. Skeleton of the Horse as Covered by the Muscles. 1. 1. The seven cervical vertebree, or bones of the neck. 2. The sternum, or breastbone. 3. The scapula, or shoulder-blade. 4. The humerus, or bone of the arm. 5. 5. The radius, or bone of the forearm. 6. The ulna, or elbow. 7. The cartilages of the ribs. 8.8.8. The coste, or ribs. 9. The carpus, or seven bones. 10. Io. The metacarpal, or shank-bones; the larger metacarpal, or cannon, or shank-bone, in front; and the small meta- carpal, or splint-bone, behind. 11. The upper pastern. 12. The lower pastern. 13. The coffin-bone. 14 to 14. The eighteen dorsal vertebree, or bones of the spine. 15. The six lumbar vertebree, or bones of the loins. 16. 16. The haunch, consisting of the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. 17. 17. The femur, or thigh-bone. 18. 18. The stiflejoint, with the patella, or knee-cap. 19. 19. The tibia, or proper leg-bone. 20. The fibula. 21. 21. The tarsus, or hock. 22. The metatarsal bones of the hind- leg. 23. 23. The pastern of the hind-feet, including the upper and larger bone. SIGNS FOR THE DIFFERENT DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 1. As the horse has no way of communicating to us his pains or distress, we must find out the difficulty by the symptoms. 2. The pulse in a healthy horse beats from 36 to 4o times per minute, and any variation from this number will indicate excitement, disease, or suffering of some kind. ; 3. In fever the pulse will run from 45 to 75 per minute. If the horse becomes very weak the pulse will flutter and vary. 4. A horse generally refuses food, when sick. 5. In colds, catarrh or glanders the eyes water and just before death become glassy. 6. The natural color of the inside of the nose is a light pink. In fever or inflammation of any of the internal organs it becomes red. FEELING OF THE PULSE. LISTENING TO THE BREATHING, 7. Cold ears indicate inflammation of the lungs pleurisy or colic. 8. Heavy breathing indicates inflammation of lungs, rapid breathing, fever. Deep snoring breathing, brain disease. g. Cold feet indicate inflammation of the lungs, bowels, bladder, etc. 10. Dry hair, standing straight out, indicates indiges. tion, glanders, worms, skin disease, the condition of being hidebound, and consumption. A hot skin indicates local inflammation or the presence of fever. Il. 12. If the manure is very offensive, it indicates indi- gestion. If the balls are shiny, it indicates glanders or worms. 13. A stoppage of the urine, or the passage of only a small quantity at a time, attended by great straining, indicates inflammation of the bladder or kidneys. A great quantity of water indicates diabetes. 14. If the horse lies down carefully and rolls, he is suffering from flatulent colic. If he drops down quickly and rolls over rapidly several times, it is spasmodic colic. In inflammation of the bowels he lies down carefully, and remains stretched out and paws and strikes. 15. If a horse stands still like a statute, it is a symptom of the lock-jaw. 16. Stiffness in the walk may indicate rheumatism, founder, corns, or some other local difficulty in the legs or joints. 17. If a horse does not sweat, or the sweat dries up suddenly, sunstroke or some serious inflammation is the cause. 18. If a horse stands straddling, or walks in that way a lame back or scme kidney or bladder disease is the cause. MANUAL.] PRACTICAL RULES ON KEEPING, FEEDING AND DOCTORING HORSES. 1. Young horses as well as old should be sheltered every night during the winter months. 2. Never allow horses to become poor for want of grain and hay. 3. Never grain horses highly, unless they work accord- ingly. 4. Always feed good hay, there is but little nourishment in poor hay. 5. Never drive or work a horse when he refuses his feed. 6. Chopped hay, moistened and salted, is the best way to feed hay. 7. Ground feed is the most profitable way to feed grain. 8.-The natural pulse of the horse is from 36 to 4o per minute. 9. More diseases in horses come from short check reins than from all other causes. 10. Never feed or water horses when warm. 12. Horses should be exercised every day. 12. Never strike a horse on the head, and you will find him much more easily handled. 13. Never feed a horse damaged grain. 14. A horse should be groomed once a day. 15. Old horses should be fed on chaff instead of hay. HOW TO CURE INTERFERING. Causes. It is usually the effect of bad shoeing. When colts interfere it is because they are leg weary. Some horses naturally interfere from the natural forma- tion of the limbs. When the interfering comes from defective shoeing, use a light shoe and have it set by a competent black- smith. Make the shoe higher on one side than on the| purpose of a halter and long enough to pass through other if necessary, the same will cause widening of the web of the shoe and this has a good effect. When horses interfere, the first thing to do is to get some leather protectors for immediate protection, and| temedy the difficulty as soon as possible. FEEDING AND DOCTORING HORSES._INTERFERING.—HALTER PULLING. RE REM - J HALTER PULLING. 1. This is a very serious and annoying trait, and very A SU EDY FOR difficult te overcome. Many m-14ways occur, much damage is done, and many lives are lost by horses, which can not be safely tied. 2. REMEDY. Bore a hole through a plank, and spike it upright in front of the manger, with the hole about six feet from the floor. Take a strong rope, and tie one end into the halter and run it through the hole in the plank; then tie a stone 200 pounds in weight to the other end, giving the horse about the usual length of halter. 3. In order to have the stone swing clear, nail a piece of board or scantling just beneath the hole in the plank. 4. ANOTHER METHOD. Take a 54 inch rope, one end of which pass through the lower side ring of the halter, then through the top side ring of the halter, then under the tail of the horse, then back to the halter and pass through the two rings of the halter on the other side (same as first), then use the two ends of the rope for a hitching strap. A surcingle is necessary, in order to keep the rope in its place, ey ANOTHER CURE FOR HALTER PULLING, A NEW REMEDY. Take an ordinary rope strong enough to answer the between the fore-legs and under the surcingle, tie witha slip knot or with a leather strap to one of the hind feet. Horses are intelligent animals and a few trials will satisfy any horse that it isa failure. He will cease to pull, in fact, you cannot make him pull on the halter, as 182 the halter pulls both ways and soon throws the horse. A few experiences will be sufficient to break him for all time. ——— — —— SOON CURED OF HALTER PULLING. DIFFICULT OR UGLY HORSES TO BRIDLE. Many people are less intelligent that the horses which they handle and the habit of hitting a horse on the head or about the face will soon make an ordinary horse almost unmanageable and often in consequence become very ugly to bridle. REMEDY. ‘Treat the horse kindly, handle him gently, pat him on the face. If the horse is specially vicious, take a rope and make a slip knot and place it on the lower jaw and tie it tightly to the manger then bridle and unbridle the horse until he becomes perfectly quiet and he will submit to being handled without any effort to throw his head back. A few trials will be sufficient to break him of this annoying habit. = \ HOW TO GIVE A HORSE MEDICINE. 1. The old practice of drawing the head of a horse by the halter over a beam or pole to administer medicine is as cruel as it is absurd. THE HORSE—HIS ILLS AND REMEDIES. (THE FARMERS 2. The lower jaw of the horse while taking medicine should remain perfectly free, as shown in the above illustration. 3. Meruop. Take a forked stick or a common pitch- fork and run it through a small strap fastened to the upper jaw of the horse. No strangling nor struggling will take place. Neither man nor beast can drink unless the lower jaw is free to move. —— a THE RESULT OF A HEAVY MAN RIDING A YOUNG COLT. A Cure for Galls, Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, ete. Cleanse the sores thoroughly by washing them with castile or tar soap. Then apply the following ointment : 2 ounces of calomel, 4 ounces of white lead, 4 ounces of pulverized blood root, 4 ounces of pulverized alum. Or, 4 ounces sweet oil, 2 ounces calomel, 4 ounces castile soap. SWEENY. Cause.—Sweeny is the result of straining the muscles on the outer side of the shoulder-blade. It occurs mainly in young horses. It is the result of too hard work or traveling on uneven ground and pulling a heavy load. Symptoms. — Slight lameness, wasting away of the shoulder muscles, which become tender to the hand when pressedupon. The difference can be seen by comparing the two shoulders. Treatment.—Rub the shoulder severely with a flannel twice a day, or apply the following mild biister remedy : I pint of ammonia, 3 pints of lard. tiles no Apply twice a day and it will take the place of the — friction caused by rubbing. Give the horse rest until fully recovered. 2 Manuat.] SHOULDER JOINT LAMENESS. This is a very serious difficulty to remedy. Syniptoms.—The horse drags the leg with one toe on the ground and throws the leg out in at- tempting to move it, and it is with great difficulty that the horse can rest his foot. Treatment.—This disease being similar to spavin in the hock-joint, should have similar treatment. If the part is very hot, reduce the temperature by acold cloth, or a hot fomentation might work well instead of the cold; then give some treatment as for spavin. Give the horse plenty of dry bedding and make it very soft and deep. WATER FARCY. Cause.—It is the result of weakness in old horses, and an inflammatory condition in the young. It is gen- erally produced by long continued labor without proper hours of rest; it sometimes causes debil- ity, and water farcy is the result. Symptoms.---The horse will hold the leg up as seen in annexed illus- ( tration, and will gener- ally be lame, will not eat, but will be very thirsty. Treatment.—Give the horse perfect rest, and feed ground feed well moistened; a quantity of wheat bran may be profitably fed; bathe the limb in cold water and rub every day, and apply bone liniment, found in other parts of the book. Give the horse some good condition powder daily for two weeks. RING-BONE. Cause.—It is generally caused by a natural weakness of the joint, or is the result of injuries or over-exertion. Symptoms.—Lameness, with an inability to move the limb quickly. Treatment.—The same as for bone spavin. SPLINT. Splint is a small bony enlargement on the inside of the fore-leg, just a little below the knee-joint, which generally occurs in young horses. It is the result of overwork or hard driving. Treatment.—The same as for Bone Spavin SHOULDER JOINT LAMENESS; RINGBONE; SPLINT; BONE SPAVIN. 18 Geo BONE SPAVIN. Cause.—Spavins are caused by sprains, blows, hard work, hereditary predisposition, ete. Symptoms.—Lameness, with a swelling of the hock- joint. ment of the joint. Treatment.—Many modes have been adopted in treat- Sharp instruments have been Lameness generally appears before the enlarge- ing the bone spavin. struck with considerable force into the joint, all kinds of blistering and caustic applications have been tried. But all of these forms of treat- The following prescription will be found as good as any other form of treatment: 1 drachm of bin-iodide of mercury. 2 ounces of lard. Mix well together and apply once a day for two weeks. Another: 4 ounces of tincture of capsicum, 4 ounces of tincture of opium, 4 ounces of essence of sassafras, 4 ounces of essence of wormwood. Mix and apply over the parts affected and rub briskly with the hand. Dr. B. J. Kendall's Spavin Cure is also highly recom- mended. Firing is also practiced. ment are very cruel and result in little benefit. How to Cure Bone Spavin. Bone spavin is an inflammation and deposit or growth of bone on the inner part of the hock-joint. Lameness and soreness are the consequences of this abnormal growth. Home Treatment. Give the horse plenty of rest, and apply hot water and vinegar, and give the horse plenty of bran and flax-seed. For later stages of the disease blistering may be helpful. A hot iron is perhaps more efficient. A Liniment for Blood Spavin, Windgalls, Etc. (HORSE LINIMENT.) Alcohol, 8 ounces, Tincture cantharides, 2 ounces, Oil wormwood, 2 ounces, Oil stone, 2 ounces, ‘Turpentine, 2 ounces, Oil hemlock, 2 ounces, Iodide potassium, 4 drachms. Shake thoroughly before using, and apply once a day for one week, then grease the parts for one week and then apply again as before until cured. HAL POINTER. 2:04%. BLIND STAGGERS. Causes.—Excessive heat or cold, bruises on the head, rheumatism, influenza, indigestion or a tight collar. Symptoms.—Pulling back on the halter, plunging for- ward or running ahead, regardless of obstacles or obstruc- tions in the way, staggering first one way and then another and often dropping down. Pulse often rapid, breathing hard or panting, twitching of the eyes and muscles. Treatment.—Give a good dose of physic and reduce the diet. If in season turn out to grass for a time, if grass is not in season give an occasional physic, and feed laxative food. Above all give the horse rest, and avoid a tight or badly fitting collar, when he is sufficiently well to be worked. Feed the animal on ground feed, made up with bran and other laxative food. A good feed of bran or flax-seed should be occasionally given all work horses early in the Spring. HOW TO CURE WEAK TENDONS. Use the following celebrated receipt : Fl. Ext. Hamamelis, 2 drachms, Aqua, q. s., I quart. Zinc Sulphate, 1 drachm, Tr. Iodine, 1 drachm, Tr. Arnica 2 drachms, Rub the tendons with this lotion and bandage, letting the bandage remain on for about two hours. Then the legs should have a good hand-rubbing, and in four or six hours the bandages may again be applied, and left for the same length of time. If the tendons are very bad, the bandage may be wet with the lotion before applying, and may remain on for three or four hours. Each time the bandages are removed have the legs well hand- rubbed. Reduce his work, giving simply exercise. If this treatment does not strengthen them, blistering should be resorted to with absolute rest for a few weeks. BLIND STAGGERS; WEAK TENDONS; WORMS; POLL EVIL; LINIMENT. [THE FARMERS’ WORMS. Cause.—The cause is very uncertain, and many theo- ries have been brought before the public. Symptoms.—Symptoms of worms are a rough, harsh coat, irregular appetite, a rubbing of the tail, breath occasionally hot and fetid, and sometimes a short, dry cough, the animal appears poor in flesh and in spirits, and is sometimes attacked with convulsions, which may terminate in death if not speedily relieved. Treatment.—Give a good, strong dose of physic. If that is not sufficient, give the following prescription for three successive nights: 3 drams of calomel, 1 dram of tartar emetic. Mix, and divide into three powders. POLL-EVIL. Cause.—A tight halter, or the use of the martingal in driving; the horse striking the head against the wall or joists when too low, or against any other object; blows dealt on the head, etc. Symptoms.—A hot and tender swelling appearing on top of the neck, which soon breaks and discharges large quantities of thick and offensive matter, causing stiffness of the neck and rendering the horse a most loathsome object. Treatment.—¥% ounce of common potash, 1 drachm of extract of belladonna, % ounce of gum arabic. Dissolve the gum arabic in a little water; then mix and force into the ulcer with a small syringe. Cleanse the sore first with good tar soap and water. Only about one-quarter of this preparation should be used at once, and repeated in three days, if required. BONE LINIMENT. (MAN OR BEAST.) Tincture of camphor, 2 ounces, Tincture of capsicum, 2 ounces, Tincture of myrrh, 1 ounce, Oil spike, 1 ounce, Spirits of turpentine, 1 ounce, British oil, 1 ounce, Oil origanum, I ounce. Shake thoroughly before nsing. This is an excellent remedy for bruises, sprains, swollen joints, or lameness of any kind. CONTRACTED FEET _ Manuat.] How to Cure Horses’ Contracted Feet. Shoe him with tips, as shown in the illustration above. These must be put on in a proper manner, or they will do more harm than good. The tip should be made of thin steel, and countersunk in the toe, By countersunk we mean that a space should be cut out of the horn of the toe just deep and large enough to admit a tip, so that the Jower surface of the tip and the lower surface of the back | part of the foot will be on an exact level. DISTEMPER, INFLUENZA AND EPIZOOTIC. Cause.—The influences causing these disorders are not very well known. It attacks all grades of horses. considerable diversity of opinion exists as to whether it is contagious or not. Some eminent authorities claim that it is, and others claim that it is not. Symptoms.—Weakness, muscular debility, staggering walk, chills and shivering, loss of appetite, water dis- charged from the eyes, the pulse feeble and beating from fifty to sixty times per minute. ‘The bowels and kidneys also suffer, the excretions being scanty. Treatment.—Place the animals in a warm, dry stall, blanket them well and bandage their legs. If very costive, give two drachms of aloes in a warm solution of water. Then give the following prescription : 4 ounces carbonate of ammonia, 4 ounces gentian. Make into twelve pills and give one each morning and evening. If this remedy furnishes no relief, an experi- enced horse doctor should be summoned. HOW TO CURE DISTEMPER. 3 ounces hops, 33 drops carbolic acid. Put into two-thirds of a pailful of boiling water and force the animal to inhale the steam for fifteen or twenty minutes at a time three times a day. Apply a mustard poultice to the throat. water. Give internally once a day : I ounce powdered gentian, 3 ounces Peruvian bark, I ounce powdered copperas, Mix, and divide into nine powders. ; EPIZOOTIC; DISTEMPER : CRIBBING; LAMPAS: CORNS, Also | Feed ground feed mixed in warm | i Mi) H ij | i ) ) M Ly WLU \( Cause.—Acidity of the stomach, the result of sameness or unwholesomeness of food. Poor ventilation in barns and stables. Symptoms.—The animal rests his teeth on some firm substance, and stretches his neck and body backwards, in trying to throw off the gas, which has accumulated in the stomach. Treatment.—A cribber is easily known by the rough and ragged appearance of the outer edges of the teeth. Place a box of ashes and rock salt near by, so that_the animal can eat it at pleasure. It is a good. plan to sprinkle a little lime or magnesia, for a few days, over the food. Cribbing is a difficult disease to cure, but care and perseverance will overcome it. Good ventilation and change of food are absolute necessities to promote a cure. LAMPAS. Cause.—lIt is the result of young horses cutting their teeth. Symptoms.—A swelling of the ridges behind the upper front teeth, which often prevents the animal from eating his food. Treatment.—Take a common pocket-knife and cut the enlarged ridges back of the front upper teeth slightly, so that they will bleed freely. Be very careful not to cut them too deeply, and feed the horse soft food for a few days. A CURE FOR CORNS. For corns, remove the shoe and pare out carefully the horn over the corn, and make the crust very thin, but leaving the ars of the frog untouched. ‘Then apply the following prescription : One quarter pound tar, One quarter pound beeswax, Three ounces glycerine, One and a half pound lard, Two drachmis nitric acid. [THE FARMERS’ 2208 1/2 Trotting. Bay Mare. TROTTING MARE. MULIDA. a a asi Bots as They Appear in the Stomach and Bowels of the Horse, BOTS.—The Correct Treatment. Many wrong ideas prevail in reference to bots. All horses that are exposed to the bot-fly, must have bots more or less in their stomachs. Dr. Adams made the fol- lowing experiment: Bots, when taken from the stomach alive, will live In strong rum, 25 hours, In strong decoction of tobacco, rr hours, In strong oil of vitriol, 2 hours and 18 minutes, In essential oil of mint, 2 hours and 5 minutes. They will live without apparent injury in spirits of eamphor 10 hours, fish oil 49 hours, tincture aloes 10 hours, in brine 10 hours. Common-sense consequently teaches us that there is no medical remedy that will effect a cure for the bots, and there is no practicing veterinary surgeon who can tell the difference between bots and colic. Do not be misled. For colic or the bots give the following prescription ; 6 ounces of whiskey, 7 ounces of new milk. Give at onetime. If not relieved repeat the dose in 30 minutes. If the above remedy cures the horse, the disease is colic and not bots. For bots give slippery elm tea, or potato juice. This will feed and quiet them, but they cannot be destroyed. FOUNDER. Cause.—Founder is produced by hard driving on a full stomach, and drinking large quantities of cold water when heated, or by eating large quantities of green feed, or Over-eating grain or large quantities of ground feed. Synptoms.—Stiffness and a disinclination to move. The limbs appear stiffened and benumbed. e § Tonic. (Never to be given during preg- Tron Sulphate. ........ \ mancy,asit may produceabortion.)...\3drs. fue. eeeeeeseees 1dr. Lime Water. Antacid, Astringent... 1/5 02. 6 02. 3 drs, Lime Chalk. Antacid, Astringent ...}L to 2 oz. 2 to 3 oz. |1 oz. Linseed Oil.. «1 {Laxatives cic. c..ccsccen |l to2 pts. |2 pts, ls pt. Lobelia. ..... ..|Sedative. Used for Emeties 2 drs. \3 drs. logrs, Magnesia. Laxative, Antidote to Arsenic. 2 oz. \3 oz. 1 oz, Myrrh. .. Stimulant, Tonic... .|8 drs. 5 drs. 2 drs. Nitre, Sweet spirits) { Producing Urine, of .. (Stimulant. |1 to 2 oz. 3 OZ. 5 drs, Oak Ba Astringent, 1 oz. 3 0Z. 4 drs. Olive Oil Laxetive. lto2pts. {2 pts. 5 oz. Opium, Tir Narcotic § S lto2drs, /3 drs, \15 grs. Peppermint, Oil......, Aids digestion. A spe 0 drops. 20 drops. |8 drops. Aconite, Tincture of|For Fever. A Sedative.. 5 drops 35 drops. 4 drops Alun. ...... ..| Astringent. ........ 2 drs. 3 drs. 1 drach, Aloes. Purgative and T« os 5 drs. 4 drs. ee Pech Aqua Ammonia, Stimulant. Anti-spasmodic. . % 1 oz. \¥4 dra. AYSeDIC. .......20-e22-/ Nerve Tonic. Good for Paralysis, Manges tee ter-yen-sacsecersve sere 6 grains, 1 grain. Assafcetida. .... Stimulant, Vermifug 3 dr. jldr Anise Seed.. Stomachic, Carminative. \14%4 oz 3 drs. Arnica Tincture......,Stimulant, Diuretic iL dr. 1 scrupie Bicarbonate of Pot- | ash. Diuretic. Used for Rheumatism.... |7 grains. (1 gr. Borax. .. {Uterine Stintulant. 5 1 oz. \l dr Bismuth Subni- |{ Use for Irritation of Stomach and) trate. ....., «e-| U Bowels. .. Ss. 3 drs. |20 grs. Blackberry Root | Astringent. . 3. |4 oz. 2 scrupicae Boneset. . timulant and Tonic.. a 1 oz. \3 drs. Blue Vitriol. Promotes the Secretions.... 44 dr. ywdr ecact tenet Calomel. |Purgative for Chronic Diarrhea.. 1 dr. if, dr. A Camphor. . Anti-spasmodice. ...... .. 2 drs. 3 drs. 1 serupis. Caraway Seed. |I{mproves Digestion... 1 oz. 2 0Z. 3 drs. Castor Oil. .. Purgative. .......---.- 1 pt. 4 072. Carbolie Acid. Sedative Astringent. 1dr. 10 drops. Chloroform.. Stimulant. 1 11% drs. .. {1 scruple, Cinnamon {Improves Digestion... 5 drs. |! j2 drs. Croton Oil ‘Powerful Purgative. |10to15 drops/20 drops. |5to8drope Pepper, Black |Stimulant, Stomachic. 2dr, 3 drs, 144 scrup- Pumegranate, Root| Vermifuge. }1 oz. 1% oz. 2 drs. Sedative A 25 drops. (30 drops. |7 drops. | Vermifuge, Increa e Give as |needed. !Laxative, Tonic..... a .|l oz. 1% oz. 1 dr. ‘ \Increases the Secretion of Urine. 5 drs. 1 oz. 2 tod drs, | Spanish Fly {Stimulant Diuretic, S. 7 grains. |1\4 grs. Sulphur. . Laxative. 4 OF: 5 oz. 2 oz. Tobacco. Sedative Ver mifuge. oS 'S. 5 drs. 1 dr. pRarecece Expectorant, Anti-septi ne ¥ 1% oz. V4, oz. Turpentin timulant, diuretic. Anti- spasmodic. |1¥% 02. 2 oz. 2 ‘drs. Wild Cherry. ESXPactOramteaetiecsnscommnpesnee sues ners 1 oz 140%. = |3 drs. Was potash hydroc bottle. Shake the bottle vapors. HOW TO CLEAN LEATHER. When leather is old and greasy, it should be thoroughly | washed and cleaned before applying oil or any prepara- This will not | tion for polish. for a man, dose, one tablespoonful | h the leather thoroughly with soft water and }ammonia, or rub the leather with a weak solution of and water. hloric acid. How to Clean Light-Colored Leather Fawn or yellow-colored leather may be cleaned | . . . . . | taking one quart of skim milk mixed with one ounce of sulphuric acid, and when cold add to it four ounces of ma, gently until it ceases to emit white Then strain through a fine sieve and put into a 200 es PACING MARE “KITTY B.” 2:16. By MESSENGER CLAY. RULES OF ADMISSION TO REGISTRATION. = == AMEORS F RULES OF ADMISSION TO REGISTER. 1. Any trotting stallion that has a record of two min- utes and thirty seconds (2:30), or better; provided any of his get has a record of 2:35 trotting, or better; or provided his sire or dam is already a standard trotting animal. 2. Any mare or gelding that has a trotting record of 2:30 or better. 3. Any horse that is the sire of two trotters with records of 2: 30 or better. 4. Any horse that is the sire of one trotter with a record of 2:30 or better, provided he has either. of the following additional qualifications: 1. A trotting record of 2:35 or better. 2. Is the sire of two other animals with trotting records of 2:35. 3. Has a sire or dam that is already a standard animal. ; 5. Any mare that has produced a trotter, with record of 2: 30. ; : 6. The progeny of a standard horse when out of a standard mare. f 7. The female progeny of a standard horse when out — of a mare by a standard trotting horse. 8. The female progeny of a standard trotting horse when out of a mare whose dam isa standard trotting mare, 9. Any mare that has a trotting record of 2:35 or better, whose sire or dam is a standard trotting animal. THE PACING STANDARD. In order to define what constitutes a standard-bred pacing horse, and to establish a breed of pacers on a more intelligent basis, the following rules are adopted to control admission to registration. When an animal meets the requirements of admission and is duly registered, it shall be accepted as a standard-bred pacing animal. 1. Any pacing stallion that has a record of two min- utes and twenty-five seconds (2:25), or better, provided any of his get has a record of 2:30 pacing, or better; or provided his sire or dam is already a standard pacing animal. 2. Any mare or gelding that has a pacing record of 2:25 or better. aS. Any horse that is the sire of two pacers with records Olea s25) 4. Any horse that is the sire of one pacer with a record of 2:25 or better, provided he has either of the following additional qualifications: 1. A pacing record of 2:30 or better. 2. Is the sire of two other animals with pacing records of 2:30. 3. Hasa sire or dam that is already a standard pacing animal. 5. Any mare that has produced a pacer with a record of 2:25 or better.. : ; 6. The progeny of a standard pacing horse when out of a standard pacing mare. 7. The female progeny of astandard pacing horse when out of a mare by a standard pacing horse. 8. The female progeny of astandard pacing horse when out of a horse whose dam is a standard pacing mare. g. Any mare that has a pacing record of 2:30 or better, whose sire or dam is a standard pacing animal, 10. The progeny of a standard trotting horse, out of a standard pacing mare, or of a standard pacing horse, out of a standard trotting mare. : . MANUAL.] PREMATURE BIRTH. Oy ss EP 5 i Ph = el @ Van ABORTION OR PREMAT- URE BIRTH. 1, Care.—Great care should be exercised by way of feeding and handling a mare from the very earliest months of pregnancy until she foals. Avoid feeding any grain that has become smutty, for it con- tains more or less ergot, which in- creases the chances of premature birth. 2. Hempseed.— If a mare has lost her foal regularly for two or three years, about four months be- fore foaling give her one-half pint hempseed twice a day for one month. 3f a mare shows indications of straining before her time, give her a handful of whole wheat three times a day for a few days, but be careful that it is free from smut. 3. Caution.—If a mare has lost her colt before the proper time of birth, be careful and keep all other mares that are with foal from smell- ing or coming in contact with that place, because it is liable to pro- duce abortion upon them. 4. Trotting.—No mare after she is with foal should be put upon the track. 5. Work.—Work is better than idleness, however, for all mares that are pregnant. 202 BLACK LEG & TONGUE; INFLAMMATION OF BRAIN, BLADDER &c.; HOLLOW HORN. [THE FARMERS elo) VV LO) DOCTOR. aie BLACK LEG. Cause. —'This disease is considered epidemic. Fat eattle are generally the victims. It is a disease that is not very general. Symptoms.—Difficult breathing, moaning or groaning, restlessness, generally lameness in one leg, moving with great difficulty, fever and dryness of the nose, and swell- ing of the fore and hind quarters. Treatment.—Saturate a blanket with cold water and keep the animal well covered, but changing it occasion- ally to keep the blanket cool. This reduces the fever. Then give the following prescription : Take—Tartar emetic, 40 grains, Tincture of digitalis, 1 ounce, Mix in cold water, 1 pint. Repeat the above dose every two hours, omitting the digitalis after the first two doses. BLACK TONGUE. Take—Powdered burnt alum, 4 ounces, Chloride of lime, 2 ounces, Corn meal, 2 quarts. Mix all together, and with this powder swab the mouth several times a day. No part within the mouth should escape the application. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. Take—Tartar emetic, 60 grains, Spirits of nitre, 2 ounces, ‘Tincture veratrum veride, 1 ounce. Mix and give every four hours until the inflammation is subdued; after that, give smaller doses and not so often. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. Give internally one of the following powders every hour until relieved: Nitrate of potassa, I ounce, Tartrate of antimony, 1 drachm, Pulverized digitalis leaves, 1 drachm. Mix, and divide into six powders. Boiled flaxseed draughts should be freely given. OX, SHOWING THE MODE OF CUTTING UP THE VARIOUS JOINTS, INFLAMMATIOM OF THE BOWELS. Cause.—Overloading the stomach with musty food, sudden chills after hard work, kicks and blows on the belly, or protracted colic. Symptoms.—The symptoms are similar to colic, only milder in form. Shivering, labored breathing, lies down very cautiously, will sometimes roll or plunge spasmod- ically. Pressure on the abdomen gives great pain, while in colic it relieves the pain. Treatment.—Give eight ounces of linseed oil if the bowels are constipated. Then give the following pré- scription every three hours: I ounce of tincture of belladonna, I ounce of essence of sassafras. . Give one-half teaspoonful in half a pint of water. Take good care and give the animal all the cold water it will drink. ‘The disease usually lasts from 5 to 14 days. Se- vere cases usually prove fatal. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. Treatment.—Give one pint of linseed oil and ten drops of castor oil mixed together; follow this with small doses of salts once a day, for three or four days; give injections of water, one-half a gallon to two ounces of tincture of arnica. Mustard applications to the loins are also very useful. FOR HOLLOW HORN. Take—Pulverized nitre, 2 ounces, Ground ginger, 4 ounces, Black antimony, 2 ounces, Flowers of sulphur, 2 ounces. Pour two or three tablespoonfuls of turpentine in the hollow back of the horns, and rub the horns well with it, = ee ~~ MANUAL.] COW-POX. Two varieties of sore teats occur in the cow, in the form of pustular eruptions. . They first appear as small vesicles, containing a purulent matter, and subsequently assume a scabby appearance, or small ulcers remain, _ which often prove troublesome to heal. Treatment.—Foment the teats well with warm water dress with citrine ointment. The preparations of iodine have also been recommended, and they are very service- able. FOR SORE TEATS, ULCERS, WOUNDS, BRUISES, Etc. Apply the following “Reliable Healing Ointment: ” Resin, 5 ounces, Lard, 8 ounces, Yellow wax, 2 ounces. Melt tiiem all together, strain through linen, and stir them constantly until cool. CATTLE COLIC OR HOOVE. Cause.—Kating large quantities of wet grass, clover, turnips, etc., which causes an accumulation of gas. Symptoms.—Serious distress and bloating, frequently tareatening suffocation. Treatment.—Give the following prescription: I ounce of spirits of hartshorn, I quart of water. Mix, and give at once. If the above prescription is not readily obtained, give two ounces of table salt dissolved in one quart of water. If the above treatment is of no relief, extreme treat- ment must be resorted to. Take a small knife and pierce the abdomen slightly, and place into the cut a common clay pipe-stem or a small tube made of a piece ofelder. This will usually give instant relief. DEHORNING REMEDY. A calf can be prevented from having horns by an ap- plication of crude potash to the spot where the incipient horn can be felt, so Waldo F. Brown says. The plan of dehorning is gaining in favor, and done in this way has COW POX; SORE TEATS; PLEURO-PNEUMONIA, FLUX; MURRAI and castile soap, after which, wipe the bag dry, and|- N; DEHORNING. to Ow | PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. Cause.—This disease is an inflammation of the lungs and the membranes covering the lungs and chest, com- monly called the Pleura. It is a contagious, infectious, and epizootic disease. Symptoms.—Reduced and irregular appetite, dry cough, the back and the sides along the chest become tender, la- bored breathing, the nose hot and dry, rumination entirely or partially suspended. Treatment.—The first thing to do is to separate the diseased cattle from the herd, and give the affected ones the following prescription every day : 2 drachms of sulphate of iron 1 drachm of carbolie acid. ’ There are other systems of treatment, such as inocula- tion, burning of sulphur in the stable, but the only sure remedy is to separate the cattle and keep them separated, and if the affected ones die, it will not injure the others. DYSENTERY OR FLUX. Take—Castor oil, 114 pints, Spirits of turpentine, 1 ounce. Mix, and give asa drench. After it acts, Take—Powdered opium, 4o grains, Calomel, 40 grains. Mix, and give in half a pint of gruel. MURRAIN. Cause-—The cause is unknown. It is a constitu- tional disease, and the worst that farmers have to deal with. It is also considered contagious. Symptoms.—High fever, painful cough, with small, hard, and rapid pulse, sometimes sore ‘teats, mouth, and feet, diarrhoea, weeping and swollen eyes. Treatment.—Give 14 pound of Epsom salts, with 1 drachm of Jamaica ginger, twice a day, for two or three days. Very little medicine is required internally in this much to commend it. disease, but much depends upon good nursing. 204 SELF-SUCKING COW. Simple Ways of Preventing the Habit. From the numerous devices given for keeping cows from sucking themselves we have selected the two shown in the illustration as among the most successful and easily made and tried. ‘The one in the upper part, A, is made as follows: A strap is fastened around the body of the cow and a halter put on her head. A stick is attached to the halter, and reaching between the front legs is fastened to the strap around the body. This pre- vents getting her head around. The device shown in the lower part, B, is simply a necklace made from old fork or broom handles strung on a strap and buckled around the neck. Fit it to the cow and make the sticks long enough to keep her from putting her head on the side, but be sure they are not long enough to chafe the shoulders or throat when the head is not turned. SELF-SUCKING COWS; LAMENESS; LIFTING CONTRIVANCE. [THE FARMERS FOR LAMENESS, Etc. Apply the liniment as prescribed under “ Stifle-Joint Lameness”’ in Horse department. A SIMPLE CONTRIVANCE FOR LIFTING A BEEF. Use the space in a double corn crib or driveway ia 4 barn. ‘Toa crosspiece, represented at A in the illustra- tion, placed over this driveway, adjust a 34 inch rope, B, as fora swing. After placing the beef on the gamble, D, put the rope swing under it between the legs, lay a stout stick on the middle of the gamble and under the rope, then turn the stick: the rope winds around the gamble. Two men can easily lift a beef in this way without trouble. N. B.—The stick E is short and can be turned easily between the legs of the beef. Try it. oi Ser TAS. / =. i iether. seit MANUAL. | THE DISEASES OF SHEEP AND THEIR REMEDIES. on peeve tC) DOCTOR SHEEP. The walls of the stomach of the sheep are but slightly acted upon except by doses of very improper magni- MAGGOTS. The horns of rams may grow |very closely to their heads and | maggots may ac- cumulate under- |neath. — Apply © | powdered tarand will soon they | disappear. FOR SCAB OR MANGE. Dip into a strong tea of tobacco, or apply the following wash : I quart tobacco tea, ¥ pint spirits turpentine, 1 drachm corrosive sublimate. SHEEP TICK AND LICE. tude. Medicines to reach the fourth stomach, should be given in a fluid state if possible, and even then it may be In giving sheep liquid medicine it should be given very slowly. The pulse of the sheep is about 65 per minute. given in such a manner as to defeat the object. BRONCHITIS. Give salt in doses of 2 ounces, and lime water in doses of 8 ounces. LUNG FEVER. Give the following dose every 2 hours: Take—¥% drachm tincture of digitalis, % ounce spirits of nitre, 2 grains tartar emetic. DYSENTERY. Take—% ounce powdered golden seal, I ounce powdered charcoal, I ounce prepared chalk, ¥% drachm powdered catechu, % drachm ginger. Mix, and give one rounding teaspoon- ful twice a day. If not well in two days, double the dose. ROT. If the foot gives an offensive smell, wash with a solution of chloride of lime 2 ounces, rain water 3 pints. SORE MOUTH. Daub the lips and mouth plentifully with tar. CATARRH. After the sheep have been sheared. 2 weeks boil a |refuse quantity of tobacco leaves, or 5 or 6 pounds of Put the liquid into a trough and dip the This quan- plug tobacco. sheep, being careful to keep their heads out. ‘tity will wash about 100 sheep. COLIC. ¥% ounce Epsom salts, 1 drachm Jamaica ginger, 60 drops essence of peppermint. Give flaxseed or some other laxative. In the treatment of the hog we cannot enter into de- tails. In sickness he is not a very good patient, and about all that can be done, is to administer a little medi- cine in his food. HOW TO CATCH A HOG, Swine are very difficult animals to handle or master. The following method of getting hold of them has been highly recommended : RULE.—Fasten a double cord to the end of a stick, and beneath the stick let there be a running noose in the cord; tie a piece of bread to the cord, and present it to the animal; and when he opens his mouth to seize the bread, catch the upper jaw in the noose, and draw it tight, and the pig is fast. Another method is, to catch one foot in a running noose. ‘This can be applied in various ways; either by suspending it or dropping it on the ground and allowing the hog to step within it, and then jerking it up and catch- ing the leg. Another method is, to take a pole and fasten a long, narrow hook, with a large opening, on the end of it. This can be readily hooked around the hind leg, and it will hold the strongest animal. THE DREADFUL DISEASE, TRICHINA SPIRALIS. A Piece of Diseased Meat Greatly Magnified, Trichina are microscopic worms which infest the muscles, intestines, ete. The mature worms live in the intestines of the animal, and the immature, or minute worms, live in the muscles. ‘This is one of the most se- rious diseases that attacks the American hog. Symptoms.—After eating the flesh of animals affected with trichina it takes from 8 to 15 days to manifest the DISEASES OF HOGS AND THEIR REMEDIES, DOC TOR WOGs:. (THE FARMERS’ symptoms. ‘They are severe muscular pains, stiffness of the limbs, and sometimes considerable swelling on the skin; in man the disease is often taken for rheumatism or typhoid fever, and produces loss of appetite, indisposi- tion to move, pain and stiffness. Treatment.—Give a strong dose of physic. Then give the following prescription to diseased animals : 2 drachms of asafcetida, 4 drachms of azedarach. Mix, and give the same once a day in 8 doses. Glycerine given internally, is also an excellent remedy for trichina. CAuTION.—Never eat pork, unless it is well and thoroughly cooked. ; HOG CHOLERA, AND HOW TO TREAT IT. In the treatment of hog cholera very little can be done. The diseased animals are always a poison to the healthy ones, and complete separation should be effected at once. There are a thousand different remedies advertised, jbut none of them are effectual. The government has been investigating the subject many years and as yet has found no specific. ‘The following may be done and will add as muchas anything to the safety of a herd of swine: 1. Removal of still healthy animals to inclosed unin- fected ground or pens as far as possible from infected lo- calities. 2. Destruction of all diseased animals. 3. Careful burial or burning of the carcasses. 4. Repeated thorough disinfecion of the infected premises. 5. Great cleanliness, both as to surroundings and as regards the food, to prevent it becoming infected. 6. Place from one-half to one pound of lime into a gallon of water and give once aday. ‘This is an excel- lent disinfectant. el alk SSSR papeeiakaysizae MANUAL.] 7. In view of the fact that very few of the diseased animals ever recover, and there is little in those which do recover, there is but little use to resort to medical treat- ment, in the endeavor to cure diseased animals. 8. The better way is to kill the diseased animals and burn them, and thus destroy them at once. THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR HOG CHOLERA. If the disease prevails in the community, it is very difficult to avoid its attack. Symptoms. —Loss of energy and appetite, lying down by himself, moving slowly, evacuations of a dark color, bad odor, feet and’ legs cold; after death the abdomen be- comes of a dark purple color. Treatment.—An excellent preventive is the following : Burn corncobs into charcoal and feed it freely. Mux well together: 6 pounds of powdered sulphur, 1 pound of animal charcoal, 6 ounces of sulphate of iron, t pound of pulverized cinchona. Mix about a tablespoonful for each animal in a few potato peelings or cornmeal three times a day. ‘This DISEASES OF HOGS AND THEIR REMEDIES. 207 treatment will generally preserve a herd of swine from taking the cholera, even if the disease is in the immedi ate vicinity. The following remedy for hog cholera has been extens sively used: 2 pounds sulphur, 2 pounds madder, I / / 4 pound black antimony, ¥Y pound saltpetre, 2 ounces arsenic, 2 pounds copperas. For hogs that are sick, mix from 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls in each pail of swill. Pulverize and mix. As a prevent- ive, 1 teaspoonful in a pail of swill will keep the disease at bay. Do not allow hogs, sick or well, to run where there is stagnant water. After the Animals have been Attacked, give the following prescription : Take—Ground ginger, 4 ounces, Black antimony, 2 ounces, Flour of sulphur, 2 ounces, Pulverized nitre, 2 ounces, Sulphate of iron, 4 ounces. Mix, and give to a large hog one full teaspoonful three times a day; toa hog under 150 pounds a level teaspoon- ful, and to smaller ones according to size. 208 HOW TO KEEP POULTRY. THE FARMERS MERAGTICAL RULES:“FOR KEEPING -FOUETE DARK BRAHMAS, 1. A little glycerine applied occasionally to the combs and wattles, will prevent injury by frosting. 2. A great source of contagion is the drinking troughs. Remember this if roup should make its appearance in your poultry house. 3. In place of ‘‘ Tonics” drop a nail into the drinking trough and allow it to remain there. It will supply all the “ tincture of iron” required. 4. If you feed whole corn, place it in the oven and parch it occasionally and feed smoking hot. The fowls appreciate it in the cold, frosty weather. 5. A little linseed or oil meal given once a week in the soft feed will promote laying. ‘This will not come under the heading of ‘‘ Dosing the fowls with medicine.” 6. Do not throw your table scraps into the swill barrel. Give them to the chickens. 7. One of the most important points in the keeping of ducks is to give them clean, dry quarters at night. They are very prone to leg weakness and cold, damp quarters. 8. Feed your fowls just what they will eat up clean. Fat hens or pullets are poor layers, and the latter is just what you don’t want in seasons when eggs are 28 cents or more per dozen. g. Fowls over three years old are not, asa rule, good breeders. The males are unable to properly fertilize eggs for hatching, while the stock is usually weak. Four years is generally considered a “ripe old age” for a fowl. 10. Each hen, if properly kept, will lay from 200 to 250 eggs a year. 11. Liver and intestines are an excellent food to make hens lay. 12. Keep an abundant supply of lime where the hens can easily get at it if you desire your hens to lay well. 13. Always clean the nest well and put in fresh straw before the hen begins to sit. 14. It is best in breeding to cross or mix the breeds more or less every year. It improves the flesh and gen- eral health of the fowls. 15. Pullets are better layers than old hens. Keep your stock young by disposing annually of the old broods, 16. Keep at least one rooster for every eight hens if you desire vigorous young chickens. 17. It is a good plan to change roosters every year. 18. Roosters are best at two years of age. PARTRIDGE COCHINS. DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENTS. In North America the climate is very good for alf kinds of poultry. There are very few diseases but what readily yield to judicious treatment. Most of the diseases to which fowls are subject, are the result of neglect, exposure, or bad diet. HOW TO CURE THE CHICKEN CHOLERA. Symptoms.—The symptoms of chicken cholera are greenish droppings, prostration, and intense thirst. It should not be mistaken for indigestion. Cholera kills quickly, and this is a sure indication. Remedy.—The best remedy is to add a teaspoonful of carbolic acid to a quart of water and give no other water to drink. ‘The remedy is not a sure cure, but is one of the best. When cholera puts in an appearance, every- thing on the place should be thoroughly cleaned and dis- infected, the remedy mentioned above being also an ex- cellent disinfectant. Another Good Receipt. ¥% pound madder, Y% pound sulphur, 2 ounces antimony, 2 ounces saltpetre. 1 pound cayenne pepper. Mix a tablespoonful in feed for 30 chickens, ‘ MANUAL.) HOW TO ——SS BROWN LEGHORNS. ASTHMA. Symptoms.—The fowls labor for breath, opening the beak often and for quite a time, and sometimes drops of blood appearing on the beak. Treatment. —'Take the disease in hand as soon as dis- covered, keep the fowl warm, and give equal parts of sulphur and fresh butter (or fresh lard) thoroughly mixed. FEVER. Symptoms.—Restlessness, refusing to eat, drooping wings and excessive heat. Treatment.—Mix a little castor oil with burnt butter and give a teaspoonful three times a day. LOSS OF FEATHERS. This disease, common to confined fowls, should not be confused with the natural process of moulting. Inthe diseased state no new feathers come to replace the old. Treatment.—Keep warm, and feed hemp seed and corn. Add brown sugar to the water. GAPES. The Gapes is a very common ailment of poultry and domestic birds. More common among the young than the old. Cause.—The disease is caused by the presence of little red worms in the wind-pipe, about the size of a small cambric needle. Symptoms.—Gaping for breath with beak wide open, yellow beak, tongue dry and feathers ruffled on the head _ and neck. Treatment.—Give a pill each morning made of equal parts of scraped garlic and horse radish, with as much cayenne pepper as will outweigh a grain of wheat, mix with fresh butter. If a good many are affected, put from 5 to 10 drops of _ turpentine to a pint of meal. Treatment must be given in the early stages of the disease, cr all remedies will fail. KEEP POULTRY. 209 HOW TO DESRTOY AND KEEP RID OF HEN’S LICE. All fowls are more or less infested with lice. Fowls are sometimes so covered that the natural color of the feathers cannot be distinguished. These loathsome vermin will not only cover the fowls, but will multiply and spread over the entire hen-house, barn, woodshed, or any other place, frequented by the poultry. Poultry cannot be fattened when covered with lice. Remedy. — 1. Whitewash the hen-house frequently, whitewash all the roosting poles, etc., or run them slowly through a fire of old straw or hay. 2. Close the hen-house up tightly and burn sulphur in it. The sulphur fumes will penetrate every crevice and destroy the vermin. 3. Flower of sulphur may be mixed with Indian meai and water and be fed, in proportion of 1 pound of sulphur to 1 peck of corn meal. 4. Applying grease of any kind by rubbing it among the feathers is certain death to the vermin. Chicken Mites and Their Extermination. The above illustration shows the chicken mite greatly enlarged. ‘These are little insects or parasites; the older ones of which are of a darkish gray and the younger ones are a Clear whitish color, and are about the size of a pin’s head. These parasites secrete themselves between the czacks and corners of the perches during the day-time, but sally forth to draw the blood of their victims during the night They accumulate by the thousands and are very de- structive to good poultry. Close the hen-house or whatever place they are found in and take a few pieces of brimstone and heat a piece of iron, like a nut or small bolt, red hot and place it into the basin containing the brimstone, and let it consume the brimstone. This smoke will penetrate every crevice in 210 HOW TO PICKLE EGGS. [THE FARMERS’ the hen-house, and will prove after a few trials very|eggs nicely when settled. If not enough lime the white ¥ effectual. ‘hen wash the roost-or crevices where they | of the egg will get watery, if too much it will stick on the : are found with kerosene oil, after which put ona good coat of tar; it is also excellent for the roost-poles. FOR SCALY LEGS. Apply a little kerosene oil once a week. Be careful not to get on too much, or it will blister and injure. HOW TO PICKLE EGGS. 1. A good, cool place is necessary. The temperature must be kept above the freezing point. 2. Select a good kerosene barrel and take out the head and set fire to the inside and burn it until slightly charred, then smother out the fire by turning it bottom side up. Scrape off charred parts and soak in lime- water, until the smell of kerosene is entirely removed. 3. To Make the Pickle——Take one bushel of best fresh lime, one peck of rock-salt, and 60 gallons of clean water, (use similar proportions for smaller quantities.) Slake the lime as for making whitewash, add the rest of the water, and then the salt. Stir well two or three times the first day, and then let it stand until well settled and cold. 4. Now dip off the clear fluid carefully and put it into the barrel until about one-half full. 5. Now put in the eggs without breaking. When you have about a foot of eggs on the bottom of the barre] pour in some of the “milky” pickle made by stirring up the lime and water left. It is these light, fine particles of lime settling on the eggs and filling the pores that pre- serve the eggs. 6. Care should be taken not to put in too much or too little of the “milky” pickle, pour in enough to cover the outside like plaster, and be difficult to remove. 7. A faucet should be fitted into the barrel about six inches from the bottom, so that the pickle can be drawn off when necessary. 8. A common method for small quantities; Take a box or half barrel and first put in a layer of common salt, and then a layer of eggs, and so on, until the desired quantity is packed. “Poultry Raisers’ Egg Food Powder.” (TO MAKE HENS LAY EGGS.) sal Oats ea pe Red pepper powdered, 2 ounces, Alispice powdered, 4 ounces, Ginger powdered, 6 ounces. ¥ Mix them by sifting. " One tablespoonful to be mixed with every pound of Ki Ss food, and fed 2 or 3 times a week. Also feed chopped-up fresh meat. 1p Pe aN ge MANUAL.] HOW TO WEATHER INDICATIONS. PORE PEGE Stith: \WVEALH ER. No. 1, ete highest of all the clouds. When they are very thin, they White Flag, Flag, indicate fair weather; when very abundant and conspic- Clear or falr ; weather, wt No. 4 No. 5. Black Trlangular White Flag with black Flag. square In centre. uous, they indicate high winds or rain. "Yy Yl a a PS at nies Cold Wave, ONITED STATES WEATHER SIGNAL FLAGS. WEATHER SIGNALS. The above flags indicate the different kinds of weather that may be expected whenever either one of the above colors is displayed. A white flag indicates fair weather; a blue flag rain or snow; a white and blue flag, colors arranged horizontally, white above and blue below, indicate rain; a triangular black flag, which if hoisted above either of the foregoing symbols, indicates higher temperature, and if below, lower temperature; and lastly the white flag with a black square in the center to indicate cold waves. The last named flag is also used as a frost symbol. In many States the farmers and growers are warned of dangerous frosts, rains, etc., and consequently this sys- tem of signals is annually worth millions of dollars to the American people. HOW TO FORETELL THE WEATHER. The Different Kinds of Clouds and Weather Indications. 1. Croups. Clouds are nothing but fog, and differ only in elevation above the earth. A fog resting on the top of a mountain is called a cloud, anda cloud resting on the surface of the earth is called a fog. 2. RAIN. Rain is only produced by accumulated moist- ure in the atmosphere, and this accumulation being seen in the form of clouds, hence all rain appears in the form of clouds. It is necessary then to understand the differ- ent forms of clouds and know their relation to each other. 3 3. Cirrus. The Cirrus cloud, sometimes called “ cats- tail,’ as the appearance and form are like wooly hair, a crest of feathers, or a slender net work. They are the 23 \ Names of the Clouds. No. 1. CrrRus. No. 4. NIMBUS. No. 2. Crrro CumuLus. No. 5. STRATUS. No. 3. CUMULUS. 4. Cumu.us. This cloud is in the form of a bale of cot- ton, and occurs in the lower regions of the atmosphere. In fair weather the Cumulus forms a few hours after sunrise, goes on increasing until the hottest part of the day, and then disappears at sunset. It generally indicates fair weather. 5. Crrro-Cumutus. These clouds have a sort of fleecy appearance, and are sometimes called wooly clouds. They indicate warm and dry weather. G 6. Stratus. This cloud consists of horizontal bands near the surface of the earth. It generally appears late in the evening or at night, forming at sunset and disap- pearing at sunrise. This Stratus is sometimes broken up into small parts, and is sometimes called “ Mackera] Sky,” 212 and scientifically known as Cirro-Stratus. They indicate in that condition wind and rain. 7. Nimpus oR Rain CLoup. The Cumulus Clouds often change into Nimbus, which are sometimes called Thunder Heads, and appear sometimes in great magnifi- cence, and are easily known when seen. ‘Thunder and lightning and wind and storms follow in their pathway. 8. SuNsSET Coors. A darkish gray sunset, with the clouds tinged with a green ora yellowish green, indicates A red sunrise generally indicates rain, but a bright is an indication of fair rain. red sunset on the contrary weather. SUN DOGS AND CORONA, 9. Hato or Sun Docs. These are large circles around the sun or moon, having imitation suns and moons in the circle. A halo or sun dog appearing in fine weather indicates storm. 10. CoRONA. These are small colored circles, particu- larly seen around the sun or moon. If the circles are small, they indicate rain; but if they grow larger, it indi- cates fair weather. Rainsows. Rainbows in the morning are re- garded as a sign of rain; but if a rainbow appears in the evening, the following day is generally fair. 12. Sky. A deep blue color of the sky indicates fair weather, but if this blue appearance of the sky grows lighter during the day it indicates an approaching storm. 13. Focs. Fogs are generally an indication of fair weather. 2 & is as § {USTRALIA “THE TWO HEMISPHERES. WEATHER INDICATIONS. [THE FarkMERS Srars. If the stars are very thick and numerous it is a good sign of rain or storm, but if the stars are not very numerous in appearance and the sky is clear it indicates fair weather. THE EARTH IN THE FOUR POSITIONS OF SPRING, SUMMER, ' FALL AND WINTER, ‘ WEATHER WISDOM. 1. The following weather tables will be found valua- ble. ‘hey pertain to the moon’s changes and are con- ¥ sidered reliable. 2. ‘They are the results of many years’ observation and are based on the attraction of the sun and moon, in oy their several positions respecting the earth. a It will take but little observation and care to prove @ dj ‘= their value. 7 IF NEW MOON, FIRST QUARTER, f FULL MOON OR LAST QUARTER IN SUMMER, IN WINTER, J ¢ HAPPENS & Bet. midnight and 2 a. m. | Fair., ... | Frost unless wind S. W. ; se 2and 4 mone Cold and showers. ... | Snow and stormy, i “ gand 6 “ ALN ee aes sce Rain, ] AU Ora yes oi ese Wind and rain Stormy. cS Sandi? Changeable... Cold rain if wind W., snow if E. SEPT ATIC ee ool eceacs Frequent showers... | Cold and high wind. a “ 12and 2 afternoon... Very rainy.. Snow or rain. Conan eves Ue ER eS Changeable. .. | Fair and mild. SERA TANI CL Ole Fair.. » | Fair. ar g and 8s * Fair if wind N. W. | Fair & frosty if wind N. or N. E. " sf Sandi Os Rainy if 8. or S. W | Rain or snow if S. or S. W. a FIL. ....-syeereeeeeeee-ee | Fair and frosty. ri No y Mean ee oe oe aie’, to = Ge MANnuaAtL.] HOW TO USE THE BREEDERS’ TABLE. THE WORLD FAMOUS MARE MAUD S. HOW TO USE THE BREEDERS’ TABLE. The following table will show the period of gestation and incubation of the different animals and fowls com- mon on the farm. TABLE GIVING THE PERIODS OF GESTATION AND INCUBATION OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS AND FOWLS. PMcive steer ray stares st cic siere 48 weeks. IBitchiei e:.vers ec sexes 9 weeks. Bartrid sence = otelelaiere 24 days. Conyooeere sh Beee no OMe (Goose ne nies ola 30 days. Chicken yeast terrae pry BEM Cisrcrarsieieious ciekerste ole A pNuilcey- taylors eileboreis AS Pigeoneser. sete ctecrstele 18 osu (Gonecegheoouaunes 2} tea WMucksasicweyereraa stele 2 Sime G@ananyesrgevetset ccs ar 13: es Sou see bameeeebane TOs se eireasaniteerysreyere ere: ey, Peafowl,'<2.-srveistveesteie!3 28“ 1. Keeping Record.—In the back part of this work are found the forms of keeping the record of the pedigree, time of gestation, etc. 2. Value of Records.—Every stock owner should have some system and record of his stock. It takes but a moment, and sometimes may be found of great value. 3. Instructions.—First refer to the month in the ‘“ Breeder’s Table ;” then under the name of the animal find the date opposite of the time of breeding and you will have the expected time. 4. Bxamples.—lIf a mare is bred April 19th, the expected time is March 19th. (See Table.) Ifa cow is bred April 26th, the expected time is January 26th. Ifa ewe is bred June 26th, the expected time is Novembet 27th. Ifa sow is bred August 9th, the expected time is November 28th. ‘These examples will all be found in the table, and no mistake ean be made if the tables are properly eonsulted. 214 = THE CELEBRATED BREEDING TA JANUARY. FEBRUARY. MARCH. JAN. |Horses | Cattle | Sheep | Hogs | FEB. |Horses| Cattle | Sheep | Hogs | MAR. |Horses| Cattle Sheep | Hogs ee 1 |Dec.1 |Oct.1 |Juneq |Ap. 23 1 |Jan.1 |Nov.I jJuly 5 |May 24 I |Feb. I /Dec.1 |Aug2 |June 21 2 2 2 5 24 2 2 2 6 25 2 2 2 3 22 3 3 3 6 25 3 3 3 7 26 3 3 3 4 23 4 4 4 7 26 4 4 4 8 27 4 4 a 5 24 5 5 5 So 27 tees 5 5 9/ 287 5 5 5 Ft Nes 6 6 6 9 28 6 6 6 10 2 6 6 6 7 26 7 7 7 10 | 29 7 7 7 EL CRs Bale eee Find the month and day in left hand column and trace to the right until reaching the figures in the column of the name io of the stock whose expected time ts desired, and that will be the expected period. , APRIL. JUNE. APRIL |Horses | Cattle | Sheep | Hogs | MAY |Horses| Cattle JUNE |Horses | Cattle | Sheep | Hogs i I |Mar,1I |Jan. I }Sep.2 July 22 I jApr. I |Feb. 1 |Oct.2 |Aug. 21 I |May I |Mar.I |Nov 2 [Sept. 21 2 2 2 B 23 2 2 2 3 22 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 24 3 3 3 Ay 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 25 4 4 4 5 a4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 26 5 5 5 6 25 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 27 6 6 6 7 26 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 28 7 7 7 8 2 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 29 8 8 8 9 28 8 8 8 9 2) 9 9 10 30 9 9 9 EO 29 9 9 9 io) 10 10 10 II 31 10 10 10 II 30 10 10 TO Sogeerer II II II 12 |Aug. I II II II 12 3I II II II 12 |Oct. I 12 12 12 13 2 12 12 12 13 /Sep. I 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 I4 3 13 13 13 oat 2 13 13 13 a, 14 14. 14 15 4] 14 14 14 15 3] 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 5 15 15 15 16 4 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 6 16 16 16 17 5 17 17 17 18 7 17 17 17 18 6 18 18 18 19 8 18 18 18 19 7 19 19 19 20 9 19 19 19 20 8 2 20 20 20 21 IO 20 20 20 21 9 20 20 20 2I 2I 21 21 22 II 2I 21 21 22 21 21 2I 22 22 22 22 23 12 22 22 22 23 22 22 22 23 2 2 23 24 13 23 23 23 24 23 23 23 2a 24 2 24 25 14 24 24 24 25 24 24 24 25 25 2 25 26 15 25 25 25 26 25 2 2 26 26 26 26 27 16 26 26 26} 27 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 17 2 27 27 28 27 2 27 28 28 28 28 29 18 28 28 28 2 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 19 29 29 |Mar. I 30 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 \Oct.1 20 30 30 2 31 30 30 30 |Dec.1 *2~\Geed “ae JULY. CELEBRATED 215 AUGUST. Hogs | SEPT. |Horses | Cattle BREEDING TABLES. JULY |Horses| Cattle | Sheep | Hogs | AUG. |Horses| Cattle | Sheep I June I |Apr. I | Dec.2 | Oct. 20 I July I |May I | Jan. 2 2 2 2 3 21 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 22 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 23 4 4 4 5 5 5) 6 24 5 5 =) 6 6 6 7 25 6 6 6 i U 7 8 26 7 7 7 8 rs) 8 9 27 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 28 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 II 29 IO 10 10 II II II rT 12 30 II II HT 12 12 12 12 13) 21 12 12 12 13 13 13 | 14 |Nov. I 13 13 13 14 I4 I4 I4 15 2 I4 I4 14 15 15 15 15 16 3 15 15 T5 16 16 16 16 17 4 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 5 7 17 17 18 18 Ig 19 6 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 2 7 19 19 19 2 20 20 20 21 8 20 20 20 2 21 21 21 22 9 2I 21 21 2 22 22 22 23 IO 22 22 22 2 23 23 23 24 II 23 23 23 2 24 24 24 25 12 24 24 24 2 25 25 25 26 13 25 25 25 2 26 26 26 27 I4 26 26 26 2 27 2 27 28 15 27 27 27 2 28 28 28 29 16 28 28 28 2 29 29 29 30 17 29 29 29 3 30 30 30 31 18 30 30 30 3 31 |July 1 |May tI |Jan.1 19 31 31 31 |Feb, EXAMPLE :—Ifa Mare is bred May 12, the expected time ts April 12, eleven months. Lf Hogs are bred May 10, the expected time is Aug.30. If Cattle are bred May 20, the expected time is March r. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. PY NNN OO OI AUNLW NO = OO ON AuULWN H SONNNHDN DN bt 4 4 ol to AnBWwWN AnfWwWb =O Aunt wn HHH ROR HOW OW OMNI DN fWwW HH OW Wr] H 0 oni WNN NN NH HNN DNDN LN H HH OW ON foe n a | INTEREST TABLES. 221 $1 .00| .00 aie aes | Le | g : | 2 Days| .00| .00 JD ICO) PIED | eH ee aa pene $20 $30 $40 |$50 $60 1§ 70 8 pis .00| .00} .c0| .00} .co .00| .00|$.00|$.01 | $.o1 $80(890|$100/31000 4 00 556 ee ‘00 | or | .or| .or Bf cor} .o1 | or} .02 ae $.01 | $.02 |] $.02| $.02| $.0 Saal 4 ‘00 | .00 | -00 oO Sea ks) ELH Coy oe cor] .02| -03] .03 -03} -03)) -04) .04 Be $ .03 | $.28 6 .09} .00| -or ae .o1| .o1} .o1 | .or ee .O1}| .02] .03 ace oe .05 | .06| .07 a .06 56 u -00 | .00| .OI ot ee Pe ‘ot | .o1| .02 es -03} .04] .06 "07 pee .08 | .09 to ce .83 :00]/. or .or| .ot| or} 02} . : -03| .0 ; . s1)| << . 1.11 9 ea ie ot -OI| .O1} .O1| .02 Be et ~73 2.25 fies ce [OO -OF fat| ex cz |)_c2 0208 | 03 | 103 .06| .0g| .12 14, | est7i | ot eee foe -25 | 2.50 .o1| .of| .02| .02] .02| . 5)}} 28}]) le) ole -12| .15|] .18] .21) .2 z -2 2.7 16 * Oo} .OL} .oI = 02] .03| .0 Vi\|e cule) 13 16 .24| .27 2 5 ee) fore) O02] .02]| .02| .O -03} -03] .07 II stag 20} .2 26 / =30 3.00 Migs, 186 OI] .OI| .02] .02 3] .03] .03} .04 8 . 14 18 21 A «2 2 32 s Z, 18 « OO} .OI| .o1 | .02 2] .02] .03] .03| .04] .O 0 Sigel) ents |) Lavo] ae P25 (Greil eae 35 3-2 —_ 19 «“ eal on teeteleee = .03 | .03| .03] .04 oe eal ure! 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"75 | 67.50 31.72] 811.90] 1.80] 2.70 23 4-13] 4-95 578 6.60 SEANCES SOA FE Bod 3.601 4.501 5.40|6.30| 7.20 Z = ee 82.50 Sra : go.00 222 INTEREST TABLES. [THE FARMERS’ _ TIME. | $1 /$2 | $3 |$4 [$5 | $6 |$7 |$5 |$9 | $10 |$20 $30 $40/850 $60 |$ 70 |$ 80 |$20 | $100| $1000 1 Day | .00] .00] .00]} .00} .00} .00| .00| .00| .00|$.00 $.00|$.01|$.01 | $.01 | $.01 | $.02| $.02|$.02|$ .02 $.22 | 2 Days} .00] .00] .c0] .00| .00] .00} .00} .00] .09/ .00} OL] .o1}] .02; .02] .03] .03] .04] .04] .04 44 63g .00] .00| .00] .00|] .00] .00] .00| .of] .or] .or}| .or}] .02] .03] .03] .04] .05] .05] .06 .O7 -67 3 4 .00] .00| .00] .00] .o0] .or} .o1| .or].o1] .or} .02} .03] -04] .04] .05] .06] .07| .08| .0o9 .89 = @ 3 .00| .00| -00| .00} .or| .o1| .o1| .o1}| .or| .o1] .02] .03|] .04] -06] -07| .08] .09g] .I0 Ai Gt Teun A, Gunes 200;|)00'|--001|,01,) OL v.00 | sO! font On |.On 2203) 04) | OD)| 87) |e wOolles OO) |b Lill meee 13 13 ea (fy 9D .09] .00| .00] .ol | .or] .or} .o1| .or] .o1| .02] .03] .05] -06] .o8/ .og| .IT| .12) .14 -16 1.5 Shes £001|/.00)|' sO1:|| OF], .O1 |. |, OL |-- O11 |) 02! |, 02!) 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BGs | olen eae te ieale coleasa ene Ber lgcdlustcauleareanl 1.67 | 2.08 | 2.50 es 3 3.00| 3.38] 3.75 33-33 sc83 ee 2.75 ae ae 3-75| 4.17 He 5-00 50.00 1 PICKING COTTON. HOW TO USE THE COTTON SELLERS’ TABLE. The price per pound and per hundred weight is always at the top of the page. For example, 3 1-16 cents or 3.061% means 3 1-16 cents a pound or $3.0614 a hundred pounds; 3 1-20 cents or $3.05 means 3 I-20 cents a pound, or $3.05 a hundred pounds. The first column, and every succeeding column in black faced type, represents the number of pounds; the second column the amount in dollars and cents at the price given at the top of each section of page. EXAMPLE:—What will 449 pounds of cotton bring at 3 1-16 cents per pound? SOLUTION:—Find the 449 in the column of pounds under the price of 3 1-16 cents and opposite in the next column you will find $13.75, the answer. In the tables of this book calculations are made in 16ths and 2oths. It might be convenient at times to know the answer in 32ds and goths. In table No. 1 below we give the value of any bale of cotton at 1-32 of acent. In table No. 2 we give the value of any bale of cotton at 1-40 of a cent, or at 2% points. Tas ie No. 1.—EsTIMATES FOR 1-32. Tas Le No. 2.—ESTIMATES FOR I-40 OR 2% POINTS, From 300 pounds to 304 pounds......:....... 9 cents|From ... pounds to 300 pounds.............. 7 cents From 305 pounds to 336 pounds............. .10 cents| From 301 pounds to 340 pounds............. . 8 cents From 337 pounds to 368 pounds.............. ir cents} From 341 pounds to 380 pounds.............. 9 cents From 369 pounds to goo pounds.............. 12 cents|From 381 pounds to 420 pounds.............. to cents From 4o1 pounds to 432 pounds.......... ....13 cents] From 421 pounds to 460 pounds.............. It Centsiam From 433 pounds to 464 pounds...... Be arta .14 cents| From 461 pounds to 500 pounds........ oo. 22 CONTRI From 465 pounds to 496 pounds.............. 15 cents|From 501 pounds to 540 pounds.............. 13 cents From 497 pounds to 528 pounds.............. 14 cents} From 541 pounds to 580 pounds..............14 cents From 529 pounds to 560 pounds.......... ....17 cents} From 581 pounds to 620 pounds..... open ve soe Dh CERIEEE From 561 pounds to 592 pounds....... .......18 cents| From 621 pounds to 660 pounds..............16 cents From 593 pounds to 624 pounds..............19 cents| From 661 pounds to 699 pounds.........++++-17 cents — From 625 pounds to 656 pounds...... Uetelen ts ZONCETMES g From 657 pounds to 688 pounds........ Hieie2 PACOMES From 689 pounds to 699 pounds,.,,..........22 cents [224] 350310 50 351 10 53 352 10 56 353 10 59 354 10 62 355 10 65 356 10 68 357 10 71 358 10 74 359 10 77 360 10 80 409 12 366 10 98 1/367 11 O1 4/368 11 04 7/369 11 07 0/370 11 10 3/371 11 13 6/372 11 16 4 4 5 5 419 12 S 9 6 6 . 373 11 19 ft 7 8 8 8 9 9 eo J o 2/374 11 22 5/375 11 25 8/376 11 28 1\877 11 31 41378 11 34 7/379 11 37 0/380 11 40 3/381 11 43 ate 49 334 10 02/384 11 52 335 10 05/385 11 55 336 10 08/386 11 58 _ 837 10 11/387 11 61 — 338 10 14/388 11 64 339 10 17/389 11 67 340 10 20/390 11 70 341 «10 23/391 11 73 | 342 10 26)392 11 76 343 10 29/393 11 79 _ $44 10 32/394 11 82 345 10 35/395 11 85 346 10 38/396 11 88 347 10 41/397 11 91 848 10 44/398 11 94 349 10 47/399 11 97 eo ne o i] oe o DOOOOODOHSOOOGOOOOGOOOOOOOwO 442 13 443 13 410 12 30 361 10 83/411 12 33 362 10 86/412 12 36 363 10 89/413 12 39 364 10 92/414 12 42 365 10 95/415 12 45 416 12 48 452 13 56/502 15 06 453 13 59/503 15 09 454 13 62/504 15 12 455 13 65/505 15 456 13 68/506 15 457 13 71/507 15 417 12 51 418 12 54/468 14 57/469 14 0 429 12 60/470 14 10/520 15 60 421 12 63/471 14 13/521 15 63 422 12 66/472 14 16/522 15 66 423 12 69/473 14 19/523 15 69 424 12 72/474 14 22/524 15 72 425 12 75/475 14 25/525 15 75 426 12 78/476 14 28/526 15 78 427 12 81/477 14 31/527 15 81 428 12 841478 14 34 429 12 87/479 14 37 430 12 90\480 14 40 431 12 93/481 14 43 432 12 96/482 14 46 433 12 99/483 14 49 434 13 02\484 14 52 435 13 05/485 14 55 436 13 08 437 13 11 438 13 14 439 13 17 440 13 20 441 13 23 444 13 32 445 13 35 446 13 38 447 13 41 448 13 44 449 13 47 oO0o0oO 00000 DEE DUWORAWO Re COT OT OT OTT OT OT aqaanaaaaaac 467 14 15 57 COnaohwon—o 528 15 84 529 15 87 530 15 531 15 532 15 533 15 534 16 535 16 536 16 537 16 538 16 539 16 540 16 541 16 542 16 543 16 93 486 14 58 487 14 61 488 14 64 489 14 67 490 14 70 491 14 73 492 14 76 493 14 79 494 14 82 495 14 85 496 14 88 497 14 91 498 14 94 499 14 97 11 3/561 16 5/562 16 9/563 16 2/564 16 5/565 16 8)566 16 90 96 99 02 05 08 14 17 20 23 26 29 544 16 32 545 16 35) 546 16 38 547 16 41 548 16 44 549 16 47 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at 3:4 or $3.06. 550316 50 551 16 53 §52 16 56 553 16 59 554 16 62 555 16 65 556 16 68 557 16 71 558 16 74 559 16 77 560 16 80 83 86 89 92 95 98 Ol 04 567 17 568 17 569 17 570 17 571 17 572 17 573 17 574 17 22 575 17 & 576 1 577 578 579 PIII ANI ao oo ne ee eel ceed peel cell ee ee ee el ed ‘597 17 (598 17 94 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 3c or $3.00. 400312 00/450313 50/500315 00 401 12 03/451 13 53/501 15 03 402 12 06 403 12 09 404 12 12 405 12 15 406 12 18 407 12 21 408 12 24 600318 00) 601 18 03 602 18 06) 603 18 09 604 18 12 15 18) 21 24) 60 63 66 69 8 72 75 78 8 81 8 84 8 87 3 90 3 93} 96 8 99 9 02 9 08 9 11] 14) 17 20 643 19 2/644 19 32 5/645 19 35 646 19 38 647 19 41 648 19 44 599 17 97 649 19 47 From 300 to 699 lbs at 3:.¢c. or $3.05. 3008 9 15 | 918 350310 67 351 10 71 352 10 74 353 10 77 354 10 80 355 10 83 356 10 86 357 10 89 358 10 92 359 10 95 360 10 98 361 11 01 362 11 04 363 11 07 364 11 10 365 11 13 366 11 16 367 11 19 368 11 22 369 11 25 370 11 28 371 11 32 372 11 35 373 11 38 374 11 41 1/375 11 44 4/376 11 47 400812 401 12 402 12 403 12 404 12 405 12 406 12 407 12 408 12 409 12 410 12 411 12 412 12 413 12 414 12 415 12 416 12 417 12 418 12 419 12 420 12 421 12 422 12 423 12 424 12 425 12 426 12 427 13 428 13 429 13 430 13 9 42 DIAAD COTO HE DBNAWOBWOVWEHwWowon WOOOODOOOOOOODOOODOOOSD OO OM M-3-2-2 329 10 03/379 11 56 330 10 06/380 11 59 331 10 10/381 11 62 $32 10 13/382 11 65 333 10 16/383 11 68 (1495 15 10 450313 72 451 13 76 452 13 79 453 13 82 454 13 85 455 13 88 456 13 91 457 13 94 458 13 97 459 14 00 460 14 03 461 14 06 462 14 09 463 14 12 464 14 15 465 1418 466 14 21 467 14 24 468 14 27 469 14 30 470 14 33 471 14 37 472 14 40 473 14 43 474 14 46 475 14 49 476 14 52 477 14 55 51 52 55 Orororor er otro 5 80 5/478 14 58/528 16 10 479 14 61 480 14 64 481 14 67 482 i4 70 483 14 73 484 14 76 485 14 79 486 14 82 487 14 85 488 14 88 489 14 91 490 14 94 491 14 98 492 15 01 493 15 04 494 15 07 531 16 20 532 16 23 533 16 26 534 16 29 535 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650319 50 651 19 53 652 19 56 653 19 59 654 19 62 655 19 65 656 19 68 19 71 19 197 19 19 &§ 19 19 19 ¢ 19 19 9 20 01 668 20 04 669 20 07 670 20 10 671 20 13 672 20 16 673 20 19 674 20 22 675 20 25 676 20 28 677 20 678 20 679 20 680 20 681 20 682 20 658 660 667 684 20 9 05/685 20 55 686 20 58 687 20 61 688 20 64 689 20 67 690 20 70 ¢ 23/691 20 73 26/692 20 76 29\693 20 79 694 20 82 695 20 85 696 20 88 697 20 91 698 20 94 699 20 97 1550316 77/600818 30/650819 82 551 16 81.601 18 33/651 19 86 552 16 84/602 18 36652 19 89 603 18 39/653 19 92 604 18 42/654 19 95 81669 20 40 670 20 43 671 20 47 672 20 50 673 20 53 3/674 20 56 675 20 59 676 20 62 677 20 65 678 20 68 679 20 71 680 20 74 681 20 77 682 20 80 683 20 83 684 20 86 685 20 89 686 20 92 687 20 95 688 20 98 [689 21 01 690 21 04 691 21 08 692 21 11 698 21 29 649 19 79 699 21 32 3003 9 19 301 9 22 302 9 25 303 28 304 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 WCOOODOOOOOOOOO WCC COCO COKOK COnDOahon— CoCo Co oO NmMNrer On-o 10 10 10 10 10 26 10 29 10 32 10 35 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From 300 to 699 lbs. at 3s:c. or $3.1834 . 62 66 550517 19 551 17 600318 75 18 78 18 81 18 84 18 87 18 91 18 94 18 97 19 00 19 03 9 06 9 09 Fe pp pp pp Qed 9 3 2 FB 2 2-2-2 2-2 DRAIN IAA 1/588 589 590 59! 592 593 594 3/595 06)596 09/597 18 66 12/598 18 69/648 20 2 16)599 18 72/649 20 28 at 3:0e. or $3.15. 550317 32/600318 90 551 17 36601 18 93 552 17 39/602 18 96 553 17 42/603 18 99 554 17 45/604 19 03 555 17 48/605 19 06 556 17 51/606 19 09 657 17 55/607 19 12 558 17 58/608 19 15 559 17 61/609 19 18 560 17 64|610 19 21 561 17 67/611 19 25 562 17 70/612 19 28 563 17 73/613 19 31 564 17 77/614 19 34 565 17 80/615 19 37 566 17 83/616 19 567 17 86|617 19 568 17 89/618 19 569 17 92|619 19 ¢ 570 17 95/620 19 53 571 17 99/621 19 56 572 18 02/622 19 59 573 18 05/623 19 51/574 18 08/624 19 54/575 18 11/625 19 57/576 18 14/626 19 60|577 18 18)627 19 63/578 18 21/628 19 66/579 18 24/629 19 69/580 18 27/630 19 731/581 18 631 19 76|582 18 33/632 19 79/583 18 82/584 18 85/585 18 88/586 18 92/587 18 95/588 18 52 98/589 18 01/590 18 O4 591 18.6 9/645 * 21646 20 19 647 20 22 75 78 81 84 88 91 94 97 00 03 06 10 13 16 19 WwWwmwwne Or © Oreo ww no Pip ee 47 14/594 18 71 17/595 18 74 20/596 18 77 23/597 18 81 26/598 18 84/648 20 41 29)599 18 87|649 20 44 650520 31 651 3695 696 697 5/698 699 20 34 37 03 06 09 12 16 19 22 25 28 21 72 21°75 21 78 21 81 21 84 6505820 47 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 699 2 20 51 20 54 20 57 20 60 20 63 20 66 20 70 20 73 20 76 20 79 20 82 20 85 26 29 33 21 36 39 42 21 45 48 51 55 58 21 61 64 67 21 70 73 tik 80 83 86 89 92 96 99 29 02 3003 9 56] 301 302 350311 9 59/351 11 33/352 3/353 354 355 356 9/357 2/358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 3372 373 3/374 36/375 39/376 377 5/378 379 380 310 WW WOH SCHOrnooahRon— 343 10 93 344 10 96 345 11 00 346 11 03 347 11 06 348 11 09 349 11 12 ep pp WNWNWNWWWWWNVNWWUWWWWUWUVVWWWWI 350511 3/351 11 352 11 353 11 43/376 12 46|377 12 328 10 50 oaae Li 329 105 330 105 12 331 105 a 332 10 62/382 1: 333 10 66/383 1: 334 10 69 384 1: 335 10 72/385 12 336 10 75 386 12 3 337 10 78/387 12 IWWwWWwWWwWWWW 338 10 82/388 12 42/438 14 02/488 15 339 10 85/389 12 340 10 88/390 12 341 10 91/391 12 342 10 94/392 12 343 10 98/393 12 344 11 01/394 12 345 11 04/395 12 16 19 22 25\403 28 32 35 20 23 26 30 33 36 39 42 46 49 52 55 58 62 401 402 403 405 406 407 408 409 410 4il 412 413 65/414 68/415 T1416 T4417 78/418 81/419 13 41/469 15 01/519 16 84/420 13 44/470 15 04/520 16 71421 13 47/471 15 07/521 16 9014.22 94/423 97/424 2 00/425 03/426 06)427 10/428 13/429 16/430 19/431 221432 26/433 291434 321435 35/436 33/437 45/439 48/440 51/441 54/442 58/443 611448 64/445 400312 448 14 2/449 14 31 /400312 80 404 12 93 75/450314 34 451 14 38 452 14 41 453 14 44 454 14 47 455 14 50 456 14 457 14! 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Cotton SELLERS TABLE. 3008 9 75|350311 37\400513 00 301 9 78/351 11 41 9 81/352 11 44\402 9 85/353 11 403 354 11 50/404 355 11 54/405 356 11 57|406 357 11 60\407 358 11 63\408 359 11 67|409 360 11 70/410 361 11 73/411 362 11 76/412 363 11 80/413 364 11 83/414 365 11 86/415 366 11 89/416 30 367 11 93/417 33/368 11 96/418 37/369 11 99/419 40/370 12 02/420 43/371 12 06/421 46/372 12 09/422 50/373 12 12/423 53/374 12 15/424 56/375 12 19/425 59/376 12 22/426 63]377 12 25/427 66/378 12 2 69/379 12 72/380 12 76/381 12 5|452 14 69 9/456 3/457 3/458 29/459 2/460 3/461 9/462 2/463 1 5|464 9/465 2|466 5/467 450314 62 451 14 66/501 16 453 454 455 14 79/382 12 82/383 12 85/384 12 89/385 12 92/386 12 95/387 12 98/388 12 02/389 12 05/390 12 08/391 12 71 11/392 12 74 15/393 12 77 18/394 12 80 345 11 21/395 12 84 346 11 24/396 12 87 347 11 28/397 12 90 348 11 31/398 12 93 349 11 34399 12 97 4Q7 14 53 448 14 56 449 14 59 Fr 350311 55/400313 20 351 11 58/401 13 23 352 11 62/402 13 27 353 11 65/403 13 30 354 11 68/404 13 33 355 11 71/405 13 36 356 11 75/406 13 40 357 11 78/407 13 43 358 11 81/408 13 46 359 11 85/409 13 50 360 11 88/410 13 53 361 11 91/411 13 56 0 30/362 11 95/412 13 60 0 33/363 11 98)/413 13 63 0 36/364 12 01/414 13 66 39/365 12 04/415 13 69 43/366 12 08/416 13 73 46/367 12 11/417 13 76 49/368 12 141418 13 79 369 12 18/419 13 83 370 12 21/420 13 86 371 12 24/421 13 89 372 12 28/422 13 93 373 12 31/423 13 96 374 12 34/424 13 99 375 12 37/425 14 02 376 12 41 06 377 12 44 09 378 12 47 12 16 19 99 a 3003 9 90 301 9 93 302 997 303 10 00 304 10 03 305 10 06 306 10 10 307 10 13 308 10 16 309 10 20 i) o me oo ww Dow Go Go Co C0 G9 CO GO GI el ete tes at cet COnAnarwry= a ed ee oooo o uo wo 26 29 32 35 39 42 45 335 11 05/385 336 11 09/386 12 14 337 11 12/387 12 77|437 14 338 11 15/388 12 80/438 14 339 11 19/389 12 84/439 14 49 340 11 22/390 12 87/440 14 52 341 11 25/391 12 90/441 14 55 342 11 29/392 12 9 145 343 11 32/393 12 344 11 35/394 13 345 11 38/395 13 346 11 42/396 13 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34/664 21 99 315 10 43/365 1: 3 15 40/515 17 06/565 20 37\665 22 03 316 10 47/366 1: 3 15 44/516 17 09/566 20 40/666 22 06 317 10 50/367 12 3 15 47/517 17 13/567 20 44/667 22 09 318 10 53/368 1: 3 15 50/518 17 16/568 20 47/668 22 13 319 10 57|369 1: 3 15 54/519 17 19/569 20 50/669 22 16 320 10 60/370 1: 3° 15 57|520 17 22/570 20 54/670 22 19 321 10 63/371 1: 3S 15 60/521 17 26/571 20 57/671 22 23 322 10 67|372 1: 3 ¢ 15 63/522 17 29/572 20 60/672 22 26 323 10 70)373 1: 4 15 67/523 17 32/573 20 64/673 22 29 324 10 73|374 1: 15 70/524 17 36/574 624 20 67/674 22 33 325 10 77/375 12 15 73/525 17 39/575 20 70/675 22 36 326 10 80/376 1: 15 77/526 17 42/576 20 74/676 22 39 327 10 83/377 15 15 80/527 17 46/577 20 77\677 22 43 328 10 86/378 1: 15 83/528 17 491578 20 80/678 22 46 329 10 90/379 1: 15 87/529 17 52/579 20 84/679 22 49 330 10 93/380 1: 15 90/530 17 56/580 20 87/680 22 52 331 10 96/381 12 62/431 15 93/531 17 59/581 20 90/681 22 56 332 11 00/382 12 65/432 14 15 97/532 17 62/582 20 93/682 22 59 333 11 03/383 12 69/433 14 16 00/533 17 66/583 20 97/683 22 62 334 11 06/384 12 72/434 14 38/484 16 03/534 17 69/584 634 21 00/684 22 66 335 11 10/385 12 75)435 14 41 16 07|535 17 72|585 21 03/685 22 69 336 11 13/386 12 79/436 14 44 16 10/536 17 75/586 21 07/686 22 72 337 11 16|387 12 82/437 14 48 16 13/537 17 79/587 21 10/687 22 76 338 11 20/388 12 85|438 14 51 16 16/538 17 82/588 21 13/688 22 79 339 11 23/389 12 89/439 14 54 16 20/539 17 85/589 21 17/689 22 82 340 11 26/390 12 92/440 14 57 16 23/540 17 89|590 21 20/690 22 86 341 11 30/391 12 95/441 14 61 16 26/541 17 92/591 21 23/691 22 89 342 11 33/392 12 98/442 14 64 16 30/542 17 95/592 21 27/692 22 92 343 11 36/393 13 02/443 14 67 16 33/543 17 99|593 21 30/693 22 96 344 11 39/394 13 05\444 14 16 36/544 18 02/594 \644 21 33/694 22 99 345 11 43/395 13 08/445 14 74 16 40/545 18 05/595 645 21 37/695 23 02 346 11 46/396 13 12)446 14 77 16 43/546 18 09/596 646 21 40/696 23 05 347 11 49/397 13 15/447 14 81 16 46/547 18 12/597 647 21 43/697 23 09 348 11 53/398 13 18/448 14 84/498 16 50/548 18 15/598 19 81/648 21 46/698 23 12 349 11 56/399 13 22/449 14 87/499 16 53|549 18 19/599 19 84\649 21 50/699 23 15 From 300 to 699 lbs at 3%. or $3.35. 300310 05/350311 72/400813 40450315 07/500816 75/550318 42/600820 10|650321 77 301 10 08/351 11 76/401 13 43/451 15 11/501 16 78/551 18 46/601 20 13/651 21 81 302 10 12/352 11 79/402 13 47\452 15 14/502 16 82/552 18 49/602 20 17/652 21 84 303 10 15/353 11 83/403 13 50/453 15 18/503 16 85/553 18 531603 20 20/653 21 88 304 10 18/354 11 86/404 13 53/454 15 21/504 16 88/554 18 56\604 20 23/654 21 91 305 10 22/355 11 89/405 13 57/455 15 24/505 16 92/555 18 59/605 20 27|655 21 94 306 10 25/356 11 93/406 13 60/456 15 28/506 16 95/556 18 63.606 20 30/656 21 98 307 10 28/357 11 96/407 13 63/457 15 31/507 16 98/557 18 66\607 20 33/657 22 01 308 10 32/358 11 99/408 13 67/458 15 34/508 17 02/558 18 69/608 20 37/658 22 04 309 10 35/359 12 03/409 13 70/459 15 38/509 17 05/559 18 73/609 20 40/659 22 08 310 10 38/360 12 06/410 13 73/460 15 41/510 17 08|560 18 76/610 20 43/660 22 11 311 10 42/361 12 O9/411 13 77/461 15 44/511 17 12/561 18 T9/6II 20 47/661 22 14 312 10 45/362 12 13/412 13 80/462 15 48/512 17 15/562 18 83/612 20 50/662 22 18 313 10 49/363 12 16/413 13 84/463 15 51/513 17 19/563 18 86/613 20 54\663 22 21 314 10 52/364 12 19/414 13 87/464 15 54/514 17 22/564 18 89/614 20 57/664 22 24 315 10 55/365 12 23/415 13 90/465 15 58/515 17 25/565 18 93/615 20 60\665 22 28 316 10 59/366 12 26/416 13 94/466 15 61/516 17 29/566 18 96\616 20 64|666 22 31 317 10 62\367 12 29/417 13 97/467 15 64/517 17 32/567 18 99/617 20 67/667 22 34 318 10 65/368 12 33/418 14 00/468 15 68/518 17 35/568 19 03/618 20 70\668 22 38 319 10 69/369 12 36/419 14 04/469 15 71/519 17 39/569 19 06/619 20 74/669 22 41 320 10 72/370 12 39\420 14 07/470 15 74/520 17 42/570 19 09/620 20 77/670 22 44 321 10 75/371 12 43/421 14 10/471 15 78/521 17 45/571 19 13)621 20 80/671 22 48 322 10 79/372 12 46/422 14 14/472 15 81/522 17 49/572 19 16/622 20 84/672 22 51 323 10 82/373 12 50/423 14 17/473 15 85/523 17 52/573 19 20/623 20 87/673 22 55 324 10 85/374 12 53/424 14 20/474 15 88/524 17 55|574 19 23/624 20 90/674 22 58 325 10 89/375 12 56/425 14 24/475 15 91/525 17 59/575 19 26/625 20 94/675 22 61 326 10 92/376 12 60/426 14 27/476 15 95/526 17 62/576 19 30/626 20 97|676 22 65 327 10 95|377 12 63/427 14 30/477 15 98/527 17 65/577 19 33/627 21 00\677 22 68 328 10 99/378 12 66/428 14 34/478 16 01/528 17 69/578 19 36/628 21 04/678 22 71 329 11 02/379 12 70 429 14 37/479 16 05/529 17 72/579 19 40/629 21 O7|679 22 75 330 11 05/380 12 73/480 14 40/480 16 08/530 17 75|580 19 43/630 21 10/680 2 oe a 331 11 09/381 12 76/431 14 44/481 16 11/531 17 79|581 19 46/631 21 14/681 2 332 11 12/382 12 80/432 14 47/482 16 15/532 17 82/582 19 50/632 21 17/682 35 333 11 16/383 12 83/433 14 51/483 16 18/533 17 86/583 19 53/633 21 21/683 22 88 334 11 19/384 12 86/434 14 54/484 16 21/534 17 89/584 19 56/634 21 24/684 22 91 335 11 22/385 12 90/435 14 57/485 16 25/535 17 92/585 19 60/635 21 27|\685 22 95 336 11 26/386 12 93/436 14 61/486 16 28/536 17 96/586 19 63/636 21 31/686 22 98 337 11 29|887 12 96/437 14 64/487 16 31/537 17 99/587 19 66/637 21 34/687 23 O01 338 11 32/388 13 00/438 14 67/488 16 35/538 18 02/588 19 70/638 21 37/688 23 05 339 11 36/389 13 03/439 14 71/489 16 38/539 18 06/589 19 73/639 21 41/689 23 08 340 11 39/390 13 06/440 14 74/490 16 41/540 18 09/590 19 76/640 21 44/690 23 11 341 11 42/391 13 10\441 14 77\491 16 45/541 18 12/591 19 80/641 21 47\/691 23 15 342 11 46/392 13 13/442 14 81/492 16 48/542 18 16/592 19 83/642 21 51/692 23 18 343 11 49/393 13 17/443 14 84/493 16 52/543 18 19/593 19 87/643 21 54/693 23 22 344 11 52/394 13 20/444 14 87/494 16 55/544 18 22/594 19 90/644 21 57/694 23 25 345 11 56/395 13 23/445 14 91/495 16 58/545 18 26/595 19 93/645 21 61/695 23 28 346 11 59/396 13 27/446 14 94/496 16 62/546 18 29/596 19 97/646 21 64/696 23 32. 347 11 62/397 13 30/447 14 97/497 16 65/547 18 32/597 20 00/647 21 67/697 23 35 348 11 66/398 13 33/448 15 01/498 16 68/548 18 36/598 20 03/648 21 71/698 23 38 349 11 69/399 13 37/449 15 04/499 16 72549 18 39|599 20 07/649 21 74/699 23 42 228 COTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 ey at 3ic or $3.37%. From 300 to 699 lbs. at 3icc. or $3.433/. ee OES EE Re SS BE ORE Oe UDA E SOC COs eee 300310 12|350811 81/400813 50/450 15 19500 16 87550 18 56/600 20 25/650 21 94 | 300310 31/350812 03|400813 75/450815 47/500317 19/55018 91/600320 62650322 34 301 10 16351 11 85401 13 53/451 15 22.501 16 91/551 18 GO\601 20 281651 21 97 | 301 10 35/351 12 07/401 13 T8I481 15 50/801 17 221661 18 94 601 20 66.651 22 38 302 10 19/352 11 88/402 13 57|452 15 25/502 16 94/552 18 63/602 20 32/652 22 00 | 302 10 38/352 12 10/402 13 82|452 15 54|502 17 26|552 18 97\602 20 Golgs2 2> 41 303 10 23/353 11 91/403 13 60/453 15 29/503 16 98/553 18 66/603 20 35|653 22 04 | 303 10 42/353 12 13/403 13 85/453 15 57/503 17 29/553 19 01/603 20 73/653 22 45 304 10 26|354 11 95/404 13 63/454 15 : 554 18 70/604 20 38/654 22 07 | 304 10 45/354 12 17\404 13 89/454 15 61/504 17 32|554 19 04/604 20 76.654 22 48 305 10 29/355 11 98\405 13 67/455 15 : 555 18 73/605 20 42/655 22 11 | 305 10 48/355 12 20/405 13 92/455 15 64/505 17 36/555 19 08|605 20 80/655 22 52 306 10 33/356 12 01/406 13 70|456 15 : 8/556 18 76/606 20 45/656 22 14 | 306 10 52/356 12 24/406 13 96/456 15 67/506 17 39/556 19 111606 20 83/656 22 55 307 10 36/357 12 05/407 13 74|457 15 557 18 80\607 20 49/657 22 17 | 307 10 55/357 12 27\407 13 99/457 15 71/507 17 43/557 19 15/607 20 87/657 22 58 308 10 39/358 12 08/408 13 77/458 15 558 18 83/608 20 52/658 22 21 | 308 10 59/358 12 31/408 14 02/458 15 74|508 17 46/558 19 18/608 20 90/658 22 62 309 10 43/359 12 12/409 13 80/459 15 559 18 87/609 20 55/659 22 24 | 309 10 62/359 12 34409 14 06/459 15 78/509 17 50/559 19 22/609 20 93/659 22 65 310 10 46/360 12 15/410 13 84/460 15 : 21/560 18 90610 20 59/660 22 27 | 310 10 66/360 12 37/410 14 09/460 15 81/510 17 53/560 19 25/610 20 97/660 22 69 311 10 50/361 12 18/411 13 87/461 15 56/511 17 25/561 18 93/611 20 62/661 22 31 | SIL 10 G9|S61 12 41/411 14 13/461 15 S5|5I1 17 57/561 19 28\611 21 OOlBGI 22 72 312 10 53/362 12 2: 3S 15 59/512 17 28/562 18 97/612 20 65/662 22 34 | 312 10 72/362 12 44]412 14 16/462 15 88/512 17 60/562 19 32\612 21 O4\e62 22 76 313 10 56/363 12 3° 15 63/513 563 19 00/613 20 69/663 22 38 | 313 10 76/363 12 48|413 14 20/463 15 92/513 17 63/563 19 35/613 21 O7l663 2 279 314 10 60/364 12 28/414 13 97/464 15 66/514 17 35/564 19 03/614 20 72/664 22 41 | 314 10 79/364 12 51/q14 14 23/464 15 95/514 17 67/564 19 39/614 21 11le64 22 315 10 63/365 12 32/415 14 01/465 15 69/515 17 38/565 19 07/615 20 76/665 22 44 | 315 10 831365 12 55/415 14 27/465 15 98|515 17 70/565 19 421615 21 14/665 22 36 316 10 66/366 12 35/416 14 04/466 15 73/516 17 41/566 19 101616 20 79|666 22 48 | 316 10 86366 12 58/416 14 30/466 16 02|516 17 74|566 19 46/616 21 171666 22 89. 