OF TORONTO HN UNIVERSITY | 0084492 —— —— ee ——<—< CO ce) 1761 3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/fertilisationoff00mluoft THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS ae 2 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS BY PROF. HERMANN MULLER TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY D’ARCY W. THOMPSON, BA. SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE WITH A PREFACE BY CHARLES DARWIN WITH ILLUSTRATIONS FL ondon MACMILLAN AND CO. 1883 TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. In this edition I have incorporated a large mass of Dr. Hermann Miiller’s recent observations, of which he sent me full notes; and I have also added further details where it seemed necessary, taken from his own and other writings. Many new figures from Dr. Hermann Miiller’s other works have also been inserted here. The systematic part of the book, which is arranged on Endlicher’s system in the German edition, has been re-arranged according to Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum. I may mention one case out of many in which I have had difficulty in choosing between equivalent words. I have throughout used fertilisation in preference to the ungainly word pollination, to imply application of pollen to the stigma without definite reference to the result of the act: that is to say, I have in ordinary cases translated Bestdéubung and Befruchtung by the same word. But I have taken pains to guard against ambiguity in all cases where this rendering might lead to it. _ Mr. T. H. Corry, of Caius College, Assistant-Curator of the University Herbarium, has read through the whole systematic part, giving me constant assistance. I have been at pains to compile a list of all works relating to the subject of this book ; and so far as lay in my power I have added an Index of genera to the list. Charles Darwin’s preface, full of suggestion, full of kindly appreciative feeling, is of peculiar interest as one of the very last of his writings. D’ARCY W, THOMPSON. Trinity CoLttear, April, 1883. « Yr 2 var AL. ; ren hs 6» Aol Sines eae = . ji Hts S ees fh . Me Eng (DARA ,| 7 2 k. es 3 ~ ied , . . : = * ~, Poa | - ® wy a. P, =. » ~ aT Re ke S°), ee ae at, 2 oe J cD as * sa : - * A ve ~ j a Vx; E ‘ » hi J ’ ioe ; ar - ge ; é Pay af ae saples ike 1k, S51 Ok. "<9 = 5 po? eh if ¥ ’ ; ?*.. “a i mh Loe side... eile opera Ue ae ae a * oo ae -" Bs a ie: ca <8 . age a na 4. aihicebeena anette Fibs ihe aye x : ; e oe P eee tl rx yy 7 > fy + S 7 hy} 2% os ‘ vile t~ r - ta a Jy 5 ; ag bis ¥ ’ i J ‘e f — r ' . . - < X ; P ; ¥ ~ PREFATORY NOTICE. THE publication of a translation of Hermann Miiller’s Die Befruchtung der Blumen, &c., will without doubt be a great service to every English botanist or entomologist who is interested in general biological problems. The book contains an enormous mass of original observations on the fertilisation of flowers, and on the part which insects play in the work, given with much clearness and illustrated by many excellent woodcuts. It includes references to everything which has been written on the subject; and in this respect the English edition will greatly exceed in value even the original German edition of 1873, as Miiller has completed the references up to the present time. No one else could have done the latter work so well, as he has kept a full account of all additions to our knowledge on this subject. Any young observer who, after reading the whole or part of the present work, will look, for instance, at the flower of a Salvia, or of some Papilionaceous or Fumariaceous plant, or at one of our common Orchids, will be delighted at the perfection of the adaptations by which insects are forced, unconsciously on their part, to carry pollen from the stamens of one plant to the stigma of another. Design in nature has for a long time deeply interested many men, and though the subject must now be looked at from a somewhat different point of view to what was formerly the case, it is not thus rendered the less interesting. viii PREFATORY NOTICE. Hermann Miiller has by no means confined his attention to the manner in which pollen is carried by insects or other animals from plant to plant, for wind-fertilised flowers have been carefully described by him; and several curious transitions from the one state to the other are noticed. He has also attended more closely than any one else to the many contrivances for self-fertilisation, which sometimes co-exist with adaptations for cross-fertilisation. For instance, he has discovered the singular fact that with certain species two kinds of plants are regularly produced, one bearing inconspicuous flowers fitted for self-fertilisation, and the other kind with much more conspicuous flowers fitted for cross-fertilisation. The flowers on the first-mentioned plants serve the same end as the curious little closed cleistogamic flowers which are borne by a considerable number of plants, as described and enumerated in the present work. There is another interesting feature in the Befruchtung, by which it differs from all other works on the same subject; for it includes not only an account of the adaptation of flowers to insects, but of different insects to differently constructed flowers for the sake of obtaining their nectar and pollen. Any one who will carefully study the present work and then observe for himself, will be sure to make some interesting dis- coveries; and as the references to all that has been observed are so complete, he will be saved the disappointment of finding that which he thought was new was an already well-known fact. I may perhaps be permitted here to mention a few points which seem to me worthy of further investigation. There are many inconspicuous flowers which during the day are rarely or never visited by insects, and the natural inference seems to be that they must be invariably self-fertilised ; for instance, this is the case with some species of Trifolium and Fumaria which bear very small flowers, with some species of Galium, Linum catharticum, &. Many other such flowers are enumerated by Miiller. Now it is highly desirable _that it should be ascertained whether or not these flowers are 4 ‘a | j uf 3 | PREFATORY NOTICE. ix visited at night by any of the innumerable individuals of the many species of minute moths. > 149, ,, 26, ,, 5, for **wreus,” read “wrens.” 5 ALG; horse Gy ae TOP “¢ Bsculus Pavia (rubicunda),” read ‘* Aisculus (Pavia) rubicunda.” », 171, in both tables, transpose the words, ‘In Low Germany,” and ‘* On the Alps.” », 427, line a6, from top, for < Scopolia,” " read ‘‘Scopolina.” », 487, 5, 2, 5, 55 for ‘ Digitalitis,” read ‘‘ Digitalis.” Labelle is, perhaps, a better name for the lobesat the extremity of the proboscis in Diptera, called end-flaps (German Endklappen) or paraglosse in Part II. THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. PART I. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. {tr was not until the close of last century that the true purport and significance of flowers began to be perceived. Christian Conrad Sprengel seems to have been the first to view the subject in the light of adaptation, and to show how all’ the colours, scents, and singular forms of flowers. have some useful purpose. His book struck out a new path in botanical science, and its title, Zhe Secret of Nature in the Form and Fertilisation of Flowers Discovered, shows that the author was well aware of the importance of his discoveries. Setting out with the conception of a “wise author of nature who has not created one hair without a definite purpose,’ Sprengel contrived, by reflecting on apparently insignificant facts, to throw light on most important phenomena in the life of flowers. The gradual progress of his discovery, as he describes it in the introduction to his book, is worth recapitulating. The inconspicuous hairs which cover the lower part of the petals of the wood cranesbill (Geranium silvaticum, L.), and. beneath which drops of honey lie hid, led Sprengel in the year 1787 to the dis- covery that most flowers which contain nectar are so arranged that, while insects can easily reach it, the rain is prevented from doing so; and he came to the conclusion ‘“‘ that the nectar of these flowers is secreted for the sake of insects, and is protected from rain in order that the insects may get it pure and unspoiled.” Starting from this conception, he next summer studied the forget-me-not. 1 Das enideckie Geheimniss der Natur im Baue und in der Befruchtung der Blumen (Berlin : 1793). fs / B al 2 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. (Myosotis palustris, L.), and speculated on the meaning of the yellow ring round the mouth of the corolla, which forms a pleasing con- trast to the azure-blue of the limb; and he conceived the idea that this might serve to guide insects on their way to the honey. On examination of other flowers he found that coloured dots and lines and other figures occur especially at the entrance to the nectaries, or point towards it, and he was accordingly confirmed in this idea of path-finders or honey-guides. The next step was easy, and Sprengel could scarcely remain long without perceiving that, as the special colour of one part of the corolla serves to guide the insect after it has settled upon the flower, the bright colour of the — whole flower serves to attract the notice of insects while still at a distance. So far, Sprengel had looked upon flowers as contrived simply for the use of insects, but the study of some species of iris, in the summer of 1789, led him to the further discovery that many flowers are absolutely incapable of being fertilised without the aid of insects; and so he concluded that the secretion of honey in flowers, its protection against rain, and the bright colours of the corolla are contrivances of use to the flower itself by bringing about its fertilisation by insects. Thus were laid the foundations of a theory of honey-containing flowers, which Sprengel enunciates in the following propositions : (1) These flowers are fertilised by some one species of insect, or by several species ; (2) the insects, in approaching the honey, brush pollen from the anthers with various hairy parts of their bodies and convey it to the stigma. The application of this theory to the various plants that came within Sprengel’s reach led to the production of the above-mentioned book, which is marked throughout by a wealth of patient observa- tion and acute reasoning. In it the following five features are | described in several hundred species of flowers, partly native and partly cultivated, as proof of the correctness of the theory :— (1) A honey-gland or nectary, i.e. a part which elaborates and secretes honey; (2) a honey-receptacle, which receives and stores the honey secreted by the gland; (3) a contrivance to shelter the honey from rain (Saftdecke); (4) contrivances to enable the insect to find the honey easily (Sa/tmal); bright colour and ex- tension of the corolla, odour, and above all coloured spots near the entrance to the honey-receptacles (path-finders); (5) the ‘impossibility of mechanical fertilisation, 7.e. spontaneous self-fer- tilisation, or of fertilisation by the wind, and in many cases the direct observation of fertilisation by insects in nature. Sprengel discussed these five points in numerous honey-secreting flowers, ed!” | PART I. | HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 3 and succeeded in explaining most of their characters as contrivances for insect-fertilisation. His theory, although the first effort in this wide field, would have afforded a satisfactory key to the chief puzzles of the floral world had it not contained a very serious flaw, which Sprengel was not conscious of, and was therefore not in a position to remove. Since the conveyance of pollen to the stigma is obviously of no benefit to the insect, the same question should have arisen even from Sprengel’s teleological standpoint, which nowadays comes up prominently when we consider his hypothesis from the standpoint of natural selection: “What advantage can it be to the plant that its pollen should be conveyed by insects to the stigma?”’ For just as according to our modern views only modifications which are of advantage to their possessor can be pre- served by natural selection, so from the teleological standpoint only beneficial arrangements could be ascribed to the all-wise Creator. If the conveyance of pollen to the stigma by insects is of no greater advantage than the direct contact of the reproductive organs in the flower, then the preference of the former uncertain method to the latter seems unnecessary and capricious, and any theory based thereon falls to the ground. It is remarkable in how many cases Sprengel recognised that the pollen is carried of necessity to the stigmas of other flowers by the insect-visitors, without suspecting that therein lies the value of insect-visits to the plant. In very many plants Sprengel had observed that the two sets of sexual organs in the same flower are not developed simultaneously; to this phenomenon he gave the name dichogamy. In his introduction (p. 43) he says expressly: “Since very many flowers are of one sex only, and probably as many more are dichogamous, nature seems to intend that no flower shall be fertilised by means of its own pollen,” and as a proof of this he adduces an experiment performed by him on Hemerocallis Julva, which showed him that this plant is not fertile to its own pollen. So near was Sprengel to the distinct recognition of the fact that self-fertilisation leads to worse results than cross-fertilisa- tion, and that all the arrangements which favour insect-visits are _of value to the plant itself, simply because the insect-visitors effect cross-fertilisation ! But this omission was for several generations fatal to Sprengel’s work, which was otherwise well fitted to give a powerful impulse to further research. For, both at the time and subsequently, botanists felt above all the weakness of his theory, and they set aside along with his defective ideas the rich store of his patient B 2 +t THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. and acute observations and his pai poe and accurate interpretations. Instead of the correlation of living organisms, which Sprengel had made the subject of observation and reflection with such admirable results, classification and afterwards anatomy and embryology occupied investigators so exclusively that no one ever thought of continuing Sprengel’s beautiful. researches or of testing their accuracy. His work remained forgotten until our ideas of organic nature were fundamentally changed by the progress of knowledge, and until the advantages of cross-fertilisation, which Sprengel only faintly realised, were recognised anew and more clearly through independent experiments. The idea of independent creation of species, prevalent in Sprengel’s time and so confidently stated in his book, was overthrown by progress in the three departments of classification, embryology, and paleontology ; all three led consistently to the conception that the existing species of plants and animals must have originated from simpler forms; and Darwin’s Origin of Species proved the point by deiopaention clearly and thoroughly how actual forces were operating before our eyes to modify living forms. But, even before this great revolution in our conception of nature, one point which was needed to make Sprengel’s theory efficient had been clearly perceived. A few years after Sprengel’s book appeared, Andrew Knight (392), after some experiments on cross-fertilisation and self-fertilisation in the pea, laid down the law that in no plant does self-fertilisation occur for an unlimited number of generations. But his law received no further atten- tion, and nobody conceived the idea of applying it in connection with Sprengel’s theory. A like fate overtook Herbert (334), who summed up the result of his numerous experiments in this sentence : “T am inclined to think that I have derived advantage from impreg- nating the flower from which I wished to obtain seed with pollen from another individual of the same variety, or at least from another flower, rather than with its own” (p. 371). OC. F. Gartner (259) was led still more distinctly to the same result by experiments on Passiflora, Lobelia, and Fuchsia. Even when Darwin, in 1857 and 1858, published some new experiments on Papilionaceee (151), which showed that the aid of insects or artificial imitation of their action was necessary for complete fertility, and that crossing of separate plants was actually to a great extent effected by insects, his re-enunciation of Knight’s law remained ineffectual. The charm that had kept Sprengel’s theories inoperative was only broken when, PART 1. ] HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. - B. in the next year, Darwin produced his Origin of Species, and in it emphasised Knight’s law as a general law of nature, placing it on broader and surer foundations and uniting it intimately with his theory of natural selection. This theory showed for the first time the full value of Sprengel’s work, and caused his book, which had been forgotten for seventy years, to play a prominent part in the investigation of the prime causes which determine the forms of flowers. As a foundation for the hypothetic natural law that “no organic being fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations, but that a cross with another individual is occasionally—perhaps at very long intervals—indispensable,’” 1 Darwin showed that in all higher and the great majority of lower animals the sexes are separate, and that most hermaphrodite forms pair regularly ; that, in the experi- ence of breeders of animals and cultivators of plants, breeding in-and-in diminishes the strength and the productiveness of the offspring, while crossing with another breed, or with another stock of the same breed, increases both ; that, according to the above- mentioned experiments of several botanists, the application of pollen to the pistil of the same flower is less efficient than pollen from another individual; that in very many plants the situation of the reproductive organs, exposed to the weather and often liable to injury, may be most simply explained if we admit the necessity of occasional crossing; that, according to his own experiments on Papilionacee, the exclusion of insect-visits in many cases diminishes or arrests productiveness; that, as Sprengel had shown in many cases and Darwin had confirmed, self-fertilisation is prevented in many flowers by the relative positions of the reproductive organs or by their ripening at different times; finally, that in no living organism do the structure or situation of the reproductive organs prevent occasional crossing with another individual of the same species. These statements, taken separately, were neither decisive nor free from objection, but collectively they lent a high degree of probability to Darwin's hypothesis; and so, from its close connec- tion with the question of the origin of species and the fundamental importance that it therefore had for all botanical research, botanists could not help at once taking part for or against it, according to whether they were impelled by the general weight of evidence or deterred by the gaps in the chain. The opposers justly maintained that though in the animal kingdom the possibility of occasional pairing might be admitted in 1 Origin of Species, chap. iv. ‘On the Interciossing of Individuals.”’ 6 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. the case of the relatively few hermaphrodites which generally fertilise themselves, yet for the majority the common notion that the flowers are fertilised with their own pollen, either spontaneously or by the aid of insects or the wind, was as yet not disproved (cf. Treviranus, 742). They said justly that the observations quoted to prove the disadvantages of breeding in-and-in or of fertilising a flower with its own pollen were quite insufficient, and they called for more extended experiments. Finally, they pointed to the not rare occurrence of flowers which inevitably fertilise themselves, which even remain closed, and yet which are fully productive, as a difficulty in the way of Darwin’s hypothesis not yet removed. From the nature of the case, complete proof seems impossible, either for or against this law; for neither, if it is true, can the necessity of occasional crossing be shown for all bi-sexual plants and animals; nor, if it is false, can any hermaphrodite which as a rule fertilises itself be kept under observation for an unlimited number of generations. But, since the facts which come within the scope of this law and by which its validity may be subjected to detailed proof are inexhaustibly numerous, continued research will either bring the probability of the law to the verge of certainty or make its improbability continually more conspicuous. And so the Knight-Darwin law was admirably fitted to lead to numerous investigations of phenomena hitherto left unobserved, and so to be highly valuable in furthering our knowledge, even if in the end its truth could not be universally and absolutely affirmed. Darwin opened these new lines of investigation with his own incomparable researches. A few years after the publication of his Origin of Species, he showed by his wonderful book on orchids that he had by no means affirmed the general truth of Knight’s law without having engaged in special researches himself. For he showed in this work that in almost all British orchids, and in all the foreign species within his reach, the flowers were adapted down to the most minute details for insect-visits, in such a way that insect-visitors could not fail to carry the pollen to the stigmas of other flowers. Only a few species in which self-fertilisation regularly took place formed an exception, as yet unexplained, to this general law; but since even in these cases the possibility of occasional crossing was not excluded, they formed no valid argument against the Knight-Darwin law. This work, freed from the fundamental flaw of Sprengel’s theory and permeated by Darwin’s acute reasoning and observation, was a model for the study of the forms of flowers, and it gave — PART I. | HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION, 7 a powerful impetus to further research based upon Sprengel’s work. Even Treviranus’s well-founded objection that in most orchids, even our native species, the operation of inséct-visitors was only concluded indirectly from the structure of the flowers and had not been directly observed, could not hinder this result of Darwin’s book; on the contrary, it could only direct more general attention to the insects that actually performed the work of fertilisation, A paper published seven years later by Darwin (159), enumerating the insects observed to visit a large number of native orchids, shows to how great an extent attention had been attracted to this point. Another line of investigation which Darwin initiated in the same masterly way, was the direct observation of differences between the action of pollen from the same and from another flower. It has been already mentioned that Sprengel instituted experiments on self-fertilisation in the case of Hemerocallis Julva, and that he recognised that the flowers of this plant were not fertile to their own pollen, and other instances of the same kind, or at least of diminished fertility upon self-fertilisation, had been accumulated by other botanists as has been already explained. Darwin collected these scattered facts and brought them under Knight’s law which for the first time revealed their full significance, and at the same time he initiated a new method of research which placed the produce resulting from self-fertilisation alongside of the produce of cross-fertilisation in the struggle for existence, and so permitted the result of persistent self-fertilisation to be ascertained under natural conditions. In numerous plants which were found to be fertile with their own pollen, he fertilised some flowers with their own pollen and other flowers on the same plant with pollen from a neighbouring plant growing under the same conditions, excluding insects with great precautions; he allowed the resulting seeds to germinate on damp sand in the same vessel, and then planted them in pairs on opposite sides of the same pot; then, while all conceivable precautions were taken to keep both sides under the same conditions, he watched the growth of the plants to maturity. The same experiment was repeated with the seeds produced by these, and was continued from generation to generation. In several cases (Jpomea purpurea, Mimulus luteus), the plants resulting from cross-fertilisation showed even in the first generation a marked superiority over the others; they were larger in the proportion of four to three or even three to two, they flowered 8 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. earlier, and they produced more capsules. In other cases such superiority was less marked or was imperceptible, but in no mp case was the advantage shown upon the other side. So these researches also gave results on the whole favourable to Knight’s law; but probability bordering on certainty could only be attained when researches of this kind were undertaken on the largest scale and carried on through many generations. As far as lay within one man’s power Darwin had fulfilled this condition, for he had prosecuted the above-mentioned research for eleven years. The number of individual plants produced by crossing and also of those produced by self-fertilisation which he watched from germination to maturity reached more than a thousand ; they be- longed to fifty-seven species, fifty-two genera, thirty large families, and included natives of the most various countries. The result of this whole research may be summed up in the single sentence: “Whenever plants which are the offspring of self-fertilisation are opposed in the struggle for existence to the offspring of cross- fertilisation, the latter have the advantage ;”’ whence it is clear that all peculiarities which aid cross-fertilisation will be retained and perfected by natural selection. But if the direct rivalry does not occur, self-fertilisation may suffice for the propagation of the organism for an unlimited number of generations, producing healthy and fertile offspring. A third line of research prosecuted by Darwin with the same success, namely the experimental study of dimorphic and trimorphie plants, took away the last shadow of foundation from the old belief that species differ radically from varieties, and threw some light upon the obscure question of hybridisation. Sprengel had remarked, in discussing Hottonia palustris (p. 103): “Some plants bear only flowers whose anthers are included within the tube but whose style is exserted, and others bear only flowers whose style is shorter and whose stamens are longer than the tube of the corolla. I believe that this is not accidental but that it is a disposition of nature, though I am not able to suggest its purpose.” Subsequently this peculiar phenomenon of long-styled and short- styled plants was recognised in several other species, and in Lythrum salicaria three forms were found, long-styled, mid-styled, and short-styled, without any further use being made of the facts. Darwin subjected the peculiar sexual relations of these plants, which he called dimorphic and trimorphic, to a closer considera- tion ; he also performed numerous experiments, crossing the plants in various ways, and cultivating the produce of the various unions. a Dae: Te PART 1. | HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 9 The final result of these researches, which were marked by all his usual care and patience, may be summed up in the following statements :— In dimorphic heterostyled plants (species of Primula, Pul- monaria, Linum, etc.) two forms exist, in fairly equal numbers and growing for the most part near together; while in other respects completely or almost completely alike, they differ from one another in this particular, that in the flowers of the one form the anthers stand distinctly above the stigma, while in the other form the positions are reversed; further, that in each form the anthers stand at the same level as the stigma in the other ; and finally, that in the long-styled form the stigma is rough and 1-10, Primula elatior. 1—5, long-styled flower; 6—10, short-styled flower ; 2, 7, pollen-grains, dry ; 3, 8, ditto, moist; 4. 9, stigma; 5, 10, stigmatic papille. 11—18, Pulmonaria officinalis. 11, long-styled flower in section ; 12, pollen-grains of ditto, dry ; 18, ditto, moist ; 14, short-styled flower; 15, pollen-grains of ditto, dry; 16, ditto, moist; 17, 18, stigma and stigmatic papille common to both forms. furnished with long papille and the polien-grains are small, while in the short-styled form the stigmatic papille are short and close-set and the stigma seems smooth and the pollen-grains are larger. In trimorphic heterostyled plants (Lythrum salicaria) there exist three forms, one with long-styled, one with mid-styled, and one with short-styled flowers ; and in each form there are two whorls of stamens whose anthers stand respectively at the same height as the stigmas in the other two forms; the tallest stamens produce the largest pollen-grains, and the shortest produce the smallest, 10 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. Insects which visit the different kinds of flowers by turns in the same way, must, since the same parts of their bodies always touch organs at the same height in the flower, effect cross-fertilisation both in dimorphic and trimorphic plants in such a way that the stigma in one form of flower always receives pollen from anthers which stand at the same height in another form. Such crossing, which is the mode commonly occurring in nature and in which the size of the pollen-grain is always proportional to the length of the style that its tube has to traverse, was called by Darwin legitimate. In dimorphic heterostyled plants there are thus two ways in which legitimate fertilisation is possible, both occurring regularly in nature, viz., the fertilisation of long-styled flowers with the pollen of short-styled, and vice versdé ; similarly there are in such cases two kinds of illegitimate fertilisation, viz., long-styled flowers with the pollen of long-styled, and short-styled with the pollen of short-styled. In trimorphic heterostyled plants, on the other hand, six modes of legitimate cross-fertilisa- tion are possible and occur regularly in nature; and there are twelve modes of illegitimate crossing, since each of the three kinds of stigmas is illegitimately fertilised if it receives pollen from either whorl of stamens in a flower of its own form or from one whorl of stamens in each of the other two. Now Darwin found, when he tried all the four modes of crossing in the dimorphic plants and all the eighteen modes in the trimorphic plants, and sowed the seeds from the resulting capsules and again crossed the offspring in various ways, that only the “ legiti- mate” crossings resulted in full fertility, and produced normal and fully fertile offspring; while, on the other hand, illegitimate crossings led to all degrees of diminished fertility or even complete barrenness, and produced offspring which had all the characters of bastards produced by the union of distinct species. The result of these investigations was particularly favourable to Knight's law, since it proved that in heterostyled plants not only the occasional crossing of separate flowers, but the regular crossing of separate individuals was absolutely essential for the maintenance of the species. At the same time it broke down the sharp boundary-line between Species and Variety which had formerly been supposed to be found in the more or less complete sterility of hybrids produced by crossing distinct species; and it showed, more- over, by the complete resemblance between the offspring of illegitimate unions in dimorphic and trimorphiec plants and the bastard offspring of distinct species, that in the latter sterility both PART I.] HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 11 at first and in the bastard offspring is not due to differences in the general structure, but exclusively to a difference in the action of the reproductive elements. Attracted by Darwin’s brilliant researches on heterostyled plants (1861-1868), many other investigators have since worked at the same subject. Darwin has collected their results, controlling them by his own observations and experiments and incorporating them with the results of his later investigations. His book contains all that we certainly know as yet concerning heterostyly, and treats also as comprehensively of polygamous, dicecious, and _ cleistogamic plants. It restricts the name polygamous to plants which: possess male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers, and introduces the fol- lowing new terms: gynodiecious, for plants which have hermaphro- dite and also purely female individuals; androdiecious, for plants which consist of hermaphrodite and purely male individuals ; gyno- monecious, for plants which have hermaphrodite and purely female flowers upon the same individual ; andromonecious, for plants in which one individual bears hermaphrodite and male flowers. The most complete collection of all the known facts which contribute to prove Knight’s law is given by Darwin in his work on the Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, in which he suggests many new and fruitful lines of research ; but the three methods of investigation which Darwin originally used have been the chief aids in investigating the determining con- ditions of the forms of flowers. Numerous observers, among whom Friedrich Hildebrand, Federico Delpino, my brother Fritz Miiller,and Severin Axell deserve special mention, have pushed forward along these new paths that Darwin opened ; they have not only brought to light a mass of new facts, all tending to elucidate floral mechanisms on the basis of the Knight-Darwin law, but they have also disclosed many new general principles. These we may briefly review. Hildebrand, in several laborious works, demonstrated that many floral contrivances which Sprengel had investigated, but had explained on the theory of self-fertilisation, were really adapted for regular cross-fertilisation; and he explained on the same principle, and in most cases figured, many forms that Sprengel had not examined. He extended the list of dimorphie and trimorphie plants, and applied Darwin’s experiments to Primula sinensis, Pulmonaria officinalis, and several species of Ozalis; he also performed artificial self-fertilisation on these forms, and found that it led in general to even greater sterility than the illegitimate crossings. By his experiments on Corydalis cava, he showed that 12 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. self-fertilisation, which occurs spontaneously in all flowers of this plant, is completely inoperative, that even crossing of different flowers on the same individual gives a very poor yield, and that only the crossing of separate plants results in full produc- tiveness. A powerful objection to the Knight-Darwin law was removed by this discovery. Finally, in his. Geschlechter- Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen (1867), he has striven to show that throughout Phanerogams cross-fertilisation of separate individuals either takes place in all cases, or does so for the most part, or is at least possible; and he has given the following classification of phanerogamic flowers according to the comipletendss with which they exclude self-fertilisation :— A. Male and female organs in different flowers (diclinism). Cross-fertilisation ensured, and effected by insects or by the wind. Ex. Cannabis, B. Male and female organs in one and the same flower (monoclinism). 1, The organs of the two sexes not developed simultaneously (dichogamy),. (a) The male before the female! Ex. Geranium pratense. (b) The female before the male? Ex, Luzula pilosa. Self-fertilisation usually prevented, and cross-fertilisation effected by insects, 2. The organs of both sexes developed simultaneously (homogamy). (a) Flowers expanding ( flores chasmogami, Axell). I, Anthers distant from the stigma. a. Styles of different lengths on different plants of the same species (Heterostyly,, Hild. ; dimorphism and trimorphism, Darwin). Self-fertilisation not altogether prevented, but either quite inoperative (Pulmonaria officinalis) or yielding little result (Primula sinensis). 8. Styles of the same length in all the flowers (Homostyly). * Reproductive organs changing their relative positions during the flowering period. Self-fertilisation avoided, cross fertilisation effected by insects. Ex. Anoda hastata. ** Reproductive organs remain unchanged in position during the flowering period. + The aid of insects necessary for fertilisation. Self-fertilisation to a great extent impossible, and cross- fertilisation necessary. Ex. Orchidacee. Self-fertilisation 1 Sprengel calls this species of dichogamy, male-female, or dichogamia androgyna ; Hildebrand, protandrous ; Delpino, proterandrous. R Sprengel calls this species of dichogamy, female-male, or dichogamia gynandra ; Hildebrand, protogynous; Delpino, proterogynous. Delpino distinguishes two varieties, viz., proterogynia brachybiostigmatica, where the stigmas are short-lived and. wither before the anthers ripen; and proterogynia macrobiostigmatica, where the stigmas remain capable of fecundation until the anthers are mature, and where consequently self-fertilisation remains possible. PART 1, | HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 13 to a certain extent possible, but not necessary ; cross- fertilisation more probable. Ex. Asclepiadee. tt The aid of insects not essential. Self-fertilisation possible, but cross-fertilisation also effected by insects, II. Anthers lying close to the stigma ; self-fertilisation inevitable. * No seed produced without cross-fertilisation, which is effected by insects. Ex. Corydalis cava. ** Seed is produced on self-fertilisation, but cross- fertilisation by insects is not excluded, (d) The flowers never expand (flores cleistogami, Kuhn). Only self-fertilisation occurs, and all cross- fertilisation is excluded ; but the plants have other flowers which open and are liable to cross-fertilisation. Ex. Owalis acetosella, Although the statements contained here with reference to the possibility of cross- or self-fertilisation have turned out not to be universally correct, and although the divisions merge into one another by many intermediate forms, as Hildebrand himself allowed, yet Hildebrand’s scheme is very well adapted to serve as an artificial classification for the consideration of individual cases. Delpino described the structure of very many. flowers belonging to the most distant orders, showing them all to be adapted for cross-fertilisation. His descriptions are so clear and minute that he dispenses to a large extent with illustrations. In many cases he has directly observed the fertilising agents, and he states at least the families or genera to which they belong. He has shown that water as well as wind, and snails and honey-sucking birds as well as insects, play a part in the conveyance of pollen. He has shown in the most diverse instances how the form of the flower is determined by the special fertilising agent, and in several families (Maregraviacee, Marantacece, Artemisiacee, &c.) he has made happy use of the gradual stages in adaptation to special fertilising agents in order to trace the mutual genetic relations of the members of the family. He has also shown strong evidence that in many cases the distributional area of a species is determined in the first instance by the presence of that animal which the flower has become adapted to be cross-fertilised by. And finally, choosing the various means of transport for the pollen as his basis of classifica- tion, and taking advantage ingeniously of the almost complete want of direct observations on the cross-fertilisation of Cryptogams, he evolved the following scheme of the whole vegetable kingdom, in all of whose members he also is of opinion that cross-fertilisation is either certain, or probable, or at least possible. 14 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. I. Plants with Motile Reproductive Elements (Zoogame). Fucacee, Characez, Protonemez (Mosses and Liverworts), and Proembryonatz (Ferns, Horse-tails, Rhizocarps, and Club-mosses), whose antherozooids, corresponding to the spermatozooids of animals, are endowed with spontaneous movement. Nearly allied to these are the Diatoms and Conjugate, in which the whole individual is motile. II. Plants which require External Aid to bring their Reproductive Elements together (Diamesogame). A. Plants fertilised by the agency of water (hg ydroplenten B. Plants fertilised by the wind (anemophile). C. Plants fertilised by the aid of small animals (evidiophite), A. Plants Fertilised by the Agency of Water. Delpino subdivides this class into two :— 1, Plants adapted for fertilisation under water. These require for cross-fertilisation that the stigma or the poilen-grains, or both, should be thin and filiform, and that the pollen should be abundant and of like specific gravity to the water (Posidonia, Cymodocea, Zostera, Ceratophyllum, Floridec). 2. Plants adapted for fertilisation at the surface of the water. In these the pollen is specifically lighter than water, or is borne upon a floating raft ; the peduncles of the female flowers elongate, sometimes aided by their spiral form, to bring the flowers to the surface of the water (Ruppia, Vallisneria). B. Plants Fertilised by the Wind. The only positive character common to these is their smooth and easily scattered pollen; the negative characters common to them are absence of bright-coloured floral envelopes, of perfume, and of honey. 1. The Gymnosperms are all wind-fertilised, and are charac- terised by the absence of a stigma. 2. The anemophilous Angiosperms have for the most part enormously developed stigmas, which project in the form of long tails, brushes, lamine, or discs; their male flowers are very seldom immovable, but are generally easily shaken by the wind, either the axis of the male inflorescence, or the peduncles of the male flowers, PART I. | HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 15 or the filaments themselves, being long and pendulous; in some cases the stamens are explosive, and project all the pollen into the air. The following five varieties may be distinguished among anemophilous Angiosperms :— (a) Forms with catkins, in which the axis of the male inflorescence is movable. Ex. Corylus, Betula. (b) Forms with pendulous flowers. Ex. Negundo fraxinifolium, Rumen. (c) Forms with long stamens. This is the most common variety, including almost all Graminew, Cyperacee, Juncacew, Cannabis, Humulus, Empetrum, Mereurialis, Ricinus, Plantago, Littorella, Callitriche, Myriophyllum, Hippuris, the anemophilous species of Thalictrum, &e. (d) Explosive forms. Ex. Urtica, Parietaria, Morus. (¢) Forms with immovable flowers. Ex. many Palms, Potamo- geton, Triglochin, Sparganium, Typha. C. Plants Fertilised by Animals. These usually possess bright colours or perfumes, and supply food to their fertilisers. The following classification has been supplied to me by Delpino, by letter :— I. ORNITHOPHILZ.—These plants are adapted for fertilisation by birds, which come in search either of honey or of small insects (Trochilide, Nectarinia, etc.). They present several different types. What is known concerning them is founded chiefly on the reports of travellers who were ignorant: of the principles that should guide their investigation. Many of them possess large brilliantly-coloured flowers, very frequently scarlet, pouched in form, upright in position, and secreting great abundance of honey. II. ENtoMopHILA.—Plants whose flowers are adapted for fertilisation by insects. To this group belong all our native flowers which possess perfume or bright colours. III. MALacopHiLt#.—Plants whose flowers are adapted for fertilisation by snails. (These have as yet been observed by Delpino only.) The flowers are crowded so closely together, that the snails in creeping over them must come in contact both with pollen and stigmas. The plants are protected from the ravages of their voracious guests, either by secreting an acrid fluid which kills the snails (Alvcasia odora), or by metamorphosis of the perianth into a thick fleshy tissue, with whose destruction the snails are content (Rhodea japonica). 16 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. In further subdividing entomophilous plants, Delpino omits all those plants which can be fertilised equally well by insects of various orders, and limits himself to forms which he considers to be adapted for particular insects. As such he distinguishes :— 1. Melittophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by (the larger) bees. These have diurnal flowers, with colours and scents attractive to man also, partly with concealed honey (Salvia pratensis), partly devoid of honey, and in that case with the pollen inclosed within the flower and only becoming apparent on special treatment (Genista tinctoria). 2. Micromelittophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by the smaller bees (and very many other small insects). These flowers possess quite incomprehensible attractions for their visitors, far more than in any other plants (Herminiwm Monorchis). 3. Myiophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by various Diptera. Their flowers present for the most part dull (yellowish, wine-red, speckled) colours, their odour is for the most part disagree- able both to man and to bees, and they display either an exposed surface of honey or else pollen only for their visitors (Huonymus). 4. Micromyiophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by minute Diptera. The flower or the inflorescence forms a chamber with a narrow entrance, often a temporary prison for the fertilising agents ; honey is produced as a thin adhesive layer, or may be absent, in which case the pollen is abundant (Aristolochia Clematitis, Arum). 5. Sapromyiophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by carrion- flies and dung-flies. The flowers have a putrid smell, but the other characters of the group resemble those of the Myiophil (Stapelia, Rafflesia). 6. Cantharophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by beetles. These are large diurnal flowers of striking colours, affording con- venient shelter, and containing an exceedingly large supply of pollen besides occasionally some easily accessible honey (Magnolia). 7. Psychophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by diurnal Lepidoptera, These have brightly-coloured diurnal flowers, whose honey is concealed at the base of a very narrow tube (Dianthus). 8. Sphingophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by Hawk-moths (Sphingidw) and Noctue. These have light-coloured nocturnal flowers, with a strong sweet scent, whose honey is concealed at the base of a very long tube or spur (Lonicera Caprifoliwm, Platanthera)+ ' Since the above was written, Delpino has completed his work, Ulteriori osser- vazioni sulla dicogamia nel regno vegetale, and in it the contrivances by which rr eer = — ae Sea re een v A eT the Ty ME *7 part 1] HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 17 My brother, Fritz Miiller,has made many interesting observations on South Brazilian plants, in all the three lines of research which Darwin instituted. His results have been contributed partly to the Jenaische Zeitschrift and Botanische Zeitung, partly to Darwin’s Variation of Animals, ete., and are partly published for the first time in this book. He has found in the case of various orchids that they are not only sterile to their own pollen, but even that the pollen and stigma of the same flower act as fatal poisons to -one another. In various flowers (Chamissoa, Epidendrum) he has discovered special contrivances in the act of being evolved, and especially in Posoqueria and Faramea he has given clear proof that certain peculiarities, advantageous under the given conditions, have by no means attained their full perfection. The proof of this fact deserves special attention as a strong objection to the teleolo- gical theory. His comprehensive observations on Brazilian orchids will; it may be hoped, soon be published in a special work. Severin Axell published in 1869 a book on the floral mechanisms of Phanerogams. It contains a clear historical review of the growth of our knowledge of the sexual relations of plants, and describes some new investigations of floral mechanisms and some experiments on the fertility of plants after self-fertilisation, It is remarkable for divesting of a certain onesidedness the conception that had flowers are adapted for cross-fertilisation by animals are fully treated and very clearly arranged. He distinguishes :— 1, Adaptations which affect the senses of sight and smell in the fertilising agents. (a) Colour, (b) Scent. 2. Adaptations which affect the sense of taste: the attractions of pollen, honey, aud other food-materials. : 3. Arrangements which direct the actions of the fertilising agents, and make them more effective. (a) Increase of conspicuousness by heliotropy, the position and grouping of the flowers, enlargement of particular organs, ete. ()) The development of certain parts convenient for alighting on or standing on. (c) Arrangements for preserving the nectar for the use of the fertilising agelts, (d) ce teuiante for promoting the transfer of pollen from the anthers to the body of the fertilising agent, and thence to the stigmas. (ec) Arrangements for ensuring the transport of pollen from one flower to another, or from one individual plant to another, (f) Arrangements for regulating the number of visits of the fertilisin agents. ; (g) Arrangements for adapting the flowers to particular fertilising agents ey o Finally, Delpino gives a classification of flowers according to their different types, of which he distinguishes forty-seven, and he appends some remarks on the fertilising agents of plants and their habits. C 18 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I, become here and there prevalent of the significance of cross- fertilisation; and also for attempting to arrange all the floral mechanisms of Phanerogams in a series, according to their natural development from less perfect to more perfect forms. The first impulse to the new investigation of flowers had been given by Darwin’s notion of a general law that no organised being fertilises itself for an unlimited number of generations, or, as Darwin put it, that nature abhors perpetual self-fertilisation. And it was natural that those investigators who worked upon the lines laid down by Darwin should look upon the contrivances that were favourable to cross-fertilisation and unfavourable to self-fertilisation as so many proofs of the truth of Darwin’s conjectural law. But they neglected to consider those flowers which frequently or regularly fertilise themselves; or, if such flowers forced them- selves upon their notice, they were looked upon as isolated excep- tions, and self-fertilisation was considered, in spite of them, as throughout injurious to plants. For instance, Hildebrand in 1867 says: ‘In most plants self-fertilisation is avoided by special contrivances or even rendered impossible, or if it does take place it is at least injurious;” and in 1869 he tries to prove “the law of the avoidance of self-fertilisation,’ and to treat as isolated exceptions Calccolaria pinnata and Morina elegans, in which he had found self-fertilisation to take place regularly when insect-visits fail. Similarly, in Delpino’s writings until 1869 the idea recurs in many places, quite definitely, that “nature in general abhors self-fertilisation,”! while Darwin had only spoken of perpetual self-fertilisation. Now Axell justly showed that this conception entertained by Hildebrand and Delpino was unfounded, for he brought forward in opposition to it the facts that in many flowers self-fertilisation inevitably takes place in default of insect- visits, and that he himself had proved by experiment in many cases that such self-fertilisation results in the production of good seed; further, that many aquatic plants, which under ordinary circumstances expand their flowers at the surface of the water and are cross-fertilised by the wind or by insects, remain closed and submerged when the water is unusually high, and in such cireum- stances fertilise themselves and produce seeds which propagate the species; and finally, that many terrestrial plants, with irregular flowers which render self-fertilisation impossible, produce, instead of these or along with these, other flowers of simple structure 1 For instance, in No. 177, p. 55, “L’antipatia che ha Ja natura per le nozze consanguinee ” (1869). ——— i ane Ls PART I.| HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 19 which remain closed (flores cleistogami, Kuhn) and produce seed regularly by self-fertilisation. He supposed that the existence of cleistogamic flowers was due partly (eg. Lamiwm amplexicaule) to low temperature, which hindered the development of the ordinary _ flowers, and partly to failure of the insects which under normal - circumstances effected cross-fertilisation. By this explanation, Axell rectified the conception that was so distinctly uttered by Hildebrand and Delpino in their earlier writings, viz., that cross-fertilisation is advantageous and self- fertilisation disadvantageous for plants, by showing that though cross-fertilisation is better than self-fertilisation, yet self-fertilisation is infinitely better than absence of fertilisation and consequent ee ite aml Fia 2.—Cleistogamic and ordinary flowers of Lamium amplexicaule. 1—4, large ordinary flower, not quite twive natural size. 1, entire flower; 2, oblique view of mouth, showing anthers and stigma ; 3, upper part of corolla just before the flower opens ; 4, nectary (n) and ovary (02). : 5—10, small cleistogamic flower (5-8, x 5;°9, 10, x 24). 5, entire cleistogamic flower from the outer side ; 6, corolla, opened by force, seen from the side; 7, the same, opened less widely, seen _ from below; 8, corolla of a cletstoraniic flower, unopened, from below; 9, essential organs of a cleistogamic flower undergoing self-fertilisation, two stamens having been removed ; 10, ovary and - nectary seen from the front and right. sterility; and he also removed by his elucidation of cleistogamic ' flowers one great objection to the Knight-Darwin law,—the argument which was used against it by H. von Mohl. Axell founds his attempt to classify all floral mechanisms of Phanerogams in the natural order of their development upon two laws which he lays down as axioms: (1) Nature strives to increase as much as possible the number of individuals in each species ; and (2) she strives to attain the greatest possible results by the simplest possible means. If, instead of abiding by the teleological standpoint which personifies nature, Axell had risen to the objective conception of nature which Darwin founded, he might c 2 20 | THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I, have stated these two laws somewhat as follows: (1) every species of animal and plant has, in otherwise similar circumstances, the greater prospect of survival in the struggle for existence, the more numerous the offspring that it leaves; (2) every individual may, under otherwise similar conditions, be preserved the more easily in the struggle for existence, the simpler its requirements are. He would not then have required to state these laws as axioms, for they are seen to be immediate consequences of the theory of natural selection. Starting from these two laws, Axell saw in every economy of material, space, or time, an improvement in the mechanism of the flower. Accordingly he considers the arrange- ment in anemophilous flowers the most primitive and most imperfect form amongst Phanerogams, since it necessitates an immense waste of pollen, which is avoided in cross-fertilisation by insects. In both the anemophilous and the entomophilous sections, Axell recognises a further advance in the transition from dicecious to moncecious and monoclinic forms, since in this arrange- ment there is not only increased economy of material (floral envelopes, pollen), but increasing certainty of sexual reproduction. In the group of monoclinic entomophilous flowers, Axell considers that a further advance is shown in passing from dichogamic to herkogamic flowers (those in which self-fertilisation is hindered by the relative positions of the parts), and from these to the heterostylic (dimorphic and trimorphic), and finally from these to the homostylic plants with irregular flowers and again to those with regular flowers. According to Axell, the forms which stand nearest to the diclinie entomophilous flowers are the dichogamic,! as in both of these types two insect-visits are necessary for each act of fertilisation, and many insect-visits which are paid successively to flowers in the same stage of development remain useless to the plant. Among homogamic entomophilous flowers, the herkogamic, in — Axell’s opinion, share with the dichogamic forms the disadvantage of not being able to fertilise themselves in case of need; but they stand one stage higher, since each act of fertilisation requires only a single insect-visit. This is also the case in heterostylic forms, which according to Axell stand yet a stage higher, since in them self-fertilisation, though very difficult, is not impossible. Finally, 1 Axell allows the quite unfounded supposition that the corolla begins to wither and the secretion of honey ceases as soon as pollen is applied to the stigma to lead him into the equally erroneous conclusion that proterandrous dichogamy only is possible in entomophilous flowers; and this conclusion leads him. to doubt the accuracy of many observations which are opposed to his view, f - PART I. | - HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 21 among homostylic forms, in which the possibility of self-fertilisa- tion is unchecked, those with regular flowers stand, according to Axell, on a higher grade that those with irregular flowers, since they permit the visits of more various insects. Axell thus arrives _ at the following order of development :— , e 3 ‘ : ‘ : , 7 A. Flowers which are fertilised by the aid of an extraneous medium of transport (jlores chasmogamt). I. Anemophilous forms: (a). dicecious, (b) moneecious, (c) dichogamic (proterogynous), (7) homogamic. If. Entomephilous forms : a. Self-fertilisation hindered by 1, Diclinism ) Two insect-visits necessary for each 2. Dichogamy § act of fertilisation. 3.: Herkogamy? 4.5.05: + « Only one insect-visit b. Self-fertilisation not hiner necessary for each 1. Heterostyly. 2. Homostyly act of fertilisation. B. Flowers which fertilise themselves without the aid of an extraneous medium of transport ( flores cleistogamt). If we review the lines of research above described, in order to get a clear idea of which path leads us most surely to the condi- tions determining the forms of flowers, it becomes plain that two different aims must be kept in view; these are closely connected, "and sometimes within certain limits mutually depend upon one _ another, but they cannot be confounded without danger; viz. (1) the elucidation of floral mechanisms, and (2) the proof of the Knight-Darwin law. Sprengel kept in view as the sole aim of his researches the _ explanation of the characters of flowers on certain presumptions _ which were to be justified by the constant possibility of such expla- nations; and his results were singularly fortunate so far as was possible with his teleological conceptions, and without knowledge or foreshadowing of the advantage of cross-fertilisation. Darwin _ remedied both flaws in Sprengel’s theory, since he not only gave complete expression by his theory of natural selection to the new conceptions that had gradually grown up, but he also made the definite statement, and took steps to prove it, that the effect of _ cross-fertilisation is advantageous. But he did not content himself with the statement that cross-fertilisation leads to a more vigorous offspring than self-fertilisation, which would have sufficed pro- yisionally to explain the contrivances in flowers, but he laid down 22 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. the much more comprehensive and general law “that no organic being fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations, but that a cross with another individual is occasionally—perhaps at very long intervals—indispensable.” And, in his exhaustive researches on the floral contrivances of orchids, he had always kept in view as his chief aim the establishment of this law.! | Hildebrand and Delpino followed the same aim just as dis- tinctly, though they expressed it in other words.? All three sought to explain all the contrivances of flowers, presupposing the accuracy of that general law. . If all floral mechanisms without exception had turned out to subserve the necessity of occasional cross-fertili- sation, the establishment of that law, and with it the foundation of our comprehension of flowers, would have attained thereby to the highest measure of certainty; but in point of fact, as on the one hand more and more flowers were adduced in which cross-fertili- sation is, under natural conditions, inevitable, on the other hand, in at least equal proportion, more and more instances were revealed of plants which regularly fertilise themselves and are fully pro- ductive thereupon. Inasmuch as one cannot admit that the mere possibility of occasional cross-fertilisation is a sufficient proof of its necessity, it must be acknowledged that the establishment of the Knight-Darwin law is not advanced in the least by all the researches on the mechanism of flowers. The whole explanatory theory of flowers, so long as it is based entirely upon this law, has this uncertainty at its foundation. In order to avoid this uncertainty and to secure a firm basis for investigating the conditions determining the forms of flowers, it is above all necessary to leave aside the Knight-Darwin law, which can neither be proved by investigating the forms of flowers nor is necessary for their elucidation; and to confine ourselves to the proposition, which is sufficient for this investigation and which can be verified by experiment, that cross-fertilisation results in offspring which vanquish the offspring of self-fertilisation in the struggle for existence. 1 “In my volume ‘ On the Origin of Species,’ 1 have given only general reasons for my belief that it is an almost universal law of nature that organic beings require an occasional cross with another individual; or, which is the same thing, that no hermaphrodite fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations, Having been blamed for propounding this doctrine without giving ample facts, for which I had not in that work sufficient space, I wish to show that I have not spoken without having gone into details.”’—Darwin, On the Various Contrivances, ete., p. 1. * Hildebrand calls it the law of the avoidance and the disadvantage of continual self-fervilisation (*‘ das Gesetz der vermiedenen und unvortheilhaften stetigen Selbst- befruchtung’”’); Delpino calls it the great law of dichogamy, or of intercrossing (“la gran legge della dicogamia o delle nozze incrociate "), ee ee PART I.] HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 23 It is obvious that this proposition. is much narrower than the Knight-Darwin law. For it is easily conceivable, and it is com- patible with all known facts, that, in all plants without exception, the offspring of self-fertilisation, as soon as they come into com- petition with other individuals of their species which are the offspring of cross-fertilisation, finally succumb, and that therefore the above-mentioned proposition is thoroughly correct; but that nevertheless many species which are regularly self-fertilised, and in which the struggle for existence between the offspring of self- fertilisation and of cross-fertilisation never takes place, reproduce by self-fertilisation for an unlimited number of generations, and that therefore the Knight-Darwin law is false. Whether the offspring of self-fertilisation finally succumb in the struggle for existence to the offspring of cross-fertilisation in the same species may probably be decided in the course of a few generations for certain plants by the above-described experiments contrived by Darwin. Whether, on the other hand, plants in which such competition is avoided, owing to exclusive and continuous self-fertilisation, finally become extinct for want of crossing, can probably in many cases not be decided. At least Darwin declares expressly (Variation, etc., chap. xvii.) that, in order to recognise the difference between plants produced by self-fertilisation and those produced by cross-fertilisation, it is often absolutely necessary to place both together in competition. And, moreover, important facts stand opposed to the Knight-Darwin law, which have mostly been collected by Darwin in his Variation of Animals and Plants with scrupulous care. I may refer to the examples of plants (mentioned in chap. xviii. of that work) which spread over unlimited areas by asexual reproduction; to the Brazilian culti- vated plants, described by Fritz Miiller and discussed in the third section of this book, which after they have been multiplied for many generations exclusively by asexual means, have lost even the power of sexual reproduction ; to the well-known facts that numerous mosses reproduce over great part of their area of distribution by exclusively asexual means, and that many are only known in the sterile form: all facts which are not easily brought into accordance with the supposition that occasional crossing is essential for lasting conservation. There is good foundation, therefore, for the demand that the explanation of floral mechanisms shall rest only on the sufficient and demonstrable assumption that cross-fertilisation Beige more vigorous offspring than self-fertilisation. 24 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. But while we must, on the one hand, strive ‘to limit our assumptions as much as possible, in order to keep a basis.fully demonstrable by experiment for our conclusions, we must, on the other hand, that these conclusions may rest firm,-demand the securest possible establishment of all accessible facts which can influence the mutual relations between flowers and the agents which fertilise them. Of the various fertilising agents, wind and water are so simple and regular in their action that it is easy to review the circum- stances of the case, and to recognise how the comparatively simple contrivances in anemophilous and hydrophilous plants are deter- mined by the nature of the medium of transport. But the insects } which act as carriers of pollen are so various in size, form, length of proboscis, food-material, mode of movement, colour-sense, &c., their abundance depends on so many conditions, and their visits to particular flowers are so influenced by weather, the competition of other insects, the attractions of other neighbouring flowers, &c., that the mere investigation of floral contrivances, and the mere general establishment of the fact that certain flowers are actually visited and fertilised by insects, can never lead to a perception of the primitive conditions which determine any specific peculiarity in a flower. Only when it is accurately ascertained for many and various flowers of the same neighbourhood by what insects and how abundantly by each each species is visited, what in each case each visitor comes in search of, how each acts in its visits, how the dimensions of their bodies correspond to the dimensions of the flowers (for instance, the length of their proboscis to the length of the tube and spur), what parts of their bodies come in contact with the pollen and the stigma, and so forth ; when further, for each of these flowers, not only the form, arrangement, and order of deve- lopment of the separate parts, but also the area of conspicuous surfaces, the diameter of the entrance, the depth of the tube in which the honey lies, in short every point which can affect the insect-visitor, has been accurately ascertained—then only may we hope, by comparing the characters of flowers and their insect- visitors, to attain to accurate knowledge instead of the mere surmises concerning the conditions that primitively determine any floral character. Ae It is plain that in such facts all previous investigations have left wide gaps. Even Delpino, who paid more attention than any * Snails and birds may be left out of the question, as they do not play an important part in fertilising any native plants, ee ee o-—a on Ay pe ge) + PART I. | HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 25 previous observer to the insect-visitors, based his generalisations upon far too few observations of insect-visits ; both his classifi- cation of entomophilous flowers? and his general conclusions concerning the fertilisers of whole families (Composite, Boraginee, &c.) require essential modification. In no single case do the observations hitherto made on anthophilous insects suffice either to explain the differences between nearly allied species of flowers or to settle the primitive conditions determining any specific floral character. . In order to attain to substantial knowledge concerning such determining conditions, we must modify in two respects the modes of investigation hitherto adopted, based upon the Knight-Darwin law :-— | ; (1) Instead of considering those flowers in which cross- fertilisation in case of insect-visitors is distinctly insured or in which self-fertilisation is distinctly opposed, we must look upon all entomophilous flowers without exception as requiring elucidation to the same degree; and in each species we must consider the possible or inevitable occurrence of self-fertilisation in absence of msects with as much care as the certainty or possibility of cross- fertilisation in case of insect-visits. (2) Instead of confining ourselves to the investigation of floral mechanisms or of at most ascertaining in a general way by what groups of insects a particular plant is visited and cross-fertilised, “we must consider the insect-visitors with as much care as the flowers visited by them, We must compile for each species of flower a list as complete as possible of its visitors, in order to come by wide comparison to a safe conclusion regarding what: effect peculiarities in colour, odour, the secretion and concealment of the honey, etc., have upon insect-visits, and so upon the fertilisation of the plant. We must also take note of the way in which the insects are fitted to obtain their floral diet, and we must try to trace the gradual evolution of such adaptations through all stages, since many characters of flowers and of their visitors (e.g. length of tube and length of proboscis) have been developed in reciprocal adaptation, and can therefore only be understood when considered together. | This is the path which I have sought to enter on in the present book. How far I have succeeded in my task is for others to decide. To permit of fair judgment, I must myself explain certain omissions in my work. 1 Supra, p. 15. 26 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART I. I have been unable to pay equal attention to all groups of anthophilous insects. I could neither determine by myself the minute flies and gnats, ichneumon-flies and their allies, aphides and species of Meligethes and Thrips, nor could I get them reliably determined by others; these, accordingly, along with most ants and some saw-flies, are referred to only in general terms. Noc- turnal lepidoptera and microlepidoptera are left almost untouched for another reason, viz. the difficulty of observing them upon flowers in the dim light. On the other hand, I have paid close attention to the beetles, the larger flies, bees, ‘wasps, and butterflies, and I have determined their species with the aid of the entomo- logists referred to in my preface. But just on account of this simultaneous observation of so many insect groups, in the case of the most frequented flowers it is probably only the commonest species that have fallen into my hands; so that it will be easy for any collector of a special group to show the most extensive omissions in my richest lists. I indeed hope that this may be done on the largest scale. In hastening to publish provisionally an account of my researches, it was further impossible for me to follow out thoroughly in the case of all the: groups of anthophilous insects the modifications which fit them for a floral diet, and to prove that such modifica- tions have been evolved gradually. In thecase of bees, the most important visitors of flowers, I have attempted to give such proof in a special work. In the present book I must limit myself to giving a general account of the adaptations of insects to the flowers visited by them, so far only as seems essential for a right understanding of the actions of insects upon flowers. NOTES ON THE HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION, 1. Severin Axell gives in his work (17), published in 1869, a short review of the development of our knowledge of the sexual relations of plants. He says :— “ Although we meet even in ancient Greek and Roman authors with dim foreshadowings of the sexuality of some diclinic plants, it is only towards the end of the seventeenth century that we find the existence of two sexes in the _ higher plants clearly and generally acknowledged. In 1682, Nehemias Grew published his book The Anatomy of Plants, in which he maintained the necessity for the pollen to act upon the pistil to form the fruit. Rud. Jac. Canierarius? and Sebastian Vaillant? strongly supported the new views, partly 1 Epistola de sexu plantarum (Tiibingen : 1694). * Discowrs swr la struetwre des flewrs, ete. (Paris: 1717). a i ts el a a at ree Ie ae ee ee TROP Sa ec PART I. | . HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 27 by experiment, partly by specifying the sexual organs in various forms of flowers ; while on the other hand Tournefort! and Pontedera® tried to prove that these views were untenable, chiefly from philosophical considerations. The contest may be considered to have been settled in its main point by the masterly collection of proofs of the sexuality of plants given by Linneus in 1735.3 After it had been shown that pollination is an essential condition for the production of seed, it still remained to show how the pollen-grains are con- veyed to the stigma ; and attempts were made to elucidate this also, but with less success. It was of course seen that in diclinic plants some external agency must convey the pollen-grains from the male to the female flowers, and the whole effect was ascribed to the wind ; in hermaphrodite flowers, on the other hand, it was supposed that the stigma is dusted with pollen from the same flower without the cooperation of any external agency. This had to take place either by the anthers and stigma coming in contact, or by the pollen falling down upon the stigma: the former would have to take place either before the flower opened, or by movements of the reproductive organs‘ ; to explain the latter, it was laid down as a general rule that those flowers whose stamens overtop the style have an erect position, and that those in which the style overtops the stamens are pendulous.> Meanwhile, since it was observed that many flowers contain honey and are visited by insects, the idea arose that these must be of some use in fertilisation. It was, however, supposed that in their visits they simply shake pollen from the anthers,® and not that they carry pollen from one flower to another. The importance and in many cases the necessity of the action of insects was not at all recognised,’ either in general or in any single case, if we except the observation of the fertilisation of Ficus earica by Chalcis Psenes (Ficus in Amen. Acad. i.). This last. observation stood for a long time isolated, until in 1761 Joseph Gottlieb Koelreuter demonstrated the necessity of insects’ aid in several other cases, such as Cucurbitacee, Iridee, Sambucus, and Viscum.’ This illustrious man remarked also, that in Malvaceae, Epilobium, and Pole- monium (Vorliuf. Nachr. p. 34), self-fertilisation is prevented by maturation of the reproductive organs at different times, and that in these plants the pistil of an older flower is fertilised by the aid of insects with pollen from a younger flower.’ In the case of most plants, however, he held to the old 1 Institutiones rei herbaric (Paris: 1700). 2 Anthologia, seu de floris naturd (Patav. : 1720). 3 Fundamenta botanica (Amsterdam : 1735). 4 It was Vaillant who first observed this phenomenon. For the meaning which was assigned to it, see Linneus, De nuptiis et seaw plantarum, 1729, first printed in 1829; and ‘* Sponsalia Plantarum,” p. 46, in Amenitates Academice, i. 5 Linneus, loc. cit. and “‘ De economid Nature,” in Amen. Acad. i. 6 « Sponsalia Plantarum” and ‘‘ De nectariis forum,” Amen. Acad. iv. 7 See, for instance, the explanation of the act of fertilisation in Viola tricolor in ** Sponsalia Plantarum,” p. 37. : 8 Vorléufige Nachricht von cinigen das Geschlecht der Phlanzn betreffenden Versuchen und Beobachtungen (Leipzig: 1761), and Fortsetzung der vorliufigen Nachricht (Leipzig : 1763). After showing how well the organisation of these plants is fitted for crossing Koelreuter remarks: ‘‘ An id aliquid im recessu habeat, quod hujuscemodi flores numquam proprio suo pulvere, sed semper eo aliarum sue speciei impregnentur merito queritur. Certe natura nil facit frustra.” 28 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS, [PART 1, explanation of fertilisation, which, erroneous as it was, was not contro- verted until the appearance of Sprengel’s book and, afterwards still more thoroughly by F. J. Schelver* and August Henschel.2 The researches of these botanists showed clearly that in most plants pollination of the pistil is impossible or at least improbable without the cooperation of some external agent. The last two authors, since they did not ascribe the proper importance to insect-visits, were led into the error of denying the sexuality of plants. On the other hand, Sprengel has not only rendered the negative service of showing, as the others did, how the prevalent conception of the mode of fertilisation is directly contrary to the actual relations, but also the positive service of removing the last objection to the sexual theory by his theory of the adaptation of flowers to fertilisation by insects.* 2. Even Sprengel notes several instances of incomplete adaptation ; e.g. on page 259, “Although the flowers (Lychnis dioica) being nocturnal are not adapted for humble-bees, yet these make use of their nectar.” 3. Perhaps F. G. Kurr has reviewed most thoroughly Sprengel’s observa- tions in his book Untersuchungen iiber die Bedeutung der Nektarien in den Blumen, which is replete with his own observations and ideas. But even this acute observer 4 lets us clearly trace how his ignorance of the advantage of cross-fertilisation prevented him from agreeing with Sprengel’s explanations, and how, along with Sprengel’s theories, he rejected his correct observations (e.g. in the case of Campanula) in order to cling to old errors. Severin Axell, in his above-mentioned work, cites the following later botanists who rejected Sprengel’s discoveries ; “'Treviranus,> in upholding the sexuality of plants against Henschel, denies altogether that the organs of the two sexes mature at different times, and declares that the pollen and the stigma always ripen simultaneously ; Schultz-Schultzenstein ® attacks Sprengel, and charges him with false statements; De Candolle’ asserts: ‘M. Conrad Sprengel a cherché 4 développer ses idées, plus fondées, je le crains, sur des théories métaphysiques que sur la simple observation des faits;’ Mikan criticises him for his description of the apparatus for fertilisation in the violet ; even Robert Caspary says, ‘ quod censeo, non injuste dici potest, inter omnes illas Sprengelii observationes, quas certissimas profert, quo modo insecta flores fecundent, ne unam quidam esse, ex qua certe concludi possit, nullo alio modo’ flores fecundari quam auxiliis insectorum.’ Robert Brown alone, in his well-known paper (114) on the fertilisation of Asclepiadacee and Orchidaceae, confirmed the accuracy of Sprengel’s statement that the aid of insects is necessary for the fertilisation of these plants, although he, like Sprengel, failed to notice that here cross-fertilisation occurs and not self-fertilisation.” Just as, according to these extracts, most botanists reviewed onesidedly the weakness of Sprengel’s theory, and threw overboard the good along with the defective ; so, with equal onesidedness, Delpino and Severin Axell have 1 Kritik der Lehre von den Greschlechtern der Phlanzen (Heidelberg : 1812), 2 Von der Sexualitét (Breslau : 1820). 3 Of. Severin Axell, “ Om det fargade hyllets betydelse for vdaten,” Bot, Notiser Tredje haftet, 1868. 4 Loe. cit. pp. 188, 139. 5 Die Lehre vom Geschlechte der Pflanzen (Bremen: 1822), 6 Die Fortpflanzung und Ernihrung der Pflanzen (1828). 7 Organogruphie végétale, i. p. 538 (Paris: 1827). ee ee ee | PART 1. | HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. 29 raised up Sprengel’s work too high, and have passed over in silence the flaw which explains why it remained inoperative for so many generations. Delpino! says in regard to the neglect of Sprengel,—and Severin Axell agrees with him: “It is sad to witness this war of error against truth, especially when the contest was begun by one who lived subsequently, and who, instead of profiting by the truths discovered by his predecessor, only set to work foolishly _ to deny them.” While fully acknowledging the justice of this opinion, I think that, to be fair to both sides, we must add: Sprengel’s discovery is an instructive example of how even work that is rich in acute observation and happy interpretations may remain inoperative if the idea at its foundation is defective. 4, Darwin says in his paper on the fertilisation of Papilionaceous flowers by bees (p. 461) : “Andrew Knight many years ago propounded the doctrine that no plant self-fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations. After pretty close investigation of the subject, I am strongly inclined to believe that this is a law of nature throughout the vegetable and animal kingdoms.” As Darwin also mentions, Knight had found by experiment in the case of the Pea that more numerous seeds and more vigorous offspring are obtained by the application of pollen from another flower than by self-fertilisation. 1 Sull opera ‘* La distribuzione dei sesst, etc.” del Prof. F. Hildebrand, p. 10. PART IL. THE INSECTS wHIcH Visit FLOWERS. Our native flowers are visited by examples of all the main divisions of insects; but these divisions differ greatly in regard to the number of their anthophilous species, the extent to which these restrict themselves to flowers for their food, their relative importance in fertilisation, and their special adaptations for the work. And though, as a general rule, the degree to which a group of insects is adapted structurally for a floral diet is proportional to their importance as fertilisers, this does not hold good always. In the following sketch, our insect-groups are arranged according to their progressive adaptations for obtaining food in flowers. Orthoptera and Neuroptera. These groups contain, at least among our native species, no form which is habitually anthophilous, or which shows any trace of adaptation for a floral diet. } Earwigs (Yorficula auricularia, L.) often creep in the daytime into flowers (Campanula, Papaver, Tropeolum, roses, pinks, peonies, etc.), whose softer parts they feed upon at night. Grasshoppers leap or fly on to various parts of plants, and so occasionally on to the flowers, to feed. I have seen a small dragon-fly (Agrion) settle repeatedly on flowers of Spirza, apparently only to sun itself. I have so often seen species of Hemerobius, Sialis lutaria, L., and Panorpa communis, L., wpon flowers of Umbelliferse, and * Delpino once found a small green grasshopper on flowers of Ophrys aranifera (172). Darwin states, on the authority of Mr. Swale, that in New Zealand several species of grasshoppers have been observed to fertilise papilionaceous plants (152, p. 451), This seems to me almost incredible. In South Brazil my brother Fritz Miller 1as fuund a Pscudomops, probably P, laticornis (Perty), common on flowers. parr i.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 31 watched them bending their heads down on to the honey-secreting disc, that I could not doubt that they were feeding there. In the summer of 1855, I took Ascalaphus macaronius on flowers of Umbellifers in meadows at Laibach. The case of Panorpa communis* is quite clear, for it even visits flowers with more deeply-seated honey (Rosacerx, Composite, ¢.9. ELupatorium cannabinun), plunging its long beak-shaped head _ into the tubes. One might be inclined to look upon this elongated head as specially adapted for the quest of honey, were it not that _ the little wingless, closely-allied Boreus hiemalis, which never visits + (I SP SOME flowers, but lives among moss,” shows the same peculiarity. It is also exceptional for Neuroptera to visit flowers. They are more abundant than the above-named Orthoptera, and occasionally cross-fertilisation may be effected by them; but certainly no native flower has been modified by the agency of _ either group. Hemiptera. In their importance as fertilisers, Hemiptera stand higher than the preceding divisions, for in one group, the bugs (Hemiptera heteroptera, Latr.), several forms are habitually anthophilous ; whether they possess fang peer adaptations for a floral diet is still uncertain. The species of Anthocoris (so called from their fondness for flowers) are fitted by their small size to creep into and suck honey _ from very various flowers. I have taken several undetermined species of Capsidw and Anthocoride on flowers of Umbelliferz, Composite, and Salix, seeking honey and dusted with pollen, » I found Tetyra nigrolineata abundantly on flowers of Daucus Carota in Thuringia, and I have seen Pyrocoris aptera, in spring, thrusting its proboscis (about four mm. long) into florets of the _ dandelion; the underside of its legs and body was dusted with _ pollen, and it seemed to be a regular and efficient fertiliser. I _ have seen no structural adaptations for floral visits in any of _ these insects, unless the small size of Anthocoris be of this nature ; _ the long proboscis is found in many allied forms which never visit flowers. No flower has been shown to be specially adapted for the visits of field-bugs, and I know no species for whose fertilisatiorw these insects are especially important. The structure of their proboscis need not be considered. 1 Panorpa communis is habitually carnivorous. * I have found Borews hiemalis repeatedly among moss on the Lichtenauer mountain, near Willebadessen, but only in the middle of winter. 32 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [parr r. Coleoptera. In contrast to the foregoing groups, Coleoptera affurd un- equivocal adaptations to a floral diet. They are of far greater importance as fertilisers, for many species in widely different families feed at times on flowers, and a still greater number confine themselves to such food exclusively. None of our native plants are fertilised exclusively or even mainly by Coleoptera; but the large genus Meligethes alone, the species of which are small and can creep into most flowers, is of more importance as a fertilising agent than all the preceding groups taken together. On the other hand, beetles do great harm to many flowers by nibbling their reproductive organs. In flowers where te honey lies fully exposed (Ui mbelliferce; Cornus, Parnassia), many species of beetles may be seen licking it; and in flowers with exserted stamens and with the honey concealed though accessible to short-lipped insects (Rosiflore, Composite), beetles may be seen licking up honey, devouring pollen or even the whole anther, or nibbling at the petals and stamens. In flowers which have conspicuous anthers but which secrete no honey, or where the honey lies too deeply hidden, (Ranunculacee, Plantago), the beetles feed upon the pollen, the anthers, and other soft parts of the flower. Besides these, flowers which afford shelter from wind and rain (Campanula, Digitalis) are visited by beetles, which then feed upon the pollen and the soft tissues. In warmer countries, according to Delpino (178, L., p. 234), several flowers of this kind, eg. Magnolia, have become adapted for fertilisation by beetles (Cetonia) exclusively. Lastly, we sometimes find beetles upon flowers which seem to offer none of the advantages above described, but only allure by means of their bright colours; thus, for instance, Cryptocephalus sericeus and OC. Mori are often attracted by the bright yellow flowers of — Genista tinctoria. A review of the mode of life of insects sihdan visit flowers, and of the families to which they belong, shows continuous gradations from those which never visit flowers to those which seek them as a secondary matter, and finally to those which entirely depend upon them. This shows clearly that insects which originally did not avail themselves of flowers gradually became more and more habituated to a floral diet, and only part it.} THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 33 became correspondingly modified in structure when they had learned to depend upon such a diet exclusively: so that the view (defended by Delpino), according to which certain flowers have been predestined for certain insects, and vice versd, is untenable.