Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. nil sle ie. appar - — 7 a a “ah ea spas en) eA lh i : ae a SaaS Fe tela 9 0 ed " er ne ed , - = ~ = 7 is ‘ ni a 7 - t r = 6 - : i = By ’ 5 : fi ; % i >. * tf = = . 7 . - - . ae 7 ome : ‘ > os , i 7 is = . 1 * = a. 5 a . ad ba - ’ — ‘ ad - P veil, i = 4 BS # ; rn 4 - 7 ‘ ie : 4 : a 7 ‘ = ee ~ \ ‘ : * . se : 7 1 a B 2 ' > 1 7 w 4 an . . bf ‘ ied = - ‘ 7 r ‘ 0 - i! . ; ; ‘ - =: ‘ 7 : - a ‘ A > : " = “ = oa ' ¥- ” z 4 ry ; U \ ’ it : . , HIS PAGE ILLUSTRATES A GROUP OF GERMAN IRISES STRONG PLANTS TO BLOOM NEXT SUMMER 12 SPLENDID VARIETIES,OUR SELECTION, PER DOZ.$2.00 PER 100 $12.00 BY EXPRESS ONLY. DELIVERY ABOUT NGV. Ist. R.&J.FARQUHAR &Co. Gann7 SOUTH MARKET ST. BOSTON,MASS. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY R.&J. FARQUHAR & CO. AN UNUSUAL OFFER. BELIEVING THAT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAGAZINE, COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA. — should be read by all persons interested in beautifying suburban and country homes, and that it would afford such persons valuable aid, we approached the publishers with a proposition to offer this new magazine to our customers. Our plan met with hearty cooperation, and we are now enabled to make the following offers, namely: “‘CouNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA” FREE FOR ONE YEAR to any person sending us an order for Bulbs, Plants, or Flower Seeds, selected from this catalogue, with cash at the prices stated herein amounting to FIFTEEN DOLLARS OR OVER. *“‘CouNnTRY LIFE IN AMERICA”’ FREE FOR SIX MONTHS to any person sending us an order for Bulbs, Plants, or Flower Seeds, selected from this catalogue with cash at the prices stated herein amounting to TEN DOLLARS OR OVER. “* CounTrY LIFE IN AMERICA” FREE FOR THREE MONTHS to any person sending us an order for Bulbs, Plants, or Flower Seeds, selected from this catalogue, with cash at the prices stated herein amounting to FIVE DOLLARS OR OVER. These offers apply only to orders for Bulbs, Plants, and Flower Seeds, when such orders are accompanied by cash in full payment. They do not apply to other merchandise, nor to charged orders. Application for “ Country Life in America ’’ must be made to us when the order is sent, otherwise the sender will not be entitled to receive it. The publisher’s price of “ Country Life in America” is $3.00 per year. COUNTRY -LIFE IN AMERiG == THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAGAZINE, is for every one who loves the country ; the owners of country places great and small; those who are concerned with gardens, lawns, plant and vegetable growing, nature study, conservatories, landscape gardening, and all life under the open sky. The illustrations are the most beautiful in the world, because the subjects are the most beautiful. The magazine is printed with a large page, 1014 x 144 inches, to get the best and broadest effects; the paper is of the finest quality, and the whole magazine is luxurious in appearance, while practical in value and suggestion. The editor stands as the highest authority in the land, and already the magazine has found its place, which has never been occupied by any periodical of a like nature. It is absolutely unique among American publications. QUALITY IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION. We carry the largest and finest assortment of Bulbs in New England, and it is unsurpassed in quality in the United States. BuLB Crops generally have been large, and most varieties are in good supply at prices aver- aging lower than for several years. Buies py Matt. Bulbs securely packed will be sent by mail, Posracr of the United States, at the single or dozen prices quoted in the Catalogue, excepting a few PREPAID, to all parts heavy species, for which the mail prices are given. Prices of many articles herein mentioned are liable maintain them, and the prices are, therefore, subject to change without notice. We give no warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, pro- to fluctuation. We cannot agree to Non—WARRANTY. ductiveness, or any other matter of any Seeds, Bulbs, or Plants we send out, and will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned. & FARGU EAR aco: INDEX. PAGE PAGE. | PAGE, Aconite, Winter 2 Fertilizers 48 | Narcissus, Jonquils 18 Adonis ZO BicUs 38 | Narcissus, Polyanthus 19 Agapanthus ZO |e Emeesia , 2 Nirene 2 Allium 20 | Fritillaria Imperialis : 2 Ornithogalum 32 Amaryllis 20 | Fritillaria Meleagris 24 | Oxalis 32 Anemone, French . 21 Fruit Trees . : 42 Pzeonies . 33 Anemone, Japonica 22 | Funkia 2 Palms 38, 39 Anomatheca 21 | Galanthus . 34 | Pancratium . 32 Anthericum . OmlenGladiol. § 24, 25 | Pandanus 39 Araucaria 38 | Gloxinia -) 25) ehloxes). 2 a7 Areca 39 | Glory-of-the- Snow 23 | Ranunculus 34 Arum 21 Grasses, Lawn . 44 | Rhododendrons 3 a7 Asparagus , 40 | Grasses, Field . 44, 45 Rose, Crimson Rambler . 4I Asphodelus . 21 | Guinea Hen Flower ee Schizostylis . 35 Aspidistra 38 | Hardy Shrubs 41 | Scilla. : 34 Babiana. . 22 | Hyacinths ee 3-7 | seeds,, Vi egetable and Flowe: er 43 Bleeding Heart 23 | Hyacinths, Grape . 8 | Smilax 40 Bulbocodium 22 | Hyacinths, Musk . 8 | Snowdrops 34 Calla . 22 | Hyacinths, Roman 8 | Snowflakes . 35 Calochortus 22 | Hyacinthus Candicans 8 | Sparaxis . 35 Camassia 22 | Helleborus . 25 | spider Lily . 32 Chionodoxa 23 | Hemerocallis 25 | Spirea 35 Christmas Rose 25 | Hepatica 25. eaools G2. 45-47 Cocos 39 | Insecticides 245-|) ‘Lulips; Single Early 10-12 Colchicum 22. (eo Ltis 26, 27 | Tulips, Double Lise bain! Convallaria . at welixias - 25 | Tulips, Darwin 15 Crocus 9 | Jonquis . 18 | Tulips, Late 14 Crocus, Autumn 23 | Kentia 39 | Tulips, Parrot 15 Crown Imperials 23 | Lachenalias 27 te hulips: 22 Cycas 38 | Latania 39 | Trillium . 36 Cyclamen 2) 437); Leucojum ees ele ntelera) 3 Daffodils 16-18 | Lilies. 28-30 | Tritoma . 36 Day Lily 24 | Lily-of-the- Vv allley.. Rites CREAT EIA A 36 Dielytra. . 23 | Montbretia . 32 | Tropzolum . 36 Dog’s Tooth V iolet 24 | Mushroom Spawn. 43 | Vallota 20 Draczena 38 | Narcissus, Chinese Saered «0g. | Violets 40 Eranthis 24 | Narcissus, Single . 16, 17 | Winter Aconite 2 Erythronium 24 | Narcissus, Double 18 | Zephyranthus 20 Ferns 40 Copyright, 1902, by R. & J. FARQUHAR & Co. Z te & J. FARQUHAR & CO7S: AUTUMN CATALOGUE: Fr WA GEN Atel: NOTES*-ON: GELELRY (CCUG Ui: HYACINTHS IN Pots. It is important in the pot culture of the Hyacinth to have rich, light soil; if possible, a compost, one-third decayed turf, one-third old, rotten cow manure, and the remainder equal parts sharp sand and leaf-mould. This compost should be made a few weeks before being used. If the bulbs are to be potted singly, pots five inches in diameter are the proper size, and the special Hyacinth pots, which are about two inches deeper than ordinary pots, are preferable. Cover the hole in the pot with a piece of broken pot, and over this place a layer of moss, which will keep the soil from clogging the drainage thus provided. Break off any offsets which appear at the base of the bulbs, and in potting place each bulb so that its top shall be half an inch below the surface of the soil and an inch below the rim of the pot. The soil should be of usual natural moisture, and should be pressed mod- erately firm. The filled pots may be placed in a cold frame where there is protection from frost, and well watered. An excellent plan is to place them on a bed of moist, sifted coal ashes, covering the pots to a depth of six inches with the same material. When well rooted, which will be in about six weeks, the bulbs may be brought indoors and forced. For the first two or three weeks they should be kept in a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Suc- cess in forcing depends much on their having strong roots before being brought to the light. The top grows rapidly, and unless the roots are started much in advance they are unable to nourish the plant, and failure results. Hyacinths for early use may be potted in September or October; late planting is not advisable, as the bulbs deteriorate; when desired for late use, it is better to pot them in October and keep them in a cold frame above freezing until it is desired to force them into bloom. To obtain dwarf foliage and fine flower spikes, Hyacinths when being forced should have plenty of manure- water, fresh air, and should be kept very near the glass, The blooms last much longer if shaded from the sun. HyYACINTHS IN GLASSES. The single varieties are, with a few exceptions, best adapted to this mode of culture; they produce finer flower spikes than the double. - Fill the glass with clear, soft water, so as nearly to touch the base of the bulb, putting a small piece of charcoal in each glass to keep the water pure and afford some nourishment. The filled glasses should be placed in a dry, cool, dark place, and kept there until the roots almost touch the bottom of the glass, when they may be exposed gradually to the light. If the water in the glasses becomes foul, or diminished, replace it with fresh water at about the same temperature as the atmosphere in which the bulbs are growing; otherwise it need not be changed. When well started, the bulbs should have plenty of light and air, without draughts, in order that the best devel- opment and brilliancy of color may be attained, HYACINTHS IN THE OPEN GARDEN. The ground should be dug to a depth of at least fifteen inches, and enriched with plenty of well-rotted cow manure. Hyacinths may be planted from September until winter sets in; although if the highest success is sought they should be in the ground by the end of October. Bulbs planted early develop roots in the autumn, and these, if protected from injury by freezing and thawing alternately during the winter, enable the bulbs to produce much larger flower spikes than if the roots are not devel- oped until spring. Frost reaching the bulbs raises them up, thus detaching them from their roots. Protection may be afforded by covering the beds with straw or leaves to a depth of six or eight inches, which should be re- moved early in the spring. Hyacinths should be set about six inches below the surface of the ground and about six inches apart. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. FARQUHAR’S HYACINTHS FOR BEDDING AND FORCING. ABUNDANT CROPS OF BULBS OF FINE QUALITY ENABLE US TO REDUCE 20 TO 25 PER CENT. THIS SEASON. EXTRA LARGE NAMED BEDDING AND FORCING HYACINTHS. Average circumference 7 to 8 inches, except Yellow, which produces smaller bulbs, This highly decorative class of Hyacinths is of un- surpassed excellence for producing the finest color effects in public parks and private grounds. Being of distinct and decided shades, of almost uniform height, and blooming at the same time, they admit of the most artis- tic grouping. They are also very desirable for forcing singly in pots or grouped in bulb pans. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED BRIGHT RED. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED CRIMSON. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED ROSE, FARQUHAR’S SELECTED PINK. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED DARK BLUE. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED LIGHT BLUE, FARQUHAR’S SELECTED PORCELAIN BLUE. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED PURE WHITE. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED BLUSH WHITE, FARQUHAR’S SELECTED YELLOW. Per dozen, $0.80; per 100, $5.50; per 1,000, $50.00. By mail, add at the rate of 20 cents per dozen for postage. PRICES LARGE UNNAMED HYACINTHS FOR BEDDING AND FORCING. These are well developed, sound flowering bulbs, superior in size and strength to the Mixed Hyacinths usually offered. Choice sorts only are included in these selections which are grown separately and put together in variety of shades of each color. Care is exercised to include only sorts which bloom at the same time and are of nearly uniform height. SINGLE VARIETIES. Per Doz. Per 1ioo. Per 1,0co. INGSHMANDD AEENES is). 6 cv. sss pO16O. “$4.00 TAIT eae Ok a) fe: Wats .60 4.00 WNGEUIDy reat et ak fs. fee .60 4.00 REO MICE oe o- 4ythoeS .60 4.00 EVER STAR Ke ta a .60 4.00 AES oo 1, 0 Si ei .60 4.00 ALC COLORS, “MIXED. ..9: .60 4.00 By mail, add at the rate of 15 cents per dozen for postage. $35.00 35.00 35-00 35-00 35.00 35-00 35-00 | DOUBLE VARIETIES. ROSE AND PINK RED WHITE BLUE, LIGHT BLUE, DARK Vi LOW: eel) cs kel Tegan ALL COLORS, MIXED . : MINIATURE HYACINTHS. These are most fascinating both for forcing in pans and for out-door bedding, and are gaining in popular favor each year. PURE WHITE BLUE RED : MIXED COLORS By mail, add at the rate of 10 cents per dozen for postage. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; Ferm Doz $0.35 +35 35 +35 Per 100. $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Per 100. Per 1,000. $4.00 $35.00 4,00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Per 1,000. $22.00 22.00 22.00 35-00 35-00 35-00 35.00 35-00 35-00 22:00)" 250 AT 1,000 RATES. Ho R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. EMPYRIGHT [902 BY RAUL. FARQUHARSE G FARQUHAR’S “ TOP- ROOT” HYACINTHS. MONSTER BULBS: SELECTED) AS” LHEY OCCASIONAL Es APPEAR. IN-THE FIELDS DURING HARVESTING. SINGLE RED AND EINK FABIOLA. Pink, striped with bright rose; large bells. GERTRUDE. Beautiful bright pink; large. Lorp Macaulay. Rose, striped carmine; very large. MorENA. Beautiful blush; very large truss. NorMA. Delicate waxy pink; large bells. RosEA MAXIMA. Delicate rose; fine truss. SINGLE, WHETE AND -BEGSE® BARONESS VAN TuyLL. White, primrose eye; large truss. GRANDEUR A MERVEILLE, Blush white; large spike. La FRANCHISE. Waxy white; large bells. La GRANDESSE. Pure white; immense bells and truss, L’INNOCENCE. Pure white; extra large bells. PAIX DE L’EuROPE. Pure white; long truss. SINGLE BLUE, PURREEY A VIOLET. CHARLES DicKENs. Light violet; extra large truss. Czar PETER. Light porcelain blue; large bells. GraNp Litas. Light blue; large bells. GRAND Maitre. Sky blue, shaded with violet. KING OF THE BLUES. Clear, dark blue; large bells and superb spike. Marigz. Dark blue; magnificent spike. Each, $0.25; per dozen, $2.50; per 100, $18.00. By express only. SIx OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; ©25 AD IOO RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. Pero rere. ction: any ACINGIHS. Bulbs intended for exhibition should be potted in September, We furnish selected bulbs of the finest sorts in cultivation, which for size, symmetry of form, spikes, and excellence of their colors are unrivalled for exhibition purposes. SINGLE RED, ROSE, AND PINK. AMY OR FIREBALL. Crimson; large truss; early BARON VAN TUYLL. Pale rose; large spike . : CARDINAL WISEMAN, Light rose; large truss; very fine i ; CHARLES DICKENS. Salmon-rose, striped carmine; tall and handsome truss : Cosmos. Deep rose with light eye; large bells FABIOLA. Pink, striped with bright rose; large bells GARIBALDI. Rich crimson; magnificent truss GEANT DES ROsEs. Clear rose; large spike GENERAL PELISSIER. Deep crimson GERTRUDE. Beautiful bright pink; large GIGANTEA. Light rose; large spike ; Linnaus. Dark red; large “flowers: extra fine . Lorp Macaulay. Rose, “striped carmine; very large; one of the best Lorp Percy. Lovely bright rose; truss large and handsome ; MARIA CORNELIA. Bright rose; fine spike Mr. STANLEY. Dark red; splendid truss . Mons. HOBOKEN. Soft carmine; extra large ates : MoreNA. Beautiful blush; very large truss Sate as Rane he NorMa. Delicate waxy pink; large bells; a favorite; extra large bulbs ORNAMENT Rose. Pale rose; large broad truss . PINK PERFECTION. Clear pink; magnificent spike . PRINCESS HELENA. Rosy carmine with light eye eS ees oe QUEEN OF HYACINTHS. Rich rosy scarlet; very aca most handsome spike . ROBERT STEIGER. Deep crimson; large truss Rot DES BELGEs. Dark red; very fine RoOsEA MAXIMA. Delicate rose; fine truss ; SARAH BERNHARDT. Deep rose; beautiful flower SULTAN’S FavoRITE. Delicate rose, striped with carmine; early : Von SCHILLER. Deep salmon pink, striped with crimson; cee spike VuURBAAK. Beautiful crimson; large compact truss DOUBLE KED; ROSE) AND PINK. BOUQUET ROYAL. Rose; red centre BouQuET TENDRE. Dark carmine Czar NICHOLAS. Delicate rose . Grootvoorst. Rosy blush; large bells KoH-I-Noor. Dark rose; superb LE GRAND CONCURRENT. Pale rose; large bells : LorpD WELLINGTON. Blush; large bells and massive spike; ‘extra ; NOBLE PAR MERITE. Deep rose; large bells; very double . ERINCHVORIORANGE. “Brishf pink: 2)... 