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A Few Figs from Thistles

EIT, Figs from ' Shistles

Edna St. Vincent Millay E O riVox

A Few Figs from Thistles By Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950)

A collection of 23 poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Read by Kristin Hughes; total running time: 00:21:38.

01 - First Fig - 00:00:28 e 02 - Second Fig - 00:00:25 e 03 - Recuerdo - 00:01:24 e 04 - Thursday - 00:00:32 e 05 - To the Not Impossible Him - 00:00:49 e 06 - MacDougal Street - 00:01:41 e 07 - The Singing-Woman from the Wood’s Edge - 00:02:26 e 08 - She is Overheard Singing - 00:01:56 e 09 - The Prisoner - 00:00:23 e 10 - The Unexplorer - 00:00:32 e 11 - Grown-Up - 00:00:29 e 12 - The Penitent - 00:01:12 e 13 - Daphne - 00:00:36 e 14 - Portrait by a Neighbor - 00:00:55 e 15 - Midnight Oil - 00:00:27 e 16 - The Merry Maid - 00:00:48 e 17 - To Kathleen - 00:00:42 e 18 - To S.M. - 00:00:43 e 19 - The Philosopher - 00:00:54 e 20 - Love, though for this you riddle me with darts - 00:01:06 e 21 - | think | should have loved you presently - 00:01:03 e 22 - Oh, think not | am faithful to a vow - 00:01:06 e 23 - I shall forget you presently, my dear - 00:01:01

This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For more information or to volunteer, visit librivox.org. Cover picture by Lycoo (2006) (http://commons. wikimedia. org/Wwiki/ File: %E8%92%B2%E5%85%ACKHE8%8B%B1.JPG). Cover design by Janette Brown. This design is in the public domain.