317 10 70/367 12 39/417 14 07467 15 76/517 17 45/567 19 14/617 20 82/667 22 51 | 317 10 90/367 12 62lq17 14 33/467 16 05/517 17 77\567 19 491617 21 211667 22 93 318 10 73/368 12 42/418 14 11/468 15 79/518 17 48/568 19 17/618 20 86/668 22 54 | 318 10 93/368 12 65/418 14 37/468 16 09/518 17 81/568 19 52/618 21 24/668 22 96 319 10 77/369 12 45/419 14 14/469 15 83/519 17 52/569 19 20/619 20 89/669 22 58 | 319 10 97/369 12 68/419 14 40/469 16 12/519 17 84/569 19 56/619 21 281669 23 00 320 10 80|370 12 49/420 14 17/470 15 86|520 17 55/570 19 24/620 20 92/670 22 61 | 320 11 00/370 12 72\420 14 44/470 16 16|520 17 87/570 19 59/620 21 31/670 23 03 321 10 83/371 12 52/421 14 21/471 15 90/521 17 58/571 19 27/621 20 96/671 22 65 | 321 11 03/371 12 75/421 14 47/471 16 19/521 17 91/571 19 63/621 21 35\671 23 07 322 10 87/372 12 55|422 14 24/472 15 93/522 17 62/572 19 30\622 20 99/672 22 68 | 322 11 07/372 12 79422 14 51/472 16 22/522 17 94/572 19 66/622 21 381672 23 10 323 10 90/373 12 59/423 14 28|473 15 96/523 17 65/573 19 34623 21 03/673 22 71 | 323 11 10/373 12 82/423 14 54/473 16 26/523 17 98/573 19 70/693 21 421673 23 19 324 10 93/374 12 62/424 14 31/474 16 00|/524 17 68/574 19 37/624 21 06/674 22 75 | 324 11 14/374 12 86/424 14 57/474 16 29/524 18 01/574 19 73\624 21 451674 23 17 325 10 97/375 12 66/425 14 34/475 16 03/525 17 72/575 19 41\625 21 09/675 22 78 | 325 11 17/375 12 89/425 14 61/475 16 33/525 18 05/575 19 77/625 21 481675 23 20 326 11 00/376 12 69/426 14 38|476 16 06/526 17 75/576 19 44/626 21 13/676 22 81 | 326 11 21/376 12 92/426 14 64/476 16 36/526 18 08/576 19 80/626 21 521676 23 24 327 11 04/377 12 72/427 14 41/477 16 10|527 17 79/577 19 47/627 21 16/677 22 85 | 327 11 24/377 12 96/427 14 68/477 16 40|527 18 12/577 19 831627 21 55/677 23 27 328 11 07/378 12 76/428 14 44/478 16 13/528 17 82/578 19 51/628 21 19/678 22 88 | 328 11 27/378 12 99/428 14 71/478 16 43/528 18 15/578 19 87/628 21 59/678 23 31 329 11 10/379 12 79/429 14 48]479 16 17/529 17 85/579 19 54/629 21 23/679 22 92 | 329 11 31/379 13 03/429 14 75/479 16 47/529 18 18/579 19 90/629 21 621679 23 34 330 11 14/380 12 82/430 14 51/480 16 20/530 17 89/580 19 57/630 21 26/680 22 95 | 330 11 34/380 13 06/430 14 78/480 16 50/530 18 22/580 19 94\630 21 66/680 23 37 331 11 17/381 12 86/431 14 55/481 16 23/531 17 92/581 19 61/631 21 30/681 22 98 | 331 11 38/381 13 10/431 14 82/481 16 53/531 18 25/581 19 97/631 21 69lEgI 23 41 332 11 20/382 12 89/432 14 58/482 16 27/532 17 95/582 19 64/632 21 33/682 23 02 | 332 11 41/382 13 13/432 14 85/482 16 57/532 18 29/582 20 01/632 21 721689 23 44 333 11 24/383 12 93/433 14 61483 16 30/533 17 99/583 19 68/633 21 36/683 23 05 | 333 11 45/383 13 17/433 14 88/483 16 60/533 18 32/583 20 04/633 21 76l6g3 23 48 334 11 27/384 12 96/434 14 65/484 16 33/534 18 02/584 19 71/634 21 40/684 23 08 | 334 11 48/384 13 20|434 14 92/484 16 641534 18 36/584 20 07/634 21 79l6g4 23 51 335 11 31/385 12 99/435 14 68485 16 37/535 18 06/585 19 74/635 21 43/685 23 12 | 335 11 52/385 13 23/435 14 95/485 16 67/535 18 391585 20 11/635 21 83lgg5 23 55 336 11 34/386 13 03/436 14 71/486 16 40/536 18 09/586 19 78|636 21 46/686 23 15 | 336 11 55/386 13 27/436 14 99/486 16 71/536 18 421586 20 14/636 21 S86l6gG 23 58 337 11 37/387 13 06/437 14 75|487 16 44/537 18 12/587 19 81/637 21 50/687 2319 | 337 11 58/387 13 30/437 15 02/487 16 74/537 18 46|587 20 18/637 21 90|687 23 62 338 11 41/388 13 09/438 14 78/488 16 47/538 18 16|588 19 84/638 21 53/688 23 22 | 838 11 62/388 13 34/438 15 06/488 16 77/538 18 49/588 20 211638 21 93/688 23 65 339 11 44/389 13 13/439 14 82/489 16 50/539 18 19/589 19 88639 21 57/689 23 25 | 339 11 65/389 13 37/439 15 09/489 16 81/539 18 531589 20 25/639 21 a 689 23 68 340 11 47/390 13 16/440 14 85|490 16 54/540 18 22/590 19 91/640 21 60/690 23 29 | 340 11 69/390 13 41/440 15 12/490 16 84|540 18 56/590 20 28|640 22 OO\g90 23 72 341 11 51/391 13 20\441 14 88/491 16 57|541 18 26/591 19 95641 21 63/691 23 32 | 341 11 72/391 13 44/441 15 16/491 16 88/541 18 GO\591 20 32/641 22 03 691 23 75 342 11 54/392 13 23/442 14 92/492 16 60/542 18 29/592 19 98|642 21 67/692 23 35 | 342 11 76/392 13 47/442 15 19/492 16 91/542 18 63/592 20 35/642 22 07/692 23 79 343 11 58/393 13 26|443 14 95/493 16 64/543 18 33/593 20 01/643 21 70/693 23 39 | 343 11 79/393 13 51\443 15 23/493 16 95/543 18 671593 20 381643 22 10/R93 23 82 344 11 61/394 13 30/444 14 98/494 16 67/544 18 36|594 20 05/644 21 73/694 23 42 | 344 11 82/394 13 54/444 15 26494 16 98/544 18 70|594 20 42/644 22 if 694 23 86 345 11 64/395 13 33/445 15 02/495 16 71/545 18 39/595 20 08/645 21 77/695 23 46 | 345 11 86/395 13 581445 15 301495 17 021545 18 73/595 20 45/645 22 17/695 23 89 346 11 68/396 13 36/446 15 05/496 16 74/546 18 43/596 20 11/646 21 80|696 23 49 | 346 11 89/396 13 61/446 15 33/496 17 05/546 18 77/596 20 49\646 22 21/696 23 92 347 11 71/397 13 40/447 15 09|497 16 77/547 18 46|597 20 15.647 21 84/697 23 52 | 347 11 93/397 13 65/447 15 37/497 17 08|547 18 80|597 20 52/647 22 24|697 23 96 348 11 74/398 13 43/448 15 12/498 16 51/548 18 49/598 20 18.648 24 87|698 23 56 | 348 11 96/398 13 68/448 15 40/498 17 12/548 18 84/598 20 56/648 22 27/698 23 99 349 11 78/399 13 47/449 15 15/499 16 84/549 18 53/599 20 22/649 21 90/699 23 59 | 349 12 00/399 13 72/449 15 43/499 17 15/549 18 87/599 20 59/649 22 311699 24 03 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 3ic. or $3.40. From 300 to 699 Ibsat 3isc. or $3.45. 300310 20|350811 90/400313 60/450815 30/500817 00|550318 70\600820 40 650322 10 300310 35/350812 07400813 80|450815 52/500817 251550318 97 600320 70/650322 42 301 10 23/351 11 93/401 13 63/451 15 33/501 17 03/551 18 73/601 20 43/651 22 13 301 10 38/351 12 11/401 13 83/451 15 56/501 17 28/551 19 01/601 20 73/651 22 46 302 10 27/352 11 97/402 13 67/452 15 37/502 17 07/552 18 77/602 20 47/652 22 17 | 302 10 42/352 12 14/402 13 87/452 15 59/502 17 32/552 19 04/602 20 771652 2° 49 303 10 30/353 12 00403 13 70/453 15 40|503 17 10/553 18 801603 20 50/653 22 20 | 303 10 45359 12 181403 13 901489 15 63/809 17 35.853 19 08I603 20 80 653 22 53 304 10 34/354 12 04404 13 74454 15 44/504 17 14/554 18 84/604 20 54/654 22 24 | 304 10 49/354 12 21/404 13 94/454 15 66|504 17 391554 19 11/604 20 841664 22 56 305 10 37/355 12 07/405 13 77/455 15 47/505 17 17/555 18 87/605 20 57/655 22 27 | 305 10 52/355 12 25/405 13 97/455 15 70/505 17 42/555 19 15/605 20 87|655 22 60 306 10 40/356 12 10/406 13 80456 15 50/506 17 20/556 18 90\606 20 60/656 32 30 | 306 10 56/356 12 28/406 14 01/456 15 73/506 17 46/556 19 18/606 20 91/656 22 63 307 10 44/357 12 14/407 13 84/457 15 54/507 17 24/557 18 94/607 20 64/657 22 34 | 307 10 59/357 12 32/407 14 04/457 15 77/507 17 49/557 19 22/607 20 94/657 22 67 308 10 47/358 12 17/408 13 87/458 15 57/508 17 27/558 18 97/608 20 67/658 22 37 | 308 10 63/358 12 35/408 14 08/458 15 80/508 17 53/558 19 25/608 20 98/658 22 70 309 10 51/359 12 21/409 13 91/459 15 61/509 17 31/559 19 01/609 20 71/659 22 41 | 309 10 66/359 12 39/409 14 111459 15 84|509 17 56/559 19 29/609 21 011659 22 74 310 10 54/360 12 24/410 13 94/460 15 64/510 17 34/560 19 04/610 20 74/660 22 44 | 310 10 69/360 12 42/410 14 14/460 15 87/510 17 59|560 19 32/610°21 04|g60 22 77 311 10 57/361 12 27/411 13 97/461 15 67/511 17 37/561 19 07/611 20 77/661 22 47 | 311 10 73/361 12 45/411 14 18/461 15 90/511 17 63/561 19 35/611 21 O8lg61 22 80 312 10 61/362 12 31/412 14 01/462 15 71/512 17 41/562 19 11/612 20 81/662 22 51 | 312 10 76/362 12 49/412 14 21/462 15 94/512 17 66/562 19 39/612 21 11l6g2 22 84 313 10 64/363 12 34/413 14 04/463 15 74/513 17 44/563 19 14/613 20 84/663 22 54 | 313 10 80\363 12 52/413 14 25/463 15 97/513 17 70/563 19 42/613 21 15/663 22 87 314 10 68/364 12 38|414 14 08|464 15 78/514 17 48/564 19 18/614 20 88/664 22 58 | 314 10 83/364 12 56/414 14 28/464 16 01/514 17 73/564 19 46/614 21 18|g64 22 91 315 10 71/365 12 41/415 14 11/465 15 81/515 17 51/565 19 21/615 20 91/665 22 61 | 315 10 87/365 12 59/415 14 32/465 16 04/515 17 77/565 19 49/615 21 22/665 22 94 316 10 74/366 12 44/416 14 14/466 15 84/516 17 54/566 19 24/616 20 94/666 22 64 | 316 10 90/366 12 63/416 14 35/466 16 08/516 17 80/566 19 531616 21 25/666 22 98 317 10 78/367 12 48/417 14 18/467 15 88/517 17 58/567 19 28|617 20 98|667 22 68 | 317 10 94/367 12 66417 14 39/467 16 11/517 17 84/567 19 56/617 21 29/667 23 01 318 10 81/368 12 51/418 14 21/468 15 91/518 17 61/568 19 31/618 21 01/668 22 71 | 318 10 97/368 12 70/418 14 42/468 16 15/518 17 87/568 19 6OI6I8 21 32/668 23 05 319 10 85/369 12 55/419 14 25/469 15 95/519 17 65/569 19 35/619 21 05/669 22 75 | 319 11 01/369 12 73/419 14 46/469 16 18/519 17 91/569 19 63/619 21 36|669 23 08 320 10 88/370 12 58/420 14 28/470 15 98/520 17 68/570 19 38|620 21 08/670 22 78 | 320 11 04/370 12 76/420 14 49|470 16 21/520 17 94/570 19 66/620 21 39/670 23 11 321 10 91/371 12 61/421 14 31/471 16 01/591 17 71/571 19 41/621 21 11/671 22 81 | 321 11 07/371 12 80/421 14 52/471 16 25/521 17 97/571 19 70/621 21 421671 23 15 322 10 95/372 12 65/422 14 35/472 16 05/522 17 75/572 19 45/622 21 15/672 22 85 | 322 11 11/372 12 83/422 14 56|472 16 28|/522 18 01/572 19 73/622 21 461672 23 18 323 10 98/373 12 68/423 14 38/473 16 08/523 17 78/573 19 48/623 21 18/673 22 88 | 323 11 14/373 12 87/423 14 59/473 16 32/523 18 04/573 19 771623 21 491673 23 22 324 11 02/374 12 72/424 14 42/474 16 12/524 17 82/574 19 52/624 21 22/674 22 92 | 324 11 18/374 12 90/424 14 63/474 16 35/524 18 08/574 19 80\g04 21 53/674 23 25 325 11 05/375 12 75/425 14 45/475 16 15/525 17 85/575 19 55/625 21 25/675 22 95 | 325 11 211375 12 94/425 14 66/475 16 39/525 18 11/575 19 84l625 21 561675 23 29 326 11 08/376 12 78/426 14 48/476 16 18/526 17 88/576 19 58/626 21 28|676 22 98 | 326 11 25/376 12 97/426 14 70/476 16 42/526 18 15/576 19 87l626 21 6OlG76 23 32 327 11 12/377 12 82/427 14 52/477 16 22/527 17 92/577 19 62/627 21 32/677 23 02 | 327 11 28/377 13 01/427 14 73|477 16 46/527 18 18/577 19 91|627 21 631677 23 36 328 11 15/378 12 85/428 14 55/478 16 25/528 17 95/578 19 65/628 21 35/678 23 05 | 328 11 32/378 13 04/428 14 77/478 16 49/528 18 22/578 19 94/698 21 671678 23 39 329 11 19/379 12 89|429 14 59/479 16 29/529 17 99/579 19 69/629 21 39/679 23 09 | 329 11 35/379 13 08/429 14 80/479 16 53/529 18 251579 19 981629 21 701679 23 43 330 11 22/380 12 92/430 14 62/480 16 32/530 18 02/580 19 72/630 21 42|680 23 12 | 330 11 38|/380 13 11/430 14 83|480 16 56/530 18 28/580 20 011630 21 73/680 23 46 331 11 25/381 12 95/431 14 65/481 16 35/531 18 05/581 19 75/631 21 45/681 23 15 | 331 11 42/381 13 14/431 14 87/481 16 59/531 18 32/581 20 041631 21 77/681 23 49 2 ; 5 39 8 09/582 19 79/632 21 49/682 23 19 | 332 11 45/382 13 18/432 14 90/482 16 63/532 18 35/582 20 08/632 21 80682 23 53 p) 2/583 19 82/633 21 52/683 23 22 | 333 11 49/383 13 21/433 14 94/483 16 66/533 18 39/583 20 11/633 21 841683 23 56 3) 3/584 19 86/634 21 56/684 23 26 | 334 11 52/384 13 25/434 14 97/484 16 70/534 18 42/584 20 15/634 21 87/684 23 GO 9/585 19 89/635 21 59/685 23 29 | 335 11 56/385 13 28/435 15 01/485 16 73/535 18 46/585 20 18/635 21 91/685 23 63 2|586 19 92/636 21 62/686 23 32 336 11 59/386 13 32/436 15 04/486 16 77/536 18 49/586 20 22/636 21 94/686 23 67 3/587 19 96/637 21 66/687 23 36 337 11 63/387 13 35/437 15 08/487 16 80/537 18 53/587 20 25/637 21 98|687 23 70 29/588 19 99/638 21 69/688 23 39 338 11 66/388 13 39/438 15 11/488 16 84/538 18 56/588 20 29/638 22 01/688 23 74 3/589 20 03/639 21 73/689 23 43 339 11 70/389 13 42/439 15 15/489 16 87/539 18 60/589 20 32/639 22 05/689 23 77 3/590 20 06/640 21 76/690 23 46 340 11 73/390 13 45/440 15 18/490 16 90/540 18 63/590 20 35/640 22 08/690 23 80 591 20 09/641 21 79/691 23 49 | 341 11 76/391 13 49/441 15 21/491 16 94/541 18 66/591 20 39/641 22 11/691 23 84 592 20 13/642 21 83/692 23 53 342 11 80/392 13 52/442 15 25/492 16 97/542 18 70/592 20 42/642 22 15/692 23 87 343 11 66/393 13 36/443 15 06/493 16 76 543 18 46 593 20 16/643 21 86/693 23 56 343 11 83/393 13 56/443 15 28/493 17 01/543 18 73/593 20 46/643 22 18/693 23 91 344 11 70/394 13 40/444 15 10494 16 80|544 18 50\594 20 20/644 21 90/694 23 60 | 344 11 87/394 13 59|444 15 32/494 17 04\544 18 77 594 20 49/644 22 22/694 23 94 345 11 73/395 13 43/445 15 13/495 16 83/545 18 53/595 20 23/645 21 93/695 23 63 345 11 90/395 13 63/445 15 35/495 17 08/545 18 80/595 20 53/645 22 25/695 23 98 346 11 76/396 13 46/446 15 16/496 16 86/546 18 56/596 20 26/646 21 96/696 23 66 | 346 11 94/396 13 66/446 15 39/496 17 11/546 18 84/596 20 56/646 22 29/696 24 01 347 11 80/397 13 50\447 15 20/497 16 90/547 18 60/597 20 30/647 22 00\697 23 70 | 347 11 97/397 13 70|447 15 42/497 17 15/547 18 87|\597 20 60/647 22 32/697 24 05 348 11 83/398 13 53/448 15 23/498 16 93/548 18 63/598 20 33/648 22 03\698 23 73 348 12 01/398 13 73\448 15 46\498 17 18/548 18 91/598 20 63/648 22 36/698 24 08 349 11 87/399 13 57/449 15 27/499 16 97/549 18 67|599 20 37|649 22 07'699 23 77 a 12 04/399 13 77/449 15 49|499 17 22/549 18 94/599 20 67/649 22 39/699 24 12 CotTTon SELLER’S TABLE. 229 From 300 to 699 lbs at 3c, or $3.50. From 300 to 699 lbs at 3:0. or $3.56%/. 300810 501360812 251400814 001450815 75/500817 50|550819 25/600821 00650822 75 | 300810 691350812 47\400814 25|450816 03/500%17 81|550819 59 600821 371650823 16 301 10 53/351 12 28/401 14 03/451 15 78501 17 53/551 19 28601 21 031651 2278 | 301 10 72.351 12 50/401 14 29/451 16 07501 17 85|561 19 63.601 21 41651 23 19 $02 10 57/352 12 32/402 14 07/452 15 82/502 17 57/552 19 32/602 21 07/652 22 82 302 10 76/352 12 54/402 14 32/452 16 17 88/552 19 66/602 21 45/652 23 23 303 10 601363 12 35/403 14 10/453 15 85/503 17 60|553 19 35603 21 10653 22 85 | 303 10 79353 12 58/403 14 36/453 16 17 92/553 19 70|603 21 481653 23 26 304 10 64|354 12 39/404 14 14/454 15 89/504 17 64/554 19 39.604 21 14654 22 89 | 304 10 83354 12 61.404 14 39/454 16 17 95/554 19 74/604 21 521654 23 30 305 10 67/355 12 42/405 14 17/455 15 92/505 17 67/555 19 42,605 21 17/655 22 92 305 10 87/355 12 65/405 14 43/455 16 2 17 99/555 19 77/605 21 55/655 23 33 806 10 71/356 12 46|406 14 21/456 15 96|506 17 71/556 19 46/606 21 21/656 22 96 306 10 90/356 12 68/406 14 46/456 16 2 18 03/556 19 81/606 21 59/656 23 37 307 10 74/357 12 49/407 14 24/457 15 99/507 17 74/557 19 49/607 21 24\657 22 99 307 10 94/357 12 72/407 14 50/457 16 28) 061557 19 84/607 21 62/657 23 41 308 10 78/358 12 53/408 14 28/458 16 03/508 17 78/558 19 53/608 21 28/658 23 03 308 10 97/358 12 75/408 14 53/458 16 10/558 19 88\608 66/658 23 44 309 10 81/359 12 56/409 14 31/459 16 06/509 17 81/559 19 56/609 21 31/659 23 06 309 11 01359 12 79\409 14 57 459 16 13/559 19 91/609 70/659 23 48 310 10 85/360 12 60/410 14 35/460 16 10/510 17 85|560 19 60/610 21 35/660 23 10 310 11 04/360 12 82/410 14 61/460 16 17/560 19 95/610 73/660 23 51 311 10 88/361 12 63/411 14 38/461 16 13/511 17 88/561 19 63/611 21 38/661 23 13 311 11 O8 361 12 86/411 14 64/461 16 9/61 77/661 23 55 312 10 92/362 12 67/412 14 42/462 16 17|512 17 92/562 19 67\612 21 42/662 23 17 | 312 11 11/362 12 90/412 14 68|462 16 2/612 21 80/662 23 58 313 10 95/363 12 70/413 14 45/463 16 20/513 17 95|563 19 70\613 21 45/663 23 20 313 11 15/363 12 93/413 14 71/463 16 5161 841663 23 62 314 10 99\364 12 74/414 14 49/464 16 24/514 17 99/564 19 74/614 21 49/664 23 24 314 11 19/364 12 97/414 14 75/464 16 9/61 87/664 23 65 315 11 02/365 12 77/415 14 52/465 16 27/515 18 02/565 19 77/615 21 52\665 23 27 315 11 22/365 13 00/415 14 78/465 16 3\61 91|665 23 69 316 11 06/366 12 81/416 14 56/466 16 31/516 18 06/566 19 81/616 21 56/666 23 31 316 11 26/366 13 04/416 14 82/466 16 i\61 94/666 23 73 317 11 09/367 12 84/417 14 59/467 16 34/517 18 09/567 19 84/617 21 59/667 23 34 317 11 29|367 13 O7|417 14 86/467 16 617 21 98/667 23 76 318 11 13/368 12 88/418 14 63/468 16 38/518 18 13|568 19 88/618 21 63/668 23 38 318 11 33/368 13 11/418 14 89/468 16 3/618 22 02/668 23 80 319 11 16/369 12 91/419 14 66/469 16 41/519 18 16/569 19 91/619 21 66\669 23 41 319 11 36/369 13 15/419 14 93/469 16 619 22 05/669 23 83 320 11 20/370 12 95/420 14 70/470 16 45/520 18 20/570 19 95/620 21 70/670 23 45 320 11 40/370 13 18/420 14 96/470 16 620 22 09/670 23 80 321 11 23/371 12 98/421 14 73/471 16 48/521 18 23/571 19 98/621 21 73/671 23 48 321 11 44/371 13 22/421 15 00/471 16 é 2 12\671 23 97 322 11 27/372 13 02/422 14 77/472 16 52/522 18 27/572 20 02/622 21 77/672 23 52 322 11 47/372 13 25/422 15 03/472 16 16 23 ¢ 323 11 30/373 13 05/423 14 80/473 16 55/523 18 30/573 20 05/623 21 80/673 23 55 323 11 51/373 13 29/423 15 07|473 16 324 11 34/374 13 09/424 14 84/474 16 59/524 18 34/574 20 09/624 21 84/674 23 59 324 11 54/374 13 32/424 15 10/474 16 326 11 37/375 13 12/425 14 87/475 16 62/525 18 37/575 20 12\625 21 87|675 23 62 325 11 58/375 13 36/425 15 14/475 16 326 11 41/376 13 16/426 14 91/476 16 66/526 18 41/576 20 16|626 21 91|676 23 66 326 11 61/376 13 39/426 15 18/476 16 327 11 44\377 13 19|427 14 94/477 16 69/527 18 44/577 20 19/627 21 94/677 23 69 327 11 65/377 13 43/427 15 21/477 16 328 11 48|378 13 23/428 14 98/478 16 73/528 18 48/578 20 23/628 21 98/678 23 73 328 11 68/378 13 47/428 15 25/478 17 329 11 51/379 13 26/429 15 01/479 16 76/529 18 51/579 20 26/629 22 01/679 23 76 329 11 72/379 13 50/429 15 28/479 17 330 11 55/380 13 30/430 15 05/480 16 80/530 18 55/580 20 30\630 22 05/680 23 80 330 11 76/380 13 54/430 15 32/480 17 331 11 58/381 13 33/431 15 08/481 16 83/531 18 58/581 20 33/631 22 O8|681 23 83 331 11 79/381 13 57/431 15 35/481 17 332 11 62/382 13 37/432 15 12/482 16 87/632 18 62/582 20 37/632 22 12/682 23 87 332 11 83/382 13 61/432 15 39/482 17 333 11 65/383 13 40/433 15 15/483 16 90/533 18 65/583 20 40/633 22 15/683 23 90 333 11 86/383 13 64/433 15 43/483 17 334 11 69/384 13 44/434 15 19/484 16 94/534 18 69/584 20 44/634 22 19/684 23 94 334 11 90/384 13 68|434 15 46/484 17 335 11 72/385 13 47/435 15 22/485 16 97/535 18 72/585 20 47|635 22 22/685 23 97 335 11 23/385 13 72/435 15 50/485 17 336 11 76/386 13 51/436 15 26/486 17 01/536 18 76/586 20 51 22 26 P 336 11 97/386 13 75/436 15 53/486 17 337 11 79\387 13 54\437 15 29/487 17 04/537 18 79|587 20 54 2 29 337 12 01/387 13 79/437 15 57|487 17 9\687 24 47 338 11 83/388 13 58/438 15 33/488 17 08/538 18 83/588 20 58 2 3: 338 12 04/388 13 82|438 15 60/488 17 688 24 51 339 11 86\389 13 61/439 15 36/489 17 11/539 18 86/589 20 61 2 36 339 12 08/389 13 86/439 15 64/489 17 61689 24 55 340 11 90/390 13 65/440 15 40/490 17 15/540 18 90/590 20 65/640 22 40/690 24 15 340 12 11/390 13 89/440 15 67/490 17 690 24 58 341 11 93/391 13 68/441 15 43/491 17 18/541 18 93/591 20 68/641 22 43/691 24 18 341 12 15/391 13 93/441 15 71/491 17 49 691 24 62 342 11 97/392 13 72/442 15 47/492 17 22/542 18 97/592 20 72/642 22 47/692 24 22 342 12 18/392 13 96/442 15 75/492 17 | 692 24 65 343 12 00/393 13 75/443 15 50/493 17 25/543 19 00/593 20 75/643 22 50/693 24 25 343 12 22/393 14 00/443 15 78/493 17 56 ¢ 693 24 69 344 12 04/394 13 79/444 15 54/494 17 29/544 19 04/594 20 79/644 22 54/694 24 29 344 12 25/394 14 04/444 15 82/494 17 60/544 19 694 24 72 345 12 07/395 13 82/445 15 57/495 17 32/545 19 07\595 20 82/645 22 57/695 24 32 345 12 29/395 14 07/445 15 85/495 17 63/545 19 81695 24 7 346 12 11/396 13 86/446 15 61/496 17 36/546 19 11/596 20 86/646 22 61/696 24 36 346 12 33/396 14 11/446 15 89|496 17 67/546 19 696 24 79 347 12 14/397 13 89/447 15 64/497 17 39/547 19 14|597 20 89/647 22 64/697 24 39 347 12 36/397 14 14/447 15 92/497 17 71/547 19 2 51697 24 83 348 12 18/398 13 93/448 15 68/498 17 43/548 19 18/598 20 93/648 22 68/698 24 43 348 12 40/398 14 18/448 15 96/498 17 74548 19 r 698 24 87 348 12 21/399 13 96\449 15 71/499 17 46|549 19 21/699 20 96/649 22 71|699 24 46 349 12 43/399 14 21|449 16 00/499 17 78/549 19 56/599 21 34/649 23 12/699 24 90 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 33ic. or $3.55. From 300 to 699 Ibsat 32c. or $3.60. | | 300810 65/350812 42)40014 20450815 97/500817 75 550819 52|600321 30/650823 07 300310 80/350312 60/400314 40|450316 20500318 00550319 8060021 60/650823 40 301 10 69/351 12 46/401 14 24/451 16 01/501 17 79/551 19 56/601 21 34/651 23 11 301 10 84/351 12 64/401 14 44/451 16 24/501 18 04/551 19 84/601 21 64/651 23 44 302 10 72\352 12 50\402 14 27/452 16 05/502 17 82.552 19 60602 21 37/652 23 15 302 10 87/352 12 67/402 14 47/452 16 27/502 18 07/552 19 87/602 21 67/652 23 47 303 10 76/353 12 53/403 14 31/453 16 08|503 17 86/553 19 63/603 21 41/653 23 18 303 10 91/353 12 71/403 14 51/453 16 31/503 18 11/553 19 91/603 21 71/653 23 51 304 10 79/354 12 57/404 14 34/454 16 12/504 17 89/554 19 67/604 21 44/654 23 22 | 304 10 94/354 12 74/404 14 54/454 16 34/504 18 14/554 19 94 604 21 74/654 23 54 305 10 83/355 12 60/405 14 38/455 16 15/505 17 93/555 19 70/605 21 48/655 23 25 305 10 98/355 12 78/405 14 58/455 16 38/505 18 18/555 19 98/605 21 78/655 23 58 306 10 86/356 12 64/406 14 41/456 16 19/506 17 96/556 19 74/606 21 51/656 23 29 306 11 02/356 12 82/406 14 62/456 16 42/506 18 22/556 20 02/606 21 82/656 23 62 307 10 90/357 12 67/407 14 45|457 16 22\507 18 00/557 19 77|607 21 55/657 23 32 307 11 05|357 12 85/407 14 65/457 16 45)507 18 25/557 20 05/607 21 85/657 23 65 308 10 93/358 12 71/408 14 48/458 16 26/508 18 03/558 19 81/608 21 58/658 23 36 308 11 09/358 12 89/408 14 69/458 16 49/508 18 29/558 20 09/608 21 89/658 23 69 309 10 97/359 12 74/409 14 52/459 16 29/509 18 07/559 19 84/609 21 62/659 23 39 309 11 12/359 12 92/409 14 72/459 16 52)509 18 32/559 20 12/609 21 92/659 23 72 310 11 00/360 12 78/410 14 55/460 16 33/510 18 10/560 19 88/610 21 65/660 23 43 310 11 16/360 12 96/410 14 76/460 16 56/510 18 36/560 20 16/610 21 96/660 23 76 311 11 04/361 12 82/411 14 59/461 16 37/511 18 14/561 19 92/611 21 69/661 23 47 311 11 20\361 13 OO/411 14 80/461 16 GO|5IT 18 40/561 20 20/611 22 OO|661 23 80 312 11 08/362 12 85/412 14 63 462 16 40/512 18 18/562 19 95/612 21 73/662 23 50 312 11 23/362 13 03/412 14 83/462 16 63/512 18 43/562 20 23/612 22 03/662 23 83 313 11 11/363 12 89/413 14 66/463 16 44/513 18 21/563 19 99/613 21 76/663 23 54 313 11 27/363 13 07/413 14 87/463 16 67/513 18 47/563 20 27|613 22 07/663 23 87 314 11 15/364 12 92/414 14 70/464 16 47/514 18 25/564 20 02/614 21 80/664 23 57 314 11 30/364 13 10/414 14 90/464 16 70/514 18 50\564 20 30/614 22 10\664 23 90 315 11 18/365 12 96/415 14 73/465 16 51/515 18 28/565 20 OGI615 21 83/665 23 61 | 315 11 34/365 13 14/415 14 94/465 16 74/515 18 54/565 20 34/615 22 14/665 23 94 316 11 22/366 12 99/416 14 77/466 16 54/516 18 32/566 20 O9|\616 21 87|\666 23 64 316 11 38/366 13 18/416 14 98/466 16 78/516 18 58/566 20 38\616 22 18/666 23 98 317 11 25/367 13 03/417 14 80/467 16 58/517 18 35/567 20 13/617 21 90/667 23 68 317 11 41/367 13 21/417 15 01/467 16 81/517 18 61|567 20 41/617 22 21/667 24 O1 318 11 29/368 13 06/418 14 84/468 16 61/518 18 39/568 20 16/618 21 94/668 23 71 318 11 45/368 13 25/418 15 05/468 16 85/518 18 65/568 20 45/618 22 25/668 24 05 319 11 32/369 13 10/419 14 87/469 16 65/519 18 42/569 20 20/619 21 97/669 23 75 319 11 48/369 13 28/419 15 08/469 16 88/519 18 68/569 20 48/619 22 28/669 24 08 320 11 36/370 13 13/420 14 91/470 16 68/520 18 46/570 20 23/620 22 01/670 23 78 320 11 52/370 13 32/420 15 12/470 16 92/520 18 72|570 20 52/620 22 32/670 24 12 321 11 40/371 13 17/421 14 95/471 16 72/521 18 50/571 20 27/621 22 O5/671 23 82 321 11 56/371 13 36/421 15 16/471 16 96/521 18 76/571 20 56/621 22 36/671 24 16 322 11 43/372 13 21/422 14 98/472 16 76/522 18 53/572 20 31/622 22 08/672 23 86 322 11 59/372 13 39/422 15 19/472 16 99/522 18 79|572 20 59/622 22 39/672 24 19 323 11 47/373 13 24/423 15 02/473 16 79/523 18 57/573 20 34/623 22 12/673 23 89 323 11 63/373 13 43/423 15 23/473 17 03)523 18 83/573 20 63/623 22 43/673 24 23 324 11 50\374 13 28/424 15 05/474 16 83/524 18 60/574 20 38/624 22 15/674 23 93 324 11 66/374 13 46/424 15 26/474 17 06/524 18 86/574 20 66/624 22 46/674 24 26 325 11 54/376 13 31/425 15 09/475 16 86/525 18 64/576 20 41/625 22 19/675 23 96 325 11 70\375 13 50/425 15 30/475 17 10/525 18 90/575 20 70\625 22 50/675 24 30 326 11 57/376 13 35/426 15 12/476 16 90/526 18 67/576 20 45/626 22 22/676 24 00 326 11 74/376 13 54/4296 15 34/476 17 14|526 18 94/576 20 74/626 22 54/676 24 34 327 11 61/377 13 38/427 15 16/477 16 93/527 18 711577 20 48|627 22 26/677 24 03 327 11 77/377 13 57/427 15 37/477 17 17|527 18 97/577 20 77/627 22 571677 24 37 328 11 64/378 13 42/428 15 19/478 16 97/528 18 74/578 20 52|628 22 29/678 24 07 328 11 81/378 13 61/428 15 41/478 17 21/528 19 01/578 20 81/628 22 61/678 24 41 329 11 68/379 13 45/429 15 23/479 17 00/529 18 78/579 20 55/629 22 33/679 24 10 329 11 84/379 13 641429 15 44/479 17 24/529 19 04/579 20 84|/629 22 641679 24 44 330 11 71/380 13 49/430 15 26/480 17 04/530 18 81/580 20 59/630 22 36/680 24 14 330 11 88/380 13 68/430 15 48/480 17 28/530 19 08/580 20 88/630 22 68/680 24 48 331 11 75/381 13 53/431 15 30/481 17 08/531 18 85/581 20 63/631 22 40/681 24 18 331 11 92/381 13 72/431 15 52/481 17 32/531 19 12\581 20 92/631 22 72/681 24 52 332 11 79/382 13 56/432 15 34/482 17 11/532 18 89/582 20 66/632 22 44/682 24 21 | 332 11 95/382 13 75/432 15 55/482 17 35/532 19 15/582 20 95/632 22 75l682 24 55 333 11 82/383 13 60/433 15 37/483 17 15/533 18 92/583 20 70/633 22 47/683 24 25 333 11 99/383 13 79/433 15 59/483 17 39/533 19 19/583 20 99/633 22 79/683 24 59 334 11 86/384 13 63/434 15 41/484 17 18/534 18 96/584 20 73.634 22 51/684 24 28 334 12 02/384 13 82/434 15 62/484 17 42/534 19 22/584 21 02/634 22 82/684 24 62 335 11 89/385 13 67/435 15 44/485 17 22/535 18 99/585 20 77/635 22 54/685 24 32 335 12 06/385 13 86/435 15 66/485 17 46/535 19 26/585 21 06/635 22 86/685 24 66 336 11 93/386 13 70/436 15 48/486 17 25/536 19 03/586 20 80\636 22 58/686 24 35 336 12 10/386 13 90/436 15 70/486 17 50/536 19 30\586 21 10/636 22 90/686 24 70 337 11 96/387 13 74/437 15 51/487 17 29/537 19 06/587 20 84/637 22 61/687 24 39 337 12 13/387 13 93/437 15 73/487 17 53/537 19 33/587 21 13/637 22 93/687 24 73 338 12 00/388 13 77/438 15 55/488 17 32/538 19 10/588 20 87/638 22 65/688 24 42 338 12 17|388 13 97/438 15 77/488 17 57/538 19 37/588 21 17/638 22 97\688 24 77 339 12 03/389 13 81/439 15 58/489 17 36/539 19 13/589 20 91/639 22 68/689 24 46 339 12 20/389 14 00/439 15 80/489 17 60/539 19 40/589 21 20/639 23 O0|689 24 80 340 12 07/390 13 84/440 15 62/490 17 39/540 19 17/590 20 94/640 22 72/690 24 49 340 12 24/390 14 04/440 15 84/490 17 64/540 19 44/590 21 24/640 23 04/690 24 84 341 12 11/391 13 88/441 15 66/491 17 43/541 19 21/591 20 98/641 22 76/691 24 53 341 12 28/391 14 08/441 15 88/491 17 68/541 19 48/591 21 28/641 23 OS/691 24 88 342 12 14/392 13 92/442 15 69/492 17 47/542 19 24/592 21 02)642 22 79/692 24 57 342 12 31/392 14 11/442 15 91/492 17 71|542 19 51/592 21 31/642 23 11/692 24 91 343 12 18/393 13 95/443 15 73/493 17 50/543 19 28/593 21 05/643 22 83/693 24 60 343 12 35/393 14 15/443 15 95/493 17 75/543 19 55/593 21 35/643 23 15/693 24 95 344 12 21/394 13 99/444 15 76/494 17 54/544 19 31/594 21 09/644 22 86/694 24 64 344 12 38/394 14 18/444 15 98/494 17 78/544 19 58/594 21 38/644 23 18/694 24 98 345 12 25/395 14 02/445 15 80/495 17 57/545 19 35/595 21 12/645 22 90/695 24 67 345 12 42/395 14 22/445 16 02/495 17 82/545 19 62/595 21 42/645 23 22/695 25 02 346 12 28/396 14 06/446 15 83/496 17 61/546 19 38/596 21 16\646 22 93/696 24 71 346 12 46/396 14 26/446 16 06|496 17 86/546 19 66/596 21 46/646 23 26/696 25 06 347 12 32/397 14 09/447 15 87/497 17 64/547 19 42/597 21 19/647 22 97/697 24 74 347 12 49|397 14 29/447 16 09/497 17 89/547 19 69/597 21 49/647 23 29/697 25 09 348 12 35/398 14 13/448 15 90/498 17 68/548 19 45/598 21 23/648 23 00/698 24 78 348 12 53/398 14 33/448 16 13/498 17 93/548 19 73/598 21 53/648 23 33/698 25 13 349 12 39\399 14 16/449 15 94/499 17 71]549 19 49/599 21 26/649 23 04 349 12 56/399 14 36|449 16 16/499 17 96/549 19 76|599 21 56/649 23 36/699 25 16 699 24 81 230 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at 3ic. or $3.6214. 300810 87350312 69/400814 50/450816 31/500818 12/550319 94/600%21 75/650%23 56 301 10 91/351 12 72/401 14 54 451 16 35/501 18 16/551 19 97/601 21 79/651 23 60 302 10 95/352 12 76 \402 14 57/452 16 38/502 18 20/552 20 01/602 21 82/652 23 63 303 10 98/353 12 80/403 14 61/453 16 42/503 18 23/553 20 05|603 21 86/653 23 67 304 11 02/354 12 83/404 14 64/454 16 46/504 18 27/554 20 08/604 21 89/654 23 71 305 11 06/355 12 87/405 14 68/455 16 49/505 18 31/555 20 12/605 21 93/655 23 74 306 11 09/356 12 90/406 14 72 456 16 53\506 18 34/556 20 15/606 21 97/656 23 78 307 11 131357 12 94/407 14 75/457 16 57\507 18 38/557 20 19|607 22 00/657 23 82 308 11 16/358 12 98/408 14 79/458 16 60/508 18 41/558 20 23/608 22 04/658 23 85 309 11 20/359 13 O1 1409 14 83/459 16 64/509 18 45/559 20 26/609 22 08/659 23 89 310 11 24/360 13 05/410 14 86/460 16 67/510 18 49/560 20 30|610 22 11/660 23 92 311 11 27/361 13 09/411 14 90/461 16 71/511 18 52/561 20 34/611 22 15 661 23 96 312 11 31/362 13 12/412 14 93/462 16 75/512 18 56/562 20 37/612 22 18/662 24 00 $313 11 35/363 13 16/413 14 97 463 16 78/513 18 60/563 20 41/613 22 22/663 24 03 314 11 38/364 13 19/414 15 01/464 16 82/514 18 63/564 20 44/614 22 26/664 24 07 315 11 42/365 13 23/415 15 04/465 16 86/515 18 67/565 20 48/615 ¢ 2 316 11 45/366 13 27\416 15 08/466 16 89/516 18 70/566 20 52/616 3 2 317 11 49\367 13 30/417 15 12/467 16 93/517 18 74/567 20 55/617 22 37/667 24 18 318 11 53/368 13 34/418 15 15/468 16 96/518 18 78/568 20 59/618 22 40/668 24 21 319 11 56/369 13 38/419 15 19/469 17 00/519 18 81/569 20 63/619 22 44 669 24 25 320 11 60/370 13 41/420 15 22/470 17 04/520 18 85/570 20 66/620 22 47/670 24 29 321 11 64/371 13 45/421 15 26/471 17 07/521 18 89/571 20 7O\621 22 51/671 24 32 322 11 67/372 13 48/422 15 30/472 17 11/522 18 92/572 20 73/622 22 55/672 24 36 393 11 71/373 13 52/423 15 33/473 17 15/523 18 96/573 20 77/623 22 58/673 24 40 324 11 74/374 13 56/424 15 37/474 17 18/524 18 99/574 20 81/624 22 62/674 24 43 325 11 78/375 13 59/425 15 41/475 17 22/525 19 03/575 20 84/625 22 66/675 24 47 326 11 82/376 13 63/426 15 44/476 17 25/526 19 07/576 20 88/626 22 69/676 24 50 327 11 85/377 13 67/427 15 48/477 17 29/527 19 10/577 20 92/627 22 73/677 24 54 328 11 89/378 13 70/428 15 51/478 17 33/528 19 14/578 20 95/628 22 76/678 24 58 329 11 93/379 13 74/429 15 55/479 17 36/529 19 18|579 20 99/629 22 80|679 24 61 330 11 96/380 13 77/430 15 59/480 17 40/530 19 21/580 21 02/630 22 84\680 24 65 331 12 00/381 13 81/431 15 62/481 17 44/531 19 25/581 21 OG|631 22 87/681 24 69 332 12 03/382 13 85/432 15 66/482 17 47/532 19 28/582 21 10/632 22 91/682 24 72 333 12 07/383 13 88/433 15 70/483 17 51/533 19 32/583 21 13/633 22 95/683 24 76 334 12 11/384 13 92/434 15 73/484 17 54/534 19 36/584 21 17/634 22 98/684 24 79 335 12 14/385 13 96/435 15 77/485 17 58/535 19 39/585 21 21/635 23 02/685 24 83 836 12 18/386 13 99/436 15 80|486 17 62/536 19 43/586 21 24/636 23 05/686 24 87 337 12 22/387 14 03|487 15 84/487 17 65/537 19 47/587 21 28/637 23 09/687 24 90 338 12 25/388 14 06/438 15 88/488 17 69/538 19 50/588 21 31/638 23 13/688 24 94 339 12 29/389 14 10/439 15 91/489 17 73/539 19 54/589 21 35/639 23 16/689 24 98 340 12 32/390 14 14/440 15 95/490 17 76/540 19 57/590 21 39/640 23 20/690 25 O1 341 12 36/391 14 17/441 15 99/491 17 80/541 19 61/591 21 42/641 23 24/691 25 05 342 12 40/392 14 21/442 16 02/492 17 83/542 19 65/592 21 46/642 23 27/692 25 08 343 12 43/393 14 25/443 16 06/493 17 87/543 19 68/593 21 50/643 23 31/693 25 12 344 12 47/394 14 28/444 16 09/494 17 91/544 19 72/594 21 53/644 23 34/694 25 16 345 12 51/395 14 32/445 16 13/495 17 94/545 19 761595 21 57/645 23 38/695 25 19 346 12 54/396 14 35/446 16 17/496 17 98/546 19 79/596 21 60/646 23 42/696 25 23 347 12 58/397 14 39/447 16 20/497 18 02/547 19 83/597 21 64/647 23 45/697 25 27 348 12 61/398 14 43/448 16 241498 18 05/548 19 86|598 21 68/648 23 49|698 25 30 349 12 65/399 14 46/449 16 28/499 18 09/549 19 90/599 21 71/649 23 53/699 25 34 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 33ic. or $3.65. 300310 95|350312 77400514 60/450816 42/500318 25/550820 07 600521 90650823 72 301 10 99/351 12 81/401 14 64/451 16 46/501 18 29/551 20 11/601 21 94/651 23 76 302 11 02/352 12 85/402 14 67/452 16 50/502 18 32/552 20 15/602 21 97\652 23 80 303 11 06/353 12 88|403 14 71/453 16 53/503 18 36/553 20 18/603 22 01/653 23 83 304 11 10/354 12 92/404 14 75/454 16 57/504 18 40/554 20 22/604 22 05/654 23 87 305 11 13/355 12 96/405 14 78/455 16 61/505 18 43/555 20 26/606 22 08/655 23 91 306 11 17/356 12 99\406 14 82/456 16 64/506 18 47/556 20 29/606 22 12\656 23 94 307 11 21/357 13 03/407 14 86/457 16 68/507 18 51|557 20 33/607 22 16/657 23 98 308 11 24/358 13 07/408 14 89/458 16 72/508 18 54/558 20 37/608 22 19/658 24 02 309 11 28/359 13 10/409 14 93/459 16 75/509 18 58/559 20 40/609 22 23/659 24 05 310 11 31/360 13 14/410 14 96/460 16 79/510 18 61/560 20 44/610 22 26,660 24 09 311 11 35/361 13 18/411 15 OO/461 16 83/511 18 65/561 20 48/611 22 30/661 24 13 312 11 39|362 13 21/412 15 04/462 16 86/512 18 69/562 20 51/612 22 34/662 24 16 313 11 42/363 13 25/413 15 07/463 16 90/513 18 72/563 20 55/613 22 37/663 24 20 314 11 46/364 13 29/414 15 11|464 16 94/514 18 76/564 20 59/614 22 41/664 24 24 316 11 50/365 13 32/415 15 15/465 16 97/515 18 80/565 20 62/615 22 45/665 24 27 316 11 53/366 13 36/416 15 18/466 17 01/516 18 83/566 20 66/616 22 48/666 24 31 317 11 57/367 13 40/417 15 22|467 17 05/517 18 87/567 20 70/617 22 52/667 24 35 318 11 61/368 13 43/418 15 26/468 17 08/518 18 91/568 20 73|618 22 56/668 24 38 319 11 64 369 13 47/419 15 29/469 17 12/519 18 94/569 20 77/619 22 59/669 24 42 320 11 68/370 13 50\420 15 33/470 17 15/520 18 98/570 20 80/620 22 63/670 24 45 321 11 72/371 13 54\42) 15 37/471 17 19/521 19 02/571 20 84/621 22 67/671 24 49 322 11 75/372 13 58)422 15 40/472 17 23/522 19 05/572 20 88/622 22 70|672 24 53 323 11 79 373 13 61 423 15 44/473 17 26/523 19 09/573 20 91/623 22 74/673 24 56 324 11 83 374 13 65 424 15 48/474 17 30/524 19 13/574 20 95/624 22 78/674 24 60 325 11 86/375 13 69/4295 15 51|475 17 34/525 19 16/575 20 99/625 22 81/675 24 64 326 11 90/376 13 72|426 15 55/476 17 37/526 19 20/576 21 02/626 22 85/676 24 67 327 11 94/377 13 76\427 15 59/477 17 41/597 19 24/577 21 06/627 22 89/677 24 71 328 11 97/378 13 80/428 15 62/478 17 45/528 19 27/578 21 10/628 22 921678 24 75 329 12 01/379 13 83/429 15 66/479 17 48/529 19 31/579 21 13/629 22 96/679 24 78 330 12 04/380 13 87/430 15 69/480 17 52/530 19 34/580 21 17/630 22 99/680 24 82 331 12 08/381 13 91/431 15 73/481 17 56/531 19 38/581 21 21/631 23 03/681 24 86 332 12 12/382 13 94/432 15 77/482 17 59/532 19 42/582 21 24/632 23 07/682 24 89 333 12 15)383 13 95/433 15 80/483 17 63/533 19 45/583 21 28/633 23 10/683 24 93 334 12 19|384 14 02 434 15 84/484 17 67/534 19 49/584 21 32/634 23 141684 24 97 335 12 23/385 14 05/435 15 88/485 17 70/535 19 53/585 21 35/635 23 181685 25 00 336 12 26/386 14 09/436 15 91/486 17 74/536 19 56586 21 39/636 23 21/686 25 04 337 12 30/387 14 13/437 15 95|487 17 78|537 19 60/587 21 43/637 23 25/687 25 08 338 12 34/388 14 16/438 15 99/488 17 81/538 19 64/588 21 46/638 23 29/688 25 11 339 12 37/389 14 20/439 16 02/489 17 85/539 19 67/589 21 50/639 23 32/689 25 15 340 12 41/390 14 23/440 16 06/490 17 88/540 19 71/590 21 53/640 23 36/690 25 18 341 12 45/391 14 27/441 16 10/491 17 92/541 19 75/591 21 57\64a1 23 40/691 25 22 342 12 48/392 14 31 442 16 13/492 17 96/542 19 78/592 21 611642 23 431692 25 26 _ 843 12 52/393 14 34/443 16 17/493 17 99/543 19 82/593 21 64|643 23 47/693 25 29 344 12 56\394 14 38/444 16 21/494 18 03/544 19 86/594 21 68/644 23 511694 25 33 345 12 59/395 14 42/445 16 24/495 18 07/545 19 89)595 21 72/645 23 54/695 25 37 346 12 63/396 14 45\446 16 28/496 15 10/546 1 9 93/596 21 75/646 23 58/696 25 40 347 12 oe 397 14 49/447 16 32|497 18 14/547 98 7/597 21 79/647 23 621697 25 44 348 12 70'398 14 53/448 16 35/498 18 18/548 20 00! 598 21 83/648 23 65/698 25 48 349 12 74'399 14 56/449 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14 77/444 16 65/494 18 52 395 14 81/445 16 69/495 18 56 396 14 85/446 16 72/496 18 60 397 14 89/447 16 76/497 18 64 398 14 92/448 16 80/498 18 67 399 14 96/449 16 84/499 18 71 From 300 to From 300 to 699 roe at B10 UH ON SELLER’S TABLE. 231 From 300 to 699 Ibs. at Sic. or $3.81 4. 502 18 82\552 503 18 86/553 504 18 90) 505 18 94) 506 18 97 507 19 O1 508 19 05 509 19 09 510 19 12 511 19 16 512 19 20 13 19 24 558 20 559 20 560 21 561 21 562 21 563 21 564 21 565 21 35/566 21 9/567 21 2/568 21 9 19 46/569 21 520 19 50/570 21 521 19 54/571 21 522 19 57|572 21 523 19 61/573 21 524 19 65/574 21 525 19 69/575 21 526 19 72|576 21 527 19 76/577 21 528 19 80/578 21 529 19 84/579 21 530 19 87/580 21 631 19 91/581 21 532 19 95/582 21 [533 19 99/583 21 534 20 02/584 21 535 20 06/585 21 536 20 10/586 21 537 20 14/587 22 538 20 17/688 22 539 20 21|589 22 540 20 25/590 22 541 20 29/591 22 542 20 32/592 22 543 20 36/593 22 544 20 40/594 22 545 20 44/595 22 546 20 47/596 22 547 20 51/597 22 648 20 55/598 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From 300 to 699 Ibs at 3ic or $3.8714. From 300 to 699 Ibs. at Sic. or $3.98%. 300311 62/350313 56/400315 50)450317 44|500819 37/550$21 31/600823 25/650325 19 300811 81/350813 78/400315 75|450317 72|500819 69/550321 66|600823 62/650825 59 301 11 66/351 13 60/401 15 54/451 17 48/501 19 41/551 21 35/601 23 29/651 25 23 301 11 85/351 13 82/401 15 79/451 17 76/501 19 73/551 21 7O/\601 23 66/651 25 63 302 11 70\352 13 64/402 15 58|452 17 51/502 19 45/552 21 39/602 23 33/652 25 26 302 11 89/352 13 86\402 15 83/452 17 80\502 19 77/552 21 73/602 23 70/652 25 67 303 11 74/353 13 68/403 15 62/453 17 55/503 19 49/553 21 43/603 23 37/653 25 30 303 11 93/353 13 90/403 15 87/453 17 84/503 19 81/553 21 77/603 23 74/653 25 71 304 11 78/354 13 72)404 15 65/454 17 59/504 19 53/554 21 47/604 23 40/654 25 34 304 11 97/354 13 94/404 15 91/454 17 88/504 19 84/554 21 81/604 23 78/654 25 75 305 11 82/355 13 76/405 15 69/455 17 63/505 19 57/555 21 51/605 23 44/655 25 38 305 12 01/355 13 98/405 15 95)455 17 92/505 19 88/555 21 85/605 23 82/655 25 79 306 11 86/356 13 79/406 15 73/456 17 67/506 19 61/556 21 54/606 23 48/656 25 42 306 12 05/356 14 02/406 15 99/456 17 95/506 19 92/556 21 89/606 23 86/656 25 83 307 11 90/357 13 83/407 15 77/457 17 71/507 19 65/557 21 58/607 23 52|657 25 46 307 12 09/357 14 06/407 16 03/457 17 99/507 19 96/557 21 93/607 23 90/657 25 87 308 11 93/358 13 87/408 15 81/458 17 75/508 19 68/558 21 62/608 23 56/658 25 50 308 12 13/358 14 10/408 16 06/458 18 03/508 20 00/558 21 97/608 23 94/658 25 91 309 11 97/359 13 91/409 15 85/459 17 79/509 19 72/559 21 66/609 23 60/659 25 54 309 12 17/359 14 14/409 16 10/459 18 07/509 20 04/559 22 01/609 23 98/659 25 95 310 12 01/360 13 95/410 15 89/460 17 82/510 19 76/560 21 70/610 23 64/660 25 57 310 12 21/360 14 17/410 16 14/460 18 11/510 20 08/560 22 05/610 24 02/660 25 99 311 12 05/361 13 99/411 15 93/461 17 86/511 19 80/561 21 74/611 23 68/661 25 61 311 12 25/361 14 21/411 16 18/461 18 15/511 20 12/561 22 O9/611 24 06/661 26 03 312 12 09/362 14 03/412 15 96/462 17 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88 318 12 52/368 14 49/418 16 46/468 18 43/518 20 40/568 22 36/618 24 33/668 26 30 319 12 36/369 14 30/419 16 24/469 18 17/519 20 11/569 22 05/619 23 99/669 25 92 319 12 56/369 14 53/419 16 50/469 18 47/519 20 44/569 22 40/619 24 37/669 26 34 320 12 40/370 14 34/420 16 27/470 18 21/520 20 15|570 22 09/620 24 02/670 25 96 320 12 60/370 14 57/420 16 54/470 18 51/520 20 47/570 22 44/620 24 41|670 26 38 321 12 44/371 14 38/421 16 31/471 18 25/521 20 19/571 22 13/621 24 06|671 26 00 321 12 64/371 14 61/421 16 58/471 18 55/521 20 51/571 22 48/621 24 45/671 26 42 322 12 48/372 14 41/422 16 35/472 18 29/522 20 23/572 22 16/622 24 10/672 26 04 322 12 68/372 14 65/422 16 62/472 18 58/522 20 55/572 22 52/622 24 49/672 26 46 323 12 52/373 14 45/423 16 39/473 18 33/523 20 27/573 22 20/623 24 14/673 26 08 323 12 72/373 14 69/423 16 66)473 18 62/523 20 59/573 22 56/623 24 53/673 26 50 324 12 55/374 14 49/424 16 43/474 18 37/524 20 30/574 22 24/624 24 18/674 26 12 324 12 76/374 14 73/424 16 69/474 18 66/524 20 63/574 22 60/624 24 57/674 26 54 325 12 59/375 14 53/425 16 47/475 18 41/525 20 34/575 22 28/625 24 22/675 26 16 325 12 80/375 14 77/425 16 73/475 18 70/525 20 67/575 22 64/625 24 61/675 26 58 326 12 63/376 14 57/426 16 51/476 18 44/526 20 38/576 22 32/626 24 26/676 26 19 326 12 84/376 14 80/426 16 77|476 18 74/526 20 71/576 22 68/626 24 65/676 26 62 327 12 67/377 14 61/427 16 55/477 18 48/527 20 42/577 22 36/627 24 30/677 26 23 327 12 88/377 14 84/427 16 81/477 18 78/527 20 75|577 22 72/627 24 69/677 26 66 328 12 71/378 14 65/428 16 58/478 18 52/528 20 46/578 22 40/628 24 33/678 26 27 328 12 91/378 14 88/428 16 85/478 18 82/528 20 79/578 22 76/628 24 73/678 26 70 329 12 75/379 14 69/429 16 62/479 18 56/529 20 50/579 22 44/629 24 37/679 26 31 329 12 95/379 14 92/429 16 89/479 18 86/529 20 83/579 22 80/629 24 77|\679 26 74 330 12 79/380 14 72/430 16 66/480 18 60/530 20 54/580 22 47/630 24 41/680 26 35 330 12 99/380 14 96/430 16 93/480 18 90/530 20 87/580 22 84/630 24 81/680 26 77 331 12 83/381 14 76/431 16 70/481 18 64/531 20 58/581 22 51/631 24 45/681 26 39 331 13 03/381 15 00/431 16 97/481 18 94/531 20 91/581 22 88/631 24 85/681 26 81 332 12 86/382 14 80/432 16 74/482 18 68/532 20 61/582 22 55/632 24 49/682 26 43 332 13 07/382 15 04/432 17 01/482 18 98/532 20 95/582 22 92/632 24 88/682 26 85 333 12 90/383 14 84/433 16 78/483 18 72/533 20 65/583 22 59/633 24 53/683 26 47 333 13 11/383 15 08/433 17 05/483 19 02/533 20 99/583 22 96/633 24 92/683 26 89 334 12 94/384 14 88/434 16 82/484 18 75/534 20 69/584 22 63/634 24 57/684 26 50 334 13 15/384 15 12/434 17 09/484 19 06/534 21 03/584 22 99/634 24 96/684 26 93 335 12 98/385 14 92/435 16 86/485 18 79/535 20 73/585 22 67/635 24 61/685 26 54 335 13 19/385 15 16/435 17 13/485 19 10/535 21 07/585 23 03/635 25 00/685 26 97 336 13 02/386 14 96/436 16 89/486 18 83/536 20 77/586 22 71/636 24 64/686 26 58 336 13 23/386 15 20/436 17 17\486 19 14/536 21 10/586 23 07|636 25 04/686 27 O01 337 13 06/387 15 00/437 16 93/487 18 87/537 20 81/587 22 75/637 24 68/687 26 62 337 13 27/387 15 24/437 17 21/487 19 18/537 21 14/587 23 11/637 25 08|\687 27 05 338 13 10/388 15 03/438 16 97/488 18 91/538 20 85/588 22 78/638 24 72/688 26 66 338 13 31/388 15 28/438 17 25/488 19 21/538 21 18/588 23 15|638 25 12/688 27 09 339 13 14/389 15 07/439 17 01/489 18 95/539 20 89|589 22 82/639 24 76/689 26 70 339 13 35/389 15 32/439 17 29/489 19 25/539 21 22/589 23 19/639 25 16/689 27 13 340 13 17/390 15 11/440 17 05/490 18 99/540 20 92/590 22 86/640 24 80/690 26 74 340 13 39/390 15 36/440 17 32/490 19 29/540 21 26/590 23 23/640 25 20/690 27 17 341 13 21/391 15 15/441 17 09/491 19 03/541 20 96/591 22 90/641 24 84/691 26 78 341 13 43/391 15 40/441 17 36/491 19 33/541 21 30/591 23 27/641 25 24/691 27 21 342 13 25/392 15 19/442 17 13/492 19 06/542 21 00/592 22 94/642 24 88/692 26 81 342 13 47/392 15 43/442 17 40/492 19 37/542 21 34/592 23 31/642 25 28/692 27 25 343 13 29/393 15 23/443 17 17/493 19 10/543 21 04/593 22 98/643 24 92/693 26 85 343 13 51/393 15 47/443 17 44/493 19 41/543 21 38/593 23 35/643 25 32/693 27 29 344 13 33/394 15 27/444 17 20494 19 14/544 21 08/594 23 02/644 24 95/694 26 89 344 13 54/394 15 51/444 17 48/494 19 45/544 21 42/594 23 39/644 25 36/694 27 33 345 13 37/395 15 31|445 17 24/495 19 18/545 21 12/595 23 06/645 24 99/695 26 93 345 13 58/395 15 55/445 17 52/495 19 49/545 21 46/595 23 43/645 25 40/695 27 37 346 13 41/396 15 34/446 17 28/496 19 22/546 21 16/596 23 09|646 25 03/696 26 97 346 13 62/396 15 59/446 17 56/496 19 53/546 21 50/596 23 47/646 25 44/696 27 40 347 13 45/397 15 38/447 17 32/497 19 26|547 21 20/597 23 13/647 25 07/697 27 01 347 13 66/397 15 63/447 17 60/497 19 57/547 21 54/597 23 51/647 25 48/697 27 44 348 13 48/398 15 42\448 17 36/498 19 30/548 21 23/598 23 17/648 25 11/698 27 05 348 13 70\398 15 67/448 17 64/498 19 61/548 21 58/598 23 55/648 25 51/698 27 48 349 13 52/399 15 46/449 17 40\499 19 34/549 21 27/599 23 21|649 25 15 699 27 09 349 13 74/399 15 71/449 17 68/499 19 65/549 21 62/599 23 59/649 25 55/699 27 52 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 3:%xe. or $3.90. From 300 to 699 lbsat 33ic. or $3.95. 300811 70)350813 65/400315 60/450317 55/500319 50550321 45/600323 40/650325 35 300311 85/350313 82/400315 80/450317 77|500319 75/550821 72\600323 70/650325 67 301 11 74/351 13 69/401 15 64/451 17 59/501 19 54/551 21 49/601 23 44/651 25 39 301 11 89/351 13 86/401 15 84/451 17 81/501 19 79/551 21 76/601 23 74\651 25 71 302 11 78|352 13 73/402 15 68/452 17 63/502 19 58/552 21 53/602 23 48/652 25 43 302 11 93/352 13 90/402 15 88/452 17 85/502 19 83/552 21 80/602 23 78\652 25 75 303 11 82|353 13 77/403 15 72/453 17 67/503 19 62/553 21 57\603 23 52/653 25 47 303 11 97/353 13 94/403 15 92/453 17 89/503 19 87/553 21 84/603 23 82/653 25 79 304 11 86/354 13 81/404 15 76\454 17 71/504 19 66,554 21 61/604 23 56/654 25 51 304 12 01/354 13 98/404 15 96/454 17 93/504 19 91/554 21 88/604 23 86/654 25 83 305 11 89/355 13 84/405 15 79/455 17 74/505 19 69/555 21 64/605 23 59/655 25 54 305 12 05/355 14 02/405 16 00/455 17 97/505 19 95/555 21 92/605 23 90/655 25 87 306 11 93/356 13 88/406 15 83\456 17 78/506 19 73/556 21 68/606 23 63/656 25 58 306 12 09/356 14 06/406 16 04/456 18 01/506 19 99/556 21 96/606 23 94/656 25 91 307 11 97/357 13 92/407 15 87/457 17 82/507 19 77|557 21 72/607 23 67/657 25 62 307 12 13/357 14 10/407 16 08|457 18 05/507 20 03/557 22 00/607 23 98/657 25 95 308 12 01/358 13 96/408 15 91/458 17 86/508 19 81/558 21 76/608 23 71/658 25 66 308 12 17/358 14 14/408 16 12/458 18 09/508 20 07/558 22 04/608 24 02/658 25 99 309 12 05/359 14 00/409 15 95/459 17 90|509 19 85/559 21 80/609 23 75/659 25 70 309 12 21/359 14 18/409 16 16/459 18 13/509 20 11/559 22 08/609 24 06/659 26 03 310 12 09/360 14 04/410 15 99/460 17 94/510 19 89/560 21 84/610 23 79/660 25 74 310 12 24/360 14 22/410 16 19/460 18 17|510 20 14/560 22 12/610 24 09/660 26 07 311 12 13/361 14 O8\411 16 03/461 17 98/511 19 93/561 21 S8/6II 23 83/661 25 78 SII 12 28/361 14 26/411 16 23/461 18 21/511 20 18/561 22 16/611 24 13/661 26 11 312 12 17/362 14 12\412 16 07/462 18 02/512 19 97\562 21 92/612 23 87\662 25 82 312 12 32/362 14 30/412 16 27\462 18 25/512 20 22/562 22 20/612 24 17\662 26 15 313 12 21/363 14 16/413 16 11/463 18 06/513 20 01/563 21 96/613 23 91/663 25 86 313 12 36/363 14 34/413 16 31/463 18 29/513 20 26/563 22 24/613 24 21/663 26 19 314 12 25/364 14 20/414 16 15/464 18 10/514 20 05|564 22 00/614 23 95/664 25 90 314 12 40/364 14 38/414 16 35/464 18 33/514 20 30/564 22 28/614 24 25/664 26 23 315 12 28/365 14 23/415 16 18/465 18 13/515 20 08/565 22 03/615 23 98/665 25 93 315 12 44/365 14 42/415 16 39/465 18 37/515 20 34/565 22 32/615 24 29/665 26 27 316 12 32/366 14 27/416 16 22/466 18 17/516 20 12\566 22 O7|616 24 02/666 25 97 316 12 48/366 14 46/416 16 43/466 18 41/516 20 38/566 22 36/616 24 33/666 26 31 317 12 36/367 14 31/417 16 26/467 18 21/517 20 16/567 22 11/617 24 06/667 26 01 317 12 52/367 14 50/417 16 47/467 18 45/517 20 42/567 22 40|617 24 37|\667 26 35 318 12 40/3868 14 35/418 16 30/468 18 25/518 20 20/568 22 15/618 24 10/668 26 05 318 12 56/368 14 54/418 16 51/468 18 49/518 20 46/568 22 44/618 24 41/668 26 39 319 12 44/369 14 39/419 16 34/469 18 29/519 20 24/569 22 19/619 24 14/669 =6 09 319 12 60/369 14 58/419 16 55/469 18 53/519 20 50/569 22 48/619 24 45/669 26 43 320 12 48/370 14 43/420 16 38/470 18 33/520 20 28/570 22 23/620 24 18/670 26 13 320 12 64/370 14 61/420 16 59/470 18 56/520 20 54/570 22 51/620 24 49/670 26 46 321 12 52)371 14 47/421 16 42/471 18 37/521 20 32/571 22 27/621 24 22/671 26 17 321 12 68/371 14 65/421 16 63/471 18 60/521 20 58/571 22 55/621 24 53/671 26 50 322 12 56/372 14 51/422 16 46/472 18 41/522 20 36/572 22 31/622 24 26/672 26 21 322 12 72/372 14 69/422 16 67/472 18 64/522 20 62/572 22 59/622 24 57/672 26 54 323 12 60/373 14 55/423 16 50/473 18 45/523 20 40/573 22 35/623 24 30/673 26 25 323 12 76/373 14 73/423 16 71/473 18 68/523 20 66/573 22 63/623 24 61/673 26 58 324 12 64/374 14 59/424 16 54/474 18 49/524 20 44/574 22 39/624 24 34/674 26 29 324 12 80|374 14 77/424 16 75|474 18 72/524 20 70/574 22 67/624 24 65/674 26 62 325 12 67/375 14 62/425 16 57|475 18 52/525 20 47/575 22 42/625 24 37/675 26 32 325 12 84/375 14 81/425 16 79/475 18 76/525 20 74/575 22 71/625 24 69/675 26 66 326 12 71/376 14 66/426 16 61/476 18 56/526 20 51/576 22 46/626 24 41/676 26 36 326 12 88)376 14 85/426 16 83/476 18 80/526 20 78/576 22 75\626 24 73/676 26 70 327 12 75/377 14 70/427 16 65/477 18 60/527 20 55/577 22 50|627 24 45/677 26 40 327 12 92/377 14 89/427 16 87/477 18 84/527 20 82/577 22 79/627 24 77/677 26 74 328 12 79/378 14 74/428 16 69/478 18 64/528 20 59/578 22 54/628 24 49/678 26 44 328 12 96/378 14 93/428 16 91/478 18 88/528 20 86/578 22 83/628 24 81/678 26 78 329 12 83/379 14 78/429 16 73/479 18 68/529 20 63/579 22 58/629 24 53/679 26 48 329 13 00/379 14 97/429 16 95/479 18 92/529 20 90/579 22 87/629 24 85/679 26 82 330 12 87/380 14 82/430 16 77/480 18 72/530 20 67/580 22 62/630 24 57|\680 26 52 330 13 03/380 15 01/430 16 98/480 18 96/530 20 93/580 22 91/630 24 88/680 26 86 331 12 91/381 14 86/431 16 81)481 18 76/531 20 71/581 22 66/631 24 61/681 26 56 331 13 07/381 15 05/431 17 02/481 19 00/531 20 97/581 22 95/631 24 92/681 26 90 332 12 95/382 14 90/432 16 85/482 18 80/532 20 75/582 22 70/632 24 65/682 26 60 332 13 11/382 15 09/432 17 06/482 19 04/532 21 01/582 22 99/632 24 96/68% 26 94 333 12 99/383 14 94/433 16 89/483 18 84/533 20 79/583 22 74/633 24 69/683 26 64 333 13 15/383 15 13/433 17 10/483 19 08/533 21 05/583 23 03/633 25 00/883 26 98 334 13 03/384 14 98/434 16 93/484 18 88/534 20 83/584 22 78/634 24 73/684 26 68 334 13 19/384 15 17/434 17 14/484 19 12/534 21 09/584 23 07/634 25 04/684 27 02 335 13 06/385 15 01/435 16 96/485 18 91/535 20 86/585 22 81/635 24 76/685 26 71 335 13 23/385 15 21/435 17 18/485 19 16/535 21 13/585 23 11/635 25 08/685 27 06 336 13 10/386 15 05/436 17 00/486 18 95/536 20 90|586 22 85/636 24 80/686 26 75 336 13 27/386 15 25/436 17 22/486 19 20/536 21 17/586 23 15/636 25 12)\686 27 10 337 13 14/387 15 09/437 17 04/487 18 99/537 20 94/587 22 89/637 24 84/687 26 79 337 13 31/387 15 29/437 17 26/487 19 24/537 21 21/587 23 19\637 25 16/687 27 14 338 13 18/388 15 13/438 17 08/488 19 03/538 20 98/588 22 93/638 24 88/688 26 83 338 13 35/388 15 33/438 17 30/488 19 28/538 21 25/588 23 23/638 25 20/688 27 18 339 13 22/389 15 17/439 17 12/489 19 07/539 21 02/589 22 97/639 24 92/689 26 87 339 13 39/389 15 37/439 17-34/489 19 32/539 21 29/589 23 27/639 25 24/689 27 22 340 13 26/390 15 21/440 17 16/490 19 11/540 21 06/590 23 01/640 24 96/690 26 91 340 13 43/390 15 40/440 17 38/490 19 35/540 21 33/590 23 30/640 25 28/690 27 25 341 13 30/391 15 25/441 17 20/491 19 15/541 21 10/591 23 05/641 25 OO|69I 26 95 341 13 47/391 15 44/441 17 42/491 19 39/541 21 37/591 23 34/641 25 32/691 27 29 342 13 34/392 15 29/442 17 24/492 19 19/542 21 14/592 23 09/642 25 04/692 26 99 | 342 13 51/392 15 48/442 17 46/492 19 43/542 21 41/592 23 38/642 25 36/692 27 33 343 13 38/393 15 33/443 17 28/493 19 23/543 21 18/593 23 13/643 25 08)/693 27 03 343 13 55/393 15 52/443 17 50/493 19 47/543 21 45/593 23 42/643 25 40/693 27 37 344 13 42/394 15 37/444 17 32/494 19 27/544 21 22/594 23 17/644 25 12/694 27 07 344 13 59/394 15 56/444 17 54/494 19 51/544 21 49/594 23 46\644 25 44/694 27 41 345 13 45/395 15 40/445 17 35/495 19 30/545 21 25/595 23 20/645 25 15/695 27 10 | 345 13 63/395 15 60/445 17 58/495 19 55/545 21 53/595 23 50/645 25 48/695 27 45 346 13 49/396 15 44/446 17 39/496 19 34/546 21 29/596 23 24/646 25 19/696 27 14 346 13 67/396 15 64/446 17 62/496 19 59/546 21 57/596 23 54/646 25 52/696 27 49 347 13 53/397 15 48/447 17 43/497 19 38/547 21 33/597 23 28/647 25 23/697 27 18 347 13 71|397 15 68/447 17 66/497 19 63/547 21 61/597 23 58/647 25 56/697 27 53 348 13 57/398 15 52/448 17 47/498 19 42/548 21 37/598 23 32/648 25 27/698 27 22 348 13 75/398 15 72/448 17 70/498 19 67/548 21 65/598 23 62/648 25 60/698 27 57 349 13 61/399 15 56/449 17 51/499 19 46/549 21 41/599 23 36/649 25 31|699 27 26 349 13 79/399 15 76/449 17 74/499 19 71/549 21 69/599 23 66/649 25 64'699 27 61 Hy oi oe “Ae ”" CotTTOoN SELLER’S TABLE. 233 i From 300 to 699 lbs at 4c. or $4.00. From 300 to 699 Ibsat 4::c. or $4.06 /. \ 300312 00/350314 00/400816 00/450818 00/500320 00!550322 00\600%24 00'650326 00 30081 9/350314 22/400316 25/450818 28/500820 311550822 34/600824 37 1650826 41 t 23/351 14 26/401 16 29/451 18 32/501 20 35/551 22 38/601 24 42 |651 26 45 27/352 14 30/402 16 33/452 18 36/502 20 39/552 22 42/602 24 46 |652 26 49 301 12 04/351 14 04/401 16 04/451 18 04/501 20 04.551 22 04/601 24 04/651 26 04 301 1 3 31/353 14 34/403 16 37/453 18 40|503 20 43/553 22 47 603 24 50 |653 26 53 a 6 302 12 08/352 14 08/402 16 08/452 18 08/502 20 08/552 22 08/602 24 08/652 26 08 302 1 | 303 12 12/353 14 12/403 16 12/453 18 12/503 20 12/553 22 12\603 24 12 653 26 12 303 1 | 304 12 16/354 14 16/404 16 16/454 18 16/504 20 16/554 22 16/604 24 16/654 26 * 305 12 20/355 14 20/405 16 20/455 18 20/505 20 20/555 22 20/605 24 20/655 306 12 24/356 14 24/406 16 24/456 18 24/506 20 24/556 22 24\606 24 24/656 307 12 28/357 14 28/407 16 28/457 18 28/507 20 28/557 22 28/607 24 28/657 26 28 307 308 12 32/358 14 32/408 16 32/458 18 32/508 20 32/558 2 32 608 24 32/658 26 32 308 16 304 1 35/354 14 38/404 16 41/454 18 44/504 20 47/554 22 51/604 24 54 |654 26 57 20 305 1 39/355 14 42/405 16 45/455 18 48/505 20 52/555 22 55/605 24 58 |655 26 61 43/356 14 46/406 16 49/456 18 52/506 20 56/556 22 59/606 24 62 |656 26 65 47/357 14 50,407 16 53\457 18 57/507 20 60/557 22 51/358 14 54/408 16 57/458 18 61/508 20 64/558 22 6 3/607 24 66 |657 26 69 7\608 24 70 658 26 73 1/609 24 74 |659 26 o WWWNWWWNNNVNWNWWWNWWNYNHWWWW ol © aD =) i cs 1 1 1 309 12 36/359 14 36/409 16 36/459 18 36/509 20 36/559 22 36/609 24 36/659 26 36 | 309 12 55/359 14 58/409 16 621459 18 651509 20 68/559 22 7 7 ; 310 12 40/360 14 40/410 16 40\460 18 40/510 20 40/560 22 40/610 24 40/660 26 40 | 3101 62/410 16 66/460 18 69/510 20 72/560 22 75/610 24 78 660 26 81 Sit 12 44/361 14 44/411 16 44/461 18 44/511 20 44/561 22 44/611 24 44/661 26 44 311 12 63/361 14 67/411 16 70/461 18 73/511 20 76/561 22 79/611 24 82 \66I 26 85 | 312 12 48/362 14 48/412 16 48/462 18 48/512 20 48/562 22 48/612 24 48/662 26 48 312 12 67/362 14 71/412 16 74/462 18 77/512 20 80/562 22 83/612 24 86 \662 26 89 ) 313 12 52/363 14 52/413 16 52/463 18 52/513 20 52/563 22 52/613 24 52/663 26 52 313 12 72/363 14 75/413 16 78/463 18 81/513 20 84/563 22 87/613 24 90 663 26 93 | 314 12 56/364 14 56\414 16 56/464 18 56/514 20 56/564 22 56/614 24 56/664 26 56 | 314 12 76/364 14 79/414 16 82/464 18 85/514 20 88\564 22 911614 24 94 664 26 97 | 315 12 60/365 14 60/415 16 60/465 18 60/515 20 60/565 22 60/615 24 60/665 26 GO | 315 12 80/365 14 83/415 16 86/465 18 89/515 20 92/565 22 95/615 24 98 lees 27 02 816 12 64/366 14 64/416 16 64/466 18 64/516 20 64/566 22 64/616 24 64/666 26 64 | 316 12 84/366 14 87/416 16 90/466 18 93/516 20 96/566 22 99/616 25 02 666 27 06 317 12 63/367 14 68/417 16 68/467 18 68/517 20 68/567 22 68/617 24 63/667 26 68 | 317 12 881367 14 91\417 16 94/467 18 97/517 21 00/567 23 O3/GIT 25 07 \667 27 10 318 12 72/368 14 72/418 16 72/468 18 721518 20 72/568 22 72\618 24 72/668 26 72 | 318 12 92/368 14 95/418 16 98/468 19 011518 21 04/568 23 071618 25 11 \668 27 14 | 819 12 76/369 14 76/419 16 76/469 18 76/519 20 76/569 22 76/619 24 76/669 26 76 | 319 12 96/369 14 99/419 17 02/469 19 05/519 21 08/569 23 12/619 25 15 669 27 18 + 320 12 80/370 14 80/420 16 80/470 18 80|520 20 80/570 22 80/620 24 80/670 26 80 | 320 13 00|370 15 03/420 17 06/470 19 09/590 21 12/570 23 25 19 |670 27 22 2 321 12 84/371 14 84/421 16 84/471 18 84/591 20 84/571 22 84/621 24 84/671 26 84 | 321 13 04/371 15 07/491 17 10/471 19 13 521 21 17/571 23 § 322 12 88/372 14 88/422 16 88/472 18 88/592 20 88/572 22 88/622 24 88/672 26 88 322 13 08/372 15 11/492 17 14/472 19 17/622 -21 21/572 23 : | 323 12 92/373 14 92/423 16 92 473 18 92/523 20 92/573 22 92/623 24 92/673 26 92 323 13 12/373 15 15/423 17 18/473 19 22/593 21 25/573 23 2 673 27 34 324 12 96/374 14 96/424 16 96/474 18 96/5294 20 96/574 22 96/624 24 96/674 26 96 | 324 13 16/374 15 191q0o4 17 22 474 19 26/524 21 29/574 23 2 5.35 1674 27 38 325 13 00/375 15 00/425 17 00/475 19 00/525 21 00/575 23 00/625 25 001675 27 00 $25 13 20/375 15 23/495 17 27/475 19 30/525 21 33/575 23 36/625 25 39 1675 27 42 326 13 04/376 15 04/426 17 04/476 19 04/596 21 041576 23 04 676 27 04 326 13 24/376 15 27/426 17 31/476 19 34/526 21 37/576 23 40/626 25 43 |676 27 46 | 327 13 08/377 15 08/427 17 08/477 19 08/527 21 08|577 23 08 677 27 08 | 327 13 28/3877 15 32/497 17 35/477 19 38/527 21 41/577 23 44/627 25 47 1677 27 50 328 13 12/378 15 12/428 17 12/478 19 12/598 21 12/578 23 12 21678 27 12 | 328 13 32/378 15 36/498 17 39/478 19 42/528 21 45/578 23 48/628 25 51 |678 27 54 23 |671 27 26 672 27 30 329 13 16/379 15 16/429 17 16|479 19 16/599 21 16/579 23.16 5/679 27 16 | 329 13 37/379 15 40/499 17 431479 19 46/529 21 491579 23 52/629 25 55 1679 27 58 330 13 20/380 15 20/430 17 20/480 19 20/530 21 20/580 23 20 680 27 20 | 330 13 41/380 15 44/430 17 47/480 19 50/530 21 53/580 23 56/630 25 59 1680 27 62 $31 13 24/381 15 24/431 17 24/481 19 24/531 21 24/581 23 24 681 27 24 | 331 13 45/381 15 48/431 17 51/481 19 54/531 21 57/581 23 60/631 25 63 \681 27 67 332 13 28/382 15 28/432 17 28/482 19 28/532 21 28/582 23 28 9 28/682 27 28 | 332 13 49/382 15 52/432 17 55/482 19 58/532 21 61/582 23 64/632 25 G7 |682 27 71 333 13 32/383 15 32/433 17 32 483 19 32/533 21 32/583 23 32 32/683 27 32 333 13 53/383 15 56/433 17 59/483 19 62/533 21 65/583 23 68/633 25 72 1683 27 75 334 13 36/384 15 36/434 17 36/484 19 36/534 21 36/584 23 36 3/684 27 36 | 334 13 57/384 15 60/434 17 63/484 19 66/534 21 69/584 23 72/634 25 76 \684 27 79 835 13 40/385 15 40/435 17 40/485 19 40/535 21 40/585 23 40 685 27 40 335 13 61/385 15 64/435 17 67/485 19 70/535 21 73/585 23 77/635 25 80 |685 27 83 — «©- 336 13 44/386 15 44/436 17 44/486 19 44/536 21 44/586 23 44 686 27 44 336 13 65/386 15 68/436 17 71/486 19 741536 21 77/586 23 81/636 25 84 |686 27 87 337 13 48/387 15 48/437 17 48/487 19 48/537 21 48|587 23 48 3/687 27 48 337 13 69/387 15 72/437 17 75/487 19 78/537 21 82/587 23 85/637 25 88 |687 27 91 338 13 52/388 15 52/438 17 52/488 19 52/538 21 52/588 23 52 21688 27 52 338 13 73/388 15 76/438 17 79/488 19 82/538 21 86/588 23 89/638 25 92 |688 27 95 339 13 56/389 15 56/439 17 56/489 19 56/539 21 56/589 23 56 3/689 27 56 339 13 77/389 15 80/439 17 83/489 19 87/539 21 90/589 23 93/639 25 96 |689 27 99 390 15 60/440 17 60/490 19 60/540 21 60/590 23 60 690 27 60 | 340 13 81/390 15 84/440 17 87\490 19 91/540 21 94/590 23 97/640 26 00 |690 28 03 341 13 64/391 15 64/441 17 64/491 19 64/541 21 64/591 23 64 5 64/691 27 64 341 13 85/391 15 88/qqi 17 92/491 19 95/541 21 98/591 24 01/641 26 04 |691 28 07 342 13 68/392 15 68/442 17 68/492 19 68/542 21 68/592 23 68 31692 27 68 342 13 89/392 15 92/449 17 96/492 19 99/542 22 02/592 24 05/642 26 08 692 28 11 - 343 13 72/393 15 72/443 17 72/493 19 72/543 21 72/593 23 72 21693 27 72 343 13 93/393 15 97/443 18 00/493 20 03/543 22 06/593 24 09/643 26 12 |693 28 15 344 13 76/894 15 76/444 17 76/494 19 76/544 21 76/594 23 76/644 25 76\694 27 76 344 13 97/384 16 O1jaqq 18 04/494 20 07/544 22 10/594 24 13/644 26 16 \694 28 19 345 13 80/395 15 80/445 17 80/495 19 80/545 21 80/595 23 80|645 25 80/685 27 80 | 345 14 02/395 16 05/445 18 08/495 20 11/545 22 14/585 24 17/645 26 20695 28 23 346 13 84/396 15 84/446 17 84/496 19 84/546 21 84/596 23 84|646 25 84/696 27 84 346 14 06/396 16 09/446 18 12/496 20 15/546 22 18/596 24 21/646 26 24 |696 28 27 347 13 88/397 15 88/447 17 88/497 19 88|547 21 88/597 23 88/647 25 88/697 27 88 347 14 10/397 16 13/447 18 16/497 20 19/547 22 22/597 24 25.647 26 28 |697 28 32 2/398 15 92/448 17 92/498 19 92/548 21 92/598 23 92/648 25 92/698 27 92 348 14 14/398 16 17/448 18 20/498 20 23/548 22 26/598 24 291648 26 32 |698 28 36 349 13 96/399 15 96/449 17 96/499 19 96/549 21 96/599 23 96\649 25 96|699 27 96 349 14 18/399 16 21/449 18 24/499 20 27/549 22 30/599 24 33/649 26 37 |699 28 40 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 4:c. or $4.05. From 300 to 699 Ibsat 4c. or $4.10. 300312 15/350314 17/400316 20/450318 22/500320 25/550822 27/600324 30/650326 32 300312 30 350814 35400316 40|450318 45|500320-50(550822 55600824 60|650326 65 301 12 19/351 14 22/401 16 24\451 18 27/501 20 29/554 22 32/601 24 34/651 26 37 301 12 34,351 14 39/401 16 44/451 18 49/501 20 54/551 22 59/60! 24 64/651 26 69 302 12 23/352 14 26/402 16 28/452 18 31/502 20 33/552 22 36|602 24 38652 26 41 302 12 88/352 14 43/402 16 48/452 18 53/502 20 58/552 22 53/602 24 68|652 26 73 303 12 27/353 14 80/403 16 32/453 18 35/503 20 37/553 22 40/603 24 42/653 26 45 42/353 14 47/403 16 52/453 18 57/503 20 62/553 22 67/603 24 72/653 26 77 sé co b o — w a i=) [xy rs a _ wo Re} J oe i) © fod <<] 304 12 31/354 14 34/404 16 36/454 18 39/504 20 41/554 22 44/604 24 46/654 26 49 304 12 46/354 14 51/404 16 56/454 18 61/504 20 66/554 22 71/604 24 76/654 26 81 305 12 35/355 14 38/405 16 40/455 18 43/505 20 45/555 22 48/605 24 50/655 26 53 305 12 50/355 14 55/405 16 60/455 18 65/505 20 70/555 22 75/605 24 80/655 26 85 — $06 12 39/356 14 42/406 16 44/456 18 47/506 20 49/556 22 52/606 24 54/656 26 57 306 12 55/356 14 60/406 16 65/456 18 70/506 20 75/556 22 80\606 24 85/656 26 90 307 12 43/357 14 46/407 16 48/457 18 51/507 20 53/557 22 56/607 24 58|657 26 61 307 12 59/357 14 64/407 16 69/457 18 74/507 20 79/557 22 84/607 24 89|657 26 94 308 12 47/358 14 50/408 16 52/458 18 55/508 20 57/558 22 60/608 24 62/658 26 65 308 12 63/358 14 68/408 16 73/458 18 78/508 20 83/558 22 88/608 24 93/658 26 98 309 12 51/359 14 54/409 16 56/459 18 59/509 20 61/559 22 64/609 24 66/659 26 69 309 12 67/359 14 72/409 16 77/459 18 82/509 20 87/559 22 92/609 24 97/659 27 02 310 12 55/360 14 58/410 16 60/460 18 63/510 20 65/560 22 68|G10 24 70/660 26 7 310 12 71/360 14 76/410 16 81/460 18 86/510 20 91/560 22 96/610 25 01/660 27 06 * SII 12 60/361 14 62/411 16 65/461 18 67/511 20 TO\561 22 72/611 24 75/661 26 7 311 12 75/361 14 80/411 16 85/461 18 90/511 20 95/561 23 OO/GII 25 05/661 27 10 312 12 64/362 14 66/412 16 69/462 18 71/512 20 74/562 22 76/612 24 79/662 26 81 312 12 79/362 14 84/412 16 89/462 18 94/512 20 99/562 23 04/612 25 09/662 27 14 313 12 68/363 14 70/413 16 73/463 18 75/513 20 78/563 22 80/613 24 83/663 26 85 313 12 83/3863 14 88/413 16 93/463 18 98/513 21 03/563 23 08/613 25 13/663 27 18 314 12 72/364 14 74/414 16 77/464 18 79/514 20 82/564 22 84/614 24 87/664 26 89 314 12 87/364 14 92/414 16 97/464 19 02/514 21 07/564 23 12/614 25 17|\664 27 22 315 12 76/365 14 78/415 16 81/465 18 83/515 20 86/565 22 8S|615 24 91/665 26 93 315 12 91/365 14 96/415 17 01/465 19 06/515 21 11/565 23 16/615 25 21/665 27 26 $16 12 80/366 14 82/416 16 85/466 18 87/516 20 90/566 22 92/616 24 95/666 26 97 316 12 96/366 15 01/416 17 06/466 19 11/516 21 16/566 23 21/616 25 26/666 27 31 | $17 12 84/367 14 86/417 16 89/467 18 91/517 20 94/567 22 96/617 24 99/667 27 O1 317 13 00/3867 15 05/417 17 10/467 19 15/517 21 20/567 23 25/617 25 30/667 27 35 318 12 88/368 14 90/418 16 93/468 18 95/518 20 98/568 23 OOIGIS 25 03/668 27 05 318 13 04/368 15 09/418 17 14/468 19 19/518 21 24/568 23 29/618 25 34/668 27 39 319 12 92/369 14 94/419 16 97/469 18 99/519 21 02/569 23 04/619 25 O7\669 27 09 319 13 08/569 15 13/419 17 18/469 19 23/519 21 28/569 23 33/619 25 38|669 27 43 320 12 96/370 14 98/420 17 01/470 19 03/520 21 06/570 23 08/620 25 11/670 27 13 $20 13 12/370 15 17/420 17 22/470 19 27/520 21 32/570 23 37/620 25 42/670 27 47 371 15 03/421 17 05/471 19 08/521 21 10/571 23 13/621 25 15/671 27 18 321 13 16/371 15 21/42) 17 26/471 19 31/521 21 36/571 23 41/621 25 46/671 27 51 322 13 04/372 15 07/422 17 09/472 19 12/522 21 14/572 23 17/622 25 19/672 27 22 $22 13 20/372 15 25/422 17 30/472 19 35/522 21 40/572 23 45/622 25 50/672 27 55 $23 13 08/373 15 11/423 17 13/473 19 16/523 21 181573 23 211623 25 23/673 27 26 323 13 24/373 15 29/423 17 34/473 19 39/523 21 44/573 23 49/623 25 54/673 27 59 324 13 12/374 15 15|424 17 17/474 19 20/594 21 22/574 23 25/694 25 27/674 27 30 324 13 28/374 15 33/424 17 38/474 19 43/524 21 48/574 23 53/624 25 58/674 27 63 $25 13 16/375 15 19/425 17 21/475 19 241525 21 26/575 23 291/695 25 31/675 27 34 $25 13 382/375 15 37/495 17 42/475 19 47/525 21 52/575 23 57/625 25 62/675 27 67 876 15 23/426 17 25/476 19 28/526 21 30/576 23 33/626 25 35/676 27 38 326 13 37/376 15 42/426 17 47/476 19 52/526 21 57/576 23 62/626 25 67/676 27 72 $27 13 24/377 15 27/427 17 29/477 19 32/527 21 34/577 23 37/627 25 39/677 27 42 327 13 41/377 15 46/427 17 51/477 19 56/527 21 61/577 23 66/627 25 711677 27 76 $2? 13 28)378 15 31/428 17 33|478 19 36/528 21 38/578 23 41/628 25 43/678 27 46 328 13 45/378 15 50/428 17 55/478 19 60/528 21 65/578 23 70/628 25 75/g7g 27 80 329 13 32/379 15 35/429 17 37/479 19 40/529 21 42/579 23 45/629 25 47/679 27 50 $29 13 49/379 15 54/499 17 59/479 19 64/529 21 69/579 23 74/629 25 79/g79 27 g4 330 13 36/380 15 39/430 17 41/480 19 44/530 21 46/580 23 49/630 25 51/680 27 54 330 13 53/380 15 58/430 17 63/480 19 68/530 21 73/580 23 78/630 25 83/g89 27 88 331 13 41/381 15 43/431 17 46/481 19 48/531 21 51/581 23 53/631 25 56/681 27 58 331 13 57/381 15 62/431 17 67/481 19 72/531 21 77/581 23 821631 25 87igg) 27 92 ” $32 13 45/382 15 47/432 17 50/482 19 52 532 21 55/582 23 57/632 25 60/682 27 62 332 13 61/382 15 66/432 17 71/482 19 76/532 21 81/582 23 86/632 25 91\gg9 27 96 - $33 13 49/383 15 51/433 17 54/483 19 56/533 21 59/583 23 611633 25 64/683 27 66 333 13 65/383 15 70/433 17 75/483 19 80/533 21 85/583 23 90/633 25 95|g83 28 00 334 13 53/384 15 55/434 17 58/484 19 60/534 21 63 684 27 70 334 13 69/384 15 74/434 17 79/484 19 84/534 21 89/584 23 94/634 25 99l\ggq 28 04 — $35 13 57/385 15 59/435 17 62/485 19 64/535 21 67 2 vi 335 13 73/385 15 78/435 17 83/485 19 88/535 21 93/585 23 98/635 26 03/g85 28 08 _ $36 13 61/386 15 63/436 17 66/486 19 63/536 21 71 25 76/686 27 78 336 13 73/386 15 83/436 17 88/486 19 93/536 21 98/586 24 03/636 26 O8/ggg 28 13 - $37 13 65/387 15 67/437 17 70/487 19 72/537 21 75 25 80/687 27 82 337 13 82/387 15 87/437 17 92/487 19 97/537 22 02/587 24 07/637 26 12/gg7 28 17 — $38 13 69/388 15 71/438 17 74/488 19 76/588 21 791588 23 81/638 25 84/688 27 86 338 13 86/388 15 91/438 18 96/488 20 01/538 22 06/588 24 11/638 26 16\ggg 28 21 339 13 73/389 15 75/439 17 78/489 19 80/539 21 83/589 23 85/639 25 88/689 27 90 | 339 13 90/389 15 95/439 18 00/489 20 05/539 22 10/589 24 15/639 26 20 689 28 25 340 13 77/390 15 79/440 17 82/490 19 84/540 21 87/590 23 89/640 25 92/680 27 94 340 13 94/390 15 99/440 18 04/490 20 09/540 22 14/590 24 19/640 26 24/g99 28 29 341 13 81/391 15 84/441 17 86/491 19 89/541 21 911591 23 94/641 25 96/691 27 99 341 13 98/391 16 03/441 18 08/491 20 13/541 22 18/591 24 23/641 26 28\g9] 28 33 342 13 85/392 15 88/442 17 90/492 19 93/542 21 95/592 23 98/642 26 00/692 28 03 342 14 02/392 16 07/442 18 12/492 20 17|542 22 22/592 24 27/642 26 32/g99 28 37 343 13 89/393 15 92/443 17 94/493 19 97/543 21 99/593 24 02/643 26 04/693 28 07 343 14 06/393 16 11/443 18 16/493 20 21/543 22 26/593 24 31/643 26 36/693 28 41 344 13 93/394 15 96/444 17 98/494 20 01/544 22 03/594 24 06/644 26 08/694 28 11 344 14 10/394 16 15/444 18 20/494 20 25/544 22 30/594 24 35/gqq 26 40/694 28 45 345 13 97/395 16 00/445 18 02/495 20 05/545 22 07/595 24 10/645 26 12/695 28 15 345 14 14/395 16 19/445 18 24/495 20 29/545 22 34/595 24 39/ga5 26 44/695 28 49 346 14 01!396 16 04/446 18 06/496 20 09/546 22 11/596 24 14/646 26 16/696 28 19 346 14 19/396 16 24/446 18 29/496 20 34/546 22 39/596 24 44/g46 26 491696 28 54 347 14 05/397 16 08/447 18 10/497 20 13/547 22 15/597 24 181647 26 20/697 28 23 347 14 23/397 16 28/447 18 33/497 20 38/547 22 43/597 24 48|g47 26 53/697 28 58 348 14 09/358 16 12/448 18 14/498 20 17/548 22 19/598 24 22/648 26 24/698 28 27 348 14 27/398 16 32/448 18 37/498 20 42/548 22 47/598 24 52/648 26 57/698 28 G2 849 1413 389 16 16/449 18 18/499 20 21/549 22 23/599 24 26/649 26 28/699 28 3 349 14 31/399 16 36,449 18 41/499 20 46/549 22 511599 24 56/649 26 61/699 28 66 ~~ i) Ss - ww > S i=) iJ oa w rh) (=) EE RS ee aes e tet eh att ee a . Boulet 5 ~ — 234 CoTToN SELLER'S TABLE. From 300 to 699 Ibs at 4}c or $4.12%. From 300 to 699 Ibs. at 4;:c. or $4.183/. 332 13 90/382 16 00/432 18 09/482 20 18/532 22 28/582 24 37/632 26 46/682 28 56 333 13 94/383 16 04/433 18 13/483 20 23/533 22 32/583 24 41/633 26 51/683 28 60 334 13 99/384 16 08|434 18 17|484 20 27/534 22 36/584 24 45/634 26 55/684 28 64 335 14 03/385 16 12/435 18 22/485 20 31/535 22 40/585 24 50\635 26 59/685 28 68 336 14 07/386 16 16/436 18 26/486 20 35/536 22 44/586 24 54/636 26 63/686 28 73 337 14 11/387 16 21/437 18 30|487 20 39/537 22 49/587 24 58|\637 26 67/687 28 77 338 14 15/388 16 25/438 18 34/488 20 43/538 22 53/588 24 62/638 26 72/688 28 81 26 36 2 | 339 14 20/389 16 29/439 18 38/489 20 48/539 22 57/589 24 66/639 26 76/689 28 85 26 40/690 28 4¢ 340 14 24/390 16 33/440 18 42/490 20 52/540 22 61|590 24 71/640 26 80/690 28 89 5 44/691 28 50 | 341 14 28/391 16 37/441 18 47/491 20 56/541 22 65/591 24 75/641 26 84/691 28 94 692 28 54 | 342 14 32/392 16 41/442 18 51/492 20 60/542 22 70/592 24 79/642 26 88/692 28 98 343 14 15/393 16 21/443 18 27/493 20 34/543 22 40/593 24 46) 2/693 28 59 | 343 14 36/393 16 46/443 18 55/493 20 64/543 22 74/593 24 83/643 26 93/693 29 02 344 14 19/394 16 25444 18 31/494 20 38/544 22 44/594 24 50 26 56/694 28 63 | 344 14 40/394 16 50/444 18 59\494 20 69/544 22 78/594 24 87/644 26 97/694 29 06 345 14 231395 16 29/445 18 36/496 20 42/545 22 48/595 24 54/645 26 61/695 28 67 | 345 14 45/395 16 54/445 18 63/495 20 73/545 22 82/595 24 92/645 27 01/695 29 10 346 14 27/396 16 33/446 18 401496 20 461546 22 52/596 24 58/646 26 65/696 28 71 | 346 14 49/396 16 58/446 18 68/496 20 77/546 22 86/596 24 96/646 27 05/696 29 14 347 14 31/397 16 38/447 18 44/497 20 50|547 22 56/597 24 63/647 26 69/697 28 75 | 347 14 53/397 16 62/447 18 72\497 20 81/547 22 91/597 25 00/647 27 09/697 2919 | 348 14 35/398 16 421448 18 481498 20 54/548 22 60/598 24 67\648 26 73/698 28 79 | 348 14 57/398 16 67/448 18 76/498 20 85/548 22 95/598 25 04/648 27 13/698 29 23 349 14 401399 16 461449 18 52/499 20 581549 22 651599 24 711649 26 77/699 28 83 | 349 14 61/399 16 71/449 18 80/499 20 90/549 22 99/599 25 08/649 27 18 699 29 27 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 4:sc. or $4.15. From 300 to 699 lbsat 4c. or $4.20. 300812 45/350814 52/400816 60/450318 67/500820 75/550822 82/600%24 90 650326 97 300812 60/350314 70/400316 80)450318 90/500821 00/550323 10/600325 20/650327 30 301 12 49/351 14 57/401 16 64/451 18 72/501 20 79/551 22 87/601 24 94/651 27 02 301 12 64/351 14 74/401 16 84/451 18 94/501 21 04/551 23 14\601 25 24/651 27 34 302 12 53/352 14 61/402 16 68/452 18 76/502 20 83/552 22 91/602 24 98|652 27 06 302 12 68/352 14 78/402 16 88/452 18 98/502 21 08/552 23 18/602 25 28/652 27 38 303 12 57/353 14 65/403 16 72/453 18 80/503 20 87/553 22 95/603 25 02/653 27 10 303 12 73/353 14 83/403 16 93/453 19 03/503 21 13/553 23 23/603 25 33/653 27 43 304 12 62/354 14 69/404 16 77/454 18 84/504 20 92/554 22 99/604 25 07\654 27 14 304 12 77/354 14 87/404 16 97/454 19 07/504 21 17/554 23 27/604 25 37/654 27 47 305 12 66/355 14 73/405 16 81/455 18 88/505 20 96/555 23 03/605 25 11/655 27 18 305 12 81/355 14 91/405 17 01/455 19 11/505 21 21/555 23 31/605 25 41/655 27 51 | 306 12 70/356 14 77/406 16 85/456 18 92/506 21 00/556 23 07/606 25 15/656 27 22 306 12 85/356 14 95/406 17 05/456 19 15/506 21 25/556 23 35/606 25 45/656 27 55 307 12 74/357 14 82/407 16 89/457 18 97/507 21 04/557 23 12/607 25 19/657 27 27 307 12 89/357 14 99/407 17 09/457 19 19/507 21 29/557 23 39/607 25 49/657 27 59 308 12 78/358 14 86/408 16 93/458 19 01/508 21 08/558 23 16/608 25 23/658 27 31 308 12 94/358 15 04/408 17 14/458 19 24/508 21 34/558 23 44/608 25 54/658 27 64 | 309 12 82/359 14 90/409 16 97/459 19 05/509 21 12/559 23 20/609 25 27/659 27 35 309 12 98/359 15 08/409 18/459 19 28/509 21 38/559 23 48/609 25 58/659 27 68 310 12 86|360 14 94/410 01/460 19 09/510 21 16/560 23 24/610 25 31/660 27 39 310 13 02/360 15 12/410 22/460 19 32/510 21 42/560 23 52/610 25 62/660 27 72 1 12 91/361 14 98)41 06/461 19 13/511 21 21/561 23 28/611 25 36/661 27 43 311 13 06/361 15 16/411 26/461 19 36/511 21 46/561 23 56/611 25 66/661 27 76 2 12 95/362 15 02/41 10/462 19 17/512 21 25/562 23 32/612 25 40/662 27 47 312 13 10/362 15 20/412 30/462 19 40\512 21 50/562 23 60|612 25 70/662 27 80 3 12 99/363 15 06 14/463 19 21/513 21 29/563 23 36/613 25 44/663 27 51 313 13 15/363 15 25/413 35/463 19 45/513 21 55/563 23 65/613 25 75/663 27 85 4 13 03\364 18/464 19 26/514 21 33/564 23 41/614 25 48/664 27 56 314 13 19/364 15 29/414 39/464 19 49/514 21 59/564 23 69 25 79|664 27 89 5 13 07/365 22/465 19 30/515 21 37/565 23 45/615 25 52/665 27 60 315 13 23/365 15 33/415 43/465 19 53/515 21 63/565 23 73 25 83/665 27 93 6 13 11/366 26466 19 34/516 21 41/566 23 49/616 25 56/666 27 64 316 13 27/366 15 37/416 47/466 19 57/516 21 67/566 23 77 25 87/666 27 97 317 13 16/367 38.517 21 46/567 23 53/617 25 61/667 27 68 317 13 31/367 15 41/417 51/467 19 61/517 21 71/567 23 81 25 91/667 28 01 318 13 20/368 2/518 21 50/568 23 57/618 25 65/668 27 72 318 13 36/368 15 46/418 56/468 19 66/618 21 76/568 23 86 25 96/668 28 06 319 13 24/369 3/519 21 54/569 23 61/619 25 69/669 27 76 319 13 40/369 15 50/419 60|469 19 70/519 21 80/569 23 90 26 00/669 28 10 320 13 28/370 50/520 21 58/570 23 65/620 25 73/670 27 80 320 13 44/370 15 54/420 64/470 19 74/520 21 84/570 23 94 26 04/670 28 14 321 13 32/371 5/521 21 62/571 23 70/621 25 77/671 27 85 321 13 48/371 15 58/421 68/471 19 78/521 21 88/571 23 98/621 26 08/671 28 18 322 13 36|372 59/522 21 66/572 23 74/622 25 81/672 27 89 322 13 52/372 15 6 72/472 19 82/522 21 92/572 24 02/622 26 12/672 28 22 323 13 40/373 33/523 21 70/573 23 78/623 25 85/673 27 93 323 13 57/373 15 6 77/473 19 87/523 21 97/573 24 07/623 26 17/673 28 27 324 13 45/374 15 52\42 524 21 75/574 23 82/624 25 90/674 27 97 324 13 61/374 15 7 81/474 19 91/624 22 01/574 24 11/624 26 21/674 28 31 ‘ 7 8 2/482 19 88/532 21 94) 86/483 19 92/533 21 99 90/484 19 96/534 22 03 94/485 20 01/535 22 332 13 69/382 15 76/432 333 13 74/383 15 80/433 334 13 78/384 15 84/434 335 13 82/385 15 88/435 Vi 336 13 86/386 15 92/436 98/486 20 05/536 22 11 337 13 90/387 15 96/437 03/487 20 09/537 22 15 338 13 94/388 16 00/438 18 07\488 20 13/538 22 19) 339 13 98/389 16 05/439 18 11/489 20 17/539 22 23 340 14 02/390 16 09/440 18 15/490 20 21/540 22 27/590 24 34 341 14 07/391 16 13/441 18 19|491 20 25/541 22 32/591 24 38 342 14 11/392 16 17/442 18 23/492 20 29/542 22 36/592 24 42) 29 ID 95/431 18 05/481 20 14/531 22 24/581 24 33/1631 26 42/681 28 52° 2) 22 2D 300812 371350814 44|400316 50|q450318 56(500320 62|550822 69/600824 75/650826 81 | 300312 56/350314 66/400316 75/450318 84/500320 94|550323 03/600825 12/650%27 22 | 301 12 42/351 14 48/401 16 54/451 18 GO|6O! 20 67\551 22 73/601 24 79/651 26 85 | BOI 12 60/351 14 70/401 16 79/451 18 89/501 20 98/551 23 07/601 25 17/651 27 26 — 302 12 461352 14 52/402 16 58|q59 18 64/502 20 71/552 22 77/602 24 83/652 26 89 | 302 12 65/352 14 74/402 16 83/452 18 93/502 21 02/552 23 11/602 25 21/652 27 30 303 12 50/353 14 56/403 16 62/453 18 69/503 20 75 2% : 26 303 12 69/353 14 78/403 16 88/453 18 97/503 21 06/553 23 16/603 25 25/653 27 34 304 12 54/354 14 60/404 16 66/454 18 73/504 20 79 304 12 73/354 14 82/404 16 92/454 19 01/504 21 10/554 23 20604 25 29/654 27 39 305 12 58/355 14 64/405 16 71/455 18 77/505 20 83 305 12 77/355 14 87/405 16 96/455 19 05/505 21 15/555 23 24/605 25 33/655 27 43 306 12 62/356 14 68/406 16 75/456 18 81/506 20 87 306 12 81/356 14 91/406 17 00/456 19 09/506 21 19/556 23 28/606 25 35/656 27 47 307 12 66/357 14 73/407 16 79|457 18 85/507 20 91 397 12 86/357 14 95|407 17 04/457 19 14/507 21 23/557 23 321607 25 42/657 27 51 308 12 70/358 14 77/408 16 83/458 18 89/508 20 95 308 12 90/358 14 99/408 17 08/458 19 18/508 21 27/558 23 37/608 25 46/658 27 55 309 12 751359 14 81/409 16 87/459 18 93/509 21 00 309 12 94/359 15 03/409 17 13/459 19 22/509 21 31/559 23 41/609 25 50/659 27 60 310 12 79/360 14 85/410 16 91/460 18 97/510 21 04 310 12 98/360 15 07/410 17 17/460 19 26/510 21 36/560 23 45/610 25 54/660 27 64 © 311 12 83/361 14 89/411 16 95/461 19 02/511 21 08 311 13 02/361 15 12/411 17 21/461 19 30/511 21 40/561 23 49/611 25 59/661 27 68 312 12 871362 14 93/412 16 99/462 19 06/512 21 12 312 13 06/362 15 16/412 17 25/462 19 35/512 21 44/562 23 53/612 25 63/662 27 72 313 12 911363 14 97/413 17 04/463 19 101513 21 16 313 13 11/363 15 20/413 17 29/463 19 39/513 21 48/563 23 58/613 25 67/663 27 76 314 12 95/364 15 01/414 17 08|464 19 14/514 21 20 314 13 15/364 15 24/414 17 34/464 19 43/514 21 52/564 23 62/614 25 71/664 27 80 315 12 99/365 15 06/415 17 12/465 19 18/515 21 24 315 13 19/365 15 28/415 17 38/465 19 47/515 21 57/565 23 66/615 25 75|665 27 85 316 13 03/366 15 10/416 17 16/466 19 22/516 21 28 316 13 23/366 15 33/416 17 42|466 19 51/516 21 61/566 23 70/616 25 79/666 27 89 © 317 13 081367 15 14/417 17 20/467 19 26/517 21 33 317 13 27/367 15 37/417 17 46/467 19 56/517 21 65/567 23 74/617 25 84/667 27 93 318 13 121368 15 18/418 17 24/468 19 30/518 21 37 318 13 32/368 15 41/418 17 50/468 19 60/518 21 69/568 23 78/618 25 88/668 27 97 319 13 16/369 15 22/419 17 28469 19 35/519 21 41 319 13 36/369 15 45419 17 55/469 19 64/519 21 73|569 23 83/619 25 92/669 28 O1 320 13 20/370 15 26/420 17 32/470 19 39|520 21 45 320 13 40/370 15 49/420 17 59/470 19 68/520 21 77/570 23 87/620 25 96/670 28 06 \ 321 13 24/371 15 30/421 17 37/471 19 43/521 21 49 321 13 44/371 15 54/421 17 63/471 19 72/521 21 82/571 23 91/621 26 00/671 28 10 322 13 28/372 15 34/422 17 41/472 19 47/522 21 53 322 13 48/372 15 58/422 17 67/472 19 76/522 21 86|572 23 95/622 26 05/672 28 14 323 13 32/373 15 39/423 17 45/473 19 51/523 21 57 323 13 53/373 15 62/423 17 71/473 19 81|523 21 90/573 23 99/623 26 09/673 28 18 324 13 36/374 15 43/424 17 49|474 19 55/524 21 61 $24 13 57/374 15 66/424 17 75/474 19 85/524 21 94/574 24 04/624 26 13|674 28 22 325 13 41/375 15 47/425 17 53\475 19 59/525 21 66 325 13 61/375 15 70/425 17 80/475 19 89/525 21 98/575 24 08/625 26 17/675 28 27 396 13 45/376 15 51/426 17 57/476 19 63|/526 21 70 326 13 65/376 15 74/426 17 84/476 19 93/526 22 03/576 24 12/626 26 21/676 28 31 327 13 49/377 15 55/427 17 61|477 19 68/527 21 74 327 13 69/377 15 79/427 17 88/477 19 97/527 22 07/577 24 16/627 26 26/677 28 35 398 13 53/378 15 59/428 17 65/478 19 72/528 21 78 328 13 73/378 15 83|428 17 92/478 20 02/528 22 11/578 24 20/628 26 30/678 28 39 399 13 57/379 15 63/429 17 70/479 19 76/529 21 82 329 13 78/379 15 87/429 17 96/479 20 06/529 22 15/579 24 25/629 26 34/679 28 43 330 13 61/380 15 67/430 17 74/480 19 80/530 21 86 330 13 82/380 15 91/430 18 01/480 20 10/530 22 19/580 24 29/630 26 38/680 28 47 | 331 13 65/381 15 72/431 17 78/481 19 84/531 21 90 331 13 86/381 15 17 17 17 17 17 18 BR RRB RRR Ee EE AAMWWABWBAOMDD 39 9239294992249 ASA} 325 13 49/375 15 56/42 525 21 79/576 23 86/625 25 94/675 28 01 325 13 65/375 15 85/475 19 95/525 22 05/575 24 15/625 26 25/675 28 35 526 21 83/576 23 90/626 25 98\676 28 05 | 326 13 69/376 15 89/476 19 99/526 22 09/576 24 19/626 26 29/676 28 39 | 527 21 87/577 23 95/627 26 02/677 28 10 | 327 13 73 427 17 93/477 20 03|527 22 13\577 24 23/627 26 33/677 28 43 528 21 91/578 23 99/628 26 06/678 28 14 328 13 78/378 15 88/428 17 98/478 20 08/528 22 18/578 24 28/628 26 38/678 28 48 529 21 95/579 24 03/629 26 10/679 28 18 329 13 82/379 15 92/429 18 02/479 20 12/529 22 22/579 24 32/629 26 42/679 28 52 99/580 24 07/630 26 14/680 28 22 330 13 86/380 15 96/430 18 06/480 20 16/530 22 26/580 24 36/630 26 46/680 28 56 04/581 24 11/631 26 19/681 28 26 331 13 90|381 16 00/431 18 10/481 20 20/531 22 30/581 24 46/631 26 50/681 28 60 081582 24 15/632 26 23/682 28 30 | 332 13 94/382 16 04/432 18 14/482 20 24/532 22 34/582 24 44/632 26 54/682 28 64 12/583 24 19/633 26 27/683 28 34 333 13 99/383 16 09/433 18 19/483 20 29/533 22 39/583 24 49/633 26 59/683 28 69 16/584 24 24/634 26 31/684 28 39 | 334 14 03/384 16 13/434 18 23/484 20 33/534 22 43/584 24 53/634 26 63/684 28 73 20/585 24 28/635 26 35/685 28 43 335 14 07/385 16 17/435 18 27/485 20 37/635 22 47/585 24 57/635 26 67/685 28 77 4\586 24 32/636 26 39/686 28 47 336 14 11/386 16 21/436 18 31/486 20 41/636 22 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24 99/645 27 09/695 29 19 | 346 14 36/396 16 43/446 18 51/496 20 58 696 28 88 346 14 53/396 16 63/446 18 73|496 20 83|546 22 93/596 25 03|646 27 13/696 29 23 347 14 40/397 16 48/447 18 55/497 20 63 i 24 78|647 26 85/697 28 93 347 14 57/397 16 67\447 18 77\497 20 87/647 22 97/587 25 07/647 27 17/697 29 27 348 14 441398 16 52/448 18 59/498 20 67/548 22 74/598 24 82 848 26 89/698 28 97 | 348 14 62/398 16 72/448 18 82/498 20 92/548 23 02|\598 25 12/648 27 22/698 29 32 949 14 48/399 16 56/449 18 63/499 20 71/548 22 781599 24 861649 26 931699 29 01 | 349 14 66\399 16 76/449 18 86|498 20 96/549 23 06/599 25 16/649 27 26\699 20 3G cae 2 > > ‘ 25 74 97/572 25 17/622 2 25 2 2 > 2 2 9 WOROCE 5 “200 G Oana nnonoocno RDN —=— — = Se N—SCeCMONOANPoONn—o& WNWNWNWNWWWWHOWVWVWW WWWNWNWNWNWWWWD 23 72/589 25 92/639 28 12/689 30 32 7 \447 19 67 ses 17 51| bes 19 71) { ES G29. 19 76/499 31 96 Bag 2 69 60082 1 87|550324 06) (600826 « 25/650328 44 92/551 24 11/601 26 29/651 28 48 96/552 24 15/602 26 34/652 28 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26 49/647 28 71 598 26 54/648 28 75 599 26 58/649 28 80 571 25 550824 41/600326 62 551 24 45/601 26 67 552 24 49/602 26 71 553 24 54/603 26 76 554 24 58/604 26 80 555 24 63605 26 85) 556 24 67/606 26 89 557 24 72/607 26 94 558 24 76/608 26 98 559 24 81/609 27 02 560 24 85/610 27 07 561 24 89\6 562 24 94/6 6 6 4e or $4.45. 00)/550824 20/600326 40)650828 60 22 04) 551 24 24/601 26 44/651 28 64 22 09|552 24 29/602 26 49/652 28 69 22 13/553 24 33/603 26 53/653 28 73 22 18/554 24 38/604 26 58/654 28 78 2 22/555 24 42/605 26 62/655 28 82 2 26/556 24 46/606 26 66/656 25 86 2 31/557 24 51/607 26 71/657 28 91 2 35/558 24 55/608 26 75/658 28 95 40/559 24 60/609 26 80|659 29 00 44/560 24 64,610 26 84/660 29 04 48/561 24 68/611 26 88/661 29 08 53/562 24 73/612 26 93/662 29 13 57/563 24 77/613 26 97/663 29 17 62/564 24 82/614 27 02/664 29 22 66/565 24 86/61 26 70/566 24 90\616 75|567 24 95/617 2 79/568 24 99/618 2 619 620 25 12/621: 5 21/623 2 25 26/624 ¢ 25 30/625 % 25 34/626 2 25 39/627 2 25 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46 51 2/437 19 45/487 21 67/537 23 90) |400317 80|450320 02|/500322 25 401 17 84/451 20 07/501 22 29 402 17 89/452 20 11/502 22 34 403 17 93/453 20 16/503 22 38 405 18 02/455 20 25/505 22 47 406 18 07\456 20 29/506 22 52 407 18 11/457 20 34/507 22 56 408 18 16/458 20 38/508 22 61 409 18 20/459 20 43/509 22 65 410 18 24/460 20 47/510 22 69 Ali 18 29/461 20 51/511 22 74 412 18 33/462 20 56/512 22 78 413 18 38/463 20 60|513 22 83 414 18 42/464 20 65/514 22 87 415 18 47/465 20 69/515 22 92 416 18 51/466 20 74/516 22 96 417 18 56/467 20 78/517 23 01 418 18 60/468 20 83/518 23 05 419 18 65/469 20 87/519 23 10 420 18 69/470 20 91/590 23 14 421 18 73/471 20 96/591 23 18 422 18 78/472 21 00/599 23 23 423 18 82/473 21 05/523 23 27 424 18 87/474 21 09/524 23 32 425 18 91/475 21 14/595 23 36 426 18 96/476 21 18/526 23 41 427 19 00/477 21 23/527 23 45 2/428 19 05/478 21 27/528 23 50 429 19 09|479 21 32/529 23 54 1/430 19 13/480 21 36/530 23 58 5/431 19 18/481 21 40/531 23 63 0/432 19 22/482 21 45/532 23 67 433 19 27/483 21 49/533 23 72! 434 19 31/484 21 54/534 23 76) 435 19 36/485 21 58/535 23 81 436 19 40/486 21 63/536 23 85 438 19 49]q4gg 21 721538 23 94| 439 19 54/489 21 76/539 23 99) 440 19 58/490 21 80|540 24 03 441 19 62/491 21 85/541 24 07 442 19 67/492 21 89/542 24 12 9443 19 71/493 21 94/543 24 16 3/444 19 76/494 21 98/544 24 2 58/445 19 80/495 22 03/545 24 25 62 67 71 76 446 19 85/496 22 07/546 24 30 447 19 89)497 22 12/547 24 34 448 19 94/498 22 16/548 24 39 562 25 564 25 565 25 566 25 567 25 568 25 569 25 570 25 571 25 449 19 98/499 22 211549 24 49 596 26 52|\646 28 75 697 26 57\647 28 79 598 26 61/648 28 84 599 26 Gol64g 28 Ss 650328 84 651 28 89 652 28 93 653 28 98 654 29 O02 655 29 07 656 29 11 657 29 15 658 29 20 659 29 24 660 29 29 661 29 33 662 29 38 663 29 42 664 29 46 665 29 51 666 29 55 667 29 60 668 29 64 669 29 69 680 30 17 681 30 22 682 30 26 683 30 31 684 30 35 685 30 40 686 30 44 687 30 49 688 30 53 689 30 57 690 30 62 691 30 66 692 30 71 693 30 75 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941633 28 584 25 99/634 28 585 26 03/635 28 26/685 30 48 586 26 08/636 28 30/686 30 53 587 26 12/637 28 35 588 26 17/638 28 39 589 26 21/639 28 44 590 26 25)640 28 48 591 26 30/641 28 52, 592 26 34/642 28 57 593 26 39/643 28 61 594 26 43/644 28 66 595 26 48/645 28 70 17/683 30 39 21/684 30 44 687 30 57 688 30 62 689 30 66. 690 30 70: 691 30 75 ; 3 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. 237 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 4c or $4.50. From 300 to 699 Ibs. at 4ike. or $4.564 | 300813 50 |350815 75|400318 00/450820 25500822 50/550824 75) 600827 00 65052 29 2% 300913 69/350815 97/400818 25'450820 53/500822 81/5503: 25 09 sons: 7 371650829 66 301 13 54/351 15 (eat 18 04.451 20 29/501 : 551 24 79 601 2 7 O4 29 2 301 13 73351 16 01/401 18 30/451 20 58/501 22 86551 25 14/601 27 42/651 29 70 | 302 13 59/352 15 84/402 18 09/452i20 34/502 « 24 84/602 2 27 09} 302 13 78352 16 06.402 18 34/452 20 62 502 2290 552 25 18 5/692 2 27 47/652 29 75 303 13 63/353 15 88.403 18 13/453 20 38 ‘503 26 24 88/603 27 3 303 13 82\353 16 11/403 18 39/453 29 67/503 22 95.553 25 ; 27 29 79 — 304 13 68/354 15 93,404 18 18/454 20 43) |504 * ; 304 13 87/354 16 15/404 18 43/454 20 71/504 22 99 554 25 29 84 305 13 72/355 15 97/405 18 22/455 20 47505 : 305 13 92/355 16 20) 3 48 76 oF 29 88 306 13 77/356 16 02/406 18 27/456 20 52 ; 306 13 96/356 16 2 29 93 307 13 81/357 16 06/407 18 31/457 20 56 307 14 01/357 16 29) 29 98 308 13 86/358 16 11/408 18 36/458 20 61, 308 14 05/358 16 3: 02 309 13 90/359 16 15/409 18 40/459 20 65/509 : 309 14 10,359 16 38 O07 310 13 95/360 16 20/410 18 45/460 20 70/510 310 14 14/360 16 11 311 13 99/361 16 24/411 18 49/461 20 74/511 311 14 19/361 16 16 312 14 04/362 16 29/412 18 54/462 20 79/512 § 312 14 23/362 16 52) 20 313 14 08/363 16 33/413 18 58/463 20 83/513 313 14 28/363 16 56 25 314 14 13/364 16 38/414 18 63/464 20 88/514 314 14 33/364 16 61) 29 315 14 17/365 16 42/415 18 67/465 20 92/515 315 14 37/365 16 65 34 316 14 22|366 16 47/416 18 72\466 20 97 516 316 14 42/366 16 39 317 14 26/367 16 51/417 18 76/467 21 01\517 317 14 46/367 16 7 43 318 14 31/368 16 56/418 18 81/468 21 06/518 318 14 51/3868 16 7% 48 » 319 14 35/369 16 60/419 18 85/469 21 10/519 23 3: d 319 14 55/369 16 8 52 320 14 40/370 16 65/420 18 90/470 21 15/520 2: 90 \670 « 320 14 60/370 16 88 57 321 14 44/371 16 69/421 18 94/471 21 19/521 2: : 94/671 : 321 14 65/371 16 9: 61 322 14 49/372 16 74/422 18 99/472 21 2 Re 2 99} |672 : 322 14 69/372 16 97 66 323 14 53/373 16 78/423 19 03/473 21 2s 3 03/673 : 323 14 7 02 71 324 14 58/374 16 83/424 19 08/474 21 33 3/674 « 324 14 7 06 75 325 14 62/375 16 87/425 19 12/475 21 2/675 < 325 148 711 80 326 14 67|376 16 92/426 19 17/476 21 28 17 ‘ 326 148 UD 84 327 14 71/377 16 96/427 19 21/477 21 3 21/677 327 14 § 7 20 89 328 14 76/378 17 01/428 19 26/478 21 j 328 14 § 7 25 93 329 14 80/379 17 05/429 19 30/479 21 329 15 7 2¢ | 98 330 14 85/380 17 10/430 19 35/480 21 330 15 73 ; 02 ' 331 14 89/381 17 14/431 19 39/481 21 6 331 15 7 38 2 23/581 O7 332 14 94/382 17 19/432 19 44/482 21 332 15 7 4: 24 27/582 12 333-14 98/383 17 23/433 19 48/483 21 333 15 7 47 34 32/583 16 334 15 03/384 17 28/434 19 5% p 334 15 § 7 5s 4 36/584 26 64 638 : 28 9: 21 335 15 07/385 17 32/435 19: 2 335 15 veny 14 41/585 26 691635 28 97 1685 31 25 336 15 12/386 17 37/436 19 62 37 536 2 é ‘ 336 15 76 24 74.636 29 02/686 31 30 337 15 16|387 17 41/437 19 66 91/537 2 5 587 | 26 41 337 15: 7 245 ) 78/637 29 06/687 31 34 338 15 21/388 17 46/438 19 96 538 34 21/588 2 26 46) 338 15 7 24 55/588 26 83.638 29 11/688 31 39 339 15 25/389 17 50/439 19 22 00 539 24 2 339 15 7 24 59/589 26 87/639 29 15.689 31 44 340 15 30/390 17 55/440 19 § 22 05/540 24 3( 340 15 < 7 24 64590 26 92/640 29 20/690 31 48 841 15 34/391 17 59/441 19 22 09/541 24 ‘ 341 15! 