wy i Be ‘i 4; : ee F - a hy Me Mi “og al ; i 4 oe ah GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. SIR W. E. LOGAN, F.RS., DIRECTOR. FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF CANADIAN ORGANIC REMAINS. DECADE III. ORES Montreal : PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 1858. e CONTENTS. PAGE. I.—Preracez, by Sir W. E. Loaan, F.R.S., Director of the Geological SMa, O COME csicqscgoansdco0baDade wis a wishaeiatrs -yerelenorsets 5 II.—On the Cystipzm of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada. By E. Briuuines, Esq., F.G.S. . 1 vacut. PNM ct Miascvercrs er etehs, cern eciere 9 III.—On the Asteriap# of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada. By E. Burnes, Esq. .-. SE aA ec eG RUDE aL 75 IV.—On Cyctocystowss, a new genus of Echinodermata from the Lower and Middle Silurian Rocks. By J. W. Saurmr, Esq., F.G.S., of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and H. Baines, Hsq.. 86 } %, V.—On the Paleozoic Bivalve Entomostraca of Canada. By T. R. Toni Hage) BGG: a femeie wa vac cide ce aisiersisches a sae! delete - 91 . ; STRAT Pay Oe Mh bee a SP wt ue by ae ht Bul ry ii iy * : TIM CeRT PANE LL ; aye is ee ar {OE ae ae Nm MERWE oP te ee" Swit ; Wain GON ae ’ ah Md y 8 4 il Wall sh f bi Gals ia a care : par f i 4, tee tee le ihe aise 3 ; mit ae Pu ‘ ir =. Bee: PREFACH. OnE of the subjects comprehended in the recommendation of the Select Committee appointed by the House of Assembly, on the Geological Survey, in 1854, was the publication of figures and descriptions illustrative of such new organic forms as might be obtained in the progress of the investigation. In compliance with this recommendation, it was determined that the publication should be made in parts or decades, after the mode adopted by the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, each part to consist of about .ten plates, with appropriate descriptive text, and to comprehend one or more genera or groups of allied fossils, or the description of several species, for the illustration of some special point in geology. The first part or decade was confided for description, in 1855, to Mr. J. W. Salter, one of the Paleontologists of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. This comprehends different genera and species from one locality. Of these, several are new, while thers are more perfect forms of species already partially described ; and the general object is to exhibit a commingling of forms here- tofore supposed to belong to distinct epochs. The plates of this decade are the work of Mr. W. Sowerby, from drawings by Mr. R. C. Bone. The engravings are on steel; nine of the plates are finished, and it is expected the tenth will be completed in a short time. The second decade was undertaken also in 1855, by Mr. James Hall of Albany, so justly celebrated for his works on the Palzon- tology of New York. It will comprehend the description of a. large number of remarkable new forms of Graptolithus and allied -genera from the Hudson River group. The drawings are by vie PREFACE. Mr. F. B. Meek. Six plates have been engraved on steel by Mr. J. E. Gavit, and ten more plates are in the engraver’s hands. The number of species will probably be twenty-four, of which Mr. Hall has already given a description in the Report of Progress for the year 1857. On the appointment of Mr. E. Billings as Paleeontologist of the Survey, in 1856, his first duty was to effect an arrangement of the Museum. This being accomplished, he devoted his attention to a third decade. This comprehends all the Cystideze and Star-fishes, as well as all the Entomostraca, of the collection. With the view of obtaining the plates necessary for the illustration of these, Mr. Billings, in the month of February last, carried his fossils to London. Finding that considerable delay was likely to attend the publication of the decade should he illustrate it by engravings on steel, he determined to have recourse to lithography. Although minute detail cannot be so finely given by this mode, nor so large an edition be obtained, it is yet perfectly suitable for all practical purposes. It is occasionally used for the fossils of the British Survey, and very generally for the illustration of the best paleon- tological works on the continent of Europe. The twelve plates which illustrate the third decade are the work of several well-known artists, who have all their respective merits. One of the plates is by Mr. R. C. Bone, two of them by Mr. J. Dinkle, four by Mr. Tuffen West, three by Mr. H. S. Smith, one by Mr. W. Sowerby, and one by Mr. G. West. Of the descriptive part, the Cystidee and Star-fishes are by Mr. E. Billings; the genus Cyclocystoides by Mr. Salter and Mr. Billings; and the Entomostraca by Mr. T. R. Jones, assistant-secretary of the Geological Society of London, who is considered the best authority on this particular family of animals, and had previously described a large number of the Canadian species. While Mr. Billings was attending to the progress of his decade in London, it appeared doubtful which of the three that were in hand would be first ready for publication. He, in consequence, caused to be registered on the plates, as the number of the decade, the figure which indicates the order in which it was commenced. PREFACE. vii. It therefore appears as the third decade, but being the first ready, and the subject quite distinct from those of the other two, no hesitation is experienced in placing it first before the public. Mr. H. 8. Smith, who, as already stated, supplied three of the plates, has been induced to come out to Canada with the design of devoting his attention to the representation of the fossils of the Provincial collection; and it will therefore in future be unnecessary to go out of the country for the illustration of them, unless it be to procure the aid of the best authority on some special subject. Of the third decade an edition of 2000 copies is issued. Of these 500 copies are reserved for the members of the Legislature; and it is intended to fix upon the remainder a moderate price, and dispose of them to the public through some respectable bookseller. By this means it is hoped that they will fall into the hands of those who will really appreciate them. The same course will be pursued in respect to the first and second decades, when they are ready. A fourth decade is now in hand which will illustrate the Crinoids of the collection. W. E. LOGAN. Montreal, 30th June, 1858. ‘iy a R. j r L M _ 208 pene yao ty A Oe woe gi ah eh eh a gaialtnn, Wi ‘b22 435 