®a^®Q!^®Q®©e®©OB©Qi:B©es?J 1 (D 0\ ® i p i Feeds and Feeding i 1 A Hand-Book for the i M Stud ent and Stockman 1 1^ Cy ♦ ^ (9 ^ ® @ Q b 8 § S i Q % f?} p &/ i i p (^ (o ^ 1 % \3 & "QMId^ i)^03g SOS)®' SSSS^OS}^!? 3i::3 (Tiff i. B. mill ICtbrarii SF95 H55 I906 &■ sil^l^liiitf ,.. [ITTTiiifpniif?- nor^ ■V ^V ■aiiii*.n.i*in)mlllllliirrllili.'i ^1 \ ,^i.si*:^„^:i;i^K^ii:..^;,.r^tiiaiiliii Date Due Je 5 - '35' 30J4in'36 4Aufr*^ WTTT iJjsJM 22Ja'46!^ l4Jur48^> 038- ^^"^ ^ \U^ jHBs ^ FEEDS AND FEEDING A HAND-BOOK STUDENT AND STOCKMAN W. A. HENRY Dean of the College of Agriculture^ and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wisconsin ' The eye of the master fattens his cattle. — Qerman adage. SEVEBTTH EDITIOKT. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR MADISON, WIS. 1906 Copyright, 1898, By W. a. henry. K. J. CANTWELL, PRINTER, MADISON, WIS. PREFACE. Tor more than a generation past many of tlie ablest scientists of the Old World have devoted their energies to a stndy of the laws of animal nutrition. American Experiment Stations, although of recent origin, have added much to our store of knowledge concerning the application of science to stock feed- ing. From these fruitful sources the writer has endeavored to select data important in establishing principles and helpful in directing rational practice. In addition there have been gathered from all available sources the experiences and observations of stockmen. Much space is occupied by tables, which are usually condensed and arranged from the original sources, to which references are made. By their help it is hoped the student will be able to determine for himself to what extent tlie deductions drawn are warranted by the facts. Moreover, the data they contain may form the basis for new studies with those specially interested, and may make additional conclusions possible. The stockman whose training has been solely in the school of experience often holds in light regard that which is written con- cerning his vocation. Let him remember that facts and truths are the same whether their repository is a book or the human jnind. Held by the latter, all perish with the possessor; in the keeping of the former, the whole world may be benefited. On the other hand, novices usually underestimate the importance of experience, often thinking that by reading they can acquire the knowledge necessary in the prosecution of their business. That stock feeding is an art and not a science, and that experience and judgment must rule in its successful conduct, is recognized in this volume by placing on the title page the adage, ^ ' The eye of the master fattens his cattle." m this we have followed the iv Preface. German author Kiihn in his popular work on the same topic. In the successful management of live stock abstract knowledge can- not take the place of experience, though it will prove of the highest value when both are rightly combined. The stockman who in addition to experience possesses some knowledge of the composition of the nutrients of feeding stuffs, and has considered how the animal grows and is nourished by them, is certainly thereby better equipped for wisely and economically administer- ing feed to the animals under his care. And in the deeper in- sight and wider range of vision which these studies insure, there comes keener enjoyment and a greater satisfaction to the posses- sor, in his daily round of duties. Acknowledgment is due my co-worker. Prof. F. W. Woll, for assistance, especially in collating the data published by foreign investigators. His familiarity with this source of information has been of the highest utility. Mr. A. M. Troyer, a graduate student in agriculture, has assisted in preparing and verifying the tables from American sources. W. A. Henry. Madison, Wis., February, 1898. CONTENTS. Part I.— Plant Growth and Animal Nutrition. Chapter. Page. I. The Plant; How it Grows and Elaborates Food for Animals ... 1 II. Mastication, Digestion and Assimilation 12 III. Digestion, Respiration and Calorimetry 26 IV. Animal Nutrition . . . 40 V. The Source of Muscular Energy; Composition of Ani- mals Before and After Fattening 63 VI. Influence of Feed on the Animal Body 78 VII. Explanation of Tables of Composition and Feeding Standards — Methods of Calculating Rations for Farm Animals, etc 97 Part II. — Feeding Stuffs. VIII. Leading Cereals and Their By-products .... .119 IX. Minor Cereals, Oil-bearing and Leguminous Seeds and Their By-products 143 X. Indian Corn as a Forage Plant 163 XL The Grasses, Fresh and Cured — Straw 178 XII. Leguminous Plants for Green Forage and Hay . . . 195 XIIL Miscellaneous Feeding Stuffs 211 XIV. SoiUngCattle — Preparation of Feeding Stuffs . . . 2;U XV. The Ensilage of Fodders 245 XVI. Manurial Value of Feeding Stuffs 2G3 Part III. — Feeding Farm Animals. XVII. Investigations Concerning the Horse 271 XVIII. Feeds for the Horse 292 XIX. Feed and Care of the Horse 311 XX. Calf Rearing 834 XXI. Results of Steer-feeding Trials at the Stations . . . 345 XXII. Factors in Steer Fattening — Final Results . • . 364 XXIII. Counsel in the Feed Lot 381 XXrV. The Dairy Cow -Scientific Findings 401 VI Chapter. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. contents. Page. Station Tests with Feeding Stuff's for Dairy Cows . . 413 Influence of Feed on Milk — Wide and Narrow Rations 437 Public Tests of Pure-bred Dairy Cows — Cost of Pro- ducing Milk and Fat in Dairy Herds at Various Experiment Stations 448 Feed and Care of the Dairy Cow 463 Investigations with Sheep 480 Experiments in Fattening Sheep — AVool Production ." 497 General Care of Sheei) — Fattening 514 Investigations with Swine 535 Value of Various Feeding Stufls for Pigs 556 Danish Pig-feeding Experiments 583 Feeding and Management of Swine — EHect of Feed on the Carcass of the Pig 004 FEEDS AND FEEDING. Part I. PLANT GROWTH AND ANIMAL NUTRITION. CHAPTER L THE PLANT; HOW IT GROWS AND ELABOKATES FOOD FOB ANIMALS. I. Plant Growth. 1. Concerning plant cells. — Since plants and their prodncts in some form, directly or indirectly, constitute the food of animals, it is proper in these studies that we briefly examine how the plant grows and elaborates this food. The unit of plant growth is the cell. K we study a grain of corn or a corn stalk we find it made up of cells variously modified, the whole group together taking on the form of the object under consideration. In their primary condition all cells are closed sacs, and contain the juices and other substances incident to plant growth. The waUs of the plant cells are composed of a woody substance called cellulose. These walls may be thin and tender to the teeth of the animal, as in the young plants of the fields, or thick, woody and tough, as in the stems of the forest trees. Before studying more intimately the plant cell, its contents, and what occurs within it, let us consider the substances essential to plant growth. 2. Elements essential to plant life. — The elementary substances required for plant life are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, * C State CoUenf 2 Feeds and Feeding. potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, cMorin and sulfur. The plant can make no use of these elements in their uncombined form, with the single exception of oxygen, of which it may utilize a small amount in elementary form. All the other elements, as well as oxygen for the most part, must be combined with one another in some form to be of use to the plant. The mineral substances which are taken up by the roots of the plant may be grouped as follows: Sulfates ^ C Potassium Phosphates I of J ^^^^^^^^ Nitrates and ( 1 Magnesium and Chlorids J [ Iron. Nitrogen in the form of nitrates and as ammonia is taken up by the plant through its roots. Legumes (^eas, clover, etc.) possess the power of fixing the free nitrogen of the air through the intermediate action of certain species of bacteria harbored by the roots. Otherwise such nitrogen is not directly available for plant growth. 3. Water required by plants. — Water, as we may judge from its abundance in plants, is of the highest importance to them. Half-grown clover plants may contain as much as 92 per cent, water, or more than is found in skim milk. The turnip contains from 87 to 92 per cent, water. When a crop of corn is partially grown, nine-tenths of its whole weight may be water. Plants exhale a large amount of water through their leaves during growth. A sunflower plant 3.3 feet high has been known to exhale 1.25 pounds of water through its leaves during twelve hours. Lawes and Gilbert found in the moist climate of England, that wheat, barley, beans, peas and clover exhaled during five months of growth about 200 times their dry weight of water. King, of the Wisconsin Station, ^ measuring the water given off through leaf evaporation as well as by the soil supporting the plants, found that for each pound of dry matter produced by the plant in root, stem, leaf and seed, there were required for com 301, for barley 401, and for oats 501 pounds of water. The transpi- ration of water by the leaves causes an upward progress of that liquid from the roots through the stem of at least 1.3 inches » Eept. 1891. How the Plant Grows. 3 per minute. Under certain conditions the upward movement of water in plant stems may exceed 30 inclies per minute. 4. How plants gather food. — Carbonic acid, which is next to water in the amount utilized by plants, is taken up by them through the medium of the leaves. Ten thousand volumes of air contain about three volumes of carbonic acid gas; thirty- two hundred cubic yards of air hold one pound of this gas. An acre of growing wheat will gather during four months one ton of car- bonic acid gas, or an amount equal to all the air conteins over the same area of land to a height of three miles. In the leaves of plants, mostly on their under side, are numerous minute openings leading into the interior. Air passing through these carries with it carbonic acid, which is absorbed by the leaf cells. The feeding roots of plants are clothed with minute haiis, which take up water from the soil, together with mineral matter and nitrogen compounds in solution. There are no direct open ings in these root hairs, the material being taken up by difiFusion. Roots are capable of dissolving and absorbing solid ingredients from the soil particles with which they come in contact. Though they take up some matter which is useless to the plant, roots exercise a very considerable selective power in the materials absorbed, and do not seem to gather plant food indiscriminately. 5. Plant building. — Having learned what the plant lives upon and how it gathers its food, let us consider how it grows. In the active cells, especially those of the leaves, there is found a trans- lucent, jelly-like substance called protoplasm. The life of the plant may be said to exist in this protoplasm. The green coloring of leaves and stems is due to a substance called chlorophyll con- tained within the protoplasm. Chlorophyll is formed only in sunlight. The carbonic acid gas gathered by the leaves is ab- sorbed by the cells containing protoplasm charged with chloro- phyll. The plant everywhere is bathed with j uices called ' ' sap, ' ' a very large portion of which is water brought in by the roots. Tn this sap are mineral matter and nitrogen compounds. And now for the wonderful transmutation. The carbonic acid gas and water commingling in the cells are decomposed and their atoms re -arranged and welded into a new 4 Feeds and Feeding. substance by the energy of sunlight and heat guided by the life principle of the protoplasm with its chlorophyll. The result of the union of the gas and water is starch, with some oxygen left as a by-product. The oxygen escapes to the air, while the starch is retained by the plant for manifold uses. It is possible that starch is not the first substance formed, but it is the first with which we have to deal. 6. Starch. — The great building material of the plant is starch. The plant has use for little or none of the starch in the cells where it is manufactured, but requires it elsewhere. Being insol- uble in water and forming in cells which are closed sacs, the starch cannot be transferred to other parts of the plant in its original form. The difficulty is overcome by the protoplasm of the cell changing the starch into sugar and soluble substances closely allied to starch, as we shall presently see. Sugar is solu- ble in the juices of the plant, and by diffusion it is readily trans- ferred from cell to cell until it reaches the place where needed. The principle which renders starch soluble is an unorganized ferment called ''diastase," which can change two thousand times its own weight of starch into soluble compounds. The walls of the innumerable cells of the plant framework are constructed of cellulose, a substance having the same composition as starch. Where growth occurs in the enlarging plant, the newly- formed cells are tender and filled with protoplasm. Each cell divides into two or more cells, the newly-formed members growing to full size. The cell walls thus enlarged are built of soluble sugar changed to insoluble cellulose through the action of pro- toplasm. 7. Growth from the chemist's standpoint. — Let ns review the subject of plant growth, as we have studied it to this point, from the position of the chemist, in order to fix more clearly in mind the process of plant growth. With the chemist, '' O " stands for oxygen, " H " for hydrogen, '' C" for carbon. Water is composed of two atoms of hydrogen chemically united with one of oxygen. This molecule, which is the smallest division of the water particle, they symbolize as H 2 O. In the same manner carbonic acid gas is indicated by CO j . Sow Oie Flant Grows. 5 The chemist writes the substances formed from carbonic acid gaa and water in the plant thus: Starch I p ^ ^ CeUulosei ^i^^^o^i. Cane sugar CijHjjOn Glucose C12H24O12 Let us now consider from the chemist's standpoint how starch may be formed by the plant from carbonic acid and water, and, when once formed, how it may be changed to sugar, glucose or cellulose. This may be shown by the following equations: Taken in by the plant. Changed in the plant to — Carbonic acid Water Starch Oxygen 12(C02) + lOCH^O) = Cj^H^oO.o +24 0 Starch by the addition of one part of water becomes cane sugar; thus: Starch Water Cane sugar Cane sugar plus one part of water becomes glucose, thus: Cane sugar Water Glucose ^12^22^11 + HjO = C12H24O1J In the above we observe that 12 molecules of carbonic acid united with 10 molecules of water form 1 molecule of starch with 24 atoms of oxygen remaining. By the second equation we learn that if one molecule of water is added to the starch molecule, a molecule of cane sugar results. The addition of another mole- cule of water to cane sugar gives glucose. The removal of one molecule of water from cane sugar and two from glucose reduces these substances back to starch, or to cellulose. In the above cases the hydrogen and oxygen stand in the same relation to each other as in water, there being two atoms of the former to one of the latter. For this reason, starch, cane sugar, cellulose and similar substances are called carbohydrates. ^ 8. Plant oils. — Another group of building materials found in the plant comes under the term ' ^ fats " or ' ' oils. ' ' Though they ^ For information concerning scientific and technical terms the student will consult the Glossary at the end of the volimie. 6 Feeds and Fixding. are imposed of the same three elements found in the carbo hydrate group, the hydrogen atoms are not always twice the number of oxygen atoms. Thess oils are usually compounded of several simple oils, the principal of which, with their formulse, are as follows: Stearin C,,TL,,,0^ Palmitin CsiHggOe Olein G,,B.,,,0, Oils give off much more heat during combustion than the car- bohydrates because they contain a relatively larger quantity oi carbon. While found in nearly all parts of the plant, the oils and fats are chiefly stored in seeds, as flax, cotton, rape, etc. Oats, wheat and corn contain some fats or oils. 9. Protein compounds. — Thus far we have considered the plant compounds which result from the union of the three ele- ments, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. We now come to a more complex group of plant substances containing two additional ele- ments, viz., nitrogen and sulfur. It is held that the nitrates taken up through the roots of plants on reaching the protoplasmic masses in the active cells are broken up, and the nitric acid and sulfur are united with starch or a starch derivative, forming a protein compound. Protein substances may be produced in pro- toplasmic masses which may or may not contain chlorophyll. The protoplasm of active cells, where the work of assimilation goes on, is itself a protein substance. Very little protein is found in the woody, older portions of the plant, the greater amount existing at the point of growth and in the seeds or reproductive parts. In the seed the protein exists quite largely in the germ itself, and also in the surrounding envelopes. For a definition of protein, see Glossary. The protein compounds of plants are divided into two groups — albuminoids and amides. 10. The albuminoids. — One group of protein substances is characterized by the term '' albuminoids." "Vegetable albu- men closely resembles the white of Qgg, and like it, is coagulated by heat. Gluten, another albuminoid, is found in the wheat grain. It may be separated from tlie starchy portion of wheat flour by washing the dough in running water, the sticky mass Row ike Plant Grows. 7 remaining constituting crude gluten. The nitrogenous portion of beans, peas, clover seeds, etc., is likewise an albuminoid called ^'legumin." 11. Amides. — The amides are nitrogenous bodies which are crystalline and soluble in water. Being soluble, they can pass through the cell walls of plant tissues, and thus are capable of I diffusing from one part of the plant to another. Since the amides are found in the immature and growing parts of plants, it is probable that their function is the transfer of organized nitrogen from one part of the structure to another in the process of plant building. 12. Mineral compounds. — Though occurring in relatively small amounts, mineral matter in various combinations is essential to the life and development of all plants. The elaboration of food materials in the protoplasmic masses referred to in the previous paragraph, as well as the development of the young plants from the seed, require the presence of mineral matter, which is found everywhere in the plant substance. The leaves of plants contain more ash or mineral matter than the other portions. This is probably due to the constant evaporation of water from the leaves, the ash matter in solution being left behind. 13. The end of plant effort. — If we study the life history of an individual plant we observe that its first effort is directed toward self- establishment and enlargement. All of the food elaborated from the compounds taken from air and soil is trans- ferred to the growing parts, that the plant may be built up and reach perfection. As the period of maturity approaches, all the energies of the plant are changed to that of reproduction or mul- tiplication. The food materials, which were at first used for leaf multiplication and enlargement or for the growth of more and larger stems and roots, are now joined into a current which flows to the reproductive parts. First come the blossoms, and then the young, enlarging fruits. Into these the sugars, protein com- pounds and mineral substances gathered from air and soil, and elaborated in the green parts, are poured in a steady current. The wheat plant resulting from a single kernel bears a hundred fruits in the shape of grains; the Indian corn plant may produce 8 Feeds and Feeding. a thousand fold. In each of these grains is a miniature plant, — the germ, about which is stored a generous supply of nutriment. This is placed in compact, concentrated form, awaiting the time when the germ begins life on its own account. In the potato tuber there is a liberal storage of starch. In the beet root the stored materials are held in the form of cane sugar, reserved for seed production the following season. Each germ, or repro- ductive part, is surrounded with food elements, arranged after nature's choicest plan to aid in reproduction. 14. The sun the source of plant life. — Thus far we have spoken of the plant as though it accomplished all these wonder- ful transmutations through self-contained powers. This is incor- rect. A plant can no more unite the elements of carbonic acid and water into starch, or move this starch, changed to sugar, to needed points, than can the wheels of a great factory move with- out the impelling force of steam or the electric current. The source of all life and power is the sun, the energy of which in the shape of light and heat is absorbed by the protoplasmic mass and its chlorophyll paiticles. In the plant cells the all-powerful energy of the sun, guided by the mysterious principle of life, works all the wonderful transmutations we have recorded. 15. Plants the support of animal life. — !N^ature has decreed that it is the function of the plant, through the sun, to build inorganic compounds into organic matter, in which operation the energy employed becomes latent. Through digestion and absorption the various plant compounds are incorporated in the animal body, or are broken down within it into simpler compounds than those of the plant structure. In this dissolution the energy which was hidden in the plant is again revealed in all the manifestations of animal life. In the coal burning in the grate we observe the re- appearance of the energy of the sun which was stored in plants ages ago. In the stalks and ears of corn which we feed to cattle, we are furnishing energy received from the sun and rendered dormant in plant building during the previous summer. When supplying plants and seeds to the animals under his care, the stockman observes in their growing bodies warmed by internal fires the energy of the sun transmitted by the plant to the animal. Sow the Plant Grows. 9 n. Kow the Chemist Groups Plant Substance*. 16. Illustrations. — The agricultural chemist divides plant sub- stances into groups, differing in some cases from those made by the physiological chemist. In the following table a few stock feeds are shown as grouped by the agricultural chemist, such pres- entation being for the purpose of guiding the student in his con- sideration of this subject. Composition of certain American feeding stuffs, as arranged by the agricultural chemist. ■si It Percentage composition. Feeding stuffs. Water. Ash. Protein. Crude fiber. Nitro- gen-free extract. Ether extract Fresh pasture 10 9 86 38 75.3 90.9 10.6 15.3 2.5 1.1 1.5 6.2 4.0 1.4 10.3 12.3 5.9 .9 2.2 24.8 11.4 5.5 70.4 38.1 .9 2 Corn 5.0 Red clover hay.. 3.3 The first column presents the names of the feeding stuffs exam- ined. The second column states the number of analyses from which the subsequent data are derived. As a rule these analyses have been made by chemists at different points in the country, so that when a considerable number have been secured we may regard the average as representative of the plant or plant sub- stances under consideration. The remainder of the table comes under the general heading "Percentage composition." Let us consider its several divisions. 17. Water. — The chemist places a small quantity of the food material, usually finely divided by chopping or grinding, into a small vessel and ascertains its weight. The balance used is so delicate that a thimbleful of corn meal can be weighed with a smaller percentage of probable error than is usual when a farmer weighs a wagon-load of corn on a good scale. The sample is then placed in an oven, where it is dried at a temperature of 212" Pahr. for several hours, or until a constant weight is secured. The heat drives off the water, and the difference between the two 10 FeedA and Feeding. weights represents the amount of water which the sample origi- nally contained. We learn by the third column of the table that the water in pasture grass is 75.3 per cent, of the whole amount; that is, such grass is about three-fourths water. Corn carries 10.6 per cent of water, while red clover hay contains 15.3 pounds to the hun- dred weight. 18. Ash. — Having determined the water in the s;imple, the chemist next burns it to ascertain its ash content. Care is taken that no charcoal is left, only the clear ash remaining. The next column shows the percentage of ash in the feeding stuffs under consideration. In 100 pounds of pasture grass there are 2.5 pounds of ash. Indian corn has only 1.5 pounds of ash for 100 of grain, while red clover hay yields 6.2 pounds. This large amount comes in part from the accumulation of ash in the leaves of the clover plant, and in some measure is due to earth washed up on the stems of the plant by rain, and to the dust which set- tles on plants, and on hay before it is placed in the barn. Such foreign material is really not ash, but of necessity is reported as such. 19. Protein. — The process of determining the protein in a feeding stuff is too complicated for presentation here. SufQce it to say that the nitrogen contained therein is determined, and that the sum so secured is multiplied by 6.25 to determine the protein, since it has been found that about 16 per cent, of protein sub- stances consist of nitrogen. By the table we find that the protein of pasture grass amounts to 4, mangels to 1.4, com to 10.3, and red clover hay to 12.3 pounds per hundred weight. We are shown that pasture grass is much richer in protein tlian are mangels, and that clover hay is likewise richer than the grain of the corn plant. 20. Crude fiber. — The amount of crude fiber is determined by boiling a sample of the fodder successively in weak acid and alkali solutions, which dissolve all the softer pai-ts. That which remains after washing is called ''crude fiber." It consists for the most part of cellulose, which, as we have already learned, con- stitutes the framework of the plant. Corn grains contain only How tlie Plant Grows. 11 2.2 per cent, crude fiber, while clover hay yields nearly 25 per cent. 21. Ether extract or fat. — A sample of the fodder, dried so as to be free from water, is treated with ether, which has the power of dissolving fat, wax, resins and similar substances. The matter extracted by ether is quite commonly called "fat" in works on plant analysis. In this book it is always spoken of as "ether extract." In seeds nearly aU the ether extract is fat or oil, and has a corresponding feeding value. In plant leaves and stems much of the ether extract is wax, chlorophyll and other substances of lower feeding value than fat. Mangels are shown by the table to yield only .2 of a pound of ether extract per 100, while corn reaches 5 per cent. 22. Nitrogen-free extract. — Nitrogen-free extract signifies what is left of the organic matter of the plant after deducting the pre- ceding groups of compounds. It contains starch, sugar, pento- sans, gums, organic acid and other bodies. The nitrogen-free extract and the crude fiber together constitute the carbohydrates of the plant physiologist. Nitrogen-free extract is determined by difference. The total dry matter in the fodder, minus the ash, ether extract, crude fiber, and protein equals the percentage of nitrogen- free extract present. The great difference between plants and seeds as to woody matter is shown in the table. Over 70 per cent, of the substance of corn and only about 38 per cent, of clover hay is nitrogen-free extract. CHAPTEE n. MASTICATION, DIGESTION AND ASSTMILATION. > 23. Prehension. — The horse when grazing gathers herbage with the lips, which are very sensitive, and act with great mo- bility. The food thus gathered is severed with the incisor or front teeth of the upper and lower jaws. When feeding on hay and grain, the horse still makes free use of the lips in working the food into the mouth. The ox seizes herbage with the outstretched tongue, and by a swinging motion of the head severs it as it passes between the teeth in the lower jaw and the cartilaginous pad of the upper jaw. The sheep, like the ox, has no teeth in the upper jaw; like the horse, it makes free use of the lips when grazing. The horse in grazing crops the herbage nearer to the ground than does the ox, and the sheep still closer than the horse. The shape and direction of the front teeth of the hog show an onmiverous feeder. Probably the grazing quality of the hog varies considerably with the breed, and also in different strains of the same breed, the skulls and jaws of hogs presenting re- markable variations in size and shape. 24. Mastication. — The food consumed by the animal is reduced to fineness by the molar teeth, assisted by the lips, tongue and cheeks, which pass it to the place for grinding and hold it in position. With herbivorous animals the lower jaw is much narrower than the upper. In the horse, when the upper and lower grinders of one side are in contact, those of the lower jaw on the other side are nearly or quite an inch to the inside of their mates above, so that grinding is possible on but one side of the mouth at a time. As mastication proceeds, the feed is mixed 1 Most of the text and tables in this chapter are adapted from the Physiology of the Domestic Animals, by Eobert Meade Smith, which excellent work should be consulted by the student seeking further infor- mation on these subjects. Mastication, Digestion and Assimilation. 13 with saliva poured upon it from glands opening into tlie mouth at several points. The food materials in the mouth are gradually formed into a rounded mass or bolus for swallowing. Colin esti- mates that a horse requires one and one- fourth hours to masticate four pounds of dry hay, and that this amount will make from sixty to sixty-five boluses, the rate of mastication being from sixty to eighty strokes of the teeth per minute. Saliva aids mastication, and a suppression of the flow prolongs the operation. Colin diverted the flow of saliva by fistulas or openings, and recorded results as follows: Time required by the horse in masticating hay — Com. AU the saUva poured into the mouth. Saliva of one parotid escaping. Saliva of both parotids escaping. Average duration of mastica- tion of one bolus, seconds- Strokes of teeth, number 31.7 38.6 34.2 36.6 74.8 74.1 The molar or grinding teeth of the horse wear faster than the incisors or cutting teeth, and the former would soon fail to meet were it not that the incisors with increasing age gradually incline forward, forming a sharper and sharper angle. The seeds of plants are not all crushed during mastication, and those escaping are distributed over the fields in the excreta, often still possess- ing ability to germinate. 25. Insalivation. — While the food is being ground, it is modi- fied by the saliva poured upon it from glands situated about the mouth cavity. By means of ingenious experiments, Colta deter- mined the amount of saliva secreted by the horse, and found that when feeding on hay there was poured out from eleven to thir- teen pounds of saliva per hour. Oats require a little more than their own weight, green fodder half, and diy fodder four times its weight of saliva during mastication. If the food of the horse for one day amounts to 11 pounds of hay and 11 pounds of other dry fodder, this will require four times its weight of saliva, or 88 pounds, to which must be added 4.4 pounds secreted during rest, making 92.4 pounds in all. 14 Feeds and Feeding. Smith » states that the ox secretes 112 pounds of saliva daily. In the horse the parotid glands, located at the base of the upper jaw and emptying near the second molar teeth, yield seven-tenths of aU the saliva secreted. Animals chew their food on one side of the mouth only at a time. It has been found that the parotid gland of the horse yields saliva only on the side where the food is being masticated, the other gland resting until grinding starts up on its side. The chemical composition of mixed saliva, which vpries somewhat in different animals, is given for the horse as follows: Water 992.00 Mucus and albumen 2.00 Alkaline carbonates 1.08 Alkaline chlorids 4.92 Alkaline phosphates and phosphate of lime traces. 1000.00 The mechanical use of saliva has been mentioned; it serves a second and higher purpose. Saliva contains ptyalin, a soluble ferment which converts the starch of the food into sugar. It acts only upon the starchy matters of the food and not upon the cellu- lose or other constituents. Since the food remains in the mouth a comparatively short time, but little starch can be changed to sugar before the mass is swallowed. The action of the saliva on starch continues in the stomach. 26. Deglutition. — The bolus or rounded mass of food formed l>y the action of the teeth, the cheeks and the tongue is forced into the oesophagus or gullet and on into the stomach. The gullet of the horse being comparatively small, the boluses do not exceed an inch or an inch and a half in diameter; in the ox they may be double that size. 27. Gastric digestion. — The stomachs of our domestic animals vary greatly in size, that of the hog holding 7 to 9 quarts, the horse 17 to 19, and the ox over 300 quarts. Colin, who gives the above data, found 145 pounds of air- dry fodder in the first three compartments of the stomach of a cow which had fasted two ^ Physiology of the Domestic Animals. Mastication, Digestion and Assimilation. 15 This description is adapted from the report on the fuel value of feed- ing stufls by W. O. Atwater, Third Annual Report, Storrs School Agrl. Expt. Station, 1890. The interested reader will find the subject most entertainingly discussed by the same writer in the Century Magazine for July, 1887. Digestion, Respiration and Calorimetry. 39 The Calories of food substances show how much heat these will impart when utilized for that purpose by the animal, or the the- oretical amount of work they can accomplish. Eeduced to available form, the Calories in feeding stuffe may be stated as follows: In one gram. In one i>oand. Digestible protein 4.1 Calories. 1860 Calories. I Digestible carbohydrates. 4.1 Calories, 1860 Calories. Digestible fat 9.3 Calories. 4220 Calories. Knowing the digestible constituents of any feeding stuff, the student can readily determine its potential energy by using the above factoi-s. CHAPTEE rV. ANIMiX NUTEITION. I. Formation of Body Tissues. 62. Formation of tissues. — Since the protein of the food is the sole source of nitrogenous substances in the body, it follows that the formation of flesh is primarily dependent upon the supply of protein in the food. In the body there is a slow but continuous breaking down of tissue. The materials which have been dissolved from the food in the process of digestion are absorbed by the blood, and through it distributed to the different parts of the body, where they are either oxidized (consumed), and heat and energy produced, car- bonic acid and water being given off, or are used for the production of components of the body, mainly fat and protein (flesh). The decomposition of nutritive material in the blood, and of muscular and other body tissues, goes on continuously as long as the animal lives, whether it is awake or asleep; being, however, more active in the former condition. The term '' protein consumption" as used in this book is applied to the quantity of nitrogenous materials decomposed in the animal body, whether originating from muscular tissue or nitrogenous nutrients in solution in the fluids of the body. Protein consumption is measured by the amount of nitrogen found in the urine, since practically all the nitrogen which leaves the body passes off through this excre- tion. (57) If the nitrogenous wast© results from the destruction of mus- cular tissue, as may be the case during starvation, it is spoken of as "flesh consumption." Since fat-free muscular tissue haa been found to contain, on the average, 3.4 per cent, of nitrogen, the amount of flesh consumed in the body may be found by multi- Animal Nutrition. 41 plying the quantity of nitrogen excreted in the urine by 29.4 (^?f=29.4). 63. The waste of the body.— The food supplies materials for making good the waste which the animal siistains through the living process. When the supply is liberal and exceeds the demands of the system, material may be stored in the body by the formation of flesh or fat, and the animal will gain in weight. If the supply is equal to the material broken down, the live weight of the animal will remain unchanged. When the supply is cut short or entirely withheld, the tissues of the body itself are attacked and the animal loses weight. There is a minimum amount of protein absolutely necessary for the maintenance of life. This has been determined by experi- ments in which dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals have been starved, and the daily excretion of nitrogen in the urine deter- mined. During the first days of starvation the excretion of nitrogen, or, what is the same, the decomposition of protein in the body, gradually decreases until after five or six days it remains practically constant. The last portion of the protein in the fluids of the body has then been drawn upon and the body tissues are now being destroyed. After a period of continued starvation the supply from the latter source wUl also be exhausted and the animal dies, the time being determined by the condition of the body at the beginning of starvation. A rise in temperature occurs at the beginning of starvation, followed by a general fall until death takes place. Carnivora or flesh-eating animals can withstand hunger longer than the Herbivora. While dogs and cats have lived until their weights have decreased 33 to 40 per cent., horses and ruminants will die when their weight has been reduced 20 to 25 per cent. ^ The age of the animal also influences the time that death occurs from starvation, old animals withstanding the effects of hunger better than young animals. The latter lose weight more rapidly and die after a smaller loss of weight than the former. 2 1 M. Wilckens in v. d. Goltz, Handb. d. ges. Landwirtachaft, III, p. 88. » Halliburton, Chem. Physiology, p. 834. 42 Feeds and Feeding. II. Exclusive Protein Feeding. 64. Protein consumption. — In feeding Carnivora it has been found that an exclusive protein diet causes an increased decom- position of protein in the body, and that the excess does not therefore go to form flesh. The following table shows results obtained by Voit with a dog fed varying quantities of meat which had been freed from all fat:^ Feeding increasing amounts of fat-free meat to dog — Voit. Grm Qnn Grm Grm Grms. Grms. Grms. Gnna. Grms. Fat-free meat eaten per day 0 12 165 300 32 442 500 40 552 900 68 938 1,200 88 1,214 1,500 106 1,463 2,000 144 1,987 2,500 173 2,387 2,660 181 Corresp ending to flesh. 2.498 The protein consumption with this dog varied from 165 grams (.36 pounds) per day during hunger to nearly 2,500 grams (5.5 pounds) when the largest amount of protein was fed; that is, while fed increasing quantities of lean meat the dog did not store up any of this, but turned it off into the urine as urea. Similar experiments with Herbivora have, in the main, given the same results as found with Carnivora. From the results given in the last table it is evident that the supply of protein in the food will largely regulate the cxDusump- tion of protein in the body, and consequently the quantity of nitrogen appearing in the urine. The following m a summary of experiments on goats by Stohmann:" 1 Armsby, Manual of Cattle Feeding, p. 128. « Biologische Studien, Heft 1, p. 121; Armsby, loc. cit., p. 148. Animal Nutrition. 43 Food given and protein digested, consumed and stored in the body by goats — Stohmann. Tia^n. «f Feed per day. Protein digested per day. Protein con- sumption ^ per day. Gain of experiment. Hay. Linseed meal. protein per day. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. 1 May 23-29 1,500 100 111.6 66.6 1.9 2 June 6-12 1,450 150 125.0 79.4 9.0 3 June 20-26 1,400 200 132.2 90.6 11.1 4 July 4-10 1,350 250 150.9 90.1 23.4 5 July 25-31 1,250 350 170.5 101.6 18.3 6 Aug. 8-14 1,100 500 193.8 117.9 27.4 7 Aug. 22-28 950 650 221.4 143.1 30.6 8 Sept. 5-11 800 800 257.2 173.7 27.4 9 Sept. 19-25 1,600 0 92.9 56.3 -4.4 10 Oct. 3-9 1,600 0 74.1 41.9 6.4 * Exclusive of the protein contained in the mUk, which varied but slightly. We observe that after tlie quantity of protein digested reached 150 grams daily there was practically no further increase in the protein stored up in the body, even though the amount in the food was still further augmei^ted. That an exclusive protein diet will not produce body tissue is well illustrated in the so-called '^ Banting cure" for obesity, where the patient is put on a meat and fruit diet, especially the former, with no potatoes, butter, or bread. Pfliigeri has shown that a hard- worked dog fed on ''almost fat-free" meat diet can live on that food alone for seven months, and on the basis of this experiment concludes, contrary to the views of Voit and other authorities, that nitrogenous compounds may sustain life for an indefinite period. 65. Influence of previous feeding. — Beside the supply of pro- tein in the food, the protein consumption in the body is dependent upon another factor, viz., the condition of the body of the animal as a result of previous feeding. It clearly appears from experi- ments made in this line* that when a change in diet occurs the consumption of protein will increase or decrease according to the » Archiv d. ges. Physiologie, 52 (1892), p. 2. » Armsby, Manual of Cattle Feeding, 1887, p. 129. 44 Feeds and Feeding. changes made in the supply of protein in the food. Given a supply of protein larger than is necessary to maintain the body tissues, and there will in a few days be an equilibrium between the supply and consumption of protein in the body, the time varying with different animals and with the body condition of each animal. The equilibrium will be reached sooner with a lean animal than with a fat one, and sooner when the animal receives food rich in protein and poor in fat than when the opposite occurs. III. Influence of Other Nutrients on Protein Consumption. 66. Influence of fat. — When fed alone, fat does not decrease protein consumption in the body, as is shown in the following results by Voit with a starving dog:^ Feeding fat only, to a starving dog — Voit Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Fat per day , Protein consumption. 0 170 100 185 200 155 300 187 300 165 340 205 350 291 Feeding increasing quantities of fat in this case appears to have increased, rather than decreased protein consumption. (82) 67. Influence of carbohydrates. — When fed alone, carbohydrates have no influence on the consumption of protein and thus act in the same way as fat. The same amount of protein is decomposed in the body when nothing but carbohydrates are fed as when no food whatever is given. 68. Influence of mixed diet. — When the animal is fed on a mixed diet containing fat, carbohydrates and protein, the con- sumption of protein depends on the supply of protein in the food, as in exclusive protein feeding. The following experiment^ serves as an example: 1 Zeitechr. f. Biologie, V, p. 329. » Armsby, loc. cit., p. 137. Armsby, loc. cit, p. 138. Animal Nutrition. 45 Influence of mixed diet on protein consumption — Voit. Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams T^ J fFat 2.50 150 233 300 176 259 250 250 270 200 500 502 200 800 778 250 ^"^ {St.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1,500 Consumption of protein per day.. 1,381 It will be noticed that with the same quantities of fat in the food, the protein consumption is larger where the amount of meat fed is larger; for instance, in the first, third and sixth experi- ments, 250 grams of fat were fed along with 150, 250 and 1500 grams, respectively, of meat. The consumption of protein in the body of the animal was, in the order given, 233, 270 and 1,381 grams. The increase in protein consumption does not, however, keep pace with the increased supply of protein in the food, and the fat evidently has protected to some extent the protein in the animal body from consumption. It has been found in the same way that carbohydrates also decrease the protein consumption in the body when fed in connection with protein. Thus they save the protein of the body from decomposition, and as a result more of the protein of the food can be used for the formation of flesh in the body. The following experiment by Voit may be cited to illustrate this important factr^ Besults of feeding meat and f at — Voit. Date Food. Urea per day. Flesh consumption in body. Difference between supply and con- 1 sumption of flesh. Meat. Fat. July 31...... Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Grams. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Grams. 0 100 300 0 Grams. 81.7 74.5 69.3 81.2 Grams. 1,140 1,042 970 1,134 Grams. —140 —42 +30 -134 We see from the above that when on an exclusive meat diet the animal lost 140 grams of protein per day, while when 300 grams of fat were added to the same quantity of meat as before it gained 30 grams. We thus learn that the addition of fat (as * Armsby, loc. cit., p. 138. 46 Feeds and Feeding. also carbohydrates) to a protein diet niakevS the consumption of protein smaller than it would be without this addition. The fat as well as the carbohydrates preserve the protein from decomposi- tion, thereby favoring the formation of new body tissue. The following experiments with a dog by Voit also illustrate this, which is also proved by many others r^ Influence of carbohydrates fed in connection with protein, on protein consumption — Voit. Date of experiments. Food. Protein Meat. Carbohydrates. consumption. June 23-Julv 2 1859 Grams. 500 500 800 800 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 Grams. 100-300 0 0 100-400 0 0 100-400 0 0 200 0 200-300 Grams. 502 July 2-5 1859. 564 July 4-10 1864 826 July 10-19* 1864 763 July 19-20 1864. 895 July 23 26 1864 1,028 July 26-28 1864 902 July 28-Aug. 1, 1864 1,112 June 29-July 8, 1863 1,599 July 8-13, 1863 1,454 Jan 6 1859 1,991 Jan 7 11, 1859 l|792 = 69. Teachings of the above in feeding practice. — From what we have learned we should expect the best results when the ration fed contains a sufficient supply of protein with a large proportion of carbohydrates to protein,*, e., a wide nutritive ratio (132), and this we find borne out by the results of numerous experi- ments with all kinds of animals. We quote the following experi- ments on sheep by Schulze and Marcker, arranged by Armsby according to the nutritive ratios in the different rations. The protein in the wool, amounting to about five grams, is not included in the figures for protein consumption. ' » Zeitschrift f. Biologic, V, p. 434; Armsby, loc. cit., p. 150. » Joum. f. Landw. XVIII, pp. 1 et seq; Armsby, loc. cit., p. 168. Animal Nutrition. 47 Influence of wide and narrow ratios on flesh produdion — Schulzs and MaercJcer. No. of experi- ment. Protein digested Grams. Nutritive ratio. Protein consump- tion. Grams. Gain of protein. Grams. Gain of protein in per cent, of am't digested. Experiment 6. 30.6 1 :17.4 24.3 1.4 4.6 Experiment 12 Experiment 3 Experiment 11 Experiment 2 Experiment 10 Experiment 8 67.9 59.5 68.1 59.7 72.5 85.8 1 :9.4 1 :8.9 1 :8.6 1 :8.6 1 :8.1 1:7.7 54.8 45.9 56.2 49.1 54.7 63.6 8.0 9.0 6.8 5.5 12.7 17.3 11.8 15.1 10.0 9.2 17.5 20.1 Average 68.9 54.1 9.9 14.0 Experiment 7 Experiment 9 Experiment 17 116.8 156.6 248.3 1 :4.9 1 :3.7 1 :2.2 96.0 142.5 237.6 15.9 9.0 6.1 13.7 5.8 2.5 Average 173.9 158.7 10.3 7.3 The above experiments were not all conducted with the same animals, and therefore cannot be safely compared with one another. We notice, however, that supplying a smaU amount of protein with a large amount of carbohydrates, as in Experiment 6, gives a poor gain of protein and also a low percentage gain of protein digested in the foodj a medium quantity of protein with a liberal supply of carbohydrates as given in the first group of experiments causes a greater consumption of protein in the body, and a larger percentage of digested protein. When we come to the last group of experiments, where the digestible carbohydrates constitute from 4.9 to 2.2 times the quantity of protein present, we again obtain poor results, there being a large waste of protein in the body, and a small gain, both relatively and absolutely, for the total protein supplied. Comparing Experiments 3 and 9, if we may safely do so, we observe that the same gain of protein to the body of the animal was obtained in one case from a little more than one-third of the quantity of digestible protein that was fed in the other case. At the same time the consumption of protein was more than three times as large in the latter case as in the former. 48 Feeds and Feeding. 70. Relative effects of fat and carbofiydrates. — Experiments by a large number of investigators on the influence of fat or carbohy- drates on protein consumption show that the two classes of nutrients are of practically equal value, pound for pound, for this purpose, so that so far as saving protein in the body is concerned they may replace one another. This is an important fact, and shows that the relative fuel value of these two grand divisions of food sub- stances is not a measure of their comparative nutritive effect, (60) The importance of the high value of carbohydrates in the formation of flesh is evident. Feeds containing much fat are comparatively costly, are difficult of digestion by Herbivora, and an undue amount of them may prove injurious. On the other hand, the carbohydrates are contained in large proportions in all the common fodders, are low-priced and are readily consumed and digested by Herbivora. The carbohydrates in the food of Herbivora effect what fat does with the Camivora; they decrease protein consumption and enable the animal to subsist on a much smaller quantity of nitrogenous material than would otherwise be necessary. 71. Influence of amides on protein consumption. — It is now fairly well established that a large majority of the amides found in plants are nutrients proper, that is, when fed they enter the system and are oxidized in the same way as other food nutrients. The experiments of Hermann in feeding a dog with gelatine and tyrosin, a common amide, show that the two feeds can sustain life and even cause a production of flesh. ^ Asparagin, an amide present in most young plants, has repeat- edly been shown * to cause a gain of protein in the body when fed with a fodder poor in protein. Experiments by Zuntz,^ Potthast,* and Weiske and Schulze* are in accordance with the above, and prove that asparagin ia a nutrient, and that it saves muscular tissues from decomposition. » Vierteljahresschr. der Naturf. Ges. in Zurich XXI, p. • Annaby, loc. cit. p. 163. » Jahresb, d. Thier Chemie 12, p. 422. • Jahresb. d. Thier Chemie 18, p. 344. • Zeitachr. f. Biologie 17, 413, Animal Nutrition. 49 It follows, therefore, that in some of their functions at least, amides may replace albuminoids. It has been found also by indirect experiments that equally good results have been obtained, where amides have been substituted for part of the albuminoids in the ration for growing animals and milch cows, as were obtained when albuminoids only were fed. In corroboration of the above we have the similar feeding value of corn silage and a correspond- ing quantity of dry fodder corn. (655) Silage often contains nearly half its nitrogen in amide form, while dry fodder corn has not more than from 12 to 15 per cent, of its nitrogen in the form of amides. 72. Influence of salt on protein consumption. — Experiments by Voit with dogs, and by Weiske with sheep, have shown that a moderate addition of salt to the fodder increases the activity of the secretion of the body juices and their circulation, and con- sequently increases the protein consumption in the body. Salt has a stimulating influence on the appetite of the animal, facili- tates the passage of albuminoids from the digestive canal into the blood, and in general increases the energy of the vital processes. The feeding of salt is therefore especially in place with horses, young animals and milch cows when fed to their full capacity. Another effect of salt is to increase the excretion of urine. If after supplying salt the animal is prevented from drinking water, then water which would otherwise pass off through the lungs and skin wUl be diverted to the kidneys, and if the supply from this source is not sufficient, water will further be drawn from the body tissues. The live weight of the animal can therefore shrink rapidly when salt is administered freely and little water is given; afterwards, when water is offered, much will be drank, and this, returned to the digestive tract and tissues, will cause the animal ' to increase rapidly in weight. 73. Influence of water on protein consumption. — Abnormally large quantities of water cause a waste of nutrients in the bodies of animals through increased protein consumption. Voit has shown an increase in protein consumption of 25 per cent, from this source iu case of a fasting dog, and Henneberg found an 4 50 Feeds and Feeding. increase of 5. 8 per cent, in the case of oxen. * We are taught from these investigations that everything which gives rise to excessive drinking of water by growing, and especially fattening, animals, should be avoided; as, too high stall temperature, too much salt, too great exposure, or supj)lyiug foods carrying too much water. The normal ratio of dry matter in food to water (that in food included) is about 1 : 4 for cattle, and 1 : 2 for sheep. II. TJie Fat of the Body. 74. Body fat from fat in the food. — According to the teachings of Voit, Wolff, and other authorities, the fat stored in the animal body may originate from three sources, viz. : directly from the fat of the food, from the carbohydrates, and from the decomposition of protein. The fat of the food which has been acted upon by the digestive fluids in the intestines may be directly stored in the body of animals when supplied in large quantities, as has been con- clusively shown in the case of Carnivora. Experiments in this line have been conducted mostly with dogs, at the Physiological Institute at Munich. Dogs have been starved for a long time until the supply of fat in the body had entirely disappeared, as shown by the increased decomposition of protein after that time. When this stage was reached they were fed for several days large quantities of fat and only a little meat. When dogs so fed were slaughtered, it was found that fat had been deposited in the lungs and in the body tissues in quantities larger than could be accounted for by the decomposition of the meat fed. Lebedeflf and Munk* fed a dog mutton suet, and later rape oil, for a long time and in large quantities, and found that the fat deposited in the body was more like mutton suet or rape oil in its chemical properties than normal dog fat. In other experiments this could not be proved for the reason that the fatty matters sup- plied were decomposed more easily in the body of the animal than the fat originating from other sources. 75. Feeding fatty acids. — Munk^ showed that neutral fat may be formed in the animal body resulting from the feeding of free *■ Armsby, IManual of Cattle Feeding, p. 135. • Munk, Physiologic d. Menschen, 1888, p. 273. • Biedennann's Centralblatt, XIII (1884), p. 106. Animal Nutrition. 61 fatly acids. He fed a starved dog lean meat and a large quantity of fatty acids prepared from mutton suet. The animal, which had shrunk 32 per cent, in weight during nineteen days, was fed 3,200 grams of flesh and 2,850 grams of fatty acids in fourteen days, and increased 17 per cent, in weight during this period. When killed, a well-developed layer of fat was found under the skin, and also large deposits of fat on the internal organs. By use of the knife, 1,100 grams of fat were separated, which resembled mutton suet, and according to chemical analysis must have contained at least 96 per cent, of neutral mutton suet. It is known that fatty acids are formed from the fat of the food in the digestive processes through the action of the pancreatic juice, and the above experiment therefore practically proves that the fat stored in the body of animals may be derived from the fat of the food. Munk's findings have recently been corroborated by Walker, also in experiments with dogs. ^ While experiments like those quoted above cannot be made with Herbivora, there is sufiSicient evidence to establish the fact that the fat of the food may, under favorable conditions, directly contribute to the body fat and milk fat of animals. As will be seen later on, however, the fat in the animal body is not derived from one component of the food only, but generally from both the fat and carbohydrates, or possibly these two in conjunction with the protein of the food, according to the conditions of feeding and the relative amounts of the different components fed. 76. Fat from carbohydrates. — Liebig maintained as early as 1842 that the fat of the Herbivora must be derived in a great measure from the carbohydrates of the food, but considered that it might also be produced from its nitrogenous components. The correctness of this view was questioned by leading scientists of that time, although evidence in its favor was accumulating. In 1852 Lawes and Gilbert published the results of their pig-feeding experiments, showing that a large portion of the fat stored in tlie body of a fattening pig must come from other sources than the fatty matter of the food. These investigators calculated the » CentralbL t Physiologie, IV, p. 590; Jahresbr. d. Thier Chemie, 21, p. 32. 52 Feeds and Feeding. total dry and oiganic matter, mineral matter, non-nitrogenonfl constituents, protein and fat stored in a fat pig in one of their experiments, for each 100 pounds of these constituents consumed as food, with the results shown below. Substances stored, voided, etc., by a fattening pig for each 100 pounds eaten — Bothamsted Experiment Station. ^ Consmned as food. stored up in the animal. Expired, per- spired, or voided Total dry substance Lbs. 100 100 100 100 100 100 Lbs. 15.04 2.19 15.59 17.74 8.35 407.00 T.hs 84.96 Mineral matter 97.81 Orsranic matter 84.41 Non-nitrogenous constitu- ents 82.26 Nitrogenous constituents Fatty matter 91.G5 In other experiments these investigators found from four to five times as much fat stored in the bodies of fattening pigs as had been supplied in the food. In spite of the evidence accumu- lated through this and other experiments, the view that fat may- be formed from carbohydrates was opposed by many scientists until late years, but the question may now be considered settled. Of the large number of experiments bearing on this most important subject, only a few can be here noted. We select late contribu- tions, in which all the precautions known to modern experimenters in animal physiology have been observed. Kern* found that on an average at least 9871 grams of fat had been stored in the bodies of two full-grown fattening sheep during 70 days' feeding, and that ouly 7432 grams could be accounted for as the maximum amount formed from the digestible fat and protein in the food combined. It thus appears that 2439 grams, or 24.7 per cent, of the total quantity of fat stored in the body, must have been derived from carbohydrates. Soxhlet^ fed three full-grown pigs of the same age for about ^ On the Composition of Foods in Relation to Respiration, and the Feeding of Animals, Report British Asso. f. Adv. of Science, 1852, p. 29; Bui. 22, Office of Expt Sta., pp. 235-82. » Journ. f. Landw. 26, p. 549. 8 Jahresb. Agr.-Chemie, 1881, p. 434* Animal Nutrition. 53 elev^en montlisi on the same preparatory ration of 2.2 to 3.3 poiinda of barley meal per day, and during the five days preceding the experiment proper, 4.4 pounds of rice meal. At this time the pigs weighed 219, 220 and 213 pounds. One of the pigs was then killed and its body analyzed, while the others were put on a ration of 4.4 pounds of boiled rice, and later on 3.3 pounds of rice, with some meat extract, both of which foods are almost free from fat. One of these animals was killed after 75 days, and the other after 82 days of such feeding, and their bodies analyzed as in the case of the first animal. On the assumption that the composi- tion of the bodies of all the pigs was the same when the first pig was killed, the investigator found the quantity of fat formed in the bodies of the two animals and its source to be as shown below: Feeding trial with pigs to show formation of fat from carbohydrates — Soxhlet. Pig III. Fat formed in body during experiment. Talten up in the food. Formed from components not fat in the food. Nitrogen in the food. Protein production Fat formed throughi decomposition of protein.* Fat formed from carbohydrates ♦Protein consumed X 51.4. (78) Four to six times as much fat was consequently formed in the bodies of these animals as could have been derived from the fat and protein of the food. Even if there was some dificrence in the condition of these animals at the end of the prelimin- ary feeding, it could not be large enough to overthrow the conclusion that the carbohydrates were the source of the greater portion of the fat produced during the experiment. Meissl and Strohmer, ^ also experimenting on swine, fed two kilograms of rice daUy to a one-year old pig weighing 309 pounds. During a part of the time the pig was confined in a Pettenkofer respiration apparatus and the respiration products determined. Of the data obtained the following are reproduced: Jahresb. d. Thier Chemie, 13, p. 39. 64 Feeds and Feeding. Carbon, Nitrogen, grams. grams. Digested from the food 765.37 18.67 Outgo in respiratory and excreted products... 476.15 12.59 Remaining in the body of the animal 289. 22 6. 08 The surplus of nitrogen corresponds to the formation of 38 grams of protein, (58) containing 20. 1 grams of carbon; there is then left for the formation of fat from the carbon surplus 2G9.12 grams. This would be contained in 269.12x1.3, (58) or 349.9 grams of fat. The total quantity of fat in the food amounted to 7.9 grams, so that if this was digested and deposited in the body, 342 grams of fat must have been formed from other sources. The nitrogen excreted as urea showed a decomposition of 65.4 grams of i)rotein in the body of the animal. This quantity of protein could at best form no more than 65.4 x .514, (78) or 33.6 grams of fat, leaving 308.4 grams of fat deposited in the body to be derived from carbohydrates. Seven to eight times as much fat, therefore, originated from this source as could have been formed from the protein and the fat in the food. The formation of fat from carbohydrates in the nutrition of ruminants, especially cattle, is conclusively proved by the results of experiments conducted by G. Kiihn during 1882-90. ^ 77. rormation of fat in milk. — Collier ^ has shown in the case of a herd of purebred cows that the fat in the food was sufficient to account for the fat produced in the milk during all but the first two months of their lactation period. The average ratio of fat in food to fat in milk for the whole period of lactation for all cows was 121 : 100. It should be remembered, however, that the fat in the food consumed by the cows was not wholly digested, and was, moreover, the ''crude fat" or ether extract of chemical analysis. This extract contains chlorophyll and other impurities dissolved from the fodders by the ether in the process of analysis. Allowing 17.4 per cent, for impurities. Collier says there is still enough fat in the food to account for the fat recovered in the milk. The experiments with milch cows have not given as decisive » Landw. Vers., 44, pp. 1-581. •N. Y. Expt Station (Geneva), 1891, p. 124. Animal Nutrition. 55 results as those made witli sheep, pigs, geese and ducks, some of which have been reported in the preceding pages; ^ but as the formation of fat from carbohydrates has been established in the case of other animals, it follows that cows also have the same ability, since the nutritive processes are essentially the same in all the higher animals. I The formation of fat from carbohydrates was long considered impossible because no intermediate steps in the transformation were known. Lately, however, it has been found that butyric, capronic and higher solid fatty acids are formed from carbohy- drates in putrefactive processes. We have seen that the fatty acids are readily taken up by the animal system and changed into fats, which may be deposited in the body or oxidized, according to the supply of nutrients and the nutritive condition of the animal. (75) This being true, there is no theoretical difficulty in the way of the formation of the fat of milk from carbohydrates. 78. Fat from protein. — It has long been known that fatty acids may be formed from protein substances in putrefactive processes, both in the animal body and elsewhere, and also through oxidizing agents. In certain diseases, especially cases of phosphorus poison- ing, fatty degeneration will occur in the body; the muscles waste and a waxy fat appears in their stead, and is also deposited on the internal organs. In one case the dry matter in the liver of a man who died from phosphorus poisoning contained the enormous amount of 76.8 per cent, of fat. 2 In an experiment by Bauer, ^ a dog was poisoned with phosphorus after having been starved twelve days. It died seven days later. The excretion of ui'ea was quite constant fi-om the fifth to the twelfth day of the experi- ment, amounting to 7.8 grams daily. After the poisoning had begun, the excretion increased until it amounted to 23.9 grams per day, i. e., three times the normal amount. It was ascertained with another dog treated the same way, but kept in a respiration apparatus, that the excretion of carbonic acid and the amount of oxygen taken up decreased one-half after the phosphorus feeding ^ For a review of the extensive literature on the subject up to August, 1881, see B. Schulze, Landw. Jahrb., XI, p. 57. * Wolff, Landw. Fiitterungslehre, 1888, p. 44. • Zeitschr. f. Biologle, VII, p. 76; Voit, Physiologie, p. 248. 56 Feeds and Feeding. began. In this case 1 iicre was a greater decomposition of protein into ui-ea and fat, with a smaller absorption of oxygen, and con- sequently a decreased oxidation of the fat, both processes com- bining to produce fat in the body. The muscles of the poisoned dog contained 42.4 per cent, of fat, and the liver 30 i)cr cent., or three times more than was present in the normal nutrition of the dog, and at least ten times more than would have been found after twenty days of starvation, if phosphorus had not been administoied. According to Henneberg, ^ 100 pounds of protein will form 33.45 pounds of urea on decomposition; the remainder, 66.55 pounds, after uniting with 12.3 parts of water, may form 51.4 pounds of fat and 27.4 pounds of carbonic acid. The maximum quantity of fat which protein can form under the most favorable conditions is, therefore, 51.4 per cent. ni. Formation of Fat in (he Body. 79. Concerning fat. — Having ascertained the sources of fat in the animal body, we next consider the principles governing its formation and consumption. The formation of fat in the body will take place when the supply of nutrients in the food exceeds the immediate demands of the system. To study the effect of single nutrients on fat formation and consumption, we follow the plan employed in the study of protein consumption, and investi- gate the conditions which are most favorable to the formation of fat in the animal body and least favorable to its consumption. 80. reeding with fat alone. — While exclusive protein feeding induces only protein consumption in the body, and does not con- tribute to the formation of flesh, an exclusive fat diet has no influence on the decomposition of fat in the body, the same amount being decomposed whether much or little fat is fed. A dog ex- perimented with by Pettenkofer and Voit lost 96 grams of fat daily during hunger. When 100 grams of fat were fed daily, an average of 97 grams of fat was oxidized, showing that the loss of fat in the body was barely covered by the feeding of fat. ^ A relatively larger decomposition of fat takes place in the bodies of very fat » Landw. Versuchs-Stationen, XX, p. 394. » Voit, Physiologie, p. 128. Animal Nutrition. 57 animals than in lean ones. This partially explains why the fattening of animals grows more difficult during the last stages of the fattening period. (565) 81. Feeding protein alone. — Large quantities of proteia protect the body fat from oxidation, as will be seen by the following experiment by Pettenkofer and Voit* with a dog fed exclusively on fat-free meat, and kept in a respiration apparatus: Feeding fat-free meat to dog in respiration apparatus — Fettenkofer and Voit. Meat fed. Protein con- sumption. Gfain (+)or loss (—) of flesh. Gain (+) or loss (—) of body fat. Grams. 0 Grams. 165 599 1,079 1,499 1,500 1,757 2,044 2,512 Grams. —166 — 99 — 79 + 1 0 + 43 — 44 — 12 Grama. ■ 95 500 1,000 —19 1,500 +29 + 4 + 1 +58 +57 1,500 1,800 2,000 2,500 The increased feeding of fat-free meat caused an increased con- sumption of protein, but the decomposition of fat was checked by feeding 1,500 grams (about 3.3 pounds) of fat-free meat per day, and where larger quantities of fat- free meat were fed the animal was able to lay on fat. The consumption of protein was at the same time decreased. 82. Feeding both protein and fat. — The following experiments by Pettenkofer and Yoit* show the influence of different quanti- ties of fat and meat on the decomposition of protein and fat in the body of a dog. Comparing the data given in the table, we notice the influence of the feed in the different combinations. Where the same quantity of protein was fed in the form of meat, with varying quantities of fat, the gain in body fat was larger when the largest quantities of fat were fed, and the gain was, as a rule, proportional to the quantity fed. With a liberal supply ^Voit, ibid., p. 116. * Zeitschr. f. Biologie, IX, p. 30; Voit, Physiologie, p. 134. 58 Feeds and Feeding. of protein, as in Experiments 5 and 9, about as much fat was left in the body as was supplied in the fat of the food. From this it appears that the body fat formed from the protein in tlie food is less stable than that derived from the fat of the food, and that fat derived from protein will be decomposed more easily in the body than the fat of the food. EesuUs of feeding meat and fat to a dog — Pettenkofer and Volt. Food. Changes in the body. Expt. No. IJeat Fat. Protein. Fat. Consump- tion. Gain. Consumption. Gain. 1 Grams. 400 600 500 800 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Grams. 200 100 200 350 30 60 100 100 150 Grams. 450 491 617 635 1,457 1,501 1,402 1,451 1,455 Grams. — 50 ±1? +16.5 + 43 — 1 + 98 + 49 + 45 Grams. 159 66 109 136 0 21 9 0 14 Grams. 41 2 34 3 91 4 214 5 32 6 39 7 91 8 109 9 136 83. Feeding with protein and carbohydrates. — For information regarding this subject, as in the preceding ones, we have recourse to the experiments of Pettenkofer and Voit * Feeding protein and carbohydrates to a dog — Pettenkofer and Voit. Food. Amonut of protein do- composed calculated from urea excreted. Protein gained or lost by the body. Amount of carbo- hvd rates decom- posed. Fat. Flesh P^-.rch Soffar Fat From fat of food. Lost from the body. Derived from food other than fat 9 370 17 22 10 "e" 5 "u" 4 10 211 193 436 393 413 568 537 608 1475 1469 2512 -211 -193 - 36 til - 68 - 37 379 608 211 227 344 167 182 379 172 379 0 +17 +22 -10 24 0 4iX) 400 400 500 500 800 1500 1800 2500 608 211 22 - 8 -25 227 344 167 + 6 + 5 39 20 182 16 379 172 379 - hl92 -25 1-331 +14 + 4 +10 55 43 112 + 12 67 Loc. cit., p. 145, Animal NutrUion. 59 Even Avhen the food given consisted of non-nitrogenous mate- rials only, there was a laying-on of fat; when only protein was fed, the excretion of urea was increased proportionately, and there -vas a small production of fat, which may have been derived from the small amount of fat always present in lean meat. Voit found from a number of experiments that carbohydrates ■ cause a decrease of fat consumption in the body, and that they are oxidized in preference to the body fat. If enough carbohy- drates are fed with the protein, all the fat that may have origi- nated from the protein may be deposited as body fat. If the quantity of carbohydrates fed is increased beyond this point, there will be no fui-ther laying-on of fat, the excess of carbohy- drates being burned. In this particular the carbohydrates act differently from fat fed in conjunction with protein, since the more fat the animal can be induced to eat the larger will be the quantity of fat deposited. Voit's position, that even the largest quantities of carbohydrates fed in connection with protein are decomposed in the animal body, is held untenable by Pfl tiger, 1 who maintains that if an amount of fat or starch above the needs of the system be fed to an animal whose nitrogen income and outgo has been brought to a state of equilibrium, the nutritive balance will not be imauenced thereby; i. e., the excretion of urea and oxidation of carbon wiU go on without increase, the excess of fat or starch passing off undigested. 84. Relative value of fat and carbohydrates.— In experimenta with fat and carbohydrates for fat production in the animal body, Pettenkofer and Voit* found that 100 parts of fat were equivalent to 172-179 parts, average 175 parts, of carbohydrates (starch) for this pui-pose. When considering the formation of flesh in the animal body, it was shown that carbohydrates and fat were practically of equal value, pound for pound, as aids in flesh for- mation. (70) Neither of these offices can be filled by fats to the extent indicated by their fuel value as determined by calorimetric investigations, (60) or as would be inferred from the quantity of 1 Pfluger's Archiv, 51 (1892), p. 317. * Voit, Physiologie, p. 150. 60 Feeds and Feeding. oxygen required for their complete combustion into carbonic acid and water. 85. Effect of water on fat consumption. — Excessive water drinking and the feeding of very wet foods have a deleterious effect on the formation of fat. Any conditions which cause an excessive consumption of water must of coui-se be avoided with fattening animals. Abnormally large quantities of water tax the system unnecessarily and retard the formation of flesh and fat. A high stable temperature is to be avoided, as it increases the amount of water drank and induces greater perspiration. Ani- mals worry and lose their appetites under such conditions. Too low a temperatme, on the other hand, is objectionable, since increased oxidation is then necessary to maintain the body heat. 86. Size of the body. — A small animal has a relatively larger body surface, and therefore loses more heat through radiation, than a large-sized animal. According to Henneberg, ^ more than nine- tenths of all the heat produced by the animal goes to supply the loss sustained by radiation and to evaporation of water in perspiration. Of the heat lost, 26.7 per cent, is through perspira- tion and 65. 1 per cent, is by radiation. For the same classes of animals the radiation of heat stands in the ratio of relative body surface. The body surface of animals of different classes, how- ever, does not alone determine the quantity of nutrients needed for the preservation of the animal. According to maintenance experiments, an ox will need about .6 grams of protein and 7.4 grams of non-nitrogenous substances for every kilogram of body weight, while a full-grown sheep wOl need 1.2 grams of protein and 10.5 grams of non-nitrogenous substances per kilogram of body weight. ' 87. Muscular exertion. — Muscular exertion of any kind in- creases the oxidation processes going on in the body of animals; vigorous exercise must therefore be avoided in the case of fat- tening stock and milch cows. While this applies to external movements, it also holds good so far as the internal organs are » Neue Beitrage, 1871, p. 1227; Arnisby, Manual, p. 231. » Wolff, Futteruugslehre, 1888, p. 54. Animal Nutrition. 61 concerned, especially the work of digesting feed. A bulky- fodder requires more energy on tlie part of the animal to move it through the digestive canal, and larger quantities of digestive fluids to extract its nutritive elements than does a concentrated todder; hence the importance of supplying hard-worked horses, mil ell cows and fattening animals a concentrated, easily- digested ration. 88. Concerning the fattening process. — The process of fatten- ing depends on the amount of nutrients taken up by the system over and above its requirements. It is therefore evident that anything which will decrease the oxidation processes going on in the body, that is, decrease the waste caused by the wear and tear of muscles and internal organs, will prove conducive to fat pro- duction. The quantity of oxygen taken up by the blood is dependent on the nutritive condition of the body; the more material supplied and the more energetic the processes of decom- position, the more oxygen is needed. There is, however, a limit to the amount of oxygen that can be absorbed by the blood, this limit being determined by the amount of blood in the body and its content of haemoglobin, the characteristic coloring matter of the red blood corpuscles. A small amount of blood and a small hsBmoglobin content of the same are therefore favorable to fatten- ing. We see in this a possible explanation of the custom reported to be practiced in some parts of Europe of bleeding fattening animals. Reference has been made to the possible formation of fat by a degenerative process from the muscles of the body through phos- phorus poisoning; (78) the phosphorus in this case acts as a poison by depriving the blood of its oxygen, and the result is the formation of fatty matter from the muscular tissues. 89. Influence of light on fattening. — The influence of light on fattening has been studied by Graffenberger, ^ the experiments being made with both young and full-grown rabbits. One set of animals was kept in the light, and another in a dark room. The investigator found that the content of haemoglobin in the blood of the rabbits kept in the dark was decreased, and the amount of * Pfluger's Archiv, 53 (1893), p. 288. 62 Feeds and Feeding. blood in the bodies of these animals decreased somewhat on long confinement in a dark room. The average quantity of blood in the animals kept in the light was 22.2 grams, and of those kept in a darkened room, 17.2 grams. In another experiment, the bodies of rabbits kept in light and dark rooms contained 100. S grams and 90. 6 grams of blood, respectively. According to these experiments, darkening the stable will have a stimulating influ- ence on the formation of fat in the bodies of animals. Graffen- berger also ascertained that the production of fat in animals kept in the light and those kept in the dark was as 100 : 126 for the first 16 days. After 46 days the ratio was as 100 : 119. With ftdl-grown animals the increase was as 100 : 216 after 24 days, and as 100 : 138 after 75 days. The deprivation of daylight, therefore, caused an increase iiv the formation of fat and an increase in live weight. The increase was larger in the case of full-grown animals than with youngei ones; and further, by prolonging the absence of light the increase was relatively smaller than for the shorter time. As the develop- ment of the skeleton and liver of the animal is retarded by dark- ness, the prolonged absence of light has a deleterious effect upon the health of the animal. While Graflfenberger corroborates the results of Moleschott, ^ Platen, * and other early investigators, that light causes an increased excretion of carbonic acid and a greater consumption of oxygen, he finds that protein consumption is not influenced by the absence or presence of daylight 1 Wien Med. Wochenschr., 1855, No. 43. » Pfluger's Archiv, 11, p. 272. CHAPTEE V. THE SOUECE OF MUSCULAE ENERGY; COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS BEFOEE AND AFTEE FATTENING. I. The Source of Muscular Energy and the Production of Force. 90. Food the basis of life. — The ultimate object of most of the food supplied to the animal is the production of work. All Jhe manifestations of life, sliown in a thousand ways by the animal, are in some manner derived from the food. The horse is kept for the direct production of labor. The cow, in farnishing milk, supplies a substance used for building up the tissues of the body or for the production of work. Doubtless the manner in which the food is converted into energy will always exceed man's power to definitely determine, but many facts in this connection already known are interesting and highly instructive. We have learned that the substances which enter the body as food can be grouped under three great divisions: protein, carbo- hydrates, and ether extract. (7-9) We have further learned that when the protein of the food has entered the body proper and been broken down, the amount of this loss to the body can be measured by nitrogen found in the urea. (57) The carbo- hydrates and ether extract, when absorbed from the alimentary tract to nurture the body, may be built up into body fat or de- composed into carbonic acid and water, heat and energy being given off in this process. The water resulting from the decom- position cannot be used as a measure of the broken-down carbo- hydrates and fat, for the reason that it is mingled with water from other sources when excreted. Scientists are, nevertheless, able to determine the quantity of these substances which has been broken down, by measuring the carbonic acid exhaled in the breatli of the animal. 64 Feeds and Feeding. 91. Liebig's theory. — It was held by Liebig that tlie exorcise of force is due to the breaking- down of lean-meat tissue in the animal body, as is shown by the following :» ''The amount of azotized food (protein) necessary to restore the equilibrium between waste and supply is directly propor- tional to the amount of tissues metamorphosed. "The amount of living matter, which in the body loses the condition of life, is, in equal temperatures, directly proportional to the mechanical eifects produced in a given time. ''The amount of tissue metamorphosed in a given time may be measured by the quantity of nitrogen in the urine. " The sum of the mechanical effects produced in two individuals in the same temperature is proportional to the amount of nitrogen in their urine; whether the mechanical force has been employed in voluntary or involuntary motions, whether it has been consumed by limbs or by the heart and other viscera." 92. Lawes and Gilbert's trial. — Lawes and Gilbert held a different view, believing that protein did not play the exclusive part in the production of energy claimed for it. Putting their doubts to test, they conducted the following experiment: ^ Two pigs of similar weight and appearance were selected. To one was given all it would consume of lentil meal, a feed rich in protein, containing about 4 per cent, of nitrogen. The other pig was fed all it would consume of barley meal, containing less than 2 per cent, of nitro- gen. Each pig was confined in a frame, with arrangements for collecting the faeces and urine separately. All the usual precau- tions for good work were observed, with the following results: Feeding pigs protein-rich and protein-poor rations — EotJuiinsted Station. Periods. Food. Nitrogen iu food. Urea voided. Urea- nitrogen. Days. 3 No. 1, lentil meal Grams. 123. 58.9 120.6 51.2 Grams. 134. 61.5 141. 52.1 Grams. 62.6 3 No. 2, barley meal 28.7 JO No. 1, lentil meal 66.8 10 No. 2, barley meal 24.3 » Organic Chemistry in its Application to Physiology and Pathology. » Jour. Roy. Agl. Soc., 1895; Bui. 22, Office of Expt. Sta. The Source of Muscular Energy. 65 Here were two animals at rest, one getting much nitrogen in its feed and tlie other a limited amount. While the work performed by the pigs was equal, or very nearly so, for both were equally at rest, the amount of nitrogen excreted in the urea varied greatly, being in proportion to the amount of that element in the feed given. 93. Nitrogen excretion during hard labor. — We next present a case in which there was severe physical exertion, that we may learn whether the nitrogen excreted bears a direct relation to the work performed. In 1865, Professors Fick and Wislicenus ascended the Faulhom, an Alpine mountain. > In this laborious effort they were careful to note their diet and to preserve all the urine excreted during the trip, which was afterwards analyzed. From before the ascent until after returning, the food consumed contained only starch, fat and sugar. The following is a sum- mary of the results so far as they relate to the point under con- sideration: Nitrogen excreted in the urine by Mclc and Wislicenus while ascending Mt. Faulhom. Urea. Nitrogen in urea. Total nitrogen. Nitrogen, excreted per hour (average). Fick. Night before ascent , During ascent After ascent Night after ascent ... Wislicenus. Night before ascent . During ascent After ascent Night after ascent. . . . Grams. 12.4820 7.0330 5.1718 11.7614 6.6973 5.1020 Grams. 6.8249 3.2681 2.4151 5.4887 3.1254 Grams. 6.9153 3.3130 2.4293 4.8167 6.6841 3.1336 2.4165 5.3462 Grams. 0.63 .41 .40 .45 .61 .40 .51 ''The record of the actual quantities is sufficient to show that much less nitrogen was excreted by both experimenters during and after than before the ascent. But the calculated amounts of » Loc. cit. 5 66 Feeds and Feeding. nitrogen excreted per liour during each of the periods, as given in the last column of the table, bring the main results more clearly to view. It is seen that, on the average, only about two -thirds as much nitrogen was excreted per hour during and after the ascent as prior to it, when there would be more or less residue in the system from the last albuminous meal. ' ' Had the nitrogenous tissues of the body been broken dowr; directly in proportion to the labor performed, there would have been a large increase of nitrogen in the urea of these persons dur- ing and just after their fatiguing work, but such is not the case. In 1866, Frankland, ^ studying the sources of muscular power, made numerous calorimetrical determinations of the energy evolved by the combustion of muscle, urea and various foods, or constituents of food, and concluded that the transformation of muscular tissue alone cannot account for more than a small frac- tion of the muscular power developed by animals. 94. The excretion of carbonic acid. — Let us now study the quantities of carbonic acid given off by animals under different conditions of labor and rest. The great increase in the carbonic acid exhaled during work, and its decrease with the cessation of work, are clearly brought out in trials by Smith, * as shown in the following table: Amount of carbonic acid exhaled by the horse under varying condi- tions — Smith. Carbonic acid exhaled per hour. Pony (work trotting). Horse (work galloping). Horse (work gaUopiug), Best Cubic feet. 0.7648 2.3954 .4631 Cubic feet Cubic feet Work 20.6265 1.3133 12.4353 1,1693 » Phil. Mag. 1866, 4th 8er., Vol. XXXII, p. 182; loc. cit •Jour. PhyBiology, 1890, No. 1; loc. cit The Source of Muscular Energy. 67 The folio-wing table by the same investigator shovs the great increase in the carbonic acid gas exhaled with iacreasing labor: Carbonic add exhaled by the horse at rest and at work — Smith. Carbonic acid exhaled per hour. Series A. Series B. Rest Walking- Trotting... Cantering, Galloping Cubic feet. 1.0282 1.0972 2.9482 4.9159 14.9725 Cubic feet. 1.2346 1.0586 4.8309 5.0080 These tables show the variation in the amount of carbonic acid given off by the lungs of animals duriag labor, and the rapid increase as the labor increases. No such findings are on record with regard to the excretion of nitrogen in the urea. The con- clusion is irresistible that the carbohydrates and the fat of the food and of the body, and not protein, are the main sources of body energy. 95. Body heat does not measure the energy of food. — On this subject Wolff writes: 1 "The great increase in the combustion of fat during work has led to the assumption that this constitutes the chief source of muscular energy, that the work done is the result of the heat produced, and that in the animal body a con- version of heat into force takes place, just as the steam-engine produces work through the heat of the burning fuel by the inter- vention of steam, or as the hot-air engine executes work by means ^ of the heated air. The non-nitrogenous food stuffs are directly concerned in this heat production, and it has been calculated that 20 per cent, of the heat produced by their combustion is con- verted into work, which is a far larger proportion than that yet attained by the most efficient steam-engines, which only convert about 10 per cent, of the heat they receive into work. It is open to question, however, whether the heat produced in the body can be directly converted into mechanical work as in the case of the Farm Foods, English edition, pp. 82, 83. Feeds and Feeding. air engine, or can even be considered ite direct source, since tlie necessary conditions of alternate heating and cooling of the whole or a part do not hold good in the animal body, and make a com- parison between the two impossible The increased production of heat during work and the increased respiration are but secondary effects, the result of work, and can by no means be regarded as its primary or direct cause. The increased heat produced in work is dissipated in evaporation from the body and by greater heat radiation, and is eventually reduced again to the normal." 96. Food requirements for work vary. — Wolff further writes:* ''The food required to produce work varies with the form of muscular activity or the work done. Katzenstein, for instance, found that work done by men turning a wheel with the arms produced a greater expenditure of material in the body than the same work done with the legs. The volume of oxygen used per kilogram-meter of work done with hand-labor amounted to 1.96 cubic centimeters, but when the work was done with the legs, only from 1.19 to 1.51 cubic centimeters." Further, the degree of practice in a particular kind of work influences the expenditure of material in the body, as Gruber found by experiments on himself. The carbonic acid produced every twenty minutes amounted to the following: Rest. Walking. CMmbing. Out of practice. In practice. Carbonic acid grams 12.83 22.42 38.83 7376 31.00 7639 Zuntz and Lehmann obtained similar results in their experi- ments on the horse. ''It can be deduced from the total experi- mental results that no constant relationship can be set up between the production of work and consumption of food; the entire organization of an animal, its individual and variable peculiarities and condition, etc., create great differences in the economical » Farm Foods, pp. 84, 85. The Source of Muscular Energy. 69 employment of its power in doing tlie same piece of work; with the same individual the quality and intensity of the work produces great differences, and further researches are required to reduce the variations in question by regular use to an individual and perhaps a typical average value." 97. The sources of muscular energy. — Wolff further saysi^ '' The essential sources of muscular power are seen in the decom- position processes in the body, i. e., in the destruction which portions of the body or the food resorbed from the digestive tract undergo by the passage of the plasma through the tissues. To this end, as we have already seen in the case of fat-production, both nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous substances contribute. As these materials are resolved by the influence of oxygen into simple groups of atoms, the energy of cheniical force which previously linked the atoms together in more complicated group- ings is set at liberty, and can be employed as kinetic energy for the external work of the body. In a condition of rest, this energy serves for the internal work of the organs or is converted into electric current, etc. The animal body often stores up a certain amount of energy; as soon as this store has been rapidly exhausted by work, a period of rest is necessary to enable fresh material to flow through the tissue-cells and generate fresh energy for the production of more active work. The force-production and aU phenomena resulting from the combustion of organic matter in the animal body must obey the law of the conservation of energy." 98. Conclusion. — Taking the experiments here presented and many others by the investigators for guidance, we may conclude that in the exercise of force there is greatly increased expenditure of the n on -nitrogenous constituents of the food (carbohydrates and ether extract), and but little of the nitrogenous. (444) At the same time the importance of nitrogenous food must not be under- estimated, for, as Wolff tells us: ''No one expects much work from men or animals fed on a diet poor in nitrogen, such as potatoes and rice. Fatness of body is never considered a sign of muscular strength." » Farm Foods, pp. 85, 86. 70 Feeds and Feeding, "A highly liberal diet is absolutely necessary to preserve the flesh and fat in the body, and at the same time to keep it in a powerful condition. An addition of fat, which is the most intense respiration material, is often a desirable addition and nearly as important as albumen; and it is a suggestive fact that the working classes have a decided taste for fatty dishes, and that oats — a food proportionately rich in fat — are recognized as an excellent food for horses."^ In the above we have the strongest statements possible in favor of the importance of protein for the production of work. When we consider the large proportion of carbohydrates and ether ex- tract in the ration, and remember that fat contains more than twice the heat units of protein, we must concede that these food-groups furnish most of the energy developed in the animal body. (433- 445) n. Composition of Steers, Sheep and Pigs, and their Increase during Fattening. 99. Investigations of Lawes and Gilbert. — The only extended investigations concerning the composition of the bodies of farm animals and of the increase during fattening are those conducted by Lawes and Gilbert of the Eothamsted (England) Station. These investigations, which were begun in 1848, were first pub- lished in 1859. 2 The second part, relating to the composition of the ash of the entire animal and certain separate parts, was pub- lished in 18G3. 3 This work will stand for all time a witness to the high standard of painstaking research established by these pioneer English experimenters in agricultural science. Only a brief summary of their work can here be given, taken mainly from their recent contribution on The Feeding of Animals. ■* To determine the ultimate composition of steers, sheep and pigs, the entire bodies of ten animals of each group were subjected to analysis. The findings are condensed in the table here given: > Farm Foods, p. 91. » Phil. Trans., Part II, ia59; Jour. Roy. Agl. Soc, 1860. •Phil. Trans., Part III, 1883; Eothamsted Memoirs, Vols. II, III, IV. < Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc, 1895. See also Bui. 22, Office of Experiment Stations. Composition of Animal Body. 71 Percmtage composition of the entire "bodies, the carcasses and the offal of ten animals of different descriptions, or in different conditions of maturity — Lawes and Gilbert. Description of animal. Mineral matter (ash). Nitroge- nous sub- stance. Fat. Total dry sub- stance. Water. Con ten ta of stom- ach and intestin'a in moist state. Division I. Per cent, in tlie entire animal (fasted live weight). Fatcalf 3.80 4.66 3.92 2.94 3.16 3.17 2.81 2.90 2.67 1.65 15.2 16.6 14.5 12.3 14.8 14.0 12.2 10.9 13.7 10.9 14.8 19.1 30.1 28.5 18.7 23.5 35.6 45.8 23.3 42.2 33.8 40.3 48.5 43.7 36.7 40.7 50.6 59.6 39.7 54.7 63.0 51.5 45.5 47.8 57.3 50.2 43.4 35.2 55.1 41.3 3.17 8.19 5.98 8.54 6.00 9.05 6 02 Half-fat ox Fat ox Fat lamb. Store sheep Half-fat old sheep Fat sheep Extra-fat sheep Store pig 5.18 5.22 3.97 Fat Diff.. Means of all 3.17 13.5 28.2 44.9 49.0 6 13 Divisio n II. Pei cent, in c arcass. Fat calf 4.48 5.56 4.56 3.63 4.36 4.13 3.45 2.77 2.57 1.40 16.6 17.8 15.0 10.9 14.5 14.9 11.6 9.1 14.0 10.5 16.6 22.6 34.8 36.9 23.8 31.3 45.4 55.1 28.1 49.5 37.7 46.0 54.4 51.4 42.7 50.3 60.3 67.0 44.7 61.4 62.3 54.0 45.6 48.6 57.3 49.7 39.7 33.0 55.3 38.6 Half-fat ox Fat ox Fat lamb Store sheep Half-fat old sheep Fat sheep Extra-fat sheep Store pig Fat pig Means of all 3.69 13.5 34.4 51.6 48.4 Division III. Percenl . in offal ( excluding contents c )f atomact 1 and inte stlnes). Fat calf 3.41 4.05 3.40 2.45 2.19 2.72 2.32 3.64 3.07 2.97 17.1 20.6 17.5 18.9 18.0 17.7 16.1 16.8 14.0 14.8 14.6 15.7 26.3 20.1 16.1 18.5 26.4 34.5 15.0 22.8 35.1 40.4 47.2 41.6 36.3 38.9 44.8 54.9 32.1 40.6 64.9 59.6 52.8 58.5 63.7 61.1 55.2 45.1 67.9 59.4 Half-fat ox Fat ox Fatlarab Store sheep Half-fiU old sheep Fatsheep Extra-fat sheep Store pig Fatpig Means of all 3.02 17.2 21.0 41.2 58.8 72 Feeds and Feeding. The first division of the table relates to the composition of the entire body (fasted live weight) of the animal. Referring to the second column, headed '' mineral matter," we learn that in every 100 pounds of the body of the fat calf there are 3.8 pounds of ash or mineral matter; that is, if the body of the calf were consumed by fire, there would remain that amount of ash for each 100 pounds of body weight. With the half -fat ox tlie ash amounts to 4.66 pounds, while for the fat ox it falls to 3.92 pounds for each 100 pounds live weight. In like manner we learn that in 100 pounds of live lean pig (fasted weight) there are 2.67 pounds of ash or mineral matter, while in the fat pig there are only 1.65 pounds. The pig has less mineral matter in its body than other farm animals. 100. Nitrogenous substance. — In the muscles, tendons, liga- ments, hide, hair, horns, blood, nerves and organic matter of the bones is found the nitrogenous substance of the body. ]\Iost of the nitrogenous substance is in the red meat or lean portion of the flesh. For each 100 pounds of body weight the fat calf has 15.2 pounds of nitrogenous substance. This is slightly increased for the half-fat ox, and reduced for the fat ox. In the lean sheep and pig there is less nitrogenous substance than in the fat calf, while for the extra- fat sheep and fat pig the lean meat constitutes only 10.9 pounds in each 100 pounds of body. 101. Fat of the body. — In the fat calf there are 14.8 pounds of fat for 100 pounds of body weight. This is increased to 19.1 for the half- fat ox and 30.1 pounds for the ox when fat. Lean sheep show 18. 7 pounds of fat, while in extra fat sheep it runs up to 45.8 per 100 pounds weight. The lean pig shows 23.3 per cent, and the fat pig 42.2 per cent, of fat. It is interesting to observe that the body of the fat calf contains almost as much fat, and that of the fat ox more than two pounds of fat, for each pound of nitrogenous or lean-meat substance. Even in lean sheep there is more fat than lean meat, and with the extra- fat sheep there is four times as much fat as dry lean meat. The same is true of the fat pig. 102. Water and dry substance in the body. — In the next two columns of the table is a statement of the total dry substance and Composition of Anhnal Body. 73 the water in the animal's body. It is shown that 63 out of every 100 pounds live weight of the fat calf's body is water. With the half- fat ox, this is materially reduced, and with the fat ox it amounts to 45.5 per cent. Thus we learn that considerably more than half the body weight of the calf, and nearly half that of the fatted ox is water. In extra- fat sheep the water content falls to 35.2 pounds, the lowest of all farm animals, while for the fat pig it is 41.3 pounds for each 100 pounds. On the average, for all animals studied, 49 pounds in every 100 of body weight is water. The supreme importance of this neutral fluid to the animal sys- tem is strikingly brought out by these figures. 103. Composition of the increase while fattening. — Lawes and Gilbert's reseai^ches furnish data showing that the process of fattening is really what the term implies — the laying-on of fat. During fattening the percentage of total dry matter in the body is considerably increased, and the fatty matter accu- mulated is much greater than the nitrogenous substance. The increase during fattening of moderately fattened oxen will con- tain scarcely more than 1.5 per cent, of mineral matter, 8 per cent, of nitrogenous substance, and 65 per cent, of fat, the total dry substance put on dui'ing fattening ranging from 70 to 75 per cent. The remainder of the increase is water. If steers grow as well as fatten, there may be more mineral matter and nitrog- enous substance, less fat and more water in the added growth, than just reported. In such case about two-thirds of the increase is dry substance and one-third water, while if the steer is mature, the added weight while fattening consists of as much as three- fourths dry substance and one-fourth water. Studies of sheep lead to the conclusion that the increase during fattening will contain not less than 2 per cent, of mineral matter and frequently more — a decided increase over the ox, due largely to the growth of wool during fattening. Of the added weight of sheep during fattening, from 70 to 75 per cent, may be fat. While fattening, the pig adds scarcely any mineral matter to the body, and rarely more than 7.5 per cent, of nitrogenous substance, the fat forming as much as 70 per cent, of the increase. Of the gain in weight made by the pig during fattening, about 75 per cent, is dry matter and 25 per cent, water. The increase of less 74 Feeds and Feeding. highly fattened pigs contains more nitrogenons substance, more water and less fat. 104. Comparative fattening qualities of different farm animals. — Gathering their results into a single table for the purpose of study- ing the comparative fattening qualities of farm animals, Lawes and Gilbert present the following table, giving the proportion of the various oigans and parts of the body, the feed consumed weekly, gains, etc. : Comparative fattening qualities of farm animals — Lawes and Gilbert. Relation of parts in 100 pounds live weight. Oxen. Sheep. Pigs. Average of 16 Lbs. 11.5 2.8 249 Lbs. 7.4 3.5 59 Lbs. 1.3 6.2 U.3 4.6 7.0 13.0 10.9 7.0 7.3 15.0 7.5 1.6 Heart, aorta, lungs, windpipe, liver der and con tents, pancreas, spleen Other offal parts gaU-blad- aud blood- 6.6 1.1 Total offal parts 38.9 69.3 1.8 40.2 59.7 0.1 16.8 82.6 0.6 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 Per 100 pounds live weight. Dry substance consumed in food per week Increase yielded per week 12.5 1.13 16.0 1.76 27.0 6.43 Per 100 pounds dry substance of food. Fat in increase Total dry substance in increase Total dry substance in excretions . 5.2 7.0 6.2 8.0 36.5 31.9 15.7 17.6 16.7 Average fat. _ 16.0 30.0 60.0 18.0 33.0 65.0 22.0 44.0 70.0 Composition of Animal Body. 75 The table presents the summaries from the study of 16 oxen, 249 sheep and 59 pigs. For the ox we learn that the stomach and contents constitute 11.5 per cent., for the sheep 7.4 per cent., and for the pig but 1.3 per cent, of the live weight. The very small size of the stomach of the pig is here made evident. It is shown that 59.3 per cent, of the live weight of the fatted ox is returned as dressed carcass. Sheep dress about the same as steers, while the pig returns 82.6 per cent, dressed weight, greatly exceeding the ox and sheep in the proportion of valuable parts. In the second division of the table Ave learn that for each 100 I)ounds of live weight the steer consumes 12.5 pounds of dry matter, the sheep somewhat more, and the pig 27 pounds of dry matter each week. The fattening steer increases 1.13 per cent, of his live weight weekly, the sheep 1.76 per cent., while the pig makes surprising gains, increasing 6.43 per cent, of his live weight in a week. In the next division of the table we are told of the fat and dry substance in the increase, and also of the dry substance in the excretions. Here the sheep leads the steer, and the pig more than doubles the increase of either. 105. Feeds and fattening. — The following is adapted from Warington;! Lawes and Gilbert reckon that on an average for the whole fattening period, an ox will produce 100 pounds of live weight from the consumption of 250 pounds of oU cake, 600 pounds of clover hay and 3,500 pounds of Swedes (turnips). Sheep will produce the same increase by the consumption of 250 pounds of oil cake, 300 pounds of clover hay and 4,000 pounds of Swedes. Pigs will require about 500 pounds of barley meal to yield a similar result. Taking these data, the rate of food consumption and the increase yielded will be as follows: ^ Chemistry of the Farm. Feeds and Feeding. Results with fattening animals per 100 pounds live weigM, per week ■ Waringto7i. Results produced. Oxen. Sheep, Pigs... Received by the animal. Total dry food. Digestible organic matter. Lbs. 12.5 16.0 27.0 Lbs. 8.9 12.3 22.0 Food con- sumed for heat and work.* Lbs. 9.06 12.58 Dry ma- nure! pro- duced. Lbs. 4.56 5.10 4.51 Increase in live weight Lbs. 1.13 1.76 6.43 Besiilts obtained in relation to food consumed. On 100 pounds of dry food. Oxen.. Sheep. Pigs... Increase in live weight. Per 100 lbs. dry food. Per 100 lbs. di- gested or- ganic matter. Lbs. 9.0 11.0 23.8 Lbs. 12.7 14.3 29.2 iConsumed. for heat and work.* Lbs. 54.9 56.6 Dry manure produced.! Lbs. 36.5 31.9 16.7 Dry in- crease yielded. Lbs. 6.2 8.0 17.6 * In calculating the amount of food consumed for the production of heat and work, it has been assumed that the fat in the increase has been derived entirely from the fat and carbohydrates supplied by the food. t The manure is exclusive of litter. Warington tells us in the first table that pigs are able to con- sume far more food in proportion to their live weight than either sheep or oxen. This is due to the concentrated and digesti- ble character of the food commonly supplied the fattening pig, and to the great capacity of this animal for assimilation. The proportion of stomach is greater in the ox or sheep than in the pig, being for 100 pounds live weight, 3,2 for the ox, 2.5 for the sheep, and .7 for the pig. On the other hand, the proportion of the intestines is greater with the pig. (32) Euminants are thus best fitted for dealing with feeds requiring prolonged digestion, while the pig excels in the capacity for assimilation. ComposiUan of Animal Body. 77 As a natural result of tlie larger consumption of food, the pig increases in weight more rapidly than the sheep or ox. Not only is the rate of increase more rapid, but the increase yielded by the pig is also far greater in proportion to the food consumed, as plainly appears from the lower division of the ta,ble. The pig, with its very large consumption of food, has, in fact, to spend a smaller proportion of it on heat and work, and has a larger sur- plus to store as increase. Of 100 pounds digested organic matter, the fattening ox spends about 77 for heat and work, the sheep 74, and the pig 57. The upper division of the table shows, however, that in a given time a pig converts a much larger amount of food into heat and work than either the sheep or ox. This greater consumption probably represents the internal work performed in laying- on increase. The pig, with its rapid feeding and high rate of increase, is undoubtedly the most economical meat- making machine at the farmer's disposal. The returns of sheep lie between those given by oxen and pigs, being, however, much nearer the former than the latter. The German experiments place the sheep below the ox as an economic producer of increase, instead of above it, as in the Eothamsted statistics just quoted. The difference is probably due to the different breeds of animals under experiment. 106. Nitrogen and ash in carcasses of farm animals. — The table shows the quantity of nitrogen, and principal ash constituents, in the fasted live weight of animals analyzed at Eothamsted. Ash constituents and nitrogen in 1,000 pounds of various animals, hosed on live fasted weight, including contents of stomuch and intestines — Lawes and Gilbert. Nitrogen. Phosphoric acid. Potash. Lime. Magnesia. Fat calf. Lbs. 24.64 27.45 23.26 19.71 23.77 19.76 22.08 17.65 Lba. 15.35 18.39 15.51 11.26 11.88 10.40 10.66 6.54 Lbs. 2.06 2.05 1.76 1.66 1.74 1.48 1.96 1.38 Lba. 16.46 21.11 17.92 12.81 13.21 11.84 10.79 6.36 Lbs. 0.79 Half-fat ox 0.85 Fat ox. . . . 0.61 Fat lamb .... 0.52 Store sheep Fatsheep 0.56 0.48 Store pig 0.53 Fat ms 0.32 CHAPTER VL INFLUENCE OF FEED ON THE ANTTVfAT. BODY. L Influence of Feed on the Groxoing Body of the Pig. 107. Sanborn's findings. — In 1884, Sanborn, of the Missouri Agricultural College,^ observed more lean and less fat in the bodies of pigs fed ship-stuif (middlings) than in those of pigs fed corn meal. He wrote: "Does a food rich in carbohydrates and fat tend to produce an increased proportion of fat to flesh? . . . I have heretofore observed that a pig fed on ship-stuff (mid dlings), versus corn, gave an apparently better muscular develop- ment from ship-stuff. . , . Experience convinces me that the exclusive use of com meal for a feeding ration is detrimental to a vigorous and healthy muscular development, producing a pig easily subject to disease, distasteful to our consumers, and more costly than is necessaiy." In later bulletins ^ this investi- gator reports studies in which pigs were fed dried blood and corn meal in opposition to com meal only. The weights of various internal organs were ascertained, and the fat and lean of the car- casses separated by the knife, and weiglied. The data thus obtained confirmed the original statement. Marked differences in the relative size of some of the internal organs were also reported. 108. Studies at other Stations. — Recognizing the great impor- tance of this line of study from the scientific standpoint, and its significance to the breeder of swine, to the farmer interested in pig feeding, and to the consumer of pork products as well, the writer conducted several trials in the same line as Sanborn's, at the Wisconsin Station. « In these trials dried blood, (338) mid- 1 Bui. 10. * Buls. 14, 19, Mo. Agrl. Col. • Repts. 1886, '87, '88, '89, Lijiuence of Feed on the Animal Body. 79 dlingS; peas and skim milk, articles rich ia protein, were fed in opposition to corn meal, which, was used because it is the com- mon pig feed of the country and is the richest in carbohydrates of its class. The same subject was investigated at the Kansas Station^ by Shelton, who fed pigs a mixture of shorts and bran in opposition to corn meal, potatoes and tallow. At the Alabama Station, * Duggar fed cowpeas, which are rich in protein, in opposition to corn meal. (863) In France, Fortier,* likewise recognizing the importance of this work, duplicated in one instance a trial by the writer, feed- ing dried blood, skim milk and middlings in opposition to corn meal only, to ascertain if parallel results could be obtained in his country. Thus we have the results of feeding pigs rations rich in protein and poor in protein at five widely-separated points. The results of these several trials are condensed in tlie following comprehensive tables: 1 Bui. 9. » Bui. 82. • Ext. Tr»v. Boc. Cent d' Agr., Dept Seine-Inf., 1889, 1890. 80 Feeds and Feeding. 'k> ^ «S| O oo»o h3 ^^ J3 lOI ^S5 05 r-i i-HOso eoQOO o CO 00 ICU50 lO t^ iC 05 Ot* CD t-Oi 05 t> lO oomS M r- lo g2 i So :SO SCO 5? o o Q Q XJ PhO O >3 ^a ^j 1333 P 5 S^ §1 o o :iJ3 Influence of Feed on the AnimcU Body. 81 a 1 1 0 2 i l! 1 1 i II lOiO-^ eo-<**co COM •o £^ 1 S3 o 1 ^. = 3kO osec : : : mco t>; iq 00 eo ■i Oii ^'s g'g ? is'g M i SK SS ^'^' 1 1 d "2 ; ; '""'^ 1 ^ ; : ^^'"^ • : : eoo J3 • i H t4 K a «^ N '■ _ .-H 0 (M_ .-; ec 0 OS ■*_ Qo ti< qo 00 lO 00 CO I 1 O t- • •^' U3 ■«*< «o id "*" eo (M cq t-* us ■^ 10 10 eo 1 ^' N '^ 05 oseo c _ 0 T-| (M cot- t-co eo ic coo o o s 5 05 CO S^ ? 55' d iu ^ S' 53'^^ "§ N : -^^to ■>* O'* 1-H t'co ^00 ^ M • ^ 1 0 : u3T«* ^ 5§ ^ :3!'^' §^' g a i o- ^J 1? a ■c i' o5 sa t- as ^ ^^ §553 ^ §5 S§5 44' 1 j 1 1 3 i ii 1 ill j : s .9 ^ • 3 : a 13 : 32 ■ 8 -3 8 : ^ : 0 a j 0 1 : a o s 3 1 ii 0 a .eo aa 8 3 MM -Sm 0-- a^ I- fie ll 1 3 5 . ^ MM -1 Smm H g M ■gM i-T'Si-ri-r MM 2 M S kHM .MM ,M"h M S M g M g M ^j -ti s +^ >j e+3+j ss 0 0^00 ^ 0 0 0 g 0 o"o § 00 s 0 0-000 II |h1 ^^j 1 1^ ^j|^ "^^g^ Hi I^H ' II 82 Feeds and Feeding. 109. What the tables show.— By the first table it is sliowii that the protein-rich ration produced heavier gains than the others. In the several columns are given the weights of various parts and organs of the body. Since pigs fed on the several rations reached different weights at the time of slaughter, the weights are reduced to a common standard for comparison. This is done in the second table, where the weights of the different parts are stated for each 100 pounds of dressed carcass. It is seen in the second table that the pigs fed the protein-ricli rations usually show a larger shrinkage than those getting corn meal. This is accounted for in part by the larger amount of blood, heavier livers and other organs of the protein-fed pigs. In nearly every instance the pigs receiving the protein-rich rations yielded more blood than those fed com. In the Kansas trial the pigs getting shorts and bran had 51.2 ounces of blood to 100 pounds of carcass, while the corn -fed pigs had only 36.8 ounces. In Fortier's trials in France, the blood of the corn- meal - fed pigs was less than half that of the pigs receiving the protein- rich ration, the ratio standing 55. 1 to 26. 1. The only exception was in the Wisconsin trial, where the pigs were made very fat by feeding milk. In every instance the pigs fed the protein- rich rations had heavier livers than the others, the difference often being very marked. For example, in the Missouri trial the pigs fed mid- dlings had livers weighing 48.4 ounces to 100 pounds of carcass, while those of the lot fed corn weighed only 31.9. Generally, the kidneys of the protein -fed pigs are heaviest, though in Fortier's trials the reverse occurs. The tenderloin muscles lying along the back of the pig are easily dissected from the remainder of the carcass, and in one trial in Wisconsin and in the Kansas trial these muscles were separated and weighed. In both cases the muscles of the pigs getting the protein-rich rations were heavier in proportion to the weight of the body than those of the pigs fed corn. This is proof of more lean meat in the carcasses of pigs fed the most protein. The pigs getting corn meal gave more leaf lard than the others, excepting in the French trial, where the results were practically equaL Influence of Feed on Vie Animal Body. 83 110. Strength of thigh-bones. — In the Wisconsin and KansSfS trials the strength of the thigh-bones of the pigs in the different lots was determined in the following manner: The two rounded iron-supporting edges of the testing machine were set four m6L^ apart, and on these the thigh-bones were placed, one at a time, always in the same position. The rounded edge of the breaking bar rested on the bone midway between the two supports. The pressure downward upon the bone, which was gradually increased, was measured on the tilting-beam of the machine, and the weight which the bone supported at the time it broke was recorded. In every instance the pigs fed the protein-rich ration possessed the strongest bones, the difference often being very marked. For example, in one Wisconsin trial the bones of the corn-fed pigs broke at 380 pounds on the average, and those of the pigs fed milk, blood and middlings at 503 pounds. These weights are for each 100 pounds of dressed carcass, and show in favor of the mixed ration by 32 per cent. ill. What analysis revealed. — In one of the Wisconsin trials we went farther into details, making partial analyses of some of the body organs. In this trial there were four pigs in each lot. To the first lot was fed a ration consisting of one-third dried blood and two-thirds corn meal, by weight. The second lot received one-half pea meal and one-half corn meal, whQe the third was fed com meal only. All lots received hard- wood ashes, salt and water additional. The weights and gains of the pigs are shown in the following table: Weights and gains of pigs variously fed — Wisconsin Station. Feed. Average weight at begin- ning. Average gain dur- ing trial. Average feed per 100 lbs. gain. Lbs. 96 98 99 Lbs 202 180 155 Lbs. 409 Lot II, I pea meal, J com meal 449 Lot III^, com meal only . 481 It is shown by the table that the lot fed dried blood and corn meal made the best gains with the least food, that receiving pea 84 Feeds and Feeding. meal coming second, while corn meal gave the poorest returns with the most feed consumed for a given gain. The dry matter of the blood and dry matter and fat in the kidneys were deter- mined with the results presented in the following table: BesuUs of partial analyses of blood and Jcidneys of pigs fed on dried blood, pea meal and corn meal — Wisconsin Station. Besults for 4 pigs. Fed blood and corn. Fed peas and Fed com only. Average dressed weight, pounds., 248 228 212 Blood per 100 lbs. dressed weight, grams Per ceut. dry matter in blood Dry matter in blood per 100 lbs. dressed weight, grams 1332 14.24 323 1263 24.58 310 1237 24.09 Kidneys, grams per 100 lbs. dressed weight Following for 2 pigs each lot only: Per cent, dry matter in kidneys Per cent, fat in kidneys Dry matter in kidneys to 100 lbs. dressed wt. , grams. Dry matter in kidneys less fat per 100 lbs. dressed weight, grams Ill 24.41 4.71 23.4 18.8 25.80 4.49 24.4 20.1 79 26.26 6.41 20.7 15.6 The table shows the dry matter in the blood to be quite uniform for the three lots, the corn-fed lot containing the lowest percent- age. The total dry matter of the kidneys is highest with the corn-fed pigs, the difference being due to the larger amount of fat in the kidneys. The highest percentage of dry matter in the kidneys to dressed carcass is for the pigs fed peas and com, with those fed blood and corn coming second. 112. Modifications of carcass. — That the bodies of the pigs were afiected by the feed given in these trials is made plain by the colored engravings presented by Fortier of France and the writer, ^ and by the half-tone reproductions from photographs by Shelton^ and the writer. » These views show what Sanborn oriyi - nally announced, viz., that there is more lean meat in proportiOx. to fat in the carcasses of proteiu-fed pigs than in the carcasees of those getting corn meal. » Rept. Wis. Sta., 1886. « Bui. 9, Kan. Sta. « Rept. Wis. Sta., 1888. Influence of Feed on the Animal Body 85 Sanborn's analyses and statements were further subsiantiated by the writer in the following manner: Prom one side of the car- cass the sixth rib and the flesh lying over it were cut out. The rib and the skin were removed and the remaining flesh of the sec- tion analyzed. As before stated, the tenderloin muscle of the back, lying in the angle made by the spinous processes and the ribs, is quite free from connection with adjacent tissue. That por- tion of this muscle lying over the seventh and eighth ribs was selected for analysis, with the average results presented in the following table: Analyses of sections of the carcasses of pigs fed on dried blood, pea meal and corn meal — Wisconsin Station. Sixth-rib cut. Tenderloin muscle. Four pigs in each lot. Water. Fat. Dry lean meat. Water. Fat. Dry lean meat. Blood-fed Peas-fed Corn-fed Per cent. 27.16 28.41 20.16 Per cent. 64.68 62.94 73.56 Per cent. 8.16 8.65 6.28 Per cent. 67.96 69.49 67.45 Per cent. 8.22 6.17 9.41 Per cent. 23.82 24.34 23.14 For present purposes we may assume that the flesh lying over the sixth rib is representative of the whole carcass. This being true, the carcasses of the protein-fed pigs contained eight parts more water and ten parts less fat to the hundred pounds than the carcasses of the pigs fed corn. For dry lean meat the results are a little more than six per cent, for the corn-fed pigs and above eight per cent, for the other lots. There was, then, about one- third more lean meat in the carcasses of the protein-fed pigs than in the carcasses of those getting corn. The analysis reveals more fat and somewhat less lean meat percentagely in the tenderloin muscles of the corn-fed pigs. 113. Misconception concerning the experiments. — There has been misconception concerning the purpose and interpretation of these experiments.^ A few writers have inferred that claims were advanced by some of the investigators that lean meat can 1 Harris on the Pig, 2d Ed. Agr., Apr. 1889. Agr. Science, voL 2; Kept. Kan. Bd. 86 Feeds and Feeding. be produced in the body of the pig at the will of the feeder. Others interpret the investigations as an attack upon Indian com for swine feeding, while still others declare the experiments inaccurate, or that the figures show nothing unusual. These writers refer to the experiments by Lawes and Gilbert in which the carcasses of pigs fed bran, beans and lentils showed no dif- ference in the proportion of muscle to fat over those receiv- ing carbonaceous foods. They overlook the vital point in the problem, viz., that these later experiments were with growing pigs, while the early ones were with animals well advanced toward maturity. In the Lawes and Gilbert trials the protein feeds used were not altogether suitable for pigs. How much their results were modified by this fact it is impossible to state. For a discussion of the practical bearing of these experiments «ee articles 936-940. n. strengthening tlie Bones of Pigs Kept Exclusively on Com. 114. Hard-wood ashes and bone meal for pigs fed corn. — When feeding com to pigs as the exclusive ration, the writer observed a strong craving by the pigs for wood ashes, considerable quantities of which were consumed, if opportunity ofibred. "Were the ashes a benefit to the pigs or not? To answer this question three exper- iments were conducted. ^ In each trial six pigs, aU from one litter, were used, the animals being from 105 to 128 days old when the feeding began. The previous feed had been liberal in variety and supply, and the pigs were well started in their development when the trial began. They were divided into three lots of two each, and all lots were fed liberally on corn meal, with salt and water additional. Lot I received nothing else. Lot II was allowed hard -wood ashes supplied in a separate trough. Instead of ashes, Lot III was given a spoonful of bone meal with each feed. In regard to the amount of these articles consumed, it may be stated that in one of the trials, which lasted 112 days, two pigs consumed 10.5 pounds of bone meal and 7.5 pounds of salt, and in the same time two other pigs consumed 33 pounds of hard-wood ashes and » Kept Wia. Expt. 8ta., 1890; Bui. 25. Influence of Feed on the Animal Body. 87 8 pounds of salt. The pigs were conimed in pens, with small yards at the rear for exercise. The ground in these yards was covered with boards to prevent the animals from rooting in the earth and eating quantities of it, as those not getting ashes or bone meal would have done had opportunity offered. The trials lasted from 84 to 128 days without any of the animals dying or becoming sick, a surprising fact for the lots living wholly on corn meal, salt and water. 