} In the larval state I have observed only one anthophilous _ beetle (Helodes arcta) to affect a floral diet ; other beetles, which as larve feed on the parts of flowers, e.g. the Apple Gouger (Anthonomus pomorum), abandon flowers on attaining to the perfect state. The larve of beetles which are anthophilous when mature, are partly carnivorous (TZelephorus, Trichodes, Coccinella), partly feeders on putrid animal matter (Dermestide), partly feeders on living or decaying vegetable matter (Buprestida, Cerambycide, Llateride, Chrysomelide, Curculionide, Cistela, _ Lagria, Mordellide, Lamellicornia). Of the carnivorous larve, most species of Coccinella and Telephorus yemain carnivorous in the perfect state, but some (Coccinella septempunctata, C. L4punctata, C. mutabilis, Telephorus fuscus, T. melanurus, etc.) though they do not disdain flesh altogether resort more or less to flowers, and TZ vichod:s in the perfect state restricts itself absolutely to a floral diet. | In the next group, larve which feed upon putrefying animal matter, Dermestes retains the same habit in its perfect state, Snover visiting flowers, and Anthrenus and Attagenus sometimes do the same; but of these latter genera, the same species which under favourable circumstances, ¢.g. in neglected zoological collec- _ tions, feed for many generations on animal matter, without ever leaving the cases whose contents they are destroying, in other circumstances may be found by hundreds upon flowers, busily feeding upon pollen and honey. The most perfect gradations are exhibited, however, by those families whose larve feed upon vegetable matter, as the following selection shows: I have taken no species of Bostrichide on flowers ; of the Curculionide, only a tiny part of the family resort (and then exceptionally) to flowers, whether of the same plants . in which they pass their earlier stages (Gymnetron campanule, _Larinus Jacee and senilis), or of other plants on which they find freely accessible honey (e.g. Otiorhynchus picipes on Cornus, species of Apion on Adoxa and Chrysosplenium) ; the Chrysomelide, a PRO er eae «7 1 Cf. the discussion of Delpino’s teleological conceptions in the fourth section. _ * J have found larve and pupe of Larinus senilis, F., at Miihlberg in Thuringia, at the base of the capitula of Carlina acaulis, and the perfect insect on the leaves _ and now and then on the flowers of the same plant. D —- 34 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. besides showing the two stages exemplified in the Curculionidae, possess species which in the perfect state are either mainly or exclusively confined to flowers, either feeding on honey (eg. Clythra scopolina), or on the soft parts of the flower (e.g, Cryptocephalus sericeus). But even in the Chrysomelide, the anthophilous species make only a small part of the whole family. The same holds good for the Lamellicornia, the Linnzan genera Melolontha and Cetonia, whose anthophilous species in part feed — upon leaves of Umbellifers, occasionally resorting to flowers, where they feed on all the soft parts indiscriminately (Phyllopertha horticola), and in part subsist on a floral diet, either chiefly (Hoplia philanthus, Cetonia) or exclusively (Zrichius fasciatus). Of the Cerambycide and Llateride, at least half of our native species resort to flowers, some only incidentally (Rhagium, Clytus arietis, Diacanthus cneus), but the greater number exclusively. Finally, among the Mordellide, Cdemeride, Malachiide, etc., whole species in the perfect state depend , entirely on a floral diet. The importance of Coleoptera in fertilisation is not great enough to make it worth while to compare closely all the anthophilous species, genera, and families with their nearest allies among non-anthophilous forms, in order to trace out adaptive modifications. To disprove the teleological hypothesis of predestination,—that certain insects are fore-ordained for certain flowers and specially organised thereto,—it is enough, since a gradual transition towards a floral diet has been shown — to exist in very various families, to show by one example how the structural adaptations appear also in the most gradual manner. We take, as an instance, the Cerambycide. One of the chief groups into. which, according to Westwood,” this family is divided, viz. the Lepturidw, comprehending our native genera Rhamnusium, Rhagiwm, Toxotus, Pachyta, Strangalia, Leptura, and Grammoptera, is exclusively restricted in the perfect state, for the great majority of its species,’to a floral diet; Rhamnusium alone, to my knowledge, is never found on flowers, but on willows and poplars; the species of Rhagiwm occur chiefly on fallen wood, but occasionally on flowers; the specie, 1 Helodes phellandrii, for example, lives as a larva in the hollow stems, and some- times as a beetle on the flowers of Phellandrium aquaticum ; Cassida murrea lives in the larval state on the leaves of Pulicaria dysenterica, and sometimes as a beetle on the flowers of the same plant. Crioceris 12punetata lives in the larval state on Asparagus, and in the perfect state sometimes feeds on the honey of Umbellifers, * Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects (1839-40). PART u.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 35 of Toxotus occur chiefly on flowers, rarely on shrubs; the four remaining genera confine themselves to flowers. In proportion to the extent to which these forms confine themselves to a floral diet, are the structural characters displayed in them which mark off the Lepturide from other Cerambycide, and which fit them for _ feeding on honey, whether superficially or more deeply placed, viz. the elongation of the head forwards, a neck-like constriction behind the eyes, and consequently the power to direct the _mouth forwards, the prothorax elongated and narrowed anteriorly, . and, as I have found by a comparison of the mouth-organs, the development of hairs upon the lobes of the maxilla. a wi MANS Fic. 3,—Adaptations in Beetles for feeding on honey. 1.—Leiopus nebulosus, L. never visiting flowers. Head bent downwards, no neck behind the eyes, prothorax broad, lobes of the maxilla (1b) furnished with bristly hairs. 2.—Clytus arietis, L., occasionally visiting the flowers of Umbelliferee and Rosacew. Head less ‘bent downwards, less broad behind the eyes ; prothorax longer and narrower ; outer lobe of maxilla (galea, 2b) set with longer hairs, 3.—Leptura livida, F., exclusively anthophilous,—Umbellifere, Rosiflore, Composite, Convol- vulus, and others. Head elongated and directed forwards, with a distinct neck behind the eyes ; thorax still narrower ; both lobes of the maxilla (galea and lacinia) with long hairs (3d). 4.—Strangalia attenuata, L., exclusively anthophilous, and able to lick honey from the corolla of Scabiosa arvensis (4 to 5mm. in length). Characters those of the preceding species, but the pro- thorax is still longer and still more narrowed anteriorly ; both lobes ofthe maxilla have long hairs (4b). All these modifications form so complete and gradual a series, from those Cerambycide which never visit flowers, and those which ‘can only lick superficially placed honey, up to Strangalia attenuata, which can reach the honey in Scabiosa arvensis at the base of tubular florets 4 to 6 mm. long, that the little steps by which natural selection has operated may be clearly traced. The order of Coleoptera is thus of special interest, as affording ‘us the first tendency of insects towards floral diet, and the first corresponding modifications. We see how, in the most diverse families, accustomed to widely varying nourishment, single species have become habituated, first partially, then exclusively, to a floral diet, and that then, by natural selection, structural changes have D 2 36 _ THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. developed to insure greater success in the search after food ;* and we can distinguish how a dependence on flowers has sprung up at different epochs of time, for in some beetles there has been time for the attainment of adaptations, and then for their divergence to form genera and families; while others, which have acquired the habit later, remain isolated anthophilous species among near allies which never resort to flowers. Diptera and Thysanoptera. The Diptera stand on a higher grade than the Coleoptera in the matter of adaptation to a floral diet, and are of far more importance for fertilisation. While only a small fraction out of all the species of Coleoptera resort to flowers, probably the majority of the Diptera do so. While, further, the mouth-organs of our native beetles show only commencing adaptations, which extend at most over small families, and may be easily traced by intermediate stages to their origin, in flies and gnats the mouth is so deeply modified that it is exceedingly difficult to trace back its parts to the primitive form of the original biting insect-mouth. For our present purpose it will suffice to discuss the structure of the mouth-organs and the manner of using them in those Diptera which are specially important as fertilisers of our native flowers, without entering into questions of phylogeny. The family of the Drone-flies, etc. (Syrphide), are alone of far more importance as fertilisers than all our other Diptera put together. Most of their numerous and often very common specie depend mainly or exclusively on a floral diet, and in this family aa found the most perfect adaptations to a diet alternately of polle: and honey. Accordingly, to illustrate the mouth-organs of flies, 1 1 T have fully discussed the development of a dependence on flowers in beetles in a special work. This treats of the first transition to a floral diet; the progress towards entire dependence on honey and pollen; the attainment through practice of a certain ease of action upon flowers, and its hereditary transmission; and the similar behaviour of different beetles which have acquired equal degrees of structural adaptation (H. Miiller, ‘“‘Die Entwickelung der Blwmenthdtigkeit der Insekten,” Kosmos, Bd. ix. pp. 258-272). , 9 * The above refers only to our indigenous forms. Tropical and subtropical beetles show far more striking adaptations to a floral diet. For instance, in a Wemo which my brother Fritz Miiller observed sucking flowers of Convolvulus at Itajahy and sent to me, the maxilla are transformed into two sharp grooved bristles 12 mm. | long, which when opposed form a tube like the proboscis of a butterfly, but of course not capable of being rolled up (cf. H. Miiller, “ Hin Kafer mit Schmetterlingsriissel,”’ Koemos, Ba. vi. pp. 802-304 ; Hagen, Proc. of the Boston Soe. of Nat. Hist. vol. xx. pp. 429, 430, 1880; H. Miiller, Kosmos, Bd: x. p. 56). % I have explained my view of the descent of Diptera from Phryganide in a paper entitled ‘‘ Anwendung der Darwin’schen Lehre auf Blumen und blumen- besuchende Insekten,” Verh. der Naturh. Ver. fiir pr. Rheinl. u. Westf. 1869. part u.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 37 take the most specialised and most abundant of the Syrphide, Eristalis and Rhingia. | In £ristalis the outstretched proboscis is seen to be composed of three segments (Fig. 4, 4, 5, 6, and Fig. 5, 1): (1) the mem- branous basal piece (9), which bears anteriorly two unpaired (A, 7) and two paired (& &) elongated chitinous pieces, and external to the latter two palps (J 7); (2) the membranous and very contractile middle segment (7), only clearly separated on the lower surface ; and (8) the extremity of the proboscis, supported beneath by a stiff chitinous plate (c), and bearing at its apex two contiguous ee st Fic. 4.—Mouth-parts of Eristalis (7: 1). : 1.—Head of E. arbustorum with retracted proboscis, from the side. pe 2.—Ditto, from below. * $,—Ditto, with extended proboscis, from above. g y 4.—Extended proboscis of E. tenaw, from the side. _~*- 5,—Ditto, from below. _, 6.—Ditto, from above. , a, eye; bb, antenney; ec, end-flaps of proboscis; ¢/c’, their inferior segment ; d, ve on the _~ upper side of the point of the proboscis ; e, harder chitinous piece on the under side of the point of the proboscis; jf, contractile middle part of the proboscis; g, contractile base of proboscis; h, upper lip (labrum), grooved underneath to receive the unpaired piece (i), which probably represents the two fused mandibles; k, maxilla; 1, maxillary palp ; mm, edges of the cavity on the under side of the head into which the whole proboscis is withdrawn ; n, occipital foramen. flaps or lips each of two parts (cc and ¢'c’), and on its upper surface a longitudinal groove. Of the chitinous pieces at the end of the first segment of the proboscis, only the superior un- paired one (h), which is prolonged under the membrane to the head, can be looked upon as an upper lip (/abrum); the lower one (7) seems to be formed by coalescence of the two mandibles. The upper lip (h) forms, with its concave side, a groove directed downwards into which the piece 7 can be completely withdrawn ; between the bases _ of these pieces 2 and 7, when drawn wide apart, the small opening _ of the mouth can be seen. The free ends of the two chitinous ery ee eo 38 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART IT. pieces kk arise on each side somewhat below the coalesced man- dibles (77), and bear palps on their outer sides; these are there- fore, without doubt, to be looked upon as the maxille with their palps, while the basal parts of the maxilla have coalesced with the base of the lower lip (g) (/abiwm), and are dimly visible below the skin (4,/', Fig. 4). The contractile piece (f) and the piece supported by the chitinous plate (¢), form together the free superiorly-grooved anterior part of the lower lip; f and e probably represent the submentum and mentum. The flaps (cc) are probably not the palps but the modified paraglossz borne on the ligula, though Burmeister prefers to consider them as labial palps. Let us now consider how these structures are disposed, (1) when feeding on pollen ; (2) when sucking honey; (3) when at rest. (1). In feeding on pollen, the fly stretches out its extensible proboscis, moving it, according to need, straight forwards, out- wards, or upwards, grasps with the two flaps at its extremity a little mass of pollen, rubs this down to single grains by a rapid motion of the flaps, and passes it backwards by the same motion into the groove on the lower lip; in this groove lies the upper lip, which is grooved below, and, within that, the chitinous pieces which are presumably formed by coalescence of the mandibles, and are now prepared to seize the pollen. As soon as the pollen is sent back- wards by the terminal flaps, these chitinous pieces separate slightly the parts which immediately surround the mouth-orifice, seize the pollen now lying in the groove of the lower lip, and thrust it backwards into the mouth. After a few seconds the first portion is swallowed, and the same series of actions begins anew. When the pollen-grains are united into long strings by elastic threads, as in (@nothera, an action of the forelegs, alternating with the movements just described, is necessary in order to free the pollen-grains from the threads. After the fly has torn away a little mass of pollen from the anther, it brings up its forefeet to its mouth while stand- ing on its mid and hindlegs; then taking the cord of elastic threads between its forefeet, and rubbing them together as if washing its hands, it tears the threads asunder, and frees proboscis and legs from them. Sometimes, to clean the terminal flaps from adhering pollen, it takes its proboscis in its forefeet, and rubs it 1 In Fristalis tenaw, which attains a length of 15 mm., the outstretched proboscis is 7 to 8 mm. long; in Z. arbustorwm, which is 10 mm. long, the proboscis is 4 to 5 mm. long, ei) part u.| THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 39 gently between them. A remarkable peculiarity of the flaps, shown in Fig. 5, makes them admirably adapted for seizing the pollen, for grinding it down, and for passing it backwards; the apposed surfaces of the two flaps being closely set with parallel : ridges of chitin, by which the pollen-grains are easily held fast, and _ shoved into the entrance of the groove (d). 2 - 7 - a = = — — Fic. 5.—Proboscis of Eristalis tenax, more highly magnified. 1.—The greater part of the proboscis of Eristalis tenaz, L., with the flaps applied together, and the mouth parts slightly separated ; seen from above. When the pieces h and i are depressed in the groove d, the mouth parts are in the position for feeding on pollen. ‘ eon end of the same proboscis with the flaps separated to show the chitinous ridges on their nner sides. Lettering as in the preceding figure, This peculiarity is undoubtedly developed in connection with a pollen diet, for it is obviously advantageous thereto; and it is only found in those families of Diptera which visit flowers to obtain both pollen and honey (Syrphide, Muscide, Stratiomyide), and is absent in those which avail themselves of honey only (Bombyliide, 40 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. Empide, and Conopide), and in the gnats, which are also purely suctorial.} (2). In sucking honey the Syrphide place the grooved upper lip (h, 1, Fig. 5), and the chitinous piece (7) together, to form a tube which is inclined downwards and inclosed within the groove on the lower lip. The terminal flaps may now be useful in two ways; they may either be laid close together (as in 1, Fig. 5) while the membranous middle joint (7) of the lower lip is so far drawn in that the suctorial apparatus inclosed within the groove of the lower lip protrudes in front of the flaps and dips into the fluid to be sucked ; or they spread out the flaps wide apart so that their rough inner surfaces rest upon the support, and the point of the suctorial apparatus protrudes at the end of the groove on the lower lip. Flies with swollen cushion-shaped flaps (Syrphus balteatus, Fig. 7) act usually in the latter way, those with long narrow flaps (Rhingia, Fig. 6) adopt exclusively the former. Both pollen-grains and fluid which have been carried into the tube formed by the chitinous pieces h and 1, are aided in their passage to the mouth by means of the sucking stomach in connection with it. The maxille and their palps seem to play no part either in sucking or in feeding on pollen, and hence must be looked upon as useless appendages in the Syrphide. (3). To guard the proboscis when at rest, the fly draws the membranous basal piece g backwards and downwards, the upper lip, mandible, and maxillz, with their palps fold upwards, the contrac- tile middle piece (/’) is closely drawn up, forming a few membranous folds at the lowest part of the proboscis, the horny plate (e) and the flaps (c) fold upwards and forwards, and the whole proboscis now lies so deeply hidden in the deep cavity underneath the snout-like prolongation of the head (m, 1, 2, Fig. 4), that at most the terminal flaps protrude slightly (1, Fig. 4). On examining the head now from below (2, Fig. 4) one sees in the cavity only the flaps ¢ ¢’, and beneath them the upper part of the chitinous plate (e), whose lower part lies hidden in the folds of the contractile part of the proboscis. A further advance on these adaptations, fitting them still more completely for their threefold requirements, is conceivable, if to a still more elongated proboscis there is added a greater develop- ment of the snout-like prolongation of the head which covers it 1 | have never observed the Tabanide to feed on pollen, though their end-flaps are roughened with chitinous ridges; but I have often found Tabanus micans and 7, lwridus on flowers, and I think it not unlikely that they sometimes feed on pollen, part u.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 41 when at rest. Such a state of things is found in Lthingia, where the proboscis (11 to 12 mm. long), exceeds in length the whole body (10 mm.), and is not surpassed by that of any indigenous fly.! In anthophilous insects, the power to detect hidden honey ad- vances parallel to the structural adaptations for securing it. When Sprengel described flies as stupid insects, incapable of finding out honey which lay concealed, that statement applied to the great majority of short-tongued forms, but not at all to forms with long proboscides, such as the Syrphide, Bombyliide, Conopide, and Empide. Rhingia takes a foremost place in intellectual acuteness, as in the length of its proboscis, and there is, I think, no flower which affords honey attainable by it, that it does not discover and make use of. For instance, the deeply-hidden nectaries of the Iris are more frequently visited by Rhingia rostrata Fia. 6.—Proboscis of Rhingia rostrata, L. 1.—Side view of head with retracted proboscis. 2.—Ditto, at the moment when the proboscis begins to unfold. 8.—Ditto, with fully extended proboscis. 4.—Head, with retracted proboscis seen from below, twice as much magnified as in the three first figures. Lettering as in Fig, 2. than even by humble-bees, though Sprengel (p. 74) considers that no insects save bees can find them, and adds that this goes without saying in the case of flies, which are so obviously too stupid. But even in the Syrphida, only a few species have acquired so highly specialised a proboscis as Hristalis: the great majority have a proboscis formed on a similar plan, shown in Fig. 7. The labium is much shorter, its extensible middle jomt is wanting, the terminal flaps are swollen and cushion-shaped, and there is a corresponding diminution in intellectual power. Of the families of Diptera besides Syrphide, the Muscide, Stratiomyide, Bombylude, Conopide, and Empide are of some importance in the fertilisation 1 Bombylius discolor, Mik., alone equals it in the length ofits proboscis ; Bombylius major, L., approaches it (10 mm.) 49 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [parr us. of flowers. Of these forms the first two families both suck honey and feed on pollen; the last three suck honey only. The pollen-eating Muscide and Stra- tiomyide have the same soft, cushion- shaped, swollen end-flaps, and the same chitinous ridges thereon, as the Syrphide ; and in spite of some structural differences, they use their mouth-organs in the same way, and retract them when at rest into a cavity below the head. The merely suc- torial species of Bombylius, Empis, and Conops have end-flaps not provided with soft cushions with horny ridges, but formed simply of strong chitinous plates, which serve to transmit the suctorial apparatus; and the proboscis cannot be withdrawn into a cavity. So we may con- ‘i, f— any. Dosbuatis of a clude that the power of withdrawing the balteatus, De G. ia 7 7 : eee ey proboscis into a cavity below the head is Lettering as in Fig. 2. of advantage only as a protection for the pollen-feeding apparatus, and has been developed indirectly in relation to anthophilous habits, like the snout-like or beak-like prolongation of the head in Syrphide. Of the purely suctorial flies, the species of Hmpis carry their thin, straight proboscis directed downwards, and use it preferably in that position; accordingly they resort chiefly to erect flowers, into which they can plunge their proboscis vertically. If the flower is tubular, and so long as to require it, they thrust the | whole head down into the tube, an action which the small size of the head facilitates. The chitinous piece formed by coalescence of the mandibles is produced into a sharp, lancet-shaped plate (I used Hmpis tesselatum for investigation), which, guided by the elliptical end-flaps, is used for boring into juicy structures, such as the inner wall of the spur in Orchis. Any considerable increase in length in a downward-directed proboscis is clearly impossible without the development of a joint. In the habits of the Hmpide we see clearly the transition from blood-sucking to honey-sucking. Sometimes in a single species the females, which require more nourishment, are blood-suckers, while the males suck honey only.! In Paltostoma torrentium (Blepharoceride) two different kinds of females exist together, one ' H. Miiller, Natwre, vol, xxiv. p. 214 ; Kosmos, vol. ix. pp. 415-417. part it.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 43 blood-sucking, the other honey-sucking; while the males are all alike and all feed on honey. In the Conopide, the proboscis, which is still carried downwards, is bent, when of considerable length, at the base, and sometimes again near the middle; and then, in the latter case, the anterior part shuts up into the posterior like the blade into the handle of a pocket-knife, so that the proboscis may still be carried in a vertical position. The species of Bombylius, on the other bacid: carry their proboscis (which is likewise too long to be carried downwards and unbent) directed straight forwards, and permanently ready for action. They Fia. 8. —Conopide and Bombyliide (Bee-flies). 1.—A Conopid, Licus ferrugineus (x 1°7). 2.—Head of ditto, with extended proboscis. 3.—Proboscis folded like the blade in a pocket-knife. 4.—A Bombylid, Bombylius major (x 1°7). 5.—Its proboscis, more highly magnified. thus save time, sucking as they hover in the air over each flower with- out settling, and flying rapidly from one to another. In the length of their proboscis they approach Rhingia, Bombylius major having a proboscis 10 mm. long, and B. discolor one of 11 to 12 mm.; they also nearly rival Rhingia in their powers of detecting concealed honey. The species of Bombylius, like those of Hmpis, are fitted also for boring into succulent tissues. For the labium and the labrum inclosed by it form two grooves uniting into a tube in which the maxillz, as two very fine bristles, and the mandibles, united into one broad, strong, pointed bristle, move backwards and 1 Fritz Miiller, Kosmos, vol. viii. pp. 37-42. 44 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. forwards. The labrum itself is drawn out into a stiff, fine point, Both the labrum and the united mandibles, held between the long, narrow end-flaps (paraglosse), may easily be stuck into soft tissues. I have often seen species of Bombylius thrust their tongues into honeyless flowers (e.g. B. canescens, Mik., into Hypericum perforatum), and I imagine that here the boring apparatus was being brought into action. While, so far as I know, the species of Homtuliys and the Conopide restrict themselves to the juices of flowers, very many other anthophilous flies are in the habit at times of sucking all kinds of other, often uncleanly, fluids. Thus, species of Lristalis may be seen feeding eagerly in gutters, Scatophaga and Lucilia on dung, Sarcophaga on putrid flesh; even Volucella bombylans, which is so abundant on flowers, I noticed in May, 1869, feeding on a floating carcase, and returning repeatedly to it when driven off. Several flowers seem to have acquired an offensive smell in relation to these habits of flies. Of the second main division of Diptera, the gnats, the larger forms, Tipula, Bibio, etc., are of very second-rate importance in the fertilisation of flowers ; they occasionally lick fully exposed honey, and so act now and then as carriers of pollen. No flower has become specially adapted for them. Tiny species of midges, on the other hand, eg. Psychoda phalenoides, which hide in dark corners in the daytime and fly actively in the evening, are the regular fertilisers of the remarkable flowers of Aristolochia Clematitis and Arum maculatwm, which afford dark hiding-places for their visitors, and hold them in a temporary prison; others play an important part in the fertilisation of Adoxa and Chrysosplenium. | The group of Thysanoptera (Zhrips) are by their small size (hardly 1 mm. long at most, and many times less in breadth) fitted far better than even the Anthocoride among the Hemiptera or Meligethes among the beetles, for entering all sorts of flowers. Probably few flowers, if any, are altogether exempt from their visits, and though they have seldom been detected in the con- veyance of pollen, yet from their great abundance their value as fertilisers must not be overlooked. It must be almost impossible to exclude these tiny insects, when we try to isolate a plant experimentally by means of nets. The Thysanoptera seek both pollen and honey. They seize a single pollen-grain in their 1 Darwin, whose experiments were always marked by admirable precautions, always kept in view ‘the possibility of Thysanoptera entering through his nets. PART .] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 45 mandibles, and convey it to the mouth; they obtain honey by applying the mandibles and maxille together so as to form a short, conical sucking-apparatus. Besides a floral diet, they avail them- selves, according to Westwood, of other plant-juices;! they injure, Fig. 9.—Thrips (Black-fly). 1.— Thrips, seen from above (x 30). 2.—Its head, more highly on front view. é —Mandible. —Maxilla 5.—Labium. 6.—Leg. c, coxa; f, femur; té tibia ; t, g on the end of which is a sucking dise instead of hooks. for example, cucumbers and melons, and leave the leaves on which they have settled dotted over with small dead spots. Thus they agree with Diptera in availing themselves both of pollen and honey, and in not restricting themselves to a floral diet. We may here mention the young larve of Meloé, called by Kirby ? Pedi- culus Melitte, and by Dufour Triungulinus, which resemble the Thysanoptera in the activity of their movements, and in their minute size which permits entry into all flowers. Although they visit flowers only to attach themselves as para- sites to bees, they feed for the time on pollen and honey, and getting thus dusted with pollen they play a part similar to, but even more subordinate than, that of the Thysanoptera, Hymenoptera. The order of Hymenoptera takes a still higher rank than the Diptera in regard to its adaptations for a. floral diet and its importance in fertilisation ; for the great majority of its members, in the perfect state, are entirely dependent upon flowers. Review- ing the main divisions of this order, the Wood-borers (Sirea, L.) are the only forms which I have never found upon flowers; of the ants several species, of the Saw-flies (Zenthredo), Ichneumons (Jehnewmon, ' Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects, ii. p. 4. 2 Monographia Apum Anglice, pl. xiv. fig. 10. 46 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. Bracon), Chalcididse (Pteromalus), and Ruby-tails (Chrysis), many species, of the Wasps (Diploptera) and Sand-wasps (Fossores), almost all which I have had the opportunity of observing, and - of the bees all species without exception, rely almost exclusively on a floral diet. All these groups, excepting the last two, are only capable of sucking honey from flat exposed surfaces, and even among the Sand-wasps there are few species whose proboscis can reach some millimetres into a tubular flower; so that a large proportion of flowers are exempt from the visits of all Hymenoptera except bees. But bees, which not only feed when in the perfect state exclusively on the produce of flowers, but nourish their young thereon also, are in such intimate and lifelong relations with flowers, that they show more adaptations for a floral diet, and are more important for the fertilisation of our flowers, and have therefore led to more adaptive modifications in these flowers, than all the foregoing orders put together. A closer study of bees is therefore essential for a right. understanding of the fertilisation of many of our flowers. The Family of Bees. The various structural modifications in bees will be most easily understood, if we arrange them in the natural order of genetic descent. For the grounds of my views, I must refer the reader to a special essay of mine on the subject of bees.? If my conclusions are correct, bees are descended from certain Sand-wasps, which, like the species at present existing, pursued spiders, insects and their larvae, disabled them with their sting, carried them to their nests, and laid an egg beside each, thus supplying the resulting larva with living food,—while the perfect insects fed entirely on honey and pollen; these were the founders of the new race, who gave up the old manner of feeding the young to feed them with a portion of their own food, disgorged from their stomachs. The race thus started differed at first from the others in nothing but this habit; but in the course of time, filling an unoccupied place in the economy of nature, they increased 1 For a discussion of the genealogical relations of the families of Hymenoptera and their gradual acquirement of proficiency in anthophilous habits, consult my recent works, “ Wie hat der Honighiene ihre geistige Befihigung erlang ?” (Hichstddter Bienen- zeitung, 1875, 1876 ; and note in Nature, vol. xv. p. 178) and ‘* Die Entwickelung der Blumenthiitigkeit der Insekten,” ti. and iii. 2 Anwendung der Darwin'schen. Lehre auf Bienen,” Verh. der naturh. Ver. fiir pr. Rhein, u. Westfal, 1872, pp. 1-96. Pines! RS ae parr u.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 47 enormously, and at last formed the widely ramified family of bees ; the still extending branches of this family, our recent bees, show us in many ways gradations in their adaptations to a floral diet, which help us to recognise to some extent the lines of their evolution. | The species of Prosopis stand just on the same level with the primitive ancestral types of bees. In their almost hairless bodies, the narrow first tarsal joint, scantily provided with hairs (Fig. 10, ¢’), and their very slightly elongated mouth-parts, they completely resemble the Sand-wasps, and only claim to be admitted to the family of bees by their manner of feeding the young. They fill Fic. 10.—Right hindleg of Prosopis variegata, 9. Seen from. behind. ce, coxa ; tr, trochanter; /, femur ; ti, tibia; t, tarsus: @, first joint of tarsus. (The tibia and tarsus are drawn too hairy). their brood-chambers (which are lined with a hard cement’ by means of the broad tongue) with a mixture of disgorged honey and pollen, which serves as food for the larve on hatching. These little active insects, which themselves have a peculiar odour, prefer strongly scented flowers, Reseda, Ruta, Lepidium sativum, Matricaria, Achillea, ete., where they alternately suck honey and eat pollen. In spite of their smooth bodies, sticky pellen adheres frequently to them, especially to the parts of the mouth and to the slightly hairy legs; these have feebly developed brushes on their tarsi (Fig. 10, ¢’), by which the bee can clean the whole upper surface of its body after burrowing, but no other part of the body. has any development of hairs suited for collecting pollen. 48 - THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. Though the species of Prosopis are thus no better fitted for a floral diet than many Sand-wasps, they are of far greater import- ance as fertilisers on account of their more frequent visits to flowers, in procuring food for the young. We must consider minutely the form and action of their mouth-organs, to understand the higher HIT Jct " ies pt, ty i Hilti] (3 hi hs Hy iif wii é at ‘wisn ty, aT ‘ Hiyittiel Ni} Fig. 11.—Mouth-parts of Prosopis. 1.—Head with completely folded mouth-parts. Seen from below. ; ; 2.—Front part of head, after the mandibles have diverged and the labrum turned upwards. ~ 2b.—Mouth-parts in the same position; more highly magnified. 3.—Mouth-parts, after elevation of the maxille, maxillary and labia! palps, and with the tongue partly extended; magnified as in 2b. Seb ja view of front region of head after complete extension of the mouth-parts; magnified as in 1 and 2, 4b.—The completely extended mouth-parts; magnified as in 2b and 8. lbr, labrum ; ma, mandibles ; ¢, cardo; st, stipes; la, lamina; pm, maxillary palp ; mt, mentum ; li, ligula (tongue) ; pa, puraglosse ; pl, labial palp ; 0, eye. and more specialised forms of mouth in bees. When at rest (1, Fig. 11), the maxillz and Jabium in Prosopis are withdrawn into a cavity on the lower surface of the head, which they completely fill. They are retracted, not asin flies, by the contraction of a membranous piece into transverse folds, but by the folding up of stiff chitinous pieces jointed together, The two basal pieces or part u.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 49 cardines of the maxille (¢¢, 4, Fig. 11), are hinged by two joints to the sides of the cavity below the head, so that they can rotate backwards and forwards. In the state of rest they are bent back- wards ; the next segments (stipites) (st), and the mentum which is placed between, are drawn back, so as to cover the cardines completely. The lamin of the maxille (/a), with their palps (pm) and the labial palps (p/), are also folded over, downwards and backwards, and the mandibles (md) are laid over the bases of these parts, and also cover the retracted tongue (/i) and the down- ward-folded upper lip (/br, 2, Fig. 11). In the state of rest, the mandibles alone are free to act, without any other part of the mouth changing its place. When they are separated (2, Fig. 11), the upper lip, the tongue, the bases of the retracted maxille, the maxillary and labial palps, come into view. fs When the bee wants to suck honey, it extends its maxille and _ maxillary and labial palps forwards, and spreads out its tongue _ (3, Fig. 11); then turning the cardines of the maxille forward (¢ c, 4, Fig. 11) on their hinges, the maxillz and labium (mentum and tongue) are advanced by twice the length of these cardines, and the tongue may now be introduced into honey-receptacles if not too deep or narrow. The Sand-wasps possess in quite a similar manner the power of _ folding up the lower parts of the mouth to bite, and extending - them to suck, and so Prosopis can show no advance in fitness _ for a floral diet beyond the ancestors of the bees. The only peculiarity which Prosopis has developed is the habit of lining its _ brood-cavities with slime, which hardens into a thin shell; this _ habit necessitates a short, broad tongue, and therefore prevents _ the development of a long tongue fitted for obtaining deeply- _ seated honey. Considerably higher in the scale than Prosopis, in regard to _ such adaptations, are Sphecodes, and the closely allied, but still more _ specialised genera, Halictus and Andrena. In all three, the tongue _ (li, 4, Fig. 12; 1, Fig. 13) is moderately short, and is enabled to reach more deeply-placed honey, not so much by its own length as by the increased length of the mentum and the cardines. Unlike Prosopis, the tongue here is pointed, and more or less covered with hairs and fine transverse lines at the tip; since it has become more freed from the task of nest-building,! it has grown narrower and more elongated in many species of Andrena and Halictus, to * These genera line their brood-cavities, which are generally subterranean, with very little slime. E 50 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART Il. be of greater service in honey-getting (1, Fig. 13). In a state of rest, the lower parts of the mouth are even more securely hidden, and the mandibles can move even more freely, in Sphecodes and many species of Halictus than in Prosopis, for the upper lip (br, 2, Fig. 12) folds down and completely covers the laminz and maxillary and labial palps. The three genera Sphecodes, Halictus, and Andrena have advanced farther from the state of the ancestral bees in regard to the develop- ment of their hairy coat than of their mouth-parts. Sphecodes has made the first step in advance; Halictus and Andrena have proceeded farther. Fria. 12.—Sphecodes. 1.—-Right hindleg of S gibbus, L. 9., hind view. Lettering as in Fig. 10. 2.—Head, with mandibles opened, but the lower mouth-parts folded and hidden by the labrum. © 8.—Head, after removal of the mandibles and labrum, with unfolded and protruded mouth-parts. 4.—End of labium, more highly magnified. Lettering of 2, 3, 4, asin Fig. 11. In Sphecodes the whole body is sparingly covered with hairs which show the first traces of feathery branching; the legs are more thickly clothed with hairs, especially the outer side of the tibize of the hindlegs (#, 1, Fig. 12); the tarsi (¢’, 1, Fig. 12) are about as narrow as in Prosopis, but the brushes on their inner side are a little better developed. The species of Sphecodes feed their young in a most primitive manner, viz. on the disgorged surplus of their own food; yet they certainly derive advantage from the hairy covering on their body and hindlegs, for the pollen which sticks there in their visits to flowers they wipe off with their tarsal brushes and use incidentally as food for themselves or their young. ™ D! ‘ ee ices im Part i.| THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 51 In the exceedingly numerous species of Halictus and Andrena, the hairy covering of the hindlegs has so increased, and the development of tarsal brushes has become so perfect, that the practice of feeding the young on pollen collected by these hairs, which was only a secondary matter in Sphecodes, is here exclusively or mainly relied upon. The collecting hairs are spread over the whole hindleg from the tibia to the coxa (2, Fig. 13); even the last joint of the thorax sometimes bears two large tufts of hairs, ij fw / 7 ea ieee SA) he % yi L yy pea y EZ ; Fic. 13.—Halictus and Andrena. 1.—Labium of Halictus quadricinetus, F, 2. mt, mentum; li, ligula (tongue); pa, paragloss ; pl, labial palp. 2.—Right hindleg of the same bee. 3.—Metathorax and right hindleg of Andrena pratensis, Nyl. 9 ; x right tuft of hair on meta- thorax. Lettering in 2 and 3 asin Fig. 10. 4.—Single hairs from the body of an A. pratensis taken on a willow. Numerous pollen-grains adhere to their feathery branches. under which considerable masses of pollen can be lodged (3, Fig. 13). By a notable increase in breadth of the tarsi, the carrying-power of the tarsal brushes is increased. 1 I have occasionally observed species of Andrena and Halictus feeding on pollen, and I have seen captive specimens disgorge drops of honey yellow with pollen grains. EB 2 52 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. _ [rarr it. In Andrena and Halictus, although the chief supplies of pollen are obtained by means of the hindlegs, yet in these and in all other hairy bees the hairy covering of the body is undoubtedly of advan- tage.. In many flowers this gets dusted without any direct effort with a considerable quantity of pollen, which is then cleared off by means of the tarsal brushes. In almost all bees highly specialised for a floral diet, we find the body more or less thickly clothed with long feathery hairs. The development of the hairy covering is of the highest im- portance for the fertilisation of flowers. For as the hairs easily take up pollen, they give it up again as easily to viscid or rough stigmas. It would far exceed the limits of our space to discuss the adaptive modifications present in all the groups of our indigenous bees. I can only explain the further development of the pollen-col- lecting apparatus and of the lower parts of the mouth by a few examples. We have seen in Sphecodes, Halitus, and Andrena, how the development of pollen-collecting hairs has gradually reached an extreme pitch on those parts of the body where the burden is least endangered by the movements of flying and creeping; viz. on the whole of the hindleg from the tarsus to the coxa, and on the hind part of the thorax. In forms higher than Andrena and Halictus, this collecting apparatus has attained still greater per- fection, in getting more and more restricted to those sections of the hindleg to which the tarsal brushes can most readily apply the pollen that they have collected, viz. the tarsus and tibia. In the highest forms, this localisation of the collecting-hairs has been attained without diminishing the mass of pollen, by an increased growth of hairs on the tibia and tarsus and a withdrawal of the more distal hairs: this we see most clearly in Dasypoda and Panurgus. In Dasypoda (1, Fig. 14), the collecting-hairs of the tibia and tarsus have become so long that they can carry a much greater load of pollen than the far more extensive collecting apparatus of Andrena pratensis, Nyl. (3, Fig. 13); but the hairs on the femur, trochanter, and coxa, are long and thick enough to take a large share inthe work. In Panurgus (2, Fig. 14), the collecting apparatus consists solely of the long hairs upon the tibia and tarsus. A further advance is seen in Hucera and Anthophora, where an increase in breadth of the pollen-collecting surfaces of the tibia and tarsus compensates for the shortening of the collecting-hairs. The last step in the evolution of the collecting apparatus on the part 11.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 53 -hindlegs was attained through a new habit, which rendered possible a great economy of collecting-hairs, and a great saving of time in emptying the collecting apparatus and preparing the larval food. This was the practice of moistening the pollen with honey before placing it in the collecting apparatus, so as to form one connected mass which could be easily removed from the collecting apparatus, and at once used to feed the larve. Macropis (1, Fig. 15) is in this way able to carry large balls of pollen mixed with honey on its hindlegs, though the tarsus and tibia are clothed with comparatively short hairs (2, Fig. 15). In Bombus (8, Fig. 15) we have a still farther advance. The pollen is kept entirely to the outer side of the hindlegs, which Fic. 14.—Lo¢éalisation of collecting-hairs on the tibia and tarsus. 1.—Right hindleg of Dasypoda hirtipes, F. 2, seen from behind and within (x 7). 2 —The same leg of Panurgus Banksianus, K. 9 (X 7). 3.—The same leg of Anthophora (Saropoda) bimaculata, Pz. 9 (xX 7). Lettering as in Fig. 10. leads to a still greater economy.in collecting-hairs. For the outer surface of the tibia of each hindleg is perfectly smooth, and only surrounded at the edge with a fence of long hairs, some erect, some bent inwards, forming a kind of basket, in which the pollen-mass can be heaped high over the brim. So that not only is there a saving of collecting-hairs, and a saving of time in unloading the collecting apparatus, but the tarsal brushes of the hindlegs, which even in Macropis got charged with pollen, here resume their free use as brushes. Apis, finally, stands on a higher level than Sombus in the arrangement both of its collecting apparatus and its tarsal brushes. 54 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. While in Bombus the collecting basket is walled in by many irregular rows of stiff hairs, still showing traces of the feathery branching of the primitively undifferentiated hairy coat, in Apis (5, 6, Fig. 15) these hairs have become simple smooth bristles with no trace of feathery branching, and arranged in a few close-set rows. The bristles of the tarsal brushes in Apis (¢’ 5, Fig. 15) are arranged in regular rows, and much more uniformly than in Bombus (t' 8, Fig. 15); and the now functionless tibial spurs, inherited from the Sand-wasps, which, with most other bees, they aid in making holes in earth, rotten wood, etc., have disappeared from the hindlegs. — The collecting apparatus of the hindlegs, which culminates in the hive-bee, is peculiar to one of the two main divisions of bees ; 3 ; My Uy fh Yj, Mi ht i NY fd Yo yy ATI : ; Mh 4) yy Yh Wy Fic, 15.—Last grades of perfection of the pollen-collecting apparatus of the hindleg. 1.—Right hindleg of Macropis labiata, Pz. 9. Seen from behind and within. 2,—The same laden with pollen of Lysimachia vulgaris. 8.—Right hindleg of Bombus Scrimshirianus, K. 8. Seen from behind and within. 4,—Its tibia, seen from the outside (pollen-basket). 5.—Right hindleg of honey-bee (Apis mellifica, L. $8). Seen from behind and within, 6.