7 24 68/591 26 96/641 29 25/691 31 53 842 15 39/392 17 64442 19 89 2 14/542 24 39/592 26 64 342 15 6 7 24 73/592 27 01/642 29 29/692 31 57 343 15 43/393 17 68/443 19 9: 2 18/543 24 43/593 26 68 343 15 6 {6 477/593 27 06/643 29 34.693 31 62 344 15 48.394 17 73/444 19 98 2 23/544 24 48/594 26 73 344 15 6 7 25 24 82/594 27 10644 29 38694 31 66 345 15 52/395 17 77/445 20 22 27/545 24 52/595 26 77 345 15 7 8 2 58/545 or 87/595 27 15/645 29 43/695 31 71 846 15 57/396 17 82/446 20 22 32/546 24 57/596 26 82 346 15 7° 8 22 63/546 24 91/596 27 19/646 29 47\696 31 75 847 15 61/397 17 86/447 20 2 36/547 24 61/597 26 86/647 2 31 i 847 15 83) 18 2 22 68/547 24 96/597 27 24/647 29 52/697 31 80 348 15 66/398 17 91/448 20 22 41/548 24 66 (598 26 91 648 29 16,698 31 41 348 15 88/398 18 16/448 20 44/498 22 548 25 00598 27 28 648 29 56.698 31 85 349 15 70/399 17 95/449 20 20499 22 45.459 24 70.599 26 951649 29 201699 31 45 349 15 92399 18 20/449 20 49\499 22 77/549 25 05/599 27 33.649 29 61/699 31 89 | ' From 300 to 699 lbs at 4Aiiec. or $4.55. From 300 to 699 Ibs at 4?c. or $4.60. | 300813 65/350315 92)400318 20 |450820 a7 500822 75) 550825 02\600827 30/650329 02) 57 | 300813 80/350316 10400818 40/450820 70/500823 00550325 30/600327 60650329 90 6-801 13 70351 15 97/401 18 25/451 20 52 07 35/651 29 62 | 301 13 85/351 16 15/401 18 45/451 20 75/501 23 05/551 1601 27 65.651 29 95 © 802 13 74/352 16 02/402 18 29)452 20 57 2% 12 7 39/652 29 67 302 13 89/352 16 19/402 18 49/452 20 79/502 23 09/552 25 39/602 27 69/652 29 99 803 13 79.353 16 06/403 18 34/453 20 61/503 2: 16 7 44/653 29 71 | 303 13 94/353 16 24/403 18 54/453 20 84/503 23 14/553 25 44/603 27 74/653 30 04 304 13 83/354 16 11/404 18 38/454 20 66 rz 4 7 48/654 29 76 304 13 98/364 16 28/404 18 58/454 20 88 Re 5 25 78/654 30 08 305 13 88/355 16 15/405 18 43/455 20 70 2 7 53/655 29 80 | 305 14 03/355 16 33/405 18 63/455 20 93 25: 83/655 30 13 806 13 92.356 16 20/406 18 47/456 20 75 2: 7 57/656 29 85 | 306 14 08/356 16 38/406 18 68/456 20 98 : 2 88/656 30 18 307 13 97/357 16 24\407 18 52/457 20 79 2: 7 621657 29 89 | 307 14 121357 16 42/407 18 72/457 21 02 ° 2 92/657 30 22 308 14 01358 16 29|408 18 56/458 20 84 2 7 66/658 29 94 | 308 14 17/358 16 47/408 18 77/458 21 07 25 2 97/658 30 27 309 14 06/359 16 33/409 18 61/459 20 88 or 7 71/659 2998 | 309 14 21/359 16 51/409 18 81\459 21 11 2 2 28 01/659 30 31 310 14 10/360 16 38/410 18 65/460 20 93/510 2: 27 75/660 30 03 | 310 14 26/360 16 56/410 18 86/460 21 16/510 2: 25 76 06/660 30 36 Sil 14 15/361 16 43/411 18 70/461 20 98 23 25 5 53/611 27 80/661 3008 | 311 14 31/361 16 61/411 18 91/461 21 21/511 23 : 25 81/611 28 11/661 30 41 | 312 14 20/362 16 47/412 18 75/462 21 02/512 23 30/562 25 57/612 27 85/662 30 12 | 312 14 35/362 16 65/412 18 95/462 21 25/512 23: 25 85/612 28 15/662 30 45 313 14 24/363 16 52/413 18 79/463 21 07/513 23 34/563 25 62/613 27 89/663 3017 | 313 14 40/363 16 70/413 19 00|463 : 513 23 6 613 28 20/663 30 50 314 14 29/364 16 56/414 18 84/464 21 11/514 23 39/564 25 66/614 27 94/664 30 21 | 314 14 44/364 16 74/414 19 04/464 21 34/514 23 6 614 28 24/664 30 54 315 14 33/365 16 61/415 18 88|465 21 16/515 23 43/565 25 71/615 27 98|665 30 26 | 316 14 49/365 16 79/415 19 09/465 21 39/515 23 5 99/615 28 29/665 30 59 316 14 38/366 16 65/416 18 93/466 21 20/516 23 48/566 25 75/616 28 03/666 30 30 | 316 14 54/366 16 84/416 19 14/466 21 44/516 23 36 04/616 28 34/666 30 64 817 14 42/367 16 70\417 18 97/467 21 25/517 23 52/567 25 80/617 28 07|\667 30 35 | 317 14 58/367 16 88|417 19 18|467 21 48/517 23 74/868 26 08/617 28 38/667 30 68 318 14 47/368 16 74/418 19 02/468 21 29/518 23 57/568 25 84/618 28 12/668 30 39 | 318 14 63.368 16 93/418 19 23/468 21 53/518 23 83 568 26 13/618 28 43/668 30 73 319 14 51/369 16 79/419 19 06/469 21 34/519 23 61/569 25 89/619 28 16|669 30 44 | 319 14 67/369 16 97/419 19 27/469 21 57/519 23 87/569 26 17/619 28 47/669 30 7 320 14 56/370 16 83/420 19 11/470 21 38.520 23 66/570 25 93 28 211670 30 48 | 320 14 72/370 17 02/420 19 32/470 21 62/520 2: ii 92570 26 22/620 28 52/670 30 82 26/671 30 53 321 14 77/371 17 07/421 19 37/471 21 67/521 23 97/571 26 27/621 28 57/671 30 87 321 14 61/371 16 88/421 19 16/471 21 43/521 23 71/571 25 98/6 : 30/672 30 58 | 322 14 81|372 i 322 14 65/372 16 93)422 19 20\472 21 48/522 23 75/572 26 03 | i 17 11/422 19 41/472 21 71/522 24 01/572 26 31/622 28 61/672 30 91 323 14 70/373 16 97/423 19 25/473 21 52/523 23 80/573 26 07 5/673 30 62 323 14 86/373 17 16/423 19 46/473 21 76/523 24 06573 26 36/623 28 66/673 30 96 324 14 74/374 17 02/424 19 29/474 21 57/524 23 84/574 26 12 9/674 30 67 | 324 14 § RY 5 ? 24 10/574 26 40/624 28 70674 31 00 325 14 79/375 17 06/425 19 34 p 2 26 16 675 30 71 325 14 § il 15/575 26 45/625 28 75/675 31 05 326 14 83/376 17 11/426 19 38 81676 30 76 396 15 1 20 Bee 26 50/626 28 80/676 31 10 327 14 88|377 17 15/427 19 43 9§ 26) 2: 3/677 30 80 | 32715 0 1 ‘ $28 14 92/378 17 20/428 19 47/478 21 75/528 24 02/578 26 30 28 57/678 30 85 328 15 1 329 14 97/379 17 24/429 19 52/479 21 79/529 24 07/579 26 34/629 28 621679 30 89 | 399 15 1; 1 p 330 15 01/380 17 29/430 19 56/480 21 84/530 24 11/580 26 39/630 28 66/680 30 94 330 15 Li 17 P 331 15 06/381 17 34/431 19 61/481 21 89/531 24 16/581 26 44/631 28 71/681 30 99 331 15 2: 1 p * 332 15 11/382 17 38/432 19 66/482 21 93/532 24 21/582 26 48/632 28 76/682 31 03 332 15 ¢ 17 p 333 15 15/383 17 43/433 19 70/483 21 98/533 24 25/583 26 53/633 28 80/683 31 08 333 15 32|383 17 ? 334 15 20/384 17 47/434 19 75/484 22 02/534 24 30/584 26 57|634 28 85/684 31 12 334 15 36/384 17 ? 335 15 24/385 17 52/435 19 79/485 22 07/535 24 34/585 26 62/635 28 89/685 31 17 335 15 41/385 17 2 336 15 29/386 17 56/436 19 84/486 22 11/536 24 39/586 26 66/636 28 94/686 31 21 336 15 46/386 17 28 56 _ 337 15 33/387 17 61/437 19 88/487 22 16/537 24 43/587 26 711637 28 981687 31 26 337 15 50|387 17 2 60 338 15 38/388 17 65/438 19 93/488 22 20/538 24 48/588 26 75\638 29 03/688 31 30 338 15 55/388 17 4 2 | 29 3F 55 $39 15 42/389 17 70/439 19 97/489 22 25/539 24 52/589 26 80/639 29 07/689 31 35 339 15 59'389 17 89\439 20 19/489 22 79/589 27 09'639 29 39/689 31 69 340 15 47/390 17 74/440 20 02/490 22 29/540 24 57/590 26 84/640 29 12/690 31 39 340 15 64/380 17 94/440 20 24/490 22: 84590 27 14/640 29 44/690 31 7 341 15 52/391 17 79/441 20 07/491 22 34/541 24 62/591 26 89\641 29 17\691 31 44 341 15 69/391 17 99/441 20 29/491 22: 89\591 27 19/641 29 aaiea 31 79 342 15 56/392 17 84/442 20 11/492 22 39/542 24 66.592 26 94/642 29 21/692 31 49 342 15 73/392 18 03\442 20 33 1492 22 63 | 343 15 61/393 17 88/443 20 16/493 22 43/543 24 71/593 26 98/643 29 26/693 31 53 343 15 78393 18 08)\443 20 38/493 22 68) ‘ Q 344 15 65/394 17 93/444 20 20/494 22 48/544 24 75/594 27 03/644 29 30/694 31 58 344 15 82\394 18 12/444 20 42/494 22 72/544 25 02 2594 27 32| (644 29 62/694 31 92 345 15 70/395 17 97/445 20 25/495 22 52/545 24 80/595 27 07|645 29 35/695 31 62 345 15 ae \395 18 17\445 20 47/49 22 77/545 25 07/595 27 37 1645 29 67 695 31 97 846 15 74/396 18 02/446 20 29/496 22 57/546 24 84/596 27 12/646 29 39/696 31 67 346 15 92/396 18 22/446 20 5 epee 22 82/546 12596 27 42646 29 72/696 32 02 347 15 79/397 18 06/447 20 34/497 22 61/547 24 89597 27 16'647 29 441697 31 71 347 15 961397 18 26\447 20 56\4! 2 86) 547 | 5 16|597 27 46/647 29 76 697 32 06 848 15 83/398 18 11/448 20 38/498 22 66/548 24 93.598 2 oF 21/648 29 48698 31 76 848 16 01\398 18 31|448 20 61 aoe 2 22 91(548 25 21/598 27 5 51/648 29 81/698 32 11 549 25 25|599 27 55,649 29 85/699 32 15 849 15 88]399 18 15/449 20 43/499 22 70|549 24 98/599 27 25/649 29 53/699 31 80 349 16 05/399 18 35/449 20 65)499 22 95 238 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. aoe From 300 to 699 Ibs at 4ic or $4.62%. From 300 to 699 lbs. at 4tic. or $4.683/. 825, 350316 41|400818 75|450821 09/500823 44/550325 781600828 121650330 47 300813 87|350316 19|400818 50\450820 81|500823 12/550325 44|600827 75650330 06 | 300814 06 301 13 92/351 16 23/401 18 55/451 20 86/501 23 17/551 25 48/601 27 80/651 30 11 301 14 11/351 16 45/401 18 80451 21 14/501 23 48/551 25 83/601 28 17/651 30 52 302 13 97/352 16 28/402 18 59/452 20 90/502 23 22 25 53/602 27 84/652 30 15 302 14 16/352 16 50/402 18 84452 21 19/502 23 53/552 25 87/602 28 22/652 30 56 303 14 91/353 16 33/403 18 64/453 20 95 3 26 25 58\603 27 89/653 30 20 303 14 20353 16 55/403 18 89/453 21 23/503 23 58/553 25 92/603 28 27/653 30 61 304 14 06/354 16 37|\404 18 68/454 21 00 25 62\604 27 93/654 30 25 304 14 25/354 16 59/404 18 94/454 21 28/504 23 62/554 25 97/604 28 311654 30 66 305 14 11/355 16 42/405 18 73/455 21 04 25 67/605 27 98/655 30 29 305 14 30355 16 64/405 18 98/455 21 33/505 23 67/555 26 02/605 28 36 655 80 70 306 14 15/356 16 46/406 18 78\456 21 09} 5 71/606 28 03/656 30 34 306 14 34356 16 69/406 19 03/456 21 37/506 23 72/556 26 06.606 28 41/656 30 75 307 14 20\357 16 51/407 18 82|457 21 14 308 14 24/358 16 56/408 18 87\458 21 18 309 14 29/359 16 60/409 18 92/459 21 23 3 07/657 30 39 307 14 39357 16 73/407 19 08.457 21 42|507 23 77|557 26 11/607 28 45,657 30 80 28 12/658 30 43 308 14 44,358 16 78/408 19 12/458 21 47/508 23 81/558 26 16/608 28 50/658 30 84 17\659 30 48 309 14 48/359 16 83/409 19 17/459 21 52/509 23 86/559 26 20/609 28 55/659 30 89 310 14 34/360 16 65)410 18 96460 21 27) 8 21/660 30 52 310 14 53)360 16 87\410 19 22/460 21 56/510 23 91/560 26 251610 28 59/660 30 94 311 14 38/361 16 70/411 19 Ollag1 21 32) 26/661 30 57 311 14 58/361 16 92/411 19 27/461 21 61/511 23 95/561 26 30/611 28 64/661 30 98 312 14 43/362 16 74/412 19 05/462 21 37 30/662 30 62 312 14 62/362 16 97/412 19 31/462 21 66/512 24 00/562 26 341612 28 69\662 31 03 313 14 48/363 16 79/413 19 10\463 21 41 35/663 30 66 313 14 67/363 02/413 19 36/463 21 70/513 24 05563 26 39/613 28 73/663 31 08 314 14 52/364 16 83/414 19 15/464 21 46 40/664 30 7 314 14 72/364 06/414 19 41/464 21 75/514 24 09/564 26 44/614 28 78 664 31 12 315 14 57/365 16 88.415 19 19/465 21 51 8 44/665 30 76 315 14 77365 11/415 19 45/465 21 80/515 24 14/565 26 48/615 28 83\665 31 17 316 14 61/366 16 93/416 19 24/466 21 55 49/666 30 80 316 14 81/366 16/416 19 50/466 21 84/516 24 19/566 26 53/616 28 87/666 31 22 317 14 66/367 16 97/417 19 29/467 21 60 54/667 30 85 317 14 86|367 20/417 19 99/467 21 89/517 24 23/567 26 58/617 28 92/667 31 27 318 14 71/368 17 02/418 19 33\468 21 64 28 58/668 30 89 318 14 91/368 25/418 19 59/468 21 94518 24 28/568 26 62/618 28 97/668 31 31 319 14 75/369 17 07/419 19 38/469 21 69 63/669 30 94 319 14 95/369 320 14 80/370 17 11/420 19 42/470 21 321 14 85/371 17 16/421 19 47/471 21 78 322 14 89/372 17 20/422 19 52/472 21 83 28 67/670 30 99 320 15 00|370 8 72\671 31 03 321 15 05/371 28 77/672 31 08 5 34/420 19 69/470 22 03/520 24 37/570 26 72/620 29 06/670 31 41 39/421 19 73/471 22 08/521 24 42/571 26 77/621 29 11/671 31 45 7 7 7 it 7 ‘ 7 30/419 19 64/469 21 98/519 24 33/569 26 67/619 29 02/669 31 36 ‘ 7 7 44/422 19 78/472 22 12/522 24 47/572 26 81/699 29 16/672 31 50 7 7 7 323 14 94/373 17 25/423 19 56/473 21 88 81/673 31 13 3 48/423 19 83/473 22 17/523 24 52/573 26 86/623 29 20\673 31 55 324 14 98/374 17 30/424 19 61/474 21 92 86/674 31 17 5. 1S 53/424 19 87/474 22 22/594 24 56/574 26 91/624 29 25/674 31 59 325 15 03/375 17 34/425 19 66/475 21 97 91/675 31 22 15 23 58/425 19 92/475 22 27/5295 24 61/575 26 95/625 29 30/675 31 64 326 15 08/376 17 39/426 19 70|476 22 01 95/676 31 26 15 28 7 62/426 19 97/476 22 31/526 24 66/576 27 00/626 29 34/676 31 69 327 15 12/877 17 44/427 19 75/477 22 06 00\677 31 31 327 15 33/377 17 67/427 20 02/477 22 36/5297 24 70/577 27 05/627 29 39/677 31 73 328 15 17/378 17 48/428 19 79/478 22 11 04/678 31 36 iby 7 72/428 20 06/478 22 41/598 24 75/578 27 09/628 29 441678 31 78 329 15 22 17 9 8 09/679 31 40 15 7 77/429 20 11/479 22 45/599 24 80/579 27 14/629 29 48/679 31 83 330 15 26 17 98 29 14/680 31 45 al 7 81/430 20 16.480 22 50.530 24 84/580 27 191630 29 53/680 31 87 331 15 31 7 29 18/681 31 50 15.52 7 86/431 20 20481 22 55/531 24 89/581 27 23/631 29 58l68I 31 92 332 15 35 29 23/682 31 54 | 332 15 56/382 17 91/432 20 25/482 22 59/532 24 94/582 27 28/632 29 621689 31 97 333 15 40 28/683 31 59 333 15 61/383 17 95/433 20 30/483 22 64/533 24 98/583 27 33/633 29 67/683 32 02 334 15 45 32/684 31 63 334 15 66/384 18 00/434 20 34/484 22 69/534 25 03/584 27 37/634 29 72/684 32 06 335 15 49 2 22 4: 37/685 31 68 | 335 15 70/385 18 05/435 20 39/485 22 73.535 25 08/585 27 42/685 29 77/685 32 11 336 15 54/386 17 85/436 20 16/486 22 48 29 41/686 31 73 336 15 75/386 18 09/436 20 44/486 22 78/536 25 12/586 27 47/636 29 81/686 32 16 337 15 59/387 17 90/437 20 21/487 22 52 46/687 31 77 337 15 80/387 18 14/437 20 48/487 22 83/537 25 17/587 27 52/637 29 86/687 32 20 338 15 63/388 17 94/438 20 26/488 22 57 29 51/688 31 82 | 338 15 84/388 18 19/438 20 53/4gg 22 87/538 25 22/588 27 56/638 29 91/688 32 25 339 15 68/389 17 99/439 20 30\489 22 62 55/689 31 87 | 339 15 89389 18 23/439 20 58.489 22 92/539 25 27/589 27 61/639 29 95/689 32 30 340 15 72/390 18 04/440 20 35/490 22 66 60690 31 91 | 340 15 94/390 18 28|440 20 62,490 22 97/540 25 31/590 27 66/640 30 00\90 32 34 65/691 31 96 | 341 15 98/391 18 33/441 20 67/491 23 02/541 25 36/591 27 70/641 30 05/691 32 39 69692 32 00 | 342 16 03/392 18 37/442 20 72/492 23 06/542 25 41/592 27 75/642 30 09/692 32 44 29 74/693 3205 | 343 16 08393 18 42/443 20 77.493 23 11/543 25 45/593 27 801643 30 14|693 32 48 | 9 78/694 32.10 | 344 16 12394 18 47/444 20 81/494 23 16 544 25 50594 27 84/644 30 19/694 32 53 645 29 83.695 32 14 | 345 16 17395 18 52/445 20 86.495 23 20545 25 695 32 58 27 56/646 29 88/696 32 19 | 346 16 22/396 18 56/446 20 91/496 23 25/546 : 696 32 62 2! 27 61/647 29 92697 32 24 | 347 16 27397 18 61/447 20 95/497 23 30|547 697 32 67 3 0: 25 34/598 27 66/648 29 97/698 32 28 | 348 16 31398 18 66/448 21 00.498 23 34/548 698 32 72 499 23 03/549 25 39/599 27 70/649 30 021699 32 33 | 349 16 36/399 18 70/449 21 05499 23 39549 649 30 42/699 32 77 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 4}3c. or $4.65. From 300 to 699 Ibsat 4c. or $4.70. 300313 95350816 27|400818 60/450320 92|500823 251550825 571600827 90650830 22 | 300814 10350816 45|400318 80/450821 15500323 50/550325 85|600828 20/650330 55 301 14 00361 16 32401 18 65451 20 97 501 23 30/551 25 62 601 27 95.651 30 27 | B01 14 15/351 16 50401 18 85.451 21 20501 23 55.551 25 901601 28 251651 30 60 302 14 04362 16 37/402 18 69/452 21 02/502 23 34/552 25 67/602 27 99652 30 32 | 302 14 19352 16 54/402 18 89|452 21 24/502 23 59/552 25 94/602 28 29/659 30 64 303 14 09/363 16 41/403 18 74/453 21 06/503 23 39 5 71/603 28 04.653 30 36 | 303 14 24.353 16 59/403 18 94453 21 29/503 23 64.553 25 99.603 28 341853 30 69. 304 14 14354 16 46/404 18 79454 21 11504 23 44554 25 76 604 28 09.654 30 41 | 304 14 291354 16 64/404 18 99.454 21 34/504 23 69/554 26 04/604 28 39\g54 30 74. 305 14 18/355 16 51/405 18 83/455 21 16505 23 48) 5 81/605 28 13.655 30 46 | 305 14 33/355 16 68/405 19 03.455 21 38/505 23 73/555 26 08605 28 43/655 30 78 306 14 23.356 16 55/406 18 88/456 21 20/506 23 53| 5 85/606 28 18656 30 50 | 306 14 38/356 16 73/406 19 03/456 21 43/506 23 781556 26 131606 28 481656 30 83. 307 14 28/357 16 60,407 18 93.457 21 25/507 23 58/557 25 90/607 28 23/657 30 55 | 307 14 43/357 16 78/407 19 13.457 21 48.507 23 83/557 26 181607 28 53/657 30 88 308 14 32/358 16 65/408 18 97/458 21 30/508 23 62| 2 95.608 28 27.658 30 60 | 308 14 48/358 16 83,408 19 15/458 21 53 508 23 88558 26 23/608 28 58/658 30 93. 349 16 14/399 18 451449 : 2 0 or -1 ww a oO o ww io 3) So a 309 14 37/359 16 69/409 19 02/459 21 34/509 23 67) 5 99/609 28 32/659 30 64 | 309 14 52/359 16 87/409 19 22/459 21 57/509 23 92/559 26 27/609 28 621659 30 97 310 14 41/360 16 74/410 19 06/460 21 39 371/560 26 04/610 28 36660 30 69 | 319 14 57/360 16 92/410 19 27,460 21 62.510 23 97/560 26 32 610 28 67/660 31 02 Sil 14 46/361 16 79/411 19 11/461 21 23 76) 5 O9/6I1 28 41/661 30 74 | 311 14 62/361 16 97/411 19 32/461 21 67/511 24 02/561 26 37/611 28 T2\g61 31 OF. 312 14 51/362 16 83/412 19 16/462 21 48 23 81| 5 13/612 28 46/662 80 78 | 312 14 66/362 17 01/412 19 36)462 21 71/512 24 06|562 26 41\612 28 T6lgg2 31 11 313 14 55/363 16 88/413 19 20/463 21 53 23 85 26 18/613 28 50/663 30 83 | 313 14 71/363 17 06/413-19 41/463 21 76/513 24 11/563 26 46/613 28 81lg63 31 16 314 14 60/364 16 93/414 19 25/464 21 58 23 90 3 23/614 28 55/664 30 88 | 314 14 76\364 17 11/414 19 46/464 21 81/514 24 16/564 26 51/614 28 S6lgga 31 21 315 14 65/365 16 97/415 19 30/465 21 62 23 95 27/615 28 60|665 30 92_| 315 14 80/365 17 15/415 19 50/465 21 85/515 24 20/565 26 55/615 28 90/665 31 25 316 14 69/366 17 02/416 19 34/466 21 6 23 99 32/616 28 64666 30 97 | 316 14 85|366 17 20/416 19 55/466 21 90/516 24 25/566 26 60/616 28 95/666 31 30. 317 14 74367 17 O7|417 19 39/467 21 24 04 5 37/617 28 69/667 31 02 | 317 14 90\367 17 25/417 19 60|467 21 95/517 24 30/567 26 GdlgI7 29 OOlgE7 31 35 318 14 79/368 17 11]418 19 44/468 21 24 09 541/618 28 74/6E8 31 06 | 318 14 95/368 17 30/418 19 65/468 22 001518 24 35/568 26 70/618 29 O5\g68 31 40 319 14 83/369 17 16\419 19 48/469 21 24 13 26 46/619 28 78/669 31 11 319 14 99/369 17 34/419 19 69/469 22 04/519 24 39/569 26 74/619 29 O9|g69 31 44 320 14 88/370 17 20/420 19 53/470 21 85/520 24 18 321 14 93/371 322 14 97/372 323 15 02/373 324 15 07/374 3 50/620 28 83.670 31 15 | 320 15 04|370 17 39/420 19 74/470 22 09/520 24 44/570 26 791620 29 14670 31 49. 3 55/621 28 88/671 31 20 | 321 15 09|371 17 44/421 19 79\471 22 14/591 24 49/571 26 84l621 29 191671 31 54. 26 60/622 28 92/672 31 25 | 322 15 13/372 17 48/422 19 83/472 22 18/592 24 53/572 26 881692 29 23/679 31 58 5 64/623 28 97/673 31 29 | 323 15 18/373 17 53/423 19 88|473 2: 58/573 26 93/623 29 28/673 31 63 3 69/624 29 02/674 31 34 | 324 15 23/374 17 58/424 19 93 63/574 26 98/624 29 33/674 31 68 7 25/421 19 58/471 21 521 24 23 7 30/422 19 62/472 21 9: 24 27 7 34/423 19 67/473 21 99/523 24 32 7 39/424 19 72/474 22 524 24 37 325 15 11/375 17 44/495 19 76/475 22 09/525 24 41 374/625 29 06/675 31 39 | 395 15 27/375 17 62|425 19 97 7/575 27 02/625 29 37\675 31.72 326 15 16/376 17 48/496 19 81\476 22 13/526 24 46 378/626 29 11/676 31 43 | 396 15 32/376 17 67/426 20 02 2|576 27 07/626 29 42/676 31 77 327 15 21/377 17 53/427 19 86/477 22 18|527 24 51/577 26 83/627 29 16/677 31 48 | 397 15 371377 17 72/427 20 07 577 27 12/627 29 471677 31 82 328 15 25/378 17 58/428 19 90/478 22 23/598 24 55| 5 29 20/678 3153 | 398 15 42/378 17 77/428 20 12 82/578 27 17/628 29 52/678 31 87 329 15 62/429 19 95\479 22 27/529 24 60| 5|679 3157 | 329 15 46/379 17 81|429 20 16 3/579 27 21/629 29 56/679 31 91 330 15 34/380 331 15 39/381 332 15 44/382 333 15 48/383 334 15 53/384 67/430 19 99/480 22 32/530 24 64) 9/680 31 62 | 330 15 51/380 17 86/430 20 21 2 580 27 26/630 29 61/680 31 96 681 31 67 ; 7 91/431 20 26/481 22 61/531 24 96/581 27 31/631 29 66/681 32 01. 29 39/682 31 71 | 332 15 60/382 17 95/432 20 30/482 22 65/532 25 00/582 27 35/632 29 70\682 32 05. 11/633 29 43/683 31 76 | 333 15 65/383 18 00/433 20 35/483 22 70/533 25 05/583 27 40/633 29 75/683 32 10 16/634 29 48/684 31 81 | 334 15 70/384 18 05/434 20 40|484 22 75/534 25 10/584 27 45/634 29 SUl684 32 15. 20/635 29 53/685 31 85 | 335 15 74/385 18 09/435 20 44/485 22 79/535 25 14/585 27 49/635 29 84\6g5 32 19 | 25/636 29 57/686 31 90 | 336 15 79/386 18 14/436 20 49/486 22 84/536 25 19/586 27 54/636 29 89lege 32 24 J i 30/637 29 62/687 31 95 | 337 15 84/387 18 19/437 20 54/487 22 89/537 25 24/587 27 59/637 29 94/687 32 29 338 15 72/388 18 04/438 20 37\4g8 9/538 25 02} 34/638 29 67/688 31 99 | 338 15 89/388 18 24/438 20 59/488 22 94/538 25 29/588 27 641638 29 99lggg 32 34 339 15 76/389 18 09/439 20 41\489 25 06 39/639 29 71/689 32 04 | 339 15 93/389 18 28/439 20 63/489 22 98/539 25 33/589 27 681639 30 03/689 32 38 340 15 81/390 18 13\440 20 46\490 25 11/590 27 43/640 29 76/690 32 08 | 340 15 98/390 18 33/440 20 63/490 23 03/540 25 38|590 27 73l6a0 30 08/690 32 43 341 15 86/391 18 18/441 20 51/49) 25 16/591 27 48/641 29 81/691 32 13 | 341 16 03/391 18 38lq4q 20 73/491 23 OS/54l 25 43/591 27 78lga1 30 13/691 32 48 342 15 90/392 18 23/442 20 55/492 25 20/592 27 53/642 29 85/692 32 18 342 16 07/392 18 42/442 20 77/492 23 12/542 25 47/592 27 82/642 30 17/692 32 52 343 15 95/393 18 27/443 20 60/493 22 29 25/593 27 57/643 29 90/693 32 22 | 343 16 12|393 18 47/443 20 82/493 23 17/543 25 52/593 27 87/643 30 221693 32 57. 344 16 00/394 18 32/444 20 65/494 22 97/544 25 30594 27 62/644 29 95/694 32 27 | 344 16 17/394 18 52/444 20 87/494 23 221544 25 57/594 27 92 644 30 27/694 32 62 345 16 04/395 18 37/445 20 69|495 23 02 25 34/595 27 67/645 29 99/695 32 32 | 345 16 21/395 18 56/445 20 91/495 23 26/545 25 61/595 27 961645 30 31/695 32 66 346 16 09/396 18 41/446 20 74/496 23 06/546 25 39/596 27 71/646 30 04/696 32 36 | 346 16 26/396 18 61/446 20 96/496 23 31/546 25 66/596 28 01/646 30 36/698 32 71 347 16 14/397 18 46/447 20 79497 23 25°44/597 27 76/647 30 09/697 32 41 | 347 16 31/397 18 66/447 21 01/497 23 36/547 25 71/597 28 06/647 30 411697 32 76 348 16 18/398 18 51/448 20 83/498 23 16/548 25 48/598 27 81/648 30 13/698 32 46 | 348 16 36/398 18 71/448 21 05/498 23 411548 25 76/598 28 11/648 30 46 698 32 81 849 16 23/399 18 55/449 20 88/499 23 20/549 25 53/599 27 85/649 30 18/699 32 50 | 349 16 40/399 18 75/449 21 10/499 23 451549 25 80/699 28 15 649 30 50/699 32 85 7 7 7 i 7 7 7 72/431 20 04/481 22 37/531 24 69 7 76|432 20 09)482 22 41/532 24 74 7 : 22 4 7 2 q q 81/433 20 3533 24 78 86/434 20 534 24 83 335 15 58/385 17 90/435 20 23/485 5/535 24 88 336 15 62/386 17 95/436 20 27\486 536 24 92 337 15 67/387 18 00/437 20 32/487 5/537 24 97 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 30/379 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 22 § 99 22 99 22 99 22 290 99 22 i) 22 99 22 COTTON SELLER’S TABLE From 300 to 699 Ibs at dic. or $4.75 3 efDe From 300 to 6 99 lbs at Alle ie. or $4.81 4. > 300814 25|350316 62) @ 2/400819 00|45082 sae 301 14 30/351 16 67 0 21 37/500823 be ¢ 401 19 0: 31 4: 23 79 550526 12 98 50! eee 7 402 19 COUN ananicnced aalbeatneoe cee 50(650830 87 go0si4 44/350816 84400819 25| 9} 7 d ‘ aie 26 22 38 Bgl an QF. 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9 | Bf 7 43 ‘ 99.27 : 27 25/602 29 72 5) 305 14 87/355 17 31/405 19 74 ae 24 5 |B54 27 01/604 29 44/654 3 Neat 26 /353 17 43/403 19 90/453 22 37|503 24 84 BBS 27 72/662 32 19 405 : 24 62 7 06 50-401 2 5 01) 8) 5 96 g 30603 29 77 39 306 14 92/356 17 35/406 19 79 x 3505 ed 62155 27 06/605 29 491655 3 305 a3 Ht \354 iv 48 404 19 95/454 22 42/504 24 88/554 27 e 77/653 32 24 307 14 97/357 17 40,407 19 84 23/506 24 67/556 27 10/606 29 54656 3 15 06/355 17 53/405 20 00/455 22 47/505 24 Seber Bs ap lCoe ea cee 308 15 01/358 17 45/408 19 89) 2 28/507 24 72/5b7 27 15/607 29 59/857 32 Fe Ta ShB: Te Oe n00-20 GAB zz 51/506 24 98 40605 29 87/655 32 34 Bara ‘ 33) 24 7 7 Pal LE 5 16/357 17 63 9 eS 556 27 45/606 29 92 5 309 15 06/359 17 50/409 19 94 3 508 4 76| BBB ® 20/608 29 64/658 32 152 ) \407 20 10/457 22 56/507 25 031557 27 | 2/656 32 39 x Sea 38 2 Oy 85 39 & NG ‘ 7 68) 2 59 : 50.607 29 97 9 310 15 11/360 17 55/410 19 99 = 509 24 81559 27 25/609 29 69 659 32 5 al [358 17 68408 20 14/458 22 61.508 25 081558 27 50 7/657 32 44 31115 16/361 17 60411 20 04 - | 24 86) 560 2 30/610 29 74/660 22 ee F i 359 17 73/409 20 19/459 22 66.509 25 13/559 ee 59/608 30 02/658 32 49 RO ee ee | 2 F Soma : f 77 ‘ 99-9 cop 60/609 30 07 9 312 15 21/362 17 65/412 20 08 el 24 91/561 : 7 35/611 29 79/661 32 15 a 360 17 77/410 20 24/460 22 71/510 25 18/560 ee ae 1659 32 54 gy Cee £9 08 2 5 24 96 5018. 38 7 82 ‘ ee (1/510 25 18/560 27 65/610 30 12 39 56 313 15 26/363 17 70/413 20 13 ae ad 96 ea a 7 40.612 29 83/662 32 15 40 361 17 82/411 20 29/461 22 T6\511 25 23/561 2 Sn #/660 32 59 14 15 31/364 17 74418 20 1s G2 51d 25 06 Bea 27 49.614 29 03 668 39 15 45(eea 17 OBlAIG BO Bolnes oe COleLS oe oalee2 27 volele 30 2olce 33 6p 9/90 7 79/415 20 2% D J Jo! 32 15 50/364 17 97! ysery? 2 86/513 25 33/563 27 SOlI6I3 a0 97 Aitst 316 15 40/366 17 84/416 20 28 1/565 27 54/615 29 98/665 32 a 7 O7/a14 § SO1IEIG OS Baton oe Sette oe ee anny 2a fae bogus ao ebb 322 | SIG 2s ae 18 2 Sass oy cote oo rae ag 55 17 94/418 20 38 eur 8} 32 15 65| 1) 25 48 27 95 i B19 15 50/369 17 00419 20 [568 27 69618 30 13 668 32 15 10/868 18 17 35 S3lBB7 28 OOleIy 30 46lbee ao OB 5 60/370 18 04/420 20 35 role 30 18 32 15 75/369 18 22 25 58/568 28 04 5 321 15 65/371 18 09/421 20 5: 5/570 ile 79/620 30 22/670 32 Te 8G 8 22 25 63/669 28 09 618 30 51/668 32 98 OTR Ee ebeaeae SlerB or BalCap a0 aeleee ae 15 sort 18 32 3. Gree ee Te Coe oy ee 5 75373 18 18.423 20 6: Bee ae 32 15 90/372 18 37 25 72/571 28 19 ; 324 15 79/374 18 23/424 20 6 573 27 93/623 30 37 \673 39 393 15 9 8 37 | 25 771572 9 9/621 30 66/671 33 13 ome ¢ | 6 ¢ . ve. 59 9) 9 ny ore! 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680 33 57 334 16 28/384 18 72/434 21 16 Sabon 3 25 98 583 28 42/633 30 86.683 33 : 5 39/382 18 86/432 21 33/482 23 80.532 26 27 631 31 16/681 33 62 _ 6 2 2 3 59/534 26 03/584 2 : 33 d 16 44/383 18 91/433 21 0482 23 80/532 26 27/582 28 74/632 31 20 335 16 33/385 18 77/435 21 21 61535 2 28 47/634 30 91/684 33 334 16 49/384 18 96 38/483 23 851533 26 32/583 28 79 882 3307 336 16 381386 18 82/436 21 2 ee 5 26 08/585 28 5 521635 30 96/685 33 : if a 84 18 96/434 21 43/484 23 90! 534 26 37. 584 28 72 633 31 25/683 33 72 337 16 43/387 18 87/437 21 30 G9)536 26 13/686 28 57/636 31 Ool686 3: 16 54/385 19 01/435 21 48/485 23 95/535 26 42/585 28 88) 6S).2 1 Baas aie 338 16 48/388 18 91/438 21 3: BB te oun at bebe aI a 05/687 33 5 59/386 19 06/436 21 53/486 24 00/536 26 4 28 88 635 31 35/685 33 82 35 538 26 23/588 2 ‘ 16 64/387 19 11/437 2 Coane 26 46586 28 93636 31 40 339 16 53/389 18 96439 21 40 51/539 26 28.689 28 71 1638 31 10 688 33 16 693 /437 21 55 487 24 09 697 26 51 884 2 oe og : 0 26 2s 5 ¢ de 9388 19 16/438 21 62 24 051587 26°5 |587 28 98.637 31 45\68 9 340 16 57/390 19 01,440 21 45 3 g89| '540 56 8/589 2 28 71/639 31 15/689 33 16 mn 389 19 21. 2 3/488 24 09/538 26 56 588 29 03) 9 38592 See ee eee etree Bieahee aceon: eects 16 doleee te sulaee 3+ G8/488 24 141/539 26 61/ba9 29 08) 638 31 50/688 33 97 342 16 67/392 19 11/442 21 55 DaIbEN Secale eee 641 31 251691 33 6 16 79/380 19 26/440 21 72/490 24 19/540 26 661590 29 1639 31 55.689 34 02 21 5! 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26 19/543 28 85) 1593 31 50 344 18 27/394 20 93/444 23 59|494 26 24/544 28 90 594 31 56 345 18 33395 2) 98/445 23 64/495 26 30/545 28 95/595 31 61 346 18 38/396 21 04 (446 23 69/496 26 35/546 29 01 |596 31 66) 347 18 43/397 21 09) 447 2 23 75|497 26 40/547 29 06 597 317 é 348 18 49/398 21 14/448 23 80/498 26 46/548 29 11 598 31 7 7 64: 8 34 42 698 37 08 349 18 54/399 21 20/449 23 85/499 26 51/549 29 17/599 31 89| 649 34 48/699 37 13 From 300 to 699 lbsat 5c or 5. 35_ 300316 05/350818 72 |400321 40|450324 07 ‘500826 75| 550829 42/600832 10) 650834 77 301 16 10351 18 78/401 21 45 451 24 13/501 26 80551 29 48/601 32 15/651 34 83 302 16 16/052 18 83/402 21 51/452 24 18/502 36 86/552 29 53 1602 32 21/652 34 88 303 16 21/353 18 89/403 21 56/453 24 24/503 26 91/553 29 59/603 32 26/653 34 94 304 16 26354 18 94/404 21 61/454 24 29/504 26 96/554 29 64/604 32 31654 34 99 $u5 16 32/355 18 99/405 21 67/455 24 34/505 27 02/555 29 69/605 32 37/655 35 04 306 16 37/356 19 05|406 21 72/456 24 40/506 27 07/556 29 75/606 32 42/656 35 10 307 16 42/357 19 10/407 21 77/457 24 45/507 27 12/557 29 80/607 32 47/657 35 15 305 16 45/358 19 15/408 21 83/458 24 50/508 27 18/558 29 85/608 32 53/658 35 20 309 16 53/359 19 21/409 21 88/459 24 56/509 27 23/559 29 91/609 32 58 659 35 26 310 16 58/360 19 26/410 21 93/460 24 61/510 27 28/560 29 96/610 32 63 660 25 31 311 16 64/361 19 31/411 21 99/461 24 66/511 27 34/561 30 O1/611 32 69 661 35 36 312 16 69/362 19 37\412 22 04\462 24 72/512 27 39/562 30 07/612 32 74/662 35 42 SIS 16 75/363 19 42\413 22 10\463 24 77/513 27 45/563 30 12/613 32 801663 35 47 314 16 80/364 19 47/414 22 15/464 24 82/514 27 50/564 30 17/614 32 85/664 35 52 315 16 85/365 19 53/415 22 20/465 24 88/515 27 55/565 30 23/615 32 90/665 35 58 31C 16 91/366 19 58/416 22 26 3/516 27 61/566 30 28/616 32 96/666 35 63 317 16 96/367 19 63/417 22 31 8/517 27 66/567 30 33/617 33 01/667 35 68 318 17 01/368 19 69/418 22 36 518 27 71/568 30 39/618 33 06/668 35 74 319 17 07/369 19 74/419 22 42 09/519 27 77/569 30 44 619 33 12/669 35 7° 320 17 12/370 19 79/420 22 47 520 27 82/570 30 491620 33 17/670 35 84 321 17 17/371 19 85/421 22 52 20/521 27 87/571 30 55/621 33 22/671 35 90 322 17 23/372 19 90/422 22 58 5 27 93/572 30 60) 3 28/672 35 95 323 17 28/373 19 96/423 22 63 27 98/573 30 66 33/673 36 O1 324 17 33/374 20 01/424 22 68 28 03/574 30 71 38/674 36 06 325 17 39/375 20 06/425 22 74 9/575 30 76 44/675 36 11 326 17 44/376 20 12/426 22 79 |576 30 82 35 49|676 36 17 327 17 491377 20 17/427 22 84 2 9|577 30 87 : 54/677 36 22 328 17 55/378 20 22/428 22 90 528 28 25/578 30 92 33 60/678 36 27 329 17 60/379 20 28/429 22 95 63/529 28 30579 30 98 33 65 '679 36 33 330 17 65/380 20 33/430 <3 00 8 ? 5 31 03 70/680 36 38 331 17 71/381 20 38/431 23 06 08 76) 681 36 43 332 17 76/382 20 44/432 23 11 14 81/682 36 49 333 17 82/383 20 49/433 23 17 19 87 683 36 54 334 17 87/384 20 54/434 23 22 24 92/684 36 59 335 17 92/385 20 60/435 23 27 30] 97/685 36 65 336 17 98/386 20 65/436 23 33 35] 3/686 36 70 337 18 03/387 20 70/437 23 38 40 08/687 36 75 338 18 08/388 20 76/438 23 43 46 13/688 36 8L 339 18 14/389 20 81/439 23 49 51| 19/689 36 86 340 18 19/390 20 86/440 23 54 56| 24/690 36 91 341 18 24/391 20 92/441 23 59 62) 29/691 36 97 342 18 30/392 20 97/442 23 65 67 39/692 37 02 043 18 35/393 21 03/443 23 70/493 26 38/543 29 05/593 31 73, 40/693 37 08 344 18 40/394 21 08/444 23 75/494 26 43/544 29 10/594 31 78) 34 45/694 37 13 345 18 46/395 21 13/445 23 81/495 26 48/545 29 16/595 31 83/645 34 51/695 37 18 346 18 51/396 21 19/446 23 86/496 26 54/546 29 21/596 31 89/646 34 56,696 37 24 347 18 56/397 21 24/447 23 911497 26 59/547 29 26/597 31 94/647 34 61/697 37 29 348 18 62/398 21 29/448 23 97/498 26 64/548 29 32/598 31 99/648 34 67/698 37 34 349 18 67/399 21 35/449 24 02/499 26 70\549 29 37\599 32 05\649 34 72/699 37 40 244 From 300 to 699 lbs at Sic, or 5.37} CotTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at 5c. or 5.433 300316 12/350318 : 4 19 500226 87550829 56/600%32 2: 94 | 300316 31/350%19 03/400821 75 $24 47/500827 19 2/650335 34 301 16 18/351 18 87 55 ‘ 26 93/551 29 62.601 32 99 | 301 16 37/351 19 09/401 21 80/451 24 52/501 27 24551 29 96/601 32 68/651 35 40 302 16 23/352 18 j 24 % 29 67/602 04 | 302 16 42/352 19 14/402 21 86 452 24 58 502 27 30/552 30 01/602 32 73/652 35 45 303 16 29/353 18 ¢ 16 24 3% 29 72/603 10 303 16 48/353 19 19403 21 91/453 24 63 503 27 35/553 30 07/603 32 79/653 35 51 304 16 34/354 19 0: ; 2 2 978 604 15 | 304 16 53/354 19 25 5/404 21 97 454 a 69 504 27 40/554 30 12/604 32 84/654 35 56 305 16 39/355 19 08405 21 77/455 24 46505 2 9 83605 : 21 | 305 16 581355 19 30 405 22 02/455 2 4 74505 27 46/555 30 18/605 32 90/655 35 62 306 16 45/356 19 13\406 21 82/456 24 51506 2 9 § 26 306 16 64/356 19 36/406 22 08/456 24 79/506 27 51 556 30 23/606 32 95/656 35 67 307 16 50/357 19 19/407 21 89/457 24 56/507 27 31 | 307 16 69/357 19 41|407 22 13/457 24 85/507 27 57/557 30 25/607 33 01/657 35 72 808 16 55/358 19 24408 21 93/458 24 62 508 2 37 308 16 75/358 19 47/408 22 18 458 24 90508 27 62558 30 34/608 33 06/658 35 78 309 16 61/359 19 sone 21 a8 ang a 67 Bue 27 be aoe a aalabe 3 38 His 22 509 27 68559 30 40/609 33 11/659 35 83 16 66/360 19 35/410 22 ¢ 24 72 é 7 3 86 9 57 27 73/560 30 45/610 33 17\660 35 89 BIL 16 72/361 19 40/411 22 06 24 78/51 1.27 Be 311 16 91/361 19 63/411 22 35| : i511 a7 70 /BBr 30 50/611 33 29/661 35 94 312 16 77/362 19 ate 22 14] ae Balena 58 a2 ie opiate e caete 22 25 12/512 27 84/562 30 56/612 33 28/662 36 00 313 16 82/363 19 51/413 22 20/463 24 8951 7 02 9 74) 22 46 25 18 513 27 89563 30 61/613 33 33/663 36 05 314 16 88/364 19 56/414 22 25/464 24 94/514 314 17 07/364 19 79.414 22 51/464 25 23/514 27 95/564 30 67 614 33 39/664 36 10 315 16 93/365 19 62/415 22 31/465 24 99 te 27 315 17 13/365 19 85/415 22 57/465 25 28/515 28 00/565 30 72/615 33 44/665 36 16 316 16 98/366 19 67/416 22 36/466 25 05516 27 316 17 18366 19 90416 22 62.466 25 34/516 28 06) (566 30 78/616 33 49/666 36 21 317 17 04/367 19 73/417 22 41/467 25 10/517 2 317 17 24367 19 96.417 22 67,467 25 39/517 2% a |567 30 83/617 33 55/667 36 oT 315 Ly 15360 19 S319 29 521469 25 21 519 > 319 17 35.868 20 00419 2° 18488 25 S0/gL0 28 29 See 30 OYlete 23 Gb 688 36.38 319 17 15/369 19 83 22 52 25 2 2 7 35) 20 06) 22 78| 25 50/519 28 22/569 30 94/619 33 66 320 17 20/370 19 89/420 22 57/470 25 26/520 : 320 17 40/370 20 12.420 22°84,470 25 56/520 28 27/570 30 99/620 33 71/670 36 43 321 17 25/371 19 94/421 22 63 3: 321 17 45/371 20 17,421 22 89471 25 61 2s 331571 31 05/621 33 77/671 36 49 322 17 31 aie 19 See 22 68 ae7 z 2H a go gaa es aa 25 66 38.572 31 10/622 33 82 Le a6 Ds 393 17 36373 20 05/493 22 74 7 56/373 20 28/423 23 00/473 25 72/523 28 44573 31 16/623 33 83/67 324 17 41/374 20 10/424 22 79) : 324 17 62/374 20 34/424 23 05/474 25 77 28 49/574 31 21/624 33 93/674 36 65 325 17 a 1375 20 16/425 22 84)475 | ‘ 325 17 67/375 20 39/425 23 11/475 25 83 28 55/575 31 27/625 33 98/675 36 70 326 17 52/376 20 21 ee 22 § 25% : age Hi faiate 20 44/4296 23 16,476 25 88526 28 60/576 31 32/626 34 04/676 a 4 397 17 381377 20 26 22 § 25 i 7 78/377 20 50.427 23 22/477 25 94/527 28 66/577 31 37/627 34 09/677 36 81 328 17 pate 20 32 ee 23 25 i ane a poate 4 pales ae Bupa: 25 a8 528 28 71/578 31 43/698 34 15 bre ae a 399 17 68/379 20 37) 23 25 & 7 89} 20 61,429 23 33/479 26 05/529 28 76, [579 31 48/629 34 20/67 330 17 74/380 20 42/430 23 25 d 330 17 94.380 20 66.430 23 38/480 26 10530 28 82/580 31 54/630 34 26680 36 97 331 17 oo) 20 = a 23 25 31 ¢ a ie ee wy vole 23 rele 26 15/531 28 87/581 31 59/631 34 31 a a we 332 17 84 20 be 23 2 25 € wt | Bp ae 5 Vo 20 77/432 23 49/482 26 21/532 28 93) /582 31 65 632 34 366 333 17 90383 20 59 433 23 * 25 96/533 28 65/583 31 34/633 333 18 11/383 20 83/433 23 54/483 | 26 26/533 28 98 583 31 70/633 34 42/683 37 14 5 01388 20 601485 23 07/608 2s 76/685 31 441635 Has 18 221986 20 Salece 22 GoGRE 20 Srleee oo Salbee St Grlbae oc caleue a7 23 20 69 23 ¢ 26 8 76 b : 93/435 23 65.4 7535 29 09| 585 31 81/635 34 53 20 75/436 23 5 12/536 28 81/586 31 50/636 336 18 : 77 386 20 99/436 23 71/486 2 26 5 43/538 20 141686 31 80/636 34 58/686 37 30 20 80/437 23 18/537 28 86/587 31 55/637 34 & 337 18 382387 21 04/437 23 76/487 26 48/537 29 20/587 31 92/637 34 64/687 37 36 20 85 ae 23 f 3 23/538 28 92/588 31 60 ad 34 & Bae re a ae 21 10/438 23 8 ieee 26 53/538 29 25588 31 97,638 34 69 er He 4 20 91/439 23 6 26 28/539 28 97/589 31 66/639 34 ¢ 8 4: 21 15/439 23 87/489 26 59| |539 29 31/589 32 03/639 34 75/6 20 96/440 23 6: 3} 34/540 29 02/590 31 71/640 34 340 18 49390 21 21440 23 92 ‘490 26 64) 540 29 36590 32 08/640 34 80/690 37 52 sa ee at 23 j a bap 29 08 ee 31 vi or 3 a i os ual a Silane 23 985/491 26 70) 541 29 42.591 32 14641 34 85 ae af H 21 07/442 23 26 44/542 29 13/592 31 82/642 34: 8 6 2 |442 24 03/492 26 75/542 29 47/592 32 19/642 34 91 | ot Hara zal j 26 oUt 29 19 683 31 87 643 34 : | aia a 65/393 zs 37/443 24 opiaga 26 81/543 29 53/593 32 241643 34 96 ne 3 e 21 18 25 55/544 29 24/594 31 93/644 34 6 87 21 42/444 24 14.494 26 86/544 29 58/594 32 30/644 35 02 yee A aH AAG oie 26 Cees x 2) 595 31 98/645 34 67/695 345 8 ue 395 21 48/445 24 20 495 26 92/545 29 63/595 32 35'645 35 07/695 37 79 2 2 36/546 29 35/596 32 03/646 34 72\696 346 18 81/396 21 53, (446 24 25.496 Z6 97/546 29 69) [596 32 41/646 35 13,696 37 84 21 84/447 24 03 1497 26 71/547 29 40597 32 09/647 34 78/697 i 347 18 87/397 21 591447 24 31497 27 021547 29 74 [597 32 46/647 35 18/697 37 90 ae 21 39/448 24 08 498 26 77 548 29 45 698 32 14.648 34 83/698 : 2 ee i8 oe aus a 64 448 24 36/498 27 08.548 29 80/598 32 52/648 35 paeee = ie 349 18 76 21 45/449 24 13/499 26 821549 29 51/599 32 20/649 34 88\699 37 5 : | 21 70/449 24 41/499 2 27 13/549 29 851599 32 57/649 35 29/6 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 5éc or 5.40 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 53 or 5.45 300316 20 \350318 90/400821 60|450824 30) 500327 00/550829 70|600%32 40|650835 10 300316 35/350319 07 400321 80'450324 52 500827 25 550829 97600332 70/650835 42 301 16 25/351 18 95/401 21 65/451 24 35501 27 05/551 29 75/601 32 4516513515 301 16 40351 19 13/401 21 85.451 24 58/501 27 30551 30 03/601 32 75\651 35 48 302 16 31 352 19 01/402 21 71 \452 24 41502 27 11552 29 81/602 32 51652 35 21 302 16 46.352 19 18/402 21 91452 24 63502 27 36552 30 08/602 32 81/652 35 53 303 16 36 1353 19 06/403 21 76) 1453 24 46 503 a 16 553 29 86603 32 56653 35 26 303 16 51/353 19 24/403 21 96/453 24 69/503 27 41/553 30 14/603 32 86/653 35 59 304 16 42/354 19 12/404 21 82/454 be 52 504 2 92/604 32 62.654 35 32 304 16 57/354 19 29404 22 02/454 24 74/504 27 47| |554 30 19/604 32 92/654 35 64 305 16 47 388 19 17/406 21 87/455 24 57505 27 2 97 605 32 et 655 35 37 305 16 62/355 19 35/405 22 07/455 24 8 80/505 27 52) 555 30 25,605 32 97/655 35 70 306 16 52 356 19 22/406 21 92)456 4 62/506 27 32/556 30 02.606 32 72656 35 42 306 16 68/356 19 40/406 22 13/456 24 85/506 27 581556 30 301606 33 031656 35 75 307 16 58/357 19 28/407 21 98\457 24 68 \507 27 38/557 30 15 608 35 4 307 16 73.357 19 46/407 22 18/457 24 91/507 27 63/557 30 36.607 33 08/657 35 81 308 16 63/358 19 33/408 22 03/458 24 73/508 27 43/558 30 13/608 & 3 308 16 79/358 19 91/408 22 24/458 24 96/508 27 69'558 30 41/608 33 14/658 35 86 309 16 69359 19 39 409 22 09/459 24 79 509 27 49/559 30 19/609 3 309 16 84.359 19 57.409 22 29459 25 02/509 27 74/559 30 47/609 33 19/659 35 92 310 16 74 IBS Ae Tole 22 ve a 24 30 24/610 3: | 3e ete 16 Sao i 62/410 22 34/460 25 07/510 27 79/560 30 52/610 33 24 Kad Be ag 3 311 16 79) 9 49 22 19/461 24 89 561 30 29/611 99| 3: 11 16 95/361 19 67/411 22 « 25 12/511 27 85/561 30 57/611 33 30/661 2 312 16 85/362 19 55/412 22 25/462 24 95/512 27 oie 30 3: 5 612 33 05 3: 312 17 00/362 19 73/412 22 45|462 25 18/512 27 90 562 30 68.612 33 35/662 36 08 313 16 90/363 19 60.413 22 30/463 25 00/513 27 70/563 30 40/613 33 10663 3: 313 17 06/363 19 78/413 22 51/463 25 23/513 27 96/563 30 68/613 33 41/663 36 13 314 16 96/364 19 66/414 22 36/464 25 06/514 27 76/564 30 46/614 23 16|664 3: 314 17 11/364 19 84/414 22 56/464 25 29514 28 01/564 30 74/614 33 46/664 36 19 315 17 01/365 19 71/415 22 41 : 515 27 81/565 30 51/615 33 21/665 35 315 17 17/365 19 89/415 22 62/465 25 34/515 28 07/565 30 79/615 33 52/665 36 24 316 17 06366 19 76/416 22 46 3/516 27 86/566 30 56.616 33 26.666 3: 316 17 22/366 19 95.416 22 67/466 25 40516 28 12/566 30 85/616 33 57/666 36 30 ae a wal ie SPiN Le 52) pa As aetad 38 62.617 33 32/667 3 au af ae aor aM lees 22 73/467 25 45/517 28 18/567 30 90/617 33 63 ee ae e 717} 37 22:57 18 27 97) 30 67/618 33 37/668:36 18 17 33) 20 06/418 22 78/468 25 51/518 28 23/568 30 96/618 33 68 319 17 23/369 19 93/419 22 63 [519 28 03/569 30 73.619 33 43.669 36 319 17 39/369 20 11/419 22 84/469 25 56/519 28 29/569 31 01619 33 74/669 36 46 320 17 28/370 19 98/420 22 68 3/520 28 08/570 30 78/620 33 48670 36 320 17 44/370 20 16,420 22 89/470 25 61/520 28 34/570 31 06/620 33 79/670 36 51 321 17 33)3871 20 03/421 22 [521 28 13/571 30 83/621 33 53/671 36 321 17 49/371 20 22/491 22 94/471 25 67/521 28 39/571 31 12/621 33 84/671 36 57 322 17 39/372 20 09/422 2 28 15 | g 33 59/672 36 2 322 17 55/372 20 27/422 23 00/472 25 72/522 28 45/572 31 17/622 33 90/672 36 62 323 17 44/373 20 14/423 8 3 64/673 : 323 17 60/373 20 33/423 23 05/473 25 78/523 28 50/573 31 23/623 33 95/673 36 68 324 17 50/374 20 20/494 70/674 36 40 324 17 66/374 20 38/424 23 11/474 25 83/524 28 56/574 31 28/624 34 01/674 36 73 325 17 55 375 20 25/425 75/675 36 45 325 17 71/375 20 44/425 23 16/475 25 89/525 28 61/575 31 34/625 34 06/675 36 79 Bay It nary nae VSVGI9 U0 in 380 12 S309 3p 20M0G a) oer on ooggy a0 90 870 11 auea? 44 7H? a 7 66 20 36) 33 86 36 56 7 82 20 55/427 23 27 26 28 72 : 5 7 328 17 71/378 20 41/428 33 91/678 36 61 328 17 88/378 20 60\428 23 33/478 26 05/528 28 78/578 31 50/628 34 23/678 36 95 $29 17 77/379 20 47| 33 97/679 36 67 329 17 93/379 20 66/429 23 38/479 26 11/529 28 83/579 31 56/629 34 28/679 37 O1 330 17 82/380 20 52| 5 52 31 32 34 02/680 36 72 330 17 98/380 20 71/480 23 43/480 26 16/530 28 88/580 31 61/630 34 33/680 37 06 331 17 87/381 20 57; 5 97 7 BBL: 2s 67/581 31 37/631 34 07.681 36 331 18 04/381 20 76/431 23 49/481 26 21/581 28 94/581 31 66/631 34 39/681 37 11 332 17 93/382 20 63 03/532 28 73/582 31 43/632 34 13/682 36 83 332 18 09/382 20 82/432 23 54/482 26 27/532 28 99/582 31 72/632 34 44/682 37 17 gee mM peiaes Be a 26 OF a : 78)583 31 48 eae 34 18/683 36 88 333 18 15 abe 20 87/433 23 60/483 26 382/533 29 05/583 31 77/633 34 50 eee Es Hd 8 04 20 7 2 j 28 84/584 31 54634 34 24684 36 94 18 20/384 20 93 23 65/484 26 38 29 10 31 83/634 34 55 335 18 09/385 20 79/435 23 49/485 26 19/535 28 89/585 31 59/635 34 29/685 36 99 338 18 26/385 20 98 aa 23 71 a8 26 43 B35 29 16 Ht 31 88 B35 34 61 685 37 33 336 18 14/386 20 84/436 23 54/486 26 24/536 28 94/586 31 64/636 34 34/686 37 04 336 18 31/386 21 04/436 23 76/486 26 49/536 29 21/586 31 94/636 34 66/686 37 39 $37 18 20/387 20 90/437 23 60|487 26 30/537 29 00/587 31 70|637 34 40/687 37 10 337 18 37/387 21 09/437 23 82\487 26 54/537 29 27/587 31 99/637 34 72/687 37 44 $38 18 25/388 20 95/438 23 65/488 26 35/538 29 05 (588 31 75638 34 45.688 37 15 338 18 42/388 21 15/438 23 87/488 26 60/538 29 32/588 32 05/638 34 77/688 387 50 339 18 31/389 21 01/439 23 71/489 26 41/539 29 11| 589 31 81/639 34 51/689 37 21 339 18 48389 21 20/439 23 93/489 26 65/539 29 38/589 32 10/639 34 83/689 37 55 on peigeo ot oeaae 28 ceo a a lean 2 29 1 16/590 31 86/640 34 56/690 37 26 340 18 53/390 21 25/440 23 93/490 26 70/540 29 43/590 32 15/640 34 88/690 ae 60 8 41! 21 it 238 265 9 21591 31 91641 34 61691 37 31 341 18 58/391 21 31/441 24 03)491 26 76/541 29 48/591 32 21/641 34 93/691 37 66 342 18 47/392 21 17/442 23 87/492 26 57 1542 29 27/592 31 97/642 34 67/692 37 37 342 18 64/392 21 36\442 24 09/492 26 81,542 29 54592 32 26/642 34 99/692 37 71 343 18 52/393 21 272) 1443 23 92/493 26 62/543 29 82/593 32 02/643 34 72 693 37 42 343 18 69/393 21 42/443 24 14/493 26 87\543 29 59/593 32 32/643 35 04/693 37 77 344 18 58/394 21 28/444 23 98 494 26 6 68/544 29 38594 32 08644 34 78694 37 48 344 18 75/394 21 47/444 24 20/494 26 92/544 29 65/594 32 37/644 35 10/694 37 82 345 18 63/395 21 33/445 24 03 1495 26 73/545 29 43/595 32 13645 34 83.695 3753 345 18 80/395 21 53/445 24 25/495 26 98/545 29 70/595 32 43/645 35 15/695 37 88 346 18 68 396 21 38/446 a4 08/496 26 1 73/546 29 48/596 32 18/646 34 88/696 37 58 346 18 86.396 21 58/446 24 31/496 27 03/546 29 76/596 32 48/646 35 21/696 37 93 347 18 4 97 21 44/447 24 14497 26 84/547 29 54/597 32 24\647 34 94/697 37 64 347 18 91/397 21 64/447 24 36/497 27 09/547 29 81/597 32 54/647 35 26/697 37 99 348 18 19/398 21 49/448 e4 19/498 26 89/548 29 59/598 32 29/648 34 99/698 37 69 348 18 97/398 21 69/448 24 42/498 27 14/548 29 87/598 32 59/648 35 32/698 38 04 849 18 85/399 21 55/449 24 25/499 26 95/549 29 651599 32 35/649 35 05/699 37 75 349 19 02/399 21 75/449 24 47/499 27 20/549 29 92/599 32 65/649 35 371699 38 10 330 18 15/380 20 90/430 23 65/480 26 40/530 29 15/580 31 90/630 34 65/680 37 40 | 330 18 36/380 21 331 18 20/381 20 95/431 23 70\481 26 45/531 29 20/581 31 95.631 34 T0\681 37 45 331 18 41/381 21 8332 18 26/382 21 01/432 23 76/482 26 51/532 29 26/582 32 01/632 34 76/682 37 51 332 18 47/382 21 2 333 18 31/383 21 06/433 23 81/483 26 56/533 29 31/583 32 06.633 34 81/683 87 56 | 333 18 52/383 21 30 334 18 37/384 21 12/434 23 87\484 26 62/534 29 37/584 32 12634 34 87/684 37 G2 | 334 18 58/384 21 36 i A Ste, | - > «| < ~ ry he aie $ > CoTToON SELLER’S TABLE. 24.5 ‘ From 300 to 699 Ibs at 5} c or 5.50 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 5%, ¢ or 5.56} 300316 50\350819 2 25) 400322 00/450324 75 eet 50/550830 25 |e00833 00/650335 75 ee 691350819 47 Bs 81 1155083 30 59/600%33 37/650836 16 301 16 55351 19 30/401 22 lees 24 80501 27 55/551 30 30/601 33 05/651 35 80 Oi 16 74/351 19 5: ay 551 30 65/601 33 43/651 36 21 302 16 61352 19 36/402 22 11/452 24 86502 27 31/552 30 36/602 33 11/652 35 86 302 16 80/352 19 5s 2/552 30 70 602 33 49/652 36 27 303 16 66/353 19 41 403 5 16 453 24 91503 © a7 66/553 30 41/603 33 16/653 35 91 303 16 85|353 19 6 30 76 603 33 54/653 36 32 304 16 72/354 19 47 22/454 24 oT 504 2 ee 554 30 47/604 33 22/654 35 97 304 16 91/354 19 6 ; 33 60/654 36 38 305 16 77/355 19 52 7 Pp 7 77/555 30 52/605 33 27 655 36 02 305 16 97 1355 19 75 3 33 65/655 36 43 306 16 83/356 19 58 + 83/586 30 58/606 33 33/656 36 08 306 17 02/'356.19 8 3 3 71/656 36 49 307 16 88/357 19 63 88/557 30 63/607 33 38/657 36 13 307 17 03/357 19 86 : 33 76/657 36 55 308 16 94/358 19 69 27 94/558 30 69/608 383 44/658 36 19 | 308 17 1 3/358 19 ¢ : 33 82/658 36 60 309 16 99/359 19 74 é 609 33 49/659 36 24 309 17 19 [359 19 97 5 33 88} |659 36 66 310 17 05/360 19 80 1610 33 55|660 36 80 | 310 17 24/360 20 3 33 93/660 36 7 311 17 10/361 19 85 5/611 33 GOIGEI 36 35 311 17 30/361 20 3 3 99/661 36 312 17 16/362 19 91 612 33 66/662 36 41 312 17 35/362 20 ‘ 04/662 36 8: 313 17 21/363 19 96 3/613 33 71/663 36 46 313 17 41/363 20 9) 3 10/663 36 88 314 17 27/364 20 02 2614 33 77|664 36 52 314 17 47,364 20 25) 3 15)664 36 93 315 17 32/365 20 07 7/615 33 82/665 36 57 315 17 52/365 20 ¢ 3 21/665 36 99 316 17 388/366 20 13 3/616 33 88/666 36 63 316 17 58/366 20 36 3 26/666 37 05 317 17 43/367 20 18 8|617 33 93/667 36 68 317 17 63/367 20 5 32/667 37 10 318 17 49/368 20 24 4/618 33 99/668 36 74 318 17 69368 20 3 33/668 37 16 319 17 54/369 20 29 9/619 34 04/669 36 79 319 17 74/369 20 5: ‘ 3/669 37 21 320 17 60370 20 35) 5/620 3 10,670 36 85 320.17 80/370 20 58 d 49/670 37 27 321 17 65)371 20 40, 621 34 15/671 36 90 | 321 17 86/371 20 6 ‘ 54/671 37 32 322 17 71|372 20 46 622 34 21/672 36 96 322 17 91/372 20 6S 3 60 672 37 38 323 17 76/373 20 51 51/623 34 26/673 37 O1 323 17 97/373 20 75) 3 65\673 37 44 324 17 82/374 20 57 57/624 34 32/674 37 07 324 18 02|374 20 ¢ 3 71/674 387 49 325 17 87/375 20 62) 62/625 34 37/675 37 12 | 325 18 08|375 20 8 5 i T7675 37 55 326 17 93/376 20 68) 68/626 34 43/676 37 18 326 18 13/376 20 § 3 82/676 37 60 327 17 98/377 20 73 2 73/627 34 48/677 37 23 327 18 19/377 20 97 3 88|677 37 66 328 18 04/378 20 79 2 ¢ 29 O4 79/628 34 54/678 37 29 328 18 24/378 21 0: 3 93/678 37 71 329 18 09/379 20 84/429 23 59/479 26 34/529 29 09/579 31 84.629 34 59/679 37 34 | 329.18 30/379 21 3 99/679 37 77 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 WWWW WWW WW WWW WWW 335 18 42/385 21 17/435 23 92/485 26 67/535 29 42/585 32 17635 34 92/684 37 67 335 18 63/285 21 32/685 38 10 336 18 48/386 21 23/436 23 98)486 26 73/536 29 48/586 32 23/636 34 98/686 37 73 336 18 69/386 21 5 88/686 38 16 337 18 53/387 21 28/437 24 03/487 26 78/537 29 53/587 32 28\637 35 03/687 37 78 | 337 18 75\387 21 5 43/687 38 21 338 18 59/388 21 34/438 24 09/488 26 84/538 29 59/588 32 34/638 35 09/688 37 84 | 338 18 80/388 21 5 49/688 38 27 339 18 64/389 21 39/439 24 14/489 26 89/539 29 64/589 32 39/639 35 14/689 37.89 | 339 18 86/389 21 5 54/689 38 33 340 18 70/390 21 45/440 24 20/490 26 95/540 29 70/590 32 45/640 35 20/690 37 95 | 340 18 91/390 21 6 5 60/690 38 38 341 18 75/391 21 50/441 24 25/491 27 00/541 29 75/591 32 50/641 385 25/691 38 00 | 341 18 97/391 21 75 5 66/691 38 44 342 18 81/392 21 56/442 24 31/492 27 06/542 29 81/592 32 56/642 35 31/692 38 06 | 342 19 02.392 21 2 93/642 35 71/692 38 49 343 18 86/393 21 61443 24 36 493 27 11/543 29 86/593 32 61/643 35 36/693 38 11 343 19 08 393 21 86 20/593 32 99/643 35 77/693 38 55 344 18 92/394 21 67/444 24 42/494 27 17/544 29 92/594 32 67/644 35 42/694 38 17 344 19 13/394 21 92 26/594 33 04644 35 82/694 38 60 2/445 24 47/495 27 22/545 29 97/595 32 72/645 35 47 é 2 9 19} ‘ 7) e 5 27 5: 32/595 33 10/645 35 88/695 38 66 8/446 24 53/496 27 28/546 30 03586 32 78/646 35 53/696 38 28 | 346 19 25/396 22 03/446 24 81/496 27 59546 30 37/596 33 15.646 35 93'696 38 71 347 19 08)397 21 83.447 24 58/497 27 33/547 30 08597 32 83/647 35 58/697 38 33 347 19 30,397 22 08\447 24 86/497 27 65 547 30 43.597 33 21647 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77653 36 57 304 16 87/354 19 65/404 22 554 30 75/604 33 52/654 36 30 304 17 02.354 19 82/404 22 6 28 22/554 31 02/604 33 82/654 36 62 305 16 93/355 19 70/405 22 555 30 80/695 33 58655 36 35 305 08/355 19 88/405 22 28 28/555 31 08/605 3: 88/655 36 68 306 16 98356 19 76,406 22 556 30 86/606 33 63/656 36 41 306 14/356 19 94/406 22 7 28 34/556 31 14\69S 33 94/656 36 74 9 12/570 31 92|/620 34 72/670 37 52 18/571 31 98/621 34 78/671 37 58 23/572 32 03/622 34 83/672 37 63 320 17 76/370 20 53/420 23 31/470 26 08/520 28 86/570 31 63/620 34 41/670 37 18 320 92/370 20 321 17 82/371 20 59/421 23 37/471 26 14/521 28 92/571 31 69/621 34 47/671 37 24 321 98/371 20 322 17 87/372 20 65/422 23 42/472 26 20/522 28 97/572 31 75/622 34 52/672 37 30 322 03/372 20 8: 3 323 17 93/373 20 70\423 23 48/473 26 25/523 29 03/573 31 80/623 34 58/673 37 35 323 18 09/373 20 85 29/573 32 09/623 34 89) 324 17 98|374 20 76/424 23 53/474 26 31/524 29 08/574 31 86/624 34 63/674 37 41 324 18 14/374 20 9 } 34 3: 624 34 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53/363 20 3: i 3/513 28 73/563 31 53/513 24 33/663 37 13 314 17 43/364 20 20/414 22 98/464 25 75/514 28 53/564 31 30/614 34 08 664 36 85 314 17 58/364 20 38 2 25 98/514 28 73/564 31 58/614 34 38/664 37 18 315 17 48/365 20 26/415 23 03/465 25 81/515 28 58/565 31 36/615 34 13,665 36 91 315 17 64/365 20 2: P 515 28 84/565 31 64/615 34 44.665 37 24 316 17 54/366 20 31/416 23 09/466 25 86/516 28 64/566 31 41/616 34 19/666 36 96 316 17 70/366 20 50\416 23 30/466 26 10/516 28 90/566 31 70\616 34 50666 37 30 317 17 59/367 20 37/417 23 14/467 25 92/517 28 69/567 31 47/617 34 24/667 37 02 317 17 75/3867 20 55|417 23 3/467 26 15/517 28 95/567 31 75/617 34 55\667 37 35 318 17 65/368 20 42/418 23 20/468 25 97/518 28 75/568 31 52/618 34 30/668 37 O07 318 17 81/368 20 61/418 23 41/468 26 21/518 29 01/568 31 81/618 34 61/668 37 41 319 17 70/369 20 48/419 23 25|469 26 03/519 28 80/569 31 58/619 34 35,669 387 13 319 uy 86/369 20 66/419 23 46/469 26 26 519 29 06/569 31 86/619 34 66/669 37 46 17 18 326 18 09/376 20 87|426 23 64/476 26 42/526 29 191576 31 97/626 34 74.676 37 52 326 18 26/376 21 3 35 06/676 37 86 $27 18 15|377 20 92/427 23 70/477 26 47/527 29 25/577 32 02/627 34 80/677 37 57 327 18 31/377 21 2 90/477 2 31 35 11/677 37 91 328 18 20/378 20 98/428 23 75/478 26 53/528 29 30/578 32 08/628 34 85\678 37 63 328 18 37/378 21 17/428 23 97/478 26 77/528 29 57/578 32 37/628 35 17/678 37 97 329 18 26/379 21 03/429 23 81/479 26 58/529 29 36/579 32 13/629 34 91/679 387 68 329 18 42/379 21 221429 24 02/479 26 82/529 29 62/579 32 42/629 35 22/679 38 02 330 18 31/380 21 09/430 23 86/480 26 Sa 29 41/580 32 19/630 34 96/680 37 74 330 18 48/380 21 28/430 24 03/480 26 88 29 68 32 48 35 28/680 38 05 331 18 37/381 21 15/431 23 26 TO/ES1 29 47/581 32 25/631 35 02/681 37 80 331 18 54/381 21 34/431 24 14 26 § 29 32 54 35 34/681 38 14 332 18 43/382 21 20/432 23 § 75/532 29 53/582 32 30/632 35 08/682 37 85 332 18 59/382 21 39/432 24 19 59 35 39 682 38 19 333 18 48/383 21 26/433 -4 £33 29 58/583 32 36/633 35 13/683 37 91 333 18 65/383 21 45/433 24 25 19 35 45 1683 38 25 334 18 54/384 21 31/434 24 3/534 29 64/584 32 41/634 35 19/684 37 96 334 18 70/384 21 50/434 24 30 35 50) 684 38 30 $35 18 59/385 21 37/435 24 14/485 26 92/535 29 69/585 32 47/635 35 24/685 38 02 235 18 76/385 21 56/435 24 36 35 336 18 65/386 21 42/436 24 20486 26 97/536 29 75/586 32 52/636 35 30/686 38 07 336 18 82/386 21 62)436 24 42 35 837 18 70/387 21 48/487 24 25/487 27 03/537 29 80/587 35 67 |687 38 47 2 63/638 35 41/688 35 15 338 18 93/388 21 73/438 24 53} 35 73/688 38 53 838 18 76/388 21 53/438 24 31/488 27 08/538 29 86/588 339 18 81/389 21 59/439 24 36/489 27 14/539 29 91/589 32 69/639 35 46/689 38 24 339 15 98/389 21 78/439 24 58 r 3 3 2 93/639 35 78 689 35 53 340 18 87/390 21 64/440 24 42.490 27 19/540 29 97/590 32 74/640 35 52,690 38 29 340 19 04/390 21 84/440 24 64/490 27 44/540 30 24/590 33 04/640 35 84 \6s0 38 64 341 18 93/391 21 T0441 24 48/491 27 25/541 30 03/591 32 80/641 35 58/691 38 35 341 19 10/391 21 90/441 24 70491 27 50/541 30 30/591 33 10/641 35 90/691 38 70 349 18 98]392 21 76/442 24 53/492 27 31/542 30 08/592 32 86/642 35 63/692 38 41 | 342 19 15/392 21 95/442 24 75/492 27 55/542 380 35/592 33 15/642 385 95692 38 75 343 19 041393 21 81443 24 59.493 27 36/543 30 14/593 32 91/643 35 69/693 38.46 343 19 21/393 22 01/443 24 81/493 27 61/543 30 41/593 33 21/643 36 01693 38 81 344 19 09/394 21 87/444 24 64/494 27 42\544 30 19/594 32 97/644 35 74/694 38 52 | 344 19 26/394 22 06/444 24 86/494 27 66/544 30 46/594 33 26/644 36 06 694 38 86 345 19 15/395 21 92/445 24 70/495 27 47/545 30 25/595 33 02/645 35 80/695 38.57 | 345 19 32/395 22 12|445 24 92/495 27 72/545 30 52/595 33 32/645 36 12/695 38 92 — 346 19 20/396 21 98/446 24 75/496 27 53/546 30 30/596 33 08|646 35 85/696 38 63 | 346 19 35/396 22 18/446 24 93/496 27 78/546 30 58/596 33 33/646 36 18/696 38 98 347 19 261397 22 03/447 24 81/497 27 58/547 30 36597 33 13.647 35 91/697 38 G8 | 347 19 43/397 22 23/447 25 03/497 27 83/547 30 63/597 33 43/647 36 23 697 39 03 348 19 31/398 22 09/448 24 86/498 27 64/548 30 41/598 33 19/648 35 96/698 38 74 | 348 19 49/398 22 29/448 25 09498 27 891648 30 69/598 33 49/648 36 29/698 39 09 849 19 37/399 22 14/449 24 92/499 27 69|549 30 47/599 33 24.649 36 02,699 38 79 | 349 19 54/399 22 34/449 25 14,499 27 94/549 30 74/599 33 54/649 36 34/699 39 14 eg - 2) 2 2 58/637 35 35/687 38 13 337 18 87/387 21 67/437 24 47) 5 2 2 ow te te G2 C2 CO > 2 246 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at 5ic. or 5.62} From 300 to 699 lbsat Shite. or 5.683 300316 87/350319 69|400822 50450825 31|500828 12/550330 94|600833 75/650336 56 | 300317 06350319 91/40 822-7: 5/450825 5 50 600828 44/550331 28/600834 12/650836 97 0322 7 301 16 93/351 19 74/401 22 56/451 25 37/501 28 18/551 30 99/601 33 81/651 36 G2 | 3O1 17 12/351 19 96.401 22 81451 25 65/501 28 49/551 31 34/601 34 18/651 37 03 302 16 99/352 19 80\402 22 61/452 35 4: 502 28 24/552 31 05/602 33 86/652 36 67 | 302 17 18352 20 02 402 : 2 86 4 2 5 4 1 ‘ 42 86/452 25 71/02 28 55/552 31 39/602 34 24/652 37 08 303 17 04/353 19 86)403 22 67/453 25 43/503 28 29/553 31 11603 33 92/653 36 73 | 303 17 23/353 20 08 40 92/453 25 76503 28 61/553 31 45/603 34 30/653 37 14 17 10/354 19 91404 22 72/454 25 54|504 28 85/554 31 16/604 33 97/654 36 79 | 304 17 29/354 20 13.404 22 95454 25 82504 28 66554 31 51/604 34 35/654 37 20 305 17 16/355 19 97/405 22 78|455 25 59/505 28 41/555 31 22/605 34 03/655 36 84 | 306 17 35.355 20 19/405 23 03455 25 88/505 28 72/555 31 57/605 34 41/655 37 25 17 21/356 20 02/406 22 84/456 25 65/506 28 46/556 31 27|606 34 09/656 36 90 | 305 17 40/356 20 25/406 23 09/456 25 93/506 28 78/556 31 62/606 34 47/656 37 31 307 17 27/357 20 03/407 22 89457 25 7 ‘ 3) 1507 28 521587 31 331607 34 141657 36 96 | 307 17 461357 20 301407 23 15.457 25 99.507 28 84|5B7 31 681607 34 521657 37 37 308 17 32/358 20 14/408 22 95/458 25 6/508 28 57/558 31 39/608 34 20\658 37 01 | 308 17 52/358 20 36/408 23 20/458 26 05/508 28 89|558 31 741608 34 58658 37 42 > : 01459 25 82/509 28 63/559 31 44/609 34 26/659 37 O07 309 17 57/359 20 42/409 23 26/459 26 11/509 28 95/559 31 79/609 34 64/659 37 48 23 06/460 25 87/510 28 69/560 31 50/610 34 31/660 37 12 | 310 17 63/360 20 47/410 23 32/460 26 16510 29 01/560 31 85/610 34 69/660 37 54 ¢ 23 12/461 25 93/511 28 74/561 31 56/611 34 37/661 3718 | 311 17 69/361 20 53/411 23 38/461 26 22/511 29 06/561 31 91/611 34 75/651 37 59 312 55 23 17/462 25 99/512 28 80/562 31 61/612 34 42/662 37 2 312 17 74/362 20 59/412 23 43/462 26 28/512 29 12/562 31 96/612 34 81/662 37 65 313 17 61/363 20 42/413 23 23/463 26 04/513 28 86/563 31 67/613 34 48/663 37 29 | 313 17 80/363 20 65/413 23 49/463 26 33/513 29 18/563 32 02/613 34 86|663 37 71 314 17 661364 : 23 29/464 26 10/514 28 91/564 31 72/614 34 54/664 37 85 | 314 17 86/364 20 70/414 23 55|464 26 39/514 29 23/564 32 08/614 34 92/664 37 76 315 17 72/365 20 53/415 23 34|465 26 16/515 28 97/565 31 78/615 34 59/665 387 41 | 315 17 92/365 20 76|415 23 60/465 26 45/515 29 29/565 32 13/615 34 98/665 37 82 316 17 77/366 20 59/416 23 40/466 26 21/516 29 02/566 31 84616 34 65/666 37 46 | 316 17 97/366 20 82/416 23 66/466 26 50/516 29 35/566 32 19/616 35 03/666 37 88 317 17 83/367 20 64/417 23 46/467 26 27/517 29 08/567 31 89/617 34 71/667 37 52 | 317 18 03/367 20 87/417 23 72|467 26 56/517 29 40/567 32 25/617 35 09|667 37 94 318 17 89/368 20 70/418 23 51/468 26 32/518 29 14/568 31 95/618 34 76/668 37 57 | 318 18 09/368 20 93.418 23 77/468 26 62/518 29 46/568 32 30/618 35 15/668 37 99 319 17 94/369 20 76/419 23 57/469 26 38/519 29 19/569 32 01/619 34 82/669 37 63 | 319 18 14/369 20 99/419 23 83/469 26 67/519 29 52/569 32 36/619 35 211669 38 05 320 18 00/370 20 81/420 23 62/470 26 44/529 29 25/570 32 06/620 34 87/670 37 69 | 320 18 20/370 21 04/420 23 89/470 26 73/520 29 57/570 32 42/620 35 26/670 38 11 321 18 06/371 20 87/421 23 68/471 26 49/521 29 31/571 32 12/621 34 93/671 37 74 | 321 18 26/371 21 10\421 23 94\471 26 79/521 29 63/571 32 48/621 35 321671 38 16 322 18 11/372 20 92/422 23 74/472 26 55/522 29 36/572 32 1 622 34 99/672 37 80 322 18 31/372 21 16/422 24 00/472 26 84/522 29 69/572 32 53/622 35 38/672 38 22 323 18 17/373 20 98/423 23 79/473 26 61/523 29 42 32 23/623 35 04/673 37 86 | 323 18 37/373 21 21/423 24 06/473 26 90/523 29 75/573 32 59/623 35 43/673 38 28 324 18 22/374 21 04/424 23 85/474 26 66/594 29 47 2 29/624 35 10/674 37 91 | 324 18 43/374 21 27/424 24 11/474 26 96/524 29 80/574 32 65/624 35 49/674 38 33 325 18 28/375 21 09/425 23 91/475 26 72/525 29 53 3: 625 35 16/675 37 97 325 18 48/375 21 33/425 24 17/475 27 02/525 29 86/575 32 70/625 35 55/675 38 39 326 18 34/376 21 15/426 23 96/476 26 77/526 29 59 626 35 21/676 38 02 326 18 54/376 21 33/496 24 23/476 27 07/526 29 92/576 32 76/626 35 60/676 38 45 327 18 39/377 21 21/427 24 02/477 26 83/597 29 64 2 46/627 35 27\677 38 08 | 327 18 60/377 21 44/427 24 29/477 27 13/527 29 97/577 32 82|627 35 66/677 38 50 328 18 45/378 21 26/428 24 07/478 26 89/528 29 70 326 35 32/678 388 14 .| 328 18 65/378 21 50/428 24 34/478 27 19/528 30 03/578 32 87/628 35 72/678 38 56 329 18 51/379 21 32/429 24 13/479 26 94/529 29 76/579 32 57/629 35 38/679 38 19 | 329 18 71/379 21 56/429 24 40/479 27 24/529 30 09/579 32 93/629 35 77/679 38 62 330 18 56/380 21 37/430 24 19/480 27 00/530 29 81/580 32 62/630 35 44/680 38 25 330 18 77/380 21 61\480 24 46/480 27 30/530 30 14/580 32 99/630 35 88/680 38 67 331 18 62/381 21 43/431 24 24/481 27 06/531 29 87|581 32 68/631 35 49/681 38 31 | 331 18 83/381 21 67/431 24 51/481 27 36/531 30 20/581 33 04/631 35 89/681 38 73 332 18 67/382 21 49/432 24 30/482 27 11/532 29 92/582 32 74/632 35 55/682 38 36 | 332 18 88/382 21 73/432 24 57\482 27 41/532 30 26/582 33 10/632 35 94/682 38 79 333 18 73/383 21 54/433 24 36/483 27 17/533 29 98/583 32 79/633 35 61/683 38 42 333 18 94/383 21 78/433 24 63/483 27 47/533 30 31/583 33 16/633 36 00/683 38 85 934 18 79/384 21 60/434 24 41/484 27 22/534 30 04/584 32 85/634 35 66/684 38 47 | 334 19 00/384 21 84|434 24 68\484 27 53/534 30 37/584 33 21/634 36 06|684 38 90 > 335 18 84/385 21 66/435 24 47/485 27 28/535 30 09/585 32 91/635 35 72/685 38 53 335 19 05/385 21 90/435 24 74/485 27 58/535 30 43/585 33 27/635 36 12/685 38 96 336 18 90/386 21 71/436 24 52/486 27 34/536 30 15/586 32 96/636 35 77/686 38 59 336 19 11/386 21 95/436 24 80/486 27 64/536 30 48/586 33 33/636 36 17\686 39 02 337 18 96/387 21 77/437 24 58/487 27 39/537 30 21/587 33 02/637 35 83/687 38 64 337 19 17/387 22 01/437 24 85\487 27 70|537 30 54/587 33 39/637 36 23/687 39 07 338 19 01/388 21 82/438 24 64/488 27 45/538 30 26/588 33 07\638 35 89/688 38 70 338 19 22/388 22 07/438 24 91/488 27 75/538 30 60/588 33 44/638 36 29/688 39 13 339 19 07/389 21 88/439 24 69/489 27 51/539 30 32/589 33 13/639 35 94/689 38 76 339 19 28/389 22 12/439 24 97/489 27 81/539 30 66/589 33 50/639 36 34/689 39 19 340 19 12/390-21 94/440 24 75\490 27 56/540 30 37/590 33 19\640 36 O0\690 38 81 340 19 34/390 22 18)440 25 02/490 27 87/540 30 71/590 33 56/640 36 40/690 39 24 341 19 18/391 21 99|441 24 81/491 27 62/541 30 43/591 33 24/641 36 06/691 38 87 341 19 39/391 22 24)441 25 08/491 27 93/541 30 77/591 33 61/641 36 46/691 39 30 342 19 24/392 22 05/442 24 86/492 27 67|542 30 49/592 33 30/642 36 11/692 38 92 342 19 45/392 22 29\442 25 14/492 27 98)542 30 83/592 33 67/642 36 51/692 39 36 343 19 29)393 22 11/443 24 92/493 27 73/543 30 54/593 33 36/643 36 17/693 38 98 343 19 51/393 22 35/443 25 20/493 28 04/543 30 88/593 33 73/643 36 57/693 39 41 344 19 35/394 22 16|444 24 97/494 27 79\544 30 60/594 33 41/644 36 22/694 39 04 344 19 56/394 22 41/444 25 25/494 28 10/544 30 94|594 33 78/644 36 63/694 39 47 345 19 41/395 22 22/445 25 03/495 27 84/545 30 66/595 33 47/645 36 28/695 39 09 345 19 62/395 22 47/445 25 31/495 28 15/545 31 00/595 33 84/645 36 68/695 39 53 346 19 46/396 22 27/446 25 09/496 27 90/546 30 71/596 33 52/646 36 34/696 39 15 346 19 68/396 22 52/446 25 37\496 28 21|546 31 05/596 33 901646 36 74/696 39 58 347 19 52/397 22 33/447 25 14/497 27 96/547 30 77/597 33 58|647 36 39/697 39 21 347 19 74/397 22 58\447 25 42/497 28 27|547 31 11|597 33 95/647 36 80/697 39 64 348 19 57/398 22 39/448 25 20/498 28 01/548 30 82/598 33 64/648 36 45/698 39 26 348 19 79/398 22 64/448 25 48/498 28 32/548 31 17/598 34 01/648 36 85/698 39 70 349 19 63/399 22 44/449 25 26|499 28 07/549 30 88|599 33 69/649 36 51|699 39 32 349 19 85/399 22 69/449 25 54/499 28 38|549 31 22/599 34 07\649 36 91\699 39 76 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 5iic or 5-65 From 300 to 699 Ibsat die or 5.70 a : : ——<—<—— eee 300816 95/350319 77/400822 60|450825 42/500328 25|550331 07/600833 90|6603836 72 300317 10/350319 95/400322 80450325 65|500328 50|550331 35|600834 201650337 05 301 17 01/351 19 83/401 22 66)451 25 48/501 28 31/551 31 13/601 33 96/651 36 73 301 17 16/351 20 01/401 22 86/451 25 71\501 28 56/551 31 41/601 34 26)651 37 11 302 17 06/352 19 89\402 2 22°71 452 25 54/502 28 36/552 31 19/602 34 01/652 36 84 302 17 21/352 20 06/402 22 91/452 25 76/502 28 61/552 31 46/602 34 31/652 37 16 303 17 12/353 19 94/403 22 77/453 25 59/503 28 42/553 31 24/603 34 07/653 36 89 303 17 27/353 20 12/403 22 97/453 25 82/503 28 67/553 31 52/603 34 37/653 37 22 304 17 18/354 20 00/404 22 83/454 25 65/504 28 48/554 31 30604 34 13/654 36 95 304 17 33.354 20 18/404 23 03/454 25 88/504 28 73/554 31 58/604 34 43/654 37 28 305 17 23/355 20 06/405 22 88\455 25 71/505 28 53/555 31 36/605 34 18/655 37 O1 305 17 38355 20 23/405 23 08/455 25 93/505 28 78/555 31 63/605 34 48/655 37 33 306 17 29/356 20 11\406 22 94/456 25 76/506 28 59/556 31 41/606 34 24/656 37 06 306 17 44/356 20 29/406 23 14/456 25 99/506 28 84/556 31 69/606 34 54/656 37 39 307 17 35/357 20 17/407 23 00/457 25 82)507 28 65/557 31 47|607 34 30/657 37 12 307 17 50/357 20 85/407 23 20/457 26 05/507 28 90/557 31 75|607 34 60\657 37 45 308 17 40/358 20 23)408 23 05/458 25 88/508 28 70/558 31 53/608 34 35/658 37 18 308 17 56/358 20 41/408 23 26/458 26 11/508 28 96/558 31 81/608 34 66/658 37 51 309 17 46/359 20 28/409 23 11/459 25 93/509 28 76/559 31 58/609 34 41/659 37 23 309 17 61/359 20 46/409 23 31/459 26 16/509 29 01/559 31 86/609 34 71/659 37 56 310 17 51/360 20 34/410 23 16/460 25 99/510 28 81/560 31 64\610 34 46/660 37 29 310 17 67/360 20 52/410 23 37/460 26 22/510 29 07/560 31 92/610 34 77\660 37 62 311 17 57/361 20 40\411 23 22\461 26 05/511 28 87/561 31 70/611 34 52\661 387 35 311 17 73/361 20 58/411 23 43/461 26 28/511 29 13/561 31 98/611 34 83)661 37 68 312 17 63/362 20 45/412 23 28/462 26 10/512 28 93/562 31 75/612 34 58/662 37 40 312 17 78|362 20 63/412 23 48/462 26 33/512 29 18/562 32 03/612 34 88/662 37 73 313 17 68/363 20 51/413 23 33)463 26 16/513 28 98/563 31 81/613 34 63/663 37 46 313 17 84/363 20 69.413 28 54/463 26 39/513 29 24/563 32 09/613 34 94/663 37 79° 314 17 74/364 20 57\414 23 39/464 26 22/514 29 04/564 31 87/614 34 69/664 37 52 314 17 90/364 20 75/414 23 60/464 26 45/514 29 30/564 32 15/614 35 00/664 37 85 315 17 80/365 20 62/415 23 45/465 26 27/515 29 10/565 31 92/615 34 75/665 37 57 315 17 95/365 20 80/415 23 65/465 26 50/515 29 35/565 32 20/615 35 05/665 37 90 316 17 85/366 20 68/416 23 50/466 26 33/516 29 15/566 31 98\616 34 80\666 37 63 316 18 01/366 20 86/416 23 71/466 26 56/516 29 41/566 32 26/616 35 11/666 37 96 317 17 91/367 20 74/417 23 56/467 26 39/517 29 21/567 32 04/617 34 86/667 37 69 317 18 07\367 20 92/417 23 77/467 26 62/517 29 47/567 32 32/617 35 17/667 38 02 318 17 97/368 20 79\418 23 62\468 26 44/518 29 27/568 32 09/618 34 92/668 37 74 318 18 13/368 20 95/418 23 83/468 26 68/518 29 53/568 32 38/618 35 23/668 38 08 319 18 02/369 20 85/419 23 67/469 26 50/519 29 32/569 32 15/619 34 97/668 37 80 319 18 18/369 21 03/419 23 83/469 26 73/519 29 58/569 32 43/619 35 23/669 38 13 320 18 08/370 20 90/420 23 73/470 26 55/520 29 38/570 32 20/620 35 03/670 37 85 320 18 24/370 21 09/420 23 94/470 26 79/520 29 64/570 32 49/620 35 34/670 38 19 321 18 14/371 20 96/421 23 79/471 26 61/521 29 44/571 382 26/621 35 O9|671 37 91 821 18 30/371 21 15/42] 24 00/471 26 85/521 29 70/571 32 55/621 35 40/671 38 25 322 18 19/372 21 02/422 23 84/472 26 67/522 29 49/572 32 32/622 ee 14|672 37 97 322 18 35/372 21 20/492 24 05/472 26 90/522 29 75/572 32 60/622 35 45/672 38 30 5 323 18 25/373 21 07\423 23 90/473 26 72/523 29 55/573 32 37/623 20/673 38 02 323 18 41/373 21 26/423 24 11/473 26 96/523 29 81/573 32 66/623 35 51/673 38 36 324 18 31/374 21 13\424 23 96/474 26 78/524 29 61/574 32 43/624 35 26/674 38 08 324 18 47/374 21 32/424 24 17/474 27 02/524 29 87/574 32 72/624 35 57/674 38 42 325 18 36/375 21 19/425 24 01/475 26 84/525 29 66/575 32 49/625 35 31/675 38 14 325 18 52|875 21 37/425 24 22/475 27 07/525 29 92/575 32 77/625 35 62/675 38 47 326 18 42|376 21 24/496 24 07/476 26 89/5296 29 72/576 32 54/626 35 37/676 38 19 326 18 58/376 21 43/426 24 28/476 27 13/526 29 98/576 32 83/626 35 68/676 38 53 327 18 48/377 21 30/427 24 13/477 26 95/527 29 78/577 32 60/627 35 43/677 38 25 327 18 64/377 21 49/427 24 34/477 27 19/527 30 04/577 32 89/627 35 74/677 38 59 $28 18 53/378 21 36/428 24 18/478 27 01/528 29 83/578 32 66/628 35 48/678 38 31 328 18 70/378 21 55/428 24 40/478 27 25/528 30 10/578 32 95/628 35 80/678 38 65 329 18 59/379 21 41/429 24 24/479 27 06/529 29 89/579 32 71/629 35 54/679 38 36 329 18 75/379 21 60/429 24 45/479 27 30/529 30 15|579 33 00\629 35 85/679 38 70 330 18 64/380 21 47/430 24 29/480 27 12/530 29 94/580 32 77/630 35 59/680 38 42 330 18 81/380 21 66/430 24 51/480 27 36/530 30 21|/580 33 06/630 35 91/680 38 76 $31 18 70/381 21 53/431 24 35/481 27 18/531 30 00/581 32 83/631 35 65/681 38 48 331 18 87/381 21 72/431 24 57/481 27 oe 531 30 27/581 33 12/631 35 97/681 35 82 332 18 76/382 21 53/432 24 41/482 27 23/532 30 06/582 32 88/632 35 71/682 38 53 332 18 92/382 21 77/432 24 62/482 27 47/532 30 32/582 33 17/632 36 02/682 38 87 $33 18 81/383 21 64/433 24 46/483 27 29/533 30 11/583 32 94/633 35 76/683 38 59 333 18 98/383 21 83/433 24 68/483 37 33 533 30 38/583 33 23/633 36 08/683 38 93 334 18 87/384 21 70/434 24 52\484 27 35/534 30 17|584 33 00/634 35 82/684 38 65 334 19 04/384 21 89/434 24 74/484 27 59/534 30 44/584 33 29/634 36 14/684 38 99 335 18 93/385 21 75/435 24 58/485 27 40/535 30 23/585 33 05/635 35 88/685 38 70 335 19 09/385 21 94/435 24 79/485 27 64/535 30 49/585 33 34/635 36 19/685 39 O04 336 18 98/386 21 81\436 24 63/486 27 46/536 30 28/586 33 11/636 35 93/686 38 76 336 19 15/386 22 00/436 24 85/486 27 70/536 30 55/586 33 40/636 36 25/686 39 10 2 17 23 337 19 04/387 21 87|437 24 69/487 27 52/537 30 34/587 33 17|637 35 99/687 38 82 | 337 19 21/387 22 06|437 24 91/487 27 76|537 30 61/587 33 46/637 36 31/687 39 16 338 19 10/388 21 92/438 24 75/488 27 57/538 30 40/588 33 22/638 36 05/688 38 87 | 338 19 27/388 22 121438 24 97/488 27 82/538 30 67/588 33 521638 36 37/688 39 22 339 19 15/389 21 98/439 24 80|489 27 63/539 30 45589 33 28/639 36 10/689 38 93 | 339 19 32/389 22 17/439 25 02/489 27 87/539 30 72/589 33 57|639 36 42/689 39 27 340 19 21/390 22 03/440 24 86/490 27 68/540 30 51|590 33 33/640 36 16/690 38 98 | 340 19 38/390 22 23/440 25 08/490 27 93/540 30 78/590 33 63/640 36 48/690 39 33 341 19 27/391 22 09/441 24 92/491 27 74/541 30 57/591 33 39/641 36 22/691 39 04 | 341 19 44/391 22 29/441 25 14/491 27 99/541 30 84/591 33 691641 36 54/691 39 39 342 19 32|392 22 15/449 24 97/492 27 80/542 30 62|592 33 45/642 36 27/692 39 10 | 342 19 49/392 22 34/449 25 19|492 28 04/542 30 89/592 33 74/642 36 59\692 39 44 343 19 38|393 22 20/443 25 03/493 27 85/543 30 68|593 33 50/643 36 33/693 39 15 | 343 19 55/393 22 40/443 25 25/493 28 10|543 30 95/593 33 80/643 36 65|693 39 50 344 19 44/394 22 26444 25 09/494 27 91|544 30 74/594 33 56/644 36 391694 39 21 | 344 19 61/394 22 46|444 25 31/494 28 16/544 31 01/594 33 86/644 36 71/694 39 56 345 19 49/395 22 32/445 25 14/495 27 97/545 30 79/595 33 62/645 36 44/695 39 27 | 345 19 66/395 22 51/445 25 36/495 28 211545 31 06/595 33 91/645 36 76/695 39 G1 346 19 55/396 22 37/446 25 20/496 28 02|546 30 85/596 33 67/646 36 50.696 39 32 | 346 19 72/396 22 57/446 25 42/496 28 27/546 31 12/596 33 97/646 36 821696 39 67 347 19 61/397 22 43/447 25 26/497 28 08/547 30 91/597 33 73/647 36 56.697 39 38 | 347 19 78397 22 63|4a7 25 45/497 28 33/547 31 18/597 34 03|647 36 88\697 39 73 348 19 66 398 2 3 49/448 5 31.498 28 14648 30 96 598 33 79/648 36 61698 39 44 | 348 19 84/398 22 601448 25 54]498 28 391548 31 24/598 34 091648 36 94/698 39 79 349 19 72/399 22 54/449 25 37/499 28 19549 31 02/599 33 84/649 36 67/699 39 49 | 349 19 89\399 22 741449 25 59/499 28 44/549 31 29)599 34 14/649 36 99/699 39 84 rg rae — 300817 25 329 19 08 350320 12 351 20 18 1352 20 24 353 20 30 354 20 35 (355 20 41 9356 20 47 357 20 53| 358 20 58 359 20 64 2/360 20 70 361 20 76 362 20 81 363 20 87 364 20 93 365 20 99 366 21 04 367 21 10 8/368 21 16 869 21 22 370 21 2 oF 371 21 33 372 21 39 373 21 45 374 21 50 375 21 56 376 21 62 377 21 68 378 21 73 379 21 79 380 21 381 21 382 21 383 22 384 22 385 22 386 22 387 22 388 22 389 22 37 390 22 391 22 392 22 393 22 394 22 395 22 7 396 22 |897 22 83 398 22 88 301 17 31 302 17 36 328 18 86 329 18 92 330 18 97 331 19 03 332 19 09 333 19 15 334 19 20 335 19 26 336 19 32 337 19 38 338 19 43 339 19 49 340 19 55 341 19 61 342 19 66 343 19 72 344 19 78) 345 19 84 346 19 89 347 19 95 348 20 01 5/430 24 72 2/433 24 90 5)437 25 13 2440 25 30 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 Ibs at 533 c or 5.814 From 300 to 699 lhs at 5] cor 5.75 401 23 402 23 403 23 404 23 405 23 06/451 25 93 11/452 25 99) 17/453 26 05) 23/454 26 10 29/455 26 16 406 23 34/456 26 22 407 23 40/457 26 28 408 23 46/458 26 33) 409 23 52/459 26 39 410 23 57/460 26 45) All 23 63/461 26 51) 412 23 69/462 26 56 413 23 75/463 26 62 414 23 80|464 26 68 415 23 86/465 26 74 416 23 92/466 26 79 417 23 98 85 81) 86) 92} 98 04) 29 09 501 28 502 28 503 28 504 28 510 511 29 38 467 26 418 24 03/468 26 91) 419 24 09/469 26 97 420 24 15/470 27 02 421 24 21/471 27 0 422 24 26/472 27 493 24 32/473 27 20] 424 24 38/474 27 25 425 24 44/475 27 31| 426 24 49/476 27 37 427 24 55 477 27 428 24 61/478 27 43 429 24 67/479 27 54 480 27 60 481 27 66 482 27 71 483 27 77 484 27 83 485 27 89 486 27 94 487 28 00 488 28 06 489 28 12 490 28 17 491 28 23 14 431 24 78 432 24 84 434 24 95 435 25 01 436 25 07 438 25 18 439 25 24 441 25 36 442 25 41/492 28 29 443 25 47/493 28 35 444 25 53/494 28 40 445 25 59/495 28 46 446 25 64/496 28 52 447 25 70/497 28 58 448 25 76/498 28 63 349 20 07/399 22 94 [519 2 520 39 g 8/521 29 |522 30 523 30 5/524 30 525 30 526 30 3|527 30 528 30 529 30 530 30 531 30 53 532 30 59 533 30 65 534 30 70 535 30 76 536 30 82 537 30 88 538 30 93 539 30 99 540 31 05 541 31 11 542 31 16 543 31 22 44 31 28 545 31 34 546 31 39 547 31 45 548 31 51 30 36 42 47 ao 449 25 82/499 28 69 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 5: 549 31 57 400823 00/450825 871500828 75 550331 551 31 2 Op Co CY CD CD CY ED CD ED CY. 33 35 3 41 599 34 a 300317 40350320 30/400323 20450826 10 500329 00 550331 301 17 46 302 17 52 351 20 36 352 20 42 353 20 47 354 20 53 355 20 59 356 20 65 357 20 BL 5 76 82 88 94 00 05 11 17 23 29 330 19 14 331 19 20 332 19 26 333 19 31 334 19 37 335 19 43 336 19 49 337 19 55 338 19 60/388 22 50 339 19 66/389 22 56 2)390 22 62 391 22 68 392 22 74 393 22 79 5\394 22 85 395 22 91 396 22 97 3/397 23 03 398 23 08 385 22 33 386 22 39 387 22 45 349 20 24,399 23 14 401 23 26.451 26 402 23 32452 26 2 1403 23 37/453 26 2 404 23 43/454 26 405 33 49/455 26 406 23 55/456 26 407 23 61/457 26 408 23 66/458 26 409 23 72/459 26 410 23 78,460 26 411 23 841461 26 412 23 90.462 26 413 23 95,463 26 414 24 01,464 26 415 24 07/465 26 416 24 13.466 27 417 24 19,467 27 418 24 24,468 27 419 24 30 420 24 36 27 33 39 45 51 56 62 68 74 80 85 91 97 03 09 14 26 32 38 43 49 55 7 61 72 78 84 448 25 98,498 28 88 449 26 04/499 28 94 20) 67/5 5/537 31 15 5539 31 26 2/540 31 32 5/544 31 55 12 ° 17 23 29 35 41 46 52 58 64 536 31 09 538 31 20 541 31 38 542 31 44 543 31 49 645 31 61 546 31 67 547 31 73 648 31 78 70) oe aoe 29 06 551 31 552 32 553 32 554 32 555 32 556 32 |593 34 39 1594 34 45 595 34 596 34 597 34 598 34 649 31 84 599 34 62 600334 68/601 34 74/602 34 80 85 91) 97 50|650837 37 56/651 37 43 61/652 37 49 67) 55 q3 60 79 7 66 84 72 90) 78 96 7 83 35 02 89 35 07) 7 95 13 8 O01 19 8 06 Fol 59 65 71 76 82) 5 88 5 94 35 99 5 O05 5 11 29/629 36 17 5 22 5 28 5 34 6 40 5 45 51 57 5 63 5 68 5 74 ) 80 36 86 5 91 97 46 52 58 64 69 5 81 87 92 98\6. 04 10 15 03 211645 37 09 271646 37 14 33/647 37 20 38/648 37 26/698 40 44|649 37 32/699 40 or 5-80 90 600334 80) 96 601 34 86 02 07) 650337 \651 Bik 2/652 37 653 37 654 37 9/655 37 5/656 38 657 38 658 38 659 38 660 38 |661 38 34 [662 38 40 5/663 38 45 |664 38 51 7/665 38 57 666 38 63 667 35 69 668 38 74 669 38 80 31670 38 86 2/671 38 92 3/672 38 98 673 39 03 674 39 09 675 39 15 676 39 21 71677 39 27 2/678 39 32 679 39 38 680 39 44 681 39 50 3/682 39 56 683 39 61 684 39 67 685 39 73 \686 39 79 5/687 39 85 1688 39 90 06/689 39 96 12/690 40 02 18 691 40 08 24/692 40 14 \693 40 19 5/694 40 25 695 40 31 696 40 37 697 40 43 698 40 48 699 40 54 QIAAAAAAH AAA SOWIHHAPON—O oS SESS SSCS) 2? OF OT OV ON OL OVO OT OT OL OT OT OU Ot 51 57 63 68 74 649 37 64 300817 44 301 17 50} Co 09 02 C2 COCO CO GO 6 COnoahwon— 320 5/352 9/356 20 9/363 21 25/364 21 7\366 21 3/367 21 8/368 21 3/371 21 2/372 21 62 7/373 21 3/374 21 9/375 21 5|376 21 3/378 21 2/379 22 350320 351 20 20 46 20 52 20 20 34 40) 353 354 355 58 63 357 20 358 20 359 20 360 20 92) 361 20 9 362 21 365 21 369 21 370 21 377 21 380 22 381 « 398 23 300317 55) 301 17 61 302 17 67 303 17 73 304 17 78 305 17 84) 306 17 90) 307 17 96 2|358 20 359 21 9/361 21 25/362 21 3/365 21 )}368 21 3/369 21 72/370 21 5/374 21 5/379 22 3/381 2 2/382 22 3/383 22 5/391 22 399 23 350320 |351 20 |352 20 |353 20 354 207 355 20 \356 20 1357 20 360 21 363 21 ¢ 364 21 2 366 21 367 21 371 21 372 21 373 21 375 21 376 22 377 22 37 380 22 9 384 22 385 22 386 22 387 22 388 22 70 389 22 390 22 392 22 $93 22 394 23 395 23 396 23 397 23 349 20 42 5/398 23 28 399 23 34 |400323 25 2403 23 91450326 451 26 1452 26 26 26 3 26 26 26 26 € 31 37 42) 43| 54 60 66 71 V7 23 83 89 95) 01) 06) 401 23 402 23 404 23 405 23 OL OL OL OL Or or Or WNW NNWWWWW 5 98 448 26 04 498 28 |400823 40) 23 46 52 58 63 69 3°75 81 87 93 98 04 10 16 22 28 34 39 45 51 57 63 450826 451 26 452 26 453 26 454 26 455 26 456 26 457 26 458 26 459 26 460 26 461 26 462 27 463 27 464 27 465 27 466 27 467 27 468 27 469 27 470 27 471 27 472 27 473 27 474 27 475 27 2/476 27 477 27 478 27 479 28 480 28 481 28 482 28 483 28 484 28 485 28 486 28 5/487 28 2/488 28 489 28 490 28 491 28 492 28 493 28 494 28 495 28 496 29 497 29 498 29 499 29 444 25 97 445 26 03 446 26 09 447 2615 |448 26 21 (449 26 27 26 68 5 ; 85 5 91 39 45 50 56 ua 97| 03 7 09 14| 20 26) 32 38 43| 7 49) ae 55 61 6) a gal 80 96 02) 07 13! 19) Qe 5 31 36 42 48 54 60) 28 66) 71 77 83) 89 5 95/548 31 449 26 10/499 29 00/549 31 91 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 533c, or 504 29 2 524 30 '525 30 |539 31 501 29 12 505 29 35 506 29 ‘507 29 2/508 295 (509 2 29 |512 29 1513 29 514 29 8 515 29 1516 29 517 30 /518 30 |519 30 1520 30 22 /521 30 28) |522 30 523 30 526 30 627 30 3/528 30 4/529 30 530 30 531 30 532 30 533 30 |534 31 535 31 [536 31 537 31 538 31 (540 31 |541 31 5/591 34 35 6 500829 06/5503 il 91 600334 87 1650337 03 > 25 3 551 WwwOwIOwWwowUwWwUOwowoAwwwc D0 WCW WNWWWWWWWWWW WWW 89 33 94 00 06 12 18) 24| 29 542 31 543 31 1544 31 |545 31 546 31 547 31 56| 62) 68 74 79) 85 0/592 34 41 (593 34 47 [594 34 53) 1595 34 58) |596 34 64 |597 34 70 598 34 76 599 34 82 601 34 93651 37 99/652 37 § 5 05/653 37 96 35 11|654 38 35 17/655 38 ao \666 38 86) 667 3 92/668 38 ! 98/669 38 5 04/670 38 $ 3 10/671 39 3 15/672 39 5 21/673 39 3 27/674 39 33/675 39 & 5 39/676 39 29 5 44/677 39 35 3 50|678 39 41 5 56|679 39 47 5 62/680 39 52 36 68/681 39 58 5 73/682 39 64 1633 36 79/683 39 70 |634 36 85/684 39 76 1635 36 91/685 39 82 \636 36 97|686 39 87 \637 37 03/687 39 93 |638 37 08/688 39 99 639 37 14/689 40 05 640 37 20/690 40 11 641 37 26/691 40 16 642 37 32/692 40 22 \643 37 37/693 40 28 \644 37 43/694 40 34 [645 37 49695 40 40 |646 37 55/696 40 45 647 37 61/697 40 51 648 37 66/698 40 57 649 37 72 VeOvrorororovor or or or 32 38 44 50 56 62 68 73 79 85 91 97 03 09 14 20 26 32 38 44 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 90 96 02 08 14 20 26 31 37 43 49 55 61 66 72/541 31 65) 78) 84 90 96 02 07 13 500329 25| 501 29 31 502 29 37 503 29 43 504 29 48 505 29 54 506 29 507 29 530 31 00 531 31 06; 532 31 12 533 31 18 534 31 24 535 31 30 536 31 36 537 31 41 538 31 47 539 31 53 540 31 59 542 31 71 543 31 77 544 31 82! 545 31 88) 546 31 94! 547 32 00 648 32 06 550332 17 23 29 35 41 D) 558 3 Poo oO CD 582 34 05\632 36 97 72|699 40 63 5.85 10 1600335 16 35 22 5 28 33 39 45 51 57 63 68 74 80 86 92 98 04 09 650338 02 651 38 08 652 38 14 653 38 20 654 38 26 655 38 32 656 38 38 657 38 43 658 38 49 659 38 55 660 38 61 661 38 67 662 38 73 663 38 79 664 38 84 665 38 90 666 38 96 667 39 02 15/668 39 08 21/669 39 14 5 27/670 39 19 33/671 39 25 39/672 39 31 5 45/673 39 37 5 50/674 39 43 5 56/675 39 49 5 62\676 39 55 5 68/677 39 60 741678 39 66 679 39 72 Www ccc O22 2 OF Ot Ot Or Or Ot Ot Or eater /630 36 85/680 39 78 631 36 91/681 39 84 682 39 90 633 37 03/683 39 96 5/634 37 09/684 40 01 2/635 37 15/685 40 07 3636 37 21/686 40 13 637 37 26/687 40 19 638 37 32/688 40 25 5639 37 38/689 40 31 640 37 44/690 40 36 7/641 37 50/691 40 42 642 37 56/692 40 48 643 37 62/693 40 54 644 37 67/694 40 60 645 37 73/695 40 66 646 37 79/696 40 72 2/647 37 85\697 40 77 19 649 32 12 699 35 04 648 37 91/698 40 83 649 37 97/699 40 89 248. CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 Ibs at 53 c or 5.87} From 300 to 699 Ibs at 5}: cor fe 933 — 300317 621350820 56/400823 501450826 441500829 37 550332 31/600835 25 650838 19 | 300817 81350320 -78\400523 75) 450826 72/500529 69/550%32 66600835 62 650838 59° 301 17 638/351 20 62/401 23. 56/451 26 50/501 29 43/551 32 37/601 35 31/651 38 25 301 17 87/351 20 84/401 23 81 451 26 78/501 29 75/551 32 72/60! 35 68/651 38 65 302 17 74.352 20 68.402 23 62/452 26 55\502 29 49/552 32 43/602 35 37/652 38 30 | 302 17 93/352 20 90/402 23 87/452 26 84/502 29 81/552 32 77/602 35 74/652 38 71 303 17 50353 20 74.403 23 63/453 26 61/503 29 55/553 32 49/603 35 43653 38 36 303 17 99/353 20 96/403 23 93/453 26 90/503 29 87/553 32 83/603 35 80653 38 77 304 17 86/354 20 80/404 23 73/454 26 67/504 29 61/554 32 55/604 35 48/654 38 42 304 18 05/354 21 02,404 23 99/454 26 96/504 29 92/554 32 89/604 35 86/654 38 83 305 17 92/355 20 86/405 23 79/455 26 73/505 29 67/555 32 61/605 35 54/655 38 48 | 305 18 11/355 21 08/405 24 05/455 27 02/505 29 98/555 32 95/605 35 921655 38 89 306 17 98/356 20 91/406 23 85'455 26 79/506 29 73/556 32 66/606 35 60/656 38 54 | 306 18 17/356 21 14/406 24 11/456 27 07/586 30 04/556 33 01/606 35 98/656 38 95 307 18 04/357 20 97/407 23 91/457 26 85/507 29 79/557 32 72|607 35 66/657 38 60 307 18 23/357 2 20/407 24 17/457 27 13/507 30 10/557 33 07/607 36 04/657 39 O1 308 18 09/358 21 03/408 23 97/458 26 91/508 29 84/558 32 73/608 35 72/658 38 66 308 18 29/358 21 26) 22/458 27 19/508 30 16/558 33 13608 36 10/658 39 07 309 18 15/359 21 09/409 24 03 459 26 97/509 29 90/559 32 84/609 35 78/659 38 72 | 309 18 35/359 21 8/459 27 25/509 30 22)559 33 19/609 36 16/659 39 13 310 18 21|360 21 15/410 24 09/460 27 02/510 29 96/560 32 90/610 35 84|660 38 77 310 18 41/360 21 3 460 27 31/510 30 28/560 33 25/610 36 22/660: 39 19 311 18 27\36i 21 21/411 24 15/461 27 03/511 30°02)561 32 96/611 35 90/661 38 83 311 18 47/361 2 461 27 37/511 30 34/561 33 31/611 36 28/661 39 25 312 18 33/362 21 27/412 24 20/462 2 7 14/512 30 03/562 33 02/612 35 95/662 38 89 | 312 18 52/362 21 3462 27 43/512 30 40/562 33 37/612 36 34/662 39 31 313 18 39/363 21 33/413 24 26/463 2 27 20/513 30 14/563 33 08/613 36 01/663 38 95 | 313 18 58/363 21 5 52/463 27 49/513 30 46/563 33 43/613 36 40/663 39 37 314 18 45/364 21 38/414 24 3 2/464 : 27 26/514 30 20/564 33 13/614 36 07/664 39 01 314 18 64/364 21 58/464 27 55/514 30 52/564 33 49/614 36 46/664 39 42 315 18 51/365 21 44/415 24 38/465 27 3: j 33 19/615 386 13/665 39 07 | 315 18 70/365 21 54/465 27 61/515 30 58/565 33 55/615 36 521665 39 48 316 18 56/366 21 50/416 24 44/466 27 : 25/616 36 19/666 39 13 | 316 18 76/366 21 466 27 67/516 30 64/566 33 G1\616 36 57|\666 39 54 317 18 62/367 21 56/417 24 50/467 27 31/617 36 25/667 39 19 317 18 82/367 21 3/467 27 73/517 30 70/567 33 67/617 36 631667 39 60 318 18 68/368 21 62/418 24 56/468 2 27 37/618 36 31/668 39 24 318 18 88/368 21 2|468 27 79/518 30 76/568 33 72/618 36 69/668 39 66 319 18 74/369 21 68/419 24 62/469 2 3/619 36 37}669 39 30 | 319 18 941369 21 8/462 27 85/519 30 82/569 33 78/619 36 75/669 39 72 320 18 80/370 21 74/420 24 67/470 37 620 36 42/670 39 36 | 320 19 00/370 21 470 27 91/520 30 87/570 33 84/620 36 81/670 39 78 321 18 86/371 21 80/421 24 73/471 27 471 27 97/521 30 93/571 33 90/621 36 87/671 39 84 322 18 92/372 21 85/422 24 79/472 27 8 ¢ 22 3/472 28 02/522 30 99/572 33 96/622 36 931672 39 90 323 18 98/373 21 91/423 24 85/473 27 623 36 60/673 39 54 323 19 18/373 22 25 12/473 28 08|523 31 05/573 34 62/623 36 991673 39 96 324 19 03/374 21 97/424 24 91/474 27 624 36 66/674 39 60 324 19 24/374 22 25 17/474 28 14/524 31 11/574 34 08/624 37 05/674 40 02 325 19 09/375 22 03/425 24 97/475 27 625 36 72/675 39 66 $25 19 30/375 22 25 23/475 28 20/525 31 17/575 34 14/625 37 11/675 40 08 326 19 15/376 22 09 Agos Be 03/476 27 626 36 78/676 39 71 326 19 36/376 22 5 29/476 28 26/526 31 23/576 34 20/626 37 17/676 40 14 2 p 5 9/477 28 627 36 84/677 39 77 327 19 42/377 22 5 35/477 28 32/527 31 29/577 34 26/627 37 23/677 40 20 478 23 628 36 89/678 39 83 328 19 47|378 22 478 28 38/528 31 35/578 34 32/628 37 29/678 40 26 479 28 629 36 95/679 39 89 32S 19 53/379 22 479 283 44/529 31 41/579 34 38/629 37 35/679 40 32 P 630 37 01/680 39 95 339 19 59/380 22; 3/480 28 50/530 31 47/580 34 44/630 37 41/680 40 37 631 37 07/681 40 O1 331 19 65/381 22 9/481 28 56/531 31 53/581 34 50/631 37 47/681 40 43 632 37 13/682 40 07 332 19 71/382 22 5 65/482 28 62/532 31 59/582 34 56/632 37 52/682 40 49 633 37 19/683 40 13 333 19 77/383 22 483 28 68/533 31 65/583 34 62/633 37 58/683 40 55 634 37 25/684 40 18 334 19 83/384 22 484 28 74/534 31 71/584 34 67/634 37 64/684 40 61 |635 37 31/685 40 24 335 19 89/385 22 3/485 28 80/535 31 77/585 34 73/635 37 70/685 40 67 9/486 28 86/536 31 82/586 34 79/636 37 76\686 40 73 5/487 28 92/537 31 88/587 34 85|637 37 82/687 40 79 488 28 97/538 31 94/588 34 91/638 37 88/688 40 85 7/489 29. 03/539 32 00/589 34 97/639 37 94/689 40 91 2/490 29 09/540 32 06/590 35 03/640 38 00.690 40 97 2} 2% ze 3/491 29 15/541 32 12/591 35 09|641 38 06) (691 41 03 8/642 37 72/692 40 65 342 20 31/392 23 ¢ 492 29 21/542 32 18/592 35 15/642 38 12 692 41 09 34 84 1643 387 78/693 40 70 $43 20 37/393 23 33/443 26 30/493 29 27/543 32 24/593 35 21/643 38 18/693 41 15 34 90/644 37 83 (694 40 77 344 20 42394 23 39/444 26 36/494 29 33/544 382 30594 385 27/644 38 24/694 41 21 34 96/645 37 89/695 40 83 345 20 48/395 23 45/445 26 42/495 29 39/545 32 36/595 35 33 645 38 30 695 41 27 35 01/646 37 95) 696 40 89 $46 20 54396 23 51/446 26 48/496 29 45/546 32 42/596 35 39/646 38 36/696 41 32 23°32 2 ; 35 07/647 38 01 |697 40 95 347 20 60/397 23 57/447 26 54/497 29 51 |547 32 48/587 35 45/647 38 42/697 41 38 348 20 44/398 23 38 448 26 32/498 29 26/548 32 19/598 35 13/648 38 07/698 41 O1 348 20 66/398 23 63/448 26 60/498 29 57/548 32 54/598 35 51/648 38 47/698 41 44 349 20 50/399 23 44/449 26 38/499 29 32/549 32 25/599 35 19/649 38 13/699 41 07 349 20 72/399 23 69/449 26 66/499 29 63/549 32 60\599 35 57/649 38 53.699 41 50 From 300 to 699 lbs at 5c. or 5.90 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 533c. or 5.95 7 T T 51350820 821400823 801450826 771500829 75155033 721600835 yolenus3e G7 300317 70350920 65/400323 60/450826 55/500829 50550832 45 5|600835 40650338 35 300817 85 350820 82 400323 80 450326 77/500329 75550832 72/600%35 70/650338 67 17 76/351 20 71,401 23 66/451 26 61/501 29 56551 32 51 (601 35 46651 38 41 301 17 91/351 20 88/401 23 86/451 26 83/501 29 81/851 32 78/601 35 76651 38 73 302 17 82352 20 77/402 23 72/452 26 67/502 29 62/552 32 57/602 35 52/652 38 47 302 17 97352 20 94,402 23 92/452 26 89/502 29 87/552 32 84/602 35 82 652 38 79 _ 303 17 88/353 20 83/403 23 78,453 26 73/503 29 68/553 32 63 603 35 58/653 38 53 303 18 03/353 21 00/403 23 98. 