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iAIKS. MAllY r>ELI.()WS,

AViK. DiKi. -Iri.v :il, ISi;

RKV. liKNJlY \V. |}I:LIA)\VS, l).\).,

tLJlitlj tDtl)cv :\^oticcs of Ijcv liifr,


\ - ^ 019

>j\ 1 71 9401 1 3

A I) I) \i \: S 8.


'\\Ty-' liavu had, I'm' lilly .yt'ar.s past, living- on the iRM-ht.s <.r thr two iilll.s that overlook our village, two veiienil.le pel's,, us of nearly e.|iial age. and, in many I'espeefs, oT similar eharaelei-, towards whom the i'e\H'renee and lo\e of oui- people hahilnally tnrned as t(. the providential representatives cT nsefuhiess, moral worth, pei'- sonal dignity, and simple. e(-nsislen( piety. (.)ne of them, a righteous and holy man, ^Ir. rlae(.l) N. Knaiip, fnll of days and crowned with nniversal lovt', and veneration, passed awa} jus! a year ago, at the age oC ninety-live. 'I'lu; other, a imre and holy woman, at a still m(»i-e advanced age, has jnst closed her wi'ai-}' eyes npnn tin- laiuiliai' seiMies of her pi'oli'aclc'd lile, ; and we are now gafheicd aljuiit her dust to pay the last pnhlic ti'il)nle of oiu'

aU'ectioii ami respect (o all llial is visil)ly leli of lier hcMoi-e.l presence au.l um r,il an. I reserr,l lilr.

DaliiiL;- hai-k nearly a cenliiry, (o flie tiiiu; when this town was a iVdntier of the wilderness, and llu; cry ()!■ tliesava-e had hai'dly ceased to ccIk, IV.. ni uw liills; a contemporary of the liisl sclllci- that Unindcd our town; her childho.Kl faniiliar with the laide heuinniiiLis of American ci\ili/atinn upon this ])ortimi of the (\mncclicnt; a sharer in th.; anxieties, toils, anil iiope.s of that lahniaons and trying- era, we contemphite, as we l(M>k upon lier ashes, the dirst of the hist link that It.amd us to the l)e-inniug of our lo<-al history, c<nni*'eted us with the --eneralion that started our lile in this community, and handed (.ver in us the pei-sonal traditions (,f oui' Imrieil fathers and mothers. Older than tlie KepubHc, we lo(d., in her face, un the last cd' liio^. who weri> horn sidijecls .,f a

British kii


.led in h


comi)leted centni-y .>1' yi'ars th.' full .-^l.ny ..f oui- national lile. 'J'hese eyes, their lustie n..w -one, liave iset'n our c.iuntry h.irn, nnrtui-i'.l into strength, carried through four \vars thii'c «if

them for libert} and l)ec.)me a great, if n..t the

greatest, p.iwia- am.mg the nations of the earlli. Older than any of the great in■^litutions of ]..ipn-

lai- eiliR-alidii, tins coininoii .school aiul llu.' ,Snii(lay school; older than any of Ihc -Ti'al economic ami mechanical discoveries of llic ;i-c, we luaid over the remains of one who anlc^dales the I'ailroad and the slcamship, the Iclc-Taph and lahor-saN in- machinery of this ccnlniy, ami almost the nsc (.f wheel-vehicles n|M,n the lii-li I'oads of the land; whom no [inhlic con\e>ance could ha\'e cari'ii'd a dozen miles out of her native villa-c in her child- hood, and who i>re(HMled the days of Imaipikt's and staL;-e-eoaehes, which have themsehes passed away in the re-ion >he lived io sec unilcd l.y llu; swillest eomnnuiicalions with all tlu^ ca|)itals ol' the nation, and hound wilh li-hlnin- Io all the tH^ntres of civilization <\\\ the -lohc. How amazing the span ol" her life! how incalcnlahlc in her childhood the lioroscope of her exi)ericncc ! liow liiiraculous the aehii'semiMits she li\ed to [)artici- ])ale in! liow marvi'llons the -I'owlh of the civilization she survived to heliold and enjoy! Can wu call, cxcejit in (Jod's sight, a human life short a s|.an and a va])or which comprehends an expericnci' so \ ast and \ aried, so wholly heyond anticipation and c-onjcctui'e? IJi'ing together Ihe bi'-innin- and the end of lin- days. (Jompai'e what she saw around hei-, what she ho[)ed and

e.\pi'Cti.'il, or Cdiild h.-ivr liupcd aii<l i'\|h'c1c(I, wlicn .slu> Ih-st |,r-aii l<. <,l,>ci-\r and think and look lurwai'd, with what >hc. actually saw in the last years of lua' Inn- lilr, and what fairy talc or romance coiikl ull'cr a nuji'c striking and all'ccting eonti-ast?

IJnl, not to stretch our tiion-lits l.eyond the very scene ol" her native villa;_;-<' and the iiro^pcet or this heantilhl hill, on which her whole lite was spent, wliat a variety ol' li\cs and deaths, what a ninllilude oC loi'tunes and niistoi-tnnes, have come within the scope ot \\vr personal oliser\ alion, her proti-acted experience! All the licarts that liave ever Ijeaten in this valley and township ha\e, at one time and another, with insignilicant e\ce|)- tions, heateii in her i)reseiice. ]\Ien and women, long hni-ied and lorgottt-n. and their ashes long .sinci' retiuaied to their native soil, were lua- active contemporaries, 'i'he grandparents we try to recall in their vvilhci'ed age, she kne^v in their pi'imc; all the promising youth whose early hlight left, only a fragrant memory heliind, she saw horn and [lass away. The husy, honorinl citizens a dim mem- ory to us who once c<introlled and inspired the life of this ])luee, she knew and IMt in their inmie- diale inlluence and living presence. She began


bfl'ore onr \ya^I IkhI liccuim; an ohJL'ct of iiitei-csi ami iiiLMiiory ; ami all that a-c Uy U> vv\\\c by poring- and ciii-iuu.s invcsligations, she was a \k)V- tioii (if, and ,-iaw iu arlual ocfun'L'iu.-e. Sli'r .sfean.s almost a pail ol' the ri-uviiK-iicc lliat waU-hcs the i;-c'iiri'ali(»ns couu; ami ^■o, as \vc coiilciiiplaU' lu'i' loiiy, iiiR'liangcd sci-cuil)' and lixrdm'ss ul". existence, and (liiidv ol' all llial came and lived and died, and -ave place lo olh.Ts who .'am.' and lived and died, and ma.le up the siircessivi! cj-as of tins now, (o ns, old ai:d Iradilional commnnil).