5 eet PrINCEss LouIsE. Rich carmine; large double bells; extra . RMCMUAR VICTORIA, js Wark TOSe i ek vel SINGEE WHITH AND BLUSH. ALBA MAXIMA. Pure white; large bells and spike . ALBA SUPERBISSIMA. Snow white; large truss . ALBERTINE. Pure white; very early . . . : Sur Soi he. ie Ae BARONESS VAN TuYLL. White, primrose eye; large truss; excellent for forcing Pe euecen ee bureewiites: laToe SpIKG Cs oye 6. ely oie es ee ELFRIDE. Blush; large bells; strong spike . tin. tease ao one GRANDEUR A MERVEILLE. Blush white; large spikes: one of the best GRAND VAINQUEUR. Pure white; large . GRAND VEDETTE. Pure white; early. . . LA BELLE BLANCHISSEUSE. Snowy white LA FRANCHISE. Waxy white; large . . ed ee grey 4. ty. aa La GRANDESSE. Pure white; immense bells and truss; one of the best sorts Lapy CLINTON. Creamy white; very large . Lapy PLIMSOLL. Large truss; very fine EEMPATHANee Rosy whites. fine truss «2. «0% 6+ 2 - L°INNOCENCE. Pure white; extra large bells; very handsome MADAME VAN DER Hoop. White; extra .... . MINA. Pure white; large bells . . . Mont BLANc. oe white; large bells; magnificent ice PAreie TL HUROPE.. Pure'white; long truss. . . .. . . QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS. Pure white; of great substance SNOWBALL. Pure white; large bells; grand truss of fine form VOLTAIRE. Pale waxy white; splendid SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT 100 RATES; 250 AT Each, Per Doz. $0.10 $1.00 ils 1 .20 2.00 a5 1.50 15 1.50 15 1.50 a- 2.50 .20 2.00 site! [.00 aris 1.50 15 1.50 125 2.50 ies 1 wL-{e) .30 B25 .20 2,00 220 2.00 s55 Oh .20 2.00 50 1.50 Ne 2550 .30 3-00 20 2.00 15 1.50 .10 1.00 ait 5 i225 .20 Das .20 L375 15 1.25 .20 rays 25 2a50 $0.15 $1.25 15 125 ans 1225 D5 1.50 2 2.50 20 2.00 20 2.00 aif 1.50 10 1.00 20 2.0 20 2.00 $0.25 $2.75 als 1.50 als 1.50 “5 1.50 20 2.00 15 1.50 .10 1.00 1 2.75 Bits 1.50 a5 1.50 -I5 I 25 25 2.50 30 3.00 a0 2.00 20 2.00 mS 1.50 15 1.50 20 2.00 25 2.75 a1 5 1.50 20 2.00 4 3.00 ad 1.50 fullness of their 1,000 RATES. Py r $8. OO 9.00 15.OC II.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 15.00 §.00 11.00 10.00 18.00 II.00 24.00 14.00 15.00 1I.00 14.00 11.00 18.00 22.00 15-00 10.00 $.00 9.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 12.00 18.00 $9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 8.00 15.00 14.00 $20.00 II.00 12.00 II.00 15.00 11.00 7.50 20.00 10.00 11.00 9.00 18.00 22.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 21.00 12.00 14.00 22.00 10.00 6 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.”S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. FARQUHAR’S EXHIBITION HYACINTHS. DOUBLE WHITE AND BLUSH. Each Per Doz. PUNRENEARIA. White;’ violet eye) 4-1 250. ee ees, Se eee eee $0.20 $2.00 Bouquet Royal. Pure white; very double; fine a ee .20 2.00 nmavoc. Pure white; late’). goer ee eee et oy Ot ee ee 15 1.50 GRAND: V AINQUEUR,.. White; Jarce belic gees; = -ctecuee te ne ee ee -30 3.00 (ROOTVORSTIN.: “ure Whites@iite: 4 0 casa gis Rater ie woes eee ees eae -20 2.00 ISABELLA. Blush white; large spike; immense bells . . . - . . . .. 25 2.50 jenny LiInD.“Wihite, withidark-cye-#e.e1 = eee ee et eee -20 2.00 La TouR D’AUVERGNE. Pure white; early; one ofthe best. . . . . . . 55 1.50 La VirGINtTtes Blush: swoleWeye. Soe, oes ee ee ee ihe 1.50 Miss NIGHTINGALE. Pure-white- (extra fine 2" ee oe 40 4.00 Ne Pius Utara. Blush swihte ge yee mi eat a ee SA 1.50 PRINCE OF WATERLOO. Fine pure white; good truss; large bells. . . . . -20 2.00 SIR BULWER-LYTTON. White; large bells; fine truss; extra . . . . . . 25 2.50 SINGLE YELLOW. ALtpA JacoBA. Canary yellow Srl Be Wa re ae era as cares $0.20 $2.00 BIRD OF PARADISE. Beautiful clear yellow; magnificent spike; one of the best 25 2.50 Duc DE MALAKOFF. Orange: striped red 15 1.50 GRAND Duc DE LUXEMBOURG. Citron; large truss; extra. .- . .. . . 25 2.50 Ipa. Clear primrose yellow; splendid spike; large and superb; bulb small . -20 2.25 KING OF THE YELLOws. Pure golden yellow; large belis; long symmetrical spike -20 2.00 La‘ CITrRONIERE, —Lightreiizons -larce: -" 2) set ae on ot eee whe 20 2.00 JAUNE, SUPREME. ' ‘Dasksyellow; darses, 1. 3a a) et ee ee 20 2.00 MINERVA. Orange Pore. : 15 1.50 OPHIR: D’OR.-~ Pike yellow 7s aes eee Ee OO .20 2.00 SUNFLOWER. Yellow, tmted’ salmon) sc. tet, octet i ee ee a oa. -20 2.00 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. Sea Verge, Newport, R.i., Feb. 4, 1902. Messrs. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.: DEAR SIRS: In growing large quantities of Bulbs, as I do every year at Sea Verge, I find those furnished by you are always equal to and often better than any others I get, grown under the same conditions. Yours very truly, ARTHUR GRIFFIN. Per 100. $15.00 14.00 12.00 22.00 15.00 20.00 14.00 15-00 12.00 15.00 15.00 BULBS, PLA ANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. Pea Cit nose er Le VON] EY ACTING HS. SUN Gig Be by Clie Cel Began ly VO hie: Each. $0.20 Arcus. Deep blue with white eye; fine BARON VAN TUYLL. Dark blue; extra BLONDIN. Light blue; fine spike; very showy CapTaAIN Boyton. Deep porcelain; immense truss; splendid CHARLES DICKENS. Light violet; extra large truss hares CZAR PETER. Tight porcelain blue; large bells; magnificent spike GENERAL HAVELOCK. Black; large truss GKAND LILAS. Light blue; large bells; grand pike 7) GRAND MaItTrReE. Sky blue; shaded with violet; large and very beautiful Haypn. Lilac-mauve; splendid spike . : KING OF THE BLaAcks. Nearly black; full truss 5: ha, 1) kt) Conte a ree KING OF THE BLUES. Clear dark blue; large bells and splendid spike; superb LEoNIDAS. Bright blue; large spike La PeyrousE. Light porcelain; fine Big@romomlinn sOank bites iarcerwt-uiive cit as. Cee hs) PP elt ess Lorp BaALrour. Beautiful mauve; immense bells and spike; superb. Lorp DeErRBy. Azure blue; large bells and truss Lorp Mayo. Dark violet with white eye LorD PALMERSTON. Blue; white eye . Marig£. Dark blue; magnificent spike . MASTERPIECE. Purplish black; very fine . ORONDATUS. Porcelain blue; extra PIENEMAN. Clear blue; extra : PORCELAIN SCEPTRE. Pale blue; large PriestLy. Light azure blue; large truss PRINCE OF WALES. Dark blue; white eye : QUEEN OF THE BLUES. Sky-blue; fine bells; Epately ake : RoC MeUS. oo DIM POLeeLaln; mexthay a. ke ate vel ce SCHOTEL. Light blue; splendid flower sir H. Barciay. Dark purple; splendid sane Sir J. LAWRENCE. Dark blue; white eye DOUBER, BLUE PURPEE. ANDY VIOLET BLOKSBERG, Clear porcelain; large bells and handsome truss CHARLES DICKENS. Dark blue; fine spike DELICATA. Light blue; grand spike GARRICK. Lilac blue; splendid truss LAURENS KosTER. Dark blue; large bells Lorp RAGLAN. Dark blue; splendid LorRD WELLINGTON. Dark blue. Louris PHILIPPE. Dark blue; full truss MIGNON DE DryFHoutT. Lilac blue MuriLLo. Light blue SAeed OTHELLO. Dark blue; compact spike PRINCE OF Sax WEIMAR. Dark blue . Sas VAN SPEYK. Pale blue; large bells and splendid truss $o. MUS VAND FEATHERED Hy ACINT HS. Beautiful, hardy, early-flowering bulbs, succeeding in almost any soil and situation. Musk HyacinTH. Yellow and blue; delightfully fragrant FEATHERED HYACINTHS. Violet; long feathery plumes SIX OF A KIND AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT IOO RATES; 250 AT -10 is 15 1,000 RATES. N Be NHN NY NY NY HIN W SF NY WN WN WCW Yb = NY VN & YN FS Per Doz. $2. 1.00 ite 2.50 50 0O 50 -OO -0O ReriDoz, $0.25 25 Per 100, $14.00 §.00 11.00 18.00 10.00 18.00 24.00 14.00 9.00 15.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 II.00 24.00 18.00 16.00 16,00 8.00 24.00 14.00 10,00 14.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 8.00 15.00 15.00 $11.co 10.00 15.00 10.00 24.00 14.00 II.00 15.00 II.00 15.00 14.00 10.00 15.00 Per Ioo. $1.50 1.50 Our timportations of Bulbs will be the largest and most select ever brought to Boston, and the finest that Holland has produced this year. 8 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’"S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. White Roman Hyacinth, GRAPE BYACIN®HS: Very hardy, dwarf, spring-flowering bulbs, suc- ceeding in almost any situation and_ suitable for edgings and clumps in shrubbery and hardy perennial beds. Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. BLUE GRAPE HYACINTHS . $0.10 $0.50 $3.00 WHITE GRAPE HYACINTHS, .10 75 6.00 HYACINTHUS CANDICANS. A showy, hardy plant, blooming in July and August, and producing spikes about three feet long, crowned with numerous large pendent bell-shaped pure white blossoms. Large roots, per dozen, 30 cents; per 100, $2.00; per 1,000, $13.00. By mail, add at the rate of 15 cents per dozen for postage. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES 5; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. HARLY R@ivEAd > HYACIN EES: These beautiful Hyacinths are indispensable to the florist. in his autumn and winter cut-flower work; while to the amateur they are among the most easily culti- vated and most satisfactory of flowering bulbs. The white va- riety, if planted early in Septem- ber and gently forced, will bloom in November; the others require from two to three weeks longer. When grown in pots or pans they are most effective planted in groups of six or more bulbs in each. > WHITE, LARGE, 434 to 6 in. circ., 60c. per doz.; $4.00 per 100; $32.50 per 1,000. WHITE, EXTRA LARGE, 5 to 6 in. circ., 75¢. per doz.;*$4-50 per 100; $35.00 per 1,000. WHITE, MAMMOTH, 512 to 6! in. circ., $1.00 per doz.; $5.00 per 100; $45.00 per 1,000. ~ RosE OR LIGHT PINK, 50c. per doz.; $2.50 per 100; $20.00 per 1,000. BLUE, 50c. per doz.; $2.50 per 100; $20.00 per 1,000. WHITE ITALIAN OR PARISIAN. These are about a fortnight later than the Early White Roman Hyacinths and the blossoms somewhat larger. They are very useful for forcing, being fragrant and decorative. 60c. per doz.; $3.00 per 100; $27.00 per 1,000. By mail, add 10 cents per dozen to the above prices for postage. Grape Hyacinths. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 9 CROCUSES: The bulbs should he set three inches deep, and should be planted in October or early in November to insure success. They are very effective when combined with Snowdrops, Scilla Siberica, Daffodils, and other Spring flowers. The Crocus can also be grown indoors either in pots or bulb pans in loam, or in dishes filled with wet moss in which the bulbs are set closely, half an inch below the surface. MIXED CROCUSES. Per Doz. Per too. Per 1,000. NC ra name IK COUSHACeS. Mime at ween! et is, UN reer ke ees) wo oe a PORTO tee PO,40' h2.60 PRR GH Meo MEAN ME RIK. NIIKEMI yl gus ved ebte ee Gs Eames fe al eo alcatel Ges .10 -40 2.50 PARP ReIPROL ANDY ARTHCGATED.), Mixed sorts: 2°. ot Yin) bop ee as -10 -40 2.50 Reema PAD EN VALE ONU en cll) ay stare evs Ys) bigeye ure taut a ed) eae od ee Rs .10 .50 3.50 pn Dien Mie DUE wee COLORS gs) Oc nm ay, «ae eM esi eg ive hye SK fg hes len Sates .08 .30 2.00 BUBUne VECO RE. Ve MOE UBS Wa 6 Vee oat iets cere ust, lee ae al 75 6.00 LARGE NAMED WHITE CROCUS. CAROLINE CHISHOLM. White; free blooming . . Mea Susann pee prt PORNoem bON7.5 pai HO.O0 MAMMOTH WHITE. The largest pure white; fine for forcing ess: ge ee ed eae 5 ns 6.00 MiMi G ma SOW Y Wiltes Veryularoe < .rcyei.) tele sells Ry be ae es 15 ays 6.00 LARGE NAMED STRIPED: CROCUS. PME ae VICE Striped winless LALC Wa ay ce Aa. «MUNMEr ele Sse |.) ., POS) v0.75 $6.00 PiemmmbeioViR... silvery waite, striped lilac ay Jeo ee) BP a S15 a5 6.00 PaPaesPEUSks, Lilac striped, winite:. large..." gic. tak WEA ee Sie 75 6.00 Str WALTER Scott, White, striped with lilac; large and free blooming . . . . . oii 5 6.00 LARGE NAMED YELLOW CROCUS. MAMMOTH GOLDEN YELLOw. Extra large bulbs, producing many blossoms; fine for pots $0.20 $1.00 $8.00 DMP ENUOWS PIRST 7512. Deep yellow, 2... 0 dew as Sek se ee Ls 75 6.00 CLOTH OF GOLD. Golden yellow, striped maroon; very free blooming . . . . . . SLO -60 5.00 LARGE NAMED BLUE AND PURPLE CROCUS. BARON VON Brunow. Dark blue; large . . nN aL Ft POLES | MpOu7.5.5 | SO000 KING OF THE BLUES, Deep purple-blue; very large; forces feeiice. . uum ie a05 as 6.00 BeRPOREASGHANDIFEORA.” Verylarces; rich purple . . 4. . - «© © 6 «| se 15 AAS 6.00 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. ese ch cae MIXTURE (Trade-mark Registered) copyRisHt 190% BY REU. FARQUHAR an SINGLE EARLY TULIPS. Per dozen, $0.35; per 100, $2.25; per 1,000, $18.00. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. SINGER EAREY TWLIPS: 11 FARQUHAR’S RAINBOW MIxTURE. (Trade-mark Registered.) The varieties included in this mixture separately and are all popular large-flowered bedding sorts of decided merit. The colors are carefully are grown propor- tioned, and include white, yellow, pink, scarlet, crimson, and many beautiful shades and combinations of these colors. The sorts are selected to flower at nearly the same time and to grow about the finest quality. Per doz., 30 cents; per 100, $2.00; per 1,000, $16.00. SELECTED MIxTuRE. Extra quality bulbs, in many beautiful and varied sorts, flowering nearly together. 20 cents; per 100, $1.25; per 1,000, $10.00. SUPERFINE MIXTURE. Choice quality bulbs, mixed as imported. Per doz., 15 cents; $8.00. per 100, $1.00; SINGLES BARLY PULIPS IN SEPARATE COLORS. These are especially adapted to bedding purposes and design planting for color effects. Noe IDO, letsie Foros Vetere i feloyey, : WiEKR vere ee eS) gs, pOLZO $2.00 $17.00 | CRIMSON GOLDEN YELLOW 7.5. 