453 26 95/503 29 93/553 32 90/603 35 88/653 38 85 304 17 94/354 20 89/404 23 84/454 26 79/504 29 74/554 32 691604 35 64/654 38 59 304 18 09/354 21 06/404 24 04/454 27 01/504 29 99/554 32 96/604 35 94/654 38 91 305 17 99/355 20 94/405 23 89/455 26 84/505 29 79/555 32 74/605 35 69/655 38 64 305 18 15/355 21 12 405 24 10.455 27 07/505 30 05,555 33 02/605 36 00/655 38 97 306 18 05/356 21 00/406 23 95.456 26 90/506 29 85/556 32 80606 35 75/656 38 70 306 18 21/356 21 18) 406 24 16456 27 13/506 30 11/556 33 08/606 36 06/656 39 03 307 18 11/357 21 06 |407 24 01/457 26 96 507 29 91/557 32 86/607 35 81/657 38 76 307 18 27/357 21 24,407 24 22/457 27 19/507 30 17|557'33 14/607 36 121657 39 09 308 18 17/358 21 12/408 24 07|458 27 02/508 29 97/558 32 92/608 35 87/658 38 82 308 18 33/358 21 30/408 24 28 458 27 25/508 30 23/558 33 20/608 36 18/658 39 15 309 18 23/359 21 18/409 24 13.459 27 08/509 30 03/559 32 98/609 35 93/659 38 88 309 18 39/359 21 36/409 24 34/459 27 31/509 30 29 559 33 26/609 36 24/659 39 21 310 18 29/360 21 24/410 24 19/460 27 14/510 30 09/560 33 04/610 35 99/660 38 94 310 18 44/360 21 42/410 24 39/460 27 37/510 30 34/560 33 32/610 36 29\660 39 27 311 18 35/361 21 30/411 24 25/461 D7 20/511 30 15/561 33 10/611 36 05/661 39 00 S11 18 50361 21 48441 24 45/461 27 43/511 30 40/561 33 38\611 36 35/661 39 33 312 18 41/362 21 36/412 24 31/462 27 26/512 30 21/562 33 16/612 36 11/662 39 06 $12 18 56,362 21 54/412 24 51/462 27 49/512 30 46/562 33 44/612 36 41/662 39 39 - 313 18 47/363 21 42/413 24 87/463 27 32/513 30 27/563 33 22/613 36 17/663 39 12 313 18 62 363 21 60/413 24 57/463 27 55/513 30 52/563 33 50/613 36 47/663 39 45 314 18 53/364 21 48/414 24 43/464 27 33/514 30 33/564 33 28/614 36 23/664 39 18 314 18 68 364 21 66/414 24 63/464 27 61/514 30 58/564 33 56/614 36 53/664 39 51 315 18 58/365 21 53/415 24 48,465 27 43/515 30 38.565 33 33/615 36 28/665 39 23 315 18 74/365 21 72/415 24 69/465 27 67/515 30 64/565 33 62/615 36 59/665 39 57 316 18 64/366 21 59/416 24 54/466 27 49/516 30 44/566 33 39/616 36 34/666 39 29 316 18 80366 21 78/416 24 75/466 27 73/516 30 70/566 33 6S|GI6 36 65/666 39 63 317 18 70/367 21 65/417 24 60/467 27 55/517 30 50/567 33 45/617 36 40/667 39 35 317 18 86/367 21 84/417 24 81/467 27 79/517 30 76/567 33 74/617 36 71/667 39 69 318 18 76/368 21 71/418 24 66 468 27 61/518 30 56/568 33 51/618 36 46/668 39 41 318 18 92/368 21 90418 24 87/468 27 85/518 30 82/568 33 8UIGI8 36 77/668 39 75 319 18 82/369 21 77/419 pee 2/469 27 67/519 30 62/569 33 57/619 36 52/669 39 47 319 18 98369 21 96/419 24 93/469 27 91/519 30 88/569 33 86/619 36 83/669 39 81 3/520 320 18 88/370 21 83/420 24 78 |470 27 7 30 68/570 33 63/620 36 58/670 39 53 320 19 04.370 22 01/420 24 99/470 27.96/520 30 94570 33 91/620 36 89/670 39 86 321 18 94/371 21 89/491 34 84/471 20 79/521 30 74/571 33 69/621 36 64/671 39 59 321 19 10/371 22 07 421 25 05)471 28 02/521 31 00/571 33 97/621 36 95/671 39 92 322 19 00/372 21 95|4292 24 90/472 27 85/522 380 80/572 33 75/622 36 70/672 39 65 322 19 16372 2 Re 13/422 25 11/472 28 08/522 31 06/572 34 03/622 37 01/672 39 98 323 19 06/373 22 01/493 24 96/473 27 91/523 30 86/573 33 81/623 36 76/673 39 71 323 19 22 1373 2 2 19/423 25 17/473 28 14/523 31 12/573 34 09/623 37 07/673 40 04 324 19 12/374 22 07/424 25 02/474 27 97/524 30 92/574 33 87/624 36 82/674 39 77 324 19 28) (374 22 20/424 25 23/474 28 20/524 31 18/574 34 15/624 37 13/674 40 10 i 2 : 25 07 |475 2 8 02/525 30 97/575 33 92/625 36 87|\675 39 82 325 19 34/375 22 31/495 25 29/475 28 26 525 31 24/575 34 21/625 37 19/675 40 16 25 1 3/476 2 8 08/526 31 03/576 33 98/626 36 93/676 39 88 326 19 40/376 22 37/496 25 35/476 28 32/526 31 30576 34 271626 37 25/676 40 22 19) 477 28 4 ¢ 5 627 36 99/677 39 94 327 19 46/377 22 43/427 25 41/477 28 38/527 31 36/577 34 33/627 37 31|677 40 28 p 0 37 05/678 40 00 328 19 52/378 22 49/428 25 47/478 28 44/598 31 42/578 34 39/628 37 371678 40 34 ? 11/679 40 06 329 19 58)379 22 55/429 25 53/479 28 50/529 31 48/579 34 45/629 37 43/679 40 40 17/680 40 12 330 19 63/380 22 61/480 25 58/480 28 56/530 31 53/580 34 51/630 37 48/680 40 46 / 23/681 40 18 331 19 69/381 22 67/431 25 64/481 28 62/531 31 59/581 34 57/631 37 54/681 40 52 7 29/682 40 24 332 19 75/382 22 73/432 20 70/482 28 68/532 31 65/582 34 63/632 37 60\682 40 58 35/683 40 30 333 19 81/383 22 79/433 25 76/483 28 74/533 31 71/583 34 69/633 37 66/683 40 64 41/684 40 35 334 19 87/384 22 85/434 25 82 x 7584 34 75/634 37 72/684 40 70 7 46/685 40 41 335 19 93/385 22 91/435 8 3585 34 81/635 37 78/685 40 76 ¢ 25 72/486 38 67/536 31 62/586 34 57/636 37 52/686 40 47 336 19 99/386 22 97/436 25 94/486 28 9: 586 34 87/636 37 84/686 40 82 337 19 831387 22 83 437 25 78/487 28 73/537 31 68/587 34 63/687 37 5SIG87 40 53 337 20 05/387 + 3/437 26 00/487 28 98/537 Al 95/587 34 93/637 37 90/687 40 88 338 19 94/388 22 89 438 25 84/488 28 79/538 31 74/588 34 691638 37 64/688 40 59 338 20 11/388 23 09/438 26 06/488 29 04/538 32 01/588 34 99/638 37 96/688 40 94 $39 20 00/389 22 95/439 25 90/489 28 85/539 31 80/589 34 751639 37 701689 40 65 339 20 17/389 23 15/4389 26 12/489 29 10/539 3 32 07/589 35 05/639 38 02/689 41 00 340 20 06/390 28 01/440 25 96|490 28 91|540 31 86/580 34 811640 37 76 690 40 71 340 20 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From 300 to 699 lbs at 6ic. or 6.125 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 6;;c. or 6.182 250 ~~ 300818 37/350821 44|490824 50/450827 56/500830 621550833 6960036 75/650839 81 | 300818 561350321 661400324 75/450827 841500330 94 550334 03/600837 12/650340 22 301 18 44/351 21 50/401 24 56/451 27 62/501 30 69/551 33 75/601 36 81/651 39 87 | 30! 18 62/351 21 72/401 24 81/451 27 91|/501 31 00/554 34 O9\601 37 19/651 40 28 302 18 50/352 21 56/402 24 62/452 27 68/502 30 75/552 33 81/602 36 87/652 39 93 | 302 18 69/352 21 78/402 24 87\452 27 97/502 31 06/552 34 15/602 37 251652 40 34 303 18 56/353 21 62/403 24 68/453 27 75/503 30 81/553 33 87/603 36 93/653 40 00 | 303 18 75/353 21 84/403 24 94/453 28 03/503 31 12/553 34 22/603 37 311653 40 40 304 18 62/354 21 63/404 24 74/454 27 81/504 30 87/554 33 93/604 36 99/654 40 06 | 304 18 81/354 21 90|404 25 00/454 28 09|504 31 18/554 34 28|604 37 37/654 40 47 305 18 68/355 21 74/405 24 81/455 27 87/505 30 93/555 33 99/605 37 06.655 40 12 | 305 18 87/355 21 97/405 25 06/455 28 15/505 31 25/555 34 34/605 37 431655 40 53 306 18 74/356 21 80/406 24 87/45 97 93 506 30 99/556 34 05/606 37 12/656 40 18 | 306 18 93/356 22 03/406 25 121456 28 21|506 31 31/556 34 40/606 37 50/656 40 59 307 18 80/357 21 87/407 24 93/457 27 99/507 31 05/557 34 12/607 37 18/657 40 24 | 307 19 00/357 22 09/407 25 18457 28 28/507 31 37/557 34 46/607 37 56/657 40 65 308 18 86/358 21 93:408 24 991458 28 05/508 31 11/558 34 18|608 37 24/658 40 30 | 308 19 06/358 22 15/408 25 24/458 28 34/508 31 43/558 34 53/608 37 62/658 40 71 309 18 93/359 21 99/409 25 05/459 28 11/509 31 18/559 34 24/609 37 30) 659 40 36 | 309 19 12/359 22 21/409 25 31/459 28 40/509 31 49/559 34 59/609 37 681659 40 78 310 18 99/360 22 05/410 25 11/460 28 17/510 31 24/560 34 30/610 37 36,660 40 42 | 310 19 18/360 22 27/410 25 37/460 28 46/510 31 56/560 34 65/610 37 741660 40 84 311 19 05/361 22 11/411 25 17/461 28 24/511 31 30/561 34 36.611 37 42/661 40 49 | 311 19 24/361 22 Cee 25 43/461 28 52/511 31 62/561 34 71/611 37 81/661 40 90 312 19 11/362 22 17/412 25 23/462 28 30/512 31 36/562 34 42/612 37 48/662 40 55 | 312 19 30/362 22 40/412 25 49/462 28 591512 31 68/562 34 771612 37 87/662 40 96 313 19 17/363 22 23/413 25 30/463 28 36/513 31 42/563 34 48/613 37 55/663 40 61 | 313 19 37/363 3D 46 413 25 55/463 28 65/513 31 74/563 34 84/613 37 93/663 41 02 314 19 23/364 22 29/414 25 36/464 28 42/514 31 48/564 34 54/614 37 61/664 40 67 | 314 19 43/364 22 2 414 25 62/464 28 71/514 31 80/564 34 90/614 37 99/664 41 08 315 19 29/365 22 36/415 25 421465 28 48/515 31 541565 34 61/615 37 67/665 40 73 | 315 19 49/365 22 58/4)5 25 68/465 28 77/515 31 871565 34 95/615 38 05/665 41 15 316 19 35/366 22 42/416 25 48/466 28 54/516 31 60/566 34 67/616 37 73/666 40 79 | 316 19 55/366 22 eae 416 25 74/466 28 83/516 31 93/566 35 02/616 38 11/666 41 21 317 19 42/367 22 48417 25 54/467 28 60/517 31 67/567 34 73617 37 79/667 40 85 | 317 19 61/367 22 71/417 25 80|467 28 90/517 31 99/587 35 OS\GI7 38 18/667 41 27 318 19 48/368 22 54/418 25 60/468 28 66518 31 73/568 34 79618 37 85/668 40 91 | 318 19 68/368 22 77/418 25 86|468 28 96/518 32 05 568 35 14/618 38 24/668 41 33 319 19 54/369 22 60/419 25 66/469 28 73/519 31 79569 34 85.619 37 91/669 40 98 | 319 19 74/369 22 83/419 25 93/469 29 02/519 32 11/569 35 211619 38 30/669 41 39 320 19 60/370 22 66/420 25 721470 28 79/520 31 85/570 34 91,620 37 97/670 41 04 | 320 19 80/370 22 89/420 25 99/470 29 08/520 32 17/570 35 27/620 38 36/670 41 46 321 19 66/371 22 72/421 25 79la71 28 85|501 31 911571 34 97/621 38 04/671 41 10 | 321 19 86/371 22 96/421 26 051471 29 141501 32 24 571 35 33/621 38 42/671 41 52 322 19 "2/372 22 78/422 25 85ja72 28 91/599 31 97/572 34 03/622 38 10/672 41 16 | 322 19 92/372 23 02/422 26 11/472 29 20/592 32 30/572 35 391622 38 491672 41 58 323 19 78/373 22 85/423 25 91/473 28 97/623 32 03/573 34 10/623 38 16/673 41 22 | 323 19 99/373 23 08/423 26 17/473 29 27/593 32 361573 35 451623 38 551673 41 64 324 19 84/374 22 91/424 25 97/474 28 03/524 32 09/574 34 16/624 38 22/674 41 28 | 324 20 05/374 23 14/424 26 23/474 29 33/524 32 42/574 35 52/624 38 611674 41 70 325 19 91/375 22 97/425 26 03/475 29 09/595 32 16/575 34 22/625 38 22/675 41 34 | 325 20 11/375 23 20/425 26 30/475 29 39/595 32 481576 35 581625 38 67/675 41 77 326 19 97/376 23 03/426 26 09/476 29 15/526 32 22/576 35 28/626 38 34/676 41 40 | 326 20 17/376 23 26/426 26 36/476 29 45/596 32 55/576 35 64/626 38 73/676 41 83 327 20 03/3877 23 09/427 26 15/477 29 22/597 32 2u/577 35 64/627 38 40/677 41 47 | 327 20 23/377 23 33/427 26 421477 29 51/597 32 611577 35 70\627 38 80/677 41 89 328 20 09/378 23 15)428 26 21/478 29 28/528 32 34/578 35 40/628 38 46/678 41 53 | 328 20 291978 23 391428 26 48/478 29 58/598 32 67/578 35 76\R28 38 S6\678 41 95 329 20 15/379 23 21/429 26 28/479 29 34/529 32 40/579 35 46/629 38 53/679 41 59 | 329 20 36/379 23 45/429 26 54/479 29 64/599 32 73/579 35 831629 38 921679 42 01 330 20 21/380 23 27/430 26 34/480 29 40/530 32 46/580 35 52/630 38 59/680 41 65 | 330 20 42/380 23 51/430 26 61/480 29 70/530 32 79/580 35-89/630 35 98\680 42 07 331 20 27/381 23 34/431 26 40/481 29 46/531 32 52/581 35 59/631 38 65/681 41 71 | 331 20 48/381 23 57/481 26 67\481 29 76/531 32 86I581 35 951631 39 04/681 42 14 332 20 33/382 23 40/432 26 $6482 29 52/532 32 58/582 35 65/632 38 71/682 41 77 | 332 20 54/382 23 64/432 26 73/482 29 82/532 32 92/582 36 01/632 39 10/682 42 20 333 20 40/383 23 46/433 26 52/483 29 58/533 32 65/583 35 71/633 38 77/683 41 83 | 333 20 60/383 23 70/433 26 79/483 29 89/533 32 98/583 36 071633 39 171683 42 26 334 20 46/384 23 52/434 26 58/484 29 64/534 32 71/584 35 77/634 38 83/684 41 89 | 334 20 67/384 23 76/434 26 85/484 29 95/534 33 04/584 36 13/634 39 23/684 42 32 335 20 52/385 23 58/435 26 64/485 29 71/535 32 77/585 35 83/635 38 891685 41 96 | 335 20 73/385 23 82/435 26 92! 485 30 01/535 33 10/585 36 20/635 39 29/685 42 38 336 20 58/386 23 64/436 26 70/486 29 77/536 32 83/586 35 89/636 38 95/886 42 02 | 336 20 79/386 23 88|436 26 981486 30 07/536 33 16/586 36 26/636 39 35/686 42 45 337 20 64/387 23 70/437 26 77|487 29 83/537 32 89/587 35 95/637 39 02/687 42 08 | 337 20 85/387 23 95/437 22 ue |487 30 13|537 33 23/587 36 32/637 39 41|687 42 51 338 20 70/388 23 76/438 26 83/488 29 89/538 32 95/588 36 01/638 39 08/688 42 14 | 338 20 91/388 24 01/438 27 10/488 30 19/538 33 29/588 36 38/638 39 48/688 42 57 339 20 76/389 23 83/439 26 89/489 29 95/539 33 01/589 36 08/639 39 14/689 42 20 | 339 20 981389 24 07/439 27 i6 489 30 26/539 33 35/589 36 44/639 39 54/689 42 63 340 20 82/390 23 89/440 26 95/490 30 01/540 33 07/590 36 14/640 39 20/690 42 26 | 340 21 04/390 24 13/440 27 22/490 30 32/540 33 41/590 36 51/640 39 60/690 42 69 341 20 89/391 23 95/441 27 01/491 30 07/541 33 14/591 36 20/641 39 26/691 42 32 | 341 21 10/391 24 19/441 27 29/491 30 38/541 33 47/591 36 57/641 39 GGIG9I 42 76 342 20 95/392 24 01/442 27 07/492 30 13/542 33 20/592 36 26/642 39 32/692 42 38 | 342 21 16/392 24 25/442 27 35/492 30 44/542 33 54/592 36 63/642 39 72/692 42 82 343 21 01/393 24 07/443 27 13/493 30 20/543 33 26/593 36 32/643 39 381693 42 45 | 343 21 22/393 24 32/443 27 a 493 30 50/543 33 60/593 36 69/643 39 791693 42 88 344 21 07/394 24 13/444 27 19/494 30 26/544 33 32/594 36 38/644 39 44/694 42 51 | 344 21 28/394 24 38/444 27 47/494 30 57\544 33 66/594 36 751644 39 85/694 42 94 345 21 13395 24 19/445 27 26/495 30 32/545 33 381595 36 441645 39 51/695 42 57 | 345 21 35/395 24 44/445 27 53 [495 30 63/545 33 72/595 36 82/645 39 91/695 43 00 $46 21 19/396 24 25/446 27 32/496 30 38/546 33 44/596 36 50/646 39 57/696 42 63 | 346 21 411396 24 501446 27 60/496 30 69/546 33 78596 36 88/646 39 97/696 43 06 347 21 25/397 24 32/447 27 38/497 30 44/547 33 50/597 36 57/647 39 63/697 42 69 | 347 21 47/397 24 56/447 27 66/497 30 75/547 33 85/597 36 94/647 40 03697 43 13 348 21 31/398 24 38/448 27 44/498 30 50/548 33 56/598 36 63/648 39 69/698 42 75 | 348 21 53/398 24 63/448 27 72/498 30 81/548 33 91/598 37 00648 40 09/698 43 19 349 21 38(399 24 44/449 27 50/499 30 56/549 33 63/599 36 69/649 39 75/699 42 81 | 449 21 591399 24 691449 27 781499 30 88549 33 971599 37 0GI649 40 16/699 43 25 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 6c or 6.15 From 300 to 699 ibsat6ic or 6.20 300818 45350821 52/400824 60/450827 67/500330 75/550833 82|600336 90|650339 300318 60/350821 70/400824 80/450%27 90/500%31 00 550334 10/600337 20/650840 30 301 18 51/351 21 59/401 24 66/451 27 74.501 30 81/551 33 89/601 36 96/651 40 04 | 301 18 66/351 21 76/401 24 86/451 27 96/501 31 06/551 34 16/601 37 26/651 40 36 302 18 57/352 21 65/402 24 72/452 27 80/502 30 87/552 33 95/602 37 02/652 40 10 | 302 18 72/352 21 82/402 24 92/452 28 02/502 31 12/552 34 22/602 37 32/652 40 42 303 18 63/353 21 71/403 24 78/453 27 86503 30 93/553 34 01/603 37 08/653 40 16 | 303 18 79/353 21 89/403 24 99/453 28 09/503 1 19/553 34 29/603 37 391653 40 49 304 18 70/354 21 77/404 24 85/454 27 92/504 31 00/554 34 07/604 37 15/654 40 22 | 304 18 85/354 21 95/404 25 05/454 28 15/504 31 25/554 34 35/604 37 45/654 40 55 305 18 76/355 21 83/405 24 91/455 27 98/505 31 06/555 34 13/605 37 21/655 40 28 | 305 18 91/386 22 01/405 25 111455 28 21/505 31 31/555 34 41/605 37 51 655 40 61 306 18 82/356 21 89/406 24 97/456 28 04/506 31 12/556 34 19/606 37 27/656 40 34 | 306 18 97/356 22 07/406 25 17/456 28 27/506 31 37/556 34 47/606 37 57/656 40 67 307 18 88|357 21 96/407 25 03/457 28 11/507 31 18/557 34 26/607 37 33/657 40 41 | 307 19 03/357 22 13/407 25 23/457 28 33/507 31 43/557 34 531607 37 631657 40 73. 308 18 94/358 22 02/408 25 09/458 28 17/508 31 24/558 34 32/608 37 39658 40 47 | 308 19 101358 22 201408 25 301458 28 40/508 31 50/558 34 601608 37 701658 40 80 309 19 00/359 22 08)409 25 15/459 28 23/509 31 30/559 34 38/609 37 45/659 40 53 | 309 19 16/359 22 26/409 25 36/459 28 46/509 31 56/559 34 66/609 37 76/659 40 86 310 19 06/360 22 14/410 25 21/460 28 29510 31 36/560 34 44/610 37 51lg60 40 59 | 310 19 22/360 22 32/410 25 42/460 28 52/510 31 62|560 34 721610 37 82I660 40 92 311 19 13/361 22 20/411 25 28/461 28 35511 31 43/561 34 5O\611 37 58/661 40 65 | SII 19 28/361 22 38/411 25 48/461 28 58/511 31 68/561 34 78/611 37 88/661 40 98 312 19 19/362 22 26/412 25 34/462 28 41|512 31 49/562 34 56/612 37 64/662 40 71 | 312 19 34/362 22 462 28 64/512 31 74/562 34 84/612 37 94/662 41 04 313 19 25/363 22 32/413 25 40/463 28 47/513 31 55|563 34 62/613 37 70l663 40 77 | 313 19 41/363 22 463 28 71/513 31 81/563 34 91/613 38 01/663 41 11 314 19 31/364 22 39/414 25 46/464 28 54/514 31 61/564 34 69/614 37 76/g64 40 84 | 314 19 47/364 22 57\414 25 67|464 28 77/514 31 87/564 34 97/614 38 07/664 41 17 315 19 37/365 22 45/415 25 521465 28 60|515 31 s7/565 34 75/615 37 82 665 40 90 | 315 19 53/365 22 63/415 25 73/465 28 83/515 31 93/565 35 03/615 38 13/665 41 23 316 19 43/366 22 51/416 25 58/466 28 66/516 31 73/566 34 81/616 37 88/666 40 96 | 316 19 59/366 22 69/416 25 79/466 28 89/516 31 99/566 35 09/616 38 19/666 41 29 317 19 50/367 22 57/417 25 65/467 28 72/517 31 80/567 34 87/617 37 95\g67 41 02 | 317 19 65/367 22 75|417 25 85|467 28 95/517 32 05/567 35 15/617 38 25/667 41 35 318 19 56/368 22 63/418 25 71/468 28 78/518 31 86/568 34 93/618 38 O1/g68 41 08 | 318 19 72/368 22 82/418 25 92\468 29 02/518 32 12/568 35 22/618 38 32/668 41 42 319 19 62/369 22 69|419 25 77/469 28 84/519 31 92/569 34 99/619 38 O7l\gg9 41 14 | 319 19 78/369 22 88/419 25 98/469 29 08/519 32 18/569 35 28/619 38 38/669 41 48 320 19 68/370 22 75/420 25 83/470 28 90/520 31 98)570 35 05/620 38 13/670 41 20 | 320 19 84/370 22 94/420 26 04/470 29 14/590 32 24/570 35 34/620 38 44|670 41 54 321 19 74/371 22 82/421 25 89/471 28 97/521 82 04/571 35 12/621 38 19/671 41 27 | 321 19 90/371 23 O0|421 26 10/471 29 20/521 32 30/571 35 40/621 38 50/671 41 60 322 19 80/372 22 88/422 25 95/472 29 03/522 32 10/572 35 18/622 38 25/672 41 33 | 322 19 96/372 23 06/422 26 16/472 29 26/599 32 36/572 35 46/622 38 56/672 41 66 323 19 86/373 22 94/423 26 01/473 29 09/523 32 16/573 35 24/623 38 311673 41 39 | 323 20 03/373 23 13/423 26 23/473 29 33/593 32 43/573 35 53/623 38 63/673 41 73 324 19 93/374 23 00/424 26 08/474 29 15/524 32 23/574 35 30/624 38 38/674 41 45 | 324 20 09/374 23 19/424 26 29/474 29 39|/594 32 49/574 35 591624 38 69/674 41 79 325 19 99/375 23 06/425 26 14/475 29 21/525 32 29/575 35 36/625 38 44/675 41 51 | 325 20 15/375 23 25/425 26 35/475 29 45/595 32 55/575 35 65/625 38 75/675 41 85 326 20 05/376 23 12/426 26 20/476 29 27/526 32 35/576 35 42/6296 38 50/676 41 57 | 326 20 21/376 23 31/426 26 411476 29 51/596 32 61/576 35 71/626 38 811676 41 91 827 20 11/377 23 19/427 26 26)477 29 34/627 32 41/577 35 49\627 88 56/677 41 64 | 327 20 27/377 23 37/427 26 47|477 29 57/527 32 67/577 35 77/627 38 87|\677 41 97 $28 20 17/378 23 25/428 26 32/478 29 40/528 32 47/578 35 55/628 38 62/678 41 70 | 328 20 34/378 23 44/498 26 541478 29 64/598 32 741578 35 84/K28 38 94/678 42 04 399 20 23/379 23 31/498 26 88/479 29 46)/529 32 53/579 35 61/629 38 68/679 41 76 | 329 20 40/379 23 50/429 26 60/479 29 70/529 32 80/579 35 90/629 39 00/679 42 10 330 20 29/380 23 37/430 26 44/480 29 52/530 32 59/580 35 67/630 38 74/680 41 82 | 330 20 46/380 23 56/430 26 66/480 29 76/530 32 86/580 35 96/630 39 06/680 42 16 331 20 36/381 23 43/431 26 51/481 29 58/531 32 66/581 35 73/631 38 81/681 41 88 | 331 20 52/381 23 62/431 26 72/481 29 82/531 32 92/581 36 021631 39 12/681 42 22 332 20 42/382 23 49/432 26 57/482 29 64/532 32 72/582 35 79/632 38 87\689 41 94 | 332 20 58/382 23 68/432 26 78/482 29 88/532 32 98/582 36 08/632 39 18/682 42 28 333 20 48/383 23 55/433 26 63/483 29 70/533 32 78/583 35 85/633 38 93/683 42 00 | 333 20 65/383 23 75/433 26 85/483 29 95/533 33 05/583 36 15/633 39 25/683 42 35 334 20 54/384 23 62/434 26 69/484 29 77/534 32 84/584 35 921634 39 99|684 42 07 | 334 20 71/384 23 81/434 26 91/484 30 01/534 33 11/584 36 211634 39 31684 42 41 335 20 60/385 23 68/435 26 75/485 29 83/535 32 90/588 35 98636 39 05/685 42 13 | 335 20 77/385 23 87/435 26 97/485 30 07/535 33 17/585 36 27/635 39 37/685 42 47 336 20 66/386 23 74/436 26 81/486 29 89|536 32 96/586 36 041636 39 11/686 42 19 | 336 20 83/386 23 93/436 27 03/486 30 13/536 33 23/586 36 33/636 39 43/686 42 53 337 20 75/387 23 80.437 26 88/487 29 95/537 33 03/587 36 10/637 39 18|687 42 25 | 337 20 891387 23 99/437 27 09/487 30 19|537 33 29/587 36 39/637 39 49/687 42 59 338 20 79/388 23 86 438 26 94/488 30 01)538 33 09/588 36 16/638 39 24/688 42 31 | 338 20 96|388 24 06|438 27 16/488 30 26/538 33 36/588 36 46/638 39 56/688 42 66 $39 20 85/389 23 921439 27 00/489 30 07/539 33 15/589 36 22/639 39 30/689 42 37 | 339 21 02/389 24 12/439 27 22/489 30 321539 33 42/589 36 52/639 39 62/689 42 72 340 20 91390 23 98/440 27 06/490 30 13)540 33 21/590 36 28|640 39 26/690 42 43 | 340 21 03/390 24 18|470 27 28/490 30 38|540 33°48/590 36 58/640 39 68/690 42 78 341 20 97/391 24 05/441 27 12 491 30 20|541 33 27/591 26 35/641 39 42/691 42 50 | 341 21 14/391 24 24|aq] 27 34/491 30 44/541 33 54/591 36 64/641 39 74/691 42 84 342 21 03/392 24 11\442 2 o7 8/492 30 26/542 33 23/592 36 41\642 39 a8 692 4256 | 342 21 20 [392 24 30/442 27 40/492 30 50/542 33 60/592 36 70/642 39 80/692 42 90 343 21 09/393 24 17/443 27 24 493 30 32)543 33 29/593 36 47\643 39 54/693 42 62 | 343 21 27/393 24 37/443 27 47/493 30 57/543 33 67/593 36 77/643 39 87/693 42 97 344 21 16/394 24 23 444 27 31/494 20 38/544 33 46|594 36 53/644 39 61694 42.68 | 344 21 33/394 24 431444 27 531494 30 631544 33 73/594 36 831644 39 931694 43 03 345 21 22395 24 29.445 27:87/495 30 44/545 33 59/595 36 59/645 39 671695 42°74 | 345 21 39/395 24 491445 27 591495 30 691545 33 79/595 36 89/645 39 99/695 43 09 346 21 28/396 24 35.446 27 43/496 30 50/546 33 58/596 36 65\646 39 73/696 42 80 | 346 21 45/396 24 55/446 27 65/496 30 751546 33 85/596 36 95/646 40 051696 43 15 347 21 34/397 24 42/447 27 49/497 30 57/547 33 64/597 36 72/647 39 79/697 42 87 | 347 21 51/397 24 61/447 27 71/497 30 81/547 33 91/597 37 011647 40 11/697 43 21 348 21 40/398 24 48/448 27 55/498 30 63/548 33 70/598 36 78/648 39 85/698 42 93 | 348 21 58/398 24 68\448 27 78/498 30 88/548 33 98/598 37 081648 40 18/698 43 28 349 21 461389 24 54/449 27 61/499 30 69/549 33 76599 36 84649 39 911699 42 99 | 349 21 641399 24 741449 27 841499 30 941549 34 04/599 37 14/649 40 24/699 43 34 ate COTTON SELLER’S TABLE. 251 From 300 to 699 lbs at Ie. or 6.25 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 6;:c. or 6.31: 300818 75/350321 87\400325 00/450828 12)500831 25)550834 37 600837 50 650340 62 300318 94/35022 09 5 45082 8 41) 50083 56/550334 72 0083 7 87650841 301 18 81/351 21 94,401 25 06 ‘ 9/501 31 31 pat 34 44 ‘601 37 56/651 40 69 301 19 00 ) 28 47/601 31 63) : 78 601 37 94651 41 302 18 87/352 22 00402 25 12 5 37 62/652 40 75 302 19 06 2 : 69 ; 8 00/652 41 303 18 94/353 22 06/403 25 19 304 19 00/354 22 12,404 25 25 37 75|654 40 87 304 19 19 305 19 06/355 22 19405 25 31 Bile 34 6 608 37 81|655 40 94 305 19 25 306 19 12/356 22 25/406 25. 37/456 28 50/506 31 62/556 34 75.606 37 87/656 41 00 | 306 19 32 307 19 19/357 22 31/407 25 44/457 28 56/507 31 69/557 34 81/607 37 94/657 41 06 307 19 38 308 19 25/358 22 37,408 25 50.458 28 62/508 31 75/558 34 87| 608 38 00/658 41 12 308 19 44 309 19 31/359 22 44 409 25 56/459 28 69/509 31 81/559 34 94/609 38 0G|659 41 19 309 19 51 19 37/360 22 50/410 25 62/460 28 75/510 31 87 35 00/610 38 12/660 41 25 310 19 57 59/653 40 81 303 19 13 38 06653 41 22 3 13/654 41 § 19655 41 3: 310 S311 19 44/361 22 56/411 25 69/461 28 81/511 31 06/611 38 19/661 41 3 SII 19 63 312 19 50\362 22 62/412 25 75/462 28 87/512 32 00/562 35 121612 38 25/662 41 37 312 19 69 2¢ 313 19 56/363 22 69,413 25 81/463 28 94/513 32 06 35 19/613 38 31/663 41 44 313 19 76 9 2: 314 19 62/364 22 75/414 25 87|464 29 00/514 32 pms bas 37|664 41 50 314 19 82 ¢ | 315 19 69/365 22 81/415 25 94/465 29 06/515 32 5 é 665 41 56 315 19 88 9 3: i 316 19 75/366 22 87/416 26 00466 29 12/516 32 « ie 316 19 95 9 4: L £ "317 19 81/367 22 94/417 26 06\467 29 19/517 32 : 317 20 O1 9 48 j Pp 318 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41601 31 56551 34 71601 37 86651 41 01 | 301 19 1135) 22 291401 25 46/451 28 64/501 31 81/551 34 99/601 38 16.651 41 34 302 19 03352 22 18/402 25 33.452 28 48502 31 63/552 34 78602 37 93.652 41 08 | 302 19 18352 22 35/402 25 53/452 28 70502 31 88/552 35 05/602 38 23/652 41 40 303 19 09 353 22 24.403 25 39.453 28 54/503 31 69553 34 $4603 37 99653 41 14 | 303 19 24353 22 42403 25 59/453 28 77/503 31 94553 35 12/603 38 29653 41 47 304 19 15/354 22 30.404 25 45454 28 60.504 31 75 (554 34 90604 38 05654 41 20 | 304 19 30.354 22 48/404 25 65/454 28 83/504 32 00/554 35 18/604 38 35.654 41 53 305 19 21/355 22 36/405 25 51455 28 66.505 31 81555 34 96.605 38 11655 41 26 | 305 19 37.355 22 54/405 25 72/455 28 891505 32 07/555 35 24/605 38 421655 41 59 306 19 28/356 22 43/406 25 53456 28 73.506 31 88556 35 03/606 38 18.656 41 33 | 306 19 43.356 22 61/406 25 78/456 28 96506 32 13.556 35 31/606 38 48.656 41 66 : 8 8 307 19 34/357 22 49/407 25 64/457 28 79/507 31 94) 38 24/657 41 39 307 19 49|357 22 67/407 25 84/457 29 02/507 32 19/557 35 37/607 38 54/657 41 72 308 19 40/358 22 55/408 25 70/458 28 85/508 32 00) 38 30/658 41 45 8308 19 56/358 22 73/408 25 91/458 29 08/508 32 26/558 35 43/608 38 61/658 41 78 309 19 47/359 22 62/409 25 77/459 28 92/509 32 07 3 37/659 41 52 309 19 62/359 22 80/409 25 97/459 29 15/509 32 32/559 35 50 609 38 67,659 41 85 310 19 53/360 22 68.410 25 83/460 28 98/510 32 13) 43/660 41 58 | 310 19 68/360 22 86/410 26 03/460 29 21/510 32 38/560 35 56.610 38 73\660 41 91 311 19 59/361 22 74/411 25 89/461 29 04/511 32 19 3 49/661 41 64 | BIL 19 75/361 22 92/411 26 10/461 29 27/511 32 45/561 35 62/611 38 80|66I 41 97 312 19 66/362 22 81/412 25 96/462 29 11/512 32 26 56/662 41 71 | 312 19 81/36" 22 99/412 26 16/462 29 34/512 32 51/562 35 69/612 38 86/662 42 04 313 19 72/363 22 87/413 26 02/463 29 17/513 32 32 8 62663 41 77 | 313 19 88/364 23 05/413 26 23/463 29 40/513 32 58/563 35 75,613 38 93/663 42 10 314 19 78/364 22 93/414 26 08|464 29 23/514 32 38 8 68/664 41 83 | 314 19 941364 23 11/414 26 29/464 29 46/514 32 64/564 35 81/614 38 99/664 42 16 315 19 84/365 22 99/415 26 14/465 29 29/515 32 44 38 741665 41 89 | 315 20 00/365 23 18/415 26 35/465 29 53/515 32 70/565 35 88/615 39 05/665 42 23 316 19 91/366 23 06/416 26 21/466 29 36/516 32 51) 8 81/666 41 96 | 316 20 07/366 23 24/416 26 42/466 29 59/516 32 77/566 35 94/616 39 12\666 42 29 317 19 97/367 23 12/417 26 271467 29 42|517 32 57 38 87/667 42 02 | 317 20 13/367 23 30/417 26 48/467 29 65/517 32 83/567 36 OO|6I7 39 18/667 42 35 318 20 03/368 23 18/418 26 33/468 29 48/518 32 63 3 93/668 42 08 | 318 20 19/368 23 37/418 26 54/468 29 72/518 32 89/568 36 07/618 39 24/668 42 42 319 20 10/369 23 25/419 26 40/469 29 55/519 32 70 39 00IG69 42 15 | 319 20 26/369 23 43/419 26 61/469 29 78/519 32 96/569 36 13/619 39 31/669 42 48 320 20 16/370 23 31/420 26 46/470 29 61/520 32 76 9 06/670 42 21 | 320 20 32/370 23 49/420 26 67/470 29 84/520 33 02/570 36 19/620 39 37/670 42 54 9 12|671 42 27 321 20 38/371 23 56/421 26 73/471 29 91/521 33 08/571 36 26/621 39 43/671 42 61 9 19/672 42 34 | 322 20 45/372 23 62/422 26 80/472 29 97/522 33 15/572 36 32/622 39 50/672 42 67 9 25/673 42 40 | 323 20 51/873 23 69/423 26 86/473 30 04/523 33 21/573 36 39/623 39 56/673 42 7 9 31/674 42 46 | 324 20 57/374 23 75|424 26 92/474 30 10/524 33 27/574 36 45/624 39 62/674 42 80 37|675 42 52 | 325 20 64/375 23 81/425 26 99 |475 30 16|525 33 34/575 36 51/625 39 69/675 42 86 259 326 20 70/376 23 88/426 27 05/476 30 23/526 33 40/576 36 55/626 39 75/676 42 93 265 | 327 20 76/377 23 94/427 27 11/477 30 29/527 33 46/477 36 64/627 39 81/677 42 99 271 | 328 20 83/378 24 00/428 27 18/478 30 35/528 33 53/578 36 70/628 39 88\678 43 05 321 20 22/371 23 37/421 26 52/471 29 67/521 32 82 322 20 29/372 23 44/422 26 59/472 29 74/522 32 89 323 20 35/373 23 50/423 26 65/473 29 80/523 32 95 324 20 41/374 23 56/424 26 71/474 29 86/524 33 01 325 20 47/375 23 62/425 26 77/475 29 92/525 33 07 326 20 54/376 23 69/426 26 84/476 29 99/526 33 14 327 20 60/377 23 75|427 26 90/477 30 05/527 33 20 328 20 66/378 23 81/428 26 96/478 30 11/528 33 26 329 20 73/379 23 88/429 27 03/479 30 18/529 33 33 330 20 79/380 23 94/430 27 09/480 30 24/530 33 39 331 20 85/381 24 00/431 27 15/481 30 30/531 33 45 332 20 92/382 24 07/432 27 22/482 30 37/532 33 52 333 20 98/383 24 13/433 27 28/483 30 43/533 33 58 334 21 04/384 24 19/434 27 34/484 30 49/534 33 64 - 335 21 10/385 24 25/435 27 40/485 30 55/535 33 70 278 | 329 20 89/379 24 07/429 27 24/479 30 42/529 33 59/579 36 77/629 39 94|679 43 12 ‘ 284 | 330 20 95/380 24 131430 27 30/480 30 481530 33 65/580 36 83/630 40 00|680 43 18 75/681 42 90 | 331 21 02/381 24 19/431 27 37|481 30 54/531 33 72/581 36 89|631 40 07/681 43 24 9 821682 42 97 | 332 21 08/382 24 26/432 27 43/482 30 61/532 33 78/582 36 96/632 40 13/682 43 31 83lg83 43 03 | 333 21 15/383 24 32/433 27 50/483 30 67/533 33 85/583 37 02/633 40 20/683 43 37 94/684 43 09 | 334 21 21/384 24 38/434 27 56/484 30 73/534 33 91/584 37 08/634 40 26/684 43 43 001685 43.15 | 335 21 27/385 24 45/435 27 62/485 30 80/535 33 97/586 37 15/635 40 32|685 43 50 336 21 17/386 24 32/436 27 47/486 30 62/536 33 77 07/686 43 22 | 336 21 34/386 24 51/436 27 69/486 30 86/536 34 04/586 37 21/636 40 39/686 43 56 337 21 23/387 24 38/437 27 53/487 30 68/537 33 83 3/687 43 28 | 337 21 40/387 24 57/437 27 75/487 30 92/537 34 10/587 37 27/637 40 45|687 43 62 338 21 29/388 24 44/438 27 59/488 30 74/538 33 89/588 37 041638 40 19688 43 34 | 338 21 46388 24 64.438 27 81/488 30 99/538 34 16.588 37 34.638 40 51\688 43 6y 339 21 36|389 24 51/439 27 66/489 30 811539 33 96/589 37 11/639 40 20/689 43 41 | 339 21 53/389 24 70/439 27 88/489 31 05/539 34 23/589 37 40.639 40 58/689 43 75 340 21 42/390 24 57/440 27 72/490 30 87/540 34 02/590 37 17/640 40 32/690 43 47 | 340 21 59/390 24 76/440 27 94/490 31 11/540 34 29/590 37 46/640 40 64/690 43 81 341 21 48/391 24 63/441 27 73/491 30 93/541 34 08/591 37 23/641 40 38/691 43.53 | 341 21 65 391 24 83.441 28 00/491 31 18 541 34 35 591 37 53.641 40 70/691 43 85 342 21 55/392 24 70\4a2 27 85|492 31 00/542 34 15|592 37 30/642 40 45 5 692 43 GO | 342 21 72/392 24 89\442 28 07/492 31 24/542 34 42/592 37 59/642 40 77/692 43 94 343 21 61/393 24 76/443 27 91/493 31 06|543 34 21/593 37 36/643 40 51/693 43 66 | 343 21 78393 24 96/443 28 13/493 31 31/543 34 48/593 37 66/643 40 83/693 44 01 344 21 67/394 24 821444 27 97/494 31 121544 34 271594 37 421644 40 571694 43 72 | 344 21 84/394 25 02.444 28 101494 31 37/544 34 54| 594 37 72.644 40 89/694 44 07 345 21 73/395 24 881445 28 03/495 31 18/545 34 331595 37 48/645 40 63/695 43 78 | 345 21 911395 25 08.445 28 26/495 31 43545 34 61/595 37 78.645 40 96/695 44 13 346 21 80/396 24 95446 28 10/496 31 25/546 34 40/596 37 55/646 40 70|696 43 85 | 346 21 97 396 25 15/446 28 32/496 31 50/546 34 G7 596 37 85.646 41 02/696 44 20 347 21 86/397 25 01/447 28 16/497 31 31/547 34 46/597 37 611647 40 76/697 43 91 | 347 22 03/397 25 21/447 28 38/497 31 56/547 34 73/597 37 91/647 41 08|697 44 26 348 21 92/398 25 07/448 28 22/498 31 37/548 34 52/598 37 67/648 40 82/698 43 97 | 348 22 10.398 25 27/448 28 45.498 31 62548 34 80 598 37 97 648 41 15/698 44 32 349 21 99/399 25 14/449 28 29|499 31 44/549 34 59/599 37 74/649 40 391699 44 U4 | 349 22 16.399 25 34/449 28 51/499 31 69/549 34 86599 38 04649 41 21/699 44 39 252 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at 6ic, or 6.373 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 6/,c. or 6.43} 300319 31/350822 53/400325 75|4503828 97/500832 19/550%35 41/600838 62/650841 84 22/430 2 29,431 27 1 48 35/432 27 54 79/580 36 97/630 40 16) 85/581 37 04/631 40 2: 91/582 37 10/632 40 29} 2 4: 2433 2 27 60 98/583 37 17/633 40 3: 334 21 29/384 24 48/434 27 67 3 : 34 04/584 37 23/634 40 42 835 21 36/385 24 54/435 27 73/485 30 92/535 34 11/585 37 29/635 40 336 21 42/386 24 61/436 27 79.486 30 98/536 34 17/586 37 |636 40 54) : 337 21 48/387 24 6; 437 27 86/487 31 05/537 34 23/587 387 42/637 40 61/687 43 338 21 55/388 24 73/438 27 92/488 31 11/538 34 30/588 37 48/638 40 67/688 43 86 339 21 61/389 24 80/439 27 99/489 : i j 37 55/639 40 74/689 43 92 340 21 67/390 24 86440 28 0: 5/490 31 24/540 34 42/590 37 61/640 40 80/699 43 96 341 21 74/391 24 93.441 28 : 37 GS/G41 40 86/691 44 342 21 80/392 24 99/442 28 343 21 87/393 25 05/443 28 2 344 21 93/394 ¢ 2 345 21 99395 § 346 22 0639 347 22 12/397 348 22 18398 2: 68/480 30 90530 34 12/580 37 341630 40 56/680 43 77 75/481 30 96/531 34 18/58! 37 40/631 40 62/681 43 84 81/482 31 03/532 34 25/582 37 47/632 40 68/682 43 90 7 87/483 31 09/533 34 31/583 37 53/633 40 75/683 43 97 94/484 31 16534 34 38/584 37 59/634 40 81/684 44 03 00/485 31 22/535 34 44/585 37 66635 40 88685 44 10 28 07/486 31 29/536 34 50/586 37 72/636 40 94/686 44 16 : 28 13/487 31 35.537 34 57/587 37 79/637 41 01/687 44 23 24 98/438 28 20/488 31 41/538 34 63/588 37 85/638 41 07/688 44 29 ; 283 26/489 31 48/539 34 70/589 37 92/639 41 14/689 44 35 3: j 7 98/640 41 20/690 44 42 38 05/641 41 26/691 44 48 11/642 41 33/692 44 55 17/643 41 39/693 44 G1 8 24/644 41 46694 44 68 8 30/645 41 52/695 44 74 ‘ : 8 37/646 41 59/696 44 80 8 78/497 31 09 B47 3 3t 43|647 41 65/697 44 387 84/498 32 06/548 35 28/598 38 50/648 41 71/698 44 93 300319 12/35032 10/4503 < 69) 0083 87/550535 06 600% 38 25/650341 301 19 19/351 59 6/451 28 75/501 31 94/551 35 13) 301 19 38/351 22 60\401 25 81451 29 03/501 32 25/551 35 47/601 38 69/651 41 91 302 19 25/352 22 44 1402 25 63/452 38 31| |502 32 00/552 35 302 19 226 25 88/452 29 10/502 32 32/552 35 53/602 38 75/652 41 97 303 19 32/353 22 50403 25 69.453 28 83/503 32 07/553 35 303 19 : Re 25 94/453 29 16.503 32 38553 35 60/603 38 82/653 42 04 304 19 38/354 2: 5m 5 ¢ 32 5 5 59 304 19: 2 6 01/454 29 2% 32 5 66/604 38 88/654 42 10 306 19 44/355 ° 32 38 57/655 41 305 19 6 28 3 07/455 29 29] 35 5 73/605 38 95/655 42 17 805 19 51/356 2 32 & 8 63656 41 8: 306 19 22 § 6 14! ‘456 29 35) B 5 79/606 39 01/656 42 23 307 19 57/357 22 76 f 29 Li 32 38 70657 41 88 387 19 76] 226 3 20/457 29 32 35 86,607 39 08)/657 42 29 308 19 63/358 22 82/408 26 01/458 29 § 76 308 19 8: 28 26/458 29 48/508 32 5 92/608 39 14/658 42 36 309 19 70/359 25 ase 26 07/459 29 2 | 2 309 19 8 2: 33,459 29 55/509 32 5 99/609 39 20/659 42 42 310 19 76/360 2: 2 89/660 42 310 19 96 Re 26 39466 29 61/510 32 83/560 36 05/610 39 27/660 42 49 311 19 83/361 2: 95/661 42 311 20 02/361 23 24411 26 46 461 29 68/511 32 90/561 36 11/611 39 33/661 42 55 312 19 89/362 2: i 01/662 42 ¢ 312 20 08/362 23 30) 26 52462 29 74/512 32 96/562 36 18/612 39 40/662 42 62 313 19 95.363 2: 26 3: 29 52 : 42 313 20 15/363 23 37 26 59 463 29 81/513 33 02/563 36 24/613 39 46/663 42 68 314 20 02/364 23 20414 26 39464 29 58 : 42 314 20 21/364 23 43/414 26 65/464 29 87/514 33 09/564 36 31/614 39 53/664 42 74 315 20 08/365 23 27/415 26 46/465 2° i 42 3 315 20 28/365 23 50/415 26 72/465 29 93/515 33 15/565 36 37/615 39 59/665 42 81 316 20 14/366 23 33.416 26 52/466 29 71/516 32 8 42 316 20 34/366 23 56/416 26 78/466 30 00/516 33 22/566 36 44/616 39 65/666 42 87 317 202 2: 26 58/467 29 77/517 32 ¢ 42} 317 20 41/367 23 63/417 26 84/467 30 06/517 33 28/567 36 50/617 39 72\667 42 94 318-20 27 26 65/468 29 83/518 33 42 318 20 47/368 23 69/418 26 91/468 30 13/518 33 35/568 36 56.618 39 781668 43 00 — 319 20 % 26 71/469 29 90/519 33 426 319 20 54/369 23 75/419 26 97/469 30 19/519 33 41/569 36 63/619 39 85/669 43 07 320 20 40) 26 77/470 29 96/520 33 42 320 20 60/370 23 82/420 27 04/470 30 26/520 33 47/570 36 69/620 39 91/670 43 13 321 20 46) 26 84/471 30 03/521 33 2 42 321 20 66/371 23 88/421 27 10/471 30 32/521 33 54/571 36 76 621 39 98/671 43 20 322 20 53) 26 90/472 30 09/522 33 2 42 322 20 73/372 23 95/422 27 17/472 30 38/522 33 60/572 36 82/622 40 04/672 43 26 323 20 59 3°78 26 97 3 33 & 42 2 2 27 23/473 30 45/523 33 67/573 36 89/623 40 11/673 43 32 324 20 65/374 23 84/424 27 03 33 ( 42 9/474 80 51/524 33 73/574 36 95/624 40 17/674 43 39 325 20 72/375 23 91/425 27 09 33 j 66 625 398 36/475 30 58/525 33 80/575 37 02/625 40 23/675 43 45 p ; 23 97/426 27 16) 33 53/576 36 72/626 39 91) 42.476 30 64/526 33 86/576 37 08/626 40 30\676 43 52 03/427 2 2 33 60\577 36 78 627 39 97 49.477 30 71/527 33 93/577 37 14/627 40 36|677 43 58 10/428 2 8 33 66|578 36 8 5628 40 59/478 80 77/528 33 99/578 37 21/628 40 43/678 43 65 16/429 2 4 ie 33 72/579 36 91/629 +0, 62/479 30 84/529 34 05/579 37 27/629 40 49/679 43 71 33 7 74 642 40 93/692 44 7 801643 40 991693 44 18 7 87/644 41 05/694 44 2 7 93/645 41 12/695 44 3 7 99/646 41 18 696 44 2 : 28 31 6! é 8 06/647 41 25/697 44 4: 37 448 2 oie 31 75/548 3¢ 93/598 38 12/648 41 31) '698 44 5 ON Crore 2 Q |504 32 51/554 35 73/604 38 96/654 42 18 Hees 41 92 305 19 67/355 22 90/405 26 12/455 29 505 32 57/555 35 80/605 39 02655 42 25 306 19 74356 22 96\406 26 19/456 29 41/506 32 64/556 35 86/606 39 09/656 42 31 307 19 80/357 23 03\407 26 25/457 29 48/507 32 70/557 35 93/607 39 15 657 42 38 308 19 87/358 23 09/408 26 32/458 29 54/508 32 77 558 35 99/608 39 22/658 42 44 309 19 93/359 23 16/409 26 38/459 29 61 |509 32 83/559 36 06/609 39 28/659 42 51 — 310 19 99/360 23 22/410 26 44/460 29 67 [510 32 89/560 36 12/610 39 34/660 42 57 311 20 06/361 23 28/411 26 51/461 29 73/511 32 96 561 36 18/611 39 41\661 42 63 7 312 20 12/362 23 35/412 26 57/462 29 80/512 33 02/562 36 25/612 39 47/662 42 70 é 413 26 64/463 29 86/513 33 09/563 36 31/613 39 541663 42 76 3/414 26 70/464 29 93/514 383 15/564 36 38/614 39 60\664 42 83 a 415 26 77/465 29 99/515 33 22/565 36 44/615 39 67/665 42 89 616 617 618 6 305 19 52) 306 19 58, 307 19 65 72/405 25 9: 71455 29 12 505 781406 25 98 456 29 18 (506 85|407 26 05) 29 25 308 19 91/408 26 11} 309 19 7 22 98/409 26 18 310 19 54/360 ° 23 04/410 26 24 311 19 90/361 23 10/411 26 30] 312 19 97/362 23 17/412 26 37 313 20 03/363 23 23/413 26 4: 314 20 10/364 23 30\a14 26 50 315 20 16/3865 23 36/415 26 56 316 20 22/366 23 42/416 26 62 317 20 29/367 23 49|a17 26 69 318 20 35/368 23 55/418 26 75 319 20 42/369 23 62/419 2 320 20 48/370 23 68/490 26 8: 321 20 54/371 23 74/401 26 322 20 61/372 23 8ila99 2 323 20 67/373 23 87/493 27 B49 22 25399 25 14449 28 Go 499 31 81/549 35 00/599 38 19.649 41 37699 44: 349 90/499 32 12549 35 34/599 38 56.649 41 781699 45 00 From 300 to 699 lbs at 62 c. or 6.40 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 64. or 6.45 TiGroglannae oe GOlaRNsOR 9 | 300319 20 350522 40 400825 60 450828 80 500832 00'550835 20) 600838 40650841 60 | 300819 35/350822 57400825 80/450329 021500832 251550835 471600838 olesOR41 92 301 19 2 32 46401 25 66/451 28 86/501 32 01 5 = G51 41 66 | 301 19 41/351 22 64/401 25 86/451 29 09|501 32 31/551 35 54/601 38 76651 41 99 302 19 3: 531402 22 25 ae) he 28 93} ie 2 j 2853 spe 41 #3 | 802.19 48/352 22 70/402 25 93/452 29 15 502 32 38/552 35 60602 38 83/652 42 05 9 39) 2 2 35 35 4179 | 303 19 54/353 22 77/403 25 99/453 2° 32 44/553 35 67 9/653 42 12 p0a bs COON 25 86 454 29 05 504 32 35 46.604 38 re 41.86 | 304 19 61/384 22 83/404 26 06 aba 26 appre eens es S 2 35 52/605 3: 58 oa ior} La) 416 26 83/466 30 06/516 33 25/566 36 51 39 73/666 4296 AIT 26 90/467 30 12|517 33 35/567 36 57 39 80/667 43 02 ~ 418 26 96/468 30 19/518 33 41/568 36 64 39 86/668 43 09 419 27 03/469 30 25/519 33 48/569 36 TO\619 39 93\669 43 15 3420 27 09/470 30 31/520 33 54/570 36 76/620 39 99/670 43 21 93/421 27 15/471 380 38/521 33 60/571 36 83/621 40 05/671 43 28 9/422 27 22/472 30 44/592 33 67/572 36 89/622 40 121672 43 34 3/423 27 28/473 80 51/523 33 73/573 36 96/623 40 18/673 43 41 2100 C2 C229 Cb CD 'ED COED Co CO OB CH G3 CO ED CI ED EU CD IED GY Ov ED PWWWWWWWWIWNWNWNWWWW 2 324 20 74/374 23 94/494 27 33 5 374 24 12/424 27 35/474 30 57/594 p 20 741374 2 : 33 5 24 12 27 3: 57/524 33 80/574 37 02/624 40 25/674 43 47 325 20 80/375 24 00|495 2 3 00/675 43 20 | 325 20 96/375 24 19425 27 41/475 30 64/595 33 861575 37 091625 40 311675 43 54 a2e Bp 86/376 24 06/496 27 26 06/676 43 26 $26 21 03/376 24 25/426 27 48/476 30 70|596 33 93/576 37 15/626 40 38/676 43 GO 13/677 43 33 $27 21 09/377 24 32/427 27 54/477 30 77/527 33 991577 37 22 627 40 44/677 43 67 9 qe 328 20 he 33 19 678 43 39 328 21 16/378 24 38/428 27 611478 30 83/528 34 06/578 37 28/628 40 51/678 43 73 33 26 679 43 46 $29 21 22/379 24 45/429 27 67/479 30 90/599 34 121579 37 35/629 40 57 679 43 80 33 32/680 43 52 330 21 28/380 24 51/430 27 73/480 30 96/530 34 18/580 37 41 630 40 63/680 43 86 33 38/681 43 58 331 21 35/381 24 57/431 27 80\481 31 02/531 34 25/581 37 47/631 40 70/681 43 92 34 ( 45 682 43 65 332 21 41/382 24 64/432 27 86/482 31 09/530 34 31/589 37 54 632 40 76/682 43 99 3 51 683 43 71 333 21 48/383 24 70/433 27 93/483 31 15 533 34 38/583 37 60|633 40 83|683 44 05 34 ] 95/684 43 78 334 21 54/384 24 77/434 27 99/484 31 22/534 34 44/584 37 67/634 40 89 684 44 12. ade 0 64/685 43 84 ? p 3/485 31 28/535 34 51/585 37 73/635 40 96/685 44 18 34 ¢ 70/686 43 90 2/486 31 35/536 34 57/586 37 80/636 41 02/686 44 25 34 Q 17/687 43 97 19/487 31 41/537 34 64/587 37 86/637 41 09/687 44 31 34 4 83/688 44 03 20/488 31 481538 34 70/588 37 93/638 41 15/688 44 38 oes 9 90/689 4410 32/489 31 54539 34 77/589 37 99/639 41 22/689 44 44 B45 a6 690 44 16 28 38/490 31 60/540 34 83 590 38 05/640 41 28/690 44 50 34 j 02 691 44 22 3 44/491 31 67/541 34 89/591 38 12/641 41 34/691 44 57 Be si 6 09/692 44 29 492 31 73/542 34 96/592 38 18/642 41 41/692 44 63 4. 15,693 44 35 |493 31 80 543 35 02/593 38 25 643 41 47/693 44 70 22/694 44 42 28/695 44 48 34/696 44 5 81/547 35 01/597 38 41/697 44 61 87/548 35 07 1598 : 47/698 44 67 94/549 35 14/599 38 a 649 41 54699 44 74 494 31 So 544 35 09594 38 31/644 41 64/694 44 76 (0495 31 93/545 35 15/595 38 38/645 41 60/695 44 83 7/496 31 99/546 35 22/596 38 44/646 41 67/696 44 89 497 32 06/547 35 28/597 38 51/647 41 73/697 44 96 5.6 498 32 12/548 35 35/598 38 57\648 41 80/698 45 02 vilaae 28 96 499 32 19 549 35 41/599 38 64/649 41 86699 45 09 ET CotTToN SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at 6ic. or 6.50 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 6c. or 6-56} 2a 300819 50/350322 0/450829 25/500832 50/550835 75)600839 O0\650842 25 | 300519 69,350822 97400821 36 09}600339 37/650342 66 301 19 56/351 22 451 29 31/501 32 56/551 35 S1\601 39 OG/65I 42 31 301 19. 75/351 23 03/401 2¢ GO\501 88/551 36 16/601 39 44 651 19 72 302 19 63/352 22 88 3/452 29 38/502 32 63/552 35 S8|602 39 13/652 42 38 | 302 19 82/352 23 9 29 (61502 32 041552 36 221602 39 511652 42 79 303 19 69/353 22 § 453 29 44/503 32 69/553 35 94/603 39 19/653 42 44 | 303 19 88353 23 73/503 33 01.553 36 29/603 39 57/653 42 85 804 19 76/354 23 26/454. 29 51/504 32 76|554 36 01/604 39 26/654 42 51 2 79/504 33 07/554 36 36/604 39 64/654 42 92 305 19 82/355 23 2/455 29 57/505 32 8/555 36 07 39 32/655 42 57 3 14/555 36 4: 39 7 42 98 806 19 89/356 23 26 39/456 29 64/506 32 89/556 36 14 3¢ 656 42 64 5 43 05 307 19 95/357 23 * 26 45/457 29 70/507 32 95/557 36 20 36 657 42 70 : 43 12 308 20 02/358 23 + 26 52/458 29 77/508 33 02/558 36 27/608 39 52|658 42 77 : 43 18 309 20 08/359 23 3: 26 58/459 29 83/509 33 08/559 36 33/609 39 538/659 42 83 2 : 43 25 310 20 15/860 23 P 15/460 29 90/510 33 15/560 36 40/610 39 65/660 42 90 ( G 43 31 311 20 21/361 23 46411 26 71/461 29 9G|511 33 & 36 46/611 39 T1661 42 96 2: 43 38 812 20 28/862 23 53/412 26 78/462 30 03/512 33 2% 36 53/612 39 78|662 43 03 32/512 43 44 313 20 34/863 23 59/413 26 84/463 30 09/513 33 © 36 59/613 39 84/663 43 09 381513 5 43 51 314 20 41/364 23 66 > 30 16/514 33 41/564 36 66/614 39 91/664 43 16 45|514 37 43 57 315 20 47/365 23 7 30 22/515 33 47/565 36 72/615 39 97/665 43 22 52/515 37 43 64 316 20 54/366 23 75 30 29/516 33 54/566 36 79/616 40 04/666 43 29 58/516 37 43 71 317 20 60/367 23 85 30 35/517 33 60/567 36 85/617 40 1O\667 43 35 65/517 ; 37s 43°77 318 20 67/368 23 92) 30 42/518 33 67/568 36 92/618 40 17/668 43 42 T1IBI8: 37 668 43 84 319 20°73/369 23 98 30 48/519 33 73/569 36 98/619 40 23/669 43 48 2 78/519 3 37: 32/669 43 90 320 20 80/370. 24 30 55/520 33 80/570 37 05/620 40 30670 43 55 | 320 21 003702 84/520 37 41/620 40 69/670 43 97 321 20 86/371724 30 61/521 33 86/571 37 11/621 40 36/671 43 G1 | 321 21 07371 2 91/521 37 47/621 40 75/671 44 03 322 20 93/372 24 18) 30 68/522 33 93/572 37 18/622 40 43/672 43 68 | 322 21 13/372 2 97/529 37 54/622 40 821672 44 10 323 20 99/373 24: 30 74/523 33 99/573 37 24/623 40 49/673 43 74 | 323 21 20373: 04/523 37 601623 40 88/673 44 17 324 21 06/374 24 : 30 81/524 34 06/674 37 31/624 40 56/674 43 81 | 324 21 26374 2 11/524 37 671624 40 95/674 44 23 325 21 12/375 24 30 871625 34 12/575 37 37/625 40 621675 43 87 | 325 21 331375 24 6 17/525 37 73/625 41 021675 44 30 326 21 19/376 24 4: 30 94/526 34 19/576 37 44/626 40 691676 43 94 | 326 21 391376 24 241596 37 801626 41 OSI676 44 36 397 21 25/377 24 5 31 00|527 34 25/577 37 50/627 40 75/677 44 00 | 327 21 461377 24 74) 301597 37 871627 41 15/677 44 43 328 21 32/378 24 : 82/478 31 07|528 34 32/578 37 57/628 40 82/678 44 07 | 328 21 521378 24 371598 37 931698 41 211678 44 49 329 21 38/379 24 6: 38/479 31 13/529 34 38/579 37 631629 40 88l679 4413 | 329 21 591379 24 87. 43/529 38 001629 41 28/679 44 56 330 21 45/380 24 7 95/480 31 20/530 34 45/580 37 70/630 40 95/680 44 20 | 330 21 661380 24 9 50/530 38 061630 41 34/680 44 62 331 21 51/381 24 76 26/531 34 51/581 37 76/631 41 O1/681 44 26 331 21 72/381 95 57/531 38 13/631 41 41/681 44 69 332 21 58/382 24 8 33/532 34 58/582 37 83/632 41 O8\682 44 33 | 332 21 79/380 2 63! 38 19/632 41 471682 44 76 333-21 64/383 24 8¢ 39/533 34 64/583 37 89/633 41 14/683 44 39 85/383 & 7 : 261633 41 Bd 683 44 89 334 21 71/384 24 96 46/534 34 71/584 37 96/634 41 21/684 44 46 : ; 321634 41 611684 44 89 335 21 77/385 25 52/535 34 77/585 38 021635 41 27/685 44 52 5 33 | : 39635 41 671685 44 95 336 21 591536 34 84/586 38 091636 41 341686 44 59 8 46/636 41 74/686 45 02 31 65/537 34 90/587 38 15/637 41 40/687 44 65 3} 96 52/637 41 801687 45 08 2 47/488 31 72/538 34 97/588 38 22/638 41 47\688 44 72 25 46.438 28 74.488 32 0: 3 50/638 41 87/1688 45 15 2: 28 53/489 31 78/539 35 03/589 38 28/639 41 53.689 44 78 25 53/439 28 81/489 32 09 65,639 41 931689 45 22 : : 60/490 31 85/540 35 10/590 38 35|640 41 60/690 44 85 32 16] ; 72/640 42 00/690 45 28 QF 5 41/441 28 66/491 31 91/541 35 16/591 38 41/641 41 66/69) 44 91 39 yp 3| 3 iG 35 : 5 48/442 28 73/492 31 93/542 35 23/592 38 48/642 41 731692 44 98 32 2 2 45 41 2: 25 54/443 28 79/493 32 04/543 35 29/593 38 54/643 41 79/693 45 04 51/393 25 32 35/543 3 42 45 48 : 25 61/444 28 86/494 32 11/544 35 36/594 38 61/644 41 86.694 45 11 7/394 2 29 14 2 42/544 3: 42 45 54 ‘ 25 67/445 28 92/495 32 17/545 35 42/595 38 67/645 41 92/695 45 17 25 92/445 29 221495 32 48/545 3: 39 42 45 61 2% 25 74/446 28 99/496 82 24/546 35 49/596 38 74/646 41 99.696 45 24 25 99.446 29 27/496 32 55/546 3: 39 42 45 67 22 § 25 80,447 29 05/497 32 30/547 35 55/597 38 80|647 42 05.697 45 30 26 05447 29 33/497 32 621547 35 901597 39 42 45 74 348 22 62 398 25 87/448 29 12 498 32 37/548 35 62/598 38 87/648 42 12698 45 27 5 12/448 29 40498 32 68/548 35 96/598 39 24648 42 521698 45 SI 349 22 681399 25 931449 29 18499 32 43/549 35 681599 38 93/649 42 181699 45 43 2 90/399 26 181449 29 47/489 32 75/549 36 03/599 39 311649 42 59/699 45 87 From 300 to 699 lbs at 6i3c. or 6.55 From 300 to 699 lbs at 6: c. or 6.60 300819 65/350822 92/400826 20/450829 47500332 751550836 02/g90%39 301650842 57 819 80leRng23 10140026 401450829 701500833 0 $36 30/G00839 6 ) 301 19 72.351 22 99401 26 27451 29 54/501 32 82/551 36 ovlept 39 37/651 42 64 30 19°87 See Trapt 26 q7lae1 29 r7\B01 33 O7 BEL 36 371601 39 87 Betas oF 302 19 78/352 23 06,402 26 33.452 29 61502 32 88/552 36 16.602 39 43,652 42 71 3° 56 53/452 29 831502 33 13552 36 43/602 39 73 652 43 03 303 19 85/353 23 12/403 26 40/453 29 67/503 32 95/553 36 22/603 39 50/653 42 77 56 601453 29 901503 33 20/553 36 50/603 39 SUI653 43 10 304 19 91/354 23 19/404 26 461454 29 74/504 33 01/554 36 29/604 39 56.654 42 84 36 66/454 29 96/504 33 261554 36 561604 39 86/654 43 16 305 19 98/355 23 25/405 26 53/455 29 80/505 33 03/555 36 35/605 39 63.655 42 90 3485 30 03/305 33 33/555 36 G3I6D5 39 931655 43 23 306 20 04/356 23 32/406 26 59/456 29 87/506 33 14/556 36 42/606 39 69.656 42 97 456 30 10506 33 40.556 36 701606 40 00656 43 30 307 20 11/357 23 38|407 26 66/457 29 93/507 33 21/557 36 48/607 39 761657 43 03 E 36 76/607 40 OGIBBT 43 36 308 20 17/358 23 45/408 26 72/458 30 00/508 33 27/558 36 55|608 39 82/658 43 10 305 36 831608 40 13/688 43 43 309 20 24/359 23 51/409 26 79/459 30 06/509 33 34/559 36 61/609 39 89/659 43 16 30 2 26 891609 40 19/659 43 49 310 20 30/360 23 58/410 26 85/460 30 13510 33 40/560 36 63/610 39 95.660 43 23 30 36 36 96/810 40 26/680 43 56 B11 20 37/361 23 G5|411 26 92/461 30 20/511 33 47/561 36 T5II1 40 021661 43 30 3461 30 4: 37 O3leI) 40 33(661 43 63 312 20 44/362 23 71/412 26 99/462 30 26/512 33 54/562 36 81/612 40 09/662 43 36 at 30 4 37 oolb ie 40 391662 43-69 313 20 50/363 23 78/413 27 05/463 30 33/513 33 60/563 36 881613 40 15/663 43 43 2( 30 56 37 16le1g 40 461663 43 76 314 20 57.364 23 84/414 27 12/464 30 39/514 33 67/564 36 94/614 40 22/664 43 49 36 30 62 92/564 37 22 3 40 52 664 43 89 315 20 63/365 23 91/415 27 18/465 30 461515 33 73/565 37 01/615 40 28/665 43 56 39/465 30 69 99/565 37 29/615 40 59/665 43 89 316 20 70/366 23 97/416 27 25/466 30 52/516 33 80/566 37 07/616 40 35/666 43 62 4 30 76 06 37 36 GIBB 43 96 317 20 76/367 24 04]417 27 31/467 30 59/517 33 86|567 37 14|617 40 41/667 43 69 : 721867 44 02 318 20 83/368 24 10/418 27 38468 30 65/518 33 93/568 37 20/618 40 48/668 43 75 751668 44 09 319 20 89/369 24 17/419 27 44/469 30 72/519 33 991569 37 27/619 40 54/669 43 82 85/669 44 15 320 20 96/370 24 23/420 27 51/470 30 78|520 34 06(570 37 33/620 40 61|670 43 88 921670 44 22 321 21 03/371 24 30/491 27 58/471 30 85/521 34 13/571 37 40/621 40 6S|671 43 95 Qol671 44 29 322 21 09/372 24 37/492 27 64/472 30 92/522 34 19|572 37 47/622 40 74/672 44 02 05/672 44 35 323 21° 16/373 24 43/493 27 71/473 30 98/523 34 26|573 37 531623 40 81/673 44 0S 121673 44 42 324 21 22/374 24 50|424 27 77/474 31 05/524 34 32/574 37 60|624 40 87/674 44 15 181674 44 48 325 21 29/375 24 56)425 27 84/475 31 11/525 34 39/575 37 66|625 40 94/675 44 21 25/675 44 55 326 21 35/376 24 63/426 27 90/476 31 18/626 34 45/576 37 73/626 41 00/676 44 28 30 676 44 62 327 21 42/377 24 69/497 27 97/477 31 24|527 34 521577 37 79/627 41 07/677 44 34 38/677 44 68 328 21 48/378 24 76/428 28 03/478 31 31/528 34 58/578 37 86/628 41 13/678 44 41 45/678 44 75 329 21 55/379 24 82/429 28 10479 31 37/529 34 65/579 37 921629 41 20/679 44 47 51/679 44 81 330 21 61 380 24 89 430 28 16480 31 44/530 34 71/580 37 99/630 41 26/680 44 54 58 680 44 88 331 21 68/381 24 96/431 28 23/481 31 51/531 34 78|581 38 06/631 41 33|681 44 61 65/681 44 95 332 21 75/382 25 02/432 28 30/482 31 57/532 34 85/582 38 121632 41 40/682 44 67 711682 45 OL 933 21 81/383 25 09/433 28 36/483 31 64|533 34 91/583 38 19|633 41 46/683 44 74 781683 45 08 334 21 83/384 25 15/434 28 43/484 31 70/534 34 98|584 38 25/634 41 53/684 44 80 34/684 45 14 335 21 94/385 25 22/435 28 49/485 31 77/535 35 04/585 38 321635 41 59|685 44 87 685 45 21 386 25 281436 28 56/486 31 83/536 35 11/586 38 35/636 41 66/686 44 93 31686 45 28 387 25 35/437 28 62487 31 90/537 35 17|587 38 45/637 41 72/687 45 00 2 04/687 45 34 388 25 41/438 28 69488 31 96/538 35 24/588 38 51/638 41 79/688 45 06 5 638 42 11/688 45 41 389 25 48/439 28 75\489 32 03/539 35 30/589 38 581639 41 85|689 45 13 25 : 639 42 17/689 45 47 390 25 54/440 28 82/490 32 09/540 35 37|590 38 64|640 41 921690 45 19 5 2 6 B40 42 241690 45 54 34/391 25 61/441 28 89/491 32 16/541 35 44/591 38 71/641 41 99/691 45 26 25 2 1/891 39 O1/641 42 31691 45 GL 392 25 68/442 28 95/492 32 23/542 35 50/592 38 78/642 42 05/692 45 33 5 2 77/392 39 07/642 42 37.692 45 67 393 25 74/443 29 02/493 32 291543 35 571593 38 84lg43 42121693 45 39 > 641393 25 2 Silgog 39 14(e43 42 44/893 45 74 394 25 81/444 29 08/494 32 36/544 35 63/594 38 91/644 42 181694 45 46 70/394 26 2 5 90\694 39 201644 42 50l694 45 1395 25 87.445 29 15,495 32 42/545 35 701595 38 971645 42 25/695 45 52 7 3 07 26 ov g08 39 27/648 42 57698 43 87 66/396 25 941446 29 21/496 32 49/546 35 76/596 39 041646 42 31696 45 59 22 841396 26 14/446 29 44/496 32 74|546 36 04/596 39 34/646 42 641696 45 94 31397 26 00/447 29 28|497 32 55/547 35 83/597 39 10/647 42 381697 45 65 2 901397 26 20/447 29 501497 32 801547 36 10.597 39 40.647 42 70.697 46 00 848 22 10/998 26 07 448 29 34 498 32 62 548 35 89/598 30 17\648 42 44.698 45 72 22 97/398 26 27/aqg 29 57/498 32 87/548 36 17/598 39 47648 42 77/698 46 07 2 863 449 29 41/499 32 681549 35 96/599 39 23 699 45 78 | 349 23 03/399 26 33/449 29 63499 32 93 649 42 83.699 46 13. 4395 - 649 42 51 ‘549 36 231599 39 53 254 Cotton SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at 6c. or 6.623 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 6}ic. or 6-683 | 300319 87/350823 19/400826 50)450329 81/500833 12 550836 44/6005: 39 75/650843 06 300820 06 409826 75/450%30 09/500333 44/550836 7S'600340 12/650%43 47 301 19 94/351 2: | 7/451 29 88/501 33 19/551 36 50/601 39 82/651 43 13 301 20 13 401 26 82/451 30 16/501 33 50/551 36 85/601 10 19/651 43 54 302 20 011352 23 33/452 29 94/502 33 26 552 36 57/602 39 88/652 43 19 | 302 20 20 4/402 26 88/452 80 23/502 33 57/552 36 91/602 40 26/652 43 60 303 20 07/353 23 3¢ (0/453 30 01/503 33 32.553 36 64/603 39 95/653 43 26 303 20 26 403 26 95/453 30 29/503 33 64/553 36 98603 40 33/653 43 67 304 20 14/354 23 45 76/454 30 08/504 33 39.554 36 70/604 40 01/654 43 33 304 20 33 37/404 27 02/454 30 36/504 33 70/554 37 05/604 40 39/654 43 74 305 20 21/355 23 52) 33/455 30 14/505 33 46.555 36 77/605 40 08/655 43 39 | 305 20 40 74/405 27 08/455 30 43/505 33 77/555 37 12/605 40 46/655 43 80 306 20 27/356 23 58 456 30 21/506 33 52.556 36 83/606 40 15/656 43 46 306 20 46 406 27 15/456 30 49/506 33 84/556 37 18/606 40 53/656 43 87 307 20 34/357 23 65) 3/457 30 28/507 33 59.557 36 90\607 40 21/657 43 53 307 20 53 407 27 22/457 30 56/507 33 91/557 37 25/607 40 59/657 43 94 308 20 40/358 23 72 3/458 30 34/508 33 65/558 36 97/608 40 28/658 43 59 308 20 60 408 27 28/458 30 63/508 33 97/558 37 32/608 40 66/658 44 00 309 20 47/359 23 78|409 27 10/459 30 41/509 33 72/559 37 03/609 40 35/659 43 66 309 20 66 409 27 35/459 30 70/509 34 04/559 37 38/609 40 73/659 44 O07 310 20 54/360 23 85/410 27 16/460 30 47/510 33 79/560 37 10/610 40 41/660 43 72 | 310 20 73 410 27 42/460 30 76/510 34 11/560 37 45/610 40 79/660 44 14 311 20 60/361 23 92\411 27 23/461 30 54/511 33 85.561 37 17/611 40 48/661 43 79 311 20 80 All 27 49/461 30 83/511 34 17/561 37 52/611 40 86/661 44 20 312 20 67/362 23 98/412 27 29/462 30 61/512 33 92/562 37 23/612 40 54/662 43 86 | 312 20 86 412 27 55/462 30 90/512 34 24/562 37 58/612 40 931662 44 27 313 20 74/363 24 05/413 27 36/463 30 67/513 33 99/563 37 30/613 40 61/663 43 92 313 20 93 413 27 62/463 30 96/513 34 31/563 37 65/613 40 99/663 44 34 314 20 80/364 24 11/414 27 43/464 30 74/514 34 05/564 37 36/614 40 68/664 43 99 314 21 00 414 27 69/464 31 03/514 34 37/564 37 72/614 41 06/664 44 40 315 20 87/365 24 18/415 27 49/465 30 81/515 34 12/565 37 43/615 40 74/665 44 06 315 21 07 415 27 75/465 31 10/515 34 44/565 37 78/615 41 13/665 44 47 316 20 93/366 24 25/416 27 56/466 30 87/516 34 18.566 37 50/616 40 81/666 44 12 316 21 13 416 27 82/466 31 16/516 34 51/566 37 85/616 41 19/666 44 54 317 21 00|367 24 31|417 27 63/467 30 94/517 34 25/567 37 56/617 40 88/667 44 19 317 21 20 Al7 27 89/467 31 23/517 34 57/567 37 92/617 41 26/667 44 61 318 21 07/368 24 33/418 27 69/468 31 00/518 34 32/568 37 63/618 40 94/668 44 25 318 21 27 418 27 95/468 31 30/518 34 64/568 37 98/618 41 33/668 44 67 319 21 13/369 24 45/419 27 76/469 31 07/519 34 38/569 37 70|619 41 01/669 44 32 | 319 21 33 419 28 02/469 31 36/519 34 71/569 38 05/619 41 40/669 44 74 320 21 20/370 24 51/420 27 82/470 31 14/520 34 45/570 37 76/620 41 07/670 44 39 320 21 40 420 28 09/470 31 43/520 34 77/570 38 12/620 41 46/670 44 81 321 21 27/371 24 58/421 27 89/471 31 20/521 34 52/571 37 83/621 41 14/671 44 45 321 21 47 421 28 15/471 31 50/521 34 84/571 38 19/621 41 53/671 44 87 322 21 33/372 24 64/422 27 96/472 31 27/522 34 58/572 37 89/622 41 21/672 44 52 322 21 53 422 28 22/472 31 56/522 34 91/572 38 25/622 41 60/672 44 94 323 21 40/373 24 71/423 28 02/473 31 34/523 34 65/573 37 96/623 41 27/673 44 59 323 21 60 423 28 29/473 31 63/523 34 98/573 38 32/623 41 66/673 45 01 424 28 35/474 31 70/524 35 04/574 38 39/624 41 731674 45 07 $24 21 46/374 24 78/424 28 09/474 31 40/524 34 71/574 38 03/624 41 34/674 44 65 | 324 21 67 325 21 53/375 24 84/425 28 16/475 31 47/595 34 78/575 38 09/625 41 41/675 44 72 | 325 21 73 326 21 60/376 24 91/426 28 22/476 31 53/596 34 85/576 38 16/626 41 47/676 44 78 | 326 21 80 327 21 66/377 24 98/427 28 29/477 31 60/527 34 91/577 38 23/627 41 54/677 44 85 | 327 21 87 328 21 73/378 25 04/428 28 35/478 31 67/528 34 98/578 38 29/628 41 60/678 44 92 | 328 21 93 329 21 80/379 25 11/429 28 42/479 31 73/529 35 05/579 38 36/629 41 67/679 44 98 | 329 22 00 330 21 86/380 25 17/430 28 49/480 31 80/530 35 11/580 38 42/630 41 74/680 45 05 | 330 22 07 331 21 93/381 25 24/431 28 55/481 31 87/531 35 18/581 38 49/631 41 80/681 45 12 | 331 22 14 332 21 99/382 25 31/432 28 62/482 31 93/539 35 241582 38 561632 41 87/682 45 18 832 22 20 333 22 06/383 25 37/433 28 69/483 32 00/533 35 31/583 38 62/633 41 94/683 45 25 | 333 22 27 334 22 13/384 25 44/434 28 75/484 32 06/534 35 38/584 38 69/634 42 00/684 45 31 | 334 22 34 5 5 5 5 98/425 28 42/475 31 77/525 35 11/575 38 45/625 41 80/675 45 14 426 28 49/476 31 83/526 35 18/576 38 52/626 41 86/676 45 21 21/427 28 56/477 381 90/527 35 24/577 38 59/627 41 931677 45 27 28/428 28 62/478 31 97/528 35 31/578 38 65/628 42 00/678 45 34 3D 429 28 69/479 32 03/529 35 38/579 38 72/629 42 06/679 45 41 430 28 76/480 32 10/530 35 44/580 38 79/630 42 13/680 45 47 2 17/531 35 51/581 38 85/631 42 20/681 45 54 2 23/532 35 58/582 38 92/632 42 261682 45 61 2 80/533 35 64/583 38 99/633 42 33/683 45 68 2 37/534 35 71/584 39 05/634 42 40/684 45 74 2 43/535 35 78/585 39 12/635 42 47/685 45 81 2 50/536 35 84/586 39 19/636 42 53/686 45 88 > 2 335 22 19/385 25 51/435 28 82/485 32 13/535 35 44/585 38 76/635 42 07/685 45 38 | 335 22 40 2 2 57/537 35 91/587 39 26/637 42 60/687 45 94 2 2 > > 336 22 26/386 25 57/436 28 88/486 32 20/536 Z 337 22 33/387 25 64/437 28 95/487 382 26/537 35 58/587 38 89/637 42 20/687 45 51 | 337 225 338 22 39/388 25 70/438 29 02/488 32 33/538 35 64/588 38 95/638 42 27/688 45 58 | 338 22 60 339 22 46/389 25 77/439 29 08/489 32 40/539 35 71/589 39 02/639 42 33/689 45 65 339 22 67 340 22 52/390 25 84\440 29 15/490 32 46/540 35 77/590 39 09/640 42 40/690 45 71 340 22 74 341 22 59/391 25 90/441 29 22/491 32 53/541 35 84/591 39 15/641 42 47/691 45 78 841 22 80 ‘ 94 5 51/586 38 82/636 42 13/686 45 45 336 « Cocco We CO CO CO tO 2 63/538 35 98/588 39 32/638 42 67/688 46 01 70/539 36 05/589 39 39/639 42 73/689 46 08 77/540 36 11/590 39 46/640 42 80/690 46 14 2 84/541 36 18/591 39 52/641 42 87/691 46 21 2 90/542 36 25/592 39 59/642 42 93/692 46 28 342 22 66/392 25 97/442 29 28/492 32 59/542 35 91/592 39 22/642 42 53/692 45 84 | 342 22 $ 343 22 72/393 26 04/443 29 35/493 32 66/543 35 97/593 39 29/643 42 60/693 45 91 343 22 ¢ 8 2 97/543 36 31/593 389 66/643 43 00/693 46 34 344 22 79/394 26 10/444 29 41/494 32 73/544 36 04|594 39 35/644 42 66/694 45 98 | 344 23 00) 26 35/444 29 69/494 33 04/544 36 38/594 39 72/644 43 07/694 46 41 345 22 86,395 26 17/445 29 48/495 32 79/545 36 11/595 39 42/645 42 73/695 46 04 | 345 23 07/395 26 42/445 29 76/495 33 10/545 36 45/595 39 791645 43 13/695 46 48 346 22 92/396 26 23/446 29 55/496 32 86/546 36 17/596 39 48/646 42 80/696 46 11 | 346 23 14) 26 48/446 29 83/496 33 17/546 36 51/596 39 86/646 43 20/696 46 54 347 22 99/397 26 30/447 29 61/497 32 93/547 36 24/597 39 55/647 42 86/697 46 18 | 347 23 21/397 26 55/447 29 89/497 33 24/547 36 58/597 39 921647 43 271697 46 61 348 23 05/398 26 37/448 29 68.498 32 991548 36 30/598 39 62/648 42 93/698 46 24 | 348 23 27/398 26 62/448 29 96/498 33 30/548 36 65/598 39 99/648 43 33/698 46 68 349 23 12/399 26 43/449 29 75/499 33 06'549 36 37'599 39 68/649 43 00'699 46 31 349 23 34.399 26 68 449 30 03/499 33 37/549 36 71/599 40 061649 43 40/699 46 75 From 300 to 699 lbs at 633c. or 6.65 From 300 to 699 lbs at 6,5c. or 6.70 T 7 7 ia ass 300819 95/350823 27/400826 60 450829 92/500333 25 550336 57600339 90650843 22 | 300320 10350823 451400826 80|450830 15|500833 501550836 85/600840 20\g50843 55 301 20 02/351 23 34/401 26 67/451 29 99/501 33 32/551 36 64.601 39 97/651 43 29 | 301 20 17/351 23 52/401 26 87/451 30 22/501 33 57/551 36 92/601 40 27/651 43 62 302 20 08/352 23 41/402 26 73.452 30 06/502 33 38/552 36 71/602 40 03/652 43 36 | 302 20 23/352 23 53/402 26 93/452 30 28/502 33 63/552 36 98/602 40 33/652 43 68 303 20 15/353 23 47/403 26 80/453 30 12/503 33 45/553 36 77/603 40 10/653 43 42 | 303 20 30/353 23 27 00/453 30 35/503 33 70/553 37 05/603 40 40/653 43 75 304 20 22/354 23 54/404 26 87|454 30 19/504 33 52/554 36 84/604 40 17/654 43 49 | 304 20 37/354 23 72/404 27 07/454 30 42/504 33 77/554 37 12/604 40 47/654 43 82 305 20 28/355 23 61405 26 93/455 30 26/505 33 58/555 36 91/605 40 23/655 43 56 | 305 20 43/355 23 78/405 27 13/455 30 48/505 33 83/555 37 18/605 40 53/655 43 88 306 20 35/356 23 67/406 27 00/456 30 32/506 33 651/556 36 97/606 40 30/656 43 62 306 20 50/356 23 85/406 27 20/456 30 55/506 33 90/556 37 25/606 40 60/656 43 95 307 20 42/357 23 74\407 27 07\457 30 39\507 33 72/557 37 04|607 40 37/657 43 69 | 307 20 57/357 23 92|407 27 27/457 30 62/507 33 97/557 37 32/607 40 67/657 44 02 308 20 48/358 23 81/408 27 13,458 30 46/508 33 78/558 37 11/608 40 43/658 43 7 308 20 64/358 23 99/408 27 34/458 30 69/508 34 04/558 37 39/608 40 74/658 44 09 309 20 55/359 23 87/409 27 20/459 30 52/509 33 85/559 37 17/609 40 50/659 43 82 | 309 20 70/359 24 05/409 27 40|459 30 75/509 34 10/559 37 45/609 40 80\659 44 15 310 20 61/360 23 94/410 27 26/460 30 59/510 33 91/560 37 24/610 40 56/660 43 89 | 310 20 77/360 24 12/410 27 47/460 30 82/510 34 17/560 37 52/610 40 87\660 44 22 wl ALIouCTP OO rw oN BS =) ) <) ~ 1 20 68361 24 01/411 27 33/461 30 66/511 33 9S|561 37 31/611 40 63/661 43 96 | 311 20 84/361 24 19|411 27 54/461 30 891511 34 24/561 37 59/611 40 94/661 44 29 2 20 75/362 24 07/412 2 2 34 30/562 37 65/612 41 00662 44 35 3 20 81/363 24 14|413 27 46/463 30 79/513 34 11/563 37 44 31 3! 12 40 70|662 44 02 312 20 90/362 24 25/412 27 60/462 30 95 31 ae 20 88/364 24 21/414 2 27 53/464 30 86/514 34 18/564 37 51 I 31 7 40/462 30 72/512 34 05/562 37 37 : 3 40 76/663 44 09 313 20 97/363 24 32/413 27 67/463 31 02 4 40 83/664 44 16 314 21 04/364 24 39/414 27 74/464 31 09 51 I 813 34 37/569 37 72 1 I 15 40 90/685 44 22 | 315 21 10/365 24 45/415 27 80/465 31 15/5) I 51 I 51 I 51 34 44/564 37 79 6 6 3 5 41 07/663 44 42 5 34 50/565 37 85|6 6 6 7 6 6 6 2 3 4 41 14/664 44 49 E 41 20/665 44 55 7 8 6 6 6 5 20 95/365 24 27/415 2 37 60/465 30 92/515 34 25/565 37 5716 6 21 01/366 24 34/416 27 66/466 30 99/516 34 31/566 37 6416 41 27|666 44 62 6 6 6 6 40 96/666 44 29 316 21 17/366 24 52|416 27 87/466 31 22 41 34/667 44 69 71/617 41 03/667 44 36 | 317 21 24/367 24 59/417 27 94/467 31 29 77/618 41 10/668 44 42 | 318 21 31/368 24 66/418 28 01/468 31 36/518 34 71/568 38 06 41 41/668 44 76 319 21 21/369 24 54/419 27 86/469 31 19/519 34 51/569 37 84/619 41 16|669 44 49 | 319 21 37/369 24 72/419 28 07|469 31 42/519 34 77/569 38 12/619 41 47/669 44 82 320 21 28/370 24 60/420 27 93/470 31 25/590 34 58/570 37 90/620 41 23/670 44 55 320 21 44/370 24 79/420 28 14/470 31 49 520 34 84/570 38 191620 41 54/670 44 89 321 21 35/371 24 67/421 28 00/471 31 382)591 34 65/571 37 97/621 41 30/671 44 62 | 321 21 51/371 24 86/421 28 21/471 31 56/59) 34 91/571 38 26/621 41 61/671 44 96 322 21 41/372 24 74422 28 06/472 31 39/599 34 71/572 38 04/622 41 36/672 44 69 | 329 21 57/372 24 92/422 28 27/472 31 62/599 34 97/572 38 32/622 41 67/672 45 02 323 21 48/373 24 80/493 28 13/473 31 4, 78/573 38 10]623 41 43/673 44 75 | 393 21 64/373 24 99/423 28 34/473 31 69/593 35 04/573 38 39/623 41 74/673 45 09 $24 21 55/374 24 87/494 28 20/474 31 52 34 85/574 38 171624 41 50/674 44 82 | 394 21 711374 25 06/424 28 41/474 31 76/594 35 11/574 38 46/624 41 81/674 45 16 325 21 61/375 24 94/495 28 26/475 31 59/595 34 911575 38 241625 41 56/675 44 89 | 395 21 771375 25 12/495 28 47/475 31 82/595 35 17/575 38 52/626 41 871675 45 22 326 21 68/376 25 00/426 28 33/476 31 65/526 34 98/576 38 30/626 41 63/676 44 95 | 326 21 84/376 25 19/426 28 54/476 31 89/596 35 24/576 38 59/626 41 941676 45 29 327 21 75/377 25 07 477 31 7: 5 38 37/627 41 70/677 45 02 | 327 21 91/377 25 26/427 28 61/477 31 96/597 35 31/577 38 66/627 42 01677 45 36° {pe 25 3: 32 03/598 35 38/578 38 73/628 42 081678 45 43 34 57/566 37 92 317 21 08]367 24 41/417 27 73/467 31 06/517 34 381567 37 34 64/567 37 99 sit 318 21 15/368 24 47/418 27 80/468 31 12/518 34 45/568 37 oe a J oo 328 21 81/378 25 14/498 28 8 441628 41 76/678 45 09 21 98|378 2 28 6 2 3 25 28 5: 8: 38 50/629 41 83/679 45 15 22 25 36 28 2 09/529 35 44/579 38 79/629 42 14/679 45 49 25 27/430 28 5: 92 38 571630 41 89|680 45 22 | 330 22 11/380 25 46/430 28 81/480 32 16/530 35 51/580 38 86/630 42 21/680 45 56 25 34/431 28 6 oh 3 64/631 41 96/681 45 29 | 331 22 18/381 25 53/431 28 88/481 32 23/531 35 58/581 38 93/631 42 281681 45 63 25 40/432 28 73/482 32 05 70/632 42 03/682 45 35 | 332 22 24/389 25 59/432 28 94/482 32 29/539 35 64/582 38 99/632 42 34/682 45 69 25 47/433 28 79/483 32 1: 35 38 77|633 42 09/683 45 42 | 333 22 31/383 25 66/433 29 01/483 32 36/533 35 71/583 39 06/633 42 41/683 45 76 P 25 541434 28 86|484 32 1° 35 38 841634 42 16/684 45 49 | 334 22 38/384 25 73/434 29 08/484 32 43/534 35 78/584 39 13/634 42 48/684 45 83 335 22 28/385 25 60\435 28 93/485 32 2 35 90/635 42 23/685 45 55 | 335 22 44/385 25 79/435 29 14/485 32 49/535 35 841585 39 19/635 42 54/685 45 89 336 22 34/386 25 67/436 28 99/486 32 3: 35 38 97/636 42 29/686 45 62 | 336 22 51/386 25 86/436 29 21/486 32 56/536 35 91/586 39 26/636 42 61/686 45 96 337 22 41/387 25 74/437 29 06/487 32 39537 35 71/587 39 04/637 42 36/687 45 69 | 337 22 58/387 25 93/437 29 281487 32 63/537 35 98/587 39 33/637 42 68/687 46 03 338 22 48/388 25 80/438 29 13/488 32 45/538 35 78/588 39 10/638 42 43/688 45 75 | 338 22 65/388 26 00/438 29 35/488 32 70/538 36 051588 39 40/638 42 75/688 46 10 339 22 54/389 25 87/439 29 19/489 32 52/539 35 84/589 39 17/639 42 49/689 45 82 | 339 22 71/389 26 06|439 29 41/489 32 76/539 36 11/589 39 46|639 42 81/689 46 16 340 22 61/390 25 93/440 29 26/490 32 58|540 35 91/580 39 23/640 42 56690 45 88 | 340 22 78/390 26 13/440 29 481490 32 83/540 36 18/590 39 53/640 42 88/690 46 23 341 22 68/391 26 00/441 29 33/491 32 65/541 35 98/591 39 30/641 42 63691 45 95 | BAI 22 85/391 26 20/441 29 55/491 32 90/541 36 25/591 39 GO\64I 42 95/691 46 30 342 22 74/392 26 07/442 29 39\492 32 72/542 36 04/592 39 37/642 42 69/692 46 02 | 342 22 91/392 26 26/442 29 61/492 32 96/542 36 31/592 39 66/642 43 01/692 46 36 343 22 81/393 26 13/443 29 46/493 32 78/543 36 11/593 39 43/643 42 76/693 46 08 | 343 22 98/393 26 33/443 29 68\493 33 03/543 36 38/593 39 73/643 43 08/693 46 43 344 22 88/394 26 20/444 29 53/494 32 85/544 36 18/594 39 50\644 42 83/684 46 15 | 344 23 05/394 26 40/444 29 75/494 33 10/544 36 45/594 39 80\644 43 15/694 46 50 345 22 94/395 26 27/445 29 59/495 32 92/545 36 24/595 39 57/645 42 89/695 46 22 | 345 23 11/395 26 46/445 29 81/495 33 16/545 36 51/595 39 86/645 43 21/695 46 56 346 23 01/396 26 33/446 29 66,496 32 98/546 36 31/596 39 63/646 42 96696 46 28 | 346 23 18/396 26 53/446 29 881496 33 23/546 36 58/596 39 93/646 43 281696 46 63 347 23 08/397 26 40/447 29 73.497 33 05/547 36 38/597 39 70} 647 43 03/697 46 35 347 23 25/397 26 60)447 29 95)497 33 30/547 36 65/597 40 00/647 43 35/697 46 70 348 23 14/398 26 47\448 29 79|498 33 12|548 36 44|598 39 77/648 43 09/698 46 42 348 23 32/398 26 67/448 30 02/498 33 37/548 36 72/598 40 07/648 43 42/698 46 77 349 23 21/399 26 53/449 29 86/499 33 18/549 36 51/599 39 83 649 43 16/699 46 48 349 23 38|399 26 731449 30 08/499 33 43/549 36 781599 40 13/649 43 48/699 46 83 — 300820 25 301 20 32 302 20 38/352 23 76 303 20 45/353 23 83 2/354 23 89 355 23 96 350323 62 351 23 69 61/385 25 99 68/386 26 05 75/387 26 12 81/388 26 19 26 32 343 23 344 23 345 23 346 23 347 23 348 23 349 23 15/393 26 53 22/394 26 59 29/395 26 66 35/396 26 73 42/397 26 80 400827 00 401 27 07 402 27 13 403 27 20 450530 37 451 30 44 452 30 51 453 30 58) 454 30 64) 455 30 71 456 30 78) 7/457 30 85 458 30 91 459 30 ¢ 7/460 31 461 31 462 31 463 31 464 31 /465 31 08/466 31 5/467 31 j468 31 ¢ 8/469 31 2/471 31 79 8/472 31 5/473 31 § 474 31 9/475 32 476 32 477 32 9/478 32 : 3479 32 430 29 02/480 32 9/481 32 5/482 32 433 29 23/483 32 434 29 29/484 32 435 29 36/485 32 436 29 43/486 32 437 29 50/487 32 438 29 56/488 32 29 63/489 33 29 70/480 33 29 77/491 33 29 83/492 33 443 29 90/493 33 444 29 97/494 33 445 30 04495 33 5/470 31 72| From 300 to 699 lbs at sCOTTON SELLER’S TABLE. 12/600840 50 19/601 40 5 26/602 40 63 33/603 40 70 39/604 40 7 46.605 40 84 53/606 40 90} 60/667 40 97 oeteee 41 04 3/559 37 73/609 41 11 2/560 37 50 610 41 9/561 37 § 3/562 37 & [563 38 564 38 76/565 38 566 38 : 0/567 38 96/568 38 569 38 570 38 571 38 54 572 38 573 38 574 38 575 38 0/576 38 577 38 1578 39 579 39 580 39 [581 39 582 39 583 39 584 39 585 39 586 39 587 39 588 39 '589 39 590 39 I591 39 592 39 593 40 594 40 595 40 500833 75|550837 501 33 82/551 37 1 502 33 88552 37 503 33 95/553 37 1504 34 02/554 37 : [505 34 09/555 37 1506 34 15/556 37 |507 34 22/557 37 1508 34 20|558 37 650543 7/651 43 652 44 653 44 7/654 44 655 44 656 44 |657 44 658 44 |659 44 660 44 ¢ 661 44 6: 87 94 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335 22 78/385 26 18 336 22 85/386 26 25 837 22 92/387 26 32 338 22 98/388 26 38 339 23 05/389 26 45 340 23 12/390 26 52 341 23 19/391 26 59 342 23 26/392 26 66 343 23 32/393 26 72 344 23 39/394 26 79 345 23 46/395 26 86 346 23 53/396 26 93 347 23 60/397 27 00 348 23 66/398 27 06 349 23 73/399 27 13 40/350323 80400327 20)450330 60) 47/351 23 87/401 27 27/451 30 67 54/352 23 94/402 27 34/452 30 74 403 27 40/453 30 80) /404 27 47/454 30 87 1405 27 54/455 30 94 406 27 61/456 31 01 407 27 68/457 31 08 408 27 74/458 31 14 409 27 81/459 31 410 27 88/460 31 411 27 95/461 31 412 28 02/462 31 413 28 08/46 414 28 15/464 31 415 28 22/465 31 416 28 29/466 31 417 28 36 418 28 42 419 28 49 420 28 56 421 28 63 422 28 70 423 28 76 424 28 83 425 28 90 426 28 97 427 29 04 428 29 10 429 29 17 430 29 24 431 29 31 432 29 38 433 29 44 434 29 51 435 29 58 436 29 65 437 29 72 438 29 78 439 29 85 440 29 92 441 29 99 442 30 6 443 30 12 444 3019 445 30 26 446 30 33 447 30 40/497 33 80 a a ce 492 33 46 493 33 52 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34°34 CONDOahon— woe wwe tO CV OLOT Or Or OF OT He He He He 630 42 84 631 42 91 632 42 98 633 43 04 634 43 11 635 43 18/685 46 636 43 25/686 46 21687 46 688 46 7 689 46 2/690 46 691 46 692 47 693 47 9/694 47 695 47 696 47 541 36 79 542 36 86 543 36 92 448 30 46/498 33 86 449 30 531499 33 93 548 37 26/598 40 66/648 44 06/698 47 46 549 37 331699 40 73/649 44 13/699 47 53 62| 69 76 82 89 96 03 10 17 23 30 37 44 el 58 65) 71 78 85 92 99 06 13 19 26 33 40 47 2 54 60 67 74 81 88 95 02 08 15 Qe 2 39 36 43 50 56 63 we 348 23 84 349 23 91 70\396 27 13 400327 40) 401 27 47 402 27 54 403 27 61 67 74 81 88 95 89 25 96 380 26 03 381 26 10 382 26 17 383 26 24 384 26 30 385 26 37 386 26 44 387 26 51 388 26 58 394 26 99 395 27 06 397 27 19 2 398 27 26/448 30 69 399 27 33/449 30 76 2/459 31 3460 31 5 5/461 31 2/462 31 450330 82 451 30 89 452 30 96 453 31 03 454 31 455 31 17 456 31 457 31 458 31 37 471 32 Coco ep co co Co co WWWNWNWWWWWWA 11 499 34 15 500334 25 501 34 502 34 507 34 508 34 509 34 87 510 34 CHAI ae §50337 67 32)551 37 74 39/552 37 81 46/553 37 88 2/554 37 95 555 38 02 3/556 38 09 15 503 34 504 34 505 34 506 34 S11 35 Wome COCO KOS OvOTOororor or Or Or Or SConnaaP cor 521 35 73 80| 87) 9 94) 00 O07 14 [595 40 76 |596 40 83 548 37 54 600341 601 41 17 602 41 603 41 604 41 3/638 43 9/639 43 597 40 89) 598 40 96. 549 37 611599 41 03 630 43 \631 43 632 43 1633 43 \634 43 |635 43-50 \636 43 \637 43 640 43 \641 43 ¢ lga2 43 643 44 644 44 |645 44 646 44 647 44 648 44 39 697 47 74 698 47 81 649 44 46 699 47 88 hi cto alias Se 256 CoTTon SELLER’S TABLE. - From 300 to 699 Ibs at 6 ¢ or 6.87} From 300 to 699 lbs at 6}5 or 6. 932 Sa MGNEIOe ] 1 ] ; 300520 62/350824 06/400%27 50/450330 Ae 50083 37|550337 81|6o0%41 25/650344 69 300820 $1/350%24 2: 400827 75/450831 22|/500334 69/550838 16 600341 62/650345 09 301 20 69/351 24 13/401 27 57/451 31 01/501 34 44/551 37 88/601 41 32/651 44 76 301 20 88 24 35/401 27 82/451 31 29/561 34 76 551 38 23\601 41 69/651 45 16 302 20 76/352 24 20/402 27 64/452 31 07/502 34 51/552 37 95/602 41 39/652 44 82 302 20 95 2/402 2 39/452 31 36/502 34 83/552 38 29/602 41 76/652 45 23 303 20 83/353 24 27 27 31 14/563 34 58/553 38 02/603 41 46/653 44 39 303 21 02 9/403 27 96/453 31 43/503 34 90/553 38 36/603 41 83/653 45 30 304 20 90354 24 31 21/504 34 65/554 38 09/604 41 52/654 44 96 304 21 09) 56/404 2 3/454 31 5 d 38 43/604 41 90/654 45 37 305 20 97/355 24 3 4 é 38 16/605 41 59/655 45 038 305 21 16) 33/405 28 455 3 38 50/605 41 97/655 45 44 306 21 04/356 24 47 66 Bees io 23 406 28 456 3 38 57/606 42 04/656 45 51 =| 307 21 11/357 24 & 407 28 24/457 31 38 64/607 42 11/657 45 58 308 21 17/358 24 6 408 28 30/458 31 38 71/608 42 18/658 45 65 309 21 24/359 24 68 409 28 37/459 3 38 78/609 42 25/659 45 72 310 21 31/360 24 410 28 44/460 31 38 85/610 42 32/660 45 +9 311.21 38 11 4: 411 28 51/461 31 98\5 38 92/611 42 39/661 45 86 312 21 45 12 4: 412 28 58/462 3 5/5 38 99/612 42 46/662 45 93 : 313 21 5: 13 4: 8/413 28 65 215 39 06/613 42 53/663 46 00 314 21 5° 14 42 5/414 28 9/5 39 13\614 42 60\664 46 06 — 315 21 66 15 4: 32/415 28 26/5 39 615 42 67/665 46 13 316 21 16 4 39/416 28 § 3/5 39 27/616 42 73/666 46 20 317 21 17 4: 417 28 93 \5 39 34/617 42 80/667 46 27 318 21 18 42 3/418 24 5 39 618 42 87/668 46 34 319 21 4: 419 2 519 |569 39 619 42 94/669 46 41 320 22 42 62 0 420 2° 520 570 39 54/620 43 01/670 46 48 321 22 42 GO/67I 46 1: 421 29 2 621 571 39 621 43 08/671 46 55 322 22 42 76/672 46 20 422 292 522 572 39 68/622 43 15/672 46 62 323 22 2 42 83/673 46 27 38/423 26 523 573 39 75/623 43 22/673 4669 + 324 22 42 90/674 46 34 5/424 2¢ §24 35|574 39 82/624 43 29/674 46 76 325 22 42 97/675 46 41 2/425 29 48 525 2/575 39 89/625 43 36/675 46 83 326 22 43 04/676 46 47 3/426 29 55 526 49/576 39 96/626 43 43/676 46 90. 327 22 43 11 677 46 54 5|427 2° 527 3577 40 03/627 43 50/677 46 97 328 22 43 1 17 678 46 61 22/428 2¢ 528 3/578 40 10\628 43 57/678 47 04 329 22 43 24/679 46 68 29/429 2¢ 529 579 40 17/629 43 64/679 47 11 330 22 66 43 1680 46 75 3/430 29 8% 530 580 40 24/630 43 71/680 47 17 331 22 76 9/431 29 6: 43 alee 46 82 3/431 29 ¢ 531 581 40 31/631 43 78/681 47 24 332 22 82/382 26 26/432 29 43 45/682 46 89 432 2 532 : 582 40 38/632 43 84|682 47 31 333 22 89/383 26 33/433 29 77 43 5 12/683 46 96 433 « 533 36 98/583 40 45/633 43 91/683 47 38 334 22 96/384 26 40/434 29 43 59 684 47 02 434 3 534 5/584 40° 51/634 43 98/684 47 45 . _ 335 23 03/385 26 47/435 29 ¢ 43 66) 1685 47 09 435 ¢ 535 2/585 40 58/636 44 05/685 47 52 336 23 10/386 26 54/436 29 97 43 72/686 47 16 3/436 « 536 8/586 40 65/636 44 12/686 47 59 7 25/587 40 72/637 44 19/687 47 66 7 32/588 40 79/638 44 26/688 47 73 39/589 40 86/639 44 33/689 47 80 46/590 40 93/640 44 40/690 47 87 53/591 41 OO/641 44 47/691 47 94 | 30/592 41 07/642 44 54/692 48 01 |593 41 14/643 44 61/693 48 08. 594 41 21/644 44 68/694 4815 595 41 28/645 44 75/695 48 22 337 23 17/387 26 61/437 30 43 79687 47 23 | 337 23 38/387 26 85/437 : 338 23 24/388 26 67/438 30 33 2 3 86/688 47 30 | 338 23 45/388 26 92\438 : 339 23 31/389 26 74/439 30 18/489 33 62/539 37 06/589 40 49/639 43 93/689 47 37 | 339 23 52/389 26 99/439 : 340 23 37/390 26 81/440 30 25/490 33 69.540 37 12590 40 56/640 44 00,690 47 44 | 340 23 59/890 27 a6laad : 341 23 44/39] 26 88/441 30 32/491 33 76)541 37 3/641 44 07/691 47 51 | 341 23 66/391 27 13/441 : 342 23 51/392 26 95/442 30 3: 37 70 642 44 14692 47 57 | 342 23 73/392 27 19/442 : 343 23 58/393 27 02/443 30 37 7/643 44 21/693 47 64 26/443 : 344 23 65/394 27 09/444 30 52) 37 $4644 44 27.694 47 71 33/444 : 345 23 72/395 27 16/445 30 59/495 34 03/545 37 47/595 40 91.645 44 34/695 47 78 40/445 : 37 37 7 346 23 79/396 27 22/446 30 66/496 34 10/546 37 54/596 40 97/646 44 41/696 47 85 446 « 8 5/646 44 82/696 48 28 347 23 86/397 27 29|447 30 73/497 34 17/547 : 61/597 41 04/647 44 48/697 47 92 54/447 i ‘ 95/597 41 42/647 44 89/697 48 35 348 23 92/398 27 36/448 30 80/498 34 24/548 37 67/598 41 11/648 44 55/698 47 99 61/448 31 08/498 34 55/548 388 02/598 41 49/648 44 95/698 48 42 849 23 99'399 27 43'449 30 87/499 34 311549 37 74/599 41 18/649 44 62/699 48 06 349 24 21/399 68/449 31 15'499 34 62/549 38 09/599 41 56/649 45 02 699 48 49 222-2 ES 2 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 6%,c or 6.90 From 300 to 699 lbsat6i3e or 6.95 : 300320 70/350324 15/400827 60/450331 05/500334 50/550337 95\600841 40)650344 85 300820 85350324 32|400827 80/450831 27/500834 75|550338 22/600841 70|650845 17 | 301 20 77/351 24 22/401 27 67/451 31 12/501 34 57/551 38 O2/g0) 41 47/651 44 92 301 20 92/351 24 39/401 27 87/451 31 34/501 34 82/551 38 29/60] 41 77/651 45 24 ‘ 302 20 84/352 24 29/402 27 74/452 31 19/502 34 64/552 38 09 G02 41 54/652 44 99 | 302 20 99/352 24 46/402 27 94/452 31 41/502 34 89/552 38 36/602 41 84/652 45 31 wd 303 20 91/353 24 36/403 27 81/453 31 26/503 34 71/553 38 16/603 41 61/653 45 06 303 21 06/353 24 53/403 28 01/453 31 48/503 34 96/553 38 43/603 41 91/653 45 38 304 20 98/354 24 43/404 27 88/454 31 33/504 34 78/554 38 23/604 41 68/654 45 13 304 21 13/354 24 60/404 28 08/454 31 55/504 35 03/554 38 50/604 41 98/654 45°45 _ 305 21 04/355 24 49/405 27 94/455 31 39/505 34 84/555 38 29/605 41 74/655 45 19 305 21 20/355 24 67/405 28 15/455 31 62/505 35 10/555 38 57/605 42 05/655 45 52 306 21 11/356 24 56/406 28 01/456 31 46/506 34 91/556 38 36/606 41 81/656 45 26 i 8 22/456 31 69/506 35 17|556 38 64\606 42 12/656 45 59 8 8 8 356 24 74/406 2 307 21 18/357 24 631407 28 08/457 31 53/507 34 98/557 38 43/607 41 Ssi657 45 33 357 24 81/407 28 29/457 31 76\507 35 24/557 38 71/607 42 191657 45 66 308 21 25/358 24 70/408 28 15/458 31 60/508 35 05/558 38 50/608 41 95/658 45 40 358 24 8s 36/458 31 83/508 35 31/558 38 78|608 42 26/658 45 73 309 21 32/359 24 77\409 28 22|459 31 67/509 35 12/559 38 57/609 42 02/659 45 47 8/359 24 95 28 43/459 31 90/509 35 38/559 38 85/609 42 33/659 45 SO 310 21 39/360 24 84/410 28 29/460 31 74/510 35 19/560 38 64/610 42 09/660 45 54 360 25 49/460 31 97/510 35 44/560 38 92/610 42 39/660 45 87 311 21 46/361 24 91/411 28 36/461 318 35 26/561 38 71/611 42 16)661 45 61 361 2! 3 56/461 32 O4/511 35 51/561 38 99IGIT 42 46/661 45 94 ~ 312 21 53/362 24 98\a12 28 43/462 3 35 33/562 388 78/612 42 23/662 45 68 38/362 28 63/462 32 11/512 35 58/562 39 OG\612 42 53/662 46 01 313 21 60/363 25 05/413 28 50/463 31 9: 3: 563 38 85/613 42 30/663 45 75 5|363 70/463 32 18/513 35 65/563 39 13/613 42 60/663 46 08 314 21 67/364 25 12/414 28 57/464 32 3E 564 38 92/614 42 37/664 45 82 771464 32 25/514 35 72/564 39 20/614 42 67/664 46 15 315 21 73/365 25 18/415 28 63/465 3: 35 53/565 38 98/615 42 43/665 45 88 84/465 32 32/515 35 79/565 39 27/615 42 74/665 46 22 316 21 25, 25 3 35 60/566 39 05/616 42 50/666 45 95 28 91/466 32 39/516 35 86|566 39 34/616 42 81/666 46 29 317 21 2 . ; 3 '|567 39 12/617 42 57\667 46 02 98/467 32 46/517 35 93/567 39 41/617 42 88/667 46 36 318 21 94/368 25 39/418 28:84/468 32 29 35 74/568 39 19/618 42 64/668 46 09 05/468 32 53/518 36 00/568 39 48/618 42 95/668 46 43 319 22 01/369 25 46/419 28 91/469 32 36 3 569 39 26/619 42 71/669 46 16 : 569 39 55/619 43 02/669 46 50 - 320 22 08/370 25 53/420 28 98/470 32 4: 35 88/570 39 33/620 42 78/670 46 23 570 39 61/620 43 09/670 46 56 321 22 15/371 25 60/421 29 05/471 35 95/571 39 40/621 42 85/671 46 30 571 39 G8|621 43 16/671 46 63 $22 22 22/372 25 67\422 29 12/472 2/572 39 47/692 42 92|672 46 37 28/572 39 75/622 43 23/672 46 70 323 22 29/373 25 74/493 29 19473 9/573 39 54/693 42 99/673 46 44 5/573 39 82/623 43 30/673 46 77 2/574 39 89/624 43 37/674 46 84 49/575 39 96/625 43 44/675 46 91 3/576 40 03/626 43 51/676 46 98 } 63/577 40 10/627 43 58/677 47 05 578 40 17/628 43 65/678 47 12 579 40 24/629 43 72/679 47 19 3574 39 61/624 43 06/674 46 51 22/575 39 67/695 43 12/675 46 57 29/576 39 74/626 43 19/676 46 64 2 911/527 36 36/577 39 811697 43 26|677 46 71 2 98/528 36 43/578 39 88/628 43 33/678 46 78 3 05/529 36 50/579 39 95/629 43 40/679 46 85 ‘ a : 221430 29 67/480 33 12/530 36 57\580 40 02/630 43 47/680 46 92 2 8/480 33 36/530 36 83/580 40 31/630 43 78/680 47 26 91431 29 74/481 33 19/531 36 64/581 40 09/631 43 54/681 46 99 | 331 23 00/381 26 5/481 33 43/531 36 90/581 40 38/631 43 85/681 47 33 332 22 911382 26 36/432 29 81/482 33 26 532 36 71/582 40 16/632 43 61/682 47 06 332 23 07/382 26 55/432 30 02/482 33 50/532 36 97/582 40 45/632 43 92/682 4740 333 22 98/383 26 43/433 29 88/483 33 33/533 36 78/583 40 23/633 43 68/683 47 13 | 333 23 14/383 26 62/433 30 09/483 33 57/533 37 04/583 40 521633 43 991683 47 47 334 23 05/384 26 50/434 29 95/484 33 40/534 36 85/584 40 30/634 43 75/684 47 20 334 23 21/384 26 69/434 30 16/484 33 64/534 37 11/584 40 59/634 44 06/684 47 54 336 23 11/385 26 56/435 30 01/485 33 46/535 36 91/585 40 36/635 43 81/685 47 26 | 335 23 28/385 26 76/435 30 23/485 33 71/535 37 18/585 40 66/635 44 131685 47 61 336 23 18/386 26 63/436 30 08/486 33 53/536 36 98/586 40 43/636 43 88|686 47 33 | 336 23 35/386 26 83/436 30 30/486 33 78/536 37 25/586 40 731636 44 20/686 47 6S $37 23 25/387 26 70/437 30 15/487 33 60/537 37 05/587 40 50/637 43 95/687 47 40 | 337 23 421387 26 90/437 30 37/487 33 85/537 37 32/587 40 S0\637 44 27/687 47 75 338 23 32/388 26 77/438 30 22/488 33 67/538 37 12/588 40 57/638 44 02\688 47 47 | 338 23 49/388 26 97/438 30 44/488 33 921538 37 39/588 40 87/638 44 34/688 47 82 339 23 39/389 26 84/439 30 20/489 33 74/539 37 19/589 40 64/639 44 09/689 47 54 | 339 23 56/389 27 041439 30 51/489 33 99/539 37 46/589 40 94/639 44 41 689 47 89 340 23 46/390 26 91/440 30 36/490 33 81/540 37 26/590 40 71/640 44 16/690 47 61 | 340 23 63/390 27 10/440 30 58/490 34 05/540 37 53/590 41 00/640 44 48/690 47 95 341 23 53/391 26 98/441 30 43/491 33 88/541 37 33/591 40 78/641 44 23/691 47.68 | 341 23 70/391 27 17/1441 30 65/491 34 12/541 37 60/591 41 07/641 44 55/691 48 02 342 23 60/392 27 05/442 30 50/492 33 95/542 37 40/592 40 85/642 44 30/692 47 75 | 342 23 77/392 27 24/40 30 72/492 34 19/542 37 67/592 41 14/642 44 621692 48 09 343 23 67/393 27 12/443 30 57/493 34 02/543 37 47/593 40 92/643 44 37/693 47 82 | 343 23 84/393 27 31/443 30 79/493 34 26/543 37 74/593 41 21/643 44 69/693 48 16 37 37 37 7 25 811494 29 26/474 325 3D 42/375 25 871425 29 32/475 326 22 49/376 25 94/496 29 39/476 827 22 56/377 26 01/497 29 46|477 328 22 63/378 26 08|498 29 53/478 ‘ 15 429 29 60/479 2 2°93 C2 CY eo Co CO CY CY eR CD CD ED DH OWNUUYUWWYW © O00 rou _ a S > ee 344 23 74/394 27 19/444 30 64/494 34 09/544 37 54/594 40 99/644 44 44/694 47 89 344 23 91/394 27 38/444 30 86/494 34 33/544 37 81/594 41 28/644 44 76/694 48 23 345 23 80395 27 25/445 30 70/495 34 15/545 37 60.595 41 05/645 44 50/695 47 95 345 23 98/395 27 45/445 30 93/495 34 40/545 37 88/595 41 35/645 44 83/695 48 30 ae 346 23 87/396 27 32/446 30 77/496 34 22/546 37 67/596 41 12/646 44 57/696 48 02 346 24 05/396 27 52/446 31 00/496 34 47/546 37 95/596 41 42/646 44 90\696 48 37 347 23 94/397 27 39/447 80 84/497 34 29/547 37 74/597 41 19/647 44 64|697 48 09 | 347 24 12/397 27 59l4a7 31 07/497 34 54/547 38 02/597 41 491647 44 97/697 48 44 me 348 24 01/398 27 46.448 30 91/498 34 36/548 37 81/598 41 26/648 44 71/698 48 16 348 24 19/398 27 66/448 31 14/498 34 61/548 38 09/598 41 56/648 45 04/698 48 5: 349 24 08'399 27 53'449 30 98 "499 34 43/649 37 88'599 41 33/649 44 78/699 48 23 349 24 261399 27 731449 31 21/499 34 68'549 38 16/599 41 63/649 45 11 85 or 7-00 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 7;; e or 7.06} aeannaa Ab armmTae ESTO ered me Nee oi) re ak 1 ea | - = 800321 00|350524 50/400328 00/450331 50/500%35 00550338 50/600342 00650345 50 300821 19 350824 72/400228 25|450%31 78/500835 311550338 84 600542 37/ B45 ¢ 301 21 07/351 24 57/401 28 O7/451 31 57 |601 42 O7\651 45 57 301 21 26/351 24 79/401 28 32/451 31 85/501 35 38/551 38 91 Bot 42 45 aa ae 38 302 21 14/352 24 64402 28 14/452 31 64 602 42 14/652 45 64 302 21 33|352 24 86/402 28 39/452 31 92/502 35 45/552 38 98/602 42 52/652 46 05 803 21 21/353 24 71/403 28 21/453 31 71) 603 42 21/653 45 7 303 21 40/353 24 93/403 28 31 98 35 52/553 39 06.603 42 59/653 46 12 304 21 28/354 24 78/404 28 28 454 31 78 (8/604 42 28/654 45 78 304 21 47/354 25 00/404 28 53 j 35 59/554 39 13/604 42 66/654 46 19 305 21 35/355 24 85/405 28 35/455 31 85 i 605 42 35/655 45 85 305 21 54/3865 25 07/405 28 6 3] 35 67/555 39 20/605 42 73/655 46 26 306 21 42/356 24 92/406 28 42/456 31 92 3 38 92 42 42/656 45 92 306 21 61/356 25 14|406 28 67/456 32 20/506 35 74/556 39 27/606 42 80/656 46 33 307 21 49/357 24 99/407 28 49|457 31 99 os ¢ 42 49/657 45 99 307 * | 32 2% | 35 557 39 34/607 42 87/657 46 40 308 21 56/358 25 06/408 28 56/458 32 06/508 3: 39 06 42 56/658 46 06 308 * 3 32 3 3 1558 39 41608 42 94/658 46 47 309 21 63/359 25 13/409 28 63/459 32 13/509 3: 39 13|609 42 63/659 46 13 | 309: 32 35 951559 39 481609 43 011659 46 54 310 21 70/360 25 20/410 28 70/460 32 20/510 35 7 39 20/610 42 70/660 46 20 | 310 ¢ 32 36 02/560 39 55.610 43 O8|660 46 61 SIL 21 77/861 25 27/411 28 T7461 32 27/511 35 77/561 389 27/611 42 77/661 46 27 | Bit 2 32% 36 09/561 39 62/611 43 15/661 46 68 312 21 84/362 25 34/412 28 84 4/512 35.8 3¢ 1612 42 84/662 46 34 312 * 32 36 562 39 69/612 43 22/662 46 75 313 21 91/363 25 41/413 28 91 513 3: 613 42 91/663 46 41 | 313: 3 36 23/563 39 76/613 43 29/663 46 82 ~ 314 21 98/364 25 48/414 28 98 514 3% 1614 42 98/664 46 48 314 By 36 30.564 39 83/614 43 36/664 46 89 315 22 05/365 25 55/415 29 05 5d|515 : 615 43 05/665 46 55 315 f BY? 36 37/565 39 90/615 43 43/665 46 97 316 22 12/366 25 62/416 29 12 2/516 ¢ 1616 43 12\6866 46 62 316 85/416 26 3% 36 44,566 39 97,616 43 50/666 47 04 317 22 19/367 25 69,417 29 19 INS 17 & 1617 43 19 667 46 69 | 317 25 92/417 29 3: 36 51/567 40 04617 43 58/667 47 11 318 22 26/368 25 76/418 29 26 i518 5 1618 43 26/668 46 76 | 318 25 99/418 29 5s 3: 36 58/568 40 11/618 43 65/668 47 18 319 22 33/369 25 83/419 29 33 3/519 § 3/619 4: 669 46 83 319 3| 29 5 3: 36 65/569 40 19/619 43 721669 47 25 320 22 40/370 25 90/420 29 40} e 43 40/670 46 90 320 2: 3] 29 6 33 36 72570 40 26/620 43 79/670 47 32 321 22 47/371 25 97/421 29 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36/579 40 89/629 44 42/679 47 95 330 23 10/380 26 60/430 30 10 530 37 10/680 47 60 330 26 84/430 30 37/480 33 90/530 37 43/580 40 96/630 44 49/680 48 02 331 23 17/381 26 67/431 30 17 531 37 17\681 47 67 | 331 233 é 431 30 44/481 33 97/531 37 50/581 41 03/631 44 56/681 48 10 332 23 24/382 26 74/432 30 24 532 37 24/682 47 74 332 23 26 98/432 30 51/482 34 04/532 37 57/582 41 101632 44 63/682 48 17 833 23 31/383 26 81/433 30 31 533 37 8 31/683 47 81 333 23 5 P 5 /433 30 58 483 34 11/533 37 64/583 41 17/633 44 71/683 48 24 334 23 38/384 26 88/434 30 38 534 37 38/584 40 88/634 44 38/684 47 88 334 23: P 2/434 30 65/484 34 18/534 37 71/584 41 24 634 44 78/684 48 31 335 23 45/385 26 95/435 30 45 535 37 45/586 40 95/635 44 45 685 47 95 335 23 6 P 9/435 30 72)486 34 25/535 37 78/585 41 32/635 44 85/685 48 38 336 23 52/386 27 02/436 30 52 37 52/586 41 02/636 44 52/686 48 02 336 23 7 2 3/436 30 79 486 34 32/536 37 85/586 41 39/636 44 92/686 48 45 337 23 59/387 27 09/437 30 59 537 37 59/587 41 09/637 44 59.687 48 09 337 23 8 27 33/437 30 86/487 34 39/537 37 93/587 41 46/637 44 99,687 48 52 338 23 66/388 27 16/438 30 66 538 37 66/688 41 16/638 44 66/688 48 16 338 23 87/388 27 40/438 30 93/488 34 46/538 38 00/588 41 53 638 45 06/688 48 59 339 23 73/389 27 23/439 30 73 539 37 73/589 41 23/639 44 73/689 48 23 339 23 94/389 27 47/439 31 00/489 34 54/539 38 07/589 41 60/639 45 13/689 48 66 ~ 340 23 80/380 27 30/440 30 80 540 37 80/590 41 30/640 44.80 690 48 30 $40 24 01 380 27 54/440 31 07.490 34 61/540 38 14/590 41 67/640 4: 690 48 73 341 23 87/391 27 37/441 30 87 541 37 87/591 41 37/641 44 87/691 48 37 341 24 08 391 27 61/441 31 15/491 34 68\541 38 21/591 41 74/641 27/691 48 80 342 23 94/392 27 44/442 30 94 542 37 94/592 41 44/642 44 94'692 48 44 342 24 15392 27 68/442 31 22492 34 75/542 38 28/592 41 81/642 45 34/692 48 87 243 24 01/393 27 51/443 31 01 543 38 01/593 41 51/643 45 01/693 48 51 | 343 24 22.393 27 76\443 31 29493 34 82/543 38 35/593 41 88\643 45 411693 48 94 344 24 08/394 27 58/444 31 08/494 34 58/544 38 08/594 41 58/644 45 08694 48 58 | 344 24 29/394 27 83/444 31 36/494 34 89/544 88 42/594 41 95/g44 45 48.684 49 OL 345 24 15/395 27 65/445 31 15/495 34 65/545 38 15/595 41 65\645 45 15.695 48 65 345 24 37/395 27 90/445 31 43/495 34 961545 38 49/595 42 02 645 45 551695 49 08 346 24 22/396 27 72/446 31 22/496 34 72/546 38 22/596 41 72/646 45 22/696 48 72 | 346 24 44/396 27 97/446 31 50/496 35 03/546 38 56/596 42 09/646 45 62/696 49 15 847 24 29/397 27 79|447 31 29/497 34 79/547 38 29/597 41 79/647 45 29/697 48 79 347 24 51397 28 04/447 31 57/497 35 10/547 38 63/597 42 16/647 45 69/697 49 23 348 24 36/398 27 86/448 31 36/498 34 86/548 38 36|598 41 86/648 45 36/698 48 86 | 348 24 58398 28 11/448 31 64498 35 17/548 38 70/598 42 23/648 45 76/698 49 30 349 24 43/399 27 931449 31 43/499 34 931549 38 43/599 41 93/649 45 43/699 48 93 349 24 65/399 28 18/449 31 71/499 35 24/549 38 77/599 42 30/649 45 84/699 49 37 From 300 to 699 lbs at 7x0 or 7-05 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 7c or 7-10 i] 800321 151350324 67\400328 20450331 72\500335 25/550338 77600542 30/650845 32 85/400828 40145033 95/500335 50|550839 osleo0i42 60/650846 15 801 21 22/351 24 75/401 28 27/451 31 80/501 35 32/551 388 85\601 42 387/651 45 90 92 3 32 02/501 35 57|551 39 12/601 42 671651 46 22 302 21 29/352 24 82/402 28 34/452 31 87/502 35 39/552 38 92/602 42 44/652 45 97 9¢ 28 2 09/502 35 64/552 39 19/602 42 74/652 46 29 303 21 36/353 24 89/403 28 41/453 31 94/503 35 46 553 38 99/603 42 51/653 46 04 06/493 28 61/453 32 16/503 35 71/553 39 26/603 42 81/653 46 36 304 21 43/354 24 96/404 28 48/454 32 01/504 35 53/554 39 06/604 42 58/654 46 11 13/404 28 65/454 32 23/504 35 78/554 39 33/604 42 88/654 46 43 305 21 50/3855 25 03/405 28 55/455 32 08/505 35 60/555 39 13,605 42 65655 46 18 20/405 28 75 g 5 85/555 39 40/605 42 95/655 46 50 306 21 57|356 25 10|406 28 62/456 82 15/506 35 67/556 39 20/606 42 72/656 46 25 28/406 28 83 5 93/556 39 48/606 43 03/656 46 58 307 21 64/357 25 17/407 28 69/457 32 22/507 35 74|557 39 27/607 42 79/657 46 32 35/407 28 90 § 00/557 39 55/607 43 10/657 46 65 808 21 71/358 25 24/408 28 76/458 32 29/508 35 81/558 39 34/608 42 86/658 46 39 42/408 28 97 5 07/558 39 62/6083 17/658 46 72 309 21 78/359 25 31/409 28 83/459 32 36/509 35 88/559 39 41/609 42 931659 46 46 49/409 29 O04 } 14/559 39 69/609 43 24/659 46 79 310 21 85/360 25 38/410 28 90/460 32 43/510 35 95/560 39 43 00660 46 53 56/410 29 11 § 21/560 39 76/610 43 31/660 46 86 S11 21 93/361 25 45/411 28 98/461 32 50/511 36 03/561 39 6 3 08/661 46 60 63/411 29 18 5 28/561 39 83/611 43 38/651 46 93 312 22 00/362 25 52/412 29 05/462 32 57/512 36 10/562 39 62) 3 15/662 46 67 70/412 29 25 6 35/562 39 90/612 43 45/662 47 00 313 22 07/363 25 59/413 29 12/463 32 64/513 36 17/563 39 6 a 22/663 46 74 T7413 29 32 42/563 39 97/613 43 52\663 47 O07 314 22 14/364 25 66/414 29 19/464 32 71/514 36 24/564 39 3 29/664 46 81 5 84/414 29 39 } 49/564 40 04/614 43 59/664 47 14 815 22 21/865 25 73/415 29 26/465 32 78/515 36 31/565 39 8 3 86/665 46 88 25 91/415 29 46 § 56/565 +0 11/615 43 66/665 47 21 316 22 28/366 25 80/416 29 33/466 32 85|516 36 38/566 39 ¢ 3 43/666 46 95 25 99/416 29 54 3 64/566 40 19/616 43 74/666 47 29 317 22 35/367 25 87/417 29 40/467 32 92/517 36 45|567 39 97 3 50/667 47 02 06/417 29 61 6 71/567-40 26/617 43 81/667 47 36 318 22 42/368 25 94/418 29 47/468 32 99/518 36 52/568 40 0 3 57/668 47 09 5 13/418 29 68 5 78/568 40 33/618 43 88/668 47 43 319 22 49/369 26 01/419 29 54/469 33 06/519 36 59/569 40 3 64/669 47 16 5 20\419 29 75 85/569 40 40/619 43 95/669 47 50 320 22 56/370 26 08/420 29 61/470 33 13|520 36 66/570 40 18 71/670 47 23 27/420 29 82 5 92/570 40 47/620 44 02/670 47 57 321 22 63/371 26 16/421 29 68/471 33 21/521 36 73/571 40 26) 3 78/671 47 31 } 34/421 29 89 99/571 40 54/621 44 O9|671 47 64 322 22 70/372 26 23/422 29 75/472 33 28/522 36 80/572 40 33) 3 85/672 47 38 41/422 29 96 06/572 40 61/622 44 16\672 47 71 323 22 77/373 26 30/423 29 82/473 33 35/523 36 87/573 40 4; 921673 47 45 48/423 30 03 13/573 40 68/623 44 23/673 47 78 324 22 84/374 26371424 29 89/474 33 42/524 36 94/574 40 47/624 43 99/674 47 52 55/424 30 10 20/574 40 75/624 44 30/674 47 85 325 22 91/375 26 44/425 29 96/475 33 49/625 37 01/575 40 54/625 44 06/675 47 59 62/425 30 17 27/575 40 82/625 44 37/675 47 92 326 22 98/376 26 51/496 30° 03/476 33 56/526 37 08/576 40 61/626 44 13.676 47 66 5 70/426 30 25 35/576 40 90\626 44 45/676 48 00 327 23 05/377 26 58/427 30 10/477 33 63|527 37 15/577 40 63/627 44 20/677 47 73 77/427 30 32 42/577 40 97/627 44 52|677 48 07 328 23 12/378 26 65\428 30 17/478 33 70/528 37 22/578 40 75/628 44 27/678 47 80 84/428 30 39 49|578 41 04/628 44 59/678 48 14 329 23 19/379 26 721429 30 24/479 33 77/529 37 29/579 40 82/629 44 34/679 47 87 5 91/429 30 46 56/579 41 11/629 44 66/679 48 21 330 23 26/380 26 79/430 30 31/480 33 84/530 37 36/580 40 89/630 44 41/680 47 94 98/430 30 53 63|580 41 18/630 44 73/680 48 28 831 23 34/381 26 86/431 30 39/481 33 91/531 37 44/581 40 96/631 44 49/681 48 01 05/431 30 60 TO|581 41 25/631 44 SO0\68I 48 35 332 23 41/382 26 93/432 30 46|482 33 98/532 37 51/582 41 03/632 44 56/682 48 08 12/432 30 67 77|582 41 32/632 44 87/682 48 42 333 23 48/383 27 00/433 30 53/483 34 05/533 37 58/583 41 10/633 44 63/683 48 15 19|433 30 74 84/583 41 39/633 44 94/683 48 49 334 23 55/384 27 07|434 30 60|484 34 12/534 37 65/584 41 17/634 44 70/684 48 22 26/434 30 81 91/584 41 46/634 45 01/684 48 56 335 23 62/385 27 14/435 30 67/485 34 19/535 37 72/585 41 24/635 44 77/685 48 29 33/435 30 88 98/585 41 53/635 45 08/685 48 63 336 23 69/386 27 21/436 30 74/486 34 26/536 37 79/586 41 31/636 44 84/686 48 36 41/436 -30 96)486 34 51/536 38 06/586 41 61/636 45 16.686 48 71 337 23 76/387 27 28|437 30 81/487 34 33/537 37 86/587 41 38/637 44 91/687 48 43 27 48/437 31 03/487 34 58/537 38 13/587 41 68|637 45 23/687 48 78 ~ 338 23 83/388 27 35/438 30 88/488 34 40/538 37 93/588 41 45/638 44 98/688 48 50 338 24 00/388 27 55/438 31 10/488 34 65/538 38 20/588 41 75/638 45 30/688 48 85 339 23 90/389 27 42/439 30 95/489 34 47/539 38 00/589 41 52/639 45 05/689 48 57 339 24 07/389 27 62/439 31 17/489 34 72/539 38 27/589 41 82/639 45 37/689 48 92 340 23 97/390 27 49/440 31 02/490 34 54/540 38 07\590 41 59/640 45 12/690 48 64 340 24 14/390 27 69/440 31 24/490 34 79/540 38 34/590 41 89/640 45 44/690 48 99 341 24 04/391 27 57\441 31 09\491 34 62/541 38 14/591 41 67/641 45 191691 48 72 341 24 21/3891 27 76/441 31 31/491 34 86/541 38 41/591 41 96/641 45 51/691 49 06 342 24 11/392 27 64/442 31 16/492 34 69,542 38 21/592 41 74/642 45 26.692 48 79 342 24 28/392 27 83/442 31 38/492 34 93/542 38 48/592 42 03/642 45 58/§92 49 13 343 24 18/393 27 71/443 31 23/493 34 76/543 38 28/593 41 81/643 45 33/693 48 86 8343 24 35/393 27 90/443 31 45/493 35 00/543 38 55|593 42 10/643 45 65/693 49 20 344 24 25/394 27 78/444 31 30/494 34 83/544 38 35/594 41 88|644 45 40/694 48 93 344 24 42/394 27 97/444 31 52/494 35 07/644 38 62/594 42 17/644 45 72/694 49 27 - 345 24 32/395 27 85/445 31 37/495 34 90/545 38 42/595 41 95/645 45 47/695 49 00 | 345 24 49/395 28 04/445 31 59/495 35 14/645 38 69/595 42 24/645 45 79/696 49 34 346 24 39/396 27 92/446 31 44/496 34 97/546 38 49/596 42 02/646 45 54/696 49 07 346 24 57/396 28 12/446 31 67/496 35 22/546 38 77/596 42 32/646 45 87/696 49 42 347 24 46/397 27 99/447 31 51/497 35 04|547 38 56/597 42 09/647 45 61/697 49 14 347 24 64/397 28 19.447 31 74/497 35 29\547 38 84/597 42 39\647 45 94/697 49 49 _ 348 24 53/398 28 06/448 31 58/498 35 11/548 38 63/598 42 16/648 45 68\698 49 21 348 24 71/398 28 26/448 31 81/498 35 36/548 38 91/598 42 46/648 46 01/698 49 56 _ $49 24 60 549 38 70/599 42 231649 45 75/699 49 28 349 24 78/399 28 33 449 31 88/499 35 43/549 38 98'599 42 531649 46 O8I699 49 63 = 7 a » - > From 300 to 699 Ibs at 7c COTTON SELLER’S TABLE. ~ 257 oe = aes 399 28 13/449 31 65/499 35 18 ay 4 350824 94 351 25 O1 352 25 08 353 25 15 31354 25 22 355 25 29 356 25 36 357 25 44 358 25 51 21359 25 58 9/360 25 65 361 25 72 362 25 79 363 25 86 7/364 25 93 365 26 O1 366 26 08 9/367 26 15 5/368 26 22 369 26 29 370 26 36 371 26 43 26 50 26 58 5 65 72 79 86 93 00 07 715 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 72 79 86 oo o no 02 69 69 G9 G9 G9 G9 CO OO SCOSONMDaPON— WNWNWNNWNNWWW 32 342 24 37/392 2 343 24 44/393 « 344 24 51/394 28 345 24 58/395 28 346 24 65/396 28 347 24 72/397 28 348 24 79/398 28 00 93/442 31 07\444 31 14/445 31 21/446 31 ees 31 6/448 31 349 24 87/399 28 43/449 31 99 From 300 to 699 lbs at 7.0 or 7.15 From 300 t 450332 06 451 32 13 452 32°20 453 32 28 454 32 35 456 32 42 456 32 49 457 32 56 458 32 63 1459 32 70 1460 32 77 461 32 85 462 32 92 463 32 99 464 33 06 465 33 13 466 33 20 467 33 27 468 33 34 469 33 42 470 33 49 471 33 56 472 33 63 473 33 70 474 33 77 475 33 84 476 33 91 477 33 99 478 34 06 479 34 13 480 34 20 481 34 27 482 34 34 483 34 41 484 34 48 485 34 56 486 34 63 487 34 70 488 34 77 489 34 84 490 34 91 491 34 98 492 35 05) 493 35 13) 494 35 20) 495 35 27 496 35 34| 497 35 41) 400828 50 401 28 57 402 28 64 403 28 71 404 28 78 405 28 86 406 28 93 407 29 00 408 29 07 409 29 14 410 29 21 All 29 28 412 29 35 413 29 43 414 29 50 415 29 57 416 29 64 417 29 71 418 29 78 419 29 85 420 29 92 421 30 00 422 30 07 423 30 14 424 30 21 425 30 28 426 30 35 427 30 42 428 30 49 429 30 57 430 30 64 431 30 71 432 30 78 433 30 85 434 30 92 435 30 99 436 31 06 437 31 14 438 31 21 439 31 28 440 31 35 441 31 42 49 56 63 71 78 85 92 443 31 499 35 55 498 35 48/548 39 04 ‘Cotton SELLER'S TABLE. o 699 Ibs at 7, cor 7.123 500835 62/550839 19/600842 75 501 35 70/551 39 26/601 42 82 502 35 77/552 39 33/602 42 89 503 35 84/553 39 40/603 42 96 504 35 91/554 39 47/604 43 03 505 35 98/555 39 54/605 43 11 506 36 05/556 39 61/606 43 18 557 39 69|607 43 25 9/558 39 76)/608 43 32 71559 39 83/609 43 39 560 39 90/610 43 46 561 39 97 353 8/562 40 04 5/563 40 11 2)564 40 18 9/565 40 26 5 76|/566 40 33 5 84/567 40 40 91/568 40 47 98/569 40 54 05/570 40 61 12|571 40 68 19|572 40 75 26/573 40 83 3/574 40 90 575 40 97 AMAWDMDDAD DURA OD— 89 40/589 41 97 47/590 42 04 55/591 42 11 62/592 42 18 69/593 42 25 76|594 42 32 8 83/595 42 39 8 90/596 42 46 597. 