s 141 Ho 8 UC-NRLF B 2 ^Db 571 » ' , > BULLETIN No, 8. DEPAETMENT OF AGRICULTURE -OF- BRITISH COLUMBIA. FEEDING FARM ANIMALS3 PRINCIPALLY IN REFERENCE TO DAIRY COWS. • . . • • • • . • * I » • • • • • • * • • • • '^ •• • • • . - • • '• - ' » • • ^ • • 2^ ■S 1^1 AH- FEEDING FARM ANIMALS, AND PRINCIPALLY IN REFERENCE TO DAIRY COWS. In response to requests made at various times, and in conformity with promises made, I now beg to present this Bulletin for the guidance of those who are desirous of feeding in a more scientific, economical and profitable manner. It must not be supposed, however, that the results given in the following pages are the lucubrations of my own brain, or the result of my own experience, further than a careful study of the authorities at my command. I have endeavoured, without going too deeply into the scientific aspect of the question, to place before my readers as succinctly as possible the feeding values of the foods which are generally produced in the Province, or which can be purchased profitably, descriptions of various foods, rations for farm animals, compounding rations, feeding standards, effect of feed, care of dairy cows, frequency of feeding and various rations as fed in the United States and Canada. The last will serve as a guide in compounding rations, and will, I believe, be a great help. I quote largely from a bulletin on stock feeding by Prof. W. J. Spillman, of the Agricultural College of the State of Washington. The similarity of conditions in that State to those existing in this Province makes the results given in that bulletin of particular value to our farmers, and I, therefore, commend the quotations from that source to their particular attention. A book entitled " Feeds and Feeding," *by Prof. W. A. Henry, of the Agricultural College of the State of Wisconsin, a work of world-wide fame, is also largely quoted from. From the Ontario Bulletin No. 104, entitled " Rations for Dairy Cows," I quote a number of rations, with comments thereon. Lastly, W^iscon- sin Bulletin No. 33, " Rations for Dairy Cows," is quoted from in relation to rations for dairy cows. With the sincere hope that the contents of the present bulletin may be of real benefit to the dairymen and farmers generally of British Columbia, I remain most faithfully, J. R. Anderson, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Department of Agriculture, * Victoria, May 21st, 1901. Ryi259474 The following is from Bulletin 43, Washington Agricultural College, by- Prof. W. J. Spillman:— " Considerations in Compounding Rations. "Amount. In determining the amount of feed an animal ought to have, a number of things must be taken into consideration. Regard must be had with reference to what the animal- is to do with its food. " Let us first consider the case of a mature animal which is neither being fattened for the market, giving milk, producing wool, or doing work of any kind. Such an animal needs food only to supply the heat of the body, the small amount of energy required for the necessary activities of the body, and to repair the small waste of body material going on at all times. Such an animal would naturally need very little protein, and not a large quantity of carbohydrates and fat ; and the amount of food required would depend almost ientirely on the size of the animal. Under such conditions an 800-pound animal would need half as much food as one weighing 1,600 pounds. " A ration intended for animals under the condition just described is called a maintenance ration. It is supposed to maintain a mature, idle animal in substantially its present condition, when neither grow^th, increase of fat, milk, w^ool or work is required of it. " Suppose now that the animal in question is a young, rapidly growing one. This animal should have, in addition to its maintenance ration, enough to supply the heavy demand for materials with which to make new body material. Such an animal should not only have more food than a mature, idle animal of the same size, but that food should have a larger proportion of protein in it, because it is protein which builds up the tissues. The activities of a young animal are also usually greater than those of older animals, and the body temperature slightly higher. Hence they need slightly more carbohydrates and fat than older animals in proportion to their weight. " In the case of animals that are expected to lay on fat it is plain that they should have large amounts of carbohydrates and fat, in addition to their maintenance ration. But since fat animals that have large proportions of lean meat amongst the fat are much more desirable for meat-making pur- poses than those that are simply a ball of fat, and since an animal that is to continue a long, rapid growth must develop large, strong bones to carry its heavy carcass, it is also plain that fattening animals should have liberal supplies of protein, especially in the earlier part of the fattening period, when growth of frame is so desirable. It is only during the finishing up period that the amounts of carbohydrates and fat should run considerably ahead of the already large supply of protein. " In the case of cows giving milk, it should be remembered that the casein and albumen of milk are made from protein; while the butter fat and milk sugar are made from carbohydrates and fat. It is plain, therefore, that a milk cow needs, in addition to her maintenance ration, a quantity of protein, carbohydrates and fat proportionate to the amount of casein, albumen, fat and sugar sbo is itrcxlncim;. In fnct the production of milk notunlly takes these materials from the blood; and if the supply furnished in the food is not enough to supply the demands of the body, and furnish materials for milk-making, the tissues are robbed of their regular maintenance supply. Under such circumstances cows not only lose their fat, but their muscles,, etc., are gradually reduced in weight. The writer has seen cows that have almost " milked themselves to death," because of the long established habit of making milk instead of meat out of w^hat they ate. The ideal dairy cow is one that consumes large quantities of food and uses it all in making milk,, except just enough to keep the body in good, thrifty condition. " The same remarks apply to sheep growing a heavy fleece of wool as to cows giving milk. The feed should be sufficient to supply the needs of the body, and to furnish material out of which the wool is made. Wool, like bone and muscle, requires large quantities of protein in its production. " One other class of animals remains to be considered, namely, those doing work. It has already been stated that part of the protein is burned in the blood before it gets to the tissues. When an animal is at work much more of the protein is thus burned ; hence, in order to insure that the tissues will get their share, we must feed more protein. But the energy for work is not all furnished by burning protein, or at least need not be if we will feed an abundance of carbohydrates and fat. Hence we feed a working animal more of all kinds of nutrients. " The amount of food given an animal, then, should be governed by the size of the animal, and by what is required of it in the way of growth, work,, wool or milk production. But since the work an animal can do is largely determined by its size, and the amount of growth, and wool or milk produc- tion depends a great deal upon size, we see that for animals under the same conditions as to age, work, etc., the size is after all the most important factor in determining the quantity of its food. In exceptional cases, as in the case of a small cow giving an unusual quantity of rich milk, exceptions must also be made in the amount fed. " To sum up the whole thing in a practical way, w^e may say that every animal should be fed all the protein, carbohydrates and fat that it can make profitable use of. Hence, to get the best results, brains are as necessary in the feeder as protein, etc., are in the feed. " Bulk of the Food. Another consideration that must govern us in making rations for stock is the bulk of the feed. With such bulky feed as wheat straw, even if it were highly palatable, a horse could hardly eat enough at three feeds to supply the needed ingredients for a hard day's work. "With ordinary hays and grains it has been found desirable to allow about one-third of the dry matter of the feed of a cow to be of grain, and the other two-thirds hay. This ordinarily gives sufficient nutriment, along with suffi- cient bulk, to insure proper response on the part of the digestive organs.^ About the same proportions are suitable also for horses at work. While with idle horses and dry cows, less grain, or none at all, should be fed, so that the bulk of the food may still be maintained, although the quantity of nutriment in it is lessened. In general, any concentrated feed should be fed along with, some bulk feed. 6 "PalataMHty. We must also have due regard to the palatability of food. If a cow, for instance, be fed only one or two things, and this same ration is fed for a long time with no variation, she is very liable to grow so tired of it that she will not eat enough. It is not wise to feed any ration continuously for many months, no matter how nearly balanced it may seem to be. We should, to a certain extent, allow stock to select their feed, by noticing what they eat most readily. In that way a cow may be able to tell you that her ration is not quite satisfactory, though the books say it ought to be. "We may also, by properly combining feeding stuffs, be able to feed a considerable amount of dry, unpalatable straw and the like, to advantage. The unpalatability of the straw is largely due to the small amount of nutri- ment it contains, but when fed with some hay, like alfalfa, that is compara- tively rich, the evils of the one tend to correct those of the other, and the mixture becomes more palatable than either, alone. " We may often increase the palatability of* dry feeds by having silage or roots to feed with them. We may, perhaps, make the general assertion that when two feeds are faulty in opposite directions, one having too much protein, for instance, and the other having too much carbohydrates, they will be eaten more readily when fed together, or on the same day, than when each is fed alone for several days. " Changing Feed. A very important matter is the changing from one ration to another. An incident that occurred in our college herd well illus- trates this. The regular herdsman was called away for some unavoidable reason, and his place was taken temporarily by another who was not familiar with the feeds at his command. It happened that the introduction of silage into the feed of the milk cows liad just begun when the change of herdsmen took place. Directions had been given to give each cow five pounds of silage a day at first, and to increase this not more than five pounds per day at any one time till the cattle had become used to it. In a few days the cattle had become so fond of the silage that the new herdsman, tnrough a sense of kindness, increased the feed from 10 to 25 pounds in one day. Two days later our most valuable cow died from peritonitis, which the State Veterin- arian, Dr. S. B. Nelson, said was due to the sudden increase in the amount of silage fed. " Enough has been said to impress the Importance of going slow in making any radical change in the feed of any animal. Calves may gradually be changed from fresh whole milk to sour skim milk, provided it is done by an experienced hand, but a reckless hand would probably kill the calf, or sadly Impair its usefulness, in making this change. " Cooking. It has been demonstrated in numerous careful experiments that cooking grain of any kind for hogs, is not only a waste of time and labour, but that it actually causes a decrease in the amount of pork produced from a given amount of grain. Whether it would pay to cook grain for cattle and horses the writer docs not know ; but as far as hogs are concerned It Is a positive detriment. The protein especially of the grain seems to be rendered to a certain extent less digestible by the process of cooking. " In the case of root crops, especially potatoes, when fed to hogs, they should be cooked. The cooking does not add to digestibility here, but it adds to palatability ; so that hogs will eat more cooked potatoes than they will of raw. And since it is the amount eaten over and above a mainten- ance ration that produces all the gain, we can see the importancce of feeding a growing hog all it can eat. " The question often arises whether it pays to steam hay for cattle. Definite information on this question is not at hand; but in the case o£ s. of digestible protein in her feed for each hundred pounds of milk she gives, in addition to the .7 lbs. daily required by the tissues of the body. But, as before stated, when the blood contains considerable digested protein, a good deal of the protein is burned before it can be appropriated by the milk glands; so that it is not surprising to learn that both the experience of feeders and the results of experiments at the stations indicate that we should feed considerably more protein than would suffice if there were no loss by burning. The following table will make these statements clearer : — " Pbotein for Cows. Protein re- Protein Daily quired for Cas- required Total Estimated Total yield of ein & Albumen by body of last two surplus lost by Protfda in Milk. in the Milk. tissues. columns. burning. Ration. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 5 .18 .70 .88 .88 1.06 10 .36 .70 1.06 .36 1.42 15 .54 .70 1.24 .52 1.76 20 .72 .70 1.42 .66 2.08 25 .90 .70 1.60 .78 2.38 30 1.08 .70 1.78 .88 2.66 40 1.44 .70 2.14 .96 3.10 50 1.80 .70 2.50 1.02 3.52 60 2.16 .70 2.86 1.06 3.92 " Concerning this table, it may be said that the fourth column shows the amount of protein certainly needed, even if there were no loss by burning. That there is such loss is practically certain, but just how much we do not yet know. The estimate given in next to the last column of the table is probably not far wrong. The last column shows what is probably the smallest amount of digestible protein it is wise to feed a cow, giving the amount of milk set opposite in the first column. There is no particular objection to feeding more than this (to cows) if protein is cheap. If we feed less, one of two things must happen: If her body continues to appropriate the protein it needs, she will fall off in milk; if she keeps up her milk flow, her body will not be properly nourished, and she will lose flesh. " This table and the accompanying discussion is given not so much to show the right amount of protein to feed a cow, but to show why it is so 10 Nearly all writers on shows, and tliey are necessary to give enough of this important element, such topics recommend more protein than this table probably wise in so doing. " The table below gives the rations recommended by Wolff for different animals under different conditions of growth, activity, etc. : — " Table of Wolff's Feeding Standakds. " Amount of digestible nutrients an animal should have per day for each 1,000 ms. of live weight. » 3 tL 4^ d Sti i . o •ds^ •M >» a Animals. o II !> s 6 p ^ Cattle- Milk cows, in full flow Oxen or cows standing idle Oxen moderately worked Oxen heavily worked Fattening steers — First period Second period Third period Growing cattle — 2-3 months old __. 3-6 months old 6-12 months old 12-18 months old ■ 18-24 months old Horses — Moderately worked Heavily worked Sheep — Coarse- woolled breeds Fine-woolled breeds Fattening sheep — First period Second period Growing lambs — 5-6 months old __. 6-8 months old 8-11 months old 11-15 months old 15-20 months old Swine — Fattening hogs — First period . Second period Third period Growing fat swine — 2-3 months old 3-5 months old 5-6 months old 6-8 months old 8-12 months old lbs. lbs. 2.5 13.4 .7 8.3 1.6 12.0 2.4 14.3 2.5 16.1 3.0 16.5 2.7 16.2 4.0 18.5 3.3 15.5 2.6 15.0 2.0 13.9 1.64 12.8 1.8 12.6 2.8 15.2 1.2 10.8 1.5 11.8 3.0 16.3 3.5 15.8 3.21 17.3 2.54 14.0 2.13 12.4 1.71 11.7 1.42 11.0 5.0 27.5 4.0 24.0 2.7 17.5 7.6 30.0 5.0 25.0 4.3 23.7 3.4 20.4 2.5 16.2 11 •' It should be carefully kept In mind that the above rations are for 1,000- pouud animals in every ease. A pig weighing only 100 pounds should have one-tenth of the ration given in this table for a pig of its age. An ox weighing 1,500 pounds should have one and five-tenths times the ration for oxen given in the table, and so on. The reason for giving the rations all referred to 1,000 pound animals is that we are thus enabled to make legiti- mate comparisons between the rations. Look, for instance, at the enormous amount of both flesh-forming and heat and energy-producing nutrients fed to hogs campared to other animals of the same size. Hogs grow more rapidly than any other class of farm animals ; they also produce this growth more economically than any other. The amount they can digest over and above their maintenance ration is very great, and as this excess is what produces growth, they make most rapid growth. The farmers of the United States have made more money from hogs than from either cattle, sheep, or horses. Compare again the amount of protein fed to young animals and that fed to older animals. The table does not mean that the amount of protein, for instance, fed to calves two or three months old is twice as much as that fed to calves twelve to eighteen months old, but it does mean that, according to their weight, they are fed twice as much. " Use of the Table. " The table giving the digestible nutrients in one pound of the various feeding stuffs is made use of as follows : — Suppose it is desired to find the digestible nutrients in 7 lbs. of barley. By referring to the table we find that one pound of barley contains .087 lb. protein, and .682 It), fuel. Seven pounds would contain, then, seven times these quantities, or Protein=,0S7X7=r.609 lt>. Fuel=i.682x7=r4.774 lb. " With" a little practice this operation can be performed mentally, only the products being set down. *' Compounding Rations. " Having learned something of the requirements of the animal body in the way of food, and of the nutritive content of the various feeding stuffs, let us now consider the method by which we may secure balanced rations for our stock. As the problem is much simpler where few kinds of material are fed, we will take up first the feeding stuffs available in the central part of the State, where many animals are fed solely on alfalfa. Since the principles involved in compounding rations are the same for all classes of animals, we will take, to illustrate the method, the case of a thousand-pound cow giving, say, 25 lbs. of milk a day. Such an animal, according to the table of feeding standards above, needs daily from 2.2 to 2.5 lbs. of protein, and 13.4 to 14.9 lbs. of fuel, (carbohydrates and fat). If she eats 30 lbs. of alfalfa hay a day she gets the following quantities of nutriment : "30 lbs. alfalfa hay=3.24 lbs. protein, and 12.72 lbs. fuel. " The total amount of nutriment is just about right, but there is consid- erably more protein than is necessary. This is not particularly objectionable, however, in the case of cows. Neither is the amount of dry matter (26.7 12 lbs.) in 80 lt>s. of alfalfa hay much higher than is usually fed (25 lbs.) It should also be remarked that if this ration were unbalanced the other way, that is, if it were low in protein and high in fuel, it would be a serious fault, because the fuel materials can not be used for repairing the body or for making casein and albumen of milk. On the other hand, the excess of protein in the above ration is burned as fuel, and takes the place of the shortage in carbohydrates and fat. " There is a very important reason, however, why the above ration is not an ideal one. Any farm animal kept on a single feed tends to grow tired of it, and if the feed is unbalanced, this tendency is greater. Hence it is not probable that such a cow as that we are considering, would eat 30 lbs. a day of alfalfa for any length of time. Farmers in Central Washington have frequently told the writer that stock fed exclusively on alfalfa hay will eat greedily almost any kind of coarse feed, such as straw, dried grass, etc. This is because their ration has grown more or less distasteful to them. It is very probable, therefore, that if such a cow were given somewhat less alfalfa hay and some other feed richer in carbohydrates and fat, she would eat more, and hence give more milk. In feeding milk cows, work horses, and young, growing stock, it is very important to have them eat an abundance of food ; hence, unless the carbonaceous feeds were too high-priced, it would probably pay to feed something like corn, barley, or wheat with alfalfa hay in the case we are considering. Let us see what effect such an admixture would have on this ration. A pound of alfalfa hay contains .532 lbs. of digestible nutrients, while a pound of wheat contains .832 lbs. ; hence a pound of wheat will take the place of about 1% lbs. of the hay. " Let us therefore substitute 8 lbs. of wheat for 12 lbs. of hay. We then have: 1. Protein. Fuel, lbs. lbs. 18 lbs. alfalfa hay 1.94 7.63 8 lbs. wheat .82 5.84 2.76 13.47 " This is still a little rich in protein, but is not a bad ration. Whether it would pay to feed the wheat (or barley or corn), would depend on the cost of the grain, and upon the increase of appetite which it might give the cow. " We shall now arrange a number of rations with alfalfa hay as a basis to show the effect of feeding various things with this substance: 2. 15 lbs. alfalfa hay 1.64 6.40 10 lbs. wheat 1.02 7.30 2.66 13.70 3. 13 lbs. alfalfa hay 1.40 5.54 11 lbs. wheat 1.12 8.04 2.52 13.58 13 ^.4^u|^- 4. Protein. Fuel. 20 lt)S. alfalfa hay 2.16 8.52 7 lt)s. barley .61 4!77 < ' II * 2.77 13.29 5. 18 It)s. alfalfa hay 1.94 7.63 8 lbs. barley .69 5.46 2.63 13.09 6. 15 lbs. alfalfa hay 1.64 6.40 10 lbs. barley .87 6.82 2.51 13.22 7. 20 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.16 8.52 6 lbs. corn .47 4.57 2.63 13.09 8. . 18 lbs. alfalfa hay 1.94 7.63 8 lbs. corn .63 6.10 2.57 13.73 9. 17 lbs. alfalfa hay 1.84 7.21 8 lbs. corn .63 6.10 2.47 13.31 (0. 20 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.16 8.52 40 lbs. mangels .40 2.68 2.56 11.20 " This ration is much too low in fuel. 11. 20 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.16 8.52 60 lbs. ma'hgels .60 4.02 2.76 12.54 " Still too low in fuel ; most cows would not eat so many mangels. 12. 25 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.70 10.60 25 lbs. mangels ^- . — .25 1.68 2.95 12.28 .. ,., ;, " This ration contains about half a pound of protein above what ,is. j^eeded, and lacks about a pound of fuel. It is not so good a ration as the next. u 13. Proteiu. Fuel. 25 lbs, alfalfa hay _„ 2.70 10.60 25 lbs. carrots .27 2.20 2.97 12.80 "Here the excess of protein just about makes up for the lack of fuel, and this ration ought to be fairly satisfactory. 14. 25 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.70 lO.GO 15 lbs. potatoes .21 2.50 2.91 13.10 , " This ration is satisfactory as far as the amount of nutriment is con- cerned. Potatoes, however, sometimes have a bad effect on butter, especially when 20 or more pounds a day are fed. They are said to cause cream to be difficult to churn, to make the butter soft, and to impart a peculiar taste to the butter. 15. 20 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.16 8.52 45 lbs. sugar beet .49 4.68 2.65 13.20 " This will give abundant nutriment of the right sort if the cows would eat so many beets, and some cows would do so. i 16. 20 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.16 8.52 35 lbs. corn silage .32 4.73 2.48 13.25 No. 16 ought to be satisfactory. 17. 20 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.16 8.52 60 lbs. sugar beet pulp, wet .60 4.62 2.76 13.14 *' A good ration if the cow would eat so much pulp, and some would do so readily. . ^^• 20 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.16 8.52 10 lbs. barley straw .14 4.44 I 2.30 12.96 " The ration Is a little short In both protein and fuel, but cows would probably not eat so much of such feed. It could not, therefore, be a very satisfactory ration. ••Alfalfa is Indeed a wonderful plant. All the rules for compounding rations have been worked out In sections where alfalfa was nearly unknown. 15 The remarkable thing about it is that it is so rich in protein. This enables us to get balanced rations from this hay combined with roots alone, or with silage, or even with straw, in which latter case, however, the ration barely contains enough nutriment. This means that in winter, with cows in full flow of milk, we can feed them in some parts of the State for 6 to 8 cents per head per day. " It should be remembered that cattle that have never eaten alfalfa do not like it readily; hence those dairymen in the cities who buy alfalfa hay should go slow and feel their way carefully before feeding any of the rations outlined above. For a change from such rations, which would probably grow monotonous after a time, the following would answer : Protein. Fuel. 16 lbs. alfalfa hay 1.73 6.78 25 lbs. carrots .27 2.20 7 lbs. barley .61 4.77 2.61 13.75 " West Side Rations. " The principal feeding stuffs grown in Western Washington are timothy, clover (red and alsike), pease and oats, roots, clover and pea silage, and oats. Those purchasable at reasonable prices are alfalfa hay, bran, shorts, and various bye products, such as brewers' grains, oil meal, etc., though the last named is usually sold at so high a .price that farmers can not afford to feed it extensively. Nearly the same list of feeding stuffs apply to the Kittitas Valley, one of our best developed dairy sections. ** It is not difficult to secure ideal rations from the above list ; but unless w^e use pease and oats in some form, there is some difficulty in securing enough protein in the rations without buying the expensive concentrated feeds. The greater variety of feeding stuffs available on the west side undoubtedly renders the rations more palatable on the whole than those where only a few materials are to be had, other things, of course, being equal. " Below are found a few west side rations which illustrate a few of the types which are commonly fed, or which may easily be fed. It will be noticed that where pease and oats are used, either as hay or silage, that much less grain is required to make a satisfactory ration. The figures used for the composition of pease and oats are those for this feed when cut at the stage when the earliest pease are large enough for table use, ^nd the oats are about mature, but not yet turning yellow. 1. Protein. Fuel, lbs. lbs. 8 lbs. timothy hay .23 3.55 8 lbs. clover hay .65 3.50 30 lbs. mangels .30 2.01 4 lbs. bran .50 2.02 4 lbs. shorts ., .43 2.59 2.11 13.67 16 " Substituting 30 lbs. carrots for the mangels in this ration, we have pro. 2.14, fuel 14.27, which is a very fair ration. If we use turnips instead, it gives pro. 2.11 lbs., fuel 13.94 lbs., which is also a very good ration. 2. Protein. Fuel. 6 lbs. timothy hay .17 2.66 6 lbs. clover hay .49 2.63 45 lbs. mangels .45 3.55 10 lbs. oats .93 5.77 2.04 14.61 3. 16 lbs. pea and oat hay 1.55 6.56 45 lbs. mangels .45 3.35 2 lbs. bran .25 1.01 4 lbs. shorts .43 2.59 2.68 13.51 4. 8 lbs. timothy hay .23 3.55 8 lbs. alsike hay .63 3.52 32 lbs. pea and oat silage 1.09 5.06 4 lbs. barley .34 2.76 2.29 14.89 5. 