CANADIAN ORGANIC REMAINS. On the CystTiDE® of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada. By E. Bruuines, F.G.S. SECTION I. GEOLOGICAL POSITION, STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION. I. Introductory Observations. As several elaborate and beautifully illustrated memoirs upon the structure and affinities of the Cystidez have appeared during the last few years, it would be superfluous, on the present occasion, to enter upon a re-examination of the subject, were this decade designed to circulate only among scientific men, for whom it would be sufficient to give nothing more than the most concise technical descriptions of the species. But being intended also for the use of the students of Canadian geology—whose number is rapidly increasing throughout the Province—it appears necessary to com- mence with a general summary of what has been ascertained up to the present time concerning the zoological characters and distri- bution in time and space of this somewhat extraordinary group of extinct organisms. By this course it is hoped that, while the foreign geologist will receive all the intimation he desires of what we are doing, the growth of science in our own country will also be promoted. The Cystideee were a race of small marine animals, which flourished vigorously during the Silurian period, but totally disap- peared before the commencement of the Carboniferous era. They were closely allied to that interesting family, the lily encrinites, or Crinoids, and, like them, entirely covered, as with a coat of mail, by a dermal or external skeleton of thin calcareous plates, which were sometimes richly ornamented with radiating ridges or striz. Attached to the lower extremity of the body was a short flexible stalk, usually called the column, that served to anchor the animal 10 STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. securely to one spot on‘the bottom of the ocean throughout life; and at the opposite, or upper end, a set of arms, which, in addition to their other functions, may have assisted in the collection of food by exciting currents of water towards the mouth. This latter organ was a circular or oval aperture, situated in the side, below or near the summit, and in some species must have been also the passage through which such matter as could not be digested was thrown out. The young were developed from eggs, which were, there is good reason to believe, generated in the grooves of the arms or pinnulz, where, as has been ascertained by actual observa- tion, the organs of reproduction are situated in the Crinoids that exist in some of the seas of the present time. Concerning the food, habits, or other particulars of the natural history of the Cystidez, we can never hope to acquire any great amount of information, as the race wholly perished many ages ago, and the only evidences we have of its existence are, with few exceptions, very imperfect skeletons, which exhibit nothing except the structure of the external hard parts. It is only probable that their nourishment was derived from minute particles of animal or vegetable matter diffused through the waters in which they lived. The structure and position of the mouth are such, that they could not have been highly carnivorous, while their nearly sedentary condition would altogether preclude the capture of any prey except such as might float by chance within their reach. Animals rooted to the ground like a piant would fare ill were they organized to support life by the predacious mode only. The fossil remains of the Cystidez consist for the greater part of mere fragments of the plates and columns; but these, in certain localities, occur in such prodigious abundance, that they constitute the principal portion of strata of rock several feet in thickness. Of many of the species specimens of the bodies are exceedingly rare, and when these are discovered they are usually more or less crushed and distorted. While the fossil Corals, Brachiopods and Gasteropods may be collected in hundreds, few cabinets can boast of half-a-dozen good Cystideans, even in those countries where whole formations of rock are composed of the exuvie of the race. With respect to their distribution in time, they have been dis- covered in Bohemia, by M. Barrande, in beds which lie in the very bottom of the oldest rocks containing traces of animal life; and therefore, according to the present state of our knowledge of the primeval fauna, they were among the first living things that made STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDE. 11 their appearance upon the surface of this planet. The Lower Silurian formation, in the several countries where it has been most studied, has at its base a great thickness of stratified rocks which are altogether without fossils—at least none have been discovered in them up to the present time. ‘Then follows in conformable succession a series in which organic remains do occur, but not m any great abundance. This is the lower half of the fossiliferous portion of the Lower Silurian. In Great Britain these strata are the Lingula Flags of Sir Roderick Murchison; in Bohemia the Primordial Zone of Barrande ; and in Norway and Sweden the Alum Slates, or Regions A and B, of M. Angelin, the leading paleontologist of that country. In America they have not been distinctly recognized, although it is doubtfully anticipated that the Potsdam sandstone and the lowest sandstones of the western states may be of the same age. It is more probable that some of the ancient schists in the eastern states, where a large trilobite of the genus Paradoxides has been found, are of the age of this ‘‘ primordial zone of life.’ In whatever way this point may be decided hereafter, it is only in Bohemia that Cystideze have been found so low down in the geological series. Four species have there been discovered, together with twenty-seven species of Trilobites, one Brachiopod ( Orthis Romingeri, Barrande), and one Pteropod ( Pugi- unculus primus, Barrande), but no Crinoids. In Scandinavia the Primordial Zone has not yet yielded traces of either Crinoids or Cystidez, but seventy-one species of trilobites, and eight Brachiopods of the genera Lingula, Orbicula, Orthis and Atrypa, have been discovered, with one or two graptolites and a small orthoceratite, near the top.