Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ae | , NU Le Fy Sr aed i p \ rd AE ON : 5 i be | | | a oes i: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Of! iu bf Dy Washioston, D.C. | v January 22, 1924 FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS . By a F. E. ALLISON and J. M. BRAHAM, of the Fixed-Nitrogen Research a Laboratory, and J. E. McMURTREY, Jr., of the Bureau of Plant Industry pee Pa CONTENTS f Page Page i SN sg he ee ae a 1 Observations During Growth. ...... 6 e ory Dempepememieierd: 2.0) ei bee oe a ee Gs 2 Experimental Results ........... 10 Sinds ami@weng 2 tudes relist ig oliclie le (ev 5 Review of the Results. .........-. 39 Methods Used in Experiments ....... 5 Summary 6275S ss tee ean eee 41 \ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1924 Washington, D. C. v January 22, 1924 FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS.’ By F. E. Atzison and J. M. Branam, of the Fixed-Nitrogen Research Laboratory, and J. E. McMurtrey, jr., of the Bureau of Plant Industry. > CONTENTS. Page. Page. oT TEC a Sa ee eee ae 1 | Observations during growth—Continued. EEL Re eee eer 2 ‘Ammonium ehidnd !; 2/2. 224 2e- 9 STRESS ee ne 5 OTC os Sata - aye bob 2 ov 5 smo g-- 585 --eseP g Methods used in experiments. ......-...----- 5 WEGPHOS.« < .o8 oo ae San won nen =e obpe eee 10 Observations during growth................- 6 } Experimental results... .. 22.2.0... 22.00.2028 10 (MAT ee ae: ee 7 Experiments 0f 49194. 25... ea uae 10 Ammonium nitrate, double salt, and Experiments of 1920 and 1921............ 18 Ph Ss ee ee 8 | Review of he TOSGHS: ~.ccgcahewseesss.wadaee 39 Ammonium phosphate and ammoniated BHIBMUNS U feet cannes ea suaumemadescapenetean 41 Sepprpmoninate. =: Sse St So 9 INTRODUCTION. Nitrogen compounds made from the air are rapidly becoming im- portant in meeting the world’s constantly increasing demand for nitrogen fertilizers. A number of Kuropean countries are already Seeger ig sufficient atmospheric-nitrogen fertilizer to meet the larger part of their requirements. The United States has made a beginning in this direction but still depends almost wholly for her nitrogen upon the natural sodium-nitrate deposits of Chile, the ammonium sulphate obtained from by-product coke ovens, and the various organic sources, such as slaughterhouse wastes, cottonseed meal, and fish scrap. A small quantity of cyanamid,? imported from Canada, is also used. Interest in the production of synthetic nitrogen compounds in the United States was greatly stimulated during the World War in con- nection with the production of explosives. Nitrogen-fixation activi- 1 The experimental work described in this bulletin was carried out by the Nitrate Division of the Ord- nance Office, United States Department of War, workingin cooperation with the Bureau of Plant Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture. The work during the first year was under the direct supervision of the bureau mentioned. During the two following years the work was conducted by the Fixed-Nitrogen Research Laboratory, which was a part of the Nitrate Division until its transfer to the Department of Agriculture on July 1, 1921. The writers are indebted to Drs. Karl F. Kellerman, W. W. Garner, Oswald Schreiner, and J. J. Skinner, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, for many valuable sugges- tions in planning this investigation and to members of the staff of the Nitrate Division, particularly Lieut. Cols. J. K. Clement and Hardee Chambliss, for assistance in carrying out these experiments. The Office of Soil-Fertility Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, is conducting field experiments with most of the nitrogen materials mentioned in this bulletin. These experiments have been in progress in several States for a number of years, and the results are to appear in a Jater publication. 3 Crude calcium cyanamid treated with a small quantity of water and of oil. §2765°—24— Bull. 1180——_1 2 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ties during that period were largely limited to the Government, and as a part of the program for providing an adequate supply of explo- sives the War Department constructed two nitrogen-fixation plants at Muscle Shoals and Sheffield, Ala., in 1917 and 1918. While these plants were constructed for the immediate purpose of furnishing explosives it was expected that they would be utilized for the pro- duction of nitrogen fertilizer in peace times. Although not operating, they represent a potential source of about 48,000 tons of fixed nitro- gen per annum. This quantity of nitrogen is equivalent to about 240,000 tons of ammonium sulphate or 308,000 tons of sodium nitrate and is approximately equal to 30 per cent of the nitrogen consumed as fertilizer in this country in 1919. ‘These plants were designed to produce ammonium nitrate for high explosives as their final product, with calcium cyanamid, ammonia, and nitric acid as intermediate products. At the close of the war the problem of utilizing these nitrogen- fixation plants for the production of nitrogen fertilizer arose, and this immediately raised the question of the fertilizing value of the pro- ducts which might be made there. The direct product of the larger and more important of the two plants is calclum cyanamid, from which ammonia can be readily obtained, and this, in turn, can be oxidized to form nitric acid. This one plant, therefore, provides a source of cyanamid nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and nitrate nitrogen, representing all the forms of fixed nitrogen obtainable by the present fixation processes, and hence the problem of its agricultural utiliza- tion involves a consideration of the fertilizing value of cyanamid and various ammonium and nitrate compounds. Considerable investi- gational work, particularly on cyanamid, has been reported by a number of European experiment stations, but with the exception of cyanamid these new materials have been studied very little under American conditions. It was to obtain information concerning their fertilizing value that the field experiments described in this bulletin were made. The experiments were begun in the spring of 1919 by the Nitrate Division of the Ordnance Office, United States Department of War, in which the Government’s fixed-nitrogen activities were then centered, working in cooperation with the Bureau of Plant Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture. The work was conducted on the reservations at the two nitrate plants, where the necessary land, labor, and equipment were available, and covered a period of three years, at the end of which time it was discontinued. During the first summer the experiments dealt wholly with cyanamid and ammonium nitrate, but the following two years the scope of the work was enlarged to include a number of other synthetic-nitrogen products which appeared to have fertilizer possibilities. FERTILIZERS USED. Experiments were made with the following nitrogen materials: Cyanamid, ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate, ammoniated superphosphate, ammonium chlorid, a double salt consisting of ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulphate, a mixed salt obtamed from ammonium nitrate and potassium chlorid, a mixed salt obtained from ammonium nitrate and potassium sulphate, urea, and Ure- ‘ ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 3 phos. Sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate, the present standard inorganic-nitrogen fertilizer materials, were used as ref- erence substances. In connection with the experiments on cyana- mid a few tests were made with calcium nitrate alone and in admix- ture with cyanamid and also tests on calcined phosphate and basic slag as sources of phosphorus. The composition of the fertilizer materials used, although varying slightly from year to year, is quite accurately expressed in Table 1. Some of the more important features of these materials which have a bearing on their utility as fertilizers, particularly from the stand- point of production, are briefly discussed in the following pages. TABLE 1.—Composition of fertilizers used. Composition (per cent). Fertilizer. p$iisS ae ese See NHs. P2 O3. K2 O. Cyanamid (hydrated-.and oiled).:.. :2o222.4eso4.... 252k bess ae yes. oe 2208 WCE Ls. SE SSR TLE EE PETISMACIMITTIETIOLALS (PTRINIOG)= = . uo do gan won no Se one hn eee asec estes BU De op Bo RR See eee reremapiine elmOria: AE C5 Ssh et. TSE Shhh. So 4s. ee ee a. S104). 22 A teal soe tate PA PEACNIERITE TOTES oS ht Sepa Sass = ee 1 713 y 9 ; ; 0-8-0. wee ee eee I 5 765 739. 0 w~eeeeunesce 13 v US ies ¢ 19. 6 ereeesr eres lf 21. 1,273 10 21. os eae ee | Vos7 |p 1180.0] 44.0 44 2, 500 an 28.6 9.0 3| 1/250 : ul ’ 34.9 4-8-0, -9...!.. \ i 17330 |f 4240-0) 50.0 15] 2600] sz4|p 362 16.6 4| 1,362 : 12|} 2560 33.4 bs aa fe: 4 g| 1353 |p 4357-5] 61851) 16] 5°88 a \ 36.3 16.7 nes D.— um nitrate: OOD scot. Bee: 293 | 293 en eee enna] eeagelenee siay fo cacakcciee poe ij 1 : 9 “48 31.4 0-8-0: 22.1.2. 5 905 ro) se eae ee 13 2, 260 30.3 | 30:9: |_4-5-82 4-6 2| 1,110 10| 3,200 39. 4 2-8-0. -_—eeeereeee 6 it, 280 Ls 195. 0 333. 5 14 2 920 33. 7 36. 6 5 vA 3] 1.353 11 040 44.6 if £6 t?. any ri 1,379.0] 517.5) 35] 3°44 ree } 45.8 14.9 2h 12} 3,600 54.3 ce eae 1 8] 17380 |f 1405-0] 543.5 |1 38]. 9800 yr } 49. 5 18.6 Sate C.—Cyana- | . mia: OOO iL EN aoe ATL ni, Secaeenel ICC Bereeeraren (UC Sateen CPOE Al ONS 1| 1.195 fs 9| 2,400 26.9 O84 Sus et. : pe W087. 5, [6 2 25) 15 1 Bs ee } ped eee 2| 1,208 : 10 ” 680 24.9 S895 $5 - 4h 6 | 17205 |f 1208-5] 158.0 8 3g] Fg00 ae 21.2 Baie 3| 1113 11| 27360 32.0 a? eee apie G7 ine lt 1, 124-0 86.511 35] 5° 360 pa 29.6 7.3 4 548 -|f 12] 27120 30.6 $-8-06 oi Jf: ; 339 |} 690-0| —357.5 11 18! {’d00 ue 29.6 13 1 The term ‘‘fertilizer ratio”’ used in Tables 3 to 7, inclusive, refers to the percentages of N, P2O;, and K;0 per acre, in the order named. The applications were made at the rate of 1,000 pounds per acre. It is quite evident, therefore, that no particular weight should be attached to these yields with cyanamid, used under conditions that are known to be unsatisfactory. They are, nevertheless, valu- able in demonstrating that cyanamid should not be used in large proportions in fertilizer mixtures containing acid phosphate. TIME-OF-APPLICATION STUDIES WITH AMMONIUM NITRATE, SODIUM NITRATE, AND CYANAMID ON COTTON AND CORN.—SECTION II. In order to determine the best time to apply the nitrogenous fertilizers, a series of plats was planted to cotton and corn, some plats receiving the nitrogen in the row at the time of seeding, others one month later, and a third group receiving half of the Pictibaee 12 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. when seeded and the remainder one month later. Where the ferti- lizer was applied after planting, the material was distributed by hand in the furrows left by the cultivator used for the second cultivation. The distance varied from 6 to 12 inches from the row. The fertilizer was then mixed with the soil by means of a spring-tooth cultivator. Table 4 gives the yields from the various plats. TABLE 4.— Yvelds per acre of cotton and corn from Section II of field No. 1. Application Yields of seed cotton F of nitrogen. (pounds). Yields of corn. Fertilizer ratio. Plat. : Plat. Grain (bushels). - One a With Aver- | crease Stalks seed. month Actual. age. over (Ibs). Increase later. check. Actual. Aver- over age. | check Series A.—Am- monium nitrate: Sy a Fe { Sey. BOA A beat |2oc Cagle. cast \cdubebee te it a 1] 840 9| 2,380| 31.1 ee or ee re { 5) | 990 ein the See { 13] 1760] 3219 |} 27-0 |.-....-. 5 10] 3,220] 40.0 Bact ot he ati. eT al co ta t He \ 1,370 4551 i4| 9’s00| 35:7 |t 379) 10.9 0 11] 27960] 46.6 4-8-0. 2222... Half..| Half.. 1] x 405 \ i318} 403 15] 2700 | a6 \ 42.6] 15.6 ml 27340] 44.9 4-8-0. .-...2--)2--22-- All { 8| 13310 \ 1,175 260) 46 27260 | 34.3 \ 39.6 12.6 Th, Seas WD lt ae 1 1 fs boat De 1,300] . 15.2 oasa-d! gate Series B.—Sodi- um nitrate: COTE De Sie ey ere a Pea { go «20 fe SRM Ah oe 1,590: 744 -:-9,40ed 1 653 9| 2,120] 22.0 Ca eo Se i eae 5| | 608 iesied aia { 13 2,320 96.0 |} 240 )-------- 8 340| 46.6 4-8-0. 2.22222. 7S 6| ro |p Ltt} 513 ta] 3580] azia |} 47-0] 23-0 48-0 Halt... ae >| yao |} 1173) 42 a5] Seen | aaa |} 48-0] 220 ; ] 4 12] 23930] 43.1 4-8-0... 22-02.) ---- 2+ All...) | a070 |} %7} 3361) 161 2500| 383 \ 40.7 | 16.7 eS SEI ee ep Se AND 7 ok ae GO tee endl pee pes 1,520). 4d og, dels Series C.—Cyana- mid: (em ah Ne ES Pe ea s-] 1 283) 283 feveeefeeee g| 29] 83] 63 |------- 3 . Bae eae be ot ee { 5 1,163 } 1 232 J... { 13 2; 780 33.4 aii 8 10| 3,540 pe 428)! 2 ee AT oe { ; 1385 1,107] —125 1 34] 3360 10-0 41, 25A-C11.6 3 | 1,300 11] 3,400] 42. eg Half..