15 lbs. pea and oat hay 1.46 6.30 32 lbs. clover silage .89 4.89 4 lbs. shorts .43 2.59 2.78 13.78 " Palouse County Rations. " In most parts of the great grain-growing section of Eastern Washington there is not enough rainfall to make clover a successful crop, and no satisfac- tory substitute has yet been found for it, unless it is pease. Alfalfa does well enough to pay to grow it, but it is not adapted to rotation farming as clover is, having an enormous root system which makes it difficult to plow the sod. " The following rations exhibit some of the difficulties that confront the dairymen in the wheat section, especially the difficulty of getting enough protein : 1. Protein. Fuel, lbs. lbs. 20 lbs. wheat hay .68 9.64 10 lbs. bran — — 1.26 5.06 1.94 14.70 "The amount of dry matter (27.1 lbs.) in this ration is rather high, and cows would not long continue to eat enough of it. y 17 ./ - 2. Protein. Fuel. 15 lt)S. wheat hay ..51 7.23 30 lbs. carrots .33 2.64 10 lt)s. bran 1.26 5.06 2.10 14.93 No. 2 is a fairly satisfactory ration to feed during a part of the time. 3. 7 lbs. oat hay .29 3.27 7 lbs. wheat hay .23 3.37 25 lbs. corn silage .22 3.38 4 lbs. pease .80 2.25 4 lbs rolled wheat .41 2.92 1.95 15.09 " It will be noticed that the protein in this ration is too low, although 41bs. of pease, which are very rich in protein, are fed. On the other hand, see how easy it is to get good rations by using a good quality of pea and oat hay, as in the next two rations. 4. 13 lbs. pea and oat hay 1.26 5.17 25 lbs. mangels .25 1.68 9 lbs. rolled wheat .94 6.58 2.45 13.43 5. 13 lbs. pea and oat hay 1.26 5.17 25 lbs. carrots .27 2.20 4 lbs. bran .50 2.02 6 lbs. shorts .65 3.90 2.68 13.29 " Both the above are excellent rations, and the materials in them can be produced at reasonable prices in the wheat sections. If we use corn silage instead of roots we have : 6. 13 lbs. pea and oat hay 1.26 5.17 25 lbs. corn silage .22 3.39 4 lbs. bran .50 2.02 6 lbs. shorts .65 3.90 2.63 14.48 " Our experience on the Station farm indicates that corn silage is much cheapier than roots in this immediate vicinity. " Since orchard grass does well as a hay grass in the wheat section, let us try it in a ration. 7. 15 lbs. orchard grass hay _ .71 6.28 28 lbs. pea and oat silage .95 4.42 6 lbs. barley .53 4.11 2.29 14.81 " The next shows how brome hay may be utilised. 8. Protein. Fuel. 8 r\)H. brome hay .36 3..52 8 ms. alfalfa .80 3.30 20 lbs. corn silage .22 3.39 0 1T)S. bran .31 3.04 3 lbs. shorts .35 1.95 ,2.10 15.29 " Pea and oat hay could be used instead of the alfalfa, and roots instead of silage in this ration ; also wheat chop instead of shorts. " How TO Balance a Eation. " Use of Nutritive Ratio. Suppose a farmer has timothy hay, alfalfa hay, and oats, and desires to feed heavily-worked horses a ration that shall contain all the protein and fuel they need, how much of each shall he feed ? Of course, the amount of the feed will depend on the size of the horses, the amount of work they are doing, and to some extent on the individuality of the horse. Let us assume a ration for a thousand-pound horse, at heavy work, as follows, and see if it has the proper nutrients (a ration is a day's feed) : Protein. Fuel. 8 1T)S. timothv hay .23 3.55 8 n)s. alfalfa hay .86 3.S0 10 lbs. oats .93 5.77 2.02 12.71 " By consulting the table of feeding standards, we find that a thousand- pound horse at heavy work requires 2.S lbs. protein and 15.2 lbs. fuel daily. The above ration is too low in both classes of nutrients. Let us add 4 ll)s. of oats : 1st ration 2.02 12.71 4 lbs. oats .37 2.31 2.39 15.02 " We have now enough fuel, but not enough flesh formers. Now comes in the use of the nutritive ratio. The nutritive ratio of this ration is 15.02 -f-2.39=6.3. The ratios of the three feeding stuffs may be found by consult- ing the last column of the table of digestible constituents of feeding stuflfs, and are as follows : Timothy 15.3 Alfalfa 3.9 Oats 6.3 "The ration we want has a ratio of 15.2-f-2.8=5.43. The ratio of the ration we have is 6.3, and we now wish to reduce it to 5.43. Since the ratio of oats is the same as that of the ration, it will not change the ratio at all to increase or decrease the amount of oats in the ration. But if we increase the amount of alfalfa it will lower the ratio, because the nutritive ratio of 19 alfalfa is lower thau that of the ration. We can also decrease the ratio by- feeding less timothy. But as the total amount of nutriment is about what we want, the best way is to feed less timothy and more alfalfa. One pound of alfalfa contains .108 lb. protein, while a pound of timothy contains only .029 lb. If "we take out one pound of timothy and replace it with a pound of alfalfa, we shall increase the protein by the difference of these numbers, or .lOS- .029=.0T9 lb., or practically .08 lb. But we want to increase the protein from 2,39 to 2.80 lbs., or .41 lb. in all. To secure this increase we must therefore exchange 5 lbs. of timothy for 5 of alfalfa, which gives us : Protein. Fuel 3 lbs. timothy hay .09 1.33 13 1T)S. alfalfa hay 1.40 5.51 14 lbs. oats *..30 8.07 2.79 14.91 "This gives us very close to the ration recommended in the table of standards, and illustrates the method used in calculating balanced rations of all kinds. A little practice at this kind of work makes it much less difficult. The rations in this bulletin, however, have been calculated by means of a mechanical api)liance recently invented by the writer, which makes the work mere pastime. This appliance will be fully described in a bulletin shortly to be issued, so that anyone with a little ingenuity in handling tools may construct one for himself. " Feeding Horses. " The last ration above would indicate that very few heavily-worked horses are properly, fed in this state. In the wheat sections, horses are usually fed on oats and either grain hay or timothy hay during the ploughing season, and on headed grain during the threshing season. In the alfalfa districts, they are frequently fed nothing but alfalfa the year round. Let us examine a few of these rations for heavily- worked horses and see how they compare with the rations recommended by those who have studied the matter. Protein. Fuel. Standard rations 2.80 15.20 25 lbs. headed wheat 1.96 15.58 20 lbs. timothy hay ^ ^ ^_, ^ „ _ . 15 lbs. oats / ^-^^ ^^-^^ 20 ms. wheat hayj 2.07 18.10 15 lbs. oats j " It is not difficult to see why our horses fall away so rapidly when heavily worked. It is because the small amount of protein fed them is largely burned for producing energy, and the wasting tissues are not properly? nourished. In the case of the alfalfa-fed horse, we have the following: Protein. Fuel 20 lbs. alfalfa hay 2.8 11.0 30 lbs. alfalfa hay 3.2 12.7 34 lbs. alfalfa hay 3.7 14.4 " Twenty-six pounds of this hay furnishes the right amount of protein, but falls short of supplying the 15 lbs. of fuel required. Thirty-four pounds contain amout as much total nutrients as needed, but the proportion 20 of protein is very high. In the case of horses, this is very objectionable. Feeders tell me that horses fed on alfalfa hay often have trouble with their kidneys, and it is not strange that they should, for when protein is burned in the body it produces urea, which is removed from the system through the kidneys. It seems that the kidneys of horses are more sensitive than those of cattle, for cattle thrive on alfalfa hay alone, though they do not put on much good solid fat, for this feed is deficient in carbohydrates and fat, from which the fat of the body seems to be made. " The horses receiving this ration are worked every other day, and weigh 800-900 lbs. On the work day the grain is increased and the roughage decreased, the opposite change being made on the days when no work is done. The following rations, materials for one or more of which may be had in all parts of this state, furnish sufficient nutriment for horses at medium hard work: 1. Protein. Fii^l. IG lbs. orchard grass hay .75 6.70 12 lbs. oats 1.12 6.92 1.87 13.62 2. 16 lbs. brorae hay .72 7.05 12 lbs. oats 1.12 6.92 1.84 13.97 3. 16 lbs. tall meadow oat grass .90 5.50 12 lt)S. oats 1.12 6.92 2.02 12.51 4. S ITjs. alfalfa hay .86 3.40 8 ms. wheat hay .27 3.83 10 1T)S. oats .93 5.77 2.06 13.03 " The two following rations, commonly fed to working horses in the Palouse Country, are rather low in protein : 18 lt)S. timothy hay .52 S.OO 10 lbs. oats .93 5.77 1.45 13.77 16 lbs. wheat hay .54 7.71 12 lbs. oats 1.12 6.92 1.66 14.63 " Horses not at work. Young, growing stock always need more nutriment in proportion to weight than mature animals under similar conditions. The following remarks concerning Idle horses do not, therefore, apply to j^oung horses that are still growing. Their case will be considered later. In large 21 cities there are many firms that own hundreds or even thousands of horses. It is a matter of business economy on their part to understand and apply scientific principles in feeding horses, and it is from the experience of such firms that much of our knowledge concerning the amount of nutriment needed by work horses comes. Some of these have conducted careful experi- ments along this line. The results of many such experiments are reported in Prof. Henry's book on Feeds and Feeding, and anyone who has consider- able numbers of horses to feed should by all means study this book. " It is generally considered sufficient to feed an idle horse the following amounts of digestible nutrients per thousand pounds live weight daily : " Standard Maintenance Ration. Protein .7 lbs. Fuel ■ 8.3 lbs. " This ration furnishes enough protein to keep the tissues of the body in proper repair, and enough heat and energy to keep the body warm and to maintain the ordinary vital activities, such as breathing, beat of the heart, digesting food, etc. ; but it does not furnish enough to permit of growing^ new tissue, or of doing any external \vork except a small amount of exercise. Yet some horses seem to be able to gain a small amount of flesh even on this ration, if they are well cared for, and have no work to do. "The maintenance ration (ration for mature, idle animals) used by the Paris Cab Company above referred to is as follows : Protein. Fuel, lbs. lbs. .84 lbs. beans .17 .47 3.91 lbs. oats .36 2.20 2.88 lbs. corn .23 2.20 .57 lbs. corn cake .15 .23 2.07 lbs. hay .11 .85 1.12 lbs. straw .02 .50 1.04 6.51 " These horses, as above stated, weigh 800-000 lbs. The above is the average ration, not necessarily the ration for any one day. In this country idle horses are usually fed only roughage, and as the labour of digestion is greater for coarse materials than for concentrated food, it is necessary to feed slightly more digestible nutrients in order to furnish the extra energy required for digesting the coarse material. The following are all fairly satisfactory : " Rations for Mature, Idle Horses. (The amounts given are the daily feed per 1,000 lbs: live weight.) Protein. — lbs. Fuel — lbs. Standard ration .70 8.30 (1)— 20 lbs timothy hay .58 8.84— low in pro. (2) — 18 lbs. wheat hay .61 8.66— low in pro. (3) — 18 lbs. oat hay .72 8.40 — well balanced. (4) — 18 lbs. meadow fescue hay .76 8.50 — well balanced. (5) — 18 lbs. brome hay .81 7.90 — well balanced. (6) — 20 lbs. red top hay .78 8.34 — well balanced. (7)_- (14 ^s. straw \ 74 8.34— well balanced. ^ 15 lbs. alfalfa hay j 22 " Young, Groicing Horses. In addition to a maintenance ration, g^o^ying animals, in order to develop properlj^, must be supplied with material for making new growth. The material needed for this is proreln. But if we increase the protein of a ration without increasing the fuel constituents, a larger proportion of the protein will be burned as fuel, and the tissues will not get it. If we increase the protein enough to allow for this burning we get so much that there is danger of kidney troubles. The safest and ordin- arily the best way to do is to increase the protein to what is needed, and then increase the fuel so that it will be burned, and thus protect the protein from burning. " Colts should ordinarily be given all the hay they will eat, and an amount of grain depending on age and size, but at all times enough to keep them growing rapidly and to retain what we call their colt form. If they are once allowed to run down in condition while they are growing rapidly, they will never afterwards regain the elegance of form found in a well-kept colt. If properly nourished till mature, they will retain this form to a greater or less degree till they begin to show the effects of age. " Food and Milk. It is generally supposed that the character of the food has much ^o do with the richness of the milk. Careful experiments indicate that this is not true. As a rule, the richness of the milk the cow gives depends more on the individuality of the cow than on any other factor. When a cow is subjected to excitement of any kind, as when chased by a dog, when taken to the show yard, etc., very great changes in the composi- tion of her milk may be looked for. Also, when changes are made in her food, especially if something very unusual is introduced into the food, the character of the milk may temporarily undergo a change. Long series of observations indicate that when cows are on succulent pastures, as in May and June, their milk is not quite so rich as when on dry feed in the winter. When a herd of cows give milk below the legal standard (3 per cent, of fat), about the only remedy is to introduce into the herd a few head of cows known to give richer milk. " Interdicted Feeds. There are certain substances that have such injur- ious effects on milk that it is questionable whether they should ever be fed to dairy cows. Yet many feeding stuffs that would otherwise be injurious may be fed with proper precaution. Bad flavours in milk are often due to odours in the barn where the milking is done. Hence, in feeding any substance with a distinct odour, such as silage, for instance, always wait until the milk has been removed from the barn. A. X. Hyatt, one of the leading practical dairymen of Wisconsin, says that turnips, and many other things that some- times taint the milk, may be fed with impunity if the above rule is observed. Feed them after milking, and at least ten hours before the next milking. " In feeding wet brewers' grains, the greatest care should be exercised to prevent contamination of the milk. They should never be fed after fermen- tation has started in them, and vats, troughs, etc., with which the wet grains come in contact, shouhl be carefully looked after. Many dairymen will not feed the wet grains because of the effects produced in the milk from small particles of the material that necessarily get into it from the air of the milk- ing place. 