--Its tibia, seen from the outside. Lettering as in Fig. 10. No. 1 naturally shows only a side view of the hairs on the outer surface of the tibia and tarsus of Macropis. in the other division a collecting apparatus is formed by hairs on the ventral surface of the abdomen. In these forms, at least in our native species, we cannot trace a gradual development of the collecting apparatus as in the others; but it possesses the same main features in all genera of the group (Heriades, Chelostoma, Anthidium, Osmia, Chalicodoma, Diphysis, Megachile) ; so that one example will suffice for all. The whole or nearly the whole ventral surface of the abdomen is covered with a brush of stiff bristles inclined backwards, which P ont ee ee 8 ee heiomeey | ~ part u.] ‘THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 5D vary in length, closeness, and colour in different species, but are always smooth, without trace of feathery branching. This abdominal collecting apparatus differs also in its action from the collecting apparatus on the legs of the other forms; in the latter, the tarsal brushes (formed of smooth stiff bristles) sweep the pollen into the tufts of feathery hairs; in the present case, the collecting apparatus consists of a great brush of feathery airs, which themselves sweep up the pollen. More than nine-tenths of the flowers visited by bees with abdominal brushes are such as are adapted to dust the ventral surface of the bee with pollen (Zehium, Papilionacee, Composite, etc.) without any action of the tarsal brushes. Bees with abdominal brushes may be seen, for instance, upon a composite flower, thrusting their tongues quickly into one floret after another, and at the same time turning round bodily so as to force the pollen which lies free on the surface of Fic. 16.—Abdominal collecting apparatus. 1.—Abdomen of Osmia spinulosa, K. Ventral view. (x 7.) 2.—Lateral view of the same. (x 7.) the capitulum between the hairs of the brush. The brush is quite full after visits to a few capitula. I have, for instance, very often seen Megachile lagopoda, K., acting in this manner on Onopordum acanthium, and Osmia spinulosa, K., on Carduus acanthoides. More rarely, bees with abdominal brushes may be seen feeding on flowers whose pollen gets applied to their backs; in such cases, the bee makes use of its tarsal brushes to sweep off the pollen from the parts where it has fallen into the abdominal brushes. I have seen Anthidiwm manicatum acting in this manner on flowers of Ballota nigra. The latter mode of getting pollen is adopted only exceptionally by bees with abdominal brushes; the plan of sweeping it up directly as their usual method, and is quicker and more productive than the method used by bees whose collecting apparatus is on their legs. There can be little doubt therefore that the bees with 56 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. abdominal brushes have adapted themselves to the flowers which were fitted to dust their ventral surfaces (Papilionacew, Composite, Echium, etc.), and the contrary view, that these flowers have become adapted to the bees, is untenable, for the flowers are visited and fertilised. by other and far more numerous insects ; still more untenable is Delpino’s idea (e.g. in regard to Heriades truncorum and Helianthus) of mutual predestination. While a pollen-collecting apparatus, as we have seen, has been developed in very different ways in the two main divisions of the family, the adaptation of the mouth-parts for deeply-placed honey has advanced similarly in both. In both, a natural limit to the length of the cardines and of the mentum (by which, in Prosopis, Sphecodes, Halictus, and Andrena, increased protrusibility of the tongue was attained) has been fixed by the length of the head, underneath which these parts must be withdrawn to give play to the mandibles; and access to more deeply-placed honey is got by lengthening the tongue itself, and by extension of the membranous and elastic parts between the mentum and the cardines. In the higher forms of both groups, we find that the tongue, which was at first much shorter than the mentum, and retractile into it, is many times as long as the mentum; the transverse markings (absent. in Prosopis, slight in Sphecodes, well-marked in Halictus) are present as strongly-marked transverse rings over the greater part of the vermiform tongue ; the hairs of the tongue, which have scarcely a definite arrangement in the lower forms, form whorls upon each transverse ring, and can be erected or depressed forwards, and the originally membranous and elastic parts between the mentum and cardines are elongated and supported by chitinous pieces, in such a way that when these fold together the mentum is retracted between the stipites as far as the ends of the cardines, and can be again protracted for the full length of the chitinous pieces. With these modifications of the lower lip, certain changes in the maxille are closely associated, and advance similarly in both divisions of the family. As soon as the tongue has so far increased in length that it can no longer be quite withdrawn into the anterior hollow of the mentum, it comes to be folded up downwards and backwards, and both in the retracted and in the extended state it is concealed between the laminz to avoid injury in nest-building or in being introduced into honey-receptacles. The laminz, once. devoted to the service of the tongue, elongate part passw with the tongue itself; and correspondingly the labial palps and at first also part u.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 57 the maxillary palps elongate also, in order to act still as organs of touch. But the maxillary palps are soon outstripped by the lamin, the labial palps, and the tongue, and becoming useless gradually abort; the laminz and labial palps continue to advance to the full extent of elongation of the tongue. This difference is explained by the rise of a new function which the labial palps and lamine assume, and which renders them quite indispensable and renders the maxillary palps quite unnecessary. For as the tongue elongates, the laminz develop more and more into a sheath closely surrounding the tongue, which not only protects it in retraction and when being thrust into a tubular flower, but also comes to Fic, 17.—Tip of Hive-bee’s tongue. Highly magnified. 1.—End of tongue, seen from above. The covering bearing the whorls of hairs (Q) is torn away at G to expose the capillary tube, 2.—The capillary tube with the covering removed, and opening into the spoon-shaped hollow. Seen from below 3.—Side view of the same. C, capillary tube; W, its wall; H, skin adhering to the capillary tube; G, ring, formed by the expanded bases of the hairs ; Q, whorls of hairs; LZ, spoon-shaped hollow. In 1 the hairy, concave upper side is seen ; in 2 the lower, convex, nearly naked side. play the part of a suction-tube, in which the tongue, perhaps by a progressive erection from before backwards of the whorls of hairs, conveys the honey taken up at its point back towards the mouth. In this the labial palps are also concerned, for their two or three proximal joints become flattened and help the laminz in closely surrounding the tongue, while the last joint or the two last retain their original function as organs of touch. As soon as the proximal joints of the labial palps have come in this manner to form part of the suctorial apparatus, they naturally elongate pari passw with the tongue and the lamine, and get transformed into long, thin, 58 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART IT. chitinous plates surrounding the tongue, while their terminal parts, still acting as tactile organs, retain their original form, their short- ness, and their free position. The maxillary palps, originally six- jointed, get handed down as useless heirlooms, and show all stages of abortion from six joints to none. | A final increase in the length of the tongue over that of the organs which insheathe it is got by making the proximal part of the tongue coil twice round-and be retracted into the hollow end of the mentum; so that the tongue, which in the retracted state reaches quite to the end of its sheath, may be protruded by about the whole length of the sheath beyond it. As subordinate adaptations in the suctorial mechanism of bees, we have sharpening of the ends of the laminz to pierce succulent tissues, and the development of a membranous lobe at the end of the tongue. In the less specialised bees, the tongue is supported throughout its whole length by a chitinous ridge; this in the higher forms becomes a capillary tube which opens out into the spoon-shaped hollow of the terminal lobe. As soon as the terminal lobe reaches the honey, a little honey ascends the capillary tube to the taste- organs, and the bee may judge at once whether to continue sucking or not.’ : To follow out in detail the increasing complexity of the mouth in bees, through all its stages, would be a work of special ento- mological interest, as profitable as it would be comprehensive. Having studied the first adaptations to a floral diet in Sphecodes, Andrena and Halictus, we must pass over the manifold inter- mediate forms,? and investigate the complex mechanism of the mouth in the most specialised bees. I select for illustration the. mouth of those bees which of all insects play by far the most important part in fertilising our indigenous flowers; viz. humble- bees (Bombus) and the hive-bee (Apis). When we see the mouth-parts of these bees fully extended and artificially separated (Fig. 18, 1 and 2), it seems at first sight hardly possible that a suctorial apparatus so large and complex, which many times exceeds the head in length, can be as com- pletely received into a cavity below the head as it is in the least specialised bees ; yet this takes place by help of the four folding 1 Wolff, Das Riechorgan der Biene, 1874; Hermann Miiller, Wechselbezichwngen, p. 30. In the German edition of this book, 1873, the lobe is said to be employed probably in licking flat surfaces of honey, * Some of these intermediate forms are figured in my essay, ‘‘Anwendung der Darwin’schen Lehre auf Bienen” (Verhandl. des naturhist. Vereins fiir pr. Rhein- land und Westfalen, 1872). PART 11.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 59 movements already mentioned, whose various actions we must now consider. — (1.) When the bee is sucking honey which is only just within its reach, all the movable joints of its suction-apparatus, cardines, the chitinous retractors at the base of the mentum, lamine, labial palps, and tongue, are fully extended, as in Fig. 18, except that the two proximal joints of the labial palps are closely applied Fia. 18. 1.—Head of Bombus agrorum, F. 9, with completely extended and separated mouth-parts. Seen from above (x 5). 2.—Mouth-parts of the Hive-bee, in the same position. Seen from below (x 12). Uv, the lower joints of the labial palps modified as a tongue-sheath ; x, piece covering the mouth, which lies between x and mt ‘epipharynz, Westwood); y, submentum (fulcrum, Kirby); 2 z, retractors, i.e. those chitinous pieces which unite the submentum with the ends of the cardines, and as they revolve backwards round the ends of the cardines, retract the mentum and its appendages. (Kirby calls z z the cardines, and ¢ ¢ lora,) “¢ to the tongue below, and the laminz to the mentum and hinder part of the tongue above. But as soon as the whorls of hairs at the point of the tongue are wet with honey, the bee by rotating the retractors (zz, Fig. 19) draws back the mentum, and with it the tongue, so far that the laminz now reach as far forward as the labial palps (i.e. to the point « in Fig. 18); and now laminz and labial palps together, lying close upon the tongue and overlapping 60 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. at their edges, form a tube out of which only the part uw of the tongue protrudes. But almost simultaneously with these move- ments, the bee draws back the basal part of its tongue into the hollow end of the mentum, and so draws the tip of the tongue, moist with honey, into the tube, where the honey is sucked in by an enlargement of the foregut, known as the sucking stomach, whose action is signified externally by a swelling of the abdomen.” Fig. 19 represents the head of a humble-bee in the suctorial position. If now the base of the tongue is drawn back into the hollow of the mentum (as shown in Fig. 20), the tip (wv) is drawn, wet with honey, into the tube. If the cardines (c, Fig. 19), F Ga. 19.—Head of Bombus hortorum, 2, with proboscis halt extended. ~ Seen from the side (x 7).. Lettering as in Figs. 11 and 18, which are now directed vertically downwards, are rotated back- wards, the base of the suctorial tube (at pm in Fig. 19) will be drawn back to the opening of the mouth (between the base of the mandibles and upper lip), and by a sucking action of the sides of the body [and (?) a simultaneous action of the erectile hairs on the tongue*], the honey is quickly carried into the mouth. 1 In Apide and Vespide the “sucking stomach” is simply a lateral fold of the foregut ; in Crabronide it is a vesicle attached by a short, narrow duct, much as in Diptera. ' 2 Of. the remarks on Lamium albwm. 3 I came to the above conclusion with regard to the action of the whorled hairs from experiments made on bees and humble-bees under chloroform. In these, some- times, if the tip of the tongue was dipped in syrup before complete loss of conscious- ness, the suctorial movements took place so slowly that their separate stages could be Seg ek eee ee part 11.) THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 61 By now rotating the cardines (c) forwards, the whole suction- apparatus is carried forward by twice the length of the cardines. The retractors (zz) are now rotated forwards in their turn, and a further advance of twice their length is given to the mentum (mt) with its appendages, to the labial palps, and to the tongue, while the maxillz remain in their place, and their laminz now inclose only the mentum and the hinder part of the tongue. Finally, the basal part of the tongue contained within the hollow part of the mentum is projected forth, and the tip of the tongue now reaches its farthest extension (20 to 21 mm. from the mouth in Bombus | hortorwm), and dips again into the honey at the base of the flower. In flowers which contain abundant honey, a humble-bee may be seen to perform the act of sucking four or five, or sometimes even eight or ten times, the tip of the tongue being each time dipped into the honey, then drawn back into the sheath, and the sheath brought up to the mouth. (2.) To reach honey which lies less deeply, the bee need not rotate the retractors (2); the tongue therefore remains constantly insheathed by the laminz and labial palps, and only the basis of the tongue moves in and out of its cavity in the mentum, bringing its tip in and out of the extremity of the suctorial tube. (3.) When the bee flies from one flower to another, it carries the proboscis } extended, so as to introduce it in the act of alighting into the tube of the flower; but the tongue is concealed within its ' sheath, to protect the delicate whorls of hairs, and to let the terminal joints of the labial palps perform their function of tactile organs. So in flying from flower to flower the base of the tongue is contained within the hollow of the mentum, and the retractors (2) are directed backwards, while the cardines may be directed down- wards (Fig. 19), forwards (Fig. 18, 2), or backwards, according to the depth of the flower which the bee has in view. clearly distinguished ; they were as described above. What went on between the chitinous plates of the laminz and labial palps was of course invisible, but when these parts were drawn aside, a progressive erection of the whorls from the tip of the tongue backwards, could sometimes be clearly seen. The fact that the basal part of the tongue, which gets drawn into the hollow of the mentum, is free from whorls, seemed to stand in accordance with this action. At the same time, special muscles for the erection of the whorls are not present ; and therefore my explanation becomes unsatisfactory. In several Brazilian bees, my brother Fritz Miiller has found that the hairs of the tongue are transformed into stalked scales, which seem hardly fitted to drive the honey mouthwards by erection. In an undescribed azure-blue Luglossa, the imbricated scales seem to form a tube round the tip of the tongue, so that here suction may perhaps go on, without the tip of the tongue being withdrawn into the sheath formed by the lamine and labial palps. 1 The whole suctorial apparatus is thus designated for shortness’ sake. 62 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART IT. (4.) The mouth-organs must assume exactly the same position when the bee bores into delicate tissues by means of the sharp points of its laminz; whether to secure the sap, as in the case of our orchids which secrete no free honey, or to reach deeply- placed honey through the aperture, as, for example, Bombus terres- tvis does in the case of meadow-clover and many other long-tubed flowers. (5.) In collecting pollen, hive-bees and humble-bees use their mouth-parts in two different ways to moisten it, according as it is the fixed pollen of entomophilous, or the loose, easily scattered pollen of anemophilous flowers. In the former case (e.g. when Apis mellifica collects pollen on Salix), the bee has its suctorial apparatus completely folded down (as in Fig. 21), bringing the mouth-opening, which lies between the base of the mandibles and the labrum, close over the pollen. The bee ejects a little honey on the pollen, and then takes it up by means of its tarsal brushes and places it in the baskets on the tibiz of its hindlegs; it often makes use of its mandibles to free the pollen, before moistening it with honey. In the latter case, which I have observed in Plantago lanceolata and which will be fully described in my account of that plant, the bee, hovering over the flower, ejects a little honey upon the anthers from its suction-tube, which is fully extended but completely sheathes the tongue. In this case, therefore, as when alighting to suck upon a flower or when boring into soft tissues, the base of the tongue is contained within the hollow of the mentum, and the retractors are directed backwards. Since hive-bees and humble-bees on entomophilous flowers suck honey with out- stretched proboscis and collect pollen with it folded up, and on anemophilous flowers collect pollen only, it follows that they can never suck honey and gather pollen simultaneously; they must always do first one and then the other, and since the pollen has to be moistened with honey, the act of sucking must always be the first. But all forms of bees which collect dry pollen among their feathery collecting-hairs, may, so far as the structure of the flower permits, gather pollen and suck honey at the same time, and they perform the latter action in exactly the same way as hive-bees and humble-bees do. Bees with abdominal collecting-apparatus may with the greatest ease perform both acts together on flowers which present their pollen from below. (6.) Finally, to place the mouth-parts in a position of rest, or to make use of the mandibles, the bee brings all the four part u.]| THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 63 folding movements which its suction apparatus is capable of into play simultaneously. It draws back the base of the tongue into the hollow end of the mentum (as in Fig. 20); folds the tongue, together with the inclosing laminz and labial palps, downwards and backwards (Fig. 20 shows this action beginning), draws the retractors (z) backwards (half completed in Fig. 20), and rotates the cardines ¢ (which in the figure are still directed obliquely forwards), backwards ; the whole apparatus is thus folded together, and lodged in the eavity below the head, completely filling it (Fig. 21, 1). # i, Fic. 20.—Sucking apparatus of Bombus silvarum, L., half folded up. Side view. The outer wall of the hollow end of the mentum is broken away to show the involution of the lowest piece of the tongue, a abe. Letters as in Fig. 18,—except: a, base of tongue; 6b, angle of fold; abc, part of tongue folded in mentum, When the hive-bees and humble-bees were declared to be the most important of all insects in the fertilisation of our native flowers, this assertion applied only to the individuals concerned - in the care of the young, z.e. the workers among the hive-bees, and the females and workers among the humble-bees. In all species which provide for their own young, the males are of much less use in fertilising plants than the females, as they only look after their own maintenance, and accordingly neither collect pollen nor visit flowers very diligently. Yet in all species in 64 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. which a more or less thick coat of feathery hairs has become developed upon the bodies of the females, it has become trans- mitted by inheritance to the males also,! so that they in their visits to flowers collect pollen as well as the females. It is otherwise with the majority of those bees which have acquired the habit of not gathering pollen themselves to feed their young, but of laying their eggs in the nests of other bees already stored with food. Some of these “cuckoo-bees,” which have acquired the habit in comparatively recent times, as the parasitic humble-bees (Apathus or Psithyrus), have almost the same development of hairs as their parent-form ; others which acquired it earlier, as Nomada, Epeolus, Fic. 21.—Mouth-parts of a Humble-bee (B. hortorum, 8 ) in retracted condition. 1.—Head seen from below. 2 —Head, in side view, with proboscis bent slightly downwards. ant, antenne ; other letters as in Fig. 18. Celioxys, and Stelis, have almost entirely lost the hairy coat, while retaining in perfection the suctorial apparatus which furnishes them with their own food. Males and females of these “ cuckoo- bees” thus plunder flowers of their honey, like the males of the hairy bees, without being of corresponding advantage to the flowers in the carriage of pollen ; for only very little pollen adheres to their naked or almost naked chitinous bodies.’ 1 For a further account of this hereditary transmission, see my work No. 613. 2 | have investigated the actions of male bees and of cuckoo-bees in regard to flowers, and embodied my results in my essays, “ Die Entwickelung der Blumenthi- tigkeit der Insekten,’’ and ‘‘ Verschiedene Blumenthitigkeit der Mannchen und Weibchen” (Kosmos, ix. pp. 8351—870, 415—432, 1882.) pant] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. 65 Lepidoptera. If the chief divisions of insects are to be arranged in the order of their importance as fertilisers of our native flowers, the first place must decidedly be given to bees,—while the Lepidoptera take only the second or third place, before or after the Flies. But if, as here, we base our arrangement on the degrees of adaptation to flowers, they undoubtedly take the first place, as the only order which throughout, and not only in certain of its families, is fitted for obtaining honey. In the perfect state, butterflies, so far as they take food at all, which is not the case in all species, restrict themselves almost entirely to honey ; and since they take no further thought for their young than to lay their eggs sufficiently concealed upon the food- plant, their mouth-parts have been quite free to adapt themselves to the easy winning of honey from the most various flowers. This adaptation is attained by an astonishing development of the maxillary laminz, with suppression of the greater part of the rest of the mouth-organs. The upper lip, or labrum (/dr, 2, Fig. 22), and mandibles (md) are aborted. The laminz of the maxille are transformed into two immensely long, hollow, rounded filaments, provided with semicircular grooves on their inner sur- faces, and so forming a tube when placed in close apposition; in the state of rest this tube is spirally coiled, and concealed between the labial palps. The maxillary palps, which are not visible in my figure, and also the labium, are usually more or less abortive. The whole mechanism of the mouth, so complex and many-jointed in bees, is thus here reduced to a long, thin, suctorial tube formed of two apposed grooves and capable of being rolled up into small space, and of a protective covering for this tube. _ With this simple mechanism, Lepidoptera are able to probe the most various flowers, whether flat or long and tubular, and to secure their honey. Peculiar stiff, sharp-pointed appendages at the ends of the lamine (5, Fig. 22) enable them also to tear open delicate succulent tissues, and make use of the sap in flowers which secrete no free honey (cf. Cytisus Laburnum, Erythrea Centaurium, Carum, etc.). At the Cape of Good Hope, Lepidoptera do damage to plums and peaches by piercing their skins in this manner.! In Queensland also, the oranges are injured by a nocturnal form, Ophideres fullonica, the powerful teeth on whose 1 Ann. and Mag. of N. H., September, 1869, r 66 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. proboscis are figured and described by M. Kunkel,! Francis Darwin,? Reginald Bligh Read,* and W. Breitenbach. My brother Fritz Miiller thinks that some of the appendages of the proboscis in Lepidoptera may be organs of touch or taste. These, which differ much in number, size, and form in different species, are usually somewhat movable, and bear at their tips a delicate rod, re- sembling the tactile rods or olfactory hairs of Crustacea, etc. Among the forms in which these have been noted are Prepona Laertes, Hesperocharis Erota, Colenis Julia, Apatura Hiibneri. Fic. 22,—Adaptive modifications in Lepidoptera. 1.—Head of Polyommatus Phileas, L., with proboscis half unrolled. 2.—Head of Vanessa Io, L., after both lamine of the maxille and the labial palps have been cut away at their bases (x 7). 3. —Part of the lamina of Macroglossa fuciformis, L., seen from within ; more highly magnified. a, channel. “Transverse section of the apposed laminz of the same insect, equally magnified. aa, tube’ formed by apposition of the two channels. 5.—Point of lamina of Vanessa Atalanta, L. Lettering in 2 as in Fig. 11. In regard to their length, the maxillary lamine of our Lepi- doptera show all degrees, from the proboscis of the Convolvulus Hawk-moth, 80 mm. long, to a proboscis scarcely a millimetre long. Their mouth-organs may be almost entirely abortive and only comparable to those of the Phryganide, pointing to these as 1 Comptes Rendus, August 30, 1875. 2 Q. J. Micros, Sci. vol, xv. N.S., pp. 885—890. 3 Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, August, 1878. 4 Archiv. f. Mier. Anat. Bd. xiv. pp. 308—317. Breitenbach has since pub- lished some further studies on the boring apparatus of Lepidoptera (idbid., Bd. xv. pp. 8—19 ; Entomol, Nachrichten, September 15, 1879, and February 15, 1880). PART U.] THE INSECTS WHICH VISIT FLOWERS. the ancestors of the Lepidoptera. In a former work1 I have sought to establish the pedigree of Lepidoptera, which has been foreshadowed by entomologists since last century: the subject has been much more thoroughly discussed by my friend Dr. A. Speyer,? by Mr. R. MacLachlan, and by my brother Fritz Miiller.t Apart from tiny midges (¢.g. the fertilisers of Arum and Aristolochia), and from those insects, especially beetles and bees, which occasionally or habitually take up their quarters for the night in flowers, Lepidoptera seem to be the only insects which do not confine their visits to flowers to the daylight: a large number of their species have acquired the habit of seeking their honey in the dusk of summer nights and evenings, free from the competition of other insects.2 But in our climate, summer evenings on which twilight-loving and nocturnal Lepidoptera fly abundantly are not _ very.numerous. Though the swift and violent movements of these species may be due to the shortness of the period suitable for their flight, or to the pursuit of bats, this peculiarity is of very great importance to the plants they visit; for the more flowers will be visited in a given time, the less time that is spent on each, and the shorter the time that is spent in the flight from one to another. _ This explains how many flowers have adapted themselves specially _ to nocturnal insects, both by their light colours, visible in the dusk, __ and by their time of opening, of secreting honey, or of emitting | their odour. The Sphingide perform their work as fertilisers | peculiarly rapidly, dropping their long proboscis into a flower ' while hovering over it, and instantly hastening away on their _ violent flight to another. Accordingly most nocturnal flowers have ' adapted themselves specially to these Lepidoptera, hiding their ' honey in such deep tubes or spurs that it is only accessible to the | Sphingide. 1 Verh. des naturh. Vereins f. pr. Rheinland und Westfalen, 1869, ‘‘ Corre- _ spondenzblatt,” pp. 57—63. 2 Stettiner Entom. Zeitung, 1869, PP. 202—223, 3 J. Linn. Soc., Zool., vol. xi. p. 1 4 Kosmos, vol. iv. pp. ” 388—390, > In South Brazil, according to my brother Fritz Miiller, a social wasp, Apoica pallida, Lep., seeks honey only by night, sitting still in its nest by day. PART III. THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. In this section I propose to discuss such questions as the following, in regard to a number of native or commonly cultivated plants. By what insects is each visited? What does the insect come in quest of, and how does it behave? In what manner does it effect transference of the pollen? What peculiarities of the flower have special relation to the particular visitors ? What special peculiarities of the flower aid cross-fertilisation in case of insect-_ visits? In absence of insects, can self-fertilisation take place, and to what extent does it actually occur ? There are few instances in which I am in a position to answer all these questions. In some cases I have studied the structure of the flower but have never had an opportunity of observing its insect-visitors ; in other cases I have noted insect-visitors without studying closely the mechanism of the flower. . In choosing my figures I have taken account of those already existing. In many cases I have omitted to figure flowers which happen to be well illustrated in the works of Sprengel, Darwin, or Hildebrand (e.g. Aristolochia Clematidis, Viola tricolor) ; in other cases I have selected a different species of the genus (e.g. Iris, Polygala). And in most cases I have passed over with a few words flowers which have been described elsewhere in great detail, unless I had to correct or amplify the previous accounts. . Professor Schenck of Weilburg has checked my identifications of the greater part of my bees, wasps, and sand-wasps (/fossores) ; Mr. Frederick Smith has compared all my species of bees, wasps, and sand-wasps with the collection in the British Museum (which includes Kirby’s type-specimens) ; Dr. Speyer of Rhoden has placed my determinations of Lepidoptera beyond dispute, and Herr Winnertz of Crefeld has identified those Diptera concerning which I remained doubtful. Herr Borgstette, jun., of Teklenburg, has sent me numerous insects collected upon flowers in his neighbourhood, along with accurate records of the plant on which each specimen was obtained. Contractions employed in the Lists of Insects. l.h.=licking honey ; s.=sucking ; ¢.p.=collecting pollen ; f.p,.=feeding on pollen ; cor.=corolla; ab. abundant, Se PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 69 Sld. =Sauerland (Warstein, Mohnethal, Briion) ; Tekl.=:Teklenburg (Herr Borgstette) ; Th. Thuringia (neighbourhood of Miihlberg). In all cases in which the locality is not specially mentioned, the observation was made near Lippstadt. Numbers placed in brackets after the names of insects indicate the length of the proboscis in millimetres, ¢=male; 9? =female; § =worker. Orv. RANUNCULACE 4. 1. CLEMATIS RECTA, L.—The flowers are destitute of honey. When they open, the stigmas are still immature, and are covered up partly by the stiff hairs of the pistil, and still more efficiently by the stamens which press closely upon them. The outermost of these latter soon begin to bend outwards, and their narrow anthers dehisce lengthwise, so that the broad connectives appear covered on both sides with pollen, At this time, the flowers are well fitted to supply pollen to insects, but the stigmas are unable to retain pollen with which the insect-visitors are coated. The bending outwards and dehiscence of the anthers now proceeds centripetally, and before the innermost stamens have joined the rest the stigmas lie fully developed in the middle of the flower. Insects which come at this period from other flowers and settle in the middle must accomplish cross-fertilisation. Bees almost always alight in the middle of the flower, both because they can more conveniently reach the stamens from the centre than from the edge, and also because the anthers near the centre are least likely to have been already emptied. The pollen-eating flies which settle at random on the flowers and creep about in them can produce self-fertilisation as easily as cross-fertilisation. In default of insect-visits, self- fertilisation readily takes place, for the outermost stigmas are often touched by pollen at the bursting of the anthers, and frequently part of the stigmas lie so that pollen may fall directly on them from anthers above. Since the flowers are destitute of honey, and all attractions for insects therefore cease with the dispersal of the pollen, their pro- terandrous condition has not been able to perfect itself. They are naturally only visited persistently by pollen-seeking insects, but by these in considerable abundance, owing to the large stock of pollen. | A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide@ : (1) Prosopis signata, Pz. ¢,f.p.; (2) Andrena Gwynana, K. 9; (3) A. albicans, K. 9; (4) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 92; (5) Osmia rufa, L. 2; (6) Bombus terrestris, L. 9; (7) Apis mellifica, L. § ; 70 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. (b) Sphegide: (8) Oxybelus uniglumis, L., fp. ab. ; (9) Gorytes mystaceus, L., hovering over the flowers, perhaps in order to piunder flies ; (¢) Vespide: (10) Odynerus parietum, L. 9, do. B, Diptera—(a) Syrphidw: (11) Syrphus pyrastri, L.; (12) Helophilus floreus, L.; (13) Eristalis sepulcralis, L. ; (14) E. arbustorum, L.; (15) Syritta pipiens, L.; (16) Xylota ignava, Pz. ; (17) X. lenta, Mgn., all f.p.; (b) Muscide: (18) Prosena siberita, F. C. Coleoptera—(19) Trichius fasciatus, L., devouring the whole of the anthers. In Clematis Balearica, Rich. (C. cirrhosa, L.), the outermost stamens are metamorphosed into spoon-shaped nectaries, which are sucked by Bombus and Xylocopa ; in Clematis integrifolia, L., the - inner stamens secrete honey (567, p. 8). 2. THALICTRUM AQUILEGIFOLIUM, L.—The stamens in this plant play the part of petals: they are of a pale lilac colour, thickened and club-shaped, and radiate outwards, forming consider- able bundles, fifteen to twenty mm. in diameter. When the flower opens, the stigmas are covered over and shielded from insects by the central stamens, which are crowded together and have their anthers still closed. In young flowers the insects alight upon the anther-bearing points of the stiff filaments, and climb with some difficulty around and over them in search of pollen. In older flowers the central stamens are directed more outwards, so that now the insects can alight more conveniently . upon the stigmas. Thus cross-fertilisation is accomplished. In default of insect-visits, self-fertilisation is provided for by part of the stigmas always standing in the way of falling pollen. _ The flowers are devoid of honey, and are Gilead oe by pollen- seeking insects, — A. Hymenoptera—-A pide : (1) Prosopis signata, Pz. ¢ 9, fp. ; (2) Halictus sexnotatus, K.?, c.p.; (3) Apis mellifica, L. $,¢p. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (4) Rhingia rostrata, L.; (5) Eristalisarbustorum, L. ; (6) E. nemorum, L. ; (7) E. sepulcralis, L. ; (8) E. tenax, L., all f.p. C. Coleoptera—(9) Trichius asciatus, L., devouring the anthers bodily. See also No. 609, p. 125. Atragene alpina, L.—The pendulous violet flowers only give up their honey to insects which can force asunder the numerous stamens, which are set closely in several whorls,—viz. bees and humble-bees; and in point of fact only these insects have been observed to fertilise the plant (590, 609). The grooved inner surface of the basal half of the filament secretes and lodges honey. 3. THALICTRUM FLAVUM, L.—This plant, which is abundant . on meadows by the Lippe, has likewise honeyless flowers. I found PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 71 them to be chiefly visited by pollen-feeding flies, and on J uly I; 1868, I took the following :— A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide; (1) Eristalis nemorum, L. ; (2) E. arbustorum, L. ; (3) E. tenax, L. ; (4) E. sepulcralis, L., all four fp., very ab. ; (5) Syritta pipiens, L., fp. ; (b) Muscide : (6) Pollenia Vespillo, F., fp.,ab. B. Hymen- optera—A pide ; (7) Apis mellifica, L. 9, ¢.p.., very ab. Thalictrum minus, L., is an anemophilous descendant of ento- mophilous ancestors, The flowers are proterogynous, and retain, as traces of their former entomophilous condition,—the non-simultane- ous dehiscence of the anthers, slight cohesiveness of the pollen, and perhaps also the conspicuous yellow colour of the anthers (590, 1.). i Fic. 23.—Atragene alpina, L. A.—Flower in side view, X 3. B.—Ditto, after removal of one sepal, C.—One of the four large petals. D.—One of the inner small petals, with a rudimentary anther-lobe at one side (C and D seen from the inside). K.—Stamen in side view. F.—Ditto, seen obliquely from within. G.—A carpel (O—G, x 43). n, nectary ; sh, honey-receptacle. Hepatica triloba, Gil. (Anemone hepatica, L.), is visited by bees and Syrphide for its pollen (590, 1.). Pulsatilla vulgaris, Mill. (Anemone Pulsatilla, L.)—The abun- dant pollen is much sought by bees; honey is secreted by rudimentary stamens reduced to short stalked knobs (590, 1.). Pulsatilla vernalis, L.—My specimens from the Stelvio were slightly proterogynous ; Ricca’s, from Val Camonica, were very markedly so. The nectaries here also are modified stamens (590, 609). 72 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. 4, ANEMONE NEMOROSA, L.—This plant also has flowers destitute of honey, in which, however, the sepals, not the stamens, play the part of petals in rendering the flower conspicuous. When the flowers open, the stigmas are still covered up and protected by the stamens, but during the greater part of the period of flowering both stigmas and anthers are mature at the same time, and exposed to the touch of insects. These alight sometimes in the centre of a flower, sometimes on a sepal, touching, therefore, either stigmas or anthers first, and they accomplish self-fertilisation as well as cross- fertilisation. The inclined position of the flower brings more or Fic. 24,—Pulsatilla vernalis, L. A.—Some of the outermost stamens metamorphosed into nectaries; and some of the next in order, which retain their proper function. (x 7) ‘ B.—Top of style, with the stigma, more magnified. less of the stigmas in the line of fall of the pollen, which leads to self-fertilisation if insects’ visits fail; but experiment has yet to decide on the efficacy of this self-fertilisation. On February 25, 1868, out of seven flowers in my room, which had opened simultaneously, I fertilised two with pollen from other flowers, two with their own, and I left three untouched. On February 29,in both of those which had received the pollen of other flowers, all the anthers had fallen off and the ovaries were distinctly swollen ; in the two which had been fertilised with their own pollen, most of the anthers had fallen off and the ovaries were swollen, but much less so than in the two former cases; the three remaining flowers, which had been untouched, still retained all a — ee hl PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 73 their anthers. The sepals were still quite fresh in all seven flowers. The experiment was not completed, as the plants withered in the irregularly-heated room. Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(1) Halictus cylindricus, F, 9, ¢.p. ; (2) Andrena fulvicrus, K.9, ¢.p.; (3) A. albicans, K. g, f.p. ; (4) Osmia fusca, Christ. ? , e«p.; (5) Apis mellifica, L. $, in hundreds, cp. and also s. B. Diptera— (6) Scatophaga stercoraria, L. ; (7) Sc. merdaria, F., both fp. C. Coleoptera _ —(8) Meligethes, fp. ; (9) Mordella pumila, Gyll. See also 590, I. | Although I could not detect any honey, even by help of a lens, I repeatedly observed a hive-bee flying from flower to flower and thrusting its proboscis into one or more spots in the _ base of the flower, between the sepals and carpels. Here the bees _ doubtless tapped the juice which the flowers did not of themselves furnish, and which the bees were in want of to moisten the pollen that they collected at the same time. Once I saw a honey-bee first suck honey on flowers of Cardamine pratensis and then fly off to gather pollen on Anemone nemorosa. “Even i in spots where Primula elatior was blooming suhestidantly: hive-bees remained busily occupied upon the wood anemone. Anemone alpina, L.—This species is androdicecious. The male H flowers are distinctly smaller than the hermaphrodite, and the latter are proterogynous. The plant is visited by numerous bees and flies, though the flowers are devoid of honey (609). — Anemone narcissifolia, L., is proterandrous, the stigmas not _ being mature until the anthers have dehisced or have even been emptied. The flowers are devoid of honey (609). | Adonis vernalis, L.,is proterogynous and devoid of honey. The _ visitors are chiefly bees and also ants (590, I.). Myosurus minimus, L., is proterandrous, according to Delpino. _ After the anthers wither, the apex of the ovary becomes lengthened into a long cone and develops its stigmas. Delpino thinks that _ the flowers are fertilised by flies (No. 177, p. 57). | According to my own observations, the enormous elongation of the axis bearing the pistil has simply the object of self-fertilising most of the numerous stigmas by means of the small number of _ anthers, for insect-visitors are very few. The anthers, which le close around the axis, let their pollen emerge very gradually by | two lateral slits, while the lengthening axis brings fresh stigmas in contact with them. As visitors of this plant, I have observed chiefly minute insects, not more than 1 to 14 mm. long ,viz. Diptera of the genera Sciara, Chironomus, Scatopse, Phora, Cecidomyia, wags 74 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. Oscinis, and Microphorus, besides small Pteromalide and minute Ichneumonide, a small Haltica, some Anthomyie, and a single Melanostoma mellina (570, vol. x. p. 129). | 5. RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, L.—The yellowish base of each petal serves to guide insects towards the honey; on it stands an obliquely-placed tubercle, truncate above, and provided with a honey-secreting hollow, which plays the parts of gland and receptacle for the nectar. . The anthers, which are few in number, dehisce one after the other when the flower opens, and cover themselves all round with pollen; the stigmas become developed at the same time, and often come in contact spontaneously with the pollen on the anthers. | The flowers are frequented by a large number of insects, especially Diptera, which alight sometimes in the middle of the flower, sometimes on the edge, and so effect self-fertilisation as well as cross-fertilisation. A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Eristalis tenax, L.; (2) E. arbustorum, L.; (3) E. nemorum, L., all three abundant, now sucking, now collecting as he on pe i i pollen, plentifully dusted with pollen on the legs and especially on the soles % of the feet; (4) Helophilus floreus, L. ; (5) Chrysogaster viduata, L., also s. and f.p.; (b) Muscide: (6) Scatophaga merdaria, F., fp. ; various small Muscide, s. and c.p. which escaped me. B. Hymenoptera—Apide : (7) Apis mellifica, L. § , ad.,s. and ¢.p. ; (8) Bombus terrestris, L.9,s. C, Coleoptera— Chrysomelide : (9) Helodes phellandrii, L., devouring anthers and petals. See also No. 590, I., pp. 48, 49. When the water is unusually high, the flowers of Ranunculus aquatilis remain submerged and do not open, but fertilise themselves (17, p. 14, 351, p. 17). eee Ranunculus glacialis, L., is slightly proterandrous (Ricca) ; R. alpestris, L., is homogamous or slightly proterogynous; 2. par- nassifolius, L., and R. pyrenceys, L., var. bupleurifolius, D.C., are proterogynous with persistent stigmas. In all these species the shape of the nectaries is very variable (609). 6. RaNnuncuLUS FiLammuLA, L.—The flowers have scarcely opened when the outermost anthers dehisce extrorsely, covering their sides which are turned towards the petals with pollen, so that insects which try to plunder the honey secreted by the little scales at the base of the petals must of necessity dust themselves with pollen. The stigmas are at this time concealed or almost concealed by the inner stamens, and so are ensured against contact with insects; they are, moreover, not yet fully developed. The PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 75 opening of the anthers progresses slowly towards the centre of the flowers, and each stamen as it dehisces bends outwards and turns its pollen-covered side outwards. These stigmas are fully developed before the innermost stamens join the others, and the flowers, which before could only dust their visitors with pollen, can hence- forth be fertilised either with their own or other pollen. All visitors which alight, bearing pollen, in the middle of the flower effect cross-fertilisation ; others, which alight first on a petal and Fic. 25.—Ranunculus Flammula, L. 1.—Flower just opening. 