| Half 3) vito 25] = 27 as): 8000) acd \ 42.2} 12.6 4| 1,118 12| 3,320] 43.4 4-8-0 ween eeweee| ee eees tN Pere 8 988 \ 1,053 —179 { 16 2; 820 40.0 \ 41.7 12 1 AEN EAT calle! oa: yO pile 106 [ts epi ME) ae 780'| ves doll eargrl eee In considering the results it is necessary to emphasize the wide variations in the natural fertility of the soil on different portions of the field. This accounts for most of the irregularities shown by the figures in Table 3. Ammonium nitrate again gave responses similar to sodium nitrate, although the increases in yields were not quite as large. Cyanamid was a very unsatisfactory fertilizer, for the reasons already given. From the standpoint of time of application there was no great difference in the yields whether all or only half of the fer- tilizer was applied with the seed. Where no fertilizer was applied with the seed the yields were nearly always lower. This emphasizes the necessity of having sufficient nitrogen available for seedlings to give them a rapid start. ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 13 The deficiency of phosphorus in the soil is shown in Table 4. The yields of both cotton and corn were usually larger on the untreated plats than where nitrogen alone was used. With both nitrogen and phosphorus there was a very large increase in yields. AMMONIUM NITRATE, SODIUM NITRATE, AND CYANAMID ON MISCELLANEOUS CROPS. Experiments with the three fertilizers mentioned were made on a wide variety of crops, including cowpeas, soy beans, string beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, okra, Lima beans, sorghum, millet, turnips, and Sudan grass. The results were of a qualitative nature and hence are not here reported in detail. A few of the more significant effects of the fertilizer treatments are, however, included. Ammonium nitrate gave results comparable with sodium nitrate. The material was readily available and suitable for forcing vegetables. Cyanamid was much slower acting and gave lower yields because of its dicyanodiamid content. But even where used according to best —_ cyanamid as the only source of nitrogen will not be a suitable ertilizer for quick-growing crops. FIELD No. 2. Three sets of experiments were conducted in 1919 on field No. 2, as follows: (1) Availability studies with ammonium nitrate and cyanamid at different rates of application, using sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate as standards; (2) studies of the effect of lime on availability, usmg the same materials; and (3) tests of the fertilizing value of cyanamid and Urephos in comparison with the two standards. e crops grown included rye, wheat, oats, and a mixture of redtop and orchard grass. Planting was done December 10, 1919, just subsequent to broadcasting the fertilizers. A wheat drill was used for genkey the grains, while the grass seed was distributed by hand. The rye plats were harvested on June 8 and the other crops on June 21." The crops were allowed to remain on the ground until thoroughly dry, and then the total weights were SBincwesl Unfortunately there was no equipment available for threshing and hence the grain yields were not determined. The fertilizer application included nitrogen in the different forms at varying rates up to 80 pounds per acre, together with phosphorus and potassium. ‘The latter two elements were applied at the rate of 80 pounds of P,O, and 40 pounds of K,O to all plats of Sections I and II except those designated as ‘“‘no fertilizer.” On Section III 65 pounds of P,O; was used on all plats except those receiving Urephos, where the application was 90 pounds of P,O,. The sources of phos- phorus are shown laterin Table 7. The fertilizers were mixed about one week before applyimg them except where cyanamid was used, it being applied separately. The method of making fall applications was to broadcast the mixtures by hand, followed by a thorough harrowing before seeding. The spring applications of nitrogen where given were broadcasted on the various plats about April 15. In considering the experimental results reported below it will be observed that in many instances the variations in yields between 14 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. duplicates are quite large. This is due to the fact that in nearly all instances duplicate plats were located at a considerable distance from each other and the soil variations were sufficient to account for the discrepancies. While these variations were large, nevertheless there was usually a gradual change in productivity from one portion of the field to another. AVAILABILITY STUDIES WITH RYE AND WHEAT.—SECTION I. This experiment was planned to give comparisons in yield between ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, and cyan- amid at the rates of 10, 20, 40, and 80 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Half of the nitrogen was applied in the fall and the remainder as a spring top-dressing except in one series, where all the cyanamid was applied in the fall for the purpose of comparison with the other method of use. The differences in growth on the various plats were quite marked and also fairly uniform for the different sources of nitrogen at any given rate of application. Very early in April the growth on all plats was quite poor because of the late planting and very heavy rainfall both in the fall and spring. The soil on the entire area, and especially the ammonium-nitrate series, was not quite as well drained as is desirable. Soon after making the spring applications of nitrogen there was a very rapid growth which corresponded approximately to the total nitrogen supplied. The rye and wheat which received no nitrogen were the smallest and lightest in color, while that receiving the largest amount of nitrogen grew very rapidly and had a very dark green color. There was no appreciable difference between the different series of plats, except that where the spring application of cyanamid was made there was a slight retarding effect as compared with the other cyanamid series. The yields of grain and straw from the plats receiving the four different sources of nitrogen are given in Table 5. In considering the results for rye it will be noticed that usually the larger the amount applied up to the maximum application of 80 pounds of nitrogen per acre, the fafoer was the yield. With regard to the merits of the four sources of nitrogen, making allowance for soil variations, neither the growth nor yields indicated any marked differences. Ammonium nitrate produced larger yields than did the adjoining sodium-nitrate series, but the check plats were also better. The yields from the plats where all of the cyanamid was applied in the fall were the largest of any of the series and likewise showed the largest increases over the checks. The soil variations are too great to justify making sharp distinctions, but there is not the least doubt that cyanamid, when applied in the fall, produced results equally as good as any other fertilizer used. The wheat yields agreed very closely with those for rye and showed that under the conditions ammonium nitrate and cyanamid were as satisfactory sources of nitrogen as sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate. The application of all of the cyanamid in the fall again gave slightly better results than the use of half in the fall and the remainder in the spring. ie ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 1S TABLE 5.— Yields per acre of rye and wheat from Section I of field No. 2. Yields of rye (pounds.)| Yields of wheat (pounds). Fertilizer ratio. Grain Increase | Grain Increase and Average.| Over and Average.| Over straw. check. straw. check. Series A.—Ammonium nitrate: ea an Beto Oi ei Bola {) 940 |} 1,440 Jase eee {1 6a0 [ff 15160 [dss eee Spe) 9G Ty OF) 20.8: { 360 |} 2,000 560 { 7’ 4ao |} 1,420 260 J 5] 4. Se { ae \ 1, 860 420 { ee \ 1,720 560 , 2 a he Le Ca 1. PBa0|t 1,980 520 390 |} 2440] 1,280 3 > a { $380 \ 2,840) 1,400 { 3o10 ft 2540 1, 380 2’ 280 2; 560 . a 2 Ee ee ee See ae { 5990 |f 2600, 1,160|{ S259 )} 2,540] 1,380 Series B.—Sodium nitrate: rs 3 py eae ieee { ae \ TMM pose { 360 1100 bins aed ares 2 OUUE a resting. 5-20 { mre ri {ig 1600). gf is { 2 480 7 ene wee, Oo a, We ol oe CE Mie { 3360 |t 1,380 2201 460 [+ 2,040 —40 , , poe Fer ON bo! { it \ 1, 700 540 { nee \ 2, 360 280 I >] ot ek ae eee { 2°ou0 |} 1,960 800 {57509 |t 2,500 420 2 , 1, 840 3’ 360 Bee ee 2 OHS.) OR. { 27590 |f 380} 1,220} 57359 | 2,840 760 Series C—Ammonium sulphate: Lexy Sag 3; a3 ager era Cae aa Pte ts bt40,|-.----0-- Ne drone (t 1s 840 eee (SS S nee { Ne ea \ 1 360.|...... Peart { ee \ 1, 740° |. Bee aoe ne , Seo ES Sree eee one \ 1, 420 160 i vee \ 1, 500 —240 ’ , Pee het. eee 1 Se ayes \ 1, 980 720 { an \ 2, 260 520 , , 2) Ss SS eee rae nba \ 2,320| 1,060 { ae \ 2,520 730 ) , f 3,200 2’ 720 \ eee eee Oe A en aa \ 2,860} 1,600 { 7430 |¢ 29720 980 Series D.—Cyanamid: ae +666 Oe ee 1,280 \ GH) |. eee. { De \ oi a a Us ea ees gti \ 1,000.|... ocait { 1780 [} 1,000 |-2-22---- SESS hess eae { ge \ 1,380 380 { nee \ 1, 100 100 ? ] Ul 2 ES ae { vo \ 1,680 | 680 { ae \ 1, 220 220 ? , oS OT eee { ae \ 2,320) 1,320 { pres \ 2,020 1, 020 a | ] 2; 320 3, 000 Ls Bypass Spee Rely nepal ad { 2 880 \ 2,600 1,600 { 2 400 \ 2,700 1,700 Series E.—Cyanamid (applied in the fall): pie SEA TY Oe Oto Woe { es \ 920 |...-..2.-- { epstn \ 680 PLsAT | ge Li edges eae eal { an \ Tele ee { wes \ ioib. Pues ees >] er Fe chong \ 1, 840 340 { een \ 1, 280 240 d “RS OS tee eee { webs \ 2, 220 720 { aay \ 1,680 640 I , ren iin (ig) fever boar { nem \ 3,020| 1,520 { meee \ 2,160 1, 120 , , Pps IUGR 40 { rar \ 3,460| 1,960 { eee \ 2, 900 1, 860 = 5) py 1 Half of the nitrogen was derived from ammonium nitrate and the remainder from sodium nitrate. INFLUENCE OF LIME ON THE UTILIZATION OF NITROGEN FROM THE VARIOUS SOURCES.— SECTION It. _The importance of the soil reaction on the availability of ammonium nitrate and cyanamid was determined for wheat, rye, oats, and grass. Nitrogen was supplied at the rate of 40 pounds per acre, half at the 16 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. time of planting and the remainder as a spring top-dressing. Where | lime was used, the rate of application was 2 tons of air-slaked material |) per acre. The growth on this group of plats was rather disappointing early in the spring, owing to a poor stand and the retarding effect produced by wet weather. However, as the season advanced very good stool- ing took place and the poor stand was partially overcome, resulting | in fairly uniform growth on plats similarly treated. Since the appar- ent discrepancies in the yields shown in Table 6 may in many cases be explained by observations during growth, the two will be discussed | together. | TABLE 6.— Yields per acre of wheat, oats, rye, and grass from Section IT of field No. 2. | Yields of grain and straw (pounds). Crop and fertilizer ratio. Limed or unlimed. Series A.—| gorias B.—| Series C.— Ammo- Sodium. mmo- | Series D.— nium nitrate nium Cyanamid. | nitrate. : sulphate. Wheat Cs RR awe ek Se Unlimed..=. -. us Ue 160 760 app ere ARSm a) ee ae Fee re a 3S J GOse 553-655 eee eee 1, 640 2,520 2,760 1,520 pS oe oe Pee een Limed2 0. 225 Rie ae 2, 400 2, 440 2, 320 000 Increaseidue tojlime:.|2 jh. 52 sash sete ea 760 —80 —440 480 Rye: My tN eek ee Limed.....o2 5: pee ee 1, 640 1,760 1,400; |: .-Sodoe eee ge ee eee EE Wnlimed) 2322 2-2 c ee 2, 440 2, 480 2, 800 2,760 0 ee Rots at San ae Lamed).... 22 ose aes 2, 960 3, 440 3, 006 , 200 Increase: due to lime: 2}. 32-205. 2.25 2S 520 960 200 —560 Oats: oF ei ae tp eet Unlined) .2,4:82- soe ae eee 2, 3, 320 2, 200 2, 400 A484 See 8 Sh cee ce Lamed) 22525 Ae aoe fee 2, 520 1, 920 2,160 2,720 increase GueitOwime: 2)... 252-25 nbe acu epee —360 —1, 400 —40 320 Grass: AR Ae UA se ee Uniimed’.":2 4 232s ; 2,320 1,600 1, 240 etd Se ee a oa oe ainted 2 8s sce ec see 2, 920 2,720 1, 640 1 Increase due tolime:.}: 22. 2.5. 205.24 - 42. 2 32s p 920 400 40 0 The addition of lime, judging from Table 6, produced a rather marked increase in the growth of wheat fertilized with ammonium nitrate and cyanamid, while slight losses were shown with sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate. However, the plats receiving the latter two sources of nitrogen had a very poor stand. Had the number of plants and the soil conditions been the same in all cases there is little doubt, judged by the results obtained by other investi- gators, that lime would — given increased growth with all sources of nitrogen and particularly with ammonium sulphate, since this material leaves an acid residue in the soil. The yields of rye were increased by additions of lime in the case of all of the fertilizers except cyanamid. It is barely possible that the lime exerted a harmful effect, but more likely the soil variations largely explain the results. The plat which yielded 2,760 pounds appeared to the eye to be naturally more fertile than the plat which yielded 2,200 pounds. ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 17 The yields of oats are no doubt misleading, since cyanamid is the only one of the fertilizers which shows an increased yield with lime, the very reverse of what was obtained with rye. LEarly-spring obser- vations showed that the stand was much poorer on the limed than on the unlimed plats, thus accounting, at least partially, for the lower yields. The growth of redtop and orchard grass was good and the stand quite uniform. The results are therefore more significant, lime being without effect with cyanamid but beneficial with the other nitrogen calriers. CYANAMID AND UREPHOS AS FERTILIZERS WITH DIFFERENT PHOSPHATE CARRIERS.