23 " Feeding Grains Wet or Dry. It has generally been found that, in the case of hogs, they will eat more of soaked grain than of dry, hence it is advisable to soak grain for hogs. It is certainly wrong, however, to suppose that grain is more nutritious after it has stood in water long enough to sour and begin to rot. The question whether a cow's grain feed be dry or in the form of a mash, seems not to be an important one, providing the cow is in normal health. " Chopping Fodders and Grains. There can be no question but that, on the whole, it pays to chop grain before feeding, at least for pigs and cows. Oats are especially valuable for pigs and cows when well ground. In general, when grains pass through animals undigested, it is better to chop, unless the droppings of the animals are fully worked over by other animals. The principal object of cutting up hay and fodder is to mix up the coarser, less palatable portions with the rest, thus causing the food to be eaten up cleaner. Long straw of any kind is wasted more or less by being throw^n from the rack. A good fodder cutter and a feed mill ought to form part of the equipment of every extensive dairy farm. " Value as Fertilisers. The three ingredients that render manure valu- able are nitrogen, potash, and phosphoric acid. Our farmers have not yet, as a rule, learned the value of fertilisers ; they are content, for the most part, to practise a system of cropping that robs the soil by slow degrees of the elements that enable it to produce bountiful crops, all heedless of the absolute certainty that in the near future this fertility must be restored to the soil at great expense. It will be of some value to our more progressive farmers to know how much fertilising material our feeding stuffs contain. " In those states in which fertilising materials must be purchased and applied to the land annually, it is estimated that, in ordinary mineral fertil- isers, as bought on the market, a pound of nitrogen costs on the average about 12 cents; potash, 5 cents, and phosphoric acid 5 cents. Now we can recover in the manure three-fourths to nine-tenths of the fertilising materials in the food; it is easy to see, therefore, that those foods which are rich in nitrogen also make the most valuable manure. " The following table gives the value of the manure made by feeding one ton of each of the foods named, assuming that three-fourths of the fertilising ingredients of the food are recovered in the manure, and attaining the values above indicated to these fertilising materials : Value of Manure from One Ton of Food. Timothy hay $3 58 Fodder corn 4 23 Vetch hay 6 57 Pea meal 6 90 Red top hay 3 19 Red clover hay 5 97 Dry carrot tops 9 75 Wheat bran 6 89 Barley straw 4 00 Alsike clover 6 39 Orchard grass hay 4 08 Linseed meal 12 00 " These figures give a general idea of the value of the manure that may be obtained from common feeding stuffs. By comparing the composition of those given with others in the table giving the digestible ingredients of feed- ing stuffs, a close approximation of the manurial value of any feeding stuff there given may be made. 24 " Other things being equal, the food that is richest in nitrogen will make the most valuable manure. , TABLE OF DIGESTIBLE CONSTITUENTS OF FEEDING STUFFS. Figures are amounts in one pound of feed. , Concentrates. Grains, bran. etc. — Corn, kernels Corn meal Corn and cob meal Barley Buckwheat Buckwheat bran Oats Sorghum seed Rye Rye bran Wheat Wheat bran, old process Wheat bran, roller process Wheat shorts Wheat middhngs Feeds rich in protein — Brewers' grains, dry Buckwheat shorts Buckwheat middhngs Buffalo gluten meal Chicago gluten meal Cocoanut oilcake meal Cocoanut seed oilcake Cotton seed Cotton seed hulls Cotton seed meal Flax seed Gluten meal Linseed oil meal, old process Linseed oil meal, new process Malt Sprouts Pease Sunflower seed Roughage — Dry Materials Grain hay — Wheat hay Oat hay Rye hay Barley hay (common) Barley hay (beardless) lbs. .900 .864 .849 .889 .874 .895 .892 .872 .884 .884 .894 .880 .880 .882 .897 .911 .889 .873 .914 .922 .853 .901 .897 .889 .918 .908 .904 .908 .899 .904 .895 .925 .914 .878 .850 .893 .935 lbs. .079 .070 .065 .087 .078- .074 .093 .070 .083 .060 .102 .101 .126 .108 .113 .162 .211 .220 .185 .305 .157 .411 .125 .003 .372 .206 .250 .283 • .272 .198 .200 .121 .034 .041 .064 .046 .063 ibs. .762 .736 .628 .682 .548 .347 .577 .591 .682 .421 .730 .533 .506 .649 .655 .474 .459 .455 .638 .547 .535 .402 .689 .369 .444 .823 .620 .488 .300 .400 .562 .860 .482 .467 .482 .469 .486 lbs. .841 .808 .693 .769 .626 .421 .670 .661 .765 .481 .832 .634 .632 .757 .778 .636 .670 .675 .823 .852 .692 .813 .814 .372 .816 1.029 .870 .771 .662 .598 .762 .981 .516 .508 .546 .515 .549 TABL|E OF DIGESTIBLE CONSTITUENTS.— Continued. Figures are amounts in one pound of feed. \ Feeding Stuffs. » • +j . ^|i si >-. li kf. Q fe « ft Hay from legumes — Alfalfa hay Aliske clover hay Hairy vetch hay Pea hay — cut in bloom '. Pea and oat hay Pea and barley hay Red clover hay Vetch hay (common spring vetch) _. Vetch and oat hay Yellow trefoil Hay from grasses — Brome grass (Bromus inermis) English rye grass hay Hungarian grass hay Italian rye grass Kentucky blue grass (June grass) Mesquite (see velvet grass). Meadow fescue __ Millet Orchard grass i Reed canary grass Red top Tall meadow oat grass Timothy Velvet grass (Holcus lanatus) Coarse fodders — Corn fodder (stalks, leaves and ears) Corn Stover (stalk and leaves only; Sorghum fodder Straw Barley straw Buckwheat straw Flax straw Oat straw Rye straw Wheat straw Pea straw Miscellaneous dry feeds — Sugar beet pulp (dry) - .890 .108 .424 .532 .897 .079 .440 .519 .840 .162 .325 .487 .850 .128 .355 .478 .852 .097 .410 .507 .850 .092 .422 .514 .917 .081 .438 .519 .887 .105 .444 .549 .859 .092 .392 .484 .840 .118 .476 .594 .850 .045 .440 .485 .891 .055 .413 .468 .927 .045 .476 .521 .857 .071 .446 .517 .923 .059 .436 .495 .800 .042 .471 .513 .8.50 .040 .497 .537 .895 .047 .418 .465 .850 .056 .454 .510 .901 .039 .417 .456 .857 .056 .349 .405 .892 .029 .444 .473 .724 .055 .345 .400 .605 .022 .345 .367 .544 .015 .263 .278 .570 .024 .316 .340 .900 .014 .444 .458 .901 .023 .390 .413 .840 .069 .335 .404 .908 .016 .432 .448 .928 .007 .436 .443 .938 .010 .391 .401 .842 .036 .341 .377 .936 .097 .730 .827 26 TABLE OF DIGESTIBLE CONSTITUENTS.— Continued. Figures are amounts in one pound of feed. Feeding Stuffs. 1 ;J id •^>. . ^ -»-> d S '12 1— He energ lucers 5n 50 K»» -S 1 is 50 h Succulent Materials. Silage — Alfalfa silage .282 .038 .137 .175 3.6 Clover silage .280 .028 .153 .181 5.5 Corn silage .209 .009 .135 .144 15.0 Sorghum silage .238 .007 .148 .155 21.1 Pea and oat silage (oats in bloom, pease beginning to form seed) .162 .026 .085 .111 3.3 Pea and oat silage (oat grains half grown, pease with full grown seeds) .299 .034 .158 .192 4.4 Roots- Artichokes .200 .020 .172 .192 8.6 Carrots .114 .098 .011 .010 .088 .067 .099 .077 8.0 Mangels 6.7 Parsnips .117 .016 .116 .132 7.3 Potatoes .211 .114 .014 .010 .167 .085 .181 .005 11.9 Rutabagiis 8.5 Sugar beets .135 .011 .104 .115 9.5 Turnips .095 .010 .076 .086 7.6 Green fodders — Alfalfa .282 .038 .137 .175 3.6 Alsike clover .252 .027 .144 .171 5.3 Barley .259 .018 .ill .129 6.2 Brome grass : .320 .020 .179 .199 9.0 Corn .200 .011 .133 .144 12.1 Hairy vetch (in full bloom) __ .315 .034 .156 .190 4.6 Hungarian grass .277 .019 .156 .175 8.2 Italian rye grass .. .270 .022 .131 .153 6.0 Kentucky blue grass .349 .029 .210 .239 7.2 Oats in bloom .250 .018 .129 .147 7.2 Oats (beginning to ripen) .393 .024 .196 .220 8.2 Orchard grass .300 .015 .125 .140 8.4 Pease (seeds nearly grown) __ .145 .031 .065 .096 2.1 Pease and oats (oats in bloom, pease beginning to form seed) .180 .026 .093 .119 3.6 Pease and oats (oat grains half grown, pea seed grown) — .299 .034 .158 .192 4.4 Rape .140 .015 .085 .100 5.7 Red clover .280 .377 .028 .019 .153 .227 .181 .246 5.5 Red top 11.9 Reed canary grass .348 .018 .191 .209 10.6 Rye .212 .021 .150 .171 7.1 Sorghum .206 .008 .136 .144 17.0 Spring vetch .100 .030 .076 .106 25 Timothy .318 .015 .199 .214 13.3 TABLE OF DIGESTIBLE CONSTITUENTS.— Coucluded. Figures are amounts in one pound of feed. Feeding Stuffs. fa ^ Oreen fodders — Concluded. Velvet grass Vetch and oats Wheat Miscellaneous succulent feeding stuffs — Apples Apple pomace Brewers' grains, wet Pumpkins Sugar beet pulp, wet Milk, etc.— Cow's milk Skim milk Butter milk Whey .276 .238 .257 .152 .233 .243 .145 .100 .130 .096 .099 .066 .014 .129 .143 .027 .121 .148 .018 .139 ,157 .003 .132 .135 .010 .144 .154 .039 .124 .163 .004 .073 .077 .010 .077 .087 .035 .131 .166 .038 .086 .104 .039 .065 .104 .010 .064 .074 9.2 4.5 7.7 44.0 14.4 3.2 18.2 7.7 3.7 1.7 1.7 6.4 ♦Carbohydrates plus 2% times the fat. INFLUENCE OF FEED ON MILK— WIDE AND NARROW RATIONS, (From " Feeds and Feeding," by Prof. W. A. Henry, Wisconsin Experiment Station. ) Feed in Relation to Milk. Possible modifications of Milk hy Feed. If feed has any influence on the character of milk, we may suppose these modifications take one or more of the following forms : — (A.) An increase or decrease in the total quantity of milk yielded: (B.) Increasing or decreasing the ratio of solids to water in the milk: (C.) Changing the ratio of one or more components of the milk with relation to the others : (D.) Changing the chemical or physical character of one or more com- ponents : (E.) Changing the flavour or odour of milk or derivatives from it. Let us consider these several and possible changes in the order presented. 28 A. — Effect of Feed on Quantity. Liberal and Meagre Rations. Most dairymen have learned that, under liberal feeding, the dairy cow is stimulated to the best milk returns within her capacity. So generous is the cow in this particular that dairymen will concede they rarely supply their animals sufficient feed to induce the largest flow of milk possible with all members of the herd. With scanty rations, or those of faulty character, the normal milk flow of the cow is diminished, though she will still yield this fluid for a time while undergoing starvation. Milk being designed for the support of the young, Nature has provided for its supply to the limit of animal endurance. Influence of Character of Rations. The abundance and proportion of the several nutrients in the ration, and the quantity of innate matter it contains^ may effect the flow of milk. This is illustrated by an experiment at the Ontario Agricultural College by Dean, in which six cows were divided into three lots of two each. The ration marked (I.) consisted exclusively of coarse feed, supplying more carbohydrates and less protein than the cow required. It contained a large quantity of inert matter. Ration (II.) con- tained an ample supply of carbohydrates and an over-supply of protein, the latter being contained in rich, heavy, oil meals. Ration (III.) contained an excess of nutrients. By alternating the rations for the three groups of cows, the influence of a decreasing milk flow was eliminated from the results, which were as follows: Feeding an Improperly-compounded and a Wcll-halanced Ration to Dairy Cows. — Ontario Agricultural College. Ration. Total digestible matter. Nutritive ratio. Average live weight. Daily yield of milk. Fat. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. (A.) Silage, 50 lbs.; hay, G lbs.; bran, 5 lbs. 10.79 1: 8.4 1.068 29.7 3.82 (I.) Silage, 30 lbs.; oat straw, 20 lbs.; hay. 10 lbs. 15.89 1:25.6 1,014 218 3.67 (II.) Hay, 20 lbs.; oil meal. 4 lbs.; cotton - seed meal, 5 lbs 14.76 1: 3.