* In England the Lingula Flags, which are regarded as the equivalents of the Bohemian and Scandinavian deposits, have furnished a very similar fauna of trilobites and rare mollusca, with one or two graptolites; but up to this date only a fragment of a -crmoidal column and no Cystideans. It is also to be observed, that in none of these countries have any corals been detected in these lowest fossiliferous strata. In the upper half of the Lower Silurian, organic remains become exceedingly abundant, and it is in this part of the geological series that the Cystidez attain their greatest development, both in the numbers of the species and of the individuals. This deposit is . * Parallele entre les Dépots Siluriens de Bohéme et de Scandinavie; par M. Barrande page 39 et seq. ‘ 12 STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. represented in England by the Llandeilo and Bala or Caradoc groups of Murchison; in Bohemia by the stage D, containing the “second fauna”? of Barrande; in Scandinavia and Russia by the ‘Regions BC, C and D of Angelin, and the “ Pleta” or Orthoceratite limestone; and in Canada by all the groups from the base of the Calciferous Sandrock up to the top of the Hudson River group. While these rocks were slowly being deposited, the Cystideae literally covered the bottom of the ocean in dense swarms in certain localities which were favorable to their existence, one generation growing upon the remains of another, until thick beds were formed. In Russia, Norway and Sweden, Sir Roderick Murchison* discovered them in the Pleta limestone, which appears to be of the age of the Chazy, Birdseye, Black River and Trenton limestones, packed together like ‘bunches of enormous grapes ;” and in Bohemia M. Barrande has found them equally abundant. He says that the Crinoids and Star-fishes have left only insignificant traces, but the Cystideze form entire beds of from one to two yards in thickness.t In Canada they make their appearance rarely in the Calcifterous Sandrock, but in the Chazy and Trenton their remains are more common, consisting however mostly of the detached plates packed together in thick strata. They are not very generally distributed, but confined: to certain localities. Throughout extensive regions occupied by these formations scarcely a vestige of a Cystidean is to” be found; but in other places, such as the neighbourhoods of the cities of Montreal and Ottawa, they are exceedingly ple Everywhere however good specimens are rare. M. Barrande, in comparing the European rocks of this age, observes, that in Bohemia the Cystidean zone occurs about the centre of his stage of Quartzites D, which would be also the equivalent of Angelin’s group C. In England the corresponding level would be about the Bala limestone, where the principal masses of Cystideee are found. The abundance of their remains in the Chazy and Trenton of Canada confirms the views of M. Barrande, and at the same time tends to shew that these two American formations should be paralleled with the Bala rather than with the Llandeilo. This question however cannot be decided without more perfect lists of fossils than can be at present procured. The number of species of Cystidez that occur in this zone are as follows, so far as I can ascertain, in these countries respectively :— * Geology of Russia and the Ural Mountains; by Sir R. I. Murchison, page 38. + Systéme Silurien du centre de la Bohéme; par M. Joachim Barrande, page 66. STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. 13 Sena AE ANG IRWEEAS poggeeoucoce se dueeeo enue on 20 Greate Brit aimppereccnssypsreretereise eis Asi accceleyetcia leas aps igen chats 13 ONGVINE, AIO sodos cacinde eed oolICdeoUboboromoUodT 8 (CV REIG IE bie aid Pectin a Bee aire i re eae NS A Sean Lie 21 SING Wat 6 OIG napey sia cystine: ayrareiscpene et eu eMeponeliauene sum mneea maa tig Geet Il 63 In consequence of the imperfection of the specimens and some confusion in the descriptions of different authors, the above numbers may not be exactly correct; but from what I have seen it appears to me that there are more than sixty species, described and unde- scribed, belonging to this period. In the Upper Silurian there are in Great Britain nine species, and in Canada and New York about the same number, but none in either Bohemia or Scandinavia have yet been made public. According to the present state of our knowledge, then, in the lower half of the Lower Silurian there are four species, in the upper half sixty-three, and in the Upper Silurian eighteen. Very little dependance however can be placed upon numerical comparisons, such as the above, in dealing with questions relating to the Cystidez or Crinoidez, for the reason that new discoveries are every year being made which very materially change the aspect of these computations. For instance, six years ago only eleven Crinoids, one Cystidean, and one Star-fish, were known in the Lower Silurian of New York and Canada, but in the collection of the Geological Survey of Canada there are now twenty-one species of Cystideans, about fifty Crinoids, and ten Star-fishes, or in all eighty-one species of Echinodermata from this formation instead of thirteen. } In: the Devonian formation several forms resembling Cystidez have been referred to that group of organisms; but it remains still to be shewn that they are true Cystideans. The weight of the evidence tends to shew that the race was ushered in with the first living inhabitants of the deep—attained its greatest development in the latter portion of the Lower Silurian era, and died out about the time of the commencement of the Devonian. Of its associates in the Primordial Zone, the Brachiopoda, Pteropoda and Bryozoa remain to the present day. The trilobites held their possession of * Bronn’s Index Palzontologicus. Zweite Abtheilung, p. 181. + On the British Cystidee, by Prof. E. Forbes. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, vol. ii. part 2, p. 483 et seq. 14 STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDE. existence until the Carboniferous period, and the graptolites disap- veared early in the Upper Silurian. With the exception then of the graptolites, the Cystidee were the first race that became extinct. Il. The General Form and External Skeleton of the Cystidee. In form the Cystidez were either globular, oval, pyriform, conical, or sub-cylindrical, and their dimensions seldom more than one inch and a-half or two inches in length and breadth. They were protected by an external skeleton ee of flat polygonal calcareous plates, which were so accurately fitted together that they enclosed, with the exception of the arms and column, the whole of the animal almost as completely as an egg is contained in its shell. In some of the species the plates were neither limited as to their number, nor arranged according to any definite order, and in these, as the bedy increased in size, the corresponding enlargement of the skeleton was effected both by the growth of the older plates and the introduction of new ones between them. In many species the number of the plates and plan of arrangement remained constant throughout the life of the animal, the shell being enlarged by the continual growth of the origina! pilates and without the addition of new ones. In others, such as the species of the genus Pleurocystites, both of these modes of increase prevailed, the dorsal side having the number and arrangement definite and the ventral indefinite. The growth of the individual plates appears to have been by the assimilation of fresh particles of matter throughout the whole mass, instead of by additions to the edges. Ill. The Mouth, Ambulacral Orifice and Anus. In the Cystideze we find two and in some species three principal apertures through which the more important fopetions of the animal economy were exercised. These are :— 1. The mouth,—A large orifice situated on one side, usually about the middle of the body, but sometimes near either the base or the apex. In many species it was provided with a valvular apparatus, by which it was opened or closed; in others no such provision existed, or at least it has not been preserved in the fossil state, It is quite probable that in most of the species this orifice subserved the double function of a buccal and an anal aperture. 2. The ambulacral orifice.—This opening is always situated in or near the centre of the upper part of the body, and in the central STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. 15 point between the bases of the arms when these are present. Through it tne vessels of the aquiferous system and of the organs of reproduction, which were situated in the grooves of the arms, communicated with the interior. There can be little doubt also that the nervous filaments, if the Cystideze possessed any, gained access to the arms through this passage. Concerning the functions of these two apertures much difference of opinion has existed amougst the best naturalists, some regarding the large opening in the side as an ovarian orifice, others believing it to be the mouth. Since the discovery recently made of the ambulacral orifices of the true Crinoidez and also of the arms of the Cystidez, it appears to be quite certain that the latter opinion is the correct one. I shall notice this subject more at length in the next section. 3. The anus.—In some species there is a third small aperture, which is always situated near the apex. It is usually minute and in certain genera has not yet been observed. This orifice is designated the anus by most authors, a view of its characters somewhat sup- ported by the fact that we know of no other function that can be assigned to it. In the species which were not provided with this opening, the excrements were ejected through the mouth, as in those Star-fishes that have no anus. IV. The Arms, Ambulacral Grooves and Pinnule. The arms of the Cystidez only differ from those of the true Crinoidez in the position which their bases occupy in the skeleton, and in the general inferiority of their development. The structure of the arms is essentially the same in the two groups, but in none of the Cystidez do we find them of a very high degree of perfection. I propose to arrange them in the following order :— 1. Cystideze in which the body of the arm was not developed, but only the grooves and pinnule. The following species are examples: Cryptocrinus cerasus (von Buch), which in the specimens I have observed, has fourteen small plates arranged in a circle around the ambulacral orifice. Each one of these exhibits upon its surface a small irregular scar, which marks the position of the attachment. of a single pinnula. No grooves are visible, but it is quite evident that this species had no true arms. In Echino-encrinites angulosus (Pander), there were five or six pinnule, with their corresponding grooves. 16 STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. In the genus Glyptospherites (Miller), represented by the species Spheronites Leuchtenbergu (Volborth), very slightly impressed grooves radiate from the ambulacral orifice and ramify over the surface of the body. At the end of each branch the place of the attachment of a pinnula is seen. Upon the closest examination of good specimens I have been unable to detect any indication that these grooves were occupied by an arm that was bent backward upon the body as in the genera Apiocystites (Forbes), and Callocystites (Hall). It is also quite clear that the pinnule were not seated upon arms of this kind, but immediately upon the surface of the plate. The grooves are not excavated but impressed ; they appear as if they had been formed by several fine threads lying on the surface, while the plates were too soft to sustain their weight. In this species the pinnulze were distant from each other and scattered over the greater part of the body. In C. cerasus they formed a circle around and quite close to the orifice, and in E. angulosus they were also confined to the apex, but some- what scattered. According to my views we have in these forms the lowest and most rudimentary condition of the radii yet seen in any Crinoideze or Cystidee. The ambulacral vessels issued from the interior through the orifice, and having nothing to support them, crept along the surface, sending out branches to those points where the pinnule arose. The main trunk of the arm, or that which bears the pinnulz in the Crinoids, was totally absent: it was never developed. There is nothing but the grooves and the pinnulz to indicate the existence of an ambulacral system. 