— SECTION IIil. This experiment was planned primarily to compare mixtures of cyanamid and either basic slag or calcined phosphate with sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate as standards. In addition, a few plats received Urephos, which contains both nitrogen and phos- phorus. Im all cases except on the check eet nitrogen was sup- plied at the rate of 40 pounds per acre, half in the fall and the re- mainder in the spring. Phosphorus and potash were supplied to all plats in the fall at the rate of 65 pounds P,O; and 40 pounds K,O. In the case of Urephos either basic slag or acid phosphate was used to bring the total phosphoric acid content to 65 pounds for the fall application, but when an additional application of this material was made in the spring the total phosphoric acid was brought up to 90 pounds per acre. The crops grown were wheat and rye. In considering the yields shown in Table 7, it will be observed that there are several wide variations in the yields of plats receiving the same treatments. This is because the duplicate plats were located at a considerable distance from each other, and the variations merely show the natural soil irregularities, which were beyond control. TaBLE 7.— Yields per acre of wheat and rye from Section III of field No. 2. | Yields of wheat (pounds). | Yields of rye (pounds). Ferti- Aeostnent,. jzer | Grain | Increase! Grain | Increase ; and (Average.| over and (Averagé.| over | straw. | check. | straw. | check. Le ral eS Pa a a ee eae No nitrogen (basic slag)............-.-- 0-6. 5-4 { ea \ 740 |e. i 2, 040 i 1,000 |. eS Sodium nitrate (calcined phosphate)...} 4-6. 5-4 { oe \ 1,560} 820 it } 2, 040 | 540 ey. N 2; 240 s 1,300 | : Sodium nitrate (acid phosphate)....... 46,5-4 { 130 \ 1,300 | 1,060 i ee \ 2, 040 540 Ge ing f 21 f 22200 Sodium nitrate (basic slag).........--- 4-6. 5-4 \ 800 \ 1,980 | 1,240 { oto |} 2,300 800 Ammonium sulphate (acid phosphate).| 46.54 { ara \ 1,980} 1,240 (| a } 2, 280 730 Cynamid (calcined phosphate)......... 4-6, 5-4 { pe \ 2,000} 1,260 { vee \ 2, 240 740 5) 7 Cyanamid (basic slag)..........-...-.- 4-6.5-4 { 2 190 \ 2,100} 1,360 { i = \ 2, 220 7 Urephos (basic slag)..........-..-.---- 494 { a \ 2,400! 1,660 { — \ 1,740 240 Urephos (acid phosphate)............. 49-4 A aan \ 1,900 | le | ee Pein ieee tee ; | | 52765°—-24— Bull. 1180-2 re SS 18 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. | | | The growth and yields in the case of wheat showed no appreciable difference between cyanamid with either of the two basic phospha tii | and ammonium sulphate with acid phosphate. The yields of wheat | ; with sodium nitrate used in mixture with basic slag were also on a | , par with the cyanamid and ammonium-sulphate results. With cal- cined phosphate and acid phosphate sodium nitrate gave smaller | , increases than any of the other mixtures. No significance should | , be attached to this, however, since these plats were located on if poorer soil. Urephos gave very good growth, giving the best yield | , with basic slag of any of the mixtures and an average yield with | acid phosphate. The large application of phosphorus may have | partially accounted for the good results. The growth and yields of rye showed no appreciable difference | between cyanamid, ammonium sulphate, and sodium nitrate with the | different as carriers except that some of the yields with sodium nitrate were low because of the poor soil on this portion of the field. This is shown by the wide variations in the yields of the two check plats. The yields of n° where fertilized with Urephos and basic O slag were the lowest of any of the forms of nitrogen. The soil is | decidedly poorer on this portion of the field, and doubtless this largely accounts for the low yields. Urephos seemed to give as good responses }, in growth as the other materials, but the fact that approximately | 30 per cent of the nitrogen is present as guanylurea sulphate leaves | some doubt as to its value in general, since the latter compound is | probably only very slowly available for plant use. EXPERIMENTS OF 1920 AND 1921. The agricultural experiments reported above were continued at Muscle Shoals during the following two years. Modifications in the manner of using cyanamid were made, and the scope of the work was enlarged to include several additional nitrogen carriers. The methods of carrying out the experiments were essentially the same as those used previously except for variations in the fertilization. In order to make nitrogen the limiting factor all plats except those designated as ‘‘no fertilizer”? received potassium and phosphorus. The rates of application used as a basis were 80 pounds of P,O; and 40 pounds of K,O for cotton and usually half these quantities for corn, but certain modifications had to be made where the nitrogen carriers contained either of these two elements. The sources of phos- phorus and potassium were acid phosphate and potassium sulphate unless otherwise noted. The experimental area included the 10 acres used previously, the yields from which have been given, and three additional fields of about 5 acres each, located near by. The layout of the plats, giving treatments for the season of 1921, are shown in the diagrams. (Figs. 1 to 4.) Fretp No. 1. } | The experimental work of 1919 on field No. 1 was continued during the following two years, using the same plat arrangements and so far as possible similar treatments for the same plats. The results are discussed under three headings corresponding to the three sec- tions of the field. A diagram of the field, showing the plat arrange- ments and treatments, is shown as Figure 1. ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 19 AMMONIUM NITRATE, SODIUM NITRATE, AND CYANAMID.—SECTION I. Results with cotton—This set of experiments was practically a duplication of the work of 1919 except that where cyanamid and acid phosphate were used the materials were applied separately. The yields for the two years, given in Table 8, show a slight dif- ference in favor of sodium nitrate over ammonium nitrate. How- ever, it is felt that the soil variations were great enough to account for most, if not all, of the differences. Both the sodium-nitrate and cyanamid series were more favorably located in this respect than the SECTION I. SECTION IL. SERIES 8 \ SERIES .C SERIES A SERIES B SERIES C Cyenemid +Acid monium Sulfste mid+ Basie \\Cysnamid+ Basic +Acid Phosphate Phosphate + Potash \\+ Acid. Phosphate Slag + Potash Slag + Potash. + Potash ers Separstely\ \+ Potash SERIES A as ee SSN a AEE Seo. oe 5 SSS SERIES C —-SERIES_B>* SECTION IL, Fic. 1.—Diagram of field No. 1 located at Muscle Shoals, Ala., showing plat arrangements and treatments for the season 0f 1921. The soil typeis Clarksvilleloam. Three rows per plat without bufferrow. Size of plats, one-fortieth ofan acre. Theindex figures refer to the number ie of NH3, P20;,and KO used peracre. Ac. P.= Acid phosphate; B. Slag = duplex basicslag; K = potassium sulphate; Am. S. = ammonium sulphate; S. N.= sodium nitrate; Am. N.= ammonium nitrate; Ca. N.= calcium nitrate; M. S. (Cl.) = mixed salt made from potassium chlorid and ammonium nitrate; M. S. (SOs) = mixed salt made from potassium sulphate and ammonium nitrate. ammonium-nitrate series. Plate III, Figure 2, illustrates the relative cotton yields with the different rates of application of ammonium nitrate. Cyanamid was not as satisfactory a fertilizer as the other two materials, but the results were much better than those obtained the first year on the same plats using cyanamid in mixture with acid phosphate. At the smaller rates of application the differences for the two years were less noticeable, but at the equivalent of 80 pounds of ammonia per acre the material failed to give quite as good results as sodium nitrate. The difference was not great, however, as shown by Plate IV, Figure 1. The retarding effect of heavy applications at the beginning of the season was a handicap from which the plants were never able to recover completely. 20 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TABLE 8.— Yields per acre of cotton from Section I of field No. 1 in 1920 and 1921. Yields of seed cotton (pounds). ri 1920 1921 Fertilizer ratio.1 Plat. Increase Increase Actual. | Average.| over Actual. | Average.| over check. check. Series A.—Ammonium nitrate: | 116 36 Te ah eR tele mes Ape a Oe eee | Gee eee | Soda 04 eee ie Agee eee ec {3 4 begs ts eee Hf Bopel rcs. 28: emai 2-8-4 ys 2| 4,508 yeas 19g |{ 1,016 872 15 oa nee eee ecesereseectaves see { ra ihe te , 728 54 ee RY, ee | Ga 524 |f 1,396 |\ 4 90 504 SaaS 7 Seabees ces Vim bana ea 1,048 |f 7) ; | "05 1 620 , Syke ume oa ye i ia fives f 1,968 844 { 1524 } 1,572 S54 Series B.—Sodium nitrate: 164 108 OOM Che tah eh Adie { 4 Dey Ble ssernseah { 1s \ (Sa A eae 0 Ca BS ee na eae { 2) pie |p bis fe... Boa (ht GME 5 eee ae age he 2} 1,364 /\ 4 399 272 804 882 268 “ich fcacrasn heey sneene os { 21 15416 960 eed ER {3 1360 [+ 1,648 590 |{ 7°3p¢ |} 1,222 608 Le perenne PTE Err { & | AeA acta} —--4-008-1 “o-2foetee 1,874 960 Series C.—Cyanamid (with acid 8 : : phosphate applied separately): 2 ite cap Os RR Se Oe WORE Hier alh 2a Fic 7' borer ts {oS rgee4) | 100 | pee 1} 1,504 928 De SN eae alee oor? | ale ae \ ao lf 7844) seca CEE eT ae a 2 512 \ 1,598 244 { He 970 136 eR wie. | ee a Se 3 ae \ 1, 860 506 { von \ 1,216 432 “ole einen | Se Ca ane c Fel aes { 5 2 Oe \ 2, 002 64s |{ 708 \ peat 682 1 The term “fertilizer ratio” used in this and subsequent tables refers to the percentage of NH3, P20s, and K20 per acre, in the order named. Applications were made at the rate of 1,000 pounds per acre. Results with corn.—The effects of the various fertilizer treatments on corn were quite different from those on cotton. Cyanamid pro- duced growth corresponding to that made by sodium nitrate except that the early retarding period was a few days longer. However, the nitrogen became available about as soon as needed, and no per- manent injuries were in evidence. Ammonium nitrate was very readily available, as shown by Plate V, Figure 1. The yields are given in Table 9. In considering the figures for the unfertilized plats it should be borne in mind that these plats received heavy applications of nitrogen during the season of 1919, and the effects undoubtedly persisted during the following two years. The differences between the three sources of nitrogen when used as fertilizers for corn were not great when due allowance is made for soil variations. The increases in yields obtained with ammonium nitrate were usually larger than with sodium nitrate or cyanamid, but the actual yields were smaller. This was because the soil was very shallow, due to continuous erosion. Cyanamid gave practically the same increases as sodium nitrate and seemed to be about as effective a source of nitrogen for corn as either of the two nitrate | forms of nitrogen. Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE III. — FIG. |.—EARLY GROWTH OF COTTON WITH SULPHATE MIXED SALT. FIELD 2, SEASON OF 1921. At left, no nitrogen, 1,090 pounds 0-S-5 fertilizer per acre; yield 540 pounds of seed cotton. At right, mixed salt, 1,000 pounds 4-8-5 fertilizer per acre; yield 872 pounds of sced cotton. FIG. 2.—YIELDS OF COTTON FROM PLATS RECEIVING DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF AMMONIUM NITRATE. FIELD I, SEASON OF 1921. Left to right: No fertilizer; yield 64 pounds of seed cotton per acre. No nitrogen, 1,000 pounds 0-8-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 718 pounds. Ammonium nitrate, 1,000 pounds 2-8-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 872 pounds. Ammonium nitrate, 1,000 pounds 4-8-4 fertilizer peracre; yield 1,222 pounds. Ammonium nitrate, 1,000 pounds 8-S-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 1,520 pounds. Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE IV. FiG. |.—GROWTH OF COTTON WITH SODIUM NITRATE AND CYANAMID (ACID PHOSPHATE APPLIED SEPARATELY). FIELD |, SEASON OF 1920. At left, sodium nitrate, 1,000 pounds 8-8-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 2,2(8 pounds of seed cotton. At right, cyanamid, 1,090 pounds 8-8-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 2,096 pounds of seed cotton Fiac. 2.—FIELD OF COTTON, SHOWING INJURY PRODUCED BY A HEAVY APPLI- CATION OF CYANAMID DURING A VERY DRY PERIOD. FIELD 2, SEASON OF 1921. At left, cyanamid (with basic slag), 1,000 pounds 8-8-4 fertilizer per acre; more than half of the plants died; yield 556 pounds of seed cotton. At right, no nitrogen, 1,000 pounds 0-8-4 fertilizer per acre; stand good; yield 424 pounds of seed cotton. Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE V. Fic. |.