« 1,091 29.3 3.49 (III.) Hay, 20 lbs.; pea meal, 4 lbs.; oat meal. 5 lbs.; corn meal, 8 lbs. 20.27 1: 6.8 1.110 31.8 3.25 Under (II.) there was abundant nutrition, but the oil meals given were there was an average daily milk yield of 29.7 pounds. When ration (I.) was fed, the cows dropped to 21.8 pounds of milk. In this ration we find a liberal allowance of carbohydrates, with too little protein and too much inert matter. Though the cows were filled with feed, they were poorly nurtured. Under (II.) there was abundant nutrition, but the oil meals given were heavy in character and too liberal In quantity for the best results, though UNI- t ^-.il . ^ CF CF 29 the milk flow was increased to nearly the normal. With (III.) we have a better-balanced ration; the cows were over-fed, but the better character of the ration secured larger returns than were possible under previous feeding, the amount of milk now reaching 31.8 pounds daily. It is evident that the character and quantity of feed directly affect the flow of milk, and over- feeding or the use of improperly-compounded rations may bring poor results as well as under-feeding. Caring for the Coiv. While our purpose is to cover the question of feed- ing, that subject cannot be wisely considered unless certain matters concern- ing the handling of the cow be first discussed. Though it cannot be affirmed that the digestion of food by the cow is affected by the character of her surroundings, it is certain ^that the yield of milk and its character are directly influenced thereby, so that the results to the dairyman are the same. Good returns from a given supply of feed, no matter how abundant and satisfactory, cannot be looked for unless the cow also, has comfortable quarters and is intelligently handled. Necessity for Shelter. In another article it is shown that the steer, gorged with food, and each day adding to the layer of heat-holding fat just beneath the skin, can withstand considerable cold, often showing preference to the open shed to the close stable. The condition of the dairy cow is in strong opposition to this, her system being relaxed by the annual drain of maternity and the semi-daily heavy loss of nutrients drawn from her in the abundant flow of milk. The observant stockman will at once detect the fundamental difference in the condition of the dairy cow and the fattening ox in regard to ability to withstand exposure to the weather. To be profitably managed and yield wholesome milk, a cow must be comfortably housed in a well- ventilated stable in winter, tlie temperature of which should not fall below forty degrees as the minimum, or rise above sixty degrees as the maximum. In such a stable, provided with abundance of sunlight, she is in condition, so far as environment is concerned, to yield the highest returns for the feed given. Exercise. With the fattening animal soon to be slaughtered, confinement, more or less close, is advisable, since it prevents waste of tissue and conserves the feed. The end in view with the dairy cow is radically different, for she must give milk almost daily during the whole period of her usefulness, and the milk so yielded must be wholesome in character, fit in all particulars for the most delicate. It is certainly reasonable to hold that the cow cannot maintain the high standard of bodily health and vigour essential to the pro- duction of healthful milk when she is closely confined in the stable for long periods without opportunity for outdoor air and exercise. She should have several hours' outdoor exercise daily, or in quarters other than where she passes most of her time, the change affording opportunity to breathe the pure air and drink in the sunshine, as well as to exercise the muscles which have not been called into action during confinement, and resting those taxed by occupying a forced position in the narrow stall or stanchion. Professor Roberts' System. At the north, where the winters are severe, it is difficult to give cattle the requisite exercise without forcing them to 30 undergo exjiosure during inclement weather. At the Cornell Station, Professor Roberts has for years followed a plan of seemingly great value in its teachings to the dairymen of the north. Here the cows stand in stanchions while feeding and being 'milked, but afterwards turned into a covered enclosure, where they are free to stand or lie at will ; thus they have a feed room and an exercise room, each specially adapted to its purpose. The accumulations from the horse stable are spread over the floor of the covered yard, and this in turn is covered liberally with straw, on which land plaster is sprinkled to prevent odours rising. This perfect system of saving manure should of itself, in a few years, paj'^ for the cost of the additional space required. By this plan, the stable proper can be reduced to the smallest size compatible with holding the animals while being milked and fed. It can be kept scrupulously clean and properly aired, since the cows are out of it several hours daily. The animals come to their provender at meal time with the best of appetites, and return to their larger quarters to ruminate in comfort. Rcffiilarity and Kindness. To skilful feeding the successful dairyman will add regularity and kindness in the management of his herd. The true dairy cow is easily affected by unfavourable conditions. Babcock, of the Wisconsin Station, after careful studies of cows in many ways, writes : " The elaboration of milk does not proceed at a uniform rate from milking to milking, but is most active at the time of milking, and is dependent not only upon the stimulus which the milk glands derive from the manipulation of the teats and udder, but upon the nervous condition of the animal at the time of milking. " In consequence of this, slight changes in the conditions under which the milking is done may have a decided influence upon both the yield and quality of milk. As a general rule the quality of milk, measured by the per cent, of fat which it contains, is more sensitive to changes of this kind than is the yield of milk. Among the changes which appear to have most influence in this respect, the following are of special importance, viz. : change in the interval between milkings, and in the rate of milking, change of milkers and manner of milking, especially if the manipulation of the teats and udder be different ; change of environment and any circumstance which excites or even slightly disturbs the animal at the time — excitement between milkings, if the cow has become quiet before milking, appears to have comparatively little influence. As would be expected there is a great difference between cows in this respect, some being very sensitive, while others are scarcely affected at all. In our exepriments cows that have been giving milk for a long time have been less sensitive in this respect than fresh cows that were giving a large quantity of milk, but this may have been due to individual characteristics of the animals tested, and not to the advanced period of lacta- tion. I would recommend, therefore, in order to obtain tlie best results from any cow, that first of all slie be treated kindly, all sources of excitement being avoided as far as possible. She should also be fed and milked at regular intervals by the same ixn-son, and all conditions should be maintained as nearly uniform as i)ossible at all times. It is my opinion that kind treat- ment and pleasant surroundings will have a greater influence upon the 31 quality of milk than the kind of food, provided the ration given contains sufficient nutriment for tlie maintenance of the animal." Frequency of Feeding. The frequency with which feed should be supplied cows has not yet been settled, and perhaps never will be until members of the human family agree on the number of meals a day and the character of each best suited to their own needs. From the large size of the paunch and the apparent necessity for rumination, it does not seem essential to supply feed many times a day. The common practice of feeding twice a day, once in the morning and once late in the afternoon, with an armful of roughage to pick over at midday, appears a reasonable one, and conforms well with the labour requirements of the stable. There are dairymen who are never through feeding. They give first a little of this, then a little of that, keep- ing themselves busy in the stable most of the day caring for their cows. The cows of such persons usually yield good returns, their owners ascribe success to their particular system of feeding, when, instead, it is the general good care and not the particular system that should be credited. As with mankind, habit rules in these matters; and any system which is reasonable, having once been established, should not be set aside unless the feeder is sure of advantage from the change, which should be gradual, if possible. Order of Feeding Concentrates, Roughage and Water. The digestive tract of the cow is provided with a large storage room for the reception of food. In the paunch the various articles swallowed are rapidly and thoroughly commingled by the churning action of that organ. Hay and grain are soon thoroughly intermixed, and gradually soften in the warm liquid there so abundant. This being true, the order of supplying the several constituents of the ration is not of importance from a physiological standpoint. The cow seems best satisfied when receiving the concentrates or more appetizing portion of the ration first. And after this has been disposed of she begins, in contentment, to chew the hay, silage or other roughage placed before her. As barn operations are usually conducted, watering follows dry feed. Preparation of Feed. As the dairy cow, when giving a large quantity of milk, is accomplishig much work, it is best to prepare the feed for rapid mastication, when possible, without too great cost. Grain should generally be ground and roots sliced. Where labour is high-priced, as at the West, it 'is preferable in many cases to feed the cow in the most simple manner, even though as large returns do not follow. Dry Feed. Cows take kindly to dry feed, and as a rule prefer it to that in a sloppy condition. Because of the thorough admixture of the contents of the rumen, where there is abundance of moisture, there seems no occasion for converting meal into slop before feeding. By supplying the feed dry the mangers can be kept more wholesome, with less labour in administering it. Liberal Feeding. The dairyman should never forget that about GO per cent, of all the cow can eat is required to sustain her body, and only after this amount is provided can th"fere be any returns to him. Having incurred the expense necessary to operate a dairy, in the purchase of lands, buildings and cows, he is certainly short-sighted who will withhold any part of the 40 per cent, of provender, which will produce returns for himself. When the dairyman has reached the point of liberal feeding he should begin to study 32 the individual needs of the members. Since some cows can profitably utilise more feed than others the distribution of concentrates should proceed with discrimination, some animals being fed more and others less than the average of the herd. Confinement During Heated Periods. Whether or not the dairyman prac- tise soiling, there are periods in summer when the cows should be in the stable during the day and turned to pasture at night. During heated periods, when flies are troublesome, cows fall off greatly in their milk, this shrinkage measuring in some degree their suffering. At such times it is best to place them in darkened stables and supply green forage, supplemented with meal For exercise turn them out at night in yard or pasture. Knowing how difficult it is to bring cows back to their normal flow after these periods of shrinkage, the wise dairyman will not be unwilling to provide for their com- fort at such times. Water. That the cow requires a liberal supply of water goes without saying; for not only must the wants of the body be met, but a considerable quantity is drained off with the milk, twice daily. Being creatures of habit, cows can subsist when supplied with water once each day, but an, opportunity to reach the trough morning and evening is preferable. It is becoming quite common to supply water to cows, individually, in small troughs or vessel."? placed in front of them in the stable. If this supply can be kept wholesome the practice is satisfactory; but close inspection will show that in many cases, perhaps a majority, these individual watering devices are traps for filth and foul-smelling water. The dairyman should convince himself, by using his nose as well as his eyes, that the water in these devices is pur-j and wholesome. Whatever method of watering is employed, let uniformity prevail, the cows having opportunity to secure all they wish without fear of one anotlier or of being forced to undergo hardship in securing it. Often the dairyman boasts of a spring or creek at which his cows may help themselves. Tliese sources of supply are often a long way from the stables, and the animals are daily forced to make journeys to them, often in inclement weather, thereby experiencing discomfort and actual hardship. A good well with wind-mill will prove superior to springs and brooks in most cases, because, with these, water can be delivered when and where it is needed. Salt. Though little is known from investigation on this subject, it Is evident from the extreme fondness of dairy cows for salt that this article should be regularly and abundantly supplied them. The necessity for salt increases with the amount of concentrates given. From three-fourths to one ounce of salt daily is a reasonable allowance. It should be supplied daily rather than at irregular or infrequent periods in larger quantities. The practice of placing large lumps of rock salt where they are accessible to the herd is satisfactory, provided the salt is kept under cover in a clean box. Feed for the Dairy Cow. Necessity for Concentrated Feed. The dairy cow, when yielding a liberal supply of milk, should be regarded as an animal at hard labour. We have seen that the work-horse must have more grain and loss roughage as his 33 labour, increases, and the same is true with the cow. A portion of the provender must, therefore, take the form of grain or concentrates. More- over, if s^e is yielding a large amount of milk, i. e., working hard, it is best to a.id Jier by reducing the grain to fineness by grinding. The dry cow is d^ing 'little work and can subsist on less feed, and this may be coarser in eoAracter. S* The Relation of Concentrates to Roughage. The relation of concentrates " to roughage should always be borne in mind. The rule should be to feed nearly as much roughage as the cow will consume without overtaxing her; then supply sufficient concentrates to bring the digestible matter up to the required standard. About four-tenths of the digestible nutrients should be given in the form of concentrates, and six-tenths in the roughage. It will not do to feed all grain in expectation of better returns. A satisfactory ration must possess a certain bulk or volume, in order to properly distend the abdomen. Without this the processes of digestion cannot proceed normally. This should never be forgotten, even when forcing cows in dairy contests. Oats. It is* not difficult to believe that oats, the most valuable for the horse, are also a prime feed for the dairy cow. The husk of the oat, though carrying little nutrient, renders this grain a feed of light character in the stomach and easy of digestion. With the data given us by WoU, the dairy farmer is in position to easily determine whether he