Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation Iittp://www.arcliive.org/details/fastiecclesiaean01leneuoft OR A CALENDAR OF THE PRINCIPAL ECCLESIASTICAL DIGNITARIES IN ENGLAND AND WALES, AND OF THE CHIEF OFFICERS IN THE UNIVERSITIES OF OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE, FROM THE EARLIEST TIME TO THE YEAR M. DCC. XV. COMPILED BY JOHN LE NEVE, CORRECTED AND CONTINUED FROM M. DCC. XV. TO THE PRESENT TIME, BY T. DUFFUS HARDY, ASSISTANT KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOLUME L OXFORD; AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, M.DCCC.LIV. m JD'-f 5^ V. INTRODUCTION. 1 HE importance of the Fasti Ecclesi^ ANGLiCANiE will not, it is presumed, be denied in the present day, when so many volumes illustrative of history and bio- graphy are constantly issuing from the press. If any jDroof of the high estimation of the work were required, it is furnished by the fact of there being known to be extant at least twenty copies fully anno- tated by eminent men^ Many of these copies are apparently designed for new editions, but none has yet been given to the world. Such a work manifestly requires continuation from time to time, and the compiler took some steps to- wards it^; but he did not effect his purpose, probably, 1 In the Bodleian Library are to be found one by Dr. Rawlinson, others by Cole, Masters, Lussan, Brooke, Dr. Tanner, the Rev. J. Gutch, Registrar of Oxford, the Rev. Robert Smyth, of Wood- stow, and one by an unknown hand. There are others in the British Museum, and at Cambridge, besides that by Bishop White Kennett in the library of Sir Thomas Philhpps, bart., and that be- longing to Earl Powis. This, perhaps, is the most fitting place for the Editor to offer his public thanks to Earl Powis and Sir Thomas Phillipps for their great kindness and liberality in lending him these most valuable copies, with permission to make all the use of them he might think proper. 2 " If ever there should be occasion to print a second edition of this work," he says, "let Fuller's Worthies and the Athense Oxonienses be revised ; which will furnish the birthplaces and an account of the a iv INTRODUCTION. as stated by Browne Willis, on account of the little encouragement he received when he published his vo- lume. Browne Willis himself was one of the first who collected materials for the purpose, but they afterwards appeared in a different form-^. Since his time various attempts have been made to produce a second edition, but without resulf^, owing, perhaps, to the great labour attendant on such an undertaking, the expense of printing and publishing it, and the limited sale to be expected of such a work. The present edition was undertaken under the fol- several other preferments (not dignities) which many of the persons herein named enjoyed ; which may conveniently be added. The said works will likewise furnish very many materials towards an Obituary of several eminent personages who lie buried dispersedly, and which, being duly placed under their respective years, may very properly be placed after the monumental inscriptions of each year, and help much towards a catalogue of the viri illustres of each age." — Jo, Le Neve, April 28th, 1716. ^ A Survey of the Cathedrals of York, Durham, Chester, &c. 4to. 1728; and A Survey of the Cathedrals of Lincoln, Oxford, and Pe- terborough. 4to. 1730. 4 About five and twenty years since, a Prospectus was issued by the Rev. "William Richardson, M.A., of St. John's college, Cam- bridge, for a new edition of the Fasti Ecclesise Anglicanse, in two volumes folio ; but the work was not proceeded with, for the want of a sufficient number of subscribers to defray the expenses. The late Earl Powis, having purchased an interleaved copy filled with annotations and additions by several persons, liberally offered its use to the members of the Roxburgh Club ; but it was not a popular measure with the club, and the design was abandoned. Nichols, in his Literary Anecdotes, states that the Rev. J. Gutch " was only de- terred from undertaking a new edition by its extreme labour, and from the fortunate circumstance of his obtaining the easier and more profitable employment of Registrary of his University ; and after- wards the Rev. Charles Coates would have brought out a new edi- tion, provided the L'^niversity of Cambridge would have printed it." INTRODUCTION. v lowing circumstances. For many years the Editor has been in the habit of making such additions to his copy of the Fasti as came under his notice merely for his own use ; but meeting with a remark of the Rev. Dr. Maitland, in liis proposal for establishing " a church history pubHshing society," that a new edition of Le Neve was much required, and that it woukl be a fit work for such a society to undertake, the li^ditor put his notes in order, for the purpose of offering them to that society, if it ever should be formed. Unfortu- nately, however, for that department in literature, a sufficient number of spirited wellwishers to such a society was not to be found, and Dr. Maitland's pro- position fell to the ground. Speaking afterwards on the subject of a new edition of the " Fasti" to several publishers, they all admitted the want of such a work, but were afraid to run the risk of its publication, under the apprehension that it would take many years to dis- pose of an edition large enough to cover the expenses attendant on its production. One gentleman among them however suggested, that a new edition would be a proper work to be brought out by the Delegates of the Press of the University of Oxford ; accordingly he put the Editor in communication with one of the Delegates, who brought the project before his fellows, and this ended in their agreeing to undertake the work. It is necessary to say a few words upon the mate- rials used in the present edition. From the mission of Augustine A.D. 597 to the com- mencement of the reign of John in 1199 the Editor has taken Le Neve as his basis, but instead of resting upon the authorities he cites, such as Battely's edition a 2 vi INTRODUCTION. of Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury, Godwin De Pnesulibus Anglise, Wharton's Anglia Sacra, Fuller's Church History, Isaackson's Chronology, Weaver's Fu- neral Monuments, (authors to whom every student is indebted, and who ought never to be mentioned with- out respect,) he preferred consulting the original au- thorities to which they themselves had referred. He wishes it, however, distinctly to be understood, that he has not seen many of the documents to which Le Neve and those authors have referred, arising either from their faulty citation, or from the MSS. not being now accessible; in all such cases, however, he has deemed it advisable to cite their authorities, in case any person should be fortunate enough to procure access to them. From the year 1199 (the period at which the Chan- cery records commence, in which all the ecclesiastical appointments, over which the crown exercises any right or control, are registered) to 1715, where Le Neve's compilation terminates, the Editor, as in the earlier portions, has taken Le Neve's lists as the basis of the present edition ; and for that period down to the present time he has searched the Patent, Charter, and Close Rolls, at the Tower and Rolls Chapel, the Regis- ters of the Archbishops of Canterbury, the Registers of such of the Dioceses and Collegiate Churches, as he has been able to obtain access to ; the Church Books in the Home Office, the Records denominated Bishops' Certificates at Carlton Ride and Queen Anne's Bounty Office, the MSS. in the British Museum, and such printed books as Godwin, Wharton, Browne Willis, Somner, the London Gazettes, the Historical Registers, Gentleman's Magazine, and various County Histories. In addition to which, he has been favoured with the INTRODUCTION. vii loan of Bishop White Kennett's invaluable interleaved copy belonging to Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart., and an- other equally valuable, and, if possible, more fully annotated, copy belonging to Earl Powis ; he has also had access to the copies deposited in the Bodleian, the British Museum, and other public libraries. He has added a few preliminary remarks on the ancient and present extent of each Diocese, and like- wise a List of the Canons of the Collegiate Church of Southwell, prepared expressly for this edition by the Rev. J. F. Dimock, one of the canons of that Church. It would be in the highest degree presumptuous to claim the merit of perfect accuracy for a work of this description, in which every line contains either a date or a fact, many of which are variously given by different authors and documents : such perfection is wholly un- attainable, at least a perfect work of this description has never yet issued from the press. Had not the ex- tent of these volumes^ rendered it impossible to keep the whole of them in type at the same time, several er- rors, discovered by that close comparison of the different dioceses which is only practicable in a printed form, would have been rectified before the sheets were worked off. Others, it is feared, still remain for correction by local antiquaries ; for when an individual directs the whole of his inquiries to one given subject, he must necessarily acquire more information on that subject than he who has to treat of several. ^ The reader may form some idea of the additions which have been made to Le Neve's portion of the work, by the fact that his volume contains only 11,051 entries, while this edition has more than 30,000, and that upward of six thousand Rolls and other re- cords have been consulted, besides printed books. viii INTRODUCTION. Those "who have been engaged in similar under- takings scarcely need to be reminded of the labour and difficulties attendant on the execution of a work, the contents of which extend over a period of more than eleven hundred years, and they will be the most in- clined to make allowance for any errors and deficien- cies which may be found in it. Several causes may be truly assigned for these, but particularly, I., the vague or conflicting statements to be met with in our an- cient historians ; II. the scantiness of ecclesiastical re- cords, owing to their destruction at the period of the Reformation and during the civil wars ; III. the dif- ficulty of obtaining access to such as remain ; IV. the variation in the chronology employed by the monkish historians, and the public records. The first commenc- ing the year at different periods, and making their calculations either from the nativity of Christ, from the 1st of January or from the 25th of March, while in the public records the dominical calculation is disregarded, and the regnal one only adopted ; and moreover during the greater portion of the Saxon era there is an addi- tional difficulty arising from the variation of two years between the dates of events as given by the northern and southern chroniclers, the consequence of which is that the same events are assigned to different years by different authorities. The Editor has had many doubts and some difficulty relative to the orthography of names, for in no two records are they spelt alike^, and even in the same document variations occur. Foreign names and titles 6 In numberless instances the same name occurs differently spelt in the Privy Seal Bills, the Letters Patent, Bishops' Registers, the Bishops' Certificates, and the Church Books. INTRODUCTION. ix are thus especially puzzling ; lie has attempted how- ever to preserve uniformity, though he has not always been able to do so, and sometimes to identify par- ties''. In some few cases he has departed from the usual mode of spelling names, but in such instances he has chiefly proceeded upon a principle and not from mere caprice — and yet he must admit that instances have occurred in which he has not been able to carry out the principle which he had laid down for his own guidance. The Index, now for the first time furnished to the work, will, it is hoped, be found useful. As it has been prepared solely for the purpose of affording the means of ready reference to any desired name, no attempt has been made to identify any of the persons ; for although in very many cases this could be satisfactorily done, in others an uncertainty prevails, which, as it proceeds from the deficiency or inaccuracy of the original docu- ments, there appears no means of removing. Under these circumstances it has appeared advisable not to attempt what could not be satisfactorily and com- pletely accomplished. For the Index, as also for much useful assistance throughout the pro.,ress of the work, the Editor is indebted to Mr. W. E. Flaherty. The most pleasing part of the Editor's work remains to be performed, that of offering his warmest thanks 7 Dr. Monk (Life of Bentley, vol. ii. pp. i6r, 162) gives a curious instance of the difficulty of all inquiry respecting identity in the case of the two Alexander Cunninghams, the one a critic, the other an historian^ and this he says may serve as a caution to biographers and antiquaries, who are sometimes led by much slighter circum- stances than those he has mentioned, to assign to one person the actions or writings of another. X INTRODUCTION. to those noblemen and gentlemen who have most kindly aided him in preparing the ensuing pages for the press. As regards the diocese of Canterbury, he has to make his grateful acknowledgments to his Grace the Archbishop, lord Charles Thynne, and Mr. Foss. In the diocese of Bangor, to the very Rev. the Dean of Bangor. In the diocese of Exeter, to the Rev. Dr. Oliver and Mr. Pitman Jones. In the diocese of Hereford, to the Rev. John Webb, Rector of Tretire. In the diocese of Lichfield, to ]\Ir. William Salt of Russell Square, and the Rev. Robert W. Eyton, Rector of Ryton, Salop. In the diocese of Lincoln, to Mr. John Ross and the Rev. John Hodgson, of St. Peter's, Thanet. In the diocese of London, to the Ven. Archdeacon Hale and Mr. Dyke. In the diocese of Norwich, to the lord Bishop of Norwich and Mr. John Kitson. In the diocese of Oxford, to the Ven. Archdeacon Clerke, and the Rev. Dr. Bliss, Principal of St. Mary Hall. In the diocese of St. David's, to the lord Bishop of St. David's. In the diocese of Carlisle, to Mr. G. G. Mounsey. In the diocese of Durham, to the Rev. Joseph Stevenson. For the portion relating to Westminster, to the Rev. John Jennings, and Mr. ex-Sheriff Evans. For Windsor, to the Hon. and Rev. H. C. Cust, Canon of Windsor. For Eton, to the Rev. John Eyre Yong. For Southwell to the Rev. J. F. Dimock, Minor Canon of Southwell. For the portion relating to the University of Oxford, he has especially to refer to the Rev. Dr. Bliss, Principal of St. Mary Hall; the Rev. Dr. Cardwell, Principal of St. Alban Hall ; the Rev. Dr. Bandinel, Principal Li- brarian of the Bodleian ; and the Rev. H. O. Coxe, one of the Librarians of the Bodleian. For the Uni- INTRODUCTION. xi versity of Cambridge, he has to refer to the Rev. Dr. Ainslie, Master of Pembroke College; the Rev. Dr. Cookson, Master of Peter-house ; but more esjjecially to the Rev. Joseph Romilly, Registrary of that Uni- versity. He has also to mention particularly the Right Hon. the Earl Powis, Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. ; Garter King of Arms, (Sir Charles G. Young); So- merset Herald, (Mr. Courthope) ; the late Deputy Keeper of the MSS. in the British Museum, (Mr. John Holmes); the Grenville Librarian, (Mr. Edward Bond) ; Mr. Roberts, one of the Assistant Keepers of the Public Records ; and Mr. John Bond. Mr. Christopher Hodg- son ; the Rev. Lambert Larking ; the Rev. James Bliss, of Ogbourn St. Andrews ; the Rev. John Bateson, Rec- tor of White Roothing; the Rev. G. T. Driffield, Rector of Bow ; the Rev. T. F. Fearne, of St. Giles-in-the- Fields ; the Rev. C. H. Davis, of Nailsworth ; and the Rev. William Williamson, of Thorn ton-le-Moor. JO . m CO r^ s.g ■s.a J=fe ■O S d £ '^ fc . § &s ■g (i, "S W h! 2 H ~ *^ i a: CTi 5 ^ >> a. .5 £. 54 2-; §tdi ■S S 'a "^ o o-o ' -E -a .2 K£ 3 ^ J p; „- z '-g .-a o a 58 a i; 5 B .5 ■* S ^ ■£ 9 i= S [£ 'Z 3 Jr; ' H Sfq S6h ? l-S o " c s '=^- itl. o o ^ o » S 3 =: .3000^*^ 'i3 ? o fe T3 ^t: ; H^ oT-S 3 0'S S■ Is H o c t- -a ■?. rIS . -S <" i^ g a-a _„ =*;2i ^o « bo'S.S CO ■= -c * 5 _, aj~ Ot-h Ccjd*h>-o t- cit: ■ai-i3r-iS?-r-iO. p-^Ht^i^S '^ 1-i h ' 3 OJ 'O c -^ 5e.' o rt ic.5 3 rH > ■< S V — O ^ ,. O tH ^5 a ~ * affl o S "! -o a H 9 s S 2 2 og o B a S*^ a a o o B T-i c4 cc -^ »o :^1 3 •S.i ^ B 3 W " K •=_ o fe , 2 born died and north .a < > b i 0 I tb 0 CD 3 ^ s 1 ■a y 03 Oi c3 j2 cq -O "" "MO gS? S 2 '3 S «» -zta S c rH O'O cs 3 - b c fe 1 .2 c3 -c .« « £^■3 S O"^ 5 2 pQ C3 >. ~'° ^ ° ■D ."^ J: is S ir, ° — biH, a r c ■ 3 o- o 2 « T: • >l^2a «m-ga2 » s — a w> O ScK-S 2 - CO ^ >- K r-H Or-- ■■B XI -3 a a w O o o ^ s B s ^ CU c a t- a j: B B -- ■g B sh •« "g &> 8 az s ss a •Oo'.S ^ §S 3 £ 5? i3 33 IM IN H " c3 O -- _ — "„'C ° ^ S K-o ^ -a - > c 2 ?:; -S J. B ^ O B ^ " — o o E o _ c eg 3 5 S r •2 = . C ^ «J ^ — o s .a « g5 -g en's W^ £ CO 1^ •3 H ^ BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF LE NEVE. IT frequently happens that few memorials are to be found of the lives of those who have been employed in perpetuating the memory of others. This is the case with the author of the following laborious compilation, whose name does not occur in any of our standard Biographical Dictionaries. The following are the only facts relating to him which have been discovered. John Le Neve was born in Great Russell street, Blooms- bury, in the house facing Montague-house great gate, on St. John's day, 27th Dec. 1679, ^"^^ baptized in the parish church of St. Giles-in-the-Fields on the 5th Jan. following. He was the only child of John Le Neve, and Amyi daughter of John Bent-, of Paternoster row, mercer, citizen, and merchant- tay lor of London. His father was a man of landed property, for, in addition to the manor of White Eoothing in Essex 3, which he purchased about the year 1686, 1 In the library of the late John Nichols, esq., was an annotated copy of the " Fasti Ecclesiae Anghcanse," which contained a note said to have been written by Le Neve himself, wherein the name of his mother is mis- written Mary. This circumstance, together with the style of the memo- randum, seems opposed to the notion that it was drawn up by Le Neve himself; the entry being written in the third instead of the first person, and the dates of the several occurrences being given in general rather than specific terms. 2 By Anne, daughter of John Newton, of Houghton. •^ He held his first court there on the 8th of June 1686. b 2 xiv BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. he held lands in Ashton in Northamptonshire, Lempster in Herefordshire, and Mark's hall in Essex. Le Neve lost his mother in the eighth year of his age^; and about his twelfth was sent to Eton, and admitted into the lowermost remove of the third form^. After he had been there about two years his father died 6, leaving him under the guardianship of his kinsman, Mr. Peter Le Neve^. '^ She died 12th Dec. 1687, and was interred in the north aisle of West- minster Abbey, behind the organ, on the 17th of the same month. She was buried with twenty-four escutcheons, in which the arms of Le Neve are distinguished by the difference of a thwd son j and as her husband was the fourth son, this difference is probably not personal, but that of the branch of the family of Le Neve to which he belonged. ^ He must have been an oppidan, and not on the foundation, i.e. one of the King's scholars; lists of whom, with certain particulars attached, are entered in the " Registrum Regale." The name of Le Neve does not there occur. Of the oppidans no such record is kept. ^ He died on Sunday the 26th July 1693, and was buried on the 2nd of August, by the side of his wife Amy, in Westminster Abbey. His first wife, Frances, who died on the 12th May 1677, was also buried in the north aisle of the abbey. In his will, dated 17th May 1693, and proved the 8th of August following, he mentions his brothers-in-law Edward Browne and Edward Rigby, and their wives, as well as his aunt Lucy Molyneux. He also named his brother Edmund and his cousin Oliver Le Neve. He appointed his kinsman Peter Le Neve, esq., his executor, and guardian of his son. 7 He was son and heir of Francis Neve, alias Le Neve, citizen and draper of London, and grandson of Firmian Neve, alias Le Neve, of Ring- land in CO. Norfolk. He was born 21st Jan. 1661-62, appointed Rouge Croix 17th Jan. 1688-89, afterwards Richmond Herald, and subsequently Norroy King of Arms. He held also the office of Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer. He had the honour of being the first President of the Society of Antiquaries, which office he held from 171 7 to 1724. He died 24th Sept. 1729, aetat. 67. Very contradictory opinions relative to his relationship to John Le Neve have obtained. They have been supposed to be brothers ; and it has also been asserted that no connexion existed between them. It is quite clear, however, that there was blood relationship, though perhaps not very near; for John Le Neve, the father of the compiler of the " Fasti," calls Peter his kinsman, and appoints him executor of his will, and guardian of his only child. In MS. Harl. N0.6098, is a letter from Richard Bowchier, dated from Chichester, 22nd March 1.714, to John Le Neve, the compiler BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. xv Having arrived at the upper end of the fifth form, in the six- teenth year of his age, he left Eton and became a fellow- com- moner of Trinity college, Cambridge'', into which he was ad- mitted in Sept. 1694, though he did not matriculate until nth July 1696. He continued at Cambridge not quite three years, and left the university without taking any degree. Having removed to London, he there married-^ his first-cou- sin Frances, (second daughter of Thomas Boughton '», of King's Cliff in Northamptonshire, and Elizabeth Le Neve^^ his fa- ther's only sister,) by whom he had issue eight children^-. His first literary work seems to have been the " Fasti Ecclesise Anglicanse ;" but it does not appear at what pe- riod he commenced it, though it probably was after 1707, (the year in which Dr. White Kennett became dean of Pe- terborough,) for he says, " I had not proceeded far in my work before my good fortune outstripped my very hopes, by bringing me into the favour of a very reverend dean of this church, (Dr. White Kennett,) who at once laid open to my view an immense treasure in that way, the elaborate collection of the " Fasti," in which the \vriter says, " Remember me to y"^ cosin, my friend Mr, P. Le Neve." The present Somerset Herald, (Mr. Courthope,) to whom the Editor is indebted for the pedigree printed at p. xii., is of opinion " that John Le Neve, of Cavendish, was descended from Robert Le Neve, of Ringland co. Norfolk, great-grandfather of Peter Le Neve, Norroy ; so that if the father of the compiler of the ' Fasti ' was not (as I suppose he was) second-cousin of Peter Le Neve, Norroy, he was not fur- ther removed than third-cousin." ^ He seems to have retained a grateful recollection of his sojourn there; for he says, under Trinity college, Cambridge, " It will, during life, be the utmost satisfaction to me, to remember that I once had the honour to style myself a happy (though unworthy) fellow-commoner of this society." ^ The date and place of his marriage have not been discovered. 10 He died 2nd June 1688. His will, dated 36th June 1687, was proved ist Feb. 1688-89. 11 She was living, a widow, in 1693; ha\dng had five sons and three daughters by her husband. She had an estate for life in the manor of Old Paris Garden, in Christchurch, Surrey. '2 Their names were John, Amy, Ehzabeth, Richard, Peter, Elizabeth, Frances, Catherine. (MS. note in Mr. Nichols's copy of the " Fasti." Lit. Anecd. i. p. 128.) xvi BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. of more years than I have yet hved, and who (on my first re- quest) most generously gave me free leave to extract whatever I pleased for the public service."" He advertised the work as being in a state of preparation on the nth June 1714'"^, and received the first " proof" sheet from Mr. Nutt, the printer, on the 24th of Feb. 1714-15, but as some alteration " in the method" was recommended by the printer, it was not worked off until the 2nd of March following. Between that date and the ensuing 26th of January the whole work was printed, and ready for publication. Le Neve did not in the first instance contemplate nearly so extensive a work as that he afterwards accomplished : he intended merely to give a list of the English prelates from the Revolution to his own time ; but this design not meeting with the approbation of those members of the bench of bishops to whom he communicated it, he was induced at their recommendation to attempt what he calls a more difficult task, and commence his work at the year 1616, the period at which bishop Godwin terminated his labours ; but upon Dr. White Kennett's liberal offer of the loan of his collections, he determined " to add the succession of deans and other princi- pal dignitaries in each cathedral." He also extended his lists up to the re-establishment of Christianity in England after the arrival of Augustine. This probably gave rise to Browne Willis's statement, " that though Mr. John Le Neve has the name and credit of the ' Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanse/ yet the real compiler of that useful work was bishop Kennett;" which may be taken in some measure as true, for upon comparing the "Fasti"" with White Kennett"'s collections, it is evident that Le Neve did little more than publish a different arrange- ment of those materials. Indeed, he makes no secret of the matter: in his dedication to the bishop of Ely he writes, " Your lordship is not unacquainted with the several steps that have been taken in the prosecution of it, nor of the se- veral materials which have been by many hands so generously communicated to me ; and as to my own part of the work, I 12 MS. Harl. 6098. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. xvli assure your lordship I aim at no higher a character than that of a faithful transcriber." He afterwards speaks of himself as being " the channel through which those most valuable col- lections are laid open to the public ; " and that he has used his " utmost endeavour to do justice to those valuable collec- tions of which he has had the advantage.^' No one can read his dedication, preface, and notes, without at once admitting that he did not desire to take the credit of other men's labours; for he is profuse in his acknowledg- ments of the assistance he had received from many quarters, especially from bishop Kennett ; it therefore seems hard that he should be deprived, as he has been by Cole, Hearne, and others, of all the credit which may be due for the compilation of the " Fasti." Although Le Neve met with considerable assistance in the production of the " Fasti," yet he also speaks of several difficulties and discouragements, particularly " a maliciously contrived imprisonment, purposely intended to ruin both the author and the design." It seems strange that so apparently harmless an undertaking should have created enemies to a pious and laborious man ; and it is to be regretted that no elucidation of the circumstances of the case can be offered '-^ That he received considerable literary assistance cannot be doubted, but it is sad to reflect that he met with so little en- couragement from the public. He gives a list of the sub- scribers to his work, amounting to only forty-five, (out of which number twenty-seven were on the bench of bishops,) although seven hundred and fifty copies were printed. Browne Willis also states, that Le Neve declined to publish even a supplement to his work, " alleging that he could not meet with the least encouragement ^ ^^ J3 On the Common Pleas Roll (Hil. 7° Ann. rot. 1567) is entered a trial, in which he was plaintiiF, relative to lands in Ashton, Roade, and Hartwell, in Northamptonshire ; but there is nothing there to lead to ihe inference that the suit ended with his imprisonment, unless, indeed, he was arrested for the payment of the costs in the action. I'* Although he declined publishing a supplement to the " Fasti," yet he made collections for one. Browne Willis sent him several additions XVUl BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. An increasing family and the expenses consequent thereon, the want of stipendiary occupation, and the failure of his pub- lication of the " Fasti," seem to have involved him in pecu- niary embarrassments which compelled him to sell the manor of White Roothing, the principal part of his paternal inherit- ance 1^. Notwithstanding his want of success with the "Fasti," he published in 1716 the " Life of Dr. Field, Dean of Glou- cester i*^;" and in 1 717 a single volume, " intended as a speci- men of a much larger work," of his " Monumenta," and con- taining epitaphs of persons then recently deceased, (from 1700 to 1715-) This was followed in 1718 by two more vo- lumes, which embraced the period from 1650 to 1699^7. In 17 19 he brought out two other volumes, designed as supple- mentary, and extending the series from 1600 to 17 18 is. He speaks, in his preface to these last, of having made collections and corrections ; he also promised to procure him information from bishop Tanner and others. WilUs writes, " I count these will be of admirable use to you. I might possibly pick up more : but let me know how your de- sign advances of your supplement." The Lansdown MS. 1038. f. 88. contains a letter from Le Neve to bishop Kennett, dated i8th Aug. 1719, wherein he says, "This waits on your lordship to beg the use of your lordship's MS. ' Fasti,' in 2 vols., during your stay in the country. I do assure your lordship they shall be carefully kept in my own possession, and immediately returned on your arrival in town. If your lordship please to favour me with a line, by way of order, I beg it may be directed to my house in Theobald's row, near Red Lyon street, Holbourn." IS He sold it, in 17 17, to Robert Sumner, esq. •6 Lond. Svo. 1 7 16. The Life was written by Nathaniel Field, and Le Neve seems only to have furnished the Preface to it. '7 This book was put to press 22nd Oct. 1717. (MS. Harl. 6418.) He advertised that it would be ready by the i st of November ; that no more copies would be printed than were subscribed for, on the same terms as the first, viz. 5s. the small paper, and 8s. the large ; half to be paid on subscribing, the other half on delivery. Subscriptions taken in till ist Nov. and no longer. (MS. Addl. 5875.) 18 "I received the first proof of this vol. on Saturday, 21st Feb. 1 7 18-19. J. L." (MS. Harl. 6406.) He began this collection 20th March 1715-16. (MS. Harl. 6408.) MS. Harl. 5321 is a paper book, having at the beginning " Collections of Monumental Inscriptions, beginning with the year 1600 and ending with 1649, not yet printed by me, Jo. Le Neve. Apr. 21. 1715." BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. xix of the same kind as high as the year 1401 ^^, and sohcits the favour of communications, of additions or corrections ; but he did not publish any thing further on the subject, although he mentions that his manuscript collections were at least twice as great as what he had printed -'^. His next work was the " Lives of the Protestant Bishops;" of which he pub- lished in the year 1720 two parts, containing the archbishops of Canterbury and York. These later publications appear to have been as unprofit- able as his first work, and to have plunged him into further pecuniary difficulties, which compelled him to turn his univer- sity education to some useful account ; accordingly he entered the church in the forty-fourth year of his age, without having taken any degree at either of the universities. He was pre- sented to the rectory of Thornton-le-Moor, in Lincolnshire-^, by the bishop of Ely, to whom he had dedicated his " Fasti Ecclesise Anglicanse," and was instituted thereto on the 2nd Jan. 172 1-2 2 '^2. This addition to his means, though evi- dently intended to afford him some relief from his troubles, had the contrary effect ; for immediately it became known to his creditors, they arrested him, and threw him into Lincoln jail 23. 19 Among the Harleian MSS. (3605-3616.) are twelve volumes of Mo- numental Inscriptions, from 1400 to 1716, in high preservation. 20 In the Harleian collection of MSS. are several volumes collected by him. 21 Browne Willis, in a letter to bishop Kennett, dated 13th Nov. 1721, writes, " I am glad Mr. Le Neve has got any preferment. I wish it was better; and should be glad to know the place where he is placed." 22 "Secundo die ejusdem mensis (Januarii 1721-2) Johannes Le Neve clericus institutus fuit ad Rectoriam de Thornton le Moore com. Lincoln, dec : Walscroft ad praesentationem domini Gulielmi Eliensis Episcopi ra- tions Episcopatus sui pleno jure." (Bp. Certif. Lincoln.) 23 This circumstance appears in a letter from Browne Willis to the bi- shop of Peterborough, dated 3rd Dec. 1722. " I am sorry," says Willis, "for poor Mr. Le Neve's misfortunes and confinement at Lincoln. I was in hopes his having a li\'ing would have made his creditors easy, and that they would have stayed till he was better provided to make them satisfac- tion." The docquet books of the Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, as well as the affidavits of debts from 1720 to 1735, have been searched for VOL. I. C XX BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. No other event in the life of Le Neve has been discovered. The remainder of his days were probably spent in the per- formance of his parochial duties ; at least, there is no proof of his having devoted any further portion of his time to the service of literature. His deaths in all likelihood, took place in 1741? in the sixty -third year of his age, at his rectory house, but there is no direct evidence of the fact ^4, as none of the registers of the parish are extant before 1783, the previous ones having been, it is supposed, destroyed by fire. If he died at Thornton-le-Moor, he would, as rector of the parish, have been buried in the chancel, which is now boarded over, so that any gravestone which may be there is concealed from view 2^. His successor at Thornton-le-Moor was instituted on the 25th May 1741. a judgment against him, but none has been found ; nor is there any re- cord remaining of the prisoners in Lincoln jail at that time. 24 "May 25th 1 741. Thomas Booth, clerk, B.A., was instituted to the rectory of Thornton in le Moor in Lincolnshire and deanry of Walsh- croft, vacant by the death of John Le Neve, the last incumbent, at the presentation of the Right Reverend Robert Lord Bishop of Ely, in full right by virtue of his bishopric." (Bp. Certif. Lincoln.) 25 The only memorials of him at Thomton-le-Moor, are, the silver com- munion cup, still in use, on which is engraven " John Le Neve," without any date or other inscription ; and an old parish book, in which the name of John Le Neve appears as rector of the parish and chairman of the pa- rish meetings between the years 1726 and 1739, both inclusive. OR, A N E S SAY TOWARDS DEDUCING A REGULAR SUCCESSION OF ALL THE PRINCIPAL DIGNITARIES IN EACH CATHEDRAL, COLLEGIATE CHURCH OR CHAPEL, (now in being,) In those parts of Great Britain called ENGLAND AND WALES, FROM THE FIRST ERECTION THEREOF TO THIS PRESENT YEAR MDCCXV: Containing THE NAMES, DATES OF CONSECRATION, ADMISSION, PREFERMENT, REMOVAL OR DEATH OP THE ARCHBISHOPS, BISHOPS, DEANS, PRECENTORS, TREASURERS, CHANCELLORS, AND ARCHDEACONS, IN THEIR SEVERAL STATIONS AND DEGREES. To which is added, THE SUCCESSION OF THE PREBENDARIES IN EACH PREBENDAL STALL, (OF MOST OF THOSE ERECTED AT THE REFORMATION, AND) CONTINUED DOWN TO THIS TIME. Ag also, OF THE HEADS OR MASTERS OP EACH COLLEGE OR HALL IN EITHER OF OUR FAMOUS UNIVERSITIES, FROM THEIR FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THIS TIME, The whole extracted from the several Registers of the respective Cathedral or Collegiate Churches or Foundations, as also from other authentic Records and valuable Collections never before published. Attempted by JOHN LE NEVE, Gent. LATE FELLOW-COMMONER OF TRINITY COLLEGE IN CAMBRIDGE. Their very names are buried as deep as their bodies, and the one was scarce sooner out of sight, thau the other out of all mention and remembrance.— Z>ea« Stanhope's Translation 0/ Thomas a Kempis, Edit* 9. p. 8. Antiquam exquirite Matrem. Virff. Mn. III. 96. IN THE SAVOY, Printed by J. Nutt. and sold by Henry Clements, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church.yard : Charles King, at the Judge's Head m Westminster-Hall ; and Edward Nutt, at the Middle- Temple Gate in Fleet-Street. MDCCXVI. TO THE RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GOD WILLIAM, (by divine permission) LORD BISHOP OF ELY. My Loud, I MOST humbly hope your lordship will not expect an elabo- rate apology for my presuming to lay the following sheets at your lordship's feet, since the underwritten reason (as well as many others) seems naturally to require that duty from me. When (some few years ago) I waited on your lordship with a rude sketch of a design I had then in view, your lord- ship was pleased not only to point out to me the inconveni- encies, as well as needlessness, of pursuing such a work, but also to mark out and encourage me to undertake what is hereby most humbly submitted to your lordship's censure. For whose patronage can this work so justly claim as your lordship"'s, who so properly may be reckoned the father of it ? Your lordship is not unacquainted with the several steps that have been taken in the prosecution of it, nor of the several materials which have been by many hands so gene- rously communicated to me ; and as to my own part of the work, I assure your lordship I aim at no higher a character than that of a faithful transcriber. xxiv THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. If it shall happen to have the good fortune to please a judgment so nice as your lordship's, I shall reckon it suffi- cient amends for all the difficulties and discouragements which have been so industriously thrown in my way, particu- larly by some people who have done their utmost endeavour to ruin me and the design. That it may please God long to continue your lordship so eminent an example of all Christian virtues, is the heai'ty prayer of, My lord, Your lordship's most obliged, Most obedient, and most humble servant, Jan. 26, 1715-16. JOHN LE NEVE. PREFACE TO THE FIEST EDITION. XN as few words as possible, I beg leave to inform my read- ers, that some few years ago, having more leisure time than I was willing to spend in idleness^ I formed a scheme of a work, partly of the like nature as what I now present to their view, but not at that time intended half so voluminous, as not designing to have begun higher than from the date of the late glorious Revolution. When (some time after) I waited on some of the right reverend lords the bishops, to inform them of my design, their lordships were pleased to give their opinion, that I should lay aside that work as altogether needless, the altera- tions therein to be expressed being so recent in every one's memory, and with several other reasons, prevailed with me not only so to do, but likewise to attempt a task which at that time appeared much more difficult to me. One reason which their lordships were pleased to encourage me with was, the consideration that the succession of the prelates of this kingdom, so excellently done by the right reverend Francis Godwin, late lord bishop of Llandaff and Hereford, had not been deduced lower than the year 1616, or thereabouts, (except in a little book^, which mentions only the plain names and dates of the year ;) and afterwards, on a further consideration, that the said account by bishop Godwin was become scarce, and no declared intention of reprinting it, their lordships excited me to make a short 1 Continuation of Heylin's Help to History, i2mo. xxvl PREFACE TO extract of the dates therein given, and to compare theni with what other accounts I could procure. And for my greater encouragement, their lordships were pleased to promise to revise and correct my account of each cathedral in MS. with their own notes, that the work might be rendered as complete as possible. On these encouragements I resolved to obey their lordships' commands, and accordingly set myself to work ; and had not gone far before my good fortune outstripped my very hopes, by bringing me into the favour of a very reverend dean of this Church 2, who at once laid open to my view an immense treasure in that way, the elaborate collection of more years than I have yet lived, and who (on my first request) most generously gave me free leave to extract whatever I pleased for the public service. I now found myself so strongly qualified for such an under- taking, that I thought it might not be unacceptable to the public to add the succession of the deans, and other principal dignitaries in each cathedral. In the prosecution of the work, I have likewise met with very great assistance from several other persons, my obliga- tions to whom I have endeavoured to acknowledge in their proper places ; and therefore shall only beg leave once for all to observe, that when so vast a treasure has been amassed together by the curious observation of so nice a searcher into the almost obliterated monuments of antiquity, I hope my readers will give me leave (without imputation of flattery) on all occasions humbly to express my gratitude for being so fortunate as to prove the channel, through which those most valuable collections are laid open to the public use, and, I hope, (I use the words of a learned prelate,) to the national service. As to my own part or share in this work, I hope I can satisfy my conscience, that I have used my utmost endeavour to do justice to those valuable collections of which I have had the advantage; and if those gentlemen who have so generously assisted me will but believe so, and at the same time pardon 2 Dr.White Kennett, dean of Peterborough. THE FIRST EDITION. xxvu the weakness of my part of the performance^ I shall willingly submit it on those conditions to the judgment of every candid reader ; only begging him wherever he sees a fault, which his exactness (perhaps) may not be inclinable otherwise to pardon, to remember the sentence, " Si quid novisti rectius istis, Can- didus imperti." A fault that may be imputed as to the different ways of spelling the same name in divers places of the book, I beg to excuse thus : (viz.) that the same person's name is often variously spelt in several records of equal and undoubted au- thority; for instance, Gyneivell, bishop of Lincoln, Reg. ipsius : GyndioelU among the fines of Lincolnshire in the Tally-court, Westminster. Boidands, bishop of Bangor, in the conge d'elire : Roland in the grant of the royal assent : Roidande in the grant of restitution of the temporalities. Cotton^ bishop of Exeter, Reg. ipsius : Colon in the gi'ant of the royal assent : Colon in the grant of restitution of the tempo- ralities. And so of several others. I am likewise obliged to own, that I have not performed every article promised in my proposals, for that the prebend- aries of Rochester, Worcester, Chester, and Durham, are not specified, I hope the reader will believe I have done my ut- most endeavour to obtain them : but not having been as yet so happy as to succeed in my solicitations, I can do no more than beg pardon for those or any other deficiencies. The honour that this book has already obtained of being subscribed for by so many of my lords the bishops, (of which class, twenty-seven now living, and three dead since.) can be imputed to no other reason than that by which their lordships govern all their actions, (viz.) the encouraging any good design meant for the public use and service. It would be the utmost vanity in me to say, their lordships are not balked in the performance; but I comfort myself with the assurance, that as their lordships had goodness enough to encourage it at first, so they have charity enough to accept it with all its faults, and to make a large allowance, as well for the incapacity of the undertaker, as for the many difficulties and discouragements he has met with in prosecuting the un- VOL. I. d xxviii PREFACE TO dertaking, amongst which a mahciously contrived imprison- ment, purposely intended to ruin both the author and the design, may be reckoned none of the least. Notwithstanding which, it has pleased God to support me so far as to finish it ; and as to the consequence or reception, 1 cheerfully submit it to the same overruling Providence. And that my learned readers may form their notions of the pains and time the making these collections must have cost, I shall here present them with a taste of a " supellex libraria ad sedem Cantuariensem tantum." And if lists of the same kind can be produced relating to each other see, it may at least prove that the first collector or collectors thought no trouble too much to make it as complete, as the materials that had hitherto escaped the rust of time, or devouring fire and sword, would possibly allow. SUPELLEX LIBRARIA AD SEDEM CANTUARIENSEM. Pastobale Saxonicum, sive Canones Concilii Nicaeni, et aliorum ; Latine a Theodore Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi scriptum, Saxonice ab Alfrico versum. M.S. in Bill. Corp. Chr. Coll. Cantab. S. 268. Vita S.Dunstani Archiepiscopi Cantuar. Incipit,Beatissimus Dei Preesul. 31. S. Ibid. A.V.i. Annales Ecclesise S. Augustini Cant, ad Annum 1323. M.S. in Bibl. prcedict. A.V. 11. Vita Thomse Becketi ex pluribus collecta a Johanne Gran- disono episcopo Exon. Incipit, Benedictionibus Divinse Dulcedinis : Desinit, In Specula Sseculorum. MS. Ibid. G-75- Vita et Miracula S. Augustini, Anglorum Apostoli, antiqua admodum et prolixa, prsefigitur Magistri Gocelini ( Authoris uti videtur) Epistola ad Monachos et Monasteriarcham Ecclesias S. Augustini Cantuar, Incipit, Potentissimus Triumphator MundiaHs Tyranni. Bibl. prcedict. H. 90. Petri de Ickham Chronicon a Bruto ad Ann. 1272 ; a Rad. Remington continuatum ad Ann. 1327; agit prsesertim de THE FIRST EDITION. xxix rebus Cantuariensibus. MS. in Bihl. Corp. Ghr. Coll. Cantab. 0. 217. Historia de Pontificibus Cantuariensibus ab Augustino ad Hubertum, in fine mutila. Jncipit, Quia nomina Regum Bri- tannise. MS. in Bihl. prcedict. Q. 255. Vita S. Edmundi, Archiepiscopi Cant, in fine mutila. In- cipit, Decus et gloria suae gentis. MS. in Bihl. Coll. D. Jo- hannis Cantah. C. 12. Constitutiones Roberti et Walteri, Archiepiseoporuni Can- tuariensium. Constitutiones item factse in Concilio Oxoniensi, per Stephanum Archiepise. Cant. Anno 1221.* MS. in Bihl. prcedict. D. 13. Registrum Willielmi Molash, Prioris Ecclesii Christi Cant, qui Prioratum iniit, Anno 1427. MS. dudum penes Gulielmwm Sa7icroft, Archiepise. Cant. Chronicon Ecclesise Christi Cant, breve, a Christo nato ad Annum 1306. MS. nuper penes eundem. Huberti Cant. Archiepiscopi decreta. MS. in Bihl. Beg. S. Jacohi. Vita S. Thomse Cant, per Edmundum Grime. MS. in Bihl, Arundel. ^ Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cantuar. MS. ihid. Johannis London, Monachi Ecclesiae Christi Cant. Chroni- con ad Ann. 1322. MS. in Colleg. Fecialium Londin. Liber de Monasterio S. Augustini Cant, ejusque terris, &c. juxta temporis seriem. MS. in Scaccario Reg. Westmon. Volumen quoddam Miscellaneorum, cui initium facit, Index Registri Prioratus Dover. &c. in hoc habetur indiculus Mane- riorum, &c. ab Archiepiscopatu Cant, abstractorum. loco fun- dorum, decimarum, &c. eidem redditorum, &c. MS. in Ec- clesia Christi Cant. The Statutes of the Arches, made by William Archbishop of Canterbury in 1636. MS. in the Paper-Office. Papers touching the Contest between the Archbishop of Canterbury and University of Cambridge, for Right of Metro- political Visitation, 1635, 1636. MS. ibid. The Process of the Election of all the Archbishops of Can- terbury since the Reformation. MS. ihid. d2 XXX PREFACE TO Composition between Cardinal Wolsey and Archbishop Warham, for Probation of Wills^ ^522. M8. ibid. Stephani Langtoni Annales Archiepiscoporum Cant. 3IS. in Bill. Coll. Corp. Chr. Cantab. Assisa Scaccarii Ecclesise Christi Cant, anno 1336, a Festo S. MichaeUs, &c. M8. in Archivis Ecclesice Christi Cant. Bulla Innocentii Papae Monachis Ecclesise Christi Cant, concedens eisdem jus Archiepiscopum eligendi. MS. ibid. Compositio inter Monachos Ecclesise Christi Cant, et Epi- scopos Suffraganeos de Jurisdictione, Sede Cant, vacante, ex- ercenda, et de creatione Officialis Capituli Cant, facta 8 Cal. Jul. 1278. MS. ibid. Rotulus prselongus, continens Donationes et Adquisitiones Maneriorum cum Ecclesiis totius Prioratus Ecclesise Christi Cant. JV7>S^. ibid. Compositio inter Conventum Cant, et Bonifacium Archi- episcopum^ de E-etorno Brevium Reg. &c. facta mense De- cembri, 1259. •^'^- *'^^^- Compositio inter Edmundum Archiepiscopum Cant, et Jo- hannem Priorem, de creatione Priorum in Capitulis Cant, et Dover, facta 15 Cal. Jan. 1237. MS. ibid. Arbitrium de Capella de Lamheya, factum 8 Id. Nov. 1200. MS. ibid. A Manuscript Book in folio, concerning the public and domestic Affairs of Archbishop Parker, writ partly by him- self, and partly by his Son John Parker. MS. ibid. Registrum Chartaceum Facultatum, a Matthseo Parker Archiepiscopo Cant, concessarum. MS. ibid. Registrum i . Coramissariorum Sedis Cant. MS. ibid. Liber de rebus ad Archidiaconatum Cant, spectantibus, Liber niger dictus. MS. Svo. peties Johannem Battely quon- dam Archidiaconum Cant. \ Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, ab Anno circiter 1320, ad 1370. MS. folio, in Archivis Ecclesire Christi Cant. Registrum literarum Domini Roberti, Prions Cant. MS. ibid. Nomina Monachorum Ecclesise Christi Cant, ab Anno 1207, ad i486, quo die professi sunt, Nomina eorundem ab Anno \J i THE FIRST EDITION. xxxi 1 286, ad 1507, quo die singuli obierunt. Dominus Thomas Cawston Monachus hujus Ecclesise fieri fecit (soil, tunc incho- avit) istum quaternum Anno Domini mcc(;clxxxvi. MS. ibid. Liber de computis Ecclesise Christi Cant, ab Anno circiter 1400, ad 1420. 3IS. ibid. Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, circa Annum 1375 scri- ptum. MS. ibid. Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, tempore Willielmi War- ham, Archiepiscopi, in quo plurimse Epistolse habentur de corpore S. Dunstani, et lite ea de re orta inter Archiepisco- pum et Monachos Glaston. 3IS. ibid. Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, incipit ab Anno 1340, et res varias complectitur ad Ann. usque 1504. MS. ibid. Expensse Henrici, Prioris Cant, per 37 Annos regiminis sui, ab Anno nempe 1285. MS. ibid. Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, tempore Henrici Chiche- ley Archiepiscopi ; sed et plurima antiquioris longe ^vi con- tinet. MS. ibid. Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, de vacatione Sedis, Annis 1553' ^554. ^555- ^^^- ^^5^- Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, ab Anno 1506, ad An- num circiter 1531. MS. ibid. Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, de rebus sub Hen. VIII. Rege. MS. ibid. Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, quod incipit ab Anno 1390. MS. ibid. Registrum Ecclesise Christi Cant, post obitum Johannis Stretford, Archiepiscopi Cant. 1348. 3IS. ibid. Historia Archiepiscoporum Cant, a B. Augustino ad Guli- elmum de Whittlesey. MS. Cotton. Jidius, B. 3. Brevis Narratio de fundatione Ecclesise Christi Cantuar. prsefixo Chronico a Bruto ad Annum 1367. MS. ibid. Index Archiepiscoporum Cantuariensium ab Augustino Mo- nacho ad Cardinalem Polum, quo tempore et a quibus erant consecrati, et quot Annis sedebant. MS. ibid. C. 2. Indiculus Archiepiscoporum Cantuariensium ab Augustino Monacho ad Henricum Chicheley. Catalogus Librorum olim in Bibliotheca Ecclesise Cantuariensis. MS. ibid. C. 6. xxxii PREFACE TO Oatalogus Archiepiscoporum Cantuar. ab Augustino ad Ro- bertum de Winchelsey, et Abbatum S. Augustini. MS. ibid. B. 2. / Magnum Registrum de Maneriis Ecclesise Ohristi Cantuar. "^ MS. A Letter of John Stratford, Archbishop of Canterbury, sent to King Edward the Third: written in 1341. With his Ex- cuse or Defence against several Articles, and the Answer to it. A Letter to the Bishops against that Bishop. MS. Cotton. V Julius, C.ii. Vita B. Edmundi Archiepiscopi Cant. MS. ibid. B. 6. Vitse, sive potius breves Narrationes de quibusdam Archi- episcopis Cantuar. Odone, Huberto, Theobaldo, Stephano Langton, Johanne Ufford, &c. MS. ibid. F.ii. J Oatalogus Archiepiscoporum Cant, a B. Augustino ad Ri- chardum Bancroft. MS. Cotton. Tiberius, A. 7. Historiola de adventu Sigerici Archiepiscopi Cant, ad Ro- mam. MS. ibid. B. ^. Historiola de magna Convocatione Nobilium et Seniorum sub Rege Gulielmo Prime, Anno 1072, de quibusdam consue- tudinibus et terris quas Lanfrancus, Cant. Archiepiscopus, ex jure Ecclesise suae, ad se pertinere proclamabat. Libertates et Privilegia concessa a R. Gulielmo Monachis de S. Trinitate Cantuariae. Libertates a R. Henrico Anselmo, Archiepiscopo Cant, et Monachis istius Ecclesise concessae. Archidiaconatus Cantuariensis institutio et jura; ubi de lite V inter ilium et Capitulum de jurisdictione administranda, va- cante sede Archiepiscopali. 3IS. Cotton. Tiberius, C. 9. Fragmentura de Thoma Archiepiscopo Cant. MS. Cotton. Tiberius, C. xi. I Privilegia cum pi'sediis concessa a regibus Anglis, et con- firmata a Pontificibus ecclesise Christi Cantuariensi, viz. Privilegiorum Regis ^thelredi iElfrico Archiepiscopo, La- tine et Saxonice. Confirmatio Regis Edwardi Uteris ad Stigandum Archiepi- scopum, Haroldum Comitem et Wulfricum Abbatem directis, et aliorum ; Saxonice. THE FIRST EDITION. xxxiii Bonifacii Papse ad ^thelbertum Eegem Anglorum epistola, 3IS. Cotton. Claudius, ^.3. Epistolee intcgree B. Anselmi, h. e, dum vicem Prions ges- sit, dum erat Abbas de Becco, et quae scriptte erant post ejus consecrationem in Archiepiscopum Cant, numero 416, Liber dim erat Johannis de Grandisono, Episcopi Exon. ut ille in folio post titulos et argumenta propria manu adnotavit, die 9 Apr. 1364. Postea habuit Thomas Cantuariensis (fortasse Thomas Arundehus.) Erat etiam Uber collegii de Maidstone. In fine et extra ordinem apponitur Epistola Anselmi ad Urba- num II. Papam. 3IS. Cotton. Claudius, A. xi. Vita B. Martyris Thomse, secundum Johannem de Salisbi- ria. Explanatio quarundam rerum in ejus Vita omissarum ob brevitatem^ quae continentur in illius Epistolis. Collectio Epistolarum Thomee Cantuariensis et aliorum, Libris 5. in quibus Historia rerum gestarum ab exilio ejus ad mortem continetur. 3IS. Cotton. Claudius, B. 1. Nomina SS. Marty rum^ Confessorum, et Virginum, quorum corpora in Metropolitioa Ecclesia Oantuariensi sepeliuntur. Nomina confessorum quiescentium in monasterio apostolo- rum SS. Petri et Pauli^ atque S. Augustini extra muros Oan- tuariae. MS. Cotton. Claudius, B. 9. In Codice Cottoniano, MS. Claudius, C. 6. reperkmtur, 6. Nomina Ecclesiarum, quas^ prius, ablatas, Ecclesise Christi reddidit Willielmus Rex Anglorum. 7. Societatura virorum et foeminarum indiculus, pro quarum animabus Monachi Ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensis tenentur praestare servitia^ officia et missas. 8. Elogium de Lanfranco^ Archiepiscopo Cantuar. in quo multa habentur de munificentia aliisque gestis ipsius. 9. Lanfranci, Dorobernensis Ecclesiae Antistitis, ad dilectis- simos fratres sues Henricum Priorera et caeteros Epistola, de consuetudinibus sui ordinis tum festis diebus tum aliis tempo- ribus observandis, aliisque ad statum regimenque Monacho- rum spectantibus. 10. De donatione et munificentia Ludovici Regis Francorum erga Ecclesiam Christi Cantuariensem, (piem Prior et Conven- xxxiv PREFACE TO tus in suam receperunt fraternitatera, Uteris a Ricardo archi- episcopo et Alano priore et conventualibus fratribus ad ipsum datis. Registrum chartarum monasterii S. Augustini Cantuarien- sis, de terris, pr^ediis, redditibus, donationibus, privilegiisque; vulgariter appellatura, ob tegmen rubrum, The Red Book of Canterbury. MS. Cotton. Claudius, B. lo. Varia decreta Romanorum Pontifieum a Gregorio Magno, qu£e spectant ad dignitatem Ecclesise Dorobernensis et statum Ecclesise Anglicanse. 31 S. Cotton. Claudius., E. 5. Epistolse Venerabilis Archiepiscopi Cantuar. Lanfranci ad diversos missse. MS. Cotton. Nero, A. y. In Codice Gottoniano, Nero, C. viii. 16. Jiahentur, Literse procuratorise et libelli Prioris et Capituli Ecclesiae Cantuar. et Rieardi de Ferringes^ Archidiaconi Cantuar. de Controversia circa Jurisdictionem, ad quem nimirura pertine- bat, Sede vacante. Multa prseclara ex Monuraentis Ecclesise illic adduntur, de jure Capituli in exercenda Jurisdictione tani Provinciali quara Dicecesana durante ista vacatione, cum In- structionibus et Instrumentis ab utraque parte productis, et historia totius processus. In Codice Gottoniano., Galha, E. 3. hahentur, 2. Catalogus Benefactorum Ecclesise Christi Cantuar. et quo tempore fiunt pro illis commemorationes. 6. Charta Thomse Archiepiscopi Cant, in qua personas, ter- ras, pertinentias, et proventus, libertates, et dignitates, Ec- clesise Cantuar. sub Dei protectione et Curias Romanse, et suse ponit. 7. Causa ExiUi et Marty rii B. Thomae Martyris et Ponti- ficis Cantuariensis. 9. Nomina Archiepiscoporum Cantuariensium ab Augustino ad Fratrem Johannem Peccham. 10. Finalis concordia inter Bonifacium Archiepiscopum Cant, et Rogerum Priorem et Conv. Ecclesise Christi Cant, facta apud Wostm. Anno 43 H. 3. coram Hugone de Bigod, Justiciar. Angl. THE FIRST EDITION. xxxv In Godice Coifoniano, Galha, E. 4. continentur, Registrum, sive Memoriale Henrici Prioris Monasterii Christi Cantuar. in quo habentur plurima de Officiis, de Pro- visionibus, Pensionibus, Missis, aliisque ad sacrum cultum spectantibus ; de redditibus, de Novitiis, de regimine, de suis obedientiariis, de numero acrarum in suis Maneriis, de pecu- niis allocatis quibusdam Officiariis, et pro Vestimentis, et aliis Ornamentis, et pro Domibus et Reparationibus, de Debitis et Placitis, de Privilegiis^ Ornamentis, Vestibus, et Vasis sacris, Libris quorum usus in Capella, Textibus, reliquiis, Libris in Bibliotheca, aliisque ad istud Monasterium spectantibus. 4. Nomina Archiepiscoporum Cantuar. ab Augustino ad Walterum, quondam Episcopum Wigorn. 5. Staurum dimissum in Archiepiscopatu Cantuarise post translationem D. Roberti de Kilwardby, anno 1278. 6. Taxatio temporalium Archiepiscopatus Cantuar. in Dioe- cesi Cantuariensi. 7. Taxatio temporalium et spiritualium Prioratus EcclesisB Cantuar. secundum verum valorem, &c. Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis ab adventu Normannorum, h. e. a Lanfranoo ad Johannem de Stratford, ad Ann. nempe Christi 1333, cum notatione temporis illorum Promotionis et Obitus. MS. Cotton. Otho, A. 4. In Codice Cottoniano, Vitellius, A. S. hcec inter alia con- tinentur, 5. Arbitrium factum inter Hubertum Archiepiscopum Cant, et Priorem et Conventum Ecclesise Christi Cantuar. de sedifi- catione Ecclesise apud Lambeth, anno regni Regis Johan- nis 2°. 6. Compositio inter Edmundum Archiepiscopum Cant, et Priorem et Conventum Ecclesise Christi Cant, super advoca- tionibus Ecclesiarum, de Maneriis, &c. anno 1237. 7. Compositio inter Priorem et Capitulum Ecclesise Can- tuar. et Episcopum Londin. et quosdam alios Episcopos Suffraganeos istius Ecclesise, super usu et exercitio Jurisdicti- onis Metropohticae Sedis Cantuar. dicta Sede vacante per translationem D. Roberti nuper Cant. Archiepiscopi in Portu- ensem Episcopum Cardinalem, anno 1278. VOL. I. e xxxvi PREFACE TO 8, Compositio inter Bonifacium Archiepiscopum Cant. Priorem et Conventum ejusdem Ecclesise et Ricardum de Clare, Comitem Glocestrise, de quibusdam consuetudinibus et servitiis, anno 43 Hen. III. 9. Compositio inter Abbatem et Conventum Monasterii S. Augustini Cant, et Priorem et Capitulum Ecclesise Christi Cantuar. super quibusdam terris, redditibus, tenementis, juribus variis, &c. anno 1287. Inter Collectanea Laurentii Nowelli, MS. Cotton. VitelHus, D. 7. habentur, ^6. Obituarium Archiepiscoporum, Episcoporum, Sacerdo- tum, Diaconorum, aliorumque Fratrum Ecclesise Christi Cantuar. 40. Nomina Archiepiscoporum Cant, ad Simonem Sud- bury, ex Libro Gulielmi Thorne, 44. Vitae Archiepiscoporum Cant, per Johannem Jocelinum. Historia Ecclesiastica, Anglice, et de vitis Archiepisco- porum Cant, per Johannem Jocelinum. MS. Cotton. Vitellius, E. xiv. 18. In Codice Cottoniano, Cleopatra., F. 1. continentur, 18. Nomina Archiepiscoporum Cant, ab Augustino ad Johannem Whitgift. y 19. Cantuariensis Sedis Privilegia et Prerogativa. 21. Quasdam de potestate Archiepiscopi Cantuar. quousque jure extendi possit. 23. Collecta ex Registris Archiepiscoporum Cant, per Thomam Yale, LL.D., et Cancellarium Matthsei Archiepi- scopi Cant, anno 1570. 24. Extracta alia ex Registris Archiepiscoporum Cant, super Juribus et Consuetudinibus Ecclesise Cantuar. 25. Beneficia pertinentia ad collationem et preesentatio- nem Archiepiscopi Cantuar. 28. Taxse Dispensationum per D. Archiepiscopum Cant, concedendarum. THE FIRST EDITION. xxxvii In Codice Gottoniano, Faustina, B. 6. Plurimse Pontificum Romanorum Epistolse, inter has, 1 6. Epistola Gregorii II. ad omnes Episcopos Anglise, de Tatwino Archiepiscopo Dorobern. ad istam Sedem promoto. 17. Epistola Leonis Papse ad Athelardura, Dorobern. Ecclesise Archiepiscopum, de Juribus et Privilegiis ejusdem Sedis. 19. Ecclesige, Terrse, et Domus quae pertinent ad jus et possessionem Cantuariensis Ecclesise in Civitate Londonise. But the foregoing List being of Manuscripts (and only re- lating to one see), let the reader be pleased to make a list of the printed books likewise quoted throughout this work^ and perhaps it may deter any ill-natured critic from attempting to mark all the faults contained in it. I think myself obliged in justice to my printer to assure the reader, that the utmost care has been taken to be exact in the figures : and though some few faults have escaped ; yet, I hope, considering the bulk of the volume, and the variety of dates therein contained, that the errata will be pardonable. I have nothing further to add, but that if this my first attempt shall have the good fortune to meet with a kind re- ception, I shall endeavour to make a collection of all the monumental inscriptions (ancient and modern) in each of the several cathedrals, collegiate churches or chapels, herein men- tioned ; and shall publish them all together in one volume. I have already made some large collections towards that design, and shall pursue it, if I meet with encouragement : in the meantime I shall be very much obliged to any gentleman that shall please to communicate any materials of that nature; and I humbly hope, upon any alteration amongst the present dignitaries of the several cathedrals, &c., that some gentleman of that church or college will be pleased to inform me of it by letter, that I may have the satisfaction of xxxviii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. continuing the succession in a regular manner during my life. Any letters directed for me, to be left either at Mr. Charles King's shop in Westminster-hall, or at Mr. Henry Cleraents's in St. Paul's Church-yard, will (God willing) come very safe to my hands, and the favour shall thankfully be acknow- ledged by Your most obedient humble servant, Jan. 26, 1715-16. JOHN LE NEVE. CANTERBURY. CANTERBURY. J. HE diocese of Canterbury contained, up to ist Jan. 1846, three-fourths of the county of Kent^, besides about one hundred pecuHars^ in other dioceses. Up to that time there was only one archdeaconry, that of Canterbury; but by an order in council, gazetted 4th June 1 841, there was founded a new archdeaconry, called and styled " the archdeaconry of Maidstone," consisting of the deaneries of Sittingbourne, Charing, and Sutton ; and the right of collating the archdeacon of Maidstone was vested in the archbishop of Canter- bury and his successors for ever ; and the canonry, or 1 By an order in council, ga- zetted 20th Aug. 1845, founded on Stat. 6 & 7 Will. IV. c. 77, the diocese of Canterbury is made to consist of the county of Kent, (except the city and deanery of Rochester, and the parishes pro- posed to be included in the dio- cese of London %) and of the parishes of Croydon and Ad- dington, and the district of Lam- beth palace, in the county of Surrey. 2 By an order in council, ga- zetted 8th June 1841, the dean- ery of Southwell, and the several parishes or places therein com- prised, and the several parishes of Kinolton, South Muskham, a Viz. the parishes of Charlton, Lee, Lewisham, Greenwich, Woolwich, Eltharn, Plumstead, St. Nicholas Deptford, and St. Paul Deptford. ^ VOL.1. B Apesthorpe, Bole, East Drayton with Askham, Laneham, Mister- ton, West Stockwith, and North Wheatley, in the county of Not- tingham, possessing or claiming peculiar jurisdiction and to be exempt from the ordinary juris- diction of the archbishop of York and archdeacon of Nottingham, are to be annexed to and included in the province of Canterbury, diocese of Lincoln, and archdea- conry of Nottingham, respective- ly; all the other peculiars are done away with, and annexed to the several dioceses of London, Chichester, Winchester, Roches- ter and Ely. 2 CANTERBURY. ninth prebend in the cathedral church of Canterbury, lately held by the rev. William Wood, was annexed and united to the said archdeaconry for ever. The province of Canterbury includes twenty dioceses: viz. St. Asaph, Bangor, Bath and Wells, Bristol and Gloucester-^, Chichester, St. David's, Ely, Exeter, Hereford, Llandaff, Lichfield and Coventry, Lincoln, London, Norwich, Oxford, Peterborough, Rochester, Salisbury, Winchester, and Worcester. ARCHBISHOPS. 598 Augustine was dispatched from Rome 596^; arrived in the isle of Thanet 597^; went to France, and was consecrated by the archbishop of Aries on Sunday 1 7th Nov. 597; returned to England 598; received his pall from Rome 601, settled his see at Canterbury in 602, and died 26th May 605 6, and was buried in St. Augustine's abbey, near the high altar, having pre- viously (28th April 6047) ordained as his successor 605 Lawrkxce, who died on Friday 2nd Feb. 619^, and was buried in the porch of St. Augustine's abbey. 619 Mellitus was translated, or rather ejected, from Lon- don; died Tuesday 24th April 624 9, and was buried in the porch of St. Augustine's abbey. 624 Justus was translated from Rochester ^0. (jjetl loth Nov. 630^1, and was buried in the porch of St. Augustine's abbey. 3 United in 1836. ^ Bed. Hist. Eccl. ii. 3. 4 Bed. Hist. Eccl. i. 33. » Ibid. ii. 7. 9 Ibid. 5 Ibid. i. 25. 10 Ibid. ii. 8. ^ As Beda has not mentioned 'i Ibid. ii. 18. Various dates tlie year of Augustine's death, (from 625 to 634) have been as- there have been a variety of opin- signed for the death of archbishop ions on the subject, but the most Justus, but that of 630 seems the probable date is the one here most probable, adopted. ARCHBISHOPS. 3 631 HoNOEius, ordained by Paulinus archbishop of York; re- ceived his pall 634; died 30th Sept. 6^^^^'^, and was buried in the church of St. Augustine's abbey. JSee vacant one year and six months^-^. 655 Deusdedit or Adeodatus, called also Frithona, or- dained 26th March"; died 14th July 664 ^\ UiGHARD or WiRRARD^^, clccted, but died at Rome be- fore consecration 17. Hadrian, appointed by the Pope, but declined 1^. 668 Theodore of Tarsus, ordained at Rome 26th March 668^5. enthroned at Canterbury 27th May 669 -«; died [29th Sept.] 69021. 693 Berhtuald'--, abbot of Recuher in Kent, elected ist July 692 ; ordained by God wine archbishop of Lyons 29th June 693 ; enthroned at Canterbury 3 1 st Aug. in the same year-^, and died 13th Jan. 731-'*. 731 Taetwine'^5, a monk of Bredone in Worcestershire, was consecrated at Canterbury, loth June, by the bishops of Winchester, London, Lichfield, and Rochester 26; he died 30th July 734'^". 735 NoTHELM'^s was consecrated in 735^^, and received his pall736-^0; died 17th Oct. 741-^^ 741 Cuthbert-^-, translated from Hereford; died 26th Oct. 12 Bed. Hist. Eccl. iii. 20. 27 F]or. Wigorn. 13 Ibid. 14 Ibid. 28 Henry of Huntingdon erro- 1^ Ibid. iv. I. neously makes Ecgbricht succeed 16 Ob. 667. Chron. Petrob. Taetwine as archbishop of Can- '7 Bed. Hist. Eccl. iv. i. terbury. He should have stated 1® Ibid. 19 Ibid. that Ecgbricht was made arch- 20 Ibid. iv. 2. 21 Ibid. iv. 8. bishop of York in the year in 22 His name is variously writ- which Taetwine archbishop of ten : Brihtwald, Beorhtwald, Canterbury died. Brithwald, Brithewald, Bercht- 29 Hoved. 230 b. wald, Brectwald,Britwold, Brith- '■^^ Flor. Wigorn. wold, Brichtwald, Brihtwald. "^i Flor. Wig. Hoveden (230) 23 Bed. Hist. Eccl. v. 8. places his death in 739 ; the 24 Ibid. V. 23. Chron. RofF. (Vesp. A. xxii. f. 20) 2^ Called also Tatwin,Tadwine, places it 17th Oct. 740. Tacuine, Tathwin, and Stadwin. 32 Called also Cudbert and 26 Bed. Hist. Eccl. v. 23. Cudbrict. 4 CANTERBURY. 758^^, and was the first archbishop who was buried in his cathedral^'*. 759 Breogwine^^ consecrated 29th Sept. 759; died 24th Aug. j62^^. 763 Jaenberht^^^ ahbot of St. Augustine s, elected 2nd Feb.^^; consecrated at Rome in 763-39; received his pall 764; died 12th Aug. 790^0, 790 Aethelheard^i, at first abbot of Malmesbury , afterwards bishop of Winchester^ from which he was translated to Canterbury ^'^ ; consecrated 21st July 793, and died in 803 ^3. 803 WuLFRED-14^ received his pall 804'*^; died in 829^^. 829 Fleogild47, the ahbot, chosen 25th April, consecrated 9th June, and died 30th Aug. 829^^. SwiTHBED or Syreu secuis to have been elected, but died before confirmation ; at least, his name occurs in some of the MSS. of Florence of Worcester ^9. 830 Ceolnoth''", consecrated in 830, received his pall in 83 1 51; he died 870 •■^■^. 33 Flor. Wigorn. ^4 Ibid. ^ Called also Bregwin, Breo- win, and Lyzigwin. The Life of this archbishop is among the Lambeth MSS., No. 159. ^^ Flor. Wigorn. 27 Called also Janbryth, Jam- bert, Jambeth, Jainbert, Lam- bert, Lambrith, Genberht, Gean- berht, &c. 3*^ Thorn, col. 1775, says, 7th Jan. 762; but Florence, more correctly, gives the date as 2nd Feb. 763. ^^9 Dicet. col. 444. ■10 Flor. Wigorn. 41 Called also Adelardus,Adel- hardus, Ethelredus, Ethelhear- dus, Aethelher, Edelred, and Edil- bardus. 42 Malms, de vita Aldhelmi, and Sax. Chron. 43 Sax. Chron. and Flor. Wig. A charier, printed in vol. i. p. 231. of Kemble's Collection, is dated 805. xiii. indict. 44 Called also Wlured, Wilfred, Wolfred, Wifred, and Wlfred. ''s Sax. Chron. and Flor. Wig. 4G Ibid. 47 Called also Feologild, (Tiber. B. V.) Theologild, Feolgild, Fleo- gilg, Feolgeld, Feogild, and Felo- geld. 48 Sax. Chron. Ob. ist Sept. 830. Gervas, col. 1642. 49 Mon. Hist. Brit. p. 616. 5" Called also Celnodus and Ceonodus. '^1 Sax. Chron. and Flor. Wi- gorn. •^2 Sim. Dunelm., Hoved,, and Flor. Wigorn. ARCHBISHOPS. 5 870 Aethelred^^, translated from Wiltshire''^ ^^; died in 889". 891 Plegemund^7^ died in 923'^. 923 Aethelm, translated from Wells^^; died soon after the coronation of king Aetlielstan ^^, 928 Wulfelm, translated from Wells ^i. The exact dates of his accession and death arc not known ; but the first probably took place in 928, and the latter in 941 ^-. 941 Odd, surnamed the Good, was translated from Wilton, but the date of his election is not certain ^^ : Florence of Worcester places his name after that of Wulfelm ; and in the list of bishops of Wilton, after his name, he adds, " Hie vir sanctus post Wulfhehnum Doro- bernise suscepit archiprsesulatum." The Saxon Chro- nicle refers his death to 961, but Florence of Worces- ter more correctly to 958. Alsine succeeded Odo; but in going to Rome for his pall was frozen to death on the Alps^^, and ^RJHTHELM, bishop of Dorset \_ Wells'], was elected; but the King persuaded him to continue in his own see^'; so that the next consecrated archbishop after Odo was 53 CaUed also Ethered, Ethel- 58 Sax. Chron. fred, Aethered, and Aethelred. ^a pior. Wigorn. "^ Ibid. 5-t Saxon. Chron. OftheWUt- 61 Flor. Wigorn. and WUl. shire see, however, nothing oc- Malms. curs elsewhere before the begin- ^'^ Wulfelm'stranslationiscom- ning of the following century. monly said to have taken place 55 Sax. Chron. and Flor. Wig. in 924, and his death in 933, but 56 Flor. Wigorn. The Saxon there are charters extant witness- Chronicle says 888. ed by hun in 940 and 941, (see 57 Called also Plemimd, Plei- Kemble's Chart. Anglo-Sax. vol. mund, Pleigmund, Pleumund, ii. pp. 226. 228. 234;) and char- and Clegmund. (Tiber. B. v.) ters witnessed by his successor After the death of Aethelred, the Odo in 942. Ibid. p. 240. see must have been vacant for 63 Gervase, (Act. Pontif. col. upwards of a year, as Plegemund 1643,) writing of him, says, " Qui was consecrated by pope For- quot annis sederit, vel duo prae- mosus, who did not take pos- decessores ipsius, nondum ad session of the papal chair before nostram pervenit notitiam." 19th Sept. 891. Fleury, Hist. •^j pior. Wigorn. *'5 ibid. Eccles. 6 CANTERBURY. 959 DuNSTAN, who was translated from London ; he re- ceived his pall at Rome in the following year ^6; he died 19th May 988^7. 988 Aethelgar^^, hishop of Selsey, was translated to this see^s, which he held but fifteen months 7o. 990 SiGERic or SiRic, bishop of Wilton, translated hither^i; he died 995"-- 995 Aelfric"^, formerly a monk of Glastonbury, bishop of Wilts, translated to this see'^ ; consecrated at Canter- bury 996'''', and died 1006"^. J 006 Aelfeah'/, bishop of Wintoji, translated hither 78; cap- tured by the Danes in loii, and by them murdered 19th April in the following year 79. 1013 Lyfixg^o or Aelfsxan 81, translated from Wells in 1013 8-2; he died in loao^a. 1020 Aethelnoth^*, the Good, dean of Christchurch, conse- crated 13th Nov.85; he died 29th Oct. 1038^6. J038 Eadsige87, succeeded Aethelnoth in 1038*8. \^q fjjed 29th Oct. 105089. 1050 Robert, of Jumieges'^^, translated from London 9i; he fled to Rome in 1052, in which year he died on his return therefrom at Jumieges, and was buried in the *^^ Hoved. 244. 79 Sax. Chron., Malms., and *»7 Flor. Wigorn., Hoved., and Flor. Wigorn. Sim. Dunelm. 80 Called also Lifing, Lefwing ''8 Called also Ethelgar, Adel- or Leving. gar or Stilgar. 81 g^x. Chron. ^^ Sax. Chron. 82 gax. Chron. and Flor. Wig. 70 Sax. Chron., Gervas, Act. 83 Ibid. Pont., and Flor. Wigorn. 84 g^x. Chron. and Flor. Wig. 71 Sax. Chron. and Flor. Wig. Called also Agelnoth, Egilnod, 72 Ibid. Egilnot, and Aethelnold. 73 Called also Elfric, Alveric 85 g^x. Chron. and Flor. Wig. and Aluric. 86 gax. Chron., Flor. Wigorn., 7^^ Sax. Chron. and Flor. Wig. Sim. Dunelm., and Hoved. ''^ Ibid. 87 Called also Eadsine, Eadsi, "6 Sax. Chron., Flor. Wigorn., Edsi and Edgi. and Hoved. 246. 88 gax. Chron. and Flor. Wig. 77 Called also Aelfehg, Elphege, 89 ibid. Alfegh or Alfeagh. 90 Robertus Gemeticensis. 78 Sax. Chron. and Flor. Wig. ^i Sax. Chron. and Flor. Wig. ARCHBISHOPS. 7 church of St. Mary which he had chiefly built at vast expense 9-. 1052 Stigaxd, bishop of IVlnton, invaded the archbishopric 5-^. Some MSS. of the Saxon Chronicle however state that the King conferred it on him : " Rex autem dedit Sti- gando capellano suo archiepiscopatum Kantise ;" be that as it may, he could not obtain the pall from Stephen IX, and therefore prudently retained the bishopric of Winchester, By bribery he obtained a pall from Bene- dict X in 1058 ; but that Pope being dethroned by Nicholas II, Stigand was not recognised as archbishop. He retained however both sees until the council of Win- chester, held in the octave of Easter 1070, when he was degraded and condemned to perpetual imprison- ment ^-t. 1070 Lanfranc, ahbot of St. Stepheir's at Caen., was appointed 4Wiii.l. i^th Aug. 107095, and consecrated archbishop on Sun- day 29th Aug.96. He died 24th May 108957. See vacant four years"^^. 1093 Anselme, abbot of Bee in Normandy, was appointed in •wm.ii. Lent^^, and consecrated archbishop 5th Dec. 1093'. He died 21st April 1109-^, setat. 76, and was buried on the following day. Holy Thursday, at Canterbury ^ See vacant Jive years^. 1 1 14 Radulfus de Turbine^, bishop of Rochester, was elected 4 Hen. I. 92 Will. Malms. Gest. Reg. 99 Eadm. Hist. Nov. and Sim. 93 Ibid. Dunelm. 9-1 Will. Malms. Gest. Reg. 1 Hoved. Annal. and Eadm. and Sim. Dunelm. Hist. Nov. 9''' Sim. Dunelm. 2 gim. Dunelm. Hoved. An- 96 Malms. Gest. Pont, and nal. and Eadmer. Hoved. Annal. '■^ Sim. Dunelm. and Hoved. 97 Sim. Dunelm. and Hoved. Annal. Florence says (ix Cal. Jul.) 23rd ^ An. 11 13. Rex Henricus de- June, and Serlo, a contemporary, dit archiepiscopatum Richardo loth May. episcopo London, et ilium per 98 MS. Cott. Domit. xiii. f. 23 baculum et annulum investivit. says that, on the death of Lan- Matt. AVestm. franc in 1089, Ralph Passeflambe ^ Homo summae jocunditatis succeeded to Canterbury. et non modice Uteris instructus 8 CANTERBURY. to the see on Sunday vi Cal. Mali (April 26) 1114^ and consecrated 17th May following''. He received his pall on Sunday 27th June 1115^, and was en- throned the same day 9. He died 19th Sept. 1122^", and was buried in his own cathedral. 1123 William de CurbelliqI', prior and canon of St. 22Hen.i. Osyth^- Cliicli^ was elected pursuant to the conge cTelire dated Gloucester 4th Feb. 1123^-^ and consecrated on the 18th of the same months*. He died vi Cal. Dec. (26th Nov.) 1 136, in the fourteenth year of his primacy, and was buried at Canterbury i'\ The see was vacant two years i^. II 39 Theobald, ahhot of Bee in Normandy, was elected arch- 3 Steph. bishop 13th Dec. 1138, and was consecrated 8th Jan. 1139 17. He died 18th April (xiv Cal. Maii) 11 61, having been archbishop upwards of twenty-two years i^, and was buried in Christ church, Canterbury 1 9. Tlie see vacant upwards of a year-^. 1162 Thomas Becket, archdeacon of Canterhury and the 8Hcn.II. Kinfs chancellor, was unanimously elected archbishop 24th May II 62, and was consecrated on Whitsunday (Gervas. Act. Pont.). He was Carboil, Carbois or Curbville. commonly called the Jester {'Nu- See a character of him in Gesta gax). Knighton, col. 2380. See Stephani, 928 d. MS. Laud. D. 49, a letter from '^ Hoved. 273 b. him to the Pope on the supre- '"^ According to Ralph de Di- macy of the see of Canterbury ceto he was elected at Gloucester over that of York. 2nd February, and consecrated ^ Abb. Chron. Rad. de Diceto. at Canterbury on the i6th of Wendover and others place the that month. Hoveden (273 b.) translation of Radulfus to Can- says, that he was nominated by terbury in 11 15, but incorrectly, the King 2nd Feb. 1123. as 26th April fell on Sunday '•* Gervas Cantuar. On 25th in 1 1 14, as stated by Ralph de Mar. 1123, according to Simeon Diceto. of Durham. 7 Eadm. no. '''» Gen'. Cant. ^ Sim. Dunelm. Eadm. 113. '*• Ibid. " Sim. Dunelm. and Hoved. '^ Gemet. viii. 42. and Gerv. Annal. Cant. 10 Sim. Dunelm. is Gerv. Cant. 11 Called also Corbel, Corboyl, '9 Ibid. 20 ibid. ARCHBISHOPS. 9 27th May-^ He was murdered in his own cathedral 29th Dec. 1 170^2, " quinta die Natalia Dominica," and was there buried-^. The see zcas vacant two years and five monihs'^^. 1174 Richard, prior of Dover, was elected 3rd June (iii 19H. II. Non, Jun.) 11 73 at London, but the royal assent was withheld, and the archbishop-elect appealed to Rome for the Pope's confirmation, which he obtained with some difficulty 2nd April 1 174^^. He was consecrated 8th April following-". He sat as archbishop ten years and eight months. He died at " Halinges" 1 6th Feb. 1184, and was buried in the church of St. Mary there on the iSth of the same month -^. 1 184 Baldwin, bishop of Worcester, was translated to Oanter- 30H. II. bury; his election took place 1 6th Dec. II 84-9. He was enthroned 19th May following-^o^ and died 19th Nov. 1190-^1 at the siege of Acre, where he was buried-^"-. 1 191 Reginald Fitz-Joceline, bisho]) of Bath a7id Wells , 3 Rid. was elected as the successor of archbishop Baldwin 27th Nov. 1191 ; but he died 26th Dec. 1191, before his election was confirmed by the Pope-^^, and was 21 Ymag. Hist. R. de Diceto. tione sua nee ante electionem nee 22 Ralph de Diceto and others post aliquid dederat vel promi- say II 71; but they commenced serat."(Ymag.Hist.58o.) "Papse the year on Christmas day. nihilominus tempore consecra- 23 Rad. de Diceto. tionis dedit deeies mille marca- 2^ Gerv. Cantuar. He was rum." Chron. Petrob. ad an. first buried in the undercroft, 1174. but his body was translated to 27 j^ Dominica qua canitur ad a sumptuous shrine at the east introitum " Misericordias Domi- end of the church, at the charge ni." Gerv. col. 1426. of archbishop Stephen Langton, 28 Chron. Gervas. on the 7th July 1220, in pre- 29 Ibid. 30 Jbid. sence of king Henry III, Pan- 31 fhe date of his death is dulph the Pope's legate, &c. variously given: the greater num- 25 Gerv. Cantuar. ber of chroniclers assign the year 26 Ymag. Hist, and Gerv. Can- 1 190 to that event. tuar. He swore, " quod pro elec- ^2 Chron. Gervas. 33 ibid. 10 CANTERBURY. 1193 4 Ric. I. buried at Bath on the feast of St. Thomas the Martyr 3 ^ The see was nacant after the death of Baldwin for nearly three year s'^^ . Hubert Walter, bishop of Salisbury^ who was at Acre with archbishop Baldwin and the executor of his will, was translated to Canterbury, having been elected archbishop 30th May 1 193-^*^. He was enthroned 5th Nov. following-^?. King John appointed him his chan- cellor in 1199. He held the seals till his death, 13th July (iii Idus Julii) 12053^, and was buried on the 15th of the same month in his own cathedral -^9. Reginald, the sub-prior, was elected by the monks 'O; but afterwards at their own request ^^ the election was set aside by the King*^, and John Grey, bishop of Norwich, at the King's request, was chosen ^^; but the Pope annulled the election ^-^ in favour of ^ Rad. de Diceto. 35 Gerv. Act. Pont. 36 Chron. Gerv., Ymag. Hist., and Rad. de Diceto. 37 Ymag. Hist. 38 Rog. Wendov. 39 Gerv. Cantuar. 40 Monachi vero Cantuar. ti- mentes ne rex more suo electio- nem suam impediret, rege non inquisito, Reginaldum sub-prio- rem suum in archiepiscopum elegerunt, et de nocte media, hymno, Te Deum laudamus, can- tato, prius super majus altare ac deinde in archiepiscopali cathe- dra posuerunt, quod clam ideo factum est, quia verebantur mo- nachi, quod si electio, sine regis consensu facta, ipsi regi innote- sceret, processum negotii iratus impediret. (Matt.Westm. ad an. 1205.) For a full account of the proceedings in this election, see Matthew of Westminster, and Giraldus Cambrensis, Distinc. 2. c. 19. 4' Quosdam de conventu mo- nachos ad regem miserunt re- quirentes ab eo licentiam eli- gendi. 42 Rog. Wendov. 43 Rot. Pat. 7 Joh. m. i. Quo facto, rex, videntibus cunctis, misit electum ilium in posses- sionem rerum omnium ad archi- episcopatum pertinentium. Matt. Westm. ad an. 1205. 44 Upon this election Matthew of Westminster remarks, " Sic- que in hac duplici electione,factus estnovissimus error, pejor priore, quod fuit seminarium multarum in Anglia tribulationum et scan- dalorum, quae nunquam postea sedabantur penitus extirpata." ARCHBISHOPS. 11 1207 Stephen Langton, who was consecrated by the Pope 8 John, at Viterbo 17 th June 1206^^, or according to others at Rome 17th June 1207; after a fruitless struggle with the Pope, the King was obliged to yield to the papal see^^, and acknowledge Stephen Langton as archbishop^7^ and receive him into his favour^s, and restore the temporalities to him ■^'■^. He died 6th July ''^ T228''i at Slindon in Sussex, and was buried in his own cathedral^-. The custody/ of the archbishopric was granted 6th July to Bartholomew de Crioil and Alan Pomant^'^. Walter de Eynesham-^^ or Hempshaai, a monk of Canterbury , was elected by the monks ^^, but the elec- tion was set aside by the King and the Pope^^. 1229 Richard Weathershed, surnamed Ze (^rawc^^/, c/iaw- [3H.III. cellor of Lincoln, was nominated by the Pope 5^, and the royal assent was given to the election 23d May 1229^9; he was consecrated in August^o following^\ and he died 3rd Aug. 1231 at St. Gemma, on his way to England from Rome, where he had been to appeal « Matt. Paris. ^i Chron. T. Sprot. •*6 Every thing material rela- ^2 Matt. Paris, tive to king John's controversy ^3 p^t. 12 Hen. III. m.3. with the Pope about Stephen ^■^CalledalsoEvesham. Chron. Langton's election may be seen T. Wikes. in the Foedera, torn. i. pp. 143. ^^ Pat. 12 Hen. HI. m. i. 144. 147. 165. 166. 167. 171. 172. 56 Matt. Paris and Annal.Theo- 176. 177. 197. 198. old edit., and kesb. in Concil. Anglic, torn. i. pp. 515 ^7 Ricardus cognomento Mag- — 546. nus. (Matt. Westm. ad an. 47 He was created cardinal- 1229.) Ricardus de Graunt. priest of St. Chrysogoni 15th Chron. Mailr. Tax. Wint. Dec. 1212. 58 Matt. Paris, Lett. No. 464. 48 Pat. 15 Job. p. I. m. 12. 59 Pat. 13 Hen. HI. m. 9. 49 Claus. 15 Joh. m. 6. 60 Matt. Paris and Matt. West- 50 Matt. Paris and Matt. AVest- minster say, on Trinity Sunday, minster say, vii Idus Julii, but loth June 1229. they must mean pridie Id. Julii, 61 Claus. 13 Hen. III. m. 5. 6th July a. a According to the Annales Winton. 7th July, and Chron. loth July; taut the correctness of the date in the text is proved by the entry on the Patent Roll of that year. C 2 12 CANTERBURY. to the Pope, relative to a dispute with the King^^. He was buried in the monastery of the Friars Minors at St. Gemma<^=^ but a MS. authority *^^ states that his body was brought to England and buried in Christ Church, Canterbury's. Ralph de Neville, bishop of Chichester^ and the King's chancellor^ was chosen by the monks, and the royal assent given to his election 24th Sept. 1 23 1 ''. That prelate however refused the primacy, and the monks appealed to Rome ; but the King having written to the Pope by the advice of his chancellor, complaining that the monks had elected an archbishop without obtaining the royal license, and praying the Pope to annul such election, the holy see acceded to the King's request '7 and set aside the election'^. The King in the mean- while issued his conge d'elire dated 7th March 1232 '9, and John, the sub-prior of Canterbury , was chosen, and the royal assent was given to his election 22nd May 1232 ^O; but the Pope annulled the election 7 1, and the King issued a second conge d'elire 2nd Aug.^-^, and 62 Matt. Paris. 63 ibjd. 64 Coll. Kennet. MS. E. 65 Ibid. 66 Matt. Paris. 67 On this subject however Matthew of Westminster writes, " Sed postquam haec postulatio domino papae significata innotuit facta diligenti inquisitione de moribus ejus a magistro Simone de Langeton timens zelum fidelis viri, ne quandoque regnum An- glise, quod sincero corde dilige- bat, de jugo tributi, quo teneba- tur, niteretur excutere, respondit, quod rapidus erat in verbo et prsesumptuosus in opere, nee erat talis, dignus tali prasroga- tiva. Et ut facilius resilirent raonachi a proposito, benigne concessit eis licentiam, alium sibi in archiepiscopum eligere vel postulare." 68 Pat. 16 Hen. III. m. 8. and Matt. Paris. 69 Pat. 16 Hen. III. m. 8. 70 Ibid. 71 Matt. Paris. Venit eodem tempore Romam prior Cantuar. Johannes electus Cantuar. ut ejus electio a domino papa confirma- retur. Sed quia papa videbat eum nimis senem et simplicera ; et minvis idoneum tantee dignitati persuasit ei, ut cederet in spiritu lenitatis, quia credidit eum esse sanctum, et bene religiosum. Ipse vero libenter, et in spiritu humi- litatis, factse electioni renunciavit. Matt. Westm. '- Pat. i6 Hen. III. m. 3. ARCHBISHOPS. ]3 1233 17H.111 John Blund was chosen'^, and the royal assent given to his election 30th Aug."^ ; but the Pope quashed the election75, and another conge d'elire was issued 28th Aug. in the following year'^^, when Edmund de Abbendon or Abingdon, treasurer of Salishury, was elected", and the royal assent given to his election loth Oct."**; but he was not consecrated until 2nd April '9 following. He died at Soissy in France i6th Nov. 1240*'^, where his heart and viscera were buried, but his body was deposited at Pontigny ^^ The conge d'elire was issued 25th Dec.^'^, and 1245 Boniface of Savoy^-^, the uncle of Alianor queen consort 29H.III. of king Henry the Third, was chosen, and accepted by the King, in 1 240*'^; but the Pope, owing to the oppo- sition of Simon de Langton, archdeacon of Canterbury, did not immediately confirm the election ; he was however eventually consecrated at Lyons ^^ by the Pope himself in the year 1245*'^, ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ "'^^ enthroned before istNov. 1249^". He died 18th July 1270 in the 73 Eodem anno (1232) tempore autumnali, electus est magister Johannes Blondus, apud Oxoni- am studens, et legens in theolo- gia in archiepiscopum Cantuar., qui a rege susceptus cum mona- chis quibusdam Cantuar. Ro- man profectus est, ut electionem suam confirmari a sede apostolica impetraret. '^ Pat. 16 Hen. III. m. 2. 'S Matt. Paris. 76 Pat. 17 Hen. III. m. 2. 77 Litt. temp. Hen. III. No. 48. 7S Pat. 17 Hen. III. m. 2. 79 Dominica qua cantatur " Lae- tare Hierusalem" soil, iv Non. Aprilis. Matt. Paris and Matt. Westm. 80 Matt. Paris. 18th Nov. (Matt. West.) 22nd Aug. (An- nal. Winton.) His obit is men- tioned in the Necrology of Pon- tigniac on 20th Nov. He was disinterred and found incorrupt XV Cal. Jan. 1247, and canonized the same year. See Mart, et Durand. Anecd. iii. 1249. 1250. 1902. ed. 1689. Gall. Christ, xii. 440. 441. 81 Matt. Paris. 82 Pat. 25 Hen. III. m. 10. 83 Bonifacius procurator Belli- censis ecclesiae. 8-J Patt. 25 Hen. III. m. 8. 8-'' Dominica post Epiphaniam. Annal. Wigorn. 86 Matt. Paris. 87 Die Omnium Sanctorum cum magno honore intronizatus est Bonifacius Cantuar. archiepi- scopus, convocatis ad tantam so- lennitatem rege et regina, et om- nibus fere Angliae praelatis. Matt. Westm. ad an. 1249. 14 CANTERBURY. castle of St. Helen, and was buried ^*^ at St. Columbe in Savoy «5, William Chillemden, sub-prior of Ca7iterbury'^'^\ was elected 51, but rejected by the Pope, who nominated 1272 RoBEiiT KiLWARBY, ist Oct. I2729-, and the teraporal- I Edw. I. i^ies were restored to him 1 2th Dec.'^^ He was con- secrated 26th Feb. 1273''^, and having held the see six years, resigned it on being made a cardinal ^^. He died soon afterwards ^^ at Yiterbo in Italy, where he was buried'''. The license to elect an archbishop in his stead was issued 14th June 12789*^, and Robert Burnel, bishop of Bath and Wells, the King's chancellor, was chosen, and the royal assent given to his election 10th July 1278^5. The Pope however annulled it\ and nominated 1279 John Peckham, by bull dated v Kal. Feb. (28th Jan. 7Edw.i. 1279), and he was consecrated 6th March by the Pope himself. The temporalities were restored to him 30th May following-. He died at Mortlake 8th Dec. (vi Id. Dec.) 1292^, and was buried ' on the 19th of the 88 His epitaph was "Hie jaeet ^'^ Ciacon. eol. 225. Bonifacius de Sabaudia Cantu- ^8 Pat. 6Ed\v. I. m. 11. ariensis archiepiscopus operibus ^9 Ibid. m. 8. et virtutibus plenus ; ob. autem ' Matt. West, ad ann. 1279. apud S. Helenam A. D. 1270. The King wrote, loth July 1278, 18 die JuUi. Magister Henricus to pope Nicholas III soliciting Calonensis fecit banc tumbam." the confirmation of the election 89 Hist. Chro. Piedra. 353. of Robert Burnel, bishop of Bath 9" Annal. Waverl. and Wells, his chancellor, to the 91 Bonchard the king's clerk archbishopric of Canterbury, in protested against the nomination, the room of Robert Kilwarby, " ne consimilis electio trahatur translated to the bishopric of in consequentiam consuetudine Porto. Letter in Tower of Lond. vel exemplo. Claus. i Edw. I. 2 Pat. 7 Edw. I. m. 15. in dorso. 3 obiit vi Id. Dec. viz. die Lune 92 Birchingt. prox. ante festum beati Nicolai 93 Pat. I Edw. I. m. 20. 1292. Reg. Hen. priorisCantuar. 9-1 Dominica prima in Quadra- 4 His heart was deposited in gesima. Christ Church, London, behind 9-'' Pat. 6 Edw. I. m. 6. the high altar. Weever, e MS. in 96 iii Id. Sept. Bibl. Cotton. ARCHBISHOPS. 15 same month (xiv Kal. Jan.) on the north side of the choir ^. On 6th Jan. 1293 ^^^ license to elect his successor was issued^, and 1294 Robert Wixchelsey, archdeacon of Essex ^ was unani- 23EJV7.I. mously chosen 13th Feb. 12937, and presented on the 15th of the same month to the King for his consent, which being obtained, he set out for Rome to procure the Pope's confirmation, where he arrived on Whit- sunday^; but the papal chair being then vacant, he was compelled to remain there upwards of a year. He was at length confirmed 4th Sept. 1294, and his con- firmation having been solemnly published on the 7th, his consecration took place at Rome on the 12th of the same month. On 5th Oct. he left Rome, and arrived in England at the latter end of January 1295, and proceeded at once to do fealty to the King, who was then in Wales ; this done, his temporalities were restored to him 5th Feb.^ He arrived at Canterbury 1 8th March, but vvas not enthroned until 2nd Oct.^^ He died at Oxford nth May 1313 i^, and was buried on the 23rd of the same month in his own cathedral'^. The prior and chapter of Christ Church, by letter dated 24th May 1313, inform the King of the death of archbishop Robert, and pray for the royal license to elect another in his room^^. The license to elect was issued 24th May 1313II'*. s Sepultus xiv Kal. Jan. in ham the custody of the tempo- ecclesia sua in parte aquilonali ralities was granted to Ralph de jiixta locum martyrii B. Thomse Berners and David le Grante. Martyris. (Reg. Cantuar.) Ni- '^ Matt. Westm. Die Domi- cholas de Knovile and Simon nica prox. post festum instans Greilley were the executors of his Sancti Michaelis (an. 1295) in will. Reg. Winchels. 223. nostra Cant, ecclesia intronizari 6 Pat. 21 Edw. I. m. 22. proponimus. Reg. Winchels. 7 Annal. Wigorn. and Concil. 'i Birchingt. 17. Angl. ii. 189. 12 Obit. Cantuar. ^ Birchint. and Can. Lichf. '^Lett. inTower of Lond. 9 Pat. 23 Edw. I. m. 16. Upon 14 p^t. 6 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 7. the death of archbishop Peck- 16 CANTERBURY. Thomas Cobham, S. T. P., precentor of York, was, ac- cording to the Canterbury registers, elected 28th May 1313, he being then at Pai'is, where he received noti- fication of his election 6th June. Having consented to undertake the office, he was presented 9th June to the King, then also in Paris, but his majesty deferred his answer to the 24th, when Cobham once more pre- sented himself before him at Pontois, but he again postponed his decision until his return to England. Upon this Cobham proceeded direct to the court of Rome at Avignon, but he there learned that the Pope, by bull dated v Cal. Maii (27th April), nearly a month anterior to archbishop Winchelsey's death, had re- served to himself the next presentation to the see of Canterbury ^^; and accordingly 13 1 4 Walter Reynolds, hisliop of Worcester, was translated jEdw.li. \^Q this see by papal provision ; the bull was dated Cal. Oct. (ist Oct.) 1313, and the King restored the temporalities to him 3rd Jan. 13 14 following 1^. He received his pall i ith Feb. in the church of Chartham (sent by the hands of Walter de Maydestune, his suc- cessor in the see of Worcester), and was enthroned on the 1 8th of the same months". Godwin however states that the bulls of his translation were published in Bow church 4th Jan. 1313^^, that he received his pall 17th Feb. and was installed with great pomp and solemnity 19th April in the presence of the King, the Queen, and many nobles. He died i6th Nov. 132719, and was buried in his own cathedral on the 27th of the same month 2c. The license for the election of an archbishop in his room was issued 30th Nov. 1327 -^ and 1^ Reg. Cantuar. and Annal. Martii 25 incipit. Godwin, 129. Burton. 19 Ex epitaph, xv Kal. Dec. 16 Pat. 7 Edw. II. p. 2. mm. 26 (17th Nov.) Cantuar. Obit. and 20. 20 Reg. Cantuar. in Angl. 17 Reg. Reynold. Sacra, pars i. p. T17. '^ Computatione Anglicana, 21 p^t. i Edw. III. p. 3. m. 9. secundum quam novus annus ARCHBISHOPS. 17 1328 Simon de Mepham, canon of Chichester, was elected Ed. III. I ithDec.-"^ ^327. He accepted the dignity at Chichester on the 21st of the same month, and was presented to the king on the 24th '^^; who gave his assent to the election at Lichfield 2nd Jan. 1328'^^. Having obtained the King's letters patent of safe conduct 6th Jan.-^, he sailed for the court of Rome on the 1 7th of that month, and obtained the Pope's confirmation 25th May fol- lowing *-^, was consecrated 5th June at Avignon in the church of the friars preachers, and received his pall on the 9th of the same month. On his return he landed at Dover 5th Sept.^^^ received his temporalities from the King at Lynn on the 19th of the same month ■^^, and was enthroned 22nd Jan. 1329. He died 12th Oct. 1333, at Mayfield in Sussex, and was buried in his own cathedral -9. The license to elect a successor to archbishop Simon is dated 19th Oct.-^o 1333 John Stratford, bishop 0/ Winchester and chancellor of Ed. III. England, was postulated to this see 3rd Nov. 1333 ^% and the royal assent was given to his translation 1 8th Nov.3'2; the temporalities were restored 5th Feb. 1334^^, and he received his pall 23rd April ; he was enthroned 9th Oct. He died at Mayfield x Cal. Sept. (23rd Aug.) 13483^, and was buried in his own cathedral. 22 iii Id. Dec. pituli, sed proprio motu. (Wal- 23 Lett, in Tower. sing. p. 115.) Notwithstanding -^ Pat. I Edw. III. p. 3. ni.4. the Pope's postulation, the chap- 25 Ibid. m. 3. ter elected him as their archbi- 26 By bull dated viii Cal. Junii shop; so the King states in his 1328. Concil. Anglic, ii. 154. letter to the Pope i8th Nov. 27 Claus. 2 Edw. III. 1333. 28 Pat. 2 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 22. ^2 Pat. 7 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 13. 2-' In quadam capella Sancti and Rot. Rom. 7 Edw. III. m. 2. Petri nuncupata ex parte australi ^.s p^t. 8 Edw. III. p. i.m. 40. summi altaris. (Reg. Cantuar.) ^4 Die Sabbati in vigilia S. vii Cal. Nov. Walsing. p. 115. Bartholomfei Apostoli A.D. 1348 and Steph. Birchingt. et suae translationis 15. Steph. 30 Pat. 7 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 17. Birchingt. p. 41. •■^1 Non virtu tepostulationis ca- VOL. I. D V 18 CANTERBURY. The license to elect his successor was issued 28th Aug.'^\ and / 1348 John de Ufford or Offord, dean of Lincoln and chan- V 22 Ed. in. cellor o/£npla7id, was nominated by papal provision: the bull is dated viii Cal. Oct. (24th Sept.) 1348, and was published in the church of Canterbury 26th Nov. He, as elect of Canterbury, had a grant of the custody of the temporalities 27thNov.^6 He obtained restitution of the temporalities from the king 14th Sept.37, and died on the 7th of the following June^s, before he had received either pall or consecration : it is perhaps for these reasons that Godwin does not allow him a place in the succession ; and on the same ground Stigand and Reginald Fitz-Joceline ought not to be reckoned in the catalogue. The prior and chapter of Christ Church, by letter dated 24th May 1349, inform the King of the death of John de Offord, their late archbishop, and pray for a license to elect another in his room^^. The license to elect was issued 29th May^*^. 1349 Thomas Bradwaudin was appointed^i by papal pro- 23Ed.lll. vision: the bull bears date xiii Cal. Jul. (19th June) 1349. He was consecrated at Avignon early in July, and the temporalities were restored 22nd Aug.^-: he died 26th Aug., before he had been enthroned, and 35 Pat. 22 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 2. the election did not take effect 3^ Ibid. p. 3. m. 18. on account of the Pope having 37 Ibid. m. 14. promoted John de Ufford to the 38 Ob. apud Totenhall. 20 Maii archiepiscopate ; upon the death 1349. (Feed, tom.v. p. 662.) and of Ufford, the chapter, pursuant was buried in the martyrium in to the conge d'elire of the 29th of his own cathedral. May, elected Bradwardin a se- 39 Letter in Tower of London, cond time, viz. 4th June 1349. ''^ Pat. 23 Edw. III. p. I. Knighton, (col. 2600,) writing of m. 6. him, says, "Famosus prae caeteris 41 He was elected by the chap- clericis totius Christianitatis, in ter 29th Aug. 1348, pursuant to theologia pra^cipue similiter, et in the conge d'elire which issued on c?eteris scientiis liberalibus." the 28th of that month, after the ^2 pat. 23Edw. III. p. 2.m.i4. death of archbishop Stratford, but ARCHBISHOPS. 19 was buried in his own cathedral. The license to elect was then issued 3rd Sept.^^ 1349 Simon Islip, archdeacon of Stoxo, canon of St. PauVs^ 3 Ed. III. and dean of the arches^ was nominated by papal provi- sion; bull dated at Avignon Non. Oct. (Oct. 7) 1349.-1^ He had the custody of the temporalities 19th Oct. 4^, and the temporalities were restored to him 1 5th Nov.^^; the bull was published in the chapter-house at Canter- bury 1 8th Dec, and he was consecrated on the 20th of the same month'' 7. He died at Oteford vi Cal. Maii (26th April) 1366, and was buried in his own cathedral 2nd May^^. Upon Simon Ishp's death, the / license to elect a successor was issued 30th ApriH^. William Edingdon, bishop of Winchester, was nomi- nated to this see loth May 1366, but refused it^^. 1366 Simon Langham, bishop of Ely, was translated to this ) Ed. III. see by papal provision: the bull bears date 24th July 1366-^^ and was published in the chapter Non. Nov. (5th Nov.), and the temporalities were restored to him on the same day^': he was solemnly enthroned 25th March 1367. He was made a cardinal 22nd Sept. 1368^^; upon which he resigned this see on the 27th of the following November''^. He died 22nd July 1376 at Avignon, and was buried there, but afterwards removed to Westminster Abbey, where he had been abbot. 1369 William Wittlesey, bishop of Worcester, was trans- , Ed. III. 43 Pat. 23 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 7. -^ Steph. Birchingt. p. 46. ^ Reg. Islip. fol. I. '^^ Pat. 40 Edw. III. p. i. m. 34. 45 Pat. 23Edw.III. p. 3. m.22. 50 Steph. Birchingt. p. 46. 46 Ibid. m. 17. ^Mx Cal. Aug. Pontif. quarto. 47 He was however called arch- Reg. Langham. fol. 45. bishop in the writ of summons ^2 Pat. 4oEdw. III.p.2. m. 17. to parliament dated 25th Nov. ^3 Ciacon. Vit. Pontif. ii. 568. Claus. 24 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 3. ^4 Pat. 42 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 4. in dorso. D 2 J 20 CANTERBURY. lated to this see^^, the temporahties whereof were restored to him 15th Jan. 1369^^. He was enthroned the Sunday before Midsummer ^7. He died on Monday, 5th June 1374, and was buried in his own cathedral^^. The Hcense to elect a successor to Wittlesey is dated 20th June 1374''^. According to the Canterbury registers, Simon de Lang- \ ham, a Roman cardinal, was elected 30th June 1374^°. ! If this statement be correct, the archbishop-elect was doubtless the same individual who resigned the see - in 1368 on being raised to the dignity of cardinal. ■ Godwin however states that it was Adam Easton, a Roman cardinal, who was chosen on the death of archbishop Wittlesey; but whichever it might be, the election was nullified by the Pope in favour of 1375 Simon Sudbury, alias Tybold, bishop of London, who 49 Ed. III. was translated hither 4th May I375^S and received the temporalities 5th June following S'^. He was made chancellor of England in 1380^-^, and was beheaded by the rebels 14th June 1381, and, after the rebellion was appeased, was buried in his own cathedral''^. On 12th July 1381 the license to elect an archbishop in the room of Simon Sudbury was issued*^''; and \ 1381 William CouiiTENAY^'', izs^o/; (>/"i/OW<^ow, was translated 5 Ric. II. to Canterbury 6". The royal assent to his election is ^^ By bull dated v Id. Oct. ^^ Claus. 3 Ric. II. m. 22. in (nth Oct.) 1368. Reg. Wittles. dorso. fol. I. 64 Walsing. 262. and Weever. ^6 Pat. 42 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 4. His will was proved die Sancti ^7 17th June, Reg. Wittles. Basilii 1381. fol. 13. 6.=) Pat. 5 Ric. II. p. I. m.35. ^^ Ibid. fol. 68. Weever, p. 224. ^'^ Son of Hugh Courtenay earl •■^9 Pat. 48 Edw. III. p. I. m. of Devonshire. II. 67 Although he was properly 6t^ Angl. Sacra, parsi. pp. 120 elected and confirmed, neverthe- — 794- less the Pope issued his bull of 61 Reg. Sudbur. fol. i. provision dated September 9th. «2 Pat, 49Edvv'. III. p. i. m.9. ARCHBISHOPS. 21 dated 5th Aug.^^, and the temporalities were delivered to him on the 23rd of the same month ^^. He died at Maidstone 31st July 139670, and was buried in his own cathedral by command of the King7i. The license to elect a new archbishop after the decease of Courte- nay is dated 3rd Aug.7-; and j 1397 Thomas Arundei-, archbishop of York, was translated" Ric. II. to the see by papal provision ; the bull, dated vii Oal, Oct. (25th Sept.) 1396, was received at Lam- beth loth Jan. 1397, and published in the cathedral at Canterbury on the following day"\ He received the temporalities nth Jan. 1397"^, and also his cross on the same day, and was enthroned on the 19th of the same month 7 -^ In the second year of his trans- lation he was attainted of high treason, and com- pelled to leave the kingdom, "ratione judicii versus ipsum in parliamento nostro apud ^Vestminster die Lunse proximo post festum Exaltacionis Sanctse Crucis ultimo prseteritum redditi^^." Upon which the Pope appointed him bishop of St. Andrew's^"; and in his stead his Holiness substituted 1398 Roger Walden, dean of York, who had the tempo- Ric II. rahties restored to him 21st Jan. 1398"'^; but king ^8 Pat. 5 Ric. II. p. I. m. 29. his burial to be in the church- 6'j Ibid. m. 17. yard of the collegiate church of 70 Juratores dicunt super sa- Maidstone in Kent; but this part cramentum suum quod Guliel- of his will was not fulfilled. See mus de Courteneye nuper archi- Whart. Angl. Sacr. pars i. p. 121. episcopus Cantuarife obiit die 72 p^t. 20 Ric. II. p. i. m. 24. Lunse proximo ante festum S. Pe- 73 Reg. Arundel, fol. 2. tri ad Vincula. Inq. post mort. 74 p^t. 20 Ric. II. p. i. m. i. 20 Ric. II. n. 17. 75 Pat. 20 Ric. II. p. i. m. 16. 71 In his will he directed that The custody of them had been his body should be buried in granted to him 26th Aug. 1396. Exeter cathedral, before the great 75 j^gg Arundel, cross, where three deans lie in a ^*^ Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 11. row, and by a codicil annexed 77 Ibid. m. 14. thereto during his last sick- '^^ Ibid. m. 14 and ir. ness, he appointed the place of 22 CANTERBURY. Henry IV. pronounced him an intruder and usurper of the archbishopric "0, and restored Y 1399 Thomas Arundel 21st Oct. 1399^^- He died, ac- /i Hen. IV. cording to the Canterbury registers, 19th Feb. 1414, and was buried the next day in his own cathedral. The license to elect an archbishop on the death of Thomas Arundel is dated 27th Feb. 1414.^'^. The custody of the temporalities was granted to John Wotton 27th Feb.83 1414 Henry Chicheley, bishop of St. Davids s,^Si% demanded 2Hen.v. to this see 4th March 1414; the Pope nevertheless issued his bull of provision dated v Cal. Maii (27 th April) 1414^4. The royal assent to his election was given 23rd March '^•'', the temporalities were deli- vered to him 30th May 1414^^, and he received his pall 24th July following. He died 12th April 1443^7^ and was buried in his own cathedral. The license to elect vice Henry Chicheley is dated the 27th April 1443 S8. J 443 John Stafford, bishop of Bath and Wells, was trans- 21 H. VI. lated to this see by papal bull, dated 13th May 144389. The royal assent was given to his translation 24th May 90, and he had the temporalities restored to him 25th June 91; he was consecrated 23rd Aug., and en- throned 22nd Sept. following. He was appointed chan- cellor of England 14329-; and died 25th May 1452, and was buried in his own cathedral 9^, The conge ^^ Reg. Arundel. is dated 22nd April 1443; and ^1 Pat. I Hen. IV. p. i, m. 15 the privy seal directing the chan- and 8. cellor to issue a conge d'elire is ^2 Pat. I Hen. V. p. 4. m. 2. dated 25th April, 21 Hen. VI. ^3 Ibid. I Hen. V. p. 5. m. 5. ^^ Pat. 2 1 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 35. 84 Reg. Chich. fol. 2. ^9 Reg. Stafford, fol. t. s^ Pat. 2 Hen. V. p. i. m. 41. ^^ Pat. 21 Hen. VI. p. 2. m.29. ^^ Ibid. m. 19. 9' Ibid. m. 13. 87 The letter from the prior ^2 Claus. 10 Hen. VI. m. 8. and chapter of Christ Church, in dorso. Can terbury,announcing the death ^^ Reg. Cant, and Angl. Sacr. of archbishop Henry Chicheley, pars i. p. 122. ARCHBISHOPS. 23 d'elire, vice archbishop Stafford, issued ist June 1 45 2 5^; nevertheless the Pope promoted 1452 John Kemp, archbishop of York and a Moman cardinal^ Hen.vi. to this See, by bull dated at Rome 21st July 1452^^^; he obtained restitution of the temporalities 6th Sept.^^ The bull of his translation arrived at Canterbury 2 1 st Sept., and the next day was read in the chapter; he received his pall on the 24th of the same month, and was enthroned i J th Dec. following. He became chan- cellor of England in 1452; and died 22nd March 1454^", and was buried in his own cathedral 9^. The license to elect vice cardinal Kemp issued 9th April 145409. 1454 Thomas Bourchier, bishop of Ely, was elected to this Hen.vi. see 22nd April 1454; received the Pope's bull of con- firmation 22nd Aug. ; had the temporalities restored to him the same day^; and was enthroned 26th Jan. following. He was constituted chancellor of England in 1455'-, and a cardinal in 1464^. He died at Knole 30th March i486, and was buried in his own cathe- dral^. The conge d'elire, vice archbishop Bourchier, bears date 13th June 1487^. The Pope however had already appointed i486 John Morton, bishop of Ely and chancellor of England, len.vii. 6th Oct. 14866. The custody of the temporalities was 94 Pat. 30 Hen.vi. p. 2. m.26. 2 Claus. 33 Hen. VI, m. 9. in ^^ Reg. Kemp. fol. 210. dorso. 96 Pat. 31 Hen.vi. p. i. m. 25. ^ Ciacon. Vit. Pontif. torn. ii. 97 The custody of the tempo- col. 1097. ralities was granted from 25th 4 " Hie jacet reverendissimus June 1454. Pat. 32 Hen. VI. pater et dominus D. Thomas p. 2. m. 19. Bourchier,quondam Sacrosanctas 98 Lib. Joh. Stone MS. He Romanae Ecclesiae S. Cyriaci in was cardinal of S. Rufine. He Thermiscardinalis,etarchiepisco- is called in Ciacon. Vit. Pontif. pushujusecclesise,quiobiittrige- " Presbyter cardinalis tituli Sanct. sima die Martii 1 486, cujus anima Balbinae." propitietur Deus." Ex Epitaph. 99 Pat. 32 Hen. VI. m. 17. 5 Pat. 2 Hen. VII. 1 Ibid. m. 15. 6 Reg. Mort. fol. i. 24 CANTERBURY. granted to him 13th July 14877. He died at Knole 15th Sept. 1500, and was buried in his own cathedral*^. His will was proved 32nd Oct. following 9. The conge d'elire, vice cardinal i*^ archbishop Morton deceased, is dated 9th Jan. J 501 1^. Thomas Langton, bishop of Winchester, was elected to this see 22nd of Jan. 1501, but died on the 27th of the same month, before his translation could be perfected^'^. 1501 Henry Deane or Denny, bishop of Salisbury and 16 H. VII. chancellor of England, was then elected 26th April 1 50 1, and confirmed by the Pope's bull dated 26th May ; he had the temporalities restored to him 7th Aug. following 13. He died 15th Feb. 1503, and was buried in his own cathedral'^. His will is proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury. 1504 William Wareham, bishop of London and chancellor J 9 H. VII. of England, was translated to this see 29th Nov. 1503 ; had the temporalities delivered to him 24th Jan. i504i\ and was enthroned 9th March following. He died 23rd Aug. 1532 '^, and was buried in his own cathedral. 1533 Thomas Cranmer, S. T. P. was made archbishop of 24H.VIII. Canterbury by papal bull dated 21st Feb. 1533^''; he was consecrated 30th March 1533'^, and had the 7 Pat. 2 Hen. VII. p. 4. m. 11. ^^ Reg. Cranm. fol. 4. 5. Al- 8 Reg. Cantuar. though he was nominated by -' Lib. Moone. the Pope, yet before he received ••* He was a cardinal by title consecration, he made a solemn of St. Anastatius. protestation that he would not 11 Pat. 16 Hen.VII. p. i. m.i6. be bound by the oath which he '2 Reg. Cantuar. was then about to make to the 13 Pat. 16 Hen.VII. p. 2. m. 13. Pope from doing whatsoever in 1-1 Reg. Cantuar. duty to God and the King he 1'^ Pat. 19 Hen.VII. p. 2. m.14. was bound to do. " Et (he con- "' Inter horas 3 et 4 ante me- tinued), quod non intendo per ridiem apud S. Stevyns juxta hujusmodi juramentumaut jura- civitatem Cantuaria?. Lib. Certif. menta, quovis modo me obligare, in Offic. Armorum. quo minus libera loqui, consulere 1'' ix Cal. Mar. 10. Pontif. Cle- et consentire valeam, in omnibus men. et singulis, reformationem reli- ARCHBISHOPS. 25 temporalities restored to him 29th April i^. He sat about twenty years '^0^ and then was sentenced to death for maintaining the protestant faith. The order for the warrant to be made out for his execution was dated 24th Feb. 1555-6, and signed by the Queen's own hand"-i; and he was accordingly burnt at Oxford 2 1 St March following. 1556 Reginald Pole, a Roman cardinal and legate a latere, t3P.&M. was preferred by the Pope"^"^, and consecrated 22nd March 1555-6 -■^, having received the temporalities the day before-^. He received his pall in Bow church the 25th, and was enthroned by proxy the 3 1 st of the same month-\ He died 17th Nov. 1558, setat. 58, and was buried in his own cathedral'-^. The license to elect an archbishop on the death of cardinal Pole is dated i8th July 1559'-''. 1559 Matthew Parker, S. T. P. was elected ist Aug. ^^^* ^559' obtained the Queen's assent 9th Sept Z'^, and again 6th Dec.-^ He was confirmed in Bow church 9th Dec, and consecrated on the i7th-^o of the same month ; he had the temporalities delivered to him 2ist March following-^'. He died 17th May 1575, gionis Christianfe, reipublicaeve 25 jjg was elected chancellor commoditatein,quoquomodo con- of the university of Oxford 6th cernentibus et ea ubique exequi Nov. 1556. Reg. Pol. fol. 22 a. et reformare, quae mihi in eccle- -^ His epitaph was only " De- sia Anglicana reformanda vide- positum cardinalis Poli." buntur." 27 Pat. i Eliz. p. 6. m. i. 19 Pat.24Hen.VIII.p.2.m.i5. 28 Pat. i Eliz. p. 2. m. i. 20 He was committed to the 29 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 6. Tower 15th Sept. 1553, and 3rd ^** Rituum et ceremoniarum Nov. condemned for Isese ma- ordo in consecratione reveren- jesty. dissimi domini Matthei Parker, 21 Pat. 2 & 3 Phil. & Mar. p. 2. archiepiscopi CantUcir. in capella m. 18. in dorso. infra manerium suum de Lam- 22 By bull dated iii Id. Dec. behithdie Dominico lyodiemen- dithDec.) 1555. Reg. Pol. fol. I. sis Decembris anno MDLix. Reg. 23 Ibid. fol. 3. Park. fol. 10. 24 Pat. 2 & 3 Phil. & Mar, p. i. ^i Pat. 2 EUz. p. 14. m. 6. m. 30. VOL. I. E 26 CANTERBURY. and was buried in his own chapel at Lambeth. The Heense to elect an archbishop in the room of Matthew- Parker is dated 29th Dec. I575'^'-. 1576 Edmund Grindal, archhisliop of York, was elected to ijEliz. this see loth Jan. 1575-6, and had the royal assent J 4th Feb.-^=^; he was confirmed on the following day, and the temporalities were restored to him 23d April •^^. He died at Croydon 6th July 1583, £etat. 63, and was buried there. 1583 John Whitgift, hishop of Worcester, was nominated 24Eliz. by the Queen I4tli Aug. 1583, and elected by the chapter on the 23d of the same month, and confirmed 23d Sept. following '^^ ; he received the temporalities 7th Oct., and was enthroned on the 23d of the same month. He died 29th Feb. 1603-4'^^, and was buried 27th March at Croydon^?. 1604 Richard Bancroft, hishop of London, was nominated 2 Jac. I. by the King to this see 9th Oct. 1604 ; elected by the chapter 17 th Nov., and confirmed loth Dec.-^^ He became chancellor of the university of Oxford 22nd April 1608, and died 2nd Nov. 1610, setat. 67, and was buried -^^ in the parish church of Lambeth ^0. 1611 George Abbot, bishop of London, was nominated by gJac. I. the King to this see 4th March 1 610-11, elected by the chapter on the i8th, and received the royal assent on the 20th of the same month, and confirmed 9th April ] 61 1 ^1. The temporalities were restored to him 4th May. He died 4.th Aug, 1633, eetat. 71, and was buried at Guildford in Surrey^-. 32 Pat. 18 Eliz. p. 10. m. 4. dinensis primo, deinde Cantuari- 33 Ibid. 34 Ibid. ensis archiepiscopus, et regi Ja- 35 Recr. "Whitgt. fol. II. cobo a secretioribus conciliis. 36 Camd. Annal. Jac. I. Obiit secundo Novembris Anno 37 Reg. Cantuar. Dom. 161 o. iEtatis suae 67. 38 Camd. Annal. Jac. I. Reg. Volente Deo. Ex Epitaph. Bancr. fol. I. -i" Reg. Cantuar. 39 Hie jacet Richardus Ban- •*' Camd. Annal. Jac. I. croft, S. T. P. Episcopus Lon- ■^'^ Athen. Oxon. edit. Blisse. ARCHBISHOPS. 27 1633 William Laud, bishop of London, was nominated by ^ar. I. the King to this see 6th Aug. 1633; elected by the chapter on the 19th of the same month; and con- firmed 19th Sept.''^. He was accused of high treason by the house of commons i8th Dec. 1640, and com- mitted to the Tower, where he was confined four years : at length, after a tedious trial in the house of lords, the judges unanimously acquitted him of high treason. He was, however, condemned to die, and was be- headed on Tower hill lotli Jan. 1644-5, ^^^^ ^^^ body was buried in the church of Allhallows, Barking ; but in July 1663 it was removed thence to St. John"'s col- lege chapel, Oxford. Upon the Restoration, the see having been vacant about sixteen years^ a conge d'elire was issued 3rd Sept. 1660; in pursuance of which, 1660 William Juxon, bishop of London, having been nomi- Car. II. nated to this see, was elected 13th Sept., and con- firmed on the 20th of the same month"*^. He died at Lambeth palace 4th June i.66'>,, aged 81 years, and was buried in St. John's college chapel, Oxford^''. The conge d'elire on the death of archbishop Juxon issued 14th July 1663 ; and 1663 Gilbert Sheldon, bishop of London, having been nomi- Car.II. nated to Canterbury, was elected nth Aug. 1663, and confirmed in that see on the 31st of that month i^. He died at Lambeth 9th Nov. 1677, and was buried in the church at Croydon in Surrey^". [678 William Sancroft, S.T.P., dean of St. Paul's, Lon- Dar.ll. don, was consecrated in Westminster abbey 27th Jan. On 24th July 162 1 while hunt- man's death. Pat. 19. Jac. I. p. ing in Bramzill park, which be- 7. N". 4. and p. 14. N". 20. in longed to lord Edward Zouch dorso. of Haringworth, he accidentally ^3 Rgg, Laud, fol. i. shot Peter Hawkins the keeper, 44 Rgg_ Juxon. fol. 152. instead of the buck he aimed at, 45 Reg. Cantuar. and 22nd Nov. 1621 he obtained 46 Reg_ Juxon. fol. 327, the King's free pardon for the 47 Reg. Cantuar. E 2 28 CANTERBURY. J691 3W. & M. He was deprived ist Feb. 1 690-1, for re- the oath of allegiance to William III. 1677-8 -IS. fusing to take and queen Mary; and died 24th Nov. 1693, at Fres- ingfeld in Suffolk, setat. 77, and was buried in the churchyard of that parish ^5. The conge d'elire vice archbishop Bancroft was granted ist May 1691; and John Tillotson, S.T.P., dean of St. PauVs^ London^ was nominated by the King in council 22nd April 1 69 1 5^. He was elected 1 6th May, received the royal 48 Reg. Sancroft. fol. 7. 'i^ Reg. Cantuar. ExEpitaphio. His epitaph is, "P. M. S. Lector; Wilhelmi nuper Archi-Praesulis (qui natus in \acinia) quod morti cecidit, prope hunc murum jacet ; atqui resurget. Tu interim sem- per paratus esto, nam qua non putas venturus hora Dominus est. Obiit Nov. 24. An. Nat. Dom. 1693. iEtat. suae 77." •'*' Church Book, Home Office. As this is the first citation from these Records, it is necessary to describe their contents and na- ture. The Chiu'ch Books com- mence in November 1688, and contain entries of all matters on ecclesiastical subjects in which the Crown is concerned : for in- stance, inter alia, on the avoid- ance of a see, either by death or translation, the Secretary of State for the Home Department pre- pares a warrant, addressed to the clerk of the privy signet, direct- ing him to prepare a bill of privy signet for the conge d'elke. A copy of the privy signet bill un- der the sign manual, and of the letter missive addressed to the dean and chapter by which the Crown recommends a particular person for election also under the sign manual, are entered in these books : these documents are here called the nomination. The election having taken place, the dean and chapter send their certificate of the fact under their common seal; and the Secretary of State prepares a second war- rant to the clerk of the privy signet to prepare a bill of the royal assent to the election. The bishop-elect having performed fealty and homage, a third war- rant is issued by the Secretary of State to the clerk of the privy signet directing him to prepare a writ for the restitution of the temporalities. It should also be observed, that the dates of the conge d'elire, the royal assent, and the writ of restoration of the temporalities, bear the real date of the occurrence, while the documents themselves which pass the great seal bear the date of their delivery to the Chancellor; consequently they generally dif- fer a few days in date, the docu- ments in the Home Office bear- ing an earlier date than the do- cument under the great seal. In some instances, however, the dates of the great seal document have been given for the events here mentioned. ARCHBISHOPS. 29 assent on the 2ist^', was confirmed in the church of St. Mary-le-Bow in Cheapside, London, on the 28th, and consecrated there on the 3 ist of the same month''-. The temporalities were restored to him 6th July fol- lowing^3_ Jje died 22nd Nov. 1694, and was buried in the church of St. Lawrence Jewry, London ''^, 1695 Thomas Tenison, bisJiop of Lincoln, was nominated by Will. III. the King in council 6th Dec. 1694^5; and having been elected, received the royal assent on the 31st of that month ^^; he was confirmed i6th Jan. 1694-5''''; the temporalities were restored to him 1 8th Jan. 1694-5^^ . and he was enthroned 1 6th May following. He died at Lambeth 14th Dec. 1715, and was buried in the chancel of the parish church ^^. 1716 William Wake, bishop of Lincoln, was nominated by Geo. I. the King 1 7th Dec. 1 715, and was confirmed T6th Jan. 1715-6'^'^. He died 24th Jan. 1736-7, in the 79th year of his age, and was buried at Croydon. 1737 John Potter, bishop of Oxford, was nominated by the 3 Geo. II. King in council 9tli Feb. 1 736-7 ^^ ; and having been elected archbishop of Canterbury in February, received the royal assent on the 19th of that month ^•-: he was confirmed on the 28th of that month, and received the temporalities 7th March following^^. He died loth Oct. 1747, and was buried at Croydon. ^' Church Book, Home Office. ^^ Church Book, Home Office. ^- Reg. Tillot. fol. 9. •''^ Bishop Kennet, in a manu- •''3 Church Book^ Home Office, script note to sir Thomas Phil- •^•1 Reg. Cantuar. With this hpps's copy ofLeNeve,states, that epitaph : " P. M. Reverendissimi " No archbishop having been bu- et sanctissimi prsesulis Joannis ried at Canterbury since the Re- Tillotson archiepiscopi Cantuari- formation, the papists have made ensis, concionatoris ohm hac in a story that no heretic archbi- ecclesia per annos 30 celeber- shop dares to be there buried, rimi. Qui obiit 10 Kal. Dec. nor wovild the holy ground re- 1694. iEtat. 64." ceive him." •^•5 Church Book, Home Office. ^^ Reg. Wake. •"•e Ibid. 61 Church Book, Home Office. 5'' Reg. Tenis. 62 ibid. 63 ibid. so CANTERBURY. 1747 Thomas Herring, archbishop of York, was nominated 21 Geo. II. by the King in council 27th Oct. 1747^^; and a conge d'elire and letter missive were accordingly sent to the dean and chapter of Canterbury to elect him^\ He received the royal assent 6th Nov. ; was confirmed 24th Nov. ; and on the 25th of that month the tem- poralities were restored to him*^*^. He died at Croy- don on Sunday morning 13th March 1757, set. 66. 1757 Matthew Hutton, archhlsho}) of York, was nominated 30 Geo. II. by the King in council 29th March 17^7^'''; and the usual conge d'elire and letter missive were issued ^^. He was elected 1 3th April ; the royal assent was given to his election 15th April ^^; he was confirmed on the 29th ; and the temporalities were restored to him on the 30th of that month 7o. He died 19th March 1758. 1758 Thomas Secker, bishop of Oxford, was nominated by 31 Geo. II. the King in council 8th March 175871, and the usual conge d'elire and letter missive were issued on the occa- sion "2. He was elected 7th April; the royal assent to his election was given joth April; he was confirmed 2ist April; and the temporalities were restored to him on the 25th of that month "3. He died 3i'd Aug. 1768. 1768 The honourable Frederick Cornwallis, bishop 9 Geo. III. of Lichfield and Coventry, was elected 23rd Aug. 17687^, confirmed at Bow church 30th Sept., and en- throned at Canterbury 6th Oct. He died 19th March ^783- 1783 John Moore, bishop of Bangor, was nominated by the cfGeo.lll. King in council 31st March 17837^; and the usual fi-i Church Book, Home Office. ^^ Ibid. "' Ibid. "•'' London Gazette. ^"2 London Gazette. ^'' Church Book, Home Office. "'^ Church Book, Home Office. *"'' Ibid. '"4 London Gazette. '^'^ London Gazette. "•'' Church Book, Home Office. «o Church Book, Home Office. ARCHBISHOPS. 31 conge d'elire and letters missive were issued"^'. The royal assent to his election was given 22nd April" ; he was confirmed 26th April ; and the temporalities were restored to him jst May"^. He died 18th Jan, 1805. 1805 Charles Manners Sutton, bishop of Norimch, was 5Geo.lll. nominated by the King in council ist of Feb, 1805 '"J, and the usual conge d'elire and letters missive were accordingly sent to the dean and chapter ^o. He was elected 12th Feb, The royal assent was given to his election 15th Feb., he was confirmed on the 21st, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 22nd of the same month ^^ He died at Lambeth palace 21st July 1828, aged 73, 1828 William Howley, bisJiop of London, having been no- Geo. IV. minated by the King in council^-, was elected arch- bishop 8th Aug. 1828, pursuant to the conge d'ehre and letters missive which were issued on the 4tli of that month ^■''. The royal assent was given to his election on the 9th, he was confirmed on the 15th, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 29th of the same month^^. He died nth Feb. 1848, aged 83. 1848 John Bird Sumner, bishop of Chester^ was nominated Victoria, by the Queen in council 17th Feb. 18488'', and the usual conge d'elire issued on the occasion ^6_ jJe was elected 29th Feb., and the royal assent was given to his election 2nd March ; he was confirmed loth March, and the temporalities were restored to him 17th April following. His grace is the present lord archbishop of Canterbury and primate of all England. "*> London Gazette. ^2 Church Book, Home Office. '''' Church Book, Home Office. ^'^ London Gazette. '« Ibid. ^y Ibid. §4 Church Book, Home Office. ^^ London Gazette. ^^ Ibid. *^' Church Book, Home Office. *^ London Gazette. 32 CAxNTERBURY. The archbishopric is rated "^^ for first fruits at the sum of 2682^. 12s. 2fl?S«. The arms of the see are thus blazoned : Azure, an episcopal staff in pale argent, ensigned with a cross patie or, surmounted by a pall of the second edged and fringed of the third, charged with four crosses formee fitchee sable. Upon the dissolution of the priory, king Henry the Eighth, by his letters patent, dated 8th April 1542, in the 33rd year of his reign, erected a new society, consisting of a dean and twelve canons, whom he in- corporated into one body, and empowered to act as Dean and Chapter of the cathedral and metropolitical church of Christ in Canterbury ; and in the next year he endowed the church by his charter, dated 26th May 1543. DEANS. Nicholas Wotton, LL.D., was constituted the first dean by the charter of incorporation. He was dean 25 years and 293 days ; died at London 26th Jan. 1566-7, and was buried in the cathedral at Canterbury. He was also dean of York. Thomas Godwin, S.T.P., was presented by the Queen; ^7 By Stat. 6 & 7 Will. IV. c. mined on, so as to leave, as an 77. s. 41. it was enacted, for the average annual income, to the purpose of providing for the aug~ archbishopof Canterbury 15,000/. mentation of the incomes of the and by an order in council dated smaller bishoprics, that such fix- 21st June 1837, 7000Z. per an- ed annual sums be paid to the num was settled to be paid out Ecclesiastical Commissioners for of the revenues of this see for the England, out of the revenues of purpose mentioned in the act. this see, as shall upon due in- ^'^ Ecton's Liber Valorum, p. i. quiry and consideration be deter- DEANS. 33 instituted i oth March 1566-7^''; and in September 1584 was made bishop of Bath and Wells 5". Richard Rogers, ^.T.Y., suffragan bishop o/Dover, was instituted 6th Sept. 1584. He died 19th May 1597, setat. 64, and was buried in the cathedral. Thomas Nevil, S.T.P., dean of Peterborough, was insti- tuted 28th June 1597. He died 2nd May 1615, and was buried in the cathedral -^^ Charles Fotherby, ^i.T. P., archdeacon of Canterbury/, was instituted 12th May 16 15 9-. He died 29th March 1619, setat. 70, and was buried in the cathedral ^3. John Boys, S.T.P,, was admitted 3rd May 1619^^. He died on the 26th, and was buried 30th Sept. 1625 in the cathedral near his predecessor. Isaac Bargrave, S.T.P., was nominated by letters patent dated 1 ith Oct., and admitted 16th Oct. 162^^^. He was buried near his predecessor 25th Jan. 1642-3, setat. 56 ''s. George Aglionby, S.T.P., was constituted by the King 6th May 1643, ^^^ ^7 ''eason of the confusion of those times was never installed. He died in the year following, and was buried in Christ Church, Oxford. Thomas Turner, S.T.P., deati of Oxford, was consti- tuted by the King 3rd Jan. 1643-4, but from the like cause did not enter on possession till loth Aug. 1660, He died 8th Oct. 1672, aetat. 81, and was buried in the cathedral. John Tillotson, S.T. P., was admitted 4th Nov. 167 2 9''; and 19th Nov. 1689 was removed to the deanery of St. Paul's, London 98. John Sharp, S.T.P. , was nominated 23rd Sept. 1689^59^ and admitted 21st Nov. following '; and in 1691 was consecrated archbishop of York'^. «9 Reg. Parker. 2. ^ Ex Epitaphio. ^ Reg. Whitgift. 9' Ibid. ^7 Bishops' Certificates. 92 Reg. Abbot. 98 Rgg. Sheldon. 93 Ex Epitaphio. 99 Church Book, Home Office. 94 Bishops' Certificates. ' Bishops' Certificates. 95 Ibid. 2 Reg. Cantuar. 34 CANTERBURY. George Hooper, S.T.P., was nominated 28th March 1691^; admitted 8th July 1691^; installed the nth of the same month; and in Oct. 1703 was made bishop of St. Asaph, but he held this deanery in commendam till he was translated to Bath. George Stanhope, S.T.P., was instituted i8th and installed 23rd March 1703-47. He died at Bath 18th March 1728. Eli AS Sydall was nominated 30th March 1728*^, and elected loth April following 9. He was made bishop of St. David's, and afterwards translated to Gloucester; but he held the deanery of Canterbury in commendam till his death, 24th Dec. 1733. John Lynch was constituted dean of Canterbury nth Jan. 1733-4 lOj and installed on the 18th of that month. He died 25th May 1760. William Friend was nominated 3rd June 176011, and elected on the 1 2th of the same month, vice Dr. Lynch deceased^'-. He died 26th Nov. 1766. John Potter was constituted dean of Canterbury 20th Dec. 17665 vice William Friend deceased '3, He died 20th Sept. 1770. Brownlow North was made dean of Canterbury in the room of John Potter 6th Oct. 17701^. He resigned on being made bishop of Lichfield. John Moore succeeded Brownlow North 19th Sept. 1771 '\ He resigned in 1775. James Cornwallis succeeded John Moore 28th April 1775 ^^. He was promoted to the see of Lichfield in 1781. George Horne was made dean of Canterbury, vice James CornwaUis, 19th Sept. 1781^7. He was pro- moted to Norwich in 1790. 5 Church Book, Home Office. ^^ Church Book, Home Office. 6 Bishops' Certificates. '2 Bishops' Certificates. 7 Ibid. 13 Ibid. i-i Ibid. « Church Book, Home Office. 15 Ibid. 16 ibid. '^ Bishops' Certificates. 17 Ibid. 10 Ibid. DEANS. 35 William Buller succeeded Dr. Home in the deanery of Canterbury 19th June I790i«. He was promoted to the see of Exeter in 1793. FoLLioTT Herbert Walker Cornwallis succeeded Dr. Buller in the deanery of Canterbury 22nd Jan. 1 793 1 'J. He resigned the deanery on being promoted to the see of Bristol in 1797. Thomas Powys succeeded to the deanery 2nd May 179720. He died 24th Nov. 1809. Gerrard Andrewes succeeded Dr. Powys 8th Nov. 1809-I; and died 2nd June 1825, setat. 75. Hon. Hugh Percy succeeded Dr. Andrewes 20th June i825-"2. He was promoted to the bishopric of Ro- chester in Sept. 1827. Hon. Richard Bagot succeeded Dr. Percy in the deanery of Canterbury 2nd Sept. 1827. He was made bishop of Oxford in 1829, and held this deanery in commendam till he was translated to Bath and Wells in December 1845. William Rowe Lyall was nominated as dean of Can- terbury 26th Nov. 184523. ARCHDEACONS^ Wilfred is the first archdeacon whose name is found in any chronicle or document. It occurs as a sub- 's Bishops' Certificates. gustine, the first archbishop of •9 Ibid. 20 Ibid. Canterbury, to that of Lanfranc, 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. a period of four hundred and 23 Church Book, Home Office, sixty-two years, there was no ' An entry in a manuscript archdeacon in the city or diocese called the Black Book, belonging of Canterbury ; but that, from the to the archdeaconry of Canter- time of Theodore, the sixth pri- bury, has been received by arch- mate, there was, in St. Martin's bishop Parker, AVharton and church, in the suburbs of Can- Somner, as the principal evi- terbury, a bishop who performed dence of the origin of the arch- within that city and diocese, dur- deaconry of Canterbury. It ing the archbishop's absence, all states that, from the time of Au- episcopal offices ; that the bishop F 2 36 CANTERBURY. scriber in the evidences of Christ church, an. 798 -, and afterwards at the synod of Cloveshoe 803 -^ ; again in a Saxon charter dated 805. He became archbishop of Canterbury in 8c6. Beornoth was archdeacon in 844. Athel WEALD , 853. Ealstan 864. SiGlFRETH 866. LiAviNG 866. Wekbeald 890. Almar 1010. Brinstan circa 1012. Haimo ^054- Soraner places Ed- sin after Haimo, but he appears to have been bishop of St. Martin and not archdeacon of Canterbury. Valerius. The only authority for calling him arch- of St. Martin's died during the archiepiscopate of Lanfranc, and that that primate would not or- dain another bishop to the church, but transferred that portion of the jurisdiction which the bishop of St. Martin exercised within the city of Canterbury, to one of his clerks named Valerius, and who first obtained the title of arch- deacon. This instrument seems to have been forged by the monks of St. Augustine's abbey about the year 131 3 for the express purpose of taking from the arch- deacon the power of exercising provincial and diocesan juris- diction during the vacancy of the see, and in the hope of ending a contest which had disturbed their cloisters for more than seventy years. Batteley has with much acumen and learning exposed the forgery, and proved that the office of archdeacon of Canter- bury did not arise out of the sup- pression of the office of bishop of St. Martin, but that it existed from the time of archbishop Theo- dore at least, who having been consecrated at Rome by pope A^italianus in 668, came into Eng- land in the following year, and was, according to Beda, the first archbishop to whom the whole church of England did own sub- jection (cum omnis Anglorum ecclesia manus dare consentiret), and who, exercising the severest discipline over his clergy, would certainly have had his archdea- con, long before called the Eye of the Bishoj), and whose office it was to remind and admonish the clergy to observe the decrees and canons of councils and sy- nods. The reader feeling inter- ested in this subject is referred to Batteley's " Discourse concern- ing the Archdeaconry and Arch- deacons of Canterbury." - X. Script, col. 2212. •^ Concil. Brit. i. 324. ARCHDEACONS. 37 deacon of Canterbury is the entry in the Black Book mentioned in note (^) ; but as that instrument is un- doubtedly spurious, his name ought properly to be removed from the list. Anschibillus subscribed to the decrees of a provincial council in 1075. William was archbishop Anselm"'s archdeacon, and three of that primate's letters^ are addressed to him as such. He was also a witness to Anselm's charter •"', by which he gave the manor of Stisted to this church, jHen.l. John, nephew of archbishop Radulf, was admitted 27th June 1115^. He was promoted to the bishopric of Rochester in 1 1 25". ASKETIN^. William 9. Helewise : he held this dignity in 1134^0, and was summoned to a legatine synod convened at Westminster in 1 138". Waltek, brother of archbishop Theobald i'^. He was elected bishop of Rochester in 11481-^ Roger, surnamed of Bishop's-bridge^^. He was pro- moted to the archbishopric of York in 1154'^. "* Lib. iii. ep.62. 112. and 117. '^ Gervas. col. 1341. 5 In archiv. Eccl. Cantuar. •' Ibid. 1346. See also Eadmer Hist. Nov. lib. ^^ Lib. priorat. de Dover, and p. 57. Gervas. col. 1362. 6 Eadmer, lib. v. p. 114. i^ The original profession of 7 Rad. de Dicet. and Hoved. obedience which Walter made to 8 His name occurs in a charter archbishopTheobald, signed with of archbishop Theobald inhibit- his own hand, is in the archives ing the archdeacons of Canter- of Canterbury, and on the back bury from meddling with the ca- of it there is a memorandum of pitular concerns of the convent, his being consecrated and having " more praedecessorum suorura done homage to the archbishop, archidiaconorum Asketini scili- viz. " Consecratus est in ecclesia cet, Willielmi, et Helewisi." — Cantuariensi anno 1148. ii Id. Somner erroneously calls him Martii. Hominium archiepiscopo Ascelinus or Asketinus, and sup- antea fecerat de terris episcopa- poses that he became bishop of tus sui vi Kal. Feb." Rochester in 1147. Batteley '-^ De Ponte Episcopi. Gervas. however corrects Somner's error. '^ Ymag. Hist. col. 529. y See note (13). 38 CANTERBURY. Thomas Becket succeeded Roger in the archdeaconry of Canterbury. He was promoted to the primacy in 1 162, but he retained the archdeaconry for some time after he had been advanced to the metropoHtical chair, although the King had desired him to resign it. At length, at his majesty's earnest request, he resigned it in favour of Geoffrey Ridel ^^^ Jje was employed by king Henry in his quarrel with Becket, and was consequently ex- communicated by the archbishop i7. He was promoted to the see of Ely in 1 174. Herbert succeeded Geoffrey Ridel, and was one of the three archdeacons whom archbishop Richard consti- tuted ; the other two were Savaricus and Nicholaus. But this arrangement did not continue long, for the archbishop abrogated his appointment and made a grant of the v/hole jurisdiction to Herbert ^^ in the year 11 80 ^9. He was elected bishop of Salisbury in Robert : his name follows that of Herbert in Somner's list, but there appears to be some misconception on the subject on his part. Peter of Bi.ois'^o. Henry of Castilion was archdeacon in 1199^^ and in 1200--. Henry de Sandford^^: he was archdeacon in 1202, and was elected to the bishopric of Rochester 26th Dec. 1226. 1^ Rad. de Dicet. and Rog. the date of this charter. Wendov. 20 Harpsfield makes Peter of 1^ Hoved. Epist. Thomse. In Blois archdeacon of Canterbury, a letter to the bishop of Hereford, but his authority does not appear. Becket declares that he had pub- 21 Chart. Glast. licly excommunicated his arch- 22 Henricus Cantuar. archidia- deacon Geoffrey, whom he calls conus debet dimidiam marcam, an Arch-devil and Limb of Anti- etc. Rot. Pip. 2 Joh. tit. Surr. christ. 23 Sometimes called de Salt- '^ The grant is printed in Som- ford ; de Standford (Thorn, col. ner, N". LIX. App. 1857); de Stafford (Harpsfield). 19 See Batteley's remarks on \ ARCHDEACONS. 39 William de Wrotham*. Stephen de Langton was archdeacon in 1229^^. Richard de St. John'-^, chaplain to Hubert de Burgh, had the archdeaconry given to him by the King 28th Jan. 1232, during the vacancy of the archiepiscopal see. Simon Langton, brother of Stephen archbishop of Canterbury. He died 1248-^. Stephen de Vicenna succeeded Langton. Ottobone de Fresco, cardinal-deacon of St. Adrian. He afterwards became Pope under the title of AdrianV. Hugh Mortimer held this dignity in 1245-7. Stephen de Monte Luelli was archdeacon in 1257. William Middleton held the office in 1276, and was elected bishop of Norwich in 1278. Robert of Yarmouth succeeded Middleton-^. Richard de Ferringes held the dignity in 1 281^9. He was made archbishop of Dublin by the Pope on the death of William de Hotham in i298'^o John Langton, chancellor of England, appointed by the Pope in recompense for his disappointment in not having the see of Ely to which he had been elected. He was made bishop of Chichester in 1305 -^^ Simon of Faversham, appointed 22nd Sept. 1305 'J- ; but he was forced to give up the dignity in favour of the Pope's nominee Bernard de Eyct^^ who was appointed by papal bull * Le Neve makes him archdea- 1305) dedit (archiepiscopus) ma- con in 1206, but he has mistaken gistro Simoni de Feversham Tant' for Cant' on the record. archidiaconatum Cantuar. Reg. 24 Pat. 13 Hen. III. m. 10. Winchels. fol. 90. 25 Pat. 16 Hen. HI. m. 8. 33 Qr Ecy de Labredo, or de 26 Matt. Paris ad an. 27 ibid, la Breto, or Le Brito. Called also 28 Anglia Sacra, pars i. p. 151. De la Barton, for he was the son 29 Reg. Peckham. Anglia Sa- of the lord Aumeny de la Barton, era, p. 638. Bernardus Ecii de la Breto archi- 30 Matt. Westm. ad an. diaconus Cantuarise habet lit- 31 Reg. Winchels. fol. 90. teras de protectione 13 Oct. Pat. 32 Eodem die (x Kal. Oct. 2 Ed. H. 40 CANTERBURY. dated 20th Nov. 1305, and admitted in the February following^"*. He was in possession of the dignity 30th Nov. 1310-^^, and also in 1313. GUTTEUDUS LaBREDUS'^6. Simon Covenius or De Comixges : he died in 1323. John de Britton or Bruiton was appointed by the King 19th April 1323^^^ and admitted 2nd Aug. fol- lowing-^^; but he was compelled to resign the office in favour of Raymund, the Pope's nephew and a Roman cardinal, who had the Pope's mandate (dated 19th Nov. 1324) to be inducted -^9. Hugo de Engolisma held the office in 1327^^ and i328«. Simon Montague seems to have been archdeacon in 1333, in which year he was made bishop of Wor- cester^'-. Robert Stratford, brother of John archbishop of Canterbury ^•^. He was consecrated bishop of Chichester in 1338 4-*, and held the archdeaconry with his bishop- ric for some years. Bernard Sistre archdeacon in 1339^' and 1340^^. ^SiMON de IsLip had this dignity conferred on him by the King 28th June 1343^7, Peter Rogeru, a Roman cardinal; he held the dig- ^■^ Reg. Winchels. fol. 92 and 93. ^ Reg. Drokenesford. ep. Wells. as Pat. 12 Edw. II. 37 Pat. i6Edw. II. p. 2.ra.i6. 3S Reg. Reynolds. 2" Ibid. Rex suscipit in pro- tectionem suam venerabilem pa- trem Reymundum Sanctaj Mariae in Cosmedyn diaconum cardina- lem archidiaconum Cantuariae. 18 Nov. Pat. 18 Edw. II. '^^ Reg. Drokenesford. ep. Wells, and Reg. Grandison, ep. Exon. and Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. He was sent on an embassy by the King in 1327. Pat. i Edw. III. p. I. 41 Pat. 2 Edw. III. m.io. i8th Nov. and 9th March. 42 Pat. 8Edw. III. p. i.m.28. 4-^ The archdeaconry was con- firmed to him by the King 21st Sept. 1334. Pat. 8 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 34. 44 Pat. II Edw. III. p. 2. m. 8. 4''' Reg. Cantuar. and Reg. de Salop, ep. Bath and Wells. 46 Pat. 14 Edw. III. ist May, 14th Oct. 47 Pat. 17 Edw. III. p. I. m. 18. ARCHDEACONS. 41 nity in 1346^^ and 1365. He was elected Pope in 1370 """j and took the name of Gregory XT. He had letters of protection 20th Nov. I354''i. William Inbicis of Limosin, nephew of pope Clement VI ; he held the office of archdeacon of Canterbury 1374. He died 27th April 1374''-. HenryWakef I ELD, presented by the King, sede vacante, 6th June 1374^3^ and admitted on the nth of that month. He was made bishop of Worcester 1375. AuDOMARus DE LA RocHE ''^ was Constituted arch- deacon of Canterbury by papal provision, but was dis- possessed of the dignity 3rd June i379^''- < William de Pakinton, prehendary of York and Lin- coln, was appointed by the King 20th Sept. 1381^^; admitted to the archdeaconry 7th Nov. following. He died 25th July 1390 ^7. v/ Thomas Butiller was appointed by the King arch- ■^'^ Henry Beaufort (afterwards cardinal) had a grant of the fruits of the archdeaconry of Canter- bury, to him 29th Sept. 1348 — the said archdeaconry being in the hands of an alien. Pat. 22 Edw. III. King Edward desired the archbishop of Canterbury in the year 1365 to state who was then archdeacon of Canterbury, and also who held the ofHce in the year 1346; and the archbishop re- turned for answer, "Quod Petrus Rogerii diaconus cardinalis fue- rat archidiaconus Cantuariensis anno xxo. et credimus quod pree- dictus cardinalis eciam jam in presenti est superstes et archidia- conus Cantuariensis, quia de alio non audivimus aut sumus aliqua- liter informati : set quo die in- stallatus in archidiaconatu prae- dicto ignoramus." Rot. Memo- rand. Mich. 39 Edw. III. m. 19. •'^ Le Neve places the name of VOL. I. John Barnet after Peter Rogerii, and says, that he held the office in 1361. Now John Barnet was archdeacon of London, and as such made bishop of Worcester in 1362 ; and the certificate mentioned in note {■^^) expressly states that Peter Rogerii was archdeacon of Canterbury in 1365- ^1 Petrus Rogeri Sanctae Mariee novae diaconus cardinalis ac archi- diaconus Cantuariae qui in parti- bus transmarinis moratur habet litteras de gen. attornat. etc. 20th Nov. Pat. 28 Edw. III. ^2 Reg. Cantuar. •^3 Pat. 48 Edw. IIL p. I. m. 16. and Reg. Cantuar. ^■1 De Rupe. 55 Pat. 2 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 8. 56 Pat. 5 Ric. II. p. I. m. 28. 57 Reg. Bokingh. ep.Linc. His will was proved 7th Oct. 1390. Reg. Cantuar. 42 CANTERBURY. deacon of Canterbury 26th Aug. 1390^*^, but he does not seem to have been admitted ; for J^ Adam Motrum had been constituted 28th July by arch- bishop Courtenay ^''. ^Richard CLrPFORD was constituted archdeacon in March 1397, and was promoted to the see of Bath and Wells in 1401, but removed to Worcester before consecration. Robert de Halom or Hallum was collated 7th April 7400^*^. He seems to have resigned his office in 1406, when he went to Rome. He was made bishop of Salisbury in 1408. ■> Angelus, bishop of Ostia, cardinal of Florence^ was ap- pointed by the Pope to succeed Halom, and the King confirmed the appointment 28th Oct. 1406^^^ •-aJohn Wakering was appointed 13th July 1408, and inducted 31st March 1409^-. His appointment was ratified by the King 6th April 1409^-^ He was pro- moted to the bishopric of Norwich in 1416. Henry Romworth^^ was collated 5th June 1416^'', and was in possession of the dignity loth Dec. 1418. William Chichley was collated to this archdeaconry 3rd Oct. 1420, and died at Rome in 1424. Prosper Laurentii de Cohum-ti a, an Italian, cardinal of St. George, ad velum aureum, appointed archdeacon of Canterbury by papal bull, 10th June 1424^6^ but the archbishop did not admit until 26th July 1426. He resigned this dignity for an annual pension of 500 florins for his life. Thomas Chichley was collated' to this archdeaconry 14th Dec. 1433 67, He died at Wingham 26tli Jan. 1466. 58 Pat. 14 Ric. II. p. I. m. 28. «2 Rgg. Arundel, fol. 320. '"•9 Reg. Courtenay. Adam ^^ Pat. 10 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 24. Motrum was one of the executors And again 22nd May 1414. Pat. of the will of archbishop Courte- 2 Hen. V. p. i. m. 39. nay. ^■^ Alias Cicester or Cirencester. 60 Reg. Arund. fol. 267-. and Reg. Reppingd. Reg. Cantuar. ^^ Reg. Chichel. pars i. fol. 74. ei Pat. 8 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 30. 66 Rgg. Chichi. «/' Ibid. ARCHDEACONS. 43 Thomas Wynterburn. The date of his appointment is not certain. Le Neve says, he was styled archdeacon 1st Sept. 1448^^; but that must be a mistake, as Chichley was archdeacon at his death in 1466; and Wynterburn, who was present in 1468 in the chapter house when John Oxney was elected prior of Christ Church, expressly declared that he was not present as archdeacon, but as chancellor to the archbishop ^9. A MS. in the British Museum states that he became archdeacon ist Sept. 1468, and died 7th Sept. 1478. John Bourchier was collated in February 1479, ^^^^ died 6th Nov. 1495. Hugh Penthwin was collated 26th Nov. 1493 "o^ and died 6th Aug. 1504''', and was buried in Lambeth church. William Wahham. The time of his appointment un- certain; but he seems to have been collated about the year 15 13. He resigned 10th Feb. 1534"-. Edmund Cranmer was collated to this archdeaconry 9th March 1534"-^, and deprived in 1554. Nicholas Harpsfield, admitted 31st March 1554, and deprived in 1559. Edmund Gest or Gheast was nominated to this arch- deaconry 13th Oct. 1559""*, and in the same year was made bishop of Rochester ; but he held the archdea- conry in commendam. Edmund Freak was constituted archdeacon of Canter- bury about the year 1564 ; he was consecrated bishop of Rochester in 1571, and had a dispensation to hold ^s Commissio Thomse Chichele ^'^ Reg. Morton, decret. doct. Sedis apostolicae 7' viii Cal. Aug. (25th July) prothonotarii archidiaconi Can- Obit. Cantuar. Stow's Sun^ey, tuarise, diversis ad installandum p. 790. Marinaducum in episcopum '^ Reg. Warhara. Line. Dat. 18 die Marcii 1449. 73 Rgg. Eccl. Cantuar. Reg. Lumley, Line. ep. "-* Pat. i Eliz, p. i. m. 22. ^^ Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. G 2 44 CANTERBURY. the archdeaconry in commendam, which he held until he was made bishop of Norwich in 1576. William Redman was instituted 14th May 1576^5, and elected bishop of Norwich in 1594. Charles Fotherbv was collated 28th Jan. 1594-5"^, and in 1615 was promoted to the deanery of Canter- bury ; but he appears to have held the archdeaconry in commendam. He died 29th March 161 9. William Kingsly was collated to this dignity by arch- bishop Abbot loth April 161 9". He died 29th Jan. 1647-8, and was buried in Canterbury cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London''*^. The archdeaconry ivas vacant thirteen years. George Hall, S.T.P., was appointed by patent 12th July, and collated 14th Aug. 1660"^. He was made bishop of Chester in 1662, but held this archdea- conry in commendam so till his death on 23rd Aug. 1668. William Sancroft, S.T.P., was nominated by the king and admitted by the archbishop 7th Oct. 1668^1. He resigned in 1670. Samuel Parker, S.T.P., was installed in June 1670; and in 1686 was made bishop of Oxford, and held this archdeaconry in commendam till his death, which happened 20th March 1688. John Battely, S.T.P., was collated 23rd March 1688, and installed the next day. He died 10th Oct. 1708. Thomas Green, S.T.|P., was collated 20th Oct. 1708"^'^, and installed 3rd Nov. following. He was promoted to Norwich in 1721. Thomas Bowers, S.T.P., 7th Nov. 172 1^-^ made bishop 75 Reg. Grindal. 80 jjis commend is dated 24th 76 Reg. Whitgif, part ii. Bi- Oct. 1662. shops' Certificates. ^' Lib. Inst. 77 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 78 Essex, 67. 83 Ibid. 79 Bishops' Certificates. ARCHDEACONS. 45 of Chichester in 1722, but held the archdeaconry in commendara till his death, 22nd Aug. 7214. Samuel Lisle, S.T. P., 1st Sept. 1724^'*; made bishop of St. Asaph, but held the archdeaconry in commendam till 1748, when he was translated to Norwich. John Head, collated 9th April 1748^^, and installed 15th April. He died 4th Dec. 1769. William Backhouse, installed 13th Dec. 1769^^^ and died 28th Sept. 1788. John Lynch, 7th Nov. 1 788^7. He died in 1803. HousTONE Radcliffe, 19th May 1803^8, vice John Lynch. Hugh Percy, 26th April 1822 s-*, vice Houstone Rad- cliffe, deceased. James Croft, 18th June 1825, vice Hugh Percy, re- signed 90. ARCHDEACONS OF MAIDSTONE. This archdeaconry was founded and endowed by Order in Council, gazetted 4th June 1841 ^i. William Rowe Lyall, nth June 1841. Nominated to the deanery of Canterbury 26th Nov. 1845. Benjamin Harrison, 6th Dec. 1845, ^^^® Ly^^l) Pro- moted to the deanery. 84 Bishops' Certificates. 89 ibid. «> Ibid. 85 Ibid. 86 Ibid. 91 See page I. 87 Ibid. 88 Ibid. 46 CANTERBURY. PREBENDARIES. Until I ith Aug. 1840-^ there were twelve canonries or prebends in the church of Canterbury; three of which, viz. the first, fourth, and sixth, were in the gift of the archbishop of Canterbury, all the rest were in the gift of the King. The canons, with the dean, were incorporated 8th April 1542, by letters patent, under the name of the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Christ in Canterbury. CANONS IN THE FIRST PREBEND. Richard Thorndex, alias Le Stede, appointed by the charter of incorporation 8th April 1542. 24 In that year an act (3 and 4 Vict. c. 93) was passed, enacting that in the chapter and cathedral church of Canterbury six canon- ries shall be suspended in the following order; that is to say, the canonry firstly vacant shaU be suspended; and the canonry now held by the archdeacon of Can- terbury and the canonry second- ly vacant shall be subject to the provisions hereinafter contained respecting the endowment of archdeaconries by the annexa- tion of canonries thereto ; and the canonry thirdly vacant shall be suspended, and the canonry fourthly vacant shall be filled up by her Majesty; and the two ca- nonries fifthly and sixthly vacant shall be suspended, and the then next vacant canonry shall be filled up by her Majesty; and the two canonries which shall then next be vacant shall be suspend- ed ; and that thereafter, upon every fourth vacancy among the canonries not annexed to any archdeaconry, the lord archbi- shop of Canterbury shall appoint a canon, and all other vacancies among such last-mentioned ca- nonries shall be filled up by her Majesty. N. B. Three of these canonries have been suspended by the Ec- clesiastical Commissioners; one in 1838, another in 1845, and a third in 1846. PREBENDARIES. 47 George Lily was collated 13th March 1557-8. He died in 1559. Theodore Newton appears to have succeeded Lily. Thomas Lawse, LL.D., was collated 13th Jan. 1568-9, on the death of Theodore Newton'-^. Stephen Lake appears to have held this stall in 1583. William Redman, 27th Nov. 1589 -6. Richard Bancroft, 4th Jan. 1594-5-". He was elected bishop of London in 1597, and resigned his stall. Richard Wood, 29th May 1597-^. He was buried 1 6th Sept. 1609. Henry Air ay, 19th Sept. 1609^9. Thomas Horsmanden, i6th Jan. i6iy-iH-^o. Edward Wilde, 5th Feb. 1621-2=^^ Robert Ewell, 26th Aug. i6243"-^. Richard Noke, 8th March 1632^3. John Warner. The date of his collation does not ap- pear, but he seems to have held this stall 1634. He was made bishop of Rochester in 1637. William Bray, 20th Jan. 1637-82^. George Beaumont, i8th Feb. 1645-6, vice William Bray. Arthur Kay, 30th June 1670^^. John Castilion. The time of his taking possession is not known. He died 21st Oct. 1688, setat. 75 '^^ John Battel y, collated 5th Nov. and installed 14th Nov. 1688, Timothy Wilson, ist Sept. 1690^". Edward Tenjson, 19th March 1708-9; resigned on being made bishop of Ossory in 1 73 1 . William Geekie, loth June 1731-^*^. He was also archdeacon of Gloucester. He died 22nd July 1767. 25 Reg. Parker. 33 Ibid. »4 ibid. 26 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Ibid. 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid. 36 Ex Epitaphio. 29 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 37 Bishops' Certificates. 31 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 48 CANTERBURY. John Benson, 35th July 1767, vice William Geekie^^. Robert Moore, 5th Sept. 1804, vice John Benson ^'^^. CANONS IN THE SECOND PREBEND. Arthur Seyntleger, appointed by the charter of in- corporation 8 th April 1542. Anthony Rush, 6th April 1568, on the resignation of Seyntleger^i. John Langworth. The time of his admission does not appear. He was buried 13th Jan. 1613-14. Richard Hunt, 18th Jan. 1613-14^'-. Thomas Blechinden, i8th Nov. 1633, vice Hunt^^, Peter Gunning was appointed 9th July 1660, and made bishop of Chichester in 1669. John Tillotson, 14th March 1669-70. Made dean of Cantei'bury 4th Nov. 1672*^. Samuel Parker, installed i8th Nov. 1672. He resigned in 1685. John Bradford, 19th Oct. 1685^^. He enjoyed this stall but a few weeks, dying in the same year, and was buried 12th Dec. 1685. John Younger, 22nd Dec. 1685^'^. He resigned it 1 69 1. John Williams, 21st April 1692^7. Made bishop of Chichester in 1697. John Robinson, 26th March 1697^^. Made bishop of Bristol in 1710. Edward Finch, 30th Jan. 1709-10^'^; installed 8th Feb. John Griffith, 4th March 1737-8, vice Finch ^0. Died 8th March 1765. Thomas Dampier, 3rd April 1765, vice Griffith ''; re- signed in 1769. ;^9 Bishops' Certificates. 44 Rgg. Sheldon. 40 Ibid. 45 Bishops' Certificates. 41 Reg. Parker. 46 ibid. 47 ibid. 4'^ Bishops' Certificates. 48 ibid. 49 ibid. 4a Ibid. so Ibid. 51 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 49 Benet Storee, ist July 1769, vice Dampier^^. Died 9th Jan. 1804, aged 78. Hon. Henry Lewis Hob art, 8th Feb. 1804, vice Storer'^3; resigned ist May 1816. Hon. Hugh Percy, 16th May i8i654. Charles Richard Sumner, 27th June 1825, on the cession of Hugh Percy ^^. William Frederick Baylay, 16th June 1827, on the promotion of Sumner. Ob. 1st Jan. 1845, ^-g^d 66; and this stall was suspended on his decease. CANONS IN THE THIRD PREBEND. Richard Champion, appointed by the charter of incor- poration, 3rd April 1542. Robert Goldson, presented 7th June 1544- WiLLiAM Dorell, 2nd April 1554 "'6. Robert Hoveden held it in 1589. He died 25th March 1614, setat. 69, and was buried in All Souls college chapel, Oxford. Thomas Jackson, 30th March 1614-^''. He resigned in 1633, and was buried 13th Nov. 1646. Charles White, 25th April 1633''*. William Dunkyn, 4th March 1638-9 ^9, Richard Culmer, 21st Oct. 1644*^^. William Belk. The date of his appointment was 7th July 1660. He died 12th Aug. 1676, setat. 74, and was buried in Canterbury cathedral '^1. Thomas Belk succeeded his father 20th Sept. 16766'^. He died 17th Sept. 17 12. William Higden was nominated 20th April 17136-^, and 7th May, vice Thomas Belk 6^. He died 28th Aug. *2 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Ibid. <« Ibid. 54 Ibid. «i Ex Epitaphio. 55 Ibid. 62 Bishops' Certificates. 5« Feed. XV. 382. 63 Church Book, Home Office. 57 Bishops' Certificates. 64 Bishops' Certificates. 58 Ibid. 59 Ibid. VOL. I. H 50 CANTERBURY. 1 7 15, and was buried 5th Sept. in the new chapel, Westminster. Thomas Bowers, 13th Sept. 1715, vice Higden^^. He became archdeacon of Canterbury in 1721, and bishop of Chichester in 1724, and held this stall in commen- dam till his death 13th Aug. 1724. William Ayerst, nominated 15th Oct. 1724 6^, in- stalled 5th Nov. following. He died 9th May 1765, aged 83. Richard Sutton, 5th June 1765, vice Ayerst^^. Ob. 1785- William Welfitt, 7th Dec. 1785, vice Sutton^^. Ob. 3rd Feb. 1833, aged 87. Francis Dawson, nominated 13th March 1833, vice William Welfitt deceased. CANONS IN THE FOURTH PREBEND. Richard Parkhurst, appointed by the charter of in- corporation, 3rd April 1542. Nicholas Harpsfield, collated ist Nov. 1558^9. Thomas Bacon or Beacon, collated in 1559. John Bungey was collated 2nd July 1567, vice Thomas Beacon deceased 7o. Charles Fotherby, 23rd Nov. 1595''^- William Hull, T2th Dec. 1604. Samuel Byrde, i6th May 161 8 72. Henry Sellek, ist Dec. 1624^^. Peter du Moulin, senior, 29th June 1660. Peter du Moulin, junior. He was buried 13th Oct. 1684, setat. 84. William Beveridge, 28th Oct. 1684, and installed ,5th Nov. Made bishop of Bath and Wells 1691. '^5 Bishops' Certificates. 69 Reg. Cantuar. 66 Church Book, Home Office. 70 Reg. Parker. 67 Bishops' Certificates. 7i Bishops' Certificates. «8 Ibid. 72 Ibid. 73 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 51 Samuel Freeman, nominated 22nd April 1691, vice Beveridge. John Mills, 12th Aug. 1704^4, installed J4tli Aug. Died 23rd June 1707. Elias Syuall, 14th July 170775, and installed on the 27th of the same month. He resigned in 1728 on being made dean. John Lynch, 22nd April [728"^. Resigned in 1733-4 on being made dean. Edward Donne, 14th Jan. 1733-477. Ob. Jan. 1743-4. Thomas Tanner, i8th Jan. j 745-6, vice Edward Donne 7^; installed on the 31st of the same month. He died nth March 1786. Thomas King, 24th March 1 786, vice Thomas Tanner79, He resigned in 1795. HousTONE Radcliffe, 13th Aug. 1795, vice Thomas Kingso. Died 8th April 1822. James Croft, 26th April 1822, vice Houstone Rad- cliffe ^i. CANONS IN THE FIFTH PREBEND. Nicholas Ridley, appointed by the charter of incor- poration, 3rd April 1542. He was made bishop of Rochester in 1547, and held this stall until he was promoted to London in 1550. Thomas Willoughbye succeeded Ridley, and was pre- sented 1 8th July 1550, and admitted 23rd June 1551. He was deprived in 1554, and died in 1585. Ralph Jackson, \The dates of their appoint- Richard Willoughbye. J ments, &c. have not been ascertained; but Jackson held the stall in 1556. Isaac Colfe, 5th Aug. 1596*^-. Richard Colfe. The date of his appointment has not been found. He died 7th Oct. 16 13. 74 Bishops' Certificates. 79 ibid. 80 ibid, 75 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 81 Ibid. 82 Ibid. 77 Ibid. 78 Ibid, H 2 52 CANTERBURY. William Tunstall, nth Oct. 161383, He was buried 8th Nov. 1622. Isaac Bargrave, 6th Nov. 1622 8^. Made dean in 162585, Thomas Paske succeeded Bargrave in 1625. He died in 1662. John Bargrave was appointed by patent dated 23rd Sept., and admitted 26th Sept. 1662 ^^. He died nth May 1680, setat. 70, and was buried in the cathedral. George Thorpe, 22nd May i68o87. He died in Nov. 1719. John Hancock, nominated ist Dec. 1719*^^, and in- stalled on the loth of the same month ^^. He died in 1728. John Harrls, nominated 5th July 17289°, and in- stalled on the 30th of the same month ^i. Made bishoj) of LlandaflP in 1738. Thomas Tenison, nominated 31st Jan. 1738—99^, and installed 8th Feb.'" He died 7th May 1742. Spencer Cowper, nominated 13th May 1742^^, and in- stalled nth June 55. He resigned in 1746, on being made dean of Durham. Arthur Young, nominated 3rd June 1746, vice Cow- per96, an(j installed 27th June57. He died 29th June 1759- John Head, nominated 6th July 1759, vice Young^S; installed i6th July 9'?. Ob. 4th Dec. 1769. Richard Palmer, 21st Dec. 1769, vice John Head'. Resigned in 1781. 83 Bishops' Certificates. ^2 Church Book, Home Office. 84 Ibid. 93 Bishops' Certificates. 85 Reg. Abbot. 94 Church Book, Home Office. 86 Bishops' Certificates. 95 Bishops' Certificates. 87 Ibid. 96 Church Book, Home Office. 88 Church Book, Home Office. 97 Bishops' Certificates. 89 Bishops' Certificates. 98 Church Book, Home Office. 90 Church Book, Home Office. 99 Bishops' Certificates. ^' Bishops' Certificates. ' Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 53 John Lynch, 27th April J 781, vice Richard Palmer^. Died ist May 1803, aged 68. "William Nelson, 21st May 1803, vice John Lynch^. Frederick Vernon Lockwood, nominated 3rd Nov. 1838, vice William earl Nelson deceased. Ob. ist July 1 85 1, aged 48. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, vice Lockwood, 16th Aug. 185 1. CANONS IN THE SIXTH PREBEND. John Menys, appointed in the charter of incorporation, 3rd April 1542. Edmund Cranmer was admitted nth March 1549; he was deprived in 1554. Robert Collyns was nominated by the Queen 2nd April 1554, and admitted on the 12th of the same month ■* . Alexander Nowell, constituted 14th Feb. 1559— 60 \ John Pory, ist May 1564, vice Alexander Nowell re- signed '^. John Bungey, 19th June 1567, vice John Pory re- signed". John Hill, 26th July 1567, vice John Bungey re- signed^. William Whitaker, loth May 1595'-'. He died the same year. Hadrian Saravia, 6th Dec. 1595^^. He resigned in 1602, and died 15th Jan. 161 2— 13, setat. 82 ; he was buried on the 19th of the same month in the cathedral. Richard Clerke, 8th May 1602". John Abbot, 3rd Feb. 1612— 13I'-. He was buried ist Sept. 1 6 13. John Sanford. The date of his admission unknown. 2 Bishops' Certificates. 7 Ibid. ^ Ibid. 3 Ibid. 9 Bishops' Certificates. 4 Feed. XV. 382. If Ibid. "Ibid. 5 Reg. Parker. 6 Ibid. 12 Ibid. 54 CAxNTERBURY. He died 24th Sept. 1629, setat. 60, and was buried in the cathedral. John Jeffray, 26th Sept. 1629, vice John Sanford^^ John Aucher was appointed by patent dated 9th July 1660, and died 12th March 1 700-1, setat. 82, and was buried in the cathedral. Thomas Green, 17th March 1700-11^. Made bishop of Norwich in 1721. Edward Wake, 6th Nov. 1721 1^. Ob. 7th Nov. 1732. Edward William Wake, 20th Nov. 17321^ Ob. nth Dec. 1738. Samuel Stedman, 27th Dec. 1738. Died May 1768. George Berkeley, 8th June 17681". Ob. 13th Jan. 1795- George Moore, loth Feb. 1795^**. Ob. 9th Dec. 1845, aged 75. Hon. Lord Charles Thynne, 9th Dec. 1845, vice George Moore deceased. CANONS IN THE SEVENTH PREBEND. Hugh Glazier, appointed by the charter of incorpora- tion, 3rd April 1542. John Butler, ob. 1569. Ralph Caveler, 27th Jan. 1569-70, per mortem Jolin Butler 19. John Winter. The date of his admission has not been ascertained. He was buried 7th Jan. 1605-6. William Barlow, admitted Jan. 1605-6; made bi- shop of Lincoln in 1608. Benjamin Carrier, 29th June 1608-*^. John Simpson succeeded, but at what time has not been discovered. He died in 1630. !•* Bishops' Certificates. '^ Ibid. 14 Ibid. 15 Ibid. 19 Reg. Parker. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. 20 Bishops' Certificates. PREBENDARIES. 55 Thomas Westley, 31st May 1630-^ Samuel Baker, 20th May 1639, vice Thomas Westley-"^. Thomas Pierce was appointed 9th July 1660. He died in 1691. Zacheus Isham was admitted in 1691, and died in 1705. Henry James, 2nd Aug. 1705--^. Ob. 15th March i7if William Bradshaw, 21st March 1716-17, vice Henry James-^. He resigned in July 1723. John Clark, loth Aug. 1721'^^. Made dean of Sarum 1728. Samuel Lisle, nominated 30th July and installed 9th Aug. 1728-6. Promoted to the see of St. Asaph in 1744. Francis WALWYNjioth April 1744, vice Samuel Livsle^7, Ob. 19th May 1770. William Barford, 21st June 1770, vice Francis Walwyn^s. Ob. 1792. John Luxm ore, 22nd Feb. 17 93, vice William Barford '^9. Thomas Coombe, 23rd Jan. 1800, vice Luxraore re- signed ^0. Died 15th Aug. 1822. Hon. George Pellew, 14th Nov. 1822, vice Coombe deceased -^^ John Peel, nominated loth Dec. 1828, and admitted 8th Jan. 1829, vice Hon. George Pellew 3-2, This stall was suspended on the promotion of the Rev. J. Peel to the deanery of Worcester. CANONS IN THE EIGHTH PREBEND. William Hunt, alias Hadley, named in the charter of incorporation, 3rd April 1542. 21 Bishops' Certificates. 28 Ibid. 29 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 25 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 26 Ibid. 27 Ibid. 56 CANTERBURY. John Ponkt or Poynet, presented 29th Jan. 1545. Made bishop of Rochester, in 1550. Peter Alexander, installed 14th April 1551. De- prived by queen Mary, but restored by queen Eliza- bethan. John Warum or Warren, presented by queen Mary 2ist May 1554. His will, dated j6th Sept., was proved 13th Oct. 1558. John Knight. Henry Goodrick held this stall in 156 1. Stephen Nevinson circa 1570. Nicholas Simpson. He enjoyed it in 1589. He died in 1609. Isaac Casaubon was presented 17th Jan. 1610— ii. He died ist July 16 14, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. William Kingsley. He was made archdeacon of Canterbury in 1619. He died 19th Jan. 1647-8. John Reading, appointed 9th July 1660. He died 26th Oct. 1667. Edmund Castle, installed 13th Nov. 1667-^^, He died in 1685. Charles Elstor, presented 5th Feb. i6H5-6-^''. Ob. Nov. 1721. Samuel Holcombe, 15th Dec. 172136. Installed 28th Feb, 1 721-2. Ob. 1st April 1761, set. 95. George Secker, 21st April 1761, vice Samuel Hol- combe -^7 . Heneage Deering, 29th April i 766, vice Secker^s. William Beaumont Busby, i6th June 1802, vice Heneage Deering-^Q. Walker King, 19th Nov. 1803, vice William Beaumont Busby 40. Michael Marlow, nominated 30th Jan. 1808^1. In- a» Feed. XV. 599. '^^ Ibid. 38 ibid. s-i Bishops' Certificates. »9 Ibid. ^0 Ibid. 35 Ibid. 36 Ibid. 41 London Gazette. PREBENDARIES. 57 stituted 1st March following, vice Walker King re- signed. He died i6th Feb, 1828, aged 70. John Humk Spry, loth April 1828, vice Michael Mar- low deceased ^2. CANONS IN THE NINTH PREBEND. William Gardiner, alias Sandwich, named by the charter of incorporation, 3rd April 1542. He died on Michaelmas-day 1544. William Devenish, presented 4th Nov. 1544, and in- stituted on the 26th of the same month. Deprived in 1554- Hugh Turnbull, presented 2nd April 1555^'^- He was dean of Chichester. Ob. 1566. George Boleyn, 21st Dec. 1566"^^. He was dean of Lichfield, and died in Jan. 1602-3. William Masters or Musters, presented 25th Jan. i6of-^^. He was buried 30th May 1628. Meric Casaubon, presented 19th June 1628^^. He died 14th July 1671, setat. 75. Louis Herault, presented 15th Aug. 1671'*". He died 5th Nov. 1682. James Jeffreys, presented 22nd May 1682^^; in- stalled 8th Nov. following. He died 4th Sept. 1689, setat, 40, and was buried in the cathedral. Thomas Nixon, presented 26th Oct. 1689^^; installed 4th Nov. He died 17 13. John Grandorge, 21st April 1713, vice Nixon ^0. He died in January 1729-30. Thomas Gooch, bishop of Bristol, 24th Feb. 1729-30 ''^ Resigned on his promotion to Norwich in 1738. Julius Deedes, nominated 31st Jan. 1738-9. Insti- ls Bishops' Certificates. 46 ibid. 47 ibid. 43 Feed. XV. 382. 48 Ibid. 49 Ibid. 44 Reg. Parker. so ibid. ^i ibid. 45 Bishops' Certificates, A'OL. i. 1 58 CANTERBURY. tuted i9tli Feb. 1738-9, vice Dr. Gooch promoted to Norwich. Ob. 19th April 1754. William Tatton, 13th May 1754, vice Julius Deedes deceased-^-. Ob. nth Feb. 1782, aged 62. Richard Farmer, 5th March 1782, vice Tatton ^■^. Samuel Ryder Weston, J5th April J 788, vice Far- mer resigned ^^. Charles Norris, 14th Jan. 1799, vice Samuel Ryder Weston resigned''^. Ob. i6th Dec. 1833, aged 90. William Wood, 2nd Jan. 1834, vice Charles Norris deceased. Ob. nth April 1841, aged 71. This prebend was by Order in Council, 4th June 1 841, annexed and united to the newly created arch- deaconry of Maidstone, to which William Rowe Lyall, was appointed nth June 1 841 . Benjamin Harrison, second archdeacon of 3Iaidstone, 6th Dec. 1845, vice Lyall, promoted to the deanery of Canterbury. CANONS IN THE TENTH PREBEND. John Millys, alias Warham, named 3rd April 1542, by the charter of incorporation. Ob. 1564. W^iLLiAM KiNGE, 19th Jan. 1564-5, per mortem John Millys^e, Richard Birde, 29th Sept. 1590, vice William Kinge^7, He was buried 19th June 1609. George Hovenden, 15th Dec. 1609, vice Richard Birde^^. He died at Oxford, 24th Oct. 1625. Accepted Frewen, ist Sept. 1625, ^^^^ Hovenden'^^, Upon Dr. Fre wen's translation to Lichfield in 1643, Dr. Stephen Goffe was nominated to this stall, but he went to Rome and changed his religion. Peter Hardress, presented 30th July 1660. 52 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Reg. Parker. •"•3 Ibid. ^^ Ibid. ''^ Bishops' Certificates. 55 Ibid. 58 Ibid. -'9 Ibid, PREBENDARIES. 