115. What the trials revealed. — As the trials progressed it became evident that none of the pigs were properly nurtured, though the difference in favor of those getting bone meal or ashes was very marked. The pigs allowed neither ashes nor bone meal were most plainly dwarfed. It was evident that the com meal, salt and water did not supply all the elements essential to build- ing a normal framework of bone and muscle. These dwarfe became so fat that the jowls and bellies of some of them nearly touched the ground. The pigs getting ashes or bone meal grew very well for some time, but toward the close of the trial they made only fair gains, showing that the nutrients supplied were still too limited in character to allow normal development. On slaughter, the several lots showed no difference in the proportion of fat to lean, nor was there any difference in the size or character of the various internal organs. The bones, however, were a most interesting study. In the same manner as described in the pre- ceding topic, the thigh bones of these pigs were broken in a test- ing machine with the results shown below: Results with pigs living on com meal with or without hone meal and hard- wood ashes in addition — Wisconsin Station. When bone meal was fed. When ashes were fed. When neither was fed. Com meal required to produce 100 487 680 491 581 629 Average breaking strength of thigh bones oounds 301 Average ash in thigh bone, grams 166 150 107 88 Feeds arid Feeding. After being broken, the bones were burned to determine the ash they contained. By the table we learn that feeding bone meal or hard- wood ashes to pigs otherwise confined to a corn- meal diet effected a saving of 23 per cent, in the corn required for 100 pounds of gain. We further find that by feeding hard- wood ashes or bone meal to pigs otherwise living wholly on corn, the strength of the thigh bones was about double that of pigs not allowed bone meal or ashes. It was further found that when the bones were burned, those of the pigs getting ashes or bone meal contained about 50 per cent, more ash than the others. This latter fact was sub- stantiated in another interesting way. After burning, the bones of the pigs which had received no ashes or bone meal crumbled at once on handling, while those from the pigs fed ashes or bone meal still retained their form after burning and did not crumble when carefully handled. m. Influence of Wide and Narrow Bations on Growth and Fattening. 116. The Maine Station trial. — At the Maine Station, ^ Jordan conducted a trial with growing and fattening steers, beginning with calves and feeding to maturity, for the purpose of deter- mining the influence of a ration rich in protein and one relatively poor in protein on the rate of growth and character of the flesh produced. This is the most elaborate experiment of the kind yet conducted in this country, having been wisely planned and carefully carried out in all its numerous details. 117. Plan of experiment. — Four high-grade Short-horn steer calves, ranging in age from 5 to 7 months when the trial began, were used. Two of these calves were fed a ration rich in protein, as given below, while the other two received one ample in its supply of nutrients but relatively poor in protein. (133-5) After feed- ing 17 months, one steer in each lot was slaughtered and the carcasses analyzed; after ten months' more feeding, or 27 months in all, the remaining two were slaughtered and the carcasses likewise analyzed. The four steers were fed alike at all times on roughage, which consisted mostly of timothy hay, some fodder ' Kept. 1895. Influence of Feed on Gie Animal Body. 89 com and com silage being fed during the first winter only, concentrates for thetwo lots were as follows: The Lot I. Steers 1 and 2. Protein-rich ration. Lot II. Steers 3 and 4. Protein-poor ration. Com meal, 2 parts. Wheat bran, 1 part, by weight Nutritive ratio, 1 : 9.7. Linseed meal, 2 parts. Com meal, 1 part. Wheat bran, 1 part, by weight. Nutritive ratio, 1 : 5.2. In this trial no attempt was made to force the steers to rapid growth, the aim being rather to keep them gaining steadily. The trial was carried to a successful termination, no serious interrup- tions of any icind occurring. The feed and gains are presented in the following table: Total feed eaten and total gains by four steers — Maine Station. Number of months fed Number of days fed Total hay eaten, pounds Total fodder and silage eaten, pounds .. Total mixed grains eaten, pounds .. Total food eaten, pounds Initial weight of steers, pounds End weight of steers, pounds Total gain of each steer, pounds .... LotL Fed protein-rich food. Steer 1. 17 514 3,414 4,173 2,211 9,798 221 958 737 Steer 2. 27 843 7,783 4,728 4,818 17,329 345 1,307 962 Lot II. Fed protein-poor food. Steer 3. 27 833 6,811 4,493 4,737 16,041 285 1,290 1.005 Steer 4. 17 521 3,520 4,469 2,255 10,244 318 870 552 118. Digestible nutrients consumed. — The table shows the total feed consumed; the digestible nutrients in this feed are given in the accompanying table: Digestible matter consumed by the steers — Maine Station. Pounds Protein. Carbohy- Ether ex- Total matter for drates. tract. feed. one pound gain. Protein-Hch fed. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Steer 1, fed 17 mos. 619 2,869 160 3,648 4.95 Steer 2, fed 27 mos. 1,265 5,8.53 321 7,439 7.73 Protein-^oor fed. 8teer3, fed27mo8. 700 6,128 295 7,123 7.08 *§teer4,fedl7mos. 370 3,264 154 3,788 6.86 90 Feeds and Feeding. 119. Concerninq gains. — Our attention is next directed to a con- sideration of the gains made by two steers up to the end of th« 17-months period. These are given in the following table: Total and relative gains of two lots of steers — Maine Station. Weight pair fed more pro- tein. Weight pair fed less pro- tein. Greater weight of protein pair. Increase of differ- ence in weight. At beginning of experiment... Lbs. 566 778 1,010 1,379 1,618 1,861 1,981 Lbs. 603 746 921 1,249 1,475 1,677 1,807 Lbs. -37 32 89 130 143 184 174 Lbs. 69 At end of six months 57 At end of nine months 41 At end of twelve months At end of fifteen months At end of seventeen months... 13 41 -10 The steers getting the richer protein ration made the more rapid gains up to 17 months of age, at which time they weighed 174 pounds more than the other pair. Jordan reports that those getting the most protein showed the effects of their food in better general appearance and greater thrift. 120. Gains of remaining steers. — As before stated, at the end of 17 months' feeding one steer from each lot was killed and the carcasses subjected to analysis. The feeding of the other two steers, one in each lot, continued for 10 months longer under the same conditions. It is interesting and significant to observe that during these last 10 months the steer getting the protein-rich ration did not gain as rapidly as the one fed the protein-poor ration, so that at the end of 27 months the two animals were nearly equal in weight. This is shown in the accompanying table: Gain of steers fed for the longer period, 27 months — Maine Station. Protein-rich fed. Protein-poor fed. Lbs. 345 1,307 Lbs. 285 1,290 962 1,005 Injluence of Feed on iJie Animal Body. 91 Here we are shown that while the steer getting the protein-rich ration gained 962 pounds in 27 months, the one receiving the protein-poor ration made a gain of 1, 005 pounds, or 43 pounds more than the one fed the ration which at first gave the best returns. This result is the surprise of the investigation. 121. Digestible matter for one pound of growth. — In the follow- ing: table is presented the digestible matter required for one pound of growth during different periods: Amount of digestible matter required to produce one pound of growth unth steers — Maine Station. Both steers of each lot, by periods. Steers fed more protein. Steers fed 1 protein. During first three months During second three months , During third three months..., During fourth three months.., During fifth three months..... Average 4.06 4.26 3.83 6.45 6.97 5.11 5.96 5.53 4.35 6.87 8.08 6.16 Each steer, whole period fed. Steer No. 1, 514 days (17 months) Steer No. 2, 843 days (27 months) Steer No. 3, 833 days (27 months) Steer No. 4, 521 days (17 months) 4.95 7.73 The above ta,ble shows that when the calves were building flesh and bone, the protein-rich ration was much more effective than the other. From the beginning to the end of 15 months' feeding, 5.11 pounds of digestible nutrients in the protein-rich ration proved as effective as 6. 16 pounds of nutrients in the protein-poor ration. In the second division of the table we learn that with the two steers fed for 27 months, 7. 73 pounds of the digestible nutrients in the protein-rich ration were required during the whole period for one pound of gain, while only 7.0.^^^ fr^r.A / Stecr 3, fed 27 mos. Protem-poor foodjg^^j.^ ^.^^^^^^^^ Water. Protein. 59.02 51.91 52.16 56.30 17.89 16.93 Fat. 18.53 25.86 17.10 25.82 17.82 20.27 Ash. 4.56 5.30 5.42 5.61 Let US first study the carcasses of the steers fed for 17 months. That of the steer getting the protein-rich ration contained 2. 7 per cent, more water, the same amount of protein, and nearly 2 per cent, less fat than the other. This is in line with other work in showing that one of the results of feeding much protein to growing animals is a carcass containing more water. For the steers carried through 27 months of feeding there is practically no difference in the composition of the carcasses. 124. Conclusion. — Reviewing this experiment we are led to con- clude that rations rich in protein are more conducive to rapid growth and finer general appearance of the animal when young, than rations rich in carbohydrates and rather poor in protein. It appears that when the protein-poor ration contains enough nitro- gen and ash to supply the actual demands of the body, the animal carefully conserves them, being enabled thereby to fulfill the laws of its nature as to growth. 'No doubt if the steers getting the least protein had been supplied with less protein and ash than nature requires for good body-building, they would plainly have shown it by an abnormal development; but, fortunately, such con- ditions were not laid down in this experiment. This experiment and its teachings should be compared with the feeding trials with pigs by Sanborn, the writer and others, reported in the first part of the chapter, where strongly one-sided rations were fed. 91 Feeds and Feeding. III. Exclusive Meal Feeding — Withholding Coarse Forage from BumlnaiUs. 125. Exclusive meal feeding. — In 1874 Mr. Linus W. Miller, of New York, reported that for several years lie had successfully maintained a herd of dairy cows while dry in winter for a period of about eight weeks by giving to each animal as its sole feed not above three quarts of finely-ground corn meal, daily. ^ It was hio practice to cut off the hay supply when meal feeding began. At first the animals were more or less restless, but they soon quieted down, aU rumination ceasing. Only a smaU quantity of water was drank. The animals remained in fair flesh. In the spring, on changing back to normal feeding, a limited amount of hay was at first given and the supply gradually increased. Calves from cows thus maintained were strong and healthy. A committee was appointed by L. B. Arnold, president of the American Dairyman's Association, to visit Mr. Miller's stable and report to the Association its findings. The committee reported that it found that cows weighing about 900 pounds each had been fed exclusively on corn meal for seven weeks at the time of inspection, the animals receiving on the average three quarts of corn meal each, daily. It further reported: ''The cows did not ruminate. Were very quiet; did not evince any inordinate desire for food when hay was shown them; not so much as is dis- played by cows that are fed on hay alone, in the usual way of feeding, a little less than they will eat. Were much more quiet than cows fed mostly on meal with a small feeding of hay; say, four to five pounds per day. We could not discover any signs of suffering or unrest in any way whatever." On a second visit of the committee, thirteen days after hay feeding had been resumed in the spring, the cows were ''filled up ' ' and did not appear different from others which had been wintered in the usual way. The committee further reported that the calves from these cows " are of more than ordinary size, fleshy, strong, active and healthy." i Rept. American Dairyman's Association, 1874; Meal Feeding and Animal Digestion, a text-book for all who feed condensed food (2d Ed.), by Linus W. Miller, pub. by author; Country Gentleman, 1876; Armsby, Manual of Cattle Feeding, pp. 378-383. Lijluence of Feed on the Animal Body. 95 This system of feeding, or absence of feeding, excited much discussion in the agricultural press at the time, but the practice seems never to have become general and the subject is now almost forgotten. 126. Sanborn's trials. — At the Utah Station, ^ Sanborn main- taiued a calf six weeks in winter on graiu and milk, when, through its cravings for coarse forage, the sawdust used for bed- ding was eaten, with death as a consequence. Sheep were success- fully maintained for several months on grain and roots, with no coarse forage whatever. They shrank in weight at first, but after the paunch was cleared of coarse feed they made fair gains. A two-year-old steer weighing 635 pounds on April 13, was fed grain only, with water, until December 2 following, when it weighed 825 pounds. Eumination ceased upon withdrawal of coarse feed. It was observed that gains in these trials were made on about the same amount of feed as is required with pigs. Cattle so fed drank very little water, voiding a larger proportion as urine than those fed iu the usual manner. The first and second stomachs of sheep and cattle so fed weighed less than the average for such animals, the first stomach notably so. When slaughtered the first stomach was found hardly half full. The blood of the steer weighed more than the average, and the lungs less. 127. Davenport's experiments. — At the Illinois Station, 2 Daven- port maintained calves upon skim milk or skim milk and grain for long periods. A June calf was maintained exclusively upon skim milk until the following January, seven months, by which time it refused its feed, could not hold up its head and appeared nearly dead. "When straw and hay were placed before it they were greedUy consumed, and three hours later the calf was ruminating in contentment, thereafter making satisfactory gains upon mixed feed. In a second experiment a calf dropped in May subsisted on skim milk only until September, when, although consuming seventy pounds of skim milk daily, the creature showed great unrest. Some grain was then fed in addition to milk, with still unfavorable indications. In October, when hay was offered, it was greedily eaten and rumination began five * Bui. 21. 2 Bui. 46. 96 Feeds and Feeding. and one-half honrs later. Another calf was maintained from June until September upon milk and mixed grains. By the latter date it evinced no desire for feed and would not rise. Later it suddenly died. It was observed in these trials that although enormous quantities of milk or milk and grain were consumed, there was no fat on the carcass or about the kidneys of the calf that died. The muscles, instead of being shrunken, were plump but exceedingly dense and rigid to the touch. 128. Conclusions. — The investigations of Davenport show that the quantity of food consumed by an animal is not necessarily an indication of its economic use, enormous amounts being taken by these calves in the vain effort to satisfy an abnormal appetite. Under this form of starvation, for such it was, even with the liberal supply of the particular food given, there was observed ''a ravenous appetite followed by enlargement and stiffening of the joints, spells of dizziness and difficult locomotion, all followed by periods of relief, and finally by a settled feeling of indiffer- ence to food." From these several trials it is evident that mature ruminants can be maintained for a considerable period upon a limited amount of ground grain, and if liberally supplied therewith they may even gain in weight. With young animals the demand of nature seems more imperative, and it appears that calves can- not be brought to maturity upon grain and milk, either singly or combined, as the sole feed, but must have some coarse forage, without which rumination is impossible. CHAPTER Yn. EXPLANATION OF TABLES OF COMPOSITION AND FEEDING STAND- ARDS — METHODS OF CALOCTLATING RATIONS FOE FARM ANI- MALS, ETC. I. Tables of Composition and Feeding Standards. 129. Nutrients of feeding stuffs. — "We have already learned how the chemist divides the constituents of feeding stnffe into groups, which are placed in tables for convenient referenC/e. From Table I of the Appendix there is here abstracted the fragment marked Example Table A, for the purpose of discussing the subject of nutrients in feeding stuffs. Example Table A, shoioing the water and total nutrients found by the chemist in several common feeding stuffs. Total m 100 pounds. Feeding stuffs. Water. Protem. Crude fiber. Nitrogen- free extract Ether extract Roughage. Corn stover, field cured.. Red clover hay Lbs. 40.5 15.3 13.2 9.2 10.6 11.0 11.9 9.2 Lbs. 3.8 12.3 5.9 4.0 10.3 11.8 15.4 32.9 Lbs. 19.7 24.8 29.0 37.0 2.2 9.5 9.0 8.9 Lbs. 31.5 38.1 45.0 42.4 70.4 59.7 53.9 35.4 Lbs. 1.1 3 3 Timothy hay 2 5 Oat straw 2 3 Concentrates. 5 0 Oats 5 0 Wheat bran 4 0 Linseed meal, O. P 7.9 In tables of this character the results stated are always the average of all analyses for each feed on record at the time of com- pilation. The table shows that 100 pounds of average field-cured fodder com contain 40.5 pounds of water — a much larger amount than the feeder will, on first thought, suppose possible in what he has 7 98 Feed» tnd Feeding. always regarded as "dry" forage- Of tlie nntrients in 100 pounds of stover, 3.8 pounds are protein, wliile the same weight of oat straw contains 4 pounds. Were it not for the large amount of water in corn stover, it would exceed straw in protein. Of crude fiber, the least valuable constituent of fodders, the stover contains 19.7 pounds, or only about one-half as much as oat straw. In nitrogen-free extract straw again leads, containing 42.4 pounds against 31.5 in stover. The table shows that the concentrates usually contain a higher proportion of protein than the coarse fodders, red clover and other legumes excepted. Corn is low in crude fiber, while oats are relatively high because of the husk which surrounds the oat kernel. The cereals, especially corn, are rich in nitrogen-free extract, which is principally starch. Corn and oats each contain five pounds of ether extract, and linseed meal eight pounds, practically all oil. 130. Digestion coefficients. — Elsewhere it is shown how the animal physiologist through feeding trials and analytical work ascertains what percentage of the several nutrients in a feeding stuff is digested by farm animals. Table 11 of the Appendix sum- marizes the results of digestion trials with the leading feeds. Example Table B, here given, shows the average digestion coef- ficients for the feeding stuffs given in Table A. Example Table B, showing the average coefficients of digegtibUity for the feeding stuffs presented in Table A. No. of separate trials. Percentage digestibility. Feeding stuffs. Dry matter. Protein. Crude fiber. Nitrogen- free extract. Ether extract Roughage. Corn stover, aU varieties Red clover hay Timothy hay... Oat straw Concentrates. Corn 8 2 26 19 12 39 11 3 60 55 57 48 91 70 61 79 45 55 48 30 76 78 79 89 67 46 52 54 58 20 22 57 61 6-1 63 44 93 76 69 78 62 53 57 33 86 Oata 83 Wheat bran Linseed meal, O. P 68 89 Tables of Composition and Feeding 8t4mdards. 99 The second column of the table shows that eight feeding trials have been made with com stover to determine the digestibility of its several components. Sixty per cent, of the dry matter, 45 of the protein, 67 of the crude fiber, 61 of the nitrogen-free extract, and 62 per cent, of the ether extract are, on the average, digested from this fodder by the fluids of the alimentary tract and absorbed by the animal body. In statements of this character, the aver- age of a large number of determinations is more satisfactory and reliable than the data of a single trial. Table A shows that oat straw contains more protein than corn stover. Table B shows that 45 per cent, of the protein in corn stover, and only 30 per cenL of that in oat straw, are digestible. It shows that the nutrients in the concentrates are more digestible than those in roughage, crude fiber excepted. For example, 78 per cent, of the protein in the oat grain, and only 30 per cent, of that in oat straw, are digestible. In corn stover 61 per cent, of the nitrogen-free extract is digestible, and in the corn grain 93 per cent. It thus appears that a given quantity of total nutrients in concentrated feeding stuffs is usually more valuable than the same amount in coarse forage. 131. Total digestible nutrients. — Example Table C is a por- tion of Table HE of the Appendix. Having learned the composi- tion of the several common feeding stu^ from Table A, and the percentage digestibility of each of these nutrients from Table B, the student is now in position to consider the third table, derived from them, presenting the digestible substance in 100 pounds of each of the feeding stuffs under consideration. The statement for each nutrient in this table is determined by multiplying its composition, as given in Table A, by the factor of digestibility in Table B. 100 Feeds and Feeding. Exam/pie Table 0, th&wmg the digestibility in feeding stuffs considered under Tables A and B. Feeding stuffs. Total dry matter. Total digestible substance in 100 pounds. Nutritive Protein. Carliohy- drates. Ether extract. ratio. Roughage. Com stover Lbs. 59.5 84.7 86.8 90.8 89.4 89.0 88.1 90.8 Lbs. 1.7 6.8 2.8 1.2 7.8 9.2 12.2 29.3 Lbs. 32.4 35.8 43.4 38.6 66.7 47.3 .39.2 32.7 Lbs. 0.7 1.7 1.4 0.8 4.3 4.2 2.7 7.0 1 -20 1:5 8 1 : 16 7 Oat 8traw...r 1 :33 7 Concentrates. Corn or com meal Oats 1 :9.8 1:62 Wheat bran 1:37 Oil meal, O. P 1:17 Table A shows that com stover contains 3. 8 pounds of protein and oat straw 4 pounds; 45 per cent, of the protein in stover, and only 30 per cent, of that in straw, are digestible; consequently 100 pounds of average com stover contain 1.7 pounds of digestible protein, while the same weight of oat straw contains only 1.2 pounds. Thus it is shown that although oat straw contains more total protein than corn stover, the latter has more digestible pro- tein. In digestible protein clover hay stands in strong contrast with oat straw, — 100 pounds of the former containing 6.8 pounds against 1.2 pounds for the straw. Corn contains 66.7 pounds of digestible carbohydrates per hundred weight, while com stover contains 32.4 pounds, or one-half as much. 132. Nutritive ratio. — This expression, not heretofore used, is common with the student of feeding problems and should be understood by all, since it is helpful in studying different feeding substances. By '' nutritive ratio " is meant the ratio which exists between the amount of the digestible protein in a given feeding stuff and the amount of the digestible carbohydrates and ether extract it contains. It is ascertained in the following manner: The amount of digestible ether extract is multiplied by 2.4, because ether extract is considered as having this heat value com- Tables of Composition and Feeding Standards. 101 pared with the carbohydrates. * The product obtained is added to the total quantity of digestible carbohydrates in the given fod- der and the sum is divided by the digestible protein. The method of calculating the nutritive ratio for com stover, the digestible nutrients in which are protein 1.7, carbohydrates 32.4, and ether extract 0.7, is as follows: Ether Heat extract. equivalent. .7 X 2.4 = 1.68 Carbohy- drates. 1.68 -f 32.4 = 34.08 Protein.' 34.08 -r- 1.7 = 20 + Nutritive ratio 1 : 20. In expressing the nutritive ratio of com stover thus, 1 : 20, it is meant that for each pound of digestible protein in com stover there are 20 pounds of digestible carbohydrates and ether-extract equivalent. The nutritive ratios of the several feeds are placed in the last column of the table. The nutritive ratio of oat straw is shown by the table to be 1 : 33.7. This is called a " wide " ratio because of the very large quantity of carbohydrates contained in this feed in proportion to the protein. With Indian corn the nutritive ratio is 1 : 9.8. Such an expression is spoken of as a ''medium" ratio. In oil meal the nutritive ratio is 1 : 1.7, the protein almost equaling the carbohydiates and fat combined. Such an expression is called a ' ' narrow ' ' nutritive ratio. 133. Wolff-Lehmann feeding standards. — Step by step we have advanced until it is shown in the last table what portion of feed- ing stuffs is available for the nutrition of farm animals. Let us next direct attention to the quantity of the several nutrients in feeding stuffs required by farm animals. While analytical work and digestion trials were in progress by the physiologist and chemist, feeding trials were being conducted to determine how much protein, carbohydrates and ether extract were required to properly nurture farm animals of the several classes, under various » American writers generally use the factor 2.2 or 2.25. See Article 61 10'2 Feeds and Feeding. conditions. The following Example Table D from Table IV of the Appendix presents the food requirements of certain farm animals: Example Table i>, showing the amount of dry matter and digestible nutrients required da/Hy by farm animals per 1,000 pounds live weight. matter. Digestible nutrients. 'N'nt.ritivp Protein. Carbohy- drates. Ether extract. ratio. Ox at complete rest in stall Lbs. 18.0 30.0 29.0 24.0 Lbs. 0.7 2.5 2.5 2.0 Lbs. 8.0 15.0 13.0 11.0 Lbs. 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.6 1 :11.8 Fattening cattle (first 1 :6.5 MUch cow (yielding 22 1 :5.7 Horse (medium work).... 1 :6.2 Note. — The " Sum of nutrients" in the larger table has been omitted from this table in order to simplify the explanation. The first subject for consideration is the amount of nutrients required to maintain an ox weighing 1,000 pounds when at rest in the stall, neither gaining nor losing in weight. The table states this to be as follows: Dry matter, 18 pounds; digestible protein, .7 pounds; digestible carbohydrates, 8 pounds; ether extract, .1 pound. A ration containing these nutrients has a nutri- tive ratio of 1 : 11.8. (443) Although the ox is referred to as ''at rest," nevertheless work is being accomplished. The heart is forcing blood currents through the body, and digestion and assimilation are in progress; even the act of standing and breath- ing constitutes work. Each of the many manifestations of life calls for food-fuel and repair material. Conceding that the above feeding standard is correct, the ox which receives less nutrients than here stated will lose in weight, while if more are allowed he will increase in weight. n. Calculating Rations for Farm Animals. 134. Ration for the steer at rest. — With Table C, giving the digestible nutrients in several common feeding stuffs, and Table D, stating the requirements of the ox for maintenance, we have the CcUculaiing Rations for Farm, Animals. 103 data for calculating how much feed should be supplied in order to maintain this animal. For the trial ration, we decide to use 10 pounds of corn stover and 10 pounds of oat straw. Let us ascertaiu the digestible nutrients these will supply. GalculaUons for dry matter a/nd digestible nutrients in com stover and oat straw. Com stover. In 100 pounds. Dry matter 59.5 -^ 100 Protein. 1.7 ^ 100 In 10 pounds. 10 = 5.95 10 = .17 10 = 3.24 10 = .07 Carbohydrates 32.4 -h 100 Ether extract .7 -f- 100 Oat straw. Dry matter 90.8 -f- 100 X 10 Protein 1.2 Cai'bohydrates 38.6 -5- 100 X Ether extract 8 -^ 100 X Arranging these in a table, with the WoLff-Lehmann standard for comparison, we have: First trial mmnteTumce ration for ox at rest weighing 1,000 pounds — Wolff- Lehmann Standard. 9.08 100 X 10 = .12 10 = 3.86 10 = .08 Dry matter. Digestible nutrients. Nutritive ratio. Feeding stuffs. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Ether extract. Com stover, 10 pounds ... Oat straw, 10 pounds Lbs. 5.95 9.08 Lbs. .17 .12 Lbs. 3.24 3.86 Lbs. .07 .08 First trial ration 15.03 .29 7.10 .15 Wolff-Lehmann stand'rd 18.0 .7 8. .10 1:11.8 The trial ration faUs below the standard in everything except ether extract, the deficiency being especially marked as to protein. 104 Feeds and Feeding. To complete the ration there is added one pound each of oil meal and com meal. Ascertaining the nutrients in these as before, we haye the second trial maintenance ration, which is as follows: Second trial maintenance ration for ox at rest weighing 1, 000 pounds — Wolff-Lehmann Standard. Dry matter. Digestible nutrients. Nutritive ratio. Feeding stuffs. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Ether extract. Ration as above... Lbs. 15.03 .908 .894 Lbs. .29 .293 .078 Lbs. 7.10 .327 .667 Lbs. .15 .07 .043 Oil meal 1 pound Com meal, 1 pound Second trial ration 16.832 .661 8.094 .263 1 : 13 2 Wrtlflr-TiAhmann HtaTid'rfJ 18.0 .7 8.0 .10 1:11.8 This second trial ration falls below the standard by more than a pound of dry matter, but this deficiency is of small importance. In protein the ration is almost up to the standard, exceeding it slightly in carbohydrates, and considerably in ether extract The nutritive ratio of this ration is 1 : 1 :". 2 The ration approx- imates the standard as closely as can be attained without using fractions of pounds, and near enough for purposes of illustration. From this we learn that ten pounds each of com stover and oat straw, and one pound each of oil meal and corn meal per day, will nurture a steer weighing 1,000 pounds so that he will neither gain nor lose in weight — that is, such a combination constitutes a "maintenance" ration. 135. A ration for the fattening steer. — Example Table D shows that the fattening steer (first period) requires more than three times as much protein, five times as much ether extract, and nearly twice as much carbohydrates, as constitute a maintenance ration, with the nutritive ratio narrowed to 1 : 6.5. It is apparent that more concentrated feed must enter into this ration than into the first one. For a trial ration we choose 10 pounds of com Calculating Rations for Farm Animals. 105 stover, 8 pounds of oat straw and 12 pounds of corn. Calculating the nutrients in tliese as in the first instance, we have: Mrgt trial ration for the rapid fattening of a steer weighing 1,000 pounds {first period) — Wolff-Lehmann Standard. Dry matter. Digestible nutrients. Nutritive ratio. Feeding stuflEs. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Ether extract. Com stover, 10 pounds ... Lbs. 5.95 7.264 10.728 Lbs. .17 .096 .936 Lbs. 3.24 3.088 8.004 Lbs. .07 .064 .516 Oat straw, 8 pounds Com, 12 pounds First trial ration 23.942 1.202 14.332 .650 Wolff-Lehmann stand'rd 30.0 2.5 15.0 .50 1:6.5 This trial ration falls below the standard in each nutrient, especially in protein. Some feed rich in protein should be added, and accordingly 4 pounds of oU meal, O. P., are used. Second trial ration for the rapid fattening of a steer — Wolff-Lehmann Standard. ' Dry matter. Digestible nutrients. Nutritive ratio. Feeding stuffs. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Ether extract. Ration as above Lbs. 23.942 3.632 Lbs. 1.202 1.172 Lbs. 14.332 1.308 Lbs. .65 .28 Oil meal, 0. P., 4 pounds Second trial ration 27.574 2.374 15.640 .93 1:7.5 Wolff-Lehmann stand'rd 30.0 2.6 15.00 .50 1:6.5 This ration falls below the standard by nearly 2.5 pounds of dry matter and a little more than .1 of a pound protein. There is an excess of both carbohydrates and ether extract. By re- ducing the allowance of corn meal one pound and increasing 106 Feeds and Feeding. the oil meal by the same amount, the standard would be more nearly reached, although tliere is already a fairly close agreement This shows that the fattening steer weighing 1,000 pounds will be nnrtored to very nearly his fall requirement when receiving the following ration: 10 pounds of corn stover, 8 pounds of oat straw, 12 pounds of com, 4 pounds of oil meal. 136. Calculating a ration for the dairy cow. — In determining a ration for a dairy cow yielding 22 pounds of milk daily, we choose from the list of feeds m Table C, 8 pounds of red clover hay, 10 pounds of com stover, 3 pounds of oat straw, for rough- age, and 5 pounds each of corn meal and bran for concentrates. The digestible nutrients in these are ascertained as follows: Calculations for dry matter and digestible nutrients in trial ration for dairy cow. Com stover. In 100 In 10 pounds. pounds. 59.5^100x10=5.95 1.7-f-100XlO= .17 32.4-^100x10=3.24 .7^100X10= .07 Red clover hay. In 100 In 8 pounds. pounds. 84.7-4-100x8=6.776 6.8-^100x8= .544 35.8^100X8=2.864 1.7 ^100X8= .136 Oat straw. In 100 In 3 jounds. pounds. 90.8^100X3=2.724 In 100 pounds. 89.4- 1.2-- 100X3= .036 7.8- 38.64-100x3=1.158 66.7 .8^-100x3= .024 4.3 Bran. In 100 pounds. 88.1^100X5: In 6 pounds. =4.405 12.2-i-100x5: = .61 39.2^100X5: =1.96 2.7-5-100x5: = .135 Com meal. In 5 pounds. 89.4-^100x5=4.47 100X5= .39 100X5=3.335 100X5= .215 Arranging these results in tabular form, with the Wolff-Leh- mann standard for comparison, we have the following: Calculating Bations for Farm Animals. 107 First tricH ration for dairy cow weighing 1,000 pounds and yielding 22 pounds of milk daily — Wolff -Lehmann Standard. Dry matter. Digestible nutrients. Nutri- Feeding stuffs. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Ether extract. tive ratio. Red clover hay, 8 pounds .. Lbs. 6.776 5.95 2.724 4.47 4.405 Lbs. .544 .17 .036 .39 .61 Lbs. 2.864 3.24 1.158 3.335 1.96 Lbs. .136 .07 .024 .215 .135 Corn stover, 10 pounds Oat straw, 3 pounds Corn nieul, 5 pounds 24.325 1.750 12.557 .680 Wolff-Lehmann standard.. 29.0 2.5 13.0 .50 1 :5.7 This trial ration falls considerably below the standard, espe- cially in protein, and to correct this, 3 pounds of oil meal are added. Second trial ration for dairy cow weighing 1,000 pounds and yielding 22 pounds of milk daily — Wolff-Lehmann Standard. Dry matter. Dig\ .stible nutrients. Nutri- Feeding stuffs. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Ether extract. tive ratio. Lbs. 24.32-5 2.724 Lbs. 1.750 .879 Lbs. 12.557 .981 Lbs. .580 .21 Second trial ration 27.049 2.629 13.538 .79 1:6 9 Wolff-Lehmann standard .. 29.0 2.5 13.0 .50 1:5.7 The second trial ration is 2 pounds below the standard in dry matter, something of little significance as it is really of satisfactory volume as it stands. All the nutrients are slightly in excess of the standard, the nutritive ratio being 1: 5.9, while the standai'd calls for 1:5.7. We learn from this that a satisfactory ration for a dairy cow weighing 1, 000 pounds and yielding 22 pounds of milk daily may be composed of the following: Eed clover hay, 8 pounds; com 108 Feeds cmd Feeding. stover, 10 pounds; com meal and bran, each 5 pounds; oat straw and oil meal, each 3 pounds. 137. Concerning rations. — Tn preparing a ration it is well to start with what may be called a 'Hrial " ration, composed of two or more kinds of coarse forage with a moderate supply of some desii'able concentrate. When the nutrients these furnish have been placed in tabular form, a few trials will determine the quantity of other concentrates necessary to bring the ration up to the standard. It is usually impossible to compound rations for ruminants from common American feeding stuffs which will furnish the large amount of dry matter called for by the Wolff- Lehmann standard. While volume is an important factor in feeding, it is better to allow the ration to fall below the standard in dry matter than to add so much coarse forage with its large percentage of inert matter. Our common feeding materials are of such composition that in placing enough of them in the ration to furnish the requisite protein and carbohydrates, there is usually an excess of ether extract according to the standard, but this cannot be avoided. There is no direct way of calculating the exact quantities of the nutrients to be used in formulating rations, the desired result being reached only by repeated trials, each bringing the calculation nearer the desired standard. With the explanations given, the stockman should find no difficulty in calculating rations for the farm animals under his care. m. Feeding Tables and Standards. 138. The first feeding table. — The first attempt to systematically compare various feeding stuffs one with another was by Thaer, * who in 1810 published a table giving what he termed *'hay equivalents." With common hay as the standard unit, the feed- ing values were in part as follows: One hundred pounds meadow hay is equal in feeding value to — 200 pounds potatoes. 602 pounds cabbages. 625 pounds mangels. 91 pounds clover hay. 417 pounds rutabagas. 91 pounds alfalfa hay. Naturally, opinions varied as to the comparative values of vari- » Thaer, Landwirtachaft, New Ed., 1880, p. 21L Feeding Tables and Standards. 109 ons feeding stuffs, and so there were about as many tables of " hay equivalents " as there were writers on economic agriculture. Im- perfect as it was, Thaer's table served to draw attention to an important subject and was the beginning of something far more elaborate and useful. 139. The first feeding standard. — In 1859 Grouven' proposed the first feeding standard for farm animals, based on the total quantity of protein, carbohydrates and ether extract found by analysis in feeding stuffs. This standard fell short of require- ments, since it considered the total nutrients instead of the digesti- ble portion. f40. WolfTs standards.— In 1864, Dr. Emil v. Wolff, the great Grerman scientist and author, published for the first time, in Mentzel & v. Lengerke's Agricultural Calendar, standards based upon the digestible nutrients of feeding stuffs. In these stand- ards the attempt was made to meet the physiological require- ments of the animal by supplying sufficient protein, carbohydrates and ether extract for all the needs of the body, without waste of any of the nutrients. Wolff's feeding standards have become popular among the more progressive American farmers and stockmen and have been used wherever agricultural science is recognized. Their popularity is due in a large measure to their simplicity, ease of application, and the positive character of the statements made. In these standards, accompanied by tables of digestibility, the stockman has before him the data necessary to calculate rations for the different farm animals, little or nothing being left in uncertainty. 141. Kuehn's position. — The strength of Wolff's standards is also their weakness, for such mathematical statements cannot stand without marked qualifications when dealing with the com- plex problem of animal life and its nurture by food. Julius Kiihn, another German writer and investigator of the highest repute, holds 2 that Wolff's standards ''are objectionable and misleading to the farmer." According to this author, Wolff 1 Feeding Standards for Domestic Animals, Expt. Sta. Eec, voL TV; also Agricultur-Chemie, Koln, 1889, p. 834. * Feeding Standards for Domestic Animals, Expt Sta. Rec, voL IV, pp. 6-13. 110 Feeds and Feeding. is incorrect when he bases the total qnantity of food to be snp plied on the organic substance contained, instead of the dry matter, as originally stated by Lingenthal and Grouven. Again, Wolff places the allowance of organic matter required by the dairy cow at 25 pounds; Kiihn tells us this may vary between the extremes of 20 and 33.5 pounds. Changes in the amount of dry matter supplied should, however, always be gradual. Kiihn fur- ther protests against prescribing exact quantities of nutrients as norms or standards. ''For the individual nutrients, as for the total amount of food, it is essential to determine the amount for each individual case, and in doing this the particular conditions should be considered." Wolff does not distinguish between digestible albuminoids and amides; Kiihn holds that the lower nutritive effect of amide compounds can no longer be doubted, and that these amides can at best serve only as albuminoid con- servers, like the carbohydrates, aud further that tl.e non- albu- minoid protein includes compounds which do not even exert this conserving action and whose nutritive function is very doubtful. Grouven fixed the total protein (digestible and indigestible) for the dairy cow at 2. 74 pounds, while Wolff places the standard at 2.5 of digestible albuminoids and amides. Kiihn states that the cow of high productive capacity during her largest flow of milk requires more than 2.5 pounds of digestible protein, while smaller amounts than Wolff names should be given with dimin- ishing milk flow. Again, the ether extract or so-called "fat" of food varies in nutritive effect according to its origin; that from oil cake, for example, having a higher feeding value than that found in coarse fodders. In the same way, nitrogen-free extract includes substances of variable composition, some of which are of questionable nutritive value, and to count all these as equiva- lent to starch for feeding purposes is far from correct. Finally, Kiihn lays stress on the importance of individual feeding, declar- ing that the stockman must carefully study the requirements of each animal and nourish it according to its individual wants, instead of placing all members of the herd or flock on inflexible rations constructed according to definite standards. He con- cludes that fodders vary so greatly in composition that to use Feeding Tables and Standards. Ill average analyses in calculating rations with the exactness pre- scribed by Wolff may lead to very unsatisfactory results. 142. The Wolff-Lehmann standard. — Wolff's feeding standards were given annually in the Mentzel-Lengerke Agricultural Cal endar from 1864 to 1896. The calendar for 1897 was prepared by Dr. C. Lehmann of the Berlin Agricultural College. This table is changed from Wolff's in several particulars. ''Dry matter" takes the place of "organic matter" in Wolff's table. A double column not used by Wolff is headed "Sum of nutrients." In the first of these columns all of the digestible crude fiber is included with the other nutrients. In the second column only one-half of the crude fiber found digestible is included. Leh- mann recognizes the varying wants of dairy cows by classifying them in four divisions according to the milk they yield, the heaviest milkers receiving the most nutrients. While Wolff's tables have heretofore been universally used in this country, it seems proper to adopt the modifications of Lehmann. 143. Introduction of standards in America. — Feeding standards were first brought to the attention of Americans by Atwater^ in 1874, and the efforts of this teacher and investigator have fortu- nately been continued in the same line to the present time, greatly to the advancement of scientific agriculture in this country. Armsby's Manual of Cattle Feeding, based on Wolff's book 2 on the same subject, appeared in 1880 and marked an era in the educational development of this topic. From these sources the students in our agricultural colleges, writers and lecturers have come to know of feeding standards, and through them, thousands of feeders have learned to calculate rations for farm animals. rV. The Several Feeding Standards. 144. The maintenance ration for the ox. — In 1879 Sanborn, « of the New Hampshire Agricultural College, reported that the steer could be maintained on a smaller amount of hay than called for by Wolff's standard. Subsequent experiments by this investi- » Rept. Me. State Bd. Agr., 1874; Kept. Secy. Conn. Bd. Agr., 1874-6. * Fvittemngslehre, Ist ed., 1874; 7th ed., 1898. • Rept. N. H. Bd. Agr., 1879. See also subsequent reports. 112 Feeds and Feeding. gator confirmed his statement that Wolfif's maintenance standard was really sufficient in nutrients to allow the animal to make a gain in weight. Tliese statements were at first controverted, i the assumption being that the Germans must be right and the Ameri- can investigator wrong. At the Cornell University Station, 2 Caldwell, feeding four steers on a ration containing the following nutrients: dry substance 15.3, protein .68, carbohydrates and fat 8.6 (nutritive ratio, 1: 13.2), secured the following: Weight of 4 steers, January 20, 3,492 pounds. Weight of 4 steers, March 21, 3,672 pounds. Here is a gain of 180 pounds in two months on a maintenance ration according to Wolff. Ee vie wing his own and the work of others, Caldwell wrote: ''The results of the many tests to which they (standard rations) have been subjected at various places in the country make it evident that with such data as we at present have at command, no ration can be calculated that will do the same work or pro- duce the effect for which it was calculated in all cases, and per- haps not even in a majority of cases, and that sometimes such rations entirely fail to accomplish the purpose for which they were calculated and used." 145. Kuehn's standard maintenance ration. — Investigations ex- tending from 1882 to 1890 by G. Kiihn* show that the full-grown ox kept in perfect quiet in the stall can be maintained on .7 pounds of digestible protein and 6. 6 pounds of digestible nitrogen- free extract for each one thousand pounds of live weight. K more nutrients than these are supplied, each one hundred grams of digestible starch may cause a deposit of 20 to 24 grams of fat in the body of the ox. 146. Well's findings. — At the Wisconsin Station, ■• Woll ascer- tained by correspondence with a number of the leading dairymen of America the composition of the rations which they had used successfully with their herds. Reports were received from the managers of 128 herds including more than 3,000 cowa 1 See various articles, Rural New-Yorker, 1882. » Rept. 1883-8,5. • Ldw. Vers. Stat., 44, p. 550 * Bui. 38; Rept. 1894. Feeding Tables and Standards. 113 Grouping tlie returns by sections, and calculating the dry and digestible matter in the rations reported, the following table was prepared: Rations fed by 128 Ama^ican dairymen as ascertained by Woll — Wisconsm If^afion. No. of rations fed. Dry matter. Digestible matter. Nutri- Where ration was fed. Pro- tein. Car- bohy- drates. Ether ex- tract. Total. tive ratio. Eastern states Middle states Southern states Western states Canada 55 66 2 6 9 Lbs. 24.38 24.64 23.48 29.28 21.57 T.bs, 2.20 2.08 2.00 3.05 1.76 Lbs. 13.31 13.37 12.14 14.58 11.69 Lbs. .77 .72 1.05 .75 .63 Lbs. 16.28 16.17 15.19 18.38 14.08 1 :6.8 1 :7.2 1:7.2 1 :5.3 1-74 In these averages we observe a wide variation in the nutrients fed, the minimum falling much below Wolff's standard, while the maximum materially exceeds it. As a summary report of the rations fed by leading American dairymen, this table is valuable, representing as it does the practice of so many experienced feeders. On the other hand, it is unsatisfactory because in many cases the feed was not weighed, the figures reported being estimates. 147. Studies by the Connecticut (Storrs) Station. — Atwater and Phelps, of the Connecticut (Storrs) Station, ^ studied in person the rations used by a number of dairymen in their state. Their work included weighing and sampling the feed and the milk, both of which were analyzed by the Station. (681) The following table presents the extremes observed in these studies: Minimum and maximum rations fed by Connecticut dairymen as deter- mined by Atwater and Phelps — Connecticut (Storrs) Station. Minimum, 27 rations... Maximum, 27 rations . . Average 27 rations .. Organic matter. Lbs. 20.5 33.7 25.5 Digestible protein. Lbs. 1.35 3.48 2.36 Digestible ether ex- tract. Lbs. .56 1.36 .87 Digestible carbohy- drates. Lbs. 10.47 18.25 13.76 Nutri- tive ratio. 1 : 4.5 1 :11.3 1 : 6.7 Kept. 1896. lU Feeds and Feedi 148. Standard rations for dairy cows. — From the reports of 128 American dairymen gathered by Woll, that investigator dedncea what he calls the American ration for dairy cows. Based on their personal study of dairy herds covering three winters as just noted, Atwater and Phelps of the Storrs Station oflfer a tentative standard. Below are grouped the several standards for convenient reference by the student. American and German feeding standards for dairy coios. — DigestibU nutrients per day per 1,000 pounds live weight. Ration. Dry matter. Digestible nutrients. Nutri- tive Protein. Carbohy- drates. Ether extract. ratio. Wolff original (German) Lbs. 24.0* 24.5 25.0* 25.0 27.0 29.0 32.0 Lbs. 2.5 2.15 2.5 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.3 Lbs. 12.5 13.27 12 to 13 10.0 11.0 13.0 13.0 Lbs. 0.4 .74 .5 to .8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 1:5.4 Woll proposed American 1:6.9 Atwater & Phelps pro- 1:5.(5 Wolff-Lehmaun German I. When giving 11 lbs. of milk daily 1:6.7 II. When giving 16J lbs. 1:6.0 ni. When giving 22 lbs. of milk daily 1:5.7 IV. When giving 27J lbs. of milk daily 1:4.5 * Organic matter. Kiilin's^ standard ration for a thousand-pound dairy cow undei varying conditions is as follows: Pounds. Dry matter 20-33.5 Digestible albuminoids 1.5-2.4 Digestible ether extract 4- .7 Digestible nitrogen-free extract, assimilable crude fiber, and amides ^^.".^"^ Nutritive ratio •••• 1 : 5.5-8 Reviewing the above, it is found that WoU's proposed American dairy ration calls for less protein and more carbohydrates and ether extract than Wolff's, the nutritive ratio being 1 : 6.9 against 1 : 5.4. Atwater and Phelps' proposed standard coincides with » Die zweckraassigste Emahrung des Rindviehes, 1887, p. 257. Feeding Tables and Standards. 115 Wolff's in protein, while the digestible carbohydrates run from 12 to 13 pounds and the fat from .5 to .8 pounds. The Wolff- Lehmann standard gives a wide range according to the milk yield. 149. Concerning Kuehn's ration. — Kiihn's method of procedure in compounding a ration is different from those already discussed. He first sets forth a basal ration composed principally of coarse forage carrying the nutriment required by the cow when giving little or no milk. This basal ration should contain 1.5 to 1.7 pounds of digestible albuminoids per thousand pounds live weight, and may exceed this with animals of exceptional capacity. A like proportion of non-nitrogenous and ether-extract nutrients go with the basal ration. To this is added an amount of concen- trates sufficient to enable the cow to yield the best returns. Animals of low productive capacity are fed a small ration, while those capable of large returns are liberally supplied with nutri- ents. The range of dry matter and nutrients for cows of different capacities is given in the table. Kiihn considers the albuminoids only, as available for protein nutrition, and places the amides with the carbohydrates. In con- structing his ration he recognizes the great variability of feeding stuffs as to composition, and holds the individuality of the cow as something of great importance. His idea, if fully carried out, would necessitate a chemical analysis of all the different feeding stuffs used each season, something impracticable under ordinary conditions. 149a. Fuel value of rations. — In Article 61 the following fuel values are shown for the several nutrients in feeding stuffs: Calories in one pound. Protein 1,860 Carbohydrates 1,860 Ether extract 4,220 It has been proposed that these Calorie values be assigned to the digestible nutrients of the ration for the purpose of simplify- iug the results. Atwater writes on this point: ^ ''This use of fuel values gives a means of simplifying the calculation of rations. It will be understood that the proportions of fats and carbohy- drates are only relative; in other words, that one may be dimin- 1 Rept. of Storrs (Conn.) Expt. Sta., 1890, p. 179. 116 Feeds and Feeding. islied if the other be correspondingly increased. If our theories are correct, the important matter is to provide sufficient protein and sufficient total energy without varying too much from the most desirable relative proportions of the fats and carbohydrates." The Calories in the second trial ration for the dairy cow reported under Article 136 are determined in the following manner: The digestible protein and digestible carbohydrates ol the ration are added together and the sum is multiplied by 1,860, the fuel value of one pound of these nutrients. In the same manner the ether extract is multiplied by 4,220, its fuel value. The calculations are as follows: In ration. Protein Lbs. Carbohydrates Lbs. Total Lbs. 2.629 + 13.538 = 16.167 Protein and Carbohydrates Lbs. Calories in one pound Calories. 16.167 X 1,860 = 30,070 Ether extract Lbs. .79 X 4,220 = 3,334 Total in ration ... 33,404 Arranging the digestible nutrients and Calories for the standard ration for the cow when giving 22 pounds of milk daily, and for the second trial ration for the dairy cow as calculated above, the following table is derived: Digestible nutrients. Protein, Carbohy- drates. Ether extract. Calories. Wolff-Lehmann standard for Lbs. 2.5 2.629 Lbs. 13.0 13.538 Lbs. .50 .79 30,940 Second trial ration for dairy 33,404 By the table we learn that the digestible nutrients in the standard ration for the cow when giving 22 pounds of milk daily, would, on combustion, yield 30,910 Calories, while the second trial ration given in Article 136 yields 33,404 Calories^ an excess above the standard of nearly 10 per cent. Valite of tlie Different Nutrients. 117 While it is important from a scientific standpoint to study the fuel value of rations, such use in compounding them for practi- cal purposes is hardly warranted, since a statement of the several nutrients themselves is more explicit and satisfactory. 150. Conciusions relative to feeding standards. — The vast amount of work of the chemist and physiologist as shown in the several tables under discussion in this chapter must be apparent to every student who has followed the subject to this point. WTien one learns that these tables after all are not what they first seem as to exactness and reliability, he is tempted to cast them aside as of no value in the conduct of his feeding operations. Due reflection will check such a coui-se, for enormous gain has already come to our stock interests from this source. Tables of chemical composition and feeding standards are eff'orts toward a desired end, and the student will always study these with interest, and the prudent feeder will never ignore them in his care of live stock. V. Placing Money Values on the Different Nutrients in Feeding Stuffs. 151. Character of the inquiry. — Since commercial fertilizers are sold on their content of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, it seems possible to ascertain the values of the several common feed- ing stuffs from their content of digestible protein, carbohydrates and ether extract. (420) This matter takes concrete form in the questions asked at farmers' meetings and in the agricultural papers as to the relative values of different feeds; for example, the value of a ton of bran or oil meal when corn or oats are worth a certain sum per bushel. 152. Studies of values. — More than a generation ago Wolff, studying the by-products of flouring mills and oil factories, based calculations on the current prices of these several feeds, and found that, allowing the nitrogen-free extract a value of 1, protein had a relative value of 2.4, and ether extract 3. Konig placed the ratio of protein, fat and nitrogen-free extract at 2.7 : 2.9 : 1. The German Natural History Society, ^ after investigating the matter, concluded that the average values of nutrients of the leading feeding stuffs of Germany were as 3 : 3 : 1 1 Landw. Jahrb. 9, p. 805. 118 Feeds and Feeding. for protein, fat and nitrogen- free extract, rcspectiyely. Several American Stations have also endeavored to ascertain the money value of concentrates according to the nutrients they contain, with the results presented in the table below: Yaluations of nutrients in American concentrated feeding stuffs — various Experlnient Stations. By Refer- ence. Value in cents per pound. Ratios. Station. Pro- tein. Ether ex- tract. Car- bohy- drates. Pro- tein. Ether ex- tract. Car- bohy- drates. Conn.... Conn.... Del Ind N.J Wis Vt Jenkins... Jenkins... Penny Huston ... Voorhees.. WoU H.,B.&J Rept. 1888 Rept. 1890 Rept. 1889 Bui. 37 Rept. 1891 Rept. 1891 Rept. 1895 1.60 1.40 1.23 1.00 0.91 1.52 2.02 4.2 2.9 4.4-5 2.75 5.91 3.58 —.19 0.96 1.40 0.52 0.63 1.12 0.47 0.91 1.7 1.0 2.4 1.6 0.8 3.2 2.2 4.4 2.1 8.6 4.4 5.3 7.6 —.21 The data in the above table were secured in the following manner: The market values of all the concentrated feeding stuffs in the state were tabulated, together with the pounds of digestible protein, carbohydrates and ether extract they contained. Then by a mathematical process the supposed relative value of each of the nutrients was determined, with results presented in the table. In Connecticut, for example, it was found that taking all the common concentrated feeding stuffs offered in the market at cur- rent values, each pound of protein in these feeds cost on the average 1.6 cents, one pound of fat 4.2 cents, and a pound of car- bohydrates .96 cents. Hills, Boyce and Jones, of the Vermont Station,^ calculating the commercial values of concentrates for their state, found by the process usually employed that a pound of fat had a value of— .19 cents, or that it was worth less than nothing, — an absurdity of course. Surprised at this, they inves- tigated the subject in a broad manner and came to the conclusion that the method employed to determine these values is inaccurate and without merit. At present it is impossible to state the value of one feeding stuff in terms of another from calculations based upon the nutrients contained in each. Rept. 1895. Part II. FEEDING STUFFS. CHAPTER Vm. LBADma CEREALS AND THEIE BY-PEODUOTS. I. Indian Com and its By-products. Digestible nutrients and fertilizing constituents. Name of feed. Dry matter in 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. Carbo- hy- drates. Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Lbs. Average of all analyses Dent com Flint corn Sweet corn Corncob Com and cob meal Com bran Gluten meal Germ meal Starch refuse Orano-gluten Hominy chops Glucose meal Sugar meal Starch feed, wet Lbs. 7.9 7.8 8.0 8.8 0.4 4.4 7.4 25.8 9.0 11.4 26.7 7.5 30.3 18.7 5.5 Lbs. 66.7 66.7 66.2 63.7 52.5 60.0 59.8 43.3 61.2 58.4 38.8 55.2 35.3 51.7 21.7 Lbs. 4.3 4.3 4.3 7.0 0.3 2.9 4.6 11.0 6.2 6.5 12.4 6.8 14.5 8.7 2.3 Lbs. 18.2 16.5 16.8 18.6 5.0 14.1 16.3 50.3 26.5 22.4 49.8 16.3 57.7 36.3 Lbs. 7.0 Lbs. 4.0 5.7 12.1 3.3 8.0 7.0 5.1 9.8 6.0 4.7 6.8 0.6 5.0 5.2 1.5 4.9 4.1 1.0 0.3 1.0 153. General characteristics. — Indian com is the best relished grain available for our domestic animals, their fondness for it being remarkable. A possible explanation of this fact may lie in the large amount of oil which the corn grain carries; again, on mastication com breaks into flinty, nutty particles, and is 120 Feeds and Feeding. therefore more palatable than the wheat grain, for instance, which on crushing and mingling with saliva turns to a sticky dough. 154. Races of corn. — The races of corn of interest to stockmen are embraced under the terms "Dent," ''Flint," and ''Sweet." In dent corn the starchy material is floury in character, except a small portion near the exterior, which is corneous or flinty. In flint corn most of the starch has a corneous character, which is plainly revealed when the grain is cut across. Though difibieut in appearance the corneous portion is chemically the same as the floury part. Dent and flint corns are practically of the same chemical composition. The flint varieties flourish along the northern rim of the com belt with its cooler climate; dent corn flourishes where a higher temperature prevails. By planting one variety or another, corn may be profltably grown in every state in the Union. It is said that flint com when carried from its northern home to southern districts gradually changes to dent, while under reverse conditions dent varieties assume the char- acteristic^ of flint corn. It is often asserted that yeUow corn is more nutritious than white, and sometimes the opposite is claimed. There is nothing in chemical analysis or experience to warrant either assumption. It is doubtless true that some varieties of one kind are superior to certain varieties of the other, but no uniform rule prevails. Street corn is characterized by hard, wrinkly grains, due to shrinkage in drying and their corneous character. The table shows that sweet corn is somewhat richer in protein than corn of other races. It does not yield quite as much digestible carbohy- drates, the difference being more than made up, however, by the larger content of fat and protein. The grain of sweet corn con- tains considerable glucose while ripening, and this adds much to its palatabriity, though not necessarily to the nutritive qualities, since sugar has the same feeding value as starch. 155. Corn a carbonaceous food. — The leading characteristic of the corn grain is the large proportion of starchy matter, coupled with the rather low protein content and a low percentage of ash. Compared with wheat, corn has somewhat less carbohy- drates, less protein, but more oil. Much of the oil and protein is Leading Cereals and their By-products. 121 leathered in and about the corn germ lying at the base of the kernel. Eich in starch and oil, the function of corn is plainly to produce heat and fat when fed to farm animals. For fattening purposes no other grain equals corn. Lacking in protein and ash, this grain is not well suited for the production of bone and mus- cle in young and growing animals. See Chapter VI, also Arti- cle 421. 156. Corn as human food. — Considering the nutrition it carries and the market price, corn is by far the cheapest food offered to mankind over a large part of the civilized world. That it has not been more generally used can be explained only in part. In the first place, corn meal cannot be made into a light, porous loaf, as can flour from the wheat grain. Again, when reduced to meal on grinding, the oil of the grain, and especially that in the germ, soon becomes rancid, and the meal loses its palatability. This trouble is remedied in part by processes of manufacture in which the germ is removed. 157. Corn cob. — Corn cobs consist largely of crude fiber and consequently have a low feeding value. When corn has not fully ripened, more nutriment remains in the cob, which is then not so hard and woody. K deleterious fermentations have not occurred, such cobs are readily eaten by cattle. Cob goes well with the grain which produces it, and many cattle feeders are satisfied with this use of an otherwise waste product, drawing their conclusions from experience and observation. 158. Corn and cob meal. — Sometimes corn together with the cob which bears it are crushed at the same operation, the resulting product being called '' corn and cob meal." Great dif- ficulty is experienced in reducing the cob to reasonable fineness, [f left coarse, farm animals usually push the pieces of cob aside and consume only the meal; if ground sufficiently fine, much power is required in the reduction. Difficulty is experienced in finding mills suitable for this purpose and in providing power sufficient for reducing the cobs. Eeasonably fine corn and cob meal has been found very satisfactory for stock feeding. Experi- ments by the Paris Omnibus Company i showed that com and cob '- Pott, Fuhling's Landw. ZeituDcr. 1893. p. 483. 122 Feeds and Feeding. meal proved more acceptable than pure com meal. Stockmen quite generally report favorably on its use. (539, 633, 849) Since the nutriment in the corn cob is small, it is not easy to understand why this compound meets wi'.h general favor, especially as the cost of grinding is considerably increased. It has been suggested that pure corn meal lies heavy in the animal's stomach, and while in this condition is not so readily attacked by the juices of digestion. On the other hand, the particles of cob when asso- ciated with the meal cause the mass to lie loose in the stomach, in condition for easy digestive action. 159. Weight of corn and cob. — Aside from its water content, com shows a very uniform composition for different regions of our country. While the moisture in old corn varies little from 12 per cent., it may reach 20 and even 25 per cent, for ear com freshly husked. Corn carrying as much as 20 per cent, water will not keep if stored in any considerable quantity. At the Kansas Agricultural College, Sheltoni placed 200 pounds of ear com, which had been ripe fully six weeks before it was husked, in a box which was placed in a crib of corn with corn all about it In July, eight months later, the corn weighed 187.5 pounds, showing a shrinkage of 6 per cent. At the Illinois Station, ' Morrow reports three years' investi- gations as showing that 1,000 bushels of ear corn, medium varieties, shrunk 115 bushels, or 11.5 per cent., between the time of gathering and when thoroughly air-dry. Corn husked Novem- ber 1 required 70 pounds of ears of early, 73 pounds of medium and 78 pounds of late maturing varieties to yield one bushel, or 56 pounds of shelled com. At the Kentucky Station, » Scovell found that corn placed in a loft November 17, shrunk from 7.4 to 18.3 per cent, in weight. About one-fifth the weight of well-dried ear com of the better varieties consists of cob; that is, 70 pounds of well-dried ear corn will yield 56 pounds of shelled com. 160. The pellagra corn disease. — Among the rural population of northern Italy there occurs a peculiar, fatal disease called » Kept. Prof. Agr,, 1884. * Bui. 13. =» Kept. 1889. Leading Cereals and their By-products. 123 ''pellagra," which has been traced to the almost exclusive use of com as food by the people. The poverty of the com grain in protein and ash may explain in some measure this ailment. According to investigations, the disease is charged by some to the presence of mould fungi. Fua^ found aspergillus and penicillium fangi in com meal which had caused pellagra, and was able to separate fi'om it several poisonous substances, evidently decom- position products. 2 161. Corn by-products. — The use of corn in the manufacture of starch, glucose, beer, spirits, etc., has grown enormously of late, resulting in great quantities of by-products of high feeding value for stock. In most of the processes of manufacture the first step is to secure the starch of the corn grain as free as possible from the other constituents. The composition of the corn grain in its different pai-ts and the various by-products left in the manufacture have been studied by Voorhees at the New Jersey Station, a a summary of his findings being as follows: The husk or skin which covers the com kemel consists of two layers, which on removal constitute what is known as corn bran; this contains practically all the crude fiber of the corn grain. Below the husk or skin layer, but near the outside of the grain, comes a layer of cells rich in gluten or protein, yellow in color, and not readily separable from the remainder of the kernel. Most of the pro- tein of the com grain lies in this layer. Near the base of the grain is the germ, which also contains gluten, and is particularly rich in oil and mineral matters. The body of the com grain proper is composed almost entirely of starch, the cells being packed to repletion therewith. Voorhees separated 100 grams of com kernels into skin, germ and starch portions, and analyzing these secured the results presented in the following table: 1 Pott, Landw. Futterm., 1889, p. 410, foot note. * See also Konig, Die mensch. Nahr. u. Genussm., II, 1893, p. 474. » Bui. 105. ^ 124 Feed* and Feeding. Composition of the several parts of the corn grain — New Jersey Station. In 100 pai-ts corn. Water. Composition of the water-free materiaL Corn and Ita parts. Nutrients. Fertilizing constit- uents. Pro- tein. Car- bohy- drates. Crude fiber. Ether extract. Crude ash. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Potr ash. Original com Skin Germ Starchy part Per cent. 100.0 5.6 10.1 84.3 Per cent. 34.7 15.3 29.6 24.7 Per cent. 12.6 6.6 21.7 12.2 Per cent. 79.3 75.4 45.8 85.6 Per cent. 2.0 16.5 2.9 0.7 Per cent. 4.3 1.6 29.6 1.5 Per cent. 1.7 1.3 11.1 0.7 Per cent. 2.0 1.1 3.5 2.0 Per cent. 0.8 0.2 6.2 0.4 Per ct. 0.5 0.4 2.!* 0.2 162. What ths table shows. — The germ, which constitutes only about 10 per cent, of the kernel, contains 65 per cent, of the ether extract, 61.5 per cent, of the mineral matter, 71 per cent, of the phosphoric acid, 60 per cent, of the potash and 16.3 per cent, of the nitrogen or protein of the whole grain. The starchy portion of the grain carries very little crude fiber or ash, but is rich in carbohydrates in the form of starch. The skin yields most of the crude fiber, the whole amount being small. 163. Starch production. — Briefly described, starch is obtained fi'om the com grain in the following manner: The corn is gener- ally soaked until soft and then ground to meal in running water. The hulls or husks float to the surface and are removed; the germs sink to the bottom, and the water, carrying with it the gluten and starch, passes on through long troughs, in which the starch, being the heavier of the two, settles to the bottom while the gluten floats on. The various by-products thus separated are dried and sold, either separately or combined, under various names, while the resulting starch, freed from these substances, is treated in different ways for various manufactuied products. 164. Of what the by-products consist. — All the byproducts combined constitute v, liat is known as gluten feed, which is really the corn grain less the starch it carries. This feed is rich in ether extract and protein, and is well suited for dairy cows and fattening stock. Leading Cereals and their By-products. 125 Gluten meal does not contain either the hnll or germ, and is very ricli in ether extract and protein. Becanse of its concen- tration it should always be diluted or extended with some light material like wheat bran or com bran. (546, 637, 850) Corn bran consists of the hulls of the corn grain, and is relatively low in feeding value. Corn germ is very rich in protein and oil. Corn oil meal and corn oil cake consist of the pressed germs freed from most of the oil they carry, and are rich in ether extract and pro- tein. These by-products should never be fed in large quantity, but mixed with other grain feeds. Often the by-products of the lactory are disposed of in a wet condition, and are then styled ''wet starch" or ''wet glucose feeds." When corn is manufactured into hominy or other human food articles, the skin of the grain, the germ, etc., constitute by-prod- ucts more or less similar to those above described. Unfortunately for the purchaser there is no uniformity in the composition oi these by-products, and they reach the trade under whatever names the manufacturers are pleased to place upon them, thus preventing any general treatment of the subject. 165. Nitrogen and mineral matter in corn. — Compared with grains generally, corn is not rich in nitrogen and mineral matter. Compared even with hay from the leguminous plants, e. g., red clover hay, it likewise stands low. This poverty of mineral matter and nitrogen explains in some measure why the corn crop is not so exhausting to the soil as many others. The prudent feeder in using corn should always bear in mind its low nitrogen and mineral content, and make good what is lacking by supplying the wants of his animals from other sources. In choosing between corn and other feed, when pui-chasing in the market, he should bear in mind that a given weight of this grain does not bring to his farm as much fertility as do many other feeding stuffs. In gluten meal, grano-gluten and cream -gluten, the nitrogen reaches a very respectable figure, though in mineral matter the standing is still low. 126 Feeds and Feeding. n. Wheat aiid its By-products in MiU'ing. jyigegtiMe nutrients and fertilizing constituents. Name of feed- Di7 matter In 100 pounds. Digestiblo BUtiients iQ 100 pounds. Pro- tein. Caibo- liy- di-ates. Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- aali. Wheat High-grade flour Low-grade flour Dark feeding flour Wheat bran Wheat bran, spring wheat Wheat bran, winter wheat Wiieat shorts Wheat raiddUngs Wheat screenings Lbs. 89.5 87.6 87.6 90.3 88.1 88.5 87.7 88.2 87.9 88.4 Lbs. 10.2 8.9 8.2 13.5 12.2 12.9 12.3 12.2 12.8 Lbs. 69.2 62.4 62.7 61.3 39.2 40.1 37.1 50.0 53.0 51.0 Lbs. 1.7 0.9 0.9 2.0 2.7 3.4 2.6 3.8 3.4 2.2 Lbs. 23.6 18.9 28.9 31.8 26.7 Lbs. 7.9 2.2 5.6 21.4 28.9 Lb«. 5.0 1.5 3.5 10.9 16.1 26.3 24.4 13.5 9.5 11.7 6.9 6.3 8.4 166. Wheat grain. — From the earliest times the wheat plant has furnished the choicest food grain for man. Wheat has probably never been degraded to stock-feeding purposes until the most recent times. During the last decade, owing to enormous pro- duction, the prices for this grain fell until they approached quite close to those received for corn. When this anomalous and dis- couraging situation was reached,- our farmers at first hesitated, but with a sagacity most creditable to them quickly overcame their long-held and not unwarranted prejudice against this seem- ing perversion of nature and began to deal out wheat in large quantities to their stock. Cobui-ni reports that in Kansas, during the year 1893, more than 4,000,000 bushels of wheat were fed to stock by the farmers of that state, and that in 1894 the amount so disposed of reached the enormous volume of 8,500,000 bushels. Since it costs more to produce wheat than corn, it is reasonable to suppose that this grain will never become a common feed for stock, but the feeder should know its value both absolute and relative, and hold himself ready to make use of it whenever market conditions warrant. Compared with corn, wheat carries a higher percentage of starch, less ether extract and more protein. Thus it more clearly Kept. Kan. St. Bd. Agr., Sept. 30, 1894. Leading Cereals and their By-products. 127 furnislies a balanced ration for farm animals. It follows that this grain meets the requirements of young and growing animals better than corn, a statement which is corroborated by the experi- ence of feeders. Because two or more kinds of feed should always be given rather than one only, the feeder should prize wheat highly for furnishing variety to his usually too short list of avail- able articles. It should also be remembered in considering prices that a bushel of wheat weighs seven per cent, more than a bushel of corn. 167. Wheat for feeding. — Wheat may be regarded as a satis- factory feed for aU kinds of farm stock, in the hands of intelli- gent feeders. Mixed with com, oats or bran it is superior to either alone for work horses. For fattening cattle and dairy cows it not only furnishes abundance of nutrients, but through variety gives edge to the appetite. When on a visit to William Wat- son, the prince of American feeders, some years since, the writer found him feeding whole wheat of fine quality to sheep in prep- aration for a fat-stock show. For sheep this grain alone or mixed with others may be fed in the entire or whole condition; for other stock it should receive some form of preparation, either grinding, boiling or soaking. During mastication wheat and wheat flour adhere to the gums, forming a pasty mass. This can be prevented by mingling bran, corn meal or some such substance with the wheat or flour. Though a feed of great palatability and healthfulness, wheat does not equal com for fattening purposes, yielding perhaps ten per cent, less returns, (462, 543, 638-9, 759-60, 850) 168. Character of flesh from wheat feeding. — Swift & Co. (Packers, Chicago), replying to an inquiry concerning the char- acter of the flesh of wheat and corn-fed cattle and hogs, wrote :^ * ' There is quite a perceptible difference between wheat and corn- fed hogs and cattle. We do not consider that wheat-fed stock yields as well as corn-fed, there being less fat. The lean meat on wheat- fed cattle has a somewhat brighter red than on corn-fed cattle. The lean meat from wheat-fed hogs is very nice, but as the yield is not so good there is no particular advantage in it to 1 Prairie Farmer, Oct. 20, 1894. 128 Feeds and Feeding. packers; but we consider wheat-fed stock worth as much as corn -fed." 169. Damaged wheat. — When low prices prevail for wheat, only the best grades should be sold by the farmer. Shrunken and damaged grain has almost no market value at such times, while for feeding purposes it may be nearly or quite equal to grain which commands the highest price. The farmer should carefully grade his grain at home and sell only the best. Sometimes the farmer with such wheat on hand hesitates about feeding it, fearing disastrous results. A number of inquiries as to the advisability of feeding poor wheat have come to the writer in past years, and he has always recommended that, instead of wasting such grain, it be fed in moderate quantities mixed with other materials. No ill results have ever come to notice from such grain when fed in reasonable quantity. (763-4) 170. Composition of wheat grain. — If we examine the wheat grain we find, first of all, three membranous coats which have some- what the character of straw, and show on analysis about the same composition, with corresponding feeding value. Beneath these comes the fourth, called the ''aleurone layer," which is rich in protein, and which during the process of milling goes with the three outer layers to form bran. The embryo or germ of the grain is rich in oil, protein and mineral matter. The remaining portion of the grain consists of thin- walled cells, all packed to repletion with starch grains. Associated with the starch are grains of protein matter called gluten, which give to dough from wheat flour that tenacity which enables it to retain gas bubbles, produced by yeast fermentation, during baking, thereby yielding a light, porous bread. In producing flour the aim of the miller is to secure all of the starch and gluten possible, avoiding the other constituents of the grain. He avoids incorporating the embryo or germ because, though rich in oil and protein, it turns dark on exposure to the air and gives the flour a specked appearance; further, the germ makes a sticky dough. Nor does the miller desire the aleurone layer, rich though it is in protein, for flour containing it has a brown tint. The amount of gluten in the wheat grain is smallest in the center and increases toward the Leading Cereals and fheir By-products. 129 outside. Gluten being a desirable constituent of flour, the miller, for tMs reason and for greater yield, aims to secure all of the interior content of the grain possible, up to the aleurone layer itself. In modern milling the wheat grain is first broken into a few pieces, and these are gradually reduced to flour by re- peated grinding and bolting. Bran, as we have seen, consists of the three outer coatings of the wheat grain and the aleurone layer, with some of the starchy particles adhering. Shorts consist of re-ground bran. Middlings contain the finer bran particles and more flour; often with this grade there are incorpo- rated the germs of the wheat grain. The better grades of mid- dlings are sometimes used for human food. In the manufacture of flour, from twenty-five to thirty-three per cent, of the weight of the wheat grain remains as offal avail- able for stock feeding. Since the consumption of wheat in this country is about 4.5 bushels, or 270 pounds, for each person, the by-products of this grain amount to nearly 70 pounds per capita, not including the enormous amount resulting from the wheat milled for export. 171. Feeding bread. — An English writer i reports that a cab proprietor in London some years since tried the experiment of feeding bread to horses, with economy and success, the only trouble being that many loaves were consumed by the workmen. He further states that he has seen the coachmen of Paris feeding brown bread to their horses, and that this food is given to horses in countries where hay is dear. To prevent stealing, he recom- mends that straw be mixed with the dough before baking. 172. Low-grade fSour. — Our table shows the nutrients in low- grade flour to vary little from those in flour of the higher grade. Such flour can rarely be used with profit by the stockman so long as still lower grades of by-products are obtainable at the usual prices. Prof. Primrose McConnell, England, 2 reports having fed American low-grade flour for six months, and is ^^ rather sur- prised at the beneficial results." 173. Dark feeding flour. — The lowest grade of flour, known as "dark feeding flour," ''red dog," etc., usually contains the 1 The Field, England, July 15, 1893. « Agricultural Gazette, 1893, p. 351. 130 Feeds and Feeding. germs of the wlieat grain, and because of this it is rich in protein and fat. Such flour has a high feeding value, especially for growing pigs, hard-worked horses and milch cows. Feeders should watch the markets for this brand, and may be able at times to use it to much profit 174. Middlings and shorts. — "Middlings" and "shorts" are terms used interchangeably to some extent. It has become rather common of late to find shorts consisting simply of ground-over , bran, almost free from floury particles, with the sweepings and dirt of the mill added. Such material is very unsatisfactory for stock feeding and should be avoided. Middlings are especially useful for feeding pigs and horses, since neither of these animals can utilize much crude fiber. For horses they should be mixed with corn meal, oats or other feed- ing stufis, as pure middlings are a heavy feed and liable to pro- duce colic. For pigs, middlings mixed with corn meal or skim milk serve admirably in promoting growth and building healthy muscular bodies. (463, 641, 854) 175. Bran. — Wheat bran carries, as we have seen, a consider- able amount of crude fiber, somewhat resembling straw in this particular. It differs from straw in that the inner surface of the bran flakes is made up of the aleurone layer of the wheat grain, which is very rich in protein and in addition carries some starch. Understanding its character and composition, we are in position to make the best use of this abundant by-product in feeding farm stock. "With some horsemen bran is fed only occasionally, being supplied once or twice a week in the form of a "mash," made by scalding with hot water, in which case it is a mild laxative and very beneficial. Bran has, however, become a common feed in many well-managed stables. At the Stanford horse farm, a few years since, the writer found it being fed in moderate quantity to horses of all ages, from weanlings to stallions and brood mares. Bran is quite commonly used in feeding omnibus and cab horses. (451) Hard- worked horses, which have neither the time nor energy necessary to digest feeds with much bulk, should not receive much bran, owing to its coai'se, fibrous character. Grow- ing horses, brood mares and stallions can be fed bran liberally with excellent results because of the large amount of mineral Leading Cereals and their By-products. 131 matter and protein it contains, its volume not working against it ■witli these animals. In steer feeding bran serves admirably with corn in any form. Fed with this grain it gives bulk, supplies protein, and keeps the animal from cloying, as it may when long maintained on a single kind of feed, such as com. The stockman feeding corn to his steers will find them making better gains and showing better condition by using bran for one-third of the con • centrates. The light character of the bran is well shown in cases of over-feeding. Though a horse or cow may be gorged with bran, it usually suffers no marked inconvenience therefrom,, while an over-feed of corn or cotton-seed meal may produce fatal gastric disturbances. Bran is par excellence a leading feed for the dairy cow, furnish ing not only bulk, a desirable quality in this case, but protein and ash matter, which are so much needed in the formation of milk. As a complementary food to corn meal, the combination of bran and that grain is not to be excelled. For young pigs bran is too coarse and straw-like, (896) and middlings should be substituted for it. For brood sows and older animals some bran may be fed with profit, and may prove very useful if the remainder of the ration is in concentrated form, for volume is necessary with the feed of such animals. This by-product is also very satisfactory in the sheep yard, being relished by fattening sheep, breeding ewes and growing lambs. (463, 544, 640-42, 762, 855) 176. Fertilizing ingredients. — We learn from the table that the wheat grain is somewhat richer in nitrogen and mineral matter than corn. The by-products of wheat in milling are much richer in these particulars than the grain from which they are derived. ^ High-grade flour is not rich in nitrogen or mineral matter. Low- grade flour is rich in nitrogen but low in mineral matter. Dark feeding flour is rich in nitrogen and mineral matter. Bran and shorts carry all the elements of fertility in large quantity, and for this reason are highly appreciated by those feeders whose interest reaches beyond their cattle to the lands they till. (414) When very low in price, bran may be used as a fertilizer by direct application to the land, but such perversion should not be toler ated. It should be first fed to animals and, through their drop pings, it will reach the land almost undiminished in fertility. 132 Feeds arid Feeding. The great Northwest is now largely devoted to wheat growing. Here the farmers are gathering into the wheat grains the fertility which has been accumulating for ages. (414) Prudent farmers and stockmen further east, knowing of the fertilizing ingredients in the by-products of the flouring mills, are making large use of them, and by carefully saving the droppings from their cattle and applying them to the land, are transferring the great fertility of the Xorthwest to other districts. In this depletion of the soil of the Northwest by almost exclusive wheat growing, and in transferring the fertility taken up by this crop to other regions in the by-products of milling, we are experiencing one of the greatest economic changes ever witnessed in American agriculture. III. Bye arid its By-products. Digestible nutrients and fertilizing constituents. Name of feed. Dry matter in 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. Pro- tein. Carbo- hy- drates. Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid Pot- ash. Rye Bye bran... Rye shorts. Lbs. 88.4 88.4 90.7 Lbs, 11.5 11.9 Lbs. 67.6 50.3 45.1 Lbs. 1.1 2.0 1.6 Lbs. 17.6 23.2 18.4 Lbs. 8.2 22.8 12.6 Lbs. 5.4 14.0 8.1 The table shows that rye does not differ materially from wheat in composition, nor are its by-products chemically dissimilar from those of the wheat grain. 177. Rye and its by-products as stock feeds. — Work horses in Germany are fed rye to a limited extent, ' each animal receiv- ing from two to four pounds of grain daily in addition to oats or other concentrated feed. According to Boggild, ' rye imparts a characteristic flavor to milk and may cause bitter butter. The Scandinavian Preserving Company of Copenhagen, which preserves butter by sealing in air-tight cans for shipment to distant countries, prohibits the feeding of rye on the farms of its patrons. It is probable that the limited use of rye with dairy cows will prove satisfactory. 1 Pott, Futterm., p. 395. » Malkeribruget i Damnark, 1st ed., p. 70. Leading Cereals and their By-products. 133 Fjord's experiments witli pigs show that rye has a feeding value about equal to barley, and that the quality of pork from this grain is satisfactory. (891) Barley and rye were shown to be sui^erior to rye shorts. (895) The pork from rye shorts was of an inferior quality, showing more shrinkage and being softer than that from rye and barley mixed. (466) The use of rye and its by-products in this country is quite lim- ited, and in consequence there is little data concerning this grain for feeding purposes. Since it is used quite extensively for human food, we may suppose that rye is not inimical to animal life, and that under proper limitations it will prove satisfactory with farm stock. It has been charged that since ergot, a fungus having medicinal effects, grows on rye heads, rye may therefore prove dangerous to farm animals and may even cause abortion. This charge seems unreasonable when we reflect upon the common use of this grain for human food in European countries. (283) rV. Barley and its By-products in Brewing. Digestible nutrients and fertilizing constituents. Name of feed. Dry matter in 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Pro- tein. Carbo- hy- di-ates Phos- phoric acid. Barley Malt sprouts , Brewers' grains, wet.. Brewers' grains, dried Lbs. 89.1 24.3 91.8 Lbs. 8.7 18.6 3.9 15.7 Lbs. 65.6 37.1 9.3 36.3 Lbs. Lbs. 1.6 1.7 1.4 5.1 15.1 35.5 36.2 Lbs. 7.9 14.3 3.1 10.3 Lbs. 4.8 16.3 0.5 0.9 178. Characteristics. — Barley is one of the most widely culti- vated cereals, growing as far north as 70 degrees latitude in Lap- land near Xorth Cape, while in this country it is found in Arizona and California flourishing beside groves of the lemon and orange. This grain, which was probably the chief bread plant with many ancient nations, is now devoted almost wholly to brewing and stock feeding. ^ The use of barley as a feed for animals is still 1 For a history of the barley plant and many other interesting facts in relation thereto, see Brewer's Special Report on the Cereals, 10th U. 8. Census. 134 Feeds and Feeding. confined almost wholly to the Pacific slope, where com and oats do not flourish in equal degree. The use of barley, most certainly its lower grades, will become more common with our stockmen when its value and special advantages are better known. The table shows that digestible protein is lower in barley than in oats, and considerably higher than in corn. The carbohydrates in this grain exceed those in oats and fall below those in com. Barley has less oil than oats or corn. Richardson ^ finds that barley from Dakota contains the largest percentage of protein, while that from Oregon shows lowest. In these particulars the record resembles that of wheat from the same regions. According to the same author the hull of the barley grain averages 15.22 per cent, of its total weight. There are varieties of barley without beards and still others without hulls, both grown to a limited extent in this country. Brewer found a hull-less barley grown by the Pueblo Indians at Taos, N. M., for bread making, which was very nutritious, carrying .i higher per cent of protein than wheat. Cooke, of the Colorado Station, 2 reports that hull-less barley yields profitable crops of grain in the mountain parks of that state at an elevation of 7,000 feet. At higher altitudes it is cut for hay, yielding a roughage containing sufficient nutriment to alone nourish hard-worked horses. In feeding trials with pigs, hull-less barley gave better returns than common barley or corn. The Arabs maintained their horses almost exclusively on barley, the grain being admin- istered unground. This grain is fed to the horse with excellent results by the Berbers in northern Africa. * Pott * regards barley as the best cereal for the horse, oats only excepted. Barley is a common feed for dairy cows in north Europe. The Danes sow barley and oats together in the proportion of one part of barley seed to two of oats. The mixed grain from this crop is ground previous to feeding, and is regarded as the best for dairy cows and other stock. Pott states that barley is beneficial in its influence on the quality of milk and butter. This grain is » Bui. 9, Div. of Chem., U. S. Dept. Agr., 1886. « Bui. 40. • Expt. Sta. Record, V, p. 626. « Landw. Futterm., p. 399. Leading Cereals and their Byproducts. 135 extensively used in England and northern Europe for pork pro- duction, and may be regarded as standing at the head of all grains for producing flesh of fine quality both as to hardness and flavor. (894) Strangely, there is a rather widespread shade of prejudice existing against the use of barley for stock feeding in this country, some even asserting that it is poisonous to farm stock. Perhaps the brewers, wishing to control the entire use of this crop, have farthered the prejudice. This charge should be dismissed as unworthy of intelligent farmers, for the experience of the old world is entirely against it. Barley often commands a low price because the grains have been tarnished during harvest by rain- fall or foggy weather. Such grain has lost little or none of its nutrients, though for the brewer its value may have been much diminished. The wise stockman will use such barley for feed rather than force it on the market at the low price which it com- mands. (460, 857, 891) 179. Malting.— To appreciate the value of barley by-products we should understand their origin. In malting, the grain is first steeped in wooden or stone cisterns, where it remains until sufficiently soft to be easily crushed between the thumb and finger without yielding a milky juice. The grains are next spread upon a frame in a mass about twenty inches deep. Here the temperature rises to about 150 degrees, and the grains begin to germinate, sending out tiny sprouts. In the third step the sprouting barley is spread upon the floor for the purpose of con- trolling the germination, increasing or retarding it according to circumstances. These three steps are all for the single purpose of converting the starchy matter of the grain into soluble dextrin and sugar, which is accomplished by a natural ferment ia the grain, called diastase. All of the substance of the barley grain which goes into the sprouts is waste to the malster, and yet he cannot pro- duce malt without sprouting the grain; hence the close watching and sudden checking of growth when that point is reached. In the fourth stage the grains are kiln-dried, destroying the sprouts, which are next separated from the grain by sieves, leaving the dried barley grains with their load of soluble constituents. Such 136 Feeds and Feeding. grain when dried is known as malt, and the dried germs aro termed malt sprouts. 180. Brewers' grains. — In the manufacture of beer the brewer extracts from the malt the soluble dextrin and sugar. The liquor containing this is called wort, which upon proper fermentation and further treatment constitutes beer. The malt grains, freed from the dextrin and sugar, while in wet form are known as wet brewers' grains, a by-product of great volume at all breweries. It is evident from this presentation that the brewer who uses only the starch of the barley grain does not care for varieties of grain rich in j)rotein, but rather the contrary. According to Eichard- son, Marcker found that a first-class malting barley should not carry over 8.67 per cent, protein, which is about two-thirds that found in American grains. The requirements of the stockman who seeks feeds rich in protein are in the opposite dii-ectiou, so that the poorest barley for malting may be the best for feeding. Light- colored, bright barley makes beer of better color than dark, weather-stained grains; hence the lower price paid by the malster for we'ather-stained barley. 181. Malt for stock. — Lawes and Gilbert, ^ after experimenting with malt, conclude: "A given weight of barley is more pro- ductive both of the milk of cows and of the increase in live weight of fattening animals than the amount of malt and malt dust (malt sprouts) 'that would be produced from it Irrespective of economy, malt is undoubtedly a very good food for stock; and common experience seems to show that a certain amount of it is beneficial when given in admixture, and in change, with other food to young or weakly animals, or in making up for exhibition or sale; that is, when the object is to produce a par- ticular result irrespective of the economy required in ordinary feeding. ' ' Occasionally malt slightly injured by fiie or other cause is offered for sale at a low price, and, knowing its value, the opportunity for purchase and feeding at a profit should not be lost by the watchful stockman. ^ * Rothamsted Memoii-s, Vol. 4. » See Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc, 1892, Leading Gereals and their By-produds. 137 182. Wet brewers' grains. — These grains can only be fed in the vicinity of the brewery, owing to the large amount of water they carry. This fact has led to the extensive feeding of dairy cows in the proximity of breweries, which are generally located where there is a large demand for milk. Because a certain kind of city milk supply is often in the hands of ignorant people and is not properly supervised by officials, the cows in some instances are crowded into dark sheds where the air is foul and the animals enjoy little or no exercise or sunshine. Because the wet grains are low priced and easily procured, the cows are wholly or almost entirely maintained upon them. The drippings from the wet grains pass downward through the feed boxes and under the floors of the stable, where fermentation takes place, giving rise to bad odors. Often, too, the grains accumulate in the stable an(^ are not fed until they have become putrid. In view of all these circumstances, it is not surprising that boards of health have sometimes reached the conclusion that wet brewers' grains are not a suitable feed for dairy cows under any circumstances, and have prohibited the sale of milk from cows fed upon them. There is nothing whatever in wet brewers' grains which is poisonous or deleterious in milk production, provided they are properly fed while fresh. The trouble arises from the great abuse of a most excellent feeding material which is of such char- acter that it can easily be abused. Supplied in reasonable quantity while fresh, and fed in water-tight boxes which are kept clean, with nutritious hay and other coarse provender, there is no better feed for dairy cows. So great and so frequent, however, are the dangers from their abuse, that wet brewers' grains should never be used for cows yielding milk for city supply unless they are fed under the strict supervision of com- petent officials. If this cannot be done, then perhaps it is best to prohibit their use altogether. 183. Dried brewers' grains. — By removing the excessive moist- ure of the wet grains through drying, a product is obtained which is concentrated and no more perishable than bran. Dried brewers' grains are rich in protein, low in carbohydrates and rich in ether extract. They are most excellent feed for dairy cows, 138 Feeds and Feeding. ranking with bran and oil meal in palatability and general good effects. Sattig 1 reports using dried brewers' grains and finding them a cheap winter feed for horses, the energy and general condition of the animals being pronounced as good as though they were main- tained on oats. Trials in feeding the dried grains to street- car horses by the New Jersey Station gave satisfactory results, with the cost of the ration reduced several cents per day. (461, 475) 184. Malt sprouts. — The tiny sprouts originating from the barley grain in the process of malting are separated from the grains after they have dried, by sieving. Minute as are these sprouts, they accumulate in large quantities, and malsters can fui-- nish them by the car-load or train-load. The table shows that malt sprouts carry nearly twenty per cent, of digestible protein, with the carbohydrates and fat running low. Unfortunately this feed is not much relished by cattle, and for this reason can only be fed in limited quantity. Malt sprouts absorb a large quantity of water and should be soaked for several hours before feeding. Two or three pounds of sprouts can be profitably fed to dairy cows daily, because of their low cost and the high fertility they carry. (473) 185. Fertilizing constituents. — The barley grain itself does not differ materially from the other cereals in fertilizing components. Malt sprouts are rich in phosphoric acid and potash. In some cases sprouts are directly applied to the land as a fertilizer, but if of good quality, their feeding value should not thus be lost. Often they can be purchased at a lower price than the commercial value of the fertility they contain, so that they cost nothing as feed if the droppings of the cattle receiving them are carefully saved. Brewers' grains are rich in nitrogen and phosphates, but very low in potash. » Milch Zeitung, 1886, p. 185. Leading Cereals and their By-producta. Y. Oais and their By-products. Digestible nutrients and fertilizing constituents. 139 Dry matter In 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. FertlUzinff constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Name of feed. Pro- tein. Carbo- hy- drates. Ether ex- tract. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric Icid. Pol> ash. Oats Lbs. 89.0 92.1 92.3 93.5 90.6 Lbs. 9.2 11.5 12.5 8.9 1.3 Lbs. 47.3 52.1 46.9 38.4 40.1 Lbs. 4.2 5.9 2.8 6.1 0.6 Lbs. 20.6 23.5 17.2 21.6 5.2 Lbs. 8.2 Lbs. 6 '> 9.1 5 3 Oat dust Oat hulls . . 2.4 5 2 186. Concerning the oat grain. — The oat crop ranks third in importance among cereals in the United States. Owing to the uncertainty of wheat as to yield, and its falling price during recent years, the oat crop has been in the ascendency and has greatly increased. Though primarily used as feed for animals, the oat grain now holds a prominent place among nutrients for man in both Europe and America. No grain varies so widely in weight per bushel as oats. In the southern portion of our country a bushel of oats often weighs only twenty pounds, while on the Pacific coast the same volume may weigh fifty pounds. Southern oat grains have an inflated husk and bear an awn or beard which causes the grains to lie loose in the measure. The kernel is larger than that of the Northern grain. At the North the oat grain is encased in a compact hull, which is not often awned. According to Eichardson, ^ the hulls of oats are from twenty to forty -five per cent of the weight of the grain, the average being about thirty per cent. Eichardson states: ''The proportion of husk to kernel and the compactness of the grain prove to be the all-important factors, and the weight per bushel the best means of judging the value of the grain." At the Ohio Station,* Hickman, studying the question whether the weight per bushel for oats indicated the net amount of ker- nels, secured these results: iBuL 9, Div. of Chemistry, U. B. Dept. Agr., Washington. "Bui. 57. Weight of grain Per cent per bushel. kernel. 36 lbs. 68 34 lbs. 67 30 lbs. 69 140 Feeds and Feeding. Number of varieties in test. 4 8 7 Here we observe that the lightest oats yielded the highest per- centage weight of kernels to hull. This test points to the conclu- sion that light oats are not necessarily low in actual nutriment, and is contrary to the teaching of Eichardson. The oat grain shows a higher proportion of digestible protein than corn, while in ether extract it exceeds wheat and nearly equals corn. With a rather low carbohydrate content, the nutri- tive ratio is such that this grain contains within itself quite a well-balanced ration for farm animals. A hull-less variety of oats is occasionally grown in this country. For poultry and swine it serves a useful purpose, but for other farm stock, varieties of oats with hulls ai'e preferable. 187. New oats unfit for feeding.— Storer ^ treats of this question in the following words: ''As all horse keepers know, new oats are unfit to be given to working horses. They loosen the bowels of the animals, make their flesh watery, or 'soften them down,' as the term is; i. e., they render animals apt to sweat easily, and, in general, put them ' out of condition.' How or why the new oats produce these effects is not known; but in the course of a few months after harvest, and especially after cold weather has set in, the oats undergo a change of some kind, either of after-ripening or of fermentation, and are thereafter fit to be fed to horses. Probably this difference between new and old oats depends upon a change in the chemical composition of some one peculiar, and, so to say, medicinal constituent of the oat grain." 188. A stimulating principle in oats. — The mettle shown by the horse nurtured on oats has led to the supposition that this grain contains a stimulating principle. In 1845 Norton separated an albuminoid from the oat grain which Jolinston named " avenine." Later work of the chemists effectually did away with Johnston's albuminoid, and it was left to Sanson * to announce the discovery 1 Agriculture in Some of Its Relations with Chemistry, Vol. IL * Comptes Rendus 36, I, p. 75; Biederm. Centralbl., 1884, p. 20. Leading Cereals and their By-prodnicts. 141 of a stimulating principle in the seed coats of tlie oat grain. This was supposed to be an alkaloid, varying in quantity in different varieties of oats and also with soil, climate, etc. Sanson concludes that one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of oats will generally contain suf- ficient avenine to exert a stimulating influence on the motor nerves of the horse for an hour. He claims that grinding and crushing the oats destroys or weakens the principle, for which reason ground oats are not as effective as whole oats. Careful investiga- tions by later chemists have failed to discover any characteristic alkaloid, or in fact any nitrogenous compound of indicated char- acter. ^ Thus we are left in uncertainty as to any stimulating principle in oats. Whether found or not, all horsemen will still unite in holding this grain without a peer for nurturing their favorite animals. (456-9, 463, 465) Oats are usually administered to horses unground, grinding being necessary only for animals whose mastication is imperfect, and for foals. For dairy cows there is no better grain than oats, but the use of oats in the dairy is often restricted by their price. (642) In Denmark oats are frequently used by dairymen, who sow this grain with barley, feeding the two in combination. (178) For very young pigs oats should be ground and the hulls sieved out because they are too woody. For pigs more or less mature, and for breeding stock especially, some oats, ground or unground, are always in place. (858) 189. By-products. — In the preparation of oat meal for human food several by-products result. Oat hulls are of low value, as the table shows, being worth little more than the same weight of wheat- or oat- chaff. Their value may be materially greater if broken kernels are found with them. Oat hulls being produced in large quantities at the oatmeal mills and having a low feeding value, are used by unscrupulous feed dealers for mixing with corn meal and other feeding stuffs, the mixture being represented to prospective purchasers as containing ground oats, in evidence of which are the numerous hulls. In purchasing ground feeds, where an admixture of oats is claimed, it is always well to » Ldw. Vers. Sta. 36, p. 299; Rept. Conn. Sta. 1891, p. 124; Eept. Me. Expt. Sta. 1891, p. 58, corr. 142 Feeds and Feeding. remember this possible source of fraud and inspect the feed to ascertain if the oat kernels are present in proper proportion with the hulls. In preparing oatmeal, after the grains are hulled the kernels are freed from the pencil of minute hairs found at one end. These hairs, small as they are, accumulate in quantity and form the basis of '' oat-dust feed." As shown by the table, oat dust has a fair feeding value, and is useful, provided broken oat kernels are pres- ent and the mass does not contain too much of the sweepings from the mill. ''Oat feed" or ''oat shorts" are terms which characterize by-products of variable composition; they may have a high feeding value, as shown by the table. (859) Those in position to secure products from oatmeal factories will, by studying the subject and watching for opportunities, often be able to secure feeding stuffe of high value at relatively low prices. CHAPTEE IX. MINOR OKREALS, OEL-BEAEING AND LEGTJICINOTJS SEBDS AND THEIB BY-PEODUCrrS. I. Bice and its By-products. Digestible nutrients and fertilizing conMUueids. matter In 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients In 100 pounds. Fertilizing constitu- ents In 1,000 pounds. Name of feed. Pro- tein. Carbo- hy- drates. Ether ex- tract. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- ash. Rice Lbs. 87.6 91.8 90.3 90.0 Lbs. 4.8 1.6 5.3 9.0 Lbs. 72.2 44.5 45.1 56.4 Lbs. 0.3 0.6 7.3 6.5 Lbs. 10.8 5.8 7.1 19.7 Lbs. 1.8 1.7 2.9 26.7 Lbs. 0 9 Rice hulls 1 4 Rice bran 2 4 Rice polish 7 1 190. Parts of the rice grain. — The rice grain is not directly nsed for stock feeding, but its by-products from the mills in the South are available in considerable quantity for that purpose. Accord- ing to Eoss, 1 the products from 162 pounds of rough rice are as follows: 95 pounds clean rice, all grades. 8 pounds polish. 30 pounds bran. 29 pounds chaff, straw, trash, dust, etc. 191. By-products of rice. — Eice hulls are so woody that they are not useful for feeding purposes except in periods of great scarcity of coarse provender. Eice bran, composed of the outside of the rice grain and liiore or less of the germ, is of moderate feeding value for dairy cows and pigs. Eice polish, a dust-like powder, is rich in nutritive elements, and very valuable for feeding cows, pigs, etc. It is ricb in both nitrogen and phosphoric acid, and hence a valuable manure results from using this feed. Accord- 1 BuL 24, La, Expt Sta. 144 Feeds and Feeding. ing to Pott, 1 rice meal is an excellent feed for milk production. Nine pounds per day have been fed to cows with no unfavorable results. Eancid rice meal has a bad influence on milk and but- ter and is apt to disturb the digestion of the cow. (864) Eice and its by-products are low in fertilizing ingredients with the exception of rice polish, which is quite rich in nitrogen and phosphoric acid. n. Buckwheat and its By-products. Digestible nutrients and feHilizing constituents. Dry matter in 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. Fertilizing constitu- ents in l.pCiO pounds. Name of feed. Pro- tein. Carbo- hy- drates. Ether ex- tract. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- ash. Buckwheat Lbs. 87.4 86.8 89.5 88.9 87.3 Lbs. 7.7 2.1 7.4 21.1 22.0 Lbs. 49.2 27.9 30.4 33.5 33.4 Lbs. 1.8 0.6 1.9 5.5 5.4 Lbs. 14.4 4.9 36.4 Lbs. 4.4 0.7 17.8 Lbs. ? 1 Buckwheat hulls 5 *> Buckwheat bran T? S Buckwheat shorts Buckwheat middUngs 42.8 21.9 11.4 192. Concerning the buckwheat grain. — The grain of the buck- wheat plant, rarely used as stock feed, has a fair feeding value, its nutrients running somewhat lower than the leading cereals. In certain districts large quantities of buckwheat by-products are available to the stockman, who, understanding their nature and composition, may avail himself of an excellent feed at com- paratively low cost. The black, woody hulls of the buckwheat grain have little feeding value, and should be used only when coarse feeds are scarce and high priced, in which case they may serve to give bulk to the feed of animals that otherwise might starve. On the other hand, that portion of the buckwheat grain immediately inside the hull which forms the middlings, is rich in protein and ether extract, and has a high feeding value. The miller, aiming to sell as much of the hulls as possible, mixes them with the middlings, designating this compound '' buck- wheat bran." (862) The intelligent purchaser, knowing that the hulls are practically worthless, will avoid them and buy only the » Futtermittel, p. 55L Minor Cereals, OU-hearing and Leguminous Seeds. 145 floury middlings. Buckwheat bran and middlings are nearly always used for cow-feeding, having the reputation of producing a large flow of milk. It has been charged that buckwheat by- products make a white, tallowy butter and pork of 9, low quality. These charges are probably without foundation, ^ when the feeds are not given in excess. The feeder may make liberal use of the floury portions of the buckwheat grain, well assui-ed that they are valuable, and that usually they are an economical feed. 193. Fertilizing constituents. — Buckwheat middlings are rich in fertility, especially in nitrogen and phosphoric acid, and this fact should enhance their value in the estimation of the farmer- stockman. m. Sorghum and Millet Seed. Digestible nutrients and fertilizing constituents. Dry matter in 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. Fertilizing: constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Name of feed. Pro- tein. Carbo- hy- drates. Etlier ex- tract. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- ash. Lbs. 87.2 85.9 84.8 86.0 Lbs. 7.0 7.4 7.8 8.9 Lbs. 52.1 48.3 57.1 45.0 Lbs. 3.1 2.9 2.7 3.2 Lbs. 14.8 16.3 Lbs. 8.1 Lb8. 4 ?, MiUet 20.4 8.5 R 6 194. Concerning sorghum. — According to Collier, 2 nine-tenths of the natives of India subsist upon the grain of the sorghum plant. Sorghum and millet are the common cereal plants of much of China and Turkestan. Sorghum seed is extensively used for human food in Africa and to some extent in the West Indies. The sorghums may be divided into two races: saccharine and non-saccharine. In the latter the plant-stems are pithy and carry little or no sugar, the nutritive substance being mostly deposited in the numerous seeds of the ample seed-head crowning the plant. The stems of saccharine sorghums contain much * Kept. Ottawa, Canada, Expt. Farms, 1895. * Sorghum, Its Culture and Uses: An address before the Chamber of Commerce, New York, 1885. 10 146 Feeds and Feeding. sugar, designed primarily for conversion into atarch in the seed- grains. In recent years the sorghums, especially the non-sac- charine varieties, have come rapidly into favor in the semi -arid districts of the Western United States, ranging from Northwestern Texas across the Indian Territory and Kansas, into Nebraska and South Dakota. The sorghums which flourish in this region are known as Kaffir, Egyptian and Jerusalem corn. According to Coburn, ^ Kansas grew 215,000 acres of Kaffir and Jerusalem corn in 1895. (274) 195. Yields of sorghum. — Burtis^ reports the following com- parative yields of Kaffir and Indian corn at the Kansas Agricult- ural College: Yield of Kaffir and Indian com — Kansas Agricultural (hUege. Red Kaffir corn. Indian com. Year. Grain per acre, bushels. Stover per acre, tons. Grain per acre, bushels. Stover pur acre, tons. 1889 71.0 19.0 98.0 50.0 49.0 9.0 4.2 6.0 5.0 5.3 2 0 1.5 56.0 22.0 74.0 30.0 30.0 2.5 1890 2.5 1891 3.0 1892 4.6 1893 1.8 1894 1.0 1895 43.1 22.8 1.6 55.0 4.7 39.1 2.4 By the table we learn that at Manhattan, which is in the com belt of Kansas, Kaffir corn leads the great American cereal in yield. The seed is sown either broadcast, in which case it is devoted to forage, or in drills, when it is cultivated like Indian corn. The seed of Kaffir corn weighs from fifty-six to sixty pounds to the bushel. Since this grain is used by millions of human beings for food, we can readily believe it valuable for feeding farm stock. Enthusiasts declare it fully equal to Indian com for stock feeding, but this statement seems overdrawn. Probably Kaffir corn ranks » Rept. Kan. St. Bd. Agr., • Qr. Rept. Kan. Bd. Agr. Dec. 1895. Mar. 1896. Minor Cereals, Oil-hearing and Leguminous Seeds. 147 a little below barley in feeding value. Sorghum culture is partic- ularly recommended in warm districts where Indian corn may fall short of giving fair returns for lack of sufficient moisture in the soil, and where hot, drying winds are common. In the corn districts proper, useful as the sorghums are, they will never seri- ously rival Indian com. (547-8, 861) 196. Broom-corn seed. — In districts where broom corn is grown, large quantities of the seed are annually wasted through ignorance and carelessness of the growers. Broom-corn heads are cut before the seed has fully matured, and as the latter is usually removed before it has had time to become thoroughly dry, it easily ferments when left in heaps, and is wasted. With a little care in drying the seed may be saved as is other grain, or it may be kept as silage, either in a regular sUo or simply covered with earth, as was shown to be practicable by Miles * years ago. Broom- corn seed will prove satisfactory for feeding cattle if used in reasonable quantity. 197. The saccharine sorghums. — Atthe Wisconsin University ^ the writer, experimenting with sorghum for the manufacture of sugar, secured seed as a by-product at the rate of from twenty-seven to thirty-two bushels per acre; this seed weighed fifty-one pounds per bushel. At the New Jersey Station, Cook " secured seed at the rate of 1,300 pounds per acre from sorghum cane grown for syrnp^ Concerning the statement that sorghum seed contains tannin, a bitter principle which renders the seed unfit Ibr feeding stock, Wiley writes: * ''A careful examination of sorghum seed has faUed to discover the presence of tannin, and the only possible injurious principle which it can contain is the coloring matter of j| the glumes." (643) 198. Miilet. — Millet is grown in South Europe, parts of Asia and in Africa for human as well as for animal food. At the Mas- sachusetts (Hatch) Station, fi Brooks grew 37.2 bushels of millet seed, weighing forty-seven pounds per bushel, on a half acre of land. Difierent varieties yielded as follows: « Panicum ital- 1 Country Gentleman, March 23, 1876. * Rept. on Amber Cane and the Ensilage of Fodders, 1881. » Rept. 1885. Rept. U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1889. Bui. 18. « Rept. 1893. 148 Feeds and Feeding. icTim, 55 bushels; Panicum cms galli, 69 bushels, and Panieum miliaceum, 28 bushels per acre. Brooks concludes that millet cannot successfully compete with Indian com under conditions prevailing in Massachusetts. Millet seed resembles oats in com- position, but we cannot point to experiments which definitely settle the feeding value of the several varieties. Stewart* writes: " Millet meal is a highly appropriate food for young or mature horses. It has a higher proportion of albu- minoids and a higher nutritive ratio than oats, but having less oil. It is found, when weU ground (and it cannot properly be fed without grinding), to be one of the best rations for horses, being particularly adapted to the development of muscular strength." The culture of sorghums and millets for grain and forage is to be recommended for the warmer districts of the United States, where there is scant rainfall and where hot, drying winds prevail. Where Indian com flourishes, these crops are not able to compete with that great cereal. (272) IV. OU-bearing Seeds and their By-products. Digestible nutrients and fertUking constituents. Name of feed. Dry matter iulOO pounds, Digestible nutrienta Fertilizing constitu- in 100 pounds. ents in 1,000 pounds. Pro- tein. Carbo- hy- drates. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- ash. Flax seed. Linseed meal, old process. Linseed meal, new process Cottonseed Cotton-seed meal Cotton-seed hulls Cocoanutmeal Palmnutmeal Sunflower seed Sunflower cakes Peanut meal Rape-seed meal Lbs. 90.8 90.8 89.9 89.7 91.8 88.9 89.7 89.6 92.5 91.8 89.3 90.0 Lbs. 20.6 29.3 28.2 12.5 37.2 0.3 15.6 16.0 12.1 31.2 42.9 25.2 Lbs. 17.1 32.7 40.1 30.0 16.9 33.1 38.3 52.6 20.8 19.6 22.8 23.7 Lbs. 29.0 7.0 2.8 17.3 12.2 1.7 10.5 9.0 29.0 12.8 6.9 7.6 Lbs. 36.1 54.3 57.8 31.3 07.9 6.9 32.8 26.9 22.8 55.5 75.6 49.6 Lbs. 13.9 16.6 18.3 12.7 28.8 2.5 16.0 11.0 12.2 21.5 13.1 20.0 Lbs. 10.3 13.7 13.9 11.7 8.7 10.2 24.0 5.0 5.6 11.7 15.0 13.0 199. Concerning oil-bearing seeds. — The leading oil-bearing seeds in this country are from the flax and cotton plants. Others 1 Feeding Aniinitl*, Minor Cereals, Oil-bearing and Leguminous Seeds. 149 of much importance in foreign countries are little known here. Flax grain carries a considerable quantity of protein with an excess of oil. There is no starch in well-matured flax seeds. On account of the high commercial value of the oil, flax seed is rarely- used as a feed. At the Iowa Station, ^ Wilson fed ground flax seed with skim milk to calves with excellent results. (5J9) When flax seed was fed to cows at the rate of eight pounds per head daily, no ill results followed such heavy feeding. Some feeders claim that flax seed should only be fed in a very limited quantity, since it contains a cathartic principle. 