can afford to feed the oats he may grow, or exchange them for bran or other common feeds. The bye-products of oatmeal factories are valuable just in the proportion in which the kernels o& the oat grain appear in them. Often there are suffi- cient fragments of kernels in these articles to warrant the payment of a fair price for them; but when the hulls only are offered the dairyman would better let them alone, for they are no better than the roughage in his mows and stacks. Wheat Bran and Middlings. Next to corn, wheat bran is the great cow- feed of this country. Rich in ash and protein, carrying a fair amount of starchy matter, its light, chaffy character renders it the natural complement of heavy corn meal. Though its nutritive constituents approximate those of cotton seed meal, it mixes well with that feed, causing it to lie more lightly in the stomach. The large amount of mineral matter in bran is another factor of much importance in milk production. In milk there is much mineral matter, placed there for the framework of the calf; and bran supplies this more abundantly than most feeding stuffs. Middlings, like bran, are extensively fed to dairy cows. Being themselves heavy in character, they do not mix well with heavy feeds like cotton seed meal and corn meal. Dairymen will find middlings much relished by cows and yielding satisfactory results. Bran and middlings are conceded by all who have fed them to favourably affect the flow of milk. Cows may be fed as much as six to eight pounds of bran daily, and from four to six pounds of middlings. Rye. This grain is fed in small quantities to milch cows in Denmark. It is said to have a somewhat deleterious influence on the quality of butter. The same statement applies to rye bran. Not over three pounds of rye bran or ground rye should be fed in one day to milch cows. 34 Barley. The common grain for milch cows in Denmarli is barley and oats, generally so\Yn and harvested together, the proportion of barley and oats in the mixture being 2:3 or 1:2. Barley alone is not fed extensively to cows, wheat bran being preferred on the score of cheapness and influence on the milk secretion. Barley will prove beneficial to cows fed heavily with roots, since it counteracts their laxative influence. From three to five pounds of ground barley will sufllce in the ration of the cow, bran proving an excellent complementary feed. Brewers' Grains. Fresh brewers' grains constitute one of the best feeds for the dairy cow. She is fond of them, and they influence most favourably the flow of milk. Fed while fresh in reasonable quantity, supplemented by bright hay or corn fodder for dry feed, the grains being supplied in tight feed boxes which can be kept clean, and with all other conditions favourable to the healthfulness of the cow, no valid objections can be raised against this form of feed. From twenty to thirty pounds of wet grains should consti- tute a day's allowance. Because the grains are low-priced ^s no reason for over-feeding with them. Corn meal is an excellent complementary feed, two or three pounds being used daily with the grains. Because of their sloppy character, some dry feed should always be supplied wuth the grains unless cows are at pasture in summer. Dried brewers' grains can be economically transported, and form an excellent feed for cows. Their purpose in the ration will be largely to supply protein, which they carry in abundance. It seems strange that American dried brewers' grains should find their market largely in distant Germany. Four or five pounds of dried grains will furnish a considerable portion of the protein required in the ration, and prove very acceptable to the cow. Clover Hay. Xo dry forage can prove superior to good clover hay for the cow, because of its palatability and its relatively high protein content. This hay should generally be fed long, since it is fresher and shows less dust when so handled than after passing through the feed cutter. From ten to twelve pounds is a sufficient allowance for a day's feed. Corn-fodder, corn-stover, or corn-silage, are complementary forms of roughage. Timothy Hay. Generally dairymen cannot afford to feed timothy hay, because of the high price it commands compared with its very moderate value for roughage when fed to the cow, and also because of the small yield returned per acre. Where prices are high, if there is timothy hay on hand, let it be sold and fodder corn used in its place. Often a ton of timothy hay can be sold for a sum that will purchase a ton of bran, in which case the bran should be used with fodder com or other roughage. Millet Hay. Hay from millet or Hungarian grass, when well preesrved, is useful for feeding if supplied once a day for roughage. Since millet is not rich in protein, not over six or eight pounds should be fed daily. Clover hay is a complementary roughage feed because rich in protein. Fodder Corn. In this country successful dairying rests largely upon the judicious use of the corn plant for forage. The best forage is secured where the seed grains of corn are planted just thick enough to grow stalks which will carry a generous supply of small ears or nubbins. Harvested at the right time a large yield of forage is secured, which is so palatable that, pre- 35 served either as silage or cured in the shock, practically all of the material is available as feed for the cow if rightly handled. Next to the direct care of the herd the greatest study of the dairyman should be in learning to economically grow, harvest and administer the corn plant. The cow may receive from ten' to fifteen pounds of fodder corn daily^ with advantage. If this has been grown with a "nubbin " or small ear on most of the stalks, a fair allowance of the roughage will furnish as much grain as should be fed. Corn Stover. Where corn is grown for the grain, the straw or stover which remains after husking the ears, though of less value than fodder corn, may still serve an important place in the feed stable. Cows are fond of the finer parts of the corn stalk, and if the stover is run through a "feed-cutter and not too liberally supplied, but a small part of the stalks will be wasted. Where the stalks are coarse and inert, as they are in the southern part of the Corn Belt and farther South, this statement does not apply, for there corn stalks are not much relished by cows, though in silage form they are readily eaten. Roots. In Europe dairymen make large use of roots. In this country, where Indian corn flourishes, silage from corji will be found more economical, considering cost of production, and is equally satisfactory with the root crop for feeding cows. Where the dairyman does not have silage it will be well to feed some roots. Mangels are the best for cows and should be pulped or sliced. Canadian dairymen often pulp the roots and mix this with chaffed hay, allowing the mass to stand a day before feeding. From twenty to forty pounds of mangels is a day's allowance. Sugar beets also serve for feeding cows. Being much richer than mangels, a smaller quantity should be fed. Silage. Silage, principally from the corn plant, is now a factor of first importance on thousands of American dairy farms. That silage is well liked by the cow, that she thrives on it and yields milk liberally, that properly fed it does not impair her health — all these points have been settled in favour of the silo and its product. Since corn silage is rich in carbohydrates and low in protein, clover hay is the common complementary roughage. The character of sliage is such that, even though cows seemingly thrive on it when fed alone, some dry roughage should be supplied with it. In northern latitudes the cow should not be wholly maintained in winter on silage. Good corn silage always contains a liberal supply of ears, and the amount to be fed depends directly upon the proportion of ears to forage. From thirty to fifty pounds is the usual daily allowance for a cow. Rations for Dairy Cows. The young dairyman scans reports to ascertain what others are feeding their cows; the dairyman with years of experience is not averse to knowing of the practices of others, though he may be slow in changing to that which is new. In 1894, Woll, of the Wisconsin Station, by correspondence, secured data concerning the rations fed by more than a hundred dairymen scattered over the United States. As most of them were noted in their specialty, we can place no better guide before the reader than a group of rations from this source : — 36 Colorado. — 20 lbs. alfalfa hay, 5 lbs. oat straw, 2i^ lbs. wheat bran, 2^^ lbs. shorts, 5 lbs. oats, 1% lbs. cotton-seed meal. Connecticut. — 35 lbs. corn silage, 10 lbs. hay, 3 lbs. bran, 3 lbs. corn and cob meal, 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal, 2 lbs. Chicago gluten meal. Illinois. — 10 lbs. timothy hay, 10 lbs. clover hay, 8 lbs. corn, 1^^ lbs. oats, Indiana. — 30 lbs. corn silage, 5 lbs. clover hay, 3 lbs. corn fodder, 1 lb. oat straw, 1 lb. wheat straw, 5 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. oil meal, 2 lbs. cotton-seedmeal. Iowa. — 50 lbs. corn silage, 5 lbs. hay, 5 lbs. corn-fodder, 1 lb. oat straw, 1 lb. barley straw, 5 lbs. ear corn, 2i^ lbs. ground oats and barley. Kentucky. — 32.5 lbs. corn silage, 6 lbs. clover hay, 3 lbs. corn fodder, 5 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. ship-stuff, 2 lbs. oil meal. Massachusetts. — 40 lbs. corn silage, 5 lbs. English hay, 5 lbs. clover hay, 2 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. gluten meal, 1 lb. cotton-seed meal, 1 lb. oil meal. Michigan. — 27.5 lbs. corn silage, 3i^ lbs. clover hay, 3% lbs. timothy hay, 3.6 lbs. bran, i^ lb. oats, 1 lb. rye, % lb. oil meal. Minnesota.— 8 lbs. corn stover, 7 lbs. clover and timothy hay, 5 lbs. sheaf oats, 3 lbs. ruta-bagas, 2 lbs. bran, 3 lbs. oats, 3 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. oil meal. Nebraska. — 20 lbs. prairie hay, 10 lbs. corn stover, 5.7 lbs. corn meal, 2.9 lbs. bran, 1.4 lbs. oil meal. New Hampshire. — 10 lbs. clover and witch-grass hay, 10 lbs. corn stover, 5 lbs. unthrashed barley, 2 lbs. corn and cob meal, 2 lbs. shorts, 2 lbs. cotton- seed oil. New Jersey. — ^24 lbs. corn silage, 8 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. bran, 4 lbs. oats, 2 lbs. oil meal. New York. — 25 lbs. corn silage, 7 lbs. mixed hay, 4 lbs. corn meal, 5 lbs. bran, i^ lb. oil meal, ^,4 lb. cotton-seed meal. North Carolina. — 30 lbs. corn silage, 8 lbs. fodder corn, 3 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. bran, 1 lb. cotton-seed meal. Ohio. — 10 lbs. clover hay, 20 lbs. corn stover, 8 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. corn and cob meal, 1 lb. bran, 8 lbs. roots. Pennsylvania. — 45 lbs. corn silage, 7 lbs. mixed hay, 6 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal. Texas. — 30 lbs. corn silage, 131^ lbs. sorghum hay, 1.3 lbs. corn meal, 2.6 lbs. cotton-seed meal, 2.2 lbs. cotton seed, 1.3 lbs. wheat bran. Utah. — 35 lbs. alfalfa hay, eVg lbs. wheat bran, 373 lbs. barley. Vermont. — 35 lbs. corn silage, 10 lbs. mixed hay, 2 lbs. bran, 3.2 lbs. corn meal, 1 lb. oil meal, 8 lbs. cotton-seed meal. West Virginia. — 48 lbs. corn silage, 2i/^ lbs. corn and cob meal, 2% lbs. ground wheat, 2 Mt lbs. oats, 2 ^^ lbs. barley meal. Washington. — 15 lbs. alfalfa hay, 7 lbs. bran, 7 lbs. shorts, 2 lbs. malt sprouts. Wisconsin. — 40 lbs. corn silage, 8 lbs. clover hay, 6 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. pea meal. Canada. — 45 lbs. turnips, 7 lbs. wheat chaff, 15 lbs. silage, 2% lbs. oats, 21/^ lbs. pea meal. 37 Average Digestible Nutrients in American Feeding Stuffs. Name of Feed. Dry matter in 100 lbs. Digestible nutrients in 100 lbs. Protein. Carbohy drates. Concentrates. Corn, all analyses Corn, cob Corn and cob meal Corn bran Wheat High-grade flour . Low-grade flour Dark feeding flour Wheat bran Wheat bran, spring wheat Wheat bran, winter wheat Wheat shorts Wheat middhngs Wheat screenings Rye Rye bran Rye shorts Barley Malt Sprouts Brewers' grains, dried Brewers' grains, wet Oats Oat meal Oat feed or shorts Oat dust Oat hulls Flax seed Linseed meal, old process _. Linseed meal, new process . Cocoanut meal Sunflower seed Sunflower seed cakes Rape-seed meal Peas Cow pea — ' Horse bean lbs. lbs. lbs. 89.1 7.9 66.7 89.3 0.4 52.5 84.9 4.4 60.0 90.9 7.4 59.8 89.5 10.2 69.2 87.6 8.9 62.4 87.6 8.2 62.7 90.3 13.5 61.3 88.1 12.2 39.2 88.5 12.9 40.1 87.7 12.3 37.1 88.2 12.2 50.0 87.9 12.8 53.0 88.4 9.8 51.0 88.4 9.9 67.6 88.4 11.5 50.3 90.7 11.9 45.1 89.1 8.7 65.6 89.8 18.6 37.1 91.8 15.7 36.3 24.3 3.9 9.3 89.0 9.2 47.3 92.1 11.5 52.1 92.3 12.5 46.9 93.5 8.9 38.4 90.6 1.3 40.1 90.8 20.6 17.1 90.8 29.3 32.7 89.9 28.2 40.1 89.7 15.6 38.3 92.5 12.1 20.8 91.8 31.2 19.6 90.0 25.2 23.7 89.5 16.8 51.8 85.2 18.3 54.2 85.7 22.4 49.3 38 Digestible Nutrients. — Continued. Name of feed. Dry matter in 100 lbs. Digestible nutrients in 100 lbs. Protein. Carbohy drates. Roughage. Fodder corn — Fodder corn, green Fodder corn, field-cured Corn stover, field cured Fresh grass — Pasture grasses (mixed) __. Kentucky blue grass Timothy, different stages __. Orchard grass, in bloom Redtop in bloom Oat fodder ., Rye fodder ' Meadow fescue, in bloom __. Hungarian grass Green barley Peas and oats Peas and barley Hay- Timothy Orchard grass Red top Kentucky blue grass Hungarian grass Mixed grasses Meadow fescue Oat hay Marsh or swamp hay Straw Wheat Rye Oat Barley Wheat chaff Oat chaff Fresh legumes — Red clover, different stages Alsike, bloom Crimson clover Alfalfa Cow pea Legume hay and straw — Red clover, medium Red clover, mammoth Alsike clover lbs. lbs. 20.7 1.0 11.6 57.8 2.5 34.6 59.5 1.7 32.4 20.0 2.5 10.2 34.9 3.0 19.8 38.4 1.2 19.1 27.0 1.5 11.4 34.7 2.1 21.2 37.8 2.6 18.9 23.4 2.1 14.1 30.1 1.5 16.8 28.9 2.0 16.0 21.0 1.9 10.2 16.0 1.8 7.1 16.0 1.7 7.2 86.8 2.8 43.4 90.1 4.9 42.3 91.1 4.8 46.9 78.8 4.8 37.3 92.3 4.5 51.7 87.1 5.9 40.9 80.0 4.2 43.3 91.1 4.3 46.4 88.4 2.4 29.9 92.1 3.5 44.7 90.4 0.4 36.3 92.9 0.6 40.6 90.8 1.2 38.6 85.8 0.7 41.2 85.7 0.3 23.3 85.7 1.5 33.0 29.2 2.9 14.8 25.2 2.7 13.1 19.1 2.4 9.1 28.2 3.9 12.7 10.4 1.8 8.7 S4.7 6.8 35.8 78.8 5.7 32.0 90.3 8.4 42.5 lbs. 39 Digestible Nutrients. — Concluded. Name of feed. Dry matter in 100 lbs. Digestible nutrients in 100 lbs. Protein, i Carbohy I drates. Ether extract. Legume hay and straw — Concluded White clover Crimson clover Alfalfa Cow pea Pea vine straw Silage — Corn Clover Alfalfa Grass Cow pea vine Roots and tubers — Potato Beet, common Beet, sugar Beet, mangel Flat turnip Rutabaga Carrot Parsnip Artichoke (Jerusalem) Miscellaneous — Cabbage Sugar beet leaves Pumpkin, garden Pumpkin, field Rape 90.3 11.5 42.2 1)0.4 10.5 34.9 91.6 11.0 39.6 89.3 10.8 38.6 88.4 4.3 32.3 20.9 0.9 11.3 28.0 2.0 13.5 27.5 3.0 8.5 32.0 1.9 13.4 20.7 1.5 8.6 21.1 0.9 16.3 13.0 1.2 8.8 13.5 1.1 10.2 9.1 1.1 5.4 9.5 11.4 1.0 1.0 7.2 8.1 11.4 11.7 20.0 15.3 12.0 19.2 9.1 14.0 0.8 1.6 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.0 1.5 7.8 11.2 16.8 8.2 4.6 8.3 5.8 8.1 • 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.9 1.6 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.2 40 RATIONS FOR DAIRY COWS. (From Ontario Bulletin 104.) Some Ontario Rations for Dairy Cows. 1. Shortliorns, Jerseys and Jersey grades. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs.; 6 lbs. bran, 3 lbs. oil meal, 50 lbs. ensilage, 4 lbs. timothy hay, 4 lbs. oat and vetch hay. A well-balanced ration, though the value of the oat and vetch hay had ta be approximated. 2. Ayrshires. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs. ; 4 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. peas,^ 2 lbs. oats, 1 lb. oil meal, 24 lbs. timothy and clover hay and 10 lbs roots. Also a fairly well-balanced ration, but it is probable that the quantity of hay has been over-estimated, making the total organic matter too high. 3. Grade Shorthorns and Jerseys. Average weight of cows, 900 lbs. ; 4 lbs. oats, 1 lb. oil meal, 40 lbs. ensilage, 30 lbs. roots, with cut hay and straw. 4. Grade Ayrshires. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs. ; 8 lbs. bran, 6 lbs. corn and cob meal, 6 lbs. mixed peas, oats and barley, 20 lbs. corn fodder, 20 lbs. mangels, and all the hay and straw they will eat. 5. Jerseys. Average weight of cows, 800 lbs. ; 9 lbs. bran, 1 lb. peas, 24 lbs. ensilage, 6 lbs. hay, 10 lbs. straw, and 20 lbs. roots. Too high in organic matter and carbohydrates, but protein and fat satis- factory. No doubt straw has been over-estimated. Reducing the quantity of sttaw would narrow the ratio and make the ration very well-balanced. 6. Grade natives. Average weight of cows, 950 lbs. ; 2yo lbs. cotton seed meal, 21^ lbs. linseed, 50 to 60 lbs. ensilage, and 4 to 5 lbs. hay. Sometimes- meal ration is 2 lbs. cotton seed meal and 4 lbs. shorts. Estimated on basis of 2 lbs. cotton seed meal, 4 lbs. shorts, 50 lbs. ensilage and 5 lbs. haj*. Too low in all constituents except fat, though nutritive ratio is satisfactory. Slightly increasing the shorts, and adding a little clover hay, would tend to remedy the fault. 7. Ayrshires. Average weight of cows, 900 lbs. ; 8 lbs. mixed oats, peas, barley and bran, in proportion of 6, 3, 3 and 1 ; 50 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. mixed clover and " beaver-meadow " hay, with an occasional feed of straw and roots. 8. Jerseys. Average weight of cows, 750 lbs. ; 9 lbs. oats, 60 lbs. ensilage^ 6 lbs. hay, with what straw they will eat. No doubt there is some mistake here in estimating the quantities of fodder, as the ration appears abnormal. 9. Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 1,200 to 1,300 lbs.; 6 lbs. oats, 2 lbs. oil meal, 3 lbs. bran, 35 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. timothy and clover hay, 8 lbs. oat and barley straw, 30 lbs. mangels and turnips. Bran is scalded and fed' as slop. 41 The straw has probably been over-estimated, as the ration is high in organic matter and carbohydrates. A less quantity of straw would also tend to balance the ration. Making this allowance, the ration looks like a very good one. 10. Grade Ayrshires. Average weight of cows, 900 lt>s. ; 2 lbs. linseed meal, 5 lbs. bran, 3 lbs. mixed peas, oats and corn, 15 lbs. clover hay, 10 lbs. corn fodder, and 20 lbs. mangels or carrots. 11. Grade Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 1,100 lbs.; 8 lbs. oats, 40 lbs. ensilage, and about 10 lbs. straw. No. 11a. Low in all constituents, especially protein. The protein could not be materially increased by feeding more straw, though the organic matter and carbohydrates could thus be made satisfactory. No. 11& shows the same ration with 3 lbs. old-process oil meal added. The improvement will be noted. 12. Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 1000 lbs. ; 5 to 6 lbs. bran, 2 to 8 lbs. corn meal, 40 to 50 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. corn fodder, 5 lbs. timothy hay. Sometimes same quantity pea meal substituted for corn meal. By referring back to Ration No. 12, as given in the report, it will be seen that 3 lbs. pea meal is sometimes fed in place of 3 lbs. corn meal. No. 12a represents ration with corn meal, and No. 12& with pea meal. The pea meal has made the ration better balanced, though it is still deficient in protein. 13. Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 1,200 lbs. ; 8 lbs. oats, 2 lbs. bran, 40 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. straw, and 6 lbs. hay. Sometimes a little oil meal is fed, but meal riation never exceeds 10 lbs. The main fault of this ration is that it is too low in protein. If the oil meal mentioned is fed in place of part of the oats, it will make an improve^ ment. 14. Jerseys. Average weight of cows, 800 lbs. ; 12 lbs. equal parts oats, bran and corn meal, 1 lb. oil meal, 20 lbs. corn fodder, 5 lbs. hay, 24 lbs. roots with straw ad lib. Abnormally high in organic matter and carbohydrates. It is quite prob- able that the rough fodders have been over-estimated. Reducing the corn fodder would balance the ration very well. 15. Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 1,200 lbs. ; 4 lbs. oats, 3 lbs. peas, 3 lbs. bran, 40 lbs. ensilage, 5 lbs. hay, and 10 lbs. straw. Sometimes 1 or 2 lbs. oil meal. Very low in protein. The addition of the oil meal mentioned would improve the ration. 16. Ayrshires and Jersey grades. Average weight of cows, 800 lbs. ; 2 lbs. bran, Vg lb. oats, Vb lb. barley, Vs lb. peas, % lb. oil cake, 25 lbs. ensilage, 6 lbs. mangels, 1 oat sheaf between two cows, with straw ad lib. 17. Jerseys. Average weight of cows, 850 lbs.; 81b s. bran, li^ lbs. oil meal, 40 lbs. ensilage, and 7 to 10 lbs. hay. Rather high in organic matter and carbohydrates, though it may be called a fairly well-balanced ration. The weight of rough fodders has likely been over-estimated. 18. Jerseys. Average weight of cows, 900 lbs. ; 5 lbs. corn meal, 5 lbs. oats, 5 lbs. oil meal, 20 lbs. corn fodder, 5 lbs. roots, 5 lbs. hay, and about 5 lbs. straw. 42 No. 18a. represents the ration as given in the report, and it will be noticed that it is abnormally high in all its constituents. This indicates that there must be some mistake in describing the ration, and therefore it was calculated again, with 20 lbs. ensilage instead of 20 lbs. corn fodder, and numbered 185. The change has made an improvement, though it is still very high in protein and fat, which would indicate an expensive ration. 19. Grade Ayrshires. 3^2 It>s. shorts, li^ lbs. oil meal, 30 lbs. ensilage, 4 lbs. hay, 5 lbs. straw. Very low in all constituents except fat, which indicates that quantities of fodder have been under-estimated. 20. Ayrshires. Average weight of cows, 800 lt)s. ; 2 lt)s. oats, 2 lbs. peas, 2 lbs. shorts or bran, 2 lbs. oil meal, 12 lbs. clover hay, 1 peck roots, with straw ad HI). In calculating this ration the straw has not been taken into account, which renders the nutritive ratio very narrow. The most marked feature of the ration is the large amount of protein, which indicates an expensive ration. 21. Grade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 900 lbs. ; 7 lbs. mixed oats, peas, goose wheat and bran, in following proportions oy measure: 3, 1, %, 2% ; 40 lbs. ensilage, 5 lbs. clover hay, with straw ad ?/&. 22. Ayrshires and Ayrshire grades. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs.; 8 lbs. of corn, oats and bran, mixed in proportion of 10, 4 and 5, by weight, ^2 bushel of roots, i^ bushel corn fodder, some oat hay, with straw ad HI). 23. Ayrshires. Average weight of cows, 950 lbs. ; 3 lbs. oats, 3 lbs. barley, 3 lbs. peas, 8 lbs. corn fodder, 8 lbs. chaff, 5 lbs. straw, and 20 lbs. roots. Low in protein. If bran were substituted for barley it would make an improvement. 24. Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 1,200 lbs.; Gibs, peas, 40 lbs. ensilage, 15 lbs. corn fodder, 15 lbs. chaff, 10 lbs. hay, 60 lbs. roots, with straw ad lib. 25. Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 1,100 lbs. ; 4 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. bran, 1 lb. barley, 10 lbs. hay, and 20 lbs. straw. Extremely low in protein, and high in carbohydrates and organic matter. Corn and barley are both low in protein. 20. Grade Shorthorns. Average weiglit in cows, 1,100 lbs. ; G lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. bran, 5 lbs. hay, with corn fodder ad 7/7). Corn fodder is steeped in hot water. 27. Grade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows; 1,050 lbs.; 5 lbs. bran, 45 lbs. roots, 50 lbs. corn fodder and chaff, and straw ad lib. 28. Grade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 1,200 lbs.; G lbs. equal parts oats, peas, bran and oil meal, 35 to 40 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. roots, with chaff and straw ad lib.^ 29. Grade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 1,100 lbs. ; 9 lbs. oats, 3 lbs. peas, 20 lbs. hay, GO lbs. roots, with straw ad lib. 30. Grade Ayrshires, Holsteins and Natives. Average weight of cows, 900 lbs. ; G lbs. oat^, 2 lbs. shorts, 1 lb. bran, 12 lbs. corn fodder, 15 lbs. straw^ and 25 lbs. roots. 31. Ayrshires and Ayrshire grades. Average weight of cows, 800 to 1,200 lbs.; 5 lbs. bran,. 5 lbs. peas, 35 to 45 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. timothy hay. Ration is regulated to suit capacity of cows. 43 Apparently a very well-balanced ration. 32. Shorthorns and grades. Average weight of cows, 1,150 lbs. ; 3^ lbs. oats, 314 lbs. peas, 24 lbs. ensilage, 4 lbs. hay, lOms. straw, 25 lbs. roots. Very low in protein. The addition of a few pounds of bran would im- prove the ration. 33. Ayrshire and Shorthorn grades. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs.; 10 lbs. mixed oats and corn in proportion of 3 to 1, 10 lbs. chaff, 5 lbs. hay, 15 lbs. potatoes, with straw ad Ub. Would rather feed oats and peas in proportion of 3 to 2. 34. Mixed h reeds. Average weight of cows, 1,000 to 1,200 lbs.; 15 lt)S. equal parts oats and peas, % lb. flax seed, 35 lbs. roots, some corn fodder and hay, with chaff and straw ad lih. 35. Grade Shorthorns, Holsteins, and Jerseys. 4 lbs. bran, 1 lb. oil meal, 40 to 50 lbs. ensilage, 4 to 5 lbs. straw. Some potatoes and clover hay fed in spring. Low in all constituents except fat. Cows probably eat more straw than is estimated, but this would not sufficiently increase the protein. The need of more bran or oil meal is indicated. 36. Grade Jerseys and Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 900 lbs. ; 5 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. oil meal, 50 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. hay. A very well-balanced ration. It has been calculated for timothy hay, but if clover hay is fed the ration would be still better balanced. 37. Guernseys and Grades. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs. 9 lbs. bran and shorts as it comes from the mill, 3 lbs. corn meal, 10 lbs. clover hay, and 45 lbs. roots. A well-balanced ration, indeed. The 9 lbs. mixed bran and shorts have been calculated as shorts, but this makes very little difference. 38. Grades. Average weight of cows, 800 lbs. ; 8 lbs. equal parts bran and oats, 40 lbs. ensilage, 6 lbs. hay, and 6 lbs. roots. 39. Grade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs.; 4 lbs. peas, 4 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. oil meal, 40 lbs. ensilage, 5 lbs. hay, and 5 lbs. straw. Also an exceptionally well-balanced ration. 40. Ayrshires. 3 lbs. flax seed, 3 lbs. shorts, some roots, with hay ad lib. 41. Various Grades. Average weight of cows, 900 lbs. ; 7 lbs. oats and corn and cob meal, mixed in proportion of 1 to 3, 50 lbs. ensilage, 5 lbs. corn fodder, 10 lbs. hay, 5 lbs. chaff, and 10 lbs. straw. 42. Grade Aberdeen-Angus. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs.; 3 lbs. oats, 1 lb. buckwheat, 1 lb. peas or barley, 10 lbs. hay, 1 bushel corn fodder, 20 lbs. roots, with straw ad lib. 43. Grade Natives. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs.; 8 quarts oats, with corn fodder, hay, turnips, and mangels. 44. Natives. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs.; 2 lbs. bran, 8 lbs. corn refuse from starch factory, 40 lbs. ensilage, 8 lbs. clover hay, 8 lbs. oat straw, and 20 lbs. roots. 4.5. Ayrshires, Jerseys, Holsteins, and Grades of each. Not more than 10 lbs. meal per cow, unless she gives over 50 lbs. milk per day, and in no case more than 15 lbs. meal. Meal preferred: oil meal, cracked oats, cotton-seed meal, bran, and malt combings, mixed in proportions, Vio, Vs, Vs, "A, and Vio, u but good results obtained without cotton-seed meal and malt combings. Also feed ensilage and straw, with 6 to 9 lbs. hay. 46. Ch'ade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 1,100 lbs.; 2 lbs. peas, 2 lbs. oats, 2 lbs. wheat, 2 lbs. bran, 30 to 40 lbs. ensilage, 5 lbs. hay, 15 lbs. turnips, with chaff and straw ad lib. Heavier meal ration to some cows. Too low in protein and high in carbohydrates. Could be made better balanced by increasing the amount of peas and bran. It has been assumed that cows eat 10 lbs. straw, which is probably too high an estimate. 