42 54 598 42 61 599 42 68 638 45 46 639 45 53 640 45 60 641 45 67 642 45 74 643 45 81 646 46 03 647 46 10 648 46 17 549 39 12 649 46 24 300821 45/350825 301 21 52/351 25 302 21 59|352 25 a7 303 21 66/353 25 24 304 21 74/354 25 41 305 21 81/355 25 38 306 21 88/356 25 45 307 21 95/357 25 53 308 22 02/358 25 60 309 22 09/359 25 67 310 22 16\360 25 74 22 24/361 25 81 362 25 88 363 25 95 26 03 521365 26 10 17 24 31 38 B45 53 26 60 26 67 3 74 5 81 5 88 26 96 03 10 17 24 31 38 46 €2 69 62 Go Go 69 69 69 69 69 SCOMmONOQoPoOn— wwwwnwwww WHwwwDw Pe co oOo e [*) a > ww o 321 22 95 338 24 17 339 24 24 340 24 31 341 24 38 342 24 45 343 24 52 344 34 60 345 24 67 346 24 74 347 24 81397 28 39 388 27 74 389 27 81 390 27 88 391 27 96 392 28 03 393 28 10 394 28 17 395 28 24 396 28 31 02)400828 60/450832 10/401 28 67 451 32 452 32 453 32 454 32 456 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675 48 09 676 48 16 677 48 24 678 48 31 2/679 48 38 9/680 48 45 5|681 48 52 682 48 59 683 48 66 684 48 73 685 45 81 686 48 88 687 48 95 688 49 02 689 49 09 690 49 16 691 49 23 692 49 30 693 49 38 644 45 88/694 49 45 645 45 96.695 49 52 696 49 59 697 49 66 698 49 73 699 49 80 650846 47 651 46 55 652 46 62 653 46 69 654 46 76 655 46 83 656 46 90 657 46 658 47 659 47 660 47 661 47 26 662 47 33 663 47 40 664 47 48 665 47 55 666 47 62 667 47 69 668 47 76 669 47 83 670 47 90 671 47 98 672 48 05 673 48 12 674 48 19 675 48 26 676 48 33 677 48 41 678 48 48 679 48 55 680 48 62 681 48 69 682 48 76 683 48 83 684 48 91 685 48 98 686 49 05 687 49 12 538 38 47/588 42 04/638 45 62 539 38 54/589 42 11/639 45 69 540 38 61/590 42 18/640 45 76 541 38 68/591 42 26/641 45 83 642 38 75/592 42 33/642 45 90 543 38 82/593 42 40/643 45 97 544 388 90/594 42 47/644 46 05 545 38 97/595 42 54/645 46 12 546 39 04/596 42 61/646 46 19 547 39 11/597 42 69/647 46 26 648 39 18/598 42 76/648 46 33 649 39 25/599 42 83/649 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31 38 45 52 59 67 372 26 74 373 26 81 374 26 88 95 02 10 358 25 359 25 360 25 361 25 362 26 363 26 364 26 26 366 26 367 26 368 26 376 27 377 27 378 27 17 379 27 24 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 7, 6 or 7.183 40032 401 28 402 28 403 28 404 29 405 29 406 29 407 29 408 29 409 29 410 29 All 29 412 29 413 29 414 29 415 29 416 29 417 29 418 30 419 30 420 30 421 30 422 30 423 30 424 30 425 30 426 30 427 30 429 30 380 27 31] 381 27 38| 382 27 46) 383 27 53] 384 27 60] 385 27 67 386 27 74| 82 89 96 03 10 17 25 32 39 46 53 61 68 389 27 390 28 391 28 392 28 393 28 395 28 396 28 397 28 398 28 399 28 351 25 27 352 25 34 354 25 49) 355 25 56 356 25 63 357 25 70 358 25 78 359 25 85) 361 25 99 362 26 06 363 26 14 364 26 21 28 366 26 35 367 26 42 368 26 50 369 26 57 370 26 64 371 26 71 372 26 78 373 26 86 374 26 93 375 27 00 376 27 07 377 27 14 378 27 22 379 27 29 380 27 36 381 27 43 382 27 50 383 27 58 384 27 65 385 27 72 386 27 79 387 27 86 388 27 94 389 28 01 390 28 08 391 28 15 392 28 22 393 28 30 394 28 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50 38/458 32 58 45/459 33 5 65 52/460 33 72 59/461 33 5 79 66/462 33 « 74/463 33 81/464 33 88/465 33 95/466 33 02/467 33 10/468 33 70 17/469 33 24/470 33 31/471 33 ¢ 38/472 33 § 46/473 34 53/474 34 60\475 34 67/476 34 ¢ 74/477 34 82/478 34 89/479 34 96/480 34 03/481 34 482 34 483 34 78 484 34 85 485 34 486 34 487 35 488 35 489 35 21 490 35 & 491 35 2/492 35 493 35 494 35 495 35 496 35 7 497 35 78 26/498 35 86 33)499 35 93 ew o SMOonDaoaPony CST SIS eter Sr Sra 545 39 24 546 39 31 547 39 38 548 39 46 §49 39 53 3573 41 2/578 41 3}580 41 2\585 42 550339 60 551 39 67 §52 39 74 553 39 82 554 39 89 555 39 96 556 40 03. 557 40 10 558 40 18 559 40 25 560 40 32 561 40 39 5|562 40 46 563 40 54 564 40 61 565 40 68 566 40 75 567 40 82 568 40 90 569 40 97 570 41 04 671 41 11 572 41 18 26 33 40 47 54 62 69 76 83 90 98 05 12 586 42 19 587 42 26 588 42 34 589 42 41 590 42 48 591 42 55 574 41 575 41 576 41 577 41 579 41 581 41 582 41 583 41 584 42 2/592 42 62 593 42 70 594 42 77 695 42 84 596 42 91 597 42 98 598 43 06 599 43 13 650346 80 651 46 87 652 46 94 653 47 02 654 47 09 655 47 16 656 47 23 657 47 30 658 47 38 659 47 45 43 92/660 47 52 43 99/661 47 59 44 06/662 47 66 4 663 47 74 44 21 4 4 4 4 600343 20 601 43 27 602 43 34 603 43 42 604 43 49 605 43 56 664 47 81 4 28/665 47 88 4 35/666 47 95 667 48 02 668 48 10 669 48 17 670 48 24 671 48 31 672 48 38 673 48 46 3/674 48 53 675 48 60 676 48 67 677 48 74 678 48 82 679 48 89 680 48 96 681 49 03 682 49 10 683 49 18 684 49 25 685 49 32 686 49 39 687 49 46 688 49 54 689 49 61 690 49 68 691 49 75 692 49 82 . 693 49 90 694 49 97 695 50 04 696 50 11 697 50 18 is es cw) AOWOODAIAAD ts a =} CHIH AROS—O rs is or 1 698 50 26 649 46 731699 50 33 G2 Go Go Go 63,60 GO CO tO bv———— 350825 37 351 25 45 352 25 52 353 25 59 354 25 66 355 25 74 356 25 81 357 25 88 3/358 25 95 359 26 03 360 26 10 5 26 17 26 39 3 61 383 27 77 384 27 84 9/385 27 91 386 27 98 387 28 06 388 28 13 8/389 28 20 5/390 28 27 2/391 28 35 392 28 42 25 84 391 28 54 392 28 62 393 28 69 394 28 76 395 28 83 396 28 91 397 28 98 398 29 05 399 29 13 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 Ibs at 7? c or 7.25 400329 00/450332 62/500%36 25)/550839 87 401 29 07/451 32 70/501 36 32/551 39 95 402 29 14/452 32 77 39/552 40 02 403 29 22/453 32 84 47/553 40 09 404 29 29/454 32 91 54/554 40 16 405 29 36/455 32 99 5 61/555 40 24 406 29 43/456 33 06 } 68/556 40 31 407 29 51/457 33 13 5 76/557 40 38 408 29 58/458 33 20 5 83/558 40 45 409 29 65/459 33 28 5 90/559 40 53 410 29 72/460 33 35 3 97/560 40 60 411 29 80/461 33 42 05|561 40 67 24/412 29 87/462 33 49/512 12)562 40 74 32/413 29 94/463 33 57/513 19/563 40 82 414 30 01/464 33 64/514 26/564 40 89 46/415 30 09/465 33 71/515 34/565 40 96 53/416 30 16/466 33 78/516 41/566 41 03) 417 30 23/467 33 86517 48/567 41 11 8 68/418 30 30/468 33 93/518 55/568 41 18} 3 75/419 30 38/469 34 00/519 63/569 41 25 5 82/420 30 45/470 34 07\/520 70|570 41 32 90/421 30 52/471 34 15/521 77\571 41 40) 97/422 30 59/472 34 22 84/572 41 47 04/423 30 67/473 34 29 92/573 41 54 11/424 30 74/474 34 36 99/574 41 61 19/425 30 81/475 34 44 06|575 41 69 26/426 30 88/476 34 51 13/576 41 76 33/427 30 96/477 34 58 21|577 41 83 40/428 31 03/478 34 65 28/578 41 90 48/429 31 10/479 34 73 35/579 41 98 55/430 31 17\480 34 80 42/580 42 05 62/431 31 25/481 34 87 50/581 42 12 69/432 31 32/482 34 94 57|582 42 19 433 31 39/483 35 02 8 64/583 42 27 434 31 46/484 35 09 71/584 42 34 435 31 54/485 35 16 79\585 42 41 436 31 61/486 35 23 86/586 42 48 437 31 68/487 35 31 93/587 42 56 438 31 75/488 35 38/538 39 00/588 42 63 439 31 83/489 35 45|539 39 08/589 42 70 440 31 90/490 35 52/540 39 15/590 42 77 441 31 97/491 35 60 22/591 42 85 2 04/492 35 67 29/592 42 92 49/443 32 12/493 35 74 7/593 42 99 56 2 19/494 35 81 44/594 43 06 64/445 32 26/495 35 89 51/595 43 14 71 2 33/496 35 96 58/596 43 21 78 2 41/497 36 03 9 66/597 43 28 85 2 48/498 36 10 9 73/598 43 35 93 2 55'499 36 18/549 39 80/599 43 43 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 7:6 or 7.30 55|400829 20\450332 85|500336 50/550840 15 62/401 29 27/451 32 92 57|551 40 22 70\402 29 35/452 33 00 65|552 40 30 77/403 29 42/453 33 07 72|553 40 37 404 29 49/454 33 14 3 79/554 40 44 91/405 29 56/455 33 21 5 86/555 40 51 99/406 29 64/456 33 29 } 94/556 40 59 06/407 29 71/457 33 36 01/557 40 66 13/408 29 78/458 33 43 05/558 40 73 21/409 29 86/459 33 51 16/559 40 81 28/410 29 93/460 33 58 23/560 40 88 35/411 30 00/461 33 65 30/561 40 95 43/412 30 08/462 33 73 38/562 41 03 50/413 30 15/463 33 80 45/563 41 10 57/414 30 22/464 33 87 2/564 41 17 64/415 30 29/465 33 94 59\565 41 24 72/416 30 37/466 34 02 67/566 41 32 79417 30 44/467 34 09 74/567 41 39 86/418 30 51/468 34 16 81/568 41 46 94/419 30 59/469 34 24 89|569 41 54 01/420 30 66/470 34 31 96/570 41 61 08/421 30 73/471 34 38 03/571 41 68 16/422 30 81/472 34 46 11|572 41 76 23/423 30 88/473 34 53 18/573 41 83 30/424 30 95/474 34 60 25/574 41 90 37/425 31 02/475 34 67 32/575 41 97 45/426 31 10/476 34 75|526 38 40|576 42 05 52/427 31 17|477 34 82/527 38 47/577 42 12 59/428 31 24/478 34 89/528 38 54/578 42 19 67/429 31 32/479 34 97/529 38 62/579 42 27 74/430 31 39)480 35 04/530 38 69/580 42 34 81/431 31 46/481 35 11/531 38 76/581 42 41 89/432 31 54/482 35 19/532 38 84/582 42 49 96/433 31 61/483 35 26/533 38 91/583 42 56 03/434 31 68/484 35 33/534 38 98/584 42 63 10/435 31 75|485 35 40/535 39 05/585 42 70 18)436 31 83/486 35 48/536 39 13/586 42 78 25/437 31 90/487 35 55/537 39 20\587 42 85 32/438 31 97/488 35 62/538 39 27\588 42 92 40/439 32 05/489 35 70/539 39 35/589 43 00 47/440 32 12/490 35 77|540 39 42/590 43 07 2 19/491 35 84/541 39 49/691 43 14 2 27/492 35 92/542 39 57/592 43 22 2 34/493 35 99/543 39 64/593 43 29 444 32 41/494 36 06/544 39 71/594 43 36 2 48/495 36 13/545 39 78/595 43 43 446 32 56/496 36 21/546 39 86/596 43 51 447 32 63/497 36 28/547 39 93/597 43 58 448 32 70/498 36 35/548 40 00/598 43 65 449 32 78/499 36 43/549 40 08/699 43 73 650347 12 687 49 81 688 49 88 689 49 95 690 50 02 7/691 50 10 692 50 17 693 50 24 694 50 31 695 50 39 696 50 46 697 50 53 698 50 60 699 50 68 650847 45 651 47 52 652 47 60 653 47 67 654 47 74 3655 47 81 |656 47 89 657 47 96 658 48 03 3/659 48 11 |660 48 18 661 48 25 662 48 33 663 48 40 2\664 48 47 665 48 54 666 48 62 667 48 69 698 50 95 649 47 38/699 51 03 821 94/350825 22 01/351 2 WWWHW WH WO WOWWtH ae ee eee OOO COnOaPWON—CoOMos wo 352 25 3/353 25 23/354 25 355 25 356 26 5/357 26 2/358 26 359 26 360 26 361 26 362 26 9/363 26 3/364 26 365 26 366 26 367 26 3 25/368 26 33/369 26 370 27 371 27 5|372 27 2 2/399 29 350825 2/351 25 0|352 25 353 25 354 26 355 26 9/356 26 3/357 26 358 26 359 26 360 26 3/361 26 362 26 363 26 364 26 378 27 36/395 29 43/396 29 50/397 29 59 67 74) 81 89 96 03 11 18 25 32 40 47 54 62 69 76 84 91 98 06 13 72 80 87 95 02 09 17 24 31 39 46 53 61 68 75 83 90 oF 05 12 at) 27 34 42 49 400829 25/450332 401 29 32/451 402 29 40.452 35 39 5 47 5 54 5 61 5 68 35 76 3 WWW WWW WWWWwWW fESE EEEEE From 300 to 699 Ibs at 74¢ or 7.312 91/500336 56/550840 22|600843 298 501 386 64 36 71 578 85 93 7 00 07 37 15 22 29 51 66 81 88 95 02 17 24 5/524 38 32 3/525 38 39 526 38 46 88/527 38 54| 5/528 38 61 03/529 38 68 530 38 76) 531 38 83) 5|532 38 90) 32/533 38 98 83 35 90 98 5 05 12 5 20 On 27 5 34 36 42 499 36 49 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 534 39 05 535 39 12) 536 39 19 537 39 27 538 39 34 539 39 41 540 39 49) 541 39 56 542 39 63 543 39 71) 544 39 78 545 39 85 546 39 93 647 40 00 548 40 07 549 40 15 37| 44 59| 73 10) 551 40 29/601 43 552 40 36/602 44 553 40 44/603 44 554 40 51 604 44 555 40 58/605 44 |556 40 66/606 44 557 40 73/607 44 558 40 80/608 44 559 40 88/609 44 560 40 95/610 44 561 41 O2/\611 44 562 41 10/612 44 563 41 17/613 44 564 41 24/614 44 565 41 32\615 44 566 41 39/616 45 567 41 46/617 45 568 41 53/618 45 569 41 61/619 45 570 41 68/620 45 577 42 19|627 45 578 42 27/628 45 579 42 34/629 46 580 42 41/630 46 581 42 49/631 46 582 42 56/632 46 583 42 63/633 46 584 42 70\634 46 585 42 78/635 46 |586 42 85/636 46 587 42 92/637 46 596 43 53/646 47 * 597 43 66/647 47 598 43 73|648 47 599 43 80/649 47 7ho or 7.35 |4o0#29 40 401 29 47 1402 29 55 56 64/426 31 377 27 71/427 31 78/428 31 86/429 31 93/430 31 00/431 31 08/432 31 28 15/433 31 22/434 31 30/435 31 37/436 32 44/437 32 52/438 32 59/439 32 % 66/440 32 74/441 32 81/442 32 89/443 32 96/444 32 03/445 32 11/446 32 18/447 32 85 58/398 29 25/448 32 93 65/399 29 33/449 33 00 450333 07 15 62! 472 34 69) 473 34 77 474 34 84 475 34 91 476 34 99 477 35 06 13 21 28 35 43 50 57 485 35 65 486 35 72 2|487 35 79 488 35 87 489 35 94 490 36 01 1/491 36 09 492 36 16 493 36 24 494 36 31 496 36 38 496 36 46 497 36 53 498 36 60 500336 75 501 36 82 510 37 48 aagnananana COUNBAPOW— Www www ww DO H-I-IRIVIIVD wo on 547 40 20 548 40 28 499 36 68 550840 42/600144 551 40 50/601 44 552 40 57/602 44 2 553 40 65/603 44 554 40 72\604 44 2/555 40 79/605 44 9556 40 87/606 44 §\557 40 94/607 44 558 41 01/608 44 559 41 09/609 44 560 41 16/610 44 561 41 23,611 44 3/562 41 31/612 44 9 563 41 33/6 564 41 45/6 565 41 53/6 566 41 60/6 567 41 67\6 568 41 75/6 PP 5/569 41 82/619 45 2)570 41 89/620 45 571 41 97/621 45 572 42 04/622 45 573 42 12/623 45 574 42 19/624 45 9/575 42 26/625 45 2 34/626 46 2 41/627 46 2 48/628 46 2 56/629 46 2 63/630 46 2 70/631 46 2 78/632 46 2 85/633 46 a x oo eR 592 43 51/642 47 593 43 59/643 47 694 43 66/644 47 695 43 73/646 47 87 95 02 09 17 24 31 39 46 53 61 68 a (es) 17 596 43 81/646 47 48 597 43 88/647 47 598 43 95/648 47 63 649 40 35 599 44 03/649 47 70 259 650847 53 651 47 60 652 47 68 653 47 75 654 47 82 655 47 90 656 47 97 657 48 04 658 48 12 659 48 19 660 48 26 661 48 34 1662 48 41 3/663 48 48 (664 48 55 665 48 63 666 48 7 667 48 7 668 48 85 3/669 48 92 670 48 99 671 49 07 8/672 49 14 3673 49 21 674 49 29 675 49 36 676 49 43 684 50 02 685 50 09 686 50 16 687 50 24 688 50 31 689 50 38 690 50 46 691 50 53 5/692 50 60 2/693 50 68 694 50 75 695 50 82 696 50 89 697 50 97 698 51 04 31699 51 11 650847 77 651 47 85 \652 47 92 2/653 48 00 654 48 07 655 48 14 656 48 22 657 48 29 9/658 48 36 3/659 48 44 660 48 51 651 48 58 662 48 66 663 48 73 664 48 80 665 48 88 666 48 95 5/667 49 02 668 49 10 669 49 17 670 49 24 671 49 32 672 49 39 673 49 47 674 49 54 675 49 61 676 49 69 8/677 49 76 5/678 49 83 679 49 91 680 49 98 681 50 05 5/682 50 13 683 50 20 684 50 27 685 50 35 686 50 42 687 50 49 688 50 57 689 50 64 690 50 71 691 50 79 692 50 86 693 50 94 694 51 O1 695 51 08 696 51 16 5/697 51 23 698 51 30 699 51 38 260 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 Ibs at 73 c or 7.373 From 300 to 699 lbs at 7;.¢ or 7. 433 5 811400829 501450833 19/500836 87 550840 56 600844 25\@50817 94 | 30082 2 ; 2 311350226 031400329 7 75 450893 47 500837 19/550340 91 600844 G2\650%48 34 2 25 89/401 29 57/451 33 26/501 36 95/55! 40 64601 44 32.651 48 01 301 22 39351 26 11/401 29 82.451 33 54/501 37 26/551 40 93) leo1 44 70 651 48 42 2 25 96/402 29 65/452 33 33 502 37 02.552 40 71/602 44 40/652 48 08 302 22 46 26 18/402 29 90452 33 62/502 37 34552 41 05662 44 77.652 48 49 2 5 03/403 29 72/453 33 41/503 37 10/553 40 78/603 44 471653 48 16 | 303 2: 26 29 97.453 33 69503 37 41553 41 13 603 44 85/653 48 57 22 5 11/404 29 79454 33 48504 37 17.554 40 86 604 44 54.654 48 23 | 304 2: 26 33/404 30 05/454 33 77/504 37 48/554 41 20/604 44 92/654 48 64 305 22 49/355 26 18 (405 29 87/455 33 56/505 37 24.555 40 93.605 44 62/655 48 31 305 2% 26 40/405 30 12/455 33 84/505 37 56/555 41 28) 605 45 00655 48 72- 22 5% 26 25 29 94/456 33 63/506 37 32/556 41 00/606 44 69/656 48 38 76/356 26 48/406 30 20 456 33 91\506 37 63/556 41 35/606 45 07/656 48 79 22 30 02/457 33 70\507 : 9/557 41 08/607 44 77\657 48 45 EAR Lt 26 55|407 30 27,457 33 99,507 37 71/557 41 43/607 45 15 657 48 86 22 30 33 : 6/558 41 15/608 44 84 1658 48 53 91/358 26 63/408 30 34 458 34 06/608 37 78/558 41 50/608 45 22/658 48 94 | 22 30 3 § 37 541559 41 23.609 44 91/659 48 6 : 98 359 26 70\409 30 42/459 34 14/509 37 86/559 41 58/609 45 29/859 49 01 22 | 30 2 33 92 37 61/560 41 30610 44 99/660 48 67 | 310 23 06/360 26 77\410 30 49/460 34 21/510 37 93,560 41 65/610 45 37/660 49 09 22 30 31/461 34 OO|511 37 69|561 41 371611 45 06661 48 75 | 311 23 13} 361 26 85/411 30 57/461 34 29/511 38 01/561 41 72/611 45 44/66) 49 16 23 30 38/462 34 07/512 37 76/562 41 45/612 45 13/662 48 82 | 312 1/362 26 92/412 30 64/462 34 36/512 38 08/562 41 80/612 45 52/662 49 24 23 30 46/463 34 15|513 37 83/563 41 52/613 45 21/663 48 90 | 31 27 00/413 30 72/463 34 44/513 38 1 13 563 41 87/613 45 59/663 49 31 2 30°53\464 34 22/514 37 91/564 41 59/614 45 28/664 48 97 | 314 2: 27 07/414 380 79.464 34 51/514 38 23/664 41 95/614 45 67/664 49 38 2 30 61/465 34 29/515 37 98/565 41 671615 45 36/665 49 04 | S15: 27 15/415 30 87/465 34 58/515 38 30/565 42 02/615 45 74/665 49 46 2 30 68/466 34 37/516 38 05/566 41 6 45 43/666 49 12 316 27 22/416 30 94/466 34 66/516 38 38 566 42 10/616 45 81/666 49 53 2 30 75 467 34 44/517 38 13/567 41 82.617 45 50/667 49 19 | 317 27 30/417 31 01/467 34 73/517 38 45/567 42 17/617 45 89\g67 49 G1 2 30 83/468 34 51/518 38 20/568 41 § 8 45 58/668 49 26 318 27 37/418 31 09/468 34 81/518 38 53/568 42 241618 45 96/668 -49 68 2 30 90/469 34 59/519 38 28/569 41 9 45 65/669 49 34 27 44/419 31 16/469 34 88/519 38 60/569 42 32/619 46 04/669 49 76 2 30 97/470 34 66,520 38 35/570 42 0 45 72/670 49 41 27 52/420 31 24) |470 34 96520 38 67/570 42 39/690 46 11/670 49 83 2 31 05 34 38 42 9 1 45 80671 49 49 27 59/421 31 31/471 35 03/521 38 75/571 42 47/6/1 46 19/671 49 91% — 2 31 12 34 38 50 2 2 45 87/672 49 56 27 67/422 31 39/472 35 10/522 38 82\/572 42 54/622 46 261/672 49 98 31 20479 3 38 571573 42 261623 45 951673 49 63 27 74/423 31 46/473 35 18|523 38 90|573 42 62\623 46 34/673 50 05 31 27 3 38 42 33/624 46 02/674 49 71 27 82/424 31 53/474 35 25/524 38 97/674 42 69/624 46 41|674 50 13 31: 3: 38 42 411625 46 09675 49 78 | 325 24 17/375 27 89/425 31 61/475 35 33/525 39 05/575 42 77/625 46 48/675 50 20 31 38 42 48 626 46 17/676 49 85 326 24 25.376 27 96/426 31 68/476 35 40/526 39 12/576 42 84/626 46 56/676 50 28 31 49) 3! 42 55/627 46 24.677 49 93 | 327 24 32/377 28 04/427 31 76/477 35 48|/527 39 20/577 42 91/627 46 63)677 50 35 31 56 3% 42 63/628 46 31,678 50 00 328 24 39/378 28 11/428 31 83/478 35 55/528 39 27/578 42 99/628 46 71/678 5043 316 3 42 70629 46 39\679 50 08 329 24 47/379 28 19/429 31 91/479 35 63/529 39 34/579 43 06/629 46 78/679 5050 | 31 3 42 77630 46 46,680 50 15 330 24 54/380 28 26/430 31 98/480 35 70/530 39 42/580 43 14/630 46 86/680 50 57 31 42 85/631 46 54/681 50 22 ; 28 34) 35 25 77/531 39 49/581 43 21/631 46 93/681 5065 7| 31 86 42 92 |632 46 61/682 50 30 3e 35 85/532 39 57/582 43 29/632 47 00\682 50 72 28 25) 31 9: 43 00/633 46 68/683 50 37 32 2 35 92/533 39 64/583 43 36/633 47 08/683 50 80 28 32) 32 ( 43 07/634 46 76/684 50 44 24 84| 28 56) 32 28 36 00/534 39 72/584 43 43/634 47 15\684 50 87 8 39) 32 43 14) shee 46 83 \685 50 52 335 24 92/385 28 63/435 32 35/485 36 07/535 39 79/585 43 511635 47 23/685 50 95 28 47] 32 43 22) 5 90/1686 50 59 | 336 24 99/386 28 71| 32 43 36 15/536 39 86/586 43 58/636 47 30/686 51 02 28 54) 32 & ¢ 3 ) 98 687 50 67 337 25 06387 28 73) 325 2|537 39 94/587 43 661637 47 38/687 51 10 28 6 32 39 68 588 43 36/638 47 05/688 50 7 338 25 14/388 28 5 29/538 40 01) |588 43 73/638 47 45/688 5117 | 339 25 00/389 28 69.439 32 ¢ 39 75/589 43 44/639 47 13689 50 81 | 339 21/389 28 6 539 40 09/589 43 81/639 47 53/689 51 24 340 25 07/390 28 76/440 32 39 82/590 43 51/640 47 20690 50 89 | 340 9390 29 Tis 4/540 40 16 590 43 881640 47 60/690 51 32 341 25 15/391 28 84441 32 52) : 39 90/591 43 59/641 47 27/691 5096 | 341 25 36/391 29 8 52/541 40 24/591 43 96/641 47 G7\691 51 39 342 25 22/392 28 91/442 32 60/492 36 28/549 39 97/592 43 66/642 47 35/692 51 03 | 342 25 44/392 29 1 8 59/542 40 31/592 44 03/642 47 75|692 51 47 343 25 30393 28 98 443 32 67/493 36 36 543 40 05.593 43 73 1643 47 42/693 51 11 D1 es 29 2% 9: 7/543 40 39/593 44 10/643 47 82/693 51 54 344 25 37/394 29 06/444 32 74/494 36 43)/544 40 1: 2594 43 81/644 47 49 694 51 18 | : 0: [544 40 46/594 44 18/644 47 90/694 51 62 345 25 44/395 29 13/445 32 82/495 36 51/545 40 19/595 43 88/645 47 57/695 51 26 1 36 82/545 40 53/595 44 25/645 47 97/695 51 69 346 25 52/396 29 20/446 32 89 496 36 58/546 40 27/596 43 95/646 47 64/696 51 33 3 17/496 36 89/546 40 61/596 44 33/646 48 05/696 51 76 347 25 59/397 29 28/447 32 97/497 36 65/547 40 34/597 44 03'647 47 72/697 51 40 3 25/497 36 96/547 40 68/597 44 40/647 48 12/697 51 84 348 25 66/398 29 35/448 33 04/498 36 73/548 40 41/598 44 10/648 47 79/698 51 48 3 32/498 37 04/648 40 76/598 44 48/648 48 19/698 51 91 349 25 74399 29 43449 33 11499 36 80549 40 49'599 44 18/649 47 86/699 51 55 391499 37 11/549 40 83.599 44 55/649 48 27/699 51 99 From 300 to 699 lbs at 7? c or 7.40 From 300 to 699 Ibsat7s,c or 7.45 300322 20)350825 90/400%29 60450333 30 500837 00/550840 70600344 40650348 10 22 35/350826 07 80/450333 52/500837 25/550340 97/600344 70/650848 42 301 22 27 351 25 97/401 29 67/451 33 37/501 37 07/551 40 77/601 44 47/661 48 17 22 42/351 26 5| "29 87/451 33 60/501 37 32/551 41 05|601 44 77/651 48 50 302 22 35/352 26 05/402 29 75|452 33 45/502 37 15/552 40 85/602 44 55/652 48 25 22 50/352 26 22} 29 95/452 33 67/502 37 40/552 41 12/602 44 85/652 48 57 303 22 42 353 26 12/403 29 82 33 52/503 37 22/553 40 92/603 44 62/653 48 32 303 22 57/353 26 30/403 30 02.453 33 75|503 37 47553 41 20/603 44 921653 48 65 304 22 50/354 26 20|404 29 90/454 33 60/504 37 30/554 41 00/604 44 70/654 48 40 | 304 22 65/354 26 37/404 30 10454 33 82/504 37 55 654 41 27/604 45 00/654 48 72 305 22 57/355 26 27/405 29 97/455 33 67/505 37 37/555 41 07/605 44 77/655 48 47 | 305 22 72/355 26 45/405 30 17/455 33 90/505 37 62/555 41 35/605 45 07/655 48 80 306 22 64) é |406 30 04/456 33 74/506 37 44/556 41 14/606 44 84\656 48 54 306 22 80356 26 52/406 30 25/456 33 97/506 37 70/556 41-42/606 45 15/656 48 87 307 22 72) 26 42/407 30 12/457 33 82/507 37 52/557 41 22\607 44 92/657 48 62 | 307 22 87/357 26 60\407 30 32/457 34 05/507 37 77/557 41 50/607 45 22/657 48 95 308 22 79/358 26 49/408 30 19/458 33 89/508 37 59/558 41 29/608 44 99/658 48 69 | 388 22 95/358 26 67,408 30 40.458 34 12/508 37 85/558 41 57/608 45 30/658 49 02 309 22 87/359 26 57/409 30 27) 37 67/559 41 37/609 45 07/659 48°77 23 02) 26 75409 30 47/459 34 20509 37 92/559 41 65/609 45 37/659 49 10 310 22 94/360 26 64/410 30 34 610 45 14/660 48 84 23 26 82.410 30 54/460 34 : 37 5 44/660 49 17 311 23 01/361 26 71/411 30 41 611 45 21/661 48 91 3 26 89/411 30 62)\461 34 5 521661 49 24 312 23 09/362 26 79]412 30 49 9/612 45 29/662 48 99 26 97/412 30 69/462 34 5 59/662 49 32 313 23 16/363 26 86/413 30 56 3/613 45 36/663 49 06 27 04/413 30 77/463 34 671663 49 39 | 314 23 24/364 26 94/414 30 64 614 45 44/664 49 14 27 12/414 30 84/464 34 5 741664 49 47 815 23 31/365 27 01/415 30 71 615 45 51/665 49 21 27 19/415 30 92/465 34 5 82/665 49 54 316 23 38/366 27 08/416 30 78 S\616 45 58/666 49 28 27/416 30 99/466 34 45 89/666 49 62 817 23 46 716 365 i617 45 66/667 49 36 27 34/417 31 07/467 34 5 971667 49 69 318 23 53 31618 45 73/668 49 43 27 42/418 31 14/468 3 5 04/668 49 77 319 23 61 2 11/619 45 81/669 49 51 49/419 31 22/469 34 12/669 49 84 320 23 68 2 18/620 45 88/670 49 58 y 56 31 29/470 35 5 19/670 49 91 321 23 75 2 25/621 45 95/671 49 65 3 31 36/471 35 26/671 49 99 322 23 83 42 33/622 46 03/672 49 73 31 44/472 35 5 34/672 50 06 323 23 90 42 40/623 46 10\673 49 SO 31 51/478 35 % } 41/673 50 14 324 23 98 42 48|624 46 18/674 49 88 31 59/474 35 ¢ } 491674 50 21 325 24 05 42 3 25/675 49 95 31 66/475 35 ¢ 56/675 50 29 326 24 12 42 2|676 50 02 31 74/476 35 } O4/676 50 36 327 24 20 42 677 50 10 31 81/477 35 ! 5 T1677 5044 - 328 24 27 42 678 50 17 31 89/478 35 3 79/678 50 51 329 24 35 42 55/679 50 25 31 96/479 35 3 86/679 50 59 330 24 42 42 ¢ 52/680 50 32 32 03/480 35 } 93/680 50 66 331 24 49 42 91681 50 39 211/481 35 & 01/681 50 73 332 24 57 43 682 50 47 32 18/482 35 < 08/682 50 81 333 24 64 43 34/683 50 54 32 26/483 35 9: : 16/683 50 88 334-24 72 2/684 50 62 32 33/484 36 06/534 39 78/584 43 51/634 47 23/684 50 96 335 24 79 85 43 9/685 50 69 32 41/485 36 13/535 39 86/585 43 58|$35 47 31/685 51 03 336 24 86 31686 50 76 32 48/486 36 21/536 39 93/586 43 66/636 47 38/686 51 11° 337 24 94 \687 50 84 32 56/487 36 28/537 40 01/587 43 73/637 47 46/687 51 18 338 25 01 688 50 91 32 63/488 36 36/538 40 08/588 43 81/838 47 53/688 51 26 339 25 09 9 89/589 43 59) 7 29/689 50 99 32 71/489 36 43/539 40 16/589 43 88/639 47 61/689 51 33 340 25 16 39 96/590 43 66.640 47 36/690 51 06 Z 32 78/490 36 50 540 40 23/590 43 95/640 47 68/690 51 40 341 25 23 03/591 43 73/641 47 43/691 5113 | 341 25 40 3: 36 58 641 40 30.591 44 03/641 47 75/691 51 48 342 25 31 11/592 43 81/642 47 51/692 51 21 | 342 25 48 2 3 65/542 40 38.592 44 10/642 47 83/692 51 55 343 25 38 18/593 43 88/643 47 58\693 51 28 | 343 25 55 373/543 40 45/593 44 18/643 47 90/693 51 63 344 25 46 31494 36 56/544 40 26594 43 96/644 47 66/694 51 36 | 344 25 63 F 36 80/544 40 53.594 44 25/644 47 98/694 51 70 345 25 53 |495 36 63/546 40 33.595 44 03/645 47 73/695 51 43 | 345 25 70 395 29 43/445 33 15/495 36 88/545 40 60) 595 44 33/645 48 05/695 51 78 346 25 60 496 36 70\546 40 a \596 44 10/646 47 80.696 51 50 | 346 25 78/396 29 50|446 33 23/496 36 95|546 40 63) 596 44 40/646 48 13/696 51 85 347 25 68 9 35 497 36 78/547 40 48/597 44 13/647 47 881697 51 58 | 347 25 85/397 29 581447 33 30/497 37 031547 40 75/597 44 481647 49 20/697 51 93 348 25 75/398 29 45/448 33 15/498 36 85\548 40 55/598 44 2564847 95.698 51 65 | 348 25 931398 29 65/448 33 38/498 27 10548 40 83.598 44 55/648 48 28/698 52 00 e 349 25 83/399 29 53/449 33 23/499 36 93/549 40 63.599 44 33/649 48 031699 51 73 | 349 26 00'399 29 73/449 33 45/499 37 18\549 40 90/599 44 631649 48 35/699 52 0 #7 rhs ‘os 326 24 611376 28 39/426 32 16/476 35 94/526 39 71 : i676 5L 327 24 69/377 28 46/427 32 24/477 36 01/527 39 T9|577 43 56/627 47 34/677 51 328 24 76/378 28 54/498 32 31/478 36 09|528 39 86/578 43 64/628 47 41/678 51 1t 829 24 84/379 28 61/429 32 39/479 36 16|529 39 94/579 43 71/629 47 49/679 51 26 330 24 91/380 28 69/430 32 46/480 36 24/530 40 01/580 43 79/630 47 56/680 51 & i 39 98/576 43 78/626 47 53/676 51 38 05|577 43 85/627 47 G5/677 51 45 13/578 43 93/628 47 73/678 51 53 20/579 44 00/629 47 80/679 51 60 28/580 44 08/630 47 88/680 51 68 36/581 44 16/631 47 96/681 51 76 ieee | CotTToNn SELLER’S TABLE. 261 | From 300 to 699 lbs at Zic, or 7.50 amen 300 to 699 Ibsat 7%c. or 7.56 | 300822 50 ae RE 5/500837 50 25/600845 00/650848 75 | 300822 69 360836 a la00830 9: : 41159 5 37] ‘ | 301 22 57 2/401 30 07 2/601 45 O7/651I 48 82 2 j 26 54/401 30 3% een 67 Se a Haris ae 302 22 65 402-30 15/452 33 90 502 37 65 0/602 45 15/652 48 90 2 32/402 30 41 74/602 45 53/652 49 31 303 22 72 403 30 22/453 33 97/503 37 72 1603 45 22/653 48 97 2 403 30 4: 41 82/603 45 60.653 49 38 304 2 39 50 404 30 30/454 34 05/504 37 80 41 55/604 45 30/654 49 05 2 71404 30 5: 41 90/604 45 68/654 49 46 | 305 22 87 2/405 30 37/455 34 12/505 37 87 op 45 37/655 49 12 2 26 85/405 30 6: 41 97/605 45 75 655 49 53 -) 306 22 95 406 30 45/456 34 20/506 37 95 45 45/656 49 20 9 26 921406 30 7 42 05606 45 83.656 49 G1 { 807 23 02 407 30 52/457 34 27/507 38 02 Wabi 2 27 00/407 30 78 2 12/607 45 90} |657 49 69 | 308 23 10/358 26 85/408 30 60/458 34 35/508 38 10 845 27 07/408 30 85 2 20/608 45 981658 49 76 ) 309 23 17/359 26 92/409 30 67/459 34 42/509 38 17 9 45 27 15/409 30 93 2 27/609 46 06/659 49 84 {| 310 23 25/3860 27 00/410 30 75/460 34 50/510 38 25 p 0 45 27 221410 3 2 35/610 46 13/660 49 91 SIL 23 32/361 27 OT/411 30 82/461 34 57/511 88 32 : 1 45 82/661 49 B7 27 30/411 3 2 43/611 46 21/661 49 99 4 312 23 40/362 27 15/412 30 90/462 34 65/512 38 40 p 2 45 90/662 49 65 27 38l412 3 2 50/612 46 231662 50 06 313 23 47/363 27 22/413 30 97/463 34 72/513 38 47 p 3 45 97/663 49 72 27 451413 3 2 58/613 46 36 663 50 14 | 314 23 55/364 27 30/414 31 05 34 80/514 38 55 ? 4 46 05/664 49 80 27 53/414 31 2 65/614 46 43/664 50 21 | 815 23 62/365 27 37/415 31 1: 7/515 33 62 ‘ 5 46 12/665 49 87 27 GO|415 31 3 2 73/615 46 511665 50 29 816 23 70/366 27 45/416 31 : 5/516 38 70 : 6 9 95 27 63/416 31 2 SOIGI16 46 5381666 50 37 317 23 77/367 27 52/417 31 27 21517 38 77 : 7: 02 27 T5417 31 2 8si617 46 66/667 50 44 | 318 23 85/368 27 60/418 31 3: 518 38 85 ‘ 10 27 831418 31 6 2 95/618 46 741668 50 52 319 23 92/369 27 67/419 31 42 519 38 92 ; ff 27 91/419 31 3 03/619 46 81/669 ! 50 59 320 24 00/370 27 75/420 31 & 5/520 39 00 ‘ 25 27 981490 31 7 3 11/620 46 891670 50 67 321 24 07/371 27 82/421 31 57 521 39 07 2 32 8 061491 31 8 3 18/621 46 961671 50 74 392 24 15/372 27 901420 31 6: 35 40/592 89.15 : 40 8 13/499 31 3 261622 47 041672 50 82 r 499 99 OF ay & "1593 329 99 ~ ff 2 a4\-C is 5a A oy Br 323 24 22/373 27 97/423 31 7: 35 471/523 39 22 47 2 31 ¢ 3 33/623 47 111673 50 90 324 24 30/374 28 05/424 31 8 35 55/524 39 30 : 55 32 3 411624 47 191674 50 97 395 24 371375 28 12l495 31 35 62/525 39 37 ) 62 39 3 481695 47 271675 51 0 826 24 45/376 28 20/496 31 95/476 35 70/526 39 45/578 4: 70 32 & 3 56626 47 34/676 51 12 2 2 Of 35 77 527 39 52 ‘ a 32.2 5/577 43 64/627 47 42/677 51 20 1 85 85/528 39 GO 85 32: 3/578 43 71/628 47 49/678 51 27 32 21 35 92/529 39 67 ‘ 92 32 579 43 79/629 47 57/679 51 35 ; 32 2 36 00 530 39 (5 ‘ 00 Bee B 580 43 86/630 47 64/680 51 42 . ) 32 3 36 07/531 39 82 35 07 328 581 43 941631 47 72/681 51 50 : : 32 fe ae i 15 B32 a ie ‘ 6 15 32 23/582 44 01/632 47 79/682 51 58 32 551484 36 30/534 40 05 3 8 5 30 32 8 baa rts Bae 47 94 bee oe ° 7 32 62/485 36 37/535 40 12/585 43 87/635 47 62\685 51 37 32 9 3/585 44 24/635 48 02/685 51 80 | 336 25 20/386 28 95/436 32 70/486 36 45/536 40 20/586 43 95/636 47 70/686 51 45 32 9 53/586 44 32/636 48 10 28 837 25 27/387 29 02/437 382 77/487 36 52/537 40 27/587 44 02/637 47 77/687 51 52 33 587 44 39/637 48 5 338 25 35/388 29-10/438 32 85/488 36 60/538 40 35/588 44 10/638 47 85/688 51 60 33 588 44 47/638 48 5s 339 25 42/389 29 17/439 32 92 36 67/539 40 42/589 44 17/639 47 92/689 51 67 33 8 589 44 541639 48 5: 840 25 50/396 29 25/440 33 00/490 36 75540 40 50/590 44 25/640 48 00/690 51 75 33 ¢ 590 44 62/640 48 5k 341 oo) 57/391 29 3244 | 33 07/491 36 82/541 40 57/591 44 32/641 48 O7\691 51 82 33 3: i 591 44 69\641 48 52 842 25 65/392 29 40442 33 15/492 36 90/542 40 65592 44 40/642 48 15/692 51 90 54/442 33 43/492 37 21/542 40 99/592 44 77/642 48 55 52 . 843 25 72/393 29 47/443 33 22/493 36 97/543 40 72/593 44 47/643 48 22/693 51 97 | 343 25 041398 2 29 72/443 33 50/493 37 28/543 41 06/593 44 85/643 48. 631693 52 344 25 80394 29 55 444 33 30/494 37 05/544 40 80/594 44 55/644 48 30/694 52 05 | 344 26 01/394 29 80/444 33 58 | 92/644 48 452 $45 25 87/395 29 62.445 33 37/495 37 12/545 40 87 595 44 62/645 48 37695 52 345 26 09/395 29 87/445 33 5 00645 48 5 52 346 25 95396 29 70/446 33 45/496 37 20/546 40 95/596 44 701646 48 45.696 52 346 26 17/396 29 95|446 33 5 071646 48 851696 52 347 26 02/397 29 77/447 33 52/497 37 27/547 41 02/597 44 77/647 48 52.697 52 347 26 241397 30 02/447 33 80\497 37 591547 41 371597 45 15/647 48 931697 52 348 20 10/398 29 85/448 33 60|498 37 35/548 41 10|598 44 85/648 48 60698 52 35 | 348 26 32/398 30 10.448 33 88/498 37 6G\548 41 44598 45 22 648 49 00 698 52 349 26 17/399 29 92/449 33 67/499 37 42.549 41 171599 44 92/649 48 67.699 52 42 | 349 26 39/399 30 17/449 33 961499 37 741549 41 521599 45 30.649 49 08 699 52 86 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 7ise. or 7.55 From 300 to 699 lbs at 7: c. or 7-60 , 300322 65350526 42400330 20 450833 97|500337 75/550841 52/600345 30650349 07 | 300822 80 1350826 601400830 40/450334 20|500338 00! 550841 80600845 60650349 40 301 22 73/351 26 50401 30 28/451 34 05/501 37 83/551 41 GO|60I 45 38/651 49 15 | 301 22 83/351 26 68 401 30 48.451 34 28/501 38 08 \551 41 88.601 45 GS/651 49 48 302 22 80/352 26 58402 30 35/452 34 13/502 57 90/552 41 68/602 45 45/652 49 2: 22 95} 26 30 55/452 34 35/502 38 15/552 41 95/602 45 75/652 49 55 303 22 88/353 26 65403 30 43.453 34 20503 37 98/553 41 75/603 45 53/653 4y ¢ 26 83} 63/453 34 43/503 38 23/553 42 03/603 45 83/653 49 63 304. 22 95/354 26 73/404 30 50/454 34 28/504 38 05/554 41 83/604 45 60\654 49 38 26 70/454 34 50/504 38 30/554 42 10/604 45 90/654 49 70 305 23 03/355 26 80/405 30 58/455 34 35/505 38 13/555 41 90/605 45 68/655 49 45 26 ¢ 78/455 34 58/505 38 38/555 42 18/605 45 981655 49 78 306 23 10/356 26 88.406 30 65/456 34 43/506 38 20/556 41 98/606 45 75/656 49 5:2 27 86/456 34 66/506 38 46\556 42 26.605 46 06/656 49 86 307 23 18/357 26 95/407 30 73/457 34 50/507 38 28/557 42 05/607 45 83/657 49 6 Die 93/457 34 73|507 38 53\557 42 33.607 46 13/657 49 93 308 23 25/858 27 03/408 30 80/458 34 58/508 38 35/558 42 13/608 45 90/658 49 68 27 § 01/458 34 81/508 38 61/558 42 41/608 46 21/658 50 01 309 23 33/359 27 10/409 30 88/459 34 65/509 38 43/559 42 20/609 45 95/659 49 7 2 081459 34 88/509 38 68/559 42 48/609 46 28/659 50 08 310 23 40\360 27 18/410 30 95/460 34 73/510 38 50/560 42 28/610 46 05/660 49 83 27 16/460 34 96/510 38 76/560 42 56/610 46 36/660 50 16 311 23 48/361 27 26/411 31 03/461 34 81/511 38 58/561 42 36/611 46 13/661 49 ¢ 27 24/461 35 O4/511 38 84/561 42 64/611 46 44/661 50 24 312 23 56/362 27 33/412 31 11/462 34 88/512 38 66/562 42 43/612 46 21/662 49 98 27 31/462 3: : 42 71/612 46 51/662 50 31 , 313 23 63/363 27 41/413 31 18/463 34 96/513 38 73 25 5 28/663 50 2 39/463 35 19/5 42 79/613 46 59/663 50 39 314 23 71/364 27 48/414 31 26 35 03/514 38 81 }|664 50 2 46/464 35 26/514 39 2 86/614 46 66/664 50 46 ate 28 feises ah ee ae as a ae 88 : Bee a 2 alae 35 Pes eles eS Ie 46 bee 50 54 5 2 3/516 38 96 5 50 28 2 62/466 35 42 9 22 43 02/616 46 82/666 50 62 aie - Be oe 27 eats a as : j Bi 39 03 58 ee ap 36 2 eee 35 49 ae anes 7 ae 46 89 667 50 69 2 27 7 31 56 33/518 39 11 j 50 4: 2 771468 35 5 39 37 3 17/618 46 97/668 50 77 Bap 1 00 21 Sean 12 21 12 gap 32 8 3 UE Lio os feean (8 00ene tGae fr e608 0 24 16 27 7 31520 39 26 50 58 2 92/470 35 72 39 52/570 43 32/620 47 12/670 50 92 321 24 24/371 28 01/421 31 79/471 35 56/521 39 34 39/671 50 G6 2 00/471 35 80/521 39 GO|571 43 40/621 47 20/671 51 00 322 24 31/372 28 09/422 31 86/472 35 64/522 39 41 3672 50 7 2% 07/472 35 8 39 67/572 43-47/622 47 27/672 51 07 323 24 39/373 28 16/423 31 94/473 35 71/523 39 49 4/673 50 8 2 15]473 35 95/523 39 75/573 43 55/623 47 35/673 51 15 324 24 46/374 28 24/324 32 01/474 35 79/524 39 56 674 50 8° 2 22 re 36 02/524 39 82/574 43 62/624 47 42/674 51 22 325 24 54/375 28 31/425 32 09/475 35 86/525 39 G4 91675 50 96 2 39 90/575 43 70/625 47 50/675 51 3 331 24 99/381 28 77/431 32 54/481 36 32/531 40 09/581 43 87/631 47 64/68) OL 332 25 07/382 28 84/432 32 62/482 36 39/532 40 17/582 43 94/632 47 72/582 51 ‘ 25:23 29 0314 39 8: 36 63/532 40 43/582 44 23/632 48 03/682 51 83 333 25 14/383 28 92/433 32 69/483 36 47/533 40 24/583 44 02/633 47 79/683 51 oO PADS 2 32 & 36 71/533 40 51 588 44 31/633 48 11/683 51 91 8 ; 8 58/584 44 38/634 48 18/684 51 98 33 06/485 36 86/535 40 66/585 44 46/635 48 26/685 52 06 36 536 40 74/586 44 54/636 48 34/686 52 14 537 40 81/587 44 61/637 48 41/687 52 21 9/538 40 89/588 44 69/638 48 49/688 52 29 1/539 40 96/589 44 76/639 48 56/689 52 36 540 41 04/590 44 84/640 48 64/690 52 44 32/541 41 12/591 44 92/641 48 72/691 52 52 39/542 41 19/592 44 99/642 48 79/692 52 59 543 41 27/593 45 07\643 48 87/693 52 67 54/544 41 34/594 45 14/644 48 94/694 52 74 52/545 41 42/595 45 22/645 49 02/695 52 82 546 41 50/596 45 30/646 49 10/696 52 90 547 41 57'597.45 37/647 49 17/697 52 97 548 41 65/598 45 45/648 49 25/698 53 05 334 25 22/384 28 99/434 32 77/484 36 54/534 40 32/584 44 09/634 47 87/684 51 6 335 25 29/385 29 07/435 32 84/485 36 62/535 40 39/585 44.17/635 47 94/685 51 7: 8336 25 37/386 29 14/436 32 92/486 36 69/536 40 47/586 44 24/636 48 02/686 51 7 337 25 441387 29 22/437 32 99/487 36 77|537 40 54/587 44 32/637 48 09/687 51 87 338 25 52/388 29 29/438 33 07/488 36 84/538 40 62/588 44 39/638 45 17/688 51 339 25 59/389 29 37/439 33 14/489 36 92/539 40 69/589 44 47/639 48 24/689 52 340 25 67/390 29 44/440 33 22/490 36 99/540 40 77/590 44 54/640 48 32/690 341 25 75/391 29 52/441 33 30/491 37 07/541 40 85/591 44 62/641 48 40/691 342 25 82/392 29 60/442 33 37/492 37 15/542 40 92/592 44 70/642 48 47/692 343 25 90/393 29 67/443 33 45/493 37 22/543 41 00/593 44 77/643 48 55/693 344 25 97/394 29 75)444 33 52/494 37 30/544 41 07/594 44 85/644 48 62/694 345 26 05/395 29 82/445 33 60/495 37 37/545 41 15/595 44 92/645 45 70/695 346 26 12/396 29 90/446 33 67/496 37 45/546 41 22/596 45 00/646 48 77/696 347 26 20/397 29 97/447 33 75/497 37 52/547 41 30/597 45 07\647 45 85 Held 348 26 27/398 30 05/448 33 82/498 37 60/548 41 37/598 45 15/648 48 9216 Nore oT Ot > fw 9 x 9 O« w ) 2 2 @ 2 26 2) ws 2 5 — 849 26 35/399 30 12/449 33 90'499 37 67/549 41 45/599 45 22/649 40 001699 52 i 349 26 52/399 30 32/449 34 12/499 37 92\549 41 72/599 45 52/649 49 32/699 53 12 45/398 30 25/448 34 05/498 37 8: or Dubs ies oe Bret pa 262 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. - From 300 to 699 lbs at 7c. or 7.62} From 300 to 699 Ibsat 7}ic. or 7.682 300822 87/350826 69/400330 50/450334 31/500838 12/550341 94/600845 75/650849 56 300323 06/350326 91/400330 75/450334 59/500338 44/550342 281600346 12 301 22 95/351 26 76/401 30 58/451 34 39/501 38 20/551 42 01/601 45 83/651 49 64 301 23 14/351 26 98/401 30 83/451 34 67/501 38 51/551 42 36/601 46 20 302 23 03/352 26 84/402 30 65/452 34 46/502 38 28/552 42 09/602 45 90/652 49 71 302 23 22/352 27 06/402 30 90/452 34 75/502 38 59/552 42 43/602 46 28 303 23 10/353 26 92/403 30 73)453 34 54/503 38 35/553 42 17/603 45 98/653 49 79 303 23 29/353 27 14/403 30 98/453 34 82/503 38 67/553 42 51/603 46 36 304 23 18/354 26 99/404 30 80 454 34 62/504 38 43/554 42 24/604 46 05/654 49 87 304 23 37/354 27 21/404 31 06/454 34 90/504 38 74/554 42 59/604 46 43 305 23 26/355 27 07/405 30 88/455 34 69/505 38 51/555 42 32/605 46 13/655 49 94 305 23 45/355 27 29/405 31 13/455 34 98/505 38 82/555 42 67/605 46 51 306 23 33/356 27 14/406 30 96/456 34 77/506 38 58/556 42 39/606 46 21/656 50 02 306 23 52/356 27 37/406 31 21/456 35 05/506 38 90/556 42 74/606 46 59 307 23 41/357 27 22|407 31 03/457 34 85507 38 66/557 4: 308 23 48/358 27 30/408 31 11/458 34 92/508 38 73/558 309 23 56/359 27 37 310 23 64/360 27 45 311 23 71/361 27 53) 312 23 79/362 27 60) 313 23 87/363 27 68 314 23 94/364 27 75 315 24 02/365 27 83 316 24 09/366 27 91 317 24 17/367 27 98) 318 24 25/368 28 06) 319 24 32/369 28 14 320 24 40/370 28 21! 321 24 48/371 28 29 322 24 55/372 28 36 323 24 63/373 28 44 324 24 70/374 28 52 325 24 78/375 28 59 326 24 86/376 28 67 327 24 93/377 28 75 328 25 01/378 28 82) 329 25 09/379 28 90 330 25 16/380 28 97) 331 25 24/381 29 05 332 25 31/382 29 13 333 25 39/383 29 20 334 25 47 g 335 25 54/385 29 36) 336 25 62/386 29 43) 337 25 70/387 29 51) 338 25 77/388 29 58) 339 25 85/389 29 66) 47/607 46 28/657 50 10 | 307 23 60/357 27 44/407 31 29/457 35 13/507 38 98/557 42 82/607 46 66 2 55/608 46 36/658 50 17 308 23 68/358 27 52/408 31 36/458 35 21/508 39 05/558 42 90/608 46 74 3 2 19459 35 00/509 38 81/559 42 62/608 46 44/659 50 25 309 23 75/359 27 60/409 31 44/459 35 29/509 39 13/559 42 97/609 46 82 2 2 ae 26/460 35 07/510 38 89/560 42 70/610 46 51|660 50 32 310 23 83/360 27 67/410 31 52/460 35 36/510 39 21/560 43 05/610 46 89 34/461 35 15/511 38 96/561 42 78/611 46 59/661 50 40 311 23 91/361 27 75/411 31 60/461 35 44/511 39 28/561 43 13/611 46 97 41/462 35 23/512 39 04/562 42 85/612 46 66/662 50 48 312 23 98/362 27 83/412 31 67/462 35 52/512 39 36/562 43 20/1612 47 05 49/463 35 30/513 39 12/563 42 93/613 46 74/663 50 55 313 24 06/363 27 91/413 31 75/463 35 59/513 39 44/563 43 28/613 47 12 57/464 35 38/514 39 19/564 43 00/614 46 82/664 50 63 314 24 14/364 27 98/414 31 83/464 35 67/514 39 51/564 43 36/614 47 20 64/465 35 46/515 39 27/565 43 O8|615 46 89/665 50 71 315 24 22/365 28 06/415 31 90/465 35 75/515 39 591565 43 43/615 47 28 72/466 35 53/516 39 34/566 43 16/616 46 97/666 50 78 316 24 29/366 28 14/416 31 98/466 35 82/516 39 67/566 43 51/616 47 35 80/467 35 61/517 39 42/567 43 23/617 47 05/667 50 86 317 24 37/367 28 211417 32 06/467 35 90/517 39 74/567 43 59IGI7 47 43 87/468 35 68/518 39 50/568 43 31/618 47 12/668 50 93 318 24 45/368 28 29/418 32 13/468 35 98/518 39 82/568 43 66/618 47 51 95/469 35 76/519 39 57/569 43 39/619 47 20/669 51 O01 319 24 52/369 28 37/419 32 21/469 36 05/519 39 90/569 43 74/619 47 59 2 02/470 35 84/520 39 65/570 43 46/620 47 27/670 51 09 320 24 60/370 28 44/490 32 29/470 36 13/520 39 97/570 43 82/620 47 66 y 27 : 32 10/471 35 91/521 39 73/571 43 54/621 47 35/671 51 16 | 391 24 68/371 28 52 421 32 36/471 36 21/521 40 05/571 43 90\621 47 74 2 18/472 35 99/522 39 80/572 43 61/622 47 43/672 51 24 322 24 75/372 28 60/422 32 44/472 36 28/522 40 13/572 43 97/622 47 82 32 25/473 36 07/523 39 88/573 43 69/623 47 50/673 51 32 323 24 83/373 28 67/423 32 52/473 36 36/523 40 21/573 44 05/623 47 89 2 33/474 36 14/524 39 95/574 43 77/624 47 58/674 51 39 324 24 91/374 28 75/494 32 59/474 36 44/524 40 28/574 44 13/624 47 97 32 41475 36 22/525 40 03/575 43 84/625 47 66/675 51 47 325 24 98/375 28 83/495 32 67/475 36 52/525 40 36/575 44 20/625 48 05 32 48/476 36 29/526 40 11/576 43 92/626 47 73/676 51 54 326 25 06/376 28 90/496 32 75/476 36 59/526 40 44/576 44 281626 48 12 32 56,477 36 37/527 40 18/577 44 00/627 47 81/677 51 62 327 25 14/377 28 98/497 32 83/477 36 67|527 40 51/577 44 36/627 48 20 63/478 36 45528 40 26/578 44 07/628 47 88/678 51 70 | 328 25 21/378 29 06/498 32 90/478: 36 75/528 40 59/578 44 43/628 48 28 2 71/479 36 52/529 40 34/579 44 15/629 47 96/679 51 77 | 329 25 29/379 29 14/499 32 98/479 36 82/529 40 671579 44 511629 48 35 32 79/480 36 60/530 40 41/580 44 22/630 48 04/680 51 85 330 25 37/380 29 21/430 33 06/480 36 90/530 40 74/580 44 59/630 48 43 2 86/481 36 683.531 40 49/581 44 30/631 48 11/681 51 93 331 25 45/381 29 29/431 33 13/481 36 98/531 40 82/581 44 66/631 48 51 32 94/482 36 75/532 40 56/582 44 38/632 48 19/682 52 00 332 25 52/382 29 37/432 33 21/482 37 05/532 40 90/582 44 74/632 48 58 33 02/483 36 83/533 40 64/583 44 45/633 48 27/683 52 08 | 333 25 60/383 29 44/433 33 29/483 37 13/533 40 97/583 44 82/633 48 66 3 09/484 36 90/534 40 72/584 44 53/634 48 34/684 52 15 334 25 68/384 26 52/434 32 36/484 37 21/534 41 05/584 44 89/634 48 74 33 17/485 36 95/535 40 79/585 44 61/635 48 42/685 52 23 335 25 75/385 29 60/435 33 44/485 37 28/535 41 13/585 44 97/635 48 82 33 24/486 37 06/536 40 87/586 44 68/636 48 49/686 52 31 336 25 83/386 29 67/436 33 52/486 37 36/536 41 20/586 45 05/636 48 89 3 32/487 37 13/537 40 95/587 44 76/637 48 57/687 52 88 | 337 25 91/387 29 75/437 33 59/487 37 44/537 41 28/587 45 13/637 48 97 33 40/488 37 21/538 41 12/588 44 83/638 48 65 688 52 46 338 25 95/388 29 83/438 33 67/488 37 51/538 41 36/588 45 20/638 49 05 47/489 37 29539 41 10/589 44 91/639 48 72/689 52 54 , 339 26 06/389 29 90/439 33 75/489 37 59/539 41 44/589 45 281639 49 12 340 25 92/390 29 74/440 383 55/490 37 36/540 41 17|590 44 99/640 48 80690 52 61 340 26 14/390 29 93/440 33 82/490 37 67/540 41 51/590 45 36/640 49 20 341 26 00/391 29 81) 342 26 08/392 29 89 343 26 15/393 29 97 344 26 23/394 30 04/444 33 85/494 37 67/544 41 48/594 345 26 31/395 30 12.445 33 93/495 37 74.545 41 56/595 346 26 38/396 30 19446 34 01/496 37 82/546 41 63/596 347 26 46/397 30 27/447 34 08/497 37 90/547 41 71/597 348 26 53/398 30 35/448 34 16/498 37 97/548 41 78/598 349 26 61/399 30 42/449 34 24/499 38 05/549 41 861599 4 300322 95)/350326 77/400830 60/450834 42/500838 25/550842 07/600345 90 33 63/491 37 44/54] 41 25/591 45 06/641 48 88/691 5 69 341 26 21/391 30 06/441 33 90/491 37 75/541 41 59/591 45 43/641 49 28 3 70/492 37 51/542 41 33/592 45 14/642 48 95/692 52 76 342 26 29/392 30 13/442 33 98|492 37 82/542 41 67/592 45 51/642 49 35 3 78/493 37 59/543 41 40/593 45 22/643 49 03/693 52 84 343 26 37/393 20 21/443 34 06/493 37 90/543 41 74/593 45 59/643 49 43 5 >) | 5 29/644 49 10/694 52 92 344 26 44/394 30 29/444 34 13/494 37 98/544 41 82/594 45 66|644 49 51 ) 5 5 37/645 49 18/695 52 99 345 26 52/395 30 37/445 34 21/495 38 05/545 41 90/595 45 74/645 49 58 44/646 49 26/696 53 07 346 26 60/396 30 441446 34 29/496 38 13/546 41 97/596 45 82/646 49 66 52|647 49 33/697 53 15 347 26 68/397 30 52/447 34 36/497 38 21/547 42 05/597 45 89/647 49 74 60|648 49 41/698 53 22 348 26 75/398 30 60/448 34 44/498 38 28/548 42 13/598 45 97/648 49 81 649 49 49/699 53 30 349 26 83/399 30 67/449 34 52/499 38 361549 42 201599 46 05/649 49 89 From 300 to 699 lbs at 733c. or 7.65 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 750. or 7.70 650349 72 300323 10/350326 95/400330 80450834 65/500338 50/550342 35/600346 20 PPP PPP Ue oo o [or} -1 301 23 03351 26 85/401 30 68/451 34 50/501 38 33/551 42 15/601 45 98/651 49 80 301 23 18/351 27 03/401 30 88/451 34 73/501 38 58/551 42 43/601 46 28 302 23 10/352 26 93,402 30 75/452 34 58/502 38 40/552 42 23/602 46 05/652 49 88 302 23 25/352 27 10/402 30 95/452 34 80/502 38 65/552 42 50/602 46 35 303 23 18/353 27 00/403 30 83/453 34 65/503 38 48/553 42 30/603 46 13/653 49 95 303 23 33/353 27 18/403 31 03/453 34 88/503 38 73.553 42 58/603 46 43 304 23 26/354 27 08/404 30 91/454 34 73/504 38 56/554 42 38/604 46 21/654 50 03 304 23 41/354 27 26/404 31 11/454 34 96/504 38 81554 42 66/604 46 51 305 23 33/355 27 16/405 30 98/455 34 81/505 38 63/555 42 46/605 46 281655 50 11 305 23 48/355 27 33/405 31 18/455 35 03/505 38 88/555 42 73/605 46 58 306 23 41/356 27 23/406 31 06/456 34 88/506 38 71/556 42 53/606 46 36/656 50 18 306 23 56/356 27 41/406 31 26/456 35 11/506 38 96/556 42 81/606 46 66 307 23 49/357 27 31/407 31 14/457 34 96/507 38 79/557 42 611607 46 44/657 50 26 397 23 64/357 27 49/407 31 34/457 35 19/507 39 04/557 42 89/607 46 74 308 23 56/358 27 39/408 31 21/458 35 04/508 38 86/558 42 69/608 46 51/658 50 34 308 23 72/358 27 57/408 31 42/458 35 27/508 39 12/558 42 97/608 46 82 309 23 64/359 27 46/409 31 29/459 35 11/509 38 94/559 42 761609 46 59/659 50 41 309 23 79/359 27 64/409 31 49/459 35 34/509 39 19/559 43 04/609 46 89 310 23 71/360 27 54/410 31 36/460 35 19/510 39 01/560 42 84/610 46 66/660 50 49 310 23 87/360 27 72/410 31 57/460 35 42/510 39 27/560 43 12/610 46 97 311 23 79/361 27 62/411 31 44/461 35 27/511 39 091561 42 92 611 46 74/661 50 57 311 23 95/361 27 SO/411 31 65/461 35 50/511 39 35/561 43 20 312 23 87/362 27 69/412 31 52/462 35 34/512 39 17/562 42 99 313 23 94/363 27 77/413 31 5 314 24 02/364 27 85/414 31 6 315 24 10/365 27 92/415 31 7: 316 24 17/366 28 00/416 31 8: E 317 24 25/367 28 08/417 31 90/467 35 73 318 24 33/368 28 15/418 31 98/468 35 80 319 24 40/369 28 23/419 32 05/469 35 88/519 39 70 569 43 53 320 24 48/370 28 30/420 3: 321 24 56/371 28 38/421 322 24 63/372 28 46/422 323 24 71/373 28 53/423 32 324 24 79/374 28 61/424 325 24 86/375 28 69/425 326 24 94/376 28 76/426 327 25 02/377 28 84/427 328 25 09/378 28 92/498 329 25 17/379 28 99/429 2 39 42/562 43 27 3 39 50/563 43 35 4 39 58/564 43 43 5 39 65/565 43 50 6 7 2 46 82/662 50 64 312 24 02/362 27 87/412 31 72/462 35 57 46 89/663 50 72 313 24 10/363 27 95/413 31 80/463 35 65 664 50 80 | 314 24 18/364 28 03/414 31 88/464 35 73 5I 13 39 24/563 43 07/613 a 4 7 1 4 47 05/665 50 87 | 315 24 25/365 28 10/415 31 95/465 35 sae if 51 8 51 6 6 14 39 32/564 43 15/6 15 39 40/565 43 22/6 I 616 47 12/666 50 95 | 316 24 33/366 28 18/416 32 03/466 35 88 39 73/566 43 58 I 617 47 20/667 51 03 | 317 24 41/367 28 26/417 32 11/467 35 96 39 81/567 43 66 618 47 28/668 51 10 | 318 24 49/368 28 34/418 32 19/468 36 04/518 39 89/568 43 74 619 47 35/669 51 18 | 319 24 56/369 28 41/419 32 26/469 36 11/519 39 96/569 43 81 6 39 47/566 43 30 7 39 55/567 43 38 18 39 63/568 43 45 AHWAAIAIDAAD COnnahon— we ~ ew oS 2 13/470 35 95/520 39 78/570 43 60/620 47 43/670 51 25 | 390 24 64/370 28 49/420 32 34/470 36 19/520 40 04/570 43 891620 47 74 32 21/471 36 03/521 39 86/571 43 68/621 47 51/671 51 33 | 321 24 72/371 28 57/421 32 42/471 36 27/521 40 12/571 43 97/601 47 82 32 23/472 36 11/522 39 93/572 43 76/622 47 58/672 51 41 | 399 24 79/379 28 64/422 32 49|472 36 34/522 40 19/572 44 04/609 47 89 32 36/473 36 18/523 40 01/573 43 83/623 47 66/673 51 48 | 393 24 87/373 28 72/423 32 57/473 36 42/523 40 27/573 44 121603 47 97 32 44/474 36 26/524 40 09/574 43 91/624 47 74/674 51 56 | 394 24 95/374 28 80/424 32 65/474 36 50/524 40 35/574 44 201604 48 Os 32 51/475 36 34/525 40 16/575 43 99/625 47 81/675 51 64 | 395 25 02/375 28 87/425 32 72/475 36 57/525 40 42/576 44 271625 48 12 32 59/476 36 41/526 40 24/576 44 06/626 47 89/676 51 71 | 396 25 10/376 28 95/426 32 80/476 36 65/526 40 50/576 44 35/626 48 20 32 67/477 36 49/527 40 32/577 44 14/627 47 97/677 51 79 | 397 25 18/377 29 03/427 32 881477 36 73/527 40 58/577 44 43/607 48 23 32 74/478 36 57/528 40 39/578 44 22/628 48 04/678 51 87 | 398 25 26/378 29 11/428 32 96/478 36 81/528 40 66/578 44 51/628 48 36 32 82/479 36 64/529 40 47/579 44 29/629 48 12/679 51 94 | 399 25 33/379 29 18/429 33 03/479 36 881529 40 73/579 44 58/609 48 43 330 29 24/380 29 07/430 32 89]480 36 72/530 40 54/580 44 37/630 48 19/680 52 02 | 330 25 41/380 29 261430 33 11/480 36 961530 40 81/580 44 Gol63O 48 51 331 25 32/381 29 15/431 32 97/481 36 80/531 40 62/581 44 45/631 48 27/681 52 10 | 331 25 491381 29 34/431 33 19/481 37 04/631 40 89\b81 44 74 631 48 59 332 25 40)382 29 22/432 33 05/482 36 87/532 40 70/582 44 52/632 48 35/682 52 17 332 25 56/382 29 41/432 33 26/482 37 11/532 40 96/582 44 811632 48 66 333 25 47/383 29 30/433 33 12/483 36 95/533 40 77/583 44 60/633 48 42/683 52 25 333 25 64/383 29 491433 33 34/483 37 191533 41 04/583 44 89/633 48 74 334 29 55/384 29 33/434 33 20/484 37 03/534 40 85/584 44 68/634 48 50/684 52 33 334 25 72/384 29 57/434 33 42/484 37 27/534 41 12/584 44 971634 48 82 335 25 63/385 29 45/435 33 28/485 37 10/535 40 93/585 44 75/635 48 58/685 52 40 | 335 25 791385 29 64/435 33 491485 37 34/535 41 101585 45 041635 48 80 336 25 70/386 29 53/436 33 35/486 37 18|536 41 00/586 44 83/636 48 65/686 52 48 | 336 25 87/386 29 72/436 33 57/486 37 12/636 41 7/686 45 12 636 48 97 337 35 78/387 29 61|437 33 43/487 37 26537 41 08/587 44 91/637 48 73/687 52 56 | 337 25 95/387 29 801437 33 651487 37 50 537 41 35/587 45 201637 49 05 338 25 86/388 29 68/438 33 51/488 37 33/538 41 16/588 44 98/638 48 81/688 52 63 | 338 26 03/388 29 88/438 33 73/488 37 ESIEBS 41 13/688 45 28/638 49 13 339 25 93/389 29 76/439 33 58/489 37 41/539 41 23/589 45 06 639 48 88/689 52 71 339 26 10/389 29 95/439 33 80/489 37 65/539 41 50/589 45 35 639 49 20 340 26 01/390 29 83/440 33 66 490 37 45/540 41 31/590 45 13/640 48 96/690 52 78 340 26 18/390 30 03/440 33 88/490 37 73/540 41 58/590 45 43/640 49 28 341 26 09/391 38 91/441 33 74/491 37 56/541 41 39/591 45 21/641 49 04/691 52 86 341 26 26/391 30 11/441 33 96/491 37 81/541 41 66/591 45 51/641 49 36 342 a6 16 392 29 99/442 33 81/492 37 64/542 41 46/592 45 29/642 49 11/692 52 94 342 26 33/392 30 18/442 34 03/492 37 88/542 41 73/592 45 58/642 49 43 343 26 24 393 30 06/443 33 89/493 37 71/543 41 54/593 45 36/643 49 19/693 53 01 343 26 41/393 30 26/443 34 11/493 37 96/543 41 81/593 45 66/643 49 51 344 26 32/394 30 14 444 33 97/494 37 79/544 41 62/594 45 44/644 49 27/694 53 09 344 26 49/394 30 34/444 34 19/494 38 04/544 41 89/594 45 74/644 49 59 345 26 39 395 30 22 445 34 04/495 37 87/545 41 69/595 45 52/645 49 34/695 53 17 345 26 56395 30 41/445 34 26/495 38 11/545 41 96/595 45 81/645 49 66 346 26 47/396 30 29/446 34 12/496 37 94/546 41 77/596 45 59 646 49 42/696 53 24 346 26 64396 30 49/446 34 34/496 38 19/546 42 04/596 45 89/646 49 74 347 26 55/397 30 3 447 34 20/497 38 02/547 41 85/597 45 67/647 49 50/697 53 32 347 26 72/397 30 57/447 34 42 497 38 27/547 42 12/597 45 97/647 49 82 651 50 05 652 50 12. 653 50 20 | 654 50 28 655 50 35 656 50 43 657 50 51. 658 50 58 659 50 66. 660 50 74 661 50 81 663 50 97 664 51 04 665 51 12 666 51 20 667 51 28 668 51 35 669 51 43 670 51 51 671 51 58 673 51 74 674 51 81 675 51 89 676 51 97 677 52 04 678 52 12 679 52 20 | 680 52 27 681 52 35 682 52 40 683 52 51 686 52 74 687 52 81 688 52 89 689 52 97 690 53 04 691 53 12 692 53 20 693 53 27 694 53 35 695 53 43 696 53 50 697 53 58 698 53 66 699 53 74 650850 05 651 50 13 652 50 20 653 50 28 654 50 36 655 50 43 656 50 51 657 50 59 658 50 67 659 50 74 660 50 82 5/661 50 90 — 662 50 97 663 51 05 664 51 13 5/665 51 20 3/666 51 28 667 51 36 668 51 44 5/669 51 51 670 51 59 671 51 67 672 51 74 673 51 82 674 51 90 675 51 97 676 52 05 677 52 13 7 348 26 62/398 30 45 448 34 27/498 38 10/548 41 92/598 45 75/648 49 57/698 53 40 348 26 80/398 30 65/448 34 50/498 38 35/548 42 20/598 46 05/648 49 90 349 26 70/399 30 5 449 34 35/499 38 15|549 42 00/599 45 82 649 49 651699 53 47 | 349 26 87399 30 72'449 34 57/499 38 42/549 42 27/599 46 121649 49 97 698 53 82 650349 97 | 662 50 89) | 672 51 66 | | 684 5258 ) 685 52 66. » CoTTon SELLER'S TABLE. 263 From 300 to 699 lbs at 7ic. or 7.75 From 300 to 699 Ibs as Tito. or 7-813 a ee aeeee 25/360827 12/400331 00/450334 87/500838 75|550%42 621600846 50 650850 37 300323 44 350827 34/400331 25/450835 16 1500839 06/5. 550342 97/600846 87650350 78 301 23 33/351 27 20/401 31 08/451 34 95/501 38 83/551 42 70601 46 58/651 50 45 301 23 52)351 an 42/401 31 33/451 35 23/501 39 14/551 43 05/601 46 95/651 50 86 « 302 33 40/352 27 28/402 31 15/452 35 03/502 38 90/552 42 78 (602 46 65/652 50 53 302 23 59/352 27 50/402 31 41/452 35 31.502 39 22/552 43 12/602 47 03 652 50 94 303 23 48/353 27 36/403 31 23/453 35 11/503 38 98|553 42 86) 603 46 73/653 50 61 303 23 67 353 27 58/403 31 48/453 35 39.503 39 30553 43 20/603 47 11/653 51 02 304 23 56/354 27 43/404 31 31/454 35 18/504 39 06/554 42 93/604 46 81 654 50 68 304 23 75/354 27 66/404 31 56/454 35 47.504 39 37 328 9/654 51 09 305 23 64/355 27 51/405 31 39/455 35 26/505 39 141555 43 01/605 46 89/655 50 76 305 23 83/355 27 73/405 31 64/455 35 55/505 39 45) 7/655 51 17 306 23 71/356 27 59/406 31 46/456 35 34/506 39 21/556 43 09/606 46 96 /656 50 84 306 2®91/356 27 81/406 31 72/456 35 62/506 39 53 656 51 25 307 23 79/357 27 67\407 31 54/457 35 42 507 389 29/557 43 17/607 47 04! 1657 50 92 307 23 98/357 27 89/407 31 80/457 35 70) |507 39 61 7 42/657 51 33 308 23 87/358 27 74/408 31 62/458 35 49/508 39 37/558 43 24/608 47 12/658 50 99 308 24 06/358 27 97/408 31 87/458 35 78) |508 39 69 50/658 51 41 1 81470 36 72|520 40 62 321 24 88/371 28 75/421 32 63/471 36 50/521 40-38/571 44 25/601 48 13/671 52 00 321 25 08/371 28 98/421 32 891471 36 ealeae 40 70 322 24 95)372 28 83/422 32 70/472 36 58/522 40 451579 44 33 622 48 20/672 52 08 | 399 25 16/372 29 06/422 32 97/472 36 87) |522 40 78) 323 25 03/373 28 91/423 32 78/473 36 66|523 40 53/573 44 41/623 48 28/673 52 16 | 393 25 23/373 20 14/423 33 05473 36 95523 40 86 324 25 11/374 28 98/424 32 86\q74 36 73/524 40 61/574 44 48/624 48 36/674 52 23 | 394 25 3} 374 29 22/424 33 12/474 37 03/524 40 94 325 25 19/375 29 06/425 32 94/475 36 81/525 40 69/575 44 561625 48 44/675 52 31 | 305 25 39/375 59 30/425 33 20/475 37 11/525 41 02 326 25 26/376 29 14/426 33 01/476 36 89/526 40 76/576 44 641626 48 51/676 52 39 326 25 47/376 29 37/426 33 28.476 37 19/526 41 09| $27 25 34/377 29 22/427 33 09/777 36 97/527 40 84/577 44 721607 48 591677 52 47 327 25 55377 29 45\427 33 36.477 37 27/527 41 17 328 25 42/378 29 29/428 33 17/478 37 04/528 40 92/578 44 79/628 48 671678 52 54 328 25 62/378 29 53/428 33 44.478 37 34/598 41 25 329 25 50/379 29 37/429 33 25/479 37 12|529 41 00/579 44 871609 48 75/679 52 62 | 329 25 70/379 29 61/429 33 52/479 37 42/599 41 331 330 25 57/380 29 45/430 33 32/480 37 20/530 41 07 580 44 95/630 48 82/680 52 70 | 330 25 78/380 29 691430 33 59|480 37 50/530 41 41 331 25 65/381 29 53/431 33 40/481 37 28/531 41 15/581 45 03/631 48 90/681 52 78 331 25 86/381 29 77/431 33 67/481 37 58/531 41 48| 332 25 73/382 29 60/432 33 48\482 37 35/532 41 23/582 45 10|632 48 93/682 52 85 | 339 25 94/382 29 $4 432 33 75/482 37 66|532 41 56 333 25 81/383 29 68/433 33 56/483 37 43/533 41 31/583 45 181633 49 06/683 52 93 333 26 02/383 29 92/433 33 83/483 37 73/533 41 64 37 37 37 5 35 309 23 95/359 27 82/409 31 70/459 35 57/509 39 45/559 43 32/609 47 90/659 51 07 | 309 24 14/359 28 05/409 31 95/459 35 86/509 39 77 |659 51 48 310 24 02/360 27 90/410 31 77/460 35 65/510 39 52/560 43 40/610 47 27/660 51 15 310 24 22/360 28 12/410 32 03/460 35 94/510 39 84| : 36/660 51 56 311 24 10/361 27 98/411 31 85/461 35 73/511 39 6O/5GI 43 48/611 47 35.661 51 23 311 24 30/361 28 20/411 32 11/461 36 02/511 39 92 3 8: 3/661 51 64 312 24 18/362 28 05/412 31 93/462 35 80|512 39 68/562 43 551612 47 431662 51 30 | 312 24 37/362 28 28/412 32 19/462 36 09/512 40 00/562 43 91/612 47 S1lggo a1 72 313 24 26/363 28 13/413 32 01/463 35 88/513 39 76|563 43°631613 47 51/663 51 38 313 24 45/363 28 36.413 32 27/463 36 17/513 40 08/563 43 98/613 47 89/663 51 80 314 24 33/364 28 21/414 32 08/464 35 96/514 39 83/564 43 71/614 47 581664 51 46 314 24 53/364 28 44.414 32 34/464 36 25/514 40 16/564 44 06.614 47 97/664 51 87 315 24 41/364 28 29/415 32 16/465 36 04/515 39 91/565 43 791615 47 GGIBGS 51 54 315 24 61/365 28 52.415 32 42/465 36 33/515 40 23/565 44 14/615 48 05/665 51 95 316 24 49/366 28 36/416 32 24/466 36 11/516 39 99 566 43 86/616 47 74/666 51 61 316 24 69/366 28 59.416 32 50.466 36 41/516 40 31/566 44 22/616 48 12/666 52 03 317 24 57/367 28 44/417 32 32/467 36 19517 40 07/567 43 94/617 47 821667 51 69 317 24 77/367 28 67/417 32 58/467 36 48/517 40 39/567 44 30/617 48 20/667 52 11 318 24 64/368 28 52/418 32 39/568 36 27/518 40 14/568 44 02 618 47 89/668 51 77 318 24 84/368 28 75.418 32 66.468 36 56/518 40 47/568 44 37/618 48 28/668 52 19 319 24 72/369 28 60/419 32 47/569 36 35/519 40 22/569 44 10/619 47 971669 51 85 319 24 92/369 28 83/419 32 73469 36 64) |519 40 55 5} 8 36} 52 2 320 24 80/370 28 67/420 32 55/570 36 42/590 40 30 570 44 17/620 48 05/670 51 92 320 25 00/370 28 91/420 32 6 52 3 32 5 32 5 26/634 49 13/684 53 01 | 334 26 09/384 30 00|434 33 91/484 334 25 88/384 29 76) |434 33 63/484 37 51/534 41 38 584 45 81/534 41 72 335 25 96/385 29 84/435 33 71 485 37 59/535 41 46/585 45 336 26 04/386 29 91/436 33 79/486 37 66/536 41 54 586 337 26 12/387 29 99/437 33 87/487 37 74/537 41 62 587 338 26 19/388 30 07/438 33 94/488 37 821538 41 69 588 339 26 27/389 30 15/439 34 02/489 37 90/539 41 77 589 34/635 49 21/685 53 09 335 26 17/385 30 08/435 33 98/485 2 41/636 49 29/686 53 16 | 336 26 25/386 30 16/436 34 06/486 9 5 49/637 49 37/687 53 24 | 337 26 33/387 30 23/437 34 14/487 38 05/537 41 95/587 45 86/637 49 77|687 53 67 5 a) 89/535 41 80 5 5) 5 57/638 49 44/688 53 32 338 26 41/388 30 311438 34 2 488 38 12/538 42 03/588 45 94/638 49 84! 688 53 75 > 5 5 5 97/536 41 87/586 45 78/636 49 69/66 53 59 Dd 5 65/639 49 52/689 53 40 | 339 26 48/389 30 39/439 34 30/489 38 20/539 42 11/589 46 02|639 49 92/689 53 83 340 26 35/390 30 22/440 34 10/490 37 97/540 41 S5l590 72/640 49 60/690 53 47 | 340 26 56/390 30 47/440 34 37/490 38 28/540 42 191590 46 091640 50 00/690 53 91 341 26 43/391 30 30 441 34 18/491 38 05/541 41 93/591 45 Solel 49 6SIB9I 53 55 341 26 64/391 30 55/441 34 45/491 38 36/541 42 27/591 46 17/641 50 08/691 53 98 342 26 50/392 30 38442 34 25/492 38 13/542 42 OOlEg2 45 Ssiga2 49 75/692 53 63 | 349 26 72/392 30 62/442 34 53/492 38 44/542 42 341592 46 251642 50 16/692 54 06 343 26 58/393 30 46/443 34 33/493 38 21/543 42 03/593 45 96 9 83/693 53 71 | 343 26 80/393 30 70/443 34 61.493 38 52/543 42 42/593 46 33/643 50 23/693 54 14 344 26 66/394 30 53/444 34 41/494 38 28 544 42 16/594 46 03/644 49 911694 53 7 344 26 87/394 30 73/444 34 69/494 38 59/544 42 501594 46 41/644 50 311694 54 22 275 28 741385 30 61/445 34 491495 38 36/545 42 24|596 46 111645 49 99|695-53 86 | 345 D6 95/398 30 SElaae a4 TolagE oe os 545 42 58/595 46 48/645 50 39/695 54 30 346 26 81/396 30 69.446 34 56/496 38 44/546 42 31/596 46 19/646 50 06/696 53 94 || 346 27 03/396 30 94/446 34 84/496 38 751546 42 661596 46 56/646 50 47 696 54 37 347 26 89397 30 77/447 34 64/497 38 52547 42 34/597 46 271647 50 141697 34 02 347 27 11/397 31 02/447 34 92/497 38 83/547 42 73/597 46 64/647 50 55/697 54 45 348 26 97/398 30 84/448 34 72/498 38 59/548 42 471598 46-34|648 50 221698 34 09 348 27 19/398 31 09/448 35 00498 38 91/548 42 81/598 46 72/648 50 62/698 54 53 349 27 05/399 30 92/449 34 80/499 38 67/549 42 55'599 46 42/649 50 30 699 5417 | 349 27 27/399 31 171449 35 08.499 38 981549 42 891599 46 80 649 50 70/699 54 61 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 7: ec. or 7.80 From 300 to 699 lbs at 7i5c. or 7.85 300823 40350327 30/400831 20/450835 10/500539 001550842 90|600846 Soles0as0 7 300823 55/350827 47|400831 40/450835 32500839 25 550843 171600847 101650851 02 301 23 48351 27 38.401 31 28451 35 18 501 39 08 551 42 OSIBDI 46 SSiesT a0 vs | souee3 8S 351 27 55/401 31 48]451 35 401501 39 33551 43 25.601 47 18/651 51 10 ooe 3s OslGhd 3 Selduy oo agltee 35 26/502 39 16/552 43 O6l602 46 96/652 50 86 | 302 23 71l3E2 2 631402 31 Sblae2 se abloy oe 41552 43 33.602 47 26/652 51 18 303 23 63/353 27 53.403 31 43/453 35 33/503 34 231553 43 13/603 47 031683 20 03 | Soe 33 79.353 27 71/403 31 64/453 35 561503 39 49.553 43 41603 47 34/653 51 26 i 61/404 31 51/454 35 41.504 30 31.554 43 21/604 47 11/654 51 01 | soa 23 a6 354 27 79|404 31 71/454 35 64/504 39 56 554 43 49 604 47 41/654 51 34 Bee eco nob a oe [nub SI, 59\455,25. 49/805 20 7/405 31 79/455 35 72/505 39 64.555 43 571605 47 491655 51 42 306 23 87/356 27 77/406 31 67.456 35 57, ee 39555 43 29/605 47 19/655 51 09 305 23 94/355 27 8 | 39 47/556 43 37/606 47 27/656 51 17 306 24 02/356 27 95/406 31 87/456 35 80|506 39 72/556 43 65/606 47 57/656 51 50 307 23 95.357 27 85407 31 75.487 35 55 557 43 45/607 47 35/657 51 25 | 307 24 10/357 28 02|407 31 95/457 35 871507 39 80.857 43 T2leoY 4% esleby ai oe B08 24 02/358 37 92/408 31 82/458 35 72/508 39 62/558 43 521608 47 42\658 51 32 | Som st telsey oo oolag ob 95/eB2 35 87 508 39 88.558 43 801608 47 73/658 51 65 309 24 10/359 28 00.409 31 90 459 35 80.809 30 70.889 43 GolebD 47 solees cL oe 309 24 26/359 28 18/409 32 11/459 36 03.509 39 96 859 43 88\609 47 81/689 51 73 310 24 18/360 28 08/410 31 98/460 35 88/510 39 781560 43 G8)610 47 58660 51 48 | 310 24 33/360 28 26/410 32 18|460 36 11/510 40 03.560 43 96 0 47 88/660 51 81 311 24 26/361 28 16.411 32 06/461 35 96514 39 86/561 43 12 24 34/362 28 24/412 32 14/462 36 04/512 39 94.562 43 84 2 36 11513 40 01/563 43 91 A 47 96/661 51 89 6 4 40 09/564 43 99/6 6 6 6 6 48 04/662 51 97 48 12/663 52 05 ‘ 7 66/661 5156 | 311 24 41/361 28 34/411 32 26/461 36 19/511 40 11 ‘561 44 04 ! ‘ 3 4 48 20/664 52 12 5 6 7 74/662 51 64 | 312 24 49/362 28 42/412 32 34/462 36 271512 40 19.562 44 12 6 1 2 6 2 2 6 3 47 81/663 51 71 | 313 24 57/363 28 50/413 32 42/463 36 35/513 40 27 |563 44 20/6 : 47 89/664 51 79 | 314 24 65/364 28 57/414 32 50/464 36 421514 40 35.564 44 D7 6 2 6 6 ) 6 7 2 6 6 40 17 565 44 07 48 28/665 52 20 Wwwww 5 5 47 97/665 51 87 | 315 24 73/365 28 65/415 32 58/465 36 50/515 40 43/565 44 35 6 40 25 566 44 15,616-48 05/666 51 95 | 316 >4 81 366 28 73/416 32 66,466 36 58/516 40 51.566 44 43/616 48 36/666 52 28 7 40 33567 44 23617 48 13/667 52 03 | 317 24 88/367 28 81/417 32 731467 36 66.517 40 58/567 44 51/617 48 43/667 52 36 8 40 40 568 44 30.618 48 20/668 52 10 | 318 24 96/368 28 89/418 32 81468 36 74.618 40 GO EBS 44 29 8 48 51/668 52 44 ie 9 40 48/569 44 33/619 48 28/669 52 18 | 319 25 04/369 28 97/419 32 89/469 36 82/519 40 74 569 44 67/619 48 59/669 52 52 : 2 76/470 36 66/520 40 56/570 44 46, (620 48 36/670 52 26 | 390 25 12/370 29 04/420 32 97/470 36 89/520 40 82/570 44 74/620 48 67/670 52 59 Been eae oe esl 32 84471 36 74/521 40 64/571 44 54/691 48 44lg71 52 34 | Sot 25 20/371 29 12/421 33 05/471 36 97.521 40 90)571 44 82/621 48 75/671 52 67 g 50 OOS oo onlaz2 36 82/522 40 72/572 44 62/692 48 52/672 52 42 5 28/372 29 20/422 33 13)472 37 05 522 40 98.572 44 90/622 48 83.672 52 75 $23 25 19/873 29 09423 32 99.473 36 89/523 40 79/573 44 69/623 48 59/673 52 49 25 36/373 29 28/423 33 21/473 37 13/523 41 06/573 44 98/623 48 91/673 52 83 $24 25 27/374 29 17/424 33 07/474 36 97/524 40 87/574 44 771624 48 671674 52 57 5 43/374 29 36/424 33 28/474 37 21/524 41 13/574 45 06/624 48 98674 52 91 325 25 35/375 29 25.426 33 15/475 37 05/525 40 95/575 44 851625 48 75/675 52 GS 5 51/375 29 44/425 33 36/475 37 29/525 41 21/575 45 141625 49 06/675 52 99 826 25 43/376 29 33'426 33 23476 37 13/526 41 03/576 44 931626 48 831676 52 7° 25 59/376 29 52/426 33 44/476 37 37526 41 29576 45 22/626 49 141676 53 07 P 21/527 41 11/577 45 01/627 48 91/677 52 81 67/377 29 59/427 33 52/477 37 44/527 41 37/577 45 291627 49 22.677 53 14 28 528 41 18 578 45 03/628 48 98/678 52 88 5 75/378 29 67/428 33 60/478 37 52/528 41 45578 45 37/628 49 301678 53 22 37 37 37 37 ST ST C109 Fe ‘ ‘ € 34 30/029 41 26/579 45 16629 49 06/679 52 96 | 399 25 831379 29 75/499 33 68I479 37 G0.E09 41 33879 45 doles 49 aelbee 8 se 7 44530 41 34/580 45 24) /630 49 14680 53 04 | 330 25 90.389 29 83/430 33 75/480 9 45/680 53 38 752531 41 42/581 45 32/631 49 22/681 53 12 | 331 25 98/381 29 91/431 33 83/481 37 76/531 41 68581 45 61/631 49 53681 53-46 + G7lbog dt 2282 43 401632 49 30/682 53 20 | 332 26 06/382 29 99/432 33 911482 37 841532 41 76.582 43 G9IBS2 49 61682 53 54 ae Ms By palpod 41 57/583 45 47/633 49 37\683 53 27 | 333 26 14/383 30 071433 33 99/483 37 921633 41 $4683 45 77 633 49 69/683 53 62 334 26 05384 29 95 434 33 Oader oe ao lOo4 41 65/584 45 55/634 49 45/684 53 35 | 334 26 2Q2l\9g4 30 14/434 34 O7l484 37 99 534. 41 92584 45 84/634 49 77/684 53 69 335 26 13/385 30 03) 435 33 93485 387 83.535 41 73/585 45 63/635 49 53/685 53 43 | 335 26 30 385 30 22/435 34 15/485 38 07/535 42 00/585 45 921635 49 $5/685 53 77 336 26 21/386 30 11/436 34 011486 37 91) 936 41 81/586 45 71/636 49 61/686 53.51 | 336 26 38 386 30 30/436 34 23/486 38 15/536 42 08/586 46 00/636 49 93/686 53 85 337 26 29/387 30 19/437 34 09/487 37 99/537 41 891587 45 791637 49 6olea7 33 59 337 26 45/387 30 38/437 34 30/487 38 23/537 42 15/587 46 OS1637 50 001687 53 93 338 26 36388 30 26/438 34 Simoes 06 538 41 96/588 45 86/638 49 76/688 53 66 | 338 26 53/388 30 46/438 34 38/488 38 31/538 42 23/588 46 16/638 50 08 688 54 U1 389 26 £5 )889 30 34/439 34 24/489 38 14/539 42 04/589 45 94/639 49 B4lggg 53 74 | S30 56 oF 389 30 54/439 34 46 489 38 39/539 42 31/589 46 241639 50 16.689 54 09 26 52/390 30 42/440 34 340 38 22/840 42 12/590 46 02/640 49 92/690 53 82 | 340 26 69/390 30 61/440 34 54/490 38 461640 42 30le90 46 31 640 50 24690 54 16 B41 26 60/391 30 50/441 34 40/491 38 30/541 42 20/591 46 10/641 50 OUlgg1 53 90 | Say on oF 391 30 69/441 34 62/491 38 54/541 42 47/591 46 39/641 50 32/691 54 24 B42 26 63/392 30 58442 34 48/492 38 38/542 42 28/592 46 181642 50 O8\g92 53 98 | Sah on oe 392 30 77/442 34 70/492 38 62/542 42 55/592 46 47/642 50 40692 54 32 G48 26 715993 30 65/443 34 55/493 38 45|543 42 35/593 46 251643 50 151693 5405 | Sag a6 Sa 393 30 85/443 34 78|493 38 70 543 42 63/693 46 59]643 50 48.693 54 40 BAe 5G 33388 30 73/444 34 63/494 38 53.544 42 43/594 46 33/644 50 231694 54 13 | Sah 27 00) 394 30 93/444 34 85/494 38 78/544 42 70/594 46 63/644 50 55.694 54 48 Bap 36 91395 30 81/445 34 71/495 38 61/545 42 51/595 46 41.645 50 311695 54 21 | Sa oy on 395 31 01/445 34 93/495 38 86/545 42 731595 46 711645 50 631695 54 567 346 26 99.396 30 89.446 34 79.496 38 6 by 546 42 59/596 46 49/646 50 39/696 54 29 | 346 27 16|396 31 09/446 35 01/496 38 94/546 42 S6ls96 46 T5Ie46 50 71/696 54 64 347 27 07.397 30 97.447 34 87.497 38 77 547 42 oy /o92 46 57647 50 47/697 54 37 | 347 27 24397 31 16/447 35 09/497 39 011847 42 94/597 46 Sule47 50 791697 54 71 348 27 14398 31 04/448 34 94/498 38 84.548 42 74/598 46 64.648 50 54/698 34 44 | Sa 27 32/398 31 24/448 35 17/498 39 09/548 43 021598 46 94/648 50 87/698 54 79 349 27 22/399 31 12/449 35 021499 38 921549 42 82/599 46 72.649 20 Go 699 54 52 | 349 27 40/399 31 32/449 35 25/499 39 17 68/530 41 60/580 45 5: w =) © —) ha . 10/467 37 07 41 04/567 45 O1 18/468 87 15/518 41 12/568 45 08/618 49 05/668 53 02 % 26/469 37 23/519 41 20/569 45 16/619 49 13/669 53 10 ~ 33 34/470 37 31/520 41 27/570 45 24/620 49 21/670 53 18 33 42/471 37 39/521 41 35/571 45 32/621 49 29/671 53 26 | 3367 29 13/417 1368 29 2 71/567 44 65) 79/568 44 73 87/569 44 81 95/570 44 89 03/571 44 97 - Coieeat ee if ony 264 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at Zic. or 7-873 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 73ic. or 7. 933 ' pe, wld is 300823 62)350827 56)400331 50/450335 44/500%39 37/550343 31/600347 25/650851 19 | 300823 $1)\350827 78/400831 75/450835 72)500839 69/550343 66/600147 62/650851 59 301 23 70/351 27 64/401 31 58/451 35 52/501 39 45/551 43 39/601 47 33/651 51 27 301 23 89/351 27 86/401 31 83/451 385 80/501 389 77/551 43 74/601 47 TO/G51 51 67 302 23 78/352 27 72/402 31 66/452 35 59/502 39 53/552 43 t 602 47 41/652 51 34 302 23 97,352 27 94/402 31 91/452 35 88/502 39 85/552 43 81/602 47 78/652 51 75 303 23 86/353 27 80/403 31 74/453 35 67/503 39 61/553 43 55/603 47 49/653 51 42 303 24 05.353 28 02/403 31 99/453 35 96/503 39 93/553 43 89/603 47 86/653 51 83 304 23 94/354 27 88/404 31 81\454 85 75/504 39 69/554 43 63 604 47 56/654 51 50 304 24 13/354 28 10/404 32 07/454 36 04/504 40 00/554 43 97/604 47 94/654 51 91 305 24 02/355 27 96/405 31 89/455 35 83/505 39 77/555 43 71/605 47 64/655 51 58 24 21/355 28 32 15/455 36 12/505 +0 08/555 44 05/605 48 02/655 51 99 306 24 10/356 28 03/406 31 97)456 35 91/506 39 85/556 43 78/606 47 72\656 51 66 24 2 28 26 32 23/456 36 19/506 40 16/556 44 13/606 48 10/656 52 ov 24 18 2 407 82 05/457 385 99/507 39 93/557 43 86 ¢ 80/657 51 7 32 31/457 36 27/507 40 24/557 44 21/607 48 18/657 52 15 24 25 9/408 32 36 00/558 43 94 3 P 32 38/458 36'35|/508 40 32/558 44 29/608 48 26/658 52 23 2 409 08|559 44 02) 32 46/459 36 43/509 40 40/559 44 37/609 48 34/659 52 31 35/410 16/560 44 10 32 54/460 36 51/510 40 48/560 44 45/610 48 42/660 52 39 : 0 24/561 44 18 32 62)461 36 59/511 40 56/561 44 53/611 48 50/661 52 47_ 0 32/562 44 26 32 70|462 36 67/512 40 64/562 44 61/612 48 58/662 52 55 0 40/563 44 34 32 78/463 36 75/513 40 72/563 44 69\G13 48 66/663 52 63 0 48/564 44 41 92 32 86/464 36 83/514 40 80/564 44 77/614 48 74/664 52 70 56/565 44 49 5 |365 28 ¢ 32 94/465 36 91/515 40 88/565 44 85\/615 48 82/665 52 78 0 63/566 44 57 3/366 29 05/416 33 02/466 36 99 alg 40 96/566 44 93/616 48 89/666 52 86 z 33 17 617 33 51 61 33 11/572 45 04 3 50/472 37 46/522 41 43/572 45 40/622 49 37/672 53 34 19/573 45 12/623 49 8/473 37 54/523 41 51/573 45 48/623 49 45/673 53 42 26 5 20/624 49 35/474 37 62/524 41 59/574 45 56/624 49 53/674 53 50° 4 34 8/625 49 22 3/475 37 70/525 41 67/575 45 64/625 49 61/6765 53 58 ; 4 D a) 5 72/626 49 69/676 53 66 2) 42/576 45 36/626 49 : 476 37 78|526 41 75|576 50/577 45 44/627 49 38 89/477 37 86|527 41 83/577 45 80/627 49 77/677 53 74 58|578 45 52/628 49 4° 97/478 37 94/528 41 91/578 45 883/628 49 85/678 53 82 66)579 45 60/629 49 5: 5/479 38 02/529 41 99/579 45 96629 49 93/679 53 90 33 86| 74/580 45 67/630 49 6 3/480 38 10/530 42 07/580 46 04630 50 01/680 53 97 — 33 94/481 37 8 82/581 45 75/631 49 6 481 38 18/531 42 15|581 46 12/631 50 09/681 54 05. $1432 34 02/482 37 96/532 41 89/582 45 83/632 49 29/482 38 26/532 42 23/582 46 20632 50 16|682 54 13 5433 34 10/483 38 04/533 41 97/583 45 91/633 49 85 483 38 34/533 42 31/583 46 28/633 50 24/683 54 21 5/484 38 42/534 42 39/584 46 35/634 50 32/684 54 29 3/485 38 50/535 42 47/585 46 43/635 50 40/685 54 37 486 38 58/536 42 54/586 46 51/636 50 48/686 54 45 ~ 39/487 388 66/537 42 62/587 46 59/637 50 56/687 54 53 488 38 73/538 42 70/588 46 67/638 50 64/688 54 61 5/489 38 81/539 42 78/589 46 75/639 50 72/689 54 69 | 5 92/450 38 89/540 42 86/590 46 83/640 50 80/690 54 77 391 31 04/441 35 00/491 38 97/541 42 94/591 46 91/641 50 88/691 54 85 | 5/392 31 11/442 35 08/482 39 05/542 43 02/592 46 99/642 50 96/692 54 93° 23/393 31 19/443 35 16/493 39 13/543 43 10593 47 07/643 51 04/693 55 01 © 394 31 27/444 35 24/494 39 21/544 43 18/594 47 15/644 51 12/694 55 09 35/445 35 32/495 39 29/545 43 26/595 47 23/645 51 20/695 5517 3/446 35 40/496 39 37/546 43 34/596 47 31/646 51 28/696 55 24 1 24/434 34 18/484 38 11/534 42 05/584 45 99/634 49 93) 2\435 34 26/485 38 19/535 42 13 1585 46 07/635 50 436 34 33) 486 38 27/536 42 21 |586 46 15/636 50 8/437 34 41/487 38 35/537 42 29/587 46 23/637 50 5/438 34 49 ‘488 38 43/538 42 37 588 46 30/638 50 2 33/439 34 57/489 38 51/539 42 45/589 46 38/639 50 3: 440 34 65,490 38 59/540 42 5: 2/590 46 46/640 50 9/441 34 73/491 38 67/541 42 60/591 46 54/641 50 87/442 34 81| |492 38 74/542 42 68/592 46 62/642 50 56 343 27 01/393 «0 95/443 34 89 1493 38 82/543 42 76)593 46 70/643 50 6 344 27 09/394 31 03/444 34 96/494 38 90/544 42 84/594 46 73/644 50 345 27 17/395 31 11445 35 04,495 38 98545 42 92 595 46 86645 50 7 346 27 25/396 31 18446 35 12) 496 39 06/546 43 00 596 46 93 \646 50 87 847, 27 33/397 31 26)447 35 20 497 39 14/547 43 03/597 47 01/647 50 95 447 35 48/497 39 45/547 43 42 597 47 39/647 51 36/697 55 32 — 348 27 40/398 31 34.448 35 28.498 39 22548 43 15.598 47 09/648 51 03/698 54 97 | 348 27 62/398-31 591448 35 56498 39 53/548 43 50/598 47 47\648 51 43/698 55 40 349 27 49399 31 42449 35 36.499 39 30549 43 23/599 47 17/649 51 11/699 55 0d | 349 27 70/399 31 67/449 35 641499 39 611549 43 581599 47 55/649 51 51/699 55 a | From 306 to 699 lbs at 7c. or 7.90 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 72ic. or 7.95 23 851350827 82/400331 80/450335 77) 500839 7 5650343 72600347 70/650351 67 93/351 27 90\401 31 88451 35 85/501 39 83/551 43 80/601 47 78/651 51 75 352 27 98/402 31 96/452 35 93/502 39 91/552 43 S8\602 47 86/652 51 83 28 06/403 32 04/453 36 01/503 39° 99/553 43 96/603 47 94,653 51 91 28 14/404 32 12/454 36 09/504 40 07/554 44 04/604 48 02/654 51 99 zh 28 22/405 32 20/455 36 17/505 40 15/555 44 12/605 48 10\655 52 07 28 30/406 32 23/456 36 25/506 40 23.556 44 20/606 48 18/656 52° at zi 28 38/407 32 36/457 36 33/507 40 31/557 44 28/607 48 26/657 52 2. 55!500839 50|550843 45 \eo0347 40 1650851 35 [501 39 58/551 43 \601 47 48/651 51 43 302 23 86.352 27 81/402 31 76.452 71/562 39 66552 43 61/602 47 56/652 51 51 303 23 94/353 27 89/403 31 84/453 79/503 39 74,553 43 69 603 47 64,653 51 59 304 24 02/354 27 97/404 31 92/454 35 87 504 39 82/554 43 77/604 47 72/654 51 67 305 24 09/355 28 04/405 31 99/455 35 94/505 39 89 \555 43 84/605 47 79/655 51 7 306 24 17/356 28 12/406 32 07/456 36 02506 39 97/556 43 92/606 47 57/656 51 82 300823 701350827 65/400331 60/4503 301 23 78351 27 73/401 31 68/451 77/437 34 74/487 38 72/537 85/488 34 82/488 38 80/538 42 77/588 46 75/638 50 72/688 54 70 93/439 34 90/489 38 88/539 42 85/589 46 83/639 50 80/689 54 738 00/440 34 98/490 38 95/540 42 93/590 46 90/640 50 88/690 54 85 OS|441 35 06/491 39 03/541 43 01/591 46 98\641 50 96)691 54.93 16/442 35 14/492 89 11/542 43 09/592 47 06/642 51 04/692 55 01 241443 35 22/493 39 19/543 43 17/593 47 14/643 51 12/693-55 09 32/444 35 30/494 39 27/544 43 25/594 47 22/644 51 20/694 55 17 40/445 35 38/495 39 35/545 43 33/595 47 30/645 51 28/695 55 2a 31 48/446 35 46/486 39 43/546 43 41/596 47 38/646 51 36/696 55 33 91397 31 56/447 35 54/497 39 51/547 43 49/597 47 46/647 51 44/697 55 41 % 1398 31 64/448 35 62\49B 39 FO1H48 43 57/598 47 541648 51 5O/eOR 55 49.) 399 31 72/449 35 701499 39 G7|/b49 43 65 599 47 62/649 51 60/699 55 oF 2 “ ‘ aN ee r, 42/587 46 37/637 50 32/687 50/588 46 45/638 50 40/688 58/589 46 53/639 50 48/689 66/590 46 61/640 50 56/6 74/591 46 69/641 50 G4 82/592 46 77/642 50 72 90/593 46 85/643 50 80 337 26 62 52/487 38 4 338 26 70/388 30 65/438 34 60/488 38 5: 339 26 78/389 30 73/439 34 68/489 38 63 ‘ q 8 307 24 25/357 28 20/407 32 1: 5/457 36 10/507 40 05/557 44 00\607 47 95657 51 90 ; 2 f 308 24 33/358 28 28/408 32 23/458 36 18/508 40 13/558 44 08/608 48 03/658 51 98 28 46/408 32 44/458 36 41/508 40 39/558 44 36/608 48 34/658 52 31 4 309 24 41/359 28 36/409 32 31/459 36 26/509 40 21/559 44 16/609 48 11/659 52 06 541409 32 52/459 36 49/509 40 47/559 44 44/609 48 42/659 52 39 310 24 49/360 28 44/410 32 39/480 36 34/510 40 29/560 44 24/610 48 19/660 52 14 28 62/410 32 59/460 36 57/510 40 54/560 44 52/610 48 49/660 52 47 311 24 57/3861 25 1 82 47/461 36 42/511 40 37/561 44 32/611 48 27/661 52. 22 28 T0411 32 67/461 36 65/511 40 62/561 44 GOGII 48 57/661 52 55 312 24 65/362 : 2 32 55/462 36 50/512 40 45/562 44 40/612 48 35/662 52 30 3 78/412 82 75/462 36 73/512 40 70/562 44 65/612 48 65/662 5263 — 313 24 73/363 2 3 32 63/463 36 55/513 40 53/563 44 48/613 48 43/663 52 38 86/413 32 83/463 36 81/513 40 78/563 44 76/613 48 73/663 52 71 314 24 81/364 28 76/414 32 71/464 36 66/514 40 61/564 44 56/614 48 51/664 52 46 94/414 32 91/464 36 89/514 40 861564 44 84/614 48 81/664 52 79 315 24 88/365 28 83/415 32 78/465 36 73/515 40 638/565 44 63)615 48 58/665 52 53 29 02/415 32 99/465 36 97/515 40 94/565 44 92/615 48 89/665 52 87 316 24 96/366 28 91/416 32 86/466 36 81/516 40 76/566 44 71/616 48 66/666 52 G1 29 10/416 33 07/466 37 05/516 41 02/566 45 VO/6I6 48 97/666 5295 317 25 04/367 28 99/417 32 94/467 36 89/517 40 84/567 44 79/617 48 74/667 52 69 29 18/417 33 15/467 37 13/517 41 10/567 45 08/617 49 U5|667 53 03 318 25 12 0 : i 5 2/568 44 87/618 48 82/668 52 77 29 26/418 33 23/468 37 21/518 41 18/568 45 16/618 49 13/668 53 11 319 25 ° 569 44 95/619 48 9UI669 52 85 29 34/419 33 31/469 37 29/519 41 26/569 45 24/619 49 21/669 5319 320 25 28 3 Dm 9 29 41/426 33 39/470 87 36/520 41 34/570 45 31/620 49 29/670 53 26 321 25 36 53 OL 49/421 33 47/471 37 44/521 41 42/571 45 391621 49 37/671 53 34 | 322 25 53 09 57/422 33 55/472 37 52/522 41 50/572 45 47/622 49 45/672 53 42° 393 25 53 17 65/423 33 63/473 37 60/523 41 58/573 45 55/623 49 53/673 53 50 _ | 324 2 aN i 53 25 73)424 33 71/474 37 68/524 41 66/574 45 63/624 49 61/674 53 58 395 25 6 f 37 53.32 81/425 33 79/475 37 76/525 41 74/575 45 71/625 49 69 hi 396 25 7: j i 53 40 89/426 33 87/476 37 84/526 41 82/576 45 79/626 49 77 327 25 8 ( é 53 48 97/427 33 95)477 37 92/527 41 90)577 45 87/627 49 85 328 25 % 3 ‘ 93 56 05/428 34 03/478 38 00/528 41 98/578 45 95/628 49 93 329 25 9: 9/479 & is 9 6: 53 64 13/429 34 11/479 38 08/529 42 06/579 46 03/629 a0 O1 330 26 t a7 ¢ 7/580 45 82 636 49 77/680 53 72 21/480 34 18/480 38 16/530 42 13/580 46 11/630 50 08 331 26 1: 0: 38 5/551 45 90/631 49 85/681 53 80 29/431 34 26/481 388 24/531 42 21/581 46 19/631 50 16 332 26 2: 4 13/482 38 03/532 42 03/582 45 938/632 49 93/682 53 88 37/432 34 34/482 38 32/532 42 29/582 46 27/632 50 24/682 54 2 22 333 26 : 21/483 38 16/533 11/583 46 06/633 50 O1/682 53 96 30 45/483 34 42/483 388 40/533 42 37/583 46 35/633 50 32/683 54 30 ab 334 26 ¢ 29/484 38 24/534 19/584 46 14/634 50 09/684 54 04 53/434 34 50/484 88 48/534 42 45/584 46 43/634 50 40/684 54 388 335 26 36/485 38 31/535 42 26/585 46 21/635 50 16/685 54 11 61/435 34 58/485 88 56/535 42 53/585 46 51/635 50 48/685 54 46 336 26 5 44/486 388 30/536 34/586 46 29/636 50 24/686 54 19 69/436 34 66/486 38 64/536 42 61/586 46 59/636 50 56/686 54 54 i o4 42 69/587 46 67/637 50 64/687 54 62 — D4 42 54 340 26 86/390 30 81/440 34 76/490 38 341 26 94/391 30 89/441 34 84/491 38 342 27 02/392 30 97)442 34 92/492 38 87 343 27 10/393 31 05/443 35 00/493 38 95 344 27 18/394 31 13/444 35 08/494 39 03/544 42 95/594 46 93/644 50 83/6 345 27 25/395 31 20/445 35 15/495 389 10/545 43 05/595 47 00/645 50 95 346 27 33/396 31 28/446 35 23/496 39 18/546 43 13/596 47 05/646 51 035 347 27 41 397 31 36/447 385 81/497 389 26/547 43 2 31647 bl 11 : $48 27 49/398 31 44/448 35 39/498 39 34/646 45 2.)098 47 24/843 51 19/693 55 14 349 27 57(399 31 52/449 35 47/499 39 42/549 43 31/699 a7 32|649 51 27/699 55 22 SCWWwWMWWNWWWWWwWW o x we Ors oo ao oo = lpathapell cpl apell 2 09/448 36 12 498 40 15 648 44 15 598 45 21648 52 24.698 56 2s 9 28 141399 32 171449 36 201499 40 231549 44 26.599 48 29.649 52 33.699 56 36 From 300 to 699 Ibs at Syre. or 8.10 300824 30/350828 35400832 401450836 45/500840 50 550844 55, 5 80] 24 38351 28 43 401 32 48,451 36 53/501 40 38 681 44 63/601 48 6s/651 52 3 2 28 5 82 56/452 36 61/502 40 66/552 44 71 602 48 7 52 303 24 541353 28 59/403 32 64/453 36 691503 40 74/559 44 79) aloes can aoa 24 Gages 28 Gvla0a 2 T2labe 6 77lkos 40 Balboa 44 BrlGye 48 oalées bo 97 24 62/354 28 6 32 72454 36 77 2|554 44 871604 48 921654 52 97 305 24 70/355 28 75/405 32 80/455 36 85/505 40 90/555 44 95| os 247 32 8 36 4 95/605 49 00|655 53 05 306 24 79/356 28 84/406 32 89/456 36 94|506 40 99|556 45 4 aoy 24 B79ey 28 921407 32 O7laby 37 OBIOy 41 O7/sS7 45 12leue 49 17 dB 58 14 24 87/357 2 32 97 2 7 45 12/607 49 17/657 53 22 308 24 951358 29 00/408 33 05/458 37 10/508 41 151558 45 2 9 25 30 309 25 03/969 29 081409 33 131469 37 18/609 41 231689 45 28legn 49 33IGED 53 38 310 25 11/960 29 16/410 33 211460 37 261610 41 3il66D 45 36le1g 49 ailgee s3 46 25 33 2 2 45 36/610 49 41/660 53 46 311 25 19/361 29 24/411 33 29/461 37 34/511 41 39/561 45 q Bf 5 19/361 29 24/411 33 29/461 3 91561 45 44/611 49 49/661 53 54 312 25 27/362 29 321412 33 371462 37 42/512 41 47 49 571662 53 6: B13 25 39 363 29 40/418 33 49/463 a 50/513 41 55 pg 4 GolgI 49 65 be 23 70 25 29 4) 3 53/464 37 581514 41 631564 45 681614 49 731664. 