Is there one anuni^- ns who docs nol alleclingly rememher that she knew oiu- |iai-enls and i;rand- ))ai'enls, and ,^i'eal-,i;rand[iarcnls, and saw the weddin-s and l.aplisms and limci-als of all Uiose who were nearest and dearest to ns ? It is enoni^ii to tin-ill HI}- own heart with a sli'ani;e emolion only to rc-llccl (hat she knew my (nvn molhei', whom I ne\er knew m\-.ell'; and what would I not have been willing to give loi- one look through those eyi'S, l)erore lliey lost their eniniing, iut(j that shadowy face, the object oT so much vain, strain- ing remend.rance, hut which she could recall in living rreshuess and n-alily ! ('an we coir^ider, without emotion, thai she knew, face to iacr, the rounder of this town and llii" large family thai

A FIMSIIi;i) l,l|.

bui-c his hoiiuird iianif, and uhich ^\w Ikt.^cU' wui-c ^\()i1lnly lor ihrcc' -viici-al ioiis ; all Jiis sons and dau-litrrs, so Ion- pillai-s of Ihis (•onnnunit\ ; all the. suc('L'Ssi\ 13 niiinstt-i-s ol' tin.' lo\sn who lia\u lau-ht, i(s I'ailh and ])icty ; the vrnrrahle phy- .sirians, who have walclu/d I.3 its hrdsidcs; lluj brilliant iawTci's and iiuhnl nifii svho have kdl a tra.lilional -I.mt hchind IIk^ui, , Joseph Denny and dci'eniiah Mason and K'o<i,-or Yose, l'\\sscndcn and Dickinson, Ifolland and Morsr, Allun and Stone and (.'rant, and many olliers?

Hill it is not merely as a link kindin-- 11s to I he l)ast, or c^Neii as a circle enclosinL;' the ^vhole hi,stor_> of the ])ast, that we onght to value her nu'inory or to hang- aU'ectionately oxn- lier ashes. It is the fidelity and comi)leteness of hei- own life and character that kest dcsei've om' gralefnl contem- ]dation. lleie ai'c the wasted, withered leniains of whal, J'or almost a. cendii'y, was siiccessi\ cly a. g<;od danglilci- and sisU^i'; a failkful and desou d wife; a skill'nl, indnsli'ions, and miwaried niol lua' and lionsekeei)er ; a considerate neigkkor ; an active servant of all town i-hai'ilies and s(X-ial duties; a hospitakle, friendly liearl ; a wise and sound adviser; a snjjporter liy example and sci- N'ice ol' all our higher iiiterests; a woman of a

A FIMSIIi:ii 1.11'

diiiiiiiic'il and univproachablr liH', i'\lcii(k.l to an t'Xlirnu; length, i)iil never laHiii-- heK.w its own ]M-i)inise, ne\ci- lusiuL;- iis early direriidU uf iinihily and se!r-res|)ee(. ol' vii'lne and ir^eCnlne.-.s ; and, ahuve all, of luinil.le piety and pi'ayer. AViiat has not sneh a life t'onnnun'u'ated (d' l)les.sednes.s, instiaiclion, and exaniple to her lunnerons children and deseendanl.s? I low \vi,le the scope ol' snch a,

Li\'ing to ))nry all hnt one ol' her own children, sjiared to watch her expiring;- lamp, to see even many of lua- <;r.ind(diildrcn die in niatm'ity, throngh what sorrow has noi a simple, earnest faith borne liei- I riumplianlly ; lhi-ongli Avhat, watcliinys, cai-es, and solieilndes miisl not one, so widely related, have passed! and uhal hnt a nol.le ambi- tion of dnty, a li\in'^- [liely, conid have t-arried her seivnely Ihron-h il all? And has she not been a patlei-n of all the domolic virtues and -races? Willi a c(,n.liliilional pride <if character and duty, ail inb:irii indtiMry and thrill, a fe'dinu of compe- tency for all her cares, she has been an example (..f a true Newd''.n-land woman; slronu', patient, imhistrious; dome.t ic, self-respe.-t fnl, l)earin- her own burdens with d.-nity and iIkkm' of others with jiatic-nee ; erect in will and [mrposi' as


ill person; licr iiR'utal and moral lacullios e\en eleaivr than her scnsc-s, ii^l ono of Avliicli really i'aileil her to the last. h\>r, until uilhin a very lew years, she has been a h()US(,'ki-e|ier and the vvwirr. of" lier seatleretl lainily, so ol'teii relnrning- to her own roof. Up to live or ten years ago who was more regularly seen in lu-r seat at ehureli, nioruiug anil eveniugy Ilow little Irauiug, (lependcuec, or weakness showed itself in her erect, seli-suslained, dignilied carriage and conduct ? What eoiiij)osuri', sell'-respeel. and solidit} characterizeil her speech and her deijortmeiit ; what teiscness and good sense, and apliu'ss of thought and ex|)rcssi<iii ; how living her ineiuory, how wiile her ciri-mn- speetion, lunv manifold her ihoughlfulness ! And lu)W central deeper than judgment, more marked than ceaseless industry, more iinclianging than her pride of usefulness and character her unfeigned, imck)gmalie, nnobtrusiv(; piety ? Her faith was serene, constant, all-pervading, and ke))t her cheerful, faithful, and trustful to the last. She lovetl com[)leteness, and was negligent of no duty. She wasted no iiionieiit of her lime, no [)articK'. of her strength. ^Mways at work or reading or being- read to, her po\vers never slumliered, her faculties never dulled, and hrv interesL in lile eon-