—EARLY GROWTH OF CORN WITH AMMONIUM NITRATE. FIELD I, SEASON OF 1921. At left, ammonium nitrate, 1,000 pounds 4-4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 28.6 bushels. At right, no fertilizer; yield 8 bushels. FIG. 2.—EARLY GROWTH OF CORN WITH CYANAMID (AND BASIC SLAG). FIELD |, SEASON OF 1921. At left, cyanamid, 1,000 pounds 4-4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 36.6 bushels. At right, no fer- tilizer; yield 8 bushels. Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE VI. FIG. |.—CORN GROWN WITH CYANAMID (AND CALCINED PHOSPHATE). FIELD |, SEASON OF 1920. At left, cyanamid, 1,000 pounds 4-4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 27.4 bushels. At right, no fer- tilizer; yield 11.4 bushels. FIG. 2.—CORN GROWN WITH CYANAMID (AND BASIC SLAG). FIELD I, SEASON OF 1920. At left, cyanamid, 1,000 pounds 4-4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 34.3 bushels, At right, no fer- tilizer; yield 9.7 bushels. ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. ot TaBLe 9.— Yields per acre of corn from Section I of field No. 1 in 1920 and 1921. Yields of corn. 1920 | 1921 Fertilizer ratio. Plat. Grain (bushels). Grain (bushels). nie ss } Hanae 3 ounds). crease (pounds _ [Increase ® ) al. Aver- over Actual. pee over &ge- | check ag check a fh a fl ff | —s a-2- te: Ope 920050) 7 s40 | 10.3 a ee 1,040 | 8.0 ho pscaet. 1,500] 10. if 44, ; i nee \ 3) 130) 74 f BB feces. { 1,600 7a lf BOS fone 1 é 5. ae { 14 2, 080 10.9 \ 13.2) 4.3 { 2,120 12.6 16.0 5.7 11 ; 17. , : amma o Tis aii? { 15] 2,440] 16.0 } 166] 771 2,160 | 16.6 ee Pao PAD ef 16] 2480] 25:7 \ 243] inal BOO) eel} 272/169 Series B.—Sodium nitrate: pl) eee gt | 17] 1,600) 183] 18.3]........ | 1, 240 14.9 jays rs 2040! 18.0 ’160| 26. O42. .....22. 22-2222 { = 1, $00 ine | 16.5 |......-. { 2/040 is | 22.9 |....-.-- 2720} 21.1 2’ 400 z a a te { ig} 2240 15.4 nay 3 2, 040 2.5 | Nabe ae a “i a eras I , 20.9 4.4 { , 28.6 5.7 4-42 2 3) 200 30.3 30.6| 14.1 { 2640 71 | 37.1 14.2 bg ee { i¢| 2920] 309\f °° 2560 | ae! if Series C_—Cyanamid (with —— “at 17 C76 ist 14.8 |2..-.<-t 1,120} 8&6 ca. ee, 9| 2040] 15.4 2360 | 20.6 2 a * { Fe 1,230 call 20t.......5 { i 70 io} 15 2. 10 360 ; 142. ....-.2------+--- { 14 1, 920 86 \ 10.6) —1.4 { 2,000 11.4 \ 16. 0 5 u| 2 i "16 ; le { 15 2, 560 16.0 \ 16.3 4.3 { 2, 200 20.6 20.9 5.4 12 ; 44-2. ..2. 22-22-22 see { 16| 3,000 elt 28.3 | 16.3 { 2280| 2.0 \f 289) 13.4 The relative percentages of grain and stover varied to a marked extent for the two seasons. In 1920 the wet period of early spring and summer was followed by a drought at the time of ear formation. A heavy stalk production without the comresponding orain yield was the natural result. Exactly reverse weather conditions in 1921 gave a much larger proportion of grain. It will be noticed also that in Table 9, as well as in subsequent tables, there was a rather general tendency for small nitrogen applications to produce stalks rather than grain, particularly in 1920. CYANAMID AND AMMONIUM SULPHATE.—SECTION Il. This series of plats was planned primarily to determine the advisa- bility of using cyanamid in mixture with either calcined phosphate or basic slag. However, during the season of 1921 it was impossible to secure sufficient calcined phosphate and it became necessary to use basic slag on all iorientd lats. Ammonium sulphate was used, with acid phosphate as a standard for comparison. The experiments were conducted on the same soil used in 1919 for the time-of-applica- tion studies. Since acid phosphate was used on the plats at that time the later results can not be considered as an estimate of the 22 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. relative merits of the three forms of phosphorus, but merely a meas- ure of the returns from the nitrogen applied in mixture with the phosphorus carriers. The experiments were conducted at the same time and in the same manner as those of Section I, previously dis- cussed, and the data are therefore comparable. Results with cotton.—The yields of cotton for the two years are given in Table 10. The increases produced by ammonium sulphate were of about the same order as those produced by the two nitrates of Section J. Any variations may be attributed largely to factors other than the source of nitrogen. The use of cyanamid in mixture with either calcined phosphate or basic slag was entirely satisfactory, as is shown by Plate VI, Figures 1 and 2, and Plate V, Figure 2. While the yields show considerable difference with these two mix- tures, the figures are in reality somewhat misleading. The soil of series B was very shallow and located on the side of the hill where moisture conditions were often the limiting factor to growth. Series C was on lower and richer soil. It is felt that the use of cyanamid with either of the two basic phosphates or with acid phosphate applied separately is satisfactory and where used under exactly the same conditions would give about equally good yields. TABLE 10.— Yields per acre of cotton from Section II of field No. 1 in 1920 and 1921. Yields of seed cotton (pounds). 1920 1921 Fertilizer ratio. Plat. Increase Increase Actual. | Average. over Actual. | Average. over check. check. Series A.—Ammonium sulphate: a be AR eee alt E Ld eed {a pS see ie { 16 ) 119-1 racer 1 1, 080 OBA... on oon nent enn pes gnee No 5]. 1344 \ Uh eal eters Fr { 724 \ 660 |...------- pe Wee ps he, a eee { §| i702 \ 1,532 320 1 Yaa |} 1,088 388 ? , ean tcl an te oui { 3) Sugoi} ure] seal ies |} 1,246 586 4 1, 868 1,208 8-8-4......-------- +--+ +--+ ++-+-- { 8 2) 368 \ 2,118 906 { 1,712 \ 1, 460 800 Series B.—Cyanamid (with calcined phosphate in 1920; with basic slag in 1921): ise Ar ODO. - 2-H poeins- ae 54Feab SET E -[57-> 3s { 256 \ sient loot e S22 { 116 \ 80, ]-~222- 22+ 1 612 324 Gate acs Nes ie {. 5 Sal ae) Bees =: (SRSA cameo Leeat SOU. {é) iif) 9] se gal ss] a Ee cc ey pee ie Hoes heed Weta \ pap |} 788 416 4 1, 348 704 8-8-4.......--.------------------ { 8 1 792 \ 1,570 934 { 1, 028 \ 866 554 Sites C.—Cyanamid (with basic | slag): pond ul dpaleebe det bem (aie |e eee ea) 1 1, 066 2 | 708 0-8-4.....--.-----+- ++ +--+ 2++-+-- { 5 1, 104 \ 1,085 |.--------- { 744 \ 726 |..-------- panna ant... OR! { 2nkoohee \ 1, 419 334 { iE \ 1, 030 304 J pein lo-genie oft 10} f 3) T30N sce] soo |f 188M aso] aaa 4 1,618 936 8-8-4.....------ +--+ +--+ 222+ +ee { 8 1) 744 \ 1,681 596 { 1, 260 \ 1, 098 372 ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 23 Results with corn.—The yields from the group of plats given in Table 11 show increases in favor of cyanamid over ammonium sulphate regardless of whether the former material was used with calcined phosphate or basic slag. A portion of the increase may be attributed to the fact that the two cyanamid series were located on slightly lower ground than the other series. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that under the conditions cyanamid was yess as satisfactory a source of nitrogen for corn as ammonium sulphate. It seems that corn is able to utilize ammonia nitrogen, while cotton requires a large percentage of nitrate nitrogen for its best growth. TaBLeE 11.— Yields per acre of corn from Section II of field No. 1 in 1920 and1921. Yields of corn. 1920 | 1921 | Fertilizer ratio. ae Grain (bushels). | Grain (bushels). In- In- (pounds). Aver- | crease |(POunds).- Aver- | crease Actual. age. over Actual. age. over chec check ee ee Phate: ae 7} 980} 63) 63)... 2080) jot) 8a). 13.7 0 O42......--2. +222 \ 13 1,800 163 | 14.0 |......-. 1880 169 | 17.5 |...-.-- 10 19. 4 | 2.3 142.2... 222-2... ; P| 14 2,240 16.0 | WF) 37 2,040 16.0 \ 19.2 L7 il 22.9 4 25.7 ; 242... e eee e eee 15 2,720 14.9 1g oT. +) #9 { 2,240 | 18.3 \ ae 4.5 600 | 26. 6 34.9 #42... . 2-2. ee ee eee A 16} 23480) 21.7 } ze BT) MOS { 27480 | 286 \ 31.8) 143 Series 2 pe esa ae (with | calcined phosphate): 1 Oe aoe 5 tS WW] 1240} 14) 14}... 20] 87) 97 |e 1,560|. 6.3 880 : O42... sees eee eee { 13 2; 360 12.6 \ 9.5 |-------- { 1,920 18.3 \ 14.0 |..-..-.. 10 “0 /) 80 14 P42... eee- { 14 2, 680 77 |p i BA 2,120 21.1 \ 22.3 8.3 1 18.3 2 25.7 P42... eesti e eee 15 2° 800 22.3 \ 7S |p IE 2, 240 25.1 \ 25.4) IL4 37080 6 160 | 30.9 #42... 12. e esses eee 16) 2340] 27.4 } 26.0] 1651 95’os0} 30.3 } 30.6 | 16.6 Series C_—Cyanamid (with basic slag): 2 ign bo geen a WW} 110) 9.7) 97]... OF eee 8 3 ee 6 : 1,680} 17.1 O42... -..--. 2.22 2-- 13 2, 880 22.3 21.5 |-.------ { 2;160 24.6 \ 20.9 )..-.--.- 0 0} 30.3 560| 34.3 142. e testes eee 14 3,320 26.9 23.6-)° ° 71 { 2,320 29.7 \ 32.0{ 111 1 : 480 | 32.6 lia: 15 3,520 as 1 |} 24] 6.9 3640 | 366 |t 346] 137 38.3 27680 | 38.3 442... een e eee en nee { 16| 3,230] 343 } ae ee Ss 20 |. :36.6 } 37.5/ 16.6 1 Basic slag was substituted for calcined phosphate in 1921. MIXED SALTS, SODIUM NITRATE, UREA, AMMONIUM SULPHATE, AND CALCIUM NITRATE.— SECTION III. This series of fertilizer experiments was carried out on the area used during the season of 1919 for the miscellaneous crop tests. This previous treatment did not seem to affect appreciably the results for the following two years. | 24 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TABLE 12.— Y%elds per acre of cotton from Section III of field No. 1 in 1920 and 1921. Yields of seed cotton (pounds). + 1920 1921 Fertilizer ratio. Plat. : In- | In- Aver- Aver- Actual.| AVet | Tease | 4e0 in-| Actual.) AVer- | crease age in- age Spite PO age. over check. . check. | Crease: Series A.—Mixed salt (from | | KCl): milli Aeneid Sie Mae | { Be Te SIO lo eee Bae “say [221 eae 2 as oe ae ee { ; 1, O84 \ 1,040 DAI es ict { eb Sam 8 Papeete: foc) 1 ee epee rs oe Sins | 3 {| 1,052] 1,052 12 12 768 768 = = AS a Siew ee eee eee > aE IY 4 1, 240 1, 240 200 133 972 972 196 174 4-8-6) SHC eS ee AR : aes 1,444 404 335 1, 376 1,376 600 520 920 Ge ee ee ee { 19| "S76 } 7 ROE, AAO Fr | Mieke ae |e AS a ey ee Bes so 8 896 896 oy PSE 884 LBZ PAE eee 2 y | ee 2 So 9 1, 096 1, 096 10 ee 1,172 1,172 AAD Series B.—Sodium nitrate:1! Pe Bek. ge Dy een Oe Bae fo a eee Prudschigg. fs" { rs pag | hee eee eer pol | Rae Meiers |e EE A ee Se ee 3 900 900 94 94 656 656 156 156 a OE, Wet ts ERY Se a 4 1, 568 1, 568 762 361 940 940 440 280 Ba Bat eit strict 5 1,945 | 1,945 1,139 746 | 1,260 1, 260 760 620 ToS ORS Spain Sa eid meee ey 2 es ee po | aero a eee Se eat WR Tae ee ee Se 8 676 676 a. | 1) 636 636 120 [Bees = re edie TER eg cee Sel ae 9| 1,068] 1,068 5 SY Ae (er 996 996 co. as 2c ain Series C.— Urea: : Bs dea Oe Se et Foes oh ke 7 eon } oo i aa pr a6 2 See oy ee REBT ON Aa) a nee ae Fg | eee pS ER OS ye det 3| 1,268] 1,268 238 119 896 896 244 210 ey, ER Pores arene 4} 1,744| 1,744] 714 1,316 | 1,316] 664 580 Sea ee - Sa RT : oo 2, 060 1, 030 1, 030 sr if 916 916 7: are Tea { Amica og A ot Me { OL |t | Sta Aasod- cdl FE eel ae TT edettt £5 28 - 8| 1,084] 1,084 Ue Eo eee 900 900 176 re eS ee eee re Be 9 1, 548 1, 548 0 eee 1,220} 1,220 496i) 5A Series D.—Ammonium sul- phate: , et, ES gape? iteay | eee { lee ee \ Witla «Vales. ous is pve en ees 2 928 Pen awe pret { 4 me | | Re: cre lh 670 jc eee 7S: RS, Papa lpg Sie SRT Fae 3 1, 508 1, 508 602 468 | 1,176 1,176 506 442 Ee Ee Ee ee eee oe eee Bad 120) escola ee eees 826 1,260 | 1,260 590 642 Sek Ee Be ged Sa ey 5 | 2,040] 2,040] 1,134 1, 134 1, 564 1, 564 894 894 6 884 672 eae yet hee 4 a0 | 1,088 [J 28 foe---s24fs-4----- na |b. od se Dea a RR EEG. + eet 8 1,320 1,320 $< 1 Ae eee 1,052 1, 052 3183|=> Soe 1 EE TE eae 8 ao ee seg 2 9 1, 812 1, 812 7 i bg 1, 368 1, 368 694} 2-7 7 2 Series E.— Urea: OO $425 esate { aie \ og ae oe ee ae { “40 \ 70 juni .ic 2 2 936 peal Se yee lee { rg ae \ hy Cee? See { Oot) 80 ances: ee 0 ed a EO 3 1,228 | 1,228 392 310 976 976 436 345 Be ea Se Se re ee he tents 4 1 504 532 1, 044 1,044 504 497 ES ON AEA oh ee 412 1, 412 576 576 | 1,048 | 1,048 508 508 6 36 Tae Ae end aes erie { Pel et \ “0 Ghee ee ee { ee } oy a EO rere eee ce ee 8 1,024 1, 024 774 (eR a Se 800 258 | 2 eee 1 Se UM oe Se Rote mee coe poe 9 1, 356 1, 356 7 1, 036 1, 036 490'|: 2h 2 ee 1 Mixed salt (from K»SO,4) was substituted for sodium nitrate in 1921. The potash content of the fertilizer mixtures containing sodium nitrate was 4 per cent and with the mixed salt 5 per cent. 2 This plat is omitted from the averages because through mistake it received no nitrogen. ? Calcium nitrate with basic slag was substituted for urea in 1921. Results with cotton.—Table 12 gives the yields of seed cotton for the two years. These show considerable variations between treatments, ammonium sulphate usually giving the largest increases. Sodium ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 25 nitrate and urea were about as good, however. With regard to urea it will be noticed that there was a wide variation between the yields of series C and H in 1920. This again emphasizes the marked soil variations and shows the necessity of disregarding small differences in judging the value of any particular source of nitrogen. Series A, which received mixed salt, was likewise located on a very poor area with a shallow surface soil. Taking these points into consideration, there seemed to be little Stieranha batiroen the fertilizing values of urea, ammonium sulphate, sodium nitrate, and the two mixed salts. Calcium nitrate was not as satisfactory as the other materials, prob- ably because the nitrate-basic slag mixture became very hard after mixing and could not be distributed properly. The data are scarcely adequate for drawing sharp lines of distinction. The growth of cot- ton with urea is shown in Plate VII, Figure 1, and with the two mixed salts in Plate VIII, Figures 1 and 2. TABLE 13.