59 Edward Ladbroke, 9th Feb. 1670-71^'^. John Maximilian de L'Angle, 24th July 1678^^ Ob. nth Nov. 1724. William Egerton, nominated 17th Nov., and in- stalled 25th Nov. 17246'-^. Ob. 26th Feb. 1737-8. Samuel Shuckford, nominated 17th March 1737-8^3^ and instituted 21st March, vice Wilham Egerton^^. Ob. 14th July I 754. JoHX Davis, 27th May 1755, vice Samuel Shuckford s^. Ob. 9th Feb. 1766. Lynford Caryl, 6th March 1766, vice John Davis ''*^. Ob. 18th June 1781. Thomas Vyxer, r9th March 1782, vice Lynford Caryl 67. Died 5th Dec. 1804. Walter Brown, 26th Feb. 1805, vice Thos. Vyner^s. Ob. 2nd Nov. 1832. Philip Hunt, 27th Nov. 1833, vice Walter Brown deceased. Ob. 17th Sept. 1838, aged 68. This canonry being vacant, was suspended ist Jan. 1841 under the provisions of an Act to carry into effect the fourth Report of the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners. The house belonging to the said canonry was henceforth made a residence for the officer for the time being holding the united offices of auditor and chapter clerk. CANONS IN THE ELEVENTH PREBEND. John Daniel, ahas Chillenden, appointed 3rd April 1542, in the charter of incorporation. He died in 1546. Robert Stewart was instituted 10th April 15466*^. Bernardinus Ochinus was presented 9th May 1548. Thomas Wood was presented 2nd April 155470. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. ^5 i\j[^^ 6 ibid. 61 Ibid. - 62 Ibid. 67 Ibid. '''^ Ibid. 63 Church Book, Home Office. 69 Reg. Cantuar. 64 Bishops' Certificates. 70 Poed. xv. 381. I 2 60 CANTERBURY. John Bale was nominated ist Jan. 1559-6071, and admitted loth Feb. following, vice Thomas Wood de- prived 7'^. Andrew Peerson was admitted 30th Nov. 1563, vice John Bale deceased 73. Ralph Talboys, i3tli Nov. 1594, vice Andrew Peer- son 74. Martin Fotherby, 30th July 1596. He was made bishop of Salisbury in 16 18. Alexander Chapman, 3rd Oct. 161 8, vice Martin Fotherby resigned 7^. He died 6th Sept. 1629, setat. 52, and was buried in the cathedral. John Gerard Vosstus, appointed in 1629. Edward Aldey, presented 16th Aug. 1660. He died 12th July 1673, ^^^^ ^^^ buried in St.Andrew''s church, Canterbury. Thomas Blomer, 2nd Aug. 167376, and installed on the 6th of that month. He resigned in 1706. Radolph Blomer, 13th May 170677. He died 6th April 1732. Hon. Henry Dawnay, 19th June 1732, vice Radolph Blomer 78. He died in July 1754. Thomas Curteis, 8th May 1755, vice Hon. Henry Dawnay 7^, Richard Lucas, 3rd June 1775, vice Thomas Cur- teis so. Philip Williams, 4th May 1789, vice Richard Lucas 81. Hon. Edward Legge, 23rd March 1797, vice Philip Williams 82. John Barton, 1st Nov. 1802, vice Hon. Edward Legge resigned83. Died 17th Feb. 1803. Matthew Surtees, ist April 1803, vice John Barton deceaseds^. 71 Feed. XV. 563. Tl Ibid. 78 Ibid. 72 Reg. Parker. 73 ibid. 73 Ibid. 80 Ibid. 74 Bishops' Certificates. 81 Ibid. 82 Ibid. 75 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 83 Ibid. 84 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 61 John Russell, 22nd June 1827, vice Matthew Surtees deceased 85, CANONS IN THE TWELFTH PREBEND. John Baptist de Casia, appointed by the charter of incorporation, 1^42. Robert Nevill, presented 15th Nov. 1543^*^. John Josephe was presented i8th July 1550 ^7, Richard Fawcet, admitted 23rd March 1553-4, and he had the Queen's confirmation 2nd April 1554^^. Henry Goodricke, loth July 1560, vice Fawcet^^. Paul French, 4th Sept. 1566, per mortem Henry Goodricke 90. He died ist Nov. 1600. Gregory Milner, 6th Nov. 1600, vice Paul French^i. Thomas Any an, appointed in 16 14. He was buried 17th Jan. 1632-3. Humphrey Peake, 7th Feb. 1632-3, vice Thomas An- yan^"-. William Barker, presented 9th July 1660. He died 26th March 1669, and was buried in Hard wick church, Bucks. Edward Stillingfleet, 21st April 1669^3, Resigned in 1689 on being made bishop. Leopold William Finch, 28th Oct. 16899^. He was installed 4th Nov. following, and died in Dec. 1702. John Adams, 4th Jan. 1702-3. Installed on the 9th of that month, and resigned in 1708-9. William Whitfield, 26th Jan. 1708-9^^. Installed 4th Feb. Ob. nth March 1716-17. Lilly Butler, 21st March 1716-17, vice William Whitfield 96. He died 7th May 1717. Thomas Turner, 3rd June 171797, Ob. 7th Dec. 1720. 85 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Rgg. Parker. 86 Pat. 35 Hen. VIII. si Bishops' Certificates. 87 Foed. XV. 237. 92 Ibid. 93 Ibid. 88 Ibid. 382. 9-1 Ibid. 95 Ibid. ^^ Reg. Parker. 96Ibid. 97 Ibid. 62 CANTERBURY. David Wilkins, nominated 14th Dec. 1720, appointed 29th Sept., and admitted 26th Jan. 1720-21. Ob. 6th Sept. 1745. John Potter, nominated 18th Sept. 1745, and in- stituted 25th Sept., vice David Wilkins^^. David Durell, 27th Jan. 1767, vice John Potter re- signed 99. Died T775. EvERARD BucKwoRTH, 7th Nov. 1775, ^^*^® David Durell 1. Edward Walsby, 5th Feb. 1793, vice Everard Buck- worth^. Died nth June 1815, aged 64. George Holcombe, nominated 24th June 18 15, vice Edward Walsby deceased 3. Instituted 20th July following^. Hon. John Evelyn Boscawen, 8th Feb. 1822, vice George Holcombe resigned^. Ob. 12th May 1851, aged 61. This stall was suspended on the death of the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Boscawen. 98 Bishops' Certificates. 3 London Gazette. 99 Ibid. 1 Ibid. ^ Bishops' Certificates. 2 Ibid. » Ibid. ST. ASAPH. J. H E diocese of St. Asaph extends into the counties of Fhnt and Montgomery, Merioneth, Denbigh, and Salop. The archdeaconry of St. Asaph was coextensive with the limits of the diocese up to 31st Jan. 1844, and was always held by the bishop of this see in commendam, not union. On that day an order in council was made, directing that the dignity and office of Archdeacon of St. Asaph should no longer be holden by the bishop of St. Asaph ; a second archdeaconry was at the same time erected, and called the Archdeaconry of Montgo- mery, and made to consist of the deaneries of Penllyn and Edeirnion, Pool and Caereinion, Caedewen and Ceifeiliog and Mowddy. The chapter consists of the dean, two archdeacons, pre- centor, chancellor, treasurer, six prebendaries, seven cursal prebends, and four vicars choral. BISHOPS. Kentigern, hishoj) of Glasgoio^^ having been expelled from his see, founded a monastery between the rivers Clwyd and Elwy, which during his lifetime was erected into an episcopal see, and he was styled Episcopus 1 He was consecrated A. D, 540. 64 ST. ASAPH. Ehensis'^. He governed this see many years; but about the year 560 he returned to Scotland to his former charge, and left the see to his disciple, named Asaph -^j in honour of whom the bishopric was called St. Asaph. The exact year in which he succeeded Kentigern, or that in which he died, is not known ; indeed, all notice of this see is lost until the year 1143, when 1 143 Gilbert was consecrated its bishop by Theobald arch- 8 Steph. bishop of Canterbury ^. It does not appear how long he sat, but it seems to have been about eight years ■''. 1152 Geoffrey of Monmouth, the historian 6, appears to 16 Steph. have succeeded Gilbert in 1 151, and to have been con- secrated 23rd Feb. 1151-27. The time of his death is uncertain, but it is supposed to have taken place in 1154. 1154 Richard seems to have succeeded Geoffrey of Mon- 19 Steph. mouth, and was consecrated by archbishop Theobald S; 2 Sometimes " Elguensis," at others "Eluensis" and "Lanel- wensis." ^ Capgrave and Tinmouth. 4 Hoc anno 1 143, sacravit The- obaldus Cantuariensis Arcbiepi- scopus Gilebertum Laneluensis ecclesise electum apud Larahethe. Chron. Gerv. col. 1359. •'' Ex autograp. in Eccl. Can- tuar. Wharton. deEpisc. Assay, p. 304. 6 Galfridus Arthurus, as he is styled by the chroniclers. '' According to Gervase of Can- terbury, (col. 1367,) he was con- secrated 23rd Feb."septimo Kal. Marcii 1150;" but that must be wrong, as that day was Thursday in that year. Ralph de Diceto merely says, that in the year 1 151 " Gaufridus Artur fit Episcopus Sancti Asaph." Wendover and Matthew of Westminster also fix the year 1151 for that event, as does also the Registrum Ecclesiae Christi Cantuar. : " Anno ab in- carnatione Domini mcli. Theo- baldus Cant. Archiepiscopus et totius Anglise Primas, &c. vii Cal. Martii sacravit Galefridum, elec- tum Ecclesise Sancti Asaph in episcopum apud Lamhetham, ac- cepta privis ab eodem secundum consuetudinem scripta de subjec- tione et obedientia sibi exhibenda professione, &c. Ordinavit au- tem adPresbyterum eundem prae- cedenti Sabbato, i.e. xvCal. Mar- tii." These dates are quite cor- rect according to the old style of computation, beginning the year 25th March; but in the Annals of Waverley it is correctly jjlaced in 1 152. ^ Act. Pont. Cantuar. Gerv. col. 1665. BISHOPS. 65 but neither the time of his taking possession of the see nor that of his death are known. Wharton ^ thinks that the fii-st event occurred in 1154, and the other in the following year. 160 Godfrey was the next bishop of this see^^, and was sn- II- also consecrated by archbishop Theobald": the exact year is not recorded, but it probably was j 160. He deserted his see in 1165, and became abbot of Abing- don i-. He was deprived in 117513. 175 Adam, a canon of Per shore., was appointed on the de- Len. II. privation of Godfrey. He was consecrated at West- minster on Sunday 12th Oct.^^ 1 1 75. He died at Ox- ford in ii8ii% and was buried in the monastery of Osney^s. 183 John succeeded Adam in this see, and was consecrated len. II. at Caen in Normandy 25th June 1 183^"; and he made his profession to archbishop Boniface '^. He died about 1186^9^ and was succeeded by 9 De Episcopis Assavensibus, p. 309. 10 Bishop Kennet, in a MS. note to his copy of Le Neve, now in the possession of sir Thomas PhilhppSjbart., thus writes: "Ri- chard mentioned by Wharton seems to have been only a co- adjutor of Godfrey, who never hving in his diocess, was for that cause deprived in 11 75." 11 Act. Pont. Gerv. col. 1665. He is styled " Godefridus La- neluensis." Archbishop Theo- bald died before the middle of the year 1161, and Godfrey as- sisted at the consecration of arch- bishop Thomas in 11 62. In the Abingdon Register (MS. Cott. Claud. B. vi. fol. 177.) this pas- sage occurs: "MortuoWalkelino abbate Abendon Godefridus Epi- scopus de Sancto Asaph factus fuit Procurator istius Abbatiae VOL. I. ] per novem annos et dimid. per Henricum Regem. Teste Johan- ne decano Sarum." 12 The King gave him the ab- bey of Abingdon to hold until lie should be reappointed to his see. Benedict. Abbas in Vit. Hen. II. p. 107. et Gerv. Chron. col. 1432- •3 In a council holden at West- minster 1 8th May, the Sunday before Ascension day. Chron. Gerv. col. 1437. '■1 Ymag. Hist. De Diceto, col. 587. This author however says, that the consecration was 13th Oct. — iii Idus Octobris — but that day was Monday in 11 75. 1^ Annal. Waverl.Theokesb. et Cestrens. i« MS. Cott. Galba A. vii. 17 Annal. Waverl. 18 Reg. Cantuar. ly Annal. Waverl. p. 162. 66 ST. ASAPH. 1 1 86 Reiner'^', consecrated, according to Wikes, in ii86'^i. 32 Hen. II. He was present at the synod holden 19th Oct. 1200 '2'^; and there was a bishop of St. Asaph, whose initial was Ki, who was aHve in 1219 and 1223. If this be the same prelate who died in 1224'^-^, he must have been bishop thirty-eight years. 1225 Abraham was consecrated bishop of St. Asaph in loHen.lll. 1225-^, and died about 1233'^^. A conge d'elire, ad- dressed to the archdeacon and chapter of St. Asaph, issued 4th Feb. 1233'-^, ^^ pursuance of which, 1233 Hugh, a monk of the order of Friars Preachers, was 18 Hen. III. chosen. The royal assent was given to his election 1 ith April 1233-', and he was consecrated at Reading 17th June 1235-^^. He witnessed a charter to the monastery of Basingwerk, dated at Coleshill on the Feast of St. James (25th July) 1240^9; and 30th Aug. 1241 he was a surety for David prince of Wales 3°. The exact date of his death has not been ascertained; but he was succeeded by 1242 HowEL AP Ednevet, who was consecrated at Boxgrave 26Hen.lii. j^ 1242-^^ He died at Oxford, where he was buried, in 1247^"-. 2<* Ralph de Diceto (in Ymag. Hist.) calls him William. "Wil- lielmus etiam Prior ipsa die ( loth Aug. 1 1 86) consecratus est Epi- scopus Sancti Assavi." col. 630. 2' Chron. "Wikes, p. 33. 22 Rad. de Diceto, col. 707. 23 Annal. Theok. 24 Annal. Wigorn. p. 487. 25 Sane Ephraim Episcopum Laneluensem anno 1234, obiisse Chronicon Wallense a Pouelo editum tradit ; quod quidem no- men pro Abrahamo, errore facili positum videtur. Whart. de Epis. Assav. p. 316. 26 Pat. 17 Hen. 111. m. 6. 27 Pat. 18 Hen. IH. m. 15. 28 Reg. Cantuar. 29 Printed in Monast. vol. i. p. 721. original edition. 30 Pat. 25 Hen. HI. m. i. dorso. 31 He could not have been consecrated by archbishop Ed- mund, as the Canterbury Re- gister asserts, for that prelate died in 1240. The same Register commits a still greater anachron- ism in stating that Howel was consecrated with Robert Grost- head : that bishop was certainly consecrated by archbishop Ed- mund, but the ceremony was performed 3rd June 1235, seven years before the election of Howel ap Ednevet. 32 Annal. Wigorn. 493. BISHOPS. 67 The see having been vacant two years, the dean and chapter of St. Asaph bind themselves, T4th Sept. 1249, in all future elections to observe the English rule, and obtain the King's license to elect, and afterwards his as- sent to the election 33, as did also the bishop elect '^^; and 249 Anian, bishop of St. Asaph, did homage to the King sn.lll. for the lands, &c. pertaining to his bishopric 27th Sept. 1249-5^, and he was consecrated before the close of that year^e. He died in Sept. 1266, and was suc- ceeded by 267 John II, who was consecrated in 1267 by the arch- m.III. bishop of Canterbury, assisted by the bishops of Ely and Llandaff 3". The see became void again 4th Jan. 1268^^8, and 268 Anian II, surnamed de Schonau, prior of Hhudland^ jn.IlT. was chosen, and obtained the royal assent 24th Sept. 1268-^9. He was consecrated 21st Oct. following at St. Mary's, Southwark^o. and died 5th Feb. 129341. The license to elect a bishop in the room of the last issued 23rd Feb. 1 293 ^-, in pursuance of which 293 Leolinus de Bromfeild^-^ was chosen 6th April Iw. I. 129344, and received the royal assent to his election 6th May following ^ 5, and the confirmation of the prior and chapter of Canterbury on the 9th. The temporali- ties46 were restored to him on the 13th, and he was con- 33 Pat. 33 Hen. III. m. 3. interessendumconsecrationi Ani- 34 Claus. 33 Hen. HI. m. 11. ani electi Assaph. episcopi, in in dorso. ecclesia beatse Mariae de Suth- 3^ Ibid. m. 3. vverke, die Dominica post festum 36 Annal. Wigorn. Beatse Lucje evangelistae anno 37 Reg. Cantuar. 1268. Llyfr Coch Asaph penes 38 Ibid. W. W. E. Wynne de Peniarth. 39 Pat. 52 Hen. III. m. 4. Bo- 4i Rgg. Cantuar. niface archbishop of Canterbury, 42 Pat. 21 Edvv. I. m. 21. by his letter dated 1 6th Oct., in- ^ Llewehn ap Yuyr; called formed the King that he had also Brumflight. confirmed the election of Anian -w Annal. Eccles. Cantuar. as bishop of St. Asaph. Letter 45 p^t. 21 Edw. I. m. 19. in Turr. Lond. No. 474. 46 Jbij. m. 18. 40 Citacio Episcopi Exon, ad K 2, 68 ST. ASAPH. seerated on Whitsunday, the 17th of the same month*", and enthroned 29th Nov. He died in 1314. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Leolinus is dated i8th July 1314*8, and accordingly 1314 David ap Blethin, a canon of 8t. Ampli^ was chosen, 8 Edw. II. and received the royal assent to his election 7th Sept. 1314*9, and the temporalities ist Nov. following ^o. He was consecrated 12th Jan. 1315^'. He appointed Thomas de Capenhurst and Stephen de Ketylbi his parliamentary proxies in the year 13 40 5-. The day of his death is not known. 1352 John Trevaur appears to have succeeded to David ap 26Edw.lll. Blethin^^. He was consecrated at Rome in the year 1352, and made his profession of obedience at Canter- bury 24th March 1352-3 5*. He died at the beginning of Feb. 1357^^. 1357 Leolinus ap Madoc ap Elis, dean of St. Asaph, was 3iEdw.in. elected bishop by the chapter, and also nominated by 47 Reg. Cantuar. 48 Pat. 8 Edw. II. p. i.m.29. *9 Ibid. m. 25. ^^ Ibid. m. 15. ^1 Reg. Cantuar. The letter from Gilbert bishop of London, dated 15th Nov. 1314, in which he summons the bishop of Salis- bury to be present at the conse- cration of David ap Plethyn, ca- non of St. Asaph, elected as bi- shop of St. Asaph, which is to take place at Canterbury on the Sunday next after the feast of the Epiphany, is recorded in Reg. Gandav. at Salisbury. ^2 Letter in Turr. London. ^^ Godwin incorrectly makes Ephraim the successor of David ap Blethin. He derives his au- thority from the Cambrian An- nals, in which there is a double mistake; first, in writing Ephraim for Abraham; and secondly, in the date of the death of that prelate, viz. 1332 instead of 1233. Godwin also makes Henry the successor of Ephraim, and states that a record exists in the Tower which proves that fact ; but there, Henry bishop of St. Asaph is written by mistake for Henry bi- shop of St. David's. ^-i Memorandum, c[uod lecta fuit et facta professio per ven. patrem ac dominum D. Johan- nem Trevaur episcopum Assa- vensis ecclesiae, in curia Romana consecratum, in ecclesia Christi Cantuar. coram summo altari dictse ecclesias 24 die mensis Martii, anno MCCCLii. in primo adventu suo, &c. Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. '^^ The custody of the tempo- ralities was granted to David En- glefield, from 3rd Feb. 1357 to 5th Nov. following. Reg. Islip. BISHOPS. 69 pope Innocent VI. by bull dated xiv Oal. Augusti (19th July) 1357^^. He was consecrated at Rome, and received the spiritualities from the archbishop of Canterbury T3th Oct. following; he did not however make his profession of obedience until 13th May 1360^7. He died in 1375; at least, his will was proved 13th Dec. in that year^^. 1376 William de Spiudlington''^, dean of St. Asaph, wQj^ )Edw.lll. appointed by papal bull dated 4th Feb. 1375—6; he made his profession of obedience at Lambeth 29th April, and was consecrated 25th May following ^^'. He died 9th April 1382 ^M his will, in which he ordered his body to be buried in his cathedral, was proved ist May following62. The license to elect a bishop in the room of the last-mentioned prelate is dated 1 9th May 1382^^^; in pursuance of which, 1382 Lawrence Child, a monk of Battle abbey ..and licentiate ) Ric. II. of the civil law, was appointed by papal bull dated 18th June 1382, and consecrated in the month of August following ; he received the spiritualities from the archbishop 2nd Oct.'^^, and the temporalities on the 20th of the same month '5^. He died 27th Dec. 138966. A conge d'elire^ vice Lawrence Child, issued 1 2th Jan. 1390^7; and John Trevaur, or Treffau, was chosen by the chap- ter; and obtained the King's license and March 1390 to repair to the court of Home to sue for a confirma- tion of his election, and to accept a recompense from the Pope in case he should have made a provision to the see of St. Asaph before his arrival ^s. The Pope y 56 Reg. Islip. fol. 218. 63 Pat. 5 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 16. 57 Ibid. 64 Reg. Courtn. fol. 316. 58 Reg. Sudbury, fol. 89. 65 Pat. 6 Ric. II. p. i. m. 18. 59 Or Stridlington, or Spring- 66 "Whart. de Epis. Assav. p. linton. 341. 60 Reg. Sudburj\ 67 Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 19. 61 Whart. de Epis. Assav. p. 68 Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 31. 340. and Petit, in Pari. 13 Ric. II. 62 Reg. Courtn. fol. 313. N". 3. 70 ST. ASAPH. A /had however already nominated another to the see in Vthe person of 1390 Alexander Bach, S.T.D., a canon of St. Asaph. The 13 Ric. II. bull which made him bishop is dated 28th Feb. 1389-90^^; he received the spirituahties 6th April 7" and his temporalities on the 28th of that month 7 1; and was consecrated 8th May following 7-. His will is dated 14th Aug. 1394, and was proved on the 15th of the following montii '^'K The license to elect a bishop in the room of Alexander Bach is dated 15th Sept. 1394'^; pursuant to which, 1395 John Trevaur, who had been once before chosen by '19 Ric. II. the chapter, was elected 19th April 1395^^ The King ordered the temporalities to be restored to him on his doing fealty "^ and he obtained them 6th July following77, and the spiritualities 15th Oct. "8 He was deprived in 140270. Upon the deprivation of John Trevaur, David II. is 69 Reg. Courtn. fol. 326. 70 Whart. de Episc. Assav. p. 342. 71 Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 3. mm. 20, 15. 72 Ex fide Joh. Malvern. Mo- nach. Wigorn. 73 MS. Kennet. 7-1 Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. I. m. 22. 75 On the vacancy at the death of bishop Child, in 1389. ■f Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 17. '^'^ Pat. 19 Ric.II. p. I. m. 35. 7S Reg. Courtn. 79 Walsingham, p. 370. He did not, however, die until 1410. Browne Willis writes thus, in a letter to bishop Kennet, dated March 18, 1719: "I hope I have found out the death of John Tre- vaur, the repudiated bishop of St. Asaph. There is in the In- firmary Chapel of St. Victor's Abbey at Paris this inscription on a tomb, in memory, as I con- ceive, of him, for it could be no other bishop of the name of John, particularly Hereford — the last bishop of Hereford having been dead six or seven years be- fore, as appears by the date and probate of his will, and buried sumptuously in his own cathe- dral of Hereford. This must re- late to John Trevaur bishop of St. Asaph, who, as I remember, went to Paris in behalf of Owen Glendour, to solicit forces of the French king, and so might lodge privately in an abbey, and there fall sick and be buried. ' Hie ja- cet reverend, in Christo pater Johannes Episcopus Hereford in Wallia, qui obiit An. Difii. 14 10 die Veneris io°mensis Aprilis,cu- jus anima feliciter requiescat in pace. Amen.' " BISHOPS. 71 said to have succeeded, and to have held the see until 1411^0. but this cannot be correct, as the spirituali- ties were, by the authority of the archbishop of Can- terbury, assigned to Thomas abbot of Shrewsbury in the year 1408 ^1. The see was not declared vacant however until after 8th Oct. 1410, the day of the death of Trevaur^'2, as it is said ; and then 141 1 Robert of Lancaster^-^ was elected, and consecrated Hen.IV. at Lincoln 28th June 141 1, by Thomas Arundel archbishop of Canterbury. He died in March 1432-3, and 26th April 1433 a license was issued to elect a bishop in his roora^^. The Pope however appointed 1433 John Low, alias Lobbe, a Friar Eremite^ S.T. P., by Hen.VI. bull dated 17th Aug. 1433. He received the tempo- ralities 17th Oct. following '^^, and the spiritualities on the 2ist of the same month *^^. By his letter dated 24th Oct. 1433, ^^ requested license to be consecrated out of the Church of Canterbury, and ist Nov. fol- lowing was assigned for that purpose*^''. He was translated to Rochester in April i4448«, 1444 REGrNALD Peacock, S.T.B., obtained the see by papal Hen.VI. provision 22nd April 1444, and the temporalities were restored to him 8th June**^. He was consecrated on so Wharton, de Epis. Assav. nostrum praesentibus est appen- p, 345, who cites a document to sum. Dat. inMonasteriode Valle prove that David presided over crucis 24 die Decembris A. D. the see of St. Asaph from 1402 1429, et nostras consecrationis to 141 1. anno xix"." Around the seal is S' Reg. Arundel. 451. this legend : S. Roberti de Lan- S2 Pat. 12 Hen. IV. The date caster, Dei gratia Episc. Assa- of the death of bishop Trevaur is vensis. not known for certain, unless it ^^ Pat. 11 Hen.VI. p. i. mm. be that mentioned in note 79; 7, 4. and bishop Kennet positively ^''' Pat. 12 Hen.VI. p. i. m. 26. states that Trevaur died loth ^^ Reg. Chich. April 1410. ^7 Reg. Cantuar. s^ In an original charter this ^^ Pat. 22 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 1 1. clause occurs, which shews that and Reg. Stafford, fol. 44. his surname was Lancaster : " In 89 pat. 22 Hen.VI, p. 2. m.i i . cujus rei testimonium sigillum 72 ST. ASAPH. the 14th of the same month at Croydon 9o, and trans- lated to Chichester 23rd March 144991. 1450 Thomas [ ] succeeded to the see 27th Jan. 145O5 and 28Hen.Vl. 28th Jan. 14639- was deprived. On i ith March 1465 the custody of the temporalities of the bishopric was granted to Kichard Caunton, which, on account of the rebellion of Thomas bishop of St. Asaph, had formerly come into the King''s hands and had been granted to Robert bishop of Rochester, and upon whose death they had again come into the King's hands ^-^ The custody of the temporalities was subsequently com- mitted to John Stanley 9-*, On 30th C>ct. 147 1 the King pardoned bishop Thomas all offences and mis- prisions that he had committed ^^ ; but it would seem that he was not restoi'ed to his see, as 147 1 Richard Redman had been elected, for 13th Oct. 147 1 iiEdw.lv. he obtained a license to be consecrated out of the Church of Canterbury's. In 1495 he was translated to Exeter97. On the translation of bishop Redman to Exeter 1496 Michael Deacon or Dyacon, the King's confessor^ II H.VII. was appointed to the see of St. Asaph, and obtained license nth Jan. 1495—6 to be consecrated out of the Church of Canterbury 9^. He died in 1500, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. To whom suc- ceeded 1500 David ap-Yeworth, abhot de Valle Crucis, who was 15 H.VII. consecrated by John archbishop of Canterbury 26th April 1500, and died in 150399. His successor was 90 Reg. Stafford, fol. 15. in error in supposing that there 91 Ibid. fol. 35, and Pat. 28 were two bishops of this name Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 16. following each other, one who 92 Reg. Bourchier. died before 1461, and the other 9^ Pat. 5Edw. IV. p. I. m. 19. before 147 1. 9-1 30th June 1465. Pat. 5 Ed. 96 Rgg. Cantuar. IV. p. 2. m. 21. ^7 Pat. II Hen.VII. p.i.m.22. 95 Pat. 1 1 Edw. IV. p. I. m. 4. 98 Reg. Cantuar. Both Le Neve and Wharton are 99Whart.deEpis.Assav.p,355. BISHOPS. 73 1503 David ap Owen, abbot '•'' de Valle Crucis^''^, appointed )H.vil, by papal bull dated iSth Dec. 1503, and consecrated in February 1503-4. He died in Feb. 15 12— 3'-, and was buried in his cathedral. 1513 Edmund Birkhead, alias Brokered, S.T.D. suc- H.vill. ceeded by papal bull dated 15th April 1513'^, and was consecrated 29th May following^. He died at the beginning of April 15 1 8. 1518 Henry Standish, S.T.D. appointed by papal bull, )H.VIII. dated 28th May 1518'*, and consecrated at Otford nth July following^. He died 9th July 1535', and was buried in the Minories, London. A conge d'elire vice Henry Standish issued 7th Jan. 1535-68, pursuant to which 1536 William Barlow^, S.T.P., was elected i6th Jan. i5S5~^> ' H.VIII. received the royal assent 27th Feb.^ and was confirmed by the archbishop on the following day^^. On 21 st April 1536, he was translated to St. David's^'. On the translation of bishop Barlow to St. David''s a license to elect a bishop in his room issued 29th May 1536 1^ and 1536 Robert Warton^^, S.T.B., abbot of St. Saviour's 5 H.VIII. Bermondse^, was elected 8th June 1536^^, received the royal assent to his election on the 24th of the same month 1^, and the archbishop's confirmation two 1 According to Godwin, he was ^^ Reg. Cranm. fol. 179. His first abbot of Strat-Marchell and consecration is not registered, afterwards of Conway. '• Reg. Cranm. fol. 205. On 2 Die xi Feb. 1512-3 David 3rd Feb. 1548-9 he was removed permissione Divina Assavensis to Bath and Wells, from which Episcopus fecit testamentum he was expelled by'queen Mary ; nuncupativum, &c. but he was appointed to Chiches- 3 Reg. Warham, fol. 16. ter by queen Elizabeth 20th Dec. 4 Ibid. 1559. 5 Reg. Warham. fol. 21. 12 Pat. 28 Hen. VIII. p. 2.m. 9, ^ Ibid. 13 Alias Wroton, alias Parfew, 7 Reg. Cranm. alias Warbington. ^ Pat. 27Hen.VIII.p. i.m.ir. i** Reg. Cranm. ^ Ibid. p. 2. m. II. 15 Pat. 28Hen.VIII.p. 2.m.9. VOL. I. L 74 ST. ASAPH. days afterwards 16. He was consecrated at Lambeth 2nd Julyi". In 1554^^ he was translated to Hereford, and ^55^ Thomas Gold well, S.T.B., a Benedictine monk, suc- 2&3P.&M. ceeded. As bishop-elect ^^ he had a grant of the custody of the temporalities 12th May 1555-", and 22nd Jan. JSS5~^ ^6 obtained plenary restitution of them 21. Queen Mary intended to translate him to Oxford, and a grant for the restitution of the tempo- ralities of that see to him was made 9th Nov. 1558'-'^, and Thomas Wood--^ was nominated as bishop of St. Asaph in his stead ; but queen Mary died before the translation of the one and the confirmation of the other was perfected ; and bishop Goldwell went in voluntary exile -^ and died, and was buried at Rome about the year 1581. 1560 KicHARD Davyes, S.T.B. was elected 4th Dec, and 2Eiiz. had the royal assent to his election i8th Dec. 1559^^. The significavit to the archbishop is dated 9th Jan. 1559-60-6, and he was consecrated on the 21st of the same month -7, The temporalities were restored to him 29th March following'-^. On 21st May 1561 he was translated to St. David's. i** Reg. Cranm. fol. 193. 23 xhe custody of the tempo- '7 Ibid. fol. 197. ralities of the see of St. Asaph 1^ The spirituaUties of this see was granted, 5th Nov. 1558, to were seized into the hands of the Thomas Wood, nominated to the chapter 30th Sept. 1554. Reg. said bishopric on the translation Cantuar. of Thomas Goldwell to Oxford. 19 He is supposed to have been Pat. 5 & 6 Phil. & Mar. p. 2. m. consecrated during the imprison- 38. ment of archbishop Cranmer, but '■^■i The spiritualities were seized RO record of his consecration has by the chapter of Canterbury, yet been found. the see being vacant, 15th July ^0 Pat. I & 2 Phil. & Mar. p. i. 1559. Reg. Cantuar. ra. 10. 25 Pat, 2 Ehz. p. 14. m. 5. 21 Pat. 2 & 3 Phil. & Mar. p. i . 26 ibid. m. 33. 27 Reg. Parker, fol. 59. 22 Pat. 5 & 6 Phil. & Mar. p. 2. 28 Pat. 2 Ehz. p. 14. m. 3. m.38. BISHOPS. 75 1562 Thomas Davyes, LL.D., was confirmed 23rd May Eliz. 156 1, consecrated at Croydon on the 36th of the same month '-^9, and had the temporalities restored to him 2nd April 1562=^0. He died soon after Michaelmas day 1573, and was buried in the church of Abergwilli^i, His will is dated 19th April 1570. The conge d'elire, vice Thomas Davyes, is dated 20th Nov. i573-^"-. 1573 William Hughes, S.T.P., was elected 28th Nov- 6 Eliz. 1573, and had the royal assent to his election nth Dec.3^ ; he was confirmed the next day, and conse- crated-^^ on the 13th; the temporahties were restored to him on the 30th of the same month-^\ He died 19th Nov. i6oo-^% and was buried in his cathedral. 1601 William Morgan, bishop of Llandaff, was translated 3 Eliz. to St. Asaph ; having been elected 21st July 1601, and confirmed 17th Sept.^^. He died loth Sept. 1604-^^, and was buried in his cathedral the next day after his decease. 1604 Richard Parry, S.T.D., dean of Bangor, was elected Jac. I. i^th Oct. 1604, confirmed 29th Dec, consecrated the next day at Lambeth^^, and obtained the temporali- ties 5th Jan. 1604-5. He died 26th Sept. 1623 ^^ and was buried in his cathedral. A conge d'ehre, dated 9th Jan. 1623—4, issued on the decease of bishop Parry ^1, in pursuance of which 1624 John Hanmer was elected 20th Jan. 1623—4; received [ Jac. I. 29 Reg. Parker, fol. 100. Reg. Parker. 2. 30 Pat. 4 Eliz. p. 10. m. 45. 37 Reg.Whitg. parsiii. fol. 44. 31 The spiritualities of the see '§ The spiritualities at his death were seized into the hands of the were seized into the hands of the archbishop 30th Oct. 1573. Reg. archbishop of Canterbury ist Parker. Oct. 1604. Reg. Whitgift. 32 Pat. 16 EUz. p. 10. m. 30. 39 Rgg. Bancroft, fol. 21. 33 Pat. 16 Ehz. p. 7. m. 30. -to jjis death is also said to have S4 Reg. Parker, ii. fol. 5. taken place " circa Oct. 3." His 35 Pat. 16 Eliz. p. 15. m. 10. ■ will is in the prerogative office of 36 Reg.Whitg. iii die Mercurii Canterbury. BjTde. 9. circa horam iii ante meridiem. 41 Pat. 21 Jac. I. p. 28. m.3. L 2 76 ST. ASAPH. the royal assent 5th Feb. following ^^, was confirmed on the nth, consecrated on the i5th''^, and had the temporalities restored to him on the 23rd of the same month^^. He died 23rd June 1629, and was buried at Selattyn in Shropshire, setat. 5^. A conge d'elire, vice bishop Hanmer, issued 8th August 1629^''. 1629 John Owen, S.T.P., archdeacon of St. yJsaph, was S Car. I. elected i8th Aug. 1629, received the royal assent 4th Sept.'^, was confirmed on the 18th, and consecrated 20th Sept.^7 The temporalities were restored to him on the 26th of the same month^^ He died 15th Oct. 1 65 1, and was buried in his cathedral under the bi- shop's throne without any inscription. The see vacant nine years. 1660 George Griffith, S.T.P., archdeacon of St. Asa ph^'^, j2Car. II. was elected 17th Oct. 1660, confirmed on the 24th; consecrated 28th Oct.'''^, in the chapel of king Henry VH., Westminster. He died 28th Nov. 1666, and was buried in his cathedral under the bishop's throne. 1667 Henry Glemham, S.T.D., dean of Bristol, was elected T9Car. II. bishop of St. Asaph 7th Feb. 1666-7, confirmed 8th Oct., and consecrated 13th Oct.^' He died 17th Jan. 1669-70, and was buried in his family vault at Little Glemham in Suffolk. 1670 Isaac I3arrow, bishop of Sodor and 3Ian, was elected 22 Car. II. 28th Feb. 1669—70, and confirmed in this see 21st March''-. He died 24th June 1680, and was buried without the west door of his cathedral, setat. 67. 1680 William Lloyd, S.T.P., dean of Bangor, was confirmed 32 Car. II. 42 Pat. 21 Jac. I. p. 28. m. 2. ^8 Pat. 5 Car. I. p. 34. No. i. ^^ Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 90. ^^ He had a dispensation dated ^ Pat. 21 Jac. I. p. 28. No. i. 13th Nov. 1660, to hold in com- ^^ Pat. 5 Car. I. p. 34. No. 3. mendam with his see, the arch- 4^ Ibid. No. 2. deaconry of St. Asaph and other 47 His consecration is not in benefices. Reg. Cantuar. ; the entry of his ' ^^ Reg. Juxon, fol. 208. election is in Reg. Abbot, iii. •''i Reg. Sheld. fol. 40. fol. I. "iz Ibid, foh 54. BISHOPS. 77 30th Sept. 1680, and consecrated 3rd Oct. following •^^. In 1692 he was translated to Lichfield and Coventry ^^^ 1692 Edward Jones, hisliop of Cloyne in Ireland^ was nomi- V. &M. nated by the King in council to this see 3rd Oct. 1692^^, He received the royal assent 10th Nov.^^, and was confirmed 13th Dec. '7 The temporalities were restored to him on the 29th of that month '>§. He died 10th May 1703, and was buried on the 13th of that month in the church of St. Margaret, West- minster ^9, 1703 George Hooper, dean of Canterbury^ was consecrated ^nn- at Lambeth 31st Oct. 1703^0, and translated to Bath and Wells in March in the next year. 1704 William Beveridge, S.T.P., having been elected k^nn- bishop of St. Asaph, received the royal assent 26th June 1704^'. He was consecrated 16th July^^ follow- ing, and on the 3 1 st of that month he received the tem- poralities <^3. He died 5th March 1 707-8, setat. 7 1 . 1708 William Fleetwood, S.T.F., was elected 13th May nn. 1708, confirmed 5th June, consecrated the next day 6+, and had the temporalities 8th July. He was trans- lated to Ely in December 1714. 1 7 15 John Wynne, S.T.P., principal of Jesus College, Ox- reo. T. ford, and Margaret professor of theology, was elected nth Jan. 17 14-5, confirmed 5th Feb., and conse- crated the next day^^. He was translated to Bath and Wells in 1727. ^3 Reg. Sancroft, fol. 43. months. The sentence however ^■^ Church Book, Home Office, was continueduntil 5th May 1702. 55 Ibid. 56 i|)i,i. (50 Reg. Tenison, fol. 68. Dr. 57 Ware De prees. Hibern. p. Ishara preached his consecration 40. Reg. Tillotson, fol. 105. sermon, which was published in 58 Church Book, Home Office, the London Gazette, No. 3974. 59 He is supposed to have sold ^i Church Book, Home Office, the deanery to Daniel Price his ^2 Reg. Tenison, fol. 82. relative ; and the subject was ^3 Church Book, Home Office, brought before the archbishop ^4 Rgg. Tenison, ii. fol. 49. 5th June 1700. In June 1701 65 ibid. ii. fol. 156. The 6th the archbishop decreed that he Feb. in this year fell on Wednes- should be suspended for six day. 78 ST. ASAPH. 1727 Francis Hake, S.T.D., dean of Bt. PauVs^ London^ I Geo. II. was consecrated 17th Dec. 1727^6. On 25th Nov. 1 73 1 he was translated to Chichester. 1732 Thomas Tanner, S.T.D., was elected pursuant to the S Geo. II. conge d'elire dated 25th Nov. 1731. He kissed the King's hands on his appointment 3rd Dec, and was consecrated 23rd Jan. 1731—2^'. He died 14th Dec. 1735, aged 66, and was buried in Christ Church, Oxfoi'd, on the 28th of the same month. 1736 Isaac Maddox, dean of Wells, was nominated by the 10 Geo. II. King in council 21st May 1736^*, and the usual conge d'elire and letter missive issued accordingly *^9. He was elected 14th June, and received the royal assent 22nd June^o, and was confirmed at Bow church 3rd July, and consecrated 4th July^i. The temporalities were restored to him 6th Aug., and he was translated to Worcester in 1743. 1743 John Thomas, dean of Peterborough, was elected pur- 17 Geo. II. suant to the King's nomination in Nov. 1743, but he was translated to Lincoln in January following, before consecration""-. 1744 Samuel Lisle, S.T.P., archdeacon of Canterbury, was 18 Geo. II. elected pursuant to a conge d'elire 20th Jan. 1743—4. The royal assent to his election was given 13th Feb. He was consecrated ist ApriK-^, and the temporalities were restored to him 7th April following"^. He was translated to Norwich in 17487''. 1748 The Hon. Robert Hay Drummond was nominated 21 Geo. II. by the King in council 1st April 174876^ and elected 1 2th April, pursuant to the King's conge d'elire and letter missive. The royal assent was given to his election 14th April, he was confirmed on the 23rd and "^ Reg. Wake, ii. fol. 22. ^i Reg. Wake, ii. fol. 173. 67 Ibid. 72 Church Book, Home Office. 68 Church Book, Home Office. 73 Rgg. Wake, ii. fol. 180. 69 London Gazette. "4 Church Book, Home Office. 70 Church Book, Home Office. 75 Jbid. ^6 jbid. BISHOPS. 79 consecrated 24th April", and had the temporalities restored to him on the 29th of that month"^. He was translated to Salisbury 3rd May 1761. 1761 Richard Newcome, bishop of Llandaff^ was translated 30. III. to this see pursuant to the King's recommendation of 3rd June 1 761. He was elected 25th June, and con- firmed 9th July "9. He died 4th June 1769. [769 Jonathan Shipley, hishop of Llandaff, was nominated 30. III. by the King in council 17th July 1769*^0^ and elected 22nd Aug., pursuant to the conge d'elire which issued accordingly. The royal assent to his election was given 31st Aug.*^! He was confirmed 8th Sept.^^, and had the temporalities were restored to him 15th Sept.sa He died 9th Dec. 1788. [789 Samuel PIalifax, hishop of Glocester, was nominated ^eo.lll. to this see by the King in council 20th March 1789'*^, and was elected 4th April, pursuant to the King's conge d'elire^^. He received the royal assent 6th April, and was confirmed 25th April '^''^ and had the temporalities on the 29th of the same month *7, He died 5th Maz'ch 1790, aged 60. 1790 Lewis Bagot, bishop of Norwich^ was nominated to reo.IIl. St. Asaph by the King in council 26th March 1790^^, and was elected loth April, pursuant to the conge d'elire which issued accordingly. The royal assent to his election was given 14th April. He was confirmed 24th April ^9^ and the temporalities were restored to him on the 28th of that month^o. He died 4th June 1802. 1802 Samuel Horsley, bishop of Rochester, was nominated feo.lll. to St. Asaph by the King in council 19th June 1802^^ 77 Reg. Herring, fol. 65. 86 London Gazette. 78 Church Book, Home Office. 86 jjgg^ Moore. 79 Reg. Seeker. 87 Church Book, Home Office. 80 Church Book, Home Office. 88 ibid. ^1 Ibid. 89 Reg. Moore. 82 Reg. CornwalHs. 90 Church Book, Home Office. 83 Church Book, Home Office. 9' Ibid. 8^ Ibid. 80 ST. ASAPH. and elected 3rd July pursuant to the conge d'elire and letter missive which issued accordingly 5-. He received the royal assent 9th July^-J, and was con- firmed 27th July 5^. He died 4th Oct. 1806, aged 73. 1806 William Cl'eavf.r, bisho]) 0/ Bangor, was nominated 47Geo.IIl. to St. Asaph by the King in council 17th Oct. 18069'', and was elected 4th Nov. pursuant to the conge d'elire. The royal assent to his election was given 8th Nov., he was confirmed 25th Nov. 9*^, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 26th ^7, He died 1 5th May 1 815, and was buried in Brasenose college, Oxford. 18 15 John LuxMooi^E, bishop of Hereford, was nominated to SSGeo.Ill. this see 19th May 1815'^^, and was elected 8th June, pursuant to the conge d'elire of 23rd May. The royal assent to his election was given loth June. He was confirmed 20th June-'-', and the temporalities were re- stored to him on the 21st of that months He died 2ist Jan. 1830, aged 73 years. 1830 William Carey, bishop of Exeter, was nominated to iiGeo.iv. St. Asaph 9th Feb. 1830% and elected 12th March, pursuant to the conge d'elire of 20th Feb. The royal assent was given 22nd March. He was confirmed 7th April ■^, and the temporalities were restored 29th June. He died 13th Sept. 1846, aged 77 years. 1846 Thomas Vowler Short, bishop of Sodor and Man, loVictoria. was nominated by the Queen in council 27th Oct. 1846*, to St. Asaph, and elected 4th Nov. pursuant to the conge d'elire and letter missive which issued accordingly -\ The royal assent to his election was given 5th Nov. 6 He was confirmed on the 21st of the same month, and the temporalities were restored 92 London Gazette. ' Church Book, Home Office. 93 Church Book, Home Office. ^ ibid. 94 Reg. Moore. ^ Jieg. Howley. 95 Church Book, Home Office. 4 Church Book, Home Office. 96 Reg. Sutton. ^ London Gazette. 97 Church Book, Home Office. ^ The writ under the great 98 Ibid. seal bears date 14th Nov. 99 Reg. Sutton. BISHOPS. 81 to him 1 8th Dec. ; and his lordship, the present bishop of St. Asaph, was installed on the 24th of that month. The bishopric is rated for first fruits at 187/. 11s. 6dJ The permanent income of the bishop of St. Asaj^h was settled at 4200^., by order of council gazetted 17 th Nov. 1846. An order in council dated 12th Dec. 1838, and gazetted 25th Jan. 1839, was passed for prospectively uniting the sees of St. Asaph and Bangor, and fixing the an- nual sura to be paid out of the revenues thereof to- wards the augmentation of the incomes of the bishops of the smaller sees ; for prospectively augmenting the incomes of the bishops of St. David's and Llandaff ; and for prospectively founding the bishopric of Man- chester. This however was repealed by act 10 & 11 Vict. c. 108. The arms of the see are thus blazoned : Sable, two keys in saltire argent. DEANS«. R . . . . held this deanery in 1234 and 1239. David held it in 1244; another of the same name held it in 1272. AxiAN is said to have holden this dignity in 1279, and likewise in 1309, but how long is uncertain^. Leoline ap-Madoc was dean in 1357 ; in that year he was made bishop of this see ^0. Upon the promotion of Leoline, Robert de Walsham was nominated in 1357 by the prince of Wales; but he was compelled to resign 11. 7 Ecton, p. 384. 9 Wharton, p. 365. Reg. Win- ^ 8 The deanery is in the gift of chelsey. the bishop of St. Asaph, and is i^ Wharton, p. 365. the only deanery to which the n Reg. Ishp. Crown does not present. VOL. M 82 ST. ASAPH. William de Spkidlington or Springlinton suc- ceeded to the deanery in i^^J, and to the bishopric in 1376"^. Alan de Stokes (omitted by Wharton) seems to have been the next successor, and that in the same year, 13 76 5. HowEL ap-Madoc seems to have enjoyed this dignity about 1380^. HowEL Kyffin was dean in 1381 and in 1384, as appears in an old manuscript at St. Asaph. Wharton reckons him possessed of it in 13907. Hugh Colyngham confirmed 4th Sept. 1394.^ Richard Courteney obtained this dignity May 1402^, and in 1410 was removed to the deanery of Wells i^. Hugh Holbache had his appointment ratified in 1404^1. He died dean here, 1417. John Blodwell. David Blodwell. Ob. 1462. John Tapton seems to have been admitted 37th Jan. 1463. His will was proved in 1492. FouKE Salisbury was dean from 151 1 to i543'2_ q^^ 1543- Richard Puskyn succeeded in 1543, and resigned in John Gruffith, LL.B., treasurer of Llandaff, suc- ceeded 26th Sept. 15561^. He was dean 19th Sept. 1558 : so he styles himself in his will of that date, which was proved 3rd Feb. 1558—9. Maurice Blayne, alias Gruffith, LL.B., appears to have been dean 27th Feb, 1558-9, i Eliz.^''. John Lloyd was made dean 4th April 1559. Hugh Evans was made dean 26th April 1560. Ob. ^ Wharton, p. 365. ^^ Wharton, p. 366. ^ Reg. Booking. Episc. Line. •' Pat. 5 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 5. 6 MS. Norvvic. 9. fol. 12. '2 Ex notis Will. Episc. Elien. 7 Ex notis Will. Episc. Elien. 13 Ibid. i^ Ibid. 8 Pat. 17 Ric. II. p. I. m. 15. i'' Ibid. ^ Pat. 3 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 19. ARCHDEACONS. 83 17th Dec. 1587^ setat. 64; buried in the cathedral of St. Asaph. Thomas Banks was made dean 18th Dec. 1587'^, and died 31st July 1634. Andrew Morris, installed 28th Aug. 1634^7. He died before 1654. David Lloyd, LL.D., was presented by the King 30th July, and admitted 17th Oct. 1660, and died 7th Sept. 1663 18. Humphrey Lloyd, S.T.P., was collated 14th Dec. 1663 i9j ^^^ ^^ ^^73 was made bishop of Bangor, Nicholas Stratford, S.T.P., nth May 1674; from this dignity he was made bishop of Chester in 1689. George Bright, S.T.P., succeeded loth Sept. 168920. Ob. 2nd July 1696. Daniel Price, A.M., collated 26th July 1 696-1. Ob. 7th Nov. 1706. William Stanley, S.T.P., archdeacon of London, collated 7th Dec. 170622. Ob. 9th Oct. 1731. William Powell, S.T.P., 21st Oct. 173123, Ob. 13th April 1751. William Herring, ist May 1 751 24. William Davis Shipley, 27th May 177425. Ob. 7th May 1826, aged 81. Charles Scott Luxmoore was nominated on the i6th, and collated 26th June 182626. This deanery is rated for first fruits at 45/. lis. 5ic?.27 ARCHDEACONS. Daniel ap-Sulgion or Sulghein ; he was elected bi- shop of St. David's in 1076, and being forced to fly thence, took shelter at St. Asaph, and became arch- deacon. Ob. 1 127. 16 Bishops' Certificates. 22 Bishops' Certificates. '7 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 18 Reg. Juxon. 25 ibid. 26 ibid. 1^ Bishops' Certificates. 27 Ecton, p. 348. 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. M 2, X 84 ST. ASAPH. David, collated by bishop Abraham in 1 230, is the next archdeacon of St. Asaph that has occurred. He had letters of safe-conduct dated 27th May 12^1'^^. David, collated by bishop Anian in 1266; he occurs also in 1272. GmrriTH witnessed a deed in 1278. He resigned this dignity iii Non. Oct. (5th Oct.) 1306. William de Testa, archdeacon of St. Asaph, and chaplain to the Pope, was administrator of the spiritu- alities of the see of Canterbury in 1306. L . . . , archdeacon of St. Asaph, appeared by proxy at the parliament of Carlisle in 130729. He is sup- posed to be Llewelyn ap Hova, who died in 1330. Ithel or Ithiel ab Robert, was archdeacon of St. Asaph in 1375. Thomas Rushok, the King''s confessor, was appointed to this archdeaconry loth June 1382^°. David Vaughan ab David was collated to this arch- deaconry in 1386. Griffith le Younge was appointed in 1398; he occurs also in 1403 and 1406. John Tupxey or Tubney held the office in 1442, and died possessed of it in 1457. Peter Conway held it in 1508, 1512, and 151 9. His will is dated loth Dec. 1531. Richard Shelton held it in 1534. William ab Robert held it in 1539. Thomas Davies held it in 1540. Richard Pollard ejected in 1554. Humphrey Edwards appointed in 1554. Richard Rogers, suffragan hishop of Dover, held this archdeaconry in 1562, and resigned it in 1566. Thomas Powell collated ist Dec. 1566; he held it in J573- William Hughes on being made bishop of St. Asaph obtained a faculty from archbishop Parker in 1573 to 28 Pat. 15 Hen. III. m. 2. 29 Vet. Cod. in Turr. Lond. 30 Pat. 5 Ric. II. p. 2. m. i. PREBENDARIES. 85 hold this archdeaconry with other benefices, in com- mendam ; and the bishops of St. Asaph have, up to the year 1844, held it in commendam, and not in union. Charles Butler Olough, 20th Feb. 1844. The dignity is rated for first fruits at 74?. 15s. ']\d:^^ ARCHDEACONS OF MONTGOMERY^l William Olive was collated to the dignity of the office of archdeacon of the archdeaconry of Mont- gomery 29th Feb. 1844. PREBENDARIES. PRECENTORS or PREBENDARIES of VAYNOLL, or FAYNOL, or FAENOL, which is styled The Golden Prebend. The earliest holder of this prebend mentioned is Robert Madoc, vvho died in 1533. John ap Howel ap Breton, or Bruton, possessed this stall anno 15343^^ ^nd died anno 1538. He was succeeded by Maurice Burchenshaw, instituted anno 1538. Thomas Yale was instituted 7th July 1564, vice Bur- chenshaw •^-^. David Yale, S.T.P., was presented ist April 1578, vice Thomas Yale^^. He died possessed of this stall and one at Chester about 1613. David Dolben, S.T.P.,was instituted 23rd Feb. 1625^^ and was elected bishop of Bangor anno 1 63 1 . He held this stall for some time in commendam, and then re- signed it in 1633. Hugh Williams, S.T.P., was admitted 2nd Oct. 31 Ecton, p. 348. ^^ Valor. Ecclesiast. 32 Founded in 1844. Ante, 34 Bishops' Certificates, p. 63. 35 Ibid. 36 Ibid. 86 ST. ASAPH. 163338. He died 24th Sept. 1670, aged 74, and was succeeded by David Lloyd, A.M., who was collated sand May 1671, and died about 1691. He was succeeded by David Maurice, S.T.P., promoted to this stall 25th Feb. 169139 from a comportionship of Llanvair. John Da vies, A.M., was collated 39th May 1697^0, vice Maurice resigned. John Tanner was collated 15th May I733^'- ^'^^^ 22nd Nov. 1759. John Marsden was collated 17th Jan. 176b, vice John Tanner42. Died 21st Feb. 1796. Walter Bagot was collated loth May 1796, vice John Marsden ^3. Ralph Sneyd was collated i6th Aug. 1806, vice Wal- ter Bagot ^4. John Dean was collated 22nd July 1808, vice Ralph Sneyd ^^. William Cleaver-^^ was collated nth Dec. 1809, vice John Dean^^. This prebend or precentorship became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1 846, in virtue of an order in council dated for carrying into effect an ar- rangement for the substitution of a money payment. PREBENDARIES of LLANYFYDD, LLANU- FITH, OR LLANUFYDD, who are de jure Chancellors of the Church of St. Asaph. Richard Standish enjoyed this dignity anno i534'*7. John Williams held it in 1552- John Parfue held it in iS5^- Robert Whetell was collated 25th January 1560-61. His successor seems to have been 38 Bishops' Certificates. "^ Bishops' Certificates. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 45 Ibid. 46 Ibid. 41 Ibid. 42 Ibid. 47 Valor. Ecclesiast. 43 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 87 William Lewex, who held it in 1596. Ob. 15th April 1598. William Vaughan succeeded anno 1598. Richard Glynn held it in 161 7. John Davies was collated in 1617; he died 15th May 1644. He was succeeded by William Erskin, S.T.P., who was collated 17th June 164448; he died anno 1660. John Williams, A.M., was collated 34th Jan. 1660— 6 1 "^5. He held it but a short time. Archibald Spark, S.T.B., was installed nth July 1 66 1 ^'^, and died about the year 1669 ; and was suc- ceeded by John Ellis, A.M., who was collated 9th March 1669—70^1. He died 15th Oct. 1693, and was suc- ceeded by Robert Wynne, S.T.P., who was removed to this stall from a comportionship of Llanvair 24th Oct. 1693. He was also chancellor of this diocese. John Dubordien was collated 30th Sept. 1743, vice Robert Wynne ^■-. Venn Eyre, 9th Aug. 1754, vice John Dubordien ^3, archdeacon of Carlisle; died i8th May 1777. George Watts, 21st Oct. 1777, vice Venn Eyre^^; died 2nd Feb. 18 10. James Drake, 31st March 1810, vice George Watts". The chancellorship or prebend of Llanufydd became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1837. PREBENDARIES of MELIDEN or MELIDYN, who are styled Treasurers of the Church of St. Asaph. Gregory Flint held this office anno 1512, as appears by his subscribing himself by this title to bishop Owen's will. 48 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. « Ibid. so Ibid. ^4 ibid. ^s ibid. 51 Ibid. 52 Ibid. 88 ST. ASAPH. Christopher VVelliforu or Wolliford or Woly- FED possessed this stall anno i534- Richard Birkenden held it in 1554. Robert Ireland, LL.B., anno 1560. Roger Thomas was collated 4th Jan. 1598-9 5^. David Gwyn was collated i6th June 1608 ^7. Robert Lloyd was collated 15th March 1624-5^^. John Kyffin, S.T.B., was collated 29th Oct. 1628^0. Edward Purleston, A.M., was collated 37th May ,63560. David Gwinn was collated in 1641. Nicholas Wright, S.T.P., was collated 22nd July 1 645 61. William Thelwall, A.M., was collated 15th May 16616^. Thomas Vaughan was collated 8th Jan. 1672-363. Richard Turbridge, A.M., was collated 27th March 16746^. He died 26th Dec. 1674. John Edwards^ LL.D., canon of this church, was pro- moted to this dignity 4th Jan. 1 674-5 6^. He was chancellor of the diocese, and died anno 1684 or 1685. Samuel Davies, LL.D., was collated I2th Sept. 168566. He died anno 1693, and was succeeded by Robert Tench, A.M., canon of this churchy who was col- lated to this stall 2ist April 1693 67, and died anno 1701. John Price, A.M., canon of this church, was collated to this prebend i6th Dec. 1701. John Jones, S.T.B., fellow of Jesus College, Oxon, was collated 17th Jan. 17 16-7 to this stall, vacant by the cession of John Price. John Wynne was collated ist Nov. 173 168. Gilbert Bouchery was collated 26th March 174669, 56 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 57 Ibid. 58 Ibid. 64 Ibid. 65 Ibid. 59 Ibid. 60 Ibid. 66 Ibid. 67 Ibid 61 Ibid. 62 Ibid. 68 Ibid. 6D Ibid PREBENDARIES. 89 William Stodart circa 1783. Thomas C lough, 8th May 1794, vice William Stodart 7o. Died jst Sept. 18 14, aged 58. Edward Lloyd Jones. Richard Pugh, 31st Oct. 1843, vice Edward Lloyd Jones. The treasurership and prebend of Meliden became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1843. PREBENDARIES OF LLANVAIR. Llanvair First Portion. John Crayford possessed this portion anno 153471. David Clapham, anno 1560. David Powell, S.T.P. FuLK Price was collated 21st July 1599, vice David Powell 72. Simon Mostyn. Ralph Ktnaston was collated 20th Feb, 1624, vice Simon Mostyn 73. He died possessed of this portion anno 1628. John Saladyne, A.M., collated 17th March 1629, vice Ralph Kinaston. John Lloyd, A.M., (brother to Humphrey lord bishop of Bangor,) archdeacon of Merioneth; died 1668. Nathaniel Godwin, A.M., 27th April 1 66874. David Maurice was collated 6th Aug. 167775. John Price, S.T.P., was collated 2nd Sept. 168276. Henry Price, A.M., was collated 22nd May 168477. Narcissus Marsh, S.T.P., Ushop of Ferns andLeighlin in Ireland, was collated 31st July 16907 s, on whose resignation the next year, John Thomas, A.M., was collated i8th Nov. 1691. He died about 1695. '0 Bishops' Certificates. 74 Bishops' Certificates. 71 Valor Ecclesiast. 75 jbifj 76 Ibid. 72 Bishops' Certificates. 77 ibid. 78 ibid 73 Ibid. VOL. I. N 90 ST. ASAPH. John Jones, S.T.P., 13th April 1696. Thomas Wynne, 26th Jan. 172779. Hugh Jones. Peter Newcome^^, 4th May 1764, vice Hugh Jones^', Henry Newcome, nth Oct. 7766, vice Peter New- come ^2^ Edward Williams, about 1777. Howell Holland Edwards, vice Edward Williams, 19th April 1799^3. Ob. 20th Sept. 1846, aged 84. George Robson, 20th Oct. 1803. Daniel Williams. Thomas Gorst Moulsdale, 6th April 1836, vice Daniel Williams. Llanvair Second Portion. Hugh Puleston was possessed of it anno 1534^'*; he was collated thereto 1517. His successor was another Hugh Puleston, LL.B., who enjoyed this stall about 1560. FuLK Price, S.T.P., was collated about 1600 to a com- portionship of Llanvair, which Hugh Puleston lately held. Fulk Price died anno 1632. 1632 Ellis Price, A.M., installed i8th Oct. 1632 vice Fulk Price^^. He enjoyed it anno 1676; and seems to have been succeeded the next year by John Edwards, whose name occurs anno 1677. He held it but a short time ; for about the latter end of the same year, David Maurice, S.T.P., prebendary of Mycod^ was removed from that stall to this, (which he afterwards quitted anno 1691 on his promotion to the prebend of Vaynol :) he was succeeded herein by Robert Wynne, S.T.B., 25th Feb. 1691-2; on whose removal to the prebend of Llanyfydd anno 1695 79 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 80 Peter Newcombe preb. Llan- ^2 ibid. 83 Yq\^. daff died 2nd April 1797. Age 84 Valor Ecclesiast. 70. 85 Bishops' Certificates. PREBENDARIES. 91 Griffith Lloyd, A.M., prebendary of Llandaff^ was collated to this stall in the same year. He was suc- ceeded by Henuy Parry, who was collated 24th Aug. 1696. He died anno 1705, and was succeeded by Humphrey Foulkes, A.M., who was collated loth June 1705^6. John Dubordien was collated i6th Feb. 1737'^''. John Swinton was collated nth Oct. 1743, vice John Dubordien. Thomas Baker was collated 27th May 1777, vice John Swinton '^^. Heneage Horsley was collated 18th April 1803^^^ vice Baker. Died 1847, aged 72. Richard Maurice Bonxer, 3i8t July 1850, vice Heneage Horsley. PREBENDARIES OF MYVOD. David Owayn held this stall anno 1534. John Price, LL.B., chancellor of this diocese^ seems to have possessed it anno 1560. John Roberts was collated 22nd March 1582, vice John Price, deceased ^o. William Vaughan held this stall in 1596. Richard Evans was collated 4th Aug. 1621^1; on whose death, anno 1665, David Maurice, A.M., was promoted to this stall, 3rd Aug. 1666'J-^; from which he was removed to a comportionship of Llanvair, and from thence to the prebend of Vaynol. He was succeeded in this stall by Thomas Clopton, A.M., 25th Aug. 1677^-^; on whose resignation Thomas Pugh, A.M., was collated 3rd July 1678 9^. Thomas Clopton was readmitted 26th Feb. 16799^ and afterwards resigned this stall to 86 Bishops' Certificates. 9' Bishops' Certificates. 87 Ibid. 88 Ibid. 92 Ibid. 93 Ibid. 89 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 94 Ibid. 95 Ibid. N 2 92 ST. ASAPH. John Mostyn, A.M., aand Sept. 1688 ^6. Hugh Lloyd was collated loth Feb. 1725-6^7. John Morgan was collated 7th July 1749, vice Hugh Lloyd 98. William Worthington was collated nth Oct. 1773, vice John Morgan 99. Died 6th Oct. 1778. William Brown, 20th March 1779, vice William Worthington ^ Charles Scott Luxmoore, 16th Oct. 1817, vice Wil- liam Brown ^. John Henry Montague Luxmoore, 15th Dec. 1826, vice 0. S. Luxmoore 3. Rowland Williams. There are also seven cursal prebends in the Cathedral, viz. The Prebend of Adam Bekinsall or Beconsall. Arthur Buckley or Bulkeley. — David ap Hoel. Galfr. Ruthin. John Griffith. Ralph or Radulph Birkinhead. Richard Harrison. (Vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1846.) And four vicars choral. The following collations, not mentioned above, have been made during this century : George Strong was instituted T9th Aug. 1801 to one of the choral vicarages. Rowland Williams to the prebend of Arthur Bulke- ley 15th April 1809. John Francis Cleaver to the prebend denominated Griffith 6'th Jan. 1815. John Jones to a choral vicarage 20th Jan. 18 16. Charles Scott Luxmoore to the prebend of Adam Beconsall i6th Oct. 18 l6. ^ Bishops' Certificates. " Bishops' Certificates. 97 Ibid. 98 Ibid. 2 ibid. a Ibid. 99 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 93 Reginald Heber to the prebend of David ap Hoel loth April 1 817. Rowland Wjngfield to the prebend of Adam Becon- sall 6th Nov. 18 19. Died 17th Nov. 1842, aged 68. Thomas Lewfs Hughes 20th Nov. 1820 to a choral vicarage. John Henry Montague Luxmoore to the prebend of David ap Hoel nth Dec. 1823. William Williams to the prebend of David ap Hoel 27th April 1827. Ob. 19 Jan. 1836, aged 73. William Hicks Owen to a choral vicarage 28th April 1827. Thomas Wynne Edwards to a choral vicarage 9th Jan. 1828. John Jones to a choral vicarage 10th March 1828. Thomas Griffith Roberts to the prebend of Galf. Ruthin 4th Sept. 1830. Henry Parry to the prebend of Ralph Birkinhead 2nd May 1 833, vice Roger Clough, William Robert Wyatt to a choral vicarage 2nd April 1836. Charles Butler Clough, to the prebend of David ap Hoel 25th July 1849 (honorary), vice William Williams. William Clive to the prebend of Richard Harrison 25th July 1849 (honorary), vice Howell Holland Ed- wards. Hugh Jones to the prebend of Adam Beconsall 31st July 1850 (honorary), vice Rowland Wingfield. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners have suspended four canonries of this Cathedral : one in 1 835 ; an- other in 1837, the Chancellory's; a third in 1842, the prebend of Adam Bekinsall ; the fourth in 1 843 , the treasurership; and two others in 1846, the precentor- ship and the prebend of Richard Harrison. BANGOR'. 1 HIS diocese extends into the counties of Caernarvon, Merioneth, Montgomery, Denbigh, and over the whole of Anglesey. Attached to the cathedral there are a dean, three archdeacons, viz. Anglesey, Bangor-, and Merioneth, a precentor, chancellor, and treasurer, two canons or prebends, and two vicars choral. BISHOPS. A bishopric is said to have been erected here before the middle of the sixth century by Malgo Conan prince of North Wales. Daniel was made the first bishop of the see about the year 516. He is supposed to have died about loth Dec. 544, and been buried at Bardsey. Ellodu was bishop of Bangor or Venedotia; ob. about 811. MoRDAF held the see about 940. King Edgar is said to have refounded the cathedral in 975 3. Herv^us^ was the first bishop of Bangor, about whom there is any certainty, but the date of his taking pos- session of the see is not known ; he was consecrated by Thomas archbishop of York during the vacancy of ' This diocese was prospec- the bishopric by stat. 6 & 7 Vict, tively united with St. Asaph by cap. 77, § 8, and the two arch- order in council dated 12 Dec. deaconries were united under 1838; but the arrangement was the name of the archdeaconry of annulled by stat. 10 and 11 Vict. Bangor, and a canonry residen- c. 108. tiary in the cathedral church of 2 There were formerly three Bangor was permanently annex- archdeaconries, Bangor, Angle- ed thereto by way of endow- sey, and Merioneth, but the first ment. two were added to the bishopric ^ Surnamed Cruste. Dicet. de of Bangor by act of parliament in Prsesul. Angl. c. 14. 1685; they were dissevered from 96 BANGOR. the see of Canterbury ■"', after the death of archbishop Lanfranc in 1089 and the appointment of Anselm in 1093. He was a witness to the foundation charter of the abbey of St.Werbrugh, Chester, in 1093^, and held the bishopric in July 1 100, when the church of Glou- cester was rebuilt 7, and he was present at the con- secration of Thomas archbishop of York v Cal. Jul. 1109^; in which year he was driven from his see by the Welsh, and appointed by the King to the bishopric of Ely, then newly created 9. The see was vacant about eleven years^^. 1 1 20 David was elected by Griffin prince of Wales, and the 20 Hen. I. clergy and people of his principality. He was conse- crated at Westminster by Ralph archbishop of Can- terbury 4th April 1 1 20"; but there is no evidence of the date of his death that can be relied on. He was succeeded by 1 139 Maurice or Medric, who was consecrated in 1139 ^'- by 4 Steph. Theobald archbishop of Canterbury, and died in 1 1 6 1 1^. William, prior of St. Augustine, Bristol. The greatest uncertainty relative to this prelate prevails : nothing seems known of him but his name ; but if there were a bishop so called about this period, he must have presided some time between the death of Maurice in 1161 and the consecration of Guy in 11771-^. 5 Stubbs. ^ Mon. Angl. I. 202. ed. orig. This charter however is thought to be spurious. 7 Flor. Wigorn. and Sim. Du- nelm. col. 225. ^ Abbr. Chron. de Diceto. ^ Anno ab Incarnatione Do- mini II 09, consilio Anselmi et auctoritate Urbani Secundi mo- nasterium Elyense mutavit Hen- ricus Rex in episcopatum, et praefecit ei Hervaeum Bangor Episcopum. MS. Gale. See An- glia. Sacra pars i. p. 615. 687. 679. 10 Urban bishop of LlandafF is said to have administered to the see of Bangor from 1 109 to 1 1 19. 11 Annal. Wigorn. ad ann.; Continuat. Chron. Mar. Scot. P- 373- 6t Annal. Winchcomb. MS. Cott. Faust. B. 1. 15. fol. 11. 12 1 140 Flor. Wigorn.; 1141 Cont. Mar. Scot. ^'^ In Kalendario S. Petri Sa- lop. MS. Cott. Vitel. A. viii. " I. Id. Aug. obiit Mauricius Bangor. Episcopus." '4 Hoveden however states that Wilham was made bishop of Ban- gor by king Henry in the year BISHOPS. 97 1 177 Guy or Guianus or Wido was consecrated at Ambres- ; Hen. II. bury 22nd May 1177 1\ He died about the year 1 190 1^. The see loas vacant upivards of four years. 1 1 95 A LB ANUS, prior of the Hospitalers of Jerusalem, was 6 Ric. I. consecrated 16th April 1195^7. He died 19th May 1 1 96 18, and was buried in the New Temple, London. 1 197 Robert of Shrewsbury was consecrated in 1197; 8 Ric. I. (Jied in 121319^ and was buried at Shrewsbury. The see was vacant nearly two years. 1215 Martin, abhot of Blanchelande, \\a.s chosen, and con- 17 Job. firmed by the King 13th April 1215; he was conse- crated 16th June following -'5, and nothing more is known of him. But there is evidently some confusion of persons here, as on the patent roll of the i6th of John, O., abbot of Blanchelande-^, is said to have been elected in April 1215. The initial 0 however may have been miswritten for C, which might stand for Caducanus : at all events it seems that 1215 Caducanus or Cadwgan, " ahhas Landefidensis^" was 17 Job. consecrated in 1215, and died at Dore abbey 11th April 1241'-'^, having been released from his bishopric by pope Gregory IX. in the year 1236. The chapter of Bangor received a license to elect a bishop 7th June 1236-^, in pursuance of which 1 184; but this statement cannot Land consecratur in episcopum be correct. Bangorensem xvi die Junii. An- 1^ Hoveden fol. 320; 15th May, nal. Wigorn. — 1215 consecratus Ymag. Hist. Dicet. ; ist July, est in episcopum Bangor abbas Bromt. Coll. 11 19 and Annal. de Alba landa a Stephano Can- Theok. J ii Cal. Jul. (21st June) tuar. archiepiscopo in ecclesia Malmesb. de Stanes xi Cal. Julii. 1'' Giraldus Cambrensis de 21 Q. abbatem de Alba Landa. Gestis suis, lib. 2. c. 22. and An- Pat. 16 Job. mm. 5, and 4. glia Sacra, pars 2. p. 374. " Annal. Theok. SeeinMadox 17 Matt.Westm.andMS.Cott. Formular. p. 302. a curious re- Calig. A. X. cord of his professing himself a li^ MS. Cott. Nero, E. vi. fol. monk of Dore abbey in Here- ult. fordshire. Martin and Caducan 19 Matt. Westm. Vide Anglia are said to have been the same Sacra, pars i. p. 481. person. 20 Martinus abbas Blanch- 23 p^t. 20 Hen. HL m. 6. 98 BANGOR. 1236 HowEL was elected, but it does not appear on what 20 H. III. day he was consecrated. 1237 Richard, archdeacon of Bangor^ received the royal 21 H. III. assent to his election 3rd July 1 237 ■^^. He is generally supposed to have succeeded in 1 240 and to have been consecrated in 1250, but those dates are incoi'rect, as shewn by the date of the royal assent ; moreover, in a letter to the Pope he asserts, " se episcopatuni Bangorense plusquam triginta annos rexisse ;" and as his successor Anian was consecrated in 1267, it is impossible that he could have succeeded later than 1237. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Richard is dated 8th Nov. 1267'^^ and 1267 Anian, arcMeacon of Anglesey, was elected, and received 52 H. III. the royal assent to his election 12th Dec. i267'-<^, on which day the temporalities were restored to him-^: he also made his profession of obedience to Boniface archbishop of Canterbury in that month ^7. The time of his death is uncertain, but he was alive 26th May 1305 -s. Caducan (possibly archdeacon of Bangor in 1291) is made to succeed Anian, by Godwin in 1306 and by Le Neve in 1303, but there is no evidence extant to prove that a bishop of that name presided over the see of Bangor at that time. 1307 Griffin ap Yerward was consecrated at Carlisle by 35Edw.I. cardinal Peter De Spano 26th March 1307, because his consecration could not conveniently take place at Canterbury'-^. He died on Sunday next before the feast of St. Philip and St. James [27th May] 1309-'". 24 Pat. 20 Hen. III. m. 5. Licencia concessa domino Grif- 25 Pat. 52 Hen. HI. m. 36. fino Bangor, ecclesiae electo et 26 Ibid. m. 33. confirmato ut extra ecclesiam 27 Reg. Cantuar. Cantuar. consecrari valeat; dat. 28 Glaus. 33 Edw. I. m. 12. in v Id. Mare. 1306. Reg. Hen. dorso. Prions Gantuar. 29 Reg. Ebor. Greenf. 1306-7 so Litt. in Turr. Lond. S. 121. BISHOPS. 99 1309 Anian Seys^', dean of Bangor and archdeacon of An- Edw. II. glesey^ received the royal assent to his election 5th Aug. 130932, and his temporalities -^^ yt,h Sept. He was confirmed xiv Oal. Oct. (18th Sept.)-^^, and con- secrated 9th Nov. in the same year'^^. He died 26th Jan. 1327-8, and was buried in Bangor cathedral-^^. A license to elect a bishop in the room of Anian issued 13th Feb. 1327-8-^7, in pursuance of which 1328 Matthew de Englefeld was chosen 28th Feb. Edw. III. 1 3 27-8 3s, received the royal assent to his election 23rd March 39j was confirmed 24th April -i^, obtained the temporalities on the 30th of that month ^\ and was consecrated on Sunday 12th June following^-. He died 25th April 1357. 1357 Thomas de Ringstede, S.T.D., was provided to this I Ed. III. see 2Tst Aug. 1357, and received the spiritualities J 5th Nov^-J. He died at Shrewsbury in the monastery of the Friars Preachers 8th Jan. 1365-6^^, and was buried in their house in London ^^. His will is dated 3rd Dec. 1365^^, and was proved v Id. Feb. 1365-6. 1367 Gervase de Castbo, S.T.D., was appointed to this lEd.lll. gee by Urban III nth Dec. 1366; received the spirituahties i6th Feb. 1366-7; and, having been 31 Godwin makes Ludovicus 30th April. Glaus. 2 Edw. III. succeed Griffin in 1320, but he m. 19. is clearly in error. ^12 Jq crastino Sancti Barnabae 32 Pat. 3 Edw. II. m. 40. 1328. Reg. Cantuar. Reg. Dro- 33 Ibid. m. 35. kensf. 3-1 Reg. Winchels. 43 xvii Gal. Dec. 1357. Reg. 3S Reg. Gantuar. Islip. fol. 218. 3S " In quodam muro inter 44 ^rj i(j_ Jan. 1365-6 in domo chorum et magnum altare." Reg. Fratrum Prsedicatorum apud Sa- Cantuar. lop. (Reg. Islip, fol. 245.) Elias 37 Pat. 2 Edw. III. p. I. m. 33. de Roudon was custos of the 38 Die Veneris proxime post spiritualities on the Nones of festum S. Matthiae 1327-8. Reg. Feb. (5th) 1365-6, and they were Gantuar. taken into the hands of the arch- 39 Pat. 2 Edw. III. p. I. m. 14. bishop iv Non. Maii (4th) 1366. 40 Ibid. m. II. Reg. R. prioris Reg. Cantuar. Cantuar. 45 Reg. Islip. fol. 245 b. 41 He did fealty to the King o 2 100 BANGOR. consecrated at Rome, he made profession of his obedience at Lambeth 6th Nov. following ^6. He died 24th Sept. ]37o-'7, and was buried in the church of the Friars Minors at Bangor. The spiritualities were taken into the hands of the archbishop of Canterbury 13th Oct. 1370***. 1371 Howell ^9^ dean of Bangor, was elec^ted by the monks 45 Ed. III. there; but the Pope nullified the election, and ap- pointed him by a bull dated 21st April 137 1. He received the spiritualities 31st Aug., and died in February following'*^, on his way to Rome. 1372 John Gilbert, a Dominican, was provided to this see 46Ed.III. by pope Gregory XI 17th March 1371-2, received the spiritualities i6th July 1372, and made profession of his obedience to the archbishop 16th Nov. in the same year^i. On 12th Sept. 1375 he was translated to Hereford 52. 1376 John Swafham, bishop ofGloyne {Clonensis), was trans- 50 Ed. III. lated to this see by papal bull dated 2nd July 1376; he made his profession of obedience 22nd Oct.''^, and received the temporalities on the 28th of the same month ''^. The date of his death does not appear, but 2ist July 1398 a license was issued to elect a bishop in his room ■''5; pursuant to which, ^ 1400 Richard Yonge was chosen, and as bishop-elect had I Hen. IV. the custody of the temporalities granted to him 2 1 st Oct. 1399 5^; and having been approved, indeed it may be said provided, to the see by the Pope ^7^ he ob- 46 Reg. Langh. fol. 84. ^3 Rgg. Sudbury. -i^ His will, dated 28th April ^4 Pat.5oEdw.III.p.2.m.2i. 1369^ was proved 30th Oct. ^^ Pat. 22 Ric. II. p. i. m. 29. 1370. Reg. Whittles, fol. 117. ^^ Pat. i Hen. IV. p. 5. m. 27. 4** Ibid. 57 Thomas Cantuar. archiepi- •^^ Called also HowelapGrono; scopus &c. dilectis in Christo he had been archdeacon of An- filiis decano ecclesiae Bangoren' glesey. et archidiacono Anglesey in ea- 50 Reg. Whittles, fol. 136. dem salutem. Literas Bonefacii 51 Ibid. fol. 137. PP. IX. recepimus quod idem 52 Pat. 49 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 9. Papa ecclesiae Bangoren' vacanti and Reg. Sudbury. de venerabili viro magistro Ri- BISHOPS. 101 tained plenary restitution of them 20th May 1400^^. He was imprisoned by the Welsh on account of his fidehty to king Henry IV in Feb. 140 3-4 "^^^ and 28th July following he was translated to Rochester ^O; but he did not obtain the spiritualities and temporalities of that see until 2nd May 1407. On the translation of Richard Yonge to Rochester, Lewis or Llewelyn Bifort, at the desire of Owen Glendour prince of Wales, was elected, and petitioned the Pope to appoint him to the see of Bangor ; the archbishop of Canterbury would not, however, con- firm him, neither would the King restore the tempo- ralities to him ; and, as he had not received the Pope's recognition, he was ejected in the year 1408^'; and 1408 Benedict Nicolls was provided to this see by bull Hen. IV. dated 18th April 1408; received the temporalities ^'- 22nd July, and the spirituaHties loth Aug. ^^ He was translated to St. David's 15th Dec. 141 7 6^. 141 8 William Barrowe, LL.D., canon of Lincoln, was Hen.V. provided to the see of Bangor by papal bull dated xvi Cal. Mar. (14th Feb.) 141 7-8, and he made his profession of obedience 1 6th April 141 8 ^^ He received the temporalities 5th June following ^6, and in 1423 he was translated to Carlisle. cardo Yonge utriusque juris doc- ^3 Reg. Arundel, fol. 42. tori providit ipsumque in episco- ^ Reg. ipsius episcopi. pum praefecit mandamus qua- 6.^ Reg. Chichi. tenus eidem episcopo spiritualia 66 p^t. 6 Hen.V. m. 22. On liberetis. Dat. ix Mali 1400. 15th May 1418 the King, then Reg. Arundel. 409. at Caen in Normandy, wrote to ^8 Pat. I Hen. IV. p. 7. m. 26. the bishop of Durham, chancel- ^9 The spiritualities were taken lor of England, stating that into the hands of the archbishop " for as much as we have re- and an administrator appointed ceived a Bull directed unto us, 26th Feb. 1403-4. Reg. Arundel, which we send you closed under fol. 134. our signet by the bringer of this, "O Reg. Arundel. II. fol. 35. touching the promotion of mas- 61 Walsingham, p. 419. ter William Barowe to the bi- ^2 Pat. 9 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 6. shoprick of Bangor, we will that 102 BANGOR. Nicholas, according to Godwin, succeeded to bishop Barrowe, but there is no evidence of that fact extant. If he were elected, he certainly was not confirmed bishop of this see. 1426 John Clederowe or Clyderhowe, canoii of Chichester^ 4 Hen.vi. according to the Tower records ^6 came next to Bar- rowe in the see of Bangor, and made his profession of obedience to the archbishop 20th March 1424-5^7^ and received the temporalities ] 5th Jan. 1425-668. He died at Crayford in Kent 12th Dec. 1435, and was buried there. His will is dated 30th March 1434, and was proved 13th Dec. 1435^9. 1436 Thomas Cheritox, a friar preacher, was provided to 15 H. VI. this see by the Pope on the death of bishop Clederowe. He made his profession of obedience to the archbishop 6th Feb. 1435-6^0, received the spiritualities 16th Nov. 1436'^, and the temporalities on the 27th of the same month^^. He died 23rd Dec. 14477=^. 1448 John St anbury, a Carmelite, was provided to this see 26H.VI. by the Pope 4th March 1447-8, he made his pro- fession of obedience 4th May^^ following, and on the 15th of that month the temporalities were restored to him"'', but he was not consecrated until 20th June following "6. In 1452 he was translated to Hereford. 1453 James Blakedon, bishop of Killalla {Achadensis), suc- 36 H. VI. ceeded John Stanbury in the see of Bangor, to which he was translated by papal bull dated 7th Feb. 1452-3, and the temporalities were restored to him he have hvery of the temporaU- Wells, should be appointed bi- ties of the said bishoprick of shop of LlandafF. (Min. Counc. Bangor and do his fealty in such 4 Hen.VI.) The translation how- case duely accustomed." ever did not take place. 66 Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. 2. 69 Reg. Chichi, fol. 454. 67 Reg. Chichi, fol. 39. 70 ibid. fol. 53. 7i ibid. 68 Pat. 4 Hen. V^I. p. 2. m. 22. 72 Pat. 15 Hen. VI. m. 40. By a minute of council dated 73 Pat, 26 Hen.VI. p. i.m. 14. 14th Jan. 1425-6 the privy coun- 74 Reg. Staff, fol. 29. cil agreed that John Clyderhowe, 75 Pat. 26 H. VI. p. 2. m. 26. bishop of Bangor and a friar of 76 Reg. Cantuar. BISHOPS. 103 26th March^". He made his profession of obedience 12th April 78^ and died 24th Oct. 146479. 1464 Richard 80 Edenham^i obtained license (8th March 5 Ed. IV. T464-5) to have his consecration performed out of the church of Canterbury ^2. He died in 1496^3. 1496 Henry Dean, prior of Lantliony'^^^ had the tempo- 2H.VII. ralities restored to him 6th Oct. 1496 s^: he was translated to Salisbury in the early part of the year 1500*6. I 500 Thomas Pigot, abbot of Chertsey, was consecrated in 5H.VII. 1500, and died 15th Aug. 1504. 1504 John Penny *^7^ LL.D., abbot of Leicester, had license aH. VII. (30th Aug. 1504) to be consecrated out of the church of Canterbury *8. He was translated to Carlisle 22nd Sept. 1508. T510 Thomas Skevington or ^k'evfx^gto^^'^, abbot of Beau- H.VIII. li^u^ was provided to this see 23rd Feb. 1508-9^0, and he was consecrated 17th June following 9^ He died June 1533 : his heart was buried in Bangor ca- thedral, and his body in the monastery of Beaulieu. He held the abbey in commendam. 1534 John Salcote alias Capon, S.T.D., abbot of Hyde, was H.VIII. elected 30th Jan. i^'^'^-^, confirmed 15th April 1534, consecrated at Croydon on the igth^^, and received the temporalities on the 28th of the same month 93. 77 Pat. 36 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 4. ^^ Pat. 12 Hen. VII. m. 19. 7S Reg. Kempe, fol. 216. ^^ Pat. 15 H. VII. p. 2. m. 27. 79 The custody of the tempo- ^7 Qr Penvy. rahties was granted to the dean ^^ Reg. Cantuar. of Bangor and others 24th Oct. ^^ His right name is said to 1464. Pat. 4 Ed. IV. p. 2. m. 27. have been Pace. 80 Godwin incorrectly calls him ^^ The bull is dated in the 6th Thomas. year of the pontificate of Julius 8' He is indifferently called H, who took possession of the Ednam, orEv}'nden,orEdynden. papal chair in Nov. 1503. 82 Reg. Cantuar. ^^ Reg. Warham. fol. 12. The 83 Pat. 12 Hen. VII. m. 19. license for his consecration was 84 MS. Cott. Julius, D.I I. He issued 12th June 1509. seems to have held the priorship ^'^ Reg. Cranm. foil. 157. 162. with this see. '■'•'' Pat. 26 H.VIII. p. x. m. 26. 104 BANGOR. He was translated to Salisbury in 1539'^^. A license to elect a bishop in the room of John Capon issued 13th July 1539-'', pursuant to which 1539 John Birde, D.D., suffragan bishop of Penrith^^, was 31 H. VIII. elected to Bangor 24th July 1539, received the royal assent ist Sept. following ^^ and the temporalities on the 9th 9S; he was confirmed on the 13th of the same month 59, In 1541 he became the first bishop of Chester ^ 1542 Arthur Bulkeley, LL.D., having been elected by 33 H. VIII. the dean and chapter of Bangor, received the royal assent nth Dec. 1541^ and he was confirmed on the 20th of the same month ; the temporalities were re- stored to him Tst Feb. 1541-23. He was consecrated on the 19th of the same month ^, and died 14th March 155^-3- He was buried in Bangor cathedral. The see was vacant two years. The conge d'elire vice bishop Bulkeley is dated 4th March 1554-5 \ in pursuance of which 1555 William Glyn, S.T.D., was elected, and is said to 2&3P.&M. have been consecrated 8th Sept. 1555 in St. PauFs cathedral, London^; on the 25th of that month the temporalities were restored to him''*. He died 21st May 1558, and was buried in Bangor cathedral''. 7559 Rowa>ANi) Meryck or Merrick, LL.D., was elected 2 Eliz. ist Dec. 1559, and obtained the royal assent to his election F8th Dec. 1559*^- He was confirmed at Bow church on the 20th of the same month ; consecrated at ^-* His election as bishop of i Pat. 33 H.VIII. p. 2. m. 23. Salisbury was confirmed 14th ^ Pat. 33 H. VIII. p. 3. m. 16. Aug. 1539. 2 Ibid. 95 Pat. 31 Hen. VIII. p. 3. m.io. ^ Reg. Cranm. fol. 278. y*' Godwin says he was bishop ^ Pat. i & 2 P. & M. p. i. ni.13. of Ossory, but there is no au- ^ Reg. Cantuar. thentic evidence of that fact. He 6* Pat. 2&3P.&M. p. 6. m.15. was consecrated to Penrith 28th '' The spiritualities after his June 1537. death were seized into the hands 97 Pat. 31 H. VIII. p. 3. m. 10. of the archbishop 7th June 1558. 98 Ibid. Reg. Pole. 99 Reg. Cranm. fol. 235. ^ Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 74. m. 6. BISHOPS. 105 Lambeth the next day^. He received the tempo- rahties 21st March 1559-60 9*, and died 24th Jan. 1565-6 10, and was buried in Bangor cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative office, London i°*. The conge d"'elire vice bishop Meryck is dated 30th July 1566". 1566 Nicholas Robinson, D.D., archdeacon of Merioneth^ 8 Eliz. was elected and received the royal assent 15th Sept. 156612. He was confirmed 5th Oct. and consecrated at Lambeth by Matthew Parker archbishop of Can- terbury 20th Oct. i'2*, and had a restitution of the tem- poralities 26th Nov. in the same year^^. He died 3rd Feb. 1584-51^, and was buried in Bangor cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative office, London'^*. 1586 Hugh Bellot or Billett, S.T.P., dean of Bangor, was 28 Ebz. elected 3rd Dec. 1585, confirmed 29th Jan. 1585-6, j and was consecrated the next day at Lambeth i-"; and 25th June 1595 he was translated to Chester. A license to elect a bishop in the room of Hugh Billett j issued 6th Nov. 1595 ^^ pursuant to which 1 1596 Richard Vaughan, S.T.D., was elected 22d Nov. 1595, j8 Eliz. confirmed 22nd Jan. yc^^c^-6^ and consecrated on the 25th of the same month ^7. The temporalities were restored to him 5th March following i^. He was translated to Chester in 1597 1^. A cong^ d'elire vice bishop Vaughan issued 22nd Aug. 1598-0, and 1598 Henry Rowlands, dean of Bangor, was elected i6th I Eliz. Sept. 1598 -\ obtained the royal assent 3rd Nov.'-^^ 9 Reg. Parker, fol. 32. I'l* Brudenel. 6. 9* Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 5. ^^ Reg. Whitg. fol. 52. l** The spiritualities were taken i^ Pat. 37 Eliz. p. 3. m. 3. into the hands of the archbishop 17 Reg. Whitg. II. fol. 71. 28th Feb. 1565-6. Reg. Parker. '^ Pat. 38 EUz. p. 5. m. 5. 10* Crymes 13. '9 The spiritualities after his 11 Pat. 8 Ehz. p. 9. m. 34. translation were taken into the 12 Reg. Parker, fol. 118. hands of the archbishop nth 12* Ibid. July 1597. Reg. Whitg. 2. 13 Pat. 8 Eliz. p. 9. m. 34. 20 Pat. 40 Eliz. p. 14. m. 13. 14 The spiritualities after his 21 Reg. Whitg. II. death were taken into the hands 22 pat. 40 Eliz. p. 14. m. 13. of the archbishop 6th Feb. 1 584-5 . VOL. I. p 106 BANGOR. confirmed on the iith of the same month, and con- secrated at Lambeth the next day ^3. The tempo- rahties were restored to him 15th Dec.-'*, and he was enthroned 19th Jan. 7598-9. He died 6th July 161 6, and was buried in his own cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative office, London 25. The spirituali- ties after his death were seized into the hands of the archbishop 12th July 1616. 1616 Lewis Bayly, S.T.D., was elected 28th Aug. 1616; 14 Jac. I. confirmed 7th Dec, and consecrated the next day^^. He died 26th Oct. 1631, and was buried in Bangor cathedral^^. The spiritualities were taken into the archbishop's hands 26th Oct. 1 63128. 1632 David Dolben, S.T.D., was elected i8th Nov. i63i'29, 7 Car. T. confirmed on the last day of February 163 1-2, and consecrated 4th March following -^^^ jjg died 27 th Nov. 1633 at Bangor house, Shoe Lane, Holborn, and was buried in Hackney church, setat. 52. The spiritualities were seized into the hands of the arch- bishop 28th Nov. 16333^. 1634 Edmund Griffith, S.T.B., dean of Bangor, vftxB elected 9 Car. I. ^ist Dec. 1633, confirmed 12th Feb. following, con- secrated on the i6tli of the same month •3-, and en- throned I4.th April following. He died on Friday 26th May 1637, and was buried in his own cathedral. A conge d'elire vice bishop Griffith issued 8th June 1 63 7 33; in pursuance of which 1637 William Roberts, S.T.D., suhdean of Wells, was 13 Car. I. elected 20th June 1637; received the I'oyal assent 23 Reg. Whitg. III. fol. 32. imprisonment does not appear. 24 Pat.4iEliz.p.23. m.3. Reg. 28 Reg. Abbot. Abbot. 29 Reg. Abbot. III. 25 Cope. 90. 20 Ibid. fol. 33, and Bishops' 2P Camd. Annal. Jac. I. and Certificates. Reg. Laud. Reg. Abbot, fol. 84. '^"^ Reg. Laud. 27 He was committed to the ^" Ibid. fol. 26. and Bishops' Fleet prison 15th July 162 1, but Certificates. Reg. Bancroft, soon after liberated. (Camd. An- ^^ Pat. 13 Car. I. p. 15. N". 43. nal. Jac. I.) The cause of his BISHOPS. 107 12th July 3^, and was confirmed 31st Aug. The tem- porahties were restored to him 24th Sept. foUowing^^, on the 3rd of which month he was consecrated ^6. He died 13th Aug. 1665, and was buried in the parish church of Llandyrnoc, near Denbigh. Between the date of the death of WiUiam Eoberts and the election of Kobert Morgan, Dr. Robert Price, bishop of Ferns in Ireland^ was nominated by the King to this see ; but he died in the spring of 1 66^-6^ before the translation could be completed. 1666 Robert Morgan, S.T.D., archdeacon of Merioneth, I Car. II. was elected 8th June 1666^ confirmed on the 25th, and consecrated 1st July following ^7. He died ist Sept. 16733^, and was buried in Bangor cathedral. 1673 Humphrey Lloyd, dean of St. Asaph, was elected 1 ith Car. II. Oct. 1673, confirmed 8th Nov., and consecrated on the 1 6th of the same month -^9. He was enthroned by proxy 5th Jan. following. He died on Friday 1 8th Jan. 1688-9, setat. 78, and was buried in Bangor cathedral. 1689 Humphrey Humphreys, S.T.P., dean of Bangor, was V. &M. nominated 24th May 1689, and received the royal assent 17th June; he was consecrated on the 30th of the same month -^0, and the temporalities were restored to him I St July following. He was translated to the see of Hereford in November 1701. 1702 John Evans succeeded bishop Humphreys; he was W. III. nominated 4th Dec. 1701, and the royal assent to his election was given on the 23rd of the same month. He was consecrated 4th Jan. 1701-2^^ and the tem- poralities were restored to him the next day^^^ He was translated to the see of Meath in 17 15. 1716 Benjamin Hoadly was confirmed at Bow church 17th €0.1. March 1715-6, and consecrated -^^ the next day at 34 Pat. 13 Car. I. p. 15. No. 42. 39 Rgg. Sheldon, fol. 116. 35 Ibid. No. 41. 40 Reg. Sancroft. fol. 202. 36 Reg. Laud. II. fol. 29. 41 Reg. Tenison. fol. 58. 37 Reg. Juxon. fol. 385. 42 Church Book, Home Office. 38 iEtat. 65. Ex Epitaphio. 4a Reg. Wake. I. fol. 28. P 2 108 BANGOR. Ely house, Holborn ; and 7th Nov. 1721 he was trans- lated to Hereford. 1 73 1 Richard Reynolds, LL.D., dean of Peterborough^ was 8 Geo. I. consecrated at Lambeth 3rd Dec. 1721^^, and joth June 1723 was translated to Lincoln. 1723 William Baker, S.T.P., ivarden of Wadham college, 10 Geo. I. Oxford, was consecrated nth Aug. 1723^^, and 19th Dec. 1727 was translated to Norwich. 1728 Thomas Sherlock, S.T.D., dean of Chichester, was 1 Geo. II. consecrated 4th Feb. 1727-8*16, and 8th Nov. 1734 was translated to Salisbury'. 1734 Charles Cecil, hishop of Bristol, was translated to 8 Geo. II. Bangor 24th Sept. 1734. He died 29th May 1737. 1738 Thomas Herring, S.T.P., dean of Rochester, was 12 Geo. II. nominated i8th June, elected in Aug. 1737, and received the royal assent to his election 29th Dec. ; he was consecrated bishop of Bangor 15th Jan. 1 737-8^7^ and the temporalities were restored to him on the 25th of the same month. He was translated to York in 1743. 1743 Matthew Hutton was elected bishop of Bangor pur- 16 Geo. II. suant to the conge d'elire of the 23rd April 1743. He was consecrated 13th Nov. 1743'*^, and the tem- poralities were restored to him 21st Nov. He was translated to York in November 1747. 1747 Zachariah Pearce, dean of Windsor, was nominated 2jGeo. II. iQth Dec. 1747, and elected bishop of Bangor 14th Jan. 1747-8, pursuant to the conge d'elire which issued on the occasion. The royal assent to his elec- tion was given 21st Jan., he was confirmed 13th Feb., and consecrated 21st Feb.-^^ He was translated to Rochester in 1756. 1756 John Egerton, c^^aw of Hereford, was elected bishop of 30 Geo. II. Bangor i6th June, pursuant to the conge d'ehre of the loth May 1756. The royal assent to his election •1^ Reg. Wake. II. fol. 104. 47 Rgg. Potter. fol. 41. 45 Ibid. II. fol. 158. 48 Ibid. fol. 146. 46 Ibid. III. fol. 29. 49 Reg. Herring, fol. 38. BISHOPS. ]09 was given 24th June^^; he was confirmed 3rd July, and consecrated 4th July ^1, and the temporalities were restored to him 7th July^-. He was translated to Lichfield and Coventry in 1769. 1769 John Ewer, hishop of Llandaff, was elected to Bangor Geo. III. 20th Dec. 1768, and confirmed loth Jan. 1769. He died 28th Oct, 1774. 1775 John Moore, dean of Canterhury, was elected 12th SGeo.lll. Jan. 1775; he was confirmed lotli Feb., and conse- crated 12th Feb.^-^ He was translated to Canterbury in 1783. 1783 John Warren, hisJioj) of St. David''s, was elected to jGeo.Ill. Bangor 15th May 1783, pursuant to the conge d'elire of the 26th April, and the royal assent was given to his election 28th May. He was confirmed 9th June^^^ and the temporalities were restored to him nth June^^. He died 27th Jan. 1800. 1800 William Cleaver, bishop of Chester, was elected to Geo.lll. Bangor 12th May 1800, pursuant to the conge d'elire of the 29th March 1800. The royal assent to his election was given 15th May 1800. He was confirmed 24th May ^6, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 28th of the same month ^". He was trans- lated to St. Asaph. 1806 John Ranpolph, bishop of Oxford, was nominated 26th Geo.Ill. Nov. 1806, and elected 17th Dec, pursuant to the conge d'elire of 13th Dec. The royal assent to his election was given on the 20th of that month. He was confirmed 6th Jan. 1807^^, and the temporalities were restored to him 9th Jan. He was translated to London in 1809. 1809 Henry William Majendie, bishop of Chester, was iGeo.lll. elected to Bangor 8th Sept., pursuant to the conge »o Church Book, Home Office. ^^ Church Book, Home Office. ■^1 Reg. Herring, fol. 255. ^6 ^eg. Moore. •^2 Church Book, Home Office. •'>' Church Book, Home Office. ■''3 Reg. Cornwalhs, fol. 204. ^^ Reg. Sutton. 54 Reg. Moore. 110 BANGOR. d'^lire of 12th Aug. 1809. The royal assent was given to his election 16th Sept. He was confirmed 3rd Oct.^9, and the temporalities were restored to him 6th Oct. He died 9th July 1 830. 1830 Christopheii Bethell, bishop of Exeter, was elected I Will. IV. to Bangor 28th Oct. 1830, pursuant to the conge d'elire of nth Oct. The royal assent was given to his election on the 30th of the same month. He was confirmed nth Nov.^o, and the temporalities were restored to him i8th Nov. ^^ His lordship is the present holder of the see. The bishoprick of Bangor is rated for first fruits at 13 \l. 16s. ^d. The permanent income of the bishop is settled at d6'420o per annum, by order in council gazetted 1 7 Nov. 1 846. The arms of the see are gules, a bend or, gutty de poix between two mullets, argent. DEANS. The deanery of Bangor is said to have been founded A. D. 603 by Jago ap Eli, a petty prince of North Wales. Arthur de Bardesey is the name first met with, he held it about 1163. GuiDO was dean of Bangor in 1 235 ^^. Kyndelw was possessed of it in the year 1286. William held it in 1291. Anian ; the time of his coming in cannot be found, yet it seems that from this dignity he was promoted to the bishopric in 1309^^. Adam was dean at the election of Matthew de Engle- feld to the bishopric in 13 27-8 ^4. Elias ap Kenric, ist Sept. 1353. S9 Reg. Sutton. 62 Pat. 20 Hen. III. m. 6. «o Reg. Howiey. 63 Wharton. MS. G. p. 646. 61 Church Book, Home Office. 64 Rgg, Cantuar. DEANS. Ill HowEL AP Grono was made dean about 1359, and after bishop of this see. John was dean of Bangor in 137 1. David Daron is named in 1399^^ and 1401, and in 1406 he was outlawed for treason in the rebeUion of Owen Glendour. William Pollard exchanged this dignity for the vicar- age of Newchurch with Henry Honore, instituted 5th May 1410. Hoger Woodhele was instituted 9th June 1413. He resigned, and John Vautort was instituted 21st Sept. 141 6. Nigellus Bondeby enjoyed it in 143 6 6^. John Martin was dean in 1445- Hugh Alcock, in 1450. Hugh Morgan, in 1468, Nicholas Rewys, in 1474. Richard Kyffin, in 1480 and 1492. Ob. i ith Aug. 1492. Richard Collend aUas Colland or Cowland, S.T.B., was instituted i8th Sept. 1503. John Glynn held this dignity 20th June 1509^". He made his will 14th Aug. 1534. Robert Evans, LL.B., was instituted 12th Dec. 1534. Rees Powell died possessed of it in 1553. Robert Evans was instituted upon the death of Rees Powell, 27th Oct. 1553. He held it in 1565 ^'S. Rowland Thomas, LL.D., was instituted 26th Sept. 1570. His will is dated 3rd Jan. 1586—7. Hugh Bellot, bishop of Bangor^ and dean commen- datory, 1587. Henry Rowlands, S.T.B., was instituted 29th Aug. 1593, and in 1598 made bishop of this see. Richard Parry, S.T.P., was instituted i ith April 1599, and in 1604 made bishop of St. Asaph. John Williams, S.T.P., was instituted 8th May 1605, and died 4th Sept. 161 3. ^" Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. I. m. i. 67 Rgg. Warham. C6 Reg. Chichi. 68 Reg. Parker. 112 BANGOR. Edmund Griffith, S.T.B., was instituted 9th Sept. 1 613, and in 1634 made bishop of this see. Griffith Williams, S.T.P., was instituted 28th March 1634, and in Sept. 1641 was consecrated bishop of Ossory in Ireland ; but held this deanery in coramen- dam to his death, which happened in Feb. or March 1671— 2. He was buried at his own cathedral at Kilkenny. William Lloyd, S.T.P., was instituted 2nd May 1672^^, and in 1680 made bishop of St. Asaph. Humphrey Humphreys, S.T.P., was instituted 28th Nov. 1 680 70, and in 1689 was made bishop of this see. John Jones, S.T.P., was instituted 4th Sept. 1689. Ob. 1727. Peter Maurice, 24th Nov. 1727^1. Hugh Hughes, 26th April 1750"-. Thomas Lloyd, 19th Sept. 1753''^. John Warren, nth Nov. 1793'^. Died 16th Feb. 1838, aged 71. James Henry Cotton, 31st March 1838 7^. This deanery is rated for first fruits at ill. ] 75. '^d. 25'."^ ARCHDEACONS OF BANGOR. Maurice held the dignity in 11 20 and 1139. Simon, in 1 144 and 1151. David, in i i6t. Alexander, who had been chaplain to archbishop Becket in his exile about 11 66 77, held the dignity in 1 188. David held it in 1248 and 1260. Kyndelw held it in 1286. Caducan, in 1291. 69 Bishops' Certificates. 76 Ecton, p. 355. 70 Ibid. 71 Ibid. 77 Girald. de Institut. Princip. 72 Ibid. 73 Ibid. MS. 74 Ibid. 75 Ibid. ARCHDEACONS. 113 William, in 1327 7^. David was archdeacon 12th Feb. 1333^^. j)^^. The licenses to the chapters of Bath and Wells to elect a successor '*^ Ymag. Hist, de Diceto, col. 585. "17 Matt.Westm. See also Angl. Sacra, pars i. pp. 1 13, 561, note u. *^ Obiit die 29 post nomina- tionem ad ecclesiam Cantuar. Se- pultus 29 Dec. prope majus al- tare in ecclesia Bathon. Ymag. Hist, de Diceto, col. 667. 49 Ibid. ^0 Savaricus filius Geldewyni. Annal. Margan. ^1 Ymag. Hist, de Diceto, col. 668. Godwin and Le Neve say he was consecrated on Michael- mas day. 52 Pat. 7. Joh. m. 7. Annal. Priorat. de Suthwerk. 53 Ann. Priorat. de Suthwerk. He frequently styled himself Bi- shop of Glastonbury. See Wil- lis's Abb. vol. i. p. 104. 54 Litera a priore et conventu Bath ad impetrandam licentiam eligendi episcopum post mortem Savarici. Dies Veneris prox. post Purificationem Beatse Marise [3 Feb.] assignatus est ad electio- nem episcopi apud Bathon. 55 Pat. 7 Joh. m.7. 56 Annal. Waverl., Annal. Wi- gorn., and Reg. Cantuar. He is called Bishop of Bath and Glas- tonbury on the Close Roll, 16 Joh. mm. 6, 9. See Pat. 16 Joh. m. 6, relative to the union of the churches of Bath and Glaston- bury. The union was dissolved 17th May 1218. 57 Reg. Wellen. et Annal. Bur- ton. 58 The canons of Wells, 22nd Nov. 1242, inform the monks of Bath of the death of bishop Jo- celine ; and the monks write in reply, 30th Jan. following, " Li- cet neque de jure nee de con- suetudine ad vos una nobiscum episcopi electio pertinere nosca- tur; ex abundanti tamen vos vo- camus," &c. Reg. Wellen. BISHOPS. 131 to bishop Joceline are dated 27th Feb. and 1 2th March 1243-4-^9. 1244 Roger of Sarum, precentor of Sarmn, received the 8 Hen. III. royal assent 60 to his election loth May 1244^1, and was consecrated at Reading on the Sunday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (nth Sept.) in that year 62. \^q \yQ,^ w^q temporalities restored to him 7th May 1245. He died xiii Oal. Jan. (20th Dec.) 124763; but according to the Wells Register and the Annals of Tewkesbury, his death occurred 21st Dec, and he was buried at Bath^^. The license to elect his successor issued 28th Dec. 1247^5, and 1248 William de Bitton or Button, archdeacon of Wells, Hen.III. was elected. The dean and chapter, by their letter dated 24th Feb. 1 247-8, pray the King to give his assent to their choice 66, but it was not given until 4th May 67, and he was not consecrated till 14th June 68 following 69. He made his profession of obe- dience to archbishop Boniface at Otford on the second Sunday in Advent (6th Dec.) 1248. He died 3rd April 1264, and was buried at Wells, in the chapel of St. Mary the Virgin 7o. The prior and convent of Bath, 59 Pat. et Chart. 27 Hen. III. "^ Lett, in Tower of Lend, m. 14. No. 475. 60 The bishop was elected by ''^ Pat. 32 Hen. HI. m. 7. the prior and monks of Bath ^^ One authority (MS. Auctor alone, who refused to join with incertus) states that he was con- the chapter of Wells in the elec- firmed and consecrated at Lyons tion; the King nevertheless, "ad " circa Pentecosten." Whit Sun- instanciam domini Papae," re- day in 1248 fell 7th June; the stored the temporalities to the 14th June was Trinity Sunday; new bishop " salvo jure Regis et and MS. Glaston. states that he ecclesise Wellensi." was consecrated at Rome and re- 61 Pat. 28 Hen. HI. m. 6. turned to England in the spring 62 Matt. Westm. et MS. de following. Statu Coenob. Glaston. 69 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 565. 63 The custody of the bishopric 70 Canon. Wellens. de Episc. was granted 25th Dec. 1247. Bathon. et WeUens. He was Pat. 32 Hen. IH. m. 11. sent as ambassador to Ferdinand 6-1 Canon. Wellens, de Episc. king of Castile and Leon to de- Bath, et Wellens. mand his daughter in marriage 65 Pat. 32 Hen. HL m. 11. with prince Edward. S 2 132 BATH AND WELLS. by a letter dated the Friday before Palm Sunday ( loth April) 1264, pray the King to issue a conge d'elire, vice bishop William deceased 7 1, and his majesty ac- ceded to their petition ]4th ApriP^; and Walter Giffard, canon of Wells and archdeacon^ and chaplain to the Pope., was elected 22nd May 126473, and on the 28th of the same month he obtained the royal assent to his election 7^, and had the temporalities restored to him ist Sept. following 7 •'. He was con- secrated 1st Feb. 1264-576. At the close of the year 1266 he was translated to York 77; and the dean and chapter write to the King 28th Dec. 1266, beseeching him to issue his license for the election of a bishop in the room of Walter Giffard translated to York78, and the royal license thereupon issued 2nd Jan. 1266—77^, and 1267 William de Bitton or Button ^^, the second of that SiHen.III. name, also archdeacon of Wells^\ was elected 10th Feb. and the temporalities restored to him 4th March 1266-7^^. He died 4th Dec. 1274, and was buried at Wells **3^ between two pillars on the south side of the choir, under a very sumptuous monument, with his effigies in full proportions habited in his pontificals. The prior and chapter of Bath, by their letter dated 13th Dec. 1274, and the dean and chapter of Wells on the same day, inform the King of the death of William their late bishop, and pray his majesty to issue the royal license for the election of another pre- 71 Lett, in Tower of Lend, cessisse, et curam Ebor. ecclesia? N°. 478 and 479. recepisse." Cart.Bathon.in Bibl. 72 Pat. 48 Hen. III. m. 15. Hospit. Line. fol. 96. 73 Reg. Wellens. 78 Lett, in Tower of Lend. 74 Pat. 48 Hen. in. m. 13. N^. 481. 75 Ibid. m. 5. 79 Pat. 51 Hen. III. m. 31. 7*' MSS. Baker and Hutton. ^f" He was the nephew of his 77 Pat. 51 Hen. III. m. 32. predecessor of that name. Bishop GiiFard, on 21st Dec, ^' Matt. Paris. wrote a letter to the prior and ^2 p^t. 51 Hen. III. m. 24. convent of Bath, in which he ^3 Angh Sacra, pars i. p. 566. says, " Vobis deuunciamus nos BISHOPS. 133 late of their church"^. On 20th Dec. 1274 the King issued his license for the election of a bishop in the room of William de Bitton*^% and 1275 Robert Burnel, canon of Wells and arclideacon of York^ was elected ^^ 23rd Jan. (x Cal. Feb.) 1275^7^ Edw. I. ^ Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. 182 and S. 109. P5 Pat. 3 Edw. I. m. 34. 86 Memorandum de forma e- lectionis factse per viam compro- missi in ecclesia cathedrali Wel- len. de domino Roberto Burnell sub forma quag sequitur. Omni- bus Cliristi fidelibus, ad quos praesens scriptum pervenerit, Walterus prior et conventus Bathoniensis, Edwardus deca- nus et capitulum Wellensis sa- lutem in Domino. Noveritis quod nos constituti in capitiilo Wellensi in crastino Sancti Vin- centii, anno Incarnationis Domi- nicse millesimo ducentesimo sep- tuagesimo quarto ad eligendum futurum Pontificem assignati, ob tranquillitatem Bathoniensis et Wellensis ecclesiarum et bonum pads, dilectis in Christo fratri- bus nostris, Ricardo suppriori Bathoniensi, Martino de Dun- ster, Matthpeo de Dunster, Jo- hanni de Raddinges, Thomas de Winton, Richardo de Cherni- bury, et Johanni praecentori, monachis Bathoniensibus, Tho- mse archidiacono Wellensi, Hen- rico de Monteforti, magistris Constantino, Philippo de Stan- ton, Willielmo svibdecano, Ro- berto de Grandon et Rogero de Cruk canonicis Wellensibus, ad eligendum nobis et ipsis de gre- mio seu collegiis ecclesiarum nostrarum praedictarum episco- pum et pastorem hac vice ad diem praedictam omittimus vices nostras. Ratum habituri et fir- " mum quicquid omnes ipsi xiii. XII. XI. seu X. de eis ad minus in dicto electionis negotio, dicta die, duxerint faciendum. Pro- mittentes firmiter, quod ipsum habebimus in praelatum, quem duxerint eligendum in dictarum ecclesiarum nostrarum patrem et pastorem. Data die loco Wel- lens. &c. supradictis. In cujus rei testimonium sigilla nostra praesentibus sunt appensa — In nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi Amen. Anno Incarna- tionis ejusdem 1274. Regnante domino Edwardo illustri rege Angliae mense Januario, in cras- tino Sancti Vincentii, x scilicet Kal. Februarii Bathon. et Wel- len. ecclesiis pastoris solatio de- stitutis per mortem bonse memo- riae AYillielmi nuper ipsarum episcopi, corporeque ipsius pa- tris tradito sepulturae a pi'iori et conventu Bathon. et decano et capitulo Wellensibus dicta die ad eligendum praefixa vocatis vocandis in capitulo cathedralis ecclesiae Wellen. invocata Sancti Spiritus gratia : Nos Ricardus supprior Bathon. Martinus prior de Dunster, Matthaeus de Dun- ster, Johannes de Reddinges, Johannes praecentor Bathon. Thomas de Wynton, Ricardus de Chernibur)^ monachi Batho- nienses, Thomas archidiaconus Wellensis, Henricus de Monte- forti, magistri Constantinus, Philippus de Stauntone, Williel- 134 BATH AND WELLS. and the royal assent was given to his election on the 29th of the same month ^^. His confii'mation by the archbishop of Canterbin-y took place 15th Feb. fol- lowing ^9, on which day king Edward restored to him the temporalities 5'', and he was consecrated on Palm Sunday (7th April). He received the great seal as chancellor 51 21st Sept. 1274 9-, and he died at Ber- wick on Saturday 25th Oct. 1292*'-^, and was buried in the middle of the nave of his cathedral. The license to elect a successor to bishop Burnel is dated 16th Dec. 1292^^; pursuant to which, mus subdiaconus, Robertus de Graundon et Rogerus de Cruk, canonici Wellenses ; quibus com- missa fuit potestas a j^riore et conventu Bathon. a decano et capitulo Wellen. providendi de pastore, habito inter nos super his diligenti tractatu, potestate eadem in dominum Robertum Burnell canonicum Wellen. vi- rum providum et discretum, scientem et valentem ecclesia- rum jura tueri patrem et episco- pum nostrum praeficiendum con- sentimus. Unde Ego prsedictus Thomas archidiaconus Wellen. pro me et con-compromissariis meis antedictis, de mandato et voluntate ipsorum con-compro- missariorum meorum vice mea et omnium nostrum, eundem dominum Robertum eligo nobis et ecclesiis nostris episcopum et pastorem. Et ut fides huic elec- tioni adhibeatur, prsesentibus si- gilla capitulorum nostrorum sunt appensa. Leger Book of the Priory of Bath. S7 Letter in Tower of Lond. S. 17 and 18. 8t* Pat. 3 Edw. I. m. 33. ^9 Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. 173- 90 Pat. 3Edw. Lm.31. 91 He was elected archbishop of Canterbury and the royal as- sent given to his election loth July 1278. (Pat. 6 Edw. Lm. 8.) King Edward also wrote to the Pope on the same day, stating that the monks of Canterbury had unanimously elected his chancellor Robert Burnel for their archbishop, and he highly extols his merits, fidelity, wis- dom, learning, and earnestly desired the Pope's confirmation. But neither the King's letter, nor the bishop's merits, nor the unanimous choice of the chap- ter, were of any avail, for the Pope refused his confirmation to that election. 92 Pat. 2 Edw. L m. 8. and Claus. 2 Edw. 1. m. i. 9"^ Claus. 20 Edw. L m. 2. and Pat. 20 Edw. L mm. 2, 3. Reg. Wellen. An inquisition was taken at his death, by which it was found that Philip Burnel, the bishop's brother, was his next heir, and aged 32 years. Inq. p. m. 21 Edw. L N". 50. 9-i Pat. 21 Edw. L m. 23. BISHOPS. 135 1293 William de Marchia, cmioii of Wells and treasui^er Edw. I. of England^ was elected on Friday after the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (30th Jan.) 1292—3^^; a ^^ The manner of his election is thus detailed in an original letter in the Tower of London, addressed to John de Langton the King's chancellor. " Vene- randae discretionis viro et amico suo, si placet fidelissimo domino J. de Langton, illustris Regis Angliae canceUario, suus in om- nibus W. de Werem' seipsura ad prsecepta paratum. Qualiter et quomodo magister W. de Marchia apud Bathoniam nu- perrime in episcopum ejusdem loci canonice electus extiterat, vobis nuncio sub hiis verbis — Prior Bathon' et ejus conventus ad electionem per viam scrutinii voluerunt libentissime proces- sisse, eo quod omnes monachi suum priorem eligisse putabant in episcopum et pastorem. Ad hujusmodi electionem per illam viam canonici Wellensis eccle- siae suum assensum prsebere pe- nitus recusarunt. Propter quod monachi et canonici Wellenses per viam compromissionis una- nimiter concordarunt, et suas literas patentes, prout postulat ordo juris, fieri et consignari procurarunt. Die tertia quinque monachi Bathon. et quinque ca- nonici, videlicet praecentor, can- cellarius et archidinconus Wel- len. ac decanus Eborum et Mal- culinus de Harlegh, per viam compromissionis electi, in capi- tulo invocata Sancti Spiritus gratia ad eligendum Pontificem concorditer accesserunt. Et cae- teri canonici et monachi de capi- tulo, prout justum extitit reces- serunt. Statim monachi, vide- licet quinque ad hoc electi in praedicta forma nominaverant suum priorem, semel, secundo, tertio et quarto : et praedicti quinque canonici suum assensum illis in nominatione ilia dare no- luerunt. Praefati quinque mo- nachi loquebantur ad invicem, et sciebant, quod ubi major pars, ibi electio &c. Et quod decanus Ebor. et dominus Malculinus venerunt apud Bathoniam pro promotione praedicti magistri W. de Marchia statim eundem ma- gistrum W. nominarunt. Et ex quo isti quinque monachi, et isti duo canonici, videhcet decanus Eborum et dominus Malculinus de Harlegh in personam praefati W. de Marchia consenserunt ponendum esse stramen pro tri- bus canonicis supradictis. Et facta nominatione de praedicti magistri W. persona per istos septem supradictos, statim ince- perunt laudare Deum per Psal- mum consuetum. Et post cele- brationem istius Psalmi, prior Bathon. et decanus Wellen. co- ram omni populo in ecclesia comraoranti pronunciavit, mo- dum electionis de persona ma- gistri Willielmi supradicti. Et statim surrexit quidam rusticus in ecclesia ilia et dixit ista verba, ' Cristes cors and Seinte Marie habbe hi halle that hine chose bissop of Bathe.' Auditus com- potorum de episcopatu Bathon. dominus W. de Hamelton citra Quadragesimam ad cancellar. accedere non permittit. — Bene valeat &c. Orig. in Turr. Lond. 136 BATH AND WELLS. notification of his election was immediately sent to the King96^ and he obtained the royal assent ist March ^7, and that of the chapter of Canterbury on the 1 2th (the archiepiscopal see being then vacant) ; on the 1 9th of the same month the temporalities were restored to himss, and he was consecrated by Richard bishop of London on Whitsmiday "^^ (•7th May). He died 1 ith June 1302, and was buried at Wells in the south wall of the transept near the cloister door, under a handsome monument with his effigies on it^ The dean and chapter of Wells and the prior and convent of Bath by their several letters dated 22nd and 23rd June 1302 inform the King of the death of William their late bishop, and request him to issue his license for a new election 2; and king Edward wrote to the chancellor on the 29th of that month to issue the writ of election -^ The license to elect his successor bears date 29th June 1302^. The prior and chapter of Bath by their letter dated nth Aug. 1302 pray the King's assent to their election of -^ 1302 Walter Hesselshagh or HAsi^hSHAVfE, dean of Wells, 30 Edw. I. who was elected on Tuesday next after the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula (7th Aug.) 1302*'. He received the royal assent on the 13th of that months, and his temporalities 12th Sept.*^ He was confirmed by the archbishop nth Sept., and consecrated on the Sunday after the feast of All Souls (4th Nov.) 9; enthroned at 96 Lett, in Tower of London, dated 9th Aug. 1302. No. 1812 — 1815. '' Pat. 30 Edw. L m. 13. 97 Pat. 21 Edw. L m. 21. « ibjd. m. 8. The archbishop '•>^ Ibid. m. 20. of Canterbury wrote to the King 99 Reg. Cantuar. et Wellen. nth Sept. 1302, praying his 1 WiUis Abb. vol. ii. p. 374, majesty to restore the tempo- 375. raUties to the bishop, as he had 2 Lett, in Tower of Lond. S, confirmed the election. Lett, in 193 and 194. Tower of Lond. S. 117. 3 Ibid. S. 195. 9 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 567, e 4 Pat. 30 Edw. I. m. 29. Reg. Eccles. Cantuar. On Sun- ^ Lett. inTowerof Lond. S.I 13. day 28th Oct. according to the •5 Lett, in Tower of Lond., Annals of Worcester. BISHOPS. 137 Wells on Christmas day, and at Bath on the Epi- phany following. He died nth Dec. 1308, and was buried at Wells, on the 15th of that month ^*^, un- der a stone in the body of the church near the pulpit". The prior and chapter of Bath, by letter dated 21st Dec. 1308, inform the King of the death of Walter their late bishop, and request the royal license to elect another bishop in his room^'-. The license to elect a successor issued on Christmas day 1308 13; and 1309 John de Drokenesfoed, canon of Wells and chaplain :dw. II. to the Pope, was chosen 5th Feb. 1308-9. The royal assent to his election was given 23rd Feb.^-*, and the temporalities restored 15th May foUowingi^. He was consecrated 9th Nov. ^^ He died on Tuesday 9th May 1329 at Dogmersfield^^ and was buried at Wellsi^, I under a handsome tomb in the south aisle at the upper end, in a chapel near St. Mary''s'''. The license to elect a bishop in his room bears date 23rd May 1329-°. 1329 Ralph of Shrewsbury was elected 2nd June 1329'-^ ; III. he was confirmed by the archbishop 21st July, and the royal assent was given to his election and the 10 Reg. Winchelsey, Annal. death (3 Edw. III. N°. 41) finds Burton. that James Drokenesforde is the 11 WiUis Abb. vol. ii. pp. 374, brother and next heir to the 375' 376- bishop, and aged uj^wards of 40 i2Lett.inTowerofLond.S.i49. years. 1;^ Pat. 2 Edw. II. p. I. m. 17. I8 Reg. Wellen. Rad. de Sa- i^i Ibid. m. 15. lop. fol. 313. 1^ Ibid. m. 6. The archbishop '^ Willis Abb. vol. ii. p. 374, of Canterbury, by his letter 376, 377. dated 15th May 1309, prays the 20 Pat. 3 Edw. III. p. i. m. 18. King to restore the temporalities 21 Called also Ralph de Salo- to John de Drokenesford, whose pia, Cartular. Bath. MS. in election he had confirmed. Lett. Hospit. Line. fol. 114. On 12th in Tower of Lond. S. 131. June the King wrote to the 1** Angl. Sacra, pars i. 568. Pope, requesting that Robert de In the Register of Henry Wood- Wyville, canon of Lichfield, lock bishop of Winchester, Dro- should be promoted to this see, kenesford is said to have been (Rot. Rom. 3 Edw. III. m. 4,) consecrated in August 1309. but his Holiness nominated him '7 An inquisition taken at his to Salisbury instead. VOL. I. T 138 BATH AND WELLS. temporalities restored to him 22nd July ^-. His con- secration took place on Sunday after the feast of Giles the Abbot (3rd Sept.)--^ He died 14th Aug. 1363, at Wivelscombe, and was buried at Wells'-^ "^ the middle of the presbytery before the high altar, but his tomb was removed to the north side '2^. The license to elect a successor to bishop Ralph issued V 14th Sept. following his decease '^^; and \ 1364 John Barnet'^7^ bishop of Worcester, was translated to \38Ed.lII. this see by papal provision viii Oal. Dec. (24th Nov.) 1363, but he did not obtain the temporalities until 6th April 1364^*^; on the same day he also received the spirituahties ■-^. In 1366, on J5th Dec, he was translated to Ely^^o. 1369 John H are well, archdeacon of B erics ^ chaplain to Ed- 43 Ed. III. loard the BlacJc Prince, and chancellor of Gascony, was appointed by papal bull dated 15th Dec. 1366^1. He obtained the royal assent to his promotion 7th Feb. 1366-7, and was consecrated at Bordeaux 7th March. The temporalities were committed to him 29th Api'il following, but he did not receive plenary restitution of them until 6th March 1368-9^-. He died in the beginning of July I386'^-^, and was buried at Wellsj under a sumptuous monument with his effigies in ala- baster on the right-hand side of the south aisle 3^. The ^2 Pat. 3 Edw. III. p. I. m. 8. dulphi, abbas Glastoniensis, vir 2>* Other authorities state that multum venerabiUs, unanimiter he was consecrated 3rd Dec. erat electus. Sed ab semuhs, 1329. Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 568. qui ad ilium episcopatum con- 2^ Reg. Wellen. et Reg. Islip. spiraverunt, ne ad curiam Ro- f. 242. manam transiret impediebatur." 25 Willis Abb. vol. i. p. 219. 28 Pat. 28Edvv.III. p. i. m.33. 26 Pat. 37 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 41. 29 Rgg. Islip. 27 According to the Wells Re- ^o Reg. Langham, fol. 89. "~'~~-.^, gister, Walter de Monyngton, •" Ibid. fol. 90. abbot of Glastonbury, was elect- ^2 p^t. 43 Edw. III. p. 2. m.26. ed bishop of this see on the death ^"^ His will is dated 29th June of Ralph of Shrewsbury, but the 1386, and it was proved 20th election was quashed by Simon Aug. in that year. Reg. Courtn. archbishop of Canterbury. On fol. 218. this subject, however, the monk '^ WilUs Abb. vol. ii. p. 374. of Evesham writes, " Loco Ra- BISHOPS. 139 license to elect a bishop vice John Harewell is dated i6th July 138635; in pursuance of which, Richard Medeford was chosen by the chapter, and the King assented to his election 15th Aug. 1386, and informed the Pope of it'^^. The election was however nullified by the Pope, his Holiness having already nominated another to the see, and afterwards by king Richard 6th Sept.-^"; and 1386 Walter Skirlawe, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Ric. II. was translated to Bath and Wells by papal bull dated iStliAug. 1386-^8^ and the temporalities were restored to him 13th Sept. and 3rd Nov. 1386^^. He was two years afterwards removed to Durham, by papal bull dated 3rd April 1388 ^O; and 1388 Ralph Erghum, bishop of Salishur^/, was translated to Ric. II. this see, by a bull of pope Urban VI, dated 3rd April 1388, and 13th Sept. following received the tempo- ralities ^i; and he made his profession to the arch- bishop the next day at Cambridge^-. He died loth April 1400^-3, and was buried at Wells'*^. On 32nd April 1400 the dean and chapter of Wells inform the King of the death of Ralph Erghum their late bishop, and pray his license to elect another in his room^''. 1401 Richard Clifford, archdeacon of Canterbury, was en. IV. nominated by the Pope, '•Rege inconsulto,' but refused the dignity, the King objecting to it. He was there- upon, as " elect of Bath," appointed to the see of Worcester 46 i^th Aug. 1401 *7, and 1401 Henry Bowet, LL. D., archdeacon of Lincoln, was ad- en. IV. ^^ Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. I. m. 35. ing parliament on account of 36 Ibid, m, 33. 37 Ibid. m. 3. his great age. Pat. 19 Ric, II. 38 Reg. Courtn. fol. 321. p. i. m. 11. 39 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. I. mm. ^4 "Walsingham, p. 405. His 22. 10. will, dated 31st Jan. 1398-9, was 40 Dunelm. Monach. Histor. proved 19th April 1400. Reg. Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 22. Arundel, fol. 169. 41 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 22. 45 Orig. in Turr. Lond. 42 Reg. Courtn. fol. 322. 46 Pat. 2 Hen. IV. p. 4. m. 5. 43 He was freed from attend- 47 Reg. Arundel, fol. 12. T 2 140 BATH AND WELLS. V vancecl to this see by papal provision xiv Cal. Sept. (19th Aug.) T401. He made his profession of obedi- ence by proxy i8th Sept.^^, and received the tempo- raUties^^ on the 21st of that month '^o. His consecra- tion ^1 followed 20th Nov."*- On 7th Oct. 1407 he was translated to York^^^ 1408 Nicholas Bubbewyth, bishop of Salisbury and treasurer 9 Hen. IV. of England, was translated thence to Bath and Wells by bulls of provision dated 7th Oct. 1407'''. The temporalities were restored^^ to him ist April 1408 ''6, on which day he also received the spiritualities. He died 27th Oct. 1424^^^ and was buried at Wells, be- tween two pillars in the body of the church in a chapel on the south side which he built. His will, dated 5th Oct. 1434, was proved 7th Nov. 1424^**. The license to elect a bishop vice Nicholas Bubbewyth issued 1 4th Nov. 1424^9 ; and 19th Dec. following the subdean and chapter of Wells inform the King^o that they had elected as their bishop 1425 John Stafford, LL.D., dean of Wells^^. He received 3 Hen. VI. the royal assent to his election 26th Dec, of which his Majesty informed the Pope^'^. He made his pro- fession of obedience 9th May 1425^-^, received the ^ Reg. Arundel. 49 He had a grant of the cus- tody of the temporalities 20th April 1401. Pat. 2 Hen. IV. p. 3. m. 30. so Pat. 2 Hen. IV. p. 4. m. 4. 51 He was consecrated in St. Paul's cathedral, London, in the presence of king Henry IV., on the feast of St. Edmund the King 1401 (Sunday 20th Nov.) Reg. Bowet. 52 Reg. Bowet and Reg. Arun- del, fol. 13. 53 Ibid. 54 Reg. Arundel, fol. 40. ss He had a grant of the cus- tody of the temporalities 2nd Dec. 1407. Pat. 9 Hen. IV. p. I. m. 21. 56 Pat. 9 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 31. 57 Reg. Bubbewyth. 58 Reg. Chichi. 379. ^9 Pat. 3 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 17. •50 Orig. in Turr. Lond. ^' He was a younger son of Humphrey Stafford, earl of Staf- ford, afterwards duke of Buck- ingham. He was keeper of the privy seal under Henry V. in 142 1, high treasurer of England in the reign of Henry VI., and made chancellor of England in March 1433. 62 Pat. 3 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 8. 63 Reg. Chichi, fol. 38. BISHOPS. 141 temporalities on the 12th 6^, and was consecrated on Whit-Sunday, the 27th of the same month, in the church of the Friars Preachers in London. By papal bull dated 13th May 1443, he was translated to Canter- bury s^. 1443 Thomas de Bekinton, LL.D., dean of the Arches and sHen.vi. archdeacon of Buckingham^^^ was made bishop of Bath and Wells by the Pope's bulls of provision dated 13th May 1443. The King restored the temporalities to him 24th Sept. in that year^?, and the archbishop I delivered up the spiritualities to him 5th Oct.^^, and he was consecrated on the 13th of the same month in Eton college chapel. He died 14th Jan 1464-5, and was buried in Wells cathedral. His will is dated 1 2th Nov. 1464, and was proved 23rd Jan. following ^9. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Thomas de Bekinton is dated 19th Feb. 1465 "«. John Phreas or Free, provost of Balliol college^ was provided to this see by pope Paul H. on account of his knowledge of languages, but he died at Rome be- fore consecration, " non sine veneni suspicione^i." T466 Robert Stillington, LL.D., archdeacon of Taunton^ Sdw. IV. was provided to this see by the Pope 72. He was con- firmed nth Jan. 1465-67-*, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 29th of the same month 7-3. He was consecrated by George archbishop of York at York-house, Westminster, j6th March following 74. He was made chancellor of England 20th June 1467 7^, and he continued to hold the seals until 8th June 1473 } except during the short return of Henry VL fi'l Pat. 3 Hen. VI. p. i. m. i. 71 Bale Cen. 8. p. 614. 65 Reg. Stafford, fol. i. 72 Pat. 5 Edw. IV. p. 2. m. 12. 66 He was made archdeacon 72* Reg_ Stillingt. of Buckingham 15th Oct. 1424. 73 Pat. 5 Edw. IV. p. 2. m. 12. Reg. Chichi, fol. 248. 74 Reg.Stillingt.etAngl. Sacra, 67 Pat. 22 Hen. VI. p. i . m. 33. pars i. p. 574. 68 Reg. Stafford, fol. 9. 75 Rot. Claus. 7 Edw. IV. m. 69 Lib. Godyng, fol. 51. 12. in dorso. 70 Pat. 4 Edw. IV. p. 2. m. 3. 14.2 BATH AND WELLS. to the regal power in 1470. He was accused of trea- son in 1487, and fled to the University of Oxford for protection ; but be was dehvered up by the chancellor of the University to the King's officers, and committed prisoner to Windsor Castle, where he was confined till his death in May 1491 "6. 1492 Richard Fox, bishop of Exeter^ was translated to the 7 H. VII. see of Bath and Wells by papal bull dated 8th Feb. 1491-277^ and obtained the temporalities 4th May following 7fi. In Dec. 1494 he was translated to Dur- ham "9, 1496 Oliver King, bishop of Exeter, was translated to this II H.VII. see by papal bull of provision dated 6th Nov. 1495*^*^', and obtained restitution of the temporalities 6th Jan. 1495-6 81 ; two days afterwards he received the spiritu- alities, and was enthroned 9th ^'^ or 12th March fol- lowing ^-5. The date of his death has been variously given : according to Godwin it was 24th Jan. 1503—4 ; to the Wells Register 29th Aug. 1503; and to the Canterbury Register Sept. 1503, the last apparently correct. In his will, which was proved 24th Oct. 1503, he directs his body to be buried in the choir of the new church at Bath, near the first arch on the north side near the high altar 8*. 76 Before 15th May, for on that day the canons of Wells prayed for a license to jjerform the obsequies of Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, lately de- ceased. Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 575. e Lib. Rub. Eccl.Wellen. ^"^ Reg. Morton. 78 Pat. 7 Hen.VlI. m. 14. 7i'Pat. 10 Hen. VII. m.8. 80 Reg. Morton. 81 Pat. II Hen. VII. p.i. m.22. 82 MS. Trin. Cantab. 83 Wharton e Reg. Morton. 84 Godwin writes, " et specul- tus creditur a nonnuUis (quod tamen mihi non est verisimile) in capella quadam ab australi parte chori Windesorensis." — There is no memorial of him in Bath cathedral, nor any tomb at Windsor; but in a window at the latter place there is this in- scription : " Orate pro domino Olivero King, juris professore, ac illustris Edwardi (primogeniti Henrici Sexti) et serenissimo- rum regum Edwardi Quarti, Ed- wardi Quinti et Henrici Septimi, principali secretario, dignissimi ordinis Garterii registrario, et hu- jus sancti coUegii canonico anno BISHOPS. 143 1504 Hadrian de Castello or Corneto^-', hisho2) of Here- ■> H. VII. ford and a Roman cardinal, was translated to this see by papal bull dated 2nd Aug. 1504^^'. The tempo- ralities were restored to him 13th Oct. 1504^7. He was enthroned on the 20th of the same month in Wells cathedral, in the person of Polidore Vergil^ the Pope's subcollector in England ^^, who also made pro- fession of obedience for the new bishop ^^. He was deprived in 15 18 9"^'. 151 8 Thomas Wor.sEY, cardinal archbishop of York, held H.VIII. the see of Bath and Wells in commendam by bull of provision dated 30th July I5i8'5i, and obtained the custody of the temporalities 28th Aug. following 5', which he enjoyed until Feb. 1522-3, when he resigned it for the more lucrative one of Durham. 1523 John Clerk, S.T.D., dean of JViiidsor, was provided H.VIII. to this see by papal bull of 26th March 1523 ^^ He obtained restitution of the temporalities 2nd May fol- lowing^^. He died 3rd Jan. 1540— 1, and was buried in the monastery of the Friars Minor in London ^■^. A license to elect a bishop in the room of John Clerk was issued 9th April [541^6 ; j^ pursuance of which Domini 1489, et postea per dic- tum illustrissimum regem Hen- ricum Septimum anno 149 2 ad se- dem Exoniensem commendato." His will is in Lib. Blamye in Cur. preerog. Cantuar. 85 Patria fuit Thuscus, natus in oppido Corneti, quod antiquitus Neocastrum dictum est. MS. Trin. Cantab, p. 79. ^(' Reg. Warham, fol. 9. 87 Pat. 2oHen.VII.p.i.m.29. 88 Reg. Wellen. 89 Reg. Warham, fol. 9. 90 Pat. ioHen.VIII.p.2.mm. 25, 26. 91 Reg. Warham. 92 Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2. ram. 25, 26. 93 Reg. Warham, fol. 25. 9J Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 13- 95 Godwin, p. 380; butWeever writes " Hie jacet Johannes Episc. Bathon. et Wellensis, qui cum plures insignes legationes — tan- dem obiit in legationeClevensis — Januar. mcccccxl (i 540-1) cu- jus aniraee propitietur Altissimus. (Epitap. in Eccl. S. Botulphi juxta Algate. Weever, p. 426.) He is supposed to have been poisoned in Germany, and to have died in London from the effect; others say that he died at Dunkirk and was buried at Calais. 9f' Pat. 32 Hen.VIII. p. 9. m.4. 144 BATH AND WELLS. 1541 William Knight, LL.D., archdeacon of Richmond and 33H.VIII. Chester, and dean of the collegiate church of Leicester, was elected: he was confirmed 19th May 154T, and consecrated on the 29th of the same month -'7, The temporahties were restored to him the next day 9^. He died 29th Sept. 1547 at Wivelscombe, and was buried there 9^. 1548 William Barlow, bishop of St. David's, was translated 2 Edw. VI. to the see of Bath and Wells in Feb. 1547-8 'J^*, but he resigned it in 1553. On queen Mary's accession to the throne, a license to elect a bishop vice "William Barlow resigned, was issued 13th March 1553—4^ ; in pursuance of which 1554 Gilbert Bourne, S.T.D., archdeacon of Bedford, was I Mary, elected 28th March 1554; on which day he received the royal assent'^. He was consecrated ist April following in the church of St. Saviour, South wark-^, and received the temporalities on the 20th of the same month ^. He was deprived by queen Elizabeth in the ist year of her reign on his refusing to take the oath of supremacy. He died loth Sept. 1569 at Silverton in Devonshire, where he was buried^. A conge d'elire on the deprivation of Gilbert Bourne issued nth Jan. 1559-60^ and 1560 Gilbert Berkeley was elected 29th Jan. 1559-60; 2 Eliz. ceived the royal assent to his election 20th March ; was confirmed on the 23rd of the same month, and consecrated the next day at Lambeth''. The tempo- ralities were restored to him loth July in the same year 8. He died 2nd Nov. 158 1, and was buried at 97 Reg. Cranm. fol. 261. 269, 5 « j cannot," says Browne 98 Pat. 33H.VIII.p.i.m.27. Willis, "after the most diligent 99 MS. Coll. Trin. p. 90. enquiry, find where this bishop, 99* Vigore literarum patentium who recovered the best estates Edwardi Sexti Feb. 3. 1548. this see enjoys, has any memo- 1 Pat. I Mar. p. i. m. 24. rial or tomb for him." 2 Ibid. m. 22. 6 Pat. 2 Ehz. p. 14. m. 30. 3 Reg. Cantuar. 7 Reg. Parker, fol. 74. 4 Pat. T Mar. p. i. m. 22. ^ Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 2. m. 4. BISHOPS. 145 I Wells s. Hi8 will is in the Prerogative Office, Lon- don 9. The see was 'vacant nearly three years. 1584 Thomas Godwin 10, S.T.P., dean of Canterbury, was 26 Eliz. elected loth Aug. 1584, confirmed Sept. i ith, and consecrated on the 13th of the same months'. He died 19th Nov. 1590 at Okingham in Berkshire, in the 73 rd year of his age. The see was vacant upwards of two years. A license to elect a bishop of Bath and Wells was issued 16th Jan. 1592-3^"^. \ 1593 John Still, S.T.P., archdeacon of Sudbury, Margaret 135 Eliz. professor of divinity., and master of Trinity college, Cambridge., was elected 3rd Jan. 1592-3 ; obtained the royal assent 7th Feb.^^, was confirmed on the loth of the same month, and consecrated the next day^^. The temporalities were restored to him 23rd March^^. He died 26th Feb. 1607-8, and was buried at Wells, aged 63 ' 6. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London 17. 1608 James Montague, S.T.D., dean of the Chapel Royal, )Jac. I. was elected 29th March 1608; confirmed 15th April, and consecrated on the 17th of the same month i*^. He was translated to Winchester 4th Oct. 161 6 ^9. 1616 Arthur Lake, S.T.P., dean of Worcester., was elected Jac. I. J 7th Oct. 1616, confirmed 6th Dec, and consecrated on the 8th of the same month 20, He died 4th May 1626, and was buried at Wells -^ His will is in the Prerogative Office, London ■^^. 8 Reg. Berk. i-^ Pat. 35 Eliz. p. 8. m. 30. & Darcy 43. 1^ Reg.Bancroft.et Ex Epitaph. 10 He was the father of Fran- 17 Widebank, 33. cis Godwin bishop of Llandaff, i^ Reg. Bancroft, fol. 68. and the author of ' De Prsesuhbus Camd. Annal. Jac. I. AngUse Commentarius.' ^^ Reg. Abbot. 11 Reg. Whitg. fol. 13. 18. 20 Rgg. Abbot, pars i. fol. 78. 12 Pat. 35 Eliz. p. 8. m. 30. and Camd. Annal. Jac. I. 13 Ibid. 21 Reg. Abbot. '4 Reg. Whitg. pars 2. fol. 13. 22 Skinner, 99. VOL. I. U 146 BATH AND WELLS. 1626 William Laud, bishop of St. David'' s^ was nominated 2 Car. I. by the King to Bath and Wells 20th June 1626, and elected bishop of that see 16th Aug. following. On 4th Sept. in that year he obtained as elect of Bath and Wells the King's letters patent to hold his stall in Westminster in commendam--^. He was confirmed 1 8th Sept."^^, and had restitution of the temporalities the next day'-\ On 15th July 1628 he was trans- lated to London^6_ Qn the translation of bishop Laud to the see of London, a conge d"'elire was issued to the chapter of Wells i8th July 1628-''; in pursuance of which 1628 Leonard Mawe, S.T.P., master of Trinity college., 4 Car. I. Cambridge, was elected 24th July 1628 ; received the royal assent 15th Aug.'-^, was confirmed 5th Sept., and consecrated at Croydon on the 7th of the same month-9. He died at Chiswick 2nd Sept. 1629, and was buried in the church there 1 6th Sept. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London^*'. On 22nd Oct. 1629 a conge d'elire vice bishop Mawe was sent to the dean and chapter of Wells ^^ ; pursuant to which 1629 Walter Curl, bishop of Rochester , w^xs, elected 29th 5 Car. I. Oct. 1629, received the royal assent to his election 23rd Nov.-^2^ and was confirmed 4th Dec.-^^; on the 16th of which month he obtained the restitution of his temporalities-^^, and i6th Nov. 1632 he was trans- lated to Winchester. A license to elect a bishop of Bath and Wells vice Walter Curl was issued 19th Nov. 1632^^, and 1632 William Pierce or Piers, bishop of Peterborough, vfOiS 8 Car. I. elected to the see of Bath and Wells 26th Nov. 5632. ^^ Rot. Dispens. de anno 2. 29 Reg. Abbot, pars 2. fol.151. Car. I. 30 Ridley, 78. 24 Reg. Abbot, par. 2. fol. 97. 31 Pat. 5 Car. I. p. 33. N°. 4. ^5 Pat. 2 Car. I. '^2 ibid. No. 3. 2*> Reg. Abbot, pars 2. fol. 130. ^3 Rgg. Abbot, pars 3. fol. 6. 27 Pat. 4 Car. I. p. 37. N". 3. 34 Pat. 5 Car. I. p. 33. No. 2. 28 Ibid. No. 2. 35 Pat. 8 Car. I. p. 14. N". 4. BISHOPS. 147 The royal assent to his election was given 7th Dec.^^; he was confirmed on the i^tlv^'^, and on the 20th of the same month he had his letters patent restoring the temporahties to him '38. He died at Walthamstow in April 1670, and was there bm-ied. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London 3^. 1670 Robert Creighton, S.T.P., dean of Wells, was elected 22 Car. II. bishop of this see 25th May 1670, confirmed 17th June, and consecrated at Lambeth by the bishop of London on the 1 9th of the same month 'o. He died 21st Nov. 1672, aged 79, and was buried in Wells cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative Office ^^ 1672 Peter Mew or Mewes, LL.D., dean of Rochester, and 24 Car. II. president of St. Johv's college^ Oxford, was elected 19th Dec. 1672; confirmed 7th Feb. 1672-3, and conse- crated on the 9th of the same month'-. On 2nd Nov. 1684 he was translated to Winchester ^3. 1685 Thomas Ken, S.T.P., was consecrated bishop of Bath ?6Car. II. and Wells at Lambeth 25th Jan. 1684-5^^. ^^ was deprived ist Feb. 1 690-1. He died 19th March [710- II, and was buried at the east end of the churchyard at Frome Selwood in Somersetshire. His grave is enclosed with iron rails, without any tombstone or inscription. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London 4''. William Beveridge, S.T.P., was nominated to this see by the King 22nd April 1691^^; but he refused it^". 691 Richard Kidder, S.T.P., dean of Peterborough, was W. &M. nominated by the Queen 13th June 1691, and con- 36 Pat. 8 Car. I. p. 14. N^. 3. -12 Reg. Sheldon, fol. 108. 37 Bishops' Certificates, and ^ Reg. Saner, fol. 103. Reg. Abbot, pars 3. fol. 69. ^ Reg. Saner, fol. 116. 38 Pat. 8 Car. I. p. 14. No. 2. ^•'' Young, 84. 39 Penn, 63. 46 Church Book, Home Oflfice. 40 Reg. Sheldon, fol. 69, and 47 Rgg. Cantuar. and London London Gazette. Gazette. ■1' Eure, 148. u 2 148 BATH AND WELLS. secrated in the church of St. Mary-le-Bow, London, 30th Aug. following*^. He was killed in his bed at Wells by the fall of a stack of chimneys which were blown down in a hurricane on the night of 26th Nov. 1 703 ; and he was buried in Wells cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London ^^. 1703 George Hooper, bishop of St. Asaph, was translated 3 Ann. to Bath and Wells; in which he was confirmed 14th March 1703-45*^. He died 6th Sept. 1727, and was buried in his own cathedral. 1727 John Wynne, bishop of St. Asaph, was nominated 19th I Geo. II. Sept. to the see of Bath and Wells, and confirmed nth Nov. 1727. He died 15th July 1743. 1743 Edward Willes, bishop of St. DavidPs, was elected 17 Geo. II. pursuant to the conge d'ehre of Sept. 1743, and con- firmed at Bow church 1 2th Dec. following. He died 24th Nov. 1773. 1774 Charles Moss, bishop of St. David's, was nominated IS Geo. III. to Bath and Wells 23rd April 1774, and elected i6th May^^; and the royal assent to his election was given 19th May ^2^ and he was confirmed 2nd June -^3. He died 13th April 1802, set. 90, 1802 Richard Beadon, bishop of Gloucester, was elected to 42Geo.iil. Bath and Wells 8th May 1802^^^ pursuant to the conge d'elire of 23rd April. The royal assent to his election was given 1 2th May ; he was confirmed 2nd June 5^, and the temporalities were restored to him on the following day. He died 21st April 1824, aged 87; and was buried in the cathedral on the 30th of the same month. 1824 George Henry Law, bishop of Chester, was elected to 5 Geo. IV. Bath and Wells 27th May 1824"*, pursuant to the 48 Reg. TiUotson. fol. 75. and 52 Church Book, Home Office, London Gazette. •''3 Reg. Cornwallis. 49 Ash, 31. '^4 Reg. Moore. 50 Reg. Tenison. ^5 ibid. 51 Reg. Cornwallis. 55* Rgg Sutton. DEANS. 149 conge d'elire which issued 8th May. The royal assent to his election was given on the 28 th of the same month. He was confirmed 8th June^^, and the tem- poralities were restored 10th June following ^^*. He died 22nd Sept. 1845^^ aged 84. 1845 Richard Bagot, bishop of Oxford, was translated to 8 Vict. Bath and Wells 6th Nov. 1845, pursuant to conge ^ d'elire dated 15th Oct. 1845. The royal assent to his election was given 7th Nov., he was confirmed 12th Nov.^^, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 2 1st of the same month ^^. His lordship is the present holder of the see. The bishoprick is rated for first fruits at 533^. is. 3(?.^^* The arms of the see are blazoned thus : Azure, a saltier quarterly quartered or and argent. The deanery of Wells was erected in or about the year 1139, by bishop Robert ^'^. DEANS. Ivo was the first dean of Wells, and was constituted by the founder bishop Robert about 1139. He held the dignity in 1159^1. Richard de Spakestok held it in 1160, 1164^^, and 1174. Alexander held it in 11 80^^ and 1209 6^. Leonius, 1213*^^ and 1215. 56 Reg. Sutton. of the see of Bath and Wells. 56* Church BookjHome Office. ^8 Reg. Howley. 57 Letters Patent issued 19th 59 Church Book, Home Office. Dec. 1844, empowering the bi- 59* Ecton, p. 45. shop of Salisbury to exercise all ^o Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 588. functions and powers, as well 61 Reg, penes Dec. et Capit. with regard to the temporalities Wellen. as spiritualities, of George Henry 62 Reg. Dec. et Capit. bishop of Bath and Wells; and 63 Cartular.Glaston. MS. p.15. archdeacon Bryraer was ap- 64 Reg. Wellen. pointed to be the spiritual per- 65 Reg. Dec. et Capit. son to assist the administrator 150 BATH AND WELLS. Ralph de Lechlade occurs in 1217. Peter de Cicester^ 1220. He died in 1237*^^. WiLLFAM de Merton, xiii Cal. Oct. ( r 9th Sept.) 1 237^^. John Saracenus had letters of protection 28th Jan. J 237-8 6^ ; he held it 1250. Giles de Bridport, 1253^^; ^^ '^5'^ ^^ had letters of protection, 8th June"'^ ; and shortly after he was made bishop of Salisbury 7i. Edward de la Cnoll, Sept. 1256/-; he was sent as ambassador to France i8th Nov. 1264'^ and died 16th Sept. 12847^. Thomas de Button or Bitton was elected 15th Nov. 1284"^, and in 1292 was made bishop of Exeter"^. William Burnel succeeded in 1292, and died in 129577. Walter de Haselshawe, 1295; in 1302 he was made bishop of this see 7*^. Walter still dean x Kal. Jul. 1302"^. Peter de Insula was dean of Wells in 1300, and was summoned to parliament as dean of Wells in 1300, and also in 1302 and 1305^*^. Henry Husee succeeded in 1302, and died in 1305 ^^ John de Godelegh or Godele, 1305 : he was elected bishop of Exeter in 1327^'^. He died 4th Feb. 133283, 66 Reg. Dec. et Capit. 80Clau8.28Edw.I.,3oEdw.I., 67 Ibid. 33 Edw. I. There is some inex- 6S Pat. 22 Hen. III. m. 10. plicable difficulty here. Docu- 69 Riley. Plac. Pari. p. 392. merits are extant which state that 70 Pat. 40 Hen. III. m. 10. Walter de Haselshawe was dean 71 Reg. Dec. et Capit. of Wells in June 1302; and yet 72 Ibid. Peter de Insula is also called 73 Pat. 49 Hen. III. m. 29. dean of Wells. Wharton sug- 74 Reg. Dec. et Capit. gests that he is so called in mis- 7''> Reg. Wellen. take for subdean. 76 Pat. 20 Edw. I. m. 29. ^i Reg. Rad. de Salop. , 77 Reg. Wellen. Lett. 1710. 82 Pat. i Ed. II. p. i. 78 Pat. 30 Edw. I. m. 13. 83 Reg. Wellen. Pat. 30 Edw. 79 Litt. in Turr. Lond. and I. m. 14. Reg. Winchels. DEANS. 151 On 9th Feb. 1332, the chapter of Wells request the bishop's license to elect a clean in the room of John do Godelegh'^-'. Richard de Buky, alias de Sakcto Edmundo, was admitted 20th Feb. (x Cal. Marcii) 1332 ^^j and in the next year was made bishop of Durham ^^. WiBERT DE LuTTLETON or LiTTLETON was elected 23rd Feb. 1333-4, and admitted x Cal. Maii, (22nd April) 1334^". He died before ii Cal. Sept. (31st Aug.), 1335''- Walter de London succeeded in 1335: he was the King's confessor and almoner^'J. He died in 1350 ^'^. John de Carleton, succeeded before Feb. 1350—1. He died in Aug. 136191. William de Camel, elected Sept. 1361, but re- fused it 9^. Stephen Pympel was elected 3rd Nov. 1361. He died 2nd Feb. 1378-9, and was buried in the cathedral 93, John Fordham was elected 22nd Feb. 1378-9; and in 1381 was made bishop of Durham w. Thomas Sudbury held it in 1381 and 1389. Nicholas Slake held it in 139695. GuiDo DE MoNA, elected dean of Wells loth Aug. 1396; and bishop of St. David's in 1397. Henry Beaufort, 1397 9^. Thomas Tuttebury, archdeacon of Wells and Buch, was collated 24th Feb. 1400—19", and was admitted 26th Nov. 140I9^ Thomas Stanley, 1401. He died March 11, 1409-1099. 84 Reg. Rad. de Salop. 95 Rgg. Wellen. 85 Reg. Wellen. »6 Pat. 20 Ric. II. p. i. m. 2. 86 Pat. 7 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 6. Reg. Braybrook Episc. Lond. 87 Reg. Rad. de Salop. Reg. Medeford Episc. Sarum. 88 Ibid. He seems to have been also 89 Pat. II Edw. III. p. I. m. dean of Sarum. 90 Reg. Wellen. 97 Reg. Arundel. 91 Ibid. Rymer, vol. v. p. 680. 98 Reg. Bowet. 19 June. Pat. 92 Reg. Wellen. 3 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 14. 93 Ibid. 94 Ibid. 99 Reg. Wellen. 15S BATH AND WFl.l.S. RioHARi^ CoiK TKXKY. rfmw of St. Asiiph^ was elected lyxh May 1410; confirmed 19th June, and in 141 ^ wa« made bishop of Xorvrich ^ Thomas Kakxkkk vras electa! in H^^- '^'^^^ ^^i*^^^ '" September the same year '. Waltkr Af ktforp or Mki^forp \va* confinned in this dignity 8th Nov. 1413, and died in 14^:;^. His >vill. dated 15th Dec. 1421% wa* proved 14th July 1423 ^ JoHX STAFFORn, LL.D.. vras confinned 9th Sept. 14:3 ; and 2 7tli May 142^ wa^ consecrated bishop of this see'. JoHx Forrest was confirmed 19th Nov. 1425. He died 25th Marcii 1446. and was buried in tJie cathetlral^. JoHX DK LA Bkrf OF Delavfrk, aHa^ Dai.berd, hish'Cp of St. David's, held this deanery for a short time ; but he never wa« installed^. Nicholas Carkxt was electa 22nd Aug. 1446. soon aft^er the death of Forrest. Oarent died possessed of it 3rd May 1467 1*^. His will is dat^ni 13th April, and was proved 2nd Nov. 1467. Hexrt Webber was dean for a short time after the death of Nicholas Oarent ^ ^ . William Witham. LL.D., succeeded in 1469. and died 16th July 1472. He was buried in tlie cathedral near bisliop Ra.lph of Shrewsbury ^^. Johx GrxTHORP. S.T.B.. archd'Cacon of Essex, was elected iStli Dec. 1472, and confirmed 19th Jan. fol- lowing^^. He died 23th June 149S. and was buried in the cathedral near bishop Drokenesfoni. William Cosyx, arcM-e^con of Bath, vras elected 25th 2 Reg. Bubbevryth. ^ Reg. WeDen. One authority ^ Ibid. Rymer. vol. ix. p. 15. states that be died 6l.h July. * Reg. BubbewTtb. -*' God-w. p. 3SS. s Reg. Cbicbl. fol. 560. !<• Reg. Wellen. * Ibid. 361. 11 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 590. " Pat. 3 Hen. VI, p. i. m. S. '" Reg. Stillington. Rec. Wellen. i-** Ibid. hfie. 1498; eoofomed 15^1 April 1499; >BS*«i)k«l % inufi: te^. Be died m 1525^^, His wiO^ dated 25t]i ' ' ;;2>, wauf prmreid ic*b Joty I53'' J r ; < =.7irr/*fteded 2^^ Msirdi 15^6^ swid te- i * Godw. fJafiaL Deean. MS. •^ Beg. Clexk. i* See Dyer's Begwwt^ffi, 293* •« Gothr, C^daL Decaa. MS, ^ A^ Oz«». '7 Ibid. TOL. f- X 154 BATH AND WELLS. deanery was vacant, but whether by his death or re- moval does not appear. Benjamin Heydon, S.T.P., made dean by patent 26th Nov. 1602, died in 1607. His will, dated 9th Oct. 1603, was proved 8th June 1608. Richard Meredith, S.T.B., was installed 21st Nov. 1607. Died 15th Aug. 1621, and was buried in the cathedral -^ Ralph Barlow^ S.T.P., was installed in September 162 1. He died at Wells, and was buried in the cathedral 27th July 1631. George Warburton, S.T.P., dean of Gloucester^ was collated 20th Aug. 1631^2, jje died in December 1641. Walter Raleigh, S.T.P., was presented 12th Jan. 1 641. He died loth Oct. 1646, and was buried in the cathedral. His will is dated and was proved in 1646. The dignity vaca7it fourteen years^. Robert Creighton, S.T.P., was appointed by patent 29th June 1660, and admitted 1 8th July -^j and in 1670 was made bishop of this see. Ralph Bathurst, M.D., was appointed by the King 22nd June-', and installed 28th June 1670. Ob. 14th June 1704. William Grahme was nominated by the Queen 6th July" 1704, elected 19th July^e^ and installed 2Sth July. He died 4th Feb. 1711-12. Matthew Brailsford was nominated by the Queen 1 8th April 17 13, vice William Grahme-7. He died 13th Dec. 1733. Isaac Maddox, D.D., 8th Jan. 1733-4-^. Made bishop of St. Asaph in 1736, and resigned this deanery. 21 Camd. Annals. 26 Bishops' Certificates. 22 Bishops' Certificates. 27 Church Book, Home Office. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 28 Bishops' Certificates. 2o Church Book, Home Office. SUBDEANS. 155 John Harris, hishop of Llandaff^ 27th July 1736'-^. Ob. 28th Aug. 1738. Samuel Creswicke, dean of Bristol, made dean of Wells 23nd Nov. 1739-^". Died 13th Jan. 1766. Hon. Francis Seymour, 15th Feb. 1766, vice Samuel Oreswick^i. William Jackson. He resigned on his promotion to the see of Oxford in 1812. Joseph Drury, nominated 17th March 181 2, vice Jackson-^-. George William Lukin, LL.D. Died 27th Nov. 1812. Hon. Henry Ryder, i6th Dec. 1812, vice George William Lukin 3'^. Made bishop of Gloucester in 1 8 15, and translated to Lichfield in 1824. Edmund Goodenough, nominated 6th Sept. 1831, vice Henry, bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. He died 2nd May T845, ^^^ ^^^ deanery of Wells became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Richard Jenkyns, nominated 4th June 1845, and in- stalled on the 21 st of the same month, vice Dr. Ed- mund Goodenough deceased. This deanery is rated for first fruits at 1 1 61. ys. 6d.^^ SUBDEANS. Robert held this office in the time of Ivo the dean, about T 135^^. Alexander, about 11703^. Thomas, 1190^7. William, Mg6^^. Thomas Dinant, 1199-3^. 29 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. s^* Ibid. 31 Ibid. 36 Ibid. 32 London Gazette. 37 Cartul. Glaston. MS. f. 16. 33 Bishops' Certificates. 38 ibid. f. 17. 34 Ecton, p. 45. 39 Ibid. f. 19. X 2 156 BATH AND WELLS. Alaud, 1213^^. Chancellor ill 1218. Lambert, 1219^'. Robert de Berkeley, 1230^-. William, 1233^-^ H...., 1237^^. Walter S. Quintin, 1241^^ Archdeacon of Taunton m 1244. Hugh de Rumene, 1245^^. Treasurer in 1255. John de Axebrug, j255^'. William Le Rus, xiii Cal. Nov. (20th Oct.) 1266'^^ : held it V Cal. Sept. (28th Aug.) 1272. Richard of Winchester, 1297^9. William of Yatton, 1312^0. Walter Broun was admitted 4th April 1324^^ He was also archdeacon of Cornwall. Walter de Burton, S.T.P., was collated 8th Nov. 1334^-, vice Broun. Held in 1335. Walter de Hulle, vi Cal. Apr. (27th Mar.) 1335". Archdeacon of Bath in 1342 ^'^. Matthew de Vai.encenis, archdeacon of Bath, was admitted iii Cal. Oct. (29th Sept.) 1342^^. William de Lavington was admitted Non. (5th) Dec. 1 342 ''6. William Camel or Gamel was admitted xv Cal. Aug. (18th July) 1350^". The post was vacant in 1361. He was precentor in 1365. Thomas Byngham, S.T.P., 1382^^ Nicholas Mockyng, 1409''^. John Reynold was admitted 15th Oct. 1424^^. Rati- fied 15th Nov. 61 40 Reg. Wellen. ^o Rgg. Wellen. 'ii Ibid. 51 Reg. Drokenesford. 42 Sed quaere de hoc ? ^2 Reg. Rad. de Salop. 43 Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. ^^ Ibid. 44 Ibid. 54 Reg. WeHen. 45 Cartiil. Glaston. MS. f. 45. 55 ibid. 56 ibid. 4'' Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. 57 ibid. 58 ibid. 47 Ibid. 59 Reg. Ebor. 48 Reg. GifFard. «' Reg. Bubbewyth. 49 Pat. 2.5 Edw. I. m. 10. ^' Pat. 3 Hen. VI. p. 1, m. 16. SUBDEANS. 157 Thomas Boleyn was admitted 20th April 1450^'^. Precentor in 1451. John Spekynton was admitted 20th Nov. 1451 6^. Ob. 30th Dec. 1462. John Wansford, ist June 1462^^ His will, dated 8th May 1492, was proved 3rd Feb. 1492-3. William Boket was installed 4th Oct, 1491^^. Robert Widowe, 25th May 1500 ^''5. John Hans was installed 5th Oct. 1505''". Reginald West, 150868, His will is dated 22nd Feb. 1515-16, and proved 6 th March following. Thomas Lovel, 15166^. James Fitz-James, 152470. William Boureman, 1531''^ Philip Bisse, S.T.B.''^ Archdeacon of Taunton in 1584. James Bisse, A.M., 31st March 1585 7J Robert Scott (other writers say that his name was John Ravens) was appointed nth Feb. 1607-87^, and installed 26th March i6o87''. Thomas James, 1614. He died in 1629. William Roberts, 25th Sept. 162976. Bishop of Bangor in 163777. Thomas Bayly, A.M., 29th May 163878. James Dugdale, S.T.P., was installed 12th Sept. i66o79. Will dated 5th March 1660-61. James Masfeld, S.T.P., was installed 23rd March I 660-6 I 80. Francis Munday, S.T.P., was installed 28th Sept. 166581. Ob. 32nd Nov. 1678. ^2 Reg. Bekinton. 72 'Reg. Berkeley. "3 Ibid. 73 Reg. Godwin. fi4 Reg. Wellen. - 74 Rgg. Stillington. 65 Ibid. 66 ibicL 75 Bishops' Certificates. 67 Reg. CasteU. 76 ibid. 68 Reg, Wellen. '^^ Reg. Pierce. 69 Reg. Castell. 78 Bishops' Certificates. 70 Reg. Wellen. 79 ibid. 80 ibid. 71 Reg. Clerke. 8' Ibid. 158 BATH AND WELLS. William Levixz, M.D., was appointed 25th March, and installed 3rd April 1679. Henry Layxg, A.M., was appointed 3i8t March, and installed ist April 1698. Made archdeacon of Wells in May 1716. JoHx Whitehaxd 24th May 1716^'^. John Rogers 26th July 1721"*^ Ob. ist May 1729. Timothy Collins, i8th June 1729*^''. Died 7th May 1766. Sir Thomas Bankes J'Anson, Bart., nth July 17668''. John Paine, 18th May 1773 ^^ Died 1774. Charles Moss, 21st Sept. 1774^". Charles Thomas Barker, i8th March i799«8. HousTONE Radcliffe, 21st Sept. 1812^^. Died 8th April 1822. Charles Edmund Keene, 26th April 182290, Edgar Huxtable, 4th April 1849, ^^^® Charles Ed- mund Keene. This dignity is rated for first fruits at id. i^s.^^ ARCHDEACONS OF WELLS. Walkerius is supposed to have held this dignity in II 06 9-2. John, about iii^'^K Robert, about 113594. Thomas, about 1175^^. Robert de Gildeford, about 118596, Archdeacon of Bath in 1195. T , II8697. Maurice de Berkeley, about 1 19398. Thomas, about 119599. 82 Bishops' Certificates. ^2 Mon. Angl. i. p. 186. 83 Ibid, 84 Ibid. *^ Angl. Sacr. i. p. 560. 85 Ibid. 86 Ibid, iM Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. 87 Ibid, 88 Ibid. 95 Cartul. Glaston. MS. f. 15. 89 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 96 Reg. Dec. et Capit. 91 Ecton, p. 45. 97 Ibid, 98 Ibid. 99 Ibid. ARCHDEACONS OF WELLS. 159 SiMox FiTZ-RoBERT, about 1199^ He was archdea- con 39th Sept, -2 He was also provost of Beverley. Hugh de Wells, 1204-^. Hugh de Nevill, archdeacon of Wells, witnessed a charter in 1208^. William de Bardenay, about 1210'. William de Bittox or Buttox, 1 243^. Bishop of this see in 1248. AViLLiAM de Bittox Or BuTTox, nephew to the former, succeeded in this dignity in 1248". He became also bishop of this see in 1267^. Peter de Chaceporc held it 6th Nov. 1250^. Thomas de Buttox, 1263, 1266'°. Walter Giffard, chancellor of England, succeeded Thomas de Button 3rd March 1267". Walter Haselshawe, 1285I-. Dean in 1295. Bishop in I3021-3. Peter de Ixsula had letters of protection iithDec. 1295 and 28th May 1299^^. Thomas de Cherltox, 1304. He resigned in 13261^. WlBERT DE LiTTLETOX, 1326^^. Robert de Wamberg^^j 1326^*. SiMOX Moxtague, 13291^. Thomas de Uptox, 15th Oct. i332'^o_ Roger Mortimer, 1333-^. 1 Dugd. Warw. p. 478. 2 Cart. I Joh. Pat. 2 Joh. m. 10. ^ Dugd. Warw. p. 478. Cart. 6 Joh. m. 7. ■1 Pat. 9 John m. 5. in dorso. •'■' Reg. Wellen. 6 Ibid. ' Cartul. Glaston. MS. f. 70. 8 Pat. 51 Hen. III. m. 24. 9 Pat. 35 Hen. III. m. 14. 10 Cartul. Glaston. MS. f. 72. Reg. Giffard. Pat. 50 Hen. III. 4th April. " Pat. 51 Hen. III. mm. 24,22. '2 Reg.Priorat. deLenton.MS. 13 Lett. No, 1833 in Turr. Lond. i-i Pat. 24 Edw. I. 15 Reg. Wellen. 1*5 Reg. Drokenesford. 1'' Rob. de Wamberg in partes transmarinas ad prosequend. pres. suam ad archidiac. Well, habet Lett, de Protect, nth Maj', Pat. 4Edw. III. p. I. 1*^ Reg. Drokenesford. 19 Pat. 3Edw. III. p. i.m. 10. 20 Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 36. -'1 Reg. Wellen. 160 BATH AND WELLS. Thomas Falstoffe, 1348. Made bishop of St. David's in 13.53- William, "^^s<;o^MS Tusculamis,'''' was admitted xvi Cal. June, (17th May) 1353, and the dignity was vacant in i362'^2^ Simon Langham, a cardinal priest, hy the title of S. Sixtiis, who was installed by his proxy 21st Feb. I368-9-2-3. William, a Roman Cardinal, archdeacon of Canterhuri/, and also archdeacon of Wells, in 1374. Andrew Baret, 23rd July 1386'^^. Resigned in favour of John Rypon, ist Dec.-^ 1386-6. Resigned in favour of Andrew Baret, 4th July 1388. Resigned in favour of John Beer, 13th Sept. 1388-7. Thomas Tijttebury, 6th June^^ 1391-^. Dean of Wells in 1401. Nicholas Slake, nth Sept.-^'^ 1398-^1. John Ikelington, 1398 -32. Thomas Bubbewyth, LL.B., was collated 13th April 141933, Andrew Hales or Hulles or Holes, LL.D., was in- stituted 1 8th April 1450-^4. He was also archdeacon of Taunton and Anglesey. Richard Owen. He died in 146535 Robert Stillington, LL.D., was collated 28th Feb. 1465-3'^. He was archdeacon of Taunton in 1450. Thomas Bridlington was possessed of it 6th Aug. 147137. 2- Reg. Wellen. 29 Rgg, Bokingham, Episc. 23 Ibid. Line. 2-1 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. r. mm. so Pat. 15 Ric. II. p. i. m. 24. 36, 7, and Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. i. •>! Reg. Braybrook, Episc. m. 35. Lond. 25 Pat. 14 Ric. II. p. I. m. 5. 32 ibid. 26 Reg. Bokingham, Episc. •« Reg. Bubbewyth. Line. ;« Reg. Bekynton. 27 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 2C. •''^ Reg. Wellen. 2>^ Pat. 14 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 4. »« Ibid. 37 ibjd. ARCHDEACONS OF WELLS. 161 William Nikke was admitted 12th April 1473-^*^. He died 29th July 1494 •'^9. His will was proved 4th Nov. 1494. Richard Nikke, LL.D., was admitted loth July 1494-1". He became bishop of Norwich in 1501. Francis, arclibishop of Byzantium, and prince of the Em- pire^ was installed 30th Dec. 1500, and died in 1502. He was also archdeacon of Essex. Thomas Beaumont, archdeacon of Bath ^ was installed 19th Nov. 1502''^ and died in Oct. 1507. PoLYDouE Vergil was collated 6th Feb. 1507^-. He died at Urbino in Italy in 1555, and was there buried. John Cotterel, LL.D., was collated in 1554, his predecessor being then living. His will, dated 21st Feb. 1571—2, was proved 25th May 1572. John Rugge, A.M., was admitted in 1572 "^^ He died in T581, and was buried in the cathedraH^. His will, dated 24th April 1580, was proved in Feb. 1581. Barth. Clerk held it in 1581. Andrew Borow held it at his death. His will was proved 17th Feb. 1581— 2. John Langworth, S.T.P., was admitted 4th Feb. 1588-9^-'. Ob. 1613. Stephen Nelson succeeded in the latter end of 1609^^. Gerard Wood, S.T.B., was installed 14th May i6ii^7. William Watts, S.T.P., was appointed to this dig- nity in 1645, ^^^t by reason of the confusion of those times he never took possession of it. He died at Kinsale in Ireland in 1649^^. Grindal Sheafes, S.T.P., was installed 12th Aug. ^^ Ryraer, vol. xii. p. 389. "••* A. O. vol. i. p. 638. 29 Reg. Fox. "-^ Reg. Godwin. -10 Ibid. ■i*' Reg. Montague. 41 Reg. Wellen. 47 ibid. 42 Reg. Castell. 48 A. O. vol. i. p. 831. 42 Reg. Berkeley. 162 BATH AND WELLS. i66o48. He died 28th April 1680, and was buried in the cathedraH^. Charles Thirlby, A.M., instituted aStli April i68o-^o, was installed 3rd May^^^ His will, dated 23rd Oct. 1683, was proved iSth Jan. following. Edwin Sandys ^2, A.M., instituted loth Nov. 1684 '^-^ He was installed 14th Nov. 1683 '^^ Ob. 1705. Samuel Hill, A.M., was installed nth Oct. i705''\ Ob. 7th March 1715-6. Henry Layng, 4th May 1716^^ Edmund Archer, archdeacon of Taunton^ 7th Dec. i'j%6^T. He died at Wells in Oct. 1739. John Wicksted, 26th Nov. 1739^^. George Shackerley, 24th Nov. 1742 ^5. Edmund Aubery, 19th Aug. 1749^°. Died 7th Nov. ^757- Lionel Seaman, 26th April 1758 ^i. Died 26th Feb. 1760. Francis Potter, 9th Aug. 1760^'^. William Willes, 20th Oct. 1767'^^. Died 12th May 1815. Charles Sandiford, 7th July 1815^4, X)ied 5th April 1826, aged 74. Henry Law, 4th Oct. 1826 6^. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 144/. 2s. 11 c?.*'*^ 48 Bishops' Certificates. 49 Reg. Wellen. ^0 Bishops' Certificates. 51 Reg. Wellen. 52 He was noted for his hatred to children ; he never would bap- tize an infant, nor see one of his own several children till they were eight or nine years of age. 5'"' Bishops' Certificates. 54 Reg. Wellen. 55 Bishops' Certificates. Reg. WeUen. 5<' Bishops' Certificates. 57 Ibid. 58 Ibid. 59 Ibid. 60 Ibid. 61 Ibid. 62 Ibid. 63 Ibid. 64 Ibid. 65 Ibid. 66 Ecton, p. 45. ARCHDEACONS. 163 ARCHDEACONS OF BATH. GisBERT is supposed to have possessed this dignity in II 06 6^. Heraldus, 113366. Hugh of Tournay, about 1140^7, Thomas, i 16468 and 117169. John, 11 72^0. Peter Blesensis, 117571^ and 11 7772. Henry, i 182 73. Richard, about 119074. Robert de Gildeford, about 119575. Ralph, about i20o76. Hugh de Wells, 121577, and 1228. Ob. 1234. Nicholas de Nova Villa, 123478, Henry Tesson, 124079. Nicholas, 1247^^. Robert de Chause, or Chancey, or Chauri, from this dignity was made bishop of Carhsle in 125881. John de Cheyham or Cheam, archdeacon of Bath, was postulated to the see of Glasgow by pope Alexander 111.8^ in 1259. Thomas, in 1268^3. Ralph de Wycham held it in April 1277 8^. Thomas de Axebrug, 1291^''. Iterius de Engolisma held this dignity in October 129586; also in 1296^7. 65 Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 186. 78 Annal. Teokesbir. 6fi Col. Kennet. MS. F. 79 Rgg. Wellen. •^7 MS. 9. in Offic. Augment. 80 Prynn. Coll. torn. iii. p. 104. ^^ Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. ^i Pat. 41 Hen. III. m. 2. 69 MS. Cotton. Otho, D. 3. 82 Poed. i. 387, 394, and 397. f. 126. 83 Coll. A. Wood ex Thesaur. 70 Autog. in Bibl. Cotton. MS. Coll. Merton, Oxon. 71 Reg. Wellen. 84 Cartul. Bath. MS. in Hosp. 72 Feed. vol. ii. p. 703. Line. fol. 85. 73 Gerv. coll. 1464. 1490. 85 Hji(j. p_ ^2. 7^ Reg. Dec. et Capit. 86 Pat. 23 Edw. I. 75 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 87 Lett. S. 68. See also Pat. '7 Ibid. 25 Edw. I. p. I. m. 15. T 2 164 BATH AND WELLS. Henry ov Sandwich had the archdeaconry granted to him 8th Feb. 1309^^; was instituted v Id. April. (9th) 1309^^. Matthew de Valencenis held this office in 1333-'° and 1340. Subdean in 1342. Walter de Hulle was admitted iii Cal. Octob. (29th \ Sept.) 1342, and died in 1353^^. John Power was collated 7th March 1353, and died in Petrus de Luna, '•'• cardinalis de Arragonr was canon of Wells and archdeacon of Bath in 1376. Roger Hare well, 23rd July 13869^, re-admitted 28th June 13929^; resigned it 1427. Thomas Warde was admitted 30th June 1427 9\ William Sprevek, LL.D., was admitted loth Dec. [449 96 Hugh Sugar, alias Norris, LL.D., was collated 26th Feb. 1459-60 ''7. Treasurer in 1460. Richard Licheeld, LL.D., was collated 6th May 1460. He died 27th Feb. 1496-7, and was buried in St. PauFs, London 5^. He was archdeacon of Mid- dlesex. William Cousin was installed 17th March 1496-7-^''. Dean in 1498. Thomas Beaumont was installed Prid. Cal. Apr. (31st March) 1499 ^ Afterwards archdeacon of Wells. John Pykman or Pikeman, was installed 21st July 14992. Chancellor in 1502. Thomas Thomyon was installed 4th Sept. 1502-^. Robert Shorton, S.T.P., died possessed of this dignity 17th Oct. 1535 r 4 88 Pat. 2 Edw. II. p. 1. m. 15. ^ Reg. Bekinton. 89 Reg. Winchelsey. '^^ ibid. »« Ibid. '•» Reg. Wellen. ^9 Reg. King. 91 Ibid. 92 Ibid. 1 Reg. Wellen. 93 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. I. m. 36. "- Ibid. s Ibid. 94 Reg. Wellen. 4 ibid. 95 Reg. Stafford. ARCHDEACONS OF BATH. 165 Walter Cretyng succeeded in 1536''; he held it in ^555- Robert Skerton seems to have succeeded Cretyng. James Boxde held it in 1560. Ob. 25th Nov. 1570. Tobias Mattheavs was admitted 28th Nov. 1570^. Made bishop of Durham. Resigned about 1590. William Powel, S.T.P., was admitted in 1590, and died in March 1613. His will, dated in Feb. J612-3, was proved 3rd April 1613. Timothy Rivett, or Revet, S.T.P., succeeded in 16137. Ob. ist April 1638. William Piers, A.M., was admitted 2nd April 1638*^, and in 1643 was made archdeacon of Taunton 9. William Davis, A.M., was installed 30th Dec. 1643 10. JoHX Sellecke, S.T.P., was installed 6th June 1661 ^^. Ob. 30th June 1690, setat 80. William Clement, A.M., was nominated 22nd Sept. and installed 31st Oct. 1690^2. Ob. nth Dec. 171 1. William Hunt, A.M., was installed 31st Dec. lyiV^. Lawson Huddlestox, 5th Sept. 1733^^. Gosling, 2nd March 1 735-6 •^. Ob. 12th Jan. 1742-3- Samuel Squire, 21st May 17431^. Thomas Camplin, 19th June 1761^7. John Chapman, 12th Feb. 17681^. Died 26th July 1786, aged 77. Edmund Lovell, 26th Sept. 1786 '9. Died 18th July 1798. James Phillott, 28th July lygS'^^'^. Died nth June 1815, aged 66. George Trevelyan, 22nd July 1815"^!. 5 Reg. Wellen. 12 Ibid. Reg. Wellen. 6 Reg. Berkeley. 13 Jbid. ibid. 7 A. O. vol. i. p. 755. 1-* Bishops' Certificates. 8 Bishops' Certificates. i^ Ibid. i« Ibid. 9 Reg. Piers. 17 ibid. 18 ibid. 10 Reg. Wellen. 19 Ibid. 20 ibid. '1 Bishops' Certificates. 21 ibid. 166 BATH AND WELLS. JosiAH Thomas, 26th April 1817'^'. Died 27th May 1820, aged 60. Charles Abel Moysey, I7tli June 18202-^. William Thomas Parr Brymer, 6th March 1839, vice Charles Abel Moysey 23. William Thomas Parr Brymer, 23rd April 1840, vice William Thomas Parr Brymer resigned-^. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 25/. I5s.'^^ ARCHDEACONS OF TAUNTON. Robert is supposed to have held this post in iio6"^^. Godfrey was an archdeacon in this diocese (supposed of Taunton) about 11 85 '^7. William de Wrotham, 1204'^^. Held it in 1207 and 1212. Hugh de Wilton, 1219^9. Walter S. Quintin, suhdean of Wells, 1244. He died XV Cal. Januar, (i8th Dec.) 1263^0. William Burnel was possessed of it in 1294^^ Gilbert de Molendinis was installed xvii Cal. Jun. (i6th May) 12983-2. He held it 6th Nov. 130033. Peter de Ave bur i was archdeacon of Taunton and official of W. de Marchia, bishop of Bath and Wells^ in 13013^. Henry de Schanington, 13083'*. Robert or Herbert Hareward, 12th Dec. 132036. He held the dignity in 133237. William Thringhull, 13713s. 21 Bishops' Certificates. ^l Prynn. Coll. tom. iii. p. 580. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 32 Reg. WeUen. 2-1 Ibid. 33 Pat. 28 Edw. I. 25 Ecton, p. 45. 34 Reg. Wellen. 26 Mon. Angl. tom. i, p. i86. 35 Reg.Drokenesford,andReg. 27 Reg. Dec. et Capit. Winchelsey, fol. 93. 28 Pat. 6 Job. m. 2. n. 3. See 36 Rgg. Drokenesford. ante, p. 39. 37 Pat. 6 Edw. III. p. i. 29 Reg. Plympton. 38 Pat. 44 Edw. III. p. i. 30 Reg. Wellen. ARCHDEACOxNS. 167 Thomas Arundel, 1373-^^. Bishop of Ely in 1374^0. Cardinal Agrifolio seems to have held this dignity in 1374. Simon de Langham, died at Avignon 22nd July 1376. He was a cardinal, and had been archbishop of Can- terbury. Perinus Neapolitanus Cardinalis held this dignity in 1378 and in 1383^1. Thomas Marton, T2th April 1390'*'^. Ralph Erghum, 1391^3. Precentor in 1402. John Graunger, 7th March 1393^^. Thomas Poltoun, confirmed 3rd May 1395 ^^ Thomas Sparkeford, 7th June I395^''- William Elleford, 24th May 1400^". Thomas Polton held the office in 1403. Nicholas Calton, ist Sept. 1416. He died in 1440'*^. Adam Moleyns, LL.D., 1440 s". Bishop of Chichester in 1445. Andrew Hales was admitted 19th Jan. 1445 ''i. Arch- deacon of Wells in 1450. Robert Stillington, LL.D., was collated 20th April 1450^^. Archdeacon of Wells in 1465. Richard Langport, 14th May 1487^-^. Oliver King was installed 12th July 1490^^. He be- came bishop of Exeter in 1492. William Worseley, LL.D., was admitted i8th Feb. 149255^ Made dean of St. PauFs, London, in 1496. Robert Sherburn, A.M., was installed 1 6th Dec. 1496''^. John Ednam, S.T.P., was installed 27th May 1505^7. 39 Reg. Wittlesey. -17 Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 10. '^^ Rymer, vol. vii. p. 36. ^8 Pat, i Hen. IV. p. 7. m. 21. 41 Ibid. vol. vii. p. 380. Pat. ^9 Reg. Bubbewyth. 6 Ric. II. p. I. m. II. (nth Feb.) •'» Reg. Stafford. -12 Pat. T3 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 19. ^i Ibid. 52 ibid. 4a Reg.Wellen. 53 Rgg. Stillington. 44 Pat. 16 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 2. ^4 Reg. Wellen. 45 Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 10. -'^ Ibid. 4*' Reg. Bowet. and Reg. Arun- ''6 Reg. King, del. fol. 422, 57 Reg. Wellen. 168 BATH AND WELLS. Robert Honiwood, LL.D., was installed i8th Aug. 15095^. He died 22nd Jan. 1523, and was buried at Windsor ■'^9. John Moynys seems to have succeeded Honiwood. Ob. 1525. Thomas Cranmer; S.T.P., succeeded in 1525, and in 1533 was made archbishop of Canterbury ^o. George Henneage vvas archdeacon of Taunton in 1540. Ob. 1548, dean of Lincoln. John Redmayne was possessed of it in 1547. He died in Nov. 1 55 1, and was buried in Westminster Abbey*^i. John Fitz-James, A.M., 22nd May 1554^2, Deprived in 1559. Justinian Lancaster, 1560^3. Philip Bisse, S.T.P., was installed 23rd May 1584^^. Matthew Sutcliffe, LL.D., was installed 30th Jan. 1586^5, Philip Bisse, junior, succeeded Sutcliffe. He died 28tli Oct. 1613, and was buried in Batcombe, Somerset- shire, setat. 72. Peter Lilye, S.T.P. He died in 1615. His will is dated 22nd Feb. 1614— 5, and was proved 14th June 1615. Samuel Ward, S.T.P., was installed 29tli April, 161566. William Piers, A.M., archdeacon of Bath, was installed 19th Dec. 164367. He died 4th April 1682, setat. 70. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London ^s. Edward Waple, S.T.B., was installed 22nd April 168269. He died 8th June 1712, and was buried in the outer chapel of St. John's college, Oxford, on the I J th of that month. 58 Reg. Wellen. C5 Rgg. Godwin. 59 A. O. vol. i. p. 638. «6 Reg. Wellen. *^^ See his Life by Strype, fol. 67 Ibid. f'l A. O. vol. i. \i.G6. 647. «8 Cottle, 112. '•2 Reg. Bourne. •'S Reg. Wellen. Bishops' Cer- '^•^ A. O. vol. i. p. 699. tificates. 64 Reg. Wellen. PRECENTORS. 169 Edmund Archer, S.T.P., was installed 25th July 171370. Made archdeacon of "Wells in 1726. George Atwood, 8th Dec. 172671. Died 16th Dec. 1752. Lionel Seaman, 24th Sept. 175172, Francis Potter, 11th Oct. 17587a. William Willes, 31st Dec. 17607*. Thomas Camplin, 7th Oct. 17677''. John Turner, 19th Sept. 178076. Died 28th March 1817, aged 84. George Trevelyan, 19th April 18177". Died 13th Oct. 1827, aged 6^. Anthony Hamilton, 5th Dec. 182778. George Anthony Denison, 30th Sept. 1851, vice Anthony Hamilton 79- with the prebend of Milverton prima. This dignity (with the prebend of Milverton prima annexed) is rated for first fruits at 83?. 7s. 6d.^^ PRECENTORS. This dignity was erected at the same time as the deanery, about 1135. HiGiNUs held it in 1138^0*, Reginald, 1164^^. Albert, 1174^2. William of St. Faith's, 1185, 1205^''. Ralph, 1208^+. Thomas of Tournay, 1213^^. William de Hammes held it in 121 7 ^6. Henry Tesson, archdeacon of Bath, held it in 1247^7. ^0 Reg.Wellen. Bishops' Cer- «« Ecton, p. 45. tificates. 80* Rgg. penes Dec. et Capit. 71 Bishops' Certificates. Wellen. 72 Ibid. 73 Ibid. 81 Ibid. 82 Ibid. 7-1 Ibid. 75 Ibid. 83 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 7« Ibid. 77 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 86 Ibid. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 87 Ibid. VOL. I. Z 170 BATH AND WELLS. Gilbert de Biham or Bitham held it in 1259 and 126188. Thomas de Bitton or Button held it 12th April 126989. Richard de Bitton or Button succeeded in 12699". John is said to have held this office in 1274. Richard of Kent also held it in 127491. Philip de Stanton held it in 127792, Ob. 1295. Thomas de Gorges, held it in 129793, and 1302. Thomas de Dylington, S.T.P., was admitted March 8th 131694. Richard de Thistledon, 1325. He resigned it for the treasurership in 1327 9^ Richard de Drokenesford was admitted iv Id. Jun. (loth) 1327, and resigned presently after 96, William de Bocland was admitted ii Id. Aug. (12th) 132797. William de Luttleton was admitted xiii Cal. Jun. (20th May) 133598. He held it 15th Oct. 135099. Edmund Gournay; he had license to go to Rome 25th Nov. 1357 1. William de Camel or Camil, 1365. He was also subdean here. He died in April 1386'-. John Trevaur, appointed in 1386'^. John Mere, 8th April 1393^. Ralph Erghum^, archdeacon of Taunton, confirmed 25th Sept. 1402^. He died in 1409-107. His will is dated 13th March 1409-10. John Hody, LL.B., 12th May 141 08. He was chan- cellor of this church in 14269. 88 Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. ^8 Reg. Rad. de Salop. Wellen. 99 Pat. 24 Edw. III. 89 Pat. 53 Hen. III. 19. • Pat. 31 Edw. III. 90 Cartul. Glaston. MS. f. 73. 2 Reg. WeUen. 91 Ibid. fol. 81. 3 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. i. ra. 33. 92 Cartul. Bath. MS. in Hospit. 4 Pat. 16 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 25. Line. fol. 89. 5 Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. i. m. 16. 9a Pat. 25 Edw. I. 6 Pat. 2 Hen. IV. p. 3. m. 18. 94 Reg. Drokenesford. 7 Reg. Bowet. 95 Reg. Wellen. 8 Reg. Bubbewyth. 96 Ibid. 97 Ibid. 9 Reg. Stafford. PRECENTORS. 171 John Storthwayt was collated loth Feb. 14.26^^. He was chancellor in 1439^1. William Stevens was admitted 28th March 1440^2. John Bernard was admitted 8th Nov. 1447, and in 145 1 resigned it for the treasurership^^. Thomas Boleyn, the suhdean, was admitted 25th Oct. 145 1 14. Thomas Overay was admitted 19th Feb. 147 1 ^^. His will, dated i8th July 1493, was proved 5th Nov. 1493. William Warham was collated 2nd Nov. 1493, and installed on the i8th of the same month 1 6. Thomas Cornish, chancellor^ was installed 4th Sept. 150217. He made his will 31st March 1513. He was also suffragan bishop of " Tinenses." Walter Piers, LL.D., was installed 17th July 1513^^. Ob. 1535. George Dogyon, 1541 ^9. He died 14th Dec. 1552. George Carew held it in 1560 and 1565^0. Qb. 1583, aetat. 85. James Cottington, 1592. He died in the latter end of 160521, Richard Boughton, admitted 6th March 1605-622, Edward Abbot was admitted 13th Jan. 1616-17 23, Ob. 1634. Sebastian Smith was admitted 9th March 1634-524, Robert Creighton, S.T.B., was installed 2nd May 167425. Ob. 1734. James Knight, 9th March 1733-4, vice Robert Creighton deceased 26. Henry Willes, 5th Aug. 1757, vice James Knight deceased 27. >o Reg. WeUen. 20 Rgg. Berkeley. 11 Ibid. 21 Reg. WeUen. et Reg. Ban- 12 Reg. StaflFord. croft. 13 Reg, WeUen. 22 R^g. Bancroft. 14 Ibid. 15 Ibid. 23 Bishops' Certificates. 16 Wharton de Episc. Lond. 24 ibid, Rgg, Pierse. p. 177. Reg. Wellen. 25 Bishops' Certificates. 17 Reg. WeUen. '8 Ibid. 26 ibid. 27 ibid. 19 Reg, Knight. z 2 172 BATH AND WELLS. Sir Thomas Bankes J'Anson, 22nd Jan. 1773, vice Henry Willes ^s. Charles Moss, 25th Feb. 1799, vice Sir Thomas Bankes J'Anson^s. Charles Sandiford, 29th June 1805, vice Charles Moss 30. John Watson Beadon, 24th June i8i2j vice Charles Sandiford^i. He died Aug. 1835, ^^^ The precentorship of Wells became vested in the Eccle- siastical Commissioners, who presented John Hothersall Finder, loth Aug. 1840, vice John Watson Beadon. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 24I. 6s. ^d.^'^ TREASURERS. This dignity was erected at the same time as the deanery, about 113.5. William enjoyed it in the times of dean Ivo and dean Alexander, about 11 45^3. Peter, 1205, 12173^. Godfrey, 1219^^. Richard held it in 1223 and 12283^. Henry, 123537. Richard de Kenilvvorth, about 12393**. Luke, i 241 39. Peter, 1242-^0. Henry of London, 1245^^. Hugh de Rumene, the suhdean, 1255, 1263 4-. Nicholas Button, i269-'3. Nicholas Fitz-Nicholas, 127444. 28 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Reg. Dec. et Capit. 29 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 32 Ecton, p. 45. ,. 39 Cartular. Glaston. MS. f.51. 33 Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. ^0 Rgg. Dec. et Capit. 34 Cartular. Bath. MS. inHos- 4i ibid. pit. Line. p. 18, 27. 