53 7 315 25 51/365 29 56/415 33 611465 37 66/515 41 71/565 45 7 ee 25 5 29 56 : 37 66 7 6/615 49 81/665 53 86 316 25 601366 29 65l416 33 701466 37 751516 41 0566 45 85 25 60 6: 01466 37 75 8 58 B17 25 68/367 29 73/417 33 75|487 37 83|617 41 85/567 45 Oley 49 Sleer 2 08 318 25 75 368 29 81/418 33 s0l46e 37 91/518 41 96/568 46 011618 50 06.668 54 11 25 29 86 3 ¢ 7-99|519 42 04/569 46 09/619 50 14/669 5 320 25 921370 29 97/420 34 021470 38 07/820 42 121670 46 17/620 50 2: Soe eae 321 26 00 371 30 05,421 34 10/471 38 islegn 49 Dole 46 26 Bol 50 30 eee a 5 34 181472 38 23/522 42 28/572 46 33/622 50 38 399 26 L6(oyg 30 211423 34 26layS 38 3ilkoa 4> 36le7S 46 41leag.50 46leya 54 Bi 824 26 241874 30 20laza 34 3ala7a 38 soltee 49 aslera 46 49 ope 60.54 Bie ba 20 26 32/376 30 37/425 34 42/475 38 47/525 42 52|576 46 57/625 50 62 BY 326 26 41/876 30 40/426 34 1/476 38 sol626 42 G1l676 46 Gcl626 50 71/678 a4 76 ae gb ae aan oe 2 re 34 59/477 38 64 527 42 69 = 46 74 576 2s Se nee 25 ae 26 57 21428 34 67/478 38.72|528 42 77578 46 82/628 50 87 329 26 65 379 30 70/429 34 75/479 38 80/529 42 85/579 46 90 639 20 eleva 2 00 830 26 73/980 30 75/490 34 S3}480 35 55/630 42 93/580 46 981630 51 03/680 55 08 5 é 91/481 38 96 ) 55 See ee ee 26 97/383 31 02/433 35 07/483 39 7/583 47 221683 51 27/683 55 3: 334 27 09/984 31 10/494 35 10]484 39 : balboa 47 30Gae oI 3cl684 5D 20 31 18/435 35 23/485 39 2 1585 47 38/635 51 43/685 55 336 27 22/986 31 27/496 39 32 aes 30 37leae 43 42\888 47 47l6a6 bl se Ha 23 5? 27 30 51437 35 40/487 39 45/537 43 50/587 47 551637 51 60|687 55 6 338 27 38/388 31 43/438 35 48/488 39 53 3 oslees 47 O3l6aa 1 eblees 28 73 339 27 40/889 31 51/439 29 501489 30 G1l898 43 Go. B80 47 71/699 51 76/680 55 81 840 27 54390 31 59/440 39 01 Moe 30 Colney 4a raleon 47 70 bap ol Saleen 28 89 27 62/391 31 67/441 35 72/491 39 77|641 43 82/591 47 S7\6al 5 55 342 27 70/392 31 75|442 35 80/492 39 85/542 43 90/592 47 95|e42 52 00| ‘692 28.05 343 27 78/393 31 83/443 35 88/493 39 93)543 43 95593 45 03/643 52 08.693 56 13 344 27 86/394 31 91444 35 96]494 40 01/544 44 06/594 45 11/644 52 16,694 56 21 345 27 94/395 31 99/445 36 04/495 40 09)545 44 14 595 48 19/645 52 24/695 56 29 346 25 03/396 32 05.446 30 15/496 40 15/548 44 25 596 45 25/648 52 33/696 56 38 28 11/397 32 16/447 36 21/497 40 26/547 44 31/597 48 36\647 52 41, 348 28 191398 32 24/448 36 29/498 40 34/548 44 391598 48 Retiene: 28 19 36 29 44/648 52 491698 56 54 349 28 271399 32 321449 36 371499 40 42/549 44 471599 48 521649 52 57.699 56 G2 266 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbsat 8;;c. or 8.18% From 300 2 699 lbs st Sic. or 8-123 300324 37 301 24 46 302 24 54 303 24 62 304 24 70 WWNWWWWwNYKYNWYWWWwis SHOOT OtooTE eee 2 320 26 a 321 26 08 322 26 16 323 26 24 324 26 32 325 26 41 326 26 49 327 26 57 328 26 65 9/381 30 96 \g50828 44 351 28 52 9/429 34 86/479 38 92/529 42 98/579 47 04/629 51 11 |430 34 94/480 39 00530 43 06/580 47 12/630 51 19) 27 681 2 50)450836 56 ‘500340 62 550844 69 600848 75| 2 58/451 36 64) {501 40 71/551 44 77/601 48 83 2 66/452 36 7 2/502 4079552 44 85/602 48 91 2 74/453 36 81 |503 40 87,553 44 93.603 48 99) z 2 2 82/454 36 89504 40 95/554 45 01/604 49 07 ‘ 97/505 41 03555 45 09/605 49 16) i 05/506 41 11/556 45 17/606 49 24 13/507 41 19\557 7 21/508 41 27/558 509 41 36,559 37/510 41 44/560 46/511 41 52.561 54/512 41 60/562 4 62/513 41 68/563 41 76.564 41 84/565 45 § 41 92.566 45 99616 50 05) 42 01 567 46 07 617 50 13 42 4 4 4,608 49 40 2 609 49 438 10 49 56 1 49 64 TOU I OV Si or © H -2 Re CS I I 13 49 81 14 49 89 rn 15 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25/458 387 33/508 41 40/558 45 48/608 49 55 409 33 33/459 37 41/509 41 48559 45 56,609 49 63 410 33 41/460 37 49/510 41 peipae 45 64 albie 49 71 411 33 50/461 37 57 412 33 58/462 37 65 413 33 66/463 37 414 33 74/464 37 82 415 33 82/465 37 416 33 90\466 37 98 417 33 99/467 38 06 418 34 07/468 38 14 419 34 15/469 38 22 420 34 23/470 38 30 421 34 31/471 38 39 422 34 39/472 38 47 423 34 47/473 38 55 424 34 56/474 38 63/52 425 34 64/475 88 71/52 79/575 46 86,625 50 94 496 34 72|476 38 79|526 42 87/576 46 94/626 51 02 427 34 80|477 38 88/527 42 95 |577 47 03/627 51 10 428 34 88/478 38 96/528 43 03/578 47 11/628 51 18 429 34 96/479 39 04/529 43 11/579 47 19 1629 51 26 430 35 04/480 39 12/530 43 19580 47 27/630 51 34 431 35 13/481 39 20/531 43 28/581 47 35) 631 51 43 432 35 21/482 39 28/532 43 36/582 47 43/632 51 51 433 35 29/483 39 36/533 43 44/583 47 51/633 51 59 434 35 7\484 39 45/534 43 52/584 47 60/634 51 67 435 35 45 485 39 53/535 43 60/585 47 68/635 51 75 436 35 53/486 39 61/536 43 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48 82/649 52 89 650852 97 651 53 06 652 53 14 653 53 22 654 53 30 655 53 38 656 53 46 657 53 55 658 53 63 659 53 71 660 53 79 661 53 87 662 53 95 3/663 54 03 664 54 12 2/665 54 20 0/666 54 28 9/667 54 36 663 54 44 669 54 52 670 54 60 671 54 69 672 54 77 673 54 85 674 54 93 675 55 O1 676 55 09 677 55 18 678 55 26 679 55 34 680 55 42 681 55 50 682 55 58 683 55 66 684.55 75 685 55 83 686 55 91 687 55 99 688 56 07 689 56 15 690 56 23 691 56 32 692 56 40 693 56 48 694 56 56 695 56 64 696 56 72 697 56 81 698 56 89 899 56 97 300824 56/350328 66/400832 75 301 24 64/351 ie 74/401 32 83) 302 24 73.352 2 8 82) 303 24 81353 28 90) 304 24 89.354 28 98 97/355 29 07 35 05 356 29 15 wwwwww 14\357 29 23 22/358 29 31) 25 30/359 29 39 25 38} 360 29 47 46 361 29 56 29 64 5 63/363 29 72 71/364 29 80, 79/365 29 88) 87|366 29 97 25 95/367 30 05 ?6 04/368 30 13 26 12/369 30 21 320 26 20/370 30 29 321 26 28/371 30 38) 322 26 36372 30 46 323 26 45/373 30 54 324 26 53.374 30 62) 325 26 61/375 30 70 326 26 69/376 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67 571 46 75 572 46 83 573 46 91 574 47 00 575 47 08 576 47 16 577 47 24 578 47 32 579 47 41 580 47 49 581 47 57 584 47 81 585 47 90 586 47 98 587 48 06 588 48 14 589 48 22 1590 48 31 591 48 39 592 48 47 593 48 55 594 48 63 595 48 72 596 48 80 582 47 65, 583 47 73| 618 50 GO668 54 69” 619 50 68/669 54 77 620 50 76/670 54 86 621 50 84/671 54 94 622 50 93/672 55 02 623 51 U1\673 55 10 624 51 09/674 55 18 625 51 17/675 55 27 626 51 25/676 55 35 627 51 34/677 55 43 628 51 42/678 55 51 629 51 50/679 55 59 630 51 58/680 55 67 631 51 66/681 55 76 632 51 74/682 55 84 633 51 83/683 55 92 634 51 91/684 56 00 635 51 99/685 56 08 7/686 56 17 15/687 56 25 2 24/688 56 33 32/689 56 41 2 40/690 56 49 2 65/693 56 74 2 73/694 56 82 2 81/695 56 90 597 48 88/647 9 2 o 2 2 » 2 2 2 2) 2 2 56/692 56 66 2 2 2 2 2 oy 2 > 2 89/696 56 98 97/697 57 O07 1598 48 96.648 53 05/698 57 15 549 44 95/599 49 04/649 53 14/699 57 23 300324 60350328 70! 301 24 68351 28 78) 302 24 76352 28 86) 303 24 85 [353 28 95) 304 24 93) 354 29 03 305 25 01) (355 29 11 306 25 09/356 29 19) 307 25 17/357 29 27) 308 25 26/358 29 36) 309 25 34,359 29 44 corona or 67 83 91| 99 08 319 26 16 Oorerer 42/360 29 52 50/361 29 60 58/362 29 68 |363 29 77 5/364 29 85 365 29 93) 366 30 O1 367 30 09) 368 30 18 369 30 26 320 26 24/370 30 34 321 26 32 322 26 40) |371 30 42 372 30 50 323 26 49/373 30 59 324 26 57 325 26 65 326 26 73 327 26 81 328 26 90 329 26 98 330 27 06 331 27 14 332 27 22 333 27 31 334 27 39 335 27 47 336 27 55 337 27 63 338 27 72 339 27 80 340 27 88 341 27 96 342 28 04 343 28 13 344 28 21 345 28 29 346 28 37 847 28 45 348 28 54 349 28 62 374 30 67 375 30 75 376 30 83 377 30 91 378 31 00 379 31 08 380 31 16 381 31 24 382 31 32 383 31 41 384 31 49 399 32 72 400332 80 401 52 88 |402 32 96 ‘403 33 05 404 33 13 405 33 21 406 33 29 449 36 82 450336 90 451 36 98 452 37 06 453 387 15 454 37 23 500341 00 501 41 08) 502 41 16) 503 41 25 504 41 33 505 41 41 39/506 41 49 507 41 57 56/508 41 66 484 39 69 7/485 39 77 5/486 39 85 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00/672 55 10 9/623 51 09/673 55 19 624 51 17\674 55 27 5\625 51 25/675 55 35 23/626 51 33/676 55 43 627 51 41/677 55 51 628 51 50/678 55 60 629 51 58/679 55 68 630 51 66/680 55 76 631 51 74/681 55 84 2/632 51 82/682 55 92 633 51 91/683 56 O01 634 51 99/684 56 09 635 52 07\685 56 17 636 52 15/686 56 25 637 52 23/687 56 33 638 52 32/688 56 42 639 52 40/689 56 50 640 52 48/690 56 58 641 52 56/69) 56 66 642 52 64/692 56 74 3/643 52 73/693 56 83 644 52 81|694 56 91 645 52 89/695 56 99 646 52 97/696 57 07 647 53 05/697 57 15° 648 53 14/698 57 24 649 53 22/699 57 32 2 48/691 56 58— CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. 267 From 300 to 699 lbs at Sic. or 8.25 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 8\5c. or 8.311 800324 75|350828 87|400333 00|450837 12/500341 25550845 57/600349 ¢ 300824 94'350829 09/400833 25) 450837 11/500841 56/550345 72\600849 87 le50854 03 301 24 83/351 28 96/401 33 O8\451 37 21/501 41 33/551 45 46.601 49 58 53 301 25 02/351 29 18/401 33 33/451 37 49/501 41 65/551 45 80/601 49 96.651 54 11 302 24 91/352 29 04/402 33 16/452 87 29/502 41 41/552 45 54/602 49 66 53 7§ 302 25 29 26 33 42) 37 5 3/552 45 88/602 50 04/652 54 20 303 25 00/353 29 12/403 33 25/453 37 37/503 41 50/553 45 62/603 49 75 53 87 303 25 2¢ 3: 31/553 45 97/603 50 12/653 54 28 oF 354 29 20/404 33 33\454 37 45/504 41 58/554 45 70/604 49 8: 53 95 304 25 26 3: 39/554 46 05/604 50 21/654 54 36 2 355 29 29/405 33 41/455 37 54/505 41 66/555 45 79/605 49 91/655 54 04 | 305 25 2 3: 8/555 46 13/605 50 29/655 54 45 BE 356 29 37/406 33 49/456 37 62/506 41 74556 45 87/606 49 99/656 54 12 306 25 2¢ Be 1/556 46 22)606 50 37/656 54 5% 25 33/357 29 45/407 33 58/457 387 70/507 41 83/557 45 95/607 50 OS|657 54 20 | 307 25: 2¢ 443 557 46 30/607 50 46/657 54 6) 25 858 29 53/408 33 66/458 37 78/508 41 91/558 46 03/608 50 16/658 54 28 308 25 26 De 23/558 46 38/608 50 54/658 54 70 25 49/359 29 62,409 33 74/459 37 87/509 41 99/559 46 12/609 50 24/659 54 37 309 25 2° F |559 46 47/609 50 62/659 54 78 25 57/360 29 70/410 33 82)460 37 95/510 42 07/560 46 20/610 50 32/660 54 45 310 25 26 C 1560 46 55/610 50 71/660 54 86 25 66/361 29 TS/411 33 91/461 388 O3/511 42 16/561 46 28/611 50 41/661 54 53 311 25 F 8/561 46 63\611 50 79/66) 54 95 2 362 29 86/412 33 99/462 38 11/512 42 24/562 46 36/612 50 49/662 54 61 25 § : 3562 46 72/612 50 87/662 55 03 25 82/363 29 95/413 34 07/463 388 20/513 42 32/563 46 45/613 50 57/663 54 70 26 0 : 563 46 8 ¢ 2 364 30 03/414 34 15/464 38 28/514 42 40/564 46 53/614 50 65/664 54 78 26 i 3/564 46 88 25 99/364 30 11/415 34 24/465 38 36/515 42 49/565 46 61/615 50 74/665 54 86 26 é 565 46 97 é 7)366 30 19/416 34 32/466 38 44/516 42 57/566 46 69/616 50 $2\666 54 94 6 30 89/566 47 05 P 5\367 30 28/417 34 40/467 38 53/517 42 65/567 46 7S\617 : 55 U8 £ 2 98/567 47 1: 26 23/368 30 36/418 34 48/468 38 61/518 42 73/568 46 86\618 : 55 i 3)568 47 : 26 32/369 30 44/419 34 57/469 38 69/519 42 82/569 46 94/619 | 55 3 4/569 47 ; 26 40/370 30 52/420 34 65/470 38 77/520 42 90/570 47 02 t 55 26 : 22/570 47 38 3821 26 48/371 30 61/421 34 73/471. 38 86/52! 42 98|571 47 11 4 Hole p 3 571 47 46 322 26 56/372 30 69/422 34 81/472 35 94/522 43 06/572 47 19 G 55 : f 39/572 47 55 323 26 65/373 30 77/423 34 90/473 39 02/523 43 15/573 47 27 c 4 26 85} 3 9 3: ‘1573 47 62 324 26 73/374 30 85/424 34 98/474 39 10/524 43 23/574 47 35 5 BE ‘ : 3 39 40/524 43 56/574 47 325 26 81/375 30 94/425 35 06/475 39 19/525 43 31/575 47 44 k 5: 27 02) F ; 3¢ 48 525 43 64\575 47 326 26 89/376 31 02/426 35 14/476 39 27/526 43 39/576 47 52 t De 326 27 10/376 31 25/426 35 41/476 39 57/526 43 72/576 47 83 327 26 98|377 31 10/427 32 23/777 39 35/527 43 48/577 47 60 b 55 85 327 27 18)377 31 34/427 35 49/477 39 65|527 43 81/577 47 328 27 06/378 31 18/428 35 31/478 39 43/528 43 56/578 47 68 f 55 9 328 27 26/378 31 42/428 35 58/478 © 39 73/528 43 89/578 48 05 329 27 14/379 31 27/429 35 39/479 39 52/529 43 64/579 47 77 5 56 0% 329 27 35/379 31 50/429 35 66/479 39 82/529 43 97/579 48 330 27 22/380 31 35/430 35 47/480 39 60/530 43 72/580 47 85 E 7 56 10 330 27 43/380 31 59/430 35 74/480 39 90/530 44 06/580 48 + 331 27 31/381 31 43/431 35 56/481 39 68/531 43 81/581 47 93631 52 06\681 56 18 331 27 51/381 31 67/431 35 83/481 39 98/531 44 14/581 48 332 27 39/382 31 51/432 35 64/482 39 76/532 43 89/582 48 01/632 52 14/682 56 26 332 27 60/382 31 75/432 35 91/482 40 07/532 44 22/582 48 38 333 27 47/383 31 60/433 35 72/483 39 85/533 43 97/583 48 10/633 52 22/683 56 35 333 27 68/383 31 84/433 35 99/483 40 1: 5/533 44 31/583 48 334 27 55/384 31 68/434 35 80/484 39 93/534 44 05/584 48 18/634 52 30/684 56 43 334 27 76/384 31 92/434 36 038/484 40 23/534 44 39/584 48 5 335 27 64/385 31 76/435 35 89/485 40 01/535 44 14/585 48 26/635 52 39/685 56 51 335 27 85/385 32 00/435 36 16/485 40 32/535 44 47/585 48 6: 336 27 72/386 31 84436 35 97/486 40 09/536 44 22/586 48 34/636 52 47/686 56 59 | 336 27 93/386 32 09/436 36 24/486 40 40/536 44 55/586 48 7 337 27 80/387 31 93/437 36 05/487 40 18/537 44 30/587 48 43/637 52 55/687 56 68 337 28 01/387 32 17/487 36 33) |487 40 48/537 44 64/587 48 338 27 88/388 32 01.438 36 13/488 40 24/538 44 38/588 48 51/638 52 63/688 56 76 | 338 28 10.388 32 25/438 36 41/488 40 561838 44 72/588 48 339 2 97 389 32 09/439 36 22 489 40 34/539 44 47/589 48 59/639 52 72/689 56 84 339 28 18389 32 34/439 36 49/489 40 65/539 44 80/589 48 96 340 28 05,390 32 17/440 36 30/490 40 42/540 44 55/590 48 67/640 52 80/690 56 92 340 28 26/390 32 42/440 36 57/490 40 73.540 44 89) 1590 49 341 28 13/391 32 26/441 36 38/491 40 51/541 44 63/591 48 76 \641 52 83/691 57 O1 341 28 35/391 32 50/441 36 66/491 40 81/541 44 97/591 49 De 342 28 21/392 32 34/442 36 46/492 40 59/542 44 71/592 48 84 1642 52 96 692 57 09 342 28 43/392 32 58/442 36 74/492 40 90 542 45 05.592 49 2 a3 343 28 30/393 32 42/443 36 55/493 40 67/543 44 80/593 48 92/643 53 05/693 57 17 343 2 51/393 32 67/443 36 82/493 40 98/543 45 14/593 49 2: p 344 28 38.394 32 50/444 36 63/494 40 75/544 44 88594 49 00/644 53 13) 57 2é 344 28 59/394 32 75/444 36 91/494 41 06 544 45 22594 49 3: be | 345 28 46395 32 59/445 36 71.495 40 84/545 44 96595 49 09 645 57 < 345 28 68/395 32 83/445 36 99/495 41 15/545 45 30/595 49 46/645 53 62/695 57 77 $46 28 54.396 32 67/446 36 79/496 40 92/546 45 04/596 49 17/646 53 2° 57 42 346 28 76396 32 92/446 37 07/496 41 23.546 45 39596 49 54.646 53 70/696 57 85 347 28 63397 32 75447 36 88 497 41 00/547 45 13/597 49 25.647 53 38.697 57 50 347 28 84397 33 00/447 37 16/497 41 31547 45 47,597 49 63.647 ae 73'697 57 94 348 25 71/398 32 83/448 36 96/498 41 08/548 45 21/598 49 33/648 53 46.698 57 58 348 28 93'398 33 08/448 37 24/498 41 40.548 45 55.598 49 71/648 53 86 698 58 02 349 28 79/399 32 92/449 37 04/499 41 17/549 45 20 599 49 42/649 53 54/699 57 67 349 29 01|399 33 17|449 37 32.499 41 48.549 45 64/599 49 79/649 33 95/699 58 10 . From 300 to 699 Ibs at Sic. or 8.30 From 300 to 699 lbsat 8 ive. or 8.35 300824 90/350%29 05/400833 20/450337 35500841 50 550345 65600849 801650853 95 300825 05 350329 el peas 40 450337 57/500841 75 550845 92)600850 10650854 27 301 24 98351 29 13/401 33 28/451 37 43/501 41 58/551 45 73/601 49 88/651 54 03 301 25 13) 29 31) 3 48 37 66 501 41 83.551 46 01 601 50 1s 651 54 36 802 25 07|352 29 22/402 33 37/452 37 52/502 41 67) 552 45 82/602 49 97/652 54 12 9) 74 502 41 92/552 46 09602 50 27/652 54 44 303 25 15353 29 30/403 33 45/453 37 60503 41 75 553 45 90] (603 50 05.653 54 20 83/503 42 00553 46 18/603 50 35/653 54 53 $04 25 23/354 29 38/404 33 53/454 37 68/504 41 83 1554 45 98) 604 50 13654 54 28 91/504 42 08/554 46 26/604 50 43/654 54 61 305 25 31/355 29 46/405 33 61/455 37 76/505 41 91/555 46 06/605 50 21/655 54 36 99/505 42 17\555 46 34/605 50 52\/655 54 69 306 25 40/356 29 55/406 33 70/456 37 85/506 42 00.556 46 15/606 50 30/656 54 45 08/506 42 25/556 46 43/606 50 60/656 54 78 307 25 48|357 29 63/407 33 78/457 37 93/507 42 08557 46 23/607 50 38.657 54 53 16,507 42 33/557 46 51/607 50 63/657 54 86 308 25 56/358 29 71/408 33 86/458 38 01/508 42 16 558 46 31/608 50 46,658 54 61 24/508 42 42/558 46 59 608 50 77/658 54 94 309 25 65/359 29 80/409 33 95/459 38 10/509 42 25/559 46 40/609 50 55/659 54 70 33/509 42 50/559 46 68/609 50 85/659 55 03 310 25 74/360 29 88/410 34 03/460 38 18/510 42 33)560 46 48/610 50 63/660 54 78 i 41/510 42 58/560 46 76610 50 93.660 55 LL 311 25 81/361 29 96/411 34 11/461 38 26/511 42 41/561 46 S6i6I1 50 71/661 54 86 ¢ 49/511 42 67\561 46 84/611 51 O2\661 55 19 312 25 90/362 30 05/412 34 20/462 38 35/512 42 50.562 46 65/612 50 80/662 54 95 312 58|512 42 75/562 46 93/612 51 10\662 55 28 313 25 98/363 30 13/413 34 28/463 38 43/513 42 58/563 46 73/613 50 88/663 55 03 313 26 66/513 42 84/563 47 01/613 51 19/663 55 36 314 26 06/364 30 21/414 34 36/464 38 51/514 42 66/564 46 81/614 50 96/664 55 11 314 26 741514 42 92\564 47 09/614 51 27/664 55 44 $15 26 14/3865 30 29/415 34 44/465 38 59/515 42 74/565 46 89/615 51 04/665 55 19 315 26: 83/515 43 00|/565 47 18/615 51 35/665 55 53 316 26 23/366 30 38/416 34 53/466 38 68/516 42 83/566 46 98/616 51 13/666 55 28 316 26 2 91/516 43 09/566 47 26/616 51 44/666 55 61 317 26 31/367 30 46/417 34 61/467 38 76/517 42 91/567 47 OG/6I7 51 21/667 55 36 317 26 99/517 43 17\567 47 34,617 51 52/667 55 69 318 26 39/368 30 54/418 34 69/468 38 84/518 42 29/568 47 14/618 51 29/668 55 44 318 26 55 OS/518 43 25/568 47 43/618 51 60/668 55 78 319 26 48/369 30 63/419 34 78/469 38 93/519 43 08/569 47 23/619 51 38\669 55 53 319 266 16/519 43 34/569 47 51/619 51 69/669 55 86 320 26 56/370 30 71/420 34 86/470 39 01/520 43 16/570 47 31/620 51 46/670 55 61 320 26 72 24/520 43 42/570 47 59/620 51 77/670 55 94 321 26 64/371 30 79/421 34 94/471 39 09/521 43 24/571 47 39/621 51 54/671 55 69 321 26 80 33/521 43 50/571 47 68/621 51 85/671 56 03 322 26 73/372 30 88/422 35 03/472 39 18/522 43 33/572 47 43/622 51 63/672 55 78 322 26 89 41/522 43 59/572 47 76/622 51 94/672 56 11 323 26 81/373 80 96/423 35 11/473 39 26/523 43 41/573 47 56/623 51 71/673 55 86 323 26 97 50/523 43 67/573 47 85/623 52 02/673 56 20 324 26 89/374 31 04/424 35 19 474 39 34/524 43 49/574 47 64/624 51 79/674 55 94 324 27 05 58/524 43 75/574 47 93/624 52 10674 56 28 325 26 97/375 31 12/425 35 27/475 39 42/525 43 57/575 47 72/625 51 87/675 56 02 325 27 14 66/525 43 84/575 48 01/625 52 19/675 56 36 326 27 06/376 31 21/426 35 36 476 39 51/526 43 66/576 47 81/626 51 96/676 56 11 326 27 22 75/526 43 92/576 48 10/626 52 27/676 56 45 327 27 14/377 31 29/427 35 44/477 39 59/527 43 74/577 47 89/627 52 04/677 56 19 327 27 30 39 83/527 44 00/577 48 18/627 52 35/677 56 53 328 27 22/378 31 37/428 35 52/478 39 67/528 43 82/578 47 97/628 52 12/678 56 27 328 27 391378 31 56/428 35 74/478 39 91/528 44 09/578 48 26/628 52 44/678 56 61 329 27 31/379 31 46/429 35 61/479 39 76/529 43 91/579 48 06/629 52 21/679 56 36 329 27 47/379 31 65/429 35 82/479 40 00|529 44 17/579 48 35/629 52 52/679 56 70 330 27 39/380 31 54/430 35 69/480 39 84/530 43 99/580 48 14/630 52 29/680 56 44 330 27 55/380 31 73/430 35 90/480 40 08/530 44 25/580 48 43/630 52 60/680 56 78 331 27 47/381 31 62/431 35 77/481 39 92/531 44 07/581 48 22/631 52 37/681 56 52 331 27 64/381 31 81/431 35 99/481 40 16/531 44 34/581 48 51/631 52 69/681 56 86 332 27 56/382 31 71/432 35 86/482 40 01/532 44 16/582 48 31/632 52 46/682 56 61 332 27 72/382 31 90/432 36 07/482 40 25/532 44 42/582 48 60/632 52 77/682 56 95 333 27 64/383 31 79/433 35 94/483 40 09/533 44 24/583 48 39/633 52 54/683 56 69 | 333 27 81/383 31 98/433 36 16/483 40 33/533 44 51/583 48 638/633 52 86/683 57 03 334 27 72/384 31 87/434 36 02/484 40 17/534 44 32/584 48 47/634 52 62/684 56 77 334 27 89/384 32 06/434 36 24/484 40 41/534 44 59/584 48 76/634 52 94/684 57 11 335 27 80/385 31 95/435 36 10/485 40 25/535 44 40/585 48 55/635 52 70/685 56 85 335 27 97/385 32 15/435 36 32/485 40 50/535 44 67/585 48 85/635 53 02/685 57 20 336 27 89/386 32 04/436 36 19/486 40 34/536 44 49/586 48 64/636 52 79/686 56 94 336 28 06/386 32 23/436 36 41/486 40 58/536 44 76/586 48 93/636 53 11/686 57 28 337 27 97/387 32 12/437 36 27|487 40 421537 44 57/587 48 721637 52 87/687 57 02 337 28 14/387 32 31/437 36 49/487 40 66/537 44 84/587 49 01/637 53 19/687 57 36 338 28 05/388 32 20/438 36 35/488 40 50/538 44 65/588 48 80/538 52 95/688 57 10 338 28 22/388 32 40/438 36 57/488 40 75/538 44 92/588 49 10/638 53 27/688 57 45 339 28 14/389 32 29)439 36 44/489 40 59/539 44 74/589 48 54/639 53 04/689 57 19 | 339 28 31/389 32 48/439 36 66/489 40 83/539 45 01/589 49 18/639 53 36/689 57 53 340 28 22/390 32 37/440 36 52/490 40 67/540 44 82/590 48 971640 53 12/690 57 27 340 28 39/390 32 56/440 36 74/490 40 91/540 45 09/590 49 26/640 53 44.690 57 61 341 28 30/391 32 45/441 36 GO\491 40 75/541 44 90/591 49 O5}541 53 20/691 57 35 341 28 47/391 32 65/441 36 82/491 41 OO|541 45 17/591 49 35/641 53 52/691 57 70 342 28 39/392 32 54/442 36 69/492 40 84/542 44 99/592 49 14}542 53 29/692 57 44 | 342 28 56/392 32 73/442 36 91/492 41 05/542 45 26/592 49 43/642 53 61/692 57 78 343 28 47/393 32 62/443 36 77/493 40 92/543 45 07/593 49 221643 53 37/693 57 52 | 343 28 64/393 32 82/443 36 99/493 41 17/543 45 34/593 49 52/643 53 69/693 57 87 344 28 55/394 32 70/444 36 85/494 41 00/544 45 15/594 49 30/644 53 45/694 57 60 | 344 28 72/394 32 90/444 37 07/494 41 25/544 45 42/594 49 60/644 53 77/694 57 95 345 28 63/395 32 78445 36 93/495 41 08/545 45 23/595 49 33/645 53 53/695 57 68 345 28 81/395 32 98/445 37 16/495 41 33/545 45 51/595 49 68/645 53 86/695 58 03 846 28 72/396 32 87/446 37 02/496 41 17 546 45 32/596 49 47/646 53 62/696 57 77 346 28 89/396 33 07/446 37 24/496 41 42/546 45 59/596 49 77/646 53 94/696 58 12 347 28 80/397 32 95/447 37 10|497 41 25/547 45 40/597 49 55/647 53 70/697 57 85 | 347 28 97/397 38 15/447 37 32/497 41 50/547 45 67/597 49 85/647 54 02/697 58 20 348 28 88/398 33 03/448 37 18/498 41 33/548 45 48/598 49 63/648 53 78/698 57 93 348 29 06/398 33 23/448 37 41/498 41 58/548 45 76/598 49 93/648 54 11 638 58 28 349 28 97/399 33 12/449 37 271499 41 421549 45 57/599 49 72/649 53 87/699 58 02 349 29 14/399 33 32/449 37 49/499 41 67/549 45 84/599 50 02/649 54 19/699 58 27 ‘ — — 268 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at Sic. or 8.37} From 300 to 699 lbs at Sic. or 8.433 : Ce aR arene [et ea a eee See ee = = = 300325 12 1350829 31/400333 50 1450837 69/500341 87/550346 a6] 600350 25\650854 44 1350529 53 40033: 75 450337 97 500342 19)550346 41/600850 62)650354 84 301 25 21/351 29 40401 33 37 77/501 41 96/551 46 15|601 50 33/651 54 52 351 29 62/401 33 83 451 38 05/501 42 27.551 46 49,601 50 71/651 54 93 302 29/352 29 48/402 33 85,502 42 04/552 46 23/602 50 42/652 54 60 3,352 29 70/402 33 92.452 38 14/502 42 36/552 46 57/602 50 79/652 55 01 303 25 38/353 29 56/403 33 7 7 94|503 42 13 \553 46 31/603 50 50.653 54 69 57/353 29 78/403 34 05,453 38 22/503 42 44/553 46 66/603 50 88/653 55 10 304 25 46/354 29 6: 5/404 33 88 02/504 42 21 554 46 40/604 50 58)654 54 77 5 65/354 29 87/404 34 09 454 38 31/504 42 52/554 46 74/604 50 96/654 55 18 306 25 54.355 29 73/405 33 3 11/505 42 29 1555 46 48/605 50 67) 1655 54 86 3/355 29 95/405 34 17/455 38 39/505 42 61/555 46 83/605 51 05/655 55 27 305 25 63/356 29 81/406 34 423 8|556 46 56/606 50 75\§56 54 94 2/356 30 04/406 34 26.456 38 47/506 42 69556 46 91/606 51 13/656 55 35 307 25 71/357 29 90/407 34 q 42 46| \957 46 65/607 50 84/657 55 02 357 30 12|407 34 34/457 38 56/507 42 78/557 47 00/607 51 22/657 55 43 308 25 79/358 29 98/408 34 42 54/658 46 73/608 50 92\g58 55 11 91358 30 21/408 34 42/458 38 64/508 42 86/558 47 08/608 51 30/658 55 52 309 25 88.359 30 07 ‘|4g9 34 ¢ 42 63/559 46 82/609 51 00|g59 55 19 359 30 29/409 34 51/459 38 73/509 42 95/559 47 17/609 51 35/659 55 60 25 30 15/410 34 & 42 71/560 46 90/610 51 09/660 55 27 51360 30 37/410 34 59/460 38 81/510 43 03/560 47 25/610 51 47/660 55 69 2€ 23/411 34 42 80/561 46 98/611 51 17/661 55 36 361 30 46/411 34 68i461 38 90/511 43 12/561 47 33/611 51 55/661 55 77 Oy 32/412 34! 42 88 \562 47 OT/612 51 25/662 55 44 362 30 54/412 34 76/462 38 98/512 43 20/562 47 42/612 51 64/662 55 86 2 : 40/413 34! 42 96/563 47 1 5/613 51 34663 55 53 363 30 63/413 34 85/463 39 07/513 43 28/563 47 50/613 51 72/663 55 94 ; 30 48/414 34 6 43 05/564 47 ga bYa os 42/664 55 61 91364 30 71/414 34 93/464 39 15/514 43 37/564 47 59/614 51 81/664 56 02 Bila15 34 7 43 13/565 47 32/615 51 51/665 55 69 81365 30 SO|415 35 02/465 39 23/515 43 45/565 47 O7/615 51 89/665 56 11 65|416 34 § 43 21/566 47 40/616 a 59/666 55 78 366 30 88/416 35 10/466 89 32/516 43 54/566 47 76/616 51 97/666 56 19 T4417 34 § 43 30 567 47 40/617 51 67/667 55 86 5/3867 30 97/417 35 18/467 39 40/517 43 62|567 47 84/617 52 06/667 56 28 82/418 35 43 38/568 47 57/618 51 76/668 55 94 368 31 05/418 35 27/468 39 49/518 43 71/568 47 921618 52 14/668 56 36 90)419 35 43 47/569 47 65/619 51 84/669 56 03 369 31-13/419 385 35/469 39 57/519 43 79/569 48 01/619 52 23/669 56 45 99/420 35 43 55 570 47 74/620 51 92/670 56 11 1370 31 22/420 35 441470 39 66/520 43 87/570 48 09/620 52 31/670 56 53 07/421 35 2 43 63 571 47 82/621 52 O1 671 56 20 31371 31 30/421 35 52/47] 39 74/521 43 96/571 43 18/621 52 40/671 56 62 15)422 35 34) 39 5t 43 72,572 47 90/622 52 09/672 56 28 372 31 39/422 35 611472 39 82/522 44 04/572 48 26/622 52 48/672 56 70 24/423 35 43/473 39 61/523 43 80 \573 47 99/623 52 18673 56 36 51373 31 47/423 35 691473 39 91/523 44 13/573 48 35/623 52 57/673 56 78 32/424 35 51 474 39 70/524 43 88| /574 48 07/624 52 26/674 56 45 374 31 56/424 35 771474 39 99/524 44 21/574 48 43'624 52 65/674 56 87 41/425 35 59] |475 39 78/526 43 97) |575 48 16/625 52 34 675 56 53 2/375 31 64/425 35 86/475 40 08/525 44 30/575 48 52/625 52 73/675 56 95 49/426 35 68/476 39 86526 44 05.576 48 24/626 52 43/676 56 61 376 31 72/426 35 941/476 40 16/526 44 38/576 48 60,626 52 821676 57 04 57427 35 76\477 39 95527 44 14/577 48 32/697 & 52 51/677 56 70 1377 31 81/427 36 03/477 40 25/527 44 47/577 48 68/627 52 90/677 57 12 66/428 35 84 |478 40 03/528 44 22/578 48 41/698 52 59/678 56 7 1378 31 89/428 36 111478 40 33/528 44 55/578 48 77/628 52 99/678 57 21 74/429 32 93/479 40 12/529 44 30/579 48 49629 52 681679 56 87 379 31 98/429 36 20|479 40 42/529 44 63/579 48 85/629 53 07|/§79 57 29 90 82/430 36 01480 40 20 530 44 39/580 48 57/630 52 76/680 56 95 91/431 36 10/481 +0 28/531 44 47/581 48 66/631 52 85/681 57 03 31 99/432 36 18 482 40 37/532 44 55/582 48 74/632 52 93/682 57 12 2 08/433 36 26 1483 40 45/533 44 64 583 48 83/633 53 01/683 57 20 380 32 06/430 36 28/480 40 50/530 44 72/580 48 94/630 53 16/680 57 37 31981 32 15/431 36 37/481 40 58/531 44 80|581 49 02/631 53 24/681 57 46 382 32 23/432 36 45/499 40 67/532 44 89/582 49 11/632 53 32/682 57 54 Be OS ae ge Se : 3 7 383 32 32/433 36 53/483 40 75/533 44 97/583 49 19/633 53 41|689 57 63 2 16/434 36 35 484 40 53 534 44 72 584 48 91634 53 10/684 57 28 384. 32 40/434 36 62\4g4 40 841534 45 06/584 49 27/634 53 42/684 57 71 24/435 36 43/485 40 62/535 44 8 585 48 99635 53 18/685 57 37 28 27/385 32 48/435 36 70|485 40 92/535 45 14/585 49 36/635 53 58/685 57 80 32 33/436 36 51/486 40 70 586 44 89586 49 08 636 53 261686 57 45 28 35386 32 57/436 36 79/486 41 01/536 45 22/586 49 44/636 53 66l686 57 88 2 41/437 36 60/487 40 79/537 44 97/587 49 16.637 53 35/687 57 54 43/387 32 65/437 36 87|487 41 09537 45 31/587 49 531637 53 75|687 57 97 32 49/438 36 68/488 40 87/538 45 06/588 49 24/638 53 43/688 57 62 52/388 32 74/438 36 96/488 41 17/538 45 39/588 49 61/638 53 83/688 58 05 32 58/439 36 77/489 40 95/539 45 14.589 49 33 639 53 52689 57 70 60.389 32 82439 37 04489 41 26,539 45 48/589 49 70/639 53 92/689 58 13 32 66,440 36 85,490 41 04/540 45 22 590 49 41/640 53 60 690 57 79 69.390 32 91440 37 12.490 41 34/540 45 56/590 49 78/640 54 00/690 58 22 Sepia ise 93/491 41 12/541 45 31591 49 50 641 OE 77/391 32 99/441 37 21/491 41 43/541 45 65/591 49 8764154 8691 58 30 2 83/442 37 02492 41 20/542 4: 39) (592 49 58642 5 3 77/692 57 95 i 7 29/492 41 51|542 45 73/592 49 951642 54 17/692 58 39. 37 1 ( 1493 41 29/543 4: 48593 49 66) /643 5 3 85 693 58 04 7 38 |493 41 60/543 45 82 593 50 03643 54 25/693 58 47 3.00444 37 is} 494.41 37/544 45 56/594 49 7 5/644 ms 93)694 58 12 7 46/494 41 68/544 45 90/594 50 12.644 54 34/694 58 56 08/445 37 27/495 41 46/545 45 64595 49 83/645 54 021695 58 21 37 55495 41 77/545 45 98 595 50 20645 54 42/695 58 64 2 7 x iy a Ororer cor or cr org 37 3h 5496 41 54/546 TF 3/596 49 91) 646 bd 10/696 58 29 63/496 41 85/546 46 07/596 50 29.646 54 51 58 72 7 37 44/497 41 62/547 4 81|597 50 00/647 54 19|697 58 37 72/497 41 03 547 46 15.597 50 37.647 54 59 697 58 81 3/448 37 52/498 41 71/548 45 89) 1598 50 08/648 Bd 27/698 58 46 ; 37 80 498 42 02,548 46 24/598 50 46/648 54 67/698 58 89 449 37 60/489 41 791549 45 98'599 50 17/649 54 35/699 58 54 349 29 45399 33 67/449 37 88 499 42 10/549 46 32/599 50 541649 54 76/699 58 98 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 82. or 8.40 From 300 to 699 Ibsat Sic. cr 8.45 al AREA < | { | y 60/450537 80 500342 00550346 20\600350 40/650354 60 300825 353503829 57/400833 80 450338 02 $42 25/550346 47 $50 70 4 92 3: vlan 37 o7lees iS 1° Sep ie ae ook 50 48,651 54 68 301 25 43/351 29 56 ‘ } BDL 42 33/551 46 sGleol 50 78 Ber 5 01 33°77) 37 97) 2 37 50 57/652 54 77 | 302 25 52/352 297 2 42/552 46 64 7 5 09 3 85/453 38 05/503 42 2 25/553 46 45/603 50 65/653 54 85 303 25 601353 99 8: 502 4 602 50 87/652 55 09 38 22 4 28/503 42 50/553 46 73/603 50 95/653 55 18 03 BS 14504 42 841554 46 54.604 50 74654 54 94 | 304 25 69/354 29 91 38 36/504 42 59/554 46 81/604 51 04/654 55 26 vera : i 49 86 ae Palebe Sain BBE 32 02 aun 25 771355 30 001405 34 22/405 38 45/505 42 67/05 16 30 G05 5 te aes 19|457 38 3 42 591557 46 79107 50 99/657 55 19 | Spe oe. odlges 20 Lrlaoy a4 SUGET 38 Golece ae wcleee a7 Ofte: or some eee 9) aver eee ae 46 79 9 657 55 19 | 307 25 94 [357 20 17/407 34 39,457 38 62/507 42 84/557 47 07/607 51 29/657 5d 52 i bere 5 {008 42 67/558 46 87/608 51 07 658 55 27 | 308 26 03 (358 30 25/408 34 48/458 38 70/508 42 93/558 47 15/608 51 38/658 55 GO 6 Rane bee 809 42 76 559 46 96,609 51 16659 55 36 | 309 26 11/359 30 34409 34 56,459 33 79/509 43 01/559 47 24/609 51 46/659 55 69 310 Sole 34 soldee oo CajlO 42 84/560 47 04/610 51 24/660 55 44 | 310 26 19 360 30 42/410 34 64/460 38 87/510 43 09/560-47 32|10 51 54/660 55 77 ae 2 2 “511 42 92.561 47 12611 51 32.661 55 52 | 311 26 28/361 #0 50411 34 73/461 38 95/511 43 18/561 47 40/611 51 63/661 55 85 oe ‘1/512 43 01 562 47 21612 51 41/662 55 61 | 312 26 36,362 30 59/412 34 81/462 39 04]512 43 26,562 47 49\g19 51 71\662 55 04 AS g)513 43 00,563 47 29.613 51 491663 55 69 | 313 26 45/363 30 67 413 34 90/463 39 12/513 43 35/563 47 57/613 51 80/663 56 02 at *\614 43 18 564 47 38,614 51 58/664 55 78 | 3i4 26 % 53/364 30 76/414 34 98/464 39 21/514 43 43/564 47 66.614 51 88/664 56 11 2H 515 43 26/565 47 46615 51 66/665 55 86 | 315 26 62.365 30 84.416 35 07/465 39 29/516 43 52/565 47 741615 51 97/665 56 19 ai8 516 43 34566 47 54616 51 74/666 55 94 | 316 26 70366 30 93/416 35 15/468 39 35/516 43 60|566 47 83/616 52 05/666 56 28 a 3\517 43 43/567 47 63/617 51 83.667 56 03 | 317 26 79.367 31 01/417 35 24/467 39 46)517 43 69,567 47 91/617 52 14667 56 36 ae 518 43 51/568 47 71,618 51 91/668 56 11 | 318 26 87.368 31 10/418 35 32/468 39 55/518 43 77|/568 48 O0lg1g 52 22/668 56 45 ae Q 519 43 60 569 47 S0\619 52 00/669 56 20 | 349 26 96/369 31 18/419 35 41/469 39 63/519 43 86,569 45 O3)619 52 31\669 56 53 cae 8/520 43 GS/570 47 $3/620 52 08/670 56 28 | 320 27 04/370 31 26/420 35 49/470 39 71|520 43 94|570 48 1G/g99 52 39/670 56 G1 te 0/521 43 76/571 47 96621 52 16/671 56 3C | gat 27 12/371 31 35/421 35 57/471 39 80/591 44 02/571 48 25/g91 52 47/671 56 70 ape 9/822 43 85/572 48 05/622 52 25/672 56 45 | 322 27 21/372 31 43/422 35 66/472 39 88522 44 11/572 48 33/699 52 56672 56 78 a ee (9/923 43 95/573 48 13/623 52 33/673 56 53 | 323 27 29/373 31 52/493 35 74/473 39 97/593 44 19/573 48 42/693 52 64/673 56 87 de 2/524 44 02/574 48 22/624 52 42/674 56 62 | 324 27 38374 31 60/494 35 83/474 40 05/524 44 28/574 48 50\g94 52 73/674 56 95 Saati }525 44 10/575 48 30/626 52 50/675 56 70 | 325 27 46/375 31 COl495 35 91/475 40 14/595 44 36/575 48 59\g95 52 811675 57 04 Ss 08/526 44 18/576 48 35/626 52 58/676 56 78 | 326 27 55/376 31 77/496 36 00/476 40 22/596 44 45/576 48 67/696 52 90/676 57 12 eee 1/827 44 271577 48 47/627 52 67/677 56 87 | 327 27 63/377 31 86/427 36 08/477 40 31/597 44 53/577 48 T6/g97 52 981677 57 21 Apa 9/528 44 35/578 48 55/628 52 75/678 56 95 27 72/378 31 36 17/478 40 39/598 44 62/578 48 84698 53 071678 57 29 ae 4/529 44 41/579 48 64629 52 84/679 57 O4 } 25/479 40 48/529 44 70/579 48 93/699 53 15/679 57 38 pane 32/530 44 52/580 48 72/630 52 92/680 57 12 33,480 40 56 530 44 78 580 49 01/639 53 23/680 57 46 aan oe 3 1531 44 60/581 48 8 80/631 53 00/681 57 20 5 2.481 40 64 531 44 87 581 49 09/631 53 32/681 57 54 ee J (532 ee 582 48 89/632 53 09/682 57 29 3 50/482 40 73 532 44 95582 49 18/639 53 40/682 57 63 ae ] i Bag an Hate 583 oe Pik 633 a Vi 683 57 a 5 59/483 40 81/533 45 04/583 49 26/633 53 49/683 57 71. 335 28 32 34] 30 5 485 40 7/338 44 OMlBEE re v4 B35 53 aA es By A HOU aa ae nae Ee iS 13)634 53 57)684 57 80 336 28 22/386 32 42/436 36 & i slaee 40 golese ae a 2/88 = ld (838 oe ore 685 57 54 ) 76/485 40 98/535 45 24 585 49 43 635 53 66/685 57 88 einer oe cite oa cies aac ese 250g 6 Fu Oak 686 57 ee 3 84/486 41 07/536 45 29/586 49 521636 53 74/686 57 97. BBE 25 AglGne 32 S01dGG 2g TOlESS ap solegd 42 1aleBe 49 Sule37 58 51/087 57 71 Oldest Saleen ae scloae 40 colts oo neem Bie sin os palaee oe elas aa pereee aes 49: 30/638 53 59/688 57 79 01488 41 24/538 45 46/588 49 69/638 53 91/688 58 14 B40 28 56/390 32 76\440 36 96l490 41 16lb40 45 3cleey 49 ablege £3 selene sy OG 10/489 41 32/639 45 55/589 42 77/639 54 001689 58 22 Ger i501 881 2 saat dr oval at Sat 42 leat 1) cua £4 sugar ss cy | $4022 254g 41 Uge) 45 Gr 49 S182 3! ORMD O88 28 64) 2 84 37 OF) ad 5 i) : 53 04 : 37 26 57 ae 43 pee? 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P 51 47/652 55 75 | 302 25 97|352 30 27/402 34 38 87 aa 7 89/6015)" GSI6b Top 38 303 29 91 469 40 18.409 34 40.459 38 73 609 43 01 $59 47 25,603 1 90.663 59 8 | 303 26 Fae e ee oa Cugeaiae oblcua ey oolbes ay SORE! 77/652 56 25 30 27 2 \e0a 43 09 664 47 37 26 36/403 34 661453 38 96.503 43 26553 47 56, %G 305 26 08355 30 35/405 34 63455 38 90 7/604 51 64/654 55 92 | 304 26 14/354 30 44404 34 74454 t ealboe Sicaelfeateres 26 08/355 30 ¢ : © 2 30 44) 454 39 04/504 43 34/55 5 | 7 ae EE EST TIP SRE Hao Ur ere el Een MSE ee aren 83/485 ; 4 47 64604 51 94654 56 24 Gog 26 16/350 20 421406 34711456 38 0olGN6 43 26/058 47 52/608 51 S1165B 56.09 | 906 26 Bee a Oe ae oe oclfeococbaltoe ancac bee 27 as Gon no Te GEREEE 33 aor : | i 9| ? 26 32/356 30 62 2/456 39 22/506 43 52/556 47 82) Se 3pm 26 33/958 30 611408 34 BSI4E8 30 16608 43.43 1657 47 62.607 51 90.657 5617 | 307 26 40357 307 35 6 47 82/606 52 12/656 56 42 56 4 at ealannks 9 16/508 43 43/558 47 71 ; iS 0 70/407 35 00|457 39 30 507 43 60) 5-20! ae 209 26 42/359 30 69 409 34 97/459 39 24 ‘ 71/608 51 98/668 56 26 | 308 26 49/368 30 79/408 35 09/4 ¢ : 5 B09 26 42/858 30 09/409 34 97.459 30 24)500 43 52/869 47 79/609 52 07/659 56 34 | 309 29 57868 30 87 a abe ened eos galer| on 30 78/410 35 9 33/510 43 60.560 47 88.610 52 : oor N409'35 17458 39 47/508 25.77 311 26 59/361 30 87411 35 141461 39 4: ; 610 52 15/660 56 43 | 310 26 66/360 30 96 5 26/460 2 be 30 B7/4IL 35 14 42/511 43 69|561 47 97/611 52 2 5 3 SE EO Se 2 Oa eee tare ice 312 26 681362 30 95/412 35 23'462 39 50512 4: 7611 52 24|661 56.52 | 311 26 75/361 31 05/411 35 35/461 39 : 26 63/362 : 35 2 lererascvE j Bees 26 461 39 65|BIL 43 95 319 26 76/363 31 04/413 35 311463 ue 50/512 43 78/562 48 05/612 52 33/662 56 60 | 312 26 83/362 31 13412 35 4131460 1 26 : 5 612 52 26 462 39 73/512 44 03 ie oe Os(B4 31-1214) 35 2014s oo Orie ya 43.95 Beg 48 14613 52 41/663 56.69 | 313 26 92.363 31 221413 35 52 463 39 82| | ; Bee calses 31 vildie oe tolecs 39 61/614 43 951664 48 221614 52 50/664 56 77 | 314 27 00|364 31 30/414 35 Sapa SE mann I Be Oe lacd St SlRIG ao STlace sor ecie wg a4 12(b60 48 31/615 52 581666 56 86 | 316 27 091365 31 3° 5 60/464 39 90614 44 20 1 9 841516 44 12/566 48 391616 52 67/666 56 27 I A ptt aie lies z 317 27 10/367 31 381417 35 651467 39 9: 9/616 52 67/666 56 94 | 316 27 18|366 31 48 5 73 ‘| 1 : 31 38 5 Dae etre aaleuerae aelBtrrbetys 27 18 48/416 35 78/466 40 08/516 44 38 318 27 19/368 31 46/418 35 74/468 40 7 52 75/667 57 03 | 317 27 26/867 31 56/417 35 86 ‘ 37 971369 | oe ) 01/518 44 29/668 48 56/618 52 84/668 57 oT a6 56417 35 86,467 40 16)b17 44 46 567 48 76 61 5 eee F Sage 85 82/4G0 40 10/618 44 37/608 48 626 18.52 92/868. In| SUS 27 35,908 91 ON te Oe eee 2 eats ee cclbee ce Sata cea 301 27 45/371 31 72/421 36 00/471 40 27 ee 73/620 53 01 670 57 28 | 320 27 52/370 31 82/420 36 12/470 40 42 Be 93619 53 23/669 57 53 302 27 53/372 31 81/422 36 OS\472 40 3¢ 521 44 55/571 48 82621 53 10/671 57 37 | 321 27 61/371 31 91/421 36 21/471 40 51 Bor eS ere eee 303 27 62/373 31 89/423 36 17/473 40 oe 522 44 63/672 48 91/622 53 18/672 57 46 | 322 27 69372 31 99/422 36 Ef 51/521 44 81/571 49 11) l621 53 41/671 57 71 ee ile alte? 517 593 44 72/573 48 991623 53 27|673 57 3” 78 99/422 36 29/472 40 59/522 44 89/572 49 1916 9/672 57 304 27 70|374 31 98\424 36 25/474 40 53) f 39) 27/673 57 54 | 323 27 78/373 32 08/423 36 38/473 40 68 98| [622 53 49/672 57 79 306 27 79/375 32 061425 36 34/475 40 a 524 44 80 574 49 08/624 53 35/674 57 63 | 324 27 86/374 32 16/424 36 46 474 40 68 non 44 98)573 49 25623 53 58/673 57 88 396 27 87/376 32 15/426 36 42/476 40 70 ee aatc oye 49 16/66 £3 441676 57 71 | 326 27 951375 32 251496 36 55/475 40 eee 06/574 49 36 624 53 66/674 57 96 ¢ 9 99 ped 7 95 5 5) ” ; aha he ‘ < 25 45 15/675 49 4¢ 3°75 F B28 2 BT 33 Dalat a6 ata’ Ap VolCae aa caleye 40 asloay o3 1617 oY 88 | 327 28 12 376 32 311426 36 64476 40 911626 45 24| Aare ra Been ad aolaae. 0 DUlaya 20 GTitae ae 06/577 49 33/627 53 61677 57 88 | 327 28 12/377 32 42/427 a6s68 E1820 0a Boo Toe oes a acieae ae 84.676 58 14 828 28 011378 32 101420 30 OBlaTe 40 Y5le28 49 251679 49 50/620 53 69/678 57 97 | 328 28 21/378 32 51/428 36 51) 02/527 45 32/677 19 62/627 o3 921677 BB:22 28 | 3% 5 68 Eee rere peetagsatameaeraie i 28 21/878 32 51/428 36 81/478 41 11|528 45 41)578 49 71 Et 330 28 21/380 32 49/430 36 76/480 41 04 5: 3 7/678 58 05 | 329 28 24/379 32 59429 36 8y479 4 5 leoe ‘4 Ooleee saan 32 4 57 : 5% : 29/379 32 g 1 19/529 45 491579 49 7 “ ao oe solBI 32 S8la3i 86 Solael 41 L3lee1 49 40/681 49 USI6SI. 53 Uo 680 58 14 | 330 28 38.380 32 63/430 36 98 480 41 28/630 45 5 as leap eanietaneeeae ‘ Bo De 36 > at >: a 9) ow 8 hs 1 28/530 45 55/580 49 83) 2 S31 28 a0 Te a COlaae Se Scldad Ao Aloud ae colby a0 Voldae oe Os(682 58 31 | gaz 28 solaaR 32 85| la31 37 07 481 41 37/881 45 67 les 54 2vleot 28 of Bier 3 7R g 76| 5 58) 3 Sake LEY 7 0%) 1 37/531 45 67\581 49 97 Re 333 28 47/383 32 75/433 37 02/483 41 30 Soe 45 49)582 49 76/632 54 04/682 58 31 | 332 28 55/382 32 85 (a32 37 15482 41 45 o7/a81 49-07 031 42 (oa e ‘ Sean 2 35 m4 9 sl) D2 Be 5) 45/532 45 75/582 50 0 3 Bs 334 28 56|384 32 83/434 37 11|484 41 38 pee 45 57/683 49 85 633 54 12/683 58 40 333 28 611383 32 94/433 37 24/483 41 54 u 90 05/632 54 35/682 58 65 335 28 64 385 32 92/435 37 19/485 41 47/5 4 49 66 584 49 93\634 54 21/684 58 48 334 28 72/384 33 ee las 54 533 45 84/582 90 14! 633 54 44 1683 58 74 Baie : 35 45 74/585 50 02/635 54 29/686 58 57 98 8 33 02/434 37 32/484 41 62/534 45 92/584 50 226 2/684 58 8: 336 28 73/386 33 00\436 37 281486 41 551536 45 & See eee oe pul copeaerconen asmGlae 7 5 01 31638 54 61/686 58 91 7 28 45 83/586 50 10/636 54 38/686 58 65 Sa 2 5 37 41/485 41 71/535 46 01/585 50 31/63 : 338 oe i(g87 33 O0laa7 37 3ulasT 41 64 887 3/686 58 65 | 336 28 901986 33 20148 8 54 70686 59 00 aoe 6 45 91/587 50 19/637 54 46/687 58 7 5 33 20/436 37 50486 41 50/636 46 10/586 50 40.636 5 338 28 90 388 33 171438 37 45/488 41 72 pee 2 6 8 74 337 28 981387 32 28 1437 37 2 = 4 = 4 70\686 59 00 : eee : i2 46 00/588 50 27/638 54 55/688 58 82 oa oe nies 7 58/487 41 88/537 46 18/587 50 48/637 5 339 28 93/389 33 26/439 37 531489 41 81/539 46 0s i 94 55 8 82 | 338 29 07/388 33 37/438 37 67/488 41 97/538 46 27 28/637 54 78/687 59 08 Fao ee eae ee oe ee oe aclean of 72690 58 09 | 349 20 241800 33 54 Tee rage 2 onlega 46 351689 50 Golege 4 95|g89 59 25 341 29 16/391 33 43.441 37 71/491 41 98/541 6 li 590 50 44 640 54 72/690 58 99 340 29 211390 33 51/440 37 co) 2 05 39 46 35/589 50 65 639 54 951689 59 25 3 4: 7 a a Eee aa) 29 24/890 33 54/440 37 84.490 42 14/540 46 44590 50 74 640 5 : 342 29 24|392 33 52.442 37 791492 42 07/542 4 6 G Os | Sat 20 s2]8B1 3 Gsaal 37 93 491 42 29/641 46 53/591 50 83\ga1 55 13 Bal 59 23 5 2 Be ee oe eels 54 81692 59 17 29 33 63/441 37 93/491 42 23 541 46 53.591 50 83 | 343 20 33/393 33 601443 37 881499 42 151543 46 43/599 5 Pea Pep ee es 2 31/542 46 6 50 91le42 55 21(e92 69 SI 33 6 7 2 43/593 50 70/643 54 98/693 59 25 oi 33 7 38 01/492 42 31/542 46 61/592 50 9116 9 = 344 29 41/394 33 69444 37 96/494 42 24 544 46 51/5 : 25 | 343 29 50/393 33 80/443 38 10/493 42 40/5 5 70) 5 42 55 21692 59 51 oe 6 22 E rm OG P Beuue oe 8 43 46 70|593 51 00 345 29 50/395 33 77/445 38 05/495 42 321545 46 ol 594 50 79/644 55 06/694 59 34 344 29 58/394 33.88|444 38 13494 42 48/5 a 643 55 30 693 59 60 2 32 SE te Oe ee 29 58 j 46 781594 51 03) ; aa eg 28/896 33 861446 38 13/496 42 411546 ar S0)bunto0 8 645 55 15/695 59 42 | 345 29 671395 33 97/445 38 27/495 42 48/544 46 78/594 51 08/644 55 38/694 59 63 Bae 2 oe eae oa oaleae a0 2alapy 42 40lkay 46 Tileer o1-Os|647 55.32 696 59 51 | 346 29 76.396 34 06/446 3 Bare AS 7a SE L764 5 ERR a : 22 2 5 77/597 51 04/647 55 32/697 5Y 5: ; pee oh: 38 36/496 42 66/546 46 96596 51 26 55 56 59 86 Te ee ee ea a eg ea ee 9 51 211649 55 49/699 59 76 3 34 3 33 548 47 13598 51 43.648 55 73 698 60 O: ote ed O11999 4 31/449 38 611499 42 911649 47 21/699 51 51/649 55 51699 60 1! 279 CotTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at Sic. or 8.623 From 300 to 699 Ibs at Siie. or 8.682 —_ 7/350830 19/400$34 50/450338 81) 500343 1 2/550847 44/600351 75/650356 06 300826 06/350330 41/400334 75/450339 09/500343 44/550%47 78|600852 12/650856 47 300825 8 301 25 96361 30 27/401 34 59/451 38 90501 43 21551 47 52.601 51 81/651 5615 | 301 26 15/381 30 49/401 34 84/451 39 18/801 43 52/581 47 87 601 52 21/651 56 56 302 26 05|352 30 36,402 34 67/452 38 98/502 43 30 7 61/602 51 92/652 56 23 | 302 26 24/352 30 58/402 34 92/452 39 27/502 43 61/559 47 95/602 52 301652 56 64 303 26 13/353 30 45/403 34 76/453 39 07/503 43 38|553 47 70/603 52 01/653 56 32 | 303 26 32/353 30 67/403 35 01/453 39 35/503 43 70/553 48 04/603 52 391653 56 73 304 26 22/354 30 53)404 34 84/454 39 16/504 43 47/554 47 78/604 52 09/654 56 41 304 26 41/354 30 75/404 35 10/454 39 44/504 43 78/554 48 13/604 52 47/654 56 82 305 26 31/355 30 62/405 34.93/455 39 24/505 43 56/555 47 871605 52 181655 56 49 305 26 50/355 30 84/405 35 18/455 39 53/505 43 87/555 48 22/605 52 56/655 56 90 306 26 39|356 30 70/406 35 02/456 39 33/506 43 64/556 47 95/606 52 27/656 56 58 306 26 58/356 30 93/406 35 27/456 39 61/506 43 96/556 48 30\606 52 65/656 56 99 307 26 48|357 30 79/407 35 10/457 39 42/507 43 73/557 48 04/607 52 35/657 56 67 307 26 67/357 31 01/407 35 36/457 39 70\507 44 05/557 48 39/607 52 73/657 57 O08 308 26 56/358 30 83/408 35 19/458 39 50508 43 $1558 48 13/608 52 44/658 56 75 308 26 76/358 31 10/408 35 44/458 39 79/508 44 13/558 48 48/608 52 82/658 57 16 309 26 65/359 30 96/409 35 28 459 39 59/509 43 90 559 48 21/609 52 53/659 56 84 | 309 26 84/359 31 19/409 35 53/459 39 88/509 44 22/559 48 56/609 52 911659 57 25 310 26 74/360 31 05/410 35 36/460 39 67/510 43 99/560 48 30/610 52 61/660 56 92 | 310 26 93/360 31 27/410 35 62/460 39 961510 44 31/560 48 65.610 52 991660 57 34 311 26 82/361 31 14/411 35 45/461 39 76/511 44 07/561 48 39/611 52 70/661 57 01 | 311 27 02/361 31 36/411 35 71/461 40 05/511 44 39/561 48 74/611 53 OS/GGI 57 42 312 26 91/362 31 22|412 35 53/462 39 85/512 44 16/562 48 47/612 52 78/662 57 10 | 312 27 10/362 31 45/412 35 79/462 40 14/512 44 48/562 48 82/612 53 17/662 57 51 313 27 06 31/413 35 62/463 39 93 513 44 25/563 48 56/613 52 87/663 57 18 | 313 27 19/363 31 54/413 35 881463 40 22/513 44 57/563 48 911613 53 25/663 57 60 314 39/414 35 71/464 40 02/514 44 33/564 48 64/614 52 96/664 57 27 | 314 27 28/364 31 62/414 35 97/464 40 31/514 44 65/564 49 00\614 53 34/664 57 68 315 48/415 35 79/465 40 11515 44 42/565 48 73/616 53 04/665 57 86 | 315 27 37/365 31 71/415 36 05/465 40 40/515 44 74/565 49 08/615 53 43/665 57 77 316 57/416 35 88,466 40 19516 44 50/566 48 82/616 53 13/666 57 44 | 316 27 45/366 31 80\416 36 14/466 40 48/516 44 83/566 49 17/616 53 51/666 57 86 317 2 65/417 35 97/467 40 28 517 44 59/567 48 90617 53 22/667 57 53 | 317 27 54/367 31 88/417 36 23/467 40 57/517 44 91/667 49 261617 53 GOIBT 57 95 318 : 74)418 36 05/468 40 36518 44 63/568 48 99/618 53 30/668 57 61 | 318 27 63/368 31 97/418 36 31/468 40 66/518 45 00/568 49 341618 53 69/668 58 03 319 2 83/419 36 14/469 40 45519 44 76/569 49 031619 53 39/669 57 70 | 319 27 71/369 32 0G/419 36 40/4g9 40 741519 45 091569 49 43/619 53 78/669 58 12 320 27 60/370 31 91/420 36 22/470 40 54/520 44 85/570 49 16|620 53 47 |670 57 79 | 320 27 80/370 32 14/420 36 49/470 40 83/520 45 17/570 49 52/620 53 86|670 58 21 321 27 69} 2 00/421 36 31/471 40 62/521 44 94/571 49 25/621 53 56/671 57 87 | 321 27 891371 32 23/421 36 57/471 40 92/521 45 26571 49 61/621 53 951671 58 29 322 27 77/372 32 08/422 36 40/472 40 71/522 45 02/572 49 33/622 53 65/672 57 96 | 392 27 97/372 32 32/422 36 66/472 41 00/522 45 35/572 49 69/622 54 041672 58 38 323 27 86/373 32 17/423 36 48/473 40 80523 45 11/573 49 42/623 53 73/673 58 05 | 323 28 06/373 32 40/423 36 75/473 41 09/523 45 44/573 49 781693 54 121673 58 47 324 27 94/374 32 26/424 36 57/474 40 88/524 45 19\574 49 51/624 53 82/674 58 13 324 28 15/374 32 49/324 36 83/474 41 18/524 45 52/574 49 87/624 54 211674 58 55 325 28 03/375 32 34/425 36 66/475 40 97/525 45 28/575 49 59/625 53 91/676 58 22 | 395 28 23/375 32 58/425 36 921475 41 27/595 45 611575 49 95'605 54 30/675 58 64 326 28 12/376 32 43/426 36 74/476 41 05/526 45 37/576 49 68/626 53 99/676 58 30 | 396 28 32/376 32 66/426 37 011476 41 35/526 45 70/576 50 041626 54 381676 58 73 327 28 20377 32 52/427 36 83/477 41 14,527 45 45/577 49 77/627 54 08/677 58 39 | 397 28 41/377 32 75/427 37 10/477 41 44/597 45 78/577 50 13/627 54 47677 58 81 328 28 29/378 32 60/428 36 91 |478 41 23/528 45 54/678 49 85/628 54 16/678 58 48 | 398 28 49/378 32 be 428 37 18/478 41 53/528 45 87578 50 21/628 54 56/678 58 90 329 28 38/379 32 69/429 37 00479 41 31529 45 63/579 49 94/629 54 25/679 58 56 | 309 28 58/379 32 93/429 37 27/479 41 61529 45 961579 50 30629 54 64/679 58 99 330 28 46/380 32 77/430 37 09/480 41 40/530 45 71/580 50 02/630 54 34/680 58 65 | 330 28 67/380 33 01/430 37 36/480 41 70/530 46 04/580 50 39/630 54 73/680 59 O07 331 28 55381 32 86/431 37 17/481 41 49531 45 80/581 50 11/631 54 42/681 58 74 | 331 28 76/381 33 10/431 37 44/481 41 79/531 46 13/581 50 47/631 54 83/681 59 16 ‘ 7 26/482 41 57/582 45 85/582 50 20/632 54 51/682 58 82 | 339 28 84/382 33 19/432 37 53\482 41 87/532 46 22/582 50 56/632 54 90/682 59 25 E 7 35/483 41 66/533 45 97/583 50 28/633 54 60/683 58 91 | 333 28 93/383 33 27/433 37 62/483 41 96/533 46 30/583 50 65/633 54 99/683 59 34 334 28 81/384 33 12|434 37 43/484 41 74/534 46 06/584 50 37/634 54 68/684 58 99 | 334 29 02/384 33 36/434 37 70/484 42 05/534 46 39/584 50 73/634 55 08/684 59 42 335 28 89/385 33 21/435 37 52/485 41 83,535 46 14/585 50 46/635 54 77/685 59 08 | 335 29 10/985 33 45/435 37 79/485 42 13/535 46 48/585 50 82/635 55 171685 59 51 336 28 98/386 33 29/436 37 60/486 41 92/536 46 23/586 50 54/636 54 85/686 59 17 | 336 29 19/386 33 53/436 37 881486 42 22/536 46 56/586 50 91/636 55 25/686 59 60 337 29 07/387 33 38/437 37 69,487 42 00537 46 32/587 50 63/637 54 94/687 59 25 | 337 29 28/387 33 62/437 37 96 31/537 46 65/587 51 00637 55 34/687 59 68 338 29 15/388 33,46/438 37 78,488 42 09538 46 40/588 50 71/638 55 03/688 59 34 | 338 29 36/388 33 71/438 38 05 39/538 46 74/588 51 08/638 55 43/688 59 77 339 29 24/389 33'55|439 37 86/489 42 18/539 46 49/589 50 80/639 55 11/689 59 43 | 339 29 45/389 33 79/439 38 14 48/539 46 83/589 51 17/639 55 51/689 59 86 340 29 32/390 33 64/440 37 95/490 42 26 540 46 57/590 50 89/640 55 20/690 59 51 | 340 29 54/390 33 881440 38 22 57/540 46 91/590 51 26/640 55 60/690 59 94 341 29 41/391 33 72/441 38 04/491 42 35/541 46 66/591 50 97/641 55 29/691 59 GO | 341 29 62/391 33 97/441 38 31 66/541 47 00/591 61 34/641 55 69/691 60 03 342 29 50 392 33 81/442 38 12/492 42 43/642 46 75 592 51 06/642 55 37/692 59 63 | 342 29 71/392 34 05/442 38 40 74/542 47 09/592 51 43/642 55 77/692 GO 12 2 2 2 cs oo ~~ » wwnw PHPSees © © Cc 00 CO ON—-OO0 343 29 58/393 33 90\443 38 21/493 42 52/543 46 83) )593 51 15/643 55 46/693 59 77 343 29 80/393 34 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38/699 60 73 From 300 to 699 lbs at Si3c. or 8.65 From 300 to 699 lbs at 8\ce. or 8.70 | | | 300325 95/350830 27/400834 60/450338 92 500343 25 550847 57/600851 bi ‘ 300526 10/350330 45400334 80 450339 15/§90343 50/550847 85600352 20\650856 55 301 26 04/351 30 36/401 34 69/451 39 01/501 43 34/551 47 66 (601 51 99/651 56 31 301 26 19/351 30 54,401 34 89451 39 24/501 43 59.551 47 94/601 52 29/651 56 64 302 26 12/352 30 45)402 34 77/452 39 10/502 43 42/552 47 75/602 52 07/652 56 40 302 26 27/352 30 62/402 34 97.452 39 32/502 43 67/552 48 02\602 52 37/652 56 72 303 26 21/353 30 53/403 34 86/453 39 18} |503 43 51/553 47 83/603 52 16/653 56 48 303 26 36/353 30 71/403 35 06 453 39 41/503 43 76/553 48 11/603 52 46/653 56 81 304 26 30/354 30 62/404 34 95/454 39 27 7/504 43 60 554 47 92/604 52 25/654 56 57 304 26 45/354 30 80/404 35 15,454 39 50/504 43 85/554 48 20/604 52 55/654 56 90 305 26 38/355 30 71/405 35 03/455 39 36/505 43 68/555 48 01/605 52 33/655 56 66 305 26 53/355 30 88/405 35 23/455 39 58/505 43 93/555 48 28/605 52 63/655 56 98 306 26 47/356 30 79/406 35 12/456 39 44] 506 43 77) (556 48 09/606 52 42/656 56 74 306 26 62/356 30 97/406 35 32/456 39 67/506 44 02/556 48 37/606 52 72/656 57 07 etlastiadiaadl. a. Wiowwsa See Rep 307 26 56/357 30 88/407 35 21/457 39 53507 43 86/557 48 18/607 52 51/657 56 83 307 26 71|357 31 06,407 35 41/457 39 76/507 44 11/557 48 46/607 52 81/657 57 16 308 26 64/358 80 97/408 35 29/458 39 62/508 43 94/558 48 27/608 52 59/658 56 92 | 308 26 80/358 31 15/408 35 50) 1458 39 85 508 44 20/558 48 55/608 52 90/658 57 25 309 26 73/359 31 05/409 35 38/459 39 70) 509 44 03/559 48 35/609 52 68/659 57 00 | 309 26 88/359 31 23/409 35 58/459 39 93/509 44 28/559 48 63/609 52 98/659 57 33 310 26 81/360 31 14/410 35 46/460 39 79/510 44 11 }560 48 44/610 52 76,660 57 09 | 310 26 97/360 31 32/410 35 67/460 40 02/510 44 37/560 48 72/610 53 O7\660 57 42 311 26 90/361 31 23/411 35 55/461 39 88| SLL 44 20/561 48 53.611 52 85/661 57 18 | 311 27 06/361 31 41/411 35 76/461 40 11/511 44 46/561 48 81/611 53 16\661 57 51 312 26 99/362 31 31/412 35 64/462 39 96| j512 44 29/562 48 61/612 52 94/662 57 26 | 312 27 14/362 31 49/412 35 84/462 40 19/512 44 54/562 48 89/612 53 24/662 57 59 313 27 07/363 31 40/413 35 72/463 40 05/513 44 387/563 48 70/613 53 02/663 57 35 313 27 23/363 31 58/413 35 93/463 40 28/513 44 63/563 48 98/613 53 33/663 57 68 314 27 16/364 31 49/414 35 81/464 40 14/514 44 46564 48 79/614 53 11/664 57 44 314 27 32/364 31 67/414 36 02/464 40 37/514 44 72|564 49 07/614 53 42/664 57 77 315 27 25/365 31 57/415 35 90/465 40 22/515 44 55/565 48 87/615 53 20/665 57 52 315 27 40/865 31 75/415 36 10/465 40 45/515 44 80/565 49 15/615 53 50/665 57 85 316 27 33/366 31 66/416 35 98/466 40 31/516 44 63/566 48 96/616 53 28/666 57 61 316 27 49/366 31 84/416 36 19/466 40 54/516 44 89/566 49 24/616 53 59/666 57 94 317 27 42/3867 31 75/417 36 07/467 40 40/517 44 72/567 49 05/617 53 37/667 57 70 | 317 27 581867 31 93/417 36 28/467 40 63/517 44 98/567 49 33/617 53 68/667 58 03 318 27 51/368 31 83/418 36 16/468 40 48/518 44 81/568 49 13/618 53 46/668 57 78 | 318 27 67/368 32 02/418 36 37/468 40 72/518 45 07/568 49 42/618 53 771668 58 12 319 27 59/369 31 92/419 36 24/469 40 57/519 44 89/569 44 22/619 53 54/669 57 87 319 27 75/369 32 10/419 36 45/469 40 80519 45 15/569 49 50/619 53 85/669 58 20 320 27 68/370 32 00/420 36 24/470 40 65/520 44 98/570 49 30/620 53 63/670 57 95 320 27 84/370 32 19/420 36 54/470 40 89/520 45 24/570 49 59/620 53 94/670 58 29 321 27 77/371 32 09/421 36 42/471 40 74/521 45 O7/571 49 39/621 53 72/671 58 04 | 321 27 93/371 32 28|421 36 63/471 40 98/521 45 33/571 49 68/621 54 03/671 58 38 322 27 85/372 382 18.422 36 50/472 40 83/522 45 15/572 49 48/622 53 80/672 58 13 | 322 28 01/372 32 36/422 36 711472 41 06/509 45 41/572 49 76/622 54 11/672 58 46 323 27 94/373 32 26/423 36 59/473 40 91/528 45 24/573 49 56/623 53 89/673 58 21 323 28 10/373 32 45/423 36 80/473 41 15/593 45 50/573 49 85/623 54 20/673 58 55 $24 28 03/374 32 35/424 36 68/474 41 00/524 45 33/574 49 65/624 53 98/674 58 30 | 324 28 19/374 32 54/424 36 89/474 41 24/504 45 59/574 49 941624 54 29/674 58 64 325 28 11/375 32 44/425 386 76/475 41 09/526 45 41/575 49 741625 54 06/675 58 39 | 325 28 27/375 32 62/425 36 97/475 41 32/595 45 67/575 50 02/625 54 37/675 58 72 326 28 20/376 382 52/426 36 85/476 41 17/526 45 50/576 49 82/626 54 15/676 58 47 | 326 28 36/376 32 71/426 37 06/476 41 41/596 45 76/576 50 11/626 54 46/676 58 81 327 23 29/377 32 61/427 386 94/477 41 26/527 45 59/577 49 91/627 54 24/677 58 56 | 397 28 4513877 32 80/427 37 15/477 41 50/527 45 85/577 50 20/627 54 55/677 58 90 2 32 70/428 37 02/478 41 35/528 45 67/578 50 00/628 54 32/678 58 65 | 328 28 54/378 32 89/428 37 24/478 41 59/598 45 94/578 50 29/628 54 641678 58 99 82 78/429 37 11/479 41 43/529 45 76/579 50 08/629 54 41/679 58 73 | 329 28 62/379 32 97/429 37 32/479 41 67/529 46 021579 50 37/629 54 721679 59 07 87/430 37 19/480 41 52/530 45 84 |580 50 17/630 54 49/680 58 82 330 28 71/380 33 06/430 37 41/480 41 76/530 46 11/580 50 46/630 54 81/680 59 16 32 96/431 37 28/481 41 61/531 45 93) j581 50 26/631 54 58/681 58 91 33! 28 80/381 33 15/431 37 50/481 41 85/531 46 20/581 50 55/631 54 90/681 59 25 932 28 72/382 33 04432 37 37/482 41 69/532 46 02/582 50 34/632 54 67/682 58 99 | 332 28 8x|382 33 23/432 37 58/482 41 93/532 46 28/582 50 631632 54 98/682 5y 33 333 28 80/383 33 13/433 37 45/483 41 78/533 46 10/583 50 43/633 54 75/683 59 08 333 28 97/383 33 32/433 37 67/483 42 02/533 46 37/583 50 72/633 55 07/683 59 42 ~ 334 28 89/384 33 22/434 37 54/484 41 87/534 46 19/584 50 52/634 54 84/684 59 5 334 29 06/384 33 41/434 37 76/484 42 11/534 46 46/584 50 81/634 55 16/684 59 51 335 28 98/385 33 30/435 37 63/485 41 95/535 46 28/585 50 6O\635 54 93/685 59 25 335 29 14/385 33 49/435 37 2 5 54/585 50 89/635 55 24/685 59 59 336 29 06/386 33 39/436 37 71/486 42 04/536 46 36/586 50 69/636 55 01/686 59 34 336 29 23/386 33 58/436 37 9: 5 63/586 50 98/636 55 33/686 59 68 337 29 15/387 33 48/437 37 80/487 42 13/537 46 45/587 50 78/637 55 10/687 59 43 337 29 32/3887 33 67/437 38 02/487 42 37/537 46 72/587 51 07/637 55 42/687 59 77 338 29 24/388 33 56 438 37 89/488 42 21/538 46 54/588 50 86/638 55 19/688 50 51 338 29 41/388 33 76/438 38 11/488 42 46/538 46 81/588 51 16/638 55 51/688 59 86 339 29 32/389 33 65 439 37 97\489 42 30/539 46 62) 589 50 95/639 55 27/689 59 6O 339 29 49/389 33 84/439 88 19/489 42 54/539 46 89/589 51 24/639 55 59/689 59 94 340 29 41/390 33 13/440 38 06/490 42 38/540 46 71/590 51 03/640 55 36/690 59 68 340 29 58/390 33 93/440 38 28/490 42 63/540 46 98/590 51 33/640 55 68/690 60 03 341 29 50 391 33 82/441 38 15/491 42 47/541 46 80 (591 51 12/641 55 45 \691 59 77 341 29 67/391 34 02/441 38 37/491 42 72/541 47 OT/591 51 42/641 55 77/691 6O 12 342 29 58 392 33 91/442 38 23/492 42 56/542 46 88 592 51 21/642 55 53 1692 59 86 342 29 75/392 34 10/442 38 45/492 4 80/542 47 15/592 51 50/642 55 85/692 60 20 343 29 67/393 33 99/443 38 32/493 oe 64/543 46 97 593 51 29/643 55 62/693 59 94 343 29 84/393 34 19443 38 54/493 42 89/543 47 24/593 51 59/643 55 94/693 60 29 42 42 42 3 | e ny 9 6 7 344 29 76394 34 08 444 38 411494 42 73/544 47 06 594 51 38/644 55 71/694 GO 03 | 344 29 93/394 34 28/444 38 63/494 42 95/544 47 33/594 51 68/644 56 03/694 60 38 345 29 84395 34 17/445 38 49'495 42 82/545 47 14595 51 47/645 55 79/695 GO 12 | 345 30 01/395 34 36/445 38 71495 43 06/545 47 41/595 51 76/645 56 11/695 60 46 346 29 93/396 34 25/446 38 53/496 42 90/546 47 23/596 51 55/646 55 88/696 60 20 | 346 30 10/396 34 451446 38 80.496 43 15/546 47 50/596 51 85/646 56 20/696 GO 55 34 3: 38 67 2 91647 47 32/597 51 64/647 55 971697 60 29 | 347 30 191397 34 54/447 38 89 (497 43 24/547 47 59/597 51 94/647 56 291697 60 64 348 30 10/398 34 43/448 38 75/498 43 08/548 47 40/598 51 73/648 56 05/698 60 38 | 348 30 28/398 34 63/448 38 98 498 43 33/548 47 68/598 52 03/648 56 381698 60 73 349 80 19'399 34 51/449 38 54/499 43 16/549 47 49/599 51 81/649 56 14/699 GO 46 | 349 30 36/399 34 71/449 39 061499 43 41/549 47 76/599 52 11/649 56 461699 60 81 COTTON SELLER’S TABLE. eae From 300 to 699 lbs at Sic. or 8.75 From 300 to 699 lbs at Sifo. or 8-81 300826 25/360830 62/400835 00/450839 37/500843 75/550348 12/600852 50/650856 87 | 300826 4 ; 441350830 84/400835 25 450839 66500844 06 550848 47/6003 52 301 26 34/351 30 71/401 35 09/451 39 46/501 43 84/551 48 21/601 52 59/651 56 96 | 301 26 53/351 30 93/401 34 la51 39 74/501 44 15/551 48 56/601 5: 302 26 42/352 380 80/402 35 17/452 39 55/502 43 92/552 48 30/602 52 67/652 57 05 | 302 26 61/352 31 02/402 35 43.452 39 83.502 44 24552 48 64.602 5: 303 26 51/353 30 89/403 35 26/453 39 64503 44 01/553 48 39 2 76/653 57 14 | 303 26 70) 1353 31 11/403 35 511453 39 92/503 44 33/553 48 73/603 53 14| 304 26 60/354 30 97/404 35 35/454 39 72/504 44 10/554 48 47 5|654 57 22 304 26 79/354 31 20/404 35 60.454 40 01.504 44 41/554 48 82.604 53 2: 305 26 69/355 31 06/405 35 44/455 39 81/505 44 19/555 48 56 685 5731 | 306 26 88355 31 28|405 35 69455 40 10805 44 50.555 48 91 1605 53 32 306 26 77/356 31 15/406 35 52)456 39 90/506 44 27/556 48 65 21656 57 40_| 305 26 971356 31 37/406 35 781456 40 18506 44 59/556 49 00/606 53 ¢ 307 26 86/357 31 24/407 35 61/457 39 99/507 44 36)/557 48 74 657 57 49 | 307 27 051357 31 46/407 35 87/457 40 27/507 44 68557 49 09.607 53 4: 308 26 95/358 31 32/408 35 70/458 40 07/508 44 45)558 48 82 658 57.57 | 308 27 14/358 31 55/408 35 95458 40 36,508 44 77/558 49 17/608 53 58 309 27 04/359 31 41 9/459 40 16/509 44 54/559 48 91 659 57 66 309 27 23/359 31 64/409 36 04/459 40 45/509 44 86/559 49 26/609 5: 310 27 12/360 31 50 460 40 25/510 44 62/560 49 00 2 27 32) 31 72 3 13.460 40 54,510 44 94/560 49 35/610 53 7 311 27 21/361 31 59 3/461 40 34/511 44 71/561 49 09 318 36 22461 40 63511 45 03/561 49 44/611 312 27 30/362 31 67/412 36 05/462 40 42/512 44 80/562 49 17 : 36 31/462 40 71/512 45 12\562 49 53/612 ; 313 27 39/363 31 76/413 36 14/463 40 51/513 44 89/563 49 26) Z j 10/463 40 80/513 45 21/563 49 61/613 : 314 27 47/364 31 85/414 36 22/464 40 60/514 44 97/564 49 35) 35 3 481464 40 89/514 45 30/564 49 70/614 5 315 27 56/365 31 94/415 36 31/465 40 69/515 45 06/565 49 44 é 32 7/465 40 98/515 45 38/565 49 79.615 : 316 27 65)366 32 02/416 36 40/466 40 77/516 45 15/566 49 52 g§ 38 3 66/466 41 O7|516 45 47 566 49 88 616 : 317 27 74/367 32 11/417 36 49/467 40 86/517 45 24/567 49 61 3 : 3 75/467 41 15/517 45 56/567 49 97/617 : 318 27 82/368 32 20/418 36 57/468 40 95/518 45 32/568 49 70 29 38 3 84/468 41 24/518 45 65/568 50 05/618 5 319 27 91/369 32 29/419 36 66/469 41 04/519 45 41/569 49 79 D) 3: > 92/469 41 33/519 45 74/569 50 14/619: 320 28 00/370 32 37/420 36 75/470 41 12/520 45.50/570 49 87 By 35 011470 41 42/520 45 82/570 50 23) f 321 28 09/371 32 46/421 36 84/471 41 21/521 45 59/571 49 96 Oo R 10|471 41 51\/521 45 91/571 & 322 28 17|3872 32 55/422 36 92/472 41 30/522 45 67/572 50 05 Dy F 19} 472 41 59/522 46 00/572! 323 28 26/373 32 64/423 37 01/473 41 39/523 45 76/573 50 14 21 i 281473 41 68/523 46 09/578 § 324 28 35/374 32 72/424 37 10/474 41 47/524 45 85/574 50 22 98 35 36/474 41 77\524 46 18/576 ! 325 28 44/375 32 81/425 37 19|475 41 56/625 45 94/575 50 31 25 3: 45/475 41 86/525 46 27/575 5 8|675 59 48 326 28 52/376 32 90/426 37 27/476 41 65/526 46 02/576 50 40 os 3é 54/476 41 95/596 46 35/570 & Pi 676 595 327 28 61/377 32 99/427 37 36/477 41 74/527 46 11/577 50 49 Qs Bi 63/477 42 04/527 46 44/577 & 25/677 59 66 328 28 70/378 33 07/428 37 45/478 41 82/528 46 20/578 50 57 25 Be 72)478 42 12/525 46 53/578 ! 678 59 75 329 28 79/379 33 16/429 37 54/479 41 91/529 46 29/579 50 66 28 33 81/479 42 21/520 46 62/579 ¢ 3/679 59 84 330 28 87/380 33 25/430 37 62)480 42 00/530 46 37/580 50 75 2° 3: 89) |480 42 30\590 46 71/580 : 680 59 92 331 28 96/381 33 34/431 37 71/481 42 09/531 46 46/581 50 84 2¢ 3: 98/451 42 39/551 46 79501 ¢ 681 60 01 332 29 05/382 33 42/432 37 80/482 42 17/532 46 55/582 50 92 26 3e 8 07/482 42 48/532 46 88/582 ¢ 69/682 60 10 333 29 14/383 33 51/433 37 89/483 42 26/533 46 64/583 51 O1 26 3 f 16 483 42 56/50 583 ! 8/683 60 19 334 29 22/384 33 60/434 37 97/484 42 35/534 46 72/584 51 10 2¢ a8 : 265 584 684 60 28 335 29 31/385 33 69/435 38 06/485 42 44/535 46 81/585 51 19) 29 oe 5/585 § 96/685 60 37 336 29 40/386 33 77/436 38 15/486 42 52/536 46 90/586 51 27 26 i 2 23/586 5 95/686 60 45 337 29 49/387 33 86/437 38 24487 42 61/537 46 99/587 51 36 2¢ é 38 £ 2 32\587 £ 687 60 54 338 29 57/388 33 95/438 38 32/488 42 70/538 47 07/588 51 45 ; 29 b 19/438 38 60/488 43 00 588 ¢ 2/688 60 63 339 29 66/389 34 04/439 38 41/489 42 79/539 47 16/589 51 54 \639 55 91/689 60 29 339 29 87/389 34 28,439 38 69.489 43 09/539 47 50/589 51 689 60 72 349 29 75/390 34 12/440 38 50.490 42 87/540 47 25/590 51 62 640 56 00/690 60 37 340 29 96/390 34 37/440 35 77\490 43 18/540 47 59/590 51 9 690 60 81 341 29 84/391 34 21/441 38 59/491 42 96/541 47 34/591 51 71/641 56 09/691 60 46 341 30 05/391 34 46.441 38 86/491 43 27/541 47 68/591 52 Ot 9/691 60 89 342 29 92/392 34 30/442 38 67/492 43 05/642 47 42/592 51 80 642 56 17/692 60 55 342 30 14/392 34 54/442 38 95.492 43 36/542 47 76/592 52 8/692 60 98 343 30 01/393 34 39/443 38 76.493 43 14/543 47 51/593 51 89 643 56 26/693 60 64 343 30 23/393 34 63/443 39 04,493 43 45/543 47 85/593 5% 66/693 61 O07 344 30 10/394 34 47/444 38 85/494 43 22/544 47 60/504 51 97/644 56 35/694 60 72 | 344 30 31/394 34 72/444 39 13.494 43 53/544 47 94/594 52 35.644 56 75/694 61 16 $45 30 19/395 34 56/445 38 94/495 43 31/545 47 69/595 52 06.645 56 441695 GO 81 345 30 40/395 34 81\445°39 221495 43 62/545 48 03/595 52 43/645 56 84/695 61 25 346 30 27/396 34 65/446 39 02/496 43 40/546 47 77/596 52 15/646 56 52/696 60 90 346 30 49/396 34 90/446 39 30496 43 71/546 48 12/596 52 52/646 56 93/696 61 33 347 30 36/397 34 74/447 39 11/497 43 49/547 47 86/597 52 24/647 56 61\697 60 99 | 347 30 58.397 34 99/447 39 39.497 43 80/547 48 20/597 52 61647 57 02/697 61 42 348 30 45/398 34 82/448 39 20.498 43 57/548 47 95.598 52 32 648 56 70.698 61 OT 348 30 67/398 35 07/448 39 48.498 43 89/548 48 29/598 52 70/648 57 10/698 61 51 349 30 541399 34 911449 39 29'499 43 66/549 48 04.599 52 41649 56 79'699 61 16 349 30 761399 35 16/449 39 57/499 43 971549 48 38/599 52 791649 57 19/699 61 60 From 300 to 699 lbs at Ste. or 8.80 From 300 to 699 lbs at Sic. or 8-85 300826 40/350830 80/400835 20/450339 60'500%44 001550348 40 60085 52 80] 01650857 29 | 300826 55/350330 97400835 40/450839 82500844 25/550848 67 600853 10/650857 52 301 26 49/351 30 89/401 35 29/451 39 69501 44 09551 48 49/601 5 301 26 64/351 31 06)401 35 49/451 39 91/501 44 34/551 48 76/601 53 19/651 57 61 302 26 58/352 30 98/402 35 38/452 39 78502 44 18.552 48 58/602 52 302 26 73/352 31 15)402 35 58|452 40 00/502 44 43/552 48 85/602 53 28652 57 70 303 26 66353 31 06/403 35 46/453 39 86 503 44 26/553 48 66/603 303 26 82/363 31 24.403 35 67/453 40 09/503 44 52 553 48 94/603 53 37/653 57 79 304 26 75354 31 15/404 35 55/454 39 95) |504 44 35/554 48 75/604 53 304 26 90/354 31 33/404 35 75/454 40 18/504 44 60/554 49 88 305 26 84/355 31 24/405 35 64/455 40 04/505 44 44/555 48 84/605 305 26 99/355 31 42/405 35 84/455 40 27/505 44 69/555 49 97 306 26 93.356 31 33/406 35 73/456 40 13/506 44 53/556 48 93 606 53 306 27 08/356 31 51/406 35 93/456 40 36/505 44 78/556 49 06 307 27 02/357 31 42/407 35 82/457 40 22.507 44 621557 49 02/607 307 27 17/357 31 59/407 36 02/457 40 44/507 44 87/557 49 14 308 27: 10/358 31 50/408 35 90.455 40 30/508 44 70|558 4v 10/608 ¢ 308 27 26/358 31 68/408 36 11/458 40 53/508 44 96 558 49 23 309 27 19359 31 59/400 35 99'459 40 39/509 44 79/559 49 19/609 £ 309 27 35/359 31 77/409 36 20/459 40 62/509 45 05/559 49 32 310 27 28360 31 68/410 36 08 460 40 48/510 44 88/560 49 28/610 : 310 27 43/360 31 86/410 36 28/460 40 71/510 45 13/560 49 56 41 311 27 37/361 31 77/411 36 17401 40 57|511 44 97/561 49 37611 § SIL 27 52 31 95/411 386 27/461 40 SO\5IT 45 29/561 49 65 50 312 27 46/362 31 86/412 36 26 462 40 66/512 45 06/562 49 46/612 5 312 276 2 412 36 46/462 40 89/512 45 31/562 49 59 313 27 54/363 31 94/413 36 34.469 40 74/513 45 14/563 49 54/610 & 313 27 2 13/413 36 55/463 40 98/513 45 40/563 49 8: 68 314 27 63/364 32 03/414 36 43.464 40 83/514 45 23/564 49 63/614 § 314 27 2 21/414 36 64/464 41 06/514 45 49/564 49 76 315 27 72/365 32 12/415 36 52.465 40 92/515 45 32/565 49 72/615 § 315 27 88) 32 30/415 36 73/465 41 15/515 45 58/565 50 é 85 316 27 81/360 32 21/416 36 G1 466 41 01/51C 45 41/566 49 SI\GIC ! 316 27 97/366 32 39/416 36 82/466 41 24/516 45 67/566 50 09 54 f 94 317 27 90/367 32 30/417 36 70\4G7 41 10|517 45 50/567 49 90/617 § 317 28 05/367 32 48/417 36 90/467 41 33/517 45 75/567 50 18 5 667 59 03 318 27 98/368 32 38/418 36 78/465 41 18/518 45 52/568 49 98\61C 318 28 14/3868 32 57/418 36 99/468 41 42/518 45 84/568 50 27 § 668 59 12 319 28 07/369 32 47\419 26 87/469 41 27/519 45 GV|56O 50 O7|610 319 28 23/369 32 66/419 37 08/469 41 51/519 45 93/569 50 : 669 59 21 320 28 16/370 32 56/420 36 96/470 41 36/520 45 76)570 50 16/620 320 28 32/370 32 74/420 37 17/470 41 59/520 46 02/570 50 : (670 58 29 321 28 25/371 32 65/421 37 05/471 41 45/52) 45 85/57) 50 25/621 321 28 41/371 32 83/42) 37 26/471 41 68/521 46 11)571 50 52 54 96/671 59 38 $22 28 34/372 32 74/422 37 14/472 41 54/522 45 94/572 50 34/622 322 28 50/372 32 92/422 37 35/472 41 77/522 46 20/572 50 6 5 05/672 59 47 323 28 42/373 32 82/495 37 22/472 42 62/523 46 02/570 50 42/620 323 28 59/373 33 01/423 37 44 473 41 86/523 46 29/573 50 oe 673 59 56 324 28 51/374 32 91/424 37 31/474 41 71/524 46 11/574 50 51/622 28 6 P 21474 41 95'524 46 37/574 50 8 5 22/674 59 65 325 28 60/375 33 00/425 37 40/475 41 80/525 46 20|575 50 60/625 475 42 04/525 46 46/575 50 8° 55 31/675 59 74 326 28 69/376 33 09/496 37 49/476 41 89/526 46 29/576 50 69/626 z 476 42 13 526 46 55/576 50 98 55 40/676 59 83 327 28 78|377 33 18/427 37 58/477 41 98/527 46 38/577 50 78/627 5 477 42 21/527 46 64/577 51 55 49/677 59 91 328 28 86/378 33 26/428 37 66/478 42 06/525 46 46/578 50 86/628 37 478 42 30/528 46 73/578 51 15,628 55 58/678 60 00 329 28 95/379 33 35/429 37 75/479 42 15/629 46 55/579 50 95\629 ; A479 42 39/529 46 82/579 51 24/629 55 67 679 60 09 330 29 04/380 33 44/430 37 84/480 42 24/500 46 64/580 51 04/630 < 3t 480 42 48/530 46 90/580 51 33,630 55 75/680 60 18 331 29 13/381 33 53/431 37 93/481 42 33/531 4G 73/531 51 13/631 é 481 42 57/531 46 99/581 51 55 84/681 60 27 332 29 22/382 33 62/432 38 02/482 42 42/532 46 82/582 51 22/632 38 23/482 42 66/532 47 08/582 51 55 93,682 60 36 333 29 30/383 33 70/433 38 10/483 42 50/533 46 90|585 51 30/633 38 2 75 17/583 51 56 02/683 60 45 334 29 39/384 33 79/434 38 19/484 42 59/534 46 99/584 51 39/634 3s 2 83} 7 26\584 51 56 11/684 60 53 335 29 48385 33 83/435 38 28/485 42 68/535 47 08/586 5! 48/635 3t 485 42 92/535 47 35/585 51 b 5 20/685 60 62 336 29 57/386 33 97/436 38 37/486 42 77/536 47 17/586 51 57/636 3S 486 43 01/536 47 44/586 51 86/636 56 29 686 60 71 337 29 66,387 34 06/437 38 46/487 42 86/537 47 26/507 51 66/637 ¢ 38 487 43 10/537 47 52/587 51 95/637 56 37/687 :60 80 338 29 74.388 34 14.438 38 54/488 42 94/538 47 24/588 51 74/638 ! 38 488 43 19538 47 61/588 52 04/638 96 46 688 60 89 339 29 83/389 34 23/439 38 63/489 43 03/539 47 43/589 51 83/639 5 2 489 43 28/539 47 70/589 52 13639 56 55/689 60 98 340 29 92/390 34 32/440 388 72/490 43 12/540 47 52/590 51 92/640 ¢ a 490 43 36/540 47 79/590 21/640 56 64/690 61 06 341 30 01/391 34 41/441 38 81 491 43 21/541 47 61/591 52 O1/641 5 39 03/491 43 45/541 47 88/591 52 30/641 56 73 691 61 15 342 30 10/392 34 50/442 38 90/492 43 30/542 47 70/592 52 10/642 5 P | 39 12/492 43 54/542 47 97/592 52 39/642 56 82/692 61 24 343 30 18/393 34 58/443 38 98/493 43 38/543 47 78/593 52 18/643 5 30 ¢ é 39 21/493 43 63 |543 48 06/593 52 4 48 643 56 91/693 61 33 344 30 27/394 34 67/444 39 07/494 43 47/544 47 57/594 52 27/644 56 344 30 44/394 34 87/444 39 29.494 43 72 /544 48 14/594 52 57/644 56 99 \694 61 42 345 30 36/395 34 76/445 39 16/495 43 56/545 47 96/595 52 36/645 56 345 30 53.395 34 96/445 39 38/495 43 81 [545 48 23/595 52 ee 1645 ov 08/695 61 51 346 30 45.396 34 85/446 389 25/496 43 65/546 48 05/596 52 45/646 56 346 30 62/396 35 05.446 39 47,496 43 90546 48 32/596 52 75 646 5 ov 17 696 61 60 847 30 54/397 34 94447 39 34/497 43 74/547 48 14/597 52 54/647 56 ¢ 347 30 71/397 35 13/447 39 56.497 43 98 1547 48 41/597 52 83.647 57 26/697 61 68 348 30 62)398 35 02/448 39 42/498 43 82/548 48 22/598 52 62/648 57 02/698 61 42 348 30 80/398 35 22/448 39 65/498 44 7 548 48 50/598 52 92/648 57 35/698 61 77 349 30 71/399 35 11/449 39 51/499 43 91/549 48 31\599 52 71/649 57 11/699 61 51 349 30 89|399 35 31/449 39 74/499 44 16| 549 48 59/599 53 011649 57 44.699 61 86 272 CotTTon SELLER’S TABLE. seg fe. From 300 to 699 Ibs at Sic. or 8.873 ~ From 300 to 699 Ibsat Sic. or 8.932 50 450339 94500844 37/550348 81|600853 25/650857 69 300326 81\350331 28/400835 75/450840 22/500344 69/550349 16|\g00853 62|650858 OSs: 59/451 40 03/501 44 46/551 48 90|601 53 34/651 57 78 301 26 90/351 31 37/401 35 84/451 40 31/501 44 78/551 49 25l\601 53 71/651 5818 | 602 53 43/652 57 86 302 26 99/352 31 46/402 35 93/452 40 40/502 44 87/552 49 33/602 53 80/652 58 27 300326 621350831 06\a008 301 26 71/351 31 15\401 302 26 80/352 31 24/402 68/452 40 11/502 44 55/552 48 99 oo : 303 26 89/353 31 33/403 35 77/453 40 20/508 44 64/553 49 03/603 53 52/653 57 95 | 303 27 08/353 31 55/403 36 02/453 40 49/503 44 96/553 49 42/603 53 891653 58 36. 304 26 98|354 31 42/404 35 85/454 40 29/504 44 73/554 49 17/604 38 60/654 58 04 304 27 17/354 31 64/404 36 11/454 40 58 504 45 04/554 49 51/604 53 98/654 58 45 305 27 07/355 31 51/405 35 94/455 40 38/505 44 82 1555 49 26 |605 5 4 655 58 13 305 27 26/355 31 73/405 36 20/455 40 67/505 45 13/555 49 60 605 54 07/655 58 54 306 27 16/356 31 59/406 36 03/456 40 47/506 44 91) 556 49 34 |606 5 78/656 eB 22 306 27 35/356 31 82/406 36 29/456 40 75/506 45 22/556 49 69/606 54 16 656 58 63 307 27 25/357 31 68/407 36 12/457 40 56/507 45 00| (557 49 43 1607 53 "3 87/687 58 31 | 307 27 44/357 31 91/407 36 38/457 40 84/507 45 31/557 49 781607 54 25/657 58 72 308 27 33/358 31 77/408 36 21/458 . 65/508 45 081558 49 52 (608 53 96 |658 58 40 308 27 53/358 32 00/408 36 46/458 40 93/508 45 40/558 49 87/608 54 34/658 58 81 309 27 42/359 31 86/409 36 3 74! |509 45 71859 49 61 l609 54 05/659 pS 49 309 27 62/359 32 09/409 36 55/459 41 02/509 45 49/559 49 96 609 54 43/659 58 90 310 27 51/360 31 95/410 36 39|460 40 821610 45 26|560 49 70|610 54 14/660 58 57 310 27 71/360 32 17/410 36 64/460 41 11/510 45 58/560 50 05/610 54 52/660 58 99 311 27 60/361 32 04/411 36 48/461 40 91) IBV 45 35/561 49 79/611 54 23/661 58 66 311 27 80/361 32 26/411 36 73/461 41 20/511 45 67/561 50 14/61] 54 61 661 59 08 312 oy 69/362 32 13 412 36 56/462 41 00/512 45 44/562 49 88/612 54 31/662 58 7: 312 27 88/362 32 35/412 36 82/462 41 29/512 45 76/562 50 23/619 54 701662 59 17 313 27 78/363 32 2 36 65/463 41 09/513 45 53/563 49 97/613 54 40/663 58 84 313 27 97/363 382 44/413 36 91/465 41-38/513 45 85/563 50 32/613 54 79/663 59 26 314 27 87/|364 32 30] 414 86 74 1464 41 18/514 45 62/564 50 05/614 54 49/664 as 93 314 28 06/364 32 53/414 37 00/464 41 47/514 45 94/564 50 411614 54 88 664 59 34 315 27 96/365 32 39/415 BE 83/465 41 27/515 45 71/565 50 14/615 54 58/665 59 02 315 28 15/365 82 62/415 37 09/465 41 56/515 46 03/565 50 50/615 54 971665 59 43 316 28 04/366 32 48) 416 36 92/466 41 36/516 45 79/566 50 23/616 54 67 |666 5 911 316 28 24/366 382 71/416 37 18/466 41 65/516 46 12/566 50 59/616 55 051666 59 52 317 28 13/367 32 57/417 37 01/467 41 45/517 45 88/567 50 32/617 54 76 |667 59 20 317 28 33/367 32 80/417 37 27/467 41 74/517 46 21/567 50 68 617 55 14/667 59 61 318 28 22/868 32 66/418 37 10/468 41 53/518 45 97/568 50 41/618 54 85/668 59 28 318 28 42/568 32 89/418 37 36/468 41 83/518 46 30/568 50 76/618 55 23 668 59 70 319 28 31/369 32 75/419 37 19 469 41 62/519 46 06/569 50 50/619 54 fener 50 37 319 28 51/369 32 98/419 37 45/469 41 92/519 46 39/569 50 85/619 55 32 669 59 79 =| 320 28 40/370 32 84/420 37 2 1/470 41 71/520 46 15/570 50 89| 1620 55 02/670 59 46 320 28 60/370 33 07/420 37 54/470 42 01/520 46 47/570 50 94/690 55 411670 59 88. 321 28 49/371 32 93/421 37 36larI 41 80/521 46 24! {571 50 68 1621 55 11) |671 59 55 321 28 69/371 33 16/421 37 63/471 42 10/521 46 56/571 51 03/691 55 50 671 59 97 322 28 58/372 33 01/422 37 45/472 41 89/599 46 33/572 50 76/622 55 20 1672 59 64 322 28 78/372 33 25/422 37 72/472 42 18/522 46 65/572 51 12/609 55 59 672 60 06 323 28 67/373 33 10(423 37 54 |473 41 98/523 46 42/573 50 85) 91678 59 73 | 323 28 87/373 33 34/423 37 81/473 42 27/523 46 74/573 51 21/693 55 681673 60 15 28 TE | 37 63/474 42 07 |524 46 50/574 50 9 2 324 28 96/374 33 43/424 37 89/474 42 36/524 46 83/574 51 30\g94 55 77 674 60 24 | 37 72/475 42 16/525 46 59/575 51 7675 59 91 325 29 05/375 33 52/425 37 98/475 42 45/525 46 92/575 51 39/695 55 86 675 60 33 37 81/476 42 24/596 46 68/576 51 3e 3676 59 99 326 29 14/376 33 60/426 38 07|476 42 54/526 47 01/576 51 48 626 55 95|676 60 42 87 90/477 42 33 3/527 46 77/577 51 2 65/677 60 08 327 29 23/377 33 69/427 38 16477 42 63/627 47 10/577 51 57|§27 56 041677 GO 51 328 29 11/378 33 55/428 37 98|478 42 42 |528 46 86|578 51 30/628 55 73/678 60 17 328 29 31/378 33 78/428 38 25/478 42 72/528 47 19/578 51 66/698 56 13/678 60 60 329 29 20/379 33 64/499 38 07/479 42 51/529 46 95 |579 a 39/629 59 82/679 60 26 329 29 40/379 33 87/429 38 34/479 42 81/529 47 28/579 51 75/699 56 22/679 60 69 330 29 29 1380 33 72 |430 38 16/480 42 60/530 47 04/580 51 47 |630 55 91/680 60 35 330 29 49/380 33 96/430 33 43/480 42 90 530 47 37/580 51 84/630 56 31/680 60 77 331 29 38/381 33 81 431 38 25/481 42 69 531 47 13 581 ot 56/631 36 0 00/681 60 44 331 29 58/381 34 05/431 38 52/481 42 99/531 47 46/581 51 93/631 56 40/681 60 86 332 29 46 382 33 90/432 38 34/482 42 78/532 47 2 21)582 51 65/632 56 56 09/682 60 53 332 29 67/382 34 14/482 38 61/482 43 08/532 47 55/582 52 02/639 56 48/682 60 95 333 29 55/383 33 99/433 38 43/483 42 87/533 47 30/583 5 1 74/633 56 18 |683 60 62 333 29 76/383 34 23/433 38 70/483 43 17/533 47 64/583 52 11/633 56 57/683 61 04 334 29 64/384 34 08) )434 38 52/484 42 95/534 47 39/584 ! Bl 83/634 362 7|684 60 70 334 29 85/384 34 32/434 38 79/484 43 26/534 47 73/584 52 19/634 56 66/684 61 13 335 29 73/385 34 17 |435 88 61/485 43 04/535 47 48/585 51 92 1635 5 5 36| |685 60 79 335 29 94/385 34 41/435 38 88/485 43 35/535 47 82/585 52 28/635 56 75/685 61 22 336 29 82/386 34 26/436 38 69/486 43 13.536 47 57/586 52 01) 636 36 44/686 60 88 | 336 30 03/386 34 50/436 38 97/486 43 44/536 47 90/586 52 37 636 56 84/686 61 31 337 29 91/387 34 35/437 38 7 78/487 43 22,537 47 66/587 52 10/637 56 53/687 60 97 337 30 12/387 34 59/437 39 06/487 43 53/537 47 99/587 52 46/637 56 93/687 61 40 338 30 00/388 34 43/438 38 87) 488 43 31/538 47 75/588 52 18) 638 56 62/688 61 06 338 30 21/388 34 68|438 39 15|488 43 61/538 48 08/588 52 55/638 57 02/688 61 49 339 30 09/389 34 52/439 38 96 489 43 40/539 47 84/589 522 27/639 56 71/689 61 15 339 30 30/389 34 77/439 39 24/489 43 70/539 48 17/589 52 64/639 57 11/689 61 58 340 30 17/390 34 61/440 39 05/490 43 49/540 47 92 /590 5 ee SeinaaN 56 80) /690 61 24 340 30 39/390 34 86/440 39 32.490 43 79/540 48 26/590 52 73/640 57 20/690 61 67 341 30 26/391 34 70/441 39 14491 43 58/541 48 01) |591 52 45/641 56 89/691 61 33 341 30 48/391 34 95/441 39 41/491 43 88/541 48 35/591 52 82/641 57 29/691 61 76 342 30 35/392 34 79/442 39 23/492 43 66 542 48 eee 54/642 56 98 692 61 41 342 30 57/392 35 03/442 39 50/492 43 97/542 48 44/592 52 91/642 57 38/692 61 85 343 30 44 [393 34 88/443 39 32 1493 43 75/543 48 63/643 57 07.693 61 50 343 30 66393 35 12/443 39 59/493 44 06/543 48 53/593 53 00/643 57 47/693 61 94 344 30 53/394 34 97|444 39 40 |494 43 84/544 48 28] 594 72/644 57 15 694 61 59 344 30 74/394 35 21|444 39 68/494 44 15/544 48 62/594 53 09/644 57 56/694 62 03 345 30 62/395 35 06/445 39 4 49/495 43 93/545 48 37/595 81/645 57 24/695 61 68 345 30 83/395 35 30/445 39 77/495 44 24/545 48 71/595 53 18/645 57 65/695 62 12 346 30 71/396 35 14/446 39 53| |A96 44 02/546 48 46/596 52 89/646 57 33/696 61 77 346 30 92/396 85 39/446 39 86.496 44 33/546 48 80/596 53 27/646 57 74/696 62 20 347 30 80)397 35 23/447 39 67/497 44 11/547 48 55/597 52 98647 57 42/697 61 86 347 31 01/397 35 48/447 39 95/497 44 42/547 48 89/597 53 36/647 57 83/697 62 29 348 30 88/398 35 32/448 39 76/498 44 20/548 48 63/598 53 07/648 57 51698 61 95 348 31 10/398 35 57/448 40 04/498 44 51/548 48 98/598 53 45/648 57 91/698 62 38 349 30 97/399 35 41/449 39 851499 44 291549 48 72/599 53 16.649 57 60. 699 62 04 349 31 19/399 35 66/449 40 13/499 44 60'549 49 07'599 53 54/649 58 00/699 62 47 From 300 to 699 lbs at 8i5c. or 8.90 From 300 to 699 Ibs at Si$c. or 8.95 5 300826 70/350831 15/400835 60/450840 05|500844 50 1550848 95 00853 40/650857 85 300326 85/350331 32/400335 80/450340 27/500344 75/550849 22/600353 70\650858 17 301 26 79/351 31 24/401 35 69/451 40 14/501 44 59551 49 04|601 53 49/651 57 94 301 26 94/351 31 41/401 35 89/451 40 36/501 44 84/551 49 31/601 53 79/651 58 26 302 26 88/352 31 33/402 35 73/452 40 23/502 44 68/552 49 13/602 53 58/652 58 03 302 27 03/352 31 50/402 35 98/452 40 45/502 44 93/552 49 40/602 53 88/652 58 35 303 26 97/353 31 42/403 35 871453 40 32) |503 44 77/553 49 22/603 53 67/653 58 12 303 27 12/353 31 59/403 36 07/453 40 54/503 45 02/553 49 49/603 53 97/653 58 44 304 27 06/354 31 51/404 35 96/454 40 41) 1504 44 86.554 49 31 604 53 76654 58 21 304 27 21/354 31 68/404 36 16/454 40 63/504 45 11/554 49 58/604 54 06/654 58 53 305 27 14/355 31 59/405 36 04/455 40 49] 905 44 94.555 49 39/605 53 84/655 58 29 305 27 30355 31 77\405 36 25/455 40 72/505 45 20/555 49 67/605 54 15/655 58 62 306 27 23/356 31 68) 406 36 13/456 40 58/506 45 03.556 49 48/606 53 93 656 58 38 306 27 39/356 31 86/406 36 34/456 40 81/506 45 29 556 49 76/606 54 24/656 58 71 307 27 32/357 31 77/407 36 22/457 40 67,507 45 12/557 49 57/607 54 02/657 58 47 307 27 48/357 31 95'407 36 43/457 40 90/507 45 38/557 49 85\607 54 33/657 58 80 COCO been 308 27 41/358 31 86| |408 36 31/458 40 76 /508 45 21/558 49 66 698 54 11/658 58 56 308 27 57/358 32 04/408 36 52/458 40 99/508 45 47/558 49 94/608 54 42/658 58 89 309 27 50/359 31 95/409 36 40/459 40 85/509 45 30/559 49 75/609 54 20/659 58 65 309 27 66/359 32 13/409 36 61/459 41 08/609 45 56/559 50 03/609 54 51/659 58 98 310 27 59/360 32 04/410 36 49 [460 40 94/510 45 39/560 49 84/610 54 29) /660 58 74 310 27 74/360 32 22/410 36 69/460 41 17/510 45 64/560 50 12/610 54 59/660 59 O7 311 27 68/361 32 13/411 36 58/461 41 O3/511 45 48 561 49 93,611 54 38/661 58 83 311 27 83/361 32 31/411 36 78/461 41 26/511 45 73/561 50 21/611 54 68IGBI 59 16 312 27 77/362 32 22/412 36 67/462 41 12/512 45 57/562 50 02 612 54 47/662 58 92 312 27 92/362 32 40/412 36 87/462 41 35/512 45 82/562 50 30/612 54 77 662 59 25 313 27 86/363 32 31/413 36 76/463 41 21/513 45 66/563 50 11/613 54 56/663 59 01 313 28 01/363 32 49/413 36 96/463 41 44/513 45 91/563 50 39/613 54 86/663 59 34 314 27 95/364 32 40\414 36 85\464 41 30/514 45 75/564 50 20 614 54 65/664 59 10 314 28 10/364 32 58/414 37 05/464 41 53/514 46 00/564 50 48/614 54 95/664 59 43. 315 28 03/365 32 48415 36 93/465 41 38/515 45 83/565 50 23/615 54 73/665 59 18 315 28 19/365 32 67 j415 37 14/465 41 62515 46 09/565 50 57/615 55 04/665 59 52 316 28 12/366 32 57/416 37 02\466 41 47 516 45 92/566 50 37/616 54 82/666 59 27 316 28 28/366 32 76/416 37 23/466 41 71/516 46 18/566 50 66 616 55 13/666 59 61 317 28 21/367 32 66417 37 11/467 41 56/517 46 01/567 50 46/617 54 91/667 59 36 317 28 87/367 32 85/417 37 32/467 41 80/517 46 27/567 50 75/617 55 22/667 59 70 318 28 30) |368 32 7 5/418 37 20/468 41 65/518 46 10/568 50 55/618 55 00/668 59 45 318 28 46/368 32 94/418 37 41/468 41 89/518 46 36/568 50 84/618 55 31/668 59 79 319 28 39/369 32 84/419 37 29/469 41 74/519 46 19/569 50 64/619 55 09/669 59 54 319 28 55/369 33 03/419 37 50/469 41 98/519 46 45/569 50 93/619 55 40/669 59 88 320 28 48/370 32 93/420 37 38/470 41 83/520 46 28/570 50 73/620 55 18/670 59 63 820 28 64/370 33 11/420 387 59/470 42 06/520 46 54/570 51 01/620 55 49/670 59 96 321 28 57/371 33 02/421 37 47/471 41 92/521 46 37/571 50 82/621 55 27/671 59 72 321 28 73/371 33 20/421 37 68/471 42 15/521 46 63/571 51 10/621 55 58/671 60 05 322 28 66/372 383 11|422 37 56)472 42 01/522 46 46/572 50 ¥1/622 55 36/672 59 81 322 28 82/372 33 29/422 37 77/472 42 24/522 46 721572 51 191622 55 67/672 60 14 323 28 75/373 33 20/423 37 65/473 42 10/523 46 55/573 51 00/623 55 451673 59 90 323 28 91/373 33 38/423 37 86/473 42 33/523 46 81/573 51 28/693 55 76/673 60 23 $24 28 84/374 33 29/424 37 74/474 42 19/524 46 64/574 51 09/624 55 54/674 59 99 | 394 29 001374 33 47/424 37 95/474 42 42/524 46 90/574 51 37/624 55 85/674 60 32 325 28 92/375 33 37/425 37 82/476 42 27/525 46 72/575 51 17/625 55 62/675 60 O7 $25 29 09/375 33 56/425 38 04/475 42 51/525 46 99/575 51 46/625 55 94/676 60 41 326 29 01/376 33 46/426 37 91/476 42 36/526 46 81/576 51 26/626 55 711676 60 16 326 29 18/376 33 65/426 38 13/476 42 60/526 47 08/576 51 55|626 56 03/676 60 50 327 29 10\877 33 55/427 38 00/477 42 45/527 46 90/577 51 35/627 55 80/677 60 25 327 29 27/377 33 74/427 38 22/477 42 69/527 47 17/577 51 64/627 56 12/677 60 59 3 73 2 2 328 29 19/378 33 64/428 38 09/478 42 54/528 46 99/578 51 44/628 55 89/678 60 34 | 398 29 36/378 33 83/498 38 311478 42 781598 47 26 578 51 73/628 56 21/678 60 68 © 329 29 28/379 33 73/429 38 18/479 33/529 47 08/579 51 53/629 55 98/679 60 43 329 29 45/379 33 92/429 38 40/479 42 87/529 47 35/579 51 82/629 56 30/679 60 77 330 29 37/380 383 82/430 38 27/480 42 72/530 47 17/580 51 62/630 56 07/680 60 52 | 330 29 53/380 34 01/430 38 48/480 49 96/530 47 43 580 51 91/630 56 38/680 60 86 331 29 46/381 33 91/431 38 36 2 S1ib3I 47 26/581 51 71/631 56 16/681 60 61 | 331 29 62/381 34 10/431 38 57/481 43 05/531 47 521581 52 00631 56 47/681 60 95 332 29 55/382 34 00/432 38 45/482 42 90/532 47 35/582 51 80/632 56 25/682 60 70 332 29 71/382 34 19/432 38 66/482 43 14/532 47 61/582 52 09/632 56 56/682 61 04 333 29 64/383 34 09/433 38 54/483 42 99/533 47 44/583 51 89/633 56 34/683 60 79 | 333 29 80/383 34 28/433 38 75/483 43 23/533 47 70 583 52 18/633 56 65/683 61 13 334 29 73/384 34 18/434 38 63/484 43 08/534 47 53/584 51 98/634 56 43/684 60 88 | 334 29 89/384 34 37/434 38 84/484 43 32/534 47 791584 52 27/634 56 74/684 61 22 336 29 81/385 34 26/435 38 71/485 43 16/535 47 61/585 52 06/635 56 51/685 60 96 | 335 29 98/385 34 46/436 38 93 485 43 41/535 47 88/585 52 36/635 56 83/685 61 31° 336 29 90/386 34 35/436 38 80|/486 43 25/536 47 70/586 52 15/636 56 60/686 61 05 | 336 30 07/386 34 55 436 39 02/486 43 50/536 47 97/586 52 45/636 56 92/686 61 40 337 29 99/387 34 44/437 38 89/487 43 34/537 47 79/587 52 24/637 56 69/687 61 14 337 30 16/387 34 64/437 39 11/487 43 59/537 48 06/587 52 54/637 57 01/687 61 49 338 30 08/388 34 53/438 38 98/488 43 43/538 47 88/588 52 33/638 56 78/688 6) 23 | 338 30 25/388 34 73 438 39 20/488 43 68/538 48 15/588 52 63/638 57 10/688 61 58 5 D = PPP Bp 2 339 30 17/889 34 62/439 39 07/489 43 52/539 47 97/589 52 42/639 56 87/689 61 32 339 30 34/389 34 82/439 39 29/489 43 77/539 48 24/589 52 72/639 57 19/689 61 67 340 30 26/3890 34 71/440 39 16/490 43 61/540 48 06/596 52 51/640 56 96/690 61 41 340 30 43/390 34 90/440 39 38/490 43 85 540 48 33/590 52 80 640 57 28/690 61 75 341 30 35/391 34 80/441 39 20/491 43 70/541 48 15/591 52 60/641 57 05/691 61 50 341 30 52/391 34 99/441 39 47/491 43 94/541 48 42/591 52 89/641 57 37/691 G1 84 342 30 44/392 34 89/442 39 34/499 43 79/542 48 24/592 52 69/642 57 14/692 61 59 342 30 61/392 35 08/442 39 56/492 44 03/542 48 51/592 52 98/642 57 46/692 61 93 343 30 53/393 34 98 1443 39 43/493 43 83/543 48 33/593 52 78/643 57 23/693 61 68 343 30 70/393 35 17/443 39 65/493 44 12/543 48 60/593 53 07/643 57 55/693 62 02 344 30 62/394 35 07/444 39 52/494 43 97/544 48 421/594 52 87/644 57 321694 61 77 344 30 79/394 35 26/444 39 74/494 44 21/544 48 69/594 53 16/644 57 64/694 62 11 345 30 70 1395 35 15/445 39 60 495 44 05/545 48 50/595 52 95/645 57 40/695 61 85 345 30 88/395 35 35/445 39 83/495 44 30/545 48 78/595 53 25/645 57 73/695 62 20 346 30 79/396 35 24/446 39 69/496 44 14/546 48 59/596 53 04/646 57 49/696 61 94 346 30 97/396 35 44/446 39 92/496 44 39/546 48 87/596 53 34/646 57 821696 62 29 347 30 88 397 35 33/447 39 78/497 44 23/547 48 68/597 53 13/647 57 58/697 62 03 347 31 06/397 35 53/447 40 01/497 44 48/547 48 96/597 53 43/647 57 91/697 62 38 348 30 97/398 35 42/448 39 87/498 44 32/548 48 77/598 53 22/648 57 67/698 62 12 348 31 15/398 35 62/448 40 10/498 44 57/548 49 05/598 53 52/648 58 00/698 62 47 349 31 061399 35 51/449 39 96/499 44 411549 48 86/599 53 31/649 57 76 699 62 21 349 31 24/399 35 71/449 40 19/499 44 66/549 49 14/599 53 61/649 58 09 699 62 56 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. 