2—Flower in which the stamens are fully developed, the stigma still immature. é 3 —Esgential organs of a flower in which the stigmas are fully mature, and the anthers are not _ yet withered. a, immature anthers ; b, anthers about to dehisce ; c, ditto, dehisced ; d, ditto, empty ; e, carpel. touch the anthers and then the stigmas, can accomplish either self- fertilisation or cross-fertilisation. So if insects alight in equal numbers in the two ways, cross-fertilisation must be the more frequent result. After numerous observations on this and the following species of Ranunculus, I am able to state that the two modes of alighting are equally common for small insects; but all larger insects (which are about as long as the diameter of the flower) come in contact with the stigmas and the anthers at the 76 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. same time, and therefore must dust the stigmas with pollen from other flowers ; hence the cross-fertilisations are still more numerous than the self-fertilisations. In default of insect-visits, the power of self-fertilisation is retained, some of the outermost stigmas being often touched by pollen from the innermost anthers. Although the arrangement of the flower is quite like that of the following species of Ranunculus, #. Flammula is very sparingly visited by isects, one reason at least being that its flowers are much smaller and less conspicuous. Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Syritta pipiens, L., ¢.p. and s. (2) Cheilosia, sp. fp.; (8) Melithreptus teniatus, Mgn., fp. and s.; (bd) inti ies le at ees, ae se a Muscide : (4) Scatophaga merdaria, F., f.p.; (5) Anthomyia sp. B.Hymen- optera—Apide : (6) Halictus cylindricus, F. 2, cp. ; (7) H. flavipes F. 9, cp. C. Lepidoptera—(8) Satyrus pamphilus, L., s. Ranunculus montanus, L., is proterogynous with persistent stigmas. (609). 7. RANUNCULUS ACRIS, L., R. REPENS, L., R. BULBOsUS, L.— These species agree with Rk. Hlammula in the structure of their flowers, and with each other in their habitat, in the conspicuousness of their flowers, and therefore also in the insects which visit them. Mr. "Thomas Whitelegge (No. 774) states that they are all some- times gynodicecious. I have observed very many of the following visitants in equal abundance and similarly engaged on all these ~ species; and I have even noticed the hive-bee, which in general keeps strictly to one species of flower, pass from Ranunculus acris to R. repens and R. bulbosus, or vice versd, without any distinction. I accordingly catalogue the visitors of these three species together. A. Diptera—(a) Empide: (1) Empis. tesselata, F., s.; (b) Asilide;: (2) Dioctria atricapilla, Mgn. (Tekl. B.); (c) Syrphide : (3) Chrysotoxum arcu- atum, L. (Sld.), s. and f.p. ; (4) Chr. festivum, L., s.; (5) Pipiza funebris, Mgn.,s. ; (6) P. chalybeata, Mgn., f.p.; (7) Chrysogaster Macquarti, Loew. ; (8) Ch. viduata, L., very ab., both s, and f.p.; (9) Cheilosia pubera, Zett., f.p., ab. ; (10) Ch. albitarsis, Mgn., ab.,s. and f.p.; (11) Melanostoma mellina, L., s.; (12) Platycheirus albimanus, F. (Tekl. B), fp. ; (13) Syrphus ribesii, L.; (14) Eristalis tenax, L.; (15) E. arbustorum, L.; (16) E. nemorum, L. ; (17) E. sepulcralis, L.; (18) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (19) M. pictus, Mgn.; (20) M. teeniatus, Mgn. ; (21) Syritta pipiens, L.,—the last nine ab., both s. and t.p.; (d) Muscidw: (22) Cyrtoneura ccerulescens, Meq., s. ; (23) Anthomyia, sp. B. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide; (24) Meligethes, very ab. s. and f.p.; (b) Dermestide: (25) Byturus fumatus, F., fip., ab. ; (©) Buprestide : (26) Anthaxia nitidula, L. in copula on flowers of FR. repens; (d) Mordellide ; (27) Mordella aculeata, L, ; (28) M. pusilla, Dej. ; (29) M. . : PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 77 pumila, Gyll.; (e) Cidemeride: (30) Cidemera virescens, L., ab.; (/) Cistelide: (31) Cistela murina, L., devouring the petals and stamens ; (g) Cerambycidw : (32) Strangalia nigra, L., do.; (hk) Chrysomelide: (33) Helodes aucta, F., devouring the petals, along with its larvee (May 24, 1870) ; (34) Cryptocephalus sericeus, L., devouring the anthers. C. Hymenoptera,—(a) Tenthredinide : (35) Cephus spinipes, Pz., ab., s. and devouring the anthers ; (36) Cephus, small undetermined species; (b) Sphegide: (87) Oxybelus _ uniglumis, L. ; (c) Vespide: (88) Odynerus spinipes, H. Sch. 2 (quinque- fasciatus, F.) ; (a) Apide : (39) Prosopis hyalinata, Sm. ¢, s. and f.p.; (40) Halictus longulus, Sm. ?, s.; (41) H. flavipes, F.?, c.p. ; (42) H. villosulus, _ K. 9; (43) H. sexsignatus, Schenck, ?, s.; (44) H. rubicundus, Chr. ?, s. ; (45) _ H. quadricinctus, F.?, cp. ; (46) H. leucozonius, Schr. 9, laden with poilen, sheltering itself from the rain in flowers of R. bulbosus (June 10, 1871) ; (47) H. zonulus, Sm. ¢,s.; (48) H. cylindricus, F. 2, e¢.p.; (49) H. maculatus Sm.? ¢,s. and «p.,ab.; (50) H. nitidiusculns, K.?,s.; (51) H. sexnotatus, _K.9,cp. and s.; (52) Andrena fulvicrus, K.? ¢, s. and c.p., ab.; (53) A. albicans, K. 9 ¢, do.; (54) A. albicrus, K.¢,s.; (55) Panurgus calcaratus _ Scop.,.s.; (56) Chelostoma florisomne, L. 2? ¢, cp. and s.; (57) Osmia rufa, L.¢, s.; (58) Apis mellifica, L. $, s. D. Lepidoptera—(59) Lyczna icarus, Rott. ; (60) Satyrus pamphilus, L. ; (61) Polyommatus Phloeas, L.; (62) Euclidia glyphica, L., alls. See also No. 590, 1., pp. 49—59 ; No. 609, p. 135. If we compare the insect-visitors of these species of Ranunculus with those of the typical Umbelliferze, we observe the following remarkable differences. (1) Since the honey lies less exposed, _ those insects which are least fitted for sucking flowers are ab- sent, viz. Neuroptera, Ichneumonide, Tipulidae, etc.; Sphegide and Vespide are only met with sparingly. (2) Of the flies, Syrphida _ form the great majority; they are fond of brilliant colours, and are attracted by the bright yellow of the Ranunculus flowers, (This love of colours is clearly expressed in their own colours, the _ result of sexual selection.) (3) It is also owing to their bright colour that the flowers are frequented by the beetle Cryptocephalus sericeus, and that Anthaxia nitidula resorts to them for pairing. In these and in many other beetles, as in the humble-bees, it seems as if the habit of feeding on flowers had called out the colour-sense and the taste for bright colours, and that sexual selection had then been guided by this taste. (4) Bees occur much more abundantly on flowers of Ranunculus than on the Umbelliferze, because the former .are richer in both honey and pollen. These flowers seem especially to meet the wants of the genus Halictus, of which I have taken twelve species on them, mostly in abundance. Besides the least specialised bees (Drosopis, Halictus, Andrena) and the most specialised (Apis), intermediate genera, such as Panurgus and Chelostoma, which are absent from Umbellifera:, visit the flowers of Ranunculus. 78 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART 11. 8. RANUNCULUS LANUGINOSUS, L., is precisely similar in the arrangement of its flowers to the three last-named species: but growing in woods, where fewer flower-visiting insects occur, it is frequented by a smaller number of species in spite of its larger and more conspicuous flowers. Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Empide : (1) Empis livida, L., s. ; (b) Syrphide : (2) species of Cheilosia, f.p., ab. ; (c) Muscide: (3) Anthomyia, f.p., very ab. B. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (4) Meligethes zneus, F., ab. (I could see distinctly with a lens how these small beetles gnawed the inner surface of the petals and the stamens) ; (b) Dermestide : (5) Byturus fumatus, L., fip., ab. C. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide: (6) Cephus pallipes, K1., very ab., fp. and s., along with other species; (b) Apide: (7) Andrena eimsfecbaaae F. oO cp. 3; (8) Chhelomtond florisomne, L. ¢,s. ; (9) Osmia fusca, Christ. 9, c.p., and at the same turning round in the flower and emptying all the nectaries ; (10) Bombus terrestris, L. 2, s. See also No. 590, 1, p. 51. 9. RANUNCULUS FicartA, L., also resembles 2. acris, 2. repens, and &. bulbosus, but it blooms earlier when fewer flower-visiting insects are abroad, a disadvantage which is perhaps partly compensated for, by the insects having at that time fewer kinds of flowers to choose from. At the beginning of the flowering period, we find as in R. auricomus, many flowers with very few petals, sometimes so few as two or three: later on the number increases to eight or even eleven, and they expand in the sunshine to a golden star 20 to 25 mm, in diameter. Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide ;: (1) Brachypalpus valgus, Pz., fp. ;. (b) Muscide: (2) Sepsis, ab.; (3) Anthomyia radicum, L., very ab. ; (4) Scatophaga merdaria, F. B. Hymenoptera—Apide: (5) Apis mellifica, L., S,s. and fp. ab.; (6) Andrena Gwynana, K. 9, ¢.p.; (7) A. albicans, K.. ? d, cp. ands.; (8) A. parvula, K. ?,s.; (9) Halictus cylindricus, F. 9, s. ; (10) H. albipes, F. 9, 8.; (11) H. lucidus, Schenck, ?,s.; (12) H. nitidius- culus, K. 9,8. ©. Coleoptera—(13) Meligethes, ab., s., fp., and gnawing the petals, D, Thysanoptera—(14) Thrips, very ab. Seealso No. 590, 1., pp. 51, 52. 10. RANUNCULUS AURICOMUS, L.—The flowers of this species exhibit in their petals a great variety of forms of nectary, which are very remarkable and help us to explain the various nectaries of different Ranunculacez. The corolla is seldom regular, but as a rule, some or even all of the petals are more or less stunted or even absent, and the sepals, with their bright yellow limb, take the place of petals partly or completely. The honey-glands at the base of the petals are subject to the following modifications, In the most perfect petals (1 and 2, Fig. 26) the inner side of the triangular claw has | parrin.) = THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 79 usually a thickened border on either side: and these borders fuse below, and at their junction form a little pit which secretes honey. Some perfectly formed petals occur, however, in which the honey is secreted not by this hollow, but by two smaller pits which stand _ to the right and left, on the broader thickened margins (3, Fig. 26). In very stunted petals (5 to 7 mm. long, and 3 to 4 mm. broad,) _ there is developed upon the inner side of the base a smaller lamina, which is fused with the larger for the space of 2 to 3 mm., _and has a free portion 1 to3 mm. long. Between the two lamin, _ two honey-canals, separated by a fold, are deeply sunk (7, 8, _ Fig. 26). Such petals have a striking resemblance to those of , Fic, 26. ; -1~8.—Petals of Ranunculus auricomus. 9.—Petal of EHranthis hiemalis. n, nectary. { Biranthis hiemalis, Between these three varieties we find various, often unsymmetrical, intermediate forms, (4, 5, 6, Fig. 26) in which ‘sometimes no honey is secreted (4, 5). After completion of my manuscript I found (April 5 and 20, 1872) the _ following insects in flowers of R. auricomus: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Andrena parvula, K. 9, ¢.p. ; (2) A. fulvescens, Sm. ¢,s. ; (3) Halictus cylin- _ dricus, Bit: 0.7K $48) Formicide: (4) an undetermined sp., licking honey. Bz Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (5) Pipizella virens, F., fp. ; (6) Cheilosia ver- _ nalis, Fallen, f.p.; (6) Muscide: (7) Anthomyia shia, Mgn. @ 6, very ' ab., but so wild that I could not see what it was doing ; (8) Scatophaga mer- - daria F., s. and fp. C. Thysanoptera—(9) Thrips, ab. Ants and Thrips _ were observed in the flowers by Sprengel. See also No. 590, 1., p. 52. Ii. CaLttHa patustris, L.—The honey is secreted by two _ shallow depressions on the sides of each carpel, bounded by a slight fold. It is so abundant that the drops secreted by the adjacent sides of two neighbouring carpels often flow together into a large _ drop filling up the cleft between. Anthers and stigmas ripen 80 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. simultaneously, but cross-fertilisation is favoured by the fact that, as in Ranunculus, the anthers open outwards, and the outermost are the first to dehisce. Self-fertilisation as in Ranunculus is still possible. The very con- spicuous golden-yellow flowers, which expand to a diameter of more than 40 mm., are visited in sunny weather by very numerous insects, of comparatively few species owing to the early time of year. A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Odontomyia ‘ar- gentata, F.; (b) Syrphide: (2) Cheilosia sp., fp. ; Caliha palustris, L. (3) Ascia podagrica, B., fp. ; (4) Rhingia rostrata, L, st, stigma: n, nectary, /P-3 (5) Eristalis intricarius, L. (these handsome flies bearingadropofhoney. displayed clearly their taste for bright colours ; they hovered over the yellow flowers as the males of Eristalis hover over the females, then suddenly settled to suck honey or feed on pollen, and again flew off abruptly to another flower to repeat the same actions) ; (c) Muscide: (6) Scatophaga merdaria, F., f.p.; (7) Anthomyia, very ab., f.p. B. Coleoptera—WNitidulide : (8) Meligethes, very ab., s. and f.p. C. Hymenoptera—Apide: (9) Andrena albicans, K. ¢, 8; (10) Osmia rufa, L. ¢, s.; (11) Bombus terrestris, L. 9, making the circuit of each flower, and licking the drops of honey from every carpel ; (12) Apis mellifica, L. $, in hundreds, collecting pollen, and only sucking honey to aid in storing the pollen. See also No. 590, 1., p. 52; No. 609, pp. 135, 136. Trollius ewropeus, L., is homogamous. The stigmas are over- topped by the anthers and are dusted regularly with their pollen, which is probably outstripped in its action by pollen brought from other flowers (609). 12. ERANTHIS HIEMALIS, Salisb.—This, the earliest of all the Ranunculacez here considered, exhibits regularly in its petals the same conversion into little pockets for honey that our earliest species of Ranunculus, R. awricomus, displays occasionally. Its calyx has completely assumed the function of rendering the flower conspicuous, as do the sepals of 2. awricomus to a modified extent. In other respects the arrangement of its flower agrees with those last described. On February 26, 1871, I saw the following insects on flowers of E. hiemalis in my garden, during bright sunshine. A. Diptera—Muscide : (1) Pollenia rudis, F., stroking petals, anthers, and sometimes stigmas, with the end-flaps of its proboscis, but finally thrusting its proboscis into the nectaries ; (2) Musca domestica, L., ditto ; (3) Sepsis, busy about the anthers. B. Hymenoptera—Apide: (4) Apis mellifica, L. §, s. and f.p., in great numbers, stfficient to fertilise all the flowers. rarrim] THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 81 In many seasons with less favourable weather I have found LE. hiemalis (which I have immediately in front of my window, and can easily watch) not visited by insects at all, and yet bearing fruit, but more sparingly than when insect-visits have taken place. The reason of the smaller number of seeds is that, as in Ranun- culus and Caltha, self-fertilisation can only take place to a limited extent: for when I fertilised in my room, one flower with its own, and another with extraneous pollen, both produced seeds in equal abundance. f The species of Helleborus are proterogynous, according to _ Hildebrand (351). | Nigella arvensis, L.—The ectmenidooti flowers of this plant _ are provided with nectaries covered by movable lids, and are _ fertilised by bees. They have been fully described by Sprengel. 4 Nigella damascena, L., is visited by Ceratina callosa, F. 3, and Prosopis signata, Nyl. g (Apide) (590, 1). 13. AQUILEGIA VULGARIS, L.—The five sepals of the pendulous flower form broad blue expansions, which help to render it conspicuous. Each of the five petals is hollowed out from its insertion upwards to form a hollow spur 15 to 22 mm. long, whose i cup-shaped mouth is wide enough to admit the head of a humble- __ bee, and whose narrow tubular part curves inwards and downwards at its upper end. In this curved part is contained the honey, _ which is secreted by a fleshy thickening in the extreme point of _ the spur. Owing to its curvature the point of the spur is only _ 10 to17 mm. above the insertion of the petal. To reach the honey ina legitimate way, the bees hang on to the flowers below, grasping the base of the spur with their forelegs, and holding on with their _ mid and hindlegs to the column formed of the stamens and _ carpels, which projects perpendicularly or obliquely downwards from the centre of the flower; the head, meanwhile, is introduced _ into the aperture of the spur, whose outer wall its upper surface _ touches, and the end of the proboscis follows the curvature of the _ spur. Since bees very ‘easily bend the end of their proboscis _ downwards, but scarcely bend it voluntarily in the opposite direction, _ the position just described is the only one suitable for them to reach the honey. This position entails that in younger flowers _ the hinder and lower surface of the bee’s body touch the anthers, _ which closely surround the carpels and which are covered on their 1 See also Kerner, No. 386, p. 101, for an account of the pits in NV, sativa and WN. elata. G 82 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART IIL. outer side with pollen; while in older flowers the same parts come in contact with the carpels which have elongated and spread — their stigmas more widely apart. Cross-fertilisation is the inevitable result. Thus the Columbine is admirably adapted for fertilisation by humble-bees: but to reach the honey they must have a proboscis at least 10 to 17 mm. long, even supposing that they stick their heads fully into the mouth of the spur and so shorten the passage by about 5 mm, This fully explains the actions of the insects that I have observed on this flower. Bombus hortorwm, L. 2 (with a proboscis 19 to 21 mm. long), is the only insect that I have found very abundant on it; B. agrorum, F. 2 (with a proboscis 12 to 15 mm. long) is found much more rarely, sucking the flowers in the regular way and accomplishing cross-fertilisation. I saw B. terrestris, L. 2 (with a proboscis 7 to 9 mm. long), fly on to the upper surface of a flower, and lick over the base of the sepals, and on finding nothing there, creep to the lower surface, and thrust its head into the spur. Then it again crawled on to the upper surface, and again licked fruitlessly the base of the sepals; and finally, biting a hole in the spur at the curved part, it introduced its proboscis and plundered the honey. Without further consideration it proceeded to secure the honey of the other petals and of other flowers in the same manner.. The numerous other individuals of B. terrestris, L. 9, which I before and afterwards observed thus perforating the spur, had probably first learned by trial how the honey might be won. I have often seen #. terrestris bite through the spurs of still unopened flowers, and so forestall all legitimate visitors. The hive-bee also, as Sprengel noticed, bites through the spur at the bend and steals the honey: it often takes advantage of the holes made by B. terrestris. | I have seen smaller bees, Halictus Smeathmanellus, K. 2, and HT. leucozonius, Schr. ? , collecting pollen on these flowers, which they would naturally fertilise by doing so. On a double garden-variety of the Columbine, in which seve- ral spurs are placed one within another, I noticed a hive-bee thrusting its head in the regular manner into the inner spur; and I could see, through the transparent flower, the tongue stretched — out to its fullest extent without reaching the honey. In default of insect-visits, self-fertilisation must easily take place, owing to the position of the parts of the flower. Aquilegia atrata, Koch, is also proterandrous, and visited by humble-bees (609, p. 137). PART LIT. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 83 14, DELPHINIUM ELATUM, L.—This common garden plant is marked off by the unusual function of the two whorls of the perianth from most other plants, and in part even from other species of larkspur; while it agrees with the latter in the early development of the stamens and in the peculiar movements of _ the stamens and stigmas. Fig. 28.—Delphinium elatum, L. 1.— Young flower after removal of the calyx, seen from before. . 2.—The petals in their natural position, seen obliquely from before and below. 3.—Young flower after removal of the right half of the calyx. 4.—Older flower after removal of the calyx, seen from before. 5.—The sume flower as 3, after the right half of the corolla also has been removed. aa, the two upper petals, which are prolonged backwards into two spurs, which secrete and contain honey, and which in front form an entrance for the bee’s proboscis ; a*, their bases ; b b, _ the two inferior petals, whose closely approximated surfaces bound the entrance for the bee’s proboscis below—on their upper surfaces, each has a tuft of yellow hairs to serve as a path-finder, _ while their peduncles (b’,2 stand so far apart that in the first stage the anthers, in the second the stigmas, appear between them (at b*, 2) in the path of the insect’s re c, anthers whichhave _dehisced, placed in the way of the insect’s proboscis ; d, anthers which have not yet dehisced, bent downwards, covering the female organs; e, base of the stamens and carpels, which have been removed ; f, withered stamens bent downwards ; g, ovaries ; h, stigmas which have ss themselves in the same spot that the dehiscent anthers occupied in the first stage; i, left half of the upper _ sepal. prolonged backwards into a long sheath for the spur (#’); i, left lateral sepal; 1, left inferior a 3 and 5, natural size; 1, 2, and 4, enlarged, The five large, blue, expanded sepals make the flowers visible _ from far off to humble-bees, and serve the purpose of a corolla. _ The hollow spur of the uppermost sepal neither secretes nor contains honey. Its peculiar rough and crumpled wall serves | rather as a cover for the organs which secrete and conceal the honey, which without it would be exposed to the rain; and also G 2 84 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. it forces the humble-bees to suck the honey by the way that alone leads to fertilisation. The two upper petals serve a very different purpose. In each the hollow pointed end of the spur (a?, 3, 5), which is directed back- wards and is inclosed in the hollow sepaline spur, secretes honey and becomes so full of it that part rises into the wide, half-conical * part of the spur which is open on the inner side (@’, 5). When both petals lie close to one another, they form together a hollow cone, which splits at the end into two points filled with honey, and guides the insect’s proboscis, if long enough, safely to the honey, while by its length it prohibits the access of insects with shorter tongues. The anterior portions of the same petals produce the upper part of this hollow cone further forwards, and serve to give the bee’s proboscis a convenient entrance and more certain path to the honey. Since these anterior portions of the upper petals separate easily on slight pressure from within, the whole head of a humble-bee may be thrust in between them, whereby the distance to the honey is shortened by 6 to7 mm. The length of the hollow cone from its entrance to the anterior end of the honey-bearing prolongation is about 20 mm., and to the apex of the latter 26 to 28 mm.; so that, when the whole bee’s head is thrust into the aperture, a proboscis 13 to 14 mm. long is needed to reach the honey, and one 19 to 22 mm. long to suck it all up. Hence, of all our native bees, Anthophora pilipes, F., and Bonbus hortorum, L., can alone exhaust the honey. The two lower petals are of service in several ways. Their anterior surfaces point by bundles of upright yellow hairs towards the entrance to the honey, that is to say, they serve as path- finders; and as they stand close together and bound this entrance below, they leave the bee no choice but to thrust its proboscis into the only proper place, viz., the mterval between the two pairs of petals. Those parts of them immediately behind the entrance to the tube stand, on the other hand, so widely apart (*, 2) that they leave free space for the stamens and for the carpels (after the stamens have withered and bent back) to erect themselves in that part of the hollow cone lying close behind the entrance, where they inevitably come in contact with the under surface of the body and head of the bee. With sufficient insect visits, which this handsome plant never fails to receive, cross-fertilisation is completely insured by the proter- androus dichogamy, and by the movements of stamens and earpels } 7.e. forming the longitudinal half section of a cone, — parti] THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 85 which are so completely in relation to the movements of the bee’s head. The stamens in the unripe condition are bent down, when they dehisce they stand upright in the path of the bee’s head, and when they are withered they sink completely down. The _ carpels erect themselves after the withering of the last of the stamens, _ and their stigmas then stand in the way of the bee’s head. Self- fertilisation cannot take place in absence of insects. Of the two native bees whose proboscides are of sufficient length to suck the honey of this flower thoroughly, Anthophora pilipes has finished its period of flight and has disappeared when D. elatum flowers. B. hortorum therefore remains as the only indigenous bee fitted for sucking up the honey of Delphiniwm, and it is in fact found in great abundance on the flower. Many of our other species of bees are well fitted for sucking a portion of the honey, but I have never seen any of them, or any other species of insect, sucking on D. clatum. At Strassburg, D. elatuwm is visited also by Anthophora personata, IIL. (590, 1). Delphinium Staphysagria, L., described and figured by Hilde- brand (356, p. 473) agrees in most points of its floral arrangement with D, elatwm, and is, likewise fertilised by humble-bees. 15. DELPHINIUM Conso.ipA, L., differs in the arrangement of its flower from D. elatwm chiefly by the coalescence of the four petals _ into a single piece, which leads to the following modifications. The _ two upper petals unite by means of their backward directed processes into a single spur, the pointed end of which secretes and contains _ the honey ; their expanded portions, which are turned forward, also _ coalesce lengthwise with one another, and therefore cannot be thrust apart on the entrance of the bee’s head; but in conjunction with the lower petals they form a sheath which is well adapted to receive the bee’s head, and is only open below. | Here in the first _ stage of flowering it presents the anthers, and in the second the _ stigmas, for contact with the under surface of the bee’s head. The lower petals, which thus form the side walls of the sheath or tube, unite with the upper ones, but not with one another, and yield laterally when the bee’s head is thrust in. Path-finders and a lower boundary of the entrance to the spur are wanting here. Since the cycle of development and movement of stamens and anthers agrees with that in D. elatum, cross-fertilisation is in like manner insured on the occurrence of insect-visits; and similarly, if they fail to occur, self-fertilisation is impossible. 86 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PARY III. In July, 1868, I assured myself of the actual certainty of cross- fertilisation by direct observation. I saw, in Thuringia, upon a field covered with wild larkspur in flower, numerous examples of Bombus hortorum, L. 9 and §, sucking at the flowers of this species with such diligence that certainly no flower in its. second period can have escaped being fertilised. Since the length of the spur is about 15 mm. from its insertion, to which must be added the wide entrance, 7 mm. long, a proboscis fully 15 mm. long is needed to suck the honey in the normal way. Besides Bombus hortorum, L. (17 to 21), B. agrorum, F. (10 to 15), B. fragrans, K. (15) and B. senilis, Sm. (14 to 15), some species of Anthophora, viz., A. wstivalis Pz. (15), A. retusa, L. (16 to 17), and -A. pilipes, F, (19 to 21), are all fitted for sucking the honey; but all must do so with greater loss of time, through having to force the head deep into the entrance to the spur, except A. pilipes, whose season is over when Delphinium comes into flower. Bombus hortorum seems thus to be the only species which is well adapted for the flower; but the diligence of this one species compensates the plant for the exclusion of all other insects. I have noticed Satyrus and species of Hesperia sucking at the flowers, and sinking their thin proboscides into the spur, but apparently they did not touch the anthers or stigmas. | Dr. Ogle gives in the Popular Science Review (631) a description of a species of larkspur which differs from those here described in that the honey secreted by the upper petals is contained in the spur of the posterior sepal. I unfortunately cannot determine which species of Delphinium is referred to as “the blue larkspur of our gardens,” Delphinium Ajacis, L., described by Sprengel, agrees in most points with D. Consolida, and is likewise fertilised by humble- bees. . 16. AconttuM NAPELLUs, L.—This plant is distributed through- out the Alps, especially about the Sennerei. It has distinctly proter- androus flowers, which are visited by humble-bees, as Sprengel long ago observed. The two posterior sepals cohere to form a helmet- shaped structure, which shelters the anthers and nectaries; the two lateral sepals give foothold to the mid and hindlegs of humble-bees ; all four play, in addition, the part of petals, making the flower conspicuous by their blue colour, Of the four petals, the two anterior help to close in the essential organs laterally; - PART I11.] THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 87 the two posterior are transformed into long-stalked nectaries, only accessible conveniently to humble-bees. The well-marked pro- terandry insures cross-fertilisation if humble-bees visit the flower, and, as a rule, prevents self-fertilisation in absence of insects (609). 17. Aconitum Lycoctonum, L.—The structure of the flower is for the most part similar to that of A. Napellus, but the helmet and the nectaries are so exceedingly long that only an insect _ whose proboscis is very exceptionally long can reach the honey. In point of fact, in the plains (in a wood at Thiile, near Paderborn) I have found it visited exclusively by Bombus hortorum, L. @ _ (proboscis, 21 mm.), whose proboscis is the longest among lowland Fia. 29.—Aconitum Napellus, L. | A.—Flower in first (male) stage. The anthers have become erect, have dehisced, and are coated _ with white pollen. nes e | B.—The same flower in side view. a, a hole bitten by Bombus mastrucatus. C.—Ditto, in longitudinal section. D.—Essential organs in the first (male) stage. a’, anther bent backwards and not yet dehisced ; _ a’, ditto, becoming erect ; a3, ditto, erect, dehisced, and covered with pollen; a‘, ditto, empty, and bending backwards ; a5, ditto, empty, and bent quite backwards, E.—Essential organs in the second (female) stage, A—C, nat. size; D, B, x 2. __ humble-bees, and on the Alps exclusively by B. opulentus, Gerst. (22 mm.), whose proboscis is the longest among Alpine species. B. opulentus has not as yet been observed upon any other flower, either by Prof. Gerstiicker, who discovered and described it, or by | _ myself (609). 88 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. | PART ILI. Acumitum septentrvonale, Koell., has likewise proterandrous flowers, figured by Axell (17). Peonia Moutan, Sims., according to Delpino, is regularly fertilised by Cetonize, which lick the fleshy disk around the carpels. REVIEW OF THE RANUNCULACEA, While the Umbelliferze form a numerous family where a certain sum of adaptations insuring cross-fertilisation has been inherited from ancestral forms and descends through all branches of the family, in Ranwnewlacee, on the other hand, we have a family whose separate divisions have developed for themselves quite distinct advantageous modifications. We see conspicuousness insured in Ranunculus by the petals; by the sepals in Hranthis, Helleborus, Anemone, Caltha ; by both together in Aguwilegia and Delphinium ; by the stamens in Thalictrum. Honey is wanting in Clematis, Thalictrum, and Anemone: it is secreted by the sepals in certain Peonies ; by the petals in Ranunculus, Hranthis, Helle- borus, Nigella, Aquilegia, Delphinium, Aconitum ; by the filaments in Atragene ; by the anthers in Pulsatila ; by the carpels in Caltha: it is sometimes easily accessible, at other times more or less deeply hidden. Such a variety of different adaptations is explained by supposing many different ways of attaining perfection to have been available for the plants when their flowers had not yet been modified so far as to insure cross-fertilisation. An easily accessible situation of the honey in simple, regular flowers carried with it the advantage of abundant insect-visits ; but: at the same time the objection that the visitors crept about the flowers in various ways, often accomplishing only self-fertilisation, often leaving the flower still unfertilised. Honey more deeply placed, brought the disadvantage that a great multitude of insects were shut out; but this advantage, that the bees with long proboscides had to move in a particular way to reach the honey, and so stamens and pistils could in a simple manner be arranged so as to render cross-fertilisation inevitable. We find self-fer- tilisation possible in all regular Ranunculaceous flowers with easily accessible honey; but prohibited by well-marked proter- andry in all those with deeply situated honey, whether regular, as 1 Lists of visitors to the following additional species are given in my Weitere Beobachtungen, pt. i.: Clematis Vitalba, \., Thalictrum minus, L., Hepatica triloba, Gil., Pulsatilla vulgaris, Mill., Anemone silvestris, L., A. ranunculoides, L., Adonis vernalis, L., Myosurus minimus, L., Actea spicata, L. parrut] § THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. - 89 _ Agquilegia, or irregular, as Delphinium and Aconitum ; and so we . may conclude that in the Ranunculacee the certainty of cross- fertilisation has been more effectually attained by flowers being _ specially adapted for a few species of bees, than by attracting a great multitude of different guests. We must however beware _of taking this as a general conclusion; for in Umbelliferze the still more open situation of the honey, aided by the massing together of many flowers, insures cross-fertilisation, through proterandrous dichogamy, even so far as to permit loss of the power of self- - fertilisation. Only those Ranunculacer seem to me to be adorned with - blue colours which are cross-fertilised by bees, eg. Hepatica _ triloba, which is fertilised by pollen-collecting bees, or the species of =; the hole it has made, and if it does not at once succeed, it bites — several times, and at-last succeeds in stealing the honey out of both the pouches! I have seen Bombus pratorum, I. ? (11 to 12), and B. Rajellus, Ill. (12 to 13), act in the same way. Osmia rufa, L. 2 (9), Megachile centuncularis, L. 6 (6 to 7), and Apis mellifica, L. & (6), often make use of the holes which humble-bees have bitten, and which few flowers are free from. The action of the hive-bee’on flowers of Diclytra convinced me of the advantage that flowers derive from having convenient landing-places for insects. If the bee tried to steal honey by means of holes made by Bombus terrestris, it found no such resting-place, but catching hold of the edge with some of its legs, it groped about with the others on the smooth surface, and so stood insecure and wasted much time. Diclytra eximia, D.C.—The flower has been thoroughly described and figured by Hildebrand (358). It resembles D. spectabilis, but the space for the lateral bending of the hood is smaller and the passage to the honey shorter. In Dielytra cucullaria, D.C., the outer petals are provided with long spurs and the honey is secreted by two long processes of the middle stamens lodged in these spurs (358). 1 In North America, Diclytra Canadensis is bitten in the same way by the short-lipped bee Bombus Virginieus, Oliv. (736). ART IIL. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 97 23. CoRYDALIS CAVA, Schweigg. and Kért. The flower is figured and described by Hildebrand (351, 358). In contrast to the pendulous flowers of Diclytra and Adlumia, which are symmetrical about two planes perpendicular to. one - another, and permit a double motion of the hood, to right and left, - we have in Corydalis cava horizontal flowers symmetrical about one perpendicular plane, and whose hood can only be thrust by insects in one direction, viz. downwards. The two outer petals, _ which are here superior and inferior, have ceased to be symmetrical, _ the upper one being produced into a long spur, curved downwards at the end, and reaching some 12 mm. backwards over the flower- stalk. In this spur is lodged a common prolongation of the upper _ stamens, which secretes honey and extends as far as the curved part of the spur. ec The two inner petals stand at the sides, and are fused with the upper petal at their bases; they are symmetrical, and unite at the apex to form a hood. A bee, to reach the honey stored at the end of the spur, must stand on the lower petal or on the hood, and thrust its proboscis between the hood and the upper petal; in doing this, it presses down the hood, and rubs the under surface of its head on the stigma, which, being placed on a stiff pistil, does not bend downwards, and has been covered with pollen before the opening of the flower. The hood, on withdrawal of the pressure, springs back into its former place, and covers the pistil and stamens as before. So, in young flowers, bees dust the lower part of their heads with pollen ; in older ones they supply the stigma with pollen from previously visited flowers. As the bees habitually go from below “upwards on each plant, they bring pollen to the lower and older flowers of one plant from the upper and younger flowers of another, and thus regularly induce crossing of separate stocks. This is very noteworthy, since Hildebrand has shown by many experiments that the flowers of C. cava are absolutely barren to their own pollen, very slight!y fertile to pollen from another flower of the same plant, and only thoroughly fertile when impregnated with pollen from a different plant. Since the spur of C. cava is 12 mm. long, and is at the very most filled with honey to the extent of 4 or 5 mm., it is quite impossible for the hive-bee with its proboscis of 6 mm. to reach _the honey in the legitimate way. Bombus terrestris, L. 2, might succeed better with its proboscis of 7 to 9 mm., occasionally even 10 mm.; but even this species soon gives up thrusting its proboscis H 98 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART ITI. between the hood and the upper petal. It more usually bites a hole in the spur at, or a little in front of, its place of bending, and through this hole thrusts its proboscis to the extremity of the spur. I found the great majority of flowers to have been bitten through in this way by JB. terrestris, 2, and through the holes I saw not only the hive-bee, but also Andrena albicans, K. 9, A. nitida, Foure. ¢, Sphecodes gibbus, L., and Nomada Fabriciana, L. 2, obtain the honey. The only bee which I have seen sucking the honey of C. cava legitimately is Anthophora pilipes, F. 2 and ¢, with its proboscis of 19 to 21 mm. But this species visited the flowers of Corydalis in such numbers and so diligently that it should suffice for the fertilisation of all. I have only seen two other insects legitimately sucking the honey of C. cava, viz. Bombylius major, L. (10) and B. discolor, Mgn. (11 to 12), which, hovering over the flowers, thrust in their long proboscides, without however, accomplishing fertilisation. ‘The hive-bee must also be included among the fertilisers of C. cava. I have often seen it creeping in between the hood and upper lip with the fore-part of its body in order to collect pollen, which it swept off the stigma with the tarsal brushes of its middle legs, and placed in the pollen- baskets on its hindlegs. An ant, Lasiws niger, L. %, enters the flowers and makes its way to the honey (590, L.). 24, CORYDALIS SOLIDA, Sm., resembles the former species in the mechanism of its flowers, and has a spur sometimes as long, sometimes very slightly shorter. In the spot where I have observed _ it (Stromberg Hill), it grows together with C. cava, but in smaller — numbers, and always with red flowers (C. cava being white or red). — In this locality its honey is sucked legitimately, as in C. cava, by — Anthophora pilipes, F., Bombylius major, L., and B. discolor, Mgn.; the honey is stolen by means of a hole by JB. terrestris, L. ¢, and — Apis mellifiea, L. $, and the plant is also visited and fertilised — by the last-named for the sake of its pollen. } Corydalis nobilis, Pers, and C. capnoides, Whinb., have, according — to Hildebrand, a similar arrangement to that of C. cava (358). Corydalis ochroleuca, K., is marked off from C. cava by the fact — that the hood, when once bent down, does not rise again, while the — stamens and pistil fly upwards and become concealed in a hollow — of the upper petal. Hence each flower can only be visited by bees — once in such a way as to influence these organs. This single visit — dusts the under side of the bee with the pollen which has been. heaped up on the stigma, and also brings other pollen to the parti] § THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 99 stigma if the bee comes from another flower. Hildebrand’s experiments prove that the flowers of C. ochroleuca are fertile both with their own pollen and with that from another flower of the same plant. 25. CoRYDALIS LUTEA, D.C., resembles C. ochroleuca in the mechanism of its flower. I saw it repeatedly visited and sucked in the legitimate way by Bombus agrorum, F. 2, whose proboscis measures 12 to 15 mm. Other bees which I have seen visiting the flower are enumerated in my Weitere Beobachtungen, pt. i. p. 54. cam 26. FUMARIA OFFICINALIS, L.—The mechanism of the flower resembles that of Corydalis cava ; but the flowers are much smaller, and instead of the long spur, a short rounded pouch is present in which a short process from the upper stamen is lodged and secretes honey. Hildebrand found the flowers to be fertile to their own pollen; but he doubts whether self-fertilisation often occurs under natural conditions, and places full reliance on the agency of insects. I have often watched J/. officinalis, and have convinced myself most clearly that it is very sparingly visited by insects. I have “only occasionally observed the hive-bee sucking at this flower, and I have very frequently watched in vain even in calm sunny weather for a single insect visitor. It is Sasi ale advantageous to a plant for its flowers to be adapted for fertilisation not by one or a few, but by many species of insects. In Fumaria officinalis, whose flowers might be visited by most kinds of bees on account of the shallow situation of the honey, this advantage which it has over C. cava is outweighed by several disadvantages. For C. cava blooms in early spring at a time and in places hers few flowers compete with it in attracting insects (its chief rivals on Stromberg Hill are Primula elatior and Pulmonaria officinalis); while Fumaria officinalis blooms in the middle of summer when many flowers at the same time are trying to divert the attention of honey-seeking bees. And further, while C. cava with its handsome spikes of flowers is very conspicuous in comparison with its neighbours, and displays a rich booty of honey and pollen to its guests, the small flowers of Fumaria officinalis are very inconspicuous In comparison, and give but a poor promise of spoil. Hence we see that although the honey of Corydalis cava can only be reached legitimately by one out of the ‘tnany species of bees that are on the wing during its flowering H 2 100 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. period, yet it is so regularly fertilised by that one, that it has quite lost the power of self-fertilisation ; while /wmaria officinalis, though it might be fertilised by very many kinds of bees that are abundant while it flowers, is so little visited that it is forced as a rule to reproduce by self-fertilisation. I have repeatedly noticed how very seldom Fumaria officinalis is visited by insects, and have observed that notwithstanding almost every flower has borne fruit. I have also found that during continued rainy weather which keeps every bee away, F”. officinalis is still fully fruitful, and I cannot therefore doubt that it makes the fullest use of its power of self-fertilisation. The same holds good with regard to Fumaria capreolata, L., and /. parviflora, Lam., which on the whole agree, according to Hildebrand, with / oficinalis in their mechanism of fertilisation, but have lost the elasticity of the hood, probably through long disuse. , In Fumaria spicata, L., on the other hand, the structure of the flower resembles, according to Hildebrand, that of Corydalis lutea and C. ochroleuca. The column, after once emerging from the hood, springs up, owing to the tension of the upper stamens, and buries itself in a depression in the upper petal. This species is also fertile to its own pollen. Fumaria capreolata, var. pallidiflora, has this remarkable peculiarity, first mentioned by Moggridge, that its flowers, which are at first almost white, assume a conspicuous pink or even carmine tint after fertilisation. A similar change of colour occurs in Lantana, Weigelia rosea, Ribes aureum, R. sanguineum, and many other flowers which are fertilised by the more intelligent insects (bees or Lepidoptera). The insects are attracted from a distance by the bright colours of the older flowers, and they learn to distinguish very quickly between these and the less conspicuous younger flowers which alone contain treasure for them ; while the less intelligent insects, useless in these cases for the work of fertilisation, betake themselves chiefly to the more showy flowers (74, 309, 530, 575, 590, L.). Ord. CRUCTFERA. 