tinned nnlil tlif wvy e'leuiLMils ol cxi.-.tcMiee gave on(. \'Wvn on her .leatli-lxMl l.er lingers kej.! np tlie inorKui ol' knitting, as il' too nuieh diseiplinea to inilnstry and nsefnlness [o he ahle to sink even in death into vohinlai'y i<lleiie>s an<l repose.

A more spotk'ss, unhkunahle, and virlnons career it is iinpossilile to eonlen.pk.te, and lianl to eoneeive a jirivate kife ok more \vhok'S(Mne usekuhiess and li.K-lil.y.

'\Vh;il. a memory lor the iinineckiati^ and remoter (k'seen(kints of sneh an ancestress! what a treasure lor ihe recoUeetion of the ehnivii ..r wliieh she was so k)ng the most aged member, and ok the connnnnity in whieh she was the most, venerable representative of her stv\ I

Ami now we rejoice wilh her in Ihe great reward to which she lias ascendeik She has gone to li'ii'nds more nnmer(ais auil older than we can recall, to associalions whose l.irlh antedate onr recollections. AVliat a renewal of a youth s.. long Icll behind her! what a Irca^nre ok works and labors an<l cares, kiithl'nlly done and borne, h('r long and honored life cairies into heaven! >Vith what modest c(,nlidence may ^he not nieel the :^kl^tcr she has starved, Ihe Saviour on wIkjsc invisible support she has leaned lor llnve gener-


iili(.>iis! A\i(li what (•(iiu|insiii-e and jo> look iiilo llic lacL- or Ihr Almi-hly Kilhci-, uIio.m- c'liild lor

.siicccssriilly wc all lliiuk. to pi-ovc Iu'I'mIT! LiU's cai-c^ and (lif l>ody",s \\ t'ai-iiir,ss are- o\ht I'oi' her! iiioi-c oC hor I'lic-nds and comi. anions ]ia\t; prc.-cdrd lu'i' than ivniain lo lament lu'i' ! she has joined llu; hlrssed roniiKiny of the. saints in li-hl, and lonnd anion-- them, we trnsi, troops of old I'nends ,d" her life's h.n- journey! May (iod hless to us a passing on s(j Messed lo her, and turn all our liearls and minds t(j\vards the imitation ol' what was Chrisl-like in hei' example, so thai in the end we may 'Mie the death ol' the righteous, and tun- last end he like his."

N () T I C K S.

/lOLONICL HKNMAMIX lUOLLOWS, tlic loiinder of ^•^ Wall..,!.-, .v. 11., ^^as l,on, May -C, 171^', llic lir.-t cliihl >:( hi. lalluT, ll.c loiinh of lii. ,„ulluM. lie. manird (),t. 7, 17;;."., Al.i.uail Slrani>, aii<l iiiuv^a will. Iicr an.l

tlicir iisc cliiMii'H to Waiiiulc ill 17:>:;. .she died N'l.v. S,

]7;.7; aii.l Coloiul r.rllows maiiicd in April. 17:.,S, llu^ \\i.lou Jeniii-u„, ul„„c maidri, nanu' ^\ a.^ Mary lhiM,ai.i. j;y li.T lir had al-,,, live- ,hddirn, ol' whom the- _v..,ii,ncbt, doMah r.rlinw.s (\), was liuiii OcL. ;il , 17(17, died Juno 15, jNlti. llr launic.i, raily in 17NN, Uchrcca Siiaihawk, dau-htci- ol' Mr. Thomas Sparhauk, who l,a<l rcmo\ rd to A\'ali)olc tVom what is imw Ih i-luoii, Mass., with thivc childia-ii, hrloir 17 7.J. \W Urv ho had thivo children, Jo.iah, itehecca, and Loni.a. She died in Septemher, 1 7 ;] 1 , und on the li.^th ol' Oeloher, 17;)^', he married her siMer,


M'^""''"'^ (.


didyo!, l.sdll.a-ed near IMi. To her memory this pamphl is dedieated. The Iruil of this marria-e is as lolh.ws :

vwu (:;),hurii Sept. I'S

II ; died Or


Kr.i.KN (.-,), l.nni ,laii. -J'J, l,s()5; ,llo,l .May 12, l,sr,;). She was inarrird, Nov. 1, l,S-_',s. (,, CH Wlu.d.i.k (l,oni l'\h. 7, 17:10; ,li,Ml Apiil I'-.', IMl'); aiul a-alu May 1.,, 1 -S || , lo .limalhau II. nw, 1h,i ii S,|,l. ■_', IM;;. .Mr. ll„w.- iiiai-

K;. l.SC.l. 'riu.i, .M.ii, Uohie Slenis Iluuu, was l,un, Keb. 11, l.S(;i. KiMVAi:i. (ll), l.oi-u CJcl. ;;o, I.SUG ; (liouuud May l.l, 1N0!». Wn.i.iAM (7). I.oni .Ihuc -i, l.si),s ; ,|i,.l May 7, ISG-J. llr