30 Tess 14.00 | ORANGE » JP TUN aay pce ee ace a aay 1.50 13.00 | RED AND YELLOW SABA TOOLS ae ci ee .40 2.50 20.00 | CRIMSON AND WHITE NAMED SINGLE EARLY TULIPS. Per Doz. FOR GREENHOUSE, WINDOW, AND OUT—DOOR CULTIVATION. Per 100. $3.50 75 1.75 2.00 We import only the highest grade bulbs, all of largest size, well matured, and carefully hand picked. perfectly hardy, and with ordinary treatment should produce the best results. We send them free by mail at dozen rates. Those marked * are the best for forcing. ArtTus. Bright scarlet; height, loinches. . Sar a BaccHus. Rich dark crimson; height, loinches . .. . BELLE ALLIANCE. Brilliant deep scarlet; height, 1o inches. PRIDE OF HAARLEM. White, striped with crimson; 9 inches CANARY BirD. Clear rich yellow; height, 11 inches CARDINAL’S HaT. Dark red; height, ginches. . *CERISE GRISDELIN. Purplish rose, white edge; height, 9 “inches : *CHRYSOLORA. Pure yellow; large flower; splendid bedder; height, 11 inches . *COTTAGE MAID. Rose, shaded with white; a most charming sort; excellent for forcing or bedding; height, 6 mches 5 i gh Sane ich cM each tra 1 i ar *COULEUR CARDINAL. Rich crimson; large and beautiful; height, 11 inches *CRIMSON KING. Scarlet-crimson; height, L2MIMNCHESE vein f= *DUCHESSE DE PARMA. Orange- red, margined with yellow; height, 12 inches *DussART. Brilliant deep crimson; fine for bedding; height, 10 inches ELENoRA. Violet; height, 12 inches . . : BE Tease Neen ch ys FABIOLA (Grand Duc de Russie). Deep rose, striped white; “height, 10 inches *GOLD-PRINCE. (See Yellow Prince.) . . *GRACE DARLING. Dark nasturtium red; very ‘Jarge and finely shaped flower of highest merit; height, 12 inches PMS Fm re eho Mae ee Jack VAN DELFT. White; height, II “inches Soe eA re hers: aetety fo *Joost VAN VONDEL, STRIPED. Deep rose, white striped; height, 10 inches : *JoosT VAN VONDEL, WHITE. The largest and most beautiful pure white sort. Excel- lent fgr exhibition; height, loinches . .. . 5 abe Akal eae en, Sg if sah *KEIZER KROON. Crimson- scarlet, bordered with clear yellow; large and very beau- tiful; height, 14 inches , 3 Pass Ney a ee ie *KING OF THE YELLOWS. Pure deep yellow: Ae Gee eaceilont for forcing; height, 12 inches *LA REINE. White, lightly shaded with rose; “‘Jovely; 5 height, 11 inches : *LE MATELAS. White, shaded with bright rose; large and beautiful; height, 12 inches *Mags. The finest of scarlet Tulips; aS broad flowers; excellent for forcing and bed- ding; height, loinches . . , *Mon TREsorR. Rich golden yellow; large ‘and perfect form; height, 11 inches MOUCHERON. Deep scarlet; fine new sort; height, 10 inches ; Per Doz. $0.25 -30 .40 1.00 30 -25 35 +30 225 .50 25 .20 50 .30 .30 -30 .50 .20 Tas *75 Asis -40 Per 100. $1.50 sz w LIAL ERT SRS ALS) LS) SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT [00 RATES; 250 AT I,000 R ATES. eK NWO He eb He .0O .50 .00 .0O 50 50 US .50 .50 .50 125 .50 75 .0O “75 per same height. F massed beds and grouping our Rainbow Mixture is unsurpassed. The bulbs offered are of the largest size or and Per doz., I ,OOO, Per, 1,000. $30. 5.00 15 15 16. They Duay Per I, $13 OO -OO OO are 100. .0O 1 5.00 20. 65 15. i) 20. 15. 13 30. 13 S) 30. 15 17 14. OO -0OO (je) -O0O 00 0O 3-00 00 -OO -OO OO -OO -OO OO 12 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’"S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. NAMED SINGLE EARLY TULIPS. — Continued. Per Doz. NELLY. Pure white; very large; height, 9 inches Pcigcde (ngs $0.30 OPHIR D’OR. Pure golden yellow; very fine flower; height, 11 inches . . .. . -40 *PORREBAKKER! SCARLED, Bright scarlet: darce; hecht 4A yimehesm sla ee 20 *POTTEBAKKER WHITE. Pure white; large and showy; height, 14 inches . . . . 30 *POTTEBAKKER YELLOW. The pure yellow variety; height, 14 inches . ... . 50 POTTEBAKKER YELLOW STRIPED. Yellow, striped with red; height, 14 inches . . 30 PRESIDENT LINCOLN. (Queen of Violets.) Light violet; splendid; height, 13 inches 30 PRINCE OF AUSTRIA. Rich orange-red; fine bedder; extensively used in Boston Public Garden; heightjsuzamchesie yx acs co aegis aes ote ac eae eee -50 *VROSERPINE. Rich deep rose; very large flower; one of the finest sorts; height, 14 in. 50 *QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS. Beautiful satiny pink; enormous flowers of perfect form: one ofthe anest Aulipss, shee lit jars ein lies mire esee te ee am ee 3-00 + QUEEN VICTORIAs 9 Goce 22 Wter71em) eae te ac) a ee 20 RACHEL RUISCH. “Rose;, height rommchlesim =.-: <<. <5 225 18.00 TOURNESOL YELLOW. Golden yellow, shaded with orange; height, 11 inches .. . .60 4.50 40.00 NAMED DOUBLE’ LATE TUEIPS: These generally begin to bloom in this latitude by the middle of May, continuing fresh and beautiful, Euan, till after Decoration Day. Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. BELLE ALLIANCE. ~\( Quevwznnera) a Violet red2 striped whites] oc.a see $0.30 $1.75-- $16:c0 Bur Frac. (Blue Celeste.) Violet blue; height, TO INCHES] xo2 es ee ee 25 178 15.00 DUKE OF YorRK. Dark rose with white border Be ale Goa fata eee eae ee 2 1.50 13.00 La CANDEUR. Pure white; very large; excellent bedding sort. aA Se cael 25 1.50 3-00 MARRIAGE DE MA FILLE. White, striped with crimson; very heantital of Ap eee fe Se ae -40 2.50 3-00 P#ONY GOLD. Golden yellow, eee WWE She setS 5 0 EAE? Sa eee oe oe ee ea 5 2.50 20.00 Pony (Rep. > Coumson = Bee Pas Sige aa oS ath ee eee 26 1.75 15.00 REX RUBRORUM. Fine scares. : ee tee Se et ee ee. Pe .30 1.75 16.00 RosE BLANCHE. Snow-white; excellent bedder; “height, 9 Inches /-eee hie. ae eee .20 1.50 12.00 YELLOW Rose. Bright golden yellow; large flower: Pate o> Ge eat ea ee =25 1.50 12.00 LATE SINGLE OR MAY-FLOWERING TULIPS. These flower in May; usually they are in full bloom about Memorial Day. They are very showy, and contain colors not found in any other class of Tulips. They are valuable for cut-flower use both to the amateur and florist. They are also in demand for bedding and for planting in clumps in borders of hardy perennials. Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000, BIZARRES. Flowers with yellow Sg spe or feathered with crimson, purple, or white .. = (eines. $0.20 <4 S125 eenweon BYBLEMENS. W Rie erounds, striped or “marized Ww Eh purple, Wes: or eee ee es 25 1,50 12.00 Roses. White grounds, marked with scarlet, pink, or red, These are most useful for florists, the poles being, desirable foricnttins purposes <7. ls) eee aes en wee ee 225 1.75 14,00 EXTRA FINE MIXED, All colors Bo eg cee Setluria | FANT Cet Pett ames eevee Ee am a 25 1,50 12,00 The following varieties of May-flowering Tulips are very beautiful and have become exceedingly popular both for bedding and cutting use: Bouton D’OR. (/da.) Pure deep yellow; beautiful, large, globe-shaped flowers . . 30 2.00 17.00 CORNUTA. (Chinese Horned Tulip.) Yellow, striped scarlet; petals curiously twisted, like spiral horns... S94 se) et Ad tah a Oe ia et .60 4.00 35-00 FEORENTINA \QDORATA. ~ Yellow, violet'scented= very hardy «a> eee 30 2.00 18.00 GESNERIANA Major. Very large flowers, brilliant scarlet, with blue-black centre; lasts several weeks. An excellent beddme Tulip y=. F- 35 225 20.00 GOLDEN EAGLE. (Yellow Crown.) Large, handsome yellow flowers, ‘with pointed petals edged crimson . . Pee 30 1.75 15-00 GreIcI. Intense scarlet, black centre, anthers. pure yellow: ee) “magnificent : corti. Ar ; 1.80" 12:08 IsABELLA. Bright rose, flaked with white . . nthe) ne an te een Gree ae .50 3-50 30.00 May Bossom. Pure white, beautifully striped with bright EOSe ie strats -60 4.50 40.00 PICOTEE. (JZatden’s Blush.) White, ee and margined with bright ¢ eerise.-- ious .60 4.50 40.00 RETROFLEXA. Deep yellow; large; petals long, tapering, and gracefully recurved . 1.50 9.00 80.00 SUMMER Beauty. White, flaked with rose =). pe eh 3) ee oe T.00 7-00 VIRIDIFLORA. Green, margined with yellow; immense size; odd and beautiful . . . .40 3-00 27.00 WHITE Crown. White . . eT ee i tee mt eer .20 1.25 II.00 WHITE SWAN. Pure white; large egg-shaped flowers; cheight,, 14: inches, «25 a5.0 35 2.25 20.00 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. COPYRIGHT i902 BY F.&d. FARQUHAR & O0- Darwin Tulips. Pewic® Da PELE S: A distinct species of late-flowering Tulips, producing enormous flowers of most brilliant colors and interest- ing forms. The flowers before opening resemble the neck of a Parrot, and the petals are curiously cut or fringed. These Tulips are exceedingly showy and worthy of more general cultivation. Per Doz. Per 1oo. Per 1,000. ADMIRAL OF CONSTANTINOPLE. Dark red; large flowers . . CaFE BRUN. $0.30 $2.25 $18.00 Coffee color and esl iiare Meats ak lena) oe te 30), 2225 Lose Feu BRILLIANT. Dazzling REaReL GIVER YONG. © ~ =~ MIXED NARCISSUS OR DAFFODILS. Per Per Doz. 100, 20% 1.25 -35 2.00 1.25 17.00 50 a. geao Per 1,000. valuable for cutting . $0.20 $1.25 $8.00 8.00 14.00 48.00 24.00 Per Doz. Per i100. Per 1,000. $1.50 1.25 1.25 Mixen LARGE TRUMPET“ NARGISSUS 240% eet eee ORAS MixED Mrpium ‘TRUMPETS INARGCISSUS ia-ie sone ieee eee a a oe 25 MIXED DOUBLE NARCISSUS Sree ra eer SPR i Oe Mee ree rec te A a ac 25 NARCISSUS JONQUILLA OR JONQUILS. The delicately graceful forms, delicious fragrance, and deep yellow color of their blossoms have made the Jonquils favor- ites of the amateur and necessities with the florist. They are easily forced, and if started early may be flowered by Christ- mas, or even earlier. Plant six or eight bulbs in a six-inch bulb pan, covering the crowns half an inch, and treat them in the same manner as suggested for Hyacinths. Per Doz. Per 1oo. Per 1,000. DOUBLE, SWEET SCENTED. Fine Beep yellowert ms, “vere! iehiee $0.40 $2.50 $18.00 SINGLE, SWEET SCENTED. Deep yellow; free blooming .. . 15 1.00 5.00 CAMPERNELLE. Large deep yellow flowers, excellent for cutting . .20 1.00 6.00 RucuLosus. Rich yellow; very fragrant flowers; the largest HOnGna ray Cer wane ae fo ye 20 1.20 8.00 SILVER JONQUIL. (Narcissus Ten- wor.) Pale primrose flowers on slender stems, very graceful. . 1.00 6.50 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 at I,000 RATES. Double Jonquils. $12.00 10.00 10.00 BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 19 POLYANTHUS NAR- CISSUS. A very decorative class of bulb- ous plants for greenhouse and win- dow cultivation, but not hardy out of doors in our climate. They pro- duce enormous trusses of delicately fragrant flowers, varying in color from snowy white to deep yellow. Treat the bulbs in the same manner as noted for Hyacinths, except that the bulbs should be set half an inch deeper in the soil. They may be easily and quickly forced; our flor- ists frequently have them in bloom by Thanksgiving. Of the Paper White variety we carry only the improved Large-flower- ing type of the Riviera, Our mam- moth bulbs of this sort usually pro- duce three to five trusses of flowers each. This sort is the best of all for forcing. Mont Cenis is one of the best yellow-cupped varieties for forcing. EARLY LARGE-FLOWERING PAPER WHITE. The earliest, largest, and most vigorous form of the Paper White ; the best of all for very early forcing; pure white EARLY LARGE-FLOWERING PAPER WHITE, MAMMOTH BULBS ........ EarLty DousLE RoMAN. White, with deep yellow cup; large flower trusses; excellent OTE ANNI MOCVD: SES BE es a UE occ eR ee aan a ea ae Re ee a BAZELMAN Major. Large white flower, with yellow cup; fragrant, fine compact truss GLORIOSA. Pure white, with orange Gilpswldtae tnusss ee ee hes 4k os GRAND MONARQUE. Pure white, with lemon cup; large flower and truss GRAND Primo. Pure white; pale yellow cup . GRAND SOLEIL D’OR. Yellow, with orangecup ... . JAUNE SUPREME. Primrose, orange cup; large and fine truss MonT CENIS. Pure white, yellow cup; one of the finest forcing sorts NEwTon. Yellow with orange cup; large. WHITE PEARL. Pure white Seta WHITE VARIETIES MIXED . YELLOW VARIETIES MIXED ALL CoLors, MIXED Ten Fae ls BETES. By mail, add 15 cents per dozen for postage. are’ mostly white with yellow cups and are very fragrant. ton, and we have arranged for a supply from that locality. Original Baskets, thirty bulbs, $1.75 per basket. Chinese Sacred Narcissus. By mail, add § cents per bulb for postage. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. Polyanthus Narcissus. $0.30 35 215 2.00 .50 .50 .50 .60 65 .80 75 .60 v5 25 215 CHINESE SACRED NARCISSUS. JOSS FLOWER OR ORIENTAL NEW YEAR’S LILY. These may be grown in pots of earth, but are more interesting and very satisfactory in bowls partially filled with pebbles and water. As the roots develop they form a net- work about. the pebbles, thus supporting the plant when in bloom. started and grown in bright light, but carefully protected from draughts. EXTRA LARGE BULBS, SELECTED, IO cents each, $1 per dozen. $1.75 2.00 1.50 12.00 2250 3-50 3-50 4.50 4.50 5.00 5 00 4.00 1.75 1.75 1.75 Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. $12.00 15.00 10.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 42.00 45.00 . 33-00 15.00 15.00 15.00 They should be The flowers In visiting China recently, we learned that the best bulbs are produced near Can- 20 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. AMARYLEIS. Wachee eer Doz wlewnoos BELLADONNA Major. ( Be/- ladonna ~Lily.) Flow- ers white, flushed and tipped with deep rose; extra large bulbs.” --"— $o:20)) 9)2.00.) = Sua7ee DEFIANCE. Rich carmine, striped and suffused with WiDTtCR Tags so teens. se ST 7.50 EQUESTRIS. Scarlet, with broad white stripes, ex- tending from the throat to half way up the seg- TETAS a: Ei von cee eee a 50 4.00 25-00 FORMOSISSIMA. (Facobean Lily.) Dark crimson . 15 1.50 8.00 HIPPEASTRUM, NEw Hy- BRIDS. (J7fata.) The finest race of Amaryllis in cultivation; exceeding in the size and fine form of their flowers as well as in the diversity of col- ors and markings, all former hybrids. The segments are of nearly uniform size, giving the flowers a regular trum- pet form ecu ee ae 1.00 9.00 60.00 JOHNSONI. (Barbadoes Spice Lily.) Enormous - bright crimson flowers with a white stripe Amaryllis Hipeastrum. through each segment; magnificent Sec 50 5.00 38.00 Lutes. (Mount Etna Lily.) Bright golden yellow; hardy if well covered during the 42101 =) eee eo ee em ean oe Rae ey Per een eS orniee es Gn BELA A SE og ot OS aS S250 PRINCE OF ORANGE. Orange scarlet Ee ae er to ho Go Nias eee OO ADIOO RETICULATUM STIATEFOLIUM., . Lilac, striped=wihttte, ic: cp. ecto een ee ee eee OMS OO VALLOTA PURPUREA. (Scarborough Lily.) Vivid scarlet; most effective for piazza pots ang) vasesiin: summer and autumn gue Mets oi ee ioe ioe toe meio eee ene ee ear ease ee 50 5-00 35-00 ZEPHYRANTHES RosEA. Beautiful rose-pink flowers, three to four inches across . . . 05 .40 2.50 ZEPHYRANTHES CANDIDA. (fazry [zly.) Pure white, delicately scented. . . . . 