—Yvelds per acre of corn from Section III of field No. 1 in 1920 and 1921. Yields of corn. 1920 1921 Fertilizer ratio. Plat. Grain (bushels). Grain (bushels). (Stalks, Stal, as a Aver- | crease |\Pounds). Aver- | crease Actual.| “age. | over Actual.| “age. | over check check Series A.—Mixed salt (from KCl): oS ae 5 eee 2 16 oop ae B10) leccodace 1, 760 13.1 ye Ua ee Fe il 560 | 4.6 a ee { 15} 1,440] wolf %9 |-------- { 1,920| 13.7 } 9.2 |e esas US Se Gan se 12 2,160 8.0 8.0 —1.9 2,000 10.3 10.3 Li Zs: be eae 5 BS a Be ty Ede 13 2, 240 10.3 10.3 4 2 200 VW 17.1 7.9 is Sa Brave Sele e 14 2,720 20. 0 20.0 10. 1 2, 560 30.9 30.9 21 Series B.—Sodium ni- trate: 1 eee et Ce os i: 7 oh a (! 1 Co a ea A a He a RYE ee 1 ’ 700 0 3. O42... eee eee eee { 15| 2760] 25.7 \ rie a pe ae { 2/200} 28.6 \ 20.9 '|-------- AYO begs Lee ee 12} 3520] 17.7| 17.7| —4.2] 2240] 201) o11 2 AD iS Se NSE st Imiciels «6 13 3, 480 2154 Ziel —.8 2, 360 24.6 24.6 BEY AA Dicindinbeacce cs ck. 14 3, 720 38.3 38.3 16. 4 2, 720 SYS 37.0 16.8 Series C.—Urea: Cee ce tmttiees wc 4 Care ans DOOM ee eke aps rape ree pS ig RE ib Eis 1 64 800 3 O42 seen essen eee { is| 22840 | 2507 |¢ 189 |----++-- { 27120) 24.6 fee: HEA EH. 28 a eS ee 12 3, 280 14.9 14.9 —4.0 2,040 14.9 14.9 —.6 DAO ee Mk od sk 13 3, 480 PALSY i 21.1 2:2 2,320 24.6 24.6 9.1 BA Di OSL San SSS 14 3, 800 38.3 38.3 19. 4 2,640 41.1 41.1 25.6 Series D.—Ammonium sul- phate: Pa nrriee ky 16] 1440) 10.3] 10.3 ]........ 1,760 | 211 Pork oe 1 ’ 100 ' 1680] 8.0 O42... eee eee { 15| 2/480] 16.0 \ 14.0 |......-. { 1,720 | 16.0 } 12.0 |..-.-.-- JE | ge ee Eas Ad 12 2,360 5.7 5.7] —8.3 1, 680 9.1 9.1 —2.9 i a), ee rr 13 2, 680 9.7 9.7 —4.3 2, 120 14.3 14.3 Zo (en Ae ae a 14 3, 200 26.3 26. 3 12.3 2, 480 32.0 32.0 20.0 Series E.—Urea: 2 SEEM ION 6} 1600] 206} 2.6]........| agi] 74] on]... 4. 1,680 | 21.7 O42... eee essen eee { 15} 3,000} 36.0 \ 30.0 |.......- { 27560 | 38.3 \ 30.0 |........ Sa eis tet h ted 12{ 3,040] 22.9] 229] —71]° 27390] 31.4] 314 1.4 te, 2 Se ae rae 13 2, 760 25. 1 20, 1 —4.9 2, 760 37.1 37.1 etek _ Ta ag os RA a Se 14 3, 480 38.9 38.9 8.9 2, 920 45.1 45.1 15.1 Beene Nie oman doy Pow ol ly hod ant band ahh olor oodigaly 1 Mixed salt (from K2SOx4) was substituted for sodium nitrate in 1921. * Calcium nitrate with basic slag was substituted for urea in 1921. 26 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Results with corn.—The yields given in Table 13 again show the wide differences in fertility between series and within the same series. The results for series X for the season of 1920 should be dis- carded, since these plats were located on very wet soil. During the rainy period of early spring about half of the plants died and the area had to be replanted. The extremely wide variations between check plats of all of the series during 1921 were due primarily to weather conditions. The plats were located on a gentle slope, the lower ones being much better supplied with moisture than the upper. It is useless to try to state the relative merits of the fertilizers, for the reasons given. The observations during growth as well as yields, however, did not indicate any appreciable differences between urea, the two mixed salts, ammonium sulphate, and sodium nitrate. Even calcium nitrate gave a good increase in yield regardless of its slow start, due probably, as already stated, to the poor mechanical condition of the mixture when applied. The growth of corn with urea is shown in Plate VII, Figure 2. The figures given in Table 13 and elsewhere show a marked tend- ency for small applications of nitrogen to produce stalks rather than grain in many instances. The season of 1920 was especially favorable for a high percentage of stalks, while the reverse was true in 1921. This was due chiefly to two factors: (1) Fewer stalks were left per given area in 1921 than in 1920, thus making available more food, sunlight, and moisture for each plant; (2) the wet growin season of 1920 produced a very rapid growth and probably a limite root system, since plenty of plant food was available in the vicinit of the seedlings. As this supply neared exhaustion the late aril and maturity suffered, because there was not enough nitrogen to produce a grain yield proportionate to the large stalk production. The lack of a wide-spreading root system left the plants at a greater disadvantage than those which received no nitrogen. On the other hand, during the season of 1921 the early plant growth was slowed down because of lack of moisture. Plant development was gradual throughout the year, and the stalks were really smaller than normal. Plenty of rain at the time of seed formation favored a grain produc- tion proportionate to the weight of the stalk, even with the smailest quantities of nitrogen. These facts emphasize the importance of a study of the best methods of applying fertilizers, for example, in the drill, by side applications or broadcasting. Fietp No. 2. This field, a diagram of which is shown as Figure 2, is the one that was planted to winter crops in the fall of 1919. After harvesting the crops in June the soil was allowed to remain barren until the spring of 1921, when the experiments with cotton and corn reported on below were started. AMMONIUM NITRATE, UREA, AMMONIUM SULPHATE, AND CYANAMID (SINGLY AND IN MIXTURE WITH CALCIUM NITRATE).—SECTION I. Results with cotton.—The importance of the weather conditions in this experiment necessitates a special reference to this factor. Planting was done near the end of a very wet period and was followed by a prolonged period of dry hot weather. There was adequate moisture to produce almost perfect germination, but the subsequent drought caused the burning and death of a large number of plants on | | ; | Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. PLATE VII.- FIG. |.—GROWTH OF COTTON WITH UREA. FIELD |, SEASON OF 1920. At left, urea, 1,009 pounds 8-8-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 1,412 pounds of seed cotton. At right, no nitrogen, 1,009 pounds 0-S-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 736 pounds of seed cotton. Fic. 2.—GROWTH OF CORN WITH UREA. FIELD !, SEASON OF 1921. At left, urea, 1,00) pounds +4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 41.1 bushels. At right, no nitrogen, 1,000 pounds 0-4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 24.6 bushels. Bu!. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PrAne Vie FIG. |.—EARLY GROWTH OF COTTON WITH SULPHATE MIXED SALT. FIELD I, SEASON OF 1921. At left, mixed salt, 1,00) pounds £S-5 fertilizer per acre; yield 996 pounds of seed cotton. At right, no nitrogen, 1,000 pounds 0-8-5 fertilizer per acre; yield 528 pounds of sced cotton. FIG. 2.—EARLY GROWTH OF COTTON WITH CHLORID MIXED SALT. FIELD I, SEASON OF 1921. At left, mixed salt, 1,000 pounds ‘4-8-6 fertilizer per acre; yield 1,172 pounds of seed cotton. At right, no nitrogen, 1,000 pounds 0-8-6 fertilizer per acre; yield 544 pounds of seed cotton. Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE IX. Fic. |.—EARLY GROWTH OF CORN WITH SULPHATE MIXED SALT. FIELD 2, SEASON OF 1921. At left, mixed salt, 1,000 pounds 1-8-5 fertilizer per acre; yield 38.5 bushels. At right, no fer- tilizer; yield 33.7 bushels. FIG. 2.—EARLY GROWTH OF CORN WITH AMMONIUM CHLORID. FIELD 2, SEASON OF 1I92]. At left, ammonium chlorid, 1,000 pounds 1-8-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 17.7 bushels. At right, no fertilizer; yield 6.3 bushels. Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE X: FIG. |1.—EARLY GROWTH OF COTTON WiTH DOUBLE SALT. FIELD 3, SEASON OF 192). At left, no fertilizer; yield 120 pounds of seed cotton per acre. At right, double salt, 1,000 pounds 2-8-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 763 pounds of seed cotton. FIG. 2.—GROWTH OF CORN WITH DOUBLE SALT. FIELD 3, SEASON OF 1920. At extreme left, no nitrogen, 1,000 pounds 0-4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 19.6 bushels. Center (1 row), no fertilizer; yield 17.1 bushels. At right, double salt, 1,000 pounds 4-4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 33.9 bushels. ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 27 certain areas. However, it was only where cyanamid was used that enough plants were killed to affect the stand appreciably. At the rate of 40 pounds per acre of ammonia, as cyanamid, the injuries were temporary, but with 80 pounds about half of the plants were killed, as is shown in Plate IV, Figure 2. Where calcium nitrate was used with cyanamid the extent of injury depended almost wholly upon the amount of cyanamid used. 4 — BS K*)\ (—— B57 —— PEK oe. - - | (an [Ures®” = = i) eqn? = | (eee fama” == | [Urea® = | Amn Pe 9 eee ee | eee SHEE : Urea Toym® ~~ | (eee pacer = | ee ous. | fara - | oer 4 Zn Sea x | iy . sl] | & 3 3 [_— —— 3414/8 «i : —— =_ %1- b & ACP? RINE | S 7] 9 2 s > 10 S ‘an 4 NOS ¥ 0 x G s a a = _ (33) (nS? = KF) (MS6Q)™ ~ A*) ei Ue dmcl™ AS = MSSGF° _” _K*? Fig. 2.—Diagram of field No. 2 lo- [—__— —]} (— — — } cated at Muscle Shoals, Ala., show- ing ae 5 yes ang, pus ISHAS LOT Hb SEAeOE |B . 2 . oid soiltypeisColbertsiltloam. Three 2422 — LSC A 4 rows per plat without buffer row. 24"C" > _= Jo |#5.Cy" _- _H7* |x, o: at of aah one-fortieth of fy acre. 2. —— ne: AEA |S See N Theindex figures refer to the num- oer” Keto | —— ac Pe Ho ber of a of ae 20s Bui O1s.G = = Sr eae S K.0 used per acre. Ac. P.= Aci EY RPA ee y phespiate: B. Slag = basic slag; potassium sulphate; Am. S 1S. ” = ammonium sulphate; Am. N.= {— — —}] ammonium nitrate; Ca. N. = cal- —— ee” 1) | ae 4 cium nitrate; Cyan. = cyanamid; Am. Cl. = ammonium chlorid; M. S. (Cl.) = mixed salt made from potassium chlorid and ammonium nitrate; M. S. (SOs) = mixed salt made from potassium sulphateand — — ammonium nitrate. ‘ | The soil variations were a greater factor in determining yields than the fertilizer treatments. On the ammonium-nitrate series the soil was the most uniform and best adapted to cotton of any. On the other hand, the soil of series B and C was too heavy and com- pact for cotton and too fertile to give satisfactory results in a fertilizer experiment. On these two series early growth was slow, while the late growth was unusually rapid. The result was a heavy stalk production, poor fruiting, and maximum boll-weevil injury, especiall with the largest applications of nitrogen. The soil of series D and was exceedingly variable, one side being very productive and the other the poorest in the field. 7 =, —- ee ys pss Se OO ae ~ ee ih gmt 28 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TABLE 14.— Yields per acre of cotton and corn from Section I of field No. 2. [In series D tests marked with a star (*) cyanamid and calcium nitrate were used in equal proportions pe eren marked with a dagger (+) the proportions were 75 per cent cyanamid and 25 per cent calcium nitrate. Yields of seedcotton(pounds). Yields of corn. 8-8-4 Series E Pi hg ed geaaen (with basic slag): 0-0-0 s S a Grain (bushels). Fertilizer ratio. 3 o4 | os =| : a 0 2S a3 AS) Be & |S, 71 2 a | @ | $3 | ss qa | € |sse!] #2 3 © 5 id a 8 |£53| &3s © > A < 3 S > god £5 < < = re ae tee Foal | Series A.—AMmonium nitrate: On aa eee eas 4 60 BOO ete i ina F300 | Se Tt OB |. ceciae el Ue eae npesenerc Seen 988 LU) aes Fy po ae \ De Fl eee a a a aa ES 760{ 760| —50|....... 2,680 | 33.7] 33.7] 0 BER Bie Lone ts tecagttons 1,048] 1,048] 238]....... 2560 | 84:91) 34:91 A257 o,. Z BAe Foner k ariey tots 1,508 | 1,508] 698 ]....... 2,720| 30.4|° 39-4) 5.7 ]....... S-SAe bocances hee 1,560 | 1,560 3 i legos ae 2,920) 41.1] 41.1 = A Soe hy 2M E Neocncens Srhohones Peet B88 [ote eee 2,680) 37.1 } 39.4 mi eer ee ae ee 836 836 22 36 3, 040 calor a | RGN Wheto le iat aa 2-8-4 72| 772) —86| 76 Poot as | gee | ces) we ASR RE ga 984 | 984] 126] 412 3,040| 41.7] 41.7| 2.3 vee Pe a eee sitet swoeS 1,460 | 1,460] 602] 676 3,040] 41.1] 41.1] 1.7 4.6. DDoS eer ane te) ou CS) Recaianaeesal (el: sip 2040 | Sar) 21, Ut. | soe ra Ui eheseranal sana’ Paget Lee Meee We ne Pabh cate } 12,8 | 2 eae i "CE ae 1,088 | 1,088} 156 }....... Ty 18 MS Te lle Bi eS bod re 7 IO a recat Wier rae 1,308 | 1,308] 376 |......- 20001474 | 17.4) “paplte SBA ee So eee 1288 Tt, 28 Toe oe 2,320| 26.9| 26.9] 131].1..... FHS BIS br ihe 04 984 a ees 24805) S36.0 | SOO See. [Lars 8 er oparaae parr 628 BIO Fins own ere] = eae wes ri oe Bie \ 20.6 |s tawsele sl... 108 jae No nitrogen 2: .2.2..2.2e 0-84 { ra ice) ee bee ot ky ago “| Baae 2-8-4 3 850 850 300 833 833 343 Ammonium sulphate...........