27, NASTURTIUM SILVESTRE, R. Br.—At the base of the flower, between every two stamens, there is visible a green fleshy gland, which secretes a drop of honey. The anthers of the four longer stamens are on a level with the stigma, the other two lie somewhat deeper; all remain turned towards the middle of the flower. In _ PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. — 101 - sunny weather, when the flowers open, the anthers spread apart a little, and dehisce on the side turned towards the stigma. Insects which make for the honey must thrust their heads into the flower between the stamen and stigma, and bring one side of the head in contact with one or two anthers, and the other with the stigma. If they move round the flower licking up all the honey-drops, as a rule the same side of the head remains turned to the stigma _ throughout. In subsequent flowers the opposite side of the head ' may touch the stigma, and lead to cross-fertilisation. It may | happen, and perhaps does so happen frequently, that the insect _ plunges its head several times into the same flower, and so leads to _ self-fertilisation. In rainy weather the flowers only partially _ expand, and the anthers of the longer stamens remain in immediate contact with the stigma, and accomplish self-fertilisation. Fig. 31.—Nasturtium silvestre, R. Br. 3 Flower from above. In the centre is the stigma concealing the ovary; around it are seen four larger (n) and two smaller (n’) honey-drops. a, the longer stamens; a’, shorter ditto, In all the | stamens, the pollen-covered face of the anther is visible, turned towards the stigma. , Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Sphegide: (1) Crabro Wesmeeli, v. d. 1 L., s.; (2) Tiphia minuta, v. d. L., s.; (b) Apide: (3) Apis mellifica, L. | 8, «p., ab.; (4) Andrena Schrankella, K. 9, e.p.; (5) Halictus nitidius- | culus, K. 9,8. B. Diptera—(a) Empide: (6) Empis livida, L.,s.; (b) Syr- | phide: (7) Syritta pipiens, L.,s. and f.p.; (8) Syrphus sp.,s. and f.p.; (9) rf Chrysogaster Macquarti, Loew., s.; (10) Eristalis arbustorum, L., s. ; (c) _ Bombylide : (11) Anthrax hottentotta, L., s. — _—— Nasturtium officinale, R. Br—There is a remarkable difference _ between the flowers of this species and those of JV. silvestre. At the inner side of the base of each short stamen are two green fleshy honey-glands, placed close together. The shorter anthers have their dehiscent sides turned towards the stigma, which stands high above them; the taller, which stand at first on a level with the stigma, but are afterwards overtopped by it, have their | dehiscent sides turned towards the shorter stamens, so that the head or proboscis of an insect passing down towards the nectary, 102 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. must touch simultaneously the stigma and the pollen-covered faces of three anthers, one short and two long. If, in continued bad weather, the flowers do not open fully, self-fertilisation is effected by the longer anthers, as in JV. silvestre (590, 1., 609). 28. ARMORACIA AMPHIBIA, Koch. (Nasturtium amphibium, BR. Br.).—The structure of the flower resembles that of Nasturtiwm silvestre. Visitors : A. Hymenoptera— Tenthredinide : (1) Tenthredo notha, K1., very abundant, passing from flower to flower and dipping its proboscis down to suck,—head and thorax richly dusted with pollen. B. Diptera—(a) Empide : (2) Empis livida, L., s. ; (6) Syrphide : (3) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. ; (4) Syritta pipiens, L., s.; (5) Eristalis arbustorum, L., s. Arabis alpina, L., is homogamous (609). Arabis bellidifolia, Jacq., is proterogynous, with long-lived stigmas (609). 29. ARABIS HIRSUTA, R. Br.—The arrangement of the flowers differs from that of Nasturtium silvestre in that only two glands lying internal to the base of the shorter stamens secrete honey, and that in most flowers the longer stamens arch over the stigma, and shed their pollen on it, if it is not removed by insect visitors. Flowers also occur in which the anthers of the longer stamens stand on the same level as the stigma, and shed their pollen in immediate contact with it. Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Sphegide : (1) Ammophila sabulosa, L., s. ; (b) Apide: (2) Apis mellifica, L. $,s.; (3) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 9, ep. ; (4) Andrena albicrus, K. ¢,s. 3B. Lepidoptera—Bombyces : (5) Euprepia Jacobee, L.,s. C. Diptera—Syrphide : Syritta pipiens, L., s. 30. CARDAMINE PRATENSIS, L.—This species differs greatly from the preceding forms in the situation of its honey, in the position of its anthers, in the conspicuousness of its flowers, and hence also in the number of its visitors. Two large honey-glands surround the bases of the two shorter stamens as green fleshy cushions which are most marked at the outside and secrete their honey at that point : two smaller honey-glands occupy the position of the two aborted smaller stamens," 7.¢. they are placed antero-posteriorly, between the 1 Kichler’s view of the floral symmetry and number of the parts in Crucifere is different from that advanced here by the author, and is now more generally adopted. He regards the number two as the basis of the floral whorls, and looks upon the four petals and the four inner stamens as due to the chorisis respectively of two antero- posterior petals and stamens. On this view the whorls alternate regularly with each other, and the flower is symmetrical. (Eichler, Blithendiagramme, vol. ii.) PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 103 pairs of long stamens. The honey secreted by these four glands accumulates in the pouched bases of the sepals. Since the calyx in this case serves to hold the honey it is more persistent than in most other Crucifers, and the sepals are unusually large, in relation to the great size of the honey-glands ; those which receive the honey from _ the larger glands are broader and more swollen at the base than the two others, so that one may tell by looking at the calyx from ' below where in the flowers the shorter stamens are placed. On | tearing off the sepals, a honey-gland is seen between the claws of _ each pair of adjacent petals. I: In the young bud all the six anthers are turned towards the pistil, which projects above them. Before the flower opens, the Fic, 82.—Cardamine pratensis, L. 1.—Flower, from above, 2.—Ditto, in side view, after removal of the two anterior petals. 3.— Essential organs and nectaries (nm), enlarged. _ four inner stamens elongate and overtop the stigma, and make a 1 quarter of a revolution outwards, each one towards the small "7 stamen nearest to it: so that now an insect, in trying to reach the 1 honey of one of the larger glands, must rub its head or proboscis ie against the pollen-bearing surface of one of the taller anthers. In cold, rainy weather flowers are often found in which the _ revolution is incomplete, or does not take place at all, and in such } cases the pollen of the longer stamens falls of itself upon the stigma. The shorter stamens always remain with the side at which | they dehisce turned inwards towards the stigma, so that the pollen _is rubbed off by the head or proboscis of any insect which is Bresso 104 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. making for the smaller honey-glands. With reference to the likelihood of cross-fertilisation the same remarks hold good as in the case of Nasturtiwm silvestre. In many flowers the shorter anthers stand lower than the stigma, in others on a level with it or even higher. In the two last cases they may aid in self- fertilisation. Cardamine pratensis surpasses all the other Crucifers which grow wild near Lippstadt in the conspicuousness of its flowers and the abundance of its honey, and consequently in the number of its insect visitors. A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Halictus cylindricus, F. 2. ¢p.; (2) An- drena dorsata, K. 9,s.; (3) A.parvula, K. 9 ¢, cp. ands. ; (4) A. Gwynana, K. 2, ¢p., (once it flew straight from the Curdamine to a short-styled flower of Primula elatior and gathered pollen there also) ; (5) Nomada lateralis, Pz. 9,s.; (6) N. lineola, Pz. ¢,s.; (7) Osmia rufa, L. ¢,s.; (8) Bombus terrestris, L.?,8.; (9) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab., c.p. ands. B. Diptera—(a) Bom- bylide: (10) Bombylius major, L., once, hovering over the flower and suck- ing,—it passed straight from the Cardamine to Primula elatior; (11) B. discolor, Mgn., s. ; (6) Empide : (12) Empis opaca, F., s. ; (c) Syrphide : (13) Rhingia rostrata, L., f.p. ; (14) Helophilus pendulus, L., s. ; (d) Muscide : (15) Anthomyia sp., fp. ©. Lepidoptera—(16) Rhodocera rhamni, L. ; (17) Pieris brassicee, L. ; (18) P. napi, L. ; (19) Anthocharis cardamines, L. D. Coleop- tera—(a) Nitidulide: (20) Meligethes, ab., lh.; (6) Staphylinide: (21) Omalium florale, Pk., very ab. E. Thysanoptera—(22) Thrips, s. and fp. See also 590, I. Cardamine chenopodifolia, Pers., has cleistogamic flowers which burrow into the earth (296). Cardamine impatiens, L., is visited by Andrena albicans, K. 9 (590, 1.). | Barbarea vulgaris, R. Br—EKach of the two shorter stamens has on either side of its base a small, green, fleshy honey-gland ; a some- what larger honey-gland is placed between each pair of longer stamens, externally to their bases, in the position of the two short stamens that have disappeared. On each of the six glands a colour- less drop of fluid may be seen in fine weather. The anthers are placed as if the glands between the longer stamens were absent. The taller stamens, which overtop the stigma, make a quarter of a revolution towards the neighbouring short stamens ; this movement begins with the dehiscence of the anthers immediately after the flower expands, and is just finished when the anther is completely covered on one side with pollen. The two shorter anthers, which are on a level with the stigma, remain turned towards it even after dehis- cence, so that the position of the anthers is the same as in PART IIL. ] THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 105 Nasturtium officinale, though the number of glands is as in N. silvestre (590, I.). 31. DRABA VERNA, L.—Four small, green, fleshy honey-glands occur in each flower, each being situated between the bases of a short stamen and the long one next it; so that the base of each short stamen stands between two honey-glands. Anthers and _ stigma ripen together. The longer stamens reach to a level with _ the stigma, and stand close around it: they dehisce on those sides _ which are turned towards the stigma, and always dust it with | pollen; the shorter stamens also turn their pollen-covered surfaces | towards the stigma, but stand below it. Honey-seeking insects _ must thrust their proboscides between the stigma and one of the _ shorter stamens into the base of the flower, and so dust themselves _ with pollen, especially from the shorter stamens, and carry it _ elsewhere, Cross-fertilisation is chiefly effected with pollen from | _ the shorter stamens, while the four longer ones regularly effect self- fertilisation. Hildebrand has found by experiment that the latter is productive. We may understand the extensive use that this plant makes of self-fertilisation if we consider how small and _ inconspicuous the flowers are, how small a supply of pollen or honey they can yield, and how few insects they are for these reasons visited by. I have only observed three species of bees on Draba verna, VIZ :— , (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, cp. (April 10, 1868); (2) Andrena parvula, K. ¢,. (March 28, 1869) ; (3) Halictus sp. 9, s. (March 28, 1869). Draba aizoides, L., is proterogynous with persistent stigmas (600). Draba Wahlenbergii, Hartm., is homogamous (609). 32. COCHLEARIA OFFICINALIS, L.—Near Niederalma, I saw the following insects on flowers of this plant (July 12, 1869) :— A. Diptera—Syrphide : (1) Eristalis tenax, L.; (2) Helophilus floreus, _ L.; (8) Melanostoma mellina, L., ab., all three both s. andc.p. B. Coleoptera _ —(4) Cetonia aurata, L., gnawing the parts of the flower. Kernera saxatilis, Rich., is homogamous. The four longer stamens bend laterally almost to a right angle, so that their anthers come to lie quite close to those of the shorter stamens (609). Thlaspi arvense, L., is homogamous. The shorter stamens are concerned in cross-fertilisation ; the longer, in case of need, effect self-fertilisation (590, I1.). 106 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART IIT, Pringlea antiscorbutica, Hook., grows on the tempestuous shores of Kerguelen’s Island, where winged insects cannot exist, because at every flight they run the risk of being drowned. Under these circumstances the plant has become modified for fertilisation by the wind, acquiring exserted anthers and long filiform stigmatic papillz. It still retains traces of its descent from entomophilous ancestors ; for while on the great part of the island it is devoid ot petals, it occurs abundantly in sheltered places with petals. On the same raceme some flowers may possess only a single petal, others two, three, or four; and the petals, though usually of a pale greenish colour, are occisignilly adorned with Bec (216, 372). Fig. 33.—Kernera saxatilis, Rich. A.—Flower, viewed from above. B.—Ditto, from the side, after removal of two petals (x 7), k, short stamens. 33. TEESDALIA NUDICAULIS, R. Br.—The structure of this flower, whose longest petals are only two mm. long, differs remarkably from our other native Crucifers. During the period of flowering, the flowers are aggregated into a flat surface, whose outermost petals are larger than the others, as in the case of Umbellifers. But in 7eesdalia, as flowering progresses, the axis lengthens and draws out the flat surface into a raceme, so that each flower comes to stand at the edge in its turn. So it is not only certain flowers that stand from the beginning at the edge, which have the corolla specially developed on the outer side (as in many Umbelliferw and Composite), and thus become symmetrical about a single axis (zygomorphic) ; but all the flowers have their outer petals specially developed, and thus acquire a zygomorphic symmetry. Each flower has a superior (s), an inferior (s’), and two lateral sepals (s”), which help to render the flower conspicuous by white tips and a white median ridge; but conspicuousness is chiefly } } i r pi Y PART ILI. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 107 attained through the white colour of the petals, of which the flower has two superolateral ones (p), and two anterolateral (p’), twice or three times as long as the former. In addition, there are petal-like appendages (y, 4, z, 2, 3) to the two lateral and _ shorter stamens (a), and others, still larger, to the four longer ones (a’, a). The petal-like appendages of these four inner _ stamens closely surround the ovary, which is flattened antero- posteriorly, sharp-edged on each side, bent slightly forwards, and _ divided symmetrically by a partition wall. The centre of the base of each petal has a small pouch, and _ just above this each staminal protuberance is provided with a similar structure; between the two lies a little drop of honey, and concealed beneath this is a small, greenish, fleshy honey-gland. Both the petals and the longer stamens can be torn away without injuring or removing the glands; which seem therefore to belong to the base of the flower (receptacle), scaanieeestnc aniline as » nape, — Fic. 84—Teesdalia nudicaulis, R. Br. 1.—Flower, from above. 2.—Anterior half of flower. 3.—One of the longer stamens, with a nectary, seen from without. 4.—One of the two shorter stamens, from without. x, y, foliar appendages of filaments ; n, nectary. Before the flower opens, the six anthers are all turned towards _ the stigma, the four longer ones overtopping it slightly, the others standing on a level with it. After the flower has expanded, all six stamens twist through a quarter of a revolution; each of the _ longer ones turns its anther towards the adjacent shorter one ; while each of the two shorter ones turns towards the outside _ of the flower. Now the anthers dehisce, and at the same time the stigma becomes mature. Insects in reaching the two outer _ honey-drops cannot avoid touching with their head or proboscis the pollen-covered sides of the two neighbouring anthers; while _ those that suck the inner drops only come in contact with the : — , pollen of a single anther. Owing to the small size of the flower, | the insect must touch the stigma at the same time with another 108 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. part of its proboscis or head. As we have scen in other cases, this must regularly lead to cross-fertilisation if the insect thrusts its head only once into the flower, but may equally well produce self-fertilisation if it does so more than once. In absence of insects self-fertilisation is always accomplished by means of the longer stamens. On April 27 and 28, 1872, I and my son Hermann saw the following insects visit a luxuriant patch of Teesdalia in sunny weather :— | A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Sphecodes ephippia, L., sucking on thirteen inflorescences successively. B, Coleoptera—(a) Chrysomelide: (2) Haltica nemorum, L., three specimens, apparently sucking ; (8) Plectroscelis dentipes, E. H., one specimen, do. ; (4) Cassida nebulosa, L., two specimens flew on to the inflorescence without making use of the flowers; (b) Curculionide: (5) Ceutorhynchus pumilio, Gylh., two specimens, s. ; (¢) Elateride : (6) Limonius parvulus, Pz. ; (d) Hydrophilide : (7) Cercyon anale, Pk. (these last two beetles also settled on the flowers, but I could not see that they made use of them in any way). C. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (8) Melithreptus sp. ; (9) Ascia podagrica, F., both fp. ; (6) Muscide: (10) Sepsis putris, L., ab., s. Also many minute Muscidz and gnats, 1 to 4 mm. long. Biscutella levigata, L., is homogamous. I have found it visited by thirty-six species of insects, mostly Diptera (609). Hesperis tristis, L.—This plant, by elongation and close approxi- mation of the sepals and the claws of the petals, excludes all insects except Lepidoptera from its honey. By the time of ex- panding and emitting its perfume it has become adapted for cross-fertilisation by crepuscular and nocturnal forms (570, vol. xii.). 34. HESPERIS MATRONALIS, L.—Honey is secreted by two very large, green, fleshy glands surrounding the base of the shorter stamens, and especially developed on their inner sides; it collects on each side of the flower between the pistil and the bases of the three stamens of that side. The taller anthers stand at the entrance of the flower, and only project beyond it when they have withered. ‘The shorter stand a little deeper within the flower, and when they dehisce their tips closely surround the stigma, which is afterwards protruded beyond the flower by the lengthening of the pistil. All the anthers dehisce inwards, and cover the stigma with pollen. If insect- visits take place at the proper time, cross-fertilisation is also effected: regularly by the honey-seeking species, for they touch q PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 109 stigma and stamens with opposite sides of the proboscis, and, at least sometimes, by pollen-seeking forms. : Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Nemotelus pantherinus, L. f.p.; (b) Syrphide : (2) Chrysogaster enea, Mgn. (Tekl. B.), f.p. ; (3) Eris- talis nemorum, L.; (4) E. tenax, L., both f.p.; (5) Volucella pellucens, L. (Tekl. B.); (6) Rhingia rostrata, s., very ab. B. Hymenoptera—A pide : (7) Halictus leucopus, K. 2 ; (8) Andrena albicans, K. ?; (9) Apis mellifica, L. %,allthree cp. C. Lepidoptera—{10) Pieris brassice, L., s.; (11) P. napi, Ls. ; (12) P. rape, L., s. D. Coleoptera—(13) Anthocomus fasciatus, L. See also, 590, II. 35. ALLIARIA OFFICINALIS, Andrzj. (Sisymbrium Alliaria, _ Scop).—The honey-glands agree in character and situation with those of Cardamine pratensis. But while in C. pratensis the honey - is secreted towards the outside, and collects in the pouched sepals, in A: officinalis it exudes inwards from the glands at the base of the short stamens, and forms four drops in the base of the flower. These each lie between a short stamen and the adjacent’ long one, and finally fill the lower part of the space between the stamens and pistil, to which parts they adhere firmly. I have never observed secretion on the part of those glands which occupy _ the position of the two aborted short stamens; they seem to be functionless ancestral structures. The sepals, which persist as receptacles for the honey in C. pratensis, are in A. officinalis only useful in the bud, as a protection for the parts within, and by ~ contributing by their white colour to the conspicuousness of the inflorescence ; when the flower expands they cease to be of use and easily disp off. : All the anthers dehisce inwards; the inner ones surround the _ stigma so closely that they alnaye effect self-fertilisation, and _ this, as I have proved, leads to the production of good seed. _ Cross-fertilisation must, as in the foregoing species, be effected i very frequently by honey-seeking insects, and at times by pollen-- __ seeking species ; and it probably then outstrips self-fertilisation in its action. Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. B. Dip- tera—(a) Syrphide: (2) Syrphus decorus, Mgn. (Tekl. B.); (3) Rhingia rostrata, L.,s.; (b) Muscide : (4) Anthomyia, s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : _ (5) Meligethes, ab.; (6) Epurea; (b) Curculionide: (7) Ceutorhynchus, a minute species. See also 590, Il. 36. SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE, Scop.—The structure of the flower agrees fairly with that of the foregoing species. Each of 110 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. the two shorter stamens -has on either side of its base a honey- gland; each of the four honey-drops secreted by these lies in the space bounded by one of the shorter stamens, the adjacent long one, and the pistil. The anthers ripen along with the stigma, which their pollen-covered sides face; the taller anthers overtop the stigma and arch inwards, the shorter stand on a level with it, and curve slightly outwards. In default of insect- visits pollen regularly falls upon the stigma from the four long stamens. The flowers are very small, and for that reason insect-visits are scarce. The honey, however, seems to be particularly liked by cer- taininsects. On June 27, 1868, ona waste patch where S. officinale and Capsella bursa-pastoris were growing abundantly with several other plants, I noticed’ Pieris napi, L., and P. rape, L., flying about in great numbers, and sucking the flowers of this plant only. The point of the insect’s proboscis is thrust in between the stigma and the anthers. I also saw several specimens of Andrena dorsata, K. 9, in quest of pollen: they were probably as likely or more likely to effect self-fertilisation than cross-fertilisation. Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Andrena dorsata, K., ¢.p. and f.p. B. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (2) ‘Pieris napi, L., s.; (3) P. rape L., s. See also 590, it. 37. CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS, D.C.—The only difference to be noted between this and the foregoing is that the long stamens stand on a level with the stigma, and effect self-fertilisa- tion regularly. Specimens which I kept in a room and protected from insects were fully productive. Visitors : Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Eristalis nemorum, L., s. and fp. ; (2) Syrphus balteatus, Deg., do. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (4) Ascia podagrica F., s. ;(5) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (6) M. teeniatus, Mgn. ; (7) M. pictus, Mgn., the last three s, and f.p. ; (b) Muscide : (8) Anthomyia,s. See also 590, U1. 38. LepipiIumM sativuM, L.—The flowers are inconspicuous, but their strong scent is perceptible even to us several paces off. Owing doubtless to this, they are more abundantly visited than any other Crucifer which I have observed, partly for their honey, partly for their pollen. The honey is secreted by four green, fleshy glands, situated between the long and short stamens, and opposite to the petals; the two long stamens on each side face the broad surface of the silicula, and arise close together between the two lateral petals. The anthers dehisce introrsely, and the ee ee EN ene - eer “parr ut] THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 1 stamens undergo no twisting, but in sunny weather they bend backwards as far as the nearly upright sepals permit them. As to the likelihood of cross- or self-fertilisation, the same holds as in the case of Nasturtium silvestre. When in rainy weather the flowers do not fully open, or when they close up again without 4 being visited by insects, self-fertilisation occurs. Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Leni : (1) Argyromeeba aca Fallen ; (bd) em (2) Eristalis pide be .; (3) E. nemorum, L. ; (4) E. sepul- eralis, L. ; (5) Helophilus floreus, L. ; (6) Syritta pipiens, L., very ab. 3 ; (7) Melithreptus teeniatus, Mgn. ; (8) ‘Aéeia podagrica, F., very abe ; (9) Pipiza chalybeata, Mgn., all these Syrphide now s., now fp. ; (c) Muscide : (10) Siphona cristata, F. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Ichneumonide : stragglers; (b) Sphegide: (11) Oxybelus bellus, Dib., ab. ; (12) O. uniglumis, L., very ab. ; (18) Cemonus unicolor, F.; (14) Cerceris variabilis, Schrk., very ab.; (c) Uhryside : (15) Hedychrum lucidulum, F. ¢; (7) Apide: (16) Prosopis com- "munis, Nyl. ¢ 2, very ab., s. and f.p.; (17) P. armillata, Nyl. ¢ 9, do. ; (18) if Halictus nitidiuseulus, K.9, 5. ; (19) H. lucidulus, Schck. 2, s.; (20) Andrena - parvula, K.? ; (21) A. pilipes, F.¢,s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Dermestide -: (22) _ Anthrenus pimpinelle, F.; (b) Malacodermata: (23) Dasytes flavipes, F. ; (24) Anthocomus fasciatus, F, ; (25) Malachius bipustulatus, F., gnawing the anthers and petals. D, Lepidoptera—(26) Sesia tipuliformis, L., s., frequent. Hutchinsia alpina, R. Br., is proterogynous with persistent stigmas. It is visited and cross-fertilised by Diptera (609). 39. BRASSICA OLERACEA, L.—Two honey-glands lie on the inner side of the bases of the two short stamens, and two others occupy the position of the aborted pair, 7.c. are antero-posterior. | a honey-drops secreted by the two former distribute themselves ach between a short stamen, the two adjacent long ones, and the ; F nistil and are easily visible on looking straight downwards into F in. open flower; the drops from the other pair of glands lie ctside eticen the two adjacent long stamens, and these drops increase until they sometimes reach the sepals. The two shorter Manithers stand sometimes on a level with the stigma, usually : 4 owever they are not so high; they curve outwards, but their ?P ollen-covered sides face the centre of the flower. The long - stamens perform a quarter- or half-revolution without increasing | their distance from the centre of the flower, so that the pollen- covered sides of their anthers are either turned towards the neighbouring short stamen, or else directly outwards. An insect in sucking the honey at the base of a short stamen touches with one side of its head or proboscis the stigma, and with the other _ a short stamen and usually a long one at the same time: the 2. 112 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART II. : other two drops of honey can be reached without touching the 4 nt al | stigma, and seem to afford no aid in fertilisation. In default — of insect-visits the upper part of each of the long anthers bends back so far’as to touch the stigma, thus effecting self-fertilisation. This self-fertilisation is probably efficient: at least B. rapa, L., was found by Hildebrand to produce seed when self-fertilised (351). In sunny weather I have always found the honey very evident. Sachs,! who says “the dark-green nectaries lying between the stamens of Brassica retain their secretion within them,’ has probably examined the flowers in dull weather. Visitors: A. Coleoptera—Nitidulide : (1) Meligethes, very ab., feeding on the petals and on pollen. B. Hymenoptera—Apide : (2) Andrena nigroznea, K. 9,s.; (8) A. Gwynana, K. 9, s. and fip.; (4) A. fulvicrus, K. 9, cp. ; (5) A. nana, K.?,s. and f.p. ; (6) Halictus cylindricus, K. 9 ; (7) Apis mellifica, L. $,s.andf.p. (I did not see the hive-bee preserve any definite order in visiting flowers of this plant ; frequently a bee after visiting a second flower — returned to the first). C. Thysanoptera—(8) Thrips, ab. 40. SINAPIS ARVENSIS, L—The honey-glands are placed as in Brassica. When the calyx expands, the glands are visible and accessible from the outside, and insects can reach them without touching the essential organs of the flower. The close aggregation of the flowers however renders it more convenient for the insect to thrust its proboscis down between the stamens, and in point of fact I have never seen an insect visitor obtain the honey from the outside. The twisting of the stamens and the likelihood of cross-fertilisation are as in Cardamine pratensis; as the flowers wither, however, the anthers turn their pollen-covered sides up- wards, and finally their tips bend downwards, so that they effect self-fertilisation if their pollen has not already been removed. Visitors : A. Diptera—Syrphide : (1) Eristalis eneus, Pz.; (2) E. arbus- torum, L. ; (3) Rhingia rostrata, L., all these both s. and fp. B. Hymen- optera—(a) Tenthredinide : (4) Cephus spinipes, Pz., and several small sp. in great abundance, lh. and f.p.; (b) Apidew: (5) Halictus leucozonius, Schrk. 9, ¢.p.; (6) Andrena nana, K. ¢,s.; (7) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab., both s, and c.p. (I found it collecting pollen on Sinapis on Oct. 2, 1869). ©. Coleoptera—(8) Coccinella Tpunctata, L., lh, D. Lepidoptera—(9) Euclidia glyphica, L., s. See also §90, IL. A variety of Sinapis arvensis bears cleistogamic flowers at St. Croix, where the temperature is 25° C. (762). 1 Lehrbuch der Botanik, 2nd ed., p. 110. ‘ : ; PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. ; wa 41. RAPHANUS RAPHANISTRUM, L., has four honey-glands | arranged as in S. arvensis, but all the anthers remain turned towards the stigma, the shorter ones standing on a level with it, so that the chance of self-fertilisation is increased. ‘I have seen the honey-bee, which usually confines itself to _ one species of plant, visit flowers of R. raphanistrum and S. arvensis _ indiscriminately. | Subularia aquatica, L.—When the water is unusually high, the | flowers remain closed and submerged, and fertilise themselves (17, i; REVIEW OF THE CRUCIFER&. With great uniformity in the general structure of the flower, _ Crucifers show such variability in the number and position of _ the honey-glands and in the situation of the anthers in relation _ to these and to the stigma, that scarcely two of the species that we have discussed agree fully i in these points. _ The number of honey-glands may be two, four, or six; they are placed on or between, the bases of the stamens: and in the priier case, either on their inner side, their outer side, or round about them; intermediate positions are sometimes assumed by : Bstortive and furictionless glands. The honey when secreted either remains in drops upon the glands or fills spaces between the _ stamens and pistil or accumulates in sepaline pouches. ____ All or certain of the anthers are placed so that honey-seeking insects must touch them with one side and the stigma with the other; but their situation is not always the most favourable for this Fedult; and the more they diverge from the position most | favourable to cross-fertilisation, the more chance do they give of ' self-fertilisation. | This is explained by the following circumstances. Tn all the Crucifersee which we have considered, the position of _ the anthers in relation to the honey-glands and the stigma renders _ cross-fertilisation likely, but not by any means inevitable, on the visit of a honey-seeking insect; but it does not in any way favour _ cross-fertilisation more than belffortilisation if the insect comes to feed on or gather pollen. The abundance as well as the diversity _ of insect-visitors is not great in the species we have considered ; we find chiefly ‘flies (especially Syrphide), bees (especially the less Specialised forms), and in less degree other Hymenoptera (espe- | cially Sphegide), Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. Hesperis tristis is I 114 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART JIT. alone adapted for nocturnal insects, and Pringlea has become anemophilous in the absence of insects suitable for its fertilisation. On the whole, Crucifers are far behind Umbellifers in the number | and variety of their insect-visitors, both on account of their less — conspicuous flowers and their less accessible honey ; and not rarely plants remain altogether unvisited. The possibility of self-fertilisa-_ tion is useful if not necessary for the preservation of all the Crucifers— that we have considered; in many we find that self-fertilisation takes place to a very considerable extent; and in several we have — experimental evidence that it is productive of seed. Under these circumstances it would be better-for the plant to forego attaining — in its anthers the most favourable position possible for dusting — honey-seeking insects with pollen, if by doing so, while retaining ~ the chance of cross-fertilisation if insects did come, it could fully - insure self-fertilisation if they did not. It is impossible, therefore, to consider with Hildebrand that the | twisting of the stamens in Crucifers is “a remarkable expression — of repugnance to self-fertilisation” (351, p. 48); it rather refers — solely, as Axell rightly explains, to the dusting of insects with the pollen on their way to the honey (17, p. 19). But even Axell’s statement needed correction and completion, since he only acknow- ledged two distinct cases in the arrangement of the honey-glands and the twisting of the stamens, and referred all Cruciferz to one or other of these two types; and further, he did not take the position of the anthers into account as an aid to self-fertilisation. -The way in which conspicuousness is attained throughout the Umbelliferze by association of many flowers in one surface, and by asymmetrical development of florets for the common good, is exemplified only in isolated genera of Cruciferze (Teesdalia, R. Br., Iberis, L.); and, in TZeesdalia at least, it does not so far insure cross-fertilisation that self-fertilisation may be dispensed with. Orv. CAPPARIDE. Capparis, L., Cleome, L., and Polanisia, Rafin., are proterandrous, according to Delpino (172, 352). ) Orv, RESEDACEZ. 42. RESEDA ODORATA, L.—The receptacle is raised up between the petals and stamens in the upper half of the flower into a perpendicular quadrangular plate, velvety on its anterior surface, PART 111. ] THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. © 115 which is yellowish during the time of flowering and orange-red afterwards. It serves'as a guide towards the honey, which is secreted and lodged upon the smooth green posterior surface. . The expanded claws of the upper and middle petals lie close to the hinder surface of this plate and surround its upper and dies , Ih Xx fy, A> 4) ree { \ Ht Wid lt | Ms Fie. 35,—Reseda odorata, L. | - 1.—Flower before the anthers have dehisced, seen from the front. __2.—Ditto after some of the anthers have dehiseed. _ 8.—Young fruit in side view. _ 4.—Left superior petal. _ §.—Left lateral ditto. _ 6.—Left inferior ditto. _ _ a, sepal; b, petal; c, expanded claws of the superior and lateral petals, which surround the ) Shield-shaped swelling of the dise (hk); d, anther bent downwards, not yet dehisced; e, anther ehiscing and rising up; jf, anther dehisced and erect; g, pistil; h, shield-shaped swelling of the ise ; i, nectary and honey. teral borders with their anteriorly directed lobes, thus pro- scting the honey effectually both from rain and from useless visitors (flies). The lamin of these petals, which are split into white, radiating, club-shaped strips, assist the red anthers in 3 I 2 116 * THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [parr mu. _ making the flower conspicuous. It is also rendered perceptible at a distance by its powerful scent. There is no true expansion of the flower, since its parts lie open . even in the bud: the commencement of the flowering-period is marked rather by the honey-glands beginning to secrete, and by some of the anthers (1, Fig. 35), which had been bent down under the pistil, dehiscing and rising up towards the honey-secreting plate, while the three or four carpels at the same time develop stigmatic papille at their apices. Since the pistil projects considerably from the middle of the : horizontal flower, it forms the most convenient landing-place for — honey-seeking insects, and is hence very readily covered with pollen from other flowers. In default of insect-visits self-fertilisa- tion takes place, as the stigmas lie immediately underneath the erect anthers. Plants which were kept protected from insects yielded capsules filled with good seed. The flowers are especially visited by species of Prosopis. In July, 1867, I had some pots of mignonette in flower in the open . window of my room. Specimens of Prosopis kept constantly coming and fluttering, sometimes five or six together, in an un- usually lively way about the flowers. They sometimes plunged their heads between the shield-like plate and the upper petals, licking up the honey with outstretched tongue, and sometimes gnawed through the still unopened anthers and devoured the pollen. In subsequent years I have repeatedly observed these actions on J. odorata and R. luteola, L., both cultivated and wild. Altogether I have noted the following insects as visitors of our species of Reseda, including R. odorata. A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: A Prosopis communis, Nyl. BS 6, very ab. ; (2) P. armillata, N. 9 ¢; (3) P. signata, Pz. 9 ¢, ab.; (4) P. pictipes © Nyl. ¢; (5) P. annularis, Sm.?; (6) Apis mellifica, L. $, ab. s. ‘and Cp. 5 (7) Halictus zonulus, Sm. 9c.p.; (8) H. Smeathmanellus, K. Qc.p.; (b) Sphe- gidew: (9) Cerceris variabilis, Schrk. 2 ¢, s. and f.p. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (10) Syritta pipiens, L., f.p. C. Thysanoptera-—(11) Thrips, very ab, 43. RESEDA LUTEOLA, L. :— Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Prosopis armillata, Nyl. 2 ¢, ab.; (2) P. communis, Nyl. 2? ¢, very ab., s. and fp. ; (3) Apis mellifica, L. 9, s. and e.p. ; (4) Andrena nigroznea, K.?,s8, See also 590, I. 44, RESEDA LUTEA, L, (Thuringia) :— Hymenoptera—(a) Sphegide: (1) Cerceris arenaria, L., scarce; (2) C. labiata, F., ab.; (3) C. variabilis, Schrk., very ab.; (0) Vespide: (4) Odynerus parietum, L. ¢, all sucking. # ‘parr iu.) |THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. NG Orv. CISTINEZ. 45, HELIANTHEMUM VULGARE, L. (Sauerland).—The flower has three sepals, five petals which spread out to face the sun, and “many more than 100 stamens whose anthers mature simultaneously with the large capitate stigma. The stigma slightly overtops the anthers, which at first stand close around the centre of the flower, but move outwards when touched, dusting the insect that touches them with pollen. The result of this irritability of the stamens is that the flower is most conveniently approached from the outside, 2¢. from the corolla, by the first visitor, and at least as conveniently from the centre by subsequent visitors. If an insect which has ‘been dusted with pollen in the first flower alights in the middle of the next, it always effects cross-fertilisation. In default of insect- visits, self-fertilisation results in the closed and slightly nodding flowers. The flower contains no honey, for which the excess of pollen is some compensation. Visitors: A. Diptera—Syrphide: (1) Helophilus pendulus, L.; (2) Syrphus pyrastri, L.; (3) S. ribesii, L.; (4) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (5) M. teeniatus, Mgn. ; (6) Ascia podagrica, F., all fp. B. Hymenoptera— Apide : (7) Apis mellifica, L. $, ab. ; (8) Bombus muscorum, L. § ; (9) Halictus oo K.?; (10) Andrena fail vierun; K.@,allep. C, Coleoptera—Ceram- bycide : (11) Strangalia nigra, L., devouring the anthers. On the Alps I have found H. vulgare visited by fifty-three ‘Species of insects ; the small-flowered H. alpestre by fourteen. They were mostly Peers Apide, and Coleoptera, but in part also Lepidoptera (609). | Most North American species of Helianthemum produce, in _ addition to the ordinary flowers, much more numerous cleistogamic ones. The same occurs in the case of H. Kahiricwm and H. Lippii in Egypt (531). The flowers of H. guttatum only open in the morning and close after a few hours, fertilising themselves if cross- fertilisation has not meanwhile taken place. The same is the case in H. vil- losum, Thib., H. eh a ong? L., Cistus hirsutus, L., and C. villosus, LL. (12). Lechea, L., also bears cleistogamic flowers (399). Orv. VIOLARIEZ. 46. VIOLA TRICOLOR, L.—The peculiar arrangement of Viola ' Was in substance elucidated by Sprengel. Hildebrand subsequently |} drew attention to the lip-like valve of the stigmatic cavity, by 118 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. which cross-fertilisation is assisted in Viola tricolor, which had been overlooked by Sprengel. I have observed (No. 570) that this lip, which insures cross-fertilisation, is only developed in the large- flowered variegated variety of V. tricolor, while in the small- flowered, whitish-yellow variety, V. arvensis, the orifice of the stigma is devoid of a lip and is curved inwards; in this form the flower fertilises itself spontaneously very soon after opening. - In all our violets the spurs of the lower anthers act as honey- glands, and the hollow spur of the lower petal which contains them forms a receptacle for the honey. To reach the honey in Viola tricolor, the insect must thrust its proboscis into the flower close under the globular head of the stigma. This lies in the anterior part of a groove, fringed with hairs, on the inferior petal. The anthers, which together form a cone, shed their pollen inte this groove, either of themselves or when the pistil is shaken by — the insertion of the bee’s proboscis. The proboscis, passing down this groove to the spur, becomes dusted with pollen; as it is drawn back it presses up the lip-like valve so that no pollen can enter the hollow stigmatic chamber; but as it enters the next flower it leaves some pollen on the upper surface of the valve, and thus cross-fertilisation is effected. I have observed very numerous bees visiting a handsome, large-flowered. variety which is not uncommon on sandy soil at Lippstadt, growing along with V. arvensis. Apis mellifica, L. %, always sucks in a reversed position with its head downwards ; it often alights in the usual position and then turns round Humble-bees usually suck hanging back downwards to the flowers, which are bent down by their weight. Bombus terrestris. (7 to 9) and B. lapidarius (12 to 14) usually turn round, so as to introduce their proboscis in the same way as the honey-bee. B. hortorum (18 to 21) and Anthophora pilipes (19 to 21) grasp the flower from behind with their forefeet, and insert their tongues from below in an opposite direction to the honey-bee (590, IL). Andrena albicans, K. 6, made efforts to suck honey, thrusting its proboscis repeatedly into the same flower. The attempt must have been fruitless, as the proboscis of this bee is only 2 to 2} mm. long, while the pollen-collecting groove described above is 3 mm, long, and the spur extends for another 3 mm.; in this case, the repeated insertion of the proboscis into the same flower must have led to self-fertilisation. I repeatedly noticed a common small fly, Syritta pipiens, L., eating pollen in the groove and on the anthers of V. tricolor; as it often touched the stigma also with its PART III. | THE MECHAN ISMS OF FLOWERS. 119 proboscis, it might easily accomplish self-fertilisation. Delpino saw V. tricolor visited by Anthophora pilipes. Darwin found it visited by Bombus sp. and Rhingia rostrata. | I have found V. tricolor, var. arvensis, to be very sparingly _ visited, chiefly by bees and humble-bees, more rarely by Rhingia and by butterflies (590, I1.). q Viola calcarata, L., greatly surpasses V. tricolor in the size of its flower and the length of its spur (13 to 25 mm.). It is | fertilised only by Lepidoptera, chiefly by Macroglossa _ stella- | tarwm (25 to 28 mm.); our quickest worker. I have seen this insect visit 194 flowers on different plants in 6? minutes, and I could see it cross-fertilise them by means of the tip of its proboscis dusted with white pollen (609). Viola cornuta, according to Mr, W. E,. Hart (308), is adapted _ for fertilisation by nocturnal Lepidoptera by its long spur and by _ emitting its perfume most powerfully by night. He found it visited by humble-bees, by Hipparchia Janira, and by Cucullia umbratica. Viola arenaria, D.C., is visited by butterflies (609). Viola biflora, L., is adapted for fertilisation by Diptera (609). 47, VIOLA opoRATA, L.