200. Oil cake and oil meal. — At the oil mills, after crushing the seeds, the oil is removed by one of two processes. In the first the crushed seed is heated and placed between cloths or in sacks which are piled one on another and the mass subjected to hydraulic pres- sure, to extract the oil. The residue after pressure, stripped of the wrappings, appears as hard slabs or cakes, about an inch thick by one foot in width and two in length. These slabs constitute the oil cakes of commerce, and in the entire form are shipped abroad for use by farmers in other countries. The unbroken cake is preferred for shipping, as it is the most condensed, and because the foreign feeder, suspicious of adulteration, knows that such cakes are always as pure as the seed from which they were pro- duced. When required for feeding, the cake is reduced to the size of small hickory nuts or hazel nuts in a mill, the material being known as ''nut cake." In this country the cake is usually ground to a meal at the factory and is then shipped in bags. Where the oil is secured by direct pressure from the ground flax seed as described above, the by-product is known as ' ' old process ' ' cake or oil meal. 201. New-process oil meal. — In the manufacture of new-process on meal, according to Woll, ^ the seed is crushed and heated to 165 ° Fahr. , as in the production of old-process meal. The crushed mass while warm is placed in large vertical cylinders or percola- tors, and over it naphtha, a volatile petroleum compound, is 1 Buls. 14, 16, 19, 35. * Kept. Wis. Sta. 1895. 150 Feeds and Feeding. ponred and allowed to drain out at the bottom of the cylinder. Naphtha dissolves the oil from the ground flax seed, being repeat- edly added until nearly all the oil is extracted. After this has been accomplished, steam is let into the percolator, and the naphtha which did not drain off is gradually driven out of the mass as vapor. This is so effectively done that no smell of naphtha is noticeable in the residue. From the percolators, after steaming, the meal is transferred to driers, from which it is elevated to the meal bins. This by-product is known as '' new-process " oil meal. 202. The swelling process. — WolP gives the following simple method of ascertaining whether oU meal is new- or old- process: "Pulverize a small quantity of the meal and put a level table- spoonful of it into a tumbler; then add ten tablespoonfuls of boiling hot water to the meal, stir thoroughly and leave to settle. If the meal is new-process meal, it will settle in the course of an hour and will leave about half of the water clear on top." Old- process meal will remain jelly-like. 203. Adulteration of oil meal. — Adulteration of oil meal may be brought about through using immature flax seed or that con- taining weed seed, or, finally, foreign matter may be added to the meal after grinding the cake. Immature flax seed contains starch, while fully mature seed contains none. "Weed seeds contain much starch. If then starch grains are found in linseed meal, it is because of immature flax-seed grains, weed seeds, or both. The maiuifacturer of oil meal endeavors to have the flax-seed as free from foreign substances as possible, for the reason that such foreign matter absorbs and holds oU, thereby reducing the amount available. Any serious adulterations of oil meal must therefore occur through the direct addition of foreign material to the meal after the oil has been extracted. WoU found no oil meals purposely adulterated, though he examined many samples. 204. Relative value of old- and new- process oil meal. — Woll, ' conducting artificial digestion trials with twelve samples of old- process and nine samples of new-process oil meal, found that 94.3 per cent, of the protein in old-process and 84. 1 per cent, of pro- » Loc cit » Loc. cit. Minor Cereals, Oil-bearing and Leguminous Seeds. 151 tein in the new-process meal were digestible. The lower digesti- bility of the new-process meal is doubtless due to the action of steam used in driving off the naphtha, as heat has been found to lower the digestibility of nitrogenous compounds in food sub- stances generally. Because of the more complete extraction of the oil, new-process meal contains more protein than does old- process. Because of the lower digestibility of new-process meal, a given weight of this feed contains somewhat less digestible protein than does old-process meal. Old-process meal is poorer in carbohy- drates but considerably richer in oil than new-process. At the Iowa Station, i Wilson and Eeed, testing the relative merits of the two meals with fattening cattle, found that new-pro- cess gave equally as good returns as old-process meal when fed in connection with other fodders. 205. Value of oil in oil cake. — Eussian flax-seed oil cake carries more oil than does American. To decide the merits of oil cake con- taining much or little oil, tests were conducted in England by Cooke 2 under direction of the l^orfolk Chamber of Agriculture, with Sir John B. Lawes and Dr. Voelcker as counselors. Sixty sheep were divided into two lots of thirty each; to the first lot was given cake containing six to seven per cent, oil, while the second lot received cake containing from fifteen to sixteen per cent. oil. The by-fodders were the same with both lots. BesuUs of feeding Unseed cake, low in oil and rich in oil, to sheep- CooJce, Norfolk, England. Low-oil cake. High-oil cake. Number of sheep 30 16 4.8 4.8 87.8 33.5 2.1 30 Length of experiment, weeks 16 Feed consumed per week. Linseed cake, pounds 4 8 Clover hay chaff, pounds 4 8 Swedes (turnips), pounds 88 0 Gain in weight. Per head during experiment, pounds Increase per head, per week, pounds 38.3 2.4 1 Bui. 33. "Jour. Roy. Agr. See, 1889. 152 Feeds and Feeding. We observe that the cake rich in oil produced nearly five pounds more gain per head than cake low in oil. The sheep receiving the cake rich in oil brought a higher price per pound than the others. The conclusion was that, '* weight for weight, linseed oil to the extent of fifteen per cent, in a cake has a much higher feeding value than have the other constituents of a linseed cake which in the absence of the oil would replace it." 206. Oil cake or oil meal as a feeding stuff. — There is no more healthful feed than oil meal or oil cake. Its general eflfect is to place the animal in fine condition, with a pliable skin, an oily, sleek coat and a good quality of flesh upon handling, No other farm feed has such a general beneficial effect on the digestive tract as has oil meal, and the feeder should always have a quantity on hand to deal out to his stock whenever judgment directs its use. A small quantity of oil meal may be fed to horses, but as it is fattening and does not make hard flesh, the allowance should always be limited. (472) It is with fattening steers and with sheep that oil meal shows at its best. For steers two or three pounds can be given daily in connection with other feeds. Larger amounts may be used if prices permit. Clayi reports starting yearling steers on grass with two or three pounds of oil meal daily in addition to oat bran. Gradually the amount of meal was increased, until in the fall twelve pounds of meal were fed daily to each steer with satisfactory returns. (545^ 553) Voelcker, ' conducting experiments with sheep at Woburn, England, writes: " From these results it must be concluded that it is more profitable to feed sheep on linseed cake alone than on one-half linseed cake and half barley." Owing to the price of oil meal, it should generally constitute not more than one- third of the grain ration, but to this limit it has a high value because of its helpful effect on the digestive tract, and in stimulating through its palatability a heavy consumption of the feeds with which it is mixed. For growing calves, oil meal is of great utility and has already come into general use with pro- gressive stockmen. « Live Stock Rept., Chicago, Jan. 20, 1893. •Jour. Iluy. Agr. Soc, 1892. Minor Cereals, OU-hearing and Leguminous Seeds. 153 The effect of oil meal on tlie quality of milk and butter has been questioned, but if not over two or three pounds are fed daily per cow, no ill results but much good will follow its use. (646-7) A handful of oil meal at a feed will prove healthful to growing pigs, and advertise itself in their sleek coats and general healthy appearance. (892) The American farmer should give up the use of oil meal and adopt the practice of his English brother in feeding this valuable article in the nut form, which is more pala- table with cattle. 207. Castor-oil seed in linseed meal. — Fatalities are occasion- ally reported among cattle by English feeders through using oil meal containing the pomace or beans of the castor-oil plant, which deadly poison occasionally gets into the meal by accident, in warehouses or elsewhere. The presence of castor beans or pom- ace in the ration is shown by severe purging of the animal eating even a very small amount of it, followed occasionally by death. Leather ^ reports a method of detecting the castor bean or castor pomace in stock feeds, which though too complicated for the feeder is useful to the chemist. 208. Fertilizing constituents in linseed meals. — Linseed cake or meal is rich in the elements of fertility, especially nitrogen, and for this reason as well as its general good qualities and nutritive effect it is a favorite feeding stuff with the English stockman. The voidings of animals receiving this feed should be carefully saved, for in the fertility they contain rests quite a fraction of the first cost of this feed. 209. Home use of oil meal. — A large portion of the oil cake produced in this country fi-om flax seed finds a market in Euro- pean countries. The quantity shipped abroad varies greatly from year to year, according to the relative prices ruling for feeding stuffs in European and American markets. Woll ^ estimates that if half the oU cake manufactured in this country is shipped abroad, it means an annual loss of more than thirteen million pounds of nitrogen, four million pounds of phosphoric acid and three and a half million pounds of potash, representing an aggregate value, as 1 Analyst. Vol. 17; Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc, 1892. »Rept. Wis. Sta.,1895. 154 Feeds and Feeding. commercial fertilizers, of over two million dollars. Tliis loss of fei'tility to American farms is a serious matter, which can easily be prevented by feeding the oil cake at home. See Chap. XVI. 210. Cotton seed.i — The products of the cotton plant used as food for live stock are cotton seed, cotton-seed cake or meal, and cotton-seed hulls. The cotton crop of the United States amounts to over 9,000,000 bales annually on the average, yielding about 4,500,000 tons of cotton seed as a by-product, since for each pound of fiber the cot- ton plant produces about two pounds of seed. No one can acquaint himself with the great value of cotton seed and its by-products, and then consider this enormous annual output of seed, without becoming deeply impressed with the great possibilities for stock feeding at the South. Previous to 1860 almost all this vast sup- ply of stock feed was wasted by the Southern planter, who allowed the seed to rot back of the gin house in ignorance of its worth, while meat and other animal products were purchased at high cost from l^orthern farmers. The utilization of the cotton seed and its products as food for both man and beast is an excellent exam- ple of what science has accomplished for the advancement of agriculture. According to the report of the Tenth Census, one hundred pounds of cotton seed yields approximately: Pounds. Cotton-seed meal 37.5 Cotton-seed oil 12.5 Cotton-seed hulls 48.9 Short lint from hulls 1.1 211. reeding cotton seed. — Seed as left by the cotton-gin is now a common feed at the South for steers and dairy cows. It is usually supplied to cattle without treatment of any kind, though in some cases it is roasted, boiled or steamed before feeding. Trials at the Texas St at ion 2 by Gulley and Curtis show that seed at seven dollars per ton made cheaper though somewhat smaller gains than cotton-seed meal costing twenty dollars per ' Much of the data here presented is from BuL 33, The Cotton Plant, Cflice of Experiment Stations, U. S. Dept. Agr. ■' Bills. G, 10. Minor Cereals, OU-bearing and Leguminous Seeds. 155 ton, Connell and Carson, of the same Station/ conclude that boiled or roasted cotton seed is more palatable, less laxative and produces more rapid gains than raw cotton seed, but that the latter makes the cheaper gain. They state that the advantages obtained from roasting the seed do not pay for the expense involved. At the Mississippi Station, 2 Lloyd, summarizing three years' work, concludes that steamed cotton seed is better and cheaper for producing milk and butter than either raw seed or cotton- seed meal. Butter produced from cotton-seed meal cost twice as much as that produced from steamed or raw seed. The wise planter, knowing the value of whole cotton seed as a stock food, will not dispose of good seed to the oil mills at prices below its worth to him. 30iUf^*3^ 212. Cotton-seed cake and meal. — At the oil mills the envelope of the cotton seed is cut by machinery in such a way that the oily kernels are freed from it. These seed-envelopes are known as cotton-seed hulls; they are dry, leathery and covered with lint. The oily kernels, separated from the hulls, are crushed, heated, placed between cloths or sacks and subjected to hydraulic pres- sure to remove the oil. The residue is a yellowish board-like cake about one inch thick, one foot wide and two feet in length. In this form it is shipped abroad as cotton-oil cake. For home use the cake is reduced to meal by grinding, and transported in sacks the same as linseed meal. 213. Cotton-seed meal for horses. — Gebek^ reports draft horses doing well on a ration containing two pounds of cotton-seed meal. The use of cotton seed-meal for horses will be greatly extended at the South if experiments reveal equally good results. 214. Feeding steers cotton-seed meal and hulls. — The practice of fattening steers exclusively on cotton-seed hulls and cotton-seed meal was begun in the South about 1883. The business has so grown that it is estimated that 400,000 cattle were fattened at the oil mills of the South for the season of 1893-94, besides large numbers of sheep. In these establishments the ration for steers at » Bui. 27. * Bui. 21. 8 Landw. Vers. Sta,, 42, p. 294. 156 Feeds and Feeding. first consists of three or four pounds of cotton-seed meal, whicli is gradually increased to six, eight or even ten pounds per head daily, with all the hulls the steers will eat additional, which amounts to about four pounds of hulls for each pound of meal. The feeding period lasts from ninety to one hundred and twenty days. (558-560) In reply to an inquiry from the writer. Swift & Co. (Packers, Chicago) state that cotton-seed meal makes a good quality of beef. They express the opinion that a still better quality is produced where the meal is fed in connection with other concentrates. 215. Effects of cotton seed on steer fat. — At the Texas Sta- tion, 1 Harrington and Adriance found the kidney, caul and body fats of steers fed raw, roasted or boiled cotton seed to have melt- ing points of 4.1,* 3.2° and 8.7° C. higher than the correspond- ing fats of corn-fed steers. The influence on tallow was somewhat less than that produced with butter; while on mutton suet it was marked as with butter. Butterine from beef tallow of steers fed cotton-seed by-products might give Becchi's test, thus confusing ordinary chemical tests for pure butter. 216. Cotton-seed meal for dairy cows. — At the Maine Station, ' Jordan found that the substitution of cotton-seed meal for an equal quantity of corn meal increased the production of milk and butter to a profitable extent. At the Pennsylvania Station,' Hunt fed six pounds of cotton-seed meal per day to cows without apparent injury to health, and by substituting equal weights of cotton-seed meal for wheat bran increased the milk yield one-fifth. In general, feeding cotton- seed meal to dairy cows has proved satisfactory when the allowance has not exceeded five or six pounds daily for short periods, and three or four pounds for long periods. (637, 644, 646, 723) 217. Effects of cotton seed on the quality of butter. — At the Texas Station, * Harrington and Curtis, experimenting with cot- ton-seed and its by-products with dairy cows, conclude that these feeds materially raise the melting point of butter and lower its 1 Bui. 29. » Repte. 188&-87. »Bul. 17. • Agricultural Science, III, p. 79; Rept. 1889; Buls. 11, 29. Minor Cereals, Oil-bearing and Leguminous Seeds. 157 volatile fatty acids; that wlien cotton seed is fed alone or forms a large part of the ration, a light- colored butter of inferior quality results. Butter produced from the heavy feeding of cotton seed showed poor flavor and had the appearance of being overworked. Fed in reasonable amount, cotton seed and its by-products pro- duce satisfactory butter, which is firmer and will stand shipment better in warm climates than where no seed is fed. Harrington's results were corroborated by Wiley, ^ and Lupton and Anderson. ' The results of recent experiments at the Iowa Station » go in the opposite direction. The preponderance of evidence at hand shows, however, that cotton-seed meal hardens butter, gives it a tallowy consistency and makes it deficient in natural color. 218. Cotton-seed meal for calves and pigs. — At the North Carolina Station, * two calves getting from one to six ounces of cotton-seed meal daily, died after one month's feeding. Other instances of the same kind are reported. The use of cotton seed and cotton-seed meal for swine has been extensively investigated at the Texas Station ^ by Curtis. As a check in his experiments one lot of pigs was fed com in each trial, and these pigs always made excellent gains, with no deaths, thereby showing that normal conditions generally prevailed. On the other hand, many pigs fed cotton seed or cotton- seed meal sick- ened and died in from six to eight weeks after feeding began. The mortality of the pigs receiving cotton-seed meal was 87 per cent. ; when roasted seed was fed it was 75 per cent., and for boiled seed, 25 per cent. In these experiments no trouble occurred until sev- eral weeks after feeding commenced, and it was observed that pigs escaping sickness and death for thirty days beyond the time when the trouble usually began were safe from attack, though they were permanently stunted in growth. As a result of his studies Curtis concludes: "There is no profit whatever in feeding cotton seed in any form, or cotton- seed meal, to hogs of any age." 219. Cotton-seed poisoning. — According to Curtis, 'Hhe first sign of sickness appears in from six to eight weeks after cotton- ' Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Science, 1889, p. 84. * Bui. 25, Ala. Sta. * Bui. 32. * Bui. 109. « Bui. 21. 158 Feeds and Feeding. seed meal ia added to the ration. It is sLiovm by a moping dull ness of the animal, with loss of appetite and tendency to lie apart. . . . . The fatal cases all show spasmodic breathing, and in many instances the animal will turn in one direction only. When exhausted by his efforts the animal drops down suddenly, sometimes flat upon the belly, sometimes on its haunches, with his fore legs well apart to keep from falling over, almost always with evidence of more or less acute internal pain. At death a quantity of bloody foam exudes from mouth and nostrils." Cornevini fed two three-months old pigs 4.3 and 6.6 pounds, respectively, of brownish-yellow EgyiDtian cotton -seed meal, with fatal effect. A dog weigliing fifty-three pounds was killed by subcutaneous injections of a watery extract from 1.7 pounds of seed. In all cases examination showed the digestive tract of the animals to be highly inflamed. The oil pressed from the seed had no poisonous properties. All efforts to determine the poisonous principle in the cotton seed — if there really be one — have thus far proved futile, and the matter is still a mystery. The ill effects have been ascribed to the lint of the seed, to the leathery seed coats causing injury to the delicate lining of the digestive tract, to moulds, to changes in the composition of the meal when exposed to the aii", and to some definite poisonous principle in the seed itself, as in the case of the castor-oil bean. 220. The rational use of cotton seed and cotton-seed meal. — It may be stated in general terms that when cotton seed or its by- products are fed in reasonable quantity with a proper complement of other feeding stuffs, satisfactory results are secured with all farm animals except calves and swine. "Wet or mouldy cotton seed, or that which has heated, should not be fed. Good cotton-seed meal has a bright yeUow color and a fresh, pleasant taste. Meal of a dull red color, due to exposure to the air, that fi-om musty seed as well as that which has fer- mented, should not be used for feeding purposes. 221. Cotton-seed hulls. — Until recently cotton-seed hulls were regarded as of no value except for fuel at the Tnins. It was soon » Ann. Agrou. 1896; Milch Zeit. 1897, p. 313. Minor Cereals, Oil-bearing and Leguminous Seeds. 159 found, however, that cattle would eat them freely, and they have come into extensive use for steer and cow feeding, having a market value of from two to four dollars per ton. Cotton-seed hulls, aa shown by the table, contain less digestible nutrients than oat straw, but since they are a by-product which would otherwise be wasted, they are of considerable advantage to feeders in proximity to the mills. Where broken kernels of the cotton seed adhere to the hulls, their feeding value is considerably increased. 222. FerUJity In cotton seed. — So rich is cotton-seed meal in fertilizing elements that much of it goes at once from the oil mills to the fertilizer works, there to be mixed v/ith other sub- stances, and to be sold back to planters as a fertilizer. In the lint, which is the one object sought in cotton growing, there is but a trace of nitrogen and mineral matter, while the seed is rich in these elements of fertility. In the 4,500,000 tons of seed which must be grown each year in producing the cotton crop of the South, the amount of fertility taken from the land is almost beyond comprehension. In this continuous drain of fertility by cotton growing we have a partial explanation of the present poverty of the soils in many of the cotton districts. If the cotton grower will adopt mixed farming and feed cotton seed and 'jotton-seed meal to his stock, returning the manure to the land, hv'o values will be received from the crop, and a rational agricult- Kj-al practice inaugurated, which is sorely needed in a region p'here nature has done so much and man so little to place agricult- u-e upon a substantial basis. 223. Cocoanut meal. — The residue in the manufacture of cocoa- A ut oil is known as cocoanut or cocoa meal. It is used quite exten- dvely by dairymen in the vicinity of San Francisco. Cocoanut ^neal has the reputation of producing fine butter of considerable firmness and is therefore recommended for summer feeding to dairy cows. It may be used with advantage for swine and sheep, Irving also as a partial substitute for oats with working horses. (474) 224. Palmnut meal. — This residue in the manufacture of palm oil has been extensively used in Europe as a stock food. It haa good keeping qualities, is appetizing and easily digested. The IGO Feeds and Feeding. oil palm is cultivated in Africa, South America aud the West Indies, from which countries the meal is largely shipped to Europe. Palmnut meal is highly prized as a food for dairy cows. 225. Peanut meal. — The by-product in the manufacture of oil from the peanut or earth-nut is used in various European countries for stock feeding. Peanut meal is one of the richest known foods in the amount of protein it yields. Voelcker ^ states that peanut cake proved on trial to be a useful feeding material for cattle, having a value about equal to beans. (892) 226. Sunflower seed cake. — The sunflower is grown in Eussia on a commercial scale, one variety with small seeds producing an oil which serves as a substitute for other vegetable oils. The large seeds of another variety are consumed as a dainty by the people. The average of five experiments conducted by the l^orth Caro- lina Station 2 in as many parts of the state showed a yield of sixty-five bushels of sunflower seed per acre. Mammoth Eussian sunflower seed weighed 26.7 pounds per bushel, with 21.5 per cent, oil; Black Giant seed weighed 32 pounds per bushel, with 20.8 per cent. oil. Bartlett, of the Maine Station,' concludes that, ''With the same cultivation, corn produces a third more protein and twice as much carbohydrates as sunflower heads." 227. Fertilizing constituents. — In general all the oil-bearing seeds are rich in fertilizing constituents, especially nitrogen. The extraction of the oil removes none of the fertilizing value, but concentrates it in the residue. The stockman who is interested in the fertility of his land as well as the nourishment of his stock should never forget these facts when considering the purchase of various feeding stuffs. 1 Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc, 1892. » Bui. 90 b, » Kept. 1895. Minor Cereals, OU-bearing and Leguminous Seeds. 161 V. Leguminous Seeds. Digestible nuirients and fertilizing constituents. matter in 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Nam© of feed. Pro- tein. Carbo- drates. Ether ex- tract. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- ash. Peas Lbs. 89.5 89.2 85.2 85.7 Lbs. 16.8 29.6 18.3 22.4 Lbs. 51.8 22.3 54.2 49.3 Lbs. 0.7 14.4 1.1 1.2 Lbs. 30.8 53.0 33 3 Lbs. 8.2 18.7 Lb.s. 9 9 Sola (sov) bean 19 9 Cowpea Horse bean 40.7 12.0 1? 9 228. The field pea. — The field pea is extensively grown in Canada for stock feeding, succeeding also along the northern rim of the com belt and still farther north, where in some measure it takes the place of corn for feeding purposes. The richness of the pea in protein marks it as particularly useful with growing ani- mals, dairy cows and pigs. A part of the protein in peas as well as in other leguminous seeds is identical in composition with the casein of milk, and is termed ''vegetable" casein. This has led some writers to affirm that meals from these seeds are useful in mixtures for calf feeding. Pea meal is sodden in character and too heavy to be fed as the only grain allowance. It should be lightened or extended by mixing with it bran, ground oats or corn meal. Peas may be harvested while still green by turning pigs into the pea field as soon as the seeds are well formed. Under this sys- tem the animals harvest the crop without labor to the stockman, and, receiving that sort of food which forms bone and muscle, they are prepared for final fattening on corn or other dry food. Peas are often sown with oats, the latter plants forming support for the weak vines. (Ill, 311, 860) 229. Soja (soy) bean. — This Japanese plant flourishes in the Southern states and as far north as Kansas. In Japan it serves for human food, but in this country it is used only by stock- men. Like all leguminous seeds, the soja bean is rich in pro- tein, standing perhaps at the head of the list; unlike many in its class, it is also rich in oil. Because the seeds must be 11 162 Feeds and Feeding. gathered by hand, the plant has generally been used only for forage. At the Kansas Station ^ this plant gave yields ranging from 12.5 to 19 bushels of beans per acre. At the Massachusetts Station* a comparative test of soja-bean meal with cotton-seed meal terminated in favor of the former for milk and butter pro- duction. (310) See Farmers' Bui. 58, Office of Experiment Sta- tions, Dept. Agr., Washington. 230. Cowpea. — This plant now holds an important place with Southern stockmen because of its rapid growth and the large amount of forage it yields. The earlier varieties will make a satisfactory growth as far north as "Wisconsin, though all the seeds will not ripen before frost. As with the soja bean, the seeds which ripen first must be gathered by hand. For this reason the crop is usually cut for hay or silage. At the Alabama Station, » Duggar fed cowpeas to fattening pigs with excellent returns. More lean meat was found in the bodies of pigs fed cowpeas than those fed corn meal only. (109, 863) At the Texas Station, * the cowpea gave yields ranging from eight to thirty-five bushels per acre. These findings point to the value of the plant for producing concentrated feed. (309) 231. Horse bean. — This legume is used in England for feeding stock, especially horses. The horse bean grows fairly well in some parts of Canada, but has never proved a success in tlie United States. 232. The common field bean. — Many varieties of the common field bean are grown in this country for human food. In bean- growing districts, cull beans are purchasable in large quantities, usually at low prices, and should be used by stockmen, since they are then a cheap feed. Sheep are fond of beans administered in a raw state. For other animals they should be cooked. Since they are rich in protein, corn meal is a natural addition to the porridge. 233. Fertilizing constituents. — All leguminous seeds are rich in nitrogen with from fair to rather high mineral content. The soja bean is of particular value in the nitrogen and ash it carries. 1 Bui. 32. * Rept. 1894. • Bui. 82. * Bui. 34. CHAPTEE X. HTDIAN OOEN AS A FOEAGB PLANT. Digestible nutrients and fertilizing constituents. Dry matter. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Name of feed. Pro- tein. Carbo- drates. Ether ex- tract. Nitro- gen. Phos- plioric acid. Pot. ash. Green fodder com (aver- Lbs. 20.7 57.8 59.5 Lbs. 1.0 2.5 1.7 Lbs. 11.6 34.6 32.4 Lbs. 0.4 1.2 0.7 Lbs. 4.1 17.6 10.4 Lbs. 1.5 5.4 2.9 Lbs. 3 3 Fodder com, field-cured.... Corn stover, field-cured 8.9 14.0 234. Concerning Indian corn. — Indian corn (maize) is the im- perial agricultural plant of America. This giant annual grass reaches a height of from seven to fifteen feet in four or five months' growth, producing under favorable conditions from 30,000 to 50,000 pounds of green forage per acre, of which from 5,000 to 9,000 pounds are dry matter. If grown in a dense mass but little seed forms, and we have a rank grass which cures into a bright, nutritious coarse hay. If the plants are grown at some distance one from another, a large yield of grain results, with excellent forage as a secondary product. Were a reliable seedsman to advertise Indian com by a new name, recounting only its actual merits while ingeniously conceal- ing its identity, his words would either be discredited or he would have an unlimited number of purchasers for this seed -novelty at almost any figure he might name. The possibilities of American stock farms in the live stock they may carry and the animal prod- ucts they may turn off is measured only by the quantity of com and clover which the land will produce, and this, under good management, seems almost unlimited. 235. Definitions. — To avoid confusion the term "fodder com" or "com fodder," used in this book, is applied to stalks of com, 164 Feeds and Feeding. either green or dry, which are grown for forage and from which the ears or "nubbins," if they carry any, have not been removed. "Stover" applies to the dry stalks of corn from which the ears have been removed. Fodder corn or com fodder, then, is the corn plant, either fresh or cured, with or without ears, which has been grown for forage; stover is shock corn minus the ears. 236. Thickness of planting and nutrients. — At the Illinois Sta- tion ^ Morrow and Hunt, studying the results of thick and thin seeding on the yield of nutrients, reached conclusions at the end of three years' study which are summarized in the table below. In these trials dent corn was planted in varying rates, from one kernel every three inches to one every twenty -four inches, the corn rows being three feet eight inches apart. BesuUs of planting corn kernels various distances apart in rows, aver- age of three years' trials — Illinois Station. Thickness of planting. Yield per acre. Digestible sub- stance per acre. Sto- ver per acre. Sto- ver for each lb. of com. Distance between kernels in row. Kernels per acre. Good ears. Poor ears. Sto- ver. Grain Total. 47,520 23,760 15,840 11,880 9,504 5,940 Bu. 13 37 55 73 63 49 Bu. 46 39 22 16 11 6 Lbs. 3,968 3,058 2,562 2,480 2,398 2,066 Lbs. 2,2.50 2 922 2,141 Lbs. 6,218 5,980 5,539 5,593 5,180 4,207 Tons. 4.8 3.7 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.5 Lbs. 3.6 1.9 9 inches 1.5 12 inches 1.3 1.4 1.5 We observe that with the kernels three incLes apart in the row, or 47,000 per acre, there were thirteen bashels of sound ears and forty-six bushels of poor ears or nubbins per acre. Poor as are these returns from the standpoint of grain produc- tion, we gather the interesting and exceedingly important fact that with thick planting there were the largest returns in total digestible nutrients per acre. Over 6,000 pounds of digestible dry matter were seemed in nearly five tons of stover and corn harvested. With this thickness of seeding there were 3. 6 pounds of stover for each pound of grain. The largest yield of sound 1 Bui. 13. Indian Corn as a Forage Plant. 165 ear com was returned from planting the kernels twelve inches apart in the tow, or about 12,000 per acre, from which the returns were seventy-three bushels of sound ears and sixteen bushels of poor ears per acre, with only about 600 pounds less digestible matter than was returned from planting the kernels four times as thick. Morrow holds that, for Illinois conditions, 10,000 good stalks of corn per acre (secured by planting about 12,000 kernels) give the best returns in grain. The lesson from the above table is confirmed by the work of other Stations, and teaches that when the stockman is seeking the greatest amount of nutrients possible from the corn crop he will plant the seed so thickly as to choke the ears to about half their natural size. If, on the other hand, his aim is to produce grain, with stover secondary, then he will plant the seed grains at such distances one from another as will allow each individual plant to produce one or more full-sized ears of corn. No rule can be given which is applicable in all cases for guidance as to the amount of seed corn to be planted per acre. This varies greatly and is determined by local condi- tions. One must know quite accurately the capacity of his land for this crop and seed accordingly, bearing in mind, as shown above, that thick seeding gives the most total nutrients, while medium seeding gives the most sound grain. 237. Increase of nutrients during maturity. — At the New York (Geneva) Station ^ Ladd conducted investigations in relation to the storage of nutrients by the growing corn plant, and has arranged his data in excellent form for study. His findings are substantiated by results in the same line obtained at several other Stations. The great importance of the subject is sufficient excuse for the space here occupied. The stockman should know what the corn plants in his field are doing in the way of gathering food between early growth and maturity. He should have a keen appreciation of this wonderful process of food-gathering, and as ftdl knowledge as possible of when and under what conditions the maximum results ai-e obtained by the plant. Ladd's study of the corn plant extends from the time it was tasseled untU the kernels were Rept. 1889. 166 Feeds and Feeding. ripe. To the novice, when a field of corn ia folly tasseled, it has about completed its growth, bnt the following table shows in a most effective manner that great changes are still going on within the stalks and that the storage of nutrients has only fairly begun: Water and dry matter in corn crop at diffei^ent periods after tasseling — New York {Geneva) Station. Date of cutting. Stage of growth. Com Water per per acre. acre. Tons. Tons. 9.0 8.2 12.9 11.3 16.3 14.0 16.1 12.5 14.2 10.2 Dry matter per acre. July 30.. Aug. 9.. Aug. 21.. 8ept. 7.. Sept. 23.. Fully tasseled Fully silked Kernels watery to full milk Kernels glazing Ripe Tons. 1.5 2.3 4.0 The table shows that an acre of corn when fully tasseled weighed nine tons, more than eight of which were water. The water in the com continued to increase in total amount until August 21, at which time the kernels had reached the full milk stage, after which it decreased. The total dry matter increased from the beginning. Between the milk and glazing stages there was the remarkable increase of over a ton of dry matter per acre of crop in seventeen days. From glazing to full ripenei^ there was a further increase of dry matter, though it was small. 238. Nutrients at different stages. — Ladd found the percent- age of nutrients in the crop at different periods to be as given below: Percentage of nutrients in the dry matter of ripening com — New Tork (Geneva) Station. July 30. Aug. 9. Aug. 21 Sept. 7. Sept. 23 Ash 8.6 14.8 31.8 40.4 4.5 6.5 14.2 2S.4 45.5 5.5 o.O 10.3 "7 2 62' 6 4.9 4.2 8.9 24.4 58.9 3.6 4.6 Albuminoids Crude fiber 8.6 21.9 Nitrogen-free extract 61 0 Ether extract. 4 0 Indian Corn as a Forage Plant. 167 In studying the foregoing table the reader should bear in mind the great increase in dry matter which occurs as the plant ripens. 239. Total nutrients of the corn crop. — The preceding table would be misleading were it not followed by another showing the total nutrients in the crop at different periods of maturity: Water and nutrients in an acre of corn at different stages of matu- rity— New York (Geneva) Station. Per acre. Tas- seled, July 30. Silked, Milk, Glazed, Aug. 9. Aug. 21. Sept. 7. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 18,045.0 25,745.0 32,600.0 32,295.0 16,426.0 22,666.0 27,957.0 25,093.0 1,619.0 3,078.0 4,643.0 7,202.0 138.9 201.3 232.2 302.5 239.8 436.8 478.7 643.9 514.2 872.9 1,262.0 1,755.9 653.9 1,399.3 2,441.3 4,239.8 72.2 167.8 228.9 260.0 Ripe, Sept. 23. Yield Water Dry matter Ash Albuminoids Crude fiber Nitrogen-free extract Ether extract Lbs. 28,460.0 20,542.0 7,918.0 364.2 677.8 1,734.0 4,827.6 314.3 From the above we learn that the crop increased about 10,000 pounds in weight between tasseling and maturing. Of this increase about 4,000 pounds were water, the remainder being dry matter. The dry matter in the crop, which amounted to only 1, 600 pounds at tasseling time, increased to 7,900 pounds when the corn waa ripe. The analyses show that between the milk and the glazing stages and on to the final period of ripening there is a constant and remarkable increase in the nutrients stored by this plant. 240. Changes in protein. — Ladd also made a study of the albu- minoid and amide nitrogen in the crop with the following results: Albuminoid and amide nitrogen of the ripening corn crop — New York (Geneva) Station. Date. July 30 Aug. 9 Aug. 21 Sept. 7 Sept. 23 Stage of maturity. Tasseled Silked Kernels in milk, Corn glazed Com ripe Total nitrogen. Lbs. 38.4 69.9 77.6 103.0 108.5 Albu- minoid nitrogen. Lbs. 27.4 44.6 66.4 78.5 91.1 Amide nitrogen. Lbs. 11.0 25.2 17.3 24.5 17.4 1G8 Feeda and Feeding. The table shows that while there was a steady increase in the total albuminoid nitrogen up to the maturity of the plant, the amide nitrogen varied greatly at different periods, being less when the corn was ripe than at earlier dates. 241. Nitrogen-free extract. — The greatest increase in nutrients between tasseling and maturity was with the nitrogen-free extract, that part of the com plant next in value to protein. Increase of nitrogeii-free extract in ripening corn — New York {Geneva) Station. Date. Stage of m^aturity. Glucose. Sucrose. Lbs. Lbs. 58.3 9.1 300.4 110.8 665.0 129.0 720.2 95.1 638.4 148.9 Starch. J'llv 30 Aug. 9 Aug, 21 Sept. 7 Sept. 23 Tasseled Silked... lu inilk Glazed .. Ripe Lbs. 122.2 491.3 706.7 1,735.0 2,852.9 Concerning these changes Ladd says: "The total starch per acre increased more than twenty-three times between tasseling of corn and harvesting, a period of fifty-five days. From the stage of glazing of corn untO. full ripening the increase in dry matter was 716 pounds, the increase in nitrogen- free extract 587 pounds, while the increase of sugar and starch was 989 pounds, or greater by 273 pounds than the entire gain in crop. That is, much of the nitrogen-free extract, which at period of glazing of corn was in the transitory state, had been translocated and transformed into sugars and starch." Jordan, of the Maine Station, ^ studying the same subject, writes: ' ' Owing to the relatively large production of sugars and starch in the late stages of growth, a pound of the dry substance of the mature well -eared corn plant possesses a higher nutritive value than at any earlier stage of growth." Compare with develop- ment of the timothy plant, Article 259. 242. Importance of maturity. — These tables teach the farmer that he should delay harvesting the corn crop until the plants have been allowed to accomplish their full work of gathering, elaborating and locating nutritive matter. To harvest a corn crop for forage or silage while the grain is in the unlk stage is to » Rept. 1895. Indian Com as a Forage Plant. 169 sacrifice a large part of the feeding value which would come to this crop were harvesting delayed until the corn is passing the glazing stage. In the large amount of water which the corn plant carries when quite green, the stockman learns why corn which has just tasseled, when thrown to his cattle, often shows such unsatisfactory results. Stock cannot consume enough of such forage to supply themselves with the nourishment required. 243. Distribution of nutrients in the plant. — The proportion of nutrients in the several parts of the corn plant has been studied at several Stations with interesting results. Armsby, ^ studying the returns of corn crops at four Stations, reports the following yields of ears and stover: Station. Ears. ]!:^ew Jersey (Dent) 4,774 lbs. Connecticut (Flint) 4,216 lbs. Wisconsin (Dent) 4,941 lbs. Pennsylvania (Dent) 3, 727 lbs. Stover. 4,041 lbs. 4,360 lbs. 4,490 lbs. 2,460 lbs. Average 4,415 lbs. 3,838 lbs. We learn from the above that somewhat more than one-half the total weight of the corn crop, grown for grain, is found in the ears. Concerning the nutrients in corn Armsby gives the following: Bigestihle nutrients in one acre of corn and stover — average of crop at four Stations. Digestible nutrients. Ears. Stover. Total crop. Protein Lbs. 244 2,301 125 Lbs. 83 1,473 22 Lbs. 327 (Carbohydrates 3 774 Ether extract 147 Total 2,670 63 1,578 37 4 248 Per cent 100 We learn that 37 per cent, of the total digestible nutrients in a crop of corn grown for the grain is in the stover and 63 per cent, in the ears. Kept. Penn. Sta., 1887. 170 Feeds and Feeding. 244. The corn plant under Maryland conditions. — At the Mary- land Station 1 Patterson studied the nutrients of the corn crop of that region with the folloTfing results: Yield per acre of digestible nutrients in different portioris of the corn plant — Maryland Station. Parts. Ash. Pro- tein. Crude fiber. Nitrogen- free extract. Ether extract. Total dry substance. Ears Lbs. Lbs. 157 10 6 6 6 Lbs. Lbs. 1343 Lbs. 30 13 t 13 Lbs. 1,530 5 14 4 5 Topped fodder Blades.. 190 88 168 241 232 105 246 304 4.50 197 Husks 426 Stubble 569 We learn that for Maryland conditions 48 per cent, of the digestible matter appears in the ear and 52 per cent, in various portions of the stover. 245. What the corn plant yields in Georgia. — At the Georgia Station, ^ Eedding, working out results for his region, reports: Digestible nutrients in each portion of the com plant — Georgia Station. Parte. Pel •. Acre. Protein. Nitrogen-free extract.* Butts Lbs. 8.0 3.9 5.9 3.5 7.4 1.1 159.0 9.0 Lbs. 48.5.0 Top stalks 95.4 Bottom blades, 106.2 68.7 Shucks 198.8 Tassels 20.3 1,604.0 Cobs 249.0 * Including fat X 2.27. By the above we learn that about two- thirds of the value of the corn crop of (Georgia is found in the ears, the results corroborating Armsby's statement. > Bui. 20. » Bui. 30. Indian Corn as a Forage Plant. 171 246. Losses in field curing. — Since corn forage gathered into shocks (stooks) presents a considerable surface to the weather, losses must occur through washing by rains and wasting of the leaves by the wind. It has been found, however, that larger losses occur in shock corn than is possible from this cause alone. At the Wisconsin Station, WolP determined the dry matter and protein in a crop of com when it was cut and shocked, and again after the shocks had cured and been exposed to the weather for several months. The investigation extended over four years, with the results given in the table: Losses of sJioek com in field — Wisconsin Station. Average for two varieties, total weight.. Dry matter Protein Results of four years' work. Dry matter Protein Green Cured fodder, fodder. Lbs. 129,014 32,432 2,581 72,164 5,706 Lbs. 31,738 23,270 1,682 54,937 4.317 Loss. Lbs. 9,162 17,227 1,389 Per cent 28.3 34.8 23.8 24.3 We are told of a loss of nearly one-fourth of dry matter and protein which the crop contained at harvest time by preserving com forage in the usual manner. This seems incredible, but the subject has been studied by too many Stations with unanimity of results to admit of further question. Cooke ^ has shown that heavy losses occur in shock corn in the dry climate of Colorado. The substances lost through wasting are protein and nitrogen-free extract (sugar, starch, etc.), the more valuable portions of the forage. Nor is it possible to entirely prevent these losses by placing the cured fodder under shelter or in the stack, for it has been found that the forage continues to waste even under these favorable conditions. At this time we are unable to state through what instrumen- tality all these losses are brought about. Some substance is washed away by rain, and the winds carry off exposed leaves and parts of the stalks on the outside of the shocks, but these sources of loss » A Book on Silage. » Bui. 30, Colo. Expt. Sta. 172 Feeds and Feeding. are not sufficient to account for all the shortage. Probably fer- mentations are slowly but steadily wasting the substance of the forage. In view of these facts, when calculating the value of a crop of corn forage, a deduction should be made from its worth at harvest time for its reduced value at feeding time, if the latter occurs some months after harvest. 247. Fodder corn for soiling. — Feeding corn in the green stage should become a general practice upon most farms, for the reason that, during the fall, pastures are often scanty, and if forced to subsist entirely upon them animals cannot do their best. It will be found that an acre of corn fed while green, if quite well matured, may so advance the condition of steers, dairy cows or other stock as to yield a double value over what it would if saved until winter and fed out at a time when there is often a plethora of the same material. 248. Shocking (stooking) corn. — The process of shocking corn is too well understood to need description. The loss from weath- ering can be much reduced by making larger shocks than ai'e commonly found, and exercising care in their construction. In the shock the corn stalks stand almost vertical, and if the shock be not bound too tightly there is room enough when the stalks wilt to admit currents of air which pass from below upward and out. Such currents carry off the moisture and dry the interior portion of the shock, without allowing mould to work injury to the drying material. No simple system of preservation can be more perfect for the end in view than that which we find in the common method of harvesting corn forage by standing the stalks upright in closely-bound bunches. WTien shock corn is pronounced dry by the farmer, it still carries a much larger percentage of water than does hay, as we learn from the table. This fact should not be overlooked when considering the amount of material required for nourishing farm animals. 249. Feeding shock corn. — In districts where corn is grown for the grain and put into shocks, farmers not infrequently follow the practice of separating the corn from the stover by husking. For steer feeding there seems no valid reason for the extra expense Indian Com as a Forage Plant. 173 incurred by the operation, for the steers can as well perform the work. The same statement holds trne in some measure for dairy- cows. An ear of corn with the husks still about it possesses an aroma which is largely lost when it is thrown into the crib, where it is often polluted by vermin. That cattle appreciate the fresh- ness of unhusked corn is shown by the eagerness with which they search the stalks for ears. Whoever has watched a cow searching through a bundle of stover for a possible ear or nubbin of corn which the would-be thrifty farmer has by jiccident over- looked, cannot fail to be impressed with the folly of the farmer in so carefully performing his work. It is true that when fed in this manner some corn will pass through the animal unbroken, but feeding trials have shown that despite such waste there is usually profit in the system over that of husking and reducing the corn to meal. A part of the corn can be husked to furnish grain for other purposes, and the remainder of the crop left for the cattle. By a little study to ascertain the amount of grain the shocks carry, the feeder can soon adjust the supply of corn to forage so as to give each animal its proper allowance of grain along with the fodder. Because one's ancestors laboriously husked corn and afterwards divided the crop with the miller for grinding is no reason why in these later days of high-priced labor and low- priced products we should still be husking corn for cattle, when these animals have all day in which to do the work and willingly perform it. (581) 250. Cured fodder corn. — Corn grown and cured for forage con- stitutes a coarse hay of high feeding value produced at low cost. Because only a portion of the nutriment has gone into the ear, the stalks of fodder corn are more nutritious and palatable than stover, which has lost much of its substance to the grain it pro- duced. In feeding fodder com to horses care should be taken that they do not get too much grain; otherwise there is no better forage for them. Corn fodder, in which the ears have been choked to half or less than half their normal size by thick planting, is one of the most valuable forms of roughage for dairy cows, steers in the first stages of fattening, and young cattle. All the corn these animals 174 Feeds and Feeding. require can be supplied them unhusked, in -rrliich form there is no labor or expense for husking and grinding. The ears of thickly- grown fodder corn are small, palatable and easily masticated. "When corn fodder is fed to cattle they should be allowed ample time to work it over before cleaning out the mangers or feed racks. The Indian corn plant grown for hay, and carrying more or less grain, according to requirements, possesses a value not fully appre- ciated by stockmen generally. We have become so acciLstomed to growing this grass for the grain it yields and using the rough- age as a sort of straw, to be eaten or wasted as accident determines, that we have almost wholly overlooked its hay-making qualities. (652) 251. Corn stover. — The forage which remains after removing the ear has a higher feeding value than is usually ascribed to it. For idle horses and growing colts corn stover may be used in winter with advantage. This forage is now commonly fed to dairy cows, and experience attests its value. By running stover through the shredder or feed cutter the proportion readily eaten by cattle may be materially increased. (653) 252. " Pulling " fodder. — At the South the custom prevails of stripping the leaves from the corn stalk whUe still green and cur- ing them into a nutritious form of hay. Stubbs, of the Louisiana Station,! found that ''pulling" fodder from the stalks of corn caused a shrinkage in the yield of grain of from fifteen to twenty per cent. Bedding, at the Georgia Station, ^ after investigating the subject, writes: ''The strongest argument against the practice is the meager results of fodder compared with the amount of labor involved. The same labor employed in mowing grass or any good forage crop, even without the use of improved harvesting ma- chinery, would yield vastly greater results." Stock -growing at the South will never attain the dignity the situation merits until the custom of ' ' pulling ' ' corn leaves is abandoned and the planters address themselves to intelligent modern methods of cultivating and harvesting the many valuable forage plants which can be grown in that region. » Bui. 22; see also Bui. 104, N. C. Sta. * Bui. 10. Indian Corn as a Forage Plant. 175 253. A new corn product. — The pith of the corn stalk furnishea a packing for the walls of vessels which will prevent the entrance of water into the ship when the hull is pierced. It is found that for each pound of suitable pith there are fifteen pounds of blades, husks and stalks remaining as waste or by-products. It is pro- posed to grind this waste into a meal for stock feeding. At the Maryland Station, ^ Patterson found this new food substance more digestible than whole fodder, in feeding trials with steers, and quite satisfactory in comparison witli corn blades. Cows and steers fed corn-stalk meal ruminated as naturally as if feeding on hay. 254. The so-called corn-stalk disease. — In the central corn dis- tricts the common practice is to remove the ears of corn from the standing stalks and turn cattle into the stalk fields to gather the ears left by the buskers and consume what they will of the rough- age. Not infrequently, within a day or two after turning the cattle into the fields, they suddenly sicken and die. Thousands of cattle are lost each fall in this way, and the subject has attracted much attention and elicited several theories as to the cause. Moore 2 concludes that the disease is probably due to some poison- ous principle in the dried corn stalk or its leaves. Without being able to name a remedy, he prudently points a way by which all danger from this source can be avoided. He calls attention to the fact that the corn-stalk disease never attacks cattle fed shock com or com stover. He recommends that the stockman shock at least a portion of his corn crop and feed this to his cattle instead of turning them into the stalk fields. Possibly, too, if stockmen will feed shock corn to their cattle for a few days or weeks previous to turning them into the stalk fields, the danger may be averted, since by this practice the animals will become accustomed to this form of feed. 255. Corn smut. — Besides the direct losses caused by corn smut, it has frequently been charged that the smut masses are poisonous to cattle eating them. To settle this important matter, a number of experiments have been conducted in which the smut was fed to cattle and the effects noted. » Bui. 43. « Bui. 10, Bur. of An. Ind., U. S. Dept Agr; see also Bui. 58, Kan. Sta. 176 Feeds and Feeding. The first trial reported is that by Gamgee, ' in which forty-two pounds of com smut were fed to two cows without ill effects. At the "Wisconsin University ' the writer conducted a smut- feeding experiment with two milch cows in the following manner: Clean smut was fed with bran, only a few ounces being daily given at first, the allowance being increased as rapidly as the cows would consume it. When the quantity fed reached thirty-two ounces daily for each cow, one of them refused to eat the feed con- taining the smut, and the experiment with her was closed. The other cow seemed greedy for this substance, and the allowance was increased until sixty-four ounces, an amount which filled a peck measure, was fed. For a time the cow seemed to thrive on the smut and was growing fat, but was suddenly taken sick and died within a few hours after the trouble was first observed. A post-mortem examination revealed no certain cause of the fatality. At the Michigan Station ^ Smith fed corn smut to four cows, the maximum daily allowance reaching eleven pounds of fairly well cleaned smut per cow. Ten pounds of such smut filled a half bushel measure. When eating eleven pounds of smut daily, one cow showed indisposition for a time, but soon returned to normal health. In experiments by the Bureau of Animal Industry, * U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, corn smut was fed to heifers without ill effects. With aU the trials but one ending with- out disaster, it seems reasonable to conclude that corn smut is at least not a virulent poison, if indeed it is one in any sense of the word. It is probable that in the Wisconsin and Michigan cases, where one cow died and the other was indisposed, the ani- mals suffered because of eating too much highly nitrogenous material rather than anything poisonous. Worse results might have followed the feeding of the same volume of corn meal or cotton-seed meal. It would seem that there is little or no danger from corn smut unless cattle consume a large quantity. This is possible where they are allowed to roam through stalk fields and ^ Rept. Diseases of Cattle, U. 8. Dept. of Agr., Washington, 1871. » Rept. Bd. Regents, 1881. • Bui. 137. * Bui. 10. Indian Corn as a Forage Plant. 177 gather what they will. There may be cases where animals seek out the smut and eat inordinately of it. 256. Fertilizing constituents.— The table shows that corn fodder carries a fair amount of nitrogen, percentagely. Because of the large tonnage, the crop takes from the land a considerable quan- tity of this element. Stover is quite rich in potash. On the whole, the corn crop in any form must be regarded as a carbohydrate crop and utilized on that basis. Its complement in feeding is clover or some legume, and these latter plants should always be grown on the same farm in order to keep the fields in good fertility as well as furnish the stock nitrogen and mineral matter, in which corn is somewhat deficient. 12 CHAPTEB XI. THE QEASSBS, FRESH AND CURED — STRAW. I. Grass for Pasture and SoUvng. Digestible nutrients and feiiillzing constituents. Name of feed. Dry matter InlOf) pounds. Digestible nutrienta in 100 pounds. Pro- tein. Carbo- hy- drates. Fertill/.lrifr constitu- ents In l,600 pouMda, Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric Pot- ash. Orass. Pasture graases (mixed) ... Kentucky blue grass Timothy, difierent stages... Orchard grass, in bloom.... Redtop, in bloom Oat fodder Rye fodder Sorghum Hay. Timothy Orchard grasa Redtop Kentucky blue grass Hungarian grass Mixed grasses Rowen (mixed) Straw. Wheat Rye Oat Barley Wheat chaff. Oatchaff Lbs. 20.0 34.9 38.4 127.0 34.7 37.8 23.4 20.6 90.1 91.1 78.8 92.3 87.1 83.4 90.4 92.9 90.8 85.8 85.7 85.7 Lbs. 2.5 3.0 1.2 1.5 2.1 0.6 2.8 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.5 5.9 7.9 0.4 0.6 1.2 0.7 0.3 1.5 Lbs. 10.2 19.8 19.1 11.4 21.2 18.9 14.1 12.2 43.4 42.3 4G.9 87.3 51.7 40.9 40.1 30. 3 40.6 38. G 41.2 23.3 33.0 Lbs. 0.5 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.4 0.4 1.4 1.4 1.0 2.0 1.3 1.2 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.7 Lbs. Lba. Lbs. 4.8 4.3 4.9 3.3 2.3 12.6 13.1 11.5 11.9 12.0 14.1 IG.l 5.9 4.6 6.2 13.1 7.9 2.3 2.6 1.6 1.3 1.5 0.9 5.3 4.1 3.6 4.0 3.6 2.7 4.3 1.2 2.8 2.0 3.0 7.0 7.5 3.8 7.3 2.3 9.0 18.8 10.2 15. T 13.0 15.5 14.9 5.1 7.9 12.4 20 9 4.2 257. Concerning pastures. — The time for turniug stock to pasture is hailed with delight by stocknion, for it means exercise and outdoor life to anijuals long confined in quarters which at best are not as satisfactory as those afforded by the change. It means dropping a large part of the ''chores " which bind together with a cord of duty all the daylight houi-s of winter. With the live stock caring for themselves in the pastui'e comes the o{)i:!.)r!i!nily The Crrasses, Fresh and Cured. 179 for sowing the seed and gathering the harvest from which prov- ender for the next season is to come. It is a fact which cannot escape the attention of students of agricultural economics, that our stockmen rely too blindly upon pastures for the maintenance of their cattle during half the year. But a few centuries ago the inhabitants of Great Britain trusted to the growth of natural herbage for the support of their stock not only in summer but throughout the entire year. If their animals, foraging for themselves as best they could, survived the winter, all was well; if they died from starvation, it was an "act of God." We have abandoned the crude practices of our ancestors, and now carefully store in barns abundance of provender for feeding flocks and herds during winter's rigor. We are amazed tliat our ancestors were so improvident as to gather no winter feed for their cattle, while for ours great barns are built and stored with provender. By turning cattle to pasture in spring and let- ting them forage as best they may until winter we show that all the barbaric blood has not yet been eliminated from our veins. If the summer rains are timely and abundant, the cattle are well nourished on these pastures; if drought prevails they suffer for food as surely, and often as severely, as did the live stock of England in winter, ages ago. To suffering from scant food there is added the heat of ''dog days" and the ever-present annoyance of blood-sucking flies. Our stockmen will never be worthy of their calling, nor their flocks and herds yield theii" best returns, until ample provision is made against drought- ruined pastures in summer. Every argument which stands in favor of storing provender for stock in winter holds with equal force for providing feed to make good any possible shortage of pastures in summer. 258. Yields of pasture grass. — At the Pennsylvania Station, * Holter studied the yield of a pasture consisting of blue grass and ^^'hite clover. By means of a lawn mower with attachment the grass as cut was gathered, with the following yields per acre: 1 Kept. 1889. 180 Feeds and Feeding. Yield of pasture grass per acre from May 1 to Oct. 15 inclusive- Fcnnsylvania Station. Digestible uiutter. Lbs. i^resh grass Total dry matter Albuminoid nitrogen Non-albuminoid nitrogen Crude fiber Nitrogen-free extmct Ether extract Ash ,190 249 45 226 534 70 65 At the Michigan Station, i Crozier cut the growing timothy from a plat of grass eight times during the season, while on another plat of the same area the timothy was allowed to make full growth and was then cut for hay. It was found that the yield of dry matter in the hay was about four times that of the grass which was cut eight times. The per cent, of protein in the grass cut eight times was about three times that in the once -cut grass. This experiment shows that our pastures in their short herbage yield a much higher proportion of miLScle-making nutrients than is obtained from grasses which are allowed to mature, but that much the largest returns are secured by allowing them to ripen. (554) 259. Changes in grass during ripening. — At the Illinois Sta- tion, * Hunt studied the effects of maturiiy on the yield and com- position of several forage plants. Timothy was examined at four periods covering about one month in all, beginning June 25, when the plants were in full bloom. The yield of hay and the total nutrients per acre for each of the foiu* periods are given in the table at the end of this Article. It will be seen that, on the whole, there was a steady increase in the weight of the crop as the plants progressed toward maturity. We observe only a slight increase in the total protein content after the first cutting. Between the first and last cuttings the crude fiber increased more than 300 pounds and the nitrogen-free extract more than 350 pounds, while the ether extract was reduced in total quantity as ripening progressed. It appears, then, in thia 1 Bui. 141. * Bui. 5. The Grasses, Fresh and Cured. 181 study, that aside from protein, tlie timothy plant had not elabo- rated its MI complement of nutrients at the time of blossoming, and to secure the largest total quantity of nutrients in the hay we must wait until the seeds of this grass are nearly ripe. By so doing we gain no protein or ether extract, but a very consider- able quantity of crude fiber, which is of low feeding value, and still more nitrogen-free extract, which is an important addition. Yield of hay and nutrients from timothy at four periods of growth — Illinois Station. Stage of develop- ment. Hay per acre. Total nutrients per acre. Date. Pro- tein. Crude fiber. Nitrogeu- free extract. Ether extract. Ash. June 25 Full bloom Lbs. 4,480 4,. 320 5,240 5,180 Lbs. 240 22-5 246 253 Lbs. 1,056 1,155 1,380 1,377 Lbs. 1,602 1,663 1,960 2,058 Lbs. 165 152 153 137 Lbs. 224 July 2 July 11 July 23 One-half anthers shed Seed in dough. . . . Seed nearly ripe.. 228 273 239 260. Time to cut grass for hay. — Generally the admonitions are for early cutting, and where there is much hay to be gathered, work should certainly begin early in order that it be completed before the grass seeds aie so ripe as to shell from the heads of the late-cut grass. Early-cut hay seems more palatable to stock, and, pound for pound, more satisfactory. On the other hand, we can secure a considerably larger quantity of the carbohydrates by delaying the harvest until the grass seeds are fully formed. In the increase of nutrients in the timothy plant up to a late period, we have a repetition of what occurs in that other grass, the Indian corn plant, in the study of which we have learned that the storage of nutrients continues up to the last stage of ripening. (241) For the dairy cow and sheep grass should be cut early, since these animals do not relish hay that is woody and lacking in aroma, as is the case with late- cut hay. For horses and fattening cattle the choice of dates for cutting probably falls the other way, being in favor of later cutting. These animals subsist mostly on con- centrated feed, and hay serves more for '^filling," as horsemen 1S2 Fecih and Feeding. say. If harvesting is delayed too long, the stems of the grasses are tough and stringy, and the seeds shatter from the heads. Such hay has little aroma and lacks palatability, if not nutrients. Sanborn ^ conducted trials with early- and late- cut liay for fat- tening steers, and found that the late-cut hay gave the best returns. The MTiter, in an unpublished experiment conducted several years since, reached the same result. 261. Points in hay making. — Important as is the subject of hay making, there is not much of a definite character that can be writ- ten concerning it. The widely varying nature of the crops to be converted into hay, the dampness or dryness of the soil of the meadows, the humidity of the atmosphere, and the intensity and continuance of sunlight and heat, are all modifying factors in this problem and combine to keep it one of those arts which cannot be definitely discussed in books. Some points of interest and possi- ble importance will be here considered. We have drawn largely from Storer, 2 whose classic work on agriculture should be read by all. 262. The aroma of hay. — Though an unweighable quantity, the aroma of grass has real value in rendering hay more palatable. When the sun dissipates the dew from the drying grass in tlie meadow we detect the escaping aroma, because the dew in risii ig carries some of it into the atmosphere. Here is one reason wliy hay should not remain scattered over the meadow at night. If new-mown hay lies for a time in the sunlight, the bleaching which we observe indicates that chemical changes are taking place within the grass stems and leaves, and such changes are not of advantage. Green-colored, sweet-smelling hay is really the best, and prudent stockmen in securing provender will not overlook such seemingly small points as preserving the aroma and preventing bleaching. 263. Changes during hay curing. — Grass stems remain alive, in a certain sense, for some time after they have been severed by the mower, and the leaves while succulent and green continue to exhale moisture in a natural way. If grasses whose leaves are still fresh are gathered into bundles so the leaves are not at once » Kept. New Hamp. Bd. Agr., 1880. * Agriculture in Some of its Relations with Chemistry. Tlie Grasses, Fresh and Ckred. 183 witliered; the leaves will continue to draw water from the stems, and in so doing rid them of moisture and hasten the drying grass toward the condition of hay. In this fact we have an explana- tion of one of the ad^^antages obtained in curing grass in cocks or bundles rather than by spreading it out thinly in the hot sun. Hay which is cocked in the afternoon entraps much warm air, and the mass remains in a condition favorable to the transpiration of moisture during the night. The heat yielded by the plant in carrying on its life functions, and the warm air entrapped by grass gathered in the afternoon, should not be confused with that which may develop in partially cured or damp hay through fermenta- tion. When hay that has been cocked for a time is exposed to the air in flakes, the moisture which has been diffused evenly through the mass is yielded up rapidly and such material is soon dried. While hay can be made without going through the sweat- ing process in the cock, it is usually much better because of having undergone such action. Hay put into the barn when it is so dry that it will not pack well is not in first-class condition. It should be mowed away with just that amount of moisture which allows it to settle compactly when treaded down. 264. Treatment of hay. — Salt and lime scattered over hay when it is put into the mow tend to prevent fermentation and check the growth of molds and mildews. Salt renders hay more palatable. These materials are not essentials in hay making, but are helpful when partially cured hay is being stored dui-ing bad weather. Damp hay may be improved by placing it in alternate layers with dry straw; the straw absorbs moisture from the hay and so improves in quality. It also imbibes some of its aroma, so that cattle will more readily eat both straw and hay. Hay from the second-growth grasses or aftermath is rich in nutrients, but it comes at a time when the ground is often damp, the days short and the snn's heat weak. This unfortunate com- bination renders the curing of aftermath into hay difficult and the product usually of less value than first-crop hay. Cured under favorable conditions, aftermath hay is an excellent article for winter feeding. ATow-nin(l<^ bnv is laxativc, and should not be fed to work worses or driving horses, since their flesh becomes soft through its 184 Feeds and Feeding. use. Not until the sweating process has been completed in the mow and the mass cooled off can new-crop hay be Siifely fed. 265. Dried versus green grass. — At the Pennsylvania Station, * Armsby tested dried and fresh grass for cows in the following manner: Short grass, on the college lawn, cut with a lawn-mower, was divided into two portions, one of which was fed in the fresh stage to a cow, the other half being dried over a steam boiler and fed in turn to the same cow. This investigator had previously conducted an experiment at the "Wisconsin Station in which grass from nine to ten inches in height was used. Here half the grass was fed fresh, and the other half, cut at the same time, was dried in the sun and fed to the same cow. The yield of milk and butter-fat in these tests was as follows: Daily yield of mUk and fat with cows fed green and dried grass — Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Stations. Station. Green grass. Dried grass. Milk. Fat. Milk. Fat. Lbs. 26.01 Lbs. 1 OS Lbs. 2-5.27 17.81 Lbs. 1.06 16.98 .92 1.00 21.5 1 00 21.54 1.03 These results are practically equal, showing that grass when dried in the best possible manner yields as much nutriment as will the same grass when fresh. In practice it Ls impossible to dry grass or other forage plants in such a manner that the product will equal the same plants in a fresh condition. In hay-making more or less of the finer portions of the forage plants are broken off and lost. Again, continued exposure of plants to the sun reduces their palatability by bleaching and the loss of aromatic compounds. Dew works injury, and rain carries away the more soluble portions. Thas, while dried forage may theo- retically equal the fresh substance, in practice it falls short, the difference in value being determined by the circumstances con- trolling the harvest. « Rept. 1888. Tlie Grasses, Fresh and Cured. 185 266. Losses due to weathering. — Stockliardt^ cured one sample of meadow hay in tkree days and left another in the field for thirteen days in alternate wet and dry weather. Analysis showed that the weathered hay lost 12.5 per cent, of its total dry sub- stance, representing one-fourth of its original nutritive value. Marcker2 calculated the loss of meadow-hay exposed through a ! prolonged and heavy rain as 18.4 and ] 7.6 per cent, of the dry sub- stance. This heavy withdrawal of the soluble portion of the hay leaves more woody fiber and indigestible matter proportion- ately, which renders the hay more difficult of digestion. Then, too, the aroma of forage will be dissipated by exposure. II. The Common Crrass Plants for Pasture and Soiling. 267. Kentucky blue grass. — This grass, often called ''June grass," is found everywhere in the Northeastern states. By its persistence it often drives out red clover and timothy as meadow crops, and holds in pastures, open woodlands and roadsides against all other claimants. As shown by the table, this grass is the richest in digestible protein and ether extract of any in the list, a finding borne out by the experience of stockmen. The char- acteristics of Kentucky blue grass exhibited in its habits of growth should be understood by the stockman to guide him in wisely using it. Because its seed ripens with the commencement of sum- mer, Kentucky blue grass prepares for that event by gathering much of the nutriment necessary in seed production the preceding fall. With the coming of spring it pushes forward vigorously, and early in May the fields are covered with a dense carpet of nutritious grass. With the shooting of the grass stems for seed- bearing the last of May, the energies of the plant reach their cid- miuation and there is a cessation of growth. The blue grass has entered a period of rest, and for a few months there is little evi- dence of life. If at this time drought occurs, the pastures turn brown and the plants appear to be dead or dying. With the coming of the fall rains all is changed and a green carpet again covers the pastures. The blue-grass plants have passed the rest- ing period and are again gathering nourishment for thx^ aext summer's seed bearing. 1 Wolff, Farm Foods, English edition, p. 155. * Loc. cit. 186 Feeds and Feeding. The prudent stockman, recognizing these habits of growth, with alternate abundance and scarcity in food supply, realizes that he must not rely entirely upon blue-grass pasture for a uniform sup- ply of nutriment for his cattle throughout the whole season. He stocks the pastures lightly in spring so that the overplus herbage of May and June may remain to be drawn upon during the dor- mant period of midsummer, or, stocking his pastures more heav- ily, he anticipates the midsummer shortage by providing a liberal supply of sOage, green clover, green corn, or other forage crops. Knowing the characteristics of his pastures and acting upon this knowledge, his stock suffers little or no loss from the usual mid- summer shortage, but grows steadily throughout the season. Kentucky blue grass is primarily a pasture grass and should always be regarded as such. The small yield of hay from this grass is of fair quality both as to protein and carbohydrates, while it is quite rich in ether extract. 268. Timothy or herd's grass. — This common hay plant of the Northeastern states is successfully grown as far west as Nebraska, and Sanborn reports large yields at the Utah Station. ^ Analysis shows that timothy hay varies in composition, especially in pro- tein, according to the soil on which it is grown and the amount and character of the fertilizers used. Soils enriched by manure yield hay carrying more protein than is found in that produced on lands of low fertility. With its stiff, woody stems and few leaves the timothy plant cures rapidly into hay. Its character- istic appearance, which easily distinguishes it from the hay of other species, adds to its commercial value. Timothy seeds are large and easily recognized, and as thoy are produced in abun- dance and hold their vitality well, they aid this grass in holding favor with the farmer. Timothy hay is usually free from dust, is clean and rarely attacked by molds. It is relished by horses which secure most of their nourishment from oats or otiier grain. All these qualities combine to render hay from the timothy jjlant a favorite with both grower and buyer. WhUe timothy meets quite fully the demands of city condi- tions, it should not occupy an important place on well -managed » Kept. 1892. The Grasses, Fresh and Oiired. 187 stock farms, for the yield of forage is too small to warrant adher- ence to this crop alone for farm -horse feed. Fodder corn, hay from the cereals, and bright straw are substitutes that may be fed with economy and satisfaction to all horses not required for road work. Timothy meadows afford but little aftermath, and if pastured at all closely this grass is easily destroyed. Eed clover should be grown with timothy, if possible, for the combination furnishes a superior hay both in quantity and quality for many purposes. When grown together, the hay produced the first season after seeding will consist largely of clover. Many of the clover roots die at the end of this season, and the nutriment from these nourishes the timothy plants, which spring into ascendency the second season, yielding a hay in which clover forms the smaller portion. (478) 269. Orchard grass. — This grass starts very early in the spring an(i ripens about two weeks in advance of timothy. For this rea- son it associates well with red clover. Hay from orchard grass is inclined to be harsh, woody and lacking in aroma, and is not particularly relished by stock. These defects can be partially overcome by cutting the grass very early. Orchard grass does not form an even, dense sod, but grows in tufts or tussocks, for which reason it should not be sown alone, but with other grasses and with clovers. Mixed with other grasses, orchard grass serves a useful pm-pose in pastures, and under favoiable conditions will hold its OAvn indefinitely. Tracy, of the Mississippi Station, ^ reports orchard grass as making a better winter growth on heavy clay soils than any other species tested. In that region it commences growth in February and yields hay in ]\Iay. 270. Redtop. — This widely disseminated grass of several spe- cies is especially valuable on damp, low lands, where it forms a close turf, furnishing excellent pasture and a valuable hay, composed of fine stems and rather numerous leaves. Eedtop appears indigenous to Northern meadows and should be more generally grown wherever the land is suitable. 1 Bui. 20. 188 Feed^ and Feeding. Tracy, of the llisslssippi Stuliou, ' found no belter grass for marshy lauds and seepy hillsides. 271. Mixed permanent grasses. — Nature rarely covers any large area with a single species of vegetation, and it is better to humor her by having several varieties of grass and clover in the same meadow or pasture than growing a single one, no matter how valuable. For stock feeding at the Xorth, a mixture of redtop, timothy and orchard grass with one or two kinds of clover will give a larger yield of aromatic, palatable hay than is possible with a single variety. There are several other varieties of grasses which will thrive in special locations. The stockman should experiment freely with the more promising varieties, that he may learn by direct experiment which combinations are best suited to his condition. 272. Hungarian grass, millet. — The millets, which are annual grasses, consist of many races and varieties mixed in hopeless confusion. German millet and Hungarian grass are the millets commonly grown in the Northern states. Sown in early summer, they thrive remarkably in hot and even dry weather, reaching the harvest period in August or September. In order to produce hay of fine quality, a liberal allowance of seed should be sown. AVith thin seeding millet stems are coarse and reed-like, forming a hay of low quality. All forms of millet grass designed for hay should be cut just as the plant is coming into blossom, to avoid the formation of hard seeds which are indigestible by horses and cattle. Hay from thickly- seeded millet, if cut early, is useful for cattle and sheep feeding. If given to horses, it should be fed very sparingly and under close supervision. (198) For millet-hay injurious to horses, see Article 482. At the Massachusetts Station, ^ Brooks, experimenting with Japanese millet, grew crops in which the plants reached a height of six feet, yielding from twelve to eighteen tons of green forage per acre. Millet forage was much relished by dairy cows, prov- ing superior to flint corn fodder. 273. Grasses at the South. — In the past the Southern planter has despised grasses because they seriously interfered with the » Bui. 2U. * Kept 1895. The Grasses, Fresh and Cured. 189 cultivation of the cotton crop. N"ow that mixed farming is gain- ing friends in that region, some of the many grasses which grow readily there are receiving attention, only a few of which can be mentioned. Teosinte is a giant grass, somewhat resembling the sorghum plant. Stubbs, of the Louisiana Station, i reports a yield of over fifty tons of green teosinte forage per acre. This plant is too tropical in character to have a forage value outside a belt border- ing the gulf. Millo-maize is a variety of sorghum which succeeds in the south- ern portion of our country. At the Louisiana Station, 2 a yield of thirteen tons of cured forage and thirty-nine bushels of seed was obtained from one acre. Bermuda grass is now common in the South, spreading by both seed and creeping stems. Tracy, of the Mississippi Station, ^ reports a yield of from two to four tons of Bermuda hay per acre in two cuttings. Bermuda grass is useful for forage and pasture, its sod resembling in some measure that formed by Kentucky blue grass at the North. Numerous grasses can be grown with profit at the South. * With a large list of true grasses and legumes available for forage pur- poses, there seems no reason why the Southern states should not become a favorite region for stock growing. 274. SorgCium. — The sorghum plant, being more difficult of cultivation in the humid regions than Indian corn, gives way to the latter in the production of green forage. At the Pennsylvania Station, s Armsby, studying tliis plant for soiling purposes, con- cludes that it has no special value for that state. Amber-cane sorghum, gave a yield of but little over ten tons of green forage per acre, while dent corn under similar conditions retui-ned from ten to fifteen tons. In the semi- arid region of the Southwest, sorghum grows with great vigor, withstanding drought and drying winds remarkably well. Because of these characteristics and the abundant nutriment contained in stems, leaves and seed heads, the sorghum plant is destined to occupy a prominent place in thp 1 Bui. 19. » Bui. 22. « Bui. 20. * Farmei-s' Bui. 18, U. S. Dept. Agr. • Kept. 1889. 190 Feeds and Feeding. agriculture of this district, furnishing green forage to stock dur- ing shortage of pastures in summer and fall, and the best of dry fodder in winter. (194) 275. Dangers from second-growth sorghum. — The agricultural press reports cattle dying suddenly after eating very small quanti- ties of second-growth sorghum. Coburn' quotes Pritchard, the Kansas state veterinarian, as saying: "Second -growth sorghum under certain conditions is very destructive indeed to cattle, small quantities killing them almost instantly. . . Just what this destructive agent is I am unable to say." In the same report ref- erence is made to Kaffir corn causing the same trouble. Tracy' reports that second-growth " chicken corn," a variety of sorghum found in the Gulf states, when eaten by cattle, sometimes pro- duces fatal results within a few minutes. He says: *'It seems to affect only certain animals, or perhaps only certain plants produce the ill effects, as generally only a few animals in a herd are killed, and these are commonly found near together." Xo one knows why second-growth sorghum should cause tjouble in the way noted, and no remedy is known. Prevention is the onlj means at hand. 276. Sorghum hay. — In the semi-arid region of the Southwest the sorghum plant possesses many advantages for producing a coarse hay of high feeding value. In parts of Kansas and Texas, stockmen plant the seed by means of grain drills; at other times it is so^vn broadcast. Sorghum may also be planted in wide drills and cultivated like corn. This giant grass, when sown broadcast is cut with a mower, and after partially drying is gathered intc- windro^^'S, and finally into bunches of considerable size, where it remairus until required for feeding, or the bunches are gathered into stacks. When planted in drills, sorghum should be harvested in shocks, as is common with Indian corn. The stems of the saccharine sorghums are rich in sugar and are eagerly consumed by farm stock in winter. The leaves of all varieties of sorghum form a bright, palatable, nutritious hay, fi'ee from dust and very useful » Rei)t. Ivan. Bd. Agr., Sept. 1894. * Bill. 20, Miss. Expt. Sta. The Grasses, Fresh and Cured. 191 for feeding horses especially, also for sheep and cattle. The sor- ghum plant may be successfully used for silage. 277. The cereals as forage plants. — Wheat, oats, barley and rye plants may serve for pasture and hay production in many cases ^^-ith profit. These grasses, for such they are, may be sown at almost any time during the growing season, and will soon cover the ground with a cai-pet of green, affording much nutritious pasture, where otherwise nothing of value would be produced. Eye sown in August will furnish pasture, three or four weeks later, that will continue useful until winter sets in, and is again available as soon as vegetation starts in the spring. Stewart* states that fifty sheep may be continuously pastured in summer upon six acres of land sown to rye the previous fall, if, in addi- tion to the pasture, they are fed a little linseed meal and corn. Green rye, when used for soiling or pasturing cows, has the reputation of imparting a bad flavor to milk. This trouble can usually be averted by turning the cows to pasture, immediately after milking, for two or three hours, after which time other feed should be given. Barley furnishes an excellent pasture in a short time after seeding, and yields liberally of green forage. Sown in fields from which a grain crop has been harvested, barley will grow two or three feet in height and may even head out before heavy fall frosts. At the Alabama (Canebrake) Station^ a field seeded in the fall with barley yielded 23,100 pounds of green forage by the following March. Winter wheat can likewise be used for pasture and yields a nutritious herbage suitable for soiling. In southern Kansas winter wheat pastured by cows in mild weather is said to impart a grass flavor to what otherwise would grade as winter butter. 278. Oats or barley and peas. — The value of oats and peas and barley and peas for forage crops has been tested by Eoberts and Clinton at the Cornell Station. » They write: ^'Banking next to corn as a forage crop and a close second, comes oats and peas. In the two years in which we have been conducting experi- * "Feeding Animals." * Bui. 9. =» Bui. 135. r,>2 Feeds and Feeding. ments in the production of forage this combination has proven itself well worthy of a place on every farm where stock is kept. It is valuable either for pasture, for cutting as a soiling crop, or when allowed to mature it may be cured for hay, making a most valuable article. When planted in succession of about two weeks, the first planting being as early in the spring as conditions will permit, a succession of highly nutritious forage is produced which is greatly relished by stock. If a more general use was made of oats and peas for summer feeding it would greatly decrease the expense of the production of milk and the cost of maintaining cattle and economize land very materially. A highly nutritious forage would be obtained, rich in protein and furnishing nearly a balanced ration for milch cows. A large amount can be produced per acre and it may be grown from early spring to late fall. A slight freeze does not affect it, and it may be sown in the siuiug before frosts are over, and the late forage frequently remains in good condition until December. The oats and peas at this Station sown August 1, 1896, were in good condition for feeding until a severe freeze on the night of December 2 cut them down. For late forage, however, barley and peas are recommended instead of oats and peas. For sowing any time after July 1st, substitute barley for oats. The reason for this is that in late summer barley makes more rapid growth, is less likely to attacks of rust and other fungous diseases than are oats." 279. The small grains as hay crops. — Wheat, oats and barley, used as grasses, are capable of producing excellent hay if har- vested at the proper time. Barley constitutes the common hay crop of the Pacific Slope outside the alfalfa region, and there is no reason why this plant, as well as oats and wheat, should not be employed as a hay producer in other portions of the country. If the meadows fail to yield the usual supply of hay, the loss can be made good by having recourse to small grain grown as a substi- tute. When used for hay production, grasses from the cereal grains should be cut when the seed is in the early milk stage, at which time the stems and leaves may be easily cured into bright, dust- free hay of a quality well suited for feeding horses or dairy cows. The G-rasscs, Fresh and Cured. 193 Crops of the cereals wliicli have made too heavy a groT^th -sf straw because of wet weather usaally lodge badly, and when this oc« ;iirs the yield of grain is unsatisfactory. Such overgrown grain can be converted into hay with more profit than would result from a light crop of poor grain, which costs much to harvest. 280. Straw. — -While primarily used for bedding purposes, the softer kinds, especially oat and barley straw, are serviceable for feeding piuposes. In Canada and England chaffed straw is com- raonly mixed with pulped roots and the mass allowed to soften and even ferment slightly; thus prepared, cattle readily consume large quantities with satisfactory returns. Oat straw, because of its nutrients and its soft, pliable stems, leads for feeding purposes, with barley foUoAving. Wheat straw, being coarse and stiff, is not as satisfactory, though some will be eaten by cattle. liye straw is woody, harsh and should be used for bedding jjuiposes. 281. Chaff. — Wheat and oat chaff contain more protein than straw, and because of tlieir fineness and softness they are useful in feeding stock. Often with chaff there are found light and broken kernels which have escaped the threshers; by these the value of chaff, so called, is materially increased. 282. Flax straw. — Whei-e flax is grown for the seed, the straw or haulm is generally wasted. Stockmen who have fed flax straw to horses and cattle report satisfactory results from its use. Fre- quently some flax seed is left in the straw, which increases its va lue. There seems no foundation for the statement that the fiber of flax straw forms balls of indigestible matter in the stomachs of farm animals. It is no doubt digested the same as other fibrous matter — the lint of cotton, for example. Some flax straw may always be fed, and during times of scarcity it will prove a boon to the stockman who overcomes his prejudice and supplies it freely to his hungry animals. 283. Ergot. — At times the grains of the rye plant and seeds of the grasses are attacked by a fungus called ergot which causes them to become several times their normal size. Ergot grains are usually spur- like in form, quite rigid, and nearly black in color. Being quite large on rye, ergot grains may be detected when the observer is some distance away. On the heads of the 13 194 Feeds and Feeding. smaller grasses they can only be found by close inspection, but this is not difficult when one is familiar with their appearance. When eaten by animals ergot may produce convulsions, paralysis of the hind limbs, slowness of heart action and death by exhaus- tion. With pregnant animals in an advanced period of gestation it may produce abortion. Epidemics of abortion in cows hav^ been traced to this caase, and veterinary surgeons employ ergot to expedite languid labor. Ergotism shows itself most commonlv in deranged nutrition; the limbs of the animal affected turn black and shrivel, dying as though attacked by dry gangrene. ^ There have been several serious outbreaks of this disease in the last form noted in different parts of the United States, gener- ally in the Western states. Much needless excitement has been caused in some instances through reports cm-rent in the press that the ailment was the dreaded contagious ''foot-and-mouth" dis- ease. Only cattle have so far been attacked. Horses, it is said, reject hay containing ergot. The observant stockman can usually forestall all trouble from ergot by examining the grass heads in the meadows and pastures immediately before haying and avoiding grass carrying the fungus. A little study will enable one to detect ergot grains even on grasses as fine and small as blue grass and redtop, while they are seen without difficulty on heads of timothy and wUd rye. Ergot poisoning generally makes its appearance in late wint Farm Foods, English edition, p. 160. 200 Feeds and Feeding. tice. that clover Lay apparently ricli in protein may have little valne owing to the large quantity of crude fiber and the small amount of nitrogen-free extract it contains. Contrary to the show- ing made above, a large portion of protein is often removed from hay when soaked by rain. (304) 290. Spontaneous combustion. — It seems beyond question that barns containing clover hay and stacks of the same are occasion- ally consumed by fire originating through spontaneous combus- tion. The subject though an old one is still involved in mystery. Cohn, of Breslau, ^ considers that spontaneous combustion in hay is produced through the action of a mould fungus. Eeviewing the many experiences reported, * it seems that there is danger from spontaneous combustion only in seasons when the clover plant contains an unusual amount of moisture at haying time, or when the hay material canies to stack or barn more or less water foreign to it, i. «., rain or dew. 291. tse of clover hay. — Clover hay is not usually considered a satisfactory roughage for the horse, the dust it carries proving very detrimental to that animal. A limited amount of good clover hay may, however, be fed to horses of all kinds with favor- able results. For the cow there is no better roughage than good clover hay. It furnishes the large amount of protein and ash essential to milk, and is palatable and much relished. With well-cured clover hay forming one-half or two-thirds of the roughage of the ration, the dairyman is able to cut down the allowance of concentrated feed, thus reducing the cost of the ration. (653) For growing' calves and young stock clover hay is most important. If it is more essential one place than another, probably the shepherd has first claim to clover hay, for his animals of all degrees will not give- as favorable returns from any other form of roughage. For soiling purposes clover holds an important place, since tli!' crop is available early in the season and is highly relished bj cattle. The writer secured a yield of clover used for soiling pur- poses of 27,000 pounds per acre in three cuttings. (365) At I Veterinary Journal, 31, p. 310. * 8ee vftrioijs articles in Breeder's Ciazette, 1889. Leguminous Plants for Green Forage and Say. 201 the Pennsylvania Station, ' yields of six to seven tons in one case and over thirteen tons in another are reported. For pigs, clover pasture serves an excellent purpose, building good bone and a framework capable of taking on fat rapidly when the period of receiving concentrated food arrives. We can find no records of the yields of clover fields when devoted to the pastur- age of swine. Our Stations should report experiments on this point. In feeding green clover one should always have in mind its extreme succulence, and that the quantity which the animal is capable of consuming may not contain the . requisite nourish- ment. Bloat or hoven menaces cattle and sheep pastured on the clover field. To avoid this the cattle should not be turned to pasture while very hungry or before the dew has risen. Further, some dry forage, such as hay or straw, should be placed in feed racks in the pasture. To this cattle and sheep will resort when threat- ened with bloat. It is said that if cattle and sheep can have access to dry roughage while feeding on pasture, they will not suffer from this ailment 292. Mammoth clover. — The distinctive characteristics of mam- moth clover are its rank growth, coarse stems, and the feature of blooming two or three weeks later than the medium variety. This variety yields but one cutting during the season, aud because of this the field is frequently used for pasture for several weeks in the spring. After removing the stock the plants shoot up and soon are ready for the mower. Wallace ^ recommends that medium and mammoth clover seed be sown in equal proportions, together with grasses for pasture, holding that since the mammoth variety blooms later, there is more nearly a succession of good forage than is possible with only one variety. 293. Afsike clover. — This variety of clover has weak stems, which fall to the ground unless supported by attendant grasses. Well-made alsike hay ranks with the best, though the yield is not large. At the Illinois Station, ^ Hunt and Morrow secured 1.2 tons of alsike hay against 2.1 tons of medium clover hay per acre. 1 Kopt. 1888-89. * " Clover Culture." * Bui. 15. 202 Feeds and Feeding, This variety of clover flourishes on land too moist for other clovers, though it will not grow in really wet soils. While red clover usually dies out the second year, alsike stands for many years, this feature increasing its value for pasture purposes. 294. Scarlet or crimson clover. — This clover is an annual, resembling the wheat plant in this phase of its habits. If sown in late summer or early fall, in the southern part of the United States it grows somewhat during the winter, and with the coming of spring advances rapidly to the hay period, which is reached by late spring, after which the plants die. In making its round of growth in the fall and spring, crimson clover resembles winter wheat. On the other hand, if sown in spring it blossoms in late Bummer, matures its seeds and dies, thus following the habit of spring wheat. The winter form of this plant has flourished with remarkable success from Delaware ^ southward to tlio Carolinas. "^ Crimson clover can be grown throughout the Southern states as a winter plant, but its use has not yet become general. The Northern states are too cold for fall-sown crimson clover, but it may be used as a summer crop with some advantage, though generally it is inferior to red clover. Wherever it flouiishes, crimson clover will be found useful for soiling purposes, and if cut early it makes hay of fair quality. 295. Danger to horses from overripe crimson clover. — The blos- som heads of crimson clover are covered with minute haira, which become rigid as the heads ripen. Investigations conducted by the Depai'tment of Agriculture, ^ Washington, show that death may result to horses when fed overripe crimson clover. A circular from the Department states: ''If overripe crimson clover is fed to horses, the bristly hairs (of the heads) will accumulate in the stomach or intestines in spherical balls, which are increased m size by repeated additions of the same matter to their surfaces, the whole mass tending to become more compact because most of the hairs, upwardly barbed, are constantly pushing toward the center, base foremost. When a ball has reached a sufficient size (whether after a few days or several weeks we have no means of ' Bui. 16, Del. Sta. » liul. 73, North Car. Sta. » (Jircular No. 8, Div. of Botanv, 1896. Leguminous FUnU for Green Forage and Hay. 203 knowing), it acts as a plug in the intestine, interfering with the vital functions, and finally, after a few hours of intense suffering, the horse dies from peritonitis or some related difficulty." There seems no cure for this ailment. It can be avoided by curing crimson clover into hay at the proper stage for making that product. Hay from overripe crimson clover, and the refuse ' left when seed is threshed, should not be fed to horses. 296. Japan clover.— This plant has proved most helpful to Southern agriculture because it adds nitrogen to the soil, binds it together, prevents washing, and furnishes a nutritious food for stock. On sterile land it yields pasture only, while under favor- able conditions it reaches a height of from twenty to thirty inches, furnishing as much as three tons of hay per acre, which, according to Tracy, ^ is equal to the best clover hay. (650) 297. Burr clover — This plant is best known in California, where, growing wild, it furnishes abundant winter pasture. Tracy recommends its use in the South. Its best growth is from Feb- ruary to May, after which it disappears. Harrington, of the Texas Station, 2 reports the plant in favor with cattle, but not relished by horses. 298. Alfalfa or lucern.— This plant flourishes in the western half of the United States, and is of even more importance to that vast region than is red clover to the eastern United States. In the San Joaquia Valley, California, alfalfa reaches its highest per- fection, yielding under the hot suns on the allu^ial soils of that district from five to seven cuttings of from one to two tons each, annually. In Colorado and Utah two to three cuttings are obtained. In the humid region, especially Kansas and Nebraska, alfalfa is grown to a limited extent, interest in the crop having much increased of late. It is also gaining favor in the East as the farmers learn to grow it. 299. Yield of alfalfa.— At the New York (Geneva) Station, « Wheeler reports the following yields of alfalfa cut four times dur- ing the season for soiling: ^ Eul. 20, Miss. Sta. » Bui. 20. » Bui. 118. 204 Feeds and Feeding. Yield of alfalfa during three years — New York (Geneva) Station. Year. Actual area. Green weight. Dry matter. Protein. Albu- minoids. Date of first cutting. 1894... 1894... 1895... 1S98... 1896... Acres. 2.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2.5 Lbs. 64,596 33,803 37,129 34,991 30,514 Lbs. 17,034 8,116 8,666 8,527 7,461 Lbs. 2,574 1,660 1,4.52 1,522 1,302 Lbs. 2,068 1,278 1,120 1,167 1,054 June 1. May IL May 15. May 27. May 12. Here are returns of fourteen tons of green forage per acre, with dry matter exceeding three tons. The date of first cutting is a point of mucli interest to stockmen, especially dairymen who practice soiling. We learn that in 1894 the first plants were ready for soiling May 11, thus furnishing very early forage. 300. Iowa experience with alfalfa. — At the Iowa Station, i Our- tiss reports alfalfa under trial. The same season after seeding in the spring, two tons of hay were secured in three cuttings; the second season the total of three cuttings, made June 1, July 7, and September 3, waa as follows for plats seeded by different methods: Upland, Bottom, tons. tons. Plat L Broadcast 5.3 5.52 Plat IL Drilled one way 5.18 5.52 PlatllL Cross drilled 5.25 5.12 Plat IV. Press driUed 5.08 4.22 The third cutting was from five to ten per cent, lighter than the first two, which were practically equal. The hay was found to be of excellent quality, apparently no more difficult to cure than that from clover. Fuitiier experience is necessary to determine whether this plant will stand winter conditions in Iowa, but at the date of reporting all was favorable. 301. Alfalfa compared with corn. — At the Colorado Station,' Cooke compared a crop of dent corn from one acre of land with retuins from a like area of alfalfa three years seeded on an adjoin- ing plat. The corn crop was a fair one, equaling fourteen tons of » Bui. 34. »Bul. 26. Leguminous Plants for Green Forage and Say. 205 green forage per acre. The alfalfa was cut three times, yielding 4,600 pounds of hay at the first cutting, 3,350 pounds the second, and 3,250 pounds at the third cutting, or a total of 5.6 tons of hay per acre. The total digestible nutrients of the two crops are pre- sented in the following table: Comparative yield of corn forage and alfalfa hay — Colorado Station. Total. Digestible. Corn. Alfalfa. Cora. Alfalfa. Lbs. 5,539 405 3,263 1,472 84 315 Lbs. 10,304 1,602 4,782 2,800 246 829 Lbs. 3,605 296 2,186 1,060 63 Lbs. 5,611 1,198 3,114 Albuminoids Fiber 1,198 101 Ash It will be seen that the alfalfa yielded nearly twice as many pounds of dry matter as the corn, with the digestible nutrients f;ir in the lead. The protein of the alfalfa was three times that of the com. 302. Nutrients in the alfaffa crop. — At the Utah Station,* Widtsoe made a study of the nutrients of the alfalfa crop, and some of the facts gathered are presented in the following table: Nutrients per acre in three cuttings of alfalfa — Utah Station. First Cutting. Condition of growth. Pro- tein. Nitrogen- free ex- tract. Crude fiber. Ether extract. Ash. May 4. Height, 6J inches June 1. Height, 18 inches July 7. Full flower Aug. 10. Flowers fallen, leaves dry Aug. 24. Stm drier 1 Bui. 48. Lbs. 474 697 745 644 428 Lbs. 607 1,247 2,278 2,298 1,776 Lbs. 168 618 2,108 2,531 2,544 Lbs. 40 103 118 116 94 Lbs. 167 369 461 423 311 Feeds and Feeding. Second Cuttinp;. July 7. Budding July 20. Medium bloom Aucr. 3. Full flower Aug. 24. Leaves dry 334 519 551 657 1,140 1,529 1,484 357 1,031 1,316 1,329 197 314 323 333 Third Cutting. Aug. 17. Aug. 31. Sept. 14. 138 317 155 322 757 634 298 934 818 35 211 214 Widtsoe concludes that to insure a large yield of dry matter and albuminoids, alfalfa should be cut not earlier tlian the period of middle bloom, and that the blossoms should not be past full bloom. This is from two to three weeks after the flower buds appear. 303. Losses in hay making. — Headden, of the Colorado Sta- tion, 1 found that " a very leafy, small-stemmed alfalfa plant may haA-e more than 60 per cent, of leaves, and, consequently, less than 40 per cent, of stems, but the stems of an average plant will amount to between 40 and 60 per cent. . . . Inasmuch as many of the smaller stems may go with the leaves, the loss in hay making can, and in some cases does, amount to from 50 to 60 and even more per cent. . . . We have been led by our experience and observation to the conclusion that the uiiiiiinuin loss from tlie falling off of leaves and stems in successful hay making amounts to from 15 to 20 per cent., and in cases where the conditions have been unfavorable to as much as 60 and even 66 per cent, of the dry crop, or, for each 1,700 pounds of hay taken off the field, at least 300 pounds of leaves and small stems are left, and, in very bad cases, as much as 1,200 pounds may be left for each 800 pounds taken. Of coui-se, the latter is extreme, but it does occa- sionally happen even in this land of perpetual sunshine." 304. Damage to alfalfa hay from rain. — Headden studied the losses in alfalfa hay due to bad weather. One sample of hay re- Bul. 35. Le^jianinoiLS Plants for Green Forage and Hay. 207 inained out fifteen days, during whicli time it was subjected to three rain storms, amounting in all to 1.76 inches. The other sample was from hay cured without injury by rain. Samples of this hay were analyzed with the results shown below: Hay not Hay damaged. damaged. Ash 12.2 per cent. 12.7 per cent. Crude fiber 26.5 per cent. 38.8 percent. Ether extract 3.9 percent, 3.8 per cent. Protein 18.7 per cent. 11.0 per cent. Nitrogen-free extract 38. 7 per cent. 33. 6 per cent. It will be seen that the crudo fiber, the poorest part of the hay, was increased, and the protein and nitrogen- free extract, the more valuable portions, were materially reduced by weathering. Headden concludes that the estimate of farmers that storms re- duce the value of hay one- half is reasonable. (289) 305. AlfaJfa in the eastern United States. — Attempts to grow alfalfa in the Eastern states have generally ended in failure. The wonderful results obtained in the West have served to keep alive an interest in this plant and stimulated renewed ti-ials from time to time. The results obtained by several Stations show that large returns are possible under favorable conditions. In search- ing for the causes of failure, it appears that the most general one is msufiicient care in securing a good stand of plants. To reach this end the ground seeded to alfalfa must be free from weed- seeds, so that the young plants, which are weak when they first spring up, may grow untraiiimeled. The desired end will be ac- complished by summer-fallowing the proposed alfalfa field for one season in order to reduce the soil to proper fineness, and especially to sprout and kill all weed-seeds lying near the surface. The following spring sow from twenty to thirty pounds of alfalfa seed in drills or cover lightly with a harrow. 306. Manner of growth. — The alfalfti plant is a gross feeder, its tap root reaching many feet into the soil. Headden, of the Colorado Station, ^ found alfalfa roots twelve and one- half feet below the surface. This indicates that the plant should have a subsoil through which the roots may pass, with water not nearer 1 Bui. 35. i08 Feeds and Feeding. than six feet. A gravelly or sandy subsoil affords the most favor- able conditions for downward root growth, though they are not absolutely essential. Although under favorable circumstances a fair crop of hay may be secured the first season, alfalfa requires two or three yeara to become well established. Headden reports from actual count on small areas that the num- ber of alfalfa plants per acre varied from 70,000 on a field in poor condition to 653,000 on one seeded six months before, and 526,000 on a field ten years established, the latter yielding four tons of hay per acre. 307. Alfalfa for pasture. — This plant is extensively used for pasture in the West, especially in the Salt Eiver Valley, Arizona, where large numbers of cattle and swine are successfully grazed upon it. The hoofs of farm animals work injury to the ciowas of the plant, and this shortens the life of the alfalfa field given over to pasturage. Sheep crop the tender sprouts too closely. Where possible it is better to use the mower and carry the forage to the animals. With cattle and sheep feeding on green alfalfa, there is always danger from bloat, against which precautions must be taken. (291) At the Kansas Agricultural College, ^ Shelton, pasturing piga on half an acre of alfalfa during the summer, fed 1,760 pounds of corn additional, and secured a gain of 717 pounds. Allowing 329 pounds as the probable product from the corn, there remains to the credit of the half acre of alfalfa 388 pounds of gain. (875) 308. Alfalfa hay. — In making hay from this plant the greatest care should be exercised in saving the leaves and finer parts, so easily wasted. The green plants cut with the mower should be gathered when partly dry with the hay rake into windrows suf- ficiently loose to dry still more, but compact enough to hold the leaves and finer parts. Hay making from alfalfa cannot be taught by books, but the figures presented by the Colorado Station show- ing the possible losses in hay making should incite the farmer and stockman to a careful study of the principles underlying success- ful practice in handling the crop. There is no more palatable roughage for farm animals than good alfalfa hay. This hay is best » Rep. Prof, of Agr., 1884. Leguminmis Plants for Green Forage and Hay. 209 suited for dairy cows, fatteuing sheep and fattening cattle, though it is used to a limited extent for horse feeding. The large amount of protein contained in the plant, either green or cui-ed, makes it possible for the feeder to properly maintain his animals upon alfalfa with but a limited allowance of gi-ain or other feeding stuff. (822) 309. Cowpea. — This plant is used in the South more largely for renovating the soU than for forage, yet it has considerable value for the latter purpose. The following yields per acre are reported from the Georgia Station^ by Eeddiug: 13,020 pounds of green matter, 2,618 pounds of dry matter, and 840 pounds of At the South Carolina Station, ^ McBryde reports a yield of 3.6 tons of cowpea hay per acre. Analyses showed that this forage contained more than twice the digestible nutrients harvested in an acre of oats yielding 40 bushels, and more than 40 j)er cent, more than an acre of corn yielding 30 biishels. The Southern farmer has large use for this plant by sowing late after oats or wheat, or in the com field as a catch crop. The cow- pea vine may be mixed with corn forage for making silage. Vir- ginia and Kansas mark the northern limit of profitable culture for the cowpea in general, though early varieties may be grown with advantage in southern Illinois, and even further north where sewn on particularly warm and favorable soils. (230) 310. The soja (or soy) bean. — According to Georgeson, » the soja bean has been grov/n for six years with success at the Kansas Sta- tion. A field of wheat stubble sown in July gave a crop which matured before frost. The stiff stems of this plant reach a height of from two to three feet, and the yield is better than the navy or field bean. If made into hay, as much as three tons per acre may be secured from a field of soja-bean plants. This plant is gain- ing friends at the South, but is too tender to be generally useful at the Forth in competition with red clover and alfalfa. (229) 3!l. The common fieJd-pea vine. — The common field-pea is grown in Canada and the Northern states for seed and human 1 Bui. 17. 2 Rept. 1889. » Prairie Fanner, Nov. 9, 1895. 14 210 Feeds and Feeding. food, and to some extent for forage. A combination of peaa and oats, if cut early, forms a forage of high nutritive quality much appreciated by farm stock, especially sheep and dairy cows. In the grain which this plant famishes and the hay which it is pos- sible to secure from it, the stockman located far north has a fair compensation for the absence of the corn crop. (228) 312. Hairy vetch. — This plant, from Eussia, is under trial with promise of success in some districts. Sown in the fiiil with rye, it finds support from the rye stems and furnishes much forage of fair quality. The seed may also be sown in the spring. The stems of the plant arc weak, and for this reason it is not usefiil when grown alone. Tracy ^ reports that in the South the vines of this vetch may reach a length of from ten to twelve feet, form- ing a dense mass of forage two feet in depth. He reports that stock of all kinds eat this plant greedily both in pasture and as hay. 313. Fertilizing constituents of legumes. — Now that it is defi- nitely ascertained that the legumes fix the free nitrogen of the air in root, stem and leaf, this group of agricultural plants should have a double interest with the farmer-stockman who looks to the welfare of both fields and stock. In nitrogen and potash the legumes lead the cereals, while the phosphoric acid is in fair quantity. The manure from legume hay is more valuable than that from the corn plant or straw from the cereals. » Farmers' BuL 18, U. 8. Dept Agr. CHAPTEE Xm. ItlSOELLAlTEOUS FEEDING STUFFS. I. Boots and Tubers. Digestible nutrients and fertilizing constituents. Name of feed. Dry matter in 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. Carbo- liy- drates. Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- ash. Potato Beet, common Beet, sugar Beet, mangel. Flat turnip Ruta-baga Carrot Parsnip Artichoke Lbs. 21.1 13.0 13.5 9.1 9.5 11.4 11.4 11.7 20.0 Lbs. 0.9 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.6 2.0 Lbs. 16.3 Lbs. 7.8 11.2 16.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Lbs. 3.2 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.5 1.8 2.6 Lbs. 1.2 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.9 2.0 1.4 Lbs. 4.6 4.4 4.8 3.8 3.9 4.9 5.1 4.4 4.7 314. Yield of root crops. — At the Ohio Station, ^ Thome and Hickman, as the result of trials covering twelve years, report that sugar beets gave an average yield of sixteen tons per acre on land which during the same time would yield sixty bushels of shelled corn per acre. They estimate that beets cost two dollars per ton to raise, harvest and place in the cellar. At the Ottawa (Canada) Station, 2 Eobertson reports mangels and carrots yield- ing 13.5 tons per acre, and costing for rent of land, cultivation } and storage of the crop two dollars and fifty cents per ton. Zavitz, of the Ontario Agricultural College, ^ reports the yields of the three best varieties each of potatoes and roots, under test for five to six years, to be as follows: Potatoes, 185 bushels per acre. Carrots, 28 tons per acre. Mangels, 24 tons per acre. Turnips (fall or flat), 23 tons per acre. Swedes ( ruta-bagas ), 20 tons per acre. Sugar beets, 17 tons per acre. 1 Rept. 9. * Rept. 1892. » Rept. 1896. 212 Feeds and Feeding. The yields are based on comparatively small areas, but the figures are valuable in expressing the comparative returns of the several crops. 315. Yield of digestible nutrients. — The digestible nutrients yielded by each crop are the true measure of their value to the farmer. These are presented in the following table: Estimated yield of digestible nutrients per acre in root crops groion at the Ontario Agricultural College. Crop. 185 bushels of potatoes 28 tons carrots 24 tons mangels 23 tons fall (flat) turnips 20 tons ruta-bagas (Swedes) 17 tons sugar beets , Dry matter. Lbs. 2,342 6,384 4,368 4,370 4,560 4,590 Pro- tein. Lbs. 100 448 528 460 400 374 Car- ^^. «'-"'• Lbs. 1,809 4,368 2,592 3,312 3,240 3,468 Ether Lbs. 112 48 92 80 34 The potato gives the poorest returns of any crop under trial measured by the total digestible matter. The mangel and turnip lead in protein, while the carrot and sugar beet stand first in carbohydrates. The relatively low amount of protein in the sugar beet with its high content of carbohydiates, mostly sugar, shows how successfully that plant has been bred for the single purpose of sugar production. 316. The potato. — Despite the poor showing for the potato it often happens that the farmer has large quantities of these tubers which would better be fed to his stock than forced on a profitless market. According to Fjord's experiments, four pounds of potatoes are worth one pound of grain for pig feeding. Trials by the writer showed that 445 pounds of potatoes, when cooked, were equal to 100 pounds of corn meal for pigs. (483-6, 866, 897) For pig feeding, potatoes should be cooked and mixed with meal; for sheep and cattle they are fed sliced, with good results. Care should be exercised in regidating the amount fed, heavy feeding of raw potatoes inducing scouring. (658) 317. The carrot. — This root is much relished by horses of all ages and conditions. (487) Being watery, it cannot be fed in MisceZUmeotu Feeding Stuffs. 213 quantity to hard-worked or driving horses. Carrots also serve well for other stock, especially dairy cows. (900) 318. The mangel.— Though the most watery of all roots, the mangel crop stands well in total dry matter because of the large yield. At the Cornell Station, i Eoberts found the yield of dry matter practically the same in mangels and sugar beets, with the labor of harvesting ILe sugar beets fully twice that of the mangels. Because the large roots sLa^id well out of the ground, the mangel is easily cultivated and harvested. It is mainly devoted to feed- ing cows, and is used to some extent for sheep feeding. When boiled and mixed with meal it is excellent for feeding swine and stock hogs. (549, 898) 319. Sugar beet. — Thi-ough careful selection this root has been marvelously developed for the single purpose of producing sugar. Because it sets deep in the ground the sugar beet is more expensive to harvest than other roots. If fed in large quantity this root induces scouring, possibly because, of its high sugar content Because of these facts, Eoberts' conclusion, that it ia better to grow mangels instead, should generally be followed. Farmers patronizing sugar factories having waste beets should utilize them. (766, 899) 320. Ruta-baga (Swede turnip). — This root is next to the mangel for ease of cullivntion and harvesting. Sheep prefer the ruta- baga to all other roots. Lilce other turnips the rutabaga may taint the milk of cows, and for this reason should be fed in only limited quantity immediately after milking. This root is a favor- ite with the stockmen of Canada. (489, 90S) 321. Flat turnip. — This root yields less nutriment than the ruta- baga, and is not as satisfactory for general use in stock feeding. Sown as a catch crop, large yields are often secured at small cost. This root is used mainly for feeding sheep, as it affects nulk still more unfa\'orably than the ruta-baga. 322. Parsnip. — The parsnip is a favorite root crop with the dairy farmers on the islands of Jersey and Guernsey. Since it contains more nutriment, especially carbohydrates, than most roots, and is easily grown, its use should become more commom ' Bui. 25. 214 Feeds omd Feeding. 323. Artichoke. — At the Massachusetts Station,* Goessmann reports artichokes planted ^ray 4 yielding a crop in November at the rate of 8.2 tons per acre. At the Arkansas Station ^ the yield was from 454 to 612 bushels per acre. Schweitzer, of the Missouri Station, ^ found artichokes of equal value with potatoes for pig feeding. (488, 868) The artichoke crop is harvested by allowing pigs to root out and consume the tubers. 