42 Cartul. Glaston. MS. f. 72. 35 Reg. Wellen. 43 Rgg. Wellen. 36 Eo anno fuit testis Carta? 44 Cartul, Glaston. MS. f. 80. Jocelini Episc. TREASURERS. 173 Reginald de Legh, laSy-^^. John de Langton, 1294 and 1296-*^. Arnold Amaneni de la Breto, 1307 '*7; had license 22nd Feb. to reside abroad. He held it in 1309. Jordan Moraunt, 19th Sept. 1309 ^s. John de Brixton or Bruiton, ii Id. Feb. (12th) 13 18, and 1320^9 Afterwards archdeacon of Canter- bury. Richard de Forde, 28th Oct. 1320^^^. Richard de Thistledon, precentor of Wells, viii Cal. Maii (24th April) 1327. He died 4th Nov. 1348^1. Richard deTormerton was installed 27tliNov.i348^"^. Vacant in 1361. Thomas de Brantyngham, held it 19th July 1367 ^'5. Simon Langham, 1368^^. Ob, 1376. Thomas Lynton, 1383^^. William Langbrook, 1384, 1410, 1420. He died in April 1439^6. Peter Stukeley was admitted 17th Sept. 1439^7. John Bernard, precentor of Wells, was admitted 3rd May 1451^^. Hugh Sugar alias Norris, LL.D., archdeacon of Bath ^ was collated ist May 1460. He died in the latter end of April or the beginning of May 1489 •''9. His will is dated in 1488. Thomas Harris was admitted 6th May 1490. He was made precentor of Exeter in Dec. 1509, and died in 15 10^°. •15 Reg. Wellen. ^^ Reg. Wellen. 46 Pat. 22 Edw. I. and Pat. 24 ^^ Reg. Braybrook. Episc. Edw. I. Lond. Reg. Stafford. Episc. B. 47 Pat. I Edw. II. p. 2. m. 26. et W. ; appointed jth Aug., Pat. 48 Pat. 3 Edw. II. 10 Ric. II. p. i. m. 37 ; alive 49 Reg. Wellen. i Hen. IV., Pat. i Hen. IV. p. 2. •^0 Reg. Drokenesford. m. 29. •■^1 Ibid, et Reg. Rad. de Salop. 57 Reg. Stafford. 52 Reg. Wellen. 58 Reg. Bekington. 53 Pat. 41 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 26. 59 Jbid. Reg. Stillington. 54 Godw. p. .143. 60 Reg. Wellen. 174 BATH AND WELLS. John Chamber was installed i8th Feb. 1509—10, and resigned in 1543^1. He was made precentor of Exeter in 1523, and archdeacon of Bedford in 1524. John Marlow was admitted 14th May 1543, and died in October the same year. John Dakyn, LL.D., enjoyed it in 1554^2, jje was made archdeacon of the East Riding of York in 1551. Thomas Baylie held it in 1560 and 156463. He held the sixth stall at Bristol. John Bourne, 1592. He resigned in 1601^^. Robert Wright, S.T.P., was admitted 21st Dec. 1601, and resigned in 163 2 6^, He was made warden of Wadham college, Oxford, in 1613, promoted to the see of Bristol in 1622, and translated to Lichfield and Coventry in 1632. Robert Creighton, S.T.P,, was installed 17th Dec. 1632, and in 1660 was made dean of this cathedral. Richard Busby, S.T.P., nth Aug. 1660^6. He died 5th April 1695, and was buried in Westminster abbey 67. Ralph Barker, S.T.P., was installed 6th April 16956'*. He was appointed to this dignity by archbishop Teni- son's option. Ob. 6th June 1708. Benjamin Ibbot, A.M., was installed 13th Nov. 170869 by archbishop Tenison's option. He died in April 1725- Robert Woodford, 13th April 172570. Died ist May 1762, aged 87. Henry Hall, 17th April 1 76 2, vice Robert Woodford^i. Paul George Snow, 8th Dec. 1763, vice Henry Hall'-. Thomas Eyre, — Nov. 1796, vice Paul Snow'^. Died 26th March 1812, aged 81. 61 Reg. Knight. 67 Ex Epitaphio. 62 Reg. Bourne. 68 Bishops' Certificates. Reg. 63 Reg. Berkeley. Wellen. 69 ibid. 6-t Reg. Wellen. 70 Bishops' Certificates. 65 Reg. StiUington. 71 jbid. 72 ibid. 66 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Ibid. CHANCELLORS. 175 Charles Sandifoed, 13th June 1812, vice Thomas Eyre 7^. Gilbert Heathcote, 12th Feb. 1814, vice Charles Sandiford75. Died 19th Oct. 1829. Robert Vanburgh Law, 13th Nov. 1829, vice Gilbert Heathcote 7 6. An order in council was made 8th Jan. 1850 for sub- stituting a money payment to the treasurer of Wells for the property belonging to him as such treasurer. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 62?. 12s. '^h^-'''^ CHANCELLORS. This dignity was likewise erected by bishop Robert, about 1 1 35. Peter de Wintonia was possessed of it in or about the year 11857^. Thomas, i 213 79. Alard, 1218^0. Richard de Kenilworth, 1235^^ Treasurer in 1239. Luke, 1236, 1241^2. William de Badestun, v Non. Oct. (3rd) 1245 ^3. William of Lincoln, 1427^^. John Forti, 1252, 1263^^. G . . . . 1279^^ Henry Husee, 1291. He was from this dignity made dean of this cathedral in 1302, and died in 1305*^7. Thomas de Logore, 1306^^. He held the office 21st Dec. 130889. 74 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Reg. Wellen. 75 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 85 Ibid. T^ Ecton, p. 45. 86 Ibid. 78 Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. 87 Reg. Sutton. 79 Ibid. 88 Pat. 34 Edw. I. See also 80 Cartul. Bath. MS. p. 27. Pat. 2 Edw. II. m. 17; called 81 Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. there laiggore. 82 Cartul. Glaston. MS. f. 51. 89 Lett. S. 149. 176 BATH AND WELLS. Richard de Deokenesford was admitted viii Cal. Dec. (24th Nov.) 1313. Precentor in 1327^^. Thomas de Retforde was admitted v Id. Sept. (9th) 13 16 91; held it in 1335. John de Middleton was collated xiii Cal. Dec. (19th Nov.) 1337^'^. He presently exchanged it for some other preferment with Simon of Bristol, who was admitted xviii Cal. Jan. (15th Dec.) 133793. John de Carleton, appointed i6th June 13479^. Edmund Bouler, had letters of protection 1 ith March 1347-895. John Horsyngton, 135196. Thomas Spert, LL.D., was installed 7th Aug. 13829?. Thomas Marton, 25th Aug. 1386 9^. Nicholas Danyell, 140699. Richard Bruton, 21st Oct. 1406 1; ratified 9th Dec.^; held it in 141 6. Thomas Bubbewyth, LL.B., was admitted 20th Nov. 14173; resigned it in 1419 for the archdeaconry of Wells. Thomas Schelford was admitted 28th Sept. 1419^. John Hody, 'precentor of Wells, was admitted 4th Sept. 1426^. He was made archdeacon of Dorset in 1435. John Storthwayt, precentor of Wells, was admitted 20th March 1439^ Thomas Chandeler, S.T.B., chancellor of New college, Owforcl, 1454^ He became dean of Hereford in 1481. John Morer was admitted 18th Dec. 1467^. 90 Reg.Wellen. 1 Reg. Bowet. 91 Reg. Drokenesford. ^ Pat. 8 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 37. 92 Reg. Rad. de Salop. ^ Reg. Bubbewyth. 93 Ibid. 4 Ibid. 9J Pat. 2iEdvv.III.p.2.m.26. ^ Reg. Stafford. 95 Pat. 22 Edw. III. 6 Ibid. 96 Reg. Wellen. 7 Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. 1. ii. 97 Ibid. p. 134. 9S Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. I. m. 34. '^ Reg. Kemp. Episc. Lond. 99 Reg. Bowet. CHANCELLORS. 177 Thomas Oveeay, 1471^. His will, dated 18th July, was proved 5th Nov. 1493. Robert Wilson, 21st May 14881'^. Walter Felde, S.T.P., was installed T4th Sept. 1496". Thomas Cornish was installed zist April 1499 12, Precentor in 1502. John Pykman or Pikeman, LL.D., archdeacon of Bath, was installed 4th Sept. 1502 ^3. Robert Dykar, 15141^. James Fitz-James, S.T.B., 1516^^ Subdean in 1524. Ob. 1541. John Tregonell, 1541I6. John Dakyn, LL.D., 20th Jan. 1542-3 17, Treasurer in 1554. John Taylor alias Cardmaker, S.T.B., 1547 1^. Roger Edgeworth, S.T.P., 30th April 1554 1^. His will was proved ist June 1560. Gilbert Berkeley, bishop of Bath and Wells, was collated to the chancellorship 23 rd Aug. 1560-^0. John Leage, — April 1562'^^ Ob. 1568. Adrian Hawthorne, S.T.B., 25th Nov. 1568 22. Ob. Feb. 1576-7 ; will dated ist Oct. 1576, proved 2nd May 1577. Roger Goad, S.T.P., 6th March 1576-7 '^3. After- wards provost of King's college, Cambridge. Thomas Munton, A.M., 23rd Dec. 15892^, Anthony Watson, S.T.P., was installed 15th July 1592^^. Made bishop of Chichester in 1596. 9 Reg. Stillington. ^9 Reg. Bourne. 10 Reg. Wellen. 20 Reg. Parker. 11 Ibid. 12 Ibid, 21 Reg. Berkeley. 13 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 14 Reg, Castell. 23 ibid. 1^ Ath. Oxon. vol, i. p. 666. 24 Rgg, Godwin, i** Reg, Knight. 25 Bishops' Certificates. Reg. 17 Ibid. Wellen. ■8 Anton. Harmar, p. 142. A a 178 BATH AND WELLS. John Rogers, LL.D., nth Oct. 1596'^^. William Barkerj S.T.P., was admitted 3rd March 1602-3-7. John Young, S.T.B., was installed 22nd Nov. i6ti. Thomas Holt, S.T.P., was installed 12th Sept. 1660'^^. His will, dated 13th April 1688, was proved i8th April 1689. Andrew Paschal, S.T.B., was installed 25th March 168929. Ob. 1696. Marshall Brybges, A.M., was instituted 21st Oct. and installed 23rd Nov. 1696. Roger Humphreys, 26th Aug. 17283^'. Ob. nth Jan. 1738-9. John Wicksteed, 30th June 1739, vice Roger Hum- phreys ^^ Francis Squire, 30th Nov.i 739, vice JohnWicksteed^'^. Francis W^hite, 28th Sept. 1 750, vice Francis Squire^a. Died 3rd Oct. ty^S- Henry Willes, 31st Oct. 1755, vice Francis White 3^. William Willes, 3rd April 1758, vice Henry Willes •^^. Paul George Snow, 5th June 1761, vice William Willes 36. Charles Willes, 23rd May 1 764, vice Paul George Snow '^7. Richard Nicholl, 14th Nov. 1783, vice Charles Willes '^«. Died 20th Jan. 1813, aged 80. Charles Sandiford, 8th Jan. 1814, vice Richard Nicholl 39. Died 5th April 1826, aged 74. Frederick Beadon, 13th Aug. 1823, vice Charles Sandiford 40. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 43/. 5s. od'^K 26 Reg. Stillington. ^4 Bishops' Certificates. 27 Ibid. 36 Ibid. 36 Ibid. 28 Bishops' Certificates. 37 ibid. 29 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 33 Ibid. 41 Ecton, p. 45. PREBENDARIES. 179 PREBENDARIES. WARMISTER, alias LUXFIELD. Roger Eggeworth held this stall in 1537-* Edward Rogers occurs in 1542. Thomas Wightman held it in 1560. George Upton held it in 1572. Laurence Bodley held it in 1580. James Bisse held it in 1583. William Powell, appointed in 1583 ; died in 1610. Richard Powell held it in 1614. Warner South, appointed 4th May 162342. Thomas Blanchflower, appointed 28th Nov. 1660 4^. Richard Merry, appointed 7th Nov. 16614^. John Potinger, appointed 3rd April 1669 4^. Robert Harsnett, appointed 25th Sept. 1677 ^''^ de- prived in 1694. James Taylor, appointed 8th Nov. 1695*7 ; ob. 1732. Francis Squire, succeeded in 1732. George Atwood, appointed 3rd March ly^.g-^o'^'^. Richard Cope, appointed 17th July 1760, vice George Atwood*9. Frederick Beadon seems to have succeeded Cope. Anthony Hamilton, appointed 23rd March 1810 vice Beadon ^0, William Anthony Fitzhugh, appointed 17th April 1828, vice Hamilton^i. This stall was vested in the Ecclesiastical Commission- ers in 1841. Frederick William Blombergh. Walter Kerr Hamilton, loth Jan. 1834, vice Fre- derick William Blombergh ^2 _ * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 47 Bishops' Certificates. 42 Bishops' Certificates. 48 ibid. 49 ibid. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid. 50 Ibid. 51 Ibid. 45 Ibid. 4fi Ibid. 52 Ibid. A a 2 180 BATH AND WELLS. Noel Thomas Ellison, 28th Aug. 1841, vice Walter Kerr Hamilton. ILTON. Robert Fryer held this stall in 1537.* Henry Somee occurs in 1559. John Jeffrys held it in 1571. Abraham Conham held it in 1588. Anthony Methwin, appointed 23rd April 1621^3, Richard Flamsted, appointed 15th July 1640^^. Thomas Willis, appointed 27th Nov. 1660^^. Samuel Willi an, appointed 24th Jan. 1660—1^^. William Clement, appointed 28th July 1689 ■''7. William Hunt, appointed 31st Dec. 1711^^. Nicholas Baker, appointed 6th Nov. 1733, vice Hunt '^9. George AuLT, appointed 9th March i747-8,viceBaker6o, Nicholas Baker, appointed 20th July 1764, vice Ault^^ William Chapple Whalley, appointed 25th Oct. 1798, vice Baker 6^. Richard Thomas Whalley, appointed 28th Nov. 1805, vice Whalley 63. William Baily Whitehead, i6th Oct. 1830, vice Richard Thomas Whalley 6"*. An order of council was made 15th Jan. 1849 for sub- stituting a money payment to the prebendary of Ilton for the property of the prebend. BARTON DAVID. Richard Eryngton held this stall in i537.t George Carew held this prebend in 1546. William Browne (.'') held it in 1553. Thomas Drope held it in 1583. John Dodd, appointed 25th Oct. 1632^^ Christopher Prior held this stall in 1643, ^"^ ^^^^ 1658. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. ^ Bishops' Certificates. 53 Bishops' Certificates. 61 Jbid. 62 ibid. 54 Ibid. 55 Ibid. 63 Ibid. 64 Ibid. 56 Ibid. 57 Ibid. t Valor Ecclesiasticus. 58 Ibid. 59 Ibid. 6.5 Bishops' Certificates. PREBENDARIES. 181 Emanuel Uty, appointed 30th June 1660^^. Joseph Barker, appointed 8th Sept. 1661 ^7, William Griffin, appointed 4th July iSyy^^. Thomas Fletcher, appointed i8th Nov, 1696^''. John Davis, appointed 5th Nov. 171370. John Potter, appointed 28th June 1718"'. Francis Warre, appointed 14th Jan. 1718-97^, John Paine, subdean and canon of Wells, ob. 1774. Nicholas Vere, appointed 20th Dec. 1774^3. Edw^ard Foster; ob. 7th Jan. 1826; appointed 1820. Henry Pepys, appointed 3rd Feb. 18267*. He re- signed this stall in 1840, on being promoted to the bishopric of Sodor and Man ; and it became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. William Towry Lavv^, 22nd Sept. 1840, vice Henry Pepys 7^. William Frederick Neville, 14th Oct. 1840, vice William Towry Law 76. TIMBERSCOMB. William Villers held this stall in 1537.* Anthony Bellasis held it in 1546. Richard Lyell held it in 1553. John Cotterell held it in 1554; ob. 1572. Henry Hill held it in 1573. William Huish held it in 1593. John Morley held it in 16 16. Robert Creyghton, appointed 23rd Aug. 1662 77. Christopher Sadburie, appointed 13th April 166778. James Douch, appointed 6th March 1667-87^; ob. 1698. John Pope, appointed 30th Dec. 1698^^. 66 Bishops' Certificates. 74 Bishops' Certificates. fi7 Ibid. 68 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 69 Ibid. 70 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 71 Ibid. 72 Ibid, 77 Bishops' Certificates. 73 Ibid. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 80 Ibid. 182 BATH AND WELLS. Robert Creyghton, appointed ayth Aug. 1728^1. Robert Creyghton, jun., appointed 8th Jan. 1 732-3^^. Henry Bowles Downing, appointed 30th May 1754, vice Creyghton ^'^. Robert Wilson, appointed 26th Aug. 1765, vice Henry Bowles Downing s^. Caleb Rockett; the time of his appointment uncertain. Wabre Squire Bradley, appointed 31st March 1819, vice Caleb Rockett^^; ob. 5th May 1825, aged 56. George Vanbrugh, appointed 24th Sept. 1825, vice W. S. Bradley ^6; ob. 16th Oct. 1847, aged 90. James Stratton Coles, 19th Feb. 1848, vice George Vanbrugh^'', WORMINSTER. James Fitz-James held this stall in 1537.* William Woodhowse, appointed 14th April 1622^^. Sebastian Smith, appointed in 1642; ob. 1674. Thomas Brickend, appointed 19th May 1674**^. Richard Codrington, appointed 25th July 1700^". Francis White, appointed 21st Oct. 1733, ^^^® ^°^' rington^i. Henry Willes, appointed 25th Oct. 1 755, vice White 9"-. Paul Henry Snow, appointed 3rd April 17.58, vice Willes 9a. Henry Harris, appointed 17th Dec. 1759, vice Snow^^. Jacob Marsham, appointed 1st Feb. 1787, vice Har- riss^. Ob. 28th Jan. 1840^ aged 80. David Malcolm, i8th Aug. 1840, vice Jacob Mar- sham 9^. EASTHARPTREE. Richard Pat ye held this stall in 1537. t John Hering held it in 1545. John Aylmer also held it in 1545. 81 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 82 Ibid. 83 Ibid. 89 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 91 Ibid. 92 Ibid. 93 Ibid. 86 Ibid. 87 Ibid. 94 Ibid. 95 Ibid. 96 Jbid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. t Valor Ecclesiasticus. PREBENDARIES. 183 Richard Bernard held it in 1551- William Jones held it in 1564. Richard Flamsted, appointed 5th June 16389^. . Henry Anchetill, appointed 15th July 1640^7. Henry Dutton, appointed 5th April 1 661 98. Robert Collier, appointed 25th April i66S99. Anthony Prowse, appointed 25th May 1672^ Henry Margates resigned it in 1692. John Taylor, appointed 28th Feb. 1692-32. John Creed, appointed 27th Jan. 1727-83. Charles Lane. His appointment has not been found. William Ray, appointed 15th July J 747, vice Charles Lane*. Died 13th May 1779. Francis Crane Parsons, appointed ist Nov. 1779, vice Ray^. Henry Parsons, appointed 20th Aug. 1791, vice F. C. Parsons^. Ob. 9th Jan. 1845, aged 80. This stall then became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Charles Joseph Butterworth Bulmer, loth Feb. 1845, v^^® Henry Parsons". WEDMORE (2nd.*) William Wyneyard held this stall in 1537. t Robert Talbot held it in 1542. William Nedis held it in 1562. Adrian Hawthorne held it in 1568. Thomas Manton held it in 1588. Anthony Watson held it in 1592. William Sclater, appointed 28th Sept. 1619^. Alexander Huishe, appointed 26th Oct. 1627 9. Roger Nicholls, appointed 27th Sept. 1660 ^o. Thomas Davis, appointed 20th Feb. 1681-21^. Matthew Hole, appointed ist March 1687—81'^. 96 Bishops' Certificates. * Wedmore the ist is annexed 97 Ibid. 9« Ibid. 99 Ibid, to the deanery. > Ibid. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. t Valor Ecclesiasticus. 4 Ibid. 5 Ibid. 8 Bishops' Certificates. 6 Ibid. 7 Ibid. 9 lb. 10 lb. 11 lb. 12 lb. 184 BATH AND WELLS. Edmund Lovell, appointed 30th July 1 730, vice Hole' -^ Robert Wheeler, appointed ist Oct. 1737, vice Lovell 1". Henry Fitch, appointed 13th June 1739, vice Wheeler 1^ Ob. April 1768. Arthur Annesley, appointed 26th Aug. 1768, vice Fitchi6. Harry Farr Yeatman, appointed 12th Aug. 1792, vice Annesley 17. Ob. 5th Dec. 1796. William Chase, appointed I4tli March 1797, ^^^^ Yeatman 1^. Ob. 6th Jan. 1815, aged 71. William Lucas, appointed 28th April 1815, vice Chase '^. WEDMORE (3rd.) Walter Cretynge held this stall in 1537.* James Bond held this stall in 1546. Henry Petherton held it in 1576. William Hunt, appointed 12th March 1621-2'-'^. Henry Ancketill, appointed 13th April i6^g'^K William Lute, appointed 28th Oct. 1640-"^. Francis Standish, appointed 27th Nov. i65o23. Walter Hungerford, appointed loth April 1667-4. Daniel Mews, appointed 25th Nov. 1671'^^. Henry Wynch, appointed i8th Sept. 167426, William Avis seems to have been appointed in 1689. William Keate, appointed 26th June 1694^7. Lawson Hudlestone, appointed 9th Aug. 171228 Henry Merewether, appointed 4th Sept. 1724-9. Francis Wellman, appointed 31st June 1750, vice Merewether '^0. Daniel Damaresq, appointed 24th Aug. 1770, vice Wellman3i. Ob. 28th Oct. 1805, aged 95. 13 Bishops' Certificates. 21 Bishops' Certificates. 14 Ibid. 15 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. 24 Ibid, 25 Ibid, 18 Ibid. 19 Ibid. 26 ibid, 27 ibid, * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 28 ibid. 29 ibid. 20 Bishops' Certificates. 30 ibid, 31 ibid. '#1 PREBENDARIES. 185 John Yeatman, appointed — Jan. 1806 '^2. Thomas Sweet Escott, appointed 31st July 1819, vice Yeatman-^-3, Ob. 17th April 1842, aged 78. This stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners. Charles Deedes, 24th May 1842, vice Thomas Sweet Escott 3^. WEDMORE (4th.) William Horssey held this stall in 1537*. William Witherstox held it in 1544. John Best held it in 1553. William Striket held it in 1554. John Accanthius held it in 1563. William Powell held it in [576 and i58r. Samuel Jennings held it in 1586. William Murrey seems to have held this stall in 1615. Vincent Pearce, appointed 21st March 1622— 3 3^. Vincent Pearce, junior, appointed 13th July 1627-^*'. Gilbert WoMBEiiLEYj appointed 19th March 1631-2'^''. Jonathan Palmer, appointed 3rd Dec. 1660^^. John Pottinger, appointed 6th Feb. 1668-9'^^. Robert Gale, appointed 26th April 1669^^. Edwin Sandys, appointed 17th Feb. 1671-2^1. Joshua Lasher, appointed 4th May 1674"^-. William Cuffe, appointed 6th Aug. 1679 ^3, William Hodges, appointed 23rd Aug. 16954^. William Crofts, appointed 13th March 1702-3 '■•. William Lucy, appointed 17th Dec. 1709^^. Thomas Ford, appointed i8th April 1721^". Charles Gardiner, appointed 25th Jan, 1730-31, vice Ford ^^ 32 Bishops' Certificates. -^o Bishops' Certificates. ;<3 Ibid. a-i Ibid. ^1 Ibid. -i-' Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. -^'^ Ibid. "^^ Ibid. «•'' Bishops' Certificates. 45 ibid. 46 ibid. 36 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 47 Ibid. 48 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 39 Ibid. VOL. I. B b 186 BATH AND WI^LLS. Laurence St, I^o, appointed in 1732. Alexander Malet, appointed 6th Nov. 1741, vice St. Lo-is. John Pearse. The date of his appointment does not appear. Henry Gould, appointed 19th Oct. 1795, vice John Pearse ^0, He died in 1839, aged 85; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Thomas Trevelyan, 8th Oct. 1840, vice Henry Gould ^1. Henry Blayas, 9th Nov. 1844, vice Thomas Trevelyan'^. WEDMORE (5th.) Robert Blasrove held this stall in 1537*. John Pyke held it in 1573. Henry Russel held it in 1585. Thomas Philpott, appointed 16th Aug. 1632^3, James Wood, appointed 12th Nov. 1638^^. Andrew Harwood, appointed ist Nov. 1660^''. Thomas Potman, appointed 7th March 1662—3^^. Edward Burgh, appointed 19th Oct. 1670^7. George Farewell, appointed 28th March 1709''^. Peter Webb, appointed 22nd May 1717 '^^. Michael Hunt, appointed loth June 1724^*^. Hon. John Hamilton, appointed J 3th June 1749, vice Hunt 61. James Minifie, appointed 7th Aug. 1753, ^^^^ ^^~ milton^-. Francis Crane Parsons, appointed loth June 1768, vice Minifie ^^. William Hill, appointed loth Nov. 1779, ^i^® Par- sons'^^. Ob. 1793. William Brudenell Baster, appointed 25th May 1793, ^^^^ Hill 6^. 49 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates, so Ibid. 51 Ibid. S7 Ibid. ^s Ibid. 52 Ibid. -'9 Ibid. 60 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. ^i ibid. 62 ibid. 53 Bishops' Certificates. 63 Ibid. 6^ Ibid. 54 Ibid. 55 Ibid. 6.'i Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 187 JosiAH Thomas, appointed 22nd May 1798, vice Raster ^e. Robert Foster, appointed loth June 1820, vice Thomas ^7. He died 26th Sept. J 836, aged 54; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Com- missioners. John Knight Greetham, 22nd Sept. 1840, vice Ro- bert Foster 68. HASELBERE. William Knyght held this stall in 1537*. Thomas Hobbes held it in 1542. Gilbert Bournford held it in 1555. Henry Perry held it in 1564. Thomas Master held it in 157 1. Charles Bray, appointed 30th Aug. 1628 ^5. John Head, appointed 9th Aug. i66o7o. Daniel Mews, appointed 4th May 167471. Baptist Levinz, appointed 8th Dec. 167572. Henry Margetts, appointed 28th Feb. 1692-373. Henry Constantine, appointed ist Nov. 170774. Henry Edwards, appointed 12th July 170975. Robert Wheeler, appointed 22nd Feb. 1738-9, vice Edwards 76. Henry Arnold, appointed 24th June 1763, vice Wheeler77. John Wyndham, appointed 29th Dec. 1778, vice Ar- nold 7s. Ob. 1 8th Aug. 1816. Francis Gosforth, appointed nth Oct. 1816, vice Wyndham 7^. He died 17th Feb. 1839; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners. Charles Otway Mayne, 24th Aug. 1840, vice Francis Gosforth «o. 6^ Bishops' Certificates. 72 Bishops' Certificates. "7 Ibid. 68 Ibid. 73 Ibid. 74 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 75 ibid. 76 ibid. 69 Bishops' Certificates. ^"^ Ibid. ^^ Ibid. 70 Ibid. 71 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 80 Ibid. B b 2 188 BATH AND WELLS. BUCKLAND AND DYNHAM. Richard Duck held this stall in 1537*- George Harrison held it in 1576. Matthew Sutcliff held it in 1592. Christopher Tesdale held it in 1629. George Morlev^ appointed 8th Sept. 1660^'. John Duncombe, appointed 30th Jan. 1660-61*^'^. James Aston, appointed 1st July 1668 ^3. John Yeadle, appointed 1st May 1682 ^^^ Samuel Hill, appointed 5th Sept. 1688 ^•^. John Whitehand, appointed 29th Oct. 1705*^''. Thomas Coney, appointed 2nd Aug. 1716^7. Ob. 6th April 1752, aged 76. John Coney, appointed 17th Oct. 1738, vice Thomas Coney *^ 8. Thomas Camplin, appointed 17th June 1763, vice John Coney ^9. Thomas Payne, appointed 10th Sept. 1766, vice Camplin 90. John Williams, appointed 5th Feb. 1798, vice Payne^'. Ob. 9th April 1842, aged 85 ; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. John Stuart Hippisley Horner, 24th May 1842, vice John Williams ''-. WHITELAKINGTON. Roger Wilde held this stall in i537t- John Clerk held it in 1546. Robert Kammeys held it in 15.51. Giles Caple held it in 1559. John Tuchinor held it in 1560. George Cuthbert, appointed in 1612. Ob. 1658. Alexander Smith, appointed 12th Sept. 1660'^^. Henry Dutton, appointed 22nd April 1668 9^. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. ^9 Bishops' Certificates. 81 Bishops' Certificates. 90 Ibid. 9' Ibid. ^^ Ibid. 82 Ibid. 83 Ibid. t Valor Ecclesiasticus. 84 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 93 Bishops' Certificates. 86 Ibid. 8/ Ibid. 88 Ibid. 94 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 189 Meshack Smith^ appointed 5th May 16939^. Edmund Byron, appointed 25th May 1 708 ^e, Timothy Redman, appointed igth Oct. 1710^7. John Potter, appointed 24tli Oct. 17 18 9'^. Thomas Hunt, appointed 12th Jan. 1726-7^9. William Speke, appointed 13th Dec. 1774, vice Hunt'. Ob, 15th Nov. f 791. Thomas Ireland, appointed 27th Dec. 1791, vice Speke-. Ob. 22nd May 1816, aged 75. Charles Johnson, appointed 7th June 1816, vice Ire- land-^. Ob. i6th Aug. 1841, aged 72 ; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Fitzharding Berkeley Portman, 28th Aug. 1841, vice Charles Johnson. ASHILL. Robert Bysse held this stall in 1537*. Thomas Bayly, appointed in 1560. Died in 1584. Thomas Barber, appointed in 1584. Nicholas Higgs held this prebend in 1614. NoACHo Webb, appointed 18th July 1631^. Robert Roach, appointed 27th Sept. 1660^. Emanuel Sharpe, appointed loth July 1666^. William Crosse, appointed 7th July i6'jg7. Walter Hart, appointed 7th Aug. 1684^. John Read, appointed 7th Sept. 1691 9. Thomas Westley, appointed 13th Aug. i7i3, vice Read'". Ob. 1723. Thomas Westley, junior, appointed 29th Nov. 1723". Thomas Alford, appointed loth July 1742, vice West- ley i'^. Thomas Vincent, appointed J7th May 1777, vice Alford 13. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. ^ Bishops' Certificates. 96 Ibid. 97 Ibid. 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 98 Ibid. 99 Ibid. /- Ibid. « Ibid. ' Ibid. 2 Ibid. 9 Ibid. 10 Ibid. 3 Ibid. H Ibid. 12 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. '^ ibid. 190 BATH AND WELLS. Humphrey Sumner, appointed 2nd Aug. 1783, vice Vincent 1^. Warre Squire Bradley, appointed 30th Sept. 1814, vice Sumner '^. Died 5th May 1825, aged ^6. Richard Peter Whish, appointed 16th April 1819, vice Bradley 1'. HENSTRIDGE. Richard Rowson held this stall in iS37*- Richard Huys held it in 1558. Walter Bowce held it in 1562. Robert Hoveden held it in 1581. Robert Wright, appointed in 1594. William Watts, appointed 19th March 1632-3'^. Samuel Willan, appointed 2nd Aug. 1660'^. Emanuel Uty, appointed 3rd July 1661-0, William Bisse, appointed 30th Sept. 1661'-'. Edward Waple, appointed 22nd Oct. 1677'^-. Samuel ]\Iews, appointed 13th May i68o'^-'. James Hay, appointed 2nd July 1706-^. Elias Rebotier, appointed 26th April 1718'^^ James Knight, appointed 6th Feb. 1719-20'-''. Cornelius Willes, appointed 14th June 1757, vice Knight 27. Phipps Weston, appointed 9th Sept. 1768, vice Willes '^'^• William Keate appointed 7th May 1794, vice Weston -9. Ob. 14th March 179.5. Thomas Bovett, appointed 9th April 1795, vice Keate-^". Charles Thomas Barker, appointed 23rd July 1798, vice Bovett'^'. Brook Henry Bridges, appointed 23rd Aug. 1800, vice Barker •^'2. 1'^ Bishops' Certificates. 23 Bishops' Certificates. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 25 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 26 Ibid. ^7 Ibid. 18 Bishops' Certificates. 28 ibid. 29 ibid. li* Ibid. 20 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 32 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 191 EASTON IN GORDANO. Maurice Brekynsall held this stall in 1537*. Henry Slocomb, appointed in 1574. Robert Risly, appointed 21st Sept. i6o6-^\ William Moselay, appointed in 1580. John Cooth^ appointed in 1642. William Birstall, appointed 9th Oct. J 660^^. Nathaniel Markwicke, appointed 4th Oct. 1699-^'. John Taswell, appointed 6th April 1736, vice Mark- wicke^^. William Huddlestone, appointed 22nd July 1753, vice Taswella7. John Turner, appointed i8th July 1766, vice Huddle- stone-^^. Whitley Weald, appointed 25th Oct. 1780, vice Turner ^9. Thomas Vincent, appointed i6th Aug. 1786, vice Weald 40. William Brudenell Baster, appointed 28th July 1798, vice Vincent^i. Robert Vanbrugh Law, appointed 8th Dec. 1825, vice Baster 4 '2, John Gordon, 21st Feb. 1834. vice Robert Vanbrugh Law resigned 4-3. William Henry Chilcott, 27th March 1842, vice John Gordon 4^; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Coniraissioners. CUDWORTH. James Gilbert held this stall in 1537 1- Hugh Tynte held it in 1542. Peter Price held it in 1576. Robert Newman held it in 1583. William Peirs, appointed 2nd April 163845. Richard Busby, appointed ist July 163946, * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 42 Bishops' Certificates. 33 Bishops' Certificates. 43 ibij. 44 Uji^j. 34 Ibid. 35 Ibid, 36 Ibid. f Valor Ecclesiasticus. 37 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 45 Bishops' Certificates. 40 Ibid. 41 Ibid. 46 Ibid. 192 BATH AND WELLS. Marshall Bkidges, appointed 25th July 1695^". Jonas Warlye^ appointed 21st Oct. 16964*^. William Bramston, appointed 24th July 1704^^. William Dodd, appointed ist Oct. 1735, vice Brara- ston ^0. William Wright^ appointed 28th Aug. 1760^^ Thomas Heberden, held it in 1786. Ob. 17th Oct. 1843, aged 90. This stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners in 1843. John Bond^ 20th April 1844, vice Thomas Heberden^'^. MILVERTON (2nd.*) John Algar held this stall in 1537 1- Christopher Feild held it in 1566. William Wilkinson held it in 1576. Jonas Cooke, appointed loth Feb. 1 626-7 ''■^. Thomas Horsey, appointed 26th Nov. 1663''^. Richard Codrington, appointed nth Aug. 1692 ^-^ Henry Layng, appointed 22nd Nov, 1700"'''. John Whitehand, appointed 4th Aug. 1716^7. Samuel Farthing, appointed 5th Sept. 1721^^ Thomas Jenkins, appointed 26th Oct. T731, vice Farthing '^^. Thomas Taylor, appointed 27th Nov. 1739, vice Jenkins 60. William Somerville, appointed 22nd Oct. 1762, vice Taylor 61, Ob. 25th June 1803. Charles Coates, appointed 5th Aug. 1 803, vice Somer- ville 6-, William Henry Turner, appointed 1st May 1813, vice Coates 6-J. George Anthony Denison, 30th Sept. 1851J. 47 Bishops' Certificates. 53 Bishops' Certificates. 48 Ibid. 49 Ibid. 54 Ibid. 56 Ibid. 50 Ibid. 51 Ibid. 52 Ibid. 56 Ibid. 57 Ibid. * Milverton the ist is annexed 58 Ibid. 59 Ibid. to the archdeaconry of Taunton. 60 Ibid. CI Ibid. 62 Ibid. t Valor Ecclesiasticus. 63 Ibid. X Ord. in Counc. PREBENDARIES. 193 DYNDRE. Robert Coket held this stall in 1537*. Richard Shewaud held it in 1547. John Snowe held it in 1562. John Louthe held it in 1570. Robert Godwin held it in 1591. William Rogers, appointed 17th Feb. 1616-17. John Lanfire, appointed in 1641. Samuel Lanfire, appointed 4th March 1664-5 ^4. William Fane, appointed 6th March 1671-2^*. Joshua Lasher, appointed nth July 1679^6. Henry Mills, appointed 5th June 1702^7. Elias Rebotier, appointed 3rd Dec. 1712^^. Robert Creyghton, appointed 26th April 171 8^^, Richard Healey, appointed 30th Aug. 172870. Edmund Lovell, appointed loth Nov. 1736, vice Healey 71. John Jenkins, appointed ist Nov. 1779, vice Lovell^'^- Ob. 27 th Feb. 1824, aged 71. Richard Jenkins, appointed 20th Aug. 1824, vice John Jenkins 73. John Armstrong, 23rd Dec. 1845, vice Richard Jen- kins7^. HOLCOMBE. Walter Pyers held this stall in 1537 1- Robert Forthe held it in 1553. Thomas Blanchfloweb, appointed 24th Nov. 1660'^. Francis Munday, appointed 29th June i66i76. William Levinge, appointed 25th March 167977. Charles Jones, appointed 6th May 16987s. John Tottenham, appointed ist April 172579. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 73 Bishops' Certificates. 6-1 Bishops' Certificates. 74 ibi^. *^^ Ibid. «6 Ibid. t Valor Ecclesiasticus. 67 Ibid. 68 Ibid. 75 Ibid. 7C Ibid. ^7 Ibid. «y Ibid. 70 Ibid. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 7' Ibid. 72 Ibid. VOL. I. C C 194 BATH AND WELLS. Samuel Hill, appointed 28th April 1741, vice Totten- ham so. Henky Arnold, appointed 1 8th June 1 75 1 , vice Hill^^ Arthur W, Hood appointed 14th Sept. 1763, vice H. Arnolds-^. Edward Cooper, appointed 4thJune 1 770, viceHood*^^. William Walker, appointed 26th Oct. 1792, vice Cooper 84. Ob. 181 1. Law^rence Luxton, appointed 13th July 1811, vice Walker 8 5. William Procter Thomas, appointed 27th April, 1 82 J, vice Luxton^e. Died 29th Oct. 1850, aged 67. Frederic Bagot, i6th June 1851, vice William Proc- ter Thomas s7. TAUNTON. William Boreman held this stall in 1537*. John Garbrande held it in 1571. John Ferrour held it in 1578. Robert Creighton or Crichton, appointed nth Dec. 163288. Francis Atkins, appointed 1st Nov. 1660 89. William Fane, appointed 3rd Aug. 166 [9°. George Brush, appointed 30th March 1672^^. Charles Symes, appointed 27th Oct. 16799-2. Barber Bevans, appointed i8th July 17 lo^a. Edward Burton. The exact date of his appointment has not occurred, but he seems to have held it in 1723. Christopher Haslam, appointed 22nd Nov. 1754, vice Burton 94. Samuel Rogers, appointed 28th Nov. 1755, ^^^^ Has- lam 95. Edmund Lovell, appointed 20th Aug. 1767, vice Rogers 96. Ob. i8th July 1798. 8^ Bishops' Certificates. 88 Bishops' Certificates. 81 Ibid. 82 Ibid. 83 Ibid. 89 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 91 Ibid. 92 Ibid. 86 Ibid. 87 Ibid. 93 Ibid. 94 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 95 ibid. 96 ibid. PREBENDARIES. 195 George Trevelyan, appointed 8th Sept. 1798, vice Lovell97. John Turner, His appointment has not been found. Ob. 28th March 1817, aged 84. Thomas Wodehouse, appointed 3rd May 181 7, vice John Turner 9^ He died 32nd March 1840, aged 51 ; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Edmund Jones Crawley, 34th Aug. J840, vice Tho- mas Wodehouse 99. WANSTRAW. James Rogers held this stall in 1537*. William Jennens held it in 1546. John Beard held it in 1566. Philip Bisle held it in 3571. Robert Waltall(?) held it in 1572. Justinian Lancaster held it in 1584. John Rande held it in 1593. Anthony Madox held it in 1642 ; died in 1673. Edwyn Sandys, appointed 3nd Feb. 1673-4^ Richard Oliver, appointed 13th Nov. 1683-^. John Beauchamp, appointed i8thOct. 1689^. John Agate, appointed 14th Aug. 1717^. William Lucy, appointed 38th Oct. 1730^. Lawson Huddlestone, appointed 5th March 1723^. Samuel Squire, appointed 21st May 1743^. John Culliford, appointed ist June 1761, vice Squire^. Ob. 10th Jan. 1764. John Coles, appointed 36th June 1764, vice Culliford^. William Frederic Browne, appointed 24th May 1785, vice Coles^o. Ob. 17th Nov. 1837, aged 83; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. William Downes Willis, 20th Aug. 1840, vice Wil- liam Frederic Browne". ^7 Bishops' Certificates. 2 Bishops' Certificates. 98 Ibid. 99 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 4 ibid. & Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. ^ i\j\^ 7 ibid. 8 Ibid. 1 Bishops' Certificates. 9 ibid. 10 Ibid, n Ibid. € C 3 196 BATH AND WELLS. S. DECUMAN. Ralph of Gloucester occurs in izg^. John Giffard resigned in 1349. Benjamin Bernerd. Beknard Brocas held this prebend in 1349" and 1350^^ and also in 1366, Ralph Erghum died in 1409. Thomas Bubwyth succeeded in 1409. Thomas Shelford succeeded in 1419. William Resyns. Thomas Shillington succeeded in 1447. John Bradstone succeeded in 1450. John Pope held this stall in 1457. John Moreton, possessed it in 1475. Thomas Langton held it in 1478. Richard Fox held it in 1485. Henry Edsal or Edyal held it in 1487, and died in 1520. John Nase occurs in 1530 and 1537. John Clerke died possessed of it 1554. Giles Hilling succeeded in 1554; deprived in 1561. John Pratt held it in 1562. John Buller in 1573. Francis Godwin in 1586. Roger Good in 1590. Robert Earl succeeded in i6i6, and held it in 1642. John Sellick, appointed ist Aug. 1660'-^. Made arch- deacon of Bath in the following year. He died 30th June 16901^. Andrew Paschal instituted 23rd Dec. 1690'^. He was also chancellor of this cathedral and died in 169616. Marshall Brydges, appointed prebend of this stall, and also chancellor, 21st Oct. 1696 '7. John Pope, appointed 26th Aug. 17281^. 11 Pat. 23 Edw. III. 14 Bishops' Certificates. 12 Pat. 24 Edw. III. 15 Ibid. is Ibid. 13 Bishops' Certificates. 17 Ibid. is Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 197 Thomas Fokd, appointed 19th Jan. 1 730-1 1^. Edward Townshend, appointed 12th Feb. 1746-7, vice Ford^*^ Sir Thomas Bankes J'Anson, Bart., appointed 26th June 1765, vice Townshend^'. Charles Digby^ appointed 5th April 1799, ^^^® J'An- son'^'^. Thomas Kerrcck, appointed 8th Nov. 1811, vice Digby23. Charles Sandiford, appointed 2i8t Sept. 1812, vice Kerrick^^. Richard Watson, appointed 25th Aug. 1815, vice Sandiford 25. LYTTON. Thomas Bedell held this stall in 1537*. Richard Atkins held it in 1542. William Pye held it in 1553. Edward Haydon held it in 1555. William Stocke held it in 1560. Robert Earle held it in 1568. Thomas Woodyeates, appointed 22nd Oct. 16172". Thomas Walker, appointed 31st March 16302", Thomas Holt, appointed nth Dec. 16652^. Thomas Cheyney, appointed 25th March 168929. Escott Richards, appointed 23rd Oct. 1724-30. Robert Wilson, appointed 3rd July 1742, vice Rich- ards^i. Paul George Snow, appointed 4th May 1758, vice Wilson32. Thomas Camplin, appointed 25th July 1766, vice Snow 33. Cornelius Willes, appointed 12th April 1768, vice Thomas Oamphn^*. 19 Bishops' Certificates. 26 Bishops' Certificates. 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 29 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 25 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 32 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 33 Ibid. 34 ibid. 198 BATH AND WELLS. Charles Moss. The date of his appointment has not occurred. John Watson Beadon, appointed 3rd Aug. 1805, vice Moss-^^. He died in 1835; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. John Hothersall Finder, iSth Aug. 1840, vice John Watson Beadon ^^ CUMPTON DUNDON. Peter Vannes held this stall in 1537*. Nicholas Curteins (?) held it in 1547. Peter Vanner held it in [551. William Hyde held it in 1563. John Wolley held it in 1569. James Cottington held it in 1594. Richard Adams, appointed 12th Jan. 1616-7=^'. John Weston held it in 1634. Henry Byam, appointed 24th Sept. 1660^8. John Wood, appointed loth April 1669^9. Knightly Chetwood, appointed 25th May 1687^*^. John Meare, appointed 23rd Jan. 1702^'. William Hunt, appointed 26th May 1710^'^. Richard Eyre, appointed 29th Dec. 1711^^. Thomas Eyre, appointed 10th March 1720-1'*'*. Hastings Lloyd, appointed 6th July 1734, vice Tho- mas Eyre''^. William Wtlles, appointed 14th Oct. 1757, vice Hastings Lloyd ^^. Baptist Isaac, appointed 4th May 1761, vice Willes^7. Henry Owen, appointed 22nd Dec. 1772, vice Isaac^^. John Michell, appointed 2nd Nov. 1 795, vice Owen'i^. William Bowe, appointed 8th Nov. 1828, vice Michell^". This stall was vested in the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners in 1836. 35 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 36 Ibid. 42 Ibid. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 45 ijjid. 46 i^jd. 37 Bishops' Certificates. 47 ibid. 48 ibid. 38 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 40 Ibid. -^ Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 199 Robert William Lambert. William Gunning, 24th Aug. 1840, vice Robert Wil- liam Lambert ^^ YATTON. Thomas Leson held this stall in 1537*. Francis Mallet ocem's in 1544. Humphrey Cratford succeeded Mallet in 1560. John Wells held it in 1569. Thomas Aldridge held it in 1570. Sampson Newton held it in 1576. Richard Wood in 1587. George Downham held it in 1615. Stephen Berrier held it in 1627 ; also in 1640. Robert Creyghton, appointed 2nd April \66'j^'^ ; he died in 1734, having held this stall 67 years. Robert Wake succeeded in 1734. Henry Willes, appointed 19th Nov. 1757, vice Ro- bert Wake 5^. Died 8th Aug. 1772. John Wickens, appointed nth Feb. 1763, vice Henry Willes, resigned^^. Died i8th Feb. 1783, aged 77. Thomas Vincent, appointed 16th May 1783, vice Wickens ^^. Charles Moss, appointed 17th Aug. 1786, vice Vin- cent ^s. Thomas Eyre, appointed 20th Nov. 1797, vice Moss ^7. Died 26th March 1 8 1 2, aged 81. Edward Barnard, appointed i8th April 18 12, vice Eyre^s. Henry Watson Barnard, appointed 7th June 1817, vice Edward Barnard ^5. SHALFORD, alias SCAMFORDf. Walter de Burle held this stall in 1332. R. Aldrington in 1394. 51 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. ^^ Ibid. ^^ Ibid. •''2 Bishops' Certificates. ^9 Ibid. 53 Ibid. 54 Ibid, 55 Ibid. t Locally situate in Essex. 200 BATH AND WELLS. John Arundel held it in 1427 and 1432. John Pemberton in 1465 and 1475. Peter Capesley in 1503 and 15 17. Richard Clarkson in 1537. Thomas Stokes in 1541. John Nicholson in 1544. William Grimsby in 1554. William Beale in 1576. Thomas Price in 1579. William Stone in 1585. Henry Samson or Hewson in 1643. Henry Osbaston or Osbaldeston, appointed 21st Sept. 1 660 60. Thomas Cartwright, appointed 27th Aug. 1669 6^ William Durston, appointed 7th Aug. 1684 6-. Montague Woodam or Wood, appointed nth Oct. 17076^^. Richard Jenkins, appointed 5th Aug. 1741, vice Mon- tague Wood^^. Ob. 29th Sept. 1764. William Baily, appointed 20th Feb. 1765, vice Jen- kins 6^. Samuel Glasse. The date of his appointment does not appear. Died 27th April 181 2, aged 79. Thomas Kerrick, appointed 4th Sept. 1812, vice Glasse 66. Died loth May 1828, aged 81. WIVELSCOMBE. Robert de Hillum held this stall in 133067. Robert de Tauton, appointed 16th June 13326*^. Roger Donington held it in 13436^. William Kildesby, appointed 28th April 134570, John Chamber held this stall in 1537*. John Goodman held it in 1549. ^ Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Pat. 6 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 31. 61 Ibid. 62 Ibid. 69 Pat. 17 Ed. III. p. 2. m. 26. 63 Ibid. 64 Ibid. 70 Pat. 19 Edw. III. 65 Ibid. 66 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 67 Pat. 4 Ed. III. PREBENDARIES. 201 John Barlow, appointed 25th Sept. 1620"!. Thomas Westley, appointed 3rd Aug. i66o7-. Charles Thirlby, appointed 30th Sept. i66i73, Edward Waple, appointed 18th May i68o74. James Ashton, appointed 28th April 1682 7''. John Wells, appointed 19th July 169476. Elias Rebotier, 23rd Jan. 1719-2077. Paul George Snow, appointed 5th May 1766, vice Rebotier 7 8. Walker King, appointed 27th Sept. 1796, vice Snow79. Ob. 22nd Feb. 1827, aged 72. Charles Edmund Keene, appointed 9th March 1827, vice King 80. Richard a Court Beadon, i8th July 1833, vice Charles Edmund Keene ^i. COMPTON BISHOP. Edward Fox held this stall in 1537.* John Woodward held it in 1555 and 1561. John Bridgwater held it in 1572. William Forthe held it in 1.579. Philip Mahatt, appointed ist Jan. 1620-182. Thomas Peirs, appointed loth April 163583. Thomas Atkins held it 1642. Francis Standish, appointed 26th Nov. 1660 8^. Francis Atkins, appointed 22nd May 1 661 85. Robert Collier, appointed 22nd May 167286. Samuel Thomas, appointed 3rd Aug. 1681 87. John Trenchard, appointed 29th Sept. 169188, Anthony Horneck, appointed 28th Sept. 169489. Henry Makchal held it in 1697. John Robinson held it in 1 705. 71 Bishops' Certificates. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 72 Ibid. 73 Ibid. 82 Bishops' Certificates. 74 Ibid. 75 Ibid. 83 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 76 Ibid. '^^ Ibid. 85 Ibid. 86 ibid. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 87 Ibid. 88 IbJd. 80 Ibid. 81 Ibid. 89 Ibid. VOL. I. D d 202 BATH AND WELLS. Henry Hill, appointed 20th Juno 1709 9^. John Wynne, appointed 20th Feb. 1738, vice Hill 9', William Peirs, appointed 19th July 1746, vice Wynne 9"2. Francis Potter, appointed 8th June 1 749, vice Peirs ^^ William Blencowe, appointed loth Nov. 1758, vice Potter 9^. Frederick Beadon, appointed 26th May 1809, vice Blencowe 95. DULTINCOTE, alias FINGHERST. Robert Shorton held this stall in 1537.* William Thynne held it in 155 1. Richard Petre held it in 1557 and 1560. Walter Bayley held it in 1573. Richard Larke held it in 1580. William Whitelock held it in 1589. William Barker held it in 1606. John Younge held it in 1611. John Peirs, appointed T4th Sept. 1660 96. Gabriel Thislethwaite, appointed 15th Dec. 16709". Thomas Biggs, appointed 8th Feb. 1723-398, John Wickatedam or Wicksted, appointed 2nd Oct. 1735, vice Biggs 99. George Shakerley, 27th Sept. 1740, vice John Wick- sted'. David Symes, appointed i6th Dee. 1742, vice Sha- kerley^. Henry Willes, appointed 20th Sept. 1750, vice Synies^ l^HiLip Bearcroft, appointed 12th Nov. 1755, vice Willes^. Charles Willes, appointed 24th Oct. 1761, vice Bear- croft^. ^'0 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 91 Ibid. 92 ibi(] 97 Ibid. 9S Ibid. 93 Ibid. 94 Ibid. 99 Ibid. 1 Ibid. 95 Ibid. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. -i Ibid. * Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 203 William Jackson, appointed 4th Jan, 1 792, vice Willes^. Joshua Drury, appointed ist April 1812, vice Jackson^. Ob. 9th Jan. 1834. Robert Vanburgh Law, 5th July 1834, vice Joseph Drury ^. Charles Milman Mount, 2nd Aug. 1834, vice Robert Vanburgh Law, resigned^. An order in council was made 3otli Jan. 1850 for sub- stituting a money payment to the prebendary of Dal- tincote for the property of his prebend. WHITCHURCH. John Cleymond held this stall in 1537.* George Cappere held it in 1554. Henry Russell held it in 1581. John Harris was appointed 12th Feb. 1626-7'*^. James Wedderburne, appointed 26th May 163 1 ". Thomas Rowe, appointed 30th June 16381'^. William Peirs, appointed 30th March 16391-^. Henry Hampson, appointed 19th Sept. 1660^^. John Vannan, appointed 17th July 16651^. George Atwood, appointed 26th July 17 2 1^''. John Potter, appointed 20th Dec. 172617. Thomas Jenkins, appointed 25th May 1 739,vicePotteri'^. HenryWilles, appointed 15th Oct, 1 762, vice Jenkins'^. Theophilus Leigh,, appointed i6th Jan. 1773, vice Willes^o. John Gooch, appointed 26th Feb. 1784, vice Leigh-'. Ob. 14th July 1823. George May Coleridge, appointed 9th Aug. 1823, vice Gooch -2. Ob. 1847. Frederick Jeremiah Smith, 21st Oct. 1848, vice George May Coleridge '^■^. ^ Bishops' Certificates. ''^ Bishops' Certificates. 7 Ibid. 8 Ibid. 9 Ibid. 16 Ibid. '^ ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 1*^ Ibid. '^ Ibid. 10 Ibid. 11 Ibid. 12 Ibid. 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. '•' Ibid. 14 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. D d 2 204 BATH AND WELLS. COMBE (1st.) John Eye held this stall in 1537.* William Bisse, 24th Oct. i635"^^. John Carleil, ist Oct. 1661-^. Hammett Ward, 12th March i667"2''. Montague Woodam, 8th Sept. 1705-7. Martin Strong, 4th Nov. 1707-^. Robert Woodford, 29th Nov. 1720-^. Ob. ist May 1762, aged 87. Thomas Camplin, i8th June 1762, vice Woodford-^^. William Peter, 25th Nov. 1763, vice Camplin^i, George Grossman, 23rd Feb. 1799, vice Peter^^, Qb. 1st Nov. 1803. Thomas Morgan, appointed Jan. 1804, vice Crossman^^. Samuel Blackall, i6th Dec. 1826, vice Morgan^^. Ob. nth March 1842, aged 71 : and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Gray Horace Faithful, 22nd March 1842, vice Sa- muel Blackair^^ COMBE (2nd.) William Capon held this stall in i537.t John Swaddall, 6th Nov. 1632^^. Walter Raleigh, 20th March 1634— 5 ''7. Thomas Holt, i6th Oct. 1641-^". Robert Latimer, 8th April i666-*^. Morgan Jones, nth Sept. 1677^°. John Perry, 25th Nov. 1720^1. Francis Franklin, i8th March 1 727-8 ^^^ Thomas Alford, 9tli June J 738, vice Franklin^-^, John Walker, 28th Sept. 1742, vice Alford ^^. Ob, 15th Nov. 1780, aged 85. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 35 Bishops' Certificates. 2-1 Bishops' Certificates. f Valor Ecclesiasticus. 2S Ibid. '^^ Ibid. 36 Bishops' Certificates. ^7 Ibid. 28 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 38 Ibid. . 29 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 41 Ibid. 42 Ibid. 33 Ibid. 34 Ibid. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 205 Thomas Ireland, 26th Dec. 1780, vice Walker^^. John Williams, nth May 1792, vice Ireland^^, Thomas Abraham Salmon, 7th March 1798, vice Wil- liams^". Ob. 20th June 1822. Wadham Knatchbull, 19th July 1822, vice Salmon ^s. COMBE (3rd.) William Crekynge held this stall in 1.537.* Henry Crooke, nth Oct. 1627^^. Robert Paul, 27th Nov. 1 660-^0 Thomas Lessey, nth Aug. 1692^1. Thomas Camplin, i6th July 1726''-. Henry Mereweather, Henry Harris, 20th June 1751, vice Mereweather^^. William Baily, 30th May 1760, vice Harris ^^. John Prowse, 12th July 1765, vice Baily". Charles Thomas Barker, 22nd Aug. 1800, vice Prowse ^^. Thomas Williams, 8th Aug. 1812, vice Barker ^7, COMBE (4th.) Thomas Benet held this stall in i537.t Thomas Manne, 12th Sept. 1635 5*^. William Davis, 6th Feb. 1640-1^^. Robert Baskett, 19th Sept. 1660^^^. William Ridley, 29th Dec. 1664^*. David Thomas, loth July 170662. Henry Gapper, i8th March 1712-3^'^. Thomas Wickham, loth Aug. 1764, vice Gapper ^^. Ob. 2nd Dec. 1786. Henry Harrington, 1st May 1 787, vice Thomas Wick- hara^s. Ob. in 1791, aged 37. James Phillott, 25th May 1792, vice Harrington^^. •*-^ Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. -46 Ibid. 47 Ibid. 48 Ibid. 57 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. f Valor Ecclesiasticus. 4y Bishops' Certificates. ^8 Bishops' Certificates. 60 Ibid. 61 Ibid. 52 Ibid. 59 lb. 60 lb. 61 lb. 62 lb. 53 Ibid. 54 Ibid. 5.1 Ibid. 63 lb. 64 H). 6.i lb. 66 lb. 206 BATH AND WELLS. AValter Trevelyan, 29th July 1815, vice Phillott^^, Ob. 3rd Nov. 1830, aged 67. Charles Milman Mount, 27th Nov. i 830, vice Walter Trevelyan 6^. William Thomas Parr Brymer, 7th Aug. 1834, vice Charles Milman Mount s^. COMBE (5th.) William Highv^^ay held this stall in 1537.* Warne South, 9th Aug. 161 7^0. John Still, 4th May 1623^1. John Harvey, 15th May 1662^'-. Francis Prowde, 26th June 16947-^. William Gannett, ist Dec. 17 22 7^, Lionel Seaman, J4th Sept. 1749, vice Gannett^^. Duel Taylor, 8th Jan. 1753, ^^^^ Seaman^s. Phipps Weston, 24th Nov. 1767, vice Duel Taylor??. Thomas Fownes, nth March 1769, vice Weston?**. Ob. 3rd March 1808, aged 78. John Lukin, appointed in 1808. Ob. 15th Dec. 1846, aged 64. Harry Mengden Scarth, 25th March 1848, vice John Lukin 79. COMBE (6th.) William Stronge held this stall in 1537. f Gilbert Bowrne, 5th Feb. i6iy-j8^^. Thomas Crane, 28th Dec. 1619^1. John Knolles, 19th Aug. 1662^'^. Henry Dutton, 13th Aug. 1684*^3. Thomas Randolph, 5tli July 1695^^^. Samuel Catherall, 29th Aug. 1723**^ John Sanford, 14th May 1764, vice Catherall ^^. Ob. in 1774. ^7 Bishops' Certificates. '^^ Bishops' Certificates. «« Ibid. 69 Ibid. 78 ibid. 79 ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. f Valor Ecclesiasticus. 70 Bishops' Certificates. ^o Bishops' Certificates. 71 Ibid. 72 Ibid. 7;^ Ibid. SI Ibid. 82 ibid. sa ibid. 7-i Ibid. 75 Ibid. 76 Ibid. »4 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 8fi Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 207 Charles Digby, 13th Dec. 1774, vice Sanford ^7. Edward Willes, 1 ith May J 799, vice Digby ^'^. Edward Aislabie Ommanney, J2th Feb. 1848, vice Edward Willes «5. COMBE (7th.) Thomas Parham held this stall in 1537.* John Willis, 20th April 1624 9^. Thomas Cartwrighte, 21st Sept. i66o^^ JofiN Lonsdale, 10th Sept. 1 66992. Joseph Shallett, 4th May 1674^3. John Davis, 28th Oct. 1704 9^. Francis Warre, nth Feb. 17 13-4 9^. John Rogers, 30th June 171856. Timothy Collins, 3rd June 1729, vice Rogers^'. Ob. 7th May 1766. William Hawkins, 7th March 1767, vice Collinses. Charles Moss, 3rd Aug. 1801, vice Hawkins ^9. Roger Frankland, 19th Oct. 181 1, vice Mossi. Ob. 1826, aged 64. Miles Bland, i8th April 1826, vice Frankland 2. COMBE (8th.) John Coale held this stall in i537.t Edward Abbott, i6th March 1617-18^. Sebastian Smith, 9th March 1634—5^. Roger Ley, 9th Sept. 1665 \ James Farwell, nth Sept. 16656. John Randall, 9th Jan. 1667-87. Thomas Kerswell, 30th July 1679^. Francis Cradock, 17th Feb. 1687—85. Eldrige Aris seems to have succeeded Cradoek. John Wicksted, 1 6th June 1730^". 87 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 83 Ihid. 89 Ibid. i'9 ibid. 1 Ibid. 2 ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. f Valor Ecclesiasticus. 90 Bishops' Certificates. ^ Bishops' Certificates. 91 Ibid. 92 Ibid. 93 Ibid. ^ Ibid. 5 Ibid. 94 Ibid. 95 Ibid. fi Ibid. 7 Ibid. y^' Ibid. 97 Ibid. 8 Ibid. 9 Ibid. 10 Ibid. 208 BATH AND WELLS. John Boswel, loth April 1736, vice Wicksted^^ Barnabas Smith, 3rd June 1757, vice BoswelP"^. Thomas Bankes J'Anson, 6th June 1760, vice Smith 1^. Thomas Eyre, 18th Oct. 1765, vice J'Ansoni*. Aaron Abraham Baker, 3rd Feb. 1798, vice Eyre^\ Ob. 1 8th Dec. 1814. Charles Henry Pulsford, 5th Jan. 1815, vice Baker^*^. He died in 1841, aged 58; and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Edward Tottenham, 27th Feb. 1841, vice Charles Henry Pulsford ^'. COMBE (9th.) Helesius Bodley held this stall in 1537.* Robert Withers, 24th Sept. 16191*^. Robert Aish, 17th Nov. 16251^. I Charles Thirlby, 30th Oct. 1660'-^. John Newman, 25th Oct. 1661^1. Christopher Coward, ist Oct. 1664^'^. Edmund Arches, 22nd April i699-'^. Edward Morse, 4th Sept. 17132^. William Chette, nth Aug. 1716". John Taswell, i 8th June 1723-^. Henry Sampson, 9th Nov. 1736-^, vice Taswell. Thomas Bateson, 4th June 1773, vice Sampson^s. John Langhorne. Nathaniel Morgan, 17th July 1779, vice Langhorne^^. George Henry Templer, 13th May 1811, vice Mor- gan-^o. Ob. 8th April 1849, ^E^^^ ^7- George Anthony Denison, 28th April 1849, ^^^® George Henry Templer 3i. 11 Bishops' Certificates. 22 Bishops' Certificates. 12 Ibid. 13 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 14 Ibid. 15 Ibid. 25 Ibid. 26 Ibid. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 29 ibid. 30 ibid, 15 Bishops' Certificates. 3' Ibid. 19 Ibid. 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 209 Thomas George James, 14th Oct. 1851, vice George Anthony Denison^^. COMBE (10th.) Edmund Nowell held this stall in 1537*. John . . . cament, 26th Dec. 1618^^. Paul Clement, 14th Feb. 1663-43^. John Whitehand, 14th March 1700-13^. Thomas Iliffe, i8th Nov. 17043^. John Pemberton, 27th March 1712-^". John Rio, 13th Nov. 1716-^^. Roger Humphreys, 2nd March 17 27-8 ■'^9. Richard Jenkins, 1st March 1738-9, viceHumphreys^o, Timothy Lockitt, 22nd Sept. 1741, vice Jenkins^i. John Jenkins, 26th June 1779, vice Lockitt^^, Alexander Fovsnes Luttrell, ] ith March 1780^^ vice Jenkins, William Giningham, 21st Jan. 1817, vice Luttrell^^. Ob. 2nd March 1838, and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Jonathan James Toogood, 22nd Sept. 1840, vice Wil- liam Giningham^''. COMBE (11th.) Richard Trobelfyld held this stall in 1537!. Edward Abraham, ist July 1622^^. Thomas Willis, 28th Nov. i66o^7. Wyx Huntley, 7th Feb. i68o-r>8. Samuel Coopey, 13th May 1727^^. John Coles, 14th Dec. 1750, vice Ooopey^^. Arthur Hele, 23rd Oct. 1764, vice Coles'*'. Ob. 1778, Edward Hawkins, 5th Oct. 1778, vice Hele^^, Edward Edgell, 21st Oct. 1806, vice Hawkins ^■^. ^2 Bishops' Certificates. « Bishops' Certificates. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. '^ Ibid. 45 i^id. ^3 Bishops' Certificates. f Valor Ecclesiasticus. 34 Ibid. 35 Ibid. 46 Bishops' Certificates. 36 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 47 Ibid. 48 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 49 Ibid. 50 Ibid. 4" Ibid. 41 Ibid. 42 Ibid. o\ Ibid. 52 Ibid. 5.3 IbM. VOL. I. E 6 210 BATH AND WELLS. COMBE (12th.) John Beckeham held this stall in 1537*. Thomas Woodyeates, 24th Jan. 1606-7 ^'*. William Gay, 12th Dec. 16 17". Thomas Elliott, 15th Feb. 1696-75^. John Jenkins, loth Nov. i704"'7. Francis White, i6th Oct. 1731, vice Jenkins''^. John Baily, 1 ith July 1733^^. John Chapman, 22nd Oct. 1757^^, vice Baily. Richard Nicholl, i8th Aug. J 786, vice ChapmanSi. James William Hoskins, 24th March 1813, vice Nicholl ^'^. Ob. 1844, aged 84, and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. John Edwin TiANCE, 21st Sept. 1844, vice Hoskins 6^. COMBE (13th.) Reginald Banbryge held this stall in i537t. John Harris, 29th June 1622^*. Thomas Tucker, i6th April 16276^. Thomas Staumford, 9th Nov. 1660^^. Edward Hitch man, 9th Nov. 1668^'. Abraham Allen, 5th Nov. i672 6«. Henry Alleyne, 4th Jan. 1680-1^9. Edward Johnson, 2nd Dec. 172070. Samuel Hood, 14th Dec. 1736, vice Johnson^'. Thomas Sedgwick Whalley, 22nd Aug. 1777, vice Hood 7-2. Charles Abel Moysey, 1st Feb. 1826, vice Whalley 7^. Charles Crooke, 6th Oct. 1 832, vice Charles Abel Moy- sey 7*. Ob. 2nd Dec. 1837, aged 49, when this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Thomas Lamplugh Wolley, 5th Dec. 1840, vice Charles Crooke75. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 6^ Bishops' Certificates. •^^ Bishops' Certificates. 65 j^id. ^^ Ibid. 55 Ibid. 56 Ibid. 67 Ibid. 68 Ibid. 57 Ibid. 58 Ibid. 69 Ibid. 70 Ibid. 59 Ibid. 60 Ibid. 71 Ibid. 72 Ibid. 61 Ibid. 62 Ibid. 63 Ibid. 7.'} Ibid. 74 Jbid. t Valor Ecclesiasticus. "5 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 211 COMBE (14th.) Richard Pycott held this stall in 1537*. Thomas Tucker, 4th July 1 6277^. Richard West, 2Tst April 166477. John Wells, 19th July 16927^. Ralph Barker, nth Aug. 169479. Hugh Waterman, 7th July 1708^0^ William Hudleston, 5th Aug. 1746, vice Water- man ^^i. William Fewtrell, 23rd May 1754, vice Hudleston ^2. Joseph Paine, 12th May 1777, ^^^® Fewtrell ^3. John Bishop, 19th Aug. 1786, vice Paine ^*. Francis Warre, 29th Aug. 1833, ^^^® Bishop s^. COMBE (15th.) Anthony Barbour held this stall in J537t- Roger Wood, 12th Nov. 1638 **^ Richard Merry, 2i8t Sept. 1660 ^7, Oliver Galhampton, 8th Nov. 1661^^. Nathaniel Selleck, 22ud Nov. 1677 **9. Robert Kingford, 27th Dec. 1700*^". Edward Wotton, 29th Oct. 1705^1. Henry Mills, 17th Oct. 1712'^-. George Jaques, 28th Sept. 1744, vice Mills^J. William Keate, 31st May 1773, vice Jaques 9^. Ob, 14th March 1795. Walker King, 8th May 1794, vice Keate 95. Thomas Casberd, 26th Oct. 1796, vice Walker King^^. He died 13th Oct. 1843, and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Richard John Meade, 27th March 1844, vice John Thomas Casberd 97. * Valor Ecclesiasticus. 86 Bishops' Certificates. 76 Bishops' Certificates. 87 ibid. 88 ibid. 77 Ibid, 78 Ibid. 89 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 80 Ibid. 91 Ibid. 92 Ibid. 81 Ibid. 82 Ibid. 93 Ibid. 94 Ibid. 83 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 95 Ibid. 96 Ibid. t Valor Ecclesiasticus. 97 ibid. E e 2 BRISTOL. 1 HIS bishopric was erected 4th June 1542, by letters patent of that date ^ . The diocese was made out of those of Sahsbury, Wor- cester, and Wells ; from the first the county and archdeaconry of Dorset were taken ; from Worcester the several parishes in the county of Gloucester, locally situated in the city of Bristol ; and from Wells three churches and chapels also in the city of Bristol. The cathedral had a dean, six prebendaries or major canons, six minor canons, Sec The see of Bristol (with certain exceptions) was united with that of Gloucester in October 1836 by act of parliament pursuant to the recommendation of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. BISHOPS. 54a Paul Bushe, S.T.B., last rector of the college of Bon- I I.VIII. Jiommes at Edington in Wiltshire, was nominated as the first bishop of this see in the charter above men- tioned ; and the temporalities were given to him 16th June 1542, on which day the archbishop of Canter- bury was desired to consecrate him ^ ; and that cere- mony was accordingly performed 25th June, in the parish church of Hampton^, He resigned his bishop- ric to queen Mary in 1554^. He died nth Oct. 1 Pat. 34 Hen. VIII. p. 10. m. 3 Rgg. Cranm. fol. 285. 26. 2 ibjd. p_2. m. 14. •* Pat. I Mary, p. 7. m. 34. 214 BRISTOL. 1558, and was buried in Bristol cathedral^. A license to elect a bishop in the room of Paul Bushe issued 19th March 1553-4^; but it does not seem to have been acted on, as another license was sent to the dean and chapter 25th Oct. following". 1554 John HoLYMA}i,S.T.P..i'ormer]y a monk of JReadinp^was 1&2P.&M. elected, and received the royal assent loth Nov. 1554*'. He was consecrated in the bishop of London's chapel ^ on the 1 8 th, and obtained the temporalities on the 28th of the same month '^^ jje died 20th Dec. 1558, and was buried in the church of Hamborough in Ox- fordshireii. After the death of bishop Holyman the see of Bristol was vacant upwards of three years. 1562 Richard Cheyney, bishop of Gloucester, obtained the 4 Eliz, Queen's permission to hold the see of Bristol in com- mendam with his own of Gloucester 29th April 1562^^, and accordingly he took the administration of this bishopric 3rd May following, and held them both during his life. He died 25th April 1579, and was buried in Gloucester cathedral. Both sees xvere vacant about two years after the death of bishop Cheyney. 1581 John Bullingham, archdeacon of Huntingdon, was ap- 23 Eliz. pointed by the Queen in i 581 to hold the see of Bris- tol with that of Gloucester. He was consecrated 3rd Sept. 158x^2*. He resigned Bristol in 1589, in which year her Majesty nominated ^-^ 1589 RicHARB Fletcher, S.T.D., dean of Peterborough ; 32 Eliz, •^ Ex Epitaph. Hie jacet Do- § Ibid, minus Paulus Bussh, primus hu- ^ Virtute literarum Dec. et Cap. jus ecclesise Episcopus, qui obiit Cantuar. dat. i6th Nov. Reg. II die Octobris A. D. 1558, Cantuar. setatis suae 68, &c. His will is 10 Pat. i & 2 Phil. & Mar. p. i. in Reg. Well. fol. 3. in Cur. m. 26. Prerog. Lond. and dated 25th n His will is in Reg. Well. fol. Sept. 1558 : it was proved ist 38. in Cur. Prerog. Lond. Dec. following. '- Reg. Parker, fol. 22. 6 Pat. I Mar. p. i. m. 24. i-* Reg. Grindal, fol. 70. 7 Pat. I & 2 Phil. & Mar. p. i . ^^ Her Majesty issued her con- m. 26. ge d'elire 23rd Oct. 1589. BISHOPS. 215 and he was elected 13th Nov. 1589, confirmed 12th Dec, and consecrated on the 14th of the same raonth^^- He was enthroned 3rd Jan. following. He was trans- lated to Worcester in 1592. The see having been void, after the translation of bishop Fletcher, about ten years, a conge d'elire issued 23rd May 1603^^, ^^ pursuance of which 603 John Thornborough, bishop of Limerick mid dean of Jac. I. Yorh^^, was elected to Bristol 30th May 1603. He obtained the royal assent to his election 4th Julyi7, and was confirmed on the 12th of the same month ^^. The temporalities were 'restored to him 12th Aug. '9, and he was enthroned on the 23rd of the same month ; on 25th Jan. 1616-17 he was translated to Worcester. A conge d'elire on the promotion of bishop Thorn- borough issued 27th Feb. 1616— 172^, in pursuance of which 617 Nicholas Felton, S.T.T)., president of Pembroke Hall, Jac. I. Cambridge, was elected 4th March 16 16-17, and had the royal assent 9th June-^. He was confirmed 13th Dec. following and consecrated the next day"-^, but the temporalities were not restored to him till 9th Jan. 16 17-18 -3. He was translated to Ely in 1619-^'*. The license to elect a successor to bishop Felton issued 12th March 1618-J925, in pursuance of which 619 Rowland Searchfield, S.T. B., was elected 18th Jac. I. March 16)8-19, ^"^ received the royal assent 20th April^e. He was confirmed 7thMayi6i9; consecrated on the 9th -7, and obtained the temporalities on the 28th of the same month ■-^. He died nth Oct. 1622, and was buried in Bristol cathedral ^^9. 14 Reg. Whitg. fol. 62. 21 ibid. No. 2. 15 Pat. I Jac. I. p. 8. 22 Reg. Abbot, fol. 96. 16 He held the deanery in com- 23 p^t. 15 Jac. I. p. 25. N^. i. mendam after his translation. 24 Reg. Abbot, fol. 138. 17 Pat. I Jac. I. p. 8 ; ib. p. -^ Pat. 16 Jac. I. p. 14. No. 6. 18. m. 3; ib. p. 12. in dorso. 26 p^t. i^ Jac. I. p. 14. No. 5. '8 Reg. Whitg. pars iii. fol. 72. 27 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 22. '9 Pat. 1 Jac. I. p. 8. 28 Pat. 17 Jac. I. p. 14. No. 4. 20 Pat. 15 Jac. I. p. 25. No. 3. 29 Ex Epitaphio. 216 BRISTOL. 1623 Robert Wright, S.T.P., warden of Wadham college, 2iJac. I. Oxford^ was elected 28th Jan. 1622-3, confirmed 2i8t March^ and consecrated at Lambeth •^'^ on the 23rd of the same month -^^ The temporahties were restored to him 4th April ^-, and he was enthroned 5th May. He was translated to Lichfield in 1632. 1633 George Coke or Cooke, S.T.P., was elected bishop of 8 Car. I. Bristol 28th Nov. 1632, confirmed 6th Feb. 1632-3, consecrated at Lambeth on the loth of the same month ^^, and enthroned 8th March, hi 1636 he was translated to Hereford. The conge d¥lire vice bishop Coke issued 8th July 1636-^' ; in pursuance of which 1637 Robert Skinner, S.T.P., was elected 26th July 1636, 12 Car. I. and the royal assent was given to his election 3rd Sept. following-^^. He was confirmed 14th Jan. 1 636-7^ and consecrated the next day 3^. The temporalities were restored to him on the 20th of the same month ^7^ and he was enthroned 13th Feb. He was translated to Oxford in 1641. 1642 Thomas Westfield, S.T.P., archdeacon of St. Allan's, 17 Car. I. succeeded Robert Skinner in the bishopric of Bristol ; was consecrated 26th June 1642-^'*, and enthroned on the 28th of the same month. He died 25th June 1644, and was buried in Bristol cathedral near the remains of bishop Bushe-^^. 1644 Thomas Howell, S.T.D., was nominated in July 1644, 20 Car. I. and soon afterwards consecrated at Oxford -^9, He was enthroned 12th April 1645, and died in 1646, and was buried in his cathedral. On the death of bishop Howell, Samuel Collins, provost of King's college, Cambridge, was offered the see, but he declined it ; and subsequently it was offered to 30 Camd. Annal. Jac. I. ^'^* There is some doubt about 31 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 85. thedateof this prelate' sconsecra- 3^ Pat. 21 Jac. I. p. 27. No. I. tion, as no record of it is now •^^ Reg. Abbot, pars iii. fol. 90. extant. 34 Pat. 12 Car. I. p. 5. No. 3. 38 Ex Epitaphio. 35 Ibid. No. 2. 39 He is said to have been 36 Reg. Laud, pars i. fol. 66. consecrated by archbishop Usher 37 Pat. 12 Car. I. p. 5, N". i. in Aug. 1644. BISHOPS. 217 Richard Holdsworth, late master of Emanuel college, Cambridge ; afterwards Thomas Powell, precentor of Llandaff, was nominated to the bishopric of Bristol by king Charles II ; but he refused it on account of ill health, and died 31st Dec. 1660, and was buried in the church of St. Dunstan in the West, London. After the see had been void upwards of fourteen years, 1661 Gilbert Ironside, S.T.P., was elected J4th Dec. 1660, 2 Car. 11. and confirmed on the 24th of the same month; he was consecrated in the chapel of Henry VII, Westminster, 13th Jan. 1660-61-^^-', and enthroned on the 17th of that month. He died 19th Sept. 167 1, and was buried in Bristol cathedral. 1672 Guy Carleton, S.T.P., dean of Carlisle, was elected 4 Car. II. 20th Dec. 1671 ; confirmed 20th Jan. 1671—2, and consecrated in Westminster abbey nth Feb.^o. jje was translated to Chichester in Jan. 1678-9. 1679 William Gulston, S.T.P., was elected i6th Jan. I Car. II. 1678-9, and consecrated 9th Feb.^i He died 4th April 1684, and was buried at Symondsbury in Dor- setshire, of which rectory he was the patron ^2. His will is in the Prerogative office, London ^3. 1684 John Lake^^, hishop of Sodor and Man, was translated 7 Car. II. to Bristol 1 2th Aug. 1684^% and promoted to Chi- chester in the following year. 1685 Sir Jonathan Trelawney, bart., was consecrated 2 Jao. I. bishop of Bristol 8th Nov. 1685^6^ and translated to Exeter in 168947. 39 Reg. Juxon. fol. 245. it at first, he lost it, though he ^0 Reg. Sheld. fol. 96. was desirous of it afterwards. '*i Reg. Saner, fol. 51. Note by bishop Kennet in the •12 No stone or monument Middle Hill copy of Le Neve. commemorates him, but in the -is Lloyd. 160. parish register is this entry : -J-t After the death of bishop " William lord bishop of Bristol Gulston, the see was offered to was buried April i8th 1684."— Mr. Thomas Long. After his death, this see was of- '^^ Reg. Saner, fol. 8x. fered to Mr. Thomas Long pre- ^ Ibid. fol. 142. bendary of Exeter ; but scrupling ^' Church Book, Home Office, voi,. 1. F f 218 BRISTOL. 1689 Gilbert Ironside, S.T.P., warden ofWadham college, iW. &M. Oxford, the second bishop of Bristol bearing those names, was consecrated at Fulham 13th Oct. 1689^8, and translated to Hereford in 1 69 1 . 1 69 1 John Hall, S.T.P., master of PembroJce college, Oxford"^^, 3W. &3I. and Margaret professor of theology, was consecrated bishop of Bristol at Bow church by the archbishop of Canterbury 30th Aug. 1691^^. He died 4th Feb. J 709-10 at Pembroke college, Oxford; and was buried at Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, setat, 77 ^^. 1 7 10 .John Robinson, S.T.P., dean of Windsor^ was norai- 9 Anne, nated 19th Oct. 1710, and received the royal assent 8th Nov.'^2. he was consecrated 19th Nov.'''^, received the temporalities the next day, and was enthroned 7th Feb. following. He was translated to London in August 1713^4^ 17 14 George Smalridge, S).T. I*., dean of Christ Church, Ox- 13 Anne, ford, was cousecrated at Lambeth 4th April 1714'^^ He died on Sunday 27th Sept. 17 19, and was buried in Christ Church, Oxford. 17 19 Hugh Boulter, archdeacon of Surrey, was nominated 6 Geo. I. 15th Oct. 1719, and received the royal assent 6th Nov. ; he was confirmed at Bow church on Saturday 14th Nov., consecrated 15th Nov.^^, and he received the temporalities the next day. In 1723 he was trans- lated to the archbishopric of Armagh. 1724 William Bradshaw, dean of Christ Church, Oxford, was II Geo. I. nominated 29th Aug. 1724 bishop of Bristol, and re- ceived the royal assent 7th Oct. ; he was consecrated 18th Oct. '^7, and the temporalities were restored 48 London Gazette and Reg. ^^ Ex Epitaphio. Suspens. Saner, fol. 18. ^2 Church Book, Home Office. 49 He obtained a royal dispen- ^^ B.Qg. Tenison. H. fol. 65. sation to hold the nriastership of ^4 Church Book, Home Office. Pembroke college in commen- ^^ Reg. Tenison. H. fol. 128. dam. 56 Reg. Wake I. fol. 64. ^0 London Gazette and Reg. -^7 Reg. Wake IL fol. 236. Tillots. fol. 83. I BISHOPS. 219 to him the next day. He died at Bath ]6th Dec. 1732, and was buried there, in the 60th year of his age. 1733 Charles Cecil was nominated 17th Jan. 1732-3, and 6 Geo. II. consecrated at Bow church by the bishop of London 25th Feb.^^. He was translated to Bangor in 1734. 1735 Thomas Secker, a prebendary of Durham, was nomi- 8 Geo. II. nated in Dec. 1 734 ; confirmed at Bow church 1 8th Jan., and consecrated 19th Jan. 1734-5^^. He was translated to Oxford in 1 737 ^^. 1737 Thomas Gooch, master of Gonoille and Gams college, 1 Geo. II. Cambridge, w^B nominated 17th May 1737, and re- ceived the royal assent i st June ; he was consecrated bishop of Bristol on the i2ih.^^, and the temporalities were restored to him i6th June. In the following year he was translated to Norwich 6^. 1738 Joseph Butler, dean of St. Paul's, London, was nomi- 2 Geo. II. nated 19th Oct. 1738, received the royal assent 10th Nov., and was consecrated 3rd Dec.^-^. The tempo- ralities were restored to him on the 1 2th of the same month. He was translated to Durham in 1750^^. 1750 John Coneybeare, dean of Christ Church, was nomi- 4 Geo. II. nated 14th Nov. 1750, and elected on the 30th of that month. The royal assent was given to his elec- tion 6th Dec. ; he was confirmed 22nd Dec, and con- secrated the next day^""; the temporalities were restored to him i8th Jan. following <^'^. Ob. 13th July 1755. 1756 John Hume, a canon residentiary of St. PauVs, was 9 Geo. II. elected 18th May 1756, pursuant to the King''s no- mination in the conge d'elire of loth May 1756. The royal assent was given to his election on the 21st of that month ; he was confirmed 4th June, and conse- crated 4th July ^7^ and the temporalities were re- 58 Reg. Wake fol. 117. 63 Reg. Potter, fol. 68. 59 Ibid. fol. 163. w Church Book, Home Office. *'*^ Church Book, Home Office. "^ Reg_ Herring, fol. 142. 61 Reg. Potter, fol. 32. '^^ Church Book, Home Office. ^2 Church Book, Home Office. ''" Reg. Herring, fol. 244. Ff2 220 BRISTOL. stored to him 7th July. He was translated to Oxford in the year ly^S*^^. 1758 Philip Yonge, a canon residentiary/ of St. PauVs, was 31Gco.lI. nominated 6th June 1758, elected on the 17th of the same month, and the royal assent given to his election on the 19th. He was confirmed 28th June, and con- secrated the next day^^; the temporalities were re- stored to him 3rd July following, and he was translated to Norwich in 1761. 1 761 Thomas Newton, prebendary of Westminster and dean I Geo. III. of 8t. PauVs., was elected 8th Dec. 1761, confirmed on the 34th, and consecrated on the 28th of the same month 70. He died 14th Feb. 1782, setat. 77. 1782 Lewis Bagot, dean of Christ Church., Oxford, was nomi- 22 Geo. III. nated 23rd Feb. 1782, and elected 4tli March; he had the royal assent 13th March, was confirmed on the 6th April, and consecrated 7th April "i, and the re- storation of the temporalities was on the nth April. The letters patent are dated 25th March. He was translated to Norwich in June 1783. 1 783 Christopher Wilson, a prebendary of Westminster, was 23 Geo. III. nominated 14th June 1783, elected 21st June, and received the royal assent on the 24th of the same month : he was confirmed 4th July, and consecrated 6th July"-. The temporalities were restored to him 9th July"-^. He died i8th April 1792, retat. 78. 1792 Spencer Mad an, a canon residentiary of Lichfield., was 33 Geo. III. nominated 2nd May 1792, elected the 12th, and received the royal assent on the 14th of the same month. He was confirmed 26th May, and consecrated 3rd June7+. The temporalities were restored to him 7 th June following, and he was translated to Peter- borough in 17947''. 68 Church Book, Home Office. 72 Reg. Moore, fol. 52. 69 Reg. Seeker, fol. 30. 73 Church Book, Home Office. 70 Reg. Seeker, fol. 164. "^ Reg. Moore, fol. 258. '' Reg. Cornwalhs. fol. 352. '•'' Church Book, Home Office, BISHOPS. 221 1794 Henry Reginald Courtenay, a prebendary of Ro- 34600.111. Chester, was nominated 31st March 1794, and elected I ith April. He received the royal assent to his elec- tion 12th April, was confirmed 8th May, and conse- crated the iith"^. The temporalities were restored to him 14th May, and he was translated to Exeter in 1797- 1797 FoLLioT Herbert Walker Cornwall, dean of Can- j7Geo.III. terhiiry^ was nominated 10th March 1797, elected 25th March, and received the royal assent on the 28th of ths same month. He was confirmed 8th April, con- secrated the 9th' 7, and the temporalities were restored to him 13th April. He was ti'anslated to Hereford in 1803. 1803 Hon. George Pelham was nominated 3rd Feb. 1803, ^3Geo.III. elected 16th Feb., and received the royal assent to his election on the 19th of the same month. He was con- firmed 19th March, and consecrated 27th March "^. The temporalities were restored to him ist April fol- lowing. He was translated to Exeter in 1807"^. 1807 John Luxmoore, dean of Gloucester, was nominated 1 2th 7Geo.III. Aug. 1807^*^, elected 21st Aug., received the royal assent 2nd Sept. He was confirmed i8th Sept., and consecrated 4th Oct.*^! The temporalities were re- stored to him on the 7th of the same month ^2 fje was translated to Hereford in 1808. 1808 William Lort Mansel was nominated 23rd Aug. iGeo.III. J 808, elected 3rd Sept., and the royal assent was given to his election 5th Sept. He was confirmed 8th Oct., and consecrated the 30th ^3; the temporahties were restored to him 3rd Nov. He died 27th June 1820, setat. 69. 1820 John Kaye, master of Christ college, Cambridge, and iGeo.lv. regius professor of divinity in that college, was nomi- 76 Reg. Moore, fol. 312. ^0 Church Book, Home Office. 77 Ibid. fol. 325. 81 Reg. Sutton. 78 Ibid. fol. 438. 82 Church Book, Home Office. 79 Church Book, Home Office. 83 Reg. Sutton. vol. I. 222 BRISTOL. nated ist July 1820, elected 17th July, and received the royal assent on the i8th. He was confirmed 29th July, and consecrated 30th July^^^ and received the temporalities on the 31st of the same month. He was translated to Lincoln in 1827. 1827 Robert Gray was nominated 2nd March 1827, elected 8Geo.IV. 9th March, and received the royal assent on the loth of the same month. He was confirmed 23rd, and consecrated 23th March. He died 28th Sept. 1834, setat 70. 1834 Joseph Allen was nominated 13th Oct. 1834, and 5Wm.IV. elected 24th Oct. The royal assent to his election was given 28th Oct. He was confirmed 5th Dec, and con- secrated 7th Dec, and the temporalities were restored to him 15th Dec following. He was translated to Ely in June 1836. This dioceses'^ was united with Gloucester (on the promotion of Dr. Allen to Ely) by order in council, gazetted 7th Oct. 1836. This bishopric was rated for first fruits at 327?. 55.7^^3^ The arms of this see are thus blazoned : Sable, three ducal crowns, in pale, or. DEANS. William Snow, last prior ofBradenstohe,v!SiS appointed the first dean of Bristol by the charter of erection, dated 4th June 1542 *^6. John Whiteheare or Whythere, S.T.B., was pre- ss Reg. Sutton. setshire was also abstracted and 84 The portion of the diocese made part of Sahsbury. The re- ef Bristol locally situated in the maining part of the diocese was county of Dorset was abstracted united with that of Gloucester at 8th Oct. 1836, and part of it the same time, placed in the diocese of Salis- •'^ Ecton, p. 35. bury and part in that of Exeter : ^6 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748. the parish of Holwell in Somer- DEANS. 223 sented 26th July 155 1, and instituted and installed ist Oct. 1551'^^ George Carew, S.T.P., was installed 5th Nov. 1552, and was deprived in iS53- Henry Jolliffe, S.T.B., was installed 9th Sept. 1554, and was deprived in 1558. George Carew was restored loth Nov. 1559, and re- signed in 1570, on being made dean of Exeter. John Sprint, S.T.P., archdeacon of Wilts, was admitted 16th Feb. 1570-71, and died in 1590^8. Anthony Watson, S.T.B., was presented i6th April 1590, and installed 21st July following. In 1596 he was made bishop of Chichester ^9, but he held this deanery in comraendam until 1597- Simon Robson, S.T.P., succeeded 21st April 1598. He was installed loth Oct. following. He died in May or June 1617^'^. Buried in Bristol cathedral. Edward Chetwynd, S.T.P., was elected ]6th June^i and installed 26th July 161 7. He died 13th May 1639, and was buried in the cathedral. Matthew Nicholas, LL.D., was installed 22nd June 1639, and in 1660 was made dean of St. Paul's, London. Henry Glemham, S.T.P., was instituted 28th July 1 660 9-, and installed 14th Sept. following 5^; in 1667 he was made bishop of St. Asaph '^^. Richard Towgood, S.T.B., was instituted ist May 1667, and died 23rd April 1683, petat. 89, and was buried in Bristol cathedral. Samuel Crossman, S.T.B., succeeded about ist May 1683; instituted ist July; he died 4th Feb. the year following 9\ and was buried in Bristol cathedral, setat. 59. 87 Lib. Cap. 92 Bishops' Certificates. 88 Reg. Grindal. 93 ibid. 89 Reg. Whitg. 2. 94 Reg. Juxon. 90 Ibid. 3. 90 Coll. Kennet. 91 Camd. Annals. 224 BRISTOL. Richard Thompson, S.T.P., was installed i2tli Feb. 1683-496. He died 29th Nov. 1685, and was buried in the cathedral. William Levett, S.T.P., was instituted in Dec. 1 685 97 J and installed 10th Jan. 1685-6, and died loth Feb. 1 693-49**, setat. 50. George Royse, S.T.P., was instituted the 7th, and installed loth March 1693-499. He died in April 1708, and was buried in Oriel college chapel, Oxford. Robert Boothe, S.T.P., was instituted the 15th, and installed 20th June 1708^ He died 7th Aug. 1730. Samuel Creswick, 5th Sept. 1730-. Made dean of Wells 22nd Nov. 1739-^ Ob. 15th Feb. 1746. Thomas Chamberlayne, 19th Dec. I739^ vice Sa- muel Creswick resigned on being made dean of Wells. Ob. 15th Sept. 1757. William Warburton, 15th Oct. 1757^. Promoted to the bishopric of Gloucester 22nd Dec. 1759. Samuel Squire, 13th June 1760''. Francis Ayscough, 30th May 17617. Ob. 16th Aug. 1763. CuTTs Barton, 19th Oct. 1763^. Ob. loth Dec. 1780. John Hallam, 22nd Feb. 17819. Appointed canon of Windsor. Charles Peter Layard, appointed in March iHoo^*^. Ob. nth April 1803, setat. 55. Bowyer Edward Sparke, 21st May 1803 i^. John Parsons, 5th Feb. 181012. Henry Beeke, D.D., 30th Dec. 18131^. Ob. 9th March 1837, setat. 86. 96 Reg. Dec. et Capit. -1 Bishops' Certificates. ^7 Bishops' Certificates. •'' Ibid. ^ Ibid. !>8 Ex Epitaph. " Ibid. » Ibid. «» Reg. Dec. et Capit. '■> Ibid. 'f» Ibid. ' Bishops' Certificates. 'i Ibid. '-'Ibid. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. ARCHDEACONS. 225 Thomas Musgrave, nominated 27th March 1837, vice Dr. Henry Beeke. John Lamb, nominated 20th Oct. 18371^, vice Dr. Thomas Musgrave promoted to the see of Hereford. Ob. 19th April 1850, setat. 61. ARCHDEACONS OF DORSET. This dignity was anciently in the church of Salisbury, from which it was separated at the erection of this see in 1542 15. Thomas Canner was the first archdeacon of Dorset after its separation from Salisbury. He was presented loth Dec. 1542 16. John Cotterel, LL.D., was admitted 4th April 155 1, and enjoyed it in 1571. He died in Feb. or March 1571-217. Henry Tuchener was installed about May 1572 ; he held it in 15901^. Edward Wickham, S.T.P., was presented in 1607. Died possessed of it in 1620, and was buried at Stor- ington in Sussex. Richard Fitz-Herbert, A.M., was installed 27th Aug. 1621.19 Richard Meredith obtained the royal mandate for this archdeaconry (in the room of R. Fitz-Herbert, deceased) 25th July 1660, and was instituted 17th Sept. following'-*^. Ralph Ironside, A.M., succeeded in 1668 after the death of Meredith. He died in 1682. 14 Bishops' Certificates. is Reg. Dec. et Capit. 15 See the patent in Rymer, '9 Bishops' Certificates. Lib. vol. xiv. p. 748. Cap. 6. f. 47. 16 Lib. Cap. f. 26. 20 Bishops' Certificates, and 17 Ibid. 2. f. 20. Reg. Dec. et Capit. VOL. I. G g 226 BRISTOL. John Fielding, A.M., was admitted 25th March 168321. He died in 1697. Robert Cooper, A.M., was installed 5th March J 697. Ob. April 1733. Edward Hammond, 7th May 1733-'^. John Walker, 2 ist May 1762, vice Edward Hammond deceased -3. Ob. 15th Nov. 1780, astat. 85. George Watson Hand, nth Nov. 1780, vice John Walker deceased-^. Henry Hall, 2nd May 180 1, vice George Watson Hand2^ Ob. 29th May 18 15, setat. 81. William England, 3rd June 18 15, vice Henry Hall deceased ^6. Robert Bentley Buckle, 9th Jan. 1836, vice Wil- liam England. An order of council was made 5th Oct. 1836 for transferring the county and archdeaconry of Dorset from the diocese of Bristol to that of Salisbury. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 82^. 1 2s. S^d.'^'^ PREBENDARIES. FIRST STALL. John Gough, S.T.P., was appointed by the charter of erection 1542-^. John Barlow, appointed in 1545, deprived in 1553. John Rixman succeeded in 1554. Ob. 1558. William Dalby succeeded in 1558. Arthur Sawle or Saul succeeded in 1559. Ob. 1585. Richard Hackluyt, A.M. and theological professor. (So he is styled in the Queen's mandate for the next vacant prebend, which he exhibited 24th May 1585.) The exact date of his admission is not known, but it 21 Bishops' Certificates. 26 Bishops' Certificates. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 27 Ecton, p. 35. 2-* Ibid. 25 Ibid. 28 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748. PREBENDARIES. 227 was before 1587. He died about 1616-'^, and was succeeded by Christopher Green, S.T.B., who exhibited the King's mandate for the next vacancy 25th April 1614, and was admitted 4th Dec. 1616. He died 5th March 1658, setat. 79, and was buried in the yard belonging to the cathedral -^0. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London 31. Richard Towgood, S.T.B., was instituted 14th Sept. 1660, and in 1667 was made dean of this cathedral '^^. Samuel Crossmax, S.T.B., obtained a patent to suc- ceed in this prebend 11th Dec. 1667, and in 1683 he also was promoted to the deanery ■^•^. Richard Thompson^ A.M., obtained the royal man- date 7th June 1683, and was admitted the 17th of the same month ; and in 1684, he likewise was pre- ferred to the deanery •^^. Walter Hart, A.M., exhibited the King's mandate 13th Sept. 1684, and was installed the same day ; and 1st Feb. 1690, he was deprived •^^. He died 2nd Feb. 1735-6 at Kentbury, in Berkshire, setat. 85. Nathaniel Lye, obtained the royal mandate 25th March 1691, and was admitted accordingly ^^ He was also archdeacon of Gloucester. John Sutton, T2th July 1723^7. He died 30th Dec. 1745- Walter Chapman, nth Feb. i745-6'^^. Ob. 25th April 1 79 1, setat. 80. John Chapman, 18th May 1 79129. Ob. 21st April 1816, setat. 74. James Griffith, 5th June 1816^'^'. Henry John Ridley, nth Oct. 1816^1. Edward Bankes, 23rd May 1832^"-^. 29 Lib. Cap. 3. fol. 201. 35 Lib. x. f. 35. 30 Lib. V. f. 178. 36 Ibid. f. 214. 31 Pell, 201. 37 Bishops' Certificates. 32 Lib. vii. f. 3, 38 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 33 Ibid. f. 407. 40 Ibid. 41 Ibid. 34 Lib. ix. f. 206. 42 Ibid. Gg 2 228 BRISTOL. SECOND STALL. Roger Edgeworth, S.T.P., by the charter of erec- tion-^'^ Christopher Pacie, A.M., obtained the royal man- date, dated ist Jan. 1559-60. He died about i^go'^'^. Thomas Thackham, A.M., exhibited the Queen's mandate for the next vacancy dated 28th May 1587, and was installed nth Sept. 1590-^^. William Buckle, exhibited the Queen's mandate for the next vacancy, 14th Sept. 1592, and was in- stalled the 25th of the same month. He resigned in 1596^6^ Robert Gulliford, S.T.B., was instituted 9th Sept.'*7, and installed i6th Sept. 1596, and died in 1612^^. His will, dated 7th Feb., was proved loth March 1612-13. Thomas Bisse, A.M., exhibited the King"'s mandate for the next vacancy, 15th Aug. 1605, ^^^ was ad- mitted 19th Feb. 1612-13. H® ^^®^ ^^ 1632^9. Thomas Tucker, S.T.B., exhibited the royal mandate, and was installed 23rd Nov. 1632. He died some time before the Restoration ^o. Richard Staxdfast, A.M., was instituted 14th Sept. 1660^1, and died in 1684^^. John Rainsthorp, A.M., exhibited the King's man- date, and was installed Sept. 30. 1684. He died in 1693'' 3. Thomas Gary, A.M., exhibited the royal mandate, and was installed 17th May 1693^'*. He died in 171 1^\ James Harcourt, S.T.B., exhibited the royal man- date, and was installed 24th Nov. ijii^^. ^ Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748 •>^ Lib. vi. f. 122. 44 Ibid. vol. XV. p. 562. Lib. ^1 Bishops' Certificates. Cap. 4. f. 3. 52 Lib. vii. f. 3. ■^ Lib. iv. f. 40. 53 Lib. X. f. 39. 46 Ibid. fF. 57. 61. 54 Bishops' Certificates. 47 Bishops' Certificates. 55 Lib. X. f. 250. 43 Lib. iv. f. 83. 50 Ibid. f. 316. 49 Lib. V. f. 47. PREBENDARIES. 229 Hexry Waterland, i4tli April 1739''". Thomas Powys, 30th March 1779'*^. Thomas William Barlow, 6th May 1797'''^. Ob. 17th Jan. 1821. John Surtees, 14th Sept. 182160. THIRD STALL. Henry Morgan, LL.B., by the charter of erection 154261. Richard Huys succeeded Morgan and held this stall in 1561. John Bridgewater held it in 1563. He was deprived in 1576. Clement Forth occurs in 1578. Robert Temple, A.M. No account of his admission, but it was before 1585 6-. Samuel Davies, A.M., exhibited the Queen's mandate for the next vacancy, 8th Aug. 1599, and was admitted . 7th May 161 1 63. William Yeoman, A.M., having exhibited the royal mandate for the next vacancy, 7th Feb. 16 14-15, was installed 26th Dec. 1622^*. John Weeks, S.T.B., was installed 3rd March 1633. He was living in 1661, but how long afterwards ap- pears not 65. Samuel Wood, 29th June 166466, He was succeeded by Thomas Horn, A.M.; his admission is not registered, but it was about 1669. He died in 169767. Richard Smith, exhibited the royal mandate, and was instituted 30th April, and admitted 7th May 16976s. ^7 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Lib. v. f. 191. Lib. vi. f. 59, ^'8 Ibid. 59 Ibid. and Bishops' Certificates. 60 Ibid. 60 Lib. vi. f. 135. 61 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748. 66 Bishops' Certificates. 62 Lib. Cap. 4. f. 71. 67 Coll. T. F. Lib. viii. f. 4. 63 Ibid. 68 Lib. X. f. 272. 230 BRISTOL. Joseph Casberd was instituted in 1717'^'^ George Henry Rooke, 20th Nov. 1751"^^. Horace Hammond, loth June 1754^1. JosiAH Tucker, 28th Oct. 1756"-. John Cocks, 21st Aug. 17587a. Ob. 23rd Oct. 1793. Samuel Bulkeley, 23rd Jan. 1793 7+. Ob. 17th April 1809, setat. 81. Fra. Simpson, 25th May 18097^ Ob. 26th Dec. 1827, setat. 71. Sydney Smith, i Feb. 1828 '6. Henry Harvey, 14th Oct. i83i"7, FOURTH STALL. Roger Hughes, LL.B., by the charter of erection 154278. John Cotterel, LL.D.^ was admitted 31st Dec. 1545. He died in Feb. or March 1571-27''. John Sanders, A.M. We have no account of his admission ; but he was presented to the vicarage of Banwell, 3rd Oct. T593, and died about 1596^". John Sixe, S.T.B , was instituted 19th May and in- stalled 24th May 1596, and died in 1613^1. John Wilkinson, A.M. He had exhibited the royal mandate for the next vacancy ist June 1607, and was admitted 19th Feb. 1612-13^'^. George Cuthbert, A.M., was installed 22nd Oct. 162983. William Kemp succeeded (after the death of Cuth- bert) by the King's mandate exhibited 7th Nov. 1 660 ^^ He died nth June 16648^. 69 Bishop's Certificates. 80 Lib. iv. f. 70. 70 Ibid. 71 Ibid. 81 Ibid. 7^ Ibid. 73 Ibid. 82 Lib. V. fF. 79. 174. ^4 Ibid. 75 Ibid. 83 Lib. Vi. ff. 64. 1 10. 7fi Ibid. '''! Ibid. 84 Bishops' Certificates. 78 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748. 85 Lib. vii. f. 13. 7»Lib. Cap. 2. f. 120. I PREBENDARIES. 231 John Chetwynd, A.M. The date of his admission is lost; but he possessed this stall in i668«6. After whose death, Charles Livesay, A.M., was instituted 2nd JSIarchj and admitted loth March 1692-3^''. John King, 1st June 172888. John Billingsley, 14th Sept. 173789. Nathaniel Foster, 1st Feb. 1 754-5 9o_ Qb. 20th Oct. 1757. Bertie Henley, 6th Jan. 175891. Ob. 6th July 1760. James Welton, 21st July 1760^-. Ob. i6th Dec- 1772. Edward Dicey, 28th Jan. 1773^-^. Frederick William Blomberg, 15th April 17909^. Lord William George Henry Somerset, 17th Sept. 18289^. Ob. 14th Jan. 1851, setat. 66. FIFTH STALL. Richard Brome, LL.B., by the charter of erection 1542^6. John Williams obtained this stall by letters patent 4th March 15449". Thomas Sylke, A.M., admitted (after the death of Williams) 4th June 1546. How long he lived after 1571, is uncertain 98. Francis Willis held this stall in 1576. Charles Langford. The date of his admission is lost. He was made dean of Hereford in 1593, and resigned this prebend 2 1 st Feb. 1 606-7 ^^• 8fi Lib. viii. f. 2. ^^ Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748. 87 Lib. X. f. 214. 37 Pat. 35 Hen. VIIL p. 11. 88 Bishops' Certificates. m. 7. 89 Ibid. yo Ibid. 98 Lib. Cap. 2. f. 120. 91 Ibid. 92 Ibid. 99 Reg. Heref. Reg. Bristol. 93 Ibid. 9Mbid. Lib.v. f. 71. 95 Ibid. 232 BRISTOL. William Hill, S.T.B,, exhibited the Queen's man- date for the next vacancy 9th Dec. 1597, and was admitted 26th Feb. 1 606-7 ^. After his death, Robert Markes, A.M. (having exhibited the King's mandate for the next vacancy, 8th June 16 15), was elected 13th Sept. 1619'-, and instituted i8th Dec. 16213. John Dashfield, S.T.B., was instituted 14th Sept. 1 660 4. He died about five years after. Theophilus QuiNTix, A.M., was admitted 9th Nov. 1665^. He died in 1683. Stephen Crespion, A.M., was admitted 3rd Aug. 16836. Hugh Waterman, A.M., obtained the Queen's man- date 4th Dec. 1 7 1 1 , and was admitted the 1 7th of the same months. Richard Monins, 30th July 1746*^. John Aylmer, loth Sept. 1750^. Ob. i6th Feb. 1793. Joseph Whately, 5th March 17931*^. Ob. 13th March 1797. Sir Adam Gordon, 29th April 179711. Ob. 2nd Nov. 1817, setat. 72. William Bond, 29th April 18181-^. SIXTH STALL. George Dogeon, S.T.P., by the charter of erection 15421a. Thomas Baily,S.T. P., was admitted 23d Jan.1551-214. Edward Green, A.M. The date of his instalment is lost; he was prebendary in the year 15851^. William Norris, A.M., exhibited the King's mandate 1 Lib. V. f. 71. 2 Ibid. f. 186. 8 Bishops' Certificates. 3 Bishops' Certificates. 9 Ibid. 10 Ibid. 4 Ibid. Lib. vii. f. 3. n Ibid. 12 ibid. ^ Lib. vii. f. 3. 13 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748. 6 Lib. ix. f. 207. 1-1 Lib. Cap. i. f. 121. 7 Lib. x. f. 319. 15 Lib. iii. f. 189. PREBENDARIES. 233 26th Jan. 1 618- 19, and was admitted 12th Nov. 162716. He died in 1643. George Williamson, S.T.B., was installed 7th Aug. 1643 17. He died in 1685. Richard Towgood was installed 30th July 168518^ John Baron, S.T.P., was admitted 24th Nov. 17 13 i^. Henry Head, A.M., was instituted i7tli Feb.i72i-2-^o John Castleman, 12th May 1739^^ Ob. i2tli Jan. 1761. Charles Tarrant, 26th Jan. 17612-;. William Speke, 6th Feb. 1776. Ob. 15th Nov. 179123. Francis Randolph, 24th Dec 1791"^^. Ob. 14th June 1 83 1, eetat. ']6. Samuel Lee, 5th July 183 1, vice Francis Randolph^^. >6 Lib. vi. ff. 38. 98, and Bi- 19 Lib. x. f. 77. shops' Certificates. 20 Bishops' Certificates. 17 Lib. vi. f. 213. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. '« Lib. X. f. 77. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 2.5 Ibid. VOL. I. H h CHICHESTER'. 1 HE diocese of Chichester now contains the whole county of Sussex, a number of pecuUars locally be- longing to the see of Canterbury having been annexed to it by an order in council dated 8th Aug. 1H45. The members of the chapter are a dean, precentor, chan- cellor, treasurer, the archdeacon of Chichester, the archdeacon of Lewes, 31 prebendaries, and some minor officers. BISHOPS OF SELSEY2. Wilfred, having been a second time expelled from his see of York and Hexham in the year 68 1 by Ecgfrid king of Northumbria, wandered about from place to place, animated by a pious desire to propagate the Christian faith 3. At length he undertook the con- version of the South Saxons from idolatry, Aedilualch their king having been lately baptized in Mercia by the persuasion of Uulfhere the sovereign of that pro- vince*. From Aedilualch, Wilfred obtained the pe- ninsula of Selsey, then inhabited by eighty families ; and there he founded a monastery, and exercised all the functions and offices of a bishop "*. He converted and baptized during the five years he resided there no less than two hundred and fifty persons^, whence he 1 "Anno 514 Ella defunctus, quod dicitur Latine, Insula vituli regnavit pro eo Cissa filius ejus, marini." Beda, lib. iv. c. 13. de cujus nomine Cicestria, quain •'' Ibid. ^ Ibid. ipse fundavit, nomen sortita est." •> Ibid, et Flor. Wigorn. Rog. Wendover. <' Beda, lib. iv. c. 13. ' The isle of Seals, " Selseseu, H h 2 236 CHICHESTER. is popularly considered as the first bishop of Selsey. Upon the death of Eegfrid of Northumbria in 685 Wilfred was recalled to Hexham, and Selsey fell under the jurisdiction of the bishop of Winchester^; Daniel, who then held that see, is therefore sometimes improperly considered as the second bishop of Selsey. In reality however Eadberct, second abbot of Selsey, became by a synodal decree the first bishop of Selsey^, though Malmesbury and Florence of Worcester make him the second bishop of that see^. EoLLA succeeded to the bishopric of Selsey on the death of Eadbert, but he did not preside there very long, and " Episcopatus usque hodie (731.) cessavit ^.^ The next name that appears in the ancient list of bishops of Selsey is 733 Siggaio or SiGFRiD, who seems to have been the third bishop of Selsey, and was consecrated by Taetwine archbishop of Canterbury in 733 ' ^ ; and he was pre- sent at a synod summoned by Cuthbert archbishop of Canterbury in 7461"^. Alubrith ^-K 790 OsA^'^ or BosA^^. GlSELHERUSl^. T0TA17. Wigthun'^j or Peletun. Ethelulphus^^. " Beda, lib. iv. c. 13. ' Ibid. lib. V. c. 18. Monu- menta 268. C. ^ Malmesbury calls him Ed- brith, and states that he was consecrated by Nothelm arch- bishop of Canterbury ; but that could not be the case, as Nothelm was not archbishop until 735. y Beda, lib. v. c. 18. Monu- menta 268. 1^ Flor. Wigorn. Malmes- bury calls him Sigelm. 11 i.e. Sigfrid. Hoveden. '2 Malmes. de Pontif. lib. ii. 1* Malmes.; Aluberhtus, Flor. Wigorn. '"1 Flor. Wigorn. '5 Malmes. 16 Malmes. ; Gislherus, Flor. Wigorn. 17 Flor. Wig. ; Totta, Malmes. 'S Wiohthun, Flor. Wigorn. ; Peletun, Malmes. 19 Etheluulf, Malmes.; Aethel- wlfus, Flor. Wigorn. BISHOPS. 237 909 Beornegus'-'^ was one of the seven bishops consecrated by archbishop Plegemund in the year 909 -^ Coenred22. GuTHEARD died in 960. 960 Aelfred'23 ; ob. 970. 970 Eadhelm24. 980 Aethelgarus, ahhot oftheNevi minster, at Winton, was consecrated 6th May 980, and translated to Canter- bury in 988"^^. 988 Ordbright-6. Aelmar27. Obiit 10 19. 1019 Aethelricus^s ; died 5th Nov. io38"2^. 1039 Grinketellus^o purchased the see of Selsey, although he had been expelled from the diocese of the East Angles, which he had also purchased -^^ He died in 1 047 -3-. 1047 Heca-3^, chaplain of Edward the Confessor, was conse- crated in 1047 ^-t. -f^® ^^®^ "^ 1057^^. 1057 Agelricus, a monk of Canterhury, succeeded Heca-^^; but was deprived by the King in 1070, and impri- soned at Marlborough 37. 20 Bernegus, Malmes. ; Ber- 29 Ylov. Wigorn. nechus, Rad. de Diceto. 30Qi-imijetellus,Hoved.;Grym- ^1 Malmes. Gest. Reg. lib. ii. kytelus, Flor. Wig. et Malmes. Florence omits his name. ^i Malmes. Pontif. lib. ii. 22 Flor. Wig.; Geared, Malmes. -^2 pioj-. Wigorn. 23 Flor. Wig.; Elfred, Malmes. 33 Flor. Wigorn.; Hecca, Matt. 2-4 Flor. Wigorn. ; Ealkhelm, Westm.; Hetta, Malmes. Pontif. Malmes. 34 Matt. Westm. 25 Malmes. Sim. Dunelm. 35 Hoved, Flor. Wigorn. et 26 Ordbrich, Malmes.; Ord- Sim. Dunelm. byrlitus, Flor. Wigorn. 36 Flor. Wigorn. 27 Flor. Wigorn. et Malmes. 37 Hoved. p. 453. edit. Frank. 2^ Malmes.; Agebredus, Ho- et Sim. Dunelm. Hist. col. 202.; red. ; Agelricus, Rad. de Diceto ; but see Selden's note on Eadmer, Aethelricus, Flor. Wigorn. p. 199. 238 CHICHESTER. BISHOPS OF CHICHESTER. 1070 Stigand-^^, the King's chaplain^ was appointed by the 5 Will. I. King at Whitsuntide 1070. He removed his seat from Selsey to Chichester about the year 1085'^'^, and became the first bishop of Chichester -^o. He died in 1087^1. 1087 William (according to the Hsts in Malmesbury and I Will. II. Florence) succeeded, but according to other au- thorities 1088 Godfrey^"- succeeded Stigand in the see of Chichester, I Will. II. and died in the same year^^ ; after whose decease the see was vacant nearly three years, when 1091 Ralph de Luffa was appointed to it^'^. He died 14th 4 Will. II. Dec. 1 1 25, and was buried in Chichester cathedral in the passage before St. Mary's chapel, where there was formerly a plain stone bearing these words, " Radulfus Episcopus cognomine Luffa." 1125 Seffride or Sigefrid, abhot of Glastonhury ^^ , was no- 25 Hen. I. niinated by the King in 1 1 25 ^^, and was consecrated by William archbishop of Canterbury 12th April in that year47. He was deposed in 1 145, and died in 11514^ 1 148 Hilary was nominated to the bishopric of Chichester 13 steph. in 1146^9, and consecrated by command of the Pope in 11485*^. He died in 1169^1. The see was void about four years. ^^ Non ille qui postea fuit Epi- bury Register it appears that he Scopus Wintoniensis et Archie- made his profession of obedience piscopus Cantuariensis. Malmes. to archbishop Lanfranc in 1088. Pontif. hb. ii. '^^ Annal. Winton. 39 Die autem Pentecostes rex 44 Malmes. Pont. Annal. Wint. dedit Stigando capellano suo -^ Lib. de Antiq. Glaston. Eccl. Episcopatura Suthsaxonum, qui MS. Cott. Tiber. A.V. mutavit sedem in Cicestriam. ^^ Rog- Wendover. 40 Monast. et Flor. Wigorn. 47 Matt. Westm. 4' Sim. Dunehn. col. 213. 48 Chron. Petrob. Hoved. 461. Annal. Winton. 49 ibid. 42 Anno 1088 Godefridus fit •'•0 Sim. Dunelm. Hist. Contin. Episcopus Cycestrise, et obiit col. 276. ipso anno; and in the Canter- ■'•l Annal. Waverl. et Winton. BISHOPS. i2;39 I 174 JoHX DE Grexeford, death of Chichester, was elected ;o Hen. II. in 1 173^ and consecrated at Lambeth 6th Oct. 1 174''-. He died in 1180^^. 1180 Seffride II, archdeacon and dean of Chichester, was !6Hen.ll. consecrated i6th Nov. iiSo^^. He died in 1204^5, 1204 Simon be Wells, archdeacon of Wells, was elected be- 6Joh. tween the ist and 9th April 1204-^6^ and made pro- fession of obedience nth July 1204 ^7, He made extensive reparations in Chichester cathedral, and i obtained the King's license to convey marble from Purbeck for that purpose ^^. He died in 1207 ^9. Nicholas de Aquila is said to have succeeded Simon de Wells in this see, but there is no evidence of such an appointment. It appears, on the contrary, that the see was vacant 7th Dec. 1207; 25th Feb. 1209-T0; 12th June 1213 ; and 30th Sept. 12 14. Richard Poore, dean of Halishury, was chosen ^0, and made his profession of obedience to archbishop Ste- phen at Reading in Jan. 1 2 1 4-15. He was consecrated on the 25th of the same month^i ; and translated to Salisbury in 1217^-. The custody of the bishopric of Chichester was granted 27th June 121 7 to Richard bishop of Salisbury, (late bishop of Chichester ^•^.) 1 21 7 Ralph DE Warham, ^Wor q/'iVbrw^cA, had the royal Hen. III. assent to his election 17th Dec. 121 7 6^. He made his profession to archbishop Simon, and was consecrated 7th Jan. 1 21 7-1 8 65. He died 14th Sept. 1222^6, The ss Rad. de Diceto. ^8 Pat. 6 Joh. m. 2. et Pat. S3 Matt. Westm. 8 Joh. m. 4. 5-1 In Ordinatione Sancti ^1- ^9 Pat, 9 Joh. m. 5. et Chron, fegi consecratus est Seinfridus Walt. Coventi". Cicestrensis Episcopus. Chron. ^o Pat. 16 Joh. m. 8, p. 126. Gerv. col. 1457. Other writers *'i Matt. Westm. says on 22nd say that he was consecrated 17th Feb. Oct. (xvi Cal. Nov.) ; but that 62 Annal. Suthwerc. must be incorrect, as that day ^a Pat. i Hen. Ill, m. 5. feU on Friday in the year 1180. •'4 Pat. 2 Hen. III. p.i. m. 8. 55 Annal. Winton. et Waverl. *'5 Annal. Wigorn. 56 Chart. 5 Joh. m. 8. 66 Hist. Brev. Gerv. '"'' Rot. Profess. Autogr. 240 CHICHESTER. custody of the bishopric of Chichester was committed to Thomas de Blumville 17th Sept. 1222^^. 1222 Ralph de Neville, dean of Lichfield and chancellor of 7 Hen. III. Chichester, obtained the royal assent to his election 1st Nov. 1222^6. but he was not consecrated until 2ist April 1224^7. He was elected to the archiepisco- pal see of Canterbury on the death of Richard Wea- thershed, and his election confirmed by the King, who restored the temporalities to him ; but the Pope set aside the election. Bishop Neville became chancel- lor of England 12th Feb. 1226-7, which office he held till his death ist Feb. 1243-4. He was buried behind the high altar of Chichester cathedral, on the south side. The custody of the bishopric was granted 9th Feb. 1243— 4 ^o Bernard de Sabaudia and Simon de Passelewe^s, and the license to elect another bishop in the room of Ralph de Neville issued on the i 7th of the same month s^. Robert Passe le we, archdeacon of Leioes'^^ was elected and the royal assent given to his election 19th April 1244''^ ; but his election being disapproved by the archbishop elect of Canterbury and the rest of the bishops, it was quashed'''^, and subsequently annulled by papal bull, dated from Lyons 21st July 1245^3. 1245 Richard de la Wich was substituted in his stead, and 29Hen.ill. consecrated at Lyons^-i in 1 245^5; but the King re- ^''> Pat. 6 Hen. III. m. 2. Perie and Ledhall, (Claus. 30 **^ Pat. 7 Hen. HI. m. 8. Hen. HI. m. 12.) ; also the cus- ^7 In octavis Paschae, Matt, tody of Rockingham castle and Westm. of the royal forests between Ox- 68 Pat. 28 Hen. III. m. 8. ford and Stamford. Pat. 30 H. 69 Ibid. III. m. 7. '^^ The archdeaconry of Lewes '• Pat. 28 Hen. III. m. 7. was granted to Robert Passelewe '2 Matt. Paris. 3rdMarch(Pat. 28H.III.m.7.); ''^ Bulla pap. in Dom. Capit, and he had, after he was dispos- Westm. sessed of the see of Chichester, 74 d\q Dominica post cineres. a grant of the land which Ri- Annal. Wigorn. chard de Bellofago held in "^ Matt. Paris. BISHOPS. 241 fused to restore the temporalities to him. He died 3rd April 1253-'^, setat. f^6, and was buried in Chichester cathedral in the nave of the church near the altar of St. Edmund the Confessor against the column. His body was subsequently removed to a more honourable place in the cathedral. The royal license to elect a new bishop in the stead of Richard do la Wich issued 14th April 125377. 1253 John 78 Clipping, chancellor of Chichester^ was chosen rH. III. 3 1st May 125379, received the royal assent on the 23rd ^0^ and his election was confirmed by Boniface archbishop of Canterbury on the 25th of the same month^i. He died in the middle of May 1262, and the dean and chapter on the 21st of that month pray the King to issue his license to elect another bishop in his room^'^. The King issued his license accord- ingly 26th May 1262*^-^ and 1262 Stephen de Berkstead was elected, and had the >H. Til. temporahties restored 2otli June 1262. He made his profession to archbishop Boniface, and on Sunday 24th Sept. following he was consecrated s^. He died 2rst Oct. i287«5. 1288 Gilbert de Sancto Leofardo or LeopoldoSG^ trea- ' Edw. I. surer of Chichester^ was elected 30th Jan. 1 287-8, and obtained the royal assent and also the temporalities 24th June following ^7. He made his profession of obedience to archbishop John, and by him he was consecrated 5th Sept. in the same yearns, and died 76 Matthew Paris says on so Pat. 37 Hen. III. m. 11. 2nd April. His biographer Ralph §1 Lett, in Tower of Lond. Booking saj's the 3rd of that No. 484. month. His will, entered in 82 Jbid. N". 486. Reg. Rede, has been several 83 Pat. 46 Hen. HI, m. 10. times printed. 84 Chron. Wikes. 77 Pat. 37 Hen. HI. m. 13. 85 Qbiit 30 Oct. MS. Ashm. 78 Joannes cognomento Epi- 1146. Hist. Brev. Gerv. Scopus. Annal.Winton.; Bissup. ^^ Matt. Westm. Annal. Waverl. 87 Pat. 16 Edw. I. m. ro. 73 Lett, in Tower of London, 88 Hist. Brev. Gerv. No. 483. VOL. I. I i 242 CHICHESTER. 1 2th Feb. 1304-5^^, and was buried in the Lady Chapel which he built, in a tomb against the south wall. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Gilbert bears date ist March 1 304-5 ^'^, and 1305 John de Langton, the chancellor of England, was 33 Edw, I. elected 5th April 1305, and obtained the royal assent to his election 7th May^'. He had the temporalities granted to him 16th July 9-^. He made his profession to archbishop Robert, and was consecrated by him 19th Sept. following9\ Ho died 17th Juno^^ ^337? and was buried in his cathedral against the great south window at the end of the cross aisle. On 22nd July 1337 the license to elect a successor to John de Langton issued 9\ 1337 Robert de Stratford, archdeacon of Canterhury and II Ed. III. chancellor of England, received the royal assent to his election 24th August 1337 ^^j and his temporalities 21st Sept. 97 He was confirmed 23rd Oct. and conse- crated 30th Nov. following 9s, jj^ dj^d ^^ i^jg nianor of Aldyngbourn 9th April 1362 -'9. His will, dated 9th April 1362, was proved 26th April 1362'. The license to elect a bishop on his death issued 25th April^. 1362 William de Lenne, alias Lulimere, dean of Chi- 36 Ed. III. Chester by papal provision, was consecrated about mid- summer in 1362. He made his profession at Lambeth 18th Aug.^, and the temporalities were restored to him 1 2th Oct. following*. He was translated to Wor- cester in October 1368% and 89 MS. Cott. Otho B. III. and 19th July 1337. MS. Ashm. 1146. 95 Pat, n Ed. III. p. 2. m. 22. 90 Pat. 33 Edw. I. p. I. m. 17. 96 ibid. m. 8. 91 Ibid. m. 3. 97 Ibid. p. 3. in. 34. 92 Ibid. p. 2. m. 17. 98 Ibid. m. 21. 93 " Consecratus in ecclesia 99 Reg. Islip. fol. 237. Cantuar. Dominica proxima post ' Ibid. 185, Exaltationem Sanctae Crucis." 2 Pat. 36 Ed. III. p. i. m. 16. Reg. Winchels. 3 i^gg IsW^. 9^ His anniversary was kept •* Pat. 36 Ed. III. p. 2. m. 25. on that day, as appears in an an- ^ Pat, 43 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 7. cient calendar; but in MS. Ashm. et Reg. Cant. 1146 he is stated to have died BISHOPS. 243 1369 William Reahts.^S.T.'P., provost of Windham, was -pro- t3 Ed. III. moted to this see by papal provision ; the bull is dated v Id. Oct. (nth Octob.) 1368, and the tempo- ralities were restored to him 9th June 1369 6. He died 1 8th Aug. 1385. His will is dated ist Aug. 1382, and was proved 4th Nov. 13857. The Hcense to elect a successor to bishop Reade issued 17th Sept. 1386 Thomas Rushooke, bishop ofLlandaff^ was translated to ) Ric. II. Chichester 16th Oct. 1385^; the custody of the tempo- ralities was committed to him 6th Dec. followingi*^, and they were restored to hira fully 26th March 1386^'. In 1388 he was deprived of his see''^, but was ap- pointed by the Pope bishop of Kilmore [Triburna] i-^. 1389 Richard Mitford, archdeacon of Norfolk^ was nomi- 2 Ric. II. nated by the Pope 17th Nov. 1388, and made his profession of obedience 7th May 1389^-'; but the tem- poralities were not restored till loth March 1389-901^. He was translated to Salisbury 25th Oct. 1395'^. . 1396 Robert Waldby, archbishop of Dublin, was translated [9 Ric. II. to Chichester in 1395, and obtained the temporalities 4th Feb. 1395-6^7; in the following year he was pro- moted to York by papal bull dated 5th Oct. 13961^. 6 Pat. 43 Ed. III. p. 2. m. 7. God and of holy church and the 7 Reg. Court, fol. 213. salvation of the state of the pre- 8 Pat. 9 Ric. II. p. I. m. 38. lacy and the safety of the laws of 9 Reg. Court, fol. 320. the realm." Afterwards in the 1" Pat. 9 Ric. II. p. i.m. 10. same parliament it was ordained " Ibid. p. 2. m. 23. that the said bishop of Chiches- 12 In the parhament of the ter should be sent to Ireland for nth of Richard II, Thomas the remainder of his life, and to bishop of Chichester the King's have a pension of 50 marks a confessor was convicted and at- year, if any of his friends would tainted of high treason : the sen- give it to him. Walsingham, tence was, that he and his heirs p. 333. should be disinherited for ever : '^ Pat. 13 Ric. 11. p. 3. m. 20. his lands and chattels forfeited, ^^ Reg. Court, fol. 325. and his temporalities taken into ••'' Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 20. the King's hands. "Touching the '•* Pat. 19 Ric, II. p. 2. m. 34. person of the bishop, the lords 17 Ibid. temporal will be advised how '^ Orig. in Turr. Lond. Boni- they may act for the honor of face IX. N". 9. I i 2 244 CHICHESTER. ^7 1397 Robert Reade*^, bishop of Carlisle, was translated to / 20Ric.Il. this see by papal bull dated 5th Oct. 139620 ; and made his profession of obedience 12th March 1396-7-^. The temporalities were restored to him 6th May 2-. He died in June 1415-3. His will is dated loth Aug. 14 14, and was proved 6th July 141 5^4. A conge d'eliro vice bishop Reade issued 2Fst June 1415^^, and the custody of the bishopric was granted ist July-*'; and on the 2nd of that month another li- cense to elect a bishop in the room of Robert Reade issued27, the first not having been complied with. Stephen Patington or Patrington, bishop ofSt.Da- md''s, was appointed to the see of Chichester ; but he died before his translation could be perfected. His will, dated i6th Nov. 1417, was proved 29th Dec. 1417 '2^. His epitaph, however, as given in Weever p. 438, states that he died 22nd Sept. 1417-^. The license to elect a bishop in the stead of Stephen Pa- trington is dated Feb. 3rd 1417-18^0 Henry Ware, LL.D., canon of Chichester, was pro- vided to this see by pope Martin V. 6th April 1418-^', and obtained restitution of the temporalities 13th May'^-; and he made his profession to the archbishop 14^5 3 Hen. V. I418 6 Hen. V. 19 His register is the oldest in the cathedral, and begins loth Feb. 1396-7 and ends 13th April 1414. 20 Bulla papal, in Turr. Lond. 21 Reg. Arundel. 22 Pat. 20 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 3. 2>^ The spiritualities were seiz- ed into the hands of the arch- bishop 29th June 1415 (Reg. Chichel, fol. 276), and granted to John Blounham, precentor of Chichester, and William Piers, dean of the collegiate church of Southampton, on the following day. Ibid. 288. 24 Reg. Chichel. fol. 276. 25 Pat. 3 Hen. V. p. 2. m. 39. 26 Ibid. p. 4. m. 3. 27 Ibid. p. I. ra. 4. 28 Reg. Chichel. 2y The see was certainly va- cant 30th Sept. 141 7. Privy Signet Bills temp. Hen. V. See also FuUer'sWorthieSjYorkshire, p. 196. 30 Pat. 5 Hen. V, m. 5. 31 Reg. Chichel. 32 Pat. 6 Hen. V. m. 20. The King addressed a letter under his signet to the bishop of Dur- ham, chancellor of England; in which he says, that " Master Henry Ware, elect to the bishop- BISHOPS. 245 on the 19th of the same month. His death appears to have happened in July 1420. His will, dated 7th July, was proved 26th July 1420. The see was vacant 17th Oct. following^-^. A conge d'elire issued 10th Aug. 1420 on death of bishop Ware-^^. 142 1 John Kempe, hishop of Rochester and chancellor of 9 Hen. V. Normandy, was translated to this see by papal bull dated 2 Kal. Mar. (28th Feb.) 1420-21 35; and ob- tained restitution of the temporalities 21st Aug. fol- lowing^'6; in December in the same year he was translated to London. 1423 Thomas Poltox or Poldon, hishop of Hereford, was 10 Hen. v. translated to Chichester by papal bull, dated xv Cal. Dec. (17th Nov.) 1 42 1, and made his profession of obedience to the archbishop 30th June 142237. He obtained the spiritualities 4th July^s, the temporali- ties on the 38th of the same month^s, and 14th Jan. 1425-6 the privy council, among other things, agreed that this prelate should be translated to Worcester, which was accordingly done in February following. 1426 John Rykyngale or Rickinghalle, S.T.D., chancellor t Hen. VI. of York, was provided to this see 28th Feb. 1425-6 by papal bull, the privy council having, 14th Jan. pre- ceding, recommended that step^o_ The temporalities ric of Chichester, hath delivered longen unto the said bishopric, to us the bulls of provision made our said letters under our great unto him by our holy father the seal bearing the date of the 13th Pope of the said bishopric, and of the month of May last past. the same elect hath made renun- Given under our signet in our elation of all the words contained host beside our town of Pont de in the said bulls of provision that Larche the loth day of July." might be prejudicial unto us and ^-^ Pat. 8 Hen. V. m. i. to our crown, and also made his '^^ Rot. Norm. 8 H.V.p.2.m.i. fealty unto us for the temporali- ^^ Reg. Chichel. fol. 32. ties that longen to the foresaid ■^•' Privy Seal 9 Hen.V. et Pat. bishopric. We will that by our p. 2. m. 18. letters to be made in due form '^'^ Reg. Chichel. fol. 34. under our great seal ye do make ^8 Ibid. fol. 36. to the said elect restitution and ^^ Pat. 10 Hen. V. m. i. livery of the temporalities that '**' Reg. Chichel. fol. 41. 246 CHICHESTER. were restored to him ist May^^, and he was conse- crated at Mortlake 30th June^^. He died at the latter end of June or beginning of July 1429, and was buried in Chichester cathedral. His will^ dated 2nd April 1429, was proved 14th July following'^. The conge d^elire, vice bishop Rickinghalle, issued 6th July 1429"'. Thomas Brouns was unanimously elected, and the King assented to his election, and 3rd Aug. 1429 wrote letters commendatory in his favour to the pope Martin V. His Holiness however rejected the choice of the canons, and by his bull dated ii Id. Oct. Pont. XII. (14th Oct. 1429) provided to this see 143 1 Simon Sydenham, LL.D., archdeacon and dean ofSalis- 9 Hen. VI. hury'-'i^ to whom the King restored the temporalities 24th Jan. 1430-31 '^. He obtained license 4th Feb. 1 430-3 1 to bo consecrated without the church of Canterbury, and he was consecrated at Lambeth on the 1 2th of that month ; and having made profession to the archbishop, the spiritualities were delivered to him 15th Feb. Ho died at the latter end of January or beginning of February 1437-8-^^'. His will, dated 11th Jan. 1437-8, was proved 6th Feb. 1437-8. The li- cense to elect a bishop in the room of Simon Sydenham is dated 8th Feb. 1437-8 ^^^ in pursuance of which 1438 Richard Praty^^, dean of Boyal Chapel, chancellor of 16 Hen. VI. Salishury, was elected, and the King wrote letters commendatory in his favour to pope Eugenius IV. The temporalities were restored to him I4tli July 1438^-. He died at the latter end of August 1445 5'^. His will, dated i ith July 1445, was proved 6th Sept. 43 Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 16. «o Pat. 16 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 8. 44 Reg. Chichel. fol. 41. "'i His register is the second 45 Ibid. 413. oldest in this cathedral : it begins 46 Pat. 7 Hen. VI. p. i. m. .5. in 1438 and ends 5th Aug. 1445. 47 Reg. Chichel. fol. 48. ^ Pat. 16 Hen. VI. p. 2. ra. 19. 48 Pat. 9 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 17. :>^ Reg. Stafford, fol. 128. 49 Reg. Chichel. fol. 463. BISHOPS. 247 following. A conge d'^lire, vice bishop Praty, issued 12th Sept. 1445^4. ^445 Adam Moleyns, LL.D., dean of Balisbury, was pro- !4Hen.vi. yided to this see by papal bull dated 24th Sept. 1445, and was consecrated at Lambeth 30th Nov. folio w- ing55. The temporalities were restored to him 3rd Dec. 56 He was murdered at Portsmouth at the be- ginning of Jan. 1449-50^7. The license to elect a bishop, vice Adam Moleyns, is dated 30th Jan. 1449-50''- 1450 Reginald Peacock, Usliop of St. Asaph, was translated iSHen.VI. to Chichester 33rd March 1449-50 by papal bull, and made his profession of obedience at Leicester on the 3 1 st of that month ^9. The temporalities were restored to him 30th May 60. He was cited before a synod of bishops held at Lambeth in Dec. 1457, and deprived of his see on account of his entertaining dogmas con- trary to those held by the church. 1459 John Arundel, M.D., arcMeacon of Richmond, the ijHen.vi. King's physician, was appointed to this see by papal provision. The King had written to the Pope recom- mending him to hie Holiness for the bishopric of Dur- ham when void, but the Pope having promised the first vacant see to Lawrence Boothe, conferred Chi- chester upon Arundel 61. The temporahties were re- stored to him 26th March 14596-. He died 18th Oct. 1477, and was buried on the south side of the choir of this church. He was succeeded by 1478 Edward SxoRY^a, bishop of Carlisle, was translated ■8Ed.lV. to thig gee^ and the temporalities were restored to him 27th March 14786^. He died 29th Jan. 1502-3. 54 Pat. 24 Hen.VI. p. i. m, 37. 60 Pat. 28 Hen.VI. p. 2. m. 16. 5^ Reg. Staflford. fol. 20. '^ Bulla papal. 56 Pat. 54 Hen.VI. p. i . m. 24. 62 Pat. 37 Hen.VI. p. i . m. 5. 57 Reg. Stafford, et Leland. ^ His register is the third in Com, de Script. Brit. p. 454. this cathedral. 58 Pat. 28 Hen.VI. p. i. m.5. 64 Pat. t8 Edw.IV. p.2. m.28. 59 Reg. Stafford, fol, 35. VOL. I. 248 CHICHESTER. His will, dated 8tli Dec. 1502, was proved 27th March ^503- 1504 Richard Fitz James, bishop of BocJiester, was trans- 19H.VII. lated thence to Chichester by bull of pope Julius II. dated 29th Nov. 150362. He received the temporali- ties 29th Jan. 1503-463. In Aug. 1 506 he was removed to London 6^ 1508 Robert Sherborn, bishop of St. DavicTs, was translated 24 H. VII. to this see by bull dated i8th Sept. 1508, and he made his profession of obedience 7th Nov. following ^s. The temporalities were restored to him 13th Dec.^^ He resigned his bishopric in 1536^7^ and died shortly afterwards, 21st Aug. in that year, aged 96. Ho founded the prebends in this cathedral called Bursalis, Exceit, Bargham, and Wyndham; and appointed them to be given, as they became void from time to time, to such persons as are or have been members or fel- lows of New College, Oxford, or Wykeham's college, near Winchester. His will is dated 2nd Aug. 1536, and was proved 24th Nov. 1536. 1536 Richard Sampson, Tuh.T).,dean of Lichfield, ^t.PauVs, 28H.VIII. and Windsor., received the royal assent to his election nth June 1536^8, on which day he is said to have been consecrated ^9. He obtained the restitution of the temporalities 4th July^o, and in March 1542—3 he was translated to Coventry and Lichlield7i. A conge d'elire vice bishop Sampson, issued 15th April 154372; in pursuance of which 1543 George Day, S.T.P., was elected 24th April 1543, re- 35H.VIII. ceived the royal assent ist May73, was confirmed by 62 Reg. Warham. fol. 3. gistered at Lambeth, but his con- 63 Pat. 19 Hen. VII. p. 2. m. 14. firmation on the loth of June is 64 Pat. 21. Hen. VII. there entered. Reg. Cranm. fol. 65 Reg. Warham. fol. 12. 189. 66 Pat. 24 Hen.VII. p. 2. m. 3. 70 Pat. 28 Hen.VIII. p. 2. m.9. 67 Lords' Journal, 22nd May, 71 Reg. Cranm. fol. 189. 28 Hen.VIII. 72 Pat.34Hen.VIII. p.8. in.26. 68 Pat. 28 Hen.VIII. p. 2. m.9. 73 Pat. 35 Hen.VIII. p.3. m.5. 65 His consecration is not re- BISHOPS. 249 the archbishop on the 5th 7^, and on the loth of the same month he obtained restitution of the temporaU- ties75. He was deprived loth Oct. 1551"^. 1552 John Scory, bishop of Rochester^ was translated to Chi- Edw. VI. Chester 23rd May 155277, and was deprived by queen Mary ; he was afterwards made bishop of Hereford by queen EHzabeth : a conge d'ehre on the depriva- tion issued 19th March 1553-47^, and 1554 George Day was restored in 15547^. He died 2nd 1 Mar. Aug. 1556, and was buried in Chichester cathedral. His will is dated 26th July 1556, and was proved 12th Nov. 1557. A license to elect a bishop in the room of George Day issued 16th Dec. 1556^0. 1557 John Christopherson, S.T.P., dean of Norwich, the t5P.&M. Queen's confessor^ was provided to this see by bull dated 7th May 1557. He was consecrated 21st Nov. following ^1, on which day also the temporalities were restored to him^"^. He died in December 1558, and was buried in Christ Church, London. The spiritu- alities, on the death of bishop Christopherson, were seized by the dean and chapter of Canterbury 2nd Jan. 1558-9, and a license to elect a bishop in his room issued 22nd June following ^^. 1559 William Barlow, bishop of Bath and Wells, was 2 Eliz. translated to this see, and obtained the royal assent 1 8th Dec. 1559*^^. ^® received the archbishop's con- firmation on the 20th of the same month ^^, and the temporalities 27th March 1560^^. He died loth Dec. 1569^7^ and was buried in Chichester cathedral. 74 Reg. Cranm. fol. 300. His S' Reg. Pol. ff. 11, 12. consecration is not recorded. ^2 Pat, 4&5P. &M.p. i.m.2. 75Pat, 35Hen.VIII.p.2.m.5. 83 Pat. i Eliz. p. 6. m. 21. 76 Reg. Cantuar. 84 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 5. 77 Pat. 6 Edw.VI. p. I. m.32. 85 Reg. Cantuar. 78 Pat. I Mar. p. i. m. 24. 86 pat, 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 6. 79 Pat. I Mar. p. 7. m. 34. 87 Others say that he died r3th 80 Pat. 3 & 4 Phil. & Mar. p. i. Aug. 1568. VOL. I. K k 250 CHICHESTER. His will is entered in Reg. Babington, fol. 17. The license to elect a bishop in the room of William Bar- low is dated 30th March 1570^^, in pursuance of which 1570 Richard Curteys, S.T.P., dean of Chichester^ was i2Eliz. elected, and obtained the Queen's assent 22nd April 1570^9. He was consecrated 2Jst May^o, and re- ceived the temporahties 6th June^^ He died in Aug. 1582, and was buried in Chichester cathedral on the 31st of that month. The spiritualities were seized ist Sept. 1582 by com- mission from the archbishop of Canterbury, and the see remained vacant for a considerable period. 1586 Thomas Bickley, S.T.P., archdeacon of Stafford, and 27 Eiiz. warden ofMeHon College^ Oxford^ was elected 3cth Dec. 1585, confirmed 30th Jan. 1585-6, and consecrated the next day 5'^. He died at Aldingbourn 30th April 1596 in the 88 th year of his age, and was buried in Chichester cathedral 'J-^. 1596 Anthony Watson, S.T.P., dean of Bristol, was nomi- sSEliz. nated by the Queen ist June 1596, elected by the chapter on the 14th of the same month, confirmed 14th Aug., and consecrated the next day *. The tempora- lities were restored to him 13th Sept. following 9^. He was born at Cheam in Surrey, where he died loth Sept. 1605, and was also buried there on the 19th of the same month 9^. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London 96, 1605 Lancelot Andrews, S.T.P., dean of Westminster, was 3 Jac. I. elected i6th Oct. 1605 and confirmed on the 31st of the same month. He was consecrated 3rd Nov. fol- lowing 97 ^ and in 1609 he was translated to Ely 98. ^ Pat. 12 Eliz. p. 7. m. 18. * Reg. Whitg. fol. 90, 89 Ibid. 94 Pat. 38 Eliz. p. 15. m. 9. 90 Reg. Cantuar. 95 Rgg. Whitg. pars ii. fol. 90. 91 Pat. 12 Eliz. p. 7. m. 18. 96 Hayes, 62. 92 Reg. Whitg. fol. 57. 97 Reg. Bancroft, fol. 42. 93 E.X Epitaph. 98 ibid. fol. 84. BISHOPS. 261 1609 Samuel Harsnet^ S.T.P., archdeacon of Colchester, Jac. I. was elected 3rd Nov. 1609, confirmed 2nd Dec. and consecrated the next day^^; and was translated to Norwich 28th Aug. 16191. The conge d'elire, on the translation of bishop Harsnet is dated 3rd Sept. 16192. 1619 George Carleton, bishop of Llandaff, was translated Jac. I. to this see 8th Sept. 1 6 1 9 3, received the royal assent on the 15th 4, and was confirmed on the 20th of the same month ^. The temporalities were restored to him 23rd Oct.6; and he died in May 1628, and was buried on the 27th of that month in Chichester cathedral. The license to elect a bishop vice George Carleton is dated 8th July 16287. 1628 Richard Mountague, S.T.V., dean of Hereford, viai,B Car. I. elected 14th July 1628^, and received the royal assent on the 24th of the same months. He was confirmed 22nd Aug., and consecrated at Croydon on the 24th of the same month*. He was translated to Norwich 1 2th May 163810. A hcense to elect a bishop in the room of Richard Mountague issued 21st May 163811, in pursuance of which 1638 Brian Duppa, S.T.P.^ dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 4 Car. I. was elected 29th May 1638, and received the royal assent to his election 6th June^. He was confirmed on the 13th of the same month, and consecrated on the i7tht; and on the 20th of the same month the temporalities were restored to hitni^. He was trans- lated to Salisbury in 16411^. 1641 Henry King, dean of Rochester, was consecrated 6th 7 Car. I. 99 Reg. Bancroft, fol. 102. 9 Pat. 4 Car. I. p. 38. N". 9. 1 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 24. * Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 145. 2 Pat. 17 Jac. I. p. 13. m. 6. 10 Reg. Laud, pars ii. fol. 40. 3 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 30. 'i Pat. 14 Car. I. p. 19. No. 3. 4 Pat. 17 Jac. I. p. 13. m. 5. 12 Ibid. No. 2. s Reg. Abbot, fol. 30. f Reg. Laud, pars ii. fol. 46. fi Pat. 17 Jac. I. p. 13. m. 4. 13 Pat. 14 Car. L p. 19. No. i, 7 Pat. 4 Car. L p. 38. No. 10. !■! Ath. Oxon. ^ Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 100. K k 2 259 CHICHESTER. Feb. 1641-2'^. He died the last day of Sept. 1669^6^ in the 77th year of his age. 1669 Peter Gunning, S.T.P., master of St. JohrCs college., 21 Car. II. Cambridge^ was elected 17th Feb. 1669-70, confirmed 3rd March, and consecrated at Lambeth on the 6th of the same monthly ; and 4th March 1674-5 he was translated to Ely'^. 1675 Ralph Brideoke, S.T.P., dean of Salisbury, was 27 Car. II. elected 9th March 1674-5, confirmed 15th April, and consecrated on the iSth of that month'^. He died 5th Oct. i67. Francis Dee succeeded 6th April 1630"*', and in J 634 was made bishop of Peterborough "7. 62 Reg. Bourchier. 72 Quaere de hoc ? Browne 63 Reg. Cicestren. Willis states that he was never 64 Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. 1. ii. dean of Chichester : he was dean p. 152. of Windsor, Peterborough, and 65 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 181. Norwich. 66 Reg. Cranmer. 73 Rgg. Cicestren. "4 l\)[^, 67 Reg. Cicestren. 75 a. O. vol. i. p. 465. 68 Ibid. 69 Ibid. 76 Pat. 6 Car. I. p. 17. 70 Ibid. 71 Ibid. 77 Reg. Laud. TOL. I. L 1 258 CHICHESTER. Richard Stewart was installed 6th March 1634-5'*. Bruno Ryvks, appointed by patent 8th June 1646, and installed 12th July 1660; and in the same year was made dean of Windsor "9, Joseph Hexshaw was installed 29th Nov. 1660, and in 1663 was made bishop of Peterborough*'". Joseph Gulston, S.T.P., was nominated 6th Jan. 1662-3, and installed 23rd May 1663^1. He died 10th April 1669. Nathaniel Crew, LL.D., was installed 28th April 1669; and in 167 1 was made bishop of Oxford s^. Thomas Lambrook, dean of Chichester^ died 27th Nov. 167282*, setat. 65, George Stradlixg, S.T.P., succeeded in 1672. He died 19th April 1688, and was buried in AVestminster abbey ^-^ Francis Hawkins, S.T.P., was installed 12th May 168884. Ob. 19th Feb. 1698-9. William Hayley was installed 5th June 1 699. Ob. 30th Oct. 1715. Thomas Sherlock, Nov. 1715^*, vice Hayley. He was promoted to the bishopric of Bangor. Nevey or Newey, 20th Dec. 7727^^, vice Sher- lock. Ob. 15th Sept. 1735. Thomas Haley, vice Newey; nominated Oct. 1735, and installed Jan. 1735-6^7. Qb. 12th Aug. 1739. James Hargrave, 8th Sept. 1739, vice Dr. Hayley**^. Ob. 15th Nov. 1741. William Ashburnham, Nov. 1741, vice Dr. Hargrave. Installed March 1742 ''9. Combe Miller, circa July 1790. Ob. 18th Feb. 1814, setat. 69. "^ Reg. Cicestren. the Middle Hill copy of Le Neve.) '"s* Ibid. «o Ibid. «- A. O. vol. ii. p. 622. **' Lib. Induct. 84 Rgg, Cicestren. 82 Reg. Cicestren. 85 Bishops' Certificates. 82* See his epitaph in Antiq. 86 Hjjd. 87 Ibid. Worcester, &c. p. 235. (Note in 88 ihid. 89 Ibid. ARCHDEACONS. 259 Christopher Bethell, 5th April 18 14^". Samuel Slade, nominated 12th March 1824, vice Dr. Christopher Bethell, promoted to the see of Glou- cester. George Chandler, nominated 20th Feb., installed 1 8th March 1830^^, vice Dr. Samuel Slade, deceased. This deanery is rated for first fruits at ^81. gs. 4k/. "Ji* ARCHDEACONS OF CHICHESTER. Henry, 1120, 1 15692. Jordan de Meleburn, from this dignity was made dean of this cathedral in 1176^^ Seffuide, from this dignity was made dean in 1178, and bishop of this see in 11 80 9*. JocELiNE enjoyed it in 1179 and 1182^''. Silvester, about 1190. Henry de Corxhill, 120396. S . . .97 joscelinus, 120598. William Durand, 123299. Walter, about 1240 1"". John, 1244^ Geoffrey de Gates or Galtes, 1259*. Robert, 1290'. Gervase, 1307 •. Robert Leyset, 1317'. Simon de Bredon, 1356^. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. Joh. p. 48. S' Ibid, ^'-^ Reg. Cicestren. 31* Ecton, p. 77. 100 Ex Cartis in Baga. 32 Ex Cartis in Baga. i Coll. Kennet. folio. 33 MS. Cott. Vespasian, B. 15. ^ Prynn. Coll. torn. iii. p. 115. 34 Annal. Winton. Lett. N°. 1837 in Turr. Lond. 35 Ex Cartis in Baga. 3 Pat. 18 Edw. I. 36 Cart. 5 Joh. p. 1 1 1. 4 Parj. 35 Edw. I. 37 Pat. 15 Joh. p. loi. -^ Pat. 9 Edw. II. 38 Reg. Cicestren. and Pat. 6 " Reg. Gyncwell Episc. Line. l1 2 260 CHICHESTER. Walter de Ai.derbury, 13567. johk de sculthorp, 1356^. SiMOX RuSSEL9, 1395 10. John Thomas succeeded Russel 3rd May 1395. William Read, 1398 and 141 1^^ John Thomas. He died in 14121^. John Lindfield succeeded in 14121-^. He held it at his death. His will, dated 28th Oct. 1440, was proved 5th Nov. 1440. William Walesby, 1440". Simon de Gredon, 1454 1^. John Morton seems to have succeeded Gredon in the dignity. Peter Huse, about 14781^. He resigned in 1481. Henry Boleyn, S.T.P., was collated ist Sept. 148 1^^. He died in the same year, and was buried in Lincoln cathedral ' ^. John Coke, LL.D., held this archdeaconry in 148 1. He was dead before 1495^9. Gerrard Borrett succeeded in 1495^^. William Norbery, about 152321. John Worthyal was collated 2nd Feb. 1530—31^2. John Jewel, about 1551- Alban Langdale was installed 16th April 1555^'^. Richard Tremayne was presented 7th April 1559^"*. John Spencer, A.M., was installed in 15602^ John Coldwell succeeded in 157 1, and resigned in 1575''- Thomas Gillingham was installed 15th May i575^^' He resigned in 1580. 7 Reg. Gynewell Episc. Line. '^ Reg. Story. ^ Ibid. i'' Reg. Cicestren. 9 Pat. II Ric. II. p. 1. m. 7. 18 Ex Epitaphio. 10 Reg. Bockingham Episc. l^ Coll. Kennet. folio. Line. 20 Reg. Cicestren. n Reg. Cicestren. 21 ibid. 22 ibid. 12 Ibid. 13 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 14 Ibid. 24 Pat, I Eliz. p. I. m. 22. 15 Coll. H. Wharton. MS. F. 2.5 Reg. Cicestren. p. 118. 26 Ibid. 27 Ibid. ARCHDEACONS. 261 John Longworth^ S.T.P., was collated 30th April 1580^^. He resigned in 1586. William Stone, S.T.B., was collated 15th Nov. 158629 Henry Ball, S.T.P., was installed 12th April 1596^" He resigned before his death. Ob. 30th March 1603-4 Thomas Paterson was installed 9th March 1603-4^' Roger Andrews was installed 23rd Feb. 1607-8 3' Ob. 1635. Laurence Pay succeeded to this archdeaconry in 1635- James Marsh, S.T.P., held this office in 1639. Died in 1643. Henry Hammond, S.T.P., succeeded in 1643. He died 25th April 1660, and was buried at Hampton in Worcestershire 3-^. Jasper Mayne succeeded 2nd July 1660. He died 6th Dec. 1672, and was buried in Chrisfs Church, Oxon. Oliver Whitby, A.M., was installed 23rd Dec. 16723-1. JosiAs Pleydell, collated 4th Sept. 1679; was in- stalled 3rd Oct. 1679. James Barker, A.M., was collated 12th Feb. 1707-8, and installed on the 14th of the same month ^\ Thomas Ball, 7th Sept. 1736 ^6. Thomas Hollingbery, 10th June 1771-^^. Ob. ist Aug. 1792. John Buckner, 3rd Oct. 1792-^^. Charles Alcock, 29th April 1802^9. Thomas Taylor, 12th Oct. 1803^0. Ob. 4th Jan. 1808. Charles Webber, 5th March i8o8^^ Henry Edward Manning, 30th Dec. 1 840, vice Charles Webber-i^. 28 Reg. Cicestren. -^^ Reg. Cicestren. 29 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 36 Bishops' Certificates. 31 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 33 Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. 1. ii. 39 Ibid. ^o ibid, p. 203. -11 Ibid. ^ Ibid. 34 Reg. Cicestren. 26a CHICHESTER. James Garbett, 28th April i85i,vice Henry Edward Manning *3. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 38^. ^s. 4^,-'^*. ARCHDEACONS OF LEWES. Peter, so styled in 1180^^. JocELiNE, 1 190''. S ... .46 EUSTACHIUS DE LeVET,AND, 12 26^''. Reginald de Wintoxia, 1227^*^. William de Lughteburg held it 14th Jan. 1240-149. Robert Passelewe, 5th March 1 243-4 ^0. He was elected bishop of Chichester in 1244, but the Pope rejected him. He died viii Id. Jun. (6th) 1252, at Waltham Abbey, and was buried there ^1. SiMox DE Clympingham enjoyed this dignity in 1262^-. Godfrey de Peckham, 1279^^ Thomas de Berghstede, from this dignity was made dean of this church in i296^-» Thomas Cobham, 1301^^. John de Godele. He resigned in 1305 ^6. Hamelin de Godele succeeded in the same year, 1305 '^7. John Geytentun, about 1313^^- Walter de Lyndrich, 1346^^, 1362'^°. William de Loughteburgh held it in March 1355"^ and in 1363. 43 Bishops' Certificates. ^- Reg. Cicestren. 43* Ecton, p. 77. ^^ Reg. Pecham. 44 Ex Cartis in Baga. 45 ibid. ^4 Rgg. Winchelsey. ^^ Ibid. 46 Pat. 9 Joh. p. 82. ^^ Pat. 33 Edvv. I. p. i. m. 6. 4' Pat. 10 Hen. III. m. 6. et -'^ Reg. Winchelsey. Pat. 33 Pat. 12 Hen. IH. m. 3. Edvv. I. p. i. m. 6. 4^ Ex Cartis in Baga. ^8 Rgg. Cicestren. 49 Pat. 25 Hen. HI. Addition •''9 Rymer, vol. v. p. 492. to Middle Hill copy of Le Neve. ^^ Reg. Ishp. 50 Pat. 28 Hen. HI. m. 7. 61 Rgg. Gynewell. Addition 51 Weever, p. 645. to Middle Hill copy of Le Neve. ARCHDEACONS OF LEWES. 263 John Cordray, 137461. AVater Forey, 8th May 1389^-2. Richard Stoxe, 1393^'^. John Bampton or Brampton, 1402^^. Held it in 141565. Lewis Coychltrch held it in 141 9^6. John Plemth, 1478^7. Simon Clippling held this dignity in 1483. Thomas Oatley, 148668. Richard Hill 69. Edward Vaughan, 150970. Bishop of St. David's in the same year. William Atwater"^ William Cradock, 15127-. Oliver Pole, 1^16'^. Anthony Wayte, 151 9"+. Edward More, 152875. Robert Buckenham, S.T.P., 153 1 76. John Shirry, 154777. Richard Breisley, 1551"^. He died in 1558. Thomas Tayler, LL.B., 155879. Edmund West, 13th Oet. 1559^''; was installed nth Jan. 1559*^'. Thomas Drant, S.T.B., was appointed 27th Feb. and installed 4th March 1569-70^-. William Coell, A.M., was installed 17th April 157883. William Cotton, A.M., was installed 15th Oct. 1578^4^ John Mattock, A.INL, was installed 9th Sept. 1598 ^^^ Ob. 27th Dec. 1612. 61 Coll. Kennet. folio. '2 Rgg. Cicestren. 62 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 10. 73 ibid. 74 ibid. 6;^ Reg. Cicestren. ^-^ Ibid. 75 ibid. 76 ibid. 65 Reg. Chichel. 277. '7 Ibid. 78 ibid. 66 Ibid. 281. 79 Ibid. 67 Reg. Cicestren. 68 ibid. so Pat. i Eliz. p. i. m. 22. 69 Qusere annum ? 81 Reg. Cicestren. 70 Reg. Cicestren. 82 Ibid. ^3 Ibid. 71 Quaere annum ? §4 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 264 CHICHESTER. Richard Bokexham, S.T.B., was installed 7th Jan. 1611-12^^. Buried in Chichester cathedral 14th Aug. 1629. William Hutchinson, S.T.P., was installed in 1629^". Ob. circa 1643. Thomas Hooke, S.T.P. He resigned in 1660 ««. Philip King, S.T.P., succeeded 19th Dec. i66o89- Ob. 4th March 1666-7. Nicholas [? Nathan] Hardy, S.T.P., 27th March 1667; was installed 6th April 166790. Ob. 1670. Tobias Henshaw, S.T.B., 9th June 1670; was in- stalled 5th Sept. 167091. Treasurer in 1672. Joseph Sayer, S.T.B., was installed 8th Dec. i68i9-2. Buried 24th Aug. 1693. Richard Bowchier, S.T.B., was installed 20th Oct. 1693. Ob. Nov. 1723. James Williamson, 24th Sept. 172393. Ob. 9th Dec. 1736, set. 76. Edmund Bateman, 22nd March 1736-7 5*. Ob. 28th April 1751. Thomas D'Oyly, 5th June 1751*^'. Ob. 27th Jan. 1770. John Courtail, 31st May 177096. Ob. 25th Feb. 1806, set. 92. Matthias D'Oyley, 29th April 1806 97. Ob. 13th Nov. 1815^ set. 72. Edward Robert Raynes, 25th Feb. 181598. Thomas Birch, 8th May 182399. Ob. 25th Feb. 1840, set. 74. Julius Charles Hare, 10th April 1840, vice Thomas Birch 1. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 39?. 155.'^ 86 Reg. Cicestren. ^4 Bishops' Certificates. 87 Ibid. 88 Ibid. 95 Ibid. 96 Ibid. 89 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 97 Ibid. 98 Ibid. 91 Ibid. 92 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 1 Ibid. 93 Bishops' Certificates. ^ Ecton, p. 77. PRECENTORS. 265 PRECENTORS. This dignity was erected at the same time as the deanery, about 1115. Karlo was the first : he was possessed of it in 11 20 1. Henry, 1145^. Robert, 1147-^. Lewis, 1 185^. William de Leuckkor, about 1216^. Ernisius de Tywa, 1219, 1239^. Richard de Clifford, appointed by patent 23rd July 12717. BoGo, 1283 **. John de Sancto Leofardo, 13059. Gailhardus de Mota, a Roman cardinal, 1321, 1345^0 Robert de Derby, 25th June 1373^'. Philip Suleys was precentor of Chichester 4th Feb. 1399-14001-. Richard Courteney, 1400. He exchanged with Nicholas Rees 12th May 1407, who died in the same yearly. William Reed succeeded in 1407. John Blounham. He held the office in 1415, H'^j 1420, and 14261^. He was custos of the spiritualities of this see after the death of John Rykyngale in 1429 1\ He seems to have held this dignity in 1441. John Wyne, made precentor in 1459. He resigned it in 1485 16_ 1 Ex Cartis in Baga de Dioc. ^ Pat. 33 Edw. I. Cicestren. 'O Pat. 14 Edw. II. Rymer, 2 Coll. Kennet. folio. vol. v. p. 442. 3 Ibid. 11 Pat. 41 Edw. III. p. I. m. 10. ■* Ex Cartis in Baga. and Pat. 43 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 7. ^ See old Statutes of this 12 Reg. Arund. Church. 13 Reg. Cicestren. and Reg. Re- 6 Ex Cartis in Baga. pyngdon Line. 7 Pat. 55 Hen. III. m. 10. '4 ibid. ^ Reg. Peckham.CoU. Kennet, i-' Reg. Chichel. 241. A. p. 69. 16 Reg. Story. VOL. I. Mm 266 CHICHESTER. Richard Aspynhulgh was collated 28th July 1485 '7. Henry Hoten, 1502^^. William Horsey, about 1520^^. George AVynd, 1542. He died in the next year^o. CuTHBERT Opley was coUatcd 25th July 1543, and died in 1547 2^. Thomas Day, LL.B., was collated 7th May 1547^^. Thomas Willoughby, vice Thomas Day, appointed by the Queen i6th March 1569-70, sede vacante^a. John Becon, LL.D., was collated i6th Feb. 1579-80'-^. Henry Bull, S.T.P., 27th Sept. 1587 2^. John Mattock, A.M., was installed 20th Feb. 1603-4 '^6. Buried 27th Dec. 16 13. Thomas Mubiat was installed nth April 1613-7. William Cox held this dignity. Ob. 29th Jan. 163 1—2. Joseph Henshaw, S.T.P., was installed 12th July i66o28. Joseph GuLSTON, S.T.P., was installed 23rd May 1663 '^9. Nathaniel Crew, LL.D., was installed 28th April 1669=^0. George Stradling, S.T.P., was installed 22nd July 167131. Robert Jenkin, A.M., was installed 7th May 1688 3-^. John Patrick, S.T.P., was installed 29th July 1690, and died in 169633. Henry Edes, S.T.P., was installed 10th June 1696, and died in 17033*. Edmund Gibson, S.T.P., was instituted 24th May 35^ and installed 2nd June 170335*. 17 Reg. Cicestren. 30 Reg. Cicestren. '^ Ibid, 19 Ibid. 3i ibid. These last four were ^^ Ibid. 21 Ibid, deans of this cathedral, and held ^^ Ibid. this dignity in commendara with 23 Reg, Parker, it. 24 Reg, Cicestren. 32 Reg, Cicestren. 25 Ibid. 26 Ibid. 33 Ibid. 34 Ibid, 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid. 35 Bishops' Certificates. 2^ Ibid. 35* Reg. Cicestren. TREASURERS. 267 Henry Gray, S.T.P., 14th Jan. 1717-8^6. Daniel Walter, i8th Sept. lyiQ'^^ Thomas Herring, i6th April 176138, Ob. 25th March 1774- Charles Ashburnham, 26th Sept. 177439, Thomas Ferris, 9th Jan. iSoi^^. Ob, 19th June 1801. Moses Toghill, 21st Aug. iSoi^^. Ob. 14th Jan. 1825, setat. 81. Samuel Holland, loth Feb. 1825^'^. This dignity is rated for first fruits at ^^l. os. loc?.^^ TREASURERS. This dignity was erected at the same time as the deanery, about IJ15. Luke, 1125^^. S . . ., 113045. Roger, 1148, 115646. W . . , de Nevill, 1170^^. Seffride, 1190^8, Richard, i 19449. W. de Nevill held it in 1233 and 1240. W. . ,, 1251^0. N , . ,, 1271^1. Gilbert de Sancto Leofardo, 1282^2, Bishop of this see in 1288. Robert de Purle, in 1291, William de Irton was possessed of it in 1297 and in Sept. 1300^3, 36 Bishops' Certificates. 46 CqU. Kennet. folio. 37 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 47 Ibid. 48 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 49 Ibid. 41 Ibid, 42 Ibid. 50 In an old Charter at Chi- 43 Ecton, p. 77, Chester, 44 Ex Cartis in Baga de Dioc, 5i Reg_ Cicestren. Cicestren* 52 Rymer, vol. ii. p. 193. ^^ Ibid. 53 Reg. Winchelsey. M m 2 268 CHICHESTER. William ue Theford was admitted in Sept. 1300^^. Hugh de Darkeneby, 1324^^. Walter de Segrave, about 1340^^ Dean in 1342. Stephen de Ketelbury held it 28th June 1349 •''7. Walter Gest^^. John de Wendlingburgh, 1362^9. Philip Galeys held it in 1396 ^o. John Blounham, 1410. He resigned in the year fol- lowingfi^ William Read, 1411^2. William Malpas was treasurer in 1414 and 1415''^ John King held it nth Jan. 1437— 8^^. John Strelton held the office in 1474. John Doget, 1479^^. He died in 1501^^. William Green, 1501^7. Nicholas West, appointed by the King 8th May 1507. John Colet, 1516^^. Thomas Wodyngton, LL.D., was installed loth July 151969. Hugh Rolfe was installed 12th March 15 19— 20^0, Robert Peterson held this office in 1549. His will, dated i8th Jan. 1554-5, was proved 14th May 1555. John Smith, A.M., was installed 16th April 155571. Augustine Bradbridge was installed 30th April 156272, Ob. 1567. William Overton, S.T.P., was installed 7th May 156773. Stephen Chatfield, A.M., was installed 28th April 158174. Ob. 1598. 54 Reg. Winchelsey. ^3 Reg. Cicestren. ^•5 In an old Charter at Chi- ^3 Reg. Chichel. 276. Chester. ^'i Ibid. fol. 463. ^6 Reg. Cicestren. ^^ Rymer, vol. xii. p. 108. 57 Pat. 23 Edw. I. fifi Reg. Cicestren. 58 Pat. 25 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 6. 67 ibid. 68 ibid. 59 Reg. Islip. 69 Ibid. 70 Ibid. 60 Reg. Bockingham Ep. Line. 71 ibid. 72 ibid. 61 Reg. Cicestren. 73 ibid. 74 ibid. CHANCELLORS. 269 Richard Neale, S.T.B., was installed 5th July 1598 7^. He became bishop of Rochester. Robert Newell, S.T.B., was installed 25th Nov. 1 610 76. He became dean of Lincoln, and died 1643. Philip King, S.T.P., was installed 12th July i66o77. Walter Jones, S.T.P., collated 5th June 1667, was installed 20th July 166778. Ob. 1672, and buried at Westminster, where he held a stall. Tobias Henshaw, A.M., was installed 25th July 167279. His will, dated 4th Sept., was proved 8th Dec. 1681. Henry Morris, S.T.P., was installed 7th Jan. 1681-280. William Barecroft, A.M., was installed 9th Jan. 1691—2^1. Thomas Manningham, A.M., was installed 17th Sept. 171282. John Chapman, 2nd July 1750^3^ vice Manningham. Combe Miller, 17th March 1785 s^. Richard Tireman, 2nd Dec. 1791^^. Ob. 1792. Thomas Francis Davison, 29th Feb. 1792^*^. Ob. 1834, setat. 71. Henry Wagner, i6th May 183487. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 61I. 6s. 8c?. 8 s CHANCELLORS. This dignity was erected at the same time as the deanery, about 1115. Jo . . . was possessed of it in 11 21 89. Peter, in 1145^0. Joseph, about 11 4891. 7s Reg. Cicestren. 85 Bishops' Certificates. 76 Ibid. 77 Ibid. 86 Ibid. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 87 Ibid. 80 Ibid. 81 Ibid. 88 Ecton, p. 77. 82 Bishops' Certificates. 89 Reg. Cicestren. 83 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 91 Ibid. 270 CHICHESTER. J . . . about r 173^^. J . . . DE AauiLA, in the time of bishop Seffride H. be- tween T 1 80 and 1 204^'^. Hugh de Touunay, appointed 30th Sept. 1204. Ralph de Neville, dean of Lichfield^ appointed 28th Oct. 12229-3. He was bishop of this see in the same year 9'!. EusTACHius de Leveland enjoyed it in 12279^ and 123496. Thomas de Lichfield was possessed of it in 122997. John Clipping; elected bishop of Chichester in 12539s. William de Bracklesham, about 125699. Held it in 1268. William de Pagham, 12801. John de Lacy, 12912. Henry de Garland, 1330. Dean in 1332-3. John Bishopston was chancellor in 1374. Robert de Walton, 8th March 1366 *. Lambert Threkyngham^ William Read, 14076. Robert Neel, 14077. Held the office in 1414. Ob, 1430. John Stopyndon was admitted chancellor of Chichester on the death of Robert Neel, 33rd May 1430^. John Morton, 14399. John Franks succeeded by cession of Morton^*^. Edmund Lichfield, 1478. He exchanged the office in 1483 10* with John Brakenbubgh who held it in 1483. 91 Reg. Cicestren. ' Reg. Cicestren. 92 Ibid. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 93 Pat. 7 Hen. III. m. 8. " Pat. 40 Edw. III. p. i. m. 33. 94 Reg. Cicestren. ^ pat. n Ric. II. p. 2. m. 7. 95 Ibid. s Reg. Cicestren. 96 Pat. 16 Hen. III. m. 2. 7 Ibid. Pat. 17 Hen. III. m. 6. 8 Reg. Chichel. fol. 244. 97 Reg. Cicestren, 9 Reg. Cicestren. 98 Pat. 37 Hen. III. m. II. » Ibid. 99 Reg. Cicestren. '0* Rgg. Russel. Line. CHANCELLORS. 271 William Brakelesham held it also in 1483. William Porter^ about 1507. He resigned in 15121^. William Byrle was collated 28th April 1512, and resigned in 1525^^. John Worshiat succeeded in 1525, and resigned in 153013. George Croft was collated 2nd Feb. 1530— 31 1^. William Tresham was installed in 1559^ and deprived in the year following 1^. Augustine Bradbridge, A.B., was installed 6th July 1560, and resigned it in 1562^^. William Bradbridge was collated 28th April i562'7, appointed bishop of Exeter in 1571, and allowed to hold the chancellorship of Chichester in commendam^^. John Chantler was installed 12th Feb. 1572—3^^. Henry Blackstone was installed 7th March 1572^*^. Roger Andrews was installed i6th Oct. 1606-1. John Scull, appointed ist Oct. 1635 ; will dated 23rd Oct. 1641, proved 4th Feb. 1641— 2. James Marsh held this office in 1642. Lambrochius Thomas, instituted 7th Aug. 1660; in- stalled 1 8th Aug. i66o2i!. William Saywell, A.M., instituted 28th Nov. 1672; installed 5th Dec. i672"2-3. John Wright, A.M., instituted 19th June 1701 ; in- stalled 4th Aug. 17012-1. Robert Rawlinson, 20th July 1719^^. Thomas D'Oyly, 25th Dec. 1747^^. Ob. 27th Jan. 1770. William Clarke, 25th May 1770-7. Ob. 177 1. Luke Trevigar, i6th March 1772'^^. 11 Reg. Cicestren. 20 Reg. Cicestren. '2 Ibid. 13 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 14 Ibid. IS Ibid. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. 25 Bishops' Certificates. 18 Pat. 13 Eliz. p. 5. m. 44. 26 ibid. 27 ibid. I'* Reg. Cicestren. 28 Ibid. 272 CHICHESTER. Roger Pettiward, i6th Oct. 177225. Thomas Williams, 13th Oct. 177430. Ob. 19th Jan. 1796, setat. 94. John Ashburnham, 4th May 17962^ This dignity is rated for first fruits at 27^. 7s. id.^'^. PREBENDARIES FROM THE ACCESSION OF THE HOUSE OF HANOVER IN 1714. John Woodward to the prebend of Wittering, 36th Feb. 1 7 14-15, vice Conyers Richardson deceased ^3. Robert Rawlinson to the prebend of Waltham, 15th Oct. 17 15, vice Smith deceased^^ Samuel Billingsley to the prebend of Selsey, 29th May 1716, vice William Stonestreet deceased^^. Lewis Beaumont to the prebend Bursalis, 23rd Jan. 17 18—19, vice Thomas Houghton^^. Ob. 3rd Jan. 1739-40. Simon Manningham to the prebend of Woodhorn, alias Erlington, 13th July 1719, vice John Wright37. Thomas Gooch to the prebend of Sumerley, 27th July 1 7 19, vice William Williams ^8. John Parke to the prebend of Middleton, 8th April 1720, vice Matthew Woodford ^9. John Backshell to the prebend of Hove Ecclesia, 7th Nov. 1720, vice Henry Alleyn^^, Walter Barttelot to the prebend of Bishopshurst, 20th July 1721, vice Edward Littleton^i. John Harris to the prebend of Wyndham, 2nd Aug. 1722, vice John Kennel^'^. 29 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 32 Ecton, p. 77. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 33 Bishops' Certificates. 41 ibid. 42 ibid. 34 Ibid. 35 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 273 George Jordan to the prebend of Sydlesham, 6th June 1723, vice WilHam Whitear^^. James Hargraves to the prebend of Thorney, 18th Sept. 1723, vice Richard Bowchier. James Barker to the prebend of Sutton, 17th Aug. 1724^^. Carew Reynell to the prebend Exceit, 17th Aug. 1724, vice John Thistlethvvaite^\ Simon Hughes to the prebend of Hova villa or Huvile, 31st March 1725, vice Barnesley^^^ Isaac Maddox to the prebend of Earthara, 3i8tMarch 1725, vice Woodford^". Benjamin Langwith to the prebend of Selsey, 15th June 1725, vice Samuel Billingsley^^. Bartholomew Cox to the prebend of Barksham, 18th Sept. 1725, vice Thomas Musgrave^^. Thomas Ball to the prebend of Hampstead, nth Juno 1727, vice Henry Snooke resigned s*^. William Clarke to the prebend of Hova villa, 2i8t Aug. 1727, vice Simon Hughes^i, William Crooke to the prebend of Fittleworth, i6th Sept. 1727, vice Peter Heald^-. William Wade to the prebend of Highley, 23rd May 1729, vice Thomas Baker ^^ Isaac Maddox to the prebend of Bury, 29th Jan. 1 7 29-30 ^''. Thomas Ball to the prebend of Eartham, 4th Feb. 1729-30^^. Richard Green to the prebend of Hampstead, 8th May 730^^ Philip Barton to the prebend of Bargham, 8th Aug. 1730^". •*3 Bishops' Certificates. so Bishops' Certificates. 44 Ibid. 45 Ibid. 51 Ibid. 52 Ibid. 4« Ibid. 47 Ibid. 53 Ibid. 54 Ibid. 48 Ibid. 49 Ibid. 55 Ibid. 5« Ibid 57 Ibid. VOL. I. N n 274 CHICHESTER. JoNATHAK Straight to the prebond of Wittering, 23rd March 1730-1''^. John Penfold to the prebend of East Thorney, 9th Feb. 1731-2^9. Thomas Spateman to the prebend of Ferring, 19th Aug. 1734, vice Richard Chapman ^o. JoHX Wynne to the prebend of Seaford, 3rd July ly^^, vice WilHam Sherwin'''. John Wynne to the prebend of Heathfield, 28th June 1736, vice Thomas Hayley promoted to the deanery 6i. Geobge Adams to the prebend of Seaford, 24th Aug. 1736, vice John Wynne resigned '*^. George Adams to the prebend of Wittering, 28th Oct. 1736, vice John Straight ^4. Thomas Hutchinson to the prebend of Seaford, 4th Jan. 1736-7, vice George Adams resigned^''. Samuel Speed to the prebend Bursahs, 14th Feb. 1738-9, vice sir Lewin Beaumont bart.^^ John Evanson to the prebend of Somerley, 27th July 1739, vice Thomas Gooch promoted to the see of Norwich^'. Thomas Cheyney to the prebend Exceit, 14th Dec. 173968^ Ob. 27th Jan. 1760. John Frankland to the prebend of Barksham, 18th Feb. 1741-2, vice Bartholomew Cox ^5. Thomas Doyly to the prebend of Selsoy, 29th Sept. 1743, vice Benjamin Langwith^o. Thomas Doyly to the prebend of Bishopshurst, 29th Sept. 1743, vice Walter Bartelot^^. John Hancock to the prebend of Hampstead, 27th April 1744, vice Richard Green resigned"^. 58 Bishops' Certificates. ^7 Bishops' Certificates. 69 Ibid. 60 Ibid. 68 Ibid. 69 Ibid. 6' Ibid. 62 Ibid. 70 Ibid. 71 Ibid. 63 Ibid. 64 Ibid. 72 Ibid. 65 Ibid. 66 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 9,75 John Pinnell to the prebend of Selsey, 25th May 1744, vice Thomas Doyly 7a. John Pinnell to the prebend of Colworth, vice John Pinnell senior, resigned, ist June 174474. John Hancock to the prebend of Selsey, nth July 1745, vice John Pinnell 75. Robert Sandham to the prebend of Hampstead, 4th Oct. 1745, vice John Hancock 7^. John Hubbock to the prebend of Sidleshani, 7th Oct. 1745, vice George Jordan 77, Ob. ist March 1781. John Fulham to the prebend of Heathfield, 7th Nov. 1745, vice John Wynne "s. Robert Sandham to the prebend of Mardon, 23rd June 1746, vice John Peachy 79, Daniel Walter to the prebend of Wisborough, 24th June 1746, vice Daniel Walter senior ^o. John Stuart to the prebend of Hampstead, 24th June 1746, vice Robert Sandham^i. Charles Skottowe to the prebend of Walthani, 20th April 1748, vice Robert Rawlinson^^. Thomas Hutchinson to the prebend of Ipthorne, 25th May 1750, vice Thomas Manningham '^s. Richard Harris to the prebend of Wyndham, loth Aug. 1750, vice John Harris^^. Ob. 31st July 1768. George Perceval to the prebend of Seaford, 21st Aug. 1750, vice Thomas Hutchinson ^•^. Thomas Newhouse to the prebend of Gates, 12th Oct. 1750, vice George Goodwinse. ob. 21st May 1773. John King to the prebend of Hove Ecclesia, 4th Jan. 1 75 1 -2, vice John Backshell^7. John Wickins to the prebend of Wittering, nth Jan. 1 75 1 -2, vice George Adams ^s. 73 Bishops' Certificates. 82 Bishops' Certificates. 74 Ibid. 7ft Ibid. 83 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 7C Ibid. 77 Ibid. 86 Ibid. 86 Ibid. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 87 Ibid. 88 Ibid. 80 Ibid. 81 Ibid. N n 2 276 CHICHESTER. Luke Tuevigar to the prebend of Firlos, 29th Juno 1753, ^^^® Samuel Arnold ^ 9. Bragg Blagden to the prebend of Hampstead, 5th July 1753, vice John Stuart ^0. Thomas Heath to the prebend of Fittleworth, 3th July 17.53, vice WiUiam Crooke'^'. Thomas Hurdis to the prebend of Middleton^ 19th Feb. 1754-5, vice John Parke 9'^. Ob. 29th March 1784. Charles Goldcall to the prebend of Eartham, 2nd Aug. 1754, vice Thomas Ball^^ Owen Jones to the prebend of Sutton, 23rd Dec. 1 y^^, vice James Barker 9^. Richard Eyre to the prebend Exceit, 21st March 1 760, vice Thomas Oheyney ^^ Charles Asburnham to the prebend of Ferring, 7th Feb. 1 761, vice Thomas Spateraan 'J<^. John Courtail to the prebend of Ferring, 29th May 1 761, vice Charles Asburnham ^7. Ob. 25th Feb. 1806, setat. 92. William Webber to the prebend of Selsey, 30th Oct. 1 76 1, vice John Hancock ^s. Isaac Moody Bingham to the prebend of Bargham, 29th July 1765, vice Philip Barton ■^^. Charles Asburnham to the prebend of Waltham, 22nd April 1767, vice Charles Skottowe^ Charles Goldcall to the prebend of Woodhorn, 5th Aug. 1767, vice Simon Manningham^. Luke Trevigar to the prebend of Eartham, loth Sept. 1767, vice Charles Goldcall-^. Ob. 1793, setat. 71. John Buckner to the prebend of Firles, 20th Feb. 1768, vice Luke Trevigar 4. 89 Bishops' Certificates. ^ Bishops' Certificates. 90 Ibid. 9' Ibid. 99 Ibid. • Ibid. 92 Ibid. 93 Ibid. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 94 Ibid. 95 Ibid. 4 Ibid. 9« Ibid. 97 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 277 RiCHAED TiREMAN to the prebend of Highley, 13th Sept. 1768, vice William Wade 5. John Oglander to the prebend of Windham, 21st Oct. 1768, vice Richard Harris 6. Roger Pettiward to the prebend of Ipthornc, 22nd April 1769, vice Thomas Hutchinson''. Combe Miller to the prebend of Windham, i8th Oct. 1769, vice John Oglander s. Luke Trevigar to the prebend of Bishophurst, 22nd June 1770, vice Thomas D'Oyly^. John Tench to the prebend of Eartham, 27th Nov. 1770, vice Luke Trevigar 10. John Buckner to the prebend of Eartham, 15th Nov. 1771, vice John Tench 'i. Richard Bridger to the prebend of Firles, 20th Dec. 1 77 J, vice John Buckner i"^. Edward Clarke to the prebend of Hova villa, 27th Dec. 1771, vice WilHam Clarke i-^. Drake Hollingbery to the prebend of Seaford, loth July 1772, vice George Percival 1^. Meredith Jones to the prebend of Bishophurst, 10th Oct. 1772, vice Luke Trevigar^^. Ob. 1791. Edward Clarke to the prebend of Hova Ecclcsia, 5th Nov. 1772, vice John King^^ Thomas Heath to the prebend of Hova villa, ist May 1773, vice Edward Clarke ^7. George Parker Farhill to the prebend of Fittle- worth, 8th Oct. 1773, vice Thomas Heath. Edward Whitmell to the prebend of Gates, 21st Oct. 1773, v'<^o Thomas Newhouse^^. Edward Fulham to the prebend of Heathfield, 18th Dec. 1773, v'^® John Fulham ^9. Ob. 1832. •^ Bishops' Certificates. 14 Bishops' Certificates. ''' Ibid. 7 Ibid. 15 Ibid. iG Ibid. ^ Ibid. 9 Ibid. 17 Ibid. i^ Ibid. 1'^ Ibid. 11 Ibid. 19 Ibid. 12 Ibid. 13 Ibid. 278 CHICHESTER. Denny Martin to the prebend of Ipthorne, 7th Oct. ] 774, vice Roger Pettiward -^. Denny Martin to the prebend of Bury, 2nd Aug. 1775, vice Richard Green ^i. Thomas Collins to the prebend BursaHs, 23rd Dec. 1775, vice Samuel Speed ^'-. John Wickins to the prebend of Ipthorne, 29th Dec. 1775, vice Denny Martin ^-^ Ob. 18th Feb. 1783, setat. 77. Richard Tiueman to the prebend of Wighting, 5 th Jan. 1776, vice John Wickens^^. Ob. 1792. John Atkinson to the prebend of Highley, 29th Jan. 1776, vice Richard Tireman'\ Richard Tireman to the prebend of Gates, 15th May 1776, vice Edward Whitmell-'^. William Whitear to the prebend of Mardon, 20th Sept. 1776, vice Robert Sandham^/. George Metcalf to the prebend of Barksham, 22nd Jan. 1778, vice John Frankland-^. Thomas Henry Low^th to the prebend Exccit, 24th Feb. 1778, vice Richard Eyre -5. John Sturges to the prebend Exceit, 9th Oct. J 778, vice Thomas Henry Lowth^^. Drake Hollingbery to the prebend of Somcrley, 6th Nov. 1778, vice John Evanson^i. Rowland Gibson to the prebend of Seaford, loth Nov. 1778, vice Drake Holhngberya^. Drake Hollingbery to the prebend of Gates, 30th July 1779, vice Richard Tireman ^3. William Lord to the prebend of Somerley 18th Sept. 1779, vice Drake Hollingberya^. Ob. 1813, setat. 61. William Kinleside to the prebend of Hampstead 27th Jan. 1 781, vice Bragg Blagden-^^. 20 Bishops' Certificates. 29 Bishops' Certificates. 21 Ihid, 22 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 33 Ibid. 25 Ibid. 26 Ibid. 34 Ibid. 35 Ibid. 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 279 P^RANcis Atkins to the prebend of Wisborough, 23rd May 1 78 1, vice Daniel Walter ^6, William Hawes to the prebend of Sidlesham, 25th July 1 78 1, vice John Hubbock^/'. Ob. 21st March 1784. Chables Birch to the prebend of Thorney, 20th Oct. 1 78 1, vice John Penfolda^. Ob. 1817. Henry Poole to the prebend of Ipthorne, nth April 1783, vice John Wickins-^^. George Metcalfe to the prebend of Sutton, 20th April 1784, vice Owen Jones '°. Thomas Hudson to the prebend of Sidlesham, 19th Aug. 1784, vice William Hawes^i. Ob. 17th May 18 19, setat. 69. Thomas Durnford to the prebend of Middleton, 23rd Aug. 1784, vice Thomas Hurdis^^. Thomas Heberden to the prebend of Barksham, 8th Oct. 1784, vice George Metcalfe'*^'. Ob. 17th Oct. 1843, setat. 90. David Davis to the prebend of Highley 2ist Oct. 1784, vice John Atkinson ^^. Thomas Hooper to the prebend of Seaford, nth July 1785, vice Rowland Gibson ^^. Joseph Francis Fearon to the prebend of Hova Ec- clesia, 2nd Feb. 1787, vice Edward Clarke^^, EusEBY Cleaver to the prebend of Hova villa, 21st Feb. 1787, vice Thomas Heathe^". John Calland to the prebend of Hova villa, 2nd May 1789, vice Euseby Oleaver-^s. Thomas Lear to the prebend of Wyndham, ist Oct. 1790, vice Combe Miller ^ 9. Moses Toghill to the prebend of Selsey, 19th Oct. 1790, vice William Webber s'^. 36 Bishops' Certificates. ^3 Bishops' Certificates. 37 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 44 Ibid. 45 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 4»5 Ibid. 47 Jbid. 41 Ibid. 42 Ibid. 48 Ibid. 49 Ibid. 50 Ibid. 280 CHICHESTER. George Pelham to the prebend of Middleton, 28th Oct. 1790, vice Thomas Durnford^i. John Montagu to the prebend of Fittleworth, 12th Nov. 1790, vice George Parker FarhilP-. Ob. 7th Feb. 1827, setat. 60. Thomas Ferris to the prebend of Bishophurst, 13th Jan. 1792, vice Meredith Jones ^-^ Ob. 19th June 1801 Francis Davison to the prebend of Wighting,28thFeb. 1792, vice Richard Tireman^^. Ob. 1834, setat. 70. Robert Lowth to the prebend Exceit, 25th April 1792, vice John Sturgeis^^. Drake Hollingbery to the prebend of Woodhorn, 14th March 1794, vice Charles Goldcall. Ob. 31st Dec. 1 82 1, setat. 80. John Hanley to the prebend of Gates, 5th July 1794, vice Drake Hollingbery^''. John Ashburnham to the prebend of Gates, 2nd May 1796, vice John Hanley -^7. Richard Constable to the prebend of Wisborough, 7th Oct. 1796, vice Francis Atkins ^*^. Ob. 5th Oct. 1839, setat. 83. William Morgan to the prebend of Brightling, 4th Jan. 1797, vice William Burrell Hayley^^. John Stevens to the prebend of Highley, 8th Feb. 1797, vice David Davis''". Charles Alcock to the prebend of Colworth, 25th April 1798, vice John Pinnell'^i. Charles Webber to the prebend of Eartham, 25th April 1798, vice John Buckner promoted to the see of Chichester 62. George Fred. Nott to the prebend of Fittleworth, 6th May 1799, vice John Montagu''^. 51 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 52 Ibid. 53 Ibid. 59 Ibid. 60 Ibid. 54 Ibid. 55 Ibid. CI Ibid. 02 Ibid. 56 Ibid. 57 Ibid. 63 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 281 Robert Gray to the prebend of Bury, 26th May 1 800, vice Denny Martin Fairfax 6^. Henry Whitfeld to the prebend of Hova villa, 26th Sept. 1800, vice John Calland. William Busby to the prebend of Firles, 16th Jan. 1 80 1, vice Richard Bridger^^. Henry Whitfeld to the prebend of Waltham, 5th March 1801, vice Charles Ashburnham^^ William St. Andrew Vincent to the prebend of Hova villa, ist April 1801, vice Henry Whitfeld ^7. Charles Alcock to the prebend of Bishopshurst, 2ist Nov. 1 80 1, vice Thomas Ferris ^*^. George Fred. Nott to the prebend of Colworth, ist Jan. 1802, vice Charles Alcock ^9. Barre Phipps to the prebend of Selsey, 15th Jan. 1802, vice Moses Toghill"^. James Capper to the prebend of Fittleworth, 20th Jan. 1802, vice George Fred. Nott 7 1. Ob. 2nd March 1835, setat. 82. Moses Dodd to the prebend of Highley, 4th May 1802, vice John Stevens ^2, Charles Webber to the prebend of Bishopshurst, 6th Dec. 1803, vice Charles Alcock^a. Ob. 15th June 1848, setat. 86. Charles Pilkington to the prebend of Eartham, 31st Dec. 1803, vice Charles Webber '^^. Ob. 21st Nov. 1828. John Lettice to the prebend of Seaford, 21st Feb. 1804, vice Thomas Hooper7\ Barre Phipps to the prebend of Mardon, 19th March 1804, vice William Whitear"*'. Nicholas Heath to the prebend of Selsey, 27th March 1804, vice Barre Phipps resigned 77. Ob. 30th Aug. 1809. 64 Bishops' Certificates. 7i Bishops' Certificates. 6ft Ibid. 66 Ibid. 72 Ibid. 73 Ibid. 67 Ibid. 68 Ibid. 74 Ibid. 75 Ibid. 69 Ibid. 70 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 77 Ibid. 282 CHICHESTER. William Beaumont Blsby to the prebend Bursalis, 8th Sept. 1804, vice Thomas Collins"'*. Samuel Joliffe Tufxell to the prebend of Firles, 13th Nov. 1804, vice Busby resigned"^. Ob. Nov. 1850. Edmuxd Caetwright, Jun. to the prebend of Fer- ring, 2 1st March 1806^ vice John Courtail^°. Ob. 18th March 1833. Richard Bixgham to the prebend of Bargham, 22nd July 1807, vice Isaac Moody Bingham ''i. George Bliss to the prebend of Highley, 22nd Jan. 1808, ^^ce Moses Dodd''-. Thomas Cobb am to the prebend of Selsey, 21st Oct. 1809, vice Nicholas Heath ^-^ Joseph Francis Fearon to the prebend of Ferring, 9th Aug. 18 II, vice Edmund Cartwright^^. James Dallaway to the prebend of Hova Ecclesia, 1 6th Oct. 181 1, vice Joseph Francis Fearon^^. James Webber to the prebend of Somerley, 25th May 1813, vice ^VHliam Lord^*^. Ob. 1850. Henry Plimley to the prebend of Waltham, ist March 1814, vice Henry AV^hitfield ''^ James Dallaway to the prebend of Ferring, nth Jan. 1817^ vice Joseph Francis Fearon ^^. Hexry Plimley to the prebend of Hova Ecclesia, 18th Jan. 1 81 7, vice James Dallaway *5. Thomas Cobb to the prebend of Waltham, 31st Jan. 181 7, vice Henry Plimley resigned '^<^. Ob. 26th Nov. 1817. John G rat wick Challen to the prebend of Selsey, 6th Feb. 18 17, vice Thomas Cobb'^'. Ob. 6th Dec. 1835- Samuel Holland to the prebend of Thorney, 5th Sept. 18 1 7, vice Charles Birch ^2, "^ Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. ''■> Ibid. ^> Ibid. »« Ibid. »' Ibid. fe> Ibid. 82 Ibid. fes Ibid. ^'J Ibid. 63 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 90 Ibid. :'i Ibid. 92 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 283 ' John Gkatwick Challex to the prebend of Waltham, 20th Dee. 1817, vice Thomas Cobb^^. Edward Robert Rayxes to the prebend of Selsey, 27th Dec. 1 81 7, vice John Gratwick Challen^^. William Peckham Woodward to the prebend of Sidlesham, 12th June 18 19, vice Thomas Hudson^'. David Williams to the prebend BursaHs. 13th Oct. 1820, vice William Beaumont Busby s^. Robert James Carr to the prebend of Ipthorne. 24th July 1821^ vice sir Henry Poole bart.^' Samuel Holland to the prebend of Woodham^ 24th Jan. 1822, vice Drake Hollingbery'^"^. Thomas Baker to the prebend of Thorney, 28th Jan. 1822, vice Samuel Holland resigned ^5. Robert Tredcroft to the prebend of Hampstead, 9th Oct. 1822, vice William Kinleside^ George Wells to the prebend Exceit, 10th Oct. 1822, \ice Robert Lowth-. Thomas Valentixe to the prebend of Selsey. 26th Jan. 1824, vice Edward Robert Raynes^. Charles Webber junior to the prebend of Highley, 28th June 1824, vice George Bliss^. Charles Edward Hutchixsox to the prebend of Ipthorne, 19th Nov. 1824, "^'ice Robert James Carr^. Charles Gray to the prebend of Bur}-, nth May 1825, vice Robert Gray*^. Edmtxd Ca«twright to the prebend of Ferring, 23rd June 1826, vice James Dallaway". Hugh James Rose to the prebend of Middleton, 23rd Feb. 1827, %'ice George Pelham". George Hexry Webber to the prebend of Somerley, 25th July 1827, vice James Webber''. 93 Bishops' Certificates. ^ Bishops' Certificates, w Ibid. 95 Ibid. 4 Ibid. 5 Ibid. ^ Ibid. 9' Ibid. ^ ibid. ■ Ibid. 93 Ibid. 99 Ibid. ^ Ibid. 9 Ibid. 1 Ibid. 2 Ibid. 002 284 CHICHESTER. Peter Wood to the prebend of Sutton, 13th Feb. 1828, vice George Metcalfe i^. George Bland to the prebend of Thorney, 23rd Jan. 1832, vice Thomas Baker i^ Martin Day to the prebend of Heathfield, 14th June 1832, vice Edward Fulhara^-. William Turner to the prebend of Seaford, 1st Nov. 1832, vice John Lettice^^, William Forbes Raymond to the prebend of Col- worth, 19th Dec. 1832, vice George Frederick Nott^^. George Waddington to the prebend of Ferring, 14th April 1833, vice Edmund Cartwright^^. Arthur Atherley junior to the prebend of Middle- ton, 29th Nov. 1833, vice Hugh James Rose^^. Henry Atkins to the prebend of Wightring, i6th May 1834, vice Thomas Francis Davison ^7. Ob. 8th Oct. 1842, aetat. 67. Charles Pilkington to the prebend of Wyndham, 5th June 1834, vice Henry Atkins 1^. Robert Ridsdale to the prebend of Fittleworth, i6th March 1835, vice James Capper i^. Charles Webber junior to the prebend of Somerley, 23rd Nov. 1840, vice Harry Webber 20. James Roydon Hughes to the prebend Bursalis, i6th Dec. 1840, vice David Williams ^i. Thomas Brown to the prebend of Highley, 24th Dec. 1840, vice Charles Webber junior 22. Stephen Barbat to the prebend of Ferring, 20th Feb. 1 84 1, vice George Waddington -3. Robert Allen to the prebend Exceit, 5th March I 841 24. Edward Houghton Johnson to the prebend of Hova Ecclesia, 17th June 1841, vice Henry Plimley^^ •0 Bishops' Certificates. i« Bishops' Certificates. II Ibid. 12 Ibid. 20 ibid. 21 ibid. . '3 Ibid. 14 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 15 Ibid. 16 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 25 Ibid. 17 Ibid. 18 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 285 Henry Winckworth Simpson to the prebend of Heathfield, loth Aug. 1841, vice Martin Davy 26. Thomas Pitman to the prebend of Wisborough, 27th Aug. 1841, vice Richard Constable'-''. Thomas Stuart Lyle Vegan had the prebend of Whitring, vice Henry Atkinses. Henry Browne to the prebend of Waltham, 9th Dec. 1842, vice John Gratwick Challen-'^. Henry Burgess Whitaker Churton to the prebend of Colvvorth, T6th Dec. 1842, vice WiUiam Forbes Raymond ■^°. James Garbett to the prebend of Barksham, 12th April 1844, vice Thomas Heberdeu'^i. William Wtllinger to the prebend of Hampstead, nth Jan. 1847, vice Robert Redcroft^s. Gilbert Henry Langdon to the prebend of Bishops- hurst, 14th July 1848, vice Charles Webber 33. George Miles Cooper to the prebend of Hova villa, 7th Sept. 1849, vice William St. Andrew Vincent 3^. Thomas Baden Powell to the prebend of Sidlesham, 12th Oct. 1849, vice William Peckham Woodward 3 5. Benjamin Thomas Halcott to the prebend of So- merley, 12th April 1850, vice Charles Webber 36. William Bruere Otter to the prebend of Somerley, 23rd Aug. 1850, vice Benjamin Thomas Halcott 37, 26 Bishops' Certificates. 33 Bishops' Certificates. 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid. 34 Ibid. 35 Ibid. 29 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 36 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 32 Ibid. ST. DAVID'S. i HE diocese of St. David"'s, anterior to the year 1844, extended into Caermarthenshire, Pembroke- shire, Brecknockshire, Radnorshire, Glamorganshire, Cardiganshire, Montgomeryshire, Monmouthshire ^, and Herefordshire. Attached to the cathedral are the bishop, who is quasi decanus, the precentor, treasurer, chancellor, and the archdeacons of St. David's, Brecknock, Caermarthen, and Cardigan, besides eight prebendaries, and six canons cursal, being in all twenty-two. Of these the precentor, chancellor, and treasurer are styled " Resi- dentiarii nati." ARCHBISHOPS OF CAERLEON. The first holder of this see is said to have been DrBRiTTus, who is styled " Archiepiscopus Urbis Le- gionum ;" and who, after holding the office for some years, resigned it to his disciple^ David, who is said to have removed the see from Caer- leon to Menevia, and, according to some accounts, to have lived to the age of 146 years. He was buried in the cathedral, which he caused to be erected^. 1 By order in council 31st Jan. heremiticam vitam totis vdribus 1844, that part of the deanery of anh elans, archiepiscopah fasce Breccon in Monmouthshire, in gliscens absolvi, pristinae digni- the diocese of St. David's, was tatis sede se sponte deposuit. dissevered therefrom and annex- Cui successit in archiepiscopa- ed to that of Llandaff; and by turn agius David avunculus re- another order in council 1st Sept. gis. Vit. S. Dubric. Archiepis. 1846, those parts of the parishes ^ Obiit anno 546, et in Rosina of Llangattock and Llangundier Valle sepultus est (Antiq. Coe- in the diocese of St. David's were nob. Glaston. p. 52); but ac- dissevered therefrom and placed cording to the Annales Mene- in that of Llandaff. vensis he died in 542, and to the 2 Beatus igitur Dubricius ad Annales Cambrise in 601. 288 ST. DAVID'S. ARCHBISHOPS OF ST. DAVID'S. Cenauc'. Eliud or Teilaus. Ceneu or Kenea. MORWAL or MORVAEL. Haernunen or Haernurier. Elwaed** or Elvaeth. GURNUEN or GURNEL. Lendivord or Leudinord or Lendywyth. GoR\\^'sc or GoRw^'ST. GOGAN or GORGAN. Cledauc. Anian or Einaen. Elbodg, Elvoed^, Elbgdu, or Eludoeth. Ethelmen or Eldunen. Elanc or Elnaeth. Malscoed or Maelskwythe. Sadermen '" or Madenew. Catellus or Catulus. SULHAITHNAY Or SULNAY. Nevis' 1 or Namis, alias Nonis. EtWAL or DOYTHWALL. Assert ■-. Arthuael or Alhuael. Sampson retired into Britanny on account of a con- tagious sickness in his diocese, taking his pall with him; and his successors at St. David's, either for want of that, or from poverty or negligence^ lost their title of archbishop, though they exercised the power of consecrating bishops until the reign of Henry I.'-^ '' Post Davidem successit Ce- Annal. Menev. nauc in Episcopatura Mene\ise 'i Novis fuit episcopus anno Girald. Cambren. Itin. Camb. 841, et obiit 873. Annal. Menev. ii. I. '2 Was bishop an. 909. (An- ^ Ebbodus Venedotarum ar- nal. Menev.) He died in 906 chiepiscopus factus est anno according to Wynne, in Hist. 610. Pits, in illius vita, p. 105. Wall. p. 44. 