2. Cystideze in which the arms were developed, but bent back- ward and attached to the body. In these we perceive a structure one stage more perfect than in the several species just noticed. The arms of Apiocystites pentrematoides (Forbes), Callocystites Jewettvi (Hall), and Glyplocystites multiporus, are all constructed upon the same type. They originate in the apex of the fossil, where their bases are all crowded together into a narrow space, in the centre of which is the ambulacral orifice. They are composed of double series of flat plates which alternate with each other, and have the usual grooves of the Crinoids along their centres. On each side of the groove is a row of pinnule. From the main groove smaller ones branch out to the base of each pinnula. The whole structure is exactly that of the arms of the true Crinoidez, but not so perfectly developed. The arms of all the Crinoids have sufficient strength to stand erect, but in these Cystidez it appears to have been otherwise, and consequently, we find them not free and supporting themselves, but lying at full \ STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. aba length upon the surface of the body. In Amygdalocystites florealis and the two species *of Malocystites, the arms are also recumbent, but their position is somewhat different. The grooves are not in the centre of the upper surface of the arms, but upon one side, and there is but one row of pinnule. These characters are not the results of a different structure, but are occasioned by the curious position of the arms, which do not rest with their backs in contact with the surface, but with one of their sides undermost. 3. Cystidee with free arms—The only species known is Comaro- cystites punctatus (Billings), which has not only the free arms but also the pinnulz of a true Crinoid. It is probable that some of the small Cystideans described by Professor Forbes, in the ‘‘ Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain,” belong to this group. . The four little prominences on the top of Caryocystites munitus appear to be the remains of arms which were free, and of a large size in proportion to the magnitude of the body. The genus Pleurocystites has two appendages which are more of the nature of pinnule than arms. They are composed of a double series of joints, and have the grooves bordered by small marginal plates. In this respect they exactly resemble the pinnulz of Pentacrinus caput-Meduse as figured by Miller. Although in the descriptions of the species I have called them arms, I am not at all satisfied that they are entitled to be so designated. The distribution of the arms of the Cystideze above given into three kinds, is not intended as a classification of the species into groups. On the contrary, we find that widely different genera, such as Malocystites and Apiocystites, have recumbent arms, and others equally far apart, such as Echino-encrinites and Glyptospherites, with pinnulee only, while Comarocystites, which agrees with the Spheronites in the numerous plates’ of the body, has the arms free. Even in the same genus we have two of those degrees of development, for Glyptocystites Logani has only pinnule, but G. multiporus has both recumbent arms and pinnule. It is quite clear therefore that such characters are not often of more than mere specific importance in classification. V. The Calycine Pores or Pectinated Rhombs. Many of the Cystidez were also provided with a peculiar system, . consisting of pores which penetrated through the plates of the body, and probably served as media of communication between the interior and exterior, although the precise nature of their functions has not B. 18 STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. yet been ascertained. The form and distribution of these pores vary greatly, but certain groups of species, closely related by other characters, have them arranged after a plan common to themselves, and not found in the species of other groups. Thus the genera Prunocystites (Forbes), Pseudocrinites (Forbes), Apiocystites (Forbes), | and Lepadocrinites (Conrad), belong to a group characterized by a skeleton composed of a small number of plates, about twenty, which are arranged in four series. All these have three pectinated rhombs, one situated at the base and two near the apex. Echino-encrinites (Meyer) and Glyptocystites have the same number of plates, but the rhombs, although the same in general structure, are arranged in a manner somewhat different from the others: Echino-encrinites having two rhombs at the base and one in the upper part of the body, while Glyptocystites has from ten to thirteen rhombs ; but two of these, in G. multiporus and also G. Forbesi, are situated at the base of the dorsal side, in a position exactly like that of the two basal rhombs of Echino-encrinites. In those genera with the skeleton composed of an indefinite number of plates, the pores are circular, and not clefts of considerable length, as in the others. It appears therefore that good characters for classifying the species of the Cystideze into groups can be derived from the form and arrangement of these organs, and accordingly a classification upon this principle has been proposed by Professor J. Miller of Berlin. The outlines of his system will be given hereafter. VI. The Column. The stem, stalk or column of the Cystidez is usually short and tapering from the body downwards. In other respects it is the same in structure as the columns of the ordinary Crinoideze. The most remarkable form is the column of Lepadocrinites gebhardui (Conrad), from the Lower Helderberg rocks of the United States. It differs from all others known in having a large portion of the lower extremity composed of a single long spindle-shaped joint. SECTION II. ON THE AMBULACRAL ORIFICES OF THE CYSTIDEH AND CRINOIDEA. If it were possible to procure a Cystidean with all the internal and external organs perfectly preserved, it might be easy to deter- STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDE. 19 mine accurately the functions of the several orifices that have occasioned so much discussion among the eminent naturalists and paleontologists who have written upon the structure and affinities of these fossils. It is not however probable that a single specimen retaining even a vestige of the soft parts will ever be discovered. and we are compelled therefore to content ourselves with the next best method of conducting the investigation. The only course is to proceed by examining and comparing the offices of the ambulacral grooves and apertures of some of the existing species of Echinoder- mata which have been dissected by observers of good authority. In pursuance of this plan, I shall here notice briefly such points in the organization of the Star-fishes and recent Crinoids, as appear to have a direct bearing upon the subject. I. Ambulacra of the Star-fishes. The Star-fishes are not closely related to either the Crinoidea or the Cystidez in the structure of their skeletons, but they present the most perfect examples of Echinoderms with all the ambulacral vessels located in grooves upon the outside. The mouth is situated in the centre of the under-side of the body, and the ambulacra consist of a set of deep furrows which radiate therefrom to the outer extremities of the rays. They contain the following organs, all of which communicate with the interior by passing inward through the mouth. Ist. The aquiferous canals, consisting of a set of long tubular vessels extending the whole length of the furrows and entering the mouth. They are attached to, or originate in, another vessel, which forms a ring around the mouth, inside of the body. Connected with these vessels, and situated in the grooves, are two or four rows of suctorial feet, the whole constituting the most extraordinary system of locomotion known. 