324. Storing roots. — Eoots should be stored dry in well- venti- lated cellars or pits where the temperature is just above freezing. Many stockmen hold that roots are not suitable for feeding until several weeks after harvesting and storage, during which time they undergo a process of ripening which fits them for animal use. 325. Feeding roots. — In Great Britain roots take the place of much of the grain and coarse forage which would otherwise be required by stock. In such cases sheep are fed as much as 20 and cattle 100 pounds daily. In this country, where they are more often used for variety than nourishment, the animal is given a smaller allowance. For horses four or five pounds of carrots, for dairy cows twenty to thirty pounds of mangels, and for sheep four or five pounds of rutabagas, are a fair daily allow- ance of roots, and one that will greatly conduce to the healthful- ness of flock and herd. Carrots may be fed to horses without slicing. Eoots of all kinds should be sliced for sheep, and either sliced or pulped for cattle. This crop is not generally used for swine feeding in this country, but small quantities may be fed to animals of all ages with advantage. (657, 765, 867) 326. Roots modify the animal carcass. — At the Utah Station, < Sanborn fed roots to steers, sheep and swine, and on determining the water and fat of the carcasses wrote: '' (1) The live- weight gain for cattle and sheep was greater, and for hogs less, when fed on roots. (2) The dressed weight of cattle, sheep and hogs showed in every case greater shrinkage for those fed on roots. (3) The root-fed animals contained more blood and necessarily »Rep1 «Bul. .10. 31. •Bui. 29. *Bul. 17. Miscellaneous Feeding Stuffs. 215 more water in the blood. (4) The root-fed steers had heavier vital organs. (5) The fat was always less for the root-fed ani- mals, and affords a. some what decisive test of their relative value." Thus we learn that roots cause a more watery carcass than do dry feeds. For breeding stock especially, and even for animals in the early stages of fattening, may not this point be one of value * instead of detriment ? The shote running on clover pasture like- •vise has a watery carcass because of the succulent feed eaten, yet it lays on fat at small cost for food consumed. Grass-fed steers are in the best condition, because of such feed, to make rapid gains when changed to more solid food. A steer fed roots duiing the first part of the fattening period should remain more vigorous and make better gains for food consumed than one held on dry feed from start to finish. There is no doubt that for breeding stock the less tense flesh, a natural sequence of root feeding, is more conducive to vigoious young at birth, and to their hearty mainte- nance after birth, than dry feed continued without intermission throughout our long winters. The dairy cow takes kindly to suc- culent food, and cannot get it in better form than in that furnished by roots. If silage is not used, then let roots be fed, in a limited way at least, to our farm stock. When with dry feed we can produce beef cattle and mutton sheep equal to those of Great Britain, and daiiy cows generally as good as those of Jersey, then and not until then can we say there is no place for roots or some other succulent feed on American farms. 327. Root crops not generally grown. — Despite the advice of agricultural writers urging the use of roots, and the example of the English and Canadian feeders, who rely so largely on this crop, roots are no more generally grown in the United States than they were fifty years ago. The cause for this lack of interest is explained by Storer in the following : * " Corn is remarkable, not only for its easy cultivation, but for its enormous yield both of food and of fodder. It is at once a grain crop and a forage crop; or, even more emphatically, a bread crop and a fallow crop. Practically it has hitherto in good part, if not entirely, done away with the need of cultivating roots for cattle food in this country, > Agriculture, Vol. II, p. 313. 216 Feeds and Feeding. and it has enormously curtailed the growing of legaminous forage crops also. It is a highly interesting and still debatable question aa to how and when and where (if anywhere) systems of farm- ing based on the supplemeaa,ting of Indian corn with roots may best be practiced. ' ' While the corn plant is bo truly the superior of the root crop, stockmen should watch, lest failing to make the proper use of the one they neglect the other. Farmers as a rule should have some succulent food for their stock during the long winter; if it is not in the form of silage, then let it be roots. II. Miscellaneous Forage Plants, Fruits, etc. * Digestible nutrieTtts and fertilizing constituents. Name of feed. Dry Digestible nutrienU in 100 pounds. Fertilizlnr constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. matter ill IW pounds. Pro- Carb'^ lein. ,;°y-^ Ether Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- sub. Lbs. 15.3 20.0 12.0 9 1 Lbs. 1.8 1.5 1.7 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.5 2.1 Lbs. 8.2 9.8 4.6 5.8 8.3 4.6 8.1 34.4 Lbs. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.2 1.7 Lbs. 3.8 3.8 4.1 Lbs. 1.1 2.5 1.5 Lb8. 4.3 5.9 6.2 19.2 11.6 14.0 44.7 4^2 4.5 1.6 1.1 1.5 0.9 7.5 3.6 Cabbage Spurry Sugar-beet leaves ., Pumpkin, field Pumpkin, garden. Prickly comfrey... Rape Acorns, fresh 328. Cabbage. — This plant is grown to sf>me extent in Europe for stock-feeding. On rich ground, yields fully equal or greater than those from roots may be obtained. Ko food is more highly lelished by sheep or dairy cows, though for the latter cabbage must be fed with caution because it im^Darts a taint to the milk. Where soiling is practiced, cabbage may be found a profitable crop, though the labor required in the cultivation and the difS- culties of storage will probably turn the feeder to the corn plant in its stead. 329. Spurry. — This plant, grown to a small extent in Europe, may possibly prove of value in America on soils too light and sandy for red clover. Kedzie, of the Michigan Station, "-' reports 1 For description of numerous varieties of forage plants see Fodder and Forage Pliints, Bui. 2, Division of Agrostology, U. S. Dijpt. Agr. ■' Uul. lul. Miscellaneous Feeding Stuff's, 217 quite favorably on this plant for light, sandy laud. Stockmen who can grow crops of red clover and corn have no use for spurry. 330. Sugar-beet leaves. — In the vicinity of beet-sugar factories leaves from the beet are available in large quantities. Because of oxalic acid in the leaves, they can be fed to stock only in limited quantity without injurious effects. In Europe beet leaves are preserved by building them up in layers, and sprinkling lime over each layer for the purpose of neutralizing the oxalic acid. The heaps thus made are covered with earth and held until required for feeding. 331. PtTinpkin. — Grown as a main crop or even as a secondary one in the corn field, the pumpkin vine often yields large returns at small cost for production. A tract of weU-prepared land devoted excliLsively to this vegetable will pay well under good management. For dairy cows the pumpkin is an excellent fall feed, none being more highly relished; for swine in the first stages of fattening they are useful either fresh or cooked with meal. There is a tradition among farmers that pumpkin seeds increase the excretion from the kidneys and should be removed before feed- ing. In the dispensatory the pumpkin seed is given as a vermi- fuge, with no reference to any other property. Since the seeds contain nutriment they should not be wasted. 332. Pi-ic'kly comfrey. — From time to time we find this plant highly praised in the agricultural press for its forage properties. At the Wisconsin Station ^ a comfrey plat was found to require about the same cultivation as the same area planted to potatoes. WoU, comparing the retui-ns from this plat, when well established^ with an adjacent area of red clover seeded the year before, found that the red clover in three cuttings yielded twenty-three per cent, more dry matter and twenty-five per cent, more protein than did the comfrey. Cattle generally will not eat this plant when first ofiered to them, but soon overcome the objection. Gen- erally the stockman would better give his attention to red clover, alfalfa or corn than attempt to use comfrey. 333. Cactus. — In times of scai'city several species of cactus in western Texas are used for maintaining cattle and sheep. The ' Kept. 1889. 218 Feedts and Feeding. prickles of the leaves are scorched off by fii-e before feeding. Carothers ' repoi-ts: ''During the severe droti,;::ht of last -winter and the previous one many thousands of cattle were fed upon the scorched pear cactus leaves, but it was the universal experience that it was necessary to give some species of roughage with it; that if fed alone it would not be assimilated and would cause scouring or diarrhoea." The feed is sometimes prepared by steaming the chojjped leaves mixed with cotton seed, and this compound is reported as very satisfactory, 2 334. Forage rape. — Though as yet grown in but a limited way the rape plant is rapidly gaining in favor in this country, mainly through the instrumentality of our Experiment Stations, which have brought it prominently to the attention of stockmen. The Dwarf Essex is the variety commonly sown. In a lew instances bird-seed rape has been sown, resulting in a product of no feeding value. Eape may be sown at any time from early spring until August in the Northern states, the seed being scattered at the rate of three or four pounds per acre broadcast, or two or three pounds per acre in drills thirty inches apart. Only in the latter form is any cultivation required. The crop is harvested by turn- ing stock directly into the rape field to consume the abundant nutritious leaves and stems, which iire the parts eaten. It cannot be utilized to advantage as a dry forage, nor as silage owing to its large water content. Zavitz^ reports a yield of twenty-se\'en tons per acre from two pounds of seed sown in drills twentiy-seven inches apart, the crop being cultivated every ten days. At the Wisconsin Station, * Craig seemed a yield of nine and three- quarters tons of rape at a single cutting from a half acre of land, while a small plat yielded at the rate of thirty-six tons per acre , from two cuttings. 335. Uses of rape. — For cattle, rape is highly prized by some feeders for furnishing a succulent feed during the fall months and preparing them for winter. It has also been fed to dairy cows, but must be used with caution lest it taint the milk. Trials at Agr. .Soi., Vol. I, 1887, No. 11. See Bui. 3, Bot. Div. U. S. Dep. Agr. l{t'i)t. 19, Ont. Ai,r. Col. " Kept. 11. Miscellaneous Feeding Stuffs. 219 the Wisconsin Station ^ by Craig show that rape has a very con- siderable value for feeding swine, especially during the earlier stages of fattening. This feed is much relished by pigs. Being succulent it distends the digestive tract and prepares it for the heavier grain feeding which follows. It is on sheep farms that rape will find its largest use. It can be fed to all classes of sheep with advantage, and since the animals harvest the crop the cost of feeding it is insignificant compared with the returns. Yv^ithin eight weeks after seeding the plants are large enough for use, and they are then fed off by turning the sheep directly into the field to gather the forage at will. Craig, of the Wisconsin Station, 2 makes the following recommendations: "The attempt should never be made to feed lambs rape without giving them a couple of hours grazing on pasture before turning them into the rape. This is necessary for the safety of the lambs, as they are otherwise very liable to bloat, and the combined feed- ing of pasture and rape results in greater gains. ' ' The rape crop, which will probably grow anywhere in the United States at some season of the year, is recommended to farmers and stockmen as well worthy of trial, since it is produced at small expense for seed and culture and yields an immense amount of nutritious forage, the flavor and succulence of which are highly appreciated by cattle, especially sheep and swine. (656, 767-769, 879) 336. Acorn. — In some of the forests of Europe this crop has considerable value for swine feeding, and is usod to a limited extent in this country. The influence of acoms on the flesh of swine is uncertain, some asserting that the pork from acorn- fed swine is satisfactory, while others affirm that it is soft and un- desirable. 337. Leaves and twigs. — The small branches and leaves of trees are fed regularly to farm animals in the mountain regions of Europe where herbage is scarce, and in case of failure of pastures or the hay crop they have been extensively used elsewhere. Twigs contain about fifty per cent, digestible components, mostly non-nitrogenous substances. They contain from forty to fifty per * Bui. 68. * Loc. cit. 220 Feeds and Feeding. cent- dry matter, and generally less than two per cent, of protein. Leaves are somewhat more digestible than twigs, and the better kinds compare favorably, in feeding value, to meadow hay. Leaves of the ash, birch, linden and elder are considered of greatest value, in the order given. They are eaten with relish, especially by goats and sheep, and are often harvested in the fall and dried for winter feeding. nx Slaughter -liouse and Beet-sugar Factory Refuse. Digestible nutrients and. fertilizing constituents. Name of feed. Dry matter iulOO pounds. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds. Pro- tein. Carbo- hy- drates. Fertilizin;; constitu- ents in 1,000 pounds. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. PoV asli. Dried blood. ... Meat scrap Dried flsh Beet pulp Beet mohisses. Lbs. 91.5 89.3 89.2 10.2 79.2 Lbs. 52.3 66.2 44.1 0.6 9.1 Lbs. .0 .3 .0 7.3 59.5 Lbs. 2.5 13.7 10.3 .0 Lbs. 135.0 113.9 77.5 1.4 14.6 Lbs. 13.5 7.0 120.0 0.2 0.5 Lbs. 7.7 1.0 2.0 0.4 56.3 338. Dried blood. — Dried blood from the slaughter-house is used for the most part by farmers and gardeners for fertilizing purposes. Such use seems a perversion, for it should first be employed as a feeding stuff and the voidings of the animals to which it has been fed applied to field and garden, thus socui-ing two values. Dried blood may serve a useful purpose with the stockman, especially the pig feeder. We have learned that corn lacks protein; dried blood is a complementary food, since it is remarkably rich in protein. Pigs at weaning time will relish a tablespoonful of dried blood daily with their feed, and this allow- ance may be gradually increased untU two ounces are fed daily to each animal. Those feeding pigs, especially if handling breeding stock, should not allow the gardeners to have first claim to such a useful adjunct to the short list of really desirable feeding ma- terials usually available. See Chapter VI. (778, 902) 339. Flesh meal, meat scrap. — The introduction of meat scrap or flesh meal as a feed for stock is due to the efforts of Baron Liebig, at whose instance the first factory for making meat extract Miscellaneous Feeding Stuffs. 221 vas founded in Uraguay, and who suggested the utilization of the refase meat for stock feeding. Large quantities of flesh meal or meat scrap are now shiiJi^ed from South America to Europe for use as feed and fertilizers. As shown by the table, this product is remarkably rich in protein, which gives it a high value in con- nection with corn for feeding stock, especially pigs. According to Wolff, ^ flesh meal has been found satisfactory as a food for ruminants as well as for swine. When fed to cows and oxen, only a limited quantity should at first be given, the amount being increased until two or three pounds are fed daily. Lambs and sheep digest flesh meal as completely as do pigs, and thrive on this feed. Judging from the results obtained with flesh meal, there is no reason why the better grades of meat scrap produced at our slaughter-houses should not be used for feeding stock, especially pigs. La Querriere, * discussing meat scrap, concludes that it is excellent for horses when boiled and mixed with hay and straw. The practice of feeding meat to horses is by no means new. The Arabs prepared camels' flesh with other feed in the form of cakes which were given to their horses, thus providing a concentrated, nutritious food. Scheurer 3 has shown that meat scrap mixed with ground grain and baked into a bread can be kept for at least seven years with- out suffering deterioration. A division of English army horses fed American dried meat made into a biscuit with oats showed d^icided superiority over horses fed in the ordinary way. Such meat biscuits have been recommended for feeding race-horses. (778, 874) 340. Dried fish, fish scrap. — Two feeds made from fish have been placed on the market, viz., fish scrap, which is the dried and ground refuse in the manufacture of dried codfish, and her- ring cakes or fish meal, which are the whole fish, dried and ground. Both fish scrap and fish cake are used as cattle feeds in the coast regions of Europe. (551) The effects of fish cakes on milk and butter have been studied by Nilson, * Winberg ^ and 1 Fai-m Foods, Eng. Ed., p. 204. * Milchzeitung, 1881, p. 753. »Loc. cit. ♦Kgl. Landtbr.-Akad. HandL, 1889, 257. » Tidskrift f. Landtmaen, 1891, 522. 222 Feeds and Feeding. Speir, ' wlio report no bad influence on the milk when reasonable quantities are fed. In Nilson's experiments, eighty pails of her- ring cake replaced one hundred parts of linseed cake in the ration of dairy cows. * (661) With dried fish used so largely for fertilizing purposes, the stockman will readily understand the high value of manui-e or- iginating from this feed. 341. Sugar-beet pulp. — With the development of the beet-sugar industry in this country there will arise much inquiry as to the value of the refuse from the factory for stock feeding. Beet pulp contains about ninety per cent, water and ten per cent, solids. The solid matter is composed in part of the cell walls of the beet root, and for this reason contains considerable crude fiber. This fact, and its watery character, indicate that the best use of beet pulp is to serve as a feed for cattle and sheep. Bran and clover or alfalfa hay are complementary feeding stuffs for balancing the ration. According to Myrick, ^ a system of feeding cattle in sheds and pens is in operation at the Lehi (Utah) beet sugar factory, where 2,000 head of cattle are fattened each season. Here each animal consumes from 100 to 125 pounds of pulp daily in addition to 15 pounds of hay. ''These cattle command a very good market, the meat being very juicy and tender." Feeding tests were conducted by practical farmers under direc- tion of the Halle (Germany) Station,* in which a uniform quan- tity of grain and hay was fed to cows and steers throughout the trial, with beet pulp supplied in different amounts, for the several periods. As a summary of some of these trials we have the fol- lowing: 1 Trans. Highl. & Agr. Soc, 1888, pp. 112-128. * Concerning the feecling of salt herrings to milch cows, see Rept. Conn. Expt. Sta., 1890, p. 180. 3 Sugar: a New and Profitable Industry. * Expt. 8ta. Rec, Vol. 3. Miscellaneous Feeding Stuffs. 223 Yield of milk from dairy coics and gain of steers fed varying qtianti- ti£S of beet pulp — Salle ( Germany) Station. Cows. Period I and V. Period II and IV. Period III. Beet pulp fed 44 pounds. 29. 4 pounds. 66 pounds. 30.7 pounds. 88 pounds. 31.1 pounds. Milk yield Steers. Beet pulp fed 66 pounds. 3.3 pounds. 88 pounds. 3.5 pounds. 110 pounds. 2.8 pounds. Daily eain With cows, eighty-eight pounds of pulp caused the largest flow of mill:, while with steers the medium quantity supplied, eighty - eight pounds, gave the best returns, a larger amount materially reducing the gain. 342. Silage from beet pulp. — Beet pulp makes a very fair quality of silage, and because of the large quantity turned out by the factory in a comparatively short time, much of the pulp should be preserved in the silo in order that the period of its use- fulness may be materially extended. The simplest form of pres- ervation is effected by excavating trenches three or four feet in depth, and wide enough to drive a team and wagon through. Loads of beet pulp are deposited in this, and when the mass is several feet above the surface of the ground it is arranged with sloping sides which are covered with straw, and on this earth is placed to keep out air and frost. For storing pulp the silo, con- structed in the same manner as for the preservation of green corn, will in the end be found more economical. Beet silage is relished by cattle, and serves well for feeding them, both for flesh and milk. It has about half the value of corn silage. 343. Importance of utilizing beet pulp. — Farmers growing beets for the sugar factory should not be content with this operation, but should add to their system that of feeding a large amount of pulp — at least as much as results from the beets grown by them. By feeding stock beet pulp and the other waste of the crop, large quantities of manure will be made which will assist in keep- 224 Feeds and Feedbig. ing the farm in bigh fertility, assuring large crops from the beet fields and ample forage from other lands, used in rotation, for the maintenance of live stock. A farming community which -w^ill intelligently groTf beets and utilize the pulp resulting from them in the feeding of cattle will be able to grow as large crops, in addi- tion to the beets, as were produced before adding that industry, and to maintain many more cattle than was possible before beet farming was inaugurated. This stat<^*ment is warranted by the conditions prevailing in the beet d ist ricts of Europe. Beet culture means more cattle and larger crops genei'ally, rather than less, provided always that the pulp from the beets is properly utilized. 344. Molasses from the beet factory. — Beet molasses, the residue in the manufacture of sugar, is a bitter substance having purging properties. In Europe much of this material has heretofore been wasted, but through continued study by the investigators more and more of it is being utilized. It has been found that a stock food can be prepared by combining beet molasses and dried peat from bogs. The acid in the peat is said to neutralize the alkali of the molasses. In Sweden, Insulander^ fed as much as 3.3 pounds of molasses daily to dairy cows by diluting with twice its weight of water and pouring it over the feed. "Work-horses were fed 2.2 pounds daily, and pigs were successfully fed molasses with skim milk. Clausen and Friderichsen^ have shown that beet molasses con- taining fifty per cent, of sugar, when mixed with fresh blood, may stand exposed to the air for a long time without putrefaction. By adding this mixture of molasses and blood to corn meal or other cereal products and drying, a very nutritious compound is obtained which is palatable with all kinds of farm stock. 345. Quantities of moSasses to be fed. — According to Hollrung' the following quantities of beet molasses may be fed with good results to farm animals, daily, per thousand pounds live weight: Draft oxen, 4.4 pounds; fattening steers, 8.8 pounds; milch cows, 2.7 pounds; fattening sheep, .55 pounds, and ewes .3 pounds. lExpt Bta. Rec, Vol. 7. * A New Rational Method for the Utilization of Blood, Copenhagen, 1896. •Jahieeb. Agr.-Chem., 1895, p. 446. Miscellaneoui Feeding Stuffs. 225 Animals advanced in pregnancy shonld be allowed only half flie usual quantity. 346. Potash in beet molasses. — The higli potash content of beet molasses, together with a considerable quantity of nitrogen, Bhows that this by-product should not be wasted, but its ultimate fertilizing constituents saved to the farm. 347. Sorghum and cane-sugar molasses. — Unlike bitter beet molasses, that from the cane plant is palatable and liiuch relished by all farm animals. Cane molasses contains about fifty per cent, sugar and twelve per cent. gums. The nutrients it contains are about equal to those in corn, and, since starch and sugar have practically the same nutritive value, cane molasses has the same feeding value as an equal weight of corn. At the Texas Station, ^ Gulley fed molasses with cotton-seed hulls and cotton-seed meal to fattening steers with good results. When molasses ^\'as added to silage, the combination gave poorer returns than sUage alone. (552) Molasses is used to some extent for preparing animals for show or sale. Its good effect for this purpose is doubtless due to its palatability inducing large consumption of the feed substances with which it is mingled. Flesh put on through molasses feeding is not considered substantial, and this substance is said to be deleterious to breeding animals, leading to sterility, especially with males. 348. Sugar. — Lawes and Gilbert's investigations to determine the relative value of sugar and starch in foods are well summar- ized in the following: * ''In conclusion, the evidence of direct experiment clearly goes to show that all but identical amounts of the dry substance of cane sugar and of starch are both consumed by a given weight of animal within a given time, and are required to yield a given weight of increase. The practical identity in feeding-value, which from the known chemical relationship of these two substances has hitherto been assumed, is now therefore expeiimentally illiistrated, and it probably only varies in point of fact with their slightly varying percentages of carbon." 1 Bui. 10. » The Equiralency of Starch and Sugar in Food, Bothamsted Memoin, Voi. II. 16 226 Feeib and Feeding. m. Cow^s MUk and its By-producU. IHgestibie nutrients and fertilizing constitueniM. Dry matter In 100 pounds. Digestible mil rionta in 100 iKHiiids. Feriill/Jna; constitu- ent.s iu l.aX) pounds. Kind of milk. Pro- tein,* Carbo- dnUtst Ether ex- _tract.t Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- ash. Cow's milk Lbs. 12.8 25.4 9.6 9.4 9.9 6.6 Lbs. 3.6 17.6 3.1 2.9 3.9 0.8 Lbs. 4.9 2.7 4.7 5.2 4.0 4.7 Lbs. 3.7 3.6 0.8 0.3 1.1 0.3 Lbs. 5.3 28.2 5.6 5.6 4.8 1.5 Lbs. 1.9 6.6 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.4 Lbt. 1 "» CJow'b niilk, colostrum 1.1 1 <) Bkim milk, centrifugal .... Buttermilk 1.0 1 6 Whey 1 8 * Casein and albumen. fMllk sugar. JFat. 349. Concerning milk. — Milk is a substance designed by nature for the sole purpose of nourishing young animal life. For this reaaon it must always possess a peculiar interest to the student (rf animal nutrition. It seems reasonable to suppose, from its single purpose, that milk not only contains all the nutrients nec- essary to sustain the life of young animals but that these are arranged in proper proportion. 350. Fat and serum. — The milk of the cow may be divided into fat and milk serum. The percentage of fat in Hie milk of the same cow may vary greatly both in the entire milk produced at different periods and in different portions drawn at the same milking. The first milk drawn is poor in fat, while that last drawn is very rich, as is shown by the following table prepared by Babcock of the Wisconsin Station: ^ Percentage composition of first and last milJc from the cow and of ike serum — Wisconsin Station. Composition of milk. Composition of milk serum. Water. Solids. Fat. Water. Solids. Trial No. 1. First milk 88.17 80.82 88.73 80.37 11.83 19.18 11.27 19.63 1.32 9.63 1.07 10.36 89.35 89.43 89.69 89.66 10.65 10.57 Tried No. g. Firetmilk 10.31 10.34 Bui. 18, Miscellaneous Feeding Stuffs. 227 It will be seen that the last milk drawn was from seven to ten times as rich in fat as that first di'awn. On the other hand, the serum, which consists of the milk solids less the fat, is substan- tially constant in composition, 351. Milk fat. — In the manufacture of butter, the object of the dairyman is to secure all the fat possible from the milk with but a trace of the other constituents. By the use of the centrifugal sep- arator most of the fat is abstracted from the milk, the residue amounting to from one to three-tenths of one per cent. In grav- ity creaming, which was formerly the only process employed, about seven-tenths of one per cent, of fat is usually left in the skim milk. For this reason gravity skim milk is usually somewhat superior for feeding purposes to that skimmed by the centrifugal sejjarator. 352. The nitrogenous constituents. — As the table shows, aver- age milk contains 3.6 per cent, of nitrogenous substances, mainly casein and albumen, in the proportion of about five parts of casein to one of albumen. In the manufacture of cheese^ rennet is added to the milk for the purpose of coagulating the casein. The casein thus coagulated entraps the fat globules and carries most of them into the curd. The albumen, which does not coagulate, together with the milk sugar passes into the whey, as does some of the fat. The amount of fat present in whey varies greatly, according to the manner in which the curd is manipulated previous to drawing the whey. 353. Milk sugar. — Milk sugar in separate form is a white I)Owder of low sweetening power, and is much less soluble than cane sugar, which it closely resembles in chemical composition. When milk sours some of i lie sugar is changed to lactic acid, which has the effect of coagulating or curdling the casein. When about eight-tenths of one per cent, of acid has developed, fermentation coiises, so that sour milk i^uiy still contain much of the original milk sugar. Judging from its composition, milk sugar has about the sa}ae value for feeding as the same weight of starch. 354. Ash in milk. — In each hundred pounds of milk there are about seven -tiuths of a pound of mineral matter, consisting chiefly of phosphates and chluiid,s oi potash, soda and lime. 228 Feeds and Feeding. 355. Cofostrum. — The first milk yielded by the cow after calv- ing is yellow, thick and viscous, differing from natural milk in its high protein and ash content with low fat and milk sugar. The albumen of colostrum milk may reach 13.6 per cent, while in normal milk it is about one-half of one per cent. This first milk is exceedingly important to the young animal at birth, and should never be withheld from it, for besides yielding nutriment it pos- sesses properties which serve to cleanse the alimenlary tract and properly start the work of digestion. (527) 356. Whole milk. — Whole milk is too valuable, in most in- stances, to be used as a feed for farm animals, though the stock- man should never hesitate to supply it when required by very young or valuable animals. Young stock being prepared for exhibition can be forced ahead rapidly by the judicious use of unskimmed milk, and the knowing ones connected with our live- stock exhibitions could tell, if they would, some interesting stories concerning the feeding of milk to animals whose weights, if not their ages, \s'onld indicate that they should long before have been weaned. (500, 516, 659, 736) 357. Skim milk. — Because of the protein and ash it carries, skim mUk is of high value in building up the muscular and bony framework of young animals. According to Pott, * the horses of the Cooperative Dairy Association of Hamburg are fed large quantities of skim milk and buttermilk with satisfactory results. In eastern Prussia suckling foals are fed buttermilk and sour skim milk. Where skim milk is fed care should be exercised in its admin- istration. The vessels which hold the milk and those from which it is fed should be kept clean and wholesome. Milk should always be fed to very young animals at blood temperature, lest on entering the stomach at a lower temperature than maintained by that organ it arrest the progress of digestion. With very young animals skim milk should be fed not less than three times daily. (518-20, 659, 869-7!, SSS-8, 890) 358. Buttermilk. — This by-product has substantially the same composition as skim milk. Tests at the Massachusetts Station* ' Futtermittel, p. 645. * Bula. 13, 18. Miscellaneous Feeding Stuffs. 229 show that buttermilk has about the same feeding value as skim milk with pigs. In the hands of skilled feeders buttermilk may also be used in calf rearing, though many have failed in this un- dertaking. Except for very young animals buttermilk may be used successfully wherever skim milk is employed as a feed. Creameries often dilute buttermilk with water, thereby reducing its value. (872) 359. Whey. — Whey is an exceedingly thin food, and is so liable to misuse that many prefer to waste it rather than incur the risk attendant upon its use. Whey may be fed to pigs with profit, but it must be kept in clean vessels and fed in a cleanly manner. At the Ontario Agricultural College, * Day secured as good results with whey somewhat soured as with sweet whey. The feeder should not conclude from this that sour whey held in filthy tanks and vessels is a suitable feed for farm stock. (523, 528, 660, 873, 887, 889, 890) 360. Fertilizing value. — The dairyman who sells butter and feeds the skim milk and buttermilk to farm animals parts with but an insignificant amount of fertility. When cheese is made, if the whey is returned to the farm, a considerable portion of the min- eral matter of the milk is conserved, but most of the nitrogen is lost. K whole milk is sold, the drain of fertilizing matter is con- siderable. These differences should always be borne in mind in conducting the various branches of dairy farming. V. Condimenktl Foods. 361. Findings of investigators. — Proprietary articles styled ''Prepared Food," ''Seed Meal," etc., costing fi-om three to ten cents per pound, are common, and judging from the advertising space given them in newspapers a large amount of money must be received from their sale each year. It is generally claimed for these feeds that they possess great nutritive properties and medicinal (qualities combined. In England Thorley's Food is a standard article of this class, having been largely advertised for many years. Lawes and Gil- bert tested its effectiveness with sheep, and conclude:' "The 1 Kept. 1896. * Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. II. 230 Feedi and Feeding. last column .... shows that in both of the comparatire experimenta more food iras consnmed to produce a given amount of increase with Thorley's Food than without." 362. Nutriotone. — This condiment has been extensively adrer- tised in the East as a food- medicine for farm animals, with the following directions for dairy cows: ''Give two large tablespoon- fnls with each feed. This will produce a great increase of much richer milk," 2^^utriotone was tested by the Vermont* and Maine Stations. * No advantages followed its use at the Vermont Station. The following summarizes the findings at the Maine Station: Milk. Fat Lbs. Lbs. Average for twenty-one days without nutriotone. 2,281 101 Average for twenty-one days with nutriotone 2,264 101 It will be seen that this condiment was practically without effect 363. CondimenJrsl foods not recortimended. — The basis of the better class of condimental foods is Uax-seed meal, oil meal or the by-products from oleaginous seeds, locust-bean meaJ, etc. They are spiced with anise, cumin and other aromatic seeds. Fenugreek, slippery-elm bark, charcoal, common salt, saltpeter, copperas, e'c, are added according to the notions of the com- pounder. Turmeric is sometimes used to give a yellow color. As to these nostrums it may be said that vigorous, healthy animals do not make better use of their feed because of their addition. If animals are out of condition they yuoiild receive specific treatment according to their ailments. A good manager of live stock will have no use for these high-priced condimental foods or condition powders; a poor manager will never havo fine stock by employing therau » Rept 1894. » Rept 1896. CHAPTBE XIY. BOrLDTa CATTLE — PEBPAEATION OJ' FEEDTNG STUFFS. I. Soiling. 364. Advantages ef soiling. — By ''soiling" is meant supplying forage fresh from the fields to farm stock more or less confined. The first American writer tx) bring this subject to the attention of our people \ras Josiah Quincy, whose admirable essays, first printed in the Massachusetts Agricultural Journal in 1820, were later gathered into a little book entitled ''The Soiling of Cattle," now out of print. Quincy points out six distinct advantages from soiling: First, the saving of land; second, the saving of fencing; third, the econo- mizing of food; fourth, the better condition and gieater comfort of the cattle; fifth, the greater product of milk; sixth, the attain- ment of manui'e. According to this author there are six ways in which farm animals destroy the articles destined for their food. First, by eating; second, by walking; thii"d, by duDging; fourth, by staling; fifth, by lying down; sixth, by breathing on it. Of these six, the first only is useful; all the others are wasteful. Quincy reports his own experience ^here twenty cows, kept in stalls, were fed green food supplied six times a day. They were allowed exercise in an open yard. These twenty cows sub- sisted on the green crops from sevcjiteen acres of land where fifty acres had previously been required. 365. Station findings. — At the Wisconsin Station, ^ the writer kept three cows for the summer on an excellent blue-grass pasture. During the sanie period three other cows were maintained in stable and yard by soiling. The cows in the pasture consumed » Kept. 1.8So. 232 Fe(?ds and Feeding. the grass from 3.7 acres; the soiled cows ate the forage from 1.6 acres. The yield of forage was as follows: Pounds. Green clover, three cuttings 18,792 Green fodder corn 23,658 Green oats 2,385 Waste from the above 1,655 Total green forage eaton, from 1.5 acres 43,180 The products obtained were as follows: Pasture and soiling crops compared — Wisconsin Station. From 3.7 acres past- ure. From one acre past- ure. From 1.5 acres soil- ing crops. From one acre soil- ing crops. Milk Lbs. 6,583 303 Lbs. 1,780 82 Lbs. 7,173 294 Lbs, 4,782 Butter 196 This shows that in "Wisv onsin one acre of soiling crop equals about two and one-half acres of good blue-grass pasture for feed- ing dairy cows. At the Pennsylvania Station, ^ during a test of soiling versus pasture, Armsby secured the following results in digestible organic matter and albuminoids: Digestible Digestible organic matter, albuminoids. Pounds. Pounds. Yield of one acre of pasture 1,125 249 Yield of one acre of rye and com 5,776 328 Yield of one acre of clover and com 5,914 374 At the Connecticut (Storrs) Station, * Phelps maintained four cows from June 1 to November 1 on soiling crops produced on two and one-half acres of land. At the Iowa Station, » Wilson maintained three cows in a dark- ened stable on soiling crops during the summer, while three others were given the range of ''one of the best blue-grass pastures in the stat«, well shaded with occasional trees and in places by dense woods, with water accessible. ' ' The trial began June 20, and continued until August 8, when the cows confined ' Rcpt. 1.S89. » Bui. 9. » Bui. 15. SoUing. 233 in the stable were turned to pasture and those which had been in pasture were soiled in the stable. The second part of the trial continued until September 26. The yield of milk and butter for the whole period was as follows: MOk, Fat, pounds. pounds. From three cows kept in stable 7,216 254 From three cows in pasture 7,287 259 The cattle kept indoors gained more in weight than those on pasture. 366. Soiling crops. — "Where cattle are maintained by soiling, provision should be made for a succession of green crops for con- tinuous feeding. In the table below, Lindsey^ gives the crops required for the complete soiling of ten cows: Crops, and areas for fame, for soiling ten cows during the entire summer — Massachusetts (Hatch) Station. Crop. Seed per acre. Tune of seeding. Area. Time of cutting. Rye 2bu Sept. 10-15 Sept. 10-15 Julyl5-Aug.l Sept ^acre ^ acre ^acre f acre } acre J aero i acre J acre J acre |acre |acre lacre I acre I acre lacre May 20-May 30 June 1— June 15 Wheat . 2bu 20 lbs r J bu. red top... ~| i j bu. timothy. }■ ( 10 lbs. r. clover J r3 bu. oats \ 1 50 lbs. vetch... / 50 lbs. vetch f 1^ bu. Canada \ \Ubu. oats / ( l| bu. Canada \ U^bu. oats / 1 peck June 15-Jun^ 30 Vetch and oats April 20 June 25-July 10 July 10-July 20 June 25-July 10 July 10-July 10 July 25-Aug. 10 Aug. 10-Aug. 20 Aug. 2a-Sept. 15 Aug. 25-Sept. 10 Sept. 10-Sept. 20 Sept. 20-Sept. 30 Oct. 1-Oct. 20 April 3u Peas and oats April 20.. .. Peas and oats... Barnyard millet Barnyard millet Soia bean April 30.- May 10. 1 peck May 25. . 18 quarts May 20. ... Corn May 20. . .. Com . May 30 a u n '''arian 1 bu July 15 Barley and peas ri^bu. peas \ llibu. barley.../ The above will prove a guide for many, though all may not be able to follow in detail all the directions given. 2 Sta. Bui. 39, Mass. (Hatch) Sta. For soiling crops recommended by Phelps, see Bui. Conn. (Storra) 234 Feeds and Feeding. 367. Labor involved. — Many who recognize the advantages of soiling are deioi-icd from practicing it, arguing that the large amount of labor required in supplying the green forage daily more than offsets the benefits derived. There is both mipconcep- tion and lack of knowledge on this point. Wilson* shows that if green forage is gathered twice a week, and spread not too thickly on the bai-n floor, it will keep in good condition until required for feeding. Most of the crops used can be cut with a mower and gathered by the hay rake or loaded directly by means of the hay header. Even if pitched by hand, a large quantity of material can be gathered in a very short time. A dairy cow or steer will require from sixty to one hundred pounds of green forage daily. 368. Partial soiling. — So revolutionary is the practice of com- plete soiling that few stockmen are ready to adopt it at oiice, even when conceding the merits of the system. Partial soiling is prac- ticable with all and should be followed on every well-managed stock farm. The usual midsummer shrinkage in the milk flow of dairy cows and of flesh with beef cattle can be prevented by hous- ing the stock in darkened stables, if flies are troublesome, during the heated portion of the day, and feeding them liberally with green forage. At night the cattle can be turned to pasture for exercise and grazing. Because of the extra allowance of proven- der supplied during the most trying time of the year, fattening steers will continue their gains, the young stock will not cease growing, and dairy cows will yield the normal flow of milk. Usually it will be found profitable to continue supplying extra feed during the fall, even though the pastures have in part recov- ered their ability to supply nutriment. Partial soiling rightly followed will be found a most profitable practice on many farms. By it more stock can be kept thnu on pastures only, and more even gains will be made during the season by all stock so fed. In asing soiling crops it should not be forgotten that growing, immature plants consist largely of water, and often cattle cannot consume enough of such forage to gain the nourishment they require. For this reason, where the crops are quite green, some ctry forage should be supplied in addition to the green. ' Dnl. 15, Fowa Pta. Preparation of Feeding Stuffs. 235 The use of silage will greatly extend the practice of soiling. A com crop stored in the fall may be partially fed out during winter and the remainder utilized as needed dui'ing the summer. Many dairymen are making use of the silo for summer feeding, with excellent results. Where lands are high priced, or where the stockman desires to keep a large number of cattle upon a limited acreage, soiling is the best possible means to that end. Cattle fed by soiling should always be allowed exercise in the open lot where they can enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. This can be provided by making use of a small pasture. II. Preparation of Feed for Live Stock. 369. Concerning cooked feed. — The early writers on agriculture fUHually recommended the cooking or steaming of all kinds of feed, lu 1812 Arthur Young i described a gruel for stock which he claimed to be exceedingly nutritious and economical. Morton, author of the Cyclopedia of Agriculture, recommended cooking or steaming feed. Later writers, however, have advanced the strongest arguments. Prof. Mapes wrote :* ''Eaw food is not in condition to be ap- proximated to the tissues of animal life. The experiment, often tried, has proved that eighteen or nineteen jjounds of cooked corn are equal to fifty pounds of ravr corn for hog feed." Joseph Sullivant, a member of the Ohio State Board of Agri- culture, wrote:^ ''I conclude that nine pounds of pork from a bushel of raw corn fed in the ear, twelve pounds from raw meal, thirteen and a half pounds from boiled corn, and sixteen and a half pounds from cooked meal, is no more than a moderate aver- age the feeder may expect to realize from a bushel of com under ordinary circumstances of weather, with dry and clean feeding pens. All this is within the amounts we have shown to be prob- able and attainable upon our chemical basis." Other authorities could be quoted, but these suffice to show that the teachers were generally in favor of cooking food for stock. ' A system of preparing: corn, etc., for the cheaper feeding of horses, etc. » Trans, Am. Inst., 1854, p. 373. ' !:.pi. Ohio Bd. Agr., 1S09. 236 Fecili and Feeding. So much for tlieory: — what are the resulta of experiment and experience t 370. Steaming roughage for cattle. — Fifty years ago there could be found in this country a number of establishments, more or less elaborate and expensive, designed for the purpose of steaming or boiling forage for cattle. The work was usually undertaken by men of means, and was sometimes carried out with much detail and often at considerable expense. It is signif- icant that none of these practices was long maintained. Experiments with feeding steamed hay to oxen, made at Pop- elsdorf, i showed very decisively that steaming rendered the com- ponents of hay less digestible; especially was this true of the protein. When the hay was fed dry, 46 per cent, of the protein was digested, while only 3 J per cent, was digested from the steamed hay. (664) We may summarize the results of cooking coarse forage for cattle by quoting the reply to an inquirer given many years ago by the editor of an agricultural journal:* ''The advantages are very slight and not worth the trouble of either building the fire, cutting the wood or erecting the apparatus, to say nothing of all these combined, with danger and insurance added." 371. Cooking feed for swine. — While the practice of steaming roughage for cattle has been universally abandoned wherever undertaken, much is still said concerning the advantages of cook- ing feed for swine. This subject has been carefully investigated at our Stations with practically concordant results, so that we are not without definite help on an important topic Elsewhere (836) is given a summary of numerous trials with cooked and uncooked feed for swine conducted at the Experiment Stations of this country with the surprising result of an average loss of 6 per cent in the value of the feed because of cooking. The reader will be interested in the opinions of the various ex- perimenters who conducted the feeding trials. Shelton, » concluding an account of a feeding trial wheic cooked » Hornberger, Landw. Jahrb. VIII, 933; see Armaby, Mauiud of Cat- tle Feeding, p. 2G6. » Country Gentleman, 1861, p. 112, « Kept. Prof. Agr., Kan. Agr. Col., 1885, Freparaiion of Feeding Stuffs. 237 corn proved inferior to uncooked, wrote: ''The figures given above need but little comment. They show as conclusively as figures can show anything that the cooked corn was less useful than the raw grain. . . . Such an entire unanimity of results can only be explained upon the theory that the cooking was an injurious process so far as its use for food for fattening animals is concerned." Brown, of the Ontario Agricultaral College, ^ conducted several trials with cooked and uncooked peas and corn and gives his con- clusions as follows: ^' I am not at present prepared to say defi- nitely what other kinds of food may do, raw or cooked, with pigs or other domestic animals, or how the other animals will thrive with peas or corn, raw or boHed, but I now assert, on the strongest possible grounds, .... that for fast and cheap production of pork raw peas are fifty per cent better than cooked peas or Indian corn in any shape." The trustees of the Maine College, ^ summing up the results obtained at that institution of nine years' continuous feeding of cooked and uncooked corn meal to pigs, wrote: ''The results have in eveiy case pointed to the superior value of uncooked meal for the production of pork. ' ' 'No one can review the accumulation of experimental data from our Stations, all substantially adverse to cooking feed for swine, without being convinced that the matter is practically settled so far as most feeding stuffs are concerned. A few feeds appear to require the modifying influence of heat and moisture to render them palatable and digestible with stock. Potatoes cannot be successfully fed to swine in any quantity unless they are first cooked, and roots are more palatable if cooked and meal is added to the mass. The writer has shown that pigeon-grass seed must be cooked to be satisfactorily con^imed by swine. This treat- ment is doubtless made necessary by the thick, woody seed-coats of this grain. Feeders should not confuse the effects of cooked feeds upon farm stock with the advantages of supplying them with warm feed in palatable form. To the assertion that stockmen who cook feed » Rept 1876. « Kept. Me. State CoL, 1878. 21S Feeds and Feeding. liave the finest animals, the writer ventures the opinion that one who is willing to cook feed will usually give his animals many attentions which feeders generally pass by as not worthy of their time or notice. It is this extra care and the larger variety of feeds usually supplied rather than the cooking which make ani- mals of superior quality. For the purpose of affoiding variety, the various grains, roots and tubers, together with clover or alfalfa chaff, may be boiled or steamed for pigs and used as a part . of the ration. The advantages of a limited quantity of such feed, when grain constitutes the remainder of the ration, are con- ceded. 372. Cooked feed for horses. — Supplying a limited quantity of cooked feed to horses is practiced to some extent in Europe and this country. Mad^Teilage ^ reports tliat the use of boiled feed for horses is growing less common in the west of Scotland. An excellent feed for horses is made by boiling barley and oats in a kettle with considerable water and pouring the mass over chaffed hay, allowing the whole to stand until the hay is well softened. Bran, roots and a small quantity of oil meal may be added to the pottage. Boiled feed is useful with colts, brood mares and stallions when fed two or three times a week. It may be fed once a day to draft horses which are in preparation for sale or exhibition. 373. Artificial digestion trials.— At the Kew York (Geneva) Station, 2 Ladd determined artificially the digestibility of the nitrogenous portion of several common feeding stuffs before and after cooking, with the results shown below: DigetAion trials wiih cooked and uncooled fcediiig staffs — New Toi'k (Geneva) Station. Per cent. nitro>renous sub- _ ,. , ^ stance digested. Feeding stuff. * Fresh com meal.. Old corn meal Clover liay Cotton-seed racal. 1 Trans. High, and Agr. Soc, 1S90. * T^ept. 1885. Preparation of Feeding Stuffs. 239 In every inaUiace more of the nitrogenous substance was digested from the uncooked than from the cooked food. These results are substantiated by the investigations of others. 374. The function of cooked food. — A limited allowance of steamed or cooked grain mingled with chaffed hay or roots is helpful to horses because of favorable action on the digestive tract. Growing pigs and breeding swine are often materially aided by a reasonable allowance of boiled or steamed clover or alfalfa chaff, roots or tubers to which meal has been added. Such food pos- sesses considerable volume — a desirable characteristic for feeds tlesigned for the class of stock mentioned. It is not conceded that feeds are generally rendered more digestible by the action of moist heat, but rather that their palatability has been increased and the physical character of the compounds thus prepared made such as to render them desirable for animals under cer- tain conditions. As a general proposition it may be stated that it does not pay to cook food for stock when such food will be satis- factorily consumed without cooking, for cooking does not increase the digestibility of feeding stuffs, but may lower it, and there is considerable expense involved in the operation. 375. Soakmg feed. — Corn often becomes hard and flinty a few months after husking, and causes sore mouths with fatterdng animals. So little of such feed is then eaten that gains may en- tirely cease or the animals even fall back in weight Grain which is difficult of mastication should either be ground or soaked to such degree of softness as will allow the animals to consume full rations without difficulty. Soaking can hardly increase the digesti- bility of feeds, though it may indirectly do so by permitting bet- ter mastication and thereby more complete action of the digestive fluids. (477, 537, 665, 758, 837) 376. Chaff, or cut hay and straw. — The practice of running hay and straw through the feed cutter, or chaffing it, is almost uni- versal in establishments where large numbers of horses are kept; it is not common on ordinary stock farms. Moore ^ some years since addressed letters to well-known agriculturists of England asking for information on this topic. He ascertained that 70 per » Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc., 1888. 210 Feeds and Feeding. cent, of those replying chaffed the hay and straw fed their stock, while 20 per cent, followed partial chaffing, and 10 per cent, were adverse to the practice. 377. Advantages of chaffing. — The advantages of chaffing (cut- ting) hay in establishments where large numbers of animals are fed are apparent upon a little reflection. In such places the hay if long occupies too much space, litters up the building, and the attendants are not readily able to supply each animal its proper allowance. Where hay is chaffijd, the addition of a small amount of water lays the dust, and the helper can rapidly and accurately measure the quantity ordered for each animal. These advantages do not hold with the same force on stock farms, where the feeder personally supervises the supply of provender to a comparatively limited number of animals. Again, when hay and straw are chaffed, then moistened, and meal added, the mixture is in condition to be rapidly masticated and swallowed, so that the nutrinscnt has a longer time to remain in the stomach for diges- tion than LS possible where long, dry hay is fed. This is an item of importance with hard- worked horses which are in the stable only at night. Horses not hard worked, fattening cattle, and farm stock generally, have ample time for mastication and diges- tion, and with these there is less necessity, or none, for chaffing hay and straw. 378. Cutting and shredding corn forage. — Corn forage, because of the coarseness of the stalks, is an unsatisfactoiy material to handle in the stable unless it has first been run through the cutter or shredder. Eeduced to fragments by cutting or shredding, this forage causes little trouble, and the waste, if any, is excellent for bedding. The value of cut or shredded corn stalks for feeding purposes will vary according to the character of th.e fodder used, the animals to which it is fed and the manner of feeding. At the Kansas Station, i Shelton experimented with stover cut in lengths varying from one-fourth inch to two inches, the trials extending through three seasons. Instead of most of the cut fodder being consumed by the cows, there m:is an average waste Kept. 1889. Preparation of Feedvig Stuffs. 241 of 31 per cent, of all the cut fodder. During one season's trial it Tras observed that the finer the fodder was cut the larger the pro- portion of waste. This investigator summarized his conclusions for Kansas conditions as follows: '^ I am abundantly satisfied from accurate experiments made to test the point, and from a large gen- eral experience, that the chief, almost only, value of cutting fodder is found in the fact that such chopped fodder can be placed in the manger and generally handled much more conveniently than the unchopped." 379. Results of shredding stover. — Quite contrary results were obtained by the writer in a series of trials at the Wisconsin Sta- tion, ^ in which shredded com fodder or stover was used. In these trials the same amount of grain and hay was fed to each lot of cows on trial. Those fed whole roughage were supplied with such quan- tity as seemed necessary to their wants, for they could not be made to consume the coarser portions of the long stalks, with the partial exception next noted. In the third trial Sto well's Ever- green sweet com fodder, carrying a considerable quantity of ears, was fed. The stalks of this fodder were soft and pliable, and when fed whole the cows consumed almost all of them, leaving only 143 pounds of stalks out of 1,600 pounds of fodder fed. Summary of three trials when feeding shredded and unshredded com forage to dairy cows — Wisconsin Station. Stover fed. Stover eaten. Milk produced. First trial. Shredded stover Lbs. 721 1,133 Lbs. AU 975 Lbs. 1,387 Uncut stover. 1,419 Second trial. 1,217 1,934 All 1,356 1,418 1,439 Third trioL Shredded fodder Uncut fodder 1,600 1,600 All 1,457 989 872 Kept 1886. 16 242 Feeds and Feeding. Summarizing the preceding data, we have: When feeding oom forage with hay and grain, the cows getting — 3,538 pounds shredded stover or fodder produced 3,794 pounds of milk. 4,667 pounds unshredded stover or fodder produced 3,730 pounds of milk. If we count the milk returns equal for the two lots, — though they are slightly in favor of the cows getting the shredded fod- der,— we have a saving of 24 per cent of com forage by using it in shredded form. Here are different results from those secured by Shelton. How can they be harmonized ? In the first place, the stalks used by Shelton were much coarser and harsher than those grown in Wis- consin, and it is probable that his cattle were offered such liberal quantities of forage that they naturally chose the softer portions, wasting the remainder. Again, it is possible that the sharp edges of the fine- cut corn stalks made the mouths of the cattle sore, so that they could not eat forage as they otherwise would. 380. Long hay and dry feed. — At the Maine Station, » Jordan fed rations of long hay and chaffed hay as follows: During the first and third periods, each lasting thirty days, five cows were fed long hay with an allowance of dry grain fed sep- arately. During the intermediate period the cows were fed the same amount of hay chopped fijie, with the same quantity of meal as before. The cut hay and meal were first mixed, then wet, and the mixture allowed to stand for several hours before feeding. The middle period lasted fifty-one days. Yield of mUJc and butter from cows fed wet and dry rations Station. Maine Periods. Average yield, Ave cows. Milk, Butter. Lbs. 130.1 100.5 Lbs. 6.4 3.8 Avprnorpnf t.wn npriodfi 115.3 113.2 4.6 II. Hay chaffed mixed with grain, fed wet.. 4.24 Kept. 1890. Preparation of Feeding Stuffs. 243 We learn from the above that the cows did somewhat better on the long hay and dry feed, both for milk and butter, than on the same feed supplied in chaff form, wet and mixed with grain. 381. Wet chaffed hay for calves. — At the Iowa Station, * Speer divided a bunch of six calves into two lots of three each. To one lot was fed corn and cob meal morning and evening, with dry, long timothy hay given after the meal had been consumed. For the other lot the feeding was as follows: Some hay was run through the feed-cutter and moistened. Over this was sprinkled the corn and cob meal, and the whole thoroughly mixed. An hour and a half after the wet grain and hay mixture had been fed the calves were supplied with dry, long hay. Feeding dry meal, and meal on moistened hay, to calves — Iowa Station. Average weight at beginning. Average gain. Grain for 100 pounds gain. Meal fed dry Meal fed wet, mixed with hay . Lbs. 462 Lbs. 75.8 68.4 Lbs. 542 It will be seen that the calves fed the dry meal gained some- what more than the others, and required less feed for one hundred pounds of gain. 382. Grinding grain. — This subject is a difficult one to discuss owing to the great variety of conditions existing as to both grain and animals. Directions are here given which may serve to guide the feeder in his practice. For horses which are out of the stable during the day and worked hard, all grain, with the possible exception of oats, should be ground. For those at extremely hard work, all grain should be ground and mixed with chaffed hay. For idle horses, oats or corn should not be ground, nor need the hay or straw be chaffed. A cow yielding a laige flow of milk should be regaided as a hard-working animal and her feed pre- pared accordingly. (633) Fattening steers and pigs may be crowded more rapidly with meal than with whole grain, though there is more danger attendant upon its use. (536, 539) Sheep »BuL 12. 244 Feeds and Feeding. •vforth feeding can always grind their own grain. In general, idle animals and those having ample time for mastication, rumination and digestion do not need their grain or roughage prepared aa carefully as do those with only limited time for these essential operations. Experiments quite generally show increased gains from grinding grain, but in many cases they are not sufficient to pay the cost of grinding. (848) 383. Preparing roots. — Eoots are prepared for stock either by slicing or pulping. For sheep they should be cut into small, short pieces. Eoots reduced to pulp are fed with chaffed hay and straw to steers and cows with excellent results. The method of prep- aration is as follows: A layer of chaffed hay or straw is spread upon the barn floor and over this is placed one of root- pulp, fol- lowed by chaff, and then pulp again until the heap reaclios the desired size. Sometimes oil meal, com meal or other grain is added. After forming the layers the mass is shoveled over until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which it is al- lowed to stand imtil the next day, by which time a slight fermen- tation has started and the mixture is ready for feeding. This system has value on farms where it is desirable to feed large quantities of straw or low-grade hay which would otherwise be refused or wasted by the animals. The serious objection to the practice is the large amount of labor involved, yet it is advan- tageous in some cases. CHAPTER XV. THE ENSILAGE OF rODDEBS. L Silage. Digestible nutrients and fertilizing constituents. matter In 100 pounds. Digestible nutrients In 100 pounds. Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1,000 pound!. Variety of silage. Pro- tein. Carbo- drates. Ether ex- tract. Nitro- gen. Phos- phoric acid. Pot- ash- Com Lbs. 20.9 28.0 2.S.9 27.5 32.0 20.7 25.8 21.0 24.0 Lbs. 0.9 2.0 0.6 3.0 1.9 1.5 2.7 1.6 1.6 Lbs. 11.3 13.5 14.9 8.5 13.4 8.6 8.7 9.2 13.0 Lbs. 0.7 1.0 0.2 1.9 1.6 0.9 1.3 0.7 0.7 Lbs. 2.8 Lbs. 1.1 Lbs. 3 7 Clover Sorghum Alfalfa Grass Boja beau Baru-yard millet and soja C!nm anH fmin. bpsin 384. Permanency of this method of food preservation. — For more than two decades the subject of silos and silage has been prominently before the American farmer for consideration. Much space has been given to the matter by the agricultmal press and much time devoted to discussions in relation thereto in agri- cultural gatherings. Unfortunately for this form of food preser- vation extravagant claims were advanced in its behalf by some of its early enthusiastic advocates. These naturally aroused the suspicion of conservative people, who looked upon the matter aa something for the day only and unworthy of thoughtful consider- ation or investigation. Silos and silage have outlasted their over- zealous friends, and tlirough the experience of practical feeders and the investigations of our Experiment Stations we are now able to discuss the subject intelligently. Because corn is the great silo crop, a consideration of the matter turns upon the relative 246 Feeds and Feeding. meritvS of fodder corn dried in the ordinary way and preserved by the system of ensilage. 385. Relative losses in drying and ensilage. — The following table presents data gathered at several Stations relative to the losses incurred in preserving green corn forage by shocking and by ensilage. In these trials a quantity of fodder was cut and placed in the shock or stook. In some cases the shocks remained in the field untouched until winterj in others they were made into larger shocks, or were placed in the barn for protection. At the time of cutting and shocking the com, another equal portion from the same field was placed in the silo. Relative losses incident to curing com fodder \ silage — Various Stations. drying and by en- Station. Corn silage. m^tYer.!"-'-" Corn fodder. m^Sr.P-'*- Vermont, Eept 1889 Vermont, Rept. 1891 Vermont, Rept. 1892 Vermont, Rept. 1894 New Jersey, Bui. 19 Pennsylvania, Rept. 1889 Wisconsin Rept. 1891, av. four years. Percent U.7 20.0 18.0 20.0 18.0 10.8 15.6 Percent 13.0 11.0 12.0 26.5 16.8 Percent 13.6* 19.0 18.0 20.0 17.3 21.0 23.8 Percent 17.0 9.0 12.0 13.8 24.3 * Large shocks; 15.1 per cent, for small shocks. The figures show the range of losses which may occur by either process of preserving fodders. It is evident that the systems, as commonly practiced, possess about equal merit in the proportion of nutriment they conserve. 386. Necessary losses in silage. — In considering the losses of silage the waste found in the top layer, which acts as a cover for the material below, has always been taken into account. This loss is a constant one, being no more for a deep silo than for a shallow one. By using fresh grass, wet chaff or other cheap ma- terial for covering, or by beginning to feed from the silo imme- diately after filling, the loss commonly occurring in the top layer may be reduced or entirely avoided. The Ensilage of Fodders. 247 King, studying the subject at the "Wisconsin Station^ with a round sUo, concludes after four years' experience that, omitting the losses found in the top layer and those which may occur at the bottom of the silo, the other losses need not exceed ten per cent, of dry matter for com and eighteen per cent, for red clover. 387. Character of silo losses. — At the Maine Station, * Jordan ♦ investigated this subject during three years, with the findings presented in the following table: Composition of water-free mbstances in green com and silage made therefrom — Maine Station. 1881. 1882. 1888. Ctonstltuent. Qreen corn. Silage. GrecD corn. Silage. Qreen corn. Silage* Silaee. Ash, pure Per ct. 5.0 6.5 24.2 62.3 1.9 Per ct. 5.5 7.2 27.4 57.0 2.9 Per ct. 3.7 8.0 35.2 51.0 2.0 Per ct. 4.0 8.9 36.7 49.2 2.3 Per ct. 3.3 7.3 29.3 57.7 2.4 Per ct. 3.7 7.6 34.0 52.1 2.8t Per ct. 3.7 Nitrogen X 6.25 7.3 Crude fiber 33.8 Other carbohydrates 52 6 Ether extract 2.8t Total nitro.T'en 1.1 0.9 0.1 13.3 1.2 0.6 0.6 60.4 1.3 1.0 0.3 13.3 1.4 0.0. 0.8 33.1 1.2 0.8 0.4 29.9 1.2 0.5 0.7 58.6 1.2 Albuminoid nitrogen, di- 0.6 Amide nitrogen, by dif- 0.6 Percentage of total non- albuminoid nitrogen, by difference 52.6 * Dried quickly. t Assumed. We learn from the above table that in the process of ensilage the crude fiber of the corn plant is not reduced or changed by the heat and moisture of the silo. The other carbohydrates, consti- tuting as they do the more valuable non-nitrogenous portion of the forage, are diminished percentagely and in total quantity. The ether extract is increased through the formation of lactic acid. We further observe that a considerable portion of the al- buminoid nitrogen in the green forage is changed to amide nitro- gen. This reduction of organic nitrogen from albuminoid to simpler forms has been held to indicate a large loss in the feeding 1 Bui. 59. * Soc. Pro. Agr. Sei., 1884. 248 Feeds and Feeding. value of the pioteiu constituents of silage, a fact not borne out by direct fcediug tests. (655) 388. Digestibility of silage and fodder corn. — Tbe studies of the chemists on this subject have been arranged by WoU' in the fol- lowing table: Average digestion coefficients for com tilage and green and cured fad- der com — Arranged by WoU. Forage. Dry matter. Ash. Pro- tein. Crude fiber. N.-free extract. Ether extract Green fodder corn 68 66 66 35 34 31 61 65 63 61 66 67 74 69 70 74 Cured fodder com. 72 Clnrn ailiLce 81 So far as this table shows, there is no appreciable difference in the digestibility of corn silage and dry fodder corn, both being somewhat less digestible than green fodder. 389. Yield of mt\k per hundred pounds of dry matter. — At several Stations feeding trials were so conducted that a compari- son can be made of the yield of milk fiom the same quantity of dry matter fed in silage and dry corn fodder respectively. Milk produced from dry matter in silage and dry fodder com — Vari- ous Stations. No. trials. Basis of calculation. Milk produced per 100 pounds. Station and reference. Silage. Fodder com. Wisconsin, 7th Report Wisconsin, 8th Report 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 Dry matter in: Whole ration Lbs. 76.9 70.4 82.0 78.5 111.9 155.0 166.2 240.0 Lbs. 86.0 Whole ration 78.7 76 5 Vermont 1892 Report Whole ration 73 4 Pennsylvania, 1890 Report... Wisconsin, 6th Report Wisconsin, 5th Report 106.3 Exptl. forage only Exptl. forage only Exptl. forage only 146.1 149.6 218 0 Reviewing the table we observe that excepting the first and second trials there were larger returns of milk, when feeding a A P.ook on Silage. Tlie Ensilage of Fodders. 249 given quantity of dry matter in the form of silage, than from the same amount of dry matter in the dry fodder. The average for fourteen trials is about four per cent, more milk from the dry matter in the form of sUage. 390. Feeding tests with silage and fodder corn. — Feeding tests wiiJi silage and fodder corn made at the Vermont' and Wiscon- ' sin 2 Stations were conducted as follows: In each case two rows of corn across the field were cut and placed in shocks, while the next two rows were run through the feed-cutter and placed in the silo. By thus alternating until the silo was filled, equal quanti- ties of material of the same composition were obtained. The dried fodder so produced was run through the feed- cutter and fed in opposition to the silage to dairy cows, with equal quantities of hay and grain. The results at the Vermont Station were as follows: 24,858 pounds green fodder com when dried, fed with a unifonn daily allowance of hay and grain, produced 7,688 pounds of milk. 24,858 pounds of green fodder com converted into silage, and fed with the same daily ration of hay and grain, produced 8,525 pounds of milk. At the Wisconsin Station the results were: From 29,800 pounds of green fodder were obtained 24,440 pounds of silage, which, fed with 1,648 pounds of hay and 2,884 pounds of grain, produced 7,496 pounds of milk, containing 340.4 pounds of fat. From 29,800 pounds of green fodder were obtained 7,330 pounds of field- cured fodder com, which, fed with 1,567 pounds of hay and 2,743 pounds of grain, produced 7,119 pounds of milk, containing 318.2 pounds of fat At the Vermont Station the silage ration produced 837 pounds or 11 per cent, more mUk than was obtained from the dry fodder ration. At the Wisconsin Station the silage ration yielded 377 pounds more milk and 22 pounds more fat — a difference in favor of silage of 5 per cent, in milk and 6 per cent, in fat. 391. Relative merits of silage and dry fodder corn. — We have seen that the losses of nutrients in the two methods of curing are about equal. We have further learned that the digestibility of » Rept. 1891. » Rept. 1891. 250 Feeds and Feeding. corn silage and of dry fodder is practically tlie same. Finally, actual feeding trials with dairy cows liave shown that silage usu- ally gives better results than a corresponding amount of diy fodder. The difference in favor of silage is probably due in part to the fact that cattle usually reject the dry butts of the corn stalk, even when cut fine, while in silage this part is readily eaten. Thus, with a given amount of forage of either l Kept. 1893-96. The Ermlage of Fodders. 257 plainly not adapted to pig feeding. Some silage may be fed to idle horses, but for work horses the amount must necessarily be limited because of its bulky, soft character. 404. On the rational use of silage. — The silo and its product must now be regarded as a fixed factor in American agriculture. Those farms which carry a relatively small amount of stock do not require the silo. On such farms corn is rarely planted for forage, and the straw stacks in the barn yards, slowly rotting to manure, show that grain is grown for the market rather than for home feeding. On the other hand many farms are heavily stocked with cattle, and everything raised finds waiting mouths with demands for still more. In such cases the feeder will find his best ally in the Indian corn plant. On heavily-manured lands enormous crops of corn forage carrying much grain may be grown, and this utilized as dry fodder serves admirably, while the silo will matei'ially ex- tend its availability. Corn forage carrying many small ears, placed in the pit at one operation, rests in the most compact form, safely awaiting the time for use. Dried fodder corn stored in the stack or mow deteriorates rapidly with the coming of spring, the stalks becoming brittle and losing in palatability. Silage keeps with less loss than does fodder during this time, and what is not needed for spring feeding will help out the short summer pastures. Where intensive farming is practiced the silo will prove an impoitant factor. 405. Effect of silage upon quality of milk. — Milk-condensing factories have quite generally refused to accept milk from dairies where silage is fed. Whether there is a just foundation for this prejudice remains unsettled at the present time. Not all con- densing factories, however, are averse to the use of silage by their patrons. The Michigan Condensed Milk Company, with factories at Lansing and Howell, Michigan, accepts milk from silage-fed cows. In the winter and spring of 1897, about one-fourth of the milk received at the Lansing factory was from this source and the company was urging its patrons to erect and use silos, at the same time insisting that well -matured corn only be used. ^ ' From information furnished by G. H. True of the Mich. Agl. College. 17 258 Feeds and Feeding. Experts, as a rule, can detect a silage odor or flavor in milk from silage- fed cows. The fact does not seem of much importance, however, when we know that milk furnished by many of the best dairymen, who are heavy feeders of silage, is readily disposed of to critical customers in cities, who pay high prices for what they regard an excellent article. Butter from dairies where silage is properly fed meets with no objection from consumers. In view of the fact that many thousands of silos are now in use • by the best dairymen of America, there seems no longer any foundation for objections to the legitimate use of silage as a food for the dairy cow. II. Building and Filling the Silo. 406. Silo construction. — Without question the round wooden silo devised by Kingi is the one which will be most commonly con- structed. The following brief description is adapted from King's directions: A circular foundation of stone or brick is constructed extending about three feet above ground level to secure immunity of the timbers from moistuie. The top of the stone waU is neces- sarily thicker than the superstructure, and has a shoulder bev- eled outward, or inward, either form being satisfactory. Cir- cular silos may be of any size from sixteen feet in diameter up- ward. For the superstructure, set 2 x 4 inch studding of not less than twenty-four feet in length on the foundation, standing them twelve inches apart. To the outside of the studding nail half- inch sheathing; then cover with building paper, and finally with half- inch siding. In warm districts the building paper may be omitted. Each board nailed horizontally on a round silo is part of a hoop, and all combine to give a structure of great stability. The inside of the silo can be finished in several ways. If lumber is employed, use three thicknesses of half-inch boards not over six inches wide, with two layen s of building paper be- tween, thus making an air-tight inner wall. Ventilation, which is of the highest importance to the preservation of this shell, is provided by openings at bottom and top through the outside siding, the air passing upward in the four- inch space made by the studding. Instead of wood for lining brick may be used, » Bui. 59, Wis. Expt. Sta. The UnsUage of Fodders. 259 in which case only one thickness of inside boards is provided, against which the bricks rest. If large, the silo may be lined with combined sheeting and lathing, and then plastered. Small- diameter silos should be first boarded inside and then lathed and plastered. Doors, which must be air-tight when closed, should be provided every six feet, and a dormer window in the roof admits the end of the silage carrier. The advantages of a round silo are: The largest cubic capacity for a given amount of building material, no springing of walla through internal pressure, no corners for poor silage, and finally, great strength for a minimum amount of building material. The round silo may be connected by a passage-way with the feeding stable. 407. The rectangular silo. — Silos placed in the barn are usually of rectangular form, the girts extending horizontally with an inside lining of boards running vertically. Corners are avoided by boarding across them. When covered on the outside, venti- lation may be provided by tacking cleats with holes in them to the girts and nailing the outside boarding to them. 408. Weight of silage at different depths. — King ^ calculates the weight of silage two days after filling the silo to be as follows: WeigM of silage in silos of different depths — King. Depth of silage. Weight at different depths. Mean weight of silage for whole depth of silo. Feet: 1 Lbs. per cu. ft. 18.7 33.1 46.2 56.4 61.0 Tibs, per cu. ft. 18 7 10 26.1 20 33.3 30 39.6 36 42.8 The above shows that ten feet down in the silo the silage weighs about thirty- three pounds per cubic foot, while at thirty- six feet in depth it weighs sixty-one pounds per cubic foot. The mean weight for silage at different depths is shown in the last column. Bui. 59, Wis. Expt. Sta. 260 Feeds and Feeding. 409. Capacity of silos. — The following table by the same author gives the capacity of round silos at different depths and varying inside diameters: Approximate capacity of cylindrical sUosfor well-matured corn silage, in tons — King. Inside Diameter in Feet. Depth, feet 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Tons. 58.8 62.9 67.4 71.7 76.1 80.6 85.5 90.2 95.0 99.9 105.0 109.8 115.1 Tons. 67.0 71.6 76.5 81.6 86.6 89.6 97.2 102.6 108.1 113.7 119.4 124.9 135.9 Tons. 75.6 80.8 86.4 92.1 97.8 103.6 109.8 115.8 122.0 128.3 134.8 141.1 147.8 Tons. 84.7 90.6 96.8 103.3 109.6 116.1 123.0 129.8 136.8 143.9 151.1 158.2 165.7 Tons. 94.4 100.9 107.9 115.1 122.1 129.3 137.1 144.7 152.4 160.3 168.4 176.2 184.6 Tons. 104.6 111.8 119.6 127.5 135.3 143.3 161.9 160.3 168.9 177.6 186.6 195.2 204.6 Tons. 115.3 123.3 131.8 140.6 149.2 158.0 167.6 176.7 186.2 195.8 205.7 215.3 225.5 Tons. 126.0 135.3 144.7 154.3 163.7 173.4 183.8 194.0 204.3 214.9 225.8 236.3 247.5 Tons. 138.3 147.9 158.1 168.7 179.0 189.5 200.9 212.0 223.3 234.9 246.8 258.2 270.5 Tons. 150.6 161.0 172.2 183.6 194.9 206.4 218.8 230.8 243.2 255.8 268.7 2S1.8 294.6 Tone. 163.4 174.7 186.8 lOi)..'^ 211. .3 22?> . 9 237.4 250.5 263.9 277.6 291.6 305.1 319.6 Tons. 176.8 189.0 202.1 215.5 228.7 242.2 256.7 270.9 285.4 300.2 315.3 330.0 345.7 In the above table the horizontal lines give the number of tons held by silos of the diameter marked at the top of the columns and depth marked at the side. 410. The proper horizontal feeding area. — Silage cannot be cut down in sections like hay in the mow or stack, as tlie air passing inward and upward would rapidly deteriorate the whole mass. The proper method is to remove a certain portion of the silage from the top of the pit each day, and experience has shown that the rate of removal should be not less than 1.2 inches per day. Every two inches in depth of corn silage weighs about five pounds per square foot near the top of the silo and ten pounds near the bottom, averaging about seven and a half pounds. On this basis the proper surface area may be placed at five square feet per cow, daily. As a guide for the proper surface area of the silo. King gives the following table, showing the inside diam- eter of silos which will allow the silage to be fed down at the rate of two or three inches a day when each cow is allowed forty The Ensilage of Fodders. 261 pounds of silage daily, — silos to be of sufficient capacity to hold silage for 180 days: Necessary diameter of silos for feeding different numbers of cows while removing from 2 to S.S inehes of silage daily — King. Silo 30 ft. dec p, no partition. Silo I 4 ft. deei a with partition. No. of Mean depth fed daily, 2 inches. Mean depth fed daily, 3.2 inches. cows. Contents. Round, Square, Contents. Round, Square, sides. Tons. Cu. ft terinft. in ft Tons. Cu. ft ter in ft in ft 30 108 4,091 15 12x14 108 5,510 17 16x16 40 144 6,545 16.75 14x16 144 7,347 20 18x18 50 180 8,182 18.75 16x18 180 9,184 22 20x20 60 216 9,818 20.5 18x18 216 11,020 24 22x22 70 2.32 11,454 22 20x20 2.52 12,857 26 22x26 80 288 13,091 22.5 20x22 288 14,691 28 24x28 90 324 14,727 25 22x24 324 16,-531 29.75 26x28 100 360 16,364 26.5 24x24 360 18,307 31.25 28x28 411. Rate of filling. — From seven to fifteen days should be al- lowed for filling the silo, as this not only permits more feed to be stored, but also insures better and sweeter silage with smaller loss of dry matter than when the operation is crowded into a period of two or three days. Time is required for the silage to settle and to expel the entangled air by heat and by setting free carbonic acid gas. On the subject of filling King writes:* " Corn and clover may be put into the silo either whole or cut, as seems best under the circumstances. In either case good silage can be made if proper care is taken, but more care and usually more time will be re- quired to fill a silo with either whole corn or clover than to run it through the cutter first; and it is certain that more time will be required to talce the silage out of the silo if put in whole. . . . To insure the best silage and the least loss of dry matter it is im- portant that the silage should have a depth at the close of filling of not less than 24 feet, and 30 feet is better than 24 feet." 412. Filling and covering. — During filling the inpouring material should be well spread and tramped near the walls, and should also be well tramped every two or three days thereafter for a Log. cit 262 Feeds and Feeding. period of ten days. The contents having become settled, the surface of the pit may be covered with fresh marsh grass, weeds, chaff, cut straw or other cheap or waste substance, or a portion of the surface silage may be allowed to decay and form the cover- ing. The application of fifteen or twenty pounds of water to each square foot of surface will cause the mateiial at the top of the pit to ferment rapidly and soon compact itself into an impervious layer. Feeding from the silo may commence at once or may be delayed indefinitely. K only a part of the silage is used during winter the remainder may be covered again and held until sum- mer, when it may serve a useful purpose during a period of drought <«• short pastures. CHAPTEE XYL MJLNTJEIAL VALUE OF FEEDING STUFFS. 413. Essential constituents of fertilizers. — Only three of the constituents which plants remove from the soil need be considered in this chapter, viz., nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, for all the others are usually held in such abundance that no thought need be given them. While it is possible for the legumes to gather nitrogen indirectly from the air, the supply from this source is not always sufficient, and it is often necessary to add nitrogen compounds to the soil for the purpose of enriching it. Phosphoric acid and potash are the two mineral compounds which are not always held by the soil in sufficient quantity to give profitable crops and must be supplied in the form of manures or fertilizers. Farm-yard manures may benefit the soil because the vegetable matter they contain acts as a mulch and forms humus, but so far as feeding the plants is conceined their worth rests upon the nitro- gen, phosphoric acid and potash they contain. 414. Tertilizing constituents of feeding stuffs. — The quantity of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash found in the various feed- ing stuffs is given iu Table III of the Appendix. The examples presented below are abstracted from that table for the purpose of illustration: Table showing fertilizing constituents in 1,000 pounds of common feeding stuffs — From, Table III of the Appendix. Feeding stuffs. Nitrogen. ^^^I^^^^^ Potash acid. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Wheat straw .. Timothy hay.. Clover hay Com Wheat Wheat bran... Oil meal, O. P 5.9 1.2 5.1 12.6 5.3 9.0 20.7 3.8 22.0 18.2 7.0 4.0 23.6 7.9 5.0 26.7 28.9 16.1 54.3 16.6 13.7 2G4 Feeds and Feeding. From this table we learn that wheat straw contains 5.9 pounds of nitrogen, and timothy hay more than twice as much, or 12.6 pounds. Clover hay is richer than timothy hay in nitrogen, and especially in potash, though poorer in phosphoric acid. "We observe a larger quantity of all the fertilizing constituents, espe- cially phosphoric acid and potash, in wheat bran than in the wheat grain, fi"om which bran is derived. This is because the starchy part of the wheat grain used for flour holds little fertility, while the outside portion of the grain which goes into the bran contains most of the nitrogen and ash. 415. Amount of excrement voided by farm animals. — Information on this subject from American experiments is quite limited, but the following will prove useful: Voidings per day of twenty-four fiours by farm animals as deter- mined at several Stations. Animal. Station. Solid excre- ment. Urine. Total. Horse Cornell, Bui. 13 Lbs. Lbs. Lhn. 64 5 Iloi'se Cornell, Bui. 13 58 2 Average. 56.3 Cow Cornell, Bui. 27 64 50 42 41 18 21 15 23 Geneva, Kept. 1891 Cow Geneva, Kept. 1891 Cow Minnesota, Bui. 26 Average. 49 19 68 Sheep Pie Massachusetts, Rept. 1893 Minnesota, Bui. 26 1.8 4.3 2.0 2.9 3.8 7.2 The table shows that the voidings of the hojsc amount to over 55 pounds, the cow 68, the sheep nearly 4, and the pig over 7 pounds each 24 hours. 416. Manure from the ox. — At the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, ^ an ox was confined from birth to maturity in a large box- stall having a cement floor. The stall was well bedded, and the animal given exercise by leading, when required. Account was ' fl.^pL. 1803. Manurial Yalue of Feeding Stuffs. 266 kept of all water and food supplied, and of the voidings, -witii the foUomng results: Manure obtained from steer confined in box-stall tJiirty-six months — Ontario Agricultural College. Pounds. Pounds. Weight of steer at end of thirty-six months 1 , 588 Water drank 42,449 Feed consumed: Pounds. Milk 3,862 Roote 7,270 Grain 5,857 Coarse forage 20,957 Total 37,946 Total weight of feed and water 80,395 Total weight of excrement 46,560 Total manure, including bedding 59,280 Excrement per pound gain, Uve weight 30 Manure, including bedding, per pound gain, Uve weight 37 417. Heiden's method for calculating manure produced. — Heiden^ computed the amount of manure produced by farm animals in the following manner. He found that 47.3 per cent, of the dry ma.t- ter supplied in the food of the horse re-appears in the solid and liquid voidiugs, which contain 77.5 per cent, water and 22.5 per cent, dry matter. From these data the following proportion is derived: 22.5 : 100 :: 47.3 : (210) By this we understand that for each 100 pounds of dry matter fed the horse there are 210 pounds of voidings. This method of calculation gives the following results for each 100 pounds of dry matter fed: The horse voids 210 pounds of fresh manure. The cow voids 380 pounds of fresh manure. The sheep voids 180 pounds of fresh manure. 418. Nitrogen and ash retained and voided by farm animals. — In supplying feeding stuffs to farm animals some of the nitrogen and ash they contain are taken up for nourishment and retained in the body, or, after use, expelled in the urine. A considerable portion of the substances under discussion is not dissolved from Storer'a Agriculture, VoL 1, p. 515. 2fi6 Feeds and Feeding. rhe feeds during their passage through the alimentary tract, but passes off with other useless matter in the solid voidings. The nitrogen and ash of feeding stuffs retained and voided by the animal are given in the table below, which summarizes the Eothamsted experiments as reported by Warington:* Fer cent, of nitrogen and ash voided as excrement or secured as ani- mal produce with various farm animals — RotJuiinsted Station. Nitrogen. Ash. Ob- tained as car- cass or milk. Voided as solid excre- ment. Voided as liq- uid ex- cre- ment. In total excre- ment. Obtained a.H live weight or miUi. Voided in excre- ment and perspired. Fattening ox Fattening sheep. Fattening pig.... Milch cow 3.9 4.3 14.7 24.5 22.6 16.7 22.0 18.1 73.6 79.0 63.3 57.4 96.1 95.7 85.3 75.5 2.3 3.8 4.0 10.3 97.7 96.2 96.0 89.7 The above data may be considered as representative of average results. From them we learn that the fattening ox retains only 3.9 per cent, of the nitrogen supplied in its food, voiding 22.6 per cent, in the solid excrement and 73.5 per cent, in the urine; in all, 96.1 per cent, of the nitrogen supplied this animal in his food re-appears in the excrement and less than 4 per cent, is stored in the body. This large return of nitrogen seems reason- able when we remember that during the fattening process the grown ox adds little to his body besides fat, which we know con- tains no nitrogen. With the cow, 24.5 per cent, of the nitrogen in the feed is used mainly for the production of the casein and albumen of the milk, and 75.5 per cent, appears in the excrement Of the ash from 2.3 to 10.3 per cent, is retained by the ani- mal or goes into the milk. Thus it is shown that from 75 to 95 per cent, of all the fertilizing constituents of feeding stuffs re- api)ears in the solid and liquid excrement. 419. Composition of excrement. — It is important that tlie farmer understand the composition of the excrement of farm animals Chemistry of the Farm, pp. 124-25. Manurial Value of Feeding Stuffs. 267 in order to intelligently utilize manures. The source of the fertility in manures is well illustrated by the following table from Hebert, » which shows the location of the nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash in the excrement of the horse and cow: Location of nitrogen, phosphoric add and potash in excrement — Hebert. Nitrogen. Phosphoric acid. Potash. Per cent. 1.52 0.55 1.05 0.43 Per cent. Trace. 0.35 Trace. 0.12 Per cent 0.92 TTnr<5p artlii^ PXPTPmpnt 0.10 1.36 i^ctxa snlid pxprempnt 0.04 We learn that the mine of the horse contains 1.52 per cent, of nitrogen and the solid excrement .55 per cent., or one-third as much. The reverse holds true for the phosphoric acid, for only a trace of this appears in the urine and nearly all in the solid excrement. Of the potash, .9 per cent, is found in the urine and only .1 per cent, in the solid excrement. The fertilizing constituents which pass off with the solid excre- ment are largely insoluble and to this extent not directly avail- able to plants when applied in manui*es. On the other hand, the constituents which appear in the urine are in soluble form and directly available to the plant. 420. Commercial fertilizers.— The soil in parts of our country is now so depleted that farmers and planters are forced to make large use of commercial fertilizers in order to secure remunerative crops. The commercial fertilizers sold in the United States during the year 1896 amounted to 1,355,000 tons.^ Placing a value on these of $20 per ton, a reasonable estimate, we have a total of over $27,000,000 paid out by farmers and gardeners living mainly in the Atlantic and Gulf states for commercial fertilizers in a single year. For the year 1895 the farmers of Connecticut ' ex- pended over $700,000, and those in New Jersey * $1,575,000, for commercial fertilizers. » Expt. 8ta. Record, Vol. 5; also Fertility of the Land, Roberts, p. 180. * American Fertilizer, Dec, 1896. » Rept. Ck)nn. Expt. Sta., 1895. * Rept. N. J. Expt. 8ta., 1896. 268 Feed^ and Feeding. The market value of commercial feitilizers is based on their content of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. Because of the enormous quantity of fertilizers used, each of their three valuable constituents has a definite market value. The average price of these ingredients in the wholesale markets is as follow s: Nitro- gen, 15; phosphoric acid, 7, and potash 4.5 cents per pound. The prices of tbese articles do not fluctuate any more than do those of other standard articles of commerce. 421. Valuation of fertilizer constituents in feeding stuffs. — If we follow the plan adopted by some Eastern Stations of placing the same values on nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash in feeding stuffs that these constituents bring when sold in commercial fer- tilizers, we are in a position to compare the fertilizing values of the several feeding stuffs. "Wheat bran and com are compared in the table below: Yaliie of the fertilizing constituents in 1,000 pounds of wheat bran and corn. Wheat bran. Com. Constituents. Pounds. Price per lb. Total. Pounds. Price per lb. Total. 26.7 28.9 16.1 Cents. 15 7 4.5 Dollars. 4.00 2.02 .72 18 7 4 Cents. 15 4.5 Dollai-s. 2.70 Phosjihoric acid Potash .49 .18 Total 6.74 3.37 From the above we learn that the value of the fertilizing constituents in 1,000 pounds of bran is $6.74, and in the same weight of corn one-half as much, or $3.37. By doubling these figures we have the following: Value of fertilizing constituents in one ton of wheat bran $13.48 Value of fertilizing constituents in one ton of corn 6.74 422. What the figures mean.— The farmer will ask if it is here taught that he can get returns of $13.48 by the application of one ton of bran to his land as a fertilizer. Such a deduction is not the purpose of these figures. They mean, however, that Ma/nurial Value of Feeding Stuffs. 269 a ton of bran contains nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash in such amount that if bought in the form of commercial fertilizers they would cost at least the sum named. They mean that the farmer who harvests a ton of corn and seeks to return to the field the same amount of fertility that was abstracted by this crop must pay not less than $6. 74 for the requisite fertilizers, if bought in the market. Virgin soils as a rule contain a large amount of available fertility, and pioneer farmers, drawing upon Nature's store, give little consideration to the subject. The "Western farmer cultivating prairie lands, when marketing corn considers that in so doing he is selling labor and perhaps rent of the land; but rarely does he realize that he is also selling fertility, to re- place which would cost as much and often more than the crop brings. The Eastern farmer and Southern planter are now culti- vating soils which have been so depleted of available plant food that the subject of fertilizers is a matter of the deepest concern to them. When one who cultivates the soil must choose between com- mercial fertilizers and barn-yard manures, it is reasonable to estimate that the latter have a value of at least two-thirds the former, based on their nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash con- tents. Because the soils of the West are still rich in original fertility, the farmers of that region have as yet little need of commercial fertilizers, and barn-yard manures in consequence have a lower value than in the older-settled regions. For con- venience of comxjarison, it is perhaps best to use the same valua- tions for nitrogen, phosphoric acid aud potash in farm manures that these same compounds command when sold in the form of commercial fertilizers. Such values should always be used, how- ever, under the limitations above presented. With sharp com- petition confronting every one who cultivates the soil, the careful saving of farm manui"es and their judicious application are vital factors in farming operations, and as essential to con- tinned success as plowing the land or planting the crop. 423. Manure produced by farm animals. — Eoberts ^ gathers the following interesting data showing the daily and yearly produc- ' The Fertility of the Land. 270 Fee/U and Feeing. tion of manure by fsu-m animals maintained under average condi- tions: Fertilizing congtituents in solids and liquids voided by farm animals, daily and yearly — Variotis sources, Eoberts. Daily. Yearly. Nitro- gen. Pho3. acid. Pot- ash. Nitro- gen. Phos. acid. Pot- a.sh. per year. Horse (Hebert) Lbs. .342 .467 .023 .0326 Lbs. .131 .071 .014 .0246 Lbs. .112 .294 .039 .50* Lbs. 125.2 170.6 8.4 11.9 LbB. 47.8 26.0 5.6 10.6 Lbs. 43.2 107.6 14.3 11.9 124.06 Cow 32.25 Sheep ( Miintz and Girard) Pig (Boussingault) 2 29 3.06 * Estimated. 424. Value of farm manure per ton. — Roberts, gathering the data at Cornell Station and elsewhere, dednces the following aa the average value per ton of manures from various farm animals, nitrogen being rated at fifteen cents, phosphoric acid at seven cents and potash at four and one-half cents per pound: Value per ton. Horse $2.49 Cow 2.43 Bheep 4.25 Pig;. 3.20 It should be borne in mind tbat the value of farm manures de- pends primarily upon the character of the feed given, and, in the second place, upon the animal to which the feed is supplied. Manure which oiiginates from the use of concentrated feeding stuffs usually has a high value, because such feeds are rich in nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. Manure resulting from the use of straw and coarse forage has a correspondingly low value. ^ I The student desiring additional information on matters treated in this chapter should consult: The Fertility of the I.,and, Roberts; Agriculture iu Borne of ita Relations with Chemistry, Storer. Part III. FEEDING FARM ANIMALS. CHAPTER XVn. INYESTIGATIONS CONCERNING THE HOBSB. I. Mare and Foal. 425. Period of gestation. — According to Youatt, ^ the average period of gestation for the mare is eleven months, but it may be diminished five weeks or extended six weeks. Of 582 mares re- ported by M. Tessier, the shortest period was 287 days, the longest 419, and the average 330 days, ^ 426. Weight and growth of foals. — Boussingault * found that: ''1. Foals, the issue of mares weighing from 960 to 1,100 pounds, weigh at birth about 112 pounds. "2. During suckling, for three months the weight increases in the relation of 278: 100, and the increase corresponds very nearly to 2.2 pounds per head per day. ''3. The increase in weight per day of foals from the end of the first to the end of the second year is about 1.3 pounds, and towards the third year the increase per day falls to something under one pound. "4. After three full years, the period at which the horse has very nearly attained his growth and development, any increase becomes less and less perceptible." » The Horse, p. 222. ^ Farmers' Cyclopedia, Johnson, p. 562. 3 Rural Economy, Am. ed., p. 464. 272 Feeds and Feeding. 427. Weight of trotting foals at birth.— At Allen farm, Pitts- field, Mass., Meston* recorded the weights of foals at birth as summarized in the following table: Weight of trotting-bred foals at birth and other data relating thereto — Meston, Allen Farm. 21 colte. 23 fiUies. Averages. 15 of av. or less wt. 6 above av. wt. 13 of av. or less wt. 10 above av. wt. Weight of foals at birth, pounds Weight of their dams after foaling, pounds . 98.5 1,070 1,065 343 .29 129 1,156 1,095 337 .38 102 1,060 1,066 338 .30 123 1,166 Weight of their sires, pounds 1,071 Period of gestation, days 340 Fcetal growth per day, poundJa .36 428. Increase in weight of foals. — Meston ^ recorded tlie in- crease in weight of trotting-bred foals up to four months, with the results shown in the following table: Growth of suckling trotting-bred foals up to four months ■ Allen Farm. Meston, Age of foals. No. of Av. growth day. Av. growth per day of foals of — No. of foals above Extremes in growth — lbs. per day. foals. Av. wt. or under. Above av. wt. av. wt. Max. foal. Min. foal. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. From 3 to 9 days. 15 3.70 3.76 3.62 7 6.00* l.fiO From 11 to 19 days. 14 3.34 3.17 3.53 6 4.71 2.00 From 22 to 28 days. 12 2.80 2 78 2.M 3 3.01 2.00 From 31 to 39 days. 16 2.67 2.64 2.79 6 3.08 1.82 From 40 to 49 days. 15 2.67 2.55 2.81 7 3.23 1.88 From 52 to 59 days. 10 2.46 2.38 2.56 3 2.94 1.72 From 60 to 69 days. 11 2.33 2.22 2.81 2 2.94 1.84 From 70 to 79 days. 13 2.35 2.30 2.39 7 3.00 1.55 From 80 to 88 days. 8 2.14 2.13 2.16 2 2.68 1.61 Over 3 and under 4 14 2.10 2.00 2.28 5 2.53 1.76 Doubtful. » Country Geutlemjin, 1894, pp. 636-7. » Loc. cit. Investigations Concerning the Horse. 273 429. Mare's miSk. — Tue following table presents the composi- tion of mare's milk, with cow's milk for comparison, according to Konig: * Percentage composition of mare^s milk; cow's milk heing given for comparison — Konig. Water. Casein and albu- men. Fat. Sugar. Ash. Average 47 analyses mare's milk. Average 793 analyses cow's milk. 90.78 87.17 .55 1.21 5.67 4.88 0.35 .71 It is shown that mare's milk contains more water than that of the cow, the casein, albumen, fat and ash being about one-half that found in cow's milk, while the sugar is nearly one per cent, higher. If cow's milk is used for feeding foals, it should be diluted with water and sugar added. The quantity of milk yielded by mares has been determined in only a few cases. According to Goltz, ' Tartarian mares produce from 450 to 500 pounds of milk per year in addition to that required by their foals. Such mares remain in milk two years. Yieth 3 reports that good milking mares on the steppes of south- eastern Eussia yield from 4 to 5 liters (quarts) of milk daily when milked five times a day, as is the practice. II. Wolffs s Studies of Feed Consumed and Work Performed ly the Horse. 430. Plan of investigation. — Wolff's feeding and digestion ex- periments with the horse are the first extensive and systematic efforts in this line. From the necessities of the case his work was done with single animals. He first studied the comparative digestibility of various feeding stuffs with the horse, and later the relation of feed consumed to the amount of work performed. To discuss the results of these investigations intelligently it is necessary to first consider the method adopted for measuring the work done by the horse. 1 Chem. d. ISIensch. Nahr. u. Genus-mittel, I. p. 1112. * Landw. Ill, p. 520. « Ldw. Vers. Sta. 31 (1885), p. 354. 18 274 Feeds and Feeding. 431. Measuring the work of horses. — In measuring woili; done, tlie engineer uses as the unit a foot-pound (or foot- ton), tlie term meaning the work accomplished in lifting one pound (or one ton) one foot high. In comparing the work performed by horses under •rorying conditions it will be necessary to use the same expres- sion. A nominal horse-power is 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. This amount of work was ascertained by James Watts, the in- ventor of the steam-engine, in a series of experiments with com- ' pound pulleys. As the capacity of animals for hard work is ]•■ raited, no horse can work continuously more than eight hours a day. The work done by a horse during a day will be represented by 33,000 x 8 x 60=15,840,000 foot-pounds. This is, however, an excessive amount of work. An average horse will do only about 22, 000 foot-pounds per minute. This work continued for eight hours gives 10,560,000 foot-pounds, which is regarded as an or- dinary day's work for a medium-sized horse. In the Holienheim experiments ^ the following figures were obtained for eight hours, constituting a day's work: Foot-poiinda. A. Hauling on level track 7,999,800 B. Working in horse-sweep 12,996,000 Perels^ gives the following data for a day's work of eight hours for strong, well-fed horses: A. Hauling on level track — Foot-pounds. Heavy work 17,051,000 Ordinary work 12,996,000 B. Working in hoi-se-sweep 10,136,900 432. Wolff's dynamometer. — To measure the work performed by the horse in a given time, Wolff constructed a horse dynamom- eter, which may be described as a sweep, the axis of which consisted of two parts — a lower stationary cast-iron base and an upper loose cast-iron cover. This cover was connected with the sweep, and could be weighted so that the friction between tlie re- volving cover and the stationary base on which it rested could be increased at will. The details of the dynamometer, and the ar- » Wolff, Ldw. Jal-irb. VIII, Suppl. I, p. 115. • Deutsche Ldw. Presse, 1878, Bept. 18; Ldw. Jahrb. VIII, Suppl. I, p. 115. Investigatiotts Concernitig the Horse. 275 rangeinents for coutrolling the work performed, are very com- plicated and need not be described here. ^ In the first series of experiments with the dynamometer conducted during the summer of 1877, ' the daily work performed by the horse during the five periods of the experiment amounted to 3,429,500, 6,864,000, 10, 288, 500, 6, 859, 000 and 3, 429, 500 foot-pounds. The ration fed daily throughout the experiment was 13.2 pounds of oats, 11 pounds of hay, 3.3 pounds of cut winter- wheat straw, and .4 ounces of salt. The weight of the horse was 1,177 pounds. 433. What was shown by the digestion trials. — Digestion trials conducted during each period showed that the amount of work performed by the horse did not exert any influence on the digestibility of the ration fed. The digestion coeflicients found during the five periods were: for dry matter, 57, 56, 56, 54, 53 per cent. ; for protein, 71, G8, 70, 67, 68 per cent. ; for nitrogen- free extract, 68, 70, 68, 68, 64 per cent., etc. The somewhat lower digestibility of the ration during the last period is accounted for by the influence of the storing of the hay — the digestibility of hay decreasing with age. The animal was never overworked during the digestion experiments, the hardest labor being easily within its capacity. The heavier work done during the third period was accompanied by a greater quantity of water drank and a decrease in the live weight of the animal. The results obtained were corroborated in a second trial, when a highly nitrogenous ration containing field beans was fed (16.5 pounds of hay and 8.8 pounds of beans), and also in still later experiments by the same investigator. « The results obtained by Grandeau and Leclerc with French cab horses (442) do not quite correspond with those found by Wolfi" with German farm horses, as given above, the former investigators finding a small depression in the digesti- bility of rations fed to horses doing slow work compared with that obtained when resting in the stall, and a somewhat lai'ger depression when doling harder work. The differences obtained were within three per cent, of those found by Wolff, and are not, therefore, of much practical importance. 1 For a detailed description of the apparatus, with iUiistrations, see Ldw. Vei-s. Sta. 21, 1878, p. 21. * Ldw. Jahrb. VIII, 1879, Suppl. I, p. 73. « Ibid., p. 78. 276 Feeds and Feeding. 434. Nutrients required for maintenance and work. — Wolff's ex- periments show that a horse of average size will do medium hard work and maintain his weight on a ration containing about 12 pounds of digestible matter. A nutritive ratio of 1:G.4 proved better than the narrow ration of 1:3. When, as in the later ex- periments, less than 9.5 pounds of digestible matter were supplied in the ration, the weight of the horse decreased, the decrease being, under otherwise similar conditions, more marked when a narrow nutritive ratio (1:3.4) was fed than when a wider ratio (1: 5.6) was given. (445) When heavier work was done, a sup- ply of 12 pounds of digestible matter did not suffice to maintain the weight of the horse. This could only be attained by furnish- ing larger quantities of nutrients, viz., about 15.5 pounds. The digestible nutrients necessary to maintain a horse of 1,100 pounds in a medium nutritive condition, when not perforjiiiiig any mechanical work, was found in repeated experiments with three horses to be 9.25 pounds^ on an average, when a consider- able portion, at least one-half, of the ration was made up of coarse feed, viz., meadow hay. This proportion of coarse feed will hold good for farm horses doing an average day's work in rather slow time. Horses which are required to do heavy work and in rapid time, as, for instance, mail-coach or army liorses, must have rations which are easily digested, and they should consist of concentrated feeding stuffs with some chaffed straw and little or no hay. * 435. Value of the various components of fodders. — According to Wolff's experiments, the digestible albuminoids of the feed have, beyond a certain minimum, no higher value for production of work than the same quantity of starch or of the starch equiva- lent of digestible non -nitrogenous substances. (Chapter V, pt. 1. ) He found that the digestible organic substances in coarse fodders, mainly meadow hay, have considerably lower value for the pro- duction of work in the case of the horse than have the sa)ne sub- stances in concentrated feeding stuffs, — for instance, oats. The explanation given, the correctness of which is disputed by good authorities, is that the crude fiber, largely present in the coai'se » Wolff, Ldw. Jahrb., 1887, Suppl. IIL Investigations Concerning the Horse. 277 fodders, is of no value to the horse either for maintenance or for production of work, the decomposition of cellulose taking place in the colon through the action of ferments, after it has passed the digestive tract. For keeping a horse of 1,100 pounds weight at maintenance, 9.25 pounds of digestible matter are required in the ration, as has been seen. Of crude fiber-free nutrients, 7.28 to 7,50 pounds were found necessary, an av^erage of 7.39 pounds. This result is an average of thirty-eight experiments with three horses and agrees closely with the findings of Grandeau and Leclerc, who obtained 7.47 pounds as the average of six closely agreeing experiments with two horses. 436. Work possible from one pound of feed. — Beyond the 7.39 pounds of digestible crude fiber-free nutrients required for the maintenance of a 1,100 pound horse, each additional .22 of a pound (100 grams) of the crude fiber-free digestible nutrients will, ac- cording to Wolff, increase the power of the horse for muscular work about 400,000 foot-pounds. The table presented below shows the total available work possible from one pound of com- mon feeding stuff on this basis: WorTc, in foot-pounds, obtainable from one pound of various food substances when fed to the horse — Wolff. Feed. No. of anal yses, No. of diges- tion ex- peri- ments. Total digesti- ble or- ganic matter. Digesti- ble crude liber. Equivalent to work. Crude fiber in- cluded. Crude fiber ex- cluded. Meadow hay Clover hay... Alfalfa hay... Wheat straw Oats Barley Corn Field beans .. Peas Lupines Linseed cake Flaxseed Potatoes Carrots , Per et, 40.6 41.1 46.2 15.7 60.2 70.7 80.0 72.4 66.7 63.4 63.4 74.0 21.5 6.0 Per ct. 11.4 12.0 11.0 7.6 2.0 4.1 1.6 4.5 0.5 8.7 Foot- pounds. ,500 ,600 ,100 ,800 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,800 736 74.5 838 284 ,092 ,282 ,452 ,313 ,210 ,150 ,150 ,343 390 108 Foot- pounds. 529,800 527,900 638.600 147.000 1,055,000 1,209,000 1,424,000 1,232,000 1,201,000 992,400 1,150,000 1,343,000 390,000 108,800 278 Feeds and Feedirig. 437. Feed requirements for work. — The manner of calcniating the amount of feed necessary for the performance of a certain amount of work may be illustrated by an example cited by "Wolff. * If a riding horse in average condition, weighing 937 pounds, and 1,157 pounds with rider and saddle, travels 20.5 miles daily, he performs the amount of work shown in the table, which calls for corresponding quantities of nutrients. Nutrients required for work of varying degrees — Wolff. Movement. Move- ment per second. Time required. Energy used per second. Total energy. Digestible nutrients required. Walking. .. Feet. 4.1 8.2 20.5 Seconds. 26,400 18,200 5,280 Foot- poun.ls. 801.998 1,207.978 7,356,502 For>t- pounds. 7,971,700 15,945,300 38,842,900 Lbs. 2 a5 Slow trot 5 70 Canter 13.9 To the digestible nutrients given in the last column must be added the quantity necessary to maintain the animal, aside from the performance of any work, which will amount to 6.70 pounds per 1,000 pounds weight (7.39 for 1,100 pounds), so that ordi- narily the supply of digestible matter in the ration would be re- spectively 9.13, 11.97 and 20.17 pounds. The last two amounts called for in the last column are larger than a horse can assimi- late, but a continuous canter or even slow trot for the whole dis- tance of 20 miles represents an amount of work rarely performed by the horse. If we assume that one-third of the distance was traveled in a walk, one-third in a slow trot, and one-third in a canter, we find that the total time required would be 14,960 seconds, the total energy used 11,874,000 foot-pounds, and the corresponding feed requirements 4.25 pounds of digestible matter. This added to the feed required for maintenance amounts to 10.52 pounds of digestible matter. A horse walking 20 miles will require seven hours and twenty minutes. If equal distances are traveled in walk, trot and canter, it will take four hours and nine minutes. The total energy spent in tlie former » Landw. Jahrb., 1887, Suppl. ILL ].. 120. Investigations Concerning the Sorse. 279 case -vrith a rider will call for 9.12 pounds of digestible sub- stances in tbe feed (exclusive of crude fiber), and in the latter 10.52 pounds. A daily ration of 8.8 pounds of good meadow hay and about 11 pounds of oats will supply the demand for the former effort, and 8,8 pounds of hay and 13.2 pounds of oats the latter. 438. Rate of movement. — In practice it is generally assumed that the speed of the horse per second amounts to 4.1 feet in walking; in slow trot, 8.2 feet,* in rapid trot, 12.3 feet; in short canter, 16.4 feet; in canter, 20.5 feet, and in fall gallop, 24.6 feet. * The strain of work by a full-grown, well-fed horse can, accord- ing to EuefF, continue on an average for eight hours a day; for instance, ahorse weighing about 000 pounds can carry 176 pounds, with a speed of 4.1 feet per second, for eight hours without suf- fering exhaustion, traveling in that time a little more than 22 miles. The length of time can be increased, but if more energy is called into play by increasing both the load and the speed, the animal wUl become exhausted. K, for instance, both the load and the speed be increased one- fourth, the working hours must be shortened one-fourth, and vkw. versa. 439. Influence of rapidity of work. — The amount of work which a horse is able to perform on a certain ration remains practically the same whether done during a shorter or longer period of time, or by hauling a smaller or greater load. The following summary given by Wolff ^ shows this statement to be correct: Influence of rapidity of work by th^, horse — Wolff. Period. No. of turns of sweep. Load. Distance walked. Period of walking. Total day's work per- formed. Work per second. T 1,000 750 600 Lbs. 88 132 176 Feet. 86,560 64,920 51,950 Minutes. 515 396 354 Foot- pounds, 12,300,200 12,279,300 12,078,400 Foot- pounds. 397 8 II 617.0 Ill 568.2 The total work done remained practically the same in all cases, and the nutritive condition of the horse was apparently unchanged. » Wolff, Landw. Jahrb., 1887, Suppl. Ill, p. 119. * Loc. cit, p. 71. 280 Feeds and Feeding. Tlie ability of the borse to perform a definite amount of work was therefore the same whether it was performed in less than six hours or in more than eight hours. 440. An example of severe work. — Wolff cites the intense work of the mail-coach horses on the route from Plieningen to Stutt- gart, Germany. Two strongly-built, spirited horses, in good flesh, drawing a heavy mail-coach, often carrying eight passen- gers, go twice daily out and home, up and down the mountain road at a trot. The total distance traveled is 35 miles, with an average speed of 7.87 feet per second. These horses are fed daily per head from 22 to 24 pounds of oats mixed with cut straw, and in addition hay ad libitum, of which they eat very little — often none at all. The oats consumed contained from 13.2 to 14,5 pounds of digestible matter, and the day's work represents at least 21, 660, 000 foot-pounds per horse. When the feed equivalent of the work performed is subtracted, much less than 9.25 pounds of the digestible matter remains as the maintenance ration when calculated on the basis of a weight of 1,100 pounds per horse. 441. The German army horse. — The German army horse often travels over 40 miles in a day, one-third of the distance being in a walk, trot and gallop, respectively. This work means an ex- penditure of energy amounting to not less than 23,748,000 foot- pounds, or a feed requirement of 14.77 pounds of digestible matter, including the food of support. The horses are fed on an average a ration consisting of only 5.5 pounds of hay, 11 pounds of oats, and some cut straw. This ration contains only about 8.8 pounds of digestible components, and ''it is therefore not hard to under- stand why the horses lose heavily in weight during the maneuvers, and that, when these are over, a large number of animals have to be disposed of as not adapted for use in military service; they are also unfit for almost any other work." III. T/ie Investigations of Grandeani and Ledero, 442. Digestibility of horse feeds. — Grandean and Leclerc* stud- ied the digestibility of horse feeds and the relation of food to the amount of work performed by the light draft horses of the Paria ' Ann. de la Sci. Agron., 1884, Vol. II, p. 325. Investigatioiis Concerning the Rorse. 281 Cab Company. Tliey delermined the digestibility successively of mainteuance rations, rations fed horses when walking without load, and rations for light-working horses. Three horses vy'ere included in the experiments, the rations consisting of about three- fourths grain and one-fourth coarse feed supplied in the following quantities: Bations fed horses during digestion triak — Grandeau and Leclerc. Hay. Straw. Oats. Beans. Com. Corn cake. Total. Maintenance ration Lbs. 2.3 11 Lbs. 1.2 1.4 1.9 Lbs. 4.3 4.8 6.5 Lbs. .9 1.0 1.4 Lbs. 3.3 3.5 4.8 Lbs. .6 .7 1.0 Lbs. 12.6 13 9 19 1 The three experimental rations stand in the ratio of 1: 1.1: 1.5. Each period lavSted a month, the three horses being successively put on the same rations and subjected to the same conditions. The horses weighed 972, 945 and 992 pounds at the beginning of the experiments. The following average digestion coefficients for the above rations were obtained: Digestion coefficients for rations fed three horses ■ Leclerc. Grandeau and Exercise. No. of trials. Organic matter. Pro- tein. CeUu- lose. Nitrogen- free ex- tract. Ether extract. At rest .. 21 3 3 3 6 72 70 69 67 74 74 72 69 67 46 44 39 40 33 77 77 75 76 73 53 .",0 Walking, work ., 62 Trot, no work . 53 Trot, work 55 The digestibility of the rations when the horses were walking a distance of about twelve miles per day was no smaller than when at rest. There was an extreme depression of 5 per cent, in the digestibility of the total organic matter and 7 per cent, in the protein when the horses were worked hard. (433) It further appears from the tiible that the digestion of cellulose, which occurs principally in the colon or large intestine, is affected more 282 Feeds and Feeding. than any other constituent by the amount of exercise or work; the motion of the horse probably determines its more rapid pas- sage through the system. Grandeau states that the results accord with practical experience, which teaches that the digestion of horses is relatively the liiost efficient when they are resting or doing little work. 443. Maintenance rations for horses.^ — "We have seen that by *' maintenance ration" is understood the minimum supply of feed which will keep a horse from losing weight while at rest in the stable with only the small amount of walking exercLse neces- sary to preserve health. (133) In Grandeau's experiments with meadow hay as the sole diet, three horses were kept at rest for periods amounting to four or five months each, half an horn's walking exercise being allowed per day. Each horse received 17.6 pounds of hay per day, which proved exactly sufficient to maintain his weight unaltered. The three horses did not di!,est the hay equally well, and thus each horse was really nourished and its weight maintained by somewhat different amounts of food. The average result for each horse was as follows: Maintenance experiments with horses fed meadotc liay — Grandeai and Leclerc. Weight of horse. Total orp:finic matter digested per day. Ko. 2, 807 pounds No. 3, 853 pounds No. 1, 806 pounds Mean of three horses for fourteen months Grandeau and Leclerc experimented with many other rations, but in only a few Ciises did their maintenance diets exactly meet the wants of the horse. These results are given in the next table; they are less valuable than those obtained with meadow liav, jxiven above. ' After Warington, London Live Stock Journal, 1894, p. 9, et seq. Investigations Concerning the Horse. 283 Maintenance experiments with Jiorses — Gr andean and Leclerc. Weight of horse. Total organic matter per day. Diet. In ration. Digested. Digested per 1,000 lbs. weight. Lbs. 868 913 1,013 972 906 Lbs. 14.08 8.59 11.57 9.48 9.49 Lbs. 6.09 6.41 8.33 7.30 6.74 Lbs. 7.02 Oate alone (crushed) 7.02 8.22 Corn, oats, hay and straw... Com, oats, hay and straw... 7.50 7.45 These figures illustrate very plainly the weak point in a diet containing much hay or straw, viz., the large quantity which must be given to animals to produce a certain effect, due to the low digestibility of these feeds. 