9 Elbodius archiepiscopus obiit !•* Girald. Cambren. de jure, anno 809. Annales Cambrise. &c. Menev. Eccl. '0 Sadurnven obiit anno 832. BISHOPS. 289 BISHOPS OF ST. DAVID'S, WITH ARCHIEPISCOPAL POWER. RucLiNus^^ succeeded Sampson. rodherich. Elguni. LuNVERD or LuMBERTH, 01' Lywarch or Luverti^. MoRCLEisis or MoRLEis. Ob. 945^^'- EvERus or EuEURISl^. Nathan. Jevan. Bishop only one night. Argustel. MoRGENVETH, MoRGENEY or Urgeneu, slain by the Danes in 998 1^. MORGENEU or MORGYNNYD. Ob. IO23. Heurun or Ervin or Hernun or Herein. Ob. 1039-0, Tramerin or Carmerin. Ob. 1055 -i. Joseph. Ob. 106322. Bleithyd or Bledud. Ob. 1071--^. SuLGHEiN or SuLiEN or SuLGENius: resigned in 1076^*. Abraham. Slain in 10782-'. Sulghein resumed the see in 1078, and resigned it again in 1085^6. Rythmarch or Rikemarth. Ob. 1096. Wilfrid 27 or Griffri^s. •'* Le Neve calls him Kucline. '•'' Annal. Menev. ob. 944. 16 Le Neve places Nergu after Lunverd. '7 Le Neve places a Hubert next before Everus. 18 Annal. Menev. ob. 946. 19 Brut y Tywj'sogion. Mor- geneu episcopus occiditur 1000. Annal. Menev. 20 Brut y Tywysogion. Annal. Menev. ^1 Hoved. fol. 254 1^. Sim. Dunelm. et Flor. Wigorn. 22 Brut y Tywysogion 1063. Ann. Camb. VOL. I. P 2i* Annal. Menev. 24 Ibid. 25 Ibid. 26 He died in 1088, setat. 75. Annal. Menev. 27 Apud Rochingheham An- selmus archiepiscopus Cantuari- ensis Wilfrido episcopo St. Da- vid de Gualis qui vulgo Dewi vocatur reddidit episcopale offi- oium, a quo, exigente culpa ejus, jam antea ipsemet ilium suspen- derat. Eadmer. p. 34. '^^ Ob. an. 1 1 12. Eadmer. p. 143. An. 1 1 15. Sim. Dunelm. et Annal. Winch. Faust. B. i. fol. II. 290 ST. DAVID'S. II 1 5 Bernard, the Queeii's chancellor-^ or chaplain'^'^ , was i6Hen. I. nominated by the King=^o^ and ordained priest i8th Sept. II 15, and consecrated the next day-^^ During his prelacy this see entirely lost its archiepiscopal powers, and its bishops have ever since been suffragans to the archbishop of Canterbury. The time of his death is not known 3"^. David Fitzgerald, archdeacon of Cardigan, was conse- crated, together with Robert, bishop of Lincoln, 19th Dec. 1 1 47 -J-^, by Theobald archbishop of Canterbury. He died 15 days before Whitsuntide 1176^^. Peter de Leta, prior of JVenlock, was consecrated 7th • Nov. 1 1 76 at Canterbury by Gilbert bishop of Lon- don 3\ He died 16th July 1198^*'. GiRALDUs Cambrensis, alias Barry, archdeacon of BrechnocJc, was elected-^" bishop of St. David's by the canons on the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul (29th June) 1199'^^; but, the King refusing to give 1 147 13 Steph II76 22 Hen. II 28 Sim. Dunelm. 29 Eadmer. 116. '^^ Sim. Dunelm. 31 Flor.Wigorn. Eadmer. Ho- veden. et Rad. de Diceto; but Wendover and Matt. Paris say 27th June. 22 It is said to have occurred in 1 147, Wynne p. 168; 1148, Annal. Teokesb.; and 1149, An- nal. Menev. 33 Gerv. Chron. ad ann. 34 Eo defuncto in quatuor ar- chidiaconos capitulum sufFragia sua direxerunt; ita ut quemcun- que illorum Rex vellet assume- ret : intendentes vero ut Giral- dum Cambrensem nominaret. (Benedict, de Gestis Hen. II.) Rex vero e contra hominem ex- clusit, quia Reso Principi Suth- walliee et aliis fere cunctis AValliae majoribus sanguine propinquus erat. Girald. Cambrens. de Re- bus a se gestis lib. i. c. 9. Ibid, c. 10. 3''> Rad. de Diceto et Gerv. Chron. stJ Annal. Teokesb. Vixit epi- scopus annis 22, mensibus 7, et diebus 15. Annal. Menev. 3' From an entry on the Patent Roll 3 Job. m. 2. it would seem that he had not been unani- mously elected, but that W. ab- bot of St. Dogmael or Dogmells had also been elected. 3^ De jure ecclesiae Menev. p. 584. " The first papal provision to any English see was that of pope Innocent III. to Giraldus Cambrensis for tlie see of St. David's in 1199, whom he did not yet absolutely name, but procured to be elected at Rome, and then would have supported his title without the King's con- sent. The ground of all provi- BISHOPS. 291 his assent to the election -^9, he was not consecrated, and he resigned the see loth Nov. (in vigiha sancti Martini) 1203, worn out with vexatious altercations; and 1203 Geoffrey de Hennelawe, prior of Lantliony^ was 5 Job. elected on the same day that Giraldus resigned. He made his profession of obedience in St. Catherine''s chapel, Westminster, and was consecrated in the octaves of St. Andrew 1203^*^, after the see had been void four years. He died in 12 14, and was succeeded by 1215 Gervase or JoRWERTH, ohhot of Tal-y-Lleclieu^^^ who 17 Job. was unanimously elected, although the King had re- quested the chapter to elect Hugh Foliot archdeacon of Salop ^■-. He obtained the royal assent i8th June 1 2 15 43, jje was consecrated 7th Dec. following^^, and died in \ii<^'^'^. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Gervase issued 27th Jan. 1228-9^6^ in pur- suance of which 1230 Anselm le Gros^^j treasurer of Exeter^ was elected, 13 H. III. and obtained the royal assent 7th April 1229^8. ^q sions was a pretence of differ- another occasion he says, " Sci- ences in elections, and that the atis quod Giraldus archidiaconus church might not continue va- de Brechinou manifeste operatur cant." Coll. Kennet. MS. C. contra coronam et dignitatem p. I. nostram qui se gerit electum 39 The King appears to have Menevensem cum nos in eum been very much irritated at Gi- eligendum nunquam praebuimus raldus' election, and at his per- assensum." sisting to contest his right with ^ Annal. Waverl. the King. On several occasions "*' G. Abbas de Talegh or Tal- he reiterated his determination lagh. Pat. 17 Job. m. 23. never to give his assent to it. •^^ Claus. 16 Job. m. 10. in " Non consentimus nee unquam dorso. consensimus," are the words he ^ Pat. 17 Job. m. 23. uses in one of his mandates. In ^ In crastino S. Nicholai. another be says, " Unde scire •*■' Annal. Menev. et MS. Cott. vos volumus quod nunquam in Vitel. D. xviii. hoc assensum prsebuimus nee ^6 Pat. 13 Hen. III. umquam ei consentiemus sed ei ^ Anselmus Crassus. in hoc penitus deficimus." On ^ Pat. 13 Hen. III. m. 8. r p 2 292 ST. DAVID'S. was consecrated in March 1230"*^ and died in 1247^*^. The license to elect a bishop vice Anselm is dated 16th April 124751, 1248 Thomas, archdeacon of Lincoln^ surnamed the Welch- 32 H. III. man 5-, was elected, and obtained the royal assent to his election 1 6th July 1 247 ■''^ : he was consecrated 26th July 1248 ''^, and the temporalities were restored to him 26th Sept." He died nth July 1255. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Thomas, is dated 3rd Aug. 1256 Richard de Carrew or Karreu appears to have been 40 H. III. appointed by the Pope, as he was consecrated at Rome in 1256. He died ist April 1280, and was buried in St. David's cathedral 5''. The license for the election of a bishop in the room of Richard de Carrew issued 1 6th April 1280^'', in pursuance of which 1280 Thomas Becke was elected 3rd June 1280^^; he ob- 8Edw. I. tained the royal assent on the 17th of the same month 5^*, was confirmed 6th July, and consecrated 6th Oct. ''9. He died 12th May 1293*'^. A license issued 18th May 1293^' ^"^ elect a bishop in the room of Thomas Becke. 4^ Annal. Menev. et Annal. Dover. 1231 Anselmus le Gros consecratus Episcopus Sancti Davyd apud Cantuariam v Id. Febr. Dominica prima quadra- gesima. Contin. Gerv. Dorob. MS. ^0 Matt. Paris, ad ann. 1247. The following is the inscription on his tomb : " Petra precor die sic Anselmus episcopus est hie." 51 Pat. 31 Hen. III. m. 6. '''2 Cognomento Wallensis eo quod in Wallia fuerat oriundus. Matt. Paris, ad ann. 1247. 53 Pat. 31 Hen. III. m. 4. •^4 Die translationis Sancti Be- nedicti 1255. Annal. Menev. 55 Glaus. 31 H. III. 55* Pat. 39 Hen. III. m. 4. 56 Angl. Sacra, pars ii. p. 651. Annal. Menev. 57 Pat. 8Edw. I. m. 20. 58 Annal. Menev. 58* Pat. 8 Edvv. I. m. 12. 59 Annal. Menev. Consecra- tus fuit prid. Non. Oct. Die Dominica in Octabis beati Mi- chaelis. Reg. Cantuar. 60 Reg. Cantuar. On 14th of April, according to others. ^^ Pat. 21 Edw. I. m. I. BISHOPS. 293 1296 David Martin ^^ was elected in June 1293, and re- 25 Edw. I. ceived the royal assent 28th July^^ following. He was confirmed 30th Sept., and received the temporalities nth Oct.6*. The Pope however was not satisfied with the election, perhaps for the reason mentioned in note ^'-, and summoned him to Rome before consecra- tion; king Edward sent to his Holiness letters ^^ com- mendatory of Martin's life, conversation, parentage, and loyalty, and entreated the Pope's favour in his behalf66. The court of Rome having confirmed the election, he was consecrated in Rome in Dec. 1296^7. The King issued another mandate 24th Jan, 1296-7 to restore the temporalities to the new bishop ^s. He died 9th March 1327-8 at his manor of Landesey, and was buried in St. David's cathedral. The precentor and chapter of St. David's inform the King 17th March 1327-8 of the death of David Martin their late bishop, and recommend Henry de Gower archdeacon of St. David's to supply his place ^5. The conge d'elire issued accordingly on the 26th of that month 7", and 2ist April the precentor and chapter inform the King that they had elected 1328 Henry de Gower, arcM^acow of St. IJavid^s"!^ ; who 2 Ed. III. obtained the royal assent ist May 13287-^, and the temporalities on the 26th of the same month^a. He ''^ Godwin, on the authority ''•' Dated i6th Aug. 1295. of the Chronicle of Osney, states ^6 Claus. 23 Edw. I. m. 7. in that on the death of bishop dorso. Becke, David of St. Edmund's ^7 The King calls him bishop was elected, and the see of Can- elect ist Jan. 1297 ; but he had terbury being then void, the heard of his consecration. Claus. chapter of Canterbury confirmed 24 Edw. I. m. 10. in dorso. the election. If this be so, it ^^ Pat. 25 Edw. I. p. i. m. 20. may account for the proceedings ♦'^ Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. 73. in the court of Rome against 70 pat. 2 Edw. III. p. i. m. 14. David Martin mentioned in the 7i Lett, in Turr. Lond. H. 162. text, about which there is some et Reg. Cant, little difficulty. 72 Pat. 2 Edw. III. p. i. m. 11. 63 Pat. 21 Edw. I. m. 6. 73 Jbid. m. 2. ^•1 Ibid. m. 4. 294 ST. DAVID^S. was consecrated 12th June following 7^, and died in 1347. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Henry de Gower issued 15th May 1347'^; nevertheless 1347 John Thoresby was appointed by the Pope, and the 21 Ed. III. King restored the temporaHties to him 14th July 1347/6; he AYas consecrated 23rd Sept. following, and translated to Worcester 4th Sept. 1349". 1350 Reginald Brian was provided to this see by Clement 24 Ed. III. the Third nth Sept. 1349; he received the spiritu- alities 18th Jan. i349-50'«, and 23rd Sept, following license was given to John bishop of Worcester to con- secrate him in Lambeth chapel "9. He was translated to Worcester, pursuant to papal bull dated 22nd Oct. 1352. 1353 Thomas Fastolf or Falstoffe, LL.D., archdeacon of 26 Ed. III. Wells, was provided to this bishopric by pope Cle- ment's bull, dated 22nd Oct. 1352, and was afterwards consecrated at Rome^*^. He received the spiritualities 29th March 1353^', and the temporalities 4th June following**-. He died in June 1361^'^, and was buried in St. David's cathedral. His will was proved ist July in that year. 136 1 Adam Houghton was also provided to this see by papal 35 Ed. III. bull of 20th Sept. 1361 : he received the spiritualities 15th Nov., and the temporalities 8th Dec.^^ He died 1 3th Feb. 1388-9**^^; and his will, dated 8th Feb.1388-9, '-1 Reg. Cantuar. VI. per RR. patrem Dominum ''^ Pat. 21 Edw. III. p. 2. m. Guillielmum Episcopum Tuscu- 21. lanum S.R.E. Cardinalium. /"^ Ibid. m. II. **' Reg. Islip. 77 He was master of the rolls ^2 Pat. 27 Edw. III. p. 2.111.27. from 31st Feb. 1340-1 (Glaus. 15 ^3 xhe spiritualities of the see Edw. III. p. I. m. 34. in dorso) were taken into the hands of to 2nd July 1346; and he was the archbishop 19th June 1361. appointed chancellor of England Reg. Islip. fol. 233. 1 6th June 1349, Glaus. 23 Edw. 84 Pat. 35 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 15. III. p. I. m. 8. in dorso. 85 jt ■would seem from the 78 Reg. Islip. fol. 9. Gourtenay Register that the see "9 Ibid. fol. 31. was vacant from i6th Feb. 1388 ^f Auctoritate PP. Innocentii -9 to 25th July following. BISHOPS. 295 , was proved 2r3d May following ^*>. A license to elect a bishop vice Adam Houghton issued 27th Feb. 1388 -9^", in pursuance of which Richard Metford was elected ; but the election was set aside by the Pope, who promoted 1389 John Gilbert, bishop of Hereford, by bull dated 5th i3Ric. II. May 1389^^ ; the temporalities were restored to him 1 2th July foUowings^, and he made his profession of obedience to the Pope on the 15th of that month. He died at London 28th July 1397 "^^ and his will was proved nth Aug.^^ following. A license to elect a bishop vice John Gilbert issued i6th Aug. 1397 9-; in pursuance of which 1397 Guy de Mona was elected, who also had the Pope's 2rRic. II. bull of provision dated 30th Aug. 1397 ; he was con- secrated nth Nov. following; but he did not make his profession of obedience to the archbishop until 9th Oct. 1401^^ and consequently did not receive the spiritualities before the 30th of the following month 9^. This undoubtedly induced Le Neve to assign the year 140 1 for his becoming bishop; but the King treated him as bishop of St. David's from the time of his con- secration'^''. He died 31st Aug. 1407 at Charlton in Kent, and was buried in the conventual church of Leedes in that county. His will was made 17 th Aug. ss Reg. Courten. He was ap- dreae Apostoli. pointed chancellor of England ^' Reg. Arund. fol. 160. nth Jan. 1376-7 (Claus. 5oEd\v. 92 Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. i. m. 23. III. p. 2. m". 7. in dorso) ; and ^^ Rgg. Arund. pars ii. fol. 13. held the seals until 29th Oct. ^-^ Ibid. One authority, how- 1378. Claus. 2 Ric. II. m. 25. ever, states that he received the in dorso. spirituahties 28th Oct. 1397 ; 87 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 23. and it would seem to be right. S8 Reg. Courten. fol. 324. -'r) gee Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. 2. 89 Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. I. m. 26. m. 10. Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 34. ■* Memorandum quod ante He was appointed a privy coun- penultimo die Juhi anno 1397 cillor by Pat. 22 Ric. II. p. i. m. frater Johannes Gilbert Mene- 12. He was constituted lord vens. Episcopus apud London treasurer 25th Oct. 1402. Pat. diem clausit extremum, et vaca- 4 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 24. vit sede usque ad festum S. An- 296 ST. DAVID^S. 1407 9<\ A conge d'elire vice bishop Guy issued and Oct. 140797; nevertheless v/ 1408 Hexuy Chiciielky, LL.D,, chancellor of Salishirtj , was 9Hen.IV. provided to this see by pope Gregory XII, 4th Oct. 1407. The King restored the temporalities to him 3rd April )4o8-''^, and he was consecrated before the 27th April 1408. He made his profession of obedience 26th Aug. following, and received the spiritualities on that day 9^; but he was not enthroned until 20th May 141 1. He was translated to Canterbury by bull dated 27th April 1414'. 1414 John Catuik or Keteuich, archdeacon of Surrey ^ was 2 Hen.V. provided to this see by the Pope 27th April 1414-, and the temporalities were restored to him 2nd June following-^. He made his profession of obedience on the 1 8th of the next month, and ist Feb. 1414—5 ho w^as translated to Lichfield and Coventry. 1415 Stephen Patuyngton, a Carmelite friar and the King's 3 Hen. V. confessor^ was provided to the see of St. David's by bull of provision dated ist Feb. 141 4-5, and conse- crated 19th June 1415^. The temporalities were re- stored to him on the 16th of that month ', and in 1417 he was translated to Chichester''. 1418 Benedict Nicholls, bishop of Bangor^ was translated 6Hcn. V. to the see of St. David's 15th Dec. 1417s and he made his profession of obedience to the Archbishop 1 2th Feb. following. The temporalities were restored ^ Reg. Arund. pars ii. fol. was granted to him as early as 247- 6th April 14 1 3. Pat. 3 Hen.V. ^'^ Pat. 9 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 34. p. i. m. 33. ^^ Ibid. p. 2. mm. 28, 23. " The custody of the tempo- ^9 Reg. Arund. fol. 42. ralities of the see of Chichester ' Reg. Chichel. fol. 2, and Pat. was granted to him 25th Aug. 2 Hen. V. p. I. m. 41. 1417. (Pat. 4 Hen.V. m.17.) He 2 Reg. Chichel. fol. 6. made his will while he was bishop •" Pat. 2 Hen. V. p. i. m. 19. of St. David's : it is dated i6th 4 "Dat' Constanc. Kal. Feb. Nov. 1417. Reg. Chichel. 310. pont. nostri anno quinto." Reg. 7 Rgg. ipsius Episcopi. The Chichel. fol. 9. Pope's bull for his translation is •' Pat. 3 Hen. V. p. i. m. 4. dated xviii Cal. Januar. (15th The custody of the temporalities Dec.) 1417. Reg. Chichel. f. 16. BISHOPS. 29T 1433 12 Hen. VI to him 1st June 1418^. He died 25th June 1433; and his will, made 14th June 1433, was proved 14th Aug. following'^. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Benedict, issued 1 6th July 14331*^. Thomas Rodburn, a canon of Salisbury and archdeacon of Sudhuri/, was provided to this see by papal bull dated 5th Oct. 1433*1. The temporalities were re- stored to him 16th Dec. in that year*^, and he was consecrated 31st Jan. 1433—4'-*. The time of his death does not appear, but the license to elect his successor is dated 3rd July 1442 '-^ 1442 William Linwood, LL.D., dean of the Court of Arches^ 120 Hen. VI. was appointed by the Pope, and the King restored the temporalities to him J4th Aug. 1442*^. He was consecrated in the chapel of St. Stephen, at West- minster, in 1442'-'. He died 2 1st Oct. 1446, and was buried in St. Stephen's chapel, Westminster'^*. His will, dated 22nd Nov. 1443, "'"^^ proved 26th Nov. 1446 '^. The precentor and canons of St. David's, 8th Nov. 1446, inform the King of the death of Wil- liam their late bishop, and pray that a conge d'elire may be issued 's and a license was accordingly issued 25th Feb. 1446-7'^, but 1447 John Langton, \Aj.J)., president of Pembroke Hall and S Hen. VI. chancellor of the unixiersity of Cambridge, was provided 8 Pat. 6 Hen. V. m. 29. 9 Reg. Chichel. fol. 430. '<> Pat. II Hen. VI. p. 2. m.17. 11 Reg. Chichel. fol. 51. l- Pat. 12 Hen. VI. p. i. ra.20. '^* Reg. ipsius. The license for his consecration to take place out of the diocese of Canterbury- is dated 19th Oct. 1433. Reg. Eccl. Cantuar, ^3 Pat. 20 Hen. VI. p. 3. m. 13. '•* Ibid. m. 22. '^ " Lego .... corpusque me- um sepeliendum in capella sancti Stephani apud Westmonasteri- um ubi munus consecracionis accepi. IS* Obituar. S. Steph.Westm. in Bibl. Cott. Faust. B. viii. A body swathed in cerements was found in Jan. 1852 built in the wall of the crypt under the cha- pel of St. Stephen, Westminster ; and it is supposed to be that of bishop Linwood. See the Report of the Committee of the Society of Antiquaries, Archaeol. xxxiv. pp. 406—430. ^^ Reg. Staftbrd, fol. 142. i'' Lett, in Turr. Lond. temp. Hen. VI. 1*^ Pat. 25 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 6. VOL. I. Q q «98 ST. DAVlD^S. to this see by papal bull dated x Kal. Feb. (23rd Jan. J 446-7). The temporalities were restored to him 2nd March 1446-719^ and he was consecrated in King's College, Cambridge, 7th May following'-"; but he died within fifteen days of his consecration, and was suc- ceeded by 1447 John de la Bebe'^i, dean of Wells, promoted to the 26 Hen.\ I. bishopric of St. David's by papal bull dated T5th Sept. 144722, He was consecrated 12th Nov., made his profession of obedience to the archbishop on the 13th, and had the temporalities restored to him on the 14th of that month -^. On i 5th Feb, 1456-7 he was excused from attending parliament on account of his age and infirmities-'. He seems to have resigned his bishopric before his death,, as he obtained the King's pardon 6th Feb. 1461 '-\ after the temporalities had been restored to his successor. 1460 Robert Tully, S.T.P., was provided to this see by 39 Hen. VI. papal bull. On 28th Aug. 1460 he obtained a license to be consecrated-'', and restitution of the temporalities 20th Oct. following-". He died in 1481, and was buried at Tenby in Pembrokeshire. 1482 Richard Martyn, archdeacon of London^ was promoted 22Edw.iv. to the see of St. David's by papal bull dated 26th April 1482; the King had however granted to him 19 Pat. 25 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 31. delibus suis ad quos &c. salu- 20 Reg. Alnwick. Ep. Line. tern, Sciatis quod de gratia nostra 21 Called also Delavere, alias speciali, et ex mero motu nostro, Dalberd. pardonavimus remisimus et re- " Reg. Stafford. laxaxamus Johanni nuper Mene- '-•^ Pat. 26 Hen. VI. p. I. m. 18. vensi Episcopo, alias dicto Jo- The King, 13th Nov., informed hanni de la Beare, nuper Mene- the Chancellor, by letter missive, vensi Episcopo, sen quocumque that John de la Bere, his great alio nomine censeatur, omni- almoner, had done fealty to him modas transgressiones, offensas, for the temporalities of the bi- mesprisiones, contemptus et im- shopric of St. David's, and com- petiones per ipsum Episcopum manded the Chancellor to issue ante vicesiraum sextum diem Ja- the usual patent for the restitu- nviarii ultimo prateritum, &c. tion of the temporalities. 6 die Feb. Pat. 39 Hen. VI. m. 6. 24 Pat. 35 Hen. VI. p. 1. m. 7. 26 Rgg Eccl. Cantuar. 2*'' Rex omnibus ballivis et fi- 27 pat_ ^i) Hen. VI. m. 15. BISHOPS. 299 the custody of the temporalities of the see ist Feb. preceding28^ and he obtained plenary restitution of them 1st July following -9. He made his profession of obedience to the archbishop on the 8th J^', and was consecrated on the 28th of the same month -^i. He died in 1483, and was buried in St. Paul's cathedral, London-^-. 1483 Thomas Laxgton was provided to this see by papal I Ric. III. bull dated 4th July 1483 -J, but to which he had already been elected ; king Edward V. granted to him, 2ist May 1483, as bishop elect, the custody of the temporalities of the see-^^, and Richard III. con- firmed his nephew's grant 6th July following ^\ On 23rd Aug. he obtained a license to be consecrated ■^^. He was translated to Salisbury by papal bull dated 8th Feb. 1 484-5 '^7^ and he was succeeded by 1485 Hugh Pavy^^ or Parry, archdeacon of Wiltshire, had? 1 11. VII. 2nd May 1485, a grant of the custody of the tem- poralities of the bishopric of St. David's, vacant by the translation of Thomas the last bishop to the see of Salisbury -^^j and plenary restitution of them J9th Sept. following ^0^ On 12th Nov. following he obtained license to be consecrated ^^ The exact date of his death has not been found, but he was buried at Bed- minster, near Bristol, and was succeeded by T496 John Morgan alias Young, archdeacon of Caermar- 12 H.vii. then, and dean of Windsor. He had license to be con- secrated dated 1 2th Nov. 1496 ■-, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 23rd of that month^^^ 28 Pat. 21 Edw. IV. p. I. m. 5. ^^ Andrew bishop of St. David's 29 Pat. 22 Edw. IV. p. I. m. 14. occurs as a witness in an instru- 3*^ Reg. Morton. ment dated 25th June 1484, and 2^ Reg. ipsius. printed in the Foedera, torn. xii. 32 Dugd. Hist. Paul. p. 20. p. 228. Le Neve. •^ Reg. Bourch. 39 Pat. 2 Ric. III. p. 3. m. 20. s-i Pat. I Edw. V. m.5. 40 Pat. i Hen. VII. p. 4. m. i. 35 Pat. I Ric. III. p. I. No. 29. -11 Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. 36 Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. -12 ibij, 3'" Reg. Bourch. 43 Pat. 12 H. VII. p. i. m. 16. Q q 2 300 ST. DAVID'S. He (lied in 1504 % and was buried in the cathedral of St. David's. 1505 Robert Sheeboubx, dean of St. PauVs, was promoted 20 H. VII. to this see by the Pope, and had the temporalities re- stored to him 1 2th April 1505 ■•^ Having obtained license to be consecrated *^\ that ceremony was per- formed on Whit Sunday (nth May) in that year^'. He was translated to Chichester by papal bull dated 18th Sept. 1508^''. 1509 Edwakd Vaughav, archdeacon of Leires, was provided I H. VIII. to this see by papal bull dated 13th Jan. 1508-9''', and was consecrated 22nd July following: the tempo- ralities were restored to him 2nd Aug.''^ He died in Nov. 1522, and was bui'ied in his own cathedral, in a chapel which he had erected. His will, dated 20th May 152 1, was proved 27th Jan. 1522—3. 1523 RicnAED Rawlins, arcli/hacoa of Ilurdingdon and Chce- 15 H. VIII. land, was appointed bishop of St. David's by bull dated nth March 1522—3, and the temporalities were re- stored to him 24th April 1523*'. Ho was consecrated on the 26th of the same month ^-, and died i8th Feb. 1536 William Baelow, huh/p of St. Asaph, was elected to 27 H. VIII. St. David's icth April 1536, and confirmed on the 2i6t of the same month ^^. On 3rd Feb. 1547-8 he was tran-^lated to Bath and Wells. 1548 RoBLRT Fkkuak was nominated by the King pursuant zEdw.VL to act of parliament ^^ and obtained restitution of the 44 Hie will, dated 2.5th April ■>^ Ibid. fol. 205. 1504, was proved 24th May 1504 ^^ Stat, i YAw. VI. "Cizm, per in the Prerogative Court of Can- quendam actum in Parliamento t^rbury. nostro inchoato apud Westmo- ^' Pat. 20 H. VII. p. 2. rn. 22. nasterium quarto die Xovembris ^' Rfcg. Warham, fol. 1 1 . anno regni nofitri primo, ac ibi- ^ Reg. Smith. Line. dem t-^nto, inter alia Staluta pro 4* Re(^. Warham. fol. 12. Republica nostra edita, ordina- ^ Ibid. fol. 13. Id. Januarii. turn enacturn et (itabiliturn fuerit ^' Pat. I Hen.VIII. p. r m. 12. quod nullum Breve de Licentia ■'^ Pat. i.^H.VIII. p. 2. m.13. Eligendi Cvoilyariter vocalum ■''^ Reg. Warham. fol. 25. QongA d^slire) deinceps conces- *•' llfcg. Cranrn. Kura foret, nee elec-tio alicujus BISHOPS. SOI temporalities 31st July 1548-''^ He was consecrated at Chertsey 9th Sept. in that year^", and was de- prived 19th March 1554-5^"'. He suffered martjTdom at Caemiartben 30th March 1555. A conge d"eUre to elect a bishop in the room of Robert Ferrar issued 19th March 1554-5 "^ in pursuance of which 1554 Hkxry Mokgan was elected ::6th March 1554, con- 2 3iar. secrated at St. Saviour's, Southwark. 1st April fol- lowing<^\ and obtained the temporalities on the -3rd of the same month "^^ He was deprived about Mid- summer 1539, died 23rd Dec. following, and was buried at Wolvercote, near Oxford^-. i5'^o Thomas Young was elected 6th Dec. 1559^% confirmed 3 Eiiz. 18th of Jan. 1559-60, consecrated at Lambeth on the 2 1st of the same month '^. and obtained the tem- poralities 23rd M:irch following^-\ He was elected to York 27th Jan. 1560—61. A license to elect a bishop in the room of Thomas Young issued 20th Feb. 1560—61'^, in pursuance of which 1561 Richard Davyes, bishop of St Asaph, was elected i8th 3 Ehz. Mar. 1560—6 1 *, and coufinned 2 1st May. He received the temporalities 2nd June'^", died "th Xov. 158 1, and was buried in the church of Abergwilly, near Caer- marthen. His will is in the Prerogative Office, Lon- don^". The spiritualities after his death were seized into the hands of the archbishop 15th Nov. i5Si<^. archiepiscopi seu episcopi per *^ R^. ipsius. decanum et capirulum fieret. sed "^"^ Pat. i Mar. p. i. m. 21. quod nos, per litteras nostras pa- '^- Ath. Oion. tentes, quolibet tempore cum ali- ^ He had a grant in commen- quis archiepiscopatus seu episco- dam 22nd Dec. 1559. Pat. ^ Ehz. patus \-acaret, alioui personje, p. 14. m. 32. quem nos idonemn existimare- ^ Reg. Parker, fol. 54. mus. eundem conferrt possemus '^'' Pat. 2 Ehz. p. 14. m. 3. et ^-aleamus," &c. Pat. 2 Edw. "^^ Pal. 3 Eliz. p. 9. m. 33. VI. p. I. m.37. * Reg. Eccl. Menev. **• Pat. 2 Edw. VI. p. 1. m.37. ^ P^^- 3 Eliz- P- 7- ^a- 3- '" Reg. Cranm. fol. 33;. *^ D'Arvy, 45. *^ Pat. I Mar. p. 7. m. 34. ^ Reg. Parker. ^s Ibid. P. I. m.34. 30i2 ST. DAVID'S. 1382 MAitMADiKK MiDDLKTON, Oiskoj) of Waterfoi'd^ was 24 Eliz. translated to this see to which he was elected 28th Sept. 158270, and confirmed 6th Dec. He was de- prived in 1590, and died 30th Nov. 1593, and was buried at Windsor. The spiritualities at his death were taken into the hands of the archbishop 7th Dec. 1593 "^ A conge (Felire issued 22nd Fob. 1593-4'-, in pursuance of which 1594 AxTHOXY Rl'dd, S.T.P., dean of Gloucester, was elected 36 Eliz. 8th March 1593-4, received the royal assent 24th May"'^, was confirmed 8ih June, and consecrated the next day"'. He received the temporalities 12th July"% and died 7th March 1 614-5, ''^"^^ ^^'^^ buried at Llangathan in the county of Caermarthen*. The spiritualities after his death were seized into the hands of the archbishop 20th March 1614—5. 1615 RiciiAiiD MiLnoruxK, S.T.P., dean of Rochester, was )3Jac. I. elected 20th April 1615, confirmed 8tli July"*^, and consecrated the next day at Lambeth "^ He was translated to Carlisle in 1621"'^. 1621 William Laud, dean of Gloucester, archdeacon ofllunt- iQjac. T. inqdon, and provost of St. John's Collene, Oxford, was elected loth Oct. 1621, confirmed 17th Nov., and con- secrated the next day at the chapel in London House^^, He was translated to Bath and Wells in 1626. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Laud translated, issued 29th June 1627^", in pursuance of which 1627 Theophilus Field, bishop of Llandaff, was elected 3 Car. I. 12th July 1627; he obtained the royal assent 15th Aug. following''!, and the archbishop's confirmation '" Reg. Eccl. Menev. The * His will is in the Prerogative Canterburj'^ Register states that Office. Rudd. 32. he was elected 20th Nov. 1582. ''*' Camd. Annal. Jac. I. See Reg. Grindal, fol. 71. " Reg. Abbot, fol. 51. '"' Reg. Whitgift. "* Camden in his Annals of "^ Pat. 36 Eliz. p. 12. m. 5. James I. says in June 1621. '•* Ibid. '9 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 79. '•* Reg. Whitg. pars ii. fol. 19. so Pat. 3 Car. I. p. 38. N". 16. '•^ Pat. 36 Eliz. p. 12. m. 5. ^i Ibid. No. 15. BISHOPS. 30y ] Sth Sept.^"^ The temporalities were restored to him 5th Oct. 1 635 ^■'5. He was translated to Hereford. 1636 Roger Maixwaeing, S.T.P., dean of Worcester, was 11 Car. I. elected 19th Jan. 1635-6, confirmed 26th Feb., and consecrated on the 28th of the same month s^. He died at Caermarthen ist July 1653-'', and waa buried in the collegiate church at Brecknock. The see was void above seven years. 1660 William Lucy, S.T.P., was elected nth Oct. 1660, 12 Car. II. confirmed 17th Nov., and consecrated the next day*^^. He died 4th Oct. 1677, and was buried near his pre- decessor Mainwaring. 1678 William Thomas, S.T. P., dean of Worcester, was ayCar. II. elected 19th Nov. 1677, confirmed 24th Jan. 1677-8, and consecrated on the 27th of the same month'*". He was translated to Worcester in 1683. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London ^^. 1683 Laurence Womack, archdeacon of Suffolk, was con- 35 Car. 11. secrated nth Nov. 1683'^''. ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ March 16S5-6, aetat. 73, and was buried in the church of St. Margaret, Westminster. His will is in the Preroga- tive Office, London ^J^'. 1686 John Lloyd^ S.T.F., principal of Jesus College, Oxford, 2Jac. II. -^vas consecrated J 7th Oct. 1686^1. He died 13th Feb. following, and was buried in Jesus College, Oxford. 1687 Thomas Watsox, S.T. P., was consecrated at Lam- 3 Jac. II. heth 26th June 1687^-, and was deprived for simony 3rd Aug. 1699. The sentence was confirmed 23rd Feb. following 'JJ. The see loas vacant upwards of five years. \ •^2 Reg. Abbot, parsii. fol. 103. 8^ Reg. Sancroft, fol. 82. »« Pat. 3 Car. I. p. 38. No. 14. 90 Lloyd, 37. 8-1 Reg. Laud. i. fol. 57. 91 Reg. Saner, fol. 148, and ^^ E.v Epitaphio. Lond. Gazette. »^ Reg. Juxon, fol. 386. 92 Rgg Sancroft. fol. 170. S'" Reg. Sheldon, fol. 404. 93 He died at Wilbraham in ^f* Hale, 99, Cambridgeshire 3rd June 17 17, 304 ST. DAVID^S. 170^ Gkorge Blili,, S.T.P., archdeacon of Llandaff, was 4 Ann. nominated 5th March 1704-5, and elected 23rd March. The royal assent to his election was given 5th April, and he was consecrated on the 29th of the same month^*. He died 17th Feb. 1709-10, aged 75, and was buried in the collegiate church of Brecknock. 1710 Philip Bisse, S.T.P., was nominated 19th Oct. 1710, 9 Ann. and the royal assent to his election was given 8th Nov., and he was consecrated on the 19th of the same month 9^. He was translated to Hereford 1 6th Feb. 1712-3. 1713 Adam Otley, S.T.P., archdeacon of Salop, was nomi- II Ann. nated nth Feb. 1712-3, elected 28th Feb., confirmed at Bow church 14th March, and consecrated the next day at Lambeth 'J^; the temporalities were restored to him on the following day. He died 3rd Oct. 1723. 1724 Richard Smallbrooke, canon residentiary of Hereford, 9 Geo. I. and treasurer of Llandaff, was appointed bishop of St. David's 26th Oct. 1723^^ and consecrated-'*^ 2nd Feb. 1723-4. The temporalities were restored to him on the following day. He was translated to Lichfield and Coventry in 1731. 1731 Elias Sydall, dean of Canterhury, was nominated by 4 Geo. II. his Majesty bishop of St. David's 3rd Jan. 1730-1, and consecrated i ith Aprils*? following. He was trans- lated to Gloucester 2nd Nov. in the same year. 1732 Nicholas Claggett, dean of Rochester, was elected 5 Geo. II. bishop of St. David's pursuant to his Majesty's conge d'elire issued 1 7th Dec. 1731, and consecrated 23rd Jan. 1731-2 '. He was translated to Exeter in June 1742. aetat. 80, and was buried the day ^^ Reg. Tenison, ii. fol. 73. after his death in the chancel of '-^^ Ibid. fol. 90. Wilbraham church, but without ^'' Church Book, Home Office, the service of the church being ^^ Reg. Wake, ii. fol. 217. read over him. Vi \)y^({^ iii. fol. 6t. ^■1 Reg. Tenison, fol. 91. 1 Ibid. fol. 100. BISHOPS. 305 1743 Edward Willes was elected bishop of St. David's 14th 16 Geo. II. Aug. 1742, on the promotion of Dr. Claggett, and was consecrated at Lambeth 2nd Jan. 1742-3^. He held the deanery of Lincoln in commendam. He was trans- lated to Bath and Wells in 1 743. 1744 Richard Trevor, LL.D., was nominated to this see 17 Geo. II. 20th Jan. 1743—4, and the royal assent to his election was given 13th Feb. following. He was consecrated at Lambeth ist April 1744 3, and the temporalities were restored to him 7th April. He was promoted to Durham in 1752. 1752 Anthony Ellis was nominated 6th Dec. 1752 ; elected 25 Geo. II. on the 30th of the same months and the royal assent to his election was given loth Jan. 1752-3. He was confirmed 26th Jan. and consecrated on the 28th of that month ^, and the temporalities restored to him 9th Feb. following 5. He died i6th Jan. 1761. 1 761 Samuel Squire, dean of Bristol, was nominated bishop I Geo. III. of St. David's 14th April 176 1, and elected on the 24th of the same month. He was confirmed 23rd May, and consecrated the next day 6. He died 7th May 1766. 1766 Robert Lowth was nominated 14th May 1766, and 7 Geo. III. elected on the 28th of the same mouth. He obtained the royal assent 5th June, was confirmed on the 13th and consecrated on the 15th 7, and received the tem- poralities on the 1 8th of the same months. He was translated to Oxford in the same year, and afterwards to London. 1766 Charles Moss was nominated i6th Oct. 1766, elected 7 Geo. III. 6th Nov., confirmed on the 29th, and consecrated the 2 Reg. Potter, fol. 114- ® Reg. Seeker, fol. 68. 3 Ibid. fol. 190. 7 Ibid. fol. 235. '^ Reg. Herring, fol. 178. 8 Church Book, Home Office. ^ Church Book, Home Office. R r 306 ST. DAVID^S. next dayS, and received the temporalities loth Dec.^ He was translated to Bath and Wells in May 1774. 1774 James Yorke was nominated 8th June 1774, and 14 Geo. III. elected on the 13th. The royal assent was given to his election 23rd June ; he was confirmed on the 25th, and consecrated the next day^". The tem- poralities were restored to him on the 29th of the same month ^^ He was translated to Gloucester in July 1779I'-. 1779 John Warren was nominated 3rd Aug. 1779, elected iQGeo.III. on the i6th^ and received the royal assent to his election on the 24th of the same month. He was con- firmed 17th Sept., and consecrated 19th Sept.''^ The temporalities were restored to him 25th Sept.'* He was translated to Bangor in May 17831^. 1783 Edward Smallwell was nominated 9th June J 783, 23 Geo. Til. and elected on the i8th. The royal assent to his election was given on the 24th of the same month. He was confirmed 4th July, and consecrated 6 th July 16 The temporalities were restored to him 9th July' 7. He was translated to Oxford in March 1788. 1788 Samuel Horsley was nominated nth April 1788, and 28 Geo. III. elected 28th April. The royal assent to his election was given on the 30th of that month. He was con- firmed loth May, and consecrated the next day'^. The temporalities were restored to him 14th May '9. He was translated to Rochester in Nov. 1793"^'^. 1794 William Stuart was nominated ist Dec. 1793, and 34 Geo. III. elected on the 3rd of that month, he obtained the royal assent to his election ist Jan, 1794. He was 8 Reg. Seeker, fol. 261. '^ Church Book, Home Office. 9 Church Book, Home Office. '6 Reg. Moore, fol. 43. '0 Reg. CormvalHs, fol. 160. '7 Church Book, Home Office. " Church Book, Home Office. '^ Reg. Moore, fol. 169. 12 Ibid. 19 Church Book, Home Office. 13 Reg. Cornvvallis, fol. 287. 20 ibid. '•* Church Book, Home Office. BISHOPS. 307 confirmed nth Jan., and consecrated the next day 21. The temporalities were restored to him on the 15th of the same month^ and he was translated to Armagh in 1800-2. His resignation of the bishopric of St. David's is dated 37th Oct. 1800. 1800 Lord George Murray was nominated 19th Nov. 1800, 41 Geo. III. and elected 6th Dec. The royal assent to his election was given 3rd Jan. 1801. He was confirmed 7th Feb. and consecrated on the nth 23. The temporalities were restored to him on the same day 2'*. He died 3rd June 1803, aged 43. 1803 Thomas Burgess was nominated 22nd June 1803, and 4Geo.lll. elected 5th July; he was confirmed on the 16th of the same month, and consecrated the next day-^. The temporalities were restored to him on the 20th of that month -^, and he was translated to Salisbury in June 1825-^7. 1825 John Banks Jenkinson was nominated T7th June 5 Geo. IV. 1825, elected on the 21st, and the royal assent to his election was given on the 22nd of the came month. He was confirmed 23rd July, and consecrated the next day-*^. The temporalities were restored to him 2nd Aug., and he died 7th July 1840, aged 59. 1840 CoNNOP Thirlwall, the present holder, was nomi- 4 "V^ict. nated 2 1 st July 1 840, and elected 4th Aug. ; the royal assent to his election was given on the 6th ; he was confirmed on the 8th, consecrated on the 9th 2^, and the temporalities were restored to him 1 ithAug.-^o. This bishopric is rated for first fruits at 4.26I. as. id.^^ The arms of the see are blazoned thus : Sable, on a cross or, five cinquefoils of the first. 21 Reg. Moore, fol. 292. 27 Church Book, Home Office. 22 Church Book, Home Office. 28 Reg. Sutton. 23 Reg. Moore, fol. 372. 29 Rgg, Howley. 24 Church Book, Home Office. 30 Church Book, Home Office. 25 Reg. Moore, fol. 450. 31 Ecton, p. 368. 26 Church Book, Home Office. R r 2 308 ST. DAVID'S. ARCHDEACONS OF ST. DAVID'S. WiLLiAJi hold this dignity about ii283'^ and 1135. GiRALDUs, (supposed to bo the same person as Giraldus Cambrensis,) about 118533. Pontius occurs in 1180, 1198 and 1202. Hugh de Cluna, anno 1222. He died about 1234, in the time of bishop Ansohii. Jordan de Trismont or Tribus Montibus, occurs archdeacon on the Nones of October, 1235. A occurs anno 1239. Richard, anno 1254, 1259 ^^^^ ^263. Peter de Quivil was fi'om this dignity anno 1280 pre- ferred to be bishop of Exeter. In the same year he was succeeded by Robert de H ay erf ohd, treasurer of St. DavicTs. He held the office in 1280 and 1297. John, sometimes called Jordan, was archdeacon in 1305 and 1307 ; in which year he was sent to king Edward the First's parliament held at Carlisle. Philip held it in 13 19. Henry de Goweb, LL.D., occurs in 1323. He was from this dignity promoted to the bishopric of St. David's. David Fraunceys occurs archdeacon in 1328, iii Non. (3rd) Feb. anno 1332, and in 1334. Philip de Caunton or Griffin de Taunton occurs in 1334. John Francoys, vi Oal. Jun. (27th May) 1342 and in 1345. He probably came to the office in 1339. John Faukes held it in 1347. John Gough, appointed 20th March 1349—50. Adam de Rokeleyn was appointed 17th Feb. 1363-4. 32 Coll. H. Wharton. MS. F. bern. lib. ii. p. 35. But there is p. 90. e Reg. Landav. considerable doubt whether the 33 Lib. S. Joh. Brecon. MS. historian was ever archdeacon of fol. 44. et Ware de Script. Hi- any place but Brecknock. ARCHDEACONS OF ST. DAVID'S 309 John de Bowland occurs 6th Oct. 1399. John Hiot^ collated 24tli June 1400; his appointment was ratified by the King 28th Feb. 1402 ; and he subscribed by this title the proceedings of a chapter holden i6th Oct. 1418. Ob. 1419. John Thomas, collated 31st May 1419 or 1420. He resigned this archdeaconry 23rd Aug. 1420, on ex- change with Edmund Nicoll, who was collated 31st Aug. 1420: he also exchanged it the same year with William Ryley, who was collated in 142 1. William Pencrych occurs in 1424 and 1434. William Thame, collated 30th June 1434. John Hunden resigned this dignity 28th July 1482. David Williams, collated 9th Aug. 1482. John DYNBYorDENBE, collated 13th Feb. 1491—2 ; held it circa 1495. John Hill occurs in 1498. Richakd Sante, collated 6th Nov. 1500, in his will proved 6th Feb. 15 13—14 styles himself archdeacon of St. David's. John Vaughan occurs in 1514. His will dated 4th Nov. 1527 was proved ist July 1528. Andrew Whitmay occurs in 1528. His will was proved 18th Nov. 1547. Richard Fetherston occurs about 1537. Hanged in Smithfield 30th July 1540. Richard Harford resigned this dignity T9th Dec. 1557- John Pratt, collated 19th Dec. 1557. Ob. 30th May 1607. Robert Rudd, collated 17th June 1607. Hugh Lloyd, D.D., collated 19th Oct. 1644. On being preferred to the see of Llandaff he obtained a license to hold this archdeaconry in commendam, which he did till his death, anno 1666-7. Anthony Jones, appointed by patent 26th Feb. 1666-7 i •310 ST. DAVIDS. adaiitioti 4ih March and installed 17th April i66~. Ob. 22uA June 167S. George Owex. collated icth July 16-S. Ob. 20th Oct- 169c. John" Medley. A.M., was collated 12th March 1690-1, anvi again on 2Tth Julr 1691. During his tenure of office, one Arnold Bo wen obtained a title from the Crown to this archdeaconry, pr^^tending that Mr. Merlley came in by simony : but he was soon ejected. Medley died i6th Dec. 1731. and was succeeiled by Walter Morgax. instituteil icth Feb. 1731-2. Abthur William, presented by the Crown and insti- tuted 25th May 1732. Richard Davies. collated ist Sept. and iiistalled 3rd Sept. 1737. Thomas Burton. 1st Aug. 1749. Charles Moss. 26th Dec. 1767. Ralph CHrBTOX, iSth Sept. 1805. Fpwakd Owex, 2 1 St April 1S31. Thomas Bevax, nth June 1S33. ARCHDEACONS OF BRECKNOCK. Ellas occurs archdeacon about the years 1133 and 114c. JoRDAX, between the yeirs 11 44 and 1 1 75. Gibaldus Cambrexsis, alias be Barry, occurs anno 1175. He was. anno 1199, nominated bishop of this see, but not consecrated. William de Barry, nephew to Giraldus Cambrensis. occult about 12C3. OsBERT was witness to a charter of confirmation made by Walter Fitz-Eynam. of the vill of Glascum, granted to the Church of St. David's between the years 12 14 and 1229. JoHX occurs icth Oct. 1254. ARCHDEACONS OF BRECKNOCK. -311 RooEt DE Ch£ist-Chuech occurs 1 2th Not. 1259. JoHK JjE Fekeham occttrs in iz^j^. He died acno 1274, Hekkt ije Villamloft oeeoK in 1274. Ob. 1278. Adam Baeeth, treamrer of tltii diurtk, sofXf^fA in 1278, and held it in 1302- Philip ap Howell h^ this filthy circa 1313- Gbiffith Af Rhees oeeiix% 9tli April 1345. MoEGAK AP Eykos, eoflated 26th 3Iay 1389- RicHAED Gtldefocd was admitted 24th April 1408. Ro&EE Statfoed held the office in Jolr 1408. William Fakeixgtos, ecJIated T4th or i8th Feb. J 410-11. Ob. 1420- RoBEKT MosTGOMEKV occors in 1421. He resigned 25th 3Iarch 1437. Lewellyx ap 3Iadoc. alias Lewes Rei»e- coilate-i 26th March 1437. RoBEBT Cheeeebg. c', Uat^i i6th June 1437- Davjii Chekbeeg. collated 12th Nor. 1437- EUs wiD is dated 9th Nov. 1456. JoHX held the office betweai 1460 and 148c. William Thomas held the office in 1497. William Waltee held this dignity in ijoc and 1520. RicHABD Fetheestok appointed by lettei^ ^atetst 8th April 1523. RicHABD GwEXT ooeorg in 1534. Hi5 wSl is dated 2 1st July 1543^ proved 5th Feb. fc^owing. Thomas Owgax snceeeded in 1543. JoHX Williams oeetirs in 1533. JoHX Blaxtox', ocJlated ist July 1554. Geoege Coxstaxtixe, collated nth or i5th Nov. 1559. William Dotvxham, A-M_ occors in 1559. Waltee Joxxs, A.M.- wa* ooOated 3rd Feb. 1560-1. He resigned this arehdeaeoniy in 1567. William Blethix. expiated 25th or 27th July 1367. Axdeew Vaex or Vaughax, alias Philips, installed 15th March 1577—8. • Isaac Sixgletox. A.M., eolOaXed 3rd Feb. 16 ^^iz. 312 ST. DAVID'S. William Nicolson, collated 25th Jan. 1643-4. He was deprived in the great Rebellion. He became bishop of Gloucester, and held this archdeacom*y in commendam till his death. Timothy Halton was collated 8th Feb. 1671-2. Ob. 21st July 1704, aged 72. Roger Griffith, S.T.B., was collated 9th Oct. 1704. Ob. Oct. 1708. Joseph Stevens was collated 17th Nov. 1708. Thomas Payne instituted 22nd April 1736. Thomas Eynon, 26th Nov. 1759. Edward Edwards, 26th Oct. 1763. Richard Davies, 15th Feb. 1805. ARCHDEACONS OF CAERMARTHEN. William was archdeacon of Caermarthen in 1 140. Osbert held this office between the years 11 98 and 1 220. Tancred held it in 1254 and 1263. Mereduc ap Gorward or Gurwared occurs in 1283. John de Alderby held it in 1283. Gilbert de Mossylwicke held it in 1300 and 1313. Walter Winter held it 28th Jan. 1329—30. Griffith Caunton held it in 1334, 1340? and 1347. John Clyewe, appointed i8th Oct. 1347. HowEL AP David Vaghan, appointed 22nd Nov. 1356, William Baldwin held it in 1368. William Nicholl held it in 1376 and 1389. Edmund Warham, appointed 28th Aug. 139 1. William Chicheley held it about 1408. William Newport held it in 1412 and 1418. William Pirrye held it in 1432 and 1434. Geoffrey Caunton occurs about 1470. Richard Keyt or Keyr occurs about 1482. His will, dated 7th June, was proved 26th Aug. 1488. John ap Morgan, collated 4th July 1488. Henry ap Howell, collated 13th Feb. 1493-4. Edward ap John was collated 8th June 1509. ARCHDEACONS. 315 Griffith Leyson held the dignity in 1534 and 154 1. John Barlow held the office in 1543. George Constantine occurs about 1549. WiLLixVM LusoN or Lewson, admitted 22nd Aug. 1554. Ob. 1583. Meredith Morgan, collated 5th June 1583. Ob. 4th Dec. 1612. John Williams, collated nth Feb. 161 2-13. William Beale or Beeley, collated 3rd Jan. 1614-15. Henry Mellin held this office 28th Jan. 1643-4. William Jones was installed 28th Aug. 1660. Thomas Stainoe, collated 2nd May 1677. Ob. 27th Feb. 1707-8. Edward Tenison, instituted 9th July, and installed 20th Nov. 1708. Thomas Tentson, collated 30th March 1727. Ob. 7th May 1742. Rice Williams, collated 14th May 1742. Charles Moss, 27th Jan. 1767. George Holcombe, 19th Jan. 1768. William Probyn, 12th March 1789. William Crawford,, nth Oct. 1793. Died J4th April 1827, aged 78. Benjamin Millingchamp, 19th June 1827. Died 1829. Henry Thomas Payne, 17th June 1829. Died in 183 1, aged 74. Edward Owen, 21st April 183 1. Richard Venables, 16th May 1832. ARCHDEACONS OF CARDIGAN. John died possessed of this dignity 3rd April 1137. David Fitz-Gerald occurs in 1147. Cadivor ap Daniel held it in 1162. Maurice held it in 1203. Meredith ap Rhys ap Guiffith held it in 1226. VOL. I. s s 314 ST. DAVIDS, Griffith ap Meredith in 1240. Griffith in 1242. Howell held it in 1254. Hugh held it in 1255 and 1274. Owen ap Griffith in 1283. John Simons held it in 1305. HowEL AP Griffith held it in 133 1. Philip Vachan held it in 1354. Griffith de Caunton held it in 1360. Philip de Caunton held it 28th July 1368. Richard de Caunton, confirmed i9tli Sept. 1394. John Colle or Collet, collated 31st March 140 1. Henry Gardiner, collated 16th Jan. 1406-7. Roger de Bottall, admitted i8th Jan. 1407—8. Nicholas Clifton died possessed of this dignity 1420. William Canon, collated 14th July 1420. He ex- changed with John Turbut, appointed by patent 15th Feb. 1424—5. John ap Pryce held it in 1430 and 1437. Maurice Winter held it in 1453. John William, collated 16th July 1454. Lewis Owen ap Owen died possessed of it in 1487. Thomas ap Howell, collated 29th Aug. 1487. John Luntley held it in 1534. His will was proved 17th Nov. 1542. Hugh Matthew resigned it in 1547. John Butler held it in 1551 and 1562. Peregrine Davids, collated 25th April i^^S- Lewis Gwynn, collated loth Feb. 1568-9. His will, dated 2nd Nov. 1584, was proved loth Jan. following. Richard Middleton held it in 1592. Ob. 16th Nov. 1 641. Thomas Brand, collated nth June 1629, on resigna- tion of Middleton. Edward Vaughan was presented 27th Aug. and in- stalled 12th Oct. 1660. William Owen, collated 4th Sept. 1688, and installed on the 1 2th of the same month. fi PRECENTORS. 315 John Williams, collated 21st March 1 680-1. John Shore, collated 9th May 1701. Ob. 22nd Jan. 1713-14- Owen Evans, collated 5th March 1713-14. Ob. 26th Feb. 1 72 1— 2. John Parry, collated 13th July, installed 19th July 1721. Ob. 25th June 1727. Edward Welchman, collated 7th Aug. 1727. Ob. 19th May 1739. Edward Yardley, collated 26th May, installed 13th July 1739. Thomas Vincent, 6th March 1770. Died 6th July 1798. John Williams, i8th Sept. 1798. Died 1814. Thomas Beynon, 12th July 1814. Died Oct. 1833, aged 89. John Williams, 23rd Oct. 1833. John Williams, 8th Aug. 1835. PRECENTORS. Richard was the first precentor here by Bp. Gervase on his founding this dignity in 1 224. Philip was precentor here in 1230 and 1237. Richard Pue or Pugh occurs in 1254, i 259, and 1263. John Swynese or Swansey was precentor i8th Nov. 1287. Thomas Barry, 1300. Richard de Sesselwyke or Mosslewyke, 1328. David Barret held the office 17th Feb. 1334-5. Re- signed it for the chancellorship in 1339. Adam Houghton was admitted about 26th Dec. 1339. Resigned about 1350. David Ley held it 6th Feb. 1349—50. David Barret held it in 1354. John Noke or Nook held it 1397. Ob. 1413. Thomas Wollaston, collated 8th Aug. 14 13. He held it in 1432 and 1434. Ob. 1437. Hugh ap Owen, collated 29th Sept, 1437. s s 2 316 ST. DAVID^S. Richard Machox or Machyn, collated 28th July i486. Ob. 1492. John Howell, collated 28th Nov. 1492. Lewis ap Rice or Prise held the office 15th Nov. 1509. Thomas Lloyd succeeded about 1524. Ob. circa Aug. 1547- Thomas Young, LL.B., succeeded about 1547. He re- signed in 1553. Morgan Philips, collated 3 i st May 1554, and deprived in 1558. He died in exile at Douay circa 1577. Thomas Young was restored in 1559. He became bishop of this see in 1560, Thomas Huett, collated 8th Feb. 1 560-1, occurs in 1581. Ob. 19th Aug. 159 1. Roger Gyfforde, collated 26th Jan. 1591-2. Ob. Jan. 1596—7. His will, dated 27th Jan. 1596-7^ was proved ist Aug. 1597. William Hinton, S.T.P., who was collated 5th Feb, 1596-7. His will, dated 30th April 1631, was proved 14th May following. Griffith Higgs, S.T.P., was collated 21st May 1631. Admitted 22nd June; installed 25th July. Ob. i6th Dec. 1659. William Thomas, S.T.P., presented by the Crown 4th Aug. 1660; was installed 28th Aug. 1660. John Ellis, S.T.P., collated 14th Feb., admitted 20th March 1667-8, and installed 17th April 1668. Ob. 1693. Charles Pryse, A.M , collated 14th Feb. 1693—4, in- stalled 28th March 1694. Ob. 21st Nov. 1696. Hugh Powell, A.M., collated 19th Feb. 1696-7, and installed 20th May 1697. Ob. 2nd June 1717. His will dated 27th May was proved 19th Sept. 17 17. John Davies, S.T.P., collated 19th Nov. 171 7, installed 30th Nov. John Pemrer, collated 15th May 1733, installed 3rd June. He died 3rd May 1735. TREASURERS. 317 Joseph Hill, A.M., collated 14th May 1735, installed 7th June. John Morgan, B.D., 2nd May 1753, vice Joseph Hill. John Jekyll, 28tli Jan. 1774, vice John Morgan. Francis Wollaston, 3rd April 1777, vice John Jekyll. Richard Richardson, D.D., 2nd Feb. t8i6, vice Francis Wollaston. Died 27th Sept. 1839, aged 87. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 20I. 6s. io^d. TREASURERS. Philip held the office of treasurer of St. David''s in 1 259. Adam Bareth held it in 1278. Robert de Haverford, installed 6th Sept. 1278. William de Burreche held the office in 1280. Ob. iv Cal. Ap. (29th March) 1282. John de Barry held it in 1282. William de Barry occurs in 1287, called also Moy- gum. William de Orleyns held it in 1287 and 1328. David Barret occurs ist March 1332—3. John de Cryghowell held it 17th Feb. 1334—5. Philip de Cryghowell held it 26th July 1339. Walter de Trefdyn held it 27th May 1342 and in 1352. Robert Rees, appointed by patent 5th Aug. 1361. William Worth or Wroth exchanged it for some other preferment 29th Jan. 1364-5. David Vachan admitted 29th Jan. 1364—5. Lewis Aber held it 24th Ap, 1392. Roger Basset, collated 7th Dec. 1398. His will, dated 16th Sept., was proved 26th Sept. 141 6. Roger de Bottall held this office in 141 6 and 1437. John Schipton admitted 4th March 1437-8, and held it ist July 1442. Owen Pole held it in 1472 and 1509. John Griffith occurs in 1510. His will dated 3rd April 1522 was proved 2nd May 1323. 318 ST. DAVID^S. John Lewes held this office in 1523 and 1539. Ob. 1541. Hugh Price or Aprice held it in 1541. Ob. 8th Aug. 1574- Thomas Lloyd, collated i8th Dec. 1574; installed 20th of the same month. Ob. 8th March 1612-13. Michael Angell or Aisgill collated loth March 1612— 13. John Johnson, collated nth Dec, installed 14th Dec. 1613. William Slatyer was collated 15th May, installed i6th June 1616. Ob. 14th Feb. 1646-7. William Slatyer, son of the above, collated 24th July 1647. He was not installed. William Owen was appointed by patent 9th Aug. j66o; installed 29th Sept. 1660. William Slatyer ordered by the King to bo read- mitted 3rd July 1 66 1 . Spencer Lucy, collated 14th Jan. 1668-9. Ob. in Jan. 1690-1. Edmund Meyrick, collated 27th May 1691. Ob. 24th April 1713. Robert Clavering was admitted 30th May 17 13. Fuller Bowles admitted 6th Feb. 1724-5. Ob. Jan. 1742-3. John White succeeded Fuller Bowles 30th April 1743 ; installed 20th July 1743. Ob. 13th May 1746. James Tunstall succeeded John White 21st May 1746. Ob. 28th March 1762. Robert Twyford succeeded James Tunstall 8th or loth May 1762. Philip Cocks succeeded Robert Twyford 14th May 1776. Richard Raikes succeeded Philip Cocks 24th Oct. 1797. Died 5th Sept. 1825, aged 80. Charles Phillips succeeded Richard Raikes 17th Oct. 2823. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 24?. 19s. 42^?. CHANCELLORS. 319 CHANCELLORS. Thomas de Gurnay was chancellor of St. David's i8th Nov. 1287. David Frauncey held it in 1326 and 1328. John Game or Gome held the office 3rd Feb. 1332—3. John Francoys or Franceys occurs 14th Feb. in 1334-5- David Bareith Barry or Baret held it in 1339. John David or Davy 19th Nov. 1361. He held it also in 1389. John Cole, collated 21st Jan. 1406-7. David ap Ryse or Pryse, LL.B., held it 3rd May 1421. Richard Wogan, collated 28th March 1426. John ap Howell held the office in 1460. Lewis Johns, collated 29th Dec. 1487. John Denby or Denbe, collated 25tli Jan. 1489-90. John Talley held this dignity 5th March 1492—3. Ob. 17th Oct. 1509. William Stradling held it in 1511, 1513, and 1534. Edward Populy or Popeley occurs in 1539 and 1541. Rowland Meyrick, about 1550. David ap Powell occurs in 1554. John Watkins succeeded 24th May 1570. Richard Edwards, collated 12th July 1571, vice John Watkins. Installed 14th July. Roger Rudd, instituted 30th Oct. 1600. Resigned in 1605. Henry Aisgill, collated ist Dec. 1605, on resignation of Rudd. Died in this office 18th June 1622. Richard Bayly, S.T.B., collated 4th July 1622, and installed 26th July 1622. Resigned in Sept. 1626. Rees Prichard, collated 26th Sept. 1626, and died in Nov. 1644. Evan Owen, collated 5th Dec. 1644, installed 8th May 1645. Ob. 30th Dec. 1662. Richard Lucy, collated 13th Feb. 1662-3, installed 22nd Feb. Ob. 12th Sept. 1690, setat. 55. 320 ST. DAVID'S. William Needham, S.T.B., collated 29th Npv. 1690. Ob. 22nd June 1727. John Walker, admitted 17th July 1727. Ob. 9tli Nov. 1 741. David Lloyde, A.M., collated 8th Dec. 1741, installed 18th Dec, vice Dr. John Walker. Thomas Burton, D.D., 18th March 1747, vice David Lloyde. Thomas Pardo, D.D., jst Aug. 1749, vice Thomas Burton. John Morgan, M.A., i8th Aug. 1753, vice Thomas Pardo, D.D. Died 24th April 1776. Thomas Roger Du Quesne, 23rd July 1776, vice John Morgan. William Probyn, A.M., i ith Oct. 1793, vice Thomas Roger Du Quesne, A.M. Died 1825. William Hewson, 27th April 1825, vice William Pro- byn, A.M. Died 1845, ^^ged 54. No valuation in Ecton. PREBENDARIES OF ST. DAVID'S FROM THE ACCESSION OF THE HOUSE OF HANOVER. Councel William to the prebend of St. Nicholas Pen- foyst, 23rd Sept. 1714. John Davies to the prebend of St. Nicholas Penfoyst, vice Councel WilHams, 24th Sept. 1719. Henry Cremer to the prebend of Marthrey, vice Councel Williams, 17th July 17 19. Richard Davies to the prebend of Marthrey, vice Henry Cremei', 19th May 1723. Arthur Langiiarne to the prebend of Caerfai, vice Alexander Foord, 11th May 1723. Edward Welchman to the prebend of Llandevryoy, 7th Aug. 1727. James Brooks to the prebend of Llandewy Aberarth, 28th June 1729. PREBENDARIES. 32] Charles Powell to the prebend of Clidey, 14th Sept. 173127. Thomas Pardo to the prebend of Llangan, vice John Pember, 27th July 1733-^. James Evans to the prebend of St. Nicholas Penfoyst, vice John Davies, iSth March 1741-2-^. Thomas Williams to the prebend of Merthyr, vice Richard Davies, 26th June 1746-30. Roger Davies to the prebend of Llangan, vice Thomas Pardo, 18 th July 174931. Henry Row^e to the prebend of St. Nicholas Penfoyst, vice James Evans, nth May 1752-3-. Thomas Davies to the prebend of Clidey, vice Charles Powell, nth July 1752-33. Owen Evans to the prebend of Oaerfai, vice Arthur Langharne, i6th Nov. 17523^. John Pardo to the prebend of Llandewy Aberarth, vice James Brookes, 17th Nov. 1763 -^^ Thomas Davies to the pi'ebend of Caerfai, vice Owen Evans, i8th March 1766-36. William Higgs Barker to the prebend of Llandewy Aberarth, vice John Pardo, 19th Oct. 1776-37. John Rogers to the prebend of Caerfai, vice Thomas Davies, 8th April 1777^8. William Holcombe to the prebend of St. Nicholas Penfoyst, vice Henry Rowe, 4th May 17S0-39. Died 1st Aug. 1796. Samuel Rogers to the prebend of Merthyr, vice Tho- mas Williams, 29tli Dec. 1783-*^. Died 22nd Nov. 1806, aged 73. Owen Parrott Edwards to the prebend of Trefloy- den, vice Thomas Williams, 5th May 1787^^ ^7 Bishops' Certificates. 36 Bishops' Certificates. 28 Ibid. 29 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 38 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 33 Ibid. 41 Ibid. 34 Ibid. 35 Ibid. VOL. I. T t 322 ST. DAVID^S. Charles Symmonds to the prebend of Clydey, vice Thomas Davies, nth Oct. 1789*-. Thomas Beynon to the prebend of Caerfai, vice John Roger, prebend of St. David's and archdeacon of Car- digan, 24th March 1796^-^. Died Oct. 1833, aged 89. Thomas Bowen to the prebend of Caerfai, vice Thomas Beynon, 15th Aug. 1796^^. Charles Pigott Pritchett to the prebend of St. Nicholas Penfoyst, ist Oct. 1796''. Died ^813. John Jones to the prebend of Llangan, vice Roger Davies, 2nd June 1797^^ Thomas Stonehewer Bright to the prebend of Caer- fachel, vice James Thomas 15th July 1805 ''7. Thomas Phillips to the prebend of Merthyr, vice Samuel Rogers, i6th May 1807'*^. Delabere Pritchett to the prebend of St. Nicholas Penfoyst, vice Charles Pigott Pritchett, i6th July i8i3»'>. Died 22nd Dec. 1838. Charles Phillipps to the prebend of Trefloyden, vice John WilHams, 15th July 1814^". Eliezer Williams to the prebend of Llandewy Aber- arth, vice William Higgs Barker, 20th Aug. i8i6^'. Richard Evans to the prebend of Caerfai, vice Thomas Bowen deprived, 4th June 1818^-. Died about 1H34, aged 68. William Richardson to the prebend of Llangan, vice John Jones, 2nd June 1820^'^. Daniel Bowen to the prebend of Llandewy Aberarth, 14th July 1820^^. Died 9th Oct. 1847, aged 70. Thomas Hancock to the prebend of Caervachel, vice Thomas Bright, 7th Aug. 1820^^ Thomas Bright to the prebend of Merthyr, vice Tho- mas PhilHps, 7th Aug. 1820-^6. •12 Bishop's Certificates. ■''' Bishops' Certificates. •J3 Ibid. ^* Ibid. •" Ibid. 5.3 Ibid. 45 Ibid. -16 Ibid. 54 Ibid. 55 Ibid. 47 Ibid. 48 Ibid. 56 Ibid. 49 Ibid. 50 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 323 David Bird Alten to the prebend of Trefloyden, vice Charles PhilHpps, 6th Feb. 1824 ^7. William Hewson to the prebend of Caervachel, vice Thomas Hancock, i8th Aug. 1824^^. Died about 1845- George Harries to the prebend of Caervachel, vice William Hewson, 27th Dec. 1825 •'^5. William Morgan to the prebend of Clidey, vice Charles Symmons, 20 May 1826^°. James Robertson Holcombe to the prebend of Cli- dey, vice William Morgan, 15th Feb. 1830^'. Died 24th March 1840, aged 42. Charles Griffith to the prebend of Caerfai, vice David Bird Alten, 9th March 183 2 6-, Edmund Melvill to the prebend of Mathry, vice Tho- mas Stonehewer Bright, 24th Dec. 1841. Nathaniel Davies to the prebend of St. Nicholas Penfoyst, vice Delabere Pritchett, 4th Jan. 1842. Edmund Melvill to the prebend of Caervachel, vice William Hewson, 22nd March 1845. ^7 Bishops' Certificates. 60 Bishops' Certificates. 58 Ibid. 59 Ibid. 61 Ibid. 62 Ibid. T t 2 ELY. Until the territorial alterations were made in this diocese, pursuant to the various orders in council based on the recommendations of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, this see contained all Cambridgeshire, except Iselham, which belonged to the see of Roch- ester ; and Ashley, Burwell, Cheveley, Chipenham, Fordham, KirtUng alias Catlidge, Kennet Landwade, Newmarket All Saints, Outwell, Snaihvell, Soham cum Barway Capella, Sylverley, Upwell cum Welney Capella, Wicken, and Woodyton, in the diocese of Norwich. It had also one parish, Emneth, in the county of Norfolk. In this diocese there were a dean, archdeacon of Ely, eight prebendaries, &c. By an order in council dated 19th April 1837, gazetted 30th May 1837, the archdeaconry of Bedford and part of the archdeaconry of Huntingdon were transferred from the diocese of Lincoln to that of Ely, and part of the archdeaconry of Sudbury from the diocese of Nor- wich was also transferred to Ely; and by another order in council dated 1 oth April 1 839, gazetted 23rd April 1839, certain other parishes were transferred from the diocese of Lincoln to that of Ely. The right of appointing the archdeacons of Bedford^ Huntingdon, and Sudbury was by the first mentioned order in council vested in the bishop of Ely and his successors bishops of Ely for ever. 326 ELY. BISHOPS. The bishopric of Ely was created out of the see of Lincohi in the year i io8 ^ Its revenues were de- rived from the possessions of the monastery originally founded by Etheldreda daughter of Anna king of the East Angles -, but remodelled about the year 970 by Ethehvold bishop of A\^inchestcr, who introduced an abbot and regulars, and rebuilt and amply endowed the monastery ; which was further enriched by the munificence of king Edgar and other benefactors '. Richard the last abbot of Ely, intoxicated with his vast wealth, and impatient of being under the authority of the bishop of Lincoln, endeavoured to persuade the King, to erect his monastery into an episcopal see, and make him bishop thereof; but his ambition was cut short by a sudden death. The project, however, was carried out by king Henry, who, by the authority of the reigning pope, with the consent of the bishop of Lincoln and his chapter, and the advice of all the other bishops and abbots of the realm, converted this opulent monastery into a bishopric ' ; and 1 109 Ukrvkus, bishop of Bangor, who had been driven from 10 Hen. I. his see by the Welsh, was appointed as the first bishop of Ely^, and consecrated 27th June 1109^ He died 30th Aug. 1131, and was buried at Ely". After the death of Herveus, the see icas vacant two years. ' See Charter printed in Mo- ensisHistoria de conversioneAb- nast. tom.i. p. 87. old edit, batiae Eliensis in Episcopatum. 2 Malmes. Gest. Pontif. lib. iv. Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 678 — 680. p. 167, et Hist. Eliens. Thom. f' Sim. Dunelm. et Rog. Wen- Monach. Eliens. Angl. Sacra, dov. pars i. p. 594-5. 6 Matt. Par. 3 Malmes. Gest. Pontif. 7 Angl. Sacra, pars 1. p. 615. 4 Vide Richardi Monachi Eli- note »". BISHOPS. 327 1 133 NiGELLus, nephew of Roger bishop of Salisbury, was ^Hen. I. nominated 28th May J 133, and consecrated at Lam- beth ist Oct. following, by William archbishop of Canterbury^. He was ejected from his bishopric by king Stephen at Christmas 1139^; but shortly after- wards restored. He died 30th May* (iii Kal. Junii) 1169 in the 36th year of his episcopate, and was buried on the following Sunday in the church of St. Etheldreda, near the altar of the Holy Cross. The see teas vacant nearly Jive years^ between the death of Nigellus and the consecration of his successor. 1174 Geofi-rky Ridel or Rydall, archdeacon ofCanterhury^ oHen. II. was elected in 11 73^0, and enthroned on Ascension- day 17th May 1 1 73 11, but not consecrated until 6th Oct. 11741-. He died at Winchester 21st Aug. 11891^, and was buried in his cathedral 1^. 1189 William de Loxgchamp, the King's chancellor, was I Ric. I. elected at Pipewell 15th or 16th Sept. 1 189, and con- secrated at Lambeth 31st Dec.i% and enthroned 6th Jan. 1189—90'''. He was appointed Pope's legate by bull dated 5th June 1190'", and guardian of the realm during the absence of Richard L in the Holy Land'^ ; but owing to his misrule he was compelled to flee from England 1^^. He died at Poitiers 31st Jan. 1196— 7-". IJ9S Eustace, c?g«» of Salisbury, the successor of William o Ric. I. (Je Longchamp, was elected in the presence of the King 8 Ric. Eliens. in Angl. Sacra, 14 Rad. de Diceto, col. 647, et pars i. p. 619. Hen. Hunt. lib. Hoved. lib.ii. vii. and Chron. Mailr. is Prid. Cal. Januarii. ^ Hoved. lib. i. Hen. Hunt. '^ Hist. Eliens. in Angl. Sacra, lib. viii. pars i. p. 633. * His death is also placed on i" Rad. de Diceto. 3rd June. i« Hoved. If Ymag. Hist, de Diceto, col. 19 Ymag. Hist. 665, et Hoved. 568. 20 Rad. de Diceto'. His death " Ibid. is also placed by other writers '^ Ibid. 582. MS. Ehens. 28th, Obit. Elien.; 29th, Matt. '3 His death is also placed on Par. ; 30th, Matt. West. ; and 27th July 1 189. ist Feb. 1197, Gerv. Cantuar. 328 ELY. at Vaudreuil in Normandy loth Aug. 1197-1, but was not consecrated until the fourth Sunday in Lent (8th March) 1 197-8. lie died at Reading 4th Feb.^'^ (ii Non. Febr.) 1214-5-', and was buried in the church of Ely, near the altar of St. Mary-^. On the death of bishop Eustace, Geoffrey de Burgh, archdeacon of Norwich, was elected ; but before the publication of his election, the monks elected Robert of York- % who possessed himself of the spiritualities without consecration, and held them for nearly five years; but king Henry III. appealing to the Pope on the subject-^ his Holiness quashed both elections -7, and 1220 John, ahbot of Fountains^ commonly called John uk 4 Hen. III. FoxTiurs, was elected, and the royal assent given to his election 24th Dec. 121 9-"*. He was conseci'ated 8th March 1219—20 (in medio quadragesimae)-^, and enthroned on the 25th of the same month-''; died 6tli May (ii Non. Maii) 1225, and was buried in his own cathedral-^". The custody of the temporalities was granted 10th May to Thomas Elunville-^', and the license to elect a new bishop issued nth May 1225 '-', in pursuance of which 1225 Geoffrey de Burgh (de Burgo)-^^, archdeacon of 9licn. III. Norwich, w'SiS, again chosen. He received the royal assent 2nd June 1225-^', ^^^ "^^'^^ consecrated on the 29th of that month -^^ On 17th Dec. 1228-^6 he 2' Monach. Eliens. 22 Some writers place his death 3rd Feb. 1 2 14-5, others on the 2nd of that month, and others 30th Jan. 23 Pat. 15 Joh. m. 12. 2-1 MS. Eliens. 25 Pat. 16 Joh. pp. 132. 145. 2<' Claus. 3 Hen. III. m. 13. in dorso. 27 Chron. Petrob. ad an. 12 19. 27* Pat. 4 Hen. HI. m. 7. 28 Matt. Paris, et Matt.Westm. 29 Chron. Walt, de Coventr. •^'^ Hist. Eliens. p. 635. 31 Pat. 9 Hen. HI. m. 5. 32 Ibid. m. 4. 33 He was a brother of Hubert de Burgh, earl of Kent, and chief justiciar of England. 3-1 Pat. 9 Hen. HI. m. 4. 35 Hist. Eliens. 36 Some accounts place his death 8th Dec, some on the 12th of that month, and others 17th May 1229. BISHOPS. S29 died, and was buried in his own cathedral on the 27th of that month -^7. The conge d'elire, vice bishop de Burgh, issued 10th Jan. 1228—9-^'^. 1229 Hugh de Norwold or Northwolde, abbot ofSt.Ed- iHen.llI. mondslury^ received the royal assent to his election 3rd Feb, 1228—9'^^, and was consecrated on Trinity Sunday loth June (ivid. Junii) 1229^0 jjg ^\q^ 5th Aug. (viii Id. Aug.) 1254'*^ and was buried in his own cathedral. The custody of the bishopric was granted 1 2th Aug. 1254'*^. The date of the license for the election of the next bishop does not appear, but 1254 WiLLiA]M DE Kilkenny or Kirkexxy, archdeacon of Hen.lli. Coventry/, and chancellor of England^ was chosen by the dean and chapter about Michaelmas^ '. He ob- tained the royal assent to his election 25th Dec. 1 254^^, and was consecrated in Savoy*, by Boniface archbishop of Canterbury, 15th Aug. 1255 *\ He died in Spain 2Tst Sept. (xi Kal. Oct.) 1256, and his body was buried at "Sugho" in that kingdom, but his heart was brought to England and deposited in his own cathe- dral^^. The license for the election of the successor to William de Kilkenny bears date 9th Nov. 1256^''. It seems that the King had signified his desire to the prior and convent of Ely, that they should elect Henry de Wengham, chancellor of England, as their bishop ; but notwithstanding the King's recommendation they chose 258 Hugh Balsham or Belesale, suh-prior of Ely , who was [en.lll. elected 13th Nov. 1256 ; the King disapproving of the ^7 Hist. Eliens. Burton. Matt. Paris incorrectly 3S Pat. 13 Hen. HI. m. 10. says 9th Aug. 39 Ibid. m. 7. 42 Pat. 38 Hen. HI. m. 2. ^^ Matt. Westm. and Matt. ^^ Annal. Burton. Paris. The monk of Ely states ■^** Pat. 39 Hen. HI. m. i6. that he was consecrated iv Xon. * " Apud Bolesium in Sabau- Jun. (2nd June) 1229, 12 Hen. dia." HI., both of which dates how- ^^ Matt. West, and Matt. Par. ever are incorrect. -16 Monacb. Ehens. Hist. 4' Hist. Eliens. and Annal. ■*" Pat. 41 Hen. HI. m. 17. VOL. I. u u 330 ELY. election, Boniface, archbishop of Canterbury, annulled it, and nominated Adam de Marisco to the vacant see ; upon which Balsham aj)pcaled to the court of Rome, which decided in his favour 6th Oct. 1257 ; he was consecrated at Rome on the 14th of that month '^, and the King was induced to restore the tem- poralities to him 15th Jan. 1 257-8 •*5. He died 16th June 1286'^' at Dodington, and was buried in his own cathedral, before the high altar, on the 24th of that month. The next prelate of this see appears to have been 1286 John de Kirkeby, archdeacon of Coventry and canon i4Etlw.l. of Wells and YorTc^ though neither the conge d'elire which brought him there nor the royal assent to his election are recorded^' ; he appears however to have been elected 26th July 1286'-; and presented to the King at Melun on Seine in France 7th Aug., and con- firmed by the archbishop on the 17th of that month. He received the temporalities 7th Sept. following ^'^ and his consecration took place on the 22nd of that month ^^ in Canterbury cathedral, and ho was en- throned 24th Dec. following. He died 26th March 1290 at Ely, and was buried in his own cathedral-''. The prior and convent of Ely, 31st March 1290, pray for a conge d'elire in the room of John de Kirkeby their late bishop '^^, and the license to elect a bishop is '^ MS. Eliens. than cumber himself with so ''S Pat. 42 Hen. III. m. 14. many charges." Prynne, vol. iii. ^0 One authority states that he p. 359. died at his manor of Downham, ^- Monach. Eliens. Hist. in the isle of Ely, v Id. Junii (9th ^'^ Pat. 14 Edw. I. m. 4. June) 1286. •^'* In a privy seal letter in the ^1 He had previously been Tower dated 13th Oct., 14 Edw. elected to the see of Chester I., it is stated that John was (Lichfield) but archbishop Peck- consecrated on the morrow of ham annulled the election " for the feast of St. Matthew the apo- holding many several ecclesias- stle (22nd Sept.). tical preferments; for that a man ^'^ Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 638. of so good conscience as a bishop •'•'• Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. ought to be, would rather con- no. tent himself with a little living BISHOPS. S81 1290 18 Edw. : dated 6th April 1290^'. And the prior and convent of Ely by their letter to the King dated 8th May 1290^'*, present William de Luda (William of Louth), clean of St, • Martin the Great, London, archdeacon of Durham^ and treasurer of the King's wardrohe^ whom they had chosen as their bishop. He was elected 1 2th May (iv Id. Maii) 1290. The royal assent being given to his election on the 14th 5'', his confirmation took place on the 27th, and the teraporahties were restored to him on the 30th of the same month 6^. He was con- secrated and enthroned at Ely ist Oct. following '^•. He died 25th March 1298*^-, and was buried in Ely cathedral. On 24th April the license issued to elect his successor ^\ but the chapter were divided in their choice between John Saleman or Salmon, their prior, and John de Langton, chancellor of England'^', The major part of the chapter elected the prior, and sent their certificate in his favour ; but the King rejected it on account of informality'^'', and assented to the election of the chancellor (19th July 1298), though 57 Pat. 18 Edw. I. m. 32. 58 Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. 43- 59 Pat. 18 Edw. I. m. 30. fio Ibid. m. 28. •'i Annal.Wigorn. MS. Thorn. Wikes and Reg. Cantuar. •'^ Among records which lately belonged to the King's remem- brancer of the exchequer is a compotus which states that he died 28th March, 26 Edw. I., and the obituary of Ely gives the same day ; according to the Annales Wigorn. it was the 27th of that month ; and on the Libe- rate Roll, 29 Edw. L m. 3, is an account rendered by the ' custo- des' of the bishopric after his death, during the avoidance of the see. 63 Pat. 26 Edw. L m. 18. ^ There is a memorandum on the Patent Roll, 26 Edw. L m. 14, that John de Langton, the King's chancellor, left the court, then at York, on the Fri- day before the Feast of St. Bar- nabas the apostle (6th June), to go to the archbishop of Canter- bury on the subject of his hav- ing been elected to the see of Ely. 6-5 " Nos tamen pro eo quod dictse literae fuerant defectivse, et sub indebita forma conceptse, necnon, et quia non erant sigillo communi dicti capituli roboratae non potuimus sicut nee debui- mus ilia vice electioni hujusmodi assentire." Pat. 26 E. L m. 10. u u 2 332 ELY. he was in a minority ^*^. The chapter appealed to the Pope, and chancellor Langton attended his Holiness in person with letters of credence from the King^/, but the court of Rome, to appease both parties in the chapter, nullified both elections''^ ; translated the bishop of Norwich to Ely^'^; made the prior bishop of Norwich, and bestowed the archdeaconry of Canter- bury on Langton ""^'j he allowed him also to hold any plurality of benefices"^*. 1300 Ralph Walpole, hislioj) of Noriclch, having been trans- QjEdw. I. lated to this see by bull dated 15th July 1299, the temporalities were restored to him 10th Oct. follow- ing"!, jind he was consecrated 20th March 1299-1300. He died 20th March 1301-2, and was buried in his own cathedral 1st April 130272. The license to elect a successor to Ralph Walpole'^ is not enrolled " *, but the sub-prior and convent of Ely, by their letter dated 25th April 1302, inform the King that they had elected Robert their prior as their bishop in the room 66 Pat. 26 Edw. I. m. 10. lens honorare personam cum eo "' Langton had letters of safe super pluralitate beneficiorum conduct dated i8tli Feb. (Pat. 27 suorum cum cura et sine cura Edw. I. m. 36.), and the King's quae obtinet nostri consideratione several letters of credence to the duxerit dispensandum." Pope and cardinals are on the '' Pat. 27 Edw. I. m. 9. 19th of that month. Claus. 27 "2 Hist. Ellens. Angl. Sacra, Edw. I. m. 17. in dorso. pars i. p. 640. 6** Langton on his return from 73 Qn the Liberate Roll, 32 Rome landed at Dover nth June Edw. L ra. 3, is an account ren- 1299. Pat. 27 Edw. L m. 22. dered by the custodes of the see and Claus. 27 Edw. L m. 11. at bishop AValpole's death. 69 Matt. West, sub an. 1298. '^ Memorandum quod iv Idus "0 Matt. West. April (loth April) 1302, archi- 70* Qjj ^}jjg matter the King episcopus commisit vices suas thus expressed himself in a letter magistro Ricardo de Otringham on the Patent Roll 27 Edw. L rector i ecclesise de Schaleford m. 17 : " Cum Sanctissimus in dioc. Elyen. ad exercend. omni- Christo pater dorainus Bonifa- modum jurisdict. in eadem sede cius Papa Octavus nostram, in Elyen. dioc. vacante sicut olim dilecto clerico nostro Johanne de in dicto dioc. obtinuerat. Reg. Langton concellario nostro vo- Winchels. BISHOPS. S83 of Ralph deceased, and beg his Majesty to sanction their choice"^. The royal assent was accordingly given 6th May "6. The prelate in question was 1303 Robj:rt Orford, prior of Ehj^ whose election took 3iEdw. I. place 14th April i303"7, but the archbishop of Can- terbury would not confirm it ; upon which the monks of Ely appealed to the Pope, and his Holiness con- firmed their choice ; Orford was consecrated at Rome, and the archbishop was therefore compelled to re- ceive his profession as bishop of Ely' '^. The tempo- ralities however were not restored to him until 4th Feb. 1302— 3 "9, He died at Downham 21st Jan. 1309- I o, and was buried in his own cathedral ■"". On 1 oth Feb. 1309-10, the prior and convent received ^1 the conge d'clire''-, in pursuance of which 1310 John de Ketox or Ketexe, a monJc of Ely, was chosen 4Edw. 11. as the new bishop 2nd March 1309—10. The King as- sented to the election on the 21st of the same month ^^ 1 and the archbishop of Canterbury confirmed it lotli July^^ ; on the 1 8th of which month the temporalities were restored to him^\ and he was consecrated 6th Sept.86, He died (Pridie Idus Maii) 14th May 131 6, and was buried near his two last predecessors''^. The '^ Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. ^1 Interim autem Rex et Regina 70- et multi nobiles regni, comites ^6 Pat. 30 Edw. I. m. 23, and et barones scripserunt priori et Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. 69. toti conventui, subnixe rogantes " Hist. Eliens. pro quodam clerico generoso 'S E Reg. Cantuar. et Norwic. magistro Bonifacio de Salute ^^ Pat. 31 Edw. L m. 39. Lambardo; ut ipsura eligere vel- ^^ Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 641. lent in episcopum suum Elyen- Robertus archiepiscopus raandat senet pastorem. Monach. Eliens. magistro Ricardo de Otringbam Hist. Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 641. administratori spiritual, in dioc. 82 Pat. 3 Edw. H. m. 21. Elyen. ut annulum pontificalem ^^ Ibid. m. 16. domini Roberti episcopi defuncti ^4 Reg. Winchels. archiepiscopo Cantuar. de jure 85 Pat. 4 Edw. II. p. i. m. 24. debitum restitui curaret. Reg. S6 B.eg. Cantuar. Winchels. sr Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 642. 334 ELY. license to elect a bishop in the room of John de Keton is dated . . . June 1316^-', and 1316 John de Hothum, canon of Yo)'l\ procost of Queen^s loEdw, II. College, Oxford, was chosen. The royal assent to his election was given 20th June 13 16^*^, and the tempo- ralities restored to him 20th July following, on which he also received the archbishop's confirmation '"^ and he was consecrated 3rd Oct. He was made chancellor of England 1 1 th June 1318 ■'-. He died at Somersham in the beginning of Jan. 1336— 7''-*, and was buried in his own cathedral-'^. The prior and convent of Ely, by letter dated 2 5tli Feb. 1336-7, pray for a license to elect a bishop in the room of John de Hothum deceased'*'. The license was issued 3rd March'"', and 1337 Simon Montacute, bishoj) of Worcester, was trans- 1 1 Ed. III. lated^" to this see by bull dated 14th March J336-7 -'^ He received the temporalities 1 ith June following y'-*, having done fealty to the king, and renounced all words in the papal bull prejudicial to the King"'s rights and prerogative'. Ho made his profession of obe- dience to the archbishop 31st July in that year. He 89 Pat. 9 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 18. 94 Hist. Eliens. '••0 Il)id. m. 9. 95 Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. 9> Pat. loEdw. II.p. i.m.33. 138. 92 Claus. II Edw. II. m. 3. 9« p^t. nEdw. III.p. i. m.37. 93 The inscription on his tomb 97 According to the Hist. Eh- says that he died 25th Jan. ens., John de Crandene, prior of 1336-7, but the see was vacant Ely, was elected as the successor 14th Jan. 1336-7. A parliament of Hothum in the bishopric of was summoned by writs dated, Ely 12th March (iv Id. Martii) ; " Westm. xiiij. die Januarii anno but the election appears to have regni nostri decimo," and one been set aside on account of the was sent " custodi spiritualitatis Pope having already translated episcopatus Elien. sede vacante" the bishop of Worcester from (Claus. 10 Edw. III. m. I. in that see to Ely. dorso), and the monk of Ely 98 Bulla Pap. in Turr. Lond., states that he died at Somersham et Reg. Montac. xviii Cal. Feb. nocte praecedente 99 Pat. n Edw. III. p. 2. m. festum S. Mauri abbatis A. D. 28. 1336, which would be 14th Jan. ' Claus. ir Edw. III. p. i. m. 1336-7. 5. in dorso. BISHOPS. 335 died 2oth June 1345-, and was buried in his own cathedrals On the decease of the last named bishop, the license for the election of his successor issued 28th June 1345^, and Alan de Walsingham, prior of Ely, was elected, but his election was set aside by pope Clement VI. in favour of 1345 Thomas de Insula or de Lisle -^^ S.T.P., a friar i9Ed. III. preacher^, who was consecrated at Avignon by Cle- ment VI. in July 1345. The temporalities were re- stored to him loth Sept. following' ; but he did not make his profession of obedience to the archbishop until 9th Sept. 1348^. He died in exile -^ at Avignon 23rd June 1361'", and was buried there 'S The license to elect a bishop in the stead of Thomas de Lisle bears date 24th July 1361 1- ; but pope Innocent VI. commenced the translation of Reginald Brian, bishop of Worcester, to the see of Ely, but he died (loth Dec. 136 1 ) before the translation could be per- fected ; and John Bokingham, afterwai'ds bishop of Lincoln, was then elected by the monks, but was re- jected by the Pope, and 1362 SiMox Langham, ahhot of Westminster'^^, was promoted 36 Ed. III. to this see by the Pope''s bull dated loth Jan. 136 1-2. He received the spiritualities 26th Feb. following'^; and 1 9th March he did his fealty to the king, and the ^ The monk of Ely incorrectly places the death of bishop Mon- tacute 20th June 1344. ^ Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 652. 4 Pat. 19 Edvv. III. p. I. m. 3. ■'' Called also Thomas deLylde. " Ex Orig. ' Pat. igEdw. III. p. 2. m. 14. ^ Reg. Cranborn. ^ He was deprived in 1357, and the temporalities seized into the King's hands, and the spiri- tualities taken into the archbi- shop's, i2th July 1361. Reg. Islip, fol. 235. "J IX Kalend. Julii in Festo Depositionis S. Virginis Ethel- dredse et vigilia Nativitatis S. Jo.iannis Baptistee in curia obiit Avinionensi A.D.1361. Monach. Ehens. Hist. " Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 662. '' Pat. 35 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 4. '"^ The inscription on his tomb calls him also "Elect of London." '•1 Monach. Eliens. Hist. \ i 336 ELY. temporalities were restored to him'^. His consecra- tion took place the next (lay'-\ he became chancellor of England 19th Feb. 1363 i^. On 24th July 1366 he was translated to Canterbury 1^, pursuant to the bull of pope Urban V. No conge d'elire seems to have issued on the translation of Simon Langham to 1 Canterbury, but " 1367 John hAnw/r, bishop 0/ Bath and Wells, was postulated 41 Ed. III. to this see by papal bull dated 15th Dec. 1366^^, and the temporalities I'estored to him 28th April 1367 '■', and the spiritualities 2nd May. He died 7th Juno 1373 at Hatfield*, and was buried in his own cathe- dral-*^'. His will was proved 13th June 1373. The license to elect another prelate in the room of bishop Barnet is dated 12th June I373-S and Hexry de Wakefield, archdeacon of Northampton, seems to have been chosen, though the king recom- mended John Woodrove his confessor ; the royal assent was nevertheless given to Wakefield's election 1st July-^. It must however have been set aside by the Pope, as 1374 Thomas Arundel--^, archdeacon of Taunton^ was ap- 48 Ed. III. pointed by papal bull dated 13th Aug. 1373. He made his profession of obedience 16th March 1373-4; on which day he received the spiritualities. He was consecrated at Oteford 9th April 13 74 '2^, and obtained restitution of the temporalities 5th May'^^, He was enthroned 20th April. He became chancellor of •"* Pat. 36Ed\v.III. p. i.m.15. Junii. Monach. Elien. '^ Angl. Sacra pars i. p. 663. 20 Reg. Wittles. fol. 139. Angl. 1^ Claus. 37 Edw. III. m. 39. Sacra, pars i. p. 664. in dorso. 21 p^t. 47 Edw. III. p. i. m. 5. 17 Pat. 40 Edw. III. p. 2. m.17. 22 ibi(j. p. 2. m. 7. IS Reg. Langham, fol. 89. ^^ He was the second son of 19 Pat. 41 Edw. III. p.i. m.26. Richard Fitz-Alan, earl of Arun- * Cum sedisset annis vi. gravi del. infirmitate correptus, mortuus 24 Reg. Wittles. est apud Hatfield, feria tertia in ^^ Pat. 48 Edw. III. p. i. m. ebdomada Pentecostes vii. id. 19. BISHOPS. 337 England 24th Oct. 1386-^6. On 3rd April 1388 he was translated to York and received the temporalities of that see 13th Sept. following-". John Fordham, bishop of Durham, was translated to Ely by authority of pope Boniface's bull, dated 3rd April 1388 -». He did his fealty to the King, and made his profession of obedience in the conventual church of Barnwell, Cambridge, 27th Sept. following'^^. on which the temporalities were delivered to him^'', and the next day he obtained the spiritualities^^ He died at Downham 19th Nov. 142532, His will, made 3rd Oct. 1425, was proved 4th Feb. 1425-6 3^. The chapter of Ely obtained a hcense-^^ to elect a bishop in the room of John Fordham 3rd Dec. 14253J; and at a meeting of the privy council 14th Jan. 1425-6, among other things it was agreed that Philip bishop of Worcester's should be translated to the see of Ely, unless some other person should be previously ap- pointed thereto by the Pope, and in that case to the see of Norwich ; and that William Alnewyk, keeper of the privy seal, should be appointed to the bishopric of Norwich in case he should not have been promoted 26 Claus. 10 Ric. II. m. 35, in royal license for the election of dorso. a bishop in his room. Cartular. 27 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 22. Elyens. 28 Reg. Courten. fol. 323. ^^ Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 10. 29 Reg. Fordham. Eliens. ^6 He had been elected to the 2" Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 19. see of York in 1424, and the and Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. i. m. 26. King, 25th Jan. in that year, in- '■^^ Reg. 3. Eliens. formed pope Martin that he had 22"Feria secunda, in vigiliS. assented to the election of PhiUp S. Edmundi Regis et Martyris bishop of Worcester as arch- xiii Cal. Decembris." Monach. bishop of York, upon the de- Eliens.Contin.Hist. Others place cease of Henry Bowet the late his death on 13th Nov. archbishop. (Pat. 2 Hen. VI. p. 2. '^'■^ Reg. Chichel. fol. 389. m. 5.) But the Pope hanng no- 3-* Peter the prior and the con- minated Richard Fleming to the vent of Ely, 25 th Nov. 1425, in- see of York, the translation of form the King of the death of the bishop of Worcester to the John Fordham their bishop, and archiepiscopal see was not per- beseech his Majesty to issue his fected. VOL. 1, XX 338 ELY. by the Pope to that of Ely ^7. The monks of Ely, however, were determined to choose for themselves, and elected Peter their prior as their bishop ; but the archbishop of Canterbury refused to confirm their choice, and the prior appealed to the Pope, who an- nulled his election, and appointed 1426 Philip Morgan, bishop of Worcester, to the see of Ely, 4 Hen. VI. by bull dated 27th Feb. 1425-6^^. He received the temporalities 22nd April 1426^9. and afterwards, on the 26th of the same month, he made his profession of obedience to the archbishop '^\ and received the spi- ritualities. He died at Bishop's Hatfield 25th Oct. 1435. His will, dated 21st Oct. 1435, was proved loth Nov. following^ 1. The license to elect a bishop, vice Philip Morgan, issued 30th Oct. 1435^-; in pur- suance of which Robert Fitz Hugh, bishop of London, was elected to the see of Ely, but he died 15th Jan. 1435-6^3^ before his translation could be perfected. Upon this the King recommended Thomas Rodburn, bishop of St. David's, to the monks of Ely; but they would not accede to his Majesty"'8 nomination, and elected Thomas Bourchier, bishop of Worcester, whose election the Pope confirmed; but the King refusing to restore the temporalities of the bishopric to him, ho renounced his election. The Pope then appointed 1438 Louis de Luxem burgh ^^, archbishop of Rouen, perpe- 16 Hen. VI. tual administrator of the see of Ely ; and the King, having accepted the fealty of William Erard, the archbishop's proctor-generaH^, ordered the temporali- 37 Minute of Council, 4 Hen. '^i Reg. Chichel. fol. 454 a. VI. 42 Pat. 14 Hen. VI. p. i. m. ^^ iii Cal. Mar. pont. nono. 21. Reg. Chichel. 43 Weever, p. 360, incorrectly 39 Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 19. says, 22nd Sept. 1435. 40 " Dictus Philippus Elyen. 44 Called also Luschburg and Episcopus in presentia domini Luscburg. Cardinal. S. S. Qua- in Domo Capitulari Eccl. Cath. tuor Coronatorum. S. Pauli Lond.26 Apr.,1426. pro- 45 Pat. 16 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. fessionem fecit." Reg. Chichel. 10. BISHOPS. 339 ties to be delivered up to him 3rd April 143846, and renewed the order 20th May in the same year. And by another patent, dated 4th October in the said year, the King confirmed the Pope's bull making the arch- bishop perpetual administrator of the sec*". This grant was also confirmed 26th Nov. 1439^^. Louis de Luxemburgh died at Bishop's Hatfield 4tli Oct. 1443 49, and was buried at Ely; his heart however was sent to Rouen "^o, A conge d'dire, dated 14th Oct. 144351, was sent to the monks of Ely on the death of Louis Luxemburgh, and the monks again chose 7444 Thomas Bourchier, hishop of Worcester, who received 22 Hen. VI. the bull of pope Eugenius IV., dated 20th Dec. 1443, translating him from the see of Worcester to that of Ely. The temporalities were restored to him 27th Feb. 1 443-4 5'-, and he received the spiritualities from the archbishop the next day^^. He was translated to Canterbury in April 1454. 1454 William Grey, archdeacon of Richmond, was provided 33 Hen. VI. to the see of Ely by papal bull 21st June 1454. He obtained the temporalities by patent dated 6th Sept. in that year '"^^ and he was consecrated at Mortlake by the archbishop on the 8th of that month ^^, but he was not installed until 20th March 1457-8^6^ He was ap- pointed treasurer of England 25th Oct. 1469'^''. He died 4th Aug. 1478 at Downham^^, and was buried in Ely cathedral ^9. 46 Pat. 16 Hen.VI. p. 2. m.37. ^5 Reg. Grey, fol. 120. 47 Pat. i7Hen.VI. p.i.m.15. 56 Hist. Eliens. et Reg. 5. 48 Pat. 18 Hen.VI. p.3. m.21. EUens. 49 Ciacon. Vit. Pontif. torn. ii. ^7 Pat. 9 Edw. IV. p. i. m. 9. col. 903. Some authorities say, ^^ " a. D. 1478 quarto die men- i8th Sept., others 24th Sept. sis Augusti, i.e. die Martis, circa ^^^ Hist. Eliens. Angl. Sacra, horam quintam post nonam, obiit pars i. p. 668. Dominus Willielmus Gray epi- 5' Pat. 22 Hen.VI. p. i. m. 17. scopus Eliensis apudDounham." •^2 Pat. 22 Hen.VI. p. 2. m.28. Monach. Eliens. Contin. Hist. •■^3 Reg. Stafford, fol. 13. ^9 Hist. Eliens. ^4 Pat. 33 Hen.VI. p. i. m. 12. X X 2 340 ELY. 1479 John Morton, LL.D., archdeacon of Huntingdon and i8Edw.iv. Chichester^ master of the rolls, was elected bishop of Ely 8th Aug. 1478^0^ }3ut he did not receive the Pope's bull of provision until 24th Dec. following. The temporalities were restored to him 4th Jan. 1478-9^^, and he was consecrated at Lambeth 31st Jan. ^"2 He was translated to Canterbury by papal bull dated prid. non. Oct. (6th Oct.) 1486^^ i486 John Alcock, hishoj) of Worcester, lord chancellor of 2Hen.Vll. England, was translated to Ely by bull of provision dated 6th Oct. 1486''^. He obtained the royal assent and the temporalities 7th Dec. following^''; on the 17 th of which month he was enthroned ''*\ He died 1st Oct. 1500 at Wisbeach, and was buried in Ely cathedral. 150 T Richard Redmayn, bishop of Exeter, was translated to 17H.VII. Ely in 1^01, the temporalities of which were restored to him 26th Sept. in that year^". He died 24th Aug. 15056^, and was buried in Ely cathedral. The spi- ritualities of the see were taken into the hands of the ^ " Septimo autem die mensis Augusti, i. e. die Veneris proxi- me sequent! diem tumulationis episcopi defuncti, nuncius Do- mini Regis statim venit cum li- teris regiis, ut statim procedere- mus ad electionem, et ut eligere- mus magistrum Johannem Mur- ton, Legum Doctorem, cleri- cumque Rotulorum Domini Re- gis Edwardi IV. qui proximo die, non habita licentia Domini Regis eligendi episcopum, Electus erat a nobis quasi per viam S. Spiri- tus, non habito processu eligen- di, sed potius ad instantiam Re- gis, in Festo Ermenildge, i. e. Octavo die mensis Augusti in die Sabbati, in absentia quorun- dam Fratrum non vocatorum." Monach. Eliens. Contin. Hist. 61 Pat. i8Ed\v. IV.p.2.m.i6. 62 Hist. Eliens. 63 Reg. Morton, fol. i. 6-1 Reg. Alcork. 65 Pat. 2 Hen. VII. p, i. m. 18. 66 Reg. Alcock. 67 Pat. 17 H.VII. p. i.m. II 68 Cum episcopatus Eliensis vicesimo quarto die Augusti, an no regni nostri vicesimo primo per mortem bonae memoriae Ri- cardi Redmayn nuper episcopi ibidem, nuper vacaverit, ac idem episcopatus ab eodem vicesimo quarto die Augusti usque quin- tum diem Novembris, anno reg- ni nostri vicesimo secundo, per mortem ipsius Ricardi vacasset. Pat. 22 Hen. VII. p. 2. m. 24. BISHOPS. 341 archbishop 24th Aug.^Q. His will, dated i8th Aug. 1 50 1, was proved 24th Oct. 150570. 1506 James Stanley^i, S.T.P., demi of St. Mart'irCs^ Lon- 22 H.VII.5 don., and archdeacon of Richmond^ was provided to this see by bull of pope Julius II. The temporalities were restored to him 5th Nov. 1506''-. He died 22nd March 1514-15, and was buried in the chapel of St. John within the collegiate church of Manchester, His will, dated 20th March 15 14-15, was proved 23rd May 151573. 1515 Nicholas West, S.T.D., dean of Windsor., was ap- 7 H. VIII. pointed by pope Leo's bull of provision the 27th of July 1515. He had the custody of the temporalities of the see of Ely granted to him 1 8th May preceding^^, and plenary restitution of them 6th Sept. in the same year'^. He was consecrated 7th Oct. following"''. He died 28th April77 1533 7«. A license to elect a bishop vice Nicholas West issued 6th March 1533-4"^; in pursuance of which Nicholas Hawkins was elected, but died before he could take possession of the see. The prior and convent then elected T534 Thomas Goodrich^" or Goodricke, S.T.P. He had a JSH.VIII. grant of the custody of the temporalities 2nd April 1534^1, and the next day received the royal assent to his election S-, which had taken place J 7th March; and the archbishop of Canterbury was commanded to consecrate and invest the bishop elect with the epi- ^9 Reg. Warham. 78 Reg. Cranm. et Reg. War- 70 Holgrave, 28. ham. ^' He was the sixth son of 79 Pat. 25 H.VIII. p. 1. m. 32. Thomas Stanley, earl of Derby. *^o Jjjg name is variously spelt 72 Pat. 22 H. VII. p. 3. m. 14. on the different documents on 73 Lib. Holder in Off. Prerog. the Patent Roll — Goodricke, Cantuar. Goderyke, Goderik. He was 7-1 Pat. 7 H. VIII. p. 2. m. 12. elected 17th March 1533-4, "per 75 Ibid. m. 20. modum compromissi." 76 Reg. Warham. fol. 19. 81 Pat. 25 H. VIII. p. 2. m. 2. 77 According to the Hist. Eli- S2 Ibid. m. 31. ens. 6th April. 342 ELY. scopal insignia^^. He was confirmed 13th April; consecrated on the igth.^-^, and on the 21st of the same month he had plenary restitution of the tempo- ralities ^-^ The great seal was dehvered to him as lord keeper 22nd Dec. 1551, and 19th Jan. 155 1-2 his Majesty appointed him chancellor of England^''. He died at Somcrsham loth May 1.554'^", and was bm'ied in Ely cathedral '^^. A license issued loth July 1554 to elect a bishop in the room of the last deceased '^9. 1554 Thomas Thirlby, bishojy of Norwich, was translated 1&.2P.&M. to Ely, and obtained the royal assent 17th Aug. 155490. The temporalities were restored to him 15th Sept. following 91, and he was installed on the 24th of the same month. He was deprived for refusing to take the oath of supremacy, pursuant to act of par- liament of 1st Elizabeth; and the spiritualities of the see were taken into the hands of the dean and chapter of Canterbury 23rd Nov. 1559^-. He died at Lam- beth 26th Aug. 1570, and was buried in the parish church there -'J. Upon the deprivation of Thomas Thirlby, a license to elect a bishop in his stead issued 15th July 1559^"*, in pursuance of which 1559 Richard Cox9'', S.T.P., the first dean of Oxford, was 2 Eiiz. elected 28th July 1559, and obtained the royal assent to his election 18th Dec. foUowing^fi. He was con- firmed in the church of St. Mary-le-13ow on the 20th of the same month, and consecrated the next day (Sunday 21st Dec.) at Lambeth 97. He obtained resti- 83 Pat. 25 H.VIII. p. 2. m.31. 92 Reg. Cantuar. 8^ Reg. Cranmer. fol. 87. ".s g^ Epitaphio. 85 Pat. 25 H. VIII. p. 2. m. 3. 9-» Pat. 1 Eliz. p. 6. m. i. 8" Claus. 5 Edw. VI. p. 5. in ^^ He had Ijeen dean of Christ dorso. Church, Oxford, hut was deprived 87 According to others 9th May. of that dignity hy queen Mary in 88 Ex Epitaphio. I553- He was nominated to Nor- 89 Pat. I & 2 Phil. & Mar. m.26. wich, but before consecration was 90 Pat. I & 2 Phil. & Mar. p.i. elected bishop of Ely. m. 26. 96 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 2. 91 Ibid. 97 Reg. Parker, fol. 22. BISHOPS. 343 tution of the temporalities 23rd March 1 559-60 '^s He died 22nd July 158 1, and was buried in Ely cathe- dral. His will, dated 20th April 1581, was proved loth Aug. following. After the death of bishop Cox, the see was vacant upwards of eighteen years. 1599 Martix Hetox, S.T.P,, dean of Winchester^ was elected 42 Eiiz. 20th Dec. 1598, and obtained the royal assent to his election 23rd Jan. 1598-9^9. He was confirmed 1st Feb., and consecrated on the 3rd of the same month^. He died at Mildenhall in Suffolk 14th July 1609, setat. 57, and was buried in Ely cathedral-. His will, dated 10th July 1609, was proved 26th April 1610=^. 1609 Lancelot Andrews, bishop of Chichester^ was trans- 7 Jac. I. lated to the see of Ely, having been elected thereto 22nd Sept."* 1609; he was confirmed 6th Nov. fol- liowng^, and was translated to Winchester in Feb. 1 61 8-1 9''. A conge d'elire, vice Lancelot Andrews, issued 26th Feb. 1618-19". 1619 Nicholas Felton, bishop of Bristol, was elected to this 17 Jac. I. see 2nd March 1618-19, received the royal assent on the 6th '^, and was confirmed on the nth of the same month 9. The temporalities were restored to him 6th Aug. following 10, He died 6th Oct. 1626, setat. 6'^, and was buried in the church of St. Antholin, London, of which he had been formerly rector. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London 'i. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Nicholas Felton is dated 8th April 162812. 1628 John Buckeridge, bishop of Rochester, was elected to 4 Car. I. Ely 17th April 1628; received the royal assent 26th 9S Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 3. 6 Camd. Annal. Jac. I. 99 Pat. 42 Eliz. p. 7. 7 Pat. 16 Jac. I. p. 24. m. i. 1 Reg. Whitg. iii. fol. 37. 8 ibid. No. 2. 2 Ex Epitaphio. 9 Reg. Abbot, pars i. fol. 138. 3 Wingfield, 32. 10 Pat. 17 Jac. I. p. 12. N". i. '^ Browne Willis says 9th Sept. n Hele, 134. 5 Reg. Bancroft, fol. 84. 12 Pat. 4 Car. I. p. 38. No. 6. 344 ELY. 1631 6 Car. I. June 12^ confirmed 15th July^^ and obtained the tem- poralities on the J 8th of the same month '^ He died 23rd May 1 63 1, and was buried on the 31st of the same month in the parish church of Bromley, Kent. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London i''. Francis White, bishop of Norwich, was translated to Ely, having been elected thereto 15th Nov. 1631, and confirmed 8th Dec. following 1^. He died in Feb. 1637-8^7. His will is in the Prerogative Office, Lon- don'^. The conge d'elire vice Francis White is dated 20th March 1637-8'-'; in pursuance of which 1638 Matthew Wren, bishop of Norwich, was elected to 14 Car. I. this see, and obtained the royal assent 21st April 1638^*^; he was confirmed on the 24th of that month-', and obtained the temporalities 5th May following •2'^, He died on Wednesday 24th April 1667 at Ely House, Holborn, aetat. 81, and was buried with great pomp in the chapel of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, which he had built. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London -^ 1667 Benjamin Laney, bishop of Lincoln, was elected to this 19 Car. II. see 24th May 1667, and confirmed in the church of St. Paul, Covent Garden, 1 2th June following-^, lie died 24th Jan. 1 674-5, setat. 84, and was buried in Ely ca- thedral-^. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London. 1675 Petek Gunning, bishop of Chichester, was elected to 26 Car. II. this see 13th Feb. 1674-5, and confirmed on the 4th of the following month -'\ He died 6th July 1684, setat. 7 I, and was buried in Ely cathedral -7. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London-^. -' Pat. 4 Car. I. p. 38. No. 5. ^ Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 135. 4 Pat. 4 Car. I. p. 38. N^ 4'. 5 St. John, 70. ^ Reg. Abbot, pars iii. fol. 24. 7 Reg. Laud. ^ Lee, 10. 9 Pat. 14 Car. L p. 35. N". 6. ^» Ibid. N". 2. ^' Reg. Laud, pars ii. 2-' Pat. 14 Car. I. N". 4. 2a Carr, 80. 2^* Reg. Sheldon, fol. 6. Browne Willis says 24th June. 2^ E.v Epitaphio. 2C Reg. Sheldon, fol. 1 24. 27 Ex Epitaphio. 2» Hare, 87. BISHOPS. 345 1684 Fraxcis Tukxek, bishop of Rochester, was translated to 36 Car. II. this see, in which he was confirmed 23rd Aug. 1684'^''. He refused to take the oath of allegiance to William the Third and queen Mary, and was deprived ist Feb. 1690— i-^o. He died intestate 2nd Nov. 1700, and was buried in the parish church of Therfield in Hertfordshire. 1691 SiMox Patrick, bishop 0/ Chichester, was nominated to 3W. cNcMar. the see of Ely by the King 22nd April 1691, elected icth June, received the royal assent on the 12th of that month -^'^ and confirmed 2nd July following'-. The temporalities were restored on the 6th of the same month. He died 31st May 1707, aetat. 81, and w^as buried 7th June in Ely cathedral^'. His will is in the Prerogative Office ■^^. 1707 JoHx Moore, bishop 0/ Norwich, was translated to this 6 Ann. gee, and confirmed in it 31st July 1707. He died 31st July 1714, set. 68, and was buried 5th Aug. in Ely cathe- dral'■>. His will is in the Prerogative Office, London •^^. 1 7 14 William Fleetwood, bishop of St. Asaph, was elected I Geo. I. to this see 19th Nov. 1714, in which he was confirmed 1 8th Dec. following-^". He died Sunday 4th Aug. 1723 at Tottenham in Middlesex, petat. 67, and was buried in Ely cathedral''^ 10th Aug. 1723 Thomas Greex, bishop of Norwich, \\a.s translated to 10 Geo. I. Ely in the room of bishop Fleetwood 2nd Sept. 1723^ in which he was confirmed on the 24tli of the same month. He died at Ely House, Holborn, 1 8th May 1738, jetat. 80, and was buried in Ely cathedral^^. 1738 Robert Butts, bishop of Norwich, was nominated to u Geo. II. Ely 25th May 1738, and received the royal assent 13th June ; he was confirmed on the 27th of the •^ Reg. Bancroft, fol. 91. 35 Ex Epitaphio. 31^ Reg. Eliens. '^^ Aston, 158. 31 Church Book, Home Office. 37 Reg. Tenison. 3- Reg. Tillotson, fol. 9. 38 Ex Epitaphio. 33 E.V Epitaphio et Reg. Ehen. 39 ibid. 3-4 Pooley, 226. VOL. I. Y y 346 EI-V. same month, and received the teniporalitie^* 4th July. He died at Ely House. Holborn. 26th Jan. 1747-S. 1 "48 Sir Thomas Gooch, bart.. bisAop of ^ortricA, was uo- jiG^vli. niinated ^cth Jan 1-47-8, elected 19th Feb., and confirme\l i ith March ^''. The temporalities were re- ston?d to him ^2nd March. He died 14th Feb. 1754. ^. Ob. 26th Aug. 1S08, jetat. 78. iSc8 Thomas Dampieb. bishop of B'M^htster. was nominated 4SG€o.lli. to Oy icth Sept. i8c8. and elected 6th Oct. He re- ceived the royal assent 8th Oct.. and was confirmed 22nd Xov.^i The temporalities were restored to him 25th Xov.'- Ob. 13th May iS[2. 1812 BowTER Edward Sparke, bishop of Chester, was nomi- siGeo.IIl. nated 22nd May iSi 2, and elected 4th June He re- ceived the royal assent 6th June, was confirmed on the 19th, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 27th of the same month^^. Ob. 4th April 1836, setat. -6. 3^ Reg. Herring. 37 fljid. *> Church Book, Home Office. ^ Reg. Comwallis. 41 r^^ Sutton. *^ Church Book, Home Office, ^ Church Book, Home Office. but the letters patent bear date ** Ibid, et Reg. Sutton, aoth Aug. Reg. Comwallis. SV:, DEANS. -54: 1S36 Joseph Allex. hishap ofBrU:::. wa* Dominated iSth fc Will. IV. June 1 S56. elected on the i3rd. and received the roval assent on the Z4th-^^ of the same month. He was eon- firmed 1 7th Aug.. and the temporaUties were restore! to him igth Aug.^"^ Ob. .:cth March 1845. *^^^- 75- iS4j^ Thomas Turtox. ifom or W^^miiister, the preisent holder of the see, was nominated iSth Maivh 1S45, and elected Sth April. He received the ro^-al assent 9th April ^^; he was coniirraed 3rd May. and conse- crated the next day; and the temporalities were re- stored to him i^th May". The bishopric is rated for first fruits '^ at The arms of the see are blazoned thus : Gules, three ducal crowns, or. DEAXS. rho foundation ohaner of this dignity snd vight pre- Ivnds bt^^rs date icth Sept. 1541, 3^ Hon. VII T. RotiFKT STTWAKn, aii.iS Wkij.es, fXif hsf j.--ric-'- ./E^fjf at M<' t/»V^^«*?v^« ._'■" r",; c.-'Kr^yJ, w^s constituted the first dean by the chart ex of foundation icth Sept* 1541. He died .:2nd Dec, 1557. and was buried in the caihcviral '^^ Anpkfw Peakxe, S.T.P., succeeded in 1557. He died ** Chxirvh Ixvvi.. Home O:£oe, ««Siors lor ever sre to p*T ^jcxrf, 37th June. R^. HottW. menkaitMn of d« iacoiiKS of tbs *^ Cbiuvh B».v>k, HvMne 0*ce, bi^xi^ of the sanlkr seesw It * lb- ; bxii xiw kitei^ pswjM w«s further oidexodl, dnfc two K\yv1siiei5tbAjvr. Rs-^iT. Ho\rler. ddrdpirts oi^of thesun ha«> *' l^hxireb Bkx^k. H vsae OiS«. tofote paad hf H^hn/fs of Elj- oa ♦> "I'be incc«ne vvf J>i$ s^ee wms Mto«mt of trst 611^ ^nH be »K^:a scoc»\ }xr Anra.u:. bw by pwd by die said present b^bop. iMx^ef in c\^\ixK-al visuxi 1 ofb Apnl md T^ rewahiiiig oa» durd laM iS^:;;. fins^Kvi ^:jojb M*y xS37, thereof $bdl be iwd by the Ec- jhe itKvsQse i>i ibe bi$bi^> of Khr desansdeal C\«uias^Miex& Mra$ $e»)(>d jtt .v;co^, per annuni; -(^ EctOB, p. 96, and the then bishoft md bi$ $uc- '^ Ex Epitifibao. Y T i 348 ELY. 26th April 1589, and was buried in the parish-church of Lambeth in the county of Surrey '". John Bell, S.T.P., succeeded in 1589. He died 31st Oct. 159 1, and was buried in the cathedraL'". HuMPHKKY TiNDALL, A.M., succccdcd in 1591. He died 1 2th Oct. 1614, aetat. 6^, and was buried in the cathedral '•-. Henry C/Esar. alias Adelmare, S.T.P., succeeded in 1614. He died 27th June 1636, setat. 72, and was buried in the cathedral ■'^. William Fuller, S.T.P., succeeded in 1636, and in 1645 w^s removed to the deanery of Durham. William Be ale was nominated in 1645, but never installed. He died 1st Oct. 1651 at Madrid in Spain. The dignity vacant fifteen years. Richard Love, S.T.P., was appointed by patent dated 14th Aug. 1660, and installed 28th Sept. following. He enjoyed it but a short time, and died in Feb. 1660-61. Henry Ferne, S.T.P., instituted i6th Feb. 1660-61, was installed 12th March, vice Love, and in 1661 was made bishop of Chester. Edward Martin, S.T.P. His patent is dated 22nd Feb. 1661—2. Installed 21st March 1661-2, vice Ferne. He was installed by proxy 22nd April 1662, and died 25th April 1662, and was buried in Queen's college chapel, Cambridge, of which he was master. Francis Wilford, S.T.P., instituted 20th May 1662, was installed 30th May 1662, and was buried 18th July 1667 in Bennet college chapel. Robert Mapletoft, S.T.P., instituted 7th Aug. 1667, was installed loth Aug. He died a few days after at Pembroke hall in Cambridge, and was buried in the chapel there 20th Aug. 1677. 50 Ex Epitaphio. 52 Ex Epitaphio. 51 Ibid. 53 Ibid. ARCHDEACONS. 349 John Spencer, S.T.P., was instituted 19th Sept. 1677. He died 27th May 1693, setat. 63 ^^, and was buried in the chapel of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. John Lamb, S.T.P., was instituted 23rd June 1693. He died loth Aug. [708, setat. 60^^. Charles Roderick, S.T.P., was installed 8th Oct. 1 708 ^6. He died 25th March 1 7 1 2, and was buried in King''s college, Cambridge. Robert Moss, S.T.P., instituted 30th April, was in- stalled 1 6th May 17 13. He died at Cambridge 26th March 1729. John Frankland, vice Moss, 28th April 1729^". Ob. Oct. 1730. Peter Allix, vice Frankland, 31st Oct. 1730^^. Hugh Thomas, )5th July 1758, vice Peter Allix ^^9. Ob. nth July 1780. William Cooke, 9th Aug. 1780, vice Hugh Thomas^^. Ob. 20th Oct. 1797, setat. 80. William PEARCE,2ndDGc. 1 797, vice William Cooke^^ Ob. 14th Nov. 1820, setat. 77. James Wood, nominated 21st Nov. 1820, installed 6th Dec. following, vice William Pearce deceased. Ob. 23rd April 1839, setat. 79. George Peacock, nominated 7th May 1839, vice James Wood deceased, and installed 22nd May*'-. ARCHDEACONS OF ELY. Nicholas occurs in 11 10: he was also styled arch- deacon of Cambridge. William de Laventona or Brito enjoyed this dig- nity in the year 11 15 and in 1 125^'^ 54 Ex Epitaphio. ^5 n^jd 61 Bishops' Certificates. 56 Bishops' Certificates. ^2 iiji(j_ 57 Ibid. 58 Ibid. 63 Histor. EUens. in Bibl. Cot- 53 Ibid. 60 Ibid. ton. Titus, A. i. f. 42. 350 ELY. William held this dignity in 1155^^. Henky about 1 158. RiciiAKD DK Er.Y, ahas Fitz-Nealk, was collated to this dignity before the year 1 1 69, and in 1 1 84 was removed to the deanery of Lincoln 6\ Bishop of Lon- don in 1 189. Richard Barre about 11 91 and i 196^6. Stephen de Ridale about 1210^'" : resigned in 1214. Adam de Tillen or Tilney succeeded in 1214, and died possessed of it 6th Nov. 1219'^'*. Giles was possessed of it in 1222 and 1225*^'^. Robert of Leycestre, 1238, 1241 "". Nicholas of Ely, 1249; '^^^^ '" '^68 he was made bishop of Worcester ' ' . Ralph de Walpole occurs in 1268 and 1271 ; and in 1288 he was made bishop of Norwich"-. John de Osevile held it in 1289 and 1292^'^. Ralph de Fodringhey, 13077'. William de Testa, a Roman cardinal, was arch- deacon of Ely, temp. Edw. IL"^ Ob. circa 1326. Gilbert de Bri er was archdeacon of Ely in 1328'''. Richard de Byxteworth, 18th Oct.133577. His ap- pointment revoked'*^. John de Oreford or Dufford or De Oiiord, 26th Nov. 1335, 1343'^- John Tydd held it in 1344. ^^ Madox, Excheq. 476. 72 Pat. 17 Edw. I. m. 21. Rot. ^^ Wharton. Gravesend Episc. Line. Angl. '•^ Reg. de Hulmo. Cotton. Sacra, pars i. p. 412. Galba, E. ii. f. 43. "^ Memor. 01. Sutton. Episc. 67 Lett. temp. Joh. N°. 28. Line. f. 34. ^ MS. in Offic. .Vrmorum, 74 Rot. Pari. 35 Edw. L No. 10. 75 Pat. 18 Edw. IL 69 Reg. Waltham. Cotton, f. 76 Claus. 2 Edw. IIL m. 37. 155- in dorso. 70 Cartul. Abb. de Thorney 77 Pat. 9 Edw. IIL p. 2. m. 15. penes Dom. Comitissam West- 78 Ibid. m. 5. morland. 79 Ibid. Offord in Rymer, 7' Prynn. Hist. Coll. torn. ii. vol. v. p. 374. p. 726. ARCHDEACONS OF ELY. 351 Gailhardus Cardinalis de Mota, in 1345 s". Held in 1347. Bernard de Caulason, 1351^^ Gilbert de Bruera again. He died 3rd Nov. 1353^-. James de Beaufort, 4th Feb. 1355-6^3^ Androynus, a Roman cardinal, 27th April 1363^^. Edward Burnel, 28th Nov. 1373*^ and 1380^^. John Crichurch held it in 1379. He died in 1387. Thomas de Pattesle was collated 20th May 1387^". Thomas Dalby, 28th May 1388. Thomas Feriby, 14th Sept. 1388^^. Adam Mottrum, 27th Oct. 1397. He exchanged this dignity for some other preferment with John Welbourne, 27th Oct. 1397**^- He held it 31st Jan. i402 9t», and in 1405^1. John Meteor d or Mete field, 7th Feb. 1409-10''-. His will is dated 24th Feb. 141 1-2. Robert Wetheringsete held it in 1420 and 1444^-^. John Stokys collated 1 5th March 1444-5'". His will is dated 1466. Richard Bole was installed ii Id. Feb. ( 1 2th) 1466-755. Richard Robinson, collated 30th Sept. 1477, ^"^ Bole's death ^6. Thomas Morton, collated 1479'''. Ob. xvi Cal. Sept. (17th Aug.) 1496. Thomas Alcock, collated i8th Aug. 1496. He died 12th Sept. 152398. ^^ Rymer, vol. v. p. 442. ^^ Reg. Stafford Episc. Exon. s' Ibid. p. 706. Rymer, vol. \-iii. pp. 238, 423. *>2 Newcourt, vol. i. p. 42. '-"* Pat. 3 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 8. 83 Pat. 31 Edw. III. p. I. m. »i Pat. 7 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 39. 25. 92 Pat. II H. IV. p. I. m.31. 84 Pat. 37 Edw. III. p. I. m. 93 MS. Norvvic. ix. f. 128. 23. 94 Ex Notis T. Tanner. 85 Pat.47Edw. III.p. 2.m.i2. 95 MS. Kennet, E. 86 Memor. Chedworth Episc. 96 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 673. Line. fol. 76. 97 Rgg. Morton. 87 Ex Notis T. Tanner, S.T.P. 98 Rgg. Cantuar. Ex Notis 88 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 21. T. Tanner. 352 E LY. Nicholas West. He became bishop of the see in 1515. Nicholas Hawkixs was collated 9th Nov. 1327, vice Nicholas West. He died in 1534^^. His will, dated 29th Dec. 1533, was proved 20th Oct. 1535. Thomas Thirlby succeeded in 1534, and 24th Nov. 1540''" was made bishop of Westminster. Richard Cox, deprived in 1553. Hexry Cole held it in 1553. He resigned in 1356. John Boxhall, 1336. John Warxer resigned before 1560^'''. Robert AVisdom was collated 29th Feb. 1339-60, and died in 1368 59. JoHx Parker was collated 31st Oct. 1568. He was living in 13781. He died 26th May 1592'^. John Palmer, presented 3th June 1392^. Robert Tinley, S.T.P., collated 17th July 1600. He died in 16 16^. Daniel WiGMORE, collated 1 6th March 1616-17 \ Ho died 1646. Edmund Mapletoft, A.M., was, upon the death of Wigmore, collated by bishop Wren in the Tower, but never in possession ^. He appears to have been col- lated 4th Feb. 1646-7. Bernard Hale, instituted 2nd July 1660, made master of Peter-House 3th Nov. 1660, was installed 22nd Sept. 1660. He died 29th March 1663, and was buried in the chapel of Peter-House, Cambridge". Thomas Wren, M.D., was collated 8th April, and in- stalled 13th April 1663. He died 1679^. Barnabas Heyolt or Oley, S.T.B., collated 8th Nov. ^ Hatcher. MS. 1 Ex Notis T. Tanner. 9" Pat. 32 H. VIII. m. 21. 2 Ex Epitaphio. 98 So Le Neve, but in Wis- ^ Bishops' Certificates, dom's appointment he is said to "* Newcourt, vol. i. p. 172. succeed " per dejjrivationem Jo- ^ Bishops' Certificates, hannis Boxal ultimi et immediati ^ Ex Notis T. Tanner, archidiaconi." 7 Ex Epitaphio. 99 Rymer, vol. xv. p. 563. 8 Ath. Oxon. vol. ii. p. 810. ARCH. OF BED., SUDB., AND HUNT. 353 1679. He resigned in i680j and died 20th Feb. J 685-6. William Sayaveix, S.T.P., was collated 22nd Jan. 1680-1. He died Qth June 1701, and was buried in Jesus College chapel, Cambridge 5. Richard Bentley, S.T.P., was collated 12th June 1701^0. Ob. nth July 1742. Robert Eytox, i6th Sept. 1742, vice Rich. Bentley i^. Charles Plumptre, 20th Dec. 1751, vice Robert Eytoni'^. Ob. 14th Sept. 1779. Richard Watsox, i8th Oct. 1779, vice Charles Plump- tre i^.* He resigned on being promoted to Llandaff. John Henry Browne, 23rd Sept. 18 16, vice Watson^-*. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 97?. 5s. 2^d.^^ ARCHDEACONS OF BEDFORD.* Henry Kaye Bonney, loth Dec. 1821. Henry Tattam, 12th March 1845, vice Henry Kaye Bonney. ARCHDEACONS OF SUDBURY * George Glover, appointed in 1823. ARCHDEACONS OF HUNTINGDON * John Banks Hollingwoeth, 25th Feb. 1828. 9 Ex Notis T. Tanner. 13 Bishops' Certificates. 10 Reg. Patrick. 14 Ibid. 1 ^ Bishops' Certificates. i^ Ecton, p. 96. '2 Ibid. * See p. 325. vol. I. z z 354 ELY. PREBENDARIES. FIRST STALL. Richard Cox, S.T.P., (upon the new foundation of this church by king Henry VIIL, dated loth Sept. 1541, Regni 33,) was appointed the first prebendary of this stall. He seems to have been deprived in 1553 or 1554. In 1559 he was nominated and elected bishop of Norwich, but before consecration was removed to the see of Ely. John Boxhall succeeded to this stall on the depriva- tion of Cox. He was deprived in 1559 John Warner, M.D., enjoyed this dignity in 1559. He was also dean of Winchester. He died in 1564. John Parker, A.M., succeeded in 1565. He died 26th May 1592. He was also archdeacon of Ely. John Parker, son of the above, died possessed of this stall in 1596. John Palmer, S.T.P., appears upon the chapter-books to have been prebendary of this stall from May 1597, till after Michaelmas 1614. He was also archdeacon of Ely in 1592. Daniel Wigmore was collated to this stall 6th Nov. 1614. John Bois or Boyse, A.M., was collated 25th Aug. 161 5, on the resignation of Wigmore. He died 14th Jan. 1643-4, setat. 83. John Montfort, S.T.P., was collated in 1643, and died in 1651. Edmund Mapletoft, A.M., succeeded 20th Dec. 1652. He died in the following year. Stephen Hall, S.T.B., was installed 22nd Sept. 1660, and died i8th Aug. 1661. John Pearson, S.T.P., obtained a change of the fifth stall for this 9th Oct. 1661, and installed 17th Oct. 1661, and in 1672 was made bishop of Chester. PREBENDARIES. 355 John Spencer, S.T.P., succeeded in Feb. 1671-2, and 19th Sept. 1677 was installed dean. John Moore, S.T.P., was collated 28th June 1679, and in 169 1 was made bishop of Norwich. Charles Roderick, S.T.P., was collated 12th Aug., and installed 27th Aug. 1691, and 8th Oct. 1708 was installed dean. Robert Cannon, S.T.P,, was collated 14th Feb. 1708-9, and installed 7th March 1708—9. He died 28th March 1722, being also dean of Lincoln. Thomas Jones, 10th April 1722. Ob. i8th Dec. 1759. Henry Heaton, 28th Dec. 1759. Ob. 8th July 1777. Peploe Ward, 14th July 1777. Ob. 4th June 1819. Henry Fardell, 14th June 1819. SECOND STALL. Matthew Parker, S.T.P., by the charter of founda- tion loth Sept. 1541. He became archbishop of Canterbury. John Young, S.T.P., a monk of Ramset/, upon the de- privation of Parker, had a grant of this prebend 1 2th April 1554. Deprived for being a Papist by queen Ehzabeth, and died in prison in 1579. John Porie, S.T.P. , was presented by queen Ehzabeth — Jan. 1559—60. He resigned this stall in 1564. Thomas Hill, 22nd April 1564, vice John Porie re- signed. Robert Beaumont, S.T.P., was collated 15th Nov. 1564, vice Hill resigned, and was also archdeacon of Huntingdon. He died in 1567. Thomas Ithell, LL.D., was collated loth June 1567. He died in 1579. Robert Norgate, S.T.B., was installed 8th May 1579. Thomas Nevil, S.T.P., was in this stall in 1590, and in 16 15, Ob. 2nd May 16 15. He was dean of Can- terbury and master of Trinity college, Cambridge. John Boyse was installed 25th Aug. 1615. Daniel Wigmore, collated 28th May 1615. Ob. 1646. z z 2 356 ELY. Bernard Hale, S.T.P., 3rd July 1660; was installed 22nd Sept. 1660. He resigned on being made master of Peter-House. He was also archdeacon of Ely. Anthony Sparrow, S.T.P., was collated 15th April; installed 7th May 1661 ; made bishop of Exeter in 1667, John Lightfoot, S.T.P., appointed 22nd Jan. 1667-8; was installed 5th Feb. Ho died 6th Dec. 1675, being master of Katharine Hall. Henry Harrison, S.T.P., 3rd Dec. 1675; ^^'^^ ^"" stalled 17th Dec. 1675. -^^ ^^^^ 5^^^ Sept. 1690. Henry Finch, A.M., was installed ist Nov. 1690. He became dean of York. Thomas Lovett, A.M., was collated ist Dec, and in- stalled loth Dec. 1692. He died in 1698, and was buried in the chapel of Christ's College, Cambridge. Robert Middleton, A.M., was collated 14th March, and installed 17th March 1698-9. Thomas Tanner, S.T.P., was installed loth Sept. 17 13, and resigned this stall on being made a canon of Christ Church, Oxford. Clement Tookie, second master of St. PauVs school, London, was collated loth Feb. 1723-4. John Nicols, nth Oct. 1748. Ob, 21st Dec. 1773. Richard Watson, 24th Jan. 1774. James Bentham, T9th Oct. 1779. Ob. J7th Nov. 1794, setat. 86. Philip Yorke, 14th March 1795. George Owen Cambridge, 30th Oct. 1795. John Ashley, 5th May 1841. THIRD STALL. William May, LL.D., by the charter of erection, loth Sept. 1541. He was afterwards dean of St. Paul's. Deprived in 1554. Thomas Styward or Steward, occurs in 1563. Buried at Downham 2nd Dec. 1568. John Whitgift, S.T.P., was collated 5th Dec. 1568 ; PREBENDARIES. 357 afterwards successively promoted to the sees of "Wor- cester and Canterbury. Hugh Booth, S.T.B., was collated 8th Oct. 1577 ; held it J 600. Robert Tinley, S.T.P., collated 4th Feb. 1602-3. HiEBONYMus or Jeremiah Beale, collated i6th Mar. 1616-17. Ob. 1630. Elizeus Burgess, S.T.B., was collated in 1630. Ob. 1652. He was also archdeacon of Rochester. William Holder, S.T.P., was collated 25tli June 1652, and installed 22nd Sept. 1660. He died 24th Jan. 1697-8, setat. 82. Thomas Richardson, S.T.P., was collated ist Feb., and installed 17th Feb. 1697-8. He resigned on being made master of Peter-House. Drew Cresseker, S.T.P., was collated 12th Dec. 1700. Charles Fleetwood, presented 17th March, and in- stalled 22nd March 1717-8. Thomas Greene, ist Aug. 1737. Ob. 23rd Mar. 1780. William Cooke, 12th April 1780. Promoted to the deanery. Benjamin Underwood, 23rd Aug. 1780. Ob. r4th Sept. 1 8 15, setat. 80. James Croft, 3rd Nov. 18 15. George Gaskin, 25th May 1822. Ob. 29th June 1829, setat. 67. Thomas Dampier, collated in 1829. Ob. 23rd May 1831. William French, ist June 1831. Ob. in 1849, setat. 63. James Scholefield, D.D., appointed in 1849. FOURTH STALL. William Lyson, LL.D., by the charter of erection, 10th Sept. 1541. His will is dated 8th Jan. 1549-50. He styles himself master in chancery. Richard Wilks, S.T.B., was admitted 12th Jan. 1549. Ob. 15th Oct. 1556. 358 ELY. John Ebden, S.T.B., was admitted 19th Dec. 1559. He resigned this stall in 1560 on being made arch- deacon of Durham. Matthew Hutton, S.T.P., succeeded Ebden. He resigned on being made dean of York, Henry Harvey, LL.D., was collated 25th June 1567. Ob. 1584. Thomas Nuce or Newce, S.T.B., was presented 21st Feb. 1.584-5. Ob. 8th Nov. 16 17. Roger Andrews, S.T.P., was collated 30th Nov. 1617. Ob. 1635. John Harris was collated 1635. Ob. circa 1659 or 1660. Henry Brunsell, LL.D., nominated 4th Oct., was installed i8th Oct. 1660. Ob. 23rd Feb. 1678-9, aetat. 61. William Saywell, S.T.P., nominated 28th Feb. and installed 8th March 1678-9. Ob. 9th June 1701. He also held the archdeaconry of Ely. Charles Ash ton, S.T.B., was collated 3rd July, in- stalled 4th July 1701. Ob. in May 1743. Henry Goodall, 27tli March 1752. John Gooch, 24th Aug. 1753. Ob. 7th Jan. 1804. C^sar Morgan, 26th Jan. 1804. Ob. 1812. Thomas Dampier, 21st Jan. 1812. Benjamin Parke, 23rd Aug. 1826. Edward Bowyer Sparke, nth April 1829. Benjamin Parke, 4th April 1831. John Maddy, 6th March 1835. FIFTH STALL. Giles Eyer, S.T.P., by the charter of erection, loth Sept. 1541. He resigned this stall on being made dean of Chichester in May 1549- Anthony Otway, appointed by patent dated 5th Sept. 1549. Deprived in 1554. John Fuller, LL.D., was admitted i6th Nov. i554* Ob. 1558. PREBENDARIES. 359 Thomas Willet succeeded Fuller in May 1559. Andrew Willet, S.T.P., instituted 22nd July 1584. Ob. 4th Dec. 1621. Ralph Beownrigg, S.T.P., succeeded on the death of Willet. Promoted to the see of Exeter in 1642. John Pearson, S.T.P., nominated 27th Aug., and in- stalled 22nd Sept. 1660. He resigned this stall for the first in 1661. Thomas Wren was collated 4th Jan. and installed 25th Jan. 1661-2. Ob. 1679, being also archdeacon of Ely. Humphrey Gower, S.T.P., nominated 25th Oct. 1679 and installed ist Nov. following. He died 27th March 1711, setat. 74. John Davies, LL.D., was collated 24th Sept. 171 1. Ob. 7th March 173 1-2. Christopher Clarke, 14th March 173 1-2. Ob. 19th May 1742. Charles Harvey, loth June 1742. Ob. 21st March 1782. Thomas Roger Du Quesne, 3rd April 1783. Ob. 15th Sept. 1793, setat. 74. Thomas Waddington, nth Oct. 1793. Ob. i8th June 1815, setat. 52. Sir Henry Bate Dudley, bart., 26th June 1815. John Henry Sparke, 4th March 1824. William Walbanke Childers, 13th April 1824. Ob. 8th Feb. 1833. William Selwyn, 12th March 1833. SIXTH STALL. John Custons, by the charter of erection, loth Sept. 1541. Ob. 1543. Thomas Bacon, S.T.B., was admitted 15th March 1543-4. Ob. 2nd Jan. 1559-60. Thomas Barwick, presented in Jan. 1559-60. Andrew Dean, S.T.B., occurs in 1364. His will is dated loth Dec. 1563. 360 ELY. John Bell, S.T.P., occurs in 1567 and 1588. He re- signed this stall in 1589 for the deanery. Edward Grant, S.T.P., succeeded Bell in 1589. John Hill, S.T.B., collated 17th Aug. 1601. Ob. in Sept. 1626. James Wedderburne, S.T.P., occurs in 1626. He resigned this stall on being made bishop of Dum- blaine in Scotland. Ob. 23rd Sept. 1639. Nehemiah Rogers occurs in 1636. Deprived in 1643. Laurence Womack, S.T.P., 5th July, was installed 22nd Sept. 1660. Promoted to the see of St. David's and died 12th March 1685-6, setat. 73. Francis Roper, S.T.B., was installed 12th May 1686. He resigned this stall in 1690; and died 13th April 1719. Francis Ferne, A.M., was collated 3rd Oct. and in- stalled 2nd Nov. 1690. Ob. 1713. Whadcock Priest, S.T.B., was collated 2nd March 17 13-4 and installed i8th March. Ob. 8th Jan. I7H-5- Ralph Perkins, LL.D., was collated 15th Jan. and in- stalled 4th Feb. 1 7 14—5. John Samuel Hill, 20th May 1751. Ob. 8th Sept. 1757- Thomas D'Oyley, 21st Sept. 1757. Ob. 27th Jan. 1770. Matthias D'Oyley, ist Feb. 1770. HousTouNE Radcliffe, 3rd March 1787. Philip Yorke, 23rd Oct. 1 795. John Henry Browne, 26th June 181 7. Philip Yorke, 17th Aug. 1818. John H. Sparke, appointed in 1818. SEVENTH STALL. Robert Hammond, by the charter of erection, loth Sept. 1541. Deprived in 1554. Thomas Ellys was admitted nth May 1554. He ex- changed this stall in 1556 for one in Norwich. PREBENDARIES. 361 Thomas Peacock, S.T.B., occurs in 1556. Deprived in 1559- Edward Gascon or Gascoign, LL.D,, appointed in March 1558-9. Ob. 1564. John May, S.T.P., occurs in 1564 and 1580, He re- signed this stall in 1582. EdmuxVd Barwell, S.T.P., instituted 30th May 1582. John Duport, S.T.P., was collated in 1609. Ob. 1617. Samuel Collins, S.T.P., collated 9th Feb. 1617-8. Ob. 16th Sept. 1651, setat. 75. Joseph Beaumont succeeded in 165 1, but he was not installed until 22nd Sept. 1660. He exchanged it for the eighth prebend, 20th Oct. 1665, with Richard Ball, S.T.P., who was installed 20th Oct. 1665. Ob. 6th April 1684, «tat. 86. John Nalson, LL.D., was installed i3th^April 1684. Ob. 24th March 1685-6. Thomas Turner, S.T.P., was collated 26th March and installed ist April 1686. He resigned in 1690. Ob. 30th April 1 714, and was buried in Corpus Christi college, Oxford, of which he was president. Henry Finch, collated loth Oct. 1690. Samuel Knight, A.M., was collated 8th June and in- stalled 1 2th June 1714. Ob. loth Dec. 1746. Eyton Butts, 13th Dec. 1746. Barnard Garnett, 12th Feb. 1754. John Warren, 23rd Jan. 1768. George Downing, 5th Nov. 1779. George King, 22nd Jan. 1810. Edward Bowyer Sparke, 14th March (831. EIGHTH STALL. John Ward was a monk of Ely, and was appointed to this stall by the charter of erection, loth Sept. 1541. Edward Leedys or Leeds, LL.D., appointed 28th Feb. 1558-9, and resigned in 1580. Ob. 17th Feb. 1589-90. VOL. I. 3 A 362 ELY. James Taylor, S.T.P,, installed 2nd June 1584, and died 19th March 1623-4. JohnCropley, S.T.P., collated 21st Feb. 1623-4. Ob. 1629. William Eyre was collated in 1629. Ob. 1641. John Buckeridge was collated 21st Feb. 1641-2. Ob. 1651. Richard Ball, collated 19th Jan, 1651-2, but not in- stalled until 22nd Sept. 1660. He exchanged this stall for the seventh, 20th Oct. 1665, with Joseph Beaumoxt, S.T.P., who was installed 20th Oct. 1665. Ob. 23rd Nov. 1699, aetat. 84; but he resigned before his death. JoHX Nalson, collated 11th April 1674. William Coldwell, A.M., was collated i5th Dec. and installed 29th Dec. 1699. He died 8th June 1702, setat. 78. James Smith, S.T.B., was collated 22nd June 1702. Ob. 8th June 1715, setat. 58. Stephen Wesjiox, collated 17th June and installed 23rd June 1715. He resigned J717, and was made bishop of Exeter. William Powell was collated 21st March 1716-7, and installed 6th April 17 17. Johx Price, loth April 1741. Thomas Hopper, 5th June 1772. Thomas Knowles, loth Oct. 1779- George Leonard Jenyns, 22nd Oct. 1802. Regius professor of Hebrew, Cambridge,^ (W. H. Mill), 1848. * This prebend or canonry, gazetted on the 17 th of the same after the decease of prebendary month ; and the canonry which Jenyns, was permanently an- should next be vacant, was by nexed and united to the Regius the same order of council an- professorship of Hebrew in the nexed and united to the Regius university of Cambridge, by order professorship of Greek in the in council dated nth Aug. 1848, same university. EXETER. 1 HE diocese of Exeter extends over the counties of Devon and Cornwall ^ ; the inhabitants of which, im- mediately after their conversion to Christianity, were, with the whole southern part of the island beyond Kent to the exti'emity of Cornwall, placed under the juris- diction of the bishop of the West Saxons, whose see was established at Dorchester, near Oxford ; but upon Winchester being erected into an episcopal see about the year 660, all the western parts of England were assigned to the government of the bishop of that church, and continued under his charge until the year 705, when Devonshire and Cornwall were de- tached, and formed into the see of Sherborne, and so remained until archbishop Plegemund, about 909, by command of Edward, created three new sees ; one at Wells in Somersetshire, another in Cornwall, and a third in Devonshire, The diocese of Exeter contains four archdeaconries, viz. Exeter^, Barnstaple, Totnes, and Cornwall-^. The members of the cathedral body are the dean, pre- centor, chancellor, treasurer, subdean, the four arch- deacons above mentioned, twenty-four prebendaries, and other minor officers. ' By an order, dated 30th July Cornwall were endowed. 1838, gazetted 24th Aug. 1838, ^ Another order in council, the Scilly Islands were declared dated nth Feb. 1848, gazetted to be within the diocese of Exeter 22nd of the same month, passed and archdeaconry of Cornwall. for newly arranging the limits 2 By an order in council, of the archdeaconries of Exeter, dated nth Aug. 1842, and ga- Totness, and Barnstaple, and for zetted 23rd of the same month, abolishing pecviliar and exempt the archdeaconries of Exeter and jurisdiction in the said diocese. 3 A 2 3G4 EXETER. BISHOPS OF CORNWALL. The see of Cornwall was originally placed at St. Ger- mans^, and there remained until the reign of Cnut, when it was united with that of Crediton, and Corn- wall and Devonshire placed under the jurisdiction of one bishop, who had his sec at Exeter. Aethelstax was the first bishop of Cornwall. His successors were CONAX. IIUYDOC or llUYDOZ. Aldred. BlUTWIX. Sekto. Neither Le Neve nor Godwin mention this bishop. Aethelstax IL He lived, according to Godwin, in 966. But Le Neve says that his name does not occur in an ancient MS. in the church of Exeter. WOLFI. WOROX. WoLOC. His name is also omitted, according to Le Neve, in the ancient MS. above referred to. Stidio. Adelred. BuuwoLD or Byrhtwold. His name occurs as a witness to one of Cnut's charters. Upon his death, about 1040, the see of Cornwall was united to that of Devonshire. BISHOPS OF DEVONSHIRE. The see of Devonshire was first established at Taw- ton, but it was soon removed to Crediton. Eadulf I. was the first bishop of Devonshire, and con- secrated about the year 909. He held his see at 4 It has been supposed that Whitaker has shovm that the the see was originally at St. see was first established at St. Petrock, Bodmin, hence the Germans. See Whitaker's An- prelates were sometimes styled cient Cathedral of Cornwall, 4to. bishops of St. Petrock ; but 2 vols. 1804. II i) i BISHOPS. 365 Tavvton, but died before he had sat two years. His successor was PuTTA, who is considered as the second bishop of Devon- shire : he also held his see at Tawton. He was slain at Crediton, and for that reason the see was removed thither. Eadulf II was consecrated bishop of Devonshire, and installed at Crediton. He died in 93 1 , and was bu- ried at Crediton". 932 Aethelgar succeeded Eadulf, according to Florence and Malmesbury, and died in 953 . The first-named of these authors writes thus : " Aethelgarus Cridionensis prsesul, vicesimo primo accept! episcopatus anno vitam in Christo finivit, ibidemque sepultus est; pro quo, Beati Dunstani abbatis consilio, vir venerandus, Alf- woldus functus est praesulatus officio''." Godwin, however, and Le Neve, who follows him, assign but I o years to the episcopate of Aethelgar ; and give as his successor Algar; who is, however, the same per- son as Aethelgar. 953 Aelfwold9, according to Florence, succeeded Aethelgar in 953, and was consecrated by the advice of abbot Dunstan. He died J3th Feb. 972^0^ a^d ^yas buried in Crediton • ^ ; and was succeeded by 972 Sidemax^-, abbot of St. Peter's., Exeter, who was conse- crated in 9721-^. jJq (jjgfi suddenly 30th April 977^"', while attending the council holden at Kyrtlington. He desired that his body should be buried at his episcopal seat at Crediton ; but king Edward and archbishop Dunstan commanded that it should be de- 7 Eadulf I. and Putta are ge- n Flor. Wigorn. nerally omitted, and Eadulf II, 12 Godwin and Le Neve intro- is considered the first bishop of duceAlwolfus or Alfwolf between Devonshire, and to have been Alfwold and Sideman. consecrated by archbishop Pie- 1^ Flor. Wigorn. et Malmes. gemund in 909. Flor. Wigorn. ^^ Sax. Chron. Florence places 8 Monum. Hist. Brit. 575. the death of Sideman at Ames- 9 Aelfwoldus, Ingulf; Elfwod, bury. HediedistMay(Kal.Maii) Malmes. according to the Ely obituary. '" Hist. Glaston. p. 9. MS. Cott. Claud. A. viii. 366 EXETER. posited in St. Mary's minster, Abingdon ; and it was accordingly buried in St. PauFs chapel there i^. 977 Aelfric^^, abbot of Malmeshury, succeeded Sideman. He died 9th Jan. 999^". 999 Aelfwold II succeeded Aelfric in 999^*^. Alfwold or Eadxoth'^ followed Aelfwold, but in what year does not appear. 1 03 1 Lyfing, abbot of Tavistock, was the successor of Ead- noth'-''; and upon the death of Burwold, bishop of Cornwall, about the year J 040, that see was, at his solicitation, united with his own at Crediton. He had previously obtained the bishopric of Worcester, and held it conjointly with that of Devonshire during the remainder of his life. His death took place 23rd March 104621. BISHOPS OF EXETER. 1046 Leofric, bishop of Devonshire and Cornwall, removed the see from Crediton to Exeter about the year 1050, where it has ever since continued. The year of his death is uncertain. In a missal given by him to the church of Exeter, now in the Bodleian Library, it is written that he died loth Feb. 1071-22'^; and in a chronicle of the church of Exeter his death is placed on the same day of the month, but two years afterwards--^. 15 Sax.Chron. inMonum. 397. ficatu Eadnothi successorem. 16 Malmesbury and Ralph de Monumenta, 596. Diceto call him Alfric. Le Neve 21 Livingus Wicciorum, Dom- calls him Alfred. nanise et Cornubise praesul, deci- '7 Obituar. Eliens. MS. Cott. mo Cal. Aprilis die Dominica, Claud. A. viii. obiit. Cujus post decessum, re- 13 Domnaniae praesule Aelfrico gis cancellario Leofrico Britonico defuncto, successit Alfwoldus, mox Cridiatunensis et Cornu- iUique alter Alfwoldus. Flor. biensis datus est prsesulatus. Wigorn. in Mon. Hist. Brit. 582. Monumenta, p. 602. 19 See note i^. Ednod qui et 22 a. D. 107 i Episcopatus sui Wine. Malmes. Pontif. anno 26 ex hac serumnosa vita 20 ... . per virum prudentissi- subtractus iv Id. Feb. (loth Feb.) mum Livingurn tunc Tavesto- 23 Anno 1073 die decirao Fe- kensis ecclesife abbatem, post bruarii obiit Leofricus primus vero mox eodem anno (1031) in hujus ecclesise episcopus. Chron. Cridiatunensis ecclesise ponti- Brev. inter Reg. Eccl. Exon. BISHOPS. 367 The first is apparently correct, i. e. 1072, according to the present style or computation. 1072 OsBERN succeeded Leofric in 1072^^. The time of his 6 Will. I. death is uncertain ; but the see seems to have been void some time. i\oy William Wablewast^s or Warawast was conse- 8 Hen. I. crated nth Aug. 1107-6. He resigned on becoming- blind, and retired to Plympton; but the year in which this took place and tliat in which he died-? are not known. His successor was 1 138 Robert Chichester, dean of Salisbury, elected in 3 steph, April 1 13828, and consecrated i8th Dec. in that year. He died 28th March 1155-^9^ and was succeeded by 1155 Robert Warlewast, also dean of Salisbury^ and ne- 1 Hen. II. phew of his predecessor Wilham Warlewast. He was consecrated by Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury, 5th June 1155'^'^'. He died 22nd March 1159-60, and was buried at Plympton, near his uncle. 1 161 Bartholomew of Exeter-^i, dean of Chichester and 8 Hen. II. avchdeacon of Exeter^-, was consecrated in 1161 by Walter bishop of Rochester, the see of Canterbury 2"! He was present, as bishop of ton., Chron. Petrob. Gervas. &c. Exeter, at the council of Wind- all fix the year 1155 for the death sor, held in 1072. Concil. Angl. of Robert and the consecration torn. i. p. 325. of his successor; but the Exeter 25 Warawast. Flor. Wigorn. Martyrology places his death in Continuat. 1150, and also mistakingly calls 2*5 In die Dominica quae fuit him the nephew of bishop Wil- iii Idus Augusti. Sim. Dunelm. liam Warlewast. The writer is Hist. therefore probably wrong in the 27 Matt. Paris says he died in date of his death. 1 136. 30 Annales Veteres an. 1155. 2^ Rex Anglorum Stephanus, Obiit Robertus Exon. Episcopus inoctavisPaschae,quoderativId. et successit Robertus Decanus April (loth Api-il) 1138, tenuit Sarum — consecratus est Non. concihum Northamtonise ; in quo Junii 1155. quoi-undam electione Exoniensi 31 Surnamed Iscanus, because Ecclesise jam pastorali cura de- he was born at Exeter, which stitutse, de medio facti praesulis was anciently called Isca. See a GuUelmi de Warawast, archidia- notice of him in Giraldus Cam- conus nomine Robertus pastorali brensis de Vitis sex Episcopo- curas preeficitur. Flor. Wigorn. rum Cosetaneorum, cap. xxviii. Contin. 32 MS. Cott. Domit. A. 8. 29 Matt. Westm., Annal. Win- 368 EXETER. 1 194 5 Ric. I. being then vacant^-. He died xviii Cal. Jan. (15th Dec.) 1 1 8433. 1 1 85 John, precentor of Exeter and subdean of Salisbury, hav- 31 Hen. II. ing been elected, was confirmed 4th Oct. 11853^, and consecrated on the 6th of that month. He died ist June 1 19 1 35. The see was vacant upwards of two years. Henry Marshall36, archdeacon of Stafford and dean of Yo)d; was elected loth Feb. 1193-437, and shortly after consecrated by Hubert archbishop of Canter- bury. He died in 1206 3^. The see was vacant upwards of eight years. On 24th July 1 213 the members of the chapter of Exeter were commanded to go to the King with the utmost dispatch for the purpose of electing a bishop of the see39. Simon de Apulia was consecrated iii Non. Oct. (5th Oct.) 121440; on the 22nd of which month all the possessions of his see were taken under the King's protection -11. He died in Sept. i323'*2, and was 1214 16 Job. 32 Gerv. et Rad. de Diceto. 33 Martyr. Eccl. Exon. et Ho- veden. lib. ii. fol. 623. edit. Franc. 34 Johannes cantor Exoniensis creatus est Exoniensis Episcopus a Baldewino Cantuariensi archi- episcopo iiii Non.Octobris. Rad. de Dicet. Ymag. Hist. col. 631. 3^ Annal. Margan. et Martyr. Eccl. Oxon. 3" Son of GUbert earl marshall. Matt. Westm. ad an. 1194. 37 Hoveden. 3s In the month of Oct. 1206, according to the Annals of Wor- cester : but another authority says ist Nov. On 27th Dec. in that year the archdeacon of Exeter paid into the King's chamber thirty pounds sterling, de exiti- bus episcopatus Exoniae. (Claus. 8Joh.m.4.) Oni 2th Jan. 1 206-7 the archdeacon of Stafford is commanded to allow the ex- ecutors of Henry, late bishop of Exeter, to execute his will, &c. (Rot. Claus. 8 Joh. m. 4.) On 24th July 12 12 king John grant- ed the custody of the vacant bishopric to Robert Peverel. Claus. 14 Joh. m. 7. 39 " Mandavimus Capitulo Exon quod sub omni festina- cione ad nos veniant ad eligen- dum sibi episcopum ; et si forte nos in Angliam non invenerint, nos sequantur in partes trans- marinas. Claus. 15 Joh. m. 7. ■^o Reg.Cantuar. Matt.Westm. ad an. 1214. '^^ Claus. 16 Joh. m. 19. ■^ Circa festum exaltationis S. Crucis ; Matt. Westm. On 9th Sept., according to the Marty r- ology. The custody of the bi- shopric was committed to Wil- liam Brewer 13th Sept. 1223. Pat. 7 Hen. HI. p. i. m. 1. BISHOPS. 3C9 buried in Exeter cathedral. On 25th Sept. 1233 ^^® chapter of Exeter had license to elect a bishop ^-J ; in pursuance of which 1224 William Bkewer^*, precentor of JExeter, received the 8 Hen. III. royal assent to his election 25th Nov. 1223^5, and was consecrated at Rome by pope Honorius on Easter Sunday 14th April 1224^^ He died 24th Oct. 1244, and was buried in his own cathedral '7, The conge d'ehre, vice the last-named bishop, is dated 20th Dec. 124448. 1245 Richard le Blund or White ^'^ (Blundus), chancellor 29 H. III. of .Exeter, succeeded William Brewer; the royal assent to his election was given 30th Jan. 1 244—5 ^^> ^^^^ '^® was consecrated at Reading 22nd Oct. (the Sunday after St. Luke's day) in the same year^^ He died 30th Dec. 1257^"^. The dean and chapter of Exeter by their letter of 31st Dec. 1257 inform the King that their late bishop died on the day before the date of their epistle, and pray his Majesty to issue a license for the election of a new bishop ^-^ The license ac_ cordingly issued 8th Jan. 1257-8 5^, and the election fell on 1258 Walter Bronescomb, chancellor of Exeter and arch- 42 H. III. deacon of Surrey, who was chosen 25th Feb. 1257-8. He obtained the royal assent 2nd March following". 43 Pat. 7 Hen. III. p. i. m. i. Albo. (Ex Reg. Abbati de Sibe- 44 Or Bruere, or Briewer, or ton.) On the death of archbishop Brivvere, The King committed Weathershed he was elected to the custody of the vacant bi- Canterbury; but the Pope re- shopric of Exeter to him 13th jected him. He is sometimes Sept.1223. Pat. 7 Hen. HI. m. I. called Blondy. 45 Pat. 8 Hen. HI. p. 3. m. 12. ^o Pat. 29 Hen. HI. m. 9. 46 Matt. Paris. ''i Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. 47 Ann. Vet. ^2 Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. 60. 48 Pat. 29 Hen. HI. m. 9. His death is sometimes placed 49 Matt. Paris & Matt. West- on 26th Dec. Reg. Bronescomb. minster call him John Blundus. ^'-^ Ibid. Gubernante ecclesiam Cantuari- ^4 Pat. 42 Hen. III. m. 14. ensem Bonifacio ecclesiam vero •'•>'' Ibid. m. 12. Exoniensem magistro Richardo j VOL. I. ^ B 370 EXETER. Archbishop Boniface's confirmation was made on the 4th of that month, and his notification of the fact is dated the 6th ^^^ The temporahties were restored to him on the 6th''', and his consecration took place on the following Sunday (loth March ^^). His decease occurred 22nd July 1280, and he was interred in Exeter cathedral ^^. A Hcense to elect a successor to bishop Bronescomb issued 7th Aug. 1280^°^ and 1280 Peter of Exeteii, sometimes called Peter Quivil, 8 Edw. I. sometimes Quiril, archdeacon of St. David's^^, a canon of the cathedral there, received the royal assent to his election 7th Oct. 1280^^, and the restitution of the temporalities on the nth of the same month 6^, the archbishop of Canterbury having informed his Majesty, by letter dated the day before, that he had confirmed the election''^. He was consecrated^'' loth Nov, following '^'5. He died 6th Oct. 1291^7 at Exeter, where he was buried ^^. The license to elect a suc- cessor to Peter of Exeter was dated 8th Oct. 1291. 1292 Thomas de Button, called also '^vviois^ dean of Wells. 20 Edw. I. The royal assent to his election was given 30th Nov. 5" Lett. inTurr.L0nd.N0.493. 64Lett.inTurr.Lond.No.i203. 57 Pat. 42 Hen. IIL m. 12. "^ The archbishop of Canter- 58 Magister Walterus archi- bury, on the subject of his con- diaconus Surreiensis electus est secration, writes thus to him 26th ad episcopatum Exon. Mirabile Oct. 1280: "Licet munus con- quidem de dicto Waltero accidit, secrationis in instanti Dominica cum infra quindenam suae elec- prox. ante festum Sancti Martini tionis a Rege est admissus, ab in ecclesia metropohtica Cantuar. archiepiscopo confirmatus, ad vobis personaliter impendere vo- ordinem sacerdotis est promo- luimus — tamen in propria persona tus, et ad episcopalem dignita- aUquantulum impediti — tibi in- tem est consecratus, quod apud dulgemus ut a quibuscumque nos usque in presens est inau- sufFraganeis nostris hujusmodi ditum in tam brevi temj)ore. munus recipere valeatis." Reg. MS. Lambeth, N^. 497. Peckham. fol. 25. 5!J Ann. Vet. ^6 Annal. Wigorn. 60 Pat. 8 Edw. L m. 6. ^7 His death is also placed 4th 61 Annal. Eccl. Menevens. Oct. 62 Pat. 8 Edw. L m. 5. 68 Chron. Eccl. Winton. MS., 63 Ibid. m. 4. Chron. Brev. Eccl. Exon. BISHOPS. 371 1291^5, and the temporalities restored to him 2nd Dec. following7o. He was consecrated 1st April 1292, and died 26th Sept."^ 1307. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Bitton, issued 6th Oct. 1 307 "-. His successor was 1308 Walter Stapeldon^ precentor of Exeter and professor I Edw. II. of the canon late; his election took place in Nov. 1307. On 3rd Dec. in that year he received the royal as- sent 73, and on the 6th of that month the King wrote to the Pope in his favour^^* The restitution of the temporalities was made to him 16th March 1307-8"^. He was consecrated 13th Oct. following 7^, and was ap- pointed treasurer of the exchequer in Feb. 13 19-2076. He was murdered 15th Oct. 132677, and some time afterwards buried in Exeter cathedral 7 «, Bishop Sta- peldon's successor was 1327 James de Berkeley 7^, S.T.D., archdeacon of Hunt- 20 Edw. II. ingdon. The dean and chapter presented him to the King 6th Dec. 1326 as their new bishop ^O; he ob- tained the royal assent to his election on the 1 2th of that month ^1; and the King wrote to the Pope in his favour on the i8th of the same month ^-. The restitu- tion of the temporalities was made to him 8th Jan. 1326-7^3. He was consecrated on Mid-Lent^^ Sunday (22nd March) in the same year^'', and died 24th June •^9 Pat. 20 Edw. I. m. 29. and peldon's effects is preserved a- Lett. in Turr. Lond. S. 81. mong the muniments in Exeter 70 Pat. 20 Edw. I. m. 29. cathedral, and the substance has 7' His death is also placed been printed by Dr. Oliver. See 25th Sept. also Rot. Claus. i Edw. III. p. 2. 72 Pat. I Edw. II. p. I. m. 20. m. 6. 7^ Pat. I Edw. II. p. I. m. 9. 79 James de Berkeley was the 73* Rot. Rom. I, 2, & 3 Edw. youngest son of Thomas lord II. m. 8. in dorso. Berkeley. 7-1 Pat. I Edw. II. p. 2. m. 23. ^o Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. 42. 75 Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. ^' Pat. 20 Edw. II. m.4. 76 Pat. 13 Edw. II. m. 19. and »2 Rot. Rom. 20 Edw. II. m. i. Pat. 15 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 16. 83 Pat. 20 Edw. II. m. 2. TJ Walsingh. Hist. Angl. p. ^ His consecration is also said 104. to have taken place 15th March. 78 An inventory of bishop Sta- 8.') Rgg_ Drokensford. 3 B 2 372 EXETER. following. The license to elect a successor to the last- named bishop is dated 5th July*'^^ but on the 1st of that month the King wrote to the court of Rome in favour of Thomas de Cherleton, canon ofYork^''; but before his Majesty could obtain a reply to his recom- mendation, the chapter elected John de Godelegh or Godele, dean of Wells, who had the royal assent 31st Aug. 1327^*^; and 16th Sept. the King wrote in his favour to the Pope^^*; but before he obtained consecration, his election was set aside by the Pope ^9, and 1328 John de GRA>fDisoN9o, archdeacon of Nottincjliam, was 2 Edw. III. promoted to the see by papal provision ; the bull is dated v Cal. Sept. (28th Aug.) 1327. His consecra- tion took place at Avignon i8th Oct. following, and ho received the temporalities 9th March 1327-8 -'^ . He died 1 6th July 1369^-, and was interred in his own cathedral 9-^. His will, made i8th Sept. 1368, was proved 25th July 1369 -'^ The conge d'elire upon the decease of bishop Grandison is dated 3 ist July 13699''; but 1370 Thomas de Brantingham was appointed by papal 44 Edw. III. provision 4th March 1370, and received the spirituali- ties 3rd May 9^. He was consecrated at Stepney 12th May 1370, and had the restitution of the temporali- ties on the 1 6th of that month''/. On 19th July 1377 86 Pat. I Edw. III. p. 2. m.6. summoned to parliament in the 87 " Qui de nobili genere j)ro- next reign. See Escaet. 9 Edw. creatus existit et variis virtutum III. N^. 35. and Escaet. 32 Edw. titulis insignitiir." Rot. Rom. III. No. 32. I Edw. III. m.3. 91 Pat. 2 Edw. III. p. i. m.i6. 88 Pat. I Edw. III. p. 2. m. i. 92 inq. 43 Edw. III. p. i. N^. 88* Rot. Rom. I Edw. III. m. 2. 47. 89 Reg. Reginald, fol. 158. 93 Reg. Exon. A. fol. 41. 90 He was a member of the 94 Reg.Wittles. fol. 105& 109. baronial family of Grandison, 95 Pat. 43 Edw. III. p. i. m. and nephew of Otho de Grandi- 30. son, who was summoned to par- 96 Reg. Wittles. fol. 135, 136. hament temp. Edw. I., and son 97 Pat. 44 Edw. III. p. i. m. 6. of William de Grandison, also BISHOPS. 373 he was made a second time'^*^ treasurer of the exche- quer 99. He died at BishopVClist 23rd Dec. 1394^, and was buried in Exeter cathedral-. His will, dated 13th Dec. 1394, was proved on the 30th of the same month ^. The license to elect a successor to Thomas de Brantingham bears the date of 26tli Jan. 1394-5^. ..1395 Edmund Stafford, LL.D., hecper of the privy seal, i8Ric. II. -vvas made bishop by papal bull, date xviii Cal. Febr. 1394 (15th Jan. 1394-5). The royal assent was given 15th March 1394—5''; and the custody of the tempo- ralities granted to him as bishop elect 16th May '395^ ^^^^ plenary restitution of them made to him as bishop 24th June'', he having been consecrated at Lambeth four days before, viz., Sunday 2otli June^. He was chancellor of England in 13969 and 14011'^. He died at Bishop''s-Clist, and his body was brought to Exeter to bo buried '^ 3rd Sept. 1419. His will, dated 24th July 1418, was proved iSth Sept. 141 9 ^2_ The license to elect a prelate in the room of bishop Stafford issued 30th Sept. 1419^-^; but 1419 John Catiuk or Catterike, hisJiop of Lichfield and 7 Hen. V. Coventry, then at the papal court, v^^as postulated to this see by bull dated xii Cal. Dec. (20th Nov.) 14191^. The King, however, in a letter to the Pope dated ist Dec. 141 9 16, states that Catrik had been unanimously ^8 His first appointment 27th 10 Claus. 2 Hen. IV. p. i. m. June 1369. Pat. 43 Edw. IH. 3. in dorso. p. 2. m. 37. 1' HicjacetEdmundusdeStaf- '•^9 Pat. I Ric. n. p. I. m. 27. ford intumulatus, 1 His death is also placed on Quondam profundus Legum 3rd Dec. Doctor reputatus, 2 Reg. Exon. B. f. i. Verbis facundus, Comitum 3 Lib. Rous, in Cur. Prerog. de stirpe creatus : Cantuar. Foelix et mundus pater hu- '1 Pat. 18 Ric. n. p. 2. m. 43. jus Pontificatus. ^ Ibid. mm. 19, 5. Leland. Itin. v. 3. p. 32. 6 Ibid. m. 13. '2 Reg. Chichel. fol. 320. ' Ibid. m. 29. 13 Pat. 7 Hen. V. m. 29. 8 Reg. Chicheley. '4 Rgg. Chichel. fol. 8, and 9 Claus. 20 Ric. II. p. I. m. Reg. Exon. fol. 127. 22. in dorso. "^ Pat. 7 Hen. V. m. 12. 374 EXETER. elected by the dean and chapter ; but be this as it may, he died 28th Dec. 141 9, before his translation to Exeter was completed ^7, and was buried in the church of Santa Croce at Florence. His will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 10th Feb. 1419-20^^. The conge d"'elire, vice bishop Catrik, bears date 13th March 1419-20 ^y. 142 1 Edjniund Lacy, bishop 0/ Hereford, was chosen by the SHen.V. chapter^o, and the King, 5th May 1420, informed the •7 Privy seal, 8 Hen. V. letters patent on the occasion*. '8 His will commenced thus : According to Godwin, James " In Dei nomine Amen. Ego or John Gary, bishop of Lich- Johannes Gatrik Coventren. et field and Goventry, succeeded Lichfeld. Episcopus sanus mente bishop Gatrik in Exeter ; but et corpore," &c. — " Factum fuit there is no evidence of this, any presens testamentum meum apud more than of his having been Dertforth in hospitio Georgii me bishop of Lichfield and Goventry. tunc existente in via versus Gon- Le Neve, without giving his au- stantiam ad Goncilium Generale thority, though following God- sexto die Augusti 1416 et nostrae win, supposes that the Pope had translationis secundo." (Reg. meditated this election, but that Ghichel. 328.) A short time be- Gary died at Florence before the fore his death, having been trans- appointment took place. In the lated to Exeter, he added a co- first remaining register of the dicil to his will, dated Florence, dean and chapter, fol. 127, this Sunday 3rd Dec. 1419; it was entry occurs: Anno 1419, 3° die proved 28th March 1420. Sept. Gorpus Edm. Stafford Ex- '9 Pat. 7 Hen. V. m. 2. onige allatum et postea sepultum. 20 Privy seal 8 Hen. V. : and Eo sepulto postularunt Joh. Ga- the chancellor on ist May is teryk, Episc. Gov. tunc in Guria ordered to make out the usual Romana et infra annum morie- a Henri par la grace de Dieu Roy Dengleten-e et de France et seignur Dirlande, au reverent piere en Dieu levesque de Duresme nre cbanceller saluz. Come nous vacant nadgairs leglise cathedrale Dexcestre par la raort de lonurable piere en Dieu Esmon de bonne memoire nadgairs evesque et pastour dicelle nre treschier cousin qi mort est, eussions grantez et ottroiez as dean et ehapitre de la dee eglise qavoient postulez maistre Jobn Catterike alors evesque de Cestre, qi morust devant lexpe- dicion obacion de la postulacion susdite, licence daler a leur elec- tion dun lour evesque et pastour futur : et come lez ditz dean et ehapitre de present aient postulez en. . . . dit. . . . reverend piere en Dieu levesque de Hereford, sicomme par leur Ires patentes souz lour comun seal, les quelles nous envoions par devers vous cestes, vous purra pleine- ment apparoir, a la quelle postulacion ottroiez avons ausi nre assent roial, volons et vous mandons q sur ce fac Ires desouz nre grand seal en due forme. Donn souz nre prive seal a nre ville de Suthamptou le primr jour de May, Ian de nre regne oytisme. BISHOPS. 375 Pope that he had assented to the election of Lacy 2'. The bull for his translation is dated 3rd July 1420 2-, and he had the restitution of the temporalities 31st Oct. follovving^-^. He made his profession of obedience 4th Nov.'-^, and was installed 29th March 1420-212^*, In 1434 he was excused from attending parliament on account of his bodily infirmities-"'. He died at Chud- leigh in the beginning of Sept. 1455-6, and was buried in the cathedral of Exeter'^/. His will was proved 8th Oct. 1455-^. The license to elect a successor to bishop Lacy is dated 8th Oct. 1455-9; but the Pope provided to this see John Hals, archdeacon of Norioicli^^ and dean of Exeter. He refused the dignity, and the Pope then nominated 1456 George Neville, archdeacon of Northampton^ and 34Hen.Vl. brother of the earl of ^Varwick. The King restored the temporalities to him 21st March 1455—6-^1; and batur ibidem. Post decessvim e- jus postnlarunt Edm . Lacy, Episc. Herefordensem, qui installatus fuit per Episcopum Saium Do- min. med. XLmse. Scil 29 Mar. 1421. 21 Pat. 8 Hen. V. m. 25. 22 Reg. Chichel. fol. 28. The King, in a letter under his signet, dated 8th Oct. (1420) and ad- dressed to the bishop of Durham, chancellor of England, writes, " We will and charge you, that as soon as ye be certain that the bulls of our holy father the Pope be come, for the translation of the bishop of Hereford unto the church of Exeter, that by our letters to be made under our great seal ye do make restitution of the temporalities of the said bishopric of Exeter unto the said bishop without tarrying." 23 Pat. 8 Hen. V. m. 13. 2-* A privy seal dated 24th May 142 1 was addressed to the bishop of Durham, chancellor. stating that Edmund, bishop of Exeter, had done his fealty for his temporalities, and made fine in the Hanaper to have them re- stored : then the chancellor is commanded, " quod dictum Ed- mundum jam episcopum Exon racione fidelitatis suae preedictse non molestetis in aliquo seu gra- vetis nee molestari seu gravari de caetero permittatis." Privy seal 9 Hen. V. 2-1* See note 20. 25 Pat. 13 Hen. VI. 26 Le Neve states that he died 1 8th Sept., but the see was va- cant 6th Sept. 1455, (Reg. Bour- chier); and the spiritualities taken into the hands of the archbishop on the 26th of that month. Ibid, fol. 6. 27 Reg. Exon. fol. 416. 28 Reg. Bourchier, fol. 40. 29 Pat. 34 Hen. VI. m. 16. 30 Ibid. m. 17. 31 Ibid. ^n EXETER. 30th Nov. 1458 he obtained a license to bo consecrated out of the church of Canterbury =^2. He was made chancellor of England 25th July 146023, and again in 146134. On 15th March 1464-5 he was translated to York 35. 1465 Joiix BoTHE or BooTHE, archdeacon of Richmond, was 5Edw.IV. provided to this see by the Pope, and T2tli June 1465 he obtained the royal assent and the restitution of the temporalities 36. On 2nd July following he had license to be consecrated 3", but the ceremony did not take place until the 23rd Feb. 1465-6. He died 5th April 1478 at Horsley in Surrey, where he was buried 39. 1478 Peter Courtexay, dean of Exeter, and archdeacon of 1 8 Ed. IV. Wilts, was promoted to this see by papal provision 5th Sept. 1478 ; the temporalities of which were restored to him 3rd Nov. following 3'>. He was consecrated by license from the archbishop on the 8th of the same month in St. Stephen's chapel, Westminster^^, and 29th Jan. 1486-7 he was translated to Winchester'*^. 1487 Richard Fox, LL.D., the Khirfs secretary, had the 2H.VII. temporalities restored to him 2nd April 1487 '•-, and the next day obtained license to be consecrated out of the church of Canterbury -*3. He was translated to Rath and Wells 8th Feb. 1491-2'*'*. 1493 Oliver Kixg, dean of Hereford, the King's secretary, 7H.VII. was made bishop of Exeter by papal provision ist Oct. 1492-*% and 31st Jan. following he obtained license to be consecrated^^. On 5th May 1493 he had 3- Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. " Hie jacet Joannes Boothe •■^ Claus. 38 Hen. VI. m. 7. in quondam episcopus Exon qui dorso. obiit v die mensis Apr. An. 3^ Claus. I Edw. IV. Dom. mcccclxxviii." 35 Pat. 5 Edw. IV. p. 2. m. 32. ^^ Pat. 18 Edw. IV. p. 2. m. 36 Ibid. 20. 37 Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. ^^ Regist. Eccl. Cantuar. 3S Le Neve, who follows God- '*! Reg. Morton. win, states that he died ist April 42 Pat. 2 Hen. VII. p. 2. m. 8. 1478, and was buried in the 43 j^gg, Eccl. Cantuar. church of St. Clement Danes, 44 j^gg, Morton. London. In the church of 45 ibid. Horsley there is this epitaph : 46 \^Qg. Eccl. Cantuar. BISHOPS. 377 the custody of the temporalities granted to him ^7. He was translated to Bath and Wells in 1495- 1496 Richard Redman or Redmayn, bishop of St. Asaph^ 1 1 H. VII. was translated to this see, and obtained restitution of the temporalities 7th Jan. 1495-6^*^, and removed thence to Ely in September 1501. 1502 John Arundel, bishop of Lich^eld and Coventry, was 17 H. VII. translated to this see by papal provision^''. He had the custody of the temporalities granted to him 22nd Feb. 1501—2^°, and plenary restitution of them 5th July foUowing^^ He died 14th March 1503-4 "'2, and was buried in the church of St. Clement Danes, London ^-K 1505 Hugh Oldham, S.T.P., archdeacon of Exeter, was pro- 20 H. VII. vided to this see 27th Nov. 1504 by pope Julius H., and had license to be consecrated 29th Dec. follow- ing 54, The temporalities were restored to him 6tli Jan. 1504-5^^. He died 25th June 15 19, and was buried in Exeter cathedral. His will, dated i6th Dec. 1518, was proved 1 6th July 1519^6, 151 9 John Voysey or Veysey alias Harmon, dean of Exeter, iiH.viii. was provided to this see by bull dated 31st Aug. 1519^7, The temporalities were restored to him 4th Nov. following^s, and he was consecrated at Otford 6th Nov. '^ He resigned his see on account of his extreme age^o^ 14th Aug. 1551^'. 1551 Miles Coverdale was appointed by the King's letters sEdw.vl. patent of 14th Aug. 1551, pursuant to statute i Edw. 47 Pat. 7 Hen. VII. m. 2. 56 Lib. AyloflF. in Cur. Prerog. "^sPat. iiHen.VII. p.i. m. 22. Cantuar. 4^ Reg. Wareham, fol. 205. ^7 Reg. Wareham, fol. 21. ■■^oPat. i7Hen.VII.p.2.m.6. 58 Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 51 Ibid, p, I. m. 30. 29. 52 Ex Epitaphio, 59 Reg. "Wareham, fol. 22. 53 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 445. "^ He was in the 103rd year 5-1 Reg. Wareham, fol. 11. of his age. Camd. Brit. vol. i. 55 Pat. 20 Hen. VII. p. i. m. p. 610. 13. "1 Pat. 5 Edw. VI. p. I. m. 34. VOL. I. 3 c 378 EXETER. VI. Tho archbishop of Canterbury received the royal " significavit" the next day ^' ; and he was consecrated on the 30th of the same month 6^, and enthroned nth Sept. He was deprived 28th Sept. 1553^^, and 1553 John Voysey, who had resigned the see in 1551, was 1 Mar. reinstated therein 28th Sept. 1553^^. He died 23rd Oct. 1554 at his manor of Moreplace, in the parish of Sutton Colefield in Warwickshire, and was there buried 66. A Hcense to elect after the death of bishop Voysey issued nth March 1554-5''". 1555 JaiAies Turberville was provided to this see by papal 1&2P.&M. bull, and consecrated 8th Sept. 1555*''' ; on the 21st of which month he received the temporalities ^'J. He was deprived in 1559"^, and the spiritualities of the see were seized by the dean and chapter of Canter- bury 1 6th Nov. in that year"'. The conge d'elire on the deprivation of James Tur- berville is dated 27th April 1560"-, in pursuance of which 1560 William Alley or Alleix, S.T.P., was elected 20th 2 Eliz. May 1560; received the royal assent on the 8th of the following month "•^, was confirmed five days after- wards, and consecrated 14th July"^; the temporalities 62 Pat. 5 Edw.VI. p. I. m. 32. ^■' Pat. i Mar. p. 2. m. 10. 63 Reg. Cranm. fol. 334. ^6 Reg_ Wareham. 6-1 He was cast into prison, out ^7 Pat. i & 2 Phil. & Mar. p. i. of which he was deUvered at the m. 25. importunate request of the King ^8 Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. of Denmark. In his letter to ^9 p^t. 2 & 3Phil. & Mar. p. i. archbishop Parker 29th Jan. m. 34. 1562-3 he wrote, " I being com- 70 jjg died ist Nov. 1559, and pelled to resign, never had pen- was buried in Exeter cathedral, sion, annuity, or stipend these Letters of administration to this ten years." He refused to re- bishop were granted so long turn to his bishopric at the acces- after his death as April 1667. — sion of queen Elizabeth, and See the calendar of that year, died at London 20th May 1565, ^^ Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. and was buried in the parish ''^ Pat. 2 Ehz. p. i. m. 27. church of St. Bartholomew be- ^^ Ibid. p. 14. m. 6. hind the Exchange, London. ''^ Reg. Parker, fol. 80. BISHOPS. 379 were restored to him 26th Aug. following'^. He died i6th April 157076. 157 1 William Bradbridge^ S.T.P., succeeded to the see of 13 EUz. Exeter on the death of bishop Alley, and her majesty issued her significavit in his favour to the archbishop of Canterbury 26th Feb. 1570-1"''. He was elected Tst March, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 14th"*; he was confirmed the next day, and consecrated on the i8th of the same month "9. He died at Newton Ferrers 27th June*^*^ ^57^^ and was buried in his own cathedral. 1579 John Wolton, S.T.P., was elected 2nd July 1579, 21 Eliz. confirmed on the 24th of the same month, and con- secrated 2nd Aug. following'* J. He died 13th March 1593-4^ and was buried in Exeter cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative Oflfice, London^-. ^595 Gervase Babixgton, bishop of Llandaff, was elected 37 Eliz. to Exeter 4th Feb. 1594-5, confirmed nth March, and enthroned on the 22nd of the same month « 3. He was translated to Worcester 15978^. The Hcense to elect a bishop in the room of Gervase Babington is dated 22nd Aug. 1598^^; in pursuance of which 1598 William Cottox, S.T.P., archdeacon of Lewes, was 40 Eliz. elected 6th Sept. 1598; he received the royal assent 3i8t Oct.^6, was confirmed nth Nov., and consecrated the next day at Lambeth «7. The temporalities were restored to him i5th Dec^* He died at Silverton in Devonshire 26th Aug. 1621, and was buried in his own cathedral''^. His will is in the Prerogative Of- 75 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 4. 82 Dixy, 37. '6 Ex Epitaphio. 83 Reg. Whitgf. pars ii. fol. 38. " Pat. 13 Ehz. p. 5. m. 44. 84 ibid. fol. 96. '^^Ibid. 85pat. 4oEliz. p.15. m. I. '^ Reg. Parker, pars i. fol. 140. 86 Ibid. 80 29th July 1578, according 87 Reg! Whitgf. pars iii. fol. to Hooker, in Catal. Epis. Exon. ; 1 7. but the spiritualities were seized 88 Pat 41 Ehz p 20 into the hands of the archbishop 89 His" epitaph"runs thus : ^ «, f^^ 'A' J ?!?• ^""^^^- A Paulo ad Petrum pia te Regina vocavit. »l Keg. Grindal, fol. 53. Cum Petro et Paulo Celi Rex arce locavit. 302 380 EXETER. fice^^. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Cotton, is dated 14th Sept. 162 J y' ; pursuant to which 1621 Valentine Carey, S.T.D., dean of St. Paul's, London, 19 Jac. I. was elected 27th Sept. 1621 ; received the royal assent 8th Nov.^-j confirmed on the 1 7th, consecrated on the 1 8th 93^ and received the temporalities on the 23rd of the same month 9^. He died loth June 1626, and was buried in St. Paul's cathedral -^^ His will is in the Prerogative Office 9^. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Valentine Carey issued 25th Oct. 162797^ and 1627 Joseph Hall, S.T.D., dean of Worcester., was elected 3 Car. I. ^th Nov. 1627, and received the royal assent to his election 3rd Dec.^'' ; he was confirmed on the 15th, and consecrated on the 23 rd of the same month ^9^ and 8th Jan. following he obtained the temporalities^*^^. In 1 641 he was translated to Norwich. 1642 Ralph Brownrigg, S.T.P., master of the Temple and 17 Car. I. archdeacon of Gomntry, was elected 31st March 1642, confirmed r4th May, consecrated 15th Mayi, and en- throned 1st June. He died 7th Dec. 1659, and was buried on the 1 7th of that month in the Temple church, London, under a gravestone before the altar '2. His will is in the Prerogative Office ^ 1660 John Gauden, S.T.P., master of the Temple, was elected 12 Car. II. ^rd Nov, 1660, confirmed on the 17th of the same month, and consecrated the next day^. He was en- 90 Dale, 78. 98 Pat. 3 Car. I. p. 39. No. 3. 91 Pat. 19 Jac. I. p. 22. No. 3. 99 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 1 14. 92 Ibid. No. 2. ifo Pat. 3 Car. I. p. 39. No. 2. 93 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 74. ' Reg. Laud, pars ii. fol. 99. et Camd. Annal. Jac. I. ^ In his epitaph it is stated 9^ Pat. 19 Jac. I. p. 22. No. I. that he never saw his see : "Tan- 95 Hie jacet Valentinus Cary dem, anno aetatis 67. provinciam Sacrae Theologiae Doctor, olim terrestrem nondum visa, dese- Decanus hujus EcclesicP, qui rens, ad coelestem migravit." obiit Episcopus Exon. Orig. Juridic. p. 179. ^ Hele, 91. ^ Nabbs, 159. 9' Pat. 3 Car. I. p. 39. 4 Rgg. Laud, pars ii. fol. 386. BISHOPS. 381 throned nth Dec. following, and in 1662 was trans- lated to Worcester. 1662 Seth Ward, S.T.P., dean of Exeter, was elected 8th 14 Car. II. July 1662, confirmed on the 19th, and consecrated on the 20th of the same month ^. He was enthroned 21st Dec. following, and was translated to Salisbury in 1667. 1667 Anthony Sparrow, S.T.D., archdeacon of Sudbury and 19 Car. II. master of King's college^ Camhridge, yvsks elected 14th Oct. 1667, confirmed on the 30th of the same month, consecrated 3rd Nov.^, and in 1676 he was translated to Norwich 7. 1676 Thomas Lamplugh, dean of Rochester, was elected 3rd 28 Car. II. Oct. 1676, confirmed 2nd Nov., and consecrated at Lambeth on the 12th of the same month ^. He was translated to York in 1688 9. 1689 Sir Jonathan Trelawney, bart., bishop of Bristol, iW. &M. was nominated to Exeter j6th Nov. 168810, and re- ceived the royal assent 8th April 1689; he was con- firmed 13th April 11, and enthroned on the 27th of the same month. In 1 707 he was translated to Win- chester. The conge' d'elire, vice Trelawney, is dated 13th Jan. 1707—8. 1708 Offspring Blackall, S.T.D., was elected 23rd Jan. 6 Ann. j 707-8, consecrated 8th Feb.i^, the temporalities were restored to him on the 15th, and he was en- throned on the 28th of the same month. He died 29th Nov. 1 7 16, and was buried in Exeter cathedral. 1 7 17 Launcelot Blackburn, dean of Exeter, was nomi- 3 Geo I. nated bishop of Exeter in the room of Dr. Offspring His own register says that he was He held the archdeaconry of consecrated 2nd Dec. Le Neve, Exeter in commendam until he p. 84. was translated to Norwich. 5 Reg. Juxon, fol. 302. 8 Rgg. Sheldon, fol. 192, and 6 Reg. Sheldon, fol. 47. Lond. Gaz. No. 1362. 7 In his episcopate the deanery ^ London Gazette, N°. 2408. of St. Burien, in Cornwall, was '^ Church Book, Home Office, annexed to this see. (Lond. Ga- >' Reg. Sancroft, fol. 191. zette, 22nd July 1669, N". 384.) '2 Reg. Tenison, II. fol. 33. 382 EXETER. Blackall 28th Jan. 1716-17, and elected on the 30th of the same month ; the royal assent to his election was given 23rd Feb., and he was consecrated 24th Feb. at Ely House chapel, Holborn'^. In 1724 he was translated to York. 1724 Stephen Weston, S.T.P., was nominated to the see of II Geo. I. Exeter 28th Nov. 1 724, elected 8th Dec, and the royal assent was given on the i 2th ; he did homage to the King at St. James's 19th Dec, was confirmed at Bow church on the 24th, and consecrated on the 28th of the same month i*. The temporalities were restored to him 5th Jan. followingi\ He died 8th Jan. 1741-2, EC tat. 77. 1742 Nicholas Claggett, hishop of St. David's, was nomi- 16 Geo. IT. nated bishop of Exeter in the room of Dr. Weston, deceased. He was confirmed at Bow church 2nd Aug. 1742. He died 8th Dec 1746. 1747 George Lavingtox was nominated to this see 15th 20 Geo. II. Dec. 1 746, and the royal assent to his election was given 8th Jan. following. He was confirmed at Bow church 6th Feb., and consecrated on the 8th of the same month at Lambeth 1^. The temporalities were restored to him 20th Feb.'" He died /3th Sept. T762. 1762 Frederick Keppel was nominated as bishop of Exeter 3Geo. III. 14th Oct. 1762, and elected 25th Oct. He was con- firmed 5th Nov., and consecrated 7th Nov.'^ The temporalities were restored to him 9th Nov. folio w- ingi9. He died in 1777. 1778 John Ross was elected 12th Jan. 1778, and received iSGeo.IIl. the royal assent to his election on the 20th; he was confirmed on the 23rd, and consecrated on the 25th of the same month -o. He died 14th Aug. 1792. 13 Reg. Wake, fol. 36. 17 Church Book, Home Office. 1-1 Ibid. fol. 246. 18 Reg. Seeker, fol. 199. 