HK,n,r,l ,luac ;), IK.U:, Sarah (iihs, l„„u Ji.ly ^i, I^^K;. Julia 1;i.i;i,, , a (S), 1h,iii May 2:), 1 S 1 2 ; ,ii,Ml I'Vl,. L' I , I.SII). She was i,ian-a,l June <J, 1,S:;(;, to Koheil iianiell (1m, ni Sepl. 1). hSIII ; ,lir,l Jan. IJ, ISC;,). .M,-. Uaniell iiiaiiieJ .May l'l', I.M'J, Ahhy ],. Heath, l.on, .Viij,. L', IM 1. C'AIIIAIUM, Wmj.ia (',)), lioiii July 1, IMo ; .h'e.l June 21, ISh-S. .She uas n.arneJ June 'J, l^oli, l,, Henry .VJanis Bellows (horn Del. -:,, l,si);i). Annk Fo.sii.i: (10), horu Oel. iTi, KS17; die.l March I'.l, ISGi. She uas married .\,n'. 27, 184o, to Thonia. 11,11 (bom Jau. 7, IMl.S). Mr. Hill iiiiin-ied July L'.;, ISik;, Luoy Elizabeth SheiK.rd (horu Sept. 27, 1SJ7 ; .lied I'el,. 'J, 1.^0'.)). Their sun,- Otis Shepard, was horu IXx:. 2.'5, l.^h.S. OliAMH iiti.i-itl.N. The childreu of the above are, ,,t

Mai;v (1), /;,/»,„■,/ JS.II.n,:, (11) (iraut, born Jau. J, 1.S22; married Sept. l.j, l.'jIG, JIaria Louisa \VellinL;lon ,Mead (borii April 11, 1S2(;). Jla.jamin Ji,llow, (12) tiraiit, born Oet. .S, Is-.'l ; married April 1, l.Stll, Kmily (loo.lall (horn April 2;», LSlo). Ellen {:i),JJa,y Ell,,, (IJ) \Vlieeloek, born (),t. 10, 1.S2:); married, Seiit. 2.j, I,-s61, to iXathan Chandler (born Feb. 1, LSI 2). JAnry i;,,.s.ll (11) Wheeloek, born June 22, l.s;;:,; mar- ried Jlay 'J, l.SGl, Harriet Slillman llayuard iJorr (bum Feb. 1, LSJ'J). Oiunj, a, II (i:.) Wheeloek, born Nov. 2 1, l.SjS ; marrie.l June 3, ItiOS, .Madge II. Kobertson (burn May 0, IdlO).


Wil.l,l\M (7), William Haul (1(1) Hollows, boni July 1, l.SoT. MJauir,! Warm, (17, llolluus, honi Apiil 1(1, ISll'. Jci.IA («), Mar;/ ElcMl.th ( 1 ,S ) liarih^ll, In,,-,! Al.lil 1.',

l.s:;7. CAiiiAKixK ('.I). •/"■-'■"/' (!'■') l!>'ll«iw.s, l.oiii .June;;",, l.s;i7; man id, D.Tciuli.T -J.'s 18(;s, llclm A. liiuwu.

,S7r/Al L.Htisa (L'O) l;,llnu>, llull, Del. H, IS:);) ; ilifll Supt. I), ISG'J. SIh- wa.. iiiaiiioi, May .'(i, l.siiL', to CharU-s I'le.-cotl SaiilM.ni (lioiii Sr|,lriiilirr 12, Ls.ll). J'V,(».vs J, in, (lM) IJellnuv, l.uin X(i\. l."i, 1 ,S I 1 . n.nrij Adams ( L'L' ) IS.-lluu.-,. Ih.iu S.pt. L"J, LSI.!; ilied

Maivh 17, IMS. Jvha Adams (L':)) liell.nvs, lu.ni l\Iay -'l , l.Sl.S, An-MO (10), Marij r.rlluns c.'l) llilL In.n. Sr,,t. HI. ISK.;. //./»;/ liarl.rr ( lT. ) Hill, i.niij Ai.iil L'7, l.Sl'J. Kalhariav (2G) Hill, Inirii May 12, l.S.'U.

7-;/;..,/,-//, ,Ja,j (-11) Hill, bun. ,Ian. 2,S, IS^l. ??-Jv.' SSlJL J,,,,,' ISrlloirs CJrt, Hill, honi Sr|,t. 211, |,S.M. 77m.,„„,s A'.,/-,/ (2'.i) Hill, Ihiiu 1'\'I.. 22, l.-i;i. 3. GliKAl-cjiAMM 1111,1. Kl,N. The rhiMiv,, ul' the alM,ve' an-, of ]■;. 11. Cka.nt (U), JA(,</ lirlluics (;i(l) Giaiil, bina July oO,

IJIi::ah.(h Loriiaj CM) Grant, born Aug. ID, LSol. Ihanj Jlvnd (.-12) Giaiil, bum Jan. 1«, IS.H'.; ilicJ Nuv.

io, 1850. Edith (06} Grant, burn Jan. 2.'., l.sGii. I.inroln (34) (iranl, burn April lu, l.sGu. 11. li. CiKANT (12), .l/ar^j /'Jmma i'irluria (3u) (iraiit, burn Feb. r,, lhb2. i:ii-:ai,lh lirll.ncs (liO) Grant, burn July ■'', LSliG. iM. ]■:. GuAM.i.i.i; (lu), //,„,// lluirr (■■>'') Cliaii.lUr, burn May 3, IH.Ki; Jird Juuu 11, 1.SIJ2. Klhii Jtrlluas (3H) Gluindlor, boru Dee. 12, l«r.G. H. (i. Will.:i;i.ucK (11). (Icun/r Goldlhiraitr (:y.l) Wlieeloek, born .Sept. 10, bSGl. Z:,7i„u/' iJillaiui (lU) Wheeloek, burn >;uv. 23, 1.SG5.



,S. L. SANl'.niiN (2(1), Ji.inj 11,1/,. ,r, (41) Stillborn, Nov. --'.s, I8U:;. Sam/, K„l/,ur;nc. (12) Sauboni, Li.ni .liily 51, IWGG.