47. Various crosses. Average weight of cows, 1,150 lbs.; 8 lbs. equal parts oats, peas and bran, with a little oil meal, 4 lbs. chaff, 8 lbs. straw, and 40 lbs., roots, turnips, mangels and potatoes. 48. Grade Jerseys. Average weight of cows, 900 lbs. ; 16 quarts oats, 14 pint of meal, with sti*aw and corn fodder ad lib. 49. Grade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 1,200 lbs.; 6 lbs. bran, 4 lbs. corn meal, 36 lbs. ensilage, 10 to 12 lbs. hay, y^ bushel beets. Rather low in protein. This could be remedied by increasing the amount of oil meal or by adding bran. 50. Jerseys and Grade Jerseys. Weight of cows, from 700 to 1,000 lbs. ; 9 lbs. oats, 48 lbs. ensilage, 8 lbs. timothy hay, 14 lbs. roots, with straw ad lib. Low in i)rotein. Substituting some bran or oil meal for part of the oats would increase the protein. 51. Jerseys and Ayrshires. Average w^eight of cows, 900 lbs. ; 3 lbs. peas, 3 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal, 40 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. clover hay, with straw ad lib. Sometimes oatmeal is substituted • for bran. Very high in protein, which indicates an expensive ration. In calculating ration, no allowance was made for straw, which makes the nutritive ratio narrower than it would otherwise be. 52. Ayrshires and Holstein Grades. Average weight of cows, 800 lbs. ; 4 lbs. oats, 2 lbs. bran, 45 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. timothy and clover hay. 53. Shorthorns. 5 lbs. barley, oats, and peas, in proportion of 2, 1, and 1 by weight, 7 lbs. corn fodder, 5 lbs. hay, 10 Its. straw, and 30 lbs. roots. 54. Ayrshires, Holsteins, and Jerseys. 5 lbs. oats, 1 lb. flax seed, 40 lbs. ensilage, 15 lbs. straw, 30 lbs. turnips. 55. Cross-bred Jerseys, Ayrshires, and Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs. ; 10 lbs. equal parts barley and buckwheat, 40 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. straw, 5 lbs. roots. 56. Ayrshires, Grade Ayrshires, and Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 1.150 lbs. ; 2 lbs. oil meal, 4 lbs. bran, 40 to 50 lbs. roots, 15 to 20 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. hay, 10 lbs. straw. 57. Grade Ayrshires. 4 quarts oats, barley, and peas, 4 quarts bran, 1 handful of flax seed, 2 bushels ensilage, % bushel roots, some hay, with corn fodder ad lib. 58. Grade Jerseys. Average weight of cows, 800 lbs. ; IS lbs. mixed oats and corn and cob meal, 40 lbs. ensilage, 10 lbs. straw. 59. Ayrshires. Weight of cows, 800 to 1,000 n>s. ; 51bs\ oats or bran, 2 lbs. oil meal, 50 lbs. ensilage, 8 lbs. clover hay. 45 60. Grades. Average weight of cows, 1,100 1T)S. ; Gibs, oats, 61t)S. flax seed, 20 H>s. corn fodder, 20 lt)S. straw, 20 lbs. roots. 61. Grade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, l,lo0 lbs. 2 lbs. bran, 7 lbs. equal parts by measure of corn and oats, 24 lbs. ensilage, 12 lbs. corn fodder, Gibs, straw. 62. Holsteins. Average weight of cows, 1,300 lbs. ; 1 lb. flax seed, 2 gal- lons equal parts peas, oats, barley, and bran, 30 lbs. corn fodder, 10 lbs. hay, 12 lbs. straw, 30 lbs. roots. 63. Grade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs.; 6 lbs. corn, 14 lb. barley, % lb. bran, y^ lb. oil meal, S lbs. sugar beets or carrots, 2 bushels €orn fodder, with straw ad lil). 64. Grade Eolstcins. Average weight of cows; 1,100 lbs. ; oVo lbs. oats, 1 lb. oil meal, 21 lbs. timothy and Hungarian hay, 8 lbs. oat and barley straw, 17 lbs. turnips. 65. Holsteins. 7 lbs. equal parts oats, corn and peas, o2 lbs. of mixture made up of equal parts hay, pea straw and other straw, cut and mixed with ensilage in proportion of 4 to 5, 20 lbs. roots. 66. Grade Ayr shires. Average weight of cows, 750 lbs. ; 4 to 6 lbs. bran and oil meal in proportion of 5 to 2 by weight, 35 lbs. ensilage, 5 lbs. hay, 4 lbs. straw. 67. Ayrshires. Average weight of cows, 1,000 lbs. ; G lbs. mixed black barley, peas, and oats, 40 lbs. ensilage, 6 lbs. hay, 25 lbs. roots, with some straw. 68. Grade Shorthorns and Holsteins. Weight of cows, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs. ; 4 lbs. bran, 4 lbs. oats, 2 lbs. barley, 50 lbs. ensilage, with oat straw ad lil). 69. Cross-bred Ayrshires and Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 800 lbs. ; 8 to 10 lbs. equal parts, by measure, of peas and oats, mixed with equal weight of bran, 20 lbs. ensilage, 15 lbs. turnips, 2 bushels chaff, with straw ■ad lil). 70. Ayrshires. Average weight of cows, 850 lbs. ; 2 lbs. oil meal, 5 lbs. mixed oats and barley, 15 lbs. hay, 5 lbs. chaff, 4 lbs. straw, 15 lbs, roots. 71. Grade Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 1,100 lbs.; 7 lbs. bran, 5 lbs. mixed oats and peas, 35 lbs. ensilage, 3 lbs. chaff, 6 lbs. straw,. 15 lbs. roots. 72. Shorthorn Grades. Average weight of cows, 1,100 lbs.; 10 lbs. oats, S lbs. peas, 25 lbs. corn fodder, 30 lbs. mangels, with straw ad lih. A fairly well-balanced ration, though containing a large amount of meal. 73. Shorthorns. Average weight of cows, 1,200 lbs.; 12 quarts equal parts bran and oats, with all they can eat of cut corn fodder, ys; straw, -/s. 74. Grade Shorthorns. Weight of cows, 1,000 to 1,200 lbs. ; 6 to 10' lbs. equal parts, by weight, of peas, oats and barley, 30 lbs. ensilage, 3 lbs. timothy hay, 14 lbs. straw, 10 to 12 lbs. mangels. 75. Grade Jerseys. Weight of cows, 800 to 900 lbs.; a mixture of cut corn stalks, with ears on, and cut sheaf oats and barley, all the cows can eat, with one feed clover hay and V3 bushel mangels. Discussion of some Rations furnished in Report. For the purpose of comparing some of the rations used by Ontario dairy- men with the German and American standards, a few of the more definite 46 ones have been 'selected, and their digestible nutrients ascertained. Too much importance must not be attached to the composition of these rations, since, in some cases, the quantities of feed given are simply approximations. How- ever, the rations are sufficiently definite to be of interest and value to the careful student. For convenience of reference, the German and American standard rations for dairy cows are placed at the head of the list. It must be borne in mind that these standards present the amounts of organic matter and of digestible nutrients required per 1,000 lt)s. live weight of the animal, and that the term " total organic matter " means the total amount of dry matter furnished in the ration, including both the digestible and indigestible constituents of the food. The constituents of the rations analysed below have all been calculated per 1,000 lbs. live weight of cows, and the number opposite each ration corres- ponds with its number in the report, so that it can readily be referred to. Table showing Constituents of some Ontario Rations for Dairy Cows. Number of Ration Total Organic matter. Digestible matter. Protein. Carbo- hydrates. Fat Total. Nutritive ratio. German standard _ American standard No. 1 9 O G 8 9 11a lib 12a 12b 13 14 15 17 18a 18b 19 20 23 25 31 32 35 36 37 39 46 49 50 51 72 lbs. 24.00 24.51 25.47 29.80 27.64 21.21 32.19 27.52 22.30 25.01 26.46 20.47 26.35 29.84 25.56 28.31 29.82 24.93 18.52 23.42 28.17 31.57 25.94 23.99 19.43 28.18 24.83 26.17 28.00 25.55 26.54 26.68 26.14 lbs. 2.50 2.15 2.27 2.07 2.34 1.90 1.90 2.04 1.13 1.99 1.69 1.96 1.50 2.29 1.56 2.25 3.30 2.95 1.31 2.77 1.65 1.35 2.07 1.45 1.27 2.10 2.40 2.29 1.60 1.76 1.59 2.88 2.13 1T)S. 12.50 13.27 12.83 15.12 19.20 11.00 17.68 14.72 11.58 12.56 14.71 14.26 13.16 17.05 13.15 14.30 18.41 13.58 9.60 11.12 15.15 16.05 13.73 12.70 9.95 14.42 13.26 13.36 15.05 14.25 14.39 11.52 14.92 lbs. .40 .74 .81 .32 .71 .84 1.06 .73 .60 .81 .73 .62 .65 .85 .56 .74 1.20 1.06 .45 .66 .41 .42 .57 .44 .54 .85 .69 .65 .55 .63 .82 .86 .68 lbs. 15.40 16.16 15.91 17.31 22.25 13.74 20.64 17.49 13.31 15.36 17.13 16.84 15.31 20.19 15.27 17.29 22.91 17.59 11.36 14.55 17.21 17.82 16.37 14.59 11.76 17.37 16.35 16.30 17.20 15.88 16.80 15.26 17.73 1: 5.4 1: 6.9 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1:10.1 1: 8.9 1:10.2 1: 4.7 1: 7.7 6.4 7.6 8.8 6.6 10.5 8.0 11.4 7.2 9.7 8.0 9.7 8.3 9.2 7.5 6.4 5.4 8.1 4.5 9.7 12.6 6.7 9.4 8.8 7.7 6.1 6.4 47 No standard of feeding can be blindly follo\Yed, and it may be quite possible that some of the suggestions offered above will prove impracticable for the dairyman using the ration. A farmer must make the best possible use of the fodders at his disposal, and he may sometimes find that it pays him better to use a comparatively poorly-balanced ration, rather than sell the grain he has on hand in order to purchase fodders with which to form a balanced ration. The suggestions and criticisms, therefore, may be taken for what they are worth, as they are intended merely as helps to those who may decide to copy any of the rations mentioned. Considerable variety is offered, and a study of the table, in connection with the study of the rations repre- sented therein, will be a help in making an intelligent selection. Another very important point must not be overlooked. Feeding is only one side of the question, and, though it may do much, it cannot do all. The value returned for the food consumed depends upon the cow, and a good cow fed upon a poorly-balanced ration will do better for her owner than a poor cow fed in the most scientific manner. Feeding, breeding and weeding are inseparably connected in the successful maintenance and improvement of a dairy herd. RATIONS FOR DAIRY COWS. (From W,isconsin Bulletin 33.) We are constantly receiving letters from farmers asking for advice in regard to the proper kinds of feeds for milch cows, and how to combine them so as to obtain first-class results. The following daily ration may be considered a standard American ration for milch cows, in full flow of milk, weighing about 1,000 lbs. Being founded on practical American feeding experience, its adoption is recom- mended as a basis for calculation of rations for milch cows under our condi- tions in preference to Wolff's standard ration, now generally used. Organic matter. Digestible protein. Digestible carbohydrates. Digestible fat. Total digestible matter. Nutritive ratio. lbs. 25.6 lbs. 2.2 lbs. 13.3 lbs. .8 lbs. 16.3 1:6.9 - Applying our best knowledge on the subject to the conditions present in our State, w^e further believe that the following six rations are worthy of trial. It is presumed that they will meet the wants of our farmers, and that with the right kind of cows good results will follow their feeding. Of course, no practical dairyman can weigh out the several constituents of a ration each day for each animal in the herd. Let him use the scales in determining what certain measures hold, and use these for distributing the food among the members of the herd. 48 Ration 1. — Corn silage, 40 lbs.; clover hay, 8 lbs.; wheat bran, 6 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. Total organic matter 24.44 lbs. Digestible protein 2.01 „ Digestible carbohydrates 13.22 „ Digestible fat .75 „ Total digestible matter 15.99 „ Nutritive ratio, 1 : 7.4. Ration 2. — Fodder corn, 20 lbs. ; hay, G lbs. ; oats, 4 lbs. ; shorts, 4 lbs. ; oil meal, 2 lbs. Total organic matter 25.60 lbs. Digestible protein 2.10 „ Digestible carbohydrates 14.49 „ Digestible fat 75 „ Total digestible matter 17.34 „ Nutritive ratio, 1 : 7.7. Ration 3. — Corn silage, 50 lbs. ; corn stalks (stover), Gibs.; oats, Gibs.; malt sprouts, 4 lbs. ; corn meal, 2 lbs. Total organic matter 25.81 lbs. Digestible protein 2.12 „ Digestible carbohydrates 14.38 „ Digestible fat 81 „ Total digestible matter 17.31 „ Nutritive ratio, 1 : 7.G. Ration 4. — Clover silage, 30 lbs.; hay, 15 lbs.; wheat bran, 3 lbs.; corn meal, 3 lbs. ; cotton-seed meal, 2 lbs. Total organic matter 26.32 lbs. Digestible protein 2.53 „ Digestible carbohydrates 12.97 „ Digestible fat 77 „ Total digestible matter 16.27 „ Nutritive ratio, 1 : 5.8. Ration 5.— Timothy hay, 10 lbs. ; clover hay, Slbs. ; wheat bran, 61bs. ; oats, 6 lbs. Total organic matter 24.62 lbs. Digestible protein 2.13 „ Digestible carbohydrates 12.51 „ Digestible fat 67 „ Total digestible matter : 15.31 „ Nutritive ratio, 1 : 6.G. Ration 6. — Fodder corn, 20 lbs. ; clover hay, 8 lbs.; oats, 6 lbs.; oil meal, 3 lbs. Total organic matter 27.35 lbs. Digestible protein 2.40 „ Digestible carbohydrates 14.12 „ Digestible fat 85 „ Total digestible matter 17.37 „ Nutritive ratio, 1 : 7.0. / 49 The results given in the preC^'vCing pages teach us emphatically that heavy- feeding pays. A cow producing: si full flow of milk should receive over 70 per cent, more food than is required for the maintenance of her body; it is the excess over maintenance thatj brings- profit to the feeder. The teachings of this bulletin may be briefly stated as follows : — Keep only r:>ws that respond to good feeding. Feed liberally, but not to waste. Select such feed stuffs as will supply a fair quantity of protein. Raise and feed more oats and clover ; use bran, shorts, and oil &eal when- ever needed, and when obtainable at a reasonable price. VICTORIA, B.C.: Printed by Richard Wolfenden, I.S.O., V.D., Printer to the King's Most Excdlent Majesty n 5 = rt n ^ w = « h J t^; .i .2 c c r 8? ^ o S P &-^ ^ p ^4 E 3 c x: « o O r- So i? c z 00 *T no . 3 O I - o : > - < O -1 ITS ^ 3 2 ^ ^ "^ w 2 ^ :;. 5 =* P Ci o Hi tJt to -J : ^ • n" 8 ?^ a. n < SO? 2.3 >^ c '^ 3 S '^ o a "^ I? O fD • •=♦ »« c S . 00 — . . bs p . L 2 8 » sr o I '^ ss I *^ jz • °2: : 3^ • o. J* ® 8 7 5* II if T3 a. 2 S- to n P 3 : i* S^ . 10 o »o o — ■ !5: 3S. "S ^5 5-|- 8 3 g]x =1 n 55 ^ ^ rt :;• 3* U 3 v< rt <^ 5 -"BIB ,-s n r- =.