2d. The nerves of the ambulacra. These are also connected with a ring around the cesophagus, and pass out from the interior through the mouth. The main trunks lie along the bottoms of the ambula- cral grooves, and send out branches to the suctorial feet. 3d. The blood-vessels, which also proceed from circular canals in the interior, and reach the ambulacra through the mouth. The aquiferous canals and suctorial feet, with their nerves and blood-vessels, constitute the ambulacral system of the Star-fishes ; and as all the organs are situated on the outside of the animal, and 20 STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDE. communicate with the interior through the mouth, one of the functions of the aperture is that of an ambulacral orifice. In those species without an anus, the ova and excrements are extruded through the oral opening. In many which have an anus there are several sets of genital pores for the production of the eggs. The following then are the apertures which in the Star-fish with- out an anus are all combined in one :— 1. The mouth. 3. The ovarian apertures. 2. The anus. 4. The ambulacral orifice. In those with an anus and genital pores, the mouth has of course but two functions. II. Recent Crinoids. In the recent species of Crinoids, such as Pentacrinus caput-Meduse, and the several species of the genus Comatula, the ambulacral grooves radiate from the mouth and are continued along the ventral sides of the arms to their extremities. At first there are five only, but these divide into ten before reaching the margin, in order to furnish a groove for each of the ten arms (see fig. 1). The grooves also send off slender branches to the pinnule, and they are all provided with suctorial feet, ambulacral canals, nerves and blood- vessels, as in the Star-fishes. The young however do not escape through the mouth, but the ova are developed beneath the soft skin in the grooves on the ventral side of the pinnulee, and when the proper time arrives are set free. The vessels of the arms all enter turough the mouth, and as there is always a distinct anus, it follows that this aperture has two functions. 1st. It is the mouth. 2d. It is the ambulacral orifice. 3d. It must also, to some extent, be regarded as an ovarian aperture, because in all animals there must exist a connection of some kind between the reproductive and nutritive systems. It has been demonstrated by Mr. J. V. Thompson of Cork (see Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 1836), that the ova, as above mentioned, are generated in the arms and pinnule outside of the body; and as there is no other aperture for that purpose, then it must follow that whatever may be the vessels by which a communication is effected between the ovaries and the interior, they can only pass through the mouth. For the same reason, the ambulacral orifices STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. 21 of the paleozoic Crinoids (to be mentioned in the next paragraph) partake also of the nature of ovarian or genital apertures. The structure of the Star-fishes and recent Crinoids only agrees in these respects: that both groups have the ambulacra outside of the body, and the ambulaeral orifice and mouth combined in a single opening. Ill. The Paleozoic Crinoids. In at least a great many species of the palzozoic Crinoids we find an arrangement so different, that it almost justifies their separation into a division distinct from the recent forms. The structure of the arms is precisely the same, and there is not the least doubt that their functions were also to support the ambulacra and reproductive organs, as in Pentacrinus and Comatula. In the ventral surface however, or in the circular space surrounded by the arms, there is only one large opening, but no grooves radiating from it to those of the arms. To shew more clearly the difference between the recent and extinct species in this respect, I have constructed the following diagrams :— Fig. 1. Recent Crinoid. Fig. 2. Paleozoic Crinoid. Figure 1 is a diagram of the ventral surface of a recent Crinoid with the mouth, m, situated in the centre, and the ambulacral grooves radiating from it to the arms. The anus, a, is situated between the centre and the margin, and in some of the species of the genus Comatula it forms a tubular projection of several lines in length. Figure 2 is an ideal representation of the ventral region of a paleeozoic Crinoid, with only one opening, m a, but with no grooves leading from it to the arms. bo bo STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. All paleontologists are agreed that this single aperture, found in all the ancient Crinoidee, is both the mouth and the anus. It is sometimes situated in the centre, equidistant from the bases of the arms; sometimes between the centre and the margin; and in a few species, such as in Caryocrinus ornatus (Say), it is placed at the edge of the cup, between the bases of two of the arms. It is often level with the surface, but in many species it is in the top of a long tube, the so-called proboscis, which is frequently longer than the arms, and projects above their extremities when they are erect. The ambulacral grooves however are only found in the arms. They are not continued along the surface of the body to the mouth, as in the Star-fishes and recent Crinoids; and unless, therefore, there be some other provision made for their entrance, it is difficult to see how the ambulacral canals, nerves and blood-vessels could communicate with the interior. In those species with the mouth not elevated they might find their way along the surface, but it is improbable that they could do so without leaving some trace of their passage; and in Crinoids with a proboscis it appears impossible that this course could be followed at all. Provided therefore the usual description of the paleozoic Crinoids be correct, 7.