It lluis :,|,i..':ii-s tli.-it Mrs. Mary Hrllows I,;h1, at the 1 of luT (K'alli, July :;i, 1m;ii, ImhI.,! srvni nf l,rr ,' cl>iMi-en ; l.a.l l,a<l ninrtvrn ^^raii.lrlnKI, en, wf uImmu on,' dir,l; an.l lliirlera ,mvat-,L: raii.l.'lalcli > ii , of uhou, tuu (lir.l; (.f li.T li\(; ^^oiis-in-lau, luo l.a.l -mu- hduir h.r liad als,, two wives of 6on.-i ii-lau'.

I'.iit the dcM'L-ndaiits of l„.|- .sister IJehreea luauo- ste|.-el.il.iieu ai.o looked up to lui' a. ilnar anee.stur.

Tlicse dcseeiidaiits weic, scu p. lo,

1. CllII.DUEN :

JosiAll (l;l), l...rii N.,\. 2.-., IT.SS; ,lie,l Jai.. lo, 1^1^'. luani.Hl Xuv. 2."., l.SI.'i, Slella ('/.ariiia lii-aaiey (I ]\laicli, 1 :;){;; .lied Dee. 1:;. l,s:;.;). C'nl. ll.lfnv.-, niai Nov., I.SIO, th,: welou- lln-uier, uho^e iiiaidni i, wa.s Tvlai-y Aiiue (ii-ahine. lly her hrsl iui-,l,au.l chndren were, .Ufre.l, hum ,Se|,i. 11, 1,S,!J; lOllui. hum Nu\. ,',, l,s:ll, ai.d Dee. 21, 1 Ml-S ; .Mary Anne, 1 dan. 27, fsod, aled .N\m. 2'.!, fs;;,S.

l;ia;i,,.A ( II), horn .Mareh, 17'.)(i, died A|,i-il, 17;H).

I.oui-A (la), l,o,u .Inly 17, 17'.)1. She was niaiii-d d •.'1. 1.S2I, lo ,lnhii WUiW llayuard (horn .Mareli .-i, 17 died iJee. od, l,s:;-_').

2. Git.VNlieUlll.onioN. Of the aiiove the children are, ol

Josi.VU (lo), S(,/I,t /.,M>i:;i (l(.i) nellows, burn Oel

I.Sl I ; .lied :\lay, l^.\'J. S,(i;,/, A,/,il,„r (17) lielhnvs, horn Ainil lo, 1«I.S; .

Aug. l.SLi7. Bthvca Urutiu (i.S) B.llows, horn dan. 1, 1S2();

April, IMoo. ,S/,'i,/,c„ j;.,„:,' (I'J) li.'Uows, horn Oel. 17, lfi-'2 ; .

JNlareh 17, hSll. He inarj-ied Anj,'. «, l.-^lo, S;i


Kin- Hal. (1m, in Jiui. l.Vjl'), wlio iu ISl.S nmrnol

Henry llihlMnl. .A,M„/, (Irulnnr ( Th . ) IVlluws. l,.,n, .Inly I^ M S 1) : n.ai-

,i,Ml Amw L'G, iMli;, Annu .M.niill (iKnn .Mairh 7, iMlo ;

,lir.l Apnl 7, lsi;7). L,.ll-\ (1:0, /.-'-.a /;,//.. ,r.s ( T, M llaywani, l.oni .Ian. -.'2,

ISlM; ; niani.-a l'\'h. r_', I. Si; I, lu (.liarl.'S Ta\ lor Can-

lirl.l (l,n,-n April l.s isi-:!). ,/./,» U7,,7, (.7_') llayuai'.l, lairn .luly .-., ISi'S, nninied

,)nn- -2, l.SOl, IMIni- Cialls M.n.v (l.uin .Maivl, 17,

l,s:;i)), ir„/,A, /.'/;„/ (.7:1) llaywani, iMuni D.r. I'd, ls;U. ,ii:AV.,K\Ni»lMl.nia:N. The .le-ren.lant. in the neM ^enei-

J. (;. l;i:i.l,..w> (^r.D), .Um,/ <;,.,h,n, (.71) llelh.w., horn

.Marrh L".l, l.s,;7; .lie.l Ma.vh -J, l.Siw. ..|„,„ .l/wM,// (.7.7) IS.llows, h,n-n .Man'h L".t, IMm; died

MayL', l.Mi7. L. ];. Cam ii. 1,1. (.71), (!>•«■'■ A'' /-■'" (-"Xi) ( 'anllehl, huru

Nnv. 1.7, ISOl. .l/,7v I,., a.,: (.77), hniM Nov. 1, ISGl. 2l„r;,(Ui,d,„r (,7;i), hoiu .luly l.s, ISGG; died Oet. 18,

I.SGG. r/,,„/,s //„,/„„,,/ (.71)), hu.'ii July 1, 1S(7.I; died .Inly,


,1. W. ilAMVAla, (.7-'). /'.a,,/, Mn:r (dO), Ih,,!, Keh. -'6,

Lo„i„i lirllnu's (CI), hon. .lane 111, LSGl. J,.hn 117,;/,: ((;■_'), hoiu April :i, l.Sl'.T.

'I'lms, at tin: liiu.^ uf .Mrs. IJellow.^.'s ilealh. a .miu, ;i mui-Iu-

la«, a ,lauuliua-i,,-law, luur ,^r,unl.l.ihlreu, au-l ln„r -reat-

ora,Klrl,lMr,.,i l.a,l l,.v.v,lr,l her, while a ,l,M.,^hler. h,ur

yr.uulehihlren, ami live Liieat-^i andehil.lren survi^e her,

aiiimi- the..' .te|,-de,een(lanl., as ueir aiul dear t,. iier ai

her own.