05 -40 2.50 ADONIS VERNALIS. Hardy perennial plant with beautiful cup-shaped yellow flowers and delicately divided leaves; height, six inches. Each, 10 cents; $1.00 per dozen; $6.00 per 100. AGAPANP EUS)“ Cijrccaneiziy Handsome summer and autumn flowering plants, throwing up large umbels of twenty to thirty blossoms. They should be grown in pots or tubs, in soil similar to that suggested for Hyacinths. They are particularly suitable for piazza or terrace decoration, and may also be forced in the greenhouse. UMBELLATUS. Fine blue. Each, 25 cents; $2.50 per dozen; by mail, 35 cents each. UMBELLATUS ALBUS, White. Each, 20 cents; $2.00 per dozen; by mail, 30 cents each. ALLIUM. Per Doz. Per 100, seer 1-G00: AUREUM. (Moly.) Hardy spring-flowering border plant with bright yellow flowers, ME RURSMORUNAN NS Gee Scns Ts/p. oi s\lnos, gos Wie” ncaa: AZUREUM. Deep azure-blue flowers in large umbels . a ee eS NEAPOLITANUM. Large heads of pure white flowers, very hardy; extensively forced by $0.15 $0.75 $6.00 85 5.50 45-00 florists for cutting purposes cw ha? te nee peek edie see ee 15 ra25 8.00 OsTROWSKIANUM. A beautiful new variety from Asia Minor, with large umbels of purplish-red flowers; hardy and early oe tbe Ky Sa ok Ung ae ne 30 2.00 15 00 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT 100 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. PLANTS, BULBS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 21 ANEMONES. None of the spring flowers surpass the Anemone in brilliancy , of color and profusion of bloom. They are very lasting, and have of recent years become very popular for cut-flower use and for table decorations. ‘The florists now buy thousands of them to force. Plant in October or November, six roots ina six-inch pot or bulb pan, covering them oneinch. They may be kept in a cellar or frame protected from frost until spring, when they may be placed in the greenhouse or window to bloom. Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. SINGLE FINEST Mixep. Including many colors . Meee cei $0.20 $1.00 $7.50 SINGLE BLUE. Charming variety . 25 T5Or el2.c9 SINGLE SCARLET. Very brilliant. 30 er ne WOO SINGLE WHITE, (Zhe Lride.) Pure white, beautiful ae Le eS ar, SINGLE APPENINA, (Slue Wood An- emone.) Flowers large, beautiful Skyeblues very early. . .. 5 *- SINGLE FULGENS. (Scarlet Wind Flower.) Flowers dazzling scarlet; large and numerous; one of the best for forcing tp Look i.) teat SINGLE DE CAEN. (Gant French Poppy-flowered.) These produce an abundance of very large flowers of brilliant and varied colors . . . 30 eign L500, Str. BriGip. (/rish Anemone.) Flowers mostly semi-double; in shades of scarlet, blue, and purple; excellent for cutting Beta DouBLE MIXED. Including the best sorts A fe Re S| DouBLE CERES. White, shaded with rose; very beautiful se A ets coke DousLE KING OF SCARLETS. Brill- 208 e255 9-00 35 2,00 16.00 AOI 257/525 OO .60 3.50 30.00 25 i'(0) © SZ2-(0f0 Ass O0)3627450 lant vermilion scarlet. 20s. =. s 35 2350), (22.00 DousLe Lorp NELSON. Violet . 35 2.50 22.00 DouBLE RosetTeE. Dark pink; Single Anemone. charming SW fhe trae 30 ALCO Tie LCO ANEMODMAS JAPONICA. See page 22. ANOMATHECA CRUENTA. __A very pretty, Freesia-like plant for pot culture, growing about nine inches high with scarlet flowers crimson. Per dozen, 20 cents; per 100, $1.00. ANTHERICUM. Desirable hardy plants with elegant lily-like flower spikes; excellent for cutting. RemDoze. MULIAGGENEATOR. .-CSi. Germard-s Lily.)) White; height 144 feet’. VF"... 5 ow 6 OS. $0.50 Mites SMRUME ECE eo77i20 See 2iy.) Winites, height 1i>feet- so. a OR ae5O ARUM. Ornamental plants with calla-shaped leaves and flowers; curious and interesting. i } Each. Per Doz. DRACUNCULUS. (Dragon flower.) Large purple flowers, and curiously marbled Ses ea ann a Mae MS Ger ie cr Wel Sel vay, 8, 8 ip ie ge A ee DOs $1.50 ITALICUM. Spotted yellow foliage . : : PGR pecs. Lee MON haan cA aie eee a es .05 .40 MACULATUM. Leaves spotted with white; flowers white; hardy with covering during winter Ce eee See on eM Siew oes. Re eke olf or Beet reer Mere ep Myst Me) ve -10 “75 See MUM meena.) CAnte PULPIeHOWEIS, 2. sh A a oe, es 225 2.00 By mail, add § cents each for postage. Nor tOwoRIe) Ss LUTEUS: Ornamental hardy border plant growing about two feet in height; flowers yellow. Each, 10 cents; per doz., 85 cents; per 100, $5.00. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 at I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. spotted Per 190. $3.50 3°50 Per 100. $10.0¢ 2.50 5.00 15.00 22 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. ANEMONE JAPONICA. AUTUMN—-FLOWERING JAPANESE ANEMONES. Very ornamental hardy plants, flowering early in Sep- tember and continuing into November. They grow about three feet in height, and the long-stalked, erect flowers are strikingly beautiful. The plants should be protected with pine boughs or coarse straw during winter. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. ALBA. (Honorine Fobert.) Large, single pure white flowers, with yellow centre . $0.15 $1.50 $9.00 APPLEBLOSSOM. Blush, very pleasing shade ise: -20 2.00 12.00 Rosea. Rosy pink, large and free blooming. 2 see a 1.50 9.00 WHIRLWIND. Large, double white flower, yellow centre . sie 1.50 9.00 BABIANA. Charming spring-flowering plants for the greenhouse, with dark green, hairy leaves; in habit resembling Sparaxis. The colors range from pale lavender and delicate pink to violet and crimson, and are very effective. Plant six or eight bulbs in a six-inch bulb pan. MIXED VARIETIES, many elegant colors. Per dozen, 40 cents; per 100, $2.50. BULBOCODIUM VERNUM. (Meadow Saffron.) One of the earliest-blooming, hardy spring flowers, with rosy purple crocus-like blossoms, four inches high. Plant the bulbs four inches deep. Each, 10 cents; per dozen, SM Anemone Japonica. $1.00; per 100, $6.50. CALOCHORTUS. (Mariposa or Butterfly Tulzps.) These Californian flowers somewhat resemble the Tulip in shape and erect habit of growth. The colors include shades of white, lilac, crimson, yellow, and blue, many of the flowers being veined, spotted, or edged with deep yellow. They may be forced in the greenhouse, planted in protected cold frames, or set out of doors in May or June. FINEsT VARIETIES MIXED. Each, Io cents; per dozen, $1.00; per 100, $7.00. CALLA. (2&ichardia.) The temperature for Callas should be rather warm; the soil open and rich, and they should be liberally watered. Callas will bloom continually summer and winter if kept in growing condition, or they may be allowed to dry off and remain dormant a portion of the year. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. FETHIOPICA. (White Calla Lily.) First Size. 154,to 20. diam. <7 2 2 = | SOstgae pees $8.00 EXTRA: LARGE. 2 to 244 in: diam. =... 0 © ( ws Sadie Saar ep is LOM .OO 7.00 Chionodoxa Luciliz. COLCHICUM. (The Autumn- eo i Flowering Crocus.) These interesting bulbous plants produce their large Crocus-like blossoms in September, the leaves not ap- pearing till the following spring. They are quite hardy, and are particularly adapted for planting among shrubs, under trees, or other shady situations. Per Doz. Per 100. Per1,000. AUTUMNALE, (Meadow Saf- fron.) Large lilac blos- SOMS< ch. 4, Wass, sheet otab eles ohn Oe OOlmE DAE CO Nmap a GeOO AUTUMNALE ALBUM. Large pure white flowers; very eeOMNS 4 Bg ee 1.00 6.00 50.00 AUTUMNALE MIXED, Many colors, including white, lilac, purple, and striped . .60 4.00 35-00 AGRIPPINUM. Large lilac flowers; very fine; free blooming. ire et Le75un 2.00 CONVALLARIA. See Lily-of-the- Valley. Sen oor DiIbbyYTRA) SPECTA BILIS: Be ees 2" (Llceding Heart.) A well-known hardy plant, bearing in spring long racemes of deep rose-pink, pendent flowers. Each, 15 cents; per dozen, $1.00; per 100, $6.00. By matt, Crown Imperial. add 5 cents each for postage. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES, Le) 4 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. ERYTHRONIUM. (Dog’s- Tooth Veolet.) Interesting and beautiful, hardy plants; flowering early and having curi- ously spotted leaves. Per Doz.) Ber loose aber 1,000. DENSHCANIGH Auene@em White :-.0 js) Sas * Se POL25 $1.50 $10.00 DENS, @ANISBeUPUREO. Purples. <9. 22> 225 1.50 10.00 DENS CANIS ROSEA Sti aoe" Peas aman a2 1.50 10.00 DENSE@ANISMNGFOLACEA— os SES ei eee 25 1.50 10,00 DENSBOANIS “2 MIXED .. 9.77. .20 1.00 6.50 ERANTHIS HYEMALIS. (Winter Aconite.) The earliest spring flower, the large golden yellow Buttercup-like blos- soms often expanding in the snow; height six inches; a charming plant. Per dozen, 15 cents; per 100, $1.00; per 1,000, $7.00. FREESIA. Of all South African flowering bulbs this is doubtless the best known and most esteemed. The gracefully branched, fragrant flowers are of long dura- tion, and being freely produced are profitable for commercial purposes, and satisfactory to amateurs. If planted early they may be had in bloom by Christmas. Plant eight or ten bulbs in a six-inch bulb-pan, covering them one inch. Freesia Refracta Alba Odorata. Per Doze jeer at00s es ern Ogg. REFRACTA ALBA ODORATA. Flowers pure white, with yellow throat; fragrant, and lasting for two weeks in water when Cute inst size! Bulbs? perieee ee eee OunS $1.00 $8.00 Extra eleAaLSey DS UlDSies aivcrs eueeeee eae 30 1.75 12.00 Mammo thWBullos: sm. sack eens -40 2.50 20.00 FREESIA LEICHTLINI. Flowers primrose yellow, with a small orange blotch on cach petals very, fragrant: sees sie 30 ite 75 12.00 FRITILEARTA MELEAGRIsS. GUINEA-HEN FLOWER. Exceedingly pretty, dwarf, spring-flowering plants, with large pendant, bell-shaped flowers of white, yellow, brown, and purple, usually striped or mottled. They are desirable for both house and garden cultivation. Out-of-doors the bulbs should be planted four inches deep; they are quite hardy, Per Doz. Per 100. FINEST’ MIXED... Narrow leavedi, | 32) 9) «5 (pO230 mee piengs i SN PURE WHITE. Narrow leaved, very beautiful. .60 4.00 Fritillaria Meleagris. NEw, LARGE-LEAVED VARIETIES. Mixed . . 1.00 7.00 PUNKTAS (Qay772255) Each. Per Doz. Per 100. SUBCORDATA GRANDIFLORA, ( White Day Lily.) ‘This is a vigorous, hardy border plant, with large, roundish, heart-shaped leaves, and strong spikes of fragrant, pure white trumpet-shaped flowers. . $0.20 $1.75 $10.co UNDULATA MEDIO VARIEGATA, -( Sz/ver Variegated Day Lily.) This valuable variety is now in demand for forcing; it forms a large rosette of almost white leaves, which is valuable in decorations, It is also extensively used for borders, being extremely hardy ee 530 2508 eS-00 By mail, add § cents each for postage. GATE EON. See Hyacinthus Candicans. BARLY, FLOWERING (GEADIorr These Gladioli are now extensively used by gardeners and florists for winter forcing; the dwarf, branching, gracefully- formed flowers being excellent for cut-flower use. If the spikes are cut and placed in water when the first blossoms appear, they will keep expanding and remain beautiful for a week or two. Five or six bulbs planted in six-inch bulb-pans or pots make charming groups for conservatory or window decoration; the bulbs should be set an inch and a half deep. Gladiolus Colvillei Alba. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT 100 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. BULBS, PLA NTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 25 EARLY FLOWERING GLADIOLI. — Continued. Per Doz. Per 100. Per x,000, penne O a aeons One MV ery Cede ts i. wuts” wie) st er) weer «ok ets low es.» pee pO.50 $3.00 $2mtao COLVILLE! ALBA. (7he ride.) Excellent forcing variety, producing compact spikes of pure white flowers of long duration. If planted in the open ground and protected from frost, they commence to bloom in poly ts es csc ree .20 1.00 7 AO COLVILLE! RosEA, Vew. A most beautiful variety with delicate pink flowers; a great acquisition for cut-flower use . . St Sees Ri GILG ral ort ame RR OD, ies os 40 2.00 15.00 COLVILLEI RubBRA. Purple, striped lilac; “early CE AI ACHRE b Or We eRe sake eo: atk ek ae -40 2.00 15.0 GEOXINTAS: Our strains of these are the finest in cultivation, being the production of leading European specialists. The roots should be planted in pots 5 or 6 inches in diameter, slightly covered, and sparingly watered until well started. ‘They require a warm temperature. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. MAMCHSteSORUs ay MIMcO. MONMerNO TOOTS: 6. se ad a ate ee POTS $1.50 8.00 PUOEE SRE SOMES OARGE ROOTS = Mixed: lim af 2 gel ene war ge eds eae 25 2.50 15-00 HELLEBORUS NIGER. (Christmas Rose.) The Christmas Rose is almost hardy, and if grown in cold frames with protection from frost will produce its beautiful blossoms freely throughout the winter and spring. The flowers are about three inches in diameter, pure waxy white, shaded with crimson purple. Each, 50 cents; per dozen, $5.00; per 100, $35.00 Ay mail, add 5 cents each for postage. HEMEROCALLIS. (Day Lily.) Showy, hardy plants for herbaceous borders and grouping among shrubs, bearing a succession of large, fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers, from midsummer till frost. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. AURANTIACA Major. (fapanese Giant Day Lily.) Magnificent trumpet-shaped blossoms, very broad petalled, and often six inches across; of rich orange color; very fragrant . . $0.75 $7.50 $50.00 Fava. (Yellow Day Lily.) Clear yellow; sweet-scented flowers . Riese its Ap sel Olts TOO 6.00 MiIppENpDoRFII. A Chinese variety of dwarf habit, with large, bright pellons flowers. . UP casatte3 Onis 3200 18.00 Eu PAC Ae fvcady tn October. Pretty, dwarf spring flowers, very hardy and free bloom- ing. They succeed best in rather moist and shady situations. Each. Per Doz. Per too. BEES SINGLE. uw Gebel, f shlesh GepOO) Epic Om ApOsOO IROSIDS. IDOI ONS 5G WS ON Mae eern +c 215i lei 5O 9.00 \ SUIT, eae 5 gS Hon 3 p20Re 2-007 2.00 By maul, add 5 cents for postage. 1D UANSe Charming bulbs for winter-blooming, of easy culture and producing very brilliant flowers. The colors include many shades of yellow, pink, scarlet, and crimson. ‘The centre of the flower is always distinct in color from the outer parts, the effect of which is very striking. Plant six or eight bulbs in a six-inch bulb-pan, covering them one inch, Per Per Per Doz. 100. 1,000. NAMED ARTES usat mee Meal" (21 pO.25, pils50).)12.00 FINEST MIXED NAME ens) Ph Alico aro hy, .AO-— 3200 CRATEROIDES Major. Bright scarlet; very early; splendid for forcing . . .40 3.00 27,00 RosEA PLENA MULTIFLORA. New, Sottrosestraprant Gs). 9. «8 les. 402.75 25.00 Ixia, Mixed Varieties. VIRIDIFLORA. Flowers beautiful green, with black centre; scarce . . . . 1.20 7.50 SIX. OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. 