¢., that they have only one aperture, then their ambulacral system must have been totally disconnected from the interior of the animal—a supposition that would be contrary to all the analogies furnished by the structure of the other groups of the Echinodermata. I have long been of opinion, that at the bases of the arms of the extinct species there were special apertures provided for the passage of the ambulacral vessels, but the evidence in my possession did not appear suflicient of itself to warrant the publication of such a view. Having had however, within the last few months, opportunities of studying a large number of specimens in the collections of England and France, I am now satisfied that there can be no doubt about the matter. It is quite certain, that a great many of the extinct Crinoids had either five, ten, twenty, or more of these openings, and that through them the vessels of the ambulacra passed from the grooves of the arms directly into the visceral cavity. While examining the magnificent collection of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom I found many species which exhibit these aper- tures in a most perfect state of preservation; and upon consulting Mr. Thomas A. Huxley, F.R.S., who is profoundly acquainted with the details of the structure of all the orders of the Echinodermata, STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. we I was delighted to find that he had already arrived at the same results, and had it in view to prepare a paper upon the subject for the ‘Transactions of the Geological Society.” Upon my informing him however that I was also about to publish the same discovery in this decade, he in the most liberal manner made over his materials to me, and I am thus enabled to give a figure of Actinocrinus rugosus, which shews the course of the ambulacra under the ventral surface. The principal difficulty in proving the existence of these orifices is to find specimens so little mutilated at the base of the arms as to exhibit the apertures with their margins uninjured. Hundreds of examples occur with large, irregular openings, but as the edges are fractured all around it is impossible to say whether or not there were originally any natural apertures. It is only in individuals which have been well preserved, and carefully collected and cleaned, that the facts can be clearly observed. In some of the species the apertures are exceedingly small, and so filled with crystalline matter that they can only be seen very indistinctly. In Caryocrinus ornatus (Say), for instance, there are certainly indications of the existence of minute apertures, yet in the best specimens I have seen it would be hazardous to assert it positively. In all the species of Rhodocrinus, Actinocrinus and Platycrinus, the apertures are in general large and easily observed. Most of the Lower Silurian specimens are in such a condition that nothing can be determined with certainty concerning any of the orifices. In one species from the Chazy and two from the Trenton limestone, all of the genus Hybocrinus, I have however ascertained their existence. The following are some of the species in which I have seen clearly that these apertures actually do penetrate through into the interior of the visceral cavity :— 1. Eucalyptocrinus decorus (Phillips).—In this remarkable Crinoid the arms are always found closed into the niche-like. divisions of the proboscis and ventral portion of the cup. It is one of those species whose structure renders a passage for the ambulacral canals through the mouth almost impossible, as the orifice is situated in the apex of a tube that projects above the extremities of the arms. In order to enter the body in that direction, the vessels, after descending the groove on the inside of the arm, could only proceed by climbing the outside of the proboscis, by which course the projecting knob of plates at the top would have to be surmounted. A more inconve- nient route could scarcely be imagined, and we find that nature has provided a much shorter one. While collecting fossils in the . 24 STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDE. Niagara limestone last year, I procured at Thorold, near the Welland Canal, a specimen which had been split in two from the apex downward. I found only a portion of one of the halves. The cavity of the body and proboscis had been filled with some soft material, which, upon exposure to the weather, had totally disap- peared, thus exposing the structure of the inside of the cup as distinctly as could be desired. Fig. 3. Fragment of Eucalyptocrinus decorus (Phillips), shewing six of the ambulacral orifices. There are two orifices at the base of each arm, and consequently twenty in all, as this species has ten arms. The specimen only retains six. They are of an oval shape, about one line in length and one-third of a line in greatest width. Each pair is separated by a small elongated ridge-like plate or process, which cannot be seen on the outside of the cup. All the inter-radials which are situated in the same level with the apertures have at each of their upper angles a sharp process, which projects inwards about half-a-line. (In figure 3, if the dotted line from the letter @ were continued, it would cross the,centres of the apertures and inter-radials here referred to.) The processes are above the line, and cannot be shewn by wood-engraving. The small plates which separate the two pores of each pair of the orifices have also each a similar process, between which and the process of the contiguous inter-radial there is a very narrow passage from the orifice upwards; and it is possible that the ambulacral canals took an ascending course by this route. after gaining the interior. Upon such points however of the internal structure of the Crinoids, all that can be offered perhaps for an age yet to come must be merely conjectural. The main fact proved by this specimen is the existence of the ambulacral orifices at the base / STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. 25 of the arms, and that consequently it was not necessary for the _ vessels to climb the proboscis in order to reach the interior. Fig. 4. Side view of a fragment of H. pristinus. Fig. 5. The same, seen from above, shewing the continuation of the ambulacral grooves of the arms into the interior. 2. Hybocrinus pristinus, H. conicus, and H. tumidus, (Billings,) have five ambulacral orifices each, and they are formed according to a plan which will be found somewhat common among the species of those genera which have short cup-shaped or round bodies, such as Cyathocrinus, Poteriocrinus, Dendrocrinus and others. The first radial plate has a projection of the central portion of the upper margin, which folds round and makes a conspicuous rounded channel which descends along the inside of the plate to the interior. The upper edge has a horse-shoe form, corresponding exactly to the first joint of the arm which is seated upon it. These species shew that generally the notches which we see in the detached first radial plates of so many others are only continuations of the grooves of the arms into the interior. 