Dr. ]!rlh.us alln.lcs to .Mr.. I'.rlluu.-, us ln,s kinswuinaii. 1>,-. llrlluu.-s ^.■aiMllalluT was a M, ,i-la oll.cr uf ,K.>ial, l!.l- luws (1). My., r.clluu.'s lalli.i- at li.st lau-lit .-rl..,,.! in Wal|M,lc, and wa, alleruai,! -Iiuluc ,,1 IVuhate. 11. i' cai- lirM i.iiirn.l.ranrL' nf l,>.i- Inluic hiislaial N\a.. tliat ..f .crin- iiim punislu'il r.ir liaviii- s|„.kcai of licr lallin willmuL llic pirlix ;,lj-. 11.. Iu--..l r..i-iv.Ma^s an. I i,n.n>i>c.l '' nruv t.. say clear Spai'liauk ai^ain."

I'ntll al...iil iua .i.My-litll, yv.u- Mrs. i;,.|l.,w.-'s K. allli was 11. .t \.i> linn; and tl.c liui.l.n .,1' .s., lai-c a lainilv of .d.d- dicn, and „l lain, an.l li.niM: lalmivis, u as ..luiitini.'S alino.t t,)., nm.h lor the ucak iVani.; t.. h.Mr. Knt sh.. «as of nn.'oiMiu.i-al.l.; .s|,iiit, an.l dn'W daily fiv.h mi|,|,Imv-. .,f

-..spcl. r.roiiukt ii|, in tla: daikn.'ss ..f Calvinisn,, sl,o w..ik.'.l l].T way i.ainhdly .,iit t.. the li-iit an.l lil-cily of tl.c -.;si„d; an.l [ni/.al the in-.nni,-..s ..f .Lvsus, an.l li.e

Is of the S,,iiit, an.l th.:


l'\itl.er, ..nly ni.n.,. an.l in.ue as the years 1..II..I <,n. Her f;iilh <lreu on inlinito r.^.^-ninvs, an.l suMaineil h.a , Im,!), in h.hors, and in s,,r..iu> and trials, nnlil the end. She 1..v.m1 d.^arly the ehnreh an.l its serviea-s, an.l was a Mve.t sin,L;.r, tihle to carry her part, luul to .soun.l C iji all., |.nrc an.l .l.ar, until over tlneescjro an.l t.^n. Sh.., .,r lu^r s,.n William, .,r s..uie ,,ii.. .,f her .lali-ht.rs, Kll. n, .Inlia, .,r Ann., san- in the elh.ir, ,,r j.lay.-.l the .>.-an, ..r .li.l h.-th, every .Sun. lay duriny thiily-li\e e.in~eeiai\e ye,.rs.

Her hushan.rs d.Mth was t.aril.ly sn.lden. She was visit-

wilh..nt >i,^nalnre, written ,.n a ernn.i.l.'.l s.'rap .d i,a|,.a-, sa)in- thai .Mr, H. ha.l hnrl hinr-.lf ha.lU 1.) lallin- fr.nn a uag.jii. \Vc took the iig.\t luornin-'s tiain U> I'U.hljuri!,


and .ta-cs tlicncc to Walimle ; Init learned, us we ims.scd llu-uli-h Keene, that the injury had already [.nned fatal. She hure it uilh the ni,..t truMiii- snluui-Mou to the Father's hne; and ihe,, ior years ^^enl m, keeping hoirM' hy h.a-., It', .-ittiii- :duae at her lahk', eA^vpt « hen >he weje.uie.l \\,il, old h„~,,ilahly her ehildreu and -ran.lehihhvn or other lriei,ds. That wa. no .-toi,-al inMai.Mhihly uhieh enahle.l her t.. he,uin iuManlly, upon h,-r hushand',, deeea,-e, thi, lon.'ly lile, and keep it up lor years uilhout injury to herself. it was the fnhn>ss of her love, and her constant sense <,f the divine nierey, and lur steadfa-l endeavor, for so inan\ \ ears beh.re, t.i juould eaeh hour's life hy refrenee to "the will of (iod in Clnast Jevsi.s," that had inwrou,^ht this sunny eheer- lulnessmto a heart that was hy nature and early theolo-ical traii,in,L;nioredispo.,dlo..on,lne views ol lile.

Steadfast adlieren.'e to the ri-ht is luidoidjted proof, not only of a >tr..ng will, and of a good heart, but of a elear intelleet al>o : seeing the right in order to follow it. lln- sNverving lidelity in righteousness, carried through a long .'^eries of years, is inileed the strongest possible evidence of true greatness ; shov\'ing an intelleet ca[ial)le of peiceivijig the truths of morality and religion, which arc the highest truths; a heart hning goodness an<l loving (iod, which are the pure.M, holiot hnes; a will capable of mastering itself and riding the wlude nature according to law, which is the mo.t ddhcult of human achiev en,ent,,. 'I'ins is the victory that overcometh the world. She that <loeth good is of (iod, and is a partaker in the divine nature and divine gloiy.


KxruAcr FiKiAr a i.i;ri'i;i; itv i;i:v. wii.i.iam sn.sm;i:.

■I'lii.sroN, N v., ,Jaii. 7, 1-70.