15 Church Book, Home Office. i^* Church Book, Home Office. '6 Reg. Potter, fol. 209. 2n j^gg Cornwallis, fol. 256. BISHOPS. 383 1792 William Buller was nominated 8th Sept. 1792, and 33 Geo. III. elected 15th Oct. ; the royal assent to his election was given 1 9th Oct. He was confirmed i st Dec.^ and consecrated the next day-^ The temporalities were restored to him 8th Dec. following '^'^, He died i 2th Dec. 1796. 1797 Hekry Reginald Courtenay, hishojj of Bristol, was 37 Geo. III. elected to Exeter 21st Feb. 1797; the royal assent to his election was given on the 25th of that month, and he was confirmed loth March. The temporalities were restored to him 15th ]March. He died 9th June 1803. 1803 John Fisher was nominated 22nd June 1803, and 43 Geo. III. elected 5th July; the royal assent to his election was given 8th July; he was confirmed i6th July, and con- secrated the next day -^, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 20th of the same month '-^. He I was translated to Sahsbury in June 1807. ] 807 Hon. George Pelham, bishop of Bristol, was nomi- 47Geo.ilI. nated4th July 1807, and elected 21st July; the royal assent to his election was given on the 24th of the same month. He was confirmed 12th Aug., and the temporalities were restored to him 13th Aug. He I was installed 28th Sept., and was translated to Lin- I coin in Sept. 1820-^. I 1820 William Carey was nominated 16th Oct. 1820, and I Geo. IV. elected 28th Oct., and the royal assent given to his election on the 29th of that month. He was confirmed nth Nov., and consecrated the next day -^. The tem- poralities were restored to him i6th Nov.^^. He was translated to St. Asaph in March 1830-s. 1830 Christopher Bethell, hisliop of Gloucester, viSiB, nomi- i II Geo. IV. nated to Exeter 8th April 1830, and was elected 12th April. The royal assent was given to his election on 21 Reg. Moore, fol. 268. 25 Church Book, Home Office. 22 Church Book, Home Office. 26 Reg. Sutton. 23 Reg. Moore, fol. 462. 27 Church Book, Home Office. 24 Church Book, Home Office. 28 ibid. 384 EXKTER. the 14th of that month. He was confirmed i ith June, and the temporahties were restored to him 29th June. He was translated to Bangor in Oct. 1830^7. 1 83 1 Henry Phillpotts, the present bishop, was nominated iWm. IV. nth Nov. 1830, and elected 22nd Nov.; the royal assent to his election was given 29th Nov. He was confirmed 9th Dec. 1830, consecrated 2nd Jan. 1831, and the temporalities restored to him 3rd Jan.^*^. The deanery of Exeter was first erected 30th Nov. 1225 by bishop Brewer, who appropriated to it Brampton and Coly ton-Ralegh ^9, DEANS. Serlo, archdeacon of Exeter, was the first dean of this cathedral. He obtained this dignity the third Sunday in Advent (14th Dec.) i225^<^. He died xii Cal. Aug. (31st July) 1231 31. Roger de Wynkelegh succeeded in the same year 1 23 1, and died on the Ides of Aug. (13th) 1252 '^^. William de Stanwey was dean in 1 254, and died ii Cal. Januarii (31st Dec.) 1268-^^ Roger de Thoriz, archdeacon of Exeter, succeeded dean Stanwey, and died possessed of this dignity iii Cal. Maii (29th April) 1274-5^ John Nobilis or Noble, archdeacon of Exeter, suc- ceeded Thoriz in the deanery, and was collated 20th Sept. 1274-^5. He died iii Non, (3rd) Novembris. John Picot was confirmed die Martis prox. post fes- tum S. Egidii (2nd Sept.) 1281 -^6. 37 Church Book, Home Office, et Martyrol. Exon. MS. 28 Ibid, and Reg. Howley. 32 Martyrol. Eccl. Exon. MS. 29 Ex Apographo veteri. 33 Rgg. Exon. 30 Other authorities state that 34 Rgg. Bronescomb. he was elected 25th Nov., and 35 \\,\^, fol. 156, 57. confirmed 2nd Dec. 1225. 36 Rgg. Peckham. 31 Chron. Brev. Eccl. Exon. DEANS. 385 Andrew, of Kilkenny, was elected and installed iii Id. Mar. (13th) 1284, and died in i302,iiNon. (4th) Nov. ^7 Henky de Somersete, chancellor of this churchy suc- ceeded im 303 '«. Ob. iiCal. Jan. (22ndDec.) 1307. Thomas de Leohlade, chancellor of this cathedral, was possessed of it in 1307, and died in 1309 -^'J, xvii Cal. Maii (15th April.) Bartholomew de Sancto Laurentio^^, archdeacon of Exeter, (after some dispute between him and Wil- liam de Kingscote, who died lite pendente), was con- firmed in this deanery 3rd June 131 1^^ Ob. v Cal. Dec. (27th Nov.) 1326. Richard de Coleton occurs as dean 6th Feb. 1327-8, and died 4th Aug. 1335, die Veneris proximo post festura beati Petri ad Vincula^-. Richard Braylegh was elected 6th Sept. I'^'^^y ^^^ Mercurii proximo ante festum Nativitatis Beatae Ma- rise Virginis^^, and confirmed by the bishop 2nd Oct. following^^. He was possessed of it in 1344. Reginald de Bugwell was admitted by papal provi- sion 28th June 1353 '*^. Robert Sumpter, LL.D., succeeded i8th Aug. 1364. Thomas Walkinton, 1378, 1383 in remotis^^^ Ralph Tregrifion '7 or Tregrision, LL.D., T4th June 1384. He died 25th July 1415^**. His will, dated i6th June 141 1, was proved 26th July 1415. 37 Reg. Quivil. fol. 128. de Sancto Laurentio was col- 3S Reg. Winchelsey. lated. 39 Reg. Stapeldon, fol. 29. ^' Reg. Stapeldon, fol. 62. ^0 On the death of dean Lech- ^'^ Reg. Grandison, A. f. 117. lade the chapter proceeded to Other authorities state that he an election: upon the scrutiny, died vi Id. Aug. (8th Aug.) the votes for John de Brueton ''3 Reg. Grandison. and Roger de Otery were equal; '*"* Ibid. A. f. 194, 195. and each consequently renounced "^^ Reg- Exon. MS. his pretension to the office. At '*^ Ibid. a second election a majority of '^7 Tregrifion. Pat. 19 Ric. II. votes was in favour of William p. i. m. 13. de Kingscote, but on account of 48 Rgg. Exon. MS. Reg. Staf- some informality Bartholomew ford, B. fol. 257. VOL. I. 30 386 EXETER. Stephen Payne was elected 28th Sept., and confirmed 4th Nov. 1415. He died 17th May 1419 '^. Roger Boi.t eh, precentor of this cathedral, was elected 28th June 1419, and resigned it 22nd July foUowing^'^- John Cobethorn was elected 18th Aug., and confirmed and Sept. 1 419. He was possessed of it in 1452 •'^^ Ob. vii Cal. Oct. (25th Sept.) John Hals, 1457. He became bishop of Lichfield and Coventry in 1459''-. Henry Webber, jsr^c^wifor of Exeter^ was elected 26th Dec. 1459, and confirmed 2nd Jan. 1459-60'^^. He died 13th Feb. 1476-7. Peter Courtenay was confirmed 27th April 1477, and in the next year was made bishop of this see^^. Lionel Widevill or Woodvile became dean in Nov. 1478, and in 1482 was made bishop of Salis- bury. John Arundel was possessed of it in 1483, and in 1496 was made bishop of Lichfield and Coventry ^\ Edward Wylughby enjoyed it in 1500. He died 23rd Nov. 1508^^; being also canon of Windsor and arch- deacon of Stafford. Thomas Hobbys, S.T.P., was elected 6th Feb. 1508-9 and confirmed next day. He died in Sept. 1509^7. John Voysey, precentor of this cathedral, was elected 28th Oct. 1509, and confirmed 19th Nov.; and in 15 1 9 was made bishop of this see^^. Richard Tuit is said to have held this dignity circa 1522. Richard Pace was elected about the middle of the year 1522, and resigned it 8th July 1527 ^5. 49 Reg. StaflFord, A. fol. 219. ^5 ibid. B. fol. 202. 56 Reg. Oldham, fol. 28. 50 Ibid. B. fol. 202. 57 Ibid. f. 29, 36. 51 Reg. Exon. 58 ibid. f. 36. 52 Reg. Neville, fol. 1 18. 59 Rgg. Voysey, f. 33. Whar- ^^ Ibid. ton de Decan. Lond. p. 238. 5-^ Reg. Exon. DEANS. 387 Reginald Pole was elected 12th Aug. 1527, and con- firmed 23rd Sept. He was deprived in or about 1537^*^. He became a cardinal, and archbishop of Canterbury. A resignation of his deanery was exhibited in chapter 24th Jan. 1553-4- Simon Haynes, S.T.P., was elected i6th July 1537, and confirmed on the 28th of the same month. He died in 1552^^^ James H addon, A.M., was elected, and installed loth July 1553 ''2. Deprived 1554 ^'^ Thomas Reynold, elected 9th Feb. 1554-5; he was deposed, and died 24th Nov. 1559, in prison ^4. Gregory Dodds was elected 10th Feb., and confirmed 25th, 1559-60. The archbishop's license to elect is dated 20th Jan. 1559-60^^ He died in 1570^6. George Carew, also dean of Windsor, was confirmed 1 2th Jan. 1570—71. The archbishop's mandate for his installation is dated 1 2th Feb.67 He died in June 1583, setat. 85, and was buried in the church of St. Giles-in-the- Fields, in the county of Middlesex. Stephen Townesende succeeded 5th Oct. 1583^8^ and died in Sept. 1588 '^'>. Matthew Sutcliffe, LL.D., was confirmed 27th Oct. 1588, and died in 162970. His will is dated ist Nov. 1628. William Peterson, S.T.P,, dean of Carlisle^ was elected i8th July 1629, and died 6th Dec. 166 1, setat. 74 7 ^ Seth Ward, '&JY. .V .^ precentor of this church, was elected 26th Dec. 1661, confirmed 13th Jan., and in the year following was made bishop of this see^^. 60 Reg. Voysey, fol. 33. 6'* Heynes, p. 62. *>! Reg. Voysey, f. 89. An in- 65 Rgg. Alley, fol. 57. quisition taken i6th July (i & 2 ^^ Reg. Parker. Phil. & Mar.) found that Joseph 67 ibid. Haynes his son by Joan his wife, 68 Reg. Exon. was aged 5 years, and his next heir. 69 Reg. Wolton, fol. 12, 37. 62 Reg. Alley, fol. 3. 70 ibid. fol. 37. 63 Chapter Act Book Exon. 71 Reg. Hall, fol. 12, 16. (dorso) Heynes, p. 58. 72 Rgg. Gauden, fol. 23, 28! 3 D 2 388 EXETER. Edward Young, S.T.B., was elected and installed 21st Aug. 1662 7-, and died the year following, George Cary, S.T.P., was elected on the 5th, and installed loth Sept. 1663, and died and Feb. 1680-1, setat. 69. Richard Annesley, S.T.B., was elected on the 6th, and installed 7th April 1 68 1 . He became Lord Altham . He died 16th Nov. 1701, and was buried in West- minster Abbey "3. William Wake, S.T.P., was nominated by the King's letters patent 4th Dec. 1701, collated to a prebend 13th Feb., next day was chosen a canon residentiary, and on the i6th of the same month was elected and installed dean. In 1 705 he was made bishop of Lin- coln"^. Launcelot Blackburn, A.M., was elected and in- stalled 3rd Nov. 170575. He was promoted to this bishopric in 17 16-17. Edward Tbelawney, archdeacon of Exeter^ was elected in Feb. 17 16-17, and installed in May 17 17. He died 24th Oct. 1726. John Gilbert was elected 14th Nov. 1726; installed 27th Dec, and confirmed 7th Jan. following. He was promoted to the see of Llandaff in 1740. Alubed Clarke, D.D., was elected on the 12th, and installed i6th Jan. 1 740-1 ; he was confirmed on the 27th of the same month, and died 31st May 1742. William Holmes, D.D., was installed 26th June 1742, and confirmed 14th Sept. He died 3rd April 1748. Charles Lyttleton, LL.D., was elected on the ist, and installed 4th June 1748. He was promoted to the see of Carlisle in 1763. Jeremiah Milles, D.D., was elected 28th April, and confirmed 8th June 1762. Ob. 13th Feb. 1784, setat. 71. 72 Reg. Exon. 74 Ex ore ipsius Episcopi. 73 Ibid. 75 Reg. Exon. SUBDEANS. 389 William Bullee, D.D., was elected 25th March 1784, and installed 27th March. He became dean of Can- terbury, and resigned this deanery. Charles Harward was elected i6th July 1790, and confirmed 13th Aug. He died 15th July 1802, setat. 79. Charles Talbot was elected 31st Dec. 1802, and con- firmed 3rd Jan. 1803. He resigned this deanery for that of Sarum. George Gordon was elected 15th Api'il 1809. He re- signed Exeter for the deanery of Lincoln in 18 10. John Garnett was elected 24th Feb. 18 10, and con- firmed 17th March. He died 12th March 1813, jetat. 6^. Whittington Laxdon was elected 24th April 1813, and died 29th Dec. 1838, setat. 80. Thomas Hill Low^e, precentor of Exeter, was elected 27th June 1839, confirmed ist Aug., and installed the next day. This deanery is rated for first fruits at 158^."^ SUBDEANS. William de Bismano, collated the first subdean by the founder, bishop Quivil, 9th July 1284. John de Uphaven, collated by bishop Stapeldon 26th July 13 13. Died 26th April 13 18. Richard Braylegh, collated nth May that year; confirmed dean 2nd Oct. 1335. Richard de Kyrkeby, appointed ist June 133(5, Henry de Pike, promoted 5th Nov. 1350. William de Polmorna, appointed in commendam 9th June 1349 : we meet him again 29th Dec. 1355. John Pesemer, appointed by patent 13th Aug. 1369"'. "^ Ecton, p. 102. ''^ Pat. 43 Edw. III. p. i. m. 26, 390 EXETER. Thomas Draper occurs 5th Nov. 1370. He exchanged, 15th May 1376, for Hethlegh rectory, in Hants, with )J John Podesdon, collated 15th May 1376. / Thomas Noell was collated 9th Oct. 1399; on whose / death, Thomas Estbroke, collated 13th Sept. 1417. He made his will loth Aug. 1441 ; it was proved 23rd Nov. following. John Rawe succeeded 28th Aug. 144T. His will is dated 8th Sept. 1462, and was proved 4th Jan. 1463-4. Walter Wyndeford or Wyndesore occurs in 1480 and 1482. William Sumaster died in office in 1504. John Tyake was collated 22nd Jan. following. Re- signed for the archdeaconry of Barura. Richard Tollet, collated 13th May 15 15. Resigned, within three years, for the archdeaconry of Barura. Robert Weston, collated 28th April 1518; on whose death, in Sept. 1539, Nicholas sometimes written William Weston, ne- phew to Robert Weston, succeeded 6th Oct. 1539; on whose death, John Blaxton was collated 7th March 1546-7; on whose resignation for the treasurership, Thomas Nuttcombe was collated 13th April 1558; on whose deprivation, Richard Gaumon was nominated by the Queen to this office ist Jan. 1560-61, but he does not appear to have been installed. Christopher Bodlegh succeeded 12th March 1566. Francis Godwin, the celebrated biographer of the bishops of England, collated nth June 1587. He was promoted to the see of Llandaff, and thence translated to Hereford. He died 29th April 1633. John Sprott was collated i8th Feb. 1602—3; on whose death, SUBDEANS. 391 Hugo Cholmeley was collated 29th March 1632. Died 15th and buried 17th Sept. 1641. Samuel Hall, fourth son of bishop Hall, admitted 22nd Sept. 1641; on whose death, aged 6^, Nicholas Hall was collated 17th March 1674—5. Re- signed for the treasurership. Bernard Galard, collated 15th Nov. 1675; on whose death, Edward Gary was collated ist Dec. 1693. He died soon after his promotion. Launcelot Blackburn, collated 9th Jan. 1694-5. Resigned in 1702. Lewis Burnett, collated 8th April that year; on his death, Launcelot Blackburn was again collated to it 27th July 1704. Resigned for the deanery. Edward Trelawney, collated 3rd Nov. 1705. Resigned for the deanery. Richard Ibbetson succeeded 1 ith July 1717, and was installed 29th Aug. following. Peter Foulkes, D.D., collated 25th June 1723. Re- signed for the chancellorship. John Gilbert, collated 4th June 1724. Resigned for the deanery. John Fursman, M.A., collated 3rd Jan. 1726-7. Re- signed for the chancellorship. Charles Hawtrey, M.A., collated 2nd Oct. 1731. Died 3rd May 1770, setat. 84, and buried on the 8th in the cathedral. Philip Barton, S.T.B., collated 29th May 1770. Died 24th June 1796, setat. 78. John Sturges, D.D., chancellor of the diocese of Win- chester^ collated 20th Oct. 1796. Died 2nd Oct. 1807. Jonathan Parker Fisher, D.D., from the archdea- conry of Barnstaple^ installed 17th Oct. 1807. He died 31st July 1838, aged 81. Richard Stephens, collated 13th Oct. 1840. 392 EXETEU. ARCHDEACONS OF EXETER'^. Odo. Died x Cal. Julii (28th June) 1083 7*^. RoLAMxus. Died v Id. Mar. (nth March) 1104"^. Erualdus. Died ii Id. Mar. (14th March) 1136^". Robert de Warlewast, afterwards bishop of this see. King Stephen addressed a letter to him. Walter dk Coxstantiis occurs in 1143^'. Henry Fitzhardixg held this office about the year 1148. Ralph. Died possessed of it 17th Feb. 1154-5. Bartholomew occurs in 1155, and was raised to the see in 1161. Baldwin, late abbot of Ford, held it in 1165. He was afterwards promoted to Worcester. John de Alen^on held this dignity in June 1 190. Walter occurs about 1200. Henry de Molesiis or ]M 1:1, vile witnessed a deed of bishop Hen. Marshall 31st Aug. 1205. He died in 1221 ^•^. Serlo from this office became the first dean in Dec. 1225. Bonus witnessed bishop Brewer's grant to St. John's Hospital. Bartholomew witnessed a deed dated 26th Nov. 1236. Died in office xi Cal. Oct. (21st Sept.) 1247. 77 In a deed bearing date 2nd ter,Hugo,andRadulphus. Arch- July 1133 the following names deacon William is stated, in the of archdeacons occur: Robert, Martyrologium, to have died William de Auc, Ernaldus, and 29th May 1189. In the Martyr- Odo. In another deed, of the ology is the following : " x Cal. same age, it appears that bishop Sept. (23rd Aug.) obiit Johannes WiUiamWarlewast(ii07 to about Lurab, archidiaconus. 29 Dec. 1 136) had purchased a house 1189, obiit Willielmus, archidia- and garden in Exeter of the arch- conus et canonicus." deacon Ascelinus. In bishop Ro- '8 Martyrol. Eccl. Exon. bert Chichester's time, between "^ Ibid. ^^ Ibid. 1138 and 1 155, the following 81 Reg. Exon. archdeacons were witnesses to ^2 Martyrol. Eccl. Exon. deeds : William de Auco, Wal- ARCHDEACONS OF EXETER. 393 Roger de Thoriz, archdeacon in 1269, elected dean in 126983. John Norilis or Norle, collated 3rd Sept. 1270; af- terwards succeeded to the deanery in 1274 8^. John de Pontissara, collated 22nd Dec. 1274; after- wards bishop of Winchester. Peter de Insula occurs 1st Aug. 1280; but he must have resigned immediately, and on the death of his immediate successor, Robert de Evesham, must have again accepted the office of archdeacon, for he occurs in this capacity in the years 1290^^ and 1292^^ Robert de Evesham held the office 20th July 1284 and in Aug. 1287. Bartholomew de Sancto Laurentio held it in 1295 and 1307. He had letters of protection to go beyond the sea dated 18th Dec. 1307 ^^ He was also arch- deacon of Barnstaple. He was afterwards dean of this church. Richard de Plumpstock, collated by king Edward H. 10th March 1308 ««. William Fitz Rogo, collated 20th June 1311, but died soon after *''J. John Wele, collated 5th March 1311-12. Richard de Morcester, collated 2nd Feb. 1317-18. Thomas Hereward succeeded 11th June 1318; and on his death John de North wode was collated 29th Nov. 1329, but resigned it in 1330. W^iLLiAM Grandisok, the bishop'^s brother, was col- lated xiv Cal. Maii (18th April) 1330, but died 5th July following. William de la Zouche was collated 12th July 1330. He exchanged it for some other preferment with ^ Reg. Bronescomb. ^ Tax. Eccl. *ilbid. 8'^Pat. I Edw. II. m.4. 85 Lett, in Turr. Lond. No. ^8 ibid. p. 2. mm. 16, 25. 1 148. 89 Reg. Stapeldon. VOL. I. 3 E 394 EXETER. Thomas de Nassington, who was admitted loth June 133 1, and resigned in 1345. Otho de Northwode was collated 15th Dec. 1345- Philip de Bello Campo [Be auchamt], appointed 16th Nov. 1360; but tendered his resignation, which bishop Grandison accepted, 27th Dec. in that year. Stephen de Penpel or Pympel was appointed as Beauchamp's successor the same day. He resigned the office for the deanery of Wells in 1361, and died 2nd Feb. 1378-950. Philip de Beauchamp again accepted the office on the resignation of Stephen, and held it during the re- mainder of his life. Thomas Swaby, appointed I2th Aug. 137 i^S and col- lated 20th Aug. 1371. The grant to Swaby was re- voked ist March 1375-6 5^, and Cardinal Peter de Everino was appointed arch- deacon of Exeter ist March 1375-6. His proxy at the induction was Ralph Pylaton. John Cheyne occurs loth July 1379. -|"Philip de Alen(;on occurs 23rd Feb. 1383-4. w William Waltham, appointed by patent 8th Nov. ^ 139893. Nicholas Bubbewyth, appointed %y patent 9th April T39994. , Walter Cook, collated 21st Oct. 1399^^ . Thomas Pylton exchanged this dignity for some other preferment 28th March 1409 with Thomas Hendeman, who was collated 28th March ^^^ 23rd June 1480. Edmund Chaterton, collated 26th March 1491. Ob, 1499. ^^^ ^^^^^' dated 6th April 1499, was proved 1 2th Oct. following. Ralph Hethcote succeeded, and died early in 1499- 1500. John Fulfobd, collated 15th March 1499-1500; on whose removal to the archdeaconry of Cornwall, 1 8th April 1 5 15, Richard Sydnor succeeded, and died early in 1534. George Carewe, collated 28th April 1534, and in- stalled 1 1 th May following ; on whose resignation, William Collumpton or Fawell, last prior of St. Nicholas', Exeter, and hishop of Hippo, was collated loth Aug. 1549. William Fawell. Ob. 24th July 1557. John Pollard, collated 2nd March 1557-8. Thomas Kent. Died late in 1561. Robert Lougher, collated 21st Feb. 156 1-2. Oliver Whiddon, collated 5th June 1568. Died in 1580. His will proved loth Dec. 1580. John Cole, collated 24th Nov. 1580. He died three years after. Lewis Swete, collated 12th Feb. 1583-4. 3 F 2 404 EXETER. William Parker, installed 22nd Sept. 1613; on whose resignation for the archdeaconry of Cornwall, Jasper Swift, D.D., succeeded from the archdeaconry of Cornwall 30th Oct. 16 16. Died 20th Jan. 1619-20 : buried in the cathedral 27th. William Cotton, collated 17th March 1619—20. Re- signed. Edward Cotton, M.A., the bishop's son, collated loth Feb. 1 62 1-2, and installed 6th March. He died in 1647. Francis Full wood, installed 31st Aug. 1660. Died 27th Aug 1693. Sir Jonathan Trelawney, bart., bishop of this see, held this archdeaconry in commendam, for a short time, after the death of Fullvvood, and resigned it 1st May 1694. George Snell, collated i8th May, 1694, and installed 1st June. He died 14th Jan. 1700-1. Francis Atterbury was collated i8th Jan. 1 700-1 ; installed by proxy nth June following. He resigned this office on his promotion to the see of Rochester. Nicholas Kendall, instituted on the presentation of queen Anne, 28th July 1713. Died 3rd March 1739-40, setat. 84 : buried on the 7th in the cathedral. Georgp: Baker, collated 26th March 1740. Died 8th Jan. 1772, setat. 86 : buried in the cathedral 30th Jan, Thomas Skynner, LL.D., collated loth March 1772; on whose resignation for the precentorship, Ralph Barnes, M.A., was collated 16th Aug. 1775. Died 20th May 1820, setat. 89. Robert Hurrell Froude, M.A., instituted 30th May 1820. ARCHDEACONS OF RARUM. 405 ARCHDEACONS OF BARUM OR BARNSTAPLE. Alured is the first archdeacon of Barum that has oc- curred. Ralph is said to have enjoyed this dignity in 1143. William de Auco was archdeacon between 1151 and 1161. Roger was a witness to bishop Bartholomew's grant to the lepers of Exeter, and also to the confirmation of Plympton Priory by bishop John. Thomas was a witness to deeds made about 11 87 and 1203. Anselm occurs about 1208. Ralph de Werewell was presented 30th Sept. 1 209 10. John occurs in 1213^1. Ralph was witness to a deed of bishop Simon in 121 9. Roger was a witness to the foundation deed of the deanery, 1225. Isaac died possessed of this dignity 8th Feb. 1227—8. Walter de Pembroke, held it in 1243, and in '^^3 he accepted the archdeaconry of Totnes. Henry de ^racton, collated 21st Jan. 1263-4. Re- signed for the chancellorship. Richard Blund succeeded 25th May 1264. Resigned for Totnes in 1265. Godfrey Giffard, collated 6th Nov. 1265. He re- signed this dignity in May 1267 for the see of Wor- cester. John de Bradlegh, sometimes written Madelegh, was collated 28th May 1267. Thomas de Hertford, collated in Jan. 1271. Philip of Exon, collated 28th Aug. 1279. He held the office in 1 297 1^. Walter de Pembroke held this dignity in 1305. 10 Pat, 10 Joh. m. 10. 11 Pat. 14 Joh. m. 4. 12 Pat. 25 Edw. I. 406 EXETER. Ralph Germeyn held it at his promotion to the pre- centorship in 1308. William de Melton, collated 13th Oct. 1308. John Wele, collated 30th March 1309. Bartholomew de Sancto Laurentio held this office until his first confirmation in the deanery ; he was also archdeacon of Exeter; but the demur, occasioned by the appeal to the primate, causes some confusion here. William Fitz-rogo held it for a short period. Walter Giffard, collated 3rd Dec. 1314; on whose resignation for the chancellorship, Richard de Morcester was appointed 7th Feb. 13 14- —15. Died in 1318. Richard de Wideslade, collated 22nd Sept. 1318, and resigned the year after. William de la Zouche, collated loth Dec. 1329; on whose resignation, Thomas de Nassington was appointed 17th Dec, 1330. Hugh de Monyton held this office in October 1352 ^3. John de Derby, collated 23rd Feb. 1354—5. L^ Henry" Whitefeld occurs 23rd Feb. 1383—4. / Robert Rugge was confirmed in this dignity i6thFeb. 1394-5 '■"• Richard Aldbyngton, alias Colcomb, collated 17th Aug. 1400. John Orum, collated ist Nov. 1400. His appointment was ratified 31st Jan. 1400-1^^; on whose resigna- tion in 1429 ^^ John Waryn was collated 2nd Aug. 1429. He died in 1442. Richard Helyer, collated 3rd Aug. 1442. Resigned this for the archdeaconry of Cornwall. Michael Tregoire was appointed 16th June 1445- Resigned also. 13 Pat. 26 Edw. III. 16 His will is dated 27th Sept. 14 Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 37. 1436. i'' Pat. 3 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 28. ARCHDEACONS OF BARUM. 407 Roger Keys, collated 25th Jan. 1449-50. William Fulford occurs 12th July 1462 ; on whose death, John Stubbes was collated 27th Oct. 1475 > ^^ whose resignation, Owen Lloid collated loth Dec. 1477 ; on whose re- signation for Totnes, Robert Barforth or Barfote was collated i8th Feb. 1477-8. He died 8th Oct. 1485. William Elyot was in possession of this office in 1492 and 1503. John Voysey succeeded. Resigned for the precentor- ship. Richard Norton, collated 3rd Aug. 1508. John Yong resigned this archdeaconry early in 15 15, on a pension of 30?. John Tyake, collated 12th April 15 15. Richard Tollet, collated 19th Jan. 151 7-8. Died 26th April 1528. Thomas Brerewood, collated 26th April, 1528. Died in 1544. His will, dated 22nd May 1544, was proved 2nd March 1544-5. John Pollard, collated i6th June 1544; on whose deprivation, Henry Squire was collated 20th April 1554. He re- signed in 1582. Robert Lawe, M.A., collated 7th Jan. 1582-3. He became treasurer. William Toker, collated 24th April 1585 ; on whose resignation, for the deanery of Lichfield, William Helliar was collated 27th Nov. 1605. Died about the end of 1645, setat. circa 90. James Smith, presented by the King 30th July 1660, and installed 31st Aug. 1660; on whose resignation for the precentorship, Joshua Tucker was collated 19th July 1662 ; who died in the summer of 1679. His will, dated 12th Aug. 1679, ^^^ proved nth Nov. 1679. 408 EXETER. William Reade, installed 29th Aug. 1679; ^^ whose death, Robert Bukscough was collated 24th Sept., and in- stalled ist Oct. 1703. He was buried at Bath 29th July 1709. Thomas Lynford was collated 9th Sept, 1 709. Ob. nth Aug. 1724. Lewis Stephens, (afterwards archdeacon of Chester, the munificent founder of the exhibitions in Exeter free grammar school, within the hospital of St. John the Baptist.) was collated 14th Aug. 1724. He re- signed. His will bears date 14th Nov. 1745. John Grant, collated 28th Oct. 1731. Buried in the cathedral 21st Feb. 1745-6. William Hole was collated i6th March 1744—5. Died 26th Oct. 1791, setat. 82. Roger Massey, M.A., collated 3rd, installed 14th Nov. 1 79 1. Ob. 22nd Feb. 1798. John Andrew was collated 14th March 1798. Died 3rd July 1799, setat. 49. Peregrine Ilbert, M.A., collated 25th July 1799. Died 28th June 1805. Jonathan Parker Fisher, collated 16th Aug. 1805, and installed the next day. Resigned for the sub- deanery. Thomas Johnes, collated 3rd, and installed 7th Nov. 1807 ; advanced to the chancellorship in 1816. Ob. 2ist April 1826, ajtat. 77. John Bull, collated 6th May 1826. George Barnes, D.D., collated loth March 1830. Died at Sowton 29th June, and there buried 7th July 1847, aged 64. John Bartholomew, A.M., collated 3rd Aug. 1847. PRECENTORS. 409 PRECENTORS. John held this dignity in 1154. Robert held it in 1 155. John was promoted to this bishopric in 11 86. Bernard, witness to a deed about 1186 Thomas, about 1187^^. Henry, whose signature appears to bishop Marshall's grant of Woodbury to the vicars choral in 1205. William de Sundun. William from this dignity was made bishop of this see in 1224^''. Roger de Bagetoee held this office 28th Oct. 1224. Adam de Sancta Brigida died possessed of it xi Cal. Mali (21st April) 1232^^. Philip de Bagetore was precentor in 1233. William de Arundel held this office in 1242. Ralph de Hilstiton, alias de Hengham, was a wit- ness to an ordination of vicars in the church of Exeter in 1243. He resigned in 1281^^. Henry de Somersete was collated xvii Cal. Mail (15th April) 128 1 -0. He became dean of this cathedral. Walter de Lechlade was collated ist Aug. 1282. He resigned in 1283, and is said to have been mur- dered in the churchyard of St. Peter, Exeter, anno 1286-^1. * 1^ Reg. Wellen. license " was the slaughter of 1" Annal. Waverl. Pat. 8 Hen. Walter Lichlade, the first chaunt- III. er there, as he came from the IS Martyr. Eccl. Exon. MS. mattins then said soon after •9 Reg. Quivil. midnight." John called Pycot "^ Ibid. priest of Exeter, John de Cristi- 21 Prynne, (iii. p. 357,) in nestowe vicar of Heavitree, John printing a hcense to the dean de Wolrington vicar of Ottery and chapter of Exeter to inclose St. Mary, and Luke de St. Leo- their churchyard with a wall, nard's clerk, were accused of the gates, &c., states, on the au- murder of Walter de Lechlade, thority of the Annales Burton- formerly precentor of Exeter: enses, that the occasion of this " Super consensu mortis Ma- VOL. I. 3 c; 410 EXETER. .y Andrew Kilkenny, collated 19th Nov. 12832'^. John de Dreyton was possessed of it in 1297-^ William de Puntyngdon held the office in 1302. He lies buried in the middle of the canons"' vestry. Walter Stapeldon resigned 28th March 1308, on his promotion to this bishopric-^. He was succeeded the same day by Ralph Germyn, archdeacon of Bariim, 28th March i^oS'^^. He died 3rd Dec. 1316-^. John Wele, archdeacon of Exeter, was collated 4th Feb. 1316-7, per mort. Germyn'-7. Ob. 28th Sept. 1317- Richard de Coleton, 2nd Feb. 1317-8-^. Dean in 1328. Adam Murymuth or MuiiKMVTn.tJie historian, 1328 '^9. He exchanged this dignity for the rectory of Wicardes- bury, in the diocese of Lincoln, anno 1337, with John de Schareshulle^ who was admitted 25th July 1337, per resign. Murymuth '«. Schareshulle died in 1372. John Saxtox, D.D., was appointed 24th Sept. 13733', and admitted 30th July 1374, per mort. Schares- hulle 32. Hugh de Hickei.ing held it 28th Feb. 1383-^3^ con- firmed 9th June 3^. His will, dated 8th Aug. 1415, was proved 30th March 141 6. He died 28th Jan. 1415-16. gistri Walteri de Lechelade quon- dam prgecentoris ecclesise Ex- onige ibidem dudum enormiter interfecti ; " — but they purged themselves thereof. (Lett, in Turr. Lond. NN. 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858.) Dr. Ohver and Mr. Pitman Jones, who have given much attention to this matter, have treated of it in their biography of bishop Quivill. -2 Reg. Quivil. 23 Reg. Exon. -■^ Pat. 2 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 23. 25 Reg. Stapeldon. 26 Ibid. 27 Reg. Stapeldon. 28 Ibid. 29 See Pat. 3 Edw. III. p. i. 30 Reg.Grandison. Reg. Brent. 31 Pat. 46 Edw. III. m. 21. 32 Reg. Brentingham. 33 Ibid. 34 Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 13. PRECENTORS. 411 Laurence Haukin, collated 30th Jan. 1415—16. His will was made 6th April 1418, and proved 3rd Feb. following. Roger Bolter, treasurer of Exeter, was collated nth April 1418. He was elected dean of this church in 141 9, but, after some time of consideration, could not be prevailed with to accept it. His will was made 8th June 1436, and proved nth Dec. foUowing-^^. Walter Colles was collated 4th April 1437. His will was made ist Nov. 1452, and proved 14th June Henry Webber, treasurer of this cathedral, was col- lated 1 6th May 1453^7. He became dean in 1459, and died 13th Feb. 1476—7. Roger Keys enjoyed this dignity in 1467 and 1469. Ob. 1 ith Nov. 1477. He is sometimes called John Keys. He had been also archdeacon of Barum. John Stubbes, treasurer of this cathedral, was collated i6th Nov. 147738. Ob. i486. John Combe, treasurer of this cathedral, succeeded in 148639. William Sylke, LL.D., archdeacon of Cornwall, was collated 15th April 1499, per mort. Combe^'^. Ob. in 1508. John Voysey, archdeacon of Barum, was collated 26th May 1508, and the year following was made dean of this cathedral ^1, and afterwards promoted to the bishopric. Thomas Harris, archdeacon of Cornwall, was collated 6th Dec. 1509. He died 31st Dec. 151 1, and lies buried near bishop Oldham's chapel. His will was made ist Nov. 1511, and proved aist Jan. follow- ing^^. 35 Reg. Lacy. 40 Reg. Redman. 36 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 41 Reg. Exon. 38 Reg. Booth. 42 Reg. Oldham. 39 Reg. Redman. 3 G 2 412 EXETER. Richard Noktox, LL.I)., archdeacon of Barum, was collated 8th Jan. 1511-12, and died in r523^'J. His will, dated 5th Aug. 1523, was proved 20th Feb. fol- lowing. John Chambre was installed 25th Feb. 1523-4'*^. John Rvse was precentor in 1524. George Carew was collated 8th Aug. 1549; afterwards made archdeacon of Exon.'-' John Rixman, collated 2nd May 1554. Deprived in 1554. Ob. Dec. 1^57 '•' ^^'^' proved 3rd Jan. 1557—8. Richard Peter, installed 24th Nov. 1554, per depr. John Rixman, and reinstalled 28th Dec. 1557 per raort. Rixnian^^. William Marston, LL.D., was collated 19th Dec. 157 1, and died possessed of it in Nov. 1599^". William Cotton, at that time bishop of Exeter, accepted this dignity in commendam 24th Nov. 1599'*^. He resigned it in 1606 to his son, William Cottox, A.M., who was collated 22nd Oct. i6o6''9. Ob. circa 1649. Setii Ward, S.T.P., appointed by patent dated 25th July 1660, was admitted loth Sept., installed the 15th 1660, and in the next year was made dean of this church''". He was collated to the precentorship by Bishop Brownrig during the Usurpation. James Smith, S.T.P., archdeacon of Barum, 27th Jan. 1661-2, was installed by proxy 7th Feb. 1661-2 and in person 12th April 1662. He died 20th June 1667^1 in Alphington rectory. John Wilkins, S.T.B., collated ist July 1667, was in- stalled 11th July, and in 1668 was made bishop of Chester ^■^. 43 Reg. Oldham. 48 Reg. Exon. 44 Reg. Exon. 49 Bishops' Certificates. 45 Ibid. so Reg. Juxon. Reg. Exon, 4fi Heynes, p. 128. s' Bishops' Certificates. 47 Ath. Oxon. vol. i. p. 537 or •''2 ibid. 737- TREASURERS. 413 Henry Bold^ S.T.B., was installed 30th Nov. 1668. He died 9th Sept. 1677 ^3. George Hooper, S.T.P., was installed i6th Oct. 1677, and resigned in 1704''^. He became bishop of St. Asaph, and was afterwards removed to Bath. William Jane, S.T.P., chancellor of this cathedral, was installed 6th May 1704, and resigned it in 1706^^ He became dean of Gloucester. Thomas Newey, S.T.P., chancellor of Exeter, was in- stalled nth Dec. 1706^''. Ob. 6th May 1723, setat. 66, and was buried in Winchester cathedral. Richard Ibbetson was instituted 29th May 1723, vice Newey '^7. Ob. ist Sept. 1731. Peter Eoulkes, collated ist Oct. 1731^^. Ob. 30th April 1 747, setat. 7 i . Jeremiah Milles, collated i ith May 1747''^; resigned for the deanery. John Snow% collated 22nd Feb. 1762^^^. Ob. ist March 1772. Daniel Burton, collated 3rd April 1772^'. Thomas Skinner, collated 8th June 1775^^. Ob. 7th Aug. 1789, setat. 61. George Gordon, collated 29th Aug. i789^'^ Resigned for the deanery. Thomas Bartlam, collated 8th April 1809. Ob. 30th March 1832, setat. 64. Thomas Hill Lowe, collated 14th Sept. 1832*'^. Re- signed for the deanery. William John Phillpotts, collated 21st Nov. 1840^'*. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 99?. 13s. ^^d.*^^ *3 Reg. Exon. 60 Bishops' Certificates. ''4 Bishops' Certificates. 61 ibid. 62 ibid. 55 Reg. Exon. 63 ibid. 64 Jbid. •'6 Ibid. 65 Ibid. 57 Bishops' Certificates. 66 Ecton, p. 102. 58 Ibid. 59 Ibid. 414 EXETER. TREASURERS. John held this dignity in 1133, and died possessed of it xiii Oal. Maii (19th April)''", William died xvi Cal. Mar. (14th Feb.) 1154^^. John be Saiusbkria, 11746^. John of Exeteu, about 1186"*^. Anselm Crassl's or Le Gros was treasurer in 1205, and was present at the erection of the deanery 30th Nov. 1225; and in 1230 was made bishop of St. David's" 1. William de Ralegh held it in 1237"'- ; and from this dignity was made bishop of Norwich in 1239^ '. John held it in 1243. Walter de Molendinis occurs 15th Aug. 1249. John de Bradlegh, collated 20th Jan. 1264-5. Walter Fitz-Peter enjoyed it in 1267"^. John of Exeter, 1281"^. Witness to a deed 1284. Held it in 1286 "6. William de Bismano occurs in Feb, 1287-8, in 1308, and iith Sept. 1309"/. Thomas de Hexton was collated 22nd Jan. j309-]o78. He held it in 1321 "'J. Richard de Wideslade was collated xvi Cal. Junii (17th May) 1329*'*'. Bernard de Caris held this office circa 1335. Thomas de Kaynes, 28th Feb. '350-51*^'. Robert de Middeland died in 1367^^. •>' Martyrol. Eccl. Exon. MS. 1238-9. ^^ Ibid. '•* Reg. E.xon. 69 MS. Cotton, l^berius, F. 6. ''■'* Pat. 8 Edw. I. fol. 117. -6 Pat. i4Edw. I. 70 Martyrol. Eccl. Exon, MS. 77 Reg. Stapledon. '' Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 650. ^^ Ibid. Pat. 13 Hen. III. m. 8. "9 Pat. 15 Edw. II. 72 Pat. 13 Hen. III. m. 8. 80 Reg. Grandison. 73 Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 411. ^i Pat. 24 Edw. III. p. i. m. 32. He had previously been elected ^2 Pat. 41 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 19, bishop of Lichfield 24th Feb. TREASURERS. 415 William de Mugge, 20th Sept. 1367^-^. Robert Brok enjoyed it in 1383^^. William de Trevellys held this office circa 1387 and 1389'^^ John Dodinton was collated 26th Aug. 1399^^. Richard Hals succeeded 27tli Sept. 1400. His will, dated ist May 1417, was proved on the 25th of that month. He died 18th May «7. Roger Bolter, collated 25th May 14 17, and resigned the office nth April 1418 for the precentorship. Michael Lercedekxe, collated 23rd April 1418. His will, dated 5th Jan. j 44 1-2, was proved 28th Feb. 1446. Heney Webber was collated 20th Jan. 1441—2, and 1 6th May 1453 was made precentor''^. John Burnebui{y, collated 17th May 1453. John Kirkeby. His will, dated 7th Oct. 1474, was proved 5th Feb. 1475-6*^^. John Stubbes, arcJuleacon of Barum, was collated loth Dec. 1476; and next year was made precentor^o. Robert Barforth was collated i6th Nov. 1477; and in Feb. followingr was made archdeacon of Barum^^. Thomas Langton was collated i8th Feb. 147 7-8 9^. John Combe enjoyed it in 14849-^. He became pre- centor here. Thomas Austell held this office in 1492^^. Ob. 15 15. Bernard Oldham, archdeacon of Cornwall, was col- lated 5th April 1515^^ His will, dated 2cth May 1516, was proved 5th Nov. 1516. Richard More, collated 24th May 1516. 83 Reg. Ebor. ^^ Lib. Testam. penes Dec. et 8^ Reg. Brentingham. Capit. Ebor. 85 Reg. Heref. et MS. penes 90 Reg. Booth. Dec. et Cap. Exon. "i jbid. 92 ibid. 86 Reg. Stafford. ^3 Reg. Stillington. 87 Pat. 2 Hen. IV. p. i. ra. 2. 9^ Reg. King. 88 Reg. Lacy. ^^ Reg. Oldham. 416 EXETER. Adam Travesse succeeded More, but resigned it im- mediately for a pension. John Ryse was collated loth Jan. 15 1 7-1 8 ^'^. Ob. 5th May 1 53 1. Thomas Southern or SoTHERONwas collated 8th May 153 1, and died in 1557^". His will, dated 30th May 1556, was proved 24th July 1557. Nicholas Wotton was installed 5th June 1557 ■'*• John Blaxton was installed 26th March 1558, per resign. Wotton. 99 Richard Tremaynk was installed loth Feb. 1559—60, per deprivat. Blaxton'. Ho became archdeacon of Chichester. His will was proved 15th Dec. 1584. Robert Lawe, A.M., archdeacon of Barum, was col- lated 3rd Dec. 1584, per raort. Tremayne'-. Robert Hall, A.M., was instituted 25th June 1629, and installed 17th July, per mort. Lawe. He died 29th May 1667, and was buried in the cathedral '*, setat. 61. He was also archdeacon of Cornwall. Baldwin Acland, S.T.B., was instituted loth June, and installed 14th June 1667, and died 27th Aug. 1672^; and was buried at St. Mary Tedborn, in the county of Devon, where he was rector, aetat. 64. Edward Cotton, archdeacon of Cormvall, was installed 31st Aug. 1672, and died 2nd Nov. 1675'^ Nicholas Hall was installed 17th Nov. 1675. He died 25th April 1709, and was buried at Faringdon, in Devonshire'. Offspring Blackall, bishop of this see, accepted this dignity in coramendam June 1709'^. Since his time the succeeding bishops have held this dignity in com- mend am. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 32^. 17s. 3i«?-^ 96 Reg. Oldham. 2 Reg. Exon. 3 Ibid. ^7 Reg. Voysey. ^ Ibid. 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 98 Ath. Oxon. vol. . p. 642. 7 Ibid. 8 Ibid. 99 Reg. Exon. 1 Ibid. 9 Ecton, p. 102. CHANCELLORS. 417 CHANCELLORS. This dignity was founded in 1225 by bishop Brewer. Henry of Warwick is reckoned the first that enjoyed this dignity 1*^. He died iv Cal. Maii (28th April) 1227^1. Richard Blondy, from this dignity was made bishop of this see in Jan. 1245 i-. Held the office in Roger Bosom succeeded Blondy. Walter Lodeswell held this dignity in t 245 i^. Henry de Wengham was collated ii Non. Mar. (6th) 1258-9, and in 1259 was made bishop of Lon- don i+. Robert de Tyfford was collated die Jovis post translat. S. Thorage Martyris (July — ) 12591^. Henry de Bracton, 18th May 1264I6. Oliver de Tracy was collated iii Non. Sept. (3rd) 126817, Richard Bbemmele held this office at his death 21st May 1275. Ralph de Hengham was collated 19th Oct. 1275'^. Clement de Langeford was collated x Cal. Mar. (21st Feb.) J 279 19. Henry de Somersete was called by this title in 1294. In 1 303 he became dean of this church 20. i<> " Magister Henricus de Pat. 42 Hen. III. m. 12. Warwick primus Exoniensis Ec- 1^ Reg. Bronescombe. clesise Cancellarius." 15 Ibid. 11 Martyrol. Eccl. Exon. MS. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. 12 Pat. 29 Hen. III. m. 9. 18 Ibid. 19 Ibid. Mat. Westm. 20 Reg. Exon. 1"^ Reg. Bronescombe, fol. 5. VOL. 1. 3 h 418 EXETER. Thomas de Lechlade succeeded him in this dignity in 1303, and Hkewise in the deanery in 1307 •^^. John de Bruetox, collated in r^oy-^^ John de Eveudon, 20th May 1308''^. Roger de Oterey was appointed 22nd Jan. 1308-9, and collated 23rd Aug. i309-^\ Walter Giefard, archdeacon of Bar urn, waa collated 2nd Dec. 1314^^^. Ob. 1322. Henry de Nyweton was collated ■23rd Sept. 1322*^7. Walter Meriet was collated 2Hth Jan. 1322-3, and installed 15th March 1322-3 ^^ Held it in 1333'^'' and 1335'". Benedict de Paston occurs in 1340. Thomas de Bokyngham was collated 25th March 1346^1. John Wylyet, S.T.P., about 1350'^ and in 1374 and 1375- /Robert Bosan enjoyed it in 1383 ^ J. Ob. 1399. Robert Rugge or Rigge was collated 30th Jan. 1399- 1400''^. Richard Hals was collated 27th Sept. 1400'^ Richard Ridge was chancellor here in 1409. His will was dated and proved in that year. Richard Suetisham was collated 12th April 1410^^. Thomas Hendeman, arcMeacon of Exeter, was col- lated 19th Jan. 1416-17^7. John Orum, archdeacon of Bariim, was collated 1 8th Feb. 1 428-9 ^^ His will is dated 17th Sept. 1436. Henry Webber, collated 21st Sept. 1436. 32 Reg. Exon. ^^ Reg. Grandison. 33 Ibid. ^ Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. lib. 3-1 Pat. I Edw. II. p. 2. m. 9. "• P- 397- 35 Reg. Stapeldon. ^3 Reg. Exon. 36 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 44 Reg. Stafford. 38 Ibid. 45 Ibid. 46 Ibid. 39 Pat. 7 Edw. III. p. 2. 47 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 9 Edw. III. p. 2. 48 Reg. Lacy. CHANCELLORS. 419 William Fylham, archdeacon of Gornioall, was col- lated on the death of Webber. John Suetisham, S.T.P., was collated nth March 1438-9. His will, dated 15th March 1447-8, was proved 20th Sept. 1448 4^. Richard Rodeiutam, S.T.P., was collated 3rd July 1448. His will, dated 24th Oct. 1453, was proved 1 6th Sept. 1455^^1 John Germeyn was collated loth Sept. 1455 '^ His will, dated 21st Feb. 1459-60, was proved 20th July following:. John Shirewode, 1460^^. Owen Lloid held this dignity in 1467. Nicholas Gosse held the office in 1469 and 1484. John Taylor, about i486 ^3. Ob, 23rd Dec. 1492. Christopher Urswick died possessed of this dignity'"*. Ob. 24th Oct. 1521 : buried at Hackney. John Gibbons was collated 25th March 1522 '^. His will is dated at Chard 12th Dec. 1537. William Leveson was installed 21st Jan. foUowing^^. Ob. ,583. John Leach, S.T.B., was collated 6th April 1583 '7. Ob. 1613. Edward Cotton, A.M., was installed 28th June 1613^^, and resigned it. Roger Bates, S.T.B., was appointed by letters patent dated 19th Feb. 1616-7, and installed 12th July 16179. Valentine Cary, then hishop of this see, accepted this dignity in commendam, — April 1622 ; but how long he held it appears not 6^. ^y Reg. Lacy. 54 Reg. Veysey. 50 Ibid. 51 Ibid. 55 Ibid. 52 Reg. Epistol. Oxon. F. Ep. 56 Rgg. Exon. 242. 57 Ibid. 58 Ibid, 53 Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. lib. 59 ibid. ii. p. 105. 60 Reg. Exon. 3 H 2 420 EXETER. Lawrence Burnell, S.T.B , was installed 20th July 1624*^'^. Ob. 1 2th Nov. 1647, setat. 68. Richard Mervine, S.T.B., was presented by the King 26th July, and installed ist Sept. ]66o<'-^ He died 17th Oct. 1669, setat. 69. His will is in the Prero- gative Office ^^. Thomas Tomkixs, S.T.B., was installed 8th Nov. 1669*'^. He died at Exeter 20th Aug. 1675, setat. 37. Edward Drewe, A.M., collated 25th June 1675; was installed 25th Aug. iSy^^^'. He resigned it on the 27th of the same month. John Coplestoxe, S.T.P., was installed 18th Sept. 167567. He died 24th Aug. 1689, and was buried in King's college, Cambridge. John James, S.T.P., was appointed 30th Aug., and installed 4th Sept. i6896\ He died 28th Jan. 1702-3. William Jane, S.T.P.,was installed 2nd Feb. 1702-36^. He resigned in 1704 for the prccentorship. Thomas Newey, S.T.P., was installed 5th May 170470. He resigned in 1 706 for the prccentorship. John Penneck, A.M., was installed 1 Jth Dec. 170671, and died 15th April 1724. Peter Foulkes, collated 27th May 1724"-. John Fursman, collated ist Oct. 1731"^. Ob. 4th Dec. 1757, setat. 79. Will proved 14th Dec. 1757. NuTcoMBE Quicke, aftcrwards called Nutcombe Nut- combe, collated 9th Dec. 1757"^. Ob. 22nd Nov. 1809, setat. 83. Hon. Hugh Percy, collated 30th Jan. i8io7\ Re- signed 13th July 1816. Thomas Johnes, collated 26th July i8i6, vice Hon. Hugh Percy, resigned"''. Ob. 21st April 1826, set. 77. ^' Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. fi3 Ibid. 68 Ibid. 69 Ibid. f'i Penn, 148. 70 ibid. 7i ibid. 6'' Bishops' Certificates. 72 ibid. 7.3 ibid. 6fi Ibid. 74 Ibid, 75 Ibid. 76 Ibid. PREBENDARIES. 421 Joseph Holden Pott, collated 2nd May 1826'''', vice Thomas Johnes, deceased. Ob. i6th Feb. 1847, aetat. 88. Edward Charles Harington, collated i6th July 184778. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 59^."^ PREBENDARIES.* Matthew Sutcliffe, 12th Oct. 1588. John Williams, 26th May 1590, on the death of William Evans. John Barer, ist Aug. 1590, on the resignation of Thomas Langherne. Nicholas Stowell, 30th Oct. 1590, on the death of Thomas Fisher. James Spycer, 2nd March 1590-91, vice D. Nycolls. John Howson, 29th May 1592, on the death of John Kennall. Robert Steynynges, LL.D., loth Jan. 1392-3, vice Thomas Lodington. MiLo Smythe, S.T.P., 30th Dec. 1595, vice John Chardon, resigned. Martin Keye, 30th March 1596, vice Giles Tompson. Richard Morgan, loth May 1596, vice John Hai'ding, resigned. Richard Bowdon, 21st April 1597, vice Nicholas Mercer, deceased. John Sprott, 5th Oct. 1599, vice Richard Founteyne, deceased. 77 Bishops' Certificates. entry has been compared with 78 Ibid. the Bishops' Registers at Exeter 79 Ecton, p. 102. by my kind and learned friends * The hst of the prebendaries the Rev. Dr. Ohver and Pitman of Exeter was made out from Jones, Esq. of Exeter, who have the Bishops' Certificates in the made several important additions Public Record Office, but each and corrections. 422 EXETER. Philip Nicholles, 26th May 1599, vice Milo Smythe, resigned. John Uowghtie, 20th March 1601— 2, vice Nicholas Stowell, deceased. Edward Tuke, vice Godwin, made bishop of Llandaff 9th Feb. 1602-3. William Cotton, 21st Oct. 1606, vice Philip NichoUs, deceased. William Huchenson, 13th Feb. 1607-8. William, bishop of Exeter, ist April 1608, in commen- dam. Edwakd Cotton, 20th Dec. 161 t, on resignation of Robert Steynynges, whom bishop Cotton collated on the same day to his own prebend. John Bridgkman, S.T.P., 9th July 1613, void by the death of John Leach the chancellor '^^. Jasper Swifte, 1st Aug. 1613, vice Richard Morgan, deceased. Randolph Maynwaringe, 22nd Sept. 1613. William Parker, 7th Dec. 16 13, on resignation of Lewis Swete. William Osborne, 3rd Jan. 16 14-15, on the resigna- tion of Tucker. William Murrey, 24th Sept. 1615, on the death of Lawrence Bod ley. Thomas Hutton, collated 29th June 1616, on the death of Edward Tuke; but he was not installed. He was again collated 8th Dec. 161 8. Richard Eveleigh, 20th July 16 16, on the death of William Huchenson. Edward Gee, rector of Tedbourne St. Mary, was col- lated in his stead by the crown, and thereupon in- stalled ^i. Thomas Hutton, 8th Dec. 16 18, vice Edward Tuke. William Peterson, i6th Aug. 1619. 80 See Cotton's Reg. no. 3' These dates are all taken from the Bishop' Certificates. PREBENDARIES. 423 Bartholomew Parke, i6th Jan. 1619—20, on the death of Jasper Swifte. William Hutchenson, ijth June 1624, on resigna- tion of Thomas Hutton. John Pynsent, 19th June 1624. Laurence Burnell, 7th July 1624. William Osberxe, 23rd Sept. 1624. Thomas Clifford, S.T. P., 29th Nov. 1625, on the death of Richard Bowdon. Henry Lockett, vice Wm. Parker, 29th July 1628. Hugh Cholmeley, vice Baber, 14th Aug. 1628. Robert Hall, 4th March 1628— 9, vice WilHam Os- berne. Robert Paterson, 4th Aug. 1629, vice Robert Lawe. Anthony Rosington, 9th Sept. 1629, vice Matthew Sutcliffe. Samuel Travers, 2nd Oct. 1629, vice Rob. Steynynge. Walter Moore, 31st March 1630, vice Martin Keye. Timothy Shute, 2nd Aug. 1630, vice Anthony Ro- sington. Edward Kellet, 4th Aug. 1630. Thomas Alden, vice John Doughtie, 8th Aug. 1631. Henry Byam, vice Sampson Strode, 17th March 1 63 1— 2. John Bury, vice John Sprott, 20th March 163 1-2. Thomas Collins, vice Randolph Maynwaringe, 3rd Nov. 1632. Laurence Bodle y, vice Robert Peterson, 7th Oct. 1 6^^ . DioNisius Pride Aux, vice Laurence Bodley, 10th March 1633—4. Aaron Wilson, i6th July 1634, vice Thos. Barrett ^"2. Richard Mervin, 17th Sept. 1634, vice Clifford^-. Thomas Clifford, vice Richard Eveleigh, 23rd Sept. 1637. Thomas Worrell, 3rd April 1638, on the death of Thomas Chfford. 82 Not in the Bishops' Register. 424 EXETER. Charles Pother by, vice Thomas Worrell, 3rd Dec. 1639. George Hall, vice Thomas Hiitton, 23rd Dec. 1639. Fraxcis Bampfyld, vice Edward Kellett, 15th May 1641. William Sclater, vice Hugh Oholmeley, i8th Sept. 1641. William Cox, 23rd Sept. 1 642, vice Samuel Travers. George Kendall, 7th Feb. 1644—5, ^^^^ William Hutchenson. Edward Cotton, 31st Aug. 1660. Seth Ward, loth Sept. 1660. Thomas Flavell, i8th Jan. 1660— i, vice Timothy Shute. Thomas Long, i8th Jan. 1660— i, vice George Hall. Arthur Bury, 18th Jan. 1660—1, vice Bartholomew Parre. Oliver Naylor, 19th Jan. 1660—1, vice Wm. Helyar. George Carey, 23rd March 1660— i, vice William Sclater. William Banks, 28th Oct. 1661. Roger Ashton, ist March 1661— 2, vice Wm. Peterson. Thomas Portman, 14th April 1662, vice John Pynsent. Francis Fulwood, 15th Oct. 1662, vice George Ken- dall, deprived. Thomas Grenfeild, 29th Oct. 1662, vice Richard Pierson. William Read, 31st Oct. 1662, vice Francis Bamp- fyld, deprived. John Snell, 19th Nov. 1662, vice Seth Ward, pro- moted to the bishopric. Daniel Estcott, 17th Sept. 1663, vice Edw. Young. Martin Blake, 3rd June 1665, vice Thomas Collins. Joseph Maynard, 25th Aug. 1666, vice Arthur Bury. Baldwin Acland, vice Robert Hall, loth June 1667. John Wilkins, vice James Smith, (?) 1st July 1667. Edward Wittenhall, vice John Bury, iith July 1667. PREBENDARIES. 425 Henry Bold, ist Dec. 1668. Francis Moore, 19th July 1669, vice Henry Byam. Thomas Tomkins, 8th Nov. 1669, vice Richard Mervin. Anthony Horneck, vice Joseph Maynard, 13th June 1670. Walter Brace, vice Thomas Portman, 30th July 1670. Edward .Drewe, 19th June 1671, vice Thos. Grenfield. Nicholas Hall, 29th Aug. 1672, vice Baldwin Acland. Henry Grenisw^orth, 27th Sept. 1673, vice Martin Blake. John Ceely, 19th June 1674, vice Edw. Wittenhall. John Gilbert, 18th March 1674— 5, vice Samuel Hall. William Jesse, 30th Aug. 1675, ^^^^ Thos. Tomkins. Edward Lake, 13th Dec. 1675, vice Edward Cotton. William Naylor, 22nd Sept. 1676^^. Ralph Davenant, 19th June 1677, vice Roger Ashton. George Hooper, i6th Oct. 1677, vice Henry Bold. John Mill, 29th Oct. 1677, vice Charles Fotherby. Thomas Croswaite, 7th June 1678, vice Wm. Naylor. Louis Burnett, istOct. 1678, vice James Lake. Thomas Snell, 4th Jan. 1678-9, vice John Snell. John Reynolds, nth June 1679, vice WilHam Jesse. John Ruddle, 2nd Oct. 1680, vice Henry Grenisworth. Jasper Phillips, 9th Oct. 1680, vice Thomas Flavell. Richard Annesley, 23rd March 1 680-1, vice George Cary. John Wilcox, 12th April 1681, vice Francis Moore. Thomas Long, jun., 27th April 1681, vice Ralph Da- venant. George Snell, 31st Jan. 1684—5, vice Thomas Snell. Anthony Tonstall, 22nd Oct. 1686, vice Walter Brace. Nicholas Kendall, 23rd Jan. 1687—8, vice Anthony Tonstall. John James, 30th Aug. 1689, vice John Coppleston. Richard Long, 31st July 1690. 8^ Not in the Bishops' Register. VOL. I. 31 426 EXETER. Lancelot Blackebourxe, 15th June 1691, vice Jas- per Phillips. Richard Caupexter, 9th Jan. 1691-2, vice Thomas Croswaite, deprived. Thomas Newey, ist Oct. 1692, vice John Reynolds. Robert Blake, i6th Nov. 1693, '^^^^ Francis Ful- ford. John Taylour, 13th Oct. 1694, vice Anthony Horneck. Anthony Read, vice William Read, 7th Aug. 1696. Thomas Rundle, vice Richard Carpenter deceased, 22nd Oct, 1697. Thomas Knipe, vice William Bankes deceased, 24th Nov. 1697. Edward Trelawney, vice John Ruddle, 2nd Feb. 1698—9. John Lome, vice George Snell, i6th Jan. 1700—1. John Snell, 31st March 1701, vice Oliver Naylor. Peter Fisher, 3rd Oct. 1701, vice Thomas Long. Robert Burscough, vice John Ceely, 15th Nov. 1701. William Wake, 13th Feb. 1702-3, vice Richard lord Altham. John Cooke, 13th Oct. 1702, vice Robert Blake. William Jane, vice John James, 2nd Feb. 1702—3. Francis Atterbury, 6th May 1704. Peter Foulkes, vice Louis Burnett, 29th Sept. 1704. Humphrey Smith, vice John Mills, 7th Aug. 1705. John Penneck, vice William Wake, promoted to the see of Lincoln, 15th Nov. 1705. Robert Friend, vice Thomas Knipe, 17th Jan. 1705-6. John Hicks, nth Dec. 1706, George Drake, 3rd Oct. 1707^^. John Warren, vice Humphrey Smith, 2nd April 1709. Francis Webber, vice Nicholas Hall, 3rd May 1709. James Calamy, vice Robert Burscough, 21st Oct. 1709- Thomas Acland, vice John Wilcocks, 13th Aug. 17 13. William Roberts, vice .John Lome, 13th Oct. 17 13. ^5 Not recorded in the Register. PREBENDARIES. 427 Samuel Whalley, vice Francis Atterbury, promoted to Rochester, 3rd March 1713-4. John Walker, vice James Calamy, 20th Dec. 1714. George Paske, vice Edward Drewe, 15th Jan. 1714-5. Walter Hert, vice George Paske resigned, 1st March 17 15-6. Thomas Lidgould, vice Robert Friend, 17th Sept. 1716. Richard Ibretson, 17th Dec. 1716^^ John Gilbert, vice John Gilbert deceased, 24th Jan. 1722-3. John Fursman, vice Thomas Newey, 13th June 1723. Thomas Worth, vice John Penneck, 30th April 1724. Stephen Weston^^^ bishop of Exeter^ 24th Dec. 1724. Charles Hawtrey, 26th June 1725, vice Samuel Whalley deceased s&. Ob. 1770. George Baker, i6th Sept. 1725, vice John Bagwell deceased^s. Ob. i6th Jan. 1772. Charles Fleetwood, 28th July 1726, vice Thomas Lidgould deceased 90. John Grant, 25th Nov. 1726, vice Edward Trelawney deceased 91. William Whiteborne, nth Dec. 1727, vice John Taylor deceased 9^. John Copleston, J3th Sept. 1728, vice John Snell deceased 93. John Reynolds, 29th Dec. 1729, vice Anthony Read deceased 9*. George Allanson, 23rd April 1730, vice Richard Long deceased 95. William Williams, 5th July 173 1, vice John Cople- ston deceased 96. Louis Stephens, 2nd Oct. 1731, vice Richard Ibbetson deceased 97. 86 Not recorded in Register. 9i Bishops' Certificates. 87 Not in Epis. Reg. 92 Ibid. 93 Ibid. 88 Bishops' Certificates. 94 ibid, 95 Ibid. 89 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 96 Ibid. 97 Ibid. 3 I 2 428 EXETER. Walter Hewgoe, 9th Sept. 1735, vice Thomas Acland deceased. Edward Reeks, 2nd Oct. 1735. Thomas Morrison, 5th May 1736, vice Gilbert Lang- don deceased. Zaciiariah Mudge, 1 8th Dec. 1736, vice John War- ren deceased. Ob. 3rd April 1769. Thomas Prowse, T3th May 1737, vice Thomas Worth deceased. Robert Gilbert, 9th Aug. 1737, vice Charles Fleet- wood deceased. John Wilshman, 2nd Sept. 1737, vice William White- borne deceased 98. Theophilus Black all, chancellor of the diocese ofExon^ 4th Nov. 1737, vice Francis Webber deceased ^9. Ob. loth Nov. 1757. Charles Williams, i8th Feb. 1737-8, vice John Wilshman deceaseds Ob. 3rd Oct. 1755. Thomas Payne, i8th April 1738, vice John Wallis deceased'^. John Sleech, 13th Sept. 1739, vice Peter Fisher de- ceased 3. Ob. 1788. Henry Holds worth, loth March 1739, ^^^® Nicolas Kendall deceased ^. Alured Clarke, loth Jan. 1740-T, vice John Gilbert promoted to the see of Llandaff ^. Benjamin Bulkeley, 28th March 1 741, vice William Roberts deceased ^. Peter Foulkes, ist May 1741, vice Walter Hewgoe deceased 7. Aaron Baker, 31st Aug. 1741, vice George Allanson deceased s. John Snow, 19th Sept. 1741, vice George Drake de- ceased 9. Ob. 1st Mar. 1772. 98 Bishops' Certificates. 4 Bishops' Certificates. ^ Ibid. 1 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. - Ibid. 8 Ibid. 9 Ibid, PREBENDARIES. 429 William Holmes ^^^ 26th June 1742, vice Alured Clarke. Nicholas, bishop ofExeter'^^^ 2nd Aug. 1742, vice Stephen bishop of Exeter. Ob. 8th Dec. 1746. William Hole, 18th July 1744, vice John Cooke de- ceased 1'-*. Arthur Harris^ 26th March 1745, vice John Grant deceased ^^. George, hislioj) ofExeter^'^, 7th Feb. 1 746-7. Ob. 13th Sept. 1762. James Gayer, 18th April 1747, vice Lewis Stephens deceased. Jeremiah Milles, dean of Exon, nth May 1747, vice Peter Foulkes deceased 1^. Ob. 13th Feb. 1783, set. 71. James Carrington, 21st Aug. 1747, vice John Walker deceased i^. Philip Barton, 5th Sept. 1747, vice Walter Stert de- ceased ^". Ob. 24th June 1796. Charles Lytelton, ^th May 1748, vice William Holmes deceased ^s. John Naylor, 26th Feb. 1749, vice Aaron Baker de- ceased ^ 9, Ob. 12th Feb. 1761. Joseph Hodges, 6th Nov. 1751, vice William Williams deceased 20. NuTCOMBE Quicke, 7th Oct. 1755, "^^^® Charlcs Wil- liams deceased-'. Walter Borlase, 21st May 1757, vice Benjamin Bulkeley deceased '-^2. William Short, 24th Nov. 1757, vice Theophilus Blackall deceased ^3. Thomas Baker, 13th Dec. 1757, vice John Fursman deceased '4. '0 Not in the Reg. Cantuar. '^ Bishops' Certificates. '1 Not in Registry. 16 Ibid. '" Ibid. 12 Bishops' Certificates. 18 Ibid. 19 Ibid. 13 Ibid. 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 14 Not in the Register. 22 ibid. 23 ibid. 24 ibid. 430 EXETER. Samuel Cholwich, 8th Aug. 1758, vice John Rey- nolds deceased ■^^. Ob. 1775. James Pitcairn, 20th July 1759, ^^^® Robert Gilbert resigned -^. Robert Wight, 18th Feb. 1761, vice John Naylor de- ceased'^7. William Digby-^^, 17th April 1762, vice Charles Lyt- elton, promoted to the bishopric of Carlisle -^9. Frederick, bishop of Exeter, 7th Nov. 1762, vice George bishop of Exeter. Ob. 27th Aug. 1777. John Bertie, 26th Jan. 1763, vice Henry Holdsworth deceased 30. Ob. 1774. Thomas Skykner, 9th Jan. 1769, vice Joseph Hodges deceased 31. Ralph Barnes, 6th April 1769, vice Zachariah Mudge, deceased ^~. George Moore, 29th May 1770, vice Charles Haw- trey, deceased^a. Ob. 1807, setat. 76. Edmund Granger, aist Jan. 1771, vice Arthur Har- ris, deceased 34. Ob. July 1777. Henry Reginald Courtenay, 3rd March 1772, vice George Baker, deceased 3^. Daniel Burton, 2nd April 1772, vice John Snow, de- ceased36, Ob. 23rd April 1 775. Jonathan Toup, 14th May 1774, vice John Bertie, deceased37. Ob. 22nd Jan. 1785, setat. 72. Thomas Hurrell, 25th May 1775, vice Daniel Bur- ton, deceased 38. James Carrington, jun., 13th Sept. 1775, vice Samuel Cholwich, deceased 39. Ob. 1825. William Holwell, 26th June 1776, vice James Gayer, deceased 40. Ob. 13th Feb. 1798. 25 Bishops' Certificates. 32 Bishops' Certificates. 26 Ibid. 27 Ibid. 33 Ibid. 34 Ibid. 28 Not in the Register. 35 Jbid. 36 ibid. 29 Bishops' Certificates. 37 ibid. 38 ibid. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 40 ibid. PREBENDARIES. 431 Robert Tarrant, 26th June 1776, vice Walter Bor- lase, deceased ^^ Ob. 25th Feb. 1798. John Gandy, 7th Nov. 1777, vice Edmund Granger, deceased *i"2. Ob. 1824, setat. 83. John, hishop of Exeter"^^, 23rd Jan. 1778, vice Frederick, bishop of Exeter. Richard Milles, 13th May 1778, vice Peter Foulkes, deceased 44. Thomas Heberden, 5th Oct. 1778, vice Robert Wight, deceased 45. Ob. 17th Oct. 1843, setat. 90. James Parsons, 6th Aug. 1779, '^^^ William Digby, resigned ^^. Theophilus Blackall, 3rd Feb. 1780, vice James Pit- cairn, deceased47. Ob. 4th Aug. 178 1. Thomas Clack, 19th March 1781, vice Thomas Hur- rell, deceased. John Swete, 27th Aug. 1781, vice Theophilus Blackall, deceased. William Buller, D.D. 13th March 1784, vice Jere- miah Milles, deceased. William Carpenter, 17th Feb. 1785, vice Jonathan Toup, deceased. Roger Massey, 24th June 1785, vice James Parsons, deceased. John Acland, 5th March 1788, vice John Sleech, de- ceased. Sir Henry Trelawney, bart., 27th Jan. 1789, vice Thomas Prowse, deceased. George Gordon, 29th Aug. 1789, vice Thomas Skyn- ner, deceased. Charles Harward, 15th July 1790, vice William Buller, resigned. William Woolcombe, 9th Dec. 1791, vice William Hole, deceased. John Francis Howell, 21st Jan. 1794, vice James Carrington, deceased. Ob. 1824. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. ^4 Bishops' Certificates. 42 Ibid. 45 Ibid. 46 Ibid. ■13 Not in Register. 47 ibid. 432 EXETER. John Andrew, 13th June 1794, vice Henry Reginald Courtenay, promoted to the see of Bristol. Christopher Churchill, 21st Aug. 1795, vice John Acland, deceased. Walter Kitsox, 9th June 1796, vice William Wool- combe, deceased. Ob. 29th Jan. 1809, £etat. 68. Joseph Martin, 13th July 1796, vice Phihp Barton, deceased. Francis Shepherd, 29th Oct. 1 796, vice William Short, deceased. Charles Henry Hall, 21st March 1798, vice J. F. Howell. Peregrine Ilbert, 29th June 1798, vice Roger Mas- sey, deceased. Ob. 26th June 1805. Gilbert Burrington, loth Oct. 1798, vice Robert Tarrant, deceased. Ob. 26th Sept. 1840, getat. 88. Edward Honywood, 12th July 1799, vice John An- drew, deceased. Ob. ist Dec. 181 2, ajtat. 59. Edmund Gilbert, i3tli March 1800, vice Christopher Churchill. Charles Talbot ^^, 6th Dec. 1802, vice Charles Har- ward, deceased. Charles Davie, 8th Jan. 1803, vice Francis Shep- herd, deceased. Ob. 7th Feb. 1836, rctat. 70. William Oxenham, 23rd April 1803, vice Thomas Baker, deceased. John, bishop of Exeter^'^, 21st July 1803. William Short, 6th July 1805, vice Thomas Clack, deceased. Ob. i8th May 1826, aetat. 6'^. Philip Fisher, 24th Aug. 1805, vice Peregrine Bbert, deceased. Jonathan Parker Fisher, 20th March 1807, vice George Moore, deceased. George, hisJiop of Exeter, 12th Aug. 1807. John Rogers, istOct.i8o8,viceW.Carpenter,deceased. The Hon. Henry Leslie, 9th March 1809, vice Walter Ritson, deceased. ^^ Not in Register. ^^ Not in Register. PREBENDARIES. 433 Thomas Bartlam, 5th April 1 809, vice Charles Talbot, resigned. John Garnett, lotli Feb. 1810, vice George Gordon. Hon. Hugh Percy, i6th April 1810, vice Nutcombe Nutcombe, heretofore Nutcombe Quicke. William Speare, 30th Nov. 1810, vice Sir Henry Trelawiiey, bart. Ob. 25th March 181 3. Daniel Veysie, 6th June 1812, vice William Speare. Richard Ellicombe, 23rd Dec. 1812, vice Edward Honywood. Ob. 4th Aug. 1851, aetat. 71. Whittixgton Lanbon, 6th April 1813, vice John Garnett. George Martin, 15th Sept. 1815, vice Joseph Mar- tin, resigned. John Pomeroy Gilbert, 25th Nov. 1815, vice Ed- mund Gilbert. Thomas Johnes, 26th July 1816, vice Hon. Hugh Percy. Charles Chichester, 13th Sept. 1817, vice Daniel Veysie, deceased. Ob. 13th April 1842. John Hugh Paisley Polson, 29th July i320, vice Ralph Barnes, deceased. William, bishoj) of Exet6i\ nth Nov. 1820. John Moore, afterwards Stevens, 16th Nov. 1821, vice John Svvete, deceased. John Bull, 2'^th Mar. 1823, vice Ric. Milles, deceased. John Bradford Copleston, 23rd July 1824, vice John Howell, deceased. Ob. 8th April 1833, at. 81. Robert Holdsworth, 25th Aug. 1824, vice John Gandy, deceased. James Duke Coleridge, 5tli Aug. 1825, vice James Carrington, deceased. Joseph Holden Pott, 2nd May 1826, vice Thomas Johnes, deceased. Ob. i6th Feb. 1847, 8ctat. 88. Edward Rodd, 28th July 1828, vice W. Short, deceased. Walker King '", 6th July 1827- Thomas Scott Smyth, 15th May 1829, vice John Hugh Paisley Poison. ^^ Not in the Ejjiscopal Register. VOL. I. 3 K 434 EXETER. Christopher, bishop of Exeter ^ 32nd June 1830. John Bartholomew, 9th May 1831, vice John Brad- ford Copleston. Henry, bishop of Exeter, 27th Feb. 1831. Thomas Hill Lowe, 14th Sept. 1832, vice Thomas Bartlam. Thomas Grylls, 19th March 1833, vice Phihp Fisher. Ob. 26th Feb. 1B45, setat. 54. William John Phillpotts, 2i8t Nov. 1840, vice Charles Davie. George Hole, 31st Dec. 1842, vice Jonathan Parker Fisher. George James Cornish, nth Feb. 1843, vice Whit- tington Landon. Peter Johnson, 25th Feb. 1843, vice Gilbert Bur- rington. Ob. 26th Sept. 1 840, setat. 88. Charles Lyne, 31st March 1843, vice Robert Hall. John Medley, 8th Apr. 1843, vice Charles Chichester. Richard Luney, 22nd April 1843, vice Edward Rodd. Henry Woollcombe, the younger, 8th Dec. 1843, vice Thomas Heberden. Robert Lampen, 20th April 1844, vice Wm. Oxenhara. Robert Scott, 12th April 1845, vice Thomas Grylls. Edward Charles Harington, 13th May 1845, vice John Medley, resigned for the see of New Brunswick. George May Coleridge, 13th Mar. 1847, vice Joseph Holden Pott. Joseph Dornford, 2nd Oct. 1847, vice George May Coleridge. James Ford, 22nd Sept. 1849, vice Robert Lampen. Edward Harold Browne, 5th Jan. 1850, vice George James Cornish. NuTcoMBE OxENHAM, 26th Jan. 1850, vice sir Henry Leslie. John Thomas Pine Coffin, 29th Nov. 1851, vice Richard EUicombe. Ob. 4th Aug. 1851. GLOUCESTER. JL HE diocese of Gloucester, until it was united with that of Bristol by an order in council dated 5th Oct. 1836,* contained all Gloucestershire, (except the cha- pelriesof Iccomb^ and "Oowhoneybourne/"' which were in Worcester diocese,) the deanery of Bristol, and the parish of Kingswood in Wiltshire. It had one arch- deaconry, that of Gloucester, divided into the deaneries of Gloucester, Cirencester, Fairford, Hawkesbury^ Dursley, Oampden^ cum Blockley, a peculiar; Stow, Stonehouse, Winchecombe, and the deanery of the Forest, which was taken out of the diocese of Here- ford, when the sec of Gloucester was erected by king Henry VHI ; the archdeacon of Gloucester, however, had no jurisdiction in the deanery of the Forest, as the archdeacon of Hereford at that time would not give up his right; consequently, until the order in council above mentioned, he maintained his jurisdic- tion in part and, under the bishop of Gloucester, * Other schemes for the union ter and Bristol, of the see of Bristol with that of 2 The parish of Shenington, LlandafF, or with that of Bath in the deanery of Campden, in and Wells, had been before pro- the county of Gloucester, but posed by the Ecclesiastical Com- locally situate between the coun- missioners. ties of Warwick and Oxford, is ' This parish, by an order in by the before-mentioned order in council 19th July 1837, was de- council taken out of the diocese tached from the diocese of Wor- of Gloucester and Bristol and cester, and placed in the arch- placed in that of Worcester, in the deaconry of Gloucester, in the deanery of Kineton. The parish diocese of Gloucester and Bris- of Widford, in the diocese of Glou- tol. By this order the deaneries cester and archdeaconry of Glou- of Cricklade and Malmesbury cester, is transferred to the dio- were tranferred from the diocese cese of Oxford and archdeaconry of Salisbury to that of Glouces- of Oxford. 3 K2 436 GLOUCESTER. visited during one half of the year, and the bishop of Gloucester's chancellor during the other half'. The see of Bristol being void by the promotion of Dr. Allen to Ely, it was united^ to this diocese under the name of the diocese of Gloucester and Bristol ; the bi- shop to be elected alternately by the dean and chapter of Bristol and the dean and chapter of Gloucester. BISHOPS OF GLOUCESTER. This bishopric was taken out of the see of Worcester in 1 54 1. The charter'' by which it was erected bears date 3rd Sept. 33 Hen. VIH. (1541), and is enrolled on the second part of the Patent Roll of that year, m. 10. It is printed in Rymer's Foedora, vol. xiv. p. 724. 1541 JoHX Wakeman, last abbot of Teicl-eshury, was ap- i^ H.VIII. pointed by the charter of erection the first bishop of this see, and the archbishop of Canterbury was in- formed thereof and desired to consecrate him 4th Sept. 1541''; he was consecrated at Croydon 25th Sept. 154T ". He died at Wormington^, in the county of Gloucester, in the beginning of Dec. 1549, and was there buried. The spiritualities at his decease were taken into the hands of the archbishop 6th Dec. 3 But by the order in council •'' The charter of endowment above mentioned, the deaner)^ of and the statutes given by the the Forest was exempted and re- founder to the church are in sir leased from the jurisdiction of Robert Atkyns's History of Glou- the archdeacon of Hereford, and cestershire, folio. placed under that of the arch- " Pat. 33 Hen.VHI. p.6. m.15. deacon of Gloucester. By the 7 Reg. Cranmer, fol. 271. same order in council the dean- ^ Ant. Wood concludes that eriesof Bristol, Cirencester, Fair- bishop Wakeman died at Fort- ford, and Hawkesbury, were de- hampton, Gloucestershire, where tached and dissevered from the he had a house and a chapel, archdeaconry of Gloucester, and Godmn calls the place of his constituted and made an arch- decease Worthington, meaning deaconry, called the archdea- Wormington. There was a mo- conry of Bristol. nument or cenotaph erected to 4 Order dated 5th, gazetted 7th him at Tewkesbury. Oct. 1836. BISHOPS. 437 15499. His will, dated 30th July 1549, was proved 1 6th Dec. following. 1550 John Hooprr was appointed by the King 3rd July 4 Edw.vi. 1550 10, pursuant to statute i Edw.VI. chap. 2., but he was not consecrated until 8th March 1550-51 i^* ; the significavit to the archbishop was dated only the day before that event ^^ ; and on the 26th of the next month, by his charter of that date, he gave up and resigned his bishopric and see to the King^-, who, bv the ad\'1ce of his council, had determined to dissolve the bishopric of Gloucester, and to amalgamate it with that of Worcester, out of which it had been taken by king Henry the Eighth '3; and his Majesty having deprived Nicholas Heath of the see of Worcester, conferred it on John Hooper, 20th May 1552 1*, by the title of bishop of Worcester and Gloucester. Soon after the accession of queen Mary to the throne, she deprived all bishops of their sees who maintained a different faith to her own. and among them John Hooper'^, and reinstated those who had been ousted by her protostant brother. She also, 19th March 1553-4, issued her conge d'elire to the dean and chapter of Gloucester to elect a bishop to their see forthwith '6. 1554 James Broks, ^.T.¥., master of Balliol college^ Oxford, I Mar. I. was elected ; he was consecrated in the church of St. Saviour, Southwark, 1st April 1554, and received the temporalities 8th May '7. He died before 25th March 1558, and was buried in his own cathedral 1^. John Bowsher, as " episcopus nominatns," had, 25th Oct. 1558, the custody of the temporalities of this 9 Reg. Cranmer. '-^ He was burnt to death at '0 Pat. 4 Edw. VI. p. I. m. 12. the stake 9th Feb. 1554-5, before 10* Reg. Cranmer, fol. 332. the west-end gate of Gloucester 11 Pat. 6 Edw.VI. p. I. m. 40. cathedral. '2 Claus. 6 Edw.VI. p. 3. Nos. ifi Pat. i Mar. p. i. m. 24. 27, 15. 17 Ibid. 13 Pat. 6 Edw.VI. p. I. m. 30. '8 Rgg, Cantiiar. 14 Ibid. Nos. 34, 14. 438 GLOUCESTER. see, vacant by the death of James Broks, from 25th March 1558^9, The death of queen Mary put an end to his promotion. See vacant more than three years. The conge d'elire was issued 27th Feb. 1561-2'^°, and 1562 Richard Cheyney, S.T.P., archdeacon of Hereford, 4 Eiiz. had the royal assent 19th April 1.562, and the tempo- ralities were restored to him 2nd May'-'; he was consecrated at Lambeth 19th April 1562-2. The bishopric of Bristol was also conferred upon hira by letters patent dated 29th April 1 562-^. He died 25th April 1579, and was buried in Gloucester cathedral. See vacant above two years. 1581 John Bullingham, S.T.P., archdeacon of Huntingdon., 23 Eiiz. was elected 15th Aug. 1581, confirmed ist Sept., and consecrated at Croydon on the 3rd of the same month 2^ to this see as well as that of Bristol. He resigned Bristol in 1589 ; and died at Kensington 20th May 1598, and was buried in Gloucester cathe- dral 25. The license to elect on the death of bishop Bullingham is dated 2nd Aug. 159826. 1598 Godfrey Goldsborough, S.T.P., archdeacon ofWor- 40 Eliz. cester and Salop., was elected 28th Aug. 1598, obtained the royal assent 4th Nov.27^ confirmed nth Nov., and consecrated at Lambeth the next day 28. Ho died 26th May 1604, and was buried in Gloucester cathedral 29. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury 30. 1604 Thomas Ravis, S.T.P., dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 2 Jac. T. was elected 17th Dec. 1604, confirmed 15th March, '9 Pat. 5 & 6 PhU. & Mar. p. 25 Rgg. Whitgift. 2. m. 31. 20 Pat. 40 Eliz. p. 15. m. 19. 20 Pat. 4 Eliz. p. 8. m. 21. 27 ibid. 21 Pat. 4 EUz. p. 10. m. 45. 28 Reg. Whitgift, III. fol. 11. 22 Reg. Parker, fol. 109. 29 Ex Epitaphio, et Reg. Whit- 2^* Reg. Parker, fol. 22. gift. 2-1 Reg. Grindal. fol. 70. -^ Harte, 65. BISHOPS. 439 and consecrated 17th March 1604-5'^"; ^^^ "^ 1607'^^ he was translated to London. 607 Henry Parry, S.T.P., dean of Chesier, was elected ac. I. 12th June 1607, confirmed 9th July, and consecrated 1 2th July 16073^; and in 1610 he was translated to Worcester. 611 Giles Thompson or Tomson, S.T.P.,dean of Windsor, Fac. I. was elected 15th March 1610-1 1, confirmed 8th June 161 1, and consecrated at Lambeth the next day •'^3. He died 14th June 161 2 3^. His will, dated 12th Feb. 1605—6, was proved 7th July 1612-^^. 612 Miles Smith, S.T.P., was elected 15th July 1612, con- Jac. I. firmed 19th Sept., and consecrated at Croydon the next day ■^'5. He died 20th Oct. 1624. His will bears date 7th March 1623-4, and was proved 6th Nov. 1 62437. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Smith, is dated 15th Nov. 1624 -^^ 624 Godfrey Goodman, S.T.P., dean of Rochester, was Jac. I. elected 26th Nov. 1624, obtained the royal assent 12th Feb. 1624— 5 '^5, and the temporalities were restored to him 2ist March 1624-5^°; he was confirmed 5th March, and consecrated at Lambeth the next day^^ His bishopric was sequestered from him in 1640. He died a professed Roman catholic 19th Jan. 16^^—6, and was buried in the parish church of St. Margaret, Westminster. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury's. See vacant till after the Restoration. 660 William Nicholson, S.T.P., archdeacon of BrecJcnocJc, Zw. II. 30 Reg. Bancroft, fol. 28. gift. Reg. Abbot. 31 Camden, in his Annals of 35 Fenner, 63. James I., says that Ravis was 3G Rgg, Abbot, I. fol. 33. translated to London 2nd June 37 Byrde, 102. 1607. 38 Pat. 22 Jac. I. p. 13. No. 3. 32 Reg. Bancroft, fol. 62. 39 ibid. No. 2. 33 Reg. Abbot, fol. 13. et ^oibid. No. i. Camd. Ann. Jac. I. ^l Rgg. Abbot, II. fol. 96. 34 Ex Epitaphio. Reg. Whit- 42 Berkley, II. 65. 440 GLOUCESTER. was elected 26th Nov. 1660, confirmed 24th Dec, and consecrated in king Henry the Seventh's chapel, West- minster, 13th Jan. following'^. He died 5th Feb. 1671—2, and was buried in Gloucester cathedral'*^. 1672 John Prichet or Pricket, S.T.P., was elected loth 24 Car. II. Oct. 1672, confirmed on the 31st of the same month, and consecrated at Lambeth 3rd Nov. following ^^^ He died ist Jan. i68o-r, and was buried in the church of Harefield in Middlesex *7. His will, dated 23rd Dec. 1680, was proved I4lh Feb. following^"*. i68i Robert Framptox, S.T.P., dean of Gloucester, was Si Car. II. consecrated 27th March j6Si ^s, and was deprived rst Feb. 1690-1^9. He died at Standish near Gloucester 25th May 1708, setat. 86, and was buried in the chan- cel of that church. His will, dated in Feb. 1702-3, was proved in Nov. 1708 5". 1691 Edward Fowler, S.T.P., was nominated 22nd April 3W.&Mar. 169 1. The royal assent was given to his election 13th June, and he was confirmed 2nd July, and con- secrated in the church of St. Mary-le-Bow, London, on the 5th'^i of the same month ■''•^. He died at Chel- sea 26th Aug. 17 14, and was buried at Hendon in Middlesex 'J. His will is in the Prerogative Office at London •^. 17 15 Richard Willis, S.T.P., dean of Lincoln, v^SiS, nomi- I Geo. I. nated 19th Nov. 17 14, and was confirmed 15th Jan. 17 [4-5, and consecrated at Lambeth the next day ''^. He was promoted to Salisbury in 1721 ^*'. 1721 Joseph Wilcocks was nominated on the 17th, and 8 Geo. I. 4^ Reg. Juxon, fol. 307. ^^ Barret, 247. '^^ Ex Epitaphio. His will is ^1 Reg. Tillotson, fol. 42. in the Prerogative Office of Can- ^2 According to the London terbury. Earl, 47. Gazette, his consecration took 4*5 Reg. Sheldon, fol. 102. place on the 8th. 47 Ex Epitaphio. 53 Ex Epitaphio. 47* North, 26. 54 Aston, 191. 4« Reg. Sancroft, fol. 50. 56 Reg. Tenison, II. fol. 146. 49 Reg. Cantuar. 56 Church Book, Home Office. BISHOPS. 441 elected 25th Nov. 17 21, consecrated 3rd Dec. ^7^ and installed on the 22nd of the same month. He was translated to Rochester in 1731. 731 Elias Sydall, bishop of St. DavicTs, was nominated to 50.11. the see of Gloucester 4th Oct. 1731, and confirmed 2nd Nov. He did homage to the King at St. James's 13th Nov. He died 24th Dec. 1733, set. 61, and was buried in St. James's church, Westminster, 31st Dec. T^^ Martin Bensox, D.D., archdeacon of Berks, was no- Bo. II. minated to this see in Dec. 1734, confirmed at Bow church 1 8th Jan. 1734—5, and consecrated at Lam- beth the next day-^^, and did homage at St. James's 23rd Jan. He died 30th Aug. 1752. 752 James Johnson was nominated i8th Oct. 1752, and Jeo. II. the conge d'elire issued on the 24th of that month. He was elected 7th Nov. The royal assent was given to his election 24th Nov. He was confirmed 9th Dec. and consecrated the next day^^^ and the tempo- rahties were restored to him 21st Dec. He was nominated to Worcester in Oct. 1759. 760 William Warburton, dean of Bristol, was nominated eo. II. to this see 22nd Dec. 1759, and elected on the 24th of the same month ; received the royal assent to his election 14th Jan. following. He was confirmed on the 19th of that month, and consecrated the next day 60. He died nth June 1779. 779 James Yorke, bishop of St. Davids, was nominated to eo.iii. the see of Gloucester 3rd July 1779. He was elected on the 13th, and he received the royal assent to his election on the 17 th of the same month. He was confirmed 2nd Aug., and the temporalities were re- stored to him 4th Aug.61 He was translated to Ely in July 1 78 1 62. 781 Samuel Halifax succeeded Dr. Yorke in the bishop- eo.III. 57 Reg. Wake, II. fol. 113. 60 Rgg. Seeker, fol. 49. 58 Ibid. fol. 153. 61 Church Book, Home Office. 59 Reg. Herring, fol. 171. 62 ibid. VOL. I. 3 L 442 GLOUCESTER. ric of Gloucester, and was elected 8th Oct. 1781. He received the royal assent to his election on the 23rd, was confirmed on the 27th of the same month, and consecrated the next day^-^. He was translated to St. Asaph in March 1789. 1789 Richard Beadon was nominated 6th May 1789, and 29660.111. elected on the i8th ; he received the royal assent on the 20th of the same month. He was confirmed 6th June, and consecrated 7th June''^. The temporali- ties were restored to him 1 5th June following, and he was translated to Bath and Wells in 1802. 1802 George Isaac Huntingforb was elected to this see 42 Geo. III. 14th May 1802, and the royal assent to his election was given i6th June; he was confirmed on the 26th of the same month, consecrated the next day^^, and the temporalities were restored to him 29th June. He was translated to Hereford in June 1815. 1815 Hon. Henry Ryder was nominated loth July 1815, 55 Geo. III. and elected on the 14th; he received the royal assent on the 15th, was confirmed on the 28th, and conse- crated on the 30th of the same month ^^. The tem- poralities were restored to him 8th Aug. He was translated to Lichfield and Coventry in Feb. 1824. 1824 Christopher Bethell was nominated nth March 5 Geo. IV. 1824, and elected on the 24th of the same month; he had the royal assent given to his election 3rd April, was confirmed loth April, consecrated the next day67^ and received the temporalities on the 1 6th of the same month. He was translated to Exeter in 1830. 1830 James Henry Monk, dean of Peterborough, was nomi- 11 Geo. IV. nated nth June 1830, and elected 22nd June; re- ceived the royal assent on the 23rd of that month : he was confirmed loth July, and consecrated the next day. The temporalities were restored to him 14th July following. 63 Reg. Cornwallis, fol. 343. ^^ Reg. Sutton. 6-1 Reg. Moore, fol. 190. ^7 Ibid. "5 Ibid. fol. 394. DEANS. 443 By an order in council, dated 5th Oct. 1836, the diocese of Bristol was united to this see under the title of The Diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, and Dr. Monk then became the first bishop of the newly-created bishopric. His Lordship is the present holder. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 315?. 7s. 3c?. ^^ The arms of the see are Azure, two keys in saltier, or. DEANS. William Jennings, S.T.B., prior of St. Ostcald^s, Glou- cester^ was appointed the first dean of this cathedral by the charter of erection, dated 3rd Sept. 1541. He died 4th Nov. 1565, and was buried in the cathedral ^9. John Man, warden of Merton college, Oxford, was in- stalled 2nd Feb. 1563-6 "o. He died 18th March 1568—9, and was buried in the church of St. Anne, Aldersgate, London. Thomas Cowper was installed 5th July 1569, and in 1570 was made bishop of Lincoln 7i. Lawrence Humphrey, regius professor of divinity, Ox- ford, was installed 13th March 15 70-1, per resign. Cowper 72, In 1580 he was removed to the deanery of Winchester. Anthony Rudd was installed loth Jan. 1584-573. In 1594 he was made bishop of St. David's. Griffith Lewis succeeded in 1594, and died in June 160774. His will, dated 5th Feb. 1606-7, was proved i6th July 1607. He was buried 7th June 1607 in Hereford cathedral. Thomas Moreton was presented 22nd June 1607; and in 1609 was removed to the deanery of Winchester. 68 Ecton, p. 127. The annual 70 Rgg, Glouc. income of the bishop of Glou- 71 Ath. Oxon. vol. i. p. 193. cester and Bristol is fixed at 72 Reg. Glouc. 5000Z. by order in council 17th 73 Ibid. June 1847. ^'^ Reg. Bancroft. 69 Ex Epitaphio. 3 L 2 444 GLOUCESTER. Richard Field, S.T.P., succeeded in 1609. He died 2r8t Nov. 161 6, setat. ^^, and was buried in St. George's chapel, Windsor, William Laud, S.T.P., had this deanery conferred on him by the King in Nov. 1616; was installed 20th Dec. following7^; and in 1621 he was made bishop of St. David's. Richard Senhouse, S.T.P., was installed f3th Dec 1621, and in 1624 was made bishop of Carlisle. Thomas Winniffe, S.T.P., was installed loth Nov. 1624; and in 1631 was removed to the deanery of St. Paul's, London. George Warburton, A.M., was installed nth June 1 63 1 ; and in Aug. following was removed to the deanery of Wells. Accepted Frewen, S.T.P., was installed 13th Sept. 1 631; and in Aug. 1643 he was made bishop of Lich- field and Coventry. William Brough, S.T.P., was nominated by the King 17th Aug. 1643, ^^^^ installed 20th Nov. 1644. He died 5th July i6yj, and was buried in St. George's chapel, Windsor. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury 7\ Thomas Vyner, S.T.P., was installed 23rd July 1 671 76. He died nth April 1673, setat. 45, and was buried in the cathedral. Robert Frampton, A.M., was installed 6th May 167c}; and in March 1681 was made bishop of this see. Thomas Marshall, S.T.P., was installed 30th April 1 68 1. He died i8th April 1685, and was buried in the church of All-hallows, Oxford 77. William Jane, S.T.P., was installed 6th June 168578. He was buried 27th Feb. 1706-7 at Christ Church, Oxford. Knightley Chetwood, S.T.P.jWas installed 6th April 74 Reg. Glouc. 77 Ex Epitaphio. 75 Duke, 100. 78 Reg. Glouc. 76 Reg. Glouc. ARCHDEACONS. 445 1707, per mort. Jane^'J. Ob. on or about 4th April 1720. John Waugh, vice Chetwoocl_, 4th Aug. 1720^0. He was consecrated bishop of Carlisle 13th Oct. 1723. John Frankland, vice Waugli ; he was nominated 5th Dec. 1723, and installed 12th Feb. 1 723-4 «i. He resigned in 1729. Peter Allix, 28th April 1 729^2, vice Frankland. Daniel Newcombe, 28th Oct. 1730^-^^ vice Peter AlHx, Ob. 3rd March 1758. Josiah Tucker, 13th July 1758^^, vice Daniel New- combe. Ob. 4th Nov. 1799, setat. 88. John Luxmoore, i6th Jan. 1800^'', vice Josiah Tucker. John Plumbtree, 14th April 1808^6^ vice John Lux- moore, promoted to the see of Hereford. Ob. 26th Nov. 1825, setat. 72. Edward Rice, the present dean of Gloucester, was no- minated 19th Dec. 1825, and collated 19th Jan. 1826, vice Dr. John Plumbtree, deceased. GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL.* John Lamb, installed 20th Oct. 1837, vice Thomas Musgrave, dean of Bristol, promoted. Ob. 19th April 1850, setat. 61, Gilbert Elliott, the present dean of Bristol, was in- stalled 2ist May 1850, vice John Lamb. ARCHDEACONS OF GLOUCESTER SINCE ITS SEPARATION FROM WORCESTER. Nicholas Wotton, LL.D., the \diBt archdeacon of Glou- cester while part of the see of Worcester, was appointed by the charter of erection, dated 3rd Sept. 1541 ^7. John Williams possessed this dignity 15th Sept. 1554, and died in Dec. 1558. 79 Reg. Glouc. Lamb and Dr. Elliott ought pro- 80 Bishops' Certificates. perly to have appeared under the 81 Ibid, 82 Ibid, diocese of Bristol, as those dean- 83 Ibid, 84 Ibid, eries are distinct though the sees 85 Ibid, 86 Ibid. are united. * The appointments of Dr. 87 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 728. 446 GLOUCESTER. Guy Heton or Eaton, S.T.B., was presented T5th Sept. 15,59, ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^1^ 157 1' o^ after. George Savage, LL.B., was collated ist Feb. 1 574-5*^8^ His will, dated 24th May 1600, was proved 8th Oct. 1602. Robert Hill, collated ist Sept. 1602. Samuel Burtox, A.M., paid the first fruits for it 9th May 1607. He died possessed of it 14th June 1634, and was buried in the church of Drymarston, in this county ^5. Hugh Robinson, collated 5th June 1634. He died 8th April 1655, ^^^ ^^'^^ buried in the church of St. Giles- in-the-Fields, in the county of Middlesex. Vacant Jive years. John Middleton, presented 19th July 1660, and was collated 7th Aug. 1660 5^\ Ho died in Feb. 166 1-2. Edward Pope, A.M., was collated 8th Oct. 1662, and died 26th Dec. 167191. John Gregory, A.M., collated 31st Dec. 1671, and installed 29th Jan. 167 1-2. He died loth Dec. 1678, and was buried at Hempstead, near Gloucester 9-. Thomas Hyde, A.M., was installed 12th Jan. 1678-99-^. He died at Christ Church, in Oxford, 14th Feb. 1702-3. He was Hebrew professor in that university. Robert Parsons, A.M., was collated loth March, and installed the 13th, 1702-3. He died i8th July 17 14, and was buried at Oddington. Nathaniel Lye, S.T.P., was collated 29th July, and installed 19th Aug. 17 14. Ob. 24th Oct. 1737, set. 90. William Geekie, collated 4th Feb. 1737-8. Ob. 22nd July 1767. Richard Hurd, collated 27th Aug. 1767. Timothy Stonehouse Viger, collated 23rd July 1804. Thomas Rudge, collated 31st March 1814. This dignity, with the rectory of Dursley annexed, is rated for first fruits at 75^. 4s. 4^^.^^ 88 Reg. Glouc. 91 Ex Epitaphio. 89 Ex Epitaphio. 92 ibid. 93 ibid. 9^' Reg. Glouc. 94 Ecton, p. 129. PREBENDARIES. 447 PREBENDARIES. No fixed stalls are kept here, it being the custom to instal the junior prebendary always in the sixth or lowest stall. Richard Browne, 3rd Sept. 1541. Henry Willis, 3rd Sept. 1541. John Rodley, 3rd Sept. 1541. James Vaughan, 3rd Sept. 1541. Edward Bennet, 3rd Sept. 1541. John Huntley, 3rd Sept. 1541. John Williams, 8th May 1546. Ob, Dec. 1558. Richard Mounslow, 14th Nov. 1546. Ob. Oct. 1558- Richard Ramsey, 1548. Deprived in 1559. Thomas Kingswood, 1549. Ob. Aug. 1559. William Collynge, 2nd April 1554. John Tomson, nth June 1554. Robert Morwent, nth June 1554. Ob. 26th Aug. 1558. John Woodward, presented 2nd Sept. 1558; installed 10th Sept. 1558. Resigned in 157 1. Richard Cheyney, 1559; promoted to the bishopric of Gloucester in 1562. Christopher Yaxley, 1559. Resigned in 1567. His ■will, dated 26th Feb. 1569-70, was proved 12th Sept. John Smith, 1559. Ob. circa March 1563-4. Guy Eaton, 1559. Resigned in 157 1. Walter Jones, presented 15th Jan. J559— 60. Ob. Robert Johnson, installed 3rd June 1562. Robert Jones, 1564. Resigned in 1573. Arthur Sawle, installed 3rd June 1565. Ob. 1585. Griffith Williams, installed i6th June 1567. Ob. John Angel, installed 28th Nov. 1571. Ob. 1577. 448 GLOUCESTER. Thomas Peury or Puny, presented 30th Jan. 1571—2. Ob. 1612. Thomas Philips^ installed 18th July 1573. Philip Sheppahd, installed 26th Nov. 1573. William Shingleton, installed 21st Dec. 1573. Anthoxy Higgixs, installed 30th June 1577- 0^- 1578- Thomas Cook, installed 2i8t March 1578—9. Robert Alfkid or Awfeild, installed 18th Feb. 1579-80. Ob. 1583. Roger Green occurs in 1584. Resigned in 1586. Ralph Cook alias Eaton occurs in 1584. Ob. 1587. Lawrence Bridger occurs in 1586. Ob. i8tli Oct. 1625. Samuel Proctor, installed 3rd Aug. 1586. Resigned in 1602. William Wingfeild, installed 4th July 1587. Adrian Savaria, presented 22nd Oct. 1591. John Robinson occurs in 1594. Edward or Edmund Munns, presented 15th July 1597. Elias Wrench, installed 22nd March 1598-9. Ob. 4th Oct. 1633. Henry Aisgill, installed 19th Nov. 1599. Ob. i8th June 1622. Edmund Bracegirdle, installed 13th Nov. 1600. Ob. 1602. William Loe, installed 30th Sept. 1602. Ob. 1648. Peter Cox occurs in 1603. Ob. 1612. Thomas Prior, installed 21st Sept. 1612. Ob. circa Aug. 1632. Thomas Anian, presented in 161 2. Ob. 27th Jan. 1632-3. Thomas Isles, installed 13th July 1622. Ob. 1649. John Wood, presented 19th Nov. 1625. George Palmer, installed 5th Oct. 1632. Buried 28th Sept. 1 658 at Hayes in Middlesex. Gilbert Sheldon, installed 26th Feb. 1632—3; pro- moted to the bishopric of London in 1660. PREBENDARIES. 449 John English, presented i ith Nov. 1633; installed 22nd April 1634. Ob. 1 8th Aug. 1643. Gilbert Osborne, installed 30tli March 1639. Ob. 1 6th Feb. 1656-7, setat. 56. Thomas Washborne, presented 23rd July 1660; ad- mitted 7th Aug. following. Ob. 6th May 1687, set. 80. Thomas Warminstre, presented 27th July 1660; in- stalled 19th Aug. Ob. 30th Oct. 1665. Walter Blandford, presented 6th Aug. 1660; in- stalled 22nd Aug.; made bishop of Oxford 1665. Robert Harris, presented 28th Aug. 1660. Hugh Naish, admitted loth Sept. 1660. Ob. 1675. Richard Harwood, installed 1 ith Nov. 1660. Buried 24th Aug. 1669 at Gloucester, Francis Jacob, nominated 12th Nov. 1662; installed 17th Jan. 1662-3. Anthony Andrews, installed 20th Nov. 1665. Ob. 1678. Thomas Vyner, installed 20th Nov. 1665; promoted to the deanery in 1671. Henry Savage, installed 12th Jan. 1665-6. Ob. 2nd June 1672. William Washborne, installed 8th May 1669. Ob. 28th Nov. 1675. Abraham Gregory, installed 31st July 1671. Ob. 29th July 1690, setat. 47. Robert Frampton, installed 23rd July 1672; pro- moted to the deanery in 1673. Nathaniel Hodges, installed 20th May 1673. O^- 28th Aug. 1700^ setat. 66. Edward Fowler, installed 29th Feb. 1675; promoted to the bishopric of Gloucester in 1 69 1 . Asahel King was presented in Feb. 16^^-6, and in- stalled ist April 1676. Ob. 1678. Ralph Cudworth occurs in 1678. Ob. 26th June 1688. George Bull, installed 9th Oct. 1678; preferred to the see of St. David's 1705. vol. 1 . 3 M 450 GLOUCESTER. Luke Beaulieu, installed 21st May 1687. Ob. May 1723. RiCHAED Duke, installed 6th July 1688. Ob. 10th Feb. 1710-11. John Newton, installed 24th Sept. 1690. Ob. 20th Sept. 1 7 1 1 . Benjamin Barnet, installed i8th July 1691. Ob. 1707. Benjamin King, installed 26th Sept. 1700. Robert Bull, admitted 27tli Dee. 1705. Robert Cook, installed 21st Nov. 1707. Christopher Baynes, admitted 24th March 1710-11. Ob. 23rd Sept. 1718. Richard Bi,echindon, admitted 28th Sept. 1711. An act of parliament passed in 1714 which settled the first stall that should become vacant on the mastership of Pembroke college, Oxford, for ever; which happen- ing to be the fifth stall, the same is now accordingly annexed. Matthew Pantin, installed 18th Nov. 1718. Nathaniel Lye, archdeacon of Gloucester , collated 2nd July 1723. Robert Cooke, 12th Sept. 1723. Henry Gally, 15th May 1728, vice Benjamin King, Nathaniel Templeman, 14th Jan. 1729-30, vice Ro- bert Bull. Henry Gally, 7th June 1730, readmitted. Joseph Atwell, 2nd Feb. 1736-7, vice Richard Ble- chindon. Samuel Salter, 2i8t Jan. 1737-8. Samuel Woolley, 2nd Feb. 1744-5, vice Samuel Salter resigned. William Warburton, 6th April 1753, ^^^® Nathaniel Templeman. Thomas Burton, 24th May 1755, vice William War- burton. Anthony Ellis. Ob. i6th Jan. 1761. Alexander Malet, 26th Feb. 1761, vice Anthony Ellis. Ob. 21st Sept. 1775. PREBENDARIES. 451 John Warren, 26th May 1761, vice Thomas Burton. Charles Bertie, 28th Nov. 1 764, vice Samuel WooUey. John Smith, 14th Oct. 1768, vice Joseph Atwell. John Sleech, 26th Aug. 1769, vice John Smith. Ob. 1788. Edward Wilson, ist Sept. 1769, vice Henry Gaily. Ob. 23rd Aug. 1804, setat. 66. James Benson, nth Oct. 1775, ^'•^^ Alexander Malet. Ob. 19th Sept. 1785. Edward Venables Vernon, loth Nov. 1785, vice James Benson. Samuel Horsley, 19th April 1787, vice John Warren. Joseph White, 21st June 1788, vice John Sleech. Thomas Eyre, i8th Dec. 1788, vice Charles Bertie. William Sergrave, 28th Feb. 1789, vice William Adams. Daniel Finch, 12th June 1792, vice the Hon. and Rev. Edward Venables Vernon, promoted to the see of Carlisle, with mastership of Pembroke college, Ox- ford. Ob. 1 6th April 1796. Joseph Atwell Small, 14th Jan. 1794, vice Samuel bishop of St. David's promoted to Rochester. Ob. 12th April 18 14, John Michell, 25th Jan. 1798, vice Thomas Eyre. Ob. 15th Sept. 1828, setat. 78. MATTHE\vSuRTEEs,24thApril 1 802, vice Joseph White. James Morgan, 20th April 1803, vice Matthew Sur- tees. Ob. 2nd June 18 16, setat. 'j6. Henry Ridley, 20th Sept. 1804, vice Edward Wilson. Ob. nth Oct. 1825, aged 72. Townshend Selwyn, 1 6th July 18 14, vice Joseph Attwell Small. James Griffith, 6th Sept. 1816, vice James Morgan. Ob. 1821, setat. 60. Edward Banks, i8th Aug. 1821, vice James Griffith. Henry Wetherell, 24th Nov. 1825. vice Ridley. John Hobart Seymour, 7th Feb. 1829, ^^^^ John Michell. 3 M 2 452 GLOUCESTER. PREBENDARIES or HONORARY CANONS. Samuel Wilson Warneford, hon. can. of Gloucester, 26th June 1844. Thomas Murray Browne, hon. can. of Gloucester, loth Aug. 1844. George Neale Barrow, hon. can. of Bristol, nth Sept. 1844. John Mervin Prower, hon. can. of Bristol, 13th Dec. 1844. George Ernest Howman, hon. can. of Bristol, 26th Sept. T845. John Hall, hon. can. of Bristol, 12th Oct. 1846. John Frampton, hon. can. of Gloucester, 6th Nov. 1848. William Birkett Allen, hon. can. of Bristol, 6th Nov. 1848. Charles Henry Morgan, hon. can. of Gloucester, 22nd Oct. 1849. John Salter, hon. can. of Bristol, 5th Dec. 1849. John Raymond, hon. can. of Gloucester, 12th Sept. 1850. Frederick Aston, hon. can. of Bristol, 12th Sept. 1850. Thomas Boucher Coney, hon. can. of Bristol, 29th Sept. 1 85 1. George Madan, hon. can. of Gloucester, 6th Oct. [851. HEREFORD. ± HIS diocese contains the whole county of Hereford, except Evvyas Harrold, Walterstone, Dulas, Michael- church Eskley, St. Margaret's, Rollestone, Llandilo, Clodock cum Capellis Craswell, Longtown, and Llan- wenno, which belong to St. David. It has also the better part of Shropshire, four parishes in the county of Monmouth, six churches and chapels in the county of Montgomery, eight in the county of Radnor, and twenty-one in the county of Worcester, all under the archdeaconries of Hereford ^ and Salop. In the cathedral are a dean, two archdeacons, a pre- centor, chancellor, treasurer, and twenty-eight pre- bendaries, «S:c. At the council of Hertford holden in the year 673 it was decreed that additional bishops should be insti- tuted in Christian England, but especially in the pro- vince of Mercia, then embracing nearly one half of the country, and in which there was only one episcopal 1 The deanery of the Forest, from the deanery of Irchinfield, which was in the diocese of and placed within the diocese of Gloucester, but not within the LlandafF, by order in council archdeaconry of Hereford, was dated 31st Jan. 1844; and the severed from the said archdea- deanery of Bridgnorth (locally conry, and made part and parcel situated between the dioceses of of the archdeaconry of Glouces- Hereford and Lichfield) was ter, by order in council dated added to the diocese of Hereford 5th Oct. 1836; and the parts of and placed in the archdeaconry the deanery of Irchinfield, which of Salop, by order in council 1 9th were situate in the county of Dec. 1846. Twelve parishes in Monmouth, except so much of the county of Hereford, that had that deanery as in no part of its been originally in the diocese of boundary touched upon the ex- St. David, were also annexed to isting boundary line of the dio- the diocese of Hereford by order cese of LlandafF, were subtracted in council dated 15th May 1852. 454 HEREFORD. 676 688 710 718 741 826 872 see. Winfred, however, who presided over that dio- cese as bishop of Lichfield, was unvvilHng that it should be dismembered, and was consequently de- posed for his contumacy by Theodore archbishop of Canterbury, who had determined that a bishopric should be erected at Hereford, which was accord- ingly effected in the year 676, and Putt A, h'lshop of Rochester, expelled from his see when Aedilred king of Mercia invaded Kent, was appointed the first bishop of Hereford'. He died in 688-. Tyrhthel^. He died in 710'. TORHTHERE^. Ualchstod^ or Walhstod7. CuTHBERT, consecrated in the year 736 by archbishop Nothelm^. He was translated to Canterbury in 741''. PoDDAif*, succeeded Cuthbert ; but of whom and eigh- teen of his successors very little beyond their names is known. EccAHorAccA. Ob. 826. Ceadda or Headda'-. Ob. 857. Albertus'^. Ob. 872. EsNAi^. Ob. 885. Celmuxd' '. Utellus'^. WuLFHEARD '7. • Beda Hist. Eccl. lib. iv. c. 12. 2 Flor. Wigorn. ^MS.Cott.Tiber.B.v. Tirtel, Malmes.; Tyrhtel, Flor. Wigorn. '^ Flor. Wigorn. 5 MS. Cott. Tiber. B.v. Tor- there, Malmes.; Tortheras, Flor. Wigorn. 6 Beda, lib. v. c. 2^. 7 Flor. Wigorn. ; Walstodh, Malmes. lib. iv. s Sim. Dunelm. et Hoveden. fol. 230 b. 9 Hoved. et Matt. Westm. 10 Malmes. et Flor. Wigorn. Potta ; Flor. Wigorn. var. lect. ' ' There is probably a gap be- tween Podda and Ecca. »2 Headda, MS. Cott. Tiber. B.v. ; Ceadda, Flor. Wigorn. ■•■^ Altbertus, Malmes.; Ald- berht, Flor. Wigorn. i^Flor. Wigorn. Esne,Malme8. et Matt. Westm. 1^ Ceolmund, Flor. Wigorn. et Matt. Westm. ; Celmundus, Malmes. '6 Utel, Malmes. et Flor. Wig. '7 Wlfeard, Malmes. ; Wulf- hardus, Flor. Wigorn. BISHOPS. 455 Benna^^. Edulfus19, CuTHWULFUS-0. mucellus^i. Deorlaf^'^. CuNEJVIUND'^-3. EdGAR24. TlDHELM-\ WuLFHELM^e. AlFRIC[JS'-7, Athulfus'-^. IOI2 Aethelstan29. He was blind thirteen years before his death, during which time he governed his see by Tramcrin bishop of St. David's his deputy^". He died at Bosbury in Herefordshire loth Feb. 1055-6^^1. 1056 Leovegah 32 succeeded Aethelstan ; he was slain by Griffin king of Wales at Glasbury i6th June 1056^3^ after he had presided but twelve weeks and four days. The see vacant four i/ears.^ T060 Walter, chajjlain to queen Eadgitha, was consecrated at Rome by pope Nicolas II. He died in 1079, ^"^ was buried in Hereford cathedraP^^. JS Maknes.; Beonna,Flor.Wig. helm, Flor. Wigorn. ^^ Edulf, Malmes. ; Eadulf, 27 Malmes. et Flor. "Wigorn. Flor. Wigorn. 28 Malmes. 20 Cutulf, Malmes. ; Cuthwulf, 29 Malmes.; Edelstanus, Mailr,; Flor. Wigorn. Aethelstanus, Flor. Wigorn. et 21 Mucel, Malmes. et Flor. Matt. Westm. ; Adhelstanus, AVigorn. Hoved. 22 Malmes.; Deorflafus, Flor. -^o Hoved. et Flor. Wigorn. Wigorn. '^^ Ibid. 23 Cinemund, Malmes.; Cyne- 32 Malmes. mundus, Flor. Wigorn. 33 Flor. Wigorn. 2-1 Malmes. ; Eadgarus, Flor. * Dm-ing the voidance Aldred Wigorn. bishop of Worcester administer- 25 Malmes. ed to Hereford. Flor. W^igorn. 26 Wlfelm, Malmes. ; Wulf- 34 MS. Cott. Vitel. C. Lx. 456 HEREFORD. 1079 Robert Losinga, called also Robert of Lorrain, 14 Will. I. was consecrated at Canterbury on Sunday 29th Dec. 1079^'-. He died 26th June 1095^-^, and was buried in Hereford cathedral, which he commenced rebuilding. 1096 Gerard 3^, nephew of Walkehn bishop of Winchester, 9 Will. II. was consecrated 15th June 1096"^^, and was translated to York in iioO'^^. Roger, clerk of the king's larder^' ^ was nominated by the king about Michaelmas 1 102^" to succeed Gerard, but he died eight days after his election and before his consecration 39. 1 107 Reynelm, tlie queen's chancellor '^'^^ had this see con- 8 Hen. 1. ferred upon him by the king in 1 103 '\ and held it for a short time without consecration, and then resigned it into the king's hands ^- on account of the dispute between king Henry and archbishop Anselm rela- tive to the right of investiture : but on their differ- ences being ai'ranged, Reynelm was consecrated on Sunday uth Aug. 1107^^^ jjg died 28th Oct.^^ 11155 and was buried in Hereford cathedral. I J 15 Geoffrey de Cliva''^ was elected in the room of 16 Hen. I. Reynelm, and consecrated 26th Dec. 1115'^. He died 2nd Feb. 1119^", and was buried in Hereford cathedral. 32 iv. Cal. Jan. die Dominica, '*^ Continuat. Mar. Scot, et Flor. Wigorn. Sim. Dunelm, et Matt. Westm. Hoveden. ^2 Sim. Dunelm. 33 y\. Cal. Jul., Sim. Dunelm, ^3 Malmes. Pontif. Sim.Dun- Hoved., et Flor. Wigorn. elm et Rog. "Wendov. 34 Girardus, Malmes. 44 Qjj-ca festum Omnium Sanc- s-"* Hoved. etEadm. Hist. Nov. torum 11 15. Sim. Dunelm. et 36 Sim. Dunelm. et Abb. Flor. W^igorn. Chron. Rad. de Diceto. 45 Gaufredus cognomento de 37 Rogerus Larderarius Regis, Diva (Malmes. Pontif. lib. iv.) Sim. Dunelm. "perperam pro Cliva," says God- 38 Hoved. et Eadmer Hist. win. — GofFridus Regis Capella- Nov. nus, Sim. Dunelm. col. 237. 39 Malms. Pontif. lib. iv. 46 Flor .Wigorn. Sim. Dunelm. 40 Malms. Pontif. lib. iv. et et Hoved. fol. 271. Rainaldus; Regnelmus, Chron. 47 Sim. Dunelm. et Hoved. Petrob.; Reignelmus, Flor.Wig. fol. 272. BISHOPS. 457 1 120 Richard de Capella'*^ was consecrated at Lambeth I Hen. I. 16th Jan. 1119-20. He died at Ledbury 15th Aug- 1127^'^, and was buried in Hereford cathedral under an arch. 1 131 Robert de Bktviss, prior of Lanthony, v/as nominated by iHen. I. the King in 1129, but was not consecrated until Sun- day 28th June 1131^1. He died 22nd April 1148^-. 1 148 Gilbert Foliot, abbot of Gloucester, was consecrated 5th 12 Steph. Sept. 1 148, at St.Omers, by the archbishop of Canter- bury, assisted by the bishops of Amiens and Cambray ^3. He was elected to London 24th March 1162-3^^. 1163 Robert de Melun, ^pnor o/'Xaw^Aowy, was consecrated t Hen. II. 22nd Dec. 1163 at Canterbury ^5. He died at Here- ford 27th Feb. 1166-7^6^ and is said to have been buried under an arch in the cathedral. The see was vacant seven years after the death of bishop Melun^'^. II 74 Robert Foliot, archdeacoii of Oxford, was elected in )Hen. II. 1 173, and consecrated 6th Oct. 1 174^^^ He died 9th May 1186, and was buried in Hereford cathedral. 1186 William de Vere, son of Aubrey de Vere, earl of ! Hen. II. Oxford, was consecrated at Lambeth, on the Feast of "^9 Clericus de Sigillo (Malmes. glia Sacra, p. ii. Pontif. lib. iv.) — Regis capella- ^'-^ Gervas. Chron. col. 1364. nus electus est apud Windesor ^■^ Rad. de Diceto. Jan. 7. — Eadmer, lib. vi. p. 137. ^^ Gervas. Chron. col. 1385 : et Hoved. fol. 273. other authorities state that he *o Flor. Wigorn. was consecrated 22nd May 1164, ^1 Matt. Paris. etFlor.Wigorn. but that must be incorrect, as Contin. Chron. Abendon says that day fell on a Friday in that iii Cal. Junii (30th May) 1132. year. 52 Robertas Episcopus Here- ^6 Angl. Sacra, pars ii. p. 649. ford in transmarinis partibus ^7 The Annals of Worcester obiit an. 1149 (Contin. Sim. intimate that Godfrey, archdea- Dunelm.) 1 148 Chron. Petrob. con of Worcester, was nominated 1 146 Matt. West. The life of the to succeed bishop Melun, but prelate was written by William that his election was not per- prior of Lanthony, and is among fected. the MSS. at Lambeth, No. 151. 68 Ymag. Hist, et Hoveden, and has been published in An- fol. 309. vol, I. q N 458 HEREFORD. St. Lawrence (loth Aug.) 1186 ^9. He died 24th Dec. II 99 60. 1200 Giles de Braose or Rrewse^^i was consecrated 24th 2 Job. Sept. 1 200 6-^ in the chapel of St. Catharine at West- minster, together with John bishop of Norwich ^a. He died at Gloucester Id. Nov. (13th Nov.) 1216 6*, and was buried in Hereford cathedral. 1216 Hugh de M apenore, dean of Hereford^ was consecrated I Hen. III. at Gloucester, on Sunday 4th Dec. 121665^ and the temporalities were restored to him on the 9th of the same month ^e. He died about Easter 121 9 '^7, and was buried in Hereford cathedral. The conge d'elire, vice Hugh de Mapenore, issued 23rd of April 1219*^^ and 1 219 Hugh Foliot, archdeacon of Salop, was elected ^9, and 3 Hen. III. received the royal assent to his election ist July 1219"". He was confirmed vi Cal. Nov. (27th Oct.), consecrated 3rd Nov. in that year7i, ^nd he died 26th July 1234"^. The license for the election of a suc- cessor to Hugh Foliot is dated 21st Aug. 123473. 1234 Ralph of Maidstone, dean of Hereford, and arch- 18 H. III. deacon of Chester, was Foliot's successor, and had the ^3 Rad. de Diceto. (i8th Dec.) «o Ymag. Hist. In Sept. 1 198 66 Pat. i Hen. HI. m. 15. The (Gervas. Chron.) 1198 Hoved. Annals of Waverley state that he fol. 448. was consecrated 6th Dec. 1216; 61 Gilo de Brause (Matt. West.) but that day fell on Tuesday. He was son of WiUiam de Brai- 67 Matt. West. Id. Ap. (13th osa, baron of Brecknock. Hoved. April,) Obituar. Rading. MS. fol. 458. Cott. Vesp. E. v. 62 Hoved. et Matt. West. 68 Pat. 3 Hen. III. m. 4. 63 Rad. de Diceto. 69 Elected in June and conse- 64 Pat. 17 Joh.m. 12. iSthNov. crated in October. Annal. Wig. 65 On 9th Dec. 1216 the ca- et Rot. Profess. nons of Hereford are allowed 70 Pat. 3 Hen. III. m. 3. out of the temporalities of the 71 Rot. Profess. — Circa festum bishopric thirty marks for their Omnium Sanctorum. Matt. West, expenses in prosecuting the elec- 72 One authority states that he tion of their bishop. Claus. i died 7th Aug. 1234. His obiit Hen. III. m. 25. Another autho- was celebrated in this cathedral rity (Annal. Wigorn.) states that 7th Aug. he was consecrated xv Cal. Jan. 73 Pat. 18 Hen. III. m. 7. BISHOPS. 459 royal assent to his election 30th Sept. 1234'^, and the temporalities restored to him on the same day'^ He was consecrated 12th Nov. following 76, and 17th Dec. 1239 ^® resigned the see and became a Francis- can friar at Oxford. He subsequently entered a monastery at Gloucester, where he continued until his death, five years afterwards "7, and was buried there 7s. 1240 Peter de Egeblanke or Egeblaunch'^, a native of t4H. III. Savoy, was elected 24th Aug. 1240^*^, and the tempo- ralities were restored to him 6th Sept. He was con- secrated in St. Paul's cathedral, London, 23rd Dec. in the same year^i. He died 27th Nov. 1268. His body was interred in Hereford cathedral, but his heart was sent to " Aqua-bella" in Savoy, where he was born''-. The conge d'eHre, vice the last-named bishop, is dated 6th Dec. 1268 ''■^. 1269 John Le Breton, LL.D., canon of Hereford^ was the 13 H. III. next in succession. He had the royal assent to his election 12th Jan. 1268-9^^. The temporalities were restored to him circa 2cth April 1269, and he was consecrated 2nd June following ^^. He died 12th ^■* Pat. 18 Hen. III. m. 3. 81 Circa idem tempus, die Do- 75 Ibid. minica proxima ante Natale Do- 76 The Annals of Tewkesbury mini (23rd Dec.) consecratus est say that he was consecrated in raagister Petnis de Egeblancke crastino Sancti Martini, but that in Episcopum Herefordensem day fell on Monday in 1234; praesente et applaudente Rege et and the Annales Cestrens. 4th Nobilium multitudine in ecclesia Nov. (prid. Non. Nov.) 1234, Sancti Pauli Londini (Matt, but that day fell on Saturday. Paris, an. 1240). i24oDominus '^'^ 8th Jan. 1245-6. Petrus de Alba aqua consecratus 78 Chron. Cestrens. MS. Cott. est Episcopus Hereford apud Otho, B. iii. Matt. West. p. 318. London Dominica proxima ante 79 His name is Latinized Aqua Natale Domini. Reg. de Cumba. blanca, Aqua blanka, Aqua blan- Cons, x Kal. Jan. 1240. (Chron. cha, Alba aqua, and Aqua bella. T.Wikes.) & Chron. Abendon. 80 Die vero S. Bartholomsei, 82 Chron. Tho. Wikes. electus est in Episcopum Here- 83 Pat. 53 Hen. III. m. 26. fordensem magister Petrus de 84 Ibid. m. 24. Egeblanke. Matt. Paris, an. 1240. 85 Annal, Winton. 3 N 2 460 HEREFORD. May 1275, and was buried in his own cathedral^^. The dean and chapter of Hereford pray the King, i6th May 1275, to issue a conge d'elire on the death of their late bishop John''^ and the royal license accord- ingly issued 23rd Mayss^ when 1275 Thomas de Cantilupe, archdeacon of Stafford., was 3Edw. I. chosen by the chapter, who, 15th June 1275, pre- sented hini to the King^". The royal assent to his election was given on the 20th of the same month ^^^'j and the archbishop of Canterbury by his letter dated 24th June informed his Majesty that he had con- firmed his election''^, and the temporalities were re- stored to him 26th June'J^. He was consecrated at Canterbury 8th Sept. following^^ He died at Monte Fiascone in Italy 25th Aug. 1282, and was buried in the abbey of Saint Severus near Florence, but his bones were brought to England and buried in his own cathe- dral^-, and his heart was deposited in the monastery of Ashridge in co. Bucks. He was canonized about 38 years after his death ^•^. The custody of the bishopric was granted to Walter de Rudmerlegh 8th Oct. 1 282^^: but no conge d'elire, vice bishop Cantilupo, is enrolled. 1283 Richard de Swinefeld, S.T.P., canon of Hereford., II Edw. I. and archdeacon of London'^^, was elected ist Dec, 1 282, ^^ Matthew of Westminster ^8 Patt. 3 Edw. I. m. 19. noticingthis prelate writes/'Obiit 89 Lett, inTurr. Lond. S. 200. hoc anno lohannes Bretoun Epi- ^ Pat. 3 Edw. I. m. 19, Scopus Herefordensis, qui admo- ^' Die Nati\'itatis beatae Mariae dura peritus in juribus Anglica- 1275. (Reg. Ric.de Swinf. £.833.) nis librum de eis conscripsit qui ^' 1279 iii Cal. Aug. (30th vocatur Le Bretoun." But Sel- July)admandatumdominiarchi- den in hisnotesto Hengham, pp. episcopi Cantuar. sigillatum fuit 130, 131, satisfactorily refutes testamentum domini Thomae this statement. He was how- episcopi Hereford. Reg. Peck- ever one of the justices ad Placita ham, coram Rege in 1269, one of the ^^ The bull is in^Yilkins' Con- justices de Banco in 1267, and a cil. ii. pp. 651, 652. & in BuUar. justice in Eyre in 1268. Roman, i. p. 223. ed. 1673. 85 Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. 56. 9^ Pat. 10 Edw. I. m. 5. 86 Pat. 3 Edw. I. m. 23. ^5 Memorandum, quod domi- 87 Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. 47. nuslTiomas quondam episcopus BISHOPS. 461 and confirmed on the 3i8t of the same month 9^, and the temporalities were restored to him 8th Jan. 1282-397. His consecration took place at Gloucester 7th March in the same year. He died 12th March 1316-79''^ and was buried in Hereford cathedral. The conge d'elire vice bishop Swinefeld issued 7th April 131799; but 1317 Adam de Orleton, LL.D., ca7ion of Hereford, was no- II Edw. II. niinated by the Pope, and he made his profession of obedience to archbishop Walter 30th June 1317'. He received the temporalities 23rd July-, and consecra- tion at Rome 25th Sept. following-^. By bull dated 25th Sept. 1327 he was translated to Worcester •*. Thomas Cherlton, LL.D., canon of York, and arch- deacon of Wells and Northumherland, the Kings trea- 1327 I Ed. III. Herefordensis fuit consecratus die nativitatis Beate Marie Virginis anno Domini m.cc.lxxv. et sedit annis vi. mensibus xi. et die- bus xviii. et post ejus obitum vacabat sedes mensibus iii. et diebus vi. et tunc electus est do- minus Ricardus ejus successor, scilicet prima die Decembris anno Domini m.cc.lxx.xii. et est conse- cratus in episcopum Hereforden- sem Gloucestrie septima Martii eodem anno. Reg. Ric. de Swinf. f. Lxxxiii. a. 9^ Johannes Archiepiscopus decano et capitulo Hereford, electionem per vos factam de ve- nerabili viro magistro Ricardo de Swinefeud concanonico vestro confirmavimus. DatapudRos2. Cal. Januarii 1282. Reg. Peck- ham. y7 Pat. II Edw. I. m. 23. ^^ iv Id. Mar. obiit Dominus Ricardus de Swynfeld Episcopus Hereford(Obituar.Cantuar.) Ob. die S. Gregor. (12th March) An- nal. Landav. Nero A. \m. Some authorities fix 15th May for his death, and others 3i8t March. 99 Pat. 10 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 22. 1 Professio Adae Hereford epi- scopi facta Waltero Cantuar.; consecratus fuit in curia Romana auctoritate D. Johannis papae XXII. anno 131 7, et innovavit istam professionem coram magno altari in ecclesia Cantuar. cum processione solempni in primo adventu suo archiepiscopo tunc absente,viz. die commemorationis Sancti Pauh, hoc est, 2. Cal. Jul. anno supradicto, Reg. Cantuar. 2 Pat. II Edw. II. p. I. m.34. 3 There is some uncertainty a- bout the date of his consecration, &c. Some authorities say he was consecrated 22nd Sept. 131 7, but that must be incorrect, as 22nd Sept. 1317 fell on Thursday; others, that he was consecrated 7th March 131 7-8 (but that day fell on Shrove Tuesday); and en- throned on Sunday after Michael- mas day ( I St Oct.) 131 7; and the spiritualities delivered to him 2nd July 131 7; and the temporalities on the 13th of the same month. 4 Pat. I Edw. III. p. 3. m. 9. and Glaus, i Edw. III. p.i.m.37. 462 HEREFORD. surer, was promoted by the Pope to the bishopric of Hereford. He was consecrated i8th Oct. 1327, and received the temporalities 21st Dec. following*^. He died I ith Jan. 1343-4, and was buried at Hereford, in the cathedral. The license to elect in the room of bishop Cherlton is dated 27th Jan. 1343—47. 1344 John de Trillek, canon of Hereford, was elected 23rd iSEdw.lil. Feb. 1343-4*^, obtained the royal assent 5th March following"^, and I'eceived the temporalities on the 29th of that month "^. He was confirmed by the archbishop 27th March, consecrated 24th June^^, and enthroned 24th Oct. following. He died 30th Nov. 1360, and was buried in the presbytery of Hereford cathedral. The conge d'elire, vice John Trillek, issued 1 2th Dec. 1360^-; but 1361 Lewis de Cherletox, S.T.P., came in by papal pro- 35Edw.lll. vision'', bull dated iv Id. Sep. (loth Sept.) 1361. He was consecrated 25th Oct.'^, and made his pro- fession of obedience at Otford 3rd Nov. following '■'. The temporalities were restored 14th Nov.'^ He died 23rd May 1369, and was interred in the cathedral of Hereford. His will, dated 23rd May 1369, was proved 1st July following '7. The license to elect, on the death of Lewis de Cherleton, is dated 8th July 1369'^. 1370 Wir.i.i.ViM CouRTENAY, LL.D., son of the earl of Devon, 44Edw.IiI. canon of YorJc^ was appointed by papal provision and dispensation, he being then only in the 28th year of hisage^'J, the bull dated xvi Oal. Sep. (17th Aug.) 1369. He received the spiritualities 13th March 1369-70'-^* and the temporalities on the 19th of the same month 20. ^ Pat. I Edw. III. p. 3. m. 9. Spiritualia accepit iii Non. Nov. 7 Pat. iSEdvv. III. p. i.m. 47. (3rd Nov.) 1361. Reg. Islip. ^ Reg. Trillek. f. 2 a. ^4 Reg. Islip. fol. 231. 9 Pat. 18 Edw. III. p. I. m.31. 15 Ibid. '0 Ibid. m. 27. 16 Pat. 35 Edw. III. p. 3. m.24. •1 Reg. Islip. 17 Reg. Wittles. fol. 103. 12 Pat.34Edvv.III. p. 3.111.5. 18 Pat.43Edw.III. p. I. m. 36. 1^ Electus ab una parte capi- 19 Reg. Wittles. tuli, Johannes autem Barnet 19* Reg. Courtenay f. 2 a. archidiaconus London ab altera. 20 Pat. 44 Edw. III. p. i. m. 33. BISHOPS. 463 He was enthroned T5th Sept. 1372, and made his pro- fession of obedience at Lambeth 1 6th Nov, in the same year^t). On 12th Sept. 1375 he was translated to London-^; and 1375 John Gilbert, bishop of Bangor^ was translated to ^gEdw.lll. Hereford by papal bull, dated ii Id. Sep. (12th Sept.) 1375''- He received the temporalities 4th Dec. fol- lowing--^, and the spiritualities on the 6th of the same month '^^; and in i389 was translated to St. David's '2^. He was treasurer of the exchequer in 1388-6. 1389 John Trefnant or Trevenant, LL.D., cano7i of [3Ric. II. St. Asaph, was provided to this see by the Pope's bull dated ii Non. Maii (6th May) 1389 '^7^ consecrated 20th June-^, and obtained the temporalities j6th Oct.2^ The exact date of his death is not known, but his will is dated 26th March 1404, and was proved 23rd April 1404-^0; and the license to elect a / bishop in his room is dated 12th April 1404-^^ 1404 Robert Mascall, a Carmelite friar, was promoted to 5 Hen. IV. this see by papal provision, the bull dated vi Non. Jul. (2nd July) 1404. The temporalities were restored to him 25th Sept.-^'^, and he made his profession of obe- dience in the church of Coventry on the 28th of the same month ^^^ jJq dietj 22nd Dec. 1416 ^^, and was 20 Reg. Wittles. 26 Pat. 1 1 Ric, II. p. i. m. 10. 21 Pat. 49 Edw.III. p. I. m. 17. 27 Reg. Courten. His own re- et Reg. Sudbur. gister says 5th May. (fol. i a.) 22 Reg. Sudbur., but Gilbert's 28 in capella S. Gregorii in own register (fol. i a.) makes it Urbe Romana. 1374: "Johannes Gilbert episco- 29 Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. i. m. 7. pus translatus in Herefordensem 30 Reg. Arundel, fol. 207. ecclesiam A.D. 1374 post Wil- ^l Pat. 5 Hen. IV. p. 2. ra. 23. lielmum Courteney." ^'^WnA.xn.'^. 23 Pat. 49 Edvv. III. p. 2. m.p. 33 Reg. Arundel, fol. 28. 24 Reg. Sudbur. 34 Vacatio episcopatus Here- 25 Reg. Courten. fol. 324. et forden. per mortem bonse memo- Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. I. m. 26. He rise Roberti Mascall episcopi ibi- was constituted the King's trea- dem qui obiit London die Martis surer 24th Oct. 1386. Pat. 10 prox. ante festum Nativitatis Do- Ric. II. p. I. m. 16. See also mini,videlicet xxii. die mensis De- Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. I. m. 24. cembr.1416. Reg.Chichel.f.185. 464 HEREFORD. 1417 5 Hen. V. 1420 SHeii.V. buried in the church of the White Friars, London ''^. His will, dated 33rd Nov. 1416, was proved 17th Jan. 141 6-17 ^6. The conge d'eliro vice Robert Mascall is dated 2Jst Jan. 1417 's and Edmuxd Lacy, S.T.P., canon of Hereford and dean of the King's cliapel^ was chosen. He had a grant of the custody of the temporalities 8th Feb.-^*^, and the King wrote to the Pope in his favour 17th Feb.^'-* The papal assent to his election was given 3rd March 141 7 '0, he was consecrated 18th April 'i, and the temporalities restored to him ist May following^'^. In 1420 he was translated to Exeter ^3. Thomas Polton, LL.B., dean of Yorlc^ the Pope's notary^ was promoted to Hereford by papal provision; the bull is dated Id. Jul. (15th July) 1420^^. He made profession of obedience 4th Nov., and obtained the temporalities on the 9th of the same month-*^. In J 422 he was translated to Chichester ^6. 35 Weever, p. 457. He wills to be buried in the cross aisle of the Friars CarmeUtes at Ludlow. 36 Reg. Chichel. fol. 301. 37 Pat. 4 Hen. V. m. 9. The King's letter to the bishop of Winchester, chancellor of Eng- land, desiring him to issue a conge d'eUre to the dean and chapter of Hereford, is dated from Kenilworth castle 19th Jan. In Turr. Lond. 38 Pat. 4 Hen. V. m. 3. 39 Ibid. m. 4. 40 Ibid. m. 6. ^^ Die Dominica xviii ApriUs 141 7 in capella hospitii domini Regis infra castrum suum de Wyndesore, et non in capella coUegii ibidem, Henricus Can- tuar. archiepiscopus venerabilem virum dominum Edmundum Lacye sacrfe paginae professorem ecclesiae Hereford electum con- secravit assistentibus Thomae Wigorn. et Stephano Meneven. episcopis in prsesentia domini Regis aliorumque quampluri- mum procerum et magnatum regni Angliae. Reg. Chichel. et Reg. Lacye fol. i a. 42 Pat. 5 Hen. V. m. 27. 43 Pat. 8 Hen. V. m. 25. 44 Reg. Chichel. fol. 29. 45 Pat. 8 Hen. V. m. 12. The privy seal addressed to the chan- cellor, commanding him to re- store the temporaUties to Tho- mas Polton, bishop of Hereford, whom the pope had provided to that see, is dated " En nostre host devant Melon le 22^ jour de Septembre Ian de nostre regne oytisme." 46 Pat. 10 Hen.V. mm. 10, i. BISHOPS. 465 1422 Thomas Spofford, hishop elect of Rochester, was re- 10 Hen. V. moved before his consecration from that see to Here- ford by the Pope's bull dated xv Cal. Dec. (17th Nov.) 1421^", and had restitution of the temporalities 25th May 1422^''. He made profession of his obedience on the 29th of the same month^^^ and voluntarily re- signed his see in 1448, and ended his days in St. Mary's Abbey, York, where he had formerly been I abbot. 1449 Richard Beauchamp, LL.D., archdeacon of Suffolk, 27 Hen. VI. ^vas provided to this see by pope Nicolas 4th Dec. 1448^0, and had the custody of the temporalities granted to him on the 3rd of that month ^i, and ple- Inary restitution of them 3 1 st Jan. 1448—9 ^-. He was consecrated^- 9th Feb. following. In 1450 he was translated to Salisbury ^^. 1451 Reginald BouLERs alias BoLERs ''■\ aSio^ ©/"/S^. Pt^^er's, 29Hen.vi. Gloucester, was provided to this see by bull of pope Calixtus 1 8th Sept. 1450; and obtained the tempo- ralities of this see 23rd Sept. 1450^^, and was conse- crated 14th Feb. 1450-51^". He was enthroned 2nd 47 Reg. Chichel. fol. 33. 5i Pat. 27 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 13. 48 Pat. 10 Hen. V. m. 10. ''2 The King informed the 49 23 Mali 1422. Domino in chancellor 29th Jan. 1448-9 that manerio suo de Lamhithe pre- Richard de Beauchamp, bishop sentatae fuerunt per mortem fra- elect of Hereford, had done trisThomse Hereforden.Episcopi fealty; and commands the chan- literae apostoUcse .... Martinus cellor to issue the usual letters episcopus servus servorum Dei patent of restitution of the tem- venerabili fratri Archiepiscopo poralities to him. Lett. Miss, in Cantuar ad dilectum filium Turr. Lond. Thomam Hereford tunc Roffens. ^'■^ Reg. Beauchamp. fol. 2 a. electima .... Dat. Rom. apud S. Licentiam consecrationis suae Petrum xv Cal. Decemb. Pont, impetravit extra ecclesiam Can- quarto. . . Deinde 29 Maii prox. tuar. celebrandse impetravit 30 sequen. Thomas Hereford, epi- Dec. 1448. Reg. Cantuar. Scopus professionem fecit Hen- •''•1 Pat. 29 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 14. rico Cantuar. archiepiscopo ibi- ^^ Godwin calls him Butler, dem, et hterae directae sunt ad ^^ Pat. 29 Hen.VI. p. i.m. 14. deliberand. spiritual. Reg. Chi- 57 x^e hcense for his conse- chel. cration is dated 24th Jan.1450-1. 50 Reg. Stafford, fol. 31. Reg. Cantuar. VOL. I. 30 466 HEREFORD. Aug. 145 1, and translated to Lichfield and Coventry in 1453. 1453 Jo^iN Stanbury, hisJiop of Bangor, was translated to 3iHen.vI. Hereford by bull of 7th Feb. 1452-3; the tempo- ralities were restored to him 26th March^^. He made his profession of obedience 6th April 1453 ^^^ ^^^^ ^® was enthroned 25th April ensuing, died nth May 1474, and was buried in Hereford cathedral. His will, dated 5th Feb. 1472-3, was proved 20th Oct. 1474. The license to elect a bishop in the stead of John Stanbury issued 26tli June 1474^0, 1474 Thomas Milling, S.T.P., abbot of Westminster^'^, was 14Edw.IV. provided to this see by the Pope^-, and had the tem- porahties restored to him 15th Aug. 1474^^. He was consecrated 21st Aug. in the chapel of St. Mary at Westminster. He died in March 1491-2*^*, and was buried in the chapel of St. John the Baptist in West- minster Abbey. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Mil- ling, deceased, is dated 13th Nov. 1492 "^-^ 1492 Edmund Audley, bishop of Rochester, was translated to 8 Hen. VII. Hereford by the Pope's bull dated x Cal. Jul., 22nd June 1492^^ (before the conge was issued), and had the temporalities restored to him 26th Dec. following ^7. By papal bull in 1502 he was translated to SahsburyS^, 1502 Hadrian de Castello^^, an Italian cardinal, was 18H.VII. 58 Pat. 31 Hen. VI. p. i . m, 4. ^3 Pat, 14 Edvv. IV. p. 2. m. 22. and Reg. Stanbury, fol. i a. ad temporalia admissus fuit ter- 59 Reg. Kempe, fol. 215, tiodecimo die Mali A. D. 1474 60 Pat. 14 Edw. IV. p. I. (Reg. Milling, fol. i a). 61 The custody of the tempo- 64 The custody of the tempo- ralities of the Abbey of West- rahties of the see of Hereford minster, vacant by the promo- was granted nth March 1491-2 tion of Thomas Milling to the to Edmund bishop of Rochester, bishopric of Hereford, was Bag. E. Bund. i. N^. 27. Pell, granted i6th Sept. 1474. Rot. 6.5 Pat. 8 Hen. VII. p. i. m.4. Fin. 14 Edw. IV. m. 7. 6{; Reg. Moreton. fol. 16. 62 The license for his conse- 67 Pat. 8 Hen. VII. p. i. m. 2. oration "extra ecclesiam Can- 68 Pat. i^Hen-VII. p.i.m.12. tuar." is dated 15th Aug. 1474. 69 Hadrianus Castellensis Pa- Reg. Cantuar. pge Secretarius Cardinahs S. BISHOPS. 467 consecrated in 1502"'^, and translated to Bath and Wells in 150471. 1504 Richard Mayo or Mayew, archdeacon of Oxford^ and o H. VII. president of Magdalen college^ Oxford, was provided to the see of Hereford by pope Julius H. 9th Aug. 15047-, and consecrated at Lambeth 27th Oct. The temporalities were restored to him ist Nov. in that year73_ fjg ^\q([ i8th April 15 16, and was buried in Hereford cathedral. His will, dated 24th March 15 15-16, was proved loth May 15167^. 1516 Charles Boothe, LL.D,, archdeacon ofBucJcs^ by papal IH.VIII. bull dated 21st July 15 16. He was consecrated^^ at Otford 30th Nov. in that year 76^ and obtained the temporahties 19th Feb. 15 16-1 7 77. He died 5th May 1535, and was buried in Hereford cathedraP^. His will was proved 8th May 1.535. 1535 Edward Fox, S.T.P., archdeacon of Leicester and Dor- 7H.vltl. set^ succeeded Charles Boothe, and the royal assent was given to his election 2nd Sept. 1535 79 ; he was confirmed by the archbishop on the 15th ^'^j and con- secrated at Winchester on the 26th of the same month^i. The temporalities were restored to him 4th Oct. in that year^'^. He died 8th May 1538. The cus- Chrysogoni. He was rector of Mayo, fol. i b. 2 a. St. Dunstan-in-tlie-East, Lon- 73 pat. 20 H.VII. p. i. m. 11. don, at the time of his nomina- 74 Lib. Holder, in Offic. Pre- tion to the see of Hereford, hav- rog. Cantuar. ing been collated thereto 17th 75 fhe license for his conse- May 1492, void by the death oration is dated 22nd Nov., and of David Williams. Richard the commission for his installa- Hilley was Hadrian's successor tion 2nd Dec. following. Reg. at St. Dunstan's, and appointed Cantuar. by the King 30th Aug. 1502. 76 Rgg. Warham, fol. 19. and Reg. Deane, Cantuar. Reg. Boothe. 70 Edward Sheffield was pre- T' Pat. 8 Hen.Vni. p.2. m.15. sented to the vicarage of Luton, 78 Ex Epitaphio. and Reg. in the archdeaconry of Bedford, ipsius. void by the consecration of Ha- 79 Pat. 27 H.VHI. p. 2. m. 20. drian as bishop of Hereford, 9th 80 Rgg. Cranm. fol. 173. May 1502. Reg. Smith. Line. ^1 Reg. Fox ad finem Reg. 71 Pat. 2oHen.Vn. p.i. m.ii. Boothe. 72 Reg. Warham, and Reg. 82 Pat. 27 H.VHL p. 2. m. 8. 302 468 HEREFORD. tody of the temporalities was granted 8tli May 1538 to Hugh Oorwen, and the spirituahties were taken into the hands of the archbishop on the same day^3_ His willj dated 8th May 1538, the day on which he died, was proved 20th March following. License to elect a bishop in the room of Edward Fox issued 5th Oct. 1538^^ ; in pursuance of which 1539 Edmund Bonner, LL.D., archdeacon of Leicester, was 30 H. VIII. elected 26th Oct., and obtained the royal assent to his election 27th Nov. 153885. He was confirmed 17th Dec.^Sj and had restitution of the temporahties 4th March 1538-9^7; but he was removed to London be- fore consecration 88. A license to elect another bishop in the room of Edmund Bonner, translated to London, issued J3th Oct. 153989. 1539 John Skip, S.T.P., archdeacon of Dorset and Suffolk, 31 H. VIII. was elected 24th Oct. 1539 ; received the royal assent to his election 7th Nov.^o, and the temporalities on the T 8th 91, He was confirmed on the 20th 9-, conse- crated at Lambeth on the 23rd of the same month, and enthroned 6th Dec. by proxy. He died 30th March 1552, and was buried in the church of St. Mary Mounthaw, London 9-^. His will, dated i8th March 1551-2, was proved 9th April 1552. 1553 John Harley was consecrated at Croydon 26th May 7Edw. VI. 15539^; but he did not enjoy his dignity long, as he 83 Reg. Cranm. ford, the advowson having heen 8^1 Pat. 30 H. VIII. p. 2. m. 3. purchased by Ralph de Maid- 85 Ibid. stone, bishop of Hereford, about 86 Reg. Cranm. the year 1234. The church was 87 Pat. 30 H.VIII. p. 2. m. 3. burnt in the fire of London in 88 Pat. 31 H.VIII. p. 3. m. 9. 1666, and never rebuilt; and the 89 Ibid. m. 10. ^ Ibid. parish is annexed to the neigh- 91 Ibid. m. 9. bouring one of St. Mary Somer- 92 Reg. Cranm. fol. 254. His set. Maitland Hist, of London, consecration is not entered in fol. 1772. vol. ii. p. 1142 b. The the Lambeth Registry. bishops of London and Hereford 93 The church of St. Mary now present alternately. Report Mounthaw, or de Monte alto, of the Commissioners, 1835, p. stood on Old Fish-street Hill, 660. and was exclusively in the pa- 94 Rgg, Cranm. fol. 335. tronage of the bishop of Here- BISHOPS. 469 was deprived 19th March 1553—495; on which day a license was issued to elect a bishop in his stead 9^. Robert Wabton, alias Pahfew, alias Purfoy, bishop of St. Asaph, was translated to Hereford on the de- privation of John Harley, and the temporalities of the see were restored to him 24th April 155497. He died 22nd Sept. 1557. His will was proved 21st Jan. 15.57-8 Thomas Reynolds, S.T.P., dean of Exeter., was nomi- nated by the Queen to the see of Hereford, and she granted to him the custody of the temporalities 7th Nov. 15589^; but queen Mary dying before his con- secration could take place, he was removed by queen Elizabeth, who thereupon issued a license to the dean and chapter to elect a bishop in the room of Robert Warton 99 ; in pursuance of which John Skorye or Scoky, hisJiop of Chichester., (of which dignity he had been deprived by queen Mary), was elected to Hereford 15th July 1559; he obtained the royal assent to his election i8th Dec. following', and was confirmed in Bow church, London, on the 20th of the same month-. The temporalities were restored to him 23rd Mar. 1559-60 ^ He died at Whitbourne in Herefordshire 25th June 1585, and was buried there. His will was proved 23rd Aug. 1585^. Herbert Westfaling, S.T.P., was nominated by queen Elizabeth to the bishopric of Hereford 17th Nov. 1585, and elected by the chapter i6th Dec. He was confirmed by the archbishop 29th Jan. 1585-6, and consecrated the next day at Lambeth ^ He died ist March 1601-2, and was buried in Hereford ca- thedral^. His will, dated 6th Aug. 1601, was proved 95 Pat. I Mar. p. 7. m. 34. i Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 6. 96 Ibid. 2 Reg. Parker. 97 Ibid. p. I. m. 2T. 3 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 4. 98 Pat, 5 & 6 Phil. & Mar. p. 5. 4 Brudenel, 39. m. I. ^ Reg. Whitg. fol. 47. 99 Pat. I Eliz. p. 6. m. 2. 6 Ex Epitaphio. 470 HEREFORD. loth April 1602 6. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Westfaling, issued 7th Jan. 1602—3''. 1603 Robert Bennet, S.T.D., dean of Windsor^ was nomi- t Jac. I. nated by the Queen 7th Jan. 1602-3, ^^^^ elected on the 15th of the same month. He received the royal assent 7th Feb. 1602-3^, ^^^'"^ confirmed on the 19th of the same month, and consecrated the next day at Lambeth^. The temporalities were restored to him 14th May following 10. He died 20th Oct. 161 7, and was buried in Hereford cathedral ^i. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury i'*. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Robert Bennet is dated 8th Nov. 16171-^. 1617 Francis Godwin, hisJiop ofLlandaff^ was translated to 15 Jac. I. Hereford by the King's desire loth Nov.^-^ He was elected 13th Nov., and received the royal assent 24th Nov. 161 7 14., and the archbishop's confirmation the 28th of the same month 1^. The temporalities were restored to him 20th Dec.i^ He died in April 1633, and was buried in the parish church of Whitbourne on the 29th of that month ^7. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Francis Godwin is dated 23rd Sept. 16331^. William Juxon, LL.D., dean of Worcester^ was elected bishop of Hereford, and obtained the royal assent 3rd Oct., and restitution of the tempoi'alities 7tli Nov.^^; but before consecration he was translated to London, upon which Godfrey Goodman, hishop of Gloucester^ was elected to the see of Hereford ; but he refused it, and ^ Montague, 12. ^^ Camdeni Annales ab anno 7 Pat. 45 Eliz. p. 4. 1603 ad ann. 1625. 8 Ibid. p. 8. 14 Pat. 15 Jac. I. p. 25. No. 5. 9 Reg. Whitg. par. iii. fol. 65. '^ Reg. Abbot, fol. to6. 10 Pat. I Jac. I. p. 8. 16 Pat. 15 Jac. I. p. 25. N". 4. 11 Ex Epitaph, et Reg. Abbot. i^ Parish Reg. of Whitbourne. 11* Welden, 122. '8 Pat. 9 Car. I. p. 14. N^. i. 12 Pat. 15 Jac. I. p. 25. No. 6. 19 Ibid. Nos. 2, i. BISHOPS. 471 )34 Augustine Lindsell, bishop of Peterborough, was ar. I- elected to this see 7th March 1633-4^ and confirmed on the 24th of the same month '-'\ He died 6th Nov. 1634, and was buried in Hereford cathedral-'. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury 2'^. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Augustine Lindsell is dated 23rd Nov. 1634"^^. )35 Matthew Wren, S.T.P., dean of the chapel royal, Z&rA. Windsor, was elected 5th Dec. 1634, and obtained the royal assent 27th Feb. 1634— 5-*. He was con- firmed 2nd March and consecrated at Lambeth on the 8th 25j and received the temporalities on the 24th of the same month '^^ ; he was shortly afterwards translated to Norwich. A license to elect a bishop in the stead of Matthew Wren issued 7th Dec. 1 635-", in pursuance of which 536 Theophilus Field, bishop of St. David^s, was elected :ar. I. ]^th Dec. 1635, received the royal assent on the 1 9th '^8^ a^nd was confirmed on the 23rd of the same month -9. He obtained the temporahties 23rd Jan. 1635-6-^0. He died 2nd June 1636, and was buried in Hereford cathedral ^1. His will is in the Prerogative Office, Canterbury-^'-. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Theophilus Field is dated 13th June 15^5 33^ in pursuance of which 536 George Coke or Cooke, bishop of Bristol, was elected :;ar. I. to this see i8th June 1636, and received the royal assent on the 28th of that month ■^^. He was confirmed 2nd July •^^, and obtained the temporalities on the 7th of the same month^^. He died atQuedgley in the county 20 Reg. Laud, fol. 28. ^9 Reg. Laud, fol. 49. 21 Ex Epitaphio. 30 Pat. u Car. L p. 14. No. i. 22 Seager, iii. 31 Ex Epitaphio. 23 Pat. 10 Car. L p. 39. N". 17. 32 Pyig. 24 Ibid. No. 16. 33 Pat. 12 Car. L p. 17. No. 3. 25 Reg. Laud, fol. 44. 34 ibid. No. 2. 26 Pat. 10 Car. I. p. 39. No. 15. 35 Rgg. Laud, fol. 57. 27 Pat. II Car. I. p. 14. No. 3. 36 Pat. 12 Car. I. p. 17. No. i. 28 Ibid. No. 2. 472 HEREFORD. of Hereford JothDee. 1646, and was buried in Erdesley parish church^^ without a monument. His will is dated 1646, and is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury ^'^. The see was vacant about fourteen years. 1661 Nicholas Moncke-^^, S.T.P., provost of Eton, was 12 Car. II. elected 1st Dec. 1660, and confirmed on the a ist of the same month. He was consecrated 13th Jan. 1660—1 in the chapel of Henry VII. at Westminster *». He died 17th Dec. 1661, and was buried on the 20th of that month in Westminster Abbey ^i. His will is in the Prerogative Office, Canterbury^-. 1662 Herbert Croft, S.T.P., dean of Hereford, was elected 14 Car. II. 2 1 st Jan. 1 66 1-2, confirmed 6th Feb., and consecrated at Lambeth on the 9th of the same month ^-J. He died 18th May 1691, and was buried in Hereford cathedral on the 28th of that month. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury. 169T Gilbert Ironside, bishop of Bristol, was nominated to 3W.&M. the see of Hereford 22nd April 1691 ^^ and elected 27th May 1691 ^5. He received the royal assent 15th July, and was confirmed on the 29th of that month. The temporalities were restored to him i st Aug. fol- lovving-16. He died 27th Aug. 1701, setat. 69, and was buried ist Sept. in the church of St. Mary Somer- set, London ^7, 1701 Humphrey Humphreys, bishop of Bangor, was nomi- isWill.III. nated to this see ist Oct. 1701, received the royal assent 19th Nov. following^*^. He was confirmed 2nd Dec. 1701 49j and received the temporahties 15th Dec.^o He died 20th Nov. 17 12, setat. 63, and was buried in Hereford cathedral ^1. 3^ The monument to him in ^^ Reg. Juxon, fol. 283. the cathedral was erected after '^'^ Church Book, Home Office, the year 1660. ^ Reg. Heref. 38 Fines, 164. 46 Church Book, Home Office. 39 Brother to George duke of ^7 Ex Epitaphio. Albemarle. 48 Church Book, Home Office. 40 Reg. Juxon, fol. 267. 49 Reg. Cantuar. 41 Ex Epitaphio. 50 Church Book, Home Office. 4^ Reg. Laud, 39. 5i Rgg. Heref. et Epitaph. BISHOPS. 473 17 1 2 Philip Bisse, bishop of St. Daoid''s, was nominated 26th II Ann. Jan. 1712—3^^5 and elected 6th Feb. He received the royal assent 9th Feb., and the temporalities on the 13th of that month. He was confirmed on the i6th of the same month_, and enthroned 17 th Sept. follow- ing. He died 6th Sept. 17 21, and was buried nth Sept. in Hereford cathedral -^3. 1721 Benjamin Hoadly, bishop 0/ Bangor, was translated 8 Geo. I. to Hereford, and confirmed at Bow church, London, 7th Nov. 1 72 1, and before he had presided here three years he was removed to Salisbury. 1724 Hon. Henry Egerton, LL.D., son of John earl of 10 Geo I. Bridgewater, was nominated 27th Aug. 1723, and confirmed at Bow church 1st Feb., and consecrated 2nd Feb. 1723—4^*; on the 3rd of which month the temporalities were restored to him. He died suddenly ist April 1746, and his will was proved on the 9th of the same month. 1746 Lord JamesBeauclerk,D.D., was nominated 8th April 9 Geo. II. 1746^5, and received the royal assent to his election on the 25th of the same month. He was confirmed at Bow church 9th May, and consecrated at Lambeth on the nth, and the tempoi*alities were restored to him on the 17th of the same month ^^. He died 20th Oct. 1787, setat. 78. 1787 Hon. John Harley, dean of Windsor, was nominated 8 Geo.IIl. 29th Oct. 1 787, and elected 21st Nov. He received the royal assent 23rd Nov., was confirmed 7th Dec. and consecrated 9th Dec^^j the temporalities were restored to him 1 2th Dec.^^ He died 9th Jan. 1788. 1788 John Butler, bishop of Oxford, was nominated 23rd ,8 Geo.IIl. Jan. 1788^9, and elected 13th Feb. He received the royal assent 15th Feb., was confirmed 28th Feb., and the temporalities were restored to him on the 29th of the same month ^o. He died loth Dec. 1802, setat. 85. 52 Church Book, Home Office. ^ Reg. Potter, fol. 200. 53 Ex Epitaphio. 57 Rgg. Moore, fol. 127. 5-1 Reg. Wake, iii. fol. 207. 58 Church Book, Home Office. 55 Church Book, Home Office, 59 ibid. 60 ibid, and Gazette 12 th April 1746. VOL. I. 2 ¥ 474 HEREFORD. 1803 FoLLioTT Herbert Walker Cornwall, bishop of 43 Geo.lll. Bristol, was nominated to Hereford 1 8th Dec. 1 802, and elected 8th Jan. 1803. He received the royal assent to his election 12th Jan., and was confirmed on the 28th of the same month ^6; the temporalities were restored to him 3rd Feb. ^7 He was translated to Worcester in June 1808. 1808 John Luxmoore, hishop of Bristol^ was nominated to 48 Geo.III. Hereford 13th July 1808, elected on the 26th, and he received the royal assent on the 28th of the same month. He was confirmed 23rd Aug,''*^, and the tem- poralities were restored to him 24th Aug.'^^. He was translated to St. Asaph in 18 15. 1 815 George Isaac Huntingford, hishop of Gloucester, SS Geo.III. was nominated 21st June 1815*^0, and elected on the 26th. He received the royal assent on the 28th of the same month. He was confirmed 5th July^i, and the temporalities were restored to him 10th July 6^. He died 29th April 1832. 1832 Hon. Edward Grey was nominated 4th May 1832, 2 wm, IV. and elected 8th May. He received the royal assent on the 9th of the same month, was confirmed on the 15th, and consecrated on the 20th ^^; the temporalities were restored to him 21st May^^. He died 24th June 1837, 1837 Thomas Musgrave was nominated 5th Aug. 1837, and I Vict. elected on the 30th of the same month. He received the royal assent 14th Sept , and was confirmed 30th Sept. His consecration took place ist Oct.^^, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 3rd of that month. He was translated to York in Dec. 1 847. 1848 Renn Dickson Ha.mpden, the present holder, was II Vict. nominated nth Dec. 1847, ^^^ elected on the 28th of that month. He received the royal assent 6th Jan. 1848, and was confirmed on the nth of the same 56 Reg. Moore. 61 Rgg. Sutton. 57 Church Book, Home Office. 62 Church Book, Home Office. 58 Reg. Sutton. 63 Reg. Howley. 59 Church Book, Home Office. 64 Church Book, Home Office. ^ Ibid. 65 Reg. Howley. DEANS. 475 month. Her Majesty, 14th March, directed letters patent ^^ to issue to consecrate hira^''^ and the cere- mony was performed 26th March. The temporalities were restored to him 17th April. The arms of this see are thus blazoned : Gules, three leopards' faces reversed, each jessant, a fleur de lys, or. DEANS. Ralph, about 1 140^^. GEOFFREy, 1150^9. Ralph, 115770, Geoffrey, 1173"'. Richard, about t 18772. Hugh de Breusa held this office in 1202. Hugh de Mapenore, 12077^; was dean in 121674; bishop of this see in 1216. Henry held the dignity in 1316. Thomas de Bosebir succeeded about 1218. He died vi Cal. Oct. (26th Sept.) I23i7.\ Ralph de Maidstone or Maydenstun, made dean 22nd Sept, 1 23 1, and 12th Nov. 1234 he was made bishop of this see 7 6. Stephen Thorne was made dean about 2 8th Oct. 1 23477. Ancelin or Ancelinus or Anselm was dean in 1247, 125978, and 126279. "'' He was returned as elected was refused, by the dean and chapter of Here- ^7 Church Book, Home Office, ford to be bishop of that see, ^^ Angl. Sacra, pars ii. 312. but his confirmation was object- ^^ Coll. Reynolds, ed to ; and the commissioners "0 Reg. S. Petri Ebor. Cot- appointed by the archbishop for ton. Claudius, B. 3. the purpose of confirming Dr. 71 B,eg. Osmundi Ep. Sarum.' Hampden, having refused to hear 72 Reg. Osen. f. 204. any of the objections made to 73 Ljb, y. jojj (jeBrgcon. MS. the confirmation, a mandamus 74 Pat. i Hen. HI. m. 9. directing them to hear and de- 75 Annal. Teokisbir. Pat. 13 cide such objections was applied Hen. HI. m. 10. for in the Court of Queen's 76 Annal. Teokisbir. Bench, Hil. Term 1848. After 77 ibid, elaborate argument, the Court 78 Pat. 43 Hen. HI. m. 15. being equally divided, the writ '9 Coll. Reynolds. ^ 476 HEREFORD. Giles de Avenbury, 1271^0. He died or resigned 19th Sept. 1278. There was a suit respecting his will which was not settled in 1285. John de Aqua-Blanca succeeded in 1278*^1. He was abroad 7th Sept. 1 285*^2, and 12th Nov. 1307*^3. He was appointed by Peter of Savoy his attorney *^^ He held the dignity in Aug. 1312*^% and died 1320. Stephen de Ledebury succeeded in 1320; enjoyed it in Dec. 1325; also in I34[ and 134886. He died in 1352. Thomas Tbillek was dean in 1352; in 1359 was made coadjutor to John Trillek, bishop of this sees^. He was made dean of St. PauFs, London, in 1363. William de Feriby, 28th July 136 1^^. William Bermingham succeeded in 1363; he enjoyed this dignity in 1366^9. John de Middleton succeeded dean Bermingham; he was deprived about 1380. L^ John Harold, installed about 1380. He died 19th ^ Oct. 1393^°; buried in the cathedral. John Prophet was installed 7th Nov. 1393, confirmed 16th May I394^\ and in 1407 was removed to the deanery of York 9^. Thomas Felde, LL.D., installed in 1407^3; held it in 14175^. Thomas Felde's will is dated at Maydeston, die S. Jacobi apostoli (29th July) 141 9, and was proved 26th Nov. 141995. John Bagshaw held it in May 142296. John Stanwey. He died possessed of it 9th Aug. 143497. Henry Shelford was elected 20th Sept. and installed 26th Sept. 14349s. He died in 1445 o^' 1446. 80 Coll. Reynolds. 87 Reg. Islip. 81 Pat. 9 Edw. I. p. I. See 88 Pat.35 Edw.III. p.2.m.io. also Pat. 17 Edw. I., 18 Edw. I., 89 Rgg. Langham. 24 Edw. I., 33 Edw. I., 34 Edw. ^ Coll. Reynolds. I., 35 Edw. I. »i Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 13. 82 Pat. 13 Edw. I. 92 Coll. Reynolds.& Reg. Ebor. 83 Pat. I Edw. II. p. I. m. 13. 93 Reg. Ebor. 84 I Edw. II, Lett, in Turr. 94 Reg. Chichel. fol. 12. 85 Pat. 6 Edw. II. 95 Ibid. fol. 322. 86 Reg. Had. de Salop. Episc. 96 ibid. fol. 33. B. & W, !'7 Coll. Reynolds. 98 ibid. DEANS. 477 John Berew was dean in 1446; he was at the enthroni- zation of bishop Richard Beauchamp in 1448, and died 6th April 146299. John ap Richard was elected 24th June 1462, and deprived two days afterwards^, Richard Pede, LL.D., was installed 14th March 1462-32. He died in 1480. Thomas Chandelee, S.T.P., was installed 23rd March 1481— 2. He died 2nd Nov. 1490, and lies buried in the cathedral 3. Oliver King, LL.D., was installed 23rd March 1490-91, and resigned it 27th June 1491. He was bishop of Exeter in 1493 "*• John Hervey was installed about July 1491. His will was made loth April 1500, and proved 20th May 1501. He was buried in the cathedral ^. Reginald West was dean in 15016. Ob. 1512. Thomas Wolsey held this dignity in 151 2. He re- signed it 3rd Dec. 15 1 2. Edmund Frowcester or Frowcetoure, S.T.P., was elected 21st Jan. and installed 27th Jan, 151 2-13. He died 1 6th May 1529, and was buried in the cathedral 7. Gamaliel Clifton, LL.D,, was elected 5th July 1529, and installed 14th Aug. 1530. He died 29th April 1541 ^. His will is dated on the day of his death. Hugh Coren or Curwyn, LL.D., was installed ist June 154 1 9, In 1555 he was made archbishop of Dublin, in Ireland ^^ 5 and twelve years after, viz. 1567, was translated to the bishopric of Oxford. Edmund Daniel, A.M., was installed 31st July 1558^^, and deprived the year following 12, He died 30th Oct. 1576, setat. 57, and was buried in the English College chapel at Rome. 99 Reg. Stafford. 7 ibid. Reg. Booths. 1 Coll. Reynolds. 2 ibid. 8 CoU. Reynolds. 3 Ibid. Ex Epitaphio. « Reg. Heref. 4 Frith. Catal. Canon. Winde- 10 Pat. i & 2 Phil. & Mar. p. Bor. MS. II. m. 16. 5 Reg. Cantuar. n Reg. Pole fol.58. " Coll. Reynolds. 12 Reg. Heref. 478 HEREFORD. John Ellis, A.M., was presented ist Jan. and in- stalled 1 8th Feb. 1559-60". He resigned in 1576. John Watkins, A.M., was nominated by the Queen 9th Jan. 1576-7, was installed 13th March 1576-7, re- signed in 1593, and died in May 15941"^. His will, dated 28th Aug, 1592, was proved 25th May 1594. Charles Langford, A.M., was installed 5th April 15931-^. Buried in the cathedral 28th Oct. 1607. Edward Doughtie, A.M., was installed 23rd Dec. 1607'^. He died in 1616. Richard Mountague, S.T.B,, was installed 9th Dec. i6i6i^ and resigned the year following'^. SiLVANUs Griffiths, S.T.P., was installed i6th Sept. 16 1 7 17. His will, dated in Nov. 1623, was proved in June 1624. Daniel Price, S.T.P., was installed i6th Dec. 1623^*^. He died 23rd Sept. 1631. John Richardson, S.T.P., was installed 27th Oct. 1631^^. His will, dated ist April 1636, was proved 25th May following. Jonathan Brown, S.T.P., paid his first fruits 13th Jan. 1636-7. He died in Dec. 1643. Herbert Croft, S.T.P., was installed 1644, and in j66i was made bishop of this see. Thomas Hodges, S.T.P., was installed 20th Sept. 1661, and died 22nd Aug. 1672, setat. 72. 11 Rymer, vol.xv. p.563. Reg. the deanery of Hereford with Heref. Richard Mountague " per viam '2 Reg. Heref. Ath. Ox. vol. permutationis cum Olivero Lloyd, i. p. 731, 788. cessit decanatu prsedicto [Here- in Bishops' Certificates. ford] et faclus est archidiaconus ^'^ Reg. Heref. Hereford, etinstal.canon. [Wind- 1'^ The King's letters patent sor.] 6 Sept. 1617." If this ordering his installation are dated statement be correct, Oliver Lloyd 1 8th Nov. ao. reg. 14". must have held the deanery but 1^ There is some confusion a- a few days, and resigned it to bout thesuccessor of Mountague Griffiths, who thereupon resigned in the deanery. Three MSS. notes the archdeaconry of Hereford to in earl Powis's copy state that Mountague. Oliver Lloyd, canon of Wind- 17 Reg. Heref. sor, exchanged the canonry for ^^ Ibid. ^^ Ibid. DEANS. 479 George Benson, S.T.P.,was installed loth Sept. 1672. He died 24th Aug. 1692, setat. 78, and was buried in the cathedral '^o. John Tyler, S.T.B., was installed 27th Sept. 1692'-'; and 30th June 1706 was made bishop of Llandaft', with leave to hold this dignity in commendam. Robert Clavering succeeded Dr. Tyler as dean of Hereford and bishop of Llandaff in 1706. He was translated to Peterborough. John Harris succeeded in April 1729; made dean of Wells in 1 736. Edward Cresset, nominated 25th Aug. 1736, vice Dr. John Harris, bishop of Llandaff, resigned ; pro- moted to the see of Llandaff. Edmund Castle^ nominated 17th Feb. 174H-9, vice Edward Cresset resigned. John Egerton, nominated 2nd July 1750, vice Ed- mund Castle deceased. Francis Webber, nominated loth May 1756, vice Dr. John Egerton promoted to the see of Bangor. Nathan Wetherall seems to have succeeded Webber. William Leigh, nominated i6th Jan, 1808, vice Dr. Nathan Wetherall deceased. George Grelton seemingly succeeded Leigh. Robert James Carr, nominated 14th Aug. 1820, and installed on the 26th of the same month, vice Grelton. Edward Mellish, nominated 28th June 1827. Hon. Edward Grey, nominated loth Jan. 1831, vice Mellish. John Merewether, nominated 15th May 1832, and installed i6th June following, vice Grey. Richard Dawes, nominated 15th May 1850, and in- stalled [3th June following. This deanery is rated for first fruits at 38?. 6s. ^d:^'^ ARCHDEACONS OF HEREFORD. Heinfridus held this dignity in 1109. 20 Ex Epitaphio. 21 Rgg. Heref. 22 Ecton, p. 138. -/ 480 HEREFORD. William held it in iiii. Geoffrey held it in i ii8. Died 25th Nov. 1 120. Alexander de Waltun circa 1135. Peter in 1 149. Walter about 1154 and 1160. Ralph Foliot about 1163. Robert de Oxenford about 1173. Ralph Foliot again in 1176. Died in 1195. William about 1200'^^ Walter Fitzwalter held it in 1214"^'-. William was archdeacon in 1221'-^. Henry Bustard held the office about 1 240. William de Conflens held this office in 1255, 1258'-^, 1266", and 1287 -^ Roger de Sevenak, installed by proxy vi Kal. Jun. (27th May) 1287, and personally xii Kal. Dec. (20th Nov.) following'-". Richard de. Hertford held it in 1290 and 1296-^. Died in 1303 '^'^. Henry Schorne, collated vi Cal. Junii (27th May) 1303. Thomas de Chandos, appointed in Feb. 132730. John de Barton, admitted 5th March 1332. John de Bedwardyn, admitted 24th Sept. 1369; re- signed 2nd April 1379-^'. Richard de Kingston, admitted 3rd April 1379^^; resigned in 1404. 'VJohn Loveney, admitted 22nd Jan. 1404-5; resigned in 141 7 for the archdeaconry of Salop. John Hereford, admitted 22nd Jan. 1417-18. John Berew, admitted 21st July 1424; made dean of Hereford in 1446. 21 Cart. 2 Joh. m. 20. Jun. 1287. Reg. Swinf. fol. 46 a. 22 Pat. 15 Joh. p. loi. 27 Reg. Swinf. fol. 47 a. 23 Pat. 6 H. III. m. 6. in dorse. 28 Pat. 24 Edw. I. 24 Pat. 43 Hen. III. 29 Rgg. Swinf. fol 139 b. 25 Pat. 51 Hen. III. 30 Pat. i Edw. III. and Pat. 2. 26 Magister Guillielmus de Edw. III. p. i. m. 38. Cumflens dudum archidiaconus 31 Reg. Heref. Hereford est in Gebennensem 32 Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. i. m. 27. episcopum consecratus, 6 Kal. ARCHDEACONS. 481 Richard Rudhall, collated 17th Sept. 1446. Ob. 1476. His will, dated 16th May 1476, was proved 26th July following. Richard Martyn, possessed of it in 1476. He was preferred to St. David's in 1482. Robert Jeffry, 1480 : died in 1494. Thomas Morton succeeded Jeffry in 1494. His will is dated 25th June 15 11. William Webb, collated 20th July 151 1. Ob. 1522. John Boothe, collated 29th Jan. 1522-3. Died 1542. John Styrmin, collated 14th Aug, 1542. Will dated 1st Feb. 1551-2. Richard Cheyney, collated 3rd Feb. 1551-2. Re- signed in 1557. John Glazier, collated 27th July 1557; deprived 1559. Robert Crowley, collated 24th March 1559. Re- signed in 1567. Edward Cowper, collated 3th April 1567. Resigned in 1578. Simon Smith, admitted 29th April 1578. Died 1606. SiLVANUs Griffiths, collated 28th July i6o6^K Ex- changed it in 1617 for the deanery. Richard Mountague, admitted 15th Sept. 16 17 34. Resigned in 1 620. John Hughes, admitted 8th July 1623 3^. Ob. 6tb. June 1648. Matthew Burst seems to have succeeded Hughes-^^. George Benson, installed 24th Sept. 1660. Samuel Benson, installed 15th Dec. 1684, vice George Benson, resigned 3". Deprived in 1690 for refusing to take the oaths of allegiance. William Johnson, installed nth Dec. 1690, vice Sa- muel Benson, deprived^s. Ob. 2nd Feb. 1697-8. ^ Bishops' Certificates. insigniter doctus. Catal. Soc. 34 Ibid. 35 Ibid. Coll. Reg. Cant. MS. (K) Note 36 Qui e scola Etoniensi ad in Earl Powis's copy of Le Neve. ColL Reg. Cantab, evocatus, 37 Bishops' Certificates, prsefectus archid. Hereford, vir 38 Ibid. VOL. I. 3 Q 482 HEREFORD. Brian Turner, nominated, but died before installation. Thomas Fox, installed 15th June 1698, vice William Johnson^^. John Walker, instituted 3rd Feb. 1728-9, vice Tho- mas Fox'^^. Ob. 9th Nov. 1 74 1. Robert Breton, collated 18th Dec. 1741, vice John Walker -»«. Hon. John Harley, collated 19th Jan. 1769, vice Robert Breton ^1. James Jones, instituted 28th Dec. 1787, vice Hon. John Harley, promoted to the bishopric of Hereford *'^. John Lilly, collated 15th Feb. 1823, vice James Joneses. Henry Wetherell, instituted 2nd Dec. 1825, vice John Lilly 44. Richard Lane Freer, instituted 1852, vice Henry Wetherell, resigned. ARCHDEACONS OF SALOP. Walter Foliot held this dignity in 1162 and 1175. Hugh Foliot enjoyed it in 1216, and in 121 9 was made bishop of the see. Simon held it in 12264^. N,, probably Nicholas, held it about 1236. Peter de Aquablanca or Egeblanke in 12394^. James de Aquablanca or Egeblanke had the King's letters promissory of further preferment dated i8th Nov. 125547. He was the Queen's treasurer in 125748. John Foliot held it in 1 244. Adam de Phileby held it in 1281. Died in 1287. John de Bestan was collated 20th Nov. 1287. Re- signed about 1st Aug. 128949. John de Swinfeld was collated 20th Oct. 1289. He resigned it for the treasurership. 38 Bishops' Certificates. gistri Simonis quondam archidi- 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 41 Ibid. aconi Salop, ratione episcopatus 42 Ibid. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid. Heref. vac. 45 Cart. II Hen. III. p. 2. 47 Pat. 40 Hen. III. m. 21. 4fi Claus. 24 H. III. Rex con- 48 Pat. 41 Hen. III. m. 8. tulit ei demos quae fuerunt Ma- 49 Reg. Swinf. f. 62 b. ARCHDEACONS OF SALOP. 483 Roger of Canterbury, collated 21st March 1292. He resigned it for the treasurership, Philip Talbot, collated 27th Jan. 1299. John de Rosse possessed it in 1308^". He was made bishop of Carlisle in 1318. William de Rosse was archdeacon of Salop in 1318. Died in 1332. Richard de Sidenhale, collated 12th Jan. 1332. Henry de Shipton held it in 1360. William de Borstall held it in 1365, and exchanged with his successor for Flamstead rectory, co. Hertford. y^^RlCHARD NoWELL 27th DoC. I367. ^y John Hore resigned it in 14.10. ^ John Welles, collated 24th July 1410. He died in the same year. John Hereford, collated 27th Oct. 1410. Exchanged it for the archdeaconry of Hereford. John Loveney held it in 1417, and exchanged it for Kedington rectory, in the diocese of Norwich, with his successor. John Merbury, collated i ith July 1422. He died in 1424. William Lathes, collated 7th April 1425. He died in 1441. Thomas Yeon or Yon, collated 24th June 1441. Re- signed or exchanged with his successor. Robert Jeffry held it 24th March 1449. He re- signed it about 1480 for the archdeaconry of Hereford. Thomas Morton succeeded in 1480. He resigned in 1494 for the archdeaconry of Hereford. John Martin, 1494. Died 1504. William Webb, 31st Oct. 1504. Made archdeacon of Hereford in 151 1. John Wardroper, collated 20th July 151 1. His will, dated i6th July 151 5, was proved 28th July following. William Gobard or Gilbert, collated 27th July 1515. He died i8th Dec. in the same year. ^ Reg. Winchels. 3 Q 2 484 HEREFORD. Henry Martyn, collated 3rd March 1515—16. He died 27th Jan. 1523-4. Humphrey Ogle, collated 28th Jan. 1523-4, and re- signed in 1536. Richard Sparchford, collated 14th Aug. 1536. Nicholas Smith, collated 23rd Dec. 1560. Robert Grensil, collated 20th Oct. 1561. Died 1579. William Greenwich, called also Greenvtll, in- stalled 30th March 1580. Morgan Godwin, admitted 24th April 163 i-''. Died after the year 1644. Thomas Cooke, installed 24th Sept. 1660. Ob. 6th April 1669. Stephen Philips, installed 8th May 1669, vice Tho- mas Cooke ^2. Ob. 20th Aug. 1684, setat, 46. Francis Wheeler, installed 25th Aug. 1684''^. Ob. in Dec. 1686. His will, dated 8th Feb. 1682-3, ^^^® proved 12th Feb. 1686-7. Adam Otley, installed 5th Jan. 1686-7, vice Francis Wheeler, deceased ^^. He was preferred to the see of St. David's in 17 13. Robert Comyn, instituted iStli July 1713, vice Adam Otley, promoted to the bishopric of St. David''s'''', Richard Crosse, instituted 24th Jan. 7726-7^^. Samuel Croxall, collated ist July 1732^7. Robert Breton, collated 6th May 1738, vice Samuel Croxall, resigned ^^. Egerton Leigh, collated ist Jan. 1 740-1, vice Robert Breton, resigned ^9. John Harley, collated iith Feb. 1760, vice Egerton Leigh 60. Robert Clive, collated 2nd Feb. 1769, vice Hon. John Harley, resigned ^i. Joseph Plymley, collated 4th Aug. 1792, vice Robert Clive, deceased 62. 51 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates. 52 Ibid. 53 Ibid. 5^ Ibid. 58 Ibid. 59 Ibid. 54 Ibid. 55 Ibid. 60 Ibid. 61 Ibid. 62 Ibid. PRECENTORS. 485 Joseph Corbett. William Vickers. William Waring^ collated i6th Aug. 1851, vice Wil- liam Vickers ^■^. ~i PRECENTORS. Gilbert was precentor about the year IJ50. Reginald between 1 150 and 1163. Richard seems to have followed Reginald, and William be Kilpec to have succeeded Richard. William Foliot held the dignity in 1195 and 1213, Thomas Foliot occurs about 1226^^. Robert Swardeby had the King's letters of protection dated 23rd Nov. 13336^. Died 4th June. Emeric de Aquablanca held the office in 1263, and had letters of safe conduct dated 12th June and 8th July 1 264 ^^. He seems to have resigned the precen- torship for the chancellorship. Hervey de Borham held this dignity in 1270. He died 7th Oct. 1276. He was also dean of St. PauFs, London, William de jMoxtfort was collated 4th Jan. 1276-7. He was also dean of St. PauFs, and died in 1294^7. John de Swinfeld, or Swinfeud, held this dignity in 1294 and 1311. Richard Havering held it in 1329 ; but the King disputed his title and conferred the office on John de Hoo of Exeter 30th March 1330*^^, and afterwards on John de Asheton 1st May 1330^^. Richard Havering was confirmed in the dignity by the King i3th Dec. 1330"*^. Thomas of Winchester held it in 1346, and resigned it in 1349. 63 Bishops' Certificates. Peckham. 64 Chart. II Hen. III. p. 2. 68 Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. i. 65 Pat. 18 Hen. III. m. 17. 69 Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. i. 66 Pat. 48 Hen. III. mm. 9, 11. '^^ Ibid. p. 2. m. 24. 67 Pat. 8 Edw. I. m. 7, et Reg. 486 HEREFORD. Walter ue Elvedon was collated 2oth Nov. 1349 and 135 1. Ralph de Cokeshall held it loth Dec. 1358. Henry de Bernyngton held it 14th Oct. 136171. William de Outeby resigned it in 1364. William de Borstall held it in 1364; resigned it about 138 1. Walter de Rammesbury possessed it in i;^^^, and died holding it in 1406. ^/ Henry Miles was collated 28th Nov. 1406. He re- \ signed in the next year. /\ Richard Talbot was collated 9th June 1407. ■ William Lowman held this dignity about 1410. FuLK Stafford was collated 30th Nov.1412. Died j 413. Nicholas Colnet was collated 3rd March 1412-13. He resigned in 14 13. Robert Felton was collated 12th Dec. 1413. John Bridebrooke was collated 21st July 1416. Re- signed in 1 43 1. John Arundel, collated 9th Aug. 1432. He resigned about 1434. William Lochard, possessed it in 1435. He died 24th Dec. 1438. His will, dated 1 ith April 1438, was proved 29th April 1439. William Middleham or Middleton, held it in 1440. He died in 1463. John Baily was collated 23rd Dec. 1463. Died 1479. Thomas Downe was collated 8th Sept. 1479. He died 26th March 1489. John Harvey, collated 3rd April 1489 ; he became dean in 1491. Robert Kent succeeded in 149 1 . His will, dated 24th Aug. 1514, was proved 15th Oct. 1515. William Porter, collated 21st Oct. 1515. He died 5th Nov. 15 2472. Roland Philips, collated 26th Nov. 152473. Resigned in 1531. 71 Pat. 3SEdw. III. p. 2. m.33. 72 Ex Epitaphio. 73 Rgg. Boothe. PRECENTORS. 487 Thomas Parker, collated 15th April 1531. Died 1538. Richard Benyse, installed nth Nov. 1538. He died in 1546. John Barlow, collated 7th Jan. 1546-7. He was de- prived in 1554. William Chell was instituted 20th Aug. 1554, and deprived in 1559. Walter Jones or Johnson held the office in 1559—60. His will, dated 14th Feb. 1572—3, was proved 8th Sept. 1573 K Thomas Thornton, collated 28th May 1573. Died 15th April 1629, and was buried at Ledbury. Mathew Bust was instituted 28th April, and admitted 22nd May 162975. He died 17th July 1638. His will, dated 1 7th June 1638, was proved 21st July following. John admitted and instituted 27th July 163876. Francis Cooke or Coke, admitted 12th Feb. 1638-977. He died 6th May 1682. William Brabourne, installed 25th Oct. 1682, vice Francis Cooke78. He died loth March 1684-5. Thomas Seddon alias Sidney, installed i6th March 1684—5, vice WiUiam Brabourne's. He died 12th Feb. 168S-6. William Watts, installed 25th Feb. 1685-6, vice Thomas Seddon so. He died 15th Oct. 1722. Thomas Whishaw, collated 29th Oct. 1722, vice Wil- liam Watts 81. Edward Ballard, collated jst July 1756, vice Thomas Whishaw 82. Charles Morgan, collated 13th Aug. 1771, vice Ed- ward Ballard *^^. Resigned in 1775. Hon. Henry Beauclerk, collated 30th Dec. 1775, vice Charles Morgan resigned**^. Thomas Huntingford, collated 17th Dec. 1817, vice Hon. Henry Beauclerk deceased ^s. 74 See Rymer, xv. 563. 80 Bishops' Certificates. 75 Bishops' Certificates. 81 ibid. 82 ibid. 76 Ibid. 77 Ibid. 83 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 488 HEREFORD. TREASURERS. Elias de Bristol held this ofiBce in 1 145. Reginald about ! 150. Thomas Foliot about 1160. Ivo about 1 173 '^. Gilbert about 1200. Elias de Radnor held it in 1217. Made bishop of Llandaff in 1230^". Richard de Gravesend was elected bishop of Lincoln from this dignity in 1258^^. Giles de Avexbury held it 5th Aug, 1 262 ^9. Installed dean in 1271. William le Rus or Rous held it in 1272 and 1275. Died in 1276 or 1277. Luke de Bre, collated 6th April 1277. He held it in 1288. John de Swinfeld, or Swinfeud, collated 21st March 1292. Made precentor in 1294. Roger de Sevenack succeeded 21st Sept. 1294. He died in 12^^"^^. Roger of Canterbury, collated 13th Jan. 1299— 13CO. Died in 1303. William de la Gaee^i, collated ist June 1303. Died in the same year. Nicholas de Reygate, collated 24th March 1304—5. He died at the end of 1307 or beginning of 1308. John de Kemesiye, 6th April 1308 5-. Thomas de Pembridge, appointed i8th May 131793. He died in 1328. John de Ewe, collated 23rd Oct. 1328. William de Everdin held it 23rd Oct. 1329. Thomas de Boleee or Boleye, collated 17th March 1330-31- 8G Lib. S. Job. de Brecon. MS. 90 Reg. Smnf. f. 1 13 a. fol. 51. 91 Ibid. f. 139 a. »' Pat. 14 Hen. III. p. i. m.3. ^2 ibid. f. 161 b. ^ Reg. Peckbam, 165. ^^ Pat. loEdw. II. p. 2. m. 13. «9 Pat. 47 Hen. III. K TREASURERS. 489 John de Chaumbee possessed this dignity in 133 1, and resigned it in 1333. Henky de Shipton, collated 22nd Dec. 1333. He exchanged it with Richard de Sidekhall about 1341, and resigned in 1345- Johx Boler, collated 2nd Dec. 1348. Resigned. Roger Mey, collated in 1367. Robert de Upcote^ collated 29th June 1368, on the resignation of !May. Robert Jones, collated 31st March 1378, on the re- signation of Upcote. /s^Nicholas of Hereford, collated 20th March 1397-8, ,^ Richard Northop, collated 6th Nov. 141 7. Richard Rotherham held it in 1430, and resigned in 1434- William ]\Iiddleham or Middletox, collated 27th June 1434. Resigned it for the precentorship in 1440. Thomas Wassayle, succeeded in 1440, and resigned in 1443. Richard Rudhall, collated i8th Nov. 1443. Made archdeacon of Hereford in 1446. JoHx AsHBY, collated 5th Aug. 1446. Made chancellor in 1460. Richard Pede, collated 6th Aug. 1460. Elected dean in March 1462—3. John ap Richard, succeeded in 1463, and elected dean in the same year. Robert Geffrey or Jeffry, collated 19th March 1462-3. He resigned in 1464. John Arundel, collated 22nd Aug. 1464, on the re- signation of Geffi'ey. He was made chancellor of this cathedral in 1476, and was succeeded in the treasurer- ship by Simon Messingham alias Stallworth; he resigned it 1477- Adrian de Bardis, collated 27th Jan. 1477—8. Robert Sherbourn, collated 14th Dec. i486. He was preferred to the see of St. David's in 1305. VOL. I. 3 R 490 HEREFORD. OwEK Pole held it in 1506. His will is dated 10th Dec. 1509, and was proved 8th March following. John Wardroper possessed it in 1510, and resigned it in 15 1 1, on being made archdeacon of Salop. Richard Juddk was collated 22nd June 1511. His will, dated nth May 1512, was proved 15th June following. Edmund Frowcester was collated 1st July ]5i2. He was made dean in Jan. 151 2-13. William Gobard or Gilbert, collated 22nd Feb, 1512-13. Henry Martin possessed it in 15 14. He resigned it the next year on being made archdeacon of Salop. Hugh Pole, collated 15th April 1515. He resigned in 1518. William Burghill, collated 5th Jan. 15 18— 19. His will is dated 3rd Aug. 1525. Roger Brayne, collated loth Sept. 1525. He died in the next year. Nicholas Walwyn, collated loth March 1526-7. He died in 1545. John Mason, collated 23rd May 1545. He died in 1547- Walter Mey was collated 2nd Feb. 1547-8. His will was proved in 1558. William Lewson, installed 22nd Oct. 1558. His will, dated 4th April 1578, was proved in 1583. Edward Cooper, installed 22nd July 1583. Ob. i6th July 1596. His will is dated 10th July 1596. Richard Edes, instituted 22nd Aug. 1596 ^s. Died in 1604. SiLVANUs Griffith, collated 25th Nov. 1604^9; re- signed in 1606. Francis Kejiry, admitted and collated 2 9th July i6o69o. Edward Benson, installed 29th Aug. 1660. Ob. in 1667. Henry Philley, admitted 19th Sept. 1667, void by the death of Edward Benson^i. Died in 1668. 88 Bishops' Certificates. 89 ibid. 90 ibid. 91 Ibid. CHANCELLORS. 491 Thomas Wotton, installed 29th Nov. 1668 9^. Ob. 30th Aug. 171 T. Thomas Gwillim, collated 4th Sept. 1711, vice Tho- mas Wotton 93. William Egerton, collated ist Sept. 1726, vice Tho- mas Gwillim94, Samuel Croxall, collated 27th July 1731, vice Wil- liam Egerton resigned 9^. William Lane, collated 3rd July 1732, vice Samuel Croxall resigned 96. Rodney Croxall, collated 30th Jan. 1744-5, vice William Lane resigned 97. William Willim, collated 19th June 1754, vice Rod- ney Croxall 9«. William Parker, collated 23rd April 1760, vice Wil- liam Willim resigned 99. Richard Walond, collated 26th July 1802, vice Wil- liam Parker deceaseds Frederick Benjamin Twisleton, now lord Say and Sele, collated 15th Dec. 1831, vice Richard Walond "2. CHANCELLORS. Henry de Vere seems to have held this dignity about the year j 200. Ranulphus was chancellor of this church, though at what period is not certain; he probably succeeded Vere. Albinus de Cave held it in 12 15 and 1226 3. Thomas possessed it in 1242^*. Emericus de Aquablanca was chancellor of Hereford in 1281^; had letters of protection 2nd Jan. 1284—56. Emericus de Bryauncun died possessed of this office circa Feb. 1286-7. He was probably the same person as Emericus de Aquablanca^. 82 Bishops' Certificates. 3 Cartular. Radyng. MS. in 93 Ibid. S'i Ibid. Offic. Augment, vol. ix. fol. 6. 95 Ibid. 96 Ibid. 4 Pat. 26 Hen. III. m. 19. 97 Ibid. 98 Ibid. s Reg. Swinf. fol. 39 a. 99 Ibid. 1 Ibid. 6 Pat. 13 Edvv. I. 2 Ibid. 7 Reg. Swinf. fol. 39 a. 3 R 2 492 HEREFORD. Gilbert de Swinfeuu, appointed xiii Kal. Feb. (20th Jan.) 1286-7*. He died in 1299. Robert of Gloucester was collated i5th and installed 29th Oct. 1299'', vice Gilbert de Swinfield. Thomas de Orletox was admitted 31st Jan. 1321-2^. Robert de Winfebtheng or Winforton held it in John de Chauneles, appointed 15th Sept. 1341^. John de Ambresbury held it in 1344. Ob. 1349. Thomas Hakeluit was collated 23rd June 1349. Roger de Okey held it in 1364. Nicholas de Hereford held it 20th Feb. 1377^. The Cardinal "Glandatensis" [Glandeves], who was deprived of this dignity by the Pope in 138 1*^. The Cardinal "Perusinensis" [^Perugia], appoint- ed by the Pope in 138 1^^. John de Nottingham held it in 1384 and 27th April 138612. ^Thomas Hauley held it in T;^go^-^. V Nicholas Hereford held it 12th Dec. 1391 and i6th Feb. 1394^*. y Thomas Hauley held it again in 1399, and resigned in 1417. Richard Proctor, admitted 20th Oct. 1417; he re- signed it in 1425. John Castell, admitted 7th July 1425. Richard Rotherham possessed it i6th Sept. 1438 1^. John Dilewe possessed it in 145 1. He died in 1460. John Ashby, admitted 6th July 1460. Ob. 1464. Robert Geffrey, admitted 16th Aug. 1464. Thomas Yeon or Yon, admitted 24th March 1471-2. He died in 1472. Simon Tawe or Tawre, admitted 14th Nov. 1472. Ob. 1476. 4 Reg. Swinf. fol. 39 a. H Pat. 4 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 9. s Reg. Swinf. ^ Reg.Orleton. 12 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 11. 7 Pat. 10 Edw. III. p. I. 13 Pat. 14 Ric. II. p. i. m. 32. sPat. i8Edw.III.p.2.m.26. i* Pat. 15 Ric. II., 17Ric.II. 9 Pat. 51 Edw. III. m. 37. p. 2.01.35. 10 Pat. 4 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 9. i^ Reg. Wellen. CHANCELLORS. 493 John Arundel, admitted i8th Oct. 1476, Ralph Heithcote possessed it in 1481. He died in 1487. Sampson Aleyn, admitted 12th Dec. 1487. He died in 1494. Walter Stone occurs about 1507; but it is doubtful whether he was chancellor of the diocese or of the cathedral. William Burghill held it 15 16; resigned in 15 18 for the treasurership. James Bromwich held it in 15 18. He died in 1524. His will, dated 31st Aug. 1523, was proved loth May 1524- William Hull, collated 13th April 1524. His will is dated 9th Aug. 1543. John Elton alias Baker was collated 13th Aug. 1543. His will, dated 17th April 1547, was proved 8th Oct. 1547. John Compton alias Theale, collated 8th Jan. 1 547-8. He died iS5S- Edward Baskerville, collated 8th May 1555. His will is dated i ith Jan. 1566. William Penson, installed 23rd June 1566. His will is dated 27th June 1587, Morgan Powell, instituted 5th June 1.587. Oliver Lloyd held the office in 1617. Thomas Godwyn, admitted 5th June 1621, and in- stalled on the 8th of the same month ^^^ fje died in 1644. Richard Coke, collated 8th Nov. 1644. His will, dated 9th March 1680-81, was proved 9th May 1682. Joseph Harvey, installed 27th Feb. 1681-2, vice Richard Cokei7. Thomas Bisse, installed ist Aug. 17161^. Ob. 22nd April 1 73 1. William Egerton, collated 12th July 1731, vice Tho- mas Bisse 1^, 16 Bishops' Certificates. "7 ibid. 18 Ibid. 19 Ibid. 494 HEREFORD. Samuel Croxall, collated 22nd April 1738, vice Wil- liam Egerton ^^. Joseph Browne, collated 13th Feb. 1752, vice Samuel Croxall 17. Henry Egerton, collated 20th April 1754, vice Joseph Browne resigned 1^. Herbert Hill, collated i7tli July 1795, vice Henry Egerton 19. Morgan Cove, collated ist Oct. 1828, vice Herbert Hill 20. Hugh Hanmer Morgan, collated 21st April 1830, vice Morgan Cove. PREBENDARIES. ^'^, - BARTONSHAM or BARSHAM or BARTESHAM. Theodosius de Camilla was appointed 9th Dec. 1268 '-^1. William de Feretta resigned this prebend in 1278. Adam de Phileby collated 13th Oct. 1278. Gilbert de Swinfeud, chancellor of Hereford, col- lated 8th June 12872-* on the death of Phileby. He held it in 1291-', and died in 1299 '2^. Richard dk Swinfeud, collated 4th Aug. 1299. Died m 1311 25 Richard de Nonington, collated 3rd Aug. 131 1^^. Thomas de Pembrugge held this in 13 17 '^7. Richard de Monington exchanged, it 27th Feb. 1319—20, for St. Mangans in Cornwall, with Robert Hereward, who was appointed on i6th Nov. 1320-*^, and confirmed in it 12th June 1324^9. Thomas Chandos was appointed by the King ist June 133030. "» Bishops' Certificates. 