3. LEhodocrinus bursa (Phillips)—Good specimens of this species exhibit very distinctly ten ambulacral openings. They penetrate into the interior at about one-half the height of the body, and their margins are formed on the lower sides by a semi-circular notch in the upper edge of the second plate of each of the secondary rays, and on the upper by several of the small abdominal plates. In no other species is there more unequivocal evidence of the existence of these openings, but they are accompanied by a structure which seems to indicate two sets of arms placed one above the other. Beneath the orifices there are two articular surfaces, which mark the bases of two arms; and above each pair of the orifices there is a projection, which also much resembles the base of one or two more arms. They are very accurately figured in Phillips’ “ Geology of Yorkshire,” vol. ii. pl. v. figs. 23, 24, 25. I shall introduce one of these figures here, in order to shew their peculiar structure :— 26 STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. Fig. 6. One of the rays of Rhodocrinus bursa (Phillips). In this figure 7, 7, 7, are the three primary radials; s, s, the secondaries; a, 0, the ambulacral orifices; 6, the five basal plates ; 2, two of the sub-radials; and a, what appears to be the place of a pair of arms. In some of the specimens this feature is exhibited so prominently that it strongly impresses the observer with the idea of two tiers of brachial appendages. It may be however that there were projecting from this part of the vault a set of large spines corresponding in numbers with the arms. Rhodocrinus differs in no respect from Thysanocrinus (Hall), provided we still depend for generic characters altogether on the structure of the cup below the point where the arms become free. But if the form of the vault be taken into account, then the English genus is different from the American. The vault in R. bursa rises above the ambulacral orifices, and in fact projects a little outward over them, so that they penetrate into the side of the cup, below the margin, instead of being placed immediately above and inside of the margin, which, from the position of the arms, must be their place in Thysanocrinus. 4. Actinocrinus rugosus.—For the structure of this interesting species I am indebted to Mr. Huxley, and the figures given in the following page were drawn from a specimen in his possession. In this species the plates are very thick, and the ventral side rises dome-shaped above the point of attachment of the arms, so that the ambulacral orifices are rather nearer the bottom than the top of the body. The proboscis is excentric, large, and not perpen- dicular, but projecting obliquely, so that when the arms were closed its apex probably was thrust out between two of them on one side. The mouth appears to have been closed by a number of small plates, which were no doubt so connected by an extensible membrane as STRUCTURE OF THE CYSTIDEA. 27 to permit of a considerable amount of dilation. The ambulacral orifices are ten in number, and enter the cup at the base of the arms. They do not however immediately penetrate into the cavity of the body, but ascend towards the top of the ventral elevation by five tunnel-like passages, which lie under the external plates and extend nearly to the apex of the dome. These passages are floored by a series of plates, which form an elongated arch under them. They do not reach the centre at the summit, but are discontinued at about two-thirds the distance from the base of the arms. eee WS Fig. 7. aa i, DECADE .3. PL11 LOWER SILURIAN. GCEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CAWADA. /¢ 2a Be 42 Ze { 3b \ / See ae, —— — ( 72 2b 4? 56 17 TS TES: 19 Ug Geo.West del. & lith West & C? imp. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. ‘Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. B. B. PLATE XI. (Page 91—102.) . Logani (var. reniformis) ; magnified 4 times: a, right valve ; 6, dorsal view ; c, anterior view. From Hawkesbury. . Logani ; magnified 4 times: a, left valve; b, dorsal, and c, posterior view. From Hawkesbury. . Logani ; magnified 4 times: a, left valve ; 6, ventral, and c, posterior view. From Grenville. Logani ; magnified 4 times: a, right valve; 6, dorsal view. From Hawkesbury. Logani (var. lepeditoides) ; magnified 4 times: a, right valve; 6, anterior view. From Grenville. Leperditia Canadensis (var. nana) ; magnified 4 times: a, left valve; 0, ven- L. L. tral, and c, posterior view. From Grenville. Canadensis (var. nana) ; magnified 4 times: a, right valve ; 6, ventral view. From Grenville. Canadensis (var. labrosa); magnified 4 times: a, left valve; 6, ventral, and c, anterior view; d, portion of surface of a, very highly magnified (x 75). . Canadensis (var. nana) ; magnified 4 times: a, left valve ; 6, dorsal, and c, anterior view. From Grande Isle. . Canadensis (var. nana) ; dorsal view of the united valves (nearly cloeed) ; magnified 4 times. From Grande Isle. . Canadensis (var. Louckiana); a, right valve, magnified two diameters ; b, ventral view ; c, anterior view; d, outline, magnified 4 times. From * Louck’s Mill. . Canadensis (var. Pauquettiana) ; a, right valve, magnified 2 diameters ; b, the ventral, and c, the anterior view, showing the inner flange of the ventral edge; d, outline, magnified 4 times. From Pauquette’s Rapids, Allumette Island. L. Anna; magnified 4 times: a, right value; 6, ventral, and c, anterior view ; d, portion of surface of a, highly magnified (x 25). From St. Anne’s. Isochilina Ottawa; magnified 4 times: a, left valve; 6, anterior, andc, ventral view. From Grenville Canal. I. gracilis ; magnified 4 times. a, right valve ; b, anterior view, and c, ventral , L. L. d, magnified portion of the marginal rim. From White Horse Rapids. Canadensis (var. Josephiana) ; natural size: a, right valve; b, ventral, and c, anterior view. From St. Joseph’s Island. Canadensis (var. Aniicostiana) ; natural size : a, left valve ; 6, ventral view. From Anticosti. . amygdalina; natural size: a, right valve; 6, ventral, and c, anterior view. From L’Orignal. . amygdalina ; natural size: a, left valve ; b, ventral, and c, anterior view. From L’Orignal. ies {Quy 4 . et 47 A