I\[y i.i:ai: F.mkm., I think lli:il m,,,,,. .,1' il„. l„.-i inllnrn-TH

Wii liuve ciijoyr,! ul' ,-nliilly rhanirlrr,, iiiv lli...i= ^vi■i.■ll u v r;iiii„,l

analyze ov dr>rvl\n-. At K■a^t -n 1 li,„| ii i,, I,,. „iil, tn\~Ai\ in any

attoniiil In rx|„'e>.s uhat 1 ,.ul- t.. thi- cx.'rlLut w.nnan. ll i- nnl

(,nr is nut Mippu.-r.i m lia\c kn,,wn anoliun- trnly, until thr ■• lin.il- aliun." ,,|- that ntlier ha\r l„>cii lunn.l. Yul I an, nui iviUini; in arknuwl.Mu,; that I dal not know one xunnraMu liinal, c\uii tlinii^li it .IhuiKI lir .iillii-nll Inr uw In pnint nut a liy hut i'\,vl- Irn.v,, in luT .■In,fa.-1,.T. 1 think thai lln- tii'M ihin.i: aknlit I..T thai iui|iiiv-s.-.l mo ilrrhlcdly, was a i-rilain |i,aaili,u- ilnjititii of hrarin,;., whirl, ar...,. |,nn, a ix:d .li^jnil) nf -nnl. It was h„d,r4 liu,-.sihlo l,ann any thin- liko linn.i.nMly ,.v alha-talinn. Xnl


]i,Hniliaily nllLiisivc, 1 think she was nnt ln-i;nsil,lu tn t nf a t,uu aii.t.KTacy ; nor do I lHd,.\c sin- w.nihl rvr ahatc thnsn rlaiins, ||-oni any Mil.uar lU'sii'c to burona; Yut 1 suppoM.. .-hu wa. iinpulai- in the best seusn. For h was leni|,.nv,l by snnh ,i;un„inc humility, ami sm-h .,nl,- thh's, and sm-h hmindhv.,, ,l,an(y, that sha nnnld nnt b: liearts tl,al w,Te Iml ha|-dniird indeed. Mnivnvei' her

exienuil dislinetioii>. Her piaty if one ,„a> jud:;e of


intelligent. She '-knew in uhom ^he belies ed," and cures and surrow.s had been iiatiently and eheerfnlly borne, through the power of that iailli. [ an, su,e ,s/n foui,d in lini- tariau Christianity no laek ,d' inoti\.-. and indmements to .-im-ere piety. She believeil in yuu,;, l... chnn:h, and uouhl not hi any ordinary (dislaele bar her way thither. I .shall always remember,


iis ;m in.Maucc; in |.i(»ii; lliat xvliuii I liiul oc.Msi,.ii to pivarli m Walpnle, sumo Um. yoai'S :,;m,. ^l,r was uur of ihe " Irw laill.lul" allrn.lai.ls al oln, irli, l.oll, ,u.„„i„;> a.„l alUTUouu . -- 1 laai.uh llio tl„-nn,M„Wrr wa^ iinl dr Im,,, ihirly l,M.,w /m,. an,l ll,uu,^l. l,ei'

c.x|H,s,nv. 11,11 1 liu.l il ullrrlv in \a,u lo I. 11 ll.r half ..I' wi.al I Liu-u of hri-. Il ,-rr,u> aluM.M likr i„ulanal.o„ i;,r nic to ivy aiM inakc uut a •• rl.a, an, ,■," thai >l.all rxpR'ss l,.T lu ui.uui J uuc so murl, love ainl .uraUln.l.-.

Vo„rs v.i-y inily au,l iValrrnally,

I'Aiti' oi' A i.i/i"j'i;ii I'.v i;kv. w. v. tii.dkn,

]\Iv I.I \i: 1)K. r.ri.la.u^,— I Ikin.- laan h.'ia- amon- ll,.- ,„n,iu-

lain- lor tw tl.na, uaa-ks aial IkmI ImmhI nollo,,^ o|' ihr .Irall,

or " Auut SI." aiilil I saw ill llic •■ Lila-ral Chnsliau " this moi ii-

Ilow foitunala Ihal you wn-c llirn-. to s|,>ak tlu' «or,l thai Uobo.ly ,1.,. roiiM -iM.ak so well, ulaa, iVinal. ..alhcvj lo pay lla- last liilailu of hnu aial lailh ! Slir was a true uiolliar ill iM'ael. llow dearly she love. I that little ehaiiel of praye'r aial lU-aise ! What a Hue Irieiul of the iiiini-ler .he was, how sy uipal lii/.ili-, liow

f.fl'iiml old million the opiio-ite hill, hut .he was L;ieat lU s) lupa- tlietic teiuleruess, -real in the elosiiii; .train of the ani;el soie^,

sincere charity that 'Mhinketl, no evil." llow careful ,-lie alway,. was of others' feMiu.js ; how leiueul in her judgment of their faults! Yd she had a mind of her own, and wa- free to e.^ircs it, with modest liriiine~s. She was aiili-.lavery to the \ery core. llei- iutiil-est in ihe -r-al stiu,--le for national freedom was wou- derftllly deep and earne-1 for a uoiiian of her years. All along thr.ai.Ljh the early sla-es of the - irrepre.Mhl.- eonUh't," ..lie kept po.led like a politi.ian. Il was a real comlorl to me, while in


aays, w,

lM.,„v-lnM,,., irnlh-l.n,,,,., (; iu (Marl! |„.are 1„ lliy i i>,.„

KituM A Liri'ri'Jv OK i;i;v, fi;1':i)i;i!I(.m< ni^wman knai'I'.

I'LVMoiriii, Ma.ss., Au,-u~t i, 1m;:,. Jh I.IAK lllll,, I iim snirylhal 1 rciM 1M,1 l,i.\e l„',.,i lit Walpnlc la,-l wrck, al llie Iniiural ul' Ainu Si. 1 am -la.i ll.al y,ni WiTc al.lrlol,. Iherr; yan, kuru lirr m, w.ll, ami appiaaaalr,! .„ fully jiiM tli.i>c ,|.ialilir,, ^^l,,.■ll inaik.al lu-r .■l,a|-artr,-. ,\ly slii.u- a.sM«iali..u uilh krr i. luclukl. li,M, J llunk u| lirr as ik,;

age l.y a luu' weok.s <uily. Auil, >ocuu.lly, 1 ikiuk ok her as 1 usrd ,„;ca.Moually, ilmiug Ihr, war, U, .sre her ov hear ol' her,

sul.liei-s, in spite ui' llie wei-lily lacl ikat Mie kail U(U in iki. lual- ter lliu syiii|i:illiy of some of iko-e >kr was iKaii-.-t lo.