- 4-8-4 4/ 1,045] 1,045 495 | 1,018 | 1,018 528 8-8-4 5| 1,250] 1,250 700 | 1,080] 1, 590 ae 7 170 123 Wiploktilinarce eee) o-0-01 bb ae \ org Wg a only amet ae Mmmirmigen. <0 a 0 So a 0-S4 Ni “5 iz Sl ape es ” S74 St 2-8-4 8 | 1,230} 1,230 587 948 948 474 Ammonium chlorid.............- 4-8-4 9} 1,125] 1,125 482 783 783 309 8-8-4 10} 1,088] 1,088 445 715 715 241 ae 12 305 if 120 No fertilizer............-.2--2---- cot | 22 \ is ke ae ret ae os gl INO NitTehONE Ss 2 rss oe. oa 0-8-4 i; nee CEB ree Sans ee a8o |S 3s Ae 2-84] 13] 1,050] 1,050 439 763 763 280 MWOUD Le Sabre acme eee ese Sete e 4-8-4 14] 1,075 | 1,075 464 925 925 442 aS acs 8-8-4 15}. 1218:|--45218 607 | 1,083 1,083 600 ection IT: NOMMirOPeN 2 62a ass ee c c acne 0-5-4 Lf 1,008 0 00a 745 (C's aoe ok Ammonium sulphate............ 2-5-4 2] 1,050] 1,050 42 735 735 —10 Ammoniated superphosphate... - 2-5-4 3 805 805 | —203 553 503 —192 Wo mitroren ose ce 9 see 0-10-4 5 643 G43 i ween se 300 300" |S2 Saeee Ammonium phosphate..........-. 2-7-4 6 943 943 300 608 608 308 Ammoniated superphosphate....| 410-4 4, 1,125] 1,125 482 868 868 568 Novertilizer ios ck este! 0-0-0 10 388 5°52 9 nee Be 108 WOS.iy ese No miirOren <5 2o8 hae Stee 0-13-4 Ooi) Ey O4Siha hy OsSai. £07. 2s 620 O20 nhc Ammonium phosphate........... 4-13-4 7 | 1,223 | 1,223 175 890 890 270 Ammonium sulphate...-........ 4-13-4 8| 1,425] 1,425 377 958 958 338 No fertilizer sj. .c..00 jigs $3802 0-0-0 | 10 388 ct eee 108 19; I 2. - No nitrogen (acid phosphate)... .. 0-8-4 11 668 668 280 483 483 375 Nonitrogen (calcined phosphate)!. 0-8-4 12 633 633 245 433 433 325 a1: 10 388 108 Woffertilizar <<... 2-2. 0-0-0 { A apse \ 2 a eae a \ 198 |e No nitrogen (calcium phosphate). 0-8-4 { i ae \ BIS 522 sae { a \ 4695] 5. cass a . . . 2-8-4 13 793 793 220 618 618 149 Tet) ee caleined: phos: 4-6-4] 14], 335] “835 | 252] " ess] |! 655 | 236 pide Tazth LOCAL 8-84] 15| 715| 715| 142] 568} 568 99 1 Basic slag was substituted for calcined phosphate in 1921. Cyanamid gave low yields in both years and was not as satis- factory a fertilizer as any of the other materials. The plants were very green but failed to grow rapidly or form large numbers of bolls. Nitrification was probably slow in this heavy soil and dicyanodiamid production was favored. It is believed that the poor yields with cyanamid can not be attributed to the use of basic slag or calcined phosphate. 890, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. PLATE Xl. FiG. |.—EARLY GROWTH OF COTTON WITH AMMONIUM CHLORID. FIELD 8, SEASON OF I921. At left, no fertilizer; vield 123 pounds of seed cotton per acre. At right, ammonium chlorid, 1,00) pounds 2-8-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 948 pounds of seed cotton. FiG. 2.—GROWTH OF COTTON WITH AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE. FIELD 3, SEASON OF 192]. At left, no nitrogen, 1,000 pounds 0-10-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 300 pounds ofseed cotton. Center (1 row), no fertilizer; yield 165 pounds ofseed cotton peracre. At right, ammonium phosphate, 1,000 pounds 2-7-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 608 pounds of seed cotton. Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE Xl FIG. |.—GROWTH OF COTTON WITH AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE AND AMMONIUM SULPHATE. FIELD 3, SEASON OF 1921. | cotton. Center (1 row), no fertilizer; yield 285 pounds of seed cotton. At right, ammonium i At left, ammonium phosphate, 1,00) pounds 413-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 890 pounds of seed sulphate, 1,000 pounds 4-13-4 fertilizer per acre; yicld 958 pounds of seed cotton. 4 FiG. 2.—EARLY GROWTH OF COTTON WITH AMMONIUM SULPHATE AND AM- MONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATE. FIELD 3, SEASON OF 1921. At left, ammonium sulphate, 1,000 pounds 2-5-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 735 pounds of seed cotton. Center (1 row), no fertilizer; yield 188 pounds of seed cotton per acre. At right, ammoniated sunerphosphate, 1,000 pounds 2-5-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 553 pounds of seed cotton. (Soil somewhat poorer on this plat.) Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE- XE. Fic. |.—GROWTH OF COTTON WITH UREA. FIELD 4, SEASON OF 1920. At left (1 row), no fertilizer; yield 624 pounds of seed cotton per acre. At right, urea, 1,000 pounds 4-8-4 fertilizer per acre; yield 1,164 pounds of seed cotton. (Yields are for 1921 season.) FIG. 2.—GROWTH OF CORN WITH AMMONIUM SULPHATE AND AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE. FIELD 4, SEASON OF 1920. At left, ammonium sulphate, 1,000 pounds 4-13-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 26 bushels. Center (1 row), no fertilizer; yield 16.3 bushels. At right, ammonium phosphate, 1,000 pounds £13-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 24.9 bushels Bul. 1180, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE XIV. Fic. |.—YIELDS OF CORN WITH AMMONIUM NITRATE. FIELD 4, SEASON OF 1920. At left, no nitrogen, 1,000 pounds 0-4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 32.6 bushels. At right, ammonium nitrate, 1,000 pounds 2-4-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 50.6 bushels FiG. 2.—YIELDS OF CORN WITH AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATE. FIELD 4, SEASON OF 1920. At left, no nitrogen, 1,000 pounds 0-10-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 18.6 bushels. At right, ammo- niated superphosphate, 1,000 pounds 4-10-2 fertilizer per acre; yield 33,4 bushels. ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 33 The comparisons between acid phosphate and calcined phosphate -as sources of phosphorus showed a small difference in favor of the former. This difference was in evidence to a slight extent during growth, the calcined phosphate being somewhat slower to stimulate growth. TABLE 17.— Yields per acre of corn from Sections I and IT of field No. 3 in 1920 and 1921. Ferti- Treatment. lizer |Plat. ratio. Section I: No fertilizer..... 0-0-0 { : No nitrogen..... 0+-2 { 2 Ammonium sul- ee i ; ae 4-4-2 5 on | 7 No fertilizer..... 0-0-0 { 12 No nitrogen ....| 04-2 { a Ammonium Res A chliorid ee ee ene 4-4-2 10 No fertilizer..... 0-0-0 | e No nitrogen..... 0-+2 i a | 142) 13 | Double salt..... 242 14) 4421] 15| Section IT: | No nitrogen..... 0-5-2 1 Ammonium sul-| 2-5-2 2 phate. Ammoniated su-| 2-5-2 3 perphosphate. No nitrogen..... 0-10-2 5 Ammonium | 2-7-2 6 phosphate Ammoniated su-| 4-10-2 = perphosphate No fertilizer... 0-0-0} 10| No nitrogen..... 0-13-2 9 | Ammonium | 413-2 7 phosphate. Ammonium sul- | 4-13-2| 8 | phate. No fertilizer..... 0-0-0 | 110 No nitrogen] 042) 11 (acid phos- phate). No nitrogen | 042)| 12 (calcined phos- phate).i No fertilizer... .. 0-0-0 { = No nitrogen (cal- 'f 12 cined _phos- |+ 0-4-2 16 phate) Cyanamid (with |( 142] 13 calcined phos- |{ 24-2| 14 phate).1 442) 15 t.bo.bO.ty bo Be we Ne Ne ee De O 10 Sasss bo WWrRD ED woo 3 ' Oo Ph pe eae HESS BSass No WNNKRE Ne Sel Oot e eco x s “ Yields of corn. 1920 Grain (bushels). | | _ Stalks | i pe Aver- | crease | (pounds). | Actual. age. | over | check. } { 40.4 |p 281 |-------- { 2000 33.9 39.6 |} 36-8 |-------- { 27300 43.21 43.2 6.4| 2,300 48.2| 48.2] 11.4 2, 625 54.6| 54.6| 17.8 | 2,725 40.4 2, 000 | 16.3 \ 28.4 |......-. { 1,325 39.6 If 23300 | io. |f 22-8 |------=- i 1,700 | 42.5| 42.5] 12.9 2) 175 | 44.6| 44.6] 15.0 2, 200 | 38.2| 38.2 8.6 2,500 | 16.3 1,325 | 19.6 \ 18.0 |......-. { 1, 250 19. lf 1,700 19.6 \ 19.6 |........ { 1,750 $75 (00) 9% Ht 2. del 4 1, 100 2.3} 24.3 4.7| 1,900 33.9] 33.9] 14.3 | 2,075 | ey ee OF od eee | 2,900 47.1| 47.1 1.0} 2,750 43.2} 43.2| —2.9 2, 525 | ere Gee aaa 2,075 | Bt 339 | 7.2 2,050 37.5| 37.5| —2.9 2, 800 | Dh eT NS 1, 800 BS 48. He 2, 200 46.8| 46.8 2.9 2, 225 45.7| 45.7 1.8 2, 450 oye ee AC SER 1, 800 37.9| 37.9 0 1, 950 SF 3027 #72 2, 000 37.9 1, 800 33.6 \ 35.8 |......- { 1) 825 30.7 2,000 oe \ 25.6 Jone { 3 900 36.4| 36.4 .8 2, 100 ASH” Shel 5.5 2,025 48.6] 48.6| 13.0 2,575 1 Basic slag was substituted for calcined phosphate in 1921. 52765°—24—Bull. 1180-3 1921 Grain (bushels). , In- ver- | crease Actual. age. over check. 30.7 32.5 31.6 eetene . 32.5 f 920 |-.--.e. 22:1} SLi eet 40.7| 40.7| 87 43.6| 43.6| 11.6 32.5 9.3 pO o9 earns ied | eon eee 28.6] 28.6| 6.3 32.9| 32.9| 10.6 36.1] 36.1] 13.8 9.3 | 13.6 \ 11.5 |....... ae PeeLisee A231; | doer e 17.9| 17.9| 6.0 26.1} 26.1] 14.2 cy Ol ie BP 45.4| 45.4 | —5.3 38.6] 38.6 | —12.1 29:05 |-) am owe 31.8 |; 3L3 | 26 40.0} 40.0] 11.8 36.1) 36.1 |....... 16.|"" 33.6, ei te us 38.2| 382| 4.6 35.0] 35.0] 1.4 a6. |” apie | eee 32.9} 32.9 | —3.2 27.5 | 27.5 | 286 36.1 Br |} 88:6 |u--a-ne 27.5 a5 7 [-apeleeee 35.0] 35.0] 3.4 37.1). 3011 7 oS 45.0] 45.0| 13.4 34 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Results with corn.—Table 17 shows that the increases in yields produced by ammonium chlorid and double salt were of about the same order as with ammonium sulphate. The soil of this section lacked uniformity, the yields from the check plats varying from 9.3 to 32.5 bushels for the second year. Hence, no accurate quantita- tive comparisons can be made between treatments. Ammonium chlorid seemed to be slightly toxic the first year at the largest rate of application but gave strictly normal results the second year, the yields increasing as the nitrogen supply increased. Plate X, Figure 2, shows the marked contrast in the growth of corn with and without double salt. The fertilizer tests comparing ammonium phosphate, ammonium sulphate, and ammoniated superphosphate were unsatisfactory because the natural fertility of the soil was considerably above the average. No conclusions can be drawn. Cyanamid produced unusually good increases in yields considering that the soil was very fertile. It was not injurious even when applied in the row at the rate of 40 pounds of ammonia. The results compared very favorably with those obtained in Section I with ammonium sulphate. Again, it has been shown that corn can utilize cyanamid nitrogen under conditions where it is largely unavailable for cotton. Fretp No. 4. This field, a diagram of which appears as Figure4, was used for experi- mental work during the seasons of 1920 and 1921. Cotton and corn were grown both years, but a combination of late planting and an unusually bad attack of boll weevils resulted in practically no cotton for the first year. These results are omitted from this report. The sources of nitrogen used were ammonium sulphate, urea, ammonium chlorid, ammonium nitrate, ammoniated superphosphate, ammo- nium phosphate, cyanamid, and double salt. Results with cotton.—The extremely dry weather during the first part of the growing season undoubtedly played an important part in the yields. There was not sufficient rainfall during the period of 10 weeks subsequent to planting to moisten all of the dry surface soil. The result was a dwarfing of the plants and little effect from the ferti- lizer treatments. The moisture was adequate during the latter half of the season, and an exceedingly rapid growth resulted. At the time of maturity the plants were normal in size and the fruiting good, but the bolls were small. The cotton yields are given in Table 18. These figures show no appreciable difference in the availability of the nitrogen in urea, ammonium chlorid, and ammonium nitrate. At the largest rate of application the results with all of these newer materials were better than with ammonium sulphate. The soil irregularities probably were responsible for this, as shown by differences in yields on the unferti- lized plats of Section I, ranging from 368 to 1,040 pounds of seed cotton per acre. The responses to growth produced by all of these materials indicated that they were equally good. The growth with urea is shown in Plate XIII, Figure 1. The yields from the plats of Section II show that this soil was nearly as variable as on series A, the check plats showing yields of 351 to 840 pounds of seed cotton per acre. In the comparisons be- — at ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 390 > tween ammonium phosphate and ammoniated superphosphate, using ammonium sulphate as a standard, there was a slight difference in favor of ammonium phosphate at both rates of application. At the smaller rate ammonium phosphate and ammonium sulphate were of equal value, but with the larger application ammonium sulphate was considerably better, the actual yields from the adjoining plats being 1,428 pounds of seed cotton with this material and 1,280 pounds with ammonium phosphate. Cyanamid gave good results “4 COTTON. CORN: @ _ SECTION IT SECTION I. _ SECTION ID. SECTION I. ' y o26" Z. db MN) V 3 3 Md X 3 % : ( d» 3315 I] Ol] ¢ 3y] 8 alle |ie eels STOTT | | S. ae Oh Fic. 4.