25 Reg. Swinf. 17 lb. 18 lb. 19 lb. 20 lb. 26 Ibid. 21 Pat. 53 Hen. III. m. 26. 27 Pat. 10 Edw. II. 22 Reg. Swinf. fol. 44. 28 p^t. 14 Edw. II. p. i. m. 9. 23 Tax. Eccl. P. Nichol. 29 Pat. 17 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 11. 24 Reg. Swinf. fol. 125 a. so Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. i. m. 17. PREBENDARIES. 495 Richard de Nonington held it 6th Feb. 133I'''^ Roger Allweyn or Awrittek exchanged it with y William Borstall 20th Feb. 1381-2. He died 12th Nov. 138932. y\ Reginald Breybrook resigned this prebend in 1392 to Reginald Kentwood 30th Sept. 1392. He died 8th Oct. 1441, being dean of St. Paul's, London. Robert Jordan succeeded circa 1441, and died 9th Feb. 1465-633. John Parsons was collated to this prebend 1st April 1466, on the death of Jordan. He died in 1471. William Chapman was collated i8th Sept. 1471, on the death of Parsons. His will, dated 8th Oct. 1493, was proved 10th Feb. following. John Martin, archdeacon of Salop, died possessed of this stall in 1504. Robert Tehy was collated 30th Oct. 1504, on the death of Martin. John Wardroper succeeded about 151 1. He died in 1515, being archdeacon of Salop. George Mason was collated 2nd Aug. 1515, on the death of Wardroper, and exchanged it for Pionia parva with William Burghill, 27th Nov. 1523. Died in Aug. 1525. David Walker was collated 26th Aug. 1526, on the death of Burghill. His will is dated 30th March 1547. John Strymin or Stirman was collated ist April 1547, on the death of Walker. He died 1.551^ being archdeacon of Hereford. Hugh Coren, dean of Hereford, was collated 3rd April 1 551; resigned in 1558. Thomas Arden held this prebend in 1559. Ho was deprived of it in 1562. John ap Owen was instituted 25th June 1562, on the deprivation of Arden. Thomas Cawardyn, collated 26th March 1601. Died in 1603. 31 Pat. 5 Edw. III. p. r. 32 Ex Epitaphio. 33 ibid. 496 HEREFORD. George Benson was collated 5th and installed 9th Sept. 1603; and resigned it in 1614 for the Prebenda Episcopi. John Hoskins was collated 7th Dec. 16 14, and died 8th Aug. 1631. William Skynner was collated i6th Aug. 1631, and died in 1647. William Watts was installed 7th Aug. 1660, and died in 1679. Theophilus Cook was collated 28th Jan. 1679—80, on the death of Watts. Died in 1 684. John Thompson was collated 19th June 1684. He was buried 23rd June 1688 at Bishop''s Upton. John Tyler was installed 26th June 1688, on the death of Thompson. Richard Cross, installed 27th July 1724. William Beasley, collated 13th July 1732. Lewis Owen, collated 6th Oct. 1743. Joseph Brown^ instituted 9th June 1746. Gibbons Bagnall, collated ist Aug. 1767. Robert D'Alembert Squire, collated 26th Dec. 1800. Liscombe Clarke, collated 15th June 1821. John Hopton, collated 6th Jan. 1832, and installed on the 1 8th of the same month. M BULLINGHOPE alias BULLINGHAM. John de Aquablanca, dean of Hereford^ held this prebend in 1278. Adam de Mubemuth was collated to this stall ist April 1320, but resigned it 12th Feb. ensuing^^^ Nicholas de Borham died possessed of it in 1320. Thomas de Chandos was collated 12th Oct. 1320, on the death of Borham. Died in 1332. Stephen de Ledbury, dean of Hereford, died possessed of it in 1353. William North was collated 17th April i^^^^ on the death of Ledbury. 34 Murimouth's resignation took place in the Bishops' Inn in London in 1320. Reg. Orleton. f. 50 b. PREBENDARIES. 4<97 John de Bedwaedyn or Bedewardeyn, archdeacon of Hereford, was presented by the King 4th Sept. 1369. Nicholas de Hethe held it in 1385; resigned in 1389. A John Harold, dean of Hereford, possessed it in 1390. V Richard de Kingston, was collated to it 19th Oct. 1393- f William Lochard, precentor of this cathedral, suc- ceeded Kingston in this prebend. William Middleham was removed from the prebend of Eigne to this stall about the year 1439. John Greene was collated 4th Dec. 1465. Richard Rudhall, archdeacon of Hereford^ was col- lated to this prebend 31st March 1472. He died in 1476. Richard Judde died possessed of it in 15 12. Richard Smith was collated 26th May 15 12, on the death of Judde. William Bolton died possessed of it in 1528. Edward Welch was collated 8th April 1528. Nicholas Smith was collated nth April 1554. John Ellis, dsan of Hereford, was collated 29th Jan. Charles Nicholes or Nicholets held it in 1581. Richard Webster was installed into this prebend 15th March 1578, and died about 1601. Richard Dalton was collated i6th Jan., and installed 6th Feb. 1601—2. Roger Acroyd, archdeacon of York, paid first fruits for this prebend 4th March 161 2-13, and died in 161 7. Thomas Godwin was admitted 21st Aug., and installed 29th Aug. 1618, and died about 1645. Richard Coke was installed about the year 1645. He died in 168 1. Ambrose Sparry was installed 27th Feb. 1681-2, and died in 1710. John Davis was collated 3rd Jan. 1710-11. Egerton Leigh was collated loth May 1742. DiGBY Cotes was collated 21st March 1760. vol. I. 3 s 498 HEREFORD. John Wormington was collated ist May 1767. Charles Morgan was collated 17th June 1771. Hugh Price was collated 13th Aug. 1771. Francis Woodcock was collated 26th Oct. 1781. Thomas Clarke was collated 5th June 1783. Hon. Richard Bruce Stopford was collated 7th Dec. 1810. Hon. Orlando Wathyn Weld Forester, 3otli Nov. 1846. COL WALL, alias BARTON AND COL WALL. John Walraund held this prebend in 1268 -3^. Henry de Newerk held it in 1278^5^ and in 1291-'^^. William de Sardinia or Gardinia is said to have been collated 15th July 1298. Ob. 1303. John de Kemmes or Kemesey collated 8th Nov. 1303 on the death of Sardinia-^7. Thomas de Pembridge was appointed to this stall, and to the treasurership of this cathedral, i8th May 1317^8^ and died possessed of it in 1328. John de Ewe was collated 23rd Oct. 1328. He was also treasurer. John Catesby resigned this stall in 1389. • John Barnet was collated 25th Sept. 1389. John Catesby had possession of it again and died possessed of it in 1410. John Sutton succeeded 6th Feb. 1410— 11. John 'Brideb^ook^, jprecentor, was collated to this pre- bend 12th June 141 6. Henry Shelford succeeded 9th July 1427, and died in 1445 or 1446, being also dean. John Arundel succeeded circa 1446, and was made bishop of Chichester 1459. Thomas Manning succeeded 19th April 1459, and re- signed the stall on being made treasurer of Salisbury. 34 Pat. 53 Hen. III. m. 26. ^7 Reg. Swinf. fol. 141 a. 35 Pat. 7 Edw. I. 38 Pat. 10 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 13. 36 Tax. Eccl. P. Nichol. PREBENDARIES. 499 Robert Stanbury was collated 13th April 1462, and died in 1464. Edmund Audley was collated Sth June 1464. He was made bishop of Rochester in 1480. David Hopton succeeded i8th Sept. 1480. His will is dated in Jan. 149 1-2. He was also archdeacon of Exeter. Richard Bromfeild held it in 1500. He died 24th Oct. 1518. Edmund Frowcester was collated 28th Oct. 15 18. Gamaliel Clifton succeeded 16th May 1529. William Wilbraham was collated 24th Aug. 1541. Robert Grensill was collated loth Sept. 1561. Philip Kinwen was collated 5th April 1580, and died about 1604. John Buckridge was collated 23rd March 1603-4, and installed 24th April, and was made bishop of Rochester in 161 1. Edward Vernon was instituted 13th July 1611, and installed 24th Sept. Richard Basset was collated 30th April 1621, and was installed 12th May following. He died in Jan. 1644-5. William Coke succeeded on the death of Basset, and died in 1690. John Benson was installed nth Feb. 1690-1, and died 28th May 17 13. Thomas Bisse was collated loth June 17 13. He was also chancellor of this church. William Egerton was collated 12th July 1731. Sir John Head was collated 23rd March 1737-8. Hon. Henry Beauclerk was collated 26th Dec. 1769. Henry Huntingford . . . Dec. 181 7, H EWITHINGTON alias EAST WITHINGTON. Heevey de Borham, dean of St. PauVs., and precentor of Hereford, died possessed of this prebend, 7th Oct. 1276. 3 s 2 500 HEREFORD. William de St. John, collated ii Non. Jan. (4tli Jan.) 1277. Reginald de Hamenath succeeded in 1316. Robert de Wodehouse held this stall 29th April Thomas de Astley, collated i8th April 13243^. Edward Grimsby, appointed by the King 22nd Aug. 134939. Peter de Gildesburgh resigned this stall 26th July 1353- Nicholas Long resigned it in 1374. k:;^ William Humberston, collated 20th Feb. 1374. ^ John Elvet, collated nth June 1395. Ob. 1404. ' John Hartlepool died possessed of this stall in Nov. 1432. Robert Parfeit, collated 4th Dec. 1432. Nicholas Caraunt resigned this stall in 1453. John Barbour, collated ist March 1453-4. John Parsons, collated 24th Oct. 1455. Resigned this stall for that of Bartonsham in 1466. John Bayley, collated 1466. Ob. 1479. Richard Jacwyson ahas Jaqueson, collated 17th Sept. 1479. O^- ^3^^ Nov. 1497. Ralph Pole occurs in 1520 and 1538. His will is dated 12th March 1538-9. William Buckmaster succeeded in 1539. William Chell, collated 13th Oct. 1545. Deprived in 1559. Roger Marbeck admitted 3rd Feb. 1559-60. Edward Morecraft succeeded 4th July 1566. Ob. 1580. James Dennis installed loth July 1580. Francis Kerrie was collated 3rd March 1598. Ob. circa 1650. William Brabourne, installed 24th Sept. 1660. Ob. 1684. 38 Pat. 18 Edw, II. p. 2. m. 13. See also Pat. 21 Edw. III. p. 2. m.22. 39 Pat. 23Edw. III. p.2.m.S. PREBENDARIES. 501 Mark Fothergill, collated 14th March 1684-5, ^"^^ installed on the 24th of the same month. Ob. 1 69 1 . Bryan Turner, installed 25th March 1692. Ob. 20th Feb. 1697-8. Charles Whiting, installed 24th March 1697—8. Ob. 25th Oct. 1 7 II. John Davies, collated 27th Nov. 171 1. John Morse, collated 25th April 1733. Philip Brown, collated 19th May 1747. Thomas Hodgson, collated 31st Dec. 1765. James Bullock, collated 6th May 1786. Thomas Huntingford, collated 30th May 18 15. Henry Hoskins, collated 17th Dec. 1817. X I X EPISCOPI sivE PCENITENTIARH, or THE GOLDEN PREBEND. Peter de Radnor held this in 1264. Roger de Bosbury held it in 1273. Henry Fitz-Warin was presented by the King xvii Cal. Aug. (i6th July) 1275. Resigned. Nicholas de Hereford, collated to it by the bishop vi Cal. Feb. (27th Jan.) 1275-6. John de Brinsope succeeded 6th Feb. 1282. Hugh de Brewse succeeded in 1293. John de St. Omer, appointed 8th June 13 10. Re- signed this stall in the same year. Henry Fitz-Warin, reappointed 24th June 1310^0. John de la More was presented xiv Cal. Jan. (19th Dec.) 1320. Henry, vicar of Ledbury, was made penitentiary ist March 1366. Y Walter Pryde held it in 139 1. > Nicholas Brideport succeeded 12th Oct. 1394. .-'■ Hugh Harper resigned it in 1414. John Castel succeeded 2nd Sept. 1414. Richard Rotherham, collated nth Nov. 1430. : CHURCH WITHINGTON. "William de Conflens resigned this prebend and the archdeaconry of Hereford, on being made bishop of Gehenna by the Pope in 1287, BoNETus de Sancto Quintino was appointed by the Pope to this stall in 1287. Peter of Savoy (de Sabaudia) succeeded on the death of St. Quintin in 1288. Thomas de Cherleton was collated 7th April 13 17^7. Hugh de Lemenister was appointed 6th June 1317^^. Roger de Mortuomari, appointed 1327 ^9. Roger de Chigwell, appointed i8th xlpril 1337^''. William Bughbrigg, appointed 17th Oct. 1366. Thomas Forney held this prebend 20th March 1386-7. Thomas Godemeston, appointed 22nd March j 386-7. William Chiffren came in by exchange loth April 1389. John Chiffren died possessed of this stall in 141 7. John Cokeworthy, collated 28th April 141 7. Thomas Guildfeild came in by exchange 13th Nov. 1422. Ob. 1427. Nicholas Mattamer, collated 23rd Sept. 1427. William Hambald came in by exchange with Mat- tamer 1 2th March 1440— i. John Besford, Ob. nth Sept. 1447. William Dorset held this stall in 1462. James Bromwich died possessed of it in 1524. George Mason succeeded 17th April 1524. William Lewson held it in 1540. Ob. in 1584. 47 Pat. 10 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 19. 50 Pat. 1 1 Edw. III. p. i. mm. 48 Ibid. m. 8. 10, 15. 49 Pat. lEdw. III. p.3. m.6. PREBENDARIES. 505 Francis Jones, installed 24th March 1584-5. Sampson Price, collated 14th July 1626. James Parry, collated 10th Nov. 1630. Philip Lewis, collated 22nd Sept. 1671; resigned it for Prebenda Episcopi in 1678. Joseph Harvey, installed 20th April 1678. Vacated it in 1716. William Floyer, installed T3th Aug. 1716. William Willim, collated 20th Aug. 1752. Guy Hill, collated 24th Sept. 1767. Richard Smith, collated i5th Jan. 1769. Robert Wetherell, collated 5th Aug. j 796. Gilbert Frankland Lewis, collated nth Jan. 1845. Av HAMPTON EPISCOPL John de la Pole died possessed of this stall in 1303. Simon de Faversham, installed in J 303. Richard Dyer resigned it in 141 1. John Grene alias Norton, collated 26th March 141 9. Richard Catesby, presented ist Aug. 1459. Thomas Alcock resigned this prebend in 1522. John Prynn, collated i8th March 1522. Richard Harford succeeded 21st Nov. 155 1. Henry Morgan, collated ist March 155 1—2. William Ailward, presented 23rd March 1560- 1. Roger Normecot, collated 5th March 1566-7. John Hopkins, collated loth May 1576. Humphrey Eton, installed 30th Aug. 1581. Bernard Bennet held it in 1585; buried 19th Nov. 16 15 at Ross. Philip Price, installed 17th Dec. 1615. Ob. 1660. John Lydal, installed 24th Sept. 1660. His will, dated 6th Oct. 1679, was proved on the 20th of the same month. Thomas Rogers, installed 29th Oct. 1679. Resigned the stall for that of Prebenda Episcopi. Richard Bulkeley, installed 12th Aug. 1684. Ob. 1702. VOL. I. 3 T 506 HEREFORD. Francis BroaDj installed 8th April 1702. Robert Eyton, collated 7th March 1727-8. Philip Birt, collated 26th Oct. 1732. Robert Lloyd, collated i6th April 1736. James Prise, collated 5th Jan. 1760. Hugh Morgan, collated 20th Aug. 1779. Richard Underwood, collated 8th June 1780, Abraham Rudd, collated 15th July 1780. Thomas Birt, collated 15th Sept. 1781. Charles Price, collated 29th Oct. 18 13. James Johnson, collated 6th July 1825. V' GORWALL AND OVERBURY. Adam de Salop, appointed circa 1230. Nicholas de Scotten seems to have succeeded Adam de Salop. Adam de Esger, collated 4th June, vice Scotten. Henry de Wakefeild, presented 21st Dec. 1369. y John Pratt, collated 25th Sept. 1389. Ob. loth ' March 1415. Robert Felton, collated 20th April 1415. Thomas Merden, collated ist May 1433. Thomas Manning, collated 31st May 1433. John Grene, collated 22nd May 1459. Hugh Ragoun, collated 4th Dec. 14^3- William de la Cona. Ob. 1475. John Pykin, collated 6th April 1475. Robert Reynell, collated i8th July 1482. John Vaughan, installed nth Sept. 1483. Thomas Chaundler, i6th Dec. i486. Ob. 1490. John Nans, collated 2nd Nov. 1490. William Webbe, collated 26th Sept. 1508. Henry Marten, collated 31st Oct. 1508. Hugh Pole, collated i6th June 15 12. Resigned this stall for that of Moreton cum Whaddon in 1526. John Cragg, collated 6th Sept. 1526. His will, dated 2nd Aug. 1550, was proved 6th March 1552-3. John Gosseline, collated 6th Oct. 1560. PREBENDARIES. 507 William Underwood, collated 5th July 1577. John Glynn, 23rd July 1577. William Stroke, 17th Dec. 1578. Godfrey Goldsborough, collated 23rd Feb. 1579- Exchanged it for Prebenda Episcopi with Edward Cooper or Cowper, installed 30th Dec. 1585. Ob. 1596. Richard Newton, collated on the 19th and installed 22nd July 1596. Edward Doughtie, installed 5th Dec. 1608. Ob. 1 61 6, being dean of Hereford. Thomas Dennis, installed 12th Oct. 1616. John Freemantle, collated 26th Aug. 1627. His will, dated 24th March 1635-6, proved 6th May 1636. Thomas Pritchard, collated 28th April 1636. Ob. in May 1646. Walter Rogers, appointed at the Restoration 30th Aug. 1660. Ob. 1689. John Harding, installed 17th Oct. 1689. Philip Birt, collated 17th Jan. 1735-6. James Birt, collated i6th Oct. 1760. Morgan Cove, collated 23rd March 1801. Kyrle Ernle Money, collated 24th April 1830. Richard Lane Freer, collated 21st June 1847. >( HINTON. Hugh de Muster died possessed of this stall in 1 290. John de Shelving succeeded 14th May 1290. Pontius de Cotes, collated 8th Jan. 1 290-1. John de Weston, appointed by the Pope in 1294. Richard de Swinfeud succeeded in 1298. Roger de Cantuar came in 1299. Thomas de Lyggore held it in 1308. Stephen de Tanethus succeeded in 1313. William de Knapton resigned it in 13 18. Laurence de Sancto Mauro, collated 2i8t April ^335- John de Corcorato held this stall in 1338. 3T 2 508 HEREFORD. John Rees was presented by the King 23rd Nov. 1350^1. Nicholas de Kaerwekt or Carrwent was presented by the King 10th Dec. 1353. V David ap Jack died possessed of this stall in 1396. fy' Reginald de Wollastox, collated 24th Sept. 1396. /John Baily succeeded 24th Aug. 141 1. ' Edmund Lacy succeeded 25th Sept. 141 2. Became bishop of Hereford in 141 7. Thomas Moreton succeeded 19th April 1417. Thomas Wodeford died possessed of it in 1452. Richard Pede^ collated 7th April 1452. Robert Dobbys, collated 7th Dec. 1458. Resigned. John Clone, appointed 5th March 1459-60. Robert Dobbys, readmitted 5th Oct. 1465. Thomas Moretox succeeded 21st April 1476. Ob. 1510. Hugh Pole, collated 20th July 1510. Resigned it for the prebend of Gorwall in 1512. John Oliver alias Smith succeeded 5th July 1512. Silvanus Scory, collated 22nd Sept. 1565. Walter Bedell, collated 25th Sept. 1569. Miles Smith possessed this stall in 1580. He became bishop of Gloucester, but held this prebend in cora- mendam. Daniel Price succeeded in 1624. Ob. 1631. Thomas Clent, collated 29th Sept. 1631. Daniel Wicherley, installed in 1660. Ob. 1677. William Watts, collated 30th April 1677. Ob. 15th Oct. 1722. John Hoadley, collated 29th Oct. 1722. Samuel Croxall, collated 7th Aug. 1727. John Griffith, collated nth June 1730. Francis Wanley, collated 21st June 1745. Henry Ford, collated 6th Aug. 1791. James Garbett, collated 19th Oct. 1813. ""ii Pat. 24 Edw. III. PREBENDARIES. 509 HUNDERTON. Edmund de Mortuomari resigned it in 1282. Geoffrey de Newland, appointed 7th Dec. 1282. Robert of Gloucester, collated 6th Feb. 1282—3. Gilbert de Segrave succeeded in 1304. Bishop of London in J 3 13. Robert de Nelesham succeeded in 1313. William de Herleston was presented by the King 9th July 135 1 5-3. Nicholas Heth was presented by the bishop to the same stall. Roger de Eye succeeded 24th Dec. 1351. William Linwood, collated 13th Nov. 1422. He was preferred to the see of St. David's in 1442. Andrew Holes succeeded 4th Sept. 1442. Thomas Tawre succeeded 8th April 1446. Richard Jackwyson succeeded 9th April 1472. Robert Ashcombe died possessed of this stall in 1528. William Edwards, collated 14th April 1528. Hugh Coren succeeded 29th Jan. 1537. Robert Paternoster possessed it in 1560 and 1580. James Ballard, installed 28th Sept. 1583. Ob. 26th July 1601. Gabriel Walweyn, collated 28th July 1601, and in- stalled 4th Aug. 1 60 1. Richard Todd, collated 23rd Sept. 1628; buried 4th Nov. 1643. John Nowell, ejected circa 1643. Ob. 1660. Lawrence Seddon, installed 26th Aug. 1660. John Newell held it circa 1661. Simon Jones, installed 2nd March 1681-2. Thomas Fox, installed 18th Nov. 1682. John Fox, collated 22nd March 1722-3. James Lane, collated 8th Aug. 1728. William Lane, collated 17th June 1730. 52 Pat. 2.5 Edw. III. 510 HEREFORD. Thomas Russell, collated 7th July 1752. George Cope, collated 28th Jan, 1785. James Wetherell, collated 13th Sept. 1821. /\ HUNTINGDON. John de Weston was confirmed in this stall in 1295. Roger of Gloucester succeeded 3Tst Aug. 1304. William de Henselowe orHuNTiLowE was presented by the King 4th Oct. 1354^^. Philip Ilger or Algar was presented by the King 1 2th Aug. 1357^'^. y John Chyne was also presented by the King 3rd ^ March 1387-8. > Thomas Moor held this stall in 1421. Walter Eston succeeded loth Oct. 142 1. Richard Rotherham resigned this prebend in 1454. Richard Rudhall, collated 20th Oct. 1454. Robert Tarry, collated 3rd April 1472. Richard Marten, collated 26th Feb. 1477-8. Richard Pede, dean of Hereford^ died possessed of this prebend in 1480. Christopher Twynhoe resigned this stall in 1508 for Moreton cuin Whaddon. Thomas Woodroff, collated 5th Feb. 1508-9. He resigned it for the Prebenda Episcopi in 153 1. Thomas Parker, collated 21st July 1531. Ob. 1538. Richard Benson, collated 20th Oct. 1538. Ob. nth Feb. 1547-8. His will, dated i6th Oct. 1547, was proved 22nd Feb. following. Thomas Carpenter, collated 17th Feb. 1547-8. Francis Baldwin, collated 28th April 1556. Simon Smith held this stall in 156 1. Ob. 1606, being also archdeacon of Hereford. John Richardson, admitted 9th July 1606, and in- stalled 5th Aug. 1606. Ob. 1636, being dean of Hereford. 53 Pat. 28 Edw. III. 54 Pat. 31 Edw. III. PREBENDARIES. 511 Jonathan Brown, admitted to this prebend 28th April 1636. He died dean of Hereford in 1643. Herbert Croft succeeded as dean of Hereford to this stall in 1 644. He was made bishop in 1 66 1 . Robert Scudamore held this stall in 1662. Ob. 1683. James Pole, installed 29th March 1683. Ob. 1720. Ralph Brideoake, archdeacon of Winton, collated 2nd Feb. 1 7 20-1. Edward Bentham, collated 22nd April 1743. Charles Morgan, collated 9th Aug. 1776. Hugh Morgan, collated 6th June 1782. Richard Raikes, collated 29th Sept. 1809. John Ellis Troughton, collated 13th Sept. 1823. Hon. Henry Rodney, collated 4th Aug. 1826. A INKBARROW. William Rufus was collated 21st June 1276. William de Kingstone died possessed of this stall in 1277. William de Modford, collated 13th April 1277. Stephen Swinfeud, collated 25th April 1294. Richard de Vernon, appointed 15th Feb. 1318-19. Ob. in July 1330. John Barton was deprived of this stall in 1334. John de la Chambre succeeded 5th Jan. 1334—5. John de Leche held it in 1344^^. /John Trevaur, collated 29th Nov. 1389. Made bi- / shop of St. Asaph 1395. William de Henselowe or Huntelowe held it in )(• 1395- >y John Cresset, appointed 8th July 1395. r> Hugh Holbech, collated nth April 1397. *y Thomas Staundon succeeded 4th May 1407. John Burdet, collated loth July 1429. Ob. 1448, being archdeacon of Chester. 55 Pat. 20 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 16. ; 512 HEREFORD. John Stokys, archdeacon of Ely, died possessed of this stall in 1466. Robert Jeffrey, collated 1st Jan. j 466-7. Stephen Surteis or Curtis died possessed of it in 1510. Richard Smith, collated 20th Aug. 1510. William Webb, archdeacon of Hereford, collated 11th Jan. 1512-13. Henry Martyn succeeded 14th Nov. 1.512. Ob. in 1524, being archdeacon of Salop. John Boothe, collated 28th Jan. 1523-4. Ob. in 1542, being archdeacon of Hereford. Richard Taylor, collated 29th Aug. 1542. Richard Cornwall, presented to it by the Queen 2nd April 1554- John Bland held it in 1561. Richard Madokes, collated 23rd Aug. 1599. Nathaniel Harris, installed 29th Oct. 1602. Ob. in 1625. John Hughes, archdeacon of Hereford, collated 15th May 1625. Ot). in 1648. John Harris, installed 24th Aug. 1660. Ob. 26th Oct. 1678. Daniel Pilsworth, installed 26th July 1679. Ob. in 1694. Charles Whiting, collated 7th June 1694. Henry Knight, collated 21st Nov. 1695. Richard Chambers, collated 16th June 1730. William Allen, collated ■14th June 1776. John George Hannington, collated 5th Jan. 1809. Charles Scott Luxmoore, collated 30th Oct. 1815. MORETON cum WH ADDON. Ralph de Hengham, collated iv Cal. Nov. (29th Oct.) 1274. Ob. 131 1. Hamon de Sandwich, succeeded in 1311. Michael de Borham also succeeded in 13 11. John de Winchelsey also succeeded in 1311. PREBENDARIES. 513 John de Eltham or Elham succeeded in i^i6. Henry de Restoreshall held it in 1349^^. Richard de Retford, appointed loth Dec. 1349 •'^\ William de Birmingham resigned this stall in 1368. Roger de Sutton, collated 29th Oct. 1368. William Preen resigned it in 1385. Guy de Moxa, collated 24th March i^Sg-6. He was preferred to the see of St. David's in 1397. Walter Ameney succeeded 30th Oct. 1396. Richard Winchcomr, alias Jaks succeeded 17th June 1397. Ob. 1404. John Brugg, collated 7th Nov. 1404. He died in 1407. John Baysham, collated 24th Aug. 1407. - Thomas Balding succeeded 8th April 1412. John Baysham was admitted a second time 14th Oct. J415. W^illiam Ingram succeeded i6th Sept. 1420. Thomas Burton, i8th Nov. 1427. Nicholas Dixon, collated ist Mar, 1430-1. Ob. 1448. Thomas Ringsted, collated circa 1439. John Breton, 7th April 1446. Ob. 6th April 1465. Walter Hunt, collated 13th June 1464. Adrian de Bardis, loth Feb. 1478-9. Oliver Sompner, collated 20th Aug. 1480. John Woodroof exchanged it in 1508. Christopher Twynhoe held this stall 5th Feb. 1508-9. He died in the same year archdeacon of Berks. William Gobard succeeded i6th Oct. 1509. Made treasurer of this cathedral in 15 12-13. William Grey, archdeacon of Berks, collated 14th May 1512. His will, dated 9th Feb. 152 1-2, was proved 8th March following. David Walker, collated 17th Feb. 152 1-2. Hugh Pole, collated 6th Sept. 1526. His will is dated 23rd July 1529. George Downe, collated ist Aug. 1529. 54 Pat. 23 Edw. III. p. 3. 55 Ibid. vol. I. ^ V 514 HEREFORD. John Little-Grome, alias Grome, installed 4thMarch 1560-T. Ob. 1574. Thomas Stallar, installed nth Oct. 1574. Theophilus Jones, collated 6th March 1574—5. John Best, collated 31st March 1605-6. Richard Vaughan^ collated 21st Jnne 1607. Paul Godavin, collated iith Feb. 1624—5. John Pitt, collated 13th Oct. 1626. Edward Jones, installed 39th Sept. 1660. Ob. 1681. Michael Stevens, installed 27th June 1681. Ob. Robert Kiffin, collated ist May 1713. William Beasley, installed loth Aug. 1724. Robert Eyton succeeded Beasley. John Ewer, instituted 4th Nov. 1751. Thomas Evans, collated 15th Nov. 1756. Sir Peter Rivers Gay, instituted ist Oct. 1760. Henry Ford, collated 5th Aug. 1790, Robert Holmes, collated 12th Aug. 1791. John Carr, collated 13th Dec. 1805. Love Robertson, collated 12th May 1807. Robert Norgrave Pemberton, collated 30th Nov. 1846. George Clark, collated 12th Dec. 1848. >N MORETON MAGNA. Peter Eymer occurs as the possessor of this stall in 1278. Adam de Fileby occurs in 1279. R alph DE HouGHAM,collatedvi Cal.Nov.(27thOct.) 1 279. Philip de Comite held this stall in 1 294. John Rosse resigned it in 1324. John de Denton was presented to it by the King 1324^^. John de Orlton was collated to it by the bishop 16th Nov. 1326. 5S Pat. 18 Edw. II. p. 2, m. 13. and Pat. 19 Edw. II. m. 35, PREBENDARIES. 515 Thomas de Tbillek is said to have been collated 26th Sept. 1327. Anthony de Comtte held this stall 28th March 1319^7. Adam de Herewynton 28th March 1319^^. /\JoHN Prophet resigned it in exchange in 1407. Thomas Felde had it in exchange Htli Nov. 1407. Ob. 1419, being also dean. Thomas Walton, collated 20th April 1415; resigned it in 1438. Maurice Winter succeeded ist Jan. 1438-9. Richard PIore succeeded 31st May 1443. Thomas Worshop alias Chesterfield, collated 13th Jan. 1449-50. William Boulers succeeded 21st April 1452. Richard Pede succeeded 25th Nov. 145B. Richard Martin came in by exchange in 1480. John Foster died possessed of it in 15 12. William Webb, archdeacon of Hereford, collated 22nd Oct. 15 f 2. Ob. 1522. Humphrey Ogle, collated 24th Jan. 1522—3. Thomas Colemount, collated 23rd July 1534. RiCHAED TuRKETiLL succeodcd 27th July 1541. Henry Harford, collated 17th April 1561 ; resigned it in 1565. Philip Sidney, collated 4th Nov. 1565. Griffith Lewes succeeded in Feb. 1575—6. Ob. 7th June 1607. He was also dean of Gloucester. John Best, admitted 13th and installed 20th June 1607. Buried at Lugwarden 12th Aug. 1637. John Coke, collated 4th Sept. 1637. Ob. i8th June 1675, and was buried at Whitborne. John Boraston, installed 19th June 1675; ^® resigned before his death. Ob. 19th Dec. 1688, and buried at Ribbsford in co. Worcester, setat. 85. Thomas Boraston, installed 22nd Oct. 1688. Patrick Gordon, collated 3otli Sept. 1706. ^^ Pat. 12 Edw. II. p. 2. m. r8. 58 ibjd. 3 u 2 516 HEREFORD. Samuel Croxall, collated ist May 1730, William Huxteu, collated 15th Feb. 1752-3. JoHX Stone, collated 27th April 1778. Francis Woodcock, collated 5th June 1783. George Grettox, collated 28th Nov. 1818. Charles Taylor, collated 6th Aug. 1820. Charles Taylor junior, collated 7th July 1836. A MORETON PARVA. Hexry de Haxkle held it circa 1294. W. DE RuDMARLEY succccded Hankie. Walter de Roderick died possessed of this stall in 1301. John de Kemmes was installed in 1302. William de Kaple succeeded in 1303. John de Rosse succeeded in 1310. William de Humrerston resigned it in 1372. John Plowfeild held it 4th Dec. 1372. ' Thomas Moor held it in 1386. ]^ John Kington held it in 1403. X John Katerick succeeded 6th Feb. 1409-10. Henry Bowet seems to have succeeded Katerick. Thomas Polton resigned this stall circa 1412. Nicholas Mocking is said to have been collated circa 28th May 1 41 2. Henry Newton, collated 2nd July 1424. John Ashby, collated 28th Jan. 1428-9. William Wallesby succeeded 9th Aug. 1434, and re- signed it 1437- John Langton, collated 29th Nov. 1437. William Wallesby came in a second time 30th June 1441. Thomas Bolleyn resigned it in exchange in 1446-7. William SANDERScarne in by exchange 8th Jan. 1446-7. David Husband resigned this stall in 1469. William Gifford, collated 25th May 1469. William Wrixham, collated nth Nov. 1472. William Fitzherebert, collated 20th Aug. 1482. PREBENDARIES. 517 Miles Ragoun resigned this stall in 1512. Nicholas Walveyx succeeded 25th Nov. 15 12. Ob. 1545- Richard Harford succeeded 37th May 1545. John Barlow succeeded 3rd Jan. 1546-7. William Collins succeeded 31st Aug. 1554. John Parfew, collated circa 1S^6; deprived 156 1. Ralph Griffith succeeded 26th June 1562. Timothy Deswell, collated 1st July 1570. Richard Harris, collated i3tli Nov. 1575. Morgan Powell held this stall in 1588. Ob. 162 1. John Hughes, admitted 7th June 1614; resigned in 1625. John Sculle, collated 24th May 1625. Ob. 1641. Willia^m Sherborne succeeded in 1642. Ob. 1679. Thomas Martin, installed 21st April 1679. ^^- 1689. Francis Jauxcy, installed 21st April 1690. Rodney Croxall, collated 10th Nov. 1732. John Stephens, collated 18th May 1754. John Harley, collated ist July 1756. John Hoskyns, collated 19th March 1760. Samuel Picart, collated 25th May 1805. Charles Taylor^ collated 7th Oct. 1835. Waties Corbett, collated 27th July 1836. / NONNINOTON. John de Shelving held it in 1294. William de Gare was collated 25th July 1295. Richard de Dinmour succeeded in 1303. John de Orleton succeeded 15th July 13 12. Richard de Chandos, collated 28th Aug. 1341. ^JoHN Hereford succeeded 18th Oct. 1389. ,/ Thomas Makeblith died possessed of this stall in '\ 1 43 1. Richard xMoreton, collated 15th March 143 1-2. John Homme, collated i8th Dec. 1433. Ob. 26th Nov. David Hopton succeeded in 1473; I'esigned in 1479. 518 HEREFORD. Walter Oudeby, collated 27th Oct. 1485. He re- signed in 1485. RicHAED Fox, collated i6th Sept. 1498. PoLYDORE Vergil came in about 1507. John Amynde, admitted 21st May 1558. Hugh Wall, collated 13th Aug. 1561. His will is dated 2nd Aug. 1570. John Watkins, collated lOth Jan, 1570-71; resigned in 1593. Giles Tompson, collated 23rd May 1594. He became bishop of Gloucester. John Hoskins, installed 22nd June 1612. John Williams, admitted 5th July 1612. Made bishop of Lincoln in 1621. Robert Bankworth, admitted 30th April 1621. Ferdinando Tereva or Texada succeeded circa Nov. 1623. William Evans, collated 18th Sept. 1631. Ob. 1668. William Johnson, installed 14th Jan. 1668-9. Ob. 1697. John Gregory, installed 9th March 1697-8. Ob. 1708. Richard Lloyd, installed 29th Oct. 1708. William Watson, collated 14th Dec. 1733. John Evans, collated 19th June 1754. Richard Walond, collated nth April 1783. Job Walker Baugh, collated 3rd Aug. 1802. William Edward Evans, collated 6th Nov. 1841. X NORTON. Anthony Wells, collated 23rd June 1290. John de Scardebuegh occurs in 1294. Richard de Bello occurs in 1305. Roger de Breinton, collated 8th Sept. 1326. Thomas de Evesham held this stall 7th Sept. 1326.58 58 Pat. 20 Edw. II. m. 16. PREBENDARIES. 519 Thomas Schifford resigned this stall in 1370. Thomas Staynthorpe, admitted loth March 1370-1. jL^EGiNALD DE WoLL ASTON, Collated ist Sept. 1389. J, William Pion succeeded ist Oct. 1396. John Burwell resigned this stall in 1436. Simon Alcock, collated 25th Aug. 1436. Ob. 10th Aug. 1459. Richard Home, collated 14th Aug. 1459. Richard Hyde, collated 28th Oct. 1466. William Bagart, collated 8th Nov. 1467. Richard Burton. Died possessed of this stall in 1504. Henry Marten, collated 31st Oct. 1504. Edmund Frowcester succeeded 14th Oct. 1508, Hugh Pole succeeded 19th May 1510. John Oliver alias Smith succeeded 2otli July 151 1. Thomas Chipham succeeded i6th July 1512. Richard Parkhurst, collated 7th April 1516. William Marbule, collated 20th Nov. 1529. His will is dated loth March 1552-3. John Ellis resigned this stall in 1566. Griffith Williams, collated 29th Jan. 1566-7. John Bullingham, installed 18th Jan. 1581-2. He held this stall in comniendam with Gloucester and Bristol until 1589. Roger Bradshaw, installed 22nd April 1589. Ob. 29th June 1612, and was buried in Hereford cathedral. John Hoskins, installed i8th Nov. 16 12. John Jeames, installed 26th March 1613. Thomas Manfeild, admitted 13th Dec. 1614. Thomas Wild, collated i6th April 1667. Stephen Philips, installed 7th April 1670. Ob. 1684, being archdeacon of Salop. John Slade, installed 23rd Aug. 1684. He was buried 4th Feb. 1 7 20-1 in Kingsland churchyard. Paulet St. John, collated 17th June 1721. Page Newborough, collated 9th June 1733- Edward Ballard, collated ist July 1746. William Hunter, collated 21st Nov, 1746. 520 HEREFORD. William Bach, collated 27th April 1749. Thomas Russell, collated 6th March 1752. William Willim, collated 7th July 1752. John Evaxs, collated 20th Aug. 1752. John Hoskyns, collated 19th June 1754. UvEDALE Kyffin, Collated 5th April 1760. Nathan Wetherell, collated 22rid Sept. 1775. Richard Evans, collated 28th Aug. 1777. Richard Walond, collated 8th June 1782. Thomas Russell, collated nth April 1783. John Glutton, collated 26th May 183 i. William Munsey. Richard Brooke, collated 19th Nov. 1841. PRESTON. Robert Burnel held this stall in 1273 ' ^^® ^'^^ P^'^" moted to the see of Bath and Wells. Thomas Cantilupe succeeded in 1273, ^^^^ ^^^ W^~ moted to this see in 1275. Henry Woodstock was collated nth Sept. 1275^^. Robert de Fileby succeeded about 1277. Peter de Langona held it in 1283. Roger de Cantuaria succeeded 25th Nov. 1299. William de Kinscote, collated 17th May 1303. William de Wykes, collated 24th April 131 1. Thomas Talbot, collated i8th Dec. 1320. Edmund Ryall died possessed of this stall 7th April 1427. Nicholas Liney, collated 8th April 1428. Henry Newton, collated 28th Jan. 1428-9. Robert Jordan, collated 26th Oct. 1438. Robert Jeffry resigned this stall in 1467. Thomas Saintjust, collated 5th Jan. 1466-7. Jeffry Castell resigned it 22nd Sept. 1467. Robert Eysham, collated 22nd Sept. 1467. Thomas Eysham succeeded 26th March i486. i^s Pat. 3 Ed. I. m. 23. PREBENDARIES. 521 John Blith resigned this stall in 151 2. Miles Ragoun, collated 23rd Nov. 1512. John Gorle held it in 1534 and 1542. William Evans held it in 1560 and 15H0. Richard Eedes, installed 17th Jan. 1589-90. Ob. 1604, being dean of Worcester. William Hinton, installed 8th May 1605. He was precentor of St. David's and archdeacon of Coventiy. He resigned this stall in 1627. Henry Hacket, collated 17th April 1627. 0^- 1642. Roland Scudamore held it in 1643. Laurence Womack succeeded in 1660. He resigned this stall in 1673. Richard King, collated ist March 1673-4. Ob. 1688. Thomas Matthews, collated 12th May 1688. Ob. 1712. John Rodd, collated nth Nov, 1712. Edward Ballard, 19th Nov. 1746. John Stephens, collated ist July 1756. Hon. Shute Barrington, collated 22nd May 1762. He resigned on being promoted to the see of Llandaff. Thomas Powys, instituted ist Dec. 1769. Edward Barnard, collated 6th Dec. 1809. John Birch Webb, collated 9th Dec. 1843. Y FIONA PARVA. William de la Hay occurs as prebendary of this stall in 1288. John de Shelving succeeded in 1290. Roger, de Cantuaria held it in 1294; resigned it in 1299. Thomas Cobham succeeded in 1299. Made bishop of Worcester in 13 17. Roger de Nassington was presented by the King 29th May 1317. Roger de Northburgh, presented 15th June 13 17; made bishop of Lichfield in 1322. Adam Esger resigned this stall in 1341. VOL. I. 3 X 522 HEREFORD. John Sheinton succeeded 4th June 1341; resigned in ^345- Griffith de Charleton, collated 22nd Oct. 1345. . John PRorHET resigned this stall in 1407, being made /^ dean of York. v^ John Baysham succeeded 22nd Sept. 1408. Ob. 1437. Richard Chester resigned it in March 1448—9. Heltas Holcot came in by exchange 5th March 1448-9. John Sutton succeeded 19th July 145 1. Ralph Hannys, collated 19th Nov. i486. Resigned in 1488. Hugh Grene came in by exchange in 1488, and re- signed in 15 10. William de la Bere came in by exchange 17th July 1510. He resigned in 15 12. John Vial succeeded nth Dec. 15 12, and resigned it the same day. John Kidwelly succeeded nth Dec. 15 12, and died the next year. William Gobard succeeded 8th Feb. 15 13— 14, and died in 1515, being archdeacon of Salop. David Walker, collated 3rd Jan. 1515— 16. William Burghill succeeded ist March 152 1-2. George Mason came in by exchange 27th Nov. 1523. John Herring was collated ist May 1524. Robert Brigge succeeded 28th Feb. 1533—4- Richard Sparchford, collated ist April 1539. Ob. 1560, being archdeacon of Salop. Walter Jones, collated 28th June 1560. Ob. 1573, being precentor. Thomas Thornton succeeded in i573- ^^- 1^29, being also precentor. James Howell, admitted 5th May 1629. William Harward, collated 5th March 1629-30. Richard Lloyd, collated 15th Oct. 1632. Thomas Holland, installed 24th Sept. 1660. Ob. 1684. PREBENDARIES. 523 James Hathway, installed 29tli April 1685. Ob. 1694. James Gwyn, collated 25th Jan. 1694-5. Ob. 1706. Thomas Gwillym, installed 13th April 1706. William Egerton, collated 1st Sept. 1726. John Morse, collated 2Hth July 1731. Thomas Willim, collated 4tli May 1733. Peter Leigh, collated 13th Oct. 1750. DiGBY Cotes, collated 21st July 1758. Gibbons Bagnall, collated 27th May 1760. John Woodcock, collated ist Aug. 1767. William Skinner, collated i6th Jan. 1769. Robert Squire, collated 25th May 1795. Francis Coke, collated 30th Dec. 1800. Edward Gray, collated 27th May 1831. John Merewether, collated nth June 1832. Archer Clive, collated i5tli Oct. 1850. X PRATUM MAJUS. Philip Talbot held this stall in 1294. James de Berkeley was made bishop of Exeter in 1327 from this stall. William de Fowhope, collated 26th Sept. 1327. Baldwin de Whitney succeeded 1st April 1356. John Setow came in about 1416. William Beeord alias Blower, collated 20th Aug. 1433- John Clone resigned it in 1459. Hugh Regoun, collated 15th March 1459-60. John Grenewey succeeded 14th April 14.62; resigned in 1466. William Rawlins, collated 8th April 1466. Ralph Barton, collated 14th Feb. 1466-7. WiixiAM Vance, collated i6th Nov. 1476. Ob. 1478. Richard Cornwall, collated 30th July 1478. Roger Brayne resigned in 1508. William de la Bere, collated 7th Feb. 1508-9. Hugh Grene succeeded 17th July 1511. Ob. 1523. John Cragg succeeded 28th Jan. 1523-4, 3x2 524 HEREFORD. Richard Baldwin succeeded 6th Aug. 1526. William Barret succeeded 19th June 1542. Robert Crowley, collated 9th July 1560. Archdeacon of Hereford. John Badham succeeded April 1568. Thomas Turner, collated 31st Oct. 1569. Robert Russel, collated 8th June 1593. Henry Rogers, installed 28th Nov. 1616. Was buried at Withington 15th June 1658. Thomas Goodwin held this stall circa 1660. Herbert Brofghton, collated 9th Nov. 1669. He was buried at Madeley 29th July 1678. Thomas Tyrer, installed 9th Aug. 1678. Ob. 1684, and was buried at Sallech. John Hathw-ey, installed 2nd Dec. 1684. Ob. 1700^ and was buried at Bishop's Upton. Anthony Whistler, installed 23rd Sept. 1700. Ob. 1721. Henry Price, collated 29th April 1720. John Geree, collated 14th March 1733-4. Hon. Shute Barbington, collated 12th Sept. 1761. Ralph Cope Hopton, collated 25th May 1762. James Roberts, collated 22nd June 1797- John George Hannington, collated 15th April 181 6. Robert James Carr, collated nth Jan. 1822. He resigned on being promoted to the see of Chichester. Hon. James Somers Cocks, collated 24th July 1824. A PRATUM MINUS. William de Kingscote held this stall in 1294. Richard Sidenhale resigned it in 1348. ♦kjoHN Exeter exchanged this stall in Oct. 1396, with •^Walter Trote, installed i8th Oct. 1396. ^JoHN GoRWALL, Collated nth June 1401. ^^HOMAS Shelford succecded 30th July 1406. \ John Setow, collated 9th March 1409-10. Nicholas Hereford resigned this stall in 14 r 7. William Bailly succeeded 6th Nov. 1417. PREBENDARIES. 525 Thomas Yeon died possessed of this stall in 1472. Richard Marten, collated 28th Nov. 1472. Roger Griffith succeeded loth March 1473—4. Walter Hylle, collated 12th Oct. 1487. Ob. 30th March 1494—5, being warden of New College, Oxford, and he was buried in the chapel there. Reginald West, 3i\&o dean of Hereford, resigned this stall in 1510. Thomas Wolsey succeeded 5th July 1510; made dean in 15 1 2. William Edwards succeeded 27th Jan. 1512-13. Re- signed. John Vyall succeeded in 1513. His will is dated 1525- John Mason succeeded 21st July 1525. William Edwards came in a second time 1525. Re- signed in 1528. Gamaliel Clifton, collated 14th April 1528. Hugh Charnock succeeded about 1529. Ob. 1550. William Baker, admitted 24th July 1551. John Cuthbert resigned this stall in 1561. Marcel Outred, collated 6th Sept. 156 1. John Cuthbert restored to this stall 29th Sept. 1561. Philip Bagge^ collated 24th July 1562. William Griffith, collated ist Oct. 1577. Thomas Tourner possessed this stall in 1581. Charles Langford, collated 17th Aug. 1593. Ob. in 1607, being also dean of this church. Henly Bright, admitted 31st Oct., and installed 2nd Nov. 1607. Ob. in 1616, and was buried at Wor- cester. John Pember, collated 5th March 1626-7. Ob. 1676. Thomas Brome, collated 24th May 1677. ^b. 1699, and was buried at Ross. William Morgan, collated 5th June 1699. ^^' ^1^'^> and was buried at Presteign. Daniel Philips, collated 3rd Sept. 1702. 526 HEREFORD. Thomas Lingen, admitted 21st Nov. 1721. Thomas Barnes, collated 30th July 1736. William Parker, collated 14th March ^^']^']. Robert Clive, collated 4th Sept. 1760. James Jones, collated 6th Feb. 1769. Thomas Watkins, collated 29th June 1776. John Wall, 8th June 1782. Robert Biscoe, collated 27th Nov. 1834. A PUTSTON MAJOR. John de Swinfeud, j!>rgce/?^or of this cathedral, held this stall in 1294. Gilbert de Knovill or Genovill. Ob. circa 1309. Michael de Borham succeeded circa 1309. Hamo de Sandwich, collated 26th April 131 1. William de Edinton held this stall 28th March Peter de Wotton, confirmed in this stall in 1353. Nicholas de Newton held it 27th July 1358. John Upton resigned it in 1384. •^ Richard Thurban, collated 13th May 1384. •V Richard Talbot, collated 6th June 1401. William Cave, collated 6th Nov. 14J7. John Malton, collated 12th May 14 19. John de la Bere, collated 14th Aug. 1423. He was preferred to the see of St. David's in 1447. William Myll died possessed of this stall in 1451. Vincent Clement, collated 14th Jan. 145 1-2. Ob. 1474, being treasurer of Lichfield. John Sebrande died possessed of this stall in 1496. His will, dated i6th June 1496, was proved 12th July following. Owen Pole seems to have succeeded in 1496. Ob. 1509, being also treasurer. Edmund Frowcester succeeded 1 8th Dec. 1509. saPat. i8Ed\v. III. p. i. m. 13. PREBENDARIES. 527 William Hull 8ucceeded 28th Oct. 1514. Ob. 1543. He was also chancellor of this church. William Ttnmour, collated 22nd Sept. 1543. Richard Harford, collated 30th Oct. 1545. Robert Johnson, collated 9th Sept. 155 1. Ob. 1558, Nathaniel Harford held this stall in 1559 and in 1581. Robert Russel held this stall in 1592 and in 1593. James Rawlins, collated 13th Aug. 1622. Laurence Seddon, collated iSth June 1661. He was buried at Worthen 21st Sept. 1675. Phineas Jackson, collated 30th Sept. 1675. Thomas Wotton, collated 13th Dec. 1675. Ob. 1711, being also treasurer of this church. William Lloyd, collated 4th Sept. 1 7 1 1 . Humphrey Whishaw, collated 6th April 1733. Hugh Morgan, collated 8th June 1780. Richard Evans, collated 8th June 1782. Richard Da vies Evans, collated 25th April 1795. Harry Lee, collated 2nd June 182 1. V PUTSON MINOR. Nicholas de Gaynville held this stall in 1294. John de la Hay held it in 1308. Giles de Stanford resigned it in 1366. Henry de Shipton, collated 28th Jan. 1366-7. He had been archdeacon of Salop. ^Richard Thurban died possessed of this stall in 1399. ♦-/ John Trefnant, alias Howell, collated 29th Oct. ■ T399. John Sefford held this stall at his death in 141 9. John Donstable, collated 28th April 1419. William Drokyll, collated 28th May 1440. Richard Martin, collated loth March 1473—4. John Harvey succeeded 26th Feb. 1477-8. Made precentor in 1489. John Nans, admitted about 1489. 528 HEREFORD. Christopher Lttton succeeded 2nd Nov. 1490. Ob. 1505- John Pratt came in about 1505. Ob. 15 '3- John Vial, collated i6th June 1513. John Mason, collated 22nd July 1525. Ob. 1548. William Golding, collated 19th April 1548. Philip Baker, presented by queen Elizabeth 1 8th Dec. 1560. Deprived in 1569. He was also provost of Queen's College, Cambridge. John Badham, installed 4th Nov. 1570. Thomas Lloyd, collated 6th Nov. 1572. Ob. 8th March 161 2-13. He was also treasurer of St. David's. John Hoskins, admitted 23rd March 1612-13. John Jeames, admitted 14th Dec. 1614. Ob. 1634. Samuel Lindsell, collated i8th July 1634. Ob. 1669. John Jennings, collated 28th June 1669. Thomas Seddon, alias Sidney, 8th April 1675. Ob. 12th Feb. 1685-6, being also precentor. Adam Otley, collated 5th March 1685-6. He was preferred to the see of St. David's, but held this stall in commendam. Daniel Wilson, collated 17th Oct. 1723. Joseph Guest, collated i8th March 1742-3. Joseph Guest junior, collated 15th Sept. 1753. Richard Francis Onslow, collated 2nd Nov. 1804. Hugh Hanmer Morgan, collated 13th June 1808. ^ WARHAM AND AYLESTON. William de Albaniaco resigned this stall in 1287. Richard de Hartford succeeded in 1287. Luke de Brett died possessed of this stall in 1292. Richard de Hertford, archdeacon of Hereford, held this stall in 1292, and resigned it in the same year. William de Kingscote succeeded in 1292. Henry de Hertford held this stall at his death in William de Schoene succeeded in 1303. i PREBENDARIES. 529 Robert Wodhull held this stall in 1343^0 John de Ufford was presented to this prebend by the King 28th Jan. 1343-4 ^i. He was made dean of Lincoln in 1345. Richard Prophet exchanged it in Dec. 1349 with John Prophet, who was admitted 17th Dec. 1349. Humphrey de Carlton exchanged it in May 137 1 with )C^ Richard Thurban, who was admitted 3 1 st May 1371. Laurence Allerthorp, collated 7th June 140 1. Ob. 2 1st July 1406, and was buried in St. PauFs cathe- dral, London. yi Thomas Feild succeeded 29th July 1406. John Prophet, 8th Nov. 1406. He resigned it in 1407 to Roger Hore, who was admitted i6th Nov. 1407. John Cokeworthy, collated 9th June 141 8. Robert Trysks succeeded i8th April 1419. William Kinwoldmersh, collated i6th Nov. 1419 Resigned in 1433. John Blodwell, collated about 1433. David Blodwell succeeded nth June 1441. Ob. 1462, being dean of St. Asaph. Simon Tawer, collated 13th Aug. 1461. John Baily succeeded 20th Aug. 1464. He was also precentor. John Grenewey, collated 3rd April 1466. Henry Gedwen, alias Meyse, was collated 3rd May i486. Thomas Grete held this stall at his death in Oct. 1508. Henry Marten, collated loth Oct. 1508. Roger Brayne, collated 8th Jan. 1508-9. Walter Mey resigned this stall in 1533. He became treasurer of this cathedral. 60 Pat. 18 Edw. III. m. 31. 61 Ibid. p. i. mm. 47, 42. VOL. I. 3 Y 530 HE UK FOR I). Thomas Booth, collated in Sept. 1533. Edward 13askkrville held it in 1540. Ob. J 566, being also chancellor. Thomas Gkeenvill succeeded 23r(l Jan. 1566-7. William Gheenvill or Gkeenwich, collated 9th July 157 1. Ob. 1631, being archdeacon of Salop. Morgan Godwin, collated 24th April, and installed 16th Aug. 1631. Ob. 1645. Thomas Swift is said to have been sequestore, collated 9th Oct. 130S. Jonx Ki.nii sncccedcd 15th Nov. 1312. Ob. 1338, being also archdeacon oi' Coventry. SiMox Gn,i!Ki!T, installed 20th Sept. 1338. Ob. Aug. 1368. IIkxkv Taxxki;, collated i6th Oct. 13(18. His will is dated 6th Aug. i3<'iS. Geouuk \\' 1 r rixiiUAM held this stall in 1380. Gerv.vse llAiiixi'.rox, installed in 1388. He was suc- cessively bishop of Llandaft* K.xeter. and Worcester; and held this stall until his translation to Worcester in 1397. '■■- Pat. I VaW. 111. p.;,. ni.6. i V 2 532 HEREFORD. William St. Barbe, collated 21st June 1597. Robert Robotham, collated 25th March 1625; re- signed in 1628. Bartholomew Petting ale, collated 3rd July 1628. George Benson, installed 8th Aug. 1660. Ob. 1692, being dean of this cathedral. John Page, collated 31st Aug. 1692. Thomas Whishaw, collated 29th June 1723. Walwyn Morgan, collated 25th Oct. 1753. Richard Underwood, collated 15th July 1780. Thomas Underwood, collated 16th Feb. 1801. Watson Joseph Thornton, collated iith Jan. 1842. -'/ WITHINGTON PARVA. Robert of Gloucester resigned this stall in 1282. Nicholas de Hereford succeeded in 1282. John Swinfeld succeeded in 1285. Nicholas de Geynvill succeeded in 1286. Richard Patts or Passamer died in possession of this stall 1350. William de Hervington, collated 30th April 1350. Henry Hamerton resigned this prebend in 1400. John Hartlepool, collated 30th Nov. 1400. John ap Howell resigned it in 1403-4. Thomas Feld, collated 6th Jan. 1403-4; resigned it in 1406. John Baysham, collated 22nd July 1406. John Loveney, archdeacon of Hereford^ collated 25th Aug. 1407. John Merbury, collated nth July 1422. Ob. 1425. Robert Holyday succeeded about 1425. Ob. 1428. John Berew, collated 16th Nov. 1429. Ob. 1462, being also dean of this church. Hugh Ragoun, collated 13th April 1462. John ap Richard succeeded 21st Dec. 1462. John Cole resigned this stall in 15 15. John Elton alias Baker, collated 9th May 15 T5. Ob. 1547, being also chancellor of this church PREBENDARIES. 533 John Compton, collated 8th Jan. 1547-8. Ob. 1555, being also chancellor of this church. John Williams, collated ist May 1555. Ob. Dec. 1558, being chancellor and archdeacon of Gloucester. Richard Aldrich held this stall in 1560 and 1580. SiLVANUs Griffiths, collated 28th Jan. 1603-4. Ob. 1623, being dean of this church. John Freemantle, collated 13th Dec. 1623. Jonathan Dryden, collated 26th Aug. 1627. William Paxton held it in 1638. Richard Newborough, installed 24th Sept. 1660. Ob. 1686, and was buried at Stoke-Milburgh. Vincent Owen, installed 6th May 1686. Ob. 1703, and was buried at Munsley. Henry Rogers, collated 25th June 1703. Ob. 1709, and was buried at Glasebury in co. Brecon. Richard Lang ford, collated 30th Nov. 1709. He resigned this stall in 1712; he became afterwards archdeacon of Merioneth. Paul Williams, collated 4th March 17 12— 13. William Davies, collated 26th April 1735. Guy Hill, collated 22nd May 1765. Hugh Price, collated 25th Sept. 1767. Daniel Price, collated 13th Aug. 1771. Charles Morgan, collated 9th March 1772. Thomas Huntley, collated 9th Aug. 1776. Morgan Cove, collated 12th April 1800. Theophilus Lane, collated 31st March 1801. Charles Maitland Babington, collated 22nd Dec. 1814. Arthur Matthews, collated 13th Oct. 1818. John Venn, collated 8th Dec. 1843. r YNE or EIGNE. Thomas de Sancto Omero held this stall in 1294. John de la Barew held it in 1308. 534 HEREFORD. Thomas de Chandos held it in 1317^3. resigned it in 1320. He became archdeacon of Hereford in 1327. John de Oxenden, collated 19th Oct. 1335^^. Roger de Sutton resigned this stall in 1368. William de Benningham succeeded 28th Oct. 1368; he was also dean of this church. Gilbert Stone resigned this stall in 1414. John Clark, collated 12th Oct. 1414. Edmund de la Board, collated 6th Feb. 1417-18. John Mapleton held this stall at his death in 1432. William Middleham, collated 28th Oct. 1432. John Paslew resigned this stall in 1447. Ralph Durewarde, collated 5th June 1447. Richard Hues held this prebend in 1459. Oliver King resigned it in 1480. William Skyey, collated 13th Jan. 1480-1. Ralph Hannys, collated 12th June 1488. In his will, dated loth April 1501, he calls himself prebendary of Wellington. Nicholas Walwen resigned it in 1512. William de la Bere came in 26th Nov. 15 12. Humphrey Ogle, collated ist March 1519-20. Roger Beubryde, collated 30th Jan. 1522-3. William Chell succeeded 24th Feb. 1532-3. John Styrman, succeeded 12th Nov. 1545. He was archdeacon of Hereford. AVilliam Barker, collated 20th Aug. 1547. Roger Stretye, collated 8th June i^S5- William Penson held this stall in 1567. Ob. 1587, chancellor of this church. John Howson, installed 15th July 1587. He resigned this stall in 1603. He was successively bishop of Ox- ford and Durham. Robert Burghill, collated 26th Jan. 1603-4. Ob. 1641, and was buried at North wold in co. Norfolk. 63 Pat. loEdw. II. p. 2. m. II. 64 Pat, 9 Edw. III. p. i. m.33. PREBENDARIES. 535 Stephex Philips, instituted ist Nov. 1641. Ob, 12th Jan. 1666-"]^ at Lugvvarden. Theophilus Cook, collated 5th Feb. 1666-7. John Clark, collated i6th June 1680. Ob. 9th Dec. 1712. Richard Witherston, collated 9th Feb. 1712-13. Lewis Owen, collated 3rd March 1738-9. John Jones, collated 21st Oct. i743- Charles Morgan, collated 24th Sept. 1768. William Allen, collated 19th June 1771. John Stone, collated 14th June 1776. Robert Price, collated 9th May 1778. Henry Gorges Dob yns Yate, collated 1 7th Sept. 1 80 1 . John Lilly, collated 2nd Nov. 181 2. Frederick Benjamin Twistleton, 17th Nov. 1825. LICHFIELD'. L HIS diocese contained^ until the alterations made therein by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, the whole county of Stafford, except Broom and Clent, which belong to Worcester; all Derbyshire, the larger part of Warwickshire, and nearly half of Shropshire ; di- vided under the archdeaconries of Coventry 2, Staf- ford, Derby, and Salop. The chapter of Lichfield cathedral^ consists of a dean, precentor, chancellor, and treasurer, who have pre- bends annexed to their dignities; and there are twen- ty-seven other prebends, one of which, Eccleshall, is annexed to the bishopric. Out of the holders of these thirty-one prebends, the dean and four more, chosen indifferently out of the prebendaries and dignitaries, are styled canons residentiary. The archdeacons, unless they are prebendaries, have no stalls in the cathedral. There are twelve minor canons, five of whom are called priest- vicars ; and the remaining seven lay-vicars or singing-men, &c. 1 When this diocese was ori- an order in council 27th Aug. ginally founded it was called the 1846 all peculiars in this diocese bishopric of Mercia : the name were abolished. was afterwards changed to Lich- 3 Before the Reformation there field, then to Chester, next to Co- was also a cathedral at Coventry ventry and Lichfield, and again where the bishops of the diocese to Lichfield by order in council formerly held their seat. After 22nd Dec. 1836. the dissolution of the priory of 2 The archdeaconry of Coven- Coventry, the act of parhament try was by the above order in 33 Hen. VIII. made the dean council transferred from this di- and chapter of Lichfield the sole -ocese to that of Worcester. By chapter for the bishop. VOL. I. ^ Z 538 LICHFIELD. BISHOPRIC OF MERCIA. Peada king of Mercia having embraced Christianity at the instance of Oswi king of Northumbria, consented to receive a bishop to preside over his people : accordingly 6^6 DiuMA, a Scottish priest, was ordained by Finan^, be- tween 15th Nov. 6^s and Easter 656. He died in the year 658. 658 Ceollach or Cellach^ was the second bishop of the Mercians 6. Having resigned the see, he returned to his native country (Scotland) in the beginning of the year 659, and was succeeded by 659 Trumhere7, ahhot ofGilling^. He died in 662, and his successor was 662, Gearomax or Jarumann. He was sent into Essex in 664, and he died in 6699, LICHFIELD. 669 Ceadda or Chad 10, hislop of York^\ succeeded Gearo- man in 669 ; and, with the consent of Wulfheri king of Mercia, estabhshed his see at Lichfield. He died 2nd March 672, and was buried in the cathedral at Lichfield 1-, which was dedicated to his honour. 67:5 WinfredI'^ or WuLFRiD was ordained bishop of Lich- field in 673, and deposed in the following year by archbishop Theodore, on account of his refusing to sanction the appointment of additional bishops in the extensive province of Mercians as decreed by the council of Hertford. 674 Seaxwulfi^, a55o^ of Peterborough, SMCGeQileAWmhe^. ■1 Beda, Hist. Eccl. lib. iii. ^^ Ordained bishop of York cap. 21. in 666, in the absence of Wil- 5 Cellah, Malmes. Pontif. fred; and deposed by Theodore 6 Beda, Hist. Eccl. lib. iii. in 669. cap. 21. ^^ Beda, lib. iv. c. 3. 7 Beda, Hist. Eccl. lib. iii. '3 Heddio, Wulfridus dictus. cap. 21. et Malmes. Pontif. MS. See Heddius in Vita Wulfridi Savile incorrectly prints it Dum- cap. 24. here. !■! Flor. Wigorn. 8 Olim, Ingetlingum. i^ Beda, et Text. RoiFens. ; 9 Hedd. in vita ejus cap. xiv. Sexwlfus, Malmes. ; Saxulfus, 10 Beda ; Cedda, Malmes. Flor. Wigorn. BISHOPS. 539 ill the see of Liclifielcl, and gave a portion of liis dio- cese for the foundation of an episcopal see at Here- ford; and king Ecgbert having conquered Wulfheri king of Mercia in 675, subjected the province of Lin- disse, then a part of the see of Lichfield, to his rule, and annexed it to the diocese of Wilfrith, bishop of the Northumbrians, who ordained Eathhed as bishop of Lindisse in 679, and appointed Sidnacester as his see. Eathhed was expelled in the same year by Aethilred of Mercia, who restored the province of Lindisse to the see of Lichfield ; though only for a short time, for before a year had elapsed after its restoration, archbishop Theodore, at a synod assem- bled at Haethfield 17 th Sept. 680, brought forward the decree of the council of Hertford for augmenting the number of bishops in Mercia ; and, with the consent of king Aethilred, divided the diocese of Lichfield into four sees^^^ and placed them at Lich- field, Leicester, Lindisse ^ 7^ and Worcester. The choice of these sees was given to Seaxwulf ; he pre- ferred Lichfield^ because it was the place to which he had been originally ordained, and moreover had a more extensive jurisdiction; Cuthwine was placed at Leicester's, Ethelwine at Lindisse, and Tetfrith at Worcester. Seaxwulf died about the year 69 1'^, and 16 Tempore Ethelredi Regis apud Lichfeldiam, quarta in Merciorum et Sexwlfi Episcopa- Lindeseia apud Sideneiam, quin- tus Lichfeldensis in quinque pa- ta apud Dorcestriam. Ran. Ci- rochias dividebatur, viz. Here- cast. lib. v. c. 19. Sed Pucta fordenseni,Wigorniensem, Lich- mansit apud Hereford, quondam feldensem, Legecestrensem, et institutus per Sexwlfum. Lindisiensem. (Vit. Sexwlfi.) ''' Sometimes called Sidnaces- Anno 680. Theodoras archiepi- ter, sometimes Dorchester, and Scopus coegit concilium episco- sometimes Lindisse, porum apud Hatfeld. Quo in I8 Cuthwdne did not continue tempore provincia Merciorum, long at Leicester ; and Seaxwulf quam solus Sexwlfus tunc rege- administered to that diocese bat, divisa est in quinque paro- during the remainder of his life, chias; una apud Legecestriam, 19 Angl. Sac. pars i. p. 427. alia apud Wigomiam, tertia note (h). 3 z 3 540 LICHFIELD. 691 Headdi succeeded to Lichfield -'^ in 691, and died in 721. 721 Aldwini Wou'^i succeeded Headdi in the diocese of Lichfield, and also, like him, held that of Leicester dui'ing his life. He died in 737'--. 737 Witta'-^ succeeded to Lichfield only-^ in 737, and from that time Lichfield remained distinct and in the same extent, until Chester was taken out of it. 752 Hemele-^ the successor of Witta, became bishop of Lichfield about the year 752. He died in 765'^^ 765 Ceolfrith-7 or Cuthued became bishop of Lichfield in 765. He died about 768. 768 BuRTHUN'28. He died about 78529. 785 Higbert'^o was nominated bishop of Lichfield in the synod of Celchyth, in which the jurisdiction of the archbishop of Canterbury was diminished, and a great portion assigned to Lichfield -^1, as an archi- episcopate. Higbert, however, refused to assume such * authority, and was content with his title of bishop ^2. He died in the year 786. 20 Wilfrith, bishop of the Northumbrians, then exiled from his see, was under the protection of king Aethilred of Mercia, and took upon himself the govern- ment of the see of Leicester with Aethilred's consent ; but Wil- frith being ejected by the sen- tence of the synod of Nestrefeld in 703, Headdi administered to Leicester conjointly with Lich- field. 21 Called also Eadwine. 22 Angl. Sac. pars i. p. 428. note (1). 23 Wita, Malmes.; Huita, Flor. Wigorn. ; Huitta, Cod. Cott. I. et 2. ; Hwutta, Hoveden. Called also Hwitta and Wicta. 24 Totta was ordained to Lei- cester. Defuncto Aldwino, ite- rum divisa est, (Merciorum dio- cesis) in duas parochias, Leices- trensem et Cestrensem seu Lich- feldensem. Angl. Sac. pars i. p. 428. note (m). 25 Hemeli, Hoveden. ; Cemele, Text. RofFens. 26 Sim. Dunelm. et Hoved. fol. 231^. Others say in 768. 27 Cuthfrid or Cuthfrith, Malmes. ; Cuthred, Hoved. et Sim. Dunelm. His accession to the episcopal chair is sometimes placed in 768. 28 Malmes. 29 Flor. Wigorn. 30 Higebrihtus, Flor. Wigorn. ; Sigibertus, Text. RofFens. 31 Sax. Chron. et Flor. Wigorn. 32 Concil.Angl.tom.i. pp.151. 301. 304. BISHOPS. 541 Aldulf succeeded Higbert in the year 786, and was consecrated by Eanbald archbishop of York, assisted by bishops Tilberht of Hexham, and Hylbald of Lin- disfarn-^-^. He, at the request of king Offa of Mercia, and with the sanction of the court of Rome, exercised the jurisdiction of an archbishop. He received his pall from pope Adrian T., and the bishops of Here- ford, Worcester, Leicester, Sidnacester, Elmham and Dunwich, were made his suffragans. In the year 803, at the council of Cloveshoe, called by command of pope Leo III., the archbishop of Canterbury was re- stored to the jurisdiction of which he had been de- prived by pope Adrian ; and Aldulf was present at the council, and subscribed to it as bishop of Lich- field •^•*. The time of his death is not known^^, but his name appears as a witness to three or four charters in 81436. Humbert37, So Le Neve, following Godwin; but see note 37. Herewin is said to have been consecrated by Wulfred, archbishop of Canterbury. He witnessed a charter in 816, and was present at a council held in 816^^. Higbert 39. So Le Neve, on the authority of Godwin; but see note ^7. 33 Hoved. fol. 232^. et Sira. if there were a bishop of Lich- Dunelm. ad annum. field so called at this period, he 34 Concil. Angl. p. 325. must have presided but a very 35 He is said by some to have short time. Matthew of West- died in 812, and by others in 814; minster under the year 795 incor- which last-mentioned date seems rectly writes. Anno gratise 795 correct. defuncto Humberto Lichefeldensi 36 See Kemble's Codex, vol. ii. archiepiscopo, Higbertus suc- pp. 25T. 255. 257. 260. 261. cessit. 37 His name does not appear 38 Concil. Angl. tom. i. p. 328. either in Malmesbury's list of 39 Omitted in the lists of the bishops of Lichfield or in Malmesbury and Florence of that of Florence of Worcester ; Worcester. The only authority as Aldulf was alive in 814, for his name is Matt. Westmin- and Herewin in office in 816, ster ad annum 795, which is (Kemble's Codex, vol. ii. p. 264.) clearly an error. 542 LICHFIELD. 8i8 829 870 890 920 944 960 974 992 1007 1021 1027 Aethelwald35 or Herkenwald'^o vvas consecrated in 818 -IS and died in 828^^. HuMBERHT orHuNBERHT was consecvated byWulfred, archbishop of Canterbury, shortly before his death; and he was slain with kingEadmund 20th Nov. 870^-3. Kenferth^^ or CiNEFERTH, alias Kinebert. Ob. 871^5. His death is also placed in 890^^*. CuMBERT^e. So LeNeve, incorrectly, on the authority of Godwin. He is evidently the same person as the last mentioned. TuNBRiHT^7. Ob. 920^^. Ella-i^ or Aelle or Aelfwine. Ob. 944. Alegar 50, Ob. 960. Kynsy^J. Ob. 974. WiNSY 52. Ob. 992. Elfeth alias Ealfeagus^^. Ob. 1007. Godwin 5-t. Ob. 1020. Leofgar55. Ob. 1027. Brihtmar56. Ob. 103957. 39 Sax. Chron. ; Oithelwald, Flor. Wigorn. 40 Malmes. 41 Cod. Lich. in Bibl. Cott. 42 Sax. Chron. p. 344. Monu- menta. 43 Cum quo et Humbertus episcopus occiditur. (Sim. Du- nelm. Hist, ad an. 870 in Monu- menta p. 678. note ^.) Some writers place his death in 867 ; others in 870. 44 Kineferthus, Matt.Westm.; Cinebert, Malmes.; Kynefyrth, Text. Roff. He is also called Kyneberht. 45 Defuncto Cinefertho Licet- feldensi episcopo, successit Tun- brihtus. Flor. Wigorn. ad an. 871. 45* Thom. Chesterfield et Cod. Lichf. 46 Not in the lists of Malmes- bury or Florence of Worcester. 47 Tunfrith, Malmes. ; Tum- brihtus, Flor. Wigorn. 48 Thom. Chesterfeld, Hist, de Episc. Covent. et Lichf. 49 Aella, Flor. Wigorn. ; Ella, Malmes. Aella qui et Aelfinus, praesulatum gessit tempore Ae- thelstani Regis. Flor. Wigorn. 50 Alfgarus, Flor. Wigorn. ; Elgar, Malmes. 51 Kinsi, Malmes. ; Cinsius, Flor. Wigorn. 52 Winsi, Malmes. 53 Elfeh, Malmes. ; Aelfeah, Text. Roff.; Aelfegus, Flor. Wig. 54 Godwine, Malmes. 55 Lefgar, Malmes.; Leovega- rus, Flor. Wigorn. 56 Brithmar, Malmes. et Flor. Wigorn. ; Brithelmarus, Chron. Petrob. 57 Flor. Wigorn. Sim. Dunelm. et Hoved. fol. 251^. BISHOPS. 54.3 1039 WuLsius^^. Obiit 105359. 1054 Leofwine, aJJoif 0/ Co^J^w^ry^o. Ob, ic66. 1075 Peter, chaplain to William the First, was consecrated to 9"Will.I. this see circa 1074 or 1075^'; and he removed it to Chester*^- in 1075, where he died, and was buried in 1085. 1086 Robert de Limesey was nominated to this see by the 50 Will. T. King on Christmas day 1085 f'-^, and was consecrated at Canterbury by archbishop Lanfranc in 1086^^. "He removed the see from Chester to Coventry 1 8th April iio2^% and died 30th Aug. 1 117^6, and was buried at Coventry. The see after the death of Robert de Limesey teas vacant nearly four years. From this time the see was commonly denominated COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. 1 121 Robert Peche67, chaplain to king Henry the First^^, was conseci-ated at Abingdon 13th March iiao-i^^. He died xi Cal. Sept. (22nd Aug.) 1126^0, and was buried at Coventry. The see was vacant two years. S3 Wlsi, Malmes. ; Wlfius, ^^ pjor. Wigorn. Hoved. et Mailr.; Ulsius, Westm. Annal. Burton. Obituarium Coe- ''9 Flor. Wigorn. Wulsig epi- nob. Salop. : but according to scopus Lichfeld obiit 1053, ante Thomas of Chesterfield he died festum Omnium Sanctorum, ist Sept. 1117. Annal. Petriburg. Saxon. ''^ Peccator, Peccam, et Pethee, 60 Flor. Wigorn. (Chron. Petrob.) Called also 61 The Annals of Burton say Pecthe. Thom. Chesterfeld. 1067. ^'^ Cui in cura panis ac potus 62 Hence the bishops of Lich- strenue ministrare solebat. Flor. field and Coventry for some Wigorn. Contin. centuries afterwards were often 69 Eadmer, lib. vi. p. 137. et called bishops of Chester. Hoved. fol. 273. 63 Sim. Dunelm. et Flor. Wig. ^^ Ann. Waverl. and Flor. 6-* Sax. Chron. Wigorn. 65 Flor. Wigorn. 544 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. 1 1 29 Roger de Clinton, archdeacon of Bucks'''^, was conse- 30 Hen. I. crated at Canterbury 22nd Dec. 1 1 29, and enthroned at Coventry 9th Jan. following. Having assumed the Cross, he sot out for the Holy Land, and died at An- tioch i6th April 1148, and was there buried. 1 149 Y^AJ.TY.'R, J} [5 RD'E^T, prior of Canterbury, having been 14 Steph. elected bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 7-, was con- secrated by archbishop Theobald 2nd Oct. 1149. He died 7th Dec. 1 15973, and was buried at Coventry. 71 Rot. Profess. Autogr. 2. If Simeon is to be credited, he paid the King a fine of 3000 marks for this bishopric. 72 Gerv. Chron. 73 I have been favoured with the following communication from the Rev. Robert W. Eyton, of Ryton : The death of this bishop is placed by Thomas Chesterfield on 7th Dec. 1161, (Angl. Sacra, pars i. 434); a date confirmed by Wharton (Ibid.) in a note which quotes the obituaries of Canterbury and Salop as autho- rities. The English chronicles are generally silent on the sub- ject of this prelate's decease; but the Annals of Burton, which ought to be a good authority (that house being within the dio- cese of Coventry), mention it, and date it as 1161. Sir H. Ni- colas in his Synopsis, Willis, and Le Neve, each in his time, followed the date thus apparent- ly authenticated. Nevertheless it is quite erroneous. N^. 287, in Madox's Formulare Anglicanum, (p. 177,) is a grant by this bi- shop. No. 70 (in the same) is a confirmation by T. abp. Cant, of Walter Durdent's said grant, (Madox. Formul. Angl. p. 40); but this confirmation passed af- ter the death of Walter, for it speaks of him as " bonae memo- riae." No. 80 (in the same) is king Henry II. 's confirmation of both the above, and is here quoted merely to prove that Abp. T. (of No. 70) was Theo- bald, and not his successor Tho- mas. It follows that Walter Durdent predeceased Theobald archbishop of Canterbury. Now archbishop Theobald (though often and erroneously stated to have died in 11 60) died, on the best authorities, in 1 161, on i8th April. Therefore Walter Dur- dent died before r 8th April ii6i. The days given for the obits of bishops, &c., are generally taken to be correct, and therefore the day of Walter Durdent's death would (as far as the joint evidence given above can prove) be 7th Dec. 1 160. But it may be doubted whether that date is not still erroneous, for, as will pre- sently be shown, Walter Dur- dent died at Rome; and if on 7th Dec. in any year, the news would not probably reach Eng- land till February following. Then would follow the royal license to elect a new bishop, which in this case would be at- tended with some delay (as the King was in Normandy); then the royal assent (similarly a mat- ter of some unavoidable delay); BISHOPS. 545 1161 Richard Peche, archdeacon of Coventry^ and son of his Hen. II. predecessor Robert Peche, was consecrated bishop of Lichfield and Coventry in 1161. He died 6th Oct. 1182?^. 1183 Gerard, surnamed Puella or La Pucelle, canon of 9 Hen. II. Salhhury''^^ and clerk to Richard archbishop of Canter- bury, was elected in Jan. 1 182-3, ^^^ consecrated and yet it is certain that bishop Walter's successor Richard was consecrated by the bishop of Ro- chester in the ])resence of arch- bishop Theobald, (Gerv. 13S1. Diceto, 532,) then in his last illness, and who was carried into his chapel to witness the cere- mony. As therefore between 7th Dec. 1 160 and i8th April 1161 there can hardly have been time for all these transactions, the next probable date for Walter Durdent's death is 7th Dec. 1159; which, as regards circum- stantial evidence, is, as far as I have seen, unobjectionable. In other words, that is the nearest approach to the hitherto received date which circumstances will warrant. But in aid of circum- stantial evidence comes that of the Norman Chronicle, which, calling him " Cistrensis episco- pus," (Chron. Norm. 996,) places his death and that of Robert bi- shop of Exeter in 1158. I need not here enter into the proofs that the year of the Norman Chronicle at this period is a year too early; i. e. that the year printed in one part of the mar- gin 1 158 and in another 1185, is really the year 1159, and was so intended by the writer of the Chronicle. The Annals of Win- ton (Angl. Sacra, pars i. 300.) give the date of bishoj) Walter's death correctly, viz. 1159, but that of Robert of Exeter 1160. I have lost the reference for my statement that Walter Dur- dent died at Rome. I have made a long search for it in every probable direction, and in vain. Possibly, therefore, my original note to that effect, made some years since, is a mistake, and that fact must be excluded. The probability that Walter Durdent predeceased the consecration of his successor by sixteen rather than four months, must be esti- mated therefore according to the ordinary delays which attended such successions at this period of history. I find no established case of so short a vacancy as four months, though probably Henry II. 's appetite for vacancies did not develope itself till after arch- bishop Theobald's death. ^-i Annal. Eccl. S. Werburgae Cestrensis. (Angl. Sacra.) Hove- den, fol. 354 ^, asserts that he died in 1183. He is said to have taken the religious habit in the priory of St. Thomas, near Staf- ford, some time before his death. ^^ Habebat Ricardus archiepi- scopus duos commensales cleri- cos, juris peritos, veritatis tamen et justae justitiee semulos M. Ge- rardum de Pucella et Petrum Blesensem. Hii duo inter omnes mundi tunc temporis sestimaban- tur, nee immerito, eloquentiores. Thorn, col. 1821. VOL. 1. 4 A 546 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. 25th Sept. 1 183 "5. He died at Lichfield 13th Jan. 1183— 4 "^j under suspicious circumstances, and was buried at Coventry. 1 188 Hugh de No't^AisiT'''^, archdeacon 0/ Oxford, and prior 34 Hen. II. of the Carthusians^ was elected in 1 1 85, but was not consecrated before 31st Jan. 1187—8"*^. He died 27th April 1 198 at Bec-herluin in Normandy, and was there buried"^. 1 198 GEOFFREy DE MuscHAMP, archdeacoH of Cleaveland, 9 Ric. I. was consecrated bishop of Lichfield and Coventry 21st June i 198. He died 6th Oct. 1208, and was buried at Lichfield. Upon the death of Geoffi-ey do Mus- chanip the monks of Coventry elected Josbert, their prior, as their bishop, and the canons of Lichfield chose Walter de Grey^^. Neither one nor the other however was consecrated. Indeed Pandulph, the Pope's legate, declared both elections void, and after violent disagreements, the parties settled their differences by jointly electing 1214 William de Cornhull, archdeacon of Huntingdon. 16 Joh. He obtained the royal assent 6th Aug. 1214, and was consecrated 25th Jan. 1214-15"'. He died xiii Cal. Sept. (20th Aug.) 122382. 75 Gervas. Chron. the body was fixed a leaden plate "^ Rot. Pip. 30 Hen. II. with this inscription : "Anno ab 77 Minant, Matt. Westm. et Incarnatione Domini mccxxiii Flor. Wigorn. ; Nonant, Annal. obiit WilUelmus de Coventr. et Burton. Lichfeld. Episcopus, xiii Kal. 78 Gervas. Chron. col. 1520. Septembris regni Regis Henrici 79 Die passionis Dominicse. filii Johannis vii. sub Honorio Annal. Winton. Different daj^s Papa iii. et Stephano Cantuar. however are assigned for his archiepiscopo. Rexit autem Ec- death, viz. 25th and 27th March, clesiam istam. viii. annos i. See Gervas. Chron., Annal. Wi- mens." — Post obitum Willelmi gorn. et Matt. West. episcopi orta contentione inter 80 Pat. 15 Joh. m. 9. ecclesias de Coventreia et de 81 Rot. Profess. Lichesfelda de electione futuri 82 In the year 1662 there was episcopi, profectus est ad Regem discovered a body lying in a stone Galfridus prior pro ecclesia Co- coffin under an arch westward of ventrensi, et Willielmus decanus lord Basset's monument in Lich- pro ecclesia Lichesfeldensi, ad field cathedral ; on the breast of postulandum licentiam eligendi. BISHOPS. 547 The custody of the bishopric during the vacancy was granted to the bishop of Winchester 24th Aug. 1223, ^°d to Michael Belet 21st Jan. 1223-4^-*. Alexander de Stavexsby^^ ^as consecrated on Easter Sunday 14th April 1224^^, but he did not obtain the royal assent to his election until 20th May following ^^. He died at Andover 26th Dec. 1238^6, and was buried at Lichfield. Upon the death of Alexander de Stavensby, William E.aley or Kale, treasurer of Exeter, was elected in his room 24th Feb. 1238-9, but having been also chosen to the see of Norwich he went thither, and a new election was commenced : the canons of Lichfield chose their dean, William de Mancester, and the monks of Coventry fixed on Nicholas de rarnhamS7^ who how- ever refused the dignity, even though urged to accept it by William de Mancester his opponent. Conse- quently a thii'd election took place with the King's permission, and Hugh de Pateshull^*^, treasurer of England and • canon of St. PauVs, was unanimously chosen, and con- firmed by the archbishop about Christmas 1239. He received the royal assent and the temporalities 1st Jan. 1239—40'^'', was consecrated in the priory near Guildford, on Sunday ist July following ^"^ and en- Quibus dominus Rex licentiam ^6 Dig yero Sancti Stephani dedit, pro nuntiante verbum Regis Aedmundus (Alexander) Episco- Hugone de Burgo justiciario sub pus Cestrensis diem clausit ex- liac forma verborum :" Dominus tremum. (Matt. Paris ad ann. Rex concedit licentiam eligendi 1239.) AlexanderCoventrensis et Coventrensem episcopum omni- Lichesfeldensis Episcopus obiit bus illis, qui debent et consue- vii Kalend. Januarii [27th Dec] verunt eligere." Quibus verbis 1238, et Lichesfeldise sepultus utraque pars contenta fuit. — est. Thom. Chesterfeld. Thom.Chesterfeld, deEpis. Gov. ^7 He was consecrated bisliop et Lich. of Durham in 1241. 82* Pat. 7 Hen. HI. m. 2. et §8 The son of Simon de Pates- Pat. 8 Hen. HI. m. 6. hull, formerly chief justiciar of 83 Stavenessby. Matt. Paris. England. 84 At Rome by pope Honorius. 89 Qaus. 24 Hen. HI. mm. Matt. Paris. 18, 17. 85 Pat. 8 Hen. HI. m. 8. 90 Matt. Paris ad ann. 4 A a 548 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. throned 2i8t Sept. He died 7th Dec. 124180, and was buried near St. Stephen's altar in Lichfield cathe- dral. Upon the death of Hugh Pateshull, the majo- I'ity of the chapters of Lichfield and Coventry elected William of Montpeher^i, precentor of Coventry, in the room of the deceased bishop : but a certain num- ber of the canons of Lichfield preferred Richard Cras- sus, abbot of Evesham, and keeper of the great seal of England ; and as the King was favourable to the latter •^^, the precentor resigned his election, and the abbot of Evesham was approved by the Pope, but died at La Reole in Gascony 8th Dec. 1242, before consecration'53. They then re-elected William of Mont- pelier, who refused the office a second time on account of the King's objection to him, whereupon the Pope, 7'ege penitus inconsulto, appointed 245 Roger de Weseham, dean of Lincoln, and archdeacon 30 H. III. of Rochester, whom he consecrated with the bishop of Chichester in 1245-6 at Lyons '^^ much to the King's displeasure ; the temporalities however were restored to him 25th Mar. 1 246^^ at the Pope's request. After ten years' constant sickness he resigned his bishopric at Brewood 4th Dec. 125696 in the presence of H. de Lexinton, bishop of Lincoln, who was deputed by the Pope to receive it 9", and the King assigned to him I ^^ Matt. Paris ad ann. 8th Dec. dominus Papa fecit de magistro Thorn. Chesterfeld ; 13th Dec. R. de Weseham quondam deca- Wallingford. no Lincoln, praeficiendo eum de 91 De Monte Pessulano. He facto episcopum ecclesia; Co- had been nominated to this see ventr. et Lichfield, facta fuit in by the Pope. praejudicium dignitatis nostrae,de - Matt. Paris. mera liberalitate et gratia nostra. Matt. Westm. ad instanciam ipsius Papse, tem- «4 Matt. Paris. Ha;c igitur poralia ad eundem episcopatum postquam Regi innotiierunt du- spectancia eidem episcopo reddi- orum episcopatus, scilicet Cice- diraus. 25° die Martii. Pat. 30 strensis et Cestrensis, bona tem- Hen. HL m. 7. poralia jussitinfiscari. 96 ^^ Die Omnium Sanctorum 95 Rex &c. Sciatis quod non (ist Nov.) 1256." Matt. Paris, obstante eo quod ordinatio quam ^7 Annal. Burton, p. 366, BISHOPS. 549 a pension of three hundred marks out of the see^^. He died at Brewood 20th May 1257, and was buried on the 24th of that month at Lichfield ^^. The license to elect a bishop, in the stead of Roger de Weseham, issued 25th Dec. 1256% and 1257 Roger de Meuland or Molend-^, alias Longespee^, 41 H. III. canon of Lichfield, was elected 31st Jan. 1 256-7 *. The royal assent-^ was given to his election 6th Feb. following^, and he was consecrated loth March 7. Pie died 16th Dec. 1295^, and was buried 3rd Jan. in Lichfield cathedral'^, on the south side of the high altar, near the bishop's throne. The conge d'elire, vice the last named prelate, issued 1 2th Jan. 1 295-6^0^ and 1296 Walter de Langton, canon of Lichfield, was elected 24Edw. I. 20th Feb. 1295-6, and received the royal assent 25th April^i. He was confirmed by the archbishop nth June, and received the temporalities on the 16th of the same months-, but he was not consecrated until 22nd Dec.13 He died at London i6thi^ Nov. 1321, 98 Pat. 40 Hen. III. ra. 2. 99 Annal. Burton, p. 386. 1 Pat. 41 Hen. HI. m. 15. 2 Meuleng. Annal. Burton. 3 De Longaspata. He was the fourth son of William Longespee, earl of Salisbury, and Ela his wife. 'I 22nd Jan. 1257. Annal. Biirton. p. 366. 5 The King in the first instance had recommended his treasurer Philip Lovel to the chapter of Lichfield. (Matt. Paris ad an. 1257.) Prynne, vol. iii. p. 359, states that John de Kirkeby, afterwards bishop of Ely, was elected bishop of Chester [Lich- field], but his election was an- nulled. 6 Pat. 41 Hen. HL m. 13. 7 Reg. Eccl. Cantuar. ^ Others say that he died nth Dec. 9 Annal. Cestrenses. 10 Pat. 24 Edw. L m. 19. '1 Ibid. m. 15. ■2 Ibid. m. 10. i» Matt. Westm. 14 According to some writers he died 9th Nov. He was sus- pended from his office by the Pope in 1 30 1, on account of the grave charges brought against him by sir John de Lovetot; the King wrote to the court of Rome 24th Aug. 1302 (Foed. N. E. vol. i. par. ii. pp. 943 and 956), shewing that the charges in question were false ; and the Pojie consequently restored him to his dignity by bull 6th June 1303 (Ibid. p. 956). On the accession of Edward II. to the "550 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. and was buried in Lichfield cathedral. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Langton, is dated 22nd Nov. 1321 1^. 1322 RoGEK DE NoRTHBUEGH or Norbrigei^, avchdeacon 15 Edw. II. of Michmond, was appointed by the Pope^ and had the temporalities restored to him £2th April 1322 ^7. He was consecrated 27th June in that year, and made profession of obedience 3 1st Aug. following. He died 13th Dec. 1358^^, and was interred in Lichfield cathe- dral^^. This prelate was appointed treasurer of the exchequer 2nd March 1328-0, The license to elect a successor to Roger de Northburgh is not enrolled. 1360 Robert Stretton, LL.D., however succeeded ; he 34Edw.lIl. was elected by the chapters of Lichfield and Coventry, and obtained the royal assent ist Jan. 1358-9 -i. He made his profession of obedience 6th Feb. ; but the temporalities were not restored to him until 19th Sept. 1360--. In the mean while, 22nd April 1360, throne, bishop Langton was im- prisoned and his temporalities seized into the King's hands 20th Sept. 1307 (Rot. Fin. i Edw. II. m.i6. et Claus. i Edw. II. mm. 6, 7. dorso). Upon being re- stored to favour through pope Clement's interference, the tem- poralities were given back to him 3rd Oct. 1308. Claus. 2 Edw. II. m. 15. 15 Pat. 15 Edw. II. m. 10. 16 The King wrote to the Pope 30th Nov. 1 32 1 recommending that Robert Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex and canon of Lich- field, should be preferred to the vacant see of Lichfield and Co- ventry, and again 22nd Dec. fol- lowing on the same subject (Rot. Rom. et Franc. 15 Edw. II. mm. II, 12), and yet 4th Jan. following, he again wrote to the Pope in the following words : " Per literas venerabihs patris domini L. Dei gratia, Sanctse Maria> in via Lata diaconi cardi- nalis, de voluntate vestra nobis, ut credimus, directas, didicimus quod, ad nostri instantiam nec- non et ob honorem nostrum et regni nostri utilitatem, dilectum clericum nostrum, magistrum Rogerum de Northburgh, archi- diaconum Ricbemund, in episco- pum et pastorem ecclesiarum Coventr. et Lichfield, jam va- cantium, prasfecistis &c." Rot. Rom. et Franc. 15 Edw. II. m. II. 17 Pat. 15 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 21. 18 Walsingham (p. 167) places his death in 1359, which must be incorrect, as his successor re- ceived the royal assent ist Jan. 1358-9- 19 Reg. Islip. fol. 220. 20 Pat. 2Edw.III. p. I. m.i6. 2' Pat. 32 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 4. 22 Pat. 34 Edw. III. p. 2. m.13. BISHOPS. 551 he obtained the Pope's bull of provision, and his elec- tion was confirmed by the archbishop 26th Sept. ; he was consecrated the next day'-'^. He died 28th March 1385 at his manor of Hey wood, and was buried at Lichfield. His will, dated 19th March 1384—5, was proved loth April 1385-^. A license to elect a suc- cessor to bishop Stretton issued 14th April 1385-^. Walter Skirlaw^e, LL.D., archdeacon of the East Biding of Yorh^ was provided to this see by bull dated 28th June 1385-6, and made his profession of obedi- ence at Otford 7th Jan. 1385—6, having received the temporalities-" the day before -s. He was consecrated on the 14th of that month -^ ; but before his enthroni- zation was translated to Bath and Wells ^'^, and thence to Durham. 23 " Cum autem dominus Ro- bertus de Stretton ad preces prin- cipis Walliae in episcopum Co- ventriensis et Lichfeld. ecclesiae electus fuisset ; et idem dominus Papa ipsius electi et ejus litera- turee notitiam nun obtinens, vo- luit quod dictus electus ad Ro- manam curiam veniretj examina- tionem personaliter subiturus. Et quia Rex Anglise pro dicto electo scriberet Papse ; et am- plius Rex quoque interim tem- poralia dicti episcopatus et archi- episcopus spiritualia, toto tem- pore vacationis ejusdem habebat. Et cum dictus episcopatus pro- pter insvifficientiam Roberti de Stretton electi in literatura et in Romana curia examinati propter defectum literaturee repulsi, per biennium vacavisset ; tandem ad preces dicti principis idem Papa per bullas suas examinationem dicti electi in Anglia arcbiepi- scopo Cantuariensis et episcopo Roffensi commisit. Unde dicti principis precibus dominus Can- tuariensis archiepiscopus excita- tus, eundem electum ad dignita- tem episcopalem insufficientem post examinationem personae suae factam tam ipse archiepiscopus quam episcopus RofFensis inve- nientes, propter remorsum con- scientise ipsum acceptare non po- terant nee volebant. Unde idem electus non expeditus sic reces- serat ilia vice. Sed postmodum idem electus a domino Michaele London episcopo, cvii etiam do- minus Papa vices suas commise- rat, fuerat gratiose acceptatus, et die Dominica in SS. Cosmae et Damiani anno Domini 1360 in episcopum consecratus." Steph. Birchingt. Vit. Archiep.Cantuar. 2"* Reg. Courtn. fol. 211. 25 Pat. 8Ric. II. p. 2. m. 17. 26 Reg. Courtn. fol. 320. 27 The custody of the tempo- ralities was granted to him 27th Oct. 1385. Pat. 9 Ric. II. p. I. m. 26. 2S Pat. 9 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 39. 29 Regist. Courtn. fol. 320. ^0 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. I. ra. 10. 552 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. y^' ^'>i^() Richard Lescrope or Scrope, LL.D., dean of Chi- loRic. II. Chester, was promoted to this see by papal bull i8th Aug. 138630, and consecrated the next day at Genoa. He obtained the temporalities 15th Nov.^^, and 2nd June 1398 he was translated to York 3-. ( 1398 John Bourghill or Brughill, bishop of Llandaff, 22 Ric. It. was translated to this see in Sept. 1398, and the tem- poralities were restored to him on the 16th of that month^^-^. He died about 20th May 1414-^^, and his will was proved on the 27th of the same month-^\ The conge d'elire, vice bishop Bourghill, is dated 20th June 1414^^6, ri4i5 John Catrik or Catterike or Ketterich, Ushop of 3 Hen. V. ^S*^. David's, was translated to this see by papal provi- sion 1st Feb. 1414-15-^7. The temporalities were re- stored to him 1 5th May following^^, but the custody of the temporalities had been granted to him 13th Oct. preceding-^9. Having made his profession of obedience to the archbishop, he received the spiritu- ahties 21st June. He was translated to Exeter by papal bull dated 20th Nov. 1419^0. 1420 William Hkiworth^', ahbot of St. Alban's, was pro- 8 Hen. V. moted to the see of Lichfield by papal bull dated 20th so Reg. Courtn. fol. 321. scopi" issued 25th June 1414. 31 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. I. m. 9. Ibid. p. 263. 22 Pat. 22 Ric. II. p. I. m. 31. ^5 "Reg. Cantuar. 33 Ibid. m. 12. 36 Pat. 2 Hen. V. p. i. m. 16. 34 Pat. 2 Hen. V. p. i. m. 29. 37 Reg. Chichel. fol. 8. Registrum vacationis episcopatus 38 Pat. 3 Hen. V. p. i. m. 18. Coventren. et Lichef. per mortem 39 Pat. 2 Hen. V. p. 2. m. 21. recolendse memorise domini Jo- 40 Reg. Chicbel. fol. 8. hannis Burghull episcopi per dis- 41 Godwin states that James cretos viros raagistros Walterum Car)' (who was at the court of Bullok et Willielmum Newport Rome when John Catrik was ecclesise cathed. Lichefeld. cano- promoted to Exeter) was pre- nicos custodes spiritual, a 10° ferred to the see of Lichfield, die Junii 1414 (Reg. Chichel. vacant by the translation of Ca- pars ii. fol. 117), and a commis- trik, but that he died in Italy sion " de administratione bono- before his preferment could be rum domini Johannis BourghuU completed ; but this statement nuper Coventren. et Lichef epi- must be incorrect, as the two BISHOPS. 555 Nov. 1419^^. The temporalities were restored to him 15th April 1420 "13. He made his profession to the archbishop 28th Nov. following, and was consecrated in the chapel of the bishop of London at Fulham, on Sunday ist Dec. in that year. He died 13th March 1446-7 44, and was buried in St. Alban's abbey. A license to elect a bishop, vice William Heiworth, issued 28th April 1447 4\ 1447 William Bothe, queen Margarefs chancellor, and arch- 1$ Hen. VI. deacon of Middlesex, was provided to this see by papal bull dated 26th April 1447^6, He made his profes- sion of obedience to the archbishop in Croydon church 2nd May 47. The temporalities were restored to him 3rd June^s, and he was consecrated 9th July in the same year. On 21st July 1452 he was translated to York. 1452 Nicholas Cloose or Close, bishop of Carlisle, was 3iHen.Vl. translated to Lichfield by bull dated 30th Aug. 1452. He had a grant of the custody of the temporalities 15th Aug.49, and plenary restitution of them 6th bulls, one for the translation of Catrik and the other for the pro- vision of Heiworth, are both dated Florence xii Cal. Decemb. (20th Nov.) 1419. The words of the bull which placed Heiworth at Lichfield are, " Eeclesiam Co- ventr. et Lichfeld, ideo vacantem, quod nos hodie venerabilem fra- trem JohanneraExon. tunc Lich- feld et Coventr. episcopum, apud Sedem Apostolicam constitutum, ad eeclesiam Exon. tunc vacan- tem duximus transferendum, con- tulimus Willelrao Abbati Mona- sterii S. Albani." Heiworth de- livered the apostolic letters to the archbishop 28th Nov. 1420 at his manor of Lambeth. Reg. Chichel. fol. 30. '12 Reg. Chichel. fol. 30. ^ Pat. 8 Hen. V. m. 26, and the King's letters missive to the chancellor (dated from Rouen 15th April 1420) state, " We have granted unto the elect of Chester, late abbot of St. Alban's, to have the temporalities of the bishopric of Chester, notwith- standing that he is not sacred bishop there,"&c. Orig. inTurr. London. ■14 Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 275. O. E. 45 Pat. 25 Hen.VL p. 2. m.30. 46 Reg. StaflFord, fol. 26. 47 Ibid. ^ Pat. 25 Hen. VL p. 2. m. 29. The King's letter to the chan- cellor commanding him to make out letters of restitution is dated istJune. Orig. in Turr. Lond. 49 Pat. 31 Hen.VL p. i. ra. 23. VOL. I. 4B 554 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. Sept.^o He made his profession to the archbishop 15th Oct.^i, and died before the end of that month^^, A Ucense to elect a bishop in the room of Nicholas Cloose issned 17th Dec. 1452^^, but 1453 Reginald Boulers or Bolers ^^, bishop of Hereford^ 3iHen.Vl. was translated to Lichfield by bull of pope Nicolas V. of 7th Feb. 1452-3^^. The temporalities were restored to him 26th March ^6, and he made his profession of obedience at Fulham 4th April ^". He died and was buried at Lichfield in 1459. His will, dated 23rd March 1458-9, was proved icth April 1459^8. A conge d'elire, vice bishop Boulers, issued 21st April 1459 ''9; nevertheless the Pope appointed 1459 JoHX Hals or Hales, dean of Exeter^ and archdeacon 38Hen.VI. of Norfolk and Norwich ; and the King restored the temporalities to him 31st Oct. 1459^0, and he was consecrated 25th Nov.^i He died 30th Dec. 1490^^, and was buried in Lichfield cathedral. A license to elect a bishop in the room of bishop Hals issued 25th Feb. 1490-91^3, in pursuance of which T493 William Smith, dean of St. Stephens Westminster, and 8 H.VII. archdeacon of Surrey, viSiB chosen; but, though properly elected^ was afterwards provided to this see by pope Alexander VI. ist Oct. 14926-*. He had license to be consecrated out of the church of Canterbury 30th Dec. following 65, and the temporalities were restored to him 29th Jan. 1492—3^6, He was consecrated 2nd April 1493, and was translated to Lincoln in Jan. 1495-6. ^^ Pat. 31 Hen.VI. p. i. m. 12. ^9 Pat. 37 Hen.VI. p. i. m. 2. 51 Reg. Kemp. fol. 214. ^^ Pat. 38 Hen.VI. p. 2. m.4. 52 Anglia Sacra, p. 453. ^^ Reg. Morton. 53 Pat. 31 Hen.VI. p. i. rn.12. ^2 Reg. Morton. His death is 54 Godwin calls him Butler, as also said to have taken place does also Le Neve. 30th Sept. and 3rd Oct. 55 Reg. Kemp. fol. 215. "3 Pat. 6 Hen. VII. m. 6. 56 Pat. 31 Hen.VI. p. i. m.4. ^ Reg. Morton, fol. 16. 57 Reg. Kemp. fol. 215. ''5 ]^gg_ Cantuar. 58 Lib. Stokton. 66 Pat. 8 Hen.VII. p. i. m. 6. BISHOPS. 555 1496 John Arundel, dean of Exeter, was the successor of H.VII. bishop Smith in the see of Lichfield. He had a grant of the custody of the teraporahties 14th June 1496 ^7^ and plenary restitution of them 30th Nov. following^s, on the 6th of which he was consecrated *^9, He was translated to Exeter "o, 1503 Geoffrey Blythe^i, provost of King's liall Cambridge, 5 H. VII. and dean of York, had a grant of the custody of the temporalities of this see made to him loth April 150372, and plenary restitution of them as bishop 26th Sept. following "3, on the 20th of which month he was consecrated. The time of his death is un- known : he was buried at LichfiekK^. His will, dated 28th April 1530, was proved ist March 1530-31. 1534 Rowland Lee, LL.D., archdeacon of Cornwall, was H.vill. elected bishop of Lichfield loth Jan. 1533-4. He ob- tained the royal assent to his election 19th March following "5, and the archbishop's confirmation 16th April, on the 19th of which month he was conse- crated "6. The temporalities were restored to him 6th May 77. He died at Shrewsbury 24th Jan. 1542-3, and was buried there. 1543 Richard Sampson, hishop of Chichester, was elected to 1.H.VIII. the see of Lichfield 19th Feb. 1542—378. The arch- bishop received the King's significavit on the subject 3rd March following 79. On the 9th of that month the new bishop received the archbishop''s confirmation ^o, and on the 14th the King restored the temporalities to him*^i. He died at Eccleshall 25th Sept. 1554, and 67 Pat. II Hen.VII. p. 2. m.14. had the offer of this see on the 68 Ibid. m. 17. death of bishop Blythe. «9 Reg. Cantuar. 75 Pat.2S Hen.VIlI.p.2.m.33. 70 Ibid, et Pat. 18 Hen. VII. ^^ Reg. Wareham. fol. 156. p. 2. m. 12. 77 Pat.26Hen.VIII.p.i.m.26. 71 Brother of John bishop of "8 Reg. Cranmer. fol. 278. Salisbury. 79 Pat.34Hen.VIII. p. 7.111.35. 72 Pat. i8Hen.Vn.p.2.m.i2. 80 Reg. Cranmer. fol. 278. 73 Ibid. 81 Pat. 34 Hen.VHI. p. 7. m. 7. 74 The cardinal of Ravenna 4 B 2 566 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. was buried in the parish church there. The Hcenso to elect a bishop in the room of Richard Sampson issued 25th Oct. i i^^4^^ ; in pursuance of which 1554 Ralph Baynk or Bainks, S.T.l^., was elected, and ob- iPL&Mar. tained the royal assent to his election 10th Nov. 1554*'^; on the 1 8th of which month he was conse- crated''^ and the temporalities were restored to him 6tli Duc.'^' He was deprived in Juno 1559, on the 24th of which month the spiritualities were seized into the hand.-( of the dean and chapter of Canter- bury^\ He died 18th Nov. in that year, at Isling- ton, and was buried in tlie church of St. ])unstan, London '''^ On the deprivation of Ralph Rayne, a conge dV'Hre issued 27th Dec. J 559*'", and J560 Thomas Rextham, A.^L, was elected 15th Jan. 2 liliz 1559—60*'^, and obtained the royal assent 20th Feb. following''^. He was confirmed 23rd March, and con- secrated the next day''". The temporalities were re- stored to him 6th July'". He died at Ecclcshall in Staffordshire 21st F'eb. 1578-9, and was buried in the chancel of the church there. 1580 William Ovp:rton, S.T.P., was elected loth Sept. 72 Eliz. 1,580, confirmed on the i6th, consecrated on the i8th of that month''-, and installed uth Nov.''^ He died in the beginning of April 1609^^, and was bu- ried at Eccleshall. 1609 George Abbot, S.T.P., dean 0/ Winchester, was elected 7 Jac. I. 27th May 1609, confirmed 2nd Dec, consecrated the «' Pat. I & 2 PhU. & Mar. p. i. «» Reg. Parker. I. p. 69. m. 25. 91 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 11. m. 4. 62 Ibid. 92 Reg. Grindal. fol. 64. Ath. ^"^ He was consecrated during Oxon. the imprisonment of Cranmer. ^3 Bishops' Certificates. 84 Pat. I & 2 Phil. & Mar. p. i. "4 Some say 9th April. In m. 25. the chancel of the church of *"• Reg. Cantuar. Eccleshall is a tomb bearing his ^ Stow's Survey. effigies at full length in an epi- 87 Pat. 2 Ehz. p. II. m.8. scopal habit, with an inscription 88 Bishops' Certificates. under him. 93 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. II. m.8. BISHOPS. 557 next dayy% and enthroned on the 29th of the same month ^6. He was translated to London 20th Jan. 1610'^", and thence to Canterbury, t6io KiciiAiiu Neil, bishop of Hochester, was elected to this 8 Jac. I. see 12th Oct. 1610; he was confirmed 6th Dec.^^, and enthroned i ith Jan. 1610— 11 ^9. He was trans- lated to Lincoln iStli Feb. 1613-14*; thence to Dur- ham, Winchester, and York. 1614 Joirx Overall, S.T.P., dean of St. PauVs, was elected 12 Jac. I. i_j^th March 1613-14, confirmed 2nd April, con- secrated the next day-, and enthroned 4th May^, He was translated to Norwich in i6j8. The conge d'elire vice bi.shop Overall issued 7th Oct. 1618^; in pursuance of which 1619 Thomas Mortox, bishop of Chester^ was elected, and 17 Jac. I. obtained the royal assent to his election 16th Feb. 1618-19^. Ho was confirmed 6th March '^, and on the 24th of that month received the temporalities 7. He was translated to Durham in 1632. 1632 Robert Wright, bishop of Bristol, was elected to this 7Car. 1. see 30th Oct. 1632, and consecrated 28th Nov.^ He died in Aug. 1643, and was buried at Eccleshall ist Scpt.5 1644 Accepted Frewen, S.T.P., dean of Gloucester^ and 19 Car. I. president of Maqdalen college Oxford, was nominated to this see by the King 17th Aug. 1643, and conse- crated in April 1644''^. Upon the restoration he was translated to the archbishopric of York. 1 66 1 JoHx Hacket, S.T.P., archdeacon of Bedford, was 13 Car. II. elected 6th Dec. 1661, and consecrated on the 22nd 95 Reg. Bancr. fol. 96. ■* Pat. 16 Jac. I. p. 26. m. 8. ^ Bishops' Certificates. ^ Ibid. m. 2. '•^7 Reg. Bancr. fol. 103. ^ Reg. Abbot, pars i. fol. 144. 98 Reg. Bancr. fol. 116. ^ Pat. 17 Jac. I. p. 14. m. 7. 99 Bishops' Certificates. See his Life, 4to. Lond. 1660. • Reg. Abbot, fol. 34. ^ Reg. Abbot, pars iii. fol. 53. 2 Ibid. fol. 45. 9 Parish Reg. of Eccleshall. 3 Bishops' Certificates. i^ Athenap Oxon. ii. fol. 1147. 558 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. of that month". He died 28th Oct. 1670, in the 79th year of his age, and vvas buried in Lichfield cathedral ^■-. 1671 Thomas Wood, S.T.P., clean of Lichfield^ was elected 23 Car. II. 9th June 1671, confirmed on the 24th of the same month i-\ and consecrated 2nd Julyi^. He died at Astrop Wells in Northamptonshire 18th April 1692, and was buried at Ufford in Suffolk. 1692 William Lloyd, hishoj) of St. Asaph, was nominated 3W. &M. to Lichfield 19th July 1692, and the royal assent given to his election 20th Sept. He was confirmed 20th Oct. 1692^5, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 24th of the same month i^. He was translated to Worcester in 1699. 1699 JoHX Hough, bishop of Oxford, vvas translated to Lich- loWm.III. field 5th Aug. 1 699 ; and, like his predecessor, was translated to Worcester, 7th Sept. 171 7. 17 1 7 Edward Chandler, S.T.P., was nominated to Lich- 4 Geo. I. field in the room of bishop Hough 30th Sept., and the royal assent given 31st Oct.i^ He was confirmed on the 15th and consecrated at Lambeth 17th Nov.^^, and the temporalities v/ere restored to him on the following dayi^. On 17th Oct. 1730 he kissed his Majesty's hand on being nominated to Durham in the room of Dr. Talbot deceased. 1731 Richard Smallurooke, hishop ofSt.David^s, was trans- 4 Geo. II. lated to Lichfield vice Dr. Chandler. He was con- firmed at Bow church 20th Feb. 1730-31, and took the usual oaths on the same day. He died 22nd Dec. I 749. 1750 Hon. Frederick Cornwallis, a prebendary ofWind- 23 Geo. II. sor^ was nominated by the King in council 18th Jan. 11 Reg. Juxon. fol. 275. '-^ Reg. Tillots. fol. 96. 12 Ex Epitaphio. 16 Church Book, Home Office. 13 Lend. Gazette. 17 Ibid. 14 Reg. Sheld. fol. 83. Lond. ^8 Reg.Wake. fol. 50. Gazette, N". 586. i^ Church Book, Home Office. BISHOPS. 559 1 749-50, and elected 27th Jan.; the royal assent was ordered to be given to his election on the 3 1 st of the same month -o. He was confirmed 1 8th Feb., and conse- crated on the following day'-i. The temporalities were ordered to be restored to him 23rd Feb.'-- He was translated to Canterbury in 1768. 1768 John Egertox, hhliop of Bangor^ was elected to Lich- gGeo.IIl. field 22nd Oct. 1768, and confirmed 12th Nov.^-^ He \ was translated to Durham in 1771 '-^. 1771 BuowNLOw North was elected i6th Aug. 1771, con- iiGeo.lll. firmed 7th Sept., and consecrated the next day"^^. He was translated to Worcester in 1774, and after- wards to Winchester. 1774 Richard HuRD, nominated 30th Dec. 1774, was elected 14 Geo. III. 20th Jan. 1775 ; the royal assent to his election was ordered to be given 26th Jan.26 He was confirmed loth Feb., consecrated the I2th^7^ and the tempo- ralities were restored to him the next day'^*^. He was translated to Worcester in June 1781. 1 781 James Corxwallis earl of Cornwallis was nomi- 21 Geo. III. nated i ith July 1781, elected T7th Aug., and received the royal assent to his election 5th Sept. He was confirmed on the 1 5th of the same month, and conse- ci-ated the next day"29. The temporalities were re- stored to him 19th Sept.'^" He died 1824. 1 824 Hon. Henry Ryder, hishop of Gloucester, was nominated 4 Geo. IV. 4th Feb. 1824, elected 20th Feb., and the royal assent to his election was ordered on the 21st of the same month. He was confirmed 10th March-^i, and the temporalities were ordered to be restored to him on the same day^^-^. He died 31st March 1836, aged 58. 20 Church Book, Home Office. ^~ Reg. Cornwallis, fol. 193. 21 Reg. Herring, fol. 121. 28 Church Book, Home Office. 22 Church Book, Home Office. 29 Reg. Cornwallis, fol. 333. 2^ Reg. Cornwallis. 30 Church Book, Home Office. 24 Church Book, Home Office. 31 Reg. Sutton. 25 Reg. CornwalUs, fol. 135. 32 Church Book, Home Office. 26 Church Book, Home Office. 560 LICHFIELD. 1836 Samuel Butler was nominated 15th June 1836, elected 7 Will. IV. on the 25th, and received the royal assent to his election on the 27th of the same month. He was con- firmed ist July, consecrated the 3rd-^3^ and the tem- poralities were restored to him the 6th '^^. He died 4th Dec. 1839, setat. 66. 1840 James Bowstead, bishop of Sodor and Man^ was nomi- nated to Lichfield 28th Dec. 1839. He was elected loth Jan. 1840, received the royal assent 17th Jan., was confirmed on the 23rd'^^, and obtained the tem- poralities on the 27th of that month -^6. He died nth Oct. 1843, setat. 42. 1843 JoHK Loxsdale, the present bishop of Lichfield, was nominated 3rd Nov. 1843, elected on the 23rd, and received the royal assent on the 25th of the same month. He was confirmed 2nd Dec. and consecrated 3rd Dec. 37 The temporalities were restored to him 14th Dec.38 This bishopric is rated for first fruits at 559?. 17s. '^\d. The arms of the see are : Party per pale, gules and argent, a cross patent and quadrat in the centre, be- tween four croslets patee, of the second and or. U DEANS OF LICHFIELD'59. R . . . . decanus attests a charter circa i i39'*o. William held this dignity between T140 and 11 7441. Richard de Dalam held it from 1175^'^ *^ 1209^^. 33 Reg. Howley. rum ; but when this dignitary 3^ Church Book, Home Office, assumed the title of dean is not 35 Reg. Howley. known. Huitta was the first 36 Church Book, Home Office, prefect. Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 37 Reg. Howley. 448. 38 Church Book, Home Office. 40 Harl. MSS. 3868. f. 35. 39 The Saxon foundation in ^l \jon. Angl. tom. i. p.441. et 822 was for twenty canons, of Chron. Osen. MS. whom one was called the prae- -12 Mon. Angl. torn. iii. p. 223. fectus or prsepositus canonico- ^3 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 448. DEANS. 561 Ralph de Neville, appointed nth April 1214^^, and held the office 28th Oct. 1222. He became bishop of Chichester 1222-*^. William of Mancester, 1222^^ He died 7th Feb. 1253-4-1748. Ralph de Sempringham held the office in 1254'^. He died X Cal. Apr. (Mar. 23.) 1 280^0. John de Derby succeeded in 1280, and died iv Id. Oct. (i2th Oct.) 1319^1. Stephen de Segkave was elected 5th Dec. 1320, and in 1324 was made archbishop of Armagh in Ireland 52. Roger de Covenis was installed by proxy the Sunday after All Souls 1325. He died about 132853. John Gaffey or Gasey occurs in 1328^4, In 1334 he was styled " Episcopus Marciliensis," probably a suffi:agan bishop. Richard Fitz-Ralph, S.T.P., archdeacon of Chester, was installed in person xii Cal. Maii (20th April) 1337, and in 1347 was made archbishop of Armagh-^''. Simon de Borisly or Breisley was installed vi Id, Jan. (8th Jan.) 1347^^. John de Bokingham became dean here in 1349^ and afterwards bishop of Lincoln. Anthony Rous was dean of Lichfield about 1370, but the date of his holding the dignity has not been ascertained. Laurence de Ipestoke was elected 23rd Feb. 1368-957. Francis Cardinal of S. Sabina was dean of Lich- 44 Pat. 15 Joh. m. 2. 51 Tho, Chesterfeld. Lett, 45 Lett. 639. 1464. 46 Tho. Chesterfeld. ^2 Acta Capit. Eccl. Lichf. MS. 47 Cartul. Covent. penes Mr. Ashmole 794. p. 27. Wanley. 53 ibid. 48 Newcourt makes Luke dean 54 Tho. Chesterfeld. here in 1225. 5.5 Ibid. 49 Annal. Burton. 56 ibid. 50 Tho. Chesterfeld. 57 MS. Ashmole 794. p. 143. vol. I. 4 c 562 LICHFIELD. field about 1371 and 1374, but the date of his ap- pointment has not been ascertained. William de Pakinton, archdeacon of Canterbury^ was admitted 28th Dec. 1381, and resigned it 30th April 1390^^. Thomas de Stretton succeeded 15th May 1390, con- firmed by the King 2Jst Feb. 1390—1^^, and died i6th July 1426 ^. Robert de Wolveden, elected 23rd Sept. 1426, and died in Nov. 1432^^. John Verney was elected 2nd Dec. 1432^'^. He died in 1457. Thomas Heywood was elected in Aug. 1457, possessed of it in 14746-^, and died 25th Oct. 1492^^. John Yotton^ S.T.P., was installed 23rd Feb. 1492—3, and died 2nd Aug. 15 12 ^5. Ralph Collingwood, S.T.P., was installed 26th Sept. 1512, and died 22nd Nov. 1521. His will, dated 10th Nov. 1521, was proved 20th Dec. following. James Denton was installed 7th Jan. 1521-2. He died 23rd Feb. 1532—3, and was buried in the church of St. Lawrence at Ludlow *^s. Richard Sampson, LL.D., was installed 2otli June 1533, and in 1536 was made bishop of Chichester. Richard^'' Williams was installed 23rd Nov. J536, and in i^^'^ was deprived ^s. John Ramridge was installed 2nd April 1554, and quitted it soon after queen Elizabeth came to the crown in 1558. He was murdered by highwaymen in Flanders ^9. Lawrence Nowell was installed 20th Mar. 155 9-60 7^, 58 W.Whitlock. 65 Whitlock. 59 Pat. 15 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 23. ^^ Coll. Kennet. folio. 60 Whitlock. Madox. Formiil. ^7 Qalled in some accounts Angl. p. 68. Henry. 61 Whitlock. 68 Whitlock. 62 Ibid. 69 Ibid. 63 Pat. 13 Edw. IV. m. 15. "O Bishops' Certificates. 6-1 Whitlock. DEANS. 563 and died in Oct. or Nov. 1576. His will^ dated 17th Oct. 1576, was proved 16th Aug. 1577. George Boleyn, S.T.P., was installed 22nd Nov. 1576, and died in Jan. 1602—^'^^. James Mountague was installed i6th July 1603, and resigned the next year on being made dean of Win- chester. William Tooker, S.T.P., was installed i6th Feb. 1604—5. He died in March 1620-1, and was buried on the 2ist of that month in Salisbury cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury "2. Walter Curle, S.T.P., had this dignity conferred on him 24th March 1620-1, installed in June 1621"-^, and in 1627 ^^® made bishop of Rochester"^. Augusti^ie Lindsell, S.T.P., installed 15th Oct. 1628, and in 1632 was made bishop of Peterborough. John Warner, S.T.P., succeeded in 1633, and in 1637 was made bishop of Rochester. Samuel Fell, S.T.P., succeeded in 1637, and the year following was removed to the deanery of Christ Church, Oxon. Griffith Higgs succeeded in 1638, and died i6th Dec. 1659, at South- Stoke co. Oxon, and was buried there. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury 7^. William Paul, S.T.P., was presented by the King 26th Jan. 1660— 61, and installed 8th April; and in 1663 was made bishop of Oxford "^. Thomas Wood, S.T.P., presented in 1663—4, and in 1671 was made bishop of this see77. Matthew Smallwood, S.T.P., succeeded in 1671. He died 26th April 1683, and was buried in the ca- thedral's. 71 Atb. Oxon. vol. i. p. 146. 75 Nabbs, 8. Reg. Whitgift, 3. ''6 Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. lib. 72 Dale, 38. p. 292. 73 Camd. Annals. '^'^ Reg. Sbeldon. 74 Ath. Oxon. vol. i. p. 485. 78 Ex Epitapbio. 402 564> LICHFIELD. Lancelot Addison "9, S.T.P.; his election was con- firmed 27th June 1683, and he was installed 3rd July following. He died 20th April 1703, setat. 71, and lies buried in the west part of the yard belonging to the cathedral ^^. William Binckes, S.T.P., was elected 8th June and installed 19th June 1703. He died 19th June 1712, and was buried at Leamington in Warwickshire. Jonathan Kimberley, S.T.P., was elected nth April and installed 7th July 17 13. He died 7th March 1719-20, setat. 70^^ William Walmisley, elected 3rd April 1720^-, and installed 7th May. Ob. i8th Sept. 1730. Nicholas Penny, 21st Dec. 1730, kissed hands on being appointed dean of Lichfield, vice Walmisley. Ob. 1 8th Jan. 1744-5. John Addenbrooke succeeded 12th Feb. 1744-5; in- stalled in June 1745^3. Ob. in 1776. Baptist Proby, appointed in March 1776. Ob. 18th Jan. 1807, setat. o Reg. Winchelsey. 41 Pat. 8 Joh. m. 2. et Pat. 9 61 Pat. 15 Edw. H. p. i. m. 3. Joh. 52 iieg_ Burwash Episc. Line. 42 Waraeus de Preesulibus Hi- et Pat. 8 Edw. \\\. p. 2. \ berniee. 53 Reg. Chichel. fol. 128. 4 d 2 572 LICHFIELD. Richard de Torpescliff or Topseclyff held it in 1381. Henry Davy held it in 1400^^ and in 1414". John Fyton held it in 142 1. William Almondeston was collated istMardi 1421-2. Ralph Prestbury, collated 4th July 1432. Roger Wall held it in 1442. John Wensley, collated 30th Jan. 1442-3. He held it in 1453. Thomas Hawkins succeeded in 1459- William Mogys, preferred to it in 1468. John Cowper held it in 1495 ^^^ 1496. William Duffield in 1497. Edward Wylughby in 1501, when he became dean of Exeter. John Wordrop succeeded in 150T. Adam Grafton in 1514. Ob. 1530- Geoffrey Blithe held it a few days in 1530. John Blithe, collated 3rd Oct. 1530, Nicholas Heath held it in 1534, and was from this dignity promoted to the bishopric of Rochester ■"'6. John REDMAN,collated 13th Nov. 1540^7. Resigned 1547. Richard Walker, collated 5th Aug. i547- Ob. 1567. Thomas Bickley, collated 12th May 1567^^. Humphrey Tindall succeeded 21st Feb. 1585-6. Ob. 1 6 14, being dean of Ely. John Fulnetby held this office 19th May 1614. He was also precentor. Ob. 1636. Martin Tilney, collated 27th Dec. 1636^9. John Riland, admitted 9th Dec. 1660^^". Francis Coke or Cook, admitted 6th Dec. 166661. Ob. 6th May 1682. Nathaniel Elison, collated 14th June 168 2 6'^. Ob. in June 1 7 2 1 . 54 Reg. Beaufort Episc. Line. 58 Bishops' Certificates. 55 Reg. Chichel. f. 128. 50 jbid. 60 ibid. 5G Ath. Oxon. vol. i. p. 603. «' Ibid. ^2 ibid. 57 Coll. Kennet.MS. H. p. 146. ARCHDEACONS OF SALOP. 573 Thomas Allen, collated 3rd May 1721, and admitted 29th May 17226-^. He was also dean of Chester. James Brooks, collated 30tli June 1732^^. Edmund Law, collated 3rd Feb. 1763^^ Promoted to the bishopric of Carlisle in 1 769. John Carver, collated 15th March 1769^6. William Brereton, collated 23rd May 1782^7. Robert Nares, collated 28th April 1801^8. Ob. 23rd March 1829, set. 75. George Hodson, collated in 1829. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 30?. i6s. lod^.^^ / ARCHDEACONS OF SALOP. Herbert, called Grammaticus, enjoyed this dignity in 1083, 1086, and 108770, Gilbert held it about 110571. There is some doubt whether he ousrht not to be placed amono^ the arch- deacons of Salop in Hereford diocese. Roger held it from about 1 121 72 to 11 80. Richard Peche held it about 1180 and 11907'^, Robert de Insula held it from about 1 198 to 121 2. Thomas Nevil, 121 2 74 and 1214. Ralph de Maidstone held it in 1 215 75 and 1221. Alexander de Swereford held it in May 1221, and 1st July 1232. Walter de Kirkeham held it after r232. Peter de Radnor held it in 1247 and 125676. Roger held the office in 12757". William de Montfort held it in 1283. In that year he was made dean of St. Paul's, London ; but held this with it to the time of his death in 12947s. 63 Bishops' Certificates. f. 126. 64 Ibid. 65 Ibid. 74 Pat. 15 Job. p. 108. Cart. 66 Ibid. 67 Ibid. 68 Ibid. p. 187. et Claus. i. p. 172. 6y Ecton, p. 160. 75 Mon. Angl. tom.iii. p. 234. 70 Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 376. 76 Annal. Burton, p. 368. 71 Ibid. p. 378. 77 Reg. Osen. MS. f. 192. 7^ Chron. Dunstaple. 78 Wharton de Decan. Lond. 7<* MS. Cotton. Tiberius, F. 6. p. 212. J x 574 LICHFIELD. Richard de Bernahd held it in i 294. Philip de Cornwall held it in 1303. Ralph de Nokmanville in 1332. William de Preston held it in 1339. William de Shrewsbury occurs in 1360 '9, John Knode, placed erroneously by Le Neve among the archdeacons of Salop, in the diocese of Hereford. He held this in 1379 and 1382. ^t Philip Lee, collated 4th May 1398. William Newport held it in 1400, ex causa perniu- "V tationis ^^. John Howbell held it in 1400, ex causa permuta- tionis^i. Thomas Wursop alias Chesterfeld, collated 31st Oct. 1428. Gregory Newport, collated 17th Aug. 1431. John Weborx held it in 1436. Thomas Salisbury had it in 1437. Thomas Lye, collated 22nd May 1450, held it in 1462. John Fox held it in 1464. Edmund Halse or Hales possessed it in 1483. Richard Sherborne held it in 1485; he held it in 1491. Adam Grafton held it in 1504; resigned it in 15 14, on being collated to the archdeaconry of Stafford. Joachim Bretunne, collated 20th July 1515. Richard Strete, 1527^2, David Pole, collated 2nd April 1536, and in 1557 was made bishop of Peterborough. William Hill was collated 1 5th Jan. 1557—8. 79 Pat. 34 Edw. III. p. I. archdeacons of Salop in Here- * Roger de Cantuaria, 1297; ford diocese, as was also Hugh William de Ross, 131 8; William Foliot in the year 12 19. de Preston, 1339; William de 80 p^t. i Hen. IV. p. i.m. 16. Shrovesbury, 27th Oct. 1360. Reg. Beaufort Ep. Line. Le Neve places these names ^' Reg. Beaufort Ep, Line. among the archdeacons of Salop ^- Ryraer, vol. xiv. p. 193. in this diocese, but they were ARCHDEACONS OF DERBY. 575 Nicholas Smith occurs in 1561. Thomas Bolt held it in 157 1 ^'^. Godfrey Goldsborough held it in 1589. Roger Dod, collated i6th Nov. 1598. Valentine Carey paid his first fruits for it in Oct. 1606 : he was made dean of St. Paul's in 1613. Thomas Masters, S.T.B., paid his first fruits for it 14th May 1 614; he was present at a convocation in 1623. William Jeffery, S.T.P., collated loth Sept. 1628; was likewise present at a convocation held in 1640. He was ejected during the Usurpation. Robert Powell, instituted 1660. Ob. 1683. His will is in the Prerogative Office, Canterbury ^^. Griffith Vaughan, A.M., collated i8th July 168 1. Ob. circa Aug. 1726. Samuel Garret, collated 5th Oct. 1726 s^. John Holt, collated 19th July 1732^^. William Vyse, collated 13th March 1734-5 ^7. Ob. 29th June 1770. Egerton Leigh, collated 15th Aug. 1770^8^ Qb. 17th Sept. 1798. John Chappel Woodhouse, collated 17th Oct. 1798^9. Hugh Owen, collated 27th Dec. i82i9o. Ob. 23rd Dec, 1827. Edward Bather, collated 28th Jan. i8a89i. John Allen, collated 15th Dec. iS^y"^'^. This dignity is rated for first fruits at igl.^^. J ARCHDEACONS OF DERBY. G. was archdeacon about 1139 and 1140. Richard held the dignity about 11469^, or he was perhaps archdeacon of Coventry. 83 MS. in Bib]. Bodl. 89 Bishops' Certificates. 84 North. 77. 90 Ibid. 91 Ibid. 92 ibid. 85 Bishops' Certificates. 93 Ecton, p. 158. 86 Ibid. 87 Ibid. 88 Ibid. a-iMon. Angl. tom.i. p. 441. 576 LICHFIELD. FiioGERUs had it about 1155 and 1167^^. N about 11759^. Godfrey de Lucy held it in iiSa^s^ Yvo held it in 1191 96. Vivian de Stagno enjoyed it in 1199^7. William de Muschami' possessed it in 1206 and I 23 I 98. William de Luteby held it in 1238 and 125499. David de Sancta Feideswida held it in 1256 and 12611. William de Weston in 1263. Simon in 1278. Jordan de Wymburne, 1279-, 1280 and 1281. Elyas de Napton held it in 1281 and 1283. He died in July 131 13. In 1314 described as quondam archd. Derb. defunct.^ Geoffrey de Blaby or Glaston, 1313^. Anthonius Pallialogi held it in 1327. John de Asheby in 1338. John de Marisco in 1351. Hugh Mareys or de Marisco 28th Sept.^ 1360. Robert de Stretton in 1361. Made archdeacon of Coventry in 1369. John de Brinbrook succeeded in 1369. J^ John de Oudeby or Outeby succeeded in 1387. He held it in 1414''. Ob. 23rd Jan. 1417-18. Walter Bullock held it in 1417 and 1428. John Bride, collated 30th Sept. 1431. William Chauntrie held it in 1473. He died in J485. 93 Mon. Angl. torn. i. pp. 441. ' Chron. Dunstaple. 829. et Rot. Pipe pp. 40. 42. 92. 2 Pat. 7 Edw. I. 9^ Formul. Angl. pars ii. p. 24. 3 MS. Ashmole 1527. f. 57. 95 Rymer, vol. i. p. 57. MS. 794. f. 77. ^ Reg.OsmundiEpisc.Sarum. ^ Lett. temp. Edw. II. 97 Pat. 3 Joh. m. 6. & Reg. Dalderby Episc. Line. 98 Chron. Dunstaple. 6 Pat. 34 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 13. 99 Coll. D. Button ex MS. 7 Reg. Chichel. fol.127. Angl. penes P. Le Neve Arm. Sacr. vol. i. p. 452. ARCHDEACONS OF DERliY. 577 Nicholas West, LL.D., admitted in i486, enjoyed it in 1501, 1506 s and 15 15, when made bishop of Ely. John Taylor, 1515. Richard Street, held it in 1528. David Pole, LL.D., collated 8th Jan. 1542-3. He held it till he was made bishop of Peterborough. John Ramridge, collated 23rd Nov. 1558, but deprived in the same year. He was also dean of Lichfield. Lawrence Nowell succeeded in 1558. He died in 1576. Luke Gilpin, collated 29th July 1577 9. He held it in 1586. His will is dated 21st Sept. 1586. His widow administered 27th Oct. 1587. Walter Marsh held it in 1588, and vacated it about J 590. John Walton, S.T.B., succeeded in 1590^ and died 1st June 1603 10. Valentine Overton, collated 9th June 1603. Christopher Helme, collated 3rd March 1608-9 1' ; paid his first fruits 7th April 1609. Samuel Clerk, S.T.P., was collated 4th Dec. 161712; was member of two convocations held in 1623 and 1640. William Higgins,S.T.P., helditin 1641. Reappointed at the restoration. Thomas Brown, A.M., collated 23rd Aug. 166612. Was deprived in 1689. Francis Ashenhurst, A.M., collated 7th Aug. 16891-*. Ob. 1704. Thomas Goodwyn, S.T.P., collated 14th Dec. 1704. Ob. in 1719. Henry Rider, collated 24th Sept. 17191^. Sneyd Davies, collated 5th May 17551^. Ob. 15th Feb. 1769. Henry Egkrton, collated 23rd Feb, 1769 17. 8 Rymer, vol. xiii. p. 155. 12 Bishops' Certificates. ^ Bishops' Certificates. 13 Jbid. 14 Jbid. 10 Ex Epitaphio. 15 Jbid. 16 Hyi^] 11 Bishops' Certificates. 17 Ibid. vol. 1. 4 E 578 LICHFIELD. James Falconer, collated loth Feb. 1795 ^s. Ob. 25th April 1809, setat. 71. Edmund Outram, collated 12th May 180919, Samuel Butler, collated 24tli Feb. 1821'^°. Promoted to the bishopric of this see in 1836. Francis Hodgson, collated 9th Sept. 1836-^. Walter Augustus Shirley, collated 30th Dec. 1840'^^. Thomas Hill, nominated 4th Jan. 1847, '^ice Shirley promoted to the see of Sodor and Man. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 26/. 13s. ^d-^. J "precentors. Walter Duudent-^. HuGH-26. William de Villers'-7, Walter28_ Matthew^Q. N. held it in 1209. Walter held it in 12 15. Richard de Haugton held it about i23o'5o and 1232. William de Montepessulano, circa 1245. Thomas de Wymundham enjoyed it in 1246, 1257, 1260, and 1275'^!. He died ix Oal. April (24th March) 1277-8. Adam de Stanford succeeded in 1278. Ob. 1278. His will was proved in July 1279. John de Kernik succeeded in 1278, and died pos- sessed of it in April 1292^'^. IS Bishops' Certificates. title, though they held the pre- '9 Ibid. 20 Ibid. bend which was afterwards at- 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. tached to this dignity. 23 Ecton, p. 154. 26 Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 441. 24 Mon. Angl. torn. iii. p. 223. 27 Ibid. torn. iii. p. 224. 25 Browne Willis and Le Neve 28 ibid. 29 ibid, give the names of the first five in ^0 Dugdale's Warwickshire, p. the text as precentors, but they 284. 2' Ibid. do not seem to have had such a 22 MS. Ashraole 794. f. 77. PRECENTORS. 579 Adam de Waleton succeeded in 1292, held it in i 298, and died in August i^o^-^-^. Thomas de Abberbury or Eadberbury, collated ist Sept. 1303, by death of Adam de Waleton^-^* Ob. 1307. Reymundus del Goud or de la Goth, a cardinal deacon, held this dignity ; the order to induct him is dated 5th July 1307. He was also dean of York and Lincoln^^. Peter de Columna possessed it in 13 19. He was displaced in Sept. 1332, but restored in the following year, 3rd Feb.^^ John de Kirkeby held it 29th Sept. 1332^^. Michael de Northbubgh was presented 29th March 1339. He resigned this dignity on being made arch- deacon of Chester in 1340. Thomas de Baddeby succeeded loth June 1340. In 1378 he resigned. William de Newhagh succeeded in 1378. He be- came archdeacon of Chester. V Robert de Wolveden admitted 13th July 1390, and A dean of this church in 1426-^7. Robert Esple succeeded 8th Feb. 1426-7. Enjoyed this dignity in 1428=^^. Made archdeacon of Coventry in 1433. Thomas Barton admitted 13th May 1433, ^'^^^ Esple. Christopher Knott succeeded Barton. He resigned it in 1442. Thomas Thowe or Towe, collated 14th Aug. 1442. William Vance succeeded in 1472. Robert Slimbridge held this office in 1488 and 1495. Richard Salter was admitted 14th Feb. 1504-5. He died in 15 19. 33 MS. Ashmole 794. f. 77. 36 Pat. 6 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 4. 33* Reg. Lich. fol. 21b. 37 Reg.ScropArchiepisc.Ebor. 34 Pat. 2 Edw. II. 38 MS. Cotton.Vitellius, A. 10. 35 Pat. 7 Edw. III. p. I. f. 190. 4 E 3 y 580 LICHFIELD. Thomas Fitz-Heubert succeeded 27th May 15 19. He died 20th Nov. 1532. John Hewys occurs in 1530. Jeffrey Blyth also treasurer. Thomas Heritage, admitted 28th Nov. 1536. Thomas Blenerhasset, admitted 30th Jan. 1537-8. Held it in 1542. Hugh Palmer, collated 5th Feb. 1544-5. His will, dated 6th March 1544-5, was proved 22nd June 1555. Henry Cumberford, admitted 19th Dec. 1555. De- prived in 1559. Edward Leeds, collated 20th June i^6o-^^. Ob. 17th Feb. 1588-9, and was buried at Croxton, Cumber- land 37. Thomas Steele, collated i6thMay 1561. Zachary Babington, installed 10th July 1589. John Fulnetby, collated 27th Oct. 1608. He was also archdeacon of Stafford, and died in 1636. His will, dated 16th Dec. 1629, was proved nth Nov. 1636. William Higgins, A.M., was installed 9th Sept. 1636, and held it till Dec. 1661. Ob. 1666, being also archdeacon of Derby. Henry Greswold, A.M., collated 3rd Aug. 1666; but the month or day when he was installed, is not entered in the books. Ob. 1700. Edward Maynard, S.T.P., was collated i8th Oct., and installed 15th Nov. 1700. Ob. 13th April 1740, Eetat. 87. John Holt : the date of his appointment has not occurred. Thomas Smalbroke, collated loth April 1740, vice Maynard. William Arnald, collated J5th July 1778, vice Smal- broke. William Inge succeeded 1797, vice Arnald. 36 Dugd. Warw. p. 283. 37 Ex Epitaphio. TREASURERS. 581 Charles Buckeridge, collated aytli April 1807, vice Inge. Ob. 2 CHANCELLORS OF THE CHURCH OF LICHFIELD52. Luke, chaplain of Hubert de Burgh, appointed 26th Sept. 1223^3, Richard de Gloucester held it 22nd Oct. 1228. John de Kerny was chancellor in 1254. Peter de Rodenor or Rador, possessed it in 1257. He died about 1276 5^. Adam de Waleton enjoyed this dignity in 1276, and about 1292 was made precentor. Luke of Ely was possessed of it in 1292, and died in Dec. 1310^^. 51 Ex Epitaphio. *3 Pat. 7 Hen. III. m. i. 52 The endowment of this dig- '''^ Angha Sacra, vol. i. p. 446. nity is the prebend of Alrevvas ^5 MS. Cotton.Vitelliua, A. 10. in CO. Stafford. f. 176. 584- LICHFIELD. William de Bosco was elected 26th Nov., and ad- mitted 8th Dec. 1310. He died possessed of it in March J 1328—9. John de Depvxg was collated x\i Cal. April (17th March) 1328-9, and installed by proxy 7th April 1329- Roger de Nassingtox, admitted 19th Oct. (xiv Cal. Nov.) 1329, held it in 1361^6. JoHx Shepeye enjoyed it in 1368^" and 1376, in which year he was made dean of Lincoln. The Caedixal of Ravexxa held it at his death in 1380. Richard de Toppeclifee was admitted 9th March 1380-1. JoHx DE Fletewell or Feltwell was admitted 4th Dec. 1386. John Maureward, admitted 17th May 1393. He died in 1400 and was succeeded by Walter Blllock, admitted 15th July T400. His ' appointment was confirmed by the King loth Nov. 1400^^. William Newport, admitted 15th Oct. J 403^9. He exchanged it with Robert Gowe, who was admitted i8th Dec. 1409^0. He died about 142 1. JoHx GoDvx, collated 17th May 1421. He resigned it in 1434- JoHX Laxe, admitted 23rd July 1434, vice Godyn. VixcEXT Clemext from this dignity was made trea- surer in 1458. Richard Pede was admitted 1457. Made dean of Hereford 14th March 1462-3. AxDREw DoKET or DoGGET OT DucKET, admitted in 1470, and resigned it 6th July 1476. 56 Anglia Sacra, vol. i. p. 449. 59 Rgg. Beaufort, s" CoU. Kennet. MS. E. 60 Rgg. Repingdon. 5«Pat. 2 Hen. IV. p. I. m. 36. CHANCELLORS. 585 William Fitzhekbert succeeded in 1476, and resigned it in 1488. John Doket or Dogget, admitted 13th Feb. 1488-9. He died about April 1501, and was buried in Salis- bury cathedral. Richard Salter, admitted ist May 150 1. Resigned it for the precentorship in 1504-5. John Whitehead, admitted loth June 1505. Died the next year. William Ketultox, admitted 1st May 1506. His will is dated 27th Aug. 1509. John Blithe, admitted 4th Oct. 1509. He resigned it in 15 1 2 on being made archdeacon of Coventry. William Soterwokth, admitted 13th Oct. 15 12. Ralph Whitehead, admitted 21st July 1520. Thomas Gresham, collated 31st March 1535. Allan or Alb an Langd ale, admitted 3rd Feb. 1558-9. Thomas Bickley, collated nth July 1560. He was also archdeacon of Stafford, and became bishop of Chichester in 1586. John Addy, collated 2nd Sept. 1561. William Hutton, collated 23rd Aug. 1564. Raphael Norman, collated 12th Feb. 1573-4. Christopher Gill, collated in 1578. Humphrey Tindall, collated 21st Feb. 1585-6; in- stalled 14th April 1586. He died 12th Oct. 1614, setat. 6^, and was buried at Ely, where he was dean. He was also master of Queen's College, Cambridge. John Hayward, collated 3rd Dec. 1614; installed 13th March 1614-15. William Jeffrys^^ held it in 1630. Robert Harrison, installed 6th Sept. 1660. Ob. 1676. George Downeinge collated 13th April; installed i8th May 1676. He died 1684. 61 Le Neve makes Charles Willis states that he was chan- Twisden in possession of this cellor of the diocese and not of dignity in 1621, but Bromie the church. VOL. I. 4 1- 586 LICHFIELD. Thomas Wagstaffe succeeded 6th Dec. 1684. H® was deprived in 1689. Ob. 20th Oct. 1712, setat. 67. Griffith Vaughan, installed 15th Feb. 1689-90. James Chetham, installed 15th Oct. 1726. Edward Bateman succeeded 15th Dec. 1740. Thomas Greene succeeded 6th May 1751- Ob. 23rd March 1780. Richard Farmer succeeded 15th April 1780. Ob. 8th Sept. 1797. Egerton Leigh succeeded 18th Sept. 1797. AViLLiAM Vyse, collated 17th Oct. 1798, vice Egerton Leigh. Ob. 20th Feb. 181 6. Hugh Bailye, collated 5th March 18 16. |0b. 9th June 1833. George Hodson, collated 28th June 1833. He is the present archdeacon' of Stafford. - PREBENDARIES. -r BUBBENHALLs^. Philip held this prebend in 1303. William de Chadleshont or Chadsunt, collated V Gal. April (28th March) 1304. John de Eversden, collated v Non. Martii (3rd Mar.) 1317-18. Nicholas de Lichfeild, admitted ii Cal. Martii (28th Feb.) 13 2 1-2. He seems to have been the same per- son as Nicholas Teynterel, who exchanged this prebend in 1337 for other preferment with 62 Founded by bishop Wese- vowson of Bubbenhall in War- ham circa 1245, and endowed wickshire. with the impropriation of the ad- PREBENDARIES. 587 Robert de Kirklingtox, 28th April 1337. Robert de Debire held this stall in 1350 and 1356. Nicholas de Wensley held it in 1361. Robert Foljambe, collated vi Non. Oct. (2nd Oct.) 1362, and exchanged it with John de Stafford, iii Cal. Martii (27th Feb.) 1363-4. He exchanged it for the Ix. sol. stall prebend in Lin- coln with William DE Crawle, vi Id. Nov. (8th Nov.) 1373. He exchanged it with Thomas de Hardwick, who was admitted loth June 1394. He died in 1411, and was buried in the ca- thedral. Thomas Pulford, admitted 28th Nov. 141 1, vice Hard- wick. He quitted this stall in 141 3 for Hansacre. Henry Davy succeeded loth Feb. 1413—14. He died in 1475, being archdeacon of Stafford. William Goldalston, admitted 5th March 1415-16, vice Davy. Major Paris exchanged this stall for some other pre- ferment with John Everden, 24th Aug. 1423. He exchanged it with Richard Dekelan, 8th Dec. 1443. He exchanged it with Augustine Weffe, 26th Aug. 1449. Ralph Heicote, collated in Dec. 1464, vice Weffe re- signed. Thomas Reynold, collated 17th April 1473. He quitted this prebend for Ourborough. John Radcliffe, collated ist Sept. 1475, vice Reynold resigned. John Argentine, M.D., admitted nth April 1497 vice Radcliffe deceased. Richard Delves, admitted loth March 1501-2. He quitted it for Stotfeild. Peter Burnel, LL.D., admitted 3rd July 1527. Ralph Sneyd, LL.D., admitted 28th Jan. 1528-9. 4 r 3 588 LICHFIELD. Richard Weaver, admitted 15th Nov, 1549. He quitted it for Hansacre. Richard Sutton, admitted 30th July 1554. Edmund Merrick, LL.D., archdeacon of Bangor, ad- mitted loth April 1563. His will, dated 3rd Oct. 1603, ^vas proved 4th June 1606. Thomas Mould, A.M., admitted 26th July 1606, and installed 15th Aug. 1606. Roger Fleetwood held it in 1640. Richard Pretty, A.M., admitted 6th Sept. 1660. Died in 1682. Samuel Willes, A.M., collated 2nd June 1682. Died in 1685. Edmund Lees, A.M., collated 23rd Feb. 1685-6. He died about Nov. 1699. Samuel Sturges, A.M., collated 4th, admitted 7th May 1700. Matthew Horbery, collated 26th July 1736, vice Samuel Sturges. Nathaniel Sturges, collated in Nov. 1739, vice Mat- thew Horbery. Jeffrey Williams, collated in Dec. 1744, vice Na- thaniel Sturges. Samuel Pegge : the date of his collation does not appear. Richard Rider Short, collated i6th June 1763, vice Samuel Pegge. Thomas Seward : the time of his admission does not occur. Henry Carver, collated 13th May 1790, vice Thomas Seward. Ob. 1799. William Corne, collated i8th Aug. 1799, '^i^e Henry Carver, William Corne, collated 3rd July J 800, vice William Corne resigned. James Thomas Law, collated i8th July 181 8, vice William Corne. John Bowstead. PREBENDARIES. 589 Thomas Stanley Bowstead succeeded 6th April 1842, vice John Bowstead deceased. -r BISHOPSHILL6'. Peter de Leicester held it about 1300. Geoffrey de Glaston, collated v Cal. April. (sHth March) 1304. Richard Abel, collated iv Cal. Jan. (29th Dec.) 131 1. Peter de Northburgh, exchangfed it ii Cal. Martii (28th Feb.) 1327-8 for Flixton, with Thomas de Clopton, installed ii Cal. Martii (28th Feb.) 1327-8. Baldwin de Whitney^ collated xv Cal. Aug. (18th July) 1349, vice Clopton deceased. Richard Boule, collated viii Id. Junii (6th June) 1353. He exchanged it for Hansacre with Robert de Clipson, viii Id. April (6th April) 1356. He exchanged it with John Sulgrave, iv Id. Junii (loth June) 1356. He was afterwards archdeacon of Stafford. John de Bokingham resigned this prebend in 1349, on being made dean of this church, John de Newnham succeeded v Id. April (9th April) 1359- William de Newhagh, collated iv Cal. April (29th March) 1374. He became precentor in 137^. John de Oudeby, archdeacon ofDerhy^ held it in 1380. y He died x Cal. Feb. (23rd Jan.) 1417-18^ and was bu- ried in the cathedral. William Berford, admitted 6th May 1418, vice Oudeby deceased. Thomas Edmonds, M.D., collated 14th Dec. 1450, vice Berford deceased. ^ Called after a hamlet of the and it is supposed to have been same name in the parish of Hints ; founded by bishop Chnton. 590 LICHFIELD. John Tyghk, LL.D., succeeded 23rd Oct. 1481, vice Edmonds deceased. Thomas Moreton succeeded 25th July 1482, vice Tyghe resigned. Richard Cowland succeeded 4th June 1499, vice Moreton resigned. He died in 1506, being also dean of Bangor and precentor of Lincoln. Richard Wiot, B.D., admitted in Sept. 1506; he re- signed it for Ruiton to Nicholas Stokesley, LL.D., admitted 28th Jan. 1508—9, vice Wiot resigned. He quitted it for Wel- lington to John Foster, about 1527. John Ryton, S.T.P., collated 2nd Oct. 1529, vice Foster deceased. George Lee, LL.B., admitted 7tli May 1537, vice Ryton deceased. He became treasurer in 1542. Thomas Powet.l, admitted 3rd April 1543, vice Lee resigned. He quitted this prebend for Longdon. William Broke, admitted in Oct. 1543, vice Powell resigned. Edmond Bagshawe, admitted 24th Nov. 1569. Brute or Bryan Babington, S.T.P., collated i8th Sept. 1592. Edward Bussey, collated 19th June 1601. John Boyle, collated 5th Feb. i6ro-ii. Thomas Bridgman, admitted 29th Dec. 161 8. George Murrey, collated i ith April 1623. He quitted this prebend for Eccleshall. David Tuke, collated 4th Feb. 1623-4. James Povey, collated 20th Nov. 1637. Died in 1660. William Chadwick, A.M., succeeded 7th Mar. 1 660-1. Christopher Comyn, A.M., collated 26th Jan. 1663-4. He died in 1699. Matthew Drakeford, collated i8th Oct. 1698 ; ad- mitted 13th June 1699. He died in 1704. Thomas Goodwin, B.D., collated 27th May 1704. He quitted this prebend for Wellington. J PREBENDARIES. 591 Daniel Tottey, A.M., collated ist May 1705. He died in 1716. John Husband, A.M., collated 23rd June 1716, vice Daniel Tottey. Theophilus Rider, collated 2nd Feb. 1725-6, vice John Husband. Robert Wright, collated 7th Oct. 1730, vice The- ophilus Rider. Thomas Avarne, collated J7th March 1752, vice Ro- bert Wright. William Inge, collated 13th April 1784, vice Thomas Avarne. Charles Wakeman, collated 21st Feb. 1797, vice William Inge. Ob. in 1822. Hugh Owen, collated 30th March 1822, vice Charles Wakeman. Ob. 23rd Dec. 1827, setat. 66. William Spooner, collated 4th June 1828, vice Hugh Owen. J^ COLWICH^^ Thomas Comyn held this stall in 1264. Philip de Turvil, collated vi Cal. April. (27th March) Thomas Knockyn held it in 1327. Michael de Northburgh, inducted 7th July 1330. Robert de Woodhouse succeeded in 1331. John Hinton, admitted Id. Mail (15th May) 1338. John de Charneles held it in 1356. Died in 1374. Richard Tonworth, admitted in 1374. Died in 1379. Robert Braybrook, admitted in 1379. He became bishop of London. John Sutton, admitted 6th July 1385. Stephen le Scrope, admitted 21st Nov. 1397. He exchanged it for Dernford, with ''^ Founded by bishop Pates- the impropriation and advovvson hull in 1 241, and endowed with of Colwich in Staffordshire. 592 LICHFIELD. l Thomas Parker, 15th June 1400. Died in 1424. Thomas Bourchier, admitted 24th May 1424. He be- , came bishop of Worcester, and afterwards archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas Whitegreve, admitted 9th March 1434-5- Edmond Farrington, admitted 7th April 1490. Hugh Oldham, (afterwards bishop of Exeter,) admit- ted 10th Feb. 1494-5. Oliver Dinham, arclideacon of Surrey ^ succeeded 21st March 1499-1500. George Strangeways,S.T. P., admitted 24thMay 1500. William Soterworth succeeded 23rd March 1503-4. He quitted it for the chancellorship. Thomas Blithe, collated 13th Oct. 15 12. Arthur Dudley, collated 29th Nov. 1531. John Wullock succeeded 8th Oct. 1577- John Beacon or Beton, admitted 19th Aug. 1581. Adam Squyer, S.T.P., admitted 4th Sept. 1586. He died in 1588, being archdeacon of Middlesex. William Barlow, admitted 14th Dec. 1585. He quitted it for the treasurership in 1589. John Bagshawe, A.M., admitted 14th Feb. 1589-90. Richard Hinde, 7th March 1599-1600. Nicholas Browne, 32nd July 1605. Richard Browne, admitted 1st Aug. 1605. Robert Newell, B.D., admitted 5th Nov. 1613. Lewis Bayly, S.T.P., archdeacon of St. Alban. Ad- mitted 7th Feb. 1613-14. He became bishop of Ban- gor and held this prebend in commendam. George Jay, A.M., nominated 12th Dec. 163 1, ad- mitted 28th May 1632. Alexander Fetherstone, admitted 6th Sept. 1660. He was buried at Wolverton in Buckinghamshire, 2nd Aug. 1684. Jonathan Kimberley, A.M., collated 23rd Aug. 1684. Made dean in 1713. Succeeded by Thomas Goodwyn, S.T.P., collated 6th and admitted 17th July 1713. He was also archdeacon of Derby. PREBENDARIES. 593 John Morse, A.M., succeeded. Collated 8th and ad- mitted loth July 17 19, vice Goodwin deceased. Richard Jackson, collated 13th July 1747, vice Morse. William Inge, 20th March 1797, vice Richard Jack- son. Ob. 23rd April 1807, ajtat. 85. Charles Buckeridge, 27th April 1807, vice William Inge. Ob. 28th Sept. 1827, setat. 74. J^ CURBOROUGH65. William de Bromyard, resigned this stall in 1304. John Popard or Pupard, admitted vii Cal. Aug. (26th July) 1305. Resigned in 1309. Succeeded by Philip de Turvill, admitted iv Non. Juhi (4th July) 1309, vice Popard resigned. Roger de Northburgh, succeeded iii Non. Junii (3rd June) 1337. John de Londesthorpe, collated in 1342. John de Deping, v Id. Junii (9th June) 1354. He ex- changed it with Hugh de Hopewas, who was collated xiii Cal. Junii (20th May) 1363. Held it in 1381. John de Donyngton, exchanged this prebend with Nicholas Kynchale, who was admitted 31st May 1389. L Thomas de Hylton, collated 18th Sept. 1390. He quitted it for Stotford. ^Thomas Downe, collated 21st Dec. 1390. J^ William Hebden, admitted 4th June 1392. William Ashdowne, 27th May 1393. He exchanged it with William Brinklowe, who was admitted 6th March 1398-9. John Blodwell, LL.D., admitted 25th May 1432. Gregory Browne, collated 4th Sept. 1443. ^5 This stall is called after a hamlet of that name in the parish of Stow within Lichfield city. VOL. I. 4 g 594 LICHFIELD. Thomas Byeom, collated loth Oct. 1451. Ho quitted it in 1458 for Longden. Robert Bewforest, collated 28th Oct. 1458. John Fox, LL.D., collated i8tli March 1470-71. He quitted it for Freford. Thomas Wiche, collated 32nd Dec. 1472. Thomas Reynold, collated 1st Sept. 1475. ^^ quitted it for Weeford. Thomas Barrowe, archdeacon of Colchester, collated 22nd May 1478. William Sommastre, admitted 17th July 1499. He quitted it for Hansacre. Richard Sydnor, admitted 8th July 1501. He was afterwards archdeacon of Totnes. Jeffry Wrenn, admitted 4th April 15 u. Robert Honiwood, LL.13., admitted 21st Aug. 15 12. He was also archdeacon of Taunton. Jeffry Wrenn, readmitted 7th Dec. 15 12. Ob. 5th April 1527, and buried at Windsor. Rowland Lee, LL.D., admitted 7th April 1527. He became bishop of this see. Christopher Welliford succeeded 1534. William Thompson, admitted 18th April 1538. He quitted it for Wellington. William Cureton, admitted 3rd Jan. 1541-2. William Manley, admitted 20th March 1555-6. Henry Harvey, admitted 26th May 1559. William Whitelocke, collated loth Jan. 1560-1, and admitted 14th March. Zachary Babington, admitted 19th Feb. 1583-4. He quitted it in 1589 on being made precentor. Brian Exton, A.M., collated 22nd July 1589. George Patten or Paston, A.M., collated 12th Oct., and admitted 22nd Oct. 1594. William Sherbourne, B. D., admitted 30th Jan. 1629-30. Edward Love, B.D., collated 18th Sept. 1634, vice William Sherborne. Died about 1668. PREBENDARIES. 595 Samuel Bold, A.M.^ collated 13th May 1669, vice Edward Love. Timothy Ibbotson, A.M., collated 18th Sept., and admitted loth Oct. 1677. Thomas Allestree, A.M., collated 31st March i69[. Died 30th June 1715, aged 78. Walter Offley, A.M., collated 13th Sept. 17 15, vice Thomas Allestree. He quitted it for Longden. Richard Millward, A.M., collated 29th June, and admitted 7th July 17 21, vice Walter Offley. Bernard Wilson, collated 1 ith June 1730, vice Richard Millward. Matthew Lamk^ collated 18th June 1772, vice Wilson. John Carver, collated 5th Aug. i 773, vice Matthew Lamb. William Gorsuch Rowland, collated 22nd Sept. 1 8 14, vice John Carver. J^ DERNF0RD66. John de Drokensford resigned this stall in 1304 for Whittington and Cerkswith. William de Brichill, collated 8th Nov. 1304. Robert de Harewedon, ix Cal. April (24th March) 1314-15. Order to be inducted dated 20th Oct. 1316. Roger de Marshall, collated vii Id. Jan. (7th Jan.) 13 18-19. ^ Roger de Nassington, collated viii Cal. Maii (24th April) 1328. Quitted it for the chancellorship. William de Northburgh, collated 6th Non. Oct. (2nd Oct.) 1329. Exchanged with John de Deping, xiii Cal. Oct. (19th Sept.) 1331. Ex- changed for Gaia Minor with John de Patera, viii Id. April (6th April) 1332. Suc- ceeded by William de Appelteee, admitted xvi Cal. April (17th March) 1340-1. 66 This prebend is named after some demesne lands lying in the liberties of Lichfield city. 4 G 2 5^)6 LICHFIELD. RoGEK DE Deping, admitted Non.Julii (7th July) 1349- Roger de Northburgh, admitted iii Id. Sept. (nth Sept.) 1349. Hugh de Hopewas, admitted xii Cal. Maii (20th Apr.) 1 352. He quitted it for Curborough. John de Longden, admitted iv Cal. Jan. (29th Dec) 1362. He exchanged with Nicholas Merkeley, admitted xviii Cal. Sept. (15th Aug.) 1369. John de Moretox held it in 1376. Thomas de Strettox held the stall in J381 ; in 1390 he was made dean of Lichfield. ^ Thomas Downe, resigned 4th July 1390. _, John Sarton, LL.D., admitted 4th July 1390. Ho resigned the same year. WiLMAM Hebdex, admitted 2nd Aug. 1391. He quitted it for Curborough. John Sarton, readmitted 5th June 1392. Ho ex- changed it with Heniiy Mohewood, 14th March 1394-5. Thomas Parker, admitted 25th Jan. 1397-8. He ex- ^ ' changed for Colwich with Stephen le Scuope, 15th June 1400. He resigned it '^ the same year to Robert de Oxton, who was admitted 24th Aug. 1400. John Heyworth, collated 7th Sept. 1424. He quitted it for Eccleshall. Walter Bullock, archdeacon of Derhy, admitted 21st April 1 43 1. Ralph Prestbury, archdeacon of Stafford, admitted 3rd April 1433. John Higate, archdeacon of Bangor, admitted 14th June 1442. John Arundel, collated 28th July 1443. He became bishop of Chichester. John Crees or Crecy succeeded 1 ith Dec, 1459. John Ekys, collated 2nd June 1468. Roger Brode, collated 14th Aug. 1472. PREBENDARIES. 597 John Stubbes, collated 17th June 1474. John Sharpe, admitted 4th Jan. 1486—7. Sampson Alleyn, admitted 26th Nov. 1492. John Argentine, M.D., admitted 13th Dec, 1494. He quitted it for Bubbenhall. Robert Middleton, LL.D., admitted 19th Apr. 1497. John Bellingham succeeded 4th Aug. 1500. He quitted it for Tachbrook. John Wardroper, LL.B., succeeded. Admitted 1st Sept. 1501. He quitted it for Longden. Philip Agard, succeeded in 1502. He quitted it for Pipa Parva. Edward Sheffeild, LL.B., succeeded 5th Oct. 1508. His will, dated 5th Dec. 1525, was proved 7th Feb. 1525-6. John Bell, LL.D., admitted i8th Feb. 1525-6. After- ward bishop of Worcester. William Middleton, admitted 22nd Dec. 1529. William Thompson, admitted 28th Jan. 1537-8. He quitted it for Curborough. Richard Shurley or Shirley succeeded 1538. Philip Brode, S.T.P., collated in Nov. 1547. John Old succeeded 19th Aug. 1551. Deprived in ^554- Arthur Lowe, LL.B., succeeded 2nd Sept. 1554. William Horne, collated 18th Feb. 1574—5. George Patten or Paston, admitted 20th Sept. 1594. He quitted it for Curborough. Richard Browne, A.M., admitted 1 ith April 1595. He quitted it for Gaia Major. John Palmer, A.M., collated i8th Nov;, and admitted 26th Nov. 1605. Daniel Pury, alias Perry, succeeded 27thJan. 1607-8, John Hough, A.M,, collated 20th Oct. 1664. Nathaniel Selleck, A.M., collated 21st Aug, 1690. Samuel Gardiner, A.M,, collated 2nd Oct., and ad- mitted 24th Oct. 1 70 1. 598 LICHFIELD. John Dolman, A.M., collated 28th Sept. 1721, vice Gardiner. Thomas White, collated 12th March 1746-7, vice John Dolman. Ob. 3rd May 1784, aetat. 74. Richard Bisse Riland, collated 24th June 1784, vice Thomas White. John Fletcher Muckleston, collated i8th March 1790, vice Richard Bisse Riland. i DASSET PARVA67. Jeffry de Eyton, resigned this prebend in 1320. Walter de Thorp, collated xvi Cal. Jan. (17th Dec.) 1320. John de Clipston, iii Id. Feb. ( 1 2th Feb.) 1320-21. AViLLiAM DE Weston, collated xiiCal. Nov. (21st Oct.) 1322. Richard de Bury, collated vii Oal. Feb. (26th Jan.) 1330—31. He became bishop of Durham. William de Skelton, appointed by the King 27th March 1331^^, and admitted viii Cal. Julii (24th June) 1331- John de Henerborge exchanged this stall with Walter de Chilterness in 1350. Warinus Trussell, collated iii Non. Dec. (3rd Dec.) 1361. Nicholas de Lichfeild, admitted 7th July 1370. Henry de Tymmont, admitted 15th April 1375. /V Robert Esetach, admitted 8th Jan. 1386—7. V Henry Hassel, admitted 1st April 1413. Wilmam Newhagh, admitted i6th May 141 3. He resigned it for Colwich to William Almodeston, who was admitted 12th Oct. 1423- ^7 The demesne of this pre- Dasset in Warwickshire, bend lies in the parish of Little ^^ Pat. 5 Edvv. III. p. i. m. 21. PREBENDARIES. 599 Gregory Newport, admitted 22nd Aug. 1426. He quitted it in 1431, on being made archdeacon of Salop. Thomas Barton, collated loth July 1433. Thomas Haywood, succeeded i8th May 1434. Walter Pierse, admitted in T434. John Jolliff, admitted 17th May 1435. John Clone, admitted 8th Aug. 1455. He quitted it for Wellington. Baldwin Montfort, collated 16th Jan. 1464-5, vice Clone resigned, John Fox, LL.D., collated i8th May 1470. He quitted it for Curborough. Thomas Hawkins, collated i8th March 1470-71. He was also archdeacon of Worcester. John Jeffry, A.M., succeeded in 1478. He quitted it in 1 48 1 for Ruiton. Christopher Talbot, succeeded in 148 1. He quitted it in the same year for Whittington. William Thomas, succeeded 24th May 1481. Richard Egerton, admitted 2nd Jan. 1486-7. He quitted it for Weeford. Ralph Cantrell, LL.U., succeeded 7th April 1507. He quitted it for Tachbrook. Ralph Collingwood, S.T.P., succeeded 12th Oct. 1 509. He was made dean in 15 12. Joachim Bretunner^ succeeded 16th Feb. 1512-13. He removed to Weeford. John Davy held it in 1530. Henrv Willshaw, admitted 27th Jan. 1552-3. Christopher Hodgeson, collated 28th May 1563. George Boleyn, admitted i6th Nov. 1577. He was also dean of this church. Robert Sutton, admitted i8th Feb, 1578-9. He quitted it for Stotfold. Francis Cox, admitted 20th Oct. 158 1. Richard Evans, collated nth Nov. 1586. Richard Hunt, A.M., admitted 9th Dec. 1636. 600 LICHFIELD. John Coles, A.M., collated 5th Feb. 1661-2. Thomas Walter, A.B., collated 31st Nov. 1671 William Binckes, collated 15th July 1697. He was made dean in 1703. Michael Hutchinson, collated j6th Sept. 1703. Quitted it in 1706. John Bradley succeeded; collated 9th Jan. 1706-7. Died 1709. John Hunter, A.M., collated 27th May 1709. John Stephenson, collated 15th June 1741, vice John Hunter. Josiah Smart, collated 19th July 1744, vice John Ste- phenson. Egerton Leigh, collated 29th March 1770, vice Jo- siah Smart. Also archdeacon of Surrey. Ob. ist Aug. 1 8 14, aetat. 74. Thomas Cowper. The date of his appointment does not appear. Simeon Clayton, 9th May 1823, vice Thomas Cowper. Thomas Ross Bromfield, 30th July 1823, vice Si- meon Clayton. Frederick Oakeley, 23rd Jan. 1832, vice Thomas Ross Bromfield. George Buckeridge, loth Nov. 1845, vice Frederick Oakeley. I ECCLESHALL.69 Elyas de Nafton, who was archdeacon of Derby in 1 281, possessed this prebend. He died in July 131 1. Robert de Baldock held it ist April 1321. John de Kinnersley died possessed of it in Jan. 1332-3- 69 This prebend, endowed with order in council 4th Sept. 1848 the impropriation of Eccleshall the bishop of Lichfield and his and patronage of the vicarage, successors, as lord of the manor was by act of parliament in the of Eccleshall, is authorised to reign of queen Anne consoli- sell from time to time any of the dated, united, and annexed to lands, rents, &c. of the said the see of Lichfield ; and by manor, &e. PREBENDARIES. 601 Nicholas Sterr, admitted 13th Feb. 1356-7. Thomas de Stanley, admitted 21st July 1382, and exchanged it for St. Martin's deanery, London, with V William Ashtox, LL.D., 17th April 1399. . Walter Bullock, admitted 19th Oct. 1405. He ex- changed it for Dernford with y^HENRY Heyworth, admitted ist May 1431; resigned the same year, and succeeded by Richard Leyott, LL.D., admitted in Dec. 1431. Roger Wall, collated 7th March 1442-3, vice Leyott deceased ; also archdeacon of Coventry. Humphry Ha warden, LL.D., admitted 19th Jan. 1488-9. He quitted it for Terwin. Edmund Halse, admitted 2nd April 1490. He died 8th May 1501, and was buried in the cathedral. His will, dated 8th April 150 1, was proved 3rd June fol- lowing. Edward Wyllughby succeeded 8th July 150T. He died 23rd Nov. 1508, being also dean of Exeter. John Taylor, admitted 3rd Jan. 1508-9. He quitted it in 1532, being archdeacon of Bucks. Thomas Westby, admitted 19th March 1532-3. He died 2Jst Dec. 1543^ being archdeacon of York. John Clark, admitted 10th Jan. 1543-4. John White, S.T.P., admitted 24th May 1552. He was made bishop of Lincoln in 1554. Elizeus Heywood, A.m., admitted 22nd June 1554. Arthur Beele, admitted 4th June 1564. Gilbert Magnolls, 6th Aug. 1565. Raphael Potter, collated 6th March 1572-3. William Wickham, dean of Lincoln, collated 2nd Sept, and admitted 20th Nov. 1579. He was made bishop of Lincoln in 1584. Anthony Corvanus of Seville, S.T.P., collated 5th March 1584-5. He died 30th March 1591. Edward Playsteed, collated 20th June, and admitted 4th Aug. 1591. Laurence Hockenhull, collated 19th Jan. 1598-9. VOL. I. 4 H 602 LICHFIELD. John Hassall, admitted 24th July 1604; afterwards dean of Norwich. Francis Rowley, collated 23rd April 1606. John Bridgman, collated 28th May; admitted 3rd June 1616. He became bishop of Chester. George Murrey, collated 30th Sept., and admitted 3rd Oct. 1623. William Higgins, A.M., collated 13th May 1633 ; quitted it in 1636 for the precentorship. James Fleetwood, S.T.P., collated 12th July, and in- stalled 9th Sept. 1 636. He became bishop of Wor- cester. Edward Webster, B.D., admitted 15th June 1666. He died in 1689, and was succeeded by Timothy Turner, A.M., collated 28th Sept. 1689 ; died 1720. On the death of Turner, this prebend was united to the bishopric, \FLIXTON.7o William Burnell died possessed of this prebend in 1305. He was succeeded by Robert de Clipston, collated xii Oal. Julii (20th June) 1305, vice Burnell, deceased. Roger de Martival succeeded; collated xviii Cal. Feb. (15th Jan.) 1305-6. He became bishop of Sahsbury. Robert de Harwedon, 29th Sept. 13 15. Harvey de Staunton, admitted xiii Cal. Nov. (20th Oct.) 1316. John de Hustwayt, nth Nov. 1319. John de Kinardley, ix Cal. Maii (23rd April) 1322. Thomas de Clopton, admitted xvi Cal. Dec. ( 1 6th Nov.) 1326. He exchanged it for Bishopshill with Peter de Northburgh, iiNon. April. (4th April) 1327. Robert de Baldock, archdeacon of Middlesex, died possessed of this stall in 1327-. 7(* Founded by bishop Meiland impropriation of Flixton, in the about the year 1280, who en- county of Lancaster, dowed it with the advowson and PREBENDARIES. 603 Richard de Chapliff, collated in 1338. William de Wykeham, afterwards bishop of Win- chester, exchanged this stall for some other prefer- ment with John de Waltham, 20th Nov. 1361. William de Newton, admitted viii Id. Sep. (6th Sept.) 1367 ; and exchanged it with Nicholas Shirbus, 3rd Oct. 1383. Hexry Symmour died possessed of it in 1386. yWiLLiAM de Bobell, admitted Non. Oct. (7th Oct.) 1386, vice Symmour, deceased. Richard de Kingston, archdeacon of Hereford, ad- mitted 14th Dec. 1400. David Price resigned it in 1425. Thomas Broun or Browne, LL.D., admitted 25th July 1425. He was made bishop of Rochester. Andrew Holes or Hulls, admitted 17th May 1435. He resigned it in 1442, on being made chancellor of Sarum. John Bolde, collated 9th Feb. 1442—3. Gregory Newport, collated 26th May 1443. Henry Grene, B.D., collated 6th Dec. 1459. George Downe, collated 29th Jan. 1472-3. He quitted it for Freeford. John Yotton, admitted 24th Feb. 1482-3. He was made dean in 1492. John More, LL.D., admitted 28th Feb. 1492-3. Hugh Humphrey, B.D., admitted 22nd June 1502. Nicholas Darington, admitted 2nd March 1 529-30. Thomas German, admitted 9th Nov. 1553. William Dorrell, collated i6th Aug. 1368. Guy Clinton, collated 5th April 1569. Richard Foxe, collated 13th Sept. 1582. Geoffrey Hurleston, A.M., collated 29th June 1598. Stockettus Lutwiche, collated 15th July 1601. Hugh Humphreys, A.M., admitted i8th Sept. 1666. George Smalridge, A.M., succeeded; admitted 12th June 1693. ^^® ^^^ made bishop of Bristol. 4 11 2 604 LICHFIELD. Harry Mander, LL.B., collated 7th Aug. 1714. James Parker, collated 6th Aug. 1762, vice Harry Mander. William Vyse, collated 6th Oct. 1772, vice James Parker. William Vvse, collated 7th March 1774, vice Wil- liam Vyse, Robert Nares, collated 19th Dec. 1798, vice William Vyse. Spencer Madan, collated 5th March 1812, vice Ro- bert Nares. Spencer Mad an, jun., 4th Dec. 181 7, vice Spencer Madan, sen. > FREFORD79. Theodicius Malocellus died possessed of this stall in 1320. Lazarus Malocellus succeeded ix Cal. Nov. (24th Oct.) 1320. FuLK Corbet died possessed of it in 1332. John de Greyby, admitted x Cal. Dec. (22nd Nov.) 1332- i Thomas de Walton, admitted xii Cal. Jul. (20th f' June) 1382, i John Rome, admitted i6th Feb. 1406-7. John Franks, admitted loth Feb. 1412-13. He was archdeacon of Suffolk. He resigned this stall on ex- changing it with Thomas Lane, 5th Dec. 1421. He was also master of Pembroke college, Cambridge. John Fox, LL.D., collated r2th Oct. 1473. George Downe, admitted 24th Feb. 1482-3. Hugh Oldham, admitted 31st July 1501. He was afterward bishop of Exeter. John Blithe, admitted ist July 15 13. Died 1558, being archdeacon of Coventry. 71 This stall is endowed with demesne lands lying in Freford hamlet, in the liberty of Lichfield city. PREBENDARIES. 605 Edmund Meyrick succeeded 9lh Dec. 1558. He quitted it in 1563 for Babbenhall. RoBEKT AsHTOx succceded in 1563. Raphael Norman, collated 17th Dec. 1^6*]. Thomas Seller, collated i5tli Oct. 1574- Richard Ashton, admitted 4th Feb. 1575-6. William Davys, loth Oct. 1576. Samuel Sanders, A.M., collated 9th Aug. 1601. Richard Eyton, B.D., admitted loth July 160;. Humphrey Rone, B.D., collated 2nd Dec. 1616. Ad- mitted 3rd Jan. 1616—17. William Bridges, collated 22nd April 1622. George Gipps, A.M., collated 3rd Dec. 1624- Died after 1642. John Riland, A.M., succeeded 6th Sept. 1660. Died in 1672—3, being archdeacon of Coventry. James Crawforth, A.M., collated loth July, and ad- mitted 2nd Aug. 1673. Henry Meeres, A.M., collated 15th Nov. 1680, Died in 1706. Thomas Goodwyn, collated 5th March 1706-7. He quitted it for Colwich. Samuel Kimberley, A.M., collated 3rd Aug. 1713, vice Thomas Goodwin. He quitted it for Pipa Minor. James Chetham, A.M., collated 21st May 1719, vice Samuel Kimberley. He was also prebendary of Hansacre. Michael Hutchinson, collated 13th April 1727, vice James Chetham. Richard Milward, collated ist June 1730, vice Mi- chael Hutchinson, Samuel Smalbroke, collated 21st June 1744, vice Richard Milward. Matthew Horbery, collated 29th June 1749, vice Samuel Smalbroke. Matthew Lamb, collated 5th Aug. 1773, vice Matthew Horbery. Ob. i6th April 1797, setat. 66. 606 LICHFIELD. RoBEET FooTE, Collated 12th Aug. 1797, vice Matthew Lamb. John Chappel Woodhouse, collated 8th Feb. 1798, vice Robert Foote resigned. John Newling. George Fisk, LL.B., 15th May 1843, vice John New- ling. X GAIA MAJ0R7^. Henry de Bluntesdon, admitted 13th Jan. 1312-13. William de Brickhull, admitted 23rd March 1314- 15. He died in May 1318, being dean of St. John's college, Chester. John Chelmsford died possessed of this stall in Nov. 1338- John de Sulgrave, admitted v Cal. Dec. (27th Nov.) 1338. He exchanged it in 1345 with Nicholas de Swinnerton, admitted x Cal. Martii (20th Feb.) 1345-6. He exchanged it for Offley with John de Mareys, iv Cal. Oct. (28th Oct.) 1352. He made his will 1375. Nicholas de Bucksham died possessed of it in 1382. John de Stourton, collated in 1382. John de I^otii^q-ram, chancellor of Hereford, Sidimiied. th Sept. 1387. Thomas Hanley, admitted loth Feb. 1388-9, vice Nottingham resigned. John Langton, collated 3rd March 142 1-2, vice Han- ley deceased. Thomas Pulter, collated 30th Jan. 1427-8, vice Lang- ton resigned. Walter Blacket, collated 8th Feb. 1444-5, vice Pulter resigned. f JoH > II 72 This stall is supposed to have been founded by bishop Roger de Clinton about the year 1140. PREBENDARIES.. 607 Richard Sherborne, quitted it for Frees in 1473. Thomas Danet, S.T.P., collated in Oct. 1473, vice Sherborne resigned. Obiit 18th Sept. 1483, and buried at Windsor where he was dean. Humphry Hawarden succeeded 31st Oct. 14^3- He was afterward prebendary of Eccleshall. William Pikeman, LL.D., admitted i6th June 1485, vice Hawarden. Died in 1497, being archdeacon of Suffolk. Robert Froste, admitted 25th June 1497. He quitted it for Frees in 1499. Richard Paine, admitted 21st March 1499-1500. Died 1507. Thomas Drax, B.D., succeeded 31st March 1507, vice Paine. Robert Nevill succeeded 21st April 1528. William Pye, admitted 3rd July 1550. Died in 1557, being also dean of Chichester. Edmond Hare, 3rd Feb. 1558-9. John Bagshaw, A.M., collated 20th June 1569. He quitted it for Colwich. Walter Marshe, archdeacon of Derhy^ collated 3rd May 1590. Resigned almost immediately. William Fame, collated 4th Nov., vice Walter Marshe resigned. Richard Browne, admitted 5th June 1605. ^^ quitted it in the same year for Colwich. John Fulnetby, B.D., collated 9th Aug. 1605. He was made precentor in 1608. Walter Gill, collated 20th Feb. 1606-7. Adrian Babington, A.M., collated 31st Oct. 1608. William Jeffrey, A.M., collated loth Sept. 1625. He quitted it in 1627 for Offley. William Bayley, A.M., collated 2nd Oct., and ad- mitted a 7th Oct. 1627. William Jeffray, collated 30th Sept. 1633. Thomas Baddisley, A.M., 22nd Sept. 1642. 608 LICHFIELD. Daniel Baile, A.M., succeeded 28th Sept. 1660. Re- signed in 1666. Samuel Gardiner, S.T.P., collated 21st May 1666. He quitted it for Offley in 1669. Roger Hayward, A.M., collated 10th Aug. 1669. He died in 1680. Samuel Masters, B.D., collated i8th May 1680. Died 12th Sept. 1 693 at Bath, and buried in the Abbey there. Walter Horton, A.M., collated 30th Sept. 1693. William Browne, collated 24th Sept. 17 28, vice Walter Horton. William Adams, collated 2nd March 1746-7, vice William Browne. Sambrooke Higgins, collated 29th Jan. 1789, vice William Adams. Simeon Clayton, collated 25th July 1823, vice Sam- brooke Higgins. Ob. 14th Dec. 1842, retat. 48. Benjamin Hall Kennedy, admitted in Jan. 1843, vice Simeon Clayton. ^ GAIA MINOR '\ William de Herlaston, collated xiii Cal. Mali (19th April) 1322. John de Brumford exchanged it for Pipa Parva with Robert de Patera, v Id. Dec. (9th Dec.) 1324. He exchanged it for Durnford with John de Deping, viii Id. April (6th April) 1332. Roger de Northburgh, admitted vi Id. Jun. (8th June) 1354. Richard de Bermingham held it in 1369. Richard Colet exchanged it for some other prefer- ment with John de Harewood, iv Id. Sept. (loth Sept.) 1374- 75 Said to have been founded about the year 11 40 by bishop Roger de Clinton. PREBENDARIES. 609 Henry Maupas, admitted vii Oal. Nov. (26th Oct.) 1390. He quitted it for Ruiton in 1396. Robert Ravendale, admitted 15th July 1396. John Aylmer, admitted 6th Sept. 1398. John Evyke, admitted 31st May 1407. Richard Ecclesey, admitted 7th March 1412-13. William Almondeston, admitted 14th Aug. 1426. Died in 1432, being also archdeacon of Stafford. John Burdet, admitted 28th Sept. 1432. Resigned on being made archdeacon of Chester. John Bride succeeded 29th March 1433. He quitted it for Whittington. Thomas Heywood succeeded 3rd April 1434. He quitted it for Dasset Parva. William Kinwoldmersh, B.D., admitted 25th Sept. Thomas Walter, collated 14th Feb. 1448-9. He quitted it in the same year. John Stretton or Strelton, LL.D., collated 27th Nov. 1448. He was treasurer of Chichester, and canon of Sarum. Edmund Audley, collated 17th June 1474. Made bishop of Rochester in 1480. Henry Ediall, collated 8th Nov. 1480. Thomas Leyson, collated 20th Sept. 1520, vice Ediall deceased. William Leyson, LL.D., admitted 14th April 1527, vice Thomas Leyson resigned. Will dated 1549. Jeffry Glynn"6, LL.D., admitted 12th Mar. 1549-50. John Stevynson, admitted 7th Aug. 1557. Thomas Lewyn, admitted 15th April 1558. John Lounde, Lanne, or Lownde, collated 22nd July, and admitted 6th Oct. 1561. Christopher Bagshawe, collated 29th Aug. 1578. Admitted 12th Sept. 1578. Henry Ewbank, collated 20th Oct. 1581. He quitted it for Weeford. 76 His will is printed in the History of Bangor Cathedral. vol. I. 41 610 LICHFIELD. Clement Colmore, LL.D., collated 13th Feb. 1586—7. Died 18th June 1619; buried at Durham cathedral where he was prebendary. Succeeded by Thomas Dod, A.M., collated 21st Nov. 1619, and in- stalled on the 23rd of the same month. Made dean of Ripon and resigned. Succeeded by Richard Browne^ installed 5th June 1605. Richard Moyle, admitted 24th Feb. 1629—30. Died after 1644, during the rebellion. Thomas Browne, A.M., admitted nth Jan. 1660. Quitted it for Stotfold. Succeeded by George Aldrich, collated 12th June 1663. Resigned in 1668. Succeeded by Devereux Spencer, A.M., collated 7th Aug. 1668, vice George Aldrich. Died 1673. Succeeded by John Hinckley, A.M., collated 15th Oct. 1673. Died in 1695. Succeeded by William Rowles, A.M., collated 19th Aug. 1695. Died in 1705. Succeeded by Samuel Collins, A.M., collated 19th Sept. 1705. Died in 1710. Succeeded by Edward Kingsburgh, collated 24th Nov. 1710, vice Samuel Collins. Edward Jackson, collated 25th Oct. 1733. Joseph Crewe, collated 25th Oct. 1758, vice Edward Jackson. Obadiah Lane, collated 21st Aug. 1767, vice Joseph Crewe. William Inge, collated 17th Feb. 1780, vice Obadiah Lane. William Arnald. Hugh Bailye, collated 4th Nov. 1802, vice William Arnald. Heurert Oakeley, collated 13th April 1816, vice Hugh Bailye. Thomas Ross Bromfield, 12th May 1832, vice Sir Herbert Oakeley, bart. Thomas Hill, 23rd Dec. 1842, vice T. R. Bromfield. PREBENDARIES. 611 ^/ HANSACRE'5. John de Cravene died possessed of this prebend in Dec. 1292. William de Blyburgh held it in 1313. Robert de Clipston succeeded v Non. Martii (3rd March) 1313-14. He exchanged it for Bishophill with Richard de Boule^ viii Id. April (6th April) 1356. )( Richard Coningstok, LL.D., admitted 15th March 1395-6. -^ William Lovett, admitted xvi Cal. Martii (14th Feb.) 1408-9. Robert Fitzhugh resigned it in 1428. He was after- wards bishop of London. John Verney, admitted 20th Dec. 1428; made dean in 1432. Thomas de la Pole, admitted i6th Dec. 1432. Died in the next year. William Brenstok, admitted 18th July 1438. John Brewster exchanged it in 1439 with Thomas Heywood ; he was made dean in 1457. Richard Pede, resigned in 1457 for the chancellor- ship to Thomas Mills, collated in 1457 ; he resigned it in 1465. John Frisby, S.T.P., collated in Sept. 1465. Died in 1489. Richard Salter, LL.D., collated 30th May 1489. He quitted it for the chancellorship. William Sumaster succeeded 3rd May 1501. Died in 1504, being subdean of Exeter. John Blith succeeded J4th Feb. 1504-5; resigned it the next year. 75 This prebend takes its name to have been founded by bishop from Hansacre hamlet in the Clinton, parish of Hermitage. It is said 412 612 LICHFIELD. Richard Plumer succeeded 2nd Aug. 1505. Simon Symonds occurs in 1534; displaced in 1546 for non-payment of tenths, &c. John Ramridge, collated 12th June 1546. Ho was made dean in 1554. Richard Weavrr succeeded 13th July 1554. Thomas Lister, collated 12th Dec. 1559. Thomas Downam, collated nth July 1561. Richard Foster, collated 7th Aug. 1574. Christopher Gill, collated 8th Feb. 1574-5. William Hinton, collated 6th April 1597. Died in 1631, being archdeacon of Coventry. John Burges, M.D., collated 5th Aug. 1631. John Cornelius, S.T.P., collated i6th Feb. 1635-6; ejected in 1642, but came in again about Feb. 1663-4' William Squire, A.M., succeeded, 23rd July 1675, vice Cornelius deceased. He died in Sept. 1677, and was succeeded by Robert Hearsnet, A.M., collated 17th Oct. 1667; de- prived by the Government for some disqualification in 1696. John Laughton, A.M., collated 28th July 1696. Samuel Kimberley, A.M., collated 2nd March 1712—13. He quitted it for Frees. James Chetham, A.M., admitted 22nd May 1719, vice Kimberley resigned. Michael Hutchinson, collated 13th April 1727, vice James Chetham. Richard Milward, collated ist June 1730, vice Mi- chael Hutchinson. Matthew Horbery. Matthew Lamb, collated 5th Aug. 1773, vice Matthew Horbery. Ob. 16th April 1797, setat. 66. Robert Foote, collated 12th Aug. 1797, vice Matthew Lamb. John Chappel Woodhouse, collated 8th Feb. 1798, vice Robert Foote resigned. PREBENDARIES. 618 John Newling, 26th Feb. 1807, vice John Chappel Woodhouse. Hon. Thomas Unwin Cavendish, 23rd Dec. 1842, vice John Newling. John Hutchinson, 22nd Sept. 1849. Henry Moore, 21st Dec. 1850. ^ LONGDEN76. John de Sulgrave, admitted xiii Cal. April. (20th March) \y:,S-6. John Gerard, admitted iv Cal. Julii (28th June) 1336. Humphry Hastang died possessed of it in 1349. William de Sallowe, collated vii Id. Dec. (7th Dec.) 1349, vice Hastang deceased. Michael de Northburgh, collated xii Cal. Nov. (21st Oct.) 1 35 1, vice Sallovve deceased. William Cross, iii Cal. Oct. (29th Sept.) 1352. William de Shrewsbury, archdeacon ofSalop^ held it in 1360. John de Undehill held it in 1380. He exchanged it next year for other preferment with I John de Moreton, xvii Cal. Julii (J5th June) 1381 ; succeeded by . Walter Bullock, admitted 25th Nov. 1398, vice Moreton deceased. . William Aumenet, admitted 15th July 1400, vice Bul- lock resigned. v| William Newport, 29th May 1411, vice Aumenet de- ceased. He was also dean of Tam worth. Thomas Bekinton, LL.D., collated 30th Aug. 1436, vice Newport deceased. He was made bishop of Bath and Wells in 1443. William Grey, collated 21st Oct. 1443, ^^^e Bekin- ton resigned. He was made bishop of Ely in 1454. ''6 Consists of the impropriation and advowsons of Longden parish, near Lichfield. 614 LICHFIELD. JoHX Whklpdaue, collated isnd Sept. 1454, vke Gri?y rv^igned. Quitted for Tervin ; s^iieceeded by Thomas Bvkom, collated 2jxh. Oct. 143S, vice Whelp- dale resigned. William"' Xeylsox, collated iStb May 1455. vice ByTx?m resigned. Grv Whittixgtox. collated in Nor. 1501, vice Xcyl- son deceased. He quitted it for Sandiacre. JoHX Wari^kopek, collated 1 ! th April 1 sci. vice Whit- tington reagned. JoHX B1.1TH succeeded about 1 j 13. He quitted it for Weeford. AxTHCK DrDi.ET succecded 10th July 1523. He quit- ted it for Colwieh. Richard Gwzxt succeeded 9th Dec. 1531. Thomas Powell succeeded 12th Aug. 1543. His will, dated 1st July 155 1. was proved in 1558. AxTHoxY Dbaycot. LL.D.. arcAdtfiifoit of ffuHtinpdon, admitted Sth Sept. 1536 : deprived in 1360. Died 2ctli Jan. 1570-1. Thomas Waliexj>ex. admitted ist Oct. 136c. Hugh Hill, collated a6th Aug, and admitted 6tli Sept- 155s. Daniel Moxsey, collated I3tli Sept. 13S1. Robert Calvebte. collated i^th ]S'ov. 1381. Jeremiah Williams, collated i9tli Sept. i6ci. George Citthbert. collated 13th Aug. i5c6, and in- stalled on the 16th of the same month. Died in 1642. Samuel Rutter, A.M.. succeeded 29th 2sov. 1660. Died 1663. being bishop of Man. Johx HrxcHixGsox. B.D.. collated i6th June 1653. He quitted it for Tervin. Gabriel Offlet, S.T.P.. collated 6ih Oct. 1653. Thomas White. A.M., admitted 3Cth April 1 683. Died in 17CC. K:i:.67. Bv some written Thomas. PKP:BENDARIES. 615 Haevey Broughtox, A.m., collated 2nd 3Iay 17 lo. Died in 1721, and was succeeded by Waltee Offlev, A.m., vRUIT0N.8^ Philip de Cornubia is the earliest mentioned as pos- sessing this stall ; the date of his holding it has not occurred. Philip de Willughby, dean of Lincoln, collated 15th Jan. 1303-4. Thomas de Goldborough, collated 20th Sept. 1305, vice Willughby, deceased. Ralph de Holbeach exchanged this stall for Wolvey with Gilbert de Bbuera, ix Cal. April (24th March) 1331-2. Exchanged it with Alan de Conigsburgh xviii Cal. Dec. (14th Nov.) 1340. Died 1362. Nicholas Chaddesdon, collated ii Cal. Jun. (31st May) 1362, vice Conigsburgh, deceased. V Walter de Dolbore, admitted 17th May 139 1. He exchanged it the same year with / Nicholas Bubbewvth, admitted 17th March 1391-2. He quitted it for Wolvey to ~^Henby Maupas, admitted 30th Oct. 1396. ^Walter Piers, admitted 17th Sept. 1415, vice Mau- pas, deceased. He exchanged it for Dasset Parva with Thojvias Heywood in 1434 or 1435. He exchanged it for Hansacre with John Brewster, collated 21st April 1439. Thomas Maunchell, collated 13th Nov. 1443- Andrew Dokett, A.M., collated 22nd July 1467. He exchanged in 1470 for the chancellorship with 82 Founded by bishop Weseham circa 1245. PREBENDARIES. 623 Richard Pede, 28th June 1470. He died in 1480, being dean of Hereford. John Jeffry, archdeacon of Sudbury, lield this stall in 1481. William Wrixham, S.T.P., admitted 19th Jan. 1493—4, vice Jeffry, deceased. William Smith, admitted 30th April 1494, vice Wrixham, resigned. Richard Wyot, admitted loth Feb. 1508-9, vice Smith, deceased. John Scot, B.D., admitted 21st June 1522, vice Wyot, resigned. Henry Hilton, admitted 22nd Dec. 1545, vice Scot, deceased. Thomas Acworth, admitted loth Jan. 1560—61. Peter Murrey, admitted 9th April 1566. Gilbert Magnoles, collated 5th Jan. 1568. William Chapman held this stall in 1570. Nicholas Paston, collated 3rd June 1605. John Price, A.M., collated i8th July 1622. John Jackson, A.M., collated 29th Sept. 1623. Died between 1642 and 1660. Francis Bacon, B.D., admitted 8th Jan. 1660-61. Nathaniel Elison, A.M., collated 7th June 1682. Died 1 72 1, being also archdeacon of Stafford and prebendary of Durham. John Masson, A.D., collated 17th July 1721, vice Nathaniel Elison. Matthew Pilkington, collated 25th Jan. 1747-8, vice John Masson. Thomas Roger Duquesne, collated 9th Dec. 1765, vice Matthew Pilkington. William Brereton, collated Feb. 1794, vice Thomas Roger Duquesne. Richard Corfield, collated 6th Feb. 1812, vice Wil- liam Brereton. George Hudson. 