273 From 300 to 699 lbs at 9c. or 9.00 From 300 to 699 lbs Sf 9c.0or 9.061 300327 00|350831 50/400836 00450840 50 500345 00 550849 50 600854 00 650858 50 | 300827 19 1350831 721400836 25/450340 78/500%45 311550849 84 \g00854 37/650858 91 301 27 09/351 31 59/401 36 09/451 40 59/501 45 09/551 49 59/601 54 091651 58 59 | 301 37 28/351 31 31401 36 34/451 40 87/501 45 40551 49 93 601 54 4 651 59 00 302 27 18/352 31 68/402 36 18/452 40 68/502 45 18/552 49 68/602 54 18.652 58 68 | 302 27 37/352 31 90/402 36 43.452 40 96/502 45 49 552 50 02 602 54 56 652 59 09 303 27 27/353 31 77/403 36 27/453 40 77/503 45 27/553 49 77/603 54 27/653 58 77 303 27 46)353 31 99/403 36 52/453 41 05/503 45 58.553 50 12.603 54 65/653 59 18 304 27 36/354 31 86/404 36 36)454 40 86/504 45 36/554 49 86\604 54 36/654 58 86 | 304 27 55/354 32 03,404 36 61/454 41 14/504 45 67554 50 21604 54 74.654 59 27 305 27 45/355 31 95/405 36 45/455 40 95/505 45 45555 49 95/605 54 45/655 58 95 | 305 27 64/355 32 17/405 36 70.455 41 23/505 45 77/555 50 30 605 & 36 306 27 54/356 32 04/406 36 54/456 41 04/506 45 54/556 50 04.606 54 54/656 59 04 | 306 27 73/356 32 26/406 36 79/456 41 32/506 45 86 556 50 39.606 5 307 27 63/357 32 13/407 36 63/457 41 13/507 45 63/557 50 13\607 54 63/657 59 13 | 307 27 82/357 32 35\407 36 88/457 41 42|507 45 95/557 50 48 1607 5: 308 27 72|358 32 22/408 36 72/458 41 22/508 45 72/558 50 22.608 54 72/658 59 22 | 308 27 91/358 32 44/408 36 97.458 41 51/508 46 04/558 50 57 608 55 309 27 81/359 32 31/409 36 81/459 41 31|509 45 81/559 50 31/609 54 81659 59 31 | 309 28 00/359 32 53/409 37 07/459 41 60/509 46 13/559 50 66.609 55 1 310 27 90/360 32 40/410 36 90\460 41 40/510 45 90560 50 40/610 54 90/660 59 40 310 28 09/360 32 62/410 37 16/460 41 69 5 22/560 50 75/610 BE 311 27 99/361 32 49|411 36 99/461 41 49/511 45 99/561 50 49/611 54 99/661 59 49 | SIT 28 18/361 32 72/411 37 25/461 41 78/511 46 31/561 50 84| 611 5: 312 28 08/362 32 58/412 37 08/462 41 58/512 46 08562 50 58612 55 08.662 59 58 | 312 28 27/362 32 81\412 37 34/462 41 87/512 46 40/562 50 93/612 BE 313 28 17|363 32 67\413 37 17/463 41 67/513 46 17/563 50 67/613 55 17\663 a8 67 313 28 37/363 32 90/413 37 43/463 41 96/513 46 49/563 51 02/613 5: 314 28 26/364 32 76/414 37 26)464 41 76/514 46 26/564 50 76/614 55 26\664 59 76 | 314 28 46364 32 99/414 37 52/464 42 05/514 46 58/564 51 11/614 5: 315 28 35/365 32 85/416 37 35/465 41 85/515 46 35/565 50 85/615 55 35/665 30 85 | 315 28 55/364 33 08/415 37 61/465 42 14/515 46 67/565 51 20/615 5! 316 28 44/366 32 94/416 37 44/466 41 94/516 46 44/566 50 94/616 55 44/666 59 94 | 316 28 64 366 33 17/416 37 70/466 42 23/516 46 76 566 51 29/616 5: 317 28 53/367 33 03/417 37 53/467 42 03/517 46 53/567 51 03/617 55 53/667 60 03 | 317 28 73/367 33 26/417 387 79/467 42 32/517 46 85/567 51 388617 55 92) 318 28 62/368 33 12/418 37 62/468 42 12/518 46 62/568.51 12/618 55 62/668 60 12 | 318 28 82/368 33 35/418 37 88468 42 41/518 46 94/568 51 47/618 56 319 28 71/369 33 21/419 37 71/469 42 21/519 46 71/669 51 21/619 55 71/669 60 21 | 319 28 91369 33 44,419 37 97,469 42 50519 47 03/569 51 57/619 56 320 28 80/370 33 30/420 37 80|470 42 30/590 46 80/570 51 30/620 55 80/670 60 30 | 320 29 00/370 33 53/420 38 06/470 42 59/520 47 12/570 51 66/620 56 321 28 89/371 33 39/421 37 89/471 42 39/591 46 89/571 51 39/621 55 89/671 60 39 | 321 29 09/371 33 62/421 38 15/471 42 68/521 47 22/571 51 75/621 56 2 322 28 98/372 33 48|422 37 98,472 42 48/599 46 98/572 51 48/622 55 98/672 60 48 322 29 18/372 33 71/422 38 24/472 42 77|522 47 31/572 51 84/622 56 323 29 07/373 33 57/423 38 07/473 42 57/593 47 07/573 51 57/623 56 07/673 60 57 | 323 29 27/373 33 80/423 38 33/473 42 87/523 47 40/573 51 93/623 56 324 29 16/374 33 66/324 38 16/474 42 66/624 47 16/672 51 66/624 56 16/674 60 66 324 29 36/374 33 89/424 38 42|474 42 96/524 47 49/574 52 02/624 56 325 29 25/376 33 75/426 38 25/476 42 75/595 47 25/575 51 75/625 56 25/675 60 75 | 325 29 45/375 33 98/425 38 52|475 43 05/526 47 58/575 52 11/626 56 6 326 29 31/376 33 84/426 38 34/476 42 84/596 47 34/576 51 84/626 56 34/676 60 84 326 29 54/376 34 07/426 38 61/476 43 14/526 47 67/576 52 20) \626 56 7 397 29 431377 33 93/427 38 43/477 42 931597 47 43/577 51 93/627 56 43/677 60 93 | 327 29 63/377 34 17/427 38 70|777 43 23/527 47 76|577 52 29/627 56 328 29 52/378 34 02/428 38 52/478 43 02/598 47 52/578 52 02/628 56 52/678 61 02 | 328 29 72/378 34 26/428 38 79|478 43 32/528 47 85/578 52 38.628 ? 329 29 61/379 34 11/429 38 61/479 43 11/529 47 61/579 52 11/629 56 61/679 61 11 | 329 29 82/379 34 35/429 38 88/479 43 41/529 47 94/579 52 47/629 57 00/679 61 53 330 29 70/380 34 20/430 38 70/480 43 20/530 47 70/580 52 20/630 56 70/680 61 20 | 330 29 91/380 34 44/430 38 97/480 43 50\530 48 03/580 52 56/630 57 09/680 61 62 331 29 79/381 34 29/431 38 79/481 43 291531 47 79/581 Bo 29/631 56 79/681 61 29 | 331 30 00/381 34 53/431 39 06/481 43 59/531 48 12/581 52 65/631 57 18/681 61 72 332 29 88/382 34 38/432 38 88/482 43 38/539 47 88/582 52 38/632 56 88/682 61 38 332 30 09/382 34 62/432 39 15/482 43 68/532 48 21/582 52 74/632 57 27\682 61 81 333 29 97/383 34 47/433 38 97/483 43 47/533 47 97/583 52 47/633 56 97/683 61 47 333 30 18/383 34 711433 39 24/483 43 77/533 48 30/583 52 83/633 57 37/683 61 90 334 30 06/384 34 56/434 39 06/484 43 56/534 48 06/584 52 56/634 57 06/684 61 56 | 334 30 27/384 34 80/434 39 33/484 43 86/534 48 39/584 52 921634 57 46/684 61 99 335 30 15/386 34 65/435 39 15/485 43 65/535 48 15/585 52 65/635 57 15/685 61 65 | 335 30 36/385 34 89/435 39 42/485 43 95/535 48 48/585 53 02/635 57 55/685 62 08 336 30 24/386 34 74/436 39 24/486 43 74/536 48 24/586 52 74/636 57 24/686 61 74 | 336 30 45/386 34 98/436 39 51/486 44 04/536 48 57/586 53 11/636 57 64/686 G2 17 337 30 33/387 34 83/437 39 33/487 43 83/637 48 33/587 52 83/637 57 33/687 61 83 | 337 30 54/387 35 07/437 39 60/487 44 13/537 48 67/587 53 20/637 57 73/687 62 26 338 30 42/388 34 92/438 39 42/488 43 92/538 48 42/588 52 92/638 57 42/688 61 92 | 338 30 63/388 35 16/438 39 69/488 44 22/538 48 76/588 53 29/638 57 82/688 62 35 339 30 51/389 35 01/439 39 51/489 44 01/539 48 51/589 53 01/639 57 51/689 62 01 | 339 30 72/389 35 25/439 39 78/489 44 32/539 48 85/589 ee 38/639 57 91/689 62 44 340 30 60/390 35 10/440 39 60/490 44 10/540 48 60|590 53 10/640 57 60/890 62 10 | 340 30 81/390 35 34/440 39 87/490 44 41/640 48 94590 53 47/640 58 00/690 62 53 341 30 69/391 35 19/441 39 69/491 44 19/541 48 69/591 53 19/641 57 69691 6219 | 341 30 90/391 35 43/441 39 97/491 44 50/541 49 03/591 33 56/641 58 09/691 62 62 342 30 78/392 35 28/442 39 78/492 44 28/542 48 78/592 53 28/642 57 78/692 62 28 | 342 30 99/392 35 52/442 40 06/492 44 59/542 49 12/592 53 65/642 58 18/698 62 71 343 30 87/393 35 37/443 39 87/493 44 37/543 48 87/593 53 37/643 57 87 693 62 37 | 343 31 08/393 35 62/443 40 15/493 44 68/543 49 21/593 33 74/643 58 27/693 62 80 344 30 96/394 35 46/444 39 96/494 44 46/544 48 96/594 53 46/644 57 96/694 62 46 | 344 31 17/394 35 71\444 40 24/494 44 77/544 49 30/594 53 83|644 58 36|694 62 89 346 31 05/395 35 55/445 40 05/495 44 55/545 49 05/595 53 55/645 58 05/695 62 55 | 345 31 27/395 35 80|445 40 33/495 44 86/545 49 39/595 53 92/645 58 4: 5/695 62 98 346 31 14/396 35 64/446 40 14/496 44 64/546 49 14/596 53 64/646 58 14/696 62 64 | 346 31 36/396 35 89/446 40 42/496 44 95/546 49 48/596 - 01\646 58 54.696 63 07 347 31 23/397 35 73|447 40 23/497 44 73/547 49 23/597 53 73/647 58 23/697 62 7: 347 31 45/397 35 98/447 40 51/497 45 04/547 49 57 597 54 10) (647 2 63.697 63 17 348 31 32/398 35 82/448 40 32/498 44 82/548 49 32) 598 53 82/648 58 32/698 62 82 | 348 31 54/398 36 07/448 40 60/498 45 13/548 49 66/598 Bd 19/648 58 72/698 63 26 349 31 411399 35 91/449 40 41'499 44 91!549 49 41'599 53 91'649 58 411699 62 91 349 31 63/399 36 16.449 40 691499 45 22/549 49 751599 54 28/649 38 821699 63 35 From 300 to 699 lbs at 9:4c. or 9.05 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 9c. or 9.10 $4] eee ] ] 300327 15/350331 67400336 20450840 72/500845 251550349 77\600%54 30/650858 82 | 300827 30/350831 85|400836 40\450340 95)500345 50/550350 05/600354 60 650859 15 301 27 24/351 31 77/401 36 29\451 40 82/501 45 34/551 49 87/601 54 39/651 58 92 | 301 27 39/351 31 94/401 36 49/451 41 04501 45 59/551 50 14/601 54 69/651 59 24 302 27 33/352 31 86/402 36 38/452 40 91/502 45 43/552 49 96/602 54 48/652 59 01 | 302 27 48/352 32 03/402 36 58/452 41 13/502 45 68/552 50 23/602 54 78/652 59 33 303 27 42/353 31 95)403 36 47/453 41 00/503 45 52/553 50 05/603 54 57/653 59 10 | 303 27 57/353 32 12/403 36 67/453 41 22/503 45 77/553 50 32/603 54 87/653 59 42 304 27 51/354 32 04\404 36 56/454 41 09/504 45 61/554 50 14/604 54 66/654 59 19 | 304 27 66/354 32 21/404 36 76/454 41 31/504 45 86554 50 41\604 54 96/654 59 51 305 27 60/355 32 13/405 36 65/455 41 18/505 45 70/555 50 23/605 54 75/655 59 28 | 305 27 75/355 32 30/405 36 85/455 41 40/505 45 95/555 50 50/605 55 05/655 59 60 306 27 69/356 32 22/406 36 74/456 41 27/506 45 79/556 50 32/606 54 84/656 59 37 | 306 27 85/356 32 40/406 36 95/456 41 50/506 46 05/556 50 60\606 55 15.656 59 70 397 27 78/357 32 31\407 36 83/457 41 36/507 45 88/557 50 41/607 54 93/657 59 46 | 307 27 94/357 32 49)407 387 04/457 41 59/507 46 14/557 50 69/607 55 24/657 59 79 308 27 87/358 32 40/408 36 92/458 41 45/508 45 97/558 50 50/608 55 02/658 59 55 | 308 28 03/358 32 58/408 37 13/458 41 68/508 46 23/558 50 78/608 55 33/658 59 88 309 27 96/359 32 49/409 37 01/459 41 54/509 46 06/559 50 59/609 55 11/659 59 64 | 309 28 12/359 32 67/409 37 22/469 41 77/509 46 32/559 50 87/609 55 421659 59 97 310 28 05/360 32 58/410 37 10/460 41 63/510 46 15/560 50 68/610 55 20/660 59 73 | 310 28 21/360 32 76/410 37 31/460 41 86/510 46 41/560 50 96/610 55 51/660 60 06 311 28 15/361 32 67/411 387 20/461 41 72/511 46 25/661 50 T7611 55 30/661 59 82 | 311 28 30/361 32 85/411 37 40/461 41 95/511 46 50/561 51 05/611 55 60/661 60 15 312 28 24/362 32 76/412 37 29/462 41 81/512 46 34/562 50 86/612 55 39/662 59 91 312 28 39/362 32 94/412 37 49/462 42 04/512 46 59/562 51 14/612 55 69/662 60 24 313 28 33/363 32 85/413 37 38/463 41 90/513 46 43/563 50°95|613 55 48/663 60 00 | 313 28 48/363 33 03/413 37 58/463 42 13/513 46 68/563 51 23/613 55 78\663 60 33 314 28 42/364 32 94/414 87 47/464 41 99/514 46 52/564 51 04/614 55 57/664 60 09 | 314 28 57/364 33 12|414 37 67/464 42 22/514 46 77/564 51 32/614 55 87/664 60 42 316 28 51/365 33 03/415 37 56/466 42 08/515 46 61/565 51 13/616 55 66/665 6018 | 316 28 66/365 33 21/415 37 76/465 42 31/516 46 86/565 51 41/615 55 96/665 60 51 316 28 60/366 33 12/416 387 65/466 42 17/516 46 70/566 51 22/616 55 75/666 60 27 | 316 28 76/366 33 31/416 37 86/466 42 41/516 46 96566 51 51/616 56 06/666 60 61 317 28 69/367 33 21/417 37 74/467 42 26/517 46 79/667 51 31/617 55 84/667 60 36 | 317 28 85|367 33 40/417 37 95/467 42 50/517 47 05/567 51 60/617 56 15/667 60 70 318 28 78/368 33 30/418 37 83/468 42 35/518 46 88/568 51 40/618 55 93/668 60 45 | 318 28 94/368 33 49/418 38 04/468 42 59/518 47 14/568 51 691618 56 24/668 60 79 319 28 87/369 33 39/419 37 92/469 42 44/519 46 97/569 51 49/619 56 02/669 60 54 | 319 29 03/369 33 58/419 38 13/469 42 68/519 47 23/569 51 78/619 56 33/669 60 88 320 28 96/370 33 48/420 388 01/470 42 53/520 47 06/570 51 58/620 56 11/670 60 63 | 320 29 12/370 33 67/420 38 22/470 42 77/520 47 32/570 51 87/620 56 42/670 60 97 321 29 05/371 33 58/421 38 10/471 42 63/621 47 15/671 51 68/621 56 20\671 60 73 | 321 29 21/371 33 76/421 38 31/471 42 86/521 47 41/571 51 96/621 56 51/671 61 06 322 29 14/372 33 67/422 38 19/472 42 72/522 47 24/572 51 77/622 56 29/672 60 82 | 322 29 30/372 33 85/422 38 40/472 42 95/522 47 50/572 52 05/622 56 60|672 61 15 323 29 23/373 33 76/423 38 28/473 42 81/523 47 33/573 51 86/623 56 38/673 60 91 | 323 29 39/373 33 94/423 38 49/473 43 04/523 47 59/573 52 14/623 56 69/673 61 24 324 29 32/374 33 85/424 38 37/474 42 90/624 47 42/574 51 95/624 56 47/674 61 00 | 324 29 48/374 34 03/424 38 58/474 43 13/524 47 68/674 52 23/624 56 78/674 61 33 325 29 41/375 33 94/425 38 46/475 42 99/526 47 51/576 52 04/625 56 56/675 61 09 325 29 57|376 34 12/425 38 67 476 43 22/525 47 77|576 52 32/626 56 87/676 61 42 326 29 50/376 34 03/426 38 55/476 43 08/526 47 60/676 52 13/626 56 65/676 61 18 | 326 29 67/376 34 22/426 38 77/476 43 32/526 47 87/576 52 42/626 56 97/676 61 52 327 29 59/377 34 12/427 38 64/477 43 17/527 47 69/577 52 22/627 56 74/677 61 27 | 327 29 76/377 34 31/427 38 86\477 43 41/527 47 96/577 52 51/627 57 06\677 61 G1 328 29 68/378 34 21/428 38 73/478 43 26/528 47 78/578 52 31/628 56 83/678 61 36 | 328 29 85/378 34 40/428 38 95/478 43 50/528 48 05/578 52 60.628 57 15/678 61 70 329 29 77/379 34 30/429 38 82/479 43 35/529 47 87/579 52 40/629 56 92/679 61 45 | 329 29 94/379 34 49/429 39 04/479 43 59/529 48 14/579 52 69.629 57 24679 G1 79 330 29 86/380 34 39/430 38 91/480 43 44/530 47 96/680 52 49/630 57 01/680 61 54 | 330 30 03/380 34 58/430 39 13/480 43 68/530 48 23/580 52 73/630 57 33/680 61 88 331 29 96/381 34 48/431 39 01/481 43 53/531 48 06/581 52 58/631 57 11/681 61 63 | 331 30 12/381 34 67/431 39 22/481 43 77/531 48 32/581 52 87/631 57 42/681 61 97 332 30 05/382 34 57/432 39 10/482 43 62/532 48 15/582 52 67/632 57 20/682 61 72 | 332 20 21/382 34 76/432 39 31/482 43 86/532 48 41/582 52 96/632 57 51/682 62 06 333 30 14/383 34 66/433 39 19)483 43 71/533 48 24/583 52 76/633 57 29/683 61 81 | 333 30 30/383 34 85/433 39 40/483 43 95/533 48 50/583 53 05/633 57 60/683 62 15 334 30 23/384 34 75/434 39 28/484 43 80/534 48 33/584 52 85/634 57 38/684 61 90 | 334 30 39/384 34 94/434 39 49/484 44 04/534 48 59/584 53 14/634 57 69/684 62 24 335 30 32/385 34 84/435 39 37/485 43 89/535°48 42/585 52 94/635 57 47/685 61 99 | 335 30 48/385 35 03/435 39 58/485 44 13/535 48 68/585 53 23/635 57 78/685 62 33 336 30 41/386 34 93/436 39 46/486 43 98/536 48 51/586 53 03 pee 57 56/686 62 08 | 336 30 58/386 35 13/436 39 68/486 44 23/536 48 78/586 53 33/636 57 88/686 62 43 337 30 50/387 35 02/437 389 55\487 44 07/537 48 60/587 53 12|637 57 65/687 62 17 | 337 30 67/387 35 22/437 39 77/487 44 32/537 48 87/587 53 42/637 57 97/687 62 52 338 30 59/388 35 11/438 39 64/488 44 16538 48 69/588 53 21/638 57 74/688 62 26 | 338 30 76/388 35 31/438 39 86/488 44 41/538 48 96/588 53 51/638 58 06/688 62 61 339 30 68/389 35 20/439 39 73/489 44 25/539 48 78/589 53 30/639 57 83/689 G2 35 339 30 85/389 35 40\439 39 95/489 44 50/539 49 05/589 53 60/639 58 15\689 62 7 340 30 77/390 35 29/440 39 82/490 44 34/540 48 87/590 53 39/640 57 92690 62 44 | 340 30 94/390 35 49/440 40 04/490 44 59 540 49 14/590 53 69640 58 24/690 62 79 341 30 86/891 35 39/441 39 91/491 44 44/541 48 96/591 53 49/641 58 01/691 G2 54 | 341 31 03/391 35 58/441 40 13/491 44 68/541 49 23/591 53 78/641 58 33/691 62 88 342 30 95/392 35 48\442 40 00\492 44 53 542 49 05/592 53 58/642 58 10/692 62 63 | 342 31 12/392 35 67/442 40 22,492 44 77/542 49 32/592 53 87/642 58 42.692 62 97 343 31 04/393 35 57/443 40 09/493 44 62/543 49 14/593 53 67/643 58 19/693 62 72 343 31 21/393 35 76/443 40 31/493 44 86/543 49 41/593 53 96/643 58 51/693 63 06 344 31 13/394 35 66/444 40 18/494 44 71/544 49 23/594 53 76/644 58 28/694 62 81 344 31 30/394 35 85\444 40 40/494 44 95/544 49 50.594 54 05 [644.58 60/694 63 15 345 31 22/395 35 75/445 40 27/495 44 80/545 49 32/595 53 85/645 58 371695 62 90 | 345 31 39/395 35 94/445 40 49/495 45 04/545 49 59/595 54 14/645 55 69695 63 24 346 31 31/396 35 84/446 40 36/496 44 89/546 49 41/596 53 94/646 58 46.696 62 99 | 346 31 49/396 36 04/446 40 59/496 45 14/546 49 69/596 54 24.646 58 79696 63 34 347 31 40/397 35 93/447 40 45/497 44 98/547 49 50/597 54 03/647 58 55/697 63 08 | 347 31 58397 36 13\447 40 68\497 45 23.547 49 78.597 54 33.647 58 88 697 63 43 848 31 49/398 36 02/448 40 54/498 45 07/548 49 59598 54 12/648 58 64/698 63 17 | 348 31 67/398 36 22/448 40 77/498 45 ees 49 87/598 54 42/648 58 97/698 63 52 349 31 58/399 36 11/449 40 63'499 45 16/549 49 68/599 54 21/649 58 731699 63 26 | 349 31 76/399 36 31/449 40 86.499 45 411549 49 96/599 54 5 51/649 59 06,699 63 61 i ‘ = CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at D0. or 9.183 274. From 300 to 699 lbs at %ic, or 9-12: 300827 37/350331 94400836 50la50341 0¢!500845 62'550850 19/600854 751650859 31 301 27 47/351 32 03/401 36 59/451 41 15/501 45 72/551 50 28/601 54 84/651 59 40 302 27 56352 32 12,402 36 68\452 41 24/502 45 8 50 37/602 54 93/652 59 49 303 27 65 353 32 21/403 36 77\453 41 34/503 45 9O\E 46/603 55 02653 59 59 304 27 74/354 32 30/404 36 86)454 41 43/504 45 55 55 11) (654 59 68 305 27 83/355 32 39/405 36 96/455 41 52/505 46 5 55 21/655 59 77 306 27 92/356 32 48/406 37 05/456 41 61/506 46 73/606 55 30\656 59 86 307 28 01/357 32 58/407 37 14 \457 41 70/507 46 83/607 55 39/657 59 95 308 28 10358 32 67/408 87 23 458 41 79/508 46 92/608 55 48/658 60 04 309 28 20/359 32 76/409 37 32/459 41 88/509 46 01/609 55 57/659 60 13 310 28 29/360 32 85|410 37 41/460 41 97/510 46 10/610 55 66/660 60 22 311 28 38/361 3. 94/411 37 50/461 42 07/511 46 19/611 55 75/661 60 32 312 28 47/362 33 03/412 37 59/462 42 16/512 46 28/612 55 84/662 60 41 313 28 56/363 33 12/413 37 69/463 42 25/513 46 37/613 55 94/663 60 50 314 28 65/364 33 21/414 37 78/464 42 34/514 46 ¢ 46|614 56 03/664 60 59 815 28 74/365 33 31/415 37 87/465 42 43/515 46 56/615 56 12/665 60 68 316 28 83/366 33 40/416 37 96/466 42 52/516 47 65/616 56 21/666 60 77 317 28 93/3867 33 49/417 388 05|467 42 61/517 47 741617 56 30/667 60 86 318 29 02/368 33 58/418 88 14/468 42 70/518 47 31618 56 39/668 60 95 319 29 11/369 33 67/419 38 23/469 42 80/519 47 92/619 56 48/669 61 05 320 29 20/370 33 76/420 38 32/470 42 89/520 47 01/620 56 57/670 61 14 321 29 29/371 33 85/421 38 42/471 42 98/521 47 10/621 56 67/371 61 23 322 29 38/372 33 94/422 38 51/472 43 07/522 47 19/622 56 76|672 61 32 323 29 47/373 34 04/423 38 60/473 43 16/523 47 29/623 56 85/673 61 41 324 29 56/374 34 13/424 38 69/474 43 25/524 47 38/624 56 94/674 61 50 325 29 66/375 34 22/425 38 78/475 43 34/525 47 47|625 57 03/675 61 59 326 29 75/376 34 31/426 38 87/476 43 43/526 48 56/626 57 12/676 61 68 327 29 84/377 34 40/427 38 96/477 43 53/527 48 65/627 57 21/677 61 78 328 29 93/378 34 49/428 39 05/478 43 62/528 48 74|628 57 30/678 61 87 329 30 02/379 34 58/429 39 15/479 43 71/529 48 83/629 57 40/679 61 96 330 30 11/380 34 67/430 39 24/480 43 80/530 48 92/630 57 49/680 62 05 331 30 20/381 34 77/431 39 33/481 43 89/531 48 02/631 57 58/681 62 14 332 30 29/382 34 86/432 39 42/482 43 93/532 48 11/632 57 67|682 62 23 333 30 39/383 34 95/433 39 51/483 44 07/533-48 201633 57 76/683 62 32 334 30 48/384 35 04/434 39 60/484 44 16/534 48 29/634 57 85/684 62 41 335 30 57/385 35 13/435 39 69/485 44 26/535 48 38/635 57 94/685 62 51 336 30 66/386 35 22/436 39 78/486 44 35/536 48 ¢ 7/636 58 03\686 62 60 337 30 75/387 35 31/487 39 88/487 44 44/537 49 56/637 58 13\687 62 69 338 30 84/388 35 40/438 39 97/488 44 53/538 49 65/638 58 22|688 62 78 339 30 93/389 35 50/439 40 06/489 44 62/539 49 3 75/639 58 31/689 62 87 340 31 02/390 35 59/440 40 15/490 44 71/540 49 ; 84/640 58 40/690 62 96 341 31 12/391 35 68/441 40 24/491 44 80/541 49 : 93/641 58 49/691 63 05 342 31 21/392 35 77/442 40 33/492 44 89/542 49 02 642 58 58/692 63 14 343 31 30/393 35 86/443 40 42/493 44 99/543 49 : 11/643 58 67693 63 24 344 31 39/394 35 95/444 40 51/494 45 08 544 49 20 644 58 76/694 63 33 345 31 48/395 36 04/445 40 61/495 45 17/545 49 29/645 58 86 [695 63 42 346 31 57 396 36 13/446 40 70|496 45 26/546 49 82 38 646 58 95/696 63 51 347 31 66 397 36 23/447 40 79/497 45 35/547 49 91/597 54 48/647 59 04/697 63 60 348 31 75/398 36 32/448 40 88/498 45 44.548 50 00/598 Bd 5 57/648 59 13/698 63 69 349 31 85/399 36 41/449 40 97/499 45 53.549 50 10599 54 66'649 59 22/699 63 7 From 300 to 699 lbs at 9c. or 9-15 300327 45/350%32 02/400836 6045041 17/500345. 75550850 32 2! 600954 90/650359 47 301 27 54/351 32 12\401 36 69451 41 27/501 45 84/551 50 42/601 54 99/651 59 57 302 27 63 352 32 21/402 36 78.452 41 36/502 45 93/552 50 51/602 55 08/652 59 66 303 27 v2 353 32 30/403 36 87/453 41 45/503 46 02/553 50 60/603 55 17/653 59 75 304 27 82/354 32 39/404 36 97/454 41 54/504 45 12/554 50 69/604 55 27/654 59 84 305 27 91/355 32 48/405 37 06/455 41 63/505 46 21/555 50 78/605 55 36/655 59 93 306 28 00/356 32 57/406 37 15/456 41 72/506 46 30/556 50 87/606 55 45/656 60 02 307 28 09/357 32 67/407 37 24/457 41 82/507 46 39/557 50 97/607 55 54/657 60 12 308 28 18/358 32 76/408 37 33/458 41 91/508 46 48/558 51 06/608 55 63/658 60 21 309 28 27 359 32 85/409 37 42/459 42 06/509 46 57/559 51 15/609 55 72/659 60 30 310 28 36 360 32 94/410 37 51/460 42 09/510 46 66/560 51 24/610 55 81/660 60 39 sil 28 46 361 33 O3/411 37 61/461 42 18/511 46 76/561 51 33/611 55 91/661 60 48 312 28 55 362 33 12/412 37 70/462 42 27/512 46 85/562 51 42/612 56 00/662 60 57 313 28 64 363 33 21/413 387 79/463 42 36/513 46 94/563 51 51/613 56 09/663 60 66 314 28 73|364 33 31/414 387 88/464 42 46/514 47 03/564 51 61/614 56 18/664 60 76 315 28 82/365 33 40/415 37 97/465 42 55/515 47 12/565 51 70/615 56 27/665 60 85 316 28 91/366 33 49/416 38 06/466 42 64/516 47 21/566 51 79/616 56 36/666 60 94 317 29 01/367 33 58/417 38 16/467 42 73/517 47 31/567 51 88/617 56 46/667 61 03 318 29 10/368 33 67/418 38 25/468 42 821518 47 40/568 51 97/618 56 55/668 61 12 319 29 19/369 33 T6/419 388 34/469 42 91/519 47 49/569 52 OGI6I9 56 64/669 61 21 $20 29 28/370 33 85/420 38 43/470 43 00/520 47 58/570 52 15/620 56 73/610 61 30 821.29 37 371 33 95/421 38 52)471 43 10/521 47 67/571 52 25/621 56 82/671 61 40 322 29 46/372 34 04/422 38 61/472 43 19/522 47 76572 52 34/622 56 91/672 61 49 323 29 55/373 34 13/423 38 70/473 43 28/523 47 85/573 52 43/623 57 00/673 61 58 324 29 65 374 34 we 424 38 80/474 43 37|524 47 95/574 52 52/624 57 10/674 61 67 325 29 74/375 34 31/425 388 89/475 43 46/525 48 04/575 52 61/625 57 19/675 61 76 326 29 83/376 34 40/426 38 98|476 43 55/526 48 13/576 52 70/626 57 28\676 G1 85 327 29 921377 84 50\427 89 07/477 43 65/527 48 22/577 52 80/627 57 37/677 61 95 328 30 01/378 34 59/428 39 16/478 43 71/528 48 31/578 52 89/628 57 46/678 62 04 329 30 10/379 b4 68 429 39 25/479 43 83/529 48 40/579 52 98/629 57 55/679 62 13 330 30 19/380 34 77/430 39 34/480 43 92/530 43 49/580 53 07/630 57 64/680 62 22 331 30 29/381 34 86/431 39 44/481 44 01/531 48 59/581 53 16/631 57 74/681 62 31 332 30 38/382 34 95/432 89 53/482 44 10/532 48 68/582 53 25/632 57 83/682 62 40 333 30 47/3883 35 04/433 39 62/483 44 19/533 48 77/583 53 341633 57 92/683 62 49 334 30 96 384 35 14 434 39 71/484 44 29/534 48 56/584 53 44/634 58 01/684 62 59 335 30 65 385 35 23/435 39 80/485 44 38/535 48 95/585 53 53/635 58 10/685 62 68 336 30 74/386 35 32/436 39 89/486 44 47/536 49 04/586 53 62/636 58 19/686 62 77 337 30 84/387 35 41/437 389 99/487 44 56/537 49 14]587 53 71/637 58 29/687 62 86 338 30 93 388 35 50 438 40 08/488 44 65/538 49 23/588 53 80/638 58 38/688 62 95 339 31 02/389 35 59/439 40 17/489 44 74/539 49 32/589 53 89/639 58 47/689 63 04 340 31 1 390 35 63/440 40 26/490 44 83/540 49 41/590 53 98/640 58 56/690 63 13 341 31 20/391 85 78/441 40 35/491 44 93/541 49 50/591 54 08/641 58 65/691 63 23 342 31 29 $92 35 87/442 40 44/492 45 02/542 49 59/592 54 17/642 58 74/692 63 32 343 31 38 393 35 96/443 40 53/493 45 11/543 49 68/593 54 26/643 58 83/693 63 41 344 31 48/394 36 05/444 40 63/494 45 20/544 49 78/594 54 35/644 58 93/694 63 50 345 31 57/395 36 14/445 40 72/495 45 29/545 49 87/595 54 44/645 59 02/695 63 59 346 31 66/396 36 23/446 40 81/496 45 38/546 49 96/596 54 53/646 59 11/696 63 68 347 31 75/397 36 33/447 40 90) 497 45 48/547 50 05/597 54 631647 59 20/697 63 7 348 31 84/398 36 42/448 40 99/498 45 57/548 50 14/598 54 72/648 59 29/698 63 87 349 31 93/399 36 51/449 41 08/499 45 66/549 50 23/599 54 81/649 59 38/699 63 96 300527 56 350832 27 65/351 = 32 25 ane 28 2 P Scot wowewwe 3% 2 3 3 oy 3 > 3 5 3: 2 3 35 311 ae 33 qoo coco Go 62 0 eis arb 30 04 13 23 32 41 50 59 5/425 39 0/431 39 5/436 40 31437 40 5 65/438 +40 ‘ 440 40 2441 40 16)400836 75 5 84 27/423 38 86 424 38 95 05 426 39 14 427 39 23 428 39 32 429 39 41 430 39 51 60 69 78 87 97 432 39 433 39 434 39 435 39 15 24 33 42 52 61 70 78) 439 40 |4a2 40 443 40 444 40 445 40 88 446 40 98 447 41 O7 448 41 16 449 41 3/452 41 06) 25/499 45 From 300 to 699 lbs ae Dic. or 450841 451 41 34 44 53 62 71 80 500845 94 501 46 03 502 46 12 503 46 21 504 46 30 505 46 40 506 46 49 6 58 6 67) > 76 §50850 53 551 50 62 552 50 71 553 50 81 554 50 90 555 50 99 556 51 08 by alr 558 51 27 36 45 54 63 6 85 On <<) 3/547 50 5/548 50 35 73 82 91 00 09 218 28 37 46 55 64 74 52 83 2 92 3 01 3 10 20 3.29 38 3 47 56 3 65 NCA orc GT cH =—SOnmrtaanPon— PPS PLHP Kh HPD H-VWIWV WWII 75 3 84 93 02 11 21 380 3/588 54 2/589 54 |590 54 591 54 /592 54 39 593 54 48 594 54 57 9 89 98 07 16 26 595 54 67 696 54 76 597 54 85 598 54 94 1649 50 441599 55 03 5|635 58 34 | 600155 12/650859 72 601 55 22)651 59 81 602 55 31/652 59 90 603 55 40/653 59 99 604 55 491654 60 09 605 55 58/655 60 18 606 55 63,656 60 27 607 55 77,657 60 ae 608 55 86/658 609 55 95 610 56 04 NAAGAGBABAAAS we a) 88 7 97 632 58 06 633 58 16 634 58 25 636 58 43 637 58 52 638 58 62 639 58 71 640 58 80 641 58 89 642 58 98 643 59 08 644 59 17 1645 59 26 646 59 35 647 59 44 648 59 53 649 59 63 dich 699 64 22 300527 301 27 302 27 78) 303 27 304 27 305 28 306 28 307 28 308 28 3 309 28 310 28 311 28 312 28 313 28 314 28 315 28 316 29 317 29 318 29 2 319 29 35 320 29 321 29 2 20 2 29 48 57 66 75 84 94 03. 33 12 3 21 30 3 40 3 49 58 QO CO CE OOS 81 90 99 08 18 27 36 45 54 96 35 05 5 14 24 33 42 51 60 70 79 35 88 5 97 347 31 92/397 36 52 348 32 02/398 36 62 349 32 11399 36 71 2 38) 7/416 38 5/419 38 9/426 39 ri 429 39 3/442 40 400536 80 401 36 89 402 36 98 403 37 08 404 3717 405 37 26 406 37 35 407 37 44 408 37 54 409 37 63 410 37 72 411 37 81 412 37 90 413 38 00 414 38 09 415 38 18 27 36 46 55 64 73 82 92 O1 10 19 28 38 47 56 65 74 84 93 02 11 20 30 39 48 57 66 76 85 417 38 418 38 /420 38 )421 38 422 38 423 38 424 39 425 39 427 39 428 39 430 39 431 39 432 39 433 39 434 39 435 40 436 40 437 40 438 40 439 40 440 40 441 40 443 40 444 40 445 40 446 41 03 447 41 12 448 41 22 449 41 31 94) 2/498 45 82 450%41 40 451 41 459 42 See Re 479 44 07 480 44 16 A481 44 25 482 44 34 483 44 44 484 44 53 485 44 62 486 44 71 487 44 80 488 44 90 489 44 99 490 45 08 491 45 17 492 45 493 45 36 494 45 45 495 45 54 496 45 63 497 45 9/501 46 0 3}502 46 8503 46 anannaaoao BCWOnNMOahon— SPE RP PE 26/542 49 86 72|547 50 32 ‘500846 00 9 18} 23 37 > 46 3 55 5 64 374 5 83 3 92 OL 01550850 60 551 50 69 552 50 78 553 50 88 504 46 37/554 50 97 RQIRRWRWAAAR S 90 99 53 08 53 18 579 53 27 580 53 36 581 53 45 582 53 54 583 53 64 684 53 73 585 53 82 586 53 91 587 54 00 588 54 10 589 54 19 590 54 28 591 54 37 592 54 46 593 54 56 594 54 65 595 54 74 596 54 83 597 54 92 67 530 48 76 531 48 85 532 48 94 533 49 04 634 49 13 635 49 22 536 49 31 637 49 40 538 49 50 539 49 59 540 49 68 541 49 77 543 49 96 544 50 05 545 50 14 546 50 23 499 45 91 648 50 42 649 50 51 598 55 02 599 55 11 leo0855 20 601 55 29 602 55 38 (603 55 48 \604 55 57 650859 80 651 59 89 653 60 08 5/655 60 26 656 60 35 657 60 44 658 60 54 660 60 72 661 GO 81 662 60 90 663 61 00 664 61 09 7/666 61 27 669 61 55 670 61 64 671 61 73 672 G1 82 673 61 92 674 62 O1 675 62 10 676 62 19 i= — ee Se ee 349353 rer) wnNec (eo 625 BY 50 626 57 59 627 57 68 628 57 75/678 62 38 |629 57 87/679 62 47 630 57 96/680 62 56 631 58 05/681 62 65 632 58 14/682 62 74 633 58 24/683 62 84 634 58 33 635 58 42 636 58 51 637 58 60 638 538 70 639 58 79 640 58 88 641 58 97 642 59 06 643 59 16 644 59 25 645 59 34 646 59 43 647 59 52 685 63 02 686 63 11 687 63 20 688 63 30 689 63 39 690 63 48 691 63 57 693 63 76 695 63 94 649 59 71/699 64 31 659 60 63) 665 GJ 18) \/667 61 36) 5/668 61 46) 677 62 28) 696 64 03 | 697 64 120 648 59 62/698 64 22— 652 59 98 | 654 60 17. 2 684 62 93 — 692 63 66 | 694 63 85 | CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. 275 7 From 300 to 699 lbs at %ic. or 9.25 From 300 to bd Ibs at 9,%c. or or 9 31t SSE Ta | ETE Se J | DE [I Pe — - 300827 75/350332 37/400337 00450841 62 500846 25 550350 87 600855 50/650360 12 | 300327 9435083: 7 25/450341 91 ‘500846 ‘56)550851 | 1 855 87/650860 53 301 27 84/351 32 47/401 387 09/451 41 72/501 46 34 551 50 97 55 59/651 60 22 | 301 28 03 3% | 42 00.501 46 66/551 2 55 97/651 60 62 302 27 93/352 32 56/402 37 18/452 41 81/502 46 43.552 51 06,602 55 68/652 60 31 302 28 12} By 42 09502 46 75/552 56 06/652 60 72 2 35 37 28/453 41 90/503 46 53/553 51 15/603 55 73/653 60 40 28 2: 38 42 19/503 46 84/553 56 15/653 60 81 2 37/454 41 99/504 46 62.554 51 24/604 55 87/654 60 49 2k 35 42 28/504 46 93/554 : 56 25/654 60 90 46/455 42 09/505 46 71/555 51 34/605 55 96/655 60 59 p 3% 42 37/505 47 03/555 ¢ 56 31 1655 61 00 55/456 42 18/506 46 80/556 51 43/606 56 05/656 60 68 2 35 42 46/506 47 12! j "689 61 09 65|457 42 27/507 46 90/557 51 52/607 56 15/657 60 77 28 £ 343 42 7 3/657 61 18 74/458 42 36/508 46 99/558 51 61/608 56 24/658 60 86 2 33 42 6! 2/658 61 28 83/459 42 46/609 47 08/559 51 71/609 56 33/659 60 96 28 35 42 56 7 7 I659 61 37 92/460 42 55/510 47 17/560 51 SO\610 56 42/660 61 05 2s 3: 42 § ) 81\660. 61 46 02|461 42 64/511 47 27/561 51 SO\GIL 56 52/661 61 14 28 § 3: 42 5 90/16GI 61 56 11/462 42 73/512 47 36/562 51 93/612 56 61/662 G1 23 2 3: : 43 5 99/662 61 65 20/463 42 83/513 47 45/563 52 08/613 56 70/663 61 33 aK Be i 43 09/663 61 7 29/464 42 92/514 47 54/564 52 17\614 56 79/664 61 42 2 3: 3s 43 & 18/664 61 83 39/465 43 01/515 47 64/565 52 26/615 56 89/665 61 51 2¢ Be ; 43 3 7 27/665 61 93 48/466 43 10/516 47 73/566 52 35/616 56 98/666 61 GO 2¢ : 3 43 36/666 62 02 57/467 43 20/517 47 82/567 52 45/617 57 O7|\667 61 70 2° ; F 43 667 62 8 66/468 43 29/518 47 91/568 52 54/618 57 16/668 61 79 2¢ ; 3s Ai y | 52 ¢ 76,469 43 33/519 48 01/569 52 63/619 57 26/669 61 88 a : : 43 68/519 48 3% 38 85/470 43 47/520 48 10/570 52 72/620 57 35/670 61 97 ¢ : : 43 77|520 48 4: 38 94/471 43 57/521 48 19/571 52 S2\621 57 44/671 62 O7 2 : 39 21/471 43 86/521 48 5: 39 03/472 43 66/522 48 28/572 52 91/622 57 53/672 62 16 2¢ 3 ; 472 43 95/522 48 6 9 13/473 43 75,523 48 38)573 53 00\623 57 63 673 62 25 : 34 : 473 44 05 523 48 7 9 22|474 43 84/524 48 47/574 53 09|624 57 72/674 62 34 F 3 as 474 44 14 [524 488 : 31/475 43 94/525 48 56/575 53 19/625 57 81 675 62 44 30 & 3 3 475 44 28 |525 48 8¢ 9 40476 44 03/526 48 65/576 53 28/626 57 90/676 62 53 326 30 36/3876 35 01/426 39 67/476 44 33 (526 48 98 9 50|477 44 12|527 48 75/577 53 37|627 58 00/677 62 62 327 30 45/377 35 11/427 39 76\477 44 42) 527 49 9 59/478 44 21/628 48 84/578 53 46/628 53 09/678 62 71 328 30 54/378 35 20/428 39 86|478 44 51) 1528 49 68|479 44 31/529 48 93/579 53 56/629 58 18|679 62 81 329 30 64379 35 29/429 39 95/479 44 61/529 49 330 30 52/380 35 15/430 39 77/480 44 40/530 49 02/580 53 65/630 58 27/680 62 90 | 330 30 73/380 35 39/430 40 04/480 44 70/530 49 : 331 30 62/381 35 24/431 39 87/481 44 49/531 49 12/581 53 74/631 58 37/681 62 99 331 30 82/381 35 48/431 40 14/481 44 79/531 49 £ 332 30 71/382 35 33/432 39 96/482 44 58/532 49 21/582 53 83/632 58 46/682 63 08 332 30 92/382 35 57/432 40 23/482 44 89/532 49 54/582 54 20 333 30 80/383 35 43/433 40 05/483 44 68/533 49 30/583 53 93/633 58 55/683 63 18 333 31 01/383 35 67/433 40 32/483 44 98/533 49 64 [583 54 29 334 30 89/384 35 52/434 40 14/484 44 77/534 49 39/584 54 02/634 58 64/684 63 27 334 31 10/384 35 76/434 40 42/484 45 07/534 49 73/584 54 38 335 30 99/385 35 61/435 40 24/485 44 86/535 49 49/585 54 11/635 58 74/685 63 36 335 31 20/885 35 85/435 40 51/485 45 17/535 49 82/585 54 48 336 31 08/386 35 70/436 40 33/486 44 95/536 49 58/586 54 20/636 58 83/686 63 45 al 2 35 95 30) 45 26/536 49 91/586 oi 57 837 31 17/3887 35 80/437 40 42/487 45 05/537 49 67/587 54 30/637 58 92/687 63 55 Sites 36 70) 45 35/537 50 01 ‘587 5 nee 338 31 26/388 35 89/438 40 51/488 45 14/538 49 76/588 54 39/638 59 01/688 63 64 338 31 48/388 36 13/438 40 79\488 45 44/538 50 10|/588 54 76 339 31 36/389 35 98/439 40 61/489 45 23/539 49 86/589 54 48/639 59 11/689 63 73 339 31 57/389 36 23/439 40 88.489 45 54/539 50 19/589 24 85] 840 31 45/390 36 07/440 40 70/490 45 32/540 49 95/590 54 57/640 59 20/690 63 82 340 31 66\390 36 32\440 40 97,490 45 63/540 50 29] /590 54 94 2 341 31 54/391 36 17/441 40 79/491 45 42/541 50 01/591 54 67/641 59 29691 63 92 | 341 31 76/391 36 41.441 41 07 491 45 72/541 50 38/591 55 04/641 59 69691 64 35 342 31 63/392 36 26/442 40 88/492 45 51/542 50 13/592 54 76/642 59 38/692 64 O1 342 31 85/392 36 50/442 41 16/492 45 82/542 50 47 592 5 5 13/642 59 79/692 64 44 343 31 73/393 36 35/443 40 98/493 45 60/5438 50 23/593 54 85/643 59 48/693 64 10 343 31 94/393 36 60/443 41 25/493 45 91/543 50 57 1593 BB 22] 59 88) 344 31 82/394 36 44/444 41 07/494)45 69/544 50 32/594 54 94/644 59 57/694 64 19 | 344 32 03/394 36 69/444 41 35,494 46 00/544 50 66 l594 55 32/644 59 97/694 64 63 845 31 91/395 36 54/445 41 16496145 79/545 50 41/595 55 04/645 59 66695 64 29 345 32 13/395 36 78/445 41 44/495 46 10\545 50 75/595 38 41/645 60 07/695 64 72 346 32 00/396 36 63/446 41 25/496 45 88/546 50 50/596 55 13/646 59 75 696 64 38 346 32 22/396 36 88/446 41 53/496 46 19/546 50 85 596 55 50 '646 60 16/696 64 81 847 32 10/397 36 72/447 41 35/497 45 97/547 50 60/597 55 22/647 59 85.697 64 47 347 32 31/397 36 97/447 41 63/497 46 28/547 50 94,597 55 > 60647 60 25|697 64 91 348 32 19\398 36 81/448 41 44/498 46 06/548 50 69/598 55 31/648 59 94/698 64 56 348 32 41/398 37 06/448 41 72/498 46 38/548 51 03/698 55 69/648 GO 34 1698 65 00 849 32 28/399 36 91!449 41 53/499 46 16/549 50 78!599 55 41/649 60 031699 64 66 349 32 50/399 37 16/449 41 81/499 46 47/549 51 13/599 55 78/649 60 44.699 65 09 From 300 to 699 lbs at 9i;c. or 9-30 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 9c. or 9-35 ] | | ] ] 300827 90/350332 55|400837 20/450341 85/500346 50550551 15 \600855 80 650360 45 300828 05)350832 72\400837 40 450342 2 07/500846 75550351 42690856 10 650360 77 301 27 99/351 32 64/401 37 29/451 41 04 (501 46 59/551 § 51 24} 160i 55 89/651 60 54 301 28 14/351 32 82/401 37 49/451 42 17/501 46 84/551 51 52/601 56 19/651 60 87 302 28 09/352 32 74,402 37 39,452 42 04) 502 46 69/552 51 34 602 55 99/652 60 64 302 28 24352 32 91/402 37 591452 42 26/502 46 94/552 51 61/602 56 29/652 60 96 303 28 18353 32 83/403 37 48/453 42 13) 503 46 78/553 51 43 603 56 08,653 60 7: 303 28 33/353 33 01/403 37 68/453 42 36/503 47 03/553 51 71/603 56 33,653 G1 06 804 28 27\354 32 92/404 37 57/454 42 22 504 46 87/554 51 52 604 56 17/654 60 82 304 28 42/354 33 10404 37 77/454 42 45/504 47 12/554 51 80/604 56 47/654 61 15 305 28 36355 33 01/405 37 66/455 42 31/505 46 96 |555 51 61 605 56 26655 60 91 305 28 52/355 33 19/405 37 87/455 42 54/505 47 22/555 51 89/605 56 57/655 61 24 306 28 46/356 33 11/406 37 76)456 42 41/506 47 06 1556 51 71 \606 56 36/656 61 O1 306 28 61/356 33 29/406 37 96456 42 64/506 47 31/556 51 99/606 56 66/656 61 34 807 28 55/357 33 20/407 37 85\457 42 50/507 47 15/557 51 80} \607 56 4 5/657 61 10 307 28 70/357 33 38/407 38 05/457 42 73/507 47 40/557 52 08/607 56 75/657 61 43 308 28 64/358 33 29/408 37 94/458 42 59508 47 24,558 51 89 608 56 54658 61 19 308 28 80358 3: 7/408 38 15/458 42 82/508 47 50/558 52 17/608 56 85/658 61 52 309 28 74/359 33 39/409 38 04/459 42 69/509 47 34/559 51 99/609 56 64/659 61 29 309 28 89/359 33 57/409 38 24/459 42 92/509 47 59/559 52 27/609 56 94/659 61 62 310 28 83/360 33 48/410 38 13\460 42 73/510 47 4: 5: 610 56 73/660 61 38 310 28 98/360 33 66/410 38 33/460 43 01/510 47 68/560 52 36/610 57 03/660 617 311 28 92/361 33 57/411 38 22/461 42 87/511 47 G11 56 82\66! 61 47 311 29 OS|S6I 33 75/411 38 43/461 43 10/511 47 78/561 52 45/611 57 13/661 61 80 312 29 02/362 32 67/412 38 32)462 42 97/512 47 612 56 92/662 61 57 312 29 17/362 33 85/412 38 52/462 43 20/512 47 87/562 52 55/612 57 22/662 61 90 313 29 11/363 33 76/413 38 41/463 43 06/513 47 5/613 57 01/663 61 66 313 29 27/363 33 94/413 38 62/463 43 29/513 47 97/563 52 64/613 57 32/663 61 99 314 29 20/364 33 85/414 38 50/464 43 15/514 47 4% 5|614 57 10\664 61 75 314 29 36/364 34 03/414 38 71/464 43 38/514 48 06/564 52 73/614 57 41/664 62 08 815 29 29/365 33 94/415 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57 75\/671 62 40 321 30 01/371 34 69/421 39 36/471 44 04/521 48 71/571 53 39/621 58 06/671 62 7 322 29 95/372 34 60/422 39 25/472 43 90/522 48 55/572 53 20/622 57 85/672 62 50 322 30 11/372 34 78/422 39 46/472 44 3/599 48 81/572 53 48/622 58 16/672 62 83 393 30 04/373 34 69/423 39 34/473 43 99/523 48 641573 53 291623 57 94/673 62 59 | 323 30 20/373 34 88/423 39 55/473 44 23/523 48 90/573 53 58/623 58 25 673 62 93 894 30 13/374 34 78/424 39 43/474 44 08/524 48 73/574 53 38/624 58 03/674 62 68 324 30 29/374 34 97/424 39 64/474 44 32/524 48 99/574 53 67/624 58 34 674 63 02 395 30 221375 34 87/425 39 52/475 44 17/525 48 82/575 53 47/625 58 12/675 62 77 | 325 30 39/375 35 06/425 39 74/475 44 41/525 49 09/575 53 76/625 58 44/675 63 11 326 30 32 376 34 97/426 39 62/476 44 27/526 48 92/576 53 57/626 58 22/676 62 87 326 30 48/376 35 16/426 39 83/476 44 51/526 49 18/576 53 86/626 58 53 676 63 21 327 30 41/377 35 06/427 39 71/477 44 36/527 49 01/577 53 66/627 58 31/677 62 96 327 30 571377 35 25/427 39 921477 44 60/527 4y 27/577 53 95/627 58 62 677 63 30 328 30 50\378 35 15/428 39 80|478 44 45/528 49 10/578 53 75/628 58 40/678 63 05 398 30 671378 35 34/428 40 02/478 44 69/528 49 37/578 54 04/628 58 72/678 63 39 329 30 60/379 35 25/429 39 90/479 44 55/529 49 20/579 53 85/629 58 50/679 63 15 329 30 76/379 35 441429 40 11/479 44 79/529 49 46/579 54 14/629 58 81 679 63 49 330 30 69/380 35 34/430 39 99/480 44 64/530 49 29/580 53 941630 58 59/680 63 24 | 330 30 85/380 35 53/430 40 20/480 44 85/530 49 55/580 54 23/630 58 90/680 63 58 331 30 78/381 35 43/431 40 08/481 44 73/531 49 38/581 54 03/631 58 6GS/681 63 33 331 30 95/381 35 62/431 40 30/481 44 97/531 49 65/581 54 32/631 59 00 681 63 67 332 30 88/382 35 53/432 40 18/482 44 83/532 49 48/582 54 13/632 58 78/682 63 43 332 31 04/382 35 72/432 40 39/482 45 07/532 49 74/582 54 42/632 59 09 682 63 77 333 30 97/383 35 62/433 40 27/483 44 92/533 49 57/583 54 22/633 58 87/683 63 52 333 31 14/383 35 81/433 40 49/483 45 16/533 49 84/583 54 51/633 59 19 683 63 86 334 31 06\384 35 71/434 40 36/484 45 01/534 49 66/584 54 31/634 58 96/684 63 61 334 31 23/384 35 90/434 40 58/484 45 25/534 49 93/584 54 60/634 59 28 684 63 95 335 31 15/385 35 80/435 40 45/485 45 10/535 49 75/585 54 40/635 59 05/685 63 70 335 31 32/385 36 00/435 40 67/486 45 35/535 50 02/585 54 70/635 59 37 685 64 05 336 31 25/386 35 90/436 40 55/486 45 20/536 49 85/586 54 50/636 59 15/686 63 80 336 31 42/386 36 09/436 40 77/486 45 44/536 50 12/586 54 79/636 59 47 686 64 14 337 31 34/387 35 99/437 40 64/487 45 29/537 49 94/587 54 59/637 59 24/687 63 89 337 31 51/387 36 18/437 40 86|487 45 53/537 50 21/587 54 88/637 59 56 687 64 23 338 31 43/388 36 08!438 40 73/488 45 38/538 50 03/588 54 63/638 59 33/688 63 98 338 31 60/388 36 28/438 40 95/488 45 63/538 50 30/588 54 98/638 59 65|/688 64 33 339 31 53/389 36 18/439 40 83/489 45 48/539 50 13/589 54 73/639 59 43/689 64 08 339 31 70/389 36 37/439 41 05/489 45 72/539 50 40/589 55 07/639 59 75/689 64 42 340 31 62\390 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41 90) 494 46 62 544 51 34/594 56 06/644 60 78/694 65 50 345 32 34/395 387 03/445 41 72/495 46 41/545 51 09! 595 55 78/645 60 47/695 65 16 345 32 56/395 387 28/445 42 00/495 46 7 2 545 51 43/595 56 15/645 60 87/695 65 59 346 32 44/396 37 12/446 41 81/496 46 50/546 51 19) |596 55 87/646 60 56/696 65 25 346 32 65/396 387 37/446 42 09/496 46 81| 546 51 53/596 56 25/646 60 97/696 65 68 347 32 53/397 87 22/447 41 91/497 46 59/547 51 28/597 55 97/647 GO 66/697 65 34 347 32 75/897 37 47|447 42 19/497 46 90/547 51 62/597 56 34/647 61 06 697 65 78 348 32 62/398 37 31/448 42 00/498 46 69.548 51 37/598 56 06/648 60 75/698 65 44 348 32 32 307 28 86/357 33 56/407 38 26)457 42 96507 47 66/557 52 36/607 57 06/657 6176 | 307 29 01/357 33 74/407 38 46/457 43 19/507 47 91/557 52 64/607 57 36/657 62 09 308 28 95/358 33 65/408 388 35/458 43 05 508 47 75/558 52 45/608 5 57 15\658 61 85 308 29 11/358 33 83/408 38 56458 43 23/508 48 01/558 52 73/608 57 46/658 62 18 309 29 05/359 33 75/409 38 45/459 43 15/509 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29 77/665 34 49/415 39 22/466 43 94/515 48 67/565 53 39/615 58 12/665 62 84 316 29 70/366 34 40/416 39 10)466 43 80/516 48 50/566 53 20/616 57 90/666 62 60 316 29 86/366 34 59/416 39 31/466 44 04/516 48 76/568 53 49/616 58 211666 62 94: 317 29 80/367 34 50\/417 39 20/467 43 90/517 48 60/567 53 30/617 58 00/667 62 70 317 29 96\367 34 68/417 39 41/467 44 13/517 48 86/567 53 58/617 58 31/667 63 03: 318 29 89/368 34 59/418 39 29/468 43 99/518 48 69/568 53 39/618 58 09/668 62 79 318 30 05/368 34 73/418 39 50/468 44 23/518 48 95/568 53 68/618 58 40/668 63 13 319 29 99/369 34 69/419 39 39/469 44 09/519 48 79/569 53 49/619 58 19/689 62 89 319 30 15/369 34 87/419 39 60/469 44 32/519 49 05/569 53 77/619 58 50/669 63 22° 320 30 08/370 34 78/420 39 48/470 44 18.520 48 88/570 53 58/620 58 28/670 62 98 320 30 24/370 34 96/420 39 69/470 44 41/520 49 14/570 53 86/620 58 59/670 63 31. 321 30 17/371 34 87|421 39 57|471 44 27/521 48 97/571 53 67\621 58 37/671 63 07 321 30 33/371 35 06/421 39 78/471 44 51/591 49 23/571 53 96/621 58 68/671 63 41 322 20 27/372 34 97/422 39 67/472 44 37/522 49 07/572 53 77/622 58 47/672 63 17 322 30 43/372 35 15/422 39 88|472 44 60/522 49 33/572 54 05/622 58 78/672 63 50 323 30 36/373 35 06/423 39 76/473 44 46/523 49 16/573 53 86/623 58 56/673 63 26 323 30 52/373 35 25/423 39 97/473 44 70/523 49 42/573 54 15/623 58 87/673 63 60 324 30 46/374 35 16/424 39 86/474 44 56/524 49 26/574 53 96/624 58 66/674 63 386 324 30 62/374 35 34/424 40 07/474 44 79/524 49 52/574 54 24/624 58 97/674 63 69 325 30 55/3875 35 25/425 39 95/475 44 65/525 49 35/575 54 05/625 58 75/675 63 45 325 30 71/3875 35 44/425 40 16/475 44 89/526 49 61/575 54 34/625 59 06/675 63 79 326 30 64/376 35 34/426 40 04/476 44 74/526 49 44/576 54 14/626 58 84/676 63 54 326 380 81|376 385 53/496 40 26/476 44 93/526 49 71/576 54 43/626 59 16|676 63 88. 327 380 74377 385 44/427 40 14/477 44 84/527 49 54/577 54 24/627 58 94/677 63 64 327 30 90/377 385 63/427 40 35/477 45 08/597 49 80\577 54 53/627 59 25/677 63 98 328 30 83/378 35 53/428 40 23/478 44 93/528 49 63/578 54 33/628 59 03/678 63 73 328 31 00/378 385 72/428 40 45/478 45 17/528 49 90\578 54 62/628 59 35/678 64 07 329 30 93/379 35 63/429 40 33/479 45 03/529 49 73/579 54 43/629 59 13/679 63 83 829 31 09/379 35 82/429 40 54/479 45 27/529 49 99/579 54 72/629 59 44/679 64 17 330 31 02/380 35 72/430 40 42/480 45 12/630 49 82/580 54 52/630 59 22/680 63 92 330 31 18/380 385 91/430 40 63/480 45 36/530 50 08/580 54 81/630 59 53/680 64 26. 331 31 11/381 385 81/431 40 51/481 45 21/531 49 91/581 54 61/631 59 31/681 64 01 331 31 28/381 86 00/431 40 73/481 45 45/531 50 18/581 54 90/631 59 63/681 64 35. 332 31 21/382 35 91/432 40 61/482 45 31/532 50 61/582 54 71/632 59 41/682 64 11 332 31 37/382 36 10/432 40 82/482 45 55/532 50 27/582 55 00/632 59 72/682 64 45 333 31 30/383 36 00/433 40 70/483 45 40/533 50 16/583 54 80|/633 59 50/683 64 20 | 333 31 47/393 36 19]433 40 92/483 45 64/533 50 37/583 55 09/633 59 82/683 64 54 334 31 40/384 36 10/434 40 80/484 a 50/634 50 20/584 54 90/634 59 60/684 64 30 334 31 56/384 36 29/434 41 01/484 45 74/534 50 46/584 55 19/634 59 91/684 64 64 4 4 4 2 cp tb oD Coreg 7 335 31 49/385 36 19/435 40 89/485 59/535 50 29/685 54 99/635 59 69|685 64 39 335 31 66/385 36 38/435 41 11/485 45 83/535 50 56/585 55 28/635 60 01/685 54 73 336 31 58/386 36 28/436 40 98/486 68/536 50 38/586 55 08/636 59 75\686 64 48 336 31 75/386 36 43/436 41 20/486 45 93/536 50 65/586 55 38/636 60 10/686 64 83 337 31 68/387 36 38/437 41 08/487 78/537 50 48/587 55 18/637 59 85|687 64 58 337 31 85/387 36 57/437 41 30/487 46 02/537 50 75/587 55 47/637 GO 20\687 64 92. 338 31 77/388 36 47/438 41 17/488 87/538 50 57/588 55 27/638 59 97/688 64 67 338 31 94/388 36 67/438 41 39/488 46 12/538 50 84/588 55 57/638 60 29/688 65 02 339 31 87/389 36 57/439 41 27/489 45 97/539 50 67/589 55 37/639 60 07/689 64 77 339 32 04/389 36 76/439 41 49/489 46 21/539 50 94/589 55 66/639 60 39/689 65 11 340 31 96/390 36 66/440 41 36/490 46 06/540 50 76/590 55 46/640 60 16/690 64 56 340 32 13/380 36 85/440 41 58/490 46 30/540 51 03/590 55 75|640 60 48/690 65 20 341 32 05/391 36 75/441 41 45/491 46 15/541 50 85/591 55 55/641 60 25/691 64 95 341 32 22/391 36 95/441 41 67/491 46 40/541 51 12/591 55 85/641 60 57/691 65 30 342 32 15/392 36 85/442 41 55/492 46 25/542 50 95/592 55 65/642 60 35/692 65 05 342 32 32/392 37 04/442 41 77/492 46 49/542 51 22/592 55 94/642 60 67/692 65 39 343 32 24/393 36 94/443 41 64/493 46 34/543 51 04/593 55 74/643 60 44/693 65 14 343 32 41/393 37 14/443 41 86/493 46 59/543 51 31/593 56 04/643 60 76/693 65 49 344 32 34/394 37 04/444 41 74/494 46 44/544 51 14/594 55 84/644 60 54/694 65 24 344 32 51/394 37 23/444 41 96/494 46 638/544 51 41/594 56 13/644 60 86/694 65 58 OU Orr OVS Ot 1 OO 345 32 43/395 37 13/445 41 83/495 46 53/545 51 23/595 55 93/645 60 63/695 65 33 345 32 60385 37 33/445 42 05/495 46 73/545 51 50/595 56 23/645 60 95/695 65 68 346 32 52/396 37 22/446 41 92/496 46 62/546 51 32/596 56 02\646 60 72/696 65 42 346 32 70/396 37 42/446 42 15/496 46 87/546 51 60/596 56 32/646 61 05/696 65 77 347 32 62/397 387 32/447 42 02)497 46 72/547 51 42/597 56 12|647 GO 82/697 65 52 347 32 79/397 387 52|447 42 24/497 46 97/547 51 69/597 56 42/647 61 14/697 65 87 348 32 71/398 37 41/448 42 11/498 46 81/548 51 51/598 56 21/648 60 91/698 65 61 348 32 89/398 37 61/448 42 34/493 47 06/548 51 79/598 56 51/648 61 24/698 65 96 $49 32 51/399 37 51|449 42 21/499 46 91/549 51 61/599 56 31/649 61 01/699 65 71 349 32 98/399 37 71/449 42 43/499 47 16/549 51 88/599 56 61/649 61 33/699 66 06 « poss CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. 277 “From 300 to 699 lbs at 9c. or 9.50 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 9,%c. or 9.56} 300828 50/350833 25/400338 00/450342 75/500847 50/550852 25 600857 00/650%61 75 O1 28 59/351 33 34/401 38 O9\451 42 84/501 47 59/551 52 34/601 57 09/651 61 S4 302 28 69352 33 44/402 38 19/452 42 94502 47 69/552 Be 47 400838 25)450943 03500847 8155085: 59/600857 37/650362 16 3.56 38 35/451 43 13/501 47 91/551 52 69/601 57 47/651 62 2: 2 44/602 57 19\652 61 94 38 44/452 43 22.502 48 00/552 52 78/602 57 57/652 62 3: 303 28 78/353 33 53/403 38 28|453 43 03/503 47 78/553 52 53/603 57 28/653 62 03 38 54/453 43 32/503 48 10553 52 8 57 661653 62 44 204 28 88/354 33 631404 38 38/454 43 13504 47 88/554 52 63/604 57 38/654 62 13 38 63/454 43 41/504 48 19554 52 98/604 57 76l654 62 54 305 28 97|355 33 72/405 38 47/455 43 22/505 47 97/555 52 72/605 57 47/655 62 22 38 731455 43 511505 18 20.555 53 07/605 57 851655 6: 306 29 07/356 33 82/406 38 57/456 43 32.506 48 07/556 52 82/606 57 57/656 62 32 38 82/456 43 60/506 48 39556 53 17/606 57 95/656 62 41 807 29 16/357 33 91/407 38 66|457 43 41|507 48 16/557 52 91/607 57 66/657 62 308 29 26358 34 01,408 38 76\458 43 51/508 48 26/558 53 01/608 ov 76/658 62 51 809 29 35/359 34 10/409 38 85 5659 62 60 38 92/457 43 70/507 48 48,557 53 26/607 58 04/657 65 39 01/458 43 80\508 48 58/558 53 36/608 58 14/658 6: 39 111459 43 89\509 48 67 53 45) 58 241659 63 39 21/460 43 99/510 48 77\560 53 55/610 58 33/660 63 11 SAD LCR 310 29 45/360 34 20410 38 95 3/660 62 70 CHIBABON— =) co €9 cvien Go.c9 D9 LO ROTOR TO VITRO 311 29 54/\361 34 29/411 39 04 ¢ 26 L 661 6279 | 3 39 30/461 44 OS/511 48 86/561 53 65/611 58 43/661 63 21 312 29 64/362 34 39/412 39 14 9) ; 3 35 : 662 62.89 | 3 39 40\462 44 18/512 48 96/562 53 74/612 58 52/662 63 30 313 29 73/363 34 48/413 39 23 3 98)5 ‘ 53 48 58 23/663 62 98 3 39 491463 44 27/513 49 06/563 53 84/613 58 62\g63 63 40 314 29 83/364 34 58/414 39 33/464 44 08/514 48 83/564 53 58/614 58 33/664 63 08 | 3 9 591464 44 37/514 49 15/564 53 93/614 58 71/64 63 49 315 29 92/364 34 67/415 39 42 751 2 53 67/6 58 42/665 63 17 3 39 681465 44 47/515 49 25/565 54 03/615 58 81/665 63 59 316 30 02/366 34 77/416 39 52 51 53. 77\6 3 52/666 63 27 3 39 78/466 44 56/516 49 34/566 54 12/616 58 90/666 63 69 317 30 11/367 34 86/417 39 61 3/51 3 86/6 31|667 63 36 | 3 39 881467 44 66|517 49 44/567 54 22/617 59 00|g67 63 78 318 30 21/368 34 96/418 39 71 j 9 § 53 96) t 668 63 46 | 3 39 97/468 44 75/518 49 53/568 54 31/618 59 10/68 63 88 319 30 30/369 35 05/419 39 80/469 44 55/519 49 30/569 54 05619 58 80669 63 55 3 07|469 44 85|519 49 63/569 54 41/619 59 19|g69 63 97 390 30 40.370 35 15/420 39 90\470 44 65/520 49 40/570 54 15.620 58 90.670 63 65 320 : 16/470 44 94/520 49 72/570 54 51/620 59 29/670 64 07 821 30 491371 35 24/421 29 99/471 44 74/521 49 49/571 54 24/621 58 99/671 63 74 321 < 26/471 45 04/521 49 82\571 54 60/621 59 38/671 64 16 322 30 59/372 35 34/422 40 09/472 44 84/522 49 59/572 54 34/622 59 09/672 63 84 322 3 D 85/472 45 13/522 49 92/572 54 70/622 59 48/672 64 26 393 30 68.373 35 43/423 40 18/473 44 93/523 49 68/573 54 43/623 59 18/673 63 93 | 323 ¢ 451473 45 23/523 50 01|573 54 79/623 59 57|673 64 36 304.30 78.374 35 53/424 40 28/474 45 03/594 49 78/574 54 53/624 59 28/674 64.03 | 324: 54/474 45 33/524 50 11/574 54 89\694 59 67/674 64 45 395 30 87/375 35 62/495 40 37/475 45 12/595 49 87/575 54 62/625 59 37/675 64 12 | 325 : 0 64/475 45 42/525 50 20/575 54 98/625 59 77/675 64 55 326 30 97/376 35 72/426 40 47/476 45 22/526 49 97/576 54 72.626 59 47/676 G4 22 | 326 74/476 45 52/526 50 30/576 55 08/696 59 86/676 64 64 397 31 06.377 35 81/427 40 56/477 45 31/627 50 06|577 54 81/627 59 56/677 64 31 | 327 83/477 45 61/527 50 39/577 55 13\627 59 96\677 64 74 328 31 16.378 35 91/428 40 66/478 45 41528 50 16/578 54 91.628 59 66,678 6441 | 328: 93/478 45 71/528 50 49/578 55 27/628 60 05/678 64 83 329 31 25/379 36 00/429 40 75|479 45 50/529 50 25579 55 00629 59 75/679 64 50 | 329% 330 31 35.380 36 10/430 40 85/480 45 60/530 50 35/580 55 10630 59 85.680 64 60 330 ¢ 5 02/479 45 80/529 50 59579 55 37/629 60 15.679 64 93 55 331 31 44/281 36 19/431 40 94/481 45 69/531 50 44/581 55 19631 59 94,681 64 69 331° 55 5 12/480 45 90/530 50 68/580 55 46/630 60 24/680 65 02 21/481 46 00|531 50 73, 5 56 30 34/681 65 12 332 31 54/382 36 29/432 42 04/482 45 79/532 50 54/582 55 29/632 60 04/682 64 79 332 ¢ 43'682 65 22 333 31 631383 36 38/433 41 13/483 45 88/533 50 63/583 55 38/633 60 13.683 64 88 | 333 < ¢ 9 7 53/683 65 31 334 31 73/384 36 48/434 41 23/484 45 98/534 50 73/584 55 48 634 60 23/684 64 98 334 31 94) 36 7% 41 50/484 46 28 5 55 84 5 63/684 65 41 335 31 82/385 36 57/435 41 32/485 46 07/535 50 82,585 55 57/635 60 32/685 65 07 335 3 3 BC 8 72.685 65 50 336 31 92/386 36 67/436 41 42/486 46 17/536 50 92/586 55 67/636 60 42/686 65 17 336 69/486 46 47 51 25 56 821686 65 60 337 32 01/387 36 76/437 41 51/487 46 26537 51 01/587 55 76/637 60 51/687 65 26 | 337 ¢ } 3 56 911687 65 69 338 32 11/388 36 86/438 41 61/488 46 36/538 51 11/588 55 86/638 60 61/688 65 36 338 88/488 46 66 01/688 65 79 32 32 32 32 339 32 20/389 36 95/439 41 70\489 46 45.539 51 20.589 55 95.639 60 70/689 65 45 339 32 3 98489 46 > 10/689 65 89 340 32 301390 37 05/440 41 80/490 46 55/540 51 30/580 56 05.640 60 80/690 65 55 340 32 51) 37 2s 2 07/490 46 86/540 51 64/590 56 42.640 61 20/690 65 98 341 32 39/391 37 14441 41 89/491 46 64541 51 39/591 56 14.641 GO 89691 65 G4 | 341 32 61391 37 39441 42 17/491 46 05/541 51 73591 56 51/641 61 30691 66 08 342 32 49/392 37 241442 41 99/492 46 74/542 51 49/592 56 24/642 60 99/692 65 74 342 32 70/392 37 48/442 42 27/492 47 05/542 51 83 592 56 61642 61 39 692 66 17 343 32 58393 37 33/443 42 08/493 46 83/543 51 58/593 56 33/643 61 08/693 65 83 343 32 80/393 37 58/443 42 36/493 47 14/543 51 92/593 56 71/643 61 49 693 66 27 344 32 68 394 37 43\444 42 18/494 46 93/544 51 68/594 56 43.644 61 18/694 65 93 344 32 89/394 37 68/444 42 46494 47 24/544 52 02/594 56 80.644 61 58 694 66 36 345 32 77/395 37 52.445 42 27/495 47 02/545 51 77/595 56 52/645 61 27/695 66 02 345 32 99/395 37 77/445 42 55/495 47 33/545 52 12/595 56 90/645 61 68.695 66 46 346 32 87/396 37 62/446 42 37/496 47 12/546 51 87/596 56 62/646 61 37/696 66 12 346 33 09'396 37 87/446 42 65.496 47 43 546 52 21 596 56 99646 61 77696 66 55 347 32 96/397 37 71/447 42 46.497 47 21/547 51 96/597 56 71/647 G1 46/697 66 21 | 347 33 18/397 37 96/447 42 74/497 47 53,547 52 31597 57 09647 G1 87,697 66 65 848 33 06/398 37 81/448 42 56/498 47 31/548 52 06/598 56 81/648 61 56698 66 31 348 33 28398 38 06448 42 84498 47 62/548 52 40598 57 15 648 61 96 698 66 75 349 33 15.399 37 90/449 42 65.499 47 40\549 52 151599 56 90/649 61 651699 66 40 349 33 37/399 38 15,449 42 94'499 47 72/549 52 50,599 57 28.649 62 06.699 66 54 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 933c. or 9.55 From 300 to 699 lbs at 93 c. or 9.60 7 ] 300328 65/350833 42/400338 20/450342 27)/500547 75/550852 52\600857 30|650862 7 300#28 80,35033 60 400338 40450343 20 500348 00 550352 80 600857 60 650852 5/351 33 52/401 38 30/451 43 07/501 47 85/551 52 62/601 57 40/651 62 17 301 28 90/351 33 70/401 388 50/451 43 30501 48 10551 52 90601 57 70651 62: 302 28 84/352 33 62/402 38 39/452 43 17/502 47 94/552 52 72\602 57 49/652 62 27 | 302 28 99/352 33 79/402 38 59.452 43 30502 48 19552 52 99 602 57 79 652 62 : 303 28 94/353 33 71/403 38 49/453 43 26/503 48 04/553 52 81/603 57 59/653 62 36 303 29 09/353 33 89/403 38 69/453 43 49/503 48 29/553 53 091603 57 89/653 62 304 29 03/354 33 81/404 38 58/454 43 36/504 48 13.554 52 91604 57 68/654 62 46 304 29 18/354 33 98/404 88 78.454 43 58.504 48 38/554 53 18 604 57 98/654 62 7 305 29 13/355 33 90/405 38 68/455 43 45/505 48 23/555 53 00/605 57 78/655 62 55 305 29 28/355 34 08/405 88 88/455 43 68/505 48 48,555 53 28/605 58 08/655 62 8 306 29 22/356 34 00/406 38 77/456 43 55/506 48 32556 53 10/606 57 87/656 62 65 306 29 38/356 34 18/406 38 98/456 43 78/506 48 58/556 53 38 18/656 62 98 vine 63 307 29 32/357 34 09/407 38 87/457 43 64/507 48 42/557 53 19/607 57 97/657 62 74 307 29 47/357 34 27|407 39 07|457 43 87/507 48 67\557 53 308 29 41/358 34 19408 38 96/458 43 74/508 48 51558 53 291608 58 061658 62 84 | 308 29 57/358 34 37/408 39 17458 43 97,508 48 77 558 53 3 37/658 63 309 29 51/359 34 28/409 39 06/459 43 83/509 48 61559 53 38/609 58 16.659 62 93 | 309 29 66)359 34 46/409 39 26459 44 06/509 48 86/559 58 461659 63 310 29 60.360 34 38/410 39 15/460 43 93/510 48 70560 53 48/610 58 25 660 63 03 310 29 76360 3 56/410 39 36/460 44 16/510 48 96 560 ‘ 29 701361 34 48/411 39 25/461 44 03/511 48 80/561 53 SS\6I1 58 35/661 63 13 311 29 86361 34 66.411 39 46/461 44 26511 49 06561 5: 29 80|\362 34 57/412 39 35/462 44 12 48 90/562 53 67 29 89/363 34 67/413 39 44/463 44 22 48 99/563 53 77 8 56.660 63 & I 5 | | 55 66/661 63 2 512 612 58 45/662 63 22 | 312 29 95/362 34 75/412 39 55462 44 35/512 49 15/562 53 95/612 58 75/662 63 55 3 513 613 58 54/663 63 32 313 30 05/363 34 85/413 39 65.463 44 45/513 49 25/563 54 05.613 58 85/663 63 4 29 99/364 34 76/414 39 54/464 44 31/514 49 09564 53 86/614 58 64/664 63 41 314 30 14/364 34 94.414 39 74/464 44 54/514 49 34/564 54 14.614 58 94\664 63 7 5 30 08/365 34 86/415 39 63/465 44 41/515 49 18.565 53 96/615 58 73/665 63 51 315 30 24/865 35 04,415 39 84/465 44 64/515 49 44/565 54 24.615 59 041665 63 6 30 18/366 34 95/416 39 73/466 44 50/516 49 28/566 54 05/616 58 83/666 63 60 316 30 34/366 35 14/416 39 94\466 44 74/516 49 54/566 54 34/616 59 14/666 63 © 7 30 27\367 35 05\417 39 82\467 44 GO/517 49 37\567 54 15/617 58 92/667 63 70 317 30 43/367 35 23,417 40 03/467 44 83/517 49 63/567 54 43.617 23/667 64 8 30 37/368 35 14.418 39 92/468 44 69/518 49 47/568 54 24/618 59 02/668 63 79 318 30 53/368 35 33/418 40 13/468 44 93/518 49 73/568 545 33\668 64 9 30 46/369 35 24/419 40 01/469 44 79/519 49 56/569 54 384.619 59 11669 63 89 | 319 30 62 369 35 42419 40 22/469 45 02.519 49 82/569 54 52/619 59 42/669 64 320 30 56/370 35 33/420 40 11/470 44 88/520 49 66/570 54 43/620 59 21/670 63 98 320 30 72/370 35 52/420 40 32/470 45 12/520 49 92/570 54 72/620 59 52/670 64 321 30 66/371 35 43/421 40 21/471 44 98/521 49 76/571 54 53/621 59 31/671 64 08 321 30 82\371 35 62.421 40 42/471 45 22/521 50 02/571 54 82|621 59 621671 64 4: 322 30 75/372 35 53\422 40 30/472 45 08/522 49 85/572 54 63/622 59 40|672 6418 | 322 30 91/372 35 71/422 40 51/472 45 31/522 50 11/572 54 91/622 59 71\672 64 ? 323 30 85/373 35 62/423 40 40/473 45 17/523 49 95/573 54 72/623 59 50,673 64 27 323 31 01/373 385 81/423 40 61/473 45 41/523 50 % 623 59 81/673 64 324 30 94/374 35 72/424 40 49)474 45 27/524 50 04/574 54 82/624 59 59 674 64 37 324 31 10/374 35 90/424 40 70,474 45 50/524 50 | 5 10/624 59 90/674 64 395 31 04/375 35 81/425 40 59|475 45 36/525 50 14/575 54 91/625 59 69/675 64 46 | 325 31 20/375 36 00425 40 80/475 45 60)/525 50 5 20/625 60 00|675 64 326 31 13/376 35 91/426 40 68\476 45 46/526 50 23/576 55 01/626 59 78 676 64 56 326 31 30/376 36 10,426 40 90/476 45 70 526 50 5 55 30/626 60 10676 64 327 31 23/377 36 00/427 40 78/477 45 55/527 50 33/577 55 10/627 59 88\677 64 65 327 31 39/377 36 19/427 40 99/477 45 79/527 50 59) 5 39/627 60 19/677 64 328 31 32/378 36 10/428 40 87/478 45 65/528 50 42/578 55 20/628 59 97/678 64 75 328 31 49/378 36 29/428 41 09/478 45 89/528 50 69 49/628 60 29/678 65 329 31 42/379 36 19)429 40 97/479 45 741529 50 52/579 55 29/629 60 07|679 64 84 329 31 58/379 36 38429 41 18/479 45 98|529 50 78/579 583629 60 38\679 65 330 31 51/380 36 29/430 41 06/480 45 841530 50 61/580 55 39/630 GO 16/680 G4 94 | 330 31 63/380 36 48.430 41 28.480 46 08/530 50 88/580 55 68.639 60 48/680 65 331 31 61/381 36 29/431 41 16/481 45 94/531 50 71/581 55 49/631 60 26)681 65 04 331 31 78/381 36 58,431 41 38/481 46 18/531 50 98/581 55 738.631 60 58/681 65 332 31 71/382 36 48)432 41 26/482 46 03/532 50 81582 55 58/632 60 36/682 65 13 332 31 87/382 36 67.432 41 47/482 46 27/532 51 07/582 55 87/632 60 67|682 65 333 31 80/383 36 58/433 41 35/483 46 13/533 50 90/583 55 68/633 60 45/683 65 23 333 31 97/383 36 77/433 41 57/483 46 37/533 51 17/583 55 97/633 60 77/683 65 5 334 31 90/384 36 67/434 41 45/484 46 22/534 51 00/584 55 77/634 60 55/684 65 32 334 32 06/384 36 86/434 41 66/484 46 46/534 51 26/584 56 06/634 60 86/684 65 66 835 31 99/385 36 77/435 41 54/485 46 32/535 51 09/585 55 87\635 60 64/685 65 42 335 32 16/385 36 96.435 41 76/485 46 56,535 51 36/585 56 16/635 60 96/685 65 7 836 32 09/386 36 86/436 41 64/486 46 41/536 51 19/586 55 96/636 60 74,686 65 51 336 32 26/386 37 06.436 41 86,486 46 66/536 51 46/586 56 26/636 61 06/686 65 8 $37 32 18|387 36 96437 41 73\487 46 51/537 51 28/587 56 06/637 60 83/687 65 61 337 32 35/387 37 15/437 41 95/487 46 75/537 51 55 5 51 15/687 65 95 338 32 28/388 37 05/438 41 83/488 46 60/538 51 38/588 56 15/638 60 93 688 65 70 24 a7 2 05/488 46 85 538 51 65 25/688 66 05 339 32 37/389 37 15|439 41 92/489 46 70/539 51 47/589 56 25/639 61 02/689 65 80 2 14/489 46 94/539 51 34/1689 66 14 7/390 37 24/440 42 02/490 46 79,540 51 57/590 56 34/640 61 12.690 65 59 7 44 680 66°24 341 32 57/391 37 34/441 42 12,491 46 89541 51 67/591 56 44/641 61 22/691 65 99 54/691 66 ¢ 342 32 66/392 37 44/442 42 211492 46 99/542 51 76/592 56 54/642 61 31/692 66 09 63,692 66 4 4° 4: 4; 4° 4: 4° 343 32 76/393 87 53/443 42 31/493 47 08.543 51 86593 56 63/643 61 41/693 66 18 53/493 47 33/543 5 73/693 66 53 344 32 85/394 37 63/444 42 40.494 47 18/544 51 95.594 56 73/644 61 50/694 66 28 82 62/494 47 42.544 52 82/691 66 62 345 32 95/395 37 72445 42 50.495 47 27 545 52 05/595 56 82/645 61 60695 66 37 345 33 12/395 37 92/445 72/495 47 52.545 52 92/695 66 72 346 33 04/396 37 82/446 42 59/496 47 37 546 52 14/596 56 92/646 61 69696 66 47 346 33 22396 38 02/446 42 82/496 47 62 546 5 32 02 696 66 82 347 33 14/397 37 91/447 42 69.497 47 46547 52 24/597 57 01/647 61 79.697 66 56 347 33 31/397 38 11/447 42 91/497 47 71547 5 111697 66 91 348 33 23/398 38 01/448 42 78,498 47 56/548 52 33/598 57 11/648 61 83/698 66 66 248 33 41/398 38 21448 43 01/498 47 81/548 52 5 21698 67 O1 349 33 33/399 38 101449 42 881499 47 65.549 52 43/599 57 20,649 61 98/699 66 75 | 349 33 50.399 38 30 449 43 501499 47 901549 52 70/599 57 50/649 62 30/699 67 10 Te CoTToN SELLER’S TABLE. | From 300 to 699 = at 9c. or 9. 62) From 300 to 699 Ibsat 9}i4c. or 9.683 — 53 tS SEERA © = r = 800328 87350333 691400838 501450843 311500848 121550852 94 600357 75650362 56 | 300829 06350333 911400838 751450843 59 500348 44/550353 28/600358 12/650362 97 301 28 97/351 33 78/401 38 60/451 43 41/501 48 22 551 53 03/601 57 85/651 62 66 | 301 29 16351 34 00/401 38 85/451 43 69\501 48 53/551 53 38/601 58 221651 63 07 302 29 07/352 33 88/402 38 69.452 43 50/502 48 32.552 53 13/602 57 94/652 62 75 | 302 29 26/352 34 10/402 38 94/452 43 79/502 48 63/552 53 47/602 58 32/652 63 16 303 29 16/353 33 98/403 38 79.453 43 60/503 48 41/553 53 23/603 58 04 E 303 29 35/353 34 20/403 39 04/453 43 88/503 48 73/553 53 57/603 58 42/653 63 26 304 29 26/354 34 07/404 38 88/454 43 70/504 48 51/554 53 32/604 2 13 304 29 45/354 34 29/404 39 14/454 43 98|504 48 82/554 53 67/604 58 51/654 63 36 305 29 36/355 34 17/405 38 98/455 43 79/505 48 61/555 53 421605 58 23) : 305 29 55/855 34 39/405 39 23/455 44 08/505 48 92/555 53 77/605 58 611655 63 45 306 29 45/356 34 26/406 39 08/456 43 89/506 48 70 556 53 51|606 58 33 ie 306 29 64/356 34 49/406 39 33/456 44 17/506 49 02/556 53 86/606 58 71/656 63 55 307 29 55/357 34 36/407 39 17/457 43 99/507 48 80/557 53 58 48 j2 307 29 74/357 34 58/407 39 43/457 44 27/507 49 12/557 53 96/607 58 80\657 63 65 308 29 64/358 34 46/408 39 27/458 44 08/508 48 89/558 53 58 5s 33° 32 308 29 84/358 34 68/408 39 52/458 44 37/508 49 21/558 54 06/608 58 90/658 63 74 309 29 74/359 34 55/409 39 37/459 44 18/509 48 99 559 53 58 62 13 4 309 29 93/359 34 78/409 39 62/459 44 47/509 49 31/559 54 15/609 59 00/659 63 84 310 29 84/360 34 65)410 39 46)460 44 27/510 49 09/560 53 90/610 58 71/660 63 52 | 310 30 03/860 34 87/410 39 72/460 44 56/510 49 41/560 54 25/610 59 O9\660 63 94 311 29 93 9 56/461 44 37/511 49 18/561 54 OO/BII 58 81/661 63 62 | 311 30 13/361 34 97/411 39 821461 44 66/511 49 50/561 54 35/611 59 191661 64 03 312 30 03 39 65/462 44 47/512 49 28/562 54 09/612 58 90/662 63 72 312 30 22/362 385 07/412 39 91/462 44 76/512 49 60/562 54 441612 59 29/662 64 13 313 30 13 39 75/463 44 56/513 49 38/563 54 19/613 59 00/663 63 81 313 30 32/363 35 17/413 40 01/463 44 85/513 49 70/563 54 541613 59 38/663 64 23 314 30 22 39 85/464 44 66/514 49 47/564 54 28/614 59 10/664 63 91 | 314 30 421364 35 26/414 40 11/464 44 95/514 49 79/564 54 641614 59 48l664 64 32) 315 30 32 39 94/465 44 76/515 49 ? 38/615 59 19/665 64 01 | 315 30 52/365 35 36/415 40 20/465 45 05/515 49 80\565 54 73/615 59 58/665 64 42 316 30 41 2: 04/466 44 85/516 49 66 8/616 59 29/666 64 10 | 316 30 61/366 35 46/416 40 30/466 45 14/516 49 99/566 54 831616 59 67/666 64 52 317 30 51 : 14/467 44 95|517 49 W617 59 39/667 64 20 | 317 30 71/367 35 55/417 40 40/467 45 241517 50 08/567 54 93IGI7 59 771667 64 62 318 30 61 5 4: 23/468 45 04/518 49 86 57/618 59 48/668 64 29 318 30 81/368 35 65/418 40 49/468 45 34/518 50 18/568 55 02/1618 59 87/668 64 71 319 30 70 BD De 33/469 45 14/519 49 ¢ 619 59 58/669 64 39 319 30 90/369 35 75/419 40 59/468 45 43/519 50 28/569 55 12 619 59 97/669 64 81. 320 30 80 35 6 421470 45 24/520 50 620 59 67/670 64 49 | 390 31 00/370 35 84/420 40 69/470 45 53/590 50 37/570 55 221620 60 OGI670 64 91 321 30 90 a}ier/ 52/471 45 33/521 50 621 59 77/671 64 58 321 31 10/371 35 94/421 40 78/471 45 63/591 50 47/571 55 39/691 60 16/671 65 00 322 30 99/372 35 80/422 40 62/472 45 43/522 50 622 59 87/672 64 68 | 392 31 19/372 36 04/422 40 88/472 45 72/599 50 57/572 55 41/622 60 26\672 65 10 323 31 09/373 35 90/423 40 71/473 45 53/523 50 623 59 96/673 64 78 | 323 31 29/373 36 13/423 40 981473 45 82/593 50 67/573 55 511623 60 351673 6b 324 31 18/374 36 00/424 40 81/474 45 62/524 50 4: 624 60 06/674 64 87 | 324 31 39/274 36 23/424 41 07/474 45 921594 50 76/574 55 611624 GO 451674 66 30 325 31 28/375 36 09/425 40 91/475 45 72/525 50 5: 625 60 16/675 64 97 | 395 31 48/375 36 33/425 41 17/475 46 02/595 50 86/575 55 70/625 60 55/675 65 39 326 31 38/376 36 19/426 41 00/476 45 81|526 50 6 626 60 25/676 65 06 | 326 31 58/376 36 42/426 41 27/476 46 11/596 50 96/576 55 801626 60 641676 G5 49 31 47 36 2 10/477 45 91/527 50 627 60 35/677 65 16 | 327 31 68)377 36 52/427 41 37/477 46 21/597 51 051577 55 901627 60 741677 65 58- : 19/478 46 01/528 50 628 60 44/678 65 26 | 328 31 77/378 36 62/428 41 46/478 46 31/598 51 15/578 55 99/628 60 84/678 65 68: : : 291479 46 10/529 50 3/629 60 54/679 65 35 | 329 31 87/379 36 72/429 41 56/479 46 40/599 51 25/579 56 091629 60 93/679 65 78. 317 36! 391480 46 20/530 51 55 82/630 60 64/680 65 45 | 330 31 97/380 36 81/430 41 66/480 46 50/530 51 34/580 56 19/630 61 03/680 65 87. 331 31 86/381 36 67/43! 41 48/481 46 30/531 51 11/581 55 92/631 60 73/681 65 55 | 331 32 07/381 36 91/431 41 75/481 46 60/531 51 44/581 56 28/631 61 13/681 Go 97. 332 31 95/382 36 77/432 41 58/482 46 39/532 51 20/582 56 02/632 60 83/682 65 64 | 332 32 16/382 37 01/432 41 85/482 46 69/539 51 54/582 56 38/632 61 221689 66 07. 333 32 05/383 36 86/433 41 63/483 46 49/533 51 30/583 56 11/633 60 93683 65 7 333 32 26/383 37 10/433 41 95/483 46 79/533 51 63/583 56 48/633 61 32/683 66 17) 334 32 15/384 36 96)434 41 77/484 46 58/534 51 40/584 56 21/634 61 02/684 65 83 | 334 32 36/384 37 20\434 42 04/484 46 89/534 51 73/584 56 57/634 61 42/684 66 26 335 32 24/385 37 06/435 41 87/485 46 63/535 51 49/585 56 31/635 61 12/685 65 93 | 335 32 45/385 37 30/435 42 14/485 46 98/535 51 83/585 56 671635 61 521685 66 36 $36 32 34/386 37 15/436 41 96/486 46 78/536 51 59/586 56 40/636 61 21/686 66 03 | 336 32 55/386 37 39/436 42 24/486 47 081536 51 92/586 56 77/636 G1 G1I686 66 46 337 32 44/387 3% 25/437 42 06/487 46 87/537 51 69/587 56 50/637 61 31/687 66 12 | 337 32 65/387 37 49/437 42 33/487 47 181537 52 021587 56 87/637 61 71/687 66 55 338 32 53/388 37 34/438 42 16/488 46 97/538 51 78/588 56 59/638 61 41/688 66 22 | 338 32 74/388 37 59/438 42 43/488 47 27/538 52 12/588 56 96/638 61 81/688 66 65 339 32 63/389 37 44/439 42 25/489 47 07/539 51 88/589 56 69/639 61 50/689 66 32 | 339 32 84/389 37 68/439 42 53/489 47 37/539 52 221589 57 06/639 61 90/689 6G 75 340 32 72/390 37 54/440 42 35/490 47 16/540 51 97/590 56 79/640 61 60/690 66 41 | 340 32 94/390 37 78/440 42 62/490 47 47/520 52 311590 57 16/640 62 001690 6G 34 341 32 82/391 37 63/441 42 45/491 47 26/541 52 07/591 56 88/641 61 70/691 66 51 | 341 33 03/391 37 S8la4I 42 72/491 47 57/541 52 411591 57 25/641 62 10/691 66 94 342 32 92/392 37 73/442 42 54499 47 35/542 52 17/592 56 98/642 61 79/692 66 60 | 342 33 13/392 37 87\442 42 82/492 47 66542 52 511592 57 351642 62 191699 G7 04 343 33 01/393 37 83/443 42 64/493 47 45/543 52 26/593 57 08/643 61 89/693 66 70 | 343 33 23/393 38 07/443 42 92/493 47 76/543 52 60 57 45/643 62 29/693 67 13 344 33 11/394 37 92/444 42 73/494 47 55/544 52 36/594 57 17/644 61 98/694 66 80 | 344 33 32/394 38 17/444 43 01/494 47 86/544 52 70/594 57 54/644 62 39694 67 23. 345 33 21/395 38 02/445 42 83/495 47 64/545 52 46/595 57 27/645 62 08/695 66 89 | 345 33 42/395 38 27/445 43 11/495 47 95/545 52 80/595 57 641645 62 481695 67 33. 346 33 30/396 38 11/446 42 93/496 47 74/546 52 55/596 57 36/646 62 18/696 66 99 | 346 33 52/396 38 36/446 43 21/496 48 05/546 52 89/596 57 74/646 62 58/696 67 42 347 33 40/397 38 21/447 43 02.497 47 84/547 52 65/597 57 46/647 62 27/697 67 09 | 347 33 62/397 38 46/447 43 30/497 48 15/547 52 99/597 57 831647 62 Ge 697 67 52 348 33 49398 38 31/448 43 12/498 47 93/548 52 74/598 57 56/648 G2 37/698 67 18 | 348 33 711398 38 56/448 43 40/498 48 24.548 53 09598 57 93/648 62 771698 67 62. 349 33 59/399 38 40/449 43 22'499 48 03'549 52 84/599 57 65/649 62 47.699 G7 28 349 33 81/399 38 65/449 43 50499 48 34549 53 181599 58 03'649 62 87/699 67 72 From 300 to 699 lbs at 933c. or 9.65 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 9c. or 9.70 | ! 7 T | fa | 33 | “ak 300328 951350333 77400338 60/450343 42/500848 25/550853 07600357 90650362 72 | 300829 10350833 95/400838 80|450343 65'500%48 50\550%53 35/600358 20/g50363 05 301 29 05)351 33 87/401 38 70/451 43 52/501 48 35/551 53 17/601 58 0/651 62 82 | 301 29 20/351 34 05/401 38 90451 43 75/501 48 60/551 53 45/601 58 30/651 63 15 302 29 14/352 33 97/402 38 79/452 43 62/502 48 44/552 53 27/602 58 09/652 62 92 | 302 29 29/352 34 14/402 38 99/452 43 84/502 48 69/552 53 54/602 58 391650 63 24 303 29 24/353 34 06/403 38 89/453 43 71/503 48 54/553 53 36/603 58 19/653 63 01 | 303 29 39/353 34 24/403 39 09/453 43 94/503 48 79/553 53 64/603 58 49/953 G3 34 304 29 34/354 34 16/404 38 99/454 43 81/504 48 64/554 53 46/604 58 29/654 63 11 | 304 29 49/354 34 34/404 39 19/454 44 04/504 48 89/554 53 74/604 58 59/664 G3 44 305 29 43/355 34 26/405 39 08/455 43 91/505 48 73/555 53 56/605 58 38/655 63 21 | 305 29 58/355 34 43/405 39 281455 44 13/505 48 98/555 53 83|605 58 631655 63 53 306 29 53/356 34 35/406 39 18/456 44 00/506 48 83/556 53 65/606 58 48/656 63 30 | 306 29 68/356 34 53/406 39 38/456 44 23/506 49 08/556 53 93/606 58 78/656 63 63 307 29 63/357 34 45/407 39 28/457 44 10/507 48 93/557 53 75/607 58 58/657 63 40 | 307 29 78/357 34 63/407 39 481457 44 33/507 49 18/557 54 03/607 58 83/657 63 73 308 29 72/358 34 55/408 39 37/458 44 20/508 49 02/558 53 85/608 58 67/658 63 50 | 308 29 88/358 34 73/408 39 58/458 44 43/508 49 28/558 54 13/608 58 98\g58 63 83. 309 29 82/359 34 64/409 39 47/459 44 29/509 49 12/559 53 94/609 58 77/659 63 59 | 309 29 97/359 34 82/409 39 67/459 44 52/509 49 37/559 54 22/609 59 O7/g59 63 92. 310 29 91/360 34 74/410 39 56/460 44 39/510 49 21/560 54 04/610 58 86/660 63 69 | 310 30 07/360 34 92/410 39 77/460 44 62/510 49 47/560 54 32/610 59 17/660 64 02 311 30 01/361 34 84/411 39 66/461 44 49/511 49 31/561 54 14/611 58 96/661 63 79 | 311 30 17/361 35 O2/4I1 39 87/461 44 72/511 49 57/561 54 42/611 59 27/661 64 12 312 30 11/362 34 93/412 39 76/462 44 58/512 49 41/562 54 23/612 59 06/662 63 88 | 312 30 26/362 35 11/412 39 96/462 44 81/512 49 66/562 54 51/612 59 36\g69 64 21 313 30 20/363 35 03/413 39 85|463 44 68)513 49 50/563 54 33/613 59 15/663 63 98 | 313 30 36/363 35 21/413 40 06/463 44 91/513 49 76/563 54 61/613 59 46/663 64 31 314 30 30/364 35 13/414 39 95/464 44 73/514 49 60|/564 54 43|614 59 25/664 64 08 | 314 30 46/364 35 31/414 40 16/464 45 01/514 49 86/564 54 71/614 59 56/664 64 41 315 30 40/365 35 22/415 40 05/465 44 87/515 49 70/565 54 52/615 59 35/665 64 17 | 315 30 55/365 35 40/415 40 25/465 45 10/515 49 95/565 54 SO\615 59 65/665 64 50 316 30 49/366 35 32/416 40 14/466 44 97/516 49 79/566 54 62/616 59 44/666 64 27 | 316 30 65/366 35 50/416 40 35/466 45 20/516 50 05/566 54 90/616 59 75/666 64 60 317 80 59/367 35 42/417 40 24/467 45 07/517 49 89/567 54 72/617 59 54/667 64 37 | 317 30 751367 35 GOI4I7 40 45/467 45 30/517 50 15/567 55 OO\BI7 59 85/667 64 70 318 30 69/368 35 51/418 40 34/468 45 16/518 49 99/568 54 81/618 59 64/668 64 46 | 318 30 85/388 35 701418 40 55/468 45 401518 50 25/568 55 10/618 59 95/668 64 80 319 30 78/369 35 61/419 40 43/469 45 26/519 50 08/569 54 91/619 59 73\669 64 56 | 319 30 94/369 35 79/419 40 64/469 45 49/519 50 34|569 55 19/619 60 04/669 64 89 320 30 88/370 35 70/420 40 53\470 45 35/520 50 18|570 55 00/620 59 83/670 64 65 | 320 31 04/370 35 89/420 40 74/470 45 59/590 50 44/570 55 29/620 60 14|670 G4 99 321 30 98/371 35 80/421 40 63/471 45 45/521 50 28/571 55 10/621 59 93/671 64 75 | 324 31 14/371 35 99/421 40 84/471 45 69/501 50 54/571 55 39/621 60 24/671 65 09 $22 31 07/372 35 90/422 40 72/472 45 55/522 50 37/572 55 20/622 60 02/672 64 85 | 322 31 23/372 36 038/422 40 93/472 45 78|522 50 63/572 55 48/622 60 33/672 65 18 $23 31 17/373 35 99/423 40 82/473 45 64/593 50 47/573 55 29/623 60 12/673 64 94 | 393 31 33/373 36 18/423 41 03/473 45 88|522 50 73/573 55 58/623 60 43/673 G5 28 324 31 27/374 36 09/424 40 92/474 45 74/594 50 57/574 55 39/624 60 22/674 65 04 | 394 31 43/374 36 28/424 41 131474 45 981504 50 83/574 55 68/624 60 53|674 65 38 325 31 36/875 36 19/425 41 01/475 45 84/595 50 66/575 55 49/625 60 31|675 65 14 | 395 31 52/375 36 37/425 41 22/475 46 071525 50 92/575 55 77/625 60 62/675 65 47 326 31 46/376 36 28/426 41 11/476 45 93/596 50 76/576 55 58/626 60 41/676 65 23 | 326 31 621376 36 47/426 41 32/476 46 17/526 51 02/576 55 87/626 60 72/676 65 57 327 31 56/377 36 38/427 41 21/477 46 03/597 50 86|577 55 68\627 60 51/677 65 33 | 327 31 721377 36 57/427 41 42/477 46 27/527 51 12/577 55 97/627 60 821677 65 67 328 31 65/378 36 48/428 41 30/478 46 13/528 50 95/578 55 78/628 60 60\678 65 43 | 328 31 821378 36 67/428 41 52/478 46 37/598 51 22/578 56 07/628 6O 921678 65 77 329 31 75/379 36 57/429 41 40/479 46 22/599 51 05/579 55 87/629 60 70/679 65 52 | 329 31 911379 36 76/429 41 61/479 46 46|529 51 31/579 56 16/629 61 011679 65 86 330 31 84/380 36 67/430 41 49/480 46 32/530 51 14/580 55 97/630 60 791680 65 62 | 330 32 01/380 36 86/430 41 71/480 46 56/530 51 41/580 56 26/630 61 11/680 65 96 331 31 94/381 36 77/431 41 59/481 46 42/531 51 24/581 56 07/631 GO 89/681 65 72 | 331 32 11/381 36 96]431 41 81/481 46 66/531 51 51/581 56 36/631 61 21/68) 66 06 332 32 04/382 36 86/432 41 69/482 46 51/532 51 34/582 56 16/632 60 99/682 65 81 | 332 32 20/382 37 05/432 41 90/482 46 75/532 51 60/582 56 45/632 61 30/682 66 15 | 333 32 13/383 36 96/433 41 78/483 46 61/533 51 43/583 56 26/633 61 03/683 65 91 | 333 32 30/383 37 15/433 42 00/483 46 85/533 51 70/583 56 55/633 61 40/683 66 25 334 32 23/384 37 06/434 41 88/484 46 71/534 51 53/584 56 36/634 61 18/684 66 01 | 334 32 40/384 37 25/434 42 10/484 46 95/534 51 80/584 56 65/634 61 50/684 66 35 335 32 33/385 37 15/435 41 98/485 46 80/535 51 63/585 56 45/635 61 28/685 66 10 | 335 32 49/385 37 34/435 42 19/485 47 04/535 51 89/585 56 74/635 61 59/685 66 44 336 32 42/386 37 25/436 42 07/486 46 90/536 51 72/586 56 55/636 61 37/686 66 20 | 336 32 59/386 37 44/436 42 29/486 47 14/526 51 99/586 56 84|636 61 69/686 66 54 337 32 52/387 37 35/437 42 17/487 47 00/537 51 &2/587 56 65/637 61 47/687 66 30 | 337 32 69/387 37 54/437 42 39/487 47 24/537 52 09/587 56 94/637 61 791687 G6 64 338 32 62/388 37 44/438 42 27/488 47 09/538 51 92/588 56 74/638 61 57/688 66 39 | 338 32 791388 37 64/438 42 49/488 47 34/538 52 19/588 57 04/638 61 89688 66 74 339 32 71/389 37 54/439 42 36/489 47 19/539 52 01/589 56 841639 61 66/689 G6 49 | 339 32 88/389 37 73/439 42 58/489 47 43 [539 52 28/589 57 13/639 61 98/689 66 83 340 32 81/390 37 63/440 42 46/490 47 28/540 52 11/590 56 93/640 61 76|690 66 58 | 340 32 931299 37 83/440 42 68/490 47 53.540 52 38/590 57 23/640 62 O8!g90 66 93 341 32 91/391 37 73/441 42 56/491 47 38/541 52 21/591 57 03/641 61 86/691 66 68 | 341 33 08/391 37 93/441 42 78/491 47 63541 52 48/591 57 33/641 62 18691 67 03 342 33 00/392 37 83/442 42 65/492 47 48/542 52 30/592 57 13/642 61 95/692 66 78 | 342 33 17/392 38 02/442 42 S7la92 47 72/542 5 52 a 592 57 42/642 62 27.692 67 12 343 33 10/393 37 92/443 42 75/493 47 57/543 52 40/593 57 22/643 62 05/693 66 87 | 343 33 27/393 38 12/443 42 97/493 47 821543 52 67/593 57 52/643 62 37/693 67 22 344 33 20/394 38 02/444 42 85/494 47 67/544 52 50/594 57 32/644 62 15/694 66 97 | 344 33 371994 38 22/444 43 07/494 47 92\54a 52 77/594 57 621644 62 47/694 67 32 345 33 29/395 38 12/445 42 94/495 47 77/545 52 59/595 57 42/645 62 24/695 67 O7 | 345 33 46/395 38 31/445 43 16/495 48 01/545 52 86 595 57 71/645 62 56/695 67 41 346 33 39/396 38 21/446 43 04/496 47 86|546 52 69/596 57 51/646 62 34/686 67 16 | 346 33 56/396 38 41/446 43 26/496 48 11/546 52 96/596 57 81/646 62 66/696 67 51 347 33 49/397 38 31/447 43 14/497 47 96|547 52 79/597 57 61|647 62 44/697 G7 26 | 347 33 66/397 38 51/447 43 36/497 48 21/547 53 06597 57 91/647 62 76/697 67 61. 348 33 58/398 38 41/448 43 25/498 48 06/548 52 83/598 57 71/848 62 53/698 67 36 | 348 33 76/398 38 61/448 43 46/498 48 31/548 53 16/598 58 01/648 62 86/698 67 71 349 33 68/399 38 50/449 43 33'499 48 151549 52 98/599 57 80l649 62 63 699 67 45 349 33 85/399 38 70/449 43 55/499 48 40'549 53 25/599 58 10.649 62 95/1699 67 80 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. 279 From 300 to 699 lbs at 9c. or 9.75 From 300 to 699 lbs at 9}ic. or 9-81} 450844 16 300829 25|350834 12)400339 00)450843 87/500348 75 53 62|600358 50|650363 37 | 300829 44/350334 34/400339 25 5 500349 06/550853 97600858 871650363 78 301 29 35/351 34 22/401 39 10/451 43 97/501 48 85/551 53 72/601 58 GO/65I 63 47 301 29 54/351 34 44/401 39 35/451 44 25/501 49 16/551 5 ) 58 97 651 63 88 302 29 44/352 34 32/402 39 19/452 44 07/502 48 94/552 53 82/602 58 69/652 63 57 302 29 63/352 34 54/402 39 45/452 44 35/502 49 26/552 5 59 07/652 63 98 303 29 54/353 34 42/403 39 29/453 44 17/503 49 04/553 53 92/603 58 79 653 63 67 303 29 73/353 34 64/403 39 54/453 44 45/503 49 36,553 5 59 17/653 64 08 304 29 64/354 34 511404 39 39/454 44 26/504 49 14/554 54 01/604 58 89/654 63 76 304 29 83/354 34 74/404 39 64/454 44 55/604 49 45/554 5 59 27/654 64 17 305 29 741355 34 611405 39 49/455 44 36/505 49 24/555 54 11/605 58 99/655 63 86 305 29 93/355 34 83/405 39 74/455 44 65/505 49 55/555 5 9 37/655 64 27 306 29 33/356 34 71/406 39 58|456 44 46/506 49 33/556 54 21/606 59 08|656 63 96 306 30 03/356 34 93/406 39 84/456 44 74/506 49 65/556 5 46/656 64 37 307 29 93/357 34 81/407 39 68/457 44 56/507 49 43/557 54 31/607 59 18/657 64 06 30 1: 35 03/407 39 94/457 44 84/507 49 75/557 5 59 56/657 64 47 308 30 03/358 34 90/408 39 78|458 44 65)508 49 53/558 54 40/608 59 28/658 64 15 35 13/408 40 03/458 44 94/508 49 85/558 54 75 59 66/658 64 57 309 30 13/359 35 00/409 39 88/459 44 75/509 49 63/559 54 50/609 59 38/659 64 25 3/409 40 49 95/559 ! 76/659 64 66 310 30 22/360 35 10/410 39 97/460 44 85/510 49 72/560 54 60/610 59 47 660 64 35 32/410 40 2% 50 04/560 5 ; 3 311 30 32,361 35 20/411 40 O7|461 44 95/511 49 82/561 54 TO\GIT 59 57\661 64 45 42/411 40 3° 50 14/561 5% 312 30 42/362 35 29]412 40 17/462 45 04/512 49 92/562 54 79/612 59 67/662 64 54 52/412 40 4: 50 24/562 55 1 313 30 52/363.35 39/413 40 27/463 45 14/513 50 02/563 54 89/613 59 77/663 64 64 35 621413 40 5¢ 50 34/563 55 24 314 30 61.364 35 49/414 40 36/464 45 24/514 50 99/614 59 86/664 64 7 314 30 811364 35 72\414 40 62 50 44|564 5 315 30 71/365 35 59/415 40 46/465 45 515 50 2 9/615 59 96\665 64 84 315 30 91/365 35 82/415 40 50 53/565 316 30 81/366 35 68/416 40 56/466 45 43/516 50 < 8/616 60 06/666 64 93 | 316 31 01/366 35 91/416 40 82 50 63/566 317 30 91/367 35 T8\417 40 66/467 45 53/517 50 81617 60 16|/667 65 03 317 31 11/367 36 01/417 40 92 50 73/567 818 31 00/568 35 58/418 40 75 468 45 63/518 50 & 81618 60 25/668 65 13 318 31 20/368 36 11/418 41 50 83/568 319 31 10369 35 98/419 40 85/469 45 73/519 50 6 81619 60 35/669 65 23 319 31 30/369 36 21/419 41 50 93/569 55 8: 320 31 20,370 36 07/420 40 95/470 45 82/520 50 571/620 60 45/670 65 32 320 31 40/370 36 31/420 41 ¢ 51 02/570 55 9: 321 31 30/371 36 17/421 41 05/471 45 92/521 50 80 7/621 6O 55/671 65 42 321 31 50/371 36 40/421 41 ¢ 51 12|571 56 0: 322 31 39/372 36 27/422 41 14/472 46 02/522 50 86 622 60 64/672 65 52 | 322 31 60)372 36 50/422 41 51 22|572 323 31 491373 36 37/423 41 24/473 46 12/523 50 9 87/1623 60 74\673 65 62 323 31 69)373 36 60/423 41 & 51 32/573 $24 31 59/374 36 46/424 41 34/474 46 21/524 51 C 55 96\624 60 84/674 65 71 324 31 79/374 36 70)424 41 6 51 42\574 325 31 69/375 36 56/425 41 44/475 46 31/525 51 19/575 56 06/625 60 94 675 65 81 325 31 89/375 36 80/425 41 51 52/575 326 31 78/376 36 66/426 41 53/476 46 41/526 51 28/576 56 16/626 61 03/676 65 91 | 326: 36 8 51 61)576 56 5 327 31 88\377 36 76/427 41 63|/477 46 51/527 51 38/577 56 26/627 61 13/677 66 01 327 32 0% 36 9¢ 5 51 71/577 56 6 r 398 31 98/378 36 85/428 41 73/478 46 60/528 51 48/578 56 35/628 61 23/678 66 10 328 3: 8 : g 2 0 5 ¢ 51 81/578 56 7: 5 329 32 08/379 36 95/429 41 83/479 46 70/529 51 58|579 56 45/629 61 33/679 66 20 329 32 28 37 1° 42 51 91/579 56 81/629 61 72/679 66 63 330 32 17/380 37 05/430 41 92/480 46 80 3 5 55/630 61 42/680 66 30 330 ¢ 8 37 & : | 52 01/580 56 91/630 61 82/680 66 72 331 32 27/381 37 15/431 42 02/481 46 90 35/631 61 52/681 66 40 331 52 10/581 57 01/631 61 92|681 66 82 $32 32 37/382 37 24/432 42 12/482 46 99 741632 61 62/682 66 49 332 32: 52 20/582 57 11/632 62 01/682 66 92 333 32 47/383 37 34/433 42 22/483 47 09 633 61 72/683 66 59 333 3: 52 30/583 57 21/633 62 11/683 67 02 $34 32 56/384 37 44/434 42 31/484 47 19) 634 61 81/684 66 69 : 52 40/584 57 30/634 62 21/684 67 12 335 32 66/385 37 54435 42 41485 47 29/535 52 04/635 61 91/685 66 79 52 50/585 57 40/635 62 31/685 67 22 336 32 76/386 37 63 436 42 51/486 47 38/536 52 26 7 13/636 62 01.686 66 88 52 59/586 57 50/636 62 41/686 67 31 337 32 86/387 37 73/437 42 61|487 47 48/537 52 23/637 62 11/687 66 98 52 69/587 57 60.637 62 51/687 67 41 338 32 95,388 37 83/438 42 70/488 47 58/538 52 7 33/638 62 20/688 67 08 52 79/588 57 70/638 62 60/688 67 51 | | 2 80/489 47 68/539 52 3/639 62 30/689 67 18 52 89/589 57 80639 62 70/689 67 61 2 90/490 47 77/540 52 521640 62 40/690 67 27 52 99/590 57 89/640 62 80/696 67 71 3 00/491 47 87/541 52 32/641 G2 50/691 67 37 53 09591 57 99/641 62 90] \691 67 80 09/492 47 97/542 52 vip \642 62 59 \692 67 47 53 18/592 58 09/642 63 00! |692 67 90 19/493 48 07/543 52 2/643 62 691693 67 57 53 28/593 58 19.643 63 09) |693 68 00 54) \644 62 79/694 67 66 33 7 38 66 4: 47/544 53 38594 58 291644 63 19/694 68 10 345 33 64/395 38 51/445 43 39/495 48 26545 53 645 62 891695 67 76 33 85 5 5 5 53 48/595 58 38 645 63 29.695 68 2 346 33 yeeas 38 61446 43 48496 48 36546 53 23) iy. 646 62 98696 67 86 53 58/596 58 48.646 63391696 68 29 347 33.8 3 58/497 48 46/547 53 33/597 58 21/647 63 03/697 67 96 | 53 67\597 58 58.647 63 49/697 68 39 33 ¢ 3 68/498 48 55/548 53 43/598 58 30/648 63 18/698 68 05 | 348 34 15.398 39 05/448 43 96/498 48 87/548 53 77 698 58 68648 63 58.698 68 49 349 34 03/399 38 901449 43 78499 48 65.549 53 53599 58 40649 63 281699 68 15 | 349 34 25/399 39 15/449 44 06/499 48 96/549 53 87/599 58 75.649 63 68/699 68 59 From 300 to 699 lbs at 9ic. or 9-80 From 300 to 699 lbs at 93c. or 9.85 300329 40(350334 30/400839 20/450844 10)500349 00/550853 90/600158 80650863 70 300329 55/350834 47/400839 40/450344 32500849 25 550354 17/600859 10/650%64 0 301 29 50/351 34 40/401 39 30/451 44 20/501 49 10/551 54 OO|60I 58 9O\G5I 63 50 301 29 65/351 34 57/401 39 50/451 44 42.501 49 35/551 54 2 59 20/651 64 1 302 29 60/352 34 50/402 39 40/452 44 30/502 49 20/552 54 10/602 59 00/652 63 90 302 29 751352 34 67/402 39 60/452 44 52/502 49 45/552 54 37/602 59 30/652 64 2 303 29 69/353 34 59/403 39 49/453 44 39/503 49 29/553 54 19/603 59 09/653 63 99 303 29 85/353 34 77/403 39 70/453 44 62/503 49 55.553 54 47/603 59 40653 64 3 304. 29 79/354 34 69/404 39 59/454 44 49/504 49 39/554 54 29604 59 19/654 64 09 | 304 29 941354 34 87/404 39 79/454 44 72/504 49 64/554 54 57/604 59 49/654 64 4 305 29 89355 34 79/405 39 69/455 44 59/505 49 49/555 54 39 605 59 291655 64 19 | 305 30 04.355 34 97/405 39 89/455 44 82/505 49 74/555 54 67/605 59 59/655 64 52 92 01 29/494 48 16544 53 on 306 29 99.356 34 89/406 39 79\456 44 69506 49 59/556 54 49 606 59 39 656 64 29 306 30 14.356 35 07/406 29 99/456 44 92/506 49 84 556 54 77/606 59 69/656 64 62 307 30 09/357 34 99/407 39 89/457 44 79/507 49 69/557 54 59/607 59 49657 64 39 307 80 24.357 35 16/407 40 09/457 45 507 49 94/557 54 86/607 59 79/657 64 71 308 30 18|358 35 08/408 39 98/458 44 88508 49 78/558 54 68/608 59 58/658 64 45 30 ¢ 2 0 191458 45 11/508 50 04/558 54 96)608 59 89/658 64 81 309 20 28/359 35 18/409 40 08/459 44 98/509 49 88/559 54 78/609 59 68/659 64 58 29/459 45 21/509 50 14/559 55 06/609 59 99/659 64 91 310 30 38.360 35 28/410 40 18/460 45 08/510 49 98/560 54 85/610 59 78/660 64 68 38/460 45 31/510 50 23/560 55 16/610 60 08/660 65 01 5 45/461 45 41/511 50 33/561 55 26/611 60 18 661 65 11 oo 311 30 48/361 35 38/411 40 28 BISI1 & 59 88/661 64 75 812 30 58|362 35 48/412 40 38 28/512 & 31612 59 98\662 64 88 28/662 65 21 313 30 67/363 35 57/413 40 47 513 613 60 07/663 64 97 38/663 65 31 314 30 77/364 35 67/414 40 57 514 5 27|614 60 17/664 65 O07 8/664 65 40 315 30 87.365 385 77/415 40 67 515 & 5 37/615 60 27/665 65 17 58/665 65 50 316 30 97/366 35 87/416 40 77 5 67/516 & 5 47/616 60 37/666 65 27 58/666 65 60 317 31 07,367 35 97/417 40 87/467 45 77/517 50 67/567 55 57/617 60 47 667 65 387 77|667 65 70 318 31 16.368 36 06/418 40 96/468 45 86/518 50 76/568 55 66/618 60 56/668 65 46 668 65 80 319 31 26/369 36 16/419 41 06/469 45 96/519 50 86/569 55 76/619 60 66/669 65 56 669 65 90 670 65 99 671 66 09 672 66 19 320 31 36/376 36 26/420 41 16/470 46 06/520 50 96/570 55 86/620 60 76|670 65 66 321 31 16371 36 36421 41 26/471 46 16/521 51 06/571 55 96/621 GO 86/671 65 76 B22 31 56,372 36 46/422 41 36/472 46 26)522 51 16|572 56 06/622 60 96/672 6d 86 55/423 41 45/473 46 35/523 51 25/573 56 15/623 61 05/673 65 95 673 66 29 55/424 41 55/474 46 45/524 51 35/574 56 25/624 61 15/674 66 05 674 66 39 5/425 41 65/475 46 55/525 51 45/575 56 35/625 61 25/675 66 15 35/675 66 49 5/426 41 75/476 46 65/526 51 55/576 56 45/626 61 35 676 66 25 j 676 66 59 427 41 85/477 46 75/527 51 65/577 56 55/627 61 45/677 66 35 d 51 76/677 66 68 498 41 94/478 46 84/528 51 74/578 56 64/628 61 54/678 66 44 8 é 5 678 66 78 429 42 04/479 46 94/529 51 84/579 56 74/629 61 64/679 66 54 ‘ ‘ 26/479 47 18/529 52 11/579 57 03/629 61 96/679 66 88 330 32 34380 37 24/430 42 14/480 47 04/530 51 94/580 56 84/630 61 74/680 66 64 330 32 50/380 37 43/430 42 35/480 47 28/530 52 20/580 57 13/630 62 05/680 66 98 331 32 44/381 37 34/431 42 24/481 47 14/531 52 04/581 56 94/631 G1 84/681 66 74 331 32 60/381 37 53/431 42 45/481 47 38/531 52 30/581 57 23/631 62 15/681 67 08 332 32 54/382 37 44/432 42 34/482 47 24/532 52 14/582 57 04/632 61 94/682 66 54 332 32 70/382 37 63/432 42 55/482 47 48/532 52 40/582 57 33/632 62 25/682 67 18 333 32 63.383 37 53,433 42 43483 47 33/533 52 23 583 57 13/633 62 03 683 66 93 333 32 80/383 37 73/433 42 65/483 47 58 533 52 50/583 57 43/633 62 35/683 67 28 334 32 73.384 37 63/434 42 53/484 47 43/534 52 33/584 57 23,634 62 13 684 67 03 334 32 90/384 37 82|434 42 75/484 47 67/534 52 60/584 57 52/634 62 45/684 67 37 335 32 83/385 37 73/435 42 63/485 47 53/535 52 43/585 57 33/635 62 23/685 67 13 335 33 00/385 37 92/435 42 85/485 47 77/535 52 70/585 57 62/635 62 55/685 67 47 336 32 93386 37 83/436 42 73/486 47 63/536 52 53/586 57 43/636 62 33/686 67 23 336 33 10/386, 38 02/436 42 95/486 47 87|536 52 80/586 57 72/636 62 65/686 67 57 337 33 03 387 37 93/487 42 83/487 47 73/537 52 63587 57 53/637 62 43 687 67 33 337 33 19/387 38 12/437 43 04/487 47 97/537 52 89/587 57 82/637 62 74 687 67 67 338 33 12.388 38 02/438 42 92/488 47 82/538 52 72/588 57 62/638 62 52/688 67 42 338 33 29/388 38 22/438 43 14/488 48 07/538 52 99/588 57 92/638 62 84/688 67 77 339 33 22.389 38 12/439 43 02/489 47 92/539 52 82/589 57 72/639 62 62/689 67 52 339 33 39/389 38 32/439 43 24/489 48 17/539 53 09/589 58 02/639 62 94 689 67 87 340 33 32.390 38 22/440 43 12/490 48 02/540 52 92/590 57 82.640 62 72/690 67 62 340 33 49/390 38 41/440 43 34/490 48 26/540 53 19/590 58 11/640 63 04/690 67 96 341 33 42 391 38 32/441 43 22\491 48 12/541 53 02/591 57 92/641 62 82/691 67 72 341 33 59/391 38 51/441 43 44/491 48 36/541 53 29/591 58 21/641 63 14/691 68 06 342 33 52392 38 42/442 43 32/492 48 22/542 53 12/592 58 02/642 62 92/692 67 82 342 33 69/392 38 61/442 43 54/492 48 46/542 53 39/592 58 31642 63 24/692 68 16 343 33 61/393 38 51/443 43 41/493 48 31/543 53 21/593 58 11/643 63 01/693 67 91 343 33 79/393 38 71/443 43 64/493 48 56/543 53 49/593 58 41/643 63 34693 68 26 $44 33 71.394 38 61/444 43 51494 48 41/544 53 31/594 58 21/644 63 11/694 68 01 344 33 88/394 38 81/444 43 73/494 48 66/544 53 58/594 58 51/644 63 43|694 38 36 345 33 81/395 38 71/445 43 61/495 48 51/545 53 41/595 58 31/645 63 21/695 68 11 345 33 98/395 38 91/445 43 83/495 48 76/545 53 63/595 58 61/645 63 53/695 68 46 346 33 911396 38 81/446 43 71/496 48 61/546 53 51/596 58 41/646 63 31/696 68 21 346 34 08/396 39 01/446 43 93/496 48 86/546 53 78/596 58 71/646 63 63/696 68 56 347 34 01/397 38 91/447 43 81/497 48 71/547 53 61/597 58 51/647 63 41/697 68 31 347 34 18/397 39 10/447 44 03/497 48 95/547 53 88/597 58 80/647 63 73/697 68 65 848 34 10\398 39 00/448 43 90/498 48 80/548 53 70/598 58 60/648 63 50/698 68 40 | 348 34 28 398 39 20|448 44 13/498 49 05/548 53 98/598 58 90/648 63 83/698 68 75 349 34 20/389 39 10\449 44 00/499 48 901549 53 80/599 58 70/649 63 60/689 68 50 | 349 34 38/399 39 30/449 44 23|499 49 15/549 54 08/699 59 00/849 63 93/699 68 85 280 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 tbs at 9c. or 9.873 From 300 to 699 lbsat 9iic. or 9.933 _— 300829 621350834 56|400%39 50\450344 44/500849 37|550854 31/600359 25/650364 19 300329 81/350834 75\400339 75|\450844 72'500849 69/550354 66/600359 62650364 59° | 301 29 72/351 34 66/401 39 60/451 44 54/501 49 47/551 54 41/601 59 Ce 651 64 29 301 29 91/351 34 88/401 39 85/451 44 82.501 49 79/551 54 76/601 59 72/651 64 69) 55 o 2 302 29 82.352 34 76402 39 70/452 44 63|502 49 57/552 54 51/602 59 45/652 64 38 | 302 30 01/352 34 98/402 39 95/452 44 92/502 49 89/552 54 85602 59 82/652 64 79 303 29 92/353 34 86/403 39 80/453 44 73/503 49 67/553 54 61/603 59 55/653 64 48 | 303 30 11/353 35 08/403 40 05/453 45 02/503 49 99/553 54 95/603 59 921653 64 89° 304 30 02.354 34 96/404 39 89/454 44 83/504 49 77/554 54 71/604 59 64/654 64 58 | 304 30 21/354 35 18/404 40 15/454 45 12/504 50 08/554 55 05/604 60 02\654 64 99. 