—Here the end of the pistil which bears the stigma is not globular and close to the lower petal, but | stands ata short distance from the latter and is bent downwards | into a hook. When a honey-seeking insect thrusts its head or proboscis beneath the stigma it pushes up the pistil and opens } t the conical ring of anthers; the pollen is thus shed upon the inserted organ. Thus in every flower the insect touches first the _ stigma and then causes shedding of the pollen. ba Sprengel’s experiments led him to the conclusion that if insects i are excluded the flowers bear no seed. : t Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. %, very ab., 's, (as Sprengel described and figured (title-page xi.) it comes downwards and inserts its proboscis into the flower from above) ; (2) Anthophora pilipes, __F. g, sucks, clinging to the lower petal,—the following species do likewise ; (3) Bombus hortorum, L. 9 ; (4) B. lapidarius, L.? ; (5) B. Rajellus, Ill. ¢ ; (6) Osmia rufa, L. ¢ 2, very ab., also enters the flower from above as a rule. _B. Diptera—Bombylide : (7) Bombylius discolor, Mgn., s. C. Lepidoptera— (8) Vanessa urtice, L., s. ; (9) Rhodocera rhamni, L., s. 48, VIOLA SILVATICA, Fries. (V. silvestris, Lam .).—The spur is 7 mm. long ; the honey-secreting appendages to the inferior anthers. which project into it are 5 mm. long. As in JV. trivolor, the cayity Up» Wy ON YL a) 4; hg v Fig. 36.—Viola calearata, L. A.—Front view of flower, from Piz Umbrail, nat, size. z B.— Ditto, lateral view (July 16, 1875). C.—Front view of flower, from Albula, nat. size. D —Lip of ditto. with its spur (August 2, 1876), ; E —Front view of the mouth in A (x 84). ‘ F.—Section of A, after removal of the greater part of the corolla (x 84). | a. anthers; c¢, rf ae of the connectives ; h’, pollen-collecting hairs; h?, hairs which in species of Viola fertilised by hees aid the bee in clinging to the flower, here preserved as a function- —_ less hereditary character ; k, stigma; J, lip on the under side of the entrance to the cavity of the stigma (st); sd, honey receptacle ; si, filaments ; ov, ovary. parr ut] § THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 121 sn. stigma is protected by a lip-shaped valve; but the pollen is shed directly upon the insect’s proboscis or head, as in V. odorata. Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apid@ : (1) Bombus agrorum, F., 9,s._ B. _ Diptera—Bombylide: (2) Bombylius discolor, Mgn. s. C. Lepidoptera— - (3) Anthocharis cardamines, L., s. ; (4) Pieris brassicae, L.; (5) P. napi, L., s. ; (6) P. rape, L., s. ; (7) Rhodocera rhamni, L., s. 49, VIOLA CANINA, L. :-— lq Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus lapidarius, L. 9, s. ; (2) Osmia rufa, L. ¢, s.; (3) O. fusea, Chr. 9,8. B. Diptera—Bombylide : _ (4) Bombylius major, L.,s. C. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (5) Pieris rape, © L.,s.; (6) P. napi, L., s. Cleistogamic flowers have been observed in many Violarice : in _ V. mirabilis, L., by Dillenius; in V. pinnata, L., and V. montana, _L,, by Linnzus; in V. elatior, Fr., V. pumila, var. lancifolia, Thor. ; i] Y. odorata, L., bid V. canina, L., by Daniel Miiller; in Somidtum, SS , by Bornouilli: I can add V. bicolor* to this list. In the / summer of 1859, I gathered some plants of this species at Ramsbeck Waterfall, and placed them in a plate with water under the shadow of a bush in my garden, to let the flowers expand ; the plants, which I watched daily, grew well, and though no flowers _ opened I obtained plenty of capsules with good seed. Cleistogamic - flowers have been seen by Mr. T. H. Corry in V. silvatica, Fries., and in V. stagnina, Kit.; they are rare in the latter. Bennett has observed cleistogamic flowers in Viola cucullata, Ait., V. silvatica, V. floribunda, and V. sagittata, Ait. (79). EVOLUTION OF COLOUR IN VIOLETS. Various facts show that the flowers of the Violet were originally yellow. The smallest, most short-spurred of our Violas is V. biflora, ae is visited by Diptera, and only exceptionally by short-lipped es; its flowers are yellow. The smallest-flowered form of _V. tricolor (var. arvensis) has whitish-yellow flowers. The large- ia flowered V. tricolor, var. alpestris, shows all stages in the passage ; from yellow flowers to blue; many plants have flowers which are | gyellow throughout, in others the flowers are yellow when they 1 VY. bicolor, Pursh., is a form of V. tricolor, var. arvensis.—Asa Gray, North | American Flora, 122 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART IIL. | open, but change gradually to blue, and in others the change to blue occurs immediately after opening, or even before. The most specialised form, V. calcarata, is almost always blue, but occasionally it reverts to the ancestral yellow colour (609). — ee Orv. POLYGALEZ. ae 50. PotyGALaA comosa, Schk.—The structure of the flower of P. vulgaris, which agrees in all essential points with that of _ P. comosa, here figured, was first explained by Hildebrand (352). The two lateral sepals (alw), which are large and coloured, — render the flower conspicuous. The inferior petal (p’) is furnished weit) eet Fic. 37.—Polygala eomosa, Schk. 1.—Flower in side view (the flower should naturally be horizontal). s, sepa!; p, petal; s’, one of — the two lateral sepals which play the part of a corolla; p’, anterior petal, provided with digitate — appendages, to which the insect clings. 2.—Flower, from below. ; 3.—Anterior petal, with the essential organs inclosed in it, from above. a, anthers; s, stigma, which applies sticky matter to the insect’s proboscis passing over it ; 1; spoon-shaped end of the — style, which receives the pollen issuing from the anthers. > 4.—Pistil, from above. 5.—Ditto, seen obliquely from above. 6.—Ditto, in side view. 7.— Anterior petal of a flower just about to expand, split to show the anther inclosed by it. 8.—The united anthers. 9.—An anther dehisced. po, pollen-grains. at its apex with finger-like processes, which support the bee when it alights. On the upper surface of this petal is a pouch with two — valves, inclosing the essential organs; in it lies the spoon-shaped style with its concavity upwards, and in this the anthers on both — sides lie and shed their pollen; close behind its hollow extremity the style bears a. viscid stigmatic lobe, bent sharply downwards, An insect which tries to reach the honey secreted in the base of the flower must, while clinging to the fimbriate processes — parru.] THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 123 of the lower petal, thrust its proboscis between the two valves of the pouch, and thus come in contact both with the pollen and with the viscid stigma; the proboscis being thus rendered adhesive _ carries some pollen with it out of the flower, and when it is drawn out of the next flower in a similar manner it leaves some of this pollen either caught by the stigmatic hook or adherent to the _papille. Thus cross-fertilisation goes on regularly. In default of insect-visits the stigmatic lobe curves over upon the pollen ~ accumulated in the “spoon,” and is thus self-fertilised. On the Alps P. comosa is visited by Lepidoptera, but in Low . Germany chiefly by bees (590, IL. ; 609). i Polygala alpestris, Rehb., is visited by butterflies (609). 51. PoLYGALA VULGARIS, L, :—~ Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 9, s., very frequent ; (2) B. lapidarius, L. §, s.; (3) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. B. Lepid- _ optera—(4) Polyommatus Eurydice, Rott. (Chryseis, W. V.),s. See also No. 590, II. Polygala Chamebuxus, L.—The pollen is stored in a cup at the end of the style, beside which is the sticky stigma-disc _ The mechanism of fertilisation shows a certain resemblance to that of Papilionacee. In both, the stamens and style lie in the inferior part of a tubular horizontal flower, at the end of which _ they bend upwards, and bear the anthers and stigma. Those parts lying in the anterior part. of the flower are in both sheltered by a carina formed of coherent petals, and emerge, or at least permit _ the stigma and pollen to emerge, when the carina is pressed down, as it is by every insect which obtains the honey in the legitimate manner. In Polygala Chamebuzus, as in Lotus and several other Papii- - tonacece, it is not the anthers themselves that emerge when the carina is depressed, but only part of the pollen which escapes ; and after repeated depressions the stigma also emerges, and cross-fertilisation is thus insured. A full description of this interesting flower is given in my book Die Alpenbumen. Polygala myrtifolia, L., has also, according to Delpino, a floral arrangement comparable to that of Papilionacez. The two upper petals represent the vexillum ; the lower one represents the carina, and like it surrounds the reproductive organs and allows them to 124 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART 111. protrude on being pressed down by the weight of an insect: serrate processes on the lower petal supply the place of ale. The stamens cohere, forming a tube incomplete superiorly, where a longitudinal split admits the insect’s proboscis to the nectaries Fic. 38.—Polygala Chamebueus, L. . A.—F lower, from the side, natural size. a B.—Ditto, front view (x 23). : C.—Flower, after removal of the two alar sepals. D —Ditto, from above. : ‘ E.—Ditto, from below (x 3). F.—The two petals of the left side, separated from the inferior petal to which they naturally cohere ; inner view (x 24). p3, superior petal; p?, lateral ditto, to which the filaments adhere. G.—Bud in section after removal of the calyx (x 54). H.—Full-grown flower in section (x 53). J.—Base of flower, from the front, after removal of the superior sepal (x 7). 8’, superior, s*, lateral, s3, inferior sepals; p’. inferior petal; p?, lateral ditto, completely united with p3, superior ditto. The anterior part of the inferior petal serves as a carina, and rotates by means of a hinge, a, upon the posterior part; b, cup at end of style; e, eutrance of the flower; ki, adhesive matter on the stigma. surrounding the base of the column. The flowers have the same want of symmetry as those of Lathyrus and Phaseolus, and are fertilised in the same way by Xylocopa violacea (178, 360). Polygala has cleistogamic flowers, according to Kuhn (399). parr] © THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 12 Or Orv. CARYOPHYLLEZ; a. SILENEZ. t 52. DIANTHUS DELTOIDES, L.—The stamens and petals spring _ from an annular ridge of the receptacle encircling the stalk of the _ ovary. This ridge bears on its inner border a yellow fleshy cushion _ which secretes honey. The pistil, the stamens, and the claws of the petals, which are _ grooved to inclose the five inner stamens, are all closely surrounded _ by the tube of the calyx, which is 12 to 14 mm. long, and a little over 2mm. wide. A very narrow passage is thus left, Fic. 39.—Dianthus delloides, L. k 1.—Flower in first stage, viewed from above. Five anthers. covered with pollen, protrude from the flower; two that have not yet dehisced are visible in the mouth of the tube. 1 2.—Pistil at close of the first stage, after all the ten anthers have dehisced. The two styles are still twisted together, __. 8.— Ditto, with the base of the petals and stamens, more magnified. a, nectary, surrounding the base of the ovary as a fleshy ridge ; b, filaments; c, petals. 4 OE ead in second stage, after removal of the petals. Most of the anthers have fallen off, st. stigma. ‘ 5.—Pistil in second stage. The two styles have separated, but each retains its spiral twist, so that stigmatic papille are turned towards all sides, 12 to 14 mm. long, leading to the honey, which is lodged between the base of the stamens and the ovary. This passage is, in the first state of the flower, so much blocked by the five inner anthers, that the honey is only accessible to the proboscis of _ Lepidoptera. The flowers are thus specially adapted for butter-. flies; but their protruding anthers are taken advantage of by pollen-seeking insects which act as subsidiary fertilisers. Flowering begins by the petals, hitherto erect and involute, spreading out horizontally; they are rose-red, with’ slightly in- dented purple transverse lines near the base, and spreckled externally to these transverse lines with small white spots, each Aa Dy a 126 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. of which bears an upright hair. The limb of the corolla forms a rosy circle, finely notched at its circumference, indented by five deep incisions, and with its white centre surrounded by a purple ring, outside which are scattered white spots (Fig. 39,1). As soon as the flower has expanded and thus made itself attractive to the eminently colour-loving butterflies, the stamens, with their anthers coated all round with pollen, elongate and protrude one after another in rather quick succession from the narrow tube, so that every butterfly which inserts its proboscis must dust at least its head with pollen. . The five inner stamens still remain in the tube, rendering it too narrow for anything save the butterfly’s proboscis. As the outer stamens wither, the five inner ones protrude in succes- sion; but the two styles still lie twisted together within the tube (Fig. 39,2 and 3). Only after the stamens have withered, and have for the most part lost their anthers, do the styles elongate and allow the stigmas to emerge from the flower; the stigmas now spread apart, still retaining their spiral twist, so that from which- ever side a butterfly comes to suck honey it cannot fail to touch some part of the stigmatic papilla with its head. Pollen-seeking insects, if they only resort to young flowers whose anthers still have pollen, cannot act as fertilisers ; but they may do so if they alight, as flies often do, upon older flowers with mature stigmas, in which case they fly away again disappointed. Self-fertilisation is completely prevented by the well-marked dichogamy. As normal fertilisers of Dianthus deltoides, | -have only observed Pieris rape, L., and Satyrus Janira, L., but these I have noted repeatedly. Several Syrphide, viz., Rhingia rostrata, L., Meli- threptus scriptus, L., M. pictus, Mgn., and Helophilus pendulus, L., resort to the flower for the sake of pollen. I once noticed Rhingia rostrata make a vain attempt to reach the honey; it plunged its proboscis with a great effort into four flowers successively, but as its proboscis is only 11 mm. long it never reached the honey; in a short time it resigned the attempt, and betook itself to eating pollen. 53. DIANTHUS CARTHUSIANORUM, L., has the same floral mech- anism as the preceding species. In Thuringia I have observed numerous visitors upon its flowers, consisting almost solely of Lepidoptera, (a) Rhopalocera: (1) Colias hyale, L., frequent ; (2) Rhodocera rhamni, L., very ab.; (3) Polyommatus Phloas, L.; (4) Hesperia, frequent; ()) parr] THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 127 , Sphinges: (5) Macroglossa stellatarum, L. ; (6) Zygena carniolica, Scop. ; (ce) Noctue : (7) Plusia gamma, L., ab.—The only other insect that I have found on the flowers was a small Halictus, c.p. (Sept. 1871). See also No. 590, II. | 54, DIANTHUS CHINENSIS, L.—I have seen flowers in my garden repeatedly visited by Noctuw: (1) Plusia gamma, L.: (2) Agrotis pronuba, L.; and (3) Brotolamia meticulosa, L. _ Species. of Dianthus which I have observed on the Alps | (D. superbus, L., D. silvestris, Wulf., and D. atrorubens, All.), are, like the three preceding species, distinctly proterandrous, and visited by diurnal Lepidoptera (609). As in the proterandrous Alsinez, gynodicecism seems to be widespread in the genus Dianthus. It occurs in D. superbus, Fic. 40.—Gypsophila paniculata, L. 1.—F lower in first (male) stage, 2 Ditto in second (female) stage. OD. carthusianorum, and D. deltoides, and the last of these shows all gradations between hermaphrodite, gynomoneecious, and gyno- dicecious flowers (607). _ 55. GYPSOPHILA PANICULATA, L, —Although the corolla, when fully expanded, is barely 4 to 5 mm. in diameter, the many hundreds of flowers borne at once by a single plant, and the _ abundant and easily accessible honey and pollen, attract numerous insects. The power of self-fertilisation has been entirely lost. _ The honey lies between the ovary and a green fleshy ring at the base of the ten stamens; the cup at the bottom of which it lies is 24mm. decp, and about the same in width at the entrance. The honey is therefore accessible to short-lipped | insects. First the five outer stamens, which alternate with the 128 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. petals, and afterwards the .inner five, ripen and protrude from — the flower with an inclination outwards. They wither, curving — outwards and downwards, and then the two short styles, hitherto — bent inwards, elongate and protrude from the flower, diverging from one another. Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Teeae : (1) Chrysops bib, Li, a4 (b) Syrphide: (2) Eristalis eneus, L.; (3) E. nemorum, L. ; (4) E. arbus- torum, L., all three =e s. and fip.; (5) Syritta pipiens, Efe very ab. ; (6) Ascia podagrica, F.; (7) Syrphus balteatus, Deg. ; (8) Melithreptus pictus, Mgn. ; (9) M. teniatus, Mgn., alls. or fp. ; (¢) Muscide : (10) Pyrellia gains L. ; (11) Onesia floralis, Rob. Desv. ; (12) Sarcophaga carnaria, L;; (13) Lucilia silvarum, Mgn., all s.; (14) Anthomyia sp. ; (15) Sepsis. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Evaniide : (16) Feenus jaculator, FE. ; a Formicide : (17) several species ; (c) Sphegide : (18) Oxybelus uniglumis, L. ; (d) Vespide : (19) Odynerus simplex, F, ; (20) O. parietum, L.,—all the Hymenoptera 8. er a ee Gypsophila repens, L., when flowering on sunny slopes of the — Alps where insects are plentiful, is so distinctly proterandrous $ that spontaneous self-fertilisation is impossible. In less favourable — localities it fertilises itself when not visited by insects (609). Saponaria ocymoides, L., is distinctly proterandrous, and is frequented by butterflies. It clothes sunny gravelly slopes in the sub-alpine region with its handsome red flowers. I saw it © visited by thirty-three species of Lepidoptera, twenty-eight of — which were butterflies, besides some humble-bees and Bombylide. Saponaria vaccaria, L., is also fertilised by butterflies (590, 11.). : 56. SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS, L.—This species is adapted for ' nocturnal Lepidoptera, as the foregoing species of Saponaria and ; Dianthus are for the diurnal forms, The bright colour and elegant — markings which attract butterflies are absent: the flowers are of — one colour, and their scent is strongest in the evening. As in the — other species, the honey lies hidden in the base of a long narrow — tube. The calyx-tube is 18 to 21mm. long, but the claws of the — petals stand a few millimetres higher. The flowers are markedly | proterandrous. First, the five outer stamens protrude a few milli- — metres from the flower, and dehisce immediately over its entrance; afterwards they spread apart and leave the entrance free. The five inner stamens now follow the same course, turning, as the others — did, the pollen-covered surface of their anthers upwards. The — styles are still inclosed within the tube, and are only slightly — separated at their apices. When the inner stamens have withered, the two styles grow up out of the flower, and spread apart, turning PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 129 their papillar inner surfaces upwards. The honey is secreted as in Dianthus. I omitted to watch the flowers in their season, and can only mention Sphinx ligustri, L., as a fertiliser; it visited the flowers of this plant in my garden one evening during slight rain, and sucked them with the usual rapidity of the hawk-moths. I have also found Halictus morio, F. 9 collecting pollen on the flowers (July 13, 1869). | Silene rupestris, L., is proterandrous, and is visited by numerous insects. It fahabits the same localities as Gypsophila repens, and secretes and conceals its honey in the same way as that species. Its flowers are equally conspicuous, but stand some- what isolated on sparingly branched stalks; owing probably to this circumstance, the power of self-fertilisation has not been entirely lost (609). Silene acaulis, L., ascends in the higher Alps to a height of over 10,000 feet. Its low tufts closely studded with pink or carmine flowers attract so many butterflies that as a rule the plant has been able to dispense with the power of self-fertilisation. Most tufts are exclusively staminate or pistillate, and only rarely hermaphrodite and proterandrous. The latter in case of need fer- tilise themselves. I have observed eighteen species of butterflies on this flower (609). As Silene acaulis is adapted for diurnal Lepidoptera, so S. inflata, Sm., and S. nutans, L., are adapted for the nocturnal forms. I found both on the Alps, visited in the evening by Noctuide, and in the daytime. by bumble-bees. Silene nutans, L., is markedly proterandrous. According to Kerner, each flower opens upon three successive nights, on which the outer stamens, the inner stamens, and the stigmas are exserted respectively. According to Ricca (665), the flowers are sometimes diclinous by incomplete development of the stamens, that is to say, gynodiecious. Silene inflata. L., is tricecious and polygamous, like S. acaulis. Lychnis flos-Jovis, L., is distinctly proterandrous; L. rubra, Weigel, is tricecious and polygamous. Both have bright red flowers, and are greatly frequented by butterflies on the Alps (609). " Lyehnis Viscaria, L., is also adapted for cross-fertilisation by butterflies (590, I1.). : Lychnis alpina, L.—The proterandrous flowers are figured and described by Axell (17). 57. LYcHNIS FLOS-cucuLI, L.—In regard to the position of the honey, the flowers of this plant are intermediate between K 130 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [.111 PART those of Stellaria, Cerastium, and Gypsophila paniculata, where the honey is fully exposed, and Dianthus and Saponaria, where it is only accessible to Lepidoptera. The insect-visitors include bees, Lepidoptera, and some long-tongued flies. The nectaries, which lie at the base of the stamens, cohere into a fleshy ring surrounding the ovary. The calyx tube is 6 to 7 mm. long, and bears teeth 3 mm. long, which stand erect and support the claws of the petals. The honey is thus accessible to insects which have a proboscis 9 to 10 mm. long; or which, with a pro- boscis at least 6 mm. long, have strength enough to push apart the claws of the petals, above the level of the calyx-tube ; or, finally, to insects small enough to creep down the tube. . The flowers are distinctly proterandrous. First, the five outer anthers dehisce, while standing in the entrance of the flower and having their pollen-covered sides turned towards one another. The tube, though it permits a butterfly’s proboscis to pass easily down, is so much obstructed by the anthers that the proboscis cannot fail to be dusted with pollen. These stamens then elongate, and bend outwards to lie in the intervals between the petals, while the inner whorls take their place in the entrance of the flower. When these wither, the five styles grow up, and the stigmatic papille, which clothe the whole of their inner surfaces, attain their full develop- ment. The styles reach to the entrance of the flower, and their ends make 13 to 2 spiral turns, so that an insect cannot fail to touch some part of the stigmatic surfaces with its proboscis in thrusting it down into the flower. The flowers are chiefly visited for the sake ot their honey; I have only seen the hive-bee collecting pollen, and two species of Syrphidze feeding on it. Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (L) Bombus Rajellus, Ill. 9 (12 to 13) ; — (2) B. lapidarius, L. 2 § (10 to 14) ; (3) B. agrorum, F. ? (12 to 15); (4) B. © terrestris, L. § (7 to 9) ; (5) Apis mellifica, L. $ (6), ab., s. ande.p. ; (6) Osmia — rufa, L. 2 (9) ; (7) Andrena nitida, K. 9 (3 to 4), they sought in vain for honey in several flowers. B, Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera: (8) Pieris brassicae, L. (15); (9) P. rape, L., both ab. ; (10) Lycena Icarus, Rott. ; (b) Sphinges: (11) Macroglossa fuciformis, L.; (12) Ino statices, L.; (c) Noctuew: (138) Euclidia glyphica, L., very ab. C. Diptera—-Syrphide : (14) Rhingia rostrata, L. (11 to 12), s.; (15) Volucella plumata, L., fp. ; (16) Syrphus pyrastri, L., f.p. I have observed the stamens of Z. flos-cuculi dusted with — butterflies’ scales, and a Pieris rape which I caught upon the — flower had a number of its pollen-grains among the hairs and — scales on the forepart of its head. é PART 111. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 131 58. LYCHNIS VESPERTINA, Sibth. (L. dioica, 8, L.).—The structure of the flower has been thoroughly explained by Sprengel. Honey is secreted by the lower, fleshy part of the (developed or abortive) ovary, and lies at a depth of 20 to 25 mm. in fertile or pistillate flowers, and of 15 to 18 mm. in barren or staminate ones. Both _ kinds of flowers are much constricted near their upper end by the _ calyx, and can only be forced open a little at the very brim by an } insect’s head ; a thin proboscis at least 15 to 20 mm. long is needed to reach the honey. The pure white flowers, which have no guiding marks, expand in the evening, though they are not completely shut by day. These characters taken together exclude diurnal insects except such as come seeking pollen, and make the - flowers so much the more attractive to crepuscular and nocturnal Lepidoptera. According to Delpino (178, p. 161), the anthers ripen two by two, a fact which I have not observed. A further remark of Delpino’s, that the flowers stand horizontally, and let the stamens emerge at their highest part, does not at all hold good of the specimens in my neighbourhood, which have an almost perpen- dicular position, as Sprengel figures them. I have repeatedly seen Sphinx porcellus, L., visiting and cross- fertilising the flower. 59. Lycunis Girmado, L., is, like Dianthus, adapted for fer- tilisation by butterflies, and resembles Dianthus in regard to its -nectaries, the position of its honey, its Se sean dichogamy, ‘and the order of development of its anthers (702, p. 254). _ Visitors : A. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (1) Hesperia silvanus, Esp., s. ; (2) Pieris brassicee, L., s., very ab. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (3) Rhingia rostrata, L., I saw it insert its proboscis repeatedly, seeking in vain for honey. See also No. 590, IL. _ The species of Silene and Lychnis have a relation, according to Dr. Buchanan White, to species of Dianthwcia (Noctwide) like that ppaich exists between ‘Yucca and the Yucca-moth. The species of Dianthecia fertilise Silene and Lychnis, and thereby make provision for their larvae, which feed exclusively on the unripe seeds of these plants. But Silene and Lychnis have many other insect-fertilisers besides (773). Orv. CARYOPHYLLEZ; b. ALSINE. 60. CERASTIUM ARVENSE, L.—The flowers resemble those of _ &S. Holostea in the position of their nectaries, in the order of develop- ment of the two staminal whorls and the stigmas, and hence also K 2 132 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. in the likelihood of cross-fertilisation in case of insect-visits, and of self-fertilisation in their absence. They are equally con- spicuous, and are visited to about the same extent. Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Stratiomys sp., s. (6) Empide: (2) Empis opoca, F.; (3) E. rustica, Fallen, both very ab., s. ; (c) Leptide: (4) Leptis strigosa, Mgn., s. ; (d) Syrphide : (5) Eristalis nemorum, L. ; (6) E. arbustorum, L. ; (7) E. sepulcralis, L. ; (8) Syritta pipiens, L., all four ab., s.; (9) Platycheirus manicatus, Mgn., ab.,s.; (10) Syrphus, sp., s.; (11) Melanostoma mellina, L., s. ; (e) Muscide : (12) Sepsis ; (13) Anthomyia etiva, Mgn.,s. B. Hymenoptera—Apide: (14) Andrena argentata, Sm. 9, s. ; (15) A. albicans, K. 9, s. ; (16) Halictus, ? (the size of H. nitidiusculus)s. C. Cole- optera—Staphylinide : (17) Omalium florale, Pk. D. Thysanoptera: (18) Thrips, frequent in the base of the flower. E. Lepidoptera—(19) Polyom- — matus Phloeas, L., s. See also No. 590, 11., and No. 609. Fia. 41.—Cerastium arvense, L. 1.—Flower in first stage. The outer whorls of anthers are covered with pollen, the inner are not yet full grown ; the styles are curled inwards. 2.—F lower at the end of the third stage. The outer anthers are in part fallen off, and in part — withered ; the inner are still sparingly coated with pollen; the stigmas are mature. 61. CERASTIUM TRIVIALE, Link, has smaller flowers and fewer : insect-visitors ; accordingly it is less markedly proterandrous than — C. arvense. It produces seed by self-fertilisation in the absence of insects (Axell, 17). Visitors : Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Syritta pipiens, L., s. and fp. ; (b) Empide: (2) Empis livida, L., s. 62. CERASTIUM SEMIDECANDRUM, L., has still smaller flowers and is still less frequently visited than the preceding species; it is — still less distinctly proterandrous, and fertilises itself regularly in absence of insects. | As in Stellaria media, the inner honeyless stamens are usually abortive, but remains of their filaments, sometimes attaining half _ the length of the outer stamens, frequently remain. When the anthers dehisce, they occupy the middle of the flower, and the stigmas still lie close together, though their tips are bent outwards and easily receive pollen. Later, the anthers pass outwards, the stigmas lengthen slightly and spread out, turning their imner PART III.] THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 133 surfaces, which are covered with long papille, upwards. An insect visiting a young flower dusts itself with pollen, and also applies pollen from the same or from another flower to the tips of the stigmas; in an older flower it is likely to dust the outspread _ stigmas with pollen from another flower ; in the absence of insects the stigmas as they curve outwards come in contact with the anthers still covered with pollen. Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphidw: (1) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. (May _ 10, 1870); (b) Muscide: (2) Pollenia vespillo, F. ; (3) P. rudis, F., both _ s, and inserting the proboscis three to five times in each flower (April 17, 1871). _ B. Hymenoptera—Apide : (4) Apis mellifica, L. $,—I saw (April 3, 1871) the honey-bee in great numbers flying over a bare field of C. semidecandrum, sucking the tiny flowers by dipping its proboscis once into each. Cerastium viscosum, L., has cleistogamic flowers (40). > 63. MALACHIUM AQUATICUM, Fries.—The flowers of this plant are more conspicuous than those of Cerastiwm triviale and C. semt- decandrum, but less so than those of C. arvense and Stellaria Holostea ; in the same intermediate position stands the amount of its insect-visits and its floral arrangement, which favours both cross- and self-fertilisation. The flower is proterandrous, and in absence of insects the ends of its outspread stigmas come in contact with the pollen-covered anthers. The styles vary in number from three to five, the latter number being most frequent, so that Malachiwm here probably resembles the common ancestors of Cerastiwm and Stellaria. Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Helophilus lineatus, F. ; (2) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (4) Ascia podagrica, F., all ab., s. ; | (b) Muscide : (5) Anthomyia sp., s. B. Coleoptera—Nitidulide : (6) Meli- gethes, ab., Lh. OC. Thysanoptera: (7) Thrips, very freq. D. Hymenoptera | —Apide: (8) Prosopis communis, Nyl. 9, s. ; (9) Pr. hyalinata, Sm. 2, s. ; (10) Halictus sexnotatus, K. ¢, s. 64. STELLARIA GRAMINEA, L.—The nectaries surround the bases of the five outer stamens as green, fleshy swellings. The flowers © exhibit three stages, which, however, merge one into another. In the first period, the five outer stamens curve in towards the middle of the flower, and their anthers dehisce widely, covering them- ‘selves all round with pollen; the inner stamens are meanwhile bent outwards, and their anthers are still closed. The styles are not yet fully developed, and are curved inwards with their papillar surfaces directed downwards. ‘The five inner stamens dehisce before the other five have withered, but still remain bent farther outwards; this marks the second stage. As these inner stamens 134 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. wither and shrivel up, the styles rise up, and spread outwards turning their papillar surfaces upwards, and curving their ends, also papillar, outwards and downwards (third stage). Every insect which is not too small, whether it alights in the middle of the — flower or on one of the petals, must, to reach the nectaries, come in contact with pollen in younger flowers or with the — ee Fic. 42.—Stellaria graminea, L. 1.—Flower in first stage. The five outer anthers are covered with pollen, and are bent inwards, 2.—Flower in last stage. All the anthers are empty and shrivelled. The styles are spread out above the stamens, and are recurved, turning their papillar surface upwards. a’, outer whorl of anthers ; a?, inner whorl; », nectary, stigmatic papille in older ones. In default of insect-visits, the stigmas as they continue to curve outwards come in contact with the pollen-covered anthers. Insect-visits are scarce, as the incon- spicuousness of the flowers would lead us to expect. I have only once found Volucella bombylans, L. (Syrphide), sucking honey on the flowers. vi onal - Vs 7 ’ es 7 ’ ee ee ee ee PART II, | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 135 65. STELLARIA HoLostTEA, L.—The arrangement of the flower resembles that of S. graminea; but the flowers are larger and more conspicuous, the nectaries are yellow, confined to the outer side of the outer stamens, provided above with a honey-secreting _ pit,and yielding more abundant honey. The three stages are more _ clearly marked off than in S. graminea. In the first stage the outer _ stamens, in the second the inner ones, stand close round the centre _ of the flower, turning their pollen-covered surfaces more or less _ upwards,—the other five being in each case bent out of the way. In the first period the stigmas are bent inwards (as in 1, Fig. 42), in the second they stand erect but with their papillar sides turned _ inwards towards each other, in the third they are spread out (as in 2, Fig. 42), while the anthers have mostly fallen off or remain as withered scales attached to the corolla. In flowers which I kept‘in my room however, self-fertilisation often took place, for the ends of the stigmas, as they spread out- wards, often came in contact with the inner anthers still bear- Ing their pollen, and moreover pollen often fell wpon other parts of the stigmas. Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Empide : (1) Empis tesselata, F. ; (2) E. opaca, F., both frequent, s. ; (b) Syrphide : (3) Rhingia rostrata, L., ab., s. and f.p., _ standing on a petal and applying the proboscis now to the base of the flower, _ now to the anthers ; (4) Eristalis arbustorum, L., s. and fp. ; (5) Platycheirus peltatus,Mgn., do. ; (6) Syrphus ribesii, L., do., ab. ; (ec) Muscidae : (7) Hydro- tea dentipes, F., s. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (8) Apis mellifica, L.%, ab. and persistent, s. (May 27, 1871); (9) Nomada flavoguttata, K. 9 ; - (10) N. ruficornis, L.? ; (11) Andrena cineraria, L. 9 ; (12) A. parvula, K. 9, the last four s.; (13) Halictus cylindricus, F. 2, fip.; (b) Tenthredinide - _ (14) Cephus pallipes, Kl, s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide: (15) Meli- _ gethes, ab., s.; (b) Cdemeridw: (16) CEdemera virescens, L. (Tekl. B.) _ D. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (17) Pieris napi, L., s. E. Thysanoptera— _ (18) Thrips, ab. See also No. 590, 1. 66. STELLARIA MEDIA, Vill.—The flowers are less conspicuous than the two preceding species, and, since they appear at all times of the year except.in severe frost, they are for a great period shut out from insect-visits ; they therefore depend largely on‘ self- fertilisation. Accordingly they differ considerably in their arrange- ment from the former species. Of the ten stamens, there are almost always some, usually five to seven, abortive ; and, on. the _ whole, I think that the number of abortive stamens is greater the colder the time of year. The five inner stamens are always reduced, and often disappear completely ; the five outer ones, which bear the i. 136 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. honey-glands on the outer side of their bases, only show signs of abortion when the inner series are all abortive; at most, two of them disappear, but the corresponding glands always remain. In sunny weather so much honey is secreted that the five drops are easily seen by the naked eye. The stamens, especially when their number has been reduced to three, come to maturity in slow succession. Immediately after the flower opens, the first anther begins to dehisce, and the stigmas still stand erect with their papillar sides turned inwards; but their tips are already slightly outspread. While the second and third stamens dehisce, the stigmas expand fully, and turn the whole of their papillar surfaces _ upwards. So from the beginning cross-fertilisation and self-ferti- lisation, in the event of insect-visits, are both equally likely; in absence of insects the stigmas regularly fertilise themselves by coming in contact with the anthers. This self-fertilisation is undoubtedly efficient, for S. media produces abundant seed in winter when no insects are about, and in long-continued rainy weather. Stellaria media has the greatest chance of cross-fertilisation in early spring, for before that time no insects are on the wing, and afterwards many more attractive flowers compete with it. My own observations confirm this. A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Andrena Gwynana, K. 9, s. and c.p. (April 11, 1869) ; (2) A. albicans, K. g, s. (do.) ; (3) A. dorsata, K.?,s. (do.) ; (4) A. parvula, K.g,s. (April 21, 1869) ; (5) A. albicrus, K. ¢,s. (do.) ; (6) Osmia rufa, L. ¢, s. (April 17, 1869). B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (7) Syritta pipiens, L., s. (May 27, 1870) ; (6) Muscide: (8) Chlorops circumdata, Mgn., diligently s. (March 9, 1872) ; (9) Musca corvina, F., do. ; (10) M. domestica, L., do. C. Thysanoptera—(11) Thrips, dusted with pollen, creeping in and out of the flower (April 30, 1868). See also No. 590, 1. Stellaria cerastoides, L., is homogamous and is visited by Diptera. It fertilises itself in case of need (609). 67. ARENARIA (M@HRINGIA) TRINERVIA, L.-—At the base of the expanded flower, on the outer side of the base of each outer stamen, we see a rather large drop of honey. The fleshy swellings at the bases of these stamens, which act as honey-glands, are so strongly developed and extend so far on either side, that they coalesce, and the five together form a ring round the ovary; from this ring the five inner stamens (which alternate with the others, and stand opposite to the petals) seem to spring. When the flower opens, the stigmas are already separated and turn their rough papillar surface upwards, while the anthers remain parti] © THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 137 closed. In the second stage, the anthers of the outer and longer stamens dehisce ; in the third stage those of the inner and shorter stamens, the stigmas still remaining fresh. The flowers are thus _ proterogynous with long-lived stigmas. Cross-fertilisation is likely to occur not only in the first stage, but also in the later stages, since an insect on alighting will probably touch the stigmas before the ik stamens. i In several cases I have found the outer stamens so much bearing tiny shrunken anthers devoid of pollen. Here apparently the time between the ripening of the stigmas and that of the _ stamens was lengthened; and hence the chance of cross-fertilisation increased. In default of insect-visits, self-fertilisation is attained by _ the stamens (both outer and inner) bending inwards, still covered with pollen, and coming in close contact with the stigmas. I found asmall beetle, Olibris affinis, Sturm, one of the Phalacride, licking honey on this flower. Arenaria (Mehringia) muscosa, L., is fertilised by Syrphide (609). Honkeneja (Ammodenia) peploides, Ehrh., is polygamous (Warm- ing, 762). Sagina nodosa, K. Meyer, is proterandrous (17, 38) and visited by Anthrax (609). The following additional species are discussed in my ) between it and the pistil (a). Access to it is only possible at three points, between the lower portion of each outer lobe of the perianth and that of the petaloid style above it. The filament, adhering as a longitudinal ridge to this portion of each perianth-segment, divides the passage to the honey into two separate openings (0b); thus altogether six somewhat narrow passages, two at the base of each stigmatic lobe, bounded laterally by the pro- jections from the outer perianth-segments, form the only approaches to the honey. An insect must have a proboscis at least 7 mm. 544 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. in length to be able to reach the honey through these passages, and one of at least double that length to drain one of these spaces of its honey. Each foliar division of the style bears on its under surface near its apex a scale-like process, whose upper surface is the true stigma. Hence insects touch the stigma with their backs only when creeping in under the petaloid style; for as they creep out again they push the papillar surface upwards. Close under the petaloid styles lie the three anthers, whose pollen-covered surfaces are directed downwards. Self-fertilisation is thus rendered impossible. Fig. 181.—Iris Pseud-acorus, L. 1.—Transverse section through the tubular part of the perianth. 2.—Transverse section through the petianth, at the point where its six segments become free. 3.—Transverse section somewhat higher than 2, to show the relation of the three pairs of nectaries to the divisions of the style and the outer segments of the perianth. a, style ; a’ a’ a’, the three foliaceous divisions of the style ; b, honey receptacle ; ¢ ec, lower part of filaments, adherent to the outer segments of the | pigs ddd; ddd, inner segments of the perianth ; ee, the tworidges on each outer segment of the perianth, which, together with the bases of the filaments, bound the entrance to the nectary. Sprengel,! has given a very full account, with figures, of the flowers of Jris Pseudacorus and J. Xiphium. His observations of insect-visitors were, however, not nearly sufficient, and his conception of the mode of fertilisation must be modified. In Sprengel’s opinion, both species of Iris are fertilised exclusively by humble-bees. A bee alights on one of the large outer segments of the perianth, toward the base of which it pushes its way under the over-hanging petaloid style, until it reaches the entrances to the two nectaries. After it has sucked the honey it crawls backwards to its starting-point, and then flies to the second outer perianth-segment, where it performs the same operation ; thence to the third, thence to another flower, and so on. On entering the flower, the back of the bee rubs the upper surface of the scale projecting from the d Sprengel, No, 702, pp. 69-78, Plate II. PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 545 petaloid style, which is the functional stigma; a little further on it rubs against the pollen-covered surface of the anther, which lies close to the petaloid style. In this way, Sprengel declared that two stigmas in each flower were regularly fertilised by means of pollen from the previously-visited anthers of the same flower, and that the stigma first visited in each flower was always cross- fertilised by means of pollen from the preceding flower: thus self- fertilisation took place twice as frequently as cross-fertilisation. Though Sprengel was not aware of the advantage of cross-fertilisa- tion, he was repeatedly led by his observations to the conclusion “that nature is unwilling that any hermaphrodite flower be fertilised by means of its own pollen.” In order to adhere to this theory in the ease of Iris, which he abandoned again and again in other cases, Sprengel chose to Jook upon each third of the flower in Iris as a separate hermaphrodite flower, which thus was regularly cross-fertilised. My frequent observations of insect-visits differ materially from Sprengel’s view of the case. It is true that humble-bees visit the flower of Jris pseudacorus, but they, as a rule, act in a way very different from that which Sprengel described; and a very much more frequent visitor is, in my experience, the long-tongued hover-fly, Rhingia rostrata. In many flowers of Jris pseudacorus the petaloid styles stand 6 to 10 mm. above the corresponding outer perianth-segments. In others each petaloid style lies so close to the perianth-segments that only a very small passage is left, which, owing to the con- vexity ofthe style, lies immediately below the stigma. These two forms of flowers have adapted themselves to different fertilising agents. In flowers of the first variety the fly (Ahingia) crawls along the outer perianth-segment to the nectaries without touching either stigma or anther; it inserts its proboscis (11 mm. long) into one nectary after the other, and then moves a few steps backwards to feed on the pollen. When under the anther it raises its head, stretches out its tongue, and so reaches the pollen. Then it flies to another perianth-segment of the same flower, or to another flower. Its visits to this variety are thus not only useless but hurtful, leading to waste of pollen. In flowers of the other form this fly creeps through the small passage beneath the true stigma, and touches with its back first the stigma and then the anther before reaching the nectaries. After sucking, it creeps backwards without staying to eat pollen, until it NWN 546 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. has passed from beneath the petaloid style, when it flies away to another flower or another perianth-segment of the same. If the fly be caught as it is creeping backwards from the nectary, many pollen- grains may always be found among the hairs on its back ; some of these are without fail applied to the stigmatic surface next visited. Thus the flowers in which the petaloid-styles stand close to the peri- anth-segments are better adapted for fertilisation by Rhingia in two respects than the flowers of the other form: (1) the fly is compelled to carry pollen to the stigmatic surface, often to that of another flower, and (2) it is hindered from eating pollen; whereas, in the flowers of the other form, Rhingia passes in and out without accomplishing fertilisation, and moreover uses up pollen as well as honey. In relation to bees’ visits the conditions are exactly reversed. When the petaloid style lies close upon the outer perianth- segment, the opening, which is sufficient for Rhingia, is much too small to admit a humble-bee. On May 25th, 1868, I watched a large parasitic humble-bee (Psithyrus vestalis, Foure. 