It was of ker devotion, and ikal ofolkei wry a.m^i women like lier amuN- our a<M|iiainlai.. >■ at Walpole, llial I used to tell the wonudrd .-..Idler, iu Ik.- l„.~|,ual-, au.l elseulua, . wkeu I was ear- rying tlieiu rckef or distiibutiug these hm.ie-omlorts i,, ikem. Au.l y..u have no i.l.'a of tke ekeering, au.l leally iuvi-.n-aUiig etiecl niion the men, of the thought that the-e ..1.1 |.e..|.k', a w.iy North, eighty-live, and ninety, and ninety-live years ..! a;j.' (uh..se other e.\treiue of life aelually ton. 'he. I .ui the Aiu.ui.'an i;..\..hi-

form, for the sake ol' .h.iug ju.-t a luile .-.uuulhiu;.: al lea.,t, before tliey shonl.l di,', f..i- the suhliers iu the liehl.

You haNe n.) i.l.-a hou' ..eu^ilive tk..-e suu-hnrue.l au.l Mgluiug-

plished hibor of liugers that ha. I alr.a.ly .kuie the work .jf f..ui-- seore years, told for a givat .kvil with Ih.-e -..Mi. a-,-. 1 supi. .>■,.; these men w.:re l..u.-h.'.k u,.l .,nly k) ik.' l<^.^ au.l kin. In.'-- .,1 ike aet it«df, bill that, uuh their ..uu sen-.; of \i-..r .if mu-.de, ihev


iVlt a leii.lrr sympMlli) uilli tliOM' prrMUis ^^ ho, in llir ruL'M.Mie.s.s nl' nl,l a-r, hut will, li-aiis all a.^lou, coiiM only .-it al liuiue, aii.l Willi >ilulil iR'ciUo lu-lj, 1i,:jIiI liir l.alllr.s; iiih. ^s liirh Laltlrs, .lid ( iial (, lily allow Ihriu— lia. I il Im.ii .Mill llieiis tu ollli- lliuy woiiM «o^la,llyl,ave;.,v..uy,a,lliai,ai,l,..

Thorc i. always sum, iIhuk (h vuliarly nan ing i„ sc-lu^ pc-niis «la, lia\c kuuwu what il wa.s .,iil ui ilicir own calm ,-livii::i|, |„ a., will, tMM- an .■lliriiiil ami lai',-,' N^.ak, at lui-lli I'diaa-a to urakiuvs, of lioay, wliilr ihr d^-Air li, lahor an, I 1,, M.-,-; ,,iI,,t> is slill as caniL.M aii.l liva, a- ,\ri-. I'l„-y ,.~,i all ll,.' l,ui,i,,,l' a ulaaeWLak (ih.'W.n'k laal asi,l,' ea,'l, nielli, till llif lasl ,.iir „l' II, r .~ix, ,ii,lliii-li..l) In ar,.H,ii,ii-l, M.na- lilllc lliiii-, wliii'li, in linir- ,a' vi,-ui-, .., 1,1,1 l,a\,' I, ,n Iniiu,! nll■^M||, .mm^ in a liallMay. An,l y,n II,,' sianl i.. n,,t inipali.iil. - il is uillln- I,, a,aa'|,l llie cun,lili>nis.

'riu! s,.Mici-s, 1 v.l, far away IV.,!,, iIi,m,- l,„n„;'S, w,'ie alive

1,7 sn.'h ai.pL-al-, as llii-, in a inca-iiiv llial ^ai w,, 1,1,1 liaiMly ini- a,i;i,ie. 'il,,- ini|,iil.~,' an,l |,nii,,,>,- ..f ll,,; -li,,n,- mm w,Tr ,|ni,-k- .■1,lm1 lliulcl.y, an,l III,' \M,iiii,l,,l wnv -,„,i„M- m tl.,' Ii,aa auain.

'I'hc'se arc tin- lla.nul,!,, ll,al .-.ma' I,, nir as 1 ixau,a,,l„T lla- |n,,i- years of kin.lly lalM,r of llial a;j,',l w.,,nan aniin- lla. war, aial how. allur hor uiiKli,lh \,Mr, ^liv sliU lai.l woikimj on, in iar

,S,a,l,Mn ai,l 1 m,.rl any on,' wl„,s,. inu-n-l in ll„- ;jivat slnm.^la, il- wl„,so ,-,,n,l,a,,.,ali..ii u( llia ,a im,' ,,l lia-a-,,.,,. w a> m,,iv ,m,|ii.,li- !,■,!. In Iho.c ,l:!\,. a. 1 w,-nt ana,.,-, lla^ s.aaar., aii,l wal,li,:,l h,- armi.'s al lla- |[-,,nl. i-a-,-,- I,, 1„- l,-,l on lo \i.-lin-y, I iis,-,l lo li-cl ik,-, lliaiikm,^ (oal liol ,u,ly Inr lla- slivn;^ll, ll,,,l uas Ua-ro mani- ',-sl, oari-yin,ii, hayoia-1 an,l ,.wm-,l, l,nl lik.-v.is,- Im- all ll,.,,,,. nnsi-,-ii a.woi-s wl,i,-|i, \>y sihml iiillnan,-,- in lla- lai-olk hona.s, ,vcr,- k,-.-],- n- ali\r llais.- -,a,l,ti-s' haarls aial in \ i^ , aal , 11- lla-ii- iialnoli.Mii. \ii.l 11, ,1 small ammiu- lla--,- inllia-iia.. , ai,l 1 r, ,-k,,ii jiiM siah iali,iil. iincMi-ulalioii-, kiially. ii,U-lli-,-iil sym|,alliy as wa- L-sliib-