624 LICHFIELD. Henry Dudley Ryder, 38th June i^^^, vice George Hudson. -^ SANDIACRE.83 Walter de Langton from this prebend was made bishop of the see in 1296. John Bensted, collated iii Non. Feb. (3rd Feb.) 1296-7. John de Arundel died possessed of it in 133 1. Thomas de Sarton, collated xvii Cal. Oct. (15th Sept.) 1331- Roger de Northburgh, admitted xii Oal. Aug. (21st July) 1342; changed it with Simon Islep, xvii Cal. April. (16th March) 1347-8. He became archbishop of Canterbury. Henry de Chaddesden, collated loth Aug. 1350. He died in 1354, being archdeacon of Leicester. Simon de Saxton, collated xiii Cal. Dec. (20th Nov.) 1363 ; he exchanged with Simon Malstang, 7th April 1375. He died v Cal. Jun. (28th May) 1382. Adam Tonworth is also said to have died possessed of it in 1382, but John Cheyne is said to have been collated in June 1382, on Malstang's death. 'AViLLiAM Ule, presented nth Nov. 1409. Roger West wood exchanged it in 1423 with John Leyborne, 13th May 1423. Richard Wrangill, admitted 29th Dec. 1429. John Auncell^ admitted 5th July 143 1, vice Wrangill resigned. John Werksworth resigned this stall in 1450. William Boyden, admitted 18th July 1450, and re- signed in 1489. 83 Founded by bishop Meiland about 1280. PREBENDARIES. 625 Robert Mome or Mone, collated 23rd April 1489, vice Boyden resigned. Guy Whittington, admitted nth April 1502, vice Mome deceased. Simon Jaques, admitted 4th April 1542 ; he resigned in 1546. Oliver Stoning, admitted 30th Oct. 1546, vice Jaques resigned; he was deprived in 1554. Michael Ansty, admitted 12th June 1554. Arthur Lowe seems to have succeeded about 1559. Richard Porte, collated 8th Jan. 1572-3. Brian Exton or Hexton, collated 25th March 1585; he quitted it for Curborough in 1 589. William Whitelock, A.M., collated 22nd July 1589. Robert Blythman, A.M., collated ist Dec. 1597. Thomas Booth, B. D., collated 20th Jan., admitted 13th March 1614-15. Joseph Hill, B. D., collated 3rd Jan. 16 16-17; he quitted it for Whittington. John Rowlandson, A.M., collated 30th Jan., and in- stalled 6th Feb. 1617-18. John Boulston, D. D., admitted 6th Dec. 1661. Benjamin Woodroffe, S.T.P., canon of Christ Church, Oxford, collated 21st Sept. 1678. Richard Bynns, S.T.P., collated 1 ith Sept. 1711, vice Woodroffe. Michael Hutchingson, S.T.P., 30th July 1713, vice Richard Bynns ; he quitted it for Longden. Robert Pitt, A.M., collated 13th Sept. 1721, vice Mi- chael Hutchinson. Theophilus Rider, collated 15th July 1730, vice Ro- bert Pitt. James Brooks, collated 4th Feb. 1731-2. Edmund Law, collated 3rd Feb. 1763, vice James Brooks. James Pote, collated 26th April 1769, vice Edmund Law promoted to the see of Carlisle. Ob. 29th July 1797, aetat. 60. VOL. I . 4 L 626 LICHFIELD. William Walker, collated 28th Oct. 1797, vice Pote. Ob. in 1832. Jeremiah Smith, collated] 30th June 1832, vice Wil- liam Walker. j^ STOTFOLD84. John de Berev^'ick was succeeded in this prebend by Robert de Clipston, xiii Gal. Oct. (19th Sept.) 1312; he quitted it for Hansacre. Ralph de Leicester held it loth July 1313. Thomas Charleton exchanged it with Thomas de Astley, xiv Gal. Oct. (18th Sept.) 1322. He died in 1349, being archdeacon of Middlesex. Matthew de Briselee, succeeded iii Id. Junii (nth June) 1349- William de Whittesleye, collated xiii Gal. Sept. (20th Aug.) 1350. John de Sancto Claro held it in 1358; he exchanged it with John de Newnham, vii Gal. Dec. (25th Nov.) 1364; changed it with Thomas West, v Gal. April. (28th March) 1368 ; he exchanged it in 1370 for a prebend of St. John's col- lege, Westminster, with Thomas Swaby, 3otli March 1370. He held the arch- deaconry of Exeter, and died about 1378. William de Goteham, exchanged it in 1380 with John de Goteham, admitted 28th April 1380. John Danby held it about 1380 ; he exchanged it with Thomas Brandon, ii Id. Dec. (12th Dec.) 1386. y Thomas Hilton, admitted 21st Dec. 1390. "^William Exeter, admitted 19th July 1396. \John Fox ley resigned this stall in 1437. John Higate succeeded 30th June 1437; he quitted it for Dernford. ^* Is a chapelry in St. Michael's parish in the city of Lichfield. PREBENDARIES. 627 James Langton, collated 5th July J 442. Thomas Byrom, collated 3rd Dec. 1450, John Thurstan, collated 9th Oct. 1451. John Mylls, LL.B., collated 28tli July 1457. William Orell, collated 21st May 1474. George Strangeways is said to have quitted it in 1500 for Colwich. Richard Burton succeeded in 1500; he resigned in 1504. Thomas Drax, S.T.B., succeeded 30th July 1504; he quitted it for Gaia Major in J 507. Thomas Warren, A.M., admitted 3rd April 1507. James Denton, LL.D., admitted 17th July 1509; he was made dean in 152 1—2. Thomas Orton, LL.D., succeeded 8th Feb. 1521-2. Nicholas Darrington. admitted i6th Dec. 1524; he quitted it for Wolvey. Richard Delves, admitted 15th June 1527. Died 23rd Nov. 1527. John Westwood, admitted 25th Nov. 1527. William Clayton, admitted 8th Oct. 1529. William Gwine, admitted iith Dec. 1532; he re- signed the same year. Richard Sampson, admitted 19th March 1532-3; he became dean. Richard Gwine, admitted 20th July i^^^. Henry Sydall, admitted 7th Jan. 1540— 41; he quitted it for Tervin. Thomas Bolt succeeded 8th Feb. 1547-8, He died in 1579, being archdeacon of Salop. Thomas Polarde, collated 10th Nov. 1564 Bartholomew Mason, 5th April 1574. John Meke, collated 14th Feb. 1574-5. Robert Sutton, i8th Oct. 1579. Died about 1587. John Savage, A.M., collated 9th Jan. 1587—8. William Rogerson, B.D., collated 7th Feb. 1613— 14. William Ramsden, collated 15th Dec. 1635. John Wolley, A.M., collated 6th Dec. 1 660. 4. L 2 6^8 LICHFIELD. Thomas Brown, A.M.. collated nth May 1663 ; de- prived in 1 689. being also archdeacon of Derby. RiCHABD Wood, A.M., collated 9th Feb. 16S9-90. Edmuxd Batzmax, collated 14th Xov, 1734, vice Ri- chard Wood. RiCHABD Jacksox, Collated 5th Dec. 1 741 . vice Edmund Eateman. Matthew Hobbeby, collated 31st Aug. 1745, vice Richard Jackson. Samuel Smalbroke, collated 29th June 1749, ^"^^e Matthew Horbery. Ob. 27th July 1803. TACHBROOK^\ JoHX DE Stbatfobd, admitted ii Non. Jun. (4th June) 1320; he was made bishop of Winchester in 1323. William de Appletbee, collated Xon. April, (jth April) 1324. Edwabd Sapta, admitted iii Non.Maii (5th May) 1328. Nicholas Abel, admitted zbih April 1329. John de Westex, admitted iv Cal. April. (29th Mar.) Michael de Northburgh, collated x Cal. Sept. (23rd Aug.) 134c. Philip de Westox, collated iv Cal. Feb. (29th Jan.) 1341-2. RoBEBT Kingston held it in 137 1. William Deffobd died possessed of it in 1385. r William Chaseldex. admitted 28th Feb. 1385-6. ''SiMox* Bache, admitted 27th Aug. 1396. Johx Sto^^te, formerly secretary to king Henry IV., ad- mitted 4th June 14 14. RoBEBT Shieixgtox, admitted 28th June 1422. ^A'altee Shieixgtox, admitted 6th June 1442, vice Robert Shirington resigned. He died in 1448, and was buried in St. Paul's cathedral. London. "^ This prebend is endowed with the impropriation and advowson of Tachbrook 'Bishop's/ in Warwickshire. PREBENDARIES. 6i*9 William Wooesley, collated igih April 1449; he be- came dean of St. Paul's. Thomas Woesley. collated 28th June 1452. JoHK Waedbopeb. LL.B., succeeded ist May 1301; he quitted it for Longden. John Bellixgham, admitted 6th July 150 1. Richard Buetox, S.T.P., admitted 17th Oct. 1504, vice Bellingham decea-sed. JoHX Blithe, admitted 3rd Aug. 1506. vice Burton de- ceased ; he quitted it for the chancellorship. Ralph Chauxteel, LL.D., succeeded loth Oct. 1509. David Pole, admitted i ith April 1531 ; he was made bishop of Peterborough in 1557. Johx Stevyxsox, admitted 5th March 1557—^- ArcrsTiXE Babxcheb, alias Bebxabp. 24th June 1562. JoHX Ball, admitted 12th Feb. 1565-6. Rogeb Reyxolds. A.m.. collated 21st Oct. 1588. RoBEBT Bamfobd. A.M., 5th Aug. 1597- Ralph Bkowxeigg. S.T.P., collated 21st Sept. 1629: resigned on being made archdeacon of Coventry in 1631. Richaed Love. ST. P., succeeded nth Oct. 1631; he was also master of Benet college, Cambridge. Thomas Smith. B.D., admitted 23rd March 1660-61; be became bishop of Cariisle. Fbaxcis Cooke or Coke. A.M.. admitted 6th Dec. 1 66 1; he was precentor of Hereford and archdeacon of Stafford. He was buried at Yoxall in Staffordshire 6th May 1682. Samuel Cabte, A.M., admitted 30th Sept. 1682. Richard Levett, collated icth July 174c. vice Samuel Cane. William HroDESFOBD. collated 24th Aug. 1749. ^^"^^ Richard Levett. Thomas L'x'ett. collated 3rd April 177c. %-ice ^^'illiam Huddesford. Ob. 14th March 1785. Spexcer Madax. collated 24th Feb. 1 785. \-ice Thomas Unett. 630 LICHFIELD. George Thomas, collated i ith May 1 7S6, vice Spencer 1 Madan resigned. Thomas Wythe, collated loth Aug. 1797, vice George Thomas. Ob. 21st Sept. 1835, setat. 85. ^ TERVIN.^6 Walter de Sarden died possessed of this stall in 1303- Walter de Clipston succeeded xii Cal. Feb. (21st Jan.) 1303-4. Jeffry Blaiston or Blaby died possessed of it in 1327. Richard de Vernon, iv Non. Martii (4th March) 1327. He died in July 1330. Peter de Gildesburgh possessed it in 1350. William de Wrifelle, admitted 9th June 1357. Nicholas Heth is said to have held it 30th Oct. 1376. Thomas Haxey succeeded 31st Jan. 1389-90. Thomas Chesterfeld, alias Wursop, admitted 8th ^ Feb. 1424-5. He died in 1452, having been arch- deacon of Salop. Ralph Byrom succeeded 24th Aug. 1452. J Lawrence Both quitted Offley about 1455 for this 1 prebend. He was made bishop of Durham in 1457. Vincent Clement succeeded 23rd Jan. 1457-8. He quitted it for the treasurership. John Whelpdale, collated 24th Oct. 1458. Died 17th March 1489-90. Humphrey Hawarden, LL.D., collated 18th March 1489—90. George Wasteneys resigned this stall in 152 1. Jeffry Blyth, admitted 13th April 1521. He quitted it for the treasurership. 86 This prebend was founded tion and advowson of Tervin in by bishop Stavensby circa 1226, Cheshire, and consists of the impropria- PREBENDARIES. 631 Henry Sydall, A.M., admitted 8th Dec. 1547. He resigned, and died 2nd May 1572, and was buried at Christ Church, Oxon, where he was canon. Thomas Chapman, collated 2nd July; installed 14th Sept. 157 1. Valentine Overton, admitted in 1592. Richard Hunt, S.T.P., collated 7th Jan. 1639-40. John Hutchinson, B.D., collated 1st Oct. 1662. He died 1 2th Jan. 1704-5, setat. 94. Edward Tenison, LL. B., admitted 24th March 1704-5. He resigned in 1708, being made archdeacon of Caermarthen and prebendary of Canterbury. George Fage, A.M., succeeded; collated 6th April 1709. Benjamin Marshall, collated i8th Sept. 1728, vice Fage. Samuel Smalbroke, collated 29th June 1749, vice Benjamin Marshall. Ob. 27th July 1803. ^ UFTON OR ULVETON, alias OLOUGHTON,^- EX PARTE DECANI. Ralph Turvill, collated v Cal. Maii (27th April) 1340. He exchanged with Richard de Tanfeild Non. Jan. (5th Jan.) 1347-8. John de Dynewell, collated xviii Cal. Oct. (14th Sept.) 1349. William de Dalton exchanged it in 1367 with William de Thingull, Id. Nov. (13th Nov.) 1367. \ William de Newhagh, admitted xvi Cal. Dec. (i6th Nov.) 1370. Made archdeacon of Chester in 1390. Richard Tyshe died possessed of it in 1398. i f~ John Tocket, admitted 27th July 1398. Hugh Holbach, admitted 10th March 1 400-1. He died in 1417. He became dean of St. Asaph. Nicholas Crosby, admitted 26th Oct, 141 7, vice Hol- bech, deceased. ^7 Supposed to have been founded by bishop CUnton. 632 LICHFIELD. John Hughford, collated 14th Jan. 1443—4, vice Crosby, deceased. John Rudhill or Reedhill, LL.B., collated i6th Feb. 1451-2. He quitted it for Frees. John Wendesley, LL.B., collated 7th July 1459. John Morton, collated 13th Feb. 1465-6, vice Wen- desley, resigned. Thomas Reynold, LL.B., collated 27th Jan. 1471-2. He quitted it for Bubbenhall. Ralph Heitcote, collated 17th April 1473, on ex- change with Reynolds. He quitted it for Offley. John Vernon held it in 148 1, and died possessed of it in 1489. John Heevey, collated 15th April 1489, vice Vernon, deceased. Richard Tollet, LL.B., collated i6th Feb. 1500- r, vice Hervey, deceased. He died in 1528, being arch- deacon of Barnstaple. John Sherwood, S.T.P., admitted 2nd March 1528-9. Stephen Sagar, (last abbot of Hales in Gloucester- shire,) admitted 20th July 1543. He resigned it in 1548. William Buckley, admitted 4th Jan. 1548-9. He resigned it in 1549. Richard Diconson, admitted 14th July 1549. Thomas Powel, admitted 21st Sept. 155 1. Deprived in 1554. Henry Pendilton, S.T.P., admitted 15th June 1554- Leonard Hurst, admitted in Dec. 1557. Richard Sale, collated i6th Jan. 1577. William Gilbert, admitted 17th Oct. 1601. Alexander How, B.D., collated 21st Aug. 1626. Richard Bourne, A.M., admitted 6th Sept. 1660. Thomas Bourne, collated 23rd June 1682. John Willes, S.T.P., admitted 2nd Oct. 1688. He died 29th June 1700, and was buried at Bishop's Itchington. PREBENDARIES. 633 Hexby Wood, A.M., collated 2cth Sept., admitted 26th Oct. 1700 ; died 1718. Succeeded by William Walmisley, A.M., admitted 7th Nov. 1718. He was made dean in 1720. Laweexce Gardiner, A.M., prebendarv of Wolver- hampton, admitted 27tli Mav 1720. William Jeevis, collated nth Sept. 1727, vice Law- rence Gardiner. Hexry Paesoks, collated 2nd Dec. 1729. vice William Jervis. Richard Dovey, collated 3rd April 1750, vice Henry Parsons. Ja3ies Falconer, collated 22nd Nov.i 77 7, vice Richard Dovey. Ob. 29th April 1809, aetat. 71. Edmund Outeam, collated 12th May 1809, vice James Falconer. Beook Edward Bridges, collated 13th April iSic, vice Edmund Outram. Ja3ies Kempthorxe, collated 3Cth .July 1825, vice Brook Edward Bridges. Waltee Augustus Shirley, 23rd Sept. 1841, vice Kempthorne. Thoma* Daintey, 17th Dec. 1849, vice Shirley. , UFTON OB ULVETOX, alias OLOUGHTON, EX PARTE CAXTOEIS SIVE PBECEPTOBIS.^^ John de Leicester died holding this stall in 1340. William la Zouche. collated v Id. April (9th April) 1340. He became archbishop of York in 1342. William Leicester died possessed of it in 1343. Robert de Walkingtox. collated riii Id. Sept. (5th Sept.) 1343; alive 1360. Edmund Stafford held it in 1369, and quitted it in 1377. He was afterwards bishop of Exeter. Robert de Strettox, archdeacon t?/" C' Thomas de Baddeby, collated iv Non. Oct. (4th Oct.) 1362. ^vJoHN Skiele, admitted 2nd Nov. 1395- V* Henry Chicheley, admitted 2nd Oct. 1400. y Richard Feltox succeeded about 1408. '"'' FuLK Bermixgham succeeded 2nd Aug. 1438. John Clone, collated 17th Jan. 1464-5, vice Berming- ham resigned. Thomas Milles, collated 5th June 1465, vice Clone deceased. Thomas Reynolds, admitted 4th Dec. 1488, vice Milles resigned. Adam Grafton, LL.B., admitted in 1497. He was afterwards archdeacon of Stafford and Salop. Nicholas Stokesley held this stall about 1524. George Lee, admitted 21st Dec. 1538. He quitted it for the treasurership. William Tompson, admitted 2nd May i54i. William Russal or Rusheild, admitted 28th Jan. 1559-60. John Norman, collated 20th Sept. 1563. Walter Barker, admitted 8th Aug. 1567. Walter Bettes, collated 9th Dec. 1569. John Walton, admitted 12th Oct. 1576. He died in 1603, being archdeacon of Derby. Roger Barker, A.M., admitted 8th July 1603. William Harwarde, A.M., collated 7th July, and installed 9th July 1604. George Gipps, A.M., collated 9th Dec. 1623. He quitted it for Freford. John Burges, A.M., collated 21st Jan. 1624-5. He quitted it for Hansacre. Succeeded by John Machon, A.M., collated 23rd Aug. 1631. Thomas Machon, A.M., collated nth Sept. 1671, vice John Machon. Edward Fulham, A.M., 7th June 1673, ^'^^^ Thomas Machon deceased. 638 LICHFIELD. Francis Ashenhurst, A.M., collated 29th May 1689. He died in 1704, being also archdeacon of Derby. Thomas Goodwyn, B.D , admitted 29tli Dec. 1704. He quitted it for Colwich. James Milnes, A.M., succeeded. Collated 7th Sept. 1 7 13, vice Thomas Goodwyn. Matthew Horbery, collated 25th June 1739, vice James Milnes. William Hcjddesford, collated 24th Jan. 1745-6, vice Matthew Horbery. John Leech, collated 24th Aug. 1749, vice William Huddesford. Edward Horton, collated 10th May 1777, vice John Leech. John Newling, collated 2nd Sept. 1802, vice Edward Horton. John Parker, collated 19th March 1807, vice John Newling. Thomas Cotton Fell, collated 4th Dec. 181 2. vice John Parker. Watson William Dickins, collated 22nd April 1822, vice Thomas Cotton Fell. A WHITTINGTON AND BERKSVv YCH.s^ Hugh de Sotesby held this stall about 1268. John de Monte-Majore held it about 1298. Thomas de Abberbury, xvi Oal. Martii (14th Feb.) 1298-9. He was made precentor in 1303. John de Drakesford, collated xii Cal. Feb. (21st Jan.) 1303-4. GuYDo de Wares, succeeded in 1309. Robert de Kitsbe, collated 16th Aug. 1340. y Richard de Drayton, admitted 26th Feb. 1388-9. ^Thomas Bennet, admitted 14th Feb. 1405-6. He exchanged it with 92 These are two impropriated parishes in Staffordshire, and they give title to this prebend. PREBENDARIES. 639 'Ralph Canon, I3tli May 1406. He exchanged it with •^ John Cole, 15th Dec. 1420. John Bjiide, archdeacon of Derby, admitted 8th May 1433, vice Cole deceased. Edmund Halse^ collated 22nd May 1478, vice Bride deceased. Christopher Talp.ot, admitted nth April 1481. He was made archdeacon of Chester in i486. Humphrey Hawarden, LL.B., collated 6th June 1482. He was afterwards prebendary of Tervin. Hugh Lehee, admitted i8th Dec. 1488. Richard Egerton, A.B., admitted 5th Oct. 1506. He died in 15^7. John Stapulton, admitted 12th April 1538. Robert Bell, admitted 21st Jan. 1550-51. William Walkenden, admitted 27th Aug. 1558. Thomas Paget, admitted 15th March 1559-60. William Whitinge, held it 25th May 1610. Joseph Hill, B.D., collated 29th June, admitted ist Sept. 1617. Thomas Tudman, A.M., admitted 9th Aug. 1639. Thomas Meynell, A.M., collated 2nd March 1673-4. Thomas Collins, A.M., collated istNov. 1706. Died in 1722 at Oxford. John Henry Ott, presented by the archbishop on his option. Collated 12th March 1722-3. Nathaniel Sturges. Samuel Pegge, 29th Jan. 1763, vice Nathaniel Sturges. Robert Foote, collated i6th March 1796, vice Samuel Pegge. Francis Meeke, collated 14th Aug. 1797, vice Robert Foote. George Betts, collated 4th July t8oi, vice Francis Meeke. Thomas Cotton Fell, collated 22nd April 1822, vice George Betts. 640 LICHFIELD. ^ WOLVEY.9^ James de Hispania, resigned this stall in 13 14. Gilbert de Bruera, vi Cal. Nov. (27th Oct.) 1314. He exchanged it for Ruiton with Ralph de Holbeach, ix Cal. April. (24th March) 1331-2- Michael de Northburgh, collated xvii Cal. Oct. (15th Sept.) 1343. Peter de Northburgh, ii Non. April (4th April) ^353- John Barnet, collated xii Cal. Mai. (20th April) 1354. He exchanged it for the archdeaconry of London with James Beaufort, v Id. Feb. (9th Feb.) t^S55~^' Richard de Stafford, collated ii Non. Jun. (4th June) 1358. William de Lambe, collated ixCal. Aug. (24th July) 1369. Thomas Alablaster held this stall in 1374. JoHK Maureward, admitted 27th July 1387. He ex- ^ changed it for the chancellorship with John Feltwell, admitted 17th May 1393. ^ Richard Coningston, 20th May 1393. He quitted it for Hansacre. ■■ Thomas Alcock, admitted 6th March 1393-4. I Thomas Middleton, admitted 1st June 1394. y Nicholas Bubwyth, admitted 15th July 1396. He quitted it for Offley. / John de Nottingham succeeded in 1397. He quitted it for Frees. V John Fermer succeeded 8th Sept. 1398. / Thomas Barton succeeded i8th Jan. 1416. John Barton, admitted i8th March 141 7- 18. Alexander Amie exchanged in 1425 with 93 Founded by bishop Muschamp. i PREBENDARIES. 641 John Langtoft, i 8th Jan. 1425. He exchanged it with John Akam, admitted 7th May 1426. Thomas Clark, admitted ist Aug. 1427. Henry Ince or Inse, collated i8th March 1448-9. He was made archdeacon of Chester in 1467. Oliver Denham or Dynham, collated loth Oct. 1467, and died 3rd April 1500, being archdeacon of Surrey Edmund Wilford, D.D., admitted 7th April 1500. Joachim Bretyxner, admitted i8th Oct. 1516. He quitted it for Weeford. Richard Radcliff, admitted 3rd Aug. 1520. Nicholas Darington, admitted 7th June 1527. He quitted it for Flixton. William Hill, admitted 4th April 1530. He quitted it for Weeford. Edmund Streetchay, A.M., admitted 21st June 1530. George Palmer, admitted 23rd Aug. 1547 ; he was also archdeacon of York, William Martin, collated loth Dec. ^S^S- Christopher Hogeson, collated 19th May 1575, and installed on the 20th of the same month. Henry Lethe, collated ist Oct. 1576. Simon Cocks, A.M.^ collated 17th March 1587-8. Ralph Kynnaston, A.M., collated 29th Aug. 1595. Resigned 1598. William Langham, collated 29th June J 598. Ob. 1 6th Sept. 1603. John Walton, collated 3rd June 1606. John Wilcoxson, collated 2nd Oct. 1607. Stephen Haxey, B.D., collated 21st Nov. 1619, and installed on the 23rd of the same month. Henry Jackson, A.M., collated 3rd May, admitted 23rd Aug. 1622. William Primrose, A.M., 9th Sept. 1626. John Arnway, collated 9th May 1633. He died in 1653, being archdeacon of Coventry. VOL. I. 4 N 649 LICHFIELD. Thomas Mallory, A.M., admitted 19th Sept. 1660, and died in 1671. John Waldron, A.M., collated 12th Oct. 1671, vice Thomas Mallory. Timothy Turner, A.M., admitted 15th June 1688. He quitted it for Eccleshall. Richard Wood, A.M., collated nth Oct. 1689. He quitted it for Stotfold. William Baker, A.M., collated 5th Feb. 1689-90. Edward Welchman, collated 28th Sept. 1732. Thomas Smalbroke, collated 23rd May 1 739, vice Edward Welchman. Thomas Noble, collated 3rd May 1740, vice Thomas Smalbroke. William Brereton, collated 22nd June 1784, vice Thomas Noble. Francis Meeke, collated 28th Feb. 1794, vice William Brereton. George Andrew Thomas, collated 3rd Aug. 1797, vice Francis Meeke. Charles Buckeridge, collated 15th Nov. 1804, vice George Andrew Thomas. Samuel Butler, collated 15th May 1807, vice Charles Buckeridge. William Gresley, 27th Nov. 1840, vice Butler. END OF VOL. I. INDEX NOMINUM. ABBREVIATIONS. Abp. for archbishop ; archd. for archdeacon ; bp. /or bishop ; chan. for chancellor ; dn. for dean ; hon. can. for honorary canon ; prb. for prebendary ; pre. for precentor ; subd. for subdean ; treas. for treasurer. A., archd. Cornwall, 397. A , archd. St. David's, 308. Abbendon or Abingdon, Edmund de, abp. Canterbury, 13. Abberbury, Thomas de, prb. Lichfield, 638. Abberbury or Eadberbury,Thomas de, pre. Lichfield, 579. Abbot, Edward, pre. Wells, 171. Abbot, George, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 556. Abbot, George, abp. Canterbury, 26. Abbot, John, prb. Canterbury, 53. Abbott, Edward, prb. Wells, 207. Abel, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 628. Abel, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 589. Abendon, Richard de, prb. Lichfield, 636. Abingdon or Abbendon, Edmund de, abp. Canterbury, 13. Abraham, bp. St. Asaph, 66. Abraham, bp. St. David's, 289. Abraham, Edward, prb. AVeUs, 209. Acca or Ecca, bp. Hereford, 454. Accanthius, John, prb. Wells, 185. Acland, Baldwin, prb. Exeter, 424. Acland, Baldwin, treas. Exeter, 416. Acland, John, prb. Exeter, 431. Acland, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 426. Acroyd, Roger, prb. Hereford, 497. Acworth, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 623. Adam, dn. Bangor, no. Adam, bp. St. Asaph, 6.^5. Adam de Salop, prb. Hereford, 506. Adams, George, prb. Chichester, 274. Adams, John, prb. Canterbury, 61. Adams, Richard, prb. Wells, 198. Adams, William, prb. Lichfield, 608. Adbury or Adderbury, Thomas de, prb. Lichfield, 636. Addenbrooke, John, dn. Lichfield, 564. Adderbury or Adbury, Thomas de, prb. Lichfield, 636. Addison, Lancelot, archd. Coventry, 570. Addison, Lancelot, dn. Lichfield, 564. Addy, John, chan. Lichfield, 585. Adelmare, abas Caesar, Henry, dn. Ely, 348. Adelred, bp. Cornwall, 364. Adeodatus or Deusdedit, abp. Canter- bury, 3. Aelfeah, abp. Canterbury, 6. Aelfegus, Alpheagus or Elfeh, bp. Wells, 126. Aelfred, bp. Selsey, 237. Aelfric, bp. Devonshire, 366. Aelfric, abp. Canterbury, 6. Aelfstan or Lyfing, bp. Wells, 128. Aelfstan or Lyfing, abp. Canterbury, 6. Aelfwine or Ella or Aelle, bp. Lich- field, 542. Aelfwold, bp. Devonshire, 365. Aelfwold II, bp. Devonshire, 366. Aella or Ella or Aelfwine, bp. Lich- field, 542. Aelmar, bp. Selsey, 237. Aethelgar, bp. Devonshire, 365. Aethelgar, abp. Canterbury, 6. Aethelgarus, bp. Selsey, 237. Aethelheard, abp. Canterbury, 4. Aethelm, bp. WeUs, 126. Aethelm, abp. Canterbury, 5. Aethelnoth, abp. Canterbury, 6. Aethelred, abp. Canterbury, 5. 4 N 2 644 INDEX Aetheiricus, bp, Selsey, 237. Aethelstan, bp. Cornwall, 364. Aethelstan, bp. Hereford, 455. Aethelstan II, bp. Cornwall, 364. Aethelwald or Herkenwald, bp. Lich- field, .1^42. Aethelvvinus, bp. Wells, 128. Agard, Philip, prb. Lichfield, 597, 620. Agate, John, prb. Wells, 195. Agelricus, bp. Selsey, 237. Aglionby, George, dn. Canterbury, 33- Agrifolio, Cardinal, archd. Taunton, 167. Ailward, William, prb. Hereford, 505. Airay, Henry, prb. Canterbury, 47. Airmin, William de, prb. Lichfield, 636. Aisgil, Henry, chan. St. David's, 319. Aisgill, treas. St. David's, 318. Aisgill, Henr)^ prb. Gloucester, 448. Aish, Robert, prb. Wells, 208. Akam, John, prb. Lichfield, 641. Alablaster, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 640. Alan, archd. Stafford, 570. Alard, chan. Wells, 175. Alard, subd. Wells, T56. Albaniaco,Winiam de, prb. Hereford, 528. Albanus, bp. Bangor, 97. Albert, pre. Wells, 169. Albertus, bp. Hereford, 454. Alcock, Charles, prb. Chichester, 280, 281. Alcock, Charles, archd. Chichester, 261. Alcock, Hugh, dn. Bangor, 11 1. Alcock, John, bp. Ely, 340. Alcock, Simon, prb. Hereford, 519. Alcock, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 505. Alcock, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 640. Alcock, Thomas, archd. Ely, 351. Alden, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 423. Alderbury, Walter de, archd. Chi- chester, 260. Alderby, John de,archd. Caermarthen, 313- Aldey, Edward, prb. Canterbury, 60. Aldred, bp. Cornwall, 364. Aldrich, George, prb. Lichfield, 610. Aldrich, Richard, prb. Hereford, 533. Aldridge, Thomas, prb. Wells, 199. Aldrington, R., prb. Wells, 199. Aldryngton, alias Colcomb, Richard, archd. Barum, 406. Aldulf, bp. Lichfield, 541. Alengon, John de, archd. Exeter, 393, Alengon, Philip de, archd. Exeter, 394- Alexander, subd. Weils, 155. Alexander, archd. Bangor, 112. Alexander, archd. Stafford, 571. Alexander, dn. Wells, 149. Alexander, Peter, prb. Canterbury, 56. Aleyn, Sampson, chan. Hereford, 493. Alfeid or Awfeild, Robert, prb. Glou- cester, 448. Alfgar, bp. Lichfield, 1^42. Alford, Thomas, prb. Wells, 189, 204. Alfricus, bp. Hereford, 455. Alfwold or Eadnoth, bp. Devonshire, 366. Algar, John, prb. Wells, 192. Algar or Ilger, Phihp, prb. Hereford, 510. Alhuael or Arthuael, abp. St.DaAad's, 288. AUanson, George, prb. Exeter, 427. Allanson, George, archd. Cornwall, 400. AUein or Alley, William, bp. Exeter,. 378- x\llen, Abraham, prb. Wells, 210. Allen, John, archd. Salop, 575. Allen, Joseph, bp. Bristol, 222. Allen, Joseph, bp. Ely, 347. Allen, Robert, prb. Chichester, 284. Allen, Thomas, archd. Stafford, 573. Allen, William, prb. Hereford, 512, Allen, William Birkett, hon. can. Bristol, 542. Allerthorp, Lawrence, prb. Hereford, 529. AUestree, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 595, 634- Alley, Roger, archd. Cornwall, 399. ; Alley or AUein, William, bp. Exeter, 378. AUeyn, Sampson, prb. Lichfield, 597. AUeyne, Henry, prb. Wells, 210. Allix, Peter, dn. Ely, 349. AUix, Peter, dn. Gloucester, 445. AUweyn or Awritten, Roger, prb. Hereford, 495. Almar, archd. Canterburj^, 36. Almodeston, William, prb. Lichfield, 598, Almondeston, William, prb. Lichfield, 609. Almondeston, William, archd. Staf- ford, 572. Alnothus, archd. Cornwall, 397. N 0 M I N U M. 645 Alpheagus, Aelfegus or Elfeh, bp. Wells, 126. Alsine (Canterbury), 5. Alten David Bird, prl). St. David's, 323; Alubrith, bp. Selsey, 236. Alured, archd. Barum, 40,5. Alwynus, bp. Wells, 127. Ambaldis or Anibalers, Richard de, archd. Coventry, 568. Ambalers or Ambaldis, Richard de, archd. Coventry, 568. Ambresbury, John de, chan. Hereford, 492. Ameney, Walter, prb. Hereford, 513. Amie, Alexander, prb. Lichfield, 640. Amynde, John, prb. Hereford, 518. Ancehn or Ancelinus or Anselm, dn. Hereford, 475. Ancketill, Henry, prb. Wells, 183, 184. Andras, Cardinal, archd. St. David's, 309- Andrew of Kilkenny, dn. Exeter, 385. Andrew, John, prb. Exeter, 432. Andrew, John, archd. Barum, 408. Andrewes, Gerrard, dn. Canterbury, 35- Andrews, Anth., prb. Gloucester, 449. Andrews, Lancelot, bp. Chichester, 250. Andrews, Lancelot, bp. Ely, 343. Andrews, Roger, prb. Ely, 358. Andrews, Roger, chan. Chichester, 271. Andrews, Roger, archd. Chichester, 261. Androynus, archd. Ely, 351. Angel, John, prb. Gloucester, 447. Angelus, archd. Canterbury, 42. Angle, John, MaximiUan de 1', prb. Canterbury, 59. Anian, archd. Anglesey, 114. Anian, dn. St. Asaph, 81. Anian, dn. Bangor, no. Anian, bp. St. Asaph, 67. Anian, bp. Bangor, 98. Anian H, bp. St. Asaph, 67. Anian IH, archd. Anglesey, 114. Anian or Einaen, abp. St. David's, 288. Anian Seys, archd. Anglesey, 114. Anian, Thomas, prb. Gloucester, 448. Annesley, Arthur, prb. Wells, 184. Annesley, Richard, prb. Exeter, 425. Annesley, Richard, dn. Exeter, 388. Anschibillus, archd. Canterbury, 37. Anselm, archd. Barum, 405. j Anselra or Ancelin or Ancelinus, dn. Hereford, 475. Anselme, abp. Canterbury, 7. Ansty, Michael, prb. Lichfield, 625, Anyan, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 61. Apletree, Wilham de, prb. Lichfield, 619. Appleton or Appleti-ee, William, archd. Stafford, 571. Appletree, William de, prb. Lichfield, 595' 628. Appletree or Appleton,WiUiam, archd . Stafford, 571. Apulia, Simon de, bp. Exeter, 368. Aquablanca, Emeric de, pre. Hereford, 485. Aquablanca, Emericus de, chan. Here- ford, 491, Aquablanca, John de, prb. Hereford, 496. Aquablanca or Egeblanke, James de, archd. Salop, 482. Aquablanca or Egeblanke, Peter de, archd. Salop, 482. Aqua-Blanca, John de, dn. Hereford, 475- Aquila, J. . . . de, chan. Chichester, 270. Aquila, Nicholas, de, dn. Chichester, 255- Aquila, Nicholas de, alleged bp. Chi- chester, 239. Archer, Edm. archd. Taunton, 169. Archer, Edm. archd. Wells, 162. Arches, Edmund, prb. Wells, 208. Arden, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 495. Argentine, John, prb. Lichfield, 587, 597, 620. Argustel, bp. St. David's, 289. Aris,Eldridge,prb. Wells, 207. Armstrong, John, prb. Wells, 193. Arnald, William, prb. Lichfield, 610. Arnald,William, pre. Lichfield, 580. Arnold, Henry, prb. Wells, 187, 194. Arnway, John, prb. Lichfield, 641. Arnway, John, archd. Coventry, 570. Arthuael or Alhuael, abp. St. David's, 288. Arundel, John, prb. Hereford, 498, .503- Arundel, John, prb. Lichfield, 596. Arundel, John, prb. Wells, 200. Anmdel, John, chan. Hereford, 493. Arundel, John, pre. Hereford, 486. Arundel, John, treas. Hereford, 489. Arundel, John, dn. Exeter, 386. Arundel, John, bp. Chichester, 247. 646 INDEX Arundel, John, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 555. Arundel, John, bp. Exeter, 377. Arundel, Thomas, archd. Taunton, 167. Arundel, Thomas, bp. Ely, 336. Arundel, Thomas, abp. Canterbury, 21, 22. Arundel, John de, prb. Lichfield, 624. Arundel, William de, pre. Exeter. 409. Asburnham, Charles, prb. Chichester, 276. Ascelinus, archd. Totnes, 401. Ashburnham, Charles, pre. Chichester, 267. Ashburnham, John, prb. Chichester, 280. Ashburnham, John, chan. Chichester, 272. Ashburnham, Wilham, dn. Chichester, 268. Ashbuinham, sir Wilham, bp. Chi- chester, 253. Ashby, John, prb. Hereford, 503, 516. Ashby, John, chan. Hereford, 492. Ashby, John, treas. Hereford, 489. Ashcombe, Robert, prb. Hereford, 509- Ashdowne, William, prb. Lichfield, 593- Asheby, John de, archd. Derby, 576. Ashenhurst, Francis, prb. Lichfield, 634, 638. Ashenhurst, Francis, archd. Derby, 577- Asheton, John de, pre. Hereford, 485. Ashley, John, prb. Ely, 356. Ashton, Charles, prb. Ely, 358. Ashton, Hvigh, archd. Cornwall, 399. Ashton, James, prb. Wells, 201. Ashton, Rich., prb. Lichfield, 605. Ashton, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 605. Ashton, Roger, prb. Exeter, 424. Ashton, William, prb. Lichfield, 601. Ashton or Aston, William de, prb. Lichfield, 615. Asketin, archd. Canterbury, 37. Aspynhulgh, Richard, pre. Chichester, 266. Asser, abp. St. David's, 288. Astley, Thomas de, prb. Hereford, 500. Astley, Thomas de, prb. Lichfield, 626. Aston, Frederick, hon. can. Bristol, 452. Aston, James, prb. Wells, 188. Aston or Ashton, William de, prb. Lichfield, 615. Athelweald, archd. Canterbury, 36. Atherley, Arthur, prb.Chichester,284. Athulfus, bp. Hereford, 455. Atkins, Francis, prb. Wells, 194, 201. Atkins, Francis, prb. Chichester, 279. Atkins, Henry, prb. Chichester, 284. Atkins, Richard, prb. Wells, 197. Atkins, Thomas, prb. Wells, 201. Atkinson, John, prb. Chichester, 278. Atterbury, Francis, prb. Exeter, 426. Atterbury, Francis, archd. Totnes, 404. Atwater,William, archd. Lewes, 263. Atwell, Joseph, prb. Gloucester, 450. Atwood, George, prb. Wells, 179, 203. Atwood, George, archd. Taunton, 169. Aubery, Edmund, archd. Wells, 162. Aucher, John, prb. Canterbury, 54. Auco, Hugo de, archd. Cornwall, 397. Auco.William de, archd. Barum, 405. 1 Audley, Edmund, prb. Hereford, 499. Audley, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 609. ! Audley, Edmund, bp. Hereford, 466. I Augustine, abp. Canterbury, 2. j Ault, George, prb. Wells, 180. Aumenet, William, prb. Lichfield, 613. I Auncell, John, prb. Lichfield, 624. Austell, Thomas, treas. Exeter, 415. Avarne, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 591. Aveburi, Peter de, archd. Taunton, 166. Avenbury, Giles de, treas. Hereford, 488. Avenbury,Giles de, dn. Hereford, 476. Avigo, Hugh de, archd. Totnes, 401. Avis, William, prb. Wells, 184. Awbrey, William, chan. St. David's, 319. Awfeild or Alfeld, Robert, prb. Glou- cester, 448. Awritten or Allweyn, Roger, prb. Hereford, 495. Axebrug, John de, subd. Wells, 156. Axebrug, Thomas de, archd. Bath, 163. Ayerst, William, prb. Canterbury, 50. Ayleston, Peter de, prb. Lichfield,6i8. Aylmer, John, prb. Bristol, 232. Aylmer, John, prb. Lichfield, 609. Aylmer, John, prb. Wells, 182. Ay reminne, William de, prb. Hereford, 53°- Ayscogh, Robert, archd. Exeter, 395. Ayscough, Francis, dn. Bristol, 224. N 0 M I N U M. 647 B. Baber, John, prb. Exeter, 421. Babington, Adrian, prb. Lichfield,6o7. Babington, Brute or Bryan, prb. Lichfield, 590. Babington, Charles Maitland, prb. Hereford, 533. Babington, Gervase, prb. Hereford, 531- Babington, Gervase, bp. Exeter, 379. Babington, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 621. Babington, Zachary, prb. Lichfield, 594- Babington,Zachary,pre.Lichfield,58o. Bach, Alexander, bp. St. Asaph, 70. Bach, William, prb. Hereford, 520, 530- Bache, Simon, prb. Lichfield, 628. Bache, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 503. Backhouse, William, archd. Canter- bury, 45. Backshell, John, prb. Chichester, 272. Bacon, Francis, prb. Lichfield, 623. Bacon, Thomas, prb. Ely, 359. Bacon or Beacon, Thomas, prb. Can- terbury, 50. Baddeby,Thos. de, prb. Lichfield,637. Baddeby,Thos. de, pre. Lichfield, 579. Baddisley,Thomas, prb. Lichfield,6o7. Badestun, WilUam de, chan. AVells, ^ 175- Badham, John, prb. Hereford, 524, 528. Bagart, William, prb. Hereford, 519. Bagetore, Philip de, pre. Exeter, 409. Bagetore, Roger de, pre. Exeter, 409. Bagge, Phihp, prb. Hereford, 525. Bagnall, Gibbons, prb. Hereford, 496, 523- Bagot, Frederic, prb. Wells, 194. Bagot, Lewis, bp. St. Asaph, 79. Bagot, Lewis, bp. Bristol, 220. Bagot, Rich., prb. Lichfield, 621. Bagot, Rich., bp. Bath and Wells,i49. Bagot, Hon. Rich., dn. Canterbury ,35. Bagot, Walter, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Bagshaw, John, prb. Lichfield, 607. Bagshaw, John, dn. Hereford, 476. Bagshawe, Christopher, prb. Lichfield, 609. Bagshawe, Edm., prb. Lichfield, 590. Bagshawe, John, prb. Lichfield, 592. Baile, Daniel, prb. Lichfield, 608. Bailly,WiUiam, prb. Hereford, 524. Baily, John, prb. Hereford, 502, 508, 529- Baily, John, prb. Wells, 210. Baily, John, pre. Hereford, 486. Baily, Thomas, prb. Bristol, 232. Baily, William, prb. Wells, 200, 203. Bailye, Hugh, prb. Lichfield, 610, 636. Bailye, Hugh, chan. Lichfield, 586. Baines or Bayne, Ralph, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 556. Baker, Aaron, prb. Exeter, 428. Baker, Aaron Abraham, prb. Wells, 208. Baker, George, prb. Exeter, 427. Baker, George, archd. Totnes, 404. Baker, Nicholas, prb. Wells, 180. Baker, Nicholas, treas. Bangor, 119. Baker, Philip, prb. Hereford, 528. Baker, Samuel, prb. Canterbury, So- Baker, Thomas, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Baker, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 283. Baker, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 429. Baker, William, prb. Hereford, 525. Baker, Wilham, prb. Lichfield, 642. Baker, William, bp. Bangor, 108. Baker alias Elton, John, prb. Here- ford, 532. Baker ahas Elton, John. chan. Here- ford, 493. Balding, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 513. Baldock, Robert de, prb. Lichfield, 600, 602. Baldwin, archd. Exeter, 392. Baldwin, archd. Totnes, 401. Baldwin, abp. Canterbury, 9. Baldwin, Francis, prb. Hereford, 510. Baldwin, Rich., prb. Hereford, 524. Baldwin, Wiinam,archd.Caermarthen, 313- Bale, John, prb. Canterbury, 60. Balkley, Lancelot, archd. Merioneth, 117. Ball, Henry, archd. Chichester, 261. Ball, John, prb. Lichfield, 629. Ball, Richard, prb. Ely, 361, 362. Ball, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 273. Ball, Thomas, archd. Chichester, 261. Ballard, Edward, prb. Hereford, 519, 521. Ballard, Edward, pre. Hereford, 487, Ballard, James, prb. Hereford, 509. Ballshaw, William, prb. Lichfield, 615. Balsham or Belesale, Hugh, bp. Ely, 329- Bamford, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 629. Bampfyld, Francis, prb. Exeter, 424. 648 INDEX Bampton or Brampton, John, archd. Lewes, 263. Banbryge, Reginald, prb. Wells, 210. Bancroft, Rich., prb. Canterbury, 47. Bancroft, Rich., abp. Canterbury, 26. Banister, Tho., archd. Bangor, 113. Bankes, Edwardj prb. Bristol, 327. Banks, Edw., prb. Gloucester, 451. Banks, Thomas, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Banks, Wilham, prb. Exeter, 424. Bankworth, Robt., prb. Hereford, 518. Barbat, Stephen, prb. Chichester, 284. Barbe, Will. St., prb. Hereford, 532. Barber, Thomas, prb. Wells, 189. Barbour, Anthony, prb. Wells, 211. Barbour, John, prb. Hereford, 500. Barbour, Rich., treas. Lichfield, 582. Bardenay, Will, de, archd. Wells, 159. Bardesey, Arthur de, dn. Bangor, 110. Bardis, Adrian de, prb. Hereford, 513. BardisjAdriande, treas. Hereford, 489. Barecroft, Wilham, treas. Chichester, 269. Bareith or Baret, Dand, chan. St. David's, 319. Baret, Andrew, archd. Wells, 160. Baret or Bareith, David, chan. St. David's, 319. Bareth, Adam, treas. St. David's, 317. Bareth, Adam, archd. Brecknock, 311. Barew, John de la, prb. Hereford, 533. Barford, WiUiam, prb. Canterbury, 55- Barforth, Robert, treas. Exeter, 415. Barforth or Barfote, Robert, archd. Barum, 407. Barfote or Barforth, Robert, archd. Barum, 407. Bargrave, Isaac, prb. Canterbury, 52. Bargrave, Isaac, dn. Canterbury, 33. Bargrave, John, prb. Canterbury, 52. Barker, Charles Thomas, prb. Wells, 190, 205. Barker, Charles Thomas, subd. Wells, 158. Barker, James, prb. Chichester, 273. Barker,James, archd. Chichester, 261. Barker, Joseph, prb. Wells, 181. Barker, Ralph, prb. Wells, 211. Barker, Ralph, treas. Wells, 174. Barker, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 637. Barker, Walter, prb. Lichfield, 637. Barker, Will., prb. Canterbury, 61. Barker, William, prb. Hereford, 534. Barker, William, prb. Wells, 202. Barker, WiUiam, chan.Wells, 178. Barker, Will. Higgs, prb. St. David's, 321. Barkley, Samuel, prb. Hereford, 503. Barlow, John, prb. Bristol, 226. Barlow, John, prb. Hereford, 517. Barlow, John, prb. Wells, 201. Barlow, John, pre. Hereford, 487. Barlow, John, archd. Caermarthen, 313- Barlow, Ralph, dn. Wells, 154. Barlow, Tho. Will., prb. Bristol, 229. Barlow, Will., prb. Canterbury, 54. Barlow, Will., prb. Lichfield, 592. Barlow, Will., treas. Lichfield, 532. Barlow, Will., bp. St. Asaph, 73. Barlow, Wilham, bp. Bath & Wells, 144. Barlow, Will., bp. Chichester, 249. Barlow, Will., bp. St. David's, 300. Barlowinwac or Savaricus, bp. Bath and Wells, 130. Barnard, Edward, prb. Wells, 199. Barnard, Edward, prb. Hereford, 521. Barnard, Henry Watson, prb. Wells, ^99- Barncher, Augustine, alias Bernard, prb. Lichfield, 629. Barnes, George, archd. Barum, 408. Barnes, Ralph, prb. Exeter, 430. Barnes, Ralph, archd. Totnes, 404. Barnes, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 526. Barnet, Benjamin, prb. Gloucester, 450. Barnet, John, prb. Hereford, 498. Barnet, John, prb. Lichfield, 640. Barnet, John, bp. Bath & Wells, 138. Barnet, John, bp. Ely, 336. Baron, John, prb. Bristol, 233. Barre, Richard, archd. Ely, 350. Barret, David, pre. St. David's, 316. Barret, Thomas, archd. Exeter, 395. Barret, William, prb. Hereford, 524. Barrington, Hon. Shute, prb. Here- ford, 521, 524. Barrow, George Neale, hon.can. Bris- tol, 452, Barrow, Isaac, bp. St. Asaph, 76. Barrowe, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 594. Barrowe, William, bp. Bangor, loi. Barry, Thomas, pre. St. David's, 316. Barry, John de, treas. St.David's,3i7. Barry, WiUiam de, archd. St. David's, 308. Barry, alias Cambrensis, Giraldus de, archd. Brecknock, 310. Barry, alias Cambrensis, Giraldus,(St. David's,) 290. Bartholomew, archd. Exeter, 392. Bartholomew of Exeter, bp. Exeter, N 0 M I N U M. 049 Bartholomew, John, prb. Exeter, 434. Bartholomew, John, archd. Barum, 408. Bartlam, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 433. Bartlam, Thomas, pre. Exeter, 413. Barton, Cutts, dn. Bristol, 224. Barton, John, prb. Canterbury, 60. Barton, John, prb. Hereford, 511. Barton, John, prb. Lichfield, 640. Barton, Philip, prb. Chichester, 273. Barton, Philip, prb. Exeter, 429. Barton, Philip, subd. Exeter, 391. Barton, Ralph, prb. Hereford, 523. Barton, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 599, 640. Barton, Thomas, pre. Lichfield, 579. Barton, Thomas, treas. Lichfield, 582. Barton, William, archd. Totnes, 403. Barton, Henry de, prb. Lichfield, 620. Barton, John de, archd. Hereford, 480. Barton, Philip de, prb. Lichfield, 619. Barttelot,\Valter, prb. Chichester, 272. Barwell, Edmund, prb. Ely, 361. Barwick, Thomas, prb. Ely, 359. Basing, John, archd. Chester, 565. Basker\alle, Edward, prb. Hereford, 530- Basker\alle, Edward, chan. Hereford, 493- Baskett, Robert, prb. Wells, 205. Basset, Gilbert, archd. Totnes, 461. Basset, Richard, prb. Hereford, 499. Baster, William Brudenell, prb. Wells, 186, 191. Bateman, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 628 . Bateman, Edmund, archd. Lewes, 264. Bateman, Edward, chan. Lichfield, 586. Bates, Roger, chan. Exeter, 419. Bateson, Thomas, prb. Wells, 208. Bather, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 635. Bather, Edward, archd. Salop, 575. Bathurst, Ralph, dn. Wells, 154. Battely, John, prb. Canterbury, 47. Battely, John, archd. Canterbury, 44. Baugh, Job Walker, prb. Hereford, 518. Baylay, William Frederick, prb. Can- terbury, 49. Bayley, John, prb. Hereford, 500. Bayley, Walter, prb. Wells, 202. Bayley, William, prb. Lichfield, 607. Baylie, John, prb. Bangor, 121. Baylie, Thomas, treas. Wells, 174. Bayly, John, pre. Bangor, 117. Bayly, Lewis, prb. Lichfield, ,-,92. Bayly, Lewis, bp. Bangor, 106. VOL. I. Bayly, Richard, chan. St. David's, 319. Bayly, Thomas, prb. Wells, 189. Bayly, Thomas, subd. Wells, 157. Bayne or Baines, Ralph, bp. Coven- try and Lichfield, 556. Baynes, Christopher, prb. Gloucester, 450- Baysham, John, prb. Hereford, 513, 522, 531. Beacon or Bacon, Thomas, prb. Can- terbury, 50. Beacon or Beton, John, prb. Lich- field, 592. Beadon, Frederick, prb. Wells, 179, 202. Beadon, Frederick, chan. Wells, 178. Beadon, John Watson, prb. Wells, 198. Beadon, John Watson, pre. Weils, 172. Beadon, Richard, bp. Bath and Wells, 148. Beadon, Richard, bp. Gloucester, 442. Beadon, Richard a Court, prb. Wells, 201. Beale, Hieronymus or Jeremiah, prb. Ely, 357- Beale, William, prb. Wells, 200. Beale, Wilham, dn. Ely, 348. Beale or Bell, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 634- Bearcroft, Philip, prb. Wells, 202. Beard, John, prb. Wells, 195. Bearsley, William, prb. Hereford, 496, 514- Beauchamp, John, prb. Wells, 195. Beauchamp, Richard, bp. Hereford, 465- Beauchamp, Philip de, archd. Exeter, I 394- j Beauclerk, Hon. Henry, pre. Here- I ford, 487. Beauclerk, Lord James, bp. Hereford, I 473- j Beauclerke, Hon. Henry, prb. Here- I ford, 499. I Beaufort, Henry, dn. Wells, 151. j Beaufort, James, prb. Lichfield, 640. ! Beaufort, James de, archd. Ely, 351. Beaulieu, Luke, prb. Gloucester, 450. Beaumont, George, prb. Canterbury, 47- Beaumont, Joseph, prb. Ely, ^6i, 362. Beaumont, Lewis, prb. Chichester, 272. Beaumont, Robert, prb. Ely, 355. Beaumont, Thomas, archd. Bath, 164. 4 <> 650 INDEX Beaumont, Thomas, archd. Wells, i6i. Becke, Thomas, bp. St. David's, 292. Beckeham, John, prb. Wells, 210. Becket, Tho., archd. Canterbury, 38. Becket, Thomas, abp. Canterbury, 8. Becon, John, pre. Chichester, 266. Bedell, Thomas, prb. Wells, 197. Bedell, Walter, prb. Hereford, 508. Bedewardeyn or Bedwardyn, John de, prb. Hereford, 497. Bedford, alias Blower, William, prb. Hereford, 523. Bedwardyn, John de, archd. Here- ford, 480. Bedwardyn or Bedewardeyn, John de, prb. Hereford, 497. Bedyll, Tho., archd. Cornwall, 399. Beeke, Henry, dn. Bristol, 224. Beele, Arthur, prb. Lichfield, 601. Beeley, WiUiam, archd. Caermarthen, 313- Beer, John, archd. Wells, 160. Bekinton, Thomas, prb. Lichfield,6i3. Bekinton, Thomas de, bp. Bath and Wells, 141. Belesale or Balsham, Hugh, bp. Ely, 329- Belk, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 49. Belk, William, prb. Canterbury, 49. Bell, Andrew, prb. Hereford, 502. Bell, John, prb. Ely, 360. Bell, John, prb. Lichfield, 597. Bell, John, dn. Ely, 348. Bell, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 639. Bell or Beale, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 634- BeUasis, Anthony, prb. Wells, 181. BelHngham, John, prb. Lichfield, 597, 629. Bello, Richard de, prb. Hereford, 518. Bello Campo, Philip de, archd. Exeter, 394- Bellot, Cuthbert, prb. Bangor, 122. Bellot, Hugh, dn. Bangor, iii. Bellot or Billett, Hugh, bp. Bangor, 105. Benet, Thomas, prb. Wells, 205. Benna, bp. Hereford, 455. Bennet, Bernard, prb. Hereford, 505. Bennet, Edward, prb. Gloucester, 447. Bennet, Robert, bp. Hereford, 470. Bennet, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 638. Benningham, William de, prb. Here- ford, 534. Benson, Edw., treas. Hereford, 490. Benson, George, prb. Hereford, 496, 502, 532. Benson, Geo., archd. Hereford, 481. Benson, George, dn. Hereford, 479. Benson, James, prb. Gloucester, ^^^i. Benson, John, prb. Canterbury, 48. Benson, John, prb. Hereford, 499. Benson, Martin, bp. Gloucester, 441. Benson, Richard, prb. Hereford, 510. Benson, Samuel, prb. Hereford, 530. Benson, Sam., archd. Hereford, 481. Bensted, John, prb. Lichfield, 624. Bentham, Edw., prb. Hereford, 511. Bentham, James, prb. Ely, 356. Bentham, Tho., prb. Lichfield, 616. Bentham, Thomas, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 556. Bentley, Richard, archd. Ely, 353. Benyse, Richard, pre. Hereford, 487. Beornegus, bp. Selsey, 237. Beornoth, archd. Canterbury, 36. Bere, William, prb. Hereford, 523. Bere, John de la, prb. Hereford, 526. Bere, John de la, bp. St. David's, 298. Bere, William de la, prb. Hereford, 522,534. Bere or Delavere, alias Dalberd, John de la, dn. Wells, 152. Beresford, James, prb. Lichfield, 618. Berewick, John de, prb. Lichfield, 626. Berford, William, prb. Lichfield, 589. Berghstede, Thomas de, archd. Lewes, 262. Berghstede, Thomas de, dn. Chiches- ter, 256. Berhtuald, abp. Canterbury, 3. Berkeley, Geo., prb. Canterbury, 54. Berkeley, Gilbert, chan. Wells, 177. Berkeley, Gilbert, bp. Bath and Wells, 144. X Berkeley, James de, prb. Hereford, 9 523. Berkeley, James de, bp. Exeter, 371. Berkeley, Maurice de, archd. Wells, 158. Berkeley, Robert de, subd. Wells, 156. Berkstead, Stephen de, bp. Chiches- ter, 241. Bermingham,Fulk, prb. Lichfield, 637. Bermingham, Richard, archd. Staf- ford, 571. Bermingham, William, dn. Hereford, 476. Bermingham, Richard de, prb. Lich- field, 608. Bernard, pre. Exeter, 409. Bernard, archd. Totnes, 401. Bernard, bp. St. David's, 290. Bernard, John, pre. Wells, 171. Bernard, John, treas. Wells, 173. N 0 M I N U M. 651 Bernard, Richard, prb. Weils, 183. Bernard, Rich, de, archd. Salop, 574. Bernard, alias Barncher, Augustine, prb. Lichfield, 629, Bernerd, Benjamin, prb. Wells, 196. Bernyngton, Henry de, pre. Hereford, 486. Berrier, Stephen, prb. Wells, 199. Bertie, Charles, prb. Gloucester, 451. Bertie, John, prb. Exeter, 430. Berew, John, prb. Hereford, 532. Berew, John, archd. Hereford, 480. Berew, John, dn. Hereford, 477. Besford, John, prb. Hereford, 504. Best, John, prb. Hereford, 514, 515. Best, John, prb. Wells, 185. Bestan, John de, archd. Salop, 482. Betall, Roger de, archd . Cardigan ,315. Beth ell, Christopher, prb. Exeter, 434. Bethell, Christopher, dn. Chichester, 259. Bethell, Christopher, bp. Bangor, 1 10. Bethell, Christopher, bp. Exeter, 383. Bethell, Christopher, bp. Gloucester, 442. Beton or Beacon, John, prb. Lich- field, 592. Bettes, Walter, prb. Lichfield, 637. Betts, George, prb. Lichfield, 639. Betts, Walter, prb. Lichfield, 618. Betun, Robert de, bp. Hereford, 457. Beubryde, Roger, prb. Hereford, 534. Bevan, Thomas, archd. St. David's, 310. Bevans, Barber, prb. Wells, 194. Beveridge,W^ill., prb. Canterbury, 50. Beveridge, Will., bp. St. Asaph, 77. Beveridge,W^ill., (Bath & Wells,) 147. Beverley, Rich., treas. Lichfield, 582. Bewforest, Rob., prb. Lichfield, 594. Beynon, Thos., prb. St. David's, 322. Beynon, Thos., archd. Cardigan, 315. Bickley, Thos., chan. Lichfield, 585. Bickley, Thos., archd. StaflPord, 572. Bickley, Thos., bp. Chichester, 250. Biddulph,Michael, prb. Lichfield, 615. Bifort, Le\vis or Llewelyn, (Bangor), lOI. Biggs, Thomas, prb. Wells, 202. Biham or Bitham, Gilbert de, pre. W^eUs, 170. Billett or Bellot, Hugh, bp. Bangor, 105. Billingsley, John, prb. Bristol, 231. Billingsley, Samuel, prb. Chichester, 272. Binckes, William, prb. Lichfield, 600. Binckes, William, dn. Lichfield, 564. Bingham, Isaac Moody, prb. Chiches- ter, 276. Bingham, Richard, prb. Chichester, 282. Birch, Charles, prb. Chichester, 279. Birch, Thomas, archd. Lewes, 264. Birde, John, bp. Bangor, 104. Birde, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 58. Birkenden, Rich., prb. St. Asaph, 88. Birkenhead, Job., archd. Chester, 567. Birkhead, alias Brokehed, Edmund, bp. St. Asaph, 73. Birmingham, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 618. Birmingham, Richard de, archd. Co- ventry, 569. Birmingham, William de, prb. Here- ford, 513. Birstall, William, prb.Welis, 191. Birt, James, prb. Hereford, 507. Birt, Philip, prb. Hereford, 506, 507. Birt, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 506. Bisbie, John, prb. Lichfield, 618. Biscoe, Robert, prb. Hereford, 526. Bishop, John, prb. W^ells, 211. Bishopston, John, chan. Chichester, 270. Bisle, Philip, prb. W^ ells, 195. Bismano, Geoffrey de, archd. Corn- wall, 397. Bismano, Will, de, treas. Exeter, 414. Bismano, Will, de, subd. Exeter, 389, Bisse, James, prb.W^ells, 179. Bisse, James, subd. W^ells, 157. Bisse, Phihp, subd. Wells, 157. Bisse, Philip, archd. Taunton, 168. Bisse, Philip, bp. St. David's, 304. Bisse, Phihp, bp. Hereford, 473. Bisse, Thomas, prb. Bristol, 228. Bisse, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 499. Bisse, Thomas, chan. Hereford, 493. Bisse, William, prb.Welis, 190, 204. Bitham or Biham, Gilbert de, pre. WeUs, 170. Bitton or Button, Richard de, pre. W^eUs, 170. Bitton or Button, Thomas de, pre. Wells, 170. Bitton or Button, Thomas de, dn. Wells, 150. Bitton or Button, Thomas de, bp. Exeter, 370. Bitton or Button, William de, archd. Wells, 159. Bitton or Button,William de, bp. Bath and Wells, 131. Bitton or Button, W^illiam de (H.) bp. Bath and Wells, 132. 402 652 INDEX Blaby or Blaiston, Jeffry, prb. Lich- field, 630. Blaby or Glaston, Geoffrey de, archd. Derby, 576. Blackall, Offspring, treas. Exeter, 416. Blackall,Offspring,archd. Exeter, 396. Blackall, Offspring, bp. Exeter, 381. Blackall, Samuel, prb. Wells, 204. Blackall, Theophilus, prb. Exeter, 428, 431- Blackburn, Launcelot, subd. Exeter, 391- Blackburn, Launcelot, archd. Corn- wall, 400. Blackburn, Launcelot, dn. Exeter, 388. Blackburn, Launcelot, bp. Exeter, 381 . Blackebourne, Lancelot, prb. Exeter, 426. Blacket, Walter, prb. Lichfield, 606. Blackstone, Henry, chan. Chichester, 271. Blagden, Bragg, prb. Chichester, 276. Blaiston or Blaby, Jeffry, prb. Lich- field, 630. Blake, Martin, prb. Exeter, 424. Blake, Robert, prb. Exeter, 426. Blakedon, James, bp. Bangor, 102. Blanchflower, Thomas, prb. Wells, 179. 193- Bland, George, prb. Chichester, 284. Bland, John, prb. Hereford, 512. Bland, Miles, prb. Wells, 207. Blandford, Walter, prb. Gloucester, 449. Blasrobe, Robert, prb. Wells, 1S6. Blaxton, John, subd. Exeter, 390. Blaxton, John, treas. Exeter, 216. Blaxton, John, archd. Brecknock, 3"- Blayas, Henry, prb. Wells, 186. Blayne or Gruffith, Maurice, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Blechinden,Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 48. Blechindon, Richard, prb. Gloucester, 450. Bledud or Bleithyd, bp. St. David's, 289. Bleithyd or Bledud, bp. St. David's, 289. Blencowe, William, prb. Wells, 202. Blenerhasset, Thomas, pre. Lichfield, 580. Blesensis, Peter, archd. Bath, 163. Blethin, David ap, bp. St. Asaph, 68. Blethin, WilUam, archd. Brecknock, 312. Bhck, Francis, prb. Lichfield, 622. Bhss, George, prb. Chichester, 282. Blith, Jeffry, prb. Lichfield, 635. Blith, John, prb. Hereford, 521, 531. Blith, John, prb. Lichfield, 611, 614. Blithe, Geoffrey, archd. Stafford, 572. Blithe, Jeffry, prb. Lichfield, 618. Bhthe, John, prb. Lichfield, 604, 629, 635- Blithe, John, chan. Lichfield, 585. Bhthe, John, archd. Coventry, 569. Bhthe, John, archd. Stafford, 572. Blithe, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 592. Blodweil, David, prb. Hereford, 529, Blodwell, David, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Blodweil, John, prb. Hereford, 529. Blodwell, John, prb. Lichfield, 593. Blois, Peter of, archd. Canterbury, 38. Blomberg, Frederick William, prb. Bristol, 231. Blombergh, Frederick William, prb. Wells, 179. Blomer, Radolph, prb. Canterbury, 60. Blomer, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 60. Blondy, Richard, chan. Exeter, 417, Blounham, John, pre. Chichester, 265. Blounham, John, treas. Chichester, 268. Blower, alias Bedford, William, prb. Hereford, 523. Blund, John, (Canterbury,) 13. Blund, Richard, archd. Barum, 405. Blund, Richard, archd. Totnes, 402. Blund or White, Richard le, bp. Exe- ter, 369- Bluntesdon, Henry de, prb. Lichfield, 606. Blyburgh, William de, prb. Lichfield, 611. Blyth, Jeffrey, pre. Lichfield, 580. Blyth, Jeffrey, treas. Lichfield, 582. Blyth, Jeffry, prb. Lichfield, 630. Blythe, Geoffrey, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 555. Blythman, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 625. Board, Edmund de la, prb, Hereford, Bocland, William de, pre. Wells, 170. Bodeca, Dudoca or Dudeca, bp. Wells, 128. Bodeham or Bodringham,William de, archd. Cornwall, 397. Bodeham or Bodringham,William de, archd. Totnes, 402. Bodlegh, Christopher, subd. Exeter, 390- Bodley, Helesius, prb. Wells, 208. Bodley, Laurence, prb. P^xeter, 423. Bodley, Laurence, prb. Wells, 179. N 0 M I N U M. 653 Bodringham or Bodeham, William de, archd. Cornwall, 397. Bodringham or Bodeham, William de, archd. Totnes, 402, Bogo, pre. Chichester, 265. Bois or Boyse, John, prb. Ely, 354. Bokenham, Richard, archd. Lewes, 264. Boket, \^ illiam. subd. Wells, 157. Bokingham, John de, prb. Lichfield, 589. Bokingham, John de, dn. Lichfield, 561. Bokyngham, Thomas de, chan. Exe- ter, 418. Bold, Henr)'^, prb. Exeter, 425. Bold, Henry, pre. Exeter, 413. Bold, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 595. Bolde, John, prb. Lichfield, 603. Bole, Richard, archd. Ely, 351. Bolegh, Henry or Thomas de, archd. Cornwall, 397. Boler, John, treas. Hereford, 489. Bolere or Boleye, Thomas de, treas. Hereford, 488. Bolers, alias Boulers, Reginald, bp. Hereford, 465. Bolers or Boulers, Reginald, bp. Co- ventry and Lichfield, 554. Boleye or Bolere, Thomas de, treas. Hereford, 488. Boleyn, George, prb. Canterbury, 57. Boleyn, George, prb. Lichfield, 599. Boleyn, George, dn. Lichfield, 563. Boleyn, Henry, archd. Chichester, 260. Boleyn, Thomas, pre. W^ ells, 171. Boleyn, Thomas, subd. Wells, 157. Bolley, Thos. de, archd. Totnes, 402. Bolleyn, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 516. BoUeys, Henry de, archd. Totnes, 402. Bolt, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 627. Bolt, Thomas, archd. Salop, 575. Bolter, Roger, pre. Exeter, 411, Bolter, Roger, treas. Exeter, 415. Bolter, Roger, archd. Exeter, 394. Bolter, Roger, dn. Exeter, 386. Bolton, William, prb. Hereford, 497. Bond, James, prb. Wells, 184. Bond, John, prb. Wells, 192. Bond, William, prb. Bristol, 232. Bonde, James, archd. Bath, 165. Bondeby, Nigellus, dn. Bangor, iii. Bonner, Edmund, bp. Hereford, 468. Bonner, Richard Maurice, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Bonney, Henry Kaye, archd. Bedford, 353- Bonus, archd. Exeter, 392. Booth, Hugh, prb. Ely, 357. Booth, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 530. Booth, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 625. Boothe, Charles, treas. Lichfield, 582. Boothe, Charles, bp. Hereford, 467. Boothe, John, prb. Hereford, 512. Boothe, John, treas. Lichfield, 582. Boothe, John, archd. Hereford, 481, Boothe, Robert, dn. Bristol, 224. Boothe or Bothe, John, bp. Exeter, 376. Boraston, John. prb. Hereford, 515. Boraston, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 5 15. Borell, William de, prb. Lichfield, 603. Boreman, William, prb. Wells, 194. Borham, Hervey de, prb. Hereford, 499. Borham, Hervey de, pre. Hereford, 485. Borham, Michael de, prb. Hereford, 512, 526. Borham, Nicholas de, prb. Hereford, 496. Borisly or Breisley, Simon de, dn. Lichfield, 561. Borlase, Walter, prb. Exeter, 429. Borovv, Andrew, archd. Wells, 161. Borrett, Gerrard, archd. Chichester, 260. Borstall, William, prb. Hereford, 495. Borstall, William de, pre. Hereford, 486. Borstall, Will, de, archd. Salop, 483. Bosa or Osa, bp. Selsey, 236. Bosan, Robert, chan. Exeter, 418. Bosbury, Roger de, prb. Hereford, 501. Boscawen, Hon. John Evelyn, prb. Canterbury, 62. Bosco, Rob. de, archd. Coventry, 568. Bosco, Will, de, chan. Lichfield, 584. Bosebir, Thos. de, dn. Hereford, 475. Bosom, Roger, chan. Exeter, 417. Boswel, John, prb. AV ells, 208. Bosworth, Edw., prb. Hereford, 530. Both, Lawrence, prb. Lichfield, 630. Bothe, Lawrence, prb. Lichfield, 616. Bothe, William, bp . Coventry and Lich- field, 553. Bothe or Boothe, Job., bp. Exeter, 376. Bouchery, Gilbert, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Boues, Thos. de, archd. Totnes, 401. Boughton, Richard, pre. Wells, 171. Boule, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 589. Boule, Richard, archd. Coventry, 569. Boule, Richard de, prb. Lichfield, 61 1. Bouler, Edmund, chan. Wells, 175. Boulers, WiUiam, prb. Hereford, 515. 654 INDEX Boulers or Bolers, Reginald, bp. Co- ventry and Lichfield, 554. Boulers, alias Bolers, Reginald, bp. Hereford, 465. Boulston, John, prb. Lichfield, 625. Boulter, Hugh, bp. Bristol, 218. Bourchier, John, archd. Canterburj^ 43- Bourchier, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 592. Bourchier, Thomas, bp. Ely, 339. Bourchier, Thomas, abp. Canterbury, 23- Boureman, William, subd.Wells, 157. Bourghill or Brughill, John, bp. Co- ventry and Lichfield, 552. Bourne, Gilbert, bp. Bath and Wells, 144. Bourne, John, treas. Wells, 174. Bourne, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 632. Bourne, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 632. Bournford, Gilbert, prb. Wells, 187. Bovett, Thomas, prb. Wells, 190. Bowce, Walter, prb. Wells, 190. Bowchier, Richard, archd. Lewes, 264. Bowdon, Richard, prb. Exeter, 421. Bowe, William, prb. Wells, 198. Bowen, Daniel, prb. St. David's, 322. Bowen, Thomas, prb. St. David's, 322. Bowers, Thos., prb. Canterbury, 50. Bowers, Thos., ai'chd. Canterbury, 44 . Bowers, Thos., bp. Chichester, 253. Bowet, Henry, prb. Hereford, 516. Bowet, Henry, bp. Bath and Wells, 139- Bowles, Fuller, treas. St. David's, 318. Bowrne, Gilbert, prb. Wells, 206. Bowsher, John, (Gloucester,) 437. Bowstead, James, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 560. Bowstead, John, prb. Lichfield, 580. Bowstead, Thomas Stanley, prb. Lich- field, 589. Boxhall, John, prb. Ely, 354. Boxhall, John, archd. Ely, 352. BoxhaU, John, dn. Chichester. 257. Boyden, William, prb. Lichfield, 624. Boj'le, John, pr)). Lichfield, 590. Boys, John, dn. Canterbury, 33. Boyse, John, prb. Ely, 355. Boyse or Bois, John, prb. Ely, 354. Brabourne, Will., prb. Hereford, 500. Brabourne, William, pre. Hereford, 487. Brace, Walter, prb. Exeter, 425. Bracegirdle, Edmund, prb. Glouces- ter, 448. Bracklesham, William, chan. Chi- chester, 270. Bracton, Hy. de, archd. Barum, 405. Bracton, Hy. de, chan. Exeter, 417. Bradbridge, Augustine, chan. Chi- chester, 271. Bradbridge, Augustine, treas. Chi- chester, 268. Bradbridge, William, chan. Chiches- ter, 271. Bradbridge, William, bp. Exeter, 379. Bradelegh, John de, archd. Totnes, 401. Bradford, John, prb. Canterbury, 48. Bradlegh, John de, treas. Exeter, 414. Bradlegh, Job. de, archd. Barum, 405. Bradley, John, prb. Lichfield, 600. Bradley, Warre Squire, prb. Wells, 182, 190. Bradshaw, Roger, prb. Hereford, 519. Bradshavv, Wm.,prb. Canterbury, 55. Bradshaw, William, bp. Bristol, 218. Bradstone, John, prb. Wells, 196. Bradvvardin, Thomas, abp. Canter- bury, 18. Braidsford, Matthew, dn. Wells, 154. Brakenburgh, John, chan. Chichester, 270. Braklesham, William, chan. Chiches- ter, 271. Brampton or Bampton, John, archd. Lewes, 263. Bramston, William, prb. Wells, 192. Brand, Thomas, archd. Cardigan, 315. Brandon, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 626. Brantingham, Thomas de, bp. Exeter, 372- Brantyngham, Thomas de, treas. Wells, 173. Braose, or Brewse, Giles de, bp. Here- ford, 458. Bray, Charles, prb. Wells, 187. Bray, William, prb. Canterbury, 47. Braybroke, Nicholas, archd. Corn- wall, 398. Braybroke, Robert, archd. Cornwall, ^ 398. Bra j'brook, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 591.--^ Braylegh, Richard, subd. Exeter, 389. Braylegh, Richard, dn. Exeter, 385. Brayne, Roger, prb. Hereford, 523, 529. Brayne, Roger, treas. Hereford, 490. Bre, Luke de, treas. Hereford, 488. Bredon, Simon de, archd. Chiches- ter, 259. Breinton,Rogerde, prb. Hereford, 578. Breisley, Richard, archd. Lewes, 263. Breisley or Borisly, Simon de, dn. Lichfield, 561. N O M I N U M. 655 Brekynsall, Maurice, prb. Wells, 191. Bremer, John, archd. Cornwall, 398. Bremmele, Richard, chan. Exeter, 417- Brenston, William, prb. Lichfield, 611. Breogwine, abp. Canterbury, 4. Brereton, William, prb. Lichfield, 619, 623, 642. Brereton, WiUiam, archd. Stafford, 573- Brerewood, Thomas, archd. Barum, 407. Breto, Arnold Amaneni de la, treas. Wells, 173. Breton, John, prb. Hereford, 513. Breton, Robert, prb. Hereford, 502. Breton, Robert, archd. Hereford, 482. Breton, Robert, archd. Salop, 484. Breton or Bruton, John ap Howel ap, prb. St. Asaph, 85. Breton, John le, bp. Hereford, 459. Bretoun, Alan le, treas. Lichfield, 581 . Brett, Luke de, prb. Hereford, 528. Bretunne, Joachim, prb. Lichfield, 635- Bretunne, Joachim, archd. Salop, 574. Bretunner, Joachim, prb. Lichfield, 599- Bretynner, Joachim, prb, Lichfield, 641. Breusa, Hugh de, dn. Hereford, 475. Brewer, WiUiam, bp. Exeter, 369. Brewse, Hugh de,prb. Hereford, 501. Brewse or Braose, GUes de, bp. Here- ford, 458. Brewster, John, prb. Lichfield, 611, 622. Breybrook, Reginald, prb. Hereford, 495- Brian, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 616. Brian, Reginald, bp. St. David's, 294. Brichill, Wilham de, prb. Lichfield, 595- Brickdale, William, pre. Bangor, 117. Brickend, Thomas, prb. Wells, 182. BrickhuU, WiUiam de, prb. Lichfield, 606. Bride, John, prb. Lichfield, 609, 639. Bride, John, archd. Derby, 576. Bridebrooke, Joh.prb. Hereford, 498. Bridebrooke, Job., pre. Hereford, 486. Brideoake, Ralph, prb. Hereford, 511. Brideport, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 501. Bridgeman, John, prb. Exeter, 422. Bridger, Lawrence, prb. Gloucester, 448. Bridger, Richard, prb. Chichester, 277. Bridges, Brook Edward, prb. Lich- field, 633. Bridges, Brook Henry, prb. Wells, 190. Bridges, MarshaU, prb. Wells, 192. Bridges, William, prb. Lichfield, 605. Bridgewater, John, prb. Bristol, 229. Bridgman, John, prb. Lichfield, 602. Bridgman, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 590. Bridgwater, John, prb. Wells, 201. Bridlington, Thomas, archd. Weil?!, 160. Bridoke, Ralph, bp. Chichester, 252. Bridport, GUes de, dn. Wells, 150, Bridport, John de, archd. Totnes, 401 . Brigge, Robert, prb. Hereford, 522. Bright, George, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Bright, Henly, prb. Hereford, 525. Bright, Thos., prb. St. David's, 322. Bright, Thomas Stonehewet, prb. St. David's, 322. Brigida, Adam de Sancta, pre. Exeter, 409. Biihthelm (Canterbury), 5. Brihthelm, bp. WeUs, 127. Brihtmar, bp. Lichfield, 542. Brinbrook, John de, archd. Derby, 576. Brinklowe,WiUiam,prb.Lichfield,593. Brinsope, John de, prb. Hereford, 501 . Brinstan, archd. Canterbury, 36. Briselee, Matthew de, prb. Lichfield, 626. Bristol, Elias de, treas. Hereford, 488. Bristol, Simon of, chan. Wells, 176. Brithwinus, bp. Wells, 128. Brito, Rich., archd. Coventry, 568. Brito or Laventona, WiUiam de, archd. Ely, 349- Britton or Bruiton, John de, treas. WeUs, 173. Britton or Bruiton, John de, archd. Canterbury, 40. Britwin, bp. Cornwall, 364. Broad, Francis, prb. Hereford, 506. Brocas, Bernard, prb. Wells, 196. Brode, Philip, prb. Lichfield, 597. Brode, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 597. Brok, Robert, treas. Exeter, 415. Broke, William, prb. Lichfield, 590. Brokehed or Birkhead, Edmund, bp. St. Asaph, 73. Broks, James, bp. Gloucester, 437. Brome, Richard, prb. Bristol, 231. Brome, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 525. 656 INDEX Bromfeild, Richard, prb. Hereford, 499. Bromfeild, Leolinus de, bp. St. Asaph, 67. Bromfield, Richard, archd. Merioneth, 114. Broinfield,ThomasRoss,prb. Lichfield, 600, 610. Bromfield, John de, archd. Stafford, 571- . Bromvvich, James, prb. Hereford, 504. Bromwich, Jam., chan. Hereford,493. Bromyard,William de, prb. Lichfield, 593- Bronescomb,Walter, bp. Exeter, 369. Brook, Samuel, archd. Coventry, 569. Brooke, Richard, prb. Hereford, 520. Brooks, James, prb. St. David's, 320. Brooks, James, prb. Lichfield, 625. Brooks, James, archd. Stafford, 573. Brough,Will., dn. Gloucester, 444. Broughton, Henry, prb.Lichfield,6i5. Broughton, Herbert, prb. Hereford, 524. Broun, Walter, subd. Wells, 156. Broun or Browne, Thomas, prb. Lich- field, 603. Brouns, Thomas, (Chichester) 246. Brown, Jonathan, prb. Hereford, 511. Brown, Jonathan, dn. Hereford, 478. Brown, Joseph, prb. Hereford, 496. Brown, Philip, prb. Hereford, 501. Brown, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 284. Brown, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 628. Brown, Thomas, archd. Derby, 577. Brown, Walter, prb. Canterbury, 59. Brown, Will., prb. St. Asaph, 92. Browne, Edward Harold, prb. Exeter, 434- Browne, Gregory, prb. Lichfield, 593. Browne, Henry, prb. Chichester, 285. Browne, John Henry, prb. Ely, 360. Browne, John Henry, archd. Ely, 353. Browne, Joseph, chan. Hereford, 494. Browne, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 592. Brov/ne, Rich., prb. Gloucester, 447. Browne, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 592, 597, 607, 610. Browne, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 610. Browne, Thomas Murray, hon. can. Gloucester, 452. Browne, WilUarn, prb. Lichfield, 608. Browne, William, prb. Wells, 180. Browne, William Frederic, prb. Wells, 195- Browne or Broun, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 603. Brownrigg, Ralph, prb. Ely, 359. Brownrigg, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 529. Brownrigg, Ralph, archd. Coventry, 569. Brownrigg, Ralph, bp. Exeter, 380. Bruer, (iilbert de, archd. Ely, 350. Bruera, Gilbert de, prb. Lichfield, 622, 640. Bruera, Gilbert de, archd. Ely, 351. Brueton, John de, chan. Exeter, 418. Brugg, John, prb. Hereford, 513. Brughill or Bourghill, John, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 552. Bruiton or Britton, John de, treas. Wells, 173. Bruiton or Britton, John de, archd. Canterbury, 40. Brumford, John de, prb.Lichfield,6o8, 619. Brunsellj Henry, prb. Ely, 358. Brush, George, prb. WeUs, 194. Bruton, Richard, chan. Wells, 176. Bruton or Breton, John ap Howell ap, prb. St. Asaph, 85. Bryauncun, Emericus de, chan. Here- ford, 491. Brydges, Marshall, prb. Wells, 196. Brydges, Marshall, chan. Wells, 178. Br)'dham, Hugo, archd. Totnes, 403. Brymer, William Thomas Parr, prb. Wells, 206. Brjauer, William Thomas Parr, archd. Bath, 166. Bubbewyth, Nich., prb. Lichfield,622. Bubbewyth, Nicholas, archd. Exeter, 394- Bubbewyth, Nicholas, bp. Bath and Wells, 140. Bubbewyth, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 616. Bubbewyth, Thomas, chan. Wells, 176. Bubbewyth, Thomas, archd. Wells, 160. Bubwyth,Nicholas,prb.Lichfield,6i6, 640. Bubwyth, Thomas, prb. Wells, 196. Buckenham, Robt., archd. Lewes,263. Buckeridge,Chas., prb. Lichfield, 593, 642. Buckeridge, Chas., pre. Lichfield, 581 . Buckeridge, Charles, archd. Coventry, 570.. Buckeridge, Geo., prb. Lichfield, 600. Buckeridge, John, prb. Ely, 362. Buckeridge, John, bp. Ely, 343. Buckle, Robt. Bentley, archd. Dorset, 226. Buckle, William, prb. Bristol, 228. N OM I N U M. 657 Buckley, Peter, prb. Lichfield, 6i8. Buckley, William, prb. Lichfield, 632. Buckmaster,Will., prb. Hereford, 500. Buckner, John, prb. Chichester, 276, 277. Buckner, John, archd.Chichester,26i . Buckner, John, bp. Chichester, 254. Buckridge, John, prb. Hereford, 499. Bucksham,Nich.de,prb. Lichfield, 606. Buckworth, Everard, prb. Canterbury, 62. Bughbrigg,Will., prb. Hereford, 504. Bugwell, Reginald de, dn. Exeter,385. Bulkeley, Arthur, bp. Bangor, 104. Bulkeley, Benjamin, pub. Exeter, 428. Bulkeley, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 618. Bulkeley, Rich., prb. Hereford, 505. Bulkeley, Samuel, prb. Bristol, 230. Bulkeley, Thomas, pre. Bangor, 117. Bulkley, Rich., archd. Anglesey, 115. Bulkley, Richard, archd. Merioneth, 116. Bull, George, prb. Gloucester, 449. Bull, George, bp. St. David's, 304. Bull, Henry, pre. Chichester, 266. Bull, John, prb. Exeter, 433. Bull, John, archd. Barum, 408. Bull, John, archd. Cornwall, 401. Bull, Robert, prb. Gloucester, 450. Buller, John, prb. Wells, 190. BuUer, John, prb. Lichfield, 617. Buller, William, prb. Exeter, 431. Buller, William, archd. Exeter, 396. Buller, William, dn. Canterbury, 35. Buller, William, dn. Exeter, 389. Buller, William, bp. Exeter, 383. Bullingham, John, prb. Hereford, 519. Bullingham, John, bp. Bristol, 214. Bullingham, John,bp.Gloucester,438. Bullock, James, prb. Hereford, 501. Bullock, Walter, prb. Lichfield, 596, 601, 613. Bullock, Walter, archd. Derby, 576. Bullock, Walter, chan. Lichfield, 584. Bulraer, Charles Joseph Butterworth, prb. Wells, 183. Bungey, John, prb. Canterbury, 50, S3- Burchenshaw, Maurice, prb. St.Asaph, 85. Burdet, John, prb. Hereford, 511. Burdet, John, prb. Lichfield, 609. Burdet, John, archd. Chester, 567. Burges, John, prb. Lichfield, 612, 637- Burgess, Elizeus, prb. Ely, 357. Burgess,Thomas, bp. St. David's, 307. Burgh, Edward, prb. Wells, 186. Burgh, Geoffrey de, (Ely,) 328. Burgh or Burgo, Geoffrey de, bp. Ely, ,328. Burghill, Robert, prb. Hereford, 534. Burghill, William, prb. Hereford, 495, 522. Burghill,WiUiam,chan.Hereford,493. Burghill, William, treas.Hereford,490. Burgo or Burgh, Geoffrey de, bp. Ely, 328. Burle, Walter de, prb. Wells, 199. Burnebury, John, treas. B^xeter, 415. Burnehy, John, archd. Totnes, 403. Burnel, Edward, archd. Elj', 351. Burnel, Peter, prb. Lichfield, 5S7. Burnel, Robt., prb. Hereford, 520. Burnel, Robt., bp. Bath & Wells, 133. Burnel, Robt., abp. Canterlmry, 14. Burnel, William, archd. Taunton, 166. Burnel, Will. ,bp. Bath and Wells, 150. Burnell, Laurence, prb. Exeter, 423. Burnell, Lawrence, chan. Exeter, 420. Burnell, WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 602. Burnett, Lewis, subdn. Exeter, 391. Burnett, Lewis, prb. Exeter, 425. Burrecke,Will. de, treas. St. David's, 317- Burrington, Gilbert, prb. Exeter, 432. Burscough, Robert, prb. Exeter, 426. Burscough, Robt., archd. Barum,4o8. Burst, Matthew, archd. Hereford,48i. Burthun, bp. Lichfield, 540. Burton, Daniel, prb. Exeter, 413, 43°- Burton, Edward, prb. Wells, 194. Burton, Richard, prb. Hereford, 519. Burton, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 627, 629. Burton, Samuel, archd. Gloucester, 446. Burton,Thomas, prb. Gloucester, 450. Burton, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 513. Burton, Thomas, chan. St. David's, 320. Burton, Thomas, archd. St. David's, 310. Burton, Walter de, subdn. Wells, 156. Burwell, John, prb. Hereford, 519. Burwold or Byrhtsvold, bp. Cornwall, 364- Burwoldus, bp. Wells, 127. Bury, Arthur, prb. Exeter, 424. Bury, John, prb. Exeter, 423. Bury, Rich, de, prb. Lichfield, 598. Bury, Rich, de, alias de Sancto Ed- mundo, dn. 151. Busby, Richard, prb. Wells, 191. VOL. I. 4P 658 INDEX Busby, Richard, treas. Wells, 174. Busby, William, prb. Chichester, 281. Busby,William Beaumont, prb. Can- terbmy, 56. Busby, M'illiam Beaumont, prb. Chi- chester, 2S2. Bushbury or Busseham, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 503. Bushe, Paul, bp. Bristol, 213. Busseham or Bushbury, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 503. Bussey, Edw., prb. Lichfield, 590. Bust, Matthew, pre. Hereford, 487. Bustard, Henry, archd. Hereford, 480. Bustard, William, prb. Lichfield, 634. Butiller, Thomas, (Canterbury), 41. Butler, John, prb. Canterbury, 54. Butler, John, archd. Cardigan, 315. Butler, John, bp. Hereford, 473. Butler, Joseph, bp. Bristol, 219. Butler, Lilly, prb. Canterbury, 6t. Butler, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 642. Butler, Samuel, archd. Derby, 578. Butler, Samuel, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 560. Button, Nicholas, treas. Wells, 172. Button, Thomas de, archd. Wells, 159- Button or Bitton, Richard de, pre. Wells, 170. Button or Bitton, Thomas de, dn. Wells, 150. Button or Bitton, Thomas de, bp. Exeter, 370. Button or Bitton, William de, archd. Wells, 159. Button or Bitton, Wilham de, bp. Bath and Wells, 131. Button or Bitton, William de, (H,) bp. Bath and Wells, 132. Butts, Eyton, prb. El3% 361. Butts, Robert, bp. Ely, 345. Byam, Henry, prb. \Yells, 198. Byam, Henry, prb. Exeter, 423. Byngham, Thomas, subd. Wells, 156. Bynns, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 625. Bynteworth, Richard de, archd. Ely, 350. Byrde, Samuel, prb. Canterbury, 50. Byrhtwold or Burwold, bp. Corn wall, 364- Byrkedalle, Richaid, chan. Bangor, "9- Byrle, William, chan. Chichester, 271. Byrom, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 630. Byrom, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 594, 614,627. Byron, Edmund, prb. Wells, 189. Bysse, Robert, prb. Wells, 189. C. Caducan, (Bangor,) 98. Caducan, archd. Bangor, 112. Caducanus or Cadwgan, bp. Bangor, 97- Cadwgan or Caducanus, bp. Bangor, 97- Ceesar, alias Adelmare, Henry, dn. Ely, 348. Calamy, James, prb. Exeter, 426. Calthorpe, Hy., prb. Lichfield, 615. Calton, Nicholas, archd. Taunton, 167. Calverte, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 614. Cambrensis, alias Barry, Giraldus de, archd. Brecknock, 310. Cambrensis, Giraldus, alias Barry, (St. David's,) 290. Cambridge, George Owen, prb. Ely, 356. Camel, Wilham de, dn. Wells, 151. Camel or Camil, William de, pre. ^ Wells, 170. Camel or Gamel, William de, subd. Webs, 156. Camil or Camel, William de, pre. Wells, 170. Camilla, Theodosius de, prb. Here- ford, 494. Camplin, Thomas, prb. Wells, 188, 197, 204, 205. Camplin, Thomas, archd. Bath, 165. Camplin, Thomas, archd. Taunton, 169. Canner, Thomas, archd. Dorset, 225. Cannon, Robert, prb. Ely, 355. Canon, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 639. Canon, William, archd. Cardigan, 3^5- Canterbury, Roger of, treas. Here- ford, 488. Canterbury, Roger of, archd. Salop, 483. Cantilupe, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 520. Cantilupe, Thomas de, archd. Staf- ford, 571. Cantilupe, Thomas de, bp. Hereford, 460. Cantrell, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 599. Cantuar, Roger de, prb. Hereford, 507. Cantuaria, Roger de, prb. Hereford, 520, 521, 530. Capella, Richard de, bp. Hereford, 457- N O M I N U M. 659 Capesley, Peter, prb. Wells, 200. Caple, Giles, prb. Wells, 188. Capman, John, prb. Wells, 210. Capman, John, treas. Chichester, 269. Capon, William, prb. Bangor, 120. Capon, William, prb. Wells. 204. Capon, William, archd. Anglesey, 1 15. Capon alias Salcote, John, bp. Ban- gor, 103. Capper, James, prb. Chichester, 281. Cappere, George, prb. Wells, 203. Caraunt, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 500. Cardinalis, Perinus Neapolitanus, archd. Taunton, 167. Cardmaker, alias Taylor, John, chan. Wells, 177. Carent, Nicholas, dn. Wells, 152. Carew, George, prb. Wells, j8o. Carew, George, pre. Wells, 171. Carew, George, pre. Exeter, 412. Carew, George, dn. Bristol, 223. Carew, George, dn. Exeter, 387. Carewe, George, archd. Exeter, 395. Carewe, George, archd. Totnes, 403. Carey, George, prb. Exeter, 424. Carey, Valentine, archd. Salop, 575. Carey, Valentine, bp. Exeter, 380. Carey, William, prb. Exeter, 433. Carey, William, bp. St. Asaph, 80. Carey, William, bp. Exeter, 383. Caris, Bernard de, treas. Exeter, 414. Carleil, John, prb. Wells, 204. Carleton, Adam de, archd. Cornwall, 398. Carleton, George, bp. Chichester, 251. Carleton, Guy, bp. Bristol, 217. Carleton, Guy, bp. Chichester, 252. Carleton, John de, chan. Wells, 176. Carleton, John de, dn. Wells, 151. Carlton, Humphrey de, prb. Here- ford, 529. Carmerin or Tramerin, bp. St. Da- vid's, 289. Carpenter, John, treas. Lichfield, 582. Carpenter, Richard, prb. Exeter, 426. Carpenter, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 510. Carpenter, WiUiam, prb. Exeter, 431- Carr, John, prb. Hereford, 514. Carr, Robert James, prb. Chichester, 283. Carr, Robert James, prb. Hereford, 524- Carr, Robert James, dn. Hereford, 479- Carr, Robert James, bp. Chichester, 234. Carrew or Harrew, Richard de, bp. St. David's, 292. Carrier, Benj., prb. Canterbury, 54. Carrington, James, prb. Exeter, 429, , 430- Carrwent or Haerwent, Nicholas de, prb. Hereford, 508. Carslegh, James, archd. Exeter, 395. Carte, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 629. Cartwright, Edmund, prb. Chiches- ter, 282, 238. Cartwright, Thomas, prb. Wells, 200. Cartwrighte, Thomas, prb. Wells, 207. Carver, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 588. Carver, John, prb. Lichfield, 595. Carver, John, archd. Staflbrd, 573. Gary, Edward, subd. Exeter, 391. Cary, George, dn. Exeter, 388. Cary, Robert, archd. Exeter, 396. Cary, Thomas, prb. Bristol, 228. Cary, Valentine, chan. Exeter, 419. Caryl, Lynford, prb. Canterbury, 59. Casaubon, Isaac, prb. Canterbury, 56. Casaubon, Meric, prb. Canterbury, ,57- Casterd, Joseph, prb. Bristol, 230. Casberd, Thomas, prb. Wells, 211. Casia, John Baptist de, prb. Canter- bury, 61. Castel, John, prb. Hereford, 501. Castell, JefFry, prb. Hereford, 520. Castell, John, chan. Hereford, 492. Castellen, Robert, prb. Hereford, 531. CasteUo, Hadrian de, bp. Hereford, 466. CasteUo or Corneto, Hadrian de, bp. Bath and V\"ells, 143. Castilion, Henry of, archd. Canter- ^ bury, 38. Castilion, John, prb. Canterbury, 47. Castle, Edmund, prb. Canterbury, 56. Castle, Edmund, dn. Hereford, 479. Castleman, John, prb. Bristol, 233. Castro, Gervase de, bp. Bangor, 99. Catellus or Catulus, abp. St. David's, 288. Catesby, John, prb. Hereford, 498. Catesby, Richard, prb. Hereford, 505. Catrik or Cattericke or Hetterick, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 552. Catherall, Samuel, prb. Wells, 206. Catrik or Catterike, John, bp. Exeter, 373- 4 r 2 660 INDEX Catrik or Heterich, John, bp. St. David's, 296. Catterick, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 635. Catterike or Catrik, John, bp. Exeter, 373- Catterike or Catrik, orHetterich.John, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 553. Catulus or Catellus, abp. St. David's, 288. Caulason, Bernard de,archd. Ely,35i. Cauntinton, Griffin de, archd. Caer- marthen, 313. Caunton, Richard, archd. (.ardigan, Caunton, Philip de, archd. Cardigan, 314- Caurden, Richd., dn. Chichester, 2,57. Cave, William, prb. Hereford, 526. Cave,Albinus de,chan. Hereford, 491. Caveler, Ralph, prb. Canterbury, 54. Cavendish, Hon. Thomas Unwin, prb. Lichfield, 613- Cawardyn, Thos., prb. Hereford, 495. Ceadda or Chad, bp. Lichfield, 538. Ceadda orHeadda, bp. Hereford, 454. Cecil, Charles, bp. Bangor, 108. Cecil, Charles, bp. Bristol, 219. Ceely, John, j)rb. Exeter, 425. Cellach or CeoUach, bp. Mercia, 538. Celmund, b;;. Hereford, 454. Cenana, abp. St. David's, 28S. Cenen or Henea, abp. St. David's, 288. Ceolfrith or Cuthred, bp. Lichfield, 540. Ceollach or Cellach, bp. Mercia, 538. Ceolnoth, abp. Canterbury, 4. Chaceporc, Peter de, archd. Wells, 159- Chad or Ceadda, bp. Lichfield, 538. Chaddesden, Henry de, prb. Lichfield, 624. Chaddesden or Chadeston, Ralph de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Chaddesdon, Nicholas prb. Lichfield, 622. Chaderton, Edmund, archd. Chester, 567- Chadeston or Chaddesden, Ralph de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Chadleshont or Chadsunt, William de, prb. Lichfield, 586. Chadsunt or Chadleshont, William de, prb. Lichfield, 586. Chadwick, Wm..prb. Lichfield, 590, Challen, John Gratwick, prb. Chi- chester, 282, 283. Chamber, John, prb. Wells, 200. Chamber, John, treas. AVells, 174. Chamberlayne,Thos., dn. Bristol, 224 Chambers, Rich., prb. Hereford, 512 Chambre, John, pre. Exeter, 412. Chambre, John de la, prb. Hereford 511. Champion, Rich., prb, Canterbury, 49 Chancey or Chause or Chauri, Ro bert de, archd. Bath, 163. Chandeler, Thomas, chan. Wells 176. Chandeler, Thos., dn. Hereford, 477 Chandler, Edwd., prb. Lichfield, 619 Chandler, Edvi^ard, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 558. Chandler, Geo., dn. Chichester, 259. Chandos, Rich.de, prb. Hereford, 517. Chandos, Thos., prb. Hereford, 494. Chandos, Thomas de, prb. Hereford, 496, .'534 • Chandos, Thomas de, archd. Here- ford, 480. Chantler, John, chan. Chichester, 27 1 . Chapliff, Rich, de, prb. Lichfield, 603. Chapman, Alex., prb. Canterbury, 60. Chapman, John, prb. Bristol, 227. Chapman, John, archd. Bath, 165. Chapman, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 631. Chapman, Walter, prb. Bristol, 227. Chapman, Wm., prb. Hereford, 495. Cha])man, W^m. prb. Lichfield, 623. Charleton, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 626. Charleton, Griflfith de, prb. Hereford, 522. Charleton, Roger de, archd. Totnes, 402. Charleton, Thomas de, archd. Totnes, 402. Charneles, John de, prb. Lichfield, 59 1. Charneles, John de, chan. Hereford, 492. Charnock, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 525. Chase, WilHam, prb. Wells, 184. Chaselden, Will., prb. Lichfield, 628. Chaterton, Edm., archd. Totnes, 403. Chatfield, Stephen, treas. Chichester, 268. Chaumbre, John de, treas. Hereford, 489. Chaundler, Tho., prb. Hereford, 506. Chaiintrel, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 629. Chaimtrie, Will., archd. Derby, 576. Chauri or Chause or Chancey, Ro- bert de, archd. Bath, 163. Chause or Chancey or Chauri, Robert de, archd. Bath, 163. Cheam or Cheyham, John de, archd. Bath, 163. Chedle, Roland, treas. Bangor, 118. N 0 M I N U M. 661 Chedulton, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 621. Chell, William, prb. Hereford, 500, 534. Chell, WiUiam, pre. Hereford, 487. Chelmsford, John, prb. Lichfield, 606. Cherberg, David, archd. Brecknock, 311- Cheriton, Thomas, bp. Bangor, 102. Cherleton, Lewis, prb. Hereford, 531. Cherleton, Lewis de,bp. Hereford, 462. Cherleton, Thomas de, prb. Hereford, 504- Cheriton, Thomas, bp. Hereford, 461. Cheriton, Thos. de, archd. Wells, 159. Chester, Rich., prb. Hereford, 522. Chesterfeld, alias Wursop, John, archd. Salop, 574. Cliesterfeld, alias Wursop, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 630. Chesterfield, alias Worshop, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 515. Chetham, James, prb. Lichfield, 605, 612, 621. Chetham, James, chan. Lichfield, 586. Chette, William, prb. Wells, 208. Chetwood, Knightly, prb. Wells, 198. Chetwood, Knightly, dn. Gloucester, 444. Chetwynd, Edward, dn. Bristol, 223. Chetwynd, John, prb. Bristol, 231. Cheyham or Cheam, John de, archd. Bath, 163. Cheyne, John, prb. Lichfield, 624. Cheyne, John, archd. Exeter, 394. Cheyney, Rich., ])rb. Gloucester, 447. Cheyney, Rich., archd. Hereford, 481 . Cheyney, Richard, bp. Bristol, 214. Cheyney, Richard, bp. Gloucester, 438. Cheyney, Thomas, prb. Wells, 197. Cheyney, Thos., prb. Chichester, 274. Chicheley, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 637. Chicheley, Henry, bp. St. David's, 296. Chicheley, Hen., abp. Canterbury, 22. Chichester, Charles, prb. Exeter, 433. Chichester, Robert, bp. Exeter, 367. Chicliley,Tho., archd. Canterbury, 42. Chichley, William, archd. Canterbury, 42. ChifFren, John, prb. Hereford, 504. Chiffren, Will., prb. Hereford, 504. Chig well, Roger de, prb .Hereford, 504 . Chilcott, WiUiam Henry, prb. Wells, 191. Child, Lawrence, bp. St. Asaph, 69. Childers.WiUiamWalbanke, prb. Ely, 359- Chillenden, William, (Canterbury,) 14. Chillenden, alias Daniel, John, prb. Canterbury, 59. Chilterness, Walter de, prb. Lichfield, 598- Chipham, Thos., prb. Hereford, 519. Chippenham, Thomas, archd. Totnes, 403- Cholmeley, Hugh, prb. Exeter, 423. Cholmeley, Hugo, subd. Exeter, 391. Cholwick, Samuel, prb. Exeter, 430. Christ-Church, Roger de, archd. Brecknock, 310. Christopherson, John, bp. Chichester, 249. Churchill, Christopher, prb. Exeter, 432. Churton, Henry Burgess Whitaker, prb. Chichester, 285. Churton, Ralph, archd. St. David's, 310. Chyne, John, prb. Hereford, 510. Cicester, Peter de, dn. Wells, 150. Cineferth or Kenferth, alias Kinebert, b]). Lichfield, 542. Clack, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 431. Claggett, Nicholas, prb. Exeter, 429. Claggett, Nicholas, archd. Exeter, 396, Claggett, Nicholas, bp. St. David's, 304- Claggett, Nicholas, bp. Exeter, 382. Clapham, David, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Clarel, John, prb. Lichfield, 617. Clarel or Clavel, John, archd. Staf- ford, 571. Clarel or Clarevil, William de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Clarevil or Clarel, William de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Clark, George, prb. Hereford, 514. Clark, John, prb. Canterbury, 55. Clark, John, prb. Hereford, 534, .53.5- Clark, John, prb. Lichfield, 601. Clark, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 641. Clarke, Alured, prb. Exeter, 428. Clarke, Alured, dn. Exeter, 388. Clarke, Christopher, prb. Ely, 359. Clarke, Edward, prb. Chichester, 277. Clarke, Liscombe, prb. Hereford, 496. Clarke, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 498. Clarke, Will., prb. Chichester, 273. Clarke, Will., chan. Chichester, 271. Clarkson, Richard, prb. Wells, 200. Claro, John de Sancto, prb. Lich- field, 626. Clavel or Clarel, John, archd. Staf- ford, 571. 662 INDEX Clavering, Robert, treas. St. David's, 318. Clavering, Robert, dn. Hereford, 479. Clayton, Simeon, prb. Lichfield, 600, 608. Clayton, William, prb. Lichfield, 627. Cleaver, Euseby, prb. Chichester, 279. Cleaver, John Francis, prb. St. Asaph, 92. Cleaver, William, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Cleaver, William, bp. St. Asaph, 80. Cleaver, William, bp. Bangor, 109. Cledane, abp. St. David's, 288. Clederowe or Clyderhowe, John, bp. Bangor, 102. Clement, Paul, prb. Wells, 209. Clement, Vincent, prb. Hereford, 526. Clement, Vincent, prb. Lichfield, 630. Clement,Vincent, chan. Lichfield, 584. Clement, Vincent, treas. Lichfield, 582. Clement, William, prb. Wells, 180. Clement, William, archd. Bath, 165. Clent, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 503, 508. Clerk, Bartholomew, archd. Wells, 161. Clerk, John, prb. Wells, 188. Clerk, John, bp. Wells, 143. Clerk, Samuel, archd. Derby, 577. Clerke, John, prb. Wells, 196. Clerke, Rich., prb. Canterbury, 53. Cleymond, John, prb. Wells, 203. Clifford, Rich., archd. Canterbury, 42. Clifford, Rich., bp. Bath & Wells, 139. Clifford, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 423. Clifford, Richard de, pre. Chichester, 265. Clifton, Gamahel, prb. Hereford, 499, .525- Clifton, Gamaliel, dn. Hereford, 477. Clinton, Guy, prb. Lichfield, 603. Clinton, Roger de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 544. Clipping, John, chan. Chichester, 270. Clipping, John, bp. Chichester, 241. Clipping, Simon, archd. Lewes, 263. CUpson, Rob. de, prb. Lichfield, 589. Clipston, John de, prb. Lichfield, 598. Clipston, Rob. de, prb. Lichfield, 602, 611, 626. Clipston,Walter de,prb.Lichfield,630. Cliva, Geoffrey de, bp. Hereford, 456. Clive, Archer, prb. Hereford, 523. Clive, Robert, prb. Hereford, 526. Clive, Robert, archd. Salop, 484. Clive, William, prb. St. Asaph, 93. Clive, William, archd. Montgomerj^ Clone, John, prb. Hereford, 508, 523- Clone, John, prb. Lichfield, 599, 637- Cloos, John, dn. Chichester, 257. Cloose or Close, Nicholas, bp. Coven- try and Lichfield, 553. Clopton, Tho«., prb. St. Asaph, 91. Clopton, Simon de, prb. Lichfield, 6 19, 636. Clopton, Thos. de, prb. Lichfield, 589, 602. Close or Cloose, Nicholas, bp. Coven- try and Lichfield, 553. Clough, Charles Butler, prb. St. Asaph, 93- Clough, Charles Butler, archd. St. Asaph, 85. Clough, Thomas, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Cluna, Hugh de, archd. St. David's, 308. Glutton, John, prb. Hereford, 520, 530- Clyderhowe or Clederowe, John, bp. Bangor, 102. Clyewe, John, archd. Caermarthen, 313- Clympingham, Simon de,archd. Lewes, 262. Cnoll, Edward de la, dn. Wells, 150. Coale, John, prb. Wells, 207. Coates, Charles, prb. Wells, 192. Cobb, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 282. Cobethorn, John, dn. Exeter, 386. Cobbam, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 282. Cobham, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 521. Cobham, Thomas, archd. Lewes, 262. Cobham, Thomas, abp. Canterbury, 16. Cocks, Hon. James Somers, prb. He- reford, 524. Cocks, John, prb. Bristol, 230. Cocks, Philip, treas. St. David's, 318. Cocks, Simon, prb. Lichfield, 641. Codrington, Richard, prb. Wells, 182, 192. Coell, William, archd. Lewes, 263. Coenred, bp. Selsey, 237. Coffin, John Thomas Pine, prb. Exe- ter, 434. Coke, Francis, prb. Hereford, 523. Coke, John, prb. Hereford, 515. Coke, John, archd. Chichester, 260. Coke, Richard, prb. Hereford, 497. Coke, Richard, chan. Hereford, 493. I N O M I N U M. 66S Coke, William, prb. Hereford, 4(39. Coke or Cook, Francis, archd. Staf- ford, 572. Coke or Cooke, Francis, pre. Here- ford, 487. Coke or Cooke, Francis, prb. Lich- field, 629. Coke or Cooke, Geo., bp. Bristol, 216. Coke or Cooke, George, bp. Hei-eford, Cokeshall, Ralj)!! de, pre. Hereford, 486. Coket, Robert, prb. Wells, 193. Cokeworthy, John, prb . H ereford, 504, .529- Cokkys, John, prb. Lichfield, 620. Cokkys, Laurence, prb. Lichfield, 634. Cokkys, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 621. Colcoinb, alias Aldryngton, Richard, archd. Barum, 406. Cold\vell,John, archd. Chichester, 260. Coldwell, William, prb. Ely, 362. Coldwell, AV. E. prb. Lichfield, 617. Coldwel], William Edward, prb. Lich- field, 622. Cole, Henry, archd. Ely, 352. Cole, John, prb. Hereford, 1532. Cole, John, prb. Lichfield, 639. Cole, John, archd. Totnes, 403. Colemount, Thomas, prb. Hereford, , .515- Coleridge, George May, prb. Wells, 203. Coleridge, George May, prb. Exeter, 434- Coleridge, James Duke, prb. Exeter, 433- Coles, James Stratton, prb. Wells, 182. Coles, John, prb. Wells, 195, 209. Coles, John, prb. Lichfield, 600. Colet, John, treas. Chichester, 268. Colet, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 608. Coleton, Richard de, pre. Exeter, 410. Coleton, Richard de, dn. Exeter, 385. Colfe, Isaac, prb. Canterbury, 51. Colfe, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 51. Colland, John, prb. Chichester, 279. Colland, alias Collend or Cowland, Richard, dn. Bangor, iii. Colle, John, archd. Cardigan, 314. Collend, alias Colland or Cowland, Richard, dn. Bangor, in. Colles, Walter, pre. Exeter, 411. Collier, Robert, prb. Wells, 183, 201. Collingwood, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 599. Collingwood, Ralph, archd. Coventry, 569. Collingwood, Ralph, dn. Lichfield, 562, Collins, Samuel, prb. Ely, 361. Collins, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 610. Collins, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 278. Collins, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 423. Collins, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 639. Collins, Timothy, prb. Wells, 207. Collins, Timothy, subd. Wells, 158. Colhns, William, prb. Hereford, 517. CoUumpton or Fawell, William, archd. Totnes, 403. Collynge, Will., prb. Gloucester, 447. Collyns, Robert, prb. Canterbury, 53- Colmore, Clement, prb. Lichfield, 610. Colnet, Nicholas, pre. Hereford, 486. Columna, Peter de, pre. Lichfield, 579. Columna, Prosper Laurentii de, archd. Canterbury, 42. Colyngham, Hugh, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Combe, John, pre. Exeter, 411. Combe, John, treas. Exeter, 415. Cominges, Simon de, or Covenius, archd. Canterbury, 40. Comite, Anthony de, prb. Hereford, 515- Comite, Philip de, prb. Hereford, 514. Compton, John, prb. Hereford, 533. Compton, alias Theale, John, chan. Hereford, 493. Comyn, Christopher, pri). Lichfield, 590. Comyn, Robert, archd. Salop, 484. Comyn, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 591. Cona, William de la, prb. Hereford, 506. Conan, bp. Cornwall, 364. Conant, John, prb. Bangor, 121. Coney, John, prb. Wells, 188. Coney, Thomas, prb. Wells, 188. Coney, Thomas Boucher, hon. can. Biistol, 452. Coneybeare, John, bp. Bristol, 219. Conflens, Wilham de, prb. Hereford, 504- Conrtens, William de, archd. Here- ford, 480. Conham, Abraham, prb. Wells, 180. Conigsburgh, Alan de, prb. Lichfield, 622. Coningston, Rich., prb. Lichfield, 611, 640. Constable, Rich., prb. Chichester, 280. Constantiis, Walter de, archd. Exeter, 392- Constantine, Henry, prb. Wells, 187. Conway, Peter, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Cook, Robert, prb. Gloucester, 450. 664 INDEX Cook,Theophilus, prb. Hereford, 496, 535- Cook, Thomas, prb. Gloucester, 448. Cook, Walter, archd. Exeter, 394. Cook or Coke, Francis, archd. Staf- ford, 572. Cook, alias Eaton, Ralph, prb. Glou- cester, 448. Cooke, John, prb. Exeter, 426. Cooke, Jonas, prb. Wells, 192. Cooke, Robert, ])rb. Gloucester, 450. Cooke, Thomas, archd. Salop, 484. Cooke, Wilham, prb. Ely, 357. Cooke, William, dn. Ely, 349. Cooke or Coke, Francis, pre. Here- ford, 48:. Cooke or Coke, Francis, prb. Lich- field, 629. Cooke or Coke, Geo., bp. Bristol, 216. Cooke or Coke, George, bp. Here- ford, 471. Coombe, Thos., prb. Canterbury, 55. Cooper, Edward, prb. Hereford, 502. Cooper, Edward, prb. Wells, 194. Cooper, Edward, treas. Hereford, 490. Cooper, George Miles, prb. Chiches- ter, 285. Cooper, Robert, archd. Dorset, 226. Cooper or Cowper, Edward, prb. Hereford. 507. Coopey, Samuel, prb. Wells, 209. Cooth, John, prb. Wells, 191. Cope, George, prb. Hereford, 510. Cope, Richard, prb. Wells, 1 79. Copleston, John, prb. Exeter, 427. Copleston, John Bradford, prb. Ex- eter, 433. Coplestone, John, chan. Exeter, 420. Corne, William, prb. Lichfield, 588. Corneto or Castello, Hadrian de, bp. Bath and Wells, 143. Corbet, Fulk, prb. Lichfield, 604. Corbett, Jose])h, archd. Salop, 4S5. Corbett, Waties, prb. Hereford, 517. Corcorato, Job. de, prb. Hereford, 507. Cordray, John, archd. Lewes, 263. Coren, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 495, 509. Coren or Curwyn, Hugh, dn. Here- ford, 477. Corfield, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 619. 623. Cornhill, Henry de, archd. Chiches- ter, 259. Cornhill, William de, bp. Coventry - and Lichfield, 546. Cornelius, John, prb. Lichfield, 612. Cornish, Geo. James, prb. Exeter, 434. Cornish, Thomas, pre. Wells, 171. Cornish, Thomas, chan. Wells, 177. Cornubia, Philip de, prb. Lichfield, 622. Cornwall, Folliott Herbert Walker, dn. Canterbury, 35. Cornwall, Folliott Herbert Walker, bp. Bristol, 221. Cornwall, FoUiott Herbert Walker, bp. Hereford, 474. Cornwall, Rich., prb. Hereford, 523, 512. Cornwall, Philip de, archd. Salop, 574. Cornwallis, Hon. Frederick, bp. Co- ventry and Lichfield, 55S. CornwaUis, Hon. Frederick, abp. Can- terbury, 30. CornwaUis, Jas., dn. Canterbury, 34. Cornwallis, James earl of Cornwallis, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 559. Coston, William de, prb. Hereford, 530- Cosyn, William, dn. Wells, 152. Cotes, Digby, prb. Hereford, 497, 523- Cotes, Digby, prb. Lichfield, 619. Cotes, Pontius de, prb. Hereford, 507. Cotterel, John, prb. Bristol, 230. Cotterel, John, archd. Dorset, 225. Cotterel, John, archd. Wells, 161. Cotterell,John,prb. Wells, 181. Cottington, James, prb. Wells, 171 198. Cotton, Edward, prb. Exeter, 422, 424. Cotton, Edwd., archd. Cornwall, 400. Cotton, Edward, archd. Totnes, 404. Cotton, Edward, chan. Exeter, 419. Cotton, Edward, treas. Exeter, 416. Cotton, James Henry, pre. Bangor, 118. Cotton, James Henry, dn. Bangor, 112. Cotton, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 621. Cotton, William, prb. Exeter, 422. Cotton, WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 617. Cotton, William, pre. Exeter, 412. Cotton, William, archd. Lewes, 263. Cotton, William, archd. Totnes, 404. Cotton, William, bp. Exeter, 379. Courtail, John, prb. Chichester, 276, Courtail, John, archd. Lewes, 264. Courtenay, Henry Reginald, prb. Ex- eter, 430. Courtenay, Henry Reginald, archd. Exeter, 396. Courtenay, Henry Reginald, bp. Bris- tol, 221. N O M I N u ^r. 665 Courtenay, Henry Reginald, bp. Exeter, 383- Courtenay, Peter, archd. Exeter, 395. Courtenay, Peter, dn. Exeter, 386. Courtenay, Peter, bp. Exeter, 376. Courtenay, William, bp. Hereford, 462. Courtenay, Wm., abp. Canterbury, 20. Courteney, Richard, pre. Chichester, 265. Courteney, Richard, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Courteney, Richard, dn. Wells, 152. Cousin, William, archd. Bath, 164. Cove, Morgan, prb. Hereford, 50", 533- Cove, Morgan, chan. Hereford, 494. Covenis, Roger de, dn. Lichfield, 561. Covenius or De Cominges, Simon, archd. Canterbury, 40. Coverdale, Miles, bp. Exeter, 377. Coward, Christopher, prb. Wells, 208. Cowland, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 590. Cowland, alias CoUend or Colland, Richard, dn. Bangor, in. Cowper, Edvv., archd. Hereford, 481. Cowper, Isaac, prb. Lichfield, 636. Cowper, John, archd. Stafford, 572. Cowper, Spencer, prb. Canterbury, 52. Cowper, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 600, 636. Cowper, Thomas, dn. Gloucester, 443. Cowper or Cooper, Edward, prb. Here- ford, 507. Cox, Bartholomev.', prb. Chichester, ^, ^73- Cox, Francis, prb. Lichfield, 599. Cox, Peter, prb. Gloucester, 448. Cox, Richard, prb. Ely, 354. Cox, Richard, archd. Ely, 352. Cox, Richard, bp. Ely, 342. Cox, William, prb. Exeter, 424. Cox, William, j)rb. Lichfield, 634. Cox, William, pre. Chichester, 266. Coychurch, Lewis, archd. Lewes, 263. Cradock, Francis, prb. Wells, 207. Cradock, William, archd. Lewes, 263. Cragg, John, prb. Hereford, 506, 523. Crane, Thomas, prb. Wells, 206. Cranmer, Edmund, prb. Canterbury, 53- Cranmer, Edmund, archd. Canterbury, ,43- Cranmer, Thomas, archd. Taunton, 168. Cranmer, Thomas, abp. Canterbury, 24. Crassus or Le Gros, Anselm, treas. Exeter, 414. Cratford, Humphrey, prb. Wells, 199. Cravene, John de, prb. Lichfield, 611. Crawford, WUliam, archd. Caermar- then, 314. Crawforth, James, prb. Lichfield, 605. Crawle, William de, prb. Lichfield, 587. Crawley, Edmund Jones, prb. Wells, 195- Crayford, John, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Creay or Crees, John, prb. Lichfield, 596. Creed, John, prb. Wells, 183. Crees or Creay, John, prb. Lichfield, 596. Creighton, Robert, pre. Wells, 171. Creighton, Robert, treas. Wells, 174. Creighton, Robert, dn. Wells, 1,54. Creighton, Robert, bp. Bath and Wells, 147. Creighton or Crichton, Robert, prb. Wells, 194. Crekynge, William, prb. Wells, 205. Cremer, Henry, prb. St. David's, 320. Crespion, Stephen, prb. Bristol, 232. Cressener, Drew, prb. Ely, 357. Cresset, Edward, dn. Hereford, 479. Cresset, John, prb. Hereford, 511. Creswick, Samuel, dn. Bristol, 224. Creswicke, Samuel, dn. Wells, 155. Cretyng, Walter, archd. Bath, 165. Cretynge, Walter, prb. Wells, 184. Crew, Nathaniel, pre. Chichester, 266. Crew, Nathaniel, dn. Chichester, 258. Crewe, Joseph, prb. Lichfield, 610. Creyghton, Robert, prb. Wells, 181, 182, 193, 199. Crichton or Creighton, Robert, prb. Wells, 194. Crichurch, John, archd. Ely, 351. Croft, George, chan. Chichester, 271. Croft, Herbert, prb. Hereford, 511. Croft, Herbert, dn. Hereford, 478. Croft, Herbert, bp. Hereford, 472. Croft, James, prb. Canterbury, 51. Croft, James, prb. Ely, 357. Croft, James, archd. Canterbury, 45. Crofts, William, prb. Wells, 185. Cromwell, Thomas, dn. Wells, 153. Crooke, Charles, prb. Wells, 210. Crooke, Henry, prb. Wells, 205. Crooke, William, prb. Chichester, 273. Croose, William, archd. Coventry, 569. Cropley, John, prb. Ely, 362. Crosby, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 631, Cross, Richard, prb. Hereford, 496. Cross, William, prb. Lichfield, 613. Crosse, Richard, archd. Salop, 484. Crosse, William, prb. Wells, 189. Grossman, George, prb. Wells, 204. Grossman, Samuel, prb. Bristol, 227. 4 Q 666 INDEX Grossman, Samuel, dn. Bristol, 223. Croswaite, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 425. Crowley, Robert, prb. Hereford, 524. Crowley, Robert, archd. Hereford, 481. Croxall, Rodney, prb. Hereford, 517. Croxall, Rodney, treas Hereford, 491. Croxall, Samuel, prb. Hereford, 508, 516. Croxall, Samuel, cban. Hereford, 494. Croxall, Samuel, treas. Hereford, 491. Croxall, Samuel, archd. Salop, 484. Crucher or Crutch, John, dn. Chiches- ter, 256. Crughewell, William de, treas. St. Da- Add's, 317. Crutch or Crucher, John, dn. Chi- chester, 256. Cryghewell, John, treas. St. David's, 317- Cudworth, Ralph, prb. Gloucester, 449. CufFe, William, prb. Wells, 185. CuUiford, John, prb. Wells, 195. Culmer, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 49. Culpepper, Martin, dn. Chichester, 257. Cumberford, Henry, pre. Lichfield, 580. Cumbert, bp. Lichfield, 542. Cunemund, bp. Hereford, 455. Curbellio, William de, abp. Canter- bury, 8. Cureton, William, prb. Lichfield, 594. Curl, Walter, bp. Bath & Wells, 146. Curie, Walter, dn. Lichfield, 563. Curteins, Nicholas, prb. Wells, 198. Curteis, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 60. Curteys, Richard, dn. Chichester, 257. Curteys, Richard, bp. Chichester, 250. Curtis or Surteis, Stephen, prb. Here- ford, 512. Curwyn or Coren, Hugh, dn. Hereford, 477- Cusantia, William de, archd. Cornwall, 398. Custons, John, prb. Ely, 359. Cuthbert, bp. Hereford, 454. Cuthbert, abp. Canterbury, 3. Cuthbert, George, prb. Wells, 188. Cuthbert, George, prb. Lichfield, 614. Cuthbert, George, prb. Bristol, 230. Cuthbert, John, prb. Hereford, 525. Cuthred or Ceolfrith, bp. Lichfield, 540. Cuthwulfus, bp. Hereford, 455. D. Daintry, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 633. Dakyn, John, cban. Wells, 177. Dakyn, John, treas. Wells, 174. Dalam, Richard de, dn. Lichfield, 560. Dalberd or Delavere or Bere, John de la, dn. Wells, 152. Dalby, Thomas, archd. Ely, 351. Dalby, William, prb. Bristol, 226. Dale, Valentine, dn. Wells, 153. Dale or Sale, Willam, prb. Lichfield, 636. Dallaway, James, prb. Chichester, 282. Dalton, Richard, prb. Hereford, 497. Dalton, William de, prb. Lichfield, 631. Damaresq, Daniel, prb. Wells, 184. Dampier, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 48. Dampier, Thomas, prb. Ely, 357, 358. Dampier, Thomas, bp. Ely, 346. Danby, John, prb. Lichfield, 626. Dands, Peregrine, archd. Cardigan, 315. Danet, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 607. Daniel, bp. Bangor, 95. Daniel, Edmund, dn. Hereford, 477. Daniel, alias Chillenden, John, prb. Canterbury, 59. Danyell, Nicholas, chan. Wells, 176. Darell, William, chan. Bangor, 119. Darington, Nich., prb. Lichfield, 603, 627, 641. Darkeneby, Hugh de, treas. Chiches- ter, 268. Daron, David, dn. Bangor, 11 1. Dashfield, John, prb. Bristol, 232. Dauntesey, Edward, archd. Cornwall, 398. I Davenant, Ralph, prb. Exeter, 425. Davey, Richard, bp. St. Asaph, 94. David, treas. St. David's, 318. David, archd. St. Asaph, 84. David, archd. Bangor, 112, 113. David, dn. St. Asaph, 81. David, bp. Bangor, 96. David, abp. Caerleon, 287. David ap Bletbin, bp. St. Asaph, 68. David n. (alleged) bp. St. Asaph, 70. David, John, chan. St. David's, 319. David, Thomas, treas. Bangor, 118. David, Tudor ap, arch. Merioneth, ix6. Davie, Charles, prb. Exeter, 432. Davaes, John, prb. St. Asaph, 86, 87. Davies, John, prb. St. David's, 320. Davies, John, prb. Ely, 359. Davies, John, prb. Hereford, 501. Davies, John, pre. St. David's, 317. Davies, Nathaniel, prb. St. David's, 323- Davies, Owen, prb. Bangor, 122. Davies, Richard, prb. St. David's, 320. Davies, Richard, archd. St. David's, 310. Davies, Richd., archd. Brecknock, 312. N O M I N U M. 667 Davies, Roger, prb. St. David's, 321. Davies, Samviel, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Davies, Samuel, prb. Bristol, 229. Da^des, Sneyd, prb. Lichfield, 615. Davies, Sneyd, archd. Derby, 577, Davies, Thomas, prb. St. David's, 321. Davies, Thomas, chan. Bangor, 119. Davies, Thomas, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Davies, William, prb. Hereford, 533. Da\ds, David, prb. Chichester, 279. Davis, John, prb. Canterbury, 59. Davis, John, prb. Hereford, 497. Davis, John, prb. Wells, 181, 207. Davis, Richard, archd. Coventry, 570. Davis, Thomas, prb. Wells, 183. Davis, William, prb. Wells, 205. Da\'is, WiUiam, archd. Bath, 165. Davison, Francis, prb. Chichester, 280. Davison, Thomas Francis, treas. Chi- chester, 269. Davy, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 587. Davy, Henry, archd. Stafford, 572. Davy, John, prb. Lichfield, 599. Davyes, Richard, bp. St. David's, 301. Davyes, Thomas, bp. St. Asaph, 75. Davys, Leonard, treas. Lichfield, 582. Davys, Wilham, prb. Lichfield, 605. Dawes, Richard, dn. Hereford, 479. Dawnay, Hon. Henry, prb. Canterbury, 60. Dawson, Francis, prb. Canterbury, 50. Day, George, bp. Chichester, 248, 249. Day, Martin, prb. Chichester, 284. Day, Thomas, pre. Chichester, 166. Deacon or Dyacon, Michael, bp. St. Asaph, 72. Dean, Andrew, prb. Ely, 359. Dean, Henry, bp. Bangor, 103. Dean, John, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Deane or Denny, Henry, abp. Canter- bury, 24. Debire, Robert de, prb. Lichfield, 587. Dee, Francis, dn. Chichester, 257. Deedes, Charles, prb. Wells, 185. Deedes, Julius, prb. Canterbury, 57. Deering, Heneage, prb. Canterbury, 56. Deford, William, prb. Lichfield, 628. Dekelan, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 587. Delavere or Bere, alias Dalberd, John de la, dn. Wells, 152. Delves, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 687, 620, 627. Denham or Dynham, Oliver, prb. Lich- field, 641. Denison, George Anthony, prb. Wells, 192, 208. Denison, George Anthony, archd. Taun- ton, 169. Dennis, James, prb. Hereford, 500. Dennis, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 507. Denny or Deane, Henry, abp. Canter- bury, 24. Denton, James, prb. Lichfield, 627. Denton, James, dn. Lichfield, 562. Denton, John de, prb. Hereford, 514. De Offord or Oreford or DufFord, John de, archd. Ely, 350. Deorlaf, bp. Hereford, 455. Deping, John de, prb. Lichfield, 593, 595, 608. Deping, Roger de, prb. Lichfield, 596. Depyng, John de, chan. Lichfield, 584. Depyng, Roger de, archd. StaflFord, 571. Derby, William, prb. Lichfield, 634. Derby, John de, archd. Barum, 406. Derby, John de, dn. Lichfield, 561. Derby, Robert de, pre. Chichester, 265. Deswell, Timothy, prb. Hereford, 517. Deusdedit or Adeodatus, abp. Canter- bury, 3. Devenish, William, prb. Canterbury, 57- Dicey, Edward, prb. Bristol, 231. Dickens, Watson William, prb. Lich- field, 638. Diconson, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 632. Digby, Charles prb. Wells, 197, 207. Digby, William, prb. Exeter, 430. Diggle, Edmund, treas. Lichfield, 583. Dilewe, John, prb. Hereford, 502. Dilewe, John, chan. Hereford, 492. Dinant, Thomas, subd. Wells, 155. Dinham, Ohver, prb. Lichfield, 592. Dinmour, Richard de, prb. Hereford, 517- Diuma, bp. Mercia, 538. Dixon, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 513. Dobbys, Robert, prb. Hereford, 508. Dod, Roger, archd. Salop, 575. Dod, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 610. Dodd, John, prb. Wells, 180. Dodd, Moses, prb. Chichester, 281. Dodd, William, prb. Wells, 192. Dodds, Gregory, dn. Exeter, 387. Dodinton, John, treas. Exeter, 415. Dogeon, George, prb. Bristol, 232. Doget, John, treas. Chichester, 268. Dogget or Doket or Ducket, Andrew, chan. Lichfield, 584. Dogget or Doket, John, chan. Lich- field, 585. Dogyon, George, pre. Wells, 171. Doket or Dogget, John, chan. Lich- field, 585. 4 Q 2 668 INDEX Doket or Dogget or Ducket, Andrew, chan. Lichfield, 584. Dokett, Andrew, prb. Lichfield, 622. Dolben, David, prb. St. Asaph, 85. Dolben, David, bp. Bangor, 106. Dolbore, Walter de, prb. Lichfield, 622. Dolman, John, prb. Lichfield, 598. Donington, Roger, prb. Wells, 200. Donne, Edward, prb. Canterbury, 51'. Donstable, John, prb. Hereford, 527. Donyngton, John de, prb. Lichfield, 593- Dorell, William, prb. Canterbury, 49. Dornford, Joseph, prb. Exeter, 434. Dorrell, William, prb. Lichfield, 603. Dorset, William, prb. Hereford, 504. Douch, James, prb. Wells, 181. Doughtie, Edward, prb. Hereford, 507. Doughtie, Edward, dn. Hereford, 478. Dovey, Richard, prb, Lichfield, 633. Dowghtie, John, prb. Exeter, 422. Dowman, John, prb. Lichfield, 616. Down, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 502. Downe, George, prb. Hereford, 513, 603, 604. Downe, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 531. Downe, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 593, 596- Downe, Thomas, pre. Hereford, 486. Downeinge, Geo., chan. Lichfield, 585. Downham, George, prb. Wells, 199. Downham, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 612. Downham, William, archd. Breck- nock, 311. Downing, George, prb. Ely, 361. Downing, Geo., archd. Coventry, 570. Downing, Henry Bowles, prb. Wells, 182. D'Oylej', Matthias, prb. Ely, 360. D'Oyley, Matthias, archd. Lewes, 264. D'Oyley, Thomas, prb. Ely, 360. Doyley, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 274. D'Oyly, Thomas, archd. Lewes, 264. D'Oyly, Thos., chan. Chichester, 271. Doythwall or Etwal, abp. St. David's, 288. Drake, George, prb. Exeter, 426. Drake, James, prb. St. Asaph, 87. Drakeford, Matthew, prb. Lichfield, 590. Drakesfoi', John de,prb. Lichfield, 638. Drant, Thomas, archd. Lewes, 263. Draper, Thomas, subd. Exeter, 390. Drax, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 607, 637. Draycot, Anthony, prb. Lichfield, 614. Drayton, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 620. Drayton, Richard de, prb. Lichfield, 638. Drewe, Edward, prb. Exeter, 425. Drewe, Edward, chan. Exeter, 420. Drewe, Edward, archd. Cornwall, 400. Drey ton, John de, pre. Exeter, 410. Driffield, William, archd. Coventry, 569- Drokenesford, John de, bp. Bath and Wells, 137. Drokenesford, Richard de, i)re. Wells, 170. Drokensford, John de, prb. Lichfield, 595- Drokensford, Richard de, chan. Wells, 176. Drokyll, William, prb. Hereford, 527. Drope, Thomas, prb. Wells, 180. Druell, John, archd. Exeter, 395. Drummond, Hon. Robert Hay, bp. St. Asaph, 78. Drury, Charles, prb. Hereford, 530. Drury, Joseph, dn. Wells, 155. Drury, Joshua, prb. Wells, 203. Dryden, Jonathan, prb. Hereford, 533. Dubordieu, John, prb. St. Asaph, 87, 91. Dubritius, abp. Caerleon, 287. Duck, Richard, prb. Wells, 188. Ducket or Docket or Dogget, Andrew, chan. Lichfield, 584. Dudeca, Dudoca or Bodeca, bp. Wells, 128. Dudley, Arthur, prb. Lichfield, 592. 614. Dudley, Sir Henry Bate, prb. Ely, 359. Dudley, alias Sutton, Arthur, prb. Lichfield, 620. Dudoca or Dudeca or Bodeca, bp. Wells, 128. Duffield, William, archd. Stafford, 572. Duflfbrd or Oreford or De OfFord, John de, archd. Ely, 350. Dugard, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 619. Dugdale, James, subd. Wells, 157. Duke, Richard, prb. Gloucester, 450. Duncombe, John, prb. Wells, 188. Dunkyn, William, jDrb. Canterbury, 49. Dunstan, abp. Canterbur)'^, 6. Duport, John, prb. Ely, 361. Duppa, Brian, bp. Chichester, 251. Duquesne, Thomas Roger, prb. Lich- field, 623. Durant, William, archd. Chichester, 259- Durdent, Walter, pre. Lichfield, 578. Durdent, Walter, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 544. Durell, David, prb. Canterbury, 62. Durewarde, Ralph, prb. Hereford, 534. N 0 M I N U M. 669 Durnfordj Thomas, prb. Chichester, 279. Durston, William, prb. Wells, 200. Button, Henry, prb. Wells, 183, 188, 206. Dyacon or Deacon, Michael, bp. St. Asaph, 72. Dyer, Richard, prb. Hereford, 505. Dykar, Robert, chan. Wells, 177. Dylington, Thomas de, pre. Wells, 170. Dynby, John, archd. St. David's, 309. Dynewell, John de, prb. Lichfield, 631. Dynham or Denham, Oliver, prb. Lich- field, 641. E. Eadberbury or Abberburj', Thomas de, pre. Lichfield, 579. Eadberct, bp. Selsey, 236. Eadhelm, bp. Selsey, 237. Eadnoth or Alfvi'old, bp. Devonshire, 366. Eadsige, abp. Canterbury, 6. Eadulf, bp. Devonshire, 364. Eadulf n., bp. Devonshire, 365. Ealfeagus or Elfeth, bp. Lichfield, 543. Ealstan, archd. Canterbury, 36. Eame, William, prb. Lichfield, 607. Earl, Robert, prb. Wells, 196. Earle, Robert, prb. Wells, 197. Eaton, Guy, prb. Gloucester, 447. Eaton, alias Cook, Ralph, prb. Glou- cester, 448. Eaton or Heton, Guy, archd. Glouces- ter, 446. Ebden, John, prb. Ely, 358. Ecca or Acca, bp. Hereford, 454. Ecclesey, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 609. Edenham, Richard, bp. Bangor, 103. Edes, Henry, pre. Chichester, 266. Edes, Richard, treas. Hereford, 490. Edgar, bp. Hereford, 455. Edgell, Edward, prb. Wells, 209. Edgevvorth, Roger, prb. Bristol, 228. Edgeworth, Roger, chan. Wells, 177. Ediall, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 609, 620. Edington, William, (Canterbury,) 19. Edington, William, prb. Hereford, 526. Edmonds, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 589. Edmund, archd. Coventry, 568. Ednam, John, archd. Taunton, 167. Ednevet, Howel ap, bp. St. Asaph, 66. Edsal or Edyal, Henry, prb. Wells, 196. Edulfus, bp. Hereford, 455. Edwards, Andrew, chan. Bangor, 120. Edwards, Edward, archd. Brecknock, 312. Edwards, Henry, prb. Wells, 187. Edwards, Howell Holland, prb. St. Asaph, 90. Edwards, Humphrey, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Edwards, John, prb. St. Asaph, 88, 90. Edwards, Owen Parrott, prb. St. Da- vid's, 321. Edwards, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 621. Edwards, Richard, chan. St. David's, Edwards, Thomas Wynne, prb. St. Asaph, 93. Edwards, William, prb. Hereford, 509, 52.5. Edyal or Edsal, Henry, prb. Wells, 196. Eedes, Richard, prb. Hereford, 521. Egeblanke or Aquablanca, James de, archd. Salop, 482. Egeblanke or Aquablanca, Peter de, archd. Salop, 482. Egeblanke or Egeblaunch, Peter de, bp. Hereford, 459. Egeblaunch or Egeblanke, Peter de, bp. Hereford, 459. Egerton, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 615. Egerton, Henry, chan. Hereford, 494. Egerton, Henry, treas. Bangor, 119. Egerton, Henry, archd. Derby, 577. Egerton, Hon. Henry, bp. Hereford, ,473- Egerton, John, prb. Hereford, 504. Egerton, John, dn. Hereford, 479, Egerton, John, bp. Bangor, 108. Egerton, John, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 559. Egerton, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 599, 635,639. Egerton, William, prb. Canterbury, 59. Egerton, W^illiam, prb. Hereford, 499, 523- Egerton, William, chan. Hereford, 493. Egerton, William, treas. Hereford, 491. Eggeworth, Roger, prb. Wells, 179. Einaen or Anian, abp. St. David's, 288. Ekys, John, prb. Lichfield, 596. Elanc or Elnaeth, abp. St. David's, 288. Elbodg, Elvoed, Elbodu or Eludgeth, abp. St. David's, 2S8. Elbodu, Elbodg, Elvoed or Eludgeth, abp. St. David's, 288. Eldunen or Ethelmen, abp. St. David's, 288. Elfeh, Alpheagus or Aelfegus, bp. Wells, 126. 670 INDEX Elfeth, alias Ealfeagus, bp. Lichfield, 542. Elguni, bp. St. David's, 289. Elham or Eltham, John de, prb. Here- ford, 513. Eli, Jago ap, dn. Bangor, no. Elias de Bristol, treas. Hereford, 488. Elias de Radnor, treas. Hereford, 488. Ehs, Leolinus ap Madoc ap, bp. St. Asaph, 68. Elison, Nathaniel, prb. Lichfield, 623. Ehson, Nathaniel, archd. StaflTord, 572. Eliot, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 621. Eliud or Teilaus, abp. St. David's, 288. Ella or Aelle or Aelfwine, bp. Lichfield, 542. Ellas, archd. Brecknock, 310. Elleford, William, archd. Taunton, 167. Ellicombe, Richard, prb. Exeter, 433. Elliott, Gilbert, dn. Bristol, 445. Elliott, Gilbert, dn. Gloucester, 445. Elliott, Thomas, prb. Wells, 210. Ellis, Anthony, prb. Gloucester, 450. Ellis, Anthony, bp. St. David's, 305. Ellis, James, treas. Bangor, 118. Ellis, John, prb. St. Asaph, 87. Ellis, John, prb. Bangor, 121. Ellis, John, prb. Hereford, 497, 519. Elhs, John, chan. Bangor, 120. Ellis, John, pre. Bangor, 118. Ellis, John, pre. St. David's, 317. Ellis, John, archd. Merioneth, 117. Ellis, John, dn. Hereford, 478. Ellis, Thomas, pre. Bangor, 118. Ellis, Thomas, treas. Bangor, 119. Ellison, Noel Thomas, prb. Wells, 180. EUodu, bp. Bangor, 95. Ellys, Thomas, prb. Ely, 360. Elnaeth or Elanc, abp. St. David's, 288. Elstob, Charles, prb. Canterbury, 56. Eltham or Elham, John de, prb. Here- ford, 513. Elton, alias Baker, John, prb. Here- ford, 532. Elton, alias Baker, John, chan. Here- ford, 493. Eludgeth, Elbodg, Elvoed, or Elbodu, abp. St. David's, 288. Elvaeth or Elwaed, abp. St. David's, 288. Elvedon, Walter de, pre. Hereford, 486. Elvet, John, prb. Hereford, 500. Elvoed, Elbodg, Elbodu or Eludgeth, abp. St. David's, 288. Elwaed or Elvaeth, abp. St. David's, 288. Ely, Luke of, chan. Lichfield, 583. Ely, Nicholas of, archd. Ely, 350. Ely, alias Fitz-Neale, Richard de, archd, Ely, 350. Elyot, William, archd. Barum, 407. Elys, Hugh, chan. Bangor, 119. Elys, Nicholas ap, archd. Anglesey, 114. England, William, archd. Dorset, 226. Englefeld, Matthew de, archd. Angle- sey, 114. Englefeld, Matthew de, bp. Bangor, 99. English, John, prb. Gloucester, prb. 449. Engolisma, Hugo de, archd. Canter- bury, 40. Engolisma, Iterius de, archd. Bath, 163. Eolla, bp. Selsey, 236. Erghum, Ralph, prb. Wells, 196. Erghum, Ralph, pre. Wells, 170. Erghum, Ralph, archd. Taunton, 167. Erghum, Ralph, bp. Bath and Wells, 139- Ernaldus, archd. Cornwall, 397. Ernaldus, archd. Exeter, 392. Erskin, William, prb. St. Asaph, 87. Ervin or Heurun or Hernun or Her- bin, bp. St. David's, 289. Eryngton, Richard, prb. Wells, 180. Escott, Thomas Sweet, prb. Wells, 185. Esetach, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 598. Esger, Adam, prb. Hereford, 521. Esger, Adam de, prb. Hereford, 506. Esna, bp. Hereford, 454. Es])le, Robert, pre. Lichfield, 579. Esple, Robert, archd. Coventry, 569. Esse, John de, archd. Cornwall, 397. Esse, John de, archd. Totnes, 402. Estbroke, Thomas, subd. Exeter, 390. Estcott, Daniel, prb. Exeter, 424. Estcott, Daniel, archd. Exeter, 396. Estcourt, John, archd. Merioneth, 116. Eston, Walter, prb. Hereford, 510. Ethelmen or Eldunen, abp. St. Da- vid's, 288. Ethelulphus, bp. Selsey, 236. Eton, Humphrey, prb. Hereford, 505. Etrington, Richard de, prb. Lichfield, 620. Etwal or Doythwall, abp. St. David's, 288. Eueuris or Everus, bp. St. David's, 289. Eustace, bp. Ely, 327. Evans, Hugh, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Evans, James, prb. St. David's, 321. Evans, John, prb. Hereford, 518, 520, 530- N O M I N U M. 671 Evans, John, bp. Bangor, 107. Evans, Michael, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Evans, Michael, treas. Bangor, 118. Evans, Owen, prb. St. David's, 321. Evans, Owen, archrl. Cardigan, 315. Evans, Richard, prb. Bangor, 121. Evans, Richard, prb. St. David's, 322. Evans, Richard, prb. Hereford, 510, 527- Evans, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 599. Evans, Richard Davies, prb. Hereford, 527- Evans, Robert, dn. Bangor, 1 1 1 . Evans, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 514. Evans, Wm., prb. Hereford, 518,5^1. Evans, William Edward, prb. Here- ford, 518. Evanson, John, prb. Chichester, 274. Eveleigh, Richard, prb. Exeter, 422. Everden, John, prb. Lichfield, 587. Everdin, William de, treas. Hereford, 488. Everdon, John de, chan. E.xeter, 418. Everdon, Philip de, prb. Lichfield, 636. Everdon, Silvester de, archd. Exeter, 565- Everino, Cardinal Peter de, archd. Ex- eter, 394. Eversden, John de, prb. Lichfield, 586. Everus or Eueuris,bp. St. David's, 289. Evesham, Robert de, archd. Exeter, 393. Evesham, Thomas de, prb. Hereford, 518. Evyke, John, prb. Lichfield, 609. Ewbank, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 609. Ewbanke, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 636. Ewe, John de, prb. Hereford, 498. Ewe, John de, treas. Hereford, 488. Ewell, Robert, prb. Canterbury, 47. Ewer, John, prb. Hereford, 514. Ewer, John, bp. Bangor, 109. Exeter, Barthol. of, bp. Exeter, 367. Exeter, John, prb. Hereford, 524. Exeter, John of, treas. Exeter, 414, Exeter, John de Hoo of, pre. Here- ford, 485. Exeter, Peter of, or Peter Quivil or Quiril, bp. Exeter, 370. Exeter, William, prb. Lichfield, 626. Exon, Phihp of, archd. Barum, 405. Exton, Brian, prb. Lichfield, 594, 617. Exton,or Hexton, Brian, prb. Lichfield, 625. Eyci, Bernard de, archd. Canterbury, 39- Eye, John, prb. Wells, 204. Eye, Roger de, prb. Hereford, 509. Eyer, Giles, prb. Ely, 358. Eyer, Giles, dn. Chichester, 257. Eymer, Phihp, prb. Hereford, 514. Eynesham or Hempsham, Walter de, (Canterbmy,) 11. Eynon, Morgan ap, archd. Brecknock, 311- Eynon, Thomas, archd. Brecknock, 312. Eyre, Philip, prb. Lichfield, 634. Eyre, Richard, prb. Chichester, 276. Eyre, Thomas, prb. Gloucester, 451. Eyre, Thomas, prb. Wells, 198, 199, 208. Eyre, Thomas, treas. Wells, 174. Eyre, Venn, prb. St. Asaph, 87. Eyre, WilUam, prb. Ely, 362. Eysham, Robert, prb. Hereford, 520. Eysham, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 520. Eyton, JefFry de, prb. Lichfield, 598, 635. Eyton, Kenric, treas. Bangor, 118. Eyton, Odoenus, treas. Bangor, 118. Eyton, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 605. Eyton, Robert, prb. Hereford, 506, 514- Eyton, Robert, archd. Ely, 358. Fage, George, prb. Lichfield, 631, Faith's, William of St., pre. Wells, 169. Faithful, Gray Horace, prb. Wells, 204. Falconer, James, prb. Lichfield, 633. Falconer, James, archd. Derby, 578. Falstoff'e, Thomas, archd. Wells, 160. FalstoflTe or Fastof, Thomas, bp. St. David's, 294. Fane, William, prb. Wells, 193, 194. Fardell, Henry, prb. Ely, 355. Farewell, George, prb. Wells, 186. Farhill, George Parker, prb. Chiches- ter, 277. Farmer, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 58. Farmer, Richard, chan. Lichfield, 586. Farrington, Edmond, prb. Lichfield, 592. Farrington, Richard, chan. Bangor, 120. Farthing, Samuel, prb. Wells, 792. Farwell, James, prb. Wells, 207. Fastolf or FalstofFe, Thomas, bp. St. David's, 294. Faversham, Simon de, prb. Hereford, 505. Faversham, Simon of, archd. Canter- bury, 39. Fawcet, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 61. Fawell, Wilham, archd. Totnes, 403. 672 INDEX Fawell or Collumpton, William, archd. Totnes, 403. Fawkes, Thomas, prb. Licbfield, 620. Fearon, Joseph Francis, prb. Chiches- ter, 279, 202. Feild, Christopher, prb. Wells, 192. Feild, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 529. Fekeham, John de, archd. Brecknock, 310. Feld, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 532. Feld, John de la, prb. Hereford, 503. Felde, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 515. Felde, Thomas, dn. Hereford, 476. Felde, Walter, chan. WeUs, 177. Fell, Samuel, dn. Lichfield, 563. Fell, Thomas Cotton, prb. Lichfield, 638, 639. Felton, Nicholas, bp. Bristol, 215. Felton, Nicholas, bp. Ely, 343. Felton, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 637. Felton, Robert, prb. Hereford, 506. Felton, Robert, pre. Hereford, 486. Feltvvell, John, prb. Lichfield, 640. Feltwell or Fletewell, John de, chan. Lichfield, 584. Feretta, William de, prb. Hereford, 492. Feriby, Thomas, archd. Ely, 351. Feriby, William de, dn. Hereford, 476. Fermer, John, prb. Lichfield, 640. Feme, Francis, prb. Ely, 360. Feme, Henry, dn. Ely, 348. Ferrar, Robert, bp. St. David's, 300. Ferringes, Richard de, archd. Canter- bury, 39. Ferris, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 280. Ferris, Thomas, pre. Chichester, 267. Ferrowe, John, prb. Wells, 194. Fetherstone, Alex., prb. Lichfield, 592. Fewtrell, William, prb. Wells, 211. Field, Richard, dn. Gloucester, 444. Field, Theophilus, bp. St. Da^^d's, 302. Field, Theophilus, bp. Hereford, 471. Fielding, John, archd. Dorset, 226. Fileby, Adam de, prb. Hereford, 514. Fileby, Robert de, prb. Hereford, 520. Finch, Daniel, prb. Gloucester, 451. Finch, Edward, prb. Canterbury, 48. Finch, Henry, prb. Ely, 356, 361. Finch, Leopold William, prb. Canter- bury, 61. Fisher, John, prb. Exeter, 432. Fisher, John, archd. Exeter, 397. Fisher, John, bp. Exeter, 383. Fisher, Jonath. Parker,prb. Exeter, 432. Fisher, Jonathan Parker, archd. Ba- rum, 408. Fisher, Jonathan Parker, subd. Exeter, 391- Fisher, Peter, prb. Exeter, 426. Fisher, Philip, prb. Exeter, 432. Fisk, George, prb. Lichfield, 606. Fitch, Henry, prb. Wells, 184. Fitzgerald, David, bp. St. David's, 290. Fitz-David, Gervase,archd.Bangor,i 13. Fitz-Gerald,David,archd. Cardigan, 314. Fitz-Gildse, Robert, archd. Totnes, 402. Fitzharding, Henry, archd. Exeter, 392. Fitz-Henewreyk or Henric, Madoc, archd. Anglesey, 114. Fitz- Herbert, Richard, archd. Dorset, 225. Fitzherbert, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 635. Fitz- Herbert, Thos., pre. Lichfield, 580. Fitzherbert, Wm., prb. Hereford, 516. Fitz-herbert, Wm., chan. Lichfield, 585. Fitzhugh, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 61 r. Fitz-Hugh, WiUiam Anthony, prb. Wells, 179. Fitz- James, James, prb. WeUs, 182. Fitz- James, James, chan. Wells, 177. Fitz- James, James, subd. WeUs, 157. Fitz-James, John, archd. Taunton, 168. Fitz-James, Ricli., bp. Chichester, 248. Fitz-James, WilHam, dn. Wells, 153. Fitz-Joceline, Reginald, bp. Bath and Wells, 129. Fitz-Jocehne, Reginald, abp. Canter- bury, 9. Fitz-John, John, archd. Totnes, 401. Fitz-Neale, ahas Ely, Richard de, archd. Kly, 3.'50- Fitz-Nicholas, Nicholas, treas. Wells, 172. Fitz-Peter, Walter, treas. Exeter, 414. Fitz-Ralph, Rich., archd. Chester, 566. Fitz-Ralph, Richard, dn. Lichfield, 561. Fitz-Robert, Simon, archd. Wells, 159. Fitz-rogo, William, archd. Barum, 406. « Fitzvvalter, Walter, archd. Hereford,48o. m Fitz-Warin, Henry, prb. Hereford, 501. • Flamsted, Rich., prb. Wells, 180, 183. Flavel, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 424. Fleetwood, Charles, prb. Ely, 357. Fleetwood, Charles, prb. Exeter, 427. Fleetwood, Chas., archd. Cornwall, 400. Fleetwood, James, prb. Lichfield, 602. Fleetwood, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 588. Fleetwood, WiUiam, bp. St. Asaph, 77. Fleetwood, William, bp. Ely, 345. Fleogild, abp. Canterbury, 4. Fleshemonger, WiUiam, dn. Chiches- ter, 257. Fletcher, Richard, bp. Bristol, 214. Fletcher, Thomas, prb. AVells, i8r. FleteweU or Feltwell, John de, chan. Lichfield, 584. N O M I N U M. 673 Flint, Gregory, prb. St. Asaph, 87. F]oyer, AVilliam, prb. Hereford, 505. Fodringhey, Ralph de, archd. Ely, 350. Fohot, Gilbert, bp. Hereford, 457. Fohot, Hugh, archd. Salop, 482. Foliot, Hugh, bp. Hereford, 458. Fohot, John, archd. Salop, 482. Foliot, Ralph, archd. Hereford, 480. Foliot, Robert, prb. Hereford, 530. Foliot, Robert, bp. Hereford, 457. Foliot, Thomas, i)rft. Hereford, 485. Foliot, Thomas, treas. Hereford, 488. Foliot, Walter, archd. Salop, 482. Foliot, Wilham, pre. Hereford, 485. Foljambe, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 587. Foote, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 606, 612, 615, 634, 639. Foote, Robert, treavS. Bangor, 119. Ford, Henry, prb. Hereford, 508,514. Ford, James, prb. Exeter, 434. Ford, Thomas, prb. WeUs, 185, 197. Forde, Richard de, treas. Wells, 173. Fordham, John, dn. Wells, 151. Fordham, John, bp. Ely, 337. Forester, Hon. Orlando Wathyn Weld, prb. Hereford, 498. Forey, Walter, archd. Lewes, 263. Forney, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 504. Forrest, John, prb. Lichfield, 618. Forrest, John, dn. Wells, 152. Forth, Clement, prb. Bristol, 229. Forthe, Robert, prl). Wells, 193. Forthe, William, prb. Wells, 201. Forti, John, chan. Wells, 175. Foster, Edward, prb. Wells, 181. Foster, John, prb. Hereford, 515. Foster, John, prb. Lichfield, 590. Foster, Nathaniel, prb. Bristol, 231. Foster, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 612. Foster, Robert, prb. Wells, 187. Fotherby, Charles, prb. Canterbury, 50. Fotherby, Charles, prb. Exeter, 424. Fotherby, Chas., archd. Canterbury, 44. Fotherby, Charles, dn. Canterbury, 33. Fotherby, Martin, prb. Canterbury, 90. Fothergill, Mark, prb. Hereford, 501. Fotheringham, Normand, archd. Co- - ventry, 570. Foulke, John, chan. St. David's, 319. Foulkes, Humphrey, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Foulkes, Peter, prb. Exeter, 426, 428. Foulkes, Peter, chan. Exeter, 420. Foulkes, Peter, pre. Exeter, 413. Foulkes, Peter, subd. Exeter, 391. Foulkes, Robert, pre. Bangor, 117. Fowhope, Wm. de, prb. Hereford, 523. Fowler, Edward, prb. Gloucester, 449. Fowler, Edward, bp. Gloucester, 440. Fowler, Matthew, prb. Lichfield, 634. Fownes, Thomas, prb. WeUs, 206. Fox, Edward, prb. Wells, 201. Fox, Edward, bp. Hereford, 467. Fox, John, prb. Hereford, 509. Fox, John, prb. Lichfield, 594, 599, 604, 618. Fox, John, archd. Salop, 574. Fox, Richard, prb. Hereford, 518. Fox, Richard, prb. Wells, 196. Fox, Richard, bp. Bath andWells, 142. Fox, Richard, bp. Exeter, 376. Fox, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 509. Fox, Thomas, archd. Hereford, 482. Foxe, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 603. Foxley, John, prb. Lichfield, 626. Frampton, John, hon. can. Gloucester, 452. Frampton, Robert, prb. Gloucester, 449. Frampton, Robert, dn. Gloucester, 444. Frampton, Robert, bp. Gloucester, 440. Francis, archd. Wells, 161. Frankland, John, prb. Chichester, 274. Frankland, John, dn. Ely, 349. Frankland, John, dn. Gloucester, 445. Frankland, Roger, prb. WeUs, 207. Franklin, Francis, prb. Wells, 204. Franks, John, prb. Lichfield, 604. Franks, John, chan. Chichester, 270. Frauncey, David, chan. St. David's, 319- Fraunceys, Da^dd, archd. St. David's, 308. Francoys, John, chan. St. David's, 319. Francoys, John, archd. St. David's, 308. Freak, Edmund, archd. Canterbury, 43. Free or Phreas, John, (Bath andWells,) 141. Freeman, Samuel, prb. Canterbury, 51. Freemantle, John, prb. Hereford, 507. 533- Freer, Rich. Lane, prb. Hereford, 507. Freer, Richard Lane, archd. Hereford, 483. French, Paul, prb. Canterburj', 61. French, William, prb. Ely, 357. Fresco, Ottobone de, archd. Canter- bury, 39. Freton, Roger de, dn. Chichester, 256. Frewen, Accepted, prb. Canterburj', 58. Frewen, Accepted, dn. Gloucester, 444. Frewen, Accepted, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 557. Frideswida, David de Sancta, archd. Derby, 576. Friend, Robert, prb. Exeter, 426. Friend, William, dn. Canterbury, 34. VOL. I. 4 R 674 INDEX Frisby, John, prb. Lichfield, 6ii. Frogerus, archd. Derby, 576. Froste, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 607, 618. Froude, Robert Hurrell, archd. Totnes, 404. Frowcester, Edmund, prb. Hereford, 499' 519' 5^6. Frowcester, Edmund, treas. Hereford, 490. Frowcester or Frowcetoure, Edmund, dn. Hereford, 477. Frowcetoure or Frowcester, Edmund, dn. Hereford, 477. Fryer, Robert, prb. Wells, 180. Fulford, John, archd. Cornwall, 399. Fulford, John, archd. Exeter, 395. Fulford, John, archd. Totnes, 403. Fulford, William, archd. Barum, 407. Fulham, Edward, prb. Chichester, 277. Fulham, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 637. Fulham, John, prb. Chichester, 275. Fuller, John, prb. Ely, 358. Fuller, William, dn. Ely, 348. Fulnetby, John, prb. Lichfield, 607. Fulnetby, John, pre. Lichfield, 580. Fulnetby, John, archd. Stafford, 572. Fulwood, Francis, prb. Exeter, 424. Fulwood, Francis, archd. Totnes, 404. Fursman, John, prb. Exeter, 427. Fursman, John, chan. Exeter, 420. Fursman, John, subd. Exeter, 391. Fylham, William, chan. Exeter, 419, Fylham, William, archd. Cornwall, 398. Fysher, Robert, archd. Exeter, 395. Fyton, John, archd. Stafford, 572. G. G., archd. Derby, 575. G . . . . , chan. Wells, 175. Gaffey or Gasey, John, dn. Lichfield, 561. Galard, Bernard, subd. Exeter, 391. Gale, Robert, prb. Wells, 185. Galeys, Philip, treas. Chichester, 268. Galhampton, Oliver, prb. Wells, 211. Gaily, Henry, prb. Gloucester, 450. Galterus, archd. Cornwall, 397. Galtes or Gates, Geoffrey, archd. Chi- chester, 259. Game, John, chan. St. David's, 319. Gamel or Camel, Will., subd.Wells, 156. Gandy, John, prb. Exeter, 431. Gannett, Wilham, prb. Wells, 206. Ganville, John, archd. Chester, 566. Gapper, Henry, prb. Wells, 205. Garbett, James, prb. Chichester, 285. Garbett, James, prb. Hereford, 508. Garbett, James, archd, Chichester, 262. Garbrande, John, prb. Wells, 194. Gardiner, Charles, prb. Wells, 185. Gardiner, Lawrence, prb. Lichfield, 615, , 633- Gardiner, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 597, 608, 617. Gardiner, abas Sandwich, Wilham, prb. Canterbury, 57. Gardinia or Sardinia, William de, prb. Hereford, 498. Gardner, Lawrence, treas. Lichfield, 583. Gare, William de, prb. Hereford, 517. Gare, Will, de la, treas. Hereford, 488. Garland, Hen.de, chan. Chichester, 270. Garland, Hemy de, dn. Chichester, 256, Garnett, Barnard, prb. Ely, 361, Garnett, John, prb. Exetei", 433. Garnett, John, dn. Exeter, 389. Garret, Samuel, archd. Salop, 575. Gascoign or Gascon, Edward, prb. Ely, 361. Gascon or Gascoign, Edward, prb. Ely, 361. Gasey or Gaffey, John,dn. Lichfield, 561. Gaskin, George, prb. Ely, 357. Gates or Galtes, Geoffrey de, archd. Chichester, 259. Gaucelinus, treas. Lichfield, 582. Gauden, John, bp. Exeter, 380. Gaumon, Richard, subd. Exeter, 390. Gay, Sir Peter Rivers, prb. Hereford, 514-^ Gay, William, prb. W^ells, 210. Gayer, James, prb. Exeter, 429. GaynviUe, Nicholas de, prb. Hereford, 527. Gaytanni, John, archd. Coventry, 568. Gearoman or Jarumann,bp.Mercia, 538. Gedwen, ahas Meyse, Henry, Y>vh. Here- ford, 529. Gee, Edward, prb. Exeter, 422. Geekie, William, prb. Canterbury, 47. Geekie, Will., archd. Gloucester, 446. Geffrey, Robert, chan. Hereford, 492. Gettrey or Jeffry, Robert, treas. Here- ford, 489. Geffreys or Jeffrys, Robert, prb. Here- ford, 503. Gely, Richard, archd. Merioneth, 116. GenoviU or Knovill, Gilber-t de, prb. Hereford, 526. Geoffrey, archd. Hereford, 480. Geoffrey, archd. Totnes, 402. Geoffrey, dn. Chichester, 256. Geoffrey, dn. Hereford, 475. Geoffrey of Monmouth, bp. St. Asaph, 64. N O M I N U M. 675 Gerard, Jolin, prb. Lichfield, 613. Gerard, bp. Coventry & Lichfield, 545. Gerard, bp. Hereford, 456. Geree, John, prb. Hereford, 524. German, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 603. Gemneyn, John, chan. Exeter, 419. Germeyn, Ralph, archd. Barura, 406. Germyn, Ralph, pre, Exeter, 410. Gervase, archd. Chichester, 259. Gervase or Jorwerth, bi3. St. David's, 291, Gest, Walter, treas. Chichester, 268. Gest or Gheast, Edmund, ai-chd. Can- terbury, 43. Gething, John, prb. Bangor, 122. Geynvill, Nicholas de, prb. Hereford, 532- Geytentim, John, archd, Lewes, 262. Gheast or Gest, Edmund, archd. Can- terbury, 43. GhiUdisbourgh, Peter de, archd. Totnes, 402. Gibbons, John, chan. Exeter, 419. Gibson, Edmund, pre. Chichester, 266. Gibson, Rowland, prb. Chichester, 278. Giffard, Godfrey, archd. Barum, 405. GifFard, John, prb. Wells, 196. Giifard, Walter, chan. Exeter, 418. GifFard, Walter, archd. Barum, 406. Giflfard, Walter, bp. Bath & Wells, 132. Gifford, William, prb. Hereford, 516. Gilford, WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 635. GifFord, Walter, archd. WeUs, 159. Gilbert, pre. Hereford, 485. Gilbert, treas. Hereford, 488. Gilbert, archd. Salop, 573. Gilbert, bp. St. Asaph, 64. Gilbert, Ashurst Turner, bp. Chiches- ter, 255. Gilbert, Edmund, prb. Exeter, 423. Gilbert, James, prb. Wells, 191. Gilbert, John, prb. Exeter, 425, 427. Gilbert, John, prb. Lichfield, 634. Gilbert, John, subd. Exeter, 391. Gilbert, John, dn. Exeter, 388. Gilbert, John, bp. Bangor, 100. ■ Gilbert, John, bp. St. David's, 295.' Gilbert, John, bp. Hereford, 463. Gilbert, JohnPomeroy, prb. Exeter, 433. Gilbert, Robert, prb. Exeter, 428. Gilbert, Simon, prb. Hereford, 53 c. Gilbert, Will., prb. Lichfield, 632, 634. Gilbert or Gobard, WiUiam, treas. Here- ford, 490. Gilbert or Gobard, WiUiam, archd. Salop, 483. Gildeford, Robert de, archd. Bath, 163. Gildeford, Robert de, archd. Wells, 158. Gildesburgh, Peter de, prb. Hereford, 500. Gildesburgh, Peter de, prb. Lichfield, 630. Giles, archd. Ely, 350. Gill, Christopher, prb. Lichfield, 612. Gill, Christopher, chan. Lichfield, 585. Gill, Christopher, treas. Lichfield, 582. Gill, Walter, prb. Liclifield, 607. Gilhngham,Tho., archd. Chichester, 260. Gilpin, Luke, archd. Derby, 577. Giningham, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 209. Gipps, George, prb. Lichfield, 605, 637. Giraldus, archd. St. David's, 307. Gisbert, archd. Bath, 163. Giselherus, bp. Selsey, 236. Giso, bp. Wells, 128. Glandatensis [Glandeves], the Cardi- nal, chan. Hereford, 492. Glasse, Samuel, prb, WeUs, 200. Glaston, Geoffrey de, prb. Lichfield, 589. Glaston or Blaby, Geoffrey de, archd. Derby, 576. Glazier, Hugh, prb. Canterbury, 54. Glazier, John, archd. Hereford, 481. Glemham, Henry, dn. Bristol, 223. Glemham, Henry, bp. St. Asaph, 76. Gloucester, Ralph of, prb. Wells, 196. Gloucester, Richard de, chan. Lich- field, 583. Gloucester, Richard of, treas. Lichfield, 581. Gloucester, Richard of, archd. Coventry, 568. Gloucester, Robert of, prb. Hereford, 509, 532. Gloucester, Rob. of, chan. Hereford,492. Gloucester, Rob. of, archd. Stafford, 571. Gloucester, Roger de,prb.Hereford,5io. Gloucester, Walter of, dn. Chichester, 256. Glover, George, archd. Sudbury, 353. Glynn, JefFry, prb. Lichfield, 609. Glynn, John, prb. Hereford, 507. Glynn, John, dn. Bangor, 11 1. Glynn, Maurice, archd. Bangor, 113^ Glynn, Richard, prb. St. Asaph, 87. Glynn, AVilliam, archd. Anglesey, 115. Glynn, WiUiam, archd. Merioneth, 116. Glyn, William, bp. Bangor, 104. Goad, Roger, chan. WeUs, 177. Gobard, WiU., prb. Hereford, 1513, 523. Gobard or Gilbert, William, treas. Here- ford, 490. Gobard or Gilbert, WiUiam, archd. Salop, 483. Godele, Hamelin de, archd. Lewes, 262. Godele, John de, archd. Lewes, 262. 4 R 2 676 INDEX Godele or Godelegb, John de, dn. Wells, 150. Godele or Godelegh, John de, (Exeter,) 372. Godelegh or Godele, John de, dn. WeUs, 150. Godelegh or Godele, John de, (Exeter,) 372. Godemeston, Tho., prb. Hereford, 504. Godfrey, archd. Taunton, 166. Godfrey, treas. Wells, 172. Godfrey, bp. St. Asaph, 65. Godfrey, bp. Bath, 129. Godfrey, bp. Chichester, 238. Godwin, bp. Lichfield, 542. Godwin, Francis, prb. Wells, 196. Godwin, Francis, subd. Exeter, 390. Godwin, Francis, bp. Hereford, 470. Godwin, Morgan, prb. Hereford, 530. Godwin, Morgan, archd. Salop, 4S4. Godwin, Nathaniel, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Godwin, Paul, prb. Hereford, 514. Godwin, Robert, prb. Wells, 193. Godwin, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 497. Godwin, Thomas, dn. Canterbury, 32. Godwin, Tho., bp. Bath & Wells, 145. Godwyn, Thos., chan. Hereford, 493. Godyn, John, chan. Lichfield, 584. Goffe, Stephen, (Canterbury,) 58. Gogan or Gorgan, abp. St. David's, 288. Goldalston,WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 587. Goldborough, Thomas de, prb. Lich- field, 622. Goldcall, Charles, prb. Chichester, 276. Golding, WiUiam, prb. Hereford, 528. Goldsborough, Godfrey, prb. Hereford, 502, 507. Goldsborough, Godfrey, archd. Salop, ^575- Goldsborough, Godfrey, bp. Glouces- ter, 438. Goldson, Robert, prb. Canterbury, 49. Goldwell, James, prb. Hereford, 531. Goldwell, Thomas, bp. St. Asaph, 74. Gooch, John, prb. Ely, 358. Gooch, John, prb. Wells, 203. Gooch, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 57. Gooch, Thos., prb. Chichester, 272. Good, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 502. Gooch, Thomas, bp. Bristol, 219. Gooch, Sir Thomas, bp. Ely, 346. Good, Roger, prb. Wells, 196. Goodall, Henry, prb. Ely, 358. Goodenough, Edmund, dn. Wells, 155. Goodman, Godfrey, bp. Gloucester, 439. Goodman, Godfrey, (Hereford,) 470. Goodman, John, prb. WeUs, 200. Goodman, John, dn. Wells, 153. Goodrich, Henry, prb. Canterbuiy, 56. Goodrich or Goodricke, Thomas, bp. Ely, 341. Goodricke, Henry, prb. Canterbury, 01. Goodricke or Goodrich, Thomas, bp. Ely, 341. Goodwin, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 524. Goodwyn, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 590, 592, 60s, 638. Goodwyn, Thomas, archd. Derby, 577. Gordon, Sir Adam, prb. Bristol, 232. Gordon, George, prb. Exeter, 431. Gordon, George, pre. Exeter, 413. Gordon, George, dn. Exeter, 389. Gordon, John, prb. Wells, 191. Gordon, Patrick, prb. Hereford, 515. Gorgan or Gogan, abp. St. David's, 288. Gorges, Thomas de, pre. Wells, 170. Gorle, John, prb. Hereford, 521. Gorwall, John, prb. Hereford, 524. Gorward, Mereduc ap, archd. Caer- marthen, 313. Gorwysc or Gorwyst, abp. St. David's, 288. Gorwyst or Gorwysc, abp. St. David's, 288. Gosforth, Francis, prb. Wells, 187. Gosling, archd. Bath, 165. Gosse, Nicholas, chan. Exeter, 419. Gosseline, John, prb. Hereford, 506. Goteham, John de, prb. Lichfield, 626. Goteham, Will, de, prl). Lichfield, 626. Goth or de la Goud, Reymundus del, pre. Lichfield, 579. Goud or de la Goth, Reymundus del, pre. Lichfield, 579. Gough, John, prb. Bristol, 226. Gough, John, archd. St. David's, 308. Gould, Henry, prb. Wells, 186. Gournay, Edmund, pre. Wells, 170. Gowe, Robert, chan. Lichfield, 584. Gower, Humphrey, prb. Ely, 359. Gower, Hen^de, archd. St. David's, 308. Gower, Henry de, bp. St. David's, 293. Grace, Job, treas. Lichfield, 583. Grafton, Adam, prb. Lichfield, 637. Grafton, Adam, archd. Salop, 574. Grafton, Adam, archd. Stafford, 572. Grahme, William, dn. Wells, 154. Grammaticus, archd. Salop, 573. Grandison, John de, bp. Exeter, 372. Grandison, William, archd. Exeter, 393. Grandorge, John, prb. Canterbury, 57- Granger, Edmund, prb. Exeter, 430. Grant, Edward, prb. Ely, 360. Grant, John, prb. Exeter, 427. Grant, John, archd. Barum, 408. N 0 M I N U M. 677 Graunger, John, arcbd. Taunton, 167. Gravesend, Richard de, treas. Here- ford, 488. Gray, Charles, prb. Chichester, 283. Gray, Edward, prb. Hereford, 523. Gray, Henry, pre. Chichester, 267. Gray, Robert, prb. Chichester, 281. Gray, Robert, bp. Bristol, 222. Gredon, Simon de, archd, Chichester, 260. Green, Christopher, prb. Bristol, 227. Green, Edward, prb. Bristol, 232. Green, Richard, prb. Chichester, 273. Green, Roger, prb. Gloucester, 448. Green, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 54. Green, Thomas, archd. Canterbury, 44. Green, Thomas, bp. Ely, 34,15. Green, WilUam, treas. Chichester, 268. Greenborough, William de, archd. Staf- ford, 571. Greene, John, prb. Hereford, 497. Greene, Thomas, prb. Ely, 357. Greene, Thomas, chan. Lichfield, 586. Greenfield, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 424. Greenvill, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 530. Greenvill or Greenwich, Wilham, prb. Hereford, 530. Greenwich, WiUiam, archd. Salop, 484. Greenwich or GreenviU, William, prb. Hereford, 530. Greenwood, John, prb. Lichfield, 621. Greetham, John Knight, prb. Wells, 187. Gregge, John, pre. Bangor, 117. Gregory,Abraham, prb. Gloucester, 449. Gregory, Edward, archd. Bangor, 113. Gregory, John, prb. Hereford, 518. Gregory, John, archd. Gloucester, 446. Grelton, George, dn. Hereford, 479. Grene, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 603. Grene, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 522, 523. Grene, John, prb. Hereford, 506. Grene, alias Norton, John, prb. Here- ford, 505. Grenefeld,Wm. de, dn. Chichester, 256. Greneford, John de, dn. Chichester, 255 . Greneford, John de, bp. Chichester, 239. Grenewey, John, prb. Hereford, 523, 529- Grenisworth, Henry, prb. Exeter, 425. Grensil, Robert, prb. Hereford, 499. Grensil, Robert, archd. Salop, 484. Gresham, Thomas, chan. Lichfield, 585. Gresley, William, prb. Lichfield, 642. Greswold, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 619. Greswold, Henry, pre. Lichfield, 580. Grete, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 529. Gretton, George, prb. Hereford, 516. Greves, Peter, prb. Lichfield, 616. Grey, Hon. Edward, dn. Hereford, 479, Grey, Hon. Edward, bp. Hereford, 474. ' Grey, John, (Canterbury,) 10. i Grey, Walter de, archd. Totnes, 401. Grej', Wilham, prb. Hereford, 513. Grej', Wilham, prb. Lichfield, 613. Grey, WiUiam, bp. Ely, 339. Greyby, John de, prb. Lichfield, 604. Griffin, William, prb. Wells, 181. Grifiith, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Griffith, Charles, prb. St. David's, 323. j Griffith, Edmund, archd. Bangor, 113. I Griffith, Edmund, dn. Bangor, J12. ! Griffith, Edmund, bp. Bangor, 106. , Griffith, George, archd. Anglesey, 115. Griffith, George, bp. St. Asaph, 76. i Griffith, James, prb. Bristol, 227. I Griffith, James, prb. Gloucester, 451, Griffith, John, prb. Canterbury, 48. i Griffith, John, prb. Hereford, 508. Griffith, John, pre. Bangor, 117. Griffith, Ralph, prb. Hereford, 517. Griffith, Roger, prb. Hereford, ,(^25. Griffith, Roger, archd. Brecknock, 312. Griffith, Silvanus, treas. Hereford, 490. Griffith, William, prb. Hereford, 525. Griffith, William, chan. Bangor, 119. Griffiths, Silvanus, prb. Hereford, 533. Griffilhs,Silvanus,archd. Hereford, 481. Griffiths, Silvanus, dn. Hereford, 478. Griffri or Wilfrid, bp. St. David's, 289. Grimsby, Edward, prb. Hereford, 500. Grimsby, William, prb. Wells, 200. Grindal, Edmund, abj). Canterbuiy, 26. Grinketellus, bp. Selsey, 237. Grome, alias Little-Grome, John, prb. Hereford, 514. Grono, Evan ap Bleddyn ap, archd. Anglesey, 114. Grono, Howel ap, archd. Anglesey, 1 14. Grono, Howel ap, dn. Bangor, iii. Gros, Anselinle, bp. St. David's, 291. Gros or Crassus, Anselin le, treas. Ex- eter, 414. Grove, Robert, bp. Chichester, 252. Gruffin, archd. Cardigan, 314. Gruffith, John, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Gruffith or Brayne, Maurice, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Grylls, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 434. Guest, Joseph, prb. Hereford, 528, Guianus or Guy or Wido, bp. Bangor, 97- Guido, dn. Bangor, no. Guildfeild, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 1504. Guldeford, Thomas de, prb. Hereford, GuUiford, Robert, prb. Bristol, 228. 678 INDEX Gulston, Joseph, pre. Chichester, 266. Gulston, Joseph, dn. Chichester, 258. Gulston, William, bp. Bristol, 217. Gunning, Peter, prb. Canterbury, 48. Gunning, Peter, bp. Chichester, 252. Gunning, Peter, bp. Ely, 344. Gunning, William, prb. Wells, 199. Gunthorp, John, dn. Wells, 152. Gurna)-, Thos.de, chan.St. David's, 319. Gurnel or Gurnuen, abp. St. David's, 288. Gurnuen or Gurnel, abp. St. David's, 288. Gutheard, bp. Selsey, 237. Guy orGuianus orWido, bp. Bangor, 97. Gwent, Rich., prb. Lichfield, 614, 620. Gwent, Rich., archd. Brecknock, 311. Gwilhm, Thomas, treas. Hereford, 491. Gvvillym, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 523. Gwine, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 627. Gwine, William, prb. Lichfield, 627. Gvvinn, David, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Gvvyn, David, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Gvvyn, James, prb. Hereford, 523. Gvvyn, John, prb. Bangor, 120. Gwyn, Richard, prb. Bangor, 121. Gwyn, Richard, archd. Bangor, 113. Gwynn, Lewis, archd. Cardigan, 315. Gyfforde, Roger, pre. St. David's, 316. Gyldeforde, Richard, archd. Breck- nock, 311. H. H , subd. Wells, 156. Racket, Henry, prb. Hereford, 521. Hacket, John, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 5-7. Hackluyt, Richard, prb. Bristol, 226. Haddon, James, dn. Exeter, 387. Hadley, alias Hunt, William, prb. Can- terbury, 55. Hadrian, (Canterbury,) 3. Haernunen or Haernurier, abp. St. David's, 288. Haernurier or Haernunen, abp. St. Da- vid's, 288. Haimo, archd. Canterbury, 36. Hakeluit, Thomas, chan. Hereford, 492. Halcott, Benjamin Thomas, prb. Chi- chester, 285. Hale, Bernard, prb. Ely, 356. Hale, Bernard, archd. Ely, 352. Hale, Charles Henry, prb. Exeter, 432. Hale, George, prb. Exeter, 424. Hale, Nicholas, prb. Exeter, 425. Hale, Nicholas, treas. Exeter, 416. Hale, Robert, prb. Exeter, 423. Hale, Robert, treas. Exeter, 416. Hale, Robert, archd. Cornwall, 400. Hales, Andrew, archd. Taunton, 167. Hales, Alex, de, archd. Coventry, 568. Hales or Hals, John, bp. Coventry & Lichfield, 554. Hales or Halse, Edmund, archd, Salop, 574. Hales, HuUes or Holes, Andrew, archd. Wells, 160. Haley, Thomas, dn. Chichester, 258. Halifax, Samuel, bp. St. Asaph, 79. Halifax, Samuel, bp. Gloucester, 441. Hall, George, archd. Canterbury, 44. Hall, George, archd. Cornwall, 400. Hall, Henry, treas. Wells, 174. Hall, Henry, archd. Dorset, 226. Hall, John, hon. can. Bristol, 452. Hall, John, bp. Bristol, 218. Hall, Joseph, bp. Exeter, 380. Hall, Nicholas, subd. Exeter, 391. Hall, Samuel, subd. Exeter, 391. Hall, Stephen, prb. Ely, 354. Hallam, John, dn. Bristol, 224. Hallum or Halom, Robert de, archd. Canterbury, 42. Halmar, archd. Chester, 565. Halom or Hallum, Robert de, archd. Canterbury, 42. Hals, John, dn. Exeter, 386. Hals, John, (Exeter,) 375. Hals, Richard, chan. Exeter, 418. Hals, Richard, treas. Exeter, 415. Hals or Hales, John, bp. Coventry & Lichfield, 554. Halsale, Henry de, archd. Chester, 566. Halse, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 601, 616, 639. Halse or Hales, Edmund, archd. Salop, .574- Halse or Halso, Edmund, prb. Lich- field, 635. Halso or Halse, Edmund, prb. Lich- field, 635. Hatton, Timothy, archd. Brecknock, 312. Hambald, William, prb. Hereford, 504. Hamenath, Reginald de, prb. Hereford, 500. Hamerton, Henry, prb. Hereford, 532. Hamilton, Anthony, prb. W^ells, 179. Hamilton, Anthony, pre. Lichfield, 581. Hamilton, Anthony, archd. Taunton, 169. Hamilton, Hon. John, prb. Wells, 186. Hamilton,Walter Kerr, prb. Wells, 179. Hammes, William de, pre. Wells, 109. Hammond, Edward, archd. Dorset,226. Hammond, Hy., archd. Chichester, 261. N O IM I N U M. 679 Hammond, Horace, prb. Bristol, 230. Hammond, Robert, prb. Ely, 360. Hamo de Sandwich, prb. Hereford, 526. Hamon de Sandwich, prb. Hereford, 512. Hampden, Renn Dickson, bp. Here- ford, 474. Hampson, Henry, prb. Wells, 203. Hancock, John, prb. Canterbury, 52. Hancock, John, prb. Chichester, 274, 275- Hancock, Thos. prb. St. David's, 322. Hand, Geo.AVatson, archd. Dorset, 226. Hank, Nicholas, treas. Lichfield, 582. Hankie, Henry de, prb. Hereford, 516. Hanley, John, prb. Chichester, 2S0. Haniey, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 606. Hanmer, John, bp. St. Asaph, 75. Hannington, John George, prb. Here- ford, 512, 524. Hannys, Ralph, prb. Hereford, 522, 531. 534- Hans, John, subd. Wells, 157. Harcourt, James, prb. Bristol, 228. Harding, John, prb. Hereford, 507. Hardy, Nicholas, (Nathan ?) archd. Lewes, 264. Hardress, Peter, prb. Canterbury, 58. Hardwick, Thos. de, prb. Lichfield, 587. Hare, Edmond, prb. Lichfield, 607. Hare, Francis, bp. St. Asaph, 78. Hare, Francis, bj). Chichester, 253. Hare, Julius Chas., archd. Lewes, 264. Hareward, Robert or Herbert, archd. Taunton, 166. Harewedon, Robert de, prb. Lichfield, 595- Harewell, John,bp.BathandWells, 138. Harewell, Roger, archd. Bath, 164. Harewood, John de, prb. Lichfield, 60S. Harford, Henry, prb. Hereford, 515. Harford, Nathaniel, prb. Hereford, 527. Harford, Richard, prb. Hereford, 505, 517.527- Hargrave, James, dn. Chichester, 258. Hargraves, James, prb. Chichester, 273. Harington, Edward Charles, prb. Ex- eter, 434. Harington, Edward Charles, chan. Hxeter, 421. Harley, John, prb. Hereford, 517. Harley, John, archd. Salop, 484. Harley, Hon. John, archd. Hereford, 482. Harle}', John, bp. Hereford, 468. Harley, Hon, John, bp. Hereford, 473. Harmon, alias Voysey or Veysey, John, Exeter, 377. Harold, John, prb. Hereford, 497. Harold, John, dn. Hereford, 476. Harper, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 501, Harpsfield, Nich., prb. Canterbury, 50. Harpsfield, Nicholas, archd. Canter- bury, 43. Harries, George, prb. St. David's, 323. Harrington, Henry, prb. Wells, 205. Harris, Arthur, prb. Exeter, 429. Harris, Henry, prb. Wells, 182, 205. Harris, John, prb. Canterbury, 52. Harris, John, prb. Chichester, 272. Harris, John, prb. Ely, 358. Harris, John, prb. Hereford, 512. Harris, John, prb. Wells, 203, 210. Harris, John, dn. Hereford, 479, Harris, John, dn. Wells, 155. Harris, Nathaniel, prb. Hereford, 512. Harris, Richard, prb. Chichester, 275. Harris, Richard, prb. Hereford, 517. Harris, Robert, prb. Gloucester, 449. Harris, Thomas, pre. Exeter, 411. Harris, Thomas, treas. Wells, 173. Harrison, Benj., prb. Canterbury, 58. Harrison, Benjamin, archd. Maidstone, 45- Harrison, George, prb. Wells, 188. Harrison, Henry, prb. Ely, 356. Harrison, Robert, chan. Lichfield, 5S5. Harry, John ap, prb. Lichfield, 621. Harrys, Thomas, archd. Cornwall, 399. Harsnett, Robert, prb. Wells, 179. Harsnett, Samuel, bp. Chichester, 251. Hart, Walter, prb. Bristol, 227. Hart, Walter, prb. Wells, 189. Hartford,Rich., archd. St. David's, 309. Hartford, Rich, de, prb. Hereford, 528. Hartlepool, John, prb. Hereford, 500, 532. Harvey, Charles, prb. Ely, 359. Harvey, Henry, prb. Bristol, 230. Harvey, Henry, prb. El)', 358. Harv^ey, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 594. Harvey, John, prb. Hereford, 527. Harvey, John, prb. Wells, 206. Harvey, John, pre. Hereford, 486. Harvey, Joseph, prb. Hereford, 505. Harvey, Joseph, chan. Hereford, 493. Harvie, George, archd. Cornwall, 399. Harward, Charles, prb. Exeter, 431. Harward, Charles, dn. Exeter, 389. Harward, William, prb. Hereford, 522. Harwarde, William, prb. Lichfield, 637. Harwedon, Robt.de, prb. Lichfield, 602, Harwood, Andrew, prb. Wells, 186. Harwood, Richard, prb. Gloucester, 449. Haseler, John, dn. Chichester, 256. Haselshawe, Walter, archd. Wells, 159. 680 INDEX Haselshawe, Walter de, dn. Wells, 150. Haselshawe or Hesselshagh, Walter, bp. Bath & Wells, 136. Haslam, Christopher, prb. Wells, 194. Hassall, John, prb. Lichfield, 602. Hassel, Henr}% prb. Lichfield, 598. Hastang, Humphry, prb. Lichfield, 613. Hastang, Humphry de, archd. Coven- try, 568. Hathway, James, prb. Hereford, 522. Hathwey, John, prb. Hereford, 524. Haughton, Rich, de, pre. Lichfield, 578. Haukin, Laurence, pre. Exeter, 411. Hauley, Thomas, chan. Hereford, 492. Haverford, Robert de, treas. St. Da- vid's, 317. Haverford, Robert de, archd. St. Da- vid's, 308. Havering, Richard, pre. Hereford, 485. Havering, Richard, archd. Chester, 566. Hawarden, Humphry, prb. Lichfield, 601, 607, 630, 639. Hawes, WiUiam, prb. Chichester, 279. Hawkhurst,Sampson,prb.Lichfield,6i7. Hawkins, Edward, prb. Wells, 209. Hawkins, Francis, dn. Chichester, 258. Hawkins, Nicholas, archd. Ely, 353. Hawkins, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 599. Hawkins, Thomas, archd. Stafford, 572. Hawkins, William, prb. Wells, 207. Hawthorne, Adrian, prb. Wells, 183. Hawthorne, Adrian, chan. Wells, 177. Hawtrey, Charles, prb. Exeter, 427. Hawtrey, Charles, subd. Exeter, 391. Haxey, Stephen, prb. Lichfield, 641. Haxey, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 630. Hay, James, prb. Wells, 190. Hay, John de la, prb. Hereford, 527. Hay, WiUiam de la, prb. Hereford, 521. Haydon, Edward, prb. Wells, 197. Hayley, William, dn. Chichester, 258. Haynes, Simon, dn. Exeter, 387. Hayward, John, chan. Lichfield, 585. Hayward, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 608. Haywood, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 599. Head, Henry, prb. Bristol, 233. Head, John, prb. Canterbury, 52. Head, John, prb. Wells, 187. Head, John, archd. Canterbury, 45. Head, Sir John, prb. Hereford, 499. Headda or Ceadda, bp. Hereford, 454. Headdi, bp. Lichfield, 540. Healey, Richard, prb. Wells, 193. Hearsnet, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 612. Heath, Nicholas, prb. Chichester, 281. Heath, Nicholas, archd. Stafford, 572. Heath, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 276, 277. Heathcote, Gilbert, treas. Wells, 175. Heaton, Henry, prb. Ely, 355. Hebden, William, prb. Lichfield, 593, 596- Heber, Reginald, prb. St. Asaph, 93. Heberden, Thos., prb. Chichester, 279. Heberden, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 431. Heberden, Thomas, prb. Wells, 192. Heca, bp. Selsey, 237. Hedwith, Madoc, archd. Anglesey, 114. Heicote, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 587. Heinfridus, archd. Hereford, 479. Heitcote, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 616, 632. Heithcote, Ralph, chan. Hereford, 493. Heiworth, John, treas. Lichfield, 582. Heiworth, William, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 552. Hele, Arthur, prb. Wells, 209. Helewise, archd. Canterbury, 37, Helias, archd. StaflTord, 570. Helliar, William, archd. Barum, 407. Helme, Christopher, archd. Derby, 577. Helyas, archd. StaflTord, 571. Helyer, Richard, archd. Barum, 406. Helyer, Richard, archd. Cornwall, 398. Hemele, bp. Lichfield, 540. Hempsham or Eynesham, Walter de (Canterbury), 11. Hendeman, Thomas, chan. Exeter, 418. Hendeman, Thos. archd. Exeter, 394. Henerborge, John de,prb. Lichfield, 598. Hengham, Ralph de, chan. Exeter, 417. Hengham, Ralph de, prb. Hereford, 512. Hengham, alias Hilstiton, Ralph de, pre. Exeter, 409. Henley, Bertie, prb. Bristol, 231. Henneage,George, archd.Taunton, 168. Hennelawe, Geoffrey de, bp. St. Da- vid's, 291. Henry, prb. Hereford, 501. Henry, pre. Chichester, 265. Henry, pre. Exeter, 409. Henry, treas. AVells, 172. Henry, archd. Bath, 163. Henry, archd. Chichester, 259. Henry, archd. Ely, 350. Henry, dn. Hereford, 475. Henry de Hertford, prb. Hereford, 528. Henry of London, treas. Wells,i72. Henry of Sandwich, archd. Wells, 164. Henry of Warwick, chan. Exeter, 417. Henselowe or Huntilowe, William de, prb. Hereford, 510. Henselowe or Huntelowe, Wilham de, prb. Hereford, 511. Henshaw, Joseph, pre. Chichester, 266. Henshaw, Joseph, dn. Chichester, 258. N 0 M I N U M. (;8i HenshaWjTobias, treas. Chichester, 269, Henshaw, Tobias, archd. Lewes, 264. Henton, Thomas de, treas. Exeter, 414 Heraldus, archd. Bath, 163. Herault, Louis, prb. Canterbury, 57. Herbert, archd. Canterbury, 38. Herbert, archd. Salop, 573. Herbert, John, dn. Vi'ells, 153. Herbin or Heurun or Ervin or Her- nun, bp. St. David's, 289. Hereford, John, prb. Hereford, 517. Hereford, John, archd. Hereford, 480. Hereford, John, archd. Salop, 483. Hereford, Nicholas, prb, Hereford, 524. Hereford, Nich. de, prb. Hereford, 501, 532. Hereford, Nich. de, chan. Hereford, 492. Hereford, Nich. of, treas. Hereford, 489. Hereward, Robt., prb. Hereford, 494. Herevvard,Thomas, archd. Exeter, 393. Herewin, bp. Lichfield, 541. Herewynton Adam de, prb. Hereford, 515- Hering, John, prb. Wells, 182. Heritage, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 580. Herkenwald or Aethelvvald, bp. Lich- field, 542. Herlaston, John de, archd. Chester, 566. Herlaston,Wm. de, prb. Lichfield, 608. Herleston,Wm. de, prb. Hereford, 509, Hernun or Heurun or Ervin or Herbin, bp. St. David's, 289. Herring, John, prb. Hereford, 522. Herring, Thomas, pre. Chichester, 267. Herring, Thomas, bp. Bangor, 108. Herring, Thomas, abp. Canterbury, 30. Herring, Wm., dn. St. Asaph, 83. Hert, Walter, prb. Exeter, 427. Hertford, Hen. de, prb. Hereford, 528 Hertford, Rich, de, prb. Hereford, 528 Hertford, Rich, de, archd. Hereford, 480 Hertford,Thomasde,archd.Barum,405 Hertford,Thomasde,archd.Totnes,402 Hervseus, bp. Bangor, 95. Herveus, bp. Ely, 326. Hervey, John, prb. Lichfield, 632. Hervey, John, dn. Hereford, 477. Her\'ington,Wm.de, prb. Hereford, 532. Hesselshagh or Haselshawe, Walter, bp. Bath and Wells, 136. Hetb, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 509. Heth, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 630. Hethcote, Ralph, archd.Totnes, 403. Hethe, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 618. Hethe, Nicholas de, prb. Hereford, 497. Heton, Martin, bp. Ely, 343. Heton or Eaton, Guy, archd. Gloucester, 446. TOL. I. Heurun or Ervin or Hernun or Herbin, bp. St. David's, 289. Hewgoe, Walter, prb. Exeter, 428. HevvsoUjWm., prb. St. David's, 323. Hewson,Wm., chan. St. David's, 320. Hewys, John, pre. Lichfield, 580. Hewys orHuys, John, treas. Lichfield, 582. Hexton or Exton, Brian, prb. Lichfield, 625. Heydon, Benjamin, dn. Wells, 154. Heynes, John, prb. Hereford, 502. Heyolt or Oley, Barnabas, archd. Ely, 3.52. Heywood, Elizeus, prb. Lichfield, 601. Heywood, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 609, 611, 622. Heywood, Thomas, dn. Lichfield, 562. Heyworth, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 601. Heyworth, John, prb. Lichfield, 596. Heyworth, John, archd. Coventry,569. Hickeling, Hugh de, pi'e. Exeter, 410. Hicks, John, prb. Exeter, 426. Hieronymus or Beale, Jeremiah, prb. Ely, S.-^?- Higate, John, prb. Lichfield, 596, 626. Higate, John, archd. Bangor, 113. Higbert, bp. Lichfield, 540. Higbert, bp. Lichfield, (?) 541. Higden,William, prb. Canterbury, 49. Higgins, Anthony, prb. Gloucester, 448. Higgins, Sambrooke, prb. Lichfield, 608. Higgins, WilUam, prb. Lichfield, 602. Higgins, William, pre. Lichfield, 580. Higgins, William, archd. Derby, 577. Higgs, Griffith, pre. St. David's, 316. Higgs, Griffith, dn. Lichfield, 563. Higgs, Nicholas, prb. Wells, 189. Higgs,William, treas. Lichfield, 583. Highway, Wilham, prb. WeUs, 208. Higinus, prb. Wells, 169. Hilary, bp. Chichester, 238. HiU, Guy, prb. Hereford, 505, 533. Hill, Henry, prb. Wells, 181, 202. Hill, Herbert, chan. Hereford, 494. Hill, Hugh, prb. Lichfield, 614. Hill, John, prb. Canterbury, 53. HiU, John, prb. Ely, 360. Hill, John Samuel, prb. Ely, 360. Hill, Joseph, prb. St. David's, 317. Hill, Joseph, prb. Lichfield, 625, 639. Hill, Richard, archd. Lewes, 263. Hill, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 618. Hill, Robert, archd. Gloucester, 446. HiU, Samuel, prb. Wells, 188, 194. HiU, Samuel, archd. WeUs, 162. HiU, Thomas, prb. Ely, 355. HiU, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 610. 4 s 682 INDEX Hill, Thomas, arclid. Derby, 578. Hill,Wm., prb. Bangor, 121. HiUjWm., prb. Bristol, 232. HilljWm., prb. Lichfield, 636, 641. HiU,Wm., prb.WeUs, 186. HiU,Wm., archd. Salop, 574. HiUaire, James, prb. Lichfield, 636. Hilling, Giles, prb. Wells, 196. Hillum, Robert de, prb. Wells, 200. Hilstiton, alias Hengham, Ralph de, pre. Exeter, 409. Hilton, Henry, prb. Liehfield, 623. Hilton, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 626. Hinckley, John, prb. Lichfield, 610. Hinde, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 592. Hinton, John, prb. Lichfield, 591. Hinton,AVra., prb. Hereford, 521. Hinton, Wm., prb. Lichfield, 612. Hinton, Wm., pre. St. David's, 316. Hinton,Wm., archd. Coventry, 569. Hiot, John, archd. St. David's, 308. Hispania, James de, prb. Lichfield, 640. Hitchman, Edward, prb. Wells, 210. Hoadley, John, prb. Hereford, 508. Hoadly, Benjamin, bp. Bangor, 107. Hoadly, Benjamin, bp. Hereford, 473. Hobart, Henry Charles, prb. Hereford, 502. Hobart, Hon. Henry Lewis, prb. Can- terbury, 49. Hobbes, Thomas, prb. Wells, 187. Hobbys, Thomas, dn. Exeter, 386. Hockenhull, Lam^ence, prb. Lichfield, 601. Hodges, John, prb. Lichfield, 621. Hodges, Joseph, prb. Exeter, 429. Hodges, Nathaniel, prb.Gloucester,449. Hodges, Thomas, dn. Hereford, 478. Hodges, William, prb. Wells, 185. Hodgeson, Christopher, prb. Lichfield, 599. Hodgson, Francis, archd. Derby, 578. Hodgson, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 501. Hodson, George, archd, Stafford, 573. Hodson, George, chan. Lichfield, 586. Hody, John, chan. WeUs, 176. Hody, John, pre. Wells, 170. Hoel, David ap, prb. St. Asaph, 92. Hogeson, Christopher, prb. Lichfield, 641. Holbach, Hugh, prb. Lichfield, 631. Holbache, Hugh, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Holbeach, Ralph de, prb. Lichfield,622, 640. Holbech, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 511. Holcombe, George, prb. Canterbury, 62. Holcombe,George, archd. Caermarthen, 314- Holcombe, James Robertson, prb. St. David's, 323. Holcombe, Samuel, prb.Canterbury,56. Holcombe,Wm., prb. St. David's, 321. Holcot, Helias, prb. Hereford, 522. Holder, Wm., prb. Ely, 357. Holdsworth, Henry, prb. Exeter, 428. Holdsworth, Robert, prb. Exeter, 433. Hole, George, prb. Exeter, 434. Hole, Matthew, prb.Wells, 183. Hole,Winiam, prb. Exeter, 429. Hole, William, archd. Barum, 408. Holes, Andrew, prb. Hereford, 509. Holes or Hales or Hulles, Andrew, archd. Wells, 160. Holes or Hulls, Andrew, prb. Lichfield, 603. HoUand, Samuel, prb. Chichester, 282, 283. Holland, Samuel, pre. Chichester, 267. Holland, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 522. Hollingbery, Drake,prb . Chichester, 277, 278, 280. Hollingbery, Thomas,archd. Chichester, 261. HolUngworth, John Banks, archd. Huntingdon, 353. Holmes, Robert, prb. Hereford, 5x4. HolmeSjWilliam, prb. Exeter, 429. Holmes,Wi]liam, dn. Exeter, 388. Holt, John, pre. Lichfield, 580. Holt, John, archd. Salop, 575. Holt, Thomas, prb. WeUs, 197, 204. Holt, Thomas, chan. Wells, 178. Holwell,Winiam, prb. Exeter, 430. Holyday, Robert, prb. Hereford, 532. Holyman, John, bp. Bristol, 214. Homme, John, prb. Hereford, 517. Honiwood, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 594. Honiwood, Robert, archd.Taunton,i68. Honore, Henry, dn. Bangor, iii. Honorius, abp. Canterbury, 3. Honywood, Edward, prb. Exeter, 432. Hoo, Adam de, archd. Coventry, 568. Hoo, John de, of Exeter, pre. Hereford, 485. Hood, Arthur W., prb. WeUs, 194. Hood, Samuel, prb.Wells, 210. Hooke, Thomas, archd. Lewes, 264. Hooper, George, prb. Exeter, 425. Hooper, George, pre. Exeter, 413. Hooper, George, dn. Canterbmy, 34. Hooper, George, bp. St. Asaph, 77. Hooper,George,bp.Bath andWells,i48. Hooper, John, bp. Gloucester, 437. Hooper, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 279. Hopewas, Hugh de, prb. Lichfield, 593, 596. N 0 M I N U M. 683 Hopkins, John, prb. Hereford, 505. Hopper, Thomas, prb. Ely, 362. Hopton, David, prb. Hereford, 499, 517. Hopton, David, archd. Exeter, 395. Hopton, John, prb. Hereford, 496. Hopton, Ralph Cope, prb.Hereford,524. Horbery, Matthew, prb. Lichfield, 588, 605, 612, 628, 638. Hore, John, archd. Salop, 483. Hore, Richard, prb. Hereford, 515. Hoi'e, Roger, prb. Hereford, 529. Horn, Thomas, prb. Bristol, 229. Home, George, dn. Canterbury, 34. Home, Richard, prb. Hereford, 519. Horne,William, pi'b. Lichfield, 597. Horneck, Anthony, prb. Exeter, 425. Horneck, Anthony, prb. Wells, 201. Horner, John Stuart Hippesley, prb. Wells, 188. Horsey, Thomas, prb. Wells, 192. Horsey, Wm., pre. Chichester, 266. Horsley, Heneage, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Horsley, Samuel, prb. Gloucester, 451. Horsley, Samuel, bp. St. Asaph, 79. Horsley, Samuel, bp. St. David's, 306. Horsmanden,Tho., prb. Canterbury, 47. Horssey,Wm., prb. Wells, 185. Horsyngton, John, chan. Wells, 176. Horton, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 638. Horton,Walter, prb. Lichfield, 608. Hoskins, Henry, prb. Hereford, 501. Hoskins, James Wm., prb. Wells, 210. Hoskins, John, prb. Hereford, 496, 518, 519. 528. Hoskyns, John, prb. Hereford,5i7,520. Hospys, Reginald, prb. Lichfield, 620. Hoten, Henry, pre. Chichester, 266. Hothum, John de, bp. Ely, 334. Hough, John, prb. Lichfield, 597. Hough, John, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 558. Hougham, Ralph de, prb.Hereford,5i4. Houghton, Adam, pre. St. David's, 316. Houghton, Adam, bp. St. David's, 294, Hoveden, George, prb. Canterbury, 58. Hoveden, Robert, prb. Canterbury, 49. Hoveden, Robert, prb. Wells, 190. How, Alexander, prb. Lichfield, 632. Howard, Hon. Henry, Edward, John, dn. Lichfield, 564. Howbell, John, archd. Salop, 574, Howel, bp. Bangor, 98. Howell, archd. Cardigan, 314. Howell, bp. Bangor, 100. HoweU,Henry,archd.Caermarthen,3i3. Howell, James, prb. Hereford, 522. Howell, John, pre. St. David's, 316. Howell, John ap, prb. Hereford, 532. Howell, John Francis, prb. Exeter,43i. Howell,Philipap,archd.Brecknock,3ii. Howell,Thomas, archd. Anglesey, 114. Howell, Thomas, bp. Bi-istol, 216. HoweU alias Trefnant, John, prb. Hereford, 527. Howley,Wm., abp. Canterbury, 31. Howman, George Ernest, hon. can. Bristol, 452. Howson, John, prb. Exeter, 421. Howson, John, prb. Hereford, 534. Hubbock, John, prb. Chichester, 275. Huchenson,Wm., prb. Exeter, 422. Huchenson,Wm., archd. Cornwall, 400. HuddesfordjWm., prb. Lichfield, 629, 638. Huddleston, Lawson, archd. Bath, 165. Huddlestone, Lawson, prb. Wells, 195. Huddlestone,W^m., prb. Wells, 191. Hudleston,Wm., prb. Wells, 211. Hudlestone, Lawson, prb. Wells, 184. Hudson,George, prb. Lichfield, 6 19,623. Hudson, John, treas. Lichfield, 582. Hudson, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 279. Hues, Richard, prb. Hereford, 534. Huett, Thomas, pre. St. David's, 316. Hugh, pre. Lichfield, 578. Hugh, archd. Cardigan, 314. Hugh, archd. Chester, 565. Hugh, archd. Totnes, 401. Hugh, bp. St. Asaph, 66. Hugh of Tournay, archd. Bath, 163. Hugh de Wells, archd. Bath, 163. Hugh de Wells, archd. Wells, 159. Hughes, Audoenus, treas. Bangor, 118. Hughes, Edward, archd. Bangor, 113. Hughes, Griffith, treas. Bangor, 118. Hughes, Hugh, prb. Bangor, 122. Hughes, Hugh, pre. Bangor, 1 18. Hughes, Hugh, dn. Bangor, 112. Hughes, James Roydon, prb. Chiches- ter, 284. Hughes, John, prb. Hereford, 512, 517. Hughes, John, chan. Bangor, 1 19. Hughes, John, archd. Hereford, 481. Hughes, Lewis, chan. Bangor, 120. Hughes, Nichol. archd. Merioneth, 116. Hughes, Owen, prb. Bangor, 122. Hughes, Roger, prb. Bristol, 230. Hughes, Simon, prb. Chichester, 273. Hughes, Thomas Lewis, prb. St. Asaph, 93. Hughes, WiUiam, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Hughes, William, bp. St. Asaph, 75. Hughford, John, prb. Lichfield, 632. Huish, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 181. Huishe, Alexander, prb. Wells, 183. Hull, William, prb. Canterbury, 50. 