305 30 12.355 35 06/405 39 99/455 44 93/505 49 87/555 54 81/605 59 74/655 64 68 | 305 30 31/355 35 28/405 40 25/455 45 22/505 50 18/555 55 15/605 60 121655 65 09 306 30 221356 35 15/406 40 09/456 45 03/506 49 97/556 54 90/606 59 84/656 64 78 | 306 30 41/356 35 38/406 40 35/456 45 31|506 50 28/556 55 25/606 60 221656 65 19° 307 30 32/357 35 25/407 40 19|457 45 13/507 50 07/557 55 00/607 59 94/657 64 88 307 30 51/357 35 48/407 40 45/457 45 41/507 50 38/557 55 35\607 60 32/657 65 29° 308 30 41/358 35 35/408 40 29/458 45 23/508 50 16/558 55 10/608 60 04/658 64 98 | 308 30 61/358 35 53/408 40 54/458 45 51/508 50 48/558 55 45/608 60 42/658 65 39) 309 30 51/359 35 45/409 40 39/459 45 33/509 50 26/559 55 20/609 60 14/659 65 08 309 30 71/359 35 68/409 40 64/459 45 61/509 50 58/559 55 55/609 60 52/659 65 49) 310 30 61/360 35 55/410 40 49/460 45 42/510 59 36/560 55 30/610 60 24/660 65 17 310 30 81/360 35 77/410 40 74/460 45 71/510 50 68\560 55 65/610 60 62/660 65 59. 311 30 71/361 35 65/411 40 59/461 45 52/511 50 46/561 55 40/611 60 34/661 65 27 311 30 91/361 35 87/411 40 84/461 45 81/511 50 78/561 55 75/611 60 72/661 65 6 312 30 81/362 35 75/412 40 68/462 45 62/512 50 56/562 55 50/612 60 43/662 65 387 | 312 31 00/362 35 97/412 40 94/462 45 91/512 50 88/562 55 85/612 60 821662 65 a 313 30 91/363 35 85/413 40 78/463 45 72/513 50 66/563 55 60/613 60 53/663 65 47 | 313 31 10/363 36 07/413 41 04/463 46 01/513 50 98/563 55 95/613 60 92/663 65 89 314 31 01/364 35 94/414 40 88/464 45 82/514 50 76/564 55 69/614 60 63/664 65 57 314 31 20/364 36 17/414 41 14/464 46 11/514 51 08/564 56 05/614 61 02/664 65 98 315 31 11/365 36 04/415 40 98/465 45 92/515 50 86/565 55 79/615 GO 73/665 65 67 315 31 30/365 36 27/415 41 24/465 46 21/515 51 18/565 56 15/615 61 12/665 66 O8 316 31 20/366 36 14/416 41 08/466 46 02/516 50 95/566 55 89/616 GO 83/666 65 77 | 316 31 40/366 36 37/416 41 34/466 46 31/516 51 28/566 56 25/616 61 21/666 66 18 317 31 30/867 36 24/417 41 18/467 46 12/517 51 05/567 55 99/617 60 93/667 65 87 | 317 31 50/367 36 47\417 41 44/467 46 41/517 51 38/567 56 35/617 61 31/667 66 28° 318 31 40/368 36 34/418 41 28/468 46 21/518 51 15) 1568 56 09/618 61 03|668 65 96 318 31 60/368 36 57/418 41 54/468 46 51/518 51 48/568 56 44/618 61 411668 66 38° 319 31 50/369 36 44/419 41 38/469 46 31/519 51 25/569 56 19/619 6] 13/669 66 06 319 31 70/369 36 67/419 41 64/469 46 61/519 51 58/569 56 54/619 61 51/669 66 48° 320 31 60/370 36 54/420 41 47/470 46 41/520 51 35/570 56 29/620 61 22/670 66 16 | 320 31 80|370 36 77/420 41 74/470 46 71|520 51 67/570 56 64|620 61 61/670 66 58° 321 31 70/371 36 64/421 41 57/471 46 51/521 51 45|571 56 39/621 61 32/671 66 26 | 321 31 90/371 36 87/421 41 84/471 46 81/521 51 77/571 56 741621 61 71/671 66 68° 322 31 80/372 36 73/422 41 67/472 46 61/522 51 55/572 56 48/622 61 42/672 66 36 | 322 32 00/372 36 97/422 41 94/472 46 90/522 51 87/572 56 841622 61 81/672 66 73° 323 31 901373 36 83/423 41 77/473 46 71/523 51 65|573 56 58/623 61 52/673 66 46 | 323 32 10/373 37 07/423 42 04|473 47 00|523 51 971573 56 941623 61 911673 66 88° 324 31 99/374 36 93/424 41 87/474 46 81|524 51 74/574 56 68|624 61 62/674 66 56 | 324 32 20/374 37 17/424 42 13/474 47 10/524 52 071574 57 04/624 62 01/674 66 98 325 $2 09/375 37 03/496 41 07/475 46 911525 51 81/575 56 75/626 61 72)675 66 6G | 326 32 301975 37 27/426 42 23/476 47 20/525 52 17/575 57 14/626 62 11/676 67 OS 5 ie 92 2% 326 32 19/376 37 13/426 42 07/476 47 00|526 51 94/576 56 88/626 61 33/476 47 30/526 52 27/576 57 24/626 62 21/676 67 18 327 32 29/377 37 23|427 42 17|477 47 10/527 52 04/577 56 98/627 61 9: 577 57 34/627 62 31/677 67 28 328 32 39/378 37 33)428 42 26/478 47 20/528 52 14/578 57 08 578 57 44/628 62 41/678 67 38 7 43/477 47 40/527 52 37 x ‘ 329 32 49/379 37 43/429 42 36/479 47 30/529 52 24/579 57 18/629 62 11/679 67 05 329 32 69/379 37 66/429 7/579 57 54/629 62 51/679 67 48 ‘ 7 7 7 2 3 53/478 47 50/528 52 4 63/479 47 60/529 52 5 6 7 8 WWWd 1 i) oo w o = f=p) ~ oo fen) o Ve) or i) np oo ww rc) a i) ~I co ow on cs iS) co Pe 2 46/480 47 40/530 52 34/580 57 27/630 62 21/680 67 15 330 32 79/380 37 76/430 42 73/480 47 70/530 52 5 330 32 59/380 37 52/430 42 at I ‘ 680 57 64/630 62 61/680 67 57 2 56/481 47 50/531 52 44/581 57 37/631 62 31/681 67 25 331 32 89/381 37 86/431 42 83/481 47 80/531 52 2 9 . & ) 581 57 74/631 62 71/681 67 67 i 331 32 69/381 37 62/431 332 32 78/382 37 72/432 42 66/482 47 60/532 52 53/582 57 47/632 62 41/682 67 35 332 32 99 F 582 57 84/632 62 80/682 67 77 333 32 88/383 37 82/433 42 76/483 47 70/533 52 63/583 57 57/633 62 51/683 67 45 333 33 09/383 38 06/433 43 03/483 48 00/533 52 97/583 57 94/633 62 90/683 67 87 334 32 98/384 37 92/434 42 86/484 47 79|534 52 73/584 57 67/634 62 61/684 67 54 334 33 19384 38 16/434 43 13/484 48 10/534 53 07 |584 58 03/634 63 00/684 67 97 335 33 08/3885 38 02/435 42 96/485 47 89/535 52 83/585 57 77/635 62 71/685 67 64 335 33 29.385 38 26/435 43 23/485 48 20/535 53 17 585 58 13/635 63 10/685 68 07 336 33 18/386 38 12/436 43 05|486 47 99/536 52 93/586 57 87/636 62 80/686 67 74 336 33 39/386 38 36/436 43 33/486 48 30/536 53 26586 58 23/636 63 20/686 68 17 487 48 09/537 53 03/587 57 97/637 62 90\687 67 84 337 33 49/387 38 46/437 43 43/487 48 40/537 53 36/587 58 33/637 63 30/687 68 27 337 33 28/387 38 22/437 43 15 338 33 38388 38 31/438 43 251488 48 19/538 53 13/588 58 06.628 63 00688 G7 94 | 338 33 59388 38 55/438 43 531488 48 49/538 53 46.588 58 45/638 63 401688 68 37 339 33 48/389 38 41/439 43 35/489 48 201539 53 23/589 58 16.639 63 10689 68 04 | 339 33 69/389 38 66.439 43 63/489 48 59/539 53 56.589 58 531639 63 50/689 68 47 340 33 57/390 38 51/440 43 45/490 48 39/540 53 321590 58 26/640 63 20/690 68 14 | 340 33 79/390 38 76/440 43 72/490 48 691540 53 66/590 58 63.640 63 GOIB9D 68 57 341 33 67/391 38 61/441 43 55.491 48 491541 53 42/591 58 36641 63 30691 68 24 | 341 33 89391 38 86/441 43 82/491 48 79|541 53 76591 58 73.641 63 TOIG9I 68 67 342 33 77392 38 71/442 43 65/492 48 58542 53 52/592 58 46/642 63 40692 68 33 | 342 33 991392 38 95/442 43 92/492 48 891542 53 86,592 58 83.642 63 80/692 68 77 343 33 87393 38 811443 43 75493 48 68543 53 62/593 58 56/643 63 50/693 68 43 | 343 34 09/393 39 05/443 44 021493 48 991543 53 96/593 58 93'643 63 90/693 68 87 344 33 977394 38 91/444 43 84/494 48 78544 53 72/594 58 661644 53 59/694 68 53 | 344 34 18/394 39 15|444 44 12/494 49 09|544 54 061594 59 03/644 64 001694 68 97 845 $4 07 895 30 01/445 43 04.495 48 $8 545 53 82595 58 76/645 63 69/695 OS OS | 345 34 28395 39 25/445 44 22/495 49 101545 54 16 595 50 15.645 64 101695 69 07 346 34 17396 39 10446 44 04496 48 98.546 53 92596 58 85.646 63 79.696 68 73 | 346 34 331396 39 35/446 44 32/496 49 291546 54 26/596 59 23/646 64 201696 69 16 B47 34 271397 39 20447 44 14.497 49 08.547 54 02 597 58 95.647 63 89697 68 83 | 347 34 48.397 39 45/447 44 42.497 49 34/847 54 36/597 59 33/647 64 30697 BO 26 348 34 36398 39 30/448 44 24/498 49 18548 54 11598 59 05.648 63 99698 68 93 | 348 34 58.398 39 55/448 44 52/498 49 49.548 54 461598 59 43.648 G4 391698 69 36 349 34 46399 39 40.449 44 34/499 49 28.549 54 21599 59 15.649 64 09.699 GY U3 | 349 34 68.399 39 651449 44 62499 49 59549 54 561599 59 53.649 G4 491699 69 46 From 300 to 699 lbs at 9c. or 9.90 From 300 to 699 lbsat 938c. or 9.95 65 400339 ( 601450844 55/500349 501550354 45600859 40|g50364 35 | 300329 85/350834 82/400539 80! 450344 7 7500349 75|550854 72600859 70 650364 67 301 29 80/351 34 7 9 70/451 44 65/501 49 G0 551 54 55/601 59 50651 64 45 | 301 29 95/351 34 92/401 39 901451 44 87 501 49 85/551 2 82/601 59 80/651 64 77 302 29 90/352 34 85.402 39 80.452 44 75502 49 70/552 54 65,602 59 60/652 G4 55 | 302 30 05/352 35 02/402 40 00.452 44 97/502 49 95/552 54 92/602 59 90/652 64 87 303 30 00/353 34 95463 39 90/453 44 8) 5)503 49 80/553 54 75 603 59 70653 64 65 | 303 30 1 35 12/403 40 10/453 45 07/503 50 05/553 55 2/603 60 00/653 64 97 ) 2 u 300829 70/350334 ¢ ape o oe 3) 304 30 10/354 35 05.404 40 00/454 44 9: 5/504 49 90/554 54 85/604 59 80/654 6475 | 304 30 ) 20/454 45 17/504 50 15/554 55 12/604 GO 10/654 65 OF 305 30 19/355 35 14/405 40 09/455 45 04/505 49 99/555 54 94/605 59 891655 64 84 | 305 30 : 30) )455 45 27/505 50 25/555 55 22/605 60 20/655 65 17 306 30 24/356 35 24.406 40 19/456 45 14| 1506 50 09/556 55 04/606 59 99/656 64 94 | 306 30 40/456 45 37/506 50 35/556 55 32/606 60 30/656 65 27 307 30 39/357 35 34/407 40 29/457 45 24|507 50 19/557 55 14/607 60 09/657 65 04 50/457 45 47/507 50 45/557 55 42/607 GO 40|657 65 37 308 30 49/358 35 441408 40 39/458 45 341508 50 29|558 55 24/608 60 19/658 65 14 60/458 45 57/508 50 55/558 55 52/608 60 50/658 65 47 309 30 59/359 35 54/409 40 49/459 45 44.509 50 39/559 55 34/609 60 29.659 65 24 70/459 45 67/509 50 65/559 55 62/609 60 60/659 65 57 310 30 69/360 35 64/410 40 59/460 45 54/510 50 49/560 55 44/610 60 39/660 65 34 79/460 45 77/510 50 74/560 55 72/610 60 69/660 65 67 311 30 79/361 35 74/411 40 69/461 45 64/511 50 59/561 55 54/611 GO 49\661 65 44 89/461 45 87/511 50 84/561 55 82I611 GO 79IBEI 65 77 ) ) ee he 312 30 89/362 35 84/412 40 79/462 45 74/512 50 69/562 55 64/612 60 59/662 65 54 99/462 45 97/512 50 94/562 55 92/612 60 89/662 65 87 313 30 99/363 35 94/413 40 89/463 45 84/513 50 79/563 55 74/613 60 69/663 65 64 313 31 14/363 36 12/413 41 09/463 46 07/513 51 04/563 56 02/613 60 99/663 65 97 314 31 09/364 36 04/414 40 99/464 45 94514 50 89/564 55 84 614 60 79/664 65 74 314 31 24/364 36 22/414 41 19/464 46 17/514 51 14/564 56 12/614 61 09/664 66 07 315 31 18/365 36 13/415 41 03/465 46 515 50 98/65 55 93/615 60 83/665 65 83 315 31 34/365 36 32/415 41 29/465 46 27/515 51 24/565 56 22/615 61 19/665 66 17 316 31 28/366 36 23/416 41 13/466 46 13/516 51 08/566 56 03/616 60 98/666 65 93 316 31 44/366 36 42/416 41 39/466 46 37/516 51 34/566 56 32/616 61 29/666 66 27 817 31 38|367 36 33/417 41 28/467 46 23/517 51 18/567 56 13/617 61 08/667 66 03 317 31 54/367 36 52\417 41 49/467 46 47/517 51 44/567 56 42/617 61 39/667 66 37 S| 318 31 48/368 36 43/418 41 33/468 46 8 51 28/568 56 23/618 61 18/668 66 13 | 318 31 64/368 36 G2I418 41 59/468 46 57/518 51 54/568 56 521618 61 491668 66 47 519 51 38/569 56 33/619 G1 28/669 66 23 | 319 31 74/369 36 72/419 41 691469 46 67519 51 64/569 56 621619 61 59/669 66 57 520 51 48/570 56 43/620 61 38|670 66 33 | 320 31 84/370 36 81/420 41 79/470 46 76|520 51 74/570 56 711620 61 691670 66 66 521 51 58/571 56 53/621 61 48/671 66 43 | 321 31 94/371 36 91/421 41 891471 46 86/521 51 84/571 56 81/621 G1 79\671 66 76° 522 51 63/572 56 63/622 61 58|672 66 53 | 322 32 04/372 37 01/422 41 991472 46 96|522 51 94/572 56 Y1l692 61 89I672 66 86 319 31 58/369 36 53/419 41 48/469 46 320 31 68/370 36 63/420 41 58/470 46 321 31 78/371 36 73/421 41 68/471 46 DIOwuP WWE O 3 3/523 51 78/573 56 73/623 61 68/673 66 63 323 32 14/373 37 11/423 42 091473 47 06/523 52 04/573 57 01/623 61 99/673 66 96 324 32 08/374 37 03/424 41 98/474 46 93/524 51 88 } 83/624 61 78/674 66 73 | 324 32 24/374 37 21/424 42 19/474 47 16/524 52 141574 57 111624 62 091674 67 06 825 32 17/375 37 12/425 42 07/475 47 02/525 51 92 518 82 325 32 34/375 37 31/425 42 29/475 47 26/525 52 241575 57 21/625 62 191675 67 16 326 32 27/376 37 22/426 42 17/476 47 12/526 52 02 92 | 326 32 44/376 37 41/426 42 39/476 47 36/596 52 34/576 57 31/626 62 291676 67 26 327 32 37/877 37 32/427 42 27/477 47 22/527 52 12 02 | 827 32 54]377 387 51/427 42 49/477 47 46/597 52 44|577 57 41/627 62 39/677 67 36 328 32 47/378 37 42/428 42 37/478 47 32/528 52 2 22 12 323 32 64/378 37 61/428 42 59/478 47 56/528 52 54/578 57 51/628 62 49/678 67 46 329 32 57/379 37 52/429 42 47/479 47 42/529 52 & Be 22 329 32 74/379 37 71/429 42 6Y/479 47 66/529 52 64/579 57 61/629 62 591679 67 56 330 32 67/380 37 62/430 42 57/480 47 52/530 52 42 32 330 32 83/380 37 81/430 42 78/480 47 76/530 52 73/580 57 711630 62 68/680 67 66 331 32 77/381 37 72/431 42 67/481 47 62/531 52 52 42 331 32 93/381 37 91/431 42 88/481 47 86/53) 52 83/581 57 81/631 62 78/681 67 76 332 32 87/382 37 82/432 42 77/482 47 72/532 52 62 7 52 332 33 03/382 38 01/432 42 98/482 47 96/539 52 93/582 57 911632 62 88/682 67 86 333 32 97/383 37 92/433 42 87/483 47 82/533 52 72 7 62 333 83 13/383 88 11/433 43 08/483 48 06/533 53 03/583 58 01/633 62 98/683 67 96 334 33 07/384 38 02/434 42 97/484 47 92/534 52 82 7 72 334 33 23/384 38 21/434 43 18/484 48 16/534 53 13/584 58 111634 63 08/684 68 06 335 33 16/385 38 11/435 43 06/485 48 01/535 52 57 91 7 81 335 33 33/385 388 51/435 43 28/485 48 26/535 53 23/585 58 211635 63 18 336 33 26/386 38 21/436 43 16/486 48 11/5386 53 58 OL 791 336 33 43/386 38 41/436 43 38/486 48 36/536 53 33/586 58 31/636 63 28 337 33 36/387 38 31/437 43 26/487 48 211537 53 8 11 3 OL 337 35 53/387 38 51/437 43 48/487 48 46/537 53 43/587 58 41/637 63 38 338 33 46/388 38 41/438 43 36/488 48 31/538 53 2 58 21 3 11 338 35 63/388 35 61/438 43 58/488 48 56 Damon 51/638 63 48 339 33 56/389 38 51/439 43 46/489 48 41/539 53 : 58 31 3 21 339 33 73/389 38 71/439 43 68/489 48 66 5 639 63 58 340 33 66/390 38 61/440 43 56490 48 51/540 53 58 41 8 3 340 33 83/390 38 80/440 43 78/490 48 75/540 53 7: 70|640 63 68 341 33 76/391 38 71/441 43 66/491 48 61/541 53 5 3 51/641 63 46/691 68 41 341 33 93/391 38 90/441 43 88/491 48 85 53 83) 93 80/641 63 78 342 33 86 392 38 81/442 43 76/492 48 71/542 53 66 61/642 63 56 1692 68 51 342 34 03/392 39 00)442 43 98/492 48 95/542 53 93/692 58 90/642 63 88 343 33 96/393 38 91/443 43 86/493 48 81/543 53 76/593 58 71 \643 63 66693 63 61 343 34 13/393 39 10/443 44 08/493 49 05/543 54 03/593 59 00/643 63 98 344 34 06 394 39 01/444 43 96494 48 91/544 53 86/594 58 81 1644 63 76 |694 68 71 344 34 23/394 39 20|444 44 18/494 49 15/544 54 13/594 59 10/644 64 08 345 34 15/395 39 10\445 44 05/495 49 00/545 53 95/595 58 90.645 63 85) 1695 68 80 345 34 33/395 39 30/445 44 28/495 49 25 545 54 2: \695 59 20645 64 18 596 59 30 leas 64 28 | 346 34 25/396 39 20/446 44 15/496 49 10546 54 05) |596 59 00 646 63 95696 68 90 | 346 34 43/396 39 40/446 44 38/496 49 35/546 54 38 347 34 35/397 39 30/447 44 25/497 49 20/547 54 1 5597 5 9 10/647 64 05/697 GY 00 347 34 53/397 39 50/447 44 48/497 49 45 547 54 4 348 34 45/398 39 40/448 44 35/498 49 30/548 54 25) 598 59 20/648 64 15/698 69 10 348 34 63/398 39 60/448 44 58498 49 55/548 54 5 349 34 55/399 39 50/449 44 45)499 49 40: 549 54 351 599 59 30.649 64 251699 69 20 349 34 73/399 39 70.449 44 63,499 49 65/549 54 6 3/597 59 40/647 64 38 3/598 59 50/648 64 48 3.999 59 60.649 64 53/699 69 af ; i il . bs Cotton SELLER’S TABLE. From 300 to 699 lbs at 19c, or L1G.UU 300330 00/350835 00 301 30 10/351 35 10 302 30 20/352 35 20 303 30 30)353 35 30 304 30 40/354 35 40 305 80 50/365 35 50 306 30 60/356 35 60 307 30 70/357 35 70 308 30 80/358 35 80 309 30 90/359 35 90 310 31 00/360 36 00 1 31 10/361 36 10 31 20/862 36 20 31 30/363 36 30 31 60/366 36 60 2 3 4 : 31 50)865 36 50 31 70/367 36 70 —— ee ee 319 31 90/369 36 90 320 32 00/370 37 00 32% 32 10/371 37 10 322 32 20/372 37 20 323 32 30/373 37 30 324 32 40/374 37 40 325 32 50/375 37 50 326 32 60\376 37 GO 327 32 70/377 37 70 328 32 80/378 37 80 329 32 90/379 37 90 330 33 00/380 38 00 331 33 10/381 38 10 — ~ 332 33 20/382 38 20 333 33 30/383 38 30 334 33 40/384 38 40 335 33 50/386 38 50 336 33 60/386 38 GO 337 33 70/387 38 70 338 33 80/388 38 80 339 33 90/389 38 90 340 34 00/380 39 00 341 34 10/391 39 10 342 34 20/392 39 20 343 34 30/393 39 30 344 34 40394 39 40 345 34 50/395 39 50 346 34 60/396 39 60 347 34 70/397 39 70 348 34 80/398 39 80 349 34 96/399 39 90 300830 15/350335 17 301 30 25/351 35 28 302 30 35/362 35 38 303 30 45/353 35 48 304 30 55/354 35 58 ~ 305 30 65/355 35 68 306 30 75/356 35 78 307 30 85/357 35 88 308 30 95/358 35 98 309 31 05/359 36 08 310 31 15/360 36 18 hl 381 26/361 36 28 31 36/362 36 38 31 46/363 36 48 31 56/364 36 58 31 66/365 36 68 31 76/366 36 78 31 86|367 36 88 319 32 06/369 37 08 320 32 16/370 37 18 321 32 26/371 37 29 322 32 36/372 37 39 323 32 46/373 37 49 324 32 56/374 37 59 325 32 66/375 37 69 326 32 76/376 37 79 327 32 86/377 37.89 328 32 96/378 37 99 329 33 06/379 38 09 330 33 16/380 38 19 331 383 27/381 38 29 31 40/364 36 40: 415 41 50 31 80/368 36 80) 40040 00 401 40 10 402 40 20 403 40 30 404 40 40 1405 40 50 406 40 60 407 40 70 408 40 80 409 40 90 410 41 00 411 41 10 412 41 20 Al3 41 30 414 41 40 416 41 60 417 41 70 418 41 80 419 41 90 420 42 00 421 42 10 20 2 30 2 60 2 70 2 > 2 > 2 > 24 2 50 > 2 > 2 2 2 -p iS i-7) a a 449 44 90 402 40 40 403 40 50 404 40 60 405 40 70 406 40 80 407 40 90 408 41 00 409 41 10 410 41 20 All 41 31 4[2 41 41 413 41 51 414 41 61 415 41 71 416 41 81 417 41 91 418 42 01 419 42 11 420 42 21 421 42 31 422 42 41 423 42 51 42a 42 61 426 42 71 426 42 81 427 42 91 332 33 37/382 38 39/432 43 42 333 33 47/383 38 49 334 33 57/384 38 59 335 33 67/385 38 69 336 33 77/386 38 79 _ 337 33 87/387 38 89 338 33 97/388 38 99 339 34 07/389 39 09 — 340 34 17/390 39 19 — 841 34 27/391 39 30 342 34 37/392 39 40 343 34 47/393 39 50 344 34 57/394 39 60 345 34 67/395 39 70 346 34 77/396 39 80 - 347 34 87/397 39 90 348 34 97/398 40 00 433 43 52 434 43 62 435 43 72 436 43 82 437 43 92 438 44 02 & 439 44 12 440 44 441 44 32 442 44 42 443 44 52 444 44 62 445 44 72 446 44 82 447 44 92 448 45 02 2 40) 2 80) 429 42 90 441 44 10/491 49 444 44 40 446 44 60/496 49 447 44 701497 49 448 44 80/498 49 80 548 54 80 499 49 90/549 54 90/599 59 90\649 64 90 From 300 to 699 lbs at 19:,c. or 10.05 7/600360 30/650365 450345 00/500850 00 461 45 10/501 50 10 452 45 20/502 50 20 45 30/503 50 30 454 me 40 > 50 456 45 60/506 50 6 457 45 70/507 50 70 5 80/508 50 80 459 45 90/509 50 90 460 46 00/510 51 00 461 46 10/511 51 10 462 46 20) L > a) 2 2 2 2 53 00/580 58 00 3 3 3 3 3 3 (§50855 00 1551 55 10 552 55 20 553 55.30) 60 70 80 55 90 560 56 00) 561 56 10) 566 56 60 567 56 70 1568 56 SO |569 56 90 7 00 60 7 70 7 80 7 90 53 10/581 58 10 53 20 58 20/632 63 2 53 30)583 58 30 3 40/684 58 40) 53 50/585 58 50 | 0) 3 60/586 55 60 487 48 70|537 53 70/587 58 70) 438 43 80488 48 80538 53 80.588 58 80) 439 43 90/489 48 90/539 53 90/589 58 90 440 44 00490 49 00/540 54 00/590 59 00 10/541 54 10/591 59 10.641 64 442 44 20/492 49 20/542 54 20/592 59 20642 64 2 443 44 30493 49 30 543 54 30 494 49 40/544 54 40/594 59 40/644 64 0/495 49 50/545 54 50595 59 50645 64 5 60/546 54 60 596 59 60.646 64 70547 54 70/597 59 70/647 64 7 598 59 801648 64 80 593 59 30 : ; 40) 50/565 56 50 50) 600360 601 60 602 60 2 603 60 3 604 G0 4 605 60 5 /606 60 6 614 6L 615 61 5 |616 G1 I617 GL 7 618 GL: 619 GL’ |620 62 10) 7 20) 30) 621 62 622 62 2 623 62 30 626 62 6 627 627 |628 62 629 62 ¢ 1630 63 631 63 633 63 634 63 635 63 1636 63 (637 63 7 638 63 8 1639 63 1640 64 643 64 le50%65 1651 65 1652 65 1653 69 3 00\690 69 699 69 eae ee 19 01950835 WWW WWwWWR RRR Re Re Ree 698 69 8 65 Te 5] 85 95 05! 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From 300 to 699 lbs at 10}¢, or 10.25 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 10,%c, or 10.314 283 300830 751350835 871400841 001450846 121500851 251550856 37|600%61 50/650866 62 | 300830 941350836 o9la00#41 301 3 301 30 85/361 35 98\401 41 10/461 46 23/501 51 35/551 56 48/601 61 6O\651 66 73 1 31 04/351 36 20/401 41 302 30 95/352 36 08/402 41 20452 46 33/502 51 45/552 56 58/602 61 70/652 66 83 302 31 14/352 36 30/402 41 303 31 06 304 31 16 305 31 26 306 31 36/356 36 49/406 41 61/456 46 74/506 51 86/556 56 99|606 62 11/656 67 : ) 807 31 47/357 36 59/407 41 72/457 46 84.507 51 97/557 57 09/607 62 22/657 67 34 | 307 31 66.357 36 82,407 41 308 31 57/358 36 69/408 41 82/458 46 94/508 52 07/558 57 19/608 62 32\658 G7 44 | 308 31 76.358 36 92/408 42 309 31 67/359 36 80/409 41 92\459 47 05/509 52 17/559 57 30/609 62 42/659 67 55 | 309 31 87/359 37 02/409 42 310 31 77/360 36 90/410 42 02/460 47 15/510 52 27/560 57 40/610 62 52/660 67 65 | 310 31 97.360 37 12.410 4 311 31 88/361 37 00/411 42 13/461 47 25/511 52 38/561 57 50/611 62 63/661 67 75 | 311 32 07 4 312 31 98/362 37 10/412 42 23/469 47 35/512 52 48/562 57 60/612 62 73/662 67 85 | 312: 4 313°32 08/363 37 21/413 42 33/463 47 46/513 52 58/563 57 71/613 62 83/663 67 96 | 313: 45 314 32 18/364 37 31/414 42 43464 47 56/514 52 68/564 57 81/614 62 93/664 68 06 | 314: 4: 315 32 29/364 37 41/415 42 54/465 47 66/515 52 79/566 57 91/615 63 04/665 G8 16 | 315: 4: 316 32 39/366 37 51/416 42 64/466 47 76/516 52 89/566 58 01/616 63 14/666 68 26 | 316: 45 317 32 49/367 37 62/417 42 74/467 47 87/517 52 99/567 58 12/617 63 241667 68 37 | 317: 4: 318 32 59/368 37 72/418 42 84/468 47 97/518 53 09/568 58 22/618 63 34/668 68 47 | 318: 4: 319 32 70/369 37 82/419 42 95/469 48 07/519 53 20/569 58 32/619 63 45.669 68 57 | 319; 4: 321 32 90/371 38 03/421 43 15/471 48 28/521 53 40/571 58 53/621 63 65/671 68 78 322 33 00/372 38 13/422 43 25\472 48 38/522 53 50/572 58 63/622 63 75/672 68 88 326 33 41/376 38 54/426 43 66/476 48 79/596 53 91/576 59 04/626 64 16/676 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46 53.504 51 66/554 56 78/604 61 91/654 67 03 304 31 35/354 36 51/404 41 355 36 39/405 41 51/455 46 64.505 51 76/565 56 89/605 62 01/655 67 14 305 31 45)355 36 61/405 41 370 37 92/420 43 05/470 48 17/520 53 30/570 58 42/620°63 55/670 68 67 373 38 23/423 43 36/473 48 48/523 53 61/573 58 73/623 63 86/673 68 98 374 38 33/424 43 46/474 48 58/524 53 71|574 58 83/624 63 96/674 69 08 375 38 44/425 43 56/475 48 69/525 53 81/575 58 94/695 64 06/675 69 19 377 38 64/427 43 77/477 48 89/527 54 02/577 59 14/627 64 27/677 69 39 378 38 74/428 43 87/478 48 99/528 54 12/578 59 24/698 64 37/678 69 49 379 38 85/429 43 97/479 49 10/529 54 22/579 59 35/629 64 47/679 69 60 381 39 05/431 44 18/481 49 30/531 54 43/581 59 55/631 64 68/681 69 80 383 39 26/433 44 38/483 49 51/533 54 63/583 59 76/633 64 88/683 70 01 384 39 36/434 44 48/484 49 61/534 54 73/584 59 86/634 64 98/684 70 11 344 35 26/394 40 38/444 45 51/494 50 63/544 55 76/594 60 88/644 66 011694 71 13 344 35 47/394 40 63/444 45 345 35 36/395 40 49/445 45 61/495 50 74/545 55 86/595 60 99645 66 11/695 71 24 345 35 58/395 40 73.445 45 346 35 46/396 40 59.446 45 71/496 50 84.546 55 96596 61 09.646 66 211696 71 34 346 35 68/396 40 84.446 45 347 35 57/397 40 69/447 45 82/497 50 94.547 56 07|597 61 19/647 66 32.697 71 44 347 35 78/397 40 94/447 46 348 35 67/398 40 79/448 45 92/498 51 04/548 56 17/598 61 291648 66 42/698 71 54 348 35 89/398 41 04/448 46 349 35 77/399 40 90/449 46 02/499 51 15/549 56 27/599 61 40/649 66 52/699 71 65 349 35 991399 41 15/449 46 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 10;4c. or 10.30 WW WO From 300 to 699 Ibs at 100. or 10.35 25450846 41/500851 561550856 72 ‘600361 87|650867 03 35/451 46 51/501 51 67/551 56 Ol 61 98/651 67 13 46/452 46 61/502 51 77/552 56 92/602 62 08/652 67 24 56/453 46 72/503 51 87/553 57 03/603 62 18|653 67 34 66/454 46 82/504 51 97/554 57 13/604 62 29/654 67 44 77/455 46 92/505 52 08/555 57 23|605 62 39/655 67 55 87/456 47 02/506 52 18/556 57 34/606 62 49/656 67 65 97/457 47 13/507 52 28/557 57 44/607 62 60/657 67 75 07|458 47 23/508 52 39/558 57 54/608 62 70/658 67 86 18/459 47 33/509 52 49/559 57 65/609 62 80|\659 67 96 28,460 47 44.510 52 59/560 57 75/610 62 91/660 68 06 47 57 85/611 63 O1\66I 68 17 4 57 96/612 63 11/662 68 27 4 58 06/613 63 22/663 68 37 4 58 16|614 63 32/664 68 47 58 27/615 63 42/665 68 58 58 37/616 63 52/666 68 68 58 47/617 63 63/667 68 78 58 57/618 63 73/668 68 89 58 68/619 63 83/669 68 99 58 78/620 63 941670 69 09 58 88/621 64 04/671 69 20 58 99/622 64 14|672 69 30 59 09/623 64 25/673 69 40 59 19/624 64 35/674 69 51 59 30/625 64 45/675 69 61 59 40/626 64 56/676 69 71 59 50/627 64 66/677 69 82 59 61/628 64 76/678 69 92 59 71/629 64 87|679 70 02 59 81/630 64 97/680 70 12 59 92/631 65 O7/681 70 23 60 02632 65 17/682 70 33 583 60 12/633 65 28/683 70 43 7/584 60 22/634 65 38/684 70 54 60 33/635 65 48|685 70 64 60 43/636 65 59|686 70 74 8) 60 53637 65 69/687 70 85 588 60 64638 65 79/688 70 95 60 74/639 65 90/689 71 05 60 84/640 66 00|690 71 16 591 60 95.641 66 10/691 71 26 9/592 61 05642 66 21/692 71 36 543 56 00/593 61 15/643 66 31/693 71 47 791494 50 95/544 56 10594 61 26644 66 41/694 71 57 891495 51 05/545 56 20595 61 36.645 66 52/695 71 67 99/496 51 15/546 56 31\596 61 46/646 66 62/696 71 77 10/497 51 25/547 56 41/597 61 57/647 66 72/697 71 88 20/498 51 36 548 56 51/598 61 67/648 66 82/698 71 98 30(499 51 46/549 56 62.599 61 77 649 66 93/699 72 08 S| ee I So Sr ee pee es pee | 300830 90/350¢36 05/400341 20/450846 35500851 50/550856 65/600%61 80/650366 95 300331 05/350836 22|400341 301 31 00/351 36 15/401 41 30/45) 46 45/501 51 60/551 56 75/601 61 90/651 67 05 301 31 15/351 36 33/401 41 302 31 11/352 36 26/402 41 41/452 46 56/502 51 71/552 56 86/602 62 01/652 67 16 302 31 26352 36 43/402 41 303 31 21/353 36 36/403 41 51/453 46 66/503 51 81/553 56 96/603 62 111653 67 26 303 31 36353 36 54/403 41 304 31 31/354 36 46/404 41 61/454 46 76/504 51 91/554 57 06/604 62 21/654 67 36 304 32 46/354 36 64/404 41 305 31 41/355 36 56/405 41 71/455 46 86/505 52 01/555 57 16/605 62 31/655 67 46 305 31 57/355 36 74/405 41 306 31 52/356 36 67/406 41 82/456 46 97/506 52 12/556 ° 7 27/606 62 42/656 67 57 306 31 67/356 36 85\406 42 5 307 31 62/357 36 77/407 41 92/457 47 07/507 52 22/557 57 37/607 62 52/657 67 67 | 307 31 77/357 36 95\407 42 5 40/450346 57/500351 75|550856 92/600362 10\650867 27 50/451 46 68/501 51 85.551 57 03.601 62 20651 67 38 61/452 46 78/502 51 96552 57 13/602 62 311652 67 48 71/453 46 89|503 52 06/553 57 24/603 62 41/653 67 59 81/454 46 99/504 52 16/554 57 34/604 62 51/654 67 69 92/455 47 09/505 52 27/555 57 44/605 62 62\655 67 79 02/456 47 20/506 52 37/556 57 55/606 62 72/656 67 90 12/457 47 30/507 52 47/557 57 65\607 62 82/657 68 00 1 63 24/661 68 41 2 63 34/662 68 52 3 63 45/663 68 62 4 63 55/664 68 72 5 63 65/665 68 83 6 63 76/666 68 93 7 63 86/667 69 03 308 31 72/358 36 87/408 42 02/458 47 17/508 52 32/558 57 47/608 62 62/658 67 77 | 308 31 88/358 37 05/408 42 23/458 47 40/508 52 58/558 57 75.608 62 93/658 68 10 ~ 309 31 83/359 36 98/409 42 13/459 47 28/509 52 43/559 57 58/609 62 73/659 67 88 | 309 31 98/359 37 16/409 42 33/459 47 51 509 52 68/559 57 86/609 63 03/659 68 21 310 31 93/360 37 08/410 42 23/460 47 38/510 52 53/560 57 68/610 62 83/660 G7 98 | 310 32 08/360 37 26/410 42 43/460 47 61/510 52 78\560 57 96/610 63 13/660 68 31 311 32 03/361 37 18/411 42 33/461 47 48/511 52 63/561 57 78/61 62 93/661 68 08 311 32 19/361 37 36/411 42 54/461 47 711511 52 89/561 58 OGI6I $12 32 14/362 37 29/412 42 44/462 47 59/512 52 74/562 57 89/612 63 04/662 68 19 | 312 32 29/362 37 47/419 42 641462 47 82 512 52 99/562 58 17/61 313 32 24/363 37 39/413 42 54/463 47 69/513 52 84/563 57 99/613 63 14/663 68 29 | 313 32 40/363 37 57/413 42 75/463 47 92/513 53 10\563 58 27/61 314 382 34/364 37 49/414 42 64/464 47 79/514 52 94/564 58 09|614 63 24/664 68 39 314 32 50/364 37 67/414 42 85/464 48 02/514 53 20/564 58 37\61 315 32 44/365 37 59/415 42 74/465 47 89/515 53 04/565 58 19/615 G3 34/665 68 49 | 315 32 60365 37 78/415 42 95/465 48 13/515 53 30/565 58 48/61 316 32 55/366 37 70/416 42 85/466 48 00/516 53 15/566 58 30/616 63 45/666 68 60 | 316 32 71/366 37 88/416 43 06/486 48 23/516 53 41/566 58 58\61 317 32 65/867 37 80/417 42 95/467 48 10/517 53 25/567 58 40/617 63 55/667 68 7 317 32 81/367 37 98/417 43 16/467 48 33/517 53 51/567 58 6S\61 318 32 75/3868 37 90/418 43 05/468 48 20/518 53 35/568 58 50/618 63 65/668 68 80 | 318 32 91/368 38 09 418 43 26468 48 44/518 53 61/568 58 79\618 63 96/668 69 14 319 32 86/369 38 01/419 43 16/469 48 31/519 53 46/569 58 61/619 63 76/669 68 91 319 33 02/369 38 19/419 43 37/469 48 54/519 53 72/569 58 89/619 64 07/669 69 24 320 32 96/370 38 11/420 43 26/470 48 41/520 53 56/570 58 71/620 63 86\670 69 OL 320 33 12/370 38 29/420 43 47/470 48 64/599 53 82/570 58 99/620 64 17/670 69 34 321 33 06/371 38 21/421 43 36/471 48 51/521 53 66/571 58 81/621 63 96.671 69 11 321 33 22/371 38 40/421 43 322 33 17/372 38 32/422 43 47/472 48 62/522 53 77/572 58 92/622 64 07/672 69 22 322 33 33/372 38 50/422 43 323 33 27/373 38 42/423 43 57/473 48 72/523 53 87/573 59 02/623 64 17/673 69 33 323 33 43/373 38 61/423 43 325 33 47/375 38 62/425 43 374 38 52/424 43 67/474 48 82/524 53 97/574 59 12/624 64 27/674 69 42 324 33 53/374 38 71\424 43 77/475 48 92/525 54 07/575 59 22/625 64 37/675 69 52 325 33 64/375 38 81/425 43 326 33 58/376 38 73/426 43 88/476 49 03/526 54 18.576 59 33/626 64 48/676 69 63 326 33 74/376 38 92/496 44 327 33 68)377 38 83/427 43 98/477 49 13/527 54 28/577 59 43/627 64 58\677 69 73 327 33 84/377 39 02/497 44 328 33 78/378 38 93/428 44 08/478 49 23/528 54 38/578 59 53/628 64 681678 69 83 328 33 95/378 39 12/498 44 329 33 89 330 33 99 331 34 09 332 34 20 379 39 04/429 44 19/479 49 34/529 54 49/579 59 641629 64 79/679 69 94 329 34 05/379 39 23/429 44 380 39 14/430 44 29/480 49 44/530 54 59/580 59 74/630 64 89/680 70 04 330 34 15/380 39 33/430 44 381 39 24/431 44 39/481 49 54/531 54 69/581 59 84/631 64 99/681 70 14 331 34 26/381 39 43/431 44 382 39 35/432 44 50/482 49 65/532 54 80/582 59 95/632 65 10/682 70 25 332 34 36/382 39 54/432 44 333 34 30/383 39 45/433 44 60/483 49 75/533 54 90/583 60 05/633 65 20/683 70 35 333 34 47/383 39 64/433 44 334 34 40 335 34 50 336 34 61 337 34 71 384 39 55/434 44 70/484 49 85/534 55 00/584 60 15/634 65 30/684 70 45 334 34 57/384 39 74/434 44 385 39 65/435 44 80/485 49 95535 55 10/585 60 251635 65 40/685 70 55 335 34 67/385 39 85/435 45 386 39 76/436 44 91/486 50 06/536 55 21/586 60 36/636 65 51/686 70 66 336 34 78/386 39 95/436 45 387 39 86/437 45 01/487 50 16/537 55 31/587 60 46/637 65 61/687 70 76 337 34 88/387 40 05/437 45 232 338 34 81/388 39 96/438 45 11/488 50 26/538 55 41/588 60 56/638 65 71/688 70 86 338 34 98/388 40 16/438 45 339 34 92 340 35 02 341 35 12 342 35 23 343 35 33 344 35 43 345 35 53 346 35 64 347 35 74 348 35 84 389 40 07/439 45 22/489 50 37/539 55 52/589 60 67/639 65 82/689 70 97 339 35 09/389 40 26/439 45 390 40 17/440 45 32/490 50 47/540 55 62/590 60 77/640 65 92/690 71 07 340 35 19/390 40 36\440 45 391 40 27/441 45 42/491 50 57/541 55 72/591 GO 87/641 66 02/691 71 17 341 35 29/391 40 47/441 45 392 40 38/442 45 53/492 50 68/542 55 83/592 60 98/642 66 13/692 71 28 342 35 40/392 40 57/442 45 393 40 48/443 45 63/493 50 78/543 55 93/593 61 08/643 66 23/693 71 38 343 35 50/393 40 68/443 45 394 40 58/444 45 73/494 50 88/544 56 03/594 61 18/644 66 33/694 71 48 344 35 60/394 40 78|444 45 395 40 63/445 45 83/495 50 98/545 56 13/595 61 28/645 66 43/695 71 58 345 35 71/395 40 88/445 46 396 40 79/446 45 94/496 51 09/546 56 24/596 61 39/646 66 54/696 71 69 | 346 35 81/396 40 99/446 46 397 40 89/447 46 04/497 51 19/547 56 34/597 61 49/647 66 64/697 71 79 | 347 35 91/397 41 09\447 46 398 40 99/448 46 14/498 51 29/548 56 44/598 61 59/648 66 74/698 71 89 | 348 36 02/398 41 19/448 46 399 41 10/449 46 25/499 51 40'549 56 55/599 61 70/649 66 85/699 72 00 ' 349 36 12/399 41 30/449 46 57/471 48 75/591 53 92/571 59 10/621 64 27/671 69 45 68/472 48 85/522 54 03/572 59 20/622 64 38/672 69 55 78/473 48 96/593 54 13/573 59 31 623 64 48/673 69 66 88/474 49 06/524 54 23/574 59 41/624 64 58/674 69 76 99/475 49 16/595 54 34/575 59 51/625 64 69/675 69 86 09/476 49 27/596 54 44/576 59 62/626 64 79/676 69 97 19,477 49 37/5297 54 54/577 59 72 627 64 89/677 70 07 30/478 49 47/598 54 65/578 59 82\628 65 00678 70 17 40/479 49 58/529 54 75/579 59 93/629 65 10/679 70 28 50/480 49 68/530 54 85/580 60 03/630 65 20/680 70 38 61/481 49 78/531 54 96/581 60 13/631 65 31/681 70 48 71/482 49 89/532 55 06/582 60 24/632 65 41/682 70 59 17/583 60 34/633 65 52/683 70 69 7/584 60 44/634 65 62/684 70 79 7/585 60 55/635 65 72/685 70 90 8/586 60 65/636 65 83/686 71 00 58/587 60 75/637 65 93/687 71 10 33/488 50 51/538 55 68/588 60 86/638 66 03/688 71 21 44/489 50 61/539 55 79/589 60 96/639 66 14/689 71 31 54/490 50 71/540 55 89/590 61 06/640 66 24/690 71 41 64/491 50 82/541 55 99/591 61 17/641 66 34/691 71 52 75/492 50 92/542 56 10/592 61 27/642 66 45/692 71 62 85/493 51 03/543 56 20/593 61 38/643 66 55/693 71 73 95/494 51 13/544 56 30/594 61 48644 66 65/694 71 83 06/495 51 23/545 56 41/595 61 58/645 66 76/695 71 93 16/496 51 34/546 56 51/596 61 69/646 66 86/696 72 04 26/497 51 44/547 56 61/597 61 79/647 66 96/697 72 14 37/498 51 54/548 56 72/598 61 89/648 67 07/698 72 24 47/499 51 65'549 56 82/599 62 00/649 67 17/699 72 35 284 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. From 800 to 699 ana at 102c, or 10.3: From 300 to 699 Ibsat 10,4c. or 10.433 r 400341 50 450346 69) 500351 87 550857 06 ‘s00%62 25)650367 44 300331 31/350336 53)400%41 300331 12/350836 31) 75/450846 97500852 19/560857 41/600362 62650367 84 301 31 23/351 36 42/401 41 60/451 46 79|/501 51 98/551 57 17 i601 62 35\651 67 54 301 31 42/351 36 64/401 41 85/451 47 O7\501 52 29/551 57 51/601 62 73/651 67 95 31 33 36 5s 71/452 46 89\502 52 08/552 57 27/602 62 46/652 67 64 302 31 52\352 36 74/402 41 96 18/502 52 40/552 57 61 602 62 83/652 68 05 81,453 47 00/503 5 57 & 32 56/653 67 75 303 31 63/353 36 84/403 42 06 28/503 52 50/553 57 72/603 62 94/653 68 16 91 454 47 31654 67 85 304 31 73/354 36 95/404 42 17 7 39\504 52 60/554 57 82 604 63 04/654 68 26 21455 47 ¢ \655 67 96 305 31 83/355 37 05/405 42 49/505 52 71/555 57 93/605 63 15/655 68 37 2/456 47 « 656 68 06 306 31 94/356 37 16/406 42 ¢ 59\506 52 81/556 58 03/606 63 25/656 68 47 457 47 ¢ 79\607 62 98/657 68 16 307 32 04\357 37 26/407 42 48 70)/507 52 92/557 58 14/607 63 36/657 68 57 458 47 52 57 89/608 63 08/658 68 Q7 808 32 15) 37 37/408 42 58 80/508 53 02/558 58 241608 63 46/658 68 68 459 47 6: 58 00/609 63 18/659 68 37 309 32 3 409 42 6 91/509 53 13/559 58 35/609 63 56/659 68 78 54/460 47 72 10|610 63 29)660 68 47 310 32 3 410 42 01/510 53 23/560 58 45/610 63 67/660 68 89 34/461 47 83) 611 63 39/661 68 58 311 32 3 411 42 ¢ 12\511 53 34/561 58 55/611 63 77/661 68 99 74/462 47 93) 31/612 63 49/662 68 68 312 32! 37 78/412 43 22/512 53 44/562 55 66/612 63 88/662 69 10 2 85/463 48 04) 41/613 63 6 1663 GS 79 313 32 37 89/413 43 33\513 53 54/563 58 76/613 63 98/663 69 20 2 95/464 48 14} de 664 68 89 314 32 37 99/414 43 ¢ 43/514 53 65|564 58 87\614 64 09\664 69 30 31465 48 ; 665 68 99 315 325 3s 415 43 32 53/515 53 75/565 58 97/615 64 19/665 69 41 466 48 35) 666 69 10 316 82 416 43 42 64/516 53 86/566 59 O8/616 64 29/666 69 51 467 48 45) 1667 G9 20 317 33 417 43 52 T4\517 53 96/567 59 18\617 64 40\667 69 62 7/468 48 55) 21668 69 30 318 33 418 43 63 8 85/518 54 07/568 59 28/618 64 50/668 69 72 7/469 48 66) 3] 4 22/669 69 41 319 33 8 419 43 73/469 48 95/519 54 17/569 59 39/619 64 611669 69 83 7\470 48 76 53. 9E 59 14/620 64 670 69 51 320 33 38 62/420 43 84/470 49 06/520 54 27/570 59 49/620 64 71/670 69 93 8]471 48 87\521 54 05/571 59 24/621 64 43/671 69 62 321 33 50/371 88 72/421 43 94/471 49 16/521 54 38/571 59 60\621 64 82) (671 70 04 '8)472 48 97/522 54 16/572 59 34/622 64 53/672 69 72 322 33 6 8 83\422 44 05/472 49 26/522 54 48/572 59 70\622 64 92) 672 70 14 3 | 89/473 49 07/523 54 26/573 59 45/623 64 64/673 69 82 323 33 71/373 38 93/423 44 15/473 49 37/593 54 59/573 59 811623 65 03/673 70 24 394 33 61/374 38 80\424 43 99/474 49 36 9 55 3 |674 69 93 324 33 82/374 39 04/424 44 25/474 49 47/524 54 69/574 59 91/624 65 13/674 70 35 325 33 72/375 38 91/425 44 09/475 49 28 E 675 70 03 325 33 92/375 39 14/425 44 36/475 49 58/525 54 80/575 60 02/625 65 23/675 70 45 326 33 82/376 39 01/426 44 20/476 49 38/526 54 57|576 59 76 34 95/676 70 13 326 34 03/376 39 24/426 44 46/476 49 63/526 54 90/576 60 12/626 65 34|676 70 56 397 33 93/377 39 11/427 44 30/477 49 49/597 54 68/577 59 86 15 05|677 70 24 397 34 1313877 39 35/427 44 57/477 49 79/527 55 01/577 60 22/627 65 441677 70 66 328 34 03/378 39 22/428 44 40/478 49 59/528 54 78} 9 ¢ 5/678 70 34 328 34 23/378 39 45/428 44 67/478 49 89/528 55 11/578 60 33/628 65 55/1678 70 vir 329 34 13/379 39 32|429 44 51/479 49 70/529 54 88/579 60 O07 5,679 70 45 399 34 34/379 39 56/429 44 78/479 50 00/529 55 21/579 60 43/629 65 65/679 70 87 330 34 24/380 39 42/430 44 61/480 49 80/530 54 99/580 60 3680 70 55 330 34 44/380 39 66/430 44-88|480 50 10/530 55 32/580 60 54/630 65 76/680 70 97 53 331 34 34/381 39 53/431 44 72/481 49 90/531 55 09/581 60 28 7/681 70 65 | 331 34 55|881 39 77/431 44 99/481 50 20/531 55 42/581 60 64/631 65 86/681 71 08 332 34 44/382 39 63/432 44 82/482 50 01/532 55 19/582 60 35 \682 70 76 332 34 65/382 39 87/432 45 09/482 50 31/532 55 53/582 60 75/632 65 96/682 71 18 333 34 55/383 39 74/433 44 92/483 50 11/533 55 30/583 60 4¢ 5 67/683 70 86 | 333 34 76/383 39 98/433 45 19/483 50 41/533 55 63/583 60 85/633 66 071683 71 29 334 34 65/384 39 84/434 45 03/484 50 21) 55 40/584 60 59/634 65 78684 70 96 | 334 34 86/384 40 08/434 45 30/484 50 52/534 55 74/584 60 95/634 66 17/684 71 39. 335 34 76/385 39 94/435 45 13/485 50 32/535 55 51/585 GO 69/635 65 88/685 71 O07 335 34 97/385 40 18/435 45 40/485 50 62/535 55 84/585 61 06/635 66 28/685 71 50. 336 34 86/386 40 05/436 45 23/486 50 42/536 55 61/586 6O 80/636 65 98/686 71 17 336 35 07/386 40 29/436 45 51/486 50 73/536 55 94/586 61 16/636 66 38/686 71 60 337 34 96/387 40 15/437 45 34/487 50 5: 55 587 60 90/637 66 09.687 71 2 337 35 17/387 40 39/437 45 61/487 50 83/537 56 05/587 61 27/637 66 49/687 7171 338 35 07/388 40 25 438 45 44/488 50 63/538 55 82/588 61 00/638 66 19/688 71 38 | 338 35 28/388 40 50/438 45 72|488 50 93/538 56 15/588 61 37/638 66 59/688 71 Si 339 35 17\389 40 36/439 45 55/489 50 73/539 55 92/589 61 11/639 66 30 1689 71 48 339 35 38/389 40 60/439 45 82/489 51 04/539 56 26/589 61 48/639 66 70/689 71 91 340 35 27/390 40 46/440 45 65/490 50 8 2/590 61 21/640 66 40)690 71 59 340 35 49/390 40 71/440 45 92/490 51 14/540 56 36,590 61 58/640 66 80/690 72 02 341 35 381391 40 57/441 45 75/491 50 $ 32/641 66 50/691 71 69 | 3a 35 59/391 40 81/441 46 03/491 51 25/541 56 47/591 61 69/641 66 9O/69I 72 12 342 35 48/392 40 67/442 45 86/492 51 42/642 66 61/692 71 79 | 342 35 70/392 40 91/442 46 13/492 51 35/542 56 57/592 61 79/642 67 01/692 72 23 343 35 59/393 40 77/443 45 96/493 51 52/643 66 71/693 71 90 343 35 80/393 41 02/443 46 24/493 51 46/543 56 68/593 61 89/643 67 11/693 72 33 63 344 35 69/394 40 83/444 46 06/494 51 25) 3/644 66 81694 72 00 | 344 35 90394 41 12/444 46 34/494 51 56/544 56 78/594 62 00/644 67 221694 72 44 345 35 79/395 40 98/445 46 17/495 51 73/645 66 92/695 72 11 | 345 36 01395 41 23/445 46 45/495 51 67/545 56 88|595 62 10/645 67 321695 72 54 346 35 90/396 41 08/446 46 27/496 51 46) : 221 | 346 36 11/396 41 33/446 46 55/496 51 77/546 56 99/596 62 21/646 67 43/696 72 64 347 36 00/397 41 19/447 46 38.497 51 56) 94/647 67 13/697 72 3 347 36 22397 41 44/447 46 66/497 51 87/547 57 09/597 62 31/647 67 53/697 72 75 348 36 10398 41 29/448 46 481498 51 67/548 56 85/598 G2 04/648 67 23/698 72 42 | 348 36 3: 3/398 41 54/448 46 76.498 51 98/548 57 20/598 62 42/648 67 631698 72 85 349 36 21399 41 40/449 46 58/499 51 77|549 56 96/599 62 15/649 67 331699 72 52 ' 349 36 43/399 41 65/449 46 861499 52 08(549 57 30/599 62 52/649 67 74/699 72 96 From 300t0 699 lbs at 10? c. or 10.40 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 10,4c. or 10.45 300831 20|350836 40/400841 60!450846 80|500852 00/550357 20\600862 401650367 GO | 300831 35/350836 57/400841 80|450847 02|500852 25/550357 47/600362 70|650867 92 301 31 30/351 36 50401 41 70/451 46 90.501 52 10551 57 30.601 62 50.651 67 70 | 301 31 45.351 36 68401 41 90.451 47 13.501 52 35.551 57 58/601 62 80/651 68 03 302 31 41/352 36 61/402 41 81, 502 52 21/552 57 41602 62 61.652 67 81 | 302 31 56.352 36 78402 42 01/452 47 23/502 52 46/552 57 63/602 G2 91/652 68 13 303 31 51/353 36 71\403 41 < 52 31/553 57 51603 62 71/653 67 91 | 303 31 66353 36 89/403 42 11.453 47 34/503 52 56/553 57 79/603 63 01/653 68 24 304. 31 62/354 36 82/404 42 2 42/554 57 62/604 62 82/654 6S 02 | 304 31 77.354 36 99404 42 22/454 47 44/504 52 67/554 57 89/604 63 12/654 68 34 ~ 305 31 72/355 36 92/405 42 52 52/555 57 72/605 62 92/655 68 12 | 305 31 87/355 37 10/405 42 32/455 47 55/505 52 77/555 58 00/605 63 22/655 68 45 306 31 82/356 37 02/406 42 « 52 62/556 57 82/606 63 02/656 68 22 | 306 31 98/356 37 20/406 42 43/456 47 65/506 52 88/556 58 10/606 63 33/656 68 55 — 307 31 93/357 37 13/407 42 3 52 73/557 57 93/607 63 13/657 68 33 | 307 31 08/357 37 31/407 42 53/457 47 76\507 52 98/557 58 21/607 63 43/667 68 66 308 32 03/358 37 23/408 42 52 83/558 58 03/608 63 23/658 68 43 | 308 32 19/358 37 41/408 42 64/458 47 86/508 53 09/558 58 31/608 63 54/658 68 76. 309 32 14/359 37 34/409 42 & 52 94/559 58 14/609 63 34/659 68 54 309 32 291359 37 52/409 42 74/459 47 97/509 53 19/559 58 42/609 63 64/659 68 87 310 32 24/360 37 44/410 42 6 53 04/560 58 24/610 63 44\660 68 64 310 32 39/860 37 62/410 42 84/460 48 07/510 53 29/560 58 52/610 63 74\660 68 97 811 32 34/361 37 54/411 42 53 14/561 58 34/611 63 54/661 68 74 | 311 32 50/3861 37 72/411 42 95/461 48 17/511 53 40/561 58 62/611 63 85\661 69 OF 312 32 45/362 37 65/412 42 53 25 58 45 53 65/662 68 85 | 312 32 601362 37 83/412 43 05|462 48 28/512 53 50/562 58 73/612 63 95/662 69 18 8313 32 55/363 37 75/413 42 § 53°35 58 55 33.75/663 68 95 | 313 32 7113863 37 93/413 43 16/463 48 38/513 53 61/563 58 83/613 64 06/663 69 28 314 32 66/364 37 86/414 43 33 86/664 69 06 | 314 32 81/364 38 04/414 43 26/464 48 49/514 53 71/564 58 94/614 64 16/664 69 39 315 32 76/365 37 96/415 43 3 96/665 69 16 | 315 32 92/365 38 14/415 43 37/465 48 59/515 53 82/565 59 04/615 64 27/665 69 49 316 32 86|366 38 06/416 43 : 06/666 69 26 | 316 33 02/366 38 25/416 43 47/466 48 70/516 53 92/566 59 15/616 64 37/666 69 60 317 32 97/867 38 17/417 43 © 17/667 69 37 | 317 33 13/367 38 35/417 43 58/467 48 80/517 54 03/567 59 25/617 64 48/667 69 70 318 33 07/368 388 27/418 43 27\668 CO 47 318 33 23/368 38 46/418 43 68/468 48 91/518 54 13/568 59 36/618 64 58/668 69 81 319 33 18/369 38 38/419 43 ¢ 38/669 69 58 319 33 34/369 38 56/419 43 79/469 49 01/519 54 24/569 59 46/619 64 69/669 69 91 320 32 38 43 6 48/670 69 68 | 320 33 44/370 38 66/420 43 89/470 49 11/520 54 34/570 59 56/620 64 79/670 70 OL 33 ¢ 3 58|671 69 78 321 33 54/371 38 77/421 43 99/471 49 22/521 54 44/571 59 67/621 64 89/671 7012 — 3: 422 43 69/672 69 89 | 329 33 65/372 38 87/422 44 10/472 49 32/522 54 55/572 59 77/622 65 00/672 70 22 423 43 79/673 69 99 323 33 75/3873 38 98/423 44 20/473 49 43/523 54 65/573 59 88/623 65 10|673 70 33 424 44 901674 70 10 | 324 33 86/374 39 08/424 44 31/474 49 53/524 54 76/574 59 98/624 65 21/674 70 43 3 1625 65 00/675 70 20 325 33 96/375 39 19/425 44 41/475 49 64/525 54 86/575 60 09/625 65 31/675 70 54 626 65 10/676 70 30 : c 52/476 49 74/526 54 97/576 60 19/626 65 42/676 70 64 627 65 21\677 70 41 2|477 49 85|527 55 07/577 6O 30/627 65 52/677 70 75 428 44 628 65 31/678 70 51 3/478 49 95/528 55 18|578 60 40/628 65 63/678 70 85 44 62 35 42 70 62 31479 50 06/529 55 28/579 60 51/629 65 73/679 70 96 44 72 35-52 70 72 3/480 50 16/530 55 38|580 60 61/630 65 83/680 71 06 44 82 70 82 481 50 26/531 55 49/581 GO 71/631 65 94/681 71 16 44 9314 70 93 482 50 37/532 55 59/582 60 82/632 66 04/682 71 27 45 03 : 5 25/483 50 47/533 55 70/583 60 92/633 66 15/683 71 37. 45 14 35/484 50 58/534 55 80/584 61 03/634 66 25/684 71 48. 45 24 31485 50 68/535 55 91/585 61 13/635 66 36/685 71 58 45 34 31486 50 79/536 56 01/586 G1 24/636 66 46/686 71 69 45 45 487 50 89/537 56 12/587 61 34/637 66 57/687 71 79. 45 55 488 51 00/538 56 22/588 61 45/638 66 67/688 71 90. 45 66 381489 51 10/539 56 33/589 61 55/639 66 78|689 72 00 45 76 490 51 20/540 56 43/590 61 65/640 66 88/690 72 10 45 86 3/491 51 31/541 56 53/591 61 76/641 66 98/691 72 21 45 97 9/492 51 41/542 56 64/592 61 86/642 67 09/692 72 31 46 O07 39/493 51 52/543 56 74/593 61 97/643 67 19/693 72 42 46 18 494 51 62/544 56 85/594 62 07/644 67 30/694 72 52 16 28 495 51 73/545 56 95/595 G2 18/645 67 40/695 7263 46 38 511496 51 83/546 57 06/596 62 28/646 67 511696 72 73 : 91447 46 49 32 497 51 94/547 57 16/597 62 39/647 67 61/697 72 84 348 36 19/398 41 39/448 46 59 32 348 36 37/398 41 59/448 46 82/498 52 04/548 57 27/598 62 49/648 67 72/698 72 94 > 349 36 47/399 41 70/449 46 92/499 52 15/549 57 371599 62 60/649 67 82/699 73 05 M4 249 36 30/399 41 50/449 46 70|499 51 901549 57 10/599 G2 ; From 300 to 699 lbs at 103c, or 10.50 Cotton SELLER’S TABLE. 285 From 300 to 699 sere at 10%¢. or 10. me 449 47 37 b p et Or KS Ao ied 4 ae y D4 © 17 ae _ le os pene 75/400342 00/450347 25/500%52 50|550%57 75\600863 00\650808 2: 300331 691350836 97/400342 25/450347 53/500852 81) 55085 58 09|600363 37 lg50368 66 301 31 GO\351 36 85/401 42 10/451 47 35/501 52 60/551 57 85 601 63 10,651 68 35 301 31 Gales 37 O7/401 42 36/451 47 1 50 52 92/551 58 20/601 63 48/651 68 76 302 1 a 352 36 96/402 42 21/452 47 46502 52 71/552 57 96/602 63 2 1/652 68 46 31 402 42 46/452 47 7 4/502 53 02/552 58 30/602 63 59/652 GS 87 803 31 81/353 37 06/403 42 31/453 47 56/503 52 81/553 58 06/603 63 31 858 68 56 ay 42: 4 53 13/553 58 41/603 63 69/653 68 97 304 31 92/354 37 17/404 42 42/454 47 67/504 52 92/554 58 17/604 63 42/654 68 67 3 42 23 | 58 52/604 63 80/654 69 08 305 32 02/355 37 27/405 42 52.455 47 77/505 53 02/555 58 27/605 63 72 BBB 68 77 32 42 58 62/605 63 90/655 69 18 306 32 13/356 37 38,406 42 63,456 47 88/506 53 13/556 58 38/606 63 63 656 68 88 32.% 42 § 58 73|606 64 01/656 69 29 807 32 23|3857 37 48/\407 42 73/457 47 98/507 53 23/557 58 4 481607 63 73/657 68 98 32 42 ¢ 5: 58 83/607 64 11/657 69 40 308 32 34/358 37 59/408 42 84/458 48 09/508 53 34/558 58 59/608 63 84/658 69 09 32 43 53 66/558 58 94/608 64 22\658 69 50 309 32 44/359 37 69/409 42 94/459 48 19/509 53 44/559 58 69/609 63 94/659 69 19 32 43 ¢ 53 76/559 59 04/609 64 33/659 69 61 310 32 55/360 37 80/410 43 05/460 48 30/510 53 55/560 58 80.610 G4 05,660 GY 30 32 43 3 87|560 59 15|610 64 43/660 69 71 811 32 65/3861 37 90/411 43 15/461 48 40/511 53 65/561 58 90/61] G4 15,661 69 40 325 43 4 3 97/561 59 26/611 64 54/661 69 82 312 32 76/362 38 01/412 43 26/462 48 51/512 53 76/562 ae 01/612 64 26/662 69 51 32 ¢ 43 08/562 59 36/612 64 64/662 69 92 313 32 86/363 38 11|413 43 36,463 48 61/513 53 86/563 59 11.613 64 36.663 69 61 33 43 19/563 59 47 1613 64 75/663 70 03 8314 32 97/364 38 22/414 43 47/464 48 72/514 53 97/564 | 59 22/614 64 47/664 69 72 33 43 29/564 59 57/614 64 85/664 70 13 315 33 07/865 388 32/415 43 57/465 48 82/515 54 07/565 59 321615 G4 57/665 69 82 33 2 43 § 40/565 59 GSI615 64 96/665 70 24 316 33 18/366 38 43/416 43 63/466 48 93/516 54 18/566 59 43.616 64 68/666 GY 93 33.5 f 43 ¢ 50/566 59 TS/IGIG 65 O6\666 70 35 817 33 28/367 38 53/417 43 78/467 49 03/517 54 28/567 59 53/617 64 78/667 70 03 33 8 44 61/567 59 S9\GIT 65 17/667 70 45 $18 33 39/368 38 64/418 43 89/468 49 14/518 54 39) |568 59 64.618 64 89 668 70 14 33.5 é 44 71/568 59 99/618 65 28/668 70 56 319 33 49/369 38 74/419 43 99/469 49 24/519 54 49/569 59 71619 64 99/669 70 24 33 8 98/419 44 26 82/569 GO 10/619 65 38/669 70 66 320 33 60/370 38 85\420 44 10/470 4: 520 54 60570 59 85.620 65 10,670 70 35 33 € ¢ 420 44 36 92/570 60 21/620 65 49)/670 70 77 321 33 70/871 38 95/421 44 20/471 49 45/521 54 70/571 59 95/621 65 20671 70 45 33 § 9 19/421 44 47 ¢ 5 03/571 60 31/621 65 5S : 322 33 81/372 39 06/422 44 31/472 49 56/522 54 81572 60 06629 65 31/672 70 56 34 01} 9 29/422 44 57/472 49 85 1522 5 572 GO 42) 1622 65 70/672 70 98 323 33 91/373 39 16/423 44 41/473 49 66/523 54 91/573 GO 16.623 65 41/673 70 66 323 34 12/373 39 40/423 44 68/473 49 96/523 ° 573 60 52\623 65 80/673 71 09 324 34 02/374 39 27/424 44 52/474 49 77/524 55 02.574 60 § 27 1624 65 52/674 70 77 324 34 22/374 39 5 8) 5 07 524 : 5|574 60 63/624 65 91/674 71 19 325 34 12/375 39 37/425 44 62/475 49 87/525 55 12/575 60 37/625 65 62 ( 325 34 33 9 : 5 55 45|575 60 73/625 66 02/675 71 30 326 34 23/376 39 48/426 44 73/476 49 98/596 55 23.576 60 48 \626 65 a 326 34 43 5-0 56'576 60 84/626 66 12/676 71 40 327 34 331377 39 58|427 44 83/477 50 08/527 55 33/577 60 : 58/627 65 327 34 54 5 31577 60-95] |627 66 23/677 71 51 328 34 44/378 39 69/428 44 94/478 50 19/528 55 44/578 60 69 698 65 © 328 34 64 Ore (7/578 61 05 1628 66 331678 71 61 $29 34 54/379 39 79/429 45 04/479 50 29/529 55 54/579 60 79 629 66 329 34 75 Bye 88/579 61 16/629 66 44/679 71 72 330 34 65/380 39 90480 45 15,480 50 40/530 55 65/580 60 901630 66 330 34 86) f 8/580 61 26 \630 66 54/680 71 82 331 34 75/381 40 00/431 45 25/481 50 50/531 55 75/581 61 00/631 66 2 331 34 96 Bat 9/581 61 37/631 66 65/681 71 93 332 34 86/382 40 11/432 45 36 482 50 61/532 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347 36 65/397 41 93/447 47 21/497 52 50/547 57 78/597 63 06647 68 34/697 73 62 348 36 54/398 41 79/448 47 041498 52 29548 57 54/598 62 79 648 68 ¢ 348 36 76/398 42 04/448 47 32/498 52 60/548 oy 88/598 63 16/648 68 44/698 73 73 349 36 64!399 41 89/449 47 14.499 25 39'549 57 64'599 62 89649 GS 349 36 86'399 42 14.449 47 43'499 52 71549 57 99599 63 271649 68 55/699 73 83 From 300 to 699 lbs at 103}c. or 10.55 From 300 to 699 Ibsat 19; c. or 10.60 ; T j | ] 300331 65/350336 92)400342 20 450347 47 poops 2 75|550858 02)600363 30650368 57 300831 80 350837 10) 400542 40 |450347 70/500%53 00550358 30 600363 60)650368 90 301 31 76,351 37 03/401 42 31/451 47 58501 52 86.551 58 13/601 63 41/651 68 68 301 31 91/351 37 21/401 42 51/451 47 81/501 53 11/551 58 41 601 63 71/651 69 O1 - 302 31 86/352 37 14\402 42 41,452 47 69 502 5 52 2 96/552 58 24/602 63 51/652 68 79 302 32 01/352 37 31/402 42 61 ane ah 02 608 3 53 4 : | 81/652 69 11 303 31 97/353 87 24/403 42 52.453 47 79/503 53 07/553 58 34.603 63 62.653 68 89 303 32 12 3 | 27 02 /503 53 32/553 33 62/603 63 92/653 69 22 304 32 07/354 37 35/404 42 62/454 47 90/504 53 17/554 58 45/604 63 721654 69 00 | 304 32 3 04 42 ; 3 87 2/654 69 32 305 32 18/355 37 45/405 42 73/455 48 00/505 53 281555 58 55.605 63 83/655 69 10 305 32: 3 29 8 3'655 69 43 306 32 28/356 37 56/406 42 83/456 48 11/506 53 38/556 58 66/606 63 93/656 69 21 | 306 32 3 30 j 656 69 54 307 32 39)357 37 66/407 42 94/457 48 21/507 53 49/557 58 76/607 64 1657 69 31 307 32:% 3 j 657 69 64 308 32 49/358 37 77/408 43 04/458 48 32/508 53 59/558 58 87/608 64 14/658 69 42 308 32 B 34 45/658 69 75 309 32 60/359 387 87\409 43 15/459 48 42/509 53 70/559 58 97/609 64 25/659 69 52 | 309 32 34 55/659 69 85 310 32 70|360 37 98/410 43 25/460 48-53/510 53 80/560 59 OSIGIO 64 35/660 69 63 310 32 5 j 3/660 69 96 311 32 81/361 38 O9/411 43 36/461 48 64/511 53 91/561 59 19/611 64 46/661 69 74 8I1 32 ¢ j4 77/661 70 07 312 32 92/362 38 19/412 43 47/462 48 74/512 54 02/562 59 29/612 64 57/662 69 84 | 312 33 57 34 87/662 70 17 313 33 02/363 38 30/413 43 57/463 48 85/513 54 12/563 59 40.613 64 67/663 69 95 | 313 33 8} he 8/613 64 98/663 70 2 314 33 13/364 38 40.414 43 68/464 48 95/514 54 23/564 59 50/644 64 78/664 70 05 | 314 33 8} 8 8/614 65 08/664 70 38 315 33 23/365 35 51/415 43 78|465 49 06/515 54 33/565 59 GIIGI5 64 83) 1665 70 16 315 33 29/515 54 59/565 59 89/615 65 19/665 70 49 316 33 34\366 38 61/416 43 89/466 49 16/516 54 44/566 59 71/616 64 99/666 70 26 316 33: 40/516 54 70/566 60 00/616 65 30\666 70 6O 317 33 44|367 38 72/417 43 99/467 49 27/517 54 54/567 59 S2IGI7 65 09/667 70 37 317 33 0/517 54 0567 60 10/617 65 40/667 70 70 318 33 55/368 38 82/418 44 10/468 49 37/518 54 65/568 59 92/618 65 20/668 70 47 | 318 33 j | |568 60 21/618 65 51/668 70 81 319 33 65|369 38 93/419 44 20/469 49 48/519 54 75/569 GO 03/619 65 30/669 70 58 8319 33 |569 60 31/619 65 61/669 70 91 320 33 76/370 39 03/420 44-31/470 49 58/520 54 86|570 GO 13/620 65 41/670 70 68 | 390 33 ¢ 2/570 GO 42/620 65 72)678 71 02 $21 33 87/371 39 14/421 44 42/471 49 69 ¢ 30 24) 35 52 c 321 34 23/571 GO 53/621 65 S3i671 71 13 322 33 97/372 39 25/422 44 52/472 49 80 30 35 j 322 3 33/572 60 63/622 65 93/672 71 23 323 34 08/373 39 35/423 44 63/473 49 90 5: j 6 3 323 345 573 60 74/623 66 04/673 71 34 324 34 18/374 39 46/424 44 73/474 50 01 pares j j 3 324 3 574 60 84/624 66 14/674 71 44 325 34 29/375 39 56/425 44 84/475 50 11/525 55 39/575 60 66/625 65 94/675 71 21 | 325 3 |575 60 95/625 66 25/675 71 55 326 34 39/376 39 67/426 44 94/476 50 221596 55 49/576 GO 77\626 66 04/676 71 32 326 34 5 5576 61 06/626 66 36\676 71 66 327 34 50/377 39 77/427 45 05/477 50 32/597 55 60/577 60 87/627 66 15/677 71 42 | 327 346 36/577 61 16/627 66 46/677 71 76 328 34 60/378 39 88/428 45 15/478 50 43/5298 55 70/578 60 98/628 66 25/678 71 53 328 3 5 97/578 61 27/628 66 57/678 71 87 329 34 71/379 39 98/429 45 26/479 50 53/529 55 81/579 61 08/629 66 36/679 71 63 329 | 7/579 G1 37/629 66 67/679 71 97 330 34 81/380 40 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78 347 36 61/397 41 88/447 47 16/497 52 43/547 57 71/597 62 98/647 68 26/697 73 53 347 36 78/397 42 08/447 47 38/497 52 68/547 57 98/597 63 28/647 68 58/697 73 88 348 36 71/398 41 99\448 47 26/498 52 54/548 57 % 598 63 09/648 68 36/698 73 64 848 36 89/398 42 19\448 47 49/498 52 79\548 58 09/598 63 39/648 68 69/698 73 99 349 36 82399 42 09 499 52 64'549 57 92/599 63 19/649 68 47/699 73 74 ° 349 36 99/399 42 29/449 47459499 52 89/549 58 191599 63 49/649 68 79/699 74 09 286 CoTTON SELLER’S TABLE. i : ; From 300 to 699 lbs at 10ic, or 10.62: From 300 to 699 Ibs at 19}ic. or 10.683 a Se Rok ee aan PS eae 800331 87|/350837 19/400542 501450347 81|500353 12|550858 44/600263 75/650369 06 300332 06/350337 411400342 75/450348 09/500353 44/550358 78\600364 12\650869 47 301 31 98/351 37 29/401 42 61/451 47 92/501 53 23.551 58 54/601 63 86/651 69 17 301 32 17/351 37 51/401 42 86/451 48 20/501 53 54/551 58 89/601 64 23/651 69 58 302 32 09/352 37 40/402 42 71452 48 02/502 53 34/552 58 65/602 63 96 |652 69 27 302 32 28/352 37 62/402 42 96/452 48 31/502 53 65/552 58 99/602 64 34/652 69 68 303 32 19/353 37 51/403 42 82/453 48 13/503 53 44/553 58 76|603 64 07/653 69 38 803 32 38|353 37 73/403 43 07/453 48 41/503 53 76/553 59 10/603 64 45/653 69 79 304 32 30/354 37 61/404 42 02 44 48 24/504 53 55/554 58 86/604 64 17/654 69 49 304 32 49/354 37 83/404 43 18/454 48 52/504 53 86/554 59 21/604 64 55/654 69 90 305 32 41/355 387 72\405 43 03/455 48 34/505 53 66/555 58 97|605 64 23/655 69 59 305 32 60/355 37 94/405 43 28/455 48 63/505 53 97/555 59 32/605 64 66/655 70 00 306 32 51/356 37 82/406 43 14/456 48 45/506 53 76 556 59 07/606 64 39/656 69 70 306 32 70/356 38 05/406 43 39/456 48 73/506 54 08/556 59 42/606 64 77/656 70 11 307 32 62/357 37 93|407 43 24/457 48 56/507 53 87/557 59 18|607 64 49/657 69 81 307 32 81/357 38 15/407 43 50|457 48 84/507 54 19|557 59 53/607 64 87|657 70 22 308 32 72/358 38 04/408 43 35.458 48 66/508 53 97/558 59 29/608 64 60/658 69 91 308 32 92/358 38 26/408 43 60/458 48 95/508 54 29|558 59 64/608 64 98/658 70 32 309 32 83/359 38 14/409 43 46.459 48 77/509 54 08/559 59 39/609 64 71/659 70 02 309 33 02/359 38 37/409 43 71/459 49 06/509 54 40/559 59 74/609 65 09|\659 70 43 310 32 94360 38 25/410 43 56460 48 87/510 54 19/560 59 50610 64 81/660 70 12 | 310 33 13/360 38 47/410 43 82/460 49 16/510 54 51/560 59 85/610 G5 19/660 70 54 311 33 04/361 38 36/411 43 67 461 48 98/511 54 29/561 59 G1IGII 64 92/661 70 23 311 33 24/361 38 58\411 43 93/461 49 27/511 54 61/561 59 96/611 65 30/661 70 64 312 33 15/362 38 46|412 43 77.462 49 09/512 54 40/562 59 71|612 65 02/662 70 34 312 33 34/362 38 69/412 44 03/462 4y 38/512 54 72/562 60 06,612 65 41/662 70 75 313 33 26) 1363 38 57/413 43 88/463 49 19/513 54 51/563 59 82/613 65 13/663 70 44 313 33 45/363 38 80/413 44 14\463 49 48/513 54 83/563 60 17/613 65 51/663 70 86 314 33 36/364 38 67/414 43 99.464 49 30/514 54 61/564 59 92/614 65 24/664 70 55 314 33 56/364 38 90/414 £4 25 464 49 591514 54 93/564 60 28/614 65 62/664 70 96 315 33 47/365 38 78/415 44 09465 49 41/515 54 72|565 60 03/615 65 34/665 70 66 315 33 67/365 39 O1/415 44 35/465 49 701515 55 04/565 60 38/615 65 73/665 71 O7 316 33 57/366 38 89/416 44 20)466 49 51/516 54 82/566 60 14/616 65 45/666 70 76 316 33 77\366 39 12/416 44 46.466 49 80.516 55 15/566 60 49/616 65 83/666 71 18 317 33 68/367 38 99/417 44 31/467 49 62/517 54 93/567 60 24)617 65 56/667 70 87 317 33 88/367 39 22/417 44 57/467 49 91517 55 25/567 GO 60\617 65 94/667 71 29 318 33 79/368 39 10/418 44 41/468 49 72/518 55 04/568 60 35/618 65 66/668 70 97 318 33 99/368 39 33/418 44 67 468 50 02/518 55 36/568 60 70/618 66 05/668 71 39 319 33 89\369 39 21/419 44 52/469 49 83/519 55 14/569 60 46/619 65 77/669 71 08 | 319 34 09/369 39 44 419 44 78.469 50 12.519 55 47/569 60 81\619 66 16/669 71 50 320 34 00/370 39 31/420 44 62|470 49 94/520 55 25/570 60 56/620 65 87/670 19 320 34 20/370 39 54/420 44 89470 50 23/520 55 57/570 60 92/620 66 26/670 71 61 321 34 11/371 39 42/421 44 73/471 50 04/521 55 36/571 60 67\621 65 98|671 29 391 34 31/371 39 65/421 44 99\471 50 34/521 55 68/571 61 03/621 66 37/671 71 71 322 34 211372 39 52/422 44 84 1472 50 15/522 55 46|572 60 77|\622 66 09\672 40 392 34 41/372 39 76/422 45 10/472 50 44/522 55 79/572 61 13/622 66 45/672 71 82 51 | 393 34 52/373 39 86423 45 21/473 50 55/523 55 90/573 61 24/623 66 58/673 71 93 61 | 324 34 63/374 39 97/424 45 31/474 50 66/524 56 00/574 61 35/624 66 69/674 72 03 72 | 325 34 73/375 40 08/425 45 42/475 50 77/525 56 11/575 61 45/625 66 80/675 72 14 2 | 396 34 84/376 40 18/426 45 53/476 50 87/526 56 22/576 61 56/626 66 90|676 72 25 93 | 327 34 95/377 40 29/427 45 64/477 50 98/527 56 32/577 61 67/627 67 01/677 72 35 04 | 328 35 051378 40 40/428 45 74/478 51 09/528 56 43/578 61 77/628 67 12/678 72-46 14 | 399 35 16/379 40 51/429 45 85/479 51 19/529 56 54/579 G1 88|629 67 22/679 72 57 225 | 330 35 27/380 40 61/430 45 96/480 51 30/530 56 64/580 61 99/630 67 33/680 72 67 1 1 1 323 34 32/373 39 63/423 44 94/473 50 26/523 55 57/573 60 88/623 66 19/673 : 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 36 | 331 35 38/381 40 72/431 46 06481 51 41/531 56 75/581 62 09/631 67 44/681 72 78 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 324 34 42/374 39 74/424 45 05/474 50 36/524 55 67/574 60 99/624 66 30\674 395 34 53/375 39 84/425 45 16/475 50 47/525 55 78/575 61 09/625 66 41/675 326 34 64/376 39 95\426 45 26/476 50 57/526 55 89/576 61 20/626 66 51/676 327 34 741377 40 06427 45 37/477 50 68/527 55 99|577 61 31/627 66 62/677 328 34 85/378 40 16/428 45 47/478 50 79/528 56 10/578 61 41/628 66 72/678 329 34 96/379 40 27/429 45 58/479 50 89/529 56 21/579 61 52/629 66 83/679 330 35 06/380 40 37/430 45 69/480 51 00/530 56 31/580 61 62/630 66 94/680 331 35 17/381 40 48/431 45 79/481 51 11/531 56 42/581 61 73/631 67 04/681 332 35 27/382 40 59/432 45 90/482 51 21/532 56 52/582 61 84 632 67 15/682 333 35 38/383 40 69/433 46 01/483 51 32/533 56 63/583 61 94/633 67 26/683 324 35 49/384 40 80/434 46 11/484 51 42/534 56 74/584 62 05/634 67 36/684 335 35 59/385 40 91/435 46 22/485 51 53/535 56 84/585 62 16/635 67 47/685 336 35 70/386 41 01/436 46 32/486 51 64/536 56 95/586 62 26/636 67 57/686 337 35 81/387 41 12/437 46 43/487 51 74/537 57 06/587 62 37|637 67 63/687 338 35 91/388 41 22/438 46 54/488 51 85/538 57 16/588 62 47/638 67 79/688 339 36 02/389 41 33 |439 46 64 1489 51 96/539 57 27/589 62 58/639 67 89/689 340 36 12/390 41 44,440 46 75490 52 06/540 57 37, 590 62 69/640 68 00/690 246 | 339 35 48/382 40 83432 46 17/482 51 51/532 56 86/582 62 20/632 67 54/682 72 89 257 | 333 35 59/383 40 93/433 46 28/483 51 62|533 56 96/583 62 31/633 67 65/683 73 00 267 | 334 35 70/384 41 04/434 46 38/484 51 73/534 57 07/584 62 41/634 67 76/684 73 10 278 | 335 35 80/385 41 15/435 46 49/485 51 83|535 57 18/585 62 52/635 67 87|68h 73 21 289 | 336 35 91/386 41 25/436 46 60/486 51 94/536 57 28/586 62 63/636 67 97/686 73 32 299 | 337 36 02/387 41 36]/437 46 70/487 52 05/537 57 39/587 62 74/637 68 08/687 73 42 10 | 338 36 12/388 41 47/438 46 81/488 52 15/538 57 50/588 62 84/638 68 19/688 73 53 21 | 339 36 23/389 41 57/439 46 92/489 52 26/539 57 61/589 62 95/639 68 29/689 73 64 331 | 340 36 34390 41 68/440 47 02/490 52 37/540 57 71/590 63 06/640 68 40/690 73 74 Bad a 2) 2) 9 3) 2 2) 2 #0 +9 2 9 I 2 I + 2-1 2-2 +--+) 341 36 23/391 41 54) 441 46 86,491 52 17|541 57 48/591 62 79/641 68 11/691 42 34] 36 44/391 41 79/441 47 13/491 52 48/541 57 82/591 63 16/641 68 51/691 73 85 342 36 34/392 41 65/442 46 96/492 52 27/542 57 59/592 62 90/642 68 21/692 73 52 | 342 36 55/392 41 89/442 47 24/492 52 58/542 O7 93/592 63 27/642 68 611692 73 96 343 36 44/393 41 76/443 47 07/493 52 38/543 57 69/593 63 01/643 68 32/693 73 63 | 343 36 66/393 42 00/443 47 35/493 52 69/543 58 03/593 63 38/643 6S 72/693 74 06 344 36 55/394 41 86/444 47 17/494 52 49/544 57 80} 594 63 11/644 68 42/694 73 7 344 36 76/394 42 11/444 47 45/494 52 80/544 58 14/594 63 48/644 68 83/694 74 17 845 36 66/395 41 97/445 47 28/495 52 59/545 57 91) |595 63 22/645 68 53/695 73 84 345 36 87/395 42 22/445 47 56/495 52 90/545 58 25/595 63 59/645 68 93/695 74 28 346 36 76/396 42 07/446 47 39/496 52 70/546 58 01/596 63 32/646 68 64/696 73 95 | 346 36 98/396 42 32/446 47 67/496 53 01/546 58 35/596 63 70/646 69 04/696 74 38 347 36 87|397 42 18/447 47 49/497 52 81/547 58 12/597 63 43/647 68 74/697 74 06 347 37 09|397 42 43/447 47 77/497 53 12/547 58 46/597 63 80/647 69 15/697 74 49 348 36 97/398 42 29/448 47 60/498 52 91/548 58 22/598 63 54/648 68 85/698 74 16 | 348 37 19/398 42 54/448 47 88/498 53 22/548 58 57/598 63 91/648 69 25/698 74 GO 349 37 081399 42 39/449 47 711499 53 02/549 58 33/599 63 64/649 68 961699 74 27 © 349 37 30/399 42 641449 47 99/499 53 33'549 58 67/599 64 021649 69 361699 74 71 ~ From300to 699 lbs at 1023c. or 10.65 From 300 to 699 Ibs at 10%¢c. or 10.70 R 5 ] 300331 95/350937 27/400342 60450847 92/500853 25/650358 57\600%63 90/650369 22 300332 10350337 45]400842 80/450848 15)500853 50/550858 85/600164 20/650369 55 301 32 06/351 37 38/401 42 71/451 48 03/501 53 36/551 58 68/601 64 01/651 69 33 301 32 21/351 37 56/401 42 91/451 48 26501 53 61/551 58 96/601 64 31/651 69 66 302 32 16/352 37 49/402 42 81/452 48 14/502 53 46/552 58 79/602 64 11/652 69 44 302 32 31/352 37 66/402 43 01/452 48 36/502 53 71/552 59 06/602 64 41/652 69 76 303 32 27/353 37 59/403 42 92/453 48 24/503 53 57/553 58 84/603 64 22/653 69 54 | 303 32 42/353 37 77/403 43 12/453 48 47/503 53 82/553 59 17\603 64 52/653 69 87 304 32 38/354 37 70/404 43 03.454 48 35/504 53 68/554 59 00/604 64 33/654 69 65 | 304 32 53/354 37 $8404 43 23/454 48 58/504 53 93/554 59 28/604 64 63/654 69 98 306 32 48/355 37 81/406 43 13.455 48 46505 53 78/555 59 11/605 64 43/655 69 76 | 305 32 63/355 37 98 405 43 33/455 48 68/505 54 03/555 59 38/605 64 73/655 70 08 306 32 59/356 37 91/406 43 24/456 48 56506 53 89/556 28 21/606 64 54/656 69 86 | 306 32 74/356 38 09/406 43 44/456 48 79/506 54 14/556 59 49/606 64 84/656 70 19 307 32 70/357 38 02/407 43 35457 48 67/507 54 00.557 59 32/607 64 65/657 69 97 | 307 32 85/357 38 20)407 43 55 457 48 90/507 54 25/557 59 60/607 64 95/657 70 30 308 32 80/358 38 13/408 43 45|458 48 78/508 54 10558 39 43/608 64 75/658 70 08 | 308 32 96/358 38 31/408 43 66/458 49 01/508 54 36/558 59 71/608 65 06/658 70 41 309 32 91/359 38 23/409 43 56/459 48 88/509 54 21/559 59 53/609 64 86/659 70 18 | 309 33 06/359 38 41/409 43 76/459 49 11 509 54 46/559 59 81/609 65 16/659 70 51 310 33 01/360 38 34/410 43 66,460 48 99/510 54 31/560 59 64/610 64 96/660 70 29 | 310 33 17/360 38 52/410 43 87/460 49 22/510 54 57/560 59 92/610 65 27/660 70 62 311 33 12/361 38 45/411 43°77 461 49 10/511 54 42/561 59 75/611 65 7/661 70 40 | 311 33 28/361 38 63/411 43 98/461 49 33/511 54 68/561 60 03/611 65 38/661 70 73 312 33 23/362 38 55/412 43 88/462 49 20/512 54 53/562 59 85/612 65 18/662 70 50 | 312 33 38/362 38 73/412 44 08/462 49 43/512 54 78/562 60 13/612 65 48/662 70 83 313 33 33/363 38 66/413 43 98.463 49 31/513 54 63/563 59 96/613 65 28/663 70 61 | 313 33 49/363 38 84/413 44 19/463 49 54/513 54 89/563 60 24/613 65 59/663 70 94 314 33 44/364 38 77/414 44 09/464 49 42/514 54 74/564 60 07/614 65 39/664 70 72 | 314 33 60/364 38 95/414 44 30/464 49 65/514 55 00/564 60 35/614 65 70/664 71 05 315 33 55/365 38 87/415 44 20/465 49 52/515 54 85/565 60 17/615 65 50/665 70 82 | 315 33 70/365 39 05/415 44 40/465 49 75/515 55 10/565 60 45/615 65 80/665 71 15 316 33 65/366 38 98/416 44 30.466 49 63/516 54 95/566 60 28|616 65 60/666 70 93 | 316 33 81/366 39 16)416 44 51/466 49 86/516 55 21/566 60 56/616 65 91/666 71 26 317 33 76/367 39 09/417 44 41/467 49 74|517 55 06/567 GO 39/617 65 71/667 71 04 | 317 33 92367 39 27/417 44 62/467 49 97/517 55 32)567 60 67/617 66 02/667 71 37 318 33 87/368 39 19/418 44 52/468 49 84|518 55 17/568 60 49/618 65 82/668 71 14 | 318 34 03/368 39 38/418 44 73/468 50 08/518 55 43/568 60 78/618 66 13/668 71 48 319 83 97/369 39 30,419 44 2 468 49 95/519 55 27/569 60 60/619 65 92/669 7: 25 | 319 34 13/369 39 48/419 44 83/469 50 18/519 55 53/569 60 53/619 66 23/669 71 58 320 34 081370 39 40.420 44 73.470 50 05/520 55 38/570 GO 70|620 66 03/670 71 35 | 320 34 24/370 39 59/420 44 94|470 50 29/520 55 64/570 GO 99/620 66 34/670 71 69 321 34 19/371 39 51/421 44 84/471 50 16/521 55 49/571 60 81/621 66 14/671 71 46 | 321 34 35/371 39 70/421 45 05/471 50 40/521 55 75/571 61 10/621 66 45/671 71 80 $22 34 29/372 39 62/422 44 94/472 50 27/522 55 591572 60 921622 66 24/672 71 57 | 322 34 45/372 39 80|422 45 15/472 50 50/522 55 85/572 61 20/622 66 55/672 71 90 323 34 40/373 39 72/423 45 05/473 50 37/523 55 70/573 61 02/623 66 35/673 71 G7 | 323 34 56/373 39 91/423 45 26/473 50 61/523 55 96/573 61 31/623 66 66/673 72 O1 324 34 51/374 39 83,424 45 16/474 50 48/524 55 81/574 61 13/624 66 46/674 71 78 | 324 34 67/374 40 02/424 45 37/474 50 72/524 56 07/574 61 42/624 66 77/674 72 12 325 34 61/375 39 94) 5 26/475 50 59/525 55 91/575 61 24/625 66 56/675 89 325 34 77/375 40 12/425 45 47/475 50 82/525 56 17/575 61 52/625 66 87/675 72 22 326 34 721376 40 04/426 45 37/476 50 62/526 56 02/576 61 34/626 66 67/676 71 99 | 326 34 88/376 40 23/426 45 58/476 50 93/526 56 28/576 61 63/626 66 98/676 72 33 210 | 327 34 99|377 40 34/427 45 69|477 51 04/527 56 39/577 61 74/627 67 09/677 72 44 1 71 “iat 71 71 (it 71 327 34 83/377 40 15|427 45 48/477 50 80/527 56 13/577 61 45/627 66 78/677 72 aie =e = 328 34 93/378 40 26/428 45 58/478 50 91/528 56 23/578 61 56 8 72 21 328 35 10/378 40 45/428 45 80/478 51 15/528 56 50/578 61 85/628 67 20/678 72 55 329 35 04/379 40 36/429 45 69/479 51 01/529 56 34 \579 61 66/629 66 99/679 72 31 329 35 20/379 40 55/429 45 90 479 51 20 529 96 60 579 61 95/629 67 30/679 72 65 330 35 14/380 40 47/430 45 79/480 51 12/530 56 44) |580 61 77/630 67 09/680 72 42 330 35 31/380 40 66/430 46 01/480 51 36/530 56 71/580 62 06/630 67 41/680 72 76 331 35 25/381 40 58431 45 90/481 51 23/531 56 55 581 61 88|631 67 20\681 72 53 331 35 42/381 40 77/431 46 12/481 51 47/531 56 82/581 62 17/631 67 52/681 72 87 72 63 332 35 52/382 40 87/432 46 22/482 51 57/532 56 92/582 62 27/632 67 62/682 72 97 72 74 333 35 63/383 40 98/433 46 33/483 51 68/533 57 03/583 62 38/633 67 73/683 73 08 72 85 334 35 74/384 41 09/434 46 44/484 51 79/534 57 14/584 62 49/634 67 84/684 73 19 335 35 68/385 41 00/435 46 33/485 51 65/535 56 98/585 62 30/635 67 63/685 72 95 335 35 84/385 41 19/435 46 54/485 51 89/535 57 24/585 62 59/635 67 94/685 73 29 336 35 78/386 41 11/436 46 43/486 51 76/536 57 08/586 62 41/636 67 73/686 73 06 336 35 95/386 41 30/436 46 65/486 52 00/536 57 35/586 62 70/636 68 05/686 73 40 387 35 89/387 41 22/437 46 54/487 51 87/537 57 19/587 62 52/637 67 84/687 73 17 337 36 06/387 41 41/437 46 76/487 52 11/537 57 46/587 62 81|\637 68 16/687 73 51 338 386 00/388 41 32/438 46 65/488 51 97/538 57 30/588 62 62/638 67 95/688 73 27 338 36 17/388 41 52/438 46 87/488 52 22/538 57 57/588 62 92/638 68 27/688 73 62 339 36 10/389 41 43/439 46 75/489 52 08/539 57 40/589 62 73/639 68 05/689 73 38 339 36 27/389 41 62/439 46 97/489 52 32/539 57 67/589 63 02/639 68 37/689 73 72 340 36 21/390 41 53/440 46 86/490 52 18/540 57 51/590 62 83/640 68 16/690 73 48 340 36 38/390 41 73/440 47 08/490 52 43/540 57 78/590 63 13/640 68 48/690 73 83 _ 341 36 32/391 41 64/441 46 97/491 52 29/541 57 62/591 62 94/641 68 27/691 73 59 341 36 49/391 41 84/441 47 19/491 52 54/541 57 89/591 63 24/641 68 59/691 73 94 342 36 42/392 41 75/442 47 07/492 52 40/542 57 72/592 63 05/642 68 37/692 73 70 342 36 59/392 41 94/442 47 29/492 52 64/542 57 99/592 63 34/642 68 69/692 74 04 343 36 53/393 41 85/443 47 18/493 52 50/543 57 83/593 63 15/643 68 48/693 73 80 343 36 70/393 42 05/443 47 40/493 52 75/543 58 10/593 63 45/643 68 80 693 74 15 344 36 64/394 41 96/444 47 29/494 52 61/544 57 94/594 63 26/644 68 59/694 73 91 344 36 81/394 42 16/444 47 51/494 52 86/544 58 21/594 63 56/644 68 91/694 74 26 345 36 74/395 42 07/445 47 39/495 52 72/545 58 04/595 63 37/645 68 69/695 74 02 345 36 91/395 42 26/445 47 61/495 52 96/545 58 31/595 63 66/645 69 01 695 74 36 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7/612 66 72 30 393 35 1: 379 40 45.422 45 8: Do Be 56 euiee8 61! 79 3 ‘ 5 39/465 50 5/514 56 22) 61 58/61 56 94/662 72 Bee beeead erage go canes or eee ee Bae Sivek 7 32|669 72 3 6 45: 0 86/515 56 BaBGd Digs 8 3 67 05/663 72 a Bre ae culoce aa Ba ies Baie Pe ce eeavoe 66/571 62 10,621 67 49/670 72 86 3 7 45 97/516 56 4: (565 61 CeO eae ere eke Baneneeee ag Grube ae Ulan daea eelcaaiog Galera G2 20nae 67 53/671-72 97 3 nie 8/51 SUBS BT eae fae bee ere ay Beugeae Sep otcattee oe 88/573 62 31/6 br edleya os bog 45 95 11616 67 37/666 Be 6 89/426 46 33 51 66 56 98/574 62 93 G7 75 73 08 F 61 72 84 328 35 polar 41 001427 46 33/476 51 7 5525 57 09 62 42/624 67 86 673 73 15 3 ; 667 72 pao eee Se eee on 09/575 62 53/625 67 86|674 73 ae B68 73 06 330 35 78/379 41 22 98 46 54/47 51 87/527 57 20/576 62 64 67 97675 73 30 669 06 35 89\3 22/499 46 65 8 51 98/598 57 31/577 62 75 626 68 73 41 73:17 331 36 5 80 41 32143 6 651479 52 [528 57 42 7 62 751627 6 OSI676 73 5 670 73 paper nates a: Te reese 52 091529 57 males OS Le SL ee Ue, 92|671 73 o 333 36 10/382 41 ant 46 87 the Y 7 me 1579 62 97/629 68 29/678 73 Ge 3/672 73 39 334 36 Bea 41 6 3 46 98 52 ne 580 63 07/630 68 40 679 "3 ue 673 73 50 335 36 43 384 41 Sone ae aS Tet ose poets eS 5\674 73 Ber 336 36 54 385 41 ee iaee 47 & 2 5/582 63 29/632 68 62/681 pale 675 73 i: Pacis belene as Bape aes : 6)583 63 40633 68 73/682 74 ‘4 876 73 04 338 36 65/387 42 09l4 6 47 41486 52 85, 7/584 63 51/634 68 84/683 74 am 58|677 74 He 339 36 be 388 42 19 mee 47 52/487 52 85/536 58 2 1585 63 62| 68 95/685 7 =p 36 45 678 De SOLON 42 19/438 47 6: 487 52 96 8 29/586 6 62/635 69 | 74 38 i y 74 16 340 36 87/389 49 301439 47 63/488 53 07 537 58 40 63 73/636 06/685 74 4 334 36 53 3 5s 679 74 Bai 37 Obaet 43 eeeaae eelgee 53 07 538 58 super B38 SE ae J a 53/384 42 0 ee 08 2 41) aoe 53 18 8 51/588 63 9 |637 69 27 74 60 36 64/385 4: 00/434 47 47 2 0 74 37 Rear isea as ey aa teran a, 53 18/539 58 62 8 63 94/638 69 38 687 747 ope ae dslaee a3 11 i 58 3 2/681 74 343 37 19/392 42 63. 147 96) 53 29540 5 62)589 64 05) 8 69 38/688 7 : 337 36 86 386 42 22 435 47 58 534 5 5 48 344 gt i aod 42 SALE a adie ee St 54l a 72/890 64 oe es 10 689 & a 338 ae prleen 42 Rote et 39| 335 ee a bat 63 871634 6° aaa oe pe 45 37 52 42 85/444 8 18493 53 6 )/542 58 94) 64 27/641 39 60/690 75 0: 339 37 08 42 44/4) 7 80) 536 58 62, 63 98/6 9 34/684 74 346 37 52 395 AD -Oblag 48 281494 53 61/543 25 Saar 64 38\64 69 71/691 75 04 | 340 37 81389 42 55 38 47 91 537 5 62/586 64 04 35 69 45/685 7 81 ' 3 06 Ve D3 Sip ea.29 Caiees 6 38/642 69 82/692 7° : 2 55/439 48 0; oe yale eieuibee 5/685 74 92 847 37 63/386 43 06 fae 48 39/495 53 72/544 59 1 9/593 64 salbaa 69 82/692 75 15 | 341 39 19)390 42 66 48 02 538 588 87 64 20 69 56/686 7 e ean malbueas Pelene a arorlene 53 83.545 59 16 594 64 Ae Ee ee eee 37 30/391 42 66/440 48 12 ae ee GoReaEaeR 637 69 67/68 oe : a 3 50/496 53 S 59 2 re See Aaa Se aI R guider Bu REN ant oe oF Gelben 6a aul ean 7 75 14 es are ee a 53 94 546 59 : 7/595 64 716 70 03/694 75/36 -| 343 37 41/392 42 87 48 23] pad oe dalton eacea 69 78/688 75 5/399 43 BSA ABS 54 05/547 5! 38/596 64 81) 45 70 14/69 7547 | 344 387 52/393 42 87/442 48 34 5Al 59 06/590 64 2/639 69 89/6 75 25 39/449 48 ees 54 1615 59 49/597 6 811646 70 25 5 75 58 37 62/394 2 98/443 48 45 59 17/59 4 53/640 70 9/689 75 36 3/499 54 27) 48 59 59) 64 92/647 7 25/696 75 69 345 37 73 43 09/444 8 45 542 59 28 | 64 64/64 £ 00'690 75 < 549 59 oe 598 65 03] 70 36/697 75 x 346 37 731395 43 2 48 56 543 59 28/592 64 75 1 70 11/69 47 300332 7 | From 30 59 70/599 65 L 648 70 47\ 75 80 | 3 37 84/396 4: 20/445 48 67 5 59 39/593 6 75/642 70 ¥¢ 175 58 2 ; 4164: 7/698 75 | 47 37 95 43 31\44 oF 44 59 64 86 22/692 7 300832 70/3588 15] 4008 0 to 699 Ib DN Uy ee i as eee Te an epee el a 86 643 70 33/69 abe Opes oulte ae 15]anns43 Go/as084s sat Lic o 602 | 349 38 17.990 eA as 89) Pre 0 voleae Peale aS Ot Bheea ne isen 8 a 401 43 BeAES qocnelber ns zal r 10.90 SSE EER nee 89/497 54 36/547 59 72596 RA Bae 75 91 304 33 a8 353 38 48 302 43 82/452 a5 16.501 54 A 64/449 49 11 498 54 47/548 59 83 597 65 19/646 70 66 pee 76 02 305 33 14/354 38 59 bd 43 93.483 49 27/502 54 61/551 60 40/650370 85 499 54 58549 59 94/598 G5 3qaa 00m 96 76 12 306 33 4: 355 38 69 a 44 04/454 38/503 54 ge bee 60 51/651 “0 2 300332 85 From 300 60 05/599 a 41/648 70 87 697 76 23 Bee ae lipe 38 80 age ‘cualapn 43 49 504 54 83/553 60 28 Tepe ieOR oon ae oelnereoc 351 to 699 Ibs 5 52/649 70 98 698 76 34 Ae Le Bye aa BAReR aac rocep ee paltoeceos Occ mine tape 3 oe ees Peltier 80la50849 at 10:36 o 699 76 45 r BENG eo 9:70lenRCE ND 5 8 8 33 07 38 43 3 80450349 27 r 10.95 309 33 68 358.39 02 na 44 36/457 fy 70/506 55 omens 60 491605 6: 84/654 7] ae 303 33 07352 38 aulees 43 91/45 27/500854 75! : Bie AL My 98 55.15} es “fs 71 26 33:18 38 94) |451 49 38 B47 ECE a 08 44 47/458 19 81507 55 Be BSA Sale corceleren 29 | 304 3: 18/353 38 54/402 44 02/482 Saale case ce ane aise welaae aocae 49 92/508 5: 26)557 60 71 BDB 66.05/65 ee iaes 33 29/354 38 Seg 49 #91602 54 O7leee 60 221600165 7O/6EB 312 34 Ai 361 39 35 50 03,509 55 48 558 G0 82 on 66 16/657 7150 | 306 33 40/355 38 Lh poss 44 § 9 G0\E03 55 08 552 60 44 601 65 81/65 $71 17 313 34 ie 362 39 46 8|559 60 93 ane 66 27/658 7161 | 307 ES 51/356 38 Spa oe 504 33 08/553 60 55 602 65 92 ma 71 28 eae Baa aoRY 59/560 61 ale 9 66 38/659 7172 | 308 33 62/357 39 ne 406 44 32/505 55 19/554 60 aR 603 66 03/653 71 39 815 34 ee 364 39 68 561 61 ei 66 49/660 i 83 309 33 v3 358 39 a0 407 44 93/506 22 30/555 60 we 604 66 14/65: 71 50 CRRA Rees w8| 1/562 61 26 11 66 60/66 W194 | 31 33 84/359 ana lgtonaa Bee oe eens "60S 66 251686 71 61 Baa celabe 20 89) 2)86a 61 7/613 66 82 662 72 16 git se sigan. ae vsle0s $5 Gales or 88 606 66 sclera v1 63 318 34 66 Pa 40 00 3/664 61 4861 66 821663 72 we 34 05/361 39 alae 44 26/509 Hae 63/558 61 10 ear 66 47/657 a 83 319 14 65 968 40 11 13 665 G1 98/61 031664. 72 38 i362 30 Panes 0 37/610 Be eataee es 1010S Oe eee ie Be 34 88] 22 FS i1 6S 72 48 4 39 75 > 48/511 55 95 61 32 56 69 Spshe BL oa i Cae Pb 0 Sa 1 vee ee Beale 44 =| 51 91/61 Peay : 39 OF dé 70/513 56 17 61 54 90|661 72 =| RES aia 5 57/569 62 0: io A Ca apa by LUA Dosen se 41612 67 01 ae 5 21/373 4 55 2 OY} F 3/570 62 1: 72 81 0 O8/416 45 aa 56 28 51 65/613 662 72 4 ro| O Gf 00/472 + . 62 ery 867 40 45 § 921515 56 564 61 76 67 12/6 9 321374 40 60/423 46 11) w é Daytts 571 62 ¢ is 92 $213) 19/417 45 3 ob 39/5 % 76\614 67 & 2/663 72 60 2/37 40 87 aaneie salar seleaeeoe ie ote 73 03 4 9: Se ts 45 Sareea eye Ol eae 67 Ze ebay ee : ieee 40 58 ae 46 32/475 Be 67/524 By e as 62 41 Be 14 370 a0 a aie 45 56 61/567 62 an ae 67 45 ae iS 82 377 41 09) 46 43/476 5 771595 57 22 74 62 13 25 5/371 40 6 20 45 2/568 62 20) 17 67 56 2 98 5 75/3878 41 09/427 46 Al 6 51 83596 57 22/575 62 ae 73 36 1372 0 62/491 46 7 3/569 52 20/618 67 56/667 73 04 35 sula79 41 31/429 40 TU Lele eae ee Le 62 13.47 LENE 2 46 B08 62 ee 67/668 73 15 KH 31/429 46 ae 57 44 da 68 73 57 Q 73 40 84 6 = 70 62 41/62 a7 78\669 7 2 331 36 03 380 41 42/4 46 76 Bee 577 62 8 73 57 374 40 § 493 46 Slee Goes 620 67 89167 3 26 3a? 36 19/989 4l Sel eae pe eaae as 0( Deets sloeg ate CHASE Ee at 2 eaten ae ae 333 36 poles 41 Gd Hie 46 98 2 66/579 63 US 376 41 06/425 46 573 62 63/622 68 11/6 st 334 36 rate 41 75 ree 47 09 Bo 17/580 63 2: 679 73. 90 377 41 a 426 46 381574 62 74/623 68 22 pee 73 58 335 36 41/384 41 86 33 47 20 57 88/581 63 3 A 680 74 01 281407 46 es 35/624 68 33 673 73 69 336 36 males 41 58 99/582 63 681 74 12 sOleve 63 961625 68 44 gra 73 80 « f 2 ; ‘ LS 74 23 7 = 75 73 337 36 73 386 42 58 10)583 63 : 682 eee 577 63 07/626 68 55/676 7 91 338 36 S4 387 42 Bg 584 63 66 683 are 2/578 63 18/627 68 66/6 ae 339 36 te 388 4: 8 as 585 63 684 fer). 3/579 63 29/628 68 77 fe 74 13 qab 37 Uoloee 4: BO TS Loran eR ECR ea B78 74 24 341 37 oleae 4: 58 53/587 63 686 12-66 4/581 6 51/630 68 98 79 74 35 342 7 17/391 4: 58 64/588 6 7477 25/5 3 62/631 6: 680 74 46 SeAtanianlaga a: 5/589 aa rae es Dee ee aaliss 68 Oa ite 344. 37 an 393 4: 590 64 3 i499 584 63 84/633 69 31 He 74.68 345 37 ay 394 4: ‘591 64 as 75 10 ea 05/684 69 42 B83 v4 79 345 37 60.395 43 31592 64 5: a 70 ee Bee Oe vulbuecee Paes 347 37 apiage 43 9/593 64 6: ges 32 587 64 17/636 69 64/6 pio ae ESR FE Re ted wir 3° p 648 SHEN 589 64 50 69 3 33 04/399 43 491440 re 83/498 54 28 ar 59 6: aye 6 oN 3 i Bo 3/541 59 24 590 64 60 bag bs 03 689 3 ¥ pala oe agieanen 62|597 65 07 B75 86 Ga ee eae Oe 70 08\6 5 391549 59 73/598 65 i 647 70 52 75 86 ; 59 351592 6 71/641 70 90 75 55 841599 65 18/648 70 63 697 75 97 98/543 59 46 64 82/642 7 19/691 75 6 2 aoluge ay eacun te Be oo a eae oe ae 70 a0leB2 45.77 0 741699 76 08 54 571594 65 643 70 41 m5: Suh Pe ag. | ae eons 9 oe GMERR ae AER ED 693 75 88 349 38 2: 8 43 58 1/546 59 7 5 65.15 70 52/694 8 22/3899 43 69 44s 49 06/498 54 547 59 a 596 65 26 ee 70 63/695 4 99 = 949 17 53/548 J0|597 65 6 70 74 10 499 54 60 O1 37/647 7 696 76 64/549 60 12 eae 65 48 pee oe 85/697 76 a 65 59 96/698 76 43 649 71 071699 76 O4 \ THE Cotton Picker’s TABLE. The first column gives the number of pounds, and the top of cach column the price per 100 pounds. nw ie) oo | | ow OSS ee RS PS PV NS | SD = S/SlSlSi Fz isisislsls | Z1S1S/S 1218] 2 [Slsislels +02] .02 .02|/ 205 | .51! .62) .72] .82] .92 | 800)/2.01/2.42/2.82)3.22/3 .62||1005)2.51/3 01/3 52/4 .02/4. -03} .o4] . 05] 210 | .53] .63) .74} .84] .95 | 8£0)2.03/2.43/2.84)3.24)3 .65//1010/2.53/3.03/3.54/4 .04|4. +05} .06] . 07||215 | .54) .65) .76] .86] .67 815)2.04/2.45)2.86)3. 26/3 .67) 1015|2.54/3.05/3. 56/4. 14. -06] .07] . 10]| 220 | .55] .66] .77] .88|1.00 20)2 .05/2.46)2.87/3.28)3.70)|1020)2.55)3.0613.57|4.08/4. .07] .o9] . 12|]225 | .56] .67| 79] .golt.o2 | 825|2.06/2.47|2.89]3.3013.72||1025|2.56]3.07]3.59/4. 1014. -Og} .10] . 14|| 230 | .57] . 80] .92/1.04 830)2.07)2.49|2.90/3. 2/3.74||1030)2.57)3-09]3-60|4. 4. ) ARNO THHIMAO OFrMDNHR BAOCrir a pis ("full Sa we SERS pews itv ag eno n8 e 3 + Seite . , ~Aetno IWOMOMS MOMOHS MOMSMS SOSCOD SOSSSS SO00SS [29°°SO . =NAMGNS MOMOHOS wWOMOMS MOoMeMS SOSSOS SOSSSSD SO00S9 2oo°oSS £ =—ANNOtT GFHNOOK KODMRMDSG SOOCOOD SOSSSSD GOSSSS SOOSSS i = =—ANNMS PHNOOR KHDMMSG SOSOSSSD SOSSSS SOS0S9O9 2°99S9° 4 =| AMFTNOK BHO—AM GTHOrWOD O-—AVTHWO 2 = ANMFMOK BHO—NMD PFPNOr-WD OK AITO =| sce oer (oe sae es oe aanann pS er en PPR Oe kat ee a g vae e aee RSS AANNANN re) FAQ MINOMAO AMHIA-D GSANMHO NWIGHTM COMNMIONW MMOONBD war~mMsDao© r=) NH OMHMOW OMINrON HEAGMO NWN M COMMIS MMOOMAD wrimMOw N FIREMAN ANTONIN MOM rH OOMHR GD ONO OooID nN SAR ANAM MM tHH AMWMrN PHOOMO WOHOME NeriOriio 1D SAA NNMMRMOD MOHbHH imiMNooOo i) HAM MHHIMAO OOrrDM BROOrr n ( bt ws A S = = Sn heen hen hol o ARN IDOMDWO ANGI DOs SNSeoe SHSM Si6SsSohH Soe o SNH OMIA ONHRKGH MOWOMD DPSS SiwwOSiWSiW S1GSiWSIW O1GS10OMG o rr ROIMIAC? INCOR COnsrOorm wwWrOAGr Souorce Oo RS RNNAMNAD HMO AHH AMON OOIIRMHO MENON SOMO a oH MMMM MOHHHH wsiaimAoo FA ARNG MHHHAG OOrrND AAASCOM re) FN OHIO SAMA FOOKAM LANDON OME nHNwD NOSOMRH mamoom | ww ANH SWMOGE ADHOWDOSO NIGLOAD LoGORNO OME HIGD NOSBMmH wR om ~~ Rss RRO HGS HO GHAMOWDS eAMOMd MAONHRKD ~ FS ARID CNORMICNHH MIAHOO IGAMADRNO PINOHWA PrAOOIND $ TF AMMMMRED ODEO dH HHIGINIAIO cl AMMO MoHHinig OOrri-w DAROOO o “AQ AMARA SANGHA CDROM BELONG CONMErON WROMMr SaAer~coRr o FAH OOONHK AACR AHOWON WLOAMGH SRGLON wWrSRNMre SNNr9On rr) FSS SMM HORI DONHER BMOWOM We AdHoO ir) SH ANIMA MOM HH WDNEAUND HONOMAIH AMWNOSG wWAAr-NO a Tq IRANI COMODO HH HH HIG 2 FANNN MAHHININ NOOO DNRAROCO han hen! rr) FN GHNOKD AOTNAH WRHHOT NWMOLD OHNMIAO LHSUMM WorHDOW | wo FAH OMONHOS DONHOD OMINEAH NMGSEeO SHAMIL PWOOdMNO WOrDO4 ~] SRS RN HOWOMH EFAnMlre AAHOWO NHOD RD N AAA ARIMA SOME H DMOSCHO DriINRO PaCS MNOOHHOD 3 RH FANMRNN Re HHHHIA 2 NNN DOH HHID INOOMEee DDNRARMO Sy o AN MHAOrD AOANHH MOTORS SOSSOS SOQSSS SOSSSS SOSSSS5 o MAN ODONAOD DOMHOMD CMHOWMDO DOSOSSS SOSSOSS SSO0SSS9 S099S99 o Rs RR HOWDONA BDHSONTS BSONAHOHD SMAHOHO So FAA ARANDA GIMME DMOSCOND NOOHDON OOMMANO OMDRNoo 3 SH PHAMNN Memes HHH Ho 2 AMNMNM MortHHin w82OOOrr- DNDRRO hen! in A NAHOOM DHOKNM MANS H LONMNA SMSO RNRASWLO iemMNdSw rr) PSO IDOI AMMAR AANA CPOIMIMND COMOIOMD NGOWMO 1000N4O0 ~ Rr rt ONE OHD NODMONH OMOCMMO Pommco ~ RH RPRRNMNMN MMMM MN MHre DWHONOS WWMM Pmrnsano cet TORO RAIMI OD OS HH HH oS TS NN MOO HHID wNiNLOWOOP= = WMO <0 See exe eed Sees — = o A NHHAAO- POGOGN BHHACr WNSLION SCLiNNSCKh WBNS OR Sr-nNSr o Ae IORI ODONHO NOW WNOTMION SMIONSOM™ IWMNS™ION SMmieNor ww Torr restr OICT- WOM PINE STN HODGr 190CWORM w Ss SARA RAMAN Te sINWMNO OMi-r1ew NOOMrr4 w0MNoON Prt FR RH RMMR NAMMNMMMD MM tHHH ~ TAN OOD HHH IMIDOOOM = WOOD v s = an joan 4 Fi =AMGNS MOMSOWO HWOHWOHO HOMOMS SOSOSSSD SOSSSS 200099 SGOSo0S00 — AMdibe WOHOHOS MOMOINO MOMOHOS SOSSSSS SOSSSS SS0999 809955 = =—AANMT PMNOOK- KDOMNMS SOSCSSS SSSSSS SSSSSS S20000o Z = =—ANNOT GRNOOK~ KMODMMO SDOSCSOSD GDOSSSS 9909959 2°°999o = AVGMNOK DBHO—ANM PFHOrOHD O-—AdtH 2 =| AMGHOK BHO—NQOD PNMCrOD O-—AITIO See) SESS, AANA S| “ -—--- ----- aanngnng ~ Lbs. Example. 300 lbs. at $9 60=81 42. =35c, * Example. 200 lbs. at $3 50 292 INDEX FOR FARMERS’ MANUAL. PAGE Agriculture and Fe, eae ae 129 Animal Instinct... ee sles 3 PN CUMIN SUVAL OTS aerevei' se clemnibin'p) «0 ele) mierenale 114 PNG IiratlO mets ern) lalelcl ie lsate/sielotereieteaste 121 Admission to Register (Horse Racing) 200 Asthma, Chicken, .......ccccccececes 209 B Book-Keeping..........scee0 sees 35, 63 Bee Keepingweiijeecepeisire Spotter 130-133 Bills ease Re one eee bene 33, 84 BOLT sal Os2ixtereijaisien soil icis siete DENSE 95 Borrowings Wawsole cen. soccipeceten oe 120 BirdS ands IMSeECkSss eo .:s irl oee wer iateran 6 135 Balky Horses, How to Manage....... 174 BreedingyHOrsesin-sseyaccieios veer: 177 Bridle, Eureka, Prof. Gleason’s....... 173 BridlingpElOrses y. acacia eine ee ceiiee 182 IBONETS DAVID ss cote tiore ole sista ese cioiiaee 183 IBlindiStar pers fxr cmesisceiaiaes ees 184 Bone iniment.:. sees ro ccc cen 184 Bots.. 187 Broken Leg of a "Horse, How to Set and Cure ss a crsde iste owas eae hess 187 Bleeding, Howto Stop. ............. IgI BISHOKE Ty EIG UIC pa mast eto lente eraicrcie 195 Breaking Wild and Ugly Horses...... 198 PACKERS crsreiia eloyeinere te aibial ae leroniete is 202 BlaGkamon Seer. sisierciiste ccs eieisiotatecisis 202 IBKONGHIPIS!s3<:cchaia sererotrcroeiietsiere arse aes 205 ‘Breeding; Fables cc siiesspseicieleeere 213; E206 Certificates of Acknowledgment...... g! (Gre kisi xi asietew are cre samteteletes-)=%= 69, 70 , Contracts BE aa aes Reco te te - QI, 102, 116 Checks, Law Governing.............. 100 Contracts, How to Write and the Law Governing Them. ..5. 620. <<. 102-104 GhaniotaNaGesnc crselstile stersiieleeel lela 108 Chattel Mortgages................ 88, 110 Cultivating Musical Talent........... 118 Champion Pacing Horses.... ....... Check-Rein, Its Use and Abuse... 160, 170, 179, 192, 200 172 Cure for Galls, Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Etc 182 Contracted Feet in Horses, Cure for.. 185 (Gribbbin Peseta cece wiciatere oe are net acote 185 Corns, Cire foresees tierce 185, I9I, 195 (Golesi MMEOKSES patel tala eisieinicielate oveletelaseters 188 (Siidoy (Cig ore eornicdposousoQDBNOTOon 189 (Cre) sae IGS Gaia popeceadoGooonee 190 GholkcednGattleswenies crore eeistetre nore errs 193 GakedsBagettiiseron': wiscliseceinae alas spo 193 Condition Powder..... .+-++.++s 193, 194 (GEggetwlon-= JaGogaubucdoa jconD daa aac 195 Camere. capil splmea taste ier 196 Contraction of Tendon of the Neck... 196 STACK Gwen Gan el apots aalalanel oe ret aratsisteiniaiets 197 Cattle, How to Doctor.............-.. 202 Caw ROK erase antes elelaleicle nieiesirstsre 203 Gattle Co:ic or Hoove..........00602- 203 Catarrh.. ....... 100+ seeceeeeee 205 Colic in Sheep.. Negus oO woduoadanuavaons 205 Ghicken-Gholeray i... 9.cjeisrcc/e-siele Sse z05 Ghicken@Miitessc senate cviciiesisisieisierste 209 D ID reigns lat eraichajcazo]efelieiclsiaiefarelel alsints Ti ge LE 1B MG. Ba emocnse aetiod coud sqses 78 IDE tay Seeks sore seneedoducne, 93) it Drafts, Law Governing.. Due Bills, Law Governing.. Distemper, How to Cure setae owes PAGE Duties of Executors and Adminis- CLALOLS cececin’sledarkicss) eieipladelalelehe(errleha; 114, a Deed, What it Includes ...........-. 126 Diseases of the Horse.......0s208 +++ 180 Diseases of the Penis. .5 2. 2 2G si . 190 Discharge from Eye and Nose........ IgI Disease of the Kidneys...........-.+ 195 TD) 1alEt eS. aceasta ie, lave vetetote aienerarolenaierses 195 Diseases of the Liver................- 196 Diseases of the Udder and Teats.... 197 Dropsy of the Muscles on the Chest.. 197 Dehorning Remedy..............-+.. 203 Dysenteryor, PUK. 22) amelie atte 203, 205 E Executors and Administrators, Duties O files sae or ac Se coe Mie raioRve a ota oets 114, 115 Eureka Bridle, Prof. Gleason’s....... 173 HepIZOOulCH se tertases apiece ecu aeinteaiste 185 Eye Wash-for Horses. .5--2...seccecee 196 Eggs and Egg Food Powder.........- 210 F HOLE ET rans winters sieiciove nieleleieyorelers eleleielsiais's IOI Ora CMP le sch aie cies «'o le snlaieivie'eiele)/s1= 162 POU eT sactecleions sete ales sisletesisiaeiee eee 187 IAS Get lao Perete care ic fore s eroyelsiaderate ial! 7a (aioe s]are¥e 189 REG Ew apo x oreineeevantic. caht arbre Sie areteneje aera: 194 Fever (Chicken)gicm: mi - selciee essere 209 G GoodtAdviternnenia. sce hteisietorlate rears 5 Getting On in the World,.......... (mg Greeley, Horace. «js elsiejnivinjaleiain!apeirs 6 Garfield, James A.........2.ceeseeer 7 Gould, Jay SP adonoodvaAJadD Lee GOOG 9 30 Gifts, Legal Spa atalacsloncloRoin crieasteleiove ieiers 104 Glatidets 82.4.48 Sock pase ena abo 190 Gravel in HOrses .2....0cjeccseascn cose 193 Garg eb ie BAa ge ats ccc reieinisls|sieteiale(teialoreyel= 193 (GrOP ow IRMCES: cic s\c sreloiel eicjel=/alalelolalelsieloie 195 (GreasewHeels isk. cj 216 Premature Birth (Horses).....---.-++ 201 | Sore Fac esa oes hogan eee aes WateriBarcy:-mescesse ecole sect 183, 195 Pacing Standard,.......+-s00+ eeeees 200 | Sore Teatsand Scabs..........-+ 197, 203 Weak Tendons, Cure for............ - 184 Pleuro-Pneumonia.........-. © oveisielee 203 | Salve for all Kindsof Soresand Beniees 198 WVOLIIS orci bese tates otarsinte svete orale oe nioheeears 184 Poultry, How to Keep....-.+-++++++++ ZOOT | Sar ecw amar ee Emon sent ccs erator: 198 | Wind-Galls........--.+0ssseeeeee oes 189 R Stoppage of the Bowels.......-.-.--- 199 | Warts on Horses and Cattle...... 193, 197 IMGeEGgh AS sacecssenonsanmogcaooEsee 73-76 | Stifle......-..seeeceee eee ee teeeeeeee 199 | Wolf-Teeth....-....-- ese eeer eres ees 197 Receipts, Law Governing ..........- 100 | Self-Sucking Cow..... .-.-.++s--+s0s 204 | Weather Signals.............-++++-+- 211 Renting lean die ses ace slew sccm class). 107 | Simple Contrivance for Lifting Beef.. 204 Weather Wisdom......... are Real Estate, Rules for Buying.......-. 123 | Sheep, How to Doctor.........+.-.+-- 205 Y ARO mee atblelelcicicie wis sie/nie aieiejaisieie:sicvsia)eisiels 205 | Sheep Tick and Lice......-.-+----+: 205 | Yellow Water.......-....--.--:- 193, 196 PAGES Cotton Sellers Tables, 3 cents to 11 cents...... sadnsboco8dns SO0000000 aratoteelaierateletateye cistererers pe ceisisiiaesccleisaleaiels selene 225 to 288 Mottonk ick ersiMablenctsmetsnem oct g cccic cine eo eeicis\cln'