26 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. _——— Iris Germanica. IRISES. (fleur-de-Lis.) An extensive and varied class of plants, which flower chiefly in the early summer and are mostly hardy, They require rich soil and abundance of water. The finest blooms are obtained from estab- lished clumps; consequently when pianted they should remain undisturbed. Set the roots in clumps of three or more, four inches deep, and protect with leaves or other mulch during winter. In planting groups of Irises it is pos- sible to maintain a succession of bloom from May until late in the summer, by employing the four leading species, Spanish, English, German, and Japanese, which flower in the order they are named. SPANISH IRISES. (Lyris Fflispanica.) These are extremely early and produce fragrant, Orchid-like flowers of rich and beautiful colors, including pure white, yellow, bronze, blue, and purple. They are excellent for forcing either in pans or in boxes for cutting. They are quite hardy out-of-coors, requiring only slight mulching in winter. iRer Per Per i . Doz. 100. 1,000. SUPERFINE MIXED. All colors -. $0.10 $0.50 $3.00 BLANCHE SUPERBE. Pure white . - . .20 1.00; > 40300 LEANDER] Weep yellow-sege. - 50 3.00 25.00 GERMAN IRISES. (/rzs Germanica. The True Fleur-de-Lis.) See Colored Illustration on First Cover Page. These flourish either in ordinary soil or in moist situations. They are perfectly hardy and as handsome as Orchids. Their colors are of the widest range, as will be seen in the descriptions following. Delivery about the end of October. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. AurEA. Golden yellow a 1 $0.25 $2.00 $12.00 Darius. Falls lilac, white striped, standards orange Salah loka eee 35 2.75 16.00 Dupois DE MILAN. Dark purple, veined white, standards lavender, . . .. .- -40 3-00 20.00 Duc DE Nemours. Purple, edged white .50 4.00 22.CO INNOCENZA. Ivory white ayes hyve! aya 35 2.50 16 00 KocHI or ATROPURPUREA, Reddish purple 25 2.00 12.00 MACRANTHA. Standards blue, falls violet es IN RS My We : 30 2325 14.00 MADAME CHEREAU. White, elegantly frilled with azure blue . . . . . SE 05 1.20 7.50 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT IO0O0 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 27 GERMAN IRISES. — Coztinued. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. Mrs. H. Darwin. White, reticulated with violet at base . . . . . «. . . - $0.35 $2.75 $16.00 Maori KinG. Rich golden yellow standards, falls velvety crimson, margined with gold PI ECR RTS Fa at FN oie a er ee ae matcher 1, ie pA 2.00 12.00 Saran OR IVA eee ROSY UAE ied ase oral ak. aint te lag hiiely Winiematy cer ah in store «als 25 2.00 12.00 SEHCEABUCTS.\) TIGCP VElVELy) DUNG! eee ay on fol ce sae ual ia yl wes rn” ewe elm A 25 2.00 12 00 COLLECTION OF I2 VARIETIES, OUR SELECTION. From the foregoing or other fine sorts, $2.00. PER 100 CLUMPS IN IO VARIETIES, OUR SELECTION. From the foregoing or other fine sorts, $12.00. By mail, add 5 cents each for postage. JAPANESE IRISES. (/ris Kempfert.) See Colored Illustration on Last Cover Page. In these we find combinations of form and beauty far excelling any other type. The stately flowers are often 8 or 10 inches in diameter, and of wonderfully varied and beautiful colors. They include pure white lightly veined with pale yellow, delicate shades of lilac, lavender, and light blue, bright shades of rose and crimson, rich coppery red, claret, purple, violet, and dark blue; in most of them the throat is blotched with deep yellow, and in some a veination of the same color over the entire flower, contrasting beautifully with the ground color. This class particularly requires a rich, moist soil, which should be kept saturated while the flower spikes are being developed and while the plants are in bloom. Roots ready in October. SINGLE ALEXANDER VAN HuMBOLDT. White. SINGLE REINWARDTI. White, with lilac. ge DUCHESSE DE BELCOURT. Violet. es RUTHERFORD ALCOCK. Dark blue. at HELENE VON SIEBOLD. Lilac. es Tokyo. White, lilac marbled. ae Ipa. White. DOUBLE CONFUCIUS. White, blue veined. ot OUDEMANSI. Reddish lilac, white marbled. a Li HunG CHANG. White. SeeKCCO.) VV nite, fed striped: ‘¢ To Kwanc. Dark blue. Each, 25 cents; per dozen, $2.50; per 100, $15.00. Collection of 12 varieties, our selection from the foregoing or other fine sorts, $2.00. Per 100 clumps, in I0 varieties, our selection from the foregoing or other fine sorts, $12.00. By mail, add 5 cents each for postage. VARIOUS IRISES. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. HISTROIDES. Large, light-blue flowers, with dark spots; sweet scented; very hardy; if forced under glass may be had in ‘bloom by Christmas; very decorative asacut flower. . . . $0.20 $2.00 $12.00 Pavonia. (Leacock Iris.) A lovely dwarf species for pot culture; flow- ers white, with a bright-blue spot on The Japanese and Ger- | man Irises we offer are strong flowering clumps, not the single stems gen- erally sold. each petal ete EAs OGe 8. 20 SUSIANA, (The Mourning Iris.) Flowers of an enormous size, blush tinted brown, with a network of purple-brown lines. . . "25,2550 Tuperosa, (Snake's Head ; Iris.) Flowers velvety black and green; CMON a See ee aoe SORA. 30 LACHENALIAS: Beautiful bulbous plants for greenhouse and window decoration, of very easy culture. The flowers are tubular, borne on erect spikes, and of long duration. The leaves are long and broad, somewhat drooping, and beautifully spotted. If started early they may be had in bloom by Christ- mas. Plant five or six bulbs in a six-inch bulb- pan, one inch deep. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. NELSONI. Long spikes of bright golden-yellow flow- eis tew. ¢ . 4-0.) $0.30 893700 $20:00 QUADRICOLOR. Scarlet, yel- law and GLCen in. i) + 120% 2:00. . 14.00 TRICOLOR. Yellow and red, M@pReG PTCEH sass a”. 410;. #00 7.00 Lachenalia Nelsoni. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT 100 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. 28 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’"S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. LILIES BOR, FORCING 4 The bulbs may be potted from August onward ina compost of equal parts turfy loam, leaf mould, rotten cow manure, and sand. It is best to start them in pots not exceeding twice their own diameter, in which they may remain till started eight inches or more. They should be transferred then to larger pots in which to bloom, exercising great care not to disturb the roots or break away the soil from about them, and setting them considerably deeper in the larger pots. This method prevents the soil from becoming sour, and en- ables the roots forming at the base of the stem to be- come feeders, greatly increasing the number and size of the blossoms. LILIUM CANDIDUM. (Zhe Ascension or Old Fashioned English Lent tly.) These are grown for us in the north of France, and are the large, thick-petalled variety. Pure white bell- shaped flowers, borne on erect racemes, excellent both for forcing and open garden cultivation. Bulbs from the Marseilles district have become degenerate and affected by disease. They should be avoided. MAMMOTH NORTHERN GROWN. Each, Io cents; per doz., $1.00; per 100, $6.00; per 1,000, $58.00. By mail, add 5 cents each, for postage. LANGWATER GARDENS, NortTH EAstTon, MAss. May 26, 1902. Messrs. R. & J. FARQUHAR & Co, : Dear Sirs, — The Lilium Candidum we had from you last August have been superb. On our forced plants many of the spikes carry from 12 fo 15 flowers and buds each, and numerous bulbs produced two flower stalks. Not one of the 500 bulbs suppited has a trace of disease which for years has been so rife, and which has discouraged so many from continuing the culture of this superb lily. Yours very truly, WILLIAM N. CRAIG, Head Gardener to Mrs. F. L. Ames. PN PNET SEARS BY FAL FANGUAATE CT. (The Bermuda Easter Lily ) Very choice, thoroughly ripened bulbs, from the Lilium Harrisii. finest stock in Bermuda. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. FINE FLOWERING BULBS. , 5 to 7mecitca’ >. . © = $0.10) 1.00) ) 7.00 Per case of 400, $26.00. EXTRA, LARGE BULBS 7etonOuI i meinCel pa oetae 0 cura nie .20 2.00 15.00 Per case of 200, $28.00. MAMMOTH SIZE.) 407to sinitCInG. wel eaiec vu a-e eaS .50 4.50 30.00 LILIUM LONGIFLORUM. (Sermuda Grown.) Each. Per Doz. Per 100. FINE FLOWERING BULBS. 5,to0 7am. circ. § 50s 940 yee pO-10) | DELCO $6.50 Per case of 400, $24.00. EXTRA LWARGEODULBS 7) fOrO) dn wc amet mere le ores .20 1.75 13.00 Per case of 200, $25.00. VMAMMODE SIZE. 0. TOnLL In eCln Ga 42115. alee erm ce -40 3.50 25.00 LILIUM LONGIFLORUM. (¥afan Grown.) We have visited Fapan, and now get the best Bulbs produced there. ‘ Each. Per Doz. Per 100. BxTRAMUARGE BULBS, > 7 TO,OMy Circ. .. .% . suecs a eeepOsisy ab nieoR $6.00 Per case of 300, $16.50. SaLECIED TBULBS.. 6,tO "IO", CltCy 775s: sul i es Ge) .20 ee fis 12.00 Per case of 200, $22.00. By mail, at the price of single bulbs. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. LILIES FOR wre OPEN. GROUND. The increased production of many varieties of these in Japan has greatly re- duced their cost, and in consequence their use has now become very general. It is our opinion that we should plant the bulbs much deeper than we have done heretofore. While traveliing in Japan, we found that the bulbs of the wild Lilies were usually twelve to eighteen inches below the surface, and we gathered the finest flowers from specimens growing on mountains of decaying lava where they had abundant rainfall and ample drainage. We believe that varieties hke Azura- zum and Sfectosum would be favored by being set ten or twelve inches deep and would be less affected by frost and drought. The beds should be thoroughly covered with leaves or litter during winter. Many of the late-flowering sorts can- not be shipped from Japan until October; persons desiring to plant in the autumn should therefore prepare the beds and cover them with leaves to prevent the ground freezing until the bulbs arrive. Lilium Auratum. The following Lilies sent by matl at the price of single bulbs. Each. Per Doz. AURATUM. (Golden-rayed Fapanese Lily.) Fowers 6 to 8 inches in width, pure white, with a wide band of gold running through the centre of each petal and numerous eamcantspotse « Extra laree bulbs, 10 tors im. Cire, -. 9. 6 + st ee $0.30) $3.00 AuRATUM Pictum. A broad yellow or red band extends from the base to the tip of each fetal, Bulbs g to 10 in, circ, Meee THER ite omen eT nk te tT ne Ie Oe .30 3.00 AuRATUM VITTATUM RuBRuUM. Flowers pure white, with broad crimson band in the centre of each petal; numerous crimson spots. Bulbs 8 to g in. circ, ste bahar ANG 125 12,00 BATEMANNI,° A most beautiful Japanese variety, growing 3 feet high, with six to eight apricot-colored flowers on a stem; blooms in July and August . . . . ... . 15 1,50 BROwNI. Large trumpet-shaped flowers, interior pure white, exterior purplish brown; CE TRESS ere Se th 3 Lael ig Ie Aileen) ae 75 7-50 CANADENSE, (Canadian Lell-Flower Lily.) One of our most beautiful native lilies, Bower packtwecllow, withthblaekspats) ar se. 8s afte oe Ss ae Oe eS 15 1.25 CANADENSE RUBRUM, Crimson, spotted with black; 2 to 3 feet; flowers June and July Beals 1.50 CaNDIDUM, ‘The earliest and one of the most beautiful sorts, large trusses of pure SUMED IES OLA MUR OW ET Se: APU can wnt oa Se aD IS Oa a vcore Ciel tat ao ae Ogg .10 1.00 CHALCEDONICUM, (Scarlet Turk’s Cap.) Brilliant scarlet recurved flowers; height, 3 feet; bloomsin June . . ae eat eee. ts £50 5.00 CoLcHICcUM. (Monodelphum or Scovitzianum,) Beautiful golden yellow, spotted with ete oer ETO ae elie OC ISOL EL teats? 5 x) Wishes) eiP dugg’ eolbinl ak Coa w - ph he gees a 75 7-50 ConcoLor. Brilliant scarlet with black spots; 2 feet Be tae ier pace tage eae 10 1,00 ELEGANS, THUNBERGIANUM, OR UMBELLATUM. ‘These vary in color from yellow to orange-crimson, usually with black spots. From eight to twelve flowers are produced on each stem; height, about 2 feet. They bloom in June and July, are exceedingly hardy, and are most effective for grouping among shrubs. ELEGANS ATROSANGUINEUM. Richdeep crimson, with dark spots... . . . . 25 2.50 ELEGANS AURANTIACUM. Deep yellow, spotted with black . 4 ihe Mel eae er ee “15 1-50 ELEGANS ERECTUM. Orange, spotted with scarlet; erect flowers . . . | 15 1.50 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT IOO RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. ———— — — —>_—_ Per 100. $20.00 20,00 80,00 10,00 55.00 9.00 11,00 6.00 36.00 55.00 6.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 30 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.”"S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. Lilium Batemanni. PHILADELPHICUM. Bright orange-red, with purple spots, 2 beech. july “te coe eats SPECIOSUM OR LANCIFOLIUM. The most popular class of Japanese Lilies, their hardi- ness, free growth, and branch- ing habit rendering them most valuable for permanent beds and borders, They grow from 3 to 4 feet in height and con- tinue in bloom from August until frost. SPECIOSUM ALBUM, Pure white, fragrant so, GES ten eee SPECIOSUM MELPOMENE, White, suffused with darkest crimson , SPECIOSUM RuBRUM. White, shaded and spotted with rosy ERUMNSOD Meg's. tse: S- eaee SUPERBUM, (7urk’s Cap Lily.) Rich orange, petals tipped red and dark spotted, 3 to 4 feet; blooms in July and August TENUIFOLIUM, (Coral Lily.) A very graceful miniature Lily with fiery scarlet flowers, 114 feet, July . 5 tered (ees TIGRINUM. (7iger Lily.) Orange, spotted black, 3 to 4 feet, August, very hardy TIGRINUM FLORE PLENO. (Double flowering Tiger Lily.) Reto deel, ws > oh ae See eae OR OSC tie eerie By mail, add 15 cents per dozen for postage. UMBELLATUM. (Star of Bethlehem.) A hardy, dwarf variety, with clusters of white. star- shaped flowers © 200 (Ge Se ce) ee ee re a kre, Sa ae alee tee ele toes nc tein OXALIS. Lovely little bulbous plants for hanging pots and baskets. The bulbs should be planted an inch deep» six or eight i ina 5-inch pot. They need a sunny situation. Per Per Per Doz. 100. 1,000. BERMUDA Buttercup. A large and free-flowering form of Cernua from Bermuda, flowers clear yel- ° low; very beautiful 2+... Go Ah 2) Soe boo S2ecoerereae Bowell. One of the finest sorts, with large rosy crim- son fiowers and handsome foliage; large bulbs . .30 2.00 HUIRTA.. Deep rose, delicate foliage ae eee .25.. 1:50 10.00 MARTIANA. A dwarf-growing sort usually cov ered with many small blood-red blossoms; very fas- cinating’ «ss °° 6 AL eS ek. ee ne A MULTIFLOR« ‘ALBA... Pure white»; ~~ <3) 2) 4) DOs Beha nee VERSICOLOR.. = Red, violet, and™white. . =. 40% -20 5.25) | 6.66 Oxalis, Bermuda Buttercup. MIXED VARIETIES. Many sorts reer one meee it Peery Je il . « PANCRATIUM. (Sfzder Lily.) MARITIMUM. (Sea Daffodil.) An Amaryllis-like plant with large umbels of showy, fragrant, white flowers with long filamentous segments. Each, 15 cents; per dozen, $1.25; per 100, $9.00. By mail, add 5 cents each for postage. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 33 Y CO . frail LAS \\ A YY PENN W ANY \ VAM CHINESE PVEONIES. (eonia Sinensis.) Pzeonies succeed best on rich, well-drained, sunny land, where they can be liberally supplied with water during the early summer months. Strong roots, each, 25 cents; per dozen, $2.50; per 100, $18.00; unless otherwise priced. ANEMONEFLORA RuBRA. Dark carmine. Bicotor (Lemoine). Outer petals white, tinged with rose; cream centre, crimson blotch on centre petals. BARON JAMES DE ROTHSCHILD. Silvery rose, semi-double. CHARLES GROSSELIN. Salmon with yellow. CHRYSANTHEMIFLORA. Rosy white, with yellow and white centre; filaments citron color; very early. Duc DE CAzEs. Carmine, centre salmon; anemone-formed. DucHESSE DE Nemours. White with primrose, charming flower. Each, $0.60; per dozen, $6.00; per 100, $45.00. DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Soft white, with cream-white centre. Each, $0.50; per dozen, $5.00; per 100, $38.00. Eputis Ags. White, large very double flower; extra fine. Each, $0.50; per dozen, $5.00; per 100, $36.00. EpULIS SUPERBA. Satin rose, with white bands; magnificent flower. Faust. Rosy white; splendid flower, FesTIvA MAXIMA. Enormous flower, pure white, centre marked carmine, one of the very best sorts. Each, $0.60; per dozen, $6.00; per 100, $45.00. Formosa (Kelway). White, with slight tinge of blushinthe centre. Each, $0.50; per dozen, $5.00; per 100, $35.00. FRAGRANS. Light purple. PURPUREA SUPERBA. Dark red, extra. GRANDIFLORA SUPERBA. Rose and white. QUEEN VICTORIA. Rosy white, yellowish centre, HAMLET. Deep red, large bloom. spotted carmine, Louis VAN HouTTE. Carmine. RUBENS. Dark red. Maxima. Pinkish white, centre primrose. Each, RUBRA TRIUMPHANS. Crimson-maroon. $0.50; per dozen, $5.00; per 100, $36.00. WASHINGTON. Bright rose, very large. PRINCESS—-MATHILDE. Wine red. JAPANESE TREE PAZONIES. (Peontia Mutans.) There are several classes of Japanese Ponies. The ‘‘ Botan,’’ a shrubby variety bearing single, semi-double, or full-double flowers, frequently 10 or 12 inches in diameter, is the most prized. We have visited Japan and we have personal knowledge as to where the best sorts are grown. Our importations include the finest forms, ranging in color from white to deep crimson. Each, $0.75; per dozen, $7.50; per 100, $60.00. P/AEONIA TENUIFOLIA. (Fern-Leaved Peony.) Each. Per Doz. Per 100. Hach. Per Doz: Per 100. SINGLE. Shining crimson . $0.25 $2.50 $15.00 | DousLe. Shining crimson . $0.50 $5.00 $30.00 By mail, add 10 cents each for postage on all Pzeonies. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT 100 RATES. J. FARQUHAR & CO’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. ooo COPYRIGHT 1902 BY R.£3.FARQUHAR = OU. Scilla Siberica. Per Per Doz. 100. Per 1,000. SIBERICA. (Amana or Precox.) Flowers charming bright blue, of compact growth, five to six inches high; beautiful in com- bination with Snowdrops or Crocuses, also excellent for forcing in pans; extra-large bulbs. 6° ss se poe eee me O. 2Opae Sep L500 CAMPANULATA CC&RULEA. Bright blue; height; one foot, 5 4585 | =20) 9i:25)9 10.00 CAMPANULATA ALBA. Pure white, waxy bellS: 92s) s-eeei es e4O 2 5e aE OLOO CAMPANULATA RosEA. Delicate NOSE ties Bnei ose you giclee a te 30 —12,75,. 15.00 NuTANns C@RULEA. Blue, long spikes “Violet: bhueiia tigers eta, aera eri ste eee ko) Cc ueeiel aa ae Stee ae Siils 75 TRIER OME: (Red-Hot Poker or Fire Lily.) Magnificent autumn-flowering hardy plants, bearing large spikes of brilliant flowers three or four feet in height. For lawn and shrubbery groups they are unrivalled, producing a gorgeous and pleasing display from August till frost. They succeed best in rather dry soil and require to be well mulched during winter. mtr Each. Per Doz. Per 100. UVARIA GRANDIFLORA, EXTRA STRONG ROOTS: 9. Ge au Ose ene Four tp S-OO By mail, add 10 cents each for postage. TRIEEONTA: ~ Be we T } - = FFM LD SE * Very attractive bulbous plants for pot culture, free blooming (a ee = aA res . . rr . —_~ 2 —— > nd 2 ae Os: and easy of cultivation. They grow from 15 inches to 2 feet ee ee a ee in height, of graceful habit, and vary in color from rosy white to orange-scarlet. Six bulbs may be planted in a six-inch bulb-pan or pot, one inch deep. Tritoma Uvaria Grandiflora. Per Doz. Per 100. AUREA, Golden yellow... 1s ey wet) apes one ee $3.00 Crocata TYPE. Shades of orange and’scarlet) 205 2 2) eed eee ee Lee 8.co Bike MIXED. . Many colors. 2°. oan see es on et 5 Sie tn aS 25 1.50 TROPAZOLUM. Charming climbing plants for pot cultivation in the conservatory or window; with delicate foliage and elegant flowers. They are usually trained over balloon-shaped trellises. Plant three or four bulbs in an eight-inch pot, covering them one and a half inches. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. J ARRATTII. ( Tricolorum.) Scarlet, yellow , and black . ; an Fer Nerd ae $0.15 $1.50 $9.00 BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 37 HARDY PERENNIAL PHLOXEs. Among hardy herbaceous plants none are more gorgeous and more easily grown than these. They are perfectly hardy, succeeding in any garden soil, and producing magnificent spikes of showy and lasting flowers, year after year, with comparatively little care. The varieties we offer are among the finest in cultiva- tion and comprise the best and most dis- tinct colors. Height, two-and-a-half to three feet. STRONG FLOWERING CLUMPS. Each, 20 cents; per dozen, $2.00; per 100, $12.00. Delivery about the end of Novem- ber. It is well to prepare the ground for these Phloxes in October and cover it over with straw or leaves to keep out the frost and admit of planting when the roots come to hand. AMPHITRYON. Beautiful rose, centre white. AzUREA. Purplish blue, BouLE DE Feu. Cherry red, very brilliant. COQUELICOT. Orange-scarlet, centre purple. DiaDEM. White, large trusses. Glowing crimson, extra fine. ECLAIREUR. ETNA. EUGENE SCOTT. JEANNE D’ARC. LEONARDO DA VINCI. Deep red. Porcelain blue and white. Pure white. White, with carmine eye. PANTHEON. Deep rose. PECHEUR D’ISLANDE. Fiery red, with white eye. RHODODENDRONS. ORDERS BOOKED NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY. | Rhododendron. ENGLISH, HARDIEST HYBRIDS, large assortment of the best English-grown, large-flowering, We import annually a hardy sorts. These plants, being grown on English heathland, are of hard, stocky growth, with abundance of fibrous roots and well set with flower buds. They are better suited to our vari- able climate than the soft-wooded and scantily-rooted plants grown at half the cost on the lowlands of Holland and usually sold here for no less prices. FINE PLants. Each, $1.50; 100, $125. LARGER PLANTs. 100, $175.00. SPECIMEN PLANtTs. Each, $2.50 and $3.00; per dozen, $30.00 and $36.00, according to size. per dozen, $18.00; per Each, $2.00; per dozen, $24.00; per NATIVE RHODODENDRONS. Catawbiense and Maximum. These are particularly valuable for back grounds and to impart a furnished appearance to new grounds, Prices on application, Car-lots at special rates. Re& a. PARQUHAR © ie 6) & CO.”S AUTUMN CATALOGUE pr CORA HVE PLANTS. We send no plants by mare NTT aii Araucaria Excelsa. CYCAS “REVOLUTA: summer. developed since arrival in our greenhouses. Strong plants in 6-inch pots, each, $1.00; DRACAENA INDIVISA. foliage; being easily grown, it is adapted to house decoration. Each. Doz PLANTS i 35-inch. poston". Seo) x «eee 3 $0.50 $5.00 DARGER! PLANTS "cs, Soe oe sts 1,00 10.00 PLANTS in 4-inch pots, 10 in. high PLANTS in 5-inch pots, 15 in. high PLANTS in 6-inch pots, 24 in. Ficus Elastica. (Sago Palm.) One of the hardiest conservatory plants, also useful for piazza decorations in We offer Japanese stock, our own importation, with strong crowns larger plants, each, $2.00 to $8.00. (Fountain Plant.) The long slender leaves contrast beautifully with Palms and plants of heavier HICGS EiiASs MCA. (Rubber Plant.) high l unless specially stated. ARAUCARIA -EXCEESA (Norfolk Island Pine.) The rich, feathery, deep-green branches of this charming conifer are arranged in whorls at regular distances on the stem. It is one of the most graceful and beautiful foliage plants grown. and very serviceable for house and conserva- tory decoration. Each. Per Doz. 12 in. high $1.00 $10.00 20 in. high 2,00 22.00 24 in. high 3.00 33.00 PLANTS in 5-in. pots, 3 tiers, about PLANTS in 6-in. pots, 4 tiers, about PLANTS in 7-in. pots, 5 tiers, about ARAUCARIA EXCELSA GLAUCA: This variety differs from the preceding in the foliage being bluish green; very handsome. Each. Per Doz. $2.00 $21.00 3.00; 33:08 4.00 45.00 tiers. 14 in. high . 18 in. hich : 24 in. high . PLANTS in 6-in. pots, 3 t PLANTS in 6-in. pots, 4 tiers, PLANTS in 7-in. pots, 5 tiers, ASPIDISTRA LURIDA VARIEGATA. A decorative plant, with long. broad, corrugated, sedge-like leaves, strikingly variegated with pure white. Goop PLANTS, each, 50 cents. LARGER PLANTS, each, $1.00, $1.50. and $2.00. Cycas Revoluta. Each. Per Doz. $0.50 $5.00 Draczna Indivisa. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 39 PAE Ms: KENTIA BELMOREANA. Of the erect-growing feather-leaved Palms, this is the best adapted to house decoration, and it is one of the most beauti- ful. The foliage is glossy dark green, the segments wide and gracefully recurved. Each.» er Doz, PLANTS in 3-inch pots, 3 to 4 leaves, 12 inches Dice ss ee a we i Bag = Se SEnO@ oe Da 5O PLANTS in 4-inch pots, 4 to 5 leaves, 15 inches IR Led an tk cre eMC Fe ost ah ey Sa PLANTS in 5-inch pots, 5 to 6 leaves, 20 inches IY Saree Re many commana sie tote 5. Ge el! cients PLANTS in 6-inch pots, 6 to 7 leaves, 24 inches Dicclinmemtae e ieeae oN okt niyo ei v8, hte (2a GOl vy 25.00 75 7-50 I.50 15.00 KENTIA FOSTERIANA. An admirable Palm for conservatory and greenhouse decoration.. The segments of the leaves are erect, not droop- ing like those of A. Gelmoreana, and the plant has a more stately effect. Each. Per Doz. PLANTS in 3-inch pots, 3 to 4 leaves, 12 inches high Dr rete Atheros ee h Te MANPa EAN A SISO.30) 53400 PLANTS in 4-inch pots, 4 to 5 leaves, 15 inches high fae gern Tee nee et so SO 5.00 PLANTS in 5-inch pots, 5 to 6 leaves, 18 inches high Rei Upon seve Sey le 1.1100: LO.0O PLANTS in 6-inch pots, 6 to 7 leaves, 24 inches Hive Lie) Weta ne hae ine urn eR MERC eon ie OL 1” EGS OO BEANTS in’7-ineb pots, 36 inches high 9.9 2°... 2.50 27-00 Shh zz. PLANTS in 8-inch pots, 40 inches high . . . 3.50 38.00 Kentia Belmoreana. ARECA LUTESCENS. (Ostrich Feather Palm.) A tall, slender, and very graceful Palm, with yellowish stems and leaf stalks and bright-green foliage. Per Doz. Per Pot. Pots. REANissiee io -inchypors (iiree plantsim cach pot)r “a8. 0 ek oe he uw oe HOBO $7.50 PLANTS in 5-inch pots oe s ay Sree a Ae pe cet cette ey tra) OO II.CO PLANTS in 6-inch pots os os “ a anes th 65: | MM nds p Lah Faeemaien “NRL 32 EOO 20.00 PLANTS in 7-inch pots ee Be Man eae ns Femi te tara Ne sty od eh BGO 35.00 LARGER PLANTS, $5.00 to $30.00 each. COCOS WEDDELLIANA. Fine, delicately formed leaves of great beauty; the most slender of the upright, feather-leaved Palms. ; Each. Per Doz. Each, Per Doz. REAM o-uchepoiss| 4.) = +9) pO.30 $2.50 | PLANTS in 31-inch pots . . . . . $0.70 $6.00 GAN Momm SADC POU sy bk a 5O 5.00 | LARGER PLANTs (three in each pot), $2.00 per pot, LATANIA BORBONICA. (Fax Paim.) One of the hardiest Palms, suitable for either house or conservatory, its broad, shining, deep-green leaves being extremely decorative. Each. Per Doz. PLANTS in 314-inch pots, 3 to 5 leaves . $0.50 $5.00 PUANTS ineA-inch pots, 5 to 6 leaves =) = 170 6.00 DEAN DShiins Inc liepOtseas een eee (COON, LO.0C LE AINTHS) ial, Cribavclaleyoyors yal ye Gk oop Bee MEL LOM us A19,0) BEANS aie AMC DOtS Vey aes wee) cre 2.50.1) 25.06 REANGS in O-1nchpots., 178: -. 2 + 400 © 40,00 BUANG Sam G-inchspots. | 52%). . “1 .< 6,00) . 460.00 PANDANUS VEITCHII. (Variegated Screw Palm.) The leaves are deep green, with wide bands of pure white running their entire length; a very ornamental Latania Borbonica, plant and succeeding well in window or conservatory. : Each. Per Doz. | Each. Per Doz: Pean acme pose eee ee, . $0.75 $7.50 | PLANTS in 6-inch pots... . » » «$2.00 $20.00 ees eds eines en i505. 15.00.| PLANTS in 7-inch pots . . . » » » 4.00 40:00 40 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.”S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. FERNS. NEPHROLEPIS EXALTATA. (Boston Sword Fern.) One of the best ferns for conservatory and window cultivation. Each. Doz. Plants:in.s5-inch pots) 4 2...) 5. = Gee oe PO. 5 Omen DEG CO SIC (6) PokClle DCLG aot Re enya ns an eee 1,00 10.00 wi 3 | SARIS ites Nam as Sot: Se re ae ne 1.50 15.00 Specimen plants, $2.00 each and upwards. ASSORTED FERNS FOR_FERNERIES. = 2 Choice sorts in great variety. Plants from 2% and 3 inch pots. Each, Nephrolepis Exaltata. 10 cents; per doz., $1.00; per 100, $5.00. JAPANESE FERN BALLS. - In Southern Japan the long rhizomes of the beautiful fern Davallia Bullata are collected by the country people and wound about balls of sphagnum moss. These may be started into growth by immersing them in water until satu- rated, then hanging them in a moderately warm temperature. They should be immersed every =: SS BIS two or three days. PiQes DoRMANT BALLs, each, $0.50; per doz., $5.003 per 100, $35.00. STARTED BALLS, each, $0.75; per doz., $7.50. Japanese Fern Ball, Started. Jeo) eA RUEN GUS Greenhouse climbers, with fine, rich-green foliage, of great value in floral work. Each. Per Doz. PLumMosus NaNus. (Climbing Lace Asparagus.) Bright-green, finely pinnate fern-like foliage; very lasting; strong plants 9.) oF ee epee) eater ep IARGER’ PLANTS |. Spee |) eee An ee ee Pe ee ae ee 50 5-00 SPRENGERI. The bright-green feathery sprays are often three or four feet in length, of drooping habit; excellent: for*aanecine potsiand: baskets) | =.= a.) = eee eee aoe .20 2.00 SMILAX. Strong young plants. Each, 15 cents; per dozen, $1.20; per 100, $8.00. Larger plants, per 100, $10.00 to $12.00. VICL ES: Per Doz. Per 100. THE FARQUHAR. This is undoubtedly the finest Violet in cultivation, and now one of the most popular throughout the country. It is of vigorous growth, producing in great abundance enormous deep-blue fragrant blossoms on long, stout stems mr Aloe (one 2. LADY HUME CAMPBELL. A large, fragrant, and free-flowering double sort; color, light violet . 1.50 10.00 IMPERIAL, Deep blue, double, very fragrant <<). 2 4 95) tie poe 1.50 10.00 PRINCESS OF WALES. Deep violet, very fragrant, large single flowers. . . Sua Ae ee 1.25 8.00 WE SEND NO PLANTS BY MAIL, EXCEPT WHERE SO OFFERED. BU LBS, _ PLAN rs, SEEDS, AND ELAR DY The following shrubs have been found hardy and the most desirable for general planting in our climate. month in which each usually blooms is stated. SHRUBS FOR AUTUMN PLANTING. Where two or more prices are quoted for one variety, they refer to different sizes of plants. Each. ALMOND, DOUBLE PINK. May . $0.50 ALMOND, DOUBLE WHITE. May : 50 ALTH4A, WHITE, RED, PURPLE: August to ICG ber nes i+! o/s aig eee 235 ALTH@A, VARIEGATED LEAVED. August to October. ~. ig Ped 3 Pa re!