452, 684 INDEX Hull, William, prb, Hereford, 537. Hull, William, chan. Hereford, 493. Hulle, Walter de, subdn. Wells, 156. Hulle, Walter de, archd. Bath, 164. Hulles, Thomas, archd. Anglesey, 114. Hulles or Hales or Holes, Andrew, archd. Wells, 160. Hulls or Holes, Andrew, prb. Lichfield, 603. Humberht or Hunberht, bp. Lichfielo, 542. Humberston,Wm., prb. Hereford, 500. Humberston, William de, prb. Here- ford, 516. Humbert, bp. Lichfield, 541. Hume, John, bp. Bristol, 219. Humphrey, Hugh, prb. Lichfield, 603. Humphrey, Lawrence, dn. Gloucester, 443. Humphreys, Hugh, prb. Lichfield, 603. Humphreys, Humphrey, dn. Bangor, 112. Humphreys, Humphrey, bp. Bangor, 107. Humphreys, Humphrey, bp. Hereford, 472. Humphreys, Roger, prb. Wells, 209. Humphreys, Roger, chan. Wells, 178. Hunberht or Humberht, bp. Lichfield. 543. Hunden, WilUam, archd. Totnes, 402. Hungarton, Roger, archd. Merioneth, 116. Hungerford, Walter, prb. Wells, 184. Hunt, Michael, prb. Wells, 186. Hunt, Philip, prb. Canterbury, 59. Hunt, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 48. Hunt, Rich., prb. Lichfield, 599, 631. Hunt, Thomas, prb. Wells, 189. Hunt, Walter, prb. Hereford, 513. Hunt, Wm., prb. Wells, 180, 198, 184. Hunt, William, archd. Bath, 165. Hunt, alias Hadley, William, prb. Can- terbury, 55. Huntelowe or Henselowe, William de, prb. Hereford, 511. Hunter, John, prb. Lichfield, 600. Hunter, William, prb. Hereford, 516, 519' 530- Huntilowe or Henselowe, William de, prb. Hereford, 510. Huntingford, George Isaac, bp. Glou- cester, 442. Huntingford, George Isaac, bp. Here- ford, 474. Huntingford, Hen., prb. Hereford, 449. Huntingford, Thos., prb. Hereford, 501. Huntingford, Thos., pre. Hereford, 487. Huntley, John, prb. Gloucester, 447. Huntley, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 533, Huntley, Wyx, prb. Wells, 209. Hurd, Richard, archd. Gloucester, 446, Hurd, Richard, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 559. Hurdis, Tliiomas, prb. Chichester, 276. Hurkston, Geoffrey, prb. Lichfield, 603. Hurrell, Thomas, prb, Exeter, 430. Hurst, Leonard, prb. Lichfield, 632. Husband, David, prb. Hereford, 516. Husband, John, prb. Lichfield, 591. Huse, Peter, archd. Chichester, 260. Husee, Henry, chan. Wells, 175. Husee, Henry, dn. Wells, 150. Hustwayt, John de, prb. Lichfield, 602. Hutchenson, William, prb. Exeter, 423. Hutchingson, John, prb. Lichfield, 614, Hutchinson, Charles Edward, prb. Chichester, 283. Hutchinson, John, prb. Lichfield, 613, 631. Hutchinson, John, pre. Lichfield, 581. Hutchinson, Michael, prb. Lichfield, 600, 605, 612, 615, 625. Hutchinson, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 274, 275. Hutchinson, Wm., archd. Lewes, 264. Hutton, Matthew, prb. Ely, 35S. Hutton, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 422. Hutton, Matthew, bp. Bangor, 108. Hutton, Matthew, abp. Canterbury, 30. Hutton, William, chan. Lichfield, 585. Huxtable, Edgar, subd. Wells, 158. Huys, Richard, prb. Wells, 190. Huys, Richard, prb. Bristol, 229. Huys or Hewys, John de, treas. Lich- field, 582. Hyde, Richard, prb. Hereford, 519. Hyde, Thos., archd. Gloucester, 446. Hyde, William, prb. Wells, 198. Hygham, Rob. de, archd. Bangor, 113. Hylle, Walter, prb. Hereford, 535. Hylton, Thomas de, prb. Lichfield, 593, I. Ibbetson, Richard, prb. Exeter, 427. Ibbetson, Richard, pre. Exeter, 413. Ibbetson, Richard, subd. Exeter, 391. Ibbetson, Richard, archd. Exeter, 396. Ibbot, Benjamin, treas. Wells, 174. Ibbotson, Timothy, prb. Lichfield, 595. Ikehngton, John, archd. Wells, 160. Ilbert, Peregrine, prb. Exeter, 432. Ilbert, Peregrine, archd. Barum, 408. Ilger or Algar, .Philip, prb. Hereford, 510. Iliffe, Thomas, prl). Wells, 209, N 0 M I N U M. 685 Ince, Henry, archd. Chester, 567. Inceor Inse, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 641. Inge, WilUam, prb. Lichfield, 591, 593, 610. Inge, William, pre. Lichfield, 580. Ingram, William, prb. Hereford, 513. Inse or Ince, rleury, prb. Lichfield, 641. Insula, Peter de, archd. Coveniry, 568. Insul ■, Peter de, archd. Exeter, 393. Insula, Peter de, archd. Wells, 159. Insula, Peter de, dn. Wells, 150. Insula, Robert de, archd. Salop, 573. Insula or Lisle, Thos. de, bp. Ely, 335. Ipestoke, Laurence de, dn, Lichfield, 561. Ironside, Gilbert, bp. Bristol, 217, 2 iS. Ironside, Gilbert, bp. Hereford, 472. Ironside, Ralph, archd. Dorset, 225. Ireland, Robert, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Ireland, Thomas, prb. Wells, 189, 205. Ireland, Thomas, pre. Bangor, 117. Irton, Wm. de, treas. Chichester, 267. Isaac, archd. Barum, 405. Isaac, Baptist, prb. Wells, 198. Isham, Zacheus, prb. Canterbury, 55. Islep, Simon, prb. Lichfield, 624. Isles, Thomas, prb. Gloucester, 448. ^islip, Simon, abp. Canterbury, 19. . islip, Simon de, archd. Canterbury, 40. Ithell, Thomas, prb. Ely, 355. Ivo, treas, Hereford, 488. lyO, dn. Wells, 149. J. . . . , chan. Chichester, 270. Jack, David ap, prb. Hereford, 508. Jackson, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 610. Jackson, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 641. Jackson, John, prb. Lichfield, 623. Jackson, Phineas, prb. Hereford. 527, Jackson, Ralph, i)rb. Canterbury, 51. Jackson, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 593, 619,628. Jackson, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 49. Jackson, WilUam, prb. Vv'ells, 203. Jackson, William, dn. Wells, 155. Jackwyson, Richard, prb. Hereford, 509. Jacob, Francis, prb. Gloucester, 449. Jaques, George, prb. Wells, 211. Jaques, Simon, prb. Lichfield, 62,13. Jaqueson or Jacwyson, Richard, prb, Hereford, 500. Jacwyson or Jaqueson, Richard, prb. Hereford, 500. Jaenbei'ht, abp. Canterbury, 4. James, Henry, prb. Canterbury, 55. James, John, prb. Exeter, 425. James, John, chan. Exeter, 420. James, Thomas, siibd. Weils, 157. James, Thomas George, prb. Wells, 209, James, William, archd. Coventry, 569. Jane, William, prb. Exeter, 426, Jane, William, chan. Exeter, 420. Jane, William, pre. Exeter, 413. Jane, William, dn. Gloucester, 444. Jauncy, Francis, prb. Hereford, 517, J'Anson, Sir Thomas Bankes, prb. Wells, 197, 208. J'Anson, Sir Thomas Bankes, pre. Wells, 172, J'Anson, Sir Thomas Bankes, subd. Wells, 158, Jaramann orGearoman,bp.Mercia, 538. Jay, George, prb. Lichfield, 592. Jeames, John, prb. Hereford, 519, 528. JefFery, William, archd. Salop, 575, JefFray, John, prb. Canterbury, 54, JefFray, William, prb. Lichfield, 607, Jeffrey, Robert, prb. Hereford, 512, Jeffrey, Wm., prb. Lichfield, 607, 617, Jeffreys, James, prb, Canterbury, 57, JeflTry, John, prb. Lichfield, 599, 623, Jeffry, Robert, prb. Hereford, 520, Jeftry, Robert, archd. Hereford, 481. Jeffry, Robert, archd, Salop, 483. Jeffry or Geffrey, Robert, treas, Here- ford, 489, Jeffrys, John, prb. Wells, 180. Jeffry s, William, chan. Lichfield, 585. Jeffrys or Gefferys, Robert, prb. Here- ford, 503. Jekyll, John, pre. St. David's, 317. Jenkin, Robert, pre. Chichester, 266. Jenkins,John, prb. Wells, 193, 209, 210. Jenkins, Richard, prb. Wells, 193, 200, 209. Jenkins, Thomas, prb. Wells, 192, 203. Jenkinson, John Banks, bp. St. Da- vid's, 307. Jenkyns, Richard, dn. Wells, 155, Jennens, William, prb. Wells, 195. Jennings, John, prb. Hereford, 528. Jennings, Samuel, prb. Wells, 185, Jennings, William, dn. Gloucester, 443. Jenyns, George Leonard, prb. Ely, 362. Jervis, WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 633, Jesse, Wilham, prb. Exeter, 425. "^ Jevan, bp. St. David's, 289. Jewel, John, archd. Chichester, 260, Jo. ... , chan. Chichester, 269. Jocehne, archd. Chichester, 259. Joceline, archd. Lewes, 262, Joceline of Wells, bp, Bath and Wells, ISO- John, (Canterbury), 12. John, pre. Wells, 170, 686 INDEX John, pre. Exeter, 409. John, treas. Exeter, 414. John, archd. Barum, 405. John, archd. Bath, 163. John, archd. Canterbury, 37. John, archd. Chichester, 259. John, archd. Totnes, 402. John, archd. Wells, 158. John, dn. Bangor, iii. John, dn. Chichester, 255. John, bp. St. Asaph, 65. John II, bp. St. Asaph, 67. John, bp. Ely, 328. John, bp. Exeter, 368. John or Jordan, archd. St. David's, 308. John . . . . , pre. Hereford, 487. John .... cament, prb. Wells, 209. John of Exeter, treas. Exeter, 414. John, Edward ap, archd. Caermarthen, 313- John, Paulet St., prb. Hereford, 519. John, Richard de St., archd. Canter- bury, 39. John, Wra. de St., prb. Hereford, 500. Johnes, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 433. Johnes, Thomas, chan. Exeter, 420. Johnes, Thomas, archd. Barum, 408. Johnson, Charles, prb. Wells, 189. Johnson, Edward, prb. Wells, 210. Johnson, Edward Houghton, prb. Chi- chester, 284. Johnson, James, prb. Hereford, 506. Johnson, James, bp. Gloucester, 441. Johnson, John, treas. St. David's, 318. Johnson, Peter, prb. Exeter, 434. Johnson, Robert, prb. Gloucester, 447. Johnson, Robert, prb. Hereford, 527. Johnson, Wilham, prb. Hereford, 518. Johnson, Wm., archd. Hereford, 481. Johnson or Jones, Walter, pre. Here- ford, 487. JoUiff, John, prb. Lichfield, 599. JolliiFe, Henry, dn. Bristol, 223. Jones, Anth., archd. St. David's, 309. Jones, Charles, prb. Wells, 193. Jones, Edward, prb. Hereford, 514. Jones, Edward, bp. St. Asaph, 77. Jones, Edw. Lloyd, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Jones, Evan, chan. Bangor, 119. Jones, Francis, prb. Hereford, 505. Jones, Hugh, prb. St. Asaph, 90, 93. Jones, Hugh Wynne, prb. Bangor, 123. Jones, Hugh Wynne, chan. Bangor, 120. Jones, James, prb. Hereford, 526. Jones, James, archd. Hereford, 482. Jones, John, prb. St. Asaph, 88, 90, 92, 93- Jones, John, prb. Bangor, 121. Jones, John, prb. St. David's, 322. Jones, John, prb. Hereford, 535. Jones, John, archd. Anglesey, 115. Jones, John, archd. Bangor, 113. Jones, John, archd. Merioneth, 117. Jones, John, dn. Bangor, 112. Jones, Meredith, prb. Chichester, 277. Jones, Morgan, prb. Wells, 204. Jones, Owen, prb. Chichester, 276. Jones, Robert, prb. Gloucester, 447. Jones, Robert, treas, Hereford, 489. Jones, Simon, prb. Hereford, 509. Jones, Theophilus,prb. Hereford, 514. Jones, Thomas, prb. Ely, 355. Jones, Walter, prb. Gloucester, 447. Jones, Walter, prb. Hereford, 522. Jones, William, prb. Wells, 1S3. Jones, Walter, treas. Chichester, 269. Jones, Walter, archd. Brecknock, 311. Jones, W^m., archd. Caermarthen, 313. Jones or Johnson, Walter, pre. Here- ford, 487. Jonys, William, prb. Lichfield, 634. Jordan, archd. Brecknock, 310. Jordan, archd. Cornwall, 397. Jordan, archd. St. David's, 308. Jordan, George, prb. Chichester, 273. Jordan, Robt., prb. Hereford, 495, 520. Jorwerth or Gervase, bp. St. David's, 291. Joselinus, archd. Chichester, 259. Joseph, chan. Chichester, 269. Joseph, bp. St. David's, 289. Josephe, John, prb. Canterbury, 61. Judde, Richard, prb. Hereford, 497. Judde, Richard, treas. Hereford, 490. Justus, abp. Canterbury, 2. Juxon, William, (Hereford,) 470. Juxon, William, abp. Canterbury, 27. K. Kaerwent or Carrwent, Nicholas de, prb. Hereford, 508. Kammeys, Robert, prb. Wells, 188. Kaple, Wm. de, prb. Hereford, 516. Karlo, pre. Chichester, 265. Karneke, Thomas, dn. Wells, 152. Karreu or Carrew, Richard de, bp. St. David's, 292. Katerick, John, prb. Hereford, 516. Kay, Arthur, prb. Canterbury, 47. Kaye, John, bp. Bristol, 221. Kaynes, Thomas de, treas. Exeter, 414. Keate, Wm., prb. Wells, 184, 190, 21 1. Keene, Charles Edm., prb. Wells, 201. Keene, Charles Edm., subd. Wells, 158. Keene, Edmund, bp. Ely, 346. NO MI NUM. 687 Keltet, Edward, prb. Exeter, 423. Kemesey or Kemmes, John de, prb. Hereford, 498. Kemesiye, John de, treas. Hereford, 488. Kemmes, John de, prb. Hereford, 516. Kemmes or Kemesey, John de, prb. Hereford, 498. Kemp, John, abp. Canterbury, 23. Kemp, William, prb. Bristol, 230. Kempe, John, bp. Chichester, 245. Kempthorne, James, prb. Lichfield, 633. Ken, Thomas, bp. Bath and Wells, 147. Kenardsly, John de, prb. Lichfield, 615. Kendall, George, prb. Exeter, 424. Kendall, Nicholas, prb. Exeter, 425. Kendall, Nicholas, archd. Totnes, 404. Kenea or Ceneu, abp. St. David's, 288. Kenferth or Cineferth alias Kinebert, bp. Lichfield, 542. Kenilworth, Richard de,chan .Wells, 1 75. Kenil worth, Richard de,treas.Wells,i 72. Kennedy, Benj.Hall, prb. Lichfield,6o8. Kenric, Elias ap, dn. Bangor, no. Kenric or Fitz - Kenewreyk, Madoc, archd. Anglesey, 114. Kent, Robert, prb. Hereford, 502. Kent, Robert, pre. Hereford, 486. Kent, Thomas, archd. Totnes, 403. Kent, John de, archd. Totnes, 401. Kent, Richard of, pre. Wells, 170. Kentigern, bp. St. Asaph, 63. Kentwood, Reginald, prb.Hereford,495. Keppel, Frederick, prb. Exeter, 430. Keppel, Frederick, archd. Exeter, 396. Keppel, Frederick, bp. Exeter, 382. Kernik, John de, pre. Lichfield, 578. Kerny, John de, chan. Lichfield, 583. Kerrick, Thomas, prb. Wells, 197, 200, Kerrie, Francis, prb. Hereford, 500. Kerry, Francis, treas. Hereford, 490. Kerswell, Thomas, prb. Wells, 207. Ketchbury, Stephen de, treas . Chichester, 268. Ketene or Keton, John de, bp. Ely, 333. Keterich or Catrik, John de, bp. St. David's, 296. Keton or Ketene, John de, bp. Ely, 333. Ketterich or Catrik or Catterike, John, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 552. Ketulton, Wm., chan. Lichfield, 585. Keye, Martin, prb. Exeter, 421. Keys, Roger, pre. Exeter, 411. Keys, Roger, archd. Barum, 407. Kidder,Richard,bp. Bath andWells, 147. Kidwelly, John, prb. Hereford, 522. Kiffin, Robert, prb. Hereford, 514. Kildesby, William, prb. Wells, 200. Kilkenny, Andrew, pre. Exeter, 410. Kilkenny, Andrew of, dn. Exeter, 385. Kilkenny, Wm. de, archd. Coventry,568. Kilkenny or Kirkenny,Wm. de, bp. Ely, ,329- Kilpec,Wm. de, pre. Hereford, 485. Kilwarby, Robert, abp. Canterbury, 14. Kimberley, Jonathan, prb. Lichfield,592. Kimberley, Jonathan, dn. Lichfield,564. Kimberle)^, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 605, 612, 619. Kinardley, John de, prb. Lichfield, 602. Kinaston, Ralph, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Kinebert or Kenferth alias Cineferth, bp. Lichfield, 542. King, Asahel, prb. Gloucester, 449. King, Benjamin, prb. Gloucester, 450. King, George, prb. Ely, 361. King, Henry, bp. Chichester, 251. King, John, prb. Bristol, 231. King, John, jirb. Chichester, 275. King, John, treas. Chichester, 268. King, Oliver, prb. Hereford, 534. King, Oliver, archd. Taunton, 167. King, Oliver, dn. Hereford, 477. King, Oliver, bp. Bath and Wells, 142. King, Oliver, bp. Exeter, 376. King, Philip, treas. Chichester, 269. King, Philip, archd. Lewes, 264. King, Richard, prb. Hereford, 521. King, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 51. King, Walker, prb. Canterbury, 56. King, Walker, prb. Exeter, 433. King, Walker, prb. Wells, 201, 211. Kinge, Wm., prb. Canterbury, 58. Kingford, Robert, prb. Wells, 211. Kingsburgh, Edw., prb. Lichfield, 610. Kingscote,Wm. de, prb. Hereford, 524, 528. Kingsley.Wm., prb. Canterbury, 56. Kingsly,Wm., archd. Canterbury, 44. Kingston, John, prb. Hereford, 516. Kingston, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 628. Kingston,Richardde,prb.Hereford,497. Kingston, Richard de, prb . Lichfield,6o3 . Kingston, Ric. de, archd. Hereford, 480. Kingstone,Wm. de, prb. Hereford, 5 1 1 . Kingswood,Tho., prb. Gloucester, 447. Kinleside, Wm., prb. Chichester, 278. Kinnersley, John de, prb. Lichfield,6oo. Kinscote,Wm. de, prb. Hereford, 520. Kinwen, Philip, prb. Hereford, 499. Kinwoldmersh, William, prb. Hereford, ^ 529- Kin woldm ersh , Wm . , prb . Lich field,6o9 . Kirkeby, John, treas. Exeter, 415. Kirkeby, John de, pre. Lichfield, 579. Kirkeby, John de, archd. Coventry, 568. Kirkeby, John de, bp. Ely, 330. 688 INDEX Kirkeham,Walter de, archd. Salop, 573. Kirkenny or Kilkenny, Wm. de, bp. Ely, 329- Kirklington, Rob. de, prb. lichfield, 587. Kitsbe, Robert de, prb. Lichfield, 638. Kitson, Walter, prb. Exeter, 432. Knapton,Wm. de, prb. Hereford, 507. Knatchbull,Wadham, prb. Wells, 205. Knight, Henry, prb. Hereford, 512. Knight, James, pre. Wells, 171, 190. Knight, John, prb. Canterbury, 56. Knight, Samviel, prb. Ely, 361., Knight, William, prb. Bangor, 120. Knight,William., archd. Chester, 567. Knight, Wm., bp. Bath and Wells, 144. Knipe, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 426. Knockyn, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 591. Knode, John, archd. Salop, 574. KnoUes, John, prb. Wells, 206. Knott, Christopher, pre. Lichfield, 579. Knovill or Genovill, Gilbert de, prb. Hereford, 526. Knowles, Thomas, prb. Ely, 362. Knyght, William, prb. Wells, 187. Kyffin, Howel, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Kyffin, John, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Kyffin, Richard, dn. Bangor, iii. Kyffin,Uvedale, prb. Hereford, 504, 520. Kynchdale, Nich., \)vh. Lichfield, 593. Kyndelw, archd. Bangor, 112. Kyndelvv, dn. Bangor, no. Kynewardus, bp. Wells, 127, Kynnaston, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 641. Kynsy, bp. Lichfield, 542. Kyrkeby, Richard de, subd. Exeter, 389. Kyrketon, Alan, archd. Totnes, 403. L. . ., archd. St. Asaph, 84. Labredus,Gutterdus,archd.Canterbury, 40. Lacy, Edmund, prb. Hereford, 508. Lacy, Edmund, bp. Exeter, 374. Lacy, Edmund, bp. Hereford, 464. Lacy, John de, chan. Chichester, 270. Ladbroke, Edward, prb. Canterbury, 59. Lake, Arthur, bp. Bath and Wells, 145. Lake, Edward, prb. Exeter, 425. Lake, Edward, archd. Exeter, 396. Lake, John, bp. Bristol, 217. Lake, John, bp. Chichester, 252. Lake, Stephen, prb. Cantei'bury, 47. Lamb, John, dn. Bristol, 225. Lamb, John, dn. Ely, 349. Lamb, John, dn. Bristol, 445. Lamb, John, dn. Gloucester, 445. Lamb, Matthew, prb. Lichfield,595,6o5, 612, Lamb, William, archd. Coventry, 569. Lambe, Wm. de, prb. Lichfield, 640. Lambert, subd. Wells, 156. Lambert, Rob.Wm., prb. Wells, 199. Lambrook,Thomas, dn. Chichester, 258. Lampen, Robert, prb. Exeter, 434. Lamplugh, Thomas, bp. Exeter, 381. Lancaster, Justinian, prb.Wells, 195. Lancaster, Justinian, archd. Taunton, 168. Lancaster, Robert of, bp. St. Asaph, 71. Lance, John Edwin, prb.W^ells, 210. Landon, Whittington, prb. Exeter, 433. Landon,Whittington, dn. Exeter, 389. Lane, Charles, prb. Wells, 183. Lane, James, prb. Hereford, 509. Lane, John, chan. Lichfield, 584. Lane, Obadiah, prb. Lichfield, 610. Lane,Theophilus, prb. Hereford, 533. Lane, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 604. Lane, William, prb. Hereford, 509. Lane, WilUam, treas. Hereford, 491, Laney, Benjamin, bp. Ely, 344. Lanfire, John, prb. Wells, 193. Lanfire, Samuel, prb. Wells, 193. Lanfranc, abp. Canterbury, 7. Langbrook, Wm., treas. Wells, 173. Langdale, Alban, archd. Chichester, 260. Langdale, Allan or Alban, chan. Lich- field, 585. Langdon,GilbertHenry,prb. Chichester, 285. Langdon, M. . . de, archd.Staflferd,57i. Langeford,Clement de,chan.Exeter,4i7. Langford, Charles, prb. Bristol, 231. Langford, Charles, prb. Hereford, 525. Langford, Charles, dn. Hereford, 478. Langford, Richard, prb. Hereford, 533. Langford, Rich., archd. Merioneth, 117. Langham, Simon, treas. Wells, 173. Langham, Simon, archd. Wells, 160. Langham, Simon, bp. Ely, 335. Langham, Simon, abp. Canterbury, 19. Langham, Simon de,archd.Taunton, 1 67. Langham, William, prb. Lichfield, 641. Langharne, Arthur, prb. St.David's,320. Langhorne, John, prb. Wells, 208. Langona, Peter de, prb. Hereford, 520. Langport, Rich., archd. Taunton, 167. Langtoft, John, prb. Lichfield, 641. Langton, James, prb. Lichfield, 627. Langton, John, prb. Hereford, 516. Langton, John, prb. Lichfield, 606. Langton, John, archd. Canterbury, 39. Langton, John, bp. St. David's, 297. Langton, Simon, archd. Canterbury, 39. Langton, Stephen, abp. Canterbury, 11. Langton, Thomas, (Canterbury), 24. I N 0 M 1 N U AI. 689 Langton, Thomas, prb. Wells, 196. Langton, Thomas, treas. Exeter, 415. Langton, Thomas, bp, St. David's, 299. Langton, John de, treas.Wells, 173. Langton, John de, bp. Chichester, 242. Langton, Stephen de, archd. Canter- bury, 39. Langton, Walter de, prb. Lichfield, 624. Langton, Walter de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 549. Langwith, Benj., prb. Chichester, 273. Langworth, John, prb. Canterbury, 48. Langworth, John, archd. Wells, 161. Lanne or Lounde or Lownde, John, prb. Lichfield, 609. Larke, Richard, prb. Wells, 202. Lasher, Joshua, prb. Wells, 185, 193. Lathes, Wm., archd. Salop, 483. Latimer, Robert, prb. Wells, 204. Laud, Wm., dn. Gloucester, 444. LaudjVfm., bp. Bath and Wells, 146. LaudjWm., bp. St. David's, 302. Laud,Wm., abp. Canterbury, 27. Laughton, John, prb. Lichfield, 612. Laurence, Thomas, treas. Lichfield, 583. Laurentio, Bartholomew de Sancto, archd. Barum, 406. Laurentio, Bartholomew de Sancto, archd. Exeter, 393. Laurentio, Bartholomew de Sancto, dn. Exeter, 385. Laventona or Brito,Wm. de, archd. Ely, 349- Lavington, George, prb. Exeter, 429. Lavington, George, archd. Exeter, 396. Lavington, George, bp. Exeter, 382. Lavington,Wm. de, subd. Wells, 156. Law, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 625. Law, Edmund, archd. Stafford, 573. Law, George Henry, bp. Bath and Wells, 148. Law, Henry, archd. Wells, 162. Law, JamesThomas, prb. Lichfield, 588. Law, Robert Vanbrugh, prb.Wells,i9i. Law, Robert Vanburgh, prb.Wells,203. Law, RobertVanburgh,treas.Wells,i75. Law, Wm. To wry, prb. Wells, 18 r. Lawe, Robert, archd. Barum, 407. La we, Robert, treas. Exeter, 416. Lawrence, abp. Canterbury, 2. Lawse, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 47. Layard, Charles Peter, prb. Bangor, 128. Layard, Charles Peter, dn. Bristol, 224. Layng, Henry, prb. Wells, 192. Layng, Henry, subd. Wells, 158. Layng, Henry, archd. Wells, 162. Leach, John, chan. Exeter, 419. Leage, John, chan. Wells, 177. Lear, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 279. Lech, John, prb. Hereford, 502. Leche, John de, prb. Hereford, 511. Lechlade, Ralph de, dn. Wells, 150. Lechlade, Thomas de, chan. Exeter, 4 18. Lechlade, Thomas de, dn. Exeter, 385. Lechlade, Walter de, pre. Exeter, 409. Ledbury, Stephen de,prb.Hereford,496. Ledebury, Stephen de,dn.Hereford,476. Lee, George, prb. Lichfield, 590, 637. Lee, George, treas. Lichfield, 582. Lee, Harry, prb. Hereford, 527. Lee, Phihp, archd. Salop, 574. Lee, Rowland, prb. Lichfield, 594. Lee, Rowland, archd. Cornwall, 399. Lee, Rowland, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 555. Lee, Samuel, prb. Bristol, 233. Lee, David de, pre. St. David's, 316. Leech, John, prb. Lichfield, 638. Leeds, Edward, pre. Lichfield, 580. Leeds or Leedys, Edw., prb. Ely, 361. Leedys or Leeds, Edw., prb. Ely, 361. Lees, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 588. Legge, Hon. Edw., prb. Canterbury,6o. Legge, Hon. George Augustus, prb. Lichfield, 635. Legh, Reginald de, treas.Wells, 173. Leghes, Richard de, archd. Coventry, 568. Lehee, Hugh, prb. Lichfield, 639. Leia, Peter de, bp. St. David's, 290. Leicester, Wm., prb. Lichfield, 633. Leicester, John de, prb. Lichfield, 633. Leicester, Peter de, prb. Lichfield, 589. Leicester, Ralph de, prb. Lichfield, 626. Leigh, Egerton, prb. Bangor, 122. Leigh, Egerton, prb. Hereford, 497. Leigh, Egerton, prb. Lichfield, 600. Leigh, Egerton, chan. Lichfield, 586. Leigh, Egerton, archd. Salop, 484, 575. Leigh, Peter, prb. Hereford, 523. Leigh, Theophilus, prb. Wells, 203. Leigh, William, dn. Hereford, 479. Lemenister,Hugh de,prb.Hereford,504. Lendivord or Leudinord or Lendywyth, abp. St. David's, 288. Lendywyth, abp. St. David's, 288. Lenne,Wni. de, dn. Chichester, 256. Lenne, alias Lulimere, Wm. de, bp. Chichester, 242. Lentwardyn,Rich., archd. Corn wall,398. Leofardo, Gilbert de Sancto, treas. Chichester, 267. Leofardo or Leopoldo, Gilbert de Sancto, bp. Chichester, 241. Leofardo, John de Sancto, pre. Chi- chester, 265. 4 T 690 INDEX Leofgar, bp. Lichfield, 542. Leofric, bp. Exeter, 366. Leofvvine, bp. Lichfield, 543. Leonius, dn. Wells, 149. Leopoldo or Leofardo, Gilbert de Sancto, bp. Chichester, 241. Leovegar, bp. Hereford, 455, Lercedekne, Michael, treas. Exeter, 415. Lescrope or Scrope, Richard, bp. Co- ventry and Lichfield, 552. Leslie, Hon. Henry, prb. Exeter, 432. Leson, Thomas, prb. Wells, 199. Lessey, Thomas, prb. Wells, 205. Lethe, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 641. Lettice, John, prb. Chichester, 281. Leucknor,Wm. de, pre. Chichester, 2 65. Leudinord or Lendivord or Lendywyth, abp. St. David's, 288. Leveland, Eustachius de, chan. Chi- chester, 270. Lever,Thomas, archd. Coventry, 1^69. Leveson, William, chan. Exeter, 419. Levett, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 629. Levett, Wilham, dn. Bristol, 224. Levinge, William, prb. Wells, 193. Levinz, Baptist, prb. Wells, 187. Levinz, Wilham, subd. Wells, 158. Lewen, William, prb. St. Asaph, 87. Le\ves,Griffith, prb. Hereford, 515. Lewes, John, treas. St. David's, 318. Lewes, Philip, prb. Hereford, 502. Lewis, pre. Chichester, 265. Lewis, treas. St. David's, 318. Lewis,Gilbert Frankland, prb. Hereford, 505- Lewis, Griffiths, dn. Gloucester, 443. Lewis, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 530. Lewis, Hugh, chan. Bangor, 1 19. Lewis, Peirce, chan. Bangor, 119. Lewis, Philip, prb. Hereford, 505. Lewis, William, pre. Bangor, 117. Lewsham, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 531. Lewson, William, prb. Hereford, 504. Lewson, William, treas. Hereford, 490. Lewyn, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 609. Ley, David, pre. St. David's, 316. Ley, Robert, prb. Wells, 207. Leyborne, John, prb. Lichfield, 624. Leycestre, Robert of, archd. Ely, 350. Leyot, John, prb. Lichfield, 620. Leyott, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 601. Leyset, Robert, archd. Chichester, 259. Leyson, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 609. Leyson, WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 609. Liaving, archd. Canterbury, 36. Lichfeild,Nicholasde,prb,Lichfield,586, 598. Lichfeld, Richard, archd. Bath, 104. Lichfeld,Thomas of, dn. Chichester, 256.. Lichfield, Edm., chan. Chichester, 270. Lichfield, The. de, chan. Chichester, 270, Lidgould, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 427. Lightfoot, John, prb. Ely, 356. Lilly, John, prb. Hereford, 535. Lilly, John, archd. Hereford, 482. Lily, George, prb. Canterbury, 47. Lilye, Peter, archd. Taunton, 168. Limesey, Robert de, bp. Lichfield, 543. Limosin, WiUiam Indicis of, archd. Canterbury, 41. Lincoln, William of, chan. Wells, 17,1^. Lindfield, John, archd. Chichester, 260. Lindsell, Augustine, dn. Lichfield, 563. Lindsell, Augustine, bp. Hereford, 471. Lindsell, Samuel, prb. Hereford, 528, Liney, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 520. Lingen, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 526. Linwood, William, prb. Hereford, 509. Linwood,WiUiam, bp. St. David's, 297. Lisle, Samuel, prb. Canterbury, 55. Lisle, Samuel, archd. Canterbury, 45. Lisle, Samuel, bp. St. Asaph, 78. Lisle or Insula,Thomas de, bp. Ely, 335. Lister, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 612. Little-Grome alias Grome, John, prb, Hereford, 514. Littleton, Wibert de, archd. Weils, 159. Littleton or Luttleton, Wibert de, dn. Wells, 151. Litton, Christopher, prb. Hereford, 528. Livesay, Charles, prb. Bristol, 231. Lloid, Owen, chan. Exeter, 419. Lloid, Owen, archd. Barum, 407. Lloid, Owen, archd. Totnes, 403- Lloyd, David, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Lloyd, David, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Lloyd, Evan, prb. Bangor, 122. Lloyd, Francis, prb. Bangor, 121. Lloyd, Francis, archd. Merioneth, 117. Lloyd, Griffith, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Lloyd, Hastings, prb. Wells, 198. Lloyd, Hugh, prb. St. Asaph, 92. Lloyd, Hugh, archd. St. David's, 309. Lloyd, Humphrey, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Lloyd, Humphrey, bp. Bangor, 107. Lloyd, John, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Lloyd, John, treas. Bangor, 118. Lloyd, John, archd. Merioneth, 116, Lloyd, John, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Lloyd, John, bp. St. David's, 303. Lloyd, Oliver, chan. Hereford, 493. Lloyd, Owen, prb. Bangor, 122. Lloyd, Owen, chan. Bangor, 119. Lloyd, Owen, archd. Cornwall, 398. Lloyd. Richard, prb. Hereford, 5 1 8, 522.. Lloyd, Robert, prb. St. Asaph, 88. N O M I N U M. 691 Lloyd, Robert, prb. Hereford, 506. Lloyd, Simon, prb. Bangor, 12 1, 122. Lloyd, Simon, treas. Bangor, 118. Lloyd, Simon, archd. Merioneth, 116. Lloyd, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 528. Lloyd, Thomas, chan. Bangor, 120. Lloyd, Thomas, pre. Bangor, 1 18. Lloyd, Thomas, pre. St. David's, 316. Lloyd, Thomas, treas. St. David's, 318. Lloyd, Thomas, dn. Bangor, 112. Lloyd, William, prb. Hereford, 52^. Lloyd, William, })re. Bangor, 118. Lloyd, William, archd. Merioneth, 116. Lloyd, William, dn. Bangor, 112. Lloyd, William, bp. St. Asaph, 76. Lloyd, William, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 558. Lloyde, David, chan. St. David's, 320. Lo, Laurence St., prb. Wells, 186. Lobbe, alias Low, John, bp. St. Asaph, 71- Lochard, William, prb. Hereford, 497. Lochard, William, pre. Hereford, 486. Lockett, Henry, prb. Exeter, 423. Lockitt, Timothy, prb. Wells, 209. Lockwood, Frederick Vernon, prb. Canterbury, 53. Lodeswell, Walter, chan. Exeter, 417. Loe, William, prb. Gloucester, 448. Logore, Thomas de, chan. Wells, 175. Lome, John, prb. Exeter, 426. Londesthorp, John de, prb. Lichfield, 593- London, Walter, prb. Hereford, 531. London, Henry of, treas. Wells, 172. London, Henry of, archd. Stafford, 571- London, Walter de, dn. Wells, 151. Long, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 500. Long, Richard, prb. Exeter, 425. Long, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 424, 425. Longchamp, William de, bp. Ely, 327. Longden, John de, prb. Lichfield, 596. Longe, John, prb. Lichfield, 616. Longespee, alias Meuland or Molend, Roger de, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 549. Longworth, John, archd. Chichester, 261. Lonsdale, John, prb. Wells, 207. Lonsdale, John, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 560. Lord, William, prb. Chichester, 278. Lorrain, Robert of, bp. Hereford, 456. Losinga, Robert, bp. Hereford, 456. Lougher, Robert, archd. Totnes, 403. Loughteburgh, William de, archd. Lewes, 262. Loiinde, Lanne or Lownde, John, prb. Lichfield, 609. Louthe, John, prb. Wells, 193. Love, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 594. Love, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 629. Love, Richard, dn. Ely, 348. Love], Henry, dn. Chichester, 256. Lovel, Thomas, subd. Wells, 157. Loveland, Eustachius de, archd. Lewes, 262. Lovell, Edmund, prb. Wells, 184, 193, 194. Lovell, Edmund, archd. Bath, 165. Loveney, John, prb. Hereford, 532. Loveney, John, archd. Hereford, 480. Loveney, John, archd. Salop, 483. Lovett, Thomas, prb. Ely, 356. Lovett, William, prb. Lichfield, 6ii. Low, alias Lobbe, John, bp. St. Asaph, 71- Lowe, Arthur, prb. Lichfield, 597, 625. Lowe, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 617. Lowe, Thomas Hill, prb. Exeter, 434. Lowe, Thomas Hill, pre. Exeter, 413. Lowe, Thomas Hill, dn. Exeter, 389. Lowman, William, pre. Hereford, 486. Lownde, Lounde or Lanne, John, prb. Lichfield, 609. Lowth, Robert, prb . Chichester, 280. Lowth, Robert, bp. St. David's, 305. Lowth, Thomas Henry, prb. Chiches- ter, 278. Lucas, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 60. Lucas, William, prb. Wells, 184. Luce, Ralph, archd. Cornwall, 397, Lucy, Godfrey de, archd. Derby, 576. Lucy, Richard, chan. St. David's, 319, Lucy, Spencer, treas. St. David's, 318. Lucy, William, prb. Wells, 185, 195. Lucy, William, bp. St. David's, 303. Luda, William de, bp. Ely, 331. Luffa, Ralph de, bp. Chichester, 238. Lughteburg, AVniiam de, archd. Lewes, 262. Luke, chan. Lichfield, 583. Luke, chan. Wells, 175. Luke, treas. Chichester, 267. Luke, treas. Wells, 172. Lukin, George Wm., dn. Wells, 155. Lukin, John, prb. Wells, 206. Lulimere, alias Lenne, William de, bp. Chichester, 242. Lumberth or Lunverd or Lywarch or Luvert, bp. St. David's, 289. Luna, Petrus de, archd. Bath, 164. Luney, Richard, prb. Exeter, 434. Lvintley, John, archd. Cardigan, 315. Lunverd, bp. St. David's, 289. 4 T 3 692 INDEX Luson, Wm., archd. Caermarthen, 313. Lute, William, prb. Wells, 184. Luteby, William de, archd. Derby, 576. Luttleton, William de, pre. Wells, 170. Luttleton or Littleton, Wibert de, dn. Wells, 151. Luttrell, Alex. Fownes, prb. Wells, 209. Lutwiche, Stockettus, prb. Lichfield, 603. Lu^^ert or Lunverd or Lumberth or Lywarch, bp. St. David's, 289. Luxemburgh, Louis de, bp. Ely, 338. Luxmoore, Charles Scott, prb. St. Asaph, 92. Luxmoore, Charles Scott, prb. Here- ford, 512. Luxmoore, Charles Scott, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Luxmoore, John, dn. Gloucester, 445. Luxmoore, John, bp. St. Asaph, 80. Luxmoore, John, bp. Bristol, 221. Luxmoore, John, bp. Hereford, 474. Luxmoore, John Henry Montague, prb. St. Asaph, 92, 93. Luxmore, John, prb. Canterbury, 55, Luxton, Lawrence, prb. Wells, 194. Lyall, Wm. Rowe, prb. Canterbury, 58. Lyall,Wm. Rowe, archd. Maidstone, 45. Lyall, Wm. Rowe, dn. Canterbury, 35. Lydal, John, prb. Hereford, 505. Lydford, John, archd. Totnes, 402. Lye, Nathaniel, prb. Bristol, 227. Lye, Nathaniel, prb. Gloucester, 450. Lye, Nathaniel, archd. Gloucester, 446. Lye, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 635. Lye, Thomas, archd. Salop, 574. Lyell, Richard, prb. Wells, 181. Lyfing, bp. Devonshire, 366. Lyfing or Aelfstan, bp. Wells, 128. Lyfing or Aelfstan, abp. Canterbury, 6. Lyggore, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 507. Lynch, John, prb. Canterbury, 51, 53. Lynch, John, archd. Canterbury, 45. Lynch, John, dn. Canterbury, 34. LyndrichjWalter de, archd. Lewes, 262. Lyne, Charles, prb. Exeter, 434. Lynford, Thomas, archd. Barum, 408.' Lynton, Thomas, treas. Wells, 173. Lyson, William, prb. Ely, 357. I>ytelton, Charles, prb. Exeter, 429. Lyttleton, Charles, dn, Exeter, 388. Lywarch or Lunverd or Lumberth or Luvert, bp. St. David's, 289. M. M., archd. Salop, 482. Macclesfield, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 634- Machon, John, prb. Lichfield, 637. Machon, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 637, Madan, Geo., hon. can. Gloucester, 4.52. Madan, Spencer, prb. Lichfield, 604, 617, 629. Madan, Spencer, treas. Lichfield, 583. Madan, Spencer, bp. Bristol, 220. Maddox, Isaac, prb. Chichester, 273. Maddox, Isaac, dn. Wells, 154. Maddox, Isaac, bp. St. Asaph, 78. Maddy, John, prb. Ely, 358. Madenew or Sadermen, abp. St. Da- vid's, 388. Madoc, Robert, prb. St. Asaph, 85. Madoc, David Lloyd ap, prb. Bangor, 121. Madoc, Howel ap, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Madoc, Leoline ap, dn. St. Asaph, 81. Madokes, Richard, prb. Hereford, 512. Madox, Anthony, prb. Wells, 195. Maelskwythe or Malscoed, abp. St. Da- vid's, 288. Magnoles, Gilbert, prb. Lichfield, 62^. Magnolls, Gilbert, prb. Lichfield, 601. Mahatt, Phihp, prb. Wells, 201. Maidstone, Ralph de, archd. Chester, 565- Maidstone, Ralph de, archd. Salop, 573. Maidstone, Ralph of, bp. Hereford, 458. Maidstone or Maydenstun, Ralph de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Maidstone or Maydenstun, Ralph de, dn. Hereford, 475. Mainwaring, Roger, bp. St. David's, 303. Majendie, Henry William, prb. Bangor, Majendie, Henry William, chan. Ban- gor, 120. Majendie, Henry WiUiam, bp. Bangor, 109. Makeblith, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 517. Malcolm, David, prb. Wells, 182. Malet, Alexander, prb. Gloucester, 450. Malet, Alexander, prb. Wells, 186. Mallet, Francis, prb. Wells, 199. Mallory, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 642. Malocellus, Lazarus, prb. Lichfield, 604. Malocellus, Theodicius, prb. Lichfield, 604. Malpas, William, treas. Chichester, 268. Maltby, Edward, bp. Chichester, 254. Malscoed or Maelskwythe, abp. St. David's, 288. Malstang, Simon, prb. Lichfield, 624. Malton, John, prb. Hereford, 526. Man, John, dn. Gloucester, 443. Man, WiUiam, archd. Bangor, 113. Manchester, Wm. of, dn. Lichfield, 561. N 0 M I N U M. 693 Mander, Harry, prb. Lichfield, 604. Manfeild, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 519. Manley WilUam, prb. Lichfield, 594. Manne, Thomas, prb. Wells, 205. Manning, Henry Edward, arcbd. Chi- chester, 261. Manning,Thos.,prb.Hereford,498, 506. Manning, Thomas, archd. Totnes, 403. Manningham, Simon, prb. Chichester, 272. Manningham, Thomas, treas. Chiches- ter, 269. Manningham, Thomas, bp. Chiches- ter, 253.^ Mansel, William Lort, bp. Bristol, 221. Mansogg or Nansogg, Martin, archd. Cornwall, 400. Manton, Thomas, prb. Wells, 183. Manwaring, John, prb. Lichfield, 636. Mapenore, Hugh de, dn. Hereford, 475. Mapenore, Hugh de, bp. Hereford, 458. Mapletoft, Edmund, prb. Ely, 354. Mapletoft, Edmund, archd. Ely, 353. Mapletoft, Robert, dn. Ely, 34S. Mapleton, John, prb. Hereford, 534. Marbeck, Roger, prb. Hereford, 500. Marbule, William, ])rb. Hereford, 519. Marcell, John, archd. Chester, 566. Marchal, Henry, prb. Wells, 201. Marchia, William de, bp. Wells, 135. Mareys, John de, prb. Lichfield, 606, 615. Mareys or Marisco, Hugh de, archd. Derby, 576. Margates, Henry, prb. Wells, 183. Mai'getts, Henry, prb. Wells, 187. Mariscis, Hugh de, archd. Coventry, 568, 569. Marisco, John de, archd. Derby, 576. Marisco, John de, archd. Stafford, 571. Marisco or Mareys, Hugh de, archd. Derby, 576. Marke, Thomas, archd. Cornwall, 398. Markes, Robert, prb. Bristol, 332. Markwicke, Nathaniel, prb. Wells, 191. Marlow, John, treas. Wells, 1 74. Marlow, Michael, prb. Canterbury, 56. Marreys, Hugh de. prb. Lichfield, 619. Marsden, John, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Marsh, James, chan. Chichester, 271. Marsh, James, archd. Chichester, 261. Marsh, Narcissus, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Marsh, Walter, archd. Derby, 577. Marshall, Benjamin, prb. Lichfield, 631. Marshall, Henry, archd. Stafford, 570. Marshall, Henry, bp. Exeter, 36S. Marshall, Thomas, dn. Gloucester, 444. Marshall, Roger de, prb. Lichfield, ,595. Marsham, Jacob, prb. Wells, 182. Marshe, Walter, prb. Lichfield, 607. Marston, Nich., archd. Cornwall, 400. Marston, William, pre. Exeter, 412, Marten, Henry, prb. Hereford, 506, 519, 529. Marten, Richard, prb. Hereford, 510. 52.5, .531- Martin, archd. Cornwall, 397. Martin, bp. Bangor, 97. Martin, David, bp. St. David's, 293. Martin, Denny, prb. Chichester, 278. Martin, Edward, dn. Ely, 348. Martin, George, prb. Exeter, 433. Martin, Henry, treas. Hereford, 490. Martin, John, prb. Hereford, 495. Martin, John, archd. Salop, 483. Martin, John, dn. Bangor, iii. Martin, Joseph, prb. Exeter, 432. Martin, Rich., prb. Hereford, 515,527, Martin, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 517. Martin, William, prb. Lichfield, 641. Martin, Luke de St., archd. Coventry, 568. Martival, Roger de, prb. Lichfield, 602. Marton, Thomas^ chan. Wells, 176. Marton, Thomas, archd. Taunton, 167. Martyn, Henry, prb. Hereford, 512. Martyn, Henry, archd. Salop, 484. Martyn, Richard, archd. Hereford, 481. Martyn, Richard, bp. St. David's, 298. Mascall, Robert, bp. Hereford, 463, Masfeld, James, subd. Wells, 157. Mason, Barthol., prb. Lichfield, 627. Mason, George, prb. Hereford, 495, 504, 522. Mason, John, prb. Hereford, 525, 528. Mason, John, treas. Hereford, 490. Masey, Roger, prb. Exeter, 431. Massey, Roger, archd. Barum, 408. Masson, John, prb. Lichfield, 623. Master, Thomas, prb. Wells, 187. Masters, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 608. Masters, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 621. Masters, Thomas, archd. Salop, 575. Masters or Musters, William, prb. Can- terbury, ,1^7. Mattamer, Nich., prb. Hereford, 504. Matthew, pre. Lichfield, 578. Matthew, dn. Chichester, 255. Matthew of Chichester, dn. Chiches- ter, 255. Matthew, Hugh, archd. Cardigan, 315. Matthews, Arthur, prb. Hereford, 533. Matthews, Thos., prb. Hereford, 521. Matthews, Tobias, archd. Bath, 165. Mattock, John, pre. Chichester, 266. Mattock, John, archd. Lewes, 263. 694 INDEX Maunchell, Thos.,"prb. Lichfield, 622. Maupas, Hen., prb. Lichfield, 609, 622. Maureward, John, prb. Lichfield, 640. Maurevvard, John, chan. Lichfield, 584. Maurice, aixhd. Bangor, 112. Maurice, David, prb. St. Asaph, 86, 89, 90, 91. Maurice, Peter, prb. Bangor, 122. Maurice, Peter, chan. Bangor, 119. Maurice, Peter, treas. Bangor, 118, 119. Mavirice, Peter, dn. Bangor, 112. Maurice or Meuric, bp. Bangor, 96. Mauro, Laurence de Sancto, prb. Here- ford, 507. Mauson, Matthias, bp. Ely, 346. Mavve, Leonard, bp. Bath & Wells, 146. Mawson, Matthias, bp. Chichester, 253. May, John, prb. Ely, 361. May, WiUiam, prb. Ely, 356. Maydenhith, John de, dn. Chichester, 256. Maydenstun or Maidstone, Ralph de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Maydenstun or Maidstone, Ralph de, dn. Hereford, 475. Mayew or Mayo, Richard, bp. Here- ford, 467. Maynard, Edward, pre. Lichfield, 5S0. Maynard, Joseph, prb. Exeter, 424. Mayne, Charles Otway, prb. Wells, 187. Mayne, Jasper, archd. Chichester, 261. Maynwaringe, Randolph, prb. Exeter, 422. Mayo or Mayew, Richard, bp. Hereford, 467. Meade, Richard, John, prb. Wells, 211. Meare, John, prb. Wells, 198. Medeford, Richard, bp. Bath & Wells, 139- Medford or Metford, Walter, dn. Wells, 152. Medley, John, prb. Exeter, 434. Medley, John, archd. St. David's, 309. Meeke, Francis, prb. Lichfield, O^g, 642. Meeres, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 605. Meke, John, prb. Lichfield, 627. Meleburn, Jordan de, archd. Chiches- ter, 259. Meleburn, Jordan de, dn. Chichester, 255- Mellish, Edward, dn. Hereford, 479. Mellitus, abp. Canterbury, 2. Melton, William de, archd. Barum, 406. Melun, Robert de, bp. Hereford, 457. Melvile or Molesiis, Henry de, archd. Exeter, 392. Melvill, Edmund, prb. St. David's, 323. Meneley, John, prb. Lichfield, 616. Menys, John, prb. Canterbury, 53. Mepham, Rich, de, archd. Stafford, 571. Mepham, Simon de,abp. Canterbury, 1 7. Merbury, John, prb. Hereford, 532. Merbury, John, archd. Salop, 483. Merden, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 506. Mere, John, pre. Wells, 170. Meredith, Owen, pre. Bangor, 117. Meredith, Richard, archd. Dorset, 225. Meredith, Richard, dn. Wells, 154. Meredith, Theophilus, prb. Hereford, 504. Mere wether, Henry, prb. Wells, 184. Merewether, John, prb. Hereford, 523. Merewether, John, dn. Hereford, 479. Merewhit or Mervith, bp. Wells, 128. Meriet, Walter, chan. Exeter, 418. Merkeley, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 596. Merrick, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 588. Merrick, Edmund, archd. Bangor, 113. Merrick, Rowland, chan. St. David's, 31?- Merrick or Meryck, Rowland, bp. Ban- gor, 104. Merry, Richard, prb. Wells, 179, 211. Merton, William de, dn. Wells, 150. Mervin, Richard, prb. Exeter, 423. Mervine, Richard, chan. Exeter, 420. Mervith or Merewhit, bp. Wells, 128. Merweather, Henry, prb. Wells, 205. Meryck or Merrick, Rowland, bp. Ban- gor, 104. Messingham, alias Stallworth, Simon, treas. Hereford, 489. Metcalf, George, prb. Chichester, 278. Metcalfe, George, prb. Chichester, 279. Metchwin,Anthony, prb. Lichfield, 636. Metefield or Metford, John, archd. Ely, 351- Metford, Richard, (St. David's,) 295. Metford or Medford, Walter, dn. Wells, 152. Metford or Metefield, John, archd. Ely, 351- Methwin, Anthony, prb. Wells, 180. Meuland or Molend, alias Longespee, Roger de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 549- Meuric or Maurice, bp. Bangor, 96, Mew or Mewes, Peter, bp. Bath and Wells, 147. Mewes or Mew, Peter, bp. Bath and Wells, 147. Mews, Daniel, prb. Wells, 184, 187. Mews, Samuel, prb. Wells, 190. Mey, Roger, treas. Hereford, 489. Mey, Walter, prb. Hereford, 502, 529. N 0 M I N U M. 695 Mey, Walter, treas. Hereford, 490. Meynell, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 639. Meynill, WilliaHi, pre. Bangor, 117. Meyrick, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 605. Meyrick, Edm., treas. St. David's, 318. Meyse, alias Gedwen, Henry, prb. Here- ford, 529. Michell, John, prb. Gloucester, 451. Michell, John, prb. Wells, 198. Meddeland, Robt.de, treas. Exeter, 414. Middleham, Wm., prb. Hereford, 497, 534- Middleham or Middleton, William, pre. Hereford, 486. Middleham or Middleton, William, treas. Hereford, 489. Middleton,John,archd. Gloucester, 446. Middleton, Marmaduke, bp. St. Da- vid's, 302. Middleton, Rich., archd. Cardigan, 315. Middleton, Robert, prb. Ely, 356. Middleton, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 597. Middleton, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 640, Middleton, WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 597. Middleton, William, archd. Canter- bury, 39. Middleton, John de, chan. Wells, 176. Middleton, John de, dn. Hereford, 475. Middleton or Middleham, Wilham, pre. Hereford, 486. Middleton or Middleham, WiUiam, treas. Hereford, 489. Milbourne, Rich., bp. St. David's, 302. Miles, Henry, prb. Hereford, 531. Miles, Henry, pre. Hereford, 486. Mill, John, prb. Exeter, 425. Miller, Combe, prb. Chichester, 277. Miller, Combe, treas. Chichester, 269. Miller, Combe, dn. Chichester, 258. Milles, Jeremiah, prb. Exeter, 429. MilleSj Jeremiah, pre. Exeter, 413. Milles, Jeremiah, dn. Exeter, 388. Milles, Richard, prb. Exeter, 431. Milles, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 637. Milling, Thomas, bp. Hereford, 466. Millingchamp, Benjamin, archd. Caer- marthen, 314. Mills, Henry, prb. Wells, 193,211. Mills, John, prb. Canterbury, 51. Mills, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 611. Millward, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 595. Millys, alias Warham, John, prb. Can- terbury, 58. Milner, Gregory, prb. Canterbury, 61. Milnes, James, prb. Lichfield, 638. Milton, William, dn. Chichester, 256. Milward, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 605, 612. Minifie, James, prb. Wells, 186. Mitford, Richard, bp. Chichester, 243. Mocking, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 516. Mockyng, Nicholas, subd. Wells, 156. Modford, Wm., de, prb. Hereford, 511. Mogys, William, archd. Stafford, 572. Molend or Meuland, alias Longespee, Roger de, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 549. Molendinis, Gilbert de, archd. Taun- ton, 166. Molendinis, Walter de, treas. Exeter, 414. Molesiis or Melvile, Henry de, archd, Exeter, 392. Moleyns, Adam, archd. Taunton, 167. Moleyns, Adam, bp. Chichester, 247. Molineux, John, prb. Lichfield, 620. MomeorMone,Rob., prb.Lichfield,625. Mona, Guido de, dn. Wells, 151. Mona, Guy de, prb. Hereford, 513. Mona, Guy de, bp. St. David's, 295. Monasterio, Simon de Albo, archd, Chester, 565. Moncke, Nicholas, bp. Hereford, 472. Mone or Mome, Robert, prb. liich- field, 625. Money, Kyrle Ernie, prl). Hereford, 507. Monington, Richard de, prb. Here- ford, 494. Monins, Richard, prb. Bristol, 232. Monk, Jam. Hen., bp. Gloucester, 442. Monmouth, Geoffrey of, bp. St. Asaph, 64. Monsey, Daniel, prb. Lichfield, 614. Montacute, Simon, bp. Ely, 334. Montagu, John, prb. Chichester, 280. Montague, James, bp. Bath and Wells, 145- Montague, Simon, archd. Canterbury, 40. Montague, Simon, archd. Wells, 159. Monte Luelli, Stephen de, archd. Can- terbury, 39. Monte-Majore, John de, prb. Lichfield, 638. Montepessulano, William, pre. Lich- field, 578. Montfort, Baldwin, prb. Lichfield, 599. Montfort, John, prb. Ely, 354. Montfort, Wm. de, pre. Hereford, 485. Montfort, Wm. de, archd. Salop, 573. Montgomery, Robert, archd. Breck- nock, 311. Monyton, Hugh de, archd. Barum, 406. Moor, Thos., prb. Hereford, 510, 516. Moore, Francis, prb. Exeter, 425. Moore, George, prb. Canterbury, 1^4. 696 INDEX Moore, George, prb. Exeter, 430. Moore, George, archd. Cornwall, 401. Moore, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 613. Moore, John, prb. Ely, 355. Moore, John, prb. Exeter, 433. Moore, John, archd. Exeter, 397. Moore, John, dn. Canterbury, 34. Moore, John, bp. Bangor, 109. Moore, John, bp. Ely, 345. Moore, John, abp. Canterbury, 30. Moore, Robert, prb. Canterbury, 48. Moore, Walter, prb. Exeter, 423. Moraunt, Jordan, treas. Wells, 173. Morcester, Richard de, archd. Barum, 406. Morcester, Rich, de, archd. Exeter, 393. Morcleis or Morleis, bp, St.David's,289. Mordaf, bp. Bangor, 95. More, Edward, archd. Lewes, 263. More, John, prb. Lichfield, 603. More, Richard, treas. Exeter, 415. More, Richard, archd. Exeter, 395. More, John de la, prb. Hereford, 501. Morecraft, Edward, prb. Hereford, 500. Morer, John, chan. Wells, 176. Moreton, John, prb. Wells, 196. Moreton, Richard, prb. Hereford, 517. Moreton, Thomas, prb. Hereford. 508. Moreton, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 590. Moreton, Thomas, dn. Gloucester, 443. Moreton, John de, prb. Lichfield, 596, 613. Morewood, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 596. Morgan, Caesar, prb. Ely, 358. Morgan, Charles, pre. Hereford, 487. Morgan, Charles, prb. Hereford, 498, 502, 511,533' 535- Morgan, Charles Henry, hon. can. Glou- cester, 452. Morgan, Henry, prb. Bristol, 229. Morgan, Henry, prb. Hereford, 505. Morgan, Henry, bp. St. David's, 301. Morgan, Hugh, prb. Hereford,5o6,5ii, 527- Morgan, Hugh, archd. Anglesey, 114. Morgan, Hugh, dn. Bangor, iii. Morgan, Hugh Hanmer, prb. Hereford, 528. Morgan,Hugh Hanmer, chan. Hereford, 494. Morgan, James, prb. Gloucester, 451. Morgan, John, prb. St. Asaph, 92. Morgan, John, prb. Lichfield, 618. Morgan, John, chan. St. David's, 320. Morgan, John, pre. St. David's, 317. Morgan, John, archd. Caermarthen,3i3. Morgan, Meredith, archd. Caermarthen, 313- Morgan, Nathaniel, prb. Wells, 208. Morgan, Philip, bp. Ely, 338. Morgan, Richard, prb. Exeter, 421. Morgan, Robert, prb. Bangor, 122. Morgan, Robert, prb. Hereford, 504. Morgan, Robert, archd. Merioneth, 116. Morgan, Robert, bp. Bangor, 107. Morgan, Thomas, prb. Wells, 204. Morgan, Walter, archd. St. David's, 310. Morgan, Walwyn, prb. Hereford, 532. Morgan, William, prb. Chichester, 280. Morgan, William, prb. St. David's, 323. Morgan, William, prb. Hereford, 525. Morgan, William, bp. St. Asaph, 75. Morgan or Morgynnyth, bp. St. David's, 289. Morgan alias Young, John, hp. St. David's, 299. Morgeney, Morgenveth or Urgeneu, bp. St. Da\nd's, 289. Morgenveth, bp. St. David's, 289. MorgynnydorMorgeneu,bp. St. David's, 289. Morleis or Morcleis, bp. St.David's,289. Morley, George, prb. Wells, 188. Morley, John, prb. Wells, 181. Morris, Andrew, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Morris, Henry, treas. Chichester, 269. Morrison, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 428. Morse, Edward, prb. Wells, 208. Morse, John, prb. Hereford, 501, 523. Morse, John, prb. Lichfield, 593. Mortimer, Hugh, archd. Canterbury, 39. Mortimer, Roger, archd. Wells, 159. Mortimer, Wm. de, prb. Hereford, 503. Morton, John, prb. Lichfield, 632. Morton, John, chan. Chichester, 270. Morton, John, archd. Chester, 567. Morton, John, archd. Chichester, 260. Mountague,Richard,bp.Chichester,25 1 . Morton, John, bp. Ely, 340. Morton, John, abp. Canterbury, 23. Morton, Thomas, archd. Ely, 351. Morton, Thomas, archd. Hereford, 481. Morton, Thomas, archd. Salop, 483. Morton, Thomas, hp. Coventiy and Lichfield, 557. Mortuomari,Edmund de, prb. Hereford, 509. Mortuomari, Roger de, prb. Hereford, 504- MorvaelorMorwal,abp.St.David's,28S. Morwal or Morvael,abp. St. David's, 288. Morwent, Robert, prb. Gloucester, 447. Morwinge, Peter, prb. Lichfield, 618. Moselay, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 191. Moss, Charles, prb. Wells, 198, 199, 207. Moss, Charles, pre. Wells, 172. N 0 M I N U M. 697 Moss, Charles, subd. Wells, 158. Moss, Charles, archd. Caermarthen,3i4. Moss, Charles, archd. St. David's, 310. Moss, Charles, hp. Bath and Wells, 148. Moss, Charles, bp. St. David's, 305. Moss, Robert, dn. Ely, 349. Mossle\v)'ke, Richard de,pre.St.David's, 316. Mossyl, Gilbert de, archd. Caermarthen, 3^3- Mostyn, John, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Mostyn, Simon, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Mostyn, William, archd. Bangor, 113. Mota, Gailhardus de, pre. Chichester, 265. Mota, Gailhardus Cardinalis de, archd. Ely, 351- Motrum, Adam, archd. Canterbury, 42. Mottrum, Adam, archd. Ely, 351. Mould, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 588. Moulin, junior, Peter du, prb. Canter- bury, 50. Moulin, senior, Peter du, prb. Canter- bury, 50. Moulsdale,ThomasGorst,prb. St. Asaph, 90. Mounslo\v,Richard,prb.Gloucester,447. MountjCharles Milman, prb. Wells, 203, 206. Mountague, James, dn. Lichfield, 563. Mountague, Rich., archd. Hereford, 481. Mountague, Richard, dn. Hereford,478. Moyle, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 610. Moynys, John, archd. Taunton, 168. Moysey, Charles Abel, prb. Wells, 210. Moysey, Charles Abel, archd. Wells, 166. Mucellus, bp. Hereford, 455. Muckleston, John Fletcher, prb. Lich- field, 598. Mudge, Zachariah, prb. Exeter, 428. Mugge, William de, treas. Exeter, 415. Munday, Francis, prb. Wells, 193. Munday, Francis, subd. Wells, 157. Munns, Edward or Edmund, prb. Glou- cester, 448. Munsey, William, prb. Hereford, 520. Munton, Thomas, chan. Wells, 177. Murem.uth,Adam de, prb.Hereford,496. Muremuth or Murymuth, Adam, pre. Exeter, 410. Muriat, Thomas, pre. Chichester, 266. Murray,LordGeorge,bp.St.David's,307. Murrey, George, prb. Lichfield, 590,602. Murrey, Peter, prb. Lichfield, 623. Murrey,Winiam, jjrb. Wells, 185. Murrey, William, prb. Exeter, 422. Murymuth or Muremuth, Adam, pre. Exeter, 410. VOL. I. Muschamp, Geoffrey de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 546. Muschamp,Wm. de, archd. Derby, 576. Musgrave, Thomas, dn. Bristol, 225. Musgrave, Thomas, bp. Hereford, 474. Musgrave, Wm. Peete,prb. Hereford,502 . Muster, Hugh de, prb. Hereford, 507. Musters or Masters, William, prb. Can- terbury, 57. Myll, William, prb. Hereford, 526. Mylls, John, prb. Lichfield, 627. Mylls, Thomas, archd. Coventry, 569. Myrian, Richard, prb. Bangor, 121. N. N., pre. Lichfield, 578. N. . ., treas. Chichester, 267. N. . . . , archd. Derby, 576. Naish, Hugh, prb. Gloucester, 449. Nalson, John, prb. Ely, 361, 362. Namis or Nonis, alias Novis, abp. St. David's, 288. Nans, John, prb. Hereford, 506, 527. Nansogg or Mansogg, Martin, archd. Cornwall, 400. Napleton, John, prb. Hereford, 502. Napton, Elyas de, prb. Lichfield, 600. Napton, Elyas de, archd. Derby, 576. Nares, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 604, 617. Nares, Robert, archd. Stafford, 573. Nash, John, prb. Lichfield, 621. Nassington,Rogerde,prb.Hereford,52i. Nassington, Rogerde, prb. Lichfield, 595. Nassington, Roger de, chan. Lichfield, 584- Nassington,Tho. de, archd. Barum, 406. Nassington,Tho. de, archd. Exeter, 394. Naylor, John, prb. Exeter, 429. Naylor, Oliver, prb. Exeter, 424. Naylor, WiUiam, prb. Exeter, 425. Navesby, William de, archd . Chester,566. Nathan, bp. St. David's, 289. Neale, Richard, treas. Chichester, 269. Nedis,Wimam, prb. Wells, 183. Needham,Wm., chan. St. David's, 319. Neel, Robert, chan. Chichester, 270. Neil, Richard, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 557. Nelesham, Robert de,prb.Hereford,509. Nelson, Stephen, archd. Wells, 161. Nelson, William, prb. Canterbury, 53. Nevey or Newey, , dn. Chichester, 258. Nevil, Thomas, prb. Ely, 355. Nevil, Thomas, archd. Salop, 573. Nevil, Thomas, dn. Canterbury, 33. Nevill, George, bp. Exeter, 375. Nevill, Robert, prb. Canterbury, 6r. 4U 698 INDEX Nevill, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 607. Nevill, Hugh de, archd. Wells, 159. Nevill, Thomas de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Nevill, W. de, treas. Chichester, 267. Neville,Wm. Frederick, prb. Wells, 181. Neville, Ralph de, chan. Chichester, 270. Neville, Ralph de, dn. Lichfield, 561. Neville, Ralph de. bp. Chichester, 240. Neville, Ralph de (Canterbury), 12. Nevinson, Stephen, prb. Canterbury, 56. Newborough, Page, prb. Hereford, 519. Newborough, Rich., prb. Hereford, 533. Newburgh, Lewis, treas. Bangor, 118. Newce or Nuce, Thomas, prb. Ely, 358. Newcombe, Daniel, dn. Gloucester, 445. Newcombe,Rich.,archd.Merioneth,ii7. Newcome, Henry, prb. St. Asaph, 90. Newcome, Peter, prb. St. Asaph, 90. Newcome, Richard, bp. St. Asaph, 79. Newell, John, prb. Hereford, 509. Newell, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 592, 621. Newell, Robert, treas. Chichester, 269. Newerk, Henry de, prb. Hereford, 498. Newey, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 426. Newey, Thomas, chan. Exeter, 420. Newey, Thomas, pre. Exeter, 413. Newey or Nevey, dn. Chichester, 258. Newhagh, William, prb. Lichfield, 598. Nevvhagh, William de,prb.Lichfield,589, 631. Newhagh,William de, pre.Lichfield,579. Newhagh, Wm. de, archd. Chester, 566. Newhouse, Thomas, prb. Chichester,2 75. Newland, Geoffrey de,prb.Hereford,509. Newling, Charles, treas. Lichfield, 583. Newling, John, prb. Lichfield, 606, 613, 638. Newman, John, prb. Wells, 208. Newman, Robert, prb. Wells, 191. Newnham, John de, prb. Lichfield, 589, 626. Newport, Gregory, prb. Lichfield, 599, 603. Newport, Gregory, archd. Salop, 574. Newport, William, prb. Lichfield, 613. Newport, William, chan. Lichfield, 584. Newport, William, archd. Caermarthen, 313- Newport, William, archd. Staflfbrd, 574. Newton, Henry, prb. Hereford, 5x6, 520. Newton, John, prb. Gloucester, 450. Newton, John, prb. Hereford, 503. Newton, Richard, prb. Hereford, 507. Newton, Sampson, prb. Wells, 199. Newton, Theodore, prb.Canterbury,47. Newton, Thomas, bp. Bristol, 220. Newton, Nicholas de, prb.Hereford,526. Newton, Nich. de, archd. Cornwall, 398. Newton, William de, prb. Lichfield, 603. Neylson, William, prb. Lichfield, 614. Nicholas, subd. Exeter, 390. Nicholas, archd. Bath, 163. Nicholas, archd. Coventry, 568. Nicholas, archd. Ely, 349. Nicholas, (alleged) bp. Bangor, 102. Nicholas of Ely, archd. Ely, 350. Nicholas deHereford,prb.Hereford,50i, 532. Nicholas de Hereford, chan. Hereford, 492. Nicholas of Hereford, treas. Hereford, 489. Nicholas de NovaVilla, archd. Bath,i63. Nicholas, Matthew, dn. Bristol, 223. Nicholas, Thomas de Sancto, archd. Chester, 565. Nicholes or Nicholets, Charles, prb. Hereford, 497. Nicholets or Nicholes, Charles, prb. Hereford, 497. NichoU, Richard, prb. Wells, 210. NichoU, Richard, chan. Wells, 178. NicholljWm., archd. Caermarthen, 313. Nicholles, Philip, prb. Exeter, 422. Nicholls, Benedict, bp. St. David's, 296. Nicholls, Roger, prb. Wells, 183. Nicholson, John, prb. Wells, 200. Nicholson, William, bp. Gloucester, 439. Nicoll, Edward, archd. St. David's, 309. Nicolls, Benedict, bp. Bangor, loi. Nicols, John, prb. Ely, 356. Nicolson,Wm., archd. Brecknock, 312. Nigellus, bp. Ely, 327. Nikke, Richard, archd. Wells, 161. Nikke,Wilham, archd. Wells, 161. Nixon,Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 57. Nobilis or Noble, John, archd. Exeter, 393- Nobilis or Noble, John, dn. Exeter, 384. Noble, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 642. Noble or Nobilis, John, archd- Exeter, 393- Noble or Nobihs, John, dn. Exeter, 384. Noell, Thomas, subd. Exeter, 390. Noke, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 47. Xonant, Hugh de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 546. Nonington, Richard de, prb. Hereford, ^ 494. 49.'>- Nonis or Namis, alias Novis, abp. St. David's, 288. Nook, John, pre. St. David's, 316. Norbery, Wm., archd. Chichester, 260. Norbrige or Northburgh, Roger de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 550. Norbury, John Geo., prb. Lichfield,635. N O M I N U M. 699 Norgate, Robert, prb. Ely, 355. Norman, John, prb. Lichfield, 637. Norman, Raphael, chan. Lichfield, 585. Norman, Raphael, prb. Lichfield, 605. Norman ville, Ralph de,archd.Salop,5 74. Normecot, Roger, prb. Hereford, 505. Norris, Charles, prb. Canterbury, 58. Norris, Wilham, prb. Bristol, 232. Norris, alias Sugar, Hugh, treas. Wells, 173- Norris, alias Sugar, Hugh, archd. Bath, 164. North, Brovvnlow, dn. Canterbury, 34. North,Brownlow,bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 559. North, William, prb. Hereford, 496. Northburgh, Michael de, prb. Lichfield, 591, 613, 628, 640. Northburgh, Michael de, pre. Lichfield, 579- Northburgh, Michael de, archd. Chester, 566. Northburgh,Peter de,prb. LichfieldjSSp, 602, 640. Northburgh,Rich. de, prb.Lichfield,59i. Northburgh, Roger de, prb. Hereford, 52 1 > 530- Northburgh, Roger de, prb. Lichfield, 593- 596. 60S, 624. Northburgh, William de, prb. Lichfield, 595- Northburgh or Norbrige, Roger de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 550. Northop, Richard, treas. Hereford, 489. Northwolde or Norwold, Hugh de, bp. Ely, 329. Northwode, John, archd. Totnes, 402. North wode, Otho, archd. Totnes, 402. Northwode, John de, archd. Exeter, 393. Northwode,Otho de, archd. Exeter, 394. Norton, Richard, pre. Exeter, 412. Norton, Richard, archd. Barum, 407. Norton, alias Grene, John, prb. Here- ford, 505. Norwold or Northwolde, Hugh de, bp. Ely, 329- ^ Nothelm, abp. Canterbury, 3. Nott, George Fred., prb.Chichester,28o, 281. Nottingham, John de, prb. Lichfield, 606, 618, 640. Nottingham, John de, chan. Hereford, 492. Novall, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 634. Nova Villa, Nicholas de, archd. Bath, 163. Novis or Namis, alias Nonis, abp. St.Da- vid's, 288. Nowell, Alexander, prb. Canterbury, 53. Nowell, Edmund, prb. Wells, 209. Nowell, John, prb. Hei'eford, 509. Nowell, Lawrence, archd. Derby, 577. Nowell, Lawrence, dn. Lichfield, 562. Nowell, Richard, archd. Salop, 483. Nowell, Robert de, treas. Lichfield, 581. ! Nuce or Newce, Thomas, prb. Ely, 358. Nutlcombe,Thomas, subd. Exeter, 390. Nykke, Richard, archd. Exeter, 395. ' Nyweton, Henry de, chan. Exeter, 418. O. O. . . . , archd. Brecknock, 310. ; Oakeley, Frederick, prb. Lichfield, 600. I Oakeley, Herbert, prb. Lichfield, 610. Oatley, Thomas, archd. Lewes, 263. Ochinus, Bernardinus, prb. Canterbury, 59- Odo, treas. Lichfield, 581. Odo, archd. Exeter, 392. Odo, dn. Chichester, 255. Odo, abp. Canterbury, 5. Offley, Gabriel, prb. Lichfield, 614. Ofiley,Walter, prb. Lichfield, 595, 615. OflTord or Utford, John de, archd. Chester, 566. Oglander, John, prb. Chichester, 277. Ogle, Humphrey,prb. Hereford, 5 15.534. Ogle, Humphrey, archd. Salop, 484. Okey, Roger de, chan. Hereford, 492. Old, John, prb. Lichfield, .^97. Oldham, Bernard, treas. Exeter, 415. Oldham, Bernard, archd. Cornwall, 399. Oldham, Hugh, prb. Lichfield, 592,604. Oldham, Hugh, archd. Exeter, 395. Oldham, Hugh, bp. Exeter, 377. Oley or H eyolt, Barnabas,arclid . Ely,35 2 . Oliver, Richard, prb. Wells, 195. Oliver alias Smith, John, prb. Hereford, 508, 519. Omer, John de St., prb. Hereford, 501. Omero,ThomasdeSancto,prb. Hereford, 533- Ommanney,EdwardAislabie,prb.Wells, 207. Onslow, Richard Francis, prb. Hereford, 528. Opley, Cuthbert, pre. Chichester, 266. Orange or Orgrave, Thomas, archd. Cornwall, 398. Ordbright, bp. Selsey, 237. Oreford or DutFord or De Offbrd, John de, archd. Ely, 350. Orell;William, prb. Lichfield, 627. Orford, Robert, bp. Ely, 333. Orgrave or Orange, Thomas, archd. Cornwall, 398, 4 U 2 700 INDEX Orleton, Adam de, bp. Hereford, 461. Orleton, John de, prb. Hereford, 517. Orleton,Thomas de,chan. Hereford, 49 2. Orleyns, ^Yilliara de, treas. St. David's, 317- : Orlton, John de, prb. Hereford, 514. Orton,Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 627, 634. Orum, John, chan. Exeter, 418. Orum, John, archd, Barura, 406. Orum, Jolm, archd. Cornwall, 398. Osa or Bosa, bp. Selsey, 236. Obbaldeston or Osbaston, Henry, prb. Wells, 200. Osbaston or Osbaldeston, Henry, prb. Wells, 200. Osbern, bp. Exeter, 367. Osberne,William, prb. Exeter, 423. Osbert, archd. Caermarthen, 313. Osborne, Gilbert, prb. Gloucester, 449. Osborne, William, prb. Exeter, 422. Oseville, John de, archd. Ely, 350. Oterey, Roger de, chan. Exeter, 418. Otley, Adam, prb. Hereford, 528. Otley, Adam, archd. Salop, 484. Otley, Adam, bp. St. David's, 304. Otley, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 618. Ott, John Henry, prb. Lichfield, 639. Otter,William, bp. Chichester, 254. Otter, William Bruere, prb. Chichester, 285. Otway, Anthony, prb. Ely, 358. Oudebj', Walter, prb. Hereford, 518. Oudeby, John de, prb. Lichfield, 589. Oudeby, John de, treas. Lichfield, 582. Oudeby, John de, archd. Stafford, 571. Oudeby or Outeby, John de, archd. Derby, 576. Outeby, William de, pre. Hereford, 486. Outeby or Oudeby, John de, archd. Derby, 576. Outram, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 633. Outram, Edmund, treas. Lichfield, 583. Outram, Edmund, archd. Derby, 578. Outred, Marcel, prb. Hereford, 525. Oxenham, Nutcombe, prb. Exeter, 434. Overall, John, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 557. Overay, Thomas, chan. Wells, 177. Overay, Thomas, pre. Wells, 171. Overton, Valentine, prb. Lichfield, 631. Overton, Valentine, archd. Derby, 577. Overton,William, treas. Chichester, 268. Overton, William, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 556. Owayn, David, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Owen,Edward, archd. Caermarthen,3 14. Owen, Edward, archd. St. David's, 310. Owen, George, archd. St. David's, 309. Owen, Henry, prb. Wells, 198. Owen, Hugh, prb. Lichfield, 591. Owen, Hugh, pre. Bangor, 118. Owen, Hugh, archd. Salop, 575, Owen, John, bp. St. Asaph, 76. Owen, Lewis, prb. Hereford, 496, 535. Ov/en, Richard, archd. Wells, t6o. Ou'en, Vincent, prb. Hereford, 533. Owen, WiUiam, treas. St. David's, 318. Ovven,William, archd. Cardigan, 315. Owen, William Hicks, prb. St. Asaph, 93. Owen, David ap, bp. St. Asaph, 73. Owen, John ap, prb. Hereford, 495. Owen, Hugh aj), pre. St. David's, 316. Owens, Owen, archd. Anglesey, 115. Owgan,Thomas, archd. Brecknock,3ir. Oxenden, John, prb. Hereford, 534. Oxenford, Robert de, archd. Hereford, 480. Oxenham,William, prb. Exeter, 432. Oxton, Robert, archd. Coventry, 569. Oxton, Robert de, prb. Lichfield, 596. Paccaor Pacto or Patrick, Robt., archd. Staflx)rd, 571. Pace, Richard, treas. Lichfield, 582. Pace, Richard, dn. Exeter, 386. Pacie, Christopher, prb. Bristol, 228. Pacto, Pacca or Patrick, Robert, archd. Stafford, 571. Page, John, prb. Hereford, 532. Paget, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 639. Pagham, William de, chan. Chichester, 270. Paine, Adam, archd. Stafford, 571. Paine, John, prb. Wells, 181. Paine, John, subd. Wells, 158. Paine, Joseph, prb. Wells, 211. Paine, Richard, prb. Lichfield 607. Pakington, William de, archd. Canter- bury, 41. Pakinton, Wm. de, dn. Lichfield, 562. Pallialogi,Anthonius, archd. Derby, 576. Palmer, Charles, prb. Lichfield, 634. Palmer, George, prb. Gloucester, 448. Palmer, George, prb. Lichfield, 641. Palmer, Hugh, pre. Lichfield, 580. Palmer, John, prb. Ely, 354. Palmer, John, prb. Lichfield, 597. Palmer, John, archd. Ely, 352. Palmer, Jonathan, prb. Wells, 185. Palmer, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 52. Pannaden, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 620. Pantin, Matthew, prb. Gloucester, 450. Pardo, John, prb. St. David's, 321. Pardo, Thomas, prb. St. David's, 321. Pardo, Thomas, chan. St. David's, 320. N O M I N U M. 701 Parfeit, Robert, prb. Hereford, 500. Parfew, John, prb. Hereford, 517. Parfew, alias Purfoy, alias Warton, Robert, bp. Hereford, 469. Parfue, John, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Parham, Thomas, prb. Wells, 207. Paris, Major, prb. Lichfield, 587. Parke, Benjamin, prb. Ely, 358. Parke, John, j)rb. Chichester, 272. Parker, James, prb. Lichfield, 604. Parker, John, prb. Ely, 354. Parker, John, prb. Lichfield, 638. Parker, John, archd. Ely, 352. Parker, Matthew, prb. Ely, 355. Parker, Matthew, abp. Canterbury, 25. Parker, Samuel, prb. Canterbury, 48. Pai-ker, Samuel, archd. Canterbury, 44. Parker, Thos.,prb. Hereford, 502,510. Parker, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 592, 596. Parker. Thomas, pre. Hereford, 487. Parker, ^Yilliam, prb. Exeter, 422. Parker, William, prb. Hereford, 526. Parker, William, treas. Hereford, 491. Parker, William, archd. Cornwall, 400. Parker, William, archd. Totnes, 404. Parkhurst, Rich., prb. Canterbury, 50. Parkhurst, Rich., prb. Hereford, 519. Parre, Bartholomew, prb. Exeter, 423. Parry, Henry, jjrb. St. Asaph, 91, 93. Parry, Henry, bp. Gloucester, 439. Parry, James, prb. Hereford, 505. Parry, John, archd. Cardigan, 315. Parry, Richard, chan. Bangor, 119. Parry, Richard, dn. Bangor, 11 1. Parry, Richard, bp. St. Asaph, 75. ParryorPavy,Hugh,bp.St.David's,299. Parsons, Francis €rane,prb. Wells, 183, 186. Parsons, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 633. Parsons, Henry, prb. Wells, 183. Parsons, James, prb. Exeter, 431. Parsons, John, prb. Hereford, 495, 500. Parsons, John, archd. Bangor, 113. Parsons, John, dn. Bristol, 224. Parsons, Robert, archd. Gloucester, 446. Paschal, Andrew, prb. Wells, 196. Paschal, Andrew, chan. Wells, 178. Paske, George, prb. Exeter, 427. Paske, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 52. Paslew, John, prb. Hereford, 534. Passamer or Patts, Richard, prb. Here- ford, 532. Passelewe, Robert, archd. Lewes, 262. Passelewe, Robert, (Chichester), 240. Paston, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 623. Paston, Benedict de, chan. Exeter, 418. Paston or Patten, George, prb. Lich- field, 594, 597. Patera, John de, prb. Lichfield, 595. Patera, Robert de, prb. Lichfield, 608, 619. Paternoster, Robert, prb. Hereford, 509. Paterson, Robert, prb. Exeter, 423. Paterson, Thos., archd. Chichester, 261. Pateshull, Hugh de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 547. Patington or Patrington, Stephen, bp. Chichester, 244. Patrick, John, pre. Chichester, 266. Patrick, Simon, bp. Chichester, 252. Patrick, Simon, bp. Ely, 345. Patrick or Pacca or Pacto, Robert, archd. StaflFord, 571. Patrington or Patington, Stephen, bp. Chichester, 244. Patryngton, Steph., bp. St. David's, 296. Patten or Paston, George, prb. Lich- field, 594, 597. Patten, abas Waynfiete, John, dn. Chi- chester, 256. Pattesle, Thomas de, archd. Ely, 351. Patts or Passamer, Richard, prb. Here- ford, 1^32. Patye, Richard, prb. Wells, 182. Paul, Robert, prb. Wells, 205. Paul, William, dn. Lichfield, 563. Paul, John St., archd. Cornwall, 398. Pavy, John, prb. Hereford, 503. Pavy or Parry, Hugh, bp. St. David's, 299. Paxton, William, prb. Hereford, 533. Pay, Laurence, archd. Chichester, 261. Payne, Henry Thomas, archd. Caer- niarthen, 314. Payne, Stephen, dn. Exeter, 386. Payne, I'homas, prb. Exeter, 428. Payne, Thomas, prb. Wells, 188. Payne, Thomas, archd. Brecknock, 31 2. Peacock, George, dn. Ely, 349. Peacock, Reginald, lip. St. Asaph, 71. Peacock, P^eginald, bp. Chichester, 247. Peacock, Thomas, prb. Ely, 361. Peake, Humphrey, prb. Canterbury, 61. Pearce, Vincent, prb. Wells, 185. Pearce, William, dn. Ely, 349. Pearce, Zachariah, bp. Bangor, 108. Pearne, Andrew, dn. Ely, 347. Pearse, John, prb. Wells, 186. Pearson, John, prb. Ely, 354, 359. Pearson, John Batteridge, prb. Lich- field, 621. Peche, Richard, archd. Chester, 565. Peche, Richard, archd. Coventry, 568. Peche, Richard, archd. Salop, 573. Peche, Richard, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 545. 702 INDEX Peche, Robert, bp. Coventry and Lich- field, 543. Peckham, John, abp. Canterbury, 14. Peckham,Godfrey(ie,archd. LiCwes, 262. Pedder, John, prb. Hereford, 503. Pede, Richard, prb. Hereford, 508, 510, 510- Pede, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 611, 623. Pede, Richard, treas. Hereford, 489. Pede, Richard, chan. Lichfield, 584. Pede, Richard, dn. Hereford, 477. Peel, John, prb. Canterbury, 55. Peerson, Andrew, prb. Canterbury, 60. Pegge, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 588, 639. Peirs, John, prb. WelLs, 202. Peirs, Thomas, prb. Wells, 201. Peirs, \Vm., prb. Wells, 191, 202, 203. Peirsworden, alias Wotton, Matthew, archd. Merioneth, 1 16. Peitwin, Walter, prl). Hereford, 531. Pelegrinus, Hugo, treas. Lichfield, 582. Peletun or Wigthun, bp. Selsey, 236. Pelham, George, prb. Chichester, 280. Pelham, Hon. George, prb. Exeter, 432. Pelham, Hon. Geo., archd. Exeter, 397. Pelham, Hon. Geo.,bp. Bristol, 221. Pelham, Hon. George, bp. Exeter, 383. PeUew, Hon. Geo, prb. Canterbury, 55. Pember, John, prb. Hereford, 525. Pember, John, pre. St. David's, 317. Pemberton, John, prb. Wells, 200, 209. Pemberton, Robert Norgrave, prb . H ere- ford, 514. Pembroke, Walter de, archd . Barum, 405 . Pembroke, Walter de, archd. Totnes, 402. Pembridge, Tnomas de, prb. Hereford, 498. Pembridge, Thomas de, treas. Here- ford, 488. Pembrugge,Thos.de,prb. Hereford, 494. Pendilton, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 632. Penels, Richard, archd. Cornwall, 398. Penfold, John, prb. Chichesler, 274. Penneck, John, prb. Exeter, 426. Penneck, John, chan. Exeter, 420. Penny, John, bp. Bangor, T03. Penny, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 636. Penny, Nicholas, dn. Lichfield, 564. Pennybrooke, Walter, archd. Totnes, 403. Penpel or Pympel, Stephen de, archd. Exeter, 394. Penson, WiUiam, prb. Hereford, 534. Penson, William, chan. Hereford, 493. Penthwin, Hugh, archd. Canterbury, 43. Pepys, Henry, ])rb. Wells, 181. Perceval, George, prb. Chichester, 275. Percy, Hon. Hugh, prb. Canterbury,49. Percy, Hon. Hugh, prb. Exeter, 433. Percy, Hon. Hugh, chan. Exeter, 420. Percy, Hugh, archd. Canterbury, 45. Percy, Hon. Hugh, dn. Canterbury, 35. Perigord, Simon of, dn. Chichester, 256. Perkins, Ralph, prb. Ely, 360. Perry, Gabriel, pre. Bangor, 117. Perry, Henry, prb. Wells, 187. Perry, John, prb. Wells, 204. Perry, ahas Pury, Daniel, prb. Lich- field, 597. Perry or Pury, Thomas, prb. Gloucester, 448- Perusinensis (Perugia), the Cardinal, chan. Hereford, 492. Pesemer, John, subd. Exeter, 389. Peter, chan. Chichester, 269. Peter, treas. Wells, 172. Peter, archd. Cornwall, 397. Peter, archd. Hereford, 480. Peter, archd. Lewes, 262. Peter, bp. Lichfield, 543. Peter of Exeter or (iuivil or Quiril, Peter, bp. Exeter, 370. Peter de Radnor, prb. Hereford, 501. Peter of Savoy, (de Sabaudia,) prb. Hereford, 504. Peter, Richard, pre. Exeter, 412. Peter, William, prb. Hereford, 502. Peter, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 204. Peterson, Robert, treas. Chichester, 268. Peterson, Robert, archd. Cornwall, 400. Peterson, William, prb. Exeter, 422. Peterson, Wilham, dn. Exeter, 387. Petherton, Henry, prb. Wells, 184. Petre, Richard, prb. Wells, 202. Pettingale, Bartholomew, prb. Here- ford, 532. Pettiward, Roger, pre. Chichester, 277. Pettiward, Roger, chan. Chichester, 272. Petwine, Walter, prb. Hereford, 502. Phileby, Adam de, prb. Hereford, 494. Phileby, Adam de, archd. Salop, 482. Phihp, prb. Lichfield, 586. Phihp, pre. St. David's, 315. Phihp, treas. St. David's, 317. Phihp, archd. St. David's, 308. Philips, Daniel, prb. Hereford, 525. Phihps, Morgan, pre. St David's, 316. Phihps, Roland, pre. Hereford, 486. Philips, Steph., prb. Hereford, 519,535- Philips, Stephen, archd. Salop, 484. Philips, Thomas, prb. Gloucester, 448. Philley, Henry, treas. Hereford, 490. Phillipps, Chas., prb. St. David's, 322. Philhps, Charles, treas. St. David's, 318. Philhps, Jasper, prb. Exeter, 425. Phillips, Thomas, prb. St. David's, 322. N O M I N U M. 703 Phillott, James, prb. Wells, 205. Phillott, James, archd. Bath, 165. Phillpott, Thomas, jirb. Wells, 186. Phillpotts, Henry, prb. Exeter, 434. Phillpotts, Henry, bj). Exeter, 384. Phillpotts, Wm. John, prb. Exeter, 434. Phillpotts, Wm. John, pre. Exeter, 413. Phillpotts, William John, archd. Corn- wall, 40 1 . Phipps, Barre, prb. Chichester, 281. Phreas or Free, John, bp. Bath and Wells, 141. Picart, Samuel, prb. Hereford, 517. Picot, John, dn. Exeter, 384. Pierce, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 55. Pierce or Piers, William, bp. Bath and Wells, 146. Piers, Walter, prb. Lichfield, 622. Piers, Walter, pre. Wells, 171. Piers, William, archd. Bath, 165. Piers, William, archd. Taunton, 168. Piers or Pierce, William, bp. Bath and Wells, 146. Pierse, Walter, j.rb. Lichfield, 599. Pigot, John, prb. Lichfield, 634. Pigot, Thomas, bp. Bangor, 103. Pike, Henry de, subdn. Exeter, 389. Pikeman, William, prb. Lichfield, 607. Pikeman or Pykman, John, chan. Wells, 177. Pikeman or Pykman, John, archd. Bath, 164. Pilkington, Chas., prb. Chichester, 281, 284. Pilkington, Matthew, prb. Lichfield, 623. Pilkington, Rich, treas. Lichfield, 583. Pilsworth, Daniel, prb. Hereford, 512. Pincerna, Thomas, archd. Totnes, 401. Pinder, John Hothersall, prb. Wells, 198. Pinder,John Hothersall, pre. Wells, 172. Pinnell, John, prb. Chichester, 275. Pion, William, prb. Hereford, 519. Pipe, John de, prb. Lichfield, 636. Pi[)e, John de, archd. Coventry, 569. Pirrye, Wm., archd. Caermarthen, 313. Pitcairn, James, prb. Exeter, 430. Pitman, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 285. Pitt, John, prb. Hereford, 514. Pitt, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 625. Playsteed, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 601. Plegemund, abp. Canterbury, 5. Plemth, John, archd. Lewes, 263. Pleydell, Josias, archd. Chichester, 261. Plimley, Henry, prb. Chichester, 283. Plowfield, John, prb. Hereford, 515. Plumbtree, John, dn. Gloucester, 445. Plumer, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 613. Plumpstock, Richard de, archd. Ex- eter, 393. Plumptre, Charles, archd. Ely, 353. Plymley, Joseph, archd. Salop, 484. Podda, bp. Hereford, 454. Podesdon, John, subd. Exeter, 390. Polarde, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 627. Poldon or Polton, Thomas, bp. Chi- chester, 245. Pole, David, prii. Lichfield, 629. Pole, David, archd. Derby, 577. Pole, David, archd. Salop, 574. Pole, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 506, 508, , 513' 519- Pole, Hugh, treas. Hereford, 490. Pole, James, prb. Hereford, 511. Pole, Oliver, archd. Lewes, 263. Pole, Owen, prb. Hereford, 526. Pole, Owen, treas. St. Da\'id's, 318. Pole, Owen, treas. Hereford, 490. Pole, Ralph, prb. Hereford, 500. Pole, Reginald, dn. Exeter, 387. Pole, Reginald, abp. Canterbury, 25. Pole, John de la, prb. Hereford, 505. Pole, Thomas de la, prb. Lichfield, 611. Pollard, John, archd. Barum, 407. Pollard, John, archd. Cornwall, 399. Pollard, John, archd. Totnes, 403. Pollard, Richard, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Pollard, William, dn. Bangor, iii. Polmorna, Wm. de, subd. Exeter, 389. Poison, John Hugh Paisley, prb. Ex- eter, 433. Polton, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 516. Polton, Thomas, archd. Taunton, 167. Polton, Thomas, bp. Hereford, 464. Polton or Poldon,Thomas, bp. Chiches- ter, 245. Poltoun, Thomas, archd. Taunton, 167. Ponet or Poynet, John, prb. Canter- bury, 56. Ponte, John de, prb. Hereford, 530. Pontissara, John de, archd. 393. Poole, Henry, prb. Chichester, 279. Poore, Richard, bp. Chichester, 239. Popard or Pupard, John, prb. Lich- field, 593. Pope, Edward, archd. Gloucester, 446. Pope, John, prb. Wells, 181, 196. Porie, John, prb. Ely, 355. Porte, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 625. Porter, Vv^illiam, chan. Chichester, 271. Porter, William, pre. Hereford, 486. Portman, Fitzharding Berkeley, prb. Wells, 189. Portman, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 424. Pory, John, prb. Canterbury, 53. Pote, James, prb. Lichfield, 625. 704 INDEX Potinger, John, prb. Wells, 179. Potman, Thomas, prb. Wells, 186. Pott, Joseph Holden, prb. Exeter, 433. Pott, Joseph Holden, chan. Exeter, 421. Potter, Francis, prb. Wells, 202. Potter, Francis, archd. Taunton, 169. Potter, Francis, archd. Wells, 162. Potter, John. prb. Canterbury, 62. Potter, John, prb. Wells, 181, 189, 203. Potter, John, dn. Canterbury, 34. Potter, John, abp. Canterbury, 29. Potter, Raphael, prb. Lichfield, 601, 618. Pottinger, John, prb. Wells, 185. Povey, James, prb. Lichfield, 590. Powel, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 632. Powel, William, archd. Bath, 165. Powell, Charles, prb. St. David's, 32 r. Powell, David, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Powell, Hugh, pre. St. David's, 317. Powell, Morgan, ])rb. Hereford, 517. Powell, Morgan, chan. Hereford, 493. Powell, Rees, dn. Bangor, 11 1. Powell, Richard, prb. Wells, 179. Powell, Robert, archd. Salop, 575. Powell, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 590, 614. Powell, Thos., archd. St. Asaph, 84. Powell, Thomas Baden, prb. Chiches- ter, 285. Powell, William, prb. Bangor, 122. Powell, William, prb. Ely, 362. Powell, Wilham, prb. Wells, 179, 185. Powell, Wilham, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Power, John, archd. Bath, 164. Powys, Thomas, prb. Bristol, 229. Powys, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 521. Powys, Thomas, dn. Canterbury, 35. Poynet or Ponet, John, prb. Canter- bury, 56. Pratt, John, prb. Hereford, 506, 528. Pratt, John, prb. Wells, 196. Pi'att, John, archd. St. David's, 309. Praty, Richard, bp. Chichester, 246. Preen, William, prb. Hereford, 513. Prestbury, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 596. Prestbury, Ralph, archd. Stafford, 572. Preston, William de, archd. Salop, 574. Pretty, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 588. Price, Charles, prb. Hereford, 506. Price, Charles, pre. St. David's, 317. Price, Daniel, prb. Hereford, 508, 533. Price, Daniel, archd. Chester, 567. Price, Daniel, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Price, Daniel, dn. Hereford, 478. Price, David, prb. Lichfield, 603. Price, Edmund, archd. Merioneth, 116. Price, Ellis, prb. St. Asaph, 90. Price, Fulk, prb. St. Asaph, 89, 90. Price, Henry, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Price, Henry, prb. Hereford, 523. Price, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 498, 502, .533- Price, Hugh, treas. St. David's, 318. Price, John, prb. St. Asaph, 88, 89, 91. Price, John, prb. Ely, 362. Price, John, prb. Lichfield, 623. Price, John, pre. Bangor, 117. Price, Peter, prb. Wells, 191. Price, Phihp, prb. Hereford, 505. Price, Robert, prb. Hereford, 535. Price, Robert, chan. Bangor, 119. Price, Robert, bp. Bangor, 107. Price, Sampson, prb. Hereford, 505. Price, Thomas, prb. Wells, 200. Prichet or Pricket, John, bp. Glouces- ter, 440. Pricket or Prichet, John, bp. Glouces- ter, 440. Prideaux, Dionisius, prb. Exeter, 423. Priest, Whadcock, prb. Ely, 360. Pinmrose, William, prb. Lichfield, 641, Prior, Christopher, prb. Wells, 180. Prior, Thomas, prb. Gloucester, 448. Prise, James, prb. Hereford, 506. Pritchard, Benj., prb. Hereford, 503. Pritchard, Rees, chan. St. David's, 319. Pritchard, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 507. Pritchett, Charles Pigott, prb. St. Da- vid's, 322. Pritchett, Delabere,prb. St. David's, 322. Proby, Baptist, dn. Lichfield, 564. Probyn, Wm., chan. St. David's, 320. Probyn, Wm., archd. Caermarthen, 314. Proctor, Richard, chan. Hereford, 492. Proctor, Samuel, prb. Gloucester, 448. Prophet, John, prb. Hereford, 515, 522, 529- Prophet, John, dn. Hereford, 476. Prophet, Richard, prb. Hereford, 529. Prowde, Francis, prb. Wells, 206. Prower, John Mervin, hon. can. Bris- tol, 452. Prowse, Anthony, prb. Wells, 183. Prowse, John, prb. Wells, 205. Prowse, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 428. Pryce, John ap, archd. Cardigan, 315. Pryde, Walter, prb. Hereford, 501. Prynn, John, prb. Hereford, 505. Puella or La Pucelle, Gerard, bp. Co- ventry and Lichfield, 545. Pugh, Hugh, archd. Merioneth, 117. Pugh, Richard, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Pugh, Thomas, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Puleston, Hugh, prb. St. Asaph, 90. Pulford, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 587. Pulsford, Chas. Henry, ])rb. Wells, 208. Pulter, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 606,616. N 0 M I N U M. "05 Puntyngdon, Wm. de, pre. Exeter, 410. Puntyngdon,William de, archd. Totnes, 402. Pupard or Popard, John, prb. Lichfield, 593- Purfoy, aUas Warton, ahas Parfew, Robert, bp. Hereford, 469. Purle, Robert de, treas. Chichester, 267. Purleston, Edward, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Pury, aUas Perry, Daniel, prb. Lich- field, 597. Pury or Perry, Thomas, prb. Glouces- ter, 448. Puskyn, Richard, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Putta, bp. Devonshire, 365. Putta, bp. Hereford, 454. Pychard, John, dn. Chichester, 257. Pycott, Richard, prb. Wells, 211. Pye, William, prb. Lichfield, 607. Pye, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 197. Pye, William, dn. Chichester, 257. Pyers, Walter, prb. Wells, 193. Pyke, John, prb. Wells, 186. Pykin, John, prb. Hereford, 506. Pykman or Pikeman, John, chan. Wells, 177. Pykman or Pikeman, John, archd. Bath, 164. Pylton, Thomas, archd. Exeter, 394. Pympel, Stephen, dn. Wells, 151. Pympel or Penpel, Stephen de, archd. Exeter, 394. Pynsent, John, prb. Exeter, 423. Q. Quesne, Thos. Roger du, prb. Ely, 359. Quesne, Thomas Roger du, chan. St. David's, 320. Quicke, Nutcombe, prb. Exeter, 429. Quicke, Nutcombe, chan. Exeter, 420. Quintin, Theophilus, prb. Bristol, 232. Quintin, Walter S., subd. Wells, 156. Quintin, Walter S., archd. Taunton, 166. Quintino, Bonetus de Sancto, prb. Hereford, 504. Quivil, Peter, archd. St. Da\'id's, 308. Quivil or Quiril, Peter, bp. Exeter, 370. R. R. . . . , dn. St. Asaph, 81. R. . . . , dn. Lichfield, 560. R., (Richard Cowe?) archd.Totnes, 401. Rackett, Caleb, prb. Wells, 182. RadcliflF, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 641. RadclifFe, George, treas. Lichfield, 582. RadchfFe, George, archd. Chester, 567. Radchflre,Houstone,prb.Canterbury,5i. VOL. I. RadclifFe, Houstone, subd. Wells, 158. RadclifFe, Houstone, archd. Canter- bury, 45. RadclifFe, Houstoune, prb. Ely, 360. Radcliffe, John, prb. Lichfield, 587. Radcliffe, WiUiam, treas. Lichfield, 582. RaddeswiU, RadeweU or Radeswell, Ro- bert de, archd. Chester, 565. Radeswell, Robert de, archd. Chester, 565- Radewell, Robert de, archd. Chester, 565- Radnor, Elias de, treas. Hereford, 488. Radnor, Peter de, prb. Hereford, 501. Radnor, Peter de, archd. Salop, 573. Rador or Rodenor, Peter de, chan. Lichfield, 583. Ragoun, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 506, 532. Ragoun, Miles, prb. Hereford, 517, 521. Raikes, Richard, prb. Hereford, 511. Raikes, Richard, treas. St. David's, 318. Rainsthorp, John, prb. Bristol, 228. Ralegh, William de, treas. Exeter, 414. Raleigh, Walter, prb. Wells, 204. Raleigh, Walter, dn. Wells, 154. Ralph, pre. Wells, 169. Ralph, archd. Barum, 405. Ralph, archd. Bath, 163. Ralph, archd. Exeter, 392. Ralph, dn. Hereford, 475. Ralph of Gloucester, prb.WeUs, 196. Ralph de Maidstone, archd. Chester, 565. Ralph of Maidstone, bp. Hereford, 458. Ralph of Shrewsbury, bp. Wells, 137. Rammesbury, Walter, prb. Hereford, 531- Rammesbury, Walter de, pre. Here- ford, 486. Ramridge, John, prb. Lichfield, 612. Ramridge, John, archd. Derby, 577. Ramridge, John, dn. Lichfield, 562. Ramsden, William, prb. Lichfield, 627. Ramsey, Richard, prb. Gloucester, 447. Randall, John, prb. Wells, 207. Rande, John, prb. Wells, 195. Randolph, Francis, prb. Bristol, 233. Randolph, John, bp. Bangor, 109. Randolph, Thomas, prb. Wells, 206. Ranulphus, chan. Hereford, 491. Rase, John, prb. Wells, 196. Ravendale, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 609, Ravenna, the Cardinal of, chan. Lich- field, 584. Ravensor, Richard, prb. Hereford, 531. Ravis, Thomas, bp. Gloucester, 438. Rawe, John, subd. Exeter, 390. Rawlins, James, prb. Hereford, 527. 4 X 706 INDEX Rawlins, Richaid, bp. St. David's, 300. Rawlins, William, prb. Hereford, 523. Rawlinson, Robt., prb. Chichester, 272. Rawlinson, Robt., chan. Chichester, 271 . Rawson, Joseph, prb. Lichfield, 619. Ray, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 183. Raymond, John, hon. can. Gloucester, 452. Raymond, WiUiam Forbes, prb. Chi- chester, 284. Raymund, archd. Canterbury, 40. Raynes, Edward Robert, prb. Chiches- ter, 283. Raynes, Edward Robert, archd. Lewes, 264. Read, Anthony, prb. Exeter, 426. Read, John, prb. Wells, 189. Read, WiUiam, prb. Exeter, 424. Read, William, chan. Chichester, 270. Read, William, treas. Chichester, 268. Read, WiUiam, archd. Chichester, 260. Reade, Robert, bp. Chichester, 244. Reade, WiUiam, archd. Barum, 408. Reade, William, bp. Chichester, 243. Reading, John, prb. Canterbury, 56. Rebotier, Ehas, prb. Wells, 190, 193, 201. Redman, John, archd. Stafford, 572. Redman, Richard, bp. St. Asaph, 72. Redman, Timothy, prb. Wells, 189. Redman, William, prb. Canterbury, 47. Redman, Wm., archd. Canterbury, 44. Redman or Redmayn, Richard, bp. Exeter, 377. Redmayn, Richard, bp. Ely, 340. Redmayn or Redman, Richard, bp. Exeter, 377. Redmayne, John, archd. Taunton, 168. Reed, William, pre. Chichester, 265. Reedhill or Rudhill, John, prb. Lich- field, 618, 632. Reeks, Edward, prb. Exeter, 428. Rees, John, prb. Hereford, 508. Rees, Nicholas, pre. Chichester, 265. Rees, Robert, treas. St. David's, 317. Retforde, Thomas de, chan. Wells, 176. Reginald, pre. Hereford, 485. Reginald, pre. Wells, 169. Reginald, treas. Hereford, 488. Reginald, (Canterbury,) 10. Regoun, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 523. Reiner, bp. St. Asaph, 66. Restoreshall, Henry de, prb. Hereford, 513- Resyns, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 196. Retford, Richard, prb. Hereford, 513. Revet or Rivett, Timothy, archd. Bath, 165. Rewys, Nicholas, dn. Bangor, iii. Reygate, Nich. de, prb. Hereford, 530. Reygate, Nich. de, treas. Hereford, 488. Reynell, Carew, prb. Chichester, 273. Reynell, Robert, prb. Hereford, 506. Reynelm, bp. Hereford, 456. Reynold, John, subd. Wells, 156. Reynold, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 587, 594, 632. Reynold, Thomas, dn. Exeter, 387. Reynolds, John, prb. Exeter, 425, 427. Reynolds, Richard, bp. Bangor, 108. Reynolds, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 629. Reynolds, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 620, 635.637- Reynolds, Thomas, (Hereford,) 469. Reynolds, Walter, abp. Canterbury, 16. RheeSjGriffin ap, archd. Brecknock, 31 1. Rice, Edward, dn. Gloucester, 445. Richard, pre. St. David's, 315. Richard, pre. Hereford, 485. Richard, treas. Bangor, 118. Richard, treas. Chichester, 267. Richard, treas. Lichfield, 581. Richard, treas. Wells, 172. Richard, archd. Bath, 163. Richard, archd. Chester, 565. Richard, archd. St. David's, 308. Richard, archd. Derby, 575. Richard, dn. Chichester, 255. Richard, dn. Hereford, 475. Richard, bp. St. Asaph, 64. Richard, bp. Bangor, 98. Richard, abp. Canterbury, 9. Richard, John ap, prb. Hereford, 532. Richard, John ap, treas. Hereford, 489. Richard, John ap, dn. Hereford, 477. Richardde Hertford, prb. Hereford, 528. Richard de Kenilworth, chan. Wells. Richard de KenUworth, treas. Wells, 172. Richard of Kent, pre. WeUs, 170. Richard of Winchester, subd. Wells, 156. Richards, Escott, prb. WeUs, 197. Richardson, James, prb. Lichfield, 617. Richardson, John, prb. Hereford, 510. Richardson, John, dn. Hereford, 478. Richardson, Rich., pre. St. David's, 317. Richardson, Thomas, prb. Ely, 357. Richardson, Wm., prb. St. David's, 322. Rickinghalle or Rykyngale, John, bp. Chichester, 245. Ridale, Stephen de, archd. Ely, 350. Ridel, Geoffrey, archd. Canterbury, 38. Ridel or RydaU, Geoffrey, bp. Ely, 327. Rider, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 621. K O M I N U M. 707 Rider, Henry, archd. Derby, 577. Rider, Theophilus, prb. Lichfield, 591, 625. Ridge, Richard, chan. Exeter, 418. Ridley, Henry, prb. Gloucester, 451. Ridley, Henry John, prb. Bristol, 227. Ridley, Nicholas, prb. Canterbury, 51. Ridley, William, prb. Wells, 205. Ridsdale, Robert, prb. Chichester, 284. Rigge or Rugge, Robert, chan. Exeter, 418. Rikemarth or Rythmarch, bp. St. Da- vid's, 289. RHand, John, prb. Lichfield, 605. Riland, John, archd. Coventry, 570. Riland, John, archd. Stafford, 572. Ringsted, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 513. Ringstede, Thomas de, bp. Bangor, 99. Rio, John, prb. Wells, 209. Rippington, Ralph de, prb. Lichfield, 635- Rislj', Robert, prb. Wells, 191. Rivel, John, prb. Lichfield, 634. Rivett or Revet, Timothy, archd. Bath, 165. Rixman, John, prb. Bristol 226. Rixman, John, pre. Exeter, 412. Rixman, John, archd. Cornwall, 399. Roach, Robert, prb. Wells, 189. Robelyn, Adam de, archd. St. David's, 308. Robert, pre. Chichester, 265. Robert, pre. Exeter, 409. Robert, subd. Wells, 155. Robert, archd. Canterbury, 38. Robert, archd. Chester, 565. Robert, archd. Chichester, 259. Robert, archd. Stafford, 570. Robert, archd. Taunton, 166. Robert, archd. Totnes, 401. Robert, archd. Wells, 158. Robert, bp. Bath and Wells, 129. Robert of Gloucester, prb. Hereford, 509, 532- Robert of Gloucester, treas. Hereford, 492. Robert of Jumieges, abp. Canterbury, 6. Robert of Shrewsbury, bp. Bangor, 97. Robert of York, (Ely,) 328. Robert, Ithel or Ithiel ab, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Robert, William ab, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Roberts, Griflfith, archd. Anglesey, 11,5. Roberts, James, prb. Hereford, 524. Roberts, John, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Roberts, John, prb. Bangor, 121. Roberts, John, archd. Merioneth, 117. Roberts, Thomas, prb. Bangor, 123. Roberts, Thomas GrifKth, prb. St. Asaph, 93. Roberts, William, prb. Exeter, 426. Roberts, William, subd. Wells, 157. Roberts, William, treas. Bangor, 118. Roberts,WiUiam,archd. Merioneth, 116, Roberts, William, bp. Bangor, 106. Robertson, Love, prb. Hereford, 514. Robins, John, pre. Bangor, 117. Robinson, Hugh,archd. Gloucester, 446. Robinson, Humphrey,archd. Merioneth, 116. Robinson, John, prb. Canterbury, 48. Robinson, John, prb. Gloucester, 448. Robinson, John, prb. Wells, 201. Robinson, John, bp. Bristol, 218. Robinson, Nich., archd. Anglesey, 115. Robinson, Nich., archd. Merioneth, 116. Robinson, Nicholas, bp. Bangor, 105. Robinson, Richard, archd. Ely, 351. Robinson, William, prb. Lichfield, 621. Robotham, Robert, prb. Hereford, 532. Robson, George, pi'b. St. Asaph, 90. Robson, Simon, dn. Bristol, 223. Roche, Audomarus de la, archd. Can- terbury, 41. Rodburn, Thomas, b]). St. David's, 297. Rodd, Edward, prb. Exeter, 433. Rodd, John, prb. Hereford, 521. Rodeley, Huraphrey,prb. Lichfield, 616. Rodenor or Rador, Peter de,chan. Lich- field, 583. Roderham, Richard, chan. Exeter, 419. Rodherich, bp. St. David's, 289. Roderick, Charles, prb. Ely, 355. Roderick, Charles, dn. Ely, 349. Roderick, Walter de, prb. Hereford, 516. Rodley, John, prb. Gloucester, 447. Rodney, Hon. Henry, prb. Hereford, 5"- Rof, John, archd. Cornwall, 397. Roger, treas. Chichester, 267. Roger, archd. Barum, 405. Roger, archd. Canterbury, 37. Roger, archd. Salop, 573. Roger, bp. Hereford, 456. Roger of Canterbury, treas. Hereford, 488. Roger of Canterbury, archd. Salop, 483. Roger of Sarum, bp.Bath&Wells, 131. Rogerii, Peter, archd. Canterbury, 40. Rogers, Edward, prb. Wells, 179. Rogers, Henry, prb. Hereford, 524,533. Rogers, James, prb. Wells, 195. Rogers, John, prb. St. David's, 321. Rogers, John, prb. Exeter, 432. 4x2 708 INDEX Rogers, John, prb. Wells, 207. Rogers, John, chan. Wells, 178. Rogers, John, subd. Wells, 158. Rogers, Nehemiah, prb. Ely, 360. Rogers, Richard, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Rogers, Richard, dn. Canterbury, 33. Rogers, Samuel, prb. St. David's, 321. Rogers, Samuel, prb. Wells, 194. Rogers, Thos., prb. Hereford, 502, 505. Rogers, Walter, prb. Hereford, 507. Rogers, William, prb. Wells, 193. Rogerson, Wilham, prb. Lichfield, 627. Rogo, Walter Fitz, archd. Cornwall, 39 7. Rogo, William Fitz, archd. Exeter, 393. Rolamnus, archd. Exeter, 392. Roland, Rich. Bisse, prb. Lichfield, 598. Rolfe, Hugh, treas. Chichester, 268. Rome, John, prb. Lichfield, 604. Romworth, Henry, archd. Canterbury, 42. Rone, Humphrey, prb. Lichfield, 605. Rooke, Geo. Henry, prb. Bristol, 230. Roper, Francis, prb. Ely, 360. Rose, HughJames, prb. Chichester, 283. Rosington, Anthony, prb. Exeter, 423. Ross, John, prb. Exeter, 431. Ross, John, archd. Exeter, 396. Ross, John, bp. Exeter, 382. Rosse, John, prb. Hereford, 514. Rosse, John de, prb. Hereford, 516. Rosse, John de, archd. Salop, 483. Rosse, William de, archd. Salop, 483. Roter or Voyter, Richard, treas. Lich- field, 582. Rotherham, Rich., prb. Hereford, 501, 510. Rotherham, Rich, chan. Hereford, 492. Rotherham, Rich., treas. Hereford, 489. Rous, Anthony, dn. Lichfield, 561. Rous, Roger le, archd. Totnes, 402. Rous or Rus, William le, treas. Here- ford, 488. Rowe, Henry, prb. St. David's, 321. Rovve, Thomas, prb.Wells, 203. Rowland, William Gorsuch, prb. Lich- field, 595. Rowlands, Henry, prb. Bangor, 122. Rowlands, Henry, dn. Bangor, iii. Rowlands, Henry, bp. Bangor, 105. Rowlands, John, pre. Bangor, 117. Rowlandson, John, prb. Lichfield, 625. Rowles, William, prb. Lichfield, 610. Rowley, Francis, prb. Lichfield, 602. Rowson, Richard, prb. Wells, 190. Royse, George, dn. Bristol, 224. Ruchnus, bp. St. David's, 289. Rudd, Abraham, prb. Hereford, 506. Rudd, xVnthony, dn. Gloucester, 443. Rudd, Anthony, bp. St. David's, 302. Rudd, Robert, archd. St. David's, 309. Rudd, Roger, chan. St. David's, 319. Ruddle, John, prb. Exeter, 425. Rudhall, Rich., prb. Hereford, 497, 510. Rudhall, Richard, treas. Hereford, 489. Rudhall, Richard, archd. Hereford, 481. Rudhill or Reedhill, John, prb. Lich- field, 618, 632. Rudmarley, W. de, prb. Hereford, 516. Rufus, William, prb. Hereford, 511. Rugge, John, archd. Wells, 161. Rugge, Robert, archd. Barum, 406. Rugge, Thomas, archd. Gloucester, 446. Rugge or Rigge, Robert, chan. Exeter, 418. Rumene, Hugh de, subd. Wells, 156. Rumene, Hugh de, treas. Wells, 172. Runcorn, Thomas, archd. Bangor, 113. Rundle, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 426. Rus, Wilham le, subd. Wells, 156. Rus or Rous,Wm.le, treas. Hereford, 488 Rush, Anthony, prb. Canterbury, 48. Rushall, William, prb. Lichfield, 616. Rushe, Anthony, dn. Chichester, 257. Rusheild or Russal, William, prb. Lich- field, 637. Rushok, Thomas, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Rushooke, Thos., bp. Chichester, 243. Russal or Rusheild, William, prb, Lich- field, 637. Russel, Henry, prb.Wells, 186. Russel, Robert, prb. Hereford, 524, 527. Russel, Simon, archd. Chichester, 260. Russell, Henry, prb. Wells, 203. Russell, John, prb. Canterbury, 61. Russell, Thos., prb. Hereford, 510, 520. Rutter, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 614. Ruydoc or Ruydoz, bp. Cornwall, 364. Ryall, Edmund, prb. Hereford, 520. Rydall or Ridel, Geoffrey, bp. Ely, 327. Ryder, Hon. Henry, dn. Wells, 155. Ryder, Hon. Henry, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 559. Ryder, Hon. Hen., bp. Gloucester, 442. Ryder, Henry Dudle)^ prb. Lichfield, 617, 619, 624. Rykyngale or Rickinghalle, John, bp. Chichester, 245. Ryley, William, archd. St. David's, 309. Rypon, John, archd. Wells, 160. Rys, John ap, archd. Anglesej'', 114. Ryse, John, pre. Exeter, 412. Ryse, John, treas. Exeter, 416. Rythmarch or Rikemarth, bp. St. Da- vid's, 289. Ryton, John, prb. Lichfield, 590. Ryves, Bruno, dn. Chichester, 258. N O M I N U M. 709 S. S. . . . , treas. Chichester, 267. S. . . . , archd. Chichester, 259. S. . . . , archd. Lewes, 226. Sabin, Peter, archd. Chester, 566. Sabina, Francis, Cardinal of S., dn. Lichfield, 561. Sabaudia, Peter de, prb. Hereford, 504. Sadburie, Christopher, prb. Wells, i8r. Sadermen or Madenew, abp. St. Da- vid's, 288. Sagar, Stephen, prb. Lichfield, 632. Saintjust, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 520. Saintjust, Thomas, archd. Chester, 567. Saladyne, John, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Salcote, alias Capon, John, bp. Bangor, 103. Sale, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 632. Sale or Dale, Wm., prb. Lichfield, 636. Sahsbury, Fouke, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Salisbury, Fulk, prb. Bangor, 120. Salisbury, John, archd. Anglesey, 115. Salisbury, Thomas, archd. Salop, 574. Sallowe, William de, prb. Lichfield, 613. Sallowe,Wm. de, archd. Coventry, 569. Salmon, Tho. Abraham, prb. Wells, 205. Salop, Adam de, prb. Hereford, 506. Salter, John,hon. can. Bristol, 452. Salter, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 611. Salter, Richard, chan. Lichfield, 585. Salter, Richard, pre. Lichfield, 579. Salter, Samuel, prb. Gloucester, 450. Sampson, abp. St. David's, 288. Sampson, Henry, prb. Wells, 208. Sampson, Richard, prb, Lichfield, 627. Sampson, Richard, dn. Lichfield, 562. Sampson, Richard, bp. Chichester, 248. Sampson, Richard, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 555. Sampson, Thomas, dn. Chichester, 257. Samson, Richard, archd. Cornwall, 399. Samson or Hewson, Henry, prb. Wells, 200. Sancroft, Wm., archd. Canterbury, 44. Sancroft, William, abp. Canterbury, 27. Sandale, John de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Sander, Wilham, archd. Anglesey, 114. Sanders, John, prb. Bristol, 230. Sanders, Samuel prb. Lichfield, 605. Sanders, William, prb. Hereford, 516. Sandford,Hen.de,archd.Canterbury.38. Sandham, Robert, prb. Chichester, 275. Sandiford, Charles, prb. Wells, 197. Sandiford, Charles, chan. Wells, 178. Sandiford, Charles, pre. Wells, 172. Sandiford, Charles, treas. Wells, 175. Sandiford, Charles, archd. Wells, 162. Sandwich,Hamo de, prb. Hereford, 526. Sandwich, Hamon de, prb. Hereford, 512. Sandwich, Henry of, archd. Bath, 164. Sandwich, alias Gardiner, William, prb. Canterbury, 57. Sandys, Edwin, prb. Wells, 185. Sandys, Edwyn, prb. Wells, 195. Sandys, Edwin, archd. Wells, 162. Sandford, John, prb. Canterbury, 53. Sanford, John, prb. Wells, 206. Sant, Richard, archd. St. David's, 309. Sapta, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 628. Saracenus, John, dn. Wells, 150. Saravia, Hadrian, prb. Canterbury, 53, Sarden, Walter de, prb. Lichfield, 630. Sardinia or Gardinia, William de, prb. Hereford, 498. Sarisberia, John de, treas. Exeter, 414. Sarton, John, prb. Lichfield, 596, 620. Sarton, Thomas de, prb. Lichfield, 624. Sarum, Roger of, bp. Bath and Wells, 131- Saul or Sawle, Arthur, prb. Bristol, 226. Saunder, John, prb. Lichfield, 621. Savage, George, archd. Gloucester, 446. Savage, Henry, prb. Gloucester, 449. Savage, John, prb. Lichfield, 627. Savaria, Adrian, prb. Gloucester, 448. Savaricus or Barlowinwac, bp. Bath and Wells, 130. Savoy, Boniface of, abp. Canterbury, 13. Savoy (de Sabaudia), Peter of, prb. Hereford, 504. Sawle, Arthur, prb. Gloucester, 447. Sawle or Saul, Arthur, prb. Bristol, 226. Saxton, John, pre. Exeter, 410. Saxton, Simon de, prb. Lichfield, 624. Say, Humphrey, prb. Lichfield, 636. Sayer, Joseph, archd. Lewes, 264. Saywell, William, prb. Ely, 358. Say well, William, chan. Chichester, 271. Saywell, William, archd. Ely, 353. Scardeburgh, John de, prb. Hereford, 518. Scarth, Harry Mengden,prb. Wells, 206. Scattergood, Anthony, prb. Lichfield, 619. Scattergood, Samuel, prb . Li chfield, 619. Schanington, Henry de, archd. Taun- ton, 166. Schareshulle, John de, pre. Exeter, 410. Schelford, Thomas, chan. Wells, 176. Schifford, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 519. Scholefield, James, prb. Ely, 357. Schorne, Henry, archd. Hereford, 480. Schorne.William de,prb. Hereford, 528. 710 INDEX Schute, John, archd. Exeter, 395. Sclater, William, prb. Exeter, 424. Sclater, William, prb. Wells, 183. Scory, John, bp. Chichester, 249. Scory, Silvanus, prb. Hereford, 508. Scory or Skorye, John, bp. Hereford, 469. Scot, John, prb. Lichfield, 623. Scott, Robert, prb. Exeter, 434. Scott, Robert, subd. W^ells, 157. Scotten, Nich. de, prb. Hereford, 506. \Scotton,Nich. de, archd. Cornwall, 398. Scrope, Richard le, dn. Chichester, 256. Scrope, Stephen le, prb. Lichfield, 591, 596, 615. Scrope or Lescrope, Richard, bp. Co- ventry and Lichfield, 552. Scudamore, Robert, prb. Hereford, 511. Scudamore,Roland, prb. Hereford, 521. Scull, John, chan. Chichester, 271. Senile, John, prb. Hereford, 517. Sculthorp, John de, archd. Chichester, 260. Seaman, Lionel, prb. Wells, 206. Seaman,Lionel,archd.Taunton, 1 62, 1 69. Seaman, Lionel, archd. Wells, 162. Searchfield, Rowland, bp. Bristol, 215. Seaxwulf, bp. Lichfield, 538. Sebrande, John, prb. Hereford, 526. Seeker, George, prb. Canterbury, 56. Seeker, Thomas, bp. Bristol, 219. Seeker Thomas, abp. Canterbury, 30. Seddon, Laurence, prb. Hereford, 527. Seddon, Lawrence, prb. Hereford, 509. Seddon, alias Sidney, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 528. Seddon, alias Sidney, Thomas, pre. Hereford, 487. SefFord, John, prb. Hereford, 527. SeiFride, treas. Chichester, 267. SefFride, archd. Chichester, 259. SefFride, dn. Chichester, 255, 256. SeiFride H., bp. Chichester, 239. Seffride or Sigefrid,bp. Chichester, 238. Segrave, Gilbert de, prb. Hereford, 509. Segrave, Stephen de, dn. Lichfield,56i. Segrave, Walter de, treas. Chichester, 268. Segrave, Walter de, dn. Chichester, 256. Selleck, Nathaniel, prb. Lichfield, 597. Selleck, Nathaniel, prb. Wells, 211. Sellecke, John, archd. Bath, 165. SeUick, John, prb. Wells, 196. Seller, Henry, prb. Canterbury, 50. Seller, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 605. Selot, John, archd. Cornwall, 398. Selwyn, Townsnd., prb.Gloucester,4i5. Selwyn, William, prb. Ely, 359. Sempringham, Ralph de, dn. Lichfield, 561. Senhouse, Richard, dn. Gloucester, 444. Sergrave, William, prb. Gloucester, 451. Serlo, archd. Exeter, 392. Serlo, dn. Exeter, 384. Serto, bp. Cornwall, 364. Seton, John, prb. Hereford, 523, 524. Sevenack, Roger de, prb. Hereford, 502. Sevenack, Roger de, ti'eas. Hereford, 488. Sevenak, Roger de, archd. Hereford, 480. Seville, Anthony Corvanus, of, prb. Lichfield, 601. Seward, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 588, 621. Seymour, Hon. Francis, dn. Wells, 155. Seymour, John Hobart, prb. Glouces- ter, 451. • Seyntleger, Arthur, prb. Canterbury, 48. Seys, Anian, archd. Anglesey, 114. Seys, Anian, bp. Bangor, 99. Shackerley, George, archd. Wells, 162. Shakerley, George, prb. Wells, 202. Shallett, Joseph, prb. Wells, 207. Sharp, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 634. Sharp, John, dn. Canterbury, 33. Sharpe, Emanuel, prb. Wells, 189. Sharpe, John, prb. Lichfield, 597. Shaw, William, prb. Lichfield, 621. Sheafes, Grindal, archd. Wells, 161. Sheepshanks, Joh. , archd . Cornwall, 40 1 . ShefFeild, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 597. Sheinton, John, prb. Hereford, 522. Sheldon, Gilbert, prb. Gloucester, 448. Sheldon, Gilbert, abp. Canterbury, 27. Shelford, Henry, prb. Hereford, 498. Shelford, Henry, dn. Hereford, 476. Shelford, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 524. Shelford, Thomas, prb. Wells, 196. Shelton, Richard, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Shelving, John de, prb. Hereford, 507, .5173 521. Shepeye, John, chan. Lichfield, 584. Shepherd, Francis, prb. Exeter, 432. Sheppard, Philip, prb. Gloucester, 447. Sherborn, Robert, bp. Chichester, 248. Sherborne, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 607, 618. Sherborne, Richard, archd. Salop, 574. Sherborne, William, prb. Hereford, 517. Sherbourn,Robert, treas. Hereford, 489. Sherbourn, Robert, bp. St. David's, 300. Sherbourne, William, prb. Lichfield, 594. Sherburn, Robert, archd. Taunton, 167. Sherlock, Thomas, dn. Chichester, 258. Sherlock, Thomas, bp. Bangor, 108. Sherman, Robert, chan. Bangor, 119. NOMINUM. 711 Sherwood, John, prb. Lichfield, 632. Sheward, Richard, prb. Wells, 193. Shillington, Thomas, prb. Wells, 196. Shingleton, Wm., prb. Gloucester, 448. Shipley, Jonathan, bp. St. Asaph, 79. Shipley, Wm. Davis, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Shipton, John, treas. St. David's, 318. Shipton, Henry de, prb. Hereford, 527. Shipton, Henry de, treas. Hereford, 489. Shipton, Henry de, archd. Salop, 483. Shirbus, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 603. Shirewode, John, chan. Exeter, 419. Shirington, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 628. Shirington, Walter, prb. Lichfield, 616, 628. Shirley, Walter Augustus, prb. Lich- field, 633. Shirley, Walter Augustus, archd. Der- by, 578. Shirley or Shurley, Richard, prb. Lich- field, 597. Shirry, John, archd. Lewes, 263. Shore, John, archd. Cardigan, 315. Short, Rich. Rider, prb. Lichfield, 588. Short, Thos.Vowler, bp. St. Asaph, 80. Short, William, prb. Exeter, 429, 432. Short, William, archd. Cornwall, 401. Shorton, Robert, prb. Wells, 202. Shorton, Robert, archd. Bath, 164. Shrewsbury, Ralph of, bp. Wells, 137. Shrewsbury, Robert of, bp. Bangor, 97. Shrevvsbury,Wm.de, prb. Lichfield, 613. Shrewsbury,Wm. de, archd. Salop, 574. Shuckford, Sam., prb. Canterbury, 59, Shurley or Shirley, Richard, prb. Lich- field, 597. Shute, Timothy, prb. Exeter, 423. Shuttleworth, Philip Nicholas, bp. Chi- chester, 254. Sideman, bp. Devonshire, 365. Sidenhale, Richard, prb. Hereford, 524. Sidenhale, Rich, de, archd. Salop, 483. Sidenhall, Rich, de, treas. Hereford, 489. Sidney, PhiUp, prb. Hereford, 515. Sidney, abas Seddon, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 528. Sidney, abas Seddon, Thomas, pre. Hereford, 487. Sigarus or Sigegarus, bp. Wells, 127. Sigefrid or Seffride, bp. Chichester, 238. Sigegarus or Sigarus, bp. Wells, 127. Sigeric or Siric, abjj. Canterbury, 6. Sigfrid or Sigga, bp. Selsey, 236. Sigga, bp. Selsey, 236. Sigifreth, archd, Canterbury, 36. Silvester, archd. Chichester, 259. Simon, archd. Bangor, 112, Simon, archd. Cornwall, 397. Simon, archd. Derby, 576. Simon, archd. Salpp, 482. Simon of Bristol, chan. Wells, 176. Simon of Perigord, dn. Chichester, 256. Simons, John, archd. Cardigan, 314. Simpson, Fra., prb. Bristol, 230. Simpson, Henry Winkworth, prb. Chi- chester, 285. Simpson, John, prb. Canterbury, 54. Simpson, Nicholas, prb. Canterbury,,56. Singleton, Isaac, archd. Brecknock, 312. Singleton, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 502. Siric or Sigeric, abp. Canterbury, 6. Sistre, Bernard, archd. Canterbury, 40. Sixe, John, prb. Bristol, 230. Skeffington or Skevington, Thomas, bp. Bangor, T03. Skelton, Wm. de, prb. Lichfield, 598. Skerton, Robert, archd. Bath, 165. Skevington or Skeffington, Thomas, bp. Bangor, 103. Skinner, Robert, bp. Bristol, 216. Skinner, Thomas, pre. Exeter, 413. Skinner, William, prb. Hereford, 523. Skip, John, bp. Hereford, 468. Skirlawe, Walter, bp. Bath&Wells, 139. Skirlawe, Walter, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 551. Skirle, John, prb. Lichfield, 637. Skorye or Scory, John, bp. Hereford, 469. Skottowe, Charles, prb. Chichester, 275. Skyby, William, prb. Hereford, 534. Skynner, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 430. Skynner, Thomas, archd. Totnes, 404. Skynner, William, prb. Hereford, 496. Slade, John, prb. Hereford, 519. Slade, Samuel, dn. Chichester, 259. Slake, Nicholas, archd. Chester, 566. Slake, Nicholas, archd. Wells, 160. Slake, Nicholas, dn. Wells, 151. Slatyer, William, treas. St. David's, 318. Sledde, John, prb. Lichfield, 621. Sleech, John, prb. Exeter, 428. Sleech, John, prb. Gloucester, 451. Sleech, John, archd. Cornwall, 400. Slimbridge, Robert, pre. Lichfield, 579. Slocomb, Henry, prb. Wells, 191. Smalbroke, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 605, 628, 631. Smalbroke, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 642. Smalbroke, Thos., pre. Lichfield, 580. Smalbroke, Thos., archd. Coventry, 670. Small, Joseph Atwell, prb. Glouces- ^ ter, 451. Smallbrook, Rich., prb. Hereford, 502. Smallbrooke, Richard, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 558. 712 INDEX Smallbrooke, Richard, bp. St. David's, 304- Smallwell,Edward,bp. St. David's, 306. Smallvvood,Matthew, dn. Lichfield, 563. Smahidge, George, prb. Lichfield, 603. Smalridge, George, bp. Bristol, 218. Smart, Josiah, prb. Lichfield. 600. Smith, Alexander, prb. Wells, 188. Smith, Barnabas, prb. Wells, 208. Smith, Fred. Jeremiah, prb.Wells, 203. Smith, Humphrey, prb. Exeter, 426. Smith, James, prb. Ely, 362. Smith, James, pre. Exeter, 412. Smith, James, archd. Barum, 407. Smith, Jeremiah, prb. Lichfield, 626. Smith, John, prb. Gloucester, 447, 451. Smith, John, treas. Chichester, 268. Smith, Meshack, prb.Wells, 189. Smith, Miles, prb. Hereford 508. Smith, Miles, bp. Gloucester, 439. Smith, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 497. Smith, Nich., archd. Salojj, 484, 575. Smith, Richard, prb. Bristol, 229. Smith, Richard, prb. Hereford, 497,505, 512. Smith, Sebastian, prb.Wells, 182, 207. Smith, Sebastian, pre. Wells, 171. Smith, Simon, prb. Hereford, 510. Smith, Simon, archd. Hereford, 481. Smith, Sydney, prb. Bristol, 230. Smith, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 629. Smith, William, prb. Lichfield, 623. Smith, William, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 554. Smith, alias Oliver, John, prb. Here- ford, 508, 519. Smyth, Thomas Scott, prb. Exeter, 433. Smythe, Milo, prb. Exeter, 421. Snell, George, prb. Exeter, 425. Snell, George, archd. Totnes, 404. Snell, John, prb. Exeter, 424, 426. Snell, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 425. Sneyd, Ralph, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Sneyd, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 587. Snow, John, prb. Exeter, 428. Snow, John, pre. Exeter, 413. Snow, Paul Geo., prb.Wells, 197, 201. Snow, Paul George, chan. Wells, 178. Snow, Paul George, treas. Wells, 174. Snow, Paul Henry, prb.Wells, 182. Snow, Wilham, dn. Bristol, 222. Snowe, John, prb.Wells, 193. Somaster,Thomas,archd. Cornwall, 400. Somer, Henry, prb. Wells, 180. Somerby, John de, prb. Lichfield, 620. Somerset, Lord William George Henry, prb. Bristol, 231. Somersete, Henry de, chan. Exeter, 417. Somersete, Henry de, pre. Exeter, 409. Somersete, Henry de, dn. Exeter, 385. Somerville, William, prb. Wells, 192. Sommastre, William, prb. Lichfield, 594. Sompner, Oliver, prb. Hereford, 513. Soterworth,William,prb. Lichfield, 592. Soterworth, Wm., chan. Lichfield, 585. Sotesby, Hugh de, prb. Lichfield, 638. Sotheron or Southern, Thomas, treas. Exeter, 416. South, Warne, prb. Wells, 206. South, Warner, prb.Wells, 179. Southam, John, prb. Lichfield, 634. Southern or Sotheron, Thomas, treas. Exeter, 416. Southwell or Suwell, Simon de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Spakeston, Richard de, dn. Wells, 149. Sparchford, Richard, prb. Hereford, 522. Sparchford, Richard, archd. Salop, 484. Spark, Archibald, prb. St. Asaph, 87. Spark, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 617. Sparke, Bowyer Edward, dn. Bristol, 224. Sparke, Bowyer Edward, bp. Ely, 346. Sparke, Edward Bowyer, prb. Ely, 358, 361. Sparke, John H., prb. Ely, 360. Sparke, John Henry, prb. Ely, 359. Sparkeford, Thomas, archd. Taunton, 167. Sparrow, Anthony, prb. Ely, 356. Sparrow, Anthon}', archd. Exeter, 396. Sparrow, Anthony, bp. Exeter, 381. Sparry, Ambrose, prb. Hereford, 497. Spateman, Thos., prb. Chichester, 274. Spateman, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 6^6. Speare, Wilham, prb. Exeter, 433. Speed, Samuel, prb. Chichester, 274. Speke, William, prb. Bristol, 233. Speke, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 189. Spekynton, John, subd. Wells, 157. Spencer, Devereux, prb. Lichfield, 610. Spencer, John, prb. Ely, 355. Spencer, John, archd. Chichester, 260. Spencer, John, dn. Ely, 349. Spert, Thomas, chan. Wells, 176. SpofFord, Thomas, bp. Hereford, 465. Spooner, William, prb. Lichfield, 591. Spooner, William, archd. Coventry, 570. Sprever, William, archd. Bath, 164. Spridlington, Richard de, prb. Lich- field, 615. Spridlington, Wm. de, bp. St. Asaph, 69. Spridlington or Springlinton, William de, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Springhnton,Wm.de,dn. St. Asaph, 82. Sprint, John, dn. Bristol, 223. N O M I N U M. 13 Sprott, John, prb. Exeter, 421. Sprott, John, subd. Exeter, 390. Spry, John Hume, prb. Canterbury, 57. Spycer, James, prb. Exeter, 421. Squire, Francis, prb. Wells, 179. Squire, Francis, chan. Wells, 178. Squire, Henry, archd. Barum, 407. Squire, Robert, prb. Hereford, 523. Squire, Robert D'Alembert, prb. Here- ford, 496. Squire, Samuel, prb. Wells, 195. Squire, Samuel, archd. Bath, 165. Squire, Samuel, dn. Bristol, 224. Squire, Samuel, bp. St. FJavid's, 305. Squire, William, prb. Lichfield, 612. Squyer, Adam, prb. Lichfield, 592. Statibrd, Adam de, archd. Chester, 565. Stafford, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 633, 635- Stafford, Edmund, bp. Exeter, 373. Stafford, Fulk, pre. Hereford, 486. Stafford, John, dn. Wells, 152. Stafford, John, bp. BathandWells, 140. Stafford, John, abp. Canterbury, 22. Stafford, Robert, archd. Coventry, 568. Stafford, John de, prb. Lichfield, 587. Stafford, Richard de, prb. Lichfield, 640. Stafford, Robert of, archd. Stafford, 571. Stafford or Stanford, Adam de, archd. Chester, 565. Stagno, Vivian de, archd. Derby, 576. Stainoe, Thomas, archd. Caerraarthen, 314- Stallar, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 514. Stalhvorth, alias Messingham, Simon, treas. Hereford, 489. Stanbury, John, bp. Bangor, 102. Stanbury, John, bp. Hereford, 466. Stanbury, Robert, prb. Hereford, 499. Standish, Francis, prb. Wells, 184, 201. Standish, Henry, bp. St. Asaph, 73. Standish, Richard, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Standfast, Richard, prb. Bristol, 228. Stanford, Adam de, pre. Lichfield, 578. Stanford, Giles de, prb. Hereford, 527. Stanford or Stafford, Adam de, archd. Chester, 565. Stanhope, George, dn. Canterbury, 34. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, prb. Canter- bury, 53. Stanley, Edward, archd. Chester, 567. Stanley, James, archd. Chester, 567. Stanley, James, bp. Ely, 341. Stanley, Richard, archd. Chester, 567. Stanley, William, dn. St. Asaph, ^3. Stanley, Thomas de, prb. Lichfield, 601. Stanley, Thomas de, dn. Wells, 151. Stanton, Philip de, pre. Wells, 170. VOL. I, Stanvvey, John, prb. Hereford, 503. Stanwey, John, dn. Hereford, 476. Stanwey, Wilham de, dn. Exeter, 384. Stapeldon, Walter, pre. Exeter, 410. Stapeldon, Walter, bp. Exeter, 371. StajHildon, John, prb. Lichfield, 639. Staumford, Thomas, prb. Wells, 210. Staundon, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 511. Staunton, Harvey de, prb. Lichfield, 602. Stavensby, Alexander de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 547. Stavensby, Richard de, treas. Lichfield, 581. Staynthorpe, Thos., prb. Hereford, 519. Stede, Le, alias Thornden, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 46. Stedman, Samuel, prb. Canterbury, 54. Steele, Thomas, pre. Lichfield, 580. Steele, William, archd. Totnes, 402. Stephens,John, prb. Hereford, 517, 521. Stephens, Lewis, archd. Barum, 408. Stephens, Louis, prb. Exeter, 427. Stephens, Richard, subd. Exeter, 391. Stephenson, John, prb. Lichfield, 600. Sterr, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 601. Stevens, John, prb. Chichester, 280. Stevens, Josh., archd. Brecknock, 312. Stevens, Michael, prb. Hereford, 514. Stevens, William, pre. Wells, 171. Stevynson,John,prb.Lichfield,6o9,629. Steward, Edmond, prb. Lichfield, 616. Steward or Styward, Thomas, prb. Ely, 356. Stewart, Richard, dn. Chichester, 258. Stewart, Robert, prb. Canterbury, 59. Steynynges, Robei't, prb. Exeter, 421. Stidio, bp. Cornwall, 364. Stigand, bp. Chichester, 238. Stigand, abp. Canterbury, 7. Still, John, prb. Wells, 206. Still, John, bp. BathandWells, 145. Stilhngfleet, Edw., prb. Canterbury, 61. Stillington, Rob., archd. Taunton, 167. Stillington, Robert, archd. Wells, 160. Stilhngton, Robert, (Bath &Wells, ) 141 . Stirman or Strymin, John, prb. Here- ford, 495. Stocke, William, prb. Wells, 197. Stodart, William, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Stokes, Thomas, prb. Wells, 200. Stokes, Alan de, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Stokesley, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 590, Stokys, John, prb. Hereford, 512. Stokys, John, archd. Ely, 351. Stone, Gilbert, prb. Hereford, 534. Stone, John, prb. Hereford, 516, 535. 4 Y 714 INDEX Stone, John, prb. Lichfield, 628. Stone, Richard, archd. Lewes, 263. Stone, Walter, chan. Hereford, 493. Stone, William, prb. Wells, 200. Stone, William, archd. Chichester, 261. Stoning, OUver, prb. Lichfield, 625. Stopford, Hon. Richard Bruce, prb. Hereford, 498. Stopyndon,John, chan. Chichester, 270. Storer, Benet, prb. Canterbiu-y, 49. Storthwayt, John, pre. Wells, 171. Storthwayt, John, chan. Wells, 176. Story, Edward, bp. Chichester, 247. Stourton, John de, prb. Lichfield, 606. Stowell, Nicholas, prb. Exeter, 421. Stradling, George, pre. Chichester, 266. Stradling, George, dn. Chichester, 258. Stradhng,Wm., chan. St. David's, 319. Straight, Jonathan, prb. Chichester, 274. Strangeways, George, prb. Lichfield, 592,627. Stratford, John, abp. Canterbury, 17. Stratford, Nicholas, dn. St. Asaph, 83. Stratford, Robt., archd. Canterbury, 40. Stratford, John de, prb. Lichfield, 628. Stratford, Rob. de, bp. Chichester, 242,- Street, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 618. Street, Richard, archd. Derby, 577. Streetchay,Edmund,prb. Lichfield, 641. Streeton, Robert de, archd. Derby, 576. Strelton or Stretton, John, prb. Lich- field, 609. Stretchay, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 620. Strete, Richard, archd. Salop, 574. Stretton, John, treas. Chichester, 268. Stretton, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 620. Stretton, Robert, bp. Coventry and Litchfield, 550. Stretton or Strelton, John, prb. Lich- field, 609. Stretton, Robert de, prb. Lichfield, 633. Stretton, Rob. de, archd. Coventry, 569. Siretton, Thos. de, prb. Lichfield, 596. Stretton, Thomas de, dn. Lichfield, 562. Stretye, Roger, prb. Hereford, 534. Striket, William, prb. Wells, 185. Stroke, William, prb. Hereford, 507. Strong, George, prb. St. Asaph, 92. Strong, Martin, prb. Yv'ells, 204. Stronge, William, prb. Wells, 206. Strymin or Stirman, John, prb. Here- ^ ford, 495. Stuart, John, prb. Chichester, 275. Stuart, Wilham, bp. St. David's, 306. Stubbes, John, prb. Lichfield, 597. Stubbes, John, jjre. Exeter, 411. Stubbes, John, treas. Exeter, 415. Stubbes, John, archd. Barura, 407. Stucklegh, Peter, archd. Exeter, 395. Stukeley, Peter, treas. Wells, 173. Sturges, John, prb. Chichester, 278. Sturges, John, subd. Exeter, 391. Sturges, Nathaniel, prb. Lichfield, 580, 639- Sturges, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 588. Styrman, John, prb. Hereford, 534. Styrmin, John, archd. Hereford, 481. Styward or Steward, Thomas, prb. Ely, 356. Styward, aliasWeUes, Rob.,dn. Ely,347. Sudbviry, Thomas, dn. Wells, 151. Sudbury or Tybold, Simon, abp. Can- terbury, 20. Suetisham, John, chan. Exeter, 419. Suetishame, Richard, chan. Exeter, 418. Sugar, Hugh, alias Norris, treas. Wells, , ^73- Sugar, alias Norris, Hugh, archd. Bath, 164. Suleys, Philip, pre. Chichester, 265, Sulgenius, Sulghein or Sullen, bp. St. David's, 289. Sulghein or Sulgion, Daniel de, archd. St. Asaph, 83. Sulghein or Sulien or Sulgenius, bp. St. David's, 289. Sulgion or Sulghein, Daniel de, archd. St. Asaph, 83. Sulgrave, John, prb. Lichfield, 589. Sulgrave, John de, prb. Lichfield, 606, 613. Sulgrave, John de, archd. Stafford, 571. Sulhaithnay or Sulnay, abp. St. Da- vid's, 288. Sulien or Sulghein or Sulgenius, bp. St. David's, 289. Sulnay or Sulhaithnay, abp. St. Da- vid's, 288. Sumaster, WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 611. Sumaster, William, subd. Exetei', 390. Sumner, Charles Richard, prb. Canter- bury, 49. Sumner, Humphrey, prb. Wells, 190. Sumner, John Bird, abp. Canterbury, 31- Sumpter, Robert, dn. Exeter, 385. Sundun, William de, pre. Exeter, 409. Surtees, John, prb. Bristol, 229. Surtees, Matthew, prb. Canter bury, 60. SurteeSj Matthew, prb. Gloucester, 451. Surteis or Curtis, Stephen, prb. Here- ford, 1^12. Sutchff,' Matthew, prb. Wells, 188. Sutcliffe, Matthew, prb. Exeter, 421. Sutcliffe, Matthew, archd.Taunton, 168. Sutchffe, Matthew, dn. Exeter, 387. J N 0 M I N U M. (15 Sutton, Charles Manners, apb. Canter- bur j% 31. Sutton, John, prb. Bristol, 227. Sutton, John, prb. Hereford, 498, 522. Sutton, John, prb. Lichfield, 591. Sutton, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 50. Sutton, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 588. Sutton, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 599, 627. Sutton, abas Dudley, Arthur, prb. Lichfield, 620. Sutton, Roger de, prb. Hereford, 513, 534- Suwell or Southwell, Simon de, treas. Lichfield. 581. Swaby, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 626. Swaby, Thomas, archd. Exeter, 394. Swaddall, John, prb. Wells, 204. Swafham, John, bp. Bangor, 100. Swafham, Walter, archd. Anglesey, 114. Swafham, Walter de, archd. Bangor, 113- Swainson, Christopher, prb. Hereford, , 504. Swardeby, Robert, pre. Hereford, 485. Swereford, Alex, de, archd. Salop, 573. Swete, John, prb. Exeter, 431. Swete, Lewis, archd. Totnes, 403. Swift, Jasper, archd. Cornwall, 400. Swift, Jasper, archd. Totnes, 404. Swift, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 530. Smfte, Jasper, prb. Exeter, 422. Swinefeld, Rich, de, bp. Hereford, 460. Swinfeld, John, prb. Hereford, 532. Swinfeld, John de, archd. Salop, 482. Swinfeld or Swinfeud, John de, pre. Hereford, 485. Swinfeld or Swinfeud, John de, treas. Hereford, 488. Swinfeud, Stephen, prb. Hereford, 511. Swinfeud, Gilbert de, prb. Hereford, , 494- Swinfeud, Gilbert de, chan. Hereford, 492. Swinfeud, John de, prb. Hereford, 526. Swinfeud, Rich, de, prb. Hereford, 494, 507- Swinfeud or Swinfeld, John de, pre. Hereford, 485. Swinfeud or Swinfeld, John de, treas. Hereford, 488. Swinnerton, Nicholas de, prb. Lichfield, 606, 615. Swinton, John, prb. St. Asaph, 91. Swithred or Syred, (Canterbury,) 4. Sydall, Elias, prb. Canterbury, 51. Sydall, Elias, dn. Canterbury, 34. Sydall, Ehas, bp. St. David's, 304. Sydall, Elias, bp. Gloucester, 441. Sydall, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 627, 631. Sydenham, Simon, bp. Chichester, 246. Sydnor, Richard prb. Lichfield, 594. Sydnor, Richard, archd. Cornwall, 399. Sydnor, Richard, archd. Totnes, 403. Sylke, Thomas, prb. Bristol, 231. S3dke, William, pre. Exeter, 411. Sylke, Wilham, archd. Cornwall, 399. Sylvester, Gabriel, prb. Lichfield, 635. Symes, Charles, prb. Wells, 194. Symes, David, prb. Wells, 202. Symmonds, Chas.,prb.St. David's, 322. SjTumour, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 603. Symonds, Simon, prb. Lichfield, 612. Symson, Jeffrey, dn. Chichester, 257. Syred or Swithred, (Canterbury,) 4. T. T , archd. Wells, 158. Taetwine, abp. Canterbury, 3. Talbot, Charles, prb. Exeter, 432. Talbot, Charles, dn. Exeter, 389. Talbot, Christopher, prb. Lichfield, 599, 639- Talbot, Christopher, archd. Chester, 567. Talbot, Philip, prb. Hereford, 523. Talbot, Philip, archd. Salop, 483. Talbot, Richard, prb. Hereford, 526. Talbot, Richard, pre. Hereford, 486. Talbot, Richard, dn. Chichester, 256. Talbot, Robert, prb. Wells, 183. Talbot, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 520. Talboys, Ralph, prb. Canterbury, 60. Talley, John, chan. St. David's, 319. Tancred, archd. Caermarthen, 313. Tanethus, Stephen de, prb. Hereford, 507- j Tanfeild, Rich, de, prb. Lichfield, 631. i Tanner, Henry, prb. Hereford, 531. ' Tanner, John, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Tanner, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 51. ■ Tanner, Thomas, prb. Ely, 356. ; Tanner, Thomas, bp. St. Asaph, 78. ' Tapton, John, dn. St. Asaph, 82. Tarrant, Charles, prb. Bristol, 233. Tarrant, Robert, prb. Exeter, 431. Tarry, Robert, prb. Hereford, 510. i Taswell, John, prb. W^ells, 191, 208. Tattam, Henry, archd. Bedford, 353. ' Tatton, William, prb. Canterbury, 58. Taunton, Griffin de, archd. St. David's, I 308. Tauton, Robert de, prb. Wells, 200. j Ta^Te, Tawe or Tawre, Simon, prb. Hereford, 503. Tawe, Simon, prb. Hereford, 503. Tawe or Tawre, Simon, chan. Here- ford, 492. 4 Y 2 716 INDEX Tawer, Simon, prb. Hereford, 529. Tawre, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 509. Tawre or Tawe, Simon, chan. Here- ford, 492. Tawre or Tawe or Tavre, Simon, prb.. Hereford, 503. Tayler, Thomas, archd. Lewes, 263. Taylor, Chas., prb. Hereford, 516, 517. Taylor, Duel, prb. Weljs, 206. Taylor, James, prb. Ely, 362. Taylor, James, prb. Wells, 179. Taylor, John, prb. Lichfield, 601. Taylor, John, prb. Wells, 183. Taylor, John, chan. Exeter, 419. Taylor, John, archd. Derby, 577. Taylor, Nathaniel, prb. Lichfield, 621. Taylor, Richard, prb. Hereford, 512. Taylor, Thomas, prb. Wells, 192. Taylor, Thos., archd. Chichester, 261. Taylor, alias Cardmaker, John, chan. Wells, 177. Taylour, John, prb. Exeter, 426. Tebber or Tebot, Edmund, jirb. Lich- field, 616. Tebot, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 616. TefFord, Robt. de, archd. Cornwall, 397. Tehy, Robert, prb. Hereford, 495. Teilaus or Elivid, abp. St. David's, 288. Temple, Robert, prb. Bristol, 229. Templeman, Nathaniel, prb. Glouces- ter, 450. Templer, George Henry,prb. Wells, 208. Tench, John, prb. Chichester, 277. Tench, Robert, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Tenison, Edward, prb. Canterbury, 47. Tenison, Edward, prb. Lichfield, 631. Tenison, Edward, archd. Caermarthen, 3f4- Tenison, Thomas, prb. Canterburj'^, 52. Tenison, Thomas, archd. Caermarthen, ^314- Tenison, Thomas, abp. Canterbury, 29. Tereva or Texada, Ferdinando, prb. Hereford, 518. Tesdale, Christopher, prb. Wells, 188. Tesson, Henry, pre. Wells, 169. Tesson, Henry, archd. Bath, 163. Testa, William de, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Testa, WiUiam de, archd. Ely, 350. Texada or Tereva, Ferdinando, prb. Hereford, 518. Teynterel, Nicholas, prb. Lichfield, 586. Thackham, Thomas, prb. Bristol, 228. Thamewood, Ralph de, archd. Stafford, 570- Theale, alias Compton, John, clian. Hereford, 493. Theford.Wm.de, treas. Chichester, 268. Thelwall, William, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Theobald, abp. Canterbury, 8. Theodore of Tarsus, abp. Canterbury, 3. Thifarn, John, archd. Totnes, 403. Thingull, Wm. de, prb. Lichfield, 631. Thirlby, Charles, prb. Wells, 201, 208. Thirlby, Charles, archd. Wells, 162. Thirlby, Thomas, archd. Ely, 352. Thirlby, Thomas, bp. Ely, 342. Thirlwall, Connop, bp. St. David's, 307. Thistledon, Rich, de, treas. Wells, 173. Thistlethwaite, Gabriel, prb. Wells, 202. Thistleton, Richard de, pre. Wells, 170. Thomas, chan. Hereford, 491. Thomas, chan. Wells, 175. Thomas, pre. Exeter, 409. Thomas, subd. WeUs, 155. Thomas, archd. Anglesey, 114. Thomas, archd. Barum, 405. Thomas, archd. Bath, 163. Thomas, archd. Cornwall, 397. Thomas, archd. Wells, 158. Thomas, bp. St. Asaph, 72. Thomas, bp. St. David's, 292. Thomas de . . . . , treas. Lichfield, 581. Thomas of Lichfield, dn. Chichester, 256. Thomas of Winchester, pre. Hereford, 485- Thomas, David, prb. Wells, 205. Thomas, George, prb. Lichfield, 630. Thomas, George Andrew, prb. Lich- field, 642. Thomas, Hugh, dn. Ely, 349. Thomas, John, prb. St. Asaph, 89. Thomas, John, archd. Chichester, 260. Thomas, John, archd. St. David's, 309. Thomas, John, bp. St. Asaph, 78. Thomas, Josiah, prb. Wells, 187. Thomas, Josiah, archd. Bath, 166. Thomas, Lambrochius, chan. Chiches- ter, 271. Thomas, Roger, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Thomas, Rowland, archd. Bangor, 113. Thomas, Rowland, dn. Bangor, iii. Thomas, Samuel, prb. Wells, 201. Thomas, William, prb. Lichfield, 599. Thomas, William, pre. St. David's, 317. Thomas, William, bp.St. David's, 303. Thomas, Wm. Procter, prb. Wells,i94. Thompson, John, prb. Hereford, 496. Thompson, Richard, prb. Bristol, 227. Thompson, Richard, dn. Bristol, 224. Thompson, Wm., prb. Lichfield, 594, .597- Thompson or Tomson, Giles, bp. Glou- cester, 439. Thomyon, Thomas, archd. Bath, 164. Thoresby, John, bp. St. David's, 294. N O M I N U M. 717 Thoresby, John de, prb. Lichfield, 615. Thoriz, Roger, de, archd. Exeter, 393. Thoriz., Roger de, dn. Exeter, 384. Thornborough, John, bp. Bristol, 215. Thornden, alias Le Stede, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 46. Thorne, Stephen, dn. Hereford, 475. Thorne, William, dn. Chichester, 257. Thorne, Richard de, prb. Lichfield, 620. Thornton, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 522. Thornton, Thomas, pre. Hereford, 487. Thornton, Watson Joseph, prb. Here- ^^ ford, 532. Thorp, Walter de, prb. Lichfield, 598, 635- Thorpe, George, prb. Canterbury, 52. Thowe or Towe, Thomas, pre. Lich- field, 579. Threkyngham, Lambert, chan. Chi- chester, 270. Tlu-elkeld, Edward, prb. Hereford, 503. Thringhull, Wm., archd. Taunton, 166. Thurban, Richard, prb. Hereford, 526, Thurstan, John, prb. Lichfield, 627. Thynne, Hon. Lord Charles, prb. Can- terbury, 54. Thynne, William, prb. Wells, 202. Tidhelm, bp. Hereford, 455. Tillen or Tilney, Adam de, archd. Ely, .350. Tilney, Martin, archd. Stafford, 572. Tilney or Tillen, Adam de, archd. Ely, .350- Tillotson, John, prb. Canterbury, 48. Tillotson, John, dn. Canterbury, 33. Tillotson, John, abp. Canterbury, 28. Tindall, H umphrey, chan. Lichfield, 585 . Tindall, Humphrey, archd. Stafford, 572. Tindall, Humphrey, dn. Ely, 348. Tinley, Robert, prb. Ely, 357. Tinley, Robert, archd. Ely, 352. Tinmour, William, prb. Hereford, 527. Tireman, Richard, prb. Chichester, 277, 278. Tireman, Rich., treas. Chichester, 269. Tocket, John, prb. Lichfield, 631. Todd, Richard, prb. Hereford, 509. Torhthere, bp. Hereford, 454. Toghill, Moses, prb. Chichester, 279. Toghill, Moses, pre. Chichester, 267. Toker, William, archd. Barum, 407. Toilet, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 632. Toilet, Richard, subd. Exeter, 390. ToUet, Richard, archd. Barum, 407. Tomkins, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 425. Tomkins, Thomas, chan. Exeter, 420. Tompson, Giles, prb. Hereford, 518. i Tompson, William, prb. Lichfield, 637. Tomson, John, prb. Gloucester, 447. ' Tomson or Thompson, Giles, bp. Glou- cester, 439. , Tonstall, Anthony, prb. Exeter, 425. i Tonstall, Cuthbert, archd. Chester, 567. j Tonworth, Adam, prb. Lichfield, 624. Tonworth, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 591. Toogood, Jona. James, prb. Wells, 209. Tooker, William, dn. Lichfield, 563. Tookie, Clement, prb. Ely, 356. Toppecliffe, Richard de, chan. Lich- field, 584. Topseclyff or Torpescliff, Richard de, archd. Stafford, 572. Tormerton,Richardde, treas. Wells, 173. Torpescliffe or Topseclyff, Richard de, archd. Stafford, 572. Tota, bp. Selsey, 236. Tottenham, Edward, prb. WeUs, 208. Tottenham, John, prb. Wells, 193. Tottey, Daniel, prb. Lichfield, 591. Toup, Jonathan, prb. Exeter, 430. Tournay, Hugh de, chan. Chichester, 270. Tournay, Hugh of, archd. Bath, 163. Tournay, Thomas of, pre. Wells, 169. Tourner, Thomas, prb. Hereford, ,525. Tovey, William, prb. Hereford, 503. Towe or Thowe, Thomas, pre. Lich- field, 579. Towgood, Rich., prb. Bristol, 227, 233. Towgood, Richard, dn. Bristol, 223. Townesende, Stephen, dn. Exeter, 387. Townshend, Edward, prb. Wells, 197. Tracy, Oliver de, chan. Exeter, 417. Trafford, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 503. Traheron, Bartholomew, dn. Chiches- ter, 257. Tramerin or Carmerin, bp. St. David's, 289. Travers, Samuel, prb. Exeter, 423. Travesse, Adam, treas. Exeter, 416. Travesse, Adam, archd. Exeter, 395. Tredcroft, Robert, prb. Chichester, 283. Trefdyn, Walter de, treas. St. David's, 317- Treffan or Trevaur, John, (St. Asaph,) 69. Trefnant, alias Howell, John, prb. Hereford, 527. Trefnant or Trevenant, John, bp. Here- ford, 463. Tregoire, Michael, archd. Barum, 406. Tregonell, John, chan. WeUs, 177. Tregrifion or Tregrision, Ralph, dn. Exeter, 385. Tregrision, Ralph, dn. Exeter, 385. 718 INDEX Trelawney, Edward, prb. Exeter, 426. Trelawney, Edward, subd. Exeter, 391. Trelawney, Edw., archd. Exeter, 396. Trelawney, Edward, dn. Exeter, 388. Trelawney, Sir Henry, prb. Exeter, 431. Trelawney, Sir Jonathan, archd. Exeter, 396- Trelawney, Sir Jonathan, archd. Tot- nes, 404. Trelawney, Sir Jonathan, bp. Bristol, 217. Trelawney, Sir Jonathan, bp. Exeter, 381. Tremayne, Richard, treas. Exeter, 416. Tremayne, Richard, archd, Chichester, 260. Trenchard, John, prb. Wells, 201. Trengof, Walter, archd. Cornwall, 398. Tresham, Wm., chan. Chichester, 271. Trevane, John, prb. Hereford, 511. Trevaur, John, pre. Wells, 170. Trevaur, John, bp. St. Asaph, 68, 70. Trevaur or TrefFan, John, (St. Asaph,) 69- Trevellys, William, treas. Exeter, 415. Trevelyan, George, prb. Wells, 195. Trevelyan, George, archd. Bath, 165. Trevelyan, Geo., archd. Taunton, 169. Trevelyan, Thomas, prb. Wells, 186. Trevelyan, Walter, prb. Wells, 205. Trevenant or Trefnant, John, bp. Here- ford, 463. Trevigar, Luke, prb. Chichester, 276, 277. Trevigar, Luke, chan. Chichester, 271. Trevor, John Wm., treas. Bangor, 119. Trevor, Richard, bp. St. David's, 305. Trevylien, Henry, archd. Corn wall, 398. Trillek, Thomas, dn. Hereford, 476. Trillek, John de, prb. Hereford, 530. Trillek, John de, bp. Hereford, 462. Trillek, Thomas de, prb. Hereford, 515. Tribus Monti bus or Trismont, Jordan de, archd. St. David's, 308. Trismont, Jordan de, archd. St. David's, 308. Trobelfyld, Richard, prb. Wells, 209. Trote, Walter, prb. Hereford. 524. Troughton, John Ellis, prb. Hereford, 511. Trumhere, bp. Mercia, 538. Trussell, Warinus, prb. Lichfield, 598. Trygarn, John, archd. Merioneth, 116. Trysks, Robert, prb. Hereford, 529. Tubney or Tupney, John, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Tuchener, Henry, archd. Dorset, 225. Tuchinor, John, prb. Wells, 188. Tucker, Joshua, archd. Barum, 407. Tucker, Josiah, prb. Bristol, 230. Tucker, Josiah, dn. Gloucester, 445. Tucker, Thomas, prb. Bristol, 228. Tucker, Thomas, prb. Wells, 210, 211. Tudman, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 639. Tudor, Madoc ap, archd. Anglesey,! 14. TufFnell, Samuel JolifFe, prb. Chiches- ter, 282. Tuit, Richard, dn. Exeter, 386. Tuke, David, prb. Lichfield, 590. Tuke, Edward, prb. Exeter, 422. TuUey, Robert, bp. St.David's, 298. Tunbriht, bp. Lichfield, 542. Tunstall, James, treas. St. David's, 3x8. Tunstall, William, prb. Canterbury, 52, Tupney or Tubney, John, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Turberville, James, bp. Exeter, 378. Turbine, Radulfus de, abp. Canter- bury, 7. Turbridge, Richard, prb. St. Asaph,88. Turbut, John, archd. Cardigan, 315. Turk, John, prb. Lichfield, 615. Turketill, Richard, prb. Hereford, 515. Turnbull, Hugh, prb. Canterbury, 57. Turnbull, Hugh, dn. Chichester, 257. Turner, Brian, (Hereford,) 482. Turner, Bryan, prb. Hereford, 501. Turner, Francis, bp. Ely, 345. Turner, John, prb. Wells, 191, 195. Turner, John, archd. Taunton, 169. Turner, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 61. Turner Thomas, prb. Ely, 361. Turner, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 524. Turner, Thomas, dn. Canterbury, 33. Turner, Timothy, prb. Lichfield, 602. Turner, William, prb. Chichester, 284. Turner, William, dn. Wells, 153. Turner,William Henry, prb. Wells, 192. Turton, Thomas, bp. Ely, 347. Turvil, Philip de, prb. Lichfield, 591. Turvill, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 631. Turvill, Philip de, prb. Lichfield, 593.' Tuttebury, Thomas, archd. Wells, 160. Tuttebury, Thomas, dn. Wells, 151. Tvvisleton, Frederick Benjamin, treas. Herefoi'd, 491. Twistleton, Frederick Benjamin, prb. Hereford, 535. Twyford, Robert, treas. St.David's, 318. Twynhoe, Christopher, prb. Hereford, 510. 513- Tyake, John, subd. Exeter, 390. Tyake, John, archd. Barum, 407. Tybold or Sudbviry, Simon, abp. Can- terbury, 20. Tydd, John, archd. Ely, 350. N 0 M I N U JM. 19 TyfFord, Robert de, chan. Kxeter, 417. Tyghe, John, prb. Lichfield, 590. Tyler, John, prb. Hereford, 496. Tyler, John, dn. Hereford, 479. Tymmont, Hen. de, prb. Lichfield, 598, Tynte, Hugh, prb. Wells, 191. Tyrer, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 524. Tyrhthel, bp. Hereford, 454. Tyshe, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 631. Tywa, Ernisius de, pre, Chichester, 265, U. Ualchstod or Walhstod, bp. Hereford, 454- Ufibrd, John de, prb. Hereford, 529. Ufl'brd or OfFord, John de, archd. Ches- ter, 566. Ufibrd or Oftbrd, John de, abp. Can- terbury, 18. Uighard orWirrard,abp. Canterbury, 3. Ule, William, prb. Lichfield, 624. Undehill, John de, prb. Lichfield, 613. Underwood. Benjamin, prb. Ely, 357. Underwood, Richard, prb. Hereford, 506, 532- Underwood, Thos., prb. Hereford, 532. Underwood, Wm., prb. Hereford, 507. Unett, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 629. Upcote, Robert de, treas. Hereford, 489. Uphaven, John de, subd. Exeter, 389. Upton, George, prb. Wells, 179. Upton, John, prb. Hereford, 526. Upton, Thomas de, archd. Wells, 159. Urgeneu, Morgenveth or Morgeney, bp. St. David's, 289. Urswick,Christopher, chan. Exeter, 419. UteUus, bp. Hereford, 454. Uty,Emanuel, prb. Wells, 181, 190. V. Vachan, Griffith ap Madoc, archd. An- glesey, 114. Vachan, Philip, archd. Cardigan, 314. Vachan, Richard, prb. Bangor, 120. Vaen or Vaughan, Andrew, archd. Brecknock, 312. Vaghan, Howel ap David, archd. Caer- marthen, 313. Valencensis, Matthew de, subd. Wells, 156, Valencensis, Matthew de, archd. Bath, 164. Valentine, Thos., prb. Chichester, 283. Valerius,(allege(i) archd. Canterbur)',36. Vanbrugh, George, prb. Wells, 182. Vance, WiUiam, prb. Hereford, 523. Vance, William, pre. Lichfield, 579. Vannan, John, prb. Wells, 203. Vanner, Peter, prb. Wells, 198. Vannes, Peter, prb. Hereford, 503. Vannes, Peter, prb. Wells, 198. Vaughan, David ab David, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Vaughan, Edward, archd.Cardigan,3i5. Vaughan, Edward, archd. Lewes, 263. Vaughan, Edward, bp. St. David's, 300. Vaughan, Griffith, chan. Lichfield, 586. Vaughan, Griffith, treas. Bangor, 118. Vaughan, Griffith, archd. Salop, 575. I Vaughan, James, prb. Gloucester, 447. I Vaughan, John, prb. Hereford, 506. I Vaughan, Maurice, prb. Lichfield, 617. ! Vaughan, Richard, prb. Hereford, 514. I Vaughan, Richard, bp. Bangor, 105. I Vaughan, Thomas, prb. St. Asaph, 88. I Vaughan, Thomas, chan. Bangor, 119. : Vaughan, Wm., prb. St. Asaph, 87, 91. I Vaughan, William, prb. Lichfield, 634. Vaughan, WiUiam, chan. Bangor, X19. Vaughan or Vaen, Andrew, archd. Brecknock, 312. Vautort, John, dn. Bangor, iii. j Vegan, Thomas Stuart Lyle, prb. Chi- j Chester, 285. I Venables, Richard, archd. Caermar- then, 314. [ Venn, John, prb. Hereford, 533. Vere, Nicholas, prb. Wells, 181. Vere, Henry de, chan. Hereford, 491. Vere, William de, bp. Hereford, 457. Vergil, Polydore, prb. Hereford, 518. Vergil, Polydore, archd. Wells, 161. Verney, John, prb. Lichfield, 611. Verney, John, dn. Lichfield, 562. Vernon, Edward, prb. Hereford, 499. Vernon, Edward Venables, prb. Glou- cester, 451. Vernon, John, prb. Lichfield, 632. Vernon, Richard, prb. Hereford, 511. Vernon, Richard de, prb. Lichfield, 630. Veysie, Daniel, prb. Exeter, 433. Veysey or Voysey, John, archd. Ches- , ter, 567. Veysey or Voysey, alias Harmon, John, bp. Exeter, 377. Vial, John, prb. Hereford, 522, 528. Vicenna, Stephen de, archd. Canter- bury, 39. V ickers, WiUiam, archd. Salop, 485. Viger, Timothy Stonehouse, archd. Gloucester, 446. Villamlof, Henry de, archd. Breck- nock, 310. Villars, WUliam de, archd. Chester,565. Villei's, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 181. Villers, WiUiam de, pre. Lichfield, 578. 720 INDEX Villula, John de, bp. Bath, 128. Vincent, James, chan. Bangor, 120. Vincent, James Vincent, prb. Bangor, 123. Vincent, Thomas, prb. Wells, 189, 191, 199. Vincent, Thomas, archd. Cardigan, 31,5. Vincent, William St. Andrew, prb. Chi- chester, 281. Vossius, John Gerard, prb. Canter- bury, 60. Vouleman or Woleman, Richard, dn. Wells, 153. Voysey, John, pre. Exeter, 411. Voysey, John, archd. Barum, 407. Voysey, John, dn. Exeter, 3S6. A''oysey, John, bp. Exeter, 378. Voysey or Veysey, John, archd. Ches- ter, 567. Voysey or Veysey, alias Harmon, John, bp. Exeter, 377. Voyter or Roter, Richard, treas. Lich- field, 582. Vyall, John, prl). Hereford, 525. Vyner, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 59. Vyner, Thomas, prb. Gloucester, 449. Vyner, Thomas, dn. Gloucester, 444. Vyse, William, prb. Lichfield, 604,617. Vyse, William, chan. Lichfield, 586. Vyse, William, treas. Lichfield, 583. Vyse, William, archd. Coventry, 570. Vyse, William, archd. Salop, 575. W. W, . ., treas. Chichester, 267. Waddington, Edvv.,bp. Chichester, 253. Waddington, Geo., prb. Chichester, 284. Waddington, Thomas, prb. Ely, 359. Wade, Wilham, prb. Chichester, 273. Wagner, Henry, treas. Chichester, 269. Wagott, William, archd. Totnes, 403. WagstaflTe, Thos., chan. Lichfield, 586. Wake, Edward, prb. Canterbury, 54. Wake, Edw.Wm., prb. Canterbury, 54. Wake, Robert, prb. Wells, 199. Wake, Wilham, prb. Exeter, 426. Wake, William, dn. Exeter, 388. Wake, William, abp. Canterbury, 29. Wakefield, Hen., archd. Canterbury, 41. Wakefield, Hen. de, prb. Hereford, 506. Wakefield, Henry de, (Ely,) 336. Wakeman, Charles, prb. Lichfield, 591. Wakeman, John, bp. Gloucester, 436. Wakering,John, archd. Canterbury, 42. Waldby, Robert, bp. Chichester, 243. Walden, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 6t8. Walden, Roger, abp. Canterbury, 21. Waldron, John, prb. Lichfield, 642. Walesby, Wm., archd. Chichester, 260. Waleton, Adam de, chan. Lichfield, 583. Waleton, Adam de, pre. Lichfield. 579. Walhstod or Ualchstod, bp. Hereford, 4.'54- Walkenden, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 614. Walkenden, Will., prb. Lichfield, 639. Walker, David, prb. Hereford, 495, 513.522. Walker, John, prb. Exeter, 427. Walker, John, prb. Wells, 204. Walker, John, chan. St. David's, 319. Walker, John, archd. Dorset, 226. Walker, John, archd. Hereford, 482. Walker, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 618. Walker, Richard, archd. Stafford, 572. Walker, Thomas, prb. Wells, 197. Walker, William, prb. Lichfield, 626. Walker, William, prb. Wells, 194. Walkerius, archd. Wells, 158. Walkington, Robert de, prb. Lichfield, 633- Walkinton, Thomas, dn. Exeter, 385, Wall, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 518. Wall, John, prb. Hereford, 526. AVall, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 601, 616. Wall, Roger, archd. Coventry, 569. Wall, Roger, archd. Stafford, 572. Wallesby, William, prb. Hereford, 516. Walmisley, Will., prb. Lichfield, 633. Walmisley, Will., dn. Lichfield, 564. Walond, Rich., prb. Hereford, 518, 520. Walond, Richard, treas. Hereford, 491. Walpole, Ralph, bp. Ely, 332. Walpole, Ralph de, archd. Ely, 350. Walraimd, John, prb. Hereford, 498. Walsall, Francis, archd. Coventry, 569. Walsby, Edward, prb. Canterbury, 62. Walsingham, Alan de, (Ely,) 335. Waltall, Robert (?), prb. Wells, 195. Walter, pre. Lichfield, 578. Walter, archd. Canterbury, 37. Walter, archd. Chichester, 259. Walter, archd. Cornwall, 397, 398. Walter, archd. Exeter, 392. Walter, archd. Hereford, 480. Walter, dn. Chichester, 256. Walter, bp. Hereford, 455. Walter of Gloucester, dn. Chichester, 256. Walter de London, dn. Wells, 151. Walter, Daniel, prb. Chichester, 275. Walter, Daniel, pre. Chichester, 267. Walter, Hubert, abp. Canterbury, 10. Walter, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 600, 609. Walter, Will., archd. Brecknock, 311. Waltham, William, archd. Exeter, 394. N O M I N U M. 721 Waltham, John de, prb. Lichfield, 603. Walton, John, prb. Lichfield, 637, 641. Walton, John, archd. Derby, 577. Walton, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 515. Walton, Rob. de, chan. Chichester, 270. Walton, Thos. de, prb. Lichfield, 604. Waltun, Alexander de, archd. Here- ford, 480. Walvven, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 534. Walvveyn, Gabriel, prb. Hereford, 509. Wahveyn, Nicholas, prb. Hereford, 517. Walvvin, John, prb. Hereford, 531. Walwyn, Francis, prb. Canterbury, 55. Walvvyn, Nicholas, treas. Hereford, 490. Wamberg, Robert de, archd. Wells, 159. Wanley, Francis, prb. Hereford, 508. Wansford, John, subd. Wells, 157. Waple, Edward, prb. Wells, 190, 201. Waple, Edward, archd. Taunton, 168. Warawast or Warlewast, WiUiam, bp. Exeter, 367. Warburton, Geo., dn. Gloucester, 444. Warburton, George, dn. Wells, 154. Warburton, Wm., prb. Gloucester, 450. Warburton, William, dn. Bristol, 224. Warburton, Will., bp. Gloucester, 441. Ward, Hammett, prb. Wells, 204. Ward, John, prb. Ely, 361. Ward, Peploe, prb. Ely, 355. Ward, Samuel, archd. Taunton, 168. Ward, Seth, prb. Exeter, 424. Ward, Seth, pre. Exeter, 412. Ward, Seth, dn. Exeter, 387. Ward, Seth, bp. Exeter, 381. Warde, Thomas, archd. Bath, 164. Wardrope, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 634, Wardroper, John, prb. Hereford, 495. Wardroper, John, prb. Lichfield, 597, 614, 629. Wardroper, John, treas. Hereford, 490. Wardroper, John, archd. Salop, 483. Ware, Henry, bp. Chichester, 244. Wareham, Will., abp. Canterbury, 24. Wares, Guy do de, prb. Lichfield, 638, Warham, Edmund, archd. Caermar- then, 313. Warham, William, pre. Wells, 171. Warham, Will., archd. Canterbury, 43. Warham, alias MiUys, John, prb. Can- terbury, 58. Warham, Ralph de, bp. Chichester, 239. Waring, William, archd. Salop, 485. Warlewast, WilUam, bp. Exeter, 367. Warlewast or Warawast, William, bp. Exeter, 367. Warlewast, Rob. de, archd. Exeter, 392. Warlye, Jonas, prb. Wells, 192. Warminstre,Thos., prb. Gloucester, 449. VOL. I. Warneford, Samuel Wilson, hon. can. Gloucester, 452. Warner, John, prb. Canterbury, 47. Warner, John, prb. Ely, 354. Warner, John, archd. Ely, 352. Warner, John, dn. Lichfield, 563. Warre, Francis, prb. Wells, 181, 207, 211. Warren, Henrj', prb. Bangor, 121. Warren, John, prb. Ely, 361. Warren, John, prb. Exeter, 426. Warren, John, prb. Gloucester, 451. Warren, John, prb. Lichfield, 615. Warren, John, dn. Bangor, 112. Warren, John, bp. Bangor, 109. Warren, John, bp. St. David's, 306. Warren, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 627. Warren or Warum, John, prb. Canter- bury, 56. Warton, Robert, bp. St. Asaph, 73. Warton, alias Parfew, alias Purfoy, Robert, bp. Hereford, 469. Warum or Warren, John, prb. Canter- bury, 56. Warwick, Henry of, chan. Exeter, 417. Waryn, John, archd. Barum, 406. Washborne,Thos., prb. Gloucester, 449. Washborne,Will., prb. Gloucester, 449, Wassayle, Thos., treas. Hereford, 489. Wasteneys, George, prb. Lichfield, 630. Waterland, Henry, prb. Bristol, 229. Waterman, Hugh, prb. Bristol, 232. Waterman, Hugh, prb. Wells, 211. Watkins, John, prb. Hereford, 518. Watkins, John, chan. St. David's, 319. Watkins, John, dn. Hereford, 478. Watkins, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 526, 530- Watson, Anthony, prb. Wells, 183. Watson, Anthony, chan. Wells, 177. Watson, Anthony, dn. Bristol, 223. Watson, Anthony, bp. Chichester, 250. Watson, Richard, prb. Ely, 356. Watson, Richard, prb. Wells, 197. Watson, Richard, pre. St. David's, 317. Watson, Richard, archd. Ely, 353. Watson, Thomas, bp. St. David's, 303. Watson, William, prb. Hereford, 518. Watts, George, prb. St. Asaph, 87. Watts, William, prb. Wells, 190. Watts, Will., prb. Hereford, 496, 508. Watts, Wilham, pre. Hereford, 487. Watts, William, archd. Wells, 161. Waugh, John, dn. Gloucester, 445. Waynflete, ahas Patten, John, dn. Chi- chester, 256. Wayte, Anthony, archd. Lewes, 263. Weald, Whitley, prb. Wells, 191. 47. 723 INDEX Weathershed, Richard, abp. Canter- bury, II. Weaver, Rich., prb. Lichfield, 588, 612. Weaver, Nigellus de, prb. Lichfield, 636. Webb, John Birch, prb. Hereford, 521. Webb, Noacho, prb. Wells, 189. Webb, Peter, prb. Wells, 186. Webb, William, prb. Hereford, 512, 515, 531. Webb, WiUiam, archd. Hereford, 481. Webb, William, archd. Salop, 483. Webbe, William, prb. Hereford, 506. Webber, Charles, prb. Chichester, 280, 281, 283, 284. Webber, Chas., archd. Chichester, 261. Webber, Francis, prb. Exeter, 426. Webber, Francis, dn. Hereford, 479. Webber, George Henry, prb. Chiches- ter, 283. Webber, Henry, chan. Exeter, 418. Webber, Henry, pre. Exeter, 411. Webber, Henry, treas. Exeter, 415. W^ebber, Henry, dn. Exeter, 386. Webber, Henry, dn. Wells, 152. Webber, James, prb. Chichester, 282. Webber, William, prb. Chichester, 276. Weborn, John, archd. Salop, 574. Webster, F^dward, prb. Lichfield, 602. Webster, Richard, prb. Hereford, 497. Wedderburne, James, prb. Ely, 360. Wedderburne, James, prb. Wells, 203. Weeks, John, prb. Bristol, 229. Weffe, Augustine, prb. Lichfield, 587. Welbourne, John, archd. Ely, 351. Welch, Edward, prb. Hereford, 497. Welchman, Edvv., prb. St. David's, 320. Welchman, Edw., prb. Lichfield, 642. Welchman, Edw., archd. Cardigan, 315. Wele, John, pre. Exeter, 410. Wele, John, archd. Barum, 406. Wele, John, archd. Exeter, 393. Welfitt, WiUiam, prb. Canterbury, 50. Welles, John, archd. Salop, 483. Welles, alias Styward, Robert, dn. Ely, 347. Welhford, Christopher, prb. Lichfield, 594- Welliford or Wolliford or Wolyfed, Christopher, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Wellman, Francis, prb. Wells, 184. Wells, Anthony, prb. Hereford, 518. Wells, George, prb. Chichester, 283. Wells, John, prb. Wells, 199, 201, 211. Wells, Hugh de, archd. Bath, 163. Wells, Hugh de, archd. Wells, 159. Wells, JoceUne of, bp. Bath and Wells, 130. Wells, Simon de, bp. Chichester, 239. W^elton, James, prb. Bristol, 231. Wendesley, John, prb. Lichfield, 632. Wendhngburgh, John de, treas. Chi- chester, 268. Wengham, Henry de, chan. Exeter, 417. Wensley, John, prb. Lichfield, 618, 620. Wensley, John, archd. Stafl'ord, 572. Wensley, Nich. de, prb. Lichfield, 587. Werbeald, archd. Canterbury, 36. Werewell, Ralph de, archd. Barum, 405. Werksworth, John, prb. Lichfield, 624. Weseham, Roger de, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 548. West, Edmund, archd. Lewes, 263. West, Nicholas, treas. Chichester, 268. West, Nicholas, archd. Derby, 577. West, Nicholas, archd. Ely, 352. West, Nicholas, bp. Ely, 341. West, Reginald, prb. Hereford, 525. West, Reginald, subd. W^ells, 157. West, Reginald, dn. Hereford, 477. West, Richard, prb. Wells, 211. West, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 626. Westby, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 601. Westfaling, Herbert, bp. Hereford, 469. Westfield, 'Hiomas, bp. Bristol, 216. Westley, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 55. Westlej^ Thomas, prb. Wells, 189, 201. Weston, Hugo, archd. Cornwall, 399. Weston, John, prb. Wells, 198. Weston, Nicholas orW^iUiam, subd. Ex- eter, 390. Weston, Phipps, prb. Wells, 190, 206, Weston, Robert, subd. Exeter, 390. Weston, Robert, dn. Wells, 153. Weston, Samuel Ryder, prb. Canter- bury, 58. Weston, Stephen, prb. Ely, 362. Weston, Stephen, prb. Exeter, 427. Weston, Stephen, archd. Exeter, 396. Weston, Stephen, bp. Exeter, 382, Weston,Joh.de, prb.Hereford,507, 510. Weston, John de, prb. Lichfield, 628. Weston, Philip de, prb. Lichfield, 628. Weston, Will, de, prb. Lichfield, 598. Weston, William de, archd. Derby, 576. Westwood, John, prb. Lichfield, 627. Westwood, Roger, prb. Lichfield, 624. Wetherall, Nathan, dn. Hereford, 479. Wetherell, Henry, prb. Gloucester, 451. Wetherell, Henry, archd. Hereford, 482. Wetherell, James, prb. Hereford, 510. Wetherellj Nathan, prb. Hereford, 504, 520. Wetherell, Robert, prb. Hereford, 505. Wetheringsete, Robert, archd. Ely, 351. Whalley, Rich. Thos., prb. Wells, 180. Whalley, Samuel, prb. Exeter, 427. NOMINUM. 723 Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick, prb. Wells, 2IO. Whalley, Wilham Chappie, prb. Wells, x8o. Whately, Joseph, prb. Bristol, 232. Wheeler, Francis, archd. Salop, 484. Wheeler, Robert, prb. Wells, 184, 187. Whelpdale, John, prb. Lichfield, 614, 630. Whetell, Robert, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Whiddon, Oliver, archd. Totnes, 403. Whish, Richard Peter, prl). Wells, 190. Whishaw, Humph., prb. Hereford, 527. Whishaw, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 532. Whishaw, Thomas, pre. Hereford, 487. Whistler, Anthony, prb. Hereford, 524. Whitaker.WilUam, prb. Canterbury, 53. Whitby, Oliver, archd. Chichester, 261. White, Charles, prb. Canterbury, 49. White, Francis, prb. Wells, 182, 210. White, Francis, chan. Wells, 178. White, Francis, bp. Ely, 344. White, John, prb. Lichfield, 601. White, John, treas. St. David's, 318. White, Joseph, prb. Gloucester, 451. White, Robert, prb. Bangor, 122. White, Robert, archd. Merioneth, 116. White, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 598, 614. White or Blund, Richard le, bp. Exe- ter, 369. Whitear, Wilham, prb. Chichester, 278. Whiteborne,Winiam, prb. Exeter, 427. Whitefeld, Henry, archd. Barum, 406. W^hitegreve,Thomas, prb. Lichfield,592. Whitehand, John, prb. Wells, 188, 192, 209. Whitehand, John, subd. Wells, 158. Whitehead, John, chan. Lichfield, 585. Whitehead, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 635. Whitehead, Ralph, chan. Lichfield, 585. Whitehead, Wm. Baily, prb. Wells, 180. Whiteheare or Whythere, John, dn. Bristol, 222. Whitehedd, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 620. Whitelef, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 634. Whitelock,WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 625. Whitelock, Wilham, prb. Wells, 202. Whitelocke, Will., prb. Lichfield, 594. Whitfeld, Henry, prb. Chichester, 281. Whitfield, William, prb. Canterbury, 61. Whitgift, John, prb. Ely, 356. Whitgift, John, abp. Canterbury, 26. Whiting, Charles, prb. Hereford, 501, 512. Whitinge, Wilham, prb. Lichfield, 639. Whitmell, Edw., prb. Chichester, 277. Whitney, Baldwin de, prb. Hereford, 523- Whitney, Baldwin de, prb. Lichfield, 589. Whittesleye, William de, prb. Lichfield, 626. Whittington, Guy, prb. Lichfield, 614, 625. Whythere or Whiteheare, John, dn. Bristol, 222. Wich, Rich, de la, bp. Chichester, 240. Wiche, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, ,rj94. Wicherley, Daniel, prb. Hereford, 508. Wickatedam or Wicksted, John, prb. Wells, 202. Wickens, John, prb. Wells, 199. Wickham, Edward, archd. Dorset, 225. Wickham, Thomas, prb. Wells, 205. Wickham, William, prl). Lichfield, 601. Wickins,John,prb. Chichester, 275, 278. Wicksted, John, prb. Wells, 207. Wicksted, John, archd. Wells, 162. Wicksted or Wickatedam, John, prb. Wells, 202. AVicksteed, John, chan. Wells, 178. Wideslade, Rich, de, treas. Exeter, 414. Wideslade, Richard de, archd. Barum, 406. Widevill or Woodvile, Lionel, dn. Exe- ter, 386. Wido or Guy or Guianus, bp. Bangor, 97- Widowe, Robert, subd. Wells, 157. Wight, Robert, prb. Exeter, 430. Wightman, Thomas, prb. Wells, 179. Wigmore, Daniel, prb. Ely, 354, 355. Wigmore, Daniel, archd. Ely, 352. Wigthun or Peletun, bp. Selsey, 236. Wilbraham, Will., prb. Hereford, 499. Wilcocks, Joseph, bp. Gloucester^ 440. Wilco.x, John, prb. Exeter, 425. Wilcoxson, John, prb. Lichfield, 641. Wild, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 519. Wilde, Edward, prb. Canterbury, 47. Wilde, John, archd. Anglesey, 114. Wilde, Roger, prb. AVells, 188. Wilford, Edmund, prb. Lichfield, 641. Wilford, Francis, dn. Ely, 348. Wilfred, archd. Canterbury, 35. Wilfred, bp. Selsey, 235. Wilfrid or GrifFri, bp. St. David's, 289. Wilkins, David, prb. Canterbury, 62. Wilkins, John, prb. Exeter, 424. Wilkins, John, pre. Exeter, 412. Wilkinson, John, prb. Bristol, 230. Wilkinson, William, prb. Wells, 192. Wilks, Richard, prb. Ely, 357. Willan, Samuel, prb. Wells, 190. Willes, Charles, prb. Wells, 202. Willes, Charles, chan. Wells, 178. Willes, Cornelius, prb. Wells, 190, 197. 4 Z 3 724 INDEX Willes, Edward, prb. Wells, 207. WiUes, Edward, bp. Bath and Wells, 148. Willes, Edward, bp. St. David's, 305. Willes, Henry, prb. Wells, 181, 199, 203, 203. Willes, Henry, clian. Wells, 178. Willes, Henry, pre. Wells, 171. Willes, John, prb. Lichfield, 632. Willes, Samuel, prb. Lichfield, 588. Willes, William, prb. Wells, 198. Willes, William, chan. Wells, 178. Willes, William, archd. Taunton, 169. Willes, William, archd. Wells, 162. Willet, Andrew, prb. Ely, 359. Willet, Thomas, prb. Ely, 359. William, pre. Exeter, 409. Wilham, subd. Wells, 155, 156. William, treas. Exeter, 414. William, treas. Wells, 172. William, archd. Bangor, i [3. William, archd. Brecknock, 310. William, archd. Caermarthen, 313. William, archd. Canterbury, 37. William, archd. Chester, 565. William, archd. Cornwall, 397. William, archd. St. David's, 307. William, archd. Ely, 350. William, archd. Hereford, 480. William, archd. Staflford, 570. William, archd. Wells, 160. William, dn. Bangor, no. William, dn. Lichfield, 560. William, bp. Bangor (?), 96. William, bp. Chichester, 238. WiUiam of Lincoln, chan. Wells, 175. William of Manchester, dn. Lichfield, 561. William of St. Faith's, pre. Wells, 169. W^illiam of Yatton, subd. Wells, 156. William, Arthur, archd. St. David's, 310. William, Councel, prb. St. David's, 320. Wilhams, Arthur, pre. Bangor, 117. Williams, Charles, prb. Exeter, 428. Williams, Daniel, prb. St. Asaph, 90. Williams, David, prb. Chichester, 283. Williams, Edward, prb. St. Asaph, 90. Williams, Eliezer, prb. St. David's, 322. Williams, Griffith, prb. Gloucester, 447. Williams, Griflfith, prb. Hereford, 519. Williams, Griffith, dn. Bangor, 112. Williams, Hugh, prb. St. Asaph, 85. Williams, James, chan. Bangor, 120. Williams, Jeffrey, prb. Lichfield, 588. WilUams, Jeremiah, prb. Lichfield, 614. Williams, John, prb. St. Asaph, 86, 87. Williams, John, prb. Bangor, 122. Williams, John, prb. Bristol, 231. Williams, John, prb. Canterbury, 48. Williams, John, prb. Exeter, 421. Williams, John, prb. Gloucester, 447. Williams, John, prb. Hereford, 518, 533. WiUiams, John, prb. Wells, 188, 205. Wilhams, John, archd. Caermarthen, 313- Williams, John, archd. Cardigan, 315. Williams, John, archd. Gloucester, 445. Williams, John, dn. Bangor, in. Williams, John, bp. Chichester, 253. Williams, Nathaniel, prb. Lichfield, 617. Wilhams, Paul, prb. Hereford, 533. Williams, Peter, prb. Bangor, 123. Williams, Peter, archd. Merioneth, 117. Williams, Philip, prb. Canterbury, 60. Williams, Rice, archd. Caermarthen, 314- Williams, Richard, dn. Lichfield, 562. Williams, Robert, prb. Bangor, 121. Williams, Robert, treas. Bangor, 119. Williams, Roger, chan. Bangor, 119. Williams, Rowland, prb. St. Asaph, 92. Williams, Thomas, prb. St. David's, 321. Williams, Thomas, prb. Wells, 205. Williams, Thomas, chan. Chichester, 272. Williams, W^illiam, prb. St. Asaph, 93. Williams, William, prb. Bangor, 121. Wilhams, William, prb. Exeter, 427. Williamson, George, prb. Bristol, 233. Williamson, James, archd. Lewes, 264. Willian, Samuel, prb. Wells, 180. Willim, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 523. Willim, William, prb. Hereford, 505, 520. Wilhm, William, treas. Hereford, 491, Willinger, William, prb. Chichester, 285. Willis, Francis, prb. Bristol, 231. Willis, Henry, prb. Gloucester, 447. Willis, John, prb. Wells, 207. Willis, Richard, bp. Gloucester, 440. Willis, Thomas, prb. Wells, 180, 209. V/ilhs, Will. Downes, prb. Wells, 19.15. Willoughby, Thomas, pre. Chichester, 266. Willoughbye, Richard, prb. Canter- bury, 51. Willoughbj'e, Thomas, prb. Canter- bury, 51. Willshaw, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 599. Willughby, Philip de, prb. Lichfield, 622. Wilshman, John, prb. Exeter, 428. Wilson, Aaron, prb. Exeter, 423. Wilson, Aaron, archd. Exeter, 395. N 0 M I N U M. 735 Wilson, Bernard, prb. Lichfield, 595. Wilson, Christopher, bp. Bristol, 220. Wilson, Daniel, pi'b. Hereford, 528. Wilson, Edward, prb. Gloucester, 451. Wilson, Robert, prb. WeUs, 182, 197. Wilson, Robert, chan. Wells, 177, Wilson, Timothy, prb. Canterbury, 47. Wilson, William, archd. Coventry, 570. Wilton, Hugh de, archd. Taunton, 166. Winburn, Jordan de, archd. Chester, .565- Winchcomb, Rich., prb. Hereford, 513. Winchelsey, Robert, abp. Canterbury, 15- Winchelsey, John de, prb. Hereford, 512. Winchester, Richard of, subd. Wells, 156. Winchester, Thomas of, pre. Here- ford, 485. Winfertheng or Winforton, Robert de, chan. Hereford, 492. Winforton, Robert de, chan. Hereford, 492. Winfred or Wulfrid, bp. Lichfield, 538. Wingfield, Rowland, prb. St. Asaph, 93. Wingfield, Will., prb. Gloucester, 448. AVinniflfe, Thomas, dn. Gloucester, 444. Winsy, bp. Lichfield, 543. Winter, John, prb. Canterbury, 54. Winter, Maurice, prb. Hereford, 515. Winter, Thomas, dn. Wells, 153. Winter, Walter, archd. Caermarthen, 313- . Wintonia, Peter de, chan. WeUs, 175. Wintonia, Reginald de, archd. Lewes, 262. Wiot, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 590. Wirrard or Uighard, abp. Canterbury, Wisdom, Robert, archd."Ely, 352. Witham, William, dn. Wells, 152. Withers, Robert, prb. Wells, 208. Witherson, Richard, prb. Hereford, 535. Witherston, William, prb. Wells, 185. Witta, bp. Lichfield, 540. Wittenhall, Edward, prb. Exeter, 424. Wittingham, Geo., prb. Hereford, 531. Wittlesey,William, abp. Canterbury, 19. Wodeford, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 508. Wodehouse, Thomas, prb. Wells, 195. Wodehouse, Robert de, prb. Hereford, 500. Wodhull, Robert, prb. Hereford, 529. Wodyngton, Thomas, treas. Chichester, 268. Woleman or Vouleman, Richard, dn. Wells, 153. Wolfi, bp. Cornwall, 364, Wollaston, Francis, pre. St. David's, 317. WoUaston, Thomas, pre. St. David's, 316. Wollaston, Reginald de, prb. Hereford, 508, 519. Wolley, John, prb. Lichfield, 627. Wolley, John, prb. Wells, 198. Wolley, Thomas Lamplugh, prb. WeUs, 210. Wolliford, WeUiford orWolyfed, Chris- topher, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Woloc, bp. Cornwall, 364. Wolsey, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 525. Wolsey, Thomas, dn. Hereford, 477. Wolsey, Thomas, bp. Bath and Wells, 143- Wolveden, Robert de, pre. Lichfield, 579- Wolveden, Robert de, dn. Lichfield, 562. Wolyfed or Wolliford, Christopher, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Womack, Laurence, prb. Ely, 360. Womack, Laurence, prb. Hereford, 521. Womack, Laurence, bp. St. David's, 303- Womberley, Gilbert, prb. Wells, 185. Wood, Gerard, archd. Wells, 161. Wood, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 633. Wood, James, prb. Wells, 186. Wood, James, dn. Ely, 349. Wood, John, prb. Gloucester, 448. Wood, John, prb. Wells, 198. Wood, Peter, prb. Chichester, 284. Wood, Richard, prb. Canterbury, 47. Wood, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 628, 642. Wood, Richard, prb. Wells, 199. Wood, Roger, prb. Wells, 211. Wood, Samuel, prb. Bristol, 229. Wood, Thomas, prb. Canterbury, 59. Wood, Thomas, dn. Lichfield, 563. Wood, Thomas, bp. Coventry & Lich- field, 558. Wood, William, prb. Canterbury, 58. Wood or Woodam, Montague, prb. Wells, 200. Woodam, Montague, prb. Wells, 204. Woodcock, Francis, prb. Hereford, 498, 516. Woodcock, John, prb. Hereford, 502, 523- Woodford, Robert, prb. Wells, 204. Woodford, Ptobert, treas. Wells, 174. Woodhele, Roger, dn. Bangor, iii. Woodhouse, John Chappel, prb. Lich- field, 606, 612. 726 INDEX Woodhouse, John Chappel, archd. Sa- lop, 575- Woodhouse, John Chappel, dn. Lich- field, 564. Woodhouse, Rohert de, prb. Lichfield, 591- , , ^ Woodhowse, William, prb. Wells, 182. WoodroflT, John, prb. Hereford, 513. WoodrofF, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 502, 510. WoodrofFe, Benj., prb. Lichfield, 625. Woodstock, Henry, prb. Lichfield, 520. Woodvile or Widevill, Lionel, dn. Ex- eter, 386. Woodward, John, prb. Chichester, 272. Woodward, John, prb. Gloucester, 447. Woodward, John, prb. Wells, 201. Woodward, William Peckham, prb. Chichester, 283. Woodyeates, Thomas, prb. Wells, 197, 210. Woollcombe, Henry, prb. Exeter, 434. Woolcombe, William, prb. Exeter, 431. Woolley, Samuel, prb. Gloucester, 450. Woorsley, William, prb. Lichfield, 629. Wor, Aldwini, bp. Lichfield, 540. Wordrop, John, archd. Staflford, 572. Wormington, John, prb. Hereford, 498. Woron, bp. Cornwall, 364. W^orrell, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 423. Worseley, Wm., archd. Taunton, 167. Worshiat, John, chan. Chichester, 271. Worshop, alias Chesterfield, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 515. Worsley, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 629. Worth, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 427. Worthington, Wm., prb. St. Asaph, 92. Worthyal, John, archd. Chichester, 260. Wotton, Edward, prb. Wells, 2TI. Wotton, John, bp. Exeter, 379. Wotton, Nicholas, treas. Exeter, 416. Wotton, Nich., archd. Gloucester, 445. Wotton, Nich., dn. Canterbury, 32. Wotton, Thomas, prb. Hereford, f,2-j. Wotton, Thomas, treas. Hereford, 491. Wotton, alias Peirworden, Matthew, archd. Merioneth, 116. Wotton, Peter de, prb. Hereford, 526. Wrangill, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 624. Wren, Matthew, bp. Ely, 344. Wren, Matthew, bp. Hereford, 471. Wren, Thomas, prb. Ely, 359. Wren, Thomas, archd. Ely, 352. Wrench, Elias, prb. Gloucester, 448. Wrenn, Jeffry, prb. Lichfield, 594. Wrifelle, Wm. de, prb. Lichfield, 630. Wright, John, chan. Chichester, 271. Wright, Nicholas, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Wright, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 591. Wright, Robert, prb. Wells, 190. Wright, Robert, treas. Wells, 174. Wright, Robert, bp. Bristol, 216. Wright, Robert, bp. Coventry & Lich- field, 557. Wright, WiUiam, prb. Wells, 192. Wrixham, William, prb. Hereford, 516. Wrixham, WiUiam, prb. Lichfield, 623. Wroth, WiUiam, treas. St. David's, 317. Wrotham, WiUiam de, archd. Canter- bury, 39. Wrotham, Wm.de, archd .Taunton, 166. Wulfelm, bp. Wells, 126. Wulfelm, abp. Canterbury, 5. Wulf heard, bp. Hereford, 454. Wulfhelm, bp. Hereford, 455. Wulfhelm, (alleged) bp. Wells, 127. Wulfred, abp. Canterbury, 4. Wulfrid orWinfred, bp. Lichfield, 538. WuUock, John, prb. Lichfield, 592. Wulsius, bp. Lichfield, 543. Wursop, alias Chesterfeld, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 630. Wursop, aUas Chesterfeld, Thomas, archd. Salop, 574. Wyatt,Wm. Robert, prb. St. Asaph, 93. Wycham, Ralph de, archd. Bath, 163. Wykeham, WUUam de, prb. Lichfield, 603. Wykes, WiUiam de, prb. Hereford, 520. Wyllughby, Edward, ])rb.Lichfield,6oi. Wylughby, Edw., archd. StaflFord, 572. Wylughby, Edward, dn. Exeter, 386. Wylyet, John, chan. Exeter, 418. Wymburne, Jordan de, archd. Derby, 576- Wymundham, Thomas de, pre. Lich- field, 578. Wynch, Henry, prb. WeUs, 184. Wynd, George, pre. Chichester, 266. Wyndeford orWyndesore, Walter, subd. Exeter, 390. Wyndesore,Walter,subd. Exeter, 390. Wyndham, John, prb. Wells, 187. Wyne, John, pre. Chichester, 265. Wyneyard, WiUiam, prb. W' ells, 183. Wynkelegh, Roger de, archd. Totnes, 401. Wynkelegh, Roger de, dn. Exeter, 384. Wynn, Griffith, prb. Bangor, 120. Wynn, Hugh, pre. Bangor, 118. W^ynne, Edward, chan. Bangor, 119. Wynne, Hugh, archd. Merioneth, 117. Wynne, John, prb. St. Asaph, 88. Wynne, John, prb. Chichester, 274. W^ynne, John, prb.WeUs, 202. Wynne, John, bp. St. Asaph, 77. NO MI NUM. 727 Wynne, John, bp. Bath & Wells, 148. Wynne, Robert, prb. St. Asaph, 87, 90. Wynne, Robert, prb. Bangor, 122. Wynne, Thomas, prb. St. Asaph, 90. Wynter, Thomas, archd. Cornwall, 399. Wynterburn, Thomas, archd. Canter- bury, 43. Wyot, Richard, prb. Lichfield, 623. Wythe, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 630. Yale, David, prb. St. Asaph, 85. Yale, David, prb. Bangor, 120. Yale, Thomas, prb. Lichfield, 616. Yardley, Edward, archd. Cardigan, 315. Yarmouth, Robert of, archd. Canter- bury, 39. Yate, HenryGorges Dobyns, prb. Here- ford, 535. Yatton, William of, subd. Wells, 156. Yaxley, Christopher, prb. Gloucester, 447- Yeadle, John, prb. Wells, 188. Yeatman, Harry Farr, prb. Wells, 184. Yeatman, John, prb. Wells, 185. Yeoman, William, prb. Bristol, 229. Yeon, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 525. Yeon or Yon, Thomas, chan. Hereford, 492. Yeon or Yon, Thos., archd. Salop, 483. Yervvard, Gi'iffin ap, bp. Bangor, 98. Yeworth, Da\'id ap, bp. St. Asaph, 72. Yon or Yeon, Thomas, chan. Here- ford, 492. Yon or Yeon, Thos., archd. Salop, 483. Yong, John, archd. Barum, 407. Yonge, Phihp, bp. Bristol, 220. Yonge, Richard, bp. Bangor, 100. York, Robert of, (Ely,) 328. York, William of, archd. Stafford, 571. York, James, bp. Ely, 346. Yorke, Hon. Grantham Munton, treas. Lichfield, 583. Yorke, James, bp. St. David's, 306. Yorke, James, bp. Gloucester, 441, Yorke, Philip, prb. Ely, 356, 360. Yotton, John, prb. Lichfield, 603. Yotton, John, dn. Lichfield, 562. Young, Arthur, prb. Canterbury, 52. Young, Edward, archd. Exeter, 396. Young, Edward, dn. Exeter, 388. Young, Griffith, archd. Merioneth, 116. Young, John, prb. Ely, 355. Young, John, chan. Wells, 178. Young, John, dn. Chichester, 257. Young, Thomas, pre. St. David's, 316. Young, Thomas, bp. St. David's, 306. Young, alias Morgan, John, bp. St. David's, 299. Younge, Griffith le, archd. St. Asaph, 84. Younge, John, prb.Wells, 202. Younger, John, prb. Canterbury, 48. Ysaac, archd. Totnes, 401. Yvo, archd. Derby, 576. Zouche, William la, prb. Lichfield, 633. Zouche, Wm. dela, archd. Barum, 406. Zouche, William de la, archd. Exeter, 393- 0^3320096 St? 01 \i^