2, 25 mm. long, and 10 mm. broad) creeping in various directions over the flowers; finally, placing its head above the base of the free part of an outer perianth-segment, it inserted its tongue sideways into one of the nectaries, and so reached the honey without touching either the stigma or anther. In flowers of the other form, I have observed frequently in the case of Bombus agrorum, B. hortorum, and B. Rajellus, that humble- bees alight on one of the outer perianth-segments, and creep under the petaloid style to the honey-passages, touching on their way both stigma and anther with their backs. Instead of crawling backwards along the path they came by, they climb sideways on to one of the other outer perianth-segments, and then crawl up it to enter beneath the stigma, as before. After completing the circuit of the flower and exhausting all its honey, the bee flies to another, and so effects cross-fertilisation regularly, Occasionally, but only in those few flowers where the position of the petaloid styles was intermediate between the forms that I have described as typical, I have seen humble-bees creeping back- wards from under cover of the style, as Sprengel describes them. The flowers of Iris pseudacorus thus present the interesting peculiarity that although originally, as their dimensions show, they were adapted simply for bees, they have since to a great extent become adapted for fertilisation by flies (Rhingia). Each of the two extreme forms has its own advantages and disadvantages. part ui.}| §= THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 547 Those flowers fitted for fertilisation by bees are at an advantage in that the bees always cause cross-fertilisation of separate plants ; but at a disadvantage from having their pollen exposed to robbery by Rhingia. The flowers adapted for fertilisation by Rhingia have the disadvantage that self-fertilisation is as frequently or even more frequently caused than cross-fertilisation; but possess the advantage that their pollen is not liable to be wasted, and that they receive more numerous visits. Advantages and disadvantages must be about equally balanced in the two varieties, since natural selection has not enabled either to outstrip the other. The rarity of intermediate forms is explained by the fact that such forms combine the disadvantages of both extremes; cross-fertilisation is not secured, and the pollen is not protected from robbery. Besides the visitors already mentioned one or two useless guests frequent the flowers. On the variety in which the perianth and styles stand wide apart, J once saw Osmia rufa, 9, engaged in sucking honey. This bee was enabled, by the length of its proboscis (8 mm.), to enjoy the honey without touching either stigma or anther. I once saw a hive-bee trying to obtain honey. It crept beneath a style without touching the stigma or anther, as far as the honey-passages, and then stretched out its proboscis (6 mm.), which, however, was too short to reach the honey. After several unsuccessful attempts the bee deserted the plant and settled on flowers of Ranunculus acris. Visitors : A. Hymenoptera--Apide : (1) Bombus vestalis, Fource. @ ; (2) B. agrorum, F. 2 $; (3) B. hortorum, L. 9 §; (4) B. Rajellus, Ill. 2, all four sucking ; (5) Osmia rufa, L. 9, sucking without effecting fertilisation ; (6) Apis mellifica, L. $, vainly sucking honey. B. Diptera—Syrphide: (7) Rhingia rostrata, L.; s. and f.p. A species of Cypella, in S. Brazil, according to Fritz Miiller, increases its conspicuousness very effectually by not expanding its flowers regularly day by day but by concentrating them upon certain days (597). Crocus vernus, All_—Honey is secreted by the ovary, and rises in the narrow tube (almost filled by the style) nearly to the upper, somewhat expanded end. It can only be completely extracted by long-tongued Lepidoptera, while humble-bees as a rule can only skim the surface. By the violet or more frequently white colour the flowers seem to be adapted for crepuscular and nocturnal Lepidoptera. Ihave found them visited by Plusia gamma, less often by Vanessa cardui, and occasionally by humble-bees. At first, | NN 2 548 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. only the anthers, which dehisce extrorsely, are exposed to contact with the insects; afterwards the stigmas unfold between them. Cross-fertilisation is thus insured in case of insect-visits; in absence of insects, the cup-shaped or rather grooved stigmas, passing out between the anthers, are dusted with their pollen (609, fig. 10). In Crocus sativus, All., the ovary secretes honey, according to Sprengel (742, p. 68). Gladiolus, Treviranus states that flowers of this genus are self-fertilised, the style curving back towards the anthers (742). Gladiolus segetwm has proterandrous flowers formed on the Labiate type according to Delpino. In addition to the her- maphrodite flowers others occur containing a pistil only (178, p. 184, 360, p. 670). Gladiolus palustris, Gand., and G. communis, L., are visited by bees and humble-bees (590, 1). Orv. LILIACEZ. 388. ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS, L.—This plant supplies an undoubted instance of a transition stage between monecism and Fic. 182.—Asparagus officinalis, L. 1.—Male flower, from below. 2.—Ditto, after removal of half the perianth. 3.—Female flower, from below, 4,—Ditto, after removal of half the perianth. a, rudimentary stamen; b, rudimentary ovary. diecism. The flowers of the male individuals show distinctly a rudiment of a pistil (b, 2, fig. 182), and those of the female individuals show functionless but still conspicuous rudiments of PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS, 549 anthers (a, 3). Occasionally reversion to the hermaphrodite condition takes place, and then in the hermaphrodite flowers the pistil may sometimes be seen in various degrees of abortion.1 The pendulous bell-shaped flowers have a pleasant scent; in spite of their inconspicuous colour they are easily visible at a distance, the male flowers, which are 6 mm. long, being much more so than the females (8 mm.). This instance confirms Sprengel’s oft- repeated rule that the male flowers of diclinic plants are more conspicuous than the female, whence insects are likely to visit the two kinds of flowers in the proper sequence. Honey is secreted and lodged in the base of the corolla. Visitors : Hymenoptera—A pide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s. and c.p., very ab. ; (2) Osmia rufa, L. 9, s.; (3) Megachile centuncularis, L. 9, s. ; (4) Prosopis annularis, K. (Sm.) 9, s.; (5) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 9, c¢.p., here and there looking for pollen in the female flowers and effecting fertilisation occasionally, 389. CONVALLARIA MAJALIS, L.—When the flower opens, and before the anthers ripen, the stigma is already covered with long Fic. 183.—Convallaria majalis, L. 1.—Flower, from below. 2.—Ditto, after removing half the corolla, with three of the stamens. st, filaments; a, anthers ; fr, ovary; n, stigma. papiile ; yet if a ripe anther be passed over its surface scarcely any pollen adheres. Afterwards, when the anthers have dehisced, the stigma becomes covered with a sticky fluid, to which pollen adheres readily. I have not found honey in the flowers, though I have frequently seen hive-bees visiting them. The bees collected pollen hanging to the pendulous flowers and inserting their heads and forelegs. They thus brought their heads in contact with the stigma before the anthers, and performed cross-fertilisation regularly. Then as the bee swept the pollen from the anthers with the tarsal brushes of its forelegs, it dusted its head anew 1 Breitenbach, Bot. Zeitung, Nov. 11, 1878. 550 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART ILI. with pollen. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation takes place regularly, as Hildebrand has shown (351); for the anthers stand close round the style and apply their pollen to the marginal papille of the trilobed stigma. 390. CONVALLARIA MULTIFLORA, L.—The honey lies at the base of the flower between: the perianth and the ovary. The length of the perianth tube, which is 11 to 15 mm. long (or even 18 mm. in cultivated plants) protects the honey from short-lipped insects, and the pendulous position of the flower protects it from rain. Humble-bees visit the flowers; they thrust their heads into the wide part of the tube, and touch the stigma which stands in the mouth of the flower, and the anthers which ripen simul- taneously with it, with opposite sides of their heads or tongues. They thus effect cross-fertilisation regularly. In each flower the bee in touching one side of the stigma thrusts the opposite side against the anthers. In absence of insects, spontaneous self-fertilisation occurs. Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombusagrorum, F. 9 (12—15) ; (2) B. hortorum, L. 2 (19—21), s., hanging, back downwards, on the flowers. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (3) Rhingia rostrata, L. (11—12), very ab., often two at the mouth of the same flower,—sucking in vain for honey, which its tongue is too short to reach, then collecting pollen and occasionally effecting fertilisa- tion by stroking the stigmas. Convallaria verticillata, L., is adapted for fertilisation by bees ; C.. polygonatum, L., for fertilisation by humble-bees. The anthers and stigma are matured simultaneously, and, in C. verticillata at least, some pollen as it emerges from the anthers always reaches the stigma. It is probable that it is outstripped in its action by pollen brought from other flowers (609). | Asprdistra elatior, Blume.——Buchenau described the structure of the flower thoroughly, but was unable to elucidate its mechanism fully. Delpino, however, has endeavoured, with apparent success, to explain the mechanism of the flower, though he failed to find it visited by insects (118, 178, 360). The capitate stigma closes the flower, leaving only four small openings through which Delpino supposes small flies to enter; the pollen falls out of the anthers and lies in the cavity of the flower. The flies emerge all dusted with pollen, and alighting on the stigma of another flower place some pollen there before they find the small entrance. en ee aes PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 551 Rohdea juponica, Kunth.—This plant is, according to Delpino, a link between the Asparaginee and the Aroidew. It possesses a kind of spadix, on which the flowers are arranged in a close, uninterrupted spiral. The fact that the limb of the perianth is spread out exactly on a level with the points of the anthers and stigma led Delpino to think that fertilisation was effected by small animals crawling over the flowers. He observed snails (Helix aspersa, H. vermicularis) greedily eating the perianth, which is yellow and fleshy; after devouring about ten flowers they crawled to another spadix. Only those flowers on which the snails had crawled proved fertile; the flowers were found to be barren to their own pollen. These observations leave no doubt that snails are really efficient fertilising agents. Tritoma Uvaria is adapted for fertilisation by diurnal Lepidoptera (228). Yueca,— According to Riley (108) the species of Yucca which are provided with a dehiscent capsular fruit, and the moth which Fic. 184.—Yucca and the Yucea-moth. 1.— Flower of Yueca recurvata, Salisb., from Georgia. Two Care of the perianth have been removed to show the ovary (ov) and stamens (a). § 2.—Stigma, from above, x 44. 3.—End of astamen, x 4}. ji, filament; po, pollen. 4.—The Yucca-moth, Pronuba yuccasella, Riley. 5.—Ditto, with outspread wings. se ‘ 6.—Head. m, mandibular palp; m’, first joint of ditto; po, pollen. 7.— Mandibular palp of female. 8.—Ditto, of male. 9.— Ovipositor. 10.—A bristle from 7, (4—10, after Riley). effects their cross-fertilisation (Pronuba yuccasella, Riley) stand in close interdependence. In the female of this moth the first joint of each of the two maxillary palps is transformed into a long prehensile organ, which can be rolled up, and which serves to seize the pollen with. After the female has bored the ovary in several 552, THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III, places and deposited an egg in each hole, it repeatedly collects pollen from the anthers with these peculiar organs, places it on the stigma, and thrusts it into the cavity, the moisture in which it at the same time sucks. The larve now develop in the ovary, and along with them the seeds, which serve as their food, develop also, and in such numbers that the propagation of the plant remains ensured. When full-grown the larva boresa hole through the capsule, lowers itself to the ground by a thread, bores some inches deep into the ground and spins a cocoon in which it passes autumn, winter, and spring ; it passes into the pupa stage about fourteen days before the Yuccas begin to flower and emerges at the time when they do so (667—671, &c.). Paradisia Liliastrum, Bertolon, is adapted for fertilisation by nocturnal Lepidoptera. The honey is very abundant, and is secreted, as in Convallaria, by the deep longitudinal slits in the ovary, between the carpels. The flower is white, and the stigma and anthers are placed as in Lilium Martagon, Lonicera Pericely- menum, and many other nocturnal flowers (600, fig. 7). Eremurus spectabilis—The flowers lose their conspicuousness before the stigma and anthers are mature (367). Asin the case of Weigelia, Lantana, and many other flowers whose colours change, the gain hereby is that the less intelligent and useless guests are attracted away to the more conspicuous flowers which contain no treasure for them (612). 391. ANTHERICUM RAMOSUM, L.—The flowers are regular, and open widely, exposing their honey so much that the most short- lipped insects can see and reach it. The honey is secreted by the upper part of the ovary, on which it lies in three drops (Sprengel, pl. xxii. fig. 8). On the Rehmberg near Mihlberg in July, 1868, I had an opportunity of observing this plant in sunny weather under its natural surroundings. The flowers were assiduously visited by bees, sucking honey and collecting pollen. Each time they alighted they first touched the projecting stigma and then the anthers, thus causing cross-fertilisation regularly. A handsome black and green fly (Merodon eneus, Men.) hovered round the flowers in even greater numbers than the honey-bee, sucking the honey and eating pollen ; it was in fact the principal fertiliser. Two butterflies, the Swallow- tail (Papilio Machaon) and a Fritillary (Melitea Athalia, Esp.), sucked the honey. Their long thin tongues did not touch or only touched by accident the stigmas and anthers; but as they usually PART ITI. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 553 sat upon one flower while sucking another, cross-fertilisation (owing to the prominent situation of the stigma) was often effected by pollen adhering to the under surface of their bodies. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation can only take place in flowers directed more or less downwards. Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. and f.p. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (2) Merodon eneus, Mgn.,s. andf.p. C. Lepidoptera —Rhopalocera: (3) Papilio Machaon, L., s.; (4) Meliteea Athalia, Esp., s. Visited also by many other insects. See No. 590, 1. Anthericum Liliago, L.—The flower resembles that of the former species (590, I). 392. ALLIUM uRSINUM, L.—When the flower first opens the style is only from one-third to one-half of its ultimate length ; the papille are not yet developed on the stigma, and the anthers are still allimmature. First of all the three inner anthers dehisce at slow intervals, one after the other; at this stage the style has reached three-quarters or more of its full length (43 to 5 mm.). Then the three outer anthers dehisce one after another; the style has now reached its full length (6. mm.), and the papille on the stigma become developed. The flowers are thus imperfectly proterandrous. The anthers dehisce introrsely, and then turn that side which is covered with pollen more or less upwards. In specimens flowering in my reom I found some flowers in which the style was so bent during the last stage that the stigma touched one of the anthers which still retained some of its pollen. In this way self-fertilisation was effected to a limited extent when no insect visited the flower. In a wood at Stromberg Schloss- berg on the 16th May, 1868, I saw Bombus pratorum, 9, flying quickly from flower to flower of A. w7sinum ; she thrust her proboscis into each flower in search of honey, and after scarcely two seconds hurried on. The honey is secreted by the ovary, in the three notches between the carpels, and fills the space between these notches and the bases of the three inner stamens, Hence the bee when sucking must touch the stigma with one side of its head and the anthers with the opposite side, and, in old flowers, can only lead to cross-fertilisation. 393. ALLIUM CEPA, L.—The honey in this species is placed in the same position as in the preceding one; the anthers and stigma are also similarly situated. 554 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART IIT. Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (1) Bombus terrestris, L. ¢; (2) Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢; (3) Prosopis punctulatissima, Sm.; (b) Sphegide : (4) Miscus campestris, Latr. B. Diptera—(5) Empis livida, L., all sucking. Allium carinatum and A. fistulosum.—Sprengel found these species to be proterandrous. He has observed honey-bees in numbers sucking honey on the flowers of the latter. Allium spherocephalum, L., is visited by bees, flies, and Lepidoptera (609). Allium Schenoprasum, 8. alpinum, is proterandrous and very rich in honey. It is much visited by small moths (Crambus), even at 2,000 m. above the sea-level (665). Allium rotundum, L., is adapted for fertilisation by sand-wasps and bees. The three nectaries are concealed by the expanded bases of three of the stamens; the long filamentous processes of | the stamens protrude from the flower, and probably serve to guide the bee towards the honey (590, 1). Allium victoriale, L., is markedly proterandrous. The honey is displayed openly, and the yellowish-white flowers, which are ex- ceedingly conspicuous on their tall stalks, are visited by numerous flies, bees, and Lepidoptera (609). Allium sibiricwm has proterandrous flowers, which have been figured by Axell (17). The flowers of Hemerocallis fulva are sterile to their own pollen according to Sprengel (p. 43). Muscari botryoides, Mill., and M. racemosum, Mill., are visited by bees and adapted for fertilisation by them (590, 1). Scilla maritima, L., is visited by bees (590, 1). 394. HYACINTHUS ORIENTALIS, L.—The perianth forms a tube, 12 to 14mm. or more in length, produced into six outspread and recurved teeth. In its lower third is the ovary, with a short style and tripartite stigma; in the middle third are the anthers, which dehisce introrsely and ripen at the same time as the stigmas. No free honey is secreted, but the wall of the perianth is fleshy and succulent, and is probably bored by long-tongued insect- visitors. When an insect’s: proboscis is thrust into a flower it touches the anthers and stigmas with opposite sides, and so cross- fertilisation is favoured. Spontaneous self-fertilisation can only occur in flowers which happen to be inclined sideways. Honey is said by Linnzus and by Sprengel to be secreted in ee —ee PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 555 three glands in the angles of the ovary, but I have not been able to detect it (cf. W. J. Behrens, No. 51). Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 2 ; (2) An- thophora pilipes, F. 2? ¢, ab. ; (3) Andrena fulva, Schrk. 9; (4) Osmia rufa, L. g, very ab., all sucking. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (5) Cheilosia sp. sucking in vain forhoney. C. Coleoptera—WNitidulide : (6) Meligethes, on the anthers in large numbers, apparently feeding on the pollen. See also No. 590, 1. Lloydia serotina, Rchb.—This plant shows an advance on the foregoing Liliacese in the possession of special nectaries, consisting of a thick ridge at the base and in the middle line of each segment of the perianth. The flower is proterandrous, but the stigma ripens simultaneously with the inner whorl of stamens; in some cases it stands on a level with their anthers, in others above them, so that self-fertilisation is possible or not respectively (609). Fic. 185.—Lilium Martagon, L. A.—Flower, in its natural position, seen from the side (natural size), B.—A petal (x 2). e, entrance into the nectary (n). Lilium Martagon, L., is adapted for cross-fertilisation by Sphin- gide ; Noctuide also assist in the work. The anthers and stigma ripen simultaneously, and are touched by the feet and under surface of theinsect. Self-fertilisation also occurs, as Sprengel found. The perfume of the flower begins to be emitted strongly at night (570, 590, I, 609). | Lilium bulbiferum, L., is adapted for fertilisation by diurnal Lepidoptera. A nectary in this species and in L. Martagon is situated in the middle line at the base of each segment of the perianth ; but it is not a ridge merely, as in Lloydia, but a deep groove, whose edges, bordered by stiff hairs, rise up and arch over 556 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART IIT, to form a tube, through which the honey has to be sucked. All but long-tongued insects are thus excluded (570, 609). Lilium croceum, Chaix., is sterile to its own pollen (248). Gagea lutea, Schult., and G. arvensis, Schult.—The former is proterogynous, but the anthers dehisce soon after the stigma is mature. Bees visit both species (590, 1.). Gagea Liottardi, Schult.—Anthers and stigma ripen simul- taneously, but the golden colour of the flowers and the abundant honey attract numerous insect-visitors, chiefly Diptera, so that cross-fertilisation must generally occurs (609). Fritillaria imperialis, L., is visited by the hive-bee (590, 1). 395. CoLCHICUM AUTUMNALE, L.—In most cases, the use of a long, tubular corolla is to exclude short-lipped insects from the honey when they are useless for the work of ferti- lisation. But Sprengel has rightly insisted (702, p. 208) that in this plant the length of the corolla-tube (which rises directly from the bulb) is merely of use in permitting the fruit to lie buried in the earth, and indeed hidden within the bulb, and so to be sheltered from cold during the winter. The honey does not lie in the corolla-tube, but is secreted by the yellow outer surface of the lower part of the free portion of the filaments; and it lies within grooves of the corolla, covered over by protective hairs. The stigmas mature before the anthers (a fact which Sprengel overlooked), but remain fresh and capable of fecundation until the anthers ripen. If insects’ visits occur in time, cross-fertilisation is inevitable, owing to the proterogynous dichogamy of the flower ; if they do not occur till late, self-fertilisation also is possible, but it is rendered unlikely by the circumstance that the anthers turn their pollen-covered surfaces outwards ; if no insects visit the flower this movement of the anthers probably prevents spontaneous self- fertilisation. On the morning of Sept. 19, 1869, at Driburg, I found several flowers still closed in their night's sleep, which when opened displayed anthers not yet ripe, but stigmas richly coated with pollen. Rather later, when the sun came out, I found several males of Bombus hortorum busy creeping or flying from flower to flower, and sucking honey from the angles between the filaments and petals. As they crept into the flowers they touched both stigmas and anthers with their forelegs, head, or the anterior part of their bodies, dusting these parts plentifully with pollen in flowers whose anthers were mature. ee PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 557 Tofieldia calyculata, Wahlenb., is proterogynous; 7. borealis, Wahlenb., is homogamous. The flowers in both species are yellow, and the visitors are chiefly, but not exclusively, flies and beetles. The much smaller flowers of 7. borealis are less visited than the more conspicuous flowers of 7’. calyculata, but the former species makes up in part by an increased secretion of honey. Its flowers, being homogamous, have a better chance of self-fertilisation in default of insect-visits (609). Methonica (Gloriosa) superba has a pendulous flower, whose stamens and style are directed horizontally outwards, and serve, according to Delpino, as a platform for insects (172). Hildebrand states that in young flowers the style serves as an alighting-place, while the stamens lie deeper; and that in older flowers the stamens assume this function, so that cross-fertilisation of young flowers with pollen from older proceeds regularly (352). Paris quadrifolia.—1 was long puzzled to discover how this flower is fertilised. The stigmas are already mature when the flowers open; the anthers dehisce several days later, the stigmas still remaining fresh. The pollen-grains are about ‘04 mm. long by ‘(016 mm. broad; they remain adhering in great quantity to the ripe anthers, but fly off on the slightest touch in a cloud of separate grains. The nature of the pollen and the complete absence of honey and of a coloured perianth point to the flowers as being anemophilous, The stiff filaments and the long connectives, which are produced into awn-like prolongations, do not support this view, unless they assist the transport of the pollen by the wind when they are shaken by pollen-feeding flies alighting on them. I wrote the above in 1872, and I did not discover till six years later that the flower of Paris becomes intelligible in all its parts when one looks upon it as adapted for Diptera; and I observed then that in fact it is visited by Diptera. The dark purple ovary, crowned by four stigmas of the same colour, glitters as if it were covered with moisture ; and by this appearance and by its dis- agreeable smell it attracts Scatophaga merdaria and other carrion- feeding Diptera. These visitors often alight upon the stigma and lick the ovary with their labelle, and then climbing up the anthers, dust the soles of their feet or the whole under-surface of their bodies with pollen. So, flying away to other flowers, they accomplish cross-fertilisation (589). Veratrum albwm, L., is proterandrous. Some plants possess, in addition to the hermaphrodite flowers, male flowers also; others 558 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. bear male flowers only. That is to say, the species exhibits a passage through andromonescism to androdiccism. The flowers are dirty-yellow, and the visitors are principally flies (609). REVIEW OF LILIACEZ. In regard to the genetic relations of Liliacez, the following conclusions may be drawn from the floral characters that have just been described. The Liliaceze must have once possessed open, regular flowers devoid of honey, visited and cross-fertilised by pollen-seeking insects only. They attained, after dividing into several groups, to the secretion of open, freely accessible, honey, partly secreted by the segments of the perianth, partly by the carpels; and in part they still remain honeyless, and are still crossed only by insects which collect or feed on pollen (Tulipa), or else have become developed into deceptive flowers which attract stupid carrion- loving flies (Paris). Those Liliacez in which honey is secreted by the carpels have in part open flowers with generally accessible honey (Tofieldia, Anthericum); but in part they have become adapted, by approximation of the perianth-segments, for a limited but still very miscellaneous lot of visitors (Allium), or even to a special long-proboscised form (Paradisia), or by cohesion of the perianth-segments into a longer or shorter pendulous bell, to bees in general (Convallaria verticillata) or to humble-bees and other long-proboscised bees only (C. Polygonatwm). Similarly those Liliaceze in which the honey is secreted by the segments of the perianth have in part remained with fully or moderately open flowers, destined for cross-fertilisation chiefly by short-lipped in- sects (Diptera), (Veratrum, Gagea, Lloydia) ; in others the perianth- segments have become approximated without cohesion to form a pendulous bell, fertilised by bees (Fritillaria); in others the nectaries have become modified into narrow covered grooves, which are only accessible to Lepidoptera (Lilium); and, finally, in this last genus adaptation has passed from diurnal Lepidoptera to Sphingidz in the case of Lilium Martagon. | These various adaptations have all taken place with complete or almost complete retention of the regular symmetry of the flower ; only the adaptation to Lepidoptera (in Paradisia and Lilium) and the oblique position of the flower in Anthericum have caused an PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 559 unsymmetrical curvature of the reproductive organs especially of the style. The colour of the perianth in Liliaceze must originally have been greenish, as it still is in Paris, while the flowers at first made themselves conspicuous to insects by the colour of: the reproductive organs. By the selective agency of short-lipped insects, those flowers which had freely-visible honey, and then such as had their honey partially concealed, developed greenish- yellow colours (Veratrum), yellow (Tofieldia, Gagea), greenish- white and white (Lloydia, Anthericum), and their perianth- segments became devoted to purposes of display. It was only when sand-wasps, bees, long-tongued flies and Lepidoptera began to play a leading part as the fertilising agents, and led to the development of flowers that were no longer accessible to the great host of short-lipped visitors, that red, violet, and blue colours began to be developed through the higher colour-sense of these insects. In the genus Allium, for instance, the species with more accessible honey (A. wrsinum, A. victoriale) have a white perianth ; those with less accessible honey, which are visited chiefly by sand-wasps and bees, and also by-Lepidoptera and long-proboscised flies (eg. A. rotunduwm), have the perianth red. In Liliacex, as in other cases, the flowers which are fertilised by bees have by far the greatest variety of colour, as we see by a glance at Tulipa, Fritillaria, Scilla, Muscari, Hyacinthus, Asparagus, and Conval- laria. The colours of those which are fertilised by Lepidoptera are far less various. JLiliwm bulbiferwm, which is fertilised by diurnal Lepidoptera, is clothed in fiery red; Paradisia, which is adapted for nocturnal species, is white; LZ. Martagon, which only became modified for Sphingidze supplementarily, has ex- changed its bright colours for dull ones since it ceased to be fertilised by diurnal Lepidoptera (609, pp. 55, 56). Orv, AMARYLLIDEZ. 396. GALANTHUS NIVALIS, All.—Sprengel has given a full, and on the whole accurate, account of this flower; he was, however, inaccurate in regard to the structures which he supposed to shelter the honey, and his account is incomplete in regard to the circuinstances which favour cross-fertilisation. The green parts of the grooves on the inner surface of the inner petals secrete and lodge the honey, which is sufficiently sheltered from rain by the pendulous position of the flower. As 560 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. Sprengel has correctly stated, the six anthers, which lie close round the style, dehisce by apical slits, and when touched permit a little pollen to fall out; each anther sends a process outwards towards the perianth, but this is not at all a contrivance to guard the honey from rain, but a very important arrangement favouring cross-fertilisation. For when an insect tries to reach the honey, it cannot avoid touching one or more of these anther-processes, and so causes the pollen to be shaken out upon its head. The style projects beyond the anthers, and the insect therefore touches the stigma before it gets dusted with the pollen of the flower. In case of insect-visits, cross-fertilisation is thus ensured; but in absence of insects self-fertilisation is apt to take place by dled oe on the stigma. The hive-bee visits the flowers diligently in sunny weather, as Sprengel observed; alighting on one of the outer perianth- segments. If in search of pollen, it thrusts its head, forelegs, and midlegs into the flower, clinging by means of its hindlegs to the outer surface of an inner perianth-segment. With the tarsal brushes of its fore and mid-legs it sweeps pollen from the anthers, and places it in the baskets on its hindlegs. If it wishes to suck honey, it usually finds it more convenient to use its fore and mid- legs for clinging to the perianth. In either case the bee’s head may always be found covered plentifully with pollen. Narcissus Tazetta.—Delpino thinks that this species is chiefly fertilised, like many other Amaryllidez, by nocturnal or crepuscular Lepidoptera. However, he has directly observed it to be visited by Anthophora pilipes (177, p. 59). Crinum.—A. species with white, sweet-scented flowers, about seven inches long, is believed by Delpino to be fertilised by butterflies and by honey-sucking birds in its native country, and by butterflies in Florence. He found butterflies’ scales upon the stigma, and saw good seed repeatedly borne by the flowers. The essential organs are exserted, and the stigmatic surface is not exposed until the anthers have withered (177, p. 56). Pancratium maritimum.—-The honey is very deeply situated, and the flower seems to be adapted for Sphinx Convolvuli by which it is very frequently visited (172, p. 17; 352, p. 794). Orv. TACCACE@. Tacca (Ataccia) cristata.—The flower, in Delpino’s opinion, has a similar mechanism to that of Aspidistra elatior (178, 360). oh igi PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 561 Orv. DIOSCOREACEZ, Dioscorea.—The species which are cultivated in South Brazil and propagated there asexually, never, with one exception, produce flowers (359). Orv. PONTEDERIACE 2. Pontederia is remarkable as a trimorphic monocotyledon. My brother Fritz Miiller found only long-styled and _ short-styled individuals of an apparently trimorphic species of Pontederia, on the banks of the Itajahy-mirim in South Brazil; while another species, P. (Hichornia) crassipes, which has been introduced as an ornamental plant into the colony of Blumenau, exists there in long-, mid-, and short-styled individuals (556). Monochoria, L, has cleistogamic flowers, according to Kuhn (399). Orv. COMMELINACEZ. Weinmann has observed subterranean cleistogamic flowers in Commelina bengalensis (531). Tradescantia erecta produces cleistogamic flowers in Kew (330). | Orv. JUNCACE. Juncus and Luzula have anemophilous flowers in which self- fertilisation is for the most part rendered impossible by proterogyny. The proterogynous flowers of Zuzula pilosa have been figured by Hildebrand (351, fig. 4), those of Juncus filiformis by Axell (17, p. 38). So far as their proterogynous condition is concerned, the flowers of Luzula campestris agree perfectly with those of L, pilosa. Juncus bufonius, according to Batalin (39), is exclusively self- fertilised in Russia, the flowers, which are triandrous, remaining closed. According to Ascherson (10), the same species at Halle has ordinary open, lateral, hexandrous flowers, in addition to terminal cleistogamic, triandrous ones. This statement is confirmed by Haussknecht,! who found hybrids between J. lufonius and J. spherocarpus, whose flowers always expand fully. Luzula lutea and L. nivea attract insects by their conspicuous 1 Botanische Zeitung, p. 802, 1871. OO 562 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. colour; the former shows in other respects also remarkable approximations to the condition of an entomophilous flower. Indeed, if the pollen-grains of Z. /utea, instead of being smooth and powdery, became adhesive, the plant might be supposed to have attained the rank of an entomophilous species (609, fig. 1). Orv. PALM. Sabal Adamsoni has a white perianth which contains honey ; it is proterogynous and is fertilised by insects (Halictus, Polistes gallica). Chamedorea is also entomophilous ; Cocos and Syagrus, on the other hand, are anemophilous (177, -p. 61). Orv. AROIDEZ. 397. ARUM MACULATUM, L.—The arrangement of the flowers in this species agrees so completely with Delpino’s excellent account of Arum italicum (178, 360) that I have little new to add, The upper part of the spathe (d,1, Fig. 185) serves as a wide, conspicuous entrance, guiding small Diptera (Psychoda) into the lower chamber (ce) which forms a temporary prison. The insects creep down the dark-red spadix (¢) or sometimes the sides of the spathe until they reach the upper part of the chamber (at the level of a, b, 1, Fig. 185). At this point several rows of hairs (metamorphosed stamens) radiate outwards, pointing slightly down- wards, from the spadix, and form ‘a palisade which does not prevent the small visitors from creeping down into the chamber (c), but afterwards prevents them from escaping when they try to fly towards the light. Even when they try to escape by crawling up the spadix, the sharp downturned points bar their way. In the first stage of flowering the stigmas only, which are borne by the base of the spadix, are mature; a foul ammoniacal smell attracts the Psychodz into the prison, where they cross- fertilise the stigmas if they have come from other plants. In the second stage the stigmatic papillae wither, and a drop of. honey appears in the middle of each stigma, to reward the little visitors for their pains. In the third stage the anthers dehisce, and the greater part of their pollen falls upon the floor of the chamber; the insects dust themselves over and over with it, and finally, when the palisade of hairs withers in the fourth period, they pass out, and enter another flower in its first stage. PART IIL. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 563 Delpino has observed Arum italicum to be fertilised by six different flies, of the genera Ceratopogon, Chironomus, Sciara, LPsychoda, Limosina, and Drosophila (178,-p. 243). In Arum maculatum I have only found Psychoda, but it occurs almost constantly, and sometimes by hundreds in a single spathe. I could often see, on looking down through the grating, that many of the prisoners were trying to fly upwards to the light, and falling backwards, or trying to crawl out and being repulsed by the sharp points. Whenever I broke open a spathe in the third Fig. 185.—Arum maculaium, L. 1.—The whole inflorescence, x 4. 2.—Transverse section at the level of ab (1), seen from above, on a somewhat larger scale. ab, point at which the cage c is closed by stiff hairs, radiating from the spadix; c, cage inclosing the spadix with its reproductive organs; d, attractive portion of spathe; e, barren portion of spadix, serving as a guide-post; f, cross-section of spathe; g, ditto of spadix; h, stamens trans- formed into stiff filaments, stage of flowering, I always found a multitude of inmates groping about in the thick layer of pollen on the floor of the chamber. The Psychodz which I collected were so various in size and colour that I supposed I had obtained at least three species; but Herr Winnertz of Crefeld tells me that they all belong to the very variable species Psychoda phalenoides, L., which is probably the same species found by Delpino in Arwim ttalicwm, and identified by Rondani as Psychoda nervosa, Schr." 1 According to Schiner, Psychoda phalenoides, 1.., is identical with P. nervoca, Mgn,, and perhaps also with Tipula nervosa, Schrank. 00 2 564 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. Arum dracunculus (Dracunculus vulgaris) is visited accord- ing to Delpino by flesh-eating flies, as is also Amorphophallus campanulatus (178, p. 238). According to Arcangeli it is fertilised almost exclusively by carrion-loving beetles (Saprinus, Dermestes, Oxytelus (7). Arisarum is distinguished from Arum by the following features. The edges of the spathe do not meet, the aborted stamens are absent, and so the spathe surrounds a cavity which insect-visitors can enter or leave at will. The stigmas are still capable of impregnation when the anthers, which stand above them, dehisce, so that self-fertilisation may occur (178, p. 21; 360, p. 591). Alocasia odora is supposed by Delpino to be fertilised by snails. The spadix is covered in its whole length with normal and abortive stamens and pistils; only female flowers occur in the lower, wider part of the spathe, and they only are mature in the first period. From this chamber an attractive odour issues, and the snails are admitted by a narrow entrance. In the second stage this entrance closes, and the anthers dehisce. Snails which creep on to flowers in this stage seek vainly for the entrance, and dust themselves with pollen, which they afterwards carry to the stigmas of younger plants. Delpino supposes that the snails, after effecting cross-fertilisation, are poisoned by an irritant secretion within the chamber of the spathe, and are so prevented from > devouring the flowers (178, 360). In Delpino’s opinion, Zyphonium cuspidatum, Arisema fili- forme, Amorphophallus variabilis, Atherurus tripartitus, and species of Anthurium are also fertilised by snails (178, p. 238). Arum ternatum, Thnbg., is proterogynous. There is an upper male chamber, and immediately below it a female chamber into which the pollen falls wpon the imprisoned insects (probably small flies), which are afterwards allowed to escape by a small door (107, 596). Arum crinitum, Ait., resembles A. maculatum, but attracts carrion-flies by means of its strong odour of putrid flesh. The smaller visitors are held fast by sticky hairs in the floral chamber and digested (688, 689). The gigantic Amorphophallus (Conophallus) Titanwm, whose spathe is 33 inches in diameter, and the bare part of whose floral axis attains a length of 6 feet, is adapted, by its dirty-yellow and dark-purple colours, for dung- and carrion-flies (48). Stylochiton hypogeus, Lepr., and St. lancifolius, Kotschy and PART III. | THE MECHANTSMS OF FLOWERS. 565 Peyritsch, from Central Africa, remain with their inflorescence, which consists of male and female flowers, and is inclosed within a spathe (like our Arwm), beneath the ground; the tip only pro- trudes, and by it the fertilismg agents creep into the floral chamber. A similar condition exists in Liarwm and Cryptocoryne (222). Calla palustris, L—This plant exhibits a first step towards the condition of things which is perfected in Arum maculatum. Its disgusting smell protects it from injurious animals, and attracts carrion-loving flies. The white spathe is very conspicuous, and the proterogynous condition is very distinctly marked (590, 1.). . Eug. Warming (762) attributes a share in the work of fertilisation to pond-snails, Symplocarpus fatidus—This shows an intermediate stage between the open spathe of Calla palustris and the closed prison of Arwm maculatum (728). In Ambrosinia Bassii the anthers are within the spathe, the stigmas outside, at the end of the spadix. The fertilising agents (flies) creep down the spadix, and so in each plant come in contact with the stigmas before the anthers (178, p. 230). Anthurium Pothos is proterogynous with short-lived stigmas, like most other Aroidez (177, p. 62). Orv. LEMNACEZ. Lemna minor, L., according to Ludwig, is adapted for fertilisation by insects which live upon the surface of the water; so also, apparently, are L. trisulea, L. gibba, and L. polyrrhiza (435). Orv. ALISMAC EZ. 398. AtismA PLANTAGO, L.—The three white or reddish petals are yellow at the base, and expand to form a disk about 10 mm. in diameter. The chief visitors are Syrphidz. They alight sometimes in the middle of a flower, in which case the insect’s belly comes in contact with the stigmas and immediately afterwards with the anthers; or they alight on one of the petals and creep towards the pollen or honey, in which case various parts of the insect’s body come in contact with the anthers, and sometimes also with the stigmas. 566 THE FERTILISATION OF FLOWERS. [PART III. Although the possibility of self-fertilisation being effected by the insect-visitors is by no means excluded, cross-fertilisation is very much more probable, for when the insect alights in the middle of the flower cross-fertilisation is inevitable, and even if it alights on a petal cross-fertilisation is more likely to occur than self-fertilisation owing to the relative position of the anthers and the drops of honey. Fic, 186,—1lisma Plantago, lL. 1.—Flower, seen from above. 2.—Ditto, in side view, after removal of the petals, a, honey-drops; }, stigma, The six anthers are directed obliquely upwards and outwards, and dehisce extrorsely. They stand at a considerable distance from the stigmas, which project in the middle of the flower and ripen simultaneously with them, Honey is secreted in twelve drops by the inner surface of a fleshy ring formed by the coherent bases of the filaments; one drop is placed opposite to each — filament, and one in the interspace between each pair (a, 1, 2, PART III. | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 567 Fig. 186).