—Diagram of field No. 4, located at Muscle Shoals, Ala., showing plat arrangements and treat- ments for the season of 1921. The soiltype is Decatur silt loam. Three rows per plat with buffer row. Size of plats, one-twentieth of anacre. The index figures refer to the number of pounds of NHs, P20; and K2O used peracre. Ac. P. = acid phosphate; K = potassium sulphate; Cyan. = cyana- mid; Am. Cl. = ammonium chlorid; Am. S. = ammonium sulphate; Am. N. = ammonium nitrate; Am. P. = ammonium phosphate; Am. Sup. = ammoniated superphosphate; B. Slag = basic slag. on this area, the increases over the checks being approximately as large as with any other material used. The actual yields were con- siderably lower, however, because the soil at this point was very poor. At the largest rate of application cyanamid produced injuries and delayed growth and maturity to such an extent that the yield was less with 80 pounds of the ammonia equivalent than with 40 pounds. The a re on the cyanamid plats were a dark green and rather small but bushy. The bolls were slightly above the average in size and were nor destroyed to as great an extent by the boll weevil as were those on adjoining plats. 36 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Tape 18.— Yields per acre of cotton from Sections I and IT of field No. 4. Yields of seed cotton (pounds). sg Ferti- eatment. ses Plat. Tderoade Actual. | Average.| over check. Section I: 8 1 554 bio fertilizer (0520/4 eu 1) ee Pe eee ae 0- 0-0 : ae \ boi |S oe Tt ate 2 792 MO WITEROP CNS -eh tata) i oo Se ee ee ee oe 0O- 84 6 664 \ 1287\-. fee 2- 84 3 940 940 212 Ammontim sulphate 225.22 Se eee cae oe eee 4-84 4 990 990 262 8- 84 5 790 790 62 ae ff 448 |) INO fertilizer 22s acess See ae eee 0- 0-0 12 1, 040 (cee : 6 664 INDHTUTOBOR 2 usa a nee ses ous ee eee seek 0- 84 ll 1,190 O27 a) eee Se 2- 84 8 920 920 —7 ETON Sete nce at ae ee 4-84 9 1,164 1,164 237 &- 8&4 10 1, 330 1, 330 403 aN DH Pein AI) ee 7 eae eee, ae ee 0O- 0-0 12 1,040 | TOO ia eee = ie 11 1,190 LYLE 1a CT tipsy meals aepniens Menge pe Ene 5 0- 84 { 16 974 \ LOS 2ie ee. seer ; 2- 84 13 1,510 1,510 428 ATHMOnIUM, Chl Omer Is 2 a. Sons iaaaemene ooheesekiese 4-84 14 1,390 1,390 308 8 84 15 1, 500 1,500 418 Nomertilizer= 223-2 eee kid tee eee eee 0- 0-0 19 368 3682/35 5 sene WNOUMIDRUR EM ees sfc eect c es oe tat oe ee QO- 84 16 974 Ca ee : : 4-84 17 1,380 1, 380 406 Ammonium nitrate... .--.2---0s----e0e-2se oes i. 8 84 is| 1470| 12470 496 Section IT: MW OMIROPENE = — nese es. anche oe ee oe eee 0 5-4 1 840 S40 eee ENN OWVENESU HALE le =) oo nae el oe eee eee 2-54 2 1,014 1,014 174 Ammoniated superphosphate...................- 2- 54 3 880 880 40 NO MINT ORCA Gets -e Choe a cleign et eens Meee eee eee 0-10-4 5 840 840) |S See ATMonUM phosphate - .. 135. $6: - he eee oe 2- 7-4 6 1,010 1,010 170 Ammoniated superphosphate..................-- 4-10-4 4 1,110 1,110 270 INODEEMUZED a 5.2 Sone c Sa seat Soe eee see 0- 0-0 10 580 O80) |S. ENG AIbrOopeNn.s =. of NC Nes. 055-8 oe ee PEE ee ee 0-13-4 9 840 840) SS 5r aes ee Ammonium phosphate 4-13-4 vf 1, 280 1, 280 440 AmMmoriitim sulphate 22 o2 0322). 2-2 ew eee eee 4-13-4 8 1, 428 1, 428 588 INOWMCRNIZER. octet cs cc Sabre snes REO ee ie 0- 0-0 10 580 O80) [See oan No nitrogen (acid phosphate)..............:-...-- 0- 84 11 840 840 260 Nomiirogen:(basie'slar) o: Fo. cho erences eee O- 8-4 12 694 694 114 Nowertalisers -srr 3.5 ft io thot): Sakae ease eee 0- 0-0 10 580 §80--|5.c4-.cee = No nitrogen (with basic slag)........-.++2++++++- o-s4f ig ec | ieee ae ae 2- 84 13 840 840 341 Cyanamid (with basic slag): 23.22. s55.5. 2.26.25 4- 84 14 1,070 1,070 571 & 84 15 984 984 485 Poets AAET spr am eS came e oA nae a ln wminia Seale eee 0- 0-0 19 140 140\\o5 Uae ; TOSHUEHOP EN: Ses ot = BS Ue Bo oe ke ae 0O- 84 18 351 351 ee ceeee eee AMIN ONIN MHtTALC. 28. 2s -\o.. ses cecwmnwe cen eee 2- 84 17 823 823 472 Results with corn.—The yields of corn for the two years are given in Table 19. The results for Section I show good increases with all the materials. Urea, double salt, ammonium chlorid, and am- monium nitrate gave about as good results as ammonium sulphate. The severe weather conditions the second year as well as the natural soil variations make slight differences insignificant. es, a ee s HT | ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS, Ferti- Treatment. lizer ratio. Section I: No fertilizer....... 0- 00 No nitrogen....... Qe +2 3 - 42 Ammonium sul- 2-42 phate..-..-.---.. 4— 4-2 No fertilizer....... O- 0-0 No nitrogen....... Q- 4-2 1- 42 ‘Tole 7 4-2 4-4-2 No fertilizer....... 0- 00 No nitrogen....... O- 4-2 1- 4-2 Double salt }...... 2—- 4-2 4- 4-2 No fertilizer...._- =| oe 00 No nitrogen-....-. # e Ammonium nitrate 4-4-2 Section I: No nitrogen....... O- 5-2 Ammonium - phage 2- 5-2 No nitrogen....... 0Q-10-2 Ammonium phos- fthe ce 52-5 7-2 No fertilizer....... oe 0-0 No nitrogen......-. 0-13-2 Ammonium phos- poate =< 3.2 2 4-13-2 Ammonium sul- ee 4-13-2 No fertilizer....... oe paosp No nitrogen (cal- cined phos phate)?.......... Q- 4-2 No nitrogen (cal- cined phos phate)?.......... 0- 42 Cyanamid (with |f1- 42 calcined phos- = 4-2 phate)?.......... 4- 4-2 No fertilizer....... 0- 0-0 No nitrogen....... Q- 4-2 Ammoniumnitrate| 1- 4-2 1 Ammonium chlorid was substituted for double salt in 1921, 2? Basic slag was substituted for calcined phosphate in 1921. ———— at _ Tasre 19.— Yields per acre of corn from Sections I and II of field No. 4 in 1920 and 1921. maa Orie 0 ONO wT i SOOO OD fet oN OO KF Oa WwW HY fF il Yields of corn. Grain (bushels). Grain (bushels). i ESS SSESNS ABBRBSS SRoOSASh ee ee COOSOPOO PRHOOKROO WOODPRE OD wwuwrwwve BS NN WNwNwwhy wh e N y—— ROI tt ret et et et et et bt B23 SESZESS ZEREs ASST SEBHSRS RPRORsen www w SSS ZZeSES8 LSSSSes So Nd WO how Ly o— —— & S RRO RE WOHORWD HHOOWDONI Sse NNER eH wee eNO ewe Ne 2 OD bo OO v™~ wow iy ERS loner tort a OOOH N &S88 x = - 8 by COO OFWE a I SO AICO NI OOo “ syS ESSzs BSE S882 8 s ot Pm WrI~ tte Nee bet et a W so > “™ 38 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The yields from Section II show no marked differences between ammonium phosphate, ammoniated superphosphate, and ammonium sulphate. Cyanamid gave smaller increases than the other nitrogen carriers, due to the extremely poor and rocky soil. It will benoted that where ammonium nitrate was used under these conditions it also failed to give a good growth. We can not, therefore, say that cyanamid was not as good a source of nitrogen for corn as the other materials used. The early growth of corn with ammonium sulphate and ammonium phosphate is shown in Plate XIII, Figure 2, and the yields with ammonium nitrate and ammoniated superphosphate in Plate XIV, Figures 1 and 2. Fretp No. 5. Another area of approximately 5 acres was used for experimental purposes in 1920. The treatments and general plat arrangements were an exact duplicate of field No. 3. Unfortunately, the soil was so fertile that the fertilizers produced negligible increases in most eases. For this reason work was not continued on this area during 1921. The yields mean very little except on those plats receiving am- monium chlorid and cyanamid and planted to corn. It happened that the soil on this portion of the field was rather poor and quite ey These figures are given in Table 20, but all others are omitted. TABLE 20.— Yields per acre of corn from Sections I and II of field No. 5. Yields of corn. Grain (bushels). Fertilizer ratio. Plat. Stalks (pounds). Increase Actual. | Average. over check. Section I.— Ammonium chlorid: 5m aie 1 5 0-0-0... 220-22 e eee eee eee cece eee eee eee eee sce re rs { 12| 1,780 25. 4 \ 24.9 |o..----2ee 6 2, 200 24.0 OAD... enone eben ee eee en eens ne nen ece een eneics { 11| 2240 33.1 \ 28.6 |-.-+----. ae en actos tere a otis ce teeth tere ama ee eee 8 2, 800 32.6 32.6 4.0 coe ola ae eS TO 9 2, 960 42.9 42.9 14.3 HAE ara § Se EE Be SE ER Mo IS = 10 2, 580 41.1 41.1 12.5 Section II.—Cyanamid: Ae Ee eee GAs Bd eicin clotn dic winwes See 10 1, 440 14.8 14.3) scc0aceeee eae aplten pea Micaco se Pay oa Acs gr a gS 12 1, 688 16. 1 16.1 Losoecee jE Ae Po a Get a OES aoe See ae eee ios 13 2,273 16.7 16.7 6 Ae eee Sh See te a oe wie cine ne ea cee ema cots ate 14 , 790 28.6 28. 6 12.5 7s OI A ee AOE eS Sa ec 15 3, 083 33.1 33.1 17.0 The increases in yields produced by ammonium chlorid were very good, but the material again shows indications of being slightly toxic when applied in high concentrations. Soon after germina- tion the plants showed a distinct burning and some yellowing of the leaves with the application of 40 pounds of ammonia per acre.’ A few plants died, but the others apparently recovered. The yields indicate that the bad effects were never completely overcome. _ Cyanamid gave excellent results on corn and showed a much higher yield with 40 pounds of the ammonia equivalent than with 20 pounds. ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 39 _ At the smallest rate most of the nitrogen was utilized for stalk produc- tion rather than grain. The probable causes for this are the same as reviously stated in connection with other plats. Under the con- | ee of this test cyanamid produced just as satisfactory early - effects and also gave as good increases in yields as could be expected _ from any fertilizer. | REVIEW OF THE RESULTS. An examination of the results here reported shows that with the exception of cyanamid all of the nitrogen materials tested gave responses quite similar to those from ammonium sulphate and sodium nitrate. It should be pointed out, however, that some of the materials, especially Urephos, were not tested on a sufficiently large number of plats to show clearly their relative values, but never- theless, under the conditions of the test cyanamid was the only fertilizer which in some instances gave very erratic results. Because of the erratic results obtained with cyanamid and the unusual in- terest attached to this material as one of the important synthetic sources of nitrogen, special consideration of it seems desirable. In the following discussion the various phases of cyanamid fertilization will . be considered, both from the standpoint of the present study and in the light of results reported by other investigators. The importance of avoiding the use of cyanamid in large propor- tions in fertilizer mixtures containing acid materials has been em- phasized. Where large amounts of cyanamid were mixed with acid ee the growth and yields of the various crops were poor. his was due to the polymerization of a portion of the cyanamid nitro- gen to dicyanodiamid, which is not only unavailable as a fertilizer but also toxic for some plants. When cyanamid and acid phosphate were applied separately the undesirable changes were avoided; like- wise in the case of mixtures containing basic phosphates. It is customary in American fertilizer practice to use not to exceed 60 ounds of cyanamid per 1,000 pounds of acid phosphate in mixed ertilizers. While under such conditions a small amount of dicyano- diamid may be formed, the quantity is not sufficient to be par- ticularly objectionable and the mechanical condition of the mixture is considerably improved. The method of using cyanamid in the field is very important. In the experimental work at Muscle Shoals the conditions of use adopted were made to conform as nearly as possible to American agricultural practice. This fact needs to be especially emphasized, since in many cases it largely explains the poor results with cyanamid. The main factors, namely, soils, crops, and time and methods of application deserve special mention. The soils which are usually considered most suitable for cyanamid fertilization are those in best tilth, neutral, and having high nitrifying efficiencies. ‘Those which are not suitable are acid soils, very sandy ° soils, acid humus soils, and very heavy plastic clays. A good supply of colloids and organic matter is also considered desirable; likewise a high absorptive capacity provided the aeration is adequate. The soils used for the experiments here reported were loams and therefore apparently satisfactory. However, all of the soil types were slightly _ acid and some of them poorly aerated, especially on fields 2 and 3. _ The nitrifying powers were likewise low, as shown by laboratory € ~~ 40 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. experiments with soils from fields 1, 2, 3, and 4. In every case the . sous nitrified ammonium sulphate satisfactorily, but the nitrates — | present in the soils two months after receiving cyanamid were fre- quently less than in untreated portions. A general average of the numerous determinations made showed that the soil of field 1 nitri- fied best, that from field 4 came second, while fields 2 and 3 were the poorest. This agrees almost exactly with the relative increases in cotton yields obtained from these various fields. The fact that all sous readily nitrified ammonium sulphate but not cyanamid indicates rather definitely that the dicyanodiamid formation in the poorly aerated and sometimes poorly drained soils of fields 2 and 3 was primarily responsible for the lack of nitrification and poor cotton yields with cyanamid. Very small amounts of this material are sufficient to prevent nitrification entirely. The crops which usually give the best results with cyanamid, judging from results reported in the literature and those here obtained, are the ones that have a long growing period and can utilize ammonia