“ .50 BACCHUS HALMIFOLIA. " September . Brits 50 BERBERIS PURPUREA. June; purple foliage 25 BERBERIS THUNBERGII. (Yapanese Bar- berry.) June Sa RIES Tap aries Lane 25 BERBERIS VULGARIS, (Common Barberry.) June Sch Ae ea i ee ey eae ses CALYCANTHUS FLORIDUS. (Spice Bush.) June to September; SE ie Sg fra- grant flowers - ieee et ae -50 CHIONANTHUS V IRGINICUS. (lVhite Fringe.) June : Se aa RON, chiens 50 CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA, (Sweet Pepper Buch.) August; fine erect spikes of white flowers 535 CORCHORUS JAPONICA FLORE PLENO, (Ker- ria.) May; fine dark-green Bee and deep golden-yellow blossoms . . eA aes 25 Cornus SANGUINEA. (ed Ones +) ' May; parka deep red) ys 2. See ries COE CYDONIA JAPONICA. “(Fapanese Quince.) May; large red blossoms . . 25-.50 DESMODIUM PENDULIFLORUM. ( Sweet Pea Shrub.) August to October; ie shaped, red and violet blossoms . . sate i eBk=s5@ DEUTZIA CRENATA FLORE PLENO June; daublemwhite flowers 4 = 2.0.) fossa es «25-250 DEUTZIA CRENATA ROSEA FLORE PLENO, (aiereaOUDleyplier ois fens acl ae set) er ve 25-50 DevuTzia GRaciuis. June; dwarf, white. . .25-.50 EvONYMUS AMERICANUS. (Strawberry Bush.) ume - ° 35 EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS. (Burning Bush. ) June; purple flowers in clusters . -50 EvonyMus EurRopeus. (Sfzzdle Tree.) June 50 EXOCHORDA GRANDIFLORA. May; bears a profusion of white blossoms; magnificent . .25-.75 FORSYTHIA SUSPENSA. (Golden Bell.) May; drooping ; Men Menem ss. | e255 O Forsytia Fortunet. Erect habit 2 wee 75 HYDRANGEA PANICULATA GRANDIFLORA. The well known hardy Japanese siemenees August to October. . . PSE SO «iil LiILac, COMMON PURPLE. (Srringe ) ‘May. .25-.50 LILAc, COMMON WHITE . . 3 » .25-.50 LILAc, LARGE-FLOWERING WHITE, .50 LILAC, PERSIAN PuRPLE. Very large ; 50 LILAC, PERSIAN NAMED Sorts. In greatvariety .50-.75 LonicBrRA Tartarica. (Bush Honeysuckle.) May; pink, fragrant . So pea 235 PRIVET, CALIFORNIAN, (Ligustrum.) Rich SARS OTECR TONAGE a a ey ee ots oe Ate S—2 35 PRUNUS PissaRDI. (Purple-Leaved Plum.) Dark-purple leaves . . 7 50 Prunus TRILOBA. (Double- Flowering Plupe ) LES 9) 0) ae a : 50 Pyrus MAaAuLus Baccata. Flesh pink; CGT te IES TE aes Oe Eee ee a -50 TWELVE SHRUBS AT TEN TIMES THE SINGLE ] PRICE; SUNDRIES 4] The zt Weigelia Rosea. Each, Pyrus MauLus PARKMANNI. Dark rose, drooping . . Speegi viet latent . $0.50-1.00 RIBES FLORIDUM. (Flowering Currant.) Ane avb Meine We. Marctanetes A aig arena culations .25-.50 RIBES SANGUINEUM. Crimson . -25-.50 SAMBUCUS AUREA. (Colden Elder. ) leeany es golden yellow . . . No eretuge : 50 SPIRZA ANTHONY WATERER. May; rosy « car- mine BRA ae) SPIRAA CAL LOSA. | (Parnes Spirwa.) May; deep rose : Sy easo. nals—nhfe) SPIR4A PRUNIFOLIA FLORE PLENO. (Bridal ibe) Wiles Selon eG ce ge og Ss Eco SPIR4ZA. REEVESII FLORE PLENO. White flowers in long sprays « Dep taits eats ue 2 .25-.50 SPIR#A THUNBERGII. White flowers along the willow-like branches . a} ik eee -25-.50 SPIRZA VAN HoutTrer. White, pendulous; WEI IMIME Gy = \ Yar Set al aro iew ehMiinte: sles =G SYRINGA, GOLDEN. (S%2ladelphus Aurea.) June; golden foliage : 50 SYRINGA, SWEET-SCENTED. (Philadelphus Coronarius, Alock eee June; white, fragrant . . Gi LO cicapecik gems a() SYMPHORICARPUS Racemosus. ( Sxowberry. ) July; pink flowers followed by large white berries heer et. oh one as hie BGO VIBURNUM PL ICATUM. ( Fapanese Snowball, ) July; erect habit; the finest Snowball 50-1.00 WEIGELIA CANDIDA. June; large white MOM ESmeses Mere b stiad ere fe ke Gls 25350 NYG EIVAR ORDA R GINOSCie s-'s) -a Gc 25-.50 WEIGELIA ROSEA VARIEGATA. Rose, varie- gated foliage . . 25-.50 ROSE. CRIMSON RAMBLER, three sizes . SSAA Sy, 75 SIX AT FIVE TIMES THE SINGLE PRICE. 42 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’"S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. Rime iT TREES AND. SMAI FRUITS. - enumerate a few varieties of decided merit in each class. Complete assortments are listed in our general Spring Catalogue, mailed free on application, T7T/7- APPLES: First-class trees, five to seven feet, each, 50 cents. Large sizes, each, 75 cents. SUMMER: WILLIAMS’ FAvoRITE, August; red striped. RED ASTRACHAN. August; crimson, ~ AUTUMN: GRAVENSTEIN. September to November; striped. SWEET BouGH. September; light yellow. WINTER: HUBBARDSTON NoNEsuCH. Yellow and red. BALDWIN. Deep red; large; fine. KiNG. Crimson; very large. RHODE ISLAND GREENING. Sweet; keeps well. RoxpurRy Russet. Splendid; keeps until May. CRAB, RED SIBERIAN. Yellow and scarlet. CHERRIES. First-class trees, two to three years old, each, 75 cents and $1.00. BLacK TARTARIAN. Purplish black; very rich; June. NAPOLEON. Amber; large and sweet; June. GOVERNOR Woop. PEACHES. - Fine trees, each, 25 cents; larger size, each, 50 cents. CHAMPION. Freestone; white and red; August. CRAWFORD’S EARLY. Freestone; yellow and red; September. ELBERTA. Freestone; yellow and crimson. The best market sort; August, STUMP-THE-WORLD, LATE. Large; fine quality. September. CRAWFORD’S LATE. Excellent; yellow flesh; Oct. Industry Gooseberry. PEARS. BLACKBERRIES. : ~ . PerDoz First-class trees, five to six feet, each, 75 cents; larger | DorcHEsTerR. Large, black oblong fruit; sweet $1.00 trees, $1.00 to $1.50. | SNYDER. Very sweet, large, andfree . . . 1.00 BARTLETT, SUMMER. The best summer Pear; large | and luscious. CURRANTS. CLApp’s FAVORITE, SUMMER. Very early; excellent quality. | Fay’s PROLIFIC RED. Largest and finest . . $1.75 BEURRE Bosc, AUTUMN. Large; rich flavor; Oct. | WHITE GRAPE. sMarly;» very fine, tas) eee I,00 SECKEL, AUTUMN, Medium size}; delicious flavor; Sept. SHELDON, AUTUMN. Excellent quality; medium size; | GOOSEBERRIES. October. | Dana’s Hovey, WINTER. Sweetest winter Pear. | SMITH’S IMPERIAL. The best green variety . $1.50 BEURRE D’ANJOU, WINTER. Excellent flavor; keeps | WINDHAM’s INDUSTRY. Large red berries; sweet 2.50 very long. LAWRENCE, WINTER. Fine flavor. December. | RASPBERRIES. PLUMS. CUTHBERT. Red; heavy cropper; excellent . $1.00 BRINCKLE’S ORANGE. Yellow; large; sweet . 1.00 Trees, five to six feet, each, 75 cents; larger, $1.00, ABUNDANCE. Reddish amber colored; August. | HARDY GRARES BRADSHAW. Large juicy fruit; dark purple; August. C JEFFERSON. Yellow and red; large and sweet; Aug. | Good plants, each, 35 cents. IMPERIAL GAGE. Greenish yellow; very rich and | Moore’s EARLY, BLAck. Excellent early sort; large sweet; August. bunches. OCTOBER PURPLE. One of the latest and best. | HARTFORD, BLACK, Early; fine quality. Concorp, BLACK. Vigorous grower; excellent flavor, QUINCE. | BricHToN, Rep. Early; fine flavor; strong grower. | GREEN MOUNTAIN, WHITE. The sweetest early white REA’s MAMMOTH. Large yellow fruit; the best; each, sort. 50 cents, NIAGARA, WHITE. Hardy sort, of fine flavor, “& ~~ BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 43 CYCLAMEN PERSICUM GRANDIFLORUM. Our Cyclamen received the highest award at the World s Fair in competition with the world. These charming winter and spring blooming plants have now become indispensable in both commercial and private greenhouses. They are likewise prized for window culture, being most easily grown, and lasting in full bloom for months, The plants we offer are grown at our own greenhouses, from our finest strains of seed, and are excellent stock for winter NW), and spring blooming. They should be kept rather cool and AN the soil evenly moist. AW\ive FARQUHAR’S GIANT WHITE. FARQUHAR’S GIANT PINK. FARQUHAR’S GIANT CRIMSON. FARQUHAR’S GIANT WHITE WITH CLARET BASE. PLANTS in 4-inch Pots, Each, 50 cents; per dozen, $5.00; per 100, $35.00. PLANTS in 3-inch Pots. Each, 20 cents; per dozen, $2.00; per 100, $15.00. ENGLISH MILLTRACK MUSHROOM SPAWN. The constantly increasing demand for mushrooms taxes to a greater degree the skill and perseverance of the grower. Fresh, live spawn must be obtained, without which success would be impossible. We are fully alive to the importance of quality in spawn to the mush- room-raiser and we get the best produced. It is prepared from virgin mycelium, in a com- post most favorable to its development and preservation. It is germinated and developed under special scientific methods, the conditions of air, light, heat, and humidity of the spawn- ing-houses being carefully regulated. Our mushroom spawn then is not the uncertain material of the past, but is of uniform quality, prepared by the most successful and progress- ive mushroom specialist in England. Under proper treatment it has never been known to fail. We import every two or three months to ensure freshness. Per lb., 15c.; 8 lbs., $1.00; 25 lbs., $2.50; 50 lbs., $4.50; 100 lbs., $9.00; by mail, per lb., 25c. BOOKS ON MUSHROOM CULTURE. The following are excellent: MusHrooM CULTURE, by Robinson, $0.50. How To Grow MusHrRooms, by William Falconer, $1.40. ANDOVER, MAss., Jan. 20. Messrs. R. & J. FARQUHAR & Co.: The Mushroom Spawn I received from you last fall is the best I ever had. My first bed began to yield on December Ist, and it looks fully as well to-day as at any time during its bearing, It is completely alive with small Mushrooms. I expect to get into Boston in about two weeks, when I will bring in another order for seeds. Respectfully yours, [ia PAVED ON: VEGHLTABLE SEEDS FOR AUTUMN SOWING. Per Packet. CUCUMBER, BOSTON MARKET FORCING. Ounce, 40 cents 5 NR ale Bee Sig adored St cia 2 $0.10 Pach ein oINGHR SubMEMOND. best forcing sorts new. Per ounce,,4o cents 1.3 2. ye). .05 LETTUCE, WHITE-SEEDED TENNIS BALL. For culture under glass. Ounce, 4ocents ..... . .05 RADISH suone cancel smound ocatletsbrench Breakfast... Per ounce, sOicemts 8. 4 8. wll. oe. .05 SPINACH, ARLINGTON, HOME-GROWN, Per pound, 60 cents; ounce, Io cents Aiea pen, key 5 .05 J ROUSE PDE a iiick. os Her Pound, 25 cents: OUNCE, LOicents: 2 2,104 an ..Wan eo. sc os 05 ae SA VOCE AVE Dem ekanOlniGds .t SaCemtss: OUMCGs LO\CCMtS ames 6 ulate osu ail simueaiwem fay delete et oe 05 ale PRICKLY-SEEDED. Per pound, 35 cents; ounce, Io cents Site ere Oe USS ae a oon een .05 TOMATO, EARLY SMOOTH Essex. For winter culture under glass. Ounce, 30 cenfs . ...... 05 ASPARAGUS Roots. Connover’s Colossal, 2 years old; per 100, $1.00, EGYPTIAN, OR PERENNIAL TREE ONION SETS. Per quart, 20 cents; per peck, $1.00. FLOWER SEEDS FOR AUTUMN SOWING. @unce; Packet, Saran n Dy GlAN avy iioE, —eroduces larce heads when forced. . . . « «© +. » © « » $0.40 $0.10 MinievenibenWwAcHM io IMPROVED. Large fragrant spikes <;.0 6% @ 0 (8) 6 8 ee 1,00 15 SiGeks COOL VAND COME, AGAIN, WHITE. [he finest forcing strain... . ». «+ »« » «© 3 6.00 ns ie FARQUHAR’S WHITE COLUMN. Each plant produces one enormous spike . . . . . 6.00 Bed) _ Our General Spring Catalogue contains the most complete list of choice Flower Seeds offered in the United States; it will be mailed free on application. AA R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. i ES LAWN. GRASS. EXTRA CLEAN, PURE, FRESH, AND TESTED SEED. We make a specialty of Grass Seeds, and send out only such as will meet the approval of the most critical. FARQUHAR’S EVERGREEN LAWN GRAss. Specially reliable mixture of dwarf, hardy, fine-leaved grasses; only fresh seeds, the growth of which has been choroughly tested. Ler bushel of eighteen pounds, $4.c0; peck, $1.00; quart, 20 cents. By mail, postage paid, peck, $1.50; quart, 25 cents. New Boston Parks LAwWN-SEED. We received from Messrs. Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot their formula used in seeding the beautiful lawns and terraces of Boston’s new parks. Franklin Park and in fact all of the Metropolitan parks have been planned by this firm of eminent landscape architects, and their formula for the Lawn-Grass Seed mixture used may be accepted as the best which great experience and very extended knowledge can suggest, The seed is fresh, clean, and free from weeds, producing a perfect velvet green turf in a remarkably short time. THE New Boston Parks LAWN MIXTUuRE is put up by us in packages of the following sizes: 62 /bs., sufficient for ove acre (43,560 square ft.), $15.00 | 16 Zs., sufficient for one-quar, acre (10,890 sq. ft.), $4.00 31 4s., sufficient for one-half acre (21,780 sq. ft-), 7.50 | I 4., sufficient for 700 SQUGKETCRL ates se Add eight cents per pound to these prices if wanted by matt. FARM AND FIELD SEEDS. Prices Subject to Market Fluctuation. We sell only the finest quality of new crop Grass and Clover Seeds: selected, recleaned, and tested. Customers in comparing prices should bear in mind that there are several grades in the trade, according to weight, purity, and germination. GRASSES. TimoTHy, OR Herps Grass. (Phleum Pratense.) This grass is usually considered and treated as a short-lived perennial, and hence is the best grass to grow in a short rotation. It succeeds best on moist loams and clays naturally rich in humus or on those which have been heavily manured, It grows in loose tufts, with few short leaves, so that Red Top or Red Clover should be sown with it to furnish heavy bottom growth of leaves. Sow one-half bushel per acre if alone. (45 Ibs. per bushel.) Superfine grade, per bushel, $3.50. ReD Top. (dgrostis vulgaris.) A good permanent grass, which grows naturally in cold, wet soils. It should be grown in cultivation in similar situations. A perennial with long creeping stems and underground runners; one of the best bottom grasses, bearing large numbers of fine root leaves, making it invaluable for sowing with erect tufted grasses, such as Orchard and Timothy, filling in between the clumps, and producing a continuous turf. Sow four bushels per acre if alone. (10 lbs. per bushel.) Per bushel, $1.25; 100 lbs., $10.00. Rep Top. CLEAN SEED. Chaff and weeds sifted out; pure fancy seed. We recommend this to all who desire the best results, as its absolute purity and excellence insure satisfaction for farm. park, or lawn. Excellent for restoring worn-out swards. Per lb., 20 cents: 100 lbs., $16.00. KENTUCKY BLUE. (oa pratensis.) Known as Fune Crass. A perennial, especially adapted to dry limestone soils, but will thrive on any good ground which is not too wet. Very nutritious, hardy, and early. Sow three bushels per acre if alone. (14 lbs. per bushel.) Ib., 20 cents: roo Ibs., $16.00. RHODE IsLAND BENT. (Agrostis canina.) A bottom grass, suitable for using with tufted varieties. Hardy and early, and a grass that will withstand heat and dry weather. Sweet and nutritious and relished by all kinds of stock, Should beusedinall pasture mixtures, Sow 4 bus. per acreifalone. (r1olbs. per bus.) Per bus., $2.50. ORCHARD. (Dactylis glomerata.) A deep-rooted perennial, growing in tufts. A strong, vigorous grower, which succeeds best on rich lands or clayey soils. After each cutting the growth is very rapid. Should be cut for hay at the time of first flowering. Sow three bushels per acre if alone. (14 lbs. per bushel.) Per bushel, $2.50. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 45 FARM AND FIELD SEEDS. Prices Subject to Market Fluctuation, GRASSES: FOR PERMANENT PASTURES AND MEADOWS. Containing only the most suitable Grasses, the proportionate quantity of each being regulated by soil, situation, and purpose for which desired. The object to be attained is a constant, successive growth of rich pasturage from spring till fall, It is a well-established fact that soils sown with a variety of different grasses which are adapted to the soil, and which attain perfection at alternate months from April to September produce very much larver and more satisfactory crops, both for hay and pasturage, than when only one or two kinds of grasses or clovers are sown. The results given by our mixtures have been most satisfactory, and have resulted in a very large increase in our trade forsame. We unhesitatingly recommend them for use on the largest scale. Fall seeding is preferable, but spring sowing will be successful if done early, when the land is cool and moist. In addition to the Grasses, we advise sowing 10 Ibs. of Mixed Clover Seed per acre. Clovers in their young state are tender in our climate, and should therefore be sown in spring, separately, being heavier in weight. 10 lbs. Mixed Clover Seed, sufficier.t for one acre, $2.00 MIXTURES FOR PERMANENT PASTURES FOR ONE ACRE. FOR GOOD SOILS, COOL AND MOIST. FOR DRY SOILS, FOR WET SOILS, 8 Ibs. Timothy. /10 lbs. Timothy. 10 lbs. Timothy. 5 ‘© Red Top. bets i ACkeepine Belt, heya Se ined: Lops 4 ‘* Orchard Grass. ee sOrchard. ‘to ‘* Kentucky Blue Grass. 5 ‘¢ Perennial Rye Grass. 312 ‘* Tall Oat Grass. eee! ‘¢ Orchard Grass. eens seep sl escie: 29> lard Biescue: 7 “‘* Perennial Rye Grass. 114 ‘* Hard Fescue, 4 Po Soheeprs: Wescie. Han ‘¢ Meadow Fescue. 2 ‘+ Meadow Fescue. I ‘<¢ Sheep’s Fescue, fine leaved. | 1 ‘¢ Tall Fescue. ee Kall Oat:-Grass: 1 ‘** Meadow Foxtail. fe tae Meadow. Hoxtarl: 2 ‘* Meadow Foxtail. 16 * Perennial Sweet Vernal. Pi ‘* Rough Stalked Meadow 7 ** Kentucky Blue Grass. 8 ‘* Perennial Rye Grass. | Grass. 1% ** Perennial Sweet Vernal. | I ** Various Leaved Fescue. 40 lbs. per acre, $6.50. 40. lbs. per acre, $7.00. 40 lbs. per acre, $5.50. MIXTURES FOR PERMANENT MEADOWS FOR ONE ACRE. FOR GOOD SOILS, COOL AND MOIST. FOR HIGH, DRY SOILS. FOR WET SOILS, 17 lbs. Timothy. | 15 lbs. Timothy. 12 lbs, Timothy, Pecened lope Pe Ned elon: 5 ‘* Rhode Island Bent, 3 ‘** Orchard Grass. 7 Oxrchard: Grasse Sema olwednlops 5 ‘¢ Perennial Rye Grass. ee halle @at Grass. Se) -- Orchard: Grass, I ‘ Meadow Foxtail. Sep eelane sHescue. 5 ‘* Perennial Rye Grass. ees all OatGrass: g0 olicep s Hescue: 2 ‘* Italian Rye Grass, 2 Mard Eb eScue: I ‘* Sheep’s Fescue, fine leaved. 2 all: OateGrass. 2 eohheeps -Fescue, | 1 ‘* Rough Stalked Meadow; 1 ‘‘ Various Leaved Fescue, 114 ** Italian Rye Grass. Grass, 2 ‘* Meadow Fescue, 1 ‘* Various Leaved Fescue. | 1 ‘* Crested Dogstail. Lo allebiescues 1% * Perennial Sweet Vernal. | 40 lbs. per acre, $5.00. 40 lbs. per acre, $6.25. 40 lbs. per acre, $7.00, WINTER Rye. For fall sowing. [Ter bushel, $1.25. HOT-BED REQUIREMENTS. HOT-BED SASHES. These are well made from thoroughly seasoned lumber, and glazed. Frame, 142 inch, 3 X 6 feet, $3.00; 1°4 inch, 3 X 6 feet, $3.25. Unglazed and unpainted sashes: pine, $1.50 each; cypress, $1.25 each, SINGAPORE FIBRE HOT-BED MAT, Mouse proof; rot proof, almost indestructible. It is very firmly put together, and weighs about thirty-two pounds. It is much more durable than anything that has yet been introduced for this purpose, and it is effective as a frost resister in the highest degree. Prices, 6 feet 2 inches long by 6 ft. wide, each, $2.00; 6 feet 2 inches long by 3 ft. wide, each, $1.20, STRAW MATS FOR HOT-BEDS. Made by hand from fresh rye straw; thick, and well put together, being tied with the finest quality of twisted, tarred marline. Excellent protection from frost. Special price given for large lots. Odd sizes made to order at very reasonable prices. Regular size, 6 X 6 feet. Each, $1.50. Extra heavy, to order, $2.00. 3 X 6 feet, $1.00. Extra heavy, $1.25. F PALMER’S HOT-BED MATS. Wool filled, Frost proof. Indestructible, cheap, and warm. Will not harbor mice or vermin. Easily handled. Dry out quickly after rain. Have now been in practical use for years. No. 1, made. of jute, stitched through; hemmed with canvas and thickly padded; size, 76 X 76 inches; one mat covers two sashes. — $1.50 each. No. 2. Duck cloth outside, filled and quilted same as No. 13; size, 76 X 76 inches. $2.00 each. EOetinG SOL, LEAP MOULD, PEAT, ETC., FOR BULBS AND PLANTS. POTTING SOIL FOR BULBS. Specially prepared with loam, leaf mould, sand, and fertilizer in right proportions. Per peck, $0.30; bushel, $1.00; barrel, $2.00. — ORCHID PEAT, OR FERN Roor. Of superior quality, Per bushel, $1.50; barrel, $2.75. RoTtep Fisprous PEAT. Per peck, $0.30; bushel, $1.00; barrel, $2.00. SPHAGNUM Moss. Of excellent quality. At most seasons we can furnish it both freshly gathered and dried. Peck, $0.30; bushel, $1.00; barrel, $1.50. AG RR. &, Ja, BARQUHAR & COl%S7AU TUMN CATALOGUE. HYACINTH GLASSES. Mh Nh \) Ha jit Tall Glass. Tye’s Low Pattern Glass. Full directions for growing Hyacinths in glasses will be found on page 2. This - mode of culture is exceed- ingly interesting, and the results highly satisfactory. Tall Glasses, 15 cents each; $1.50 per doz. Tye’s Pattern, 20 cents each; $2.00 per doz, HY¥ACIN TEE ORT BULB VORS: These are made very deep, so as to allow the roots to develop fully. Each. Per Doz. Size, 6 inches deep by 314 inches wide $0.08 $0.75 Size, 7 inches deep by 5 inches wide . .10 95 ROUND BULB -OR SEED - PANS: Inches. Each. Per Doz. OF SOLO 7 HOLZO oa 10 95 | LO: -15 1.55 [2-2 .20 2.15 tay .40 4,00 Square Pans supplied, sizes, 6, 8, 10, and 12 inches. Bulb Pan. PCAN: “ROSS: Tw ABT NY me) ” Wel ' t HW filit CEDAR PLANT Tuss. Prices Reduced. Made of thick cedar, nicely painted green, Drop handles onsides. The @ best made, No. Diameter across Top. Height Outside. Price I 295 751... ene 2e oa ap SeOO 2 PASI eg ae 5 Fa. Wiha g 24) Bea Occ. ee ee EG) 4 7p Nein Mme Me is 107 f= oo 3.00 5 ZO PEERS — FE eta Ceo 2.50 6 TOGG Ee ke ee oe See, ie ev OG 7 DODO. EAA On nee eam S 8 151% ** MTR a rea cr bh Sale SiS 9 DA sae alg nhs aca, DES Eee mT Oak PLANT Tuss. Natural wood finish, These are neatly made, with galvanized-iron handles. They are admirably ads apted for use on lawns, in halls, etc. The bottom is composed of pine, rendering the tub lighter and much more durable. IZinches diameter, rtiincheshigh . . . . $1.15 TAge cs 1) A 1,25 16 cc (a3 13 a4 6¢ 1.60 Loge A AN a ob 2.00 Pours ee 17 2e25 24 a4 a4 20 ee ee. 2.50 These pans are made thin and strong, and the saucers very shallow. They are es- pecially adapt- ed for linings to porcelain and silver fern pans. Dimensions given are out- side measure- ments. : SAUCERS. Size Doz. 100, Doz. 100. 4 x Tin, > $0.35 = S200 $0.20. “$1.20 44 x 21g in. 45 2.65 30 1.55 544 x 214 in. 60 2585 35 2.00 614 x 21% in 70 4.00 45 2.35 7 x298in. . 85 4.65 50 2.65 Siipex 3% in 1.20 6.65 -75 4.00 9 x 3/4in 1.45 8.00 95 5-35 BOW EX 4qe- Ile. 1.70 9 1.20 6.65 INDURATED FIBRE WARE. INDURATED FIBRE FLOWER POT SAUCERS. Not easily broken and very light. / Far cheaper in the end { and bettter in every way \ than the earthenware ar- ticle. Are not porous, and will protect wood- work, tables, etc., on which plants are to stand. Size. Each. Doz. Size. Each. Doz. 4inches $0.06 $0.70 10 inches | fO.1g9 |hre2s5 Gress .08 85 L2H: .18 1.50 SP ms .10 1.00 TAries 25 2.50 ROLLING STANDS FOR HEAVY PLANTS AND PALMS. \\\ ANU Platforms are i Induraied Fi- @ bre Ware. Will not soak or rust. Size Each Size. Each 14 inches $0.75 20 inches $1.25 Tomes 85 Pa 1.50 TSuyees 1.00 FLORIST’S VASES. FOR DISPLAYING CUT FLOWERS. No. Diam. Depth. Doz. 0.) 1S, Uae @ “INR pAEs® re 542 SS 1D os 4.20 2. 4bo “6 9 “c 3.60 chen: : (eas 3.00 4. 3 i 4le ‘s 2.40 22... SATO eos ea eee 4.80 33,%, GAC 12.5 4.20 : AAS? et SS as hears 3.60 € BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 47 CUT-FLOWER BOXES. JONES” FOLDING PEAxa heen. \Ony CORNERS LOCK STYLE: STANDS. Size: Per 100, (SOU VEE ae ape bore: SCL etal Jig be: Mine acy Set ane $1.60 | ES inde) Be tha fe OL ag ee OP Cy alco ec Ce 2.10 e ie hae PARSE SOU htc! + ieee Me ete Pi ey 8 B30 Ke 2c Se T - OA X ee . ie us 4 bee Oe . .9O0 Ayana SHEAbDS aie N 4x 24x 8 aObese seers 3.9 Ag La ry EXTRA HEAVY BOXES FOR SHIPPING. BY Geren inches See in es | 94.25 RAM SZ JO, CR as (eae o> ened eam un Bs boa ais eecraaeae 8.30 MameOnk SOnk D4 aii, Hee ome Aees geese. | LO.0O ENAMELLED VIOLET BOXES. Size. Depth. Length. Width. Price per roo. > E ars 9 in. 7 in. $5.00 y Ane, F 4) in. 8 in. 5 in. 4.00 1K SVS = SOON G 31% in. 7 in. 4 in. 3.50 VAY a STOR PO SG SCOLLAY’S RUBBER PLANT SPRINKLER. SEER () ——> 3) Ws : = Eat == Made of rubber B20 Wirellirays. 70> x 20inches | .)) 0.) 9.) Lach. 3.00 rated, detachable brass top. Very useful in bouquet- making and window-gardening for sprinkling, and for SCOLLAY’S ANGLE RUBBER SPRINKLER. all purposes where a fine spray is required. Four sizes. Each, 50c., 60c., 75c., and $1.00. By mail, 10 cents each additional. | Eee oye lh Nene RS BARRE yP RUCK. > THE MODEL EXTENSION CARNATION SUPPORT. $3.00 per 100; $27.50 per 1,000. By means of this new device liquids can be applied to the znzder side of the leaves. Price, each, $1.00. , By a simple arrangement of the axle, the barrel can be detached at pleasure, whether full or empty. Very useful for carrying water to the garden or lawn during dry weather, for emptying cess- pools, and for innumerable other purposes. PricE. Truck and barrel complete, wheel, 214- inch tire, $9.50; without barrel, $7.25. Price. ‘Truck and barrel complete, wheel, 344- inch tire, $10.25; without barrel, $8.00. The following extra attachments can be supplied for use on the same truck when the barrel is de- = tached, viz.: HAND-CART Box, $3.00; LrEaF Truck with Leaf Rack. Rack, $5.00; extra barrels with trunnions, $2.75; SPRINKLER ATTACHMENT for barrel, $3.50. TE SEINE SOWA Y LAWN KAKE. Will gather all the leaves, twigs, cones, burrs, and any such litter; and do it in one-third the time re- quired by hand —and better. The wind cannot blow them around, as they are ina basket. We sell this Rake directly to the user, carefully f)} crated, at the low price of $12.00 net, f. o. b., Boston. The Model. 48 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’"S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. FERVIDIZERS. Prices subject to change, Net, except where noted, f. 0. 6. cars, Boston. F ARQUHAR’S LAWN AND GARDEN DRrEssING. The best fertilizer in the market for all garden and farmcrops, It is as dry and fine as meal; made of dried, finely pulverized blood, bone, potash, and refuse meat, The mixture is in such good mechanical condition that it can be applied conveniently by anyone. For gardens and lawns it is most excellent, being not a stimulant merely, but a plant food of lasting, enriching properties. PRICE, per ton, $50.00. 10 lbs., for about 1,000 square feet, 50 cents. | 50 lbs., for about 5,000 square feet, $1.75. 2a «62,500. =< ct i COr 10Q-"< “Stoke ** S one-lounth acre. a2 NGO | PULVERIZED SHEEP MANURE. (Purity BRanp.) A soluble plant food, highly recommended for all purposes where a first-class fertilizer is required. Itisa pure natural manure, and has long been recognized as one of the most bene- ficial. As a top dressing for lawns it is un- equalled, being free from weed-seeds and ex- tremely stimulating. For lawns, it should be used at the rate of 500 pounds per acre. As a fertilizing agent for plants, in-doors and in the open garden, it is one of the very best. PRICE, ton, $30.00; half-ton, $15.00; 500 Ibs:, $7.50; 100lbs., $2.00; 50 lbs., $1.25; 10 Ibs., $0.50; I lb., $0.10. No charge for sacks. E=©-> B:-cars, Boston: PuRE CANADA UNLEACHED HARDWoOoD ASHES, Pure wood ashes is one of the best fertilizers for top-dressing lawns, grass lands, and for seeding-down; also for fruit of all kinds, especially strawberries, peaches, and apples. They are exceedingly valuable for lawns, imparting a rich, dark shade of green, destroying insects and bad weeds, particu- larly moss, which isso common onlawns. 100-lb. bag, $1.25; 200 lbs., $2.00; ton, $15.00. IN CARLOAD LOTS OF FROM I5 TO 25 TONS, at $11.00 per ton-in bulk or $12.50 per ton in 100-lb. bags delivered at any freight station in Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and to any station in Maine except points on the Maine Central R.R. PURE GROUND BoNE. This is being more generally used every year, and is one of the best fertilizers for most crops. In purity this manufacture is always fully up to the standard, the analysis being marked on each package. PRICE, ton, $33.00. In neat box, I10-lb. box, $0.50; 25-Ib. box, $1.00; 50-lb. box, $1.50; 100 Ibs., $2.50. INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES. ANT DEsTROYER. A specially prepared powder which will destroy or drive away black ants from lawns, trees, plants, houses, or other infested localities. PRICE, three-fourths-lb. can, 50 cents; by mail, 60 cents. ARSENATE OF LEAD. For spraying trees. A sure remedy for elm-leaf beetle, gypsy moth, brown-tail moth, etc. PRICE, 5-lb. pail, 90 cents; 10-lb. pail, $1.70; 20-lb. pail, $3.40; 50-lb. pail, $8.00; 100-lb. keg, $15.00. BORDEAUX MIXTURE, LION BRAND. A valuable and indispensable fungicide for grape growers, ensuring larger crops and finer grades and preventing failure. Successful against black rot, mildew, and rust. Being in liquid form, itis very convenient to handle. One gallon will make 50 gallons of spraying liquid by the addition of 49 gallons of water. PRICE, I-gal. patent cans, $1.00; I-qt. cans, 40 cents. FIR TREE OIL. SOLUBLE. For destroying all insects that infest plants and animals, such as mealy bug, scale, red spider, green fly, thrip, lice, fleas, etc. Harmless to the hands of the user. Directions with each package. PRICE, half pint, $0.40; pint, $0.75; quart, $1.25; half gallon, $2.25; gallon, $4.00. Not mailable. Goob’s CausTic PoTASH WHALE OIL Soap, No. 3. This soap is recommended for the destruction of insects on plant life, especially San Jose scale. PRICE, 2 Ibs, $0.25; 5 lbs., $0.50; 10 lbs., $0.90; 50 Ibs., $4.00. HELLEBORE POWDER, WHITE. We furnish a pure, fresh, very effective powder. One of the best insecticides for rose slugs, currant worms, green fly, and other insects. PRICE, I-lb. package, $0.30; one-half-Ib, package, $0.15. IKKEROSENE EMULSION, CONCENTRATED. Kills the pea louse, San Jose scale, and all sucking insects, Ready for use by adding water, 25 to 50 parts water to 1 of Emulsion. Quart, $0.40; gal., $1.00; 5 gals., $4.50. LEMON O1L INSECTICIDE, Safe and harmless to use. Destroys scale, thrip, mealy bug, red spider, black and green fly. Dilute with forty to fifty times the bulk of water before using. Prick, half pint, $0.25; pint, $0.40; quart, $0.75; half gallon, $1.25; gallon, $2.00; 5-gallon keg, $9.00, SEAL OIL Soap. One of the best insecticides for general use on plants. It is especially effective on green and black flies, red spider, scale, rose thrip, and currant worms. Directions for use are printed on each package. PRICE, one-lb. box, $0.25; 5-lb. box, $1.00; in tubs, 25 lbs. and upwards, $0.15 per Ib. Topacco Dust, A sure remedy for green fly. Prick, 5-lb. package, $0.20; 10-lb, $0.30; 100 lbs, $2.50. Topacco Exrracr.