444. Protein required in maintenance rations. ^ — In construct- ing a maintenance ration for an animal it is important to know what is the smallest quantity of protein required to replace the daily waste of the body; the ration should of course never supply less than this amount. The quantity does not seem to have been exactly determined in the case of the horse, but judging from the French experiments it must be quite small. The average amount of digestible albuminoids received daily by the three horses during fourteen months while fed entirely upon hay was only . 54 pounds per 1, 000 pounds live weight. This quantity cor- responds to that determined by German experiments as mini- mum quantities for an ox of 1,000 pounds kept on a maintenance diet. The minimum for the horse is, however, less than the above average. Horse No. 3 during June and July received a daily average of only .45 pounds per 1,000 pounds weight, yet this was apparently sufficient, as the horse gained about five pounds in weight during these two months. In another case the same horse received daily, during one month, only .37 pounds of digestible albuminoids per 1,000 pounds live weight. The horse gained somewhat in weight while at rest, but the analyses of the urine showed that he lost rather more nitrogen than he 1 After Warington, loc. i;it. 284 Feeds and Feeding. recei\'ed in the food. We are therefore disposed to assume about .45 pounds of digestible protein per 1,000 pounds live weight as the minimum quantity for the maintenance of a horse. Since oats contain about nine per cent, of digestible protein, about five pounds of oats daily would supply all the protein necessary to replace the wear of muscular tissue in the horse during rest. This amount of oats would contain about 4.3 pounds of organic matter, or 2.7 less than required according to the re- sults of Grandeau's experiments. The horse would therefore be unable to hold his own on five pounds of oats alone, but would need nearly as much hay in addition. (134) 445. Nutritive ratio for work horses. — In the experiments by Grandeau conducted in 1889-90, the question of the most profit- able nutritive ratio for work horses was considered. * (132^) In place of the ration previously fed, having a nutritive ratio of about 1 : 7, an Indian corn and straw ration, having a ratio of 1 : 10, and one of beans and straw, with a ratio of 1 : 3, were fed. The effect of these rations was studied with three horses for a year, they being at rest in the stall, or given walking or trot- ting exercisei, or work at the sweep at a walking or trotting pace, or finally given work before the carriage. The rations varied of course with the work performed, but the same propor- tions of each feed given during rest were continued during the other periods, the quantities only being increased. The corn ra- tion fed during rest was 9.4 pounds corn, 5.4 pounds cut straw; the bean ration 9 pounds beans, 8.5 pounds cut straw. The straw fed was barley straw during 1889 and oat straw during 1890. The average weight of the three horses during the whole experi- ment was, for corn periods 976.8 and for bean periods 1,045.5 pounds. The increase in weight was partly due to the larger quantity in nutrients of the bean ration, amounting to about 6 per cent. In spite of the larger quantities of nutrients fed during the bean periods, the effect of the rations was about the same, and when a difference occurred it was in favor of the corn. A better utilization of the fodder must therefore have taken place during the corn periods, since there was no evidence of any difference in the * Ann. de la Sci. Agr., 1892, p. 1. InvestigatioTis Concerning the Horse. 285 nutritiye condition of the horse or in its capacity for work in favor of beans. The main difference in the rations is in the greater protein content of the bean ration, the quantity of carbohydrates being practically the same in both cases. The conclusion drawn, therefore, is that a very narrow nutritive ratio is not advantageous, but that experience must still decide how far the ration may be profitably widened. The author believes that 1: 7 is about a correct nutritive ratio for the utilization of all components of the ration for the work horse. (434) 446. Feed required for performing work. — Grandeau's re- searches ^ do not furnish much information as to the quantity of feed required for the performance of known amounts of work, for although graduated amounts of measured work were performed by the horses under each diet, it was rare that the ration proved exactly sufficient for maintaining the horses' weight without gain or loss. Some points of importance were, however, clearly made out. One of these is the effect of pace on the amount of labor exerted and the feed required therefor. Thus, a horse walking 12.5 miles per day was kept in condition with a daily ration of 19.4 pounds of hay, while one of 24 pounds was insufficient when the same distance was covered at a trot. Again, a horse walking the above distance and hauling a load, the additional work being equivalent to 1,943 foot- tons, was sufficiently nourished by a ration of 26.4 pounds of hay, but one of 32.6 pounds (all the horse would eat) was not enough to maintain its weight when the same work was done at a trot. That work is performed at least cost to the system when done slowly is a fact well recognized by every old and feeble man, but the principle has not generally been recognized as true in all cases. Some of the reasons why rapid labor is less economically per- formed than slow labor are readily apparent. When a horse is trotting, the frequency of the pulse, and consequently the work performed by the heart, is much increased. The trotting or gal- loping horse lifts his own weight at each step, but allows it to fall again, the result appearing only as heat. The temperature of the horse rises with exertion, and much heat is lost by the » After Warington, loc. cit. 286 Fcnh and Feeding. evaporation of water through the skin and luugs. Tlie propor- tion of the food employed to produce heat is thus increased, while the proportion appearing as work is diminished. There are other mechanical reasons why rapid motion generally consumes more power than slow motion, even when the distance traveled and the weight moved are the same. Grandeau gives tables ^^h owing the temperature of the body of the horse before and after work. When the work performed was at all severe, a very distinct rise in body temperature was observed — from 2" to 4" Fahr. 447. Water drank by horses. — Grandeau and Leclerc ' report the following quantities of water drank by two horses under dif- ferent conditions: Horse A. Horse B. Lbs. daily. Lbs. daily. Walking, performing no labor 24.9 30.7 Walking, performing labor 28.9 3.5.4 Trotting, perfomiing no labor 31.3 27.6 Trotting, performing labor 52.0 50.7 448. Loss of weight during work. — Grandeau and Leclerc's in- vestigations ' furnish abundant material for studying the loss of weight of horses and the quantities of water drank during differ- ent kinds of work. The following are some of the results: Loss in iceight of horses during work and wJwn at rest — GrandeoM and Leclerc. Av. live weight. Av. length of Walking, no work. Water drank Walking, work. Water drank No. of horse. Loss In weight. Loss in weight. A. M. 1 P. M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Ill LbB. 850 800 Min. 145 145 Min. 151 151 Lbs. 2.0 2.8 Lbs. 1.6 2.7 Lbs. 24.9 80.7 Lbs. 2.8 4.9 Lbs. 3.9 5.4 Lbs. 28.9 I S5.4 &50 SOd 80 79 79 71) Trotting, no work. 31.3 27.6 Trotting, work. Ill 2.7 3.2 4.5 5.5 8.0 9.1 9.7 10.5 .7:.0 I 50.7 The difference between the loss in weight of the horse when walking and trotting, or that obtained when working and idle, is * Loc. cit. *Ann. Sci. Agr., 1888, II, p. 276. Investigations Concerning the Rorse. 287 due not only to wear of muscles and decomposition of nutritive fluids in the body of the animal, but is partly accounted for by the increased evaporation of water due to the heavier work. The water evaporated daily under varying conditions of exercise, aa determined in experiments with different diets, was as follows: Water evaporated C!ondition of horse. per day, lbs. At rest 6.4 Walking exercise 8.6 At work, walking 12.7 Trotting 13.4 At work, trotting 20.6 The distance trotted was the same as that walked, and the load di'awn was the same. The heat consumed in the evaporation of water was quite considerable. The exhalation of water by breath and perspiration thus diminishes the quantity of food available for the production of work. IV. MisceUaneoits Findings by the Investigators. 449. Relation of speed to work. — According to M. Fourier,^ the daily work of a good horse has a maximum, under the best load for each speed, of about 2. 95 feet per second, or 10,4 96 feet (two miles nearly) an hour. Taking this maximum as unity, he gives the following as the probable value of work performed at other speeds: Feet. MUes. Daily work. 6,560 1.25 0.69 10,496 2.00 1.00 13,120 2.50 .99 19,680 3.75 .94 26,240 5.00 .83 32,800 6.25 .68 39,360 7.50 .51 45,920 8.75 .33 52,480 10.00 .18 59,040 11.25 .07 The data presented show that the horse is at his best for draw- ing a load when moving at the rate of about two miles per hour. li^Iaguon, X iait6 de Genie Rural, III, 175, quoted by Thurston, The Animal as a Machine and a Prime Motor, p. 52. 288 Feeds and Feeding. If tlie speed be increased beyond this, tlien less of the energy can be devoted to drawing the load. With a speed of ten miles per hour about two-tenths of the maximum work can be per- formed, and a further increase of a mile and a quarter per hour re- duces the possible work to less than one- tenth of the maximum. "■ Where the animal must develop maximum power continuously at any considerable speed, the number required for a specific work will always be greatly increased. Thus, in coaching, the proprietors of mail-coaches, even on the admirable highways of Great Britain^ maintain one horse per mile of route for each coach and worked in fours, so that, going and retuining, each travels eight miles per day, working only an hour or less each day on the average. The coach weighs, loaded, two tons, and its coefficient of friction on good roads is about .035." Draft horses moving two and one-half miles an hour are ex- pected to do seven times the work of coach horses moving ten miles. ^ 450. Work done by the horse and the mule. — Eennie^ found the hauling power of a draft horse weighing 1,200 pounds equal to about 108 pounds at 2.5 miles an hour, or 22,300 foot- pounds per minute, for 8 hours per day — a twenty-mile haul. This is a little over two-thirds of a Watt horse-power, at which value Rennie rates the average draft horse, and this is taken to be, ordinarily, five times the power of a man. Between 2.5 and 4 miles an hour, the hauling power of the horse is nearly inversely as the speed. The mule carries a load of 200 to 400 pounds, and its day's work consists, usually, in the transportation of the equivalent of 5,000 to 6,000 pounds one mile. The ass carries 175 pounds and upward, and its day's work is the equivalent of 3,000 to 4,000 pounds one mile. According to Weisbach, a horse should be able to carry 240 pounds on its back 3.5 feet per second ten hours a day. Carrying 160 poimds he should be able to trot seven feet per second seven hours a day, doing in the day nearly ten per cent, less work than before. ^ Barbour, Cyclopaedia of Manufactures. « Thurston, The Animal as a Machine and a Prime Motor, p. 59. Investigations Conceming Oie Horse, 289 The pulling power of a draft animal is said to be, as a nile, about one-fifth its weight. Its usual effort, in the case of tbe iiorse at least, is seldom iu excess of one-tenth, or about one-half the maximum. One hundred pounds is a common pull for the average horse in draft vehicles. In racing the requirement of speed reduces the work performed (carrying the rider) to the smallest amount possible. Low writes: * '^ Wben it is considered that an ounce of additional loading to the same horse may make the difference of a yard or more in half a mile of running, it will be seen how greatly the weigbt borne may affect the issue in tbe case of horses of equal powers." 451. investigations by Muentz. — Miintz ' determined tbe digesti- bility of a lai'ge number of feeding stuffs for horses at rest receiv- ing only one kuid of feed at a time. The digestion coefficients for the total organic raatter were: Corn, 94.5 per cent.; barley, 84. 5 per cent. ; beans, 84. 5 per cent. ; oats, 75. 1 per cent. ; wheat bran, 93.3 per cent.; meadow hay, 43.3 to 61.0 per cent.; wheat straw, 49.4 per cent. ; carrots, 94.6 per cent. Corn and bran thus appeal* to be the most digestible of the common horse feeds. (173) The digestibility attributed to wheat straw is higher than that calculated from WoliFs exi^eriments, in which it was fed in con- nection with other feeds of known digestibility. Twenty-one per cent, of the organic matter was calculated as digestible iu Wolff's experiments made with three lots of straw in six single trials. ^ In Miintz' s experiments, 33 pounds of straw were consumed daily by the horse during the last month, supplying 13 pounds of digestible matter, yet the borse died from exhaustion; the ration in fact supplied only .157 pounds of digestible protein, or about one-third of the quantity necessary for maintenance. 452. Water dr^vik by the horse. — The amount of water drank by the horse varies with the character of the feed, as shown iu the researches of the various experiments. It is smallest when the diet is largely made up of concentrates and largest when roughage only is given. With the mLxed diet employed for the Paris cab horse the average proportion of water to dry matter was 2.1 : 1 » Breeds of the Doiu stic Animitls of the British Isles. * Warinjjjton, Loudon Live Stock Jourual, 1894, p. 49. » Dietrich and Konig, Futterm., Vol. II, p. 1097. 19 290 Feeds and Feeding. when the horse was at rest, and 3.6:1 when the horse did cab service. Individual horses differ greatly in the quantity of water drank. The relation of the feed eaten, work done and water drank by horses is shown by the data given in Wolff's experiments. * Amount of water drank by horses — Wolff. Feed per day. Daily work. Dally tem- pera- ture. Water dranlt. Wator. Watei i per lb. dry 1 mat- ter. Period. Hay. Cat*. Revo- lutions of sweep. Trac- tiou. In dung. In urine. Ex- pired and per- spired. 1 Lbs. 15.4 15.4 15.4 11.0 6.6 6.6 15.4 24.3 Lba. 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 15.4 Corn. 7.7 1,000 7oO 600 550 850 700 650 300 Lbs. 88 132 176 132 132 132 132 132 c. -5.1 -4.1 -.1 10.2 8.5 17.8 19.4 19.5 Lbs. 61.6 64.4 58.8 47.1 3.5.8 41.3 58.9 73.0 Lbs. 29.6 30.1 29.8 21.6 16.9 20.5 24.1 35.3 Lbs. 18.3 19.4 19.8 15.6 11.4 13.6 15.4 21.6 Lbs. 17.7 19.0 13.5 13.1 10.0 10.4 22.2 18.7 Lbs. 2 8 2 2 9 3 2 7 4 2 4 5 2 4 6 2 4 7 3.1 8 3.5 The water in the feed, which ranged from 2.5 to 4.2 pounds, is not included in the first part of the table. The figures in the last column show the number of pounds of water drank and that contained in the feed per pound of dry matter consumed. The preceding shows that the amount of water drank by the horse varies more than that of any other domestic animal and should be supplied according to requireinenta The wisdom of supplying it frequently during hard labor is plainly indicated in these data. 453. Decrease in weight of the horse during work. — Eueff ^ in- vestigated the loss in weight of horses dui'ing work, correction being made for the fodder eaten and the dung dropped. Farm horses doing medium work lost on an average 7. 7 pounds in weight during eleven hours. The following results were obtained with German army horses: A division of riding horses ridden for 25 minutes in walk, trot and gallop lost on an average 4 pounds in weight. A gelding 8 yeai-s old, carrying a weight of 176 pounds, in training as a school horse, lost 11 pounds in 25 minutes; another horse the same; after 24 hours only 1 pound was regained. A 1 Laudw. Jahrb. 1887, Suppl. Ill, p. 109. * Landw. Wochenbl. d. k. k. Ackerbaum., 1870, terungeslehre, 1872, p. 370. V. Gohren, Fiit- InvestigaiioM Concerniiig the Horse. 291 14-year-old blind stallion ridden for an hour and thirty minutes by a rider weighing 166 pounds lost 33 pounds weight; dui-ing 24 hours 22 pounds were regained. A 23-year-old mare weighing 770 pounds, ridden for a distance of six miles in walk or trot, lost 22 pounds. 454. Variation in weight. — Boussingault^ studied the varia- tions in weight of horses while on the same feed and under simi- lar conditions. The changes in the weights of two horses, found in fifteen daily weighings between December 16 and 31, are shown below: ^ Weight of Weight of horse, Iba. mare, lbs. Average, December 16 to 31 994.4 1,081.9 Maximum weight 1,010.9 1,092.7 Minimum weight 985.6 1,064.8 Greatest difference above average 16.5 10.8 Greatest difference below average 8.8 17.1 Difference between extreme weights.. 25.3 27.9 Another horse 12 years old, taken fasting at four o'clock in the morning, weighed 1,051 pounds. At the same hour of the next day he weighed 1,060 pounds, and at the same hour on the third day 1,038 pounds. Boussingault calls attention to the necessity of carrying on feeding experiments for a considerable time and with several animals, in order to escape, or at all events lessen, the errors that would be introduced into the conclusions by these accidental differences in weight. 455. Effect of disturbed conditions on horses. — Lehmann, Hage- mann and Ziintz" found that the disturbance of horses in the stable has a decided influence on the consumption of feed. The presence of many flies caused an excretion of carbonic acid of 10 per cent, above that in case of those not so annoyed. 1 Ann. de la ScL Agron., 1884, II, p. 330; Rural Economy, p. 397. *Landw. Jahrb., XXIII, 1894, p. 125. CHAPTEE XVnL FEEDS FOE THE HOESE. 456. Oats. — Horses nurtured on oats show mettle which can- not be reached by the use of any other feeding stuff. (188) Then, too, there is no grain so safe for horse feeding, the animal rarely being seriously injured if by accident or otherwise the gro('Tri deals out an over supply. This safety is due in no small measuir to the presence of the oat hull, which causes a given weight ot grain to possess considerable volume, because of which there i> less liability of mistake in measuring out the ration; further, th- digestive tract cannot hold a quantity of oat grains sufficient to produce serious disorders. Unless the horse is hard pressed for time or has poor teeth, oats should be fed in the whole conditioii. Musty oats should be avoided. Horsemen generally agree that new oats should not be used, though Boussingault, 1 conducting extensive experiments Mitb. army horses, arrived at the conclusion that new oats do not pos- sess the injurious qualities attributed to them. 457. Substitutes for oats. — According to experiments made at Hohenheim (Germany) and Paris, oats may often be profit- ably replaced by other concentrated and easily digested feeding stuffs for the production of work by horses. BecaiLse of their palatability it seems desirable and advantageous not to entirely omit oats from the ration, but only to reduce the allowance to a certain minimum. This is, however, very important at times on account of the high market value of this grain. During feeding experiments at Hohenheim in 1893-94, a horse was fed a daily ration consisting of 6 pounds of meadow hay, 5 pounds of cut straw, 2 pounds of oats, 3 pounds of field beans, 8 pounds of 1 Ann. de la Sci. Agron., 1884, II, p. 331. Feeds fw the Horse. 293 colli and about 1 ounce of salt per 1,000 pounds weigM. The nutritive ratio of this ration is about 1:6.4. In case of work horses, especially those doing rapid work, not accustomed to voluminous rations and not having the capacity for them, more intensive feeding will be in order, such, for instance,^ as that practiced by the Paris Omnibus Company, where 28 per cent, of the rations for horses consists of roughage (meadow hay and oat straw in the proportion of 2:1), and 72 per cent., or nearly three-fourths, of concentrates (oats, bean, corn, oil cake), the nutritive ratio being about 1 : 7.2. * 458. Relative value of oats, beans and corn. — As a result of feeding experiments with horses at Hohenheim, Wolff ^ concludes that in feeding work horses, 4 pounds of oats are equivalent to 3.5 pounds of field beans, and 4 pounds of beans to 3.5 pounds of corn. On the basis of these figures, oats, beans and corn have a relative value for horses of 4 : 3.5 : 3, or perhaps more correctly, 5:4.5:4. 459. Relative value of hay and oats. — According to WolfiPs' ex- periments, 2.5 pounds of good meadow hay have an equal nutritive value of 1.5 pounds of oats, if the digestible crude fiber be in- cluded in both cases; without this the ratio will be 2 : 1. 460. Barley. — This useful grain for the horse has as yet been lit- tle fed in the eastern United States, probably because of its gen- eral high price. On the Pacific coast barley is extensively used for feeding horses at all kinds of work. Where the horse's teeth are good and the labor not severe, barley may be fed whole. Ground barley, when mixed with the saliva, like wheat, forms a pasty mass in the mouth, and is therefore unpleasant to the hor;-e wliile eating; if, instead of grinding, the grains are crushed to flattened discs between iron rollers, they are more palatable and acceptable to the hoi-se. (178) 461. Dried brewers' grains. — At the New Jersey Station, * dried brewers' grains were fed to street-car horses in place of oats. Horses averaging 1,C00 pounds in weight were required to make 1 Wolfr, Ldw. Jahrb., XXIV, p. 267. * Loc. cit. » Ldw. Jahrb., XXIV, p. 269. * iiept. 1892. 294 Feeds and Feeding. four tripa daily of six miles eaclx, irith increased work on Sundajrs. The rations were as follows: Dried Brewers' Grains Ration. Pounds. Oat Ration. Pounds. Hay 6 Wheat bran 2 Corn, unground 4 Oats 8 Hay 6 Wheat bran 2 Corn, unground 4 Dried brewers' grains 8 Each ration was fed to a group of four horses for a month, then the two feeds reversed for a second month. Then followed a period in which the stable ration prevailed with both lots, the trial closing with a month's feeding of the two rations to the original lots, as in the first instance. The veterinarian in charge of the horses reports : ' ' I have watched the horses closely from the beginning to the end of the experiment and have failed to dis- cover any ill effects from the use of dried brewers' grains. The horses fed the grains have been as healthy as I have ever known them to be." The conclusions of the Station authorities were: "That in both rations the nutrients furnished were sufficient to maintain the weight of the animals under average work," and '' That on the whole, a pound of dried brewers' grains was quite as useful as a pound of oats in a ration for work horses," It waj found that the oat ration cost, at prevailing prices, 24.3 cents pe day, while the ration containing brewers' grains cost 19.4 cent% a difference of 4.9 cents per day per horse, or twenty per cent, jf the cost of the oat ration — an insignificant amount perhaps fr.r a single horse, but making an aggregate of great importance for large establishments. According to "Wolff, ^ ''The effect of dried brewers' grains has been found to be uncertain, and on that account their use has been abandoned by the German war department." While brewers' grains dried by any open-air process may be subject to criticism, the charge cannot stand for grains which are dried rapidly in partial vacuum. (183) 462. Wheat.— At the North Dakota Station,' Shepperd fed No. 1 hard unground wheat to three horses for four weeks, sup- > Farm Foods, Enr. ed., p. 247. « Bui. 20. Feeds for the Horae. 295 plying each animal about fourteen pounds daily. These horses averaged nine hours' work daUy for all the working days of the month. The horses gained ia weight during the trial. Concern- ing wheat as a horse feed Shepperd writes: "It was with diffi- culty that they (the horses) were kept from getting ' off feed ' and otherwise deranged in digestion, when fed this ration of pure wheat. A large proportion of the kernels were passed through the alimentary tract unbroken, while other grains were broken but only partially digested. . . . The test demonstrated clearly that it is not advisable to use wheat alone as a grain ration for horses, and the less expert the feeder the greater the risk. ' ' ( 166-9) 463. Bran and shorts compared with oats. — Shepperd ^ com- pared bran and oats as a feed for work horses and mules in sum- mer, eight horses and four mules being used. The animals were divided into two even lots, all receiving good prairie hay for roughage. To one lot was fed oats, while the other received a mixture of bran and shorts, equal parts by weight. The horses averaged somewhat more than seven hours work per day, the labor being quite severe. Bran and shorts, equal parts by weight, compared with oats — North Dakota Station. Grain eaten. Gain or loss in weight. Work done. Feeding bran and shorts. Total, equal to 876 horses one day Weekly average, per horse Feeding oats. Total, equal to 792 horses one day. Weekly average, per horse Lbs. 12,910 103 11,838 105 Lbs. Loss 10 Loss 1-12 Gain 10 Gain 1-12 Hours. 6,705 4,796 42 It is shown that the horses fed bran and shorts ate somewhat less concentrates per week, lost a little in weight, but did three and one-half hours more work per week each than those fed oats. Upon the whole, bran and shorts proved of equal worth to oats for feeding horses and mules. (174—5) 464. Bran, whoie wheat and shorts versus bran and shorts. — Shepperd 2 also compared the value of a mixture of bran, wheat » Loc. cit. * Loc. cit. 2D(i Feeds and Feeding. iuid shorts, equal pui tci by weight, with bran and short^i Oiily, ^<^^ horses. Feeding bran, wheat and sliorts, in opposition to Iran and shorts — North Dakota Station. Feeding bran, wheat andshovts. Total, 12 horsea 4 weeks Average, 1 horae 4 weeka Feeding bran and shorts. Tota[, 12 horses 4 weeks. Average, 1 horse 4 weeks Grain eaten. Lbs. 5,063 422 4,941 412 Gain or loss in weight. Lbs. Gain 20 Gain 2 Gam 160 Gain 13 Work done. Hours. 1,775 148 1,642 137 The summary shows that each horse fed whole wheat, in addi- tion to bran and shorts, while doin^ eleven houi-s more work con- sumed ten pounds more grain and gained eleren pounds less per month, on the average, than those getting bran and shorts only. This indicates that whole wheat has no advantage over the same weight of bran and shorts in the ration. 465. Ground wheat and bran compared with oats. — Shepperd * next fed a mixture of two parts ground wheat and one part bran, by weight, to one lot of work horses, while another received whole oats. The trial began in Il^ovember and continued until March, with the results here given: Whole oats compared with a mixture of two parts ground wheat and one part bran, by weight — North Dakota Station. Grain eaten. Gain or loss in weight. Work done. Feeding wheat meal and bran. Total, 6 liorses 4 weeks Lbs. 1,266 211 1,413 235 Lbs. Gain 95 Gaiu 16 Loss 5 Loss 1 Hours. 310 Average per horse, 4 weeks 52 Feeding oafs. 296 Average per horse, 4 weeks 49 In these trials, although the horses getting oats ate somewhat more grain, they showed a slight loss in weight while doing some- what less work than those fed ground wheat and bran. ' lioo. cit. Feeds for the Horse. 297 Shepperd concludes: ''Tke horses did nicely on tlie ration consisting of two parts ground wlieat and one part bran with, prairie hay. Wheat is a concentrated food and needs this amount of bran to make it loose and cooling enough for the digestive sys- tem of the horse." 466. Boiled rye as a substitute for oats. — It having been stated that rye, boiled till the grain bursts, may be used as a substitute for an equal volume of oats in the keep of a horse, Boussingault^ tested the matter with two horses which had been previously fed a ration consisting of 22 pounds of hay and 5.5 pounds of oats. The same volume of boiled rye, containing 4.15 pounds of un- cooked grain, was then substituted for the oats. Average weight of horses: first weighing, 1,004.5 pounds; second weighing, 963 pounds; loss per head during 11 days, 41.5 pounds. Boussingault writes: ''In fact with such a ration as this, in v^hich water was made to replace solid corn, no other result could reasonably be expected." (177) 467. Indian corn. — Next to oats, corn is the common grain for horses in America, being used most largely in the southern por- tion of the corn belt and southward in the cotton states. While conceding that corn is not the eqnal of oats as a grain for the horse, nevertheless, because of its low cost and the high feeding value it possesses, this grain will be extensively used where large numbers of horses must be economically maintained. Corn may be fed whole to horses, but generally it is made fine by grinding and mixed xv'ith various other concentrates. (158) Corn and cob meal is preferable to pure corn meal. Corn meal alone is a sodden sub- stance in the animal's stomach, and should be diluted or extended with something of light character. Bran serves well for this pur- pose because of its lightness and cooling effect as well as the protein and mineral matter it furnishes. (451) Corn is best suited to animals at plain, steady work. Its supply should be limited with L'olts and growing horses because of its lack of ash and protein. Wolffs quotes Lehmann in the following statement: "Maize contains a high j)roportion of digestible carbohydrates, and tends ' Rural Eeonomy. * Fami Foods, Eug. ed., p. 216. 298 Feeds and Feeding. to make tlie animal fat and liable to sweat; wliile it improves their appearance, it somewhat detracts from their physical energy." 468. L'le Paris Omnibus Company's experiments. — The Paria Omnibus Company, employing nearly ten thousand horses, began feeding trials with Indian corn in 1874. > Sixteen horses of dif- ferent ages having up to the time of the experiment been fed a ration consisting of 18.7 pounds of oats, 1.8 pounds of bran, with hay and straw additional, received, gradually, more and more com in the place of oats, until after one month the oats were replaced by corn. The horses weighed on an average 1194.1 pounds at the beginning of the experiment, and at the end, four months later, 1219.8 pounds. They were in good flesh and had grown fat, although they had worked hard during this time. It was found, however, that they were less spirited and seemed to lose in energy when more than nine pounds of oats were replaced by corn. The conclusions were that a mixture of 6.6 pounds of corn and 12.1 pounds of oats will prove most satisfactory for work horses, the ratio varying in each case according to the tempera- ment of the animal. Twenty-five other horses doing 'bus service were fed 11 pounds of oats and 6. 6 pounds of corn, after a longer transition period, with hay and straw as before, and after six months equally favorable results were obtained. All horees of the company were fed in this manner during 1876 and afterwards. They maintained their weight, and according to the records of the company did more work in 1876 than in 1875 on the oat ration. ''Compared with the time when only oats were fed, they are more calm at the present and lack the former abundance of vivacity; but on the other hand, work as well and as rapidly as before." The company saved $9.26 per horse during 1876 by the partial substitution of corn for oals. ^ 469. Muntz's experiments. — In 1881, Miintz conducted experi- ments with horses belonging to the Paris Omnibus Company, ' the first of which was with 362 horses fed 9.5 pounds oats, 6.7 pounds corn, 2.1 pounds beans, 1.1 pounds bran, 10.4 pounds hay and 11 pounds straw daily. The average weight of the > Joum. de I'Affr. 1877, p. 127; Biederm. Centralbl. 1877, p. 255. « Recueil de Med. Veter., Feb. 1880; Biedemi. Centralbl. 1881, p. 767. Feeds for the Rorse. 299 horses remained the same during the experiment; the amount of work done did not change, showing that the ration met the re- quirements of the animals. In the second series more corn and less oats were fed, the ration being 6. 8 pounds oats, 9. 7 pounds corn, 3.3 pounds beans, .9 pounds bran, 6.6 pounds hay and 13.2 pounds straw. The animals gained in weight on this ration, the work remaining the same as before. According to the experience gained by the company, corn may be best fed crushed to horses. It was found most advantageous to grind the corn with the cobs left in. Corn and cob meal is considered a better feed than pure corn meal on account of its higher content of cellulose, which renders it more like oats. Thirty per cent, of an oat ration may be replaced by corn and cob meal. Similar reports as to the availability of corn for horse feeding are published in regard to the Berlin Street Car Company, 1 the Berlin mail-horse stables, * and the New York Omnibus Company. » At the Utah Station, * Sanborn found that horses fed com and timothy did as well as those fed oats, clover and timothy hay. Mills, 5 at the same Station, found that corn sustained the weight of horses better than oats. 470. An adverse report on corn feeding. — It is stated « that the stockholders of the London Omnibus Company objected to the intensive feeding of corn to the horses of the company, ''because the mortality had increased with the extensive feeding of corn and the horses seem to wear out much sooner." The horses fattened by the corn feeding, but the muscular system was not kept strong, and the nervous force of the animals decreased, as a result of which the veterinarian was oftener consulted than before the ex- tensive use of corn began. Similar experiences are reported in the case of the street- car horses of Berlin. ' »Nordd. Landw. 1S81, p. 141; Biedenn. Centralbl. 1881, p. 768. » Ldw. Blatt. f. Oldenburg, 1880, p. 180. 8 Thur. Ldw. Zeit. 1880, p. 161. See also the exhaustive report on the subject by Bruckmiiller on experiments conducted with army horses under the auspices of the Austrian govemmeut, Oest. Viertelj. f. Wiss. Vet. kunde, 49 (1878), p. 1; Biedenn. Centralbl. 1878, p. 420. * BuL 30. » Bui. 36. • Fuhling's Laudw. Zeitung, 39, 1S90, p. 63. ' Jahrsb. Agrl. Ch., 1890, p. 641. 300 Feeds and Feeding. 471. Kloepfer's conclusions concerning corn. — Dr. Kloepfer ^ draws the following conclusions from investigations conducted by himself and others concerning the value of Indian corn as a food for horses: ''Corn is well adapted to replace oats, since the chemical composition of both cereals, especially as regaids protein and fat, are nearly the same. The whole grain feed may be made up of corn in winter time and three-fourths of it in summer time. Five pounds of corn are equivalent to six pounds of oats. The heaviest feed should be given at night. The change from oats to corn feed should occur very gradually, the transition period last- ing from two to four weeks according to the extent to which the oats are to be fed in connection with the corn. New corn should not be fed to horses. The American dent varieties of corn are the best adapted to horse feeding." 472. reeds rich in protein compared with oats for colts. — Jordan, of the Maine Station, * conducted feeding experiments with colts in which oats were fed against a mixture of other concentrates, such as peas and wheat middlings, in the first trial, and gluten meal, linseed meal and middlings in the second trial. In the first trial, which lasted 137 days, oats when fed to three grade Per- cheron colts, 9, IG and 18 months old, produced less growth than an equal weight of a mixture of peas and middlings, the relation of growth made being as 100 : 111. In the second trial, two Per- cheron colts, both 11 months old, were fed oats against middlings, gluten meal and linseed meal, in the proportion of 60 : 35 : 15. Ten pounds of hay were fed each colt daily in addition to the grain. The experiment lasted 84 days, the results being as follows: Feeding mixed grain to colts in ojppofiition to oats — Maine Station. Period I. Grain mixture. Period II. Oats. Weight at beginning. Daily gain when on — Grain mixture. Oats. (Jolt I Lbs. 6 6 Lbs. 7 6 Lbs. 711 602 Lbs. 1.51 1.16 Lbs. 43 Colt II 93 » Biederm. Centralbl. 1895, p. 275. » Ropid. 1891-92. Feeds for the Horse. 301 In both experiments a greater growth was obtained from the mixed grains with both animals. (206) These trials show that when oats are high priced other concentrates may be snbstituted for them in colt feeding without checking growth. Some oats should be fed, if possible, because of their tonic effect. 473. Peanut meal and malt sprouts. — Eusche ^ gives results of experiments showing that peanut meal and malt sprouts may be ur.ed with a,dvantn.go as a feed for foals in place of oats. 474. Cocoantit mea!. — The French war department investi- gated the value of cocoanut meal for horses. * Ten army horses were fed cocoanut meal for four weeks in place of an equal quan- tity of oats in the ordinaiy ration. Five horses receiving the ordinary oat ration were included in the experiment and given the same work as the others. They were exercised only a little during the first period, Januaiy 12 to 30, viz., 8 to 9 miles. They « ere worlced harder for the next two weeks, January 31 to Feb- ruary 12, 15-17.5 miles. Weighings were taken before and after the change was made with averages as follows: Cocoanut-meal ration. Ordinary ration. Pounds. Pounds. January 12 963.4 9^96.4 January 31 977.5 992.9 February 12 970.9 983.2 The results proved that cocoanut meal was equal and even superior to the same weight of oats. According to French prices of feeding stuffs, a substitution as in tlie above experiment would bring about a reduction in the cost of keeping army horses of $10 each per year. (223) 475. Compounding rations for work horses. — At the !New Jersey Station, ^ Voorhees, studying to compound rations which should be low in cost but effective, conducted trials with two lots of two horses each, the work being as near uniform for each lot as could be arranged. In these trials corn meal and dried brewers' grains famished the concentrates for one ration, while for the other corn »Lan(hv. 25, 18S9, p. 361; Jahrsb. Agr.-Chem., 1889, p. 621. •Milch Zeit., 1883, p. 517. •Bept. 1893. 302 Feeds and Feeding. meal, wheat bran and oil meal were used. The trial continued six months with the results reported in the tables below: Feeding low-priced rations to horses — New Jersey Station. Lot I. Ration: Dried brewers' grains and com meal. Hay. Com meal. Dried brewers' grains. Average weight. Cost of ration. Horse 1 Lbs. 8.0 8.0 Lbs. 6.5 6.2 Lbs. 6.6 5.8 Lbs. 1,110 1,191 Ceuts. t 19 8 Horse 2 18 9 Lot II. Ration: Corn meal, wheat bran and oil meal. Hay. Corn meal. Wheat bran. Oil meal. Average live weight. Cost of ration. Horses Lbs. 8.0 8.0 Lbs. 6.2 6.9 Lbs. 5.0 5.8 Lbs. 1.4 1.7 Lbs. 1,127 1,226 Cents. 20.8 Hoi-se4 22.3 The horses held their own in weight, and appeared in satis- factory condition throughout the whole period. The prices al- lowed for feed in the above tables are as follows: Timothy hay, $18; wheat bran, $17.50; corn meal, $22; dried brewers' grains. $17; linseed meal, $29. At these prices the cost of the rations was lowest where dried brewers' grains were used, and highest where wheat bran and oil meal were fed. A gardener living near the Station, guided by its teachings, fed a ration similar to No. 1 with success, and effected a saving in his feed bUls for the year of about $150 over previous cost under the customary feeding of the vicinity. Yoorhees concludes: ''That the kind and quality of specific nutrients contained in feeds, and not their names, should guide in the preparation of rations. That while oats are an excellent feed, it is not alone because they are oats, but because of the amount and proportion of the more valuable nutrients, fat and protein, contained in them. That dried brew- ers' grains are a wholesome, nutritious and palatable horse feed, and at present prices they may be substituted for oats and a de- cided saving made in the cost of the ration." (183) Feeds frofitably used where economy is important. These feeds, aside from corn, are rich in bone- making material and will be found satisfactory as well as economical. Colts suf- fer at times from teething, and to subsist wholly upon hard, dry food may work injury. Steamed crushed oats or barley, thick- ened with bran, will prove appetizing and very nourishing in such cases. Boots may be cooked and the mass extended with ground grain and bran. A limited quantity of this feed given at night in winter-time, daily, or two or three times a week, will show its effect in a better colt and a more thrifty general appear- ance. Withholding coarse provender and giving concentrated grain in large quantities in its place at this period is to be dep- recated, for it is important that the digestive tract be developed to a moderate extent by distention with coarse feed that it may serve its purpose when the animal is grown. The ''big belly" wliich a properly-fed colt may carry at this period is nothing to its harm, even though it annoy the short-sighted stockman who foolishly may wish to see in his growing colt the trim form of the finished product. Feed and Care of the Morse. 317 A fair alloTvance of grain for the colt, measured in oats, is as follows: Up to one year of age, from 2 to 3 pounds. From one to two years of age, 4 to 5 pounds. From two to three years of age, 7 to 8 pounds. While an ample allowance of such roughage as hay, straw and stover should be supplied, it should always be less than the animal would eat had it free access to this provender. The colt, like the mature horse, should not be allowed all the rough age it can consume, for such over-supply tends to gorge the digestive tract with inert matter, and may work lasting injury. Liberal feeding must be counterbalanced by an abundance of outdoor exercise. In no other way can colts be ruined so surely and so permanently as by liberal feeding and close confinement. Each day from three to ten hours should be spent in the open air, according to the condition of the weather and other circumstances. 499. Rearing by hand. — It occasionally happens that the foal must be reared artificially or perish. If the young thing has never received any of its mother's milk, the bowels should first of all be moved by a dose of castor oil. Cow's milk, to which at least one-fourth its volume of water, together with some sugar, has been added, (429) makes a fair substitute for mare's milk and should be given at blood temperature. Gruels may be made by boiling beans or peas and removing the skins by passing the pulp through a sieve. Oil meal made into a jelly by boiling, and shorts prepared in the same way, are excellent for the motlierless foal. 500. Cow's milk for foal feeding. — Cow's milk is often used with advantage in feeding foals. Foals suffering from distemper can- not always take solid food satisfactorily and may be nurtured on cow's milk. The foal may be taught to drink milk by pouring it upon the grain feed; the young thing eats the moistened feed, and by tipping the pan it soon learns to drink the separated milk. At the Iowa Station, i Wilson and Curtiss fed whole milk, and later separator skim milk, with satisfactory results, to imported Percheron, Shire and French Coach weanling fillies shortly after 1 Bui. 18. 01 S Feeds and Feeding. Llieir airival and while out of coudition. In changing from whole milk to separator skim milk, it was necessary to reduce the amount of milk fed for a day or two to prevent scouiing. Ten pounds of separator skim milk was found to effect a sj-ving of one pound of grain. * Grattan reports favorably on the use of skim milk for foals. Even when fed sour or lobbered, satisfactory results were obtained after they were accustomed to it. MacNeilage objects to the use of cow's milk for foals, claiming "no better means of manufacturing wind-suckers waa ever de vised, and it is rare that yearlings so brought out count for much as two-year-olds and three-year-olds."* This adverse criticism is a timely warning against the too free use of milk in foal feeding. While we may give a large amount of milk to a pig, forcing its growth to the utmost, we should remember that this animal is designed for the pork barrel, while the growing colt is intended for quite a differ- ent purpose. Milk carries a large amount of bone and muscle- building material and is very palatable. In judicious hands its use Ls commended. (356-7) 50J. Feed and care of the staSiion. — The following from San- ders ^ is replete with good counsel in relation to the stallion: ''The food should mainly be good, sound oats — nothing is better; but this should be varied by an occasional ration of corn or barley; for horses, like men, are fond of a variety in their food, and an occasional change of diet is conducive to health. Wheat bran is an invaluable adjunct to the grain ration, and can never be dis- pensed Avith. It is the cheapest, safest and best of all regulators for the bowels, and it is especially rich in some of the most im- portant elements of nutrition. No specific directions as to the quantity of food can be given. Some horses will require nearly twice as much as others; and the quantity that may be safely given will depend somewhat upon the amount of exercise in any given case. Some horsemen recommend feeding three and others four times a day; but in either ca.se no more should be given than will be promptly eaten up clean. If any food should be left in the box it should be at once removed and the quantity at the 1 Breeder's Gazette, Vol. VT, 1SS4, p. 796. 'Trans. PIi.i.]il. and Agil. iSoc, 1890, p. 152. ■ "Horse Breefling," pp. 144— Iti. Feed and Care of the Rorse. 319 next time of feeding should be reduced accordingly. As a rule, it will be safe to feed as much as the horse will eat with apparent relish; and then, with plenty of exercise, he will not become overloaded with fat. The hay, as well as the grain feed, should be sound and free from mould and dust, and the stall should be kept clean, well lighted and perfectly ventilated. "The amoimt of exercise to be given will vary somewhat with the condition and habit of the horse. If he be in tliin flesh, and it is thought best to fatten him up, the exercise should be lighter than it otherwise would be; and, on the other hand, if there is a tendency to become too fat, this may be corrected by increasing the amount of exercise that is given. Draft horses should rarely be led or driven faster than a walk in taking their exercise, and they will require much less of it than the roadster or the running horse — a moderate 'jog' daily will benefit them. I am clearly of the opinion that in no one particular is there more faulty manage- ment on the part of lazy grooms and stable hands than in the matter of exercising stallions while doing service in the stud. They should not be walked nor jogged so long that they will be- come jaded or wearied, but should have enough of it daily to keep the muscles hard and firm, the appetite good and to prevent them from laying on an undue amount of fat. No draft horse, under ordinary circumstances, should have less exercise than five miles a daj^, and the roadster and running horse may safely have six miles, which in some cases should be increased to eight or even ten. ''The point to be aimed at in the stable management of the stallion is so to feed, groom and exercise as to keep the horse to the very highest possible pitch of strength and vigor. The idea which prevails among many stable grooms that feeding this or that nostrum will increase the ability of a horse to get foals is sheer nonsense. Anything that adds to the health, strength and vigor of the horse will increase his virUity or sexual power, simply because the sexual organs will partake of the general tone of the system; and, on the contrary, whatever tends to impair the health and vigor of the general system will have a deleterious effect upon the sexual organs. A healthy horse needs nothing 320 Feedt and Feeding. but good food, pure air, plenty of exercise, with due attention to cleanliness and regularity in feeding and watering; and wlien all these things are attended to properly the drugs and nostrums that stable lore prescribes as * good for a horse ' would be better thrown to the dogs. ' ' 502. Food for the mare. — While in foal the mare does not necevSsarily require food different in quality from that fed at other times, but the quantity should be somewhat larger, all conditions being equal. Those used for breeding purposes only will do well without grain when on nutritious pasture, but if the grass is in- sufficient, some adclitional feed in the shape of grain should be given. Working mares are more sure of bringing good foals than those idle in pasture, provided judgment is used in handling and feeding. They should be worked with regularity, the labor never being severe or taxing, nor should the nature of the work ever be such as to make long intei-vals between feeds, for then great hunger may be followed by surfeiting. Idleness is the bane of horse rearing and should be avoided whenever possible. To place the mare in a box-stall and confine her there without suit- able exercise, while supplied an abundance of feed, is to adopt a practice only too common and one carrying large risk. Abun- dance of exercise must always go with liberal feeding. As to the kind of feed for the mare in foal, oats lead, yet shorts and bran may be fed with economy and beneficial results; mashes can be given occasionally, and where possible cooked feed may be supplied at night, three times a week. Through the use of proper foods the bowels will be kept in a natural condition, and should be a little loose rather than otherwise at time of parturition. 503. Feeding the trotter. — The single requisite of speed makes the carrying of every pound of useless body weight, and more especially of feed, a serious matter in the management of the trot- ting horse. More important than this, even, is the effect of the food upon the character of the muscles formed from it, and espe- cially upon the nerve and mettle of the horse. For help in this line we can draw from no better source than Hiram Woodruff, ' who tells how the trotter should be fed and managed. » The Trotting Horse of America, pp. 90-105. Feed and Care of the Horse. 321 When going into winter quarters, tlie feed of the trotter should be reduced fully one-half in order to prevent fattening, for too much fat on the intestines and about the heart makes the trainer no end of trouble in working it off. A few carrots may be given and a bran mash occasionally, with good clean, sM^eet hay. Horses whose legs must undergo blistering or firing should have feed of a cooling nature, mashes and carrots being in more abundance, with less oats, in order to reduce the tendency to feverish, inflam- matory symptoms. Care must be taken not to permit the animal to get flabby or washy by too much soft food while undergo- ing treatment. Horses turned out to the field should be fed oats twice a day, for the exposure to the severity of the weather in- creases the need of heat-giving food. In the spring when shed- ding, bran mashes are in order to keep the bowels open. Flax seed and linseed meal should not be given, for they have a tend- ency to relax the system too suddenly and to cause the old hair to come away before the new coat is well started. ''With the beginning of the season (we quote directly from the author), ^ while the jogging, the first part of the trotting horse's preparation, is in progress, the strength of the feed may be increased, though not up to the extent that will be requisite when the work is made longer and sharper. He may have, dur- ing this first part of the preparation, from eight to ten quarts of oats a day, according to his capacity as a feeder, and the demands made by nature for supply of strong food under work. As the oats are increased, the horse will want less hay, but may still have all he will eat up clean. After taking his feed of oats, he will not consume as much hay in general; but some horses are such gluttons that it is necessary to limit them as to hay almost from the first. There are even some who will eat the straw of their bedding when they have had all the grain and hay that should be fed to them; and, with these, it sometimes becomes necessary to put on the muzzle long before the time for the trial or the race. No carrots are now to be given, and I believe corn to be unnecessary and often mischievous. It is heating, and does not contain as much of the stuff that goes to make up hard flesh 1 Loc. cit., p. 99. 21 322 Feeds and Feeding. and elastic muscle as oats. There may be iiLStances, however, in which a light feeder can be got to eat up his oats, and a handful of corn as well, when the latter is mixed with them. In such a case it is well to give it; but in no case should com be used as a substitute for the allowance of oats the horse in training ought to have. '' While the jogging and after preparation are going on, a bran- mash now and thou will be proper. Probably about once a week will be often enough and not too often; but this will be indicated by the condition of the horse's bowels and by his constitutional tendencies and requirements. If his bowels are relaxed, the use of the bran-mash is not apparent; and if he is of the light, washy order, never having much substance, and easily melting away when put into sharp training work, mashes are to be given more sparingly than with one of the opposite character. The trainer is never to relax his vigilance of observation, or let his judgment go to sleep and trust to arbitrary rules. . . . Dur- ing the fast work, preparatory to the coming trial, the lioi'se will have been put upon his largest allowance of strong food. Some will not eat more than eight or ten quarts of oats a day; and it is necessary to be very vigilant and careful that these light feeders are not over-marked in work. Twelve or thirteen quarts is about what a good feeder ought to have. Some will eat sixteen quarts of oats a day, but my belief is that three quarts of it does more harm than good. ' ' Splan tells us^ that Earns, in the hottest part of the siim.uer, consumed fifteen pounds of oats per day, which he regarded as the maximum for a strong, energetic horse. All horsemen agree in regarding oats as the one grain suit- able for animals where speed is sought regardless of cost of food. While this opinion prevails in this country, we should remem- ber that the Arab horse usually subsists upon barley. 504. Feeding the carriage horse. — Style and action should be prerequisites with the carriage horse, economy in feeding stand- ing second. Oats easUy lead among concentrates, for any good dri\ er will tell us that a horse fed on oats exhibits mettle as from no other feed. For variety, rolled wheat or barley with bran » Life with the Trotters, p. 302. Feed and Care of the Horse. 323 may form a portion of the ration. From ten to twelve pounds of oats, or their equivalent, should suffice for the concenti-ates, divided into three feeds, the evening meal being the largest. Cooked grain, having a tendency to soften the flesh, should not generally be given, though a feed once or twice a week will have a cooling effect; bran mashes will be conducive to the same end. • A part of the hay may be chaffed and moistened before feeding; the remainder may be fed long, as the carriage horse has plenty of time for masticating his food. From ten to twelve pounds of hay should be allowed in order to bring the total weight of the ration within the limit of twenty or twenty- two pounds. "While the large abdomen cannot be tolerated in the carriage horse, we should not forget that there must be a certain bulk or volume to the feed in order that the digestive functions may be properly maintained. Carriage horses are usually over-fed and under or irregularly exercised, the latter trouble arising from the ab.^ence or business engagements of the owner or because of inclem- ent weather. For these reasons mainly, the period of satisfac- tory service with this class of animals is usually short. Where daily driving cannot be practiced, under-feeding rather than heavy feeding should prevail as the safer course. When the team is not taken from the stable during the day, the concentrates or grain portion of the ration should at once be reduced one-third or one-half, and the normal allowance should not again be given until work or exercise demands it. Such action requires firmness on the part of the feeder who wishes to treat his animals with kindness, but any other system than that of accurately gauging feed to work is harmful and ultimately disastrous. 505. Feeding the work horse. — The work horse, having but few days of idleness, possesses a hearty appetite and a vigorous diges- tion, so that if intelligently cared for, his lot is not altogether an unhappy one; nor is he to be commiserated when compared with his aristocratic kin, the carriage horse, which by high living and periods of enforced idleness, followed occasionally perhaps by hours of over-exertion, generally has but a brief career and that sometimes attended with many ills. Regularity in work brings regularity of feeding, and these greatly conduce to comfort and long years of usefulness. 324 Feeds and Feeding. The concentrates for work horses can rarely consist wholly of oats because of their cost. Eolled wheat and barley are excellent substitutes, and corn meal, or preferably corn and cob meal, may form from one-third to one-half of the ration. Bran has come into general use as part feed for the horse. Shorts or middlings may be used to the extent of two or three pounds per day. This por- tion of the wheat grain is excellent for the horse, except that the heavy or floury middlings, if fed in quantity, are liable to induce colic with many horses. Cooked feed may be given two or three times a week for cooling the system; in its absence, bran mashes should be given. A small allowance of roots is always in order. The work horse should be supplied with about two pounds of provender daily for each hundred pounds of weight. Of this, from ten to eighteen pounds, according to the severity of the labor performed, should be grain in some form. The heavy feeding should come at night, after the long day's work is over and when the animal has time for masticating and digesting his food. After watering comes the administration of the grain, which should constitute one -half to two- thirds of the day's allowance. This may be fed separately, or preferably uj:>on moistened, chaffed hay. The amount of chaffed hay with which the grain is mixed should not exceed one peck in volume. Ground grain and chaffed hay are fed in mixed form that the animal may masticate his food and pass it to the stomach more quickly than is possible with the material whole and in dry form. A fair allowance of long hay should always be thrown into the manger for the animal to finish on, after the stomach is replen- ished and while he is resting but still requiring more food. The morning meal should be comparatively light, consisting mostly of grain with some chaffed hay. It should not possess much bulk, and should be in condition to be easily and rapidly consumed so as to be well out of the way when the animal is led from the stable. The mid- day meal is omitted in many stables, but most horsemen hold that some grain should be given at noon, which claim seems reasonable from our knowledge of the horse's stomach and the digestive process. In any case the amount of feed given at mid-day should not be large. Feed and Care of the Rarse. 325 506. Preparation of feed. — The food requirements of the horse vary more than for any other farm animal because of their wide range in weight and the great diversity and severity of the labor j/crformed. Idle horses may be maintained wholly or almost wholly upon hay, straw or corn fodder, fed uncut. Such animals have ample time for masticating food, and their systems not being taxed by labor, they are able to subsist on food which contains a large percentage of inert matter. Foiage possessing coiisiderable volume, as hay and straw, is suitable for such animals because a reasonable amount will furnish the necessary nutriment, and it is better to have the digestive tract well distended with food sub- stances than contracted, as would be the case if concentrates pos- sessing only the requisite nutriment were supplied. For horses taxed to the limit of their endurance all grain should be ground and fed upon moistened, chaffed hay. Food thus prepared is more rapidly masticated and consequently re- mains a longer time in the stomach. A little long hay may be supplied the animal, to be consumed at leisure after the stomach is well filled. Understanding the requirements of animals repre- senting the two extremes, one can adjust the food preparation and supply to meet the various intermediate cases as they arise. There is always more or less dust with hay, and this I'ough- age should always be administered in such manner as to cause the horse the least annoyance. Dusty hay should be avoided if possible. Sprinkling the hay lightly with water is the simplest way of reducing the trouble to the minimum. 507. The order of administering grain, hay and water. — Colin's investigations on the stomach of the horse ^ show that this organ must fill and empty itself two or three times for each feed given. (32) In one case he administered 2,500 grams (5,5 pounds) of hay to a horse, which was then killed, and on opening the stomach less than one-half of the hay was found therein, the remainder having passed into the intestines. Other animals killed at longer intervals after feeding showed that the passage of the food into the intestines was not as rapid toward the end of the repavSt as at the beginning. From this it appears there are two periods in the di- » Tmite d. Phys. Comp. des Auiinaux. 326 Feeds and Feeding, gestion of hay; in the first, the material is pushed on, almost as soon as it enters the stomach, into the intestines by the food which follows, while toward the end of the meal the passage is slow and the digestion in the stomach more perfect. Marlot, conducting experiments at the Agricultural College, Department of Yonne, France, fed four quarts of oats to a horse which was killed soon after. An examination of the stomach showed that three quarts of the oats had been carried by the water into the intestines. The grain of the ration being rich in protein should remain in the stomach as long as possible for the digestion of this nutrient. Sanborn, studying the effects of watering before and after feed- ing, concludes as follows: ^ "1. Horses watered before feeding grain retained their weight betterthan when watered after feeding grain. 2. Horses watered before feeding had the better appetite or ate the most. 3. Horses watered after feeding grain, in ratio to the food eaten, seemed to digest it as well as those watered before feeding. In a prior trial there was a small apparent advantage in favor of feeding after watering, on digestion. 4. It seems advisable to water both be- fore and after feeding." In some cases cruelty is certainly practiced towards horses in withholding a normal water supply. Splan^ writes: ''As to water I think every horse should have all he wants at all times. A man says: Why, will you give your horse water before a race 1 Yes, before the race, in the race and after the race, and any other time the horse wants to drink. . . . When I said give your horse all the water he wants before the race, I do not mean that you shall tie him up where he cannot get a drink for five or six hours on a hot day in a warm stall, and then take him to the pump and give him all he wants. What I mean is to give him water often, and in that way he will take but a small quantity at a time. ' ' In general we may say tha,t horses should have their regular and largest supply of water previous to feeding, and it may also > Bui. 9, Utah Expt. Sta. » Life with the Trotters, pp. 302-3. Feed and Care of the Horse. 327 be well to supply a limited quantity after feeding. "WTien the horses come to the stable heated and fatigued, a little fresh water, even if cold, may be given with beneficial effect — say eight or ten quarts. Then when cooled off and rested, what they still re- quire should be supplied. When on the road a few quarts of water can be given with safety, no matter how much the horse is ' heated, but a large quantity should never be supplied at one time. On journeys, water should be given every few miles. A theoretical system of feeding would require that the hoise be given water first of all, and that this be followed by hay, the grain being withheld until at least some hay had been consumed. While the plan of watering first is easily followed, we cannot and should not make the horse wait for the grain, consuming his hay allowance first, for until the grain is given he is nervous and unsatisfied. In practice the concentrates will usually bo supplied before hay is given. A middle ground can be taken by watering first and then feeding ground grain sprinkled upon a small allow- ance of moistened chaffed hay. This will satisfy the desire of the horse by supplying the most palatable portion of his food early, and yet insure the retention of the grain in the stomach for a considerable period, since masticating and swallowing tl;e cut hay with accompanying meal will require some time. The small size of the stomach of the horse indicates the impro- priety of long fasting. While it is a fact that horses employed by some establishments go from daylight until dark without food, it seems that where possible these fasts should be broken by a small feed of grain at mid-day. Over- feeding with hay is the source of a long list of ills with the horse. Through carelessness or mistaken kindness the mangers are often kept filled with hay, and because of his long houi's of idleness in the stable the horse falls into the habit of gorging himself with this provender. ^Not only is there waste of hay in such cases, but whatever is eaten beyond requirement exhausts the digestive system and weakens its influence upon the other nutrients of the ration. Staring coats, labored breathing and quick tiring are the least serious, though probably the most easily noticeable, results of this common practice. There should 328 Feok and Feeding. be a definite allowance of hay for the horse at each feeding time, and this should always fall short of what would be consumed if more were given. Next to failure to provide abundant and sys- tematic exercise the common fault in horse management, where animals are used for pleasure, is that of overfeeding with hay. 508. Systematic feeding of the highest importance. — 'No one can review the literature of horse feeding or personally study the practices in various stables located at widely separated points, as the writer has done, without realizing that there are many suc- cessful ways of feeding and managing the horse. The uses to which this animal is put are so varied, and the feeding materials at command so diverse for different localities, that any hard-and- fast rules as to kind of feed and amount to be supplied are out of the question. One thing is certain, however: Whatever feed- iug stuffs are employed and whatever order of feeding is adopted, regularity and uniformity should prevail at all times. The ani- mal during his round of work anticipates the feeding hour. The digestive system, and indeed the whole organism of the body, becomes accustomed to this certain order, and thrift and health are the natural concomitants, while irregularity and uncertainty are always productive of unsatisfactory results. 509. Variety in feed of importance. — Horsemen sometimes state that with plenty of oats and good hay at command they care noth- ing for other food articles. While it is true that a horse can be maintained on this short dietary, it seems reasonable that equally good or better results are obtainable, and the cost of keeping often lessened, by adopting a more extended bill of fare. Experiments with other domestic animals plainly show the advantages of judi- ciously formed combinations of feeding stuffs over any single one. If energy and spirited action were the only qualities desirable in the horse, then perhaps oats with hay might suffice; but when we consider the number and complexity of the components of bone, tissue and nerve, we can well believe that these are better nour- ished by several kinds of grain and forage plants than by one or two only. A striking illustration of the value of variety in food and its proper administration is shown by Mr. Charles Hunting, a Feed and Care of the Horse. 329 superintendent having under his care some 7,000 horses em- ployed in the collieries of North England, who writes as follows:^ ''I was called to a colliery in Durham some time ago; the out- put at this place was decreased from fifteen to twenty score per day through the horses being unable, from want of condition, to get the work out. The animals were miserably poor, though allowed 168 pounds of oats and 154 pounds of hay each per week. The oats were not crushed and the hay was not chopped. The horses were large, none under 16 hands, many 16.2. They worked very long hours, and took heavy loads, but I confess I was astonished at their appearance after many months of such apparently liberal feeding. On September 1 their food was changed to the following: Crushed peas 35 lbs. at 34s. per qr. Crushed barley 20 lbs. at 28s. per qr. Crushed oats 40 lbs. at 28s. per qr. Bran 14 lbs. at 7^d. per st. Hay 7 sts. at 9d. Total 12s. 91d. "The old plan gave us: Oats 168 lbs. at 28s. per qr. 14s. Od. Hay 11 sts. at 9d. per st. 8s. 3d. Total £1 2s. 3d. Difference: 9s. SJd. per horse per week. "Notice, too, that besides this saving in money, the digestive organs had 56 pounds less hay and 59 pounds less corn (grain) to digest. Or: — Mixed grain lOOlbs. Old oats 1681bs. Hay 981bs. Hay 1541bs. Total 2071bs. Total 322 lbs. "Eesult: Within three months this stud was in excellent health and condition, drawing out of the pit, without any appli- cation of engine power, about twenty to thirty scores more per day than when I first saw them. There were 149 horses on the colliery, so by this change a saving of £3,662 12s. 1\^. per annum was effected." 2s. 4d. Is. 3d. 3s. 4d. Os.7^d. 5s. 3d. • Pape'' read before New Castle Farmers' Club by Mr. Chas. Hunting. South Hettou, County of Durham, England; see The English Cart Horse Stad Book, Vol. I, p. xlv. 330 Feeds and Feeding. 510. The supervision of feeding. — In stables where many horses are maintained, a group or row of animals should remain in the care of the same attendant, the whole establishment being under the watchful supervision of the superintendent. While we can estimate quite closely the amount of food to be given a hundred or a thousand horses, there must always be modifications and con- cessions to individual members of the establishment to be recog- nized and provided for by the guiding mind, — one horse should have a little more than the regulation allowance, and the next possibly a little less, the object being to keep each in the desired condition. Usually it is not well to leave the feeding of horses to their own driver, for he has his likes and dislikes, and the favorites are pretty certain to receive more than their propei- allowance of grain, while the others suffer. A watchful superin- tendent must ever be on the alert to see that each animal secures the needed provender. 511. Exercise essential to the maintenance of hea!th. — The Arabs have a saying, '■ ^ Eest and fat are the greatest enemies of the horse." The horse is par excellence the creature of motion, and in its feeding and management we should hold tins point ever in view. The prudent horseman will bear in mind that cor- relative with liberal feeding there must be heai"ty exercise or severe labor, and that these conditions may be happily balanced. As soon as hard labor ceases, or constant and vigoroiLS exercise is over, it will be found absolutely necessary to reduce the allow- ance of food if the proper balance is to be maintained. The idle horse should be limited to less than half the grain given while on regular duty, and in some instances it were better to give none, provided the roughage supplied be of good quality. A colt fed heavily on suitable nutrients will grow rapidly and develop good bone and strong muscle, provided at all times there be a proper balance between exercise and feed. The highly-fed colt should be out of doors from eight to ten houi\s a day, and should move several miles each day either in the field, on the track, or both. A mature horse should be in the open air not less than four or five hours a day and should travel from ten to fifteen miles daily to maintain health. Feed and Care of the Morse. 331 512. Ratioos. — The following rations given by various author- ities may serve as a general guide in determining the amount of feed which should be allowed the horse under diverse conditions: Character of animal and ! wo7'k required. Concentratea. Roughage. Trotting horse. — Hiram Woodruflf.* Colt, weaning time 2 pounds oats. 'H&j adlih. Colt, one year old 4 pounds oats. Hay ad lib. Colt, two years old 6 pounds oats. 'H.Siy ad lib. Colt, two years old, in training. ... 8 pounds oats. -[ "^^^fj^S.^^^® Colt, three years old, in training... 8-12 pounds oate. { '^^^j^^^l^^^ Trotting horse. — Splan. » Horse on circuit 10 pounds oats. { ?S)unt!^ Horse on circuit 15 pounds oats, m exceptional Hay, fair cases (as with Karus). amount. Horse variously used. — Stonehenge.' Race horse 15 pounds oats. 6-8 pounds hay. Hack.- 8 pounds oats. 12 pounds hay. Horse variously used.— Fleming.* P°"y- i P---^ O""- {^Siowanc^'' Hunter, small 12 pounds oats. 12 pounds hay. Hunter, large 16 pounds oats. 10 pounds hay. Carriage, light work 10 pounds oats. 12 pounds hay. The draft horse.— Sidney.' Heavy, hard work I ^6 ^oSnds beSis. { ^^P^Tovertav" i 3 pounds corn. '^ e^i ciover nay. Farm horse. — Settegast." Ue^^^oA e-lO pound, oat.. {r^oS'^tm^: Medium wo* 10 pound, oata. {'^ P™f ,S: H-^a-yworlc 13 pound, oata. { f ^rdtSi 1 The Trotting Horse of America. » Life with the Trotters. 8 The Horse. < The Practical Horse Keeper. » Book of the Horsew « Thierzucht, II, 1888, p. 109. 332 Feeds and Feeding. 513. Rations for army horses. — The following are the rations allowed army horses in the countries noted: Ration. Government Weight of horse. Concentrates. Roughage United States, » cavalry, 950 to 1,150 lbs. 12 lbs. oats, ) com or [• 14 lbs. hay. barley. J United States, artillery, 1,050 to 1,200 lbs. 12 lbs. oats, \ corn or >■ 14 lbs. hay. barley. J Germany,* cavalry 1,050 lbs. 10 lbs. oats.* | ?'7ibs Sw Germany, cavalry-officers' 11 lbs. oats. | T'vib^Sw Great Britain.^ cavalry 10 lbs. oata. { ^| }^^- ^^J^^ Great Britain, cavalry, severe duty 12-14 lbs. oats. | t ,. ^' g+^L. * Wolff (Article 441) refers to the German cavalry ration as containing 11 pounds of oats. 514. Rations used by street-car companies. — The rations used by street- car companies are interesting not only because they show the feed required by animals thus worked, but, because of the constant and severe labor performed by this class of animals, we can learn of the food requirements of hard- worked horses. The following rations are given by Fleming* as the daily allow- ance for horses of some of the principal tramway (horse-car) com- panies of Great Britain: Rations for British tramtcay (stree -car) horses — Fleming. London. Liverpool. Glasgow. Edinburgh. Dublin. Lbs. Corn... 7 Oats ... 3 Peas... 3 Hay ... 12 Straw.. 1 Lbs. Com 12 Beans 4 Cut hay ... 14 Bran 1 Lbs. Oats ... 6 Corn... 11 Hay... 8.5 Straw.. 1 Bran... .5 Lbs. Oats 8 Corn 4 Beans 4 Hay 14 Marshlum. 2 Lbs. Com... 14 Oats... 3 Hay ... 12 Bran.. .5 Special Agent Mattes, of the Department of Agriculture, has » From information furnished by Chas. Bird, Quartermaster General U. S. Army, Washington. * Laudw. Jahrb., 1887, Suppl. TIL p. 72. • Fleming, The Practical Horse Keeper, p. 89. * Loc. cit., p. 8S. Feed and Care of the Rorse. gathered important information! concerning the rations of street- car horses on the Continent, some of which ai-e herewith pre- sented: Bationsfor street- car horses in various European cities — Mattes. Daily allowance per horse. Nutrients in ration. City. Com. Oats. Hay. Straw. Prot. Carbh. Fat. Nut. ratio. Lbs. 14.3 7.7 15.4 11.0 17.6 6.6 Lbs. 2.2* 11.0 Lbs. 8.8 4.4 13.2 13.2 7.7 5.5 11.0 Lbs. 2.2 3.3 1.1 1.1 4.4 4.4 2.2 Lbs. 2 03 1.76 1.9A 1.94 2.01 1.76 1.83 Lbs. 13.18 11.42 13.96 12.85 15.17 11.13 13.54 Lbs. .75 .84 .rs .75 .86 .79 .73 Lbs. 1 :7.7 Brussels 1:7.7 Bordeaux — Winter. 1:8 2 Summer 4.4 1.7 11.0 15.4 1:7 6 Hamburg 1:8 6 Munich ". 1:7 4 Vienna 1:8 4 *1.1 pounds additional of peas. In examining these rations, we observe that com usually con- stitutes a part of the ration. Most of the com used in the United Kingdom and Germany comes from this country. Even with the increased cost incident to importation, many companies find it a relatively cheap food, and make large use of it. 1 Report of the Statiatician, October, 1894, Department of Agii<^it»v* Washington. CHAPTEE XX. CALF EEAEINQ. L Findings of the Investigators. 515. Birth weight of calves. — According to Kraffb, * the weight of calves at birth is from one-twelfth to one-fourteenth the weight of the dam. This authority places the weight at birth as follows; Birth weight. Pounds. Light-weight calves 48 — 66 Average calves 66 — 92 Heavy calves 97 — 110 Very heavy calves 115 — 128 516. Whole milk for calves. — Bertschinger gives the following results for feeding trials with whole milk to calves in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland:'^ Number of calves fattened 34 Duration of fattening period, weeks llj Quantity of whole milk fed, per calf, pounds 1,682.6 Live weight of calves at beginning, pounds 102.5 Increase in weight, pounds 166.4 One pound of increpi.se, live weight, was obtained for each 10.1 pounds of whole milk fed. Martinys found that from 3.5 to 6 pounds of new milk were sufficient to produce a pound of gain, live weight, with calves between the first and fifth weeks, while from 16 to 20 pounds were required for a pound of gain with older animals. At the Pennsylvania Station, * Hunt fed three calves full milk containing an average of 4, 6 per cent, of fat for 161 days. These calves gained 1.77 pounds each daily, requiring 8.7 pounds of » Lehrb. d. Ldw., 3, 1890, p. 85. * Fleischmann, Molkereiwesen, 1876, p. 150. * Die Milch, 2, 1871, pp. 9-15. * Kept. 1891. Calf Bearing. 335 whole milk and one pound each of hay and grain for one pound of growth. (356) 517. Tecding skim mi!k. — Fleischmann^ quotes an experiment with six calves receiving skim milk only. Twelve pounds of skim milk were required for one pound of gain. Beckhusen^ reports feeding trials with calves receiving skim milk and making an average daily gain of 2.1 pounds. One pound of gain was produced from 13.3 pounds of skim milk. From 6.1 to 23.9 pounds of skim milk were required for one pound of gain, according to the age of the animal. (357) 5!8. Separator skim milk. — Du Eoi' fed 18 calves, averaging 91.5 pounds at birth, for 37 days. Each calf received 11.4 pounds of full milk and 896. 7 pounds of separator skim milk, and gained on the average 55.1 pounds, giving one pound of increase for 16 pounds of separator skim milk. In this trial one pound of new mUk was considered equal to two pounds of skim milk. 519. The Iowa Station tests. — Calf rearing with separator skim milk has been studied by Curtiss, of the Iowa Station, * who gives the following recent important results. Milk from the college dairy herd was fed immediately after it had passed through the separator, the temperature being from 85 to 90 degrees Fahr. The chief object of the experiments was to determine the best grain to feed in connection with skim milk. Oil meal, oat meal and corn meal, with a little ground flax seed additional, were used. The first test, conducted during the summer, lasted sixty days, with two calves, — one Short-horn and one Holstein in each lot, — averaging 182 pounds when the trial began. The second trial, with two calves in each lot, conducted during the fall and winter, lasted ninety days. The calves were high-grade Short- horns, from two to three weeks old when the feeding began. The third trial was conducted during the winter with four pure- bred Short-horns in each lot, averaging 200 pounds when the trial began. From thirteen to twenty pounds of skim milk were fed to each calf daily in these trials. The calves in Lot I were 1 Molkereiwesen, p. 368; Milch Zeitung, 1875, p. 1481. * MUch Zeitung, 1880, p. 214. » Der Landbote, 1887, No. 14, and v. d. Goltz, Landw. 3, p. 420. * Bui. 35. 336 Feeds and Feeding. fed oil meal and milk. Lot 11 received gronnd oats and milk, the hulls of the oats having been sieved from the ground grain in the second and third trials. Lot III received corn meal with about 10 per cent, of ground flax seed additional. A summary of the trials appears in the following table: Summary of three trials with separator skim milk and various meals — Iowa Station. Kind of feed. i 1 Total feed given. Total gain. Av. daily gain per head. Dry matter per iOO pounds of gain. Cost of feed per pound of gain. Nutri- tive ratio. L»t I. on meal 8 9,168 lbs. sep. milk ... 1,7-28 lbs. hay Lbs. 873 Lbs. 1.47 Lbs. 339 Cts. 2.8 1:2.6 703 lbs. oil meal Lot II. Oat meal 8 9,100 lbs. sep. milk ... 1,730 lbs. hay 927 1.57 337 2.1 1:3.6 875 lbs. oat meal_... Lot III. Com meal, flax seed and milk 8 9,168 lbs. sep. milk ... 1,731 lbs. hav 925 1,56 830 2.2 772 lbs. com meal... 84 lbs. flax seed Commenting on the experiments, Curtiss writes: "The results of all the investigations made at this Station strongly indicate that it is not only unnecessary but poor economy and poor practice in feeding to use a highly nitrogenous product like oil meal in com- bination with separator skim milk. The practice has neither logical reason nor scientific theory for its support; and in the corn- belt states, with their surplus of corn and oats, there is no neces- sity for the purcliase of a high-priced nitrogenous product to be used in yupplementing the skim-milk ration," (199) 520. Gravity versus separator skim milk. — Thirty-two calves less than 10 weeks old, weighing on an average 130 pounds, were fed from 30 to 50 days on three Danish estates under the direction of the Copenhagen (Denmark) Station. ^ The calves received about 20 pounds of separator skim milk daily per head in addi- tion to oats, peanut meal, corn, barley or hay, singly or combined. The average weight of the calves at the beginning of the experi- Eept. 1894. Calf BeaHng. 337 ment and the gain made, together with the fat content of tlie skim milk, are given in the following table: Gravity Separator skim milk, skim milk. Average weight per head at beginning, pounds. ... 130 . 2 132 . 7 Daily gain per head, pounds 1.50 1.43 Difference in favor of gravity skim milk, pounds. .07 Fat content of the milk, per cent .60 .14 From the above we learn that where the gravity skim milk pro- duced a gain of 1.5 pounds per day, the calves fed on separator skim milk gained 1.43 pounds daily. When the value of the excess of butter fat left in the gravity skim milk is taken into con- sideration, it will be seen that the increase in weight of the calves was of much less value than the butter which the excess fat would have made. 521. Feeding cod liver oil, oleomargarine and sugar. — At the Massachusetts Station, Lindsey^ found that cod liver oil added to the skim milk fed to calves proved unsatisfactory, the animals sometimes refusing the food containing it. A cheap grade of oleomargarine was heated to 110 degrees Fahr., and mixed with the skim milk by churning. It was found that one ounce of oil per quart of skim milk was all that the calf could take with- out producing indigestion. Cotton-seed oil and corn oil to the amount of one-half ounce per quart of milk were fed without bad effect. A calf fed skim milk to which was added one part oleo and two parts brown sugar gave good results, making a gain of over two pounds daily, with the kidneys well covered with fat. Calves fed on this artificial milk were superior to those re- ceiving skim milk, but not equal in fatness to sucking calves. 522. Flax seed. — Behrens found that calves receiving about one-half pound of flax seed per day with skim milk made an average gain of 1.85 pounds per day, while those receiving skim milk only, gained 1.55 pounds. 523. Whey for calf feeding. — Graef, ' testing the relative value of whey and skim milk, secured a gain of two pounds per day with calves fed on skim milk, while those fed whey gained from 1 to 1.4 pounds only. The quantities of food are not stated. (359) » Repts. 1893-94. * Milch Zeitung, 1880, p. 143. 22 338 Feeds and Feeding. 524. Producing veal on pastures. — KrafTt^ reports the fatten ing of calves on the low lauds of the Schleswig-Holstein marshes, where real of excellent quality is produced. One hectaie (2.47 acres) of pasture is considered necessary to produce 600 kilo- grams (1,320 pounds) of gain, or 534 pounds of gain per acre. The flesh of such calves cannot be ''veal" in the usual accepta- tion of that term. 525. Gain from skim milk fed calves and pigs. — Fleischmann, reviewing the increase of calves and swine fed skim milk, con- cludes that calves make greater gains from a given quantity of skim milk than do pigs. (741, 869-71, 886-8) II. Bearing the Calf. 526. Feeding for beef. — Where beef is the principal object, the calf is usually allowed to draw its milk supply direct from the dam. In such cases few precautions are necessary, the most im- portant being to see that the young thing does not get too much milk, as this causes indigestion. If the calf remains with the dam, the udder of the cow should be stripped clean night and morning; neglect may result in soreness to the teats and udder, ending in destroying the usefulness of the dam. If the calf is getting too much feed, the supply should be diminished by strip- ping the cow after allowing it to take only part of the milk, remembering that the last milk yielded by the cow is the richest in fat, (615) and that it is the richness as well as the quantity that causes trouble. Where calves are separated from their dams, at first allow them to suck three times daily, soon re- ducing to twice a day. The greatest danger in this system comes at weaning time, when, if the calf has not been properly taught to eat solid food, it is apt to pine and shrink in weight, or at least make little gain. To avoid this, teach it to eat a little grain daily, using ground corn, bran, oil meal and hay. The first departure from the primitive system above described is putting two calves with each cow, which is practicable and de- sirable where the cow yields a good flow of milk. The sucking calf should gain 3 pounds per day for the first month, 2.5 pounds for the second and 2 pounds for subsequent » Landw., 3, p. 163. « Molkereiwesen, p. 373. (Mf Bearing. Q39 months. Hunt' s experiments show that calves given fall milk from the pail require from 8 to 9 pounds of whole milk for each pound of gain, and make a gain of over 1.75 pounds daily. While in the beef districts the calf -will be allowed to take its own milk, there are sections where the stockman finds it more profitable to sell the fat of milk in the form of butter and use substitutes for the • fat together with skim milk as feed for the calf. This system involves labor, skill and watchfulness on the part of the feeder, but its success has been demonstrated on many farms. After weaning, good growth will be continued by using oats and corn with a little oil meal, supplying at all times plenty of bright hay or fodder corn. liTothing excels pasture grass for flesh- building with the beef calf, and to approximate this in winter the stockman should have roots or silage in order to keep the young animals in a sappy, growing condition. The stockman should not forget that the "calf fat" or first fat of the calf must not be lost if beef is the ultimate object. 527. Rearing the dairy calf. — The fat of milk has too high a value with the dairyman to be used for calf feeding, and experi- ence has shown that dairy stock of the highest quality can be produced from feeding skim milk. Under this system the calf is allowed to draw milk from the dam for two or three days, early weaning being preferable for both cow and calf. The calf should always get the first milk (colostrum) of the cow, as this is neces- sary for properly clearing the bowels and starting the digest- ive functions. (355) Warm full milk is fed from the pail not less than three times daily until the calf is two or three weeks old, after which skim milk is gradually substituted. From one ^ to two weeks should pass in changing from full milk to skim milk. Oil meal converted to jelly by adding boiliiig water is relished by young calves, which soon learn to look for it at the bottom of the pail. At first a tablespoonful of oil meai is suflicient for a feed. This may be increased gradually, as the calf grows, to half a pound per day. Curtiss has shown that corn meal is an excellent and cheap addition to milk for calv^; oats, shorts or other grain feeds may also be used. The supply of full milk for the calf should be not over 10 pounds at fiist, and end witli 1 5 pounds daily. The skim milk 340 Feeds and Feeding. shonld not exceed 18 pounds daily until the calf is five weeks old, and only in rare cases should an amount beyond 24 pounds be given. Many calves are destroyed by being overfed vrith skim milk by persons who act as though they thought to make up the lacking qualities of this feed by giving more of it. Young calves should be fed not less than three times daily until four or five weeks old. The milk should be heated to blood temperature, and the careful feeder will use a thermometer to ascertain the proper degree. Where calves do poorly on skim milk, the results are charge- able to the abuse of that feed. Too large a supply of milk, in- frequent and irregular feeding, milk too cold for digestion, and sour feeding-pails, are the causes of nine-tenths of the trouble. The calf is best taught to drink by using the fingers. The vai-ious devices for calf feeding are usually unsatisfa'?-tx)ry and often dangerous because of accumulations of milk in concealed places, which cannot be washed out, but remain to become putrid and disease-breeding. The calf is taught to eat grsin by placing a handful of whole or ground oats, shorts or othor feed in its mouth immediately after supplying the milk. Alk>w no more grain in the feed box than will be wholly consumed between feeds. Hay from early-cut grass or clover should also be suppMed. Calves should be tied if they annoy one another. Properly fed on skim milk, with oil meal, corn, oats or other grain additional, the careful feeder can count on a gain with calves of from on^ and a half to two pounds per day for the first four months. In rearing calves intended for beef production there is littU danger in crowding them rapidly, every pound gained bringing the animal so much nearer the desired end. The dairy calf should be fed in such a manner as to insure a steady growth without tendency to become fat. The food should be nutritious, but not concentrated in character. Clover hay, corn stover, and silage without much corn in it, with a little straw, should constitute the roughage. Bran, barley and oats are excellent for the small allowance of grain required. A calf intended for a model dairy cow should not gain over one and one-half pounds per day for the first four months and less thereafter. 528. Whey. — In the cheese districts, calves are frequently raised upon whey, which feed is a poor substitute for even skim milk. CcHf Bearing. 341 When used, whey should be fed in not too large quantity and amends made for the abstracted constituents by the addition of oil meal, ground oats, etc. Care should be taken to feed the whey while as nearly sweet as possible, and all vessels holding it should be scalded daily so as to be free from a sour taint. While none too good in itself, any nutritive qualities whey may possess are rendered of still less worth by allowing it to ferment or by feeding in dirty vessels. (359) 529. Hay tea. — Stewart^ gives the following experience with a hay-tea ration for calves: ''This old expedient to rear calves without milk had an excellent basis, as do most common prac- tices. The soluble nutritive constituents of the hay are extracted by boiling, (53) and this extract contains all the food elements required to grow the animal, besides being as digestible as milk. If the hay is cut early, when it has most soluble matter, and is of good quality, the tea will grow good calves, but this extract frequently has too small a proportion of albuminous and fatty matter. Yet, if the hay tea is boiled down so as not to contain too much water for the dry substance, calves will usually thrive upon it. We tried an experiment by feeding two gallons of hay tea, in which one-fourth of a pound of flax seed and one-fourth of a pound of wheat middlings had been boiled, to each of five calves thirty days old. This experiment was continued sixty days, with a gradual increase, during the last thirty days, of the middlings to one pound per day. Tliese calves did remarkably well, gaining an average of a little over two pounds per head per day." 530. Feed and care after weaning. — With calves properly bred for the intended purpose — thrifty, fat and sleek-coated if de- signed for beef production, and in fair flesh, with a bright eye, if intended for dairying — the foundation of a good herd is laid. The stockman should always bear in mind that gains are never so cheaply made, so far as feed is concerned, as with the young animal, and for this reason, if no other, it should be pushed ahead as rapidly as is consistent with the end in view. The table of feeding stuffs (349) shows that milk contains a large proportion of protein for muscle-making as well as ash for building ' Feeding Animals, p. 246. 342 Feeds and Feeding. the framework of the yonng. In the composition of milk — Nature's food for the young — we have a guide to the formation of rations for young, growing animals. Pasture grass is also rich in protein, and should be the main reliance when available. Oil meal and oats, mixed with corn, are the best concentrates for growing beef animals, while some oil meal, together with oats, shorts and bran, with ample roughage, are most desirable for those of the dairy type. Counteract the tendency of grain feeds to make rigid, hard flesh by the use of pasture grass in summer and roots or silage in winter. Always keep the young things in a sappy, growing condition. For roughage, aside from i)asture and silage, use corn stalks, clover or alfalfa hay, these two latter feeds being rich in protein, for building the muscular system. A liberal amount of bulky feed should always be supplied young cattle to stimulate the growth of a roomy digestive tract. This is especially important with heifers designed for the dairy. If con- fined indoors the calf should have before it at all times, or at frequent intervals, a sod of loamy earth. A double handful of earth is good if nothing better is at hand. Why the calf should crave earthy matter cannot always be explained, but, knowing the fact, let the creature be sui)plied with this substance, feeling assured that Nature makes no mistake in matters like this, even if for the present they are beyond our understanding. 531. Fall calves. — Where cattle are reared under natural con- ditions, the rule that the young be dropped in the spring will continue, but this practice is not necessarily the most successful in the older sections of the country. Fall-dropped calves come at a time when the little attentions they need can easily be given, and they occupy but little space in barn or shed. Subsisting on the mother's milk, or on skim milk with a little grain and hay, when spring comes the youngstere are large enough to make good use of the pastures, and the result is progress from the start, untLl fall, when they return to the barn or shed large enough and strong enough in digestion to make good use of the dry provender necessitated by winter conditions. CaXf Bearing. 343 m. Feeding for Veal. 532. Essentiais. — To meet the highest reqairements of the market, veal should not only carry a considerable amount of fat, but the flesh must show to the practiced eye that no coarse food has been eaten by the calf from birth to the time of slaughter. For the highest grade of veal, whole milk is the one feed allowed ^ md growth must be pushed as rapidly as possible, the whole pro- ..ess being completed before there is any tendency in the meat to rake on the coarse character incident to the beef period. The demand for fine veal is growing, and can be greatly increase:! '-y supplying a high-grade product. In this line of meat production the farmers in parts of Europe are far in the lead. Dutch butchers are extremely expert in judging whether the calf has received any other feed than whole milk. Only when whole milk has been used exclusively is the white of the eye of the veal calf free from any yellow tint, and the insides of the eye- lids, lips and nose perfectly white. 533. A Scotch system of veal making. — At Strathaven, Scot- land, a region noted for the excellence of its veal, ^ the calves are fed on fresh cow's milk, the youngest receiving that first drawn from the cows and the older ones the last and richer portion; (615) thus one calf is often fed portions of milk which come from two or three cows. After the third week they receive as much milk twice a day as they will take. After feeding they are bedded, the stable being kept rather warm and dark. Lumps of chalk are placed where the calves have access to them. The fattening period continues from five to seven weeks, when a dressed weight of 100 to 120 pounds is secured. In the vicinity of London veal calves are fed for about ten weeks in isolated pens, as in Holland. They ordinariLy dress 140 pounds. 534. The Dutch system. — In Holland, where unusually heavy, well- fatted calves are a specialty, the following practices are com- mon, according to Forssell:' As soon as dropped the calf is placed in a stall which is so narrow that it cannot turn around though it ^ Molk. Zeit., 1894, p. 547. * Fodret och Utfodringen, 1893, p. 166. 344 Feeds and Feeding. can lie and stand comfortably. The floor of the stall is of lattice work or perforated boards and littered daily so that the animal has a perfectly dry berth. The staiils are 6.5 feet long by 1.6 broad and abont 5 feet high. The calf barn is kept dai'k. (89) Twice or three times daily the calves get as much milk as they will drink, and during the first fourteen days only the dam's milk is fed. Eggs or other by-feeds are not given. The calf consumes about 34 pounds of full milk daily on the average for the whole fattening period of ten or twelve weeks, at which time the veal is considered to be at its best. To prevent calves from eating feed other than milk they are muzzled if straw or other roughage is used for bedding. Finely-ground shells and sand are given to prevent scouring. The dressed weight ranges from 187 to 220 pounds, or, according to Rost, ^ from 220 to 330 pounds. One pound of gain is made in the beginning from eight pounds of milk, and toward the close from twelve pounds, the average being ten pounds. * The fat calf dresses from 55 to 60 per cent, of its live weight. » Molk. Zeit., 1894, p. 547. » Krartt, Landwirtschaft, III, p. 163. CHAPTEE XXL BBBULTS OF STEER-FEEDING TRIALS AT THE STATIONS. I. Findings with Various Feeds. 535. Difficulties of steer fattening. — Among farm animals there is none so difficult to experiment with, all things considered, as the fattening steer. In this work the returns for the feed supplied are measured by the gain of the animal from day to day. While at first it is not difficiilt to increase the weight of the steer, the problem is far from easy when the final stages of the fattening period are reached. The animal then has a dainty appetite and is easily thrown off feed by small variations in the character or amount of the provender supplied. Other influences also, such as the weather, surroundings, attendants, etc., go to produce favor- able or unfavorable results. Considering the difficulties, it is not surprising that many of the early feeding trials with steers by our Stations have not furnished data which will stand the test of time. Some good work has been done, however, as these pages show. 536. Ear corn compared with corn meal. — At the Kansas Sta- tion, ^ Greorgeson compared ear corn and corn meal for feeding steers, with the results shown in the table: Feeding corn and corn meal to steers — Kansas Station. Feed. Av. wt. of steer atbe- gin- nmg. Total grain eaten. Fodder eaten. Total gain. Feed for 100 pounds gain. Grain. Stover. First trial. Lbs. 1,211 1,215 1,129 1,158 Lbs. 3,575 4,027 Lbs. 940 1,341 Lbs. 268 284 Lbs. 1,334 1,418 Lbs. 850 472 Second trial. 2,646 3,223 607 535 290 230 911 1,402 209 Ear com 232 » Buls. 34, 60. 346 Feeds and Fceiung. Three-year-old Kansas range steers were fed in the first trial and two- and three-year-old grade Short-horns in the second. In each cavse the steers were divided into two lots of five each, one receiving ear corn and stover and the other corn meal and stover. The first trial lasted six months and the second five months. By the table we are shown that the steers fed ear corn gained somewhat more than those fed corn meal; they required, however, eighty-fonr pounds or six per cent, more grain. Commenting upon the first trial as above reported, Georgeson writes as follows: ''Thus is not a very favorable showing for corn meal, and I confess the result is contrary to my exj^ectations. A considerable percentage of the whole com passes through the animal undigested, and it would seem that the digestive juices could act to better advantage on the fine com meal than on the partially- masticated grains of corn and extract more nourishment from it, but apparently this is not the case." In the second trial there was a saving of 35 per cent, of the corn by grinding, which may be regarded as the extreme saving possible in such feeding. This result is the largest saving of grain by grinding yet reported by any of the Stations so far as the writer is able to learn. (155, 382, 532, 848) 537. Soaked corn. — At the Kansas Station, ' Georgeson divided a bunch of ten thrifty steers into two lots of five eacli, giving the first corn which had been soaked until it had begun to soften, while the second received dry corn. Both lots were confined in open yards with sheds for shelter, and received the same rough- age. All statements of the corn fed are based on the weight of dry corn. The trial began November 7, lasting five months, with the results shown in the table: Results obtained when feeding soaked and dry slielled corn Station. Kansas Feed. Av. wt. of steers. Total corn e^ten. Total fodder eaten. Whole gain. Av. gain per head. Grain per 100 pounds gain. Fodder perlW pounds gain. Lbs. 1,033 1,033 Lbs. 16,244 15,787 Lbs. 8,127 8,340 Lbs. 1,4€8 1,632 Lbs. 294 326 LbB. 1,105 938 Lbs. 554 Soaked eorn_ 612 Bill. 47. BesulU of Steer-feeding Trials at the Stations, 347 The table shows that the steers fed soaked corn did not constune qnite as much grain as the other lot, yet made a better gain. In this trial there was a saying of fifteen per cent, by soaking shelled corn. (375) 538. Gain of shotes following steers. — Fortunately Greorgeson placed eight thrifty shotes, averaging eighty-eight pounds per head, with each lot of steers, to pick up the corn voided in the droppings. At first they subsisted entirely on such corn, but later, when they had grown larger, they were supplied additional grain from a trough, with the following results: Extra feed and gain of sJwtes following steers fed soaked and d/ry corn — Kansas Station. Shotes followiug steers fed Dry com Soaked com Extra com fed. Total gain of lot. Lbs. 1,272 1.272 Lbs. 747 635 Com fed extra per 100 lbs gain. Lbs. 170 200 The above shows that the shotes secured more than one- half their feed from the droppings, and that the droppings from steers getting dry corn gave the best returns. By combining the data of feed and gain with both hogs and steers, we ascertain the grain required for the combined gain as follows: Gain of steers and shotes when shotes followed fattening steers — Kansas Station, Total grain fed to steers and shotes. Total gain of steers and shotes. Com for 100 pounds gain. Steers fed dry com, with shotes fol- lowing Steers fed soaked com, with shotes following Lbs. 17,516 17,059 Lbs. 2,215 2.267 Lbs. 791 752 Combining the feed for steers and shotes and likewise the gains of both, we find that 791 pounds of corn were required for 348 Feeds and Feeding. 100 pounds of gain of steers and shotes where the steers were fed dry com, and 752 pounds of grain for 100 pounds of gain with steers and shotes where the steers were fed soaked com. This shows a net saving, by soaking com for steers, of about five per cent. (583, 634, 880-81) 539. Corn and cob meal. — For information on this subject we turn to Shelton's investigations conducted at the Kansas Agri- cultural College 1 during 1884-85. Ten steers were used each year, the trial in 1884 lasting 140 days, and that in 1885, 150 days. In each trial the steers were divided into two lots of five each; corn and cob meal was fed to one lot and corn meal to the other, the roughage in both cases consisting of oat straw, orchard- grass hay and clover hay. liesults obtained in feeding corn meal and corn and cob meal to steers — Kansas Agricultural College. Feed. Av.wt. of steers at be- ginning Total feed. Total gain. Av. gain per steer. Meal per 100 lbs. in- crease. Av. daily gain per st«er. Experiment, 1884. Corn and cob meal. Lbs. 815 847 1,128 1,150 Lbs. 11,565 11,612 12,918 12,654 Lbs. 1,580 1,460 1,025 1,085 Lbs. 316 292 205 217 Lbs. 732 795 1,260 1,166 Lbs. 2.25 2.08 Experiment, 1885. Corn and cob meal. Com meal. 1.44 1.36 It is shown that the corn and cob meal gave the best daUy gain in both cases. In one instance less corn and cob meal was re- quired for a given gain, while in the other more was required. The average of the two trials shows that a pound of com and cob meal is equal to a pound of pure corn meal in steer feeding. In explanation of the marked difference in the amount of feed required for a given gain in these two trials, we have the follow- ing statement concerning the cattle: ''The steers of 1883-84 were a thin, half-grown lot of 'natives,' while those in use in 1884-85 were high-grade Short-horns, mature and full-fleshed at the start." The second lot was also fed for a longer period. (158, 382, 633) Repta. Prof. Agr., 1884-85. Results of Steer-feeding Trials at the Stations. 349 540. Corn, cob and husk. — At the Texas Station,* Curtis fetl corn, cob and husk ground coarsely to three steers, and coarsely- ground shelled corn to three others while on pasture, for a period of seventy days, with the following results: Feeding ground com, cob and hush in comparison with ground corn to steers — Texas Station. Feed. Total feed. Total gain. Av. gain per day. Meal for 100 lbs. gain. Lot I. Com, cob and husk meal- Lbs. 2,395 1,864 Lbs. 481 465 Lbs. 2.29 2.21 Lbs. 498 400 The table shows that where 400 pounds of clear corn meal gave 100 pounds of increase, there were required 498 pounds of husk, cob and corn together. The weight of the cob and husk was 72 pounds for each 56 pounds of shelled corn. Omitting the cob and husk, it is found that 100 pounds of gain was made from 388 pounds of meal plus the cob and husk. This shows a saving of three per cent, by feeding the cob and husk with the grain. 541. Time required for corn to pass through the steer. — At the Kansas Station, * Georgeson det^irmined the time required for corn to pass through the alimentary canal of the fattening steer in the following manner: To five steers getting white corn, 50 pounds of red corn grains were given in three feeds on January 15th, viz. : 12 M., 3 P. M. and 6 P. M. At 9 A. M. on the 16th the red kernels fed the day before began to appear in the manure. The maximum number of kernels of red corn was reached on the after- noon of the 17th, when they began to decrease, until the 19th, when only a few kernels were found on washing the droppings of each lot. 542. Whole and broken corn voided by steers. — When feeding dry and soaked corn to steers with shotes following as described in Articles 537-38, Georgeson* determined the quantity of whole and broken corn in the voidings. During 28 days five steers were fed 3,045 pounds (weight be- iBuL 2. » Bui. 47. 'Loc. cit. )50 Feeds and Feeding. fore soaking) oi soaked corn, and durin<; that period 339 pounds of grains of com (weight after drying) ■;\'ere washed from the voidings. This is 11 per cent, of the total com consumed by the steers during the period. Another lot of five steers was fed 3^ 060 pounds of dry shelled com, the voidings from which gave 486 pounds, or nearly 16 per cent, of whole and broken com. Tlie hogs following steers getting dry corn made greater gains than those following steers getting soaked corn. The explanation is in the , above percentages. The com grains which had passed through the steers were found to contain between 55 and 60 per cent, water, those which had been soaked previous to feeding having somewhat more than the other. The corn which had been fed dry was found to ab- sorb still more water when soaked, showing that it had not been fully saturated, although it had jjassed the whole length of the alimentary canal. 543. Wheat meal. — At the Ohio Station, i Thome and Hick- man, testing wheat meal in opposition to com meal during two feeding trials, secured the results shown in the table: Feeding com meal and wheat meal to steers — Ohio Station. Feed. No. of cat- tle fed. Daily gain per steer. Dry sub- stance con- sumed per pound of gain. Cost of feed per pound of gain. 7V.s<, 1894. 8 7 4 4 Lbs. 2.07 1.98 2.02 1.70 Lbs. 10.31 10.02 9.90 11.78 Cents. 7.79 Wheat meaL 7.75 Test, 1895. Corn meaL 7.01 Wheat meal 8.95 It is shown in both trials that the steers fed com meal mad© the highest average daily gain, and made their gain also upon less dry matter than the others. At prevailing prices for corn and wheat, it is evident that com is the cheaper feed. No doubt some wheat meal may be used with satisfactory results in steer 1 Bui. 60. Eesults of Steer-feeding Trials at the Stations. 351 feeding, but it should not constitute the exclusive grain feed unless prices rule lower than for corn. (166-8) 544. Bran. — An experiment is reported from Minneapolis ^ in which the lightest bran made at the Pillsbury A mill was fed with hay to fifteen common st-eers for a period of four months. Each animal was fed separately, all feed being weighed. The steers were allowed exercise in a small yard. The steeis weighed from 800 to 1,100 pounds at the time the experiment began, in May, 1886. The following summarizes the results: Pounds. Total bran fed 24,064 Total hay fed. 28,925 Total gain in weight, 15 steers 3,545 Average gain in weight (4 months) 236 Feed for 100 pounds gain | fj"^^ f!f I. Hay olb These satisfactory gains show that bran may be successfully used for fattening steers. (175) 545. Oil meal. — At the Kansas Station, * Georgeson fed oil cake with hay to three steers averaging 1,050 pounds for a period of 129 days, with the following results: Pounds. Oil cake consumed per head 1,639 Hay consumed per head 1,822 Average gain per head 224 Fed for one hundred pounds gain i ^^ meal.... 732 l Hay 814 This experimenter concludes: ''The exclusive diet of oil cake did not yield as good results as either the ' balanced ration ' or corn. The animal organism appears to be unable to make use of so highly concentrated nitrogenous food to good advantage." (206) At the Iowa Station, Wilson and Curtiss^ fed oil meal to steers on clover pasture, securing a gain of 100 pounds for each 400 poimds of oil meal fed. Another group of steers on a similar pastuie required 532 pounds of corn meal for 100 pounds of gain. 546. Gluten meal. — At the Ohio Station, * Thorne and Hick- man used gluten meal during two feeding trials, in one of which oil meal was fed in opposition. In calculating the results, old- Fugitive pamphlet, published in 1886. Bui. 39. 8 Bui. 20. - Bui. 60. 352 Feed^ and Feeding, process oil meal was figured at $26 per ton, and gluten meal at $18 per ton, the current market prices. Feeding oil meal and gluten meal — Ohio Station. Feed. Number of cattle compared. Daily gain steer. Dry sub- stance consumed per pound of gain. Cost of feed per pound gain. Oil meal 12 11 4 8 4 4 Lbs. 1.96 2.11 2.15 1.98 2.02 2.05 Lbs. 10.78 10.05 10.31 10.10 9.90 11.07 Cents. 8.52 Gluten meal 7.31 Mixed meals with gluten meal Mixed meals without gluten meal... Mixed meals with gluten meal Mixed meals without gluten meal... 7.42 7.49 7.01 7.40 It is seen that gluten meal was a cheaper feed than oil meal at the prices stated. Where gluten meal was fed with other grains, it always cheapened the cost of production. These experimenters conclude: The results warrant the stat-ement that '* for fattening cattle these feeding stuffs (gluten meal and oil meal) are approxi- mately of equal value, pound for pound, and that the one which can be bought for the least money is the one to use." As yet the feeding value of this class of corn by-products has been passed unnoticed by those who fatten cattle; if experience shall confirm their worth as substitutes for oil meal in the feed lot they will acquire a new interest with many. (161-164) 547. Kaffir corn.— At the Kansas Station, ^ GeOrgeson divided a bunch of twelve grade Short-horn and three grade Hereford three-year-old steers into three lota of five each. For concentrates the first lot was fed corn meal, the second red Kaffir-corn meal, and the third white Kaffir-corn meal. In each case the grain was ground so fine that about three-fourths of the meal passed through a sieve having a one-twentieth inch mesh. The roughage during the first part of the trial consisted of Kaffir-corn stover; later corn stover and alfalfa hay were fed. One hundred pounds of the stover were fed daily to each lot of steers, and the rejected por- tion weighed and deducted from the total, so that the weights in the table are the amounts of forage actually consumed. The ' BuL 67, Results of Steer-feeding Trials at the Stations. 353 results of the trial, which lasted 175 days, are presented in the following table: Feeding Kaffir-corn meal in comparison with corn meoH to steers — Kansas Station. Feed Av. wt. at be- gin- ning. Feed eaten. Av. gain steer. Feed for 100 pounds gain. Grain. Rough- age. Grain. Rough- age. Lot I, com meal Lot II, red Kafllr-corn Lbs. 1,036 1,021 1,025 Lbs. 16,271 16,271 16,271 Lbs. 9,297 10,300 10,828 Lbs. 826 299 313 Lbs. 997 1,086 1,041 Lbs. 569 688 Lot III, white KaflRr- corn meal 692 Commenting on the above, Georgeson writes: ''The fact that these lots show so little difference in their gains and the value received for the grain fed is a gratifying proof of the value of Kaffir corn. The feeding value of corn has long been known, but this is the first experiment in which Kaffir com has been tested so thoroughly and for so long a period under normal conditions. The steers were fair representatives of the grade cattle raised in the Central West. They were neither high-bred cattle nor common scrubs. The conditions of the experiment were those that prevail with the average farmer and feeder. They were fed in open lots, where they could seek the shelter of a small shed when desired, but they were not pampered or petted in any way. The results obtained in this case can be obtained by any feeder in the state without providing better quarters or giving more attention to their feed and care than can be and is furnished by the average farmer anywhere." (195) 548. Value of droppings from steers fed Kaffir corn. — In the trial above reported, seven shotes were placed with each lot of steers to gain what they could from the droppings. Each lot was fed substantially the same amount of corn from a trough, the allowance being small in order to force the shotes to thoroughly work over the droppings. Samples of the steers' droppings were wavshed and the undigested meal separated, dried and weighed 23 354 Feeds and Feeding. to ascertain the portion whicli passed tlirongh them. The extra feed given the shotes, the available meal in the droppings, the gains, etc., are shown in the following table: Feed and gain of shotes following steers fed com meal and Kaffir corn — Kansas Slation. Lot I, following steers fed corn meal. Lot II, following steers fed red Kaffir com. Lot III, following steers fed white Kaffir corn. Grain eaten from trough Lbs. 2,520 705 (i85 507 ■ Lbs. 2,520 1,475 fif»8 572 Lbs. 2,480 1,842 725 Calculated feed available in manure Gain of each lot Feed available lor 100 pounds of gain 596 It will be seen that the shotes following the steers fed corn meal made 100 pounds of gain from 507 pounds of calculated grain in the droppings and the extra allowance supplied from the trough. The shotes following the steers fed Kaf&r corn made larger gains from the same allowance of extra grain fed in the trough than those following the steers fed corn meal. This shows that they secured more nutriment from the droppings than did the shotes following the corn-fed steers. Georgeson summarizes this portion of the experiment in the following words: "The experiment proves that hogs can utilize KalBr-corn feed in the manure and bring out the value in pork in about the same ratio of values that exists between com aad Kafl&r corn." Such results in conjunction with those reported in the preced- ing article show the worth of Kaffir corn in the feed lot, and will enhance its value in the minds of stockmen of the Southwest in districts where the rainfall is scant for maximum com crops though sufficient for this sorghum. 549. Roots. — The British stockman, the best feeder the world knows, has made large use of roots for fattening purposes. The American farmer, and especially the stockman at the West, has made little or no use of them. For information on this subject we EesuUa of Steer-feeding Trials at the Stations. 353 naturally turn to Canada, where we find the following experi- ment by Brown. ^ Six animals were divided into lots of two each and given roots, hay, bran and pea meal, with the following results: BesvM of 84. days^ trial with roots for cattle feeding — Ontario Agricultural College. Roots fed. Sugar beets Mangels Turnips Average Feed for 100 pounds gain Wt. of animals at be- gin- ning. Lbs. 1,059 1,063 1,061 1,061 Daily in- crease. Lbs. 2.31 2.38 2.33 Feed per steer, daily. Hay. Bran. Pea meal. Roots. Lbs. 10.5 11.5 12 11.3 485 Lbs. 3 3 3 129 Lbs. 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 279 Lbs. 53 2,275 The table shows that somewhat more than a ton of roots, to- gether with 400 pounds of pea meal and bran and 500 pounds oi hay, were required for 100 pounds of increase. (318) 550. SHage compared with roots. — The use of silage for cattle feeding originated with dairymen, and down to the present time steer feeders have always regarded silage as possibly suitable for dairy cows, but too sloppy and sour for beef making. A few have made use of silage with favorable results. At the Ontario Agricultural College, ' Shaw fed three groups of grade Short- horn steers of two each on silage and roots. The hay was timothy and clover, the roots turnips and mangels, and the 5 meal equal weights of ground peas, barley and oats. The feed consumed per animal daily was: Group I / 57.47 pounds silage. ^ \ 11.72 pounds meal. (30.6 pounds sOage. 11.13 pounds meal. 9,3 pounds hay. (43.07 pounds roota. 11.12 pounds meal. 11 . 22 pounds hay. »Rept. Ont. Agr. Col., 1883. * Rept. 1891. 356 Feeds and Feeding. The following table shows the result of the trial, beginning De- cember 11 and lasting 146 days: Feeding steers with roots and silage — Ontario Agricultural College. Lot I. Bilage and meal. Lot 11. Silage, hay and meal. Lot III. lioots, hay and meal. Weight at commencement Gain of two steers, 146 days Average gain per steer Average gain per steer per day Lbs. ,789 555 277 1.90 Lbs. 2,735 448 224 1.63 Lbs. 2,672 537 268 1.84 From the table we learn that the steers fed the largest amount of silage daily made the greatest total gain with the highest daily rate of increase. Placing a reasonable value upon silage and roots, the gains from silage were made at a lower cost than those from roots. At the Wisconsin Station ^ the writer fed silage to steers with excellent results. In one trial, four two- and three-year-old steers, fed on corn silage only, made a gain of 222 pounds in 36 days, or 1.5 pounds per day each. It required 3,558 pounds of silage to make 100 pounds gain. (393-5) 551. Fish scrap for fattening steers. — Fink fed three- year- old steers 2 of the Holstein breed 3.3 pounds of fish scrap per head per day, the remainder of the ration consisting of hay, potatoes, straw, rye, barley and oats. The average daily gain per head during 90 days was 3.3 pounds. The quality of meat was satis- factory. (340, 661) 552. Molasses. — Georgeson' fed molasses with com meal and com fodder to three steers for a period of nineteen weeks with the following results: Total feed required for 100 pounds gain. Pounds. Molaases. 698 Com meal 807 Stover 705 » Kept. 1888. » Milch Zeit. 25 (1896), p. 51. • Bui. 39, Kan. Expt. Sta. Results of Steer-feeding Trials at tJie Stations. 357 Coiamenting on this Georgeson writes: " A mixture of molasses and corn meal proved to be a very inferior fattening material." (347) 553. The •' balanced " ration. — It is reasonable to suppose, and experiment proves, that a combination of two or more varieties of grain gives more economical returns for a given weight of feed than a single kind. This is illustrated in experiments by Georgeson at the Kansas Station. ^ In three trials, one lot of steers was fed a "balanced ration," containing a "judicious mixt- ure of corn meal, oil meal, bran and shorts, the proportion of the albuminoids and carbohydrates in the feed to approximate the requirements of the feeding standard, and in addition to this mixt- ure to have what corn fodder and hay they would eat." Against steers thus fed were others whose allowance consisted of ear corn, with corn stover and prairie hay for roughage. The data given are averages for one steer: Result of three years' experiments feeding a "balanced ration^' against ear corn — Kansas Station. A. Experiment of 1892, lasting 6 months with 5 steers on each side. Rations. Av. wt. per steer. Av. amt. grain per steer. Fodder per steer. Av.galn during expt. Grain per 100 lbs. gain. Fodder per 100 lbs. gain. Balanced ration Lbs. 1,198 1,213 Lbs. 4,357 4,027 Lbs. 1,422 1,341 Lbs. 436 284 Lbs. 1,001 1,418 Lbs. 326 472 B. Expeiiiueut of 1S'J3, kisUng 4 months, 3 to 5 steers on each side. Bal. ration, 3 steers.. Ear corn, 5 steers..... 1,083 1,073 2,965 2,723 1.214 274 961 ?04 280 443 C. Experiment of 1896, lasting 5 months with 5 stee 's on each side. Balanced ration 1,123 1,158 3,055 3,223 973 635 406 230 752 1,402 240 233 The average of three trials shows: Com consumed for 100 pounds gain 1, 271 pounds. Mixed grains consumed for 100 pounds gain... 905 pounds. These figures shew that 28 per cent, less grain waa required >Buls. 34,39and6a litoS Freds and Feeding. for 100 pounds of gain wlien feeding the so-called "balanced ra- tion'' than where ear corn alone was given. At most Western points the '' balanced ration " will cost 28 per cent more than a com ration, but in many localities it will prove much cheaper than corn alone. ^ 554. Pasturing steers. — Though a large portion of the gain made by cattle originates from pasture, we have little data upon the subject. This lack of information is due no doubt to the great difference in the productive power of pastures, and from the lack of uniformity of herbage growth from year to year. Morrow 2 conducted interesting investigations on the gain of steers maintained wholly on tame pastures from May 1 to November 1. The gains with different lots are as follows: 4 head of yearling steers, maintained on pasture alone, showed an aver- age gain of 332 pounds each. 10 head of yearling steers, maintained on pasture alone, showed an aver- age gain of 285 pounds each. 2 head of yearling steers, maintained on pasture alone, showed an aver- age gain of 440 pounds each. These gains are probably fully equal to the average obtained with cattle on Western tame pastures of good quality. They show that from such pastures we may look for a gain of from 300 to 400 pounds per head for the season with yearling steers. (258) 555. Feeding grain to steers on pasture. — At the Iowa Sta- tion, 8 Wilson and Curtiss, fattening steers on pasture with and without grain, obtained the following results: 10 steers on pasture only, gained 2.01 pounds each daily. 10 steers on pasture with grain, gained 2.13 pounds each daily. The steers fed grain received ten pounds of corn and cob meal each daily. At the Missouri Agricultural College, * Sanborn conducted two trials in feeding steers on grain while on pasture, both at a loss. > For a discussion of these experiments by Georgeson, see Qr. Rept. Kan. Bd. Agr., Dec. 1897. * Bui. 1, Col. of Agr., Univ. of lU. •Bui. 28. « Bui. 8. Be^ults of Steer -feeding Trials at the Stations, 359 MorroTv' secured the following gains with steers fall fed with grain for the season, while on pasture: Yearlings. 2 head of steers showed an average gain of 507 pounds each. 4 head of steers showed an average gain of 284 pounds each. 7\oo-7^€ar-olds. 7 head of steers showed an average gain of 4G6 pounds each. ! 8 head of steers slaowed an avei-age gain of 380 pounds each. 4 head of steers showed an average gain of 406 pounds each. Summarizing his experience, Morrow concludes: '"The results from two years' trial indicate that a grain ration to young steera on good pastuie is not usually profitable. The value of the in- crease in weight by the grain-fed steers over those having grass only will not repay the cost of food and labor. The increased value of the animals from earlier maturity and better quality may make grain feeding profitable." (666-7) 556. Water drank during fattening. — The amount of water drank by fattening steers, which varies greatly, may be placed at from 50 to 125 pound per day. Georgeson^ kept a record of the water drank by fattening steers, with results as follows: Waier drank hy fattening steers in winter — Kansas Station. Feed. Water drank daily per steer. Water drank per pound gain. Lbs. Lbs. 75 47 49 31 33 31 79 33 73 91 56 56 57 27 Water drank per pound of feed. Mrst trial: Lot I, Com meal, bran, shorts, oil meal with hay Lot II, Corn meal with corn fodder Lot III, Ear corn with com fodder Second trial: Lot I, Com meal, bran, shorts, oil meal v.'ithhay Lot II, Corn meal, molasses and corn fodder Lot III, Oilcake, hay Lot IV, Ear corn, com fodder Lbs. 2.4 1.8 1.6 2.5 2.4 3.4 1.8 In the above we observe that where the most protein was fed the largest amount of water was drank; the smallest amount with the ear-corn and corn-fodder ration. » Bui. 1, Col. of Agr., Univ. of 111. > Buls. 34, 39, Kan. Sta. SiiO Feeds and Feeding/. ton-seed meal aud hulls, found the following in regard to water and dry matter consumed by fattening steers: Dry matter eaten and water drank daily by fattening steers per 1,000 pounds live weight — North Carolina Station. Dry matter consumed Water drank and in feed Total average consumption of dry food and water, Pounds water to one pound dry food 357. Variation in individual weight whiJe fattening. — The stock- man who will weigh a fattening steer daily for a few weeks will be surprised at the variation in the weights recorded. Eren thrifty steers that are steadUy fattening, so far as the feeder can judge, will show surprising variations in weight from day to day, and even from week to week. Much data could be given on this point, but a few figures from one of Georgeson's experiments at the Kansas Station ^ will suffice: WecMy weight of steers duri ng a feeding trial — Kansas Station. Date. Weight of steer No. 1. Gain or loss. Weight of steer No. 2. Gain or loss. Weight of steer No. 3. Gain or loss. Vov. 30 Lbs. 1,232 1,269 1,280 1,278 1,325 Lbs. Lbs. 1,190 1,205 1,213 1,226 1,250 Lbs. Lbs. 1,207 1,240 1,236 1,244 1,270 Lbs. Dec. 7 37 11 -2 47 15 .8 13 24 38 Dec. 14 -4 Dec. 21 8 Dec. 28 26 May 2 1,545 1,565 1,597 1,598 1,010 1,583 1,603 1,620 1,643 1,606 1,567 1,593 1,619 1,626 1,593 May 9 20 32 1 12 20 17 -37 26 May 16 May 23 May 30 26 7 -33 These variations, cult it is to detern which are not line the true w 1. 34. extraordi eight of nary, a stee show how diffi- x at any given • Bui. 93. » lii Results of Steer-feeding Trials at the Stations. 361 period. Our Experiment Stations are now generally adopting the practice of weighing the steer for three successive days and taking the average of these three weights as the true weight of the steer on the second day. It has been supposed that this variation is due to a difference in the amount of water drank from day to day, but this explanation does not always seem sufficient. It is prob- I ably due in many cases to the irregular movement of the contents of the digestive tract, which movement is influenced by changes in the character and quality of the food consumed, the exercise or confinement enforced, and the effect of the weather. II. Beef Making at the South. 558. What Southern Stations have found. — For generations the effort of the South has been toward cotton production, which de- mands scrupulously clean culture. Until recently grass has been a despised plant, but it is now overrunning many of the old plantations, and while restoring the soil to something like its former fertility and clothing the gashed fields with a carpet of green, it is giving good returns in nutritious food to the cattle grazing upon it. Many a worn-out cotton plantation can be made to yield in Bermuda grass, Johnson grass, Japan clover, corn, sorghum and other plants, an amount of feed that would surprise Nortliern stockmen. 559. Cotton seed for beef production. — Equally important with the growth of grass is the enormous production of cotton seed, which furnishes a most valuable feed for cattle. Cotton seed, either raw, boiled or roasted, furnishes a nutritious food for cattle, while meal from the seed is the richest stock food produced in tliis country. The hulls of the cotton seed have been found to poSvSess considerable feeding value as a substitute for hay. Because of their abundance and availability they constitute a factor of importance in steer feeding at the South. Several of the Southern Experiment Stations have been doing useful work in showing the value and importance of the cotton seed and its by-products for steer feeding. While it is impossi- ble to report all the residts in tliis line, the following examples 362 Feeds and Feeding. are given as representing the territory interested and furnishing data concerning the important points of the subject: Results obtained with steers fed cotton seed in various forms at Southern Experiment Stations. Results by McConnell, Texas Station.* Av.wt. at be- Gain per Av. daily gain head. per head. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 638 186 1.80 625 199 1.99 630 207 2.07 576 192 1.92 615 203 2.03 513 286 2.66 513 222 2.22 509 223 2.23 54 208 2.08 523 193 1.93 Feed for 100 lbs. of ealn. Lbs. Lbs. 268 Cotton-se<*d mpal.... 8S8 hulls. 2W Roasted cottou seed 322 corn.. 2o6 Boiled cotton seed.. 372 corn.. 276 Raw cotton seed 269 corn.. 694 corn.. 185 Cotton-seed meal... 229 Roa.sted cotton seed 233 Boiled cotton seed.. 2-16 Raw cotton seed 252 hulls. 312 corn.. 368 corn.. 291 corn.. 759 corn.. Lbs. 1074 Bilags. 216 hay. 201 hay. 276 hay. 371 hay. 713 silaeo. 158 hay. 128 hay. 15.J hay. 185 hay. Results by Emery, North Carolina Station.' 4 796 784 178 184 1.78 1.84 224 Raw cotton seed 1021 cotton-seed hulls 231 Raw cotton seed 1016 cotton-seed hulls 4 Results by Bennett and Monke, Arkansas St*tlon.» 2 2 2 589 721 710 247 221 170 2.74 2.45 1.95 209 Cotton-seed meaL... l«5Cotton-.sfced meal.... 175 Raw cotton seed 707 cotton-seed hulls 603 cotton-seed hulls 580 cotton-seed hulls 425 pea hay. 412 pea hay. Results by Stubbs, Louisiana Station.* 6 6 774 727 154 153 2.2 2.8 298 Cotton-seed meal... 231 Cotton-seed meal... 1053 cotton-seed hulls 672 cotton-seed hulls 85 molasses. 62 molasses. Ann. Rept. Ark. Expt. Sta. Bui. 34, 2d Sen This table shows the high value of the cotton seed, whether raw, roasted or boiled, and also of its by-product, cotton-seed meal, for beef production. No grain raised at the North equals it, pound for pound, for beef production. When we reflect that for every pound of cotton fiber grown there are two pounds of seed, no argument is needed to convince us that the South is capable of producing the beef required for home consumption. Connell found, as shown by the preceding table, that the cheap- est ration was raw cotton seed with iibout equal weights of corn Results of Steer-feeding Trials at (lie Stations. 363 and hay. Such a mixture is not only economical, but will prob- ably make better meat than cotton-seed meal or cotton seed fed as the sole concentrate. Connell and Carson, of the Texas Station, » having fed cotton- seed meal and hulls in varying proportions to fattening steers, conclude that the largest daily gain can be secured by feeding ! three pounds of hulls for each pouud of meal. If a larger pro- portion of meal is fed the cost of the gain will be somewhat in- creased. When the price of a ton of cotton-seed meal is to the price of a ton of hulls as 5 to 1, then a pound of meal should be fed for each five pounds of hulls. For example, if meal is worth $15 a ton and the hulls $3, then five pounds of hulls should be fed for each pound of meal. If the hulls are worth less in pro- portion, then more hulls should be fed in proportion to the meal. (210-215) 560. "Fat sickness."— Cattle fed on cotton-seed meal and hulls are occasionally afflicted with inflammation of the eyes, which may terminate in total loss of sight. The trouble has been attributed to damaged cotton seed, to mal- nutrition, etc., but nothing definite has yet been determined. '^ Fat sickness " may attack thrifty, fat cattle. Cattle fattened on meal are said to be especially liable to attacks when turned to pasture. The trouble is prevalent dui-ing certain seasons, while in other years no cattle are affected. It is reasonable to suppose that furnishing a larger variety of food in the ration would prevent the difficulty. 1 Bui. 41. CHAPTEE XXIL FAOTOES IN STEEB FATTENING — FINAL RESULTS. L Conditions Affecting Results. 561. Influence of shelter and confinement. — At the Kansas Sta- tion/ Greorgeson, testing the influence of shelter, confined five steers by tying in a stable, allowing five others to run loose in an open yard with a shed at one side for shelter. The steers were Western cattle three years old past, fed ear com and stover. The trial began November 30, lasting six months. The following year it was duplicated with grade Short-homs six months younger than those in the preceding trial. The second trial began Decem- ber 20, continuing four months. The third trial followed the plan of the other two. The steers were mostly grade Short- horns, two and one-half to three years old, and were put into the feed lot October 23, — the feeding continuing five months. The results of the three trials are herewith summarized: BesuUa of three trials with steers fed in ham and in yard Station. Kansas Where fed. 189£. Lasting six months. Fed in barn Fed in yard 189S. Lasting four months. Fed in bam Fed in yard 1895. Lasting five months. Fed in bam Fed in yard Ear com eaten. Lbs. 4,027 4,871 2,723 3,168 3,223 3,372 Fodder eaten. Lbs. 1,341 907 1,214 1,444 535 457 Gain. Lbs. 284 313 274 276 230 217 Ear com per 100 lbs. gain. Lbs. 1,418 1,556 994 1,144 1,401 1.654 Fodder per 100 Ids. gain. Lbs. 472 443 233 210 In all the trials the steers running in the yard consumed more grain than those confined, and on the whole made larger gains, » Buls. 34, 39. Factors in Steer Feeding. 365 at a cost, however, of about 12 per cent, more grain for a given amount of increase. Moscropi reports a feeding trial at YorksMre, England, in which three lots of steers of four each were used. The first four were confined by tying in the stable, the second placed separately in boxes, each 10 x 10 feet, while the third group occupied an open lot, along one side of which was a shed. Each lot of steers re- ceived the same amount of Indian corn and oil cake, thus throw- ing the difierence in the amount of feed consumed on the turnips and straw chaff which were fed additional. The steers in the open lot with shed for shelter made somewhat the most rapid gain, consuming, however, about 50 per cent, more turnips than those confined by tying. Those in the boxes consumed 25 per cent. more. At the Woburn Station, England, equally good results were obtained in two trials with steers running in a yard with shed for shelter, fed in test with others confined in box-stalls. ^ Thorne and Hickman at the Ohio Station, * feeding steers in the barn in opiDOsition to others in the open yard with shed to run under, conclude: ''The differences here indicated are not suffi- cient to justify the assertion that either method of caring for cattle was better than the other." At the North Carolina Station, * Emery, testing the effects of close confinement and liberty of movement, concludes that if cattle are well fed and kept quiet and contented, it does not matter, in feeding for fattening purposes, whether they are tied or turned loose in a limited range. Sanborn, experimenting first in Missouri, ^ and later in Utah, « with steers concludes: "It now looks as though the true method of wintering cattle consists in giving the freedom of warm quar- ters with liberty of outdoor runs at their pleasure." (630) 562. Changes during fattening to be avoided. — Sometimes as grass springs up in May the stockman is not ready to dispose of 1 Trans. High, and Agr. Soc, 1872. 2 Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc, 1887, 1890. » Bui. 60. •• Bui. 93. • Syn. of Expt. Mo. Expt. Sta. • Rept. 1892. 366 Feeds and Feed'uig. his cattle, aud must choose between coutinaing stall or yard feeding and turning the cattle to pastui-e for a short time before disposing of them. What to do in such cases is often perplexing. We have some help in the exjieriments of Thorne and Hickman at the Ohio Station. ' About May 1 a group of steers which had been fed experi- mentally during the winter was divided, part being turned to grass and part kept in the stable, grain and hay feeding being continued, practically to the full demands of both. The results are shown in the following table: Results of turning partially -fattened steers to pasture — Ohio Station. Treatment. Number of caUle. Dry sub- stance con- sumed per steer per day. Dally cost of food per steer. Dally eain per steer. Dry sub- stance con- sumed per lb. of gain. Cost of food per pound of gain. 1894. Lot I, kept in barn Lot II, pastured 30 days 16 16 8 8 Lbs. 20.16 15.39 20.99 15.21 Cents. 15.33 . 12.93 16.09 12.55 Lbs. 2.00 1.42 1.76 1.37 Lbs. 10.00 10.84 11.95 10.68 Cents. 7.66 9.10 1895. Lot I, kept in barn Lot II, pastured 45 days 9.15 9.14 We observe that the steers turned to pasture ate nearly as much grain and half as much hay as those kept in the barn. Even with this aid the change from bam to pasture did not result favorably, as is shown by the smaller daily gain in each case and by the increased cost of gain in one instance and equal cost in the otlier. At the Iowa Station, ' Wilson and Curtiss, changing 20 Short- horn and Angus steers from feed lot to pasture, though still giving grain, secured a gain of only .6 of a pound per head daily during the 15 days in which the gradual change was being made. These investigators, ^ in changing another lot of steers back from pasture to feed lot in the fall, likewise secured a gain of only .6 of a pound per head daily during the 15 days in which the change occurred. These steers usually made a gain of about two pounds ' Bui. 60. * Bui. 28. » Bui. 20, Iowa Sta. Factors in Steer Feeding. 367 each daily. Commenting on the result they write: "A chang- ing period is a losing period, if the change is radical." These trials accord with the experience of stockmen, who find it unsatisfactory to change wholly or nearly finished cattle from one set of conditions to another, no matter what the new con- ditions. "When steers are to be sold at no distant date. It is best to continue them under the existing system of feed and confine- ment, rather than change to new conditions, even though the latter may appear more favorable. 563. Effect of age on rate of gain. — The daily rate of gain with cattle on full feed is directly affected by the age of the animal. This is illustrated by the records of the fat-stock shows. Some of the results obtained in England are shown in the following table: Age and weight of steers slaughtered at the Smithfield {England) Fat- Stock Show, 1888-95. ^ Short-horn. 1 year old 2 years old 3 years old Hereford. 1 year old 2 years old , 3 years old Devon. 1 year old 2 years old 3 years old A bcrdeen-A ngus. 1 year old 2 years old 3 years old Sussex. 1 year old 2 years old 3 years old Red Polled. 2 years old 3 years old Oalloway. 2 years old 3 years old No. of animals. Age. Average daily gain. Live wt. at slaugh- tering. Days. Lbs. Lbs. 5 18 16 642 963 1,321 2.11 1.92 1.70 1,355 1,842 2,251 16 13 8 663 1,020 1,349 1.97 1.78 1.64 1,308 1,817 2,218 13 19 16 634 1,045 1,311 1.75 1.51 1.37 1,112 1,583 1,796 26 21 2 668 1,008 1,346 2.04 1.74 1.59 1,366 1,765 2,138 17 18 12 677 989 1,285 2.15 1.86 1.61 1,4.52 1,837 2,064 12 6 1,002 1,362 1.64 1.49 1,631 2,022 7 4 1,027 1,344 1.64 1.47 1,688 1,969 meat to live wt. Per cent. 66.13 67.48 65.08 67.15 69.18 66.01 67.73 67.32 65.87 66.67 67,39 65.42 68.18 67.98 65.73 65.77 64.45 64.84 ^ Reported annually in the Live Stock Journal and Agricultural Gazette, Loudon. 368 Feeds and Feeding. This same problem has been worked out by Stewart, * who sum- marizes the records of eight annual exhibits at the American Fat- Btock Show, Chicago, as follows: Age and rate of gain of animals exhibited at the American Fat-StocJc Show, Chicago, 1878-85 — Steicart. Number of anim^als. Age. Average weight. GJ&in per day. 30 Days. 297 612 943 1,283 Lbs. 780 1,334 1,639 1,938 Lbs. 2.63 152 2.18 145 1.74 133 1.51 The abore shows that choice cattle fed for exhibition made an average daily gain of 2.63 pounds up to 297 days of age; after this the gain gradually fell oflf with increasing age, until when the animals averaged 1,283 days of age, the rate of gain for the whole period was only 1.51 pounds daily. The point under consideration is more strongly brought out in the following table, ^ which shows the gains by periods: Gain of steers exhibited at American Fat-8tock Shotc, by periods — Stewart. Period. First period.... Second period Third period.. Fourth period Length of period. Days. 297 315 331 340 Average gain per head. Lbs. 780 554 305 299 Average daily gain per head. Lbs. 2.63 1.76 .92 The table shows that up to 297 days the cattle made an average daily gain (including birth weight) of 2.63 pounds, while for the final period of 340 days there was a gain of only .88 pounds daily per head. The gradual decrease in the ability of the steer to lay on flesh is apparent to every one upon a little thought. There must come a time in the life history of the animal when there is no increase in weight no matter what amount of food is consumed; » Feeding Animals, 3d ed,, App. * Loc. cit Factors in Steer Feeding. 369 all the animal can or will then eat constitutes the food of sup- port, or is wasted. (595-6) 564. Cost of gain increases with age. — "We have seen that the daily gain possible with steers decreases as the age of the animal increases. The results obtained at our Stations and the records of the fat-stock shows teach that each pound of gain costs more with increasing age, as illustrated in the following table: Cost of 100 pounds gain, live weight, with steers of different ages. 1-12 months old. 12-24 months old 24-36 months old No. of ani- mals. Cost of food. No. of ani- mals. Cost of food. No. of ani- mals. Cost of food. Fat^Stock Show, '82.1 Fat-Stock Show '83 9 6 10 16 $4.03 3.70 1.87 4.20 5 4 10 11 2 $7.98 8.12 7.37 6.13 7.49 2 $12.54 Michigan Station^.... Wisconsin Station^ 10 9.57 Massachusetts Sta- tion< 2 12.38 1 Rept. lU. Bd. Agr., 1884. ^ Bui. 44. » Kept. 1886. * Kept. 1891. The table shows that in every instance the cost of gain with the steer during the first twelve months of growth is less than for later periods. At the Fat-Stock Show for 1882 the feed for 100 pounds of gain with steers up to twelve months cost $4.03; between twelve and twenty-four months it was $7. 98, while between twenty- four and thirty-six months the cost reached $12.54. 565. Cost of gain increases with length of fattening period. — Other conditions being equal, the longer the fattening period the larger the quantity of feed required to produce a given gain. This is brought out by Georgeson, of the Kansas Station, ^ who found the grain required for 100 pounds of gain with fattening steers for different periods to be as follows: Up to 56 days the steers required... Up to 84 days the steers required... Up to 112 days the steers required... Up to 140 days the steers required... Up to 168 days the steers required... Up to 182 days the steers required... 1 Bui. 34. 24 Feed for Increase of 100 lbs. gain. feed required. 730 pounds of grain 807 pounds of grain. 10 per cent. 840 pounds of grain. 15 per cent. 901 pounds of grain. 23 per cent. 927 pounds of grain. 27 per cent. 1000 pounds of grain. 37 per cent 370 Feeds and Feeding. We learn by the preceding data that while at first only 730 pounds of grain were required for 100 pounds of gain, for the whole six-months period over 1,000 pounds were required- The increase of feed percentagely is shown in the last column. It begins with 10 per cent, and increases to 37 per cent. The heav^ cost of thoroughly fattening the steer and the importance of selliug at the earliest possible date are here made plain. (80, 594, 847) I 5f 5. Feed for 100 pounds gain during fattening. — By consulting the tables in the preceding chapter the student can ascertain the feed requirements of steers while fattening. The grain in addi- tion to roughage required for 100 pounds of gain will be found to range from 400 to 1 ,500 pounds. This wide rauge of require ments can but excite keen interest among students of stock man agement. The lowest requirements are reported from the Texa*s Station (540), where, however, the steers wore of light weight, and were probably very thin in flesh at the beginning of the feed- ing period, so that a part of the increase was due to a natural fiUing-up process. Further, these steers were on pi.dtiue and the feeding period was short. Where as much as 1,500 pounds ol grain were required for 100 pounds of gain, it was for a six- months feeding period, with corn only for concentrates, and the animals were well fattened. In general, taking the available data we have presented for the basis, it may be stated that about 1,000 pounds of grain will be re- quired for 100 pounds of gain with well-fattened steers, on the aver- age, besides 500 pounds of coarse food in the shape of hay, stover, etc. Steers in thin flesh, those fed for short periods only, and lots handled under unusually favorable conditions will give the re- quired gain for a considerably less aiaount of grain than just stated, while those fed for long periods may require 50 per cent. more. (757, 845) 567. Dry matter required for 100 pounds of gain. — Thorne^ sum- marizes the results of feeding trials at Stations in eight states with 132 steers, and finds that 1,023 pounds of dry matter were re- quired for each 100 pounds of gain. Lawes and Gilbert « tell us that from 12 to 13 pounds of dry » Bui. 60, Ohio Expt. Sta. « Rothamstt'd Memoirs. Vol. H. Factors in Steer Feeding. 371 substance are required for each pound of increase, live weight, with fattening steers. The feeding trials at many of our Stations have usually covered only short periods, and these, as we have seen, are favorable to heavy gains for feed consumed. This being true, the figures given by Lawes and Gilbert should hold standard for the present at least. 568. Cost of 100 pounds gain with fattening steers. — The cost of the gain made by steers will vary according to the section of country in which the feeding is carried on. In the statements which follow, the current market prices for feed at the point of feeding are used. At the Massachusetts Stat ion i the cost of feed for each 100 pounds increase, live weight, of steers was found to be $10.58. This high cost is representative of conditions prevailing in the Eastern States, where feeding stuffs are much higher priced than in the great agriciiltural districts of the West. (812) At the Kansas Station, with 20 range steers three years old past, fed for 182 days, Georgeson^ secured the results shown in the following table: AmouTd of feed and cost of same for 100 pounds of gain with range steers fed six months — Kansas Station. Feed given. Cost of food per head. DaUy gain per head. Gain in 182 days per head. Grain for 100 lbs. gain. Hay or stover for 100 lbs. gain. Cost for 100 lbs. gain. LotL Com meal, oil meal, shorts, bran and $31.00 21.11 20.85 25.20 Lbs. 2.4 1.47 1.56 1.72 Lbs. 436 268 284 313 Lbs. 1,000 1,334 1,410 1,556 Lbs. 320 350 470 280 $7.11 ■ Lot II. Corn meal, stover.. Lot III. Ear corn, stover, fed in bam 7.87 7.34 Lot IV. Ear corn, stover, fed In yard 8.05 1 Rept. 1894. * Bui. 34. 372 Feeds and Feeding. ■f we include all charges — interest, taxes, labor, feed and risk — it will be found that one hundred pounds of gain made during fat- tening, by well-finished steers, cost from eight to ten dollars at the West and from ten to twelve dollars at the East. At the Iowa Station, » Wilson and Curtiss fed 18 steers of nine different breeds with results as follows: Chst of feed with steers during three feeding periods of 9S days each — Iowa Station. Date. Kind of feed. Gain per head per day. Cost of feed per 100 lbs. gain. March to May... Lot I-II. Com meal, oil meal, hay and roots Lbs. 2.48 2.32 2.03 3.26 2.8 $5 93 June to Aug Lot I. Com meal, clover pasture 4 31 Lot II. Oil meal, clover pasture 6.21 Oct. to Dec LotL Snapped com, com meal, oil meal, roots and hay 5 92 Lot II. Snapped com, com meal, oil meal, roots and hav 6 38 These trials are representative of conditions in the Mississippi Valley. We observe that the lowest cost was $4. 31 for 100 pounds of gain, in Iowa, with steers getting com meal on clover pasture. The highest cost was $8. 05 for steers at the Kansas Station getting ear corn. in. Value of Breed, in Beef Making. 569. Amount of feed consumed. — Every person with experi- ence in the cattle business concedes that ''blood tells" in beef production. Where there is such unanimity of expression the fact must exist, but the reasons given are not always the same and so are worthy of careful examination. Occasionally the claim is advanced that well-bred cattle eat less than natives or scrubs. This opinion is not generally held by owners of pure-bred or high-grade stock, who know that their » Bui. 20. Factors in Steer Feeding. 373 auimals when gaining rapidly are hearty feeders, though when mature they require only a small amount of provender for main- tenance. Nothing in the tables given in this chapter warrants the statement that pure-bred or high-grade cattle of the beef breeds are small eaters. 570. Less feed for a given gain. — The second claim, and a more reasonable one, is that cattle bred specifically for beef give better returns for a given amount of feed than those bred for milk production or those of promiscuous or low breeding. This claim is quite generally advanced by stockmen, and is usually conceded without calling for proof. A few Stations have undertaken the difficult task of testing the comparative merits of the several breeds. While the number of animals tested is not large, by combining all the data at hand we get some light on the question though we cannot hope to en- tirely settle it. Figures are given in the next table from trials at five Stations where pure-bred and native steers were fed in com- parison for periods varying from ninety-two days to eighteen months: Grain required for 100 pounds of gain with, steers of several breeds as found at various Experiment Stations. station. Length period. Age at begin- ning. s t 0 Si CO •a t o 1 1 1 o a •^ t 4 15 Iowa (a) lowa(fc) _ 92 days.. 6 mos... 1 y 1 yr 18 mos... 161 days" 18 mos... 2 yrs... 2 yrs... lyr.... 2 yrs... lyr.... 1 yr.... 3yr8.„ 1 yr.... lbs. 6.59 0G5 796 493 597 777 706 lbs. 874 "sei 916 552 793 lbs. 744 947 lbs. 753 lbs. 977 lbs. 663 lbs. 712 lbs. 870 lbs. 801 Iba. Michigan c) Michigan d) 581 763 612 553 477 7.W 478 495 5{W 939 66-5 686 5.57 807 Michigan e) Ontario (/) 698 491 Kansas (g') 876 Missouri (A) „ „. 749. fifil m^ 1 (o) Bui. 20. (e) Bui. 69. (6) Bui. 28. (/) Kept. 1892. (c) Bui. 44. (g) Bui. 61. (d) Bui. 44. {h) Bui. 24. There were two steers in each Michigan trial and in the first Iowa trial. In the second Iowa trial there were ten Short- horn and ten Angus steers; in the Ontario trial there was only one of each; in the Kansas trial there were six Short-horns and 374 Feeds and Feeding. six Natives; in the Missouri trial there were six Short-homa, three Herefords, four Angus and four Natives. The student should not take averages of the trials in drawing conclusions, since the con- ditions at the different Stations varied greatly, but they should be studied separately. The tests cover periods ranging from 92 days to 18 months. The least amount of grain (477 pounds) for 100 pounds of gain was with Devon steers, and the largest amount (977 pounds) was with Galloways. Eeviewing the data of the table it will be seen that while we can single out cases where the beef- bred steer has produced 100 pounds of gain with less feed than the dairy-bred or native steer, yet the largest amount of feed consumed by any animal for a given gain also stands charged to one of the beef tyT)e. We are thus unable from the data at hand to show that a pound of feed goes further in making gain with beef-bred animals than with those not specially designed for that purpose. These figures are a sur- prise to the writer, as they must be to the reader; but as they represent practically all the work done at the Stations to date they should stand for the present. 571. Early maturity. — The most common claim for superiority in the beef breeds is that animals so bred mature earlier than others. Consulting the figures given in the next table we find that steers of the strictly dairy breeds reached as heavy weight as did several of the beef-breed representatives. Holstein steers made substan- tially as large daily gains as did any of the others, and Jersey and Native steers rivaled the Devons. So far as data from the Stations go, we have no evidence that beef -bred animals make more rapid growth than do otliei'S. The claim of early maturity, then, is not substantiated by the data at hand if daily gain in live weight is the sole measure used. The degree of maturity of the animal is not measured entirely, however, by its weight, so that this divis- ion of the subject cannot be considered as covered by the data presented in regard to daily gain. 572. Dressed weight of carcass. — This topic naturally follows that just presented, and fortunately, from the experiments last quoted, we have data at command. The animals used in the several tests at the Stations were slaughtered and the weight of the Factors in Steer Feeding. 375 carcass«5 reported. Gathering the data into a table we have the following: Dressed weigU of carcass of different breeds of cattle — Various Sta- tions. Breed. No. of ani- roals. No. of sta- tions. Av. age. Av. live weight. DaUy gain from birth. Limits of dressed weight. Days. Lbs. Lbs. Per cent. 11 4 983 1,515 1.54 63.0-68.0 2 1 1,000 1,5Z0 1.52 63.8-66.5 16 4 976 1,493 1.53 63.2-69.0 2 1 1,000 1,570 1.57 64.8 26 5 1,011 1,510 1.50 62.1-68 6 3 923 1,503 1.62 62.0-66.7 7 3 1,021 1,376 1.35 62.5-65.8 6 1 1 3 1,095 1,021 937 1,320 1,625 1,469 1.20 1.59 1.57 60.6^4.4 3 2 1,058 1,440 1.36 58.7-63.9 9 3 1,038 1,259 1.26 57.9-61.5 Av. ress< weight. Hereford RedPoUed Aberdeen- Angus Swiss Short-horn Galloway Devon Ayrshire Sussex Holstein Jersey Native Per et. 65.0 G5.2 64.8 64.8 64.4 63.9 63.6 63.3 63.0 62.6 60.5 60.2 The data referring to live weight at the time of slaughter and daily gain from birth have already been discussed; let us now consider the dressed weights of cattle of the several breeds. The Eed Polls give the largest percentage of dressed carcass to live weight, but the figures are the average for two animals only, and the best of these is lower than the best of the representatives of five other breeds. Were as many animals included as there are of the Short-horns, for example, they would no doubt rank lower in the list. (See Article 563. ) The last column of the table is one of great significance and worthy of study by all interested in the problem under discussion. We find that steers of the so-called beef breeds yield from 64 to 65 per cent, of dressed carcass to live weight, while Native steers and those of the dairy breeds dress from 60 to 63 per cent. Jersey and Native steers di-ess the lowest. On the aver- age, eleven Hereford steers fed and slaughtered at four Experi- ment Stations yielded eight per cent, more dressed carcass to live weight than did nine Native steers fed at three Experiment Stations. The weights of the native and dairy-bred steers are so great that we may be sure they were fully as matuie and as well 370 Feeds and Feeding. fatted as their competitors. Here is the first marked dlfferenc© between beef-bred and other cattle. 573. Percentage of loose tallow to dressed weight. — At the Iowa Station/ Wilson and Curtiss fonnd a larger o nount of fat about the internal organs of steers of the dairy breeds than about the viscera of animaJs of the beef breeds, as is shown by the fol- lowing table: Dressed weight of carcass and ' ^ loose '^ tallow of steers of various breeds — Iowa Station. Breed. Average dressed weight. Loose tallow. Lbs. Lbs. 1,092 145 1,022 129 990 125 1,088 147 1,137 156.5 815 122.5 1,017 119 862 155 880 165.5 Per cent, of loose tallow to beef. 8hort-hom, Hereford.... Red PoU.... Galloway... Angus....... Devon Swiss Holstein.... Jersey 13.3 12.6 12.6 13.5 13.8 15.0 11.7 17.9 18.8 The above table presents most important data. The Short- horn steers dressing about 1,100 pounds yielded 145 pounds, or 13.3 per cent., of loose tallow. Jersey steers averaging 880 pounds yielded over 165 pounds, or 18.8 per cent. , of loose tallow. These figures are corroborated by findings in the same direction at the Michigan 2 and Missouri Stations. ^ Commenting on the character of the carcasses of steers of the various breeds slaughtered at the Michigan Station, Davenport wrote: ''Note the excess of rough tallow in Walton (a Holstein steer) as compared with the others. Walton was ' all cow, ' as the saying goes, and the fat about his kidneys was astonishing." From these data we may conclude that there is a specific dif ference between the beef and dairy breeds in the disposition of fat in the body. It appears that the beef representatives, when fattening, place a large portion of the fat between the muscular fibers of the tissues. Steers of the dairy breeds, on the other " P.ul. 20. » Bui. 2L » Bui. 69. Factors in Steer Feeding. 377 hand, deposit much fat about tlie intestines and the kidneys. Fat Ultimately commingled with the muscular fibers of the tis- sues renders such meat tender and toothsome; wlien placed in separate masses anywliere in the body, and especially within the body cavity, it has a low value as a merchantable article. While fat stored as in the dairy breeds may be best plaeed for animals designed for milk production, such disposition is certainly against their usefulness in beef production. In this distinction we have a remarkable example of the effort toward specialization in the beef and dairy breeds, and the lesson is important and far- reaching. Here, then, is the second distinct characteristic of the beef-bred steer. 574. Proportion of valuable parts in carcass. — Georgeson of the Kansas Station, ^ and Wilson and Curtiss of the Iowa Station, " closed feeding trials with breed representatives by forwarding the animals to Swift & Co., Packers, Chicago and Kansas City, for slaughter. The accompanying table presents the proportion of the several parts yielded by the dressed carcasses: Percentage of the various cuts in the dressed carcasses of Holstein, Na- tive and Short-horn steers — Kansas and Iowa Experiment Stations. Kansas. Iowa. Shorts horn. Native. Short- horn. Holstein. 16.6 9.6 22.9 20.6 13.5 6.1 10.7 17.0 10.1 22.4 20.8 12.8 5.8 11.1 17.1 9.9 22.9 21.1 15.4 5.7 7.9 16 6 Ribs 10.2 23.3 21.9 Plates 14 2 Shanks 6 4 7 4 So far as the figures go, there is nothing to show the superiority of the beef breeds in yielding a larger percentage of high-priced outs. Of course, since the percentage of dressed carcass to live weight is greater in the beef breeds, they actually yield somewhat more pounds of valuable parts than the non-beef breeds. But such data are not final on the point in question. The thickness » Bui. 51. ^ Bui. 20. 378 Feeds and Feeding. of the flesh over the carcass, which is one factor of ii.s worth in the market, is not indicated by percentages of the several parts. A thin-fleshod steer will not cut up percentagely much different from one that furnishes thick cuts of meat. 575. Judgment of the market. — Difference in quality is quickly noted in the market and prices vary accordingly. The eighteen steers representing nine breeds fattened by the Iowa Station, when shipped to Chicago, were passed upon by a committee of three stock buyers, with the results shown in the following table: Value placed by experts on steers of nine breeds sold by the Iowa Experbnent Station at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Breeds. Hereford Short-horn Galloway Aberdeen- Angus. Red Polled Swiss Devon Holstein Jersey Here is a difference between the highest and lowest valuations of $2. 12 per hundred weight, or about 32 per cent. In the slaughter test of the Kansas Short-horns and Natives before referred to, the loins of the best Short-horns were rated at 18 cents per pound, while those of the Natives were placed as low as 14 cents. There is not this difference in actual food value between the carcasses or cuts, but the exactions of the market are all-powerful and must be recognized as final in this discussion. 576. Quality. — Beyond that wliich can be expressed in figures or stated percentagely lies that indefinable something described by the word ''quality," which enters into this as into all other objects of barter. No one can compare a bunch of well-fed beef- bred steers "with one representing the dairy breeds or natives with- out being impressed by a difference not measured by the scales. Speaking of the breed tests, Wilson and Curtiss write: "The carcasses of the dairy breeds lacked in thickness of cuts, and the Factors in Steer Feeding. 379 marbling of the fat and lean was not equal to that of the others (beef breeds)." Georgeson, reviewing his results, writes: . . . ''The Short-horns gave the best returns, not simply because the gross weight of their carcasses was greater than that of the scrubs, but also because their meat was esteemed better by experts in the packing-house who were asked to judge of the quality and assign prices." Of the Ontario native, Shaw wrote: ''There was a lack of thickness of carcass throughout, the deficiency in depth of rib and loin being very noticeable, and the absence of what may be termed fleshiness was conspicuous." 577. in conclusion. — In our study of the value of specific breed- ing for beef production we have found, as shown in the preceding articles, that the steer bred for beef does not consume less feed than do otliers of the same weight, nor does he necessarily reach a given weight in less days, though generally such is the case. Nor do our figures show that 100 pounds of gain, live weight, can be made by the beef steer with less feed than other cattle require. The first specific difference is found in the marked superiority of true beef cattle in yielding a larger i)ercentage of dressed weight to live carcass. A second difference of deep significance is in the disposition of the fat, the beef steer placing this surplus material where it serves its highest purpose as human food — among the muscular fibers of the tissues, — while the dairy -bred animal deposits it in quantity about the viscera. While if we divide the dressed carcass into the several parts required by the trade we cannot show that the proportion of these varies in cattle of different breeds, yet the thickness of the flesh of these parts is certainly in favor of the beef breeds. These dUfferences, with others which cannot be distinctly speci- fied coming under the term "quality," combine to make the beef steer what his name indicates — an animal specifically designed for the most favorable production of the best meat. m. Other Findings. 578. Dressed weight of cattle. — The percentage of dressed c Breeder's Gazette, Chicago, 1884, p. 824. » Bui. 39. « Bui. 20. * Bui. 60. CHAPTEE XXIII. COTJNSEL IN THE FEED LOT. I. Feed and Management of Fattening CaMe. 580. Indian corn. — Indian com must continue the great grain food for steer fattening in the United States. While we can- not vie with England in luxuriance of pasture, the advantage given our farmers by the corn plant more than offsets this, and places us at the front in beef production. No concentrate is so relished by cattle as corn, the kernels of which carry consider- able oO, rendering them toothsome and palatable to a degree not equaled by other grain. Not only does corn carry oil, but it is loaded with starch, likewise a fat-former, thus affording the nu- triment needed for filling the tissues of the steer's body with fat, rendering the muscles tender and juicy. The success of steer feeding in America must depend largely upon the supply of Indian corn available for this purpose. 581. Beef returns per acre of corn. — Stewart^ reports a trial conducted by himself with ten steers averaging 1,175 pounds, vfhich were fed four measured acres of shock corn estimated to yield 40 bushels of grain per acre. The unhusked shock corn was run through a feed cutter, and 40 pounds of the mixture, with 2 pounds of linseed meal, given daily. The four acres of com lasted 70 days, each steer gaining 200 pounds on the aver- age in that time. Allowing for the oil meal, the author concludes that this com crop gave a return of 400 pounds of beef per acre, which, at five cents per pound for the increase, yields $20 for an acre of corn so fed. This is about twice the returns obtained by Morrow from an acre of Illinois pasture grazed by yearling steers. 582. Plain feeding of corn recommended. — The practice, com- mon in the corn belt, of supplying unhusked or unground corn to steers, has developed the feeling among Eastern feeders that the » Feeding Animals, p. 311. 382 Feeds and Feeding. method is wasteful and could be immensely improved by grinding the grain. No one can study the Western situation without be- coming impressed with the belief that the better class of these feeders are, after all, about right in tliis practice. Corn is never so acceptable to a steer as when unhusked. There is a freshness and palatability about an ear of corn wrapt in Ifature's covering wliich every steer recognizes and shows by the eagerness with which he consumes it. Feeding shock corn is a satisfactory practice in many instances, for the crop is then handled with the least labor. The fodder with its wealth of ears is thrown into long feed racks standing in an open lot or under a shed, the steers doing the husking and grinding. Some fodder is eaten, and the waste ears and grains are eagerly picked up by shotes running with the steers. Snapped corn, i. e., ears severed from the stalks but still wrapt in the husks, is successfully used for steer feeding. Husked ear corn is extensively fed, though the grains are not so fresh as in the two forms named above and are not always so acceptable because of another condition, viz., hardness of the grains. Corn in the crib exposed to the dry air of the West often becomes very hard and the grains injure the mouth of the steer in the process of mastication. To avoid this difficulty the ears are chopped or broken into pieces or fed after soaking. Soaking does not render the grain more digestible, but enables the steer to crush it with more ease and often to consume a larger quantity. Trials at the Stations show that corn meal gives larger gains with steers than the same weight of unground grain. It is prob- able also that meal permits of a higher finish with steers than unground corn. Practical experience and studies by the Stations show that pigs following steers fed com meal get very little from the droppings; not because such droppings are without nutri- ment, but rather because the meal in the droppings is in a form which cannot be utilized by the pig. Reviewing the subject from the standpoint of experiment and practice, the writer is of the opinion that where corn is cheap the Western ciLstom of feeding it whole to steers with lively shotes following is the most economical, all things considered, if ration- Feed and Management of Fattening Cattle. 383 aii y practiced. In general, directions for feeding cheap com may be summed up by the single statement: Let the feeder supply this grain to his cattle in the most inexpensive manner possible so long as they consume full rations without difficulty in mastication. (536, 538) 583. Preparing corn for feeding. — Ifot infrequently the feeder must prepare corn for his cattle, — the large size of the ears, the di'yness of the grain, or other conditions rendering some treatment necessary. Soaking the corn has already been re- ferred to and may often be practiced with advantage. The simplest form of reduction is the rather crude but common practice of breaking the ears, in the feed box, into three or four pieces, uaing a hatchet. Another satisfactory method of preparation is to reduce the ears, with or without husks, to a reasonable degree of fineness by running them through a crusher, which breaks the cobs into many pieces, cracking some of the kernels. Corn and cob meal has been found very satisfactory by feeders, the animals not getting '^off feed" so easily as when pure meal is fed. As before stated, larger returns can be secured from corn meal than from whole grain, but there are several disadvantages attendant upon its use. Little or nothing can be gained by pigs following steers fed corn meal, and because of its heavy nature indigestion and other difficulties commonly attend its use. Corn meal should never be fed alone in large quantity, but should be diluted or given increased bulk by the addition of bran, oil meal or other substance, in which case the dangers incident to its use are usually overcome. The claim that toward the close of the fattening period corn meal is especially useftd in giving more finish is probably correct, on the theory that the digestive organs have become weakened by the continued feeding of whole corn, and their activities are in some measure renewed when the steer is given meal. The amount of com to be fed fattening steers and the gain made are shown in the preceding chapter. 584. Bran. — This by-product was at first regarded with favor only by dairymen. Gradually the steer feeder is learning its value in conneetion with other grain in the feed b'^x. Because of its 384 Feeds and Feeding. bulky character and its cooling, slightly laxative properties, bnii^. is a most excellent dilutent for corn meal, cotton-seed meal and other heavy food substances. Where it can be obtained at a rea- sonable price, the stockman will find much satisfaction in mixing one-third its weight of bran with com meal. (544) 585. Oil meal. — Oil meal is an article of great importance in the feed lot. The highly carbonaceous Indian corn has the reputa- tion of rapidly "burning up" the digestive tract of the steer when fed continuously in large quantity. Oil meal, though an exceedingly rich food, is of the opposite nature, and when fed in reasonable amount has a cooling and generally beneficial efiect on the system. The feeder ^\'ho uses from two to four pounds of oil meal a day with corn in any form will be pleased with the result. A steer fed oil meal has a glossy coat and a handling quality not attained without the use of this feed. (206) This quality indicates the value of oil meal for the finishing period in steer fattening. The feeder should use oil cake in nut form rather than as meal. 586. Roots. — In steer feeding, roots are valuable, especially in the earlier stages, because of their cooling effect and the nutri- ment they afford. At first 50 or 60 pounds of roots may be fed daily to each steer. As the fattening period progresses, the quantity should be diminished to allow the flesh to become firm. For steer feeding, roots should always be sliced or pulped. In the latter case the pulped mass is mixed with chaffed hay or straw and held until the dry forage has become moist and soft The mangel is preferred for steer feeding. (325-6, 549) 587. Silage. — If the stockman desires a cheap, succulent feed for his cattle in winter, he will find it in corn silage. The same quantity of nutriment that a root crop yields can be produced more economically in corn forage stored in the shape of silage, and this article can be fed with satisfaction to steers during the early stages of fattening. At first as much as 40 or 50 pounds of silage may be given daily to each steer; when the full grain- feeding period arrives let the allowance be cut down to 25 or 30 pounds per day. A limited use of this feed will keep the system cool and the appetite vigorous. (550) Feed «a in fnvnr of Tif»t, T nniinds 4.70 Average per cent, of total solids in milk.. 14.19 "We learn from the above that the eight cows in Lot I were fed 5,200 pounds of grain and gave 4,931 pounds or 28 per cent more milk than those getting no grain. Both lots gained in weight, Lot I leading by fifty-three pounds on the average for each cow. The use of grain did not change the composition of the railk. station Tests with Feeds for Dairy Cows. 435 Rememberiiig that tMs trial was conducted on a New York dairy farm, we are taught that even when the midsummer and fall shortage in pasture is overcome by the use of fodder corn, pump- kins, etc., the result of feeding grain is to secure about one pound of milk extra for each pound of grain fed. (555) 667. Residual effects of grain feeding. — The following year the herd was turned to pasture as usual, no grain being supplied to either lot. Beginning April 1 a record was kept of milk yields. Six cows in each lot of the previous year still remained upon the farm. Their yield of milk for six months was as follows: Lot I. Lot II. Fed grain Fed no grain previous year, previous year. Average yield per cow, six months, pounds 3,440 2,960 In favor of Lot I, pounds 480 Per cent, in favor of Lot I 16 It will be seen that the cows in Lot I averaged 480 pounds of milk, or 16 per cent, more than those in Lot 11. Commenting on this, Eoberts writes: "It seems reasonable to assume that this increased production was due to the grain fed the preceding year, especially in the case of the younger animals. Indeed it was plainly evident that the grain-fed two-year-olds and three-year- olds developed into better animals than their stable mates having no grain." At the Kansas Station, i Shelton, when feeding from 10.8 to 12.5 pounds of corn meal, bran or oats daily to cows on ''ample pasturage, consisting for the most part of orchard grass and red clover," found an incrciise in milk flow, due to the grain fed, varying from 16 to 31 per cent. ; yet this increase was not suffi- cient to directly pay for the extra feed supplied. At the North Dakota Station, 2 Kaufman fed bran and shorts to cows grazing on a pasture of mixed tame grasses and clover, other cows in the same pasture receiving no grain. The results show only about 6 per cent, increase in the yield of fat because of the grain fed. The cows getting grain increased in weight more than the others, but the combined results were too small to pay for the grain fed. 1 Eept. 1888. « Bui. 16. 4;i6 Feeds and Feeding. These findings coincide with those obtained when feeding grain to steers on pasture. (555) From all the evidence at hand we may conclude that where pastures are luxuriant there are no profits from feeding cows grain; where there is not ample feed the increased milk returns will certainly compensate for the grain or green forage fed. The possible residual effect of feeding cows on pasture, as pointed out by Roberts, is important and should not be overlooked. Where pastures are short, unless green forage or grain is fed to cows the milk flow will decrease, and later, should the pastures revive, it will be found almost impossible to bring the milk yield back to the normal. The increase in value of tbe droppings from grain-fed cows should also be considered, and will often prove the turning point in favor of a reasonable use of grain, especially kinds rich in fertilizing elements. CHAPTEE XXVI. IKPLTJENOB OF FEED ON MILK — WIDE AND NARROW RATIONS. L Feed in Relation to Milk. 668. Possible modifications of milk by feed. — If feed has any influence on the character of milk, we may suppose these modifi- cations will take one or more of the following forms: (a) An increase or decrease in the total quantity of milk yielded. (6) Increasing or decreasing the ratio of solids to water in the milk. (c) Changing the ratio of one or more components of the milk with relation to the others. (d) Changing the chemical or physical character of one or more components. (e) Changing the flavor or odor of milk or derivatives from it. Let us consider these several possible changes in the order pre- sented. (a) Effect of Feed on Quantity. 669. Liberal and meager rations. — Most dairymen have learned that under liberal feeding the dairy cow is stimulated to the best milk returns within her capacity. So generous is the cow in this particular that dairymen will concede they rarely supply their animals sufficient feed to induce the largest flow of milk possible with all members of the herd. With scant rations or those of faulty character, the normal milk flow of the cow is diminished, though she will still yield this fluid for a time while undergoing starvation. Milk being designed for the support of the young, Nature has provided for its supply to the limit of ani- mal endurance. 670. Influence of character of ration. — The abundance and pro- portion of the several nutrients in the ration and the quantity of inert matter it contains may afitect the flow of milk. This i/ <1- 138 Fecd^ and Feeding. lustrated by an experiment at the Ontario Agricultural College' by Dean, in M-hicli six cows were divided into three lots of two each. The ration marked I consisted exclusively of coarse feed, supplying more carbohydrates and less protein than the cow required. It contained a large quantity of inert matter. (136) Eation II contained an ample supply of carbohydrates and an over-supply of protein, the latter being contained in rich, heavy oil meals. Eation III contained an excess of nutrients. By alternating the rations for the three groups of cows, the influence of a decreasing milk flow was eliminated from the results, which were as follows: Feeding an improperly compounded and a well balanced ration to dairy cows — Ontario Agricultural College. Ration. Total digesti- ble mat- ter. Nutri- tive ratio. Av. live weight. Daily yield of milk. Fat A. Silage 50 lbs., haj 6 lbs., Lbs. 10.79 15.89 14.76 20.27 1 :8.4 1 :25.6 1 :3.9 1 :6.8 Lbs. 1,068 1,014 1,091 1,110 Lbs. 29.7 21.8 29.3 31.8 Per ct. 3 82 I. Silage 30 lbs., oat straw 20 lbs., hay 10 lbs 3 67 II. Hay 20 lbs., oil meal 4 lbs., cotton -seed meal 6 lbs 3 49 III. Hay 20 lbs., pea meal 4 lbs., oat meal 5 lbs., com meal 8 lbs 3.25 Under A is given the preliminary ration fed to all the cows; with this there was an average daily nndlk yield of 29. 7 pounds. When ration I was fed the cows dropped to 21.8 ]iounds of milk. In this ration we fljid a liberal allowance of c?'e have a better balanced ration; the cows were over-fed, but the better character of the ration secured larger returns than were possible under previous feeding, the amount of milk now reaeh- Rept. 1891. Innuenee of Feed on MUk. 439 iBg 31.8 poTiTids daily. It is evident that the character and quan- tity of feed given directly affect the flow of milk, and over-feed- ing or the use of improperly compounded rations may bring poor results as well as under-feeding. {b) Increasing or Decreasim/ the Ratio of Solids to Water in Milk. 671. Influence of succuient feed. — It is commonly asserted that feculent feed causes thinner milk, i. e., renders it more watery. Schmoeger, i at the Proskau Dairy Institute, showed that feeding 30 liters (quarts) of distillery slop daily per head to a herd of 37 cows did not affect the composition of milk, the average solids being 11.83 per cent, and fat 3.29 per cent, with the slop feeding as against 11.61 per cent, and 3.28 per cent., respectively, during the previous period. Trials by Armsby, feeding green and dried grass to milch cows, showed no change in the composition of the milk because of the more succulent grass. (265) In the Danish experiments, where roots were fed, the highest per cent., of solids appeared in the milk of cows receiving the largest quantity of roots. (657) 672. Influence of pasture. — The effect of pasture on the com- position of milk should here receive consideration. The Copen- hagen Station 2 conducted trials with 240 cows for two years. The per cent, of fat in the milk of these cows, when stall-fed with dry feed and when on pasture, was as follows: Lot A. Lot B. Lot C. Stall feeding, dry feed. ... 3.27 per cent 3.25 per cent. 3.26 per cent. Pasture 3.40 per cent. 3.39 per cent. 3.39 per cent. There was a slightly higher fat content with cows on pasture in all cases. At the Vermont Station, ^ Hills, studying the change in com- position of milk of cows changed fi'om barn to pasture during five years, concludes: ''The evidence appears overwhelming that cows on early pasturage — May and June — make not only more, but richer, milk than during the last months of their barn life." In these cases the higher fat content is always accompanied by a ' Milch Zeit., 1883, 129. » Kept. 27, 1891-92. • Rept. 1893. 440 Feeds and Feeding. higher percentage of total solids; that is, the milk from the past- ure contains less water. Sebelien' calls attention to similar changes in the composition of milk produced by Norwegian cows while on mountain pastures aa compared with that produced in the valleys. Conclusions are not uniform in this particular, as shown by the findings of Lawes and Gilbert, * who write: "The yield of milk was, however, in a much greater degree increased by grazing than by any other change in the food; and with us, at any rate, the influence of roots comes next in order to that of grass, though far behind it, in this respect. But with grazing, as has been shown, the percentage composition of the milk is consider- ably reduced; though, owing to the greatly increased quantity yielded, the amount of constituents removed in the milk whilst grazing may, nevertheless, be greater per head per day than under any other conditions." With such conflict of opinion may we not agree with Sebelien, who suggests that the general feeling of well-being, the influence of sunlight, the pleasant spring weather and an outdoor life have more to do with the change produced, whether the fat is increased or decreased percentagely, than does the change in feed itself. With the coming of spring, the cows that have long been con- tined to their quarters in the stable find life irksome; the rough- age at this time becomes dry and loses in aroma and palatability. Then, too, the animals are shedding their coats. These factors combine against normal milk production in the last days of con- finement, and make the contrast of pasture life with its succulent feed all the more marked. 673. Watery feed does not necessarily make watery milk. — Ee- viewing the subject broadly, we may conclude that succulent feeds have no deleterious effect upon the composition of milk; on the other hand, in many cases they may have a beneficial influence. It is entirely possible that such highly-diluted feeds as distillery slops, beet chips and wet brewers' grains, when fed in abnormal quantities for long periods, may prove prejudicial, though we can point to no definite experiments showing such results. « Tidskr. f. u. Landbr., II, 208. » Jour. Roy. Agrl. Soc, 1895. [njlaence of Feed on MiUc. 441 (c) (jhan{jin^ One or More Components of the MiTk. 674. Opinions and early experiments. — In the whole realm of dairying no subject arises so frequently for discussion as the in- fluence of feed on the amount of fat in milk. Though the Bab- cock test is fast clearing away uncertainties, many dairymen still hold that certain feeds or feed combinations cause the cow to pro- duce milk richer or poorer in fat than the normal. Scientists, too, have been divided on this question, some holding with the practical dairymen, so called, while others urge that the results of investigations do not warrant their position. In 1869 Kiihni wrote: "The system of feeding is one of sec- ondary importance for milk production; the yield of milk is primarily dependent on the development or productive capacity of the milk glands of each cow, and even with changes from light to heavy feed the supply does not increase in proportion to the nutrients supplied. The same holds true where the farmer aims to increase any single component of the milk, as fat, since it is not possible to attain a one-sided increase of this or any other component in the milk by changes in the system of feeding. No such changes can, at any rate, be reached as are of practical im- portance." The author of the above, however, in 1874-77 conducted trials^ in which palm-nut meal in particular, and also malt sprouts, pea- nut meal and cotton-seed meal, when fed to dairy cows, aj^peared to have an influence on the quality of milk, the fat content being increased. Usually these experiments were made with single cows and the feeding periods were of short duration, thus giving the immediate influence of a change of feed undue prominence. In later experiments with palm-nut meal, where all the necessary precautions were taken, the later conclusions of Kiihn were not substantiated. Numerous investigations, direct and indirect, on this point have been conducted at American Stations, a reference to which, even, would occupy too much space. The most marked example of seeming change in composition through feed influence was by » Landw. Vers. Sta., 12, p. 441. » Jour. f. Landw., 1874-77. 442 Jfeedi and Feeding. Patrick, at the Iowa Station/ where .58 per cent, more fat was found in the milk of cows getting sugar meal than was found in tlio milk of the same cows when fed corn and cob meal. Amer- ican findings do not generally show any marked permanent change in the fat content of milk brought about by feed; indeed, when Patrick 2 again fed sugar meal, only a slight difference was found in its favor, some cows giving adverse results. We may conclude in this case, then, that these results were accidental, or rather that they weie due to other than the assigned cause. 675. Danish experiments. — The experiments with cows by the Copenhagen Station^ furnish reliable data on this important sub ject, because of the large number of animals employed and the character of the feeds supplied. Friis, treating of this subject, writes: ''In the comparative feeding trials with milch cows now conducted for several years by this Station, in which 1,639 cows have been included (separated into 161 lots on ten estates in dif- ferent parts of our country), it has been repeatedly found that the changes made in the feed of the lots have practically had no influence on the chemical composition of the milk. In these experiments grain has been fed against roots, against oil cake, and against wheat bran or shorts; grain and oil cake have been fe 1 against roots, or roots have been fed as additional food." 676. Possible exceptions. — It is possible that a cow which has long been illy nurtured and is in poor condition will give milk abnormally low in fat, and that the milk will increase in richness of fat with increased feed supply and the approach of the body to normal conditions. When a cow is fed a starvation ration the milk may be richer or poorer in fat than the normal, the quantity decreasing rapidly. There is little known that is definite or Siit isfactory on these points. (d) Clmnges in Character or Composition of 0)ie or More of (he Components of Milk. 677. Effect of feed on composition of butter-fat. — It is gener- ally agreed that feed affects in some way the character of the fat of milk, which is shown practically by the varying character ' Bui. 14. * Bui. 15, Iowa Sta. » Kept. 1894. Injluence of Feed on MiLL 443 of butter. A nmnber of investigators have stuuied the vari- ations in hardness, melting point, volatile fatty acids, etc., of butter-fat, due, it is generally supposed, to the different feeding Btuffs employed in nurturing the cow. While each investigator has arrived at certain conclusions seemingly warranted by the trials he has conducted, on classification these findings show little agreement, so that Frear, * studying all the available data, was forced to write: ''They do not, however, suffice either for the framing of a theory as to the relation of the several food constit- uents to the fats of the milk, or for the quantitative measui-e of the influence of a given food." As with scientists, so with practical feeders, — we can find them stating with much assurance that this or that particular feed has this or that influ;?nce on the character of the butter made while feeding it; when we classify these opinions, however, we find them discordant and standing in opposition on the same article. As to cotton-seed meal there is fairly uniform agreement that It makes a hard butter; while often deleterious, therefore, it may be useful in firming butter required for the summer trade. (For the influence of cotton-seed meal on butter see Article 217. ) The changes in the quality of butter due to length of time from calv- ing are generally greater than those wrought by any special sys- tem of feeding. As originally shown by Nilson, « fat from fresh cows contains a larger amount of volatile fatty acids than is found at any later stage of the lactation period; as a result, butter from such cows has a high flavor, comparatively speaking, while that from strippers is deficient in flavor and of tallowy consist- ence. (e) Feed InflucTices on Flavor and Odor of MUk or Its Derivatives. 678. Flavors of milk, butter, etc. — Besides the variations already referred to which are supposably measurable by the chemist, there are immeasurable ones which may exert a potent influence on the quality of milk and its products, these being perceived by the sense of taste or smell — usually by the former. Certain articles eaten by cows — leeks, onions, turnips, etc. — give flavors detected » Agrl. Science, 1893. » Kgl. Landtbruks Ak. Handl., 1885, 45. 444 Feeds and Feeding. by the majority of persons using milk. Rye, when pastured, gives an unpleasant flavor to milk, not detected by all, but by many. Grass has a marked effect on the flavor of butter, de- tected by all in spring when the cows are first changed from diy feed to pasture. This flavor is soon unnoticed, but whether it really disappears, or is unobserved because of familiarity brought about by daily use, is an open question. The intensity of flavors and odors in milk originating from certain feeds probably varies with different cows, the milk of some showing these faults in a more marked degree than others. Often odors and flavors in milk charged to the cow are due to contamination of the milk after it is drawTi and while left in the stable or elsewhere. 679. A review of the subject. — Eeviewing the matter, it seems from the data at hand that it is possible to vary the composition of cow's milk for short periods by marked changes in the character of the feed supplied, there being an increase of one or two-tenths of one per cent, of fat when feeds rich in protein are given, though sometimes the change is the other way. The extensive Danish investigations conclusively show that the dairy farmer cannot hope to measurably increase the percentage of fat in hia milk by any practicable system of feeding. It is remarkable that dairymen have so generally held p^n er- roneous opinion regarding the ability of feed to permanently af- fect the quality of milk. They have doubtless been led into this error because with any marked improvement of the ration for the cow there has always come a larger flow of milk, and consequently a larger total amount of fat. It would appear that the variations in the fat percentage of milk are oftener brought about by nervous influences than through the character of the feed supplied. Even the variations found when first changing to new rations may be a nervous rather than a feed effect, thus explaining why the change is but temporary. When the function of milk is considered, the view here held as to its stability of composition seems rational. K the milk of the dam were subject to marked or violent fluctuations, varying in composition with every smaU change in quantity or quality of food-supply, the welfare of the young animal receiving it would Influence of Wide and Narrow Raiions. 446 be constantly threatened. Katui-e has wisely provided that this vital food shall remain quite constant in composition so far as nutritive influences are concerned, though the quantity must vary with the abundance or scantiness of the feed supplied. It is not apparent why nervous impulses should affect the com- position of milk so readily while feed does not. It appears that the milk glands are under nervous control, and whatever threatens the existence of the dam or her young, or mars her equanimity, is immediately reflected in the milk secretion, 680. Conclusion. — The dairyman who wishes to improve the quality of his milk must look to breed rather than to the char- acter of the feed. Within the breed he must select those animals shown by the fat test to yield high percentages of the desired in- gredient. Securing suitable animals, he will reach the quantity of fat sought by supplying his cows with rations ample in quan- tity, rich in digestible components and altogether palatable and wholesome. n. Wide and Narrow Rations. 681. Storrs Station studies. — The Storrs (Connecticut) Station is conducting an important investigation in relation to the cost of nutrients supplied dairy cows and the milk and butter returns. A representative of the Station is located with a chosen dairy- man for a period of twelve days, during which time he weighs the feed and milk of each cow of the herd, sending samples to the Station for analysis. From the results of the analyses and the re- ports of the representative, the Station authorities formulate a new ration, presumed by them to be superior to that being fed. After the new ration has been used for a time, the herd is again visited, the representative remaining twelve days, as before, to study the effects of the ration. In every instance narrower rations have been substituted for the original, showing that the Station finds the dairyman not feeding liberally enough of protein, according to its understanding of the needs of the cow. (147-8) Under this sys- tem nine herds have been studied by the Station authorities. The nutrients of the rations found on the first visit, and those used 446 Feeds and Feeding. later upon recommendation of the Station, are given In the fol- loifing table: Rations fed by Connecticut dairymen and tlvoie adopted by them s ^ '§ O § ^ •£ 5g o rO gn ^ .1 ? g fi 2S§ pi Sl8 ^ -p 0 • ;2"i^ p§i Hi 1-5 -h" li 1 i nm i PA B 5 -8S 1 k] -^CC'S « ^ ^ 5. i 3 a 0 - 2 0) Oj li §?s?§ 454 Feeds and Feeding. II? ■^ Value of food used. 5S Si ||g pi pi 1 aig M iH 11 P '5 a 5 ps 1 if. n t l|a i 2 4 i a H 1^ Ha fill §5S ii i§i IS ^1 ^i ilJ 5 ^B 1 iJ ccc-i PQ i i 1 o Pvblic Tests of Pure-bred Balry Cows. 455 Best cow in each breed in the several tests, WorWs Columbian Ex- position, Chicago, 1893, Cheese test — Fifteen days. Pi'oducts. Value of products. Value of food eaten. Breed. i i 5 Whey. Gain or loss of live weight Total. gain. .Jersey, Ida Marigold Guernsey, Sweet Ada Short-horn, Nora Lbs. 674 535 663 Lbs. 70.9 54.1 60.7 Lbs. 586. C 472.7 590.0 S9 47 6 47 7 88 S .47 !47 «1 26 1 67 2 52 %n 20 8 52 10 87 U 23 3 25 4 60 86 97 5 27 6 27 Butter test — Ninety days. Breed. d 1' 1 Cost of food. Live wt. Credit. Debit. Net profit. Jersey, Brown Bessie Lbs. 3,634 3,512 3,680 Lbs. 178 153 134 Lbs. 217 185 166 $25 51 24 11 Lbs. + 81 - 13 +115 898 75 81 11 76 80 825 53 23 28 24 17 873 22 57 82 52 63 Butter test- -Thirty days Breed. Butter. Credit sales. Debit food. Net profit. Lbs. 72.24 54.80 02.24 833 27 24 95 28 53 88 57 5 58 8 49 824 69 Guernsey, Purity 19 38 Shortrhorn, Kitty Clay 4th 20 04 Heifer test — Twenty-one days. reed. Milk. Butter. Value of but- ter. Value of solids not fat. Value of live wt. Total credit. Cost ol food. Profit. Lbs. 563 591 Lbs. 37.5 26.1 815 00 10 44 81 07 1 04 80 86 3 51 816 92 14 99 85 70 4 02 811 22 10 97 II. Experiment Station Breed Tests. 687. Tests at the Stations. — Tests of pure-bred dairy cows covering considerable periods of time have been conducted at three Experiment Stations, viz.: ]^ew York (Geneva)/ Maine, ^ and New Jersey. ^ » Kept. 1894. 2 Rept. 1890. ^ Rept. 1890. 456 Feeds and Feeding. The results of the testa with each breed are couaidered in tlM following table: Trials with purebred dairy cows at three American Statioms. Breed. No. of] cows. No. of lacta- tion pe- riods. Average yield per year. Milk. Fat. Av. per cent, fat. Cost of- 100 lbs. milk. lb. fat New York Sta- tion. American Hold- erness Ayrshire Devon Guernsey Holstein Jersey Short-horn Maine Station. Holstein Ayrshire Jersey New Jersey/ Sta- tion. Ayrshire Guernsey Holstein Jersey Short-horn Lbs. 5,721 6,824 3,984 5,385 7,918 5,045 6,055 8,369 6,612 5,460 7,461 7,446 8,455 7,695 10,457 Lbs. 213.1 244.8 183.3 285.5 266.1 282.1 269.0 285.0 2S3.0 297.0 275.3 379.0 300.2 376.3 396.3 3.73 3.60 4.60 5.30 3.36 5.60 4.44 3.47 3.67 5.50 3.69 5.09 3.55 4.89 3.79 Cents. 76.0 74.0 94.0 86.0 65.0 90.0 78.0 85.5 94.9 113.0 76.0 78.1 79.7 87.5 79.0 Cents. 20.1 20.2 20.5 16.1 19.1 16.1 1''>.2 25.2 26.8 20.4 20.6 15.3 22.4 17.9 20.8 688. Combining the results. — To secure better averages the figures last presented are combined in the following table, the cows being grouped by breeds: Summary of trials with pure-bred dairy cows at three American Stations. Breed. .\merican Hold emess... Ayrshire Devon Guernsey Holstein - Fries- ian Jersey Shortrhom No. ofl cows. No. of lacta- tion pe- riods. Average yield per year. Milk. Lbs. 5,721 6,909 3,984 6,210 8,215 5,579 Fat. Lbs. 213.1 248.5 183.3 322.9 282.0 301.1 345.4 Av. per cent, fat. 3.73 3..60 4.60 5.20 3.43 5.40 3.97 Cost of — 100 lbs. milk. Cents. 76.0 78.5 94.0 82.8 74.7 94.7 78.7 lib. fill. Cents. 20.1 21.5 20.5 15.8 21.5 17.4 19.4 titation Findings with Dairy Herds. 457 In the preceding table the results for forty-five pure-bred cows carried through seventy -two lactation periods are reported. The valuations of feed stuffs by the different Stations vary somewhat, so that the averages are not strictly correct in the combinations as made; yet it is believed that these condensed figures are on the whole in the best form for comparative study. in. Station Findings with Dairy Herds. 689. The Station herds reported. — The practical dairyman is interested in learning the results of operations conducted with dairy herds for an entire year, knowing that such records, when correctly reported, are of special value. Fortunately we are able to present yearly tests at four widely-separated Stations to aid those interested in reaching conclusions as to the cost of feed re- quired in producing a given quantity of milk and fat. "Wing, of the Cornell Station, ^ reports the returns from a herd of twenty cows, mostly Holstein and Jersey grades. Pure-bred and grades of the leading dairy breeds constituted the herd of tv,-etity-three cows at the Minnesota Station, ^ reported by Haecker. Soule tells of the returns from a herd of twelve cows embracing Short-horns and Jerseys at the Missouri Station.* The fifteen cows in the Utah Station* herd, reported by Linfield, were com- mon animals selected in the vicinity of the Station by means of the Babcock test. Of course the cows were better than the average in the vicinity. 690. Prices allowed for feed. — The prices for feed as given below are those assumed by the Station authorities presenting the data of the herd trials. The student should compare these [)rices with those ruling about him for feeding stuffs of the same class. If the dairyman wishes to compare the results of these trials with what he has accomplished with his own herd he can do so without dif&culty by placing that value on each feeding stuff used which represents its selling price in his local market. Naturally the prices vary considerably, being highest in New York and lowest at the West. 1 Bui. 52. * Bui. 35. » Bui. 26. • Bui. 43. 458 Feeds and Feeding. Prices used m cdt^MlaUng cost of producing milk and fat in Jierds at four Statiom. New York. Hay, per ton $9 00 dairy Silage, per ton 1 75 Wheat bran, per ton 18 00 Oats, per bushel 35 Cotton-seed meal, per ton... 25 00 Com meal, per ton 20 00 Corn stover, per ton 3 00 Fresh grass, per ton 1 75 Roots, per ton 2 00 Pasture, per week 30 Minnesota. Hay, timothy, per ton , Hay, prairie, per ton , Hay, millet, per ton , Silage, per ton Hay, oat, per ton Corn meal, per ton , Barley meal, per ton Linseed meal, per ton , Oats, per ton Bran, per ton Mangels, squashes, per ton. Pasture, per season Utah. Alfalfa hay, per ton.. Mixed hay, per ton... Wheat, per ton Barley, per ton Bran, per ton Pasture, per month... $5 60 3 20 6 60 2 00 4 80 14 00 14 00 26 00 18 00 11 00 2 00 3 50 13 75 6 75 12 66 15 00 9 00 1 00 Missouri. Hay, per ton $6 00 Corn chop, per ton 16 00 Oil cake, per ton 20 00 Cotton-seed meal, per ton... 18 00 Bran, perton 12 00 Pasture, per season 3 00 691. Cost of milk and fat. — From tlie data collected we are able to learn the cost of feed required by the dairy cow in pro- ducing one hundred pounds of milk and one pound of fat at four widely-separated American Experiment Stations, the data being summarized in the table below: Cost of feed required in the production of one hundred pounds of mUk and one pound of fat, by months — Four Stations. Numberof cows Average weight of cow*.... Average fat per cow New York. MlnnesotA. Missouri 1,123 lbs. 286 lbs. 976 lbs. 301 lbs. 12 990 lbs. 248 lbs. Utah. 15 970 lbs. 222 lbs. Average. January February ... March April May June July August Bepteniber.. October November . December .., $ .64 .G8 .71 .71 ..58 Averaee » .57 8 .14 $ .17 .18 .18 .18 .145 .67 .67 .71 132 .37 .51 .51 ia S .94 1.01 1.21 1.01 .43 .24 .23 .14 .21 .42 8a $ .56 .62 .69 .49 .48 .15 .19 .21 .26 ..38 .59 $ .58 $ .133 5 .63 S .152$ .43 $ .104$ S .16^ .179 .187 .'12.5 .064 .072 .OS'S .0&4 .11:; .157 .174 station Findings with Dairy Herds. 459 The New York and Minnesota herds evidently contained the most carefully selected cows, and thLs tended to reduce the cost of milk and fat production. We observe that milk and fat cost the most during the winter months, the high price continuing into March in Utah, and through April at the other Sttitions. In May there is a diminution in cost at all Stations except Utah. During June at three of the Stations the mUk and fat reach their low- est cost for food consumed, the cows then being on pasture. In Missouri the lowest price was reached in August — quite contrary to dairy experience in most states. With the passing of summer comes increased cost, until by November winter prices have again been reached. It is evident from these figures that milk of the lowest cost is produced in summer on pasture. The average cost of 100 pounds of milk at the four Stations for the year is 56 cents; the cost of one pound of fat is 13.3 cents. 692. Feed consumed by the dairy cow, yearly. — The data pre- sented by three of the Stations reporting are in such form that we can determine the average amount of feed required for keeping a dairy cow one year, the cost for the same and the returns in mUk and fat. These are as follows: Average amount of feed consumed and returns for feed, per year, by dairy cows — Three Stations. Feed eaten per cow. Aver- age cost of feed per cow. Av. retums Station. Pastr ure. Concen- trates. Roughage. per cow, per year. Bran, grain, oil meal, etc. Roota, sil- age, green fodder. Hay. Milk. Fat. Minnesota .. Missouri Days. 131 191 123 Lbs. 3,435 3,027 1,534 T.bs 5,306 Lbs. 2,029 3,480 4,301 $37 82 35 30 22 28 Lbs. 6,408 5,927 5,655 Lbs. 301 248 Utah 1,535 230 We learn that the number of days on pasture varied from 123 in Utah to 191 in Missouri The Minnesota cows consumed one and three-fourths tons of concentrates or grain feed each, over two and one-half tons of roots and about one ton of hay. At the 460 Feeds and Feeding. other Stations, with a smaller allowance of concentrates, there was an increase in hay consumption. The average cost of keep- ing a cow ranged from $22.28 in Utah to $37.82 in Minnesota. The butter returns varied from 230 to 301 pounds and the milk from 5,655 to 6,408 pounds per cow. 693. Herd record for one year. — We turn with interest to a report of the Station herd at Cornell University, ^ where the coat of feed consumed and the returns from each cow in the herd, twenty in number, are reported separately. When Prof. Roberts took charge of the herd in 1875 the yield of milk was 3,000 pounds per cow; now descendants of the.se cows average more than 7,000 pounds of milk each. The prices allowed for feeding stuffs con- sumed have already been stated. The returns from the twenty cows are given in the following table: Cost of feed, milk and fat as determined during a yearns trial toith a herd of twenty cows — Cornell Station. Age. Cost of feed con- sumed during the year. MUk pro- duced. Cost of 100 lbs. of milk. Fat pro- duced. Cost Of Yrs. Mos. of fat No. 1 7-f 5 4 3 5 1 9 7+ 1 10 6 4 4 3 4 8 1 9 3 5 10 4 2 4 3 4 6 4 7 8 3 4 7-f 7+ $44 24 47 65 42 00 49 07 38 74 41 24 52 06 39 96 36 24 46 51 43 80 43 66 44 34 45 98 47 44 43 12 47 87 48 63 53 38 49 08 Lbs. 8,028.50 9,739.75 4,743.25 6,008.50 6,214.50 2,829.75 11,16.5.00 5,670.50 3,387.75 6,323.50 5,136.00 5,785.75 5,458.50 7,757.2-5 9,003.25 9,776.50 10,417.00 7,955.00 8,6.S5.50 10,754.00 $0 55 49 89 82 62 1 48 47 70 1 07 74 85 75 81 59 53 44 46 61 62 46 Lbs. 391.62 309.19 233.63 219.34 326.68 159.02 417.97 285.10 197.33 224.71 160.79 294.30 195.31 260.34 299.07 330.59 302.93 282.35 382.77 439.37 $0 116 No. 2. 155 No. 3 18 No. 4 22.5 No. 5 12 No. 6 26 No. 7 126 No. 8 14 No. 9 186 No. 10 21 No. 11 27 No. 12 16 No. 13 226 No. 14 176 No. 15 16 No. 16 18 No. 17 14 No. 18 17 No. 19 14 No. 20 11 Total. $905 01 45 2-5 144,809.75 7,240.-50 "$6"625"' 6,712.41 285.62 $0 158 » Bui. 52. station Fitidings with Dairy Uerds. 461 The preceding table is especially valuable because it covers a year's findings with all the cows of the herd, none being omitted in order to raise the average. We observe a wide range in the cost of feed consumed by the several cows, a still wider one in the yield of milk, and a marked difference in the cost of producing milk and fat. It is apparent from this table that even in well-nurtured dairy herds, where all conditions are favorable, it is of the highest importance to study feed consumption and the returns of milk and fat of each cow that the poor ones may be eliminated and only the best resei-ved for future breeders and producers. 694. Dry matter required. — Another lesson from the Cornell herd is here presented. The dry matter in the feed required- for producing one hundred pounds of milk and one pound of butter- fat with each of the cows during seven months — November to April inclusive — is given in the following table: Dry matter required in food by cows for one hundred pounds of mUk and one pound of fat — Cornell Station. Dry matter consumed. Live wt Dry matter consumed No. of cow. For each 100 lbs. milk. For each lb. fat. per 1,000 lbs. live wt. per day. No. 1 Lbs. 79 87 136 148 92 249 81 106 141 123 140 137 120 101 91 94 74 102 104 83 T.bH, 17 28 27 42 17 44 22 21 25 36 47 26 33 31 28 28 25 28 23 19 Lbs. 858 1,326 946 972 1,123 815 1,474 1,071 829 1,270 1,001 1,030 1,283 1,007 1,160 1,305 1,520 1,183 1,239 1,040 Lbs. 28.8 No. 2 22.8 No. 3 25.8 No. A 25.9 No. 5 22.9 No. 6 29.2 No. 7 21.3 No. 8 22.6 No. 9 30.8 No. 10 20.7 No 11 25.1 No. 12 22.9 No. 13 23.4 No. 14 26.1 No. 15 25.4 No. 16 22.2 No. 17 21.6 No. 18 25.5 No. 19 24.7 Na20 26.4 104 27 24.7 102 Feeds and Feeding. The a\-erage for the herd of 20 cows shows that 104 pounds of dry matter in the feed produced 100 pounds of milk, and 27 pounds produced 1 pound of butter-fat; 24.7 pounds of dry matter were consumed daily per 1,000 pounds of live weight Eleven cows whose average weight was 1,004 pounds consumed more than 24 pounds of dry matter per 1,000 pounds live weight daily. Nine cows whose average weight waa 1,267 pounds ate less thar 24 pounds of dry matter per 1,000 pounds live weight Thii indicates that large cows may consume smaller quantities of feec in proportion to their weight than small cows. (740) CHAPTEE XXVHL FEED AND CARE OF THE DAIET CX>W. I. Care and Management. 695. Dairying based on maternity of the cow. — Nature's practice of accumulating fat beneath the skin and between the muscular fibers of the animal body is to store heat and energy-producing material against a time of need. The process at first goes on rapidly, but after a time the system becomes gorged, and a further storage of fat is accomplished only at a high cost for feed consumed. (565) How different with the dairy cow, which eats heartily the food given her, not for the purpose of storing fat to protect herself against a time of possible bodily want, but for the aurture of her young. Food given at night is digested and con- verted into milk ready for the calf in the morning, the assim- ilated products disappearing from day to day almost as soon as elaborated, making easy way for more of the same kind from the same source. Doubtless it is because the milk product is daily l^'iven up by the cow that she so greatly excels the steer in the economical production of human food; for the steer, gaining in weight and fat, must vitalize and carry about as a part of the body, day after day, all the added flesh. (612) The appropriation by man of the milk designed by nature for the calf makes possible the great art of dairying. Taking ad- vantage of the all-powerful impulse of motherhood for the pres- ervation of the young of the species, man stimulates the dairy cow by abundant feed and favorable surroundings to produce much more milk than is really needed by the calf were it still the object of her care. In so doing he has made the dairy cow more or less an artificial creature. The basis, then, of our dairy system is the maternity of the cow, and successful dairying depends upon rationally recognizing 4(>4 Feeds and Feeding. this fact. To W. D. Hoard, of Wisconsin, belongs the credit of bringing this subject to the attention of dairymen. * No one can fairly consider the dairy problem from this standpoint without regarding the cow in a new light and thereby becoming a better dairyman. 696. Caring for the cow. — While our purpose is to cover the question of feeding, that subject cannot be wisely considered nuless certain matters concerning the handling of the cow be firet discussed. Though it cannot be affirmed that the digestion of food by the cow is affected by the chanicter of her surroundings, it is certain that the yield of milk and its character are directly influenced thereby, so that the results to the dairyman are the same. Good returns from a given supply of feed, no matter how abundant and satisfactory, cannot be looked for, unlCvSs the cow also has comfortable quarters and is intelligently handled. 697. Necessity for shelter. — In another article (561) it is shown that the steer, gorged with food, and each day adding to the layer of heat-holding fat just beneath the skin, can withstand consid- erable cold, often showing preference for the open shed to the close stable. The condition of the dairy cow is in strong opposi- tion to this, her system being relaxed by the annual drain oi maternity and the semi-daily heavy loss of nutrients drawn from her in the abundant milk flow. The observant stockman will at once detect the fundamental difference in the condition of the dairy cow and the fattening ox in regard to ability to withstand exposure to the weather. To be profitably managed and yield wholesome milk a cow must be comfortably housed in a well ventilated stable in winter, the temperature of which should not fall below forty degrees as the minimum, or rise above sixty de grees as the maximum. In such a stable, provided with abun- dance of sunlight, she is in condition, so far as environment is concerned, to yield the highest returns for the feed given. (630) 698. Exercise. — With the fattening animal soon to be slaugh- tered, confinement more or less close is advisable, since it pre- vents waste of tissue and conserves the feed. The end in view with the dairy cow is radically diflerent, for she must give milk ' BuL No. 1, Wisconsin Farmers' Institute, and elsewhere. Feed and Chre of the Dairy Cow. 465 almost daily during the whole period of her usefulness, and the milk so yielded must be wholesome in character, fit in all partic- ulars for the most delicate. It is certainly leasonable to hold that the cow cannot maintain the high standard of bodily health and vigor essential to the production of healthful milk when she is closely confined in the stable for long periods without oppor- tunity for outdoor air and exercise. She should be allowed several hours' exercise daily out of doors, or in quarters other than where she passes most of her time, the change affording opportunity to breathe the pure air and drink in the sunshine, as well as to exercise the muscles which have not been called into action while in confinement, and resting those taxed by occupying a forced position in the narrow stall or stanchion. 699. Professor Roberts' system. — At the North, where the winters are severe, it is difficult to give cattle the requisite exer- cise without forcijig them to undergo exposure during inclement weather. At the Cornell Station, ^ Professor Eoberts has for years followed a plan of seemingly great value in its teachings to the dairymen of the North. Here the cows stand in stanchions while feeding and being millvcd, but are afterward tiu-ned into a covered enclosure, where they are free to stand or lie at will; thus they have a feed room and an exercise room each specially adapted to its purpose. The accumulations from the horse stable are spread over the floor of the covered yard, and this in turn is covered liberally with straw, on which land pLister is sprinkled to prevent odors arising. This perfect system of saving manure should of itself, in a few years, pay for the cost of the additional space required. By this plan the stable proper can be reduced to the smallest size compatible with holding the animals while being milked and fed. It can be kept scrupulously clean and prop- erly aired, since the cows are out of it several hours daily. The animals come to their provender at meal time with the best of ap- petites, and return to their larger quarters to ruminate in comfort. 700. Regularity and kindness. — To skilful feeding the successful dairyman will add regularity and kindness in the management of * Bui. 13; The Fertility of the Land, p. 201. 30 406 Feeds and Feeding. liis herd. The true dairy cow is easily affected by unfavorable conditions. Babcock of the Wisconsin Station, » after careful studies with cows in many ways, writes: '' The elaboration of milk does not proceed at a uniform rate from milking to milking, but is most active at the time of milking, and is dependent not only upon the stimulus which the milk glands derive from the manipulation of the teats and udder, but upon the nervous condition of the animal at the time of milking. ''In consequence of this, slight changes in the conditions under which the milking is done may have a decided influence upon both the yield and quality of milk. As a general rule the quality of milk, measured by the per cent, of fat which it contains, is more sensitive to changes of this kind than is the yield of milk. Among the changes which appear to have most influence in this respect, the following are of especial importance, viz. : Change in the interval between milkings and in the rate of milking; change of milkers and manner of milking, especially if the manipula- tion of the teats and udder be different; change of environment and any circumstance which excites or even slightly disturbs the animal at the time — excitement between milkings, if the cow has become quiet before milking, appears to have comparatively little influence. As would be expected there is a great difference in cowfs in this respect, some being very sensitive, while others are scarcely affected at all. In our experiments cows that have been giving milk for a long time have been less sensitive in this respect than fresh cows that were giving a large quantity of milk, but this may have been due to individual characteristics of the animals tested and not to the advanced period of lactation. I would recommend, therefore, in order to obtain the best results from any cow, that first of all she be treated kindly, all sources of excitement being avoided so far as possible. She should also be fed and milked at regular intervals by the same person, and all conditions should be maintained as nearly uniform as possible at all times. It is my opinion that kind treatment and pleasant surroundings will have a greater influence upon the quality of » Rept. 1889. Feed and Ckvre of the Dairy Cow. 467 milk than the kind of food, provided the ration given contains snflicient nutriment for the maintenance of the animal." 701. Feed and care of the bull. — The ration for the bull calf should be rich in muscle- and bone -making material and ample in amount. As much growth as possible should be secured from pasture, because flesh from this source is the best that can be made, and also because of the vigor and tone this form of feed insures. In order to retain the young bull in pasture, a fence may be constructed with strong posts eight feet apart set deep in the ground; to these six or more strands of doubled barbed- wire are fastened. This makee an enclosure that will easily hold the young fellow, and here in the air and sunshine, with grass under foot, he will build a framework and establish a constitution which will not leave him old at four or five years, as we have come to think bulls to be. In winter, if possible, allow the bull exer- cise in an open lot with shed on one side to protect from the storm. The feed supply should consist of ample roughage, such as clover hay, corn stover and oat straw, with shorts, bran and oats for concentrates, these, however, being not too abundant. If the mature bull must be confined to the shed or housed in sum- mer there should be a liberal allowance of green feed, which will alleviate in some measure the hardship of continued confinement. A. reform is needed in our present methods of confining bulls, — leaving them more in the pasture than at present. To do this the enclosure must be made secure with plank fences, supple- mented by wires for older animals, to insure safety, for there is too great risk of life in allowing these creatures to run at large with the herd in pasture. 702. Fall and spring cows. — On the plains of the West, where we find the cow under natural conditions, calves must be dropped in the spring in order to become strong enough to withstand the rigor of the following winter. In dairy districts the cow is under artificial conditions, and nature need not be followed in all par- ticulars. Cows fresh in the spring yield most of their milk dur- ing periods of low prices for dairy products, and on retui-ning to winter quarters the milk flow is not stimulated by the feed and conditions there prevailing. The cow that is fresh in the fall 468 Feeds and Feeding. gives a liberal supply of milk during winter, and when spring comes will flush again under the stimulus of fresh pastures. Fall- fresh cows will probably yield from ten to fifteen per cent, more milk in the twelve- month than those calving in the spring. 703. Care before and after calving. — There is a strong natural tendency with most good cows to become fat when not yielding milk. The pregnant dry cow should receive such feed supply as will allow her to attain, without difficulty, a good body condition. Grass is the best feed for this purpose, and if the dry cow can flesh up on grass alone it should be done. Dairy cows are so hea^'ily fed with grain while giving milk that this opportunity for change of feed and for recuperation should be utilized by the dairyman. While there is a diversity of opinion amoiig dairy- men as to the ideal condition of the cow at calving time, it is rea- sonable to hold that she should be in good flesh, though not "butcher fat." Before calving the feed should be cooling in character. Silage, roots, clover, hay, and fodder corn witliout ears, are all desirable for roughage. Bran, middlings, oats, and a little oil meal should prove satisfactory for concentrates. Immediately before calving let the supply of feed be relatively small. After calving, tepid water only should be given, as cold water may bring on a threatening ailment. If nourishment is needed, a little oat meal or ground oats in the water given will prove helpful. Let the feed supplied after calving be light for a few days and always under, rather than equal to, the desire of the cow. The use of a clinical thermometer in ascertaining the tem- perature of the cow from time to time for a few days before and after calving, or until all danger is past, is a most helpful means of determining the general condition of the animal and an aid in forestalling serious trouble. 704. Frequency of feeding. — The frequency with which feed should be supplied cows has not been settled, and perhaps never will be until the members of the human family agree on the num- ber of meals a day and the character of each best suited to tlieii' own needs. From the large size of the pauucli and the appait'iit necessity for rumination, it does not seem essential to supply feed many times a day. The common practice of feeding twice a day, Feed and Care of Hie Dairy Cow. 469 oiice in the morning and once late in the afternoon, with an arm- ful of roughage to pick over at midday, appears a reasonable one, and conforms well with the labor requirements of the stable. There are dairymen who are never through feeding. They give first a little of this, then a little of that, keeping themselves busy in the stable most of the day in caring for their cows. The cows of such persons usually yield good returns, and their owners ascribe success to their particular system of feeding, when in- stead it is the general good care and not the particular system that should be credited. As with mankind, habit rules in these matters; and any system which is reasonable, having once been established, should not be set aside unless the feeder is sure of advantage from tlie change, which should be gradual, if possible. 705. Order of feeding concentrates, roughage and water. — The digestive tract of the cow is provided with a large storage room for the reception of feed. (28, 32) In the paunch the various articles swallowed are rapidly and thoroughly commingled by the churning action of that organ. Hay and grain are soon thoroughly intermixed, and gradually soften in the wai^m liquid there so abundant. This being true, the order of supplying the several constituents of the ration is not of importance from a physiological standpoint. The cow seems best satisfied when receiving the concentrates or more appetizing portion of the ration first, and after this has been disposed of she begins in contentment to chew the hay, silage or other roughage placed before her. As barn operations are usually conducted, watering follows dry feed. 706. Preparation of feed. — As the dairy cow when giving a large flow of milk is accomplishing much work, it is best to pre- pare the feed for rapid mastication when possible without too great cost. Grain should generally be ground and roots sliced. Where labor is high priced, as at the West, it is preferable in many cases to feed the cow in the most simple manner, even though as large returns do not follow. 707. Dry feed. — Cows take kindly to dry feed, and as a rule prefer it to that in a sloppy condition. Because of the thorough admixture of the contents of the rumen, where there is abun- dance of moisture, there seems no ocxjaaion for converting meal 470 Feed^ and Feeding. into slop before feeding. By supplying the feed dry the mangers can be kept more wholesome with less labor in administering it. 708. Liberal feeding. — The daiiyman should never forget that about sixty per cent, of all the cow can eat is required to sustain her body, and only after this amount is provided can there be any returns to him. (134) Having incurred the expense neces- sary to operate a dairy, in the purchase of lands, buildings and cows, he is certainly shortsighted who will withhold any part of the forty per cent, of provender which will produce returns for himself. When the dairyman has reached the point of liberal feeding, he should begin to study the individual needs of the members. Since some cows can profitably utilize more feed than others the distribution of concentrates should proceed with dis- crimination, some animals being fed more and others less than the average of the herd. 709. Confinement during heated periods. — Whether or not the dairyman practice soiling, there are periods in summer when cows should be in the stable during the day and tui-ned to past- ure at night. During heated periods, when flies are troublesome, cows fall off greatly in their milk, this shrinkage measuring in some degree their suffering. At such times it is best to place them in darkened stables and supply green forage supplemented with meal. For exercise turn them out at night in yard or pasture. Knowing how difficult it is to bring cows back to their normal flow after these periods of shrinkage, the wise dairyman will not be unwilling to provide for their comfort at such times. 710. Water. — That the cow requires a liberal supply of water goes without saying; for not only must the wants of the body be met, but a considerable quantity is drained off with the milk twice daOy. (73) Being creatures of habit, cows can subsist when supplied water once each day, but an opportunity to reach the trough morning and evening is preferable. It is becoming quite common to supply water to cows individually in small troughs or vessels placed in front of them in the stable. Tf this supply can be kept wholesome the practice is satisfactory; but close inspection will show that in many cases, perhaps a majority, these individual watering devices are traps for filth and foul -smell- Feed and Care of tlie Dairy Cow. 471 lug water. The dairyman should convince himself, by using his nose as well as his eyes, that the water in these devices is pure and wholesome. Whatever method of watering is employed, let uniformity pre- vail, the cows having opportunity to secure all they wish without fear of one another or of being forced to undergo hardship in securing it. Often the dairyman boasts of a spring or creek at which his cows may help themselves. These sources of supply are sometimes a long distance from the stable, and the animals are daily forced to make journeys to them, often in inclement weather, thereby experiencing di:^comfort and actual hardship. A. good well with wind-mill will prove superior to springs and brooks in most cases, because with these water can be delivered when and where it is needed. (628) 711. Salt. — Though little is known from investigation on this subject, it is evident from the extreme fondness of dairy cows for salt that this article should be regularly and abundantly supplied them. The necessity for salt increases with the amount of con- centrates given. From three-fourths to one ounce of salt daily is a reasonable allowance. It sliould be supplied daily rather than at ii-regular or infrequent periods in larger quantities. The prac- tice of placing large lumps of rock salt where they are accessible to the herd is satisfactoiy, provided the salt is kept under cover in a clean box. (72, 629) II. Feed for the Dairy Cow. 712. Necessity for concentrated feed. — The dairy cow when yielding a liberal supply of milk should be regarded as an animal at hard labor. We have seen that the work-horse must have more grain and less roughage as his labor increases, and the same is true with the cow. (Chapter XVII, Part 11.) A portion of tlie provender must therefore take the form of grain or concen- trates. Moreover, if she is yielding a large amount of milk, i. e., working hard, it is best to aid her by reducing the grain to fine- ness by grinding. The dry cow is doing little work and can sub- sist on less feed, and this may be coarser in character. 713. The relation of concentrates to roughage. — The relation of concentrates to roughage should always be borne in mind. 472 Feeds and Feeding. The rule should be to feed nearly as much roughage as the cow will consume without overtaxing her; then supph- sufficient con- centrates to bring the digestible matter up to the required stand- ard. About four-tenths of the digestible nutrients should be gi\en in the form of concentrates and six-tenths in the roughage. It will not do to feed all grain in expectation of better returns. A satisfactory ration must possess a certain bulk or volume in order to properly distend the abdomen. Without this the pro- cesses of digestion cannot proceed normally. This should never be forgotten, even when forcing cows in dairy contests. (Chapter VTI.) 714. Concerning the various feed stuffs. — In general, the vari- ous feeding stuffs used by dairymen have been fully considered in earlier chapters, so that only some of the more common ones need be here taken up, and these only in a brief way. 715. Corn. — To this grain is due in no small measure the pre-eminence of the great dairy district of the West, in which Indian corn flourishes. No article is more palatable to the cow than corn in almost any form, and her fondness for it has often led to its abuse. Milk production calls for a large amount ot protein in the ration, and this protein constituent is not abundant in corn; for this reason corn should not form more than one-half or three -fifths of the concentrates. Where labor is high priced and corn cheap, it will be found economical to feed corn without husking. The simplest way is to use shock corn, throwing the long stalks with the ears into the feed mangers. The cows at first search for the ears, and having consumed these strip off the leaves, even eating the finer portions of the stalks. By supplying corn on the stalk for the evening feed, so as to allow the cows a long period for working them over, all will be consumed before morning except some of the coarser por tions of the stalks, thus reducing the labor of removing the waste. Dairymen, however, will generally prefer to run their shock corn through the feed-cutter or shredder, which leaves the material in a form relished by the cow and easily handled. The broken ears of corn are then easily masticated, the cobs also being consumed. With unhusked corn care must be taken to supply only the r('(|i!isite amount of grain, which can be determined by selecting Feed and Care of the Dairy Cow. 473 an average sliock, husking out tlie ears and ascertaining how much shelled corn it carries. In feeding corn in this manner some of the grain will pass into the droppings undigested, but this need not be wasted if lusty shotes are given the opportunity of searching it out. (538, 634) 716. Corn meal. — When exposed to the air corn becomes dry and should then be ground before feeding. Corn meal is a heavy, rich feed and should always be lightened or extended by the use of bran, shorts, oU meal, or some other feed of light character. Corn and cob meal will be found satisfactory for dairy feeding, and is recommended whenever it is possible to secure it at not too great expense for grinding. 717. By-products of corn. — Gluten meal, cream-gluten, grano- gluten, corn germ and other by-products of corn are all excellent articles for feeding the cow, and their use is strongly commended. Eastern dairymen have learned to appreciate these articles and use them extensively, while Western dairymen, often living at 110 great distance from the factories where they are produced, know little or nothing concerning them. (161-4, 635-7) 718. Oats. — It is not dif&cult to believe that oats, the most val- uable grain for the horse, are also a prime feed for the dairy cow. The husk of the oat, though carrying little nutriment, renders thia grain a feed of light character in the stomach and easy of diges- tion. With the data given us by WoU, (642) the dairy farmer is in position to easily determine whether he can afford to feed the oats he may grow, or exchange them for bran or other com- mon feeds. The by-products of oat-meal factories are valuable just in the proportion in which the kernels of the oat grain appear in them. Often there are sufficient fragments of kernels in these articles to warrant the payment of a fair price for them; but when the hulls only are offered the dairyman would better let them alone, for they are no better than the roughage in his mows and stacks. 719. Wheat bran and middlings. — Next to corn, wheat bran is the great cow feed of this country. Eich in ash and protein, carrying a fair amount of starchy matter, its light, chaffy char- acter renders it the natural complement of heavy corn meal. 474 Feeds and Feeding. Though its nutritive constituents approximate thos« of cotton- seed ineal, it mixes well with that feed, causing it to lie more lightly in the stomach. The large amount of mineral matter in bran is another factor of much importance in milk production. In milk there is much mineral matter, placed there for the framework of the calf, and bran supplies this more abundantly than most feeding stuffs. Middlings, like bran, are extensively fed to dairy cows. Being tliemselves heavy in character, they do not mix well with heavy feeds like cotton-seed meal and corn meal. Dairymen will find middlings much relished by cows and yielding satisfactory re- turnSk Bran and middlings are conceded by all who have fed them to favorably affect the flow of milk. (174-5) Oows may be fed as much as six to eight pounds of bran daily and from four to six pounds of middlings. 7,20. Rye. — This grain is fed in small quantities to milch cows in Denmark. It is said to have a somewhat deleterious influence on the quality of butter. The same statement applies to rye bran. Not over three pounds of ground rye or rye bran should be fed in one day to milch cows. 721. Barley. — The common grain for milch cows in Denmark is barley and oats, generally sown and harvested together, the proportion of barley and oats in the mixture being 2:3, or 1:2. Barley alone is not fed extensively to cows, wheat bran being preferred on the score of cheapness and influence on the milk secretion. Barley will prove beneficial to cows fed heavily with roots, since it counteracts their laxative influence. From three to five pounds of ground barley will suffice in the ration of the cow, bran proving an excellent complementary feed. (178) 722. Brewers' grains. — Fresh brewers' grains constitute one of > the best of feeds for the dairy cow. She is fond of them, and they influence most favorably the flow of milk. Fed while fresh, in reasonable quantity, supplemented by bright hay or corn fodder for dry feed, the grains being supplied in tight feed-boxes which can be kept clean, and with all other conditions favorable to the healthfulness of the cow, no valid objection can be raised against this form of feed. From twenty to thirty pounds of wet grains Feed and Care of the Dairy Cow. 475 should constitute a day's allowance. Because the grains are low priced is no reason for over -feeding with them. Corn meal is an excellent complementary feed, two or three pounds being used daily with the grains. Because of their sloppy character, some dry feed should always be supplied with the grains unless the cows are at pasture in summer. (182) Dried brewers' grains can be economically transported and form an excellent feed for cows. Their purpose in the ration will be largely to sux^ply protein, which they carry in abundance. It seems strange that American dried brewers' grains should find their market largely in distant Germany. Four or five pounds of dried grains will fui-nish a considerable portion of the protein re- quired in the ration and prove very acceptable to the cow. (183) 723. Cotton seed and its by-products. — Yanderford, of the Ten nessee Station, ^ concludes as follows, after a study of cotton seed and its by-products for cows: "We can recommend as giving satisfactory results the use of as much as 15 pounds o^ cotton-seed hulls in the dairy ration per 1,000 pounds live weiriUc. A larger proportion has, with our cows, caused a weakenir g of the digest- ive powers, evidenced in some cases by a tendeT^uy to diarrhoea, in others to constipation." Of cotton-seed meal he writes: ''We do nol chink it advisable to feed more than five pounds of cotton-seed Dieal daily to milch cows. For butter- making it is not advisable to exceed three pounds daily. Many years of close observation elsewhere, as well as the results of recent experiments, induce the writer to be- lieve that it is not safe to feed cotton-seed meal as the sole addi- tion to the daily allowance of coarse fodders, particularly during the three months j) receding and month after calving." Connell and Clayton, ^ experimenting with cotton-seed meal and cotton seed, found boiled cotton seed the cheapest available feed. Lloyd, 8 testing cotton seed and cotton-seed meal, reached the fol- lowing results, when cotton seed was valued at six dollars per ton and cotton-seed meal at twenty dollars per ton: '' By comparing the averages of the lots fed on steamed seed, raw seed, and on ' Bui. AprU, 1893. » Bui. 33, Texas Expt. Sta. -" Bui. 21, Miss. Expt. Sta, •476 Feeds ami Feeding. cottonseed meal (the rations of hay being the same in each case), it was found that, with steamed seed, milk was produced at a cost of 6.5 cents per gallon and butter at 11.3 cents per pound; with raw seed, milk was produced at 7.25 cents per gallon and butter at 15.58 cents per pound; and from cotton-seed meal, milk was produced at a cost of 11.13 cents per gallon and butter at 25.02 cents per pound." While the seed may be fed raw, it is stated that cooking pre- vents it from imparting an undesii^able flavor to butter, (210-12, 216-17, 644) 724. Clover hay. — No dry forage can prove superior to good clover hay for the cow, because of its palatability and its rela- tively high protein content. This hay shoiild generally be fed long, since it is fresher and shows less dust when so handled than after passing through the feed-cutter. From ten to twelve pounds is a sufficient allowance for a day's feed. Corn fodder, corn stover or corn silage are complementai-y forms of roughage. (291) 725. Timothy hay. — Generally dairymen cannot afford to feed timothy hay because of the high price it compiands compared with its very moderate value for roughage when fed to the cow, and also because of the small yield returned per acre. WTiere prices are high, if there is timothy hay on hand, let it be sold and fodder corn used in its place. Often a ton of timothy hay can be sold for a sum that will purchase a ton of bran, i.j which case the bran should be used with fodder corn or other roughage. 726. Millet hay. — Hay from millet or Hungarian grass, when well preserved, is useful for feeding if supplied once a day for roughage. Since millet is not rich in protein, not over six or eight pounds should be fed daily. (482) Clover hay is a complement- ary roughage feed because rich in protein. 727. Fodder corn. — In this country successful dairying rests largely upon the j udicious use of the corn plant for forage. The best forage is secured where the seed grains of corn are planted just thick enough to grow stalks which will carry a generous sup- ply of small ears or nubbins. Harvested at the right time, a large yield of forage is secured, which is so palatable that, pre- served either as silage or cured in the shock, practically all of the Feed and Care of the Dairy Cow. 477 material is available as feed for the cow if rightly handled, l^ext to the direct care of the herd, the greatest study of the dairyman should be in learning to economically grow, harvest and admin- ister the corn plant. The cow may receive from ten to fifteen pounds of fodder corn daily with advantage. If this has been grown with a ^'nubbin " or small ear on most of the stalks, a fair allowance of the rough- age will furnish as much grain as should be fed. (250) 728. Corn stover. — Where corn is grown for the grain, the straw or stover which remains after husking the ears, though of less value than fodder corn, may still serve an important place in the feed stable. Cows are fond of the finer parts of the corn stalk, and if the stover is run through a feed-cutter and not too liberally supplied, but a small part of the stalks will be wasted. Wliere the stalks are coarse and inert, as they are in the southern part of the corn belt and further south, this statement does not apply, for there corn stalks are not much relished by cows, though in silage form they are readily eaten. (251) 729. Roots. — In Europe dairymen make large use of roots. In this country, where Indian corn flourishes, silage from corn will be found more economical considering cost of production, and is equally satisfactory with the root crop for feeding cows. Where the dairyman does not have silage it will be well to feed 6(nue roots. Mangels are the best for cows and should be pulped or sliced. Canadian dairymen often pulp the roots and mix this with chaffed hay, allowing the mass to stand a day before feed- ing. From twenty to forty pounds of mangels is a day's allow- ance. Sugar beets also serve for feeding cows. Being much richer than mangels, a smaller quantity should be fed. (325) 730. Silage. — Silage, principally from the corn plant, is now a fiictor of first importance on thousands of American dairy farms. That silage is well liked by the cow, that she thrives on it and yields milk liberally, that properly fed it does not impair her health, — all these points have been settled in favor of the silo and its product. Since corn silage is rich in carbohydrates and low in protein, clover hay is the common complementary roughage. 478 Feeds and Feeding. The character of silage is such that, even though cows seem- ingly thrive on it when fed alone, some dry roughage should be supplied with it In northern latitudes the cow should not be wholly maintained in winter on silage. Good corn silage always contains a liberal supply of ears, and the amount to be fed de- pends directly upon the proportion of ears to forage. From thirty to fifty pounds is the usual daily allowance for a cow. (See Chap- ter XV.) 731. Rations for dairy cows. — The young dairyman scans re- ports to ascertain what others are feeding their cows; the dairy- man with years of experience is not averse to knowing of the practices of others, though he may be slow in changing to that which is new. (136) In 1894, Woll, of the Wisconsin Station, ^ by correspondence secured data concerning the rations fed by more than a hundred dairymen scattered over the United States. (146) As most ol tliem were noted in their specialty, we can place no better guide before the reader than a group of rations from this source: Colorado.— 2Q lbs. alfalfa hay, 5 lbs. oat straw, 2h lbs. wheat bran, 2J Iba. shorts, 5 lbs. oats, IJ lbs. cotton-seed meaL Connecticut. — 35 lbs. corn silage, 10 lbs. hay, 3 lbs. bran, 3 lbs. corn and cob meal, 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal, 2 lbs. Chicago gluten meaL Illinois. — 10 lbs. timothy hay, 10 lbs. clover hay, 8 lbs. com, IJ lbs. oats. India7ia.— 30 lbs. com silage, 5 lbs. clover hay, 3 lbs. com fodder, 1 lb. oat straw, 1 lb. wheat straw, 6 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. oil meal, 2 lbs. cot- ton-seed meal. Iowa.— 50 lbs, corn silage, 5 lbs. hay, 5 lbs. com fodder, 1 lb. oat straw, 1 lb. barley straw, 5 lbs. ear com, 2J lbs. ground oats and barley. Kentucky.— 32.5 lbs. com silage, 6 lbs. clover hay, 3 lbs. com fodder, 5 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs. ship-stuff, 2 lbs. oil meal. Massachusetts.— ^ lbs. com silage, 5 lbs. English hay, 5 lbs. clover hay, 2 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. gluten meal, 1 lb. cotton-seed meal, 1 lb. oil meal. Michigan. — 27.5 lbs. corn silage, 3 J lbs. clover hay, 3 J lbs. timothy hay, 3.6 lbs. bran, J lb. oatti, 1 lb. rye, J lb. oil meal. « Bui. 38. Feed and Care of the Dairy Cow. 479 Minntsoia. — 8 lbs. com stover, 7 lbs. clover and timothy hay, 5 lbs. sheaf oats, 3 lbs. ruta-bagas, 2 lbs. bran, 3 lbs. oats, 3 lbs. corn meal, 2 lbs. oil meal. Nebraska.— 20 lbs. prairie hay, 10 lbs. com stover, 5.7 lbs. com meal, 2.9 lbs. bran, 1.4 lbs. oil meal. New Hampshire. — 10 lbs. clover and witch-grass hay, 10 lbs. com stover, 5 lbs. unthrashed barley, 2 lbs. com and cob meal, 2 lbs. shorts, 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal. New Jersey. — 24 lbs. corn silage, 8 lbs. com meal, 2 lbs. bran, 4 lbs. oats, 2 lbs. oil meal. New York. — 25 lbs. corn silage, 7 lbs. mixed hay, 4 lbs. com meal, 5 lbs. bran, J lb. oil meal, J lb. cotton-seed meal. North Carolina.— SO lbs. com silage, 8 lbs. fodder com, 3 Ibe. com meal, 3 lbs. bran, 1 lb. cotton-seed meaL Ohio.— 10 lbs. clover hay, 20 lbs. com stover, 8 lbs. com meal, 3 lbs. com and cob meal, 1 lb. bran, 8 lbs. roots. Pennsylvania. — 45 lbs. com silage, 7 lbs. mixed hay, 6 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. cotton-seed meal. 7^x08.-30 lbs. corn silage, 13J lbs. sorghum hay, 1.3 lbs. com meal, 2.6 lbs. cotton-seed meal, 2.2 lbs. cotton seed, 1.3 lbs. wheat bran. Utah.— S5 lbs. alfalfa hay, 6f lbs. wheat bran, 3^ lbs. barley. Vermont.— 35 lbs. corn silage, 10 lbs. mixed hay, 2 lbs. bran, 3.2 lbs. com meal, 1 lb. oil meal, .8 lb. cotton-seed meaL West Virginia.— A8 lbs. corn silage, 2^ lbs. com and cob meal, 2J lb«. ground wheat, 2J lbs. oats, 2J lbs. barley meal. Washington. — 15 lbs. alfalfa hay, 7 lbs. bran, 7 lbs. shorts, 2 lbs. malt sprouts. Wisconsin. — 40 lbs, com silage, 8 lbs. clover hay, 6 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. pea Canada. — 46 lbs. turnips, 7 lbs. wheat chaflf, 15 lbs. silage, 2J lbs. oats, 2J lbs. pea meal. CHAPTER XXIX. INVESTIGATIONS WITH 732. Periods of gestation. — Tessier, in a report to the Academy of Sciences, Paris, ^ gives the results of his observations on the period of gestation of 912 ewes. The shortest period for the ewe carrying her lamb was 146 days, and the longest 161, a range of 15 days. More than three-fourths of the ewes yeaned between the 150th and 154th day after impregnation, bringing the average about 152 days, or 21 weeks and 5 days. Randall's statement* as to the period of gestation coincides with that of Tessier. 733. Composition of ewe's milk. — Konig" gives the composi- tion of ewe's milk as below. For comparison, the table gives the average composition of cow's milk as stated by the same author. Composition of ewe' 9 milk, cotc^s milk being given for comparison — Kbnig. Water. Casein and albumen. Fat. Sugar. Ash. Average 32 analyses ewe's milk Per ct. 80.82 87.17 Per ct. 6.52 3.55 Per ct. 6.86 3.69 Per ct. 4.91 4.88 Per ct. .89 Average 793 analyses cow's milk 71 734. Ewe's milk. — In America sheep are not generally used for producing milk for man, as in many districts abroad, especially in mountain regions, where this milk is extensively employed, partly for direct consumption and partly for the manufacture of cheese. Ewe's milk differs from cow's milk mainly in its greater proportion of fat and protein. Much higher percentages than 1 According to Colman, Slieep of Great Britain, p. Ii50. » The Practical Shepherd, p. 207. • Chem. d. mensch. Nahr.-u. Genus&-niittel, I, 1112. InvestigaMons with Sheep. 481 the average given in tlie preceding table have often been found by investigators. ' The yield of milk by sheep wUl vary greatly according to the condition of feed and the breed. Marti ny states ^ that the yield of Friesian milk sheep in Westphalia, Germany, is about four quarts of milk daily for four months. These sheep lamb once a year, dropping two or three lambs. Three sheep are estimated to consume as much feed as one cow. Ordinary sheep yield from 100 to 150 pounds of milk per year, while the milk breeds pro- duce 300 pounds or more. " The period of lactation for sheep is from four to six months. 735. Weight of lambs at birth.— The weight of lambs at birth will vary with the breed, ranging from 5.5 to 12 and even 15 pounds, the latter weight being unusual. At the Ontario Agricultural College, "* Brown reports the fol- lowing weights of pure-bred and grade lambs from Canadian ewes: Weight of lambs at birth - - Ontario Agricultural College. Breed. Pure-bred. Cross bred with Canadian grade ewes. Lincoln Lbs. 9.0 9.25 7.0 7.25 12.0 11.0 9.5 9.0 7.5 Lbs. 8.3 Leicester 9.5 Cotswold 8.0 Highland 9.0 Che\iot 9.0 Oxford 10.5 Shropshire 9.5 Hampshire 10.0 Southdown 10.5 8.0 736. Feeding milk to lambs. — At the Wisconsin Station ^ the writer endeavored to ascertain whether lambs make as good us« of food given them as other farm animals, by rearing them on 1 See Staz. Sper. Ag. Ital. 23, p. 572; Analyst, 1893, p. 248; Fleischmann, Milchwirtschaft, 1893, p. 54. * Die Milch, 1871, p. 183. 3 Concerning yield of milk from sheep, see Weiske, Joum. f. Landw., 1S81, p. 451; Rodiczky, Oestr. Ldw. Wochenbl^ 1886, No. 47; — ^..^^, Analyst, 1893, p. 248; Goltz, Landw., Ill, p. 460; Shepperd, Agrl. Science, VI, p. 397. « Rept. 1885. • Kept. 1890. 31 482 Feeds and Feeding. cow's milk and other appropriate feeding stufia. Tlie fonr lambs in the trial were from large high-grade merino ewes sired by a pure -bred Shropshire ram. They were vigorous, growthy speci- mens, ten days old at the beginning of the trial, averaging ten pounds each in weight. At first they were fed cow's milk at blood heat, this milk constituting their only food for twenty -one days, after which skim milk, oats and green clover were supplied. The following data show the food required for 100 pouuds of gain with these lambs, beginning at 10 days of age: Feed per 100 Period, Feed given. i6«. f/ain. Pounds. First period, 21 days Cow's milk 579 (Sweet skim milk 830 Ground oats 119 Green clover 262 At the close of the last period, when 167 days old, the lambs averaged 79 pounds each, showing a daily gain, including birth weight, of nearly one-half pound each. (356, 659) The heavy gains which followed the use of cow's milk in thw trial suggest the profitable use of that article in forcing lambs to meet the requirements of special markets, e. g., "Christmas lambs." 737. Lambs compared with pigs. — At the Michigan Agricult- ural College,^ Miles fed Essex pigs, eleven days old, cow's milk for four weeks, with the results shown in the following table: Gaw^s milk required for 100 pounds gain by young Essex pigs — Michigan Agricultural College. Ist week. 720 lbs. 2d week. 792 lbs. 3d week. 1.181 lbs. 4th week. 1.013 lbs. Av. for four weeks. 925 lbs. During the third week of the trial the pigs were ''off feed," 80 tliat the average is somewhat too high. Making i f;isonable allowance for this, the lambs fed in the Wis- consin trial noted above lead in the gains made from cow's nuik. •Kept. Mich. Bd. of Agr., 1866, p. 61. Investigations with Slieep. 483 738. Relative economy of lambs and pigs. — Elsewtere (831) is shown the feed required by pigs before weaning for 100 pounds of gain. From these figures and those reported in Article 736 the data given below are deduced. Feed required for 100 pounds of increase by young pigs and lambs — Wisconsin Station. Feed. Pigs. Lambs. Meal Lbs. 231 534 Lbs. 119 Skim rnilb: 830 Green clover 262 320 284 The above data show that before weaning pigs require 231 pounds of meal and 534 pounds of skim milk for 100 pounds of gain. Estimating 6 pounds of milk equal to one of meal, ac- cording to the Danish formula, (888) we have 320 pounds of meal or equivalent as the feed for 100 pounds of gain with pigs before weaning. During the second period of the trial with lambs, the following quantities of feed were required for 100 pounds of gain: 119 pounds of meal, 830 of milk and 262 pounds of green clover. Estimating the milk at the same equivalent in meal as before, and ten pounds of green clover equal to one of meal, we have 284 pounds of grain or grain equivalent as the feed required for 100 pounds of gain with young lambs, or thirty-six pounds less than that required by the pigs. From this it is apparent that lambs make at least as economical gains for feed consumed as do pigs of the same age. 739. The milking qualities of ewes. — Instructive experiments were conducted by Shepperd, * at the Wisconsin Station, to de- termine the milking qualities of high-grade Shropshire ewes. Lambs at foot were muzzled except at regular periods, when each was allowed to take milk from its dam while the attendant drew milk from the other teat. The amount of milk yielded by the ewes was determined by weighing each lamb on a delicate scale ' Agiicultuml fScience, VI, pp. 397-405. 484 Feeds and Feeding. immediately before and after sucking. The results are shown below: Yield, per cent, of fai and specific gravity of evo^n milk — Wisconsvik Station. No. of ewe. No. of days tested. Daily milk yield. Per cont. fat. Speciftc gravity. 1 2 3 4 10 6 6 6 3.96 lbs. 2.83 lbs. 3.03 lbs. 2.51 lbs. 5.2 5.4 5.62 6.2.5 1.037 1.049 1.037 1.036 From the above we learn that four ewes gave from 2.5 to 4 pounds of milk each daily, containing from 5.2 to 6.25 per cent, of fat. The milk was of high specific gravity, showing a large content of solids. (825) 740. Feed required for 100 pounds of milk. — Ewes fed singly and in groups of two were given weighed quantities of feed and water, and the milk yield noted. The concentrates fed consisted of three parts bran and one part oil meal. This with clover hay of good quality, though a little coarse, and a few sliced potatoes, constituted the ration. The results were as follows: Quantity of feed and water consumed by ewes in producing 100 pounds of milk — Wisconsin Station. No. of ewe. Grain. Clover hay. Potatoes. Water. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 1 51 61.6 38 293 i\ 59 65.5 29 417 1} 72 63 36 404 The above figures are helpful to the student in comparing the sheep with other domestic animals as an economical producer of milk. They show the ewe to be as economical as the cow in turn- ing hay and grain into milk. It should not be forgotten that while yielding milk the ewe is also growing a fleece. (694) 741. Value of ewe's milk for lamb growing. — In conducting his studies with ewes and lambs, Shepperd noted the amount of milk Investigations with Sheep. 485 iK)nsiiine(i by lambs and their gains, with the results reported in the table. In these trials the lamb was kept separate from the ewe, except when sucking. It was weighed both before and after sucking to ascertain the amount of milk yielded by the ewe. The results appear in the following table: Daily gaiHj and gain per pound of ewe^s milk, by young lambs — Wisconsin Station. No. of lamb. Age of lamb. Gain per day. Gain per lb. of milk. 1 2 3 4 Days. 25 28 36 34 Lbs. .62 .47 .44 .40 Lbs. .156 .166 .145 .159 Here were daily gains ranging from .4 to over .6 of a pound per lamb, each pound of milk producing about .15 of a pound in- crease, live weight. Shepperd concludes his report with the state- ment that the gain of lambs, during the first month of their lives at least, is largely controlled by the quantity of milk yielded by the ewe, and as a consequence that ewes should be carefully se- lected for their milking qualities. (525, 825-8) 742. influence of shearing on miik yield. — Weiske^ conducted an experiment to ascertain the influence of shearing on the pro- duction of milk by sheep. A Southdown-Merino ewe weighing 77 pounds was fed the following ration directly after lambing: Meadow hay, 1.1 pounds; beets, 2.2 pounds; ground barley, 1.1 pounds. On this food she produced the following quantities of milk: Days after lambing, May., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Pounds of milk L2, 1.4, 1.6, 1,7, 1.9, 2.0, 2,0, 2,2, 2.2. The milk contained from 14.28 to 16.51 per cent, total solida Dui-ing days following the last one noted above, the milk yield remained at 2.2 pounds, but decreased, when the ewe was shorn, May 20, as follows: May 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Pounds of milk 2.2, 2.0, 1.9, 1.7, 1.65, 1.57. • Der Landwirt, 1879, p. 486 Feedi and Feeding. When half a pound of flax seed was added to the ration the milk production increased as follows: May 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Pounds of milk 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, 2.1, 2.0, 2.1. The influence of the flax seed in overcoming the shock to the system through shearing is shown by a return to the normal milk flow through its use. 743. Soiling ewes and lambs. — Because of their daintiness and the large variety of plants they crop, soiling sheep is impracti- cable. Desiring to ascertain, regardless of cost, the amount of food required by sheep for growth in summer, the writer conducted the trial reported below. » Ten large Merino ewes were chosen, each with a lamb at foot one month old, when the trial began, June 3. The lambs were vigorous, their sire being an imported Shropshire. With patience and laborious attention to eveiy de- tail, the shepherd fed the lot successfully, with the results given in the following table: Feed required for 100 pounds gain when soiling ewes and lambs — Wisconsin Station. Feed for 100 pounds gain. Periods. Green clover. Green com fodder. Hay. Oats. Ewes and lambs, before weaning. let period, June 3-July 20 (57 days) 2d period, July 29-Sept. 16 (49 days) Lambs 07ily, after weaning. 3d period. Sept l&-Oct. 14 (28 days) Lbs. 2,882 555 Lbs. 478 2,400 915 Lbs. Lbs. 45 45 292 413 Placing a fair price on the substances consumed, we find that 100 pounds of increase was made at a reasonable cost When we remember that the ewes would have preferred to do their own foraging, and would have eaten many weeds and weed seeds as well as better forage, we must conclude that evidence points to the sheep as one of the most economical meat producers on the farm. 744. Sheep compared with lambs for fattening. — This impor- tant subject has received little attention at our Stations. The only ' Rept. Wis. Expt. 8ta., 1890. Invesligaiioiis with Sheep. 487 trial reported is by Hayes of the Minnesota Station. * Ten North Dakota half bred Shropshire lambs were fed in opposition to ten Montana two-year-old grade Merino wethers. The feed consisted of wheat screenings and hay, the trial lasting eighty- four days, with results given below: Feeding lambs in opposition to mature wethers — Minnesota Station. Breed. Total feed. Av. wt. atbe- ning. Total gain. Daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain, Hay. Grain. Hay. Dakota Shropshire grade lambs. Montana two-year- old Merino weth- Lbs. 1,776 2,110 Lbs. 609 542 Lbs. 74 107 Lbs. 244 172 Lbs. .29 .20 Lbs. 728 1,227 Lbs. 250 316 We observe that the lambs gave the usual returns from wheat screenings and made satisfactory gains. On the other hand, the wethers gained only one-fifth of a pound per day, and con- sumed 70 per cent, more grain for a given gain than the lambs. Possibly when more trials are on record, the feeding qualities of lambs and mature sheep will show less difference than in this ^ase; but it is well known that young animals give the best returns for feed consumed. 745. Iowa Station breed test. — The most extensive breed test conducted in this country was at the Iowa Station * by Wilson and Curtiss. In the first trial there were ten wether lambs in each lot, most of which were selected in Canada especially for the trial. The Merinos in the first trial were of the National Delaine strain, raised in Iowa. The Eange lambs were froiii Wyoming. In the second trial there were nine lambs in each lot, mostly from Canada. The Merinos in this trial were of the Rambouillet strain, bred in Ohio. In the first trial the feeding lasted ninety days and in the second one hundred and five days, and was alike in all particulars for each lot. In closing the ex- periment the lambs were shipped to Chicago and there valued by iRept. 1893. »Buls. 33,36. 488 Feeds and Feeding. experts both before and after slaughter. The leading results o/ the trials are summarized in the following tables: Weight and gain offatteninrj wether lambs in breed, test — Iowa Station. Breed. Av. age. Av. wt. at begiuuiiig. Av. daily gain. Dry matter per 100 Ibft. gain. First trial Sec- ond trial. Fii^t trial. Sec- ond trial. First trial. Sec- ond trial. First trial. Sec- ond trial. Houthdown Days. 374 371 374 394 345 347 362 367 362 Days. 289 279 279 285 291 268 277 277 Lbs. 91 101 119 117 121 118 132 101 82 Lbs. 65 88 95 92 94 85 86 83 Lbs. .45 .48 .52 .55 .55 .62 .52 .48 .29 Lbs, .35 .36 .40 .40 .46 .50 .44 .43 Lbs. 738 718 740 740 729 653 749 785 935 Lba. 989 Sli ropsliix© . 1 026 Oxford I'osi Suliolk 1 036 Liucoln 910 Cotswold 848 Leicester 934 Dorset 989 Merino Rambouillet 255 255 74 67 .37 .31 1 029 Shropshire ewes 1 030 Range 331 71 .37 684 Price and weight of dressed carcass and of fleece in breed test — Iowa Station. Breed. Price per 100 lbs. live wt. First trial. Sec- ond trial. Per cent, dressed car- First trial. ond trial. Av. wt. of fleece. First trial. Sec- ond trial. Value of fleece per head. First trial. Sec- ond trial. Soutlidown Shropshire Oxford Suffolk Lincoln Cotswold Leicester Dorset Merino Uambouillet Shropshire ewes. Range $4 75 4 63 4 50 4 25 4 50 4 50 4 50 3 75 4 25 i)5 75 55.4 56.3 55.2 53.6 55.7 54.9 57.8 52.6 51.8 55.26 52.88 50.08 52.54 51.08 53.57 51.87 54.11 Lbs. 6.8 8.8 11.0 7.7 12.9 12.7 11.6 6.8 Lbs. 4.6 7.8 8.0 5.2 10.4 9.8 8.9 6.0 $0 75 93 1 44 86 1 79 1 6ft 1 76 77 1 00 $0 04 1 IG 1 16 7.") I 50 1 46 1 3.S 83 5 00 6 65 49.57 54.55 6.( 4 50 55. ( 5.1 Investigations witii, Sheep. 489 746. Lawes and Gilbert's breed test.— Tliese investigators tested the comparative fattening qualities of the different English breeds of sheep. ^ Theii- data of the feed requirements for gain by the various breeds during fattening are as follows: Feed required for 100 pounds gain, live weight, mth sheep of various treeds — Botlminsted Station. Breeds. Av. wt. at be- gin- ning. Av. total increase per head. Feed consumed to produce 100 lbs. increase, Uve weight. Oil cake. Clover hay. Swedes. Lbs. 88 114 95 91 101 120 Lbs. 53 70 45 43 45 64 Lbs. 297 291 264 263 264 253 Lbs. 2a5 261 252 250 251 217 Lb8. 3,83fi 3,967 Cross-bred wethers. Cross-bred ewes Leicester 3,725 3,671 3,761 Cots wold 3,558 747. Ontario College breed test.— At the Ontario Agricultural College, 2 Brown fed grade lambs of different breeds to test their relative fattening qualities, the trial beginning in November and closing in March, with the following results: Trial with grade wether lambs of several breeds — Ontario Agricultural College. Wton entry. Gain. Feed for 100 pounds gain. Breed. Hay. Roots. Oil cake. Oats. Peas. Bran. Cotswold Lbs. 106 109 95 122 120 Lbs. 41 31 41 43 37 Lbs. 493 465 341 386 368 Lbs. 920 1,239 937 1,007 1,139 Lbs. 195 252 188 200 235 Lbs. 136 181 134 130 157 Lbs. 273 358 268 263 315 T,bs, 83 Leicester 110 Oxford 80 Shropshire Southdown 81 93 Average 110 39 411 1,048 214 148 295 89 The results of these trials present interesting studies, but should not be regarded as determining the relative merits of the several breeds. » Jour. Roy. Agrl. Soc, 1851, 1852, 1&55; Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. IL » Rept. 1885. 490 Feeds and Feeding, 745. •• SeSf-feed " for fattening lambs. — Some feeders follow tho practice of placing quantities of grain sufficient to last a week or more in a box arranged so that the grain passes down into the feed trough as rapidly as the sheep consume the supply beloM . The purpose of the '' self-feed " is to save the time and labor of the shepherd, and also to allow the animals to have grain before fchem at all times. Trials with self-feed are reported from the Michigan Station^ with ten lambs in each lot, and Minnesota Sta tion2 with eight lambs in each lot, the results being given below: Trials with ^^ self -feed'' ^ for fattening lambs — Michigan and Minin sota Stations. Feed given. Wt.at begin- ning. Gain. Daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain. Hay. Hay. Grain. Michigan. Self-feed. Com Lbs. 1,506 1,838 1,579 1,703 3,023 2,22.5 Lbs. 961 959 1,097 1,124 482 753 Lbs. 82 80 82 80 84 78 Lbs. 248 237 328 267 333 300 Lbs. .23 .22 .31 .25 .35 .32 Lbs. 387 405 334 421 130 -'" Lbs 607 Corn and bran 776 Regular feed. Corn 481 Corn and bran .... 638 Minnesota. Self-feed. Wheat screenings.... Regular. Wheat screenings. . . . 908 742 Muniford, 8 reviewing his studies with the self-feed, writes: "The experiments are quite conclusive, extending as they do over a period of three years under varying conditions and with different lots of sheep. We are led to the conclusion that fatten • ing lambs by means of a self- feed is an expensive practice, and that economy of production requires more attention to the variation in the appetites of the animals than can be given by this method." 749. rattening shorn lambs. — At the Michigan Station, * Mum- ford divided a bunch of twenty lambs into two lots of ten each. One lot was shorn and the other left unshorn, both receiving similar treatment as to feed and c^re. The grain consisted of corn and wheat, equal parts by weight, fed with good clover hay. ' Bui. 113. ^ul. 44. » Bui. 128, Mich. Exj^t. Sta. * Bui. 128. Investigations with Sheep. 491 The trial began in November, lasting thirteen weeks. Both lota \rere kept in a bam, the window in the pen containing unshorn lambs being kept open, while that in the pen of the shorn lambs was kept closed. In spite of this care the shorn lambs suffered from the cold. The result of the trial is tabulated below: Feeding shorn and unshorn lambs — Michigan Station. Feed eaten. Av. wt. atbe- gining. Total gain. Daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain. Hay. Grain. Hay. Unshom Shorn Lbs. Lbs. 1,164 1,173 1.266 1.3.S6 Lbs. 85 84 Lbs. 230 161 Lbs. .25 .18 Lbs. 506 786 Lbs. 510 830 ' The shorn lambs ate more food, drank less water and made 30 per cent, less gain than the unshorn lambs. At the Wisconsin Station, ^ Craig studied the subject during four years, the first trial beginning in December, and subsequent ones earlier, the last two beginning in October. As with Mum- ford, Craig's results were unfavorable to shearing fattening lambs after winter begun, while they favored early shearing. His con- clusions are: '' 1. Fall shearing is a beneficial practice to prepare lambs that are six months old for the early winter market. *'2. To secure the benefits of fall shearing it should be done early in the season, at least not later than October. ''3. When done under such circumstances, the removal of the fleece hastens the fatt/ening, and the gain is made at a slightly cheaper rate. '^4. The results show that by shearing in the fall and again in the spring more wool is obtained than from a single spring shearing, but the market value of the two clippings is not any greater than tliat of the single clipping in which the fibeis of the fleece are longer. ''5. When the lambs are to be fattened during three or four of the winter months, there appears to be no practical advantage in fall shearing," « Kept. 1894. 492 Feeds and Fccdbig. 750. Exposure versus confinement. — Xext to feed, the feeding place and the method of confinement are of importance in fatten- ing sheep. At the Minnesota Station, i Shaw fed four lots of eight lambs each under various conditions as to confinement Lot I was kept out of doors continuously in a yard sheltered from the wind by a low building at one side. Lots 11 and ELI were con- fined in yards with an open shed for shelter. Lot IV was kept in a compartment of the barn ha^ ing one large window facing the east, for ventilation. The feed for all lots was the same. The table below presents the results: Effect of variom methods of confinement on fattening lambs — Min- nesota Station. Aver- weight. Av. daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Where fed. Wheat screen- ings. Oil meal. Hay. Lot I out of doors Lbs. 80 84 78 78 Lbs. .28 .36 .32 .28 Lbs. 804 817 668 722 Lbs. 90 91 74 80 Lbs. 316 Lot II, in lot with shed.... Lot III, in lot with shed.... Lot IV, in stable 127 251 283 It will be seen that the lot kept out of doors made as rapid gains as that confined in the stable, but required somewhat more feed for a given gain. Lots 11 and III, kept in the shed, made the largest and Lot HE the cheapest gain. At the Michigan Station, 2 Mumford kept one lot of lambs con- tinuously in an open yard in winter where they were sometimes drenched with rain and covered with snow. A second lot was fed in a barn, at no time being allowed to go outside. The re suits were slightly in favor of the lambs kept indoors, but the difference was far less than would be supposed by persons who are not familiar with the hardiness of fattening sheep. The re- sults of this trial do not show that rain and snow are beneficial to the fattening sheep, but rather that indoor confinement may be as damaging as outdoor exposure. (561, 630) Bui. 44. » Bui. 128. Investigations uoith Sheep. 493 751. Water drank. — Several Stations have weighed the water drank by lambs while fattening. The following table presents a range of results helpful to those seeking information on this point: Water dranJc by lambs on various rations during fattening — Mich- igan and Cornell Stations. 1 li bna 1 a -a Feed and water per 100 lbs. gain. 1. a 1 0 1 1 Oom» „ J<; com, >g bran > f wheat, % oil meal » J^com,>^ wheat'... >?com, 3^ wheat'... Com and roots* Lbs. 82 80 80 85 84 81 84 59 56 Lbs. .81 .25 .28 :i .38 .13 .19 .22 Lbs. 3.02 3.85 4.83 1.3-5 2.03 1.S7 3.4 3.02 1.10 Lbs. 481 639 526 786 406 Lbs. 834 421 394 530 830 243 1,018 457 486 Lbs. Lbs. 966 1,515 l,7-4u 599 1,148 495 314 1,598 505 Lbs. 702 913 965 1,397 641 1,516 1,033 880 Confined. Confined. Confined. Freedom of yard. 685 4,900 880* 501 experiment Confined. 1 part oil meal, 2 parts cotton-seed meal, 4 pta. bran » 7 parts com, 1 part oats» 505 470 * Silage. 752. Weight of fattened sheep. — At the Ontario (College,* Brown reports the following weights of fat shorn shearlings (sheep once shorn) : Live weight of fat shorn wethers at 4^5 days — Ontario Agricultural College. Average weight of tops. Average weight of culls. Mean weight. Daily gain per head. Leicester high grades. Leicester grades Oxford grades Bhropshire grades Southdown grades Merino grades Lbs. 242 189 186 185 165 138 Lbs. 147 148 133 Lbs. 242 189 167 167 149 138 Lbs. .54 .40 .37 .37 .33 .31 Mean 184 175 Bui. 113, Mich. St«. Bui. 47, Cornell 8ta. » Bui. 128, Mich. Sta. * Rept. 1882. 491 Feeds and Feediiig. The weight of fat sheep of the several breeds competing for prizes at the American Fat-Stock Show, Chicago, duriiig the years 1878 to 1884, both inclusive, ' are shovrn in the following table: Weight of fat sJieep of various breeds — American Fat-Stock 8hoWf Chicago. Breed. Wether 2 yrs. old or over. Wether ^r and un- der 2 yrs. Wether under 1 yr. old. Ewe 2 yrs. or over. Ewel yr. and under 2 yrs. Ewe under Cotewold Lbs. 258 263 205 223 137 221 Lbs. 199 239 172 181 112 188 Lbs, 142 151 119 117 79 118 Lbs. 273 238 169 211 101 213 Lbs. 2.3.5 204 130 208 73 165 Lbs. 127 Other lone wools 112 97 Other middle wools 87 American merino 52 Grades or crosses 122 753. Daily gain for various breeds. — The best daily gains' with fat wethers at the American Fat-Stock Show, Chicago, between the years 1879 and 1882, both inclusive, are as follows: Weight and daMy gain of wether moMng the most rapid gain — Am,eri- can Fat-Stock Show, Chicago. Wethers two and under three years. Year. Breed. Age in days. Weight. Av. gain pei day since birth. 1879... 1881 Leicester Cotswold 969 933 Lbs. 300 281 Lbs. .31 .30 Wethers one and under two years. 1878 5.35 612 600 220 2.32 295 .41 1S80 Grade Oxford .38 1882 .49 Wethers under one year. 1878... 1881... 1882 Cotswold Southdown 170 213 235 1.52 193 178 .89 .90 .75 ' Truns. Dept. Agr. 111., 1884, p. 228. * Loc. cit. Investigations with Sheep. 496 754. Weight of carcass. — Lawes and Gilbert' found in triala with sheep of the various breeds the followiii;^ weights of dressed carcass with well-fattened animals: Marketable produce for each 100 pounds unfasted weight of sheep, m- cluding wool — EotJiamsted Station. Sussex Hampshires Cross-bred wethers Cross-bred ewes Leicesters Cotswolds Mutton (less taUow). Wool. Lbs. Ozs. 53 3 53 6 51 2 50 10 50 11 53 6 Lbs. Ozs. 4 0 3 7 4 10 6 6 5 9 5 4 Relative to live and dead weights, the conclusions of these in- vestigators are: ''Hoggets or tegs (ewes or wethers under twelve months old) in a lean or store condition will contain about one-half of their weight carcass, and about one-half offal. ''Shorn sheep, suiticiently fat for the market, will contain about 5G pounds of carcass in every 100 pounds of the unfasted live weight. "Sheep in an ordinary state of fatness yield from 7 pounds to 14 pounds of offal or loose fat per head, according to breed and size; the long- wools giving the least, and the Downs the most." 755. Fat-Stock Show test. — At the American Fat-Stock Show in 1884, » animals competing for prizes were slaughtered, with the results shown in the following table: Slaughter tests with sheep at the American Fat-Stock Show, Chicago. Age of animals. Number. Live weij^ht at slaughter. Weight of dressed car- ca^. Per cent Two years or over One year, under two... Under one year... 2 4 Lbs. 248 171 99 Lbs. 156 105 57 02 61 67 Jour. lioy. Agr. teuc, iS55, p. y4; ' Breeder's Gazette, 1884, p. 824. iiothamsled Menioii's, 1852, Vol. II 196 Feeds and Feeding. 756. Shrinkage in shipping. — Cooke, of the Colorado Station, • after fattening selected Western sheep and lambs on alfalfa hay, wheat, corn and roots, shipped them from Fort Collins, Colorado, to Chicago, with results shown in the table: Shrinkage and dressed weight of Western, sheep, shipped from Colorado to CJiicago — Colorado Station. Kind. Weight at Fort Collins. Weight at Chicago stock yard. Per cent, shrinkage Per cent, dressed carcass to Chicago weight. Per cent, tallow to Chicago weight. Western lambs Western wethers ... Mexican sheep Lbs. 149.0 168.0 99.5 Lbs. ir.o 153 92 9.4 9.0 6.5 57.0 55.0 53.5 9. 8.3 8.5 By the above we learn that selected Western lambs weighing 149 pounds at Fort Collins, Colorado, shrunk 14 pounds, or 9.4 per cent., on shipment to Chicago. These lambs dressed 67 per cent, of their Chicago weight, 9 per cent, of which was tallow; that is, for each 100 pounds live weight there were 9 pounds of tallow and 48 pounds of carcaas ready for the butcher's block. Bui. 32. CHAPTER XXX. EIPEEIMENTS IN FATTENING SHEEP — WOOL PRODUCTION. I. Feeds and Fattening. 757. Indian corn. — Since a large proportion of the sheep in this country are fattened on corn, both student and stockman are interested in learning the quantity of this grain required for a given gain. In tlie table below are presented the results of live trials with com for fattening lambs at three Stations. The aver- age of these trials should constitute reliable data as to the quan- tity of corn and hay required to produce one hundred pounds of gain with lambs. Fattening lambs on com ayid hay — Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota Stations. Where fed- Days fed. Feed eaten. Corn. Hay. Av. wt. at begin- ning, Gain. Av. daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Com. Hay. Michigan* Michigan* Michigan t Wisconsin j Minnesota | Av. of 5 trials 105 105 91 56 84 Lbs. 1,579 1,506 1,208 428 1,103 Lbs. 1,097 961 1,142 288 849 Lbs. 82 82 85 86 71 Lbs. 328 248 233 104 211 Lbs. .31 .24 .26 .37 Lbs. 481 607 518 411 523 Lbs. 334 387 490 277 402 88 1,165 867 81 225 508 878 * Bui. 113. t Bui. 128. t Rept. 1895. ^ Bui. 31. In the Wisconsin trial there were 5 lambs; in the other trials there were 10 lambs. From this table we learn that lambs averaging 81 pounds each during feeding trials averaging 13 weeks in length made gains of three-tenths of a pound per head daily, requiring about 500 pounds of corn and 400 pounds of hay for 100 pounds of increase, live weight. (566, 845) 498 Feeds and Feeding. 758. Dry versus soaked corn for sheep. — Mueller* fed sheep on dry and soaked corn. Twenty sheep nearly two years old were fed 1.4 pounds of whole corn per day per head, ten animals receiving the grain dry and ten receiving it soaked with as much water as it would absorb. At the end of a period of ten weeks the live weight of the sheep fed dry corn had increased 6.6 pounds more per head than the lot receiving soaked corn; after four weeks more, the live weight of the former lot had increased 12.1 pounds per head more than the second lot The author explains the poorer utilization of the soaked corn by the decreased secretion of saliva when grain so treated was fed. (375) 759. Wheat. — The low price ruling for wheat in recent years has stimulated much interest in its use for fattening sheep. A trial at the Michigan Station ^ by Mumford, in which wheat was fed, in opposition to corn, to lots of ten lambs each, is summar- ized in the following table: Feeding lambs wheat in opposition to coy-n — Michigan Station. Grain. iT Feed eaten. Av. wt. at begin- ning. Gain. Av. daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain. Hay. Gi-ain. Hay. Com 91 91 Lbs. 1,208 1,201 Lbs. 1,142 1,199 Lbs. 85 85 Lbs. 233 217 Lbs. .26 .24 Lbs. 518 553 Lba. 490 Wheat 5-52 By the above we learn that the lambs fed wheat required more feed for a given gain and did not make quite so large daily gains as those fed com. (I6fr^, 852) 760. English experience with wheat. — Voelcker conducted three trials at the Woburn (England) Station to ascertain the feeding value of wheat as a grain for fattening sheep. * Wheat meal was found unsatisfactory owing to the fact that the meal adhered to the jaws of the sheep when eating it, forming a sticky mass, Whole wheat was substituted, and the effect was remarkable; the sheep which would barely clean up the half-pound allowance of 1885, p. 209; Jahresb. Agr.-Chemie, 1885, * Braunschw. Landw. Zeit, p. 576. » BuL 128. • Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc, 1886-8a Experitnents in FaUening kilieep. 499 ▼heat meal readily ate three- fourths of a pound of whole wheat Accordingly, during the remainder of the first and the two fol- lowing trials, whole wheat was fed. The following table summar- izes the results of the last two trials: Feeding whole wheat to sheep — Wohurn {England) Station. ^T Av. wt. at begin- ning. Feed given daily. Av. gain Swede turnips. Chaffed hay. Wheat Fii-st trial 95 112 Lbs. 156 119 Lbs. 28 20 Lbs. Lbs. 1 Lbs. .3 .4 These gains are satisfactory considering the length of the trials, ^oelcker concludes from three seasons' experiments with wheat, )t1 meal, and cotton -seed meal, that -whole wheat produced the 5heapest gain at current prices for stock foods in England. 761. Oats. — At the Michigan Station, * Mumford compared oats with com in a feeding trial lasting 119 days with ten lambs in each lot, averaging 83 pounds, with results presented in the table: Feeding oats in opposition to corn — Michigan Station. Grain. Feed eaten. Av. wt. at begin- ning. Gain. Av. daUy gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain Hay. Roots Grain Hay. Boots Oate Lbs. 1,963 1,757 Lbs. 1,694 1,675 Lbs. 1,190 1,190 Lbs. 83 83 Lbs. 379 443 Lbs. .31 .37 Lbs. 518 396 Lbs. 447 378 Lba. 314 Com 269 In this trial the oats did not give as large daily gains as did the corn; further, it required 122 pounds or 31 per cent, more oats than corn for a given gain. Since 500 pounds of corn ia shown to be the usual grain requirement for 100 pounds of gain with lambs, it is probable that further trials will show oats not far below corn in value, though they can hardly equal it 762. Bran. — At the Michigan Station, * Mumford fed com in opposition to bran during a period of 119 days, to two lota of ten » Bui. 107. » Bui. 107, 500 Feeds and Feeding. lambs averaging 83 pounds in \reight, with the results given in the table: Feeding trial with bran and corn in opposition — Michigan Staf'on. ■-:: — Grain. Feed eaten. Av. wt. at begin- ing. Gain. Av. daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain Hay. Roots Grain Hay. Boots Com Lbs. 1,757 1,779 Lbs. 1,675 1,728 Lbs. 1,190 1,190 Lbs. 83 82 Lbs. 443 242 Lbs. .37 .20 Lbs. 396 7.5 Lbs. 378 714 Lba 269 Bran 492 We learn from this trial that it required nearly twice as much bran as corn for the same gain. (175) 763. Wheat screenings. — At the Minnesota Station, » Shaw fed lambs wheat screenings in opposition to wheat Concerning the former he wrote: ''The screenings were under rather than over the average in .quality, having but little wheat of any kind in them." One-tenth of the ration consisted of oil meaL There were eight lambs in each lot, the trial lasting 117 days, with results given below: Feeding wheat screenings in opposition to wheat — Minnesota Station. Grain. Feed eaten. Wt. at begin- ning. Gain. Daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain Hay. Grain Hay. Wheats Lbs. 1,753 2,225 Lbs. 772 753 Lbs. 80 78 Lbs. 278 300 Lbs. .30 .32 Lbs. 631 742 Lbs. 277 Screenings 251 By the above we learn that it required about 18 per cent more wheat screenings than wheat to produce a given gain. The high feeding value of screenings for sheep in comparison with their cost in the iJforthwest is illustrated in this trial. (169) 764. Shrunken wheat, wild buckwheat and pigeon-grass seed. — At the Minnesota Station, * Hayes fed four lots of ten lambs each for 84 days on rations of cracked corn, small wheats wild buck- » Bui. 44. « Rept 1893. Experiments in Fattening Sheep. 501 wheat and pigeon-grass seed, respectively, with the results pre- sented in the table below: Feedi7ig cracked com, smaM wJieat, wild buclcwkeat and pigeon-graxs seed — Minnesota Station. Grain. Feed eaten. Av. wt. at begin- ning. Gain. Daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain Hay. Grain Hay. Cracked corn Lbs. 1,103 1,505 1,975 1,934 Lbs. 849 742 427 591 Lbs. 71 74 74 75 Lbs. 211 202 226 287 Lbs. Lbs. 523 74-5 874 816 Lbs. 402 Small wheat Pigeon-grass seed 367 189 249 The table shows that corn gave normal results, 523 pounds of that grain and 402 pounds of hay making 100 pounds of gain. Of the other mill and elevator by-products there were required for 100 pounds gain with lambs the following amounts: small wheat 745 pounds; wild buckwheat, 816; pigeon-grass seed, 874 pounds. 763. Corn silage versus roots. — At the Michigan Station, > Mumford compared corn silage with roots for fattening lambs, with eight in each lot in the first trial and twenty in each lot in the second. In the first trial, lasting 84 days, sugar beets and com silage were used, and in the second, lasting 119 days, ruta- baga turnips and corn silage were fed. In the first trial the lambs weighed 87 pounds, and in the second 73 pounds each, at the beginning. The gi-ain fed consisted of two parts oats and one part bran in the first trial, and equal parts of oats and bran in the second. The table shows the results: Feeding corn silage in opposition to roots — Michigan Station. Trial. Feed eaten. Gain. Av. daily gam. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain Hay. Roots Silage Grain Hay. Roots Silage Lbs. G72 672 2,345 2,345 Lbs. 672 636 2,439 1,974 Lbs. 3,172 Lbs. Lbs. 288 Lbs. 43 Lbs. 233 282 398 400 Lbs. 233 22S 413 337 Lbs. 1,101 Lbs. 3,014 238 36 1,266 13,413 589 586 .24 .24 2,277 8,108 1,383 Buls. 84, 107. 602 Fe^da and Feeding, In the first trial, where sugar beets were fed in opposition to com silage, roots gave somewhat better results, while in the sec- ond, where ruta-bagas were fed, the results were slightly in favor of the corn silage. Until further trials we may consider roots and corn silage practically equal in feeding value for fattening lambs. Feeding roots or silage cut down the amount of grain required in fattening the lambs 25 to 40 per cent. (325, 393-5) 766. Sugar beets. — At the Michigan Station, ^ Mumford fed sugar beets and hay only to lots of ten lambs each for 91 days, with the following results: Feeding sugar beets and hay to faUening lambs — Michigan Station. Pounds. Beetafed 6,685 Hay fed 1,181 Average weight at beginning 84 Total gain 116 Average daily gain .13 Feed for 100 pounds of gain — Roots 4,900 Hay 1,018 We observe that the lambs made only half the usual daily gain when a full allowance of grain waa given. Placing a value on roots proportionate to cost of production, we find that the use of roots without grain for lambs cannot be recommended, since root feeding is more expensive than a combination of roots and grain. (3 9; 767. Rape. — At the Ontario Agricultural College,' Shaw di vided a field of rape into three plats of an acre each, by means of hurdle fences, and placed fifteen lambs on each acre. To the lambs on the first acre no additional feed was given; those on the second received half a pound of oats each daily; those on the third were allowed an adjoining pasture, thus being provided with rape and grass at the same time. The acre of rape lasted the fifteen lambs fifty-eight days in each instance, though the ' Bui. 128. » Rept. 189L ExperUnenii tn Fattening Sheep. 503 second acre was not eaten as bare as the others. The results are eummarized below: Feeding three acres of rape with 15 lambs to each acre Agricultural College. Ontario Weight of 15 lambs at commencement.. Average weight of lambs Weight of lambs at close Increased weight from 1 acre of rape Average individual increase Average daily increase Acre I. Rape only. Lbs. 1,069. 71. 1,413. 344. 22.93 Acre II. Rape and oats. Lbs. 1,065. 71. 1,413. 348. 23.67 Acre III. Rape and pasture. Lbs. 1,064. 71. 1,48-4. 420. 28.0 .47 In this trial the oats did not increase the returns, while the past- are proved very beneficial. In another trial * six lambs feeding on one-sixth of an acre gained 120 pounds in 42 days, the monthly gain being 14. 28 pounds per lamb. At this rate one acre of rape would pasture 25 lambs two months and yield 762 pounds of increase. We may regard this amount as representing the ex- treme returns possible. (334-5) Trials with rape for lamb feeding were conducted at the Wis- consin Station' by Craig. In these trials com, oats, oil meal, etc., were fed to lambs running on a rape pasture, with the results summarized below: BeMts of three feeding trials with lambs on rape - - Wisconsin Station. No. of lambs. Av. wt. at begin- ning. Area of rape plat. Length of feeding period. Grain eaten. Total gain. Av. daily gain. 16 21 21 Lbs. 79 77 97 Acres. ^6 Days. 25 70 14 Lbs. 251 1,440 480 Lbs. 149 414 142 Lbs. .37 .28 .48 The above figures are commended to stockmen looking for ad- ditional feeding stuffs for sheep. Based on the returns from the second trial, an acre of rape, with somewhat less than one and » Loc. cit. * Rept. 1894. 504 Feeds and l-^cdlng. one-half tons of grain additional, \^^ill return 800 pounds of in- crease with lambs. After allowing liberally for I he value of the grain, there are profitable returns from the rape field. 768. Rape compared with blue-grass pasture. — At the Wiscon- sin Station! Craig studied the influence of rape forage and blue- grass pasture in the fattening of lambs. A bunch of 96 gi'ade Shropshire lambs from Northern Wisconsin was divided into two lots of 48 each, one gi-azing on blue-grass pasture and the other hui-dled on a rape field. In addition to this feed they were sup- plied a grain mixture of equal parts of peas and corn by weight The lambs were fed on pasture or rape for four weeks, after which they were placed in feeding pens and the grain ration increased. During the preliminary feeding of four weeks the 48 lambs on the rape pasture consumed .64 acres of rape, gaining 50 per cent, more in weight than the lot on blue-grass pasture. Tlie results of the trial are summarized in the table below: Rape compared with blue-grass pasture in preparing lambs for faX tening — Wiscomhi Station. Preliminary period of four weeks on pasture with light grain ration. ■ Fattening: period of twelve weeks in pens. Pasture, Av. wt. at begin- ning. Av. gain per week. Hay cAten. Grain eaten. Av. gain per head. Feed for 100 pounds gain. Hay. Grain Rape Lbs. 63 67 Lbs. 2.6 1.7 Lbs. 2,488 2,704 Lbs. 4,084 4,084 Lbs. 20 18 Lbs. 261 315 Lbs. 429 Blue-grass 476 During the four weeks preliminary feeding, the lambs on rape with some grain gained 2.6 pounds per head weekly, while those on blue-grass gained but 1. 7 pounds. During the twelve weeks fattening which followed the preliminary period just described the rape-fed lambs gained 20 pounds, while those on the blue-grass pasture gained 18 pounds. The amount of grain required for 100 pounds of gain was also less with the lambs previously fed on rape. This trial tends to establish a secondary value for rape in sheep feeding. ' Ilept lSJi7. Expfrrimenla in Fattening Sheep. 505 769. Rape as a second crop. — In another trial Shaw^ sowed rape August 12 on ground whicli had grown a crop of winter wheat the same season. On October 17, sixty lambs were turned into this field and pastured twenty-five days without other feed, with results as follows: Pounds. Weight of 60 lambs at beginning of experiment 3,423 Weight at close 3,813 Increase in weight 390 Increase in weight per acre 179 Average individual increase 6.5 Average daily individual increase .26 This is a most favorable showing for rape as a second crop. The feeder watching for opportunity to increase profits will not be slow in following this example. 770. ABfalfa hay.— At the Michigan Station, '^ H. W. Mumford fed one lot of ten lambs on a ration containing alfalfa hay for roughage, giving a second lot of ten, clover hay, both receiving the same allowance of shelled corn and roots. The results of the trial, which lasted fourteen weeks, are summarized in the follow- ing table: Alfalfa hay compared icith clover hay — Michigan Station. Av. weekly gain per lamb. Feed per 100 lbs. gain. Digestible nutri- ents per day per 1,000 pounds. Nu- tri- tive ratio. Dry mat- ter per 100 lbs. gain. Ration. Rough- age. Grain Pro- tein. Car- bohy- drates Ether ex- tract. Alfalfa, corn and roots Clover hay, corn and roots Lbs. 2.45 2.31 Lbs. 355 354 Lbs. 395 423 Lbs. 2.2 2.0 Lbs. 15.6 15.0 Lbs. .84 .87 1:7.9 1:8.4 Lbs. 716 718 It will be seen that the dry matter consumed for 100 pounds of gain was practically equal for the two lots, but the heavier gains wore made by those getting alfalfa. Commenting on this trial, Mumford writes: "By feeding to each lamb an average of 1.3 pounds of alfalfa hay per day, with corn and roots, the lambs so ' Rept. Ont. Agr. Col., 1891. » r>n]. 136. 506 Fer.da and Feeding. fed gained an average of 2.45 pounds per ireek, or 34.4 ponnds during the whole period of fourteen weeks." (822) 771. Fattening Western sheep on alfaSfa hay. — At the Colorado Station, ^ Cooke conducted an experiment in feeding wheat, c«rn, sugar beets and alfalfa hay to Western and Mexican yearlings and lambs, averaging 88 pounds each, during a period of 98 days, with results shown in the following table: Feeding Western and Mexican sheep — Colorado Station. Grain. Feed eaten. Gain. Daily gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Grain Hay. Beets. Grain Hay. Beets. Wheat Lbs. 980 1,315 1,315 Lbs. 5,009 6,139 5,682 4,728 Lbs. 8,150 Lbs. 661 640 575 607 Lbs. .34 .33 .29 .31 Lbs. 148 205 229 Lbs. 758 959 988 779 Lbs. 1,233 Wheat Corn 9,792 1 613 - _ . In all cases the daily gains of the sheep were satisfactory. Be- cause of its nutritive quality and palatability, alfalfa hay is more than mere ''filling," assisting materially in fattening, thus re- ducing the amount of grain which woiild otherwise be required. 772. Oat straw.— At the Michigan Station, « H. W. Mumford fed one lot of ten lambs upon oat straw for roughage, and a second lot of ten upon clover hay and cut corn stover, both getting corn and roots in addition. The results of the trial, which lasted four- teen weeks, are shown in the following table: Oat straw compared with corn stover — Michigan Station. Ration. Av. weekly gain per lamb. Feed per 100 lbs. gain. Digestible nutri- ents per day per 1,000 pounds. Nu- tri- tive ratio. Dry mat- ter lbs. gain. Rough- age. Grain Pro- tein. Car- bohy- drates Ether ex- tract Oat straw, corn and roots Clover hay, com stover, corn and roots Lbs. 2.03 2.38 Lbs. 396 344 Lbs. 478 408 Lbs. 1.6 1.8 Lbs. 16.3 15.2 Lbs. .78 .82 1:12.6 1 :9.7 Lbs. 833 663 Bui. 32. * Bui. 136, Experiments in Fattening Sheep. 607 It will be seen that though oat straw was useful it was inferior to the combination of clover hay and corn stover; 180 pounds, or 27 per cent., more dry matter being required for the same gain. Commenting on oat straw as a feed for lambs, Mumford writes: ' ' Lambs fed on oat straw as the fodder part of the ration consumed an average of 1.25 pounds per lamb per day. The average total gain of each lamb was 28.5 pounds, or 2.03 pounds per week. The results of this experiment seem to indicate that the value of oat straw in the fodder ration of fattening lambs has been hitherto underrated." 773. Millet hay.— At the Michigan Station, » H. W. Mumford fed two lots of lambs of ten each, giving to one millet hay for roughage and the other clover hay and oat straw, both lots receiv- ing corn and roots additional. The trial, which lasted fourteen weeks, gave the results summarized in the table. Millet hay compared with clover hay and oat straw — Michigan Station. Av. weekly Feed per 100 lbs. gain. Digestible nutri- ents per dav per 1,000 pounds. Nu- tri- tive ratio. mat^ ter lbs. gain. Ration. Rough- age. Grain Pro- tein, Car- bohy- drates Ether ex- tract. Millet hay, corn and roots Clover bay, oat straw, corn and roots Lbs. 1.84 2.26 Lbs. 365 357 Lbs. 623 430 Lbs. 1.8 1.8 Lbs. 16.1 15.6 Lbs. .81 .83 1:10.4 1:9.9 Lbs. 846 738 The clover-hay oat-straw ration proved superior to that con taining millet hay, the difference being 14 per cent, in favor of the former measured by the dry matter consumed per 100 pounds of gain. Commenting on the use of millet hay for feeding lambs, Mumford writes: "More care is necessary in feeding millet hay to fattening lambs than any other coarse fodder. Unless fed in small quantities it induces scour. Each lamb in the lot receiv- ing millet hay was fed an average of .9 of a pound per day » Bui. 136. 508 Feeds and Feeding. throughout the feeding period aud gained 25.8 pounds per lamb." The gain for the other lot was 31.7 pounds per head. (272, 482) 774. Corn stover. — At the Michigan Station, ^ H. W. Miimford fed corn stover to one lot of ten lambs, and clover hay aud bean straw to a second lot of ten, both getting com and roots in addi- tion. The results of this trial, which lasted fourteen weeks, are presented in the following table: Corn stover compared with clover hay and bean straw — Michigan Station. Ilation. Average weekly Craig conducted trials to ascertain the amount of food required to maintain pregnant ewes in good condition in « Kept. 1893. General Care of Sheep. 527 winter. The ewes were Sliropshires and Shropshire-Merino crosses ranging from 148 to 177 pounds each in weight at the beginning of the trial. Each lot was fed separately and received one-half pound of oats or bran per head daily. In addition to this, rough- age was supplied as shown in the table. The figures given below are calculated for 100 ewes averaging about 160 pounds each. Feed required in winter to maintain 100 pregnant breeding ewes, weighing from 1^8 to 177 pounds each — Wisconsin Station. Roughage fed. Coarse forage. Sugar beets. Oats or bran. Amount of refuse. Increase in live wt. per head, 8 weeks. Corn fodder (cut) Oat straw Lbs. 175 110 150 210 150 200 220 330 260 Lbs. 310 310 310 Corn silage. 250 240 280 Hay. 150 150 150 Lbs. 50 • 50 50 60 60 60 60 50 50 Per cent. 20 6.2 33 35 16 .6 Lbs. 10.6 1. Blue-grass hay.... Oat hay (uncut).. Oat hay (cut) Alsiiie clover hay 4.8 19.1 4.7 19. 1.6 7. Clover silage 12.9 7.3 By the above we note that to maintain a flock of 100 breeding ewes weighing about 16,000 pounds, there are required daily 50 pounds of oats or bran, 175 pounds of com fodder and 310 pounds of sugar beets. The stockman can easily calculate the cost of this ration. Under Western conditions the cost of maintaining a flock of 100 large ewes will be about $1 per day, or one cent per head when kept on corn fodder, sugar beets and oats. Ee- viewing these findings, Craig reports that alsike clover hay was considered one of the best feeds in the list, being eaten with rel- ish and comparatively small waste. Cut (chaffed) oat hay was found unsatisfactory, as the pieces gathered in the wool about the necks of the sheep, and it was not so well eaten. Com silage was found desirable unless it contained much corn, which is in- jurious to breeding ewes. 528 Feeds and Feeding. 816. Rations for fattening lambs. — A t various Stations diflTerent feeding stufis and combinations of feeds have been used with lambs for fattening purposes. Examples are here presented to aid the feeder in forming satisfactory combinations of grain and roughage and to guide in determining the quantities required. In all cases the rations are calculated for 100 head. The weight of the lambs is given in each example. Michigan Experiment Station. * Corn and clover hay. Lbs. Av. wt. of lambs fed 82 Daily gain. , 31 SheUed com 149 Clover hay 104 Wisconsin Eorperiment Station. ' Corn and ooim fodder. Lbs. Av. wt. of lambs fed 7G Daily gain 27 Shelled corn 154 Corn fodder 188 Michigan Experiment Station. * Michigan Experiment Station. ■ Corn, bran and clover hay. Com, oil meal and clover hay. Lbs. Av. wt of lambs fed 83 Daily gain 34 Com 132 Oil meal 33 Clover hay 110 Michigan Eocperiment Station. * Com, wheat and clover hay. Lbs. Av. wt. of lambs fed 85 Daily gain 25 Shelled com 64 Wheat 64 Clover hay 129 Wisconsin Experiment Station. ' Corn, peas and corn fodder. Lbs, Av. wt. of lambs fed 76 Daily gain. 32 Shelled com 87 Peas 87 Com fodder 183 Lba A v. wt. of lambs fed. Daily gain , Shelled com 81 Bran 81 Clover hay 107 Wisconsin Experiment Station. * Com, oats and hay. Lbs. Av. wt. of lambs fed 89 Daily gain 38 Shelled corn 94 Oats 94 Hay 95 Michigan Experiment Station. * Oats, hay and roots. Lbs. Av. wt. of lambs fed 83 Daily gain 31 Oats 164 Clover hay 140 Ruta-bagas 100 Bui. 113. Rept. 1896. ' Bui. 128. Bui. 107. General Care of Sheep. 529 Minnesota Experiment Station. » Texas Experiment Station. * Wheat so'eenings and timothy hay. Cottonseed meal and cottonseed Lbs. hulls. Lba. Av. wt of lambs fed 74 Av, wt. of lambs fed 62 Daily gain 29 Daily gain 28 Wheat screenings 211 Cotton-seed meal 97 Timothy hay 72 Cotton-seed hulls 97 Minnesota Experiment Station. ^ Colorado Experiment Station. « Barley, oil meal and iimothy hay. Cracked com and alfalfa hay. Lbs. Lbs. Av. wt of lambs fed 76 Av. wt. of lambs fed 89 Daily gain 33 DaOy gain 29 Barley 170 Alfalfa hay 290 Oil meal 19 Corn 67 riraothy hay 72 III. Winter or " Christmas Lamb " Raising. 817. Requirements of the market. — In our large cities there is a demand for ''Christmas " or winter lambs. There are several obstacles to be met in raising lambs satisfactory for this market, the most difficult of which is breeding the ewes at the right season, and the proper nurture of the young lambs to develop carcasses which will meet the fastidious requirements of the gourmand. A leader in this high-art branch of sheep farming is Mr. J. S. Woodward, of Lockport, N. Y., who has been in the business twenty-five years. The facts given below are condensed from an essay by Mr. Woodward in the Wisconsin Farmers' In- stitute Bulletin No. 7. ''Christmas lambs," as they are frequently called, should present a well-developed leg of mutton with plenty of lean meat, tender and juicy, with a good thick caul to spread over the car- cass when on exhibition. A dressed lamb weighing twenty-five pounds, fulfilling the requirements, is superior to one weighing twice that which is lean and bony. 818. Mating. — Mr. Woodward prefers grade Merinos not less than two years old coming three, because they are the best mothers. He mates short-legged, heavy-bodied, stocky ewes » Bui. 31. » Bui. 10. « Bui. 32. 34 530 Feeds and Feeding, with a Dorset ram, preferring that breed because the lambs are often doubles, are hardy and fatten quickly. Some breeders pre- fer Hampsliires for sires, because of their large, growthy lambs- Oue of the greatest difficulties in breeding Christmas lambs is to have them dropped suflaciently early to be large enough for sjilo when the market demands them. The breed and condi- tion of the ewe has much to do in this matter. The ram is turned with the ewes about the first of June. It has been found that keeping the ewes shut up and away from most of their food for a few days, and giving them extra food before tui-ning in the rams, conduces to breeding. Even with favorable conditions all ewes will not breed at the desired time, and to secure 400 lambs about 500 ewes are necessary. The ewes which fail to breed are sold early, and those breeding late give lambs useful for later sales. Ewes which are successful breeders are kept as long as possible, since it is found that one lambing in November is more likely to breed at the right time the following year than one lambing in April or May. 819. Care and feed of ewes. — The barns in which the ewes are kept are such as permit maintaining an average temperature as nearly 50 deg. Fahr. as possible in winter, the mercury never going below 40 degrees. The folds or pens in this barn have 320 square feet space for each 20 ewes, in addition to which is an annex 6x18 feet adjoining each pen, into which the lambs only can go for extra food. The ewes are shorn in January, the object being to keep them cooler and allow more space. Mr. Woodward claims further that shorn ewes give more milk. For roughage the ewes are fed clover hay, corn silage, mangels and some flat turnips; the concentrates consist of linseed meal, bran and a little corn meal. The object is to get the ewe fat, and Mr. Wood- ward does not care how fat she is, provided the end is reached with such foods as are described above. In warm quarters suc- culent feed may be given with safety. 820. Feeding the lambs. — The lambs get their additional food in the side pens, beginning to eat when two weeks old. At first unmixed new-process linseed meal is used. The troughs are cleaned every morning and a fresh supply of meal put in, giving General Care of Sheep. 531 all the lambs will eat. When a few weeks old cracked corn is added to the ration, and later barley and a few oats. Some clover hay, cut when in full bloom and kept in a special mow, serves for roughage. Every effort is made to induce the young things to not only eat, but to eat a large quantity, and keep eating. Weak lambs are fed new milk from a teapot with a rubber cot, hav- ing a hole punctured in the end of it, placed on the spout. Ewes bereft of their lambs through sale are given a lamb from twins to raise. To force the ewe to own a lamb, a movable partition is used to separate her and the lamb from the flock, and the lamb is helped to suck twenty times a day until owned by its foster- mother. Water weakly tinctured with the essence of pepper- mint sprinkled over the nose of the ewe and over the lamb frequently helps to effect an adoption. Through this system of forcing the best lambs weigh from 40 to 47 pounds alive at six weeks, and as much as 34 pounds diessed. These lambs are dressed in a special manner, the carcass being covered with white muslin and sewed up in burlap. To be profitable they should bring five dollars or more per head. This specialty in sheep husbandry can only be profitably carried on by experts who have gained experience through patient, well-directed effort and who have markets not too far distant that will pay the high prices such products must command. IV. Fattening Plains Sheep. 821. rattening in the corn belt. — A new industry has sprung up in the West within the last decade — that of fattening "Plains" sheep in the corn-growing centers. In the winter of 1889 and 1890, 1 625, 000 head of plains sheep were fattened in the state of Nebraska alone, the great corn crop of that year forming the basis of operations. Briefly, the system is as follows: During the sum- mer. Plains sheep purchased in New Mexico, Colorado, or other Western ranges, are gradually moved eastward, grazing as they go. Often they are dipped en route to destroy or make sure there is no scab, the bane of the feeder under this system. By the time the corn is ripe the sheep have reached some point where it is for 1 Special Report on the Sheep Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agr., pp. 845-94. 532 Feeds and Feeding. sale in vast quantities and at a low price. A corral or enclosure is made of pickets, and into this the sheep are driven, to remain until fattened. Sometimes there are sheds for shelter, usually not. Often 20,000 to 30,000, divided into a few bunches, are fed at a single point Wild hay is unloaded against the picket fence, through which the sheep feed. The only labor in handling the hay after unloading is for an attendant to keep it moved up close to the fence. From one and a half to two bushels of corn fed in troughs are required per day for 100 head of sheep. To this is usually added a few pounds of oil meal. The feeding continues about 100 days, the sheep gaining on an average about 15 pounds per head duiing that time. The profit comes mainly from in- creasing the original value of the sheep. The industry is an ir- regular and uncertain one. If scab breaks out, as it is liable to do, there is often a heavy loss to the feeder. Again, the profit depends upon the price of corn, A^hich varies greatly from year to year and cannot be foretold much in advance of the time for feeding. Large numbers of Montana sheep are fed in much the same manner in Minnesota on the screenings from mills and elevators. This feed is proving excellent for the purpose. Be- cause of bits of straw and chaff in the screenings fattening sheep do not surfeit so ea.sily on screenings as on com, and they may even be fed without giving any hay in addition. 822. Cooke's report — Fattening on alfalfa hay and grain. — In Bulletin 32 of the Colorado Station, Cooke gathers a large amount of information concerning fattening Western sheep in Colorado on grain and alfalfa hay grown by irrigation. Accord- ing to this author more than 117,000 sheep and lambs fed in Colorado were shipped to the Chicago market during the season of 1895. It is estimated these sheep consumed 136,000 bushels of wheat, 95,000 bushels of corn, 810 tons of other grain, and more than 27,000 tons of alfalfa hay. The sheep and lambs used were Cokrado-grown or from New Mexico or Idaho. New Mexico and Colorado sheep are usually driven to the places where fed. The location for feeding is selected because of the abundance of alfalfa hay, together with an available supply of grain. A summary of the system from the bulletin is as follows: General Care of Sheep. 533 "In feeding southern (New Mexico) lambs they are put on hay alone from one to three weeks and then grain feeding begins. In feeding sheep on a large scale, the grain is fed in a separate corral. The sheep are kept in bunches of about 400. The grain is put in feed troughs, the gates are opened, and they are allowed about ten minutes to eat the grain; then they are driven back n rid the next bunch brought in. By this method all of the sheep have a chance to get some grain, and even the greediest sheep cannot get very much. " The first grain fed is merely sprinkled in the trough to get the sheep used to it. The principal skUl in feeding sheep is to increase the grain so gradually that the sheep will eat it greedily all the time. Most feeders use pails and reckon feed by tht, number of bucketfuls fed per day. A bucketful of 20 pounds t© 400 sheep twice a day is one-tenth of a pound per day, and this is as much of an increase as it is considered safe to make at any one time, and it is customary to increase only one-half of this. "Lambs put in the pens in November will receive their first grain at the beginning of December, and for the first week will get less than one- tenth of a pound per day per head; that is, the feeder will use a week in getting them up from nothing to one-tenth of a pound. The rest of the month to the first of January they will not get over one-fourth pound. Some hold through the whole month of January on one-fourth pound, while some gradu- ally increase through the month to one-half pound. "This is aU considered preparatory, and real grain feeding begins the first of Februaiy. Feeders vary in the speed with which they increase the grain; but by the first of March few will be feeding less than one pound, and the sheep are kept on full feed from then until they go on the market. K nothing but wheat is fed, it is hard to get the sheep to eat over a pound per Head per day. . . . The hay fed to sheep in Colorado is all alfalfa. It is fed in racks that are about 14 feet wide. These racks are simply low fences inclosing a space of 14 feet wide and any desired length. The fences are made of three 8 -inch boards running lengthwise of the racks, the bottom one resting on the ground, the others above with 8 -inch spaces, making a fence 40 634 Feeds and Feeding. inches high. The hay is pitched into the middle by the wagon- load aud pushed up to the sides two or three times per day as fast as the sheep need it There should be rack enough so that most of the sheep can eat at the same time. This will require about one foot per head for lambs and 15 inches per head for older sheejn . . . A large part of the feeding yards in Colorado are located on the banks of streams, or near enough to rivers so that ditches can be run through the yards and the surplus water returned to the river. . . . During the coldest winter, sheep will drink only a quart of water per head, but in warm weather 5 to 6 quarts is an ordinary amount. . . . Opinions differ as to the amount of salt requiied in fattening sheep. The most common practice is to keep lumps of rock salt where the sheep can lick them. . . . Southern lambs are so light of fleece that they never need shearing in the fall. But if they are to be fed until the last of May they get very fat, and their thick fleece at that time makes them suffer from the heat. ... If sheared six weeks before shipping they will grow enough more rapidly to make up the weight of the wool, shrink less in shipping and pack quite a number more in the car, lessening the freight charges per head. . . . With Western sheep the case is quite different; they are larger, the fleece is longer and grows earlier. They have to be sheared if they are to be fed late in the spring. . . . This fall shearing applies only to good, well -grown lambs. Wethers and ewes do not need shearing if they are to be marketed before April 15. If they are to be held until late in May they had better be sheared in the spring rather than in the fall." (308,770-71) CHAPTEE XXXn. INTESTIGATIONS WITH SWDTB. 823. Period of gestation. — According to Cobum, * young sows carry their pigs from 100 to 106 days; old sows from 112 to 115 days. Spencer,' writing of English pigs, says: *'The variations in the time which a sow will carry her pigs are very slight, and these are pretty well regulated by the age and condition of the sow; thus, old and weakly sows and yelts (young sows) will most fre- quently bring forth a day or two before the expiration of the six- teen weeks. Sows in fair condition will generally farrow on the one hundred and twelfth day, while strong and vigorous sows will frequently go a few days over time." 824. Weight of pigs at farrowing time. — A number of observa- tions have been made by the writer at the Wisconsin Station » in relation to the weight of piga at farrowing. The findings with seven sows are reported below: Weights of pigs in order farrowed — Wisconsin Station. Breed. No. ] No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 TotaL Pure-bred Berk- Lbs. 2.1 2.7 2.1 2.5 2.0 2.1 *2.6 Lbs. 1.9 2.4 2,7 2.3 1.9 2.2 2.7 Lbs. 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.7 Lbs. 2.0 2.9 2.8 2.4 2.1 2.4 2.8 Lbs. *1.5 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 Lbs. 1.8 2.7 3.0 1.9 2.3 2.4 2.4 Lbs. 1.9 3.1 2.6 Lbs. ♦1.9 2.1 Lbs. 2.6 2.3 Lbs. ♦1.3 Lbs. 19.2 Cross-bred Pol.- 22.6 Pure-bred Pi>l.- Chliia 18.7 Pure-bred Pol.- China 13.4 Pure-bred Pol.- 12.6 Cross-bred Pol.- Chester White 13.5 Pure-bred Pol.- 15.6 ] * Farrowed dead. The sows under study ranged in age from one to four years and in weight from 240 to 577 pounds before farrowing. As the pigs * Swine Husbandry. » " Pigs, Breeds and Management.' » Rapt 1897. 536 Feeds and Feeditig. were farrowed they were marked by the attendant in order to ob- serve any differences in weight or other conditions. It will be seen that the number of pigs in the several litters ranged from 6 to 10 and the weight of the litters from 13. 5 to 22. 5 pounds each. The pigs when farrowed weighed from 1.3 to 2.6 pounds each. ' Frequently in a litter of pigs there is one member much weaker than the others, and this is styled the ''runt" or ''teatman." It is sometimes spoken of as the last pig farrowed, this occurrence seeming in some unknown way to mark its inferiority. As the table shows, the last pig farrowed was not necessarily lighter in weight than the others, and the attendant observed no weakness or other mark indicating its inferiority. 825. Milk yielded by the sow. — So far as known to the writer there is no reference in agricultural literature to the quantity of milk yielded by the sow. At the Wisconsin Station, » WoU and the writer ascertained the mUk yield of four sows whose age, weight, etc., are given in the following table: Data concerning age, feed, etc., of sows — Wisconsin Station. No. Age. Date of farrow- ing. Weight after farrow- ing. No. of pigs. Feed consumed daily by sows. of sow. Date. Mid- dlings Com meal. Skim milk. 2 8 4 Yr. 2 2 1 1 April 1 April 1 April 10 Mayl Lbs. 438 4S8 220 286 7 6 6 8 April 2^ April 19-21 May 5-8 April 10-12 June 1-3 June 18-20 May30-June2 June 17-19 June 2-4 Lbs. 4 4 4 1.5 3.5 4 4 4.5 4 Lbs. 4 4 4 1.5 3.6 4 4 4.5 4 Lbs. 8 8 8 S 14 18 16 18 16 The litter of pigs was confined in a pen separate from the sow during three-day periods. At intervals of two hours by day, and from four to five by night, the attendant would weigh the pigs Kept. 1897. Investigations with Smne. 537 together in a basket and immediately place them with the dam. The pigs soon drained the udders of the dam, and directly this was accomplished they were gathered into the basket and once more weighed. The difference between the first and second weights of the pigs was credited as milk yielded by the dam. The sows used were pure-bred Poland- Chinas with the exception of No. 4, which was a cross-bred Poland-China Chester White. 826. Quantity of milk yielded. — As before stated, the yield of milk by each sow was determined for periods of three days, the first observation occui-ring shortly after farrowing. Subsequent determinations were at intervals of about two weeks. The weights of milk yielded by the several sows are given in the following table: MUJc yielded daily by four sows, in pounds, avoirdupois — Wisconsin Station. Sow No. 1,6 pigs Sow No. 2, 6 pigs Sow No. 3, 7 pigs Sow No. 4, 8 pigs Date. >> 1 1 1 > < 1 1 1 < c3 1 1 ■0 < 'A •d •a ■d 5 ■a ■2 < 3.2 "7V7 3.3 ■8'.7 3.7 "i'A 3.4 "si April 1(^12Z"".Z'.'.'.'. April 19-21 3.4 8.7 4.4 3.8 "i'.'i i'.e "O "i"7 :::::: 4.6 4.7 5.3 4.9 May 3-5 ."...! ! 3.5 4.1 5.1 4.2 May &-7 6.1 5.9 5.4 5.8 7.8 7.6 7.7 7.7 May 14-16..;.„'. '. May a>-22. 5.1 6.0 4.8 5.0 7.2 7.1 7.2 7 3 May 30-June 1 7.3 7.2 6.8 7.1 Mav ai~Tnn<» ?(" 5.3 5.4 5.1 5.3 June 6-8 June lft-18 "i"3 "i'.o l".'9 "i.'i 7.2 7.6 7.3 7.3 June 17 19 1.6 .'f 1.2 1.3 June 23-25 3.5 8.2 3.2 3.3 . 5.8 4.1 5.4 5,5 ' The table shows that the average daily milk yield ranged from 4.1 pounds with sow No. 2 to 5.8 pounds with sow No. 1. The highest yield of milk on any one day was 8.7 pounds by sow No. 1, twenty days after farrowing. (739) 827. Composition of sow's milk. — During the experiment sam- ples of the sows' milk were obtained and subjected to chemical analysis. Great difficulty was experienced in securing the sam- ples, the sows being quite unwilling to allow any milk to be drawn 638 Feeds mtd Feeding. by the attendant After considerable experimenting it was found that the best way to obtain a sample was to allow the pigs to partly empty the udder, when one was gently pushed aside by the at- tendant, who quickly drew what milk he could before the dam was aware of the operation. Even after the attendant had be- come familiar with the difBculties and learned the best method of proceeding, only about 30 cc, or one fluid ounce of milk, could be obtained as the result of half a dozen efforts. From the four sows nine samples of milk were secured, which were analyzed with the results given below: Composition of sow's milk — - Wisconsin Station. 1 2 1 i d a c 5 1 < > 1 1 1 1 1 •a 1 Microscop- ic exami- nation. i 1 Ill Is lii 1 April 1. April 12. April 21. May6.... June 2... June 3... June 4... No.l No. 2 No.l No.l No. 3 No. 2 No. 4 No. 3 No. 2 25.09 18.40 20.27 17.96 17.12 20.46 20.54 18.22 18.76 16.10 8.66 8.32 7.20 8!53 8.02 6.67 7.09 6.05 5.11 5.95 5.33 6.09 6.12 5.77 6.67 7.28 2 04 8.90 9.74 11.95 10.76 13.23 11.93 12.52 10.87 11.67 3.40 3.83 8.^7 5.80 7.10 5.27 7,33 3.07 i.3;i 2 4 5.14 4.48 5.82 4.08 5.96 4.08 3.07 63 .86 .95 1.32 1.13 .79 1.12 1.32 ........... 787 1.379 110 60 1.04,54 l.ai.58 l.(W06 i.03r)0 I.0C-J88 9&^ 2,295 1,510 1,960 2,536 40 37 53 32 28 Average all sanipirs... Average <.'■ 7 j-aniplos.. Average of n'Jainnlpsi 10. a5 10.05 19.02 8.24 7.0s e.76 6.04 C.-20 6.oy 4.72 (1.07) 1.07 1.14 ll.0:iS0) 11.11 (l.OaS!! 11.99 1 W,S; f2 -M 5:S i.y> 1,G;>5 51 ' 828. What the table shows. — From the table we learn that the fat in the milk under examination ranged from a little less than 4 to over 16 per cent. The data for average composition show that sow's milk is richer in all components than cow's milk, this being especially true in regard to fat and sugar. On the average these sows yielded about one-third of a pound of fat each, daily. The microscopical examination showed that the fat globules in the milk of these sows were very minute, averaging only one- quarter the size of those in cow's milk. On the other hand, the number of globules in a given volume of sow's milk was about eight times as many as are found in cow's milk. (616) Investigations toith Swine. 539 Judging from the composition of sow's milk as shown by these analyses, where cow's milk is fed to very young pigs some sugar and cream should be added to make it resemble the milk they would normally receive. 829. Individual gain of young pigs. — Since the student may wish to know the individual gains of the members of the litter when quite young, the following table is given showing weight and gains of sow and pigs studied by the writer at the Wisconsin Sta- tion. * The data cover 70 days before and 49 after weaning. Before the pigs were weaned the sow consumed 463 pounds of corn meal and 1,207 pounds of skim milk. The pigs, fed at a separate trough, during the same time consumed 122 pounds of corn meal and 367 pounds of skim milk. During forty -nine days immediately after weaning, the pigs consumed 651 pounds of corn meal and 1,953 poxinds of skim milk. Weight of pigs at birth and individual gains before and after wean- ing — Wisconsin Station, Before weaning. Date. Days from birth. Wt. of sow. Weight of pigs. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 6 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 May?4 O™ 7 14 21 29 35 42 49 56 63 70 Lbs. 332 '"m 285 277 278 280 293 280 278 268 261 Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. May 25::::: ...::r:r i. May31._ - June? _ „ June 14 „ „.. June 21 _ _ June 28 3.6 7.1 10.7 19.0 19.4 24.2 32:5 40.5 47.0 50.5 3.2 5.1 7.7 11.5 14.5 10.4 18.7 19.0 22.5 24.5 25.0 3.3 5.9 9.9 13.5 17.4 22.2 25.5 30.0 37.0 44.0 50.0 3.2 6.4 9.4 13.5 17.8 23.1 26.5 32.5 43.5 51.0 60.5 3.4 6.3 9.5 12.5 15.6 20.6 23.5 38:o 45.5 60.0 3.2 5.8 9.2 12.5 16.0 20.9 24.2 29.5 38.0 45.0 61.0 2.8 4.8 7.6 10.8 14.1 18.2 22.0 26.0 35.5 42.5 47.0 1.9 3.0 5.1 7.6 10.4 14 4 July 5 July 12 July 19 „. July 26 August 2 16.6 21.0 26.6 31.0 37.5 Gain _„ -29 46.9 21.8 46,7 57.3 46.6 47.8 44.2 After weaning. August 2.. — _.. August 9 _ August 16 _.. August 23 „. September 6 September 13 — September 20 0 7 14 21 35 42 49 50.5 53.0 57.0 62.5 69.0 77.5 85.5 25.0 25.0 27.5 33.5 43.0 48.0 56.0 50.0 57.5 63.5 72.5 84.0 94.0 104.0 60.5 68.0 75.0 86.5 101.0 105.0 114.0 50.0 57.6 61.0 67.0 80.0 86.0 92.0 51.0 55.0 59.0 69.0 76.0 88.0 93.0 47.5 64.5 61.0 72.0 79.0 93:0 37.5 44.0 50.0 66.0 64.0 74.0 82.0 Gain _ 35.0 31.0 54.0 53.5 42.0 42.0 45.8 44.6 iE«pt. 1890. 640 Feeda and Feeding. It will be seen that the sow lost 29 pounds in weight while suckling her pigs, the pigs gaining from 21.8 to 57.3 pounds each in the ten weeks between farrowing and weaning. For the seven weeks succeeding weaning, the individual gains ranged from 31 to 54 pounds. 830. Weight of pigs at birth — Early gains. — At the Wisconsin Station, ^ the writer kept records of the birth -weight and also weekly gains of twelve litters, numbering 86 pigs in all, for a period of ten weeks, at the close of which they were weaned. After weaning the records were continued with eight litters, con- taining 62 pigs in all, for seven weeks. The dams were pure-bred or high-grade Poland-Chinas or Chester Whites. The results are shown below. Average birth-weight and weeJcly gains of pigs before and after wean- ing — Wisconsin Station. Before weaning, ten weeks, average After weaning, 7 weeks, average > Grain eaten. a "3 O Feed for 100 pounds gain. la ^8 53 Where fed. 3d si as ■{ 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 Lbs. 100 100 160 150 85 86 205 199 Lbs. 1.39 1.44 2.04 1.90 .54 .35 1.14 1.20 Lbs. Lbs. 753 Lbs. 175 182 638 594 250 164 383 404 Lbs. Lbd. 430 Kentucky* 780 429 3,196 501 Missourif 2,864 482 1,612 645 1,239 755 OhioJ 2,116 552 2,039 605 Av. of trials. 643 532 ♦Kept. 1889. tBuls. 1, 10. J Kept. 1887. Averaging these trials, we find that 532 pounds of com meal or 543 pounds of whole corn were required for 100 pounds of gain. This shows that two per cent, only was saved by grinding. To secure more information on this subject, the writer began investigations in 1896 with whole and ground corn for pigs, and has completed four trials as reported on the following page. * Repta. Wia. Exp. Sta., 1896-97. YoUue of YarwuA Feeding Stuffs for Pigs. 55' In these trials the pigs were divided into even lots, one lot receiving corn meal ground fine and the other shelled corn. Some middlings was fed in order to secure more economical gains, the allowance being the same for both lots on trial. The corn used was Number 2 Iowa yellow dent, containing about twelve per cent, moisture. Summarizing the results we have the following: Feeding pigs whole com or shelled corn, with middlings additional — Wisconsin Station. Av. wt. atbe- gin- nmg. Av. gain. Av. daUy gain. Total feed for 100 lbs. gain. Feed. Corn- meal ration. Whole- corn ration. 1896. First trial, 9 pigs in each lot. Lot I. Fed com meaL Lot II. Fed shelled corn .Second trial, 10 pigs in each lot Lbs. 346 354 223 225 210 212 198 183 Lbs. 150 137 108 79 150 109 82 79 Lbs. 2.14 1.96 1.54 1.13 1.78 1.30 1.30 1.25 Lbs. 443 Lbs. 481 487 Lot I. Fed corn meal Lot II. Fed sheUed com 1897. First trialyS pigs in each lot. Lot I. Fed com meal Lot II. Fed shelled com Veoond trial, 7 pigs in each lot. Lot I. Fed corn meal Lot IL Fed shelled com 591 442 501 462 424 Average of four trials, 70 459 499 In the trials reported above, seventy pigs in all were used. With so large a number the average presents figures of value on the question under consideration. It will be seen that in three of the four trials, corn meal was more economical than whole corn. The average for the four trials shows that 459 pounds of corn meal and middlings, or 499 pounds of whole corn and middlings, were required to make 100 pounds of gain. The saving effected by grinding the corn was eight per cent. (382, 536) 849. Value of corn and cob meal. — Sanborn reports experi- ments with corn and cob meal for pig feeding from the New Hampshire 1 and Missouri Agricultural Colleges. » i Itept. New Hamp. Bd. Agr. 1880, pp. 259-262. » Bui. 1, Col. of Agr., 1883. 558 Feeds and Feeding. Shelton, of the Kansas Agricultural College, * also conducted a trial with the same material. Their findings are stimmarized in the following table: Feeding com and cob meal in comparison toith com m,eal to pigs — New Hampshire, Missouri and Kansas AgriciMural Colleges. Av. wt. at be- gin- ning. Com and cob meal eaten. Cora meal eaten. Gain while on — Feed for 100 pounds gain. Com and cob meal. Corn meal. Corn and cob meal. Cora meal. New Hampshire Missouri Lbs. 52 161 199 Lbs. 1,915 2,893 3,619 Lbs. 1,527 3,196 3,832 Lbs. 416 4,56 657 Lbs. 317 638 672 Lbs. 460 634 650 Lbs. 482 501 Kansas 670 In the New Hampshire and Kansas trials, corn and cob meal proved superior to the same weight of com meal, while in the Missouri trial corn meal was more valuable. Practical experience is strongly in favor of using the cob with the grain when feeding meal to farm animals. (158) 850. Gluten meal and corn compared with wheat. — At the Cor- nell Station, ' Watson divided a bunch of twelve pigs into two lots of six each, the first lot receiving wheat meal and the second a mixture of corn meal and gluten meal, both being fed skim milk in addition. Feeding began October 10 and continued four months, with the results shown in the table: Corn and gluten meal compared with wheat meal — CorneU Station. Av. wt. at begin- ning. Av. gain. Feed consumed. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Skim milk, Wheat. Com meal and gluten meal. MUk. Grain Lot I, fed wheat Lbs. 61 66 Lbs. 198 218 Lbs. 8,110 8,110 Lbs. 3,473 Lbs. Lbs. 682 621 Lbs. 292 Lot II, fed com meal and gluten meal... 3,561 272 lept Jul. Value of Various Feeding Stuffs for Figs. 559 The table shows that a combination of gluten meal and com meal was about seven per cent, superior to wheat meal when both were fed in connection with skim milk. (161-4, 166-8) 851. Wheat. — Because of the low price of wheat during recent years, a number of Stations have endeavored to determine it« value as a feed for fattening pigs. Trials at four of the Stations are summarized in the following table: Summary of tests with wheat m,eal and com meal for pig feeding — Various Stations. Av. wt. at beginning. No. of Feed eaten. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Station. Corn meal fed. Wheat meal fed. Com meal. Wheat meal. Com meal. Wheat meal. Kansas* Lbs. 152 136 96 243 247 Lbs. 163 137 103 247 247 77 70 90 63 126 Lbs. 2,294 1,228 1,159 1,212 6,014 Lbs. 2,257 1,273 1,144 1,206 6,054 Lbs. 439 453 458 499 496 Lbs. 411 Ohiof 438 South DakotaJ... Wisconsiug Wisconsin 1 481 522 465 469 463 * Bui. 53. t I^n. State Bd. Agr., Sept. 30, 1894. % Bui. 38. I Kept. 1895. The average of the above five trials at four Stations shows that six pounds more of corn meal than of wheat meal were required to produce one hundred pounds of gain, live weight, with pigs. The difference being so small, we may conclude that wheat meal and corn meal are practically of equal value for fattening swine. 852. Combining wheat and corn meal. — In the preceding article it was shown that wheat meal and corn meal were practically of equal value for pig feeding. At the Wisconsin Station, while feeding wheat meal to pigs, the writer fed a mixture of corn meal and wheat meal to other lots to test the value of mixtures over single feeds. By these feeding trials it was shown that a mixture of wheat and corn meal, equal parts, was more effective than wheat meal alone, the saving by feeding the mixture amount- ing to three per cent. In these results we have a good illustration of the economy of feeding grains in combination rather than 660 Feeds and Feeding. Bingly. (759) The results of these trials in which a mixture of wheat meal and corn meal were fed in opposition to wheat meal alone, are as follows: Feeding wheat meal and a mixture of wheat and com meal — Wiscon- sin Station. Av. weight at Total feed con- Feed for 100 lbs. beginning. No. of sumed. gain. Half Half Half corn days corn corn Wheat meal, fed. Wheat meal, Wheat meal, meal. half wheat meal. meal. half wheat meal. meal. half wheat meal. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. First trial.... 113 116 70 975 98S 510 502 Second trial. 119 112 70 1,054 1 1,054 502 4S8 Third trial... 247 246 63 1,206 1,227 522 491 Fourth trial. 247 241 126 6,054 6,088 465 460 Average ... 500 485 853. Feeding sheaf wheat. — The value of unthreshed wheat was determined by French, at the Oregon Station. ^ Twelve high-grade Berkshire pigs about eight months old were divided into two lots of six each, the first being fed a mixture of three parts chopped (coarse-ground) wheat and one part each of shorts and ground oats, the second lot being supplied with wheat in the sheaf. Sample sheafs when threshed showed that thirty- five per cent, of their weight was grain, and the grain consumed was cal- culated on this basis. The results of the trial, which lasted from September 3 to October 29, are summarized below: Feeding sheaf wheat in comparison with ground wheat, shorts and ground oats — Oregon Station. Lot I, fed grain mixture. Lot II, fed sheaf wheat Av. wt. at begin- ning. Lbs. 187 188 Average gain. Lbs. 150 45 Total grain fed. Lbs. 3,587 1,988 Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Lbs. 397 744 Bul.42. Value of Various Feeding Stuffs foi Pigs. 661 It will be seen that the pigs fed sheaf wheat consumed about one-half as much grain as did the other lot and made only one- third the gain. French reports that the pigs fed sheaf wheat worked from three to four hours daily in separating the grain from the straw, and the table shows that even with this exertion they were not able to secure sufficient feed to permit rapid gains. 854. Middlings. — At the Wisconsin Station, ^ the writer fed three lots of three pigs each on com meal and middlings, giving the first com meal, the second middlings, and the third a mixture of the two, equal parts. At the Missouri Agricultural College, ' Sanborn conducted two trials with middlings in comparison with com and com meal. The results of these trials are summarized below: Comparative value of middlings and corn meal for pig feeding — Wisconsin Station and Missouri Agricultural College. Station and feed. Days fed. Feed Gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Wisconsin Station. Lot I, com meal Lot II, middlings , Lot III, equal parts middlings and com meal , MissouH College. Lot I, com meal Lot II, middlings Missouri College. Lot I, com Lot II, middlings 42 116 116 Lbs. 559 601 470 1,612 1,524 397 334 Lbs. 104 107 250 252 Lbs. 537 522 439 645 502 367 In these trials middlings proved superior to corn, Sanborn's second trial showing a remarkably high value for this feed. This investigator, commenting^ on this by-product of wheat milling, writes: ''The economy of ship-stuff (middlings) compared with corn has been noted by me every year for seven years, the figures of which are as 108 to 100." The economy of feeding middlings and com meal in combina- tion instead of separately is shown in the Wisconsin trial, where 1 Kept. 1886. » Buls. 10, 14. » Bui. 14. 502 Feeds and Feeding. 430 pounds of the corn -middlings mixture proved as valuable aa 522 of middlings or 537 of corn meal when fed separately. While middlings were superior to corn when fed alone, a combination of the two proved twenty per cent, more economical than mid- dlings alone. (107, 174) 855. Wheat bran compared with middlings. — At the Maine Sta- tion, > Jordan fed pigs, weighing 200 pounds each, with bran and skim millc in one case, and middlings and skim milk in another, the trial lasting seventy-two days, with results as below: Lot A fed: Gain. 413 pounds middlings \ , jq nounds. 1,126 pounds skim milk/ liu pounos. Lot B fed: ,jMPSSa,nUk} "P-"^ The results show that with the same allowance of feed the mid- dlings were twice as valuable as the bran. (174-5, 896) 856. Bran with corn for pig feeding. — At the Alabama Station, ' Duggar fed Essex pigs com and an equal mixture of corn and wheat bran for a period of sixteen weeks, there being three pigs on each feed. The results are shown in the following table: Feeding com or a mixture of com and wheat bran — Alabama Station. Grain fed. Av. wt at be- gin- ning. Food eaten. Gain. Food for 100 pounds gain. Lbs. 58 60 T.bs, 844 1,044 Lbs. 173 203 Lbs. 487 Lot II fed i corn i wheat bran 521 The two trials just reported show that wheat bran cannot suc- cessfully be used in large amount in pig feeding, especially with young animals. This fact is doubtless due to the coarse, fibrous character of bran and the large percentage of inert matter it carries. 857. Barley meal. — To ascertain the value of barley for pig feeding the writer conducted trials at the Wisconsin Station* in » Rept. 1889. « Bui. 82. • Rept. 1890. Value of Various Feeding Stuff's for Figs. 563 which barley meal was fed in opposition to corn meal. In the first trial there were five pigs in each lot, and in the second six. The results are summarized below: Feeding barley meal and corn meal to pigs— Wisconsin Station. Grain fed. Av. wt. at begin- ning. Food eaten. Gain. Grain consumed for 100 lbs. gain. Barley meaL.. Lbs. 208 209 Lbs. 2,832 3,100 Lbs. 601 713 Lbs. 471 435 Barley m,eal and milk vs. com meal and milk. Av. wt. at be- gin- ning. Feed eaten. it Gain. Feed and water for 100 lbs. gain. Grain fed. Grain Milk. Grain Milk. W'ter drank Lbs. 79 73 Tie Milch. Rept 1895. 572 Feeds and Feeding. Aissuming that 500 pounds of corn meal, fed alone, would have produced 100 pounds of gain with these pigs, we find that with the first group 585 pounds of skim milk effected a saving of 179 pounds of corn meal. On this basis, 327 pounds of skim milk equals 100 pounds of com meal when not over three pounds of milk are fed with each pound of meal. Calculating the value of skim milk in connection with com meal for pig feeding according to the proportion fed with the meal, we deduce the following: When feeding 1 pound of com meal with from 1-3 pounds of separator skim milk, 327 pounds of skim milk saves 100 pounds of meal. When feeding 1 pound of com meal with from 3^5 pounds of separator skim milk, 446 pounds of skim milk saves 100 pounds of meal. When feeding 1 pound of corn meal with from 5-7 pounds of separator skim milk, 574 pounds of skim milk saves 100 pounds of meal. When feeding 1 pound of com meal with from 7-9 pounds of separator skim milk, 552 pounds of skim milk saves 100 pounds of meaL Average of all, 475 pounds of skim milk equals 100 pounds of meaL Fjord's experiments show six pounds of skim milk equal to one pound of grain. The difference in the ratios is doubtless due to the fact that Fjord fed a much larger proportion of milk to meal than was usually employed in the Wisconsin trials. (357, 888.) 870. Placing a money value on separator skim milk. — The feeder wishing to know the money value of skim milk measured in com at varying prices will find the following table of value: Value of separator skim milk in comibvnation vnth com m^ecUfarpig feeding, unth com at varying prices. Value of 100 pounds of skim milk. Value of com. When feed- ing 1 to 3 pounds of mUk for 1 pound of com meal. When feed- ing 7 to 9 pounds of mUk for 1 pound of com meal. Aver- age of aU trials $10 per ton (28 cent* per bushel) 12 per ton 33.6 cents per bushel) 14 per ton 39.2 cents per bushel) 16 per ton 44.8 cents per bushel) 18 per ton 50.4 cents per bushel) 20 per ton 56.0 cents per bushel) 30 per ton (84.0 cents per bushel) Cents. 15 18 21 24 28 31 46 Cents. 9 11 13 15 16 18 27 Cents. 11 13 16 17 19 21 32 Value of Various Feeding Stuffs for Figs. 573 The table shows tliat when corn is worth $10 per ton (28 cents per bushel), separator skim milk has a value for pig feeding of 15 cents per hundred pounds, provided not more than three pounds of milk are fed with each pound of meal. If^ however, the feeder gives nine pounds of milk with each pound of meal, then skim milk is worth only nine cents per hundred pounds. The average of the trials is eleven cents. With higher values for corn there is a relative increase in value for skim milk. In the above we have measured skim milk with corn meal for making gains with pigs. Those familiar with this feeding stuff, appreciating its worth for bone and muscle building, know that in many cases it has a higher value than is here given, especially for growing pigs. 871. Sweet and sour milk compared. — At the Vermont Station, > Cooke fed sweet and sour milk to pigs, there being three animals in each lot in the first trial, and four in each lot in the second. The sour milk was allowed to reach the loppered or coagulated stage before being fed. and sour skim mUk to very young pigs — Vermont Station. Feed. Av. wt. of pigs at be- ginning Feed eaten. Gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Milk. Grain. Milk, Grain. First tried. Sweet skim milk... Sour skim milk Second trial. Sweetmilk Lbs. 16 17 31 29 T.bB, 6,057 5,996 9,632 9,632 Lbs. 935 926 2,100 2,100 Lba. 473 524 955 963 Lbs. 1,280 1,144 1,009 1,000 Lbs. 198 177 220 Sour milk. 218 In the second trial the results were practically equal; in the first trial the pigs getting sour milk gave better returns. Of these, Cooke writes: " It was evident within three weeks after the pigs were put on the separate diets that those having sour milk were eat- ing their food with a better relish, were looking sleeker and grow- ing faster, although both lots ate their food up clean." » Reptfl. 1891-92. 574 Feedi and Feeding. The evident superiority of sour milk over sweet milk (868«) for pig feeding — in most cases at least — awaits explanation from the investigators. 872. Buttermilk. — At the Massachusetts Station,* Goessmana fed lots of three pigs each on buttermilk and skim milk to ascer- tain their relative value. Both lots received com meal additional, with results shown in the table: Feeding buttermilk and skim milk — Massachusetts Station. Feed Av. wt. at be- ginning Feed eaten. Gain. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Milk. Com meal. Milk. Cora meal. Buttermilk Lbs. 48 49 Lbs. 8,372 8,592 Lbs. 718 713 Lbs. 619 618 Lbs. 1,351 1,390 Lbs. 116 Skim milk 115 It will be seen that buttermilk gave as good returns as skim milk. In general it may be assumed that when no water has been added to buttermilk it has a feeding value with pigs equal to skim milk. (358) 873. Whey. — At the Wisconsin Station, » the writer conducted several trials with whey for pig feeding, two of which are reported below. At the Ontario Agricultural College, " Dean reports two trials with this by-product In these trials, one lot of pigs was maintained on meal only, the pigs at the Wisconsin Station get- ting a mixture of corn meal and middlings, and those at the Ontario Ck)llege wheat and barley mixed with an equal weight of shorts. The whey used in these trials was from the manufacture of full- cream cheese; hence it contained a considerable quantity of fat and some casein. In Fjord's experiments, in Denmark, 1,200 pounds of whey equaled 100 pounds of meal. (887, 889) The whey used by this investigator was the by-product from the manu- facture of skim cheese from centrifugal skim milk. Such whey is necessarily poorer in fat than that used in American trials. (359, 660) » Kept. 1884. • Rept. 1891. • Kept. 1898. Value of Various Feeding Stuffs far Figs, 575 The results of the Wisconsin and Ontario trials with whey as a feed for pigs is shown in the following table: Feeding trials with grain and whey — Wisconsin Station amd Ontario Wisconsin Station. No. of pigs in trial. Daily gain per head. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Meal. Whey. First trial. Lot I... Lot IL.. LotllL.. Lot IV... Lbs. 1.00 1.47 1.11 1.13 Lbs. 463 327 257 181 Lbs. 687 1,815 1,871 Average for whey-fed lots , Second trial. Lot I Lot II Lot III Lot IV 1.21 1.12 1.09 255 486 372 289 232 l,4->3 1,100 1,726 2,309 Average for whey-fed lots . 1,712 Ontario Agricultural College. Lot I 5 1 43 494 381 383 Lot II 5 6 1.76 1.78 860 Lot III 819 Averaging the results of the trials we find that — 481 pounds of grain produced 100 pounds gain. 303 pounds of grain with 1,398 pounds of whey produced 100 pounds gaii^ This shows that 1,398 pounds of whey saved 178 pounds of grain. On this basis, 785 pounds of whey equals 100 pounds of grain. 874. Meat scrap. — An experiment by Watson at the Cornell Station! throws light on the value of meat scrap for feeding pigs. A bunch of twelve pigs divided into two lots of six each was fed four months, beginning October 10, as follows: Lot I received com meal only, while Lot II was fed one part meat scrap to two 1 BuL 89. 576 Feeds and Feeding. parts com meal, by weight The results of the trial are shown in the following table: Feeding com meal and meat scrap in comparison wiCh com meoZ only — CoimeU Station. Av.wt. at be- gin- ning. Av. gain. Feed consrimed. Feed for 100 lbs. gain. Corn meal. Cora meal and meat scrap. Com meal. Corn meal and meat scrap. Lot I, fed com meal only Lbs. 64 64 Lbs. 103 173 Lbs. 2,639 Lbs. 4,U7 Lbs. 426 Lbs. Lot II, fed com meal and meat scrap 400 The meat scrap caused a large consumption of feed — something desired by feeders. The pigs fed meat scrap gained 70 per cent, more than those fed corn meal only, but the saving in feed for a given gain was only 6 per cent. Somewhat more lean meat was found in the carcass of the pigs receiving the meat scrap. (339) 875. Pasture. — At the Utah Station, ^ Mills conducted trials covering four seasons, with pigs in pens and on pastures consisting of alfalfa and grass, principally the former. (307) Some pigs were fed all the grain they would consume, while others received a limited supply or none at all. Feeding pigs varying amounts of grain on pasture — Utah Station. Where and how fed. No. of trials. Average daily gain Grain for 100 pounds of gain. In yard, fed grass, full grain ration In pasture, full grain ration 4 4 2 2 2 3 1 Lbs. 1.1 1.3 1.2 .87 .64 .36 ♦.26 T.b« 46.-) 417 In pasture, three-fourths grain ration... In pasture, one-half grain ration 377 352 In pasture, one-fourth grain ration In pasture, no grain 243 In pen, fed grass only 'Loss. We learn that the pigs confiaed in the yard and fed grass with ' Bui. 40. Value of Variaus Feeding Stuffs for Figs. 577 a fall grain ration made an average daily gain of 1.1 pounds, re- quiring 465 pounds of grain for 100 pounds of gain, while those in the pasture, likewise receiving a full feed of grain, made a daily gain of 1.3 pounds, requiring only 417 pounds for 100 of gain. There was a saving of 10 per cent, by feeding on pasture instead of in the yard, where grass was supplied in addition to the grain. The table also shows that when feeding three-fourths of a full grain allowance the pigs made a daily gain of 1.2 pounds, requir- ing only 377 pounds of grain for 100 of gain. With still less grain the daily gain was much reduced, but so also was the amount of feed required for 100 pounds of gain. Finally, three trials on pasture without grain showed an average daily gain of .36 of a pound a day, or 2i pounds a week — a very satis- factory result. When grass was cut and carried to pigs confined in pen, they could not be maintained on this feed alone, shrinking in weight at the rate of .26 pounds daUy. (307) These results show that the pig cannot be successfully nourished by soiling, as can cattle, especially the dairy cow. 876. Clover hay with meal. — Stewart ^ fed pigs averaging sev- enty-five pounds each with corn meal, two quarts of short-cut clover hay being added to each day's allowance, and the whole wet with hot water and allowed to stand from ten to twelve hours before feeding. Another lot received meal prepared in the same way but without the clover mixture. The lot getting clover hay showed the best appetite, the greatest thrift and made the steadiest gains. The pigs getting meal gained 110 pounds each in 120 days, while those having the cut clover hay mixed with their meal gained 143 pounds, or 30 per cent. more. (927) The possible value of moistened clover hay as a by-feed with pigs is well illustrated by this trial. 877. Corn and blue-grass pasture. — At the Illinois Station, * Morrow conducted four trials during three seasons with pigs rang- ing on blue-grass pasture. One lot was given a full feed of com, the second a half feed only. As a check, a bunch of three pigs » Feeding Animals, p. 472. « Bui. 16. 37 578 Feeds and Feeding. was confined in a lot free from vegetation and fed com. All were supplied with coal-slack, salt and water. The first period in each trial lasted eight weeks and the second four weeks. The averages for the four trials are given below: Trials with pigs fed com on blue-grass pasture, or com only — lUi- nois StatioTi. Total gain. Com fed. Corn per 100 U)9. gain. Lots given half feed of com, on grass first period Fed full grain allowance, second period Average Lots given full feed of com on grass, first period Second period Lbs. 605 463 Lbs. 2,190 2,076 Lbs. 433 448 905 327 4,217 1,796 441 465 549 Average Lots given com with no grass, first period , Second period 791 224 4,207 1,62.5 507 532 725 Average. 629 We learn from the above that the best returns were secured when giving a half feed of corn on blue- grass pasture during the first period of eight weeks, then following for the next four weeks with a full feed of corn, the pigs still running on pasture. Under these conditions 441 pounds of corn gave 100 pounds gain. Where the pigs were given a full feed of corn at all times while on past- ure, 507 pounds of corn were required for 100 pounds of gain. The check lots fed in yards without grass required 629 pounds of com for 100 pounds of gain. There was a saving of 30 per cent when a half feed of corn was given on pasture, and of 20 per cent when a full feed was given, as compared with feeding hogs in the lot without pasture. 878. Feeding pigs on pasture only. — The trials reported by Mills (875) show that pigs may make fair gains on pasture alone when alfalfa is the main forage plant. Morrow ^ reports that all at- tempts to carry pigs on blue-grass pasture without feeding grain resulted so unfavorably that he was forced to give up experiments » BuL 16, 111. Expt Sta. Value of Various Feeding Stuffs for Figs. 579 in this line. TJnpublislied data secured by the -writer coincide with these findings. It is possible that pigs may make satisfac- tory gains on pastures alone, but no Station has yet shown that they can do so, if we except Utah, where alfalfa was grazed. 879. Rape forage. — At the Wisconsin Station, ^ Craig con- ducted two trials with rape forage as a feed for swine, in prep- aration for the final fattening period. In the first trial there were twenty grade Poland-China pigs; in the second, thirty-eight grade Chester Whites. In each case the pigs were divided into two even lots, the first having a run in a rape field, with grain additional, and the second, confined in a pen, receiving grain only. The first trial lasted 76 days and the second 42 days, during which time the feed consumed and the gains were as shown in the following table: Feeding grain with and without rape forage — WiscoTidn Station. Corn. Mid- dlings. Rape. Gain. First trial. Lot I, in rape field Lbs. 1,386 2,096 Lbs. 690 1,042 Acres. .32 Lbs, 853 857 710 2,220 3,106 352 1,109 1,553 Second trial. .6 1,066 Lot II, in pen 1,076 Difference. 886 444 Summarizing the two trials and calling the gains equal, we learn that .92 acres of rape saved 2,392 pounds of grain. This shows one acre of rape equivalent to 2,600 pounds of grain in pig ''. feeding. Since rape can be used as a catch crop, and costs but two or three dollars an acre for seed and planting and nothing for harvesting, the value of this crop in swine feeding is apparent. (334-5) 880. Droppings of corn-fed steers and pasture. — At the Illinois Station, ^ Morrow grazed three yearling steers on a two- acre blue- grass pasture, giving a full feed of corn additional. Two pigs were Rept. 1897. *Bul. 16. 580 Feeds and Feeding. placed in the same lot to subsist upon the droppings of the steers and the pasture. As a check trial, other pigs were confined in a similar pasture and fed shelled corn. During two trials, lasting twelve weeks each, the gains made by the pigs were as follows: First trial. Second trial . Average gain of pigs following steers on pasture. 59 pounds. 59 pounds. Average gain of pigs fed corn on pasture 72 pounds. 99 pounds. It will be seen that the pigs following the steers made excellent gains compared with those ranging on pasture and receiving in addition a full feed of corn. Since the nutriment in the drop- pings would otherwise have been wasted, the great importance of following up grain-fed steers with pigs is apparent. Morrow states that when the pigs following the steers were finally fattened they gained in weight for a time at the rale of 3. 2 pounds each daily, and returned as much as 16.8 pounds of increase from one bushel of corn. This trial shows the value of the droppings of grain-fed steers in preparing shotes for final fattening. (538) 881. Droppings of corn-fed steers for pigs. — The writer ^ divided a bunch of twelve steers into two lots of six each, giving to the first shelled corn and to the second corn meal. Each steer re- ceived thirteen pounds of corn or corn meal daily, with half that weight of wheat bran in addition. With each lot were placed three pigs, averaging 175 pounds each, to subsist on the drop- pings, their further needs being supplied by com fed in a trough. As a check, three pigs were placed in a pen and fed com. The results are shown below: Gains of pigs following corn- fed steers — Wisconsin Station. Pigs in pen Pigs following steers getting com meal.. Pigs following steers getting whole com, Feed for 100 pounds gain 564 lbs. 479 lbs. 272 lbs. Per cent, corn saved by pigs eating drop- pings of steers. The above shows a saving of 15 per cent in the feed required » Wis. Expt. Sta., Rept 1886. Valiie of Various Feeding Stuffs for Figs. 581 by pigs following steers getting com meal, and 52 per cent, with those following steers getting whole com. These results are in conformity with the experience of stockmen, who have learned that the droppings of meal-fed steers are not as valuable as those from steers getting whole corn. (538) 882. Gain from a bushel of corn. — In the table below are given the results of a large number of feeding trials by Morrow, at the Illinois Station, ' in which whole corn only was fed to pigs: Results of feeding whole corn only to pigs — Illinois Station. No. of lot. Time of feeding. No. of days. No. of pigs. Av. wt. of pigs. Gain per day. Corn for 100 lbs. gain. Gain per bu. of corn fed. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 1 Nov. 24 to Dec. 29.. 35 2 290 2.56 418 13.4 *1 Nov. 24 to Dec. 22.. 28 2 284 2.70 382 14.7 *1 Dec. 15 to Dec. 22.. 7 2 311 3.21 333 16.8 2 May 5 to June 2.. 28 5 153 1.39 437 12.8 2 June 2 to June 30.. 28 5 192 1.38 484 11.6 2 June 30 to July 28.. 28 5 224 .85 646 8.7 3 April 29 to May 27.. 28 2 209 1.40 380 14.7 4 June 10 to July 22.. 42 2 212 .90 535 10.5 5 July 30 to Sept. 10.. 42 3 66 .77 441 12.7 6 June 17 to Sept 9.. 84 3 207 .60 676 8.3 7 Dec. 30 to Feb. 4.. 56 6 109 .51 808 6.9 8 Jan. 24 to Feb. 4.. 28 6 106 1.05 465 12.0 9 Nov. 22 to Jan. 4.. 42 2 210 1.30 500 11.2 10 Jan. 17 to Feb. 21.. 35 4 192 1.29 460 12.2 11 Nov. 3 to Dec. 15.. 42 3 120 .74 605 9.3 11 Dec. 15 to Dec. 22.. 7 3 138 .55 620 8.9 Tc tals and averages 50 173 1.09 534 10.9 * Omitted firom averages. The above shows that on an average the pigs gained about 1.1 pounds per day, and that a bushel of corn weighing 56 pounds produced 10.9 pounds of gain, live weight. The table shows a wide range of returns — as low as 6. 9 pounds of gain from a bushel of corn in one case, while at the other extreme we have 16.8 pounds. This last return, for one week only, was with pigs which had previously followed steers fed corn on blue-grass pasture. While, then, the gains may range from 6 to 16 pounds, we may conclude that 11 pounds of increase, lire weight, is a satisfactory return from a bushel of whole corn. (568, 812) »BuL 16. 682 Feeds and Feeding. 883. Pork production at the South. — At the Arkansas Station, ' Bennett fed corn meal and bran to a sow and five pigs on clover pasture. At weaning time the sow was removed and the experi- ment continued with the five pigs. From March 30 to July 26 the pigs were kept on clover. From that date until September 21 they were maintained on sorghum stalks and sorghum seed. From the latter date until November 15 they were confined in a field planted with Spanish peanuts. The total feed eaten by the sow while suckling the pigs, and by the five pigs during growth and fattening, was as follows: Chrain. Bran fed 98 pounds. Com fed during growth and fattening 33J bushela. Crops gathered for pigs. Clover 25 acres. Sorghum „ .25 acres. ' Spanish peanuts 60 acres. Total 1.10 acres. The combined weight of the five pigs when ten months old was as follows: Weight before slaughtering 1,215 pounds. Weight after slaughtering 1,032 pounds. Average weight before slaughtering. 243 pounds. Average dressed weight. 206 pounds. Clover was found very satisfactory for pasture while it remained fresh and grain was fed in addition. Seed and stalks of sorghum also proved satisfactory. While feeding on Spanish peanuts the pigs grew rapidly. Bennett concludes that two weeks' final feeding with corn will suffice to harden the flesh of pigs fed on peanuts. » Bui. 41. OHAPTEB XXXIV. i BAinSH PIG-FEEDING EXPEEIMENTS. L Trials wUh Various Feeds. 884. The work of Fjord and Friis. — Since the year 1880 a large number of pig- feeding experiments have been conducted by the Danish Experiment Station at Copenhagen, under the direction of the late Professor J. N. Fjord and his successor, F. Friis. These experiments are exceedingly valuable because of the vari- ety of conditions under which they were conducted, the large number of animals included, and the care bestowed on the details of the work. The feeding was conducted on the co-operative plan on a num- ber of Danish estates, or large farms, under the direct supervis- ion of the officials of the Station, who planned the experiments, made the weighings, sampled and analyzed the feeds and con- ducted the slaughtering tests. In these trials the pigs were divided into selected even lots composed of five to ten animals each, the different lots being so fed as to express the comparative value of the feeds under examination. In a majority of cases the object in view was the relative feeding value of different swine foods under good farm conditions. Incidentally a number of other problems were included, such as the value of shel- ter, the influence of water on fattening, breed experiments, ques- tion of sex in fattening, influence of season on fattening, etc. The results of these experiments have been published in the periodical reports (Beretninger) of the Station, of which thirty- nine have appeared to date. The Danish pound equals 1.1 pounds avoirdupois. As the results stated are nearly always relative, they are given in Danish pounds, as they appear in the original reports. Wherever avoir- dupois pounds are given, it is so stated. 584 Feeds arid Feeding. 885. Slaughtering tests. — On the completion of the feeding trials the animals were usually shipped to a Danish pork-packing house, where they were slaughtered in the presence of one of the Station officers. "Weighings were made and notes taken by ex- perts as to the quality of the carcass, the thickness of the layer of fat over the shoulder and loin, aa well as any characteristic differences in the lots attributable to the system of feeding fol- lowed or to other causes. The carcasses were grouped in four classes, according to their quality. Class I contained those car- casses which graded best; Class lY was the poorest, with Classes \l and III intermediate. The grading was always with special reference to the demands of the English market. The quality of the meat, whether hard or soft, the thickness of the layer of external fat, the size of the carcass, and other points determin- ing their commercial value, were the deciding factors. As an illustration of the grading we present the figures given below, which are the results of an examination and grading of 158 ani- mals used in one trial :i Illustration of pork grading for English market requirements — Copen- hagen Station. Grade of pork. No. of ani- mals. Live weight. Shrink- age. Thickness of fat on shoulder. Thick- ness of fat on loin. Highest, Class I 98 49 10 Lbs. 158 170 181 Per cent. 25.9 24.7 23.2 Inches. 1.7 2.0 2.2 Inches. 1 0 Next best, Class II Lowest,* Class III 1.3 1.5 * One animal only in Class IV. It will be seen that the best grade included the lightest animals, these falling under 175 pounds avoirdupois. The shrinkage with this grade was heavy — nearly 26 per cent The fat on the shoulder and loin was much thinner than with those in the poorest grade. The flesh also was much firmer. 886. Centrifugal versus gravity skim milk. — Seven experiments* were conducted with 72 animals in all, the trials lasting 4 to 6 » Eept 10, 1887. » Kept. 2, 1884. Danish Pig-feeding Experiments. 585 weeks. Barley, oats, corn and peanut meal were fed separately or combined; in all cases more or less skim milk was given in addition to the grain. The pigs were all less than 12 weeks old, averaging 6 weeks, and weighing less than 40 pounds at the begin- ning of the trials. The feed consumed and the average gain are shown below: Gain of pigs fed gravity and separator skim milk voith grain — Copen- hagen Station. Gravity skim milk. Centrifusral skim milk. Average daily gain per head Difference in favor of gravity skimming. Per cent, of fat in skim milk ,776 lbs. .035 lbs. .63 per cent. .741 lbs. , 15 per cent. The pigs in these trials were fed about 8 pounds of milk a day on the average. Of gravity skim milk 100 pounds produced a lit- tle over .4 pounds more gain in live weight than the same quantity of centrifugal skim milk. The pigs fed gravity skim milk gained as much in 23 days as the others in 24 days. Allowing a fair value for the butter fat, centrifuging the milk is shown to be the more profitable method. (357, 659, 869-71) 887. Skim milk compared with whey. — The relative value of separator skim milk and whey left in the manufacture of skim cheese from separator skim milk was studied ^ in experiments conducted during 1885-87. In one series, where three pounds of whey were fed against one pound of skim milk, the weight of the pigs fed varied from 79 to 110 pounds. These trials included 34 animals, the feeding lasting from 53 to 60 days. There was a daily gain of .91 pounds for the lots fed skim milk and 1.22 pounds for those fed whey. Another series of experiments' was conducted on six different farms with 258 animals in all, varying from 28 to 174 pounds each at the beginning of the trials, the feeding periods running from 50 to 160 days. In this series, which included nineteen trials, two pounds of whey were fed against one pound of separator * Rept. 1887. • Kept 10, p. 26. 586 Feeds and Feeding. skim milk. The average gain for the animals in both lots waa exactly the same, viz., 1.13 pounds daily. The couclusion drawn is that one pound of separator skim milk equals two pounds of whey obtained in the manufacture of cheese from separator skim milk. Such whey is necessarily very free from fat, and consequently has as low a feeding value as whey can These results were corroborated by similar experiments con- ducted during 1887-88, as well as by still later trials. * The results of inyestigations at the Wisconsin Station and the Ontario Agricultural College (873) show that whey has a higher feeding value for pigs than is here reported. The reason for this lies in the fact that in the American trials the whey contained more fat and probably more casein than that fed at the Danish Station. (359,660) 888. Skim milk compared with grain. — Centrifugal skim milk was compared 2 with rye and barley, being first fed in the ratio of 5 pounds of milk to 1 of grain; in later experiments, 6 pounds of milk to 1 of grain. Groups containing 175 pigs in all were divided into 35 lots. The milk fed varied in amount as shown in the table, which gives also the average grain consumed daily and the gain made per animal. 8Jdm milk compared with barley and rye — Copenhagen Station. Average daily increase. Feed given daily. When fed barley. When fed rye. 1.27 lbs. grain, 16.3 lbs. skim milk. .79 lbs. .91 lbs. .99 lbs. 81 lbs. 2.12 lbs. grain, 12.1 lbs. skun milli. 91 lbs. 2.97 lbs. grain, 7.8 lbs. skim milk 1 00 lbs. It will be seen that greater gains were made where the quantity of skim milk fed was decreased. The results show that 5 pounds of milk could not replace 1 pound of grain, where rye or barley was fed with the skim milk. In the second and third series of trials 60 pigs were used in each series. When the allowance of » Kept. 15, p. 28. « Kept 10, 1887. Vanish Pig-feeding Experiments. 587 skim milk was decreased in the ratio of 1 pound of grain to 6 pounds of skim milk on the average, the following results were obtained: Comparison of centrifugal sTdm milk with rye and barley — Copen- hagen Station. Average daily increase. Grain and milk fed. When fed barley. When fed rye. Average. First series. 1.1 lbs. grain, 14.6 lbs. skim milk... 1.7 lbs. grain, 11.2 lbs. skim mHk... 2.3 lbs. grain, 7.7 lbs. skim milk... Second series. 1.3 lbs. grain, 14.6 lbs. skim milk... 2.0 lbs. grain, 10.7 lbs. skim milk... 2.6 lbs. grain, 6.8 lbs. skim milk... .85 lbs. .86 lbs. .90 lbs. .92 lbs. .95 lbs. .94 lbs. .88 lbs. .88 lbs. .83 lbs. .95 lbs. .95 lbs. .96 lbs. .87 lbs. .87 lbs. .87 lbs. .94 lbs. .95 lbs. .95 lbs. In later work at that Station these feeds have always been Bubstituted for one another in the proportion of 6 pounds of sep- arator skim milk for 1 pound of grain. If all experiments in this line are averaged, we find that the daily gain per head was practically identical, whether much or little grain was replaced by skim milk, in the ratio of 1 to 6, showing that the comparative feeding value of these feeds is expressed by this ratio. (869) 889. Grain compared with whey. — Two series of experiments' with sixty animals in all were conducted, in which one pound of grain was fed as an equivalent to twelve pounds of whey from separator skim-milk cheese. In these trials the average weight of the pigs fed was about 50 pounds, the experiments lasting 115 days each, with results shown below: Feeding whey and grain to pigs — Copenhagen Station. Dally Increase ■ Feed per pig daily. per head. 1.3 lbs. grain, 27.1 lbs. whey, 1 lb. buttermilk 945 lbs. 1.95 lbs. grain, 19.3 lbs. whey, 1 lb. buttermilk 950 lbs. 2.6 lbs. grain, 11.5 lbs. whey, 1 lb. buttermilk 955 lbs. The results show that one pound of rye or barley is equal to twelve pounds of whey from centrifugal skim-milk cheese. We have already shown that one pound of rye or barley is equivalent » Kept. 1887, p. 38. 688 Feeds and Feeding. to six pounds of skim milk. One pound of skim milk is there- fore equal to two pounds of whey. (660, 873) 890. Quality of skim-milk and whey-fed pork. — Slaughter tests^ show the quality of skim-milk pork somewhat superior to \haA, produced from whey, as indicated in the following table: Results of slaughter tests with pigs fed whey and skim milk — Copen- hagen Station. Skim milk. Whey. Shrinkage in slaughtering, per cent 24.6 73.0 27.0 24 9 Percentage classifcation of carcasses. Class I 48.0 Class II 44.0 Class III 8.0 891. Rye compared with barley. — The average of 11 experi- ments, 2 with 110 animals, shows a daily gain of .865 pounds for bariey-fed pigs and .873 pounds for those fed rye. These gains being practically equal show similar values for rye and bariey as pig feeds. An examination of the carcasses at slaughtering time gave the following classification: Results with barley and rye-fed pigs — Copenhagen Station. Barley fed. Rye-fed. Per cent, dressed weight. 74.3 per cent. 75 per cent Class I 68.0 per cent. 21.0 per cent 11.0 per cent. 63 per cent 34 per cent 3 per cent Class II Class III The results indicate a practical equality between the two feeds for pork production. (177-8) While rye is shown to be of equal value with barley for pig feeding we will learn later (895) that its by-product, rye shorts, is very unsatisfactory for this purpose. 892. Grain compared with oil cake. — Experiments' were con- ducted in 1887-88 on 12 estates with 406 animals in all, divided » Rept. 1887, p. 52. » Ibid., p. 37. • Rept 16, 1889. Danish Fig-feeding Experiments. 