nitrogen. Crops that require nitrate nitrogen frequently make very poor growth, because cyanamid nitrifies so slowly. This fact is thought to explain the results here reported, where cotton frequently gave poor responses to cyanamid nitrogen, while corn always grew rapidly and produced as good yields as with standard fertilizers. Since the transformation of cyanamid nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen is usually a slow process, cyanamid should never be used as a fertilizer for quick-growing crops, such as vegetables, unless the material is applied several days or weeks before seeding. Even then a nitrate fertilizer would probably prove more profitable. The use of nitrate nitrogen in combination with cyanamid is advisable provided such a mixture is a compatible one, as was not the case in the tests reported in this bulletin. The time and method of application are of very great importance in cyanamid fertilization. In order that sufficient time will be avail- able for nitrification, the material should be applied at least 10 days before seeding, or in the case of most perennial crops an early spring application before growth begins is best. In these experiments the cyanamid was usually applied at the time of seeding in order to conform to the prevailing American practice. A retarded early growth and a delayed maturity were the natural results. Applica- tions to growing crops usually depress growth for a month following. This occurred in the time-of-application studies reported on previous pages, particularly with cotton. Since coru can utilize ammonia it is less susceptible to what is ordinarily considered as bad practice in the use of cyanamid. With regard to the method of application, it seems that a more intimate mixing of the cyanamid with the soil than can be obtained by distribution in the row is desirable. The explanation for the peculiar behavior of cyanamid under some of the conditions outlined depends upon the chemical changes which take place. From the studies which have been reported on this subject and from those made in connection with the present investigation, it appears that almost immediately upon coming into contact with moist soil cyanamid changes into calcium-acid cyanamid, then free cyanamid (H, CN,), urea, and eventually ammonia. varying quantity of dicyanodiamid may be produced as a side reac- tion. The free cyanamid and dicyanodiamid are toxic to the nitrify- ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. Ads ing bacteria, and the ammonia can not be oxidized to nitrates until the injurious compounds are so dispersed, changed, or absorbed as to be no longer present in sufficient concentration to be injurious. Until this does occur the plants are forced to take up ammonia or _ undergo nitrogen starvation. The unusually green color of many plants fertilized with cyanamid is probably in some way connected with ammonia absorption. The explanation of why the retardation period following the use of cyanamid lasts for only a few days in one case and throughout the summer in another probably depends upon the particular com- pound primarily responsible for the effect. If it is merely ammonia or free cyanamid, these materials will be quickly changed or dis- _ persed and nitrate production may proceed normally. If dicyanodi- amid, the effect may be expected to continue for a considerable period, since the compound is not only relatively insoluble but not readily attacked by chemical or biological agents. SUMMARY. This bulletin presents the results of field tests with 10 atmospheric- nitrogen products conducted during a period of three years on an area of about 10 acres the first year and 20 acres the last two years. Cyanamid usually was not as satisfactory as the other sources of nitrogen, chiefly because so many factors influence the rate and manner in which the material is decomposed either in fertilizer mixtures or in the soil. When mixed with acid phosphate in large proportions the results were poor, probably owing to the transfor- mation of a portion of the cyanamid nitrogen to dicyanodiamid, a compound which is not only unavailable but toxic for some crops and for the nitrifying bacteria. Where applied separately with acid phosphate the results were good even with 1,000 pounds of an 8-8-4 fertilizer. Calcined phosphate and basic slag appear to be entirely satisfactory as to compatibility as sources of phosphorus for use with cyanamid. The behavior of cyanamid in the soil depends upon a number of factors, such as time and method of application and the type, com- position, temperature, and moisture content of the soil. Applica- tions should be made at the time of seeding, or preferably earlier. It is, furthermore, believed that thorough mixing of the cyanamid with the soil is preferable to drilling in the row. Even under the best conditions cyanamid nitrogen is converted to nitrates rather slowly and for this reason is usually slow to act. The soil condi- tions which are known to hasten nitrification are, in general, the ones which favor an efficient utilization of cyanamid. The marked differences in the response of different crops to cyana- mid under the same conditions has been very clearly brought out by the experiments with corn and cotton. Corn gave as good yields in most instances with cyanamid as with any other fertilizer used. Only a very temporary period of retardation was in evidence during early growth. Cotton was usually retarded for a consider- able period subsequent to germination and in most cases never produced as good growth or as large yields with cyanamid as with ammonium sulphate or sodium nitrate. This is believed to have been due to the fact that cotton requires nitrate nitrogen for its best ,. os 42 BULLETIN 1180, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. growth, while corn can efficiently utilize ammonia. Further experi- mentation with cyanamid as a possible corn fertilizer seems’ espe- cially desirable. Where used on winter grains with half of the nitrogen supplied in the fall and the remainder in the spring, cyanamid gave about as good increases on the average as the two standard materials. Where all the nitrogen was applied in the fall to wheat and rye, the results were even better. This emphasizes the desirability of allow- ing a considerable period of time for cyanamid to become available in order that it may produce the maximum yields. The comparisons between acid phosphate, calcined phosphate, and basic slag made in connection with the use of cyanamid showed only slight differences in yields, but the experiments were on too limited an area and for a period too short to justify a definite state- ment as to their relative values. The attempts to utilize cyanamid more effectively by the addition of egalcium nitrate to mixtures containing it were not entirely suc- cessful. This was attributed to the fact that where calcium nitrate is used with basic slag the mixture becomes moist during damp weather and on drying produces very hard cakes. At the same time the moisture probably favors the production of dicyanodiamid from ~ the cyanamid present. If a compatible nitrate-cyanamid mixture could be developed, such a combination would undoubtedly be more desirable than cyanamid alone. In such a mixture the nitrate nitrogen would supply the needs of the plants while the cyanamid nitrogen was being made available. Ammonium nitrate gave results comparable with sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate. It was readily available and no abnormal effects were noted. The chief limitation to its use is its property of absorbing moisture from the air, making it somewhat unsuitable for fertilizer mixtures. This objectionable feature can be partially over- ‘ come by either graining and oil coating the material or by manu- facturing double or mixed salts from it. Double salt, made from ammonium nitrate and ammonium sul- phate, produced effects comparable with either of the materials used singly. The material is somewhat hygroscopic, but not nearly to the same extent as ammonium nitrate. The two mixed salts, made from ammonium nitrate and either potassium chlorid or potassium sulphate, were of approximately equal value. So far as may be judged from the limited use of these materials, they are as available as either ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulphate. Although somewhat hygroscopic they are less objectionable in this respect than ammonium nitrate. Ammonium phosphate and ammoniated superphosphate are ex- cellent nitrogen carriers. They gave quick responses, good growth, and satisfactory yields. The large quantities of phosphorus in the materials partially masked the nitrogen effects. Ammonium chlorid was as readily available as ammonium sul- phate, but on a few plats 40 and 80 pounds of ammonia per acre showed some toxic effects and gave slightly lower yields than the equivalent amount of nitrogen as ammonium sulphate. This may have been due to too high a concentration of the chlorid ion, but no work was done to determine this point. ATMOSPHERIC-NITROGEN FERTILIZERS. 43 Urea seemed to be as readily available as sodium nitrate and equally as good in all respects as any other material used. Since urea is an excellent material physically and leaves neither a basic nor acid residue in the soil it should prove to be an almost ideal nitrogen carrier for all types of soils. Urephos gave somewhat variable results, due to the wide soil variations, the yields being especially good with wheat but much poorer with rye. The limited use of the material does not justify conclusions as to its value. It should be noted that nearly all the fertilizer materials tested have a much higher plant-food content than those now commonly employed. ile some of these materials are suitable for direct use in mixed fertilizers, others will require some modifications of present- day fertilizer practice, owing to their physical condition. The results as a whole may be summed up by the statement that under the conditions of these experiments all of the nitrogen mate- rials tested with the exception of cyanamid were of about the same value as sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate. With regard to the latter two materials, if there was any difference between them it was slightly in favor of ammonium sulphate.’ Further experimenta- tion is necessary, however, to stat lish more definitely the relative values of all of these materials and to determine the conditions under which they can be most advantageously used. Such experimenta- tion is now in progress by the Office of Soil-Fertility Investigations. It is hoped, however, that similar studies will be undertaken by others, since atmospheric-nitrogen products are becoming increas- ingly important in supplying the needs of agriculture. : ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. October 15, 1923. secretary of Agriculture. 23:27 05. 612. el Henry ©. WALLACE. Assistant Secretary.......- oh, SSE LY Say ent tle ee Howarp M. Gore. airector oy ascienciec Work: £222 ek E. D. Bat. Director of Regulatory Work................-- WALTER G. CAMPBELL. Director of Extension Work................... C. W. WARBURTON. Mreather Prireaiy OD. ir ME OES CHARLES F. Marvin, Chief. Bureau of Agricultural Economics........-.-.- Henry C. Taytor, Chief. Bureau of Animal Industry... ...........-.-- JoHN R. Mouter, Chief. Wenseai Of -PUtil Rar ye Ske ee eet 2 Wiu1aM A. Taytor, Chief. EOC TNE Sa) ciao linac alee gee eae ed 2 W. B. GREELEY, Chief. Bureau of Chemistry.....---- pate eer ege phe epee C. A. Browne, Chief. DERE OO 0) Bagi ape ely Sah Bel oo mA BA Mitton WHITNEY, Chief. Bircaw Of Latomovgy...<.2-- 5 2. See L. O. Howarp. Chief. Bureau of Biological Survey.....---.-.-.-.-2+- KE. W. Netson, Chief. irene Of ube Roads... 22.2220 teen Tomas H. MacDonatp, Chief. Bureau of Home Economics......-.---------- LOUISE STANLEY, Chief. Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory. ath eee F. G. Cottre.., Director. Division of Accounts and Disbursements.......- A. ZAPppone, Chief. TE Eg IE aS eg a SA cd a ot am ete fa CLARIBEL R. Barnett, Librarian. Federal Horticultural Board...............---. C. L. Maruatt, Chairman. Insecticide and Fungicide Board.............. J. K. Haywoop, Chairman. Packers and Stockyards Administration.......-. he MorriLu, Assistant to the: Grain Future Trading Act Administration. . ... Secretary. Pence of the Solicitor... . 22.2522: 0.555. see R. W. Wiuu1ams, Solicitor. This bulletin is a contribution from Rureauof Plant Industry.) .J20. 52224. Lee - - WruramM A. Taytor, Chief. Tobacco and Plant Nutrition Investigations W. W. GARNER, in Charge. Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory.......---- F. G. Cottrett, Director. Chemical Division’. 0.2... 220s ean JosrpH M. Branam, in Charge. 44 &- ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM “" THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT.—PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 A Lo } mo eee 2? 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