589 mto 77 lots, each containing at least 5 pigs. The experiments lasted from 65 to 168 days, averaging 110 days. Sunflower-seed cake, hemp-seed cake, palm- nut meal, peanut meal and blood bread were each fed against rye or barley. The oil cake was fed in connection with skim milk in some of the experiments, and with whey in others. The lots fed grain and oil cake received half their concentrates in the form of oil cake; those fed grain only, received skim milk or whey in addition. The averages of these extensive trials in which whey or barley meal was fed in oppo- sition to oil cakes are shown in the following table, which con- denses the results so that they may be easily compared by the student: Feeding various forms of oil cake in comparison with grain — Copen- hagen Station. Average daily gain per head. Grain. Grain and oil cakes. Average 14 trials with oil cakes fed with milk. Lbs. .87 .85 Lbs. .87 Average 16 trials with oil cakes fed with whey .85 .86 .88 .89 .84 .81 .86 Averasre 10 trials with sunflower-seed cake. .89 Average 6 trials with hemp-seed cake .88 Avera^re 10 trials with palm-nut cake .82 Average 10 trials with peanut cake .84 Average of above trials .86 .86 These results prove conclusively, it would seem, that a pound of oil cake has no more value for pigs than a pound of rye or barley, no matter with what other substance or under what con- ditions it may be fed. (206) 893. Slaughter tests of pigs fed in the preceding experiments. ^ Sunflower-seed cake and hemp-seed cake fed in connection with skim milk produced a soft quality of pork, which would com- mand a lower price in the general market than that produced by Loc cit. 590 Feeds and Feeding. the corresponding grain-fed lots. When fed in connection with whey, the quality of the pork compared favorably with that pro- duced from barley or rye. There is no evidence that peanut or palm- nut cake injured the quality of the pork when fed with either skim milk or whey. These points are shown in the fol- lowing table, which summarizes the results obtained at slaugh- tering time with some of the pigs fed in the trials reported in the preceding article: Average data at slaughtering time toith pigs fed various forms of oil cake — Copenhagen Station. Feed. Sunflower-seed cake. Skim /Grain , milk. \ Grain and oil cake.. ^^®y- { Grain and'oiicake. Peanut cake. Skim (Grain milk. \ Grain and oil cake. Whey. {Grain'andoiic'ake.'. Hemp-seed cake. Skim r Grain milk. \ Grain and oil cake.. Whev /G^rain ^' \ Grain and oil cake.. Palm-nut cake. Skim (Grain... milk. \ Grain and oil cake.. Whev /^J'^i'^ ^' \ Grain and oil cake.. Av. live wt. Lbs. 161 161 163 160 162 156 156 184 178 159 162 185 178 167 174 Shrink age. Per ct. 24.4 25.3 26.4 26.5 24.7 23.5 24.8 24.9 28.3 28.9 27.5 29.2 28.1 29.6 29.4 29.4 Av. thick- ness of pork. Inches, 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 No. of pig8 in class. 15 10 12 In experiments! conducted in the years 1891-94, the same kinds of oil cake used in the preceding trials were compared with barley, but the ratio of barley to oil cake in these trials, instead of being 1 to 1, as in the first trials, was lto2or2tol. Inall the series one lot of pigs was fed barley alone, for the sake of com- parison. A small quantity of buttermilk and skim milk was also • Rept. 30, 1895. Danish Fig-feeding Eocperiments. 691 fed with the different rations. The gains made by the different lots were as follows: Later trials toith feeding grain in comparison with oU cakes — Chpen- hagen Station. Feed. Average weight at beginning. Bar- ley. f bar- ley, Joil cake. Jbar- f oil cake. Daily gain. Bar- ley f bar- ley. J oil cake. J bar- ley, foil cake. Sunflower-seed cake. With skim milk, 4 trials.. With whey, 2 trials Palm-nut meal. With whey, 1 trial Average of 3 trials with whey. Average of 7 trials Lbs. 70.6 60.6 71.2 64.1 67.8 Lbs. 71.6 73.2 64.8 68.7 Lbs. 70.1 60.4 72.2 64.3 67.6 Lbs. 1.15 1.17 1.23 1.19 1.17 Lbs. 1.12 1.21 1.19 1.20 1.16 Lbs. 1.01 1.13 1.16 1.14 1.06 These experiments in connection with those previously made show that the rations containing less than half the concentrates in the form of oil cake were nearly as effective as a pure grain ration, and that increasing the quantity of oil cake fed produced poorer results, the difference being greater when skim milk was fed than when feeding whey. When roots were fed in both rations the effect of the oil cake was stiQ not so good, so far as gain in live weight goes, as in case of pure grain feeding. These results are of peculiar interest, since the higher protein content of the oil cakes would a priori indicate a higher feeding value for them than the cereals possess. In feeding trials with cows at the same Station (647) and elsewhere, oil cake has always been found superior to grain in nutritive value. They show that oil in feeds has not the high nutritive value with pigs assigned it by trials with the ruminants. While we accept these results and should act upon them in the practical feeding of the pig, we await the studies of the investigators to show why oil in feeds is less valuable with this animal than with the cow. 894. Rye or Barley versus Indian corn. — in 1888-9, seven- teen experiments * were made with 444 pigs, on 13 different 1 Kept. 19, 1890. 592 Feeds and Feeding. estates, in two of which Indian corn was compared with barley or rye. The grains were fed against one another in equal quan- tities by weight, with results given below: Trials with barley or rye fed in opposition to Indian com — Copen- hagen Station. Average weight. Average gain per day. Lot I. Bar- ley or rye. Lot IL J bar- ley or rye, i com. Lot IIL Corn. LotL Bar- ley or rye. Lot IL J bar- ley or rye, i com. Lot IIL Corn. Feed per day per head. 3.61 lbs. grain, 9.7 lbs. skim milk, 19.4 lbs. whey, 1 lb. buttermilk. Orading. Softness of pork, points Lbs. 79.9 Lbs, 79.9 Lbs. 79.9 Lbs. 1.32 Lbs. 1.36 Lbs. 1.35 1.8 8 1 2.3 5 7 2.6 No. of carcasses in highest grade. No. of carcasses in lowest grade.. 3 10 The gain made on corn was slightly higher than that made on either barley (857) or rye, and about equal to that made on a mixture of the two. The slaughter tests show that the shrinkage was practically the same for the three lots. Corn made the softest pork, and also gave the largest number of carcasses in the fourth, or lowest, grade. The experiments were continued during 1892-93. * Since the quality of the pork seemed inferior when com was fed through- out the fattening period, experiments were made in which corn was fed until the pigs of the different lots weighed 120, 140, or 160 pounds, after which barley was fed for grain until the close of the fattening period. (919) For comparison, one lot was fed barley and another corn exclusively, in each trial. Dairy refuse was given in addition in all cases. The grains were substituted, pound for pound, for one another in the rations fed the different lots. Eesults are available from five series of experiments with 115 pigs in all, the trials lasting from 100 to 140 days. It was found that the lots fed corn all the time made somewhat heavier Rept 1895. Danish Pig -feeding JExperiments. 593 gains, the average daily increase being .04 pounds per head higher, as shown below: Feeding pigs on com, and finishing them with barley — Copenhagen Station. Barley only. Corn to 120 lbs. Corn to 140 lbs. Com to 160 lbs. Com only. Av. wt. at beginning Av. daily gain, live weight , Lbs. 46 1.10 Lbs. 1.09* Lbs. 46 1.14 Lbs. 45 1.10* Lbs. 46 1.14 * Average for four trials. The tests and data obtained at slaughtering time furnished val- uable information concerning the quality of the pork produced, as summarized in the table below: Average results at slaughtering time of pigs fed barley or corn — Copenhagen Station. Feed. Av. wt. at slaugh- tering. Shrink- age. Thick- ness of pork. Soft- ness of pork. Per cent, in class. I. II. III. IV. Barley all time Com tm 120 lbs.. . Com till 140 lbs... Com till 160 lbs... Com all time Lbs. 183 181 186 183 185 Per cent. 22.9 22.0 21.7 22.2 21.1 Inches. 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Points. 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.3 2.7 57 28 25 45 29 35 50 58 30 33 4 22 17 25 24 4 14" Exclusive barley feeding gave pork of the highest quality, (178) while exclusive corn feeding produced a poor quality. The pork increased in softness the longer the pigs were fed corn, the lowest quality resulting where corn was fed all the time. (155) 895. Grain compared with rye shorts. ^ — In comparing rye and barley, or rye alone, with rye shorts in three series of experi- ments, the grain alone always produced better results than equal mixtures of grain and rye shorts, and these mixtures were again better than rye shorts alone. The daily gains made were .77 pounds for barley or rye alone, . 70 pounds for grain and rye shorts mixed half and half, .61 pounds for rye shorts only, in one series Eept. 19, 1890. 5!)4 Feeds and Feeding. of trials; in another, 1.22 pounds, 1.20 pounds, and 1.08 pounds, respectively. The third series cannot be used, because the pigs fed rye shorts became sick. The quality of the pork produced where rye shorts were fed was poor, especially where all rye shorts were given, as will be seen in the table below: Quality of pork made when feeding grain and rye shorts — Copen- hagen Station. Feed Wt. at slaugh- tering. Shrink- age. Thick- ness of pork. Soft> ness of pork. Class. I. II. III. IV. Grain ( rye and Lbs. 162 159 145 Lbs. 24.2 24.9 26.6 Inches. 1.5 1.4 1.3 Points. 1.7 2.5 3.7 8 1 1 6 4 1 7 2 1 Half grain, half 7 16 The number of points for softness of pork increased rapidly with the feeding of rye shorts, and the classification of the car- cas.ses showed that a poor quality of pork was produced when this feed was given. 896. Wheat bran compared with rye and barley. — Trials with wheat bran compared with barley or rye for pigs^ were conducted during 1890-92 on five different farms and included 115 pigs, the trials lasting 112 days. Wheat bran was fed against rye on some farms and against barley on others, skim milk or whey being fed in addition. In four out of five trials the largest average gain was made by the lots fed grain, closely followed by those re- ceiving a mixture of five parts barley or rye and seven parts wheat bran for every ten parts of grain fed the other lots. Bran alone did not produce as good results as a mixture of equal parts of grain and bran. The- one-sided bran feeding in several instances caused sickness among the pigs, while none occurred in the other lots. Wheat bran has an appreciably lower nutritive value than barley or rye for pig feeding. In scoring the carcasses, the pork produced on wheat bran was found to be of poorer quality than that produced on grain, and shrank more in dressing, although the results were not so unfavorable with wheat bran as were the previous experiments with rye shorts. (175, 177-8, 855) ^ Kept. 26, 1892. Danish Pig-feeding Experiments. 695 897. Grain compared with boiled potatoes. — Three series of ex- periments ^ were made to test the comparative value of cooked potatoes with grain, when both were fed in connection with skim milk or whey. Four pounds of potatoes were fed against one pound of grain, and the gains made were practically the same/ Four pounds of boiled potatoes should thus be considered equal to one pound of grain in pig feeding. The quality of the pork produced from potato feeding was good and did not differ appre- ciably from that of lots differently fed. 898. Comparative feeding value of mangels^ and grain. » — For the purpose of determining the comparative value of mangels and grain as feeds for pigs the trials reported below were conducted. All lots received skim milk or whey in addition to the grain and roots, except Lots E and F, to which an equivalent of additional roots was given. The average daily gains are shown below: Average daily gain of pigs fed grain and mangels- Station. Copenhagen 10 lbs. roots= 1 lb. of grain. 8 lbs. roots= 1 lb. of grain. Grain. Roots. Grain. Roots. Lots A, B, Cand D .76 lbs. .83 lbs. .86 lbs. .85 lbs. .86 lbs. Lots E and F 89 lbs. The above shows that ten pounds of mangels were more than equal, and eight pounds about equal, to one pound of grain in these trials. The quality of the pork produced by the different lots was very satisfactory; even where one-fourth of the daily feed was given in the form of roots, no deleterious effect was noticed. (3i8) 899. Grain compared with beets of different sugar content. — A preliminary feeding exijeriment"* with beets of different sugar con- tent was made in 1890 to ascertain their comparative feeding val- ues. Mangels containing 12.71 per cent, dry matter and 8.93 per I Rept. 19, 1890. ^ In the Danish experiments all roots were fed uncooked, unless other- wise noted, and either whole or sliced, generally the latter. (316, 658, 866) » Rept 1890. * Rept. 26, 1892. 596 Feeds aiid Feedituj. cent, sugar were fed against fodder beets containing 19 8»'> per cent^ dry matter and 13.8 per cent, sugar, or against barley. The experiment included 25 pigs averaging 79 pounds each, and lasted 70 days. The indications were that for pigs one pound of barley had a feeding value equal to six to eight pounds of mangels, or four to eight pounds of fodder beets. In experiments^ during 1891-92, lots including 204 pigs were fed four kinds of roots in addition to dairy refuse and gi-.Miii. The roots used were: (1) Eckendorf mangels, containing 11 per cent, dry matter and 6.7 per cent, sugar; (2) Elvetham mapgels, con- taining 13. 6 per cent, dry matter and 8.9 per cent, sugary (3) fod- der sugar beets, containing 16.5 per cent, dry matter and 10.9 per cent, sugar; (4) sugar beets, containing 21.2 per cent, dry matter and 14 per cent, sugar. The lots fed barley only, made the largest gain, closely followed by those half of whose grain was replaced by roots in the following ratio: For 1 pound of barley was substituted 7.5 pounds of Eckendorf mac gels, 6.5 pounds of Elvetham mangels, 5 pounds of fodder beei^s and 4 pounds of sugar beets. These quantities of the different kinds of roots proved nearly equivalent in feeding value. The aulhorities conclude that about 40 per cent, of the daily ration of the pig may be advantageously made up of roots. The data seiured at slaughtering time led to the conclusion that the feeding of roots to the extent practiced in these experiments produced pork of a quality fully equal to that resulting from grain feeding. (320) 900. Carrots compared with mangels. — In 1892-94,2 experi- ments were conducted on nine different estates with 893 pigs, divided into 175 lots. It was found in the comparative trials that carrots and mangels containing equal quantities of dry mat- ter had similar values in pig feeding; in other words, the amount of dry matter in roots is of importance rather than the total weight or the quantity of sugar contained. (317) 901. Turnips compared with whey. — When feeding barley and whey to pigs, turnips were substituted for part of the whey. Ib two experiments^ with 30 animals, barley and whey gave an in- »Rept. 26, 1892. *Rept. 30, 1895. * Ibid. Danish Pig-feeding Experiments. 597 crease of 1.08 pounds daily per head, while turnips gave only .96 pounds, showing that whey had a higher feeding value, pound for pound, than turnips. (320) 902. Grain compared with blood bread. — Blood bread prepared from blood and barley meal, baked in an oven the same as ordi- nary bread, was compared^ with grain in two trials with 40 animals, lasting 138 and 120 days, respectively. Four lots of pigs were fed grain and four lots blood bread. Two lots in each trial received skim milk and two whey in addition to the con- centrated feed. The residts are as follows: Results of feeding blood bread in comparison with grain — Copenhagen ■Station. Average weight. Av. daily gain per head. Feed per head per day. Grain (rye, or rye and barley). Blood bread. Grain fed. Blood bread fed. 1.64 lbs. cone, feed, 15.5 lbs. milk 2.46 lbs. cone, feed, 10.6 lbs. milk Lbs. 58.6 58.4 T,bs 58.4 58.4 Lbs. .98 .97 Lbs. .74 .65 .98 1.00 1.13 .70 1.77 lbs. cone feed, 20.6 lbs. whey, 1.4 lbs. skim milk 61.6 61.6 61.4 61.4 .79 2.65 lbs. cone, feed, 10.8 lbs. whey, 1 lb. skim milk. . .. .87 Average 1.07 1.02 .83 Average of both trials .76 The blood bread contained more water than was supposed when the experiments were started. Its average percentage chemical composition was as follows: Water, 59.6; protein, 20; starch, 16.1; fat, .4; cellulose, 2.4; ash, 1.5. The trials showed the blood bread decidedly inferior to rye or barley when fed in connection with skim milk or whey. It was concluded that had it contained less water different results might have been secured. It is possible, however, that baking the bread may have lowered its feeding value for pigs, the same as Rept. 15, 1889. 598 Feeds and Feeding. does cooking feed. A study at slaughtering time of the carcasses of the pigs fed as described on the preceding page gave the re- sults shown in the following table: Average data at slaughtering time toith hogs fed blood bread and grain — Copenhagen Station. Feed. Aver- age live weight. Shrink- age. Aver- age thick- ness of pork. Softness of pork. No. of carcasses in class. I. II. IIL IV. Grain with milk Lbs. 192 182 173 158 Lbs. 26.0 32.2 26.4 29.2 Inches. 1.6 1.3 1.4 1.2 Points. 1.7 3.4 2.8 4.6 7 10 7 5 3 Blood bread with milk . Grain with whey Blood bread with whev ^ .«> The results show that the quality of the pork produced by the lot fed blood bread was on the whole inferior to that produced by the grain-fed lot. In regard to shrinkage, and the quality of pork as sho-svn by the number of points for softness for the different lots, the live weights of the lots fed blood bread and milk were more in accord with the demands of the market than those of the correspond- ing lots fed grain. This explains why all animals in this lot were placed in Class I. Besides yielding soft pork with consider- able shrinkage, the blood bread showed a tendency to produce too thin an external layer of fat, making what the pork-packers call a ''skinny" carcass. (338) n. Various Froblems in Pig Feeding, 903. Shelter for pigs. — Two experiments^ were made with eight pigs each, separated into two lots, each pig receiving the following feed daily: 6.2 pounds skim milk; 6.5 pounds whey; 2.2 pounds rye, barley, corn and peanut meal, mixed. Lot I ran in the open yard during the day, while Lot n was » Rept. 10, 1887. Danish Pig-feeding Experiments. 599 kept indoors. The experiment lasted 130 days, with the average weights and gains shown in the table: Besults of shelter tests with pigs — Copenhagen Station. Experiment I. Experiment II. Av. wt. at be- gin- ning. Av. daily gain. Av. wt. atbe- gin- nmg. Av. daily gain. Av. daily gain, both trials. Pigs kept indoors Lbs. 64.5 64.0 Lbs. .80 .91 Lbs. 63.8 62.5 Lbs. .81 .87 Lbs. .80 Pigs kept outdoors .89 The number of animals in the trial is too small to allow gen- eralization, but the result favors exercise for light pigs. (83J) 904. Effect of addition of water to feed. — Three experiments* were conducted with 68 pigs, the trials continuing 60, 120 and 160 days, respectively. In Experiment I the skim milk and buttermilk fed Lot A was diluted with twice its volume of water; Lot B received one-half this quantity of water. In Experiments II and III as much water was added to the milk of Lot A as there was skim milk. Lot B was allowed water at will, supplied separately. The feed eaten and gains are shown in the table: Results of watering the feed of pigs — Copenhagen Station. Skim milk. Butter- mUk. Grain. Water. Av. wt. DaUy gains made. Expt. I, Lot A... Expt. I, Lot B... Lbs. 3.0 3.0 Lbs. 3.0 3.0 Lbs. 8.0 8.0 Lbs. 2.3 2.3 Lbs 12.0 6.0 Lbs. 127.8 129.0 Lbs. .73 .71 Expt. II, Lot A.. Expt. II, Lot B. 14.5 14.5 1.0 1.0 2.6 2.6 14.5 2.6* 72.7 72.2 92 1.02 Expt. Ill, Lot A Expt. Ill, Lot B 10.5 10.5 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 10.5 1.0* 27.0 29.3 .68 .67 * Water ad iibitum. The average of the three trials shows a daily gain of . 78 pounds for Lot A, getting water with their feed, and .80 pounds for Lot » Rept 10, 1887. 600 Feeds and Feeding. B, getting less water. As the results are practically equal, it caunot be said that the addition of water to the skim milk was a disadvantage in these trials. 905. Winter and summer feeding compared. — Pig-feeding ex- periments conducted by the Copenhagen Station i since 1887 have been summarized with a view of obtaining information concern- ing the amount of feed required for 100 pounds of growth in winter and in summer. In all trials the skim milk, whey, roots, etc., fed have been reduced to their grain equivalent as deter- mined by the various trials. The animals were separated into three groups, according to their live weight. The following average results as to feed eaten for one hundred pounds of increased live weight were obtained: Feed consumed for one hundred pounds increase with pigs in winter and in summer — Copenhagen Station. Period of growth and averatje weight No. of experiments Feed eaten (grain equivalent) per day per head. Feed (grain equiv- alent) for 100 lbs. gain. of pigs. Winter. Summer. Winter. Summer. Winter. Summer. 35 to 75 lbs 75 to 115 lbs 115 to 155 lbs 10 43 47 17 39 43 Lbs. 2.66 3.96 5.26 Lbs. 2.65 3.92 5.25 Lbs. 371 446 516 Lbs. 346 397 457 Totals and averages ... 100 99 3.96 3.94 444 400 The table gives the average results of 100 experiments in win- ter and 99 in summer. Since each trial included from 20 to 30 animals, or more, we have the average results obtained with feeding at least 2,500 animals. The feed for one pound of gain, given in ''totals and averages," is the arithmetical mean of each set of three figures in the different columns, the data for each period of growth being considered of equal value without regard to the number of experiments included in each, since all the groups contain an ample number of experiments to give a true expression of the feed requirements of the animals embraced within each period. » Rept. 30, 1896. Danlsk Fig-feedhiy Experiments. 601 We note that the pigs ate only a little more feed in winter than in summer, and that it required 44 pounds or 11 per cent, more feed in winter than in summer to produce 100 pounds of gain. The figures given doubtless express the feed requirements of pigs under ordinary conditions in Denmark. The climate of Denmark is tempered by cool summers and is not excessively cold in win- ter. The average temperatures observed during the trials are given in the following table, the figures being for the air, stable and feed: Temperatures recorded in pig-feeding trials — Copenhagen Station. No. of experi- ments. Temperature, degrees Fahrenheit. Period of growth. Winter. Summer. Winter. Summer. Ah-. Stable. Feed. Air. Stable. Feed. 35 to 75 lbs.... 75 to 115 lbs... 115 to 155 lbs... 9 36 25 17 35 24 35.6 34.3 36.0 47.7 48.7 49.1 50.2 51.1 52.9 58.8 59.2 56.1 61.2 61.2 59.9 59.4 59.9 58.3 The table shows there was an average difference of only 20 or 25 degrees Fahr. between the summer and winter temperature when the experiments were conducted. These differences show a narrower range than prevails in most parts of the United States. 906. Light versus heavy feeding. — In two series of experiments with 60 animals in all, ^ the influence of the intensity of feeding on gain was made a special object of investigation. One experi- ment lasted 120 days, the other 210 days. The feeds used were barley, buttermilk, skim milk and whey. Results from heavy and light feeding — Copenhagen Station. Feeding. A v. wt. of Grain fed pigs at be- Gain per daily. ginning of exp't. day. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 3.61 34.9 .92 4.23 35.0 1.07 4.51 35.1 1.12 Grain for 100 lbs. gain. Light Medimn Heavy 1 Kept. 30, 1895 Lbs. 397 404 602 Feeds and Feeding. These results indicate a tendency toward a poorer utilisa- tion of the feed in the heavier feeding; the differences obtained are not, however, so great as in the case of winter and summer feeding. 907. Feed required for 100 pounds of gain. — In the following table ^ the grain or its equivalent required for 100 pounds of gain is reported for 355 animals in 16 experiments. These trials were with pigs ranging from 35 to 315 pounds, live weight. The figures given in the second line of the table are the arithmetical means of all figures for pigs coming within the range of live weight given in each column. Seven experiments supplying additional data for the five intermediate periods are given in the third line. The results of these important investigations are summarized in the following table: Grain or equivalent fed to produce 100 pounds gain with pigs — Copenhagen Station. Average weight of pigs in lots — I. 35-75 lbs. II. 7.5-115 lbs. III. 115-155 lbs. IV. 155-195 lbs. V. 195-235 lbs. VI. 23^275 lbs. VII. 275-315 lbs. No. of experiments Av. feed required, lbs.. Av. feed required in seven comparative 3 376 10 435 437 13 466 465 15 513 499 14 540 543 11 614 624 3 639 We notice a steady increase in the feed required to produce 100 pounds of gain with increasing weight of the animals. Pigs weighing 275 pounds required nearly twice as much feed for 100 pounds of increase as those weighing from 35 to 75 pounds. (845) 908. Barrows compared with sows. — The following table, ^ which includes data obtained from 1,216 animals, gives informa- tion concerning the comparative fattening qualities of barrows and sows. Although data from a large number of animals were employed in the computation, the table shows no practical difference in » Rept 30, 1895. » Loc. cit Danish Pig-feeding Experiments. 603 the results obtained for the two sexes as regards either gain, shrinkage, or quality of carcass. Comparative fattening qualities of barrows and sows — Copenlmgen Station. Barrow. Sow. No. of animals in trials Barrow. Sow. Av. wt. per head at beginning, lbs. Av. wt. per head at close, lbs 54 167 55 165 586 575 11 575 364 680 613 17 .987 22.6 1.5 1.4 33.3 44 33 20 3 .975 23.2 1.4 1.5 33.7 56 29 12 3 613 373 Percentage classifiGation: 160 120 72 12 209 Class II 108 Class III 43 Class IV 13 909. Breed tests. — Four essentially pure breeds of swine, ^ in- cluding 120 animals in all, were compared, the trials lasting 148 to 168 days each, with the following average daily gains: Results of breed tests — Copenhagen Station. Breed. Average weight at begin- ning of trials. Average daily gain per head. I. 11. III. I. II. III. Vendsyssel Lbs. 20.5 20.3 19.9 Lbs. 30.4 Lbs. Lbs. .99 .91 .94 Lbs. .94 Lbs. Native 19.9 92 30.2 .97 Poland-China 19.8 93 The animals of the native breeds made the poorest gain, and the Vendsyssel and Tam worth the best, but the differences were small. Neither did the data obtained at slaughtering time show any appreciable difference between the breeds as to value of car- cass, except that the Poland- China breed proved superior to the native, on account of the greater hardness of the pork. (835) Rept 15, 1889. CHAPTER XXXV. FEEDING AND MANAGEMENT OF SWINE — EFFECT OF FEED ON THE OAECASS OF THE PIG. I. Feeding arid Management. 910. Breeding stock. — In the successful management of breed- ing stock the prime requisite is ample pasture, that the animals may be maintained in the open air and sunshine, away from pens and yards, during as large a portion of the year as possible. Roaming in pastures covered with nutritious clovers and grasses, the pigs will develop healthy bodies. The pasture will not alone suffice for nutriment and should be supplemented by foods espe- cially adapted to bone and muscle buUding. Pigs of the larger breeds should receive sufficient nutriment to insure about one pound of growth per day, in order to reach the standard weight of 300 pounds when one year old. (841) The boar should be kept on pasture as much as possible, and when confined should be provided with a large lot for exercise. After the growth of the framework is completed this animal should receive only sufficient feed to continue in fair condition, all tendency to grossness being avoided. It is especially impor- tant to supply coarse feeds, as roots, whole oats, bran, and boiled chaffed clover hay. 911. Feed for the brood sow. — The feed for the sow before far- rowing should be nutritious but not concentrated. Heavy, con- centrated feed stuffs may be extended or given volume by using bran, which serves well for this piu-j^ose, and roots, which are much relished, and by supplying chaffed clover or alfalfa hay softened with boiling water. Some corn may be fed, but meals rich in protein — oats, peas, middlings and barley — should supply most of the nutriment. Breeders differ in their management of sows before farrowing, some insisting that they be held in thin flesh, whOe others would have thera in high condition. They will prove satisfactory when in good flesh, provided it is put on Feeding and Management of Swine. 605 aiider proper regulations as to chara^'ter of feed and anion nt of exercise. As farrowing -time approaches let the feed be sloppy and limited in quantity. Any tendency to costiveness should be overcome by feeding bran, oil meal, roots, or other feeds of a cor- rective character. For two or three days after farrowing supply only a limited quantity of feed. A thin, warm slop made of mid- dlings, oatmeal with a very little oil meal, poured a little at a time into the feeding trough, will quench the thirst of the new mother and answer all requirements. Eating her young, an act quite common with brood sows, is unnatural, and reflects upon the management of the feeder, indicating that feed and exercise have not been properly regulated. 912. Importance of exercise. — Sows carrying much flesh, made while confined in small pens, will prove at best unsatisfactory breeders. In summer, exercise is easily secured by the use of pasture, but winter conditions at the North are so adverse to out- door life of the pig that much ingenuity is called for on the part of the herdsman to attain the desired end. Sows will gain exercise in winter, when the weather is not too severe, if turned into sheltered yards where horses and cattle will not annoy them. If litter from the stable is thrown in the yard, exercise will be gained while working this over in search of waste grains. Some exercise can also be forced by scattering grains of corn or oats, preferably the latter, very thinly over the feeding floor. In gathering the grains the sows will be kept upon their feet for some time. If exercise can be secured in no other way, the sows should be driven for some time each day by the herdsman along a lane or roadway or about the yard. 9J3. Feeding sow and pigs. — K all goes well at farrowing- time, the feed may be gradually increased after two or three days, with the increasing flow of milk and the growing demands of the pigs, until a full ration is supplied. Brood sows should be heavily fed, for the gains of young pigs are made at low cost for feed consumed. (831) Good brood sows with large litters will usually fall off in weight despite the best of care and feed, but such decrease is no reflection upon the skill of the feeder. In feeding a brood sow the herdsman can draw upon all feeds at his 606 Feeds and Feeding. command. Middlings, ground oats and corn meal are particu- larly useful and should be liberally supplied; some bran, ground peas, barley and other grains will also prove helpful. The by- products of the dairy — skim milk and buttermilk — are always in place and may be used to almost any extent. Cooked roots, potatoes or pumpkins with a liberal admixture of meal form an acceptable ration. At farrowing- time, as soon as the young pigs have drawn theii first sustenance, it is well to at once separate them from the dam, placing them near by in a chaff-lined box or barrel. Sows which have been properly handled before farrowing will not usually re- sist such separation. Here the pigs are safe from harm, and the attendant can pass them to the dam at intervals of a few "hours for nourishment. Mature sows are often so clumsy that unless some precaution is taken they will kill their young by lying upon them. After two or three days the pigs are sufficiently strong and acti\^e to be entirely given over to the care of the dam. Pigs often injure the teats or udders of the sow while sucking, because of sharp teeth. Their mouths should be examined and the injurious members filed or broken off — a simple operation. When two or three weeks old, pigs will take a little nourish- ment provided for them in a separate trough, which should be located at a convenient point in pen or lot accessible to the pigs but not to the dam. At first, place only a pint or two of feed in the trough, and when this is eaten give more. Skim mUk will be the most relished, but in its absence a thin porridge of mid- dlings or sieved ground oats with a little oil meal will prove sat- isfactory. Soaked grains of corn scattered over the feeding floor will keep the young things busy and on their feet, getting exercise while securing nourishment. The pigs should be encouraged to eat as much as possible from the side trough. 914. Exercise for young pigs. — Well-niu'tured young pigs often become very fat, and many die unless abundant exercise is pro- vided. If sufficient exercise cannot be given, danger can in part be averted by reducing the feed supply, though by this growth is more or less checked. In the absence of more natural exercise, the herdsman should turn the pigs out of doors two or three Feeding and Management of Swims. 607 times a day and drive them about the yard for a time. Selle^ describes a means of exercise for winter pigs as follows: Wagon loads of sods are placed in the cellar in the fall. In winter these sods, with bits of meat scrap or cracklings added, are thrown into the pens, to be worked over by the young pigs. In searching for cracklings or scraps in the sods the pigs get exercise by rooting as well as some feed. Upon the first appearance of scouring or other ailment, the sup- ply of food should be reduced and the diet changed if possible. Carefully remove all excrement and change the animals to new quarters if they can be provided. 915. Weaning the pigs. — Pigs are generally weaned when from seven to ten weeks old. This is best accomplished by first re- moving the two strongest members of the litter to a separate pen, and aiLcr two or three days taking away others, always choosing the most vigorous, until all are removed. Under this practice the milk flow of the dam will gradually diminish until it ceases. Many breeders allow pigs to wean themselves, — a result reached without difficulty where they are liberally supplied with palata- ble nourishment at a side trough. When the pigs are weaned they should be placed in groups of not over twenty, care being taken that the members in each group are the same size. Where large numbers of pigs of varying sizes range together, the weaker ones are at a disadvantage at the feed trough and are liable to permanent injury from lack of feed and the rough treatment they receive. 916. Feeding shotes. — Under good management, the period be- tween weaning and fattening the pig is bridged without difficulty. First, let this animal be kept upon natural earth, having the freedom of the pasture as long as possible. There is no better place for the growing pig intended for either breeding or fatten- ing than a wood-lot of mixed herbage or a pasture carpeted with blue grass, clover or alfalfa. Pigs should wear no rings in their noses unless much rooting is done, for this cruel restriction works injury to the animal in several ways. While on pasture, the shote should still receive feed possessing bulk and carrying a » Wis. Farmers' Institute Bui., 1894. 608 Feeds and Feeding;. liberal supply of protein for muscle building and ash for the bones. If these are amply supplied, some com may be fed without harm. The feeder should aim to keep the pig steadily increasing in weight from one-half to one pound per day, according to the size of the animal. (830) 917. Fattening the pig. — Pigs are now prepared for market at all ages and the feeder should be governed by local requirements. A pig which has been reared on pasture supplemented with feed- ing stuffs rich in protein and ash can be rapidly and economically fitted for the market. Having been supplied with nutritious, cooling grasses and other plants of the field, the digestive tract of this animal becomes ample in size, healthy, active, and easily able to digest large quantities of feed, the whole system being in condition to assimilate the nutriment supplied and utilize it to the fullest extent. n. Feed for Swine. 918. Feeding corn. — In this country Indian corn must continue the common feeding stuff for swine. Because it is rich in carbo- hydrates and fat and low in protein and ash, the special function of this grain in pig feeding is the production of fat. (155) Hav- ing a proper knowledge of its composition and limitations, the feeder is in position to wisely use this great cereal. For breed- ing stock, corn should constitute not over half the ration at any time, the amount being smallest with young animals. As the body increases in size and nears maturity, the demand for protein and ash becomes less, and the proportion of corn to other grain can be gradually increased, until during the fattening stage the ration may, if desired, consist almost wholly of this grain. Whether corn should be fed whole or as meal depends upon circumstances. (84^) If the kernels are so hard as to cause sore mouths, thereby preventing easy mastication, the grain should be ground. If no trouble arises from this source, the utility of grinding hinges on the relative cost of grain and grinding. We have seen (848) that some grain is saved by reduction to meal, and the feeder can easily estimate whether he should incur the extra expense of grinding. Where grinding is not possible Feeding and Management of Sicine. 609 hard corn may be prepared for feeding by soaking the grains. Ear corn and shelled corn can be satisfactorily fed to fattening pigs upon a feeding floor of matched lumber, swept clean each day. Corn meal should always be soaked with water before feeding, the dry meal being unpalatable. Eemembering that feeds in combination are better than the same feeds given singly, the prudent stockman will provide some complementary feed for pigs getting corn, even though the proportion of the secondary feed be small. (894) 919. Demand for leaner pork. — Consumers at home and abroad are calling for leaner pork, and the feeder should cater to market requirements. The demand can be met by using more protein- rich feeds, with less corn, during the growth of the pig, and especially by shortening the fattening period. Feeding the by- products of milling, oats, barley, or the waste products of the dairy, with corn, the fattening period not being unduly pro- longed, produces pork which will easily meet the requirements of the most discriminating market. (894) 920. Why lard rules low in price. — Millions of barrels of mineral oil are now obtained yearly from the oil wells, and an enormous quantity of vegetable oil is produced from the cotton seed. The combined effect of these two articles is to limit the use of animal fats to the dining-table, while formerly they served for both lubricants and illuminants as well as for human food. The introduction and general use of the oils named has brought about one of the greatest economic changes of recent times. In this change we have an explanation of the low prices ruling for lard and tallow. Despite the low price for animal fats, con- sumers are calling for still less fat in pork, or at least a larger proportion of lean to fat. So long as oil can be secured from the earth and from the cotton seed, we cannot hope for high prices for lard or other animal fats. With these conditions confronting us, there seems no alternative but to produce more lean and less fat pork. 921. Wheat. — We have seen (851) that wheat divides honors with corn in its ability to produce gain with pigs, and because it contains more protein and ash it comes nearer fulfilling the re- 39 610 Feeds and Feeding. quirements of an all-around feed. Wheat is much superior to corn for young pigs and shotes. (167, 802) The flesh of wheat- fed pigs is considered very satisfactory, generally carrying less fat than that from corn-fed animals. Because the grains are small and hard, wheat should always be reduced to meal before it is fed. Soaked wheat has proved unsatisfactory with many feed- ers. As we have seen, (852) wheat and corn meal in combina- tion give better gains than either separately. 922. Middlings. — As a feed for swine at all periods of their development, middlings stand pre-eminent. Because it con- tains much protein and ash and is not loaded with crude-fiber like bran, this feeding stuff is particularly suited to the nourish- ment of very young pigs, ranking next to the by-products of the dairy for that purpose. (107) Middlings serve admirably with corn for feeding pigs during the fattening period. Like other milling by-products, middlings are said to produce soft pork, and therefore should never be fed alone, but always with corn, barley or other grains. 923. Bran. — This part of the wheat grain carries much protein and mineral matter, but its fibrous, chaffy character renders it ! nfit for the digestive apparatus of the young pig, which has but a limited capacity. (896) Middlings rather than bran should be fed to young pigs, but as they increase in size some bran may be fed with advantage, especially where it is desirable to add volume to the feed. Bran may be fed with good results to breed- ing stock and to a limited extent to fattening swine, the amount in the latter case being restricted, lest the volume of the feed be too much increased. Harris^ recommends that bran be sup- plied to pigs in a separate trough, where they can eat it at will. 924. Barley. — Judging from the European standard, barley leads the cereals in the quality of pork produced. (894) In quantity of product returned from feeding a given weight of grain it yields to corn. (857, 894) Because consumers are grow- ing more critical, the pig feeder should study ihe uses of barley in the feeding pen that he may profit by using it whenever op- portunity offers. Barley flourishes in the Western states, and in * The Pig, p. 233. Feeding and Management of 8mne. 611 conjunction with alfalfa may prove instrumental in turning many sections into profitable centers of pork production. This becomes all the more a certainty because consumers are learning to appre- ciate the higher grades of pork. 925. Peas. — Where this plant flourishes, farmers will find peas an excellent feed for swine. Because of the large amount of pro- tein they contain peas can be used with advantage in feeding young pigs, shotes, and in the production of lean pork. Farmers living north of the corn belt may find pork production still prof- itable through the proper use of peas. For feeding swine, peas should be ground, and, because of the high protein content and the heavy character of the meal they make, they should always be fed in conjunction with corn, barley, or other cereals. (860) 926. Dairy by-products. — No materials are more generally use- ful in all stages of swine feeding than skim milk and buttermilk. They should be supplied only in limited quantity to brood sows before farrowing; after farrowing the limit need scarcely be set. As trials show, (869) the best returns are secured when not over three pounds of milk are fed with each pound of meal in the ration. Feeding trials have also shown (108) that skim mills favors the development of muscle and builds the strongest bones. Cooke's trials (871) indicate that sour milk has a high feeding value with pigs. Buttermilk, when not diluted with washings from the creamery, is as valuable as skim milk for pigs. As a complementary feed corn meal stands first, since it is rich in car- bohydrates, while the milk furnishes protein and ash, the bone and muscle building elements. Breeders of pure-bred swine will find dairy by-products of the highest utility in producing pigs of model form and strong bone. (See Chapter VI. ) 927. Clover hay. — An omniverous feeder by nature, the pig suffers seriously when forced to subsist upon the cereals alone. Such feeds lack the bulk or volume essential to healthy, vigorous digestive action. An excellent corrective for concentrated feeds in winter is found in well-made clover hay. For pig feeding, clover hay should be run through the feed-cutter and the chaff well soaked by pouring scalding water over it. To the material so softened add meal, and feed the mixture once a day to all pigs 6X2 Feeds arid Feeding. except those in the last stages of fatteuing. While the pig gcta some nourishment from the hay, much of the advantage is doubt- less due to the normal distention of the digestive tract effected by this material. (876) 928. Pasture. — Experienced feeders appreciate the value of pasture for swine. Doubtless the returns from an acre of past- ure-land have been overstated by some writers, but its advan- tages, on the whole, have not been overdrawn. The results at the Utah Station (875) show that a gain of one-third of a pound daily is possible with thrifty shotes on good alfalfa pastui-e. For pasture, alfalfa and red clover doubtless lead all other plants of the field, (875) white clover, blue grass and rape follo\viug in value. Pastm-e plants, to be satisfactory with swine, must be short and tender, all effort to make them eat the long stems being useless. Booting in pastures tends to lengthen the skull, increase the size of the animal's head and enlarge the muscles running along the back of the neck. (832) Where health and lean meat are the objects sought, pigs should have no rings in their noses, and should be allowed to govern their own actions as to how much they tear up the sod in search of animal and vegetable food. All means for preventing rooting are at best necessary evils. When on pasture pigs should be fed grain, the amount of green forage consumed about supporting them, leaving the addi- tional food to be utilized in increasing their weight. 929. Administration of feed. — Suckling pigs take nourishment from the dam about every two hours, and we may accept Nature's guidance for the frequency of feeding very young animals. At weaning time the pigs should receive feed at least three times daily, with water always accessible. Since the digestive tract of this animal is of limited volume, probably the best results in fat- tening can be obtained with three feeds daily; but habit controls here as elsewhere, and stockmen can easily accustom their ani- mals to expect feed morning and evening only, meanwhile beiny content Since meal when dry is more slowly masticated than wheL moistened, it might be supposed that the greater addition of saliva consequent upon slow eating would increase the digestibility of Feeding and Management of Swine. 613 meal so fed, but the trials so far made favor moistening the feed with water. Observation shows that the pig does not take kindly to dry meal, eating it very slowly, and often rooting much of it out of the trough. On the whole sloppy feeds are best for the pig. (837) 930. Confinement. — It is possible to confine a few pigs in a sty when young and carry them successfully to the end of their career, but only a limited number of animals can be managed in one pen under such a system. When handled in large numbers pigs should be given ample range during the growing period, and be confined to pens only during the fattening stage. Experiments show that the best gains for feed consumed are secured during the first four weeks of confinement; that up to eight weeks good re- sults are possible; while if the feeding period is extended to twelve weeks the gains during the last four weeks are made at a greatly increased consumption for a given gain. As a rule pigs should not be fed over eight weeks in a pen, though they may be held somewhat longer if a rising market is assured, or for other good cause. (838, 847, 903) 931. Variety in feeding stuffs. — In feeding pigs we may always rely upon two feeding stuffs giving better results than one, and, guided by this, the feeder should have a variety at command. (852) Usually he has on hand one leading variety of grain or meal; let him intelligently search for complementary feeds. For example, if corn is relied upon as the main feed, this aliment, so rich in carbonaceous matter, should be supplemented with one rich in protein and ash. MUk, middlings, oat meal and pea meal naturally supplement corn, and, if volume is desired, bran will prove helpful. 932. Bafl-feeding show pigs. — Stephens* describes how, toward the close of the feeding period, English pigs fed for exhibitions are induced to put on the last possible ounce of fat. Equal quantities of bean, corn, barley and wheat meals are used, and three parts of this mixture added to one part of middlings, with the addi- tion of a little linseed meal. This material is moistened with milk to form a dough and made into balls the size of an egg. 1 Book of the Farm. 614 Feeds and Feeding, After the pigs have eaten all they will of the ordinary feed they are given a des-sert of these balls dipped in milk. The pigs soon learn to sit on their haimclies and are fed the dainty morsels one after another in turn, each pig, after eating the thinner food given him in the trough, consuming about a gallon more of these ball mixtures. 933. Influence of feed on quality of pork. — Brewer* summarizes his experience in regard to the influence of the food of swine on the quality of the flesh produced, as follows: ''The best flavored pork and the heaviest weight of the same was obtained in case of milk-fed swine; next to milk came the cereals — corn, barley, oats and peas. Potatoes produced a soft, light pork which loses a good deal in boiling. The meat of swine fed on flour-mill by-products was yellow, without body, and of a poor flavor. Oil meals produced a loose, oily pork of an unpleas- ant flavor. Beans produced a hard, indigestible and flavorless pork, and acorns one that was light, hard and unhealthy." No extended work has yet been done in this country on the influence of feeds on pork, and for the present we must be guided by the statements of foreign observers, mainly the Danish inves- tigators. Here is an important field for our Experiment Stations. (885, also various articles in Chapter XXXIY. ) 934. Correctives for swine. — Every stockman who has kept pigs in confinement has observed their strange craving for seem- ingly unnatural substances, — sand rock, soft brick, mortar, rot- ten wood, chivrcoal, soft coal, ashes, soap suds and many other articles being greedily devoured when oflered. Such objects lie outside the range of nutritive substances, and we are puzzled to know why they should be so eagerly consumed. In the wild state, the hog ranges thi-ough woods and open tracts, living upon small animals, larvae, and vegetation generally. This material is of such character and is gathered in such manner that some of the soil is swallowed with it. With rings in its nose to prevent rooting while in the pasture, confined on board floors during the fattening period and given feeds containing little ash, the pig's life is passed under unnatural conditions. Another cause » Gohren. Futterungslehre, 1872, p, 420. Feeding and Manugemerd of Swine. 615 for this craving may be intestinal worms, which are checked or destroyed by some of the substances consumed. Unsatisfac- tory or incomplete as such explanations may be, the fact remains that the pig seeks out these unnatural substances and greedily consumes them. The feeder would best supply what the pig craves in this direction and search for explanations later if he wishes. Ashes either from wood or coal will always be in place in the feeding pen and even in the feed lot. It is surprising how much of these will be consumed by a bunch of pigs. Feeding trials show that pigs when confined to an exclusive corn diet are greatly benefited by ashes, this substance causing the feed to be more effective and adding to the strength of the bones — the latter result probably being due to the lime in the ashes. (!I4) Bone meal is another substance useful for strengthening the bones of pigs. By saving the droppings, substantially all the value of this high-grade fertilizer may be secured for field and garden aft/cr it has served its purpose with the pigs. 935. Corn-cob charcoal. — Corn cobs are abundant in districts where swine feeding is largely practiced. They can serve no better purpose so far as needed than in producing charcoal for use in the feeding pens. The following directions for reducing cobs to charcoal are given by Theodore Louis, ^ a breeder of high repute in the Northwest: ''Dig a hole in the ground five feet deep, one foot in diameter at the bottom and five feet at the top, for the charcoal pit. Take the corn cobs, which have been saved in a dry place, and, start- ing a fire in the bottom of this pit, keep adding cobs so that the liame is gradually drawn to the top of the pit, which will be thus filled with the cobs. Then take a sheet iron cover, similar to a pot lid in form, and over five feet in diameter, so as to amply cover the hole and close up the burning mass, sealing the edges of this lid in turn with earth. At the end of twelve hours you may uncover and take out a fine sample of corn-cob charcoal." Charcoal so produced may be fed directly, or, better still, com- pounded as directed by Mr. Louis in the following manner: ^ Farm, Stock and Home, July 15, 1894. 610 Feeds and Feeding. "Take 6 bushels of this cob charcoal, or 3 bushels of common charcoal; 8 pounds of salt; 2 quarts of air-slacked lime; 1 bushel of wood ashes. Break the charcoal well down, with shovel or other implement, and thoroughly mix. Then take 1\ pounds of copperas and dissolve in hot water, and with an ordinary water- ing pot sprinkle over the whole mass and then again mix thor- oughly. Put this mixture into the self-feeding boxes, and place them where hogs of all ages can eat of their contents at pleasure." Where corn cobs are burned for fuel in the prairie districts the ashes should be saved for the pigs. III. Discussion of the Experiments Reported in Chapter VI on the Effects of Feed on the Body of the Pig. 936. Lessons from the experiments. — The practical bearings of the investigations on the mal-nutrition of pigs reported in Chapter VI are here presented. These experiments were conducted at several Stations iu widely separated states and countries and with different feeds, yet the results were concordant in showing that the frame of the growing animal and the vital organs can be greatly modified by improper nutrition, — the muscles pro- duced by such feeding being less than normal in size, the bones robbed of their strength, the vital organs, such as the liver and kidneys, modified, and even the blood reduced in quantity. Are there not lessons here for the student, and the breeder and feeder as well, which, if understood and appreciated, will help to a bet- ter management of farm animals, especially the pig 1 937. Limits of bone and muscle development. — In studying these experiments we should understand the limitations of nature in the development of the muscle and bone systems. JSTo feeds or combinations of feeds are known which will cause an animal to develop bone and muscle beyond what is set by inheritance. It was shown that pigs fed skim milk, dried blood and other protein- rich feeds had stronger bones and larger muscles (more lean meat) than those receiving corn meal only, but this does not show that these animals had increased in bone and muscle beyond the normal. In supplying pigs in these experiments with feeds rich in pro- tein and ash, theii' bodies were developed in bone and muscle to Feeding and ManagemeTd of Swine. 617 the limit of their constitutions set by inheritance. On the other hand, the growing pigs which received corn only during the trials were prevented, through lack of sufficient proper nutrients, from developing normal frames of bone and muscle. Pigs can be fed to produce bone and lean meat only as such flesh and bone are the sequence of normal development. It is entirely possible, on the other hand, to so feed or mal- nurture them as to prevent a normal growth of bone and muscle or lean meat while storing abnormally large quantities of fat. 938. The fat of the body. — Study will show that the deposi- tion of fat in the body is a matter of feed and conditions, con- trolled primarily by inheritance or constitution and having a wide range for the individual. Fat is reserve fuel stored in the body against a time of need. This true, Nature, which has set close limits to the development of the animal frame, shows no such restriction in the accumulation of fat. If conditions and feed are favorable, the animal stores large quantities of fat, the ability to do so being set by inheritance, character of feed, amount of exercise, etc. 939. nSustration from the human frame. — We can best illus- trate the above by reference to the human frame. No person by what he eats, in kind or quantity, can increase in bone or muscle beyond the normal of constitutional inheritance. On the other hand, the amount of fatty matter which is deposited in the tissues of the human body varies with different individuals, according to constitution, habits, character of food and amount of exercise taken. The grown athlete cannot add a pound of muscle to his body because of the food he eats; indeed, when he goes into training he reduces his weight, losing fat and water from the tissues. While a human being cannot add to his stature nor increase the muscles of his body by the kind of food he eats, the fat stored in the tissues may in extreme cases even double the normal weight of the body. 940. Lessons for breeder and feeder. — The observant feeder and breeder of swine studying these trials must be impressed with the plastic character of the body of the growing animal. He learns that the bones and muscles as well as some of the internal organs of the body can be thrown out of their normal relation 618 Feeds and Feeding. one to another through an unbalanced or improper food supply. He sees it possible for immature animals to live a long time with- out showing disease, while being dwarfed in form and made pre- maturely fat. He learns that Nature's plan is to grow the frame- work first and lay on fat afterwards. He underetands that while no farmer would feed his pigs as these were fed, wrong feeding may nevertheless unconsciously be practiced by many. He con- cludes, rightly, that if a pig or other young animal is mal-nur- tured so as to modify its bones, muscles and vital organs ever so little, and the animal so affected is later used for breeding pur- poses, the descendants likewise being mal-nurtured, the cumula- tive ill effects may in a few generations become very marked. He sees disaster through the excessive use of corn, rich in carbohy- drates but poor in bone and muscle elements, as the sole feed for young pigs. On the other hand, he studies the long list of feed- ing stuffs complementary to corn which will build strong bones and ample muscles. By the judicious use of feed mixtures he secures animals of great vigor, and selecting the best of these in framework and constitution, he holds his herd to a high standard. The feeder learns that the young pig should be nurtured upon a combination of feeding stuffs that will first develop a normal frame of bone and muscle. Ha\ang the desired frame, if the market demands lean meat, he will produce this to the limit of the pig's normal development, adding fat at the close of the feeding period to the extent desired by the market. In America corn is the common feeding stuff for swine, and pigs show such fondness for it that harm often results because the practice of the feeder and breeder is guided by the appetite of the animal rather than by a knowledge of the composition and limitations of feeds. Let us not despise corn because, when wrongly and ex- cessively used as it purposely was in these experiments with young, growing pigs, it failed to develop the normal framework of bone and muscle. Each feed has its function in the nutrition of animals, and only by its abuse can unfavorable results follow. This grain has enabled the United States to take first rank among nations in the quantity of pork produced, and upon its judicious use rests future success. APPENDIX TiJBLB I. Atebaqe Composition of Ameeioaj^ Feeding Stuffs. This table is mainly from Farmers' Bulletin 22, 17. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1895, whicli in turn is based on Jenkins and Wimton's tables in Bulletin 11, OfSce of Experiment Stations, Department of Agriculture, Washington. Analyses not from the source above mentioned are in most cases from the following: Zusammensetzung der Futterm., Diet- ricli and Konig; Farm Foods, Wolff, English edition. Cousins; WoU, Handbook for Farmers and Dairymen; Holland, Eeport Massachusetts (Hatch) Experiment Station, 1896; Jenkins and Winton's tables, and Bulletin 87, New Jersey Experiment Station. Feeding stuffs. Concentrates. Corn, dent Com, flint Corn, sweet Corn meal Corn cob Corn and cob meal Corn bran Corn gemi Hominy chops Germ meal Dried starch and sugar feed Starch feed, wet Maize feed, Chicago Grano-gluten Cream gluten Gluten meal Gluten feed Wheat, all analyses Wheat, spring Wheat, winter. Percentage composition. 10.6 11.3 8.8 15.0 10.7 15.1 9.1 10.7 11.1 8.1 10.9 65.4 9.1 5.8 8.1 8.2 7.8 10.5 10.4 10.5 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.3 4.0 2.5 1.3 0.9 0.3 0.9 2.8 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.8 1.9 1.8 Pro- tein. 10.3 10.5 11.6 9.2 2.4 8.5 9.0 9.8 9.8 11.1 19.7 6.1 22.8 31.1 36.1 29.3 24.0 11.9 12.5 11.8 Crude fiber. 2.2 1.7 2.8 1.9 30.1 6.6 12.7 4.1 3.8 9.9 4.7 3.1 7.6 12.0 1.3 3.3 5.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 Nitro- gen-free extract. 70.4 70.1 66.8 68.7 54.9 64.8 62.2 64.0 64.5 62.5 54.8 22.0 52.7 33.4 39.0 46.5 51.2 71.9 71.2 72.0 5.8 7.4 8.3 7.1 9.0 3.1 6.9 14.9 14.8 11.8 10.6 2.1 2.2 2.1 86 68 26 77 18 7 5 3 12 6 4 12 3 1 3 20 11 310 13 620 Feeds and Feeding, Table I. Average composition of American feeding stuffs — continued. Feeding stufft. Concentrates — con. Flour, high grade , Flour, low grade Flour, dark feeding.., Bran, all analyses , Bran, spring wheat... Bran, winter wheat.. Middlings , Shorts Wheat screenings Rye Rye flour... Rye bran... Rye sliorts. Barley Barley meal Barley screenings Brewers' grains, wet.. ..a. Brewers' grains, dried Malt sprouts Oats Oat meal. , Oat feed ... Oat dust . , Oat hulls . Rice Rice meal... Rice hulls... Rice bran... Rice polish Buckwheat Buckwheat flour Buckwheat hulls Buckwheat bran Buckwheat shorts Buckwheat middlings . Sorghum seed Broom-corn seed Kaffir-corn seed Millet seed Hungarian grass seed Flax seed Flaxseed, ground Linseed meal, old process.. Linseed meal, new process. Percentage composition. 12.2 12.0 9.7 11.9 11.5 12.3 12.1 11.8 11.6 11.6 13.1 11.6 10.9 11.9 12.2 75.7 8.2 10.2 11.0 7.9 7.7 6.5 7.3 12.4 10.2 8.2 9.7 10.0 12.6 14.6 13.2 10.5 11.1 13.2 12.8 11.5 9.3 14.0 9.5 9.2 8.1 9.2 10.1 0.6 2.0 4.3 5.8 5.4 5.9 3.3 4.6 2.9 1.0 0.7 3.6 5.9 2.4 2.6 3.6 1.0 3.6 5.7 3.0 2.0 3.7 6.9 6.7 0.4 8.1 13.2 10.0 6.7 2.0 1.0 2.2 3.0 5.1 4.8 2.1 3.4 1.5 3.3 5.0 4.3 4.7 5.7 5.8 Pro- tein. 14.9 18.0 19.9 15.4 16.1 16.0 15.6 14.9 12.5 10.6 6.7 14.7 18.0 12.4 10.5 12.3 5.4 19.9 23.2 11.8 14.7 16.0 13.5 3.3 7.4 12.0 3.6 12.1 11.7 10.0 6.9 4.6 12.4 27.1 28.9 9.1 10.2 9.9 11.8 9.9 22.6 21.6 32.9 33.2 Crude fiber. 0.3 0.9 3.8 9.0 8.0 8.1 4.6 7.4 4.9 1.7 0.4 3.5 5.1 2.7 6.5 7.3 3.8 11.0 10.7 9.5 0.9 6.1 18.2 29.7 0.2 5.4 35.7 9.5 6.3 8.7 0.3 43.5 31.9 8.3 4.1 2.6 7.1 1.4 9.5 7.7 7.1 7.3 8.9 9.5 Nitro- gen-free extract. 70.0 63.3 56.2 53.9 54.5 53.7 60.4 56.8 65.1 72.5 78.3 63.8 59.9 66.3 61.8 12.5 51.7 48.5 67 7 4 59.4 50.2 52.1 79.2 51.2 38.6 49.9 58.0 64.5 75.8 35.3 38.8 40.8 41.9 69.8 63.6 74.9 57.4 63.2 23.2 27.9 35.4 38.4 Ether ex- tract 2.0 3.9 6.2 4.0 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 1.7 0.8 2.8 2.8 1.8 2.2 2.8 1.6 5.6 1.7 5.0 7.1 7.1 4.8 1.0 0.4 13.1 0.7 8.8 7.3 2.2 1.4 1.1 3.3 7.6 7.1 3.6 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.7 33.7 30.4 7.9 3.0 Appendix. -621 TABiiE I. Average composition of American feeding stuffs — continued. Feeding stuffs. Percentage composition. Crude fiber. Nitro- gen-free extract. Concentrates — con. Cotton seed ■ Cotton seed, roasted Cotton-seed meal Cotton-seed hulls Cotton-seed kernels (with- out hulls) Cocoanutcake Palm-nut meal Sunflower seed Sunflower-seed cake Peanut kernel (without hulls) Peanut meal Elape-seed cake Pea meal Soja bean Cowpea Horse bean Roughage. Corn forage, field cured. Fodder corn Corn stover Corn husks Com leaves Corn forage, green. Fodder com, all varieties.... Dent varieties Dent, kernels glazed Flint varieties Flint, kernels glazed Sweet varieties Leaves and husks Stripped stalks Hay from grasses. Hay from mixed grasses Timothy, all analyses Timothy, cut in fuU bloom.. Timothy, cut soon after bloom Timothy, cut when nearly ripe Orchard grass Red top, cut at different stages. Red top, cut in bloom Kentucky blue grass 10 3 6.1 8.2 11.1 6.2 10.3 10.4 8 6 10.8 7.5 10.7 10.0 10.5 10.8 14.8 11.3 42.2 40.5 50.9 30.0 79.3 79.0 73.4 79.8 77.1 79.1 66.2 76.1 15.3 13.2 15.0 14.2 14.1 8.9 8.7 21.2 3.6 5.5 7,2 2.8 4.7 5.9 4.3 2.6 6.7 2.4 4.9 7.9 2.6 4.7 3.2 3.8 2.7 3.4 1.8 5.6 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.3 2.9 0.7 5.5 4.4 4.5 4.4 3.9 6.0 5.2 4.9 6.3 18.4 16.8 42.3 4.2 31.2 19.7 16.8 16.3 32.8 27.9 47.6 31.2 20.2 34.0 20.8 26.6 4.5 3.8 2.6 6.0 1.8 1.7 2.0 2.0 2.7 1.9 2.1 0.6 7.4 5.9 6.0 5.7 6.0 8.1 7.9 8.0 7.8 23.2 20.4 5.6 46.3 3.7 14.4 24.0 29.9 13.5 7.0 5.1 11.3 14.4 4.8 4.1 7.2 14.3 19.7 15.8 21.4 5.0 5-6 6.7 7.3 27.2 29.0 29.6 28.1 31.1 32.4 28.6 29.9 23.0 24.7 23.5 23.6 33.4 17.6 38.7 35.0 21.4 27.1 15.6 23.7 30.0 51.1 28.8 55.7 50.1 34.7 31.5 28.3 35.7 12.2 12.0 15.5 12.1 14.6 12.8 19.0 14.9 42.1 45.0 41.9 44.6 43.7 41.0 47.6 46.4 37.8 19.9 27.7 13.1 2.2 36.6 11.0 9.5 21.2 9.1 8.0 1.2 16.9 1.4 1.0 1.6 1.1 0.7 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.5 1.1 0.5 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.0 2.2 1.9 2.1 622 FeedA and Feeding. Table I. Average composition of American feeding stuflft — continued. Feeding stuffs. RouGHAOE — continued. Hay from grasses — con. Kentucky blue ^raas, cut when seed in milk. Kentucky blue grass, cut when seed ripe Hungarian grass Meadow fescue Italian rye grass Perennial rye grass Rowen (mixed) Mixed grasses and clovers... Barley hay, cut in milk , Oat hay, cut in milk Swamp hay Salt-marsh hay Wild-oat grass Buttercujis White daisy Johnson grass Fresh grass. Pasture grass Kentucky blue grass Timothy, different stages... Orchard grass, in bloom Red top, in bloom Oat fodder. Rye fodder Sorghum fodder Barley fodder Hungarian grass Mea'low fescue, in bloom... It^iliun rye grass, coming into bloom Tall oat grass, in bloom Japanese millet Barnyard millet. Hay from legumes. Red clover , Red clover, in bloom Red clover, mammoth.. Alsike clover , White clover Crimson clover Japan clover Alfalfa , Cowpea , Soja bean ' Pea vine rercentage comijosition. 24.4 27.8 7.7 20.0 8.5 14.0 16.6 12.9 15.0 15.0 11.6 10.4 14.3 9.3 10.3 10.2 80.0 65.1 61.6 73.0 65.3 62.2 76.6 79.4 79.0 71.1 69.9 73.2 69.5 75.0 75.0 15.3 20.8 21.2 9.7 9.7 9.6 11.0 8.4 10.7 11.3 15.0 7.0 6.4 6.0 6.8 6.9 5.5 2.0 2.8 2.1 2.0 2.3 2.5 1.8 1.1 1.8 1.7 1.8 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.9 6.2 8.3 8.3 8.6 8.5 7.4 7.5 7.2 6.7 Pro- tein. 6.3 5.8 7.5 7.0 7.5 10.1 11.6 10.1 8.8 9.3 7.2 5.5 5.0 3.5 4.1 3.1 2.6 2.8 3.4 2.6 1.3 2.7 3.1 2.4 12.3 12.4 10.7 12.8 15.7 15.2 13.8 14.3 16.6 15.4 13.7 Crude fiber. 24.5 23.8 27.7 25.9 30.5 :i5.4 22.5 27.6 24.7 29.2 26.6 30.0 25.0 30.6 30.0 28.5 4.0 9.1 11.8 8.2 11.0 11.2 11.6 6.1 7.9 9.2 10.8 6.8 9.4 7.8 7.0 24.8 21.9 24.5 25.6 24.1 27.2 24.0 25.0 20.1 22.3 24.7 Nltro- ge«-free extract. 34.2 33.2 49.0 38.4 45.0 40.5 39. 4 41.3 44.9 39.0 45.9 44.1 48.8 41.1 42.0 45.9 9.7 17.6 20.2 13.3 17.7 19.3 6.8 11.6 8.0 14.2 14.3 13.3 15.8 13.1 13.1 38.1 33.8 33.6 40.7 39.3 36.6 39.0 42.7 42.2 38.6 37.6 3.6 3.0 2.1 2.7 1.7 2.1 3.1 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.0 2.4 3.3 3.5 3.4 2.1 0.8 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.9 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.3 0.9 0.5 0.6 3.3 4.5 3.9 2.9 2.9 2.8 3.7 2.2 2.2 5.2 2.3 Appendix. 623 Table I. Average composition of Axaerican feeding stuffs — continued Feeding stuffs. Percentage composition. Pro- tein. Crude fiber. Nitro- gen-free extract. Roughage — continued. Hay from legumes — con. Vetch Serradella Flat pea Peanut vines ( without nuts ) Sanfoin Fresh legumes. Red clover, different stages, Alsike clover Crimson clover Alfalfa Cowpea Sojabean Serradella Horse bean Flat pea ..._ Straw. Wheat Rye Oat Barley Wheat chaff. Oatchaff Buckwheat straw .Soja bean Horse bean Silage. Corn Sorghum Eled clover. Soja bean Apple pomace (Jowpea vine Cowpea and soja-bean vines, mixed Field-pea vine Barnyard millet and soja bean Corn and soja bean Rye Roots and tubers. Potato Beets, common Beet, sugar Beet, mangel Turnip Ruta-baga 11.3 9.2 8.4 7.6 15.0 70.8 74.8 80.9 71.8 83.6 75.1 79.5 84.2 66.7 7.1 9.2 14.2 14.3 14.3 9.9 10.1 9.2 79.1 76.1 72.0 74.2 85.0 79.3 69.8 50.1 79.0 76.0 78.9 88.5 86.5 90.9 90.5 88.6 7.9 7.2 7.9 10.8 7.3 2.1 2.0 1.7 2.7 1.7 2.6 3.2 1.2 2.9 4.2 3.2 5.1 5.7 9.2 10.0 5.5 5.8 8.7 1.4 1.1 2.6 2.8 0.6 4.5 3.5 2.8 2.4 1.6 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.1 0.8 1.2 17.0 15.2 22.9 10.7 14.8 4.4 3.9 3.1 4.8 2.4 4.0 2.7 2.8 8.7 3.4 3.0 4.0 3.5 4.5 4.0 5.2 4.6 8.8 1.7 0.8 4.2 4.1 1.2 2.7 5.9 2.8 2.5 2.4 2.1 1.5 1.8 1.4 1.1 1.2 25.4 21.6 26.2 23.6 20.4 8.1 7.4 5.2 7.4 4.8 6.7 5.4 4.9 7.9 38.1 38.9 37.0 36.0 36.0 34.0 43.0 40.4 37.6 6.0 6.4 8.4 9.7 3.3 6.0 9.5 13.0 7.2 7.2 5.8 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.3 36.1 44.2 31.4 42.7 39.5 13.5 11.0 8.4 12.3 7.1 10.6 8.6 6.5 12.2 43.4 46.6 42.4 39.0 34.6 36.2 as.i 37.4 34.3 11.0 15.3 11.6 6.9 8.8 7.6 11.1 26.0 7.2 11.1 9.2 17.3 8.0 9.8 5.5 6.2 7.5 2.3 2.6 3.2 4.6 3.0 1.1 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.7 0.4 1.6 1.3 1.2 2.3 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.7 1.4 0.8 0.3 1.2 2.2 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.6 1.0 0.8 0.3 0.1 0.1 o.i 0.2 0.2 0.2 624 Feeds and Feeding. Table I, Average composition of American feeding e,i\\fr& — continued. Feeding stuffs. Percentage composition. Pro- tein. Crude fiber. Niti-o- gen-free extract, Ether ex- tract. Roots and tubers — con. Carrot Parsnip Artichoke Sweet potato Miscellaneous. Cabbage Spurry Sugar-beet leaves Pumpkin ffield) Pumpkin (garden) Prickly comfrey Rape Acorns, fresh Apples Cow's milk Cow's milk, colostrum. Mare's milk Ewe's milk Goat's milk. Bow's milk Skim milk, gravity Skim milk, centrif ugaL Buttermilk Whey Dried blood Meat scrap Dried fish Beet pulp Beet molasses Apple pomace , Sorghum bagasse Distillery slops Dried sediment from distil- lery slops , 79.5 71.1 90.6 75.7 88.0 90.9 80.8 88.4 84.5 55.3 87.2 74.6 91.0 81.3 86.9 80.8 90.4 90.6 90.1 93.8 8.5 10.7 10.8 89.8 20.8 76.7 83.9 93.7 5.0 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.4 4.0 2.4 0.5 0.9 2.2 2.0 1.0 0.4 0.7 1.6 0.4 0.8 0.9 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 4.7 4.1 29.2 0.6 10.6 0.5 0.6 U.2 11.3 1.1 1.6 2.6 1.5 2.4 2.0 2.6 1.3 1.8 2.4 2.3 2.5 0.7 3.6 17.6 2.1 6.3 3.7 6.2 3.3 3.1 4.0 0.6 84.4 71.2 48.4 0.9 9.1 1.4 0.6 1.9 27.4 1.3 1.0 0.8 1.3 1.5 4.9 2.2 1.7 1.8 1.6 2.6 4.4 1.2 2.4 3.9 3.2 0.6 8.0 7.6 10.2 15.9 24.7 3.9 12.7 4.4 5.2 7.9 5.1 8.4 34.8 16.6 4.9 2.7 5.3 4.7 4.4 4.8 4.7 5.3 4.0 5.1 0.3 6.3 59.5 16.2 11.7* 2. 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.5 1.9 0.4 3.7 3.6 1.2 6.8 4.1 7.1 0.9 0.3 1.1 0.1 2.5 13.7 11.6 1.3 0.9 36.1 12.3 793 42 3 144 6 16 35 7 2 1 * Includes fat. Appendix. 625 Table II. Average Digesttbility of American Feeding Stuffs, with Additions from the German Tables. The data of this table are mainly from digestion trials con- ducted by American Experiment Stations, as compiled by Lindsey in the report of the Massachusetts (Hatch) Experiment Station for 1896. Coefficients from this source are marked "M" in the last column of the table. To render the table more complete, additions have been made from the German tables. Those marked *' L " are from Mentzel & Lengerke's Landw. Kalender for 1898. Those marked " K " are from Zusammensetzung der Futtermittel, Dietrich and Konig. A. Experiments toith Ruminants. Feeding stuffs. |i si CONCENTKATES. Dent corn Corn meal Com cob Com and cob meal Gluten meal Gluten meal f Chicago) , Gluten meal (King's)... Gluten feed Gluten feed (Buffalo)... Gluten feed (Pope's) Gluten feed (Peoria) Gluten feed (Atlas) Maize feed (Chicago) .... Cream gluten (Pope's).. Wheat bran Wheat bran, spring wheat. Wheat bran, winter wheat. Wheat middlings Rye meal Barley Malt sprouts Brewers' grains, wet , Brewers' grain.s, dried Oats Rice meal Flax seed Linseed meal, old process... Linseed meal, new process. 40 Per cent. 91 88 59 79 Per cent. 76 60 17 52 83 73 84 84 79 80 77 82 84 70 80 73 79 78 Per cent. 58 72 72 Per cent. 93 93 60 Per cent. 86 92 50 84 93 93 94 83 87 81 79 91 90 68 76 64 85 64 89 100 86 91 83 85 93 626 Feeds and Feeding. T A ni.E TI. Average digestibility of American feeding stuflib — eontinued. Feedlug stuffs. Concentrates — continued Cotton seed Cotton seed, roasted Cotton-seed meal Cotton-seed liulls Cotton-seed hulls, when fed with cotton-seed meal . Cotton-seed hulls, when fed with cotton-seed meal . Cotton-seed feed (hulls and meal) Cotton-seed feed (hulls and meal) Pea meal Soja-bean meal Peanut feed ROUOHAGK Fodder corn, field-cured. Dent and flint varieties, aver- age Dent, mature Dent, in milk Dent, immature, B. & W. (coarse) Dent, immature, no ears formed Flint, mature Flint, ears just forming Sweet, mature Com stover, field-cured. Corn stover, all varieties Corn stover Corn stover, shredded, fed dry. Corn stover, shredded, fed wet. Corn stover, tops and blades ... Corn stover, leaves Corn stover, stalk below ear.... Corn stover, stalk above ear..... Corn stover, husks Corn stover, leaves below ear... Com forage, green. Dent fodder corn, average glaz- ing and mature Dent fodder corn, mature Dent fodder corn, glazing Dent fodder corn, in milk Dent fodder com, immature ... 2 ftj i a II H 0 d a I ■a g II Z o (L, o ^* W*" Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 2 66 68 76 50 87 2 56 47 66 51 72 6 76 88 32 64 93 13 41 6 47 34 79 S 41 38 49 78 11 45 46 51 76 3 46 45 37 50 82 11 55 62 46 54 85 2 87 83 26 94 55 10 2 79 32 87 71 73 49 85 90 12 23 68 55 65 73 74 14 66 48 57 72 7(J 11 63 50 64 66 75 4 57 27 59 61 76 8 65 62 71 64 66 9 71 65 76 73 70 8 70 70 72 71 67 6 67 64 74 68 74 8 60 45 67 61 62 4 62 52 67 64 52 2 57 40 65 56 72 2 60 36 70 59 74 2 60 55 71 62 71 2 56 56 61 59 63 2 67 21 74 69 80 2 55 22 71 54 64 2 2 72 65 30 35 80 78 33 56 68 13 66 53 52 74 76 4 65 51 55 72 73 9 67 54 51 75 78 9 70 61 64 76 78 11 68 66 67 71 68 Appendix. 627 Table II. Average digestibility of American feeding stuffs — continued. Feeding staffs * ■c a e3 fl a 0 © o b o ^ n fc Per Per cent. cent. 2 52 24 6 72 62 2 77 77 48 67 66 94 61 57 28 56 50 26 57 48 5 60 56 10 53 45 3 56 60 3 60 61 2 65 60 20 58 58 2 40 8 65 68 1 71 72 4 59 65 2 58 60 2 55 38 2 69 70 1 40 67 3 64 68 2 62 63 1 55 46 4 61 58 2 63 61 1 61 14 2 39 34 2 60 63 2 53 57 2 53 63 - 56 62 f. a II l^ g W Per Per cent. cent. 'iA 78 T7 79 81 74 68 67 64 63 59 49 63 57 63 57 60 53 55 55 62 51 67 64 59 48 58 50 64 47 73 60 63 41 54 19 60 58 69 52 43 37 65 50 59 46 54 39 66 57 65 47 65 46 46 44 56 41 52 24 53 47 54 31 Roughage — continued Cornforage, green — continued Dent fodder com, glazing, B. & W. (coarse) Sweet fodder corn, roasting ear stage Sweet fodder corn, in milk... Hay from grasses. Meadow hay, rich in protein Meadow hay, medium in pro- tein Meadow hay, poor in protein.. Timothy, all trials Timothy, cut in bloom Timothy, cut soon after bloom Orchard grass Red top Hungarian Mixed, rich in protein Mixed, medium in protein Rowen, average Dried pasture grass Barley hay Oats and vetch Timothy and clover, poorly cured Blue-joint grass ( CaZamagros- tis Canadensis) in bloom Blue-joint grass, past bloom.... Wild-oat grass {Danthonica spicata) Cats-tail miUet {Pennesetum spieatum) Johnson grass Witch (quack) grass ( Triticum U repens) : Sorghum fodder (leaves) Sorghum bagasse (stalks after juice is removed) Swamp hay Salt hay of black grass {Juncus Oerardi) Low meadow fox grass {Spar- Una juncea) High-grown salt hay (largely Spartina juncea) Branch grass {Spartina juncea with Spartina stricta, var. glabra) Per cent. 46 628 Feeds and Feeding. Table II. Average digestibility of American feeding stufls — continued. Feeding stofllfc 1 O d i Oh 1 •a 9 1^ 3 < Roughage — continued. Hay from grasses — continued. Buttercups (Jianunculua acris) White weed (Ox eye daisy) {Leucanthemum vulgare) Straw and chaff. Wheat straw 2 2 7 9 19 6 4 2 2 4 6 1 2 2 4 4 8 2 2 2 46 2 2 3 1 9 28 2 1 2 2 6 2 2 2 Per cent. 66 58 43 46 48 63 56 42 26 71 68 56 64 74 67 67 63 60 68 66 61 55 52 62 66 62 60 Per cent. 66 68 11 21 30 20 50 38 6 70 50 59 75 79 46 72 63 77 81 72 62 55 49 66 73 69 74 77 69 6,5 71 76 75 63 70 Per cent. 41 46 52 60 54 56 38 45 37 76 52 51 60 80 59 61 70 43 57 64 49 46 48 53 61 45 43 49 43 43 61 54 50 62 36 Per cent. 67 67 38 87 44 54 66 49 29 73 64 54 63 71 74 71 67 61 66 68 69 64 68 71 70 62 66 64 72 71 69 66 63 70 74 Per cent. 70 62 31 32 33 42 60 48 34 63 47 51 70 74 74 60 62 60 74 52 62 63 43 50 61 44 39 54 48 50 29 60 65 06 66 M. M. T. T. T, T, Sola-bean straw. L. Oat chaff T, Wheat chaff L. ChrasseSy green. Pasture grasses, mixed AT Timothy T, Orchard grass, in bloom T, Oat fodder, in bloom IVT Rye, formation of heads M Sorcfhum, average M Barlev, in bloom M Hungarian grass, early to late bloom M Barley and peas, full bloom..... Oats and i>eas, bloom(?) M. Rowen grass, mostly timothy, two-thirds grown. Say from legumes. Red clover, in bloom.. Red clover, late bloom, fair quality M. L. M Red clover, good quality M. Alsike M. White M. Crimson M Alfalfa L. Alfalfa, late bloom M. Alfalfa, stage not given M. Cowpea-vine, fair quality Soja-bean.... 59 62 65 62 GO 62 M. M Vetch ; L. Berradella, in bloom Peanut vines L. M Sanfoin L Appendix. 629 Table II. Average digestibility of American feeding stuffs — continued. Feeding atufft. Roughage — continued. Legumes, green. Red clover, late bloom Rowen, late bloom Crimson clover, late bloom Alfalfa Cowpea, ready for soiling Soja bean, before bloom Koja bean, seed half grown Canada peas, just before bloom Silage. Dent com, grain milk stage to mature Dent corn, immature Dent corn, stage uncertain Dent corn, fine crushed (steers^ Dent corn, fine crushed (sheep) Dent corn, uncooked, ears ma- ture Dent corn, cooked, ears mature Flint, ears glazing Sweet, some ears matured Soja beau Cowpea vine Barnyard mUlet and soja bean Com and soja bean Roots and tubers. Potato Potato Beet, mangel Beet, mangel ; Sugar beet Sugar beet Turnip, flat Ruta-baga MiSCEIiliANEOUS. Cow's milk Acorns, fresh Dried blood Meat scrap Fish guano Beet pulp Per cent. 64 63 Per cent. 45 94 63 Per cent. 53 62 56 45 57 50 41 62 100 100 74 Per cent. 78 65 74 76 84 72 73 71 69 91 96 91 95 100 97 95 91 100 Per cent. 65 61 66 52 59 54 54 52 100 88 100 76 84 630 Feeds and Feeding. Table II. Avorage dijfcstibility of American feeding stuffs — continued. B. ExperimenU with Pigs. Feeding ituffk. Com meal Corn meal Corn kernels, whole Corn and cob meal.., Pea meal Barley meal Barley meal Wheat, whole Wheat, cracked- Wheat shorts Wheat bran Rye bran Potato Potato Dried blood Flesh meal Sour milk » 2 h 1 ■E ^ jj as hay, corn fodder, silage, roots, etc. See Concentrates. Rumen, or paunch. The first stomach of ruminants. (28) Ruminant. An animal that chews the cud. Ruta-baga, Swedish turnip, Swedes. Brassica campestris, var. Saliva. The secretion of the salivary glands of the mouth, the oflQe« of which is to moisten the food and through its ferment, ptyalin, partially digest the starchy components of the food. (25) Scarlet or crimson clover. Trifolium incarnatum. Silage. A succulent forage preserved in the silo. Silo. An air-tight structure used for the preservation of forage in a suo- culent condition. Soiling. The system of feeding farm animals in a bam or enclosure with fresh grass or green fodders, as com, rye, oats, etc. Soja bean, or soy bean. Soja hispida. Sorghum. Sorghum vulgare, var. aaccharatum^ Spurry. Spergula arvensis. Stover. The dry stalks of corn from which the ears have been removed. Succulent feed. Feed containing much water, aa grass, silage, roots, Swedish clover. See Alsike clover. Teosinte. EucMaena luxurians. Timothy, or Herd's grass. Phleum pratense. Villi. Minute hair-like projections on the inside of the intestines, through which the larger portion of the digested nutrienta is absorbed. (35) White clover. Trifolium repens. INDEX. The references are to pages. ^ Abomasnm, 18. : Absorption, 20. i Acorn, 219. Age, effect of on gain of steers, 807. Age of cow, effect of on productiylty of feed, 406. Albuminoids, 6. Alfalfa or lucern, 203. compared with com, 2M. for pasture, 208. in eastern United States, 207. Iowa experience with, 204. losses in hay making, 206. manner of growth, 207. yield of, 203. Alfalfa crop, nutrients in, 205. Alfalfa hay, 208, damage from rain, 206. fattening Western sheep on, 506. for sheep, 505. and grain for fattening sheep, 532. Alsike clover, 201. American Fat Stock Show, slaughter tests, 380. American ration for dairy cows, 114. Amides, 7. influence on protein consumption, 48. Animal body, dry substance in, 72. fat in, 72. influence of feed on, 78. nitrogenous substance in, 72. water in, 72. Animal carcass, modification by roots, 214, Animal nutrition, 40. Artichoke, 214. for horses, 307. for pigs, 571. Artificial digestion, 81. trials, 288. ? ABh, 7, 10. retained and voided by farm animals, 26,5. Ashes, for pigs fed on com, 86. for swine, 614. Asparagin, a nutrient, 48. influence on protein consampUon, 48. Balanced ration, for steers, 357. Ball-feeding show pigs, 613. Barley, characteristics of, 133. fertilizing constituents of, 188. for cows, 474. for horses, 293. for awine, 562, 610. Barley vs. centrifngal «kim milk for pic«, 586. vs. Indian corn for pigs, 591. vs. rye for pigs, 588. Barley and its by-products In brewing, 138. Barley and pea«, 191. Barrows vs. sows in swine feeding, 603. Beef, feeding for, 338. production, cotton seed for, 861. making, at the South, 361. value of breed in, 372. returns per acre of corn, 381. see Steer feeding. Beef and dairy cows compared, 40S. Beet molasses, 224. potash in, 225. Beet pulp, means of utilizing, 223. silage from, 223. Beets of different sugar content vs. gr&im for pigs, 59.5. Beets and silage, relative cost, 252. Beets, see Roots. Bile, 17. Blood, the, 22. plasma, composition of, 22. venous, composition of, 22. dried, feeding pigs on, 78. for sheep, 511. Blood bread vs. grain for pigs, 687. Body fat, source of, 50. Body heat not a measure of th« energy of food, 67. Body tissues, formation of, 40. Body waste, the, 41. Bone and muscle development, limits, dC Bone meal for corn-fed pigs, 86. Bones, strength of pig's, 83. Bran for sheep, 499, 623. for steers, 383. for swine, 610. vs. oats for horses, 295. Bran and shorts vs. bran for horses, 2K, see Wheat bran. Breed, value of, in beef making, 372. Breed tests with pigs, 543, 60S. with cows, 455. with steers, 373, 375. with sheep, 487-89. Brewers' grains, 136. for cows, 474. dried, 137. for horses, 293. wet, 137. 644 Index. Brood frow, feed for, 604 Importance of exercise for, 605. Erooiu-cora seed, 147. Buckwheat, for pigs, .566. wild, for sheep, 500. Buckwheat grain, 144. Buckwheat and Ite by-products, 144. fertilizing constituents of, 146. Bull, feed and care of, 467. Burr clover, 203. Butter, effect of cotton seed on qusdity of, 156. Butter fat, effect of feed on compoaitiou of, 442. see Fat and Milk (aU Buttermilk, 228. for pigs, 574. Oabbage, 216. Cactus, 217. Gilf, composition of, 7L rearing, 334, 338. dairy, rearing, 339. 8e« Calves. Calorie, 38. Calorimeter, 87. Cftlorimetry, 87. Calres, birth weight of, 8S4. ood liver oil for, 837. oottou-seed meal for, ISl. fkll,S42. flax seed for, 337. feed and care after weaning, 841. gravity vs. separator skim milk, 836. hay tea for, 341. oleomargarine for, 3;?7. separator skim milk for, 336. skim milk fed, gain from, 833. skim milk for, 335, sugar for, 837. veal, feeding, 343. wet chaffed hay for, 243. whey for, 337, S40. withholding coarse food from, 95. whole milk for, 834. Oalving, influence of time from, on milk flow, 407. Cane sugar, 5. molasses, 225. Carbohydrate nutrition, 26. Carbohydrates, influence on protein con- sumption, 44. poteutiiil energy of, 38. source of fat, 51. Carbohydrates and fat, effects of, 48. value of, 59. Carbonic acid, excretion of, 66. Carcass, niodiflcations of, 84. of farm animals, nitrogen and ash, 77. Carriage horse, feeding of, 3ii. CarroU, 212. for horses, 807. vs. mangels for pigs, 596. Castor oil seed in Unseed meal, 15S. Oattle, dressed weight o£, 87U. Cattle, fattening, feed ana ruaiiai;cmenl» 381. range, fattening, 897. see Steer. Cellulose, 6. Cereals, as forage plants, 19L Chaff, 239. Chaffing, advantages of, 240. Charcoal, for pigs, 615. cob, how to make, 616. Chewing hay, work performed In, SB. Chewing oats, work performed In, S8. Christmais-lamb raising, 529. Chyle, 20. oompositlon of, 21. Circulatory system, the, 2L Clover, red, lt>6. mammoth, 201. aUike, 201. crimson or scarlet, 202. Japan, 203. burr, 203. proper time for cutting, 198. Clover plant, development of nutrient*, IW. Clover hay, for cows, 476. for horses, 303. for sheep, 506. for swine, 611. losses In curing, 199. making, methods of, 198. spontaneous combustion of, 20IX use of, 200. with meal for pigs, 577. Coane and concentrated feeds, digestion of, 81. Coarse fodders, dIgesUbiUty of, 29. Coarse forage, withholding from rumi- nants, 94. Cocoanut meal, 169. for horses, 301. Cod liver oil for calves, 337. Coefllcleuts of digestibility, 98. Colon, 18. Colostrum, 228. Colt, feeding after weaning, 316. protein feeds vs. oat* for, 300. rations for, 331. see Foal. Columbian BxposiUon, dairy tests, 44S. Commercial fertilizers, 267. Composition of feeding stuffs, 97. Concentrated feeds for dairy cows, 418. Concentrates, 97. Condlmental foods, 229. notes concerning, 229. not recommended, 230. Conflnement, of fattening steers, 864. vs. exposure, for sheep, 492. Cooked feed, value of, 236. function of, 239. for cows, 432. for horses, 288. for swine, 236, 645. experiments with, for swine, 545. Index. 646 Com, 119. a carbonaceous food, 120. alone and in combination,for sheep, 509, amount passing through steer, 849. as human food, 121. beef returns per acre, 381. composition of, 126. composition of the several parts of, 124. dry vs. soaked, for sheep, 498. for cows, 472. for fattening cattle, 381. for horses, 297. adverse report, 299. , Kloepfer's concluslom, 300. for sheep, 497, 522. for steers, plain feeding of, recom- mended, 381. for swine, 608. gain from a bushel of, with pigs, 581. nitrogen and mineral matter in, 125. preparation of, for feeding, 383. races of, 120. soaked, for steers, 846. time required to pass through steer, 849. vs. oil cake for pigs, 588. vs. rye or barley for pigs, 591. whole vs. corn and cob meal for cows, 413. waste in feeding to cows, 413. Corn and blue-grass pasture for pigs, 677. Com and its by-products, 119. Corn and cob, weight of, Li2. Corn and cob meal, 121. for pigs, 557. for steers, 348. Com by-products, 123. for cows, 473. Corn belt, fattening sheep In, 531. Corn cob, 121. Corn cob and husks, for steers, 349. Corn cob charcoal, for swine, 615. Corn crop, nutrients of, 167. Importance of maturity, 168. increase of nutrients during maturity, 165. Influence of thickness of planting, 164. losses in field-curing, 171. Com fodder, fertilizing constituents of, 177. pulling of, 174. see Fodder com. Corn forage, cutting and shredding, 240. shock, feeding, 172. shocking, 172. stooking, 172. Corn-fed pigs, strengthening bones of, 86. Com meal for cows, 473. only, for cows, 94. only, for pigs, 78, 86. vs. corn for pigs, 566. see Corn. Com plant, changes In protein, 187. distribution of nutrients in, 169. In Georgia, 170. Corn plant. Increase of nntrients dartnc maturity, 165. nitrogen-free extract In, 168. nutrients at different stages, 166. southern, time to cut for silage, 254, vs. northern, for silage, 253. under Maryland conditions, 170. Com product, a new, 175. Com silage, see Silage corn. Corn smut, 175. feeding experiments with, 176. Corn stover, 174. for cows, 477. for sheep, 508. vs. mixed hay and clover hay for oowt, 425. see Stover. Corn-stalk disease, th« so-called, 176. Correctives for swine, 614. Cost of finished steer, 389. Cotton seed, 154. effect of, on butter, 156. on steer fat, 156. feeding of, 154. fertility in, 159. for beef production, 361. Cotton seed and its by-products for cowa, 419, 475. Cotton seed and cotton-seed meal, ration*! use of, 158. Cotton-seed cake and meal, 155. Cotton-seed hulls, 158. Cotton-seed meal, for calves, 157. for dairy cows, 156. for horses, 155. for pigs, 157. vs. wheat bran for cows, 420. Cotton-seed meal and hulls for steers, 156. Cotton-seed poisoning, 167. Cows, advance In lactation of, and pro- ductivity of feed, 407. amount of water drank by, 410. annual feed consumption of, 459. barley for, 474. brewers' grains for, 474. by-products of com for, 473. care before and after calving, 468. caring for, 464. clover hay for, 476. concerning feeding stuffs for, 472. confinement during heated periods, tn. consumption of dry matter by, 461. cooking feed for, 432. com for, 472. corn meal for, 473. com stover for, 477. corn stover vs. hay for, 425. cotton seed and Its by-products for, 419, 475. cotton-seed meal vs. bran for, 420. dairy, compared with beef type, 406. rations for, 478. test at Columbian Exposition, 448. dairying based on maternity of, 463. 646 Index. Oows, Danish pxporiTDcnts with, 443. distillery grains, dried, vs. oata for, 421. drlnklugat will, 411. dry feed for, 409. effect of age on productivity of feed, 406. effect of grooming, 412. exercise for, 46-1. fall and spring, 4ff7. feeding exclusively with meal, 94. feeding fat to, 431. feeding grain in form of slop to, 433. feeding potassium chlorid to, 432. flsh scrap for, 431. fodder corn for, 476. fodder com vs. timothy hay for, 424. frequency in feeding of, 468. gluten feed vs. corn meal and bran for, 414. gluten meal vs. cotton-seed meal for, 415. heavy feeders the most profitable, 403. Influence of work on quality of milk, 412. Japan clover hay vs. Bermuda hay for, 423. large vs. small, 405. linseed meal vs. cotton-seed meal for, 420. liberal and meager rations for, 437. liberal feeding of, 470. maize feed vs. com meal and bran for, 414. milk of, and its by-products, 226. milk and skim milk for, 430. millet hay for, 476. necessity of shelter for, 464. oats for, 473. oats, ground, vs. wheat bran for, 418. oil cake vs. grain for, 421. on pasture, feeding grain to, 4S8. order of feeding, 469. potAtoes for, 430. preparation of feed for, 469. rape for, 428. record for one year of, at Cornell Bt«r tion, 460. regularity and kindness in handling, 465. relation of concentrates and roughage for, 471. relation of water drank to milk yield, 410. residual effect of grain feeding, 435. Elobert.s' system of caring for, 465. roots for, 477. roots vs. concentrated feeds for, 420. rye for, 474. •alt for, 471. shorts vs. wheat bran for, 417. tilage for, 477. illage vs. fodder com for, 427. illage vs. hay for, 426. •orghum-seed meal for, 418. timothy hay for, 476. Cows, timothy hay vs. meadow foxtail hay for, 423. upland prairie hay vs. timothy hay for, 422. value of shelter for, 411. warm vs. cold water for, 411. water for, 470. wheat bran and middlings for, 473. wheat bran vs. mixed grain for, 417. wheat meal vs. corn meal for, 415. wheat meal vs. mixed grain for, 416. whey for, 430. whole corn vs. corn and cob meal, 418. wide and narrow rations for, 445. see Dairy cow. Cowpea, 162, 209. Cowpeas for pigs, 5ff7. Crimson clover, 202. overripe, dangerous to horses, 202. Crops for the silo, 255. Crude fiber, 10. Dairy by-products for swine, 611. Daily calf, rearing, 339. Dairy cow, American rations for the, 114. calculating ration for, 106. care and management of, 403. cotton-seed meal for, 156. economy of, 401. feed for, 471. feed and care of, 4G3. inveslications concerning, 401. period of gestation, 401. pure-bred, public tests of, 448. tests at Experiment Stations, 455. ratio of milk yield to body weight, 403. relation of live weight to yield of, ¥A. rations for, 478. standard rations for, 114. yield of products, 402. see Cow. Dairy herds, Station findings with, 467. Danish experiments in cow feeding, 442. Danish pig-feeding experiments, 583. slaughtering tests, 584. DegluUUon, 14. DiastJs^e, 4. Digestible matter for one pound of growth, 91. Digestible nutrients, total, 99. Digestibility, depression in, 31. not affected by fat, 31. not affected by salt, 31. of coarse and concentrated feeds com- bined, 31. of feeds by various animals, 30. of fodder, affected by weather, 30. of fodder, not affected by drying, 80. of nutrients, 28. Digestion, artificial, 31. Digestion coefUcients, 98. Digestion trial, with sheep, 26. with ox in respiration apparatus, 34. Dipping fattening sheep, 524. Distillery grAlu8,dried,V8. oats for cowfi,421. Index. 647 Dried blood, 220. for pigs, 78. for sheep, 511. Dried brewers' grains, 187. for horses, 293. Plied fish, 221. Dry matter required for 100 pouHdi of gain with steern, 370. Dry substance In the animal body, 73. Dutch system of veal making, the, 843. Dynamometer, Wolfifg, 374. ! Slar corn vs. corn meal for steers, 346. £iisilage, see Silage. ii:!got, 193. either extract, 11. potential energy of, 38. Swes, breeding, food for, 517. maintenance food for, In winter, 628. care and feed of, 530. feed required for 100 pounds of milk, 484. flushing, 517. milking qualities of, 483. Ewe's milk, comxxisition of, 480. value of, for lamb growing, 484. Ewes and lambs, soiling of, 486. Exclusive meal feeding, 94. iSscrement, amount of, voided by &rm animals, 264. composition of, 266. Excretions, from the kidneys, !0. of the skin, 24. Exercise for cowe, 464. importance of, in horse management, 330. value of, for pigs, 549. Experiment Stations, findings with dairy herds by, 457. trials of pure-bred dairy cows at, 455. Exposure vs. confinement for sheep, 492. Farm animals, amount of excrement voided by, 264. calculating rations for, 102. comparative fattening qualities of, 74. manure produced by, 1^69. nitrogen and ash in carcass of, 77. nitrogen and ash retained and voided by, 285, Farm manure, value of, per ton, 270. Farm stock, silage for, 256. Fat, 11. cost of production, 448, 458. equivalent of foods for 100 parts of, 37. feeding to dairy cows, 431. feeding with, 56. In milk, formation of, 64. in the animal body, 72. formation of, 56. Influence of, on protein consumption, | 44. potential enei-gy of, 38. value of, for I'at formation, 69. Fat and carbohydrates, relative eflects of, iS. Fat consumption. Influence of water on, 60. Fat formation, from carbohydrates, 61. from protein, 55. method of studying, 33. influence of feeding fat on, 66. influence of feeding protein on, 67. Influence of feeding protein and carbo- hydrates on, 58. Influence of feeding protein and fiat on, 57. Fat nutrition, 25. Fat of cow's milk, 226. Fat of the body, disposition of, 617. source of, 50. Fat sickness, 363. Fat, see Butter fat. Fat-Stock Show, sheep at, 495. Fattening and feeds, 76. Fattening, composition of increase during, 78. influence of light on, 61. Fattening of steers, feed for 100 pounds gain during, 370. Fattening period, cost of gain Increases with length of, 369. for pigs, length of, 554. Fattening process, concerning the, 61. Fattening qualities, comparative, of dif- ferent farm animals, 74. Fattening sheep, quarters for, 622. Fattening shorn lambs, 490. Fatty acids, feeding of, 50. Feed, influence of, on animal body, 78, 616. effect of, on composition of butter fat, 442. on milk, a review of, 444. on teeth and skull of pigs, 542. on the body of the pig, 78. on quality of pork, 614. concentrated, necessity of, for cows, 471. cooking, for swine, 236. dry, for cows, 469. for the dairy cow, 471. for live stock, preparation of, 285. influence of cost of, on economy of rar tions, 446. preparation of, for cows, 469. required for 100 pounds gain with pigs, 651,602. requirements for work with horses, 278. soaking of, 239. succulent, influence of, on milk, 439. wet, does not necessarily make watery milk, 440. Feed and care of the bull, 467. of the dairy cow, 463. Feed consumption, annual, by dairy cows, 459. Feed lot, counsel in the, 381. Feed racks for fattening sheep, 622. Feeding, liberal, of cows, 470. exclusively with meal, 94. frequency of, for cows, 468. order of, for cows, 469. 648 Index. Feeding, previous, Influence of, 43. Feeding horses, order of administering feeds, 325. Feeding dark flour, 129. Feeding, for beef, 338. swine, light vs. heavy, 601. exclusively on com, 78, 86. Feeding standards, conclusions relative to, 117. explanations of, 97, 108. introduction of, in America, 111. Wolff-Lehmann, 101. Feeding stuffs, digestibility of, 26. fertilizing constituents of, 263. for cows, 472. manurlal value of, 263. money value of diflerent nutrients in, 117. nutrients of, 97. valuation of fertilizing constituent* in, 268. variation in digestibility of, 26. Feeding tables, explanation of, 108. Feed required in fattening, 75. Feeds, order of administering to horses, 325. Fermentations in the stomach, 20. Fertilizers, commercial, 267. essential constituents of, 263. Fertilizing constituents in feeding stuffs, valuation of, 268. Field bean, 162. Field-curing corn, losses in, 171. Field pea, 161. common, vine of, 209. Fish scrap, 221. for cows, 431. for fattening steers, 356. for sheep, 511. flat turnip, 213. Flavor of milk, butter, etc., feed Inflaences on, 443. Flax seed, 148. for calves, 149, 337. Flax straw, !93. Flesh consumption, 40. Flesh formation, method of studylne, 33. Flesh meal, 220. Flesh production, 35. Influence of wide and narrow rations on, 47. Flour, dark, feeding of, 129. low-grade, feeding of, 129. Flock, quarters for, 516. size of, 515. winter care of, 516. see Sheep. Foals, 313. feeding, cow's milk for, 317. feeding before weaning, 314. mcrease in weight of, 272. Palo Alto system of feeding, 814. rearing by hand, 317. trotting, weight at birth, 371 weauine, 816. Foals, weight and growth of, ^n. see Colt. Fodders, coarse, digestibility of, 29. pulling of, 174. value of components of, for horses, 271 Fodder com and silage, feeding tests with, 249. Fodder com, cured, 173. digestlbUity of, 248. for cows, 476. for horses, 304. for soiling, 172. dry, and silage, relative merits of, 249. dry, milk produced from dry matter in, 248. green, cost of placing in silo, 255. vs. timothy hay for cows, 424. see Com fodder. Food, the basis of life, 63. energy of, not measured by body he:\t, 67. Food nutrients, digestibility of, 28. Food requirements for work, 68. Forage, rape, 218. coarse, withholding of, from rumi- nants, 94. Force, production of, 63. Formation of body tissues, 40. Fuel value of rations, 115. Gain, cost of, in steers, increa.sM with age, 369. increases with length of fattening pe- riod, 369. Gastric digestion, 14. of ruminants, 16. Gastric fluid, composition of, 15. Glucose, 5. Gluten meal vs. com meal and bran for cows, 414. Gluten meal vs. cotton-seed meal for cows, 415. for steers, 351. Gluten meal and corn vs. wheat for pig*. 558. Glycogen, 25. Grain, feeding, to cows on pasture, 433. In form of slop to cows, 433. to lambs before weaning, 510. for lambs before weaning, 508. grinding, 243. mixed, vs. oats for colts, 300. relative merits of, for horses, 303. vs. beets for pigs, 595. vs. boiled potatoes for pigs, 595. vs. blood bread for pigs, 597. vs. mangels for pigs, 695. vs. rye shorts for pigs, 593. Grain-feeding cows on pasture, 43S. steers on pasture, 358. residual eflTect of, 435. Grain feeds vs. skim milk for pigs, 686. vs. whey for pigs, 587. Grass, changes in, during ripening, 180. dry T8. green, 184. Index. 649 Grass, for pasture and soiling, 178. Hungarian, 188. mixed, 188. orchard, 187. red top, 187. timothy, 186. time to cut for hay, 18L Grasses, at the South, 188. mixed, permanent, 188. see Hay and Pasture. Grinding grain, 243. for fattening sheep, 523. Grooming cows, effect of, 412. Growth and fattening, influence of wld« and narrow rations on, 88. Hairy vetch, 210. Hard- wood ashes for corn-fed pigs, 88. Hay, 180, 185. aroma of, 182. chafling, 239. long and chaffed, experiments with, 242. time to cut grass for, 181. treatment of, 183. wet chaffed, for calves, 243. see Grasses and Iiegnmes. Hay and oats, relative value of, for hones, 293. Hay and potatoes for horses, 306. Hay crops, the small grains as, 192. Hay curing, changes during, 182. Hay making, losses due to weathering, 185. points in. 182. Hay tea for calves. 341. Heart-beats per minute, in horse and ox, 22. Heatrunits of feeds, measurement of, 37. Heating water for cows, 411. Heiden'B method for calculating amount of manure produced, 265. Hemp-seed cake vs. grain for pigs, 588. Herd record for one year, 460. Herd's grass, 186. Hogs, see Pigs. Houey-comb stomach, the, 16. Horse bean, 102. Horses, adverse report on feeding com to, 299. army, rations for, 332. artichokes for, 307. barley for, 293. bran and shorts vs. oats for, 295. bran, wheat and shorta vs. bran and shorts for, 295. carriage, feeding of, 322. carrots for, 307. clover hay for, 303. cocoanut meal for, 301. cooked feed for, 238. conclusions concerning com for, 800. dried brewers' grains for, 293. effect of disturbed conditions on, 291. experiments In feeding, 306. feed and care of, 811. feed consumed and work performed by, 273. Horses, feeds for, 292. feed required by, for performing woric, 285. feed requirements for work, 278. fodder corn for, 304. German army, 280. Importance of exercise for, 330. variety of feed for, 328. Indian corn for, 297. Influence of rapidity of work, 279. investigations concerning, 271. loss of weight of, during work, 286, 290. maintenance rations for, 282. malt sprouts for, 301. measuring the work of, 274. millet hay injurious to, 304. nutrients required for maintenance and work, 276. oats for, 292. order of administering grain, hay and water, 326. Paris Cab, rations fed to, 308. Paris Omnibus, rations fed to, 309. peanut meal for, 301. potatoes vs. hay for, 306. prepai-ation of feed for, 325. protein required in maintenance tMt tions for, 283. range of feeding stuffs for, 311. rate of movement, 279. raUons for, 308, 331. relation of speed to work of, 287. relative merits of grains for, 303. results of digestion trials with, 275, 281. roots for, 306. ruta-bagas for, 308. steamed potatoes for, 306. stover for, 304. straw for, 304. street-car, rations for, 332. substitutes for oats for, 292. systematic feeding of, of highest litt- portauce, 328. time used in masticating hay, 13. timothy hay for, 303. variation In weight of, 291. water drank by, 286, 289. wheat and bran vs. oats for, 296. work done by, 288. wheat for, 294. work, compounding rations for, SOI. work, feeding of, 323. work, nutritive ratio for, 284. Horse feeding, successful, a skilled art, SIS. supervision of, 330. Horse-feeding experiments, 273, 280, 298. Horse feeds, digestion of, 280. Hungarian grass, 188. see Millet. Hydrochloric acid in gastric J uloe, 16. Increase during fattening, oomposltioii Ot, 73. Indian com, see Com. lusalivation, 13. 660 Index. Intake of body In respiration and feeding, 84. Intestinal Juice, the, 20. Intestines, large, 18. length of, of pigs, 542. of farm animals, length and capacity of, 19. Japan clover, 203. Japan clover hay vs. Bermuda hay for eows, 423. Japanese millet, 183. June grass, 185. Kaffir corn, value of, in steer droppings, 3.53. for pigs, 565. for steers, 352. red, yield of, 146. Kentucky blue grass, 185. Kidneys, excretion from, 23. Kuhn'8 rations, method of compounding, 115. Kuhn's standard maintenance ration, 112. Labor, hard, nitrogen excretion during, 65. Lactation of cow, advance in, and produc- tivity of feed, 407. Lamb growins;, value of ewe's milk for, 484. Lambing, date of, 517. Lambing time, care of sheep at, 518. Lambs, compared with plge, 482. fat, 521. fattening, rations for, 528. " self-feed " for, 490. feeding grain to, before weaning, 610. feeding milk to, 481. feeding of, 530. grain for, before weaning, SOS. shorn, fattening of, 490. vs. sheep for fattening, 486. water drank by, during fattening, 498. weaning of, 519. weight at birth, 48L winter or Christmas, raising, 529. see Sheep. Lambs ainl pigs, relative economy of, 483. Lard, cause of low price of, 609. Large intestine, 18. Leaves and twigs, 219. Legumes, 195. fertilizing constituents of, 210. Leguminous plants for green forage and hay, 195. Leguminous seeds, 161. fertilizing constituents of, 162. Liebig's theory concerning the function of protein, 64. Light, influence of, on fattening, 61. Linseed meal, 149. castor oil seed In, 163. fertilizing constituent* of, 153. vs. cotton-seed meal for eows, 420. see Oil meal. Low-grade flour, feeding of, 129. Lucern, see Alfalfa. Lymphatic system, the,Zl. Lymphatics, the, 21. Maintenance food for breeding ewes, 626. Maintenance rations, for horses, 282. for oxen, HI. Kuhn's, 112. protein required In, 283. Maize, see Corn. Maize feed vs. corn meal and bran tor oowa, 414. Malt for stock, 138, Malting, 135. Malt sprouts, 138. digestibility of, 27. for horses, 301. Mammoth clover, 201. Mangels, 213. vs. carrots for pigs, 686w vs. grain for pigs, 595. Manure, from the ox, 264. produced by farm animals, 269. produced, Heiden's method for calcu- lating amount of, 265. Manurial value of feeding stuffs, 263. Manyplies, 16. Mare, food for, 320. period of gestation of, 271. see Horse. Mare's milk, composition of, 278. Mare and foal, investigations concemlnc, 271. Mastication, 12. time required by horse for, 12. Mating sheep, 529. Meal feeding, exclusive, 94. Meat scrap, 220. for pigs, 575. for sheep, 511. Middlings for swine, 610. vs. corn for pigs, 66L see Shorts. Milch cows, salt for, 411. see Cows. Milk, 226. changing components of, 441. changing ratio of solids to water in, 439. cost of production of, 448, 458. cow's, for foal feeding, 317. effect of feed on quantity of, 437. ewe's, composition of, 480. feed required for 100 pounds of, 484 value of, for lamb growing, 484. fat globules of, 403. ■ feeding of, to lambs, 481. { feed in relation to, 437. Influence of character of rations on, 4;j7. influence of feed on, 437. influence of feed on flavor of, 443. influence of feed on, review of, 444. Influence of pasture on, 439. Influence of succulent feed on, 4S9. mare's, 273. nitrogenous constituents of, 227. modifications of, by feeding, 437. per cent, of Cat in successive portions of, 403. Index. 661 tfllk, soxv's, concerning, 636. quantity yielded, 587. composition of, 537. sweet vs. sour, for pigs, SJt. whole, 22S. for calves, 334. for pigs, 571. Milk and its by-products, fertiliilne Talne of, 229. Milk and skim milk for cows, 430. MUk ash, 227. i Milk fat, 22G, 227. Milk flow, influene* of time from calving on, 407. Milk serum, 226. Milk sugar, 227. Milk yield, influence of shearing wool on, 486. Milking qualities of ewes, 483. Millet, 147, 188. Japanese, 1S8. Millet hay, for cows, 476. Injurious to horses, 304. for sheep, 507. see Hungarian grass. Millo maize, 189. Mineral compounds, 7. Molasses, for steers, 356. from the beet factory, 224. Money value of diflferent nutrients in feed- ing stuffs, 117. Mule, the, work done by, 288. Muscular energy, source of, 63, 08. Muscular exertion, 60. Mutton breeds and the Merinos compared, 515. Narrow and wide rations, Influence of, on flesh production, 47. Nitrogen, excretion during hard labor, 66. retained and voided by farm aniiaals, 265. Nitrogen-free extract, 11. Nitrogenous substances, calculation of composition, 35. in the animal body, 72. see Protein. HntrienU, total, digestibility of, 99. in feeding stufls, 97. placing money value on, 117. valuation of, in concentrated £eedlne stuffs, 117. Nutriotoue, 230, Nutrition, animal, 40. Nutritive raUo, 100. Oat feed for pigs, 564. Oat grain, the, 139. Oat straw for sheep, 506. Oats, a stimulating principle in, 140. by-products of, 141. for cows, 473. for ftittening sheep, 523. for horses, 21*2. boiled ry« a« a substitute for, V7. substitutes for, 292. Oats, for pigs, 564. for sheep, 499. ground, vs. wheat bran for cows, 418. new, unfit for feeding, 140. vs. bran and shorts, for horses, 295. Oate and hay, relative value of, for horse*, 293. Oata and peas, 191. Oat« and their by-products, 139. Oats, beans and corn, relative value of, for Oil-bearing seeds and their by-producta, 148. Oil cake, value of oil in, 151. vs. grain for pigs, 588. vs. grain for cows, 421. Oil cake and oil naeal, 149. as a feeding stuff, 162. Oil meal, adulteration of, 160. for steers, 351, 384. home use of, 153. new-process, 149. relative value of old- and new-process, 150. swelling process of, 160. see Linseed meal. Olcln, 6. Oleomargarine for calves, 837. Omasum, 16. Orchard grass, 187. Ox, maintenance ration for, 111. manure from, 264. see Steer. PalmlUn, 6. Palm-nut cake vs. grain for pigs, 688. Palm-nut meal, 159. Pancreatic juice, 18. Paris Omnibus Co., horse experiments con- ducted by, 298. Parsnip, 213. Pasture, concerning, 178. droppings of corn-fed steers on, for pigs. S79. feeding grain to steers on, 368. feeding pigs on, only, CTS. for pigs, 576, 612. grain-feeding steers on, 888. grasses for, 178. Influence of, on milk, 439. possibilities of, for steer feeding, 886. producing veal on, 338. small vs. large, for steers, 885. time for turning steers to, 385w turning sheep to, 519. Pasture grass, yield of, 179. Pasturing steers, 358. Paunch, 16. Peanut cake vs. grain for plga, 588. Peanut meal, 160. for horses, 301. Pear cactus, 218. Peas, 161. for pigs, 565, 611. Pea-vine hay, 209. 652 InSsx, Pellagra com disease, the, 122. Pepsin, 15. Permanent grasses, mixed, 188. Pigeon-grass seed, for pigs, bSl. for sheep, 500. Pigs, amount of feed consumed bj, 6S3. artichokes for, S71. average dally gain by, 552. barley meal for, 502. barley vs. centrifugal skim milk for, 586. breed testa of, 643. buckwheat for, 566. buttermilk for, 574. carrots vs. mangels for, 696. centrifugal vs. gravity skim milk for, 584. clover hay with meal for, 577. compared with lambs, 482. composition of, 70. corn and blue-grass pasture for, 577. corn-fed, hard-wood ashes and bone meal for, 86. strengthening the bones of, 86. com meal vs. com for, 656. cotton-seed meal for, 167. cowpeaa for, 567. droppings of corn-fed steers for, 580. early gains of, 540. effect of addition of water to the feed for, 599. effects of feed on teeth and skull of, 642. fattening, 608. fat vs. lean, experiments with, 78. experiments with, misconception concerning. So. feed for 100 pounds of gain of, 553, 602. feed for 100 pounds live weight of, 652. feeding of, 605. on pasture only, 578. through the dam, 541. following corn-fed steers, gains of, 580. food of !S';pi)ort, 5.50. for shows, ball-feeding of, 613. gain from a bushel of com by, 581. gluten meal and com vs. wheat for, 558. grain vs. beets of different sugar con- tent for, 595. vs. blood bread for, 597. vs. boiled potatoes for, 585. vs. oil cake for, .588. vs. rye shorts for, 693. hemp-seed cake vs. grain for, 688. Increase, composition of, during fatten- ing, 70. Influence of, on the growing body of, 78. Kaffir corn for, 5U5. length of fattening period for, 554. length of intestines, 542. mangels vs. grain for, 695. meat scrap for, 676. middlings vs. corn me«l for, 661. o»t feed for, 564. oata for, £64. Pigs, pahn-nnt cake vs. grain for, .588. partial analyses of blood and kidneys of, 84. pasture for, 576. percentage gain of, from birth to mato- rity, 553. peanut cake vs. grain for, 688. peas for, 665. pigeon-grass seed for, 667. potatoes for, 568. rape forage for, 579. rice meal for, 567. roots for, .570. rye or barley vs. Indian corn for, Wl. rye vs. barley for, .588, vs. centrifugal skim milk for, 586. separator skim milk for, 571. sheaf wheat for, 660. shelter for, 598. skim milk fed, gain from, 338. skim milk vs. grain for, 686. vs. whey for, 5S5. soaked meal vs. dry meal for, 547. strength of thigh bones of, 83. sunflower-seed cake vs. grain for, 588. sweet vs. sour milk for, 573. turnips vs. whey for, 596. value of corn and cob meal for, 557. value of exercise for, 549. value of shelter for, 549. value of various feeding stuffs for, 556. water drank by, 613. weaning, 607. weight, gain and feed consumed by, 551. at birth, 535, 610. wheat for, 559. wheat and corn meal for, 659. wheat bran vs. middlings for, 562, vs. rye and barley for, 684. with corn for, 562. whey for, 574. whey vs. grain for, 674, 687. whole milk for, 571. winter vs. summer feeding of. flOO. young, exercise for, 606. see Swine. Pigs and lambs, relative economy of, 488- Pig feeding, centrifugal vs. gravity skim milk, 584. Pig-feeding experiments, Danish, 583. lessons for the breeder and feeder, 617. lessons from experiments In, 616. Plains sheep, fattening of, 681. Plant building, 3. Plant cells, 1. Plant effort, the end of, 7. Plant growth, 1. from the chemist's standpoint, 4. Plant life, the sun the source of, 8. Plant oils, 6. Plant substances, how grouped by tha chemist, 9. Plants, elements essential to, 1. how food Is gathered by, S. Index. 663 Plaints, the support of animal life, 8. water required by, 2. Planting corn, influence of thickness in, 164. f oisoning from cotton seed, 157. Pork, Influence of feed on quality of, 614. lean, demand for, 609. production at the South, 582. skim milk and whey fed, quality of, 588. Potassium chlorid, feeding of, to cows, 432. Potato, 212. boiled vs. grain for pigs, 605. for cows, 430. for pigs, 568. steamed, for horses, 306. vs. hay for horses, 306. Potential energy of food nutrients, 88. Prehension, 12. Prickly comfrey, 217. Protein, 10. Influence of, on fat formation, 57. potential energy of, 38. the source of fat, 56. Protein and carbohydrates, Influence of feeding, on fat formation, 68. Protein and fat, influence of feeding, on fat formation, 57. Protein compounds, 6. Protein consumption, 42. influence of amides on, 48. Influence of carbohydrates on, 44. influence of carbohydrates fed with protein on, 48. Influence of fat on, 44. influence of mixed diet on, 44. Influence of salt on, 49. Influence of various nutrienta on, 44. Influence of water on, 49. Protein feeding, exclusive, 42. Protein nutrition, 24. Protein, see Nitrogenous substances. Pulp, sugar beet, 222. Pulse, frequency of, in farm animals, 22. Pumpkin, 217. Pure-bred steers, quality of, 378. Range cattle, fattening, 397. Rape, for milch cows, 428. for pigs, 679. for sheep, 502. second crop for sheep, 505. use of, 218. vs. blue-grass pasture for sheep, 504. Rations, calculating, 102. fed by American dairymen, 118. fed by Connecticut dairymen, 113. fed to Paris Omnibus Co. horses, 309. for army horses, 332. for dairy cows, 478. for farm animals, calculating, 102. for fattening lambs, 528. for fattening steers, 396. for horses, 308, 331. for streetKsar horses, 332. Rations, for work horses, 801. fuel value of, 115. Influence of character of, on milk, 4.37. Influence of feed prices on economy of, 446. liberal and meager, for milk produc- tion, 437. theoretical, for fattening steers, .395. wide and narrow, for cows, 437, 445. influence of, on growth and fatten- ing, 88. Red clover, 196. yield of three crops of, 196. see Clover. Redtop, 187. Rennet, 15. Rennet stomach, 16. Respiration, 23. exchange of gases in, 23. per minute in farm animals, 23. Respiration apparatus, 32. digestion trial with ox in, 84. illustration of use of, 33. Respiration studies, 32. Reticulum, 16. Rice grain, parts of, 143. Rice and Its by-products, 143. Rice meal for pigs, 567. Robertson mixture, for silage, 260. Roots, dry matter in, 251. feeding of, 214. for cows, 477. for horses, 306. for pigs, 570. for steers, 354, 884. modification of animal carcass by, 214 preparation of, 244. storing of, 214. vs. concentrated feed for cows, 429. yield of, 250. Root crops, not generally grown, 215. yield of, 211. yield of digestible nutrients, 212. Roots and tubers, 211. see Beets, Turnips, Carrots, etc. Roughage, 97. for cattle, steaming of, 236. for fattening sheep, 523. Rumen, 16. Ruminants, gastric digestion of, 16. withholding coarse forage from, 94. Ruta-bagas, 213. for horses, 308. Rye, for cows, 474. vs. barley for pigs, 588. vs. centrifugal skim milk for pigs, 686. boiled, as a substitute for oats, 297. Rye and barley vs. wheat bran for pigs, 694. Rye and its by-products, 132. as stock feeds, 132. Rye or barley vs. Indian corn for pigs, 681. Rye shorts vs. grain for pigs, 593. Saliva, composition of, 14. secretion of, 14. 664 Index. Salt, for cows, <7L for 8he«p, 620. for steers, 387. Influence of, on protein congumptlon, A'i. Scarlet or crimson clover, 202. Scotch system of veal malting, S43. Self-feed for fattening lambs, 490. Separator stlm milk, for calves, 386. placing a money value on, 672. Shearing, frequency of, 513. Influence of, on milk yield, 485. Sheep, at American FatrStock Show, 495. alfalfa hay for, 605. attacks of vermin, 521. bran for, 253, 499. breed tests of, 487, 489. care of, at lambing time, 618. comparison of the Mutton breeds and the Merinos, 515. compo.sition of, 70. corn alone and in combination for, 609. corn for, 497, 522. corn silage vs. roots for, 601. corn stover for, 508. cost of gain, 526. daily gain of, for the various breeds •/, 494. dipping, .524. dried blood for, 611. dry vs. soaked corn for, 498. English experience with wheat for, 498. exposure vs. confinement of, 492. fattened, weight of, 493. fattening, 514. feed consumed by, 524. feed racks for, 522. feeding, hints on, 526. flsh scrap for, 611. food of, 614. general care of, 514. grinding grain for, 623. Increase during fattening, TO. influence of protein on carcass o^ 511. in the corn belt, 531. investigation.s with, 480. length of feeding period and gains of. 624. mating of, 629. mature, 521. meat scrap for, 611. millet hay for, 507. on alfalfa hay and i^raln, BS2. oat straw for, 506. oats for, 499, 523. period of gestation, 480. Plains, fattening of, 631. rape for, 502. rape, second crop of, for, 505. rape vs. blue^rass pasture for, 604. regularity and quiet for, 526. rate of increase, 525. roughage for, 623. shrinkage of, in shipping, 496. Sheep, shrunken wheat, wild bnckwhcat and pigeon-grass seed for, 600. sugar l>eet,s for, 502. turning to pasture, 619. vs. Iambs for fattening, 486. water and salt for, 620. weight of carcass of, 495. Western, fattening on alfalfa hay, 50*. wheat for, 498, 552. wheat screenings for, 500, 523. see Lambs. Shelter, for pigs, 698. Influence of. In fattening steers, 861 necessity of, for cows, 464, i value of, for cows, 411. for pigs, 549. Shephera and flock, 614. Shock com, feeding of, 172. Shorts, 130. vs. wheat bran for cows, 417. ses Middlings. Shotes, feeding, 607. following .steers, gain of, 347. Shrinkage In shipping of sheep, 498. Silage, 245. digestibility of, 248. effect of, on quality of milk, 257, on carcass of steers, 250. for cows, 477. for farm stock, 258. for steers, 384. from beet pulp, 223. Importance of proper horizontal ar«« In feeding, 2G0. •lUlk produced from dry matter in, 24*. •m (he rational use of, 267. relative losses in, and drying, 246. Southern va. Northern seed corn for, 253. time of cutting Southern corn for, 354. vs. fodder corn for cows, 427. vs. hay for cows, 426. Ys. roots for steers, 355. weight of, at different depths, 259. Silage and beets, relative cost of, 252. Silage and dry fodder corn, relative merits of, 249. space occupied by, 251. Silage and fodder corn, feeding testa with 249. Silage and roots, dry matter in, 251. Silage, corn and roots, yield of, 250. Silage, com, removing ears from, previous to ensilage, 2.52. corn, vs. roots for sheep, 601. yield of, 250. Silo, capacity of, 260. filling and covering, 261. building and filling of, 258. crops for, 25.5. rate of filling, 261. rectangular, 2.)9. Silo construction, 2.')8. Silo losses, character of, 2*7. Index. 655 siloing fodders, permanency of method of, Size of the body, a factor In feeding, 60. Skim milk, 228. centrifugal vs. gravity, for pigs, 584. for calves, 835. gravity vs. separator, for calv«s, 336. separator, for pigs, 571. placing a money value on, 572. vs. grain for pigs, 586. vs. whey for pigs, 585. Skim milk- and whey-fed pork, quality of, 588. Skin, excretions of, 24. Slaughtering tests of pigs, 589. Slop, feeding grain in form of, to cows, 433. Small grains, the, as hay crops, 192. SmuL-feedlng experiments, 176. Smut on corn, 175. Soaked meal vs. dry meal for pigs, 647. Soaking feed, 239. Soiling, advantage of, 231. experiments, concerning value of, 231. fodder corn for, 172. labor involved in, 234. partial, 234. Soiling cattle, 231. Soiling crops, 233. Soiling crops and pasture compared, 232. Soiling ewes and lambs, 486. Soja bean, 161, 209. Sorghum, 14.5, 189. non-saccharine, 14.5. saccharine, 145, 147. second growth, dangers from, 190. yield of, 146. Sorghum hay, 190. Sorghum molasses, 225. 8orghum-seed meal for cows, 418. South, the, pork production at, 582. Southern vs. Northern seed corn for silage, 253. !S.>ws, milk yielded by, 536. composition of milk of, 537. quantity of milk yielded by, 537. vs. barrows in swine feeding, 602. iSows and pigs, feeding of, 605. .Soy bean, 161, 209. :-Spontancous combustion, 200. Spurry, 216. Stallion, the, feed and care of, 318. Standard Cattle Co., amount of grain and hay fed to cattle, 399. cost of feeding cattle, 400. daily feed consumed and gains of steers, 399. number of cattle marketed and gains, Standard rations for dairy cows, 114. SUrch, 4, 5. Starch production, 124. Steaming roughage for cattle, 238. Stearin, 6. Steer, at rest, rations for, 102. Steer, amount of corn passing through, unbroken, 349. amount of feed consumed, 872. balanced ration for, 357. bran for, 383. changes during fattening of; to b« avoided, 365. composition of carcass of, 70, 92. composition of Increased growth of, 93. corn and cob meal for, 348. corn, cob and husks for, 349. corn-fed, droppings of, for pigs, 580. droppings of, on pasture, 579. cost of feeding increases with age, 388. cost of llnished